Grand Traverse Herald, January 05, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 05, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text












VltUHia ..
N*ro ... .
Paul ...

.. 00.000
. 140,000
.. 22,000
.. »AO0
.. 12400






. 45.000
. -.500
. 7400
. 21.000


With Day or T«»o.


Pound Unconaoiaua In a Bath Rasi
Two Wsaka Ago With tha Gaa
Tumad an But Thought to
Ba an Aoeltfant
Detroit. Mich., Jan. 4.—H. C. Potter.
Jr.. Tice president of tbe Peoples Slate
Bavlngi bank, shot and kUled bimsalL
He had been auffertng from nerroM-

Mr. Potter shot himself Id bU home
t No. 644 Jefferson aTenaa shortly
before t o’clock this morning. Seveml
weeks ago. Mr Potter was found nnconaciwia In tbe baib room of his
home with the gds turned on but U
waa glv^n out then that there bad
been purely an accident.
A maid In the Potter home heacB
tbe shot In the _ ilag. but taya she
atuebed no Imporuoce to IL bot be­
ing positive that tbe noise was tbe
explosion 01 a revolver. However,
when Mr. Potter failed to appear at
tbe breakfast Ubie bla wife Inveatlgatod and found her bnabaod dea^^n
Ibe bath room with a bull^ found In
Ibe right temple.
Dr. G. G. Jennings nys he haa beeu
treatMg Mr. PMter recently fAr 1
nerrouHueaa. There la absolutely ho
question about (hr aecurecy of Mr.
If Ha Had Had Any Crimlnala Bpattod, Potter's account)-, declared George B.
Ha’d Hava Biekad the Padaraf
awaon, who It connected with thu
Court On Tham—Hauaa



oNoMw w*TD f*lt ■••I"
MiitMfn Ittly MM Elelly «iM ‘
orumbUos n»lM Id th. dIUm Of C.I■Erla DIM Eleliy «Mi« altakM to duM.
Tlw minlMr pf mariM nporta 1M.on pMpto ptriDhod «< tht
dlMMOrpTMondayAot rt Itth*
Ml DpIlUM 0«t tfMth HDt will fMCh
•t l«wt <00,000
KiAo VIctM EminAnMl a«d QwMn
MtMM taft MmMm for R*00<o today
to laak Npan tha .flniaaama .aighto
whkli tha atitokan city affara. Every




Vlaitora Prom Out ef The City \

on Blelghrida In tha Af-


HIGH BCH60L HAE AN ABPREPlraa have haan ilghtod
dtrdata oad ^aat avana <
lit which hraad la bairtg baked far tha
Many Alumni Wara Present at Cha|
Whan tha king and guaan antarad
This Morning—Signlflcanca
Raggla today, their grief knew
•r tba Plag.
bawnda. Bath wept caplaaaly at tha
awRaring and
mtotry thay
Many of tbe Alumni of tbe local
■ aretmd them.
High school were present at chapel
Monday morning. Superintendent
Oilbert welcomed them, telling of the
high aUndard which bad been set In
ply ahlp pditic. arhich haa baan
tbe various InstltuUoDs Of leaning by
ad wHh auppIlM far the big hattlaahip Beet now ortiiaing around the graduate# of this High acbool.
A Very Eae and appropriate gift ww
world be aant at anca with auppllai
made by tbe W. R. C. of MePberwon
-------- • atric^ ^ Iho aarthgM
Pod. No. 151. 10 the Centrnl high
acbool of Traverse CUy. It was s3 Am
flag, of bunting and 12 leet In
lenrh. It srlll be bung In tbe main
ion ball on the front srall. Prof
Papular Kln^iay Young Paopla Ware iUUbert spoke of ibe flag and Its algUaHad in Mnrriaga by tha Rev.
Aldcauce and Its spproprlgieoeM a. a
R. «. McGragar.
gift to n acbool. Tbe sludeoU appUnded tbe gift warmly and feel th^t a
Cbutea S. Bog and Ulaa BTEe Bobetter preaeni could ont base been aw
part anme oror froa fUagalay and
were dwritod by tbe Kar. K. S, MeOrasar at tba Flial Matbodial Bpiaeopal pataonaga. tm iba laat day of tbe
oM jMir. They
Bdaud Bdtait. Wotbar of tba WMe, PMplea Eavinga tank Today Eant Out
and Mtaa Obn Wrt^L Tba btida la
Chec|a to Eteckholdarn Par
OM of tba popular yauag
of KlngMay, oapaeially U cboreb drclaa. vbaro aba la vary aetlTe, vbllc
Tbe Peoplea Savings Uak Mooday
tha groooi ta a prnaparou yoong tann- sent to lU 44 stockholders cbe<«a for
. Tbay have tba beat vtabaa of a
regular aemlwtmaal dlvidoad
targe eUtda of Manda.
itlng to three per cent
Mr. and Jin. Boa BO to Pou
one^f tbe «ai
•m * fad
Ttelt anoag tri
Inga tor tbe pertod which bas baen tbe
gar wbieblbey oiD raalda u Ktogatba
hMory of the bank.





the board o| trade banquet I
Relief Train Hte Bean Bent to Plahcr,
nlgbt. The Udioa of tbe C.
OkltH Near Whera he WroMc
aocicty arc preparing n very tempt­
ing menu ot good things to eat. and
havTubeo. Okla.. Jan. 4.—Two •
been very UbemL This wlU be the kllli-d and 25 were Injured at a tanlt
largest gathering of repreaentatlvr a head on collision between a passen­
buslnrws men ot ibe city that baa ever ger and a fqplgbt train on tbe Priaco
been wilnesaed In this elly, and when road at Plrter, near tbU city today.
transportation ufflrlals resuh
A relief train with aeveral physi­
here they will bo well
cians aboard was sent to the acenu.
and win doubtless contribute liberally
lor Travervo City .
Mayor Germaine baa arranged to
Icrtaln the vlsilors with slelghrldot,
nbout the city during the afternoon. BIO EXHIBITIOM WILL OPEN TO­
If they rearh here on tbe early U»ln*
which many of them doubtless will.
The secri-lary has received r grt-ui
Ona ef Beet Judgee
lany leltpboiu- calls here today for
In the Country. Will
n-senailon of iiUics and has arranged
with (he ladles of the C. S. I>. S. *ociriy for more, sbould other biKluess
If you bear a rooster crowing, fol­
nu n dc-cide that they will bo able to low tbe aonnd and It will taka yon
at lend at tbo . last nilnntc. All those to 135 State street, upeUlra. ovei
a bo have not responded and who de- Wmiatn Hoollhan Implement
Uw to go, will be cared for It they pany-s store, and there you will find
attend, even though the number will tbe aevenlb BDoual exhibit of the
bo greater than the guaraniced i
Nonhom Michigan Poultry aaaociaber of platea. Tbo ladlea stale that ilon. wbicb holds forth alt Ibe week,
they will not allow any business
beginning Tuesday and conUnuIng
to go away' hungry. A very entertaln- until Friday afternoon.
Ing program bas been arranged as
Tbe executh-e eommitiee bave been
bard at work getting things in shape,
and their effoni have been rewarded
Tbe abow Is bigger and belter than ev­
er before, the show room eclipses In
BelecUon—Stelnberi'a Grand Opera site and light and ventilation any
House Oreneatra.
on baa bad heretofore.
Address of welcome—Jdo, R. Santo, #nd the entries are bigger iban
president of the board of trade.
jbefore. Already more than 200 birds.
Vocal solo—Robert Bdwarda.
| big. husky, hearty birds, are on the
“Some Facts and Figures About ground, and before the books
Traverse CUy." J. W..Hannen. aecere-.eiosed it Isexpeciod that not less than
tar} of the board ot trade.
. i,r.H> birds will be »ei up In fine leatbVlolln aolo—Prof. K. E. Horst.
Irrv. «hlch the owners hoi)e will carry
•Travi-rse riiy's lndu»trui Inter og some <,1 tbe pretty ribbons,
.ts." Ex-Judge W. H. Umlor
t M. fauipbell. one of the
'•Traverse City's Resort Advantages'judge* m ih.- ouihd. It expected from
and How to Develop Them," M. S. Darlington. Ind . and bis declslona will
Sanders, secretary and ireasprer. Han- b* worth much to'the
nab A Lay Mercantile company.
Heretofore bad we<ither b'aa followVocal solo—Robert Edwards.
|ed tbe exhibit, arriving about the time
Cornet and Plano Duet—Herman ih* flrst rhick* reached the show
.Klrchner. ^
I room, and kept up all during the show
Suggestions and remarks by trank-:hut the floe weather will probably con
portatloo otnclals upon the topics dls-junue and the sevcnih annual exhibit
cursed and Traverse City's relations ©r the association eclipse any heretoI the transporuiloo companies.
fore giten potb in exhlMts and
Tbe banquet will be served at seven ] tendan<-<-.
ki'clock and everyone Is urged to be In
attendance promptly on time, so that
the time allotted for tbe program and
may not be restricted.
Ceremony Occurred I


a On the Sherea Of iM, I

About Esoa
Plre broke out In the Kiiminer rot
Uge on the shore of IsMig Lake b.-^
longing to Herbert Gag.-, al h n'elork
Tuesday forenoon, and' the aMtage
burned to the ground, ibr miy axirlr
ot fumtnre saved bHng a chair, which
Hr. Gage 'managcil to gel out of the
burning building.
Mr. Gage and Hr. 81 aair. who
reside* at Long Lake, wrn: out on
tbe ice to ftah ,a flr- having b>-Mi hull:
In the eotlago befj.-r they wfu: oui.
On their murn. they saw smoke po-i*-tng oqt ot tbe house, and i ashing
the door, opened It. but tbe amwlderIng lire burst Into flami-s. and ttivy
were forced >o reireal. 5ir. Cage
grabbing a chair as he went.
The fire caught from tbo i.Attraas of the bed Igniting Tbe
lost U about 5.')O0 .with intumiice covhalf.

Leap Yaar Didn’t

Have Any


Than Laat Year.
Leap year did not make many
homes In Grand Traverse eounU'. the
falling off a tride for tbe
year l»l. even with tbe extra day.
During im there were 227 marriage
lieenaea Issued by.County Clerk JlobB. Walter, while last, year tbede
aere 242. mod In IM* there were 241
Evidently the Grand Traveme county
ladlet let tbe me do tbe courilng.

llllnals Man to Be Envoy ExtraerdI
nary and MiniuJar to tha Argantine Republic.
Boosevelt today sent tbe following
nomlnaUan to the aenaie: Kunt'ngtun
Wilson, of llllDola. to be envoy extnordlnatr and mlnlaier plenlpoientlarT
(0 Arganttne Republic.
•4Mb In tha Advlea of Many Wall
LOBdon. Jan. 4.-CoIda. Ill beallb.
and many minor timibh-s of tbe kind
are said to be attrtbuuble In many
cases to tbe Imx that tbe average per­
son's feet have become tender
to their being coBtlnaally clotbed. To
remedy thU many areU known medical
mea now advise their paGente to go
baraCOotod a little time every day.
roonw. la the yard, or wh«t
tba asanlde on the hench.


Robert Sindquest. of ibU city, and
BE­ Mas Ada Campbell, daughter ot Mr.
aad Mrs. r. Campbell, of South Milton. wore uTllt<-d in Diarrtagv Wednesnoon a tibe bone of the bride, tbe
Rev. Mr. Thompson, ot Elk Rapida.
Will Ba Sucetatfed At Wai
offirlstlng. There were about 25
Mgr. Avarua. Apoatelh
guest# present.
M r and Mrs. Slndqulst came at
Wasbloglon. Jan. 4.r-Mgr. Avers#, nee to tblk di.v, a reception being
apoetolic delegate to Cuba aad 1‘orto tendetvd ibcm laat night at the home
Rico from the Vatican, will in a short of the groom's alster, Mrs. Oscar Brstrom. 104T Walnut streeL
time succoed Mgr. Falronio hero.
Tbe groom U well known in this
Mgr. Falconlo goes to Rome, it Is
aald .where be wlU receive the red cCly. being with tbe E. D. Barnes A
hat. Mgr. Falconlo decIlDci to dla- Boa plnmbtng house. Mr. aad Mrs.
cuaa the maaer In advance ot the of BlBdquIat wUl make their home In
this city.
flclnl fiocumenu tram Boat.

Will Les^^an. IB—Or. A’ H. MeKem
Mp'aiH^ Feur Othora In tha

Jnllnx Been will leave tor 1
weeks from todny, i
ERsets Evory Parson l(i tht Country by Dr. J. H. MdCensie of Uma. Ind.:
and four others, - who will remalnWho Pays Monty to a Corpora­
ontil the Ust of Mar^ visit­
tion—Pranchlat VaiM
ing the Holy Land, and many othar
poinia of Interval across tbe water.
Washington. Jan'.''^C-t-Tbe United
The pany will leave New York (
Sutea Supreme court today dotlded the Ct
against the' Conaolldated Gas Cam- la. on January 21. slopping at Axorea.
pany.. ot Sew York. In tbe lucent gas Haderia. Glbmltar, Genoa.' Naples.
Calm, traveling to thb Holy Land and
The decision ie aweefilng. it aff.-cU Tiailing all the points of Interest there.
every person In the United SUtes who
On ibelr return they will leave oh
pays money to corporalloni for gaa. tbe Kortb German Uoyd aieamablp
electric light, street car fare o> for Kaiser Wilhelm 11. and arrive at New
railroad tlckeli.
York March 51,
The principle Invqlved was whatnar
corporations, in fixing tbe pile*
servlee. had a right to Includ.'
charge lor Inierea'lon the vaJu-j cf Its,


tol gavafwwawt la baing uaad to aid
wBMWdad and atarYlng.
•- •
TarHOIa atcriaa cama trem
aavth today. Tha dread apactar af paaWaiblnicton, Jan. I.—In rcajKiaae to
tllanea la faarad. la larga elUaa. tha«iathe bouac aaklni; to>
anda wart Mrrfad to atow death, and Uw naaluilon
intbahaitdaot the prcal«i haa eat la. Hwnd
in regard to tha alleged fear ot
’are dyln* a
pmir*. Tha flaMa abatft tha atrickan
RCDapTeH today aobasitted a apodal
Thawaanda are camping
i el cleth, mat
The ineaaage eUled that there niual'
be a mlatake that be did not accuae
tiDg and ddfpato.
tbe houae ot wrong doing and bad br
Tha American Red Creaa aeetoty to­ erldenco that Indivldnala bad been
guilty of any eitinra, he would baviday eablad E70M0 far rellaf
Tha manay araa aairt through tha atato brought action as bad been d<wu by
tbe federal fn^vemment prcvionaly.
lie quoted a portion of bla mesaagr
Eoma af tha larpar «
to show that tbe reading bad not been
a E1E.e00 hy J. P. I
King Vtoter I
I. 200,000 lira; tborougb and urged a careful eoaald
of tbe paragraplu.
«uaaa ifalaM. 1SM0. lira; Banh of
The whole lasue. tbe president aald.
Nadlaa, 2004DO lira; Emparer prana
Joaaph. af AMtNa. fiOMO; Enrldae waa wbatlMT tbe goremment was
have an effident meani of caicb1n.t
Caraoa, E2J0D. Cantrihutlana are
crimlnala or whether tbia aervlce wnb
litg in Cram nil tha warM.
be crippled. Ue believed that thtTha badlaa at 200 dead catdiara
waahad aahara at Paimt today which aetloD or the bouse taken last May.
crippling tbe efficiency of
Icadt to the haUaf that on antira ragl- resulted
tbe department and aiked that .the
aaent partahad In tha tidah
action be reversed.
whtah ewept tha dty Monday.
Tbe mesaage in full will be found on
r* Ha nil, Dae. lU Ep. mr>-Wlththa page four.
caoaalty Hat aUpping over 200000
• ahocki. Klr^ Victor
I act tha aaiditry to arark
today to give avary ratiaf poMlbla to


MalL Bx-Prealdent Castro's condlUoa
haa become worae. He has been har decided by THE UNITED BTATES
riedly taken again from bis bold to
Dr. larael's'MniuiiuiD where an oper
aUoB wilt be performed In a day or

UDHaW OUiM E«rt EMp 1^ Dl Eup. Pino aad Tlclnlty .
pll« Ey Or*»r
Ctdm Eoirt EmOOO.



$5M.(I00 FROM D. S.


