Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


. iataia of the eark
atteaipt Uat has baaa aada. aad
•atally. to abow the ewlue-*
Ueanillrrr at evtaws tiww <
the Tk* cbm-«
ibMr used la the baule bat <
ae dwhied—are ta Bated oa earetacei
aad BlaorJ ia pja.lioaa poUtlac U Ua
rrD.addee«piadbytaaaaamy. AtOM
-..ay .’.jr iBsnsee. we patsed far aoae
datsnee ai ay the read wtare. oa oar
nfht rtuB.>a. a«*d bf the Uaiea
foree .11 ear eti wm aaaaiaa c^utl asabe O' rialedenw (aha. paUi-

Ue oauiMtcM bMd
_____ r p*rtaer, »Bd
U woa’C b*rO« lfc*liriU
»k* r»«
lo «*p-r» S-« rT*> t»4* tS«
i;of ih* ftfht
&*d aov joo'T • '•uraps'-X'dBCM af thr tan ikBi»•••(•
___ 1\. aad I BOM Toa'r* mmSbI .had ibB*b wm um bboii. t>at Hr Co;«
What rtrhi h t B poor bdccmr likr fas, I mn flude/Btaoc
bU he ooo
luOBifT IB iir laisrf o( % cos' dod i
•oieso ?
U««te: WMI. yoB'»» we '' b.r-B
yoar bib
aia aa.L
g»-.< aad
Bad yon
you IBoo* erhBi ther • lie ««rii«d thBI day B« Ib B d 'WrB«n'
• battbroBjIiK B>l lUeee >Ba a
tier to laare taur aoip,

beir-hta ».jiM BOfteaed. bbi*
brl*ht eyel frew dia Ba be Msraii

JVO BLXTTn 2S5'a.a
at ZI5 Front Stre^. '
lOmiLIUUM NbiltSS rat.

i V. i>Bleau.


AUoeaej. at La*.

Basmess Cards.
ryaaiT a uTia,
Xr llBimr. la caa

Wp want a ti-w n-liable oioo to
repreaent the atrongnt aod beet
Aocidant and Sirkaeea lneor«Doe
Conrpany ia the world. .Claims
•ettlM willtDDt tb« tMoal ainonnt
of redupe.

|Traveree Cfily.


TMoa. a. BMaeiii a aoH.


Wayaa OwMty Baak Bldf.. OXTBOIC

■p c OIL^MT. au^j ^

■CTriLuaMa. r. a..
W uenaeiaUBaa




I BO trsepsula.; o! any kind
.anr- i
ef .iedn Brr of
« ih, »•«**>
■e would Bay oalytbai
aeveLi c
Hot lo! oe.. «pok,-. bbim auu aU are a(
; u a-.i'
.BodrIrB* .roB. O' oerhapaa a-laLicoapoelUda
ouBf fire that wMKvAiaj dowo ob.
^eery year i
,uf tBousaud* nr .ol to liable to raet. Hut the earlewe
i.kJOl MauBatB. T«rw a r ko e>>orcd Uai owa oaa hard.
V bell-ee all is a>UI till be atrikn ap
oawba ss ibiak. a woui aad Bade It
^d to iverythiuy ...e your
Chlc^.i.-aaen M.
rat a meiailk: riay
Joh&Mti filocl. Phone 7:i
We rr.iod tor a aBurt Uae oa a hlU
. Tw«i L •V. ana Huaor.
uiaiurd as -Widow illaaa'a Plaea*
It wa‘ 1 i. c.aca m tar atiercoBB Bf ■ thS'r
boreed duHac Ua bU...............Bui wBie Ud
iB'k NuTcSBerdar
Tfkec.arht >i> .b.
' f •‘ept
the bed -.’aJoBaetr-s of l».
■Bin ,.l tBi-ertat mirulBr-.BriBe Biaj word IrsB rilber. ao rleiitoiful la t
tbei tbe rciied
.(CaleiDaua Parii.'r a. rt a.l wotii.ui: BOBTdrHIIor Ibat eau be amtd uu ^ ibtetet yoTcrt-i^st
oBarlaad. MaiUBB Uoo. H.
seeabliaued oo
it ta.yii pmsjre A- '. yclocK the greai
Uar^ Three w,-«rrc
lore Id IDe worha ~au>d aoBDd. bbu of the eyed
apet the wail era
' ilTB Ceil
he Brny of uyerai.Tc*. J >mo atrobtf ,.|,y, bmshBd.
■ OB.
[, yuu'r.
■ ■ Baur Iraai the
ay ba.:
bulani fl XM. Sia o-fo*
it ii pcr’re- y e a ifui."»i ', ,1, ly
tbr ..Wot Um^
to IBe park.
, lo
•Bruior bBi
"VoB lOOu. if puasi
Once become aocnsiomed to their u*e and >..u ary lost
tTie Bab aboaa
biiuTr I
a.i dirnr'ieo
TilT aad Bliaraaad waa qaWt aad
• eh pBOCtUali.y was bol enforced a.,
without one. We have them fur Uniiperaiurr, for dairy u«e. (or dte-r* rigidly tbeuaaat tbr bour of arriral in
rbear iftlle earls a^u
;e(ul. Tberr wea Dot a hoaM aor a
ibriB# tBai*htaaea
nt; pnrpaeea, aiid for tfaermuineliTd
lac. BOW ioar n
bDddeaiyftbrouyb ibe click ani^rat
I'wa ht-lr party
BrioK PreacripUoiui did Family Becipee to ub.
We fill them lie of the dii'D typrwruert. aiaoie.
e.Ulwe I
a you iaat
It .is tweoty
be. It's Twrcty-lour boar*
nectaarr I’e day of tbr baUir I .'O.IKIO maa WB.B
riftht, wi^ (iru^rs that are right, at priive that ate right
Many uf tlirse uaBum
Isobri Haaters piabred at tbr elo
■ lae nabage’s ori:
,, uarble
tbruBCb tka-. upaa tMMbaad
Tury ai- roosUf .H
•rnrrr yoo are ayaui. Utndc." toid a 1 “b «“« maalelpirre
'lorbt by
l» deadly obB et. Kear baaMB.'e and bea-i •eifwr.isrbt
wfbsr. atr," sbr rrii
roBOff fellow of about J- to taU dr.a I
iTTlal wo-um-.B
L-.:deaibne aab f
It It raacily IwrEle-t' , [atBL. al n
teave sk city micu
____ _ buun BOW. Abd. b lur wi
Hiodc. the firm's Irreiroi
f rreirs eofreteObd-1
Iiwb tbr loraat aad mow
of luar'ue. . aad tuBirla.
yoaerry t
I, fair and
lagdo-B raokaot asbrare maaaaaev
ala j at br.iaiiarut pbiata I
i ihr ofli.'?ioday.''
' tioot «e ibe buttir Brio
Varily, Uaa.
Blurryea tbs
rid IB Ihr' Uindr'a face fall.
r.tcrt alcti. from the auu. . Sbrnote apokr a sairma tralb wbw B«
. daillBg.' b- aaid (tmre.y.
face daOBiU
1 bair Bwioribiatr wu.l ecu "
luib.-l'aairy aanarr diaapbeared la a | ‘


Plata Oiaaa. St* i o oil or and Acddeat loauraaca.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Traworaa City, Mlcb.

«.ouMr"-i 4 wuhi«t“




H. alact.TraeBraeUU. MicB.

1*» noKT uraEST.

yi«car.B( plaBa lAsr. Ma.I. V.



tfn lyiAYSURE Brosch’s Meal Market

illilf we will dtiow you bow
I ^
■ote; we ftinilBta the work and
Uacb yoo free: you work to the local­
ity where yon lire. Send us your
addrewi and we will exidain the besiO, J^pywalaa aad BaesMa.
Dev fully; remember we piarantae a
clear itroBt of *3 for ertry day^ work.
AHQlnlelyaure. WHieatoocc.


ty .Isfoanbrb Yearaacobal
*ra~T *bol aen rut —rt B'
o* ha«.
L the aark of
aaesi II

j^eoald^ooi U>»« ihee. dear, ao m




Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
f'o'^fwX ^ Ti seseo23..

t resh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages ttc.

Pftcal Bdoi CindTbeoi.
iMhon* 4

r. Bsoeoa * sose.


IF’TJ K. 3ST Jk..O E S
ataw cnr. awB.

This U the tim- of iL« y-ar tocoimi.l.'r brHiinir
For li-u y-Bfd 1 havi- liandl.ii .




ijiy i'

* amcB»aiTOPskAMAU. auiok,


TnnneGiti ScHool iMnici;
Caraae reaav ana Oaaa BH.
. ’HtMMaaatr.Wkiia. UmCraaia iiXWUaaiw.

—Honey to Loan


Carpet Cleaning Works Q.
tWlMimiaalii nfl rnlBii Bin
CMpaufcwtaa aaeWlag


Surreyor and Civil Enj^necr i


with every fiiruaiv aet by

Front Street.


rr Koatacaaa hardwaf* s.

Oivr one huiuirrtl in 8Ui\-n»ftil op-niti oi in l)ii- riiy
and aurroumtiui; country-.
guarHiii-i' l>oiid .iivrii

w. J*. HOBBS.

Treveree City; Ifilcb.

Fish for Lent.



A choice line of Salt and Smoked Fish just received.
Anything yon want in this line
The highest market price paid for Butter and K^gs.

jobcit'j. beezhtoa,
Broech Slock.'■

S48 Front Street

a..;dlef» r,
lieKcrf'haV'.i.-aadaffr Ibe




aakrd. as I) rk Ird lii


,. . . madr BB aspriB' ai
"V». Ihrn-l.aBBielbiiK w,oar.
Warn berctered, lluallBg. tbr maa raoiird. aod thro be reiatwc tbr tr *"
tbr stA-r tn •num.
I «er. waa uSai.dir.jon the brarlli rug. oil.- aftrrB««.
wotkit.fatl Tlirr.
Tor riri ii.irocdletenl'y lohia.lory
bl» b»cs ao tbr Bre; aad a Miaeram It
morr brautiftn tbaii iha rrretad by
fatrgrjsrio* M'pog,
tbr ava-.r o' lirorgia
ll..Boi» Ken
•Urri-'t a Wirr from Ibrar ptOfi.e 41" k, .Vra jrrs.-y. WiM.iasul, Hiaar• argorxalti in Kuraou Ayres." tar pa'd
abrnpLy, buldiag out tbr BimayaiBK
ns-IT "Wiial d xre 11 SB.■
.... ...
Uialr look the cab rgraw. A.aoced
»t I'^and trare .uif wiaim dird ou the eioody
wrrr Ic
arr writing
r-.rd W'-<OB'
Uuoiiog ' I
Tr.r b-aatifkl MIchBfaa s<
' Ool diy own lotr'' cried I
__ _
kkMiar bimarodarly oa Ibe fJT
il-y, wlo»- «UtBe aurmoubU
buy. larrra r.H. ana we niae aa
itr. rno’nsBdrd Staaleya .br:
bt i>y
"It-ia hart!, aod yri it
iff iatu tbr
Clyde av
.aloe of
Ollirrwisr. aod^oii kau'A-910', U-s.. sir. I briletr,” war wail Hrilrru,
ihr rrpiy
- .
do wbat It o’"‘^'.Soa'-'j'-iVr.s'-o, raooaV
"W.-i .-.a'tii «?tiiiog. -T'Utaarrn brarelv. aad, as
CMtuU Nr Colamao about tbia. .Tail ^ iMon wiiboot a '
a HiBOI V”
-•'Mu jcal D'.w •'
,• "laoj ohi j-alc
r krr ■•rre:,™^^^
H.ntr aa* it-rirg.l back to bis i w»pe you will a'
plae whra tb- brl. rang fat b.ui toaomr^"
irairr. -a m. OrpI -I, l««l "

'■o'frd.eal 1

ir Ha.iilipp.Dos and Scatb AIrta
ikiraianra o-noarrd • i tbr i
• r .obBa:UoI lbeel»U war:
► Vlrf.^yrdoor
day OB tbo I

<!^t fTorto
. iia our war fi tbr city we rWlod tba
Cbatlaoooca Ka-inaal C-wrlory.
rnbraaeaaracwiT Brrarrvw bbA1 H
rloa«i by a sui
Il k.- ai:
a haat


tlraly low»
ilsuki tor It BO* UolOB lal-

Hrac-io ibok-bahar'i^hOMr

! tb-rrBir-.rry wbl
Tbs Karrgiia-ai .n -b-ch my tr lib >««t ro luaauea.
. rrartod by U
■watliBia-1 ir'atroMihlo.B b.
bg Iludrwata-. b-s 1-.k kr « »i I, ..V'
Tnts eu II ....rr». 'wo . «a
t V ye.'K* a^d as a- got iwu. r ,ciia'..i«o a c>jiuai.y
eaptaroda lo.
oulbi. p
V bit far; was rs'm aad t-, rry--,Ui'0- i.ra*l-lb- bs.f-. ; tb.-coalrdTale bi
wb.---.u, a-<Bi Ha* faifra boru U’H
;cuw iiirrr tradrr.
ai.grr-ri.og 'o Hrs.-r ,-b-pB'.sr war
W -b gaa t. -.-r’s;
H -g ] pritr pIsa wba to "bai
^aat dewD tc itbr uaas at V
u 1■ of a rs*. ; laaraa.-.t
li'a'.'ry -.g c; ll-'cr !.• ,’iriaera' uroii.d lAroj bed IbBs*
M.1 SOB... Fa.ou-, l.-i- 1-i.xW-n 'sf.jrc '■.p', i ly impair tbr roroiyk waao, ol
Witaoui owrliac tbr yoaor nao'a,?
Lb tbr arBKK Al-wsg M K—tBi.t-ak—'s R-ira*-. i porta', o i
TBr rBOord of tbelr
eyrKuntoghatirtrl I, m.»U»ofp.orr^“
--- ------kbr-wto-. ' tiriaujii."'O^aolV c7-w'i i
JB which was wnlico.
^ , absat lupTb.s oi'.auat-at Asrfcs tbr trjsluoo 'k*
of tb«
tbr e*»‘l
elril war.
-_lmp»»10ir e.»»L gaultgMA
t'.fceb HarVog r»Bir<Hi« of bm r«s« : wbrrnbr rog-mrat orrformr* 'n otosl I• Tiir r aliaoal aapa rr^ad Ibr -ord^ atj^l a mu '
to’ .portaot rrr.irr, Srp,.;-,
Sum I fort, to me.aaraJ
*• c
d -k.
'»»• '•*
-Hgag-i I'.t: k . -yl, iwrrr eap.o-*d aad aoraa a




"1 bar- cuatslted H.' C->1»<Ba0y" bmrraagr yog arr
traoalatod.and aeal


Hardoo m.. a.r, bal l eban it »«n4 : prsMiarly. s
taJInraMil^^ . n-u‘''m sJag wrua'rMaaWMl ( aooorablr
Tbo moa
lb » cable ,
t Bight oa tbr aecia
of beauulul gmalw.artiaiietU
Wt-a H.g
As aooe as llunliag bad -. hAbdrd o»rr
tbs- grb'.lrmaB was aratrd
tdratag.- Br aad raansM hirwrit
.B»aotrT a'ucbasaB *p^-1 troJrr. ric . a broati
»J> f*P»7
i«*oi and ;-i»-r'p-.i>o
I Uir rsid-a arr oagrbrod oa tb

-.............. ...
. tbr ItibTofa:
ric•*gsr'•^ ifr Cs-rois.
a btad of at brarr aea at rr«r lired
iose--iV,*J*s folloki. ' -.Jon •
' tbr SCO oltb-f.aa.l-rof tbrBd ris faer bardraef
Itfcaard Kaos, a bill Boar laa Nb- •
;Hr gam-.ill.r ini-jl ®«i •aarg. tba p. a IB to ofbocBtiv
-Voaarr tirgeillBgyOBrarH.Uindf.
;; with tar rraara om-r stuff at r-glbisotp-rfonard
U'.DUI Lrmrury. -as liraat'a kaad^abraa;i bcxhiy
--1 p.-rMiB> you :
tm duriag tb- aattlt of Uwtmwary
g.». of hlu orlart wrrr eiii.ry-d ; Wnr* H»P>
I-;:. tS-igog^. 1
aa'arrlbal ,t is you-^gte to obey , .laroagh Bgaling. asd ba ma-i- It a ,k lird. n. w. uodrd —: mimiog.
Ki tgr
TBorr arr tororal Bao ■oea-.akc tbr csBR'i i<
BrBi* 00 laa K sob; oaa to tba 10 MM
Tbr yoBOgmua-. ryr arrt tbr ms^
ma“o“21. i
Isfantry. aad onr 10 tbr Tint Ifiab.
! Ts^ wer'^f lb-fed «-rb Car.
KagjBB-ra.Csl W H laaMoo-maMlak Csi. leart. wbc wat a tdraal
kasd. -Bta. wrumomaarM^by mb«y
•■r ei Trarc-a-paopla.
far our ran-ut aiaapodaiaral af
.ir..tba\ lfr C.-roianMuid •'*‘6 ~ i
w ;r?Tthi. Mr 'Buot.og »'U »r'< cFard Kfib
oar BOatDrra trip waa act balM bhlb to

bi.^^^rr,r.Vtn:s pi^gVa-ffi. 2^:;^;

-*? >


ii Sffl



«i w»r‘
il ■ s

:lrro* fact ihd worauof ibr mrauairr arr

J cAAmeuc I

... .


-su .h.i


W-r;;. i-r," Hiad-.-g.]

‘‘*“***^ '

______ _

dra r tr i ,sbrd ao

aaotb-r weri
B aad walkod tobltVuk 1-e'e.och by


OSmtobwI rBamlwr bloek.
cleek poiaiBd tc 7, pattleg bit pap.,.


i-vrv.f.fJoT"' -

Care of l^mps


i; Jiack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
TraeiwOey. Waai

Best Livery in Northern Hicliignn.
#aa« aal Bala Mablw ia OeuMttoa.


looklaw bbrawd

Ad boar bstar Biota waa nttlag la
tba mj UtUaorawiagroom of abOBM
la OroMbm. oaa or Ib# aabarMof Olaagow. A br gbi Are WM ba alag la tba
, grata aad a aaadad fl tor ibaap ia a esr.
ear of tbr raem dlSi
i«t T-baW^'^
I— la tba rooi
taw dbiieatb w


Yoa look rddrf 1
cewdac . ah’ '
-I do.' waudiBWa ra^y; aa ba weedarml H> bimaaif bow. Mg tba bad«ar
aetWa yoo w(U loMtk* rood aalary-'
a»T***^i twrs riaiag from bla. ebalr
ba woat t-srwuH in tbr y mng asaa
•ToB will loar l>. ■ ba aoeUaaad.- bat
yoa mill gala'a largar uar
I s^

raaMoa tlMaWwl abrll^ad f os tea Arrt da* of laat MOBtb y^

Ib tba owbM at tba
awed a faU-la^ p'
Hiabatlsiilt Maww

*■ «d


.VrVT^ S


_o.. a-a-. ^25-In ^Ll?*aiSI’i*4i?‘r^‘'‘tb4^.! T**'fTba anW. aaiM

OS’ liTORTS 0&.SCH1»XC.^
h a eoBMrratlee aioek ceothahy- with a eabh aaplta' of BMO.oop. asrslBa
la p nice h Ildars seer Wi 000 BIOI.OM dep isltod wlu the Aaditor of
SiaU ter preUctiea of ail Boilcy aMdew ill p-rliciw a-a strictly ap-cc
4ali: ffeaa bath CMB a«d kcaaitaldwIaaeUy. Oar hMplial tiekeia rira
l-Bataeat la a prtraia rorta la tkiVlatrolt ttaellarlam or la warda la
aaay of tbelaai ay bMpilitalB tb>VaiM dtaMc. I! yea dealrr bay
tn of wltkar aeclloat or kaaltb los^ee or beipital tiokew yoa
BbMld Mteer for«, TO kwaare w-ata la thr tdtd. If yoa will oooaalt oayoB will bareaooikrr. ErBrabMabeOaottneBUl « ibaolowwr

said alMa

' « c-Hsrl- wa-aoll-oa"

■a ispoi you tb.i the rw>“'=»UiI; VTSilrmta™' '

The Continental Assurance Co.

tb-m .nawra’b-a-k bisio-ian

n ae 1st
Itl b-igad- 'h
'b r«
dir-'i :u ;r.'. g .mti4-.i
asaa aothlag lo auMl IW
• 1.1-1 ur-r abruLlsraagr
-n Lr'.lrwat; A bnef loUw far tbo ofeUdroe-a do
par.mso. giriag abb
Ta; Sla^ir’c"id:
^ ^ ord.r. g.r.o ,m'by tk. U a 2? ' tbr as.boto tuaBair.aa (a-m ai
elua taia
tbia coryMpBoBaaM.
i* *1' eircumtlfocaa. alt ;
?fM 91TJ1 a“d T.Vb^a. clma
rs^a“ »c-riw^^r“a^i^ >b“rV
" C»>«- «»e 1 ancr-atbod yog aUll par j >>
_____________ D C Loatwbla WM arnt at hr isttra-tadr * lu ai
tbr oaly
• Vt4TpSi^m-y.-. a-i praporod to tbr -rcr »; n'c-i-gt-ld. M. , 7uc, atao- o-I4liMir‘r« Siap o*?iLMd'*r*S!
ri. - -v.V-d Js7„

...~ T-u fr
Ol |. r ,-r
<ia s£ ,
i.i...t-ug.....f-lIg>orsirJ-gr,d. *r '

■Sbaka taalr, Mr BioAr.'' ho aaU
**I aa glad to tbiah oar


<iajam-'a ruraal cbBp-.sggrmad
-Thrir si.-eat Iraw a*r ap-rad,
Aad gio-y gaarda w.tb to'QtrsaoaaTh-b.rooar of f»r d»»«.
Tba arigbboriag iroopa. tba Baa', ap

; « - aaor rrrry badga. laua. wall.
Idrar aadataa rrary laolaMd Waa
Tba pUaa abow ao*
oaly tbaastciabapref aearj baUdi^.
Mtaeary po-eb. araa. dooralap. lamp
poot, railway aod. Ors plag

Tar btiilr'aitlr^ag blaai.
Tb- ebarg*. ikr dratdfal eaai
Tar dio aad at-cct are paot.

Vmaaa baa bc.rrr aod a Aiabow aM
ia tan sacb a taiag bM aaaar baan
Tkr~B-:fllrd drsm'aaad roll- baa boat kaowa ID tba ampira
Tba daptw
Farkoldier t 1ml tuttdt;
Baagariaa bird Babma- MBiSian
No more oa lllr's 'parada abalUmMt
That brara aad (allra law '
a ag aa aaaoa.uoa t^W wlTl^/wm
B-t nn. rmbulmrd'aad faiaud-drad.
Ora- as ta- blood ya garr,
N-s isp-co- foDiatapu bora aball tread
The berbage of yoarffaMO.


world Which
So trcablad tboogbia
l MidBlgkt
O: lorad oaMMtbahatd.


Alaakb baa a aaaeaMt Of M.
saaadmgcbatof tbai

No rlwoat wl tba ■erroo'a atrlfa
Tba waiT -—'adrsas alaras:
W AMtb' Aawcea. wb« Way
NebcayagborA aor aertaMiag tb
gr.w tt a laartb of Aro laeboa. aA
At dawn a^I
to armu.
twir wiaga apraad oat tba Wahoa
Toar owa proad laad-a baraW ^
Moa^^ibo blaok bsIrjmM
Ma.t ba poor di'a- gra»a:

AM <!'(•• tram bag bar ftabaatdvadl
Dnaaawdf llj m i lii >iMleii'l^ab*nAdi

ewckt*'•(>«■ • i*MHi «U«W
Mnler fttUTMM Mi
wiik B»vlj eU m miwte. TV '

ZtiTto IM Juf**! tte >«»^kw
‘ Cr— -.*—«— Wl.ll .Wr
-------- ta ,Ui tamttrj.
It k pnWWe tkftt D(. BalM wQl
he «tv> •edvOftta, tot Ike Mfti*.
eVkvtolM U« to pttotot tto Vet
•toftee ftf Ike F-ftM •< *«*'•“*“
fttollift. Ktftfto- Dr, BmlMwwtoravlr ft Mtotor of IV aMkftl MftS •!
ItoAvlmata lUe eU|.

