Grand Traverse Herald, June 01, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 01, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






11^» A YEAE.________

CITY. QUAND T«>V»««I qAnTY. lllCNiaAt». TUI»»AV. JU«E 1. «»■


Tfc« Bnit AlATW *M tlirOAd in Al
l;M. OfBcer
SrtmfWer tunlac
Id tb» Alanu. TbU WAa iotU>*«4 by bdOthfr • w« BIMIU^ iBlri, Bod ihU by
(hr tlBtlDA
(l»‘ ^‘1* calUox lb« tulUDl««n (nuu all OT»r llw rllyr and byr
ioMb«-r acniao frow <be alr>«
Tba naldeau ol Ue cUy l»-Eaa w
poor down U«d. and bvlorv tlto flrv
was la pn«i«aa hall aa hour
THMt WOODCM ITHUCTUnU Kraal sircM bMvaaa f^rk aad Caaa
alroKa *aa a Urobblhi laaiu ot bu tank ta tha baiiom at tha Slip at UanJOINBO TOOETHBH.
laMfiuo—Varda al Both Erata at
liy. to roatwoMa
Um Lina ara Flliad With
aad uaiqtw. aUboagh a Ira had (akt-'o
tluw to put tbolr clotbaa oo la proim


toff HMyl«At LOMr.

Thto ktaa U axcliulra of lha ataokc
dhlMCa 10 BtalRbari 8i«baca atorr
XSB|.)ba aaoka aad ««Wr damaga ti
tho Oraad opara hoaaa.


aad aouie of iba cruvd
tba dramaa. although moir could
bav« brau twcd to help baudh- Ua
boaa. Sararal aairow eacapea
bad by tbv Agbtcra vbo worked oa
Iba alipprry alanliog ruufa, but
vaa lajared. Sfarcral Umca aTlcr Ibe
had apparaplly been rbnked.
they broke forth again, but 1
Hard Work for Piramt
Tba three buUdluga «bkb were gutlad belonged lo Juliua StetubrrR. and.
nhboughthey wereold wooden
three were alael clad, which
protected tba adpulning bolUIngn. bui
bard fur the gremen to rm
Ibrough 10 get at tbe llamei. Had a
wlbd baaa blowlog o<i doubt tbe build
Inga acton Ibc alreel would have UDited. and perbapH the eutira down
iwn buataeoa dlMrlct bran Bre ewepl.
Oooda Wara All Pachad.
Oae of tbe freakm of ioriune befell
Ur. and Ura. guniera. They bad pficked tbelr bouaebold go»de preparalury
ntOTlng to a boura uu Serantb
itraet. iBIaudisg lo note Tueaday
IL Ur Souefe Wade Ue reiuarb
bla wife that be hoped Ibey
wouldnt bo burned out before
lag, aa ba faarad Are In Ue butldug.
Hod II not bees for Ur Ward
aUgbi hare kiat tbelr Urae. ai
bad not yel penelraiad tbelr
aleepibg room, but a few mUiutoe lal
' cut o« Ue bedrooBi.
When Ur| 8unu-n< awilated bl-i wife
It ol tbe buildiuf. be grabbed bla
III caaa which ivulalued Ikuu
ot nolaa behinglng 10 A. Muck A Son
uf Qrand RapMa, for whom be trarela.
Tbe only luaa hU flnu rm
la Iba burning of a numbei
kwuea. About |iw woilh of booka telanglng lo bla daughter Rdlih. wbo la
luacblng wbool In tbe aoulberv part
Ol Ue aute. were oun«l.
That Ur. Bomera found time
dreas blniaell wlU tba flamea amuud
due lo Ue faabll he baa main
lamed for yaara la alwaya placing alt
elofbea together Jual where
lay hla banda on them al an Inalanl'a
notice, and lUa he did when be •
awakened, gelling inlo bli cMbna
few aeeonda.
Mr. word nlao managed lu dn
hlioaelt, bat In bla bairy be pul

Ciawn. Uiob.. Uay SS- Mm. F. K
VaiiHora M year. old.
k'liadj al
p oikK* a ai. her deaib cuiiiUif a.
great aboeh to tbe whole't lllag*.
ehr betas unleermally beloaed, l»e
aides her botbaad. three daughter,
aad one aoa are left Ip mourn for her
Tbrao alatera are alM> lell, Un
Thomaa Braytoa. Ura. Samuel flark.
both of Orawa, and Ura. Spaagao
berg, of Traeerae City
. VanHoru waa a sufferer from
•ppendicllls and was operated upoe
Tbe dieease had bviouie too lar ad
ap IndeBnliely owing lu the u«er- vaB.-ed. however, and deaU ensued
durulng of Ann Arbor car ferry Ku. She bad made her borne at Urawn
uuuber of years.
4. which railed Wer M her aide In the
allque slip at k.5U Saturday uigbt
Arbur No. 3 left tbia place Sal
urday nlgbt with a load lor Uanlatlque. but returned Sunday mornlog
with her load, being un.-)ble to enter
Ue Blip.
Ann Arbor No. i was loading tran


Frankfort, when she Bopped o»e
ber aide, owIiir to the crew tuadlog
tauy can on one side betur- plac
«w on the other. Wbeu ah< list­
ed. she fliled wiU water and aank to
ibe botlmn ot Uo slip. She «as IB
cbnige ol CsplalD Hubertaon 'jr.
The yards at Uaiitsilque are ot
Wlt^L iAVr«100,m ANNUAL
rrpwded nlU Iron ore can aud other
freight which will now be tied up un
til tbe car terry Is rlghin} and i-aa
oql of Xbr slip. This alao lies up Bon ^aory Gala Fsirhavsa—Tnitt
Ihp Northpori yard, which have a
Funds for varioos Heialivea and
gieal deal of Ireigtal tui tbr upper peu
Four TrvBU Cesatad for Fobr

$3,000,000 FOR WIFE

Was S3 Vaara Old. and In AddlUpn
to HOT NuabaiM Sha Laavaa
Thra* Daughlara.