Worh of Raliaf'and Claarins Away ««
Jug Cltlaa T*
Ba Ootormlitad.
Roma. Jan. 4—A r«M Mhi tosSsS
srith Injurad tarvivora tram Maaalw
coilitfad with a hoavy frttfM train batwaan Cantania and Nivsa. Phra gar-

•IS want MlM autrtgM and a aean,
mara etharawaraaarlaaalyltijarad.
Ta RabulM CIGaa.
Rome. Jan. 4.—The work ot raliaf
and clearing away of the dahrtv ean■s. It la stated that tha plague
U not feared from tte larga beapa at
bodies and the reconatniclloo *( McGaina and tbe Other atrIcAaa clUex wQI
he detormloed by a apeelal aaaalga of
tbe chamber ot dapoUea.
Relief ahips are rapidly arrivtaff si
•he scene ot dosUlsUoa tram all parta
ot the world.
King nnd Queen Still Lead In the
Appn^rtotlan UffPS.
Work «r Rell*f-«ulck Urn
Jan. 4.—Prvalda^
Spread'Over tha Dead
Rooaevelt hU momlag sent a
sage to coiwreqp nrglag tha appropCM'
Uon of a half a amioa fidfiva 2M tta
Rome. Jan. 2.—TVoopa patrol wbat
la left ot th<- picturesque city of Meala answer to tha iieasa>ii Djap tha
slim and food la dlArtbuted under the presldenL lha houaa appnBrtated
point of beyonet. The people
craxed by aUrvatlon and peaUlente
threatena more today than
fore, n la said that there are 115400
dead in Uesaina alone.
The wor^ of relief la still procendindcr tbe leadership of King Vl» CITY MfiRARY^NTINUES TO
Emmanuel and Queen
still reigns. The peoPand*
pie are wondering bllbrr and thilber
During tha Month M.ftieanihar, UTT
In an almost naked condition.
OHMi •m, Avofk
Books Ware
Confirmation that Ibe Aeolian



aads escaped uninjured/waa rocejved
In Rome loday.
While no doflnlie plans have
made R Is likely that Reggio and Measlna will be abandoned on artount of
m earthquake eruptions.
Tuc relief today U directed towards
extending tbe food to the aurvtng
people and to spreading quicklime
the places which are covered by de­
composing bodies.

That Many Hava Been Sent to th
Nertheitt Michigan Asylum Sines
Judge Walker loday made a Uat of
all the Insane pailaats sent to
Korthirn Michigan Insane asylum
from Grand Traverse eonnty since the
first record WH> enade In 1275, and
finds t:-It ifi ') have been 211 alioThe flrk' pro. 'e rc.'ord wa
Igil- and du:;.g the lail four years
fc... 1 ... I>:
etc-, nut lni-:-Ju:-.; jurcniles and back
work d-.)uc. ;.:;cg-'i:;< r :berc have been
2.554 p^bau- .a -t ;:c-rded.

Funeral proceaaicn frem East Jordan
to Maneclona Was on the Way
for Eight Hours.
Sl(cclal to The Evening Record.
Manccloiid. Mich.. J:m. Z.—Tbo
>pody of Giorg<- Donaldson ot East
.Iordan was brought here for burial
yesterday, tbe undertaker at liati Jor­
dan being sick and unable to perform
this duty. The proceislon was on the
way from 5 a. m. to J p. m.. a dlslance ot 23 miles.
For six ycara there bas been an av­
erage of twu fuucrals «acb New
Vear'k at Mancflona.
Big Drug SWra Liquor Bala.
Cadillac. Mkh.. Jaa. 2.—There were
432 drug atore aaleu of liquor in Wex
ford county last wt-ek. tbe iarggat
since tbe loca] c^lon law welt Isio ef
Mr. aad Mrs. D. W. Heck aad fam­
ily left tikis motolag for <%ica«D.
where they wlB loeato permaaM


During the month at Pacamhar. th*
city library made dScHhar aaedleBt
gain la patronage. 4t smr aamaa baing added to the alrefidy Mag llaL ItorIng tha dmsUi. the boeba sivmi o«t

gy. si; pblloaopby. 4; Batnnl a

Ofrraphy, 22; bound migaxlaea, H;
tal. 2377: dally average, H
Reading room stUBdahoe—Man.
217: women, joi; ehUdren. 4SC; totaL
721: average. 27.
Five hundred and aev#Dty-flve ehftdren attended tbe atory bosra, an av­
erage ot 54.
Oak Park Branoh.
Tbe tollowlag booba were ffl***
out at the Oak Park branch:
Fk-tloD. 324: Juvenile ScUoo, 2SI:
total. 254: daily avernga, 25.
Reading room aitendaaM. 322; dal­
ly average. 14.


Hariay Umprieht Saved tha Night By
Muntoarifig to Maka an Oystar

An oyster supper aad daaco were
enjoyed by about CO young peopla «2
tbe Needham Boalaeas oollaga Now
Year's eve, the party driviag agt tS
Silver Lake, where the UflM was very
happily speoL
The yonag people were la a quandry after arririhg. It b
that Bot one of tbe youag ladlea oould
Mcw the oystera. One of the youag
men. parley Umpriehl. U AtOad ta
tbe cttialne art. and when .supper was
serrod by Mr. Umpricht had Bead U
he proud of tbe fine stow whtefi h*
had prepared.
Dancing was enjoyed nnlil IBM bad
passed on and 1402 had been nshared
la. The retun heme waa made at 4
o’cloek yamrnday mocataD


(mi Inverse HenU
■•Wiet AWUK.


amm Mi itHwcM-.


0(SM.I» FtOBtetIMt



tethtne Horn* it the *«*•»- ^
load of poteiof* waa welihed ap Sat­
urday. arlllii* for haU a doltar a boahcl.
The oiher roeelpta arorc three
loada of coke. «*• honea, three loaii
of -hay. o«! tei ^ com. and aeroa


Rnrila and NvtE


The price Of einta and butter la atlll Naral oranges .
aay up and it U dliacoU to get them
ranges, par doa
Figs, par lb.........
Florida orangea ..


laiiil rtiM










the residue of said esule.
ordered Iliai the Uth day
January. A D. IW. M ten o'clock In
the forenoon, at aaid Pivbatc Office,
be and to hereby appetmed tor cxauilDing and allowing said sccouni.
It to turthar ordored. that public
notice thwaoC he given by pbbllraHon of a copy of this order, for thtve
successive week* previous to said day
of hearing, tn -the Grand Traverse
Herald, a‘ncwspxp.-r printed and cir­
culated in said county.
Judge of Prohato.
IVc. IS. t2,\29- Jan. 5.

ring advluw'wtll b<- bighi
ited by ihosc who »aff<om niiy good pitarmai
.V Klald kUtrarl
cron re* of
mio. Shako ih.-se well In a bottle
and take in leaspoonful dose* afi.-r
each lursl and at budiime. also drink
pii-niy of good water.
It i* <-lalR>ed that there are few virllms of thU dn-ad aud torturous dl*
who w ill (nil lo And n-ady relief
li* simple homemade mixture.
Ill most i-anw a th ruianent curc
1* Lbe result.
This simple recipe i» said tr
reugihen and cleanse Ihe ellmlnaE oF MK'JHOAN. THE PRO\e tissues of the Kidneys so that
they rnn filter aud strain from the
' tYttm lor the County ol
blood aud sydK-m the poisons, acidi Grand Traverse.
and waste mgiter. whlrh cause not
only liheumatlsm. but numerous oih- tlu- Probatn Office in ftie Glty of Travor dlsi-ases. Every m'au or woman
• niy. In said 4'ounty. on the Uth
of Deeeniber. A
'rcfeiit. lion. Fie
urinary trouble wliai- Judge ot I'robale. • *
*hoold not hesitate to make up
in the matter of the csiale ot AlanIbis mixture, a*
rerialii lo do
>n Tyrrell. deeea*<>d.
much lUKxl. and nmy. save you Irum
and sufferlug after
■urt hi* final aecuunt a* adinlnlstra
«■( said estate, aud his pelitkm
r home .drui
say they will
for the allowance Ihert
itU-nt* or mix pra.ting
cither supply the Ingreil
and tor the ssBlgmui-lit and distcl
cseriptioii ready to take If om button of ihe re*1dui- of said ceUU*.

Chicago. Jan. 2.-Mnrkel steady, Potatoea............
Cement Mil Win Be^n lU Crind In
with a aoroewhut stronger undertone. i.'abbacE oaiA .
MwdTT IM. it IE* pMttCBM M
Rebrvary and the Iron Furnace
On apoealatlrc account there waa aald Turwlpa. per PMk .
rSZm au. lu^
*»• au
tt OMCmi of March A ItT*.
to be a little*morc Interest taken, yet
Uraen peppers, par d
the volume of business transacted
Elk Kantda/MIt*.. Jan. 2,—lliten- n« targe. Dealer, look for a quiet Laka trout, per lb .
The report of the literail m- BiTc repair* are brina luiilr at the market until Monday. Reoelptt eoo- ^•erch, per lb ....
OodBah. per Ib .
T for the ret? «»«• oeaiMit toctory and the company ri. llnuo small.
poMa lo be srindlox out lh« famoui
Jilr U. N veir JPleroMlafc
Crrenvllle. Jan. t—C. H. Gibson A
Chow* that iartnc the rear, there kllchlxan roek cement uome lime In 00. quote the buying price of poUlors
rvbioary. The new coal house and
(tovstor arc pmcUeallr compleit*!. on tbe Greenville market at 62®65o:
mstiT ihd U.4«S^.1S3 dsareitea. thn ootaldc being corered with cor­ rye. TOc; whe*t. Wc; beans. U« barugated iron and tho Inside with
ta ItMlf to «c<t« ii
conald• that the
c-red pret^ nearly Bre proof.
•••■•......................... “
iB thk cDonlrr la it tnimihi vaa of
It t« now thought that repaira
repalra at
, Mite, such a
iHe furnace will begin about March
Chicago, Jan. r.-Cattle-ReccIpta.
per lb........................ 12
bbL .......... 12:
ate that It Orta qvlte as lien te ibe 1st and the plant ready for oporation
market steady; beeveo. ItQT.M);
of nreone for the pJTrrnneBt. when navlgatton npe-na. With those Texans, |3.K©4.M; wesiernera. *S-'6 l.oln of Fork, per lb..................... 12V*t
two big planU In mil Mast and Ihe
Pork aaaaage, per lb ....................... 14c
Bat bi addlttoa to the aum «hai -RooMton''
doine their share. Klk ei-70; Blockers and feedera. ir.Kr.ft Bhort cut or porE pw bbl.........UEOO
■Booatera" doing
VMt ap la anohe, there are itena of Rapid* looks good lo u
t.»; cows and belfera. Side port POT lb.................. lOenVic
pottBit of amrtf.. Spa* la
New Year's Bve. Arthur llow- eclves. |T.50<P!iA0. Hogs—Rpceiltl*. Balt pork. i«r lb ....................... lOCItc
MBS for acveral pnrpoaea, 0»e of the
id Phil RoUnson played the Orel 12.000; market strong to be higher Sliced bam........................................... 20c
aUced bam ...................................n©2tc
bom eonaon. tn days gottp.hy. being
Willards, tbe loser to stand light. $S.3n»5.95; mixed. »5.«n©G.I5; Ham. pur lb....................................14-I6e
the Inhaling of ihU up tbe noae. It la| three-ball
the ospenie of two Bne cues, one each heuvy. f3.65©6.25; rough. SS-CS^S.SS; Plenk hBM ................................ IBO’
anie to alate that a good per ceaUge to beronte tbe property of the con- good to eholccjieav/. S5.S5e-S.66’ piss Baoon. per Ib ....................-....140:
•I CUa SEMEPM pou*d» »“
*• teaums. Thnraday evening's scaue H.25«5.S0; bulk of sale*. S5.75©fi.lO; lAmb fieak.^per Ib .
cbopg, par lb .
lha 'VoM eld way" althoiiph aUeer stood. Howard. 2i0; Robinson. 17J. PhM-ji—ni-telpis. I 2,OOOi
............... !!'i8c
Tbe Bnal game of the acrlea will be
aoaE hoaea are no hagw carried by played at «. J. Reeley-s bll)lard
lUard par- steady; native. S2.75©3.SO; wcMcrn,
..E W and ^
the teding iewelm.
>n next Monday evening. ^
yearlings. SS-WffS-*'’: tombs
JWin Hdfaebcrn has boen borne
' la additlea to the dgat*. clcarittiea
S1.50t«7.S5; weslem. S«-76e'5.85.
aad MBS. tlMre trau n IIUW matter of from Boyne t'ity spending a lew days
He ways Willie
wHh hlB famll.v.
Detroit. Jan. E^tohop. Bullen/A'
mjmm pmuda of lotocto. Tbe Bagleion has a good position In a it
Holmes report: Cattle..Market ateady
man who Ubm a chew, aided In this rhim- shop, and is rounding into
Thoraday's otoM; we quote
tMalaMtheman who mmohea * pl(e Aral rlasB maehlulst.
Havldson. master mechanie dty fed Mtoon and heUera. S5fl5.50; ch,a™,
gidod a pbole lot aa well as the man forJames
the I.nkc Buperlor Iron * I'hero- Biters and bcUore. 1.000 lo 1^00. St©
Who TMb his own pllU" apd in ptare ieal tk».. who went to Shefflolil. Ala..
. steers and heifer*. 800 lo l.OW. Ols;.iargerise. per lb •
oC alsnreUef earrlea pmpere and to- wLore he bad a like posHUm In view,
S.l.75e4.5Si graas steera. and hel>«rB.
baa n luniod'.and thinks Bk R
her bushpl . .
wUI-bold him for some time yet.
that are laL 600 to 70B. S9-£5fr4; OaU.
FloDr. H. A U Bert
u thM eouactlcm. It nay be Interchoice fat oOBu. SS-SOOS TsT good fat Hundredwelgblll. cc
cows. S3es.R0; ommon coirs. S2.60fi.81.40
' 100
Mowing totaeco U denroaslng
6 lbs .
:.75i oaniiera. Sl©1.50; chofco heavy
ngid nuo. This to shown by the sap85n S«<c
bull*, S*Ao«»t; fair lo good bolognas I'oi-n, per I label .
^te bouMl lor tbe navy, chewing to.818018
Warner, whe* has hf^-n in Ihe bulls. S305.25; alodk hulls. SS-ROffS. Baled hay
thLR A‘il‘'Bret
^poeo formerly leading.bal now amukVeal Calves—Market steady at Thurs­
..81 JO
' g tohMeo'uUng Ihe
,...70speot the holiday sea day's pricre; best S6-5|eG-3R: other*
while ehewiag loha<^ ta not Ulran- (Sl^ot'neliWt.
son at hi* home here. He reports S4D6. Sheep and Lamtao—Market dull
aal aa it was once^ the pipe, alter a business a* good In his line.
Thuredty'H doso; oommon sheep
10^ ptrioA of dtoplapement by the
Will Blla*. a forUK-r resident, row
AppUa. per hundred
bard to sell: best lambs.-SR.2S; lair to CUer
..... . .
ctMT, has again come into Us own. running on the Wabash belsi-eii Deand Montpelier. Ohio, with bead pood Innibs. S4.76fr5; light lo com- Baldwin applii-s ...................8I.»©1.G(>
Hot ao Busy years ago. a read slmonNorthern Spies .......... >....81J50.
the tln.1 named city, ‘
' lamlM. S3 7h©4-tt: Ulr to good
pmy "Hport" would no longor think of been here a portion of the week.
imichfr sheon. S3.7fiM:.253 eulU and Oats, H. A 1................ 4.,
Mteing a pipe Into tte cievlee ot hb IBewiiig
of Mcalek. has rt> c«>mnK»n, S3©:.S0. Hogs—Markcl yull Oats. T. O. Milling Co. .
Jfred Jot
loop thaq be would of wearing a blue
at Thursday's |>rlcee; light to good, Corn, H. A L.................
EMMl shirt wbeo he callod upon bis ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbrl*. Johnson,
butcher*. SR.25©5.I5; pigs, SS.7Gfl 4.25,
«tei «bl The pipe did not belang to the pan "aide.
light yorkera. S5; etas*. one-thlrJ-off. Wheat, H.
evening. January Mb.
tW upper crust but niiker p> tbe low
East Buffalo. Jan. 2.—(toltlcWheat. T. C. Milling t
or. Rai now ihe -rah tab boy" with
A U ..
ecipt^ curs; steady. Hogs—ReeelpU
hto ourM UP bahhage bat and 1
oelagffke OrMc
course. <he
alroag; heavy. 88.10C6.2I);
■Had ^ tHMo
VMtid not be
Concert <k>.
)>cst yorkera; 8G.90CC.05; light. 85.75
* o< newiery anlcaa be
beat of the coarse.
©5.80; pigs. 8S.60C5.75, Sheep—Rehad a brtor raol i
___ e flue catches of pleke
ilnwiil away In tbe noTtheasi corner hUiig-niadc at Baas lake. Loie Bunn oelpta, 40 cars; alow; best lambs
87.30C7.40; ycadlioga. 85.75CC; weth­
. Saresin are buying
and W.
of kla yMrmEte.
s-r of
ers. 84.70Ct.80; ewes. 8404.GO. Calves
ahlpmeot and repot
boys making good wage*.
—85© 5.90.
Mr. and Mrs. J .Fred
,Pred Hoof
leeday from
iheir n-edding
a say. but aa they repre- Florida, and ai> now nirely settled
Now York, Jan. 2.—Butter-Firm
ant merely ,lhe aim lotal of money
and unchanged;rccelpu. 5.197. Chee»'
that has
up in smoke.* wc can
Henry Blink .formeriy with tbe li
—Firm; state full cr«am, specials.
say nothlRg EbbWw to a waste pro- o. here .now auperimendent of I
14«i©149ic; rocsjlpla. i.OOl; weckjy Hay .pec ton................................810
«a«. there is no uae for It. ' clUea municipal electrle lighting plant'
('bUbolm. Minn- has returned
exporta, 180. Eggs—Firm; receipts,
(Hide and for price* cnarantaad
duties after a few daya with
4.851; state. PennaylvanU and nearby by Sebomberger.)
sf them enforce them, too, bai others friends In Bk Rapids.
Mbs Vharlotto Dougherty reinrns fancy aelectcd white. 40c; fair to No- 1 salted hides.............
dn*t; smoke msumlag deviera
today to I-ansing after a visit with her ehokw. 36C38e; brown and mixed fan- No. 1 green hides, per lb
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Dough...........12c
34CS6C; do Ulr lo choice. 31© CoiraUns,i. per lb.
' oeeupatioa and money
yer Ib. .
that has -gone up lo smokc'
After a few days’ sirfcneoa. with ao
llonehldee. pc.......................
UnsaBbed Med. Wool, per lb. .l<©S0e
er come bach again. There an altark of typhoid thrrelened. Frank 31C32C.
Chicago. Jaa. 2.—Cbccae—Steady; 3bMp pelt* accordingly.
-Smoke dreams" and -pl.iedroams'
. Jowph Hulujeak
and "pipe drasmera.”but that's all they
from Old Mission Tnesdsy datohui. imctSc; twins. !4©14Ue: No. 1 Mink, as high a*.................. H-W
young Americas.
14Skc. Bnile.— No. I'SMver gray fex as high aa
sroMd arall MUgoatthauifthisna- la their launch.
Mra. JoSn Alwordea. of Cadlllar. I» Steady : creameries.'«202Jc; dairies. No. 1 Ooon as high as....................8IJB
tte wanu to amioke op oeven or eight
No 1 Flaber as high as............818.00
21HC27C. ^s—Brm; firsts, 30c.
bMilte cigaru and ao fiiany bllUou of le guest of her daughter. Mra. W
So. 1 Otlcr at high at ............... 120.00
dllirrtlm that aa adding machli
.lllo Beeloy. of RockforC Is here
No. 1 Biflgcr. as high aa.............. 8l-6d
would brook down if It tried to count
No. I Muskrat .................................. “
fuller spent
No. ] -White weoMl as high as ..
•hlcagc.. Jan.
them, then we-have nothing to aay,
New Year's at 1
No. 1 Bear hide aa high as ....815.00
Other than Mark Twain helped
:ifc©71»c higher.
816.30© No. 1 House cau ........................... "
In tbe varfoua toUto. except anuS and
lioraiiger. wbp has Just
of his bole! property at klon 16.S2H: M«>- »>«5. Rlbe-January, Beeswax, per Ib. from..............t0©Mc
PlMiabb- dgaretlea.
Mi<h„ is spending a few da>s 88.S7H; May. 88-67HO8-70; Jalv.
1 Shank, as high
high as..............8IJ8
with hto brother. W. II..
8L82H. Lord-January. 89.47H©9.50: Old rubber boom and aboso. par lh..8«
No. 1 Croea fox m high
Miss Nellio and Mlehaet King, of May, 89.72H; July. 88A2Hfrom.................................. ..........88C818
.re guests ol Ibelr sister.
No. 1 Rod fox a* Ugh as............ 88J8
CtaloagD. Jon. 2.—TlmoUiy-Morch, No. 1 Gray fox at high at.......... 81-M
Peckham Thurs- 83.80; Clover—March, 89.25.
Detroit. Jan. 2.—Clov«--^pot.85i5:
Uadch. ^65.
' friends and relaUves lot'
Rnne^. the Wlltiamsbarg iBrrehant.
New York. Jan. 2.—Ifoullry—Alive,
of Etate Auditora.
trausaeled business here Thursday.
quiet; chickens. llUc; fowls. ISlke:
Mra Albert Dion and Hr. and Mra.
we*i1. t—John D,Ma; Alfred Day. of Traverse City. vUlted
chlckcns, 16©20c; fowls, 11%©
thews, of Oakland, has been teajmrar- Ibelr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harria.
fly hmuiled as ^rk ot the board of New Yewr’s
western Utrheys, 2r©:3c.
state auditora to soccerd H. O. Sbelaelc werver.
Ameog the new appotnism b
Jtn. 2.—A steady fccilns
capHo) who began work today
of FktlMT John,
■smatary of aUte's otBoe—C.
ported today.
Rrotrn ut Sfaepnr^; H. D. Utdilen, ot Yowtg Psopto Marrte Eaturday Hve todoy, ywt It was good tor fine
Fat bar.
her. John was probi
Had Firai MsrHsgc Uc«naa Uuoefc. Arrtvato IrtMn Mlehlgan were the moat powerful priest of ll
land otBoe—Verue Moulton, of tagauod This Vsar.
Ulr. bat ot boaae grown the oBeriKs ii all Russia.
ham; O. T. Morgan of Kent and
Father John was known a.* 'the nilr
Bdward Edmunds ol Saginaw.
To Miifo.-d R. Harris and Jessie Golden Heart. 8l.25©L40: ordinary, Bcle worker of Russia." He swaved
In 1826.
having obtained the first marriage not well bleached. 81C1-10; per
ItDense lasned Ibis year. IbHr wedding bunch, home grown, green top. ISC
7>c Meanest Man in Towm.
oeeurring Baturdsy at the parson- 20c; Golden Heart, amalt. I5©17c.
Pr.^ iL Clark A Cfc Are Ounwre of age otih
U the one who always wears a frown,
ihe Brat Methodist eborch, the
Rev R.
is cross, disagreeable and ebon and
iregor perfonning tbe
Onto Drug Store.
sharp in hi* answert.
Their " -use waa No. 1.
C3ilcago. Jan. 2.—An easy market
f ten It* not the poor fellow s
atewell ^mownI Id the city nod
■ C. A -i
Ik .M Ji. A Co- (not D Eave uiRBa circle of friends'
I* quoted. There was ao change from
B -Boyw
I and son as reported i tbem.hBBPness Tbey
what was explained of tbe market yes­
baao I
1 tbe drug stock and Bx- thelr pre«y home on E
which to all rtpady for a
egpertapcqd. Some beans are comUg
n Stan at ooee taking Or. Hemck'*
~ oted PUto tor your liver—the
wnUam Boopsjyier Day. and MaU In. Sisekx are aeeumtilated aomei
Bt^ka. of MaalatM. apeu New Tc 'e and ; ■ ' ■ ■
In the ettr M tlM guMta el Mg.
.Mn. BdkA «l ni TIM ■©ML


