Grand Traverse Herald, March 15, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 15, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


" IlieptIJf, ^

1^' ^ ^irattb''

▼QL. XUt.

-ns A WDOV /■•IW nn

. I.. 'TZZZ
16. 1900,

Grand Traverse Herald
M,'.UA.U.*'» ..•-•A-ATA.







JirsA. •






Carver iKtrinrWr..


sSr— O.




Mheel^Mt aew
MVr llBeof
Sprlacktitflo or WeolesA n«»
will be »de ap
«a eaJ«.. «wkhA
Uteel. biriea.
biriee. and iat
h Luw fYieeeaAWiU eairriM,




-. — .AAA

Tailor Real Estate

! ■'

-&s yeaiTaro"' »bc anuml
uw apa am elset tbc daf Ua:pa jr
roAbreaia— '

M li
israol awar Now asd araia a 'x. throofb wliA.-b •> r----- ' U
!(aeUur<wi,<u O'er her
.er that
that she
she coeld
eoeld eaai

' of' UeorxiA
t \iedti
. .that
at her
her itarr
ilowcia» ttraiea.
ttraioa. 'w<
«»AUh a'ed^W b^aiy «•» ^ooi_^
BOt to ' bo«
bi« tie pei^l« hr.
»r,ne her
aad Ahe had here oae r«)f
.ad rraeerw
r-oe-o imphtl,
traelf lor feel- thas hay bail dc


-aiBWk >B

•Aue u^i


i'lA.bJth.* ‘
ahd js.
e •. roaraed .'t:
Aad Cn»*i)-. I

Pbere .
. , _
lat Bipbl—a.U'ee* are tearc; aad mb
i:ed their ACrappp tad ualbrlft.
a.fefithad ''iread Traverte r.rrhtrj «
•, wbtap.r-.l.
tbtfi tbr .3'


at 315 Front Street.


i l&HUK K)^EK MU.

AtiumejAal L*».

Bnsmess Cards. _


Wp waul a few reliable
reprearut ibe t

Jobuaou BlwL. Pbone TS

llBlted State Beoefolent Societj.



■ av.“j"^stTiri:S"sSs THE TRUE

' "'

chaaaett are troB »9
^'learda la wldVh. aal aamot thi
are Ba.ipable tor eeaeelt of I. or
Or M
•eet draft Taew I
IBP ee^ups u ihoee
.mall erafk. bol u U
#iln.ioptja Jher are treu/ io.
weird, dark thapaa
-b tear aaBa eloaa
laad biiap low Bad AM.

‘ artUt.p'u k

-eea a

iral I'Oie
laM oa 10*:


.-<a*. jir'opTrM aad pr«»f>,-r.;r

• pj.>-h-prv': WiAt wl: bed-.
*or»pen-ral.,T 'n Ibr .-Vacr re
: -rrekled oa aacb aide of lh* Bartow
- I d..e-. ka.i »
ll- .Bt.B t a p
the aorta
1 rarely lu-.'i a oil
] -baBBei tbe toroai'a aolld wolU aspeale ua> ae«er m
-3 niwlf to
Dial part of ih. .- ,a...rr tnile

irw a
- paaorama
,____ rf
■aryearv. SjtoebalT'aia a.ed(
aatebeiierwo bi. br ejslap '.aaa. of. eraoperp
aad loHaf* 2
«b>j ;i-d fc 11. V .KEP-biae W.t. And lotar of thp-n are Ur Uiaacaee ItIIIIbb) with tha aaUltadS
M ae Kwrli. rv-e
j wore. rrlT 6n
ibeu wbea the; o'lOA tropical repelauoa
- ..J,,, ■-l.>;d A-lhu- I hJp- JjB w..; aevr.-;;-ft the p.iii.1
Taerr I, a ilraare chailcrl«( el BBl, apa.A -r m- i.ko -.3 .apa-n'
, Kr •»««( i
-nal ii'e aad a wblrr of wiarod laa
Linl Ar-.'.o' b >* ,d
He 1
expwt ! I A.-r
1-Bed--------------------------*--------•■e dwcordaal
erica of mrrtbd
war bora •
reboJKra the tr*aa. Tb*r* la bomaa
•I Aops.l.ur.,1
ite. tm.
Here mad therm BmboirmBd
;»T-iap- iHp.M
•Baloa C'o.-,;-. i-^iobj-a, aid E
I wa. iaf'
aea to the eoollap wiada
QiereO ^1‘a UI-. oaliar
Thee* are the Bommof the rahbOT
— « «drre be -a. ' t
ktherr-a. who labor day la hhd day
iiooUwriiop <bem .k aap of tha Uoa WM* *ow tbf.hi
bea*d ;.-b0«*. wbieh. li tn»
Tata rubber nUMTfor Alt loap (ea'A.tjai
.ap is iolerealloc. aad Uc WllBlaf
ilaioare aul tarae.i 0'.»ipni;,e.»«
WL-»cf.» walArBeBr.aat.yatUiewlBdjtoirardbrr
liopohajoe! reeetl. II
proap* of Bh
1. I -E lAdbrlli-• he enea, ftpUrju
work aleap the edpe of tha
•-----------------------.loptaiBp hi. trto-. had ia to in.l
HUi Taoma’a Wftl
. •(‘■".r «a. lo.fed io thrm
■ I w'"’,
of the BABBor
A prv>dueiii.n,!;.n,„»^a,.
ke wbtttoohll
. •■(atetda,- 3r atroeL h path
brd.4, Aud the., wl-.t »t ^
dr^.dfa^ ^;f-."'
ra iOP tnw* , nrouph the fowei. which oabraoeh at
r trem aa CBB W cOBroal.
ly Irode.l. of how ihea* tra« are
tA an-l ‘Ae-oi -i
-a marhetie aod a eup tiled la
tMU.'ik»a..hed..d-.maBV *1 .
Ihe aap. and of lh*
aat wmpieeauupL. BLl laoae «h. had,,,

aaaer la which libe owBor
_ makca
"1 |tl,e cT.-i-ard. aee *bto-1'8r-i a' warthBDOPoMiAk rt..ri>.- lnvlin*lel} barelv:;j
..iy i^ad^aed brlop* to blahatU*
.* »e.v A lea pro.
I. an-l cir<wer*e
t J alao laieeat la the deei
, -.................. - i»'. Iinpitip a riAnpe of
■loBotiuoeii aktpe. whoa
when ihe
dipoed Bp b; »ttiek aad reralrod or—
«od b-.-|i.-»Vti til oij- a;r.d:; .^i
kpa;, to bioi*eiA|inp pra-ti.-ab'.i
aeaitkv B.e
’■ eaiik
-------------------rolal* OB l
' ““Aad
•Aad .11 du not aitm •• Mvm
IP Pallerati.l T.dui.v re-.1e bvw
'bad a»ie.
~u'u b- op.rtr
■he «»eol of loy i fuller wae Ibe Hr.: lire aad un-l-.-rtale
••-ee‘» aiartldp.
I t.wuaa» v-U'
v»rr bail
He S .aeoi
rbeee belle of erode ri
a jer I
orop-rl; eipaed «
oeTyweipb m the aeiphtorb
l i. old lawr.-r'e t
and are .of • dark.



Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only, i’

(^>m|>aay in tb<- vorid.
aetlled wilbbut tbe uanal i
of red Upe.

Traverwj City.


PUte aiAU. 8t« Aia3il er &ad Accident Ineunince


Bp atadpiac OB a m«b o< b* that the Pan new a
mt dae weaaaiath<rf the
anji. to a aetwerb o(
eireaav hoowa ap the Paap

. tea acT
lid be'prefw IB a ride aboard
' tbr

r«B«T aasaa


far* | ^ae
r<»e B.,inu.nA

Hr » .Bcb tiM Abe Aad ah«,.f lor I
whk esea pa]ijer ttaaa a
. aadwhfB take a thoinatd tew
tjiur eud.-a ;aier. Lrrd
bar sidv ii a eon.eo'eet

miMii L L. L taauit. wniti a a I. iitcL


Traverne City. Mich.!

use huij )uii a
I )uoe lie«X)mi- Bivustoinr'd I
.loir, uae. fu
without one. We have them for temi*rnH
itiziug purpueeis huJ for therumuietera
Briutf PreBcriptioiw amt Family Rwiyea tu na. W
ritfbt, with drufca that are ri^lit. at prii-ea tiihl are riifhv.



Brosch’s Meat Market


■-«.vr .i'V-

:S? S




"• i:. s k




in»Mi.i.e»a-r al

••llyoo h-.i ■*-.1 » iii-r-ll. ray olece, : J'iaih.lad »-r»i‘-."-’‘Mt.Vn,T'r
efiap. “Ill-‘’I'li'-.vr >f >-«’-iir*ry
II «i*u , Sv .ranjeprbat ii he» p.

Choicest Meats, Poeltry and^
Fresh. Sait and Smoked Meats, Sausages ttc,



Telephone 4

>r rti.


»" >-'r»r«A A t.iam M.
"’’T''W* W ‘•'■•Wily _____

"pdewtA .dmpa woma-. .,l m



t.r,. . -..e,. (,j ' mri hlu-r w, - r
•or 'a*, - l.iLito lake her
• . , “.T^',;;;„.lirLret-L'
r-.,o Iran. Mr Leekh--' ''

tidefaiiB. tbeiroaly-daus
bponphl to bi-r oiotiier'.
left and p-j*eror‘»rA nal

re 'way dowa to iiii
a la Bi~ that a few i
li, aad t - ii.oiishtoiay,

FT! K, nST


Tllih IB tile liipe Ilf the year to iDUaiiler i
Fitr I,-11 years 1 have liniiillinl


tV .luiiepinn'A crew to lh*
rubber putheruru. BbA thu

‘'’ jehaoKiup eewnerjatlhe while erulaer

!o».. lake roar reward To eilheroBeet ■ ii.

«.?. '
i) an •'■'V*’'’ ‘

E'o'wX ±33. tSeaeozx.


: F'



ab'aoed by eelence. i

« Eunuch.
-Wby baeea't I a all boadrod Ben

.« pjweefu'. elevlr.i nupuel addnl inthr leaM a. Be plaaoed at the erawd.
HecaaM hr
hi .a.rO
| o-l-ioin-nv of at.-r - and
* i^p
; ' HocaOM
hOMlrod dol^4fA aad boopni
(arm when It ___
h i* ba-kwu
'u aearuiaiuDeduUer.aoi
BAaluiBiuDe duller.)
r-u. hhd you poarul
■■:p/UB -r.AKOrt
kwrrful that III your »li boodrwd
kod fltiy onond, , tbiiai." reepoaded
abf will rr/'iacht, aad the oral
baaeb of k>>. I.-oauadrauik-iTi...

^Itrbe ItoCk

oelr when
Mie- : The B-r: teet *■
war >ir luplit lou tbr
r bn.o
ial with 1
Lh. hr U
meroua bae apeelBmua dt Ue klad
Pa Iru .... Tbr j W'H iuarke.f cor 1 uorr.d- o' lhe'eyi
le clay known aa kaolin bhelac
'iv:. wild.- h* a
• .tr-i ny
p. inpSe'.d lo
mi)Aeil f
Iitriy p<rtd
ir apneo!-'7*001 b rap.d-» >
eialeceolopieaidc fea- . »'•. o» ihr .hern
note i^ae pi eal UU1. ) throu’■) the-O'lr.-ere in n tn- pi\te oeUvltTwi
I tUe rmalUap diai.____,____
irdA. Ap- rwr -l.t uber ia the riuh me
eru.3B.l Iwe >c».
a.HI laree .
employed theta
kher: arc «he-e n, AurpSckl lOel'aniNit could

■ ■
' pie-u
The womaa taroB
arrliA" 1. 'twe-r.ia-^h''I
d-r*'.rnrlac the
lUdP.tii bT,i‘>l>r .1 -o-iari
;u;ar <..-irp1a rmyeuiBr.
•*-ed'^'ere V ur
t.e- and •«,„ tmfa- , **!'h.
o'Ibiin i*.-.Tu-.LT'^f«ia;d ilil.'l-fa*!itT'iii- mapnn aad ii,eo. with the
eod pr.icilnva ni'j.rrly. wen- .w-lly ; oatieoi oo the •iperaliov t»bl». mored
Tbe talaed of t
da-uAPi-f b,r
in. • i
r.y-crrr.i'p l hlai p'kd.jeDy l.^•ra^d I'le mepnet
Tb-ie wrt • , .■• iihok, ineiir of V*r«*-b, : ihc ere . aiu- fieer. r end ii*ae«-. tnr
bMaaoetr whee-er-.l' wapnet eUracLne the bli of eieei. awai uai otrAClap iteelf la Iht waea
jodu tieoAt’l aocno.or . drew tb-ere far from
.trap,--,a.* arv
»l«n>1 Bobrerab e bn!
ir.e , v>c;v p«en.ot widerricF'' ht»*'*1 ___ .
if ' oalB
c^aTi *!m *aDo^”la*MlaB^
MiA<E-e--l'iSNj .-.,.1 p.-ohebry po'. ^broart al’ lareHriiue pdwrrn' tb-ruepi
drew tar eu^l from the ry. tbroapta
auei’-y aia .•• rip.i»v^lm-. I ihiaU caa )
theotL-hlaeii bad ma-l» m pa op la
• auat wli-o 1. v-rd^e.. bear fc«,t the
Hall beanhpv
V-. -'-.«-er- •*>-- b-.-of f.-n d.«
i dcbwa<e(arl. Ka*eem.'da ^ at
l.UetiltAh to tbe roararfaB-i v.oeir
k .arpe bupiorUrpeat of the w -iLcfc. walla tbe ey- aanp baili to l»
id .l.rrrier. i;
e-.d you ao .
ualurai |a».l-.i3u
Marrv li.Uy. aup (uaa if y.-u luckary. auijuld eathuae h Mini
^ H*i.t the Tret W.
wilL buicoioae farthiap of aloe. wl,. ; but a v tui
.oieo. an-»\t

Front Stmet

w. O'. HOBBS,

Traverie Cltp. Mich.

Fish for Lent.
.A choice line of Salt and Smoked Fish junt received.
Anything you want in this line
The highest market price paid for Butler and Kggs,


Aod'^e pin ba-1 ■.a‘n aw*ke till dar i **Ab9ul ^ nuhd
idred and
ireBk IB o.iaj of ihr .prjid .arrooud tiedS'Spjiucflrld
iipe amd wliirb lir; ebCdhood had : SprioC-rrA-. »'
leer ofted a.ol of the eire-ij f ir ;aaa beaoiiiy. rirrr e'*era;
irhtch tb - by 1 *u -h a ao'pr v 1 ti la,- ' ihaa ibi 11-i^aini.n. I: toi
’ prur.d
seed ryea ai« a* ebe-eraiw t pieai



.fi^iy onl'

a^rtellaTwaah for,'’.

lat ibia waa tbe


i« aroub-etuma to ap
. I a v aui exarat re to Biakr
Tae the.
«rj|for Pl.aermeo fr-a a..,„.
olwo’eed with aldobol.

ti ipr.iptield at
I /••'. and i ir Dillea (Ii.iart
fr 1 aloap

Croaaod Wiroa CBuaod fTrab.
ThepreraniBC aaehP eloMrWV hw
oroopai about a larfr iaoreBaa ia •*«.
owiap ua eroaaed wlrea. TMyBMBffB


rater fe
e-ioarapocwAy wf rh tbe c.ear water
Iwo Vi
Maay are the l-ee, that bate
.....ould cnaai»tob- foarfeeliata whatewaef f* O-J «P.| oesa hil.ed by IL It ii loi peoatrallop
dadaway of Irli-ap , ^
. bclou.
Aid yioa aje^pc-|„,, coataio. injorlou. lupredurata
"Aad BOW—iUd BOA-, •br.-aaid i -i wade w tbnii-. P rti-o ’y ard ca»t bi»
-t aur be tx>->-oe3 to ki!
uoeaelf. wh.lethcaUad-w. prew d-e|. I hoik ihlo th-water, b-iiiw I • aW**!! '
ic oat'pb'
Tlo lbecur..rto* Uewi-lr . bra-y. 1 to m-tbat Ibe-e were InU of lUb-lbe,e
.jcViiM a, "« pood when It ii a'aa
-ap lB‘araiiuolBb> ba-ner d ylHr.
.»v impalieptiy waitup to be eaapb
t e »«-jarb »i a. a>• w oi- oa la cold
ua.'hbe e a.ped Ler baae* vpbt y if tha*. alrea® waa up io the adrinern ■
.,rd. T.,n-.,ri ,iiie.t

-lu.. i-.o.



iDatead pf laaaiap twiarp ehaelBto
eraoaa laeeiap a theater dariap tha
re. the Japaaeee
BOM mark tha
uepartinpapeetalor on tbe haad with
aa ladla nibper atamp. the mark rary
lep eech eeealap lo fona aad celer.

-' -N

yaar ihora ware kS*
HtiBdaiw*!. bat Ttbo-WMb Bawy
BBtmeoea OBhilrikc hadaoMl-Bw
'.1 hammer
- aarc yoa a (oad oeoh?" -'fbo'e
rery yiod—poaa to ckarab ta«r Ubbb *
week She CBB'tcjoh. IboBCh.*
A maa Bweefaily raaUtMttt rraalM
onDf.i'matlea ha dsp-t p«MM «ll Hi
am child bofiat to aak oataUoaa
CiaabBC tba ebldtoa
' B paeet way of ikow.
Uf enfidncelV^areUawYlty
the raUaWllty et
a Ihs

A).d tbe latte- reBertiio w.»i-oaThe poeereaaeBt baa aaaoaaaal Ha
U rail#
laally paMioptnr.ii.pb tiiCA-ii,,Biiad;ra.«*e*. la f.'Abuiiatc.y Sotbwtp
-tiap •*■>•'** The
• IIBIP woreoo. It wa» *rry p evaa j'Arpr .|Uaotilie
ate m.airrr of tbrprvat V-u*e ae-1 ; uaiidfed aad fa.........................
f. bare touaey at oiantaoe f ii.tet Let.acroaa the uortbearl e.rnerof Arkaa ' ap* al waml AiMreo-of teaier y^r* | ed y eij c;
aiA*,.eniKoerebream# a reel -nlearaat
iks a e-iptlderab'e pdrt.-in nf tbe PWE-babb.# .seobeeeal woeda
Tbr ' ^^uBMO doctacaBpr^

iWe to. apply all lh# routhweai
' p»a, dream..;.. wi
yoa mar be'.iere
d a.»era. V:m#A lalor. wnea ■ *, wa aoprc»eh*d lb# MlMiaUpp! we-or art, a* yoa plcBae I wa-. eaUed la
Abe weal to L adoa
Ho wa, oc-cp rd aaw e»prr*t i*a«Piao1 treea for the ; to *e* a pojr eblld of time foor mootba.
apoB* work that waa-.1 make a aax c j fir«t t-Be.
There »,im* oak. aiai* ■ ar.d foaed it pat', a/ a'd
for h ip.eif. roxraaid
i> .heri bistoi neciry'Bad a IStli# wjn-jB-iap p m. : ■ CaaBoi yo» d> aaytblap for tv.
Ibat be wat il!. abd M.« teeril; wop Bol la ail bar jiafory Ml tar, we bare d*U>r' the »«h*f **«rd. aad Ira
neart.^hOPd. beat ao - area po limber that w II naiparr w.UlpiUo. Abko'atety Both ap ' Voa will
iBta Cf aiA aame .bh- . that to befiiuod it. ouc Mietiirho lof-'TiaM.y er~Jil the fact-that tbe child
leorpi I.erd Arthor. H-.eeu
Oar pioe aad our hardwood arell-Ma-d ao lo my fase aad **'d 'Ab.»
waaiifi—mpch richer laaa ahe—*o; ^aaUy aapen jr lo aBytiiibp yet aeco la j .aiciy ao-bidp? Ii aoudU loereb.ble,
qoiie at tbe POP of t'leaocial ladder l-beacalb
iJ haiw. bat it i. a fact
CerttietyAtaedid aot ,rr bim: b> wb ! It waa iatW when w# rearbed M*m-1
Hm„ ja,t,aBea and walk«-l away.
• p^. where w* iatndrd to achwd tbe wblie (h« *<B '
- - -.
Ifiptai. bdl the boi*:* war* (al
d-iwlTic le .W.A, qaeuoe of t
Bat tbe docter bad poae.They were nacoapeBial apiriit.
....... ..................
i\ _asf we decidedI to
kaeu. bol wha- o’ tba:”
tab* b eleepee tor rtaatiAooapa We Krrbnaa.
lo aam a mood ahe waa poiap .
reached that cl'yeooD after daylipht.
Ohly Herau So ,
bariBpadae'elew o( Umkoat mciaaaiphi napreat kali pi*ea by oee
The Sew York clifpymaa
tae mmt (aabiooable woaea kc-1. LL-m Itaia ;tit before »uteriop tae .-towo.
doe Lwd A'lbur wojid be Uy
Utipe. W« rtpaet to see more of. ChhUaaoopa
probably abc woaid sey • VW
aerroobdlopi oa oar ----------

.................. ........... . todaywOl
beyeaterdar" kbe: ‘Tea, bat aatiB
leBBy at the (act that ymiiwdaj today
aiomtltiea aaddMihe ehftaama fuilpHa, tte
Chiam bae* prea* (alth la the “loreipaera-- baawlaAptof madleta* aad
their power, (or hchUap.
■•This bead work H BPtramHj Plea.
come, yoa kaow.“ *t__
bM A^phaa
"What prout proMus
m bars
ha** you buaa
irylap ts *ol»# how*- “Yt.
bat oa whoa the wlad Wowh.Mfu. Brown laadpiap Hr.

'*.1"' M

It Btpbi. SB* rather
las t)
tbe pruat ati
_ mirror wbra her maid had' pirea Cb« Ueorpla, from the aortkweat I
flaiabiap tooene* to her tMiet. 4bi
r (oar

had oa a
a while
while erne,
erne, aadr/pesrle
ahdr/pearle Were
ap the «tt*a of Oaltoa. R___
ea her aeok had amid hel dMhy hair; ___ a..AnaaWaMotMrl0wwen«at
^ waa cadHally haamtUaL
aoM. hat ma MW kM UsHa aflhM.

-k.c a,. A—■

t onSVylbu-. murrM M
ion I Pro-rnWy
t-roiubiy thH
laH praachw "Deuaa'l yeor motbor llba aa^
h^ the Baa. Coorpa Harda-u aahad yeusp Hr. IHUm. lh aa HBMIa
■ - ae to why marrtod maa .aaewthla why HHu km»m had aw
__ a akapU oaa*. Tbuyifaiad kia. -O yaa. *a Ifcat r» ■
•ml* uMmu IP «a tha^— waa the raply at «M ■aHaa: “Hahaha



«•« »Mks ior l.

tndaod aotaaa bat fanavd tha m of
Btiba nta el eac peabd u> tvam^ baabal besaa.
BosnwUI be kbsdM j
falloBa. rn acaU aad aatatac laaicta mra oarefall?.
Prslt la tamla la |
saa a mictara of rma imn krroaaM to efua Itjarad ^ remat dowo tba last!

Traverse HeraM

Bad aloaar la tba '
tapartaal to tba (armar aalt ]
itaroeUdewedaaiilaM Shaaab- ;


VteMtavi^MirkevIn k>f« Ww
■eUdlM UM17:

fearpartaof oalar wbaa aftd bafote nf aJ*- -

11 li Ua boat lor atoek (oed.
al'acaa ba rewa >a HUhlcaa tat •
win arrar raalaaa rod aleatr.
I. a aaw plaa
M alfalfa. •rMbirbIrra
Itbi. luodjaella
laaalwoa btbtai
Ita Ki«>e Mira. AMboar Be**1kaVntareltfe*r««Bara4 AtM- ■Dll bad baaa ramrad b? tradlnf.
paraBBUi Blast, abeald ba a
Hte. AMk-B. maebsea.
■ Is aarl? apriat asd ao arep
Hn. A. D. T. WbIMer
Tka Hail ef Taibwty. Vliftota aastod tba drat jaor. bat tba B(
o»7 ba rma oaar tba Bald.
nwjaaa taa Waavart ■aart'* DMr- wlahlst a aaall aanpU of tbU aaad lac
trial eas aaaora it b? addraaalat ProL
an. Wlaaaa WUUa BaraAt) Tovar. Atrimillaral Collafa,
Lauan •! Baaart Braaalaf aad

tan baaa


_ ___

ss .•E'f'.*.',.":
diamm of



'oiaconr?- b pnc-


•t bad bm troabicd

Hr. A. E.:P»lmrro( Kalkaaka atala
aoma arr? practical abaaivatuma oB
■ Bolatloe of Crjpa.'' Tbc moat ImpurlaoisonUMi la taamaletaaaooaoT (<-rwuiaw W-O T- C.
VBaWUlard wr. a T U. aatd tbalr tUll?. boma ebaetaa meat ba btoecbt
aaaaal aUaUaa of aMeaia at aba Sac- aboot Is oar term ob
&rma aaiare it (alllst
a*d M. K. abareb Thardaa?. IBa rafOala M tha ratirlac eOeara and dapari
•lib tba labor t


r”""r" jsf

laelaa?. aad aboaa aa c
cm rtcaij* of aUmpa to {■? ccpcoar


4.BlaiD.aBd 1
abamea ma? ba Iran sad h? Ur aaa of leasr*. uoa of tba prlaelpal tattsaaa
(oartoMn and b? maiotolBlar Ua! bol>diBCs waa daatrepad. Toe aapidit
Ticorol thrirrra;^ Uiaaio? sotbat los of a ketomsc aura was tba eauM
so two (rails aball touch cseb other . 'Oftbadra.
roarboprSplECBtaal UaArstof
Fred Djalluk. »a amplo?a at the
Jal? will p.-araat tbc talUer cf Ur
boisdaeujt? at Cbarleua. whaa
Inr. . cBOScd b? lasf blbrht os paar«. aboat toTacd aa o.d coat into tta picalama and rtaarrlas
cr. ebaaead to (aal is tba pockcia aoo
Tba addmt oo -Krw Idoala is rnlt was borrlfled to dtaeoaar that it sa.
Urowisc." b? I^f L a Baiir? of Cor- eurd with rsllrood torpedoa.
Bell foivanil?. Uodirb sires Uter. la
rlTrsbrrra»<ttalosps to tbc KSorral
su.jwi o( (ruit.
H. ilim.tratrd tba ■
chaa|ra that bare takco place b? cam ,
ptrlfipua Ideals Ml fertb la tbr older,,
books with Uoar which fro.. *rowrt.
are strirlsp to attato at the pmaai.
time TBC B-oi book pobltohrd dmtad . ■
titrpe .bsrra
soacr lo cU.-r asd
jrarl? all ihrnrirtiri mentioned were

^ ^

XMbc? TlMMe Makfei Tm HIk

ashiafasn wblU matarv aarl?. bare
gaot term, are of madlaa^ alpe aad are
frawta* oa atolta t?ptoal for (odder.
HlaUdBB U boBsd to ta a dait? stair
sad aera to tU dnst fodder etsp. iM
asm abOBld alws?s be toeud bafore
ptostiBd. ,
Prat. d. D Tower rood a paper oa
-Baaslto of axperlotosto sriu
m aboWB b? earafsl

ceres mode by I
(he (real kidney. Itret.
|l and bladder remedy. .
ll to the (real mcAcaltnampheftheoiar•eenth eemui?. discorcrad afie. ?eaia cl
•etoailflc reamrch b?
. Or. Kibas. tba cmN
oeni kidney aad-b^


hto Ihr Iduu

. c..i> tlw (riTiKb bitra sud',,^|. .,««rt.o,iuai*u In.
tbr tlb.d brain to aorvi.'ir-'i
BOrvl.'ir-'1i f .aria Mirirrint as4
the *'T't on'ht. Slid
z. laoUul almp
It briiv <
«. rjtuuLifc- il.^ H:_

[ apiwi'to. V
•a (he rerew V .«! Otfia • Jr*-] .
! >itV. wa*'r «f tlicaotrni .loH r.-pls.-r^
a'tiuiiiv and Mmurtb Uut riiw
• itldt,
tad r.l.S<i 11
■ '.TMoc.ijr.cihc,f'lt.
-i ..iw

Kalraocc wa. losrtr tbri)0«h a

brukra wiooow.
bmooib book arrsu hare liaeo their
pockru wiUurcr ti.owl locasb bcloa*luc to rariuii. res.ilcots of OablasQ
->nnt?. The?, rapmaatrd ibmw.n

W-ta lur mr

asaCcDtofora CbictCO Scbo». ret'O ?
k-niM.. aod ?«l membata of d^
*»•"»* “ •in> ooaitaeu for sups-ira

All Ready
To Put On.
, Tbe accompaavinK cut inuHtrates oue of a
new Adler-made Top Coalr for sprint'. Tou can
duplicate it in a made-to-measure .cital for just
about double onr price, but tvliat’s tbe useV Your
tiiilor caokdo no better. The .cut eugceets .a perfed fit but no more perfect than the til m
i-it-e Tou.
If you have lieeil wearing other ready made
clothing or are B regular (latron oi the merchant
tailor, we would like an opportunity to show <
Adler-made line forr this
th season.



Don't Hesitate to Come.


m .-'uv



You will lie under no obligation to buy. and
shall consider the privih ge of showing you these *
elegant garments as full coiD{>ensation for the time *

WilHelm Bros.
;or. UmoQ and Eighth Sts:



South Side Brick Block. <

Judgments For Sale!

II -,KU of in.: Ssdoaw]

M.- i .-.-isys-ai. has. That the uudeTBigoed Will reccive bids for the foltewing
ladieB of thercsper.tiee petaon'e.

. oribcciK-r*
It » nu-ad SUmS set Opposite t
; s itrf.tii-ucaojl. n;-.a'li'.so •UD.-cd.
‘'*.»--i.«'Aj.-al ii5ar(* 1

.1....h: ;

u, lliclii{» Meiciitile Hnej.

day. raamlacd aa-1 appror*-] plant fur Hrrmao (latoa
iSJiii.; ,-i.ttOaB - .ai'.'tia( (or Ue lorlla Taylor
hom- at l.arw ao-1 t w-U ta taitt Ur I

ta raaewad aa oftaa aa
fnn Tha eld easaa tboald ba
Ua (ralltsc seaaoa la i
asdUarrosDd betwaas Ua rawa enltiraud aod aows to oata (or a wloirr

Tbomw Walla......... ....................
AfUar Frayar.............................

esmiBg .
_ _
appriMrd for iBt rsp<¥ Froicola at? Della Byart’Jploo '
IniaaiNcwtai-ry.a.o to atol.liuii u i Aaesat Hancb • ■


F,»a»aot •■-□•u
and oom-,
U» ■'U-.r Arr.oailarsl ' J u Apjtawa.

Jmr. Rarrriasd aod
(ood rartaitoa of auawbarrieaWarflaid la a foed berry, bat will aseeaao oa osl? a few toUs. to
abort raoisd Aabn wen. bKbl? tem
ommaedadaaafmnu-r for all klsda
Ua? (Isa yield,

eo*i.,.ut M«.-k»(oo an
Wier*s(a «t ADO
a ro.nirta to taiof Hn U




Cbarta Stewart.:
M LFret?
Ham HcaU
j'l.ouOol aa-ear.r rafiMy. which
. .— ■tarrad? fur,m.rk-t about «* miidl*


Samples and Prices
Lu|e ud Gonplcle Stuck li Dti; Deputoeot.



sa<ura«tu>s Oaaraatuod

The Taykoc-Woolfenden Ctr,
Woodward Ave. and Statd St.,HtalOniar Dept



aJJaaa TSrreArr a aomtar of oU«r yraak Adama................
r*lrr? (arts-hrr> that •*::! be Bp la JUoMoor*..................
ta* tam* ma-iDcr, *0 It i. aoi to be William Cooriwri(ht.
wosdMvaa. Uat too.k-roc eeierr U
ioUK all ever ihi Is-too sta-.«s asd i*
U« Jtoratnl rapjtl fr>* Uere
Jaas Fear?....................