OaugMara ara Left


LOSS EXW $12,750




•TliNMRO •UlLblNOt Mime

tUmrn Bmubm Froi» Ualnf


Mrs. Ban Hardin C

Hudgentille. Ky. May 31—The
braille staiu* of Abrabam Lmcolii.
staudiug in ...e vwbtic aquare, aw*
untelled today with uupn-sslve rseri-ises. Sbifli Hoberi UuloIu. Ue eniau
rlpaiui's sun. attended.
l.ise Ibe dedicatiuu al tbe Linoidn
itni here, many tnmou* former cou '
fedeiates uoUed today lb ralollfng
Liutsdn^. njeiuury. Tbi-ie aeie gieal
crowds witb many ipeclul trains from
Louisiille. The ceremonies were al
u-clo.'k. and Mrs Beu HardiB Helm
UU'eilrd Ibe statue. Judge Deielle.
Goternor Wilson. Uoo. O. H Soiib
accepted ii Among tbe uraiors was
Hrory WaUersdO. Jobn Maibvrtoa
Louisidle preklded

Aldeu. MAfi.. May 2k-Mra Burdge.
if« 01 the Ket Jrsw Burdfie. paator
of the Mel^L^l church here, died
vevterday after a Ibree «eek>' lllnewt
he was S3 > ears uU.
In nddilioa to h«r buUand. Mis.
Burdge ]ea\es l^bree daugbu-rs. Mi*,
i' Itfainrw,: di NurlhpuM. Urs. £1
Green ot Harbor Bpriags. aad
Miss Maude Burdge. a teacher In Ibe
,-buuN ai NorUipurl.
Ura Burdge aaa bom la t'daada
bat had tiled in this country many
Hbe bad a loige number ol
fr'ieuds all over the diairlcl who were
shocked 10 learn ol ber death.
Tbe fuiieral seiiice will he held to
morrow, ibe Key A T Ferguson.
HUpetluieDdeuI Ol Ue Grand .Traverio
dialriit. olUcia'iiig Tb' body will be
lo Nurtbport for bulial. Waving
hare pu tbe tnorniug train.


SALE <• BU^ECt"^^
Mafia Tofiay at From Door of CfififI
Hoima la Compltafica WMb Ml Or>fiar taatrafi by CiroMt Jwfifia
Tbe efiUra boUlBff of tho BfifilB
BMu Lnanber company tbrangb tfeMr
receiver. J. o. Cratwor aafi attanan,
Bmurtbwatta fi Alway. wm mid W
T I’ PreaiiNi Friday afirmoon al IBo
from door ot tbe court housa for OSg.
iMC.TS. upon lb« order ot Jfi«|b
Uayne. wbo directed that tba onlS
any abould offer tor Mlo tbaU
boldlugs 10 tbe bigbcM bidder «• Hap
28. having tor Id day*.prevlooaip a»-

Afler the bid waa reod. ShertB
Frank L. Bbuier made a call tor a
higher bid. afid tbe sale was beM apm
for one hour, but no higher Ud betbS
JH UNVEILED THE STATUE received, tbe property was dedaraS
sold to T. B Preston for tha SBB «(
>««.»0<.78. tbe aUe Includinf stmT*
thing balonrag to tbe cofitpaap an df
April 1. 1*0*. aubjact to tba Ofdtr dC
tba court OB appHeaibw to tha *mBrfiiatioo of tbe sate to bo Mfida Jfifia
i. iMi^ -at 2 o'clock :x
Bt^tbe conn boBwe.