At a session of said fVKirt. held at
the ProbaU- Offlee is the City of Travwe t'ity. In said Ceuniy. on the Uth
ly of De»-cmlH‘r. A U. l9Ut
PresoDl. Hon. kVed R. Walker,
idge of Piobaie.
In the matter of the estate of Will­
iam J. Oiler, deceased.
lYsnk W. Carver hiving filed In said
court his final aecounl ns admtntolraof said csutc. and his petltsm
e aUowaaee thereof.
mueh |{heiitnatlsaLberr

Inverse aty SUte Bank
A. Tracy Lay, prreteaL
R. Floyd CaiwA. Vte Pim

CAPITAl, taoo.000
A Geaeni RaaMif s«slies$ owe ]

J .O’Cat U1.WC4 « me MfMia

Ds. ,F. J. MacNcvv,




AUi sonw ov OUT rbownt

lary. .
ten o’cl
aald prehate office,
Ik- and I hereby appointed for exninlog and allowing aald account.
It 1* further ordered, that public
It the Record For the Year In noil«-c thcrcol be given by poblicae City. Includitrg the Deaths
nf a copy of ibi* order, for three
bealih. roomiu. _____
. at the Asylum.
loeaU'd. iJ farniah.-d rooms. i
■**1vc «.-ek* prvvloufi to said day
heal. iMitbs. elee'rl? iiglu.. vn1 gas. '
of hearing, In the Grand Traverse
a nrw*pai«er
printed and eif»4no. Mra. U I- M.treh. Tnivcrsa
........ ............
wspaiwr pr
' ITO deaths in tbe cU tleraW,
BL .
I yrer and 218 birth*, ihe deal
CilUens Phone S90.
r- of ItuiS being uonirwliat high.Judge of Probalf
• bofor
the gain
than fhe .
I 4R. The
of births over deaths
C TATE 05' MICHIGAN. THE PROtnlal death* recorded
i-lc rk wa.s 296. 12S ot Ilieni orcuriiig
bate Court for the .County of
Ihe asylum and thcreCoro not
Grand Tra».T*e.
At a areslon of Mid Court, h«9d at '
Grand Traverae.
the Probate Offio- In the l.ity Of Tmv<iiv aud 122 tn the a*ylum. Th.
troo City, in aald County, on Ihe IdUrv
!h rate all over the Male thl*
day of Dec-mber. A. D. 1908.
r waa higher than It w as losi year I-Rc rily. In said 4’oiinty. on tbe
Prmeol. Mon. Fred IL Walker.
Judge ol Probate.
day of IV-ivuSTcr. A. I» I9U8.
In the mailer of the estate of JMiu
l•re*^■nl.. Hon, l-Ved U. Walk.T.
Carroll, decraued.
TATIJ OF MICHIGAN. TlHl PRO Judge pf probatr.
Maltlmw t’arrell having fliod In ubM
la the Dialler of the .-stale of David
' Iiale court for the eouni;
c-otirt hi- p.-tlil<m pvylfig that uid
\V. <'<>u*Idk, Sr.. di-CfUiK-d.
i:ind Travenie.
I>avid W. t'.iurln*. Jr., having filed «.urt adjudicate and dcieranlne who
insltcr of the esiatc of
w-.-n- nt Ihe time or-Jito d«suh the le­
ill siild-court his pi-tilkm pra; .
Msrgarciie Moylan. deceased.
Notice Is hen-by giw-ii that foil th.' admtnuiraiinn of xald e*latc be gal heirs uC t-akd deveased and ontlUed
lo Inherit the n-al cslale ot which
luonihs 1mm tbe 7lh day of Decenibi- gr.iiiicd to liiiiiM-1f or lo boiuc other said
detv**ed dl.-d s<-iged.
nltiil.lo p.II 1* ordered that Ih* 7th day of
It I* or'd.
ordc red that Ibe 7tli day of Ja
Jnimiirv. A. D. 1909. at t'*n ..'rlork
UBT-y. A. P- IIMW. at l.-n o'Htvrtt in II
:iKiilns1 said dec-as-d In said i-om
the ton-noun, at raid iirohale ofOiv.
fon-imon, at *aul probate office. ImI'xamlnailon and adius(m<-i>4. hikI
bcaranil i* hciehy apimiuted for hearing
■ and to b. reby s
hIFcreditor* of said diir-4--od ur
g said petlilon.
nuired to pr<-*>-nt their claim* lo said Kiud iM-tllimi.
It la further ordered. that puhUe
It 1* furlli.-r ordi-re.1. that pub
omrt. at iln-. ■•mbaie V'iTU--. In lli<by puUlaiinli(-e thereof be given by publii-5
clty of Traverse f'ily In said co
or. for (hroo
lion of a copy of thl* «»rdiT. for three
Hun-esslve wiK-k* pr.-vlou* to uld day
1>. 1909. BBd that said <..................
li<-*rd by saiil cwirt im Saturday t
Herald, a ll•■«.4pa|K-r pi lntiuJ and
unh day or April AA D. 1SH», at t
i rouniy.
o r lock in the loreiio
Dated l»ce.-mlHT 7
Judge Of l»robste.
Judge of l>rubate.
IK-c. 13, 22, 29. Jan. 5.
Doc. 8-15-22-29 Jan. 5.


Premium Tickets, Privilege Slips, and
Grand Traverse.
In iho matter of Ihe •
Hamilton, deceased.
months fivim
ber A. I*. IW'S. have heeii allowed
ii-.-<lu«r* I'l nr«-e--iit iheir claims
ag«(ii*l said deei-ased to said cour
cvaniiliatlon and jidjustment. and
all crt-ildor* of said d'-i-.-a-c'd an
qtilreil to presetii their elatms to said
iH'.irt. ai the probate offiee, in the
of Trat.-rar- City, lu said i-ouiity. .
Ih foie the Fourth day of May A. D
Ipo*. and Ihvi said elatms will lotu-ird by wild tvturl on Tue*day
FdUrlU .lav of Ma> A. H. 11'99. at
o'elo. k III lUe f.M-*-(KS>l]
FllKl) li W.Al.KKIf.
JtMlge ol I'robal
Ifc-c. 2;tJ..ii 3i:-i',-:i:


Inventory Prices
at Steinberg Bros.
Sbeep-Uaed Duck Coats »iib extra bigb
biurm Collar, worth $4.t>0, at........................


ChABH>lM Wool Pants inMlti of pciy. k»K fibrea wyk>I,
thebeavieai, boat wool-pauU made (or extn wanuetb asd
wear, worth l-J.IfO to $4 00,


Ladies* Loog Coats worth $k.50 sad tfO.OO,


Fifty Pieces Dress tvoods incImliDg HenrietUs, Sergos.
Uanavias. Mohaire, Broadcloth*, also plain mod (aary


Fleeced Flaaaelettes, Sllkailars, worth lOe
to ISJca yard, at.......................................................... ■'"»
loadditioo totbewaad hundreds of other cqnally oboee
bargaini, we are piling rromimn TiokeU, good until Jdy 4tb.
And hare you heard about our Priril^ PiAuT
It will pay you well to iuTeetigate.

Sewed oo your old lops
tfivesyou a rig as gLood
as new (or less money

your toes

bring them

Next Saturday, Jan. 9th.
For ibal day only we will plaM M sale

than a whole oew rig.

to us and

wcTI show you how it

Fifty Single Blankets
nice acJt fleece, good wrigbi and good sixa, worth 65c a pair,
and every penonwho basoaeofour PririkiBemips, on bay
with it oiM of thcM blankets, sisa 60 by 74 inares,

$2.25 gets the guaraateed rubbers sewed


the old tops.
Cheaper ones too
you sraot them.


Steinbei^g Bros.
Traveese Oly, inch.


IN F. S. OF E.