Dry Goods and Furnishings

iL O''


- |Ml..t..;c-l IK. O1.-.II011W prtdta-

book.Ukao.lBe!odia« a»oatS..ld-'rDl

dli'C wiU diMriplioBu at vsrMtiM.
wbila nr? little was said sboat tillafr.
uruoia?. lerlil'im*. .pra?ia(. ale.
Tor (rail prowarsol New York Bra
barloBlap to appreciate tba raloc of
; Iilla<t aod It la camoated that Ue lo
crtsrrd ralueof the orebarda of that
Iijual. IhecBUrccostof ta-4i Sew

- B TbAapektoa-roscaad HiwsyiBf- a (anficida the
cartd WiU a aolnttoa of copper aelpbatr.oac poaod to Itfallaoaof water,
.arUl fruw la a aoll aatirel? dadetont
to be applied before Ua bade opes la
•HnfSB II Ua oUar alamaato of pUst_____
Ur apriar. lollowlsf afurwards wiU
lead an aappllad wbaa eenaU aadar | tao) <
Bordasns muiars. wbisb to compoard
wtu dto.
KiItoct's Swian Real b na< no- of oar poaad of oeopar aalphatr asd
— toft
US. Is
u Oba aeU ^»««?«d*d*oraT^lu»(b««mb.v.Ud
If Bitracea
oea poasd of Uam (or aoeb tan (altos.
‘|| ;Bcy. bverarbtodda trouble II will bet
, ■! UatherwQedyyouaesd. Iikubeeai_
a It to mach «rasur Uoa; to ao many tosyo. tn hospBoi work, m ire
sisBBlu. raefa at psna
ssrpleorwhiU ariaou
aal Tta lattar la mac
ttaoUenbaimaal ba pceparsd a* (el i
• b^mpde fay eu2S*teS^tbapJ
who hsv* itoi akao^ Irted n, may hsra a lowabofenoalat: Boil oo. poosd of,
a ptpoto to uka ap aad oaa U
aarnpkbonlcsantlieebymail. otoea book white anaolc asd two poaadi of fr«tb ,
ol tba air wbtob Ua earea
*; tolbnc mors about Swinp-Rcei aad how to
toaaMAa. »bto to tta maolooally ala-; |,3bui tfyauhavaUdiwj^btoddertfoiible. lyalabadUmalatwo (alleea of water
•oat e< fortuity wbos boackt aaem-1 When writiacmantiopresdwc thtsreaaioui lor fort? Biiaaua. tbM dUato to MB cw
mralsl fortllUar. bat Uroa(b Ua act I ««ar to tblaia
*00 (olleea Ttaaa anraltoa ma? ta
oata wtu BerdtoBs miztara aad Uoa
Ua misura boeamt taU as IstccUelda
af UASIr to atoasfad toafoam Is whtoh tec^'flfl? om asd m^waSS
aad a tsa(totos. II Bsrdassa mlstsra
itaflaBtasaukaH^sMMaraMfo -^atoaa an aH^al lead dnobta
H Mb tasA s UUfo Um ataalA ta

ml araa. asd tta affect to



s'L-.r..*;”” ““ “

toBtort?rasd?toaat.M? e<
a batwna BtUa-

Ik% Miles’ Nervine^

ds? darla? sarare droatbs bow eala
Selora Ur last cslUratloa. Tba? bpid
torn Irsm aad saowa aad (orm a fooo
maleb. Moosd Ua trees la Ua (all to
Ur trrea an small' Hal altar Uat: oricWiec, a matkrat dorr c
prearat borers It boa baeo loood b?
olowiog sbuold br shallow. Flow rari? | Ut icr aod bit tbr boriar lo tbr ao
oboamUoo that Uar« toa orcraoM o'
BtbrapriiK and culiiratr fmiarotl? , The rat waa ahakea off b?tbcc~w.-.
■railowa" la iraaa that bate baaa wal
lorlaj ihr period of prowtb, Urn sow ! rrnrwrd »br attack wUS Tiw-ir .ua
•pra?ad. 1 spra? Isto la U. tall wlU Ue «ruuad lo .Jmr cuter crop for j ll.uude.l came to Uc rrocor anJ. w
aaolatlooot oaa poaad of copper aal- which Caeods prs.snioaia wrrr rrc- a vleioo kick put Him cut s-v'! ' rif tbc ;
pbau to JS rallooa ol water, aad tb
ommeaded. Bs rmpliasi.ed tnc Import. 'rsrU'' at tbr same umr

aprio?. Ur.
•uai pruomB. s HUIc each
An o d bacBelor-paiurd JoBo'Sfkrr.
afier Ur learr. arr oot lollow with
aroldiop lb* seerss't? of ^,rd M ?eaap. to dead at Msf.iir C.ty
Bordcaos misiurr.
ralliac off larcr limb, aoo krrpiof up i .j* n.ea in a but aod wat suprurd u
A peaidi ra will oftoa over work
balaser bctw.vo tbr Uid and b,
AftrrdeaU It wat luuad that
aad nlo Itaalt in oar ?ear, bat if ntaar
Ua root of the trrr.
! he bad hid.ico lO bis bed ll •---i m ca.r-'
TbemarkeUof tbe'Hd World, rspr- aad to ao old cbrsl bn will »a- f.-uncloa ol troll or polUa. it
.iailf Knelasdand tiarmaof.sboold be .Wrio* ralasblr rra! rsut* and p»i
r aand to bear wbaa othen
calliratod We arc no.r thipoenp larrr ! a.aal properl? to hto brother.-'osepb ; (
ira blommlac ma? ba orenolijaaBtllicw bat the ijuratloB conim hack [ H?krr of L'serpoo.. and S.Ms' to each ol: j
ad b? tbarooxb praalof.
prealof. Cot off ose
oa—Wb? don't ?DU pack Urm brt bis broUi-r's children
U.s nrpbrw
ball to two tblidsol laat?nr'afrawU
aod Uln Ue ramalader altar tbr Irelt


a plHUr. Ura barraw bafera Ua eors
aaan «p to ratals molMare. CaltitaW


S TIesttoys the Nerve Force, Redaces 'the VKafify, FBs tha
Blood with Mirons ofBobonoas Germ and Opera wide
the Door for Disease snd 'DeaOi. Driven oat with

Beiciq* Ua bosrdlatf booia
^ Shrphard.Mirord Frida? olfhi
Sbapbcrd, wtihH
^ .Icdhr.dr. BBd scar • •
cootosu were eoo.un.idbusrirf. were »In. wo..'
..... u
. Hw '

^ra Wotb-Mr. 1 »■">“<> *» ^ ~odltloa for tbpt crop
vltboat plovlaf.
Maa? larmFra blow
H. A.Bti]ei
BaparibModaot ofCbrtoUao Cltltao
10 mecbi^mcr In throe ?cara laaoootb
»r a rotaileu of ooro. wheat aod
Biol Peaeo bad ArM. aur wlib live Stock. For tboac wtobior
to crow pbtaloes a rotatuia of potatoaa.
ihaaiaod eloaar
Aaold BE? loac of lertUll? b? aowlor
eatefa crop to frow asd cover the
OoBtMt Worh- prooad wbes aei otberwiae ocenpiad.
••PreacBl and loWre d Mlcbtffaa
Mn. BUa Bl?.
Blabltobmeai oi a betlar a?*tem applrs" was dtoooaaad b? t> H. Faltoa
U^aatot—Mn. Bliitbatb Hard?.
oMarmlBd will baceailtale the heaj
Bane 8ab>Ei
Mat Oommlttea-Maadamm Bmll?
iloec OB oar farms, wbkh will
Hlebi«ma rasta bict> ••
r<*a Dt awra masara. more bemim.
anile prodnein* atoto lo l*i» Uare
rieber sail, batter preaen sUoo of siols ware H'..ono aeraa of appU orchard la
Stale Boaad-Up Isatitata.
tore, a almoccr ritalii? to onr plasis the atoto. Urrcfoortbi of a
Abb rreatcr produ lor oer labor
ieUefouraoauers tlan ol sunnllca.
tta tople tor tba feroaoea aani
•New hslpa Is polato rrow*oc" '
osklasd eoaot? leadlac Is acreaca.
tlic tUleefasbort talk b? Hr. H
Uraod Tranne eonei? baa <
Hr. A. H. Biwwa e( Bebeolanft n
Dees of M. A. C. Hseb of tba aiiec
acrasls apple orctardsasd^
In potato prowlac depeads oo tba
Irad lo the Doruaro aoanliaa. Mora
•taat ffTowlB*.Mttalffaa wbeai IrcUoa of the aaad. which abonld
trrea arc talo« act bereWO. aod Uc
giewan taaa two tblsft to cob
duM at dtpria? timr, n?IOK attcntloD aorUwest part will soaa baeomr it
arltk. aharp eempatltloa el tba fraai to ^c apprsnscc of tbr top at writ as
beat apale irrawk* aacUoo ol Ua ctab
of ibs tubere. Helrct tsbcn ,t?pleal So
Stotistlcsahow Uat there has boas
Ita eal? aaoBBa to rotorm to is nialsc ■Ise. form, ate Tbc seed sboeld bt
fa:ila«o« io aereaer-la Ua aoutber
laqmcaapaaad thli meat ba broacbl keps la a cool place to prcrcst beauar.
aad ceotnl eoaslica. Mao? old ton
abDBt b? lamaalac tba fartilit? of the ■proSUac-a 'C . Bllol wbicb aScct^^r
arr anooai'j bain* remored. Oldo
oeO. Tba two prlaelpal tblii«« which ntalK? op the tabera Before cstlloc
ctarda if food abosld br Improrad. aod
WMBd bUara of
wbcal crop lait r c plsnltOd rat the card with a aoli.. [ - ^
„ nlLl„m.
__ _ ... .I..« II.A* MMC* ncmoiHv
paar wan wlptar kUllii( aad tba Bea tiob of corroalre sab .mala to the r.t, ,
«Mb ■/. aUll than waca aoma pood
BMSl daa to
tha toU. tba praaaacaof bamoi aad far.
Tba old Idea that tba rroaad polatoaa buo (oar pirem tao^wli
( in pil
Ue aaad cod Flow tarl? asd
^yataad Sows aelld tor wheat Isa cultinta oftoa ap to Ua Ume of pUntMtotoka. aanaclaU? oa da? aoUs- Tba
-Flaal to bills Ura feet a^t
Basut? aremi bnl adaptod to Uk
MWtoaa abeald ba kept toeta aad bsor Id drills Urea aad oor half
place of tba Baldwla 4e port
to bold tba aaaw asd protaet the
9t apart, pattlsp oer pieee Is s place
rnnefa is««i frail baa oarer bare
mw bam tfOBV Tba fnato wiU lave',
to iruebea
Uebea apart lor earl? Tartril«a
doced aad wUl alsra?a Msd a d<»l
tha tom^ sad IstboamUa of tha
and allltla fatobarfor latoose*.
Hlebifss aoU asd elb
ipaaatodaDtvtba aspoaadroou
Unto oftoa. fellowisc Ural ab
paeo.larl? sdaptod to producr
ppaaataa of hamaf to ear?' Importasl to cnltlratlos. Hpra? earl? with
qoalli? of frail'ssditraatowiU
paitollta traacisf sad boldlaff mo
dcaasmlswrr to praraat leaf bliebt
faimrr whetber br will.. '
tan. tat tbs mast Impprlaiit pdet
parlacRrn for the polato beetle.
Taoerb wrbsv.>ali otb
Don't wab fdc Ur poUlo
-.Sew UotidhU oasmtli froxa”
aeadtUoDB rirbt Bad bare sot (arUIlt? appeat. ^ore bafflsalBc
prraestod b? J.
Btosrosuf Calamabprettolb bolhlaf.
Tbb da? to paat BnsbrI cratei aad a low dal wa(aa are
wbo .declared Uat he lortd tbc
to-Mwiacball the (arm to wheat asd
daauwMe la baodllsu Ue crap at
aomU (rplto. for Ue? bad baeo bou
av nsa? Ilfbt aetto wa matt atop rro« dbrris«Hma.
bla sb?iieal asd hU taasdnl aalratiOB.
Tbare to Bo diraet
The topic lor Ur afterni
tarman from eaooda for Ualr
at prvnaUaf Ua raracea of tta Boa wat FralU Ue dm ^sker brlac
alas a?. Sow earl? Uat Ua plsat ma? Bolaod Horrill of Braun Harbor, wbo owa aaa. bat rmiaira Uolr wi
prepare loot mOals per /ear from Ua
tpoke oo '.'Leaaost of Ue ?rar to pcAeb
tatoaaadltkaU wlUsmsd the attack rrowisF^ Tba rsparleDer of tba pan pork aad door barralt asd Uc peUto
ad Ua I? U It deal coma.
Utopeaal- ?aar haeahowsoba (oU?drbaii
■ Wato isereaae Ua ?Uld of
battbr.toott (arorabla eleratod locaIt Iiulc traoblc to
Hiahifaa dii? par east, batiicaa ta tioaa (or Uu crop area la Ue ao called
taaand? UfDB(baaratoaer
--Pueb Belt "
A differaaer of fov
poaoa It to boat to let ttraw berriaa
.eanlSU sad istasaa acrltal
(art lo aWratloa aas aiadea diflereaea
only oBce. bat a aappl? for boms
. arbUh man atuatloB to paid %o (arUIi- batweoB » (all crop aad
ma? be piebad (ram tba aama bed two
V, aloaar, masara, ate.
wbila foar (cat lower waa oo croa at
or Urea yaara. Narer allow a nultad
••Latooai of Ua ?aar ia eon r«i
all. The bidher loealioaa majplTra
rowtoccioreroM (eotsnda. Maleb
1^ wat pmaatad b? Mr. A. E. Cr
rood er^ la a poor ?ear, and UU.
wlU ausw is tta (all If ?ob bare iu
•SB ad Qrsaa L»ka.
Tba Meal aora brio? bitb prieea.
Ctar -ihoald ba
bat If pet oow oau belwaaa Ue rowi
■aU to made (ram a ekraaod wall
takre wirow Ua treat aa larpa and
inAnfstt. NererUtaplaata from old
bated la lha tall asd plowed is fall or stroDd aa:pesaiblc oed bare Uam rlpra
awl? tartocCaittaau oftoe befwe properl?.; Bcdla earl? la Ua apriad: bode hat always from bade
ptutlw tll^ It to
d iBtoa plow otaallew. Urn cnltlrata aballow prerioaa year
apd blsekbemet ahoald
deep ualUw aaad bad.
Sir MpX?.



BaaiJordssaaflcrarad a
iol IMaoemr.

TrtaUr Balia, Aaaalta Hafr.
^Tbatiraau01ria.CaarMU H. Vata
tbrir trovtb daHof Ua bol
Tbr Bari? Black
Via CraaU. F. HarrUa CiawforA.
Tba? arc «ml•Haa -K- Beab». Marla Lealia M. B?a b tfer beat rariaf?.
aabla bat parbapa sot more ad for
PriaaaarofHopa. Mat? Jabaaoa. .
lha BreaM Baddha. Cara Uaa Daa- Hleblraa (arsara tbaa tha eomotas

lariieta tooor
•oa are axpeBs.aa ai tba? dr
I? te Aswar laialiiB »ark aad la ibo
■a bast pa't of tba (arm. moil
raUat dapariamt. The eeUe
oaiiBra aae acr? tboroofta till■aaaaalhaaawyaarwUb (art?
TAo cnlD eropa or two hoed
tan la toed ataadtar. Tba (ello»li>t afa.
orepa Id aai^ioa are ooi daairabit
agaamaaaa alacladt
eroplsavar? rotatlOB aboa)>l ba a'
_____________________ _.i NattUM.
Matorall? rich bat dapirtrd
be realored. bail b? abort rt
taeaadVtae Prealdset-Hia. B-lr>
Boma eropa araaballow and
PnaUrat—Mra. daitU otban deep rootara Boair reqaira lost
malora aad ottaart bal a
Baasadl^ taaraiar?-Mn. A.
abort time. Tbc root a?slc>Da of dlfle?•nl eropa affect the
tk« of the coil differaetl?
r-Mia. Batbar Uaatblas
Matmamdaol o( CraacallaUe Work
ova pacallarpaat el aracd or paniiir.
—Mn. MlraBaraard.
a roU
BatorlataBdest of Motbwatea-Mra. B-e« Wood.
Tba aora crop to vcleabic to ba
OatarlaiaadaBa at nowar MIuIob followed b?

U.UOI «.»«nT tor U. oon—.)

< ^ U*Oi>.

Eaota B



Ti. ......... .i.i.«.o« ....
tomoblilc mockioc LB tb* f&arU-doo
of a itotor? .bo: idle? did aot opocto' to
Jeremr Vos Vaiacahorc of New Yark ^
-!B iBcatao'ofibeaa-.o.isuD iccompaa?. ^
at Broadway acd strroty-aia-torcreau.,
asd after, a wri*; of wild . roobm .it H Walla
araceditruboB U*macbis».ebar»«d
for tse e.cra-sr aBafts
' Basr? Darra.^
momcatam woe to (r.«t Uat it b



' JobsB-iSraM............................


____ .1 flabta


If H:waJta%tota':!


Jobs Jacobs, as m
yeanoU. waa toaad fmree to daatb
aaoU hnUdlar aaar Staadlah I'aca. ^
9- He had beoa oa a dreok« spree. .

AtMTMdW >n«aeaa M * o'eloek.


B. r. Bowsi
N. T. etemn ■. Priaap^


^_____ ____
be Baasu. bee n
D 3. li Ooopa. f


A JollS

qiBM* of her


dMfbWr. Hla Viols

__ _
wUeh «M ftiilsj snolv.
Mr. sod Ml*. 9. A. K»T« drors w
imUaMS PrU^rsTeetsc w stusd
thtlsetsrcsl the uws bs'I rtree br
Bern. Psrrj F. Poirets erf CsdlUsc.

asisdsr sod Prldsy.
Mr. sod Mrs. 1- *•_ <to^U srs
aorloK Uslr hooMbold gooiA tnm
Omtm lodsT sod will Uk« 07 tbelr
rwldsoos is Borthoorv

O. C. B'

in Lelsod cm bosl-

mTco^ i^i^ibsToUw U
is Older tksl Bore of his trlMds msy
best rioB hla tbse wosU be pceslble
In spriTsts letter.
MseUs.Jsa. l■<..t»00.
Deer Metfaa sod Fiiee^ who msy
reed tide letter:—A* 1 SB loneeoise
sod booceick 1 thoocht I woeld write
s letter to ay boac lo TroTcrse City. I
eoUttedstTtsTeneOty Asf. tv. KM.
sod wu sent to Fort KIsrsrs. M. Y.,to
j»In the 4lod X-: S. V. lor. , I toeod
tbcBsJaUr loiot eoarsda to cheer
aeep. t woe ■eeiroed to Co. A in Octo­
We left Ft Xisesrs Ctci. 3<isod
oirieed et Frceldio Ksiroeks, Sen Frsn.
cbcD. on the Tih of Morcaber. We left
there Kor. SOita sad srrieed si MsolU
D^. II.
We were oolcoded sod erel
toOsae Luas. 00 the flrloc line. Jse.
I wUl
.... not try to tell
sbOBl the lonr tlreaome trip, far yoo
esb lasrine sow yoo wonld tike to be
red on >■ (Tee. tasrdtsek sod eeo t
fa to dsys sod bot toe Isod bet <
I drilled, wltb Co. A ssUI ,lso.
sad then 1 wss at '
lOch wak. bet t
wbkh I fosod not
____...ooi when looklor op
for the sksrp sbooten bare
of the retriaeel.

WsIterUordon retomed from TrsrMse Qty Wadnendsy sflerooon
Baoty Mooli U ereodlBfs tewdsy*
aery few
Koease City.
lo froa the
went to Trsrerse City Hon- wesKs, se I slwsye seed
• -le I eoaaen^id yolo^
4sy os roilrasd boslnede.
: woBld like lo besr {r
Benstor J. W Milllfcnn ofTrsreree
ders. w s Teita froa ibe
aiy wM s Borthport eisllor Fridsy.
■ Ibeeoldla boysfalbsp.
I will eloee. m It is v bot I csaaoi
etsy etui say loera.
Wltb lota to [Botha 4d s wekoae
S^J^te-e BICber Haol^- Mr. bspdlofrieadel^reaisln^
. BUaoersadMia
fan of;
J.o.s V.Cva’t.A.
Os. A. K U. M. Vol Inf., Manila I’. 1.
________ B. W. Porter roysUy eoOld Folk*' Soetsl
oed lesr of Ibelr yossc frteade st
_ r Seedsy.
The foUowiij wePe
Aa Old Folks'social will be fflTen
mat: Jolloe LsBoole leso Thornee.
oriaport, March diet, nnda the si
SLt Baeeoa sod Bu(« Beeasora.
pices o<
a. M L Seell* drtrrc lo Trseerse followl
Oly HoDdsy on boeisae
Ase. a: MeleoB retsreed froa Tfor
ens Cliy Sstardsy.
QMr. and Mns Dsoeae of MeiMas Bsy


•ta T


Chas. Wetten asde s bestoeas trip to
InmrM aty Fridsy. relsrslaf borne
JsaalC^ msdeslrfp to-ftoeeise

fay Dspaty MheriS AaaUa after a lieal)ehase. Wbea eearcbed at tbe Jail a
Tbe Fa. IIIIboIs aod Maagamg rif.
whole kit ot berylar tooU was toned
nbaee dfyfiowcd tbelr baakaaad
on them They ratawl to yiee their
maebnock aad propeny nare been
aaea aad were held fhr trial.
Port of Ue city ol WUsm.
At Marteaw Taetey eicbt
There has been aomc ealaablc yreld 111., b aader watm- and headmde of
plckermaa. tyed 4 yean
bamed I beariny yroand dlscoeered almy tbe IsnlUesbear Baraaa hare bees drireo
eaatb. Minnie, aye
reeeireo | baoka of tbe Cliatoa riser.
from tbelr bomea.
fatal barat. and Freda, ayed
was Itbroayh raca. Two L-Ucaboya. Will
While TiilUac friends In MeiaaUm.
aarloiuly baraed in
Leech aad Cbarlet Mmelnr. wbilcdiya.reeeotly. Hiss Sasao McCaffrey of
of their •father, ylnyby aapriay. notised a eparallay
Henry SpicKennaa. Ttar chlidrea slept olect of sandstone, le which there was DaatUle. witneated an aeddent lb
a child wu killed by e trolley
Is tbe apper pan'of the dwelllnf
toned small parUeles reaembllny yold
car. Theaiyhtaotffecledher tba.tabe
Alyer eoaaiy le oaeof tbe best lam- dost. They separated it by wathiay
and took It lo a jeweler, whoprononDC- lallhepowCT of epeub. Mhecunrt
beriey eactioas
and is enable to rccoy '
aed this winter is prodaciny the biy- el ityoldand ealaedair.. Tbe boye
nise anyone.
yeat lay eroncrar la its history. There say they oblaioed that SBonnl from
Mra Blaine bu pneehased a lot at j
iBiy operated by I two ehoreltuldi/l. baiarcTery reve­
leen acres adjoioiny thr city cemetery \
als eoocera*. which will alloyclber ycl eat a» lo the loeeUon of thrir fiedinys.
et Auyusla. Maine, ctrerlooklay tbeoat ic.uo.O<» fatof nine lore.
iraraad. B. B. Kasyareon.
nnebee. which wu a farorile plan!
Ab larbsB consty oso bw foood 1 Qidiltav wu held up early Tacaday
:b Mr. Klaiac It U eaW Uatabe'
sew ose fa tbe wire feaelof which 1 moraiay by dear masked mee. At the
itempUlu bafiey her huetaaadk
ordered to
eraon start, remaiu remond there from uak BUI.
ha thinks be baa brokea the record
Oh. rats;

d to comply, srt
t doe. a water
paoiel. made Ifor tbe hichwaymei
olbaei^ of the farm,
Tals attracted tbyatleotlon of a coaplc
sway, if he wsnu to,
only of railroad men aad tbe; rasbed to
wire he has osed Is that
fences I Voryeraon's
on tbe farm.
i Mtaeriff Berrlek. of Bsncrofl. wu in
I tows.
At Btatoa Uaiba the Farwell or.
_______ layhi the fellows. Taey .
all faeiay opened Tseedsy wiiti Sf
well-dressed, smonlh lodirideals.
I were we'
rlrls at tbe ascblnn, sod with »‘Tar ijuiirtel wu land!.......................
coll fa lOu more before the first of jsil. but in an boor's time
had farced
roof Ber.lckajalo
iroayoI the roof.
Best month. Ibe kllebea
ro of thenr, but
they beyaa
ton Harbor faailiet are
escapad. **-------iryerisbontiny atbiiuaad
lemlae bow beet 1 meet tbe tronble.; jewelry aod a roll of money.

Mr.'sod Ma. Oleeoo. with Ibelr
Aawbta sad aoa. TMoroed Mondsy u
telly otOhss Kelson St LUebtboase

i( ibe iKtore (iren
Ssrtbe left Iblt aorolor fa
aty. where be will ret s load
t aad retara Tneadsy.


tta Alba, where eTise been wak
lac fa araal wm a fa the Neeaeo

odral lb

Id la4»
• P«T
e sold by Bnyltth poultry dealera ae
nbsmatc'latihlekeo and Urhey.

loaslteof ibeji ilmof modem tdeaa.
tU^P^SL toltaie place Mondsy.
Holland. tnuwacouDlr. eontlnnea to
otaeree ■Bsay-prlmillee'e^iiptoimt of its
Aaonc these'<me of tbe
oca awmatnelqsele'tbr obeaeana of the
day of prayer for cmpi, which will ocaoeorsl days of
Ohas. Orssba drors down from Ttst- eor today. Vefta aro the day was at
tended wHh taetlar. while Tbankf..
(irior. noalar Uter in the fall. Was
attended with fthetiV^
Om- Batlsrs. liete:
Utsod TtsT- ie not nowobnerred, tbe Dslbh eharch

For Hair and Scalp

For Sanative Usee

Shsbpco wltb CitSL-cu Soar, riiise

In rwrsikaHe,nmoUirt.t^cWsiiic.

w,tb wte • ?«".





rlrldly ealnrcM Uie holy day
eoU«e will have no tesel^ and
Mreiret *MI be held In pi
teassra wfll fo loOrsad chorebaa___________________ .
BaaUsWsAelMIsl* to tbs C. E. coottiTIr wbleb willba.bMd to.that eity
•Mim Kellie Hilae. a daurbur of tbe
late Ltcol Jobs bfllea, and a eoula of
Ueo. Neleoi A. Mila, dlrecuaad maa.
an a fell military band la
Maes.- MhebtajBstreeeleed aaiorita
tlea sad permit to ezbibit her orfsa

^tbal plaes. retanlBC

«w Itesday
s tea oast dlonafUbesarsA.
As OU Polk’s aeelol will be r>**s
the tews ball Bstorday. Msreb diet.
teJ^^lea ot'tbe Knwortb
ttebk- naMA- will be eereed sad e
Baa a^rsM M 1»1bC pafsr*^
tha tea el the snsir will appear. A
iwU laritstiiB Is esteoAed to alUbe


IctUoont ^ Paris esposlUno. la ivoa.
sad baa nnoaplnd tbe same, foery
tbe. bead eaec iu
leader U a maa. and tbe <t mnaleiaea
at tha company are deeoted to
leader aad daalan that “CapUIn
He” was borp^lth a (eeiaa for
sias Casoot bo Cunm



.. .....................................


Weimler M.iOsboe*; to-cte-^it




Binh imde-Laara I
OlaaoB. Edward Baasa
TUpmu.CMfoUae Waaffbn, L

Meii'e satin .-alf, iiale or iKVDgretw in coin
..rv'lob.vJj».» .......................................................... $L»<
\l,.q e mtiii fslf. bale or euourmM in coin
..i'uIoIk. Iih». all Kolid.................................... SI.M1

Aul4>uii.l>ilHHat(i. all the tap-. prii-etihU SI .VI

famoue IhleaeHe. tjuartMltwrfl ior

Spnuu Cape. l-V.'2.V-.;lV-. .-A'-. IV ,]si. Sl.-'d)


H.-tiip Csr}r.-te al
ilpuniiiui Hi............................... INI JKloDilyke Uriisdels-at.. .S.VWtrot 1:


M.-ii'e kuuifsroi. kip. laia. or cuoffrees. all

eoll.l ......................................................9IAI
M.-n'e kanuHria) calf, buckle aad laoe'
tx-Jiibiiinaiioii. A Iomk looked for lann
eli-»- the firxt We bare ever bc4« able
to piin lias.-................................................................ •l.fiO
M.-iTe L-rniii pl.ia sluwa from ''5.' up to.II .V)

Self H-ll.-ra, l^uaiiee ourstock is all ni-«‘. .|iwliti.-s llie Inwt. paUemn Ibe Intt-el. Wi- bouvlit
-IQI fiiri>-U le-frift tin- li.-nvy a'itnufia

to. --dv

' Ur.._

<1 ytiu ever si
I loeall •-« u>

\V'- non- list I- our epriiig atock of river
eli.»-e Bud liiuli fill farm ebuea. Prims*
lokuit yonr ptrk.-l - -Si .Vl ..........................In.OO
<'liiMri'u's soil. iiiiHstk.' fine Uix calf
elitie*. ev.ny ]wlr M.Ud .lust lb* tbing
for apriiiU. '!>• lo................................. .01JU
W.- Iibt.. • full lb,- of e(>rii>i; aud sunt,
iti.-r eli.n-e oil band and jtrieiw Ibat iin«

<'bil<ln.b'* anti miura' Ian kill.
. l.ildrrtiV bimI miseee' t>l kid. child.
Mi e and iiil-dne' d<>iiii.jU, batloii aod
U'-e. laieel Attlee l>ri.-e< from
W.iitienV eho.-« of all kin.U. porpoiae
ealf. kay ealf slioA............................

TlirsT- h.itiM.’
Boi^i it .•beaj.-aeil i
-heap. By buyitii; ydur pa|M-r ..f tie yui
still Ret the very l..we.t jrrii'tM. you if
lateK pnltfrur an<l
beluhlU t
of VVbite :Bs.-ke Kt ."h- jeT loll:
at r<-. very fboif-. liiltn bt I-'..- . If
WKDt Still Ik-ttei (frailM), we bnve tliein

I.Btlies' letx esif elioe, a verv fine one - ,
wrbavew f.-u- pnir l.'fl that we will
r- lllor...............................«<>•
Old priee >2..-|0; Kimiii -boers ..It aoli.l{5
leidiw' .iotiffola.-liutiun or laee from $I

p-lo list.- iftKnb. tbe marlids is simply im-


liia -How
• Uiildi
as well as

Mixue'pelilil.' main. LnlKow.'s make. A|.k."> ehoea. to rloac

Mte-e' lejx Btid kanipiro-j t-»lf. all aoli.l slioea. Jlt-Nsintrs-Wat.
sou priiv ^L.-'i;
close ..tit nt...................................................... 76c
, l-mtliM

i>id oxtord ties, HcN'aitisnfWatwm price

la mnrt IL TbsT'n not only msde
to ni sverv siw sad
>asi.v. but On ma^rt»«witooa

Udi.V white >id ^tippet>. McS>n«mi-«‘Ht#oD prHvfi.ibi^.

main ^Int. IaJS tw -LerU” on
l^r ««««•

Me.iV satin calf, bnti do,;-or globle toe*, nil solid tkoee: to c^

y«n»f era
to b* noarn
lalsd if able

Afked tune



Wall Oo-asar*


l^lies-fi^ French kid. elotb lop. A .1 JohbiK.nV J4.-.0 eh^

Men’* all eoli.l Milwaukee oil ffniib buckle abte. to close
le out


fU. tUDS. sni£s

to .-lue.- out ntfanllc
.rtllruof (te
srillNG LISE is tbe finest ever abtiwn ia
your boys up io pre^
Htyl.' for hitl'- u

Working Men, Bnsioess Meo, Professional Hen.

! Kehl. Della
>. Bes W.

- ruth O^te^iAsl^F







•aymoM Bartlett. CbuUa Oeriae,
Bw Eaaerr
CUu Il-VIrlaa Dame. Freddie LaMs. Ralrt Keleu. Jimmie Trleirard.
. Cte tll-Aeu Oertbe. Faal Kaeb•rea. GalU KsbL Ida Bedd.
latermedlate—First Omdc:


All ill* prerailinv eolora, ipKvl tittfm. well
Others uk roDsideraiblt- ai<>n- fof inferior -uits

W.- are Uiiiried for

MaaiT earollmant


[ $3.Q8

Thf l«)at..v of our WINTEK OVEBaiATS
AND SUITS Ik-K.w Hftust fosL Harea faw
l.-fi. but tr. want lb.- Kpacc ilie>' ocenpy (or
eiiiiituer tfoode.

We Bust lisye room initowUaifly. Iivat-e iliin iiicvV-iso’tr rraly

Lsdies* Fr^m h kid.,Eddy





lllifl .M-Naniara-Wateoii Shb.-

Lsdiea' line vici kiti. A.-I •lobusoii's «:tTsl slioeS; l.> .-lose .>111
nt....................................... .........................................................................................-48c



CFRINGTRAPK has opened up with a goodwill. Throngs of busy 5ttyw»'
crowd our store daily ami are benefited by our bargains; We bought a large
portion pf onr goods early and before the hear
■ eavy advances; that's one reaaoa why
our prices are the lowest, another is we bu'
buy for cash and so get rock botton
prices ami give you the benefit of them. Small profits, quick ules and loU of
a is tbe secret of our sncs^^.