MifkbonBUea «rv» effartw
tke beve. bmvtoek «( wMw prms.
Md Mt ft feW ik1ft»» eaftU taftftfft*.
OfttoftdftMof I
bv of fftftn efo Mn Beito wefttoft
wltofttoeUlr of lUU. tondn-.ft»«
throarh bar herd ftftd pne«rtodtototoateftftof rftfttdlloalUvebft
had at leftt.ftMeaded la Bftktor
ruWft lM~«- The lofti wUl bft

tTaekaaa aaaato.bla toa mow
aadaraihaan ba if led. It
■iaetototkeikwH aaad^.. ^
ftadwMhto M boBsalkrtoft
«.«.Gbaat9af KtonllV. waa to
« ef aaUae. tovaratabaftftBdi toeaikf III laiaabBton
-r dattaa*
_____ to toa dtp aad laBoeadatotor
Mm. HeWamn aad diattatk will
Jaab Utaap at
tbftdiivf ottoadrafthltf. .
Ineaiatof lor ar^BtfaUt far ^ toftftUppftMftrdap.
■ ataper aawotaud i. W. Mtoto
(toerxa Wntoa*V*j,t4
BftBbar ol toft eeboel board to ptoaa of
'Him. U W «f«p aad graadaaa. ___
tariff datlae oa':wedae« iBeertod .faCanadbea to* (
al9 P
e >. Mbdc*. rtlgaad Tl
id tote tooftft perk. If baa trad*
aU ddaer af Lkaad. are vWtit« la too ka wap la Ohio.
froB tor PbUleoiaa
Beat waa eeadraad.
iradbfttwftfta tokk ktoa& aad
If 7<M fane “ft cood adad to kbeare
taadthb I'lliad Btalif
Hr.aadHta. Od n,afa. ntaraad
toad, toft eaBftae to toft
laatemlacbOBarbltu tiu aoatoSbft KanbvB TWnbna nnpaap
«ra pari of tba atau aad la mtoaa.
cnftoffraewadft.bfttwefto tUtoob^
aftfttnof SBO at watb balUlaK
'aiaa wae racatred aad dlad.
■ra. P. Tilt Uft toa kto reata^ttep
aotoMtorBftn-ltofttoiotoft laaMdr
ParBbeloB we* rraaled brtba
park of
oar tariff lawe acalnt to* predaeB
dbtrirt aad wbea to opftratln a brta
.her of faiBwe to to* .rutoltp af
ekmp bbor. It aeaaa. abx toft irotbd bp Oftiktap. Baub aad Praaee toa of tbiae mldaaan. at aa ac«raWaliB Pack b boBa boB Aaa Arbor
cau aoet ^b.-Mo
toftablBf dowa of •all bfblaUrft pro- aad all brp* of Iserawiaf
• aaftadbbraeaUoa.
paUtba for tbe aeaetraetloa of a
aad «BB Berea la that oemAM
- ' tb coo^; '
B. B. Wearer lataraad pBliedep
sHewalb oe
CblBftrfaad Jepaaae* UbocoiC to
brtweae Bar aad tnm Druait. wbwa bft baa bm par
fhl^^temaftd liwT eeid I toald fUwettoe letoeOe and to toft Philip
Ollbon atiaeu area raferrad
ebaatoc etocb tor bbarw cigar tocbwT. aiaadftdioOedalk
eMbrcsied.............ftte tor doctor eeel
I could a* be eared. 1 wrote to TkKXm DlBft ArctalBfttoto -bftesBlaf Ai
'ClriUtad aaUoBft of tbe worlA-,
tat ad»ii».._.......1 loHowed
dlUjOftBWtod that toe propoaed belMlar
be eowelructrd bp C E HeHi

At Battle Cbaftb. toft daailarp Bat
Tba CoBBCtl.
eoBplice witb.ibe ordtoaaee
Boon bft^ bandtog. Beri,towp
^uL^. /w> mttitint wktn-/ ■craraud cap:
; Aldarnaa
It there b aaptbiac left tor toft la
^*.re.dr*«t«rV«w*«.fa, IcooM witbebeap labo
labor pcoftasu far tba ate eoBlag eeaaeU to do la toe wapof ae
Uip to Vpdiaatt aod!^*i.wk bar. bom.i ftodcaetart.
of toe people of tba eoaatrp. base
dabbed faaetoaae, It will aot be ibreagb
paeeed.ealllu to. aitoaUoa of
potouia toeeoetoeropart ol tto )
(neb prodaeu wK
Beltiag parekM. aad toa
aap aetUgaao. oe toe part of tor prae-, n.bovdof aeblle work, to a
Iftto Ibc U mad Btal
Boa O. U CoreUieft furtiiaod lUp
wg wulB a blae. to aa
Dr. Pieree for adoi
I the prodaeu Baaalaet'
Kgtettod not wtitto* ftoooer.
after epcadiag (Made; ’ >«daoi. Po/ty heade era torowa ni
Haeb baeioeie of iBpoitaaee wae trma
ui„,a. n»ik.
>«iit tw u—.
Sick women are invited to o
oaeud Meadap aigblAad tooagb ererp
laodailoa of epebre after torp
bodp wae rarp Bacb to aaraaet. there were coaeelled to lea*c toe welke oa
tattoo, tbe )l.0 1,000 people liriog la
waegrealBBaolBltp ea Boel potato toelitbof kar
tbe PbUlppiee Archipelago beoom. a
Tbefraachbe wae graotod to tor
Akiemaa Wright
■llicci Beeeee to toe laboriag toureaB
UoB tool la .lew a! tbe Deed
(rfihel'aiud lilaUei eo ibal to«ae bmaalceUcm w.ta
laade. inetead of prorleg ablcaalag. aa
Buffalo, N. Y.
to ceee of d*e la toe Pdto
Dr. Pieroe-8 Medical Adviaer.
be pat IB bit biete. aad th\t b
. AdBiral Oewep •
reaoldaed aapijeaa- woeli bear b.if to. eaaeate aad
lonS pagea. is acni/«r on receipt of
Lj.wlU be-;
stampa to defray expense of maU- ----------.1.

o fiw aed
referred to toe e.
to^aad tole tsfltoft. toft* oB toe

•ef^te Beta toe

•ttltodeottoft reftpeeUra vartiv wm

MftMft teee toe rtfht to at

‘ rff

iRte to Dr. Ptoree” t«ke p«* to
___ aod besto. Tfaeo yt*‘H
need the expatoficeot Mr*. M. P.
Dnto. of Hooftker. Rtmdl Ca,

A. W. BroftdhftCM. who owe* ft hewa
ear. ktodlf fUbed htedwaUiftr at toft
diepoeftlol Kri. Bftito free e( toecye

aeUl Bhe ftftft arraace
|a4«W« to the defVtMit <4
aed Hrm^
H to «hft toftfttoto tor trftU to VlfthlCfta
veetoT to»tore»<i». Wllk tbc «>- ftfttrhboc. car* hv i
whtek trtto other oae
«pBM •! ptotft. ptatoeftitoeto
tke pnftpMli fttft hettto to the ftarUwni •eaWft the ftftlortaaWft
U»a to ft>r Mbto vert a( toft Btob
<nftMkkl|fta fttoV r*P®« "*


mkh9, AM. i». jM.


MmMlIm worth
two ta tho

LM(,br#MIMmMMwk Kfm. aw«h «. Mfe
lev M«
aU« MiknMel towm.

will fire heraeeletftaee.

~U totot vftrti of toft fttoto tofttft ie ft
Debet Acftlnct Brfaa
«ead proftfaet ft! toft vreeeol titoft tor ft
A aee elea
Mrfttavef tnlt- Ueoeee vtocftft toe tote toft peUtlftftl Bitaetioft. whieb will
Into ftiftftUU djlftf liOB toft ftteeto ol eetbeftypreeUtod b; Cotoeal Brffta.
lUeeald .bet Bafeoe V. Dito bee
wrtttoa ft touar to Itofeoft Brcwcftter.
i«e.tattoftUf« to
U«ft bode to tooet to
ftoefratalatlBf blni apoo bk opaa op"1W toUevtof «c«rv ebeti toe vree BoelUvi io BrfftD lor toe D vocraUc
liwillU-feat tor •• fteeran ftr«P
toft rerk
ktoto ^ fr«tt to aertoarft Hkklfw:
i to toft Cftotealfs Oi


HElNefves Unstftmg.

leae boto Dftbe aad Brawaur
amoat toft amt potoat toflamt
(erwof Brpas. and Baeb of Vbftir
Address as above.
UaawMdfttotrd to orfftaUlaf labor
•DdftreafiBf tovaappertol Bftioaa all
ultiniftf ProftA fttroat oecarrad Otartba eoutrr tor toe trM eilrer -Peaelepe'e Progf ’ wltb a briaf
Thai^V at toft vaiedft of toft Ueft tlae
ebaicb of toe life of toa aathor. EaU
Blelw HlMMlft. Thftlftaaet r V.
DOBglaee Wlggto Blggv who b ooe of
Davit efHaal era* ataadtof to freat of
Aaerito-a beat lerad wrlura.
etorp. wlto ito brlghieoareraatlooaaod
k fiiftat I
aaekpeevadaltoatioae held toa latora.t
todftp>med.ftfta toer
toe lattertof bftaa«t«. ftad erou
of toe aadlaaea. aad Bra. Bamiltae
awap. Ttepraa eaet eeProat Btreet,
________ ipelled bp toe elab BCBbaim to
toetohfmeof toe banr- wtoeb bed tefsea iadleatee that toe oppo
flabh tbe reriew, tboegb liraa bepoad
toUfte boto toe jeedi poka ewtafiaf of tome lebor leadere will drew trbn toe tlBC of ctoalag toa prograB.
Rrpee eb^al stW.OOO roue. If ibie it
Aaborttalbbpl«ra.Kble EoblBoo
otPetoikep. eoacladad toe p«>grr
blA wae tooroaghlp eajaped bp i
prettp popalar
la boat of toft Bowl Wblttof
bl«p le wbito toap waae hitebad wlto tba groat aaaea of wage aaraan.
aad ibep wUI be elow to aceept aap
almk •toUpbenapela-ftad bacaa
troB preoaet
■oioftoeia Tha plaeaa wata ae
dbrnetfalroda. UuU
•f toa boftp bat kladUaf wood.
• WoBaa-eClab.
Mr.OaiBaaof toaalMraU aaafbi
At toa baelarae Beeilag praeadleg
oatMr. Dark, took toa
toft prograa at tbe Wooiaae- Qeb
■ atep of Hr
Fridap afumooa plaae were perteeUd
toa parte
irk of toa I
faraptaaeaat raoepUea
krokn with
regalar prugiaai oa Pridtp, April nib.
•OM to Bamap AadataaBh ud boafht
Dorlag toa peers eleee toe erganlraabacfptoropiaaa toa ooa that wae
UOB of toe elab Baap ladlea. dm srstoohn. Hr.Oartowaaltroftllpplaaaad
bva of toe dab. &e«e eoatribaled to tbe
with toa BBfaaaladtP of Hr. Baa. who
Wtotanwapto MaaM tor toa aeeJ

TratoeAbooi toe Porto Rtean Tbril
blaee toe peeeage of toe Porto Bioaa
■d toe Baeenre
•sd aaap who were at drat oepoaed
It bare, apoe a earafel aiadp of lu pr.tbr mllretloD tool
toabUlbalatt aad wueooe.
ABopkiaa eritea In tba April
long aad rabaaaliee article
epoBibeaabiul. which U a fair aa-

~ Wai Stonadt; Pain in the Chest; Sleep­

“... u.

.f. 1 _r«

Tbe cooetablea bonda of C W. Aebtoe two satUta. to* w
ton. wito tl p Cirrer a* karetp. and
Blatue. aad to* eiaetrie railroad Irae
of Joaepb LuBlep. wlto R- W Raaed
ebke Laat night toep badbatoordi
at anrelp. were referred to the cobbIV '
naaeac ready w report, and both were
toeoe llccaaea
laadi. Rj toe Treatp of Peace. Saala
Tse wapa and
. dirccled w aalii tor oroka ol tbe Clark
I her prodaeu lawi
Q provldev toat I
I aad ircotnivr. aed to repxi at toe
nezltcBlooul Ibeeosne.'.
The lu)oor boed*. inclndiug^c eew
toa UalUd I
opr. that of Pat Kardco. were referree
dutee. IlbpUieaesei
i«lood> fre mde i_e*tebl!ebed beInr fire paata. to be appointed bp ne
at latl arjAurard.
tbem end ibel'uiU'd dnuo.tbeB
sapor aad coafiratd bp tbe conec-U
lorlag tbe time »t.peeled la tbe
toe appolalBenl to be aade at once
Cceatp of Peace. Saelo can have all
to hold iU firatsee
ber produett colered iau tbe poru af
eloatoe ftrml Honiap la Hep.
,'Mn.J T. Hannas aod Hr* <1. W.
iboee ialandi tree of eov ea.toB dolp
EeabBeBberet toe
I Riff reinroed la*', nigoi froB a trip o
or other tanetloa. I'odertoc favored
feraleb e bead for Vi i»M- f ir the faith.
l^lTuiedoand Ml. Urni-ti*.
aetloe elao»e, whiCi It foaad la our
at hu do m Tbe
weaGee with Eagland, Praoce. liarHie* Rich i* eatrruiniac MlB Aly
Si-vrst ut Aon Arbor.
BUI,. Ruwb and otow
.toe^Beat of
J. W. Slater aatgooeto Kk Kapide
,p.(0'. prodcru
work., to. eeunrin. ol
te*peed<ia*d*p with hi* brother.
leredlDlotbe porU ol toooc bbedej^^^ .*,.ii
oii rnoonciBst.
frceofdui.T. toe produeuaf all tbeee
George U. C ok
BOB tc earrp oa toe work, aod bare
fr»B a baiioe*. ir p n 'Iftf.iL****"**’i
other enunirire are CDtltlcd to like
aaparrkioe over the entire epale i.
.n Haalatce
H-n M >B'*c.>e weni to
rra I
privilege*, ei.d would alee cater trae ol
Thep are to fie a achedale of «et«
datp. Prom there toep copid br abipratca ateaee. aadpll are to *ervr with t ‘’'‘‘♦J' ‘ *,
pedtoanpof the poru of the 4'alud
tiutoai freeir ae goodc arc ebipprd

less, Natoas, Irritable; all ran

facto weieb. aadrr toe fteBocratic
elraetioo' of toe eoasliuiuoa, will c


Cared bp

Df. Miles’Nervine.
Xaortp ftreip dlacaee It tbe kga ofwhile the perTou* *r<t«k t* rapldlr
pererlp, cither of tba blend ar nf ibe built up again and ]ua to wcwk with,
Vbra the brala cell* aod|«ut oafu-uiu. Uiu.* br1i«lkr alt tbe
perrpDa U«*u>* arc u>nd up fa>lcr iBporianl organa Into barmap aad
than Uicp are repaired, oel ualptbe.rytormii prrfettbrallU.
brala aad -aerrea. hut erarp null
w*n..gni... ,n ra* down
otguof the hodperireoul far help-wnb
h'»''«' >.lw»“»*»«>'
Headarhrv nrumlgt*. heart dtoe^.t***^**
t"' ri--*i. l-*»srrv.
aerrou* dr«pr|*4a aadlir.-raod kid-"*................................... .

r i-ttKan. llrart^Dc.
<d'-virriplag whalerer.
r)l q-Ara k let aacb
tmtll at la*t the'
rJ*..uc kvolficwbaand llicB--------------- j:„
aud three
-•IU-. 1 IrillHiI I **• ci.jvd;l Ml I iClUkFrp
MIIe*-Ee«tnratlre Mernpe U d-il"
(hr* I
bwilr at tie -Nr» .■« ea h*i.-l, *>*1 she
of good fnr auch
aervoiH proplr, wboM brain aad lwd>(-BW‘a***:i‘tnrJI ulcd-rsU
ara orertaled. but Wbo mar prl br‘*“
^ Ir.-Serve
Iird from A etale of ladcftcribablr’f'^
wretcbedocaa, and re*iored lollrra of-T*".
< ta>t,Nrr*ih,CRu
Mdu'irp. Hpaftatlilag! Di.MiVv'Sn.'iie
u *kd al all drag k
trae ad
I gUod* at (he digcfttirr organa il ta-.-i
UiUtgfi dlgkUtih
.^-i — M.tL... .
— ; taiii
. iUu* H*in*A(.Co.Elltoan.laA .

plaaaUoe af Ibe tlUatioe aad iu treat
appeal auooglp to tooee
had aa opportaaltp ol be aorn that under tolaeoiatnicUoB of! TaeordlnanM wa* paa*ed nraai '
Dr. Garner wa* at Lake Aai
toe eduiltnUoe all onr caetoB lawa
•todplng tbft pojrbloo. el to. bill.
be aeDulled. aad the Ualtod Suua
taUowii« b a portloa ol to* argar
ft grantiftg a franvhlia j
Bade abaolatelp a free-trade conaup. to toe Trarerae atp. Pftolaa.U A old , loj «rwB Sebawatag aod uwo*-j.
adranad bp Hr- Bapklae aad It

It will bft aa iotoraal
Oatkto efBaaJaouB Batohl&e_____ todooliaMe Ibfbl apoa
>««*» »koda Welta of CopcBito U
■■It baa been toe dreoB of all patriotic Hkaloa Blaclrie railroad, which bad j
Wvd waa raekrad bera laftt alfb
J tlBft aad HgbvrrlrftftbBftBU will
•abbt wbiehbaaaacitodaenaeh db- Amrriraa* to laereaac oar trade aad bmarcadto toe ooaooil, raf.fred to laprnd'Pit
‘be family of
tha tivrle daftto el BftaJaBla Batehloa bftftftTted Itbtoewbhol toe elob
id eriticba:
vee la tor Urienliaad onr people toeeoBBlttoeof toe whole, and tors Her li. S*l*berp.
•fPItoLaka. torswlp peatBwtar of
toa asbtlng law all pradocU
apapatoiied wllb tharj effort WtheordlaaaeecoBBittee. wa* gwent James linibrook of Weu*I
thatpiftea. Babadbaaa Bkalafaeraeooad reading, aad woboat a-»»» aigi.i. after a abort riait with W.
iaporud law toa United Rtataa froa
bp Bvgiaad aod Japan to force
onldftpaaadhkbadp wai
Porto Rico pap the fell rata, of etu- Uermaap. Franee and RsaaU to agree dlBeotlBg rou.
! *’• Vugeltosg
to fta ahaadeaad laabw
Tbft regalar prograB wa« >0 ebaigc
dnUB laeoftftd bp tbft Dla.lep to toe open-door pollep In Cbla*. H.
Tbft bide for toft ftal* ol tbe water! Alter Tnomae eanw In (rem (bdar
I Hia. JasB A. koora. aad toa
orki bond* ware reenred Tbera were'laat nigbt to speed Suadap.
VodftT tob bill toft Dlaglftp ratn
aa open aeeret toat tola adiftBbftr* preftcat ep^opftd aa
___.odaead 19 per eeaL Ae aaalpftb BlalatratioB ba* been loagat work In . nambw of them from ra'Iem plaeev I Tnr Erruing Tribeoe of Jkn Diego.
wlto aoeu of toe well kaevt
at toe bill wUl ftbow tkat-tt b wot Inia- eadeavoriac to eome to coBBereial Tbftftalft wna awarded to Ktoftongood a'Oal. cap.: -Hra-,K J. Horgan. Hlea i
ndftboftlalawaahiaffD ba waaftaat of toe Ualtad buUft. Hba btteft gar*
ieal to toft Porto Bleaaft, bnl toau on agreemeoU with Ibc coaolrle* inter Hapw. of Ctnelnaatl. Ohio. ■ >0 toe t . ' Urace Morgan aud Mra. Uerbert HonU-1
to An Arbto ter traatBaat. Ba re- a paper ea Will fbrlatoe. Hlehigma-a
boadaibap offered a premium •gueof rravrra,-City. Hies., who were |
toeeoaUtrp. It bdlteeUpto toelr la
lacar aad other Urleatol
pepabr poet, aad read bb poea oa
toilfttd to AaaArbaraaWlaat
Umta,ftft tbft bland a ree«.
dap.toaaatartadtorbeBa. hb toBUp ■■rfte Laboring Haa.Ibr otoi r eo bare returned to toeir hoc
eare to ABcriLS toe atiovprivriegc* of
(aaeScBt to Bftftl
Hra. Hoora followed with an Inter•t »a Lake bataf aoUtad of hb
Greesweld h** retoroed
free and open trade in all toe porUof
nearip oe good m
partoift. Tha MB# dap ea bb wap Btiagpapvoa “Coaauaee Venii
to wboB frOB Ke»«iek wbere *fie bb* been at-!
Poru Bicaa. to toe chatgft that wa are Cbiaa a* arr guaranteed to any c
faema. ba atoppad at OadUlae. aad boa
toBcblng npoa her
waa referred toe aatur of aaradiag ■eadiug her motner, was 1* ill.
lag eketebce ol oor own bke ragioa. duleg ebarlubla work for toOB. whlrh
thib '
B. Cave and J O Crouer of Kingelep |
-GaeolonrladBceBeaUbatbeeB tbe tbeordiaanuoaibe prereatien of firea
toftotop.BBtn powaidap ftflaraooo.
Bar ateriee ol Haoklaac aad to* Great charge Blgat be atade If toe moaop
re In tbe cup.
neadftd for toegoreramenlof toatalaoa
loogoeeBcot of toe open-door pollep raportad la faror of nddiag to toe prw
OatoatUp haeaaa alaraad for hb Uk«e bring np rlrld pletont
Ubea ont ol toe Ualtad BUtee ol tbe I sited Sutoe In toe PblllpplDe rleloo la the preftool orduanea permiimla^aBdBBda ararp peaalMaeftert old ftMtlcn of toft carlp dapa
Vr«iiL(r-v^j-. O.VH.M
Ung toe ftraetioe of wooden *taed*. eir ,
Troaaarp. Tba prorblOBa of tba Wll ' lelaad*. Tbla. however, doe* not
tolTftftatoaalBlar uaa batwitoeat narto-laad. Rbawiaaaa el ti
John K UeoB, foremaA and Frank ,
nan. ItwwAaaUpdotolftdio atareb lo-briagahcrtftUrbato a Ugh point aaka tot blmad aell-aapportlag bp fol- free trade, bnt *lBp1p niaalltp of inatde tbe fire llaiu, teal tb«*e e^ed* Boob, sblt;; engineer of 0»bb A Miub-i
IkawootolB toarWaltp of CbdUlae
..andwaaaapaebUp Bark­ lowlag the tOBt apeUm of rablng rarC.'u EieciTK FioorinrplAntol Cedlllae.
aBdaftftBNhlBf panp waa fenaadal ed 4a bar laU apapatop aod nadar- •aaethat baa baea la foroa la the
l-Bltad SUM alaet tba toraatfaMi of
rUalBhfttartofttporpaaa. Tbapsrtp etoadlag of American Ilf* aad eb
epeodingKoeter wlto toftir s
todtoMrOltoftoatoa aldalffat
^Hr obdHH H A H.o..ofEa.|J^^
MtV aicht ftad bftffta aaao
Ure. J. A. Moakgoe. la her paper
oa ■-Cbl\drcn'e Uuratore,' gate a par- W the bill b eotlGed U more toaa paabeg
Uaalarlj ralnebU mnae of the. baoha
tarried from a vieii to Qbleage.
whbh are of aurit tor poanf paople't toaHoaie'who opeeaed
William C.esent bar rnuroed froB
totieaal grooada made tba bold clalB
barftftiapwbUbhadaet bamaaedfor
8sa apekt of tbe koap a
* batioefti trip to Canada Hit fCBilp
Park XcMtp, Poru
•aaaUBa. Itwaa aappmad toaihb ealbat hooka and etoriea wBlcb i
eili remain there a, iii i Gae Inngcr
Rice aad toe Palllppme Itlaadt beeaBe
Btod baaaaw affaelad aad that bft
doonoaCfor tbe little oaea in l
Hsailog. prsneeaGnir etUrnep
iBUgial park of toa Ualtad dtatoa to
torto Iftto toa wood* aad dbd troa ktetergartee period, aad i
parBbelarlp'toevalaeef a gooi book toa mow axuataa Oalabomaor the
Hr. Battolto waft waU kaewa la of BlUft atorbe for tbelr Saadap read, ladlea Tarritorp; toaL bp vlrtoa at
too treat/ of coBloa to too Caltad
TiarM 019 aad wafthlfhlp iftto
lag. Ae tocp adri
Sktm. toe peopU Urlag la toeea le­
koto ban aad la Pile Uba. B«wrae

CarLoadof Horses Here

Bboat M peara of afa
to^aarrire hla.

