Grand Traverse Herald, February 15, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 15, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald




O. r^. Carver

ttu p.aa.

rac uuoiKo

Merchant Tailor Real

>M Vmt.. .
«> V«aU>.
rktW MMU*

•ad we Ux «Mcut sew liM of
^ .apriv 8^7lo «l Woalwe aoa
ea eale. wbUi will be made op
ib tbe Latwt btrlee. aad at
'aaeb Low Priew at will earpriw


eaiat viinaBa-i Dwc«>w

' ..Jnsurance.

^OXriC7 TO lJO.AJ3^t.
MBctil L L 1. MMilt WMU11 L ttML



/Mtav kAVKAii. n

at 215 From Street.

i smuL tmos NJaatis uke.

FAiCUlN tk CRUTbfcK.


IVrta^ |ooa* ..



IjnoW tKi^?

Money to Loan 6n Improved Real Estate Only.

TraveiM Clty.^cta.

JolinsMD Block, Phone <:i

«»at|LK i(UltrWI>rw«Mr» i« at>

iSusiness C^ds.


lUN, *UM
M C. ■

without one.

We hare them for teinperatnre, for dairy use, for irter-

ilizioi; porprwee, aud for tbermonietera.

We want a ‘few reliable men
repn-»n( tbe •U.oBeeiit and bwl
AccidMl and Bicknrwa Inanrai
Ootnpan}' in the world. Clai
settle witbont tbe uanaJ amoi
of redupe. .

Brine PreacriptionH and Family Becipee to ua.

We fill them

right, with.drug) that are right, at prirea that are right.


J. I. lUIESZE, Mil SipL
Traverae City

a U.YKt Bliin.tu,KttlBMuaaill>.
A awa r.m>..r...M«&Ma.UW
brrr. Oo. ator*. Tiamv V


*. Trann.cnr.Mwt.
0HUKBWOOp^dc ^UMLOa—Atwr

Etiabllabed in 1844. tVell eqniptwd i.>
tbe bnl vork 10 Laaruattr. licirace. Musu
Kipet leubiac li> tpocinl
CrJWve and I'reMraior. Coni
aira o( thr Cnllew. taking i
i'vSuir Tatcbrr .i
K. bnllbiul locaikm
Admliaboib win
jon auh lo Mr
vafiUfn t>i tb

0^lB»nMiu>«eBtork. enittf "
. Hat.ein€«,TT«nm Onr.Mice.



Tmene Gitf Scbool of Mo&ic!
X a eta. for tUuetrated oataloaaa.

lINHfluilt, BiUlllil^
Owaw rnai aat Can ate.
■WiUMP.weiw.MinJawra M. VI
pm-c.x iiOTL


MRS. R. W. AUEN,t.;^rr%i.rK:


—Hone; to Loan


. PA90XU * OHOTUUt. Attan^.

• Carpet Cleaning Works

Over one hundred in aueceasful operation in ihU oily
ami aarro(|nilinc country. A gnaranUe liohd given '
with every furnace net by

oU rarnw

■W. J-. HOBBS.


Front Street

Tnwene City. Mich.

a.nwiir w tMMa ewianF.]


Sarrej-or a^nd Civil EoKlneer
arnnafaUtiata.iaa.vnt. aoaaaliaUaaa


PkaI Bila Cored Tbeo.


Plain and Artistic ,


will iippn elate our rdatlyniaJp l.r.wkfaalR. A frv minute# cooks them.
Cracked Wheat. Wheat Orita. Qnaker Oats. Whola Shredded
Wheat BUenita, BoUed Gate in package or bulk. 8a«o Farina,
and other dellciona breakfast preparations.



Irosch Block.

248 Frant Street.





Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Tva**ta*Ctty. vr.avotMpv

Best Livery In Northern MichiRan.
*aad aed Bala eublata^^iaaihn

jpbaUe ami Impjrtaai part el aha
rfaola aermoa to ladinud by a maafe
aadtrilaed marglaai aoi*
lag to know tbal ba deamad liaaaw
...................................................... VaU like DM
A toiler from Moddd
tae eeadiitoM to lha Boar repunlto.
-1 ba>* bad aa lalaraatlac .
bik w lb a raaaar from Halaklagaa^ Ue rcmdluoa of Uw aabBtoy.
Uc aay* be foaad tbal iba war bad £f


eo lo haad by ib> wemM aad Iba email
brra It wa* u*a that amaltor pateba
■ aaoal were bmag plowed aad
a. yel aafficlaal aaad wa* baiag pal
lo to proeida food for Ibe coming year.
Tbe wqgmc. wbowereqalie oflaa aa
Aa Ubczptctea Vaiaaui
Btalwan aad atroag aa ihrir babaad*.
beo my dear Auot Mauu d
were doing ihair part cbaarfally aad
Very fea mea wara to ba eaea
to* »*f7 aumiaer I fradi
- Ibe eoaoiry, aay be mM wara
there aeem-d do ehaeee of eeilio*
ia armed commaada or goto*
a job Hat a. be »w a !>«. cood a. to j-da them. Italy ibeoldeat mta aad
red lookio* frlio* canyiaca
wiw'my'brotB*r'Ric“ i
below 1 did po'. lared
yoattgeat boy* wara aull la Iba bami
la the ed***lioe»of tbe ralp 1
>ll*e, tar acrotted bim eacyrly
bad alwayi lived with1 my
my auDl.^
aant.^ad !««ld bear tae heavy trcml paaeios te
Tacoma. Waah . '•
tr«> >“ » »wi:b, I koev, for ibal
>wo Booioer molbei, taereture
tneretur* be,
d dowaai
blow poaaible I oobey.
Hut 1. from my lofty vaalarr
iatomp. Tae_______
ebareb. a anil, primlliea
Aod tat* brolter K.cbard 1 I reoood. could ooly tbaak, humaaity before bi
I airuclare. wa* balll ___________________
IhamldaiofaTbeo hr laaght.
aew oely .ligbUy. aod that wbeo, I ! “<l
»<«• •»'“ * biaeaad deUver. valiae
lamber camp U the TO* be lha
>eod. ataakior ao tha. Iwddle
aa a mere cbiid. It I bad baeo la'a ' •»««
aide of Ibe tree, to tbal Ib* laUar
au of (Died u care about aoyUKOd I
I wak eo benumbed witb cold and tbouyh aa earthquake were onvalainc
; might be aaed for a atoaple Riabep
loald bare baled ih- idea of golair ' '^bl that I Ihlok I ImlcJakcOBkaeav. ibe patemeal beorala.............................
. Horrla, wbo to aiill btoiMp of Oragoa,
wytouen. A»il wa*..| went Witboui 1“^ would probably have umoied
built il
-WrJI, liuie fellow.
r .Jiai
I look ibe journey aloae, l‘>®*“ *be cbimoey but Ibal I waa eo
Tbeebarckwa* balll la lamthaaa
Deed mark help
uuai clear'acniM tbr cooiiaeal. and I
'1 bod *o walled in I eoaid aoti the Ihimbirlol

-a i"


• t I bercblef, which every t
ed lb my bean
bfol eooperm ■would w|Ue./.-oul in a baaiD of water
• rrper. lb. albtorlbjw
I doo laappuar there waaetera more
ire auil oU
terrified youo* oiao op'" tii» earili of
Imagiar an iuolfeoaive
We got on famoualy togelbrr, M fa our*
DOualy Ibal ia all prun*ailliy Uie Jail Uo turolog op ID a tnwo wber
chapter wAuld bare found oaalill there ilmato fneop lived, comiag lo
-be agriTAly Old oacb.lor, I a gnailed eery train that .tokea tbi. .t
lid. aad nolwFoeibiog ticorredlff^e'*
l<n>«'»* ‘®' «
which broBgbl about a ebaage.
Hall grew ooiot wbal bappeaed one'l" “*• hou»*- telling b.m
: b..3y in n. bal that be oooM'pnl up
ip tbia



-Well. well. youog.l,r." ..-1 thMraoget. - you don't -luoi, aa
A youag iadv
to Uvaa la Ita
you ciu.d mauage
r aa-h a heavy
load. wa. kuiDiDooed
IhiHtaad tb* f
but you may ukr tbwamallrr
_______ week
>r boo.iie.
aUwod lb* faaaraJ of *bm
ifyiu IXII carry it aa far aa the CeBiral
veil kaowB dttoaa. whodM .
bowl, lor I'm ,n a good deal of a bur. a^denly ram heart diaoaw. tb* tmmee of bto death belag ovar'^I.addie h«.tated
"Wogld yoa pay rrmioa,. Tbe moratog bto death lor the big aatebe
be aakad
carrml. 'tbe youag lady wa* iato la
____ ____
t<mv the new
d«w .m'ko did II
armlagatfaer plaee Of baalaam. and
Id aald
pleaaaaily, ' .
remarked, to ezDlaaatloa. that aba
aiBatl <mr, aad ni |»y
la Ibc moraiag wbiak
‘Whatcrer you atk'
had eauawl her grant
•at dtotraaa of
eceleed a lelegram to g> up tbal
*ei agood
give bim the wrnnr pumiBlr ' Tnea
Then be could get the whole
ber laihar climb iatoawla.
I* to A------. a ciiy BTiy milei' «‘»r com]
3 let himielf lo
lo vuo at iraee' Hut. no f^bape tbto
. hu bead agalaat
*»»JL to meelao Imp rtaeiclleot. H*
.uidaeem too mo.-h topay. 'twould
aaalBg ia* toot death.
Dlbavetiur to come borne, fjr,aglne
for ; ac‘®c w*
l<>-* aewaomer bsimiog about
BO barm to aak..............................................
in egh' but be had l®wt> oalil 11 o'clock, then alrialD* out
d Ual tbe
tlDg tbe bundle aod trudgiag brave- bto death to bla
tbr fuLowiog DOtewbieb for hi* Ineod'a abode: overtakeo by Ibe] WkiDg
head agalaat a cl
room by way of a window, a iiaiartu
boy Dcgli
a“4rVrcied'to brtog
AiM. pto«*to*mL ..Vr bJ
■' <■”>“ V
'Well, that* rather a queer vom. bat ble coafirmalloe of the ctocamalaaaai
it olUI Ibai lime.
' Dg lOto
loto tbe bouvr like a bn-glar. , I think I can aland IL WaydooTydu of ibwead affair aa ladleatod by tba '
Deir (iirl—Have ' to leave
;imagi 1* him piling Ibtotb* fl <t bed i mak* tl ao eves quarter,. tbongb'
tbouf- dreamafhiadaBffbtor.
be eoi IM to. eery aeon k(okis* off ato ! Tbeo l.addie told all about bto
A atory wax told of
r ofotbe iaotA-eol I tlae piaa. and Ibr three Qeoti already
■be BDlroublrd
iucieal la
Veal duHag tbe Saeate debate______
: at heart, t br awabened at the peep of I la .bn pocket, aod tha p-etty card at
........................yfneodof mi:
Be anrw
im^llog dowe the biok *v>re which could br bougtat { ttnff Wqile mlatater u Praaec (rast
1 leey In iby bi
sited SUteaaad with Iba teaib^blin—that for * qoarler The gentleman wa*l
.'I fail.
oat evehu of the Preach rwrolavery
inierewied and watched bto'
rolAg oe before hi* eyaa. Jeffataoa
43 lock ooai ftiai .,petered'aod grimr^ bol**UH a yoong litile
•r for DO* laalaat ewased to expert
iDie b.ur Bbd go out for the
one probaeiy m ,rr dr
A', iaa
l.idd:* aupoed to
mtrrOrad bnraib. hr uaid
lliag varaeU to tb* I'olUd State*
tad bero autb agioomy
ImaglDe Hall ifiitoci
rtaof foralgaplaawaadt
looked like it eould ram
bat haopened
to the n
hvr fur iriakaawbat
ha 4*k yiur papt
order to improve the tgricaltar
I did not feel like it. I waa
Ibe moor)
■Id. guided yidu mao. wfan
taeld mr aei
people of tbU onaalry.- Be
loongb I bad nreer alay*
*D bit aore* auS^iped tbe blood from my j "'Cauae papa' iin'tT h« «
He a
latercaud ia ih* eallara of rlea, tbea
wr- .'b-okei rorebkadoD that
memorable St wa* berealnre I can rei ember, m
beclaalDg la toe Candlaaa. aad teand
iral tboaaaed dohar* coUrvtrd' for
doe'l kobw if fac't dn
a very aaperior q*a(lty of rice la a port
elleol—lorely I could Dot at T pul mo
mamma alwaeu crie* *
ey ID a back teat cloaed a< 4
I cou
about bim "
not abte k
oot very well carry '
Tbe reotlroiaa
ppr'i Boddealy.
Il for export, beeaoto I
plaleodiiall to ea-rh other a* brat w« aad looking
. -uto Udde-vap prebibited It* export___________ __ _
aakad 01 mar* quaatioeu
icoold. for 1 wa* really ill. and qolle lorord face aakadoae
aald that tbe aakbor of tbe Daelaratioa
Itaadoeeer beart.ofaay barglane* ! ,**4, k, go orf-mlo aaolber awoon.
■Wbat toyauraame-r'
'ndepeadeBc* fillad the peabateof'
n tbe rilla**. *0 I made no my mmd ; When ibegervant girl came be went
■Ham-Da etll. me Utddie. but my
V.rrlnia ovaraeat-tba old faah.
tbal I would atoy at a^e that nlrbi ■ for ihe-dnftortoqd Mar* got me to had. realaame It l.-.w-apc* lUycBoad That
ri Vlrgial* coat, with spaa lo IL
.Dd lake the rtok, if there were aoy
nick came at nOea. aad w.. horrlfi. ' wk« papa'a name "
ch oar grandlatbera wore with
becauae it wa. Uonoleaonw to dootber- j», what bad bappeaed Hut tbe docu
lluwnweol the load nf .buodlra'en
tbe pavement, aod Laddie foaad him tbIa rice. aod. to ase plala laagaM
had proDOUDced me. more fright
i.waat any lea. to
1 did BOt.waot
ao I let tbe
the .,
. ,h„ hurt:
rl: aod really, but
aelf daaped eloae la tbe atroag arm* of amatgledit oat of tb* eoaatey Tha
r.ild I caught, aud a
blvoew friend. He didn't quite ooder- red juetiSed tha maaa*. poaaibl*. B#
carrird it u> Pari*, pat It Id Bmalf aaMtoegleciln'g to'!ight itac'iampa. before a’^
I. Hdld 00
utand il DOT why tbr auaager-aimr»l
Dig oak lire te tb* •Itliag room "tblnu ' x
wbbM a* beaaid. -Hy l.tby. my nab, " mrea of fit* and tea gralaa. aad aoat II
ogup- ooeof Dick'tcaae* llwaai j
Hr hardly lik'd that, aod *0. alraWbt. to Charleatoa. M C.. and that ww tba
murder caae tbal bad a great deal of
ruing bimaelf an aa tall a* he coold. be
aato (tardily. -I’m aeveal-Ye*. ye*, little maa.- laagbed th»
IrU* Growuig Leag*^
•emouey I defeed groUemaa. "bat ypo aaed to be my
eply that I prea*
baby, and I faaee c->m« bark to yoa
Prat. UaoafifU Harrimaa. ptadrlw
u and la a dreaa
about tha
.Sow let'* burry to mamma %i feat ax beUaltad Stateaeaaaa* raponaaiaa*
tried, uoevicied and 1 Ctuaily aeoieocrd be—that
.aso, ha* dtseoverad a markad aad
to be banged, and wa , myae f p-a*ewd grnwo le kno* each olber very •
tbr valwotlee'' aald Lade Steady laeraaae la tb* lo^tta of haaaa
>f a frantic derire to attend tbe bang aod I>:rk-I>irl
die. hardly rral » og I be truth a* yal Ufa la odr eoaalry daring Iba iBal half
'ook ool for
in o< n-aopearaape Dr"We*ll get ber ooe tomorrow, dear. crolury
r next f*l
HI* ataliatloa. which wtoa
wholly doe to tbi laci.tbal I C30 il ^
beat kao
tbetfaral oae in towo. bal bow
find my ahra*'. beiog teparatrff ,
me the.way borne aod te I me all 1
B them for aumti Dezp-alnahie rea- ,
meatof Sclcarae. abow that la iawtte
- So they homed toward Ibehuiable mndiaa age ol Uw eatlrr papalattea
I woke op voddeoiy. trigbleaed lo;
bovac. Laddl* telling a'mot mamma'*
l*.i ycara. while la ind It bad riad myaelf eovelnprd in darkne*,. re i
trouble* aa welt a* ne koew bow apd
:14y*ai* la IM he aatMpaMa
e.d ooly
rly by an octoDy rrd glow '
Itotenicf to bite of papa'x auanc* It will be 2< 4 yeaia. By -madtea agpr
faat-dyipg coalv upon if
Oh. bat tbOM were j»hy Vrbraary atory. wbicb loanded alaoat a* woa
maaatthat which dieldaa thap*^
hearth. E'erytbmg waaao atill. Ku< •‘aia. q.l vhieeaBdanowaai j ogle and derfal at BoblaaoB Ckoaoe At la*i
UOB eqsaliy.-oaa half bal^ absea
tba amaUeat touod except the tickuix
bla-ihal ■>. for n o.t peuple. To ibay reached the door, and Laddli
Id Uw Otaar halt below tb* nndtil —
> In my da'k-ard
' I'k-ard brd
bed . Laddir it wa* rather gloomy, leoogb reahed in. crying rxcitedly.
c'ickiog of the dying'hir law tae nun ablae and tbr
asrkle and beard the alv'igb b-l
ird with aa-raag*. aiak : ule. aa eeerybody did. Hut Lw-ldie
and a juyfol
lag feat
u afraid lo move, afra.d : a little fellow—1
cry. Then anddenly l.kdc le found bim
to taro my oead to ____ _____ ____ _ year*—and be faado t m«oy way* of
wraaometblng terrifying lurking io-tbe amaaiog bimaelf when abut op la the
be balll ap la aoaisat aacttoaa Msaad
. Id two pall
old, toi. aad trrmb
eapr-ially when
tb* Stamp, with draft optolw U «s«b
aod beifell qaaer
waa eblllrd; I fancied
' tired to rt
both mamnt* lod the new found papa aacUoa. wbkb cauae a fiiaatartad ak
efnve dawa
ioveot gaoM
Tbi* wa*
erriogotrr t
rather than dimln aad it wu* a eery bard i
Hot tbeqo >r feeliag gate place
labed a* tbe m •>i ■u dragged by
1: Ltddle.
Ltddle, at
aa yoa may imagiee.
le wbeo attor awbll.___
aonld bear a-y be
heart beatiag I aooo be | ed oe maa
qiiie cb
lliag at tbe tobi* with a
Troabteaad kia aad aatoaiaabt
oame.pBtbralled -by ler r'ever. aud
d Raeoab.
at i'lol be had aeeer asen os be
M eely lUagu a maa «aa haaa «
of iaal'iDctive aalmal f«
before aod beard her aay to pan etbto paopl* dost uy to gak aa
1 tboaghl of the p
"Lmddle ba* broegbl me tbe «**| from bim
locked np ia the cabloet a
etlratiac I eeer receieed'"—emAon#*
■•Ibafa ameb
d. not V
two yard* away.
I :
Dd tome eery bad out
ab^ld telak /•
■elf l<*tei ling paiufolly. to.
Mamma'* beadacbr
UwUfaastmaa pavko park
awoiieu l»wa’]ow- wontr. inaiead of bel r. aa the
LilU* Bunas
wtkh il
went by. aed of ee h
ke* farmer* la CoBDaettcat
rally my courage, to quietly He bt>*w tb
&a**^"Doto Mr. VacydaU hspwbsyd reecoUy by a Abarpar
that 1 bad awakeoed > uloking of papa, for
al way* cried |
kblagTpajm *
a nightmare, aod tea*
thought 0
•e wax pothlag to feat
aciory h.
u aeed oy





i’ ‘TS'i.TJrfS
apoL aod
be g
aad clear.- la Ibe ea
-Harry a llUl*.


kBcnnhv ..wtdaTvr.


896 Front Street

■ *y pow n. • lorvlj rva-

on ice u CITY opaa.i

on every dollar sale except on

: Flour, I'ceil, I lay and Sugar.
i 5
jI W.W. Miller’s Cash Store,


4Milda, Ctnu Btaia u< tM In



u. arnai.b. a. prra XII
ivralm MW np".

/^BO H CB08B. aiMn.iaat Coaanl

a. daaaMteat afa B*w kwtlaad
llaaditiaataalahn paawatara
■a la a Unta.e xbbad baad. ara


maa wbo baa
aabarqucally. after many uea aod I
•'®c "e*‘ thine ■ remembarod wa.
■l lo carry.
town, a .joeer j opeou>« mr^ej^od eee'er^
dowoa. ar*,*M at Ii.Jk’a
IllUe eillar* la Somb aroliaa
fcDoa. Ob luXip to lha
lo< all. my atreogcbgaie
way. aud I I Hetore Ibr keateoc* waa dutobed off I
Hick 1. a soderat>li y uoy b__ rto- i log
turmoaniad by a lltUa
tell beavil)
bear,I,,. ilnklDg
mr head again.l i darted the boy ao faai that he orerto-Jk ' roof aad ”'
He u *0 a .lorar, at.lav asd baa i ,ver, i fell
crem Tbe belfry to rmebaf
- cb Irfixur aeoaelrvi for [the btarily ladeo traveler and fairly
fair pracUee lodeed
AMerlor i
ladder, formed by alala oa
camel, myaelf. 1 wa*|toagled bimaelf to tbe iung«*erciml a*
adaeeu be bpd lived >>y nimaelf
from tbe nmt to tb*
a youu toaa whom I beaald.
Orel y cottag* on lb* p*etl>oi a
Orer the Wa* grow* a
before He eat upon tbe
"MTIl you pleave let me earrv Ibto
’2 *od waa rather a L-rntral Uyore.
Hagitob try. Tbto ley hM
htotre.laalrae!'’ I I do U cheat.''
my t
r waatfDlte tbr ni wlriigiDie ;uuo< I
laio tb. t^arcb tbrevh
iDOiird ' ■aeea. wane Be wioed the bloil
Tb.. man did nol laurt-.t leavl uol'J"*
* about town
lie wat aoi apo,
aimpto cbBgwt. Tharail
aloud-aod l.udir fell enejoragwd. !* '
ry dear I ISd
forehead with

i Five Per Cent Off


bly •IM.oao m


UDiMStitsBennoleiitMet}. !


Ttaap danac Wa wbaia Uta. la «baa^
leroflba HaLimaa aaaato ba pGabakad


Ouee become accoetomed to their nae and >00 are lost



Pint* Oi»u, Steam Boiler ud Accident luanaoe.