Slook al t-ost or Im-Iuw. and w>- U-littvr llint {iriccn will du it. We
lisvf fill Httd e1if»si piifri. anmeivifuriy.

attractive in stylI and pattern.



Wr list.-coitfluiltNl i«




AS A —



Eaporto' Mortbpwt Fablle\seboc
Bwthemoath estdl^ March i.<.
WboU aambar days taaebL W
rnsl i<rrm«v
4^ ^

i Tbe latest news from Colombia Is to >
I tbe enact that tbe revoialioe will last
I for the nut twelVe. uimtbs. u the;
;yorerameot Is obtiruetinK the iiberalS]
,lDcrery t-oDL-lvablf way aod at-the
jumetime addlny mae to lb ir.-as
■, ary Uotioeaa i« at a alandsiili
slitl la eaery .
j nan of the republic aod
• very;
|li»lie fnodstufl on the market. It is,
, reported that no Ma'cl. 1 an od.cer and \
'a Midler on duly at Carthayeoa <iuar’ reled. when the former struck ofi the ;
Jailer s brad wltb a sword.

Reii, 00 Nr.folloim Prioes it HU pij hi iniil 50 Bihs.

testy U tbis plea
Word has beeareoeleed froa Mutin
TaMard. wbo bee been laodinK err
atfacathe la Oelocmdo fa the beaedi
^ ha bealtb. that be M not iaproriar
te wUl aoM latan to Northport.
XW Womea^ Oab held e eery Inter
tewae well as Iwtraetlea meetlnf

iatr«PT or na aosniivaT tAinnae.

! where be bu beeo isolalcd and eloeely .
I ynardrd ever siocc. Ii wu found that
, be bad been liriny lo I'lttabury and !
I lalnyliny amooy the people while saf .
ferine from lenroay for more than loj
yeaia. It was nee-ssa-y to keep two
I aor>«* for the sdl eled oriD, and ft is
'eu.mated that be cue-, tbe city tt.iUi '


C, »•

____aTutey afternoon a
ate tbsl all Ue asahan

ArtburD Wilson, a leper who te .
oeneotibeea In tbe I'iUsbory, I’a..
nnthousc fo- two r.'ara, died Tuesdsy !
ssaelril wa' copiaur and ctn- j
I iracted toe diteave in Kratll It year*!
ayo. Two years ayo be was diseoerred 1
^ Melnr In PKttbory by the - bealtb au-1
;ihorUieaaad wuaeot totbepealhoasr.J


spai-f iiiid I'ornew 8{>riiu’ purfliasts nrt* siready uu tllf wny

AoAnws at Oaaas.
A-aW^ Wd of Ariellaa BsAsref'

* SST*a£l**
2tetMhIe^MUaf*wi^ tCc

msecUob wltb (be eeisiioy to
dastrlal coodllloa in Form Bico Oea
ermi Darla is of tbe ooioloa that the ‘
ijniekeei aad moat rSectlTe way of!

• Ohio hOBse of repreuntallaca
sated a bill whieb prorldc thtt
:o employed to do work of any
Shan, ia the abaei ce of a cooayreuuent. be paid tbe same
warn M moQ reeeler tor similar work, j

ttaet. Pearl Watea sad Bdltb ttsas.
BViUtton. Bra We<
vtoHa solo. H. Ban
BaMtoUon. HImOi
O04. Mn. U, M. Dame sad Hiee

___ Monday ahool aeaoeUtion of
district Ko. dtlmelanae eonnty. Molon
sod Oeetarrille. will bold tbelr Brat
cjoanerly reelew wltb the Cedar MhnrI
Harebn. FiMteeeclon 10 a m. cod
aeaelon I p. m. loesi time
Bee. J. P.
Whiuof MaWeCliy will ooodat the
raelnw. Brolher Fnd Refold will ylee
areportof tbeatate meetinr. A toll
profina will beyrepsred
Boloo. Mareh H, lOOU. Wmn:. Praldeni.
Hn> Fic.csk 9111'ir.a. Sw'y.

s. ladior a
k'ork. will carry army sopollute
Manila, aad r.tis’ toot of tails aad a .
larye amoant of steel bridyc aad time- ’
work for tbe Bnsaiao Slbenao
railway, lobe dellrered at Viadiros.

kt work for s period of th^ee
raontbs 00 the roads, inrolrine ezpeodiluTcs Ior labor, tools and sapervIsMh
of wme a month, tbe period of
scute OiStrees could be tided over.

Hls> LiUAS PxraniKis.
Ua> H Lmui:.
: See'y.

Asys of Uai week lo Mortbporl.
Wa Hlcrlaa of Trseetee City w
«p« Tboisdsy
k-ridsy of



aboat Id.OQO an A
Tbs state ferneMy rwmmimioa baa t, eapeble
eeatinc ahnat fiAoo
Tauiay'* Kloadlka airl'fals at V|eMeacd a etelar letter laeitiac the co-1 p^pi, tai eoat tsta.000. It b claimed
torianMitriebdiseoteunf yeldbn
operate of all pobllc spiriisd clIUeM ;
Cclrenlty nail dom
the Jadci Wade creek. Elcmdlae. la
la the proaaeete of ita work.
some puu of which trem Bi lo BS a
At Bt. Josfpb tbe eaa-a rays irnlted
backet le belay lakea oev

mne paper aad earalab ia tbe window
of a dray store, ceealay a bsd blaci in MUae Bows, near B^ly Taaaday
tbefrdst of ibe bnUdlay. Tbe rayt belay lafaMd food, they ehot at Bowa.
foenmed tbronyfa tbe window. bat misted him. Tbey leere enptared

a. Aste Beaeowe. UmU K


Iiave double seals and
knee*. M|k-.1 seams,
re-iuforced hi ill weak
more than
tbit they Have tb>'unaraiitee not only
from tlie bouse tliai
mndslbitai but tnHii
US a* to their fSsl col.

or* aad good wea^ac
'fbi* epring's stock eoataina
very maay new drsiqns aad colure wbicli
every Di.lber should see
W« bBve s spec­
ial department now forcbildreii'* suit* and
knee panta to ae.<»imatjdBtcOQr large Htork.



palteru of clotfas,
to be made np iato M
slylM la TmUm'
Mnita u arcabowB
this year


fioi'. bewever we

In spite of ad­
vanced prices ofwooleni. .our men’s de­
partment offers as
many and as good
t Blues in suits at five
' dollars to fifteen dol­
lars and spring overco^ at. six dollars
to twelve dollars as
ever were given when
woolens were at the
lowest mark.
could ipve several
reasons for *^is. Quantity sre buy
and the fact that we pay cash are
two of the most suggestive ones.




nuottan voTUtT-eTsTS or aii-nit-sa.
X • osaw 4>i«M TTSMSW m .Swar <> kvrvS)
St.'S usiMsBwewattSv rywoutosRtetia.
oviaU*. mass sa lav aisis
Ssretaw.a. s biwt ii> bwim rvsw Ooi ssi>
will i;u the fariht

M SHtv <Nm«i hn ImMBi»««

Hamilton Glotiring Co.
2<Xi Front Street

Traverff« City, Mich.

rvdlaaad PraBbelr


laabTsifwriaT b! B?

Men's Overooate

Men's Bandom

tiSi. s».50. *4,50.


AU np W-teM la atpia. oalnm



Un. BimoiB aiMiB 0B.PM1 »M
bera Id 8priD(aeld. ^BkUod eoanv.
coBBtj. mebifBB. ll«f (in. iMi. 8b»
^ ttaedftWhUrol B>*. KbIbm ud
IdaUida Bstb HimIb.
.Aitebool MiB. CMpbell w»» pro
a^l is b«r BCsdiaB. Bad al ih* MR of
I bw adaeatlOB la Uie
birbw braaobM of Alaioa ealltv*. Bar
tatbar waa^ooeer la '

Uat Uacall (or booda aboald ba tor
*M,ouo. or wbal a>ay ba
Bd to maka astOMloe of ulaa
1*01% aad (''arairoad. aad aaeb
pelaMaa arc aot ao* eorerad bp tba
praaeat apawaa. tbaa rl'>aC *R pnaaetioe aad denaatlc aarrtea to all parta
o( tba dip. la dolac tbla tba ■
aboald ba psl la la aoeordaaea with
tba proptMd plaaa el Hr. Kattar, <rUh
taa obfact la aaaw ol altlaabslp takiaf
waier aupplp (roa Raai Bap.
m« MB ba done wltboai la aap
tba praaeat plaat

iMpaeter of Kleetlea - B



Heabw Ooealp Onaatuea - d. W.


Ward OoulHt»-B. W. BaMiaca
0. L. fMliek. Tbeaae Hoaltoo.
Palnatea «o Oftp OanlMtloa-t W.
■MU^C.L.afoUldt.i. C Darrow.
W. a Foote.
OlUatt. W. P. Eea.

P. C GUbari. J- B.

Hila^ t.

Ibartk Ward.
WMdOaaallMe-E .1. Falchaa.
Saa. W. tordte r. D. Harrla.
MdfaMateatpOoaeaaUoa-B a.
fb^bamtO. H. Frail. H E Waatfaia.
E IWrlbf. JoBa Sarrp. J. A. HoaE.
Cne. W. W. TUribp. E J. Palertpl

a of.Blaotlao—E E Kamelro(Bia(do( Bdaeatha-B

F. n. Hatrla.

i tbe earrlee bepoad la prMaal liais.
AttractiOB al ButatMts'e Oraad
Ttet lb« eaffacaaent of
Wbllcdde. who I* to appear at Slelartreh OrMd a Sartt^ ercainc.
March M. I»v
I* elearlp erideniwd bp rte 'pc^e
eorded him bp rte entire pna
Grand Bapida, where be opened aa ea-

Uaaaeed wA rte aorta of tbite
•OD*. one « whoa died to lafantp^a
twoAaalalnCaoe*. Lonltaad Bobert.
I^rta wlt^iW taMbaad, hare clrea
ba aoeb aid la.earrplac ea her wak.
Ba borne bM Sfwap* been a mode.'
one. Her baepltblitp and that of faei Deomerataaldlo pMl
Cealalbartaad aiade tbeircanu feel
Fewer*' iMt alfbt. «*re
at borne wltb tbea
proBOBDccd bp ataa^ who
Ba UUeM WM lone aad palnlal bat
bornawith cAriallAB fortilade aad
Baatie Umfcdp ereraeea le rte taoaee.
It wMaa well reeelred that rte atae.
woadertBl pdtleaee.
laeet decided to hare it repeated
omen from Cape Town
iced Mr. WbliMide
'ilcae ssreb Cempan
map pet lade i
toftbeforee. power,
1 bM alreadp attetaed
aad Aaiah tbal
bat made Booth and BarextaadA .repotatlon. We ooapaop ret famooa. bn___
but be le eartaialp r
lac tor rtelr
fame LBdBMCOlOO «
bMrneelred aaieqalrp refardiac
____ ______
tbal hi* w
prodaet of rte TrarerM Etp taertrp
a he compared wirt tbeln.
frt« Cape ToWB. Soart Afri«- qalrka bare alao been reeelred I
Joaephlee Mocm m gaaea (tertrnde.
of rtle-----------there le a ptMpect that ty eiareb wlU John L. SapborcMFoleeiM aad Ser.
era De Depa m Laerlee, aharlitf le tbe
aooB be la treat demand. Tbd compaapanbaplnc poStOMaad >torlac UeaD^Bce betaf aier larfer tbaa'
I. eoaalderiac rtat
tbea poUI aaoicb la ea
rtefMtorpforatlaeTbe bolldlafi locateo wrnt .of tbe
faetorp ire been pacbaeedaad wlU
benaodeled. The lee houee forme. •
SM Eaiate Trbamere
•tedbpCharleoHerrUI wiU be need


Tbe followiar arc rte real wtaic
traaafer* u (arabbed bp O. C. HoSatt.
proprietor of tbe Ginad TTnretM On
tp Ahatraci ofiiee. tram Hareb Tib
Kareh mb. ladMire

' Baxp Worken
The Bw Wwken beld a bMia.
L. Brawn nbd wife to Emma B.
Smith. seeUac Tneidap afterooon at t
let l«. Oak Beiffba add—S!Qd.,
home of Grace Chatterdoo and elected
>lo Eetert Oaldweil!
Seen at the tame time The (ellowiac ^Wm Ldndai. lot IM. Oak Bdcb^
’.'smrtM 'wa.*'Aekwaaa
Pteor. D. Ooeblla. Walt
pTMiAent—Clarm Barter.
:oi:i blk T. Baanab Lap. A Cob
EEFIoed.EE Bocaa. J, E BaaVloe prmldeBtaddIte.W. W. FalrehUd. John aaaaal
Beeoedite eeertrtip-BlIa S.
a Walla. Gao. Steana. Ur. W. E
* , of a
Haen. Wm H. te|ltb.
•Itb. H. n. Hercaa.
iote Bopidat. WE Jea
Treawunr-Llmte HeUan.
_____ tH Btncdenba BinepJ.\ltar-|
prmrraa DOSBltiec—BartI Bolai
pna. e-, of lot «. aU lot a. blk i. Psrp i
Bauabb iri add-MtTo.
Btbel Olbbe aad Ploreart Blfrlo*.


E BsftEU E (

,*• J*’

aria the

Reltobte Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.




No other eodowment I* to r*cat e.
the cffi
eoaque' aod di*od
wittoal aedldae. bp elapip lapicr < i>
of hand* *ad a*u*ce.Tbi* r‘f< the lluv

tbeBpcMrtllcdap* Itdoeeaechi tken *rc
DO laflrmitiee
laflrmitie* *o terrible aiid
aiid oo r*.,too hopelee* to be bepood the reacli ol
>er. l‘(

CMualei• •
Tbere i


ba* beeo a lardv
ibi* part of tbe rjui.Ui
d the exdlciocoi »b.;
romauat tbal bare been oeca*ioi>cHl
■iece tbr adreet of tbi* pnaop mao m
Trarertc Clip
iip two week* affo. asd it Iwonder that *uch •» the caw. fort
rte curee performed, oot oelp upon
pobllcataKc. before rtoiuaDi!* of
brat dtUen*. but at Hark Place hou-'
priratc, bare aercr beeo r.iaelcl oy
other mode of irralmeov ,
rrooderful cure* aecoieplFtiec<
»fu>.ion <if
are all prodoced bp I
rtU mareellc (ore*
PbenomenoB m 'iri paGrai *» bl»
i* beinr rapidlp Uken up. aod bn »i*r
io tbl* eltr limited, rto*e wpo dmre
hi* oerrice* eiiOBld loee no time lo t»kioc edraatase of rte prraeoce here of
tbit remarkable Rop*^ al Pvk I

33c yard.


Many other tines to select 1
Irk at Cot Prices.


The Old


\ X riJ^HESTb .AwarM i: thai h.- ;s hack hi i
jiaiped »mce ihe lire, am! will
friends, old and new.





ix- (•IcdseJ’ to





Wm B. Tbplor to Ono Slopte. late
raet, neb of awl*. Aac S«. T*5 K;
iM Hatebom ate irilete Fanl
oBMpk*. BWb
Bwb •( owk.SaeM.
Tsa. E ll W-Sl.

Ladies' Box Calf

Ladies' Russia
$3.60 Tans.


Hen * Bo* coif and

Now $2 63

1-4 off;

Now 81.88

Ladies' High Cut
$2 60 Skating.
and Bicycle


300 Pairs of our
PiDgree & Smith
Ladies' Fine Shoes,
New Toes.
New Lasts, at

Now $1.88
Boys' Shoes,
20 Styles,
Every Fair at

Felt and Beaver
Lumbermen's Sox


Cut Prices.
Men’s Felt Boots
with High Cut

Now $1.69
Ladies' Rids
Lace and
$1.60 kind.

Better Oradee if You
Want Them.

Now 81.13



A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry ob Hand.
Tbe Kiret N*tu>^ Beak bM jaM re
Some rare hargaint.. n-'iihin.; from, the lire.
line of Sewing Machines and

Machine S'jpulie*-.

1 .urge

c.-leed an improeed «lln* cnee e*peeia]Ij teapied (or rte beekloK bMleohe

Turn fet Siiie'sr Beat. .

.and look overihe stock.

(era of
aere*. baeiac about '.o
cleared, rood booee aad bare, aboot
fruit tree* of cariou* kind*. '—
Garfield tewn^pT^fln
Traretae atr. for lalc or
exrbaare for ellT praperty. orfenl.
Dk j\". Lxa*.»i«.
C*dlllac. Hieb.


<ial e»cur»lon rale* t
>0. Wrabiortoo aod r
* oo Moodar. March
Ua*l ehaoer fe- low rate*


Before you boy


your SFRINH K(X;»TWKAR it will pay
yon to look ower oor Hue. We hare a com­
plete line. l>oth for crery day aod Sunday
wear. We can snrelv please tob hotb in
price and quality.

Our Oil Grain Shoes at $1.75, $2, $2.25,
arc tbe l>est in the city for the money.

the offers made us by a
Wall Paper house an.l
a .tremendous stock

.Mimt Be

1 he goods have aliout

. in
I'oiiimoti'rt. Kbw lojnrj la

al! arrived and comprise

The Largest Line of Wall Paper

wantA’ou lo look around lirst. but Dent Huy
you ... •our line. Write for samples—state
will m,lari you a
color and- character of rooms and
few bright papers. We guarantee the best satisfaction
in colorings and prices of any house in thjt^tale.




make a fine rig for spring. 2.5<* and $Z75

OUR $2 00 SHOES .


are as good as can be bongbt anywhere for the price

.mad* bj HwtUI A MerlcT'
nte Tbl* Aad br rectlar tbi* yn«
«ere rte Ben Sprarinff oatfit Hnafactured Aa proof, it bM won fint


Z.C. rATRBAygS. Stal AgfiSt
(or tbe Grand Trarw B*C»a


-W. F. ~FT AJtSTT A ,
“ 'tu’

ri*. pan * . ofnwW of awb. nact
r N. B IS W-*loo.
AadrawJ. Oarh ate wife «o daeeb'
Biaddlebaaer. aebefteb.aeeW.Tw
K. E II W-teOO.

Plush Capes, Fur
Collarettes^ Etc.
At Special Cot Frice*

Cut Prices.

B'ehable Shoe tfao

store, al 217 Protit sirctf-l.

Men's and Boys*
At 3Bc, 42c. 69c.'

Removal Sale of Footwear

Civ Frank Friedrjcti


Half Price

Cbolee aad dmlrablr.

■ $1.00

aap t

At About Half Price

Half Price.
All Wool
IngTAtn Carpet

J'k;; i

at rte etraece power be poeteuer.
The maop Rmarkable care* hr Ii
performed ia tbn dtp aloae bare oev,

Hisses' Jackets.
Child's Jackets

WBT, at JUIt

' 95c
14 OFF
'• $4.50
14 OFF

Hss Fpoved a Wondetfol Bleoaiog to
Ksny reople

25 to 30 Dress Pat­

Ladies' Jackets


So Liberally Bestowed Upon








«Bi>. Cl-lirKIt tTbKLA <'tBfURlL


Special Sale Prices


mure exteatiec Rut Utp tpalea aad
eappip in eiew. but la the meablune ebouia be ac. faetluiiaa loo the
part of aap taa paplop roter to heartl.
IptoKwrl tbe plan. M liwlU be tok
Bitted bp tbe oeoecil
After tbe a&7
feraece at tbe H. R. chuRh and. la tp of boadlBR (or more rtaa the portbea new eoBatrp. (Rqneat eaaee price of the plant atote *i^ tbe
a of realdeou* were lae^eed,
Mlowloc' from tbb mornla*-* Record,
u ebe wae
. broochl low oootecl tooclus upon rte point.
with all elaaace of people wbicb deA now pbaee of the water work*
eeloped la her aoeK-rellaat aatata.
lantioo bM bma lotrodaoad bp Cttp
She attended eobool at Albloo (all Atleraep Uodfc. That efliclal *UtM
aad winter terat aad Watht camHera. rtat tbe dtp caaoet be laded at tbb
oalll^er (atber waa appointed prtald. Ume for more tbao rte aortal panbaM
lac dider of tbe Oraad Traeeiae dia- priee of the Campbell apaiea. Mr
IrieliWbeaahreaaeto Traeeree CTtp
tbe dtp ebarter to
la tbe fall o(
that aftaet aad emutrnee it U
Sbe Bret met EoberlA- Campbell at
that propaellioD lo bond for
TtaoMae.atp. to whom 'ahe -at •railed
parefamie prlee.
la aanWe April M. loot. Tbepapeet to Improre a preepectire parebaee, It
eirbuea aoatha oa the farm la New iUwal. Before rte dtp eea be hooded
Vorkitbe old bomeetead of the •
actaal Uaaafer of the
pUalaait flret be made. Howerer.
after the dtp bM aeqalmd rte plant,
then rte ceaadi bM the aalheritp
laltvl Uie lamlljaorod toHortbaoad* to prmide
pert where tbep boachi tbe TnTerae
Bap Betel, riaoe called tbe WaaKatoo,
Ihie coaditlon.
aad wH^ ba* beooae a popolar-i^ make no dlflecnaoe when It eoe




Sewiac .
UapaetarofEleeUoa.teBll neaaep Bla Smith aad Ida Sebleral-T. SHdlep: (aU tars. Ws. H. Smith,
BDlarrtlnmeBi comaUtee — Uraee
■aster e( Board
Obattmdoa. dllealc OosaAer. Habel

Men's $1,00 Panto



Epwortta LcakM Ooaeeaiioa.
fare (or roaad trip. SetlApril
> I>KlLt%CO.U. y A.


Fifth Wi
WWd OamalUan—Wm. H.
r^EJtaE Han 0. Hovaa.

Grate ralae*

$6 76. $6.60, $8.76.
$10. $18.


Sa^ :• 1^

to KSu.Uuu. It la a coodilloa tbal eoa.
(roau nt, and we motl meet it lo the
• bbi:.
Haek^t near
BMt practical and MtUtaclorp manaer
ajLTVor rR*vai
Keerj eilcaaloti aad ceerp
aeraaaeal lapro.cacal aboald be. aod

adrpkUa aad the atme»e»ted oi
need bp Baaaab. l^p A Co will
Sea.«. Uedla.
HiMbir Ooaatp fhmahtae - E J. aeedMaMtUlnC b^-

tMofsIs W Claaa^ i
W. W. .Fatnhlld. W. E Hooa. Gee.


Worth about half ecnla M maeb.

mV- *■ C- ItefbA. *■ B *«>*■• f ^
Ibaw. BUpb Baatlbfa. BerTaiiBpeoe.
W. B. Bbaar. Fraak DUdak. A. B.
BauaU. E B. AUpa. Chariea Beaala.
E i. BaMloftkp. J. Epaat. Fraak
awa. Fraak Trada, Oiaaca Hand.
ItanTt Hnaa. John Zalu.
ToUnc apOB tbe propoCltloa V
Ate'Bst \V. C
—8.C OarrowErerpoae
T. !.■• wa» orfaalr.rd'io her porion. oeeeMttp of certain Improreaeati and
AUnaa-Jamm nUlatt.
iMwaelor o< itoelka-A.H.BeaaeU after an ^ddree* bp Hrv Updla H.
aad nrerp alderaaa recoc
Bolee of Oraad Bapld^ Hr*-fcapbell
Mawbw «( Board of BAeatlA'
nUee tbe Immediate need* of rarion*
made preeident and aereed a* anch
a Foote.
portloM of tbe edtp la thl* rw
loraeeeral pean
nhall bare parebMed
OH^Ma teOoaatp Oeoeeatlea-S. Snt eonetp p^ldeat la tbe W. C. T.
plant, tbea rte aeeeiMip

a t>iRQw, E E AUpa. B.W.Baatlac*,
will be lakea lo proride for rte preMBt
E E Wvbam. C U fieelllak. W. O. later dietrtcl prealdeat. She wm «
Tbe prntw apoo tbe botlneM
Foata. E E WbMa. A. B. Brown.
proximate l-.OM a pear.
T. Allboocb not a ebarter aeaba
tb»t *Bm In iwalf will effect a eonaidertbe Udle.- Ubrnry eeeoelaUoo *he wat
Itebbr Oaaaw OomatiUa*-*
le doec
fean oonnected wItt it and
rte prewat pear
Hot wbeo tbe plaat
a aumber of la execnlire beard.
Third Vatd.
labnacbi the DecseMrp oiepe aboald
SlBoe the time of the. Crneade ebr
be takM at ooce to catUlp tbe deaaad*
eerred la the tVomoo'* Cbrietiaa Tea
W. Otaa, F. C QUbdrt.
of the oBtakiru.
Vwaare IV
tXiff to CIV OoneeatiOB — Wo. ioBBtpordUlrVilnre*ldoBt For elerea . While there a»p be eoae wbowUl
be laaeaaeed afaiatt rpltnc the bond*
E Abbott, t. T.Bsakah. W. W. Daaa.
peart ahewa*preeldenVof the dtairiet
bp rtecoadltloa relaiod. rte rmall *
Id which ha borne WM eilaatod,
tornlac down the propodtioo Bo*l
la the vtb. 8re lo tne 11th and lonr la
CMCfallp cOMldered
the inb dlitnet. aad wm tbn* a aea
nlUon ba reimted tbe dtp •
ber of tbe Otate board. Ba exeentlrt
. which
abllllp WM markod.
would Inrolre an oi
bHl. Frank Walton. 'W. E Smith.
Ibo brictrtert woe
far (reater than the ec
Fraak OolpE Aoka Rallep, A. B. Oaok.

OoaatabU-W. EA

'“lH, M J. Tad-aa «d -If. to El.tb ^
Tadaita. lotala OUehriafa add to Ma>..
-------------- ‘ L* .TbK
Speer aad wife toBoi«<!e;
..luti. am
O. Beader«>o. lou tu, zi. bl
Baaaab't :ad add—
rouodtrio SeU Hardi
----------1 taro su
abiblUoo State Coa
(or roaad trip, del
XnoaraeOnp ma Wi
Betara :ii.
below laa ItatonbeeaplaBaudael!-

w Borklata.
power la tbe piaaaat pleat to pat
Clear Fort per bbl. a.
tbe water aap wbeR ia tbe dtp
llBlW. Tbe prlee tbe arbitraloet haee
aaaed (or tbe proeeat plant It a rte- ahortOjtPork^^
eeeable ooe. Tbarc it a taaadaoae prefii
to be made la operatlaf.
^ inrataeaL (roa a baaae.t point o( •
a food uae Tba aeceatitp for tbe par«»•««« n Toe writer of tbU,
la eoaaoD wiib aaap olnar cUitroa, la
a ttroap adt jsale of Ibo But tUp aap.
pip, aad woold be Rlad If tba eould be
reaebed at ooee.
It eaaaot be. at It
would aeaa aa espeoditareof bruu.nou

Saa. E Oriaa. Cbaa. Beak. V.Pet-tjrl.
Hra. Caapbell bM beeo a (ellbfn
A. It Baobaat. F. C. BeaaaaA.^F. B.
wer^alatbol-Blonanda lopml,
Walter. Ckaa. BaaaH.
^eartod worker la the ebnreh for

Men's Heavy Pleeoe
liined Underwear

Men's Top Ooate

^iVI'* "* **'•■ “** ’’■ ‘ “ *'■ “ ;cart7.'u»ber mTs
EbUt K Jaalaaea to Plopd B. aad


K. HaOop. A. K Oasarea.
IMvataa to Oltj Ooaraatloat-J. W.
KOUkaa. L. Babarla. H. Wlaala. »r..
E. D. Oaspbatl. Uoo TUai. J «.
Patobla, K W. Walt. U. C. HeSatt. C.
J. ttmK. B U iUaaos. r U. fraU.A.
W. BlabMd. Jaa Hereble. »■ Uarlaad.
•J.UBMllb.<».P.Oar»a».H.F Nortonp, J. A. Lefaarar. B. Irtab. Tb« T.
Bataa. C. B. HeH«bael. M. E. Baabell.
*.J. WaUaaa, 1 O BtrdaaJl. Aapoa
HeOoU. W. J hirkar.B. M broaa. C.
W. Aakloa.A. W. Wait. H. C. Dedfa.

Dm ate twn n( a kite, onlnm
Bl Mtoteun. BHlteaa.

20c each.

e* lo' T » S. B 10 W-rr -

BncbaB. aa'4 o
B 11 w-Aisr
D. Ckspball aad a
(Sttlr tu I»r«n MB »OU OB th* out-

One Lot ol
OhUdren'B Snlte


Real Estate, Loans, Insaranee and
muonic Block,

TrararM City, Itlch.


XAS3C anx

oity fbofbbtt vos sals.




■MiebataUtU tteanrfMoi*
farShwiff mBam. TW bOM
balaBMM MxtbaBMt. bMOM lb*
dwaUiacr of Jake Parkd
fret a B. Dednraf. TW |>1m
tW WUdlot wUI te (vokWd b;
Areoluet OmM.
TW mMcoeo of OoraeUM Hofloo.
Uno and a half BUM fran of «W dif
•Md«aU03^bT flioBlUi aUlBOM
HoB^ afteraoee white Hr. aad
Mn-UorleawareawaT. A Und oaa
tba bocM at IW ttBOADd
UeebUdreawereallat hoae. betthr
lee Aefeoly tbaMWr were
aaable to tan aertblac aad felt tWm■elTM to Wfartaaate la BaaHarwlthTWloMoalhc

•OBM la HkbHaa will War with
friefaadMrrew of tW death
-T |-"'- Hta. iBeladaH.SUBe.
oeearred tedaj. DaceaMdwaaaa
ed ace aad waa kaowa tferMCboal Ua
Bfala aad wldair over tW eoaeu
the -Hotber of Vobm'4 <3aba “
Hr*. Woaa waa dlatiaca iabad
bariaebaea aa laatraetor ia faleber
for woaea wbra tWr
aotadeiluad to eellecca. aad w>t tb*
tbr daiiae of doelor
of ahlkaeobr bf tbt Ua.tmKj of
Hiebicaa She waa aa «na • >r trar.
cleraafl a wHtar of raetca‘/ >d ability
Mrt. dlMW Barried Or. J. A If Stone.
KapUat BlaiaUr. He baeane ereelBot and abe prleHaal of the "old
rmoeb" of tbe euta aeiefraitf." wbleb
afterward became Kalanazao eollace.
the Sret lattitatloo la the weat
ia wbleb woawa were lancht blcher
atodlea._______ _

Wdeea at Iba C>t/Opetb Ooaat.
inh. eadertbe aatpiaea W
:bortA. Spae.aIpae|Bra'Bade to Btke U tbr miat'altranier
catertalaiac aeer c>«m and it <.
to^leate er^ryboir taat atiead>
aeton aad apBiten a>e i-wV
Uleat that Trarerac C'.y ewi w-li h'
proad of. aad a eery AdT procraB ha


flat we teal.

OnaiBC Ca -tWr rMU
m. V. KaM-taleftwan pkrVriw

wukMw Bw>. an a-adr u> >»< •

flic Haaunc Plant-

IfTiaeaiMCIty people eolaloporobaae the preaeat water work* plaal
CbBpball A Sana will ambark la
llaa of baalna
IW eUetrte licet plat will
to a Bora ^teal artim of toe dty,
lotprorad.and la eoanactloe with it
wUl be a hot water, or uhaaal beatOf plat wfalto will hare a eapalty to
(apply aeaiy baelaaB bnUdiac la tha
city with boat.
Walla ayileoB are ip oparati
oaay eltiat aad with c^aat an
Tbe Vraai adrataca te (bat |ba
muT ^luaii MU ai. iacef Ueailrabaalaaa or mi
ar.SawB MU.aim poriioB of a dty can be aeeoBpltebBl
IroaaepelBtadataoeal laB toa
aladlrtdiBlca do IL Tbe ^toa
obrlalB tba aaaof fernaeai ad tbe
apaaaa of Jalton aad crcatly laaaatia
M a> >tr i„.
totdacarof Bra.
Tbte ola wUl depend apee tba dlyte
ibair plant, bat If they
■tooa V«l add a new aad roiy daelrabla
eatorpiiae to toe city.

c. »awa«t.--ar.r »>.we

Circulation this week 2.250


(aw B.




ant death of Hia.