R*pMi M««Ung Wm Vtry Hw^
and RwoUrtlen of OlaaaWUafi w«a AdoptaE


rram nuradar-a HaMid
Tka Mlcblsan Uakw Avartcaa 8o<detr of Eqaltr U now ao mot*. In
iU ataad haa eoi»e tha MIcbIcaa
Oakn of the Panpera Soctoty of
Roolty, the chance belli* aflectad at
the apeclal meeUa* held Jn Grand
RapUa Toeaday aa told In the Record.
<|ke —aEfeam elected In Traverae
CRy vare foaleoed to direct
aev aalao.
The Record tkla anenoon van fnmtthed with a report of the Grand RapMa neetlB* l« the aeereiary. Charlea
A- Emeraao. the delecaiea retumln*

Imoqely edtqiUd end tt|e ftdtowtn* offleera elected:
President—Whiter U OreOlek. *t
Leelanea cpnaty.
Vice president—Jemea Howay. «<
Beat Jordan.
Secretary—C A. —irnwi. «( Tnrerae City.
Dlrect«*-C. A. Martoa. W. B. Beeman and M. M. Drake.
At the request of Preelden
C. O. Dayton, natiooal pmident ot
Amertcu Society of Equity, cave
• abort address autiog that be waa
very aorry that the aUte of Michigan
bad aeen
to take the stand that It
did and wfaile be believed that a mRtake bad been made. sUU «nder tbe
preaent condltkma, it waa allowable.
Aa^ail were fanners working for thv
SUM Ibteresu, he. as national pr«aIdeat. to bU prsMt way of thinking,
would do all that be could to promote
bgroiMiy. Unless instructed not to do
on by tbe naUonal board, be would
allow Michigan tn continue a« now or­
ganised. hoping that the time would
> when there would not be two
factions and that all would be united.
He then enended tbe right hand ot

parties have been eltaetly invesUgatlijg with the above result.
Some excitement waa canaed here
New Year'a eve Just becauae a young
eliizeo ahot tbe old year out and the
nHr one In. Although but two abots
were fired, it was saffieient to bring
the entire pdllce force and a good1)- number of *'new reeoluiion makers''
Arrlrlng upon the scene, all were
greeted with a "Happy Sew Year." as
the young man etepped from tbe shad­
ow tbe building and went Inside.
Ricbanl wmibma. living near Cold
SpHnga. k»al a hwse Friday
mTs'erWus man
tbe bam ai naual.
feed bis stock, when tbe discover­
ed the borae lying dead. The horse
County Clerk WeRer Begins His PIM bad broken loose In tbe bam. doing
Term end Prebete Judge^alker . coDsiderablc damage and kicking Its
male, ere It died. Tbe bor»e had work­
Pfueecutlng Atterviey prA and
ed all day and showed no sign o
at Marqwetta.
Others Their Second.
ing sick, Mr. Williams will have a
erinary examine (he horse for it
Honor. Mich.. Dec. SI.—Jacob DellSix new county oEleers began their or’polaonlng.
enbacker. formerly Janitor of tbe City
duties Friday aad five offlciali- al­
hall of Grand Raiilds. came Into the
ready serving retain their pUcea. The
limelight yesterday by having bis al­
rcUiing ofScer* have all served ca­
leged doings In the north laid bare
pably and well and leave tbelr ofScee
in chancery court in a case brought
with only the very best of feeling all
Plaaaani Affair at the Homo of Me» on by Jacob White, proprietor of tbe
'damee Adeline and Lucy Cur­
Itaulab inn. at Beulah, whose du;|£hB. A. Monroe takes bH first political
tis on New YearY Day.
ler Cora waa tupi>osed to have been
when be aneceeds
tbe wife of Deifeabar^^^uDiil a short
Prank W. Wllion wbo has efficlenUy
A reunion of the Curtis family was ilnfe ago. when thrau^'a propeiiy
served three terms as register of held at the home of Mrsdaities Ade­
squabble, tbe facta were laid bare,
deeds. Mr. WIImd has entered tbe line and Lucy CurtU. 434 West Sevit is said thar tbe marriage was a
employ of a threablng machine cmd- eotb ttrvct. New Year's day. about 40
pany and bis terHtory will be In this sittingdown to a fine spreadAJI were fake .
Testimony was brou^t out In re­
vicinity so that Tmverse City wMl resldenu of this locality.
gard to some paint which was fam­
lote a citlsen.
When tbe reoulon was first planned,
In the case of tbe county tmasurer'a for. It was expected that the Curtis ished for the painting of the large
office, the city loses one ciUcen and relatives In Ohio would he prtfu-nt. summer hotel oC the Wfhite'a at Beu­
lah. She swore on the stand that he
sains another, P.-E. Brown, wbo re­
ikIng about.fig lu all. and Ur.-inge
tires. going back to his fine farm on hall was considered as a place for the told her the paint was shipped from
tbe City ball at Grand Rnpids. where
the penlasuU and F. M. Hammond, gathering of the clans, but it wai
she supiiosed be had grafted it.
who succeeded him. moving tram hit possible for the Ohio members t
In an interview with tbe Record re­
farm to this city, now living on tbe with them, so a private residence
porter. Mrs. Dlefenbackcr told that
comer of Bute nnd Franklin streets.
Ulefenbacker furnished Cogs with
Mr. Brawn aerred the full number ot
a-hii-b to decorate the hotel, one of
lerma nllowed by law.
which was valued tl *S0. also soap
Frank Sbnter goes to Jail tomorrow,
and many other articles, among which
not as a prisoner but as the occupant


Vor &t&urt> Rlld fltitlSvfgij

The Kind Yon Have
Always Bonehl
Bears the


For Over
Thirty Years




Itaesideni QreUick then made a re­
ply which waa pronounced a maaterpiece of reason and barDony and
when be accepted the band of fellow
ship, there waa long continued apptauae.
Tbe afternoon was coneninr-d
On aecMttt ot the mchlcBB oiem- drafUng by-laws and in other routine
hers 01 (be union remain* to pay duea buaineaa.
«a the National Atoerkan,Society of
■quHy. (be aute oEleera cent out a
etrrtllar taller *l*ln* the report of the
Mlrlilsan delegaiea to (be Mllwaakee
and ladlanapolla conTentlona and emED
hodied therein wae a fonn to record
tte vote* Of each aieiDber ot the
locale of the atake an to which faction
he tavoied, the American Society of
■Onlty or tbe.ParBen Society of Mm. Mary AugueU Austin and Mm.
Nancy Buean Bm4ar Have
of tbe pleasnnt living rooms, anfi bU
■qRliy. Ihli rote to be aent to the
paseed Away.
title will be Sheris of Grand Traverse
cttte aecretary. al*ned by the ofcounty. Charles 8. Jobnmm. g;ho also'
Seera of the local.
Death entered two home* Wedneaday •rved all the terms allowed by law.
All the locale who (Sported talrored
the Pannera Society ot Equity taking away aged women In both cas I« not ready to make an announce­
tnaalnMNuly and becauae of thin, the
ment as to bis future plans but prob­
atate offieara decided to hold the ape- of N. D. Austin, died at S o’clock at ably bad aometbing on as when ques­
Hal meettai tor the purpose of dia night at her home. SM West Tenth tioned by a Record reporter as to
aoIrlBf the
Volon ot ataoet. after n long illeeaa ot cancer wbetber be was jRoing to rest or not
m ABeriean Soidety of Equity and She had been confined to her bed but replied. “Well, 1 never here rested*
little more than a week.
lurainc the Mtctalpan Bute Union of
very tong."
Mrs. Austin wm C3 years old, and
the ramera.Soelety of Equity.
Tbe county win have an entirely
besides her bnsbend. taavee two chil­
'The meetln* was called to order hy
dren. Mrs. W. 8. Gain, of Everett, new set ot eoranere. Dr. E. B. Minor
SPalter U QielUek. the attte prealWash., and Mias Fannie Austin of this •ucceedlng Dr. P. H. HMdsworth and
Sant At • o'dock December 2» and
city, long metanee operator of the Dr. J. J. Brownson of Kingsley siKattar a abort talk by the prealdwit la
Cullen's telephone company. Mrs. oeedlng D(t L. J. Tedman, ot Summit
qiRldi he outilned the ohjecu of the
AnatlB bad resided tn this city but six City.
waeQn*. he appotated a coa^ltee on
Connty aerk Robert E. Walter will
yoare. coming from Port Hurern,
credentlali •oonalatln* <d James
Nancy Buasn. wife of F. Border, begin bis fifth coiuecotlve term tomorUeway. ot East Jordan, and DnHd
and Probate Jndge Walker win
Roaalr fit Tra»eine City. They re^
begin bis second term as srill also
petted that all pnaent had proper street, at 3 o'clock a. m. Wednesday. Fred H.'^att. prosecuting attorney.
ereSintlali and the report was ae- bkMd poiaoaing being the onuae ot County SuirVyor E. P. Waterman will
eepted aad adopted. Aa more were death. She was fi4 years <Sd, and had aleo begin his second term.
(wuntlT cnmln* la and the call had been a reeldeni of thU city three
Tbla year. Grand Traverse coimty
years. Before taking up her reildeace
In this city Mrs. Border had lived in wlU have two circuit court eommlsthee Siren aeeu In the conrenUon.
Canada. She leavet. besMec bed bus- ■kmers again. L. S. Baldwin having
Chenpe ConSr»"ed.
elected to thet offiee and tlao
bead. three ehUdren. one daughter re­
O. W. -CuRls wbo filled It alone since
A reeohitioa was tbea rabm
siding In Grand Rapids.
A. F. Nerlinger resigned some lime
hy Darld Rouah aeitln* forth the (act
that aa *0 per cent of the Ulchitnn
Mias Benlab Pilch and Charlea TonAs tbe bonds ot tbe sheriS and (be
aemben bad refused to-pay dnee
neuer. botb of tbU city .were married connty trcMorer wiu not be approved
the naUenat Americaa Soclely
at Vancouver. B. C.. CTirlsimaa
until tbe board of eoperrlsors meeu
Sq^. that the old orpanisatkm be Mr. tad Mrs. Tonnelier are at
January 4. these officers will not qualrrpndlattd Tbla rceoluUoa was adoptfly until thnt time. County Treasumr
ad wlthoet a dlHeeUn* vote.
F. E Brown will remain In office onA nominating committee wsa ap­
Bowglit Livery Barn.
til the end of nqxtyeek, bnt SherUt
pointed aad they reported taTwtn*
Elk Raphh.
-------- 1. Mich. Jan. *-M
loihrra. of El
Cbnries S. Johnson t*ve op bis
ake. bate pure
the eleethia of the aamb ofllcere dioale Allglre livery• bam. the
tbe Allglre
denee nt tbe Jail toA^y. Sheriff Elect
ea et the meeUn* In Traverse Clly bam
being one of the leading liveries Frank L. Shuter moving in this tfMtSlovember. the repoKSclng «
in this secUoo.
temoon nnd taking possewion.
Tbe cotmty treasnrer approve
bond of tbe register ot deeds,
with the passing of the old year Frank
W. Wilson gives up bis office and Oio
:w register comes in.
Few people realise the impoi
of the office of matron of the JalL
which bas been most acceptably fill­
ed by Mrs. Nellie Johnson, wife of
Sheriff Johnson, for the last four
veam. Into her handr must ror
the children aent to tbe jail, in
inconsiderable during a
of office, and her ready jympathy and
good, aonnd Judgment have carried
her through many trlaU where young
girls, between the ages of 12 and 18
years, are brought to the Jail
placed In her care.
No girl under 12 year* of age
be placed tn the Jail, but there bare
been some of these tender years, and
her womanly bean have made tblngs
coaler for these unfortunate children.
No hands but tbe matron's con core
tor them And neither ore they under
lock and key. and sbe most
they do not eacope from tbe Jail, as
well as keep them in as home-ltke an
as possible. Sbe bas done
nil these things, and done them well.




ManeeUnn. Mich.. Jan. 2.—James
Keller, ot Wetxell. waa arrested
the charge of larceny and pleaded
guilty, before a local Justice. Bail
was fixed at *200. The mao wa* un­
able to furaUb It sod was taken ta
nmnty Jail at Bellalre. Hia exam­
ination wax set for Jan.. 4lh. Keller's
arrest sriU probably rioar np the re­
cent cblekon robberies that have oc­
curred in this Tl^ity lately. Over 300
I In the last few montha ud cert^

Third Annual
End of
Everything Sale

three palm of waders, need tn
Grand Rapids at the time cd tbe flood,
and used by While for trout fishing.
As soon aa tbe property nit Is Bat­
tled. Mrs. Uefenbacker will begin
salt on tbe charge ot bigamy. Mm.
Dtafenbacker Is an Innocent party to
(be affair, a ceremony baring been
gone tbrough In tbe City ball at Grand
Rapids, about a year ago. which sbe
supposed was « marriage.
Bey Oatparatfoet
Tbe dtdngs ot Jesae James and “Dlamood Dkk" were molded into ob
litkM. compared with Abe work of
three yxmng desperadoes of
Frankfort, wbo yesterday plead gullly before Jndge Chittenden to brenkIng Into tbree stores last
at Frankfort, and rooce.
booty in secret hiding places.
boys drew the toUowIng acnlences at
Roily Ward.sU mooths.
Lawrenc^ pi^uni. nine months.
MriTt-Mapesj one year.
None of the
U over 20 years of
Violated Fith Laws.
The fish law* of Michigan were
brought Into action yesterday moralox. when. Henry Ingleslon and ilcrbert Row. both of Reulah. plead guil­
ty to selling whliefleh. which were
»|.<ared In Cryual lake. It was recotiiiueoded to the court that leniency
uould b»- appreclatnl. Each man was
lined 810 and costs.
Oivoreea. '
l/)uis Gokey was granted a divotce
from Annie Gokey yeKirrday.
Uarj- Tracey was granted a divorce
y.-!tertlay from II. F. Traci-y.
Elk Rapids Iren Company Had fifiOO
Less Saturday Morning.
Wk Rapids. Mich.. .Ian.
The Elk
Rapids Iron company bad a loss of
about jr.00 by a fire 1 nlhe labratory
at 6;.in tbU morning. The origin ot
the fire- is unknown.


See our window dis­
play ol Qoaks.

25 to 50 per
cent off

U you cannot visit our
store, shop by post
We make a specialty
of maU orders.

(called also Lamc*a Tea)
Is a herb Tonic-lAxalive and
will cure consUpation aud Uu
31b thnt come from it.
It is a RTcat blood nadkiae
and one of the best for all
stomach, kidaey aad botrel
All druKffista, 2^ and SO cts.

variety of aixas.
Kcraeys and Broadcloths, Vslvst'cufft. trimmad with braid. Itaing guar­
anteed for 2 yeam(Oeder by Mall.)

lor $15

25 per cent off

Come early and be ser­
ved best.

Lane’s Family

tl6.M lor

We want to call your
especial attention to the
bargains in our Cloak
and Suit Department

We like to have you drop
in and look around.


A neat attractlvs coat, good enough
for anybody.
(OrdM- by Mall.)

SUA l*r $8.75

Plain Uileced CcaL fiktnner aaUn
lining, mado ol chiffon braadetath.

for 18.75

It is always a pleasure to
sho’lt) the goods.

Word baa been received by friends
tn tbla dty of the death of Mm H. K.
RoaaeU. wife of tb^ Rev. Hr . RoaseU. pastor of tbe Church of Christ
at Sauit Ste. Marie. Baaldea bar bunband Hm Boasell lenvan.loar auan.
Tba Rev. and Mra. RoasaQ havn
many friends In tbla city, Mr. RooaU
having formerly been pastor of tbs
Cbnreb of Christ at Kalkaska. Mr. aad
Mm U D Curtla and Mm 8. K. Wil­
liams wm leava tomorrow lor Kalkanka to attend tbe funeral, which will b*
held at that place tomo^w. The In­
terment will be at Kalkaska.

Just a Few of our Bargains

S2&64 and S25

Out of town customers
should take advantage of
this sale.

Wife ot ha Fenoar PMtnr
- Churah af Christ at KalkMim
Dlad at Boo.

Ladier Colorwd co4ts.just the thing
for hard everyday wear. Very pretty,
(Order by Hall.)

per cent

On all Children's Coats.
(Order by Malt.)

per ceat

Big Unc of Dreaa Gooda and Bilk

A Whole Ubic of Dress Silks ta all
(Order by Ma'L)

$1.M lor 69c

Colored Oroes Geode in brown, navy
and gray. Also fil pattemSrJor-fifie.

S1.S* lor $1

An eniirc UibU- of .Dfci*
(Order by Mail.)

cent oB /

Two pieces of Striped Walsttags.

UJ*lor 75c
7c lor 5C




hind we regularly sell at 7e.
(Order by Mail.)
ZS in. Outing Flannel in dark and
light colors.
Good Standard Prints.
(Order by Mail.)

HaU Price

A lot Of Odd Coreets from filiS to


Cotton Torchon Lace*. 1 to 4 inch
Cl wide.
(Orier by Mail.)'

25 to 50 per
cent off
Idc and 15c lor


A big let of Embroideries.
An entire table of Ginghams. Flan
nclcttes and Silkoiines.
(Order by Malt.)

25 per cent otl

Short ends of TaMe Unen.
pretty and upto-date patterns.
(Order by Msil.)

sxoe for $1.95


s(ao lor $3.95

All wool Indian Blankets, the kind
thet last a Itfetime.

XS.M or $5.95

(Order by Mail)

A Caracul Cost



. ..nap «w«8 wlU ofMenily ra»H
Jut. 1—mneto BAwud Dolm. M* er fram the lajarin gntulaed while
•ttetapUag to board a wring tnla on
I BMBtkf. 14 du*.
Detro* g CharieeoU raUroad aeat
Jtl f-OtreM naouMi.
Gaaip If. eaat of Alba. Qnea* commn. 10 BMtk*. IT dor*t
jaa. 0—Tboout B. Aitea. M* >T pankm. Cbarlee CCoanor, of Fredcri«. wue Inetantly killed and bis body
rMtn. 0 neotfea. II d«T«Jui. II—aiaoni B. BowuM.
»7 dragged half a mile while trying tQ
L Tra« h»r. trM*board the aame tnln. The body '
«MU >• VleH OUMk.
jtm. n laoBtka. » dajA
maUIgted beyoad an reoogaltlea.
t to—Uoa Ancer. ag* T1 r
mmmi 0wIm4 CwUvi X J- li«r
eoroaer-s Jury at Alba decided the
MIX X h BBvOMid. AlWtt Oi*Biaa came to hie death while attemptg to board a iDorlog iraJa.
fMM. 1 ■oath. C dan.