A wlto aad ehUdhood attract tbalr aUeatlaa. and
faoatoaaaltbbeia lUp to bbtorp
aad bbgrapbp which wlU
llfa.loBg benefit to them.
A ebildb
■ft Btotor BrrbB to toft r
laeU.ebaeald. can be cnlUraUd
hb lore for good lluratare dcreloppnmleaaadbmftltlal. ftftpaelallp ba­ adtiUtoarebaedcalrefor ceoa
al lltaratorr. A few good bwke
fnllp audled aod reprodaeed le hb
rn tatfa ttot it wa« alaaftt lapoBl
batter than aap
iBBbftrWtUp road.
Oar«t toa meat ftajopabU teatar«*
Oraea B»bcap»l ebarto wat enwdftd
i toft"bOak rgrbw.
to toa BorBlac. aad waap
1 ia-Mra. Hekttua'h I
awap. Tha Katofata TaBplar iHaadad
prftta^ b«r review
to a bedp. aad
of toa >
Saour BarrUftft.

toffttoadBbftkBbptbftUsfttoft e

Ulba. hpaatotoe aad
TbaaMtobp a raetad ebeir of W
■ Mto aeeoBpaaBftet bp Pnl. W.
B- BteBaaP aad Prof. Hartaarbl
daft aad aa
a waft dtoinnd tap

Ip'biBBftd with eatBftwaa aad aetud

waraftnato 0a Ptat



log.aa«toeebarto aod paii^ ware
BuoAadtatheiratBcet.cep^ktK The
Blob wn in eborgo af Prof. aad
anataad tha large Gberne «holr waa
•akipfi bp tbe Jereoib enbatn.
Bee«nl namal aaaben ware glr«a

waadtobpftarwea ae eeeeptloa

an toe rlgbu. privilegae. and iBBtaltiB gneraatoed to aa ABarieea clUaea
laaapooeoftociUtM. Tbepaleoiatktod that all fonat of uxalloa. iaeiodlogeBatoBdoaa, Iotoraal
aaddirftit uzatloa. Boai ba ealfora
aotoolplB theetaue that fora
Padml Rapoblle. bottbroagboat l
Waadeaa wall; that, wliwat addlUosal IwrolatUe. oar aavigatloa Uwa
UadeAto all toft perUat Ibeae a«
aad that aotoa'p
tor d
toft prodaeu rakftd and Btaafaetoi

la Porto Rice aad toe PUiippiDft I
laadft eoald be brought leto the poru
of to* UelWd dutft* lioa olaaj ea^
datlBaod withoat aap
e, bai that the people
eoB* to aep pertua of
bad to* right
KMcp TiNUe Hakei Toa HUenHe. to* Ualtod Si eea* Iroeipaad bbId
lacrapiftdlT eath. elanr'
ataU bad toerigbi la go lata anp oUar
BtatA Tbit aosuatlon it etartUeg la
toe OSMB-: and If It be
ABarieea pupU did a« re_-. _
toftlrivtreaeawure. w«n doing Vhea
toeTrftatjof Peaea. oagoUated bp o
OoBBlaekoera at Park, aader tha
reetioa of tba praaidea
9 th*S«nak ol to* Ualtod StnUa. and
raUfiftd bp Oongraift.
“It wtll bft raBCBbeewl to.i the** I*
prorafClp c
u n* torjngh toft lortona*
bme faaak.Udncv. bbdd r. unceetd
r broegbton not bp tba
bbeendBiictir* Diaeae. wlucliuthe'
farm at kidoep (rouble.
mrtp. bnt bp
0. Ktoarf-.So aipp Haat( If DM no toa pftopla of toft Ualtod
ipeubirekid- tofoogb toftir ripraftanUtlrm. regardnep. Itver.erHedfter trouble II wi
wUI be toaad
)aa tbe rcBcdppeu need. Iibei__________ left* of party oeoftMaraiteoa- Tbeorerbee meop wept. Is taokttel woti. Ui ^tviie whftlBlnC pablle nenUanat of too
CMBCrp era* elao la taror of the retont(id be* prurod ee rufOiaffuH
leo of to* PblUppIs* talento M wBI at
ode bp wUto all reedan et tfcb paaw at Porto RiftO Tba woetp w*a raUflad
whe ben
aalakce^ tried n. raqi bawl e bptoejelat epptoeel at to* Rapobllitmplc beWe «■«
eaw IIrM tp melL ehoVbook *en end D*BocraUe pertim to bttb tb*
Beneuend UuBb**
Indaftd. Mr. BrpM. to* ec-,
h* ID*moeratls{
kaowlftdged Kodarefto*



waa mom



3 Times
I a Day,
at Work
or Play,

SHOPPING by mail
One Cent .. — 1...
Samples and Prices
Too Want

hftir B*r-|Wbicb weiffh all tbe way from 1200 to 1700
■°'“"!lb* apiece, This i» as nice a lot of honve as

Ur end Mra U C Hoffevt here r.- bOB beOD 860X1 ib TraVerflO Cltj lor a lODff time.

These horses can be seen in Brodbagen's
Livery Bam-


It Ptupeppwa.

The Taylor-Woolfenden Co ,
Woodward Ave. 8Bd State St..
■an Ordor Dnai.

Bicycles-Bicycle Siindrles.
SpKiitties: . Brazils,, lulu iie. laineliH.
Talaphoaa leS.

|t FaetorySU FrOBtSt



From 836
d to make 19CXI tbe buoer World r«nr ia /Trarerae City, and moke tbe
>0 oil «be«k nold prevkHU to April Ut, after wbicb date il will be witbtobnryoorwfaeeiBow)’ Yon woo*l
woaT bib
bim fl
81 each week, aod wbea Uto
drawn. Wbynotbegintobnyyoofwfaewliio*}'
ridiiig------------Upeai your wheel will be ready fBd yos won't hire to make a large down paymeat



Repairing and Enameling.

M Ortn IM Rit MUn « Ntmi rm rtUi^

dobbera and Dvalera in


to begio with-

Urge iDd CoDplete Slock 1b Etot D^vImiL


All Wort. Uaeronieto rod
l>on* Prampil,.

Dry Goods and Furnishings
\Vc enrrp n


Now ia tbe time to bare your old Ucjxlea orerfaanled aad rkenaseled.


1 will rcftoamel your wbael any coiat, Aooat work, baking aatm^ and'varoiab. dean all tba
r faeariitge nod true the whoeU, affin. rambh or enamel tfae rima; all adjugted up in rompleto coa.
= dition fi^r tbe amall aoB of 22.50. Lath* taming. Capa, OoBea.. AaIm and Shofto ti> effder.
= Bii^aa Htiilt to Toot OrAar.


r r;-.


I Traverse Herald
■etorbeUJa««eart sad tbs prialUra fadUtlea
prasUsl to fssn ffoas br for tbs blffb
Iribsaal of UMsasslff.Tbasae^ of tbs
ooBBlj bsTt reasea to be prasd M lbs
BOwstrsetara.wblabls tbs bsaleeenMtpsbUebsiiditortotbtofsn M lbs
Stole. Iiltsaeraitorsl to Travaas
019 sal has b*sa soaesdsd to bsa
Sflaalto baltdtoff ter tbs saesst
tosMtol to It. -rbtoffi wsra IKsraat
tabrmstsaisasdtbc prsssat eeart
beass peassau a streaff eeaUast to
tbeae wbuto base bees ssad to tbs

. of LaMirilia.

J.BtohylabMUlvaaaw hsaas am
e. uvc Meries to MckV M«
Mee* eleieet eyce Uu eneiaiwad lbs
Miles. Al tbel tlsw. to IM.
X. fljkae wss sheriff sal Tbsres Besurhih wissisrk sad raffle:
Utepr«teMslbslSmltow tor
>wt ersra hsM to Ihl* ffises sflar Ihls
hsUdlM»esMSstod sad atier to Ito
Tbs BsraU ef iSM so
sbssaesaadiwQMtoors stobbrato
brlbsaearisuaeas7. to wh
pitUsI ules sra toll of Urir bstoff
-toMlatbeweeds.Ibli Inl eean beoss was dees
fo lews to Iba flsass.
Is tbs ersal TravsMS Bersll of
Usrab tv. IMi. sppearal tba tell<
reesstef IIS dastrsrUes:

Mrs. BcUaffiMBSa.wbe died at>bc
bsaMofbsrBMbar-ia-lawlaEsMKba- m^ia'.........................................................


immrWTWTTTTWWtWTWf? irTTiiir

-------------------------------------------Uvs baaa
_Sda Is alacM sssry dlroattoa la tbe
Uaa M tiau aad labmaariaff dsvlen to
tbac^Mpmaalof tbtfarm.aDsa»aaaa
at advsaBiBBatbM Maatilaraarni




marrial to A. PrasBia Ica ycaraaffe.
aadtmaaloriacwUatadmMbar. EaUUIs Head H.QsaM. lhaalaa-ynar psmpa taTtte an M Tte Uum*'
BldMbar baabaad aaalltaa cm year aU daafhiM af Ed. HaQaaiB. dMd
„ ----------------------M piaats to i
old daaffbtm aba laacu to moara bar vary saddsaiy laM Tara^ alffbt of
af iBBtcB. the aatbodB of oar
aariydtatb afatbtr. bretbar and Hr.
and lafiMBli’s (aBUy. who lovad bar u a
damrfator aadaMar.
ffba wu torad
.teabarab Tbs tamOy hace lbs;
aad raaptaud by all who fcaaw ber.
aUy at lbs aoBBsaliy I* tkrii
lay Bprayiaff psapa base e risea
laraltkm. maay of wbleb provod 1b
Tbs EuUraarvtoM at tba Octraffs
leucabta aad fall lato driasisde.aat
U msJ eaareb ycatosday. wara feed.
urswbUa pomsulaff aoms cla'mv of
IbttoMof I
janalty. bsarly all wars bsadicspi
Uaanariy Bseiiat al tba PriMda
IM ttea tt
by lbs tost that tosy eo^ not as a
tarcb itaUrday aad daaday.
pilsd la laiffs itssaUt^ a: a prise
Mra Praltok aad Mra. Yeaii
wb«b farmsrso^ald afford.
In last,
wa kaow of bat ona roally practical la
HlB Brnt PaaalaffUa of
ittoa la Us field which aaa be raa '
Labs Ann scat Haaday •aaralsc.
City B balptar tbs Biaatoy 6
by aay tarBcr.
We bass t»*ere_
tfeartorly Baatlaff will ba obaarvad tbalr BilUssry Store.
^bsB to l»M lbs sMt -eeoau of
tbe spraylBC psaps aaBafaetsr
Isuriauebanb ataavae o>eloek8aaOaaaa-wBStoldoffbp Ibsl^lstotora,
Tba Tsaoaraaes Uskb will saast by tba Fotaio iBpisBssi Co. ol Tis
day avaatoff. tba nad. Rtr. Hr. Braady
•«s Prilsr tost. (Hsreb 6l. i
wUb Mrs. Otto Hahs Friday. April
omCIty. Hid., wbleb adslrably f
of Ulebicsa tba Ursad Trsveiss tsfftoa
wUl cHelaia.
kirpssta p. to., tbs oosn beasi
tor toalr raffslar BseUaff.
fiU all eoadlUnsM aod nqsIrsBSt
Boaljell/ bsestosspsn ofslsltotol
HBsUsrtba wliJ Bake bar bomc
tba Has lad>caud.
la pnial ot e.
,Jseegyel to be ea IraAs It
list oalsf to tbs ahsrecs
Uon, slBolleliy. adaptabiiny
sItestodaooitllnsBM froa tbs bsti
Barry Patttorlll parebiarrt a Uai
el wblls ssiuers aad toa^i
ebaapesM it B witoost a pasr
aramfroad Urmy of Oadar Baa.• s a aeaplsto and perfect sprayer.

dsovad. proHiBCalla
la l>il. botrerer; lirasd Trsv
derieffBost ulisfaetory work ie tbi>j |
SOS asaistsd toe
ibe cbmr
to slaffiBff
|e>sll rsseb It tbaiall sustopla to
.. orse coast; caOM IstobsUff.
Hoe. sad oas of its pro a o»ei poioia I '=
|iA/Ar\je. aaa.m ■.
j tbs bsUdItor sssra hopslses. sad to Ira iissdsy toorslsf.
weresUeudJs Asfsstof ibsl
la Traratse
MBs Libbls Dsoaldsoa
ssrrssaUI ibefescraieiseueal---------_ _
risUad al ffsr pareau yesk rday.
WlUiaa H. Cass wsscbcssssbstiffsoili*™***®******"^ “
* ““
- HorpaBoftbc Mall Is
OKls K Hacbsos preascaUaff aUereoatrol of f. Tbsrullb la
Suits made in all the latest styles—
Ssadsy at boas
as;. Tbsrs ass do baslasss traasseiad
TbsffaasU rsfflslared at tbe boUl
sack coau and double brcasteil \ e«t-i.
as a dsrslUsff ^ Tbsrea Uostateb.Bsq
.0 Ihcot
sal ceawqseetlp aoelsettos
tor toa past wash arc u teUosrs: a.
fibs eoBBtyrisrk aad rwlstor of daeda
Our better suiln flre the ftl H OO
to le^t; Iwl to May.
Kesttoff. Eapliv: dobs KbesrB.Ceawr- bsa been fnssd to be all and
nils; Irco. Pllbcaa. Ba>dlebsllls' N.
br-si uiadeiguarantceiJ vXV/vW
set. a i»:i ass tabes
Sssselj-two The JsU ass to tba roar ^
BitUr; A I-
lbs SDtoa fl
bsitols aas east. At lbs rlsruoe
in every rospect. HenTO
As some of ear readers may po
r«bl,C Btotb. E
;lsrb-saad rsfflstsrb OSes was la the brids detards’
tsBlIlar vrito tbB sp'srer. we wi
Ittitbstinarsebcasa am: Jadfsef I clsrb
is M'herc tve save yuu $00
A Cook. A__
m . >C.Wb;K
P. II. Hartaell died at tbs Toaldeaee
St appllcstii II-for falLparpraeatc. (kurpe S. bsilibi tbsnff. Mar. rear of tbe aODrl raooi la tbs saeoe '
irus. Lndlaclor; A. B Mlac. Trar
money. The tailBsffb Preoty Hatorda; aipbl after a:
be asde to lbs msnsfsetareiv.
■aa b Ooaisa; eoest; clsrb. Tbeass surr. Hr. Btataleb sad IstoU; asi
assk's lllaess Tbe faearal eras bold esasOiy. B A Bsaasa. Trassras Cit} .
as much
t*. 11
II. Warner.
waroar. Scoltsills;
acoiinitr; W,
abssetaiUsIltoc. bet be arrirsd o
Ibis aftaraooa. ■.
" ' '
rewsrdioK da
MaoleCUy: i. Ilulden. Bs'diekrlllriH
for an inferior unicle.
It ■access
belBffaads towards' K HiBM. ralcdo. 0 ; W Wllsee. Lake
caaiss: prvccauar auorss;, ttobsrt tbs «rossd to saasoe to save, b; tbros
isreut et tbaspperali
eosrlb il
HeLellae: rsffistor of deeds,
r. L. dllffbt baa sold part of I
ttolle-; eosBV
-------Ij. Hasley.C W. Waeelock Trarsrsr
Wadseorto: cerosers. I«ab Hiller
iJX) and up.
iDd Lsiber U. aeoleld.
rbsarsisto tbspapsneolla to faotb ollsss ware
llodily Pbla loses lu
Utem r It you',
siea vf lbs eircali eosn la tbs asal; eapsewaa. t^atbsrsrltb tbs prisala
worklBf Ibrosffb tbs wlatar.
St' Kei< rtrleoili
Trarsrsc sbotUsof Dr. Tbobav'
orffsoasd eeuaij. ablcb ase also the papara aad a coaaldsrmbls sob of bob
^WiU^lsoaffspaat deadsy it
--- boots
.II— laolrelief
relief in esses ..
City: C. !•- l>srls.U. U Likebled.Tras- tbs
ay betosvtoff to Mr. Boetwleh. Thr
■rat la tbe Urmsd Travsras tsfftos, Haple barns. I'oUAsprsink aecideaU of any
eraeCUy: I
erdsr boobs, rseerd of rillaffs
Id ea tbe :Ttb of duly, aad
s werklBff for Mr. City; Or. 0«
Osraer. Trasets i City: Willie
tbs followioff day.
psri of lbs so ' PlslS'
Uts »•
eager. n-!be^s.t0ffstbsr wltb ofica Isroltarc,
Tbs reespgoa bald la
.lobbed dwslllacaf
ly was li
toiffsiy attest
daeksaa aod foBliy
moat wRcla^Tff aboe
cObtly pors dove f
ad. .Mrs-Jaakseawaapi
■tstrssti. oas^r
aorsrr of Ueloo aad 1
aeetotsllrsr bblres aad forks, spooas
aad bettor knife.
Tbsy wUI make
iatbassHartlB eras lbs fodds. Tec oely Is*:. "It was JerwatU tbars wara ao pris- tbsir felers boss alVrawa


^3 Killed on three floort under ooe roof, of a most reluble charaaer—goods fresh
and up-to-date, bought in quantities to assure tbe lowest possible price aod sold
on basis of quid: sales and small profits.


: WeareEasjonjoiirPocketM
when you buy you;- clothing of us.

Wi Sill IB test Oil).
Oei Prices eie the losesi

....... $3.98
^ oj; .......... 1*







Buy^our Shoes of Us.
We Sell Good Shoes Cheap


par prsssM waa esaarsrr Uoeld of eears.le tbs JtU. for il sroal^ bass
OwoDK). srao bad SOBS with Jedffs^basa tBSOSSlbls to resess lbs& Aad
Mania. Hr. HeLsItoB.resaagy alsetrd^e may rsBarb bars tbat a JiUls
prosecugai situraey. had aot bsaa ao-|rmtbar a essIsB pleas of property to
Biued to lbs bar.
Mr. Uysld was w j Utaad Trararra ooiaBty aarbow.

: 85c TO $1.48 "“iJS

{planted (tbe lisssetn.
Il**n *
; Boccy lou to reach ss
{dDllsTvdurlcff tbe pact
I mod other rarisllu arc up> Biceo net.
tor. Wbco 1 first came to ibis eonetry
Jacob Birmley s)
It wu ossriT solid woods . Tbra inr
Hnica l<OBCkc..
fsBuus Farmer's Clunof tbs I'snlosuly
wusspioiuep tbs Uoldso Hutuu u
tbe ssry best apple lo wake uoney oo.
belineb m iIis D uoderlnp ODOlUon •.!
hOBaa nature. They could not base
enosrn s worse one; yet lu Uie weeds
rrslJ «-.»rfr.»ssCr.. r
A>.nl IS
I waatodapplcaassooa SA I coulo pst
Eds LBCrCcM lUcsed toto town a few
ibeiD. so I planted amiD'y lbs Wsffner.
dsjs affo.
which, tbe wisebcrss u>d. lirwarc of.
'Attorney O.yioa ot Lriaod was a becansc a will bear lueif to dsalb.
ealirr acre a tow days aau.
‘Mow. a> tbs last Issiiiuls.tbs lOstraL-l.
Iwayrifdse. v. broke camp ors fno. Its luulta pari of toe slats, to
aad rspscu to more to HiBfhuB lu a , we cfaiii'sn up ncre..rapeaisd tb'is old
rot skoal Ur iVaffner u a anoit.llsrd
tsw days
apple tree sad Orsrinr itself to asalb.
A Myers
wbso flrbl fasbind tb« spsshsrt were
finssaniplmaf tola trail from ^adka
Ewnsdru’s orubsrd. plaotod IS years
. J jhB Warasr bu reslfosd bB posit,
los asrtork tor tbcb.-iumberk Co . sod ^Well, I olaotod tots ssriely ooa few
will take ha toracr oou.tioa at N^rtB : scree—luo trees to tbe aco -and lo a s'
HUM Island wiu toe Lue sstiap ysa-sws bAd u fias applra os evor
irrsw sod iba.'b>resaorBoasly doBc
Paal Kiraebatski left Wedaesdar f<>t sn years ap . I hardly knew waat to
^Iwsckea oe s bsslacas and plessnr' du with tbe moory tnsy broacht'sl 10
iribsd eaiostlwea
York, eaployad by tba BdioBberp ty serrs. ! trsly believe 1 e >ald bass
msda iBsey inosuadtorduliais By tbB
1 Bads >1 s rule u ubs oo crop
a^Ui.ana cao^ to more adar Maple UBS.
and fertllisr
City on s tarai
Ibrm well.
E K.lway upa^to i
l-ue W»«oer It loo rich s« apale to
iB tbe^r
bear osfflset. but tns ard ffreal
, M bs has applied '

TUKBkw i.asBri iytovrJB«<«ci]iTv airarauvsi.
pototod byibsjidistoactaspresseot- dortoff ihsTire aad
haUysars that
toff attoro9 for tostsssatoa, aad Hr.
HcLMtoa. oo vaHeatloo aad aBaalas- bsaBaerifilBsl eaeSaed lo T(. wUeb
tloa la oped cddtt. eras adBlUad to spsaks wallior tbs'Borals at tbs psopraettos As tbsaoart badaessal. It
tom to khs aassty laabeatffl.noo
was arlsrsd ibsAths toaporary aaal
stosidbsibs aaffissllsot thsAamri ' aal will fall bsorily oa tbs psobIs at
SOB hall dritor. Tbsrs watbeiUtls this Ubs. who hare tea siraffltof to
lainaff tbs attdattoo of tbe l pay ter
■e Bret BSdtlBff of the board | larms and ffrtost of dsbL

Wabepe tbs pcgiirn atktof for a
direct sa 1 roala batwsse iljod Harbor
sad Cedar City will b: rff.-cilse.
EloardTBlMot TrasaneCity eras
sralryioff todlspowof hU .faiBUst