1. rivtr it


at 1- lu.^ »t.*d. trie

t --tl. .h!,,.-.- I*-W th-pt-vj ,* (r.«„ twnlg thnw IBcW;,

i ,
’*■*“ *"*■ “ vlw'ti- t.»T- ZSI- rrlsbouinal c '*
m.r> Ivngili. »Vii
r& and«SOO



*«"» «ba abore aebooi.

ly eateeaad ia TrarefMC>iy. waerathe !
Price of parcaaM
Baefctr Sssu a Sebbar.
baeeltiiad She waa penooally kaowa j Hayer BaBilioa ealiad aa laforBal
tOBBayaeBbuiof Jie Tiateraa City ] ameilay of the
eoead! yeatarday
bealtb byaaarlom loo* ircubie not;
WoBaa't Uab. wbo will daep.y foci; aftcraoda to talk oear tht oreliBiaa- aa iricd Dr Kiac'.Xew ftiecoerry frthe loha b> tboetaadi of iatellaetoal i rlMof tbeprepoaedaetloaoa tbe watv'Coi
beel'’m3iciaa I nwuM^lof
; work* ((aaatiee-the Bat ' .. __________
tine tbe
Improramaata lor Park Place
frepiralloBt arr ia proyreu tor rcry
OaJlaatbe aacewarr aoana for toe ' Tbroat. Cheat or (bOC IroaWe whro
iBportat inproramaau la Ur old
part of Park fiaee aotol. but yaar city to poraac to prorlda »or boodinc ,
loctt. a
aadtba aai
1 of toe Mod*
toeaari waicoapletaly orrrbaalrd.
latoed for
rooma aalarped ad hath rooae added,
aa wall u arw carpelc. The office.
waiUnc rooB ad parlon weraateo laI toe city for more toaa- toe ptircbaae
prorad at a larva apanaa- Tbe ebacea
. price ol toe eyateBwoald be lU«al.
Vhat'i Tear ?aet Venb'
aa toe ebarter yire. ae aalborily to
Soaeiimea n fortnae. bm nerer. .1
with tooae aide laat year ai wbea
buad to laproee a properlT which toa you bareaaaliow complezica. a annflatefacd will make toe betel ic
disd look. Both palebB aad biotebea
citydoea aot yet
--------■ ---------- op-todate
toa contract laade betweea toe illlace oo tbe akin, all lint of U»rr Troohir
and third titon
Bot Dr. Ktnca New Life P-lia yi.r
arery way •;
and Hr. Campbell toere te no p
C.ear Skie. Ecay Cbeeka, D'ch Con.
oftbaedd pi
be campietely
eoatcmplallac boodl^ lor bi
pIrzIOB. Unly .----ceatanlJaa 11. John
allow for larrcr roomt,
> aad h K Waits Urn, sior»
lad other aitraciiea addlvlona. The parUtiooa dirljbac tbe
pforldaa that the coaacil can' borrow
dan of reoote la tha weat
moBey for toe parpoae of axtenaloa
wtac wlU be ramored
aad lal
aad iatproieBaet. bnt tbia eontcopback farther oa toe .aaat aide to allow
latea a plant earned by tbe city not m
tor a wide ballway.oa each Boor, iho*
proapeetter onrehnae.
allowinc apaea to relarce the roomt
'Tbe aitnalion. aa coaatmod by Mr
fadac Park ■irrel aad maklar It poni■>.>dce. la that to.- conneil cannot la­
bletoadd bath rooBi* aad other coa_____
the TOWnc of oopda to improre
eeateaeac. ThewLndowa will be.imj’^ wa»’^
Ml II CiAil.
ptored by larca pUte claa* pa»a»_ot ^ pnrehaead
Bot alter
totoj^hnl aad aew «b^P«U--ill b.


ir- ■

I be beaded u effect wnairerr imp
iplcto plaoeare ootyat ready. . meat the conacli Sadt__________
bat they ar. balac draw, and It -te a. | ^h. .-it, .tto,ey alw, adrfnd
paeted that toa work will be alarted
eooocil that toe ebarter rzpraaly and.
early aezi week, ft te eatiat*-ad that
clearly provide* (bat in v-iiinr to ratee
atof the iapronaaeat wlli be at
money by boaeiec only oor pollloc':
plara in tlir city i

ad- lltv r-nwH briMltr-te- a nUi-lv. aud w«-..M trnlbfnliy
rtbvrfi Slirbtflaa.

Sl-ouini; wMB<-



It dtaa l Balter b»w
murk or bow intle
yoci pay for a oor*-I
11 iso-wK( at toa waial tine the ctmlarl of
wvarln*. it te *ooe
■‘Creeco 'Coneu Cannot Break
At tbe WflUt Line..
They rive to every auvieavat of itic body
they retain their ebaor. Sisca cacunar tbe
ezeloetve ale for tote eeetlor of ipe --CrvaMproraeu. we've barn aoelacrKahly enroraed
at thte avilinc
elorn. tiiad


whi..b .-.Wiiluoar the »uuoort of
oC ihT^U

the 100*1 oumi nr ari *at>*'aciory la^rvary
way te tor • HlfAii-- <i I) WAIST
It a
laanr of fine Sauna neatly eordod. aoft p*R a
oMt. witonrrove bnuoaat toe '.opo< clap
We now carry tow watel in toe ehwt bip
rraeeh env Ttitoe walate bavn not only toa
(antarwpecnlinrto wateu. bni tbay baea al­
io toe nyle and rradr- of a parfaeily modelrd ,-or»at. Wbiteand dab.
................. $1.00
W» oarryr tor
ll FryrteUaod taenan HateL wt.h
are *a faaiUar toot ll


Wr bare a toe
what Ueii II. II

T>t 'MlAtwtT b Pet^trtioA >&akAk

And laet tor celebrated S4/.4fl*rB WAIST,
for <bi.pres fro* ; to ir ynan.


A rrry atlraetire aad (tnoc lioe
we are *faewli.y and eelllaA (aat at


aco a atanda ao today. <hrt -s. Model Porm
tv ma^ wrth bleb tHBI or drvM form, m
vbaped aa to prodorvamcefn: 6<arr. ue>P'cially rood fwelicbt fifurew, Cteo bawora
with or wlthcml tbeebonider
^ , __
(trap. blae'..drai>aadwbite.fur $100

j-aaatrappad. with book.
white, drab, and buck
. .




•iklt IkiWTitATt £,a4«

fine fioteh. black. Arab aad

&(fvt \9

k™™.. £.4,. lot

aoA bottom
and dral"\Dt Triit OuTMkucA


tbeoririaa] Fraacb prore Parte
dncuoB for Amcrieaa 6(-


Our Savtqss Departmeot

tbr market It te made of
book, hvr nipoaconat wall
e^ at top. doable eteal In


-ortet by whi.-h we mean eate.


.,f m


Tbt. ibt. bOc AA& »V.OO

‘K-r.v-: :■

Y.-OI1C Repnl/tcaa
ol tut
the cay
lelltooichlto lake tbr aecc •
set In toeoid Kairbleof P/toioa kail
Wauf Worka Value Flxnd
(nfyacihjii to eobait yh- praputaioa
Monday nlchtandcuntDleledtheuiranW arbitrawta wbo were aaca
to bond to-ibe people, aad it te intend-:U«T0(P»ttllW It raitUT«I<tr CHI
[•tettoo of tbr clnb prepoaed two wrwee
detorBlDe toe ralaeot toe water
tro. Toe Baae of iteorraoiitUoa te edu call a .oreia! election for that- a.a B»i.. Prka plaalof B. II. Caapbril d
pvrooae wiibiit ten daya. Tbte will
to be toe >iraod Travoae Vouor MrnS
haea eoBplftod toair work They water work* •luettii
idadad tbalr dclibntsaona Satnrday
b- f-w toe rmrrml aleevion.
Tbere waa n Lartra atwadanra of
rotaiaeot yooar Ben and amonc than
the ^tam la worth
Tbia daoUloB waa reaebad aboat
deal of entouiuaaa wi
(Difeatod aad
eloW aaA tbe reaalt saaomaeai
Intertat ahown -aaeura* aa intrhUa the arWmton dlflared la Ue
Bnaatial aad neelui errnniiauon
Acarw open aose Baaetial pelala tbay
snatitotloa wae adopted. In wbleb
Saally CABe to a eaaalBoai t
itaadlac IW eatlBataa of Hr Shay
ii aid to Wee baea eoaddarmbly taiffa
drcMad that tor acopa of iheofclnb
artbaa tbow of Hr Eaftw aad Hr.

Hot Pills for
Cold People.

Head. Ttetwo latlor waradoear-to
daeh utfcab dya-a tbaa W,Hr. Shays.
D. OaapbaU atatad ta tha tluuu>
HW Balw OaaipbaU tall oa tbe M Sataiday Ibat white tbe at
•aParkatraat while rauralhc ^
waaot Mblcb aha bad axaactad
T—lay eaenlac aad taealred eerloni aad hoped, he weald aUi(e by the daateloe of tba arWuaUaa
8^ Use act) be bad cina the
tWeMeaelJ. N. Hartlaak aaSletaatly
dODaeficaa atwhieh ha woaldeali
tartWateektobaBoredla Hoi
tab That price wa Pto.uoo aad
<W Blora waa opaaed Taaaday.
tarlWparWaaaof a

iBadH low. eoatiieriiic tbe'inlo ealoa occtalOBBl by the
eaaea la all hlada of Batarial aad la
laat. Tbe abora Bfara the
roeadl did aot eoodder bat daided to
aabmll tbe BaUar to arbltratlpa.
Tbe Brw Bade by Hr. kattor
report tbia yaar* a(o. at wbleb tbte
plant eoald be depUalo
tbte Scan la l*»T. it era ataud by
SWoOoenoltbaTeaBC HaS fie- Hr..£aftor. waa talraUBata at the
rmtm rtab wlU nat tbia eeaaiac
pla aad ntatarial te now baaad
l■tWeHeabfPtae^aal Craa %e dte '

loed toTrarenc Ciiy^
bot to iorlnlr Ur enUrr (irand Trarana raffioo. Tbie decteion wa> arnred

The new .

lid ilka to ber>BM idaoiierd with made from the liest known remedies



B. HeHnUaa. B- W. Baattan- ^b.

tioabecallad la tote«lly at me early
date for
.fliUrday lor a trip to t
'iBaeloontly earrted. aad
. Saa Aatocua ah Oall
axplBM to ratora by tor laat ol Hayor Feaak Bamtltoa aad O p. Car­
- April, wbea aba wBl ecu-py oBaaa in ver of Trarerar Oily. A-S. Oobaoa
Uraot of liarSeld
‘ IW aov Praab Pdadtteb block.
and Brory Thaeker of Whitewater
reta. appelated a eoBBl
11 arraacaatrate for tba
After adjanranu
liivd by rbooainc Frank
'BaBUwovhalraan. and A S. pebtoa
.... .................................
Tbora waaa BaaUBfof tbaCIUteaa'
tbalr d^ibc
«(tbelr'^ibaraaiyaadWardaoBteittoan ia B He- brteSyaafl,.^aaBae«(
B( w^toat toe eoavaolioB
br called
ivaolioB be
HaanraS eftea Satarday Blrbt ad u
neat <■
toU alty aOBeUae batwt
WhaldaaHoadayaeaaUf.Hareh le. tba latb aad aO'lh of AprU.
tW ooBBlUae to iatlte
aW that tW CHteaoS aUy eoerdbUoa
boom apaakan oethe rood roadi
•hall be hoM n Taaaday eroalac.
.(Matiae to be praaaat aad to aztaad
. Hareb to.___________________ ■
an tarlte^lon to pfOBiaeet nltltiea of
OMteBOtor Hadtaad te haatwlac the
-•'B tobapeaaoat aad to
1 laaMllar
with tba rood roadaa
• ^atehias toabaa are now balBC pet a
and the atractare will be atlrely
Aatebal baton IW adjtaraad aaaUac road ayttoa
«ba baer t


cost yenne Bepabiieaa*. Tbe appoiotmeotoflby ezneuttve commidaewai
dafarrad nntil later aa that toe prenldant can look toe field over, and in
order weiva BOW Ume for nicceatlon*.•OC adjjQmed to meet nezl
After toe adiniromeot tbe club
marthed la a body to Fork PiaSe hotel
to BCet Secratair of State Suaroa
United Staten Mamhal Waecler.
awaited tbe clnb.
they arrlree
teama bad tailed to pot in an ap-.
paazanea Mr. Wbaeler. bowerer. wa«
there, and oraa warmly rreated by the
The elob aiarta ont with a She armbnrablp. which 1* aarc to doable it a
abort Use. and oadar toe moat
favorable aa^toe* The memberuhip
Ineludoa atany prominent yonnp Repablieans and a pood many wbo arejaatOBterlDc intoauBood. Ilia toe
obyectof toe orranl/ation to toncatc
the yoiuicer BOB in toe prineipiat ad1 by (be tepabllean party, to
the pebbleai of national import

J. Tnmnr bad a toot badly erMbad
atlnteriotoaa Monday, two losn eoalac ucatoar ia aneb a way that tba
-ar waa badly aaaabad
Or.Garoat oataad drtoaed.yta Injared
■r.aadit tetosnebithat aspa-


Spriiij Goods ate Inmris E«t( Oa).
To mike looni for ooi ooosull) large petohases are
coBlIiee selliag'mai)

For kaoiliet Week '
The prioes ere sutprisiagl] lo*.
The iiealit) srttprrsingl) higli.
Womei's Shoes
See s Shoes.
—p>-rfn't fiikinc aitd niylish.
s-J.UIh pair
ii> aiel #2<ai raluns not
• >n:y noliJ atHi donbW. Iml
eba(K-iy na wi-ll.
rat) a pair.

sbo-a. DO

] atylM'.


As much attention should .1>9 (laid
Xo tlic sha|if of the hat fitting the face
asihe head. A man with a full face
wants a' differvnt shape than the tall

! "StittHfits


$!.!■> sbovte. ftlii-rl. and taa
til], kid or nilk'tops.
-*>0 n

XbAfsl queer •taiement.V** never truer
The ••CempAny'e*'of today ia not tJhe "OompanyA“ of laat yaar. or ouau Uwt
fell- At)d you know it is the -‘CoapAuy'a’' bwjauM it ia not a lakt yaar*a atora. Th#
oeweat. moat eosaonsble g-ooda conatenUy’ arriving.' Ttie bMt of ovorything. and
pricee that cannot be found (AUlt with

When You Buy a Hat


at less Ihan

00 Bi<d s:i..Vj tUoew. ihr-v
can l>P had in hisrli kid.tau
CAir willow r-adf.
teollvatherr and in ibv n- b<-b1
forini fi*r SS .'iii % pair
£1 and $:L-V> tsln<a. ua<i<ill llif. popnln' «Ua|>c- ami
Iflhtb'.-ja.^ UO a paur.

The Uliose Raf


In the difierent- sTiades of
brown with darker of ftO Kr|
baiid-'-seiis at........................®aO*UU


The Coliinhia Stetsei
■\ nii.Kt popular hat—1 h<r
t\ idc brim is just the ihyig for
a man with a full face—tomin black and light tan ai\d

•slf. il-.'iD a pair


I'hf great -clirr for this
scitson-'-made in black, blue,
ixrarl. side nutria, steel, cedar
and otter—srlis at Si,.50.$i.2f $1 00

to ait pair-

Bors’ Shoes.
^1 r'ni liBMl sliptaara.


Childtei's Shoes.
t.V valove. all aolul. '>V.
Wall made, wail abaped. aery
jcamhie >boea—irapoaaible to
itinl ttetteronta to wear—T-V-.
•-.V. #1-tT a pteir. ■

Is a change from the golf-


' III Sizes la Eier) lot
mwoti-'inui alwv*-. bat

The Gall «al

Ilia'll rnt «lioeefc» f>-w ikrir
wBipIm. #1 T.-> a pHir

ually banl irork for
p&re-nts lo buy
(or Hitboys—-banl'to
find u-roti
vewriiu; skewa nt any priwhard.-r lo liml tb.*m at lo»
pri--e«—tfci -to here. $] rti.
Imy-) hv^
rdirtea Ibat Wr-wr and w«ir

Uomvn'a rolihera I5*cand
Chiidren’a rubber* 15*c.




f h^ netv Yachting Hat wmII
sell for. the same moRey. T


The Co«ha) Hal
-And thr Planter Hats have
a grear sale -made in black.
gray and brown, from S.v*^to

Spnag Cays'
Nowhere can you ^nd -so
large aq assortment of new
cai»—made in all mannerjof

FaiC) Caloryil Skim
line of l>cautilul skins in ..
solid colo.-s—made lo match®!
thc-utsidi- 'kin.sellsat__ ®Xe/0

Blach Skins '

The 1900 Cnishei

»»m.- of the swelle-t liaes of under-'kirtK we have ever placed on nale—A
most carefully select^ stoclf lo jidease
the most exacting. -

Blact Silh Skins



Underskirls -

""n,'!'the latest'hap«s. The
rhc»< are the lincst ever
bl.i\k-zelis atS.:. $2.50 and
rhe^l’earl Stiff with eitficr^^O Hfli • displayed, and are the best
light or dark band S t-Q-j'

K pair

»! .%<• .and »l..Vt aUora.
-slid [.urtlteT. >li)"a pair

Halt te fixed It waa th> aeaae of toe
aaellnr laatnlffhttbatall Bapublittto.
flaaa of ace. ehoaid be adaitud
to toe maatiaca. It !• probable that at
toe next meellv a definite ontliae of
-work for toe near fetan will


sol<l only at.

that tote eommiltea (ball eonatet ol one
-bar from each ward, three mem
ban frofta Urahd TrareiSe eonaty at
larra.aad'lbree membam to be eelacV
ed froaadtolaiereooetiaa. toa to-Biitlaa to be daairnatod by the clnb. toe
oSeerato be mambarvof the commii-

Afur the adopUoa of toe cavtitatkB tha lidlowlnrtiBiean were eboean
Fraaident -Georre H- Cmoa.
Vice fraa'.dent Japl. J. V. Mclouabbaeratary C. li Sberwoad.
TW Oeal Dteb Oo. ha bacna ntBslaf
toeed Ro^ Cearantioa.
Treaanrer -Leon F. Titoi.
tW ataa plant two baan
raap^if to Hayor HamUtoaS
I'poa Ukinc bteaeat FraideatCrons
Sally- TW oaapaay ha
•Uan. thara waa a cood a
race a abort nddraia oaUioinrlbaob■m artel fa i
I tlBa aad aifbt daaea of fartaart aad eltlanna -tiatanlay Jeenof toednb aa provided in toe
wak te aaaaaary to atoh ap.
ftaak Oaedrte will co to Haw York
taafawdayatoeloa Ibadaalfortba
aaaariydato. Uao-A. Bobertaon of
ante e< tM04 aoa af Uahar laadt, the
(larAald waa choMo cbalrmaa and A.

to baAlit.fKKb The laod
Haaw owaad by the W6 E. Dodca P. ilray of PaalayOa. aaemary. Mncb
interaai waa Baoileatod
An hoc
waac^rea to toa dtecMaio
-Ptiak PrtadrldilBaalnadybareB to
tba oamUoa of rood rooda. aad toara
Mean hteaboaawA late hte aw aboe
fl to be BO diffareaea of bplaioa
atenadjatolartba H«b4 blak. Tbe aa to tbe Bacealty of work in tbte
teMH eamplatadaad la alow days
ifaayroodaBcceatlee't w
riaak wUl W randy (or badiM ia the
(da. Atooar tba apeakaea w
(Bra. Frank Baailltoe. A 8 Dobfoa(L Sayler. W. B. Fife. H. D C
bdll. Or. C J.Kaaalaad. A. 0 MeRaa.


rripiw;- ;

icy watm up thi; syst
d drive
-a. ehown.toat near Ute;-Only a Coid"
lias proven
proven more di
I" has
elly. oauida tote eonaty. paruenlarly
other ailment.
It is the prevailing idea ;
ia Lealanan eounit. •'------ —----------- '

igth anil cure it:
iotereatelCwW will run its length
;self. bot-if negie4ed
-tic Bepublictni
elaiffely cecterM m tfau city, whojis iiiprc liable lo develop
•vclo] into pneumonia
Pills a

aWBAUaief lataal. TW aatiac
wtU aha Dlaw M T.M o'clock.

L ir

M. ha



. Eatanaiaewot at Aiehw.
TbeAftshia tcW. dW-rirt-Nr r.crf
whlrb HltaJeha
cdtatm of ibiacity
la teaeaer. it preparlac <o plte'ea e«
eeiWc p-'omB. Fri(!ar.'M«'. n-.
Bablc I.
ae ol at
tbte e ty. w..l reader the^^a
on the profraa, whi.em few eelee
will be tepFlfrd by the prpila ol
eboc) Aa tbii oeeatloale ibeebic
of tW wia^r UTB Mila Uray. ^odT}
Of aeboolt. will preaec
iberot pupUadsbb',

(Sw well known aad bl(b-1

daeted by A
HlUer ent:]
h>Ml atraB baa eeiarad tbe Bra. aad
tbe bealaae wlU beeaetter be kaowa
All of tbe iBprDeeBoata aad additioae to baikdiac.atodk aad astareatbat
an BBBOaaoed. wUl be earriad
eat by tbo aaw Arm. Tbe alore will be
eloaad tbU weak lor Ibat parpoae.

CoTse\ ^a\,K


\\ f. tail your attention te a
line of black skirts, made
with )lif(en:nt widths of nif­
ties that will t^e great sellers.
Kun from
di»an to__


Marctrizea SaGie Skim
These beauliful goods sell
on -tighi-'-are in plain colors
ruttlesof.liffercnt widths, sell


Spa Glass
Something new — a ready
seller—comet in black and #! *7K
plain colors, sells at.............. ®i*fW

Fancr Ruffle Skirts.
Hain black, whh fancy
sinped rutiles—these arc the.®! /VM
popular skirts—only.............VX*VV

Fan) Sitiyte Skim


These arc the swell skirts
and arc the handsomest on ®! OK
the market—selbfor...........W-L»^0

The Hannah & La; Mercantile Go.

temenl daima be bopta ta realUe from.
bat tataade te yo ia tbe eprtny witt SI
the yn^ nth W Itopc Kom. wbUe m..................
aad ace te tbelr elalme ,------“Ird at preeeeti
aad yeu COO’
waotare atpentm,
ao BBch ta feed them after
ly a hiyb priee hw the deye He’^
tbe aaatemiau of tbe ledlaa* ^

Gentlemen’s Fur Goats,
Gentlemen’s Fur Gloves and Mittens,
: ^
; Wool, Fur and Plush Robes,

‘JS £
aa Friday
Kn.B.SbMdoi. wbebM toMtWt-

A Flmdirt Attack .

H. A CoUer ralaraad fiOB Obto lalt
Htot Ida Farraaidaeat Batarday aad
^Otty. b>lon tenw'ar Mrbo-c weak. Hrt- Oalmr will raaela for a
ty at Nertbport.
laeh iaprorad
la bealth,
. K. Etaer of tba United Latberend thilki abe »111 toy Ohio ellBale
aad (be Broi.
aad OtFarraBtDBda a trtp to Otdar
HtoaKetUt dtoftlet to
ear Patenee of Nartbpon wereOlU'i
CUy today.
ibare to ao aehool la Uir p
Hn. Totten wat a Maple City rtollar
n iMl «M ot kto benM iMt
Sae'y Tbylorof the T. C. A L
0. attaadad tbe railroad mmlnr bare
Ualto Hiller to baaa aow; tba hat
OMa UfteMI ud TMv ^
baee rolay to tebeol la Ba^ra.
mm bwtM TkMdfty.
not feet of left are aow
Ibtar Kathryn
decked la OOl'e yard, aad ibc taw
City oat day
____will probably raaaiBe operaUoiw
aboat tbe dnt of April.
H. B. nuMea.
Bdaa nama to warklayla Olea Ar
Tboa. CaaeaS bae raiyaed bto poaiBert Yarrow went to Klb Bapldt to
tloe with lilll Bioa.
r faairttar is I•<1UBB tot U>« work a few daye ayo
Hr Johmon of Canada
hat arrirtd
Hr. aad Hia. Ltadlaacy of WilllaBi"1^Mr taryapealtlatardajremBlBcaad duehere and will remaia with bto daofbter, Hn. Bllow.
day ■with Hr. aad Hn. Archie Brewa
'Hit* Mary Uoltoo aptnt bar neaUoB
W a BoekBof BarkarCraak»aeat
.1 Port Oneida.
Ser titter Oara bm
Hahel ttoiorday.
Nearlyall tbe atm It
her miUon ai OanaafTa
Md tolly «U1
I tsatodays.
Taaeber AffaUer and pupllt o
Houdek dittriet raj >yel a d.-lrt i
U B. Blekerd ieava bocae afew daye
teboolon Tbaraday'.an.
A Bat pro
W. a HridyeHiaJIriByotrdBy w
prepared by ooc Uachcr.Hitc
After ibe profram both
ecbooto ckerciaedia cpelUBy.
Oaa of Mr- Beatoah
Arable Hoaroe drew a lead Of hay »o
Eyalar of Houdek dtotrlel aad Hiu
Pny A Ralter-e eanp today.
Miaole Brown of oordtolrlei held the
Uoek lake leat Wedaemlay.
betb parUrn were eoopen '
Bayly Uadarlcaf went to Tra<
S Oebom to baallkt loyt from Moa•U
Hr. Md Hrt. L Zwk aad datvbMr
M Ceatra to Deck Uke.
HMM ww* calto at Hn- Sorrii' daaW. B^y weal to Elk Bapldt Sat
Some new nclybbon bammomd laic
dMarday. retoralu Hoaday.
the Morrell booee.
Daa Hartnaa to alapflat wUb Ura.
Hr. aad Hr*. Dwifbt FoIUttof Be!Sebaol will eooB beyla at Wylia
Tbr Home Hlnkmary eoelety
UIre are rtolllay la the aeUrhboi
Some are pat^ ap >n.
fire aa open meetinf Friday ereniny,
al.pmeaalHr and Hn. Htton of Fi*bar-a UUl
d. aa miitioBary work.
paeeed ibrooyb here yeelerday.
■artoan Bryaa. »be bai baaa
Hyroa Brldyc and Tboa. Staee arc
tm aa laa«. to abmt Um mu.
haullay alabe from SloM'a for tbe Wy- day and BandaT i
■ra^ t> Taylor wool to Elk Rapid*
alek while there
Toay h'lacakal yot .bto bead bi
Weareyladto weieom Ur. Kabila
Rosald Bl^d left SaUrday for a
We are la bopet be will quite badly ^wbiie wOTkiny la the m
a ttotar Joalerto- few week.' rtoit at bto r.raadpa Etok- attrloebcB
Dr. Fralick
erdkat Lone Tree
NImeakal hurt hit eoyer while
k la tbe blackemite
blackemae cbop
cboi OD
lodlka V le bkk beea bkaliay wood at reark
day Ian week: he will not be able i
0 WyUe.
Bar. Hr Laraon of Haatotoe preaebad
work in the etaop tor a lew da.rt
'Vaa WliaoB tianad te Ma> York tbreaaerBODt altbltplaae laat veek.
W. E Coatee of Mllwaokee w
MH rrUar, whan ba will apaad tbe which were well aK>reeletod.
|Hn Yaeol Wyltotoelek.
Tbnrtday E
Hllet Oefroonto bkellaf lomfraa
HiB. ^Ila mm to TtaiUac
iilay mao te Empire aad found
hto plaee to WyUe.
tnlnoBtlmpamble. Uewatal
a tkaa________ ____
Hr. DalltoaetkaM
tarday. wHI be burled at Trareraa C<iy;
____baun an tbe road yolay from I
a mltor ia badya
to Eapire.
AcBaebafeb, Ibt dnt fuaaral .tarmoB
Bcbeol cloeei here nett Friday.
Joba Hawiboma bki fotnraad ta
Hr. aad Hra A
a dram la Tra*Hrv Hiaale Blackhuni ef Weiford
Bar. D Taylor died today •
mlltd oa frleadt here Ult moralny
... Lkdme-Ald will
Tbit ittttd blow I
way home from rtoltlny her p
Tha Ladtoa' AU aoetoly of Bodya It to bar father aad haibaod'e liillette ibto weak.
at Baplre
■aaM wiU Hca. J. 8. Bodfaa of Fife ' .this Imtbaalt
The Htoaee Lva and Beatle Bmoum
« boon.
She bat
yare a party Hooday olybt


Ab attack wae lately made oa C. F . brya.

‘ :k
' yet 10 ’ime
leme becoold,
be could
aeiataop wit aulyrcat paiu. eor *1S in
a chair exa
mpt pFc^ped by cutbion* .
dy helped bin until ue ir.ed
Billert. whirb eflcclcd lacb e ,
woodeiial ebanyc tbal be wriiCK oc
feele like a aew maa Thto marreloa*
medieiae cam backache
ikacbc aad kidney
trouble, pnriem thef blood and bui'de
np yoar
year health UbIt sne
nnc n
Jobn*3B*and B.
' E Wail
> deny



Ladies'and Cents'Trunks and Satchels.

m- .


! bave a fine line of Fur Coats and inrite jour, inspeclioo. HaterisI,
workmanship ayd durahility Knaramet.\i for these garments.
Remember mr line of HOrse Blankets is the lar^jesl in the city, and
> the maai
■Bdtaad nciytbor*
■o kindly
Ulnea* of oar belored wlfr and titinr
we deaire tacxpreee ear *1;icere <faxck>. -mThe best Tranks offered“'for f’:«0. f2.7? and'i?..Vi.
AnriM u I,*F*w . •>
Winter Cloves and W^ittexts at all prices.
S*»CM. Knr.
Bpj.i> Ki.ii


El IWtd tbt aaryiet*-


All dretort told Reciok Hamilton.of'
Wett Jeffetaon.
• ». O.. tflcr tofferiDy ir gZ
moaUii *
die Bale**^coeily op^tion irai
. g—
Kacklra'i Aram SxIti-. the mt :n
tbe World. Snreat File cure oa M*rth.

Whips 10c, 15c, 2,0c and 25c.





to 6H,p.ta «*«.». n :Front Street.

March sirar - “--------

Ni. ri-raii.lT..qiml.



Before Bu\ ing

To COPO • Com ift Om no,.

C. Oederttea bat a lame bom
Obarlay Satebltbaa, wife aad babe
Wmiatd aalmk atoler from Tneerac
tpeat Saoday with her pareau la '
City Ttolled with him Bunday.
( Hr. OoHald'a iaai plan. '
A cordial larilatiae ta ylmn ererybody to attead tbe raeinl Beellay
ObarMa Walbara baa iarmd t
Hn. Etobardtea, oare
are bettc^t thie wrilli
Hn. Oarid (iraeotooi tbe alek Hat
‘^i&aot B Uett to eufferliir quite b^Iy ayalk.
Htot Lena Lanton tpeat ^uadiy with
<totar BUloU aad tolly at Trar
Hr. Adaml aad Hr Un are patUay btr parenu
am aay apaat Baaday arlth Uapacaato
p Ice from ^>e Goffield lake.
Jeronu Bobblaa wai borne with hto
Tweaiy three at the prayer meeUay
.mily a tew dayt.tbto weak.
. roltrOoBHdeautoMDa ftoaQHar
t J. Uae-t laet Soaday^rcaicy
lellyloot aarrim i
Ballf nraabattaraadiM
leetioy wUI be held aett kaada)
alKlIltbOok't. Aeordlal
derwood and Hra. U.
H. a wi
Hn. J. W. Um-i bcMbw. Oharlto calaaded to all to eome.
eyed by all.
Browa. of Cedar ba. apaot Saaday at
Hr. Bardy to la mry poor bealth aad
JamnSay aodwlfa troa Lawrean
hto eynare failiay ao feel he eaeaot arcTtoltlnyfriendt and ralatima here.
eeeaad raeayelrt aay emaahan dto- Ibeir formnr boma.
Hn. C- B Piaeb of Tramraa CUf
«MMd baa aacaala, Hr. aad Hta. /
Wanaa. Mao dayt laat mab.
Anbar KUBarry to bam troa Otdar
a to rtolUac Maadt
Marl Bill to b«
«h«a ba baa bm'
■to HaUto Oarlaad to ^ariac ftOB
• aad AadfOB Cbrrall i
tota ftoB Bact Bay.
«to Uartaad to bom fete Alba.
Bobt. aad Cbac. Oariaad va baatlay
Imbar from Bait Biy.
iahB WartcD. brntYinB Baal


DM ot Haplaiaa. 8atardty.
tWa wee aaaMaol bare Friday ao
aaoBDOt at tba faaaral of Hra. Arthar

iBQaa. HcBray
Omr BIttooB to bBullay laabar
torn Ban Bay.
Hr. imwto.caator ter tbaCteriarola
UmbB OernDDy. wm mtlay loyt
Hn-Artbn LaFayeHa
m Haen a bmhaad. am da^ybrn!
•m btutben aM eae atotar. lather.
BOaBr. toeaaaao
tea* btr. Bha wUI be____ . _______
byfMmdaoM ralaUmt. The foaeral
__ _■■■_____ , -t tba boaea, wbare _
MmaBOBbaream la parfarB the laat
•Mittm Be*. Btalb oHdalad. Tbe
(MMlBmla abaryaot W. s Aadarma. Bam etry Baa Boral letrlaya
Cmb tbe I. a O. T. aad tba A. 1 C . ef


Htoaea Mayrte and Lottie HeUnry Si
3beeter,Elliott aad laBily of 1
wriiyrtolied Saoday at hto fall
thto place
Charlee Wilhars baa pemhaaad
aewloy maehlac.
Hnt all are Dearly dou haalloy
lore from thto plaoe.