Allle Culberuon. In a leUer. to taU
in. Jaiu T. Ha
March 14—Jacob Oraebal, age 61
H. C. Darla.
team mates of Ibe MaucelooB baaketn«n. 10 aontha, • dart.
March S0-41aroM MarMd floner- :ball team. aUtca that be ts Irapo
»nic. age 0 aontha. 7 daya.
April tf-rJuu Caaaay. ago >1 yaara, ped the team aad also (be
band, tor Allle has tbe rep'mailon ot
ithM -«a«
being ope of the beat aoarc drum
April 10—Boraatd Aadanon.
players In the atutc and an all round
8 ycara, snoatha. IS danSSTtMnMClU.Mk*.
May 8—Mahal May Saatoa. age 3 athlete. At present he U in Blngbami.lon.’Colo. Typhoid fever left Allle lu
mooth*. » dan.
May 21—Janea Beer, age 60 yaar*. very serious eondllion.



aww ate awt 8,iW





Fanlyelt. the Fatal Third Btroka.
Batunlayd Racord.
• ef Death at the Heme ef
Charlee Aahlea eeinnai <fr Detroit
tbM morelag. afier spending the holi­
Hia Oauflhter.
days with bis parents. Mr. and Mn
c. W. ABhtoa.
PblJUp R. Bom'^ died Mmiday
Heber Btout returned to the Dntrert 4 a. m. at the home o( his daugh­ ,slly ot HIchlgmB. this mornfag. after
ter. Mn. J. C. Young. 6M Weal Tealh upending hit rweatioa with hi ’ ' sireei. ot panlyala, hartag eugcred ;m1ss Helen Stout and friends,
J. Alfred Moore returned
three atiOee. Mr. Bommen waa 80 i ri^renlty
MIehIpn yerterday^Jil*
yearn old. and bad tormerly Urod U'
Kebmna. Be U aurrired by four efaU-' beeauM>.he led three days early.
Henry Hull left this morning for At­
drea. hla wife bariag died 18 years
lanta. Ca.. where he win enter rnlll-

Dec. 8-l622-2*Jaa. I

Mrs^. g. Smith returaed to ePtos:y tdlay. after vlslUag her daugnr. Mn. Cassius HuU.
i in Glee as Maehlne
Roland Cornell retaraed from a visto Wesford today.
wafted War Tone.
Hobart. Ok.. Jna. 4.—Fi.r the Bret
lime In Indian talnory fbe
hai broken hla usual custom and
baa gou* Into the business of produoit!g Indian records for
la tbit
At es-Chlef Lone Wolfs
roiitbwest of Hobart, the Indlans.witb'
tn-e. Manysudiiro
Hie assisiance of Vernon Lovell.. rep-|
deaths arc caused
resenting the phonograph (M-ople. sang’
by it—heart dis­
ease. jineniDOiiia,
their old time war songs and rellcloua
bean fail!
sengt. and aloo delivered several ln-‘
apoplex v are often
dian lectures into the horn;
tbe rcMtlt of kid>rev disease. If
When the newly made records were
kidney trouble is
Dl to use the Indians rams-d almul
' a]luH-^toa<lvBUi-c
■ he maebtne In glee as they bear.l
____________ e.1 tilixxl will ;
their own volr«*s roming oi
I tack tbe riul organs, causing calanli uf
tiiBRlr horn.
itbebU.Mcr, or tbe kidneys Uiemselvc*
I limk dow n ami .waste awav cell l>y cell.
I nUlvlcr troubles almost'always reniit
{ from a dcrangeoieiJl of the kidiicys tnd
' a cure is obiaitxe.1 nuickest bv
iloflbekidncys. Ifyo

Q TATS OF HIGKIQAN. TH* PROV bale Court tor the Couty of
Grand Tnverse.
I session of said Court. keM at
» ula the City of .Tn*tbe Probate Office
B tbs
the 14th
tiwe aty. In said County, ob
day of December. A. D. 1*08.
PrMent. Hoa. Fred tt. Walker,
Judge of Probate.
In,the matter of the eatete ^ BOh
Jam1n F- Ho




memtbs Dorn the tat d..
A. D. 1*08. bar* been allowed
credltoiu to preaaat their da—
agalnai said dectaaed to said eonrt tor
eiumtnatioa and adjustment, and thst
all credlton
dlton ol
oI aaid deceased at* r*>
nulred m present thetf rialaa to aaid
iiurt. at the. protate oSk*. ta th*
city of Travr-w illy la aaid oosinly,
OB or before the tth day 0< Aprtt A.
a IMS. and that aaid eJUSM-srin ba
heard by said court on Thursday the
day of April A. a 1*00. al tea
the form

r»ih.—... p*. im


Funeral aerrlces will be held tomirow mornlug at 10 o'clock at the bonte
the Rev. T. Boyd Oay ofdeiailng. Tbe
Iniertnem will be In Omkwood.

E noatba. 4 daya.
May IS—Huidriea Anderadn. age 16
yeara. I noatha. iJ dan.
Mar n-Mary Blaa Aadonoo. ago
.1 11
27 yean. 6 UMaUia. 27 dan.
June 16—Hanna—h Jaaea
yean. | mootha, IE daya.
JU6T past,
June i>—William li. Deyerney. age
38 yean* 3 moDilu. 8 daya
TaUI tr*ir— U Blrtka in tha VHlaV* June 20—Jamea J. UcDangblln, age Passed Away Early Thursday Morn­
ing, Heart Failure Having Been
and to Oudha, Indedint
fS yean. 2 Btoolha. 2*dUya.
the Causa.
2u]j 2------Helen M. Babcock, age 21
Bellalre, Mich.. Dec. 31,—Brilulre
JBk BApIda. mch, Jaa. 4.—Vlllan Aug. 18^oUna Haalad,
cltlsens were sboi-kid this aiurDlng
Clerk Maawell reporta 63 Wrtha and yean. 8 mottiba. 10 daya.
by news of tbe sudden deub of &lr«.
29 deaiha la Bk lUpMa rlliap darAug. 18.—Andrew Andonon. age 20
W’iUiam A. Hoamer, which occurred
lag the year 1*01. The aoBAer ot yeaia. 2 days.
ibout 2 o'clock, from heart dlwnsc.
blrtha U beltn the arerage and u»e
Aug 20-Hllda Drautoa.
The funeral of Mn. Hosmer and the
deaib rate aearty donblh that or la« yean. 11 months. S days.
baby• Vm probably be bHU Sunday.
re.r Howerer. of thete. tli nre
Sept. *.—Thomas Costello, age 37
IpabUity to bear
onr aereaty yean of ago aad four yean.
dlaiaat relaUjres may
leu than one year, fotir of the deatba
Oct. 1-^ela Johnson, age 76 yean.
10 be changed.
. ac<dd«tal. and one aaletdo. A
moatliB. 12 daya.
Minnie Ludwig was bom In Curter
0 Hat of blrtha and dealba lolOet. IS^MIUon p. neraBS. ago 3 township, this county, about 33 years

,t ki.ln.-v liwr .ml I.Ij.I.Im-1
yean. 4 smths. 21 days.
ago. She waa married to -Mr. IJosmer
I* 11 cotrerts inability to iiuid urine n;
Nor. tl—Margaret Amstsn. age 22 about Mvea yeara ago. and Utrde little From Saturday's Record.
scaUing lutin in jaasiug itJan. 17.—Mabel May. daMbt^.
Aean. li moatbs, 24 daya.
of twing
Monday morning, the wnmtlc or the comes tlmt imi)lea>aiil necessilyu
children are left without tbe love and
aad Mra. Wililan Haniy Bantoa.
togooflru through tl day.
yean. 8 moatbs. 7 days.
..... ..... ,
motherly care ol an usually home lov- Oval Wood HIsh company
times duriijg the
tan. 17-lidriae. dau^. Mr. aad
employes e fihe saw mill tD.amlwgrt
Nor. 26-Joba T. Mitchell, age 37 Ing woman. They are Sbadle. L. D.
the ea.raordituirv
Mra. CKMtar BUlaiar.
yean, 1 moaih. 7 days.
e ' c^t of SwamjvRoot is aoou reali/eil.
yaara of age. Beuldea'the rtilldren during which time more logs
Jaa. 2l-Mar»aret Chrtarina, daugbNor. 26—Carrol M. Hunt, age 2 aad Doaaa, rMpoctIvely 6. 2Vi and 2 gntten In.
It stand* the highest for its wonderful
tit. Mr. and Mn. A*al.H»olta.
mday morning the wire end.' cure* of the most di*trcs*ing
yean. 16 ■maaiha. to daya
On Tuaaday
tad the husband there are thwWher.
pin department, will ' Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and i*
Jaa. 20-Joaapb UdonU. aon. Mr.
Dec. 16—Arthur Morrison,
now at Ann Arbgy; one-ulster. .Miu.
in Cltr<ent and
bv all druggists
and the big plant will U* nil ring aoUl bv'all
and Mta. John Hlgglna.
yean. 6 moatbs.
dollar sire liottles. You riiay have a
Bmmt Wardrop. of Charleroi*: Arch full blast ( fullI lime, welcome i cws i
reb. t-Kaaaatb Virgil, ao^
bottle of this wondetful new dUlAwrenea MoriU and J. D. Kenwell Ludwig .of Maacelona; iJiniB. Of this
and Mn. Bal^ KIngaoott.
re making tbe necessary repairs on ^lace, and Fred Ludwig ,ot
Block auead for tbe other
m. A—Bdwla. aon, Mr. and Mn. the A. B.
met & Co.. Binghamton,
wblrii left iU toundailoa on Dee. 1«.
writing mention readi^ thia generous
Mra. Hoamer had a fine beme and
MmrA to Bon. Mr. and Mn. U«- Tbe aimctur* te belag rained, and will; everything one could wish tor and all
Mias Anna Jobnaon. formerl;- a ofler in this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but mnemher the name.Swamp0 tbrUUauon: dMd annunad.
be put mg omcrete tonndaUm ia tbe her Intereal was centered In her home teacher In tbe city acbools. apen' — Root, Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
liOHdaysI In
in tbM city. She retu.lned
Manta M-«Mrtaa C., ooa. Mr. aad ■priag.
' Ircss. Riiigbamton, N. Y., <
and her family. It is a tt-ry sad
b> her school at Duluth today.
Mn. John D. MIeboU.
The neat big aeclal erent oa the pro. March 7—Percy W, aoa, Mr. and gram U tbe eelebnUon of tbe seveniln. HOBfT M. Blakely.
•aary of the organliatlon
Mar^ 26-^da Loelle. daughter, Ot Hoae company No] 2, <lhe eaat aide
Mr. tad Mn. W. R. White.
teams). The membera are prepnriag
March 2*-Mar]a Bmba. daughter, ts glre tbe aanual masquerade at the
ifr aiM Mn. LoweU W. Morrlacou
opera bonae oo Feb. 22. ThU eomptny
Mara 28>^Tbelau> Marie, daogbter, has rendered tome very valuable aer.Hr. aad Mn LoaM Ttmott'
Be fure it i« connervative, the more so the
vice and deserve tbe good will and
Central Lake. Mich.. Dec. Sl.-Fire
April l»-»llag Oaii wm/ Mr. and anpport of evaryone.
better f,.*i.-ider its directors, who they are
broke out at 6 o'clock last nigbt in
Mn. jBlhH Jehaaoau
and whit' tliev siaitd for in business. ‘ Inquire
J.V .Homer A Co.'s dry goods
Aprs 6-fBt MeCordy, tea. Mr. and *44l*4444#4444444 from a burning chimney. Tbe build­
about its loaui,.^ policy whether it be conser­
Mn wmian
ing wu laved with ellght damage, but
vative. Compare the amount of its cash on
AprU g|-Carothn Jane, daaghtar. **44««444444***4 the entire stock wq* rulni«d by fire,
hand and other quick assets with the volume
Mr. aad Mn John B. Orltla.
With the holiday raeatloo orm. stn- smoke and water. Tbe loss U prob­
of its loans.
April pudgairta Oaoar, aea. Mr. Beau are retomlng to acbool.
ably between |6.06u and IT.000.-part­
tad Mn tB8^r Baaaan.
iralDS tbit moralog Uking out quite ly covered by inauraace. The fire was
Mw t—Morann, aoa. Mr. aad Mn
number. Among those who left are
In about 30 minute*. Mr,
Baary J. UteL
tha loUowlag:
Homer's whole capital was In this
Miaa Larinta Lowrie returned to buslneM.
aad Mm. Bngla Uadertaat
Olivet college.
May 10 Beatriee Vem. daughter.
the simple facts upon which the stability of a
l^nan Ooplan relumed to theU.X
Mr. and Mn. WalUr TanLeuvea.
C. at Lanaing.
bank permanently depends and thus select
May 22^011 bore male ehUd to
Miaa Anna Wltkop, who U attandlag
the one best suitetl to his or her needs, beifr. and Mm Erick Andereon. P
tbe MeLaugblin Buelnesa eoUege at Lawrence Claypeel Mel With i
curity over a long period of years is the prime
May 24-Ibvard VlrgU. son. I
Hit Accident at Cement M
requisite for savings, and it ts a paramount
Saturday Morning.
aad Mn. Harry RoUnaoa.
the vacalloa at borne.
aim of the officers and directors of this bank.
• I 3aae 6-4)ale Clark Buley. aon, Mr.
Rareid Jahnna, who to atteadiag
k' Rapid
3 per cent on d<-p> sits of $1.00 or more.
and Mm Emmal Beace.
the Hooghtoa Mining aehoo), returned ronce
e Ola.'pool,
Jane 12—LoU Btoae, dauMiler, Mr. thto morelag. having spent the holt- cement plant Ibis luoriiiiic. «lepp<-0
Into un elevator obati. falling aloui
and Mm WIRIam R. Woolpert.
days at home.
f(>et and suataiuing <
‘ Jane l2.-AUoe AdM^, daaghtar.
Mtos Jennie Roaeh, teacber la the bnlUiK. While no bone* were brok
Mr. and Mn. David P. Kebler.
It 1* feared Uini
It be ^was liijuretl
gUle Creek a^ooto, returned
inlly. Tbe aeelctont liapp< iie<l
- June 10—Helen Margaret, daughter, morelag after vtolUag her father. PhtlMr. sad Mn. Horece H. Babcock.
lip Roach, aad slater. Mn. Mark Craw. about 7 o'clock this mornlnK.
June 12------Vereoa ^ eon.
Cbarlea Chervenka. who to attend­
and Mm John MltOrii
ing the Olivet collesq,-vetnrned this
T'ou /eel as H you bad one face too
Jaae 23^-Alma LpokM. daugblar, oralag.
many, when you have neuralgia, don'i
ilr. «8d Mm Adam S. LaabaOer.
Mtot Blanche Barnum and guest, you’ Save the face, you may lieeil It.
but get rid of the neuralgia, by applj
< . Jane 26-Mai«ha Para, daaght
Mtos Blicdbeth Paitenon. will leave Ing Renne’s Itoin-Kllling Oil. Finest
Mr. aad Mn. Bernie Baraes.
this evenlag (or Hardin college, Mexi­ thing in tbe world lor rbeoniat sm.
Jane 28-M.ry Hreee. darvbter. Mr. co. Ho.
neuralgia, bums, cuts, cramps, eulic
diarrhoea, sore throat and pleurtoy
•ad Mn. Fred Bllla.
Mtos Marie Barney returned to De- Price 2Be.
- 60c
and II.OO per bottle.
Jnae 26-Lao M.. mb. Mr. and Mn. trolt. where ahe alteoda the Detroit
Cart A. Wetaman.
ry. this morelag, her fath­
Attgtwt 8-Itabelle, daaghtar,
er. George J. Barney, ;
•ad Mra. Baanel Crampton.
her for a few days vtolt.
Aag. T-Oorotha Haatlnn. daughter.
Miyoad Mn. William B. Baimban.
, Aug. 6—Oeorgtoaa Lorene. daughter unme ber dnttoa in tbe Detroit center-'
Mr. and Mm John Wealey Mix.
Aag. 4—Mann iMloe.
Mtoaes Maude McMIdiael and JoMr.aBdMra.aaaaalJaBsy.
aepbiae Davto have retdhied 4o Ann
. Aag. 26-<»eaalTa Mary, daagbter, Arbor, to seboot.
Because you have gjiien along without - Voigt's Crescent" Fleur ft no reason
Mr. and Mn. ICauMh C ODelL
you always should.
■ Bepu l-Tkym MUnbaU. ^daughter.
Hr. aad Mn. Bant Amateu.
Jn fact it’s a good reason why you should try It. You owe it to yourself and
Oet. l4-«elaa fteda. daaghtar. Mr
your family.
aad Mm AngonBetg.
Mksb., Dec. Sl^SchuyGet one sack, compare costs with the flour you now use, then compare results.
Oet 27 Wginra Irena, daa«tar. ler BiraJgfat. of Antrim, who i
You’ll find that added g^voduess. that fine flavor, those sure results cost but
fefr. and Mm Albert Pltopatriok.
rested yesterday and placed
Nov. 26-^Uen DoAoria, daagbtar. 1200 bonds to keep the peace for one
And the small differencc'in cost ii more than made up because there is ’ no
Mr. aad Mm Jeba P. Netooo.
year, fwnlabed th* boad and i4*o paid
Nov. t.-LeeU HearteUa. daagbter. tbe coau of tbe court, aaonaiUtg
waste.’’ The foods prepared from
Mr. and Mm Baanel Beblup.
II6J5. The warraal was ewont out by
16or. 6—Obasseer Nall. aon.
BUU Deputy Game Warden 8mlth,l]
aad Nm Fred Vlean.
nbom Btrnlgbt had tbreateaed.
f^e Maneckma basketball
. Lonto. mm. 1
and Mra. J
playad tbe Beltoire (cam at the latterjj
Nor. 16—Emma Jeanette, daughter, place, wtnnlng the game by the acorell
Mr. aad Mn. Thomas Roy.
of 2* to 12. No mure game has 1
’The Fleur Everybody Likes.”
Dec. 6-^faric Lontoc. ^foghler. Mr.
and Mm WUliam H. Nosier.
Mm Edwin Mat^wa abd baby Jeft
Don't have to be thrown out. Ibey’re good to e»t. alway*.
Dec n-BUBbere mil* dUld to Mr. tar Chicago taat al^t oa tbe mMnl*bt|
train, where Mn. Maitbews will csek
and Mm WllUam B. Barker.
Dec 1*- Bon. Mr. and Mm John W. DMIcnl aid tor Uie UiUe one. The ba­
by to u moBtba ond and w^b* 11
Dec t» -l6B. Mr. gbd Mm AM pMBda. Local doetoti could not help


li-mnsu ^ bate coJrt Bw the dhnty M
Crund Tnrene.
In tbe matur of the ostata of
ChariM U CourrUle. d

The Cause of Mai^v
Sudden Deaths.