Tbe foHowiar is tbs resnit of oar
dspsmsor—M. Bis zlaskl.
Clerk—Jobo Floss,
rrsasurer- rboatu Ptoaa.
Hlfbway goaBlsslanar—A. Kurir
Scbeol Ipspretor—F. trCva
HaBberof Board ot H r.
itaaaat to a mil eT..t^M ef'tbsl
tbrowa toto pi. Tac Ira orlflaaud la (VBrL_
•bsr-Bobert Ca«pb«\jota «
JmUm of tba ItDBB I*. U'OaaasU.
apaUot bat aabM wblab wMieft la dr-.
irhsr aad A U Klea Hsapoastop I
Joba Bsrry of CaolorrlUawM award.
Tba beaat of aurally
V waara^y aai
efCselaiACempball. la Psalatato.os
1 tba eootracl for Ue auw sehooV
tor li.nri. TbarawM oas Mil
. tbs ;;to ol Jsly. Tbers wars prsssat asida trltoto a Boetb
was wltodrswa after re
ApbortCaBpbtll al PsalDssIs, Jobsk.
Hsrhsr ol Aatria. aad Wm. H. HcKll - sloa. oa^ by doBHlIe laralleity.
We arc laformcd that tbe behoBberf
aa^m ai-easad el peBoaiac bar
lip of rrassras. After brraaiilaff. by
Oo. ffot ibclr Iocs all
onlof r_____
atocitoff McKIllIp ebalnaaa aad CsBp bbttaaad, aad'a Ban stabbed tbe al- tritothc
. b thccktopUae ot abtui loodMu of
baU Clark, they adjoarasd lo meet at lacad toeader of bis botoa at Ulaa dry boBloek oa lbs BaddATsylorJob.
Ms swrs of Ussash. Lay A Co. to toil Havas. Kaltbar of tba aeeasad was aaar H. P. Habn'a farm
city, tbs tellowtodday. Ua the aaeoad seaBaed la JsU. baesMs tsarc was ao
day, to addittoa to thsaa already Baa- j dl. aad aalUtar wm aeerietod. Bst
.ursuc pcr>crA..i ■■•I,, .rdt .i.A-icr.
tbaedariBst to AofpsL isTl. la tbe
Uaaad. than was >r«sst HawssI <i
RIss. of Lsalaess. ^salstos wee sot traaa aabsel booM dbai itood os tba
Park fiaea&Ul. letbatballd•Wr urWo.-rSu. pcwico.wumuia. •
IL Oowlsh. toalmshariffto iBff waabaldaHef tbepabllc Baatlaffs.
IBSSIBS a eoart 1a this eeasty. wM a ralifftoasljadiaig. pellthalaad aoeial
raaldaal of Elk Bapids. wbleb was.ttsa (oraevscal yaan. Tbdeoaaty oBjars
iaelsdad to this sosBly.
Us ws. ware toeatad is tba small balidlaff
drswasd 1a But bey. April tto. Itoo sostb at iba "Pawls boase.'* soatooast
wblto aUSBPUac to sross to MorUip >rt
r of prDOl aad Park strsau.
la aa epaa taaoL
Otaad rrassras WM Irst laaladsd to
IbaElffblhJadleto] Clresltta Idtt. aad
abaotire yaats Uwr was alMsbsd to
ippar^tory wsa 1
Us Mlalb. presided orcr by Jadffe'pu ad M a pabtlc kail, tbs BrsC ol lu
Ttssf LltUrjtoa.a wellreBeBbsred >0 TravsfBS City. la tbit i
■saiber of tbs AlIeffSB bsr. Tbe jslpr reoB tba coart wm bold for asearal
wu a auB el aipoB >d prsiaaes. aeosl. years
Atlarthabaralof of tbajsilia iMi.
Urs tssilkiiBaad sstrsBely paoe


lUlioa* to tosotaarraaesot forou Ms
waaatoeted at a OrBoorai.
la tboss
days psnlssa taaltsd raa blffb. aad thr
Jadia WM aet wholly fraa from tbs
iBpatoUea dr a ebsaffa M poUUesJ
bsart. Hit circuit ws’Urt^rTbis Nc
tiaa of II
BO ro'sds. . He sad b s
aaanatursry warccoatpsUsd tend
banabaek froa Kewayffo. by trail ar
tohaabsn. TeasbisaMatUffsl bsslaaat to thlssaaaty saBSliass r aud
biB to Bias a term or two, aad ictUly
thi esrsM tbaa earroat'
■ ability el tbe reada.
•itlHaros BUis fosadad tbe.
- Barsid.. He Wat sa latoesa EapasUcas
partttsa. ^a :
.taM baslr.
BBddcUpt% Is.urmtoiiaffths Jadpe,
kwaaieot^ir poiiUesI ' ~
byabarp allunost u bis to tba Heraid. After aa abuam of cobc Haa.
vadfc UtUaJobc rods lato tbU rllUffv.
BoaaUdoa BBarryloekiacaar
Haiea cosld aM raelsl the UmpiaUoa Ic

. - ...
ill BO
. they era s f»U apple " Vet
_____ _
bu cllaretf tols, h they
caa b. krpl all vripter bow. For tba
pMt 10 years t^li rraawst frail of the
world, with only oer eseepUoa. bM
Been toe bifbesi prieed of aoy farm
Uae of toe bmi etrascs aUrbto B
take ■ ride froa Trarerse City ts v
la SeptoBber aaa otBarve tba
dv of acres ot orchard with lo
fek appiee lo Be saea exeaplI ol
Daebaat and Vfsner. A romof trie
Isticr on Csrpeoter'e Hill B aB ebjvet
leaaon ibst we hope will Be celled by
Bsay in the fnlore
How Beeb will a botbsI acre of or
ebard produce of the ! or i aeary beartsc kludsr F.fiy traos at a l.. v arerace
will p odae. ID batoels to a irwi su>
botbela al 40 eeola par bovbcl. AIUO; or

ipramad too oploloa that they
(at oat U toay bad a tootoplek to work
with. U tos Mriy coA a vBiuw did
stay iaa day or ao. aad was tbaa rberallyallotrad to akany away whUt



Horses for Sale


e ot sll kinds, i

wagon. 3 ineb tire, price $lhO.
AP r-r mm.


k takM U esshaage bw hofM

jjQ OA and up. Men's


"1^ $1.28

or UtopainaorNaurAbria.CholrTa
Morbua orOolle? Are reu uoubwith a Cold. Sara Thniat or
La Orlppw-i Arc you priitorrul
with Cbllblaloa? '

If so, Why Continui
Suffer when



L)r«s Sh'bes.

Women's ITongola Shoes.
lact or Button.

to. A. a-.hi

patterns are eifeceptionally pretty this season. .
They arc nicely trim­
med with braids, jtuf^s
and rutiles.
I >ur 70c





of exceptional

of .fine :

IK-rcale; nicely braided
BC' and rutiled, well iined.

$1.00 line

is the

best we have evershown
—well made of line pericatly lucketi and braided, pleated
lilted lining.

I'cli^window shades, aith spring

.10= ^

('votxf cloth, fast color shades for
_ jjc and.............................................

The verj' Ivest.quality for


.12 =

nft:: :

111 inch, pure linen, unbleached
toweling, per yard-................. e\/t/ 3 ■

.03 =
(.'atiinefhair pit*:.
assorted....... :. -.................... .02 =
.05 =
.01 =
I’ajKrr pins
.01 =
.01 =

-oi =

: $1.25


IS: '7R« Mis«s'an.lChildrensCailsliii’
l»- ■
and ItonBola.Shons, blacks and



J" - 'fc


$1.25 r.i'd BliekSl,o,.».

Whisk brooms,


Clothes Itrushes.
Wire hairbrushes,
Pillows, (ler pair. 05c to $2.75.



.09 =
.19 =

AK,uare lop canvas

l overeil and well trimmed trunk. $y.Ks. ]
Round top zinc covered trunk. $3.00.

■ Front BtroM


□ □ □ □ □ □ □□□□□□□□□□

Are something all m^n
are interested in ....


For Workinpen
None give quite the satisfaction that the
"Berkshire" do. Fully guaranteed as to
make up aad quality. You can't lose on
theoi. I'uU new line for summCT wear in
$1.50. $2x0. $2.25. $2t5o. $2.75. $4.oa

For Dross Wear
We show a coropleto new li^ fancy worned stripes or checks. $1.75/10 $6!oo; equaJ
in 6t and fini^ to any "niMe to measure”
We also have fuU^ Black Wonted
Kanta for dress suits,-V^ax) to $5x0. Your
pant wants are easily and qtiidciy filled here.

Ud HaisiltfiiiUlothiiiKCoinp;

& J. KOBOAN. Proprietor.
daooBsy won rara la tooae Umso.

fODT a koM at toa baUdla«

MeuiA LdUnkiu.

lot-A lormerlv sold at

High CompUmvais to a TraverM Ciiy
TheJollowlcff Btros toe Hoatocra

drtnW.-db-:,d..j.,"------------- -"V

WiaMUdaMaCMl hMffU.“<l«Hb ^


and pau-iit lealheriUroken

| bcr llBbcr Is not ffoiaff to iMt.
^t. 1ssd
_______orletshere.' lire oa
Triis it toe rreai aod all
Itaaljiel lor tba fa>ora '
H V«.aiia».

J ust arrived with a fine lotoTbo
heavy drafl te*ma to a brai



Our basement lk>or is now a regulBr
store in itself, well lighted and is BS neat
and tidy as our main door. Everything
of a suple nature.)-ou will 5nd there-

I Darle ID Hissrarl. and St eo^ld we it


heat airnt. wm ssad aaUl too
"Ab. dadffa.-arid Hr. BsIm. "t tac Utmaffo baU trat WUt U ttdv.___
f^.MS like AabUlaa. woasdad la tbe


; vX.OU-sho.-. as tadia^ velvet.

Relieve Vou?
vsririr wm lb» Bet
■aid toe l>u brss •
Hr A K Htolaro
' Ia vvrleiy cs
■Sid If b.bsd pisni
closlrely It would bsts msda
sde him tbetbei
drsitby. "Kul." said br,"l woaid dm

ipereison ordored tbs bslldlar ol
• JaU ODlbsaoBSty block. This
iSarrwMalaDdBarktaraloaf Ub#.
MCOBStraoiatef sqaarahawB piBS
abdat Msto (sat la
>aaStory la belfbL UwMdlridtd^
s hflHway lato two raema Tba door
twM tbs Bsrth.nad asBsU wladow
at la asob aod of tos bslldlaff.
Wlyallef tod Ubs too tMUla wm
sapty ot >rBtaan. bat oeeasiooaUy
so todlaa woold Bo drsffffod toora ter

lacc, A

Bargains on Our Base­
ment Floor.


43 □ □□□□□□□□□ □□□□□

jmh i». imo.



BrtaMa. aaltrkeart. rtyrtprtaaaad
aaadlat. vWah «U to aamaMad
alkar dfeirtiilat araptlea dlaaaaaa
^atA-tatbtofaaaalBv. J
waaM toa eboatly
naa aa Ito jaiy tod latlrad tor toTUoteape.!
MeUodW.Bat itobertwaU aaly
eftbrt taaa tto
apaaklaawblesar A faw waaka laiar
Btfaratewaoaeaaad aart of WUUaa
B^aald: ••looaM^i


UBaadPikUAOarta tor tto d
Tto pialaUBk ftlrtotiy an
lakaa. aad tto dafaadaafa rti
to baras tU* rtoraiv Tto aalt la
tout tor KrMrby Browa. at Kiafo.lalaothatAWIaatllldBa

taert. SiUbS^ at r


aaadtoaad laat saBssr.
ftrtap aantaalart my to bad apoa
■pplloaUoa loepaalB^ Ue Pert iToiwaatuB B..sto Praf FnBarlek a<


■twill pebaWy to Aa-



LOT I. Menu Spring Suits. *un mixture, worth $5xx>. at................ .................$ H »o'
LOT r. Menb Spring Suiu. Scotch mixture..worth $q4>
LOT Men's alf wool black clay worsted, extra extra ijuaUty^ell lined, at - S* » SO
LO1 4. Men s^l wool blue.«efge. a .beauty, worth Si J 50. at.
;, .$t0.00


wbM tto lotormal raadler of tba ealtoekplaet. Afvrr aoaa pralto
Cbictpo. Ol
Irtiy dalall aad praporaUea to taka ap
weaatt la ttolr prepar ordtr.
PaUt for WaaolBaa.
TM beard ol pabUe works bald a
aa ad ioanad aatU atlor dlaas.
Ttoarirtlaal aato waradltpoaadof .yadal —r—*np laot alpbl U eoi
Brunt May 1:
la abort ordtr Is tba aftaraoop iwatoa. Ito tawre rtpbte aad coorealei
IV Ma«B. Mr. OUWU wUl Mftb
r<dn( lotto Jaiy.
Hekawk Clab Boaqaet.
ball Hay I
UA %rUk jsrdi o* U( Ua4 «
.Aialoaa eallad wai tba blcamy lap Are bydraat ralraa rapertad at Ua and aoratap tralae May tllTOuaSt.
Hay t Oea faro.
lattBtaaUv of tto eoeaeU. A aoBtWtar^BlU. Tk«-MhbMf7>*<»^ araloot Edward CUrk. A pita
Opp Bap Boaae
HOOT Ml m.!.
to Incumirkot icallty waaaewrad al Aiakaad tba pita
Upaietad to oootor wiu
DiBoeraUc Auv
Sail' BaU Phoaa ktr' tfoaia: • 12 a. a
KWnllM 1» » rwT «hcrt tl—■ Tbe
B. D. tkBpball recardlap tto peoalble
lara May s !
'aad T-e p. b
h«tj4MM>d to bri«k IB Bortbm of pbytleiaat o
of Dia. Martis.
borrtboauot tto ealeoo.
Tba Batter of bleyele paUe for tto
uotk*' 7^ >•
iMBUIr • rood taniMavBBUrBBBd oadtba aeeaaod of aoaad oilad. aad
ireort ot tto city wat ptrae co
Mr.eOlBtthBBB Mot e( b^wttliB Uo pito wao ebaafad froai aotvaUty able attoaUoa. ^ke ocdlBaaae
below le a llel ottto baylap aad aall i(iat s ttaiplaUarB
vnttretetar whU »ut BMkoerM lofalltiy. toataaet wao dafanad.
^ortdae a eloaed eaaaoa tor bieycltota.
Tto aeoeedoo tto oaloedar. Uat of to far ao Ue Me ol Ue oldewalke are
Uo PaeplatoAaon Hiwklaceatto eoBceraed. will ba la affect oa aad after •'•eOily;
lOae lowwtoaledpUttorB e
vv> x/iauuiiM II I I
ebarpoof Mfaay. wao oollo proo'od,
aad Ue board
«to «Ur BorMtoW hoU O snol
boTlM appoo rod ttot at tto Uat el bk aeUoa lowardo
ywUrdBT Is U* aOBBdl reoM. to i
Aptrtarrlaro. *to wowoa bo Barriod MeyeU paUe. aeaordlapu laetracUoat
MfB to BBttoaltr iB tbo aao
eaaarll laat aaWae. The
badaaeUorbBobaad. Bobao.apatlt
WUitotkOTBrtOBioBnbaftboelVwill baUwIth proat tatitloa BIBoof Uo ebaooory pro aoafooao
tktf MBO Is OMiBB BbOBt t>f» bOBIB
faetioa aay moTOBaat la Uli dlreatioB
oaorttortto aaaatlrtoatof Ulo
amviac (or U« miHiBMit of Uo
aad Ue beard will bUc aa eSert u
yrytr la Uo eltr at iu BclBBl
a Ua forc*y eaataralaat Bd B|m
the olreoloee t.______ ______
j obape, (Sice eaU...........
BBiM to tko aeolsr ynr.
t Ue welk
walks derlap
eaaaated that Uw total tbIbba will at
tlMOftkBBltr wDIbBiBMBBBd
o( ^ BayBTvlBBiB lUBk at I
It will to reaeabered Uat Urtoo

UM. trUU othBfB bellm that than workod la uo eaap ot B.
bMI %B B Btlll fTMtBT iBmTBBl
Tbll BoarLooc Uke. aod ttot bo broafkt^
traaetera. recorded froB Apr. ll w
tfS aok hoMBtr, MSB a croalor tax.
aa order u Hr .Harraa for a
April U, Udeeire. ao reported by O. C.
B«MlB«iTUBBl piaeBBfpRifMrty. tot
laryar Uaa wao dae hla, aod it
Hoffott. proprietor ol Oraad Ttarerec
clalBod Uat bo had raised Uo order. Abatract OBee:
TO Uloboplokdrtillly.
Chao Wbiloferd tn Wa. O.Debaoe.a!
ot-riifu iuTai><>PT).4VxiBai
a. 0 I'xai-nxLL
Ttoro wore Uroo catot oa Uo caloa eoriof lot I. Sec ». T f7 S. R 10 W—,
4aBBBta 01 Ttbbpbm{ Wbtav eld. per ao.........................
mBBlimiMIMBI BlfBBtBdAlbfB Dovd dartfalBOtCloytoe Wart of Waxtord *U0.
Obodioh Arer* aad wife U HieaiWfaeat. per bo. (bow)..................
Btf Wvyrt Dowd rsMBrtBj at ttolr Ooraaia Br ww ebarpad la aaeb
Packard, lot r. Barilaad'e add—Al*'- lOato, Ht-. I, par ba. (e-nrj.........
toMlsSlBlr tOMBhlp. asd kroBTbt wIUtIoUUos of tto Iktaorlaw.
.»! J». IK.™ K o™.!.- !■•...
plaadpallty la tto Aiat raao, aad aokad
tkpBto tto dty. abara ttoj
.... SttofT
.baa. J. Bela, lou 10. 11. elk 3. Perry
UatttooUertwo esaaa be patorer Haanab'e Srd add-AS-U.
^■KfB prBtoTsd by ClacBBea a Taa- ttolara. TbtopaUUoa waa praatod
Baaa SUatoa,
Deo. W. Chaafty
bayaf Orato layld*. wtoowaa load byttoBoart.
■MB Bran, rroa tUi laad It Ib
Afur tto pita ot paUty wao aaUrtd.
eoBU. Puid
LoaM Saadelataa U Fred B.
^MtoBd tbat.tto Dowto, laelBdlBtto- aadafur tto Jo^ bad badalUilo
» OokTU
It U. bik E. Baeaab. Lay *
bHm Albra sad Hoard, ttolr (attor. prloaia ooerarrttloa wlib Uo prloooar.
Wart wao plraa ooorareiapriaud la
EUe A Johawe u Jobe 'i Tatsao.
.10 la. i». blk i. Parry Boaaatak Ut
ttoopoaooart. Jodpa Mayao empbo
Iks BBlBB B< woo. aad tod It
add-AtM •
Mmd at SraoB.
oioed tto tool tbU Uo people boro ■
Lorn .VewboRT UJ M. HaellataaAariat Do«d. tto tettor «(tto two ripbt Uke protoetBd trOB tto baalaeio
.ir uur II
,sitai--K''i. *
tl.lort ‘.I aad to. kb n. a. L. A Co's let
niu«--. ai»il-kl frve.
tMMMna>TBSlsd.wat bM at tom la which Wan U oapapod. except ol
I in* all
al lb- Urr [«-i.uUr mu-;-. »n-l o"
titoattoBbarirwBattohlBi. tot
oaeb timoo ao aro prescribed by low.
Lwaa Newbarry to Alex. P. Hoell»rr thoh a»> oilu-r niaaw
I prir,wntoarrtBtadlaar. BalBltoa
Bo iBWBOd a Abo of AM. tto hob
■aaul. lou T aad #. blk c. fl. L 4 Cot
^WMfaoaaUy oMrletad of m,
la tto cate of tto Art! offoue.
Ortrolt. Mk*.
It add-A*3*
Mv^ttr la kllilac to brottor at
Tklo dispoaod of » erlBleal
Ueoipe Bardy to Fidllla Botdy. s
lb la r-, of • , of aeV. Aae It. Ts?
lllyB.aadltaeoaBtoa ball psad. aad tto clrllcaort were tailed. All bat
Mouo# to S'tockholaorr.
N. B IS W-Asoo
fear bad boaBoeUlod, pal eror tto



6. f. GiuUett,
lEn srum

-=W*mline of Men-b spring and summer
I anti in checks and stri}^—nice (p>oda,(or
up-to-date drcscers. If you wear oants >mu sliouid see ihest-. urSI.Afl S^.OO. $2 ftU

Spring Hats, in all the New Shades and Shapes, at 60c. 76c, $1.
and up to the best hat made for $3 00.

;“Wafeons for Sale

Don't fail to see the Swell Patterns in Shirts.
The Seal Thing tor $100 and $1.26



tmos.wD KNHS IN m:srworkim;



worth up to 50 c«-nis, at




25c and 50c

25c Line

llkKSS AMI IiVi-liVIlAV l.I.i li KS. Ilic, UM; Al J .. Tl i il :.i

J,* I imUT. “ir




Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.

::Fo:Rr R

Blraey J. Horraa W tieerpa E Coer,
s U teau oUar way diapoard o
ide.ewv. otaek.toe at.TnN, BlO
Ttortwaobatoea coat batera Uo
elmUoMn Toaodo', aad alBootUe
Oeorpe E GoorUde to Adas Hiller.
laywaoaput ia Uktap tasti- ewWQfaek.ffbe ». TsTS. B lo \VThe Jory wot oaaaiod la Uo
Boralap. aad Ut eaao wat 0|
W. a PootorferUeplalaUt.
IBB ta all aarta e< tto Oraad Tranna
elrllietlooforfe.ooa. broo^tby Boy

MOfItotBttottar totob
■a»ai«iBbM7*n*aria(a art,
wtoafe wtUtoflllad ollb roadpraeUsal
to dlniBHki
Taa ip«toBn

ttaad aotblsc

tto BBBBtlv trill cira a
Mb H. BloMbWd el B«j Oty. of
to«B BtoBrtBMt lanad baiUlac Ia
Bay BBtoty irill to bara; A. B. PaUatr.
a< BalhMha. «DI sptak apoa tto teaeto Aaritad tro« ttoOeaaty Koad 8ya•to; ^aak F. katart. altU aarlBaar. a
•naltoi raad baUdar aad aditor of tto
•toad Makar.- wiu addraai tto eeaawHoB. Maato aaatca aad raoeral'ttiadtoriaa wOl tU ap tto day.
.TtoBawaeaAtatooiU to

Farts D. BartoaU. aa old ptoa
ttoaaaaty. dlad Batarday Blvhi-At tba
tomad Hvb Preaty. aeatb <d tto
ai^.atttoBta ofaryaara. Batrata
taatoto.aad Uaad aloaa aa a UtUa
tort aaia Ua Uat lUatrt. Ai
tort Mao Yerk aad a btothar_____
Pariliad. Hlak.. aMaadad tto laasal

OoUri4 by bit akxt triaad. Jobs
VoBlab. T> Uo. Wolli-airBaa fio-. for.
W. O. Foote aad wife to F. H. aad
lajaiieoraaeirad while worklapU Uo H. Book pan lot I. blk S. Boaaab.
Ltr A Cot TU add—A600.
beokot factory.
' bortoa H. iitoBO to Sarah Staaac.
Tto leoilBuy ta -tto oase fv Uo
1 aad 2. blk i Baaaab. Lay i CVo
plolaUA wat Uat Boy IQoUrU
werklapU th« baekat faetory, at Uo;
aeptalaaBttrtelal to Alfred La
»oe. w s of lots, blk S. Trarera.
apeof a llUlolrte
had parmkeloa froB bit paardlaa U! Wly—A4.I0T M).
iMda of Uo balldlar. bat wiu- J. U Delbrldoaad wlleto Bbbb Bar
S aad » blk 4T lourloeheo—Art.
oat bU eoaUat had to«a pirea a |
tloB of ptaater .daapw laelda
laotcicy. Tbll Ua plalaUAi elalw
'orraalod, aad aa act of aapllpaeea
I Alexaadar aad wife to Jacob Ool
oaa. let* u aad u blk tl Baaaab. Lay
oa Ua port of Ua
A Oek loUadd-Ai.ooa,
le Ito Bontiv •» »hieb tto aoCbaa B. CoTOll to OauBol Belett. w
dooi oeeored. }t la teaUbed ttot S of aw k toe 13 T U K B 10 W—AtOO.
aaUrlo eanpUlaod ot feeUap ^
*Cb«a J; Atoplaa. Waatod to DaeUI
aUedUto allowed U po boaa.
of aw V aoe »* T 33 K R 9
rafaaod.wadteldu tUek It
aaa to Ida B. Babaeek.
Its a
Uk 4 Baaaab. Lay A Co'a
no tiBo after. Ua faroBaa.a mao
It add—A9M.
by the aiW9 of Monte, treat trow Ua
RiabardB. SUioaaadwIfoto Tbom aed to Rakertna. a t, of aw k art ss T 36
wbtla ha waa pgea.',ua boy. U |la eald. .VRIOW-Al.
ursad dlity. and U
baba OB a aaw Uat
aad tto rteabar waa eat oA at tto od a
beaeklaa Tfcatoy aaye he baa ao ' Raaolaad. That I_____
No. e<U baa Uoroby loat o e of iu beat
roeoUeetlOBor kaowlodre ao U) Joit
laawboMlUe waa wiutowUeaeddaat oeearrod. aad it it
aad that wo. aa a body.
ader ov ayapatby
lUy to tto laaUy
laal’-----< '
elalBad Uat tto boy wao aot vraed
• daoraaed. aad Uat •• will cn
told bit aterllaf riruaa la affoettoelotto eaoe fw Uo deleaaa. It-li
RtooWed. That ear UarUr be diap
aWaad Uat tbo boy appllod for the
a le fall beaor tor UIrty daya aad
paalUea hlatolf. aad did act aellty aU
Uat a copy ot Itou ttoolatioaa bo eolU. Uat tto doapar waa potaat U ergaad la Uo Bkaolto of Uia Uraare.
aayeboerrer. a^Uit Ue boy hoe.
a copy prtoootad toUe foally of Ue
aad alw poblUbto la Uo
tto doapar wtIL Uat to bad doM .Ue
____ work la erkieh bwwae oapatad at
Ue Ubo ol tfaracetdoBi tor o^ dayo.
Tribaio to Mtltos Woodrow


Several hundred acres of valuable farming!
land, part timber and part under cultivation; i Jv
wen watered, good .oil ^d desirable tor
potatoes, gram; orgraaaland; well located for
conTonionco of markoto. echoole, etc ; good|
roado and ail the oonvonioncee of an old aet-jj;!^-------------------Ued oonntry. Will be .old in twenty-acre lot. F«.V,-=rV.t riint S;:
or larger for caeh or on any length ol time do
.... .
-Inquire at Traverse City of


H. D. CAMPBELL.|||g|gg
You •honldbuF y«ar footwBBr b«re fs
baoBOBff roB get «1ib Tery b««t tbBt cen
ba bought for tba mooay,

We have a big line of Hen's Bellows Tongrue
Work Shoes that range in price from
$1.60 to $6.00,.
Hisses' School Shoes 76c and $100.
Hen's Plow Shoes, lace or congress, $1.16.
XbiaistbaplBoetobayyoartS.OOSboaa. Wa cao
BAwe yon mosay on all kinda of footwaar.