WAS $M.Ni78

New York. May 21-011 Wagnate
President Delivered an Appraelalinn
Henry Kegen' will was 'Hied today.
of Ihe Heroes of the War—SoeneTbe esllmaied vabje of the esUle
I Ua ahiill et7 or tiM »oekUry et war Dickinson ConetudIbU.imo.OIM to ITb.tXW.uDO.
bird awakoBlag tba city aad tba
ed Esercisas With Addroaa.
leaves Ibe widow tbe New York
aawbar of Ua aiaraa. II. told ibat
reatdence. stables, etc and a trust
tlra »aa in tba -haort of tba
fund of I2.&U0.U00 to t3.<H)U.UUU proud
Getlyxburg. Pa. Uay 31—Mi>a COUNT XEFFELIN HADE A PUBhV
«HlaaM dlautec Wbaa
log an annuity ol IIOO.OOCI, Leaves
Helen Tall appuarad lo puBtIc lo
a R. A L AND RENNwu taraad la. fU«Ma vara hraaUag
UB'aob Mmsry
Ua Fnirbaven. many HaM fit CamMary This
Hist lime today wben she unveiled tbe
dbMbib tba INC fit tba Nav York
Mortilns—Farada and Enar*
imeni congresa rdected to tbe
Tw atota. ud had vorfcad tbair
Tbe will* eslabllUes various
(nuna baUdUfi U vbicb Ulaa
inds foi rsdatkes Tbe balance :
lending tbe I'nloH
C. P. UrCoolHi Bimaarr atora
vided I
Friuu M0bda7*a Raeord.
The imkev w.‘re the inpet ootn
Ibeoied. adJolalM Malnbarg^ Qraad
Meiuoilal day. with the sun hbln- .ble of memorial day. veterans, ondcu.
opara hoaaa, bartbc Martad
ing overhead a^d tbe dual laid tmoer aiaWsmeu. dlphunalt and rlvillana sigmU bOlldiBg batvaaa Uaaa tvo. o<^
fool, such was the weather when Ibe tending
r-i>m by Ua Urbar abop ot Ira
aged members of the G. A. R., tba W.
Tbe nvunament.-maguiSivnl abaft of
aud tbe younger veterans of Ibe bronxe. on wbii-b is inM-rlbed
Iba dapartioabt fiiada quirk work In
•a Of Ihe C2sd Calvary, artillery,
Trip la Balog Made In tha Autemo- MRS. NELLIE BLV LANCASTER Hpanisb-Am^lcau war gathered
aTohfiMi.dOfiFraacblag ^a araM. bui oo tborougbgetber
and engineers. paniciusUBg.
bllaa of R- Floyd CMneh a
Ip had Ua danwa vorkpd Uair vay
day's prograni. U ruined today. M
In the liSiiW of Uellyxburg. If <
Was Mada at 0
Franklyn H.
thiongb Ua tbraa bulldlngi that '
early an hour bowvver that when
ling Lay of Land..
waa a hard tl^l to gat tba fira un
march miu ibe cemetery was mi
Tbe regulare mel Taft sod Seed
dor aoatrol. 1%e eloaanaaa of
ba sun bad dried off the grass and presldvDIUI salute Taft delivered an
Berlin. Hay 31 —Coanl BoppaUb
rroB Friday's Record.
olao fiiada tba tight i
be shower bad only served to »we**l- apprecUtloo ol the war heroes nbd di landefpal Goppergln this nm attdr «
A party of Q, B * 1. aad FenigyV
Sarwie* Saturday.
airaaaoaa. aa lhay omMI only
,0 the air aud ki-l-p down lb* dui.t so dared It waa Sltlbg that coogrraa Eight ot 40 boura and IS mifiatoa. ow
wriiad troB front aaid raar.
bat It was (Hit raised by nurcbing abouM erect a fooobmenl Ai the con
piles. With much xlgiagglbg. .
atAfter paib-nlly suffering for elghl
Uroogb tba atalrvay or Ua o
only before Undlog BadUp. Sa»terooon. The party eonalsled of f L. loniba with cancer. Ura. Nellie Bly feet.
on ol bK address. MUi Taft
At 8 o'clock tbhi morning tbe Bower pulled tbe siriug unveillag tbe monu pelln stopped the airwbtp ntfir BtwtfLockwood, general pasM-iiger agent, Lancnafer, obe of the pioneers of tbls
AwakPMd By biBoha.
coiumlitee. with G. H Johnson cbali ment and the band played Ttii SUr gert on account of petrol exhinMififi
O. R. B 1, Qraad Rapids; George W. city, pssard sway Tbu^ay at
Tba awahaalng at Ban Ward prob
an. Weal to tbe i-eiurtvry wlib gn: hpangh-d Banner." but the 1‘jecr.Dg He waa resuppited aad rwfinceadnd
Weedon. asslalant general paaaengwr
ably aarad tba Hraa ot bla taoilly and
- of ber son. Charlra Lancn-sler.
continued through tba Hacfcfir
am'ui, Penaaylvaala Itmw. I'incinnati. 21s Bast KiBIb sireiH. Bbu leaves six luds of Bowels and d'-coKited lb drowned all utber round.
of Hr. aad Ura. Boaara. Ur. Ward
graves of Ibr comrades'wbo bad gone
War Secretan DicklUMio concluded valley.
vaa avakaaad by Ua amoka vbich
and two daugbiers, na tollowi
le exerciser With S patlinllc ad­ The craira break! nil aUablp rafivaa poarlng Inlo tba rooa. and
U. A Uuicasier. of rraudon. Wls..
young soldiers and the W. R. C. Uet dress. Miss Taft excited, the givsteat
••.g Ura. W.»rd. Uay qo< ta.i uC Ibcr
Charles Lancaster of Ibhi cliv, «*. L
U an early hour yeklerday vialiora
Grange hall where rigs bad beeo admiration.
sisiaut general passengei aReiil, 1
cbUdrag. Jtaho aad Ura. to<tba atraal.
Laucasler and W. P. Laacasler, both
tbe burned buHdlhga b.-gaii 1
proMdid for lb,- parade in
iba two oMar oaaa. La«raa.« aad Hee. and Ibrohghoul the day the place sylvaala lues. IndiauapulU Ind.
of Lais-er. ll.-ory l,ABca*ler of
Tbe Anal Uodiag waa ma
Hggerty, diatiicl passenger agent city. Joseph l.aucaMet and Mrs. C M trry. |he uld soMiers and tbelr wives
Ttao. not bnng at the bi.ira at t
inapected by craAda of petite.
le carriages, wbilr the Span1 of a collision witb a
t^naylvanla lines, Louisville. Ky.and Hoppiiis. boib of Uancelona. aad Mrs
tina. OM ot Uaai haTlnn tnt.H.drd
veterans, led by tbe Queen
be alrabip.
U F. Qualuiance. comuereUl «
. May vlib a trland. aad iLa otbar a
Belle l,aiiwB> ot Milwaukee, Wls. Her
City baud, marcbed al the bead of
}wt rauirolac bana vhaa Ua aUrn
hus^nd. G. A, Laoraater. died about
pro<r“bHi * fealure of Ibe parad,e ob}ue^
vaa taracd In. Ur. Ward, «ttar aa> n<
tour years acp.
lie Use of Ibe army mult."
bla taally, raa to tba raoaa ot Uit
' Mrs Lancaster was formerly Mlaa
the old soldiers carriages being
' Boipan. vbe llrad In tba Iron!
IVIN PASSED AWAY Horn. Ib^ a. R A l.otBcInU believing Nellie Hly Knagga. being a grand­
diawn by mulee
II would ^ of grent iM-wefU lo this
tba balldlsg orar tba UrCool mlllln.
daughter of Oulooel Knafffs. wbo
The caeiclees al the foMier*
In Addition le nclit-ves. Ha Laav.
callly fur prominent railroad nwo
ary atora, tba varda orcapl« tba
^e in Ibe war or ISIS. She had
a Large Nun.bcr ol Friends.—
Pennsylvania lines to see Ibe ricb been a resideul of Ibl* clly slncv lent at the cemetery were IbC ragu
raar, aad aroaaad ibani
itmn exercises, the t'buicb of Cblisl
Wat Cik*and Msmb^.
laMWgad to gat Inlo bla clotbra. but Wat Taksn III Thrwa Woaka Aga resources of Leelanau counly.
Ib6k. coming from Monroe. Uicb.