0.^. D. TO START



______ court her final
having B
Imlntotretrtx of aaid
account s
_______petition praying for the
_________________ ___ ance tlsereof.
Dr. Sara T. Chaae
K rnoun from Oim-co.
the holidays with her iian-uii
r relatives.
amlnlng and allowing aaM aeeOMit
The Rev. A. T. FergusoB wont to
It U lunhrr ordered, that public
Sumnii City today.
notice ibrreot be glren by pnbUeepnWenRalph Roscih- returned to bos >lou «.
of - -~K.- Of this order, for three
Mudle.< at lluaghion today.
sue ressivp we ek* prevhms to aaid day
Prof. H. N. Horobeek returned home of _
Grand Trave—
ring. In the
today after siMBding vacation »nb hUi erald. a newspaper printed and drtiiothiT ill Nt'Ucygo county.
1 iilated In aaid coonty.'
Mr. and M sr.C. R. O’Neil went to
-“•:D R. Vi
IH iokkcy today to visit at the home of
Mrs. O. F. O Nell.
D. 6Mias Jennie Barton, of Oak Park,
I.. spent the holidays In the lity v1^
llitig friti •
and Mr*. F. n. Curtis and chllilrcn who spent the holldara with
Mrs. Curtis- pnrents, Mr. and Mr*. O.
P. Carver, mnined to their borne la
Grand Rapids today.


When You Select a Bank

Anybody Can Find Out
For Himself


Traverse City
State Baiik

Better Flour-Money Saved


Volot MlUlng CtMnpany


Grand Rapids. BUcIr.

_______________ ____ PcOTwoet ant*
a. as. aad • « a
U. B1H.T. O. P A
* P. JgKgS. Afoal

We Believe**

bave tbe Best Ten on

iboioe Uncolorei
Uncolored Japan partiaoUrly fine finyor and
-----‘--^nl Btrength,
atrengtb' If yofa
fot bavo .^ttonUe getting a
m that if u> your liking; try a aamiiW-fxuilia of thin
ehanoea oo yonr oomtng back.
uu. We will take oar ebani

Price, Me per ponad.




mm% , grr*feW Bhrmeefh.

i Three Good Ones
Onr Graham Flonr^
Com Meal
Buckwheat Flour




Before you buy a Btcel Range come In nnd let n* abbW yon a
fow poitiu about ibc **Malteable" range that make* tt tbe bert range
In U)o world.
Let ns kiow yen bow the over pUir* are rivetod to
angle frame*. maWny aa alr,Ugfat Joint


How the fine* amud the

over of "Tbe MalleaMe" are larger Uua oo MbW Magea.
Let IU show you tbe triple waU of thi* mage aad oMo tbe detaobable recervolr^.wblcli boldi a barrel ef water.^

oto rbAMHcc Bonaiiie


old nnd was prabahly the most pepur ]»—Son. Mr. aad Mrs
yoaog man In Mann'lona. Me wax
rbaries Boed. 127 Garfield nTenoe■ of the lieat snare drum pluyera Ui
Pllcd December 21.
the stale, tbe best hoy albleie ManceiB hgs ever produced and bis brIcbL
Brifiii CItr. MIcA.. Ju. t.—A party
any dispn-siOon msd<- him a friend
. of OMTce Kl«ney. Harrey Mrs. James Slsdck. U4 Bsy *reet
evenbody. He was a member of
the hand nnd when be left
■Bd Wiltar Man. WIIIImb Volchl pad PUed December 81.
la the morning, a lliile
EivMtt Tuefcar Ml for HouMoo. Hlnn
lut Montoy.wkore tPo gt. Lo»t« BUvr
Not His Ptrst Offense M He Was

and Hoop Oo. baa purdMaod a nltl d ^
to bid him goodbye.
Rcrantly Uborated After Serv­
and a tract of tlmbar. Mr. KiBBcy U •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•
In addition to bis fatherT the young
ing M Days.
man Iravex two nisiera and a brother.
'ram Mondsrs RMid.
'The bi^y will IS' luought here Mon­
Tl^mpHr«. Bert Haccr and Uuki danrbtcr
day nlgbt for burial.
Idelta. at« vlaltlug at NaMivlIla, dor- «*, Of Bfk Baplds. are spradlng the ban come enslaved. Thomas Kronp.-*.
a'cak with Misees Ethel aad Nora e 19-year old lad. must siiend the next
tbo bcdtdaya.
86 days In (be county ->sll. belug the.
Mr. aad Mra. Joaoph Patadlaa paw
first prisoner to be sent to tbc Jallj
Mrs. Eble Haeoab and Jullu^imTs under tbe new sheriff, Frank L. Shurd ibrouab ioara on iboir aray
left today for a few days’ visit with
Soaib MIIUW to rlatt rcUlivea.
Kroupa was brought before Judg
Irlrndi at Grand Tlapldi.
Uiiie Uly Harsor U guile HI.
1 Prcacnee e
Mr. and Mia. Pred Hamlltoa re­ Kerllnger today charged with being
Mra. Jaaea SotMcaa monied to
. ,yerierday.
day. He w-as pioh<-<]
tor hMM at C^ar T«M>adair efl«r turned to Cobalt today after visiting up by an offieer aad last night slept
William Henry Graven and Mr«.
>|ieodins Chrtainaa olib brr aoo. Jack Roberts and family of 226 State Id the city lockup. At it w
was not bit
flrat offense, having served 30 dafs Ip R<^ Wilhelm were united In mar­
Ernest Tucker and fatoly.
Mis. A. B. Oildma retorned to May* fall from which be had been liberated riage Ttaur-day cyenlng at the bomb
Mra. (Dr.) Bood Decker, obUe nttaandlng a paitMl «kb
■*’' field today, after spending the bolb made tbe rentcncA 60 dafs................ of the bride, by tbe Rev. D. Cocblln
ddantally felt Uuooffb ■ trap door. days In tbe city with ber son. A. Olbbs deelarea that he cannot gti along wftb of tbe Ping ConercgatioiiBl church.
Tbe ceremony was witnessed by- only
and family.
Utiartag toraelf giiUo MIy.
the relative;- of the bri.'.e and groom
Mica Lottie Hsvlland left today for
Dan WAy did bualiMM la Kalkaska,
and tbe-^ppyr coii|ile were iinattenda visit with friends in Grand Rapids.'
I except by the t-MIdren of Mrs. WilHeury Sparling left on a boslneat
Mrs. MatiUa Oadwtt Is vMUng ber
-Im. Imniedlalely after the ceremony,
trip to PeUMikcy today.
wedding supper wax served, the
biMer. Mia. U bacnro. Ibis week.
ing verjW. II. Foster left today for tbe
MlssM iMNra Sisten and Vi
aiid Mrs. Qravell luive a large
Barber were A)den rlillors Wednes­ North Manllou Island, where bo will
iiouibrr nf Mends to wish them noth
■cale for tbe next two moothn.
Ing but happlnewi.
Tbe Misses Randa Utrson and DerMr. and Mra. ayde •salon aro tbc
proad psrania of a dsnfhler; arrired Uia Huiby loft today for Three Riv­ Fourteen Charter Memhera Took the
Dee. n.
ers, tor tbc remainder ol the winter.
Vow—Swastika it the Emblem
of the Sect.
Miss Margaret Sehone returned *o
rraaklla Beema tos paichasad the
ttMoamat IdnnMly owned by W. H. Kingsley this morning.
A meeting was held New Year's ere
Mrs. Met Craig left today tor RldgoMolL
of the Rev. B. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Tramp, of Bandasky. vmc. Ind.. for s visit with friends.
iilW. 803 West Twelfth street, nt
Miss EXeanor Higgins, wbo has bees
sprat a few days wub tbe Utterd's
rialtlDg ber cousin. Miss Dess Hansister,-. Mrs.
8. H. AUsssle.
yanIsailOB of
Ruffalo, .Tan. 2.—Mrs. Harvey Spen’. Locally
lani^in in tbit city.
nen, returned to Grand Rapids, today Uniiarlai
utkm will be known
Miss Josepbinc Bntlrr. of EUk Rap­ erganluti
'. Spel
T'emisoendenul society.'
ids, returned borne Saturday after
r the bank

Founeen |icraOfis lool^ the vow and
spending tbe holldsyi as tbe gueet of thus became charter members. About
as many more are nearly tea
Deoembm fc-UaatrIci.- L.. dsugbier. Miss Margaret MoSatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Miller.
Bwaxilka and lymbullica tbe follewthg
Umwaod areane. Piled Decomber «. Ibis morning for penaacola. Pla.. general prlnrlples: The w-orld-widV.
BUaabeib. where sbe will spend tbe winter. Sbe parenthood of God aM the world-wide
dancbier. Mr. aad Mrs. Ismls Holder baa been tbe guest of Mrs. 8. E. Wll- faralllbood of
ntaa. R2I tost twelftb street. Piled llUtti. at ibe Hotel MhlUng.
Idiln ra|ii.l transit system TItere will
George M. Hamlin, of the sbbe de­
December I. '
be a dally in.vnuuit of wages to nietnrportment of the HunabALay MerEseh ernpln.vee
Mr. aad Mrs. 4oacpb Pomssel. MS (tntlio oompanys store, will go on
wilVbe leiid at hi* re*iye<-llve ear b
Bandcripb slreeL FUed December H the road for a week lor tke comiwny
as he finishes hi* run fiir the d.-i.v. Tl:e
December d-Bnsabotb. daugbier, in place of Aiesander Robonson, who END CAME ^OOENLY'4'0 ALLIE reeelvlnB clerk nt the l«rn yvili tal;e
Hr. aad Mrs.eisaac Van Maren. COo wilt remain la Hie store.
Kx-M«yor A. V. Priedrirb left today
•owlk Unioii street. Piled UtHtinber
In either the reinrns or rv[»«rl the crew
for Asbvlllr. North Carolina, wlirtc bt
will at onro be ikiM the day's wns*
will spend the winter in searrb ol Maneelona Was Shocked By the. New
Doomnber 10—Rolaud Victor.
(be ranni-y Itelng taken from tbe cstb
of the Vaunt Man’e Ocmlee
Mr. and.Mrs. Arthur Neal. )«: Ea»l beaUti.'Hr. aud Mra. Friedrich spent
collected for tin- day.
last winter at tl>ai place, Mr. Pried
Klgktb direct. PUod Becombor 17.
tJlUan rich improving In health greatly.
Wanted P«dl Crsdit.
J. M. SaffOrd, engervisor of Union
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Cbtrles P
“.Vow. my IlMte msA. you are nerused
Wall, M: Wahaler straet Piled De tomublp. was in tbo dty today on
ef etrtkiiig auotlier boy aud knocking
ont one uf his leelh."
Arrived in Traverse City from H-WK being contained In n telegram
“•Sense me, Jedge. two of LiK teeth.*
• d—imuchlpr. Mr.
Mrs. Mike
; uti Wnt Day. Kingsloy Ibis nrternoon: Lelaud E ecplvfd by t'vrne t’ulberxon, a biotli- -IJfe.
■r.of ihe .ypuiig man. The anuouncoDeeentop 82.
Tripp, Mrs. D. L. Ensign. Charles ueiit
was all tbc sadder ta-eauxe of
OcU^r »0—DanghU-r. Mr. and Mrs Hex, Urn. l-a Houghari. E Houghnrt. Its unexpeeK-dnesK as lerters
-Does your b
Ueoine i. Hormulh. US East .Mutli Mias Cora WilKbt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam cards r<«ei>ed from KInghamp
“Yes-wh.tiever ^ ws
, street. Piled December 22. ■
Nkkeraon, Mh« Janie McMurry. Nick <\)l.. where the death oeciirred
me to the tliesb-r."—Cle
8:ir, kisi ulghl. siau-d that Allle
^Ottober 7-Dancbior.
' ding niurb bettor.
r J. Dreres. Oil
Venezuela re-vlred iix uauio from
It Ul
Hiss Minnie Rice, of Csdlllae, U
N|e end cattle all at once, however,
street. Plied Dm
Quick the early Spanish resident*, wbo saw
vialllng the .Misses Lrlub sad MyrUc following a anddeti rsillapse.
coiisumpilon. (be
disease wbicdi 1b It a revembUuee lo VenU-e.
Deeember 24-Bon, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
killed his mother only a liltle c
Ployd L. 8mUb. 420 West Tenth
Mrs. q; E Rougbey and two sons your ago. haying Uhui tbe <
street. Plied December 21.
iefl this morning for Grand RapMa. When Allie left the village he did
l.i rn ;:. li ftmllU-: of tlte haroWer
December 17-Son, Mr. and Mre. to opend G>o remainder of tbe winter, not know that he would never return clH^* ,1... tiUng .-x,K.use, In un.ny In•;;u, e-s a.-.- I.n-I only by Ib.- wife coa^
JaoiA PlBbemaB. 714 Bast Pront the boya alleodtog school at that attve ns he thought that he was uhly suffering from the after effet-ls
street Piled December 21.
typhoid foM-r. The physl<-i;uis. how- i:rr i-iirri.f..'
i^T-line.; I'.iis
y Deeember 20-George Robert, aon.
kiiew- that It
Mrs. Isaac Lamson returned lo
.-r ••del- of n I n-rv-!. -•tl 1'
Hr. aad Mrt. John Jands. 440 Nurth Claire today after visitiny Mra. A- desperate bop<' to send him west,
usi.l ill i..iil i- e-;;al-:;.li ;'.e busb: m'
mother also died in I'olorad
Spraoe streot. FHcd December 21.
Allie Culbersoii y s only 20 years







N E. W



n eommlMce of praminral dtP
sens to act stfih kim la laying pinna
for figbliog fhe wbHe plague.
WtS. — Oouty
Trraaurer Miebael Meir was held up
•n bla offin- by twe naasked men and
robbed of $ cash.
CHICAGO—Muy raports of lellere and packages being atalni from
(be matu at OtHsunas time have
been made to tbe powtal laeiwclors.
CHICAGO—West Preeman of this
city baa falicB heir to tnore lhau
$2,000 at a reward for a klndnraa
done an aged woman acven years ago.'
CHIOACO—Aeeordtag to the annu­
al report of the ChRUito Teleiiboiie
Exchange, more honaeholden- have
t.-lvpbones here than In any other
city la the world.
as sent by iIh' representatives of
20.000 nnldn workmen lu thU vldnliy. to President Roosevelt, asking
kirn In, pardon Oompera. Mitcbell
and |lorWon.
■'»ffcw i'ORK—;
Mrs. Peter
Nasiulln I of Clereiand, Ohio,
found deair
from gwa poisoning in
their roi'm In the home of the hus­
band's xiepbroiher,; Peter Palow-nke.
. Biooklyti.
IIDISC. IDAHO.—Eight ' busineia
buildings in Sliver City, the leading
mining camp of Southern Idaho,
were desiro.ved by fire and dynamite,
causing a hue Of $40,000 with prmetlcully no iiwurwDce.
ap-d 50 years, was shot and kill­
ed at Ishani, on tb| Kettncky-Tenm-asee line, by bis stepson, WlBlatn
Sowders, aged 18, who was proleci
iDg .hD mother (Tatn Injury
hands of HIU.