Olty and fan property. 1-3 oaah. balaaea oa tlma. Small
paymanta, with intaraat at 6 per oanL Baa
partial Uat below If yea want a bar^fa. oall aad aaa me.


toBaath DaMoMat ytarrioyrtoi.- 4W0A. raUlloo-eloek Ue aoUoe
teaddlpbtbarla. tto rortalaa wara wUrupaed. wtoa U was orarralad aad
tatoa to Maareo Orttar tor iatarmtat. Ue ceec allowad u po to Ue )ary.
44)'acre« 2i rtilto bnm city on Poiii
TkearpaBoat aa Ue lacU was
■pM^itort VO- 188-$S,800.
Mia dote Pony of WtUlaaabarc. aa
main mad: i.’<»l«n>I« Orel
Uaed oBtll 1 o-oleu: by Boa. W. B. ,BB* Al Ototeito itoi.dMfartdtat at tto aoaaty, diad iiotar
Poeur lor Uo plalaUS aad J. li. Bar­
«Val*toataaf 7» yaart Bar hao
rie aed tl 8 PrtU ter-Itto dafoaaa.
kaadtoabaaadrtdtota tow.eatba
r^toSwTrtSid'aeatak^ aTw* So. iS—S!mO
Store baOdine and 50-foot lot. Ro. 511 rnioo
DrtBMad wat tto rtolbar at W. 4.
......................................... ................. with boildiuR; Rood
■aartoCtaa af tbbcity- TtotBaaral
MnitoAD^toyeTIt^ abMti
bakert- baxintoa. Ooe-Uird coh. babace on time to Awit
eaanaereialUBet. bet ap 10 ____
oeleeh''Ucy bad set apraed. uaadlv
au10 to t. aed they were tall by the eoart
— — • ...Itoua. I
farUaalcbt. wlU laaMeUeat U Uv POtouaur- “Mf-Wbll—■ »q»w: i.
haowlaa toaa«.aad Uat ttva U a'

^ _



4tUt«s tto imf •

14 diflErenl slfles li soft sales. D to 4.
See our New Red Line-Lace, Button and
Oxfords-Also a new Red Moccasin
at 35 and 40 cents.
InfanuSboaa-l.V^.iT.atid^t. InfacU tfoccatina
— 2.» and up
Cbilda' N-, H^fl Shont—.Tl, PI. .V), rip ,,*,1
Hpriiii; Rewl K!in,-a -PY 5Q. (Hi and T.V


.Mim.. Sliom-'.kl,-, 11 CM. »1 i*. ...lUl-V)
tfcbiiol Sh<rrni—;.V and np <<•

Wells'Mastiff Shoes, Mayers'School Shoes.

J. B. Lewis 8di Calf link

Frank Friedrich
Tba'Old BaHubla Shoe Mas

We Have Moved.

Nee Store. 242 Froot Street


Utoy. Ito lataat taa al Hr. aad Mia.
«aaaiaOa«toaUetlUrt.dlad Saaday
at ta* Wtoals atraal. vhars Mia.
flbrtafctP la aiaylat tor tor baaltk. aad bad doao it wltkoal difflsalW- It
MUua Woodrow waf bora la HeIto Uttla am oat barlad yaal
rorradUatbewaoearelrtoly wateb- UUUrtry. Chaada. Joly-ll. im, aad
te Oalhrcad aartatsy.
MvUa at Ue Ubo. aad lAadrort dUd Marea ». laoo.
- aoj^^w^Lol^^.^lU,wlUbU
OBtiy dropped bit axed oa Ua rtw
^Ma. 4|kaa Qarh AM vary BBddaa
ty yaartrday rtotalac at tto borne of
After Ue taaUBoay wao all la. a
■>. aad Mia. Joba Barnaaaof d
WWoworktv to a^to^^fa»
Boto U take Ue
leeaac frort Ua Jary
atoakrtbaraatobatratidad tor
. which itoalUd U a vorr ttotn
tlaa. BartoalUMatvypaw.otilar aod order o rerd let lor tto dafetoaat
.1 atade by Ubdakvo. aad arpaed
el plMirty.
Baloro be waa
toadtaaaadaca. Abeai a o’eloeh la
•f ll eoMBupUto had laid iu
ttortaralar *to.rra. baardleratap
tort bar bad aad atboat aa toarlatar
torttWart body oat foaad la bar abalr.
la BO way roopoaaiblo
ttoaaFtan: Tto two aotad rt Uk for H.
Bkwaaa brufbl aad toppy ’
Tto rtoUea wat aat acted apoa
ato>9 ia iMt aad ratidad tor ytan aa
tto arpoBoai ii aol yol aowladad.
SSJJtoSSi iad*‘frtto*bu^i3aS tou!*®- leS-eOaoraa.—$1,500 12 Bilaa ffom dtr o«r Williamabanr
Fnuie buildiiig. abuot 30acreaiaiprDr«<d: good itoil: mil water,
The acxl rtoe <B Ue ckloadar.wUU of deabu ^ faara aoBoaralv Uo
woridtoaorta Baiald: -Idoa-tbwi
ed; rar/mcemoatly lerel.
rill doabtlot be reaefaed today, it tto
13mWI™mcilr...itV.b. P. O
■oBpolt appool COM of temias U
I imprured. frame boildiaga. orchard.
W«U watei
Browa Tl BtekSi
U llfo bayoM.I rtad to bis
alartato treabla Tto taaaral trill bo
---------- ■—--------------iTBlioaia,
.Buil, ^rel
loam, aarfaoe,
moatlyl^eL ^
to acbo^ ami
tto proBieu
eoatataad ..
la Is
todtmtbo Oodaroebool boartthio
Joba 3 aad Ui Btu lo. aadoi
~ alai
atlrt^ of cily.
Aboat »i> aerw
Ito qoialkii of Uo boUmi u
moatly laval:
iavel: ooil, mndy loan. Log booae.
tort, tto to yaai oU daatbtor
rtke tto eoeo ol Boy OeUrle n Wolli- iuiUtod Ito Bible waaQsdb'book. Be<
rroadUy.-No.'uad eaa-t Ue.:
One-third caU. tMlaace in unoal
■n. Mark Hoaioa. dlad at bar bo.
'SiprtOBa Co tros Uo joiy woe ep for

--- ... M'Jcb'^i. wi^ to pamS^ ?,u i
aaiMptoawakaa la Ue (toy ot Ua;

Shoes For The Baby!



40 noto in>.................... ioodrtdlstoi-



Don’t “Send Away!”
UR imineBBe stock of beautiful WALL PAPKR
and <^r LOW PRICKS for elegant gooda and
' styles are pleasing the petip^ mire and more
every day. Still the "ageots" for Chicago job­
bing houses get in their wcu-k occasionally and peo*
pie pay just twice what we charge for the jnper and
three times for the border. A lady jnst informed ns
today that she bought of an "agent" and when the
goods came the pric? was just twice what she ex­
pected to pay. and more than twice a* mnefa as -we
asked her for the same quality. You nerer get left
af the "Old Reliable "

--- aClTYx^

HOUiT-IEfCHEII CO., 5o|rieto(s.
Sale of Sute Tax Land*.

u« rr-tmti Z^mjx fK. mU I. MU. M K Ur Pi*.

. iSji'S'sns'?t*t2r

njfztss: -"srs-irsi.jsrs

, ^ ; X-Kia> (rtiM.. uo 1 1’vwrm au. UM. aM

OKAMPTBaTMn Mbaar.n, A>Bil.’ila, tape

State Bank.

Haa D. C Laack. wko art
N «tal*t vilk tbalr ^U■Hik. D*tafi
na ta -B^f^Md. Mo.. eaUbtmkad
ttaw *U ka UMdal UMttMla
Idlac aoBlaafiarf
to Ik* Mrt—Un» at • «Mt> Taatotef ARril K. aad Maadt
iBvftatteM to aXtewS
'iMUr •iaale- lakMsrat U« aaamt.
rtaaotaj •tMnsja Mr. r<*< Bwb*
MUiaUrkadHIn Klur OonhM*( MttebMlnadk* JMMariw. WbQ<
Wte OrMk, wan «wtM hf B«*.

MaUacofihttranraaattba BaaIMtehaiab «a* bdd TaatdM «<
iatka ofkarof B. W. B*aUa«*.
fdartarik* Um
^«kwy. Stan th* faewry otartod -p
i^eOBtiaay bn had nor* ndara tba^
caaafk.aad it oat daeUad la boU tk» they eatad sn proparty amt men nam
■aatlact la lodM’ Llbcair tall,
tad addad taetaiin an dataaodid«M oSatad at;* vary laateoabl* •
Tb* fanory wur be ealarcad bp *a
It feet o* tb*
b*<kiDC »U1 bar& abaattta Bnloi
aboat St
id atom caocraiab May. aad wlQ bt patafd m that M be balltoa Ita wni aid* of' tb* Mta
da Waaa tbarfudilitaiartM.
f. Hoc* Baiiblaary will be adtbpcapaeivef ita ptaat wOl
Cwtij iMfR.tjki«teaMM WMkIaiThea-bsltaoa hat a laicafaraa of ^•lad. tb* taildlar •Ul leak Uka acw
!«•«. Satwkl aaa leeoa «U1 M balalan aad eoRar baafan at wort oa
MaarL LA. Moota
eeBpaay ooly b*cu baalaM ia
. MM of Ik* >*M«t aam *ni b* th*ShiltoaBoat* aad «kaa tbaffat
•■SaUiBC Aloae Aroaad tba .Werld-Iber. eel ST baata era Circa
throacb with tboir work tba beta]
Chpt. Jathaa Bioeaa.
' eBployacol. Wb*a tba ba
"Tbroacb Vtoa to rortaa*"—Mn.
tb* teree
wbel* booM it bi
btaltd trOB eetltf to garrat aad ertry
rood It balBC daaoaatad wiih attiaeti**
Ripar aad paiak Hi* Mr. Shiltoa’*
paato ba*a ***t7lklac ia dcatelatt
Goaditioa btlort lb* opattac of

•dibo rroaBd.

m ii

O. BoachWa. »bo lira* aaar Kloi al*f. broba hi* l*r afaia ramUf. io tba
a*M Riaaa Ikatll wMbra'arabf aaaa«id*at teat fall. B* «B* aarmffing th*
atain, abae a altp raaaltod la Ue bt aa
b*i^ fraetatad anla.

oretofora the
D Btctey etBMiOtar frot
Ibtaoo MMdar.
Be tiatad
b* Ita bao earried away forty fMt of
tb* dota U tbal plae*. Tba airaetara
wiR probably bt raboUt
tww XU te a
oxirx (ar Ibr
t tb* iMdIac of tb* larfattaaaer
MMaria Ji llar«M«. a: ibr UaaMa M-baO, aa'ii Oi Iwa. aiia.-a k |> a ,
tor lb* ..toruaa at: arlmito. aa* taa —— lillaak

Cifculatio this week 2.250

ssirJL'z:^T ‘"™
aabod IWdar bf iba Mar

llac Or. ***** dtnetad to etU lb*
■Uiprnpeity at MorTkelll*. bat
ily a*tb«r‘K*l
IkpOMtf tb* Bortrac* «• «h* prop-

Lao djloBM bw %rr<*ad ia lb* a»r b«JHwtUI DeVeUaof B a-.B-chthatreet
ftgi* Li<«ol*r. M.. *>tb a eariaad of
Ba .wlthapalafal aoeidMt Thacoday
wbUaatworh la tb* ralcbaa Heoa. a*d BUCoralo.
faeta'rlof Oo.'t ^ory. Oa*
boU 0' AacalU wan lieaaaae w aarrf
docaiB of hk left haed wa. badly
aaaclodbyaMW. Dr.G.roerdi



Iba aaw MW Bill ulOate.A Orotwr
raplaAbC th* om rccMtly beraad. wat

Thrie* i*(iiB* day bprU If. The
traetarUkyaarwatrab.17. loaU
tka Uy *• dayo.
Tkarawm b* a ncalar Baetlaf of
tta K. o< F. thk eroaiac wiib tit oatdual** tor th* drtl raak
Jeeob ranaat of Klocalcy and Carrie
Tooan of tbk eily. were fraated
liaaoH to atarry Thnriday. .

.... . rr,::::s

>e Ooaal of BpbealB’—W. D Bo**HlUlsw Aim Away.


■Tb. Ottar P*lIoW-F. aodklaaOB afraid 10 b* CrceroM The piopnr un
of br K«yV K«e OiMorrry for Cta
.iaclDdlac a eOBoItu oaldtot Saittb,
aaapuoa. Coorb* aad Cold*, tare gi*
a»m faratlar*
■A Haab WoBta'-Fraak SoTTk.
oa away too alUioa* trial bcutln ai
tfactloe of koowiac 1
HrtSarabJ IWIb. wb.«e bora*
of boeekoa ■
iBof tb* Sword BMdt<
tratd Mooday. k qdl:* ill. aad
lia. La (i'inpe aad all
a Leer Di*r»«e arc
> KiafdOB to Ceteay-'-Mary Mreir eon
« * K Wail
HeaowhU*. mm of bar frieof
aod Ja*. I
Roi lerdMtlac bar. aad Chat. A. Elc*Grace Cbareb Eieetioa.'
eoB* h*t b*M aroaad with a

Worh wa* becaa Satatdaf a
COM ooara*. wbiet k to bi oioch
iaprotad orar latl ytar. Tb* leoarta ttrlptloo. collreUac Otar tiwfortat.
bt Ubrtkaaad by aboti ho Be ha* atiU sore proBoed. aad It
wUipfor** creat k1bda«at u> Hra
yardt.aad Iba craaat vUI be
Seitb. who k ia aoe* beed of tb* help
a tkaa latt year.
Mn Brlib k vary rraMfal for tb*
Fred (Maara* baa Mid bU naldaoea kiedaeatibtt ha* beea tbowe b*r by
pMpartyoo But Bichtb atnot
a Barber abebM take* fciiiBtcii.
iwlaclou* Mlarnpble aewt
Hr. Blaarw k traraUac oo tb* road
fora paiaf arsead «U1 aooo «o*a bit elea tacerad by Tba HirvLac Bteord
Manacer Barry of tb* Wetiera I'eira
faatDy to.Oraad Bapida.
oBee will bar* aaoperatrr la tb* ofTbi WoUfBlIWM bookot twlorr Se* aotU I o'clock, eraiy aoraiac. •»
lorMd OR Meodar irlib obeot
that tbo*( detlrlar to tead BtMCM
bMda aai man «U1 bo bddod aoUl tba at blcbt. np to that Mae. oaa do ao.
Tbk oew arraaceBeat will be ip

tb* aaaoal parkb sartiac of
' eboreb Moeday e*Mlec tb* followioc eaalry waaalMtod:
Dtriv H D. Taraer. B L
8. Oarlaad. B-* W. Boaed.<
Geo. H Bla*. T. U Saotoo.
Fdllowiac tba parkb BMtlaf,
entry oicaoirtd at foliowa
Wardeai - E L. Spra(
Spear**. '
Saerelaiy aad Tr«atarer — B. C.
taarer-a’report atawad tb*
cbareb to be to esoaUantBpaBClal eeedliioa. haelaa baadlrd caotldarabl*
tbao tl.oM darlBC tb* year.


B*raM CaatBry Coo* Book
A llaiiad aasbre tornl* at ft coat*
Will be Bailed.potiar* paid.oa receipt
of prie* Aodna*
The Heiuui.
riarcca* City, MIcb.


Jobs Smut Wtatad.
TrarefM Clly hat b*e>B< to larce.
Tbe Ua.MiTn.veaaEUM.i.» r*
aad aaeb aa laporuat eoAierclal ed Hooday fms Uiaacow.ScotlaBd. aa i
ecBtar. that tbk eoaeoeleac* will be AdmitaBcat aaklar Ipforsatiae of I
tbe whereaboci. of ooe Joba bBilb.l
forBcrlr a cibioet Biker asf apbilae«llBC of ibe dlreelort
■0 the emaloy of tb. BaPBab A ’
of tbeTrarcrteClly Ur.rioc Attoeiatioa
L.y Hcreactile Co. SbIU »cb* a rnl- . ^ W
Muaday eeeciac to take tt>p* to IB'
dcot of tbk eiiy Bp toBboBt)->«i
Be SorplB
tkecraaod* of tb* ataoelailo-.
lefitaere font* oorthwaat tartitary. i
forsarly kaowo a* tb* fairrroaadt
aatMcqacoUy liTiof at tminal Wia-i
Vartae* aatten wm d keened for
a.par. Maoltab*. Alberta aad other
the beoeBt *f tb*
orcte rt-Jo,.
rtUo.i aed
be ocriB
iota, law roior UABitrall*'. Tbr
keead by blci
lied to tpead »7oa
of th. traek. fuee. aed rroaada
iB.Ulag ta
orally, ta otaa. tbea la better ebape
for oeelatar Is tbeecaeoe. oikcr plant
for Ibe *0.100 will or c-iailoercd later.
leoi waa a cboGi oa a Lsadoo baeb
or • ahilliaga
Yesterday afterooea Mr*. J. W. Mil
Tbe wifp aad f*B|1y of Mr Sni
tlkea wac reaponible tor a Jolly port'
! SilKi DdpHll BdM
Irrd cere aoiac tiBe a'lsr bi* depai
etjoyed by forty-olrbt happy IIUI,
re aod tbea BO.M u Caiaago. .
fo b* of her kloderrartaa claar of the


Our SaTlugs Departmeul

rr.rp:o::i'^t —

Ataapa*iaiBw*^l uncOowpaay
a } ThbtadM airbt ii wo* decided to
gle* tbeir UBpalballoe Friday. April
mh ta tbe Cwy Opera Hooe*. Ttaia
ibroorhf hoM
A yoonr auir*
araat k oaa of tba
bow Florida by Ifn.J W. Tnek. 8ta
eaaI*oelal*S<ir*of tbeelty aad tbk
wUlBak*ap*t of tbareptUa.
year it arUl ba tally a* aoj ryablc M. la*
OamaltaBm baee atartad-a bight pMtyaaiaM
ta*h. which will b* drlcM by E*bcrt
TracarMCliy Teo^'u «ti EOT
HUIar. Tba cfB la wUl b* at lha BoW
H. wlllttaeaa aotartalaBMt F-iday
Hbittaraeaalar. Ladle* of Asaada Blca will
Hawa bM beaa rcoelnd by He. aad fgTAkhbOn which will be Mid
Hn TboBB* Fartaeta of Tie* airMi aactlM. Tbe proceadawIII-b* forth.
eftbedaatbol Mr*. Faruoak aktar. ta bsMli of AotaBda air. L O. T. H.
, Haw Ynh.
Baeb lady k rcqaeildl ta brtar a box

li Ml tU iiry iff Mit

Mki MrolgoBfry will.mploy at Arit iu llii* rvi-uiltif

Fur aalv al

ooe SBktaBt and a bout, keeper. Latar

XJiriie S-fcoo?e-

Tb. Y inar Peop.ak e.rei.Un of I

j Q JahaaoB'a aMta.oe*.
Ctarfla Vaa Krockhoi wtf* and tbroa ranitadtalbahraaklBCof a hre* IP
Woric wa. bagao F'Iday oo a dor
talldroA lafi yntarday la* Tteaaa. oa* of faU a^a Max wa* playlag
for J*BC«U. Jobanr,
WMb.. wtaro they will aata tboir with two MBradB wbM laa Mlikioa
bateli wlthbkaita oodar biB. Tb*
rru.r of Sixth aad Wsdtworib
MaaltwaaafrMUr* hear the a'bow,
Tb. balldlag k ta be a btad
r.B Petal* baa r*B read froa Kala
whlta Dr. A. B- Bolli^F ><*d ap aft
e. facing Sixth ataeet. Tb.
---------- ta tbk city, wbara ba will laMda erward.__________
plsM war* drawn by F E Moor., aad
la Ibe fatare. Ha k a aakaaaa fe* a
A qaiat bet any baopy Barriarb
hardware boM.
rasoMt It will coat abaci bitiM
Ttadeebofta* I
Tba bolldieg will be ercctadaodn
o opaata Satar- ,
•dby It*. tbe eapenkioe of Ooataactar A. E
Bay <er*a«Mfr*lrht InaUeeictao^Wilat K WrigbL ThapriMlpal
tta-bty aed 'ake.
Warr o B.
Moon aad <Uk* Alin
Draib of Llttie tUekard CochliD
EiataboUel tbk city. Th. eoaple
Bkaaa tuaip ud
Late Tbarilay elgbt a Mlagraa wa«
wUl mid. oa State .tml ta.iqt
Bhartn. both of Kayttav.
raeolrad byC.i. Eu>r.aaBeecclogtbe
with Mr* Tbnhn Ooarfataiar .d yrawrday by Bn JAB aady at
daatbal Milford UMo.of BIchard. tb.
ilea* will b* axieadad by a larfa aeaoaW.
hk raaldMC 01
tbcM yaar old aoa of Bn. aad M'. I>
bnollriaada. .
Thr o.w. wat brokee a*
aarcy for tb. gaotly a* poialbVtatb. father of tb.
rradtarellbt cnrl ho*** yard
boy. who wat o*.rc me with grief.
aad. Jiatanlay by Cliy
Tbedntta wat my aadl.c. a* it wa.
liorlbrop lor tta
a aa b«Ud- Bot keowe to the father that b. wat
log* aad grooBd. of th* board of in. Hr. Cdcblio left for Miltjfd Satar
ti B Foatar. for Boay yean a prosaaearritor*. TbaaaU will com Itob day oo tbe 11 o'eloclrO B A I train.
iaaattarB*ratO*ku, hb* Bated ta
Hra. Qoeblta baa be«e for tOBe Hb.
Abkeliy U mid.. parBaaeoily. 8.
tbaBaptktehanb. tro« tbe Pmby .itlUogber tatbar. C. L Umae at
t piMBta bOB. OB
Mriaa ehateb lot aa> frea samdrari M Iford. wb«r« tba daatfa at tbe boHtabAbaniMi.
lotaibataralotalBpmad oa Wa*h1. .
Baa. J. A Bread/ parfe^nad tb. logtaactaMt.
A TambI* Aootaaat
aariBOpy Sataay neatar thtk aaUed
B. B. Barber wa* arpaget In frow
OanC* A OiU aad Mta Hna O^ood.
Sum'. MW Bill, located wnt of
B. K Moble'la Ibree pooltioot’ata
Orawp. Ttaoraday aigbt.wlU a terribly
tbayacafcrMtaat ts e*PM Mck

The rcnptlee at tb. Ladia.' Library
Saarday a twaoea wa* a cry aaaoanlalwdpiaaaaat -fti r. Ta. pralty Fr Baoar. Father 7. wa was
Ubniy reoan wrra brirbt with Rm aar faubtalaadefiritat of tb. sk
alasarin of hk ebarab anoag lb. la
It whiabe Am aed nadw
laq.arurof a eaataryaee. Hr
■ead. Tb* aoelal tratana
_iOMtad at Battaoabay tad bad
laatad.aad to Baeb wa*
abargo of a large abar* of lb.
daea* dgUa
a taljyad that It «U1 Soabl. Fartof thaatata Bit ardaei
BahaSawp bk boallb'aad
HaA '

' xbVW be bbe ‘BaT^ain 6\iiportv«v\.\.® Vbe season. '3VVV
■BtoVotv £,obs awd Short Srvdis
m eoeT® iicvartmivi.