Two aulomoblles were secured, tbov where ber family has been pramtneni tioir lurnisii.iig ihe iou>ic. When the
. bla vUa bad not llioa to draaa
Aim AlmoBi Frmn tha FlrM
Fubllcall^n (a lha Bast 0«a E«sr Of*
turn was made tt>e W. R. C. went
-‘.-d at S oclock
aprad a allk akirt vbirb aba bad Just
Than Was N« Hspa.
ten Out by lha Local BMiial
since the war ot 1M2
uuriuiig vii-i suSi-rliu
brnfight tram tba draaSMikai ‘
During 'her long lllneon when bei
vaa all of bar rloUtw 'bat
Uaalb ealered Mie oo»» tf Ur. and eoBpaayIng the party wA Hon. W sufleriug was cuullDuuui and lolenre.
I iliiir country, sire'sed fliiBers upon ditiou hid been wiiuus for aoote
fit tte Uaia. Yualarday luornlBg. Urs. F. U. Marrlo. kVIdby aflernoon W. S4plib. U a Saudera. Hon
"The Black and OoM." tba abaanl
Ura Laneaaler never murqiured or
le wbiers of Ibe Buaiduian
and dcwib though a sbocit. was m
bovapr. bar Ml vaa touad IlHog uo. taking away tbelr only son. Uorrtsoii. Santo and Agent B. J. Uddy.
published dy Ike cisai Ot IM». » aoV
Lomplalned. but bore ber aulb
Tbe parade of old >«ldK'ri.. young expected.
rad aa oil itoU that bad proiariad H
completed. Ibe book having bean got*
popular y oung men lire party leaMBg lor Ibeir trip
with gdrai fortitude aud courage/
Koldiera, secrel societies and school
shortly after Ibe arrival ol
Mr Leland baa lived in or
tran both tlra and vaicr.
ten out by tbe Herald and Raeord aOM*
lb Ue Ftret (kmcregallooal ebureb,
The funeral service wa- held
cbilJreu. takes plara al .j oclock.
•alMlatt In RmImb.
pan* The 'Black and OoU" tbta pMT
general fa’vorUe auang Uie the G. R. A 1. Tbr- parly wUI
al Ibe borne of ber sou.21» Baal
i-xercisrs al the t'lly oyiera bouse, t
Tba iBMlda ot tba tbraa bulldlnga young people. He nas lb years of age Nortbpon. Nortbpcit Polat. S
!v Ibe best publlcalMa ever Ufifisd bp
slieet, .at :.ock>ck Saturday
Ibe'Kev J A t'iuby as speukei Ol the ktichigao asylum
bra Maakanod rolaa. Ot Ua uiilra and besides bU paienls. leaves one Bay. Omena. and U-lsml, reluming t»
tbe High school and the rtmBg psopio
day. iffliuediaiely following
night, nod lomorrow they sill
I 'to Ur. aimer, UIss little Uarrin
He was bum in BaVion. Vermont cooDDCtid with it deaervo enwiandM
Ward, Mthlng bat a draaaor aad cbair
in ISdl. and at the age of U removed non.
Uorrls. as be was popularly called, Nea-b-U-vanU and OU Ulsalon.
I $
vara aavad. Al Boaacr aad Lawraucc had been in abcuil three weeks, and so
'o Traverse City, where nr waa mar­ Mils Beaile Corbeu vaa tho adtterried in lhy> to Mas Helen Hall wbo tn-rbiet with UilU Dana aa aiaitraaf
J, -■
Ward hnrrrlag •»
f««- atalrvay cHllrally m was be from ibr first that
Fruit Oravser Says That the >
Md bringlag tba tvo piMoa ol (arnl. Ue pbysicUns bad nnbope lor bis re­
bUn. editor. Tbe depanaebi editors wef*:
New Chemical Notjl^ual Reedved wftb two children, survAes
This Vaar Will Bs tha Boat Ev*
He also leaves two brothers. Jobs nod
tara dova. Ura. Ward aiMt roHapa- covery. He was first-taken miU ly
by Cn,et Ranni* Doea Away With
Aoaa Steward. Uierbrr: bi^
Known by County;.
Edward, of Lowell. Mass, a tixler. kcbooL Marguerite Brane; atbUl'ks.
ad vbaa aha
phold fever, and sburily nfter aynp Out a Team.
aM raallaad tbair namv oacapa trao
George Fetenyl; illuairailag. t im~l
Ope ot 1^ moat prominent fruit
daaU la Ua Ira.
Fire CbWf Reooie today received a I'dUbuo. of the-tame pUwe, and a Hapatovxky; kocnlw. Hngb Ba(*ard|
growers of tbe country was interview
Tba balldlnM «ara dalogod vilh va- ■ntll Ue physicians and ti lends gave
A grinds. Andrew Eldr L Tbe kiHiran
ed Ibis mannng by a Herald reporter rw paieio iiuule lor um m nepbew. CKU, of Trnverae City.
tar aa aoea aa Iba departaraat arrlrad. op hope (tyr days he bad been lying Horos Burprited a Detachment of tho- la regard to the, prospecu tor .tnitt place ol tbe cbenucal eugiu,-; wbicb brother Cbarie,. dlro T monlbs ago inanagwr was Frank baaman.
Eightaanth Infantry acM AUackad
afia of tba eagkMa, Qaara City
on the boteer. and nIUiouah it war
give Ibl* ciiy belter Are pratec- from Brigbt'i disease. Ur. Leland
the eoming season, and be deertred;
Tba book k not only tiindanmny
Without Warning.
bat^ placad oa tba Q. B. A I. bridga
fight from tbe first, every
as ii does away witli taking out a *0 leave* a large number of fraend* gotten np bat tbe aatrtiu wars fiV*
"TbA indicallOBi pulni Ual the farmTve'bMa vagnoa, U» book aad Ud- tblu posalbir va* done 10 pndong bu
era of East Bay vrlll reallir a good in­ team and two men on tbe chemical
dently eeletced with tbe grentaft
dar had arery i
UaalU. Uay 28-~Today's dispatch come for tbelr trait The indicauoos engin, Tbe sor.'le Is txl2 Invbes. and
Hr Leland wax n member
the and are of tbe rery bigbeu Kaadatd.
aM aooB oa Ua
Uorrls waa an eaemplary young, es aute that Uoro bandits kll
i*ie that there will bevtbe most bouati ccuiiaius enough cbeiuical to equal EUa and o! Maccabees, tent xTi.
Tb«« are' plcturve ot ilnpkrlnlefid
tary hoaa carta alao bring broaght mnn. and one of tbe workers among I'ntied Blaiea aergrant and tw.
CM OUbeit. Frinripay FarguCMt, PnC
ful fruit crop that evir wa* raised m Ibree ot Ibe tanks oa tbe cbemwal en waa popular ib both iwders Tbe
davfiafid la addltloa to tba 12 lura of tbe young peo^oltbe First Oongre- diera in a battle at Roumaa diver Uv Grand Traeene county Many persons line, BO ctoaely
eral aei vices will be held from
Horabeek. to whom the book ta 4MIbaaa vhich tba dafortBrni hi
gniional cbnrU. He waa a member ot
bate artuen in regard to tbe proe an extra cartridge. Is taken Mong with hoa>e. 6v: n-eit KlVewmb street, csied. Ibe other atembors ot ^
.wMlaa, tba tbraa Hnaa bah*
I to Sopertnteadeat
Snpertoteadeat I.
1 S. bTTbrrt's
morrow atlenwoa at 2 30. tbe £lfc* ty. n piciure of tbe memborB ot tbfi
poc«a for gtdpas tod other trans. Tbts tbe ootxle, Uiere will be na- n
Ua opaia bofiaa vara brought
u»p'young men. and leavca a wide circle
ibqmicaJ n* iv contained in xlx o<
having cbaigo of the sen ices and tba .dnaa. W in all, na wall'M MMbatf
lagioB oa bant the vorlA Jfi that
Ud Bbusd by AUe and Un Btau- of mands vbo »m mlaa him knnly «d It vlibmn vuBsng
•pack.big tank* oa the eaime.
B<T R S McCrtgcr officiauag.
iswrcsimg drawingx.
Ptra Ur.