We are sdIfnK out our Small

Tbte WUI Inwmt Mitne,*

lo SAVt

during’ lanuary at yreal reduciiims,
(•iiitars, liaiijos. Mandolins. <-U ..


Saallae eonniy today.

iler, (or
Tbe aalt of Kelloyc aad Foele:
-malt and battery, tbal watadj
ad Ian Stlurday uatll Tueaday a
o'clock, wat eallrd and adjrur
ayain oa accoanl of tbe abaracr of
allay ftlilny lo nut io an app
m Iben ibe tall wa* dlimiated
T. F. Yoany and Cbt* X.mtek*l-\uib
ptrebated a aew borte inTraTcru City
Johnnie Tremalne't yoany

.:.d ;-.i„./: i*"



-SucJtas Violins,



Or.m. H. Caiiouiy|i«m. IV..,,

T. r. Yoatr'* new beaie wUI
ready for eecapaney.
eoldlen were aam<
Hooday. It belay roacber inoucitoytluk-.i.
Drpba Fralick went to ^pemlih tbit

I le W.»t Front Stroat.


The Original.;;> J. W. SLATIR, House Furnisher
Can Furnish Your House Complete on Easy Payments.

coar to ritii him frvm Wtocoatip end

dlay blm rood by.
The yoany people
j lyed a, parly at the AyricallBi
!uib'^ ban
Tbe rurilt reftauml at tbe bold for
tbe patt week were et foliowb; <,eo. W.
Holland, J W I'tlchln
. 'L "
-______ I. J.
a. HlyylDt-TrarertcCity. Kurt
liood Harbor; Cba*. Btmmt. W
F. Otepmaa. A R Haner. Cblcayo; »
W. Farraot. Olea UtTea; John Btrkr:
Cedar; F. W. Tkjlor, Ueo.- tiray. B
I. Leltn
Butloot Bay V A. J
I. nica Arborre C 8. CraBM*;

EiCtirr the lick Meal < ' .Fealatular Steel
Ktcyn with l.ien wtrinleyi rea aad aloe larye
rcecreoir. comslcte for »lo
o»cn of rc»yr»oir for f '.‘i

E. r. Bay aad Mr I
buloeii trip to Tran
Ttaay expect lo rclure I
Hr. Taylor it better. Ue nde i
town latl week, but bat toenrteb
band y
Ur. aad Hra. Loudktof FortUatida
etolud at Hr. Burrott’ yetlerdat

'.Mdlffcrealatylee of niDtay Chain tram the
Bp No luojmtlike
eolld yoUa aak. t
•tre'ctacnilB front. «a
back, caae aav
Wvtolo. ..chain
urer l•.•..lylea of Koekert. all pripea


wlita bw moiber.
week. Ur. Laird
io tbe alelyb.
litt birthday.
boaatlfal ;
■Bti wan yima____
Wm. Triplett hat tXa quite aidt bat
If them btiBf aa almant roM _____ aad cntler oat for
t loyyiny
toaeme better.
«lelyb to paa* The tac
wa* qeite
Him KllUe Brewataret Aaa Arbor
deep aad bto bora* eiarUi
rUuy op auddeneallad oa old Mead* here tael weak.
ly Uppad tbe catur aad
id l_
. ________
him eat.
Arther Dma ^aal SktanUy aad
Bto baad elrnck tbe iocriay ilelyb aad
tlm wat raoenad by all prtatat.
waacntqolte badly.
J. J. Laa^ ipaat a few dan of late
Euyaae Ftober cam borne Sttarday
'aak at tba depot while Hr. Portar
from Nemiakel Brolbcr*’ mill, wbere
took a abort Taestiaa.
be to Bier. Heeard that Toay Hen
kel. while tlaadlay quite near tbe i
^ Mn. EfIoF vlilted E.k Raptde Hoaoa Satnraay. rcactaee ont bw baas
Knctbiny.tllopcd aad amly fell
Bom Baaday. Hatak 4th. t
Tba date wf tbe Haeeahee play
tbe eaw. Bli baad weal la belweea
l*n Ml a* Hareb
Hn. Frank BataaU. a bey.
:b S«
toe aaw and dart board, cutlint
apaatBueb time Cathie pity aadtTto
Jaa. Eltowortbef Tnmm
Ibronybtbe knnckleaof tbraefiaycn.
taft to aay It wlU-nocb the blyh water In tbe nelybbortaeod HoBday.
Or. k-rallex wa* telephoned for aad io
Bark of Other ^ytylma by the HacB P Barm aad C. U. Barm weal im tkaa aa boar wa* there di
ioTrmrtrae Clt* Hooday.
the wound.wbIHi wa* terercly p
The hot Ou praAclad at the efllare
Mr. aad Hn. W. L Friak riciied
IrellOB did hot mterlaliie Oel of >s tbelr daofbter. Hn. WUI itoe. of Elk ' Tbe flr* ia Hrt Laayrieh't
that wat mauoaed latl wMk
olee eatl tae aid etteera wee aa eacy. Uka Saturday nlfbl ai
the farnitara..
faraitar* of tbe
letory of M atralybt Uekela. There
A Utft Bumber at the HUlea Oaatar ouratd all Hr*. LtayrUk'i cietblay
jataerer bate aeoeyb lalamtabawo
uraafera ale mum with tba Elk
axttptwbat abt had os 8be wat at
Id tbm eieetloat. or rather tbe eaabar mother'i bom la the tarn yard
eiiaea Latl year bet 1< eotea wera Uraara Bataiday nifkl aad rap
wba the
wa* teaa. 8omol
■ Brc

of tbelr
ea*L aad aaly. eee Uehet A little
triad* mt anadaaet Haterdaytra
awakealay will aotAort at.
tey^tej^d-t ball far tbelr^beaefil
Yaear Tbbbeier dli
Forty anmber* wera aold ai
Ittl Sttarday
tfitr a
a aamber
loDC aad palafal illai
r Uoil t
re.Nor. 1. IM«. at Ttmr

................... ..
». . brat* ball*, only *. ::

Larye liae Of f^ebte from tl.ts Dp.
. Cbi-peto. Hauinyx. ou Ootb. Baffa. aie.i ‘ wa
bf ee a larye Ilae.
' LDpye Ilae of Plilawa. Fgthwt. and all
kind* ef beddlay.
Utotacu of all kiada. DIadar Seta ToUat Bate.


■akin, Bt
lay. Sht waa married
. to BearyTabhararof

Mr. aad Hit- Earaea Maher rae«tad

r^ed la'tMtr'eaUm^^ o^ a ^e Friak Wedaeaday
year, wbea they emlrralad
Amarin la tbe fall of IKfl. tbey


Oraad Bapldt. Hi
Itrt. wbra tb«T
they r


with Kla. W, L
• below rtto. Bto addrm
Fort Cadhay.
jodhay. N.
S. W. T. Ctoaad*.
from hie le'ter we eboald ibtek be ai
" aiaBldwm
1 d won at or aaar Forty Hlle
leaat their <»lmi were. Hr
Mt t
he repeata.
P- '-I. wMid
____ jlee
fotatm tbaa aoyihloc 1 kaow of. for
i am Ured of allay dried eteff I bare

iTStav MLTwm

locntwood tortbaum^.
it laritad.


.. ss.ini.'rf.' ■

red' Abooi two yean aroebc
tt aa Wada
tfflctaa witbariwaae wblah,
Priee ltd
at the btei and eel akUl. tteedUy yrew wane aetll abe ptBrd away plyoapaaterbmlary.
at bar bom oath# iOlb of March. 1*00.
Lmt weak Friday Hr. u« Hra. Bd.
Bar btaalMal ebrtotlaa akample
' Buior bvied their UtOe Mmblar. M
aeatbe eld. aad aa BMmday the m- _______________ _____ afm worktoy ...
Mtoral teoatte lUaklaf yoaarayav
aOfbodltopUBtmkaMhL Bm.B. U^UtU teMralt ^ play oat aM

mmff .........
• tkagtoad of tbatr Bather.

Frank Webatar aad aUtcr,
dririny oat from Tnrarm City Ho
day. met with qalle a bad aeddaai I
■ ■ ef
left etrikli
tbrowlny Ibtm
- '.lac tbecoUar.
Jy iejtrt

or t,)K<:.\N do not fail to
StK U.S. it-you




Traverse City* Mich.

W-i ru ^


MiUa Brot. hrt buyloy t few poutaat
from the larBtn
Barry Uadaon of Alltfantotberneat
School tocloaad fare abort raeatloa at bto etour. Hra. Plait BarnaB
Hitt OtrotBlar reuireed 1e bef- bneu
Tbe Baaday Sebaai
la Trattne C|ty.
well atteaded. qalte
Hn Otttlat ArtJip aad tout. Erria
Hr. Atkiam aad hto aam. Barry aad aad
ibrt mry tick with tbt
WULara oaUtacaad dtawior
Hn Addle Ulbte. . Uearye Taberar
B Bakeailunt tfOood Barbar.
Joba Barber, wbe bat baaa rary alek _ad.W. S. Uilleite toaraaaaay thereL. aM T. VtokaMll latllad Ualr toe wlU tbe Btatlat. totiDwIy iBprorUy
npl Tneem aty rtollora
toMO vlU toa troB Tcamiaa lake lau
Bert aad Oearye Oardser. Jim Bar
waak. TkalMtoraportadaobaaMot
aad Freak Bboeae elarted for
M iaatoaa Ihtoh tUa <raM.
taraad boBt^'purid by WaakloytoB leat Taeiday.
bto wife, who auebdad biB dariey fair
Ure Tkberer. wba bat btto nSrrlay
lib eaoatr for aboat two ytan, dlad
L. VtokoeUI bat porebaaae a
___ > oecoed terltc of uadro i
ittt Saturday. Faaarel aarrien «
«aad ato»«H«
yirra 1^ the K. u. T H . doted
bald at tbt retideoce tbli afterni..
la drtU of Fmrto A Cbaapacy of dayoTealDy
Htot Jotepbiot Sebnlit Tbe retaaloe were lAkeo to Ibe Ertrla to aew prapartd barlnf Ihr laryetl Dumber of r*'
wot awarded^ pr-u of two doUan.
rea aoaa
raof the
Tbt tradin' Aid todetj will meet
aad oee daaytatar ta a
e Im of
Widtba^Sara vabl^ ttaair Uad witb Hn. HcIalMb.
a fallhful wife aad t
r tolpa M Tbaaana Olty
Tberd wiil beadaseela Kurt'* bbU
Salarday eraaiar. Hareb ITtb All idf toU


ad Id aonqae.
oak. No. «7t.

feral *ty!eu. «bI
white enamel, a
r ttyiei CbiffoBice*
t, t drawerv for ten

No. xwotk. jaat li

Ittllleelltheeld reliable BADLE B^ole.
ad brat wheel soda far the mafew iriivaMoo ' that I wOl
pel thto y^«tlrrxoa
aad e
elea tham oM (ar
They aw the Umat baryalm oeer of­
fend la blcyela*.
Oocaatoad ter iBto wioto

J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,




(k^ Traverse Herald

Mon n«bUB( <■ AMU
Ub<m. Henk lA — Ar*lB utivr
tfMlBV bu kwan la Hua AtrW.
vWIaraM»«{»*aa> ve .HH •••«
9ka len» «f Uuwal K >b«rM k*v.••ttkeBon ecu OraMutala. a»rt
. Mttae theca hacA after a suare eha.
■ - aiet. Whu toe Bure ratra.ud, there
■ vaeaoelaaaeda ae at tNrpiar Uruve.
tor relreat «■ e-’Aerlf aef »e I


The Buia held a etreoglj iDtrteeke.i
poaCtMM aad drfeadrd It auhtwro-f.
tot toeert-a
-are hroke toma»u
Ito aeawr. the ceanaad of Kel j
tear ludlac. aad ibe »jart were

eRAin):ntAv«B«« anBMLLP.titAROH ib, i#oo
"srsii:£l ‘

h k eoa of tto OEM atottoali


lie «a

dkecnniiA a b’aM
Irl'it aan moard - d.'t>bato«***The
all fruien asd oo eater wai.

toaaa tto acm diteh


Tiie oSccra Loatudrd ;be


bear*' aanl arotk u-lsgaitoed
la two dltfercoi lailera r.t
banAoloeia, rctaa. tioui u.-mbereof
toe tiu iafaalrr. «rb> prc.»..J Agi aal
do au cioaalf la the ut Lu»
oooK « tbr atorp teat a w. aiher of tbi
ragimaii. wbo fell M-blud -LI., sii ii
toe BUia. wat allied ard pa.-il]'. a-e.
br eafrea. kooae aa Vgorolea. a trib
I. qaeea'a deealoa in •larlefaV

iti. B. P. UctoUlMar, at Uan-




•u'ar aiiapproaoiro. and dual

fro oon^mIhto^^wmBg t^u..'-iii for i



hlVii. Trpirerse Cit(. - - Michigai.’

* ‘'r r.Lcrg

Champion Dra^ Saw Uachlnes. Electric Circular Saw Machines.
Battle Creek Horse Powers.
Champion Hor^e Powers.
Speeding Jacks.
Steam Power Outfits, etc., etc.
Also Threshing Machines

. ' .

At tbe Harness and Carriage Emporinm.
127 State Street.

- •

’"il Eiamnalion. Free and S.iicilr Coelidenlial.


tiatop lariher bloofabel
aod the bbrmaga few wct.ka age ol
Tr:ai«y.^»iLortlat cbutri. at Cbicafo,


oltlnenma SeJical Instiliile Co. HiiskegOB, Bet


'X’x'a-v'OE'erie Qity,


.hr v.tK-racr kiBa
,-rrdd>'« cbiio>.'Maa.qQirt. ueae....
| ,uf. mrajwi. h^nmc^.'A-'y Inilr bw..
parod for tia rvoaplloa.
[ aho hj.» aoa-T'.ov.j.y ro J:«';of Ol'iii-*
Bo r«fen>>By af euded Ur rrmo.. I maraeu-riuiu fn-n ttoa-aiul* of pirid.
aL ttoiaa tolhe .lio-w, of‘
Itaarr, lar orUiati p’a.i ■» i.arrblai
.rrrrirrd froB tba l ullrd Sutra iu l-'.» ;
tbrragh tbr mr<Untii of th- laalla waa :
qrarly (I .vu.Aai. ' It ia at Chrlatiaat;
uirr Ihavtbr lartott aoina arr arpl i-ui
r <h.. f'ul'rd K'alra. bcl
.rmQ. U go.^Gie a|. the yrar.
t. Ulek . aty
• HrMilfv-i,
rr.y boat ^U1
^aa.iirrr a«d
how'rl trnubl.a^
■ubUb^ K-C.;


Ballot U Hm-mc
CoiidOB. Mareh lu -ururral llaUrr la

Tu trvary*
rT.tbh h.xrll
. _
ato for'
U.W ...a W.tuk Hairi:
tob>'' Ob the Bove. A dwpatob froB -Salre, vrr ! kpnwpa* a r»'i« o earr for '
aad tola di*-a»rk’
llewblr of
Blgfaiabarg. tor nain catop of tor
Botoe. autaa that It.o-J-B-lilah arr wortolaM^rd^l^l^IrlU They .awjaiaa^j'.^
' tbraauGlagtor 1
dMetiM of U-lBBakaar.
USllfe'Kirly ttpr-a aiwayri
»earra/llaairrk il
mi relief, rare toy I.aadaebr 1
gripp*’ ThrygrpiiyelraBar,
.- „">ratr tor bowr'a and l.rrr '
Thompaon, i__________ r _
‘ aakbara. bat II la aald that they air
r.' Harriei Kraip.; ILoIdalr. Ill , ‘
alraady uadlag tbrir aioraa to toe
'.w. "I uerrr k.i bi r^etr lay chil-1
laar. OBaaralJoBbetapuartto haee drea from croup .'at Cure Lt aalpc Oar
ald u'.i
u-l fori
fari I
tohBdHraa^eito to uhr eharfe of toe «.Botr Coogh
„ Carr.
aafrwilbootli.wareflaaat Brrtor.a
Irerr.o W*f U.,d., grippe and all tbr
Haaaatorlaaallribair kia actira partly nuvaea. F. C-Thna,pa.M
M tbe allend fact toat br baa lot'
Brr W K S. n^r. IV. Cakloo...............
feetoeoBlrel ftrar tor Oi.-anAra ard v«'tea. •f'had-dyap-paia orrr twrnty
aPBfideaoa in toeio and paitlylohia yra-aann trjMldoetom aad oHdlriora
arllb to paab prrparatloaa fur tbr aeige wiln -ui brnrflt i I waa. peraaadrd to
IFyacptuCorrand it briord
Br fr.iin tor aurl. 1 bri.rar il to ba a
na w oBm It a6ahl< to eoaStm ranacra for all k.'«.«of ladigratina."
toaraaenal tor rrllrf of kfa'Bkiag. It difrata wbaLypu cal. AC Thnn.ivbaiiatoa oplial^a<nji^alaba t«r.
tned of ballrf latost'Ttire^! wtilbr , Wb. Ort. Nee . ..u.aata.'^'raeT
-r frrl laf.. w.kl
.UoaiUay •flauU-Ooogb
. few day*. <•
. Bffaeted withui a
A cormpond.
d.-at at K orfefnaieio I
la-r.1 mlrl.ifeirr
mlrl.ifelrr from
from .. ^v.-'toVak
Mlrto Uat tor la-r.1
II ..tbr
m-'k-far m'ad’
i.tbr bral
- - •'
■ ram m.igha' and aC luav d
Jtetod la a eontlaaraa
tlaoAua S.
S,-rc' *'''
nrdiatr rebuilt t
'Mat by tba Hor- bealaglog
bealaflog f.:
f.itAW '
Sataral r porU hkehAr-rranhr.1
rraehr.1 l.Woa


kaHlag of too
fatb''v wr.b woh.irrful nwolly.
. I. ... A
ofeomBaada IlU-alitbat
«»aaa^iavadialrWllef. ia plraaaol^
Saerga Slawkrt Xlhllr .. gorng to uh-^d w iruty ibr deiprp-ir'a brat t.;tue
frirnd.'Vayaa E Har.grriok Orrriar . kaiwh
MoratBartto aaiu-u- m«Btud.ifto.
l|:p,..tA wbat yra rat
fereaa aadar Kau.-rr. Hrabaai a^.l
OaoMBt. whila (Jaaeral Warr.-a'a o.r.A
• A-uIvln /’laBrruu If'!
».i»r -raccL..,.
ton will ]Aa Lord Boben'a. uu'ev
.arr • Aaa apr»d<rura foalaagtbaaii lueBgua that prov-d a..
. rr-upaBb.B*« Uroat Unr
.'uah Carr Ip uacqa^lird
AaatraaUbe at Colsaao It ia ragarded
Mllhely ibaitoadupaUb roae-rBiiw
y *r •rrmend it V- mnl-ine." it --thr ^ui^e W.Sop ABrBRUf PWCAOaaaral Wblula rrliablr. iB»<murb aa naly haroilrw rpBrCy' toat br>IUATu
Htald that b«oab«a of aaalority B.. iBB.siiatr rraiil.k ft curr-brocctalilr.
and tbraaland
areald not rcatlala N'aUI ondrra u
o '"n/
gral Mallar.
V r •:
TbaVli UUwtelretlnBof tbr Bv.r>
rw..- o-.,i a-.a .^r.
(MraitBM Baw
kOSahaadaa^ e-r'n-ii ]
__ .............—-------------..a;e diMf;--a- ,--------- -. -» a»
ore. ar.
e.tkweri raain-el.' ear—' a* we-, a. r-ue
XAMMtoK MEP. er > .<
iaooryarldaat- grafer baa rwiarard ' Tbe'Vl.An aad tihor Erp..rt:ag
J B Lewia c« . auk
twuaU artwe tka. mul. tnra jv.ra- J
ka.-;-.-.' aaarr al rk>a'-k'a-MM. -e'
to tout city. Ua will be tollownd a lOa
iatoTa."whb ablppiag toorr
Sy Uaatral Jeotwri. who will bw... ei- gaudadii -l bi relaileTa toaa aor otber
taaalra ferildratlom torta
Ainwdy KoatooB u.ifactiirrr 'Irt a pair at
M.^naatlvw ba>r barn ae- u work
apoa tba UebcMathat ans t> pr.itrcl
nu UL^IBATIOB OrXBS TaUB- .-kaTC pr—- atjS^r-u la-'w^uw: liu'
tbt Rrar eaBlui
It It aald that the Hwra pe, p-.-par
iwa aeair.o»l; u i-*.rw Peril
Ra^rara jacw-k a-we a—ik.etag to forilBr yrt aa nhrr bo.:
toa BtaaBpWoa Mat Trrioria a
It la roporand toll they a-e ar-idlng
t aapp iea to

.^74“,*?! m-T-'V


For laiutM aad OiiUra®






r“.......- —>


woman's i^amre
Moiher's ftieiMl

trir oWcl


.-A.i *>or Ak<
<‘-atr Bel

k'.re ,r.a—rn.»ci


Kamnvro Luiojin'a Body

Eumiuiioii el Taclien.

Ia;ea,c3-c3_-u.a3?t.e3rs for

1;:, r

8p*iarflald. III.. March 10—Tnarr
ualat of Abrahau I.OMln trail a rriBlijet
aaw mtlof place today, lo to • rm- -a.-d brariLg
' 'if fj; ' '
Mnof toe truaten of the naUraa! 'Mi.o dera not cart :t.) more fo.
UatoiB akURBral t he roagh bra 1..- -barebn tban'lH-dura/.tr barna. nr h.
I wuuld obt Irt ihcD barn up."
Moaihg the o ®a and euket of the (01
Ur. Booa.>rU, to- A.t.of
oweta' pr>ai Icut waa rawed frisu

Successors to
i TrayerseCil]f lumber Co.

wofiieJt free of ahargo.
Her nddreao fa Lynn,
Maos. The advteo mho
gives Is prsetloal mnd
honest. You esn write
dreoly to horf shs Is a wa.

laat tsoeaife. ;acio( im lo.lea: alaoei
bp Baift faoalft* '‘"'ttBciri or.
tfaeoorikof Beibalie
Otebto. tenlA. OaoHto
a large piala beiwtaa toriD aad toe uialp body of
Poaatiiia MaduUoa.
Boan DOW boaftOBUDf I.W Hohuu.
Aaablefioa., II. C. Mtreh I:.—
Wito lU acMultaa activilr.Bikr ha able The aanate today b»««~1 Sraatoar tot ratrut of tba bargbera Allca'amolatloa rr.ieMtlBf iaforsa ouiaod
biebataaJ cut
oaDtroaUag kiaiMral Oataere iloalroB toe prealdeat w to wbetoer peared
Hriliab ara ia poaaaatioB of the aayaoBiBuelaaUoB bad bean raealeed
Hre. Aaale Bat'
railed from Batouiic to Bloeuloa
Afrieaa rtpablla, burg. i-a.. had beea tueeeb'.raa f.>r •
tala, tu Jaaetl.M at the Pra. b«ie throagb tor roltad Suiea aleiater.
ioreral yran
Her eoc-OOiIlllB
lIlaM. aud the cold n .|
eapIlBlof JOaaaral tHtaers aad Lrrd qncBIlag teegoodoSleaaor tbe Halted eauaed by
Kaberuwil. baasattorolavery {eri Suwa, looklaf toward sedilatloo or toukatmyea wbitp-r sne ooeurd a>
B-r Lnute aod caior bo.'drrlr ■
Ibtematoin. If auy aoeb ootDBaalea.
Br>. BaiDer. irieo to
Uaearal fiDllar'aacoota. followldg the
forgetilay .be ba.1 laathrr.
It beea rBeelredttoe HeDau laki
Be «a> amar-'l tn.hnd that lb*. !> ■
railway toward Uirratcalto. are rapon '
lit by ue
.UJ.W......-0. Whim nfer.fii..d ...-r T..*m r
-. ■
ad to ban loapd V.i. ITieLeut para
■oera l. Vc
baliar. toat the ■
Oeea rea,-r.d, er.0,0. ,r ' ^.
aanp'ad by a airoag Free Bute foecr HsitAd tKatot goeereiBeet 1% tulBg lu byfrlgbl.aad that brr roH.-wMl>r;*'^ V. kamataof toe relief of Mateklag gooloBaea to »«tore paaoi b«weeBi““*"‘*''>'f
| *
aaaUoaelorwralate. bol fail of any clreai Briula and -toe. hjato, African ' —
rr|KiWle«. Thu baa a rtUkeo Ibaabape :
iteneralWbiu la ekpenrd to rearh ofap
I a pros-r
tet loadoe Ibuday. aod u la belierrd
to will baatra to tbe froot to laaagu
ralaa detuBlaad unpalfa all aloog
tbaaoetoara froatler of tba Uratige
Kraabula. fa toe hope of e'etniagou' tbroaat, ItcooH noth.- rolBGleered by I 1
... to ! <
tba H wra toera. theo Ibr I'u.lad duiea aoiii
beacUpULl . to bolb be.ligrreou.
aallu-a dalay a> poetlbtr lu II ora
- K«t *be railed biaiet a.gfat nry'
prwriy acl a\ an iBlcraiedlarT to:
IlH koowa that K-ofer aad Biryo W’wRill aa appeal tor peaer and the: b>ai.>
htec'atda odiVal rapraai otatioot far
The Cnilml Hutoa baa »u .cotofuilj I
r-------laaTrporaUoir roadltioat of ie
aecjved Ui^ia.. easily .u >he patl. not- dlpiedaaee aad aaocaty fa ton orapor
ala. taadriitioo to toil they haee ac




___ ________________________________
ia Purelj Vncetable. and ia tba oslr •
Ito^lhbd «»OOCUto to |


^amtot <

11 ‘

ff mU aUteg OT BaftaT^

fng weman ooiM ha muata
■■r to undoratmnd how ah.
y aotute/y true arm the
BtatemantB ahoat Lydia £.
Plnkham»B Vagotahia
Compound, thair aaff,
' Inga wautd and.

rut .-are I
rlfli't aafrtr.
ataraa toat-lf fe tekue r laaranrlr oi*dhe«iii or.
lotoar«ra.d!ilu the total
----------At the ariamt rair ..f |.>o*r '■ l^ rd
To Oon^mJ«^
Oatarrh UU><air.llnuatoaulT<-r, Dwift'a
Babarie tooo.d be ... II.O.
Il«j. iuf..cU'ii
lol-cU-.. OaUirhUtoC*
Spae-Ue la a%aJ blood r.-n>«lt, .od Pa-tv tad
- - 1 obetinato. d.vp««ted diieaa.*. Coocoif.. ‘ tl.
.oi-Ih-Bi b-'au>' be aptei
c d" o
Whid. olto iinedi
• raaixanea ibaa the obaiem
abaiern opco. it mooiptlj nadtw '••oo.o.--. to,a. Ph.-nr-u..
Oatanli.aodneriTbnBtoeanoTBBtoei>'‘‘ “t*'* b aerea- r.... m
Boara bare toaefarauriopusl.
aUMloia tntbr laet that the
an aila» «»Bl'o»l»e beileu. H.- >tr


, e.rtM.
... aa. a..... .b. hM- .w-a we.. c
1»s«i eAki.vt Arm. ATi.'t ia»i- uokTN-


I sate he-’
> of the t

10 .be capact attribolrd bj iLr tofts SofeU fat" the
Kr.l.ah oma- It la Joaroe.; tba. ib
" .
ItalUi. *..»eromrol had nallj. Ik. i. €W «1W OatmUy*

dletaif. ud efler tuaklot anr tbt Batier. 1
■aa n waaeanarDoaUa
locnMnidWeaitd to
reonUM ahlafc obir
i^h» ibr aarlaor. i



o/ thm
o^mmm hmvm

B»«» «a.r a*.i dom. w

>ao> toe ))■« uf.
N b/ toe Hurt
lalacraa to Krairer aod M'^re reaaid
Ito tb‘* tuiur. aud al* < re:»a?' thnr

Odoeral ci.taoreat Ite'l.allr UrUre
•add MBantiap ll>>'Ar.dpe aopi lArli
oapatator Ht-ea lo that
taaea tooHntUh f.wcaa. Aa-ro(rl
Ittp. .huu bord Kobtrt. »e.t ho


m mmmmmmmmmmm


aftto whatatto spaa ft. Striffa

toned to retire
bard Ktberu aeuru hr eerioealir

- .c.*r'■ l.<rd



Tfayerse City. Mich.




-■■'*:* .T!?S1IHSBW3F

MBUtP. mao 1>. two.


Mania rd Haatot Oty. non Halle

A* I doB'lUor t


at Aiahia.
Aleoto Daley
Lake AbbUUob aad
Sloa Saaley of Cagaleyaad KaU HarI Uag Jaeb^ of tomBlt C«y.
, Thebuoramtolaiag BaU aad New
' Hartaaa'a mrdi aad buttoae bae ooa*

The Kind Yoa Have.
Always Booght.

raWlllh. KaU b alx yun old aad
form of k-sd-r H
. INratwo
DooBBayope kaow wMre
■;Uryli*c' The poetoCoe addria g:r
eee City
y bbat Ua poatoace baa tried tL-e imtairst
-I ladUe
If aay oaa

CMS la th* IMh o( •
r krsM

-My daar." aald aa a^oaat Ullaa
._iwi to bla wifa ooa oay aa ba aad
daaly btirat Uio tb* altOac toob. 1

r «tn«t anyo*
TM Mwlar klBaatl •<
A^CataUM lirlBf
«• kaaw to^lo^^lBwiT^kir'i b«a.

«t M^k KMieb Miao our b«aAi w«n Ua** "
BlM of year worh
W« haard hit -Cos* M Ma"
Kobedr ih*
Uf* ^
aSw* aobanad th« door;
'*'• ***“ **

llaeopraoarod aod bool la o»der. baaide ua eookiaf. aod I took It all aa a
oaurrot ooarar. I joai bt»lo lo aer
artet •oaae'a work la oras wbra aar
baa balp. aa vou arr aot alwayt able
lo aaoara. Voa oe(tai '
•" "
BiA of o» tall tbo load of aU>
owaUiy allpoDO aa a
froB the weary .hoaldar fall:
Boald. Why barao’t joj madr oieaor
iBb <d ■ dreorad tha load of ora.
it Vfotr- 1 barr aot baca joat to yoo
‘AadtbacrtatihatwM likra*ai:

Aad ow ear aa>rlU a blaaaad <»1b
Tha w.fe wbo lolo Ula la attar yaaij
Bwaot la froB Ua taaoaraaa.
Aad ahraactk waa oaia for toll aad U bB baabaad'a cradlL^at dowa with
bia aod for Ue Brat UBC »iae* their
Btrrtacoooaoed her baari froaly uiwo
iB Iba daya that oara Uaaaa lo hr.
, ue
tae topie of wocaaa'a alio
allowaacr hie
It laMoaly a baadftl tatbarad ia
eiefaaaad to haeiag bad
aa a beg
To tba tItUa plao* of ptayat'
rowfal boar at —
her poaittOB
OaBtdaiaaraalradtl* aadpalBaadala.
At tha bBd of a. large
Bat tbo Lord blaaaalf *aa thm.
| ic a wertero
weatero vowo arhere
............ domeallc
Ba oaaaa to radoaia Ua pladfr aa *a»«:;
waa both aeaol aod laeoaoeWhBarar bk lorad eaea ba.
had bardlr ba*o trnaud with
* 1b otaad blBoalf la Ua Bidai of Ues. <
tlair dsriog
doriof tl
Uair aoiiod llara
at a tlBie
Tbearb thoT (oaoil
- .
••E.brt aod

• tree--. »A.vKikl^.k'.'
were weuu .f;.- yeaia and d.-tp^l- a‘ mr
med-c-nc I -«a> noable ' >
Banoab Ulraadof duttoo* Bay wrou -beck the in-uSir ie| i'—•-cure
■ aa tollowa.-Feb leU.
learning abuil I'aas'>t.K.dBry I’llla.l.
--r trill aow writoa letter to yoa a*
bare Barer wrltlee to Ue Hciui.ii
There arc twenty Arc ecbolateleeeaaoi
oor taaebere
diyaleaod we like ber rerr giecb. abe
ii^eiBd Webarc Sue Umeeati
thu wiotor.
By oor tcbool honi
large bill aa^ we Bring oar ali
eebool Bad altde*down hill aad<
leata Ue Saida, wbca Ue weaUer b
1 hare a lltt of Ue aaiar. ;
which 1 wll'. eeod yoe o! aome of tb< I
wlU a brocm. .
acholar* is *£0001 who won.d like toj
Swept Uc eauw awe;
jjlayoor SoaealoeaBb tVeare Blat-]
Taro away to play.
Bing to orgaoite a dob hCre. cieci o-jr |
Aad birdim bad break!
olllenri aad at nek meeliag *peod nart {
That wlBUj day.
of oor tine etadiag aoost anttatra
leaehrr baa promiaed to help na"
Tbw la near lilUe L>we;: backeVt
Our little poem today remiade a* of
-.ur Bird. For we keep a bird At oar letter Lowell it only foar yean oid co
bone* Uir winter, aad aerer wae a lit- of v-aiae hie mol
but tbeee are bla *ery own worda.
Ue fcaUered beaety better lered
taU to do *D.