ST. 1A)UIS—David F. Maloney.
wealthy and
killed him^lf.
t'lNCIffNATI. O.—CurrvDcy. Itondx
nd bank securiilea worth more
lan 144.000. were discovered In 111
old irunk.
NEW VORK-Lucius E. Ladd, for;al years engaged lo newspaper
this ciiy. died at tbe SpedUb borpital in Brooklyn.
nUBWTON. ALA-—Fire dertroyed
the saw mill -plant and basket fac­
tory of (be Loveiare Lumber, c
pany here. Loss $200,000.
VIOKSBtmC. MISS.—With npprav
priato ceremoDles at
the Nadonat
i>nrk. Capt. H. C. Adatu*. chairman
of tUo Indiaua commtssloD. turned
Gov. Hanly of Indiana,
monurueiils for tbo 2$ Indiana <
liaclct and :,3 markers.
AKRON. O.—Tbe discovery
what is declared to be a paleolllhie
Wa^orth. OLk>. bss
led Profexsor FVfderk-k G. Wright
of the .Staio Artrheologitt society.
declarr that Medina county wan
■ be home of paleolithic
SAUiM, MASS.-Alberi S. Hratgs,
former teller of the Beverly Savings
bank, wbo is allogi-d to bave con­
fessed lo misappropi'iaiira of about
$9,000 of the bank's funds, was held
for the grand Jury by Judge Sean
in the district rourt.
A (Uad QtMsifieatlBfi.
Tbe myat.ry of,Ibe ne-,;yij mind It
Ml'SKECON-Joel R. Grant,
rromtnent member • of the Oceana ItluMrai.d ly a story wbkb tbe PhHadeliilila lUv-rrd i ria!«. Jt lin, lUc eolgrange, fell from a load of bay near i»red applbani far tbc petition of bmhome In Han nnd auffFre.t
ler lo a family llvlns In me of lira
Jurltv Hull arc ronslden-d fainl. He fashionable subnrl* of riilindelphla.
wax taken lo a Grand Rapids bos- strove to imprets bl* xr.iuU l>e
plover with bla c:::.-e Cineaa for
JACKSON-Por breaking several |<la<e."
“Oh, .ye... sub." he .-rx;.!, ' l a aboly well
M-wlng machlm-e in the prikon. Jer­
edurAle)!. suit. I's :-apt<rd a civil aervry Rroiton, a. convlri. will have to j lee exomlnclinn."
*cne at Ic-asi two more yepra after
“Imli-cd." responded ibr genOeman.
(be expiration of bis present term "that Is very One. !'m sure, but
in NovemlKv. 1910. which he U serv­ ran't ray thnt ibiit
tieqiar value to me In a l.iithT."
ing for larceny.
"No?" raW tbe uurjirl-ed aiipHennt.
OWOSSO-Jnrob Heise. n civil wat
ii-riin, and Mrx. laiuh Gevan were "It abore Is airfinge ijaw sr^mmeii'-*
tastes do differ. Now. Mr, WlIltamR.”
.-j-roxii-d for disorderly eoiiduct. Helse naming his former employer, “he luy.
aay (bat the wom.-in snnii-hed bis •John, ore thing I demnn’ It rtvtl
purse and that when In- irli'd to re­ aerrlee to mah gueata,’ nn* be done
cover It she 'swatted” him In the gave me w zamlnathm rT there, auh.
mn* ibafa tbc truf."
fare. They were fln>s) $lll each.
Then tbe gentleman aaw a great
CADIIJ.AC—Will Martin, a dis­
penser of Bofi drinks at Meanwat- light. Ho replied:
yru nre quite right John.
aka. Wexford eounly. and therarore Civil Ken lre Is a very Important and
ry territory-, wax airaignod In rather unusual virtue, so if you have
rceordor'x eourt on the ebargv passed Ihni examinailun I HOok well
»>f mnnlng a blind pig. He waived coaaWer you eiumged."
ixamlnailon and .wa* Iwutid over
Bcrrad From tha Money.
the circuit court for trial at the
Mr. Tbroguiorton—Is it iny daughter
January icrni.
you w-aut or Is It b.-r money? Jock
SAGINAW—The city of Saginaw
Uow-ena (amateur champion. lOOyartlM
has Joined in (be sysU-mnllc battle -Mr. Tbrogmortou. yost aurx>ilso me
that is being waged on tiilM-rculoxla, Yon know very wwll (hat I’m gii ama
The wort wilt be done In co-oper- teur Biblete.
Mr. Thn^morton alion with stale nsxnclallon of the Whafa that got to do with It? Jack
Am< riran H.-nllh league
uixler ill- Uowens-.v'gprat deat air. I( debanH-clmii ol Dr, W. p.’Kngllfh of the me from tak'Iiig (brt In auy eveut foi
1-oard of education. Hv bax atijiului- nttwey.—l.o::a.'a Grj|ibtc.

Lady-My husbend s
ahins 1 bought him tor Cbttstmas.
didn't think bo would. And raw Hi
toe to ea< bange Ibem. CIcrk-Por wbaL madam?
lady-Well. .vni might M Me laili
■t nome (a<-e haPdkrroklefU «afi MM
zHrer baiplna-Puck. .
His Popularity CapIMncd.
“1 don’t see what make* that youbg
trtend of niloe ao raty popular." aiM
Wnile n'labtngtnn. “He Is in denaaS
for any number of Christmas' panMu.* “Tliut D very- eaylly erptatned.* aa•wered Mlaa Cayenne. “He M no negraigbled that be U eonilnuaUy'alMak*
iug holly fer tnlstleioe.*
Net a SH Stingy.
Mr. NevvTl- b v^eui ibe other day t»a
blgh (Dx* restaurant with bla wtfb
and two frteods Mra. Newrteb. wto
bad been brought mji better (ban bra
buxband. wblsiK-rcd ip him, "Ato ftP
a menu.”
“Oce ineau oulyr rrapondeS tor
boabnud. ••Ortalnly
not Tlotend tu ,
ily not
do tbe tbing well. HU twaltrri 1 ray.
menus for four, and see that they an
•lobe to a (nrnr- Londos Graphic.
Tba telepbuDf. tbe telcgnpb. tto
poet card, motoring and other moden
things are rapidly doing away with
long ptanaea aad pretty apeeebra.
Teraeoraa U Ito Beorrai nlr bow*
adsys. At tbit rate bmoi trill aprak
la telegraphic atyto a ranrary bracA—
Madrid Mundo.

luh'lTteT^c 1'U fer^’^'i;i‘^amo5
rbey- drtluT.- Ibjt the
ii ensWea
•he.I 1> r-ermt wlHi vv- h-lriiis
»vl.l h l!>.-.e .on!! crl .:he.-wlw M.
ieiuj.1 lo .


Crus lab
w aucUt swrarass.
C.m KsMt «l Omw

Uie dtsraer.1 mrm.

| •

til rt-. at Dru^lra. or fay nuOL UquM
Oo^in Halo. f.« n*ela abolsraaTn vis.
Ely Urulbeta, M Warm lAiurt, New Ymk.

The Flower SUn-e
Of Qiiality
.Sliipptalafii] DeUvored(*roBii>tIy

And the Cesf ol Cat
lor all oecaaloas*.

MIPH MUaiSail, Hasatst

TelepiMMie No.4S.
Travono Oil;.




E. Wilhelm’s Great GoingOiit-of-Business Sale.

$5,000 Practically Given Awajf

We still have on hand about $25,000 worth of mer­
chandise. When this is reduced to $ 10,000, expect
to sell the stock in bulk. We propose to retail the
$15,000 worth in the next 10 or 15 days at an average
price so it will net us $ 10,000, a total saving to those
who will act quickly of $5,000 . . Everything reduced.


Many stocks going at one-half
price, others at one-third off,
balance at 25per cent discount.
One>third Off on Ladies’ Skirts
One-third off on Ladies’ Waists
One-third o^ on Men’s Overc’ts
One-third off on about 75 Men’s
One-third off on Fifty pieces
Dress Goods
One-third off on a lot of Col­
ored Silks
One-third off on Ladies’ Coats

One-half price on Broadcloths
One-half price on about 20 pieces of Suitings
One-half price on Laces and Trimmings
one-half price on Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits
bne-haif price on a lot of Misses’ and
Children’s Coats
One-half price on a Lot of Boys’ Suits
One-half price on Men’s and Boys’ Caps

Like finding money when
you buy high class goods
at these prices.
Positively nothing sold on
time or on approval.

EXTRA SPECIAL A bunch of Men’s odd Suits value SI2 to $15 $6.25 All Ladies’ Imitation Fur Goats value up $25 at $7.50