Tnrcnc Qty State Baali
RAILROAB OFFiCIALg Wbsre Two SaJoona Wsm Once Sup
portad. Two Fountalaa New AaWERE ASTONISHED.
auapt All Thirst.

Waskiy Sbo^



dMartare to the rartbod ot dellverlsa
poods to tbe ciiy will be tosupuraisd.
tbe Qiue's City
Itollvery comiwny
startlog Ur builsrss Itaro. This sew
eOBcera will do Ibr dHIverisi tor
W* w« of a* optDSoB ttaas sr tk« ot tbe MOcwHas 0
of tbe cUy aod^slM
stores a
o( TrarvTM City
Ue delivery serrlee will be touch lo>tt* «orklBt« ot the ■yitm ot
'There will he loar drllvertos In all
parts ot tbe oKy except BooavUle.
tyM< in Ot* PteM tter «<mM BaovUIe will bsve deliveries oo MoaBoOSTHIe will bslrdcltvertos on MonBoosTHIe
«UUac)r taTOr u* «
da^ WMaesdays^sad^ rr dsys.^ while

I nh «Mt 2,SIS

and Ksils Uobesas will
On Tucadays and
dsva. deliveries will be made nt
Carters on the w
side of tbe bay.
Tbs city dellverlei
Ill be nt 7;B0 and

•St couldi.-. and those.'


As «• n
orrrf--^ laip « uak «klck te mu2»- with a special wapoe for bay sad •10 NEW SANN
» «vk. -u tkis. cvtau tasurta Praia aad one tor apsdal uses. Bvrry
«kloh ihrire Is tkc 4wk. fci to tkelr ■wapoa will be kept nest aad elasa
work M4 UQqtty «is towt Tks Hfr and all tbe poods will br delivered to
Ue very best of order. W. J. Rennie
^ tlMB »MMS over a bsd o( tU« w
•Dd a. W. Bmler compose Ue <vm•IkM aultoUs s.iiWrial vfeers Uu «sc- pany. Tbe asle office is 32J- Stoic
vork is tbs UtU. psrfgra street. ClUseas phone Mto. or Melt
Ch^r aUatak U.-S s*a wbsD tbs tlq-. pbooe Ijl. The ayetecn will be ex­
plained In all Its various poinu to any«M’JMTSS ttU, a to pares Uus lbs OM who calls by either pbooe or In
■mjp wsiar ased tor drlaklag or;


MliMiT parpOMS. Tbto «ater ooald
be rap iu;v, iijv bay with perfect



4 H eatlrely ptoce where deliveries w
be provided wlU a cArd
aM the niter bed to
Ibe tifiie of Ibe deliveries ai
a eoacrsts wall so that dltloiu. Tbe bouaebolders -are ashed
petblac ofteaalse whaiersr
" the conpsny by peltlnp tbeir
to early roouph so that
Ptoac la fact, U to
. can fffd t
Im oCstoSlw to tbs al«kt ai
aad «la>
the repnlsr trips.
, CiMln^Kaaa thaa tbs o»ea
U’hlle Uls Is SB li
wtb Brest sacerss in olbi
wbore it U pul Into use won-. larm
Is DO return, the dealers and-their
j^.%ee«dto« to the e.u
imera all being snUafled.


to aethlM auadlaa la Oe way AeeWaM to Mra. Walter N. Slngham
Mads X-R^
< M T»a*erae CKy tertu sash a plaat
bM Oto pUBt woaU prore the aolu■Stoa et^a prs>UaM that la toiae Is
bapad to pio>o TasaUoaa

If would

be a tflakaablft or a tsaporary
toa aithar, toto woaM be
1 ttodare (or aU tiaw.


large part of Ue uaedls disap­
peared la tbe flesby part of her band
Mtween the Ibumb and Ue Index
Mrs. Btopham at once visited
0 deep was
__ _ _
to Us rieU Uai It could not be loest«d until aa X-Ksy msebine was used:
lbs needle then ehowliip up very plstoly. wHh Ue top of tbe eye broken
off uad lodged to..................................