• iae. D.p aaeb plaoe lau Bayoaaaa a;imaiag
Arraaga ladlrldaal plaiea
Bits a bed Of Utaddrd Mtlaoe. and pil*
ibe foar ploeea of haaaaa cob boaa*
faabaoooe Ue leltB
Uay greeo learaa ia tl
wlU mayoaBaiae drea

A^ bow eoald »• aak lor Bare

eland aaide oatil eery light—aboei two
boore Tseo add Ue ynia* of two egge
Well beatea. and (old la Ue well beat-

Eighi beaplBg lableepooba of eogar
eight lableepjooe of meltad bettor foneb cakee. or foor for plaia. two lab.e
ooaeof ewMlmilk aadtwoof eoar
or^ge aad oat-'ieartor otauu^B

»^*flo«r*eBoiigb uTnUr^oi aofi

■e io boi fat. half lard aad half freeb
-^1. dralo ia a eolaader. aod epnaklr _____carefully tended Uao our». We jaet what he^ld her to write
with powoared engar.
Tale la a eery
bare no cage for aim. Hit home la all. ' I am a» glad for my Senahiite b
a Ua bitaar raie. Skl'lak»c^of*aoj''bonaebold aril- cho ce recipe eod eeoool fail to glee
ootdoora. bit percoet and awlog. are ton I doo't know what to do. _ I wi.l
iefaettoa if pi
Aadoai baaria bi 1 groeB ao warB
ele. iiae a earpet few loauoee. frooi ibe
j Ihe bare boagot aud twayiag of ereryUingl
wlilac of aaBBer tise It ia Brafraade UU ii la wo
OBlail Uei thr
l"»- t*» aeed d..h la-sut new hnrl Ue kittlm any more.
baa eapeoded upoo it ao aou
ip»e the can ai
tiae aod alrwaglh folly rqaai
oil. flip Ue Bib ooa
platter. reBOre UafeUeelorr we are g>ie< to tel.. dear Bra KaUa. lam eu glad fu
all pleeee of ekla aad looea boaee aad yoa
Aloogabset Coriatsaa ti-aanor otagatee yoa neat o» I will ran ngtt
aburlBg the wool till II eomo
aoge It IB Ue form of Ue two eldc. bird—aeca.l him Mr. Cotek-tlrei via ■ we> and do ererytbiBg my Bamma to .a,
Of lU^ird-a rlgbi baad." •
the looB
It Biay be BBakllled
a SU.
WiU a tvk camfelly mix
' AaBaUaofbt bowdaaaabls afT'h'ad bat U la work all U« umr Ao
raerei, aliUle Ourt a; one me. and if I don't oo it 1 wii. try tty
Uroogb It a wall beawa egg. aod tbeo itodea
» ooly one email ilcB in ber
emooU oeer tbe earface aad dredge •Ideof Ihr houaeabat .0 Ja tkreecidee again."
keepiv labor. Doea Ue aot deaaree lightly with Doer.
Here raady a hot by baildinga and on the other by a
erae eayaiaai Wide bar board and gnddle wiU eatboiOBl freeb enet to try
To’t uttle ourt i* fall of
Here are two alee little lettore from
• Babeei eaw woaaab work io a ae'
great lilac bith-K aad tie feore I* BoaotameB. HiobIgaD.
light. VrcB that liioe tUI today h
with Ua fi>B>«leide dowBOeUegrid orerruA by a
Here came
Kroiber Howardaod I want to pie
hae plaoad a geoeroae .ebara of b<e ii
dieThe ether eldc cm bow be
e donahine eiob.
eoae in my baoat. not ae agili. but
dredged, aod It will rei|Hire bol a few
f ue .died Uat epriog
We bare three
right Aod he koo»t that I wilt oo BOBCOU' cooklBg before it will be
B ire fritter It a war thao be will If 1 raady to tnra
> ‘ Fob. Puety aad ‘iipiy. "e Bare r
Tbe Sab oaly aeede to
“A good Uwyar laarw Boay Iteat cbooee to deoy otyaelf aoarUlog I aaed beomked eoough to eat tbe egg and
I been to eehool. but we awoy at b
brown It eltfbtly —.sriwte-'.
la Ua aabooP of bamaa aatara; aad
{ tberuetAod bnebc*
. Voor titUe frUnd.
■ome beoke 1 crare. be'BO morr Uiaki
Um It WM Uat Uwyar Haobatt did of UtdiBg ate Ibao I Ulok of cbidiog
• tor iBasrta, woicB they_____ - TneHetloOirl.
.baadaacr in U- crer.jM of
aM tmr M porebaaa a uaet of load h'B for epeodiog bla aooey oe be
I bare a dear litue alater tier
wUU had biea -lawad orar' for
asd we want to pib Ur dunabiue
fbare are other Biberte wh.
-Bama of Ua paople woaiacad ,Ay
iee ebaii d**'*** »i* yrwn Old aod 1 am eorovba waalad to gat bold of property
at tboaa ineiawd bpob >e men eBlialdig | Wnat caicuwe •»» ', At oe lire ao far froB acbool mamma
aaab aa laeabu of aaoerulaty apKO It-1 bare kaewn rich meo wbo were ready la the army, aay* Ue KanaaiCily Star, lorrer ka.
hoBK My roc. tViilX
OUbb Uo^l Uat pwbapt be wentod to boylilkt eeleeu aad diamiada for
u eireolator of Ue Morniag Kecord.
mMt SSTto rS « U« .10 yt5f ol^ |
aOMlagal kaiuiag work, aad woa’d ibeir wleae. aoBetlBta far beyoad IraUta S feel 6 lochet tall Her aight | •““ !'»« o**t our. coaid tell If be
what were dwired.yet who gradging'y
I'acle FrM kiUby la in Iteuoit. Ue ia
fllU ia rad bat to Sght Uat llae faaoe do ad oat go at a lime wbeo appealed Boat nc
e goto, ber hearing cx-mllent.|
ex-mllent. | would
Taere wat a gaol deal of
comtng borne next April for Ue
.. bar
-----------------.1.. qei:k ; circemtuatiai
pointing that
tl foraUlUe mioey. The reetOB gireo ber roice atU.
r yeara We ahall be gad
•Etet’e wbat Ue owaar of tha ad- U Uat It mey be umi fooliehly. If Md her UBper angelic WiU alt tbeee |
we couldn't eay for coral
will proloog bebybool lolo
a braead
jalBiag laad Ueagbh -i
Drar little Mr Cb'ek wae'
Vour little friend.
it ieeseb trealaeBt '
w Baekeabecribera, and will oe eaablto to I almoei heart broken
He etill name.,
woaao e aaure r'leea ie r
auaaRMtba Saida CM day.
Thougbto of bllto.-BMl eara from tl 10 tod I'la day. Krerylbui he wjnld eit all neffrl op on a<
bearing K^Med andj^,;^
>iiaM Baekau: ■Wbal'e yoar claim -jkle la.the woeodad bean aod there glrl'*.aight aad bearing..............
meaenred before i
are Blgbly. Boealng. Slppaet ereatarea
hau. aayway. ae to Ula faaaar
.11. ellm girli with long
madeao byjeet Ulewaatof tmel oo
•'•I Mat.' iwpllad tbe aeigbbor. tb'epartof ueirbaebaade. 'Hie gr«r _ . preferred tor work 001 ewlieb
D,t.-tiat.ab.rtforYuonger lianra-: o'O- “■*
« J®**
lar-U-joghithj wjj'.d p»laa«eUtbc^^"*> My awtore .Car. and bUucie'
•UM yoar iMea la oear oo ay land two aatbbdBotialatlTe taalieare atwaee boarda.
Short, fat glrle oeeapy
macb room aad are not able to reach oat for him to eat. eo eie pul come' "oo'd like to j rin Ue cub alio Our
Uat bh PM oad aad «aa foot at laaat at
.11 of tbe
to each erombtODap',atoaala«iioat>pofa!«*>'«l
acbiml clMd 1! •'“•"f for a threi
UaaUar.WlU regard to nationallli
. muoUa' raealiOB.
-•Will,* teplUd Baokau. -yoa go
,ai gtrli of Iriah pareougi big bjx eupba*d Uat alito Jan o
, Kuel Uioahaw of Leland 1
•hM leataasalUaa yoaeUaadaat
aakt Ue beet operaun aad Uey an aide Ue doxr. Aftrra wjtle Mr. Co■ Ue mot.^ faood ILbaf he’fouai tui -rambia
. many letter* IB Ue Ukiiel.Igltea the
yaw taaaa oear. At Ua aad wbara
Uloge Uat suit aoaieiiBe be
yoa aoy Uat I aaawaab oo yoa two
luraad If your paplH beroar really
package of ' SaaJay aebool ere^ Sauday. wnea
Ml Ht Ua taaaa oa ay laad loai;
and I...........................

PromoSrs PteFshiMi Chrcrfiih
0^ and RcsI.CosUlu. naBgr
Ojman.Morrlw nx >ioctAL

Bears the
^ of


Amfm Rcowdv forCwlipaEo'fi. Soor SlatBACfi.UiarTtawa.
bionitfjConntewns ViiTrmh-

, nns aniLossoF SLEEP.
leSmalr Sdgnolurr of

yrw •voRK

UApr tepr er wnappca.

You Have
Always Bought.

Ciuil Ei)iUi t -luttui 8).

Imiltic CkiUr'itabU.

Ibirdaaed. Toil wa«-Nr. ibougjl Mr.' 1» »"i •iof«y.-We hare preau-aing
. Uaa girU;
fall of caret and atetaaary dstln. bet
et oaploaage. coairol Ubiek. aad he wx. a,iitp,y w- UlaklWf
Rxiii ■ c:
if Uaae lIitluBlmoaltlooiarcepriakled
all aloBg aiBOBg 1tbe reeitaiioat aod
•-cranky." ia aoob oat of a poaliioa (Wife At aoy rate, be oeeer forgeU or
bualay achooi teacher
ler Bol to be oeglet 1 labort. bow
------- ——
-be patient let. Or. iJTri bit met t (oUemira
ent Uui(e Ulag* bea the Tbe glrUare
(q Us m.tur »e-y well., 1 gueea I will n.
f learned erhieb. If BOt learned lo and coarteouc and to a
for thii time.
lag bright ana ea-lywfw,ii hear hi.
Krjm your Utile frii-B.i____
JltuM-HI'K Hxi 1 > b'wooder'ing oa: Sf tbe wiodi« tk-re eon may
aed It ia
aperten woo
«a aaa gat along pieaeaauy. Uoaboad -kmtkm
that Ua tolepboae eompaay •aaeomajnpy him ailllng np at pert at rnay be. .
girli eeery moat through ,
aad half yeanelf.He i.eo umipjw oe doiiB'i
March lu. II•.M>.
-Iha aeaa paaaad abaahed. He had
j fly away when the door la opened, and
following IrUer eamr to ;.i
baaa laady to aoaauaoa Ue old atrag- aitead to Q
hardly abut wnea dowe be Siee Hr.1
n today, and we glee it place aflla taau
a for c:
poitutgos «
dan. ligbu OB the edge of Uc.<,ur lead reqseata.’for bemg real
odety WOMB maim qalto a point ed j
^ op
a aalgbbor
aUBoad bla. Yet
a a>i»Dd: and ,
folka all
to BBoaU to be oaldBoe la geoareeity.
‘Srii^'iSSe'liJly eoMidiHl^
bl. elawa geepour frieod. from worrying a. wei
aebdow^rbaf klod:
Ha laahad at Baetott.
ig of aa ordtol to make Uair adieax ! OB a branch of a lilac buab be ,u oorealeec. Will yon help Mr
lie -Thask
aea* by aelBoIe
______ yeo. toaebar.'
-••gBlia.-uld to. that haee miat ____________
or if a borrowed
ed boob or
oi peoeli la re- to t^'koatauTaD'd uke Uelr dapMP j plcka aad pieka at It ia
®ff*a* iaa be rtquoaUtaroad.
rtof to he BiOTad aa laU. I doat
begeu Uebnaki'^ppr^iAW it. andaiwaya kaow ber<
“ Ut reqelret
r^.iM aome .tody
.tod, to do Ula
tbi. la
i. a ^
atttalaaa IWa waat eoUla'Ia remark. "I am obliged to yoo."
ibeahelidown agala after anoU ' kfier wben-'to come for banahlov
.tefol'miDDer It la a mare of rudo' '
rainy day aa Be did Ula tim/
when wr tbiak of Uem it ie Ue liti
;tad to attomi
motto; Tbe otbkf moraine we hoard him; U ia raiatng -i«i»e bard bei
Ulageof life that aabc a* bappy
a ae Id Ue o
MU'oat etUe
. •“‘'“•W awfnlly
We went to the|w> I feel a. if i would like to
Ue oppoalla. aad UPChore aboald leacb
reqelroaaomeUingof exper idow. aad there, aittinr in bm nlnte. aanaalnc elnb. Weil, I am a great big
Ult fact »e koow that It U a rale
that paople abo become eraaltby bare iaaea to M
A aide meeemeai nlrigbtoo ton of bU breakfait. waa the-boy
: will be -i year* oid next May.
Dold ooBpoI Uei to go a'BlIe
op little by little Uiwagb e walking, w
head and obeei tnra-.
^oor aaigbbor'i black aBd_ 1 U»r In Blair townakip. acaool diatriei
,____ .. jeaia. aad mlod or eool cd eUgkily
go wtU Ub twala."
r tetauol to a
Je a. puelnls apoo|*»“
worU—emrytalBg Ual'goee to
It Uwa BO wbara a Btietha ofgJl
I a Ue eorreet form.
Jn*t at Ue iCblek wa* mad: Kitty wm eooa drleek
Blew Ue perteel man or worn
aaod woblen Uat cMfreat la at Ua obtained la tbe eamc way.—JWm
door ineliae
Ur bod, la a....bow
- Uat lo- '] »way. howeeer. and then onr bird came: We ahall hh»r a Urae
eaH a< Ua aaotary. Ua ware aad ra
eindm elU »5*
■ back for Ue real of bU meel.
We do [achooi and taee not klr-M a teacher no,
MU Of wara. Ua atrUoa aad labor
«••»»»Pi, p,!
applloalion. yet
Inrallde and old people, or
if tbabunabineobUdreD win *ei
the hoar aa wefo back aod forUal-'aoe
>bo b teoabledneiU cold feel a.
aoBld be pretided wlib ease eort of a
ter ia pnnt aod tell Unr oi|
wt wrap by wbbh Uelr feel may be
ir broUar to come aad uke'lliBd .beet meUoda of phr I .ay .re «ronU not gire him for hall a all
epi warm. I haee aaed a email blanktk. yell tot li
We expect to pay IvS pe
CL waemed and wrapped arooad tb
mhBbaaada oearuaa
ooth Md a teacaer here will find i
feet at night, aad aomeUmee'Ub ai.
d'U all. yoa cay.
Vet It It a s term Ue porpoec. but it b apt to gel .op.r.^'uTSni
data which « '
bMad (bBtfbt Uat bamaalty i. beiag off to the oigbt and tbe feet will Ueo
Ae oid lady at my aeqaalai - b«pi deSnlUonali^ta: ••EelaxnUon i.l from Lii. Une of Long :
Mia oeer. Uttle by llule ae tbe yeaia get cold
aaow aad ge Ue world awing* opwaid aooe bae jeei reeeited a ereaeel of a reeopemltag power Urough repoae '
piir of fjot malte, kail by ber little
Maarigblar eaBlIghtaad aercBarair. graaddanghter. which abe aayt are a Tbi* 1*00*1 eimply brooghi about by
lao*eniBg onek hair, dtaeardlng all
WauA'leaa It bocaoae we arc It It. hot great comfort -to her. -—Any Utile gidi gaiminte exoopt a gown, and lying
ttb u.
It b oaly by lookiar beck ciild koit them And Ibey wnold nlao Sal on one', back, with net eren a oil
low boder Ue bead Whan In ibu
. wa>4 that wecBo eee Ue adeaaee.asd.
Mdag baU.ward. ,«e do eee Ua^he Bight loglrc JohBiyadrlok oreee If poeltiOB All Ue laaga tolU hreaUiag
wlU uIb. deliberato regularity. Coe
- MOlty b aorlag "eat of Ue darkoeoe Ibe baby b eoeeted well
They are tlnoe Uie proeeee toe or fltweo mle(KrMiOiTrTlcaa
beiteoiof Oermaa yard, plais garter otea.aad yon will eleeporgeot'r dox*
UlaUa lighh"
Meaawblle wb
Bar run Brfrrr
atlieh, OB woodao neeiUaa.
Forty la a meat refreabinc manner.—v len-i
meffalagUdo aboatif
etiwbaa are caat on Oae needle aad Ucb
golag to help la Ue great work'
iaat knit back asd lorU arrow
Tartly, "lore b Ue lalSUlag of Ue aebdlee antll the alrlp b about
The Kecraet Eton Jimlmu
To urrr lore to Ueugbt aod locbeeloBg. H'adUoSandXoId
Thete are exteemely abort, and ahow ;
the bigk folded or h'.tad girdle at ibe
mold aad dead to all tbtog* aed at] geUer Into a nag. whole at Ue h:
and wlibaeuam ateaetaeida.
Three waiai
They a-e wore wiU tbe new
mm, to be qalet. peaeafal. ecreae Is
tbould be aewed looeely rriU the apriag gown* aad depend catlrely uiKm
UatoMetol Urcoogb
With a etocbei needle make row* of aU^y^^ omaomUli'm
npoB aa
arcund tV up by patting m
be -■— wUh whom wa ilea aimnle
crochet In erer, tblH atitsb Mt^BL a^for light^Tr^T ^ItTSJ
•*«> •
betwMB. Crochet asaliop. famd with wnlla broadeloU
wiueqt fret or «rarry.-for "bat! arpood tbr top and io tb* loopt foe a
bay UMB-. really to oar owa traa. rubber tmnd or a ribbon to tie io front
botlar '
be alwnyi in | -Srlr-ml
Kro. Kerr Jd McMr.

T:c“c?r.^^£.‘u'*^.lab. b-^-i***

sears: WOCBUCK



v •
Tbe >Pert lai^setU RiiM




W isi. j:::



* dm"

r;S.,-ROtBUCK i CO. tnc. Chica^. tH.

Li Bk Raptor
ar Tta-rarly
rrriekv ,

Her Only Regret

i erintar galea Uall
lewbiea «UI epringapia tar Md
UiQriaeawaot fragTanec wbick Uall
* bp p awr Ueaaa* troa* U* altar aad he
tartta iwtnpbUgpt aad bobIb every.
Wade PMkm>w what wei^.
dOlWkrUe world laeardallylHlng
' bat M moat oiUor baa arblMUare
MnaoUarrmalk Whichaball U ba­


ld la Ue ooaSlel
ftare M ywor plaae-



*" ***'*^


A Few Thuuta Tlai Be Cant Oe
A otM caanot do two Uino al a
Bat a woman wUi |goU . .taak
aod aee Uat the eoflee doea aot boll
orer and watch IhalUe eat doea not
aieal tbe remnaat uf tbe mmtoo Ibe
kltobee ubir. Md drom Ue yoBBgmt
bjy. aod act
St Ue lab'e. nod tee to tbe
.......... aUr tbe oalmtal. aed gire
Uc order, to Ue butsheMel «be can
do It all at OBSC and not half try
- Man baa dope woodrra ah-se be came
batoacUr pooik ' Be baa aarigatrd
ad tbemy*lartea of -Uv iiarrry bearroa.
'cna. be baa
btraeeetd u^ • larfail* and i

Syroe left form cMoad fruit or!
pick lea b good to add to ataee aaat.
Water aaed iealadd of milk for alx- {
log cakr make* a ' ‘
Boi»t a loeg (ima.
A BM Clot . around Ue meld w>ll
ooM tram It WiUb'lp.j-Uy or
out Clicking

anore Ue epooo aa


Bet becM'ISed aiMl-orUread ia Ur ice bxx oeer aigbtabd batrnd bafor* |
a wife'* work backeu-ba mot diieor.
or ber poekci In a dnm haagieg io Uc
An le'lag fw coke. Uat wUI b* (eaed
wardrob*. be eae't bang oal elntbra
aad gel Uem oo Ue llae right ead an
Be eanpM bold plat la ht* m»U while
be I* doleg tl. rltber.
Be imanot be aad IctUag It oamc to a beU. Then
Be can act It aaidm and wbM it Ie t»l add on.
lb cborL be a baadrod
Ulng* Uat wflama do almeat iMUoeAMy.-Bw/olo JMMr.

lotai ••tma.l
,i.«ur a M-:ih- »»o-an. Mj i.r-it iv«r-i it iMi I d-1
not k/..-«x,r l-r
fink Til •• for Pair l'r..| ir vhra I haC in*
rbaniroriio | am su<w ra>orinx in* b<«i or bmlin. «*l branlly aaC
atari, xniadir-all dar lo ItrVlIlla-aa' Ptsk Plllaldr PaM Prwrir
-ruorrarr manr fwii a'-oni
. *•-- mat I do no: rat* i- bar*
paW-u^nui I •illiioOJr anearraor

T^-STCRfiSt tolSOhCO.

WC PiimiB*. IM.!

.Dd till-Br-kl-

.i-S.-Ocok i-.,-.. Fra;n um Free,

_______ a“r,:stfS5


^^0-tOR PETERy^^

Carriages, CatleiSiSliiljlis, Etc.

iiil ^ m
•352S ^ai^:r:*“ :SS35
ie*a 11*
l«Oi *B
aciiaaaa K'Jl
i:aa tia Lairaa.

3? :s

mn. aW
>nB <■
- it la • «*

'15 Ji*
45 4S

rail Cowpoay irwCroo >ar pnruaea dl
-aaagiat Uwdw W atww iTwIa. at i^r


Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done

■ —ororeamaMwamBW


Re-Fainting and Upholstering.
I llBO^

: --



Pit»k Pllli r..r Pair Propir aiv u iinBllini apo-ier far aocA


•a »
* t*
f a—q^Mca^^

feMtalTtees,Slirate,PlMts,WfeSfels.; .

Koba.-nio.l aid i*or« lo PMora mr tala flrw day of arpumarr. M.
iaoua* T.tjeraat.yrWKr r'lar frow.

Pctalit^ iTmm
iBwj^a'r'uaie hotlml: utm*.rt?Uo>
and &bUB It. and-aeaaiala Ue grala#; >

fl«? rK-rufs.’rb\2

..wemra’ 1 bMouvrxaneand aeami-iiMii. My (nreCrdii as: iaii.a
'that I woi-:ii,r a~4l wn,. «<mi4 thes I
eoii-x into rourtiBipuos
-ITWWU'O to !■ ur»l lltal Pt-W Uilamr Vluk P-:ii Ax



Tl -

<u<> paaavan.o. p a .






' MK
—rj^ -

Mt. PlSMAllL. OVPMO. Swff.
BEV. Bej Oftj. 2>«troU,Bev•U, Aan Arbor. Tolodo m«poinUSMtHadSoBCb. CIom
ooBMottou HtOoponlHhwitB

xrabyvr A>r.aar Aum. g/.yo.

Stk» St.. «err C.ior.






Villwe Btaettwe.
TbaeawMaeary^tad awteat to
tba Tlllara eleeUoa at Sauaaa Bay
r todayUatatUa leqaeatotPiaBdum
Mooday. Thece vara two UekeV tn
Rrataraad maya. tba .I'nlhed t
tba Bela, dlrUad on tbe h—H°" ^
o leura j bee oerita Iv rood eBem ae mm
aiHattoeeBay for Ue oew
nome. .
betaritaaboai pa
ranroad. preeidad it ya«ae Unturb
•b Brakai wbo' Uem ^mr bilcw ; BaoU Afrka. li B elated UB ereninr
that etllare. tbe L'alae ticket taruralacdauiAi^aeaalac.'tkaiLoal aallebafy baa coorteoaely
ored a toela sear Ue abor* of Ue bay. •ban bU culler vte o
vUle Ue atiteee- preferred Uat Ue
trylor u» avv tbe hoeto. •
road paa back of Ue Iowa by Ue tuned to Tea. He ebooidar erta
Lord Salutary ule alUrMtb. Aay Baker. wUa of 0»rta hUU. L. B. Baku vae alaetad prtalicaud. Dr Mania attended bim
lakar. died aaeda; at karba
TbamdAy Matbav Bofbael anfferad brW ami Lord Bnlietary aimply daeluBebddBattbaaraof M yma. Blood
aaa aaearad a majority of tba oomaeil.
lap tba rood odUaa tanderad. rarlmlly.
Injerj wbUe warklnr cn
taUoeler *a> Ue i»Me of death
PoUovlnc V Ue malt lo tui:
A formal rrply will be aabmllied Uier.
Mlvay at Solna. Hla rifbt m v
bad Bot becB 111 loeca Baku.
________ toM
broken and one of tan naklm Urtn
Mr. Baker m* tbe epterpeela
MTtkcBMkMUelorjbmlB. HrtbU aed did eol ktaw ol hie wirek d<
oototjaUt- Ue wne broarbt to Ue
Triaaarar—Marcaa Hoyt
«aa RebvtPrJec »nd Art:l<ell%au eetu Booda/ drealar.
eity on Ue H. d N E and Dr Oamar •oihlar of a <
timply irmaac
w«r« »ho B». ud toccib«r tbe mta
dremedhie Ujerlta.
^naelal Tayl«. ao acadreeldeei
from Ue SowU
wMttoUNriTer tauk
Kaaaall Uleibav
wiU amoraaoo that aayUiBC which
TbdrmUMta bm ttnctllBr Is
aaa an ifennr fmm
in that rillare. Ue wee Ue faUleeute departmeet coaid do m Ur
iW nt« «b«n he M eetdeaUr
lor a tuue to canaedba k>m of hie
lUnatof peace vonld berUdlyao
feroka UuMfbtta toe. Tbe;'Wl*«d • erof Mn Aloeto Bonle. •boae baa> tUkaia ware in tbe flald at WhUa euttlar meat, be eat hU band
taMudpMbad Utc the kbote tat band «(U be taried today. Tbehmar- Kumey alactioa Monday, -hte VlUarc tllrhlJy. aad UoarbI aoUinr of It nolo Ue Hoete of lr>rd» Premier KaiitjMtMtha; *err (tuller th* mm a1 of Mr. raylor alll be bald at Ue
>eer Ue VlUac* •^bl’k
til eymplome of blood poiaooinc
tary anbraitud Ue Kritvh poeeraor'e
iHniiit -|‘ under the tee »»1 ^ ear Matbedtatdbarefaat
Ue follovlar oOeera:
He bae bad aaerioni time bat U
Bonlnr at 11 o'^elock.
iwer tePreeidenuKraper andSleya '
nattarrMd bla down.
Praetdant-^lobn Uu«.
le tboofbi Uat Ue arm
Tbe cloeiod aeeteeee ie u foliowt
They haaUlj aetlfied tta peltee nad
aerb~A » Simeon
AUaioC Haste of Balm dUd at bit
'Her mejeety't porerameat can osly
aBdOhUfBwnle with bk aaaitttaU
ratidaoea Monday at 1 o eloek at tbe
' Wbllr pUylac at life earUp. KttU navaryoar banor-e telaitra* by aay.
hantad lo tbe »pei
-Iw ».
. n*eof V,ft*,
Karl liodpr. eoa of City AUuraerM. C 1 lac that it u not prepared tuawent to
AfUra brief Mdirea »p oooy wa».
van koova aod ibicbly ' Traeieaa-li IS Wyoaoop. tleorra I.. ■ Uodye. fell from a erconfl ttory wUOow
the iadrpeadence eiUer of the aoelb
reepacted la U. elcInU, of B.U. ata I
and narrowly eaeaped earioin iojery. Afrieae KrpobUc «r tbe oraope Free
tba body «ra» p.aeed to a boat boaae
Acme, ae rreli M la Uti city. Ha bad j
K..,k*.ke ..ter ii-t.
Tuc>Uay_ He and a uompaoioo were
aa Ue Ueea at Ue rlter. and Coieaar
bnaa ill viU Brirbt'e dieaaaelor two j There rraea boieootetiat Katkaeka pUyiar 'on tbr aeeood door, aad baa
The BorratlemoU f.
Moon veetammooad
yanra. tat ue ImmadiaUcaoaeof denU I betwaee Ue Paople'e and the pltiieae'
aa IneaetiratloB of Ue cloUUr -ae
ir^ paralyaia Deceaaad era# a brother I tiekau Tbe loemer eleeud Ur fol- He .track bard apon Ur i« aodar the j „p,,
ue ™
of Mra. Barlland. Mrs Pboaba Citrtie ’ lowlap edirera
oarae. tat wee forUoately not badly ;b*en fmiu,
Mleatiac be rraea eemmon lataraV
aad Mre J. A. Moore aad Cbae HosU,
Hmidrul T I> UnbU
_____ ______________
j.-atioe of
Be bad no vaub. aal taU pMki-a
of Uie city, Jobe UosU of Acme dad | Clark-'lUo I» Parker.
tvia tlM
Kraiaraai Hoik.
ha. ai
bnnh eoatalead tat a fev eeaU. lie
Bert Uoiie of Abb Arbor Uclaerr
A aralern
^ •®**“'**'PropoeilioD Inbadaaordmoo Bd. Meyeard of MB
wife aod three AhUdraa. ivedanctalmij
m Uarrlou
I iu mriL
Uarelenilon of Uo indepeo-.
alty. draw* U ble faeor arldeeUy. aad ,
lodce. at the deaU of
datad at Uterlocbra. Feb t Tbe oeder '
bers. aduntad ble aicbt oepbaov aad ' denoe of Ue rrpah:.ra cooid br .coceidPrieaacid W. K Phinney
Howard died Monday mora
. wnaalcvadbyA. Sbarpa.

1 Carloe
will Me Uat Ury bare proper traloiaf ared Ue prmhuilon of Ue Amerkaa
alraaoy too late, bat Ue.
of bti aoa. A F.
(UemaTUtiera i a bit brrait poekat
at Ue radloaact
aod ednealioo.
Cc^victoa ot Haaiiaackter
premier aomrretly deemed
raid in
need T« yean
rraea addraaaed U Boben Uatheve.^ Howard
U Ulh
Ul» city,
Hu^ loual ialare.1 ba. been f
Of.uttirirot KonoruuMc UfMii bimaelf
Uowara catae to Traearae City >•
Tbe lelleee w
Uedecieioe of Ur jnry in Ue .
on record with a formal reply.
yeareaco' The aesiyearba moeed to
mniked atlbirelijf.
mntd^caarat Allrcan. trow Uefact
hrriin, March id -It to Mroi^Oleially'
»ortIy before Ue erlee vara btvrd Loav Lnba Uwoablp, wtiara he Heed
that Dowd wa. kaowo beidT haeiac
Tbe people who espacl moat trom annouocrd that wbaa Ur f •range Free
Itatauraetad Mr. Uaebell aod Ue
operated a ehiacle mill at firaa
fraterolty art cenerally tboae wbodo
and Ue Traneraai addreaead
back to town, makinc tale home wlU
ae- Tta‘ rerdiel ixu Iwen
>e iaact toward ita adrapeemeot
J number of
ol tbe
tbe inrcer a^flaomllor
ble eon.'where be died. Be laaeee two
. aad Iifwd .laade coenciad of,
The Ladie* Cattalic Beoeroleot Aa-{.talra of Knropa a requeii
for fhcgdly
too., A. F and C a Howard, aod a
•■Ul M'. Bt>k.rll told bim U BO
teiatioo. of Hric. Fa . made a net (aM ^ mad tatioo
tbe Oerm.B

•adbabaea. ThvpooBdiof oeaaadaBd taoibar, a l> Howard of l^ taka.l"*^***'**’’n Ibe
Mr wa.amaohlchlyrrapect.j Tbv «rdict
I reached oa the
Ii-lr. member, imt yrar.
plied thatl it
voald wllllpciy
willlpcly pMii
•kartly afterward. U.e eriaa

It eaema to bare beeo

Th# body wa. ukrn to nnd.rukine


ad in erery rray He dira after a lone I
land well apanl Ufa.
j priaa, a. meet people espectod ritfaer
Tbe funeral took plan from tbe 'erdlctof aCHolttal •r adl'acreeuiast.