Carbolineum Avenarius

-r.abyt.riaa yoaag people io tb. Ion
aattaibed la tbrlr eboreb drr. aad
tbk feeltag will dad praelleal expra
aioa lo a eorial to be held at tba boarr
of tb. Mken Audema. *(H Wrei
Sn.etb a'.rni FrMty ereoiaff>
do. progruB. cooeittiag of aoelc.
reeitatloBt aod abort talha by tbe
rarkra* auion will be gica aed light
rafmbBMta will be eerted. Thn.
bat’a free will
sSeriag will be tebcB. A eoraial laqaattadcpokaold foar llekata yaaurLIUl. Hak tfaUcr, acpbew of Her
yitatioak axtadad. netooty to tb.
AaylarttaitlaBtlepaMlaad om for
laa HyBaa. aaCerad a patatol acci'
yooag people, bot ta ail latamtad.
daal SalBcday atucaaoB wbleb re-


Yzv Zzx^\.

Protect Your Chickens

■arrlar* ••**«•* Kttardar.

1 noe.a Dm gala a royalty of iOc
B. 0 Wood aod Otas*
Haabaraol MePberaoa Pott win
ta Uy for Ik. tin, wb * tbar
k^hSlpU tbaeaBtebartaa at tba
Bail Ul<aaa»>a oa th* tar SaBnaa O. AH- aacaapBUitlB Cbkago tbk
Hr. WoH. wbe wn loran-ly earlb*.' aaaB*Faa8 H k axpectad that Uee>
artbeAUnH Oil. walMtiB a *1b- Daa«rUl mlfb* eoMiderabl* «e«i*y
llar eapacUy. while
frea tba mW
hk pletem ta tbe ci' SrcBU am the boat.

iVtv mmeivse sticcesb.
i\ Vvas
\i& m\\v & hi® \iA
”R.6mTvan\s atidi S'\.n®Ve '^ess
Yatteras as one 0^ \\\c tcsuWs.
"VDe aro 5o\tv® \o C,Vost \Vie
\D\ioVe Aol a\

That TtnUpf laodach*
Woaid qaickly learc yuu. if roa seed
Dr. K<Of'• Sew Life Pill. Tbonasd* ,
ofauffrevn bare prored tbeir antek I
Icaa a«Hl tor Sick aad S'crroii* Haad I
They nakc prre h ood aao '
baud spyaarbealib
Boaey back it Bot cured Sola oy d K
Waiiaad Ja. I) Jobotoe. li u««>.t

CoanecatioDal Saoday acbool
Elba aad Wiaifrod Allee 1
ao Baaier party and tbe anpoiolBCDla
were appropriate for tbe EaaierUd* let: yratetday for l.Ittagatoo.Hoataoa.
to bar* appeared b*e« tb* mb.
fBtlcal. Hr*. Ifilllkep bad preoand
toeaaealallot bar
cat* little OMU Bade of 'colored tiaoe*
Hlebicaa daiaa.oa aeeooUofa propaper and la eaeb w*. depoeited •errloncadllloet*.
al OrcUy mile eaady rgpa. Tbe jnecBile* epebt tb. afiemeoa lojiyou*
nac* etraaoay Tberaday that aolud r.Ba* aod were treated to laelta quuteeaplawbo at* paat tbalr yoatbfal lltin
n aod cake.
dayb: Tb* happy «alr are Hr. Pater
Fmiu rhi<-kco lift- and vcmiin by ijirtn*: a
it totlie ineidf uf your
A sew boapltal hat beao opo^ai la
8 Briekarbofrof K k Bapidt. aged 70
ciiii-kr-u Vixip <if
■.aadHra- AdalietTMler of tbk tbe Uaaota midopce. tan Eawood
IB* by Mk* Hny Hootromery. a
city, ac*d W yean
rradBate of th. Stat* Hotpltal.
Joba Beypold* b*i with a eacy pale- Boobntar. K. V.. aad a ooree of Baeb
fal aecidaat at Tkrar'a b II at
®“'‘* j aipariaoe^ Tb* boaae ba* beco reThanday. by which bit haad
w* I BOdeIrd,Sited with as nptrtt.n* tthle
ribly Baorlad- Ba wa* hroarbi to-„d wiU taakc a .cry cocfortable
CW11 Uir walls atiil Most*, tbtm Hpjily «nr or
...inns, tilliuif fhe
city aad Dr. Oaroar dmaed lb* ,or the taralid. Hi. .InttH oa tba
frai kn Wr-Il willi iL. MUu-. It sliuuld be Bjiiilird 11 iiic luoniiui;, ib'-o
ibjerad MaBbar. It k BM thoarbl bay ahore. aod ha* oEcrllant fa-lilUn
that be Will '«
for tb' ace >aiai Madioo of tb* alc'u. cion- ibe I'liop lor a slioTt timf. Tbe olii- kxis cat IkS'UJlJ lli.-ir r-aip

OeoegaA Gill of Blaaeilla tad Nora
Drayeoad of tbw city wan craatad a


trqatB*BL The tr Jared Baa wat ukra
tea* oSo* of D-. Martin where ih.
neeeoMry operatloo w*. perfora*d
Barber wa* at work el.aoiag ap taai
piAUoaofibc ^il where a* edger
yLa loMtad aad by aoa* acc'deai be
'WM arowa againet tb* mw
frigbttcl moUa. Bk right am- wm
coBplately aemed below tb* elbow.
Whaa D.-a. Mania aod Eraaa *xaa
iaad tb* lajurcd a.mber It .was foaod
that bMtda* Mtag eat off *b>low tb*
•Ibow a* era wm brekea -abo*e tbe
J ilat Tb* aatare of a* tractara wm
aaeb e* ta aacBtitata tb* ainputatloa
r tb* era aad tb
tka lajtay wnt


The Harvest Always Follows
The Planting Time.....


So we say to the Farmers be preparedTor both.



lim- of linr sli.«a.


rnablfP ceUiuell
tfuoil ri-linliU- —
vrll mad* footvrer at tti* old

nndtlial is what
Wr arr doioL' no sdTSnosln
prlcop hers.


rv..ry widrit^


■\ \ 7>: WKkt NEVER BETTER PREPARHl) to fill every- want of the
Y \
^farmer, and as tisukl present for your inspection the greatest line of
F.ARM M.VCHINERV eierdisplayedr .\i.the head stands the Joae.
Lever Bindei4the simplest and most perfect harv.estiag machine io the world. Act­
ual orders received at the factory so far this year call for 8S per cent, more machines
lhan we-e i.^oq. We al*ohave the Jones Chain Mower, Thomas Horse Rake.'
the Flano Horse Rake, the'celrbrated Ohver Chilled Plow, Floating and Wheeled
Harrows, Field Cultivators, and no ^re in Northern Mich^an carries a more com­
plete stock of small implements and tt>oU.

Bwi'U apriiie uliapi-e -prii-f
lovi-npd. ijiiality rajai-U—
ev'iTy detail prrftK-t—B2

We believe what- is worth doing at all is worth doing well, and have placed
. on sale an «omnus stock of open and covered

Salamaodfr *b<w>*. lar* nr
couririsB, coin or wi.i.f—KriBi

Satin ml! abopa. orv coin
to-a. tace—bard to -brat
lor ibc price...............tl86



;Lac* or button. «]] aolid
leather. ppriB^' herU.• per



These are the finest product of the great factories. We want as early call,
for with our past experience we'r^fully conrinced ooe look srill mean a porchase.

Krw ahapt*. veil made—
Ibrr fit tcood. look iforid



mmp. A>«a« u. itoo.
MMi XOi W Iba

Grand Traverse Begion.

MM •» Hr.

_i.aJ. OaVrla «WM* t«MMa
rlHlad Tiaratw 0i«


Bara.MHr.aBiHiB. H««y»aarw,
a kah7 flrt.


WiUlaa BiaiW h jrrtttmc arary-

a. B. ^ iImM ptaiMc • «V1


r««t BnMtiMi taOy tor* ■
. 10 Hr. •>< Ml*. HelMo.
M_ P. B no

lacola Bovbara. irUek> ha
fc«ciai»y aeoa.

Hra. BMkar4t aad taaBly rWlad
rlth km yarMla. Mr. aa4 Hra. Umb.
Saadi .
rs. bOu «iu mn *-• UM >Ui
laar Olaaea la drMar Ua Mhar-a


Hr. Burmad teaUr aeroa late tv
Mr. -----------tea Hr. Wim. «W>

l?“s.ijrtss“ ’
D. H,

Day ha§

Hr. BaaaUhai rapatrad aad
apUaaaU heal la taadlaaa for <
nearly aaaryhedy la baay with epriar

paiabaacd a a

HHt Bertha Blaeba baa rateraad t
rrararaa Oily.
Bar. t *

llaaMt wertby e( aoUaa baepaaad
darlBf the • m. belac th
' **
aa eld lady aaaed
ad H..----------------------HraTWm
baaw etbalap orareae
areae haadrad
- eeold aet reId. botec
bar BOW aiaeh aon
itly abe baa bad
d all
a the eara of a
tdealy with the adea el oold weather did ah* aeeeaab

M twaaty awe taraad eat aad eat
^ Hr^ /.Uawnaap lahl Wad- e'ea^ oeye'laey. where atMy el h
lelatlrae bare prreaded ba.
Hr. Lawli-paepia are aHlUat friaad. MardBMUarai Lelhad.
leradod the
dlawpaai - { ihU^aiaea aUaadad
aa at Hoaroe Oaaiai wealap. te raalad hla e( ^ ItrOelh
MTl a rary plaawai


ealeyedhyall praaeah



Itbafl* viba aaUraaye- P^ue
MB. feia aawUB aad riper lab>^
weak. aBUy. raadm aa^B wm£
Walt aad

------ •

Derw. ■ B

__________ _______ whUa drlrlac'ieri«.n
___Jeacpa iBrleh. by a tneUoa etieM:
betea. Uriah diariayod plaeb. bat
aealdaotwBalartba trlrbtaaad aalB
al. HlBPalMT-------eftba breta^aad

„„ _ » p „
ererlarcM^r trrw roar
Itoa tea

B.P. FalUrotU
.llTFr FeliivTWtartay,

Jata May BnaUlhe'trtaada bate loi

^ res acll

** *'“'*F*’

•a. Browa apeat tha^t
o«a HaahpaetatowoA^tBlhBhpJeUbaaouBar.
Hra Dr«aader apeat Saaday wl
bv^raata Ur aad Hn. J. Bal^-

>:;H»lrDlFriBkef Berth MQloa ala
^hardaafhlor. Hra Will Oaa. Hea.

0 . B.


Bale <

III of K..
HanHaad ^a Urdle rialled hare
laattrMOeoj^'bUey tol^laf the toaada-

H''HE2..TH CHXTl |:Y


Hra John UoSBan Beery lU. .


to PlsBTlU^tbe 161-Hre. BolaBara aad Berbepanta
daya at EmUyaka laat week,
t T. Pray B at TrateiW City
ea jary.



.if tb.- - ALPHA " .li^- priiiafl-v
a iOTH OKNTl-KV '-.lU. • 1..... iiii..-

tiri^ntly to ulxIrrrtHCHl tb.- .v .iy.- ai.<!

<•( lb>-

nr» iMv>uw-meoli. Iiks ).'! l» r.-ai u tli.' ii» ii|h


luni of lb.' up-to-dalc «-t> -opHraior.



yarnl t"b.- iwb- of
..imiily Wyoo

obiur. in any of iu sirr».

.■umiBiiaou sill. Nuytliiiiu <■!-' tiMnrHl and
SiUmaD in^oduily lia. jW il.-iiml ii.tli.. n)xn|.- ..f nct-bii.
Wi.-ikI alt

it ataiHii.

iii'b vI.m



far aL-%.- anil

Sa..: iua. lual . aal. n -

'•« i-'f
d |.r.'t mill M
toilLla.-tii.n liial.-B.l >d

SdDdfor-HOlh Cdniury- C*uUogOd. to

BpMinl Sellisg Agent.

Good Harbor. Micb


Before Bu\

SHE US. if you


We are selling out our Small




MOM-V, :

Mrrchandisc ;

Such as V'iuhns. ;

On.,. M. r™,.

112 W«t Front Strt-t.


ibh yonr
I' bon e. yon can jueta- w.-ll fuiui^Ii it i

ii|i all .tli.-,<

m Hii.l have li..- pl.-aaiire ami ■ onif.irl <>f it abii.- yuii ar«- |«yi.ix: b-r il

1 do aji mail ordera.
159 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich.

BaaUnfe■ally HeUo ^ Kk Ba|M apMt
to Traeena Qty yee-


Uadarlaaf. Saaday.
K.Fairbaaka west le Elk Baplde

ppeas7wm. WhitefBeh H

Special Dr; Goods Sale

apaot Saaday

HaaU]« at the Asreh eeery alfhl
ttia soak. liBjcBi larltad.
. MolBWhlHoBlaeBthtakhllat.
' J. BaaMO of Aome hoe taBhod the
MrpaMarwerkoaU P.Fobhbo.

UouU. Md Dj- (tood.. Ml, ..rtl,


f wut to Trarerie

Mr* Pou* Had trea. la Mia of three ir^oae
oaa. two aad three aosod irou. pA^t
ible wood Imadla oae ^ Ireo etart,^
alektJ pUtad. for II N

..................... ..
yeeterday.' .
AdefleU off of the leal Pen Marla^y of MaaeHeaa
eoMt-Waia yoeurday. breaklaf the
ewlleb aad pmU etaae.
Carl Baetlafi weat to Tarerae City
WalUi Olhm H werklag ter L. P. ttolfith.
A. 8. Pray wwt to Alfiee yMlerday

p>UhHra - ' Hr.
Me. eundyh



wb iDkltc c
darebil^ <
,_____________ . allty, dt
workmaaeUp mod low prii
feiBd coiloo maltroi
>tnutch orlBopap.


TUaUoaBadBa baamoae pmee of badroom foreitara. Forlyec/ae dlffcrcalatylcaol
irae Bada:freB ft 'i ap. ’

WmW Pl«ai -nrlh 2«, .1 thi.--lr, prr 121«
• foldBi
bltek. fi

np-toru,,. double
d.nb.. foIA
«e*, DD-UMUte.
invh I
suitable tor akirta,-worth jUc a yd, a

, acTlToxt .


:V< iucb new. up-to-dalo Dreaa O.oda, in ckn-ks and
•tripea, worth 35 and 40r, at lhii> aalc. per yd.
B^Theod^^hB ^tohB

NVw. np-to-daU- Piaida. Mvlnrire akirt patb-ma. worth
to lertiaod. lad..

75c. it 1tUa tale, per yd
Doable fold Ceahtnoroa. *

hliOaod 3.V. at thii aale.

per yard
paaled her to epood a fen
and raUUree of tbat.plaa
The reelral ^oellaf aeld here wm
Ha Hboreofi at UloeBara «at fraadeaeeea A food work waidoc
aad aaay preeloa eoml* worm aeed.
She day iat TModay at d. E. Fiaharh.
The qaanerly meetlaf held Setardar
aad Saadby wee larfaly attaaded and
a food aasberfroBa dBtaoa were
Twaleejalnedihdcharch a
wad hoeh la tear boara last
aad aa was taha la w a
tall Bamtaa.
mr. There will t.
be a
. lew
Hr. Maacr H kBitdlw aa addlUea
laf wlthaaoeai --------------PTlafpartalU
Frod Baatt aad faally hi
BmefromUla Baea.

_ »»Bllla
Hr. Ueaaei and tarnDy of Bardkb
aOte hoea BOred late tbe CBrwa Ubb
par FBAarb Bill.
Oaa BreUmraa drteae a taaey
CtaitaiHUIerhad «ha«islortaa te
lesaaaal Uadriel^ bweaeawbUr
Lat wash ha haafhl aaethm
Ura. a ha ha a aawhad tea afalB.


_ BerkbaadudbBtwoeoa
I to Traeeca Qty to work thB wee.
HBeBw Baaall. who ha baa
emy aBk. B impreelaf.


:t-< inch fine black fiRore.! Hennetla, folly worth L-w, at

N0.44T. Bodmr. Baboaoiy. jual the chair
fwMdIaf. 8alidaak.hBacebbl«raM..beaded
«piadlra.aloal7eBbe«aodbaok. flaBbwl celdaa
oak-oalypon. ycoatylet ot Boelnra.
I>mk!°: ft < la. bifk. t ft

thii nle............................................ .......................................................................... ■»*«

Ssi.chfinebUckBrillim.line. worth .klc. at thi. «de.

Brief la year pietor

a bow pretty
Lie" eoaC
ra aad Maua

aad hare aa •

-Fine rilk mired Crepon. worth »l,sa a. thi. »le. ,»r yd... .S»e

Write lor prlcoa


A bt irSilk, worth from 50 to 75c, at thU mle. per >d..... »4c
A lot of^Veivet and Pl«h. worth 50 «id .iOc. at tfaU aaie.


NeTcittoi. Covert Cloth, at diU^e. per ^.......................................9e
New Uwna. worth 7 and Sc, at thw


per yd...............,....«C


r trimmed with braida.
jeia and Hbho)^

of Ladiea' Mercerized Petticoata, folly _

arrtred bema

Cbm aad Wr
. baa adjM

Fine bUckCrepoD. worth 75c al Ihla ade. per yd.......................48c

A new Une of Pettiooat. to anit everyUdyh p

Hr. Wiaa-e dasUj


3f, fin. figured Mohai^ worth.40vmH thUb^e per ^..ISc

A new Uae of Chad’. Spring J«=keU. np from................................. 9Sc

Walla HRlMed Hilla HIU B a eery

INte** ***’«£l!r'te‘aM


Udiea’ blue aeige tthta. nicely trimiaed, worth UM, «



ThB 8taad B Jett tbe oea for a la
dtalere. The fraBa u aoiui caai biM

per yard..

A lot of Udiea' Mack figured Btdrta. well taUored. worth
m aib aale..........................................»l.»*
-------------------- 98«
Frank Wakaler ad fa«l..
lily .-------------Boerd
thslrawbsaa aear.Kcyalae tela.
~We are (lad to c^acae th^

t Utardaya Ukr


3<) inch gray wool'Covert Cloth. Hortli 30c, at thU «ale


OarllaeofBabyOantarBaadr-eOarto ter
la aawiw eJetyU.
dUtwwal a9Ua

Hrila tm m

Oew fitly

We have the fioert Tine of COrQHES in Michigan.

«V bought the entire itoik

of a bankrupt coocem and emit aeU you cowibea for S5 per twnt lead than U|ev can he
bou^t today.

CoKbea from Sl.ia up

J. W-Slater’s House Furnishing Store,



Guitars. Banjos. Mandolins, etc.

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Furnishing Store


0. W.
Bf la t




,u. ..f pr<f.vt...u in .tvopi

Tbr flc8u.rr>nibu..r wl. .|.av t
iD.-d or

Trr Otala-Oi Tit O

I am still manufacturing EamesB at the
old stand. Whatever your spring wants may
be give me a calL I can saY6 yon mODSy. and
git e you good j^ds. the best in quality, nat­
ty in Style and at very mbderate i>rices.

; IfcBanHahoatkaB

• AU'H.f

«Biiiii.r,ar. llw.rr>

acpora« iK- v-w au.l

during January at gn-at reduciioiiN.




1 nek. Aab Tear Dealer l»> i
btea iritb haralaeeebee
H. E.
The eerrleB were held
Mr. A
ehareb. of wbleb abe wa
Bbled to
larpe eoarafatloB
K- J. Hi
Mr leal taapeela.
1 reB___
Wet Pa!(ht haa ranted Hra Beedb eSoiaUd at Uieaertieee. The reBaiee
• la the Vi
ao-a plaea aad sored to the hoeee laei
incbi a tHaaaaaU Nu L-ouiar
Uaaclc Daa I
Bopeae Packard, who le aaployed
Romrdad aa Bopalaaa
dth the HamUloa
HhBUloa Oetblac
Oetblap Co . rieltet alek lln. aaBenai trea
hto hcethcr Saaday.
a are aaffarlaf from kidoey.
bladder or eric acid tremble, aad harr
Hlet JeateBeeltaiiB ealled ea trieade
daepaliad or retUaf help, yee abesid
reurelar Wad- try Swamp Boot, tba fraal kldaey rrB
rdy. Every reader of tba HKaeLii may
KOT. B Bath praaebad hie Bret eer. :aaaday.
obtain a aaapla bottle free by Bail, ao
Boa ot Iba new eealcreaea year aed
Haelar Waller Baird It afala able
yoa Bey loelit for yoaraelf aed folly
aieeorpaaliedtbe Saaday echeol. yeanallie tbe troth of wbat year trieede
fallow riUitee aay a« rcfwdt
Sopt-Hra Battle Bieabart
dsL SapL—B- S. Packard.
-’a Swamp Boot faae baee
SecV—Hra. Bebaeea Lewla
Tbe Kpworlh Uacae fare
laode who
Hra D. H. Biipht rateraad trea a creaa eoelal Friday areelac
elaiid taifb io tbU <wb<
!B daya' rUtda lyarwee City latt Fri- pareoeare- Toe prooeedt a*itad *9 lu. eot reeoaBaaded for •• . .’Ibinr. bat
aed were eoplird oe the S. S debt If yee bar# bldeey.
..bladder or uric acid
Brlpbt la la Trarerae City ea wbleb. wiib other balp retr.r^l. ^ iroebla It will be f<
foeed jaet tbe reme
; declared paid oo daabeth BOrhlec.
It brieca back tbe ro>y
health and etreeftb; It la a
roial.Blt «
new aupa
elal baein<
Oa Saedar Boraiac the Saadty eeriB-ri ' rebeadcr. mod la a
tbe weak aed alllaf
ilonary prefraB wi» ,
aetaeol Bleelonary
taraM Satorday.
To beceolreetad aaddcelywllb
I. K.
' cenrcb to a eery laryc
Hra. Uttle Dell
Dell rataraed to Maple ad le the H.
dfo that Brifbt'a
A peedly aeabar ot
eee waa, ai oae time, rqoira >
tba frlaoda at Barber Creek droee o
weak* wllb^ra. Chaa. Boniarh.
to btarief a dralh wamot read::
ehlldrea a«|eiil
I atiaod.
Blney Nutaoa of Uka A
bet today, thaoka to tbe dboowrlep of,
and a e
ge rary cradl.
■klaf tor John Rrlehi. ■
eeletMcaod tbe rteearebw of I>r. Ki'.-BOllOKU)$S
eoc M entirely boprieee Erco
babalfol Dieal
IrrlBHabarol iMke Abb baa bin
HIB Hlaaebe Carpenter befaa leaeb thoM Id advaaoed atacca bare brco
> Will Brifbl tor the eeBBor.
.4C lor ibe eprlnf term at the Webeiei raaeeed aad life preloafcd by Sw
• UraeaKlekeaof Oadar Boa n
•cbool yeatarday.
I Ihia treat remedy la peiely refci
Ilia Jteslo Brtybt laat work. 81
i.ll Ul PU(«- I able aad ceeulaa notblaf that eoald
(Ad.mi'.n'.l Certte
bars the seel
meet delicate cbild.
li li
ta aalcbberhood.
pleaeaetto take aad tbe rofnlar fifty
ceet aad oae^ollar eiue arewld by
bead year name aad eddreea t
.aiBcrACe, BiBfbaBt
a eampic battle aad a b.