Uawes a .WWaw aad Thrws CNUrnn
•aaidaa an Aped UaUar and
Father. Fardtoaad Lauu^ died
at t;30
- a. Ssdurday at bis home. IIC
South Ualaa street, alter a lingering
lllaess ot Bright's disease. He was 4t
rears old and leaves a widow and
:hree children. Amells, Laura and


bAd. The BSB left a lei^Oerma. la. rtleh be

MODtry when but
bad spent |•^ae(le; t bis whole life
to' Uto locsllly. hU psreau loeattog
Itoter «b< r.'
bM left eone Mcy. on B tarwi west of Ue city. Mr. OutMr. Hotruisa bed toM dl sob be
Wahid to drlre to Trarerse City tbto
abmt sldiht years, bat for
been to bustoess
ST^lbsa left lor bto work about
Fto^^^vf’ijvlces will be held Mon>:U.
•aa Hawd Itoport.
Abaat ■ Waleak Us ssa beard tbe
the .Baglss. of s
ber. attending. 1
in Oakwood.
Miir be mum>-4 to tbs boosr. aad
•awd Us daors toektd. aad all tU
0minm dwwa. Me Mpeeled that bto
U$m bad •aw o MwB.aad naleeteala^ebwrT stared. He fouad bis
«iibiorsesi.-.l in a tbalr; wllb ear sM«
at^ brsd
aC. Us gaa OB lha


uT^. b


^MM&WP W at aaea




Tbe big new bam of Albert


lemoon. Ibe loss being about 11.000.
eorared by tosurance. The cause lx not
known deSnUely^bm ^s

ad la Btorwe &>y iMl.y sfttr vi'

B. W. Banstt I.taraad to MetuaUk ^r«to& afte.- rtobtog bar
poUsr, Mrs. A. J.
Uttto Crdid PsaA
■arl tanw dawap. tba IbWp <rid
PM ad Mr. aad Mat Jaba ftaaeb. died
M tbw heaw Friday aftaraooa

-n by Julius Beers. Slid Mr. .
Ill's new F<ord driven by Bert ('aidwell, tiiade n tour of Ibe |>eiilnsula.

Old Missk>o aad ts-turned by way ol
the west bay shore road, visiting Neab-ta-wniils wblk- on the stay.
- Tbe ofRclals were more than entbuslasllc over wbat Ih-.v found oo the
pciilusula. Tbe bundri-da of acres of
urt'barda Just tJmMiisg wero a reveluilon, sevemi of. Ibe ofllcials wtaiing
that they bad expected to And Trav­
erse City a hole in the wilderness.
Tbey declared tbe ailractlons lor •
nier visitors in this section and
posatoilliles lor farming and fnili lie wonderful and tor buyuiui ttaetr must swiguiue t-xpeclaliuns
The views aBorded
aButded un the is-niiu
bey declared tb.- flue* they had, ever
wen anywhere
where aad off.-tvd ihe 0|>liithat it would
ry lung
belwe Traverse Oily would
rounded by resurls ailed witb people
from all parts of the country.
These oflletuk. wi-f luvileil to TraV
eroe Clly and
d vlciuiiy by G.
pastteuger A|
>t C. L. Lockwood for the
The spring vegetatil.-s
purpose ot learning by .perwoqal ob- naik.-l now. Grven |»-as airlv.g from
s>'rvalioa the opportuilllu-s-fur Vail
Vvas y.-wl.-rday nnd an- of ■•x.-. pKi.:
Is In tbia diretiun, Tbe r,-salt wll: lilly gvMMl quality, Thi-re is a go-vd eii
> systetuallf effori on Ibe part ot of (faem and the hieal cruj. pionii-.
Peiisylvania aysiem. to divert ntraffic toward the Grand Trav
If you have a little llyomel inhaler
In fact weveral farmer* wht> w.-i
s. en this •morning by a r.-p.rt- (proiiunn.s-d High-ouiel in jOur home
ei dei'laicil ihni gi.'.'ii veg.-iabl.-s nev­ you hsvi- 3 Ir.-asure,
and tomiliig will niso is- taken
Into IhU hard ruhls-r Inhal.-r you can
er look^^ belt.-r^al (his lime of the
cohsIA-rallon by Hies.- rallied
fllals. and the reauli will be an i
veg.-tiible* will tw plelitifni IhU sum-


matches In U|e bnymow.
Hr. Carltole was away when t
Ere was discovered, being at a "tM
over at Qua Donitne's, bnt e^cn bad .v
bem bome, It U doubtful U anything
could bare been saved, as the struc­
ture was a mass of Baioea when diur
covered. Fortunately, tbs cattb- acre
'll out in pasture and the horses iu
>-e. BO that no live stock was burned.
Tbe hay bare was SCx4X niib a
borne bam 14x40 and both. lugelber
wUh the OODIUOU. were doslroyed. In
the DOW was just alwul euouKli bay
to last uDill the .new «Top loin.-a on
and this of course iraa a total loss A
moving tnacblne. hay rake, a large
number of stuaU tools, a new doubkbuggy, two seta of double barucs>.
a nut Of aln^e harnc
thcr snail articles were burned.
Mr. Cnrltale eiau-d that be would nvent of this M-rtlon.
start to build anoUer bam Jm
soon aa possible.



Linewp' gtrongsr Than Evwn LaM
Venr'a Team—Wnnt a Prarties
Came for June 7.

FlfWt fton Will Bs On Sour Chsrrisa
—•stwesn HO and aeo Handr
Are Kmpleyed.

Called to order by Piesideat Robrt Barney.
Soag-"LAuneh Out."
Mra. Aultmao
amey conducted ipe d.
lee by reading John Ik
Stogtog—'tead Kindly Ugbl."
Prayer—J. B. Barney.
Singing—Nos. i and II.
Thirty gave teatlBoalM to tbelr lore
>r God.
Song—Long Lake Sunday arbool.
BeclUon-Bertha Rnnaom.
Song-Qniun Case and Gladys Rll^r Text Book"—Tbe Rer, Ocrfls

irry Kbrelsad. utnasger <d tbe CaaBtog.toctory today to a Record re­
' e plaai will aurt about JuL
. . Silver l.ake. 15; Long Lsk.
be first 0<MUI will be sour cher­
MMtoUldets. 2; total. SS; ^lecllua
ries. it Is expected.
Means and com will be pot up to
RecUalkto—La Von ColUns.
Ue aaumer and frutta to tbe fall.
Talk by C, H Mies os the County
There are ptacticaUy IM acres ot
1 and “
Wans co:.-ra(ted tor already,
there to atm sowm> seed left. Betweoa US sad CM-haads wDI be iw- Ubw to August.
Closed by siugtog i«o| an aaa ou
Miiwd liH- tbs asasoa's ran.
Misswd uy the Rer J. ZUpmeimao.