tram WnahlagtoB wfll vMt te Beat) '
** 1 waa kind o' whlttUa*. bnt aot to
She wna We a year ago him la partlcaUr,*
laat faU, aad two of my coualM were
here aloo. I bad lota of fun when
they were here. For peU I have a
cat aad a UtGe kitten. Well aa every"She waa helping father of with hla
body has gone to hod I wlU have to
go, too. I wlah you and all tbe SuaMUdred Oaa.
tklBff ka»p«n U It. But aftar —.
“ *We*ve BO use for him. Why. aa
aktaera a happy New Year.
Saabaama, tbe way wa tall the atory
animal tike that wUl eat aa much
Asa Id.
Yoo aenalnly bad a alee cmrtataiaB.
aa ox.*
to-Mraalyea la aa Impertaat thlnt. aad
wa caa be hapyy or aabvay }oat aa I am slad that you wrote to me about
“ *0h. father. 111 support him n«raelt
Bice long leuer you have out of my own spending money. Only
wa lot ooraalraa leal about tt.
written, Lam. 1 am aure your
let him suy.' said 1.
BO we
we VM,
— —•
have enioyeA your Ctartatmaa vacatloa
fik RapMa. Hick.. R- r. D. No. 1.
-•Let .S'eddy'B dog stay.' said Utile
life, (ta IbU atory we are talllas.) la
Dec r. im.
Ben. bis Up a-qulvering.
a graat. baauUtul bouaa, that U glvea
to M for our very owa. Tbere are aa Dev Preeldeat—
"Vlrgle had got father Into bU arm­
am a Uule giri eight ycaiu old. I
chair la the dlnin-room and brought
many roomi la It aa we live >
am la Ue third grade. Ny aUidlea are the fcllowtnc Mtert
him bis warm slippers. And pretty
aad ovary tliaa Jaauary lat coaw
"1 know that I am getting marked soon she came out. and. don't
opaa a new door, ne roonu — language, reading, apelllag. nombeiu.
drawing. Wa are absent this week, and I take my pen thinkT Sbe said I might make the dog
empty, but we fill tbam. aa iba daya
what's the matter. a bed of straw In the woednbed^ and
paaa. wllb tbe tblnga we Bead or wlab having vaeailOB now. Uy teacher'a In band t
“It waa my biribday last Moaday. we would give him a square meal at
ii Mina Paacoa. We have a dog
But before we eater tbe New Year
wn ten yearn old. 1 hadn't thought dinner-time.
Door we can tblak about what we and a little kitten. Our dog’a
tucb about It; but cmnlng home that
Vaat to
wiib ua to furaiah tbe new CoUle and the kltten'a name
"And Ann she kept growling about
day I began -to feel ill-uaed. You see, giving notice: but Vlrgle didn't care.
room, or coarae tbere are many peep. There are two ikionm
Ulaga we muat bare, aoeb aa *^eboo).‘ achooL For Chrlatmaa I got a liltie last year I bad a party; all (bo boya
'And Vlrgla said be looked like
and •■home," and “work." and “play. aldeboard. a boa of candy, a book and
deUroned monarch wandering at tl
mlttena. Marian Gilpin la down goodies an^a fiddle. But this year mercy of the atorm.
■preaent aavlronmeni." but wa
here now. She aiayed with me hi not a thing waa done.
“Vlrgle reads in Shakespeare, and
uaa tbe aimpler worda. “tblnga na they night, and we bad auch tun! We ban
“Mother waa busy rigging Vlrgle— abe said that we would name blm
are.' While It U oeceaaary to take been pUytng acbool all morning. Well that’s my alsUr—to go and spend the Lear. He's the one who saj*. ‘Blow,
•omo tblnga with na. we have a choice
gueaa I will have to atop tor Ibia hoUdaya with her friend Maud. In the wind, and crack your ebieeks.'
about many of the fumlahlnga of our time, ao bood-bye.
dty; and there she and Vlrgle would
‘And that’s Ue way Lear came
new room, and oh! bow very, very
all and aUieh. xtitch. da.v after da.v.
be my dog.
careful we ought to be about planning
"8o't threw myself back on tbe sofa,
“We went down to Ue river, at .
Wilma Alberta Gee.
Let ua nlwaya leave
with my hands In my pockets, and my sru saying, that iiffib of December,
Doea Mvinn live near you? I a
“frowai" aad “temper," and “worry, aure yon muU have Sne Umea playing Ups atuck-oul to pout a little.
when I w-ai ten yealra- old. Tbe skat­
beblad ua. aad carry arttb ua all tbe together.
'And when mother said. 'What U ing wasn’t prime, and there wasn't
pleaaaat. happy thloga to brigbb
the matter, my aonf I asked her V anoUer fellow out; but 1 tried to en­
tbe new room. "Sweet memorlea"
It pretty well.
Uayfleld. Mich.. Dec. ZS. JPOt
what day of the
Biny have n place of Its own, nnd eo Dear President—
month It was. and told her Uat she
"And Lear hn ran up ud down
Ihta," and ''graUtudie
Biay *hlnd-tbowbi
I received my card and button at didn't aecm to realise tbe Importance around on the bank, aeelng what he
But in spite
. * tf^al
dt all the things that we thank you very much for them for of Ue occasion.
could find interesting.
bring with us. there Is each day's add­ they are very. nice. Here nre tbe
There were two men on Ue other
■And sbe ^id sbe did, but couIAT
ed store of treasure.—"smiles,"
namea of some of my friends who afford to celebrate the event
aide cutting and loading ice. I thought
"cheer. ‘ and "love,’ and “klndly- would like to loiD<be Sunshine Club:
would skate over .toward them.
than once in two yeara.
deeds,” and "duty-done." And wben"I hadn't got half-way over when
Newcomer. Della.
“And then Vlrgle put In. and said
evor we enter the New Year Itoor
Charlie Newcomer; also' my IltUe they hadn't quite msde up tbelr mindu Uere was mgreat cracking, and I was
anMta*t forget to throw tbe windows brother would like to Join the flun.whether It waa a matter for eoogratu- never so scared.
wide nen to the sun. We most let sblne Club. Please send tbe cards
instant I plunged into cold
ihfloD or not—my biribday: and you
the light shine to and <»1 tbg room and buttons to me. I am writing
know what sbe meant by Uat. Vlrale water, and went under. I tried
wKb radiance, ao that every one who
of my Cbrtaimaa paper. 1 hope la seventeen, and thinks she's
grab tbe ice. but It broke up. and
ua will know that tbe-sunshine I* you had a merry Cbriatmaa. Well I
but she will do anything for a fellow, wouldn't bold: and I remembered
In our life-room, and Id our bearu. all wlU close with beat wishes. ,
every bad thing i ever did. and. oh.
all (be same.
the long yearn through.
Your loving Sunshlner.
-Tfaen mother told Vlrgle she might dear! I thought of moUer. and didn't
Alice Buyeq/' try on Ue dress; aad I could see
care lor no birthday party.
The CbrUtmas paper
"Somebody seemed to be rub'blng
chance (or anoUer word—they bad
Long Beach. OlUornla. Doc. 17. IPOA r. DM you have a nice nmc
murh to say about Ue looping, and and bumping me awful, and then, after
Cbriatmaa Day?
Dear President—
age, P seemed like, I opened my
Ue draping, and Ue setting of U.
wlU write and teU yon about my
eyes, and saw moiber's own (ace clore
D 1 lust got up and thought
Empire. Mich.. Dec. Sd. i»os.
visit to tbe U. 8. torpedo-boat de­
tahe my new skates and celebrate all to mine, and she klased me quite con
stroyer that left here yesterday for Dear President—
] was on the old settee In
by myself. And as I came out uiotber
I Uougbt na 1 wns not busy I wemid called alter me that there was a peaefa tbe kitchen. There were fiannels and
San Pedro Wednesday. In the awmIng before scbool-Ume. 1 went lo the write. I am well and hope you
- bottles all around me. They
turnover Jar me on the dresser. Just
same. For Cbriatmaa I gM a toUet baked.
pier where the boat was. 1 went cn
fed me some gruel wltb a spoon, ud
hoard, and eae of Ue aallora showed
.a bandkcrcblef and ribbon bos.
felt nice and warm and happy; and
"It waa a nice turnover, and
BM around. He said ^ had aerved a two bandkerdilefa, and -candy and
heard (hem aay Uat the Ice-mcn
•me better; but I didn't ask any
term on n aubmarlno boat Tbe torbad brought me oome. but It wasn't
leave to go to Ue river. And
1 have aomh
pedoe oa board were mosUy In tbe blocked Ue road.
surtod off. skates In hand, Lear the Ice-mmi that got me out. They
tubes that Uey arc shot from. The namea dor our Sunshine Club. They
aprang over the fence and said be couldn't get to me. ail they could do
Nsencll Creenhol.
lubca nre set on pivots nnd can be are aa followa:
"It was lear. my Ixwr. that got miwould gu. too.
turned arooad. Tnc torpedoes are Howard Verno. Alonso AyUworib.
'Perhaps you don't know who Lear ul—Drew me upon dry land
Aylsabot from the tubes over tbe aide of
“ The current was swift Uere.' said
Ua boat by gunpowdv. having lltUc worth. Please eend the cards and butone ol the men. and he must have
"You recollect the day Uat wa
to me. We nil hope you bad a
0 to make Uem go under tbe
been a goner If that there dog hadn t
water. Tbe rapid-fire giins have e mern'V^rUtmaa and wlU have a bkt>- bad we didn't have but oue session, Jumped after him llke>a Hash, and
wooden frnaw or rest to steady the py New Year. Well aa It Is nearly about a monU ago. Well. 1 wai
tugged him out in no,lime.'
men In firing the gun. It ukos four time to go to bed 1 will doae..
'Then mother, all ol a sudden, sbe
Uough It snowed nnd blowed eoosldermen to run ‘n mpld-fire gun.
IQ to I>'ar. and she bugged him
wbat Uey call a bllxxanl. I
thou put in nU the guns when they
Martha Boynton.
around the neck and cried.
Tbuk yoo for your New Year's a'pose. nm 1 knew there was a big
are fired, turn around, aad when they
"Vlrgio sbe followed suit.
hU n wnH oc nnyUlng like that Uey wish. 1 hope you also will have a black doy trotting along behind me.
•••The blessld haste!' aatd Ann.
stopped, and he came In front of me
go Uroogb before Uey explode. I happy New Year.
•Then little Ben ran up. and kissed
and looked right up Into my face. Howwent to see Ue engine, loo. There
on tbe torebead.
muddy. and ragged, and gaunt be did
three seu of furnnees. nnd Uc
Grown. Mich.. Dec. 29. IWI8.
“ Good dog!' said he. 'Got Neddy
look! flomcUIng In bis eyes made me
engines nre six Uonaand horae power. Dear Prcaident—
It of river.'
I will now cloie as it is getting late,
1 wUI write a.few lines to you. I
"And Lear he Just lapped the gnu 1
ao good-bye.
hope you had a merry Cbrisiinas, and him all 1 had left.
- How be aw-allowed It and asked for Vlrgle gave him, and simchrd out be
wlab you a happy Sew Year. I gw
fore Ihc fire, and shut his eyes, as II
June Horioo.
aeveralxioD Ulngs (or Chrlslwas. and more! 1 told him he didn't stop long
he hadn't done anyibing worth speak
I nm snro all tbe Bunablnera will be
a box of Christmas candlee. I enough belween bits to have 'em take
ing of.
very much Interested to learn about am fourteen yean of ago. My toach' IJy and-by. when they had stopiH-d
"Well J went on, aad the dog follow the torpedo-boat destroyer. Perhaps
inme Is Htaa Nclllu Jobnaon. I
making such a (us«. he got up. I.ear
Ue boya wUl undaratand U bettor than lUie her very much. But I have not ed—because ) was wbUUIng, 1 sufi
did. and came and put his paws on the
able to go to acbool much Ula pose. 1 wbisUc a good deal.
-1 felt uneasy .for I knew our folks edge of the souee, and looked msrlater ns 1 have been sick most of the
right in the face. 1 tried to raise my
Old Mlsaton .Mich.. Doc. 26. 1P02.
Ume. Tbe Uat day of school before didn't want a dog. and Just wouldn't hand to pat bis nose, but rouldn't. I
have one. So 1 saw that there was
Christmas our teacher gave us all
was so weak, so I Just said. U's all
trouble ahead.
1 Uougbt I would write to you again, very nice phribUnas prenent. Well
"He went clear home with me. sure right, old r<-Ilow—all right.' and settled
ns I received my card and button and wUI close.
much pleased wlU Uem. I go to
Youro very truly.
•Then mother bugged him, again,
when I went In he stood there out­
acbool every day that 1 can.
Myrtle Thajer.
and Viigie crK*d. and Ann she ssid.
teacher'a name U Miss KaUTWood.
I am sorry, to learn Uat you have side. kind of respectful and pleading. •The ble.cld baste" again, and wliwd
'Of all Ulngs!' a^d mother, as »htWUl you please put my three cousins’ been elck. and hope Ue New Year will
her eje with her apron; and I.ear aiid
names on Ue Cradle Roll? Their find you better.
bc-n kissed each other, lik••'Och. the dirty baste!' ^ald .Miii
» are Ven Hand Fleming. HowDarid and Jonathan
“'Ob. mother, can't I ha»i- lilnt for
ard Russell ncmlng and Revs Quacn
Mayfield. Mich.. Dec. Sb. ms.
all right again I iiotii-c ihe>
my own?. Only see. he's so hungry
Fleming. Well, as my letter U get- Dost President—
tiag long I ^iU close (or UU Ume. ao
I got my card and button safe aad and cold, and wants a place where, he
D live comfortably.'
was so glad. We have a week's vaca­
•Mother shook her bead.^nd looked
tion. 1 got a lot of Cbrlstmah pres­
_ BIvs Belle Fleming. . ents. I got a doll, two books, a sack stern
“•Hes a valuable dog. mmher; I
1 nm glad that you nnd EHIs liked of candy, a pair of side combs, and a
your carda and buttoaa It seemed dress. That U all 1 can Uiuk of. so know he Is He's been Io>t c-ver so
long, and got gauntJiud rough'
nice to bear from you again.
wUl dose.
b,by no means, the dreadful
•.• •Yea; 1 see he s In reduced rlrcum
From your Sunbeam,
disease it bthou^ to be-m
stance*. 1 am very aorr> for him.
Old Miaaloii. Mich.. Deti 26. 1906.
Opal Holliday.
the beginning.
Which Of your ChrlatmaM prosenu Neddy; but I can't be bothered with
It can always be stopp^ -to
dog. Wi- nave no earthl.v use for
As aUier Is writing I will wrlta. too. do you like best? It 1 ahould guess. 1
fhp K^gmnhtg. The trouMe Is:
such an .tolmal.'
nnd I am glad that my sister sent my should aay the dob.
you tkm’t know you’ve got It;
name (or tbe Banshtae Club. 1 eras
"Then Vlrgle came oat and says:
you don’t believe it; you won t
much ptaased with my card and
"•Whafs to pay now, Ned?'
SuUons Bay. Mich.. Dec. 39. I»u8.
believe it-till you are forced
•'And mother told her wbat was to
button. Hy stater lives wlU my Dear President—
to. Then it is dangerous.
Grandma and goes by m.v Oroadma'a
It is a long time sincx- I wrote to pay.
name, but our name Is Ayres. My sis­ you. I am well and hope you arc
Don’t be, afraid; but
"•Poor fellow!' Mid Vlrgle.
ter Is writlug for me tbla Ume ao that Ue same. U Is nice weather here to­
to' it quick—you can do It
"1 saw sbe didn't mean me. but Ue
youiMtfa^ at borne. Take
time 1 will know bow to write a day. but it has bcwii very stormy, last dog. which made me gladder
letter to tbe Sanahtne Onb. Well 1 Sunday it was nice weaUcr here In
- 'MoUar. .dear, please U-i him come
wUI have to cloac (or thU time, to Ue morning, but later it got storm>
I a minute.' says she
up at my aunt's place Inst fluu"And Vlrgle wbisUed him m
From your loviag Sunablaer.
tay and bad a dandy time.
"Just Chen I heard m siamplng out
Bills Franklin Ayres.
tmaa Is over, and I am eorry it is aide. FaU^r'd oome. and I knew:. It
Did you have a nice Cbriatmaa? paat. becauae I bad suck a good time. was all np.
R’bca you write again you can toll mo
wUl tell yon wbat I got (or ChrlstWbai'a borer says he. stamping
wbat yoB did pn Cbriatmaa day.
las. A cup and saucer, a post curd aad shaking the snow off bis bat.
otCod Liver CWand&wtirealbum, a little glass slipper, a pencil -Wbat animal la Uisr
fuBy every var.
Elk RnpMs, MIU.. R. F. D. No 1..
and uMei. two handkerchiefs, two
" Neddy’a dog.' said Ben.
TMi k loend doctrine. »huDec :?. 1906. pairs of hair ribbons, a bottle of per­
-Ben's a litUe shaver—only three
Dear PreoMeat—
fume. and candy and nma. We bad a
"'liVhat do you mean, air?- looking
and. H heeded, »0 <ave hie.
I Uougbt I would write to Uc Her Christmas tree. also. I am in Ue fifth
: me. 'Haven't 1 told you you
d. 1 would like to kave my lltOe sla­ grade. My teacher'a nam ta Miss couldn't have a dogr
ter's name on tbe Cradle RMI. Her Carrie Fuller. 1 like her very well.
- He sir.' said I.
BacM Is pyra E Gee.
We bad a We have four teukors £n our acbool
“•FolJffwed you! .Not witbout an tny>-oimiitiiH»dTaitaWm«wmia.Cbriatmaa
at borne this year and tkla ywar. tmst jw w* had ^y vltntion. 111 wager. You whistled blm
laacyear. too. t got tor Chrlatmaa a Utm teachers. 1 expect BM ^raty akmg .of cuuraer
gcorr A flowNt as* M at. iMw Y«ta

HmM YwMf


I wlH try fi*v«r «• iKtriy t
I wlH try t* M M iHRRy M I
« far M I MR.
I «NH try t* M lrrlitf,HNR>
U •v*ry
fall In trylnt ta An
a, I »MI Try, try

#amerey dhlalda.
BunaMna OrandmathaiwMra. A. L.

Nwmher of memheru on the Cradle
^ 4MI, Jan. 1, iM. U7.
The lamsFlaka.^
It was a little anaw-Sake
With Uny wlagleu fnrled.
Ua warm Oead-Mcthw held It lam
Above the aleeplag world.
An Bight the wlM winds blustered
Aad blew o'er mad a^ sea.
' Batffhe little now-flake caddied dose,
Aa nfe as nafe could be
Than cama tbe cM gray morntag.
And the gTMt Cloud-Mother said.
Nimt proadly UR lU bead.
And thmgb tbe air go aalHng.
TfU R Ba^ a place to alight.
Wot I mnat umave a coverlet
Aad (dethe the world In white.

And gave n wnu. wee sigh.
Bat fifty aUmoa ether flakes
Gams aafOy Boating by.
And tbe wise Clond-Motberi sent them
To keeff the wo(ld'e bed warm.
* YRroqgh many n wintry sunset. ,
And omny n night of etorm.
—Mnr^ret E. flaageler.

rb» aott IKUe anow-flake covar deep
Tbe beds where the beby flowers
Oafler the aew
They alumher and grow.
And oMy eU Mother Natnre kiwws
Aaet what la beet for each wee wlM

- Bafsdy at home, aa the atar folk peep,
ifeefh the aUken coverlet snuggled
The flower^aced baby ainhs to ale^
la her sweet white naat
•ha cuddles to iwt.
Aad oaly the lortag mother knows
Just what la ham for the wee child

Alice Claypool. Cedar, Mich.. R. F.
D. No J. Name cent by Mabel C.
; ivB Newcomer. Della Newco
r and Charlie New­
comer. Mayfield. Mich.
% AUoa Buyee.
-WOBCU OreeahM. Howard
Atoym AylsworU .ABeon AlysworU.
BBd Oeorge AylswetU. Empire. Mich.
Namea eent by MarUn BoyBUn.

' H. V. F. fluBaMiw Chib Owlie 'Roll.
Fyrn B. Oee. ago ten monUa. Elk
Ritodda. MMu R. F. D. No. l. Name
MBthy Mildred Oee.
Van M^ud naming. Reve Qne«>
Fuming Jlownrd Ruaaell Fleatlng, Old
MlaeMB. Mich. Names sent by Elve
Tba'flunahtne PrMldanfa Vfalt. '
Tbaia ta one day in every we^.
Bualieamu. Uat your president calls
' *«unshlne Day." It U Ue Ume she
npends plnaalag Ue flunablne page in
Ue HerolA copylag all Ue little lettors on hm typewritot. sorting out Ue
BtorMTand poems, aad writing Uc
, VWi that you rend srben you get tbe

e of U
Btnys WlU her tkrottMi many bourn.
This week na sbe planned Ue poems
.that were to go on Ue Suoablnc page,
•be emne aeroea a IKUe verw cnlM,
Tbe New Year Door." Tbe poem waa
ffulto w grownmp one, wltb tong words
and a moral at tbe ead. eo lx wasn't
pralty enongb for epr page, bm those
-weeds have kept repeating, tbemeetvea over and ever ta your presi­
dent's aalnd.
Ton know mmetlmoa we lllw u
think of life es n art e( aiery. U ta
i Tory real storr. and rcry cBnaat

book, two baadkMvkIafi. aaJ a yalr
of Blttoaa. Aad WUm a»d 1 WPi a
cane and a tterMMope. Wilma la my
pyra la teo aaoatha oM
aad kaa tour U«tb.* I cneaa I «rlH ato»
for tkla Uma. ao good-byo.


doaY call Mm Acdii dug ao ma^. 'drowalag. For thin deed the PruSal.m
They nay ‘our doT now. and Uthcr Royal Society for Saving Ule hit
haa bought him a collatv with ‘Lear* swarded tbe dog a epedal BMdal.
oa it. and tbe dale of my laat birth________________
day: and Vtrgle uafs that whoever There U a sign In the i
keepa a boy muat keep a dog. too. to
get him onl
gardens of Paris to tbe effect that no
“And thafs how I happen to be out
looking at the anlmala must o,» n
of the river, and so can aay. •You Will « umbrellas. U fact, the aueadaau
In my seat next Monday.’ and won't let a person carry hn uam.*v>U
l*m going to he an awful good boy In'o^vy of ihe^ animal bowses U they

loan of a dried-up aandwlcbT
"Yours .truly.
—Golden Days.

Ml can do today.
Never trouble another for wbat you
can do youroelf.
Never apeod your fooney before you
have mafla^ltNever;buj what you don't want fleft Is Aeap.
Pride coaii more than hunger, thirst
and cold.
We seldom regret of having eaten
too little.
Nothing is treableaome that we do
• ‘
Hob much palu the evils that have
never happened have cost ua
Take thing* always by tbe smooth



I In the HritUh Museum are books
; written on oyster shells, brtam. tiles,
booea. Ivory .lead. Iron, copper, ohoepsJtln. wood and palm leave*.


Great OWerenee In Speed.
The lime required (or a Journey
round the earth b> a man walking day
and night, without resting, would be
438 days; an exprees traiu. forty daya;
sound, at medium temperature, thirtytwo and a half hours; light, a liUle
one-ieiKh of a second, and elec
triclty, passing through a copper wire,
little under oue-te«tb of a second.
Medal For Dog LKc Saver.
Bruno Is a beautiful loulie olriied
by tbe German crown princeRectMitly the animal Juniped into tbe
Spree and r<>i,cut>d a workuau Irom

for the Coming
We not only gave you (be Ume nod Ironble ot neBdinfc but meat
> club offer yoo see •dTertise'l any vbero nnd ilao maka other
olu^ba you don't a«e. Jitatgive oa a list of the ooaa job want to
take and ask us tko price.

A Few Leading Chib'^ers
Womao’d Horae Comp.. .$LS0

Woman'* Home Oomp. ..91.M

Suocm Msgasine..............$U



Review of Ruviewg or Outing
.McOiure'e or Woman's Horae


Ov Price

AU Four Fot StnM






Feed In Any Quantity



Twenty years ago a boy 1
to raise an uinbrella in the tiger lumiie
and the tigers went Muoat mad ov.t
It. aad two of them broke lhe%irs
of their cages and got out. The a«iae
I thing al«> affecu lions nnd ek-phania.
[Why It does can't be exptoined. bM
, if you do <1. kxA oat for * row

OrOlLh: y }-'> <xJ lOiilalils u iargi- |»'m’DlaK>- o(

is fre< from im]iarltic«.

We grlud i

uhv pun- corn and oat- aud nutMag else.
momhiul be will iblnk that It U Dm-.

t and forr-iKU
osm Iffd. wc

Wbi-n your horse gets a

Your sii>ck will tbrlre m Mr

You cam find uothing betu-r. Wc hare bay. core and ooto. We

pay particular atieoliun to tbe seI<-<tion of our feeds.
order aud see the difference.
your stock.

Get a trial

Tbe bea should tw none too good for

G<-i our priee*

Bring voar roru. asi>. buti-r

We wtU pay tbi- highest pouaibte

price tor good ntuek. At the cvriivr of FroBl and rasa 8ti


traverse criYs



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