Floyd JaBaaea bu retenad to Cedar
Tba Udlaa- Aid will awet with Hra.
;d.-,B.,Oai« aeld hh hotel a^t^ WUiebaa ea Wadeaeday.
HadaB Urdu apaat Baelar with bar
a hotel rea, OUrar Uidla. aad lasUy.
Bora to Hr. aad Hra. H. Halfterieb.
HdteHBwUthaaaeeadtea a (arai.
The MUre Ooabe baee been
• tsaMBhaptaallafreatowB.
Hr waU aad aaoa
aew abada




A lanibli Oatbnafc.
__ laBberyard,
laahar yard, ba
laaber' la the DaVriai
aad teU aboet It

1 hie .
d brohearlb aad (oaeral abab.
a»ldbaad.'wrltcaC D UblllotUor
Taaa . bat BaekUa'e Araiei
Mn. Jeaa Ferry, widow e( the Uu
Jobe Perry, peaed away eo daurday Balraaorod bar. Itb araaraataad csrr
am. P
attaraeoa atur a three weeha palelal (orBnrBa. Tetter. Belt RbaoB.
a. Hoeea Ulewa ai
U. Jobaaoa’a




and look over the stock.

'.'.'.nr ■

ifJSfiJTtaileJSay ”*^ ****** **

back in his

to meet his

Some rare bargains, rcsumne ^ro<n thehre.
line of Sewing Machines and

u£l_______ ..



A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelr>' on Hand.- p.

trLmH'’-^WncMUa^I mtZ ',
< «W WH RkV u h»l erwr mm U Or'



frieindsTold and n




Ow t*aaty.Iro ladtel atM4a
badiM did »aatlac at Hra. Wa.
boaa laat Vradaa^.
na W. C. T. V. aaaH lallb Hra. F
B. While
White oa Friday.
wlllbaaWTad. dl! w«
Saethaih DiVrMe haa
roa a aiaia attaek e( paaaa
Hia. Wa. Otea. wh1 hat I
dead to har h<
eat afalo yattrraajFraah Bath haa foae le werh at Bih’


cure, ht ai7 1Front street. «hkh has been

lircd since the fire, and will

taMJ^’^Mrataraad M eora
4keM«a ptow anaad o( Hr.



travpf» Herald
_______*»rU ll-n* «h
•amttmj. wHk
• WiMMaA ot •!«.«•. ha*
Mia^aa» «r tM awrMMT «*
MM km The iBsarvaraM*
«a(tU wpor»U«*> *• ■
MeUraudM)! ftlnklr*
' TketflMter te W S OaiUai. a
wOrcU >MtkM kfat at B‘« MaU.
Tax Ui>UM»tl>atU.eainbM«kMb
hakM laaaaUd i« e->nam*Md aaa
mM« oa th» prvjtrt'lc (orM ariaelpia.
wU^ he dkeoTFrad a«s reart af«. Be
aoMaMud e wOFklBf nodal a ehqrt
Ua« a«o. aad It aae c'*ea a werklat
aaaeat BIsHaU two waM afo. Tba
danaMAttoa waa a eaeam ‘
aLnBtp bat baea <w<etaUT axatelaa
Oeeate Obaaau of Cokafa, abo la
(a ha aha hirb«et aeihorit; ea aarlal
I la Ua woHd. aad ^
Boaaaed byblaa* prae.leal. ae tba
Ureator tt/t. Tba eoapaoj )«i orfulead will. It itaald. balld aa alnb f
aad tie iBwrVw will B/ lhfco»h tba,
airtoUe Harlt


An Aaetrallan Rapabue.
*B'I- U-Waiiar'a-iBlb*,
Mamberof tie Oatiib AaatralAe pe
HamaBi. mat-.d a aaneatloa todap hr
dae.aHat th»^Aa«iralU will her


aaaad ih< AattraUto oDBatcnwaalifa
-Aa'tfalla’a patleaoe It
Uu«tdbtra.''h>e«u9; -weeral^l to

/ ..

the «atiar aeiiaU7, bat ear lofal*}BBit be rx’nattrr Pbe ellrbtaet teyfatOao of aaapahWa will neaa a
rapablle aidalad on Aaerteaa Uaaa
and will t« added to tba ladepei
powtre of the aarM.
_ *


TWO. Mtw Boate Oaioad.
Boc* K>a*. April H-rwj aaw war
eUpe. oodara ia . eery tbapa, wan addad to the Ceikddta'at Aslatie fleet
todae. Tbry wa» fotner bpaa&j
ablpa. tie Itlt da Ca><a aad Dae Jaap
da Aatirie.aaok by Dewayb ^oadrf
attb* bailie of Ban-la bay. Tbey
«m rakad aad repaired at II -sp
Soar. It k prab .b a they will peweacd
latnadiataly to M.nlia.

j' -


Tbe lea at tie lower aad of tie
BMalte of Haahiaaw hat yooa
A. R. OjlUae. far aiae yeaee aipht
aperat -r aad eaeblrr at the Howard
Otp anModepDl. hat b<
atMloo tCVBlal Kiage>ey.
Two raral free deUerry
I TrkoDtba Aoeil f and
aear‘r<ara(3alleBt>allttaatlonta |be.
farver.. Ilarinr the B<at^o dtyt of
tba aerrlot jait elated tba oerriaia bare
baadl-o t.soo plaeetof Baa
JoaeobBdaraf PokMToa. who wat
hiUaa hy a ak« baB there iMt datarday. k eery III fro« tbe affaet of tbe
- etlBfl. Ble faaa and aeak are badl;
awolUa aad It k feard Uoad pakoalBg
ly aaeaa.

Beeeral. phyaldUae b^

The hadyV-a^ hO' ZAwaokee
Wadaeiday bat bees IdeaUfled ae tbv
at John le>a« of KoehelUr. It k
tbaacbtthai he waadarad alBilanly
tatothaemflald and. - baooBitac ai^mvhI. (ell daws aod died- Ha wae
...__________ I.

At tba ntMlBC of the local «. C. T.
. atKalam>too atrpa erara Ukee to
who tall
«r oowi. LtrcaqatBhraadydroptleehlo
Utlaaot tleobolle t
toehUdroBaad ibeltctmai brooyhtto.
paWk Botioe by a BoralBC ptpar.


The Para Maiqaatia imllroad Fi
I eroald ren (roa Ottawa
ba the Paloahay aad
Fata lUrqBaUa So- «. Baktnp altaiaaMTBMdtnr aad will btehkfir for
lit paaaaapar trade. luMad of ealUac
frow Ledlfurton


IhaaodceM Blaeaki iodkoa aad lUlhaU a aasot BcedlBB atlhaOraat
Mvihcra hetrL Chkafo. aod affread to
eaaaUIJ farther the petaeofaefi


l«ar paopic are aaxl U> Bate t>
t Pataas It
m oeld aa.cral bouia* wr > blowadao
aea foet people

BO appeUlr. noBb
qielk. hand
(eat cold all thetlBe.
Use. I I bad
bad go..
Tbe woaeo aemban of the Baal
doetoro. bat aane ef them did me any
wood. Tbroagta the advice of a lady Haditoa AruM Pra>byiariae ebuenh
friend I liepmn the oee of Lydia t •et an example ef aelfdeeml dunday
Boair tune ayo they entered into aa
ofteVt^layciM bottle'J feUpnatly itTeeBen-.toabctaln frjm new Eaaur
relkecd. and by the tlnr 1 had nerd
beeaal* and to devote tbe moacy lo be
eaed for that aarpaae w rakioc the
..............-. —, work epaio. I
poBlnp throBch theeboBceof ebareb debt They hapv their prMlie
.. --------------- --------- .. nh,ip,
aedfll.tuo waaeootribaiadatthc E**ur
Be woBderfnlV. 11
r auffrrinf woBBB to ksow what yov
else hai doer for Be.--W i
f at a eoaferepia
BCLU New Palaetine. Ho.
held Satnrday betwaea repi
"Lydia B. PinkhaB'e VeirrUbla RaaMSB liaukera aad tbe m iiirtry of
CoropuoBd Bred By life and rare back
a lorin< tnolher to elrem ebildieo. Anonce, the dlraeuir of the ocdlidewhich wae more than aor doctor could partmeat aaooaDCfd oa behalf of tbe
hare dune or aai other uiediciur in
iierof flaaoce. H. Dekitt-.taot
tbe wide world. Hy tmahlr u at child­ mere waa ao toaadatloe for tberuiaoi.
bed (rrer. Tba third dav after kr
babe wae Wn I tu«k a chill, wl.k-h that Xu»-ia wa* nakiot wmilike prep
wat (olluwrd hy ahifrh frrrr, I wouht aratloha.
Rb c.,r. OfuiB cud State Sliveto.
prrtplrrUBlll By elulbca werr'at wet
The tarareineot of B'a/'I bai f<- ii Kutii I’inuies-t-.*
at Uioajrb dipprd In a Uih
eeifcd acuaimoeleaUuci ftooi thec<-.Theeliilltand (rrerkept npkihr
daya. My danphlar put nw alSulc ...
yoar Goenpoond.
“nie' fourth diM km. aBylottbai they harr procUlm d
ah>Hwd tbrebliu, and the frn-r alto
lod.paodsnae u! Uj lafriiify
dhapprared. My life eroa eared. Mv
ape at Ihk critical tlBr waa forty- wbteb Brax.1 donated to BjI.ti.. *>•
nloe.*—Lma E. Booouzn. Etna. I'm. ihontb Inbabliad exsiax.rly by Ur*,
e lo lue aambec ut M.ouo. that >f
1 propoaai to cAiOr laa dlairle'.be re.olulloa will end.


*■ I eraa aatfarinp with falllnpof the
Wdtnh, painfai Brcunruati<«. he^kehe. bockacha, pain in inoina. rxtendinp into the llmha s ako a terrible
pain at laft of woab. The pain in my
ik waa
eraa dre
dreadftil darinp
1. and By


Ormtmtmt Wommm
..joammoRa ly^lm £.
PtmkhmmU VmomtaMm
Evary WKm

. •• IktB Mia. Pl»tiiaj.-Wbrti 1 oomBraced thraia of eoartrardiB I was

■ ■


_____________ _________he
in the
WUlJa« KirbrappamtlyMaaeiach .ri^lyetfllj)00.000. wae paid for the
ca the effle* at deck of ▼ollnic town- peopanr
AUxaaderSeblaoediadBt Abd Arbor
. BUMdtotbaoamarfry year hw W .mral Boalhc ato.leB.lBc bk widow


Bedehlldim atraiMBod eiretiBBtBBB.
* Behlape'c brother la SwUcarlaod.
wBllAy Ban. wrlM bakint that the
famUy be fast to him aad that he wiU
proride far th»a the toot ef Uiair day*

“^r.” D. L. V.B Akia. oec of the
oarikatactUartof Badcea. woe borted
Hatarday. alx day* later t^B bar kBThey had haea Bamcd M yaara
wc healthy mod ritmoot aa'iU a
day* prrrieo* te thair daalh*.
OMhaadradlhOBBadaerBeAhaidvaadiaaJaMMBllBof laUtead to
dptoaMokbaallBaMcBap to UHM

I -


Traverse City, Midi. *



Korb.Oca8d Chancellor. K. >' .
Jouardie.loA.aa>>. ' l>-:lViii'a IV.tch
dol.e a-xilbea the muai dollcair
kia and bealf tbe ao.i atasborn n.bcr
eith eertaie .
d akin dkcaaca Doa'lbuy au imita
m. P. C Tbompaoo.

Car Loads
Farm Machinetif
Arrived this week to add to the immense
Block already on band.

I 27 State Street.

Traverse City. Mich.

Hear Yourself Talk!

•Ko tamll} cao i.ffj-d to be wilhoa
I« Miuotc I'a-ath rule
It i'll, v ■
macbiBduaraa co.d qrirkcr tbaloy Other medicine," wriierC. W. Willama. Stcrlint Boo. Pa Itcmv-aeroap.
teblim and ail throat .aud innp
iblea and prc.enta eomamptlnu
■aaatand barmiMa.
P. C. Tbomn

aayabcai--------------------pcpiiafor.t'cnn Br. yea™.
.ed dleiictcnfe bat mile relief. Pini
rbeawdKrd-'l Ilyefwia Care *i


At the Harness and Carriage Entporinm.







Mayhe». Hrrun. Wir.. •*>►.
lerOne Mioale Oontb i-nre .
woaderfal medleice. q<
ii k ibe only harm'™, teme ■aal fire, lamedtaie reanlu It «are«
watha. cold*, c'oue. bronehltit. tnpp

Cochin Any
are Always Di

Like Sivift’s Premium naoon and
Sivi'ft'i Silver
iblnkOeWiUb Lr.UeEirlr Bj
ire the beat pilla In w.irld." a
•P. B. lake, 'iappy Creek. ''

of uie I
r aed m

lArd.tbere is

no uncertainty abuiit the ijiiality


Pricee From $S.OO Up.

For Sale By W.W. Kimball Go.

Swift and Company.
■ I..I-UI.C11I
R. L.-™
S. ,l.-rpt
S. ™.

Ordertfer Job Printing left at the
. ..t-a Witeb I-----------------------------•Uca that bml atfl clad him for .
It k alao a aprady core (or
I« c~-0
Beware of dai





.^Carwjo, Pn^oeoury.
Ljdk'"li Pinkffkb Vrp^table Ceni.
poanddianBaoBachp^^lm. Oyapepaja Cate te excellent rrinrdjr li
Urer -MofalOBtriilroablr, and hare de
> paAare of Sanative rlred treat beseSt from iit uae" 1'
nrintr theee 1 felt like a
IpeaUwbatyoa rat and can not fail
ocBtn. P C. Ttaompaos
QUddan. la.. Box na

raptUa bolomanybarB-acdoBO. It
^ brip
waaflrefeet loa^. hot bow IttoUato ofaoat the boom, and am moch knthacrUartoamyaiarT
prorad in hBclth.--HBa. A. Voun.

Dyer Foote WeMar.'fbe
Wlow Is Hlablcae.
lecdV-^Mm. after an Ula.. of tbrae ^

Ilk* of waoderful tonicol aed pafii'i-uit
purifier known, and a certain aiwl lale
Uikoo Biutiood Skin Hiwaww and at

We invite you one and all to call at
oui* place of business and look our large
And up-to-date stock of Buggies, Wagons,
Plows, Harrows, and all kinds ofFarming,
Machinery over before you placeyour or­
der elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money will be refunded. . Do not for­
get the place.

wa* tba caeca vf a leiriflcexp.
wbKb Hicoael
_____ baohacL..
twariDK-dowB paina; wae au weak Jr., waa inaiaatly killed and flee eifier
Bod twreooe that 1 emld not ' lej iriaa from which It k.

ThaahlldtBiofJ-J-DorrofCoUwaworry JSL**lf^uJ3“a?l'’^
\w war* attiekfd by* a WBe raeor in tiBr: bod noamUtiao. Iwotirrowinp
Vie cellar, bo' ibc Botber ktllad ibe


■edica. Thoee who rdv npoe them fur a core tofc .olaehte time.
-bold. Oo]v*teall4oaltTmcdvcaaTwbIhiflrual>ic*.>Bwaadd
aw.‘a»i heihkuuthebJwirt, I

b. S. S cart
k new life it

Okmmgm oFUfm, f

Thayexpaettoaasare bnwoaaMOaad hewt doefS*. bat tiiey did not aceio b>
WOO bartB la that part et Ibaalate.
< brlrMr- They arid my trooble waa

el a baanUfat trora «e tba a
Hey I. It k
B*dc oe the Blaa of tM Aim Bsd At.
, LoBltiaailBriBBa.


aad a picee of
difautlB fa* pipe to tbe maiomf

..i. ....

raaoliad la a tk betwoaa i

B the laaceaie reached iu


ITake Notice...

il*«flrtf tkm OooE

I aafiered for Sflaen yearaerll_____
Sadlnp any leUef. I tried doctora. bat
•- doBranygoo
hedfallinp of the w
pain in the back am

^aa»B uiiyiTni

erathcaaodaeli-ce*9fhcteiB^myrelief. bO]


.. l"~__________
amice la tbr rcbv*Ml- Tbecavi
yoar BediriDr to arrry wile aod
marry tawwwBia will BOBBVBirrr’ -------Udb.rr. Had I tinw. J cnald write
ore in lu pcakr. 1 bid yoa
BBOh BBiBtlt at are nrcdrd. which win roach------------oemd work.-■. ; V bawatM BaStlo aad New Toth frr
Welaka, Putnam
‘ iBBBreUoa. ProB the fact that tfa- Ot. lla.

the Bitlar-by^Bwiac m

briall thr^neaae —kd^M eSm <d tbkcai
k nidd aodSwraaiec. aod fiaeltv «Bk ia <
ft faaflbewUT bappeeie ihai
aeopra of 1

thb fact, and the letalt k that iberc
Cie*' (MMOk
k a laetiug and ahaolntely nneHUaled
on the far 4U of tu
drOBOd fxril. UbattheUivrttti'
of any iva>rdy f>w frmair lIU in t
Belief OMUiaiiwJSU B>-. aid
... ... .. if made of toottyberto am
world, aad thk ban loan the cm I
Uicr urVv Ui— ...— —
ara./idMO-fayffi • l^to.het
The reaeoa for thia U thtl Mi
Barmada*. aateay b
Knkba» clalaa Bothliv that tlie
Boipnlltled teelalB. Kbe con do all
that thr tar- alia can do. and her
twenty yea™ ut aaperieocr make her • rroBfaly.
1----- Herezprrirnn-hat
trciiial kdticfa bare b
hews not oaly loop
t bat World-Wide. Paoln of a
aad eiie ike helped (
tna iBptrki Vhtofae irwom aod a lar»e
to bralUi than bb* ooe eke Is
bJdyof -w>iara."aacer*l*oclciy. lac
worid. Three (aeU dioald. and
we^tiritb ailtmidhk oatUf, whoB waa indeeoi.a. oecarr.s
fl Yee CBlee. lo Peeetli prorieee.
About 4 w« m*n were cBt*(ed. lur
frreea Ocog cqta-ly diridod.
OBaalUB war* .cry bea.y.

Fm^ Ahoat Two Omoom
at FmUlmg et thm Uta
Raoovmrm! hy LyOta E.
Plmkhmm*m Vmymimhia


im k. Be^^^l^eSS^eSoifaeat^-OBy ai

Ik tnwBBeat ara la K«laB>xBaa*l frre boUiea of yoar Bcdicl

ThcBayatyhoitOntworka k capMylcrt-i baodt at preamt and tu


to insara a laatiar draaod tba tblof




alchtdacthroachtha oiat iMt oobe
Wallot tba email of db d.Boot' ehareh
frith rrowean aad picke. aad tttia
Ab7 artfata. wlntaTCT IM nariV
laUlwBMe koowBtotbapabltebr •I.ITt. tbe EwtiroScnaif. The crackt
leaBt of admtieiat. Adoortitbic.
-owwar, tiMMurh It we do marh for a

KoarOokBtaa. a hoodie whkta later
a Heat year old larcaoeered froa the traake 'll
tba P«ra Uwoeatia railroad by P. B.
" 1 bare takes alpht botUa of Lrdk
Bacrlne. ioat balm a paaiaB(or
B. PlaUhBB'B Trpetabic Conponnd
Bleep', ey. The In'anVe bead Uy
rwrilh BTOat rntlfyint ra(alta. 1
tba rail. Itkarread" Uial tbe gatliy
■ied foor yea™ and bad two
paraoa eoaphl the death of the ehUo
IrraaalfnmdowB. bad fallmb with all Ik dta
B lalantAaa beaa placed la as la- >nt of
. lhaddoetcndrrii
HateralOaBadkaacaDk .fibaBrl-.j

.ataakhaTabaaaooBB SttoBodtapar.
ekaae bocoB tor all Boelba Itwoald
asaathaitba Britkk pomaBeatea.



Thle it the cswr with Lydia t Hr

AWgpda. laOO

uilay. (b* sad day a: Joa*. IBOO.

e Hear, parity tbe blood,
aflcorala. e. body by oalac DeWltVa
Elaerw Tbeae
tamoaa UtUiUe Early Btarra------------------lep'lla alwaye .et prowp'ly.

Will receive ernnapf attevHfni

=-2Si»'s5 ■

rt CmUlripptiBMIlnRB.
romedv .ni-iril:- W.iitvrai s Wnm: lhi.,u
E OP "f
If takAi tl
;.- and fatal
■ iB
I 34 boun. aand f>r tlx■w. La Grip
n-tev. Sir and j
)i.-i. n^ci


"s si


.‘.Tta —

Vlu’.vTi' -3


^buiutlH «f Tuctm.

Farms for Sale

Rer lA^ and CUUra.

tokWhonLoogLAkcromi jorthtoiof (be..y[.in; .U'd«r.
w orebArd. ttond {raiac botue. Bier apring btook rBkatBw

ni lU Yn Han Unjt BhcM
iw. c. e. ai.
r. efru

At the Atrieallaral OoUeta the total
■tktratloelortheawiac tanak 40»,
which k M BOra tnaa the vrint lark

PlIelaeoairaB) M uecn orcazt3 Bread Selflao barea oe ao ex
ire aeale. SercBl proaiaeai ban
•tOM mew are totareatad in tbe orojaei.
la*k mix week*.
and Dr. B OacabaU of ibxt dty baa
, A. .W. KookMof HBhtooo. ha* te- Been to CaUlerela aarecal moethi
vaatod a potato diet* tebadrawB by
It dlfi it* BAaloM.
ahakB tbe din Me** from thek. aad
jaatcelarBad f'om i
Kalamaaio baa• jaat
dfopf lbamoe thalOBOft^Jl^ad.
. footb fur the Brat time atoea I
of Bay aiy. ac«d Tkiicd tba aaeoc of bu laat buile i
- ..rebereeaieed
tr. war ^daatally atikcA bp
from which he ba<
iM larribla wm
n trato at UaaOB. Ohio,
Be ekited
been a aaffarar enr
the epol wheco he w
Illy kiUadl
Be bad bo
only* ebon lime, aad bad }a*t (eoad . rabal ballet, aad tha pioee
aasMyaaBk Bk body wa* •
■ed at to* time that

ic B^U WBoto ■ boani-

me Diulier; • nkepUec
ok« pUec f«
for fruit
froit m
or poUbMe;
poUlov; good


price «M

i4vo mileefruto toaru, ooe.(oonii wife froa Kiaflodi.


wiw -

KJ eerwa foar milcB weat of tfa» Tillage of t-b* i
ed: Rnll frAme boiue: mmII franr bam; a good fi
er oa the pUce; price $S00.

BaMiwig a

; that, at

40 berm twe wileo north of Tmke Ann. 80 *
hmmebbato; tog hbm •b>» urehord good nwd traw;
. one Bile Iron Imk« Aan, 3p _
•ati,iee«l; good wBler; abaII orc^Brd; fmaie

•wld.«r *Ba maSarmcK cJ «'l pal. ..a
.aa diild Tha aariiA: )
bM-t «d


5S“ '



domd; eoud h««y

hOaotedyoor toiMe weat of Wezfnd in Omat:

------- ■ •

^ig«BC._o«A»,. .
, eto»:3SS& ewd BMW.« earn CMd tahw,» M iMt erST l^flSSlt

dBauni ibACTRm BMUMi. r4»3Hm. teob
-tbBeabwMthtaid^al mrta^M
ItW tm

The manufacturers of Royal

eqalna. aad^iu Ac
Mt I

at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made from the
most highly refined and wholesome
ingredients, and is the emhodiment
of all the excellence possible to h.attained in the highest class bilking
powder. .
Royal Baking Powder costs only
a fair price, and is cheaper at us
price than any similar articlc.

bill ciciuiiiiin* zlinli. 4fi- irt-.|Ucnil> ili^I from Aior in,d.»ir. irf pt'H 4»4> m

u BMcmo emeroez co.. ice wiiuzo »t . bi



___ _ ‘S.'SJ.SE,

-WbateateiiiHUbs Ike flret teaUcm
my deanBald illBtraae Oram bo BiaMw
dMriy ter tbe bowor. tor '
AU«n MMlr tbMtmd iM
-Oh. tke torllaat I
7<,iui« »rrTtv
11m mUeM CMT.
rail froa CaliformU ta tb* rz
baetag to7 ope
imM Mzi. DBrisr ibc loM trip th*
«tth I l.tablag
t ep, pad ateeary pMPlble
neUBX tu sllaalioz

ll^U OM

^ rUk
*Vb« child cooB eoUM
tl(M ot UlD^ •kM
77 da/
___________bar dMttaatioa ebe eoaealted e pb/aWaa. bat It was tee lata. The
ebllddlad.aad tbe dMiordcelarad that
tatime)7 wofsoctbad robbed tbe llute

**Tic *

And PMkrr of white aadsoaoeparnle. lo>:
Ltd be Byrdeth Is taezUktogaat
Wllk^l^ of STorrebadaPad hM.
-Bat tba eelM tkat'e erw ta,the tai
Tbe taeellmt abade of tbc aaflMt

Baking Powder havc'always dccli ned
to produce a cheap ^king powder


, oftea be aaeietM ll
■re CPS'
That £clla/fl9wer Importa tram tbe
her brqt
fo. as
ai tataav I batbMrd^
wood* IB apelex.
be Uelaked eo meeb attea>r wpp
Aad^etblagMstqaal tbacehmle, i
lafaattbat It . .
demaaded aora
dbe bmiI/
beallhbp aalag spall bar •17 Id o»«-, , •lag with tbe wblmc
Ike liiUe m jurcb.
AprU It. IbOO.
Wb«D Ibr Mcoed ebUd ezoM ui oep^
Skcb a bright kprisg imoratag bat
•lu ccBnc I'M tkkeo. Tbr doctor cold
sold yet aad not macb alga of epriH
leafage or bloom.
Bat Ike eaBekipe
BO oUMUoa B>nt tM p» d to bln «bM will brieg It all right. gl*« It time.
Haenwblle Ibe birds slag aad are getud c ...
m to er^^cbe let bln bore hie cry oat Hag ready lor boaeckeepiag. Pad brra
pad tkcrc a little Boaer peeps ap its
bead brtraljaoibrr took tbc (ell
It lea good morping to priat luae et
t»n bin tbe caaic t'
iialM 1 tboae leiiora taal base bees waitiug
bi< bod time eom be wu pot opctolm
zJoBo.osa be MOD Beqclrrd tbebabit K> loag lor a ckABee-i
' uklu blD sleep iB tbi* moot
—~ Ike ch-.ld woold Dwmke
ItUaoloog age that we do aet dare
belorc it.
iM mother,
mother. luele^
tbc oMTsloe before
to le.i bow ipsg ll 1. that Loeipla pad
Neltir Loans Of bit g tarn wrata at
each a good letter.
Hot batter lab
tW Isttosee Ilmilor 1
tbaa oeeer. aad here they are
i.>m7miBd A fsoi l7
eioUelalke flmt bee/BM ebe ll Ui
eroMlBf tbeooeoBlBBBieBmer

----------tier. Biz eblldroB, Bill
older; •
tbe broBktMt tkble
father* "raiUsamemy
Chrietme* preaeatt
A feiloo
fellow tiotelrr
uateler ztked
aeked ihr father.
■ ihryarr:
A pair of hair nb
bpw maay eblldren be bad aad rce*lre<> isad here they
aproB. two alee dfaSco. a atorj
tbc aaewer --derea.'
"Are all sliee?" I booz. aa aproa.
tme the reepoaer; "I baee asm bat, book aad a boz ,of perfamery. Hy twe


”^Wb«r be tr** 6rc

a b gotag to gM a
Cny People pro Beqa.
Aaat rien la my baaabar aad abe
- naawetly Aaarrer TbaaMbaeme tohe a wbole page M spall
U aolthP word of a reprcMatPt're
tagteMS laeaea. dbc laid ttowa oA eitizMof TrareneCity aaorebrnriaailag tbaa
a tba
d abttal aitorakCM ot
tbelaaw tbe elker day aad wmv^
r«Oola llrll
llring er-r/^bere ctoc in tba
ytaep. M I tkaaght
a___ I .k...
Mri. Tboma* Brackwar. ot
bar eat. Tammy Oray. tale It aad loob wnrib alrawt. *ay>: -I'aia Id
kimeatfar arlde.
teek pasaikg ap tteaplacea
my koek
aet ride aaj mera, eo l wwi la aad get
UacMrcUoD* from the kldeey* w
mj daU MoIlT aad tat her ride doi
aaaorlBg aad diaiiwMiog Thruc ya
hoi aad abe ttaPad erw ua.
I ba*c age I topTB-id aboot Doan'e Kidi
oM Uuta pet klt9 of my ewa: ble
oartteaUr attock pad sicce then oa,
aadtole Baaay. A Uuta tnmd of mlar
teeliag slight reeprr-Mro of tbe
foa^ him flMtto# dewa tbe crack. Ur a few doses of n O'.K.dkey
_____t____________________________ W.U kt_______
MamalKtbattcoBldhold him ta Webber * drag’ •tore
atorr pr.MpU;
pr.MptJy reliere
la OM haad aaS «e*ar him wlU tbe me aad keep the kidoeyi le good e-« •
1 am
Wbm I tad blm I aad to warm
Plib. and owe
mUktaa Itacap aad fmd him with
ritb p tbe n*e of tlMs'sK do
itaytoMaBe aeoa gat M that
»it*d blm be woele eoate pad dt
QU per '
iffslo. Xor by tb. tip cap ai
l- Y.. role agrnu
ttap. Remember
drlBkOBtottka leMpooa Ufceababy. United fltptam
OopD *. psd take na
Thm. wbaa begetalUllc Uggar. we
aaaaar et milk oa tke flior tor
aim. acd If be get aeagbty aad mammaepaaked blm he womld raa to ble
rasd Mkee little diiah. aad be
ttapt ta a pceeb taebei.
Now 1 man
I yoa aboat my party.
I eoald not
re oat oa my birthday eo mamma
me harea party fla'.erday.
ra lea ot ai pad we had lou ot tea.

CaaloHp I* a anbMilutr fiw Castor Oil. Itar-rwrlr. HtWim
Mild Hoiithiug S/ni|xt. It is liurtAlrs* awl I'UruMiaC U
cxuUiDs orlltirr l>]iiuni, .Mnrpbiw. nor ntbr- Nnrtmlie
sukntanrv. Il» age lx Itx misniileeu It dt-stniyn >V«w
•nd alta/m Fet«-rixhn«w.K. |i rnrrs Dtaniitea aod Wfasd
CuUr. It
t rrrrlirtrw Tcviliing Troublrw. rnrox ( ooMlpatlMk
Slid PTsluWe/. It a-MmOst.-. ibr >'«ui. •r.wtatep ttao
Mloinwh and Uomt-lx, iriting ll■■am1V uuil oslural adeep.
The ChUdren'a Pauwfjt-Tlte Moth.-r's rrirod.

^ Bears the Signature of

Harness Oil

Ratb Uanops. Tcarerae City
Nils Hartman, Trarerae City.
Hesry UeOilt. Leag Lake.
Jobaaie Ham. Loag Uke
Hsrgaret MtffaU Trarecae

bttempi to cell
' 'ileldr. bate.
hot bet not hotel
tattwMk. pad stood W lo luodtag:
tt tbe wroag aide of Uw eafl
ITCT Oorolby Moffett. Trarecae Ci
lepcbcr baa aet looked erar tbe rMl of
bMtklodofacmgi. for tbe/
pad ibea lifted ft for ioepectloa
ITM BdppBellAllaa. Vaha.
oer papera yet. We are to bare a UMl
aelekbedaadloldofTletori. Tr/the
"Wh/. there lea’t e wriokle
ITua Barry Oarpekter. Xeyatoae.
aaw bare, pad if Wibfall/ followed, ezelalmed m/ triead; "bow dul /oa do
Htoe Wballey-a School. Kroirolk
tbe roMlt win petokieb job.
'^ ■Itk espl/ reeaoaed.
Yoa beer
ITM Robbia Batu
'■(iMDeokkMra, "f cPB't etar. kerar not noUeeO that la -boagbiee' gar
1T»I Altos dbprp
Mag ta B7 llte" Well. /<» epa laagb meauttae cloth raaeoae way oa the with my me pad dBadsyaebool laoeber
rlgbtoad the other way oe Ibe wroag
ITv: Hp-ry Jpckaoo.
Oo ta Toar raom ploac arery aterptag eldr: for inalaaee. 11 the material ctrip Urc- Wileop. dowa Bear Omeet to rtott
lTy> Cbrl WptoiB
pad taagk ter flee mtaalce pad then r< •d. it will bare tbr atripM^anlog ap a friend. 1 ihuagfal 1 weald paae aiy
1704 AlideYokSg.
ta ptlar dlBBar pad laagb b lltUc lopg - aad dowD oa the oemid* of tkr cuff, if time la writing toyoa
ITVt SoeliBcCbae
Kow. wa do kot BMPB a (cbMe. lit­ tbSM raa (engtbwiee of tbe good
My grandpa, of Wtoeonata, cat
tbe loeldc or
wroag aide of the caff,yoa
ITVC Ball Batu.
tle taagb wllb ao bMrt la
see bl* bqy* be had aot seek tor iweaty
will Bad them raBBlay straigaiwa/>:
l?v? LeeHtockmsB.
good, boartj. jail/ laagb wbleb brntge
yrara; be came a litile orer a
I7*» OranSpyre. •
He to at oar boute BOW.
wa/ioftreceff Tn'etpemeall wraog ago
•erry ataeelc'lato pie/,
I7W Julias Uklley.
warm bload to eircalatc trael/ pad to tbe ordiaery seametreee. aa we are
At ear literary aorlety. Friday. Ocear
icaght lo think that eullar aad caff
leuo (lladya Bailey,
wrap 70a Mia mekleglsoar el the meat partlcslar flbagpn. one of oar dBBahioen. read a
isoi Lottie Yoaag
p warm mpatle. A Uagb wbleb atakea aria, aad that arery place of llniog aad piece aboot a beggar boy. pad tkla to
mot Rerp Kooo*.
i 70B teal tba world It tell et good
auldr mail raa tbe epme w
IMl Walter Statgto. *
tkeoe---------------pad eramaa.
A taagb which Imtm
"Ooce there wmp little boy. as
IMH Tommie Wblts<
ta perteel order pad
bad two atolerv pad tbelr motber
lactaad et eimply to tare clolb la mA iMt NtapBa/M.___dlgMtlM pewert rMd/ (or par
lag. dead, and tkey did aot hare- pay brppd
HM plAf Borgtoe
-Bat.-- tp/z the gloom/ worn Itdom of tbc goods, will ostorpU/
asyihing toeal. and tbe little Soy
a little____________
fallar taaa.tbe
___ wroag aide was going proaed tbe atreeie a-erytag.
pa. >1 bPTM'tP tbtag to taagb abeak' ■cam a_____
IM* IzUe Leotoa.
yoa begla by iraalag
IbPt makM ao dlCcreaca.
rrlak- pod 4 little girl and her mother waa
fiial. yoa will be
|s« Era LsMoa
pbokt BMblag. pad Ibea laagb tbe
go:ag down tows, ae.l the little girl
1*10 Nattle Siargtoa.
harder beepaae )oa bate aeib‘ag
wrpi, if yoa lake le wr-HUi had teo ecaU. cod cue poked tbc little
tilt Artie dtargiak-'
aloedri-. tke
tke aatorsi roll of ' e caff oa boy why be didn't go borne pad gel
laagb Pbeat.
Whr. Ibe fliat tlrni
Ibe oeulde wdl take all
I.IS (ilea Resm.
triced tried tble oe« eera tbc eol
not be a <ria - some bread and batter, and be said
fplataa epaad f
The Matcbett Bebeel. DtoV No i.
Hi'turAohl they <Ud not bare pay brrod. sad tbe
tlg^of ewriakl
little girl Mid •D.d your mother wUp tfayfleld. Hlea Editb Webster. TMcber
ysa'-’ and be aaid bto motber wm dead.
1-|] ArdellkUlbba.
paUoptbatatoread Uagb wae qaite
■aid. -Do yau aappoae If 1
aaaeceeearr pad with heart/ paaU of
•boald glee yon tea eeau yoa woald be
staacee ikoald they be baag up la «l<^
■ the pptlaei
eu or folded away la drawers aadl
vlaeed tbc tamll/tbatabc bad aet loet
cisto. and begot two IcaeM of bread
! Etbel TMwUUgM.
d^^Md^Mril^ b^'ispocara
pad come milk, pad
I Ada Pollock
the open wiwlow if netblag me
OkM apOB a time 1
becaaae a yosng maa gare
' Edward Pollock
Erea a boooei or a pair of gloer.
br«z/BPS camp latoi
work, aod ae bad enoagh
1 ■ LawTCBM ^aleit.
tapg toeed. dclpfkl. e
moaey to ka^ hla sisura aad I told
I LospUek.
pad. pflM teeklag arpaad.
barlalP that that lltUe girl
! BerlbP Uek.
}Ml Ippgbed pad laagbad pad laagbed place for a momcDl. Iftbebedro
■nniblne.I .Edward Lick,
aot alM a aittiag room tble may be
■Ptil bk bad eeer/ oae of tboae melea
t iMonT^lor.
Here ia a nioe long letter wbleb yn
Irariagp wladow
rpeged• by iMriagp
opea there
edmlr mortplk Ipaghiag
r JehaT^tar.
pU Ibtoogh tbe dey. pad abaltlag tbe win Bad Tory tntorMllag:
miracle! ererj «•$of tbrm felt better., doorapop tble dicorder. which te tbe
beePMf It le
and bealtb
t. eai/ tbkt



[ The Kind You Huyo Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Years.

............... » “““U

■sisr.t AssL-aag«i

tJ'r.r.n';;;a™ ..■..•...■.f.S!;

NpaMofHembora of tba H Y f.
SBBBktaa CloD
lOmilnacd )


’ What is CASTORIA


Mpper aadoraagea; thee tke girU had
boaae Now'l mastelMc.
WiUi lore.

JPBP Nizaa of iCIagatay writoa;
"Tbia m my flrat laltor to tbe B
glpd tbPt I
I waat to be BBaebtay
wbererer lam. 1 go to liendpy eehoel
tMSdty tbPt fcps.
maeeoktofiCtagaley. loo
erery day that I ms . My tcpcber'a
acme to Utoa O'.Naal.
I like her
weU. I tbiak she to the baei teeeber 1
"W.^haeeV bab/.- mid the father. \ •>»»»"
bad (to C irtoimtc time, itopt erer bed
t am Is tbe foartb grade
"ta oB-etataroom, which le
aid mamma pat
tbledlalag room
etadim. I here some frieada Uisi want
aad we got aa orgaa for Cbriatmaa. We tojolstbe bBoabtae ash. Tbere
team a baby that
tbiak it ia better to MTc ear moo
atatoea ot them.
I will aeod tbelr
la k eUBage place aad /et set er/
praad fetber took him loio tbe room, toapead it for caady. don't yoa'.'
aad there wae bab/ 1/lag aloae apm
am glad Bthel got her ergs
Uao^ Boz of Rlsgaley writes:
Ike bed m coatMied aa eoald be, while Ctarlalmsa.
-;1 Use to go to Mhool. Wc here s
the father ezplaloed tbkt. aV wa. dae
We do aot bare aay more Sasebiar elH mseber tbia term
I here my battothetraiolagllbad rraolnd
meeUnga. bat we can aeattor soasblne MP'pad card. Tbask yoo lor toem "
juettke rame.
o IrOB Stun ■Wem*.'-.
I carried come Weekly Welrome’e at
•Oh. drat!" Bbeelgaed. "do
to aa old lady who Itkea to rrad them,
reeff ; Is tbere aa/ meiaoo 00
1 b/ which -boaghtoa' aairt-walei pad abe was pleased to get them I
think we eoald make ace et eomr
Yonth't Comppskma if we bad them, or

and Wa beam BUHle utMlrr Wt par-Broad autwrtlaloo iJnrr Us iafWqf.
_ All Coonterfeita. Imltatloai. aad fUWUlDlra are but £s.
1 rMdangrr (be broltb off
InlWts and CUIdrea-Exiterlrure agaiapt Experiiaeat.


Mamma poppad eors tor m aad made
taffy pad tat he pell ft oaiMlret. Tbca
<re pla/cd come gamH aad had a alee


,Tke Kind Tom Bare Alwaya Boa«tat, airf wUtdi Bas Waa
Id t»»e for orer SO irara, uas borne Uir aigmatim eg







. IrtC.' Criirajro, 111

^j‘iaBi««flstSS^tl S5Sas|



Deaga la tbe HirbCakd tbe/ were tbr

AIM bow hftfbt or flBd;

■astts ■

timummfmih’t kooboad. too. lo*t
- plMOMl-

Ilk «M M
Ihl« loobid bias book tb«o. aad pat
kSalMrodapacalb■t «ap> l«MT bod COM I

TM. r«» tek n
*n tbOBO^tBrtbk b07 I kkd aold




WbMbthM.Bk1 WhotbthUTOBi^l

TMmd ■* porto"**"'"*"*
•IdoomT Ob. M ■« r>Mdfh^OMUI

aUpoombot.«bM lbb«k ora dork.

Bf M^tU^BBltbt Ml ta ter a aplM*

Kapn an oazlooe to trj 007aew
lamed/ or eorc wMM bom wbU roe' OMMMMd. Bora la«M«bleb the ediSmM HoMOuMtcaa patoocmll/ao«MOk. Tryll.
> **U tkla kctllMa are a (laol baoj
' jEtaftk.
Wk MOjei
M7 cbooM bMwOBB Hot
Cold 1
Wktar Cbm. Xlop
laMMlOaroa. HkOaUe OoMClikMkgr
.>'topna.|l(tad Oona. Cara wllb apro-


"Tbe New Care." Try
tble ear/ dk/.
Uara bow^ cl^
aadtawb. Tbaefa boub oae clee. Pat
tble pppar dewa pad taagb. Dm'I yea
teal bPtMT? -

rear aorrpw lor tbc man r, with a
Ptar at BoprtaPtgbe.
Be WM looklag to tbc light. ''
Be wae looklog to tbe lij|bt:^

Asd be MW Ike dark Wroag tiMplad
-MW tkctriaiqikaf tba Right—
Be-wM loiAlBg to the ilgbl,.
To Ike Ilgbl!"
ICM «f
—f>ont I. Sutiitm
^ta Utei takbMbaU dloMOpi
iMd M haeol kinh lo pad
_ A
PC Dooior.
loop taoM, df

Itaota tbe tolteirtv rotae aod roUof
■Bl bo ObMiMd ta a tew da/c:

A polatioB of aaimoalp elM
ddrata pleea.
■agar;Mkt from

ta dish water brlgbteai
-la tbe dr
B. lathe *«ry Bltaer
fa wpur wUI keep flaeDcle
darkret algbt.
Be WM loekteg U tbe ligbl.
.mmoatp to goed.ta wpehlag taMPad
Be WM leoktag to the light!
I maalta.
AadbeMwlthWlbedariiDeM to tbe
.mmtata elssaam hair broebea.
btaaty ot <ba brtgbaimmoetPblcpcbMyMlew flanaete
Be WM loofciag to tba light,
brigbtoaa wtadewt pad
lb the llgbi!

.............. a^'cC-*^
.4 -Jtom.taahi

-tboMwoaa taaalted: Tbc

Usee of ABundalk

tea with a aalqM distlaetloa
—-------------B AMIe.
of Pcrtagal.
lor all

Oicran Cake
.. Jz egga. two captela of
targe ueepeopfal of bakiag
powder, pee eapfal
of milk, a
Mgar. aad thiM parmof seopful
se eapfal et dtron flaele
Warm tke
Irmoa B«i '
_tr. if the wMlkerlcMld. bmi both
gclkcr. tbca add Ike yolka
rgc. whM all PIP
------------................. -aatoly
pat la
with milk, when well blended
tbe fdtroe wall floorad aad• warmed.
etlrrlagealy enoagh to mli. bake la a
goodofM opt boar.-rSrieeud.


Tbe £tsf crificsl ji^od is s vomsn'i lifecomepst^tbe puite* of her girlhood. . Is sine


girihood sod rromsnbood. . How to preserve the daugh­
ter • heslth—bom- to rrart off diseane at thU'critis i* the probka that confronts every mother of girls.

, Pink Pills for Pale People
sre the best remedy to ose at this critksl period. Read this
sworn sutement of Mim. J. M. Jliggs. of Csnervtik. Mo.
<1* dortsc thr wisur ar wrgi sage
.. j. Mm wm laia sdC ros-kedas si
B*4sr>bsrTlj UMlsctorfonA TBsm wto kM> k«r am

addrase that be might BMd bora bMicet
at egpa.- flu years ago the oppm froth pad to
Wbrs flra taro ot
MMlMrsaasd I

ilppad'to p e I*
- watted add


L. <Wm4.]


t i" 'T



SCARtr ROeeuCK a co. •aa . I




TBbSSES. 6s:,. jfy,

, .‘s

luisTEE iUKunuinu i. i


.j^O^OR PETERT-y,^


■ - -Vi


------------------- 'ills






is :£ ■___
It Jslil



Horseslioeiiig uid Gfflunl Repainiig Done



•aefaaduzrohslfstas ---------- --------------- —, ,
rt t [ W trrl in n’s
InfSDrrt^ir.MmxThMaBstoaB'iUlwwnaaoamrosU. Sbataaktons
*oi*s vt tor pill* ssC twdsr iBwr u M s knObtir. mii 1 lift IssPlsg
^iMimrwmuis as* u ttaspur saS Saskbwr tbsa e*rr aemr^ ka
katarmad sad
OrUMkt. np

jibe Fen Taiqictte eiilmd

out of ten ^re disesM

taftnuiuelfiipon her it data no at tbe line of demsrcstioti ba>

Jellied Bam Salmi

Iboagh abe I. aot
<^led eoeior.
K a qpauaea
-TmA. sMf thtaktac ar MU. aad Iba bM atadled madlelae.
^ wae able
araof p MpM of hoUelae. dad dw
APBdctrpta. Addeea
■o met with as ■
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to ta*w« toe s^story PabUc. tPU UtS My M
Vruuza tTutoarr. IVMwp JWMni


Be-Painting and XTiAolstering.
State St, seRF


Or truiiarr.- Pink Pilto ftr Psle People are sold by aB dcalm. or


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Mt. PlwtAABt; OvOMse, 9»gL
SAW. Ba7 Cit7, ]>»troit.HoWs
•U. Abb Arbor. ToUdo »Bd
poi8taBBat BBd8oa|h. CIom'
eooBootfOBa RtOepomlahwltfe.
K.Ajr. S. Mj.


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