Oak Pam Veong Poeplu Have Credit
abta Organisation—Practict
A number of the young |»-.vplr In
ing In the Tlriiiity of Oak Pmi,. mam
ol them b.-lng stud.>nia iii tii.. Oak

pracUcIng dlllgenflv and hav.k-arned a number ol seU-h>ou.« K. K
Honii Is tb. Ir teacher.
following compose Mu- prehew
.^olliis, CUcord K.-rii, G.-ueva
ZleyHcr. Raymond Chnse, Roy t luerg
William Mllk-r; eoroeu, carl Viuiua.
Gus I'opeUnd; piano. Miss LaUxe
Pain U Soiwatlmaa • BlMSing
F>p.-cially wlien it waru. u- ..t * s«
rpui* dlaofder. such a>
bulls, rbruiujtlsui, euta. burn* sod
U «be remedy tbsl brings quick reUef aad speedily cure, (b.-se .roubles
Get a trial bottle. Price ;r.c. rsu- and 'Sold by S E Walt A Son-, and
K. E. Miller.
William Wltamaa gf (be Cookerettampwaj. wewt to Craiul Rapids to
ape^ n taw 4aya tbu aaotung.
aVRPLUS. 000,000
A fitBcnl IrrUic 0wAmm Mac

" •'tosrs.-Btotxii""

1 re cm OtoM a 1UK MMOtt



bale I'ourt for the Cbanty ot
Grand Traverse.
non of aald nuirl.,held at
ufri.e, in the CIT) nf Trav
, .1 said county, on Ibr 17lh
day of May A. U. IHRi.
Hi Ibe mali.-r ol the esiale of JrMpbm.- C ivlmonl. Sheiman.C. Oel.
im.nt having ri1e.| |,i said court 'hM
l«'iil|.>n praylug ihst Ue of said estate be granted to Jedrn
Ileus* or to some oU.-r .ultable prrIt Is ordered that the 11 lb day W
Jim.-; A U.. ISWSI. at 10 o'.-tocfc In tbe
tun-noun, at sold prvbnu- offlre. be and
I. hereby appointed lor hearing saM
It h further ordered, that pubUe
DMice thereof be glv.-n by puMIcaUoa
of a copy of tbi* order, (or three svv
resklve weeks prev ums to saM day
of hearing, in tb.- Grand Traverito Hfraid, a n.-»spaper Kiiitod sad clrcutot.-d In said n.uuty
Judge dt Frobate. |
Mjv is;:.; June I y.


li is e-trir to foretell (he sw.vl
crop, but every on« seen
ilstlc ov.-r Ih.'p toaitoct.
IX b.-ans'- market now
worth tn ts-uis n quart aud gre. n
tons. Worn.- grown, three biiiich.-s
in cms. TbU ia-also the pilce
hot liouse radishes, while Ie41u<-e. hot
Iswfu- grown. Is JO cents a |S>und_Cah
,bages fluiD Louisiana nra- nut Ihwbiit are firm and to ekcvlleni cundlilon. They ore 5 cents a is.und. Ih .-is
from Texas atvinc-nts n hun. h. MlchIgwii asparagus U> Iu c.-nis u bunch.
New potaUs-.s ar.- lomlng in rapid­
ly nnd the prbs- is .h.wn 2ii c-nu a
I«-ck. now being 5<i (snis. Thi- spuds
are rallu-r bnull.-r Ilian Grand Trav­
erse sire.
I obtained from Cali-

The Traverse Clly HpsRera haw
organleed again nta'pear under tbe
managemeni of Earl Gibson They have
a stronger line-up than eveu that of
lail year's (emu and j4«t.d practice
game for June ; wltowome local team
The team will go to Oedar City 3uito
14 to Play.
Lake and Oarl
The Une-up at present l.v; Bauman,
elation waa hsld ..
c: Gibson, p; Veiiiia, sn; Nick Miller,
ebumb at bong Lake May ».
Tbe meeting was called .to wrder by lb; lyunran, 2b; Bundy Brief. 3t.
r prio- I
Ibe vice president, the R««. Q.-rvu k'rank Miller, m; Bert Irish, If., Any slnlk. Illinois
strawlK-rrlea, .swt
other pla,ver,« desirous of iiiukliig the OII.S of good sil-. ar-' plentiful; <
■ry. and opened by ningtog T
team ulll be givea a iry-oui. Tbe cumbers have also undergone
r'ondertul Story of QoU.'
team will practice un Tw.-Kth street
Prayer—The Rev. J. Zimmema
tomorrow ufienioon.
ReclUllon—Mis* Fern Canaeia.
Introduction of vice president.
:er M per Cant of Appendieitit
Bong by Miber aad Ctodys Crain,
Farmi for 6ala.
.All kinds and j.rlcvs. UBe hmidieil
of BilTsr lAke.
Are earned bj' a* congested wndlti.m
nf (be boweU, commouly called voii and three nrros. *:..0«n.; J(i acres,I9(«:
ReclUtloft—Bsle Conklia.
' ilion.
Why not relieve yoiirsell Ui acres near Rapid City; Sf. acre*.
Five mtoaie ulki on -Wbat Uar
. ib> condition and the rotis.-queni Ifi.'uii'. If sold qtiUk; oili.-r lorgailit.
Cooventloa Program Should Be'' by danger ot appeiidleiila by be.-uuitog Write A. 3. Morris. Miib.
a. Ford Fanning. Mrs. Riley Crato. a user of Dr. (U-rrick's Sugar CvMii.-d
I Ber. Gervis Cary.
Vegetable Pllte* The best kuuwii and'
MacusbloD—C. H. Estes. Riley Crala most widelv Mild liver plll> Iu
il Robert Barney.
ThU Is not a new r.-t
but otto that has sumd ih.- tri
time, being ov.-r alxty yv-ais or
a pragnm committee.
Sales always
Solo—Gladys Riley. .
e Immense good i
are doing. Price everywhere -jr..- jier
ReelUiloD—Fted Fabl.
Soag9>Uetabcn< of
Ask lor free sampV ' Kold bt
S. E. WaK « Suns and K. E Mlll-r
JMlouraed. lor dtoaer and a.
h.^, which was enjoyed by sib