'The areltaUol w
1 yraterday i

A Pretty WtatUn*.
UlNOellaS. Theobald of Uie city
art Hr. ArUsr Hyde of Ueeelaad. u .
were nited in marriace Tocaday af;
tarnooe at Ue borne of the bride'e parnvtaln Fernvood. The eeremooy wae
parlmined by Bcr. Haifh Kannedy of
tbaSacovd Hrtbodiat ebareh in ibe
pmil lief alarrennmber of ralatire.
The bride wae prettily attired la a
p^ Wwe ovume and urrlad bnde a
cneav Him K'ule Dean aeiad ae brtdee
hum end Hr Ihrney Killiactoa. of

Ua kridnl ^ly left tor- Copemieb
vhaen a raeaptioo eraa tendered uem
laH altbi by Ue parenu of Ue frooio
Mr. and Mta Hyde will raeide .to

.WaOdUA at Lelnnd
A racy knppy marriace took place al
tbnhnmeotUe ta-ldr'. parent! Hoadnp. at LalBVd. Hie. Drll Praum aa<
. Ht. M. Gray balBC U# priaopal.
y Mere and happy oompaae ware
r. Samnel
m Macrie Uaarr. b>U of
Traemae Ctty. vboaetadu vltnmam.
Thaboam vae baaaUfally deaerated
vUb flawme and ittirrreeni. and n
nnmpueaa aeppar wne eereed. Tbrlr
■bM friend! jem ta viehle« Uem V
Imb aad hap^ wadded Ufr.
|b.a>dHm.l»rar wui
mm City Uatr faure boa
Bic Loaae

Clatnia.L'ut u Two
LanalBC. Hatch U-The uck aod lodiernt .oldlert of the .Spanirb war
vboai claim. CO le nndar Ur apecial
loriatloo of
will receire
tt.S parceelof Urir claim, ae pamrd
by Ue eoaniy hoard,
r claim, ae at Vrat ’ preeenled ac
Crrcaiod aici'.-uri.w. tat ae allowed liy


Traverse Citj, Mich.

^ONLY S5.00

for Sale
JH® Farms
<1 u’lll Iiiiar a -A..I Ivn-nin if you



-.1. bull B ii.Ko ••r.-i.sfd. i.'i-.l { .
fii’i lrni;ilt of 111.- farm, ili.» i. u
Buy 'Uic alifi waiiU


r ♦l.a»l

>>uuty Ih
«jvl.»f.-itt liniila: iiu iHlildingpi; 4--I
BIti of li
lrr«.. ntaiul lifly nppW trmtoi^i
->mi-/iiiil>-r; n Dii.- plhr*- fur frtiil -r )• >lni(uv. tioul
1 noil: I ■


0 sMu-ii


111 n.-r.
>>hl vain . {irii.,
' I'kt m-nu ll mil.-- -«iUI!j i.f f.
fiiso. Lnowii a> tlirt
tlir 4'uuloa
fnini; S)B
i-jiwi.-d. iu flu-Ih-uI faroiiii;;;.
< o^iuir}
_ io the county
‘■^V'w'vJii jn-dl, 'inrt'r bnru. .x-ii'- liarc rn--ui. 4:1..1 Mi'll.ntodnill;
Mi-ll. n todnill; g
toad nut hull
Hic; .uiall I' In’ig.- njijiir i.rvlianf: pirut) of Uiober.

.y*.'. I n»">'*»T*Nir-fnHb. i>fi
-^1 w-re. Urn, ii.-.lru V.--I of tl.e tili^.- of Ukr Aoa. •#) ta
j<-liuir<.1. taiihll tiAu»- li-ian-. Miial) fnirw tatni; h coni farm. pleBtjr of!
'I liiiite-r ..u lU>-I'U''-. J.’" •-fate*
J'T.r..'.' '

40n.-rrrlt., lo'iU n.Ttl, nf J.akr .Ann. SW a.-tna .•tantwd': iiufill-.y


lu.i.rr.-l.... Imm. email,|ttyta.; rhmp.WlW.- ^

I i>f
in (iraiit. email feamrB
■ii.jl. frer fniiii elutiijp,. Btnall orrliAtd;B

PyUlae teeued Sit

uat.-.. I'}mi.-ua'..el limir-i. :.i M feet ..f Elm.

U bare married llawkine bad not eecarad a dlrorce from anouer haabaad.

I’rice. IIStM.


k rt:)

of Horses
Al Brqdha^tLMi'.s Barn
Wednesday, March 21st.
Wait For Us.


Fite liuliana Slack For III Puiposes.

1. ij" *;


To keep Tbeni at Hopi*
. .1 H Mania left Tbaraday for
Heodon vbiyeahe will eleit her .l.lar.
Hra Cavta'd, and at.l.i at a recentioa by Mra Cc.Urd f> Hr*. Fanale
Newberry. Uy writer.
Later Mr*
M.'tio and'Hra. Cuatard via aojxy a
trip »>uth remaining until the terera
cold'll orer

AUeni. March .It.—Tbe pram aad
hrre propray hrtog all
Is their power lo .loolhe
log emi^atiun of il^au peAranu^>|
tbe I'sited Stale. K 1. fjuud that uo- ,
tire Tillage, are beiog arb--polal“d a«d
many large dtotrict. are left uticultir..
tfid merclr becaura the eiltaecr. audj
farmer, bear Ue enlieiog .tune, uf
Meyer A Finorgao hare arrired frem ^
iperityea.1 y .eeurri In Amerira.
Charleroix tAei up Uelr aleam
and Ueretore .crape together Uelr few
iaglrallery on Ole Hjatraia'. Uat on the ij
belonging, aod emigrate.
coraeV of Front aod Park .treeu
Siattoiicare b'lngcollecied and Ue ;
vilicmt about >1 .rbi aad vl
goearaineol t. planning a lav In hope | £
erey olaborate.
'of being able to con tfollbe mallar. lo
An atUchmentWM made Saturday ; Ue afeanwbile. tbe prw to bu.y eoby Sheriff -Simpmo upjo Mine ooiatora idraroriag to make elrar to tbe iventl-y
alK-iog»lry. ovoedbyMoaelyBrS ot | people Ue real oondltion. avai.iog the
tiraed Bap dt. toMltofy a claim held I uoedocated Oreek In America aad the
by ibreatatrof Ur lair J. 1. -libra j bard fat* he mu.l cadnre


for »3b'
_________ ;__________
Femm* lu Bsrbaoue
Saturday areniog Jaaltca Brnvn per-1 k ingaloa. Jraaaica. March U-Th.
formed a marriger.-Trmonyvbleh “»dej^jjy^^,
iahvlagnopolatioo ot
Lm-Z -k aod
maa aad vfe

Wbadra - V. bad urfWraaograram t.
B3U eraWe -a th« Ar. oa loot U aeod v-v-qM-ople to Sv

Lnela. Staraf.lou i« drirlng tbe black
Joitice H'-twn perform-d the 'eere- population of Ue Itiaod to deaperalicm
and the troop*, which. ood.T Tbcj
faml’ira. were ineilod. vlU Ue aon- maey Houiiy that naltad' Je.r M
.tractoraaad tbel'r famlliea. aad io all Bedaer aad Maleina I. Hrannoa of •eheneot impe*lald.r«o.-*ho« d hue
left Harbadra for St: tacia, barr beeo
_____________ordered u remala In Harbadra. where
Attarsojayinga fieaMaemI time for
Ineaediartom eoetlanr. ramoaat.
nanunr- the oompany vra called to
order by Fraaldent eproBl.*nkd an lataraattag prc«ram girae. loUowad by a
i A marriayaiicame ba. bran graatad
Joel Sailer of Maple t^ty hi
> ;to Iraae J. AuiilB aad Relta Ueary.
granted a penalsn af •»
boUof tbn eity.
Money tor War VetarnaaCantiag. Harcb lo—Sick and ladigeBtraternatof Ur Bpaatob Amerleaa
war will raeelee tat «r', p^ eeat at
tktir claim, oa Ue adduhinal apprvprtation ot >*a.hM. tka total claim, aggragnUag BM.aoo
Aodilor lieaeral Dis will eommenee
paying clalma Monday and vUI proB.J.MOBOAH.PropriotoF.

BiCiai r earamar, vbo Hemraced In
oeearrad Tbaraday
tbalamkarveodtat Blacbarry.
Vfibm Uat aome of tbeir Mad. d
a A Mareae belac totally daatroyed.
Tta esiaat of Ua Maa to
1bi«uabe fear tnpBo day. o
H.OOP aad *6.«ig. eorarad by
-r—-y ViU a l« foot tai
«>.onale.araaer UfUe laam
eb ten leaded from uo id
Ua pnq>any ( to carrtad ta Uo
B Doaghart*. I
P. CMrrra In Uto dly and my of Aatriio -eon
dmmoartncnelaat atfoia Ua top.
tkraa^ a Frankfort
lromtbatoir.9e Sb
tnhta n lanr kmm turn tp haal- Me.CMrrart


d each year for •

>e of Ur adraoiacra lo be de-

palpi aod aevvladowa are amoBC Ue
tor Ua near fatara

I will have a car load of horses about
the FIB8T OF APnlL at Traverse City and
can save you from $15 00 to ^45 00 on
each and every deal. Don't fail to call aod
look over this load. They can't help but
please you.

o, ^1 c®.

the railway broken up. ' .
■lampow.tartini vlU Ue.Thlrd
iTBlry brigade, which' i.called ue
w hn.loeM;I fro
from Ihe Herentb di.i.ioD nc
laetycK aod cloaed tor year wIU »l"- Ujprp .reelerday. and mouoUd Infantry
3Mi.i.y» lU dura* Ue year „
caraW r
weieSl.t.i: <~i4i Iu diebarermeou
- .
were ti.ii;.:-^b rr At Ue cIom oI the
year ito actual aeaele were t('>.tt:<'.y
Urand Trarerae aunde loorU
The and its llabimiee were PIcs.fKio. lul
Soldier, lu Pert:
foUovlacarceoineaf'the larcrat Hay. death rate we. iro-J per *i..«» Inent j Manila. Harcb , 13-A
Rerrieo. Jv.ckiT te: Oraud
noe Informe‘.«*mee..whleh ha. ji»i arrirM
me. M.V.f't; Infham.M.CiI.
Toe mfti»t>rrahip.atemeal-ar Hod {from oomu on the .oatbra.lcrii
Haeoiub, pt.Tr
era Woodmen of America, abowa that of Lc/oe.
Ld/>e. broufSt
brought hnodrrd.of
ila. S’l.lW Ui Mrnomlora.
on the Aral of February Uere were and uatireTTfug-re.
Sne-rrnort. Uat
ttx dUl nodal and benefit aenberv in Ue town ot .iubal. flfi/.mlln. Irooi Al
b.y vaabarelng whrn .hr lefl. and
abeoluie good aianding.
force aggre.' that an American oilimr and .Isteca.
gated $'>l.t"I.U“i- nrl gnU lor ih* 1 lora were enrrouodel by io.or*aau
b of January . I 'Sir members. I The ofll rer va. anablr to *i*e jciearaod*l...wi‘ia.uran,
Jancr pwrra M Uralramrr. but he wot
a re-firal that re-enforcmieuu, be at
once forwardrd bim
Thr mplain of
Heia Maiiiueue depot, li 'I Monday ttir clraiorr. in.tcad of prbwediBK u
for Toledo wOere tar will ■ rain Vitdh the orarralAmcriean *arri*ou. horrird
with la.t
. ,Hr will t-> Manila with Ur requrat for help.
T'oopa will be dnpatcbrd to •iulml
retIde In ibal :lly. a
[t will be r<
d that Havkiot
with all pomihir apred
for pTjtstioe April 1«. Hi. prnlii
vas.eral arraeled on a cDnrce of
bare will be filled by Henry Aaod
Newt trom Ue w>rtbera part of the
anpport by hi. wife aod that
toland ha. breb receleod to the effect
of (irand Raplde. vbo I
e wae rriuaravn and he
that the 4<n*ricao troop, are «orellng
upoo a Haw >-complaiot
wlUi much opooiitlon trdni Ur Tacaicaaeol Schoolcraft *a Simy
abarclnc blciiny.
logi In thr proriner of Cignyap'
Ha■ va. decided in Ue clrcnll on
Uavkioe vu relenrad upoo an order
Ward and a cooipaey of Ue
from Jodee Mayer al tbe aoHpltatloe here aome time apo ie (aror of Scbi
lUi regiment were ailarked by ’til.
C. Hilbert. Bltoroec lor Hawkin., craft, went to tbr Snpreintf court :
oatirra while learmg the town ol Aodeei.lOBof the lowrr court '<
and npoo contenl of Ue pnmeeution.
arri. and a weere fight eoaued.m wbirh
lar inrratlcaUon rereala tbe fact afilrmed I'alchle A Crotaer were
Hajw Ward aod eigbt of fit. meu were
yi for Sebonlcrafl aad I’rat
Uat Ueee vae oo offenra aa ebarced,
a. It to alleced Ur c>rl vbo to cla'ioed Ii.Tl! tor Slmpmm.

chip and rood carer. Tne uccaeion of
celebratioD wa. Ur third, anoirenary of the catabllebmeot of Ue
local orcanit tl'ion. aod it wae madirtiie
4on of a rery plearaot erenlnc
fteUcbUdl Booial time wae
Athlon near tbr by all durloc the fln-i p.rl nf
edpaolUoaliy on Ue wratelde. A
ilnc-and camraand eoelai coererblezA bad etar^d la Ue bnlldlnc and
ea.ioe ware aedsiced lo After Uto.
thrcbrmlral ^iar vlU craw of Bra
an escelleet prerram vn. rendyml
Hremea_ veal loot ia reapontr t
After the procram. Ur company
tnrnad Ueir atirotloe to Ur rrferahTbeyhrrire^ too late lo aa*c
manla. which prorad an Ira. pIea.lDC.
bulldlnc. bat i^ay prareotad any oiker
damacr- Tbeitalldlec Beclf era. •
loUI lom ammatinc to nboat tvw.
aome of Ue traae aboat Ue boaar were
aeoibkrd atirbtly. tat Ua oUartalldi
loci vere-aei Brad aad no oUar
Hoetague ball Tnuraday ereolqg, All
age vaedoae
iTpenler. at tbe elly. with their




• cimo ol JMBary. lyii. Ua
R^Bl oeichbnredt Aaarien. nuslllnry: A trlecrato from l.mrd Koberte ray.
uUirli.W uIA.bad'a benefit mem-| IBirr5>lrd 'rroeral, French, if Uere
llior beforedu-k. tow -! Ue TalU
brrcblp of r>.itT« io abaointr drood 1'
alandinrUe rotllncuckThe Woodmen of Ue World,
hraoqanrtcra alDmaba. Neb . leey twp
tblc oppouliua Sr had
nUcmmaiiu durlny Ue apnih
oracTiwo c vr.t,
Mnrch. The orlgioni tyoodman Mciety.
1* .eiavon.
Tbit c-ic^r Ph,.h fry.Modern ttoodman ot America, nan
. (
Irr.rd a -double bradar"
■A brother of I're.i lent Slryp ha.
- aaar,-<. i-.

irea. of AUecao will carry
to tbe aupreoie •■epre A larce
aam baa already beep anbaeribed for
that purpoae. and l»vd will not Im-k
joda. at it I. cnnarally belierM
that be aUaek the blow lo aelf deleiue Uat reauttod lo hi. brotberh

will-be'dtacoa^aad. It wpe U
Boyni Maichbore Amnuarenry.
tfaUooto bare Ue' cscbaacc of tba
Tba Ulrd anniratrary of Ue R-Jfnl
irtberu Tcltaboae Co amtad to Ue Nelcbora, held Friday eraolnc
Mcond d «r. bat aa tbe troaale
Ball, wa* an DCtuually plaaeant
etalre roald not be arraaerti with Uare affair, and almoat rnu of the Nelckbtre
voold be aeatjret la Ue eomblaa
aad Woodman aej jyed Urcood fellow-

Cirartdl u ProtpaflBC
Tbe Caanelal tanort of tte Cnacr^tional eporU of UM dly. vbkk vaa
taaday jby Senator HUllkeB. to
bicbty aatiefaelory
The eoeiaty to
cotiraly out of debt, aad Bl.Mo
ratoad Mat yi»r.
Srreral Impr
MU bare'ben pMabed for
ie( year, abd It
.» aubaariptloa. b
ernaaed by a Ulrd to eorer Ueae
New cbalm and hymaala.

Painek, Ur ffio of PooUae.
Iboarbt bar Utne had oome Saiiday
Dtrbi wbra tbe ran vail of tbe old
P.mUacapnof worfeefartorytell wiU
a load craU aa tbe roof of bee eoiiape.

tba eeeinlaty that taU


Inter, vbae a jaryw
At Ue oanmert Usne.t Tnrad
maraltn oa tbe’tw of Robert Mai
broocht Lelort
pva,aeecdiat oLaeeideoUl drowol.
eUtta UtosUaied wee reaUed by I
Tboraday lo.
Jary. after IMaaiaf. emo/nlly to t
nffanara Bcaiv
Mated oftrei
Tba Indy was poalUraly Identiard a.
i the |eUar of m-IIIdc, llqaor
ttalofMaUawt. wbo we. known to
eoeecn) U tbe city. Two of bia frUndh.
bronebt la fi
wiUoatpaylnkUe.rrreboalas. They
ware beoachiila by'Oepnty Hatnbal
l;4. o'lioeoelL
Itay were rbary
ad'witbeattler timber off of corara
A voBHts apnacdM al ^r andarUk
maet land, aui of Petoekey.
It le
ark rooma. and ebowed a fraat deal of
c.almad Uat Bkrr look a force o:
ininrait In tba fate oLUr maa. tboarb
BtUabacinniwof Ua r«ar lei
aba vaa net bU vMa Some of tba let
woods, aad baa'cMra cut abeal.
IMP feaad at MaUaet' boty veer from
feat of pine ai^ Utra ac^ of
bar. Hhe wapi load end lone wbra
Hacfa wraaviiiattar. aad III. eUlmad
taoMw Uetadr.
be hne bean euttlss timber oC tba
Halbave- tady
land ha bra eqaatted oa lor a Mac
h Uat baa
■ Bnab lanileb^ t.*Oo ball aad
triUU Ue past Urea yaara Is
lea^. U apprar before Ue.Harrk
MUeben Tent. K O T. M. in which
term of tbe craad jnry. Barr balcc
tbndiriinflvaaiaaurad. Thia lad«a
unable to fatvleb eerety lor tl
•eaulaatalbboat rn
at which hie ball waa flsed. —
Msitawa vne lasared for >l.on. of
takea V Hrabd Bapid. to JaUtiUUe
aUh*»UB«tn«oUUa wife aad PStu
Harcb term.
The otbraeaae tbalrame before ComiMaioDar B^ria vat acalaet Ueorcc
f. Woodaa pi KalkaeVa Ue kcapt a
. Weed rraa rcea^ed trrm baefeUry of
rraUaraaL and bae lor
■Uln Bloania 'v^y-that ‘
ai.peeied of telUac etroace' driaka
anidraly cmllad to betrolt Mo
uiaa caSaa. Ue bad no llmaw to aoll
Important baalaam. which n
iotoxinaBU. and when rareann a
------------------------------- -laa^io--------------'d ln;.Ue Trararaa
>e oUar ^y. It irae all up.
A rallrray pfSJe^
Ble bail vae Bsad al »eau. wUeb
aunrra bnd dalieared n teiarram ta.^
eot (arni.hcd. and be wae uke'n U
anapisya of tbe railroad lo be aeni to'
Grand Rapid..
. Tlnrmaaatyto rspUta kU inability
to CM bare, tat by aome mUtake Ue
Pagaarahlp Otatoirad
aamNre ■utDOtaani. Vorrarer. Hoe.
The tamblanUon ■ of Ue taelo^w.
«. O.Oeecll aeoompanled Hr Wheeler
C.^emeeae. Ua drncylat. wiU
toOrniid Raploi yaavarday to arraore ihe CliyRooMreaod the Blf Rapid,
' wtU Hr. Slanrna fora elalt nest week;
ernorraed by Hobart A Haeehar
ttvnBannoBBaal by Hr. Hurray laet
be hcbheo aeaeoe ae ditaolntioa
nIffctUatHr. Staataawoald be tare p.paraeent to Mr Beacherla Uraad
aome day nest veeh. and Uat taawad
a* niklitt Ua Laelhaaa coanty people
W meet him bare be voold make a trin
ore now pecapied by Hr. TborapUtaPCh the oonnty to riiU them and w<B. bulovlarto dlSleal^ia arraeg.
tank erar Ue propoaed Una of the rail
a« for Ue aatira elore tbr'paruoretalp


, . eotUcCTaateeiae>wa_ w
atadanl* who may raeide nem^ Ue ae
aselatc Ubrarice.


& McCUMlHvR.
.l.jLIh-rs no<l l).-alere i<

Bicycles-Bicycle Siuidries.
Syeciallies: Brazil,. lulcailzia,. Enamelia,.
SBlearooB Bnd PtiCtorySll Front St.

I 900

I From £
-r d-riermined to m'ak*-UAXMta-baooer Wi>rld year ii> Trat'erae Cilf. and ra«hw tbe
tiooal i>tfer ou all vb*Mls V'ld pr>-viooa to .Vpril l.>. after vliicb dale it viU b- wilbku-l D»e? Vou won't Qiin^l each veek, and when the
-rttdy and you a'»u'l have io make a large duvn paysent

Repairing and Enameling.
Kow ia the time ti) have your old biryclra ov,-rlia>ilMl nod


BrioS thBB la

ow storase Ft»«.


Wlibe you want faoiaea kindly i-otoe in nod look my stock -irer {
I bare a Ut)^ sto- k «o baud for
very r-aaonable.
arTiyad viih a nice lot of borma. veis^t from I.OQO lo l.SOll {
>. emigecd
Matched teams cheap Work tcatna, drirpra. in fact anythiiiK fan t
. likely
hntaM. &Me ehaap bonm for-Mle, rowing in prim fron tSS.Oh ^ $

' Tolophon* ISS.

I will re-enamel your vheel any culur. :iKs>at vwL baking enamel and varnish, clwtn all tiu j
: benrinjn eod true the wheeU. atain. vnniish ur enamel the rinu; all adjnsted a
i-)!! Tor the small auih
tain o
of S2.50.
Ujhe toruini (’nps. CoBca. Axles so
lilt to Toot





' • :
. -TT^ i.n.^k».

f*- .

It li knouwd. ikm

hM«bM««9---------- ------- > <k« tiM. aad lh«



iarr-,s.iTS KI^lIUL FIAWER


Mr irtota^ fbniiiititoiu. (net and

Uuitil HoaT0«.1

tal Atordea. aapa tbr Clartai

-to tatoj*;^,, .

B«0W«hM*l. «•> York.
ra*tr«dr*a kadiot e( oMIso
bM tooo««r«d Croa UM trrwkad
Mb ookl alM ia W*M VUftsla.

Baabautatiaa aaaapo^ta '
oftbaHartb •l MIebeita.
UaUiaOtaah Voadap. lalbadBtbof
with •
Oara A. Hall, who dlad oa tba dap
I afo. <rbaa bt i
aadboarefbar Wrtb. ar*4 *• paan w«. "StoTB-Boaad---------------------------*ha waa tba wllfa of tba aoBadlaa. Rd. ta tba BOMlalaa of aortbara Oelorado,
>ad abeaada to UrllUar aitaattaap.


C T. Mir of CblokCOfaro Ut'
>Uad B«a wbo baa plapad aa old
•UooaklMMroTtfrarMvIar xtk
ap baad proa as tba atraau at
Mdkteabakol cauMfM. Tbo tor Laaalaf ter adrarai paara, waa tbaob
Ml bk BoUw. iBflieaac a total >aet of tba ffaaan»>lp
Utaalap BIka
Ualardar. Tba old aa«ae .waa labae
' aad a baadaotaa aaw Baablaa
Wdo laaaral btolaM la Japaa hat ooatlBC floo waa aabaUtalod la lu
plaaa. Ta# lap of tba bllod Baa wa
■aoMi kw #MBfb tor tba dOMca.

baratoiMtoeOBpIralib tbt J
aaa tataiBBoa UwB.
UMiraabwaacnaatalm aaaUaaal OrbUac totvaaa Ua loraaa of tba
— forara»aat aad Ihe Ya<|ai
Fba Haral ladlaaa
)otaad tba Yaqala oa tba war path.
TtoYaqabarataid U) btrtloai baa>
Up. B oaa oafacoBaat tolat drawa
towatrap bp tba llaxBaa iBBpa.
Wa 8blb)Cbla bat bM aMlaaaad to
Ilia iBprtwoBaoi bp tba dowacar aB^Bt of Ghlaa tor aldlat far«l(Bafa la

aad two aitotpattba tora
of «d.
ward Crewlap Haadap aad Vbt (brat
aalBttidladbFalra boara aftarward. .to romarkablp dor


‘ Tba Vara Croi aad Paeld: raHwap
baa aaat lu raarttaaiatlra to Italp to

..f aaw

■llffu-tl uv


• of dooai Apts a

........... ..................... i-i !•} torao. of l-ridr*.
ortap «oliOBi I'urpo. •.oatruBlB. aoj «, npimtiir'. itlxwTrfp iwtlruu havr
baa tore aiiur.1 tto -How uf Hadra I
,nli)r..t»d to pti <lrtrrr> aud rxro
bacauaroraW>BloritoUual.-BalaB'„„^ -Hito wa> n....... . *»fH} »
ladlasr wbk-h -fuebr. n. Mr lilaer of
aTo.nbi a..udrr(>tUj li
[ra oat to to a aariaa of baBoroaa Ha matlrlij. ll to rrallp a
‘"If”' pclal taauliaalBtl alorlaa whieb ara lald loato- bowrr drajillr «• twupb ai.iroraui-r.
trbolr w. n'l." aav. I*rorrB
all tba lioabatB aad aaat of a aaa wto aad Mr tolf dotro tprdBre* rxbllill- I pp„p».. -r,«aUta Id Mr uw of i«
Bt. aad
bat had- a -leaf rBt.
aad whlto will ap. od bare ■lltm.nrd whir aiiratloa aad f^-tlv ,lr} air. la -rdrt li. a..<ou4>li

LadlB- --------iBtrrrwl BBoOf iNtoolUni aod adore- I ,ny,blup tl to nr.^-.«nrj- to rtlw Ito (
itoaa.. . .
iriiiprrmtuw fioiu I lo 5 dr- '
itoUlba aricto ttoaal iBdIrmlooa. arrrral of wMcb
,|.o>ll>lr UBI-'r I
■ part of tba mai
-oe-li'loo. Ik^ I
iaaJ peruapad.
. a iiuuir lo all
rjip o,it(
Id thto Hot
d.aUrriap plataro' wh» b


aato baaa Borad law that almte dmrtop
M aaat pear.
•aaUaaotlbarwato prlaaof ICaro^aaa ooal. lapalrtot aim pomHap to
Mb Baroaa. tba Wept ladlaa aad
Maalaefar AlatoBaeoal.
QUb r. Ydlap, wto raeaoUp died to
Sa Lomla. pmre apUt toruaaafll.
dOatoaaatlbaaoaa olatrlaad whieb
to bad todotaad. aliboopa bt aUpbi
bate Bad Ma adoaatmpa of tba baaklap
Tba Lard Hapar of Lomdoa. baa dlraatad that tto Irlab dtp b* h
aaar MaIUbIos toaB oa 8 t YawMi'B
dap. to ratepaltloo of Ma tomoorp of
Ibt I'rab iroopaio toalb tlrlra.
Tba aatl iorolCB attUada of Mo porwaaral of Cblua prowa box
Motor to tba laat

tipirto froB Ma prualpal atoaafaa
Idtara ofatadp MMrafpa. atoo Me
tba oatpat Mli pear will to mtoal «0.
Mp.bdD, aarpaalap mU prorioM rtierii.
mad, abpat »i.ueo aos la axoaB of laat

fnilla^ Hamrom. a fmrBor liriap tbraa D< Polo. Ho., ha
aaaUaalimllp aboi ato blUtd Ut had
baa alBtop torpa qamattttoa ol
traaaartbla Me ramrof bla l
padaatmMmptorMoMlaf. Btptoaod
m Melpma lomdad with boMabot la
of Ma arlb. to tba trlppar of wbleb
atdaebad m wlro. Paarea torpot aboat
Malrmpaad laat al«bt ^ waat t
- aribter aera- Wbaa ba epmat
dear Ma toad of toehabdt alnek hla
la Ma bratt.
Tba ladlaa of BatUa CMak Aim rnatlp
aClMtad e*rr a aerraat taatka wbleb
baaDmdaaalp anaa DpoaMaedkp. A
alart llaa aco a ablrt wabal (aetorp
wmeDfwaad Mere. amDleplac u plrlt.
aad laat weak oae of tbe
•ml b alchl lorea ml work of 40 ciria4»Ma«mltlmcoalaUaa ml natamrmau
aadBbkptroB wall kmowm dall^

"Jbak Ma Otpper- taaaa Id
•M to Jaekaok. MeWMp^lacma
KlutaOarr.aa aaplopa of Ma
4ard OadrrwMx taatorp. wma (olw to
vbdtm (rted. aba waa rmbbtd bp aa

SlaiLr ptio ar. p->|oe bi5
fcnojriMd ilir I'alu.'i id Wturt
Ipt .vnior}- 111 111* I'aidtii
*.facB.tto Blind
CtlA-rraMAtiih'l Ito »l
an- eolut: lo Ibwiou.*'
h <■! Uau. rirn
Bupitob m-inti.'!
DaviilI Tlrnnl—n,
Umiui—n, ui i
}>.irfbwr.l -.r.lJlpiO
r.a.-11-rt Turn.'
lako. Thi- Itk.. w ii
Ui Ito MiM-~ijlo.
.tiilio klauai-lniwito.Bi.v.apg—d to to ito w>ui<-r
lor 1. nip tomii . Bill a dl.
-■Tto lirto wbiir mail kn.«ii lo liaro
OtoiW.l 111''.l-I lu. »iual
► .urn. ol tto SIi-l.'i|)p.. Wto William Voop-.m t.
ikinp al liii-ui|impiiimapx
iloni—II. a tut Ifa-h*. wto.wa. ndlaiu
Ir al Uk'litooa m I'o-i.-i l-or
tlil-.T |.oldt.|od alljitlllit -di
JI.KM I iio|Ui

..........'M! it


.«r.-np lid., i.
li.rl lit Turktob
pm wa. im.i.b- <.• ...inlour
irrHIrtr u<D-o-t
|.iv*iblB* Ibr f..ul f-11.l air alptn.lti.-.M
tVlili.wn nnr l.l.a of
„ *..,o.r«lli I
lo .irlki a innliod
A l.r
l.r I
w |,|.-|i .to nniW in’i tlo- .-to aiii.*--. of
,|„ tn-ainiriK ................. ....... •wulttrp
r..n.lluou. and wiilo.u' Iiik i.. lahalo Mir |rdl.>tr.l alt
111' ln..-nilon of
tlip litol.r I M.a.*hlnr. i

Th.-u.-ti otiiiopd
rind -na*
piiuirp I'lk.. II. 1



d eoeed rdliopiBOlMrdap.
il*"a'*p»”'eiWle ooplea.
Oeorfe D ChaBberUla. paWleher,
Spdarbeld. MSB


Mr auud iDOch llchirr, Umupb •quallp
U It wlib a •*»a»y
bar* aud I. rrarkrd Id trrmi .
ae Moii*b bp brai. Tto flowrr aod
Mr airu iir .lark lin.wB ID rolor aad
aa dry at liotor
li «mwa on a inw
of luinimw aiu aud (real aitracM
wtJrb. coirml m ill, fluwen bd.1 rirwOd fruui a dlatato-m- look, aot unlike
a buali kadrs wlM miuiuoe rooea,
tbniixh Itor* la la<* of brlfbi rolora
AocI ibrt* U M fracraacr
NiAblap liki- Ito 'll.wr 0/ Mxdre" “
kaowa to rxiai xnywtorr rito on ranh.
aad Ito diecoirrp b> Ura> aod Ivria.
Mr tw*. cwwatortor*. .aa» totiufbt



a i.ui. I.
lavulinr rt. i I. Hun il
,,i|, iioi- ►
twreuiii.rl w-lil, toll-.
.. .
,,4,., IB I
,(h. ,„rfa,
tn.lw-r. on-.lbiv
i, ,n.. Hu,. .
I..TT- \\l..n.xj.u..1loe
.......... ....
]urr an- uui birp- .-ij.incli
I.' a|.|iiv
rtal.b-. bin wtow ri|.~. .l
1 III.,
ranp- of *inH-|il.. ri...r.a, lu il..- boi A- iriilitii .'II'
to r. itoen-.-..
iii^i.w and
„,i,ir*.-il..n rIT.-ri. hr- Ini

Ito b'olH.r .4, VVai.-r- -r
••Ukr |la«-a w-a- .
Jp.lf. »b.ii^b'.i|i'rufl.
lutoltobi... anur;
Ito. K. r -Mr B...I1W. ll-and .iHm. xrea
KOid'tl i-i ill- Ink'
diaii. kii.,wii a- Vrll-.w I:
------------------ -- -r..v.x.nlH'pn.*tlt

ixrr Tlir Urn.
ll III ban- bi.t. Vrroin
r liwr-|ir*iUM|.|x toaoj

-I in lakiiipHiark i

M, I.,-, clul oot pay pINUuo for tba
tWhlil'w raw. au.1 prt Mi. Hob,
Itodlu* in tow of Uto. Harp Janr Mb.
pan and Ito of b.* oNMIa. afami. Mai Him numiiw. aam wm. |Bld
lut.i Mr toUii l.rilu-xaiwknertbaaiio'
.j.i.*p«oI! ihr, 1.
■I Muin I..II l.« a irwmi totA
ohii.iwH jvi.duot 1 Toril Ibon.