Auuracyk ai J^w.


rww • M; >n WW.. rr., :
lr» » TVIwl.vM wo. «• .TVOM
LvoCIno low Xu tkoi Mrok, .ooj la .lowr 4a>.s lor a.Mn. laal .1...

yac4. baud tba nia. Tbw I bwrd It
a waad dViiact fnMi Uc rata'
wise irani-a wrapiac. wwla* apprnartaic (orbneweetbwrt laaaiM
ad. Ileaair froa Vtaefroat perttea riaally be eb<
aw wbieb bad a bloe
I.V WMDM waaeaulac larandb baekenmad. *
_ Vraetxa bliadt ieie ib.. boa*.
..._______ d ao-.B,
K>B, abea
ebea 1I
(alaiMi doabl
ramed with a plaab bwdae
Katu; beard lb* bttad* drarr«d
look very rWh ob mamma't maarr-l
d lb* aaab *r«ak a* It lelXwif. So la be walked boldly aad
I paabed ap Mowwa* araa eauwiar
maid to lb* rierh at«r the d.-mr
iboBB*' Tbb oeraan. wborwer U a
"H.w much itUal olac valeaUae'^
I kacw of mx bratber'a abtaear.
"ve aj.lan. aatwered tbi
1 tbosrblof Heary.
aqaavr amUe at Ibe amall_______
law iBtn
U« brxfat Ibr B>
-------jy. Oeare before b.m
lb* amUe
i opee note.
It waa b> wbo ctaard lb* ebaafad lo a took of p ty. bowerer. aa
idrla; ablob srepraled m; depaalUad beaaw.lwddi*-* eye* fl.l w.ib taara.
I the moo*;. H ara* a* elaar a* day.
I "e *al bta band on ibe lillie (ellowb
inM« riyidly to my feet. In a tvinklior
loalfler aa^ aaid.' Sac bare, my boy.
mr mlad wa* arawly acta*, aad a
lere are tt^r eery orelty ealeaUee*
: tbooaaod wayt of eaeap* aoryeo
1 ibi* abelf lor S.J ceaia. aad bet* are
, tbroarb my bralo lo a mnmeet
I ao.
i=.OM»oaea tor only ?J •
)e*lt.d lb- cabiart aed eraai
Uddlr briebteaed and U
'larrepocoelb-wb wbicb ceoK
rhcnaiar amoa* tbe cheaper
OOM. aod tbniat It ioto my b
be rememhrred tbal eeen ?!• real* waa
• hat oareow I did anthnno
a larye
larr* a
amiaat when oaeb eollre tortreaied leto tbr deoaedarbe.
■oe COB.
cOBkialed of three copper*
own bedroo o, wber* I atood c
I aad aald
aad ablatnoc' The wtadom w*r* ton blfb from tb>
cOBid a." '
Igrouad to admit of myj*mpiB( tb*>a
aay be m«hl bv iryiai
fmiB wiiboul iBcarricc tb* ruk ul a
— -,d 4be clerk cbeerlully
brokea 1 mb. waldr*. lb*** wa* of "Taere'a qalleaeoud bit lobe earned
time At tb- Aral aoar.d of ma pu llo*
up lb* aaah I aoold • • •
I br*'i
So qollr boprfully ,
*»ed away ie ibe..........
d rec;Ikia of Ibr Weal
rnybaadlik* like
be anared tbe p are be
r lhai be train had already coom
• lotebrd lb. mid** la m; bnavis aed
for a. iberv of people werr berry
aiepoed lo'o la* empty errplacr loadIn* inw



3 I waa arfiiby. ai
banaeo: tosctblng had faapt
1: wrecked, aod
that moateot which would I
r Laddie oftoo aakad ' ' tberc wax ao
te of.
.. ai* e*
-a -___
Icoaldaot tbraweff tbeDOlioa. Jaat lock'd to aorrv wbea ibe aald. -I'm
to rale—at . liar down-! afraid not.
A litile one." that _______
CaU.a* II the bnum had auMeely fall ab*ut riven ap trying to Sbd oat aay.
n oat of the cioada
I DOWS It v.raioto be* Ily A pertan^^Oaeday. It waa tbv istb dayoftbl*
■asad to peaa-i aparkllBf f'-braary. Baaaab a
Iratemy aeui i did potsove. Ilay diadpwD town oa aa erraad;
back la my CMkloaed chair belpleaa. Igayly set off. glad of aay chat
tad fell tuat I eoald not have radaed i oat. I! Ooly ler a abort time
«T b*^ to my facalf mv Hie w«^ tbe
Sacbooarlag' I'feuad^yaelf
________ ' behind tbe rain—bcblad all
lb* patterieg aoiae -Hatealag ter ao
3thte aoaed.
I bad a grofqae idea
Ibal tb* demrala aad tbk tomethlag
t to me. wcea col, _ .tbeeactoaataaatbB tboagbt bow aarpriaad aad glad bla|
MBW moald ba if
ahamU *amd bto I
mt baffy 4 . .

mbatt- IffMaakta

Joaepfa Uirard. wbo lioea wtib bis
broUer. Heorv. oe tbe Tecutowb raad.
le Saadw,ca EaaL will be IM yrar* old
oe April Itlh next Uo* of bb brotbar*
is M. aaoiaer 92. aod a alsur died raen uy at in* age of u* He cajoyt fair,
lygood beaiita..aed aa late at last fall
haakad eora ie lb* Bald.
A tome •

••■ad. alr.-Waa b* abot la Ib* taahir
".Vo. Mr. la tb* nammiak.*
Eany—■•Ko gsUamaa arU
&* pm imci '..i Udiaa.’ Dk
I Btoto 4I149W lb* pi_
■MO* et
to tatartap* with my aa

A good gtraffa alOB la wartb frato tip
toSM la soatb Afriaa today aad mwto

Ibe Inks. Bedld net aprae with Me
theory that there k alwaya room aad a
pood prioa lor Ibe bast fralv aa bk eaparlewea bad taapbi blot ibai with tbe
onr crowded markela at aoatbera
potala tba prlev k earn to tall, ao mattoe bow rood Ua (mlv Then U a i
wide aad pcaetleally aallmitad marfcat I
tor pood wlatmapala^ bat wlU tbtae|
tba prowtr baa to eootead witb:
dkaaMi wbleb make a loee of at Uaat i
one third. Botblap will onreoma tbk
hot aataam aad plenty of bard wvk. ‘
He alao apoke of tbe OMr-prodaetion of |
plama. aad the caotaa whieb

traverse Herald
aeoBBU TbanM/ aflerweea J. M. Marto eat bta
OHrSa uadiar KWTWOparUaily baraad balldlw oo Fraat
te*e kwa
abaal dowa to oac alery.
C *^1fc»v«dat«gM
jfcevwdategM Ofck«*e
^-Mlltai (hrria Feltbu U»ai«r •*»
eaaaeU waa that raUtira to tba UphtSr. *■- Ki-baii
Aldarmaa Smith Bored
K hM* » tkelr MMtIe et M» W*M
that tba amtur e< a eealraat tar ak
UpbH he ra'arrad to tha oommiitac
Kr. Zeifteia k SrM«r« e( tke
paWk lipkUa*
ISteifii MMb)d Celleo ead
eeafar with tba Bmrdmae
T^elil •hmt Bm »t>k» nm el«aj«
trk Uahx A Fewer Co. li
ftmOj^ionA >■ ttleeliy toe k«*
,,Mli|- ia Cbieero Beekal drelae tbpy
to Hay tat. tbe aad of tba Saeal
aadtbaa makeaeoairaet foroaa year
attbe'rauraeaaUy Wd, BTr. per year

replao a loia at preaeat. aad declared
taat the only aoiBiioa tie* la tbe oaea- '
lapof Iba arrlbem aad north sreaiera!
maiketa. He atmoply orped a eombl •'
aailoa of tke fmit prowera. to ileeide
apooeomedifialteplaB of marketiap.
and a deeiaioa aa lo paekapra aad '
pmdea Tbk plaa war racieatfal ia
tbe <tmad Rtpida dklricl. aad 'abOBld
work aa well be
dkenmioaot tbr qxeaUoo waa
_______ by A- P Gray, wao ba* fi’-m
faith tbai tbe darken boon arc paat
for Grabd
Grand 'Trarera.
Tra.era. frott prower
lorcam. brtpblertimra and belter pi,.
p>e . for (roil. He aaid that he ooderatonn that Cbplnla tVrbb woold be

OMtb oJ WiDlMB JealtlM.
WOlaa JraUBS.» r«mn of er*. ud
— old ploaeer of tW»ror*». dW T~
aotter OMnlDC at Ut hooM MOT Coder board of pohik
Baa. of old era Botulta aa ar«] »U*.
holaaosatoar aoa aad taraodaefb«va. Twooftboeoae. Oeaaod OevM.
U*t’laTra»eneCUy.oo» la CloToUod
doarfem^Nis. L K. Cleveli^
■la. Jm Baosoa. Hoc la TravctM City.
' aad OM is OerdiS. Wataa All the
AUdne war* bora is Wataa balOas.

I Bmltb tba
a laatmetad
' Rallay

feaap the patten alaar oo Kroat
I'BlOD aUMU. aad to k rep tfao toow
Md ka haalad o9 dorloc tbe winter.
Tbla aappeatieo mat witb faror aod
7 of BapUil
Tba Ihirtktb


sboaldbaiaebMtomnkaaaliaieeara metber pood to bear. - Her aob}ecl.
aa pomlbla aad tbe toed kept bsady.
j -Wbat U Beet' was baodli^ in a a
wbo bare many datiaa le at* ^ pleaalopAed wtaolaaome maoaer.
tend to bealda poaltry lakiap nboald
Wbat k beat for ua depeoda upoa
ileet a ppoarnl parpaac baa.
iatandarda. we bare a tre^omot cbo
Hri. Campbell •poke of tbe ealae of She urped moibera to be coofideoual
fowU aa ealtlvatora. Bor basa era al- [witb tbelrchlldrea. aod deal iruisfally
lowed to ran IjmIj la a pardeo ia - with them opoo all aabjecu.
wbtab are (raittraea. earraataad map |
Womea are eduimled and inttraeled
berry boabee. aad polaloaa. Hbe cboae { Un
bea that woald cat carmal wortaa well (or pirla to hare a career ai
aod sot earranu, potato bapa aad yet i lad.pcodeat life k rrrrralxable. yet If
noWUp op tbe ppiatoea.
| marriape k to bacupie a w.imanr caSbeallowi each bea aboat Iweire reer bow few are fitted for that hipbi lifm I
ehlekeaaand abau them ap aeperately aadaty lo a
with tbair fltek (ora lew dpya. after bood. Wom.o abould be better prrwblch tbey bra piroa tba freedom of; pare<l for that aacred reapoaalbiUty.
tbe farm.
- Th. riiajaaelno waa ably opeoad by
Her beat abocoea witb chleVa waa^Hn. E H. Voorbem .8be apoke of
foood to tie with tboae brooded aoder . tbe (arurr piri aod brr deairo to earn
mtaad by bent. Wbilf dueka are mopey at burse. Hrr b-oiber U" paid
beat tor table Me. tbe akin belnp (or bk w<rrk. wbj abould tut abe. .wbo
whiter tbaa tba dark Variety. Let the k doisp ja<t aa much-work le her w

•oart* Ki«a«7 of Kapld Uty. of <
down to a. Bne* apraad
foot Mr. BeyU wat awaro.
jdlka.' pkkiea, oliyaa.
l Hr. Klaaeyt oBlee fried, eakaa aod eoffae.
blaatlf leba a too
takiap tbair aaata. a aeleetloe
m pUyed by Hua (item Cob
Mr. Waltolwd had oast klm thara to At tbe doac af Ue loDcb all
rat a aback let Wbitaford for tluo drank to tba ApUat aborcb. In cold
Tha ebaok draws to Mr./Wbiiaford
■atar.^ bafltted UipUaU. Thro
ww (ires blB- Be' tbra took
tap ■•Bleat be thetk that blade "
Mala te Kalkaaka. weal to Balm
A fine htatory of tba chareb from
■abbralora.boa(titall! orareoat
<70 to moo waa pkan by Hn. Bmtaa
Ilia atalad-taadarad the cbaek to tbas
•roadtoot. tbe only ebaiiar member af
1 with Mr. Whiiaford's
the eboreta.wbolaaUI1aai
fka II* waa takaa oat aad tha balaaea
wbtab abe may fnl free loapeod?
E H. BaaUapa aeied aa
atvaahlm la eaab. Tbe ebaok
followed. He related bit expeneece ia
"lliet" waaanolb'er aut-J-cl treated
Itb biaMoal wli.«Dd Im
ibhMie tbe bask
nltlap both Brown Lepbora and Ply , io her taper, alao the beauty aod coemoatb Bock bene, (aroriap tbe latter lesUMStot borne lifefur womed. She
HMr. Beyla.
! k aeeo at ber ne(t lo the borne, dbe
Hra. A. C. Uarsalt f<illowad with a M u all roaad bea. eilaaded eae, :tbealdculiira.ea lure fur pooo booka
Cbartnlbr Bocid Eraet.
aettpsee a report ofwbat waaplna. tbaaabJeetoniphtiDpof coopareoelr-iaod bripht auciety. Uloba
Tba OHy Opera haU barer |w.
allentlon. Amoap tboae ^ taklitp up bhuMbeld tuple*, asd It u
•alap year la tbla llor.
a Bva larIttiM pietara tbaa Friday
Ukiappart la tbkdlacBtaloa were Hra [ well (or womrn to atteed cliiba if they
C A Bopbaaapoke wittily aad ei
adght whaa tba aUta of Trararoe Oty eUy oTUe abareb flaaaoaa “
HeKac. Hr. Barney. Mr. Btorer and can do ao aad aot oesleet borne datiea
aaHaVfBtbwad loMiay tba B»t hriU
lira. Campbell.
i A woman ahoold aerre her family be•rof tbambnreb,
boreb, ai
Prof. Tower apoke OB tbe BobJ*«l of! fore abe'doea tbe pub.ic and do bar
■■Clerer."ambiaeiBf lhaclerer or polae; there in. the wnrid cbeerfally aod well.
rapretMaaadbaaaUfal. i
family la peearal. Tbe red elorer k Bne aboeid eedraror
importa'at to aprien'taraliata. I throuph aacnfice.
taloefroou briap molelarc aod toll | Hit Voorbraa'paper war

tba aabjwioftbe Snoday

(oodatoibcaarfaee.of tbaproaed ibM ten aod emroeal lo purpoae.
Mke Adaint par. a piaoo^Io wbicb
low early bofore plaatlnc Crlm-’wa« mui-a eiy.yed, after which the
elorer dooa not make a pood patlep dkeuwtun bri-.isr peoerai. many ladica

the while aod trd make, tooeb.d upue dorio^il.
Ha argad tke Importasee of dolep
vu, afietoooe arawiao
avmathiap fortta impror.meot of tbe a fine boy. Tbe crop aboeid be col
ebarca propyrW- ''Mow aad Wbaa- " when aboat ooi th.rd o» tbe e! ^Hb a .hurl boaioe., m«.iinp
aecrr.|.ry'. repori tom of tbr onnanal
Itloae dkcaaaad by E. beada baa tamed brown.
la waa aarrad ia Iba ball aad
Toirar ekbibited aomolreof ilie i-lereai ukeo m.^tne meeUopa Ihk
ofpad tbe .aeemilty o(
dtfferealeeeda la bottlm. aad told of year, tori coucladec with tbe roeomaanad la tba Elba ball, praperad by
aaperlmenu wlib tbe toriooakioda at meodatiuo thai uor d.r teBlooe be
-Work rorwBrt' wnv tbe topk
tpirtBply takea ap by B*r. Woodbooaa. ttaeatate ediepe. He cleaed bk talk durioff ibe oiisitp y..r Bl Fife
ft waa a ae»a'iEhai''aeaaUy prauy
a plewlap tribnu to tbe elorer Lake. IViliiam.burp. K .Lp>lrt aod
tbepaator. flerpoke of tbe willlorMd aajayabu araai. Baaearoai eat.
IM to faelp.^i
laaaaadaeMpdllawaar^ad tba eidaa
r dlacoBloo wbleb clnaed the
iifficer. (ur ibr en.iilnp year wen
al tha haU added a aaiate^bU fw
BoraippoeMioBWH led or J S.Hortoa. eleeied a. followap that if they ai
Trarwork for him. ba aroold aphold them.
-To Doe of Oat Kembar" sBppMad le prowlnp elorer aod epeke of tbe ene City.
Dr. A. B. aad Dr. U. A. Bidlidey re myitary, 'bat tbk waa all %xplaload proatrnlneoftheplMtto the farmer.. Soereiaryaort rmbtum
Imad rrltey al^t from Bear Ckaak,
Tboatmaalrr Haatlnpi aiatad
brIactK Malta of tha euioMcBthet
sleetlOM by Ibeorebaatra.
, Chairman Womao-« I) rkioo-yra.
waatobeatakeDotloriac apWHiliiltbabama ofibatabtob^.^.
Tbe Weman'a aeatioo waa held lb tbe ; S-Uray. AKhie
O. BoUMby. aad ao aoneatly fa}arod Iftoadfeot who fo^ almaat tbe
BaattaiebBrobaadtbeeaUM prap*am' Oommlitee on Prevrao—K <bt Barney
fear ■»ban of hie family.
Hn. A B.'McRae
li^atpce Uie abareb
srpao<r<di wnaooe of belpfol tnapiratkni lo all ; Boo. J <i.
Mr. BoUlday
Him Netue C'<iray.' .
baa played tba O'pai
all tt)b wboheardii.
irthalicbtla kiameriac piatoraapa Thirty pkc« of ■ilrsr'maVe
Aa ebairmaa. Hra. E. S. Oray called
Tb. ricr pmuleau'-mi.aio tQe aemc
pataiaa aadkwd bla
plraiber. Mr; lianian ezplalnad
1. macllnt td order aod aBaeanend ' m laat year, witb toe eaceptloo et ».
keaiatcwt that ba w
to take UiAoaru off the term, tbe tbe Brat aamber. a Violin daet with B. .'eonispa 'ef Mar fowaab’p. K.
IbtaeatalatbaMora. Ha bad raaobtd thirty iMecs ueanllySbouphl of beisp
. Hia CtampbelllHaomoodof EaaiJlay.abdWm. l
almaat Iberaqaired praaaaro wbaa ba tba reward of treachery, tbk bail
took bold of tba atop eoek. to
tokaa of aaaanal tellbfuloeaa.
tbaraaaod laUara Um lasaioa.
•kiod ba-wltb yon till we
lead wiih lodi^jaiBdolhi. er.iyt ad
at tUa tlma tba axploaiaa eoean
apala" waenaap witba vim. aad tbe
what can b-done' it.” waa ui.Mre. BoUlday had poea lot
party dkpened.
Mbjec. of BO ■otereitisp ball boor',
IdWhao with the baby a mama
.puke opoe tbe aobjeci, -Oar Reaooaai talk by Judge J b. RuDMiell. The
m of Fnrmen' intmote billUra ••
tea. Tbcoldaatdaafhiarwatleabad Cloatsp
Jodpe cpjke from bll year* of esper..
She d welt apoD tbe leflieace ereiy oaee la Irnii raraiop. and wa* cio*ely
aw >iMm mmrrv IMIllllfj InttlMla WM oserptlnoatly pood from
ataoo exert* wbetber be la aware of it (talaaedti He toid of.tbe eany day*
whilalhaUtUadaarbtar waa at iM the Bnv and akoired an snflapplrp
raot. aod c«p»eia;ly the power a when the aaW for peachea teemed uo
tatanaile tbaaabieeu wblebare near wemaa may wield la lefieenee for pood Umited. owing lo tbe pru'pectire
Bbd piaam ware driroa tbroapb tba
Hn E. A. Oapball .wv
maa'a leflaeaee la tbe home la of
partiliaaa batwoaa tbe reoam. Flaa apaakar Tbanday be^ t
impormaec. asd la lb* borne.
d the vralta "Poaltry BaMnp.'
(aolU ma*l be otarlooked asi cocared
Sbe revkwad harei
the cloak of charity. Wbes a
eapaeity. Uiniic of tbe oom
ID marriea. sbeaboald raalize that
ker coop and dn-anpemeat <
■rary wladow la Oa beaae
wbleh waa eery iapeaioaa.
krelraa.'aadaemapftba {Imban *
U la ao «aay to aea tba faalu la othcra Att more tbaii a di'.hgtirrmrni o{. the
shard toaaa team la oaiaelwa. •kia: tbet are a-lmn-Iuap m a vriuiig
tbaroiart^LtbaaMr? »»»««»
Row much bailor It 1* to leoS (or the man, alike in Im.- *nd i-u-ine.*.' 'Rie
pimplt- far. look* disMpMi-d ai.l Inih
Hr. BoUlday w
pnod in otbara. and la tbk way to
'...............' nui’lrn look a.kQti.i- at
e of tbe
help them
■aaaad aatlraly tbroech &U feaaarm.
•poke of tba tcrrih'l* pre*a'e*aa
braaklap both boaaa A larpa Dombv
of the aae of lebncao sad Uqnor. SotbMoffBaataof bceawararamorad in
DBbenlUiydUdKyt Bate laipart SM lap willaoearalyra’B'B borne a* tba
lhawooed.aomaof tbam a laebai
drink habli. yet mas aad bm are
An rhr bleed in ycur bdd.v pamet ihreufb
laacth. Baaloaa tbla, ba Waa baraad
your fcldnu'i ODoe cvm ilirM rr.isum.
badly, abd fall to tba Boor
The kklneys STS your
tbe bopc of oweiap a borne ibrnupb
BarLIhooldar bey. had bia tblffa
*■ bieodputtfm.’.hey fil­ tbaMeella Pobllcopiaioa Mkm the
badly brataad. bet etbarwlac waa aoi
ter ou’. ihe *»»« «r law*, apliatora make pablta oplaioa
impuriilei la ihe blood.
•mteeUy U)arad. Tba Hula pirl. Beeromee are good apiltlor*. w.^
IIiheyaieOckM ois
Mb. waa baraad. aad reeolred ao aply
o) order, they UU le ee
’ mnev irflj.a.--^
•Btbalaw tbaJtsaa.
thetr work.
may it b> aald of bar -dbc bath; aial luild. u|. thr
farcy, alarae yrofa old. waa aitUap
Paint, aehnandrheo- dww wbat abe eonld j b^’anb .rai^
maiiiin coma from aiMar tba aiora. aad waa rary badly
Tbla waa an eseelleat'paper aad waa' *
«a*» of une acid m tbe
iB^arad. A plaor of tbaatoaa abDat ao
blood, due IQ rrerlccrad Itateaed lo with maeb lotermt
'■iain. nrilh.r aU-o.
laMtqaanwaa driaao ielo blaobaak. kkoey trouble.
Hr* D’lla Irtab waa not able lo be bol t
Kidney trouble caueaeaaiek or tmt»a«r
^ImbaM^tbabooa AaoUar
paper, opealag tbe.di’-; -i.w
■ra atraeh blm la tba bean beau, and meket one feel aa ihe-uct
laaioa. wM rmd by Ur^ O-ay

earn, eaulaa taa ko«a cap aaUrely la
b pomp.nj ih’.-k tidneyMany pnod psiau were broapbt rot
Iwa. TbiB taa rary aorioealejary aad peiaanad blood'Ibceutii
ftaco’^ m
vrir.t andakerkt.
Holber* hara a ffrmt
Bbaiy to erlppla tba boy for life.
li umd le bn roowderec iha- only unnaiy
paardlap their ehadr
Iba heoia waa kti Is darkaam for a yroubkaware i» be traced to the kidneTt.
but near moderf >ck.nce'toova> tea; nearly
wbo tijere
dMAUmwbaa llaaacbt dre. bot tbe all csocautloq: dieeaaet have therr beciaand mind of rouap peoole
Sol only
Haaawaa aaUarakbed by Hr. Holli- niip in kidney Iresble.
ilr life bat atao tba aplHtMl
dapaad Ewl. wbo wae leaai inJoreJ.'
II you are eiA you ear make e« roktake


Over-Wol-k Weakens'
, Your Kidneys.


Mae. BoUlday wa. almoat Iraafr
a tba B*« broba ea'. Farcy had
CMwtad oat lato tbe aaow. sod «.u.d
ba bta motbar. wbo did ael kaow
iMarabawaa. -Dpet worry, laotkar.
rmaQrlrtL took Iba family lou
ommaad tb^.ara >«„
idter. Alloftbamarado
bwaa waU ae aaald ba aapaatad aadar'

by lira: docronec yodi kidnete. The irali
^ me extraordinary e«ec; o( Dr. K-.lmer »
I it naiNk il
(or elboi
r* tbamby baaeStm
■ K. ’..“.r-jand U aold on tu mertu
Id taaocal dtaeamloa. Hr*. Inamdel
by aJI^ipyuuin-titt.-,
Hr*. Oampbeti. and Hra. Grly awib.
may bare a^^S
>nk by mad - i
Dr. Piettw'a Meiliral Adi-iict •eat.Arr
(raa.'’aM'p*^^W lelUnt ycute^c‘fiid •apeetally apoa tba pity aad abameo I
i “ ""il*
•‘"•pa to per e*pmit c#
out II you bare kidney at bladder tra-ubk.
lU M. amm ap-Mr.'
ffbwaa talk wbtab It moald da ataty Moth, m


Df. Miles’ Nervine
. wolew .i4 uaaU. l.-.s>ra.-




iiiui r—ti.'V tli>-..l



aad btfpad boUd the railroad tto»

layad- Bakiad tba bask of plaata
Baa arabeatri of twaira piaeae feraieb
atlaapirlaf maak to tba etcalaa of

Restless, Irritable, Nervous, Irtookmtary T'witchmg of
Muscles,.SIeepless Nights, EasSy Worried, Depressed
in Mind, Full of Aches and Pains. Cured by

point aod CaMsate for tbe beoefic of.
tbe (ralt prowem. if they woold ar ,

Mr. Jaablae eaaetoMtablxaa Id 1M4
>lpbt. waaoi
Otaad BaaUs to Haebicea.
ibaitka ebaieb baa arai
Bta fasofoJ wee b«M (foa
j >yed
It waa the oeeaaloe ael merely
kBM Saaday anaraosa aad tbr bartal efaeirooapratolaitoe. bat of aefiwm
propnltloaa ter adeaaoed work aloap
all Uk aarlooa lloea of eharcb aeUrily.
Obarxod vltta rorsacT-,
The eboreb waa filled with mambero.
CbMtv Boyta of MaaiiMa. bai boU e'd aad yoaep. and- all eame praat •arh areaad WaUaatbarv pared to aaloy ibamaalraa Nona
■oat el tbs vrlaKr. Batarday Mr.
VUMord ed that aiaee oaf _
Ua to work dor Usl
Bt^le Mid
WUtated ho weald hare to fo W
tepIdOHy Brat to rot bia olotUaf Bioally aejoyabU.
Mr. WMtoterd tadolar baaiaoa with
Mriyia tbe^inc tbr party tat

Poverty of Nerves

»l’.. .. r .I/.B Jp.rn «<.S-1.| kt..'.*'

ep UD le uie eeor (otare.
-e. Io rppard u
Pucui. ,.f ii.-r>« rtel<ri^-r
.be queallun u
tbe ealr of fruit after tbr
S;ou L, If.; . iTar'ition ■ • beeo oTcroos
aald that Brat elaaa (aney
fancy Imlt
Imli aboold i
be (orokbed, and a enrefo]
enrefu] atedy
aoU fertility aboold be made io tbei
' b’-iiet ,
Dr C„i. Koorlaod alaoapok. briefly,
repardiap tbe .jneailoBofa boot Uae,
.i» 's-u >uUd H..tlid,.
and felt aaaarec of the briptat proapecu
le tbk repard if tbe farmer* would eo•rate io tbe matte-.
.tier many ymra of puUeot waitiap
linp the farm u! .>uQe '
h*' icb dealred boat llne'*eema lo be, praa. and Other weed* 'e
s tbk way
A KtUe Ute’r In tba'
nari, oi toe i
wbo k wlllisp to try


.od I Imal* wmb
-’laimU.V.<'tlrar*alrraa 1


hbr.... a. acv.

.'..•aiiSUk»<;m )U iraa'

leione-Ct Ibe hc.iabfl
; ItetHutra br.r h.-ld

■ 'Kr.nsi.i’fr

oe the
cleol Indaccmeou are offered.
I -Swlodlrr* in ihf-haoeof kdara. beard
Aflor ao eolertaloiop aeleelloo
tbe Archie orebratra. Boo. 1‘elel- 1 ^’repairer* hare been • w-ork .ti^-.k-hi-Hil
' dtatriuia aruuad J>wkT.rifl(r. h. the
fio I . Farm - H. erai.
. . '>or*ir aojec.
atmapiy in fi
ufaTarleiylo atnek.
Ilebjjinin hiinoi-’n. <rf .'.fieioan. ij
a* well aa le
tbe farm, aod emptaaalzed tbe poloi
sokiouo^ find hi. daBrlit.-T M
maklep tbe braio do part
• whom be nkafa.aril ho hmj la
work. Bebe-ieved that jodlci
”b •’"•r"»rP»T»>rl f-u bVW'
ioullipeol plaaaiep.
________ Ibe 1 Muoror wanly. N t
H- Ihin
eieryhblnp Tor tbe adraotape
a«y !aerea.e
iaupbier a llciop .u.iV-»ii-r» is.
_____ lb* farm
keepiagot a fewabeep. If for uotblnp ’
moree than the pood work tbey
they wocid
ai Ladloptoa.
-« -enm bS »a^y«*i^.nd:m.
aod b-mra
Hi* talk wa*
witb illutralloa*
• from
bk own 1 of *lo*b ice ar.W.;ii
w> thaiM
Milwaikr-e irteauiakmaa •** pre*;
for a lew ;
aod pave____ __
talk, io wbiel
btplaioedtbe work
tbe tax eommiraloa
« 1. d-jiBP toFeid
makiop tbe taxailoe of
aute bore
•ka coon
in of hia'tbk *





Traverse HeraW .
BobiMa u BapM-CSV'
AtBwUaiir Hobdv mak Bmmmf. who tod bWBdolar Ma«M
U tUt ai;. ww raktod ol a 'peekeltoek eoMlBlac •»
le Balahtu A lUn* boul la MBpev
witk a trtato and a atraarw- Sefota
Mtolac itodlalBf roos of Ute total
all Urea weal lavs tbe waab n
Attar aeuriac taa dialac roea>
Baaaa«a7 etoaaarad Ito to* at bH
Maraadat tto aasa tliae aotiead
ItoatoMottto awaarer.
aM aeooBiBaalrd tto ottaera tr«<B tto
«v^ roaa. A aaareb tailed to lad
tto panjaad it ta toltrrad Maad Baa-

Om el tto aaaiaat. daiatlaat aad au
tofattaw altraetlra dialac <
OMMd lb Travana CIt;. la tto "blBa
T9om~ of Uao. S. Wlaalc'a "Uuir
Tbaara." adjalalaf tto todlea Ubrdrr
toltdlBf. Hr. Wlaala haa baea
. werb far aararal wreln prrbartac
asalasi«al/|>rirata dialer rooB wtorr
ladlaiaad tbair aaearu maj (attto
aary toil aeralse ol flrat claaa
aad »ltb every at^itneet ol
flstoaesa aad reaeranni.
Tto room la a model ot laatelal ar
eaacetoaet aad larekbed elUi every.
tea drat claaa dlaioe
Wia paper..eatolliatc d vriUi tllrer d<--.
It la Ivim
•rllUauUy lllanlDalto
witb •aeaadeaeeeta aid iba wladoi
are drapad wltta da:iiy lace eurtalca
aaaiettnr a laatoeaa eery daairable li
raataaraau Tto forellore laof rict
aak.aadflee llaee earan tto Ubto
«blla pretty aed allrarean
torwapartef tbaaervlae. Itocblaa
prtatoaad a btory ildaboard adda eoS
oaly wtto
It to
I Ita attraetlrel

Bwaa n^oBaibls lor tbe eon
B. vrhlla Btill otbcfB Iblok tbit



Letter ftoa tto Ptodl
Tbeodore Keleoa. loraieriy of <Hll-a
Pier, bat aow aeoldler la tto titb I',
d. BM- la Ike Pblllpptiiaa. writa boMe
to bit paroeu aad ralatleea of OiU'a
Pier: Hto eaaaaakalka It eaat to
tto Briuu> fa- pablieatloa. m It will
to ot utofott to bit fricoda la tba
Graad TVaetfea rerioa It It addreete*
to bit titter Bertha aad la aa followa:
lilia. P. L. Dee. tl, uv>.
Him Baaraa
israa Msbox.
Iliut Pin. Hlebifaa.
dialer—t bare rooeivt
kisd a '
•at* ec
d ajplztoea allae
all well ooBtootod
to raat after oar oi^neet wkb tto
{aeBtraate. We had a
ttoaaad yoe ahoald
-lar read rava ibea aa aBezpaeti
•late. We bad foar faaadred aea •
itollaecf oar reclaaat. Tto Pilli
aoaaade toe bellela whittle aroBL.
oar aan. m they tboaphl to Bake aa
varreader. bat toe taaall abewad toat
uiey bad al^aleaUud. They bad
r»eu 8aa-a boyt to face aow. “Tbe
iDliioa fiOad tto air witb a dead
otoaoil Bade It dlfieali for aa
. Itlar
eartlaa were earalopad la a doad cf
d theersekaol oarruaaad
^ ffaaa Biafflad ^to
Hy misd waadeyto over t
dear taoae asd I qacatloaed
aball eeer lae ay Both.
. We bad baaa ffrlsc
u boer wbaa toe mil
. ____________________________
did not laaairer
and vrc drore tberi
tbeal oet
oat ol poBaenloB.
Va bad road lark asd came oat all
*lrbt cxeapt la Oa L. whera we loat
joe naa—drowead to tto Hear.
•treata vraa too atroar and toto bln off
aUIaet Tbe tetb bad oee naa killed
aadfoor wOQBdad. I tbtok wa are «o
lac to atl^ Brika aad net aa tor a
wbUa aad tbaa I preMna
lae wa
ire will go
I doat thiak
of aaaacattlBC



**lba Boat probable tbaay aaua to
to that tbe vrator wbleb dralaad off
the beak at that polot to eetaratad tbe
aoO that a altda ooearred. tboapb U
aMBB atiure that the baeba aad top
Mil of IlM blU eboaM be throws ao far
toto tto orchard. Tbe theory aUo
toBM (tote before Hr. Piaaklla'a etateBMt that tto rroDBd waa atUi ataaatoff rrf^ aorstoraa^ eoa^aaedw
Hr. Frails la ao Braly eooelsead
ttolttaratoa baeoaitbara aetoor or
aaocpiOBlee tbattoaaya tbal he will
«< tto ffroaad will perall.


A Model Fana Boaaa_______
am of TrsTeti
____________iBty. there
tbare le ao* la
oleraetloB aad well Bear
•tof tto
niaty. aoolber
aetoaeee of woat


'■'"‘"r ““ '~'°v
ladiaaaiB Yaeatoa.



at home,

tto other

B ° hlS


Be toa a toother. U H. B Joan, aad
aaay other relaUvn at KalaaatM
toother brotbor te le Hlanranaada
viator la Sew York. A alitor died ta
ibtecdbaty la IS«e
After bit lolary hit aoa aad daarbuwa were esHto borne ead reaalaed
eeia bU death, eze^ Hn. HiehareoB.
Be weaa klad
aad brother, ead_______
'herever be wae kaowa.

Otldr ami Piide. 7.V to


| 25

A HusimweeSuil............................................................. 2.98 f

jrRUSSK,^^^!IDW 1

-All w..,l ^.raj and Mack Chevioto................... 4 60 {
iantt-Im-o/ Mcke end e>(Qare cute.
(teiiuervatUI valure........... {...6 50

Prices on Youths' Suits
' and Overcoats Cut in Two.

Kereei- I’.eatN. all wool. ?2 -J-' t nltiee..
.Ml our b.-»t .Mat kitiaWN l'<> al c



.Ml W.V.1 Kene-y.............................................................
Hewi Du k.-yV Krtbey, worth

rrmarkahln olTcr ami diAiii-M mrcly D<‘t witb.
the pricp of tbe n>lf lentber.

.All W.H.I Kray SbetUnd. #7 .Vi value, for...4 00 ^

llrvwi. I'entr. valeive fnim K t.i •'Si •'■0. all I

..........;v.v..5 48 <
.................................... ...S48 1
.......... 6 25 .



Tbte h a


Sbom at aloioat

l)oiiT mixe tbia opporttinity Ut

aboe op ymir whole bmilynt jiritv it would take to aboe op
one [•enuio



All W...1 Kereu-ya. eitk iiD.-el.^ls, imw.. J 2 00 ]


latoata’ fiee Kid aoiiooled tors Kboec at tote nalfiee aalc. _____
Heote Boaloa aad LycODDlat doe Low Aretla. at tote aacHSae tale


ir jCi.Viau'i «S.u< .Suita,


lafaau-flae Rid Hoecaalaiai tbteaacrtfler aale......................................

I M-tiV. ralii.-' from S- tee /r-,...........

iafeau' Itoeyola Kboee. eirn Iron i to u. ei tbte eecrideeeale

tVive-TU, ••ve-ry i^ntwBl KUAfantnal

I .Vi,. .Suii-li lit,is.................

CblUree'e Boetoa Hackle Arettea. at tote tacrider calr. price


• 'J.'e f>e-r cenf. dm.vrKit •>" kH ■

Soya' Boatoo low LoatonBaab Babben, at toteaaendec tale-.

Abie; hn.'of fUUUaml »l».to> roate
L-oAt.................. ........................ 8:60 J

HInn'Btotoa aad Ceadee two batlon aad torn baeklrreitor
Oreraboea, at toteaacriSoe tale............. ..................................................



................................................275 '

.All were!


-All wool .l*+>«*v Soiu, KOP h.$;i.'iii
Tip ihe New T..rk SU>r>--(. i.'rntl Sat rifirw Bboe Sale.


All oar Laobermaa't Rabbrra and Shoe Pace at yrrat

A leiir liiu' tucl.toc at...........................................

^ Ni-w (iDii up tn elalt- Ctiliari.. brok.-ii beta.

Am,tb.-r line,

Ladlaa-ffae Beaver aad Velvet SUpoen for.................
ladtee' Plaab. Wbito Oaeraa aad doe Kio Ozforde. Hc.Saaata-

te. c-liBe at...............

6.00 '
276 ,
1-98 ,

: We Must Make Room for Our Spring Purchases:
Udin' A. J. Jobatoa'a band lamed eole. ffae Rid Bbaea. He-Naatorm-WatoaeprinSJ.namedfiSo.yeareboiee
Ladlea'alt aolld Hllwaakee all yraia lace and betiotr bbon.
yoar eboleo.............................
.................................. ...................



Ladin' Daddy A Webator cork aole dae Prsseb Rid A3 so mod
S4.D0 aboee. at tbte aaeridee eale...................... .
Htete- Hllwaokee oil gr
Leatbcr S! ooaodss M


Hda'a Satie Ctelf. aew aa-to-date toea. laee Sbeca, HeSaaara-Wataoe price R 3S, out price.....................................................
Htean' aod Childrea-e dee Preach Kid aad pebbleffraia aebeo) '
Sbooa. HeSaaera-WatMia price tl .So aad Ss do. oar price .


Ladlea'aad Htean'drelqoallty Snbbera tor .................. ......................

Ooma at Oaoe to ttaa Buay Traaiog Comar.

The Original and unly Bargain Givers



Glass Blocfc

Trtverss City, Hi,

THE NEW YORK STORE, I. Deot-Snii side.

Trnerse Cilj, kicli.


bWw CR>a te r.el.1 snIn-sliL
kilwd SI te rich, iin« end
taaeed la te rlzW »-I- Uirv
jator.a. stet to



L. .Moody
Great Evanj^^fUt biMAeif,
W. R. Moody,


[j 4,000 Rolls New Wall Paper, Swell Combina-j
tions, from 6c up to 60c per Roll.

Haa'a Hllwaokee oil yratn baekle aad elactle aolld Sboea. HeNamarn-WateoD price aad ll-Ts. yoar ebolee.......................

_ J. B. LKWI6 CO’8

son. ‘

fr->ni whoia 1 have a PeraoDkl
Uu«r autiiif; that tik pab.
liaben> are tbe esni I reptv.
•ent. That tteitber hr or bit
father ever ,;ave auy other ||il>Itoher tbe privjlrer of tteiat; or
Bxuae to his fate r's Private
Papera. thr Family Portrmita.
ell-, without which a “ bic^.
raphy" U buta were ahefl.
laol allow aav aflcnl


E. HoODTti work te te Oaly Cob•trie work priaiM. oa te preaa. or to
bepebUabfd. It te eadonto by Iva ..
.Baekey; It te the uZLt work eppeoveid
' Peealtyaad TroatonotHr. Htey'e
lanitatieaa: te ozi.i wo k bavkr
aaena to Hr. Hoodyb PetMHl Library
aad Letten; toe ozli work eoetolalBC
. tbeAb»v«vaI,
toe o»t\ work ______________ linna
•llaaed with Hr.
Hosdy'a Etema
WUb* And th« priea*
to ___________
•( t
tborlzad arc an blflliar than the
t Btea yea la ny tolte a paalal




. ................................. i

Bettm-m-a, bt-nvy......................................... ..


to at Seaalt Olty bad

eli atr.l SwMlrn

}io>V Sa. aier. from 2:. up to

Cortots bnlMto A

T« ewM a CoM to O * Day.

...,.V.iSEa:;.".'.Er7-?-rc! »«

Men'e liravv Beiol luixesl Swralere____ I.

»l.i-.MackiD,wa................................................. - —-.r
Tl Cn U etbwa H ton.

A toKiacatay te



Mnai Italic

LarorIlearOT ereat to Trsvone City

.98 ^

Frenrh Fliuinrl. vaium $1 7‘. lu KM____ | .48 |

vnluea. to

Uimiwltr*. All iliat haa twnnnld ul
'VTiriKe OliituHiit which ehouM br
cam, to haztea te cure.

Tto neadoa are qelto-pleoUlel:
------ • vrurerwrr^
ral pereoae here toea.
Philip Hiller west toTravmoe aty
rb sttaoetoalseee.
A Tnumph 01 ttcieaoe.
Lawyer Usdtow^ of Trsvene City
Aa eteetro rbemleal ria(. to be -we
No n-roe^ equals tV«ty»atV Wiute
aa toe flayer, te a poelUvetnire
cure forerWl.VB oP TaB SlVKl I' l..r this U-mIt baabeeal
baa b
Hla Floreaee Boyt te oa tto dek eryfarmof rbeomaliaa. ll
bIrand fatal 4isra.«. II token th.irao well toeled that a ynamaty
zoly or BM-1
.s>rtlr and in titu-. It will oin- a .»-•
nerM to all vafferere
,a 34 fiouni. and l.,r te wm-h that l„ltejtolver waa at Klacitoy Ibeatb ey refaeded la offered
^ areipoaeible eoBney. Too anieb, ..nvs La Urtjtn- It nrv.-r kite u, z'ue
e blood te tbe direct. r.-liet. Prior, »eaad jOc. •
Hla Haa* Holtoebacb tealekwlth
>rau of rbraBatizB. I________________________________________
^ '
which include laflaBBawry, Btocelar. <'
Hr ^torf
at Kiacaley Peb.

Jobe Wyhoff loaded a ear
■ Feb. ;^ Pftee. S3

.50 ]

.Ml wool Manitol.valmwfl.S.'eioSl.'ii'. ..

................................. .50

Itore te a Olaoe of PmpIv
lelurrc Vi- Her lur el relirr. B.
■». brre,
io all Oir tr
— • ^n'alloo <..................

Jaliet. Iti
Hr. Hoerlaae waa bia owe artottael. laylec te tica tor tto aew aide traek
tto torpaater work waa aaaerle leaded
Haaera. Wiech. Tedaaa. Seell. Palto Walter ffUrll&r of BIk Baplda.nhllr
WeUbrr. Wyrkofl. DaSey aod
ttoMtaoe wOTk. aioee work, cblaarr dtrawbte V
baO^. plaeteriar. etc . la the baad!
work rrf J. W Ualib of Acae. aad tbal
Joba Wyeboff wool to T<
a Fab
to It a tboTMCbly ooapaieat wort naa «to oa baeteaa.
•wa by tto aarieci work raeeatod
■ eethab


Ooloml. ;.V and «1 <D value a to rite- at..

.Mi wool F1.WVV...................................... ...................

Oaly. eaprvUHy ovnthrra, are a

and varifrlsy pmpmiea. derired froa irTu ra*. tto *ml ut emvUirota. a omul lt> uaria |<rewrvla(. porlfrioc.aDj beasUtylaff
(to akia. acalp. Iiaad*. aad balr. and >u lb' f-vm of haito and volatioaa fur
anu■.yloelrnu^l(JO^ lu-blnsv laBanaall.n*.aad rhallBm.tnotrrroroffbaaiee perapiradon. and al*» Id the tarm i<t waitou for olrentir* B^rakenave*.



............. .

Hee'e Koitoa aad Caadrr Bobbere, at tbte nvcrlBce pri«

Oiile H. Joaee of Dorr. Allecaa
vr, who ea Jaa. lA IWXi, eMiaaad a
lUoeaika of tto ealM by a falf froa
> load of bay. died Feb. 1
Hr. Joan wm well kaowa la tola
tote, barlar redded at.^oDn)e CeeI froa Itss to Itia, when he rewed 1o Allecaa ooeety.
le waa bare la Cayaboca coaal
to. Hareb A. ISM At aboet toa a
.. twelve yean hie pareau tetafaed ..
.Sew Baveo. Oaweco coBDty, where hU
(atber. (Hdeos Joaea. died ,eooa after.
At toe ace of ts to eaae U^laaa-

O""*. " r»" V" ">• a

MvaryUllac fOM.

MvnV benry ('uU»D I nde-rwear...........



““V "

»«AAOB It WUl pBy yOU W«U tO bay for BPXt WiatAT.



of Paler MorrlaoD. Vbe Bala pairt la
MxH taet to alee, twp ctorlet. wita a
aaeoad eBe halfatory wisp SSzsi fael.
I>r. L. J.Maaa teqelto baey takA awae cellar aeree fpet to toipbl OBderilM tto eatire «tradutre.(9aia oelPt«l Wtoeb te paablw bte 1^ tote
torladletdad toto BreVapadtaeau.
fiat aa peaelbto.
M tallewe: Hllk aad battor rooa.
riled tree to all by te Swtea ABrri-;
trait r^. boiler roea. waab rooa.
e Blac Co.. « Deirait Oaera Uoiur
It to Travsrae
wbUa tto r. . _
aek. Detroit. Hleb
aa<by fa
Tib ea toelaM
larfM part will be aaqd
B. K. Ulbaardof TravaneCliy vrae
ef iototoa. •
1 deBBit aty tto Tto oa batieea
TUi lapoalBf alraetare la a little

eatottto ordlaary fatararevideeeea:Willlaa Suswbeek te oa ttodek Itei. TakrWartuv'-tVUi;, \Vite lw»l«>UNli mm.!,
toaeaaeb m It la to to
neoi^ auore wad la Travan^Ctly
id by bol


It a Ctoixad by X* “•*•* ^*“ ^<»f

valaable aid Iron Bnuab ,

ladtei'of te aaae

A torra qoaatity of the bask,
aboat IS feet wide, toa alld or beat
Ihrowa down apoa tbe orchard below,
what waa tbe top of tbe bank beisr at
lawtM feat from lie traipoelOoo. oat
*Be reiu^ at bla
apoe tto orchard, wtorqlt baa bartad reMoval to tblaeoanty.
aaeacal aaall Irelt ueaa. Koota. aomr
Attbetlae of Iteorcanlzatioe aad
odtbaaato ar al^t feat to laarlb. ealll fate death be wae a aeaber ot toe
ary Oa sad had aaey
bora baaa palled oat-by tbe forpa of
I. at waa abowa bv toe
oaaad aatetaaee offered;
Pioa tto top of tto opeatof to tl a doriBc fate Uleeee.
He-laavn a wife, aa aced a
aoU to tto bottoa la a dear, pwpeodictwo daaebtera—Hra. Bdward B
SO faat hl^. appar.
atorbaakat laaatsdfaat
Clto aad Hra. Brai
doda. aa Iboorb by
ly. Ibla waa ST feet Kldkareoa of Kiacalay. toll oi
... ™
alaae waataad down aoae of
tkaeoU aad partially flllad tbe opao-


HazMaamyaffiieraeoraree lalb>'& »Ot laVAAt yOOT CAbh mOP« ptOflt»«F.

J.F.OUlavU drore oat to tee tte
plaaaalaa Ha la of tto optoloa tbal a

•tad. TberaU a atroar admlxtara o'
Olay to tto toil, aad tto aide of tto bill
it eoTarad witb a rroivlb of baabaa.
ItotwDBldaUoMedto aake a toad-

^ To UyinAcoodJyffupplyofw^rmgoodBwlUiBamBUoattay '

A dlapateb ('■ a O. j .ra. HaziM. aaya j
aaddamws aadMw Patrick. Bwtiy
aad Joba BaaSel aad ttoir Mother,
ot Wboa tod beard aaytblaffof

ay Cbratmaa diet
Wa badIboaaaMPBad
baaa i
ta fsrttocoaditloa ol tbe bill eetbarallBi. I
•ttoy. bat we i
r lied to aee (be
teaei _____________________
Ode womaa elaint that oa Tbaieda;
lalaa proaiaed toaaad
' aha beard a fraat roariar loaed, fo
oy pletore boat, bet the etaaaeea aa
lowed bp aa aeploloa. tot tboafbt rary alia to r«t tbeia tokao
I hope I
will bavea ehaareBoaatlaa.
I aee'
that U WM a atraar* peal o( tboadei
Mr. rraaklia aaya ttol tto roaad tna ay toat rerarda to all of ay friaada
aad elelaity. aad toll tira
talar t'rlday aoretot. aad be
doea' Bot doebt that it waa eitbar a
ibe of rreat latorat
aataor or a aabtaneaeaB azplaaica
K Proa ^r "-W.
ttotmoiad tbe laadalida.

a tbe Btraaca opaator


■r ForytvatowM tto partBcr of aark W HtyaB. iMraallai. wbr
abathiaall dead two pMra affo
At Food da lac. Wla.. Ito 'body M
B Jab Cuoa. om of ito aldeal e.Uzeea
of toa aiate, wae faead freaea ia tto
rleer tooday aweia( Hr Cooa bad
beta apt B| for «» Boora tp « tto
tiar of bo diaapaaaraace b* WM editor ji
of tor Faaddu tac llviiy Neva.

aita tto atary W tto lapn
tto BritHh of tkrat Kalin
Tto dlapawh la at tollewai
■ffaeralary Bby baa Ptetiead tto foliewlac eaUt froa Aabaaaador Cbeale
ralallre to tto Beaaal bopt of KalhaeBaeoaaty. Hleb.,
Ubala fearef latpreetaMeiInto Ifae
Britiah aray.


^ aad Heoday la a uie>r. tto>
WM reported to bare fallap oa
rraakllD-alaraioo tto weal ahore ol
tto bay Tbiraday. Uany people
toaaa tbe atrmareopeolis la tb<
- ^a. aad earioua ibaoriea aa to lu
erlrla are advanoed. dome are
■ a ou

16. IMM

l. a well kaowap^ter

Bate to Baa Ul wiU bri^ te.

PANTS.. Overcoats
and Ulsters

Mundrrds of pairs both for et •
'erysJav wear and dress occasions
may l*e fotipd in the. "spedal iale ’
'lots placeii. on our front laMes,
.Alany of these would cost double
what we ask for them if lioiijfht in
the regular it-av.

$1.45. $1.90,
$145, $2.90.
are the prices you now pay for
^nts from this lot that^re well
worth to (he purchaser, from Sj-oo
to $4.40. It will uke little time tu
show you these when you tiad it
convenient to call—o^nly make it
convenient to call ea/iy if yoCi want

To close out small Inis we
ihake the folluwtni'


prices on

L isters that-sold at from


Sf>;ao to

$4.76, $fi.76:
$7.90, $10.00. .
We offer over one hundred
coals in this''special »Jc" at from'
t t to jO per cent- reduction. .\n.other year will not witnirss such
bartrains on any class bf woolen
goods, as all grades of dothing
have materially advanced in price.
This ought to convince y'oti that
the k>w prices we make you now
RVean more than the simple reduc­
tion in pri^—it'sa doulyle mvIbr
to you.

New. up-to-date goods, worth
from twenty five to fifty |>er cent,
more muhey than we offer them
for at this special sale. We do
this to clean up small assortments
where we cannot again duplicate
orders to fill in sizes. .

<7ives you choice of Cheviot. Cassimere. Worsted and Melton goods
that are well worth to the pur­
chaser $MXDO to #i54ia When you
consider that because of advanced
prices of all woolen goods, many
merchants are marking op prices,
you will apf»eciale this oCTer. '


g«AHD TEATMtlgtHgiULP,. MEPAmT 16, ^900.
Deoib of Mro. a oortole.
Alalm ChriWo. wlfead DoeM (MrIMIo. AM Baadar weralaB 01 her]
at PPe Mot atrael. attar aa Olw
a Booth. Deeeoeed wee aa oU toeldaat
tbeellr. She woe M raare el
the Uae etbar daolb. Aa w
Milea of tiermaar- bat eoeee le Mie
117 whaa roaac.
ileoreaa heeboM aad two
ri *ad OttM M 1^ «DT
dreo. a aea la Waahiartea oi
bM. Hta. Mtbot BlBbib Btrook
tv>lw Mwies • «WW H»


e-eleek. Mr. W. T. Wee
The poll
mg a«.Wi
pr«MI boa eieUar.
Bh t»Hi, Msrtkpert. Hem QuMr.
L. e< wbleh Mr. CeriteU i
i4 Terre Beate. M.
L Hm^ le oeUre le aek


Ae Uuera Bee Bua
Afoaait amaberel tbe Behoe! BeeeeC laMlahBd ot Aea Arbor, eeotolae
liiabl Bptleriaf ntereaea to Prof C.
T. Btpwo. la aa eAlurlol It eere:
“The HtoUna aiole Beard of BdeeoUaB aode a wlee eeleetlee la lu
PBMOP of Prof. C. T. (IfoWB fa tbe
W«lM|lll>l|of tbe teliol MlablBoa
Hpraol Babeol. Prof. Otowa h a aeet
r aad be baa the
e of tbe a

eeoepineae. Ueapaer H pow


WaodUA or Miee Oarne kwdiep

The.-Itolardep Braalef Berald.
iBdUf eeelatp paper ot Cblea^ hae
ferla freetto-pleoe-lhle week a bead
•SBC balt-loae etolare of Bra. WUIIaa
Klaball Hiartaia. feratarlp Mtoe Oarrle
LUdtop. Oeaaetber pafe to a balflooeerHr. /.leffelA and a Uaftap ac- of Uelr waddlat. wbleb
Itoed Bl Ue heae of Ua tolde’e
Bolber. Hre. P. A t-ladUp.oa Thi
Oeotrol Beheel Park.
Altar Iba ipanalBaalUr of ^ eltp dap, Feb TU. The esraaeep paa pereeopiUUrtalrbt tbe JeUtparkeea- faraead bp Ua Bar. Dr. B. W.
Bittoe BPI le aeoalder pUae far ibe iBtkepreeaaeeof Ue iBDtadlato raU-

bNnhp AaoIrT—A. A. HeOop.
Warthp Traeteea-riaBk Itarai
I. WMlBaB. J. H. Martloek.
Wanhp Haatoloa—Frooeto B. datllh
tlWwdaaUedloharrB MUrb ride


atalp. aed tma the
Waabiartoe. the dtaepaateo
Bereteeet atuiar the

U*B of U» bride aad fTooB- '
deeoroied wUh Ai
leoe. baaeltok bpaeleUe oad polsio.
The bride wore a baadeetae toiler
Bade iratollDf town ef blae aod eaeter. wiU a hat to Baieb, aad wia
rireeawapVp Aer brother. Hr. B. C.
tladlep. Dr. aod Hie. Klarfeld aad
usla Zeirteld. who are apaadlsc
Ue w laiB U
■ IfgTP^
coat Ualr ooe.


TbeatoU BUltotpbeatdhalAa
tot Toaadap afteraeeo
toteUeadrMbUilpedbfadtof aa
Hatteeal Ooaid Uto year, aad to all
prebobUti* Ue data tor each eosapBeolwUlbeatToadopeo ot Ueoest
tbto Baettot- ItwlUbabaidatUlaadUka.
A aaaber at loottoe aatlon. toeladlat
the oeoal trial of oocoobb. wwe dto-



M thii imneodona cm which liriaBa rwery Kknnrat down

ftN. Rir

The Ceaiurp
The New Herald Ceaiurp
Cook Hook
Zaeb. Aldrteh aad F. U. Aldrleh u .jotalae Ue bat th...
' HerId Mlaaloo Beach Beaort Aiae.
aid Ctook Book. No. 1 a
I dec IS. T U N. H 10 W—»i.
maap new aed' ralua
Joe. fL Tempktoe aad wife
Htoelea Beach Bnert Aeeo.. parcel to ed aad well hooed
dec JS. T » N. R 10 W-*»
preparlar UU oew ..-oek
reral month*, aad tbe drat'
Aadrew B. dplaaep mod wife to Old
HtoaloB Beach Beaort Aaao.. pnreel to oopleewikbr fluitbrdfrom Ur pme
Ult' week. Krerp oew aad old eubdec It. T so N. R 10 W-tl.
wrrlber of tbe Herald will br ehUUed to
a haoaaotcr book ae a preapoo n'Boilioa ihei ibr
JO N, fi 10 w-ll
I* paid ID ful to Jasearp
Redaep U Dane aad wife to Hproa
IW'I. n
pub' orrperlnr hi
lui bae beea
Ip condtii.
ihera U
(too. UpBCbt aad wife W Bllee M
cbeerip'-luo br paid .full 10
leeialrbl aad bp
Til* Cook H
R u W—duro.
is Ue Isn lew paare. Tbep oerbt
• terser aetlea U asib
! br arnt free bpr imail
Jobs B. Oampboll aad wile to Boa*
lelat the aepor aod elak to eaplep be
toe. bare a rertotr of eoll hrrr
the H
^W^luar. let I. bik e. Ouedrieb'e
ffllc*. Tb!. .
- -----------.Bd moat eee.
Ueorre W. Batter of Heebeeler to eerre rood road-beildlat material.
be a Hlcbiaetbe arUtralor for tbe dtp U the ■oellp tokea care of. dralnare
tal to AaaCraw.
Krmrml>*r Uat
celt, p'.ealp of eloae.—wbati
Tt.tS. BlrW-,tbe road meebloe aad roller'' Ye».teod
u^ I. luu.aaifkli
________c.ipp of thi* *al
Almcad J. Crawford et al U Ado cable premlBB frer
frrr of ctwi. Addrem.
leal road bulldere.
Crawf^ panel to See il.T ss N. B
Thi flrKuned tab rlawe elearlp. aad aa opleloe laara how uteee thee* ImpleaeDU. wlU
Tratrrae i'itr. H!cb
waeaabBiltod bp Citp Atioreap Ktigr . B,mi»irprd toxtedrawapoa Uat ha map
relaure u the lafalUp of the aeuee of hire toed mea aad toame aad feta
tba eOBbcll le aethorlilec Ua asplop fall dap-a work ter wbet be pofe (or.
of Hr..Bettor bp a maJorUp eole. Tble werktor out read Us proree te
wbleh wae eeetoaded bp Hr Capipbell maap caeea a bit farce.
maefaiBce lor rood bulldliic. loo. to ae
lobe mefol
Jea. B Tempktoe te Ura
-AeeoBpaapiDf tbe report wae U< aiBeeery aa modera eeaeblnea (or (arm
pard. pareal la Itoe >s. T
aea, aad tbep oerbt
liter ot Hr. Baftor aeeeptlaf
pick, hoe aed eberel.
ABtof hie to
.Altroda ttoaereft
fat par dap.
I that Ue t
There arc roade net Sttoea mila •ek of aw.*, dec
woold probaUp rosalio aboet Mb from Tra.eiM Clip ledep Uat remato
A Hodtea aad w(.
to Ue eem* korrible. bock braaklar- erofi. Bf I* e(aw\. ttoe '
w aoae dlaeaealeo Ua rapert wae
boiae kllllDt awdltiea tbep did twcb
reealTod aed Bled. Aldenoaa Parker
a Exehaate Nat. 1
tp-dre peon affo/ Vea. and bew aboat
- • Oo, pen loto l
-nttoc “eo.
Ueralueof UeAarmealoaraldcr Jeei
Affar Ue dleeseekw Ue follewlst Ua, eame lew down etou. acre Ule.
raeletloB wae praaeated aad adeetad
that tbe woodamaa-e axe bae eparod
toitp acre letorbardwood: Uetlmber
Baeolred. That Us report of Ui
-operaad eletk to retard u Ue *ai hae lacreaeed 4e raiue.'bat Ue labd
plepawatol Oee W. Batur ae arbl bae Uared Ue oaae late ae the rendk
ualer for Ue otpla Ue matter of Ue
Uo eat of Trerem Clip aap dlreeUoe
eeetraetwIU U D OaBpbeil, tc«tUer tea alica. one bill, pouiblp one eaaftp
wiUUe letter aed propeeiUoe frea
Hr. Rafter relenod to Uerels aad eirctcb, meaeures Ue lead a team eoa
orer that eatlre ieo Bllee. preBtode a earl of said repork be aeo
aed died, aed that Ue propoelit_____
Ur. Btftor a>eet ferU to mid letter farmer hae beea drawtor orer U
be aed le berebp aeo»iod.
roade balltoad.
Couipale Ue loee
Beaoleed foruar, That Ua clerk
aed to berebp laetrackd le aoiitp et.- uallar to aod from ooeaeloeed bp that
H. D. Oampbcll of -Uie aetlea. aad xo
Uouesadeof dolton lost. Whpr
reqaeal him M prooaed forUwltb to Becauee aalure hae pleated a b UI tteie
eppoiatas arbitrator te aet wlibeald
Baftor. to aeeerdaaee wlUmild eoe- aaddldo-tplaDiamaa at mea Uerebp the ErUef 0orn,\h. PoekTe w"
I remorelbe bill.







l.> look al Ibe plnitis Ibie ,rr««l .dfifi
|tlaee« before you’'


Reliable Dry Eoebs. Carpel aed Clothiee Hoose;

Only 30 Days More
S4.R0 This is
13.00 a Genuine
- — $2.35 Removal Sale
This Bloi-k uiuut lie reditc-

“Cut Prides

Cut Prices
' M Off
ill Oearer aed Fell Shoes at
Ooe-Founb Off.'

«! to-fon- moving b> our new
alor,-. .Man-b l.'iUi.
('omeadtl sre prim nmi
he ouuuntvil—at Imb
thma the preeeat feotor^
coel - We <-aii aave yon fr iin
lou) Ji.-! pff i-eni on new,
up-to-dBte footwear.
Make m> miauke.

U who rarr'Se^ J*(tol

.t the nalae abe wifi do.
11 fo Uat wap. to which
e Bv wUl be. left to Ue

Mn. miliarn HhUlIpe hae breutkt
the Male atran dde ad the heoea ealt aratoel tbe riUato el Plalawni
mtwmA lappwM kp Meoeatd.
tajartee raealrod to faUtotorwa wraetltoir heat HeaAaf
. IhBowUlalae be a reraoda raulptocea ibh aSAewalb. AaeUer
totbeeeoteat hM tall
Hdda. Abaip eaaa to aboat to ba beoarbt araMt Ue
•befar’eUffwoa bnhao
ptaaeler lajarM naaleadanaA
' faaian peoaaaaa
ttnaUawalk. '.


tbe curt of tbe raw materials -thia nock of oan fall

new Uita winter) ahocld Bell oat ia ten days time


vMBlpaka bast Baa wpeod to itpto


« ae

Efvtse a


Tl.vOld Bvliatle

the offers
ofle made us by a
V large Wall Paper house and
jVbought a tiremendous stock
j of New PatiItems.
The- goods have aI>out
all arrived and comprise


Twk.want you to look
und first, but Pfg't Buy
** ,‘till you see our line. Wiite for sampl
coloriand character of rooms and we will mail yon
yi a
few bright papers. We gii^ramee the best satisfaction
in colorings and prices of any house in .the state.


ThatV the kind you waul and that’s
the kind we sell. We >ave exactly the
style yon have beenjooking for. Come
in and see......................................................


I cijlepe
...J of the
peeaoede}ol Ue nU oFtiilic taoda.

Heavy Canvas Leggings at 75c
x'See^dr Leather Top Rubbers at t2:50 and $2.75.


will i*o«n pranpt •tt«>tlon


S0ine7^alnes at...................... .......................... 60c
Betteronesat............ ............ 76c, $1.00. $1.26

Pricea reduced on all Felt

Frank Friedrich

mmMm The Largest Line of Wall Paper

State News Itama.
AlBoltoaatbe peaap ebUd ef Id.
Brodewep wae btdip eealded by (aUlap
tote a pall ef bolliaff

Alieead Plerem^Uer-of Hra-Dar.
aad PUnaotAiri^ wa. bodlp^^
ad by lopa ia Ue sill yard at Heyae
to Uei____ FaUeTOeodap. Hla lajertoe sap peore
at Uaaakto fatal.
U a an

300 Pelts'Oifords-U aed
1-2 Off-Sde tbea.



Ttoaaaood Baer will eoBtoto eu bad eeM.arUaetoak 'map ba farther eatonrad to dll Ue eatln boUdlat aew
MBBawlUaAraBtor foas aad etotat
aeeaptod bp Ue baeanr aad beek eten.
tm mtk. aad two bau reose.
TbotolepboM exebaafo will be nOHfaBOl aaeioto a bUltaid ree«
umd from lu preoaat loeatloa. aad
toetaltodopeialnlB tbe tame block.

enr ratirr Mork k Ladien-, Mimm' Aud



lloia: dtotofUeB. luik aarraaf
Wkat win ka dbee wlU the bnxaar
M iaalti^tMNB. lUU; paatrp. euek to .not pe| daelded. It map be


« oa


Whp dido-t the oarip road ballden
. earoead Ue bill, mrold U - Well, who
Itatirosd Bsrrapera at Work.
Hm Dai ii. raaie*i r.
Aadeowe bare tot to keep
Hue Ju.kN. hum.
Ueadap aftorneea a eorpe of aa- tbowt?
Hae. Jao. B
rlaaerB left the clip witb Seerelary tolar orer UalCiI I eteraalip- Yc«. or
Hue Jun, WaaXKX.
Taplar (ar Nerupen. Tbep win betle
Mx Um. Hxitxvh
lareep Ue reate for the aew
foil load eta be dnwe. or uetll tn
TraeeraeatpA Leelaeau Coaetp nil
leaduoaeefforU are
read, ae Ue rttbt of wap to now eoa
plate from NorUpert to Omeaa
of old ape.
He wae bem
aad bleealati bp cable
There la aUll eoBe iioeeUen ae w Ue
Hridpe lo Walm oad came to ABerica
Ctorto, Ue gn B-e fatliar alw toala batweaa Ule clip aad
to li>M to make hie future hose
wae Biarried-Jalp tU.
to Uiet
whdM pUae wae eoaaaV ewlar to bto lerwor«Utaeluek.fDra rood, reead Tbe read will rha aleaf Ue ebore of I How mufb did Uat etoae read
Hoiy Sees
He rrae Ue father
Tba taoeltp of lb* Ch'toce Mee- CbrpUbe fareoBM dinaaee
from Ttareioe Clip to Acme a bdi
rMtMBaot faoB the epoaea
eblldreo. aao 11 pnod cblldrep.
lealCdtoraawtafalbau Is Ua aApa Btotbam. wbeUer It wDl uaeb Prore of peare affos
Ina tbaa tl.uuo
■aepaloi? Bvt npBUd a baU
of whom be haepooe to joloto Ue bel-'
of a eoaplete aolld ellrer eerrlee. Hr BOater Mrs aereae le deueoe Bap
mile. How mueb laryer load le hauled ter world, Ooe doopfater U ellll IItiqx
•ill. Altor rertowUc Ite alto
now orer Ule road tbaa wbea It wae to to Waleo. two daaphtoce aed two aeot
■■eBN. Balth aad Bept werb^aetrset- rod Mia. Zettfald left la Ue eeebiat etlU ae epaa queatioa. BeU uwi
are llrlap to Trareraeatp. oad ooe eoo
waot Ua read aad boU aboaU be will e bed of eaad. How mach bee Ue rend lo Clerelaod. Ohio, aad eae aear Cedar
■d to fa ahead aad farther taprddaUta lor,Hew Ortoaae aad itoee Chrlek
Mtoa. After Maich 1 Uep. wtll he
paih ae toof ae the faada beli oak
tot W pat lorU a teed deal of effort to proitad Ue farmer, eap aoUlD( about Ron. He wae a aeBber of Ue Baptkl
"^bae at No «oi Wat Adame etreei.
obBle IkUe pleaeere eflerded Ue peblle to rid- eborcb, a talUfol Bember.aad a troe
boebeiid aed lorlap (atfar. The frleade
Tbe Herald to'lu ooUee pope a hltb
Itoerelarp Taplor npa that two loffererll^
of Ue deeeaeed hare Ibealoeere rjm
■Ibata le Hie. Xe|tfald-e hedal/ tad
. wbe bae baaa i
iMaot Ue rlfbt el wap will be
Tbe ^pcocr* of pewd roade ei^tbe patbp of all tboae who kaow them
work to a laabs neep aur Qedor.
Oeok aad eoBBoeu epoo Hr. Zelf- obtatoedbpUaeadof tba weak; aod ffrouad of iBcreaaed taxation peaerallp
WM bcootht le lA Blip Alordap to a faldto woab'aad aaeeetlre abllltp
that bp Uu Ubm Ue exact reoM will etaad la Ua arap of prOBottop Ue pebMF hod aeMIttoo. Be hod
baaa Buaacer of Ua Qbteace MoeWal (
bedadaltolp known.
Then are plaoee. nedocbl.
A eale el CloUlu Ue like of wbleb
enUed Ip a tot. aM aaroralp tojaiod
to delaf a food Ulap for where Uere map be a premalan
rae nerer keowp before
totonollp. Ba to aaareaip able ~te
Ue projnud tkaeeree Clip A UeUaaa (or each taxetioa.
Tbe public mu%t
Bead Ue prioae. Tbep tell Ue elory
Clip Book Blare Finn
f Boaep eartop eerer before e.)ealed;
Ballread Co. TbedtUeea of that place paee jadpmeal opea eacb call, bat Ue
ip laportael beela^e ebai
baee tokea bold wlU
Hea'e Wool Haile, wonb (C W te <«.
saio irareled roade drei eboeld be pal
eopoBBtotod peeterdop. which
• tooHp eeaai'iad two Weaha ace. Be
erfp aad Ualr effort,
to tbe bwt peelble conditloo (or iraral:
awtBBdhp a Baa totbeaaapwbe wtUbeoflDlarMt leUa patrmef Ue aid Ue projeeure to
Uep will prore moeep oerert to Uc
eieraa to Ua clip. A B. Bobairt aad H
wn BBtof Id Iba dip. le toll btoeeiafallp Ue plase amde for Ue eetabId.
W. Beeehar of .Ue Cltj Book Blare,
' r. Lori UFeotaaa, Ue
ItohBoot et Ibe Itoe.
le order to eUrp Ue ball rvlltatf. I
baee ealetod late parmaablp wlU F
Odto olfhl waleb. el Ue aeddeak aod
>iarp Tapler and a eorpe of eera Tbeapeee, owaar of Ue drnr elere
bare writtea tble and will enp tbnt n
hoeahta waa aod take kla beau.
reaebad NorUpert TaeBdap aad
Ue.XeBadler block, o^er Ua Arm
TtoaBiiieci wae aerar doUreratt, aad
^latae Departmeat of Aprieut
«e of Bebm.Beoeber.Theapeeo Oo.
Hr. Idfaolaee boew aoUtot of Ua aeAr- Ura. D.rielno of PublicalioRt. WeabIbe papeia were dfeec pnterdap af- ebape aad etarttof Ue earnp.
ddat aalll bto aea wae breafbt le
torneoa aad Ue baaleeae la aew »~i-r
laiteo. D . . 00 Ue oUer. ibe follow.
^UIea.Aeekaadaalta for a depot. lap: --naaee aead Farmera- BoUetle
dRB will hate aeotrol of The Oilla bare firea eutrirbt tea aerct No. es to Ue followiap addrem.- .plrbaak la Ue -weeda. whaa Ue h______
to alUeC
: forUe proeeak Ue Clip onaadferatonatoBeaBd Eahl Bnm lap pealcftlceaod aamc- wttl'briap pee tboetll.
kpaba. towtof a tor reU. whtob eroabed
bare rlraa a depot alto and doek faell- t pampblrl ot ralAble toformatioa ee Allpoodearaaew:
Ue- kaeeor.
htoa bodlp. BoU bto Ueai aad back
a. BKM>e A Ou .
Ue buUdlnp of all klade ot roade.
dnt euro fonnerlp owned bp Hr.
•mtajBiad.aad ittoaetkaewi
Tbe New 8toro, lit Front
Iboapeee. aad Ue non to Bit R^dde
Write te ooe. rend It. baop It op.
.•arinebtotoMtAllajariea ant.
fanaarlp haewn ae Ue Betaart Hcrcoa- aopplp'of ttoe aad ae troabte wtU
read It apato. and paleuch ponleu of
lUeOe.. fertaarlp oweed bj Hr. Be- axperleoeed to aaearior Ue ri^t et It ae applicable to poor loeelloa nad
wap ibmrb Ua lewathlp. dsei
to. J. Mat
seed* tote prneUctl on.
Hr. BoWfe
Maloaoawrealdeon leb. baUt ea
. KalphB. and A. Tapler to men Una plaaeod at tbe aup- eeeare Ue samca of all Ue membeta of
IfeaaHiefUeoid ooe dhtoh
Verne writ maaaAa Ue Sir
_ _ ponbelereeeirtotaad Ue NerUpon Ue Fermen' loetlutc. to wbea will be
edofUaltoetoaow well corml
elore. andUr BobartwDI took atur
tewardedpaspbtoiesaepromtoed H
A larto aad eaUaalaetic oteaUaff
Ue atp BeekalonUnfar Ue
pea are Boi auneBbar poa wUl. if lam held at Frotomoat pnlardop aft
hmwIDbe heru aa aeea to Ua Hr.TBompaAa w^ eenltoee
leraated. wriu to tbe abore addnea
Ufteae tbe a
fadbtodnf eontoaer... oeaal mUI
aod aacBrc a^ralaabto pneephlev
■rinr. Tbe editor of Ue Bxkxlp hai kiadlp
aU ef Ue leodlor maa of 1‘rorei
laUeepriac Ue ntlra
■d wUl ba ooe of Ua taaat realoffered to deaate a goIobs ef hie exeel
It wae proatoad bp Ibe oltleaae
JeapM bp Ue drat nen ami tbe
tost paper to be enllad a-(»ood Baade
HerUen Teleptaeae'Ce. will bo oeeaColBBa - Write blB a letter ea roade.
bjUaeltlptooi A«e ban dtowa bp ». A. Daoa. 'Pled bp Ue eOBhtoed etockef Iba Arm.
farnlU aap pood rood Batorial oewe.
Ttoa hoBM wUl ba two etortoato The droffa will oeespp pan et Ue eeae. aad Uat aU woold be deoe that
could be deoa, la Ua wap of ffOtUaff diecaee Ue autboA ef read balldtop
bMBhieritt bMI auto, aad a haaa- room, while tbe nock of taaep
Tty aad lire leap eoooAb to eee
WBt debt feat to balfhl aader Ue hooka, elatkioerp. ev.. win dll Ue real eat Itoe *ad to ether wape Matottoff to
road balldtop a Uraad
■ rapaca. The wal.
Trarorse and adjolalep ec
TbatoldearwlUeeotola a parlor.
lae aad ptoUre (ramtor depart- aaap then ae aatp ee peealbto.
I'aaau Heuii.r-*,
Un» adlllitoio.liiU; aUbcarp.
. Lardto. UtBllek, C
apdBBlIbof Ibe aeoeeU. aod MeaBt.
iiaad. Feoto aod Hepi of Iha boord of
il—lliii TheBaettor woeaoUed to
aaderbp maplesBopt who re**
faBB the toad. Whtoh^wwdtoo. A

Today we placed on sale at Just

-fe -

a epcllau are pel ak
tbtoBBttor. Tb. root at

that be aad aet rlaialad the law br
aaadlBB while Bab to Ue loeal deolaie. of the people
>eae thor ware Uaekflaa. Be woe
eol. ebItOeee. ozpawlro BOtbod
prepared le Iffat the caaa. bat the
td repair will bratbiDCOf tbe
re owetlaoeH bad baee tot oBbe- peel. New law* le Hieblraa will be
•d. aad tbae we map hope
eetirlnaa eboeea
era la rood beildUr aad rooalrto prore that tbe dapalp roBO wardea
Tbe preeeet acthed eaplepod,
bad doafledatod deb aet eOBloBelatad
opea te aerere eritleiea, to tbe
lathe law.
holde eerien Ob­
Oepalp Oaae Wardao Ooelter af{elaclea le the wap of
it^ rood
tarr-Jaae C Pneeiae.
Ito. Tbe people
Cbarleroli wae Is the eltp Hopdap
Treaeeror Nerone W. Bill.
Be bee beea eererelp erlUelaed bp ee* aroaaed eo Ult seeatkm. aod Uroefb
Depetr-tioetBa Beak.
loeal Bebawaa who olalm to Ue proper aecoeae Mcsre Ue aeeded
Alieroale Depatr-Nate'BlII.
koow a tblar or twj abent deb, apd
Oer law keowe ae tbe Ceestp Read
le barolp peaelble that be map ri*e
tbea a ebaaea to shew bew naeb tbep low hae DOl net wlU Ue farorobU
u ae bear: ler
aeeeptoeoe it owbt. ttotararcoeatlaa
keow. Be aapi that tbe Kertb|
elaatarera. toeeeu a boar:
aeU the dib map pet
IB Ue elate. Uee adopted lu aad It
-me. a;senuay bear.
breecbt to trial.
The alee beer aralea wee eatatllahad. the whole eetaadale of tiae aad
Cosaell AdtnDB lu Deoleloo
tbe adjteeet proaertp. eoUBeee
wairaa to lake eBael AptU I.
Tbe atp eoeeeil loeh a decided eloed iraeeliBC pebllc. aod uatodeeed
Haatlafe will be bfld la
la tbe water werbearWtraUoe aaner aeiaal life The roade la Uraod Tta*

A UWa lartbar oloor la the aaeaber
le o Baa hoU leoe porwolt. wlU a
abawk e< Prof. Ofowab Ufa aad a eonpUmtair oeUea of bk coed work la
*bP fkotane Qtr eeboola. aad ea aarice for poradae. aod epee eteaelooe
nhw pace la a rortewof tbaqaallUae
whaco Beale wee deMrable. Brerp rewhMb baee node bh appoiatataat aa
bp Oe eoBpaer hae baee repctwBpolof IheOeatralMerenlatHL
abeodad to ebWfBlIp aad ae efaarfa
PIPMOat ae dealntbla.
bB ^'aada Tbpre bare baaa aeraaarmle ot BOBbare who fara
tbalr Urea while le their eeeatrr’e eerTita aod la tbeaa alee Iba bead baa

■Idwreol io«r.
awiewtar won tbe eOaere laelallad:
Varthr Balcr-B. A Kboh>.
Wartkr Vlp. Ralar-^Banh Voder.
Uprthr Choplala-Hot. A. B. Welle.
Wanhr Tenwrdw Mary Peberal.
Wpptbr OoUaner-AanlU OoBar.
Wenbr Traaaatw—a ■. Vadar
Wanhr Manhol-& J. Ooropu.
Wbnhr Wardao-Mre. C. B. Bert.

Tbe food roBOe BeroBaot to •
at with ae Baeh laeer la wmj ataMa.
eapeetoUp to tbe ent. ttet map low
Haroaatlle Oa.. WIlbalB. Bartah reodroade balla tbe oeeealpc «( *bto tattoeiethaoi
A Oe.. W. J
aadW. W. I
pn^wltbaroed deal
aaa to paroM fa Uapol
tor. who were aUatodte ban rtoto
There to oe dewbt bat
Habpef Ua CMB aeoa
tbe tob law reUllar te wWtt >eb
tbebtopelaaod a
debo A. Jeekaeo la
o Hnitit at thaoolr. aod la aet elew te
neal. Tbeea oew nbtotoe hare
rafordlbf tbe
teeup.aodoarblrbwaraai .
Ur te be laprerpd treae mr to pear,
ewlar la part te ibto adrooee i

br blMOlf. Ueecfe Parktoe of Kvtbpert. tMeb Baaeeu aad Mr. Wllhalm.
tbe beleber at the mtIbb. aad oU ot
tbea etalad that the Beh eooAaaatad
blaehflea.whtebare oel prolaet
Harrla. ed br tbe elate law.
Hr. PerktaaeoaudowB froa Nenb-

Uaaooi- Uaum.
(tf«o ia the air Opao Beeee ee Ibe
The eharlar fa tbe MaeoM- Ualeo
tlatterlheheoefll e( tte plpeerfoe
«nL TWoCeirwiU he salqoeoBd' baa beea reeaired aad Ian erealof a
natlar'aaa bald le perfect a penaaahrtalir ml le ererj deloll ea< eeae
eat orraalaaUoe. The tellearlap effl«<MaoU
ate were elected.
Praeldaat-Uee. H. Bill.
1 Ar»dpn>^
Vice PreeMaot-W. J. Nelaoa
eed with the
I vUl be
Baeerdlac Beeralorr-K. P. VaaWa«t the bw
tbeetefoeutewUI be Jedeklob Heee
Ipf. Mir JoMe bad tbaaj Awkword
MaMelca le ear port e( the Ibeotro
wUlheneMMbad it M eanolaibet
tbe eapoll wUl be • ••oaele] eeeeea.

etiblaeantaoAe pel
takaldaAlr te iba

•W. B". TTATtaTT A

Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and


■aeonle Block,

TVareiM Oitp, Hlch.

fabx and oott fboebrtt


I WllATiP. fXB&VAHT 16. 1900

<$rtnd Traverse Herald

SfATE Bank.

4 Wr
to H Otartta-* toil! W Btachu* BkV
•I««]r hr ,PhUlr M-fcrth, MM
•f thrM )t foM lgr».«hWi BM
t«*. J. A. fTf, ftMtotof tUtr «(
ttoOiMdlafUiAtolrtoV wUl >rmh

wtovbt Md rnto« MMtop *t th

iMtTeM la cordtollr ta'rtud

BohmMUra. •bahtobata atotri>r to« to tba atotoot Baa. W. B. roaMr. bto ratotoad to bla besa to WU-

that tba aaqaal to aa totonattar ro-

to thk aMrbr tba dayafb
■UbUraa TblapbaM Oe rtaab ban. a« bar basa to rtoaai
at Bodtaa. IUr4al4 aad Waltoa aa tba by Bra. Babarta >aa I
daa'a Mary -Bilda Sir
Ito baa aaltotod aad baadUral 0 E. 4 I. taUraaA
rmt •a.Bt.Bbaa. tolaaBla d»v
■ aaaatraedaaat tba rto»H Uaa
•Btia art bara auiaaud atuaties
•bawai tortoarir apa«n at HadaBa
War* mu aba
ba atoftod aa tba Itoa batmaa
lalecwl. At tta aapoer t
Tva ad TlB*anaClt7'Brar«Ur jaaar rraaklart aad OadUlae aaar tbaAaa
era faraca by reek plat
paarU vara Barrtad fMtarday atMrI aaetlaaa ef areapr wood witb^aic
U t a'a'aah hr Bar. BaraUy Jaara
! tara pietam of Cblltar«<aa aeei
atlbarnaatocbarabathla raaidaaar.
Arcbto Millar the pepalar nlaeati.
They •
for tta BaaUwa Oattlap Oa. anir d |
traa Ua Aapelea by Hr.
B>«ara.aaaal JtoUet aad Mrv A «. to Ike city Hcmay araalap wItt bto
Perry aad ware ueltsd pifla of bm
I. aad Uba Caadto K i m
«rtda.farBtrly Htoa JaMUa
-... .........................
aadofMra BUtoaof tbai place. aaa. daadbtor at Bar. aad Uia. Joaapb
Inod: BBarBaa Tba baapy eoapla arOI

lalda aiih tba fraaBb paraala,
vHttoa w^Jrtoadt to tbk ahr toai kata atraat.
tbar «UI ladto aooe tar a rlall irith
fi aanber at tta G B 4 1. oOdalt
’aatBaator 4. C. raUar aad !
era la tta city TMsday patltop natatoUr. id Otodfa aij. Fto-'
Mrial for a wriMapof Ibrraaan raplaa
far tta adrertiatop Bctur ol the aonpaay tte eentop aaaaaa They
I ^ Hr. aad Hra Tarty
who will da tte writtop
Ba^td^rlalea. Mr. Darla, for
ofttereaoru of ttic locality ware eecs Iba r 4 P. M. dirWaa. arUl aaeeaad
1 by the party traa 8. H. Walt.
J. W MUlihaa aad Oraoa Peck.
Of whoa bare aoac rery floe
Bar. J. A Braady aallad to Barrtafa



MW.V See ttie CVoee


afteraa^ril1h.‘b^ ^ tta“^ 1 era of tte ^
They wen aarted with
A Blpki a tamr.
at tte baae ef Hr aad Hie. B A
"Awfal aaaiely waa felt fa
MUtor. MoBday aeaBlnp.
tbr brare lieaerar Bar
Hr and Mra Mlilar will ba at
I of Macblaa. Me . wbre the doctorra.
to tteir fnaad* at toa PUtt streaL to a ahewaaid die from paruBoaia beic
; Boraiap.-wnue Mrv U Ueeola. wi
ttat to already taralabad.

Good Boadi. from Mayor Baal
After laktop *He cleat all
*r are cabrely curt
apprara to todayb Htaeib. wbltt
arrelloua aedkluc la
be plad to hare toUewad by'
re all Threat, Obat 1 id Luay 1>
to tte I
a Galy Me aad fil Tnal boulrt
Uraad Trararaa leploa •
; l»c at
faa. G JohiAoe'k aed S. t
0 Bake ae ttto ■ Waif,


yaalatday B^ratot Oairla
>toa HaBaa at Oardald. Tba iradVoaap Broa Oacie Teat Cable Co
disc took ptoat at
The Buktu< Is beartily to.
wbieb had baaa booked to appear
Tbe.eractloe of a Hieoaie temple il
Babartaad UalUa Baall. brotbar and Biatoberp-* Uraad aa tta ttih, I
ferorof the iBproraaeal at tte 1
ooBlDpauBBcr la Oclap teiked of br ‘
of tba brlda.
ea eaBCetoe by Maaaper Btetobeep. to ttto aart af tte tiew aed beliei
tte aeabwe of tbalorder at ManUter
tba earatoCBy.
ttat ttto aluaelloa wilt aot
Verktop hlph: aad Say.
Or. C. J. Kaaatoaa of tbk ally baa bare. Mr. Swlaberp ecaaldar
adrhBble. laaaBaeh ae aa bad
appatoUd aartaoaof tba Para
Tbc bealeataed aipbiirat little i<>Ibc
eaeai Tba calai
ef tb« Hu- that nrrr waa aiade 1* II . K epa Nrm
» to beliera tta company
ratirray ayaua tor Ibb laOUePilto. Tbr
Thcae pUk eoaspe a
are apea to tte dtoeaalaa ef
eaaeiaUoaa ttaapta to <
al'lbaarb I
aireeytb. lkaeati.eM 1
be aUraciloB ma wall aaews Bailee.
tbaaaUra tyatoB If <
laacrpy, braia fair leio aeaiel oo<
k pood prodacUoa al this
, They're woBMrful iB bal'didp
up tbc
qatra Tbit la a road .


Linens and
White Goods


"Site 'DVtctmttl o^^ered ott ttteee &oo4s '
KVaket Seena ^VrlVAe a "BaTiato.
\ KR\ trarmcat ifi our Mu>lin rmi«;rwcar Sliick is made under
millet approywl sanitary cundititms. in well li^'hted. well vimtilated and-fierlfcllT apjMiinlfd faclories. No .^weat shop labor
—no iKBir^maitriais. Buyinj; .Hrrct from ibeser maminoth factorie*.
who can easily buy the* raw matfrials al a Roid profit less than we
can.'^liminatin^ thf ordinary .ioMKr'.. profit enables us to offer these
rixkIs ready to wear at the print of the mAlcrial Itself.

rood mat far Dr. K
TbatrtoDda af.Too*. It Butler.
PHtyflraetolBt bare baaa taatirad
be a' praat iaipranBaet to tte ; '
>d baildar of
oadar tba tow pterldlap tor tta aayaed will afford belter faellltlm'
aaat by tta ttoto far tonid aad Bedl. tte Bonbani Mlehipaa AayluB tor the
produnioa of firal
alMtor atekaad todlpeet aaldlara el iBtoaa. wlU be letamtad to bae
attreetloBV The ttaepa wUl ee '
eraaaal loeallao
He baa the
tha^aub war. Tba etolBi aprralarpe tbc atape ^phe opera baeee from ,
n for aa twi.uoo poatoPioa at
cato »t.Mt.U. Vaaebaia bara haea
a depth ol :e feet la 4t feel, and will •
taattaLanlaybyOoealyClark SawproTlde Tor eipht drceelap rooaa where '
ibare an oow but leer. Two larpe
A ll^ BtoB will bp laitlatod tote
properly n
hae ebarpe of tta work there, i
•be TboBewarUIa ladpa. K. 0. T. M..
>le to width aad ttia ebaape will SuffilM
tr to with Hr.Baatley to BaoFraa
map ptoaaad.
td. aad'TBBBb^
lelt ooeol the larpnt.le thealate.
i. trOB ttto dty. laeladlap
. la probable that tbaae ebaapn will;
Tba local loaBoa are buay petUep
afTaaini will pa to
bapue ar aooa aa the ttaaatrleal
tteir eapply
fiea Itoardoiae lake,
ocBdaat tta laltiatloo. Aa auaapt w
>oe will parait it to the epHsp

at ttey baaa pirae ap all bapa
With ttto will aUo eoae tte eruetruc
OoP baWOBS DppSrtneOt
pattlap aey too frea tba boy ttto
w'^B WUaay. a yoaap aaa bi
Hopklaa Broa.
eapael to pot to tioa ota warebiuaa for Wllbala. Barr
tyaaraal •pa.wbo w
about t.OOU'taa aad tbay put twealy uk A Co
Tbta warebouae will be baflloatka



Stv4U Satvoti. Wvt ht»\ okWts twt

Ha pot to

thawvefaM wktoh tell opaa
' eraablapbla. Bto tajartaa are

Ptosh Habaraarbora aad Hia. BalU
dbnlt. bito of ibb oily, ir^ lleanaad
B. Bobto of tbb city aad
LattM H. Kraapa el Blaeoad. rrarr
BtoMad to atony Taaaday.
. Albert Krena of Baaaab. aad Mn.
Ohrtottoa Jaealaft of OaatraJ Ubi.
bsaa ban llaaaaad to Barry,


touib'aide al the allay aad lu Dortaera '
filled aad will bare tte . attar
ailed to a f«w daya Tba lee aueply »,n,u.
far the OetUemee Brewlap Co to beirtuaaav
top pai to by Cbaa Merrill


.11, „d ^





tU .'.'ib.',

Ma|oiflceDt Spring Stock Now Ready for Year Inspectioo,


v «,a S.i,. Pr..ic.e.. j„, t ajl

.ddiuo. .ui .cu. u,.; S2S' ss riKT.'. Sr::.

Tbabaetol to ae~plraaby tba Ky
Alfred Laraaiaee of ttto city aad City irpara Uouea to stopa Uc fiani,
worth Laapao of tta PliatM. B ebarab
Mayfirld towo'
Prldayaeabtop proatoaa to ba of preal ablp had t
aad MoBday. aacb
lap laatBiaa. A fiaa pruptaB will be aaeariap a toipe wild eat la the Hay
rradtrad aad rafmbaaala wUl
field ewany Bott haatoia were ac1. Bat tta but tbiap will be as
1 by ttalr dope aad ttey
iKtbllloa ttat erUi ba bett aahtae
wild eate aa saparlr aa If
aad toatraetlea.
ttty were foare aad Saaday they treed
which Hr Laf'eataee abot.
A iaUy party of UaeolalMa aed


tMuaceu^B a.ityi, j»




Otear ^raai ol Ktoftlay aad Hra.
Mary Bibo of tola city rrera Barriad
lIcBday analar by Jaatlea Brawa-

Mdr frlaada aesonpaaiad Prof. C. H.
lloratoUeaeheel taapbt by Lalaed
frlppat 'Barber Creak, where Prof
Bora pan » toetare Prido alpht.
Jaba ItrU. rrbo Urn vatb of Ibr
Mb}aei waa "Bdaeattoe. Old a»d Krw"
• ly, braacbl to a lead at ibrea-fool
aad It waa llsttaed to by a larpe aad
•y t^i ooatatoad ato
The party relarmed aa^ly Batarday Moralap.
.AlneAd PUrea waaNbadly araabad
Sbtoday wbUa workla^ to tboBUl
yard at ttoyaa FaUa aad bto foaorarr k

abaat fear Bllssaeott el tba city aat
with a pimea aeddeat Mlarday. Tie
9 pira a eattorto wbiah aha was rtdtop waa
naaSi of aeerturaad aad aba was atreek apoa
Bd ABd rsaaiead aararml Brare
eau abaat tta face. ' Bbe waa braepbt
tetta'clty aad Dr.Oaraardeeaaad bar
BabartDtoeaaBdli B Pnrl Malrla.
bebbef Wasfatd.war atorriad SatarI naBbata ef the-l. 0 u. T. le^
«iyaltba Prlaodt p noaara by Bar.
a dty. to the aaabar at ab^ U.
•inlay Jooaa.
ealtad aa -tta'Aribla ladpa Batarday
eeaatop. Artey plaaaaat tiaa waaaa4aUM to ba dtopoaad at by tba OaBfU'
Jayad to tba alaipbrlda. aad tta aariy
Mm of Panaiaia ate rr^aaaud to ba«t
Itoraetara' ball datorday attoreoeo at r
na erabaatra tram tta local ladpa
taralabad dalipbtfal bmIc aad rafraahBdwaidOaa bad btoI lapbrokae yn> erara tarred by tba ArebU ladpa.
toca'aaalaiyba a
U to aapaetod ttat tta Hfehlpaa
aeatt will raaeb ttto
Witttba fotr copperw
pira ttia dty Booh batta

wUcta tte dope also eeared up.
UPooteer atoled ttat there are b
ol ttsae aslmala to the awamp.

Fire to Pere Harquatu Yanu.
Laat araatop a blttr acearrod to tte
yaidaat tte Pare Harqaatic railroad.
at Brat to do
able daaape. 'The coal bearen haee a
ttaaty to which they kaep tteir dioaad which they ate aa a
wbltt Mpel wara aadtoa
a abaaty. which KAbout
tlie, eaapbt fire and bare
Beeacalean that ware ii
the traek al-the Uav were
Witt A
tte aetlea ef the aapiaeer oa
•wiieb aopfae. who pat ttaa oe
toqaick time. Tbe orptoof

Mr. aad Mn. MaOm-a tiro yt
daaphtor. Ban. diad yaaurday
tote. Oaa at
tat Af tareaebltto. Tba taaaral *UI ba
will ba for tta aaelaaln an* awee to the boaaa wbici may ban
Id traa 4t. PVaaeto ebareh utoy at of tta fatremof the Itoa to ttto dty ban the easn at the btoae. Fhe dr
aad tlraad Bapifia. u aa attar atatlaea
leat wee aot callrd oav
W^ea tbr iBproraddoeh at tba
" Deau Boll
Mortbara Hlefaiyaa TrmaapenaUoo Oo
AlAatBaa iBrdla retaraad Tbaraday
Mathew VerBayder.'eproBtoeat aad
to prarraaMar rapidly. Tba pllaa bara
<twB ChleapA' wban ba weal tolorb Uphiy rMBeetod terator. died at hit
all baaa drlrta aad tba attar rrarb la
«fur bla dalB al hl.Wi apdaat Ikrkar
Aiahto eibba ba^Blad < lead of «D
a repraaoBtod to ttia leeallty far
hardir«edla«aaeaUar4.;»: teat with aaearal yaara. Mr. iBrdie waa laaerad yoan. He laarm a wife aed fire
tMtoaB.froB01blB- bUI aaar Hay ay tta bead U the ooaeara ttat bto
*0 daapbletv The taoeral
wUl 6o (akea care of aad ttat be
mu be held ie the' Oatbellc
wU.raeciea tta tall sBosat wh«
ebareh at PraecBoel at 10 a'ctoeb
fiaal tatUcBaal to cflactad
Bartod Walbn. of tta Oty Book
Btna. waa callad to AylBor. OoL. Taat'
BattoM Bay wn eoLcd epoe
Tba aeapTapaUee el Qrmea ebareb
mare tte death of two of iti ciUsau
daybytbaaawa at tta death of bto wiu' ba Saab plaaaad east Saaday
toibar. Hra. Walker, aad Or. Aadrr Boratof wbaa they aalar Iba abarab Saturday. SUaer I'ltaaad died at
M tte ^ ef t: yaaie. at
to Had ttat the pawa haee baaa SHrd
wHh MW eaahlaai. the pUt of Hra.
Mrm. Bohan el Bla
._ .a Morpaa of Chleapo. aad Boa.
mCan trOB aa aeeldaat raealrad
Perry Baaaabaf ttto dty. Thaeaatry
Briday aaraliw. Aa aha atortod
ba rery ptalsfal ter tta pift.
tba treat atopaaba alippad aad tall
which will alee ba prcatly apprn
dtohaattoff bdr ttoa
Tba Baehtoary for Iba,to
Mr. aad Mra. 4. S f
adwbaatatoreb. wbltt tta <
baa baaa paulat tote Brat etoM abapa bcpiad their tott waA
at ttalr bbaa da Inka .A
reealap. ABcap tta tdatieas who
baabato at rrhaa^^naday.
aa the afurwcaa trala
A P. flaaU
aarrtad daaday afiaraaea i
aaaattl.-itooa Dyer.J.H. B
aaa el Mr. Harrill. iiT batKtott
Kle. BeaUBaatal. Qearad Wakln. Bry. bp Err B Raanady, to
aBHarraj. aad MtoaB Loalat BaaUaaa Of a larr torltad-fitaada.
Baatal. Beat Dyer. Allaraaa BaeUaaawl.

tala ttat ttwoald ha eery hard
a barplar to lap. It cobb tees the
Hcator Baft Ca..e( BamUleA. OUa.aad
"Ibalpbfcahar tta rapator lodp. work
•l.un It ta of the aeraw dear
tba Bha nui aojay a pnatoa etoa earlaly aad la tuad Witt a triala
baba Bbitt to to ba Baaapad by Oaorp. loektoaUa tta aeraw door. Tbto. with
BvtoaarafUraad BapUa.' Tbaib are tte doable liBa tatt om Iba esall Aaar.
WUl reader tta sat* a pretty aaeare
plan to wUah to Man ralaablM.

.\ cry Hi nultl. a smlci.-n
pain, thp l■oua•■lll>Kl alHmied. ami all

Aadnw Ulbaad. He had baaa Ul
ttrae weeks, sptosl aeeepitto betop
>onaf' hU death. He waa the
eoo. bat learae assy relaUccu
aadtrtoBdatoBaarebtolose. Paaervl
asreien wlU be hMd at the Sorwepiaa
BraepaUeel abercb at SettoM Bay
toy. Feb. Itih. at 1 e'clopk p a


for the iHck of rti.- appropriata rvinedy and tlie difficulty o(

Lodpe 8U1I Urawup.
Hew aenbera are atlll bcisp added
to Trarerae City Teat Ko. «TI. K. O. T
M.. and already the Siio mark to eery
Marly reaebed. aad there arc eBOapb
ppltoallou ea baad to raiae tte dobar coaaiderably abore ttat potoL
The basqaat to ba plree by tte
lap aide to tba eoatnt far
wUl oceer Friday nipbl. The
I erlil be prepared by tte L. O. T.



For jo»t uii.-li mif'Kt-iici.s

ciery litNOc atiuiild In- prorulad witL
^ tine wf tba rouiinoB ivinr-ditra. «ucb
iraet of 'Vilcb Hn/d. Kuceoif Eopprriiiiiit, Ermenca ..f .lHiii«i<-« (.lin
(rvt, a l^Kx! Liniuiaol, elc.c -VU tlicac iu tbe


relialrlK (.,rm can


“W"a<±*t’s JDinxg St^ox*©.



Cab Buy
Here Now

Com of
Idls Words






X out self.


Th« Fmetory
in Msking

Koew iu
on dfiskioff
i-on'i You
They are
Apt to he

re of e ta. bciap aeithcr estreme

we haee loelsded to ttto eale 1^ pair* frea oar <r

......... “


W-t aad fiSM Shan ter

11 to sad fil 1
laleCtoariMUrIsea. wbadlad“taO^
B tttoeity ea tbc4
•a WUlard A. Baltt of Cbarlarals
Urdpe. Ne. tSf. F. A A H. I'poaar
ban tta eaekM wm placed la
ehenre of Traeecn
Lodpe. Nv tSf
P A A H. aM a eoMBlUM af tea re-

I aadn tte



ae Splritd'Catnpbor, I'nreKoric. £t-

Whr« wr DSDir I, ralu.- <.o

........................ Shore yon obuiii ihnt vstur.
AtTe'elaek Baiaiday
rato, f(rv
Batah Palem. wile of Bil Palmer
BattoM Bay. died at eeaeasptioa. af

;,.------ .'St. tOt, \t • it«« \o SSt

t».tTfiOT4\TiBT^ b\V VtTitTi DbmssSi ''^ototV.
W......................... ..................Ibt
\TitViBtAt TiBmkbk.............
..................................... ............................. .
^Uti4tA nsWt. but Tvo bttttr \^ti Mint rtbm bV bx%VtT Tucti.


•toy.waaaerarely tojerad


Sv\ea4\4 'Soaiets, ScxHet—Satra "Oataea.

pi tj
>] W
.-fil 00

CMIdrii's SlMs
6dc. 76c.BBC$ii»
d sboM^hte. am Mina iri

no niB«cr wbalj>e


Btty hr.

loot, ami



yen'll buy

Bedsteads $2 25

Bate Walls


Of i«or^ they are uf pine—couldn't
solid oak at that priti—but these
arc better than the iloor to sleep on.

A Plank


Would !«■ a .hard thint> losleedon,
bui'^riiid it ui>in a machine and it s iall^1 'exceUior. A few yards of ticH^jni;
aii.l a bttle "know how” and you've »jdi a
mattress that tost fi.;; to own. ylot lyrtter ones-top.

Most necessary in cvery'honte. and ?c
will buy .sauce dishes, milk pitchers, sugar
"bowls, i-x gives you plates, vases, berry
dishes. S{K>on trays, butter dishes—your
choice of hundreds of useful articles.


.Arc told and dreary."but a little mon­
ey put on them in the shape of wall paper
will change the atmo^h^re of the room
at ume. It's surprising how far a dollar
will go when buying wall pa|ier. Try us

Picture Frames
It's surprising, the results that can be
made with a stick of picture molding, a
saw. a little glue, liome nails and a good
piece of "know how. " Let s hll a preacripticn for you.

Morris Chairs
are comfortable chairs to have in the
oo. and up. but a splendid
chair, one that will take all the tire out
of you after a hard day's work.



.Are always handy, and many limes
altsolutely necessary, loc-gets a goexi
one. Keep the things off the door. .A
little more and you have work baskets,
jewel baskets, button baskets, daming

make you think that there is some­
thing worth living for and if you've got a
small room. 45c a yard will buy a good

Rockets $1.60
It's wonderful the amount oF comfort
a [>erson can have from the investment <»f
a dollar and a half in one of our rockers.

Sewing Machines

__^esry pair s Barpato.

EYerytbiogr for the comfort. conveaieDce and oare of the home
and the house keepers. It's surprising bow far a little
money will go in this store and the amount of' sat* >
iafaction it gives to have in the home many
- of these articles.

are needed in every home. .Not a
day passes lexcept Sundayi they are not
. used. See our "White " and "yjiwn "and
'you 11 buy at once.

A Curtain


just pots the fitiislu^ig toudi to a
pleasant room. Vou
one or two?
tiot some splendid bargains in lace ctir*
uins at just half price. Buy early for they
are selling fast.

are easier to sit on than a block of *
%ood. iyet one is made from the ocber)
Oot some good kitchen chairs that cont
you 2.50 for six. They are conforuble,
look well and wear «eU.

The Hannah & La; Hercantile Co!


mam rktxtaum wmuia, wMmauaa 15. nog
Wa eta baatte aoatb* <

Traverse Begioa

Tba lasbar b
Tban waaaaaatlar attbaPcaaby. _________
Miaa abarah laat Friday al«bt aod Mplaaalorl

s:. r.sss.'sst.isirs ssos-*"


Tba lallawiar are tba

TroTRaa^iU*!^ 0 ‘ Bbitb Orada TUlb Priwaaa Ulli
LaM*. Joha - Haapaab. B^b Uahb. Albert Jaba.
N , TratbUtada-rraarnTbemaa. Jaba- —..................................
... ............ 1. Allra!
Omm Drapv. mOm boM b M
B. H. niaaC Traaaaaa OUy
(k7*mr Uk«. Htcb.. b t«T *>eh at H.
C. Sart'i *ttb the mmatoa.
a will ba
Ml-lbeklraler. Milwaakat; f «■ WUaaa.
Mb* Cbtpmur «rMt tbtatAa; u4 _____ of Mr. aa
Sudaj> IB lyaTWM City.
Ito UdlM-AM MdM7 BMMwtU
JoMIb-ym. vbe bw bm> W Mm
Mm. C C. Lmrli Fato. 14.
A* ttta b kaffOB'te'BVMk.rMBrMd ymMHaj.
A mMqsnAa^l will b* >1«M la
BacVahaiJ Tbaniiar •*a«taf. Feb. M.
Ererjboaj larited to atw^.
Ibwb BaealB aiartad tar tba laBbar
Peliora arc eordlally laviled to rail
Hr aad Hta. Cbaa. A. Xalaaa aaaat
tioda aaar Caalaal Lake Maaday.
aaaday la Ulaad. tba yaaal of Editor ate Itoptrt ear w< '
J. 1. Frlak drara to Bafdd QV Mo*day with a load of beat
• Ma>7 Ball «l Fraakian b I
Wm. Aaf* of Two ElTata, Wb.
. lha ««aat of Hia. Oaoeia
HteTUlia Daamoiaef Baptd Qty b aoeat tOToral daya ibw wapk la NortbH. T. SmaiB
■■tea te* rataraad baa hb
OUbart Waraar baa reaa to work oa ba rtral of bw eamlB. Mra. C 6.
lha esRlata la Maoirakal Bna.- mUl tarara
■ uu of betUDeUayet
A parrot be* aaitod two Iotct* wboer, #J
W.U Frlak aad J. I. Friak rbtetdad
Aaiaydobatreaele TntmaaOby ear SbaUab.
• Btoday with VrieaBt
eboat to drift apart tbroayh (•
M^peanier hb Mb*, wbo b eary
Sataaa Fbbar. diar aad ■■Mapt ba Farmra' laaiitata at tfararaa Qty
tmktaka. Privair Jeeqota Jnmoavillr
kwyar la Mamaakal Brra.- Bill. «aaa tat weak Wadaaaday aad Tbataday.
V AaicUe Stcl
a W. Satfth raebTad a aaran tajaty
Hrt. Jm- Booth aad lalaat daa(hlar
ate hk bride, formerly Him Oemillc
omc Batacday.aad rataraad today.
Mia waridac as tba railway Thara
tbraayb 6i. Loei*. Ho..
Hr. Baraaa
_ay- Dr. I^raa wm aallad. wbe mya aralaati
Sattora^tey wa* la CB roele to Semter. 8. C. While barv
liawfll baeai a«aia la tare ar tkraa Oemkk
« Crlaada la ttab aaiebborbood.
KorUport k
tbeir pretty tad peeallar roamarc bettolta a BBBber of tba MUlee Caatar
Hra Eana« Fbbar aod Uttle aoe
laoeabam aad tbatr wlraa are plaaaama bom laat weak tra tbbr aai JJJTtoat K Iw had'Swi^mte'to
tewa yaatertay. aaUlac aa aid *
a lay to attaad tba Haecabaa aapiier at pon vklwr Bobdey.
ela-a. Fzad Athiaara of Mhatlaad.
Boa. 0. U. Covell, C. E. Harray ate | to* Phlllp^ora ate eb* baa yoar to
Goad Barber). Tharae b aaeb bi
C. W. Taylor, el the
lha Treverw
Traverae aiy
a_iy e»
ate | poletada Be hte felled to beer from
bat (ar«t>B belay wall yat. Tbayara
Wbaatoo ha* t-- Leeieaee
aee Eel.'
Eei.wey Co., were le boru
■orta Iheraad tboaybt------------—...........
riaatly to be abl. to bo broarbt boaw
porli-kiardey lor the perpoee of aeei { parrot wbkh he had oereed tlece boy' wrbt w boallay fiaely aad the dec
O. B. BaaBala laat hb Arialar b
j hood aad wbkh be ate Hra Couirey
lay •--------------------------- ---- lortblakabe will have BOB
iBUratud ii. lOeraUroedqerai
had taaybl to ray OemUIa aad Jecqoe*
with llpeople of tai* place ere vo
j ecreeebad out Ibaaa worde la tbe depot
B wita Hra «. N. tic over the propoied liee.
Ltelm- AW
et Dearer aad btociybi abeutamecuny
r P. &UI atuadad ekaolt ■
ledaiddler aad M>*>.
Tae lAdira’ Aid epent Tbataday wilb . bef
.Jdlayeooa followed.
t. L. Priak took tbe ebareh
Mra Bert Tbom*i
A pleeaaat time Coodvey.
Treveree City Wedaeedey to «to It' wae rejoy
Mahal la frtppa
vd la the cieiya tide aad tbe Polly k atleteiey them oa tbe>r b*'oey.
[rent City Utt week.
aired We eUll expect carat lev ,, ladle* wrnr o«|u
Mr. BaUdrh of Tram
b ia lha
daliyblfeily eaiertetoed by
A dImtob-AM
bora r^*ed ^
Steed Settb OB
; The Oardea party ylvce Therwley
t B. Hateay. a Uwyerof Heoriette.
'eveaiatio tbe Iowa bell by tbeC. E.
MlaalUlb tba SlTtearah ao tb« rary eritbal ooedlttei aial b oat
exae. oora fooled a yrerr dlyirer. “*
tbe year.
tociety wet a doe eociai weal aad ceto lira.
, ^y%: "Hy brother wa* very low
Seterdey nlybi Altoa HewlU wa*{
t>y elarye aem
Hte Kale MoroteyepaBt a portlob of very ayreeablj remloded that hi* | *
the week at Kertbpwt rtelOny Mead*
Q Nelraa aad daaybtor BvtbB at
n,, jovcallee lavltvd a oam-: ‘*>*1'
traded ebmreb ktt Headey at Berta. apete tbe evealay with aim. A* tbe 1,^,™

. —------- Electric Bitten **'
remedy expel* m*b
to^r. aad Hrt. Brewa ea Hoa
1* reirrab kill* dkeaae yerm* *ad porifiee
day. a boy.
blood; aid* dlyratloa. rcyolale* II
r aod wife of
Dr. E C \
kldaeyaaod bowel*.care*eoatUpaiior,
, the room. The eurpriee-------------teUeo.
dy*pep*la. rervoo* dkaa***. kidovy
Ftaak aad Boy VmaaabalB aiartad Bliow.
el eeteuoablra. Irmsle complalaU; ylve* per
: dHt weak (ar Illlaeb. aaeompaalad by iloe the pBtt mratb.
feet health. Oaly iOe al Ja*-i» .'ohn
tbatr aaat.
dad the rmUread
era* aad S E. Wait'rdroy *toree
E. A. Belaoe
. ra Selardey leet.
Bear Chief, the oldrat chief ol Pe T*
1 Ward Tower, a lormr Icarbvr la the
■ad tbe rtyhi of
Sow Eb Eat band of Pawoe* ladlaa*.
: Mr eMOl tbabhoram lab Tbataday
ledcad. 'Be ;w*a oae of the mo*t
. teMrtvMc thioafh a pead of water la
mea of hk tribe.
read abeat two adlaa waet aad
I ErroD Wooleey
Mra Ffiu retarded bom* laat Hoa-'...... ........................................
............ by t
' ' Tkll la the ; Bember* of the Epwortta I-eayoe
day after a — --------• r fbet
aoatbare part of tbe atot
*aeeck* te every pariieolar
if ton caaa* a horrible
a larycervwd praaraiateall BBjvyad
ttaylay with her dBeybtor.
'•or Brake. Boekleo'*
toamtol'ra^iboroaybly. The-------------- Sedid.
ler. for eooie tlBt ate ha* day. bat I* bettor ayala.
tbcpaib aad yrempili
Salve wUl kill
a VBalm«
Fred SebiMUr, trevallay eeleetBaa
__________ ly frlBode. wbicb wat proved
r Sore*. I leeif.
heal IL Cars Fever
bradad tbo Fan
r Bwara* A Oo.k dry yoede booec of
lett Frtdey.4Tealoy.
Bevara! of tbea
Bolt*. Cora*, all Skin E
called OB b* dor a fereweU TlHL
llwaakee. did bealact* here laat Wad.
ra aartb. Only :Jc * 1
Mr aod Ur* (ilea Park* *pebt a few
raday ate Tharedey.
bold by Ja».
Arthar Dbbb epkt Setmeday^ate
' day* of leal week with frletea ate reiateb E Wait, drayyiata
W. D. Barserd wae la towa laet Fri­
Baaday at >oiBa.
ativea lo Tr»ver*a City.
Tbe Beptkt Udte' Aid toekey met day.

Tbara wfl] ba aa aatartalamaat
Jlyoaet Haadach*'.- StomWUllam Welker tot word Batarday I (%ei Btebbia* aad aoa laadm epaat
at tbe booM of fiev. O. E Ball, ttortrtba tawahall Batardmowlar M
I Older? Simply a cere d
. vary
111 at Vi
b« TaradariaUlkBOal ether ledte met with tte*' bte av that hi* mother wa*
dmiba haHti of tba aAaol Ubrary.r.
Burdock B.ood Bitten
bOBW -la Itelaaa.
ary oee eojjyod tboBkelvet.
~ will atart forj Bart Campbell alter a trip loTrav-



I»s-Tss'b”. urtii I




A Steel Ranpe or Store of any one

1 bat e tbe fiocst Use of Steel Rani^saod Cook Stoves ever shown
in Nortbero MiL'higan. 'Tbej are made right here at home ami a
written guarantee with eVery store. What is the use of paying an
agent from flO to ♦lb more for a range when y«»iF can come right
.her-e and have ten or twelve strles from.





I Have the Peninsular, the Quick Meal,'
The Buck and the Champion Steel Ranges |



They range
price from f.tO. and if you ever need any rejiairs for
them you can come right ibere and get them, f have the Pt*ninsular
and Cli^nnon Kmery Cook Stoves in price from' ♦5.0(> up, .Have
just tised up a new stove room and it will pay you t« call in amt sec



A Pilyhifql atuider

Tbe Odd FeUowt^ara Brepartof^

re tlao iBTiud.
__________ ^____.of to*
kite ate tb«y will Be Ibalr pratiiaet.
ibet It may be a todal taeeeea
a. T. Peak b abU to ba ataoBd acalB
Jeeob FewjBto hae bera aompallad to
five ap iaalMr el tbe tebool
to ifb. ate Hta. W. BUMa.
Boatit OB eecaeal of 111 btaltb.
Several IvfbBaleT ladle*
Mr. ate Hra) V*a Steth rWMd Mra. Bald laet Wadoeaday aad <
MID* af BImwead Baaday lam.
J. L. Olbta.
Him Khtea BUtaa baa ratarba
tmaiBk Uka
Hra Bowa cf Latbar rlaited bar
Harley Holliday pt Mlybk waa la
IPaadparaato at tbit pla« laat
owe laal week.
WIUtoB Barlptara la atm aa tba aka
Freak Say«r*wa*ia Ptta Ukearv
eral daya raeantly.
Hra. Walah ot Tbaoaraa (kty TWtad
BanOatdrar kUledawUd ratafaw
ter Hater Batorday ate Saaday Itot.
aUla* from uws la«t Sateay.
Babm Dateea baa a <toy Mak
Him Jaaala Boat (aU «pra the lee
Hta. W. H. Stitaa k at Brtottj
yralerday. eottlay bar bate qailc bte-

Hra. BMbar Baatoo oITtB
.................... ..... .

unto e»m aarala hat baaa qalta


bona* OB
Oerollo* ________ -.
other ora Ibateae baaaed fora
eerioasly ill. i* slowly improvlay.
ovaibead ate a aura or
Several aew raembere wvre added to
3 tbayrooad Smt.
Noribport Teal K O.-T M- Sktordar
rare earn evealay.
Prte WtoBleaadtaktkti
, - aaathalr
loaad to Acme Satarday
Ml expacted
. .

Uaito a eambar at tke KlayHay
two week* *yo to 1
ladlraeaUedpa Hra Addle Oibbalaat bbal Icyafortbc Empire Lumber Co.. |
m» aawia mil. Shermaa Baytate
Bobbito drove eat to Hr.

«ID Oat. Jr„ wbe k attradt^ Do
ata^ aahool la Traottat (Rty. oWi
Ulj|Mka(lbk ptoeaBatartey ■
A. B. Wellli^ (I Maple OUy a _


I ^---'},


Wni Daweoa of Haaktot wot kwa


Tbfti Maay. wbe wae klabte by ■
bmcotrawaab are, k aMe to tnwk

Hk* Ida* Wilbalm of the I
efSra laTravar** Oty viHud rolaUvra
at tbk Haee Baaday.
W. Oopelate hte a raaaway !
-wrak, hat tba uam wa* aora atop
wilb BO daa^ draw
> eamw Tbe eatter wa*
He era aary tarty to loae T. Otao
derabty ate the bera*

a abort tall Batarday aflaraeoa.
Wa are irtad to watoom Hr. lot

jj._5-.o- — —

> retataad

_ W. H. Hlme drove m Travcca* City

from Tnvaree Oty ber* Hr. Tripp
iraed wttb lb* load fora few day*'
•.............. tefrtoodalalrovan* Oty.
All who atletecd tbe Icctsre ylvra
at tbi* placa by Prof Bin of tbe T^i-

owe Mr Tripp ear aaitod Ibaaka

. .0tor's

hire £

plraaar* of Iktratoy to him ayala at
--------tatara data

i!a,s ?7i r£i£g-5
•a *va* atowd

- Wm. H.a WhM
Ita. r WhUra.


3 Bayy* bad qalta aa exdtlar vs
with a lead of kyaraaallpra*^ tojary. while the ream roa the
al^tetateeftoadctey raAMaya

Cbarlla aad

permaocot core.

At aay

L3dies' and Gents’ Trunks and Satchels.
I have a fine line of Fuf CoatS and invite your inspection.' Katorlal,
workmanship and durability ^arantoed for these garments.
Remember myr line of Horse Blankets is tbe largest in tbe ci^, and
prices the very loWiSSt.'
Tbe best Trunks offered for $2.00,12.75 and $3.50. '
'Winter Oloves and Mittens at at! prices.

Specialties: Irariee. (elcaeiziie, Eeaneiiae.
BAlMFOom ADd FMtory 811 Front 8t.

Tolephoao IBS. :









Biybrat fear to each yvade:

Bicycles I-Bicycle SunW

I From


Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c.

Front Street,

Traverse City* Mich.



iaed to mAko llkKi the banner World year in Traverse CSty. end make the
r on All vheeb sold pr*viotu to .4pril 1st. After which dale it aril] be wilbis to
nowY Von wos’t miaa $1 each week, and when tbe
« bay yoar wbtvl
•htwl BOWY
Why sot beBts
wheel will Ihe ready and you won't bare to make ■

: to begin wUb.


Gentlemen’s Fur Coats,
Gentlemen’s Fur Gloves pnd Mittens,
^ ^
Wool, For and Plush Robes,

wra^rrov l3a *i i •. • • ui

Ika mkiake to imayta* Aat
pUwean't be eared; amku

Jobbim* and Dealer* in

imlaal SMyriv BalMra
aad A*p*lr*r.
: AJI Work «a*r*atrad aad

Tr«,er.c Cily.

* ..Readle’s Winter Offerings..


Keel KaoawlywaBt
day eaaaed tbe blybrai wator* «v«r
kaowo la tak plara, tbe raUrote track
balBK eovared for eevaral red*.

^ " naram'ltet W tomalcht iTi!
^W. B.^kra iva* la Kalkaaha Tea*Amfl Atetraea faralabad ■atle tore
y^te Batarday ooraiay; te
Hka-UiU Traven of tb* tolepboae

Baaday with b* aartato. afte which
tee wrat to B. Aetryb to wvk.
Hradoha Hct»i|teaf SUrer Lake



Hraama.Haey. Hr*. Bobba. Flau
Baream ate Him Al
bara qaiu poorly bat t

toy la a ramp a; few mlT



Total ....................
- ..
No. of boy* to Primal

re-1 Clam I.-Wilde
ee-|Tb*tcb. Eaymoad

A akd^lateaf yaaay people from
lb. Sparltay pHySborbe
ebareh ban Baaday avral
Aayaat Ureea. wbe hra
abto’ to take cbaiya of

■bora uur pnev ia bwrat.

Bargaiis ia lhie§) Whips, 8 calls to $2.00.

rau wmlBi

5lSfg!i2,“I. i.»i
wdwemac bearaki

! Tbn UrK« metteae of odr makr- of HmroM*

_______ J*of live* **red every year
by baviny Dr. Tboiaa*' Brieetric oil lo
tae hoalv j*»l whaa it k aceded
Cnraacroap. heal* bbi
ol every eon.


Hra Edte »ny.



S1S.X- -

Martha Bawitt. wba It attotel
aaboH la Traoarw City, tpaat Satart
ate Baaday with bar parrato. Mr-t
Jeha Hecy aarat Hraday at Hr.
Hra i. Bawitt.
OHMF* la Ui* .Vltenim aatybbcriuiod.
Hra H. A. tkaamaraal Mapla OIM
Freak Taylor aad daaybur
■to la towa Hateay.
bavo bora le Brtdywa lor

Mamr Bo^M of Itelaaa k outlay
hk hralterr>raBk Boayhay. of tbk


White Wte* «f tte- »rrup, the

i Braonof tbe Nortbporl •ebook for
•«“; 1 tbe mooih eodioy Feb. sod
tBbOlenalabrrol d*T* uorbt.
veaioxi rca .. .a. luiaat
The folioyrio, kibe .itcodaa
toe W. CT. V. Bveryl

_____ Fire .
door for adalu.
Two mea took dlBur at the bowl: lotermediatc ■
rraurday that ware ^aeateb oU team I Blyb School.

Alban Baraam wb* tbrowa rat, at
bku^b lan^wc^which raaaed hire

Hra i. BalUtaa ate Hra C. BL
vklun laat


borne tba awralay. Ui* yonay fiiead* ) er*r City Hoaday.
r made a very rtoaeanl
' 1-rot W, N Frari.. priuv.K-. ■ at -Jie Haerafaec hall Batarday j
___ ________ _ — —- BiaD"
itwrepoftod ikat Joha Kerem : * I at tbe towe ball. Friday erraiay. Frfa. hc»t cout'h rrmi'K "ii r.irli .lirr. .i i-nlil
Mr. PrrrU i* a moat pleaaloy
parehaaed two leti of T. F Yoaay
aod j>) cl*.
dray aUR ' talker aad hk lectarr will be a Ifterarr ia ooe <l*r il tsken Ui luio.
the eoraer acnm from tb*


: rucT PliA Botai V-M to SS-M.
BudioM Pd Bikj Rota
to $(.50.
, UiStAsMflMBlFo Book $S.OO to $15.00.

Before Buying


Repairing and Enameling.

A PIANO or ORGAN do not (aH to
SEE US. if you wish to SAVE MONEY.
Weareseilingaout oor Small Muncal Merchasdise
during January at groat reductiims. Such as Molins.
Cmitart, Banjos. Mandolins, etc.

Now is tb* time to bare your old bieveW overhauled asd t^nameled. BilBc than in' =
; Vow. Storac* trrm*.

I wiU t«-anamal yoar wbeal any eolor. 3-eo.l wegiTUking'Mwri and^ami^ clean all Uie
uue tbe wheels, stoth.
atotm esrsiah
carsiah or «n«tii*>
enamel >l>*
the noxi
niMi sn.
aH.«^arte(^^ ui omplete <wi: baAringa
aod une
: ditioolm U»* amsll spd of S2.50.
Uth* tsraing. Onpa, Cones,
: Blcjrelw tonflk to Toot urdnr


THE Traverse city music co.

Orooo M. Onnnfnghain. Prop.

118 WAttVrent Steote.

■ruMk «tm BotNAiIt—wui* thM ha*
«V th-«
«fc«* M brirbwr «tayi 1> •*« '


Tha Prieeolea eeeapiad Ua oarUera
U «bU
U» o( oil Sr»B< Tnton* (*nMn -Joeu BoAet a faeaaaaat cedar. The
w mU M fMUut bv*n o<

M ^k'~e<r
raad, bat
u U* iBponoM* Otu* b*u*r ^1^
ilM at OmiT rood*. «Ueb U*r Uarr are raaon that Japaa iaiw
■ oa U* ■vhat. TU* I* * «M to aba Ua klaada Tb# aaUea
■I M«***lty U«i wU loerBUt IMrl/aaaUUladAaarUaa la la
d—tad and r*t U* hlpbaat avkai pat oSelala aed aok the aoU of alla-

tto BriUlk fere*.
Tb« «am
6mA at U« Heraliw Moil bM <
low4lw<ebta«hkibb« gtrm
mmt at ttootoulaa. B« -n tbat
MrfcM* tsc U* MpMdor
Uwtal 8«1W tram U«
BtrlH ol Urn Urwd T»*r«u bo­
tvM th* rtUat at L*«7»»b •• ■
at. OtborfretrUcnaUnarofMMom boot. B.addtlb.l»b.»o<«
. Sla lOMM larbaUot higtm, at Fllat. A atraapc aalatal haa
kUMpt to rallm U« botaort'ad
prewllaparoaod back yaudi aed
•MBwrirMeaMtal. balkttbo erill' brle**.*od ibe IWa't *h*n of U* trod*.
Moa*b*lB« UttUoriat «poa nekaare likatbea of a Creat. b«r
«kl iB»ait
WkTTM kbnab
“o™ lack bear.
froBa^arlkrkMoodr Iraeial atloek IM urfcot bctur root*lUrray Deal, a littla flri Ueiaf
«ocm tbc Bmt rt(bL
lll-Uteoikad »B»II poUlor* ■aatel Breoaea. lataJl tha hair oe
B^w^tar ^
ktirapl. Ur
■at. Nolbouu* U«r«»0 rroa M tide of ba bead froa toe eloaa
UMtiiogiMturt Umt ■■taruetul)
m bo rezialt/ to a aateh which abe bad
aor«K«Ur Mrrrj ottbr eoasuT bat«MaU*TM*l*HtrrMd LMlpislU
beiar Ua* U* Onaid Trarera rcrioB.
czlata. WbM VMlkrMU wu t«ma6
lab* u •wiUkbl* PMiUw UrMral try few loallta* eoa be foaad wbor* t%e UaDka e the Voltod BtaiM
r*B a ood.reeolw coa be obulsed
rwatilleaod Howard Cli/are Uwa* hare beeaettaadodu L' H B B.ka,
ID Hicbloo Uat alwa/a cM » u 10 ofUeHiehUaa bard of bwith. far
ar beabal acre Uas w*. Tbair relaab'eaoalrcbaUou to Ue exhibit
Ml k Bol M .olubl*. BDd Ue /leld a of brrioee at Ue eBpotltloa. Ttae ex
q alli/Botaacood Moare. Bat Ue/ blblt Inclada Ue tl aeaoal repart* of
PartAiall -taldbtrr
eap ap Ue ruda bp proper aorUoC Uc HicbipaB health departaeat. wlU
r rsroij la
to bar* tbrwt
and ba/eri froa aUoeer'Uc Ualtod eUapBblle baalU llteratare
naamkloBf. '
BrUloiulo or Doomkl
CO to UoM tolra kaowlac Ue/
'AbbI Abb~ AllBB of KrBBkIlB rrle
•oold prolBblt bare ootl
KOoBOrol luilortforo* aereoBlt • tre *«ro ol cood poldtoa. aad pa/ Ue brmtad bw inr blrUdoy reatarda/ She
Wh/ apt bare Uk trad* oari
HleblpaB aoce lelt.
UdptBlU crllof eoloaa oil »lrbl be
aWar Varaara weald prcfi-.a rro*t Aaot Abb'* aeeUI faettUiri are BOia
•Ulltd OB Uo lotee el • bbiHr. wiU
UtoboBO** boorilrorblMlUrlMUl: dal b/ It, a well 0* Uo bo/er». W« paired. To bar meaoe/ Ue family ap.
eertalDiT aooot foraUo ba> trad* to peal OB doabtfol queatlooa dhe teb«l it t* *>*e Um ooljr trar for U« dr
lM**etW*t*l. Tborrlor. B»Hm «Ub- bo/eurcoodaaad pa/ fiiet claapriea
oldtaamerof UK- aod
if ar coodi art aoi properl/ rraded
Id maBBereot Ue parele
di«a. BoDlbdr t*re* •Ueaet aill be
op to Ua ttaBdard. Tb*/ are
earlop k perlaei
.r*ab0B|rr/u UabaUkeaDBat tb* *af»r*aoDt* bare oof bees
aad bar a/alptat fair.
tr/ k bic aed Ua/ will fo whtra Uc/
tralUoa- Th* Bo*r»»daU h**»r loa
k mialall/ auled that the I'cre,
asotwbat U,, aaat.
la wd> dtp-* boBlanlaoel of dplae
TbctlaekBotfardkuat wbaa we MarqBette ./atam bai da:lded to abtaboa tad VbbI KroBU. Tbo; daoiioi
larr/aorriM belweeB Mat.
■at rude ar |Mtoa aad bap
kepoB aad Hllwaakae. aod teod all
paa wlU ar braMiraB froa other
MMoTrudr tVbleodto ibe otaoot.
Lake Hlehipaa frelpbi by
way ct
protoct aralea aad fU
U«Mr*1 Boller-otpirll I* oB*b*tod.
Ladiaptoe. Uat port belop rapardod
propar prtoa. aad ar ahara el Uo
Tb. aa. oalr o.k lor . aott drc'.la
by Ue oIBclak a* Ue topical raeririep
k o dabi bat that
tiW, btltnlarlbai iaoblUof diftiral
all^Ulaa ahippad point for all botlaaM oomiBp froa Ue
tim tad DBBerittl Wotkano Uep
decided to
Uraod Traraue ^a ti a
BOOU eatoclfk- tb* adTS** ebtaoet
bBlIdaBoUerear ferry boat
■Dial to far^r* M lo bo/tra.
atu U. b*rooet. Tbe raflaeotal ofLodlaptoa tobw nexlMBmar. It will
tteir leloraota bolar IdaaUeal. Wall*
■oon rfctrd U* ilcaaral *ltb •raptand -Ul be Uo biffcehl
ataceb laeter/ la Trarera'
IhyaadtroBL Utre l> hi ucua for poor frad- ear ferry ie Ue worlA It wUl haadle
d dloottcb froa MrdAa U>ra autot
lueara. aIpbIbiorB lhaa tbe srrylap
tor It l< alio D.fOMlry Uat crowaro
that Field Matabal Lord Bobora, eoBol tbe.blp Pare Htrqoetu
eapaeltyr ol
elaotpareUadaat to r»t
--------la ehiol el Uc BnUb foroa la
!llaa of Ue blpbeay ap 10
paaibU Iteolia. WbatkwerU dolaf
Afrka.arri«d Uore- lb*»U
k worU dolar irell Tbee abald oe- tbettwDablpofCoDri.whi«b dtopprd
ol aVrkt laat (all anil remala. om
daror to bap abratt of U* Uaea aad
_liam»al HerWted
plaat toeb earlatlu a will proiaa
Btfblaad Mode aad roaraulaud
laeoU. brlfbv Aorehoaubla
HacDmald-a troofM *poo Urlrtteadj
a, a .aeh are b/ tar Ue Uat eatrltaladrpUolM fart below Ue
(ace. Tbe bipbway eoamkaiooer
aedubla. Tak /arUe deaaad k
There art ladlealloaa froa KauUa
prlalpally for BoraU. Hobroa and haa aaked lor bldi to dll It op. bat bai
plcatr that tbc Boer* haee aaaaed.
•r>4cBtly oelnp coo
Aaarieaa fPoadar* lo-^orda aa«d.
UBboraHIp at lea»l. Ur rFeolee. d
a lltUa uo bfp acoauaci by all
Tbct* k a teudaaey bere w plat poBooearat opoa Ue BsflWi rirbl
rraad Uat k la poor tbr Iota] maa.
•aab aad llaa of ooaaaaloatloa W
I>eerarld mao k Ur p-waraaor ol a
Uroofh eieealre eropploc. Ue raoll
plalal; Ua b*al aodoaof oot^lllat
alocaaallaitdlafOTloralab. If Ue d(« aad hoire that are ao macb at
ttd abaodoaaadt ofU* rdortto refaRMft wald aly apply toae ol Ue toehadtocoeh oUer that aalUer k
' Uoo lafya^H* »>» *»*• 8P'l»dWd aad
dal tenilizw* Uat are really baopy wltboal tbe eompM/ of
MU*t drift root*.
a la U* older teetleca. tbeeUor. H Tbayer ■« a ■ feed mi—
dt Uo (aae tia* a#»» ooaro froa
ehaal. aroaod whoae be bae
Balalota larUer dreolepaaot of Ue
l praUf/tBp Ie lately obtorred Uedop. and be fiDBlIy
Boerdtak aoreaeolla U* diroelka
ienl that Ue aolmal did aot .uy
. park of New
el Oiaptoea Tbla -oald Urralro
Vork and other oaatarB eitotoa tba pro looper than waa BOrMtqry to prab «p
UaBrlUUUaaofeoaaqiloaUes far to
U*mU. IlbqalU likrip lb*l lira eiirlet ol tha fertlllar to Ue aprlBf k
by the faraera aa
carryinp It Is hk mouth. Hr
Ml B«ll» will b*e* U iBT* Ueoeral
Ua potato aoad llaell and -bile Uere
WbiM to bold oat a beet b* cm while
liaotaay cbeakhl fortmi’r equal lo eaaloe carried off aa ear of aero Corbe pr*Mol» bd owa potUiOB.
what the dop wa. ap to.
pood boTvyard maaorelor all piupcaea
Tb* Boa* at Oolabof*
yet tor a»e. capeelally peulooe. (I U Thayer followed bimooe day aad wa.
d*tia aed 00 far froa briac braaod
find Uat be cetorml Ue
alway.BiCDOd aad in oeae areaoBi
Udt* tboaorlera Utaioolac Oeaera
Blwayt IMlow- barn aod pare Ur core to tbr bon*.
PMob-. la Ooaoral CleaMf.) Hoc of
lap barnyard manara to prodaapaeab ' NowtoB MeClIntic. ol Palaxki. ba. a
«*aewaiaUa. d> Ua di.pdt^'*
taeklap ia Ua lartilltw aad Ie a lea•cUalUDfarly
It yean old Mr.
Ualaerikta ar* »lC**d 'Clraeau it d
laet droocbltha eapartor ralaa U HcClIaUe ha. takes le fiseeaa from lu
• pcebab’e Uai Uaertal Freoeh ba* oee
readily aaea, Ua abaakol propertkaol baek aod It ba. aaolbar cealnp.
wlU Lord Bohera to Uba eoaaaod of
poUBde. brifad*.
able ae plaat food; while aa aany Wbil. ttae llphle.1 Upped
Tb* Bau*' prraare ol ^iBberle/
lariAtahBow la a raaUydry
i<, poaedi Tb.BTrraprkK found.,
TCOanwlbr Ooloarl Kiekewlebto
ordlaary oUBare boa laea toeaad bo la
I t* *aid that o** fordttrlacBatraah 01 whee applied U
aboep a pood property to owa.
-lap. Oleoarae there k expaosi
dowa U Kiaberloy aad Uat a ala laeb
Coalba* bees dkeoerred Ie 1a>rr
laaetioB wiU farttlixar. batit ia
qaaollUe. .lx mlIe.Muthea.1 ol GtUa
«na ba epaaed Bra opaeUrUea
a* .ippeaalre Uaa aaBBi* II Ue
Kaplda. aad promiMa are vary tUtter
rrea U* cope prea k drrirrd lha
baaltap and epreadlac k lakea law lap A rein ol three feel wai auuek
•awa-wbiU ba boa* arcio 1/ top
bet the (met tb^tltkM
la OB. place, and bat a lew feel troni
eDcaathlally oaad Ie other aaciiooa Ue aarf.i.OporaUoo* will
BBbwdly eoBBBBae in Ue .Map
dtaaary. ralaly U ■



tb* aorl of lia ereku
aorak^aodaip Ue e
me iarre a Hriikb lo

iqwTu r
yield, botlar potati

Tvlot Olraajle
Fraaktort. Ky..^kb. la-Uo

I Ua H<
laoeaBaaio liialafoaed Paorta Bla
bat Moala U cal/
II wa« aMdalaialy haowa aetll to
a Bot natii after

Wa> ladlor, «od oa la doobt wh
draot to Uriade Ua klaad.c
aap. A* odiaial eoawoale*'.^
aal to Ue atata drpartaaot ii qalrlar
If Ua treaiy oakwoaa Ur ilolied data*
mm4 Bpala pro.idrdlaUrtr aqaia
bgrUa railed Mltlea^ Tbe treat/
oxaaiard aad abe'adk*>aiiip%io o
UUe r-iltrd dtaua Farno B<co
ail Mbar dpaawii Ula^ la Due Wat
Na apeeial ■sraiioti pra. bm
Hoaa klhiul. aad there wa a ■
aal’na raeardlac Ur i/'aaj'to ab
wboa HbrlaaCad.eirrptoeoBOwhich .board that M.ia* waa rrpaided.

lb oaad Ue law to take lue
rae militk which bw beea kwl bore
■r erderod to Ibalr hoaa at
.odU'dly wlli at Meat uhc
e-ablaare of Ur <101*1 which ererellM
belure. Ua elcruoa ooawai troqblr

AtO^boypaa a ten»le lomatr ol
ae oooBtry poor boure named ilaa■oai beeame rioknt. atiarked Ue
keeper aad a.coavled la eaeapiop from
OBU. whim ba. BO aceommodafor ipuae or rlolaat tomato.

Here'S flut Yoa Hate Been LooUaj For!


Thk aip ilap abeot <
B'pubflexaafroa earieaa park of Ue
alatr 'paUared hare aad bald a
WlU Uoreraor: Taylor ia Uc ao*<-ablr room ol tbr vapito'
xitb' e*x|ar*BC* Uiraroor TayUr
■eoliely dr<ddr4 that be woald
.ipo Ue
« aftrraooB a.
c h» laH U«
■all. *Hehaa daidadtoal.0 br arulad to the________..__ _ .
Taylor hanrda proe ' InUe blond, and

Catarrh is
Not Incurable


At Less Than First Cost at the Factory.

MW»'« vHaOty. If H Im
pmimfml mommthlmp Im

mxmmmmimm Of Irrmpmlmr
wrHm to mrm. MmUtmm,
Lymm, Mmmm,, foratfirlp*.

Wheat ha Soltfod
The H.ebirao crop n-pan Inr Ih.
aeaU at JMa.rj lailMavatbal wbaa^ da,. They ilaM ibat Q«area]P« del
e tor tha laaarvMt Iredre dtod ol
la reply WUeq.reUM. "Hu wheat leaf a fonaipai opn la Ue Harmip
-Tad Irwiree. after bk dreth. held a
-toiiapa. -baah 1. wm
' ta U, cwnlral on.t
u.kt II woBld brtaUktooSar farxbar


Traverse City. Mich.

I 27 State Street.


neroB. boreea abont Oraod Klaoc.
««» ,’cbuBly. bate been alriekra
■omedkeaae tbe exact'nalareof
I k set yet kaown. aadapood
many draib. baee been reported
Ctaarir. (l.bMB of Chdillac. waa er:
•■eaUy aot bore under n incky alar.
Uemita jjb (Witvblop for lb. reUro*d
tbe other day. aad two bonre after br
.torted to work hk band wa* caapkl
«□ bouiovr* and cruabed to badly
Uat part of it bad to br ampulatod
I'hlipol. Albaoy. (ia.. rey*.
■UeWIU'. Little Karly lUrere did me
Borepood Uanany p.Ik lererlooh.''
rbr lamoa. little pllk for eoaaUpa
lun. bilioa.Bre> aad llrer and bowel

k fleWitt'. Wlicb
Hiirl K»l<
Ira Ur prmnd
It i-i
pile, and h
dulrot iioital

Oeo. Harbe. MeadoU. Va.. say..
-Notbihp did ue' tu macb pood a.
Kudol |iy.tkpiia Cure i)ue dote relierrd mr. a few boulre cured me'
l <f«nU what y-u rai aad alwaj.
urea dy.peaala f C Thompaon.
Jetaa Ilirr. i'aef.l Ie. iod.oayt "1
bare uetrr nM.<jai}- Bmp a* po^ aa
Uoe Minute I'oupb i ure
IVe arr netaoS
Hlroaanl to lake.

DeW'lu't Witch Uai tklre k unr.
■ d for plica,
li jurtea aod aktadkeaMw
It k Ur oripinal Witch U.iri

■eery wlah
bad broeebi
yearn aed or* mrdi
rare me p
arat nierf till I brpaa to
Minato Cuupb Care
I kno
it k Ur
tbe bent remedy madr."/. Ki
auupbt. cold*.
eroup. aalbrna. pripee. and i
loop trouble.. It k tbr eh'ld
n'rito remedy
Corel quicki

reW a—aurmu, tb.
Piredtal dimum wa. m.miaiw1 Ireg my ga^ao* I Urebadoo ae«iB.dn”alnf^


woBon’s ~ Nilhhniire , MoiWs iii

At Pioneer Liver7 Stable,
B J. MORGAN. Prop.
Consult your own interest by calling here
when you are in need of a horse The Isrgest


Ks""-Draft Horses,
Farm Horses,

' ’■■■

Xonsglniioi and Eiaainatioi Free aad Siilcllii GaafUaalhl

DFivin_g Horses.

DKS. B. S. & CO.
Smeiol instinte «I Intieoi, ue.

anlceblockv built roan mare, six years old.:Thursday,
weight l.OUO; an'extra well broken pair ofl
jonies, weight l.600;,-a,n extra good gray drivveigbt i;000; a few
ng mare, six years old,
cheap plugs.
Can give you a bargain in all kinds of
horses. Stocktaken in exchange ^or horses.
A tew good milch cows for s Ale.
Kindly give me a call and look my stock
over. I will endeavor to.please you in tbe
horse line.
"T '

Waat KaklBP Ooed Bbaea Maeaa.



March 1, 1800.

aB * B. toBp. a


"a™*""™ •'







m 'biTMAsr




Bean tha


----- --------------

trTke Rntofipdel BmM.

* .‘ii


M.m m., I deWOwl ■» try to A*wwa..m>
Ottt^att aadw the Mretto tbe wedMM.

; '‘v.!2;.-.e2a!r.'“


wmmvt to *• mtromB. Ho
othor mMoo Im mo tm.

t-oable abiBl flalia;
for Ur fruit, at many i
While looVinc throupb ao old book
laat week H. Baamparlaer. ol Koi'a.fotod twoliu b<l • bplwaoB Uf
rm. Ue tblok. they were elaead
Uere by hk laUer. qow dred. aad
bare brrn there tot aiBBy yean
Jame. J'ower*. aped to yean, died os
train booed Ur Kip Kap^ from
White Cloud. Ur wai takeo Ul Bear
■aakUb Craa.-top where he waa emamployed to a tomber ramp aad waa antor a boaphal ia B-p Bapid*

ar Mareh, A. O-

TurerseCili, ■ • fiithiei..^tlf:r.r'“

mrm. Plmkhmm>m mdvlom
hmvm tot"

for UfuiU ABd CAOdrw.


;aatitoUy. U.

Siccessois n
TraieiseCitf Lumljei Co.

Don't delay any .ioniecr. for
they win no ijtiick ijl these pru't?*.

Thi KM Ym Ban Ahnys BmM


$4 00 to $7.00 vacb.

I iydk E. PkMkm'i Vipatibh Cimy laid |

- -aampbon

. k’FdU-


-1 to ■viallein Uao aay oil
nufaelnrer tiet a pair a1


>B F-Wakfori Headay aad ordrre
________ ificurea
Ue diwmae penna’ Oat^l
■to Ue Voopa to rerare to Ue r eenUj
d lorr-rer
pa. Ue ey.iam ol
• etoeee. Tbr mretlep wp. tonp aeery treoe of Ue eile
aBfexMiop.tadosl-ioa fromthe'fi'nti


r tmtimm tm Afrs.

R°sgaetog.»--— " tj-



■-I bad dy.pea.1
year. No
:ier waami rffrolirr a.
to Kodol DnpepeartolB Vaa Bureo eoaoty
dial* relief
larreloo. reproweraaya Uat tak apple orchard ol Two'bouirn pi^i
Warreo. Albany.
•eak far more reluabk. I
Wu. It dlpral. wbat yoa eat ana caq
.1 to <-ure
P. C Tbompaoa.
'poacbtarmul Ue paair alir it
coBBtry. Hr deroMa a cartkia amooBl
r Mtoale Coupb
of Bare to ta.- tree* but out at ma ibrer botilr*«(
maaryf.ira paaU orchard,
Ilk alto tbr brat rrmwiy na rarti
be peU* flae crop ol firtl claa aepida wbooplnp eeupb. I> eared my pr
cblldrro of ter wont eaem. ' w
iao Kerry, le^oioc. I’a
It b
only barwieeareoiedy Uat plea ia
dintr rrealt.
-Care, c-opba. o

I> .11 B'le* loop aed
ttpa*a4labair a^lr. eid' i
abaat lit feet b*cb. aed m ataaatra jou
tUrty allre weal of Hk/ara'
PaarloBiea It k ahoal
U* court and U^toiare will be.
froaUaeeatnf HaatoOialBc
noth are already oi rreerd aa l.rertap',
Uaala-wl aidwa/ of Ue Moaa^
U. l>.-iuandc aid* of Uc roatrorecay
. aoca bnwara the two lalaBda.

aafi to U* porUrea e-malMn
prereli.ep epiatoa k Uat what
IBmd aomr.lrjary. CoadtUare
aoa aafayamM* yai U* oai
fioRao* tmg Uffoly oa Ua




wvaiiawaa-a avaaouTas


f=“ “"ZTIZZ. .SKSttKff4SSJir-!SSWK.-J=.——


NS. L L (CL nmni«IN. MaBM.

aa baallaw w wll their
aaa wwiit It b ra
a aad haartah w


IM tba BBBhw af bar btrdbWp-' Vai
towatoiald ha'aa ALSwaaMaa toto
polahaad rMleaaw apaa to. wtfwt
bhard w aap>^. BaMpt for .


Boup- Jonct. i>f acoas. lod.. nava-.

A TaMBuae
Tb. maadane pralwto hb <4
Tb. cardraar proU.’b bb tarolpaoad
litoaCa. aad a. raadp to ^
hto wife aad hto Wa-«r ara .............
toMia. Prahablp to. Mlac ia to.
, !
watbra bad iB erlcto ta to. loac aco Tb. Barin'r tomato.C*.
Tb. BlllB dbl toerta tbr g.
'' ip WM to.
,'dW'fabl. coal, ud Tbr t-atoaadiaaB lorato bi. wttlc bad I
a* ah. craw oldw. hw chaaw*
Tb. utMUoB bw 00 witiralp
TkelMlbb hare aaM otto. Yb
toaaerd. aad tolaaterheed hw b«
Tb. actor ar.-daib b.g
ao ierltlal, toat we ebeaul .ap«
Tbe pilM bad amd
.aaelbat I’a. ‘
-raraa alwratioa la toe Baa

;^p flndlai
Bad la weaBatoUM pMia ah
OW tollMtv CM Ik. MMT

aaaad baVanauoaa
--------- 1 draaiac ka. toaf k
• wtlraof to. kaarawllB.
, aad danwd wat* aad i

VMk Ik* kMrt .C • BMiM M< faw It
TtaB *nt Mt M
H. tk« I



Um u
M.Mal aaa • bo.I jail tw*. Mo^b
earaa oa Ibto polat. aad W
> fwalt lb. bMMr w rarolra «aaU;.
qatie easdtd aa w toelr elalaat to Tbr bahtrwa awkato tor Jt.
to tka bixril piM. (b. polk or on* BBiariip or tha rarara.
Tbrtbrpberd wrkrto h > V.
rt'ip paara today look* Ilk. forty did
br eoUr^ Irjpt wrk tberr Bbhl
ly Ik. wM bMM »«v*•* »r
a M w. of rwn Bfo. Tairtp. alwapt a
aad a t»rj uall alaeb ol dry Biaiai^. rarr wlawwe ace. to. af. ol wawaBh
kai I I- g
MMwra aallaplalol <dl aad ha.. It BWt eapUrailhC hwalp. la aet eew w
—JU' Sirhnlo,.
la ra.dLBMa.wlta oramhiarraapMid. b. diatthcabbod la frwkaaw aad
I( poMibl.. plae. to. howl la a tarcw Meow tiOB twaatp Bra. Oatdoor lit.
■a. .BfreaBacd with iMtp. of tea
Krbroatys-i !!•.«. |
ladoiBclor wowM what
PiBo. lb. bMur la to. bowl aad brat endo, Bvklac '
LMIcra.frooi oar baaahiawt bara
aalUto. sLaiara t. w«l LacorporaMd'. tad keraiac toa
lad. tot eold tUp. wars aad bricbl
<loaelb.dlM<mrar«iU to.Mk»b>w. fKintnrrr,
tbwork. Tbe wriiMt were Praaraa,
a taadcwp to lode. OB Ik. tolM CM to.
U* WtU It kH M»kk.< «.ni tfl ku.
Ptoaeof Hodcr: Brabir L*iBt«. Uar~ ;
W« wmaU.d
l^leraacc Abrrv Tratrrar dtp;
wpooeiui oi
arda. add a tablwpooelul
of eu
oU uj
bM lookiac doi
k^ «k* WM mmM to ^ Ik. V
■a add aaetocr wW.
. li^ht SB
..^oBtal ol c
. .-iercMWpellahpoarabew-'
poar th to. rowaisow o> ..».>■
O 1 wa tall poa aoBtUlac eew.'
eraalac .boatd M ra toiak bp toU .b.w<d
Tha IdwotMtoaBebpeea
woadv la M.1MT <
Urn. tool to. bMUrra.oltw wlia d ffi trlbatiac eaw ideaa V> ib* fawllp aa-'
.hloria tbr wap of e
tola^wito naMarMlMM jJiMi to. whole ooBptap off iawwnaai
kli^ M inj ihinnl Ikaukaewa
ItachiM At ibw. ww« raaidiLca.
erode reiot. BwidBra AtnaPr
April abower. I eboekad toe rwt. ai
~.|li aa Wd.- tkar mid MfUr. **«Iwin:
>1. Uiroacb Hot Ltoib. Iraebrr, |
o“ thick.
■W*U. let w bear whet U to."
tjf whieb Btap toaaka
r~nT wBippMl rarpaliS. aad
"Whj. L<dal»lp wpaabe poliabw
her ebow with to. whitlac of ao *ch
— She pob It OB wito a lltUo rtc. aad It
Am. kMir aad tUMdlaa Ik. poa>. raaaar. i. V3u>^ bland abd
Th. followiBC rectla’- raptwl ol to.
aoMapalalM la tokcM. Macs j.iee don't aart poor abow a bU. '
i'rrawood Ciub baa brea raraim.
ka«^m7<^ILh N^a. .ISklar
"oB Boaa tot whiw of aa Ml
-awood daBataia* Clab. Jaa «s.
frll, pw. I t'peae aa
Uatt i
IppM eraaB belrbuo. tala aSrat
Mlad. arc aior* aeraptabl
wr dul aad foBad it rarp wtbfae
taMllM l»CMM. klMd Ilia bk wbMi BrMMd wito eraaai laapMaala
t^. lio^»raBaoB.t.BMb.t..
o order br to.

awtokitMiad«ub MUckfc “TiiIk.

nr=.‘&— ^



Uk*MM«rkllk^au kte.UMl k






'■ My
tra?ralai»**t anhaaraUd, and only ]icf‘in>na' liavine
hecn aBiictea w1:h tlm rare aad
dreaded 'coOiKmaU^ of di^caws
cab iidaKlne wlm they a-vrd litp.I »ras ctw6i»c>1 to tty ,U«d a;mort
an the time. Nr docu.r Ct.aUy
.ackaowlolcrd thj? uc.t'.irr-lie nor
any one else c»nld ct;:e rjc. 1
ironM not gicd o;'. «*> tried diffcmit
and finalSy hejrsn the u-«of l*:. -\ViUiai’t«.' IHok
JMU lie Puk
Tiif firtl
tiox i*f I'iKs
I ti->k Mtcie more. The Kvonl
ficx l> ti> (oviare dbc deaito-i
result, and Jvt.itc I had finishevl
the foanh hvx I a;i* at Ud a
care! rutn. Tu i: n .islx'it'M.tTch,
and 1 hufcnii! lavn
.these <Iisc*'s--i finv'e.".—/•’'vra
i?j«err /IHb* Jh-aur, .\Vr/« tirHtm. Jni.






im.A .vd ftsi.Coeiaiiis neffer
(Vt>--i.Murphinr ax thnc/aL

Awffrrt Rcoicdy for fpnslifia
tion.SeiorStonuch HiuTi»M-a


**y?iiMiiT^in> ir


a aot wito bar a
ipMpto. koaao!
Mllar aad raadan woaU I

auw. proiW
Bebo.<liaa.B Vo raoalda im( (hr thbitf
th or wltaoal BbO.oce all to I
frwtrAwd vuidt. that wetbali urdrn'
ApplMare hollowM... ~ ra to oar wiu' .adt W kaap toa «h>1
drea'a abow lookiac rwpec-abl. Ltoera
aad wheel bookt at to. bwiaaloc
rad^^pwtp oraaf.
to* pwr wak. raeid iarewd* npee
llBiwd p«rw.—Seio4*<l
S^'to to. hlf'S'of to.“rtod raatlBC
a. IMMM 1M.M. a .pooB'ol ol Baroa'OolBC to B»<r EuqoM.
It b alwapt a a.eatabl. pwet el atlqeet,
wh.LOM bualwt or cwal —'
a a.l dtob. Mcwed wito
aratworaB.Di Wfe to boi. aa<
bM•alia wapoaaal
brwk ep tbe .tmiqc c»tooriec
•arai sap b* oTeroowa wito ti _ .
IroB a dath j mrwrp. tb* Boat Btp in
rarlwl rarp sat.
■ Icettar eader iba atraia el eowrwle
• ec. Md loQCiBC fortbectMtWabnn
auB« tics, bp which b* eae crwcefallp
UwLo.1 larltlac w
ana beaailaUp aaccwttoat-li tocraw
napoaaWa. for .
a haato
— ------------------to Tar'
-leC late. ' pet oBtorr qalte Ilk. to eppew Impollir.
le tart, ewap tlaitort
bar. .effrtwd acMiceia trploc to br
acrawbl.. wbll. to. beet or boaleB
watedoiacton bwiio.a|>|>rm '
iMradtoBW SMI ba dn


aad dartaf to. paai pw hi

0»e Of .

1 tooockt I woeld write rr>a a lime
let-a-andtrilpoawbat wearedoiac.
: .V V
Icotoacbool ererp dap aad ttadp the ...-.rf T-“ .‘i;.'.'UV-*-;'
areoad rwler, amhBrtic, Itorrace r'''"
aad tpelliac
M» teaeber't nam^ i.
Ur* Uacar.
bh* iLinkt irwetiadp
well we Will oata tbe aeeoau trraCetoia
pear. T^rreare J", tchelart
I c° to i*BBk'a Bcbool.
Tu'itlta l I
-atdllTttD 75 fCAK
Soath Arm baebwBi wa Iblabof tob llae. ao I will clcM.

Ta«« b. bowerw. ba
ibC* We d> aol pet ken. toe oBSeer*'
^’AraarraBMtoBMW with hot broil ral* to b* tollowol le tab ralaiu
oaBet. bat hope to bate toaa'aeoa
.4 cr hwkM Ato. with broiled elaw. or ot beet aM tineiew aad the beer
Tb. boat or bwlw* Ba*i dbc wpr
alwapt tak* tor ialUatlra aad tap aa
I tbeiicbl I would WrUe p m a few hill aad b**e • good liB*. IsBiuiic
Mawaad tall poa a>• alee p tar letter weobd grade.
Tbera are only two v(
»to a nap.
B. IB ap cUw
We write letirra oa
wa. aad tbaak pen (or atodiac a
of wwaw
pia aad et'd. I bop. wr eaa carrp oat t'ndap fM oar Uagaace leaaoa
A Child-* Sleapiajc Hoar*
a atorp aoBCUmca
_________ M. aad COM .arall^toVlto
Th* baby ahoald be taoebt to
*u itoiop. We Bad a dalardap
all waaaM of dto. bMkto. rl^
rMalar be«r«. At Bret b. will. ... aod w« all balacood tune. We
wtod.aa.waad ptoMiaf U.I A
wtolto. uateeoiaeeapled la fmd.
ofairalaad waww to .lcw«i aatii raBoaep to ibe Sgodap
Alto* acr of B lb* child eboBid
dOMdW ton. lAblwBOoaiaii
U to lec
ebUlMl aad addM W a plai ot taapoa- aleep tea or twelr. hoar, at alcht aad •Cbooi at Wr red of tbr pear tV* will
ir. dariac to. dap.
belweer bareBl.'.'i. Wr arr all C > bC totry to
liflrw to. woe. a..................
_w toe aBoaal of *le^ aboeld not lea. oer piaa or ar>U ear <
ptM Ua*. wblek toWKw. o
CradoaUp dlalabh.
Th* B.tbod ol
We bare coed order. We becii
______ A .weal brwd or eat w
meeilac br aiacieC. oexi tbe prwid.ot
I qalH Ispra.M bp lb. qm ot ■
Iwra thrB rwd* from toe Jt.ble. hara th<
aad to parlieala
crib. Aftor called, prap«r. toe irwtarer catoeraap
alow* la a prapertp r*
aateral Boatoa' boa wioc it aap
and Wee we bar. oer
.B< to Iwt. a cBild aloa*. a*
aed afirr Wl* we *re caioc
Uttb**lIpraat aap
.p n
work biaaalf i
taea bwrto.—7>«« Pwrli.m
neb a race aa to hate
aq<Klt. beeauve ii 1. toe
do biawll pbpaieal Injarp.
r wplay out djjr* t»i. p
POBBC lalaat aap be tnuiol to "erp foer
Thara to oa. Ulaf that to aa alwapt
he will be bi
tran of DOtolM uon of eraaltp. aad
ara eoeteeled'U .. . ..
toat to toawap pM^r ia caaral. aid
iraof Ilf* aaceBetalslbi
M wall a. poaa(, will waw aad nr.


XUk. "BMar baa" Ik. brat. kpp.p
to Ika mml wv «itb Bitaaa or brwto.
aad pM wU aalla. te U wUl atap oa
toy MeMbtef yo. tofat>a.i.d; «paWaUp fBoStwractoMoraa.
>t to to. ou
wapol Mktoc Milk
tkaanraUj el railh. k to dip Meh
altoa attor ll b atoaiy mmmb law a
Uttla brtliM wawr toat baa bwa aalv
MaadaUbwalptoebot balMrawlwd
to til dtp to. Waal qawUp aad top .1
tola year IBMI dtoh. nady to rae.1..
lb. aoditoc .raaoaM MlkTht olkM dap M. o( lap fIrto p«t
M. of to. B«aU. ap baUad to.
toltoM law. wito to. -hOM.' dMari■MMOBVaad lkM*wkU.w.arabaktogtor waaby dtoka. w. hara kaw
abtotafW w^wtKdot Ikaadbara

BWOka llttto ehUd or a poeap awwe
.boat raw. pwaltorttp of fora a- twtara, moUl Ufa to bwrlp a bantoa oo
w %At iraal to nad lb aearaatof toe wpbaed BMOlMd.ef
to. dtwdUl -<toforBitp.- etoppow
lltlto. Ctrl ba.
bM---------------lance epw. jrarwb*.
leap each, ioauad of waltiac lot
tM. aad dpara
___ W roead ent toe
___ ebaace
_____ _
oBeedlac fraiarw
(aw Bark, ol• •bwetp, ' Hw.'
Bw.'«pw iik.
WMwa." aad aeck. whica if erokea
wobU ba "loa* eaoarb w U.
_____ __
dtaaM la poor
CtoaM wa bal Kiaad Ika dtotoha of (dbn Baaab^Mi*. aalU .br cab bmw Iwl;
or if[iwr at wa. ter taiahlap .‘soat
Ikowauriap epw. or weadwiap 11 hw
awk dow took K> rarp drraltal. I'er
Mp. Utoaproirwdiac aador Up wbleb
----------- .V. ,twatW« of toe faalt Bad.
MWblabathawBwaf lUa weaU U|rhl___ lip of peon.' ar "tUtoM ..
WaM la toat dia or it wUt^l
kaipi a Uttla rlrl of Bp araaalat___
leaaWWefdMpd.iwtloe: aad 1 kara
oAaaaaea bar takiap a atwllhp aerrap
of bar lae. la to. pbw. aad wito Iran
lakarepw Mavoaid .ip, k> .
lallp. -Oh. I do wtoh ap Up wi


nrdraiiac to. dlpht pretrati
Tarp awwt UtU. wealb
4tMlUIUaUp;daar. Ll to a leaalp
r. aad dew DOI look hadlp a!t all.aaawM. aad a pLnwat wail, peia
offMdlBC lie iBto a rarp praltp
Tak. to* wa. et a


hara Mtoehow trial t


ot hto bodp iB crowtb. eed thet poor
bopb feet era to* .Btjwi of wdLtw an
MawMBi bwiika an*atilaadadd WLiolJtowBad Jwuaatil haahriek.

«o^ “T'bwo.

iBBTlB. '....... .....................
whola world eew eed Udaka________ .
elw bat hto feet .Ofwe older people!
are Bade the baltV towe iek---------^
while toarir.’imaphet hew
cr a. I.iarloa* aa oe poaefer owaa.
atUL It to BM eaadaeira w happiaew bp
aed asp oer Who will
_____ j Bdda.Loee w toe brow
ofaa o
old pM«oe 'denrre. a ntit Irm

Tbera are peopi* whom we otiee
Sto*^ ^0*M
La bp all; toMa
wrauaipawua wora W their aati^l
Wa ara pleaaad l > ba abto w aa
MBMB toat wa Mail Ban waak plra la
■on rwBhh Kra. S It. Voorkoto'
nUMt paper oa “What to BaK.- read
kBdara tka WDwaa-a tontoa of too
AcMb’ UoUMM )wt kald la Tn?MwOlp.
IVbwrittoB laHra-Voor
bab waal Marwiak alpto aad to tbU w

Mwtt of UtHa Soot.
Ite pnap BOM W dalaV Waiw
bSaSkMWkara to. odor of rlolou
igWiMlp Aboat hw nap aaeara It la
Plaraattoaarrb tael,


H^woWajj^w^ettoerala Hew Biwh
aadaplraaeat afeii*. aad who. sera
aa*B to to* tost bar -acae to eroekod.
or that wear, "arvadfullp taaeal.’-or
that Ibopr -wHaklw arr arowiac
dwew rnrp dv.-aed ao we tertn
oar aaaU adefortaaw aad wrrp
with « tot tewiw that bra. Soasdae
iwd. TbMr
____ _____ ptkp arory oa. ahoald aol
batoradaed w*w>a*d. iaawad of b*- ot- w • •
• SlBplp
BC tooarhl
ealUraw tb. baWt of wpiap idwwat
totaca.erb.lBcW1od wtoepraaliari
Uw of olhari. of Btkla( -aakiad r*......................................h. clad w B
pea. aad poo w(li
Dowtaapwbraa—.■turm and nrralde.


-TkapMp' u4rlcetricltp.~eaM P
_i ba aWppad krtora toa lacaadwe.-.
md tkaAkanbaa wean actbCwi ■traat Urbl. “bet 111 ka ha^ HI w.


You Have
Always Bought.

briBd KliHdi t ladiiii R).


Filto'o Biabert were pmeoL deal.
Imea-iaat ba« acM wat irao*irt«d.
Tb* orxt .mminc •«. atenetrdte
be at tbr bane of Mari tn '.'ttiasa-laia.
Tetu toe m>rir*c wa> Oloaed bp
•iiiciactoe cUe


Si ehI^“o«a^?t*.Stotl^* tb. dif


Ktebea t Cider. Cere, a atorp.
1 ca to ta toe Keaeie wboel 1 am
road bp Mar ea CbawbrrlaiB
Ibe aeeoad erode. .-Tbereare twra
Hkicrapbictl wvap,U>orce Prederiek lalae aebolara ie oar aehooi
I won d
Haedet. rwd bp Viela FelL
like la J iln Ike beoablae OutC M-t.
it cHir uaitaer: the ie rarp lilad
Cbntiaai Siorp, read hj K-ne tlacar
I Cbwa I will clow for to dap.
A Kairy Sitrp. rwd bp Kioraar* Ace. eix peart.
Ci.abj»i*.i. Wii.iiii V.

Bears the


2S!i? to.“i:^ ^.lirS'd^to':

WkMMrMtbM md Ma«a Hmm

The Kind Yon Ham
Always Bon{^t



OIW AtLl.S'LlIt lit TdSLr.lIP


-Drop tne beitoo.'or ' Heat t

aa eav wap of Baaiac braad.
i cap bread aboat v a w I toa
akeat two tolrda of awka of pwa
Pat Bear la aixiac paa. MdataWe-'
italo! wll aadaqaariot wars
r. ala a this batter, pot la tar
peattiBt Bti tn alaaiw with' Ibr
baado aoiil tbe Bear baited
ewooto loaf. Ibea wl bp toe Brr,
ll will bmp Haile warn tta'Jl mmlac
ic Bmaff batter j
law awoBMi lowraa. wwo ■act it to
rbe ta toe baklBff tiaa I do t
Brat tolBC le to* Btorolac. aad by tor
Use braakfatl b raadp It b liebt aod
ready to baka. Hake la a hot area
Yoa will Bad tob Bar aapwSor to to.
-■" Brtoed of .ooar'---------M or fear titnw,
nrk 'it will bo O

New for oar alee ealcb of •ebobl let
tera all fttta We Seao>e acboat. ie <i.rlawaaelp Tea-. Bu«t be a coed
>1 wiib coed leaoiaia aad a ceed
er, eo nicely wrtf.ra are the lel■ara and . wito >uah a ap:!!! ol iotiec
foetoai la Ml of ibern We arc prod
i*ed aomr tibiae membna from tol*

son of toe pear
be waa la *oeb bi
•11 dap aod c'B o dm *lrepai i
We were iodaced to irr Owe* not
The Brat applieatioe wa. ao
•oMbiac that toe cbild .leal to* en;ire
aigbL A* we CDBtinued Ibetrwtara
the eraetiooa crwdaallp dwappearrc
.11 fioally to* appearmneeol tee .k o
:bool. aad aball be clad to
I aataral.
Kora aeigbbor'* ebil.t
lea into oar Bamber. Hereai
i-led toe aarar wa.r afwr aeae.ra.
telton: ireauaeat gave re.ief
loBDO Dowa’a U eiiari
ui write aad toll you bow
1 ear graadchi.d. 1 eroMti the
et. applied iL
third rwader. Tbcre are toirip acbol'
It in aaap abr
Aad wow 1 wUt tell poa


_______ US;


with braad oroBbt aad bob*
Wbea a' baked petal* b dee* it old ladp waera .be ia learalac a litl'e
Mp papa ooBCd
teold be wrap eed la a towel aad Ctrl to aap a beeper
ibp lola.
bbe waaahallatm
old tbe into of iaoaarp
OOX.OT rqaal ptot* of Bear aad bav
I like mr twchrr rarp
rpbbtdaad eoobpd tecMbraiUl a well; to. w rarp ktad to me; .be toiak*
Ira bfwwB it rarp oaeral forth«k

eaiacatewa. crarba. ate It will hoop
aap leocto ed Law
I bare cot a kiur; be la
Abooc tot racMablw that
erwarad. ara wporocoi. eabb
rot*, coaiiflewtr. *wwt oera
Igeto toe Kranvewboal. Mpuaebt
eora. tec poaL aoleo*. potato
fp. teraipB aad ate weed
-'awaar » Mr* H.
acbalar* laaaraekML I bara (oar
I b*ra tora* *i*iera aad
Wr tera Bra eat* aai
or ratracB. ara aowrtiaw added wbeo
4 W- tteraaaolr. hi* BOB* b CoIbbtoe^ tto b to ba aa • Fraaebp' w It wa
baa Wr eo BM teee very brio go to
tre pwr* old.
I altd*
TorwlBB. earr^. a»d Mbcr atreogI tera
tasttac recwtaalw ahoald be eat ta down bill ate pi*p •ao- halt
alicea. aad oUbor beilad la a graai doal a hrotoer ate a arairr toatgotoaebeoL
' water, er the Btot water ^wld bo W*teraa*c»orar-*“
rar toa wtadowi
------ ----------ta o«r • -r.—T .«W7-p«-w>wrate»..
<rod >« aflwaHw Bowewta. aad
aWffdoU aad a workth beUttff wMor addad. Wbea laa- ,



. Iboff bha^ he

toiawad oaLl'


Ill Choice^ Meats, Poultry and Game. ffuniiiDiotnufnBi.1

I 'Cwt a box ol
aboat BP
eared ber fawbp ta a (e w da^
Kt coobto.
of elotbw I wore
dwHepwl eodtto b b aic. dbh fw
a wbM weapoke
broaklMt aad b made w tollowa.
too oae ^Bt of Bltb aad erwB
Deae'e Kldorp Plilaare (or wie bp
I to.Nicht 1 woold wnl»a liitie IMaalt aa^pe^^.^ht
pou what a aiee liBO we all dwiefa. Knee so ceaU. - Mailed bp
roater-Hilbat^Co., Baffalo. N. >'..eolr
hara at *cbool. and tell pea aeaeof toe.
a^U f»^« l-'a'' ..........
tab boll BR oo. "aad '
Cbrblaa. preaeau I c^t
I’tP before
Br*. bet who.
1 keoeboC
pwlerdap w* *ral alidiecdeae bill,
ra bad pat a
aad tocuWrr dap wr wrai c laa’inc OB
____ Bara mdp a towapfal of aoak
Sr. McB*r'« bill. I c<H two kairw for
•d eoaAah. piekrd ap Ba.. aad p«tt
>r of tob orar tb. petato iirwto* CbrbiBW. Brr cameva book of Alter t
Adreoieraa la WosfferAad eed a w-k
___pat a tola lapw of eboperd hardbelled ««T* Tbea bwla acaia wito a ol caodp.
1 raa oot Wr le aap Birr.
tblek Uprrof potato aad w oa oaUl
I Cood tapr.
WIU.I4U Wti axi.a.
tbediab b oaarlp tall
Poor toe hot
I foW toe Reooic tcaaol.
'1 ara .a
Bilk CPBPP oo aad orar to. lop eorit
kl* • lapor ot brwd or cracker erwal
toe third cradr.
1 bare toB>aiadira. ^
aad bob* for Ifiaec or twratp aii
Tbora'aietolrtpecaotoTaio oaraeiiol. I
IV* are rcadiac part eroooi le oor'
koaet bpofwrib wito an oaioa cat I
third rewdrr.
I rn abiok (orCkrui. j
ball, aad a Mora ataek la web hall.
.)i cjrrred wit* B .vyr*. j
UaloBL tarwipa aad eairwB abeald t
We bare aa orcao ia ear acbooi Boom. !
•rrp (a< to ca to oeoeol. |
Taera arc l-t learw la ap pietare [
eold boiled wbb
>bbac«. mix ll ook toat 1 cot for Cbriataa*. We kare I
... crated cbB.'.palttla
■ abauerol
dbb. Btietoa
« wii_
wito Bilk.
OM tkichip pietaqr ot Urorce WaihiBCtba la oar

tao*. toco koed tola to* craep. I

Bnjsch’sMeat Markei

ir" ..rp,.'

. siTssrsc.'-sursrA.’tsrs


r'owl ua. Seaaoza..

Fresh Sail and Smoked Meats, Sausagesttc.
T.loolmT«r 4



r. BB08OB ft BOITB;


H\0T0B PETCfipj,^

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


11:^ Is- fSfH


-iL^n olVtLf S! oot^lZ^•«l-r”ra rawL



Borsesboeiiig anil Genenl Repairiog/Done

Wapaa Caoww Baok Mg, DCTBOtT


Be-Fainting wd Upholsteriiig.
State St, rar n.ra





Mt. PImmbC OVOMO. Bmti.
aam. Bbj City.
•U. Attn Arbor. ToloBo u4
polMtffXoMoxitfSeMu dOM

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