“Every crop to whish we are toter-

IBM ttoUab ShaPMsy reiarasd

were nmated at tbe voaderiul advan­
tages for rapid development which eXhu around Grand Traverse bay and
l.alis Michigan.
This nioreihg. tbe ofSclals scroin
paDied by Ahlcriiian W. R Moou. E J


la tbe last moolb 'aad seems tn'hVve
quietus 10 all tbe awbiilo^ of
Iblrsty Grawnit.-t, who wen- la;cllne<! to —rush tbe growler." drink
'red squirrel vbiskey"
their leisure hours
v-siaUUbed thicat parlors fur :
"tiev-Dsed drinking .mivrlum"
Eatcutive c» Met at Manli
ista In ihU bus}' village. uu{ two ibrlv
Friday apd
Puna Wee*
lOg soda foUDialns and its- rr.-am
Made to seeuro Inroediau
lots have taken ihvJr piac.-s. Tbe .
priteont ol the tame.are C. A. Clark
A Co. and M E. Balid, the latter run
The me.-iing of the cx.-.-ullrc'em
nlng a ivgular ,genuine iis- crv siu fac
Ilili.-e of the Wi'sic rn Michigan Ik
Ivry.vrfav-reall ibie du.ercql gradrs
elupm.-nt bureau was h.-lj at Mams
the esBowy white etram ' are mad.
ee I'nadv. 1
C, A. Clark A Go. haw added.i
J.ibn g
fhatun- to tbor diug departm.-nt,
ford of Mi>sk.-g.« .ounly,
|l 1.
giimiug to svrvc at their pat lor ;
Kxouo and F. W KlUIeii of Newyago
terday. from a oew |4W (oumaia.wi(b county, George Bio-« of Lake county,
A A Kalm-r an.l T. M. Sawyer of .Ma
son -cewnty,
and C H.
........>’y. B. K. H.-nd.-l. —
Rus.sell, of Mattisiee county.
3umy, F, U.

. Crnke
of Ib-iuie
IB* Wlrlohani and '
Mr. Bainl In bla heroic vBoiis to co-ipt}, G, > Ham.- and r>. Ii.
quench the thirst of ibe town's resl les-laiiau <s
<•oung.C F.Huek andT f'
trit of Uran.l Traverse.
Miss K-arl Reynolds enjoyn the dis M II, lariij
rvlng II
llacilun Of serving
the pnblic at (h<Clark parlor, whl.1.- «
eqaally aa fair a
lady dlKp.'ii
and soda
-d pai
(H-imanent oitajiizalion nnd the by.. busin
Inws aa ani.-iidej a.loiu.-d, Th. se
be ascertained by I Record fcuroMii- flx tbe pnie of menil—rsfaip tn eoupUtive, the substitute we.'Uis to be ibv tl.-s kfid kinte irwaispi>nailon lin.-s at
most attractive aiul best pairoaiied $..(!. to smaltor lin.-s, 125, and Ju Indi­
and Grawn (or (be time without (be viduals, II. Ibe countl.s aud Urger
ral optk>
law bclhfi passed has Iln.<a batii.g vtM(-s.
uicly gone d .
Ih-flnltc plana were laid to proceed.
Harry Clark is lh<- prnpietor of a |io wllh ailv.-nlstox fur (be n-gina and
.aw crate fa.-tory and Is busily .-ngaged In flltlng up his wart-bouw-. Tbe
rnpacitv of ihU plant Is rrai.-s.
cral.-s are mmle froni .-tin timber
"All the rti'inii.-s in this diuiiri s
Mr Clark nas in-nali«d a uw- gel a direct t-u. fll light
away," sj
iiig nnd iiuiliiig depuraliueiii and this Mr. Ferke
- m-iiiitog. -becau
Ibrivlug little liHluriiy bids tolr to
grow to a ^ater uanuljcturhiR insU
(Inn as the rrate I.aliir. 4<u- batidlmg plac- iQto disirl.i on a |«r with any
(he (pben. Ik becoming very pupular
hi Ibo'e-mirilry.
Flans w.-r.- laid to
uoug tbe Car mors «-a.b year, v-uuse- s)-iiX a certain amount of niouey to
leiiily th.-re U a greai.-r demand for slKisf itoopR- whni Mils
is article.
iD.-ans aud khal It qll! do. Fksir space
was eiiguged at the lrrigali..n «ongrws to Is- held in Chirago from 'Nov.niber 27 l.i Ik-e 4. during shiri,
time will be b.Id Ihe big cattle kt
at ahU'b then- will b.- 2<mi.<«ki to .7 Jieople pres. iii. Literal iir.- aud
hiUil- will be (her.- to show the vl ..
ers wbat luis country Is aud this wUI
be ot untold beneBi to (be dUtriil.”
The rbairman of this cmiiuittee.
G ^1. IKiIn.-. ol Northport. is hard nt
work g.Hting an whi.h will be
r<-pr>-s.-utollve of rln- dlslrl.-t.aud


catarrh, coukIvs. t.i'.iii.'h
croup and asriinu. fli.' w.nld bus .
W'h.-'n yon
................. nyviuei
bring the healing viiKi.-s of the auMie
t-jinou.- f.rp-sis li. .vour honn-', t.-u
g.-l iln- v.-ry sjiiic l.eallilk. an’.l».-p
'll.' air lh.ll yruj wtsild brealbe If you
r.-hl-d in the forests of pin- . '*ntl
1-u. alyptiu »( inland AustraUa.' nlienvaiurrh or ronsiimpiiuu aas u.-ver
known '

If you hav.'. not an Inhaler ask to