• Mr W.lli.u.'r Wal.
i.f ►•-i.xw iiitoi. to Ur. !».. al II.. Iliaa
III.-law .......... lu'i. 111. I.—~1.«1 baa
to.-ii lullnll.xl, to' lit. couw ni.xl I.. dia-

cvoomn.iwiM ■bri.iy.lnp
"Til., mto whn-h i.ii.n in nip |i i B»u4i.” -nld Mr l»rw •wn. l.nitfUt I9
ua- fr.-.. Ito A1.I.T1.WU An toto. iatiaa,
wlini, l.a.l ...iMto-nxI tto Mil. .4 Ma
poo Ifiuiri. ►
M.«aan x..ll,..i4,
.................. .«lan
.ilmr.. wa. ...... iui.hi vn-p
••Atoi'p. atoiakHw l. r Itak to pot- .Meili. I»to.,„..ibuut x.-f» ran. aod
.uiw. Ito. p* fW.vl.w-, Iml 1 .ilx>.wililli.x*lii|raB‘ ^'V •“ *
an.llMMi. il miipboilp
..-'ri. •I..IIIC to to
k-vj. It.
uf lima
ruii.iMlp ami lutmwl
‘ ■"
lookiaj: al

••|i; I.-.M1 lb,'.lion L—ix rxto. ar
oomium,Hllip,H.iiri. K s.di,.d.-ral«. Ma ,
bi.l'iriau. wnii ..n a.i .•tiilntirttf . aiVtU- ,
lUor-u|i Ito
a. fm arl'a* .,
Ukr. — nau.wl al tl<- lini- to Sckqi.iiwafi 111 iMfll
db-ltranii. w.i,
xm.l.w.. lia.i-l.Tli.iiupwii'*
, , in. lak. 1-„.I t.-iwrl'd Itol
lak' |.. to Ito ir..' -n...v, Kx-vb-mly.
.1—•nihr.u.uh b.m-t'.-r, to Ii.-Oiit li'.m.lh- luiliau*
•bnoi Ukr lla..-a. f-r b- i■.x|l]MllI with
api'.r' »v„ra.v. iImm.kI.


Hr. Krasel SetOB-ThOBpaoa. Me
aatbor of -WUd Aalmale 1 Bate
Kaowa.” aod wboae ••Blonaohyora
Oidiilp" win ceee be pobUebed bp The
Oeatarp Oo.. bat wHUao lor The Oaalorp HtfaiMe aa*aral artlelB od "Tba
NatioBar Zoo' al Waablartoa.” Mo
eialoaaol wbleb will appear la
Mareb aaabar. arIM llleatratleea

'Inrii liii.lud.'l
.1 .11 ..hllM.nxI


l.r boat
Ml. l»..
ID M'wn^.i
HI. Uiuii. Hr
.. Dri'l w r.ln1ili
111 «lM .l-dsto i..*ttiward ‘
>rl,.n Ir'i-b lak' Tbit lake '
,W illi' ->ur.v ut Ito- MitoU- ,
. r.-|.wi... Mb. .n1w<vl —ae

w i-.-A ■'.imiip
•1 IWI..III.-1D aU
elax.-t uf .iiffi-rliix will. p..«l

Mr forrai. uf Ibr Vnlird 8lO'


wim^* id Iti*
:.|.al.«i M.m|.

h. luio mwiIrni.Mion. M-ra Hrsa.
I lotto puvmin.. Ill 1.^ lioatwiM
linliain.»ioi»inptli. -al.. .J
uillini nuniu lurnl.-titiill. In-1IwndiaMl

pnw. .itlwn^u.iiili
tto- lud

"T^iop a ttmuiV' trm.ltoi>- tl

dnr\>r.«pid ihi falto.dst An

Bkotplap.- bp orar Mlnp el Ma
•omtatlta wosae of Mr Uallad


•1^... -Kbt.brw

l-.H- b.rl I..II b. k.-loli.l luT roai-'
i.i. luMi I'.-k-.l uiid-rlh.. lablr toba
111. I. wa- 1.0 .a., r-m-a-al.-.l Ihm*.
.- tka- ■i|.ii.d<-auii.Mi.l>, and Mie .

—Sew V.'rl Ibvxaxln

il b.*.-.!.-- i.M-lik.' itofawMn-.lublrNbaki.
. i.,.,.|hK'.,...uf
. ■■il'll.^-tiul Im■•ilibl

■ .ill. a...
|d.m«."aaid Mr aroa-'
1111 Mml-.* Il'.liurw "h.iw tom a^

a. Hr M.II.M. allrpal. did

nil,(u,ah, ,,


I. !bu>r‘aftiw
itt b.iurw
I Maa, p
ur (Inw..

uii..- luuutli. I.
watxl.." .mil Hi. In*. '
w'a. rtbilMIr

.r“.“ .............

krptii l..a.-lin>plm»i— h>.Mxil|(xd
ll 1 li»Ti" l...|wak ubuot it
i.rl lima. tiDI llial tlBO bB
lBj~d "
"ll.minurbxlld>>w|W} f.wtto«aa**r'
"Thai I a.T, ink al lil.viy m .laltt”
1 I.WUlbt ll. 1
rii.* *.mr X.*-.* f.w
IW.I H-»m-'.*“*‘kal I aboald
“** d.,..to1 lUjUfloBa I
aUwl il liwaapwilM ;
............, .....
............ ...
......... ,|,..,,.,.T,h.ll.............................

liaib. r. uiaU'iial l.w fainrr iw.. Hit lMM..r I. m llh PiuillM
lakr ix-uiilrx. ox.ili'ikiii.: Ib*wI'lituca'
and ahn-l|... l.•w.lllf*.
l.ralM • HawilMMii-j

;;r:r:v‘bn-.‘nV:!i:, • ‘'-"tt'b-ii’rm r.r::;.'.,.u .4.»

‘"''■•'rail, imalilr lo piuw." aranOMad.
|uuu-lakiiiK ll Mr lliaxnw ix.. "tVtoil.w.irauetba
iiMHi.i.l.- and III. ,raw I l-iiMbl xx a. tto I’.m. Jil.I.or VBau.'
H..I. xna-.i.t.-a-w iballaiu awartfll
laliu. Tti* an lu. b lu..v..f>
IX- I'll >'X..Tpr'ariaun.o( ,|,y Hh.
-luwhl I.- ixauxialnt." '
I Ibr juD- tn to ,.rmvUl..rMr I... t Ueerpr PBldoeh wa* killed aj, Imato
Vurt ,
h l.r I. Ito aix'lnhxi-i-X.-a'Vurt
jj,. i,,. wti.M.t.m ibii
HumI|> la a dmdU k’X* Ibal ta nflra
.i id.- Ixtar uf Hi' imi va rraard xk.u )..|nl. r-ni.r.! b> a drlllr. kalkaeka ooaaip. Moadap after. falal to frlmHlaliUi.
miwi _______________
. : IW..I f.a Or x»u. aa. «w.i.biaUp Ime
, rt, Bowrr »IM ewr ID.I
iprrailtloB |„j with nVldwf nuc. |.1.
»Bi «p baelBf bit head oraihM pj a P IIji} Ibr and you will bare aa<i hxrr hrm laufhi iiir.
' iban«|r.<Mm, aiiilataarkauiplridmlin-acb couet- vaU wf 1»i f.wi
' lballiM>diad I
ui-.ruDno of
, ►,,,^1 h-rm.-i.btnl H xr.ifM
g.-o.-ralloii. ibal to iHirh it-lDtro--------------- ;-------oc while IradlBf can Drcaaerd wae BoMlnr l.ui omurp—iD pourdnwiaa
,^|ir Mtoi.iH.1
X.M aiiaiii O..Hll'»i.
A'.Itl'iitoi ii.iu.-t-r in Kitohlr*. ta wi„, fa., i,„ j-irt f.w li. Hr tai.l Mai
ll baA. AlUInx to arr x laau aUMk- thinxU} would brlB| ■ 11 r.rrlaaliuc
Apeaiaofacaaedhxdltoadat UeU
II tb" .pul.
^ .lid ai.x'-Twi.tir Iiini. ri-ii
.pul. u«a p—l-.hi Inn—. o-d al tlirt.ima. ii. ..................
H liad'lnwlm
-In* I .-lexn'tto-Bud ll U kllllod.
: taro.- upon ibr IwAlr..
tlllr aboat a pear.|.i> Mill..
Il’t WMIX 1.1 fllri. Iiul •'
trwpird Mr to-D.l.
w> 1.1 Itorw a-bu arr mpxrd Id It wIlbiD
mi,bio tto prral
I*. *ax. Tbr
WI.I.-I} u,wd toxlitauf Uk.flaw-a Kip
II ba. U.M It
I •P'lbCa.
artioB iBdUaat lo tberallac'b.IilMr.priii»:
xa-r lu bi<|»
• U-W nutp br deduc
.pii, iDaliati* rrtard ito natrr of In Inilldlna !• ilih* rbh-n.i i
hto alAawatk after oaa of Ma radaat
•I.T’a fauiil) Itoi •fam.>n. lull'I ua liwnoalbaMrbMi
■uau wto doraa'i In DO kmoiIbc r'a.«o aa Mr dooraip e4 Ip uf ..Ueliiliuiit
..imllblirmhi i
|'^•b^l•lOlBdlIl !
badr*. end iWawoOdrrfol flown prow* f,„„. A pr.nJ.h 1 .
Ium. Ho.toi. IV-pear________
'.iiid xxatwul to Mortiiarirl mud
•Iratiar Irteed r.-vDrtp Wn plao
ra II J I'eatc, of
, tn. ww Tn Tl . dlalailtonl WlNi
dot *
t laiBlac iroB bar
m a win of ft-;
f.imHaa-iturn; y,.,. a*., aud Itot |br nnp
' -mlalt «.*nd.
onBtDrni (Mxwlurrd w In-rr vrU epir- irmd.- Ba ' x Ircui .awk
IrdUtrU Inf„p, Mid. "tVbal o»v)"folld (nr
,,toll.;.to.. Uulh*^ Ti­
I'atbrr Tllur ana aa refrrer la
muall pti'xi at wbirb ll wk- idlr
Irnd baidrrvrl la funoii* flrr
Tbr eD|irr prraarj aihl <>lto-r« to-'
a. .\toilbtiiaivih.-to-. a,*.. Jam ( fi* tto loii.i
baakrulitrp .m*oa of wiwnm wl
. ...Wldrcilcalwl M.ptoTI
Inn whb'l.* ll>.' iwIciD oT mlrxl pr..v» and, whl ll I. fr...- fruin | ^M-r- Ukr III
rll.d A.-hill— M-— ill--'-------- --- ----- —
fa.wa an- tludr fxwlunra.
baiol. Itorr ara IboDD.
flnwrr lo M.' dx-iuuu. ol hadra It Mr .. lurDI auil plU" u
ihowt that eke
Dot bare Mare .n*
toirwirr-rrxatl.Mi I* (hr llrxq lax.
x1 In liwiv. Inn (to- il.-tou- baxr l.t b).|.l..ili*. j.arilrlr- 1.1
ronap lady I. to araOliloux . udiat No ualutx- w nil lb.- rniBDl l,.■l■•<'W Ifr •
,. I'. * bldnw
IW'II ibr |wxrli(x of lu.iir.' f..r a
icbOQl. aod it b bellared Mat bar de- tiiii. up all lirr uwti .ma(Md anod..
iri l^nk,^—Ihnl
,r. II apio.ara, aud toxr alwapi
MocamaDt It -4ae to o*erwerk laat
Rexr uj. >
iair.1 ll wltb Mr tori xnu(,«Bi
aad at Mr a
m. .Iiiall litkwi
Au-.ltirrfniwHl. Ml
Ip aim.* WlM hw.n1WlU.ii.lp bxnoTT-xtn lu fwiito
old A*8.rrr .Wl tbr .nbirrtmtoei, r^b^ax , ^ J-top b^ tow
AtK alaameoo Btlph Colfrp aad V
pou will hex
,4 tto-'lurkry, I ivp.xid .up.,...-■...41 Him b...lidtnnB!ibml Tbi. rx- I ttoeiAiulul-ixq.ini
.« Mr tinoCBU ' ,,urcba«d n nu-1 -t.l IL m ito tmm
inw. niHl Itnl Ut
ll) imp
n». and rtprrinirnta Up >rr.xluk lb-.Iranv .,
Tauall) mluti a wi
I.. Ijiilodr, loo.
Tb..xr*lMi«ixii, lud wi-blnfll.i'll
aatb. wbaalMr fau---------------------------, alh.w. lMW-.|f to to
Ito tork aD.I |.lai1ii« and iir-tll.> mr ib.
1 .n.-b wx*rn.7 y, ih-fa,*T4 Rr.Ai.l. u.x. .Abl nl1n«
)br toillai eiraek-CoBop
Ibr panw a avail qmioi.i. of Ibr fluid In wiirr r.. ellkliil.. .1—-i. nr -■
elan a luiu. d>*-au:i <w
xr llul Hr IrmI Ilrdut
latbafaeo. kDoeklBC oat part of bit w.Mib
.dltlnl'bl»-.ll».T-.riallTpOa ^faiir Ibutuito).' xiul xxlli. Hr- npi>r<i i .'Thire |. n tolp lo thiI. .-itp who lev .
■Mih aad lodf lac orar tbr baaa of
IV.I mud bDl-dm.1 If
Imip Nrw.
•Til. W'lrilr ,l.p,1 ut
akall. Ilteideabtfal wbaMar b* i
If iwnrl.. imuto n-xl f.w w
fnvudi4Mrw Miar^wU.M wn. tba male*
.. u-i.ta.toi
I town vprS^’bk
id -Mra. M'wean.
Hkaioirr. irrkkMif
I into rli-poir n-xti.
Tba prlsliBc of Ma Ux ahiB for
wily to • r. ri.ti. b.«w.

aoBbeoaatp le aot Ma aoap for tbe , _
...V tpiwP.nllr fm DO
tain UUn-r, -to
Ur** .to toXr ami bnli.lird tl
Ta lakr X |xlniirr of ;■
oewapapn Mat cota It that It It Id I imii of t ll.iUX bxlird bp e foDi
i .Wto* jnin—. '"mi.
bl-iw lew maiix rt.mleiac M
Tbit peer ,
f,„i ut • kloof,
Ttorlir.**.c.4 ari,..iwo loaktclla oet..folli.ri-«i.*ro.vam.H.wbmvlB.1 ...r
Tbr dlvi-ini. -I l-iaii.x
-f Ml
Mr I'nKrd pnMl.brd hi.alliK..
ry.4 niwtr
Mere ara Icae
t Mas
Maa MIrtr
Mlnr daaoii
Ir rnd of I
amwantl from
nU«l buwlii. wif. o.-nirrm brr'ar
toUii. to «Mp
ip of Me BorMerm
BorMera ro
xlUEC rtrrkb-ur.
I Ito ffo. In
iaie rrdua
.' Iwe. iCDcr' ruuul hi (to Uuik U.l oroUlL "I tpu^r „„
ni.d rv-laiuod; 'I bam
mat awop ap Me Mona.
•beolrd t
|tt|wr np th,. Cull.rl fliBi.w .4 muht nf Hit luUr ' ^ .X|.x
irhilir.. macnibwid|..i iha( laOTiuanplinw* Il le tba
rie.'b of Bor mad MinC' whb'l.
--tirl (..M
(nld IliTT
{ adJoA it al ; ,h.-.hi,i„» ••
r xmlird ••*11.1
h* .to .«MhI i"
A .■xrrlul rkamiaatloa .
Tboe. Hadap. a laskoraaB.
nml to ftrri.'biui! -at uut ixr* 'A d»x .w (wo efiriwnicl 1 a.kod 1'
. _ ^
Mrma rOw aad hla riwbt Mipb b
f.tol.r--litolxii.*, brpr.rfncrd I..t if, .to had d-aw wbe. I .ueutoo^ •
r alu r^e^U I^
»'-"«■ .'““f rn. .i.)r- a |. Bnx. cr-wlnc I'l-l'-nrp.
aad raoDltad talmal lajarUa bp
• .'fr lli^.wl^
Ifrlken.bT’a vo..rt...prr, who | te« nod aiDr e om.- iuio Ito l-wrt lo )»•! HISV
n.d ninl- wbirb nrinnilyinipmed -nb. pi.,' »to-murttmA
lor trnaaia laaber eesp on I____
. n- 1 "Tto **«••• »•' »
dliif uu(todl»tol1«wMninuu.-b j *ed
lb- ......... ..
m.i -t,,- m,
m l«r.,mi..
K-rn: l•.•«n|lblmJ a>nr(* ef j (lot niaKiw iU-*rrp u-\
Orcok SatanUp
Tba aemreat doctor
."I" ! Willi Ito .-xaniloaliiei .4 bi-ndbOltBe,
,<jr*a( Brill
wae 1a Aloeam. aidmanoe of fertp Inc BM-n...-.u Jomprxl oflT nud .innrd on Hxiwrr ito miuiioW r»r-fnll,x and look riw . bii-.r. w. r. lir
Vilni ui. - Irand up -wo. uf Uw uretBp
Ynnwill flo.l ituii ito *1- .(imi In U.tnor I. aloncinaird hxrr rr. pi ii.i-. Mr •inn.leM
BilB. Aoradeelod wae bolll aad ba 1 nie lowarxl e krantx. lo Jiim|dnc nt Ihr wuid
I wbKb.urr
- i.u-i,..,.T.,...l,ibt. anbjnx-- .a«l Mkkll|.
M«M,n. .4,.ourrob* toxr erettrrad
Ihap were Mlrtoes n alnli Ui. f.K.t .« a
niai» -4 (hr
titni-*en>1uimlmn.. eselort
It— 111 I-n-nridvtt*w
W'll .ainbUeba*
bonn oa Me road, wfateta bad craatlp
; Mr Hlnrb of
. "'If mar f-uud (hat Ilirt* l> DoMlBC
Melbumm hoi lb. fr*
d Hadap. Ha will prebtbip
to- fnrfbrr lo to Irwn.rrt al.wil (to Im*
Ymk Vi'urbI
•I PR- for.
. euurx* -if tto FaMn '>t A' Aa n
traumktmrmlba propa Mlac >o
' niaim uf r*-i«lial ten, Mr Inir L'pper lucto Ito.iib-pnilu—*to- bn*, puouc
0 daailae coantp tbl* wlaler. a
^U- .bAuld Airr the j ilriy of ilimi moo.-of ibr~ pn ioiwe *
' Hi*.toi|.pi 1. th' rir.r rall.d tbr Mla- Diau. •roa .ml 'I fuP Ib.r*.
Frw im—wi.'pn'iw Ibal Batin
ber of black bear* barlac baaa nan a urp raito and took Mm ■ laek llkr pnii-lra. raw. en.1 oibrr Baw- ' osr ef II
b>to aunri Tto .in-mni riiai fl.iw. from Ivkrt
•liul. Til- tVrIl. x.m JU.I wai.h
I'e . liwl.ui
1 la Me ewBBpp nmlaba
bolli annind ito ilrl nn-1 thr*n«b (be «*,: eomr look Ilk.- anakrw aud wtbrr*’ p
• n llnw-a i- mMrlj a inbuiatp I uucht dm ,t»’" Ao.l Ir .l•.*u0tocl.l—AiurrIl.oiIii.if>"*. AU -rltdilamM •
fl. Inx l.lriU-ln fan. i
1'111-air In ll..llan
ll I
».d- fol.*P'i tofDTWii.m IbBl-nlkrdnloBC i-wa, WtoaJuinu
fto.did hiDM ll
'AprAOMp pars Celdwater ha bad a
•u.a thr Ir'.l uf the .ir> eu. i-tiu-I l.r ('aptnln
p.*.!. pivuBix frtowefl
MrV err bHn( ,
■ '4 (iinri.rito infnut. Miwi-ippi fni a cuearr ltoi.l.-i.l
ll laU'l.-t.wIM
roB ano Ip araral tbemmmd. TVo

Tto liillr
•nde. pcwi nwp rini*-)
illni'iii. If JUI! ha.-r ;c |«iliy airt'ToMr di.lao
■ tibrrcltrlbeaaaBblrla.
•hnprA ror mimito er roe nia;
tial api—Ttop >
'ofTH.Tmn.llne b.alb'D .m Ibb brxr* war drtol op UMr iiKm.nt*u
M.rr mvdm'brliD^.
pamr mm|wi with a nton pIco
■ fleurr. di
Inio Mr elot. aad bar* rwdoowl ito laaciB of (Hr Hi
rmbber tmtoaf oo tbr BMtbplM*.
«ba proper
propa pin erpowdn-will rror eat 'elppi frqen X.lbt inlU ul.Mt mil
.____aad <Bt- trma of larce
Aboat aanat aaeb Aap tbe etowe re­
Mro bp boairada
boairadt aad bator* -raUrlai
Aaeote aboat <oaa hour - tor Ma alfkt daaotr
A Urr alr.* wir* |a a abw
•aa lot* a elamr. baaIMp i
aemmeaeofMe elMaUin.
all nwatlae qtlal la Me
TTpiBB trkrepup B|.i-mrap.**kr.ii.
BBtU Ma aaxt BorBlaf wbe---------, ------BBBp a Dian ib.m-u
D W ho baa tact U
A Uc Bum alwaj. Irel* .mail tflrt





r.Vtoi.'"T.brMr- Irn




■ Mmmmi



b* ba. I»ru takru lo

Bootbt It aaa/atacTtaatmra re•mtdlar Ma tiecaUr aaeaBptat le
Mattbee^aepieraBldlpcrowlac. alUomrb ao m»- baa Wd able le '

•I x].rak rw
a lulud lo a
a- oulx «kli
. ..|r.-.*lxi-

_______ tba heart
Me atirilooM dlelorbe
wIMoel a boul* a
MalrelmlBlo trie Oil. Hamle c
tb* wooflad park.
eprmlae. Mcnreb

(HfbtaB MIb Omt. aad tba baUara ba
•Bd-a kalla to allp Ma b^. a It It
oataaaeadpaDdltcnd. MbtOarria
!* *i>r**!SyyLro^>e!Xy
llpamraaldaad ll*a WlM ba aetbar
•M far baa whan Ma aataalloo- ttom'*wMS.**^tmJTo*iIr^^ M 0.G*
BllaabMb R.


2'li:' a-rth

At Allcpa«.Hrv CharlB deltb b»
bclpfnl mrtlelr* la Mb aum*wr Table
tea lomad daad. dbt Urad to ma old
tbaetp aWiba raae. Bor haabaad
la otpeotod bp tba laat of Marab.
oat drukaa mad wortUlaat mad waai
itoitBO Uaaarml btarabarg bat ra- iwmp batardap, laartop bar daailMto.
BB oblalB a apenloua aataad a Bbia froB (W- Uraaelaal
abMaa<taeato«Ua fblUpplBaa. tapjadpr Uaaalbml Hanoi Alla«ma
tafthatthatoialamBBarot atB
.... p,
alrlekaa ^llb mpipletp Moadap mod
itoBUIUrp hBpUalt to amd toomad
bla rmoorarp 1* doabUml. Mr Ban
Haalla Hareli M waa 1.1(1- Tbora baa
waa clremlt jadft mad a pros
baaamaltodprtduattobtolbt aoBbar
UaMermt Ba had baaa a rMldaat of
olaaaBatoBJaa la. wbaa tbtra
Allafae tor mora Mas to ptar* bad faaep dtobra wlM fell dtterlpUos how
•^^apmrr Mob. wbUa Marm It Ma
At KiBlm. B. Y . IbB. K. Hao
toolbar bf Baarp Ware Baeebtr.
Oeraalla J.. wile of Jottioe Wllllna
pBtorol Mb Mrab. wb atrlebaa
Blaraesoe ol Kliut. atraoplad to daaM
artthpbtolpatatlaadap oo bit ratmrm
Moadap aflafaooB at 4 o’clock while
toato (roB aarrlaa.
Bto rooero
laklapa rlaacof audWaa.
illscir. a rnlo aboralar; al
Oapl- A T. Mahaa daetoraa tba MIeMa Hare Hait|oetU alevator at Uadlarue. baa bad a aanow aaeapa ttea
bipfor atop I r tit datoBB aad u
dcaM mad waa lacbp to fat oS with
a>rt aerdlal ralaUei
oelp a lac brdkae. Rlaflc wax draws
«Hb UiltolB.
I BSB of crate bp tba aocUoa of
lUiaola. with ««• ladarmtad woBta
oekau Id tba blf aUraior -'laf”
riaha. baa Bara Ibu aap other atota.
va* bariad tor aararal Blaairt
Bed It aot
■tar Aaberofl. B- a. aaoarml aoda
Md borax lmh«* bare beta toead. Oaa bees for bl» abotel ba woald hare baaa
klUad bp Oia rapidly Botisc baekata.
odibaa eoatatoa abool M.doou
lAaUwwoalphlaaBUa waa Baafled
Tto ataia iBBlprmtloa taaoi e< aad brokea.: Ua waa barrlp braat^
wbaa raaeaad.

d - ■ntm toBto ~ 1 i
-'1 bar* Kcpixd amiB tb
Tto Itomrbbluw iraw to la Ibla (dip.
rlr«r."«idUr. t'niHw -ll

TbaltoltorrrdlrtOfaoamabBtSbBitorlrrmBiacat lailr atoioi i
nui*. tocoBdacMd btoo
tori nolmwa. who oi aboat ttoatoaUaaud S inetoa d<a|> I ba\a
I tto Pa- ^
tliw nf tto I«»l<nin<l arptWay Bunaad.
ttor id Wairr* wbrrr to i
oolof tto rrrolulil au.l rtarii
ww pud wbM.
rlTmla|.iUa<iur.liu>-ai ito I'oiti
lu iwtiu w.M tto-tolgbli i. liuor ol bit I oral wmi tod rjitl Mm i«in>'i>'i''!p. | aold al ao...........................................
i to ItoirTioIJrauOirranrr. lirtomld■>.■!. poai>aKp»tr» a»!>. : ...
adult (Imd.
faal ilii. awiati or drlartlTO baa
•Ttortitp.d Ito •aarrb fit 11torooror I corb hi. pp>prtMlp to talk, aud 1110.110- ,. (nm. m
di~>n.rvilt.iat.mliilothrftuioo.HB«b,dlto Mtol-Udii Wtol. !.k. II
I HiiW raw l.'Inut. to Mr<ai Itb
AIII r itor dioWiTt’ nf lb' appii
iKiW iul.>.ii.iow.«T1>im fdurM
; sDd
“Yr^ " i»ia Mrioau ab-»ilp.
l«:t lip John au-l Uaniorllr.


ms tot arid.

Id emit mpmlDlt Ur dtp to b
ua totat paid aadar protoa
oe tba premad.
II* batop a I


d nrrol flowrr li

to ron.(.wr.l of four
ni-air 'lii >lca|w and
- Ito potato
A Vlektboit Baa walkad froa 8har Alban J B-»rrldp». Tbw praat arila liair
ala MoBtotaodoalpooa Mmiaaaalor ^
Baa. Watford ootatp, to Vkektbarf,
Baooridpo baa wrlttaa for map Btpm or dlrtokin. of ilir Bowrr I. oorrtod
a diatoaoa of PM nuaa. to alt dapt.
tlaa or parlodUtol (ioat bla ratmra ^
wltb ihk-k liark. Iikr an oirllnarp irrr.
Itoka HlehlMB
opan for aarlfaIiuhtr of ilww dlii.l.w. Mr liard auratoabatontop Tiw aUawar LoaitrUla
far* I* Indrntril wttb llor. iliat follow
B.;alap Mitoft SU Joaapb lor Cbleapo to r
eweb oMrr In ilir m-wl drlli-air irarrtp.
Bomaakaepart wUI aaj
Moodap witb a htarp earpoof fr^ht.
priato of aoaa
Karlp dprlnp" aa dea
rbtob to UlOtllp
Oaptoto nuwart. who oosBaadt tl
,B*nameK^borMM?t^tote llai?b. ' doi
aolld wood, aal
roktrlllr. patio ml koaWB Hbrb
ladap. mod rmpvrtad tonof to to
BUM oortb of bb ooaraa to trt mreotd

Haatboatpdtar la Haraga to tbe
ratail bapar. Iba prtot of baaf la aboat
U oaow a poBb^- bb^ ib
W that.

aacTtoorml oiwratloo b-mc ro»«eb to
prorr ll> w.arlrrfiil uKrlit aud coa..................................................aU ih.. rbao^ ^____
I I.} «br appll-



r WBO trmadrdap mp aad dciWb
linep nxB of Ma Onod CtoRml
k aad aditocMBwl Isrllardto
■mrh. mlctompb fwaa ttoplaatB
mBOBmllrtoaluwiaopcat one aaWB plain Ihai ctora wto a dap rxiiBnp I
MoB. >kidd<e>*ibrpaeBpBiaBlrtllto
pomacb'otB't odrandmaardtotto]

> rood oot tbruawiiMD to Mr aaIp trap to «itr II. ' tap- llufTaaor
■piaror. a »rU to"wa fWrapw adaaiM wto bar»it iwrf.vinl a do-

t.BM »

Vmla MI.Mgkurot ■f««•
JokB Ml 0l Bm*M. Watord eeu«r.
n* ^Wa M plM* M B«k
M toad Md VDm
I Hoc error bB
Bw. Atbirtbtba «kUd*«lffMlK
poaada. bba b aow aaartp I paaia

Ckurte Bmrj Olbte. U
Ufbl kMM •■ MmImM
>ir* •••>»*»•( ft arMT.

X Ift. 1900.



ItebmeeeoftbeeMa. borriU*»UrM.
•earpbodp aMiewd li
or. balp oae aata. m
tebMM«4m>*ICbbto.^b.r..b**i-j::?7^a>B«BeDt At av

niaj to
0} ousui lu so toi.-Mrr.
mralUi. hu( Ibr)
Tto iRludMutir . _ ...................,
eioni- Ibr xx.-nicr >‘"T trax.-w uDimnird.
n-l> then b) wbai Mr la
Ud ■<
Tbr errac tmmhlr wIM a
aero la ibn knew lee aeai
Mnl arr doi tm*.'

Baarp MmUp ebomU hsm ft bama- »>f
old NiedMeB *baat, ^ tba Amt bei-.

A fool Id bla lenoTaon. 1. balder
than a mcr In bi> knowirdcr
If VO.I aaplrr lo Talk w.-Jl poo •)!«•
Aral Var* wbrn u*l lo lelk;
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Horse Blankets

From 69c to $6 00.

um imm hr mk iui 9 sa.w.
Tbe Urife iBcreac of oar BAke tf 1
oboVB cmr pnee ielovaat.

lupin il IHBI WHp. 8 tak k $2JU.

T^rtrre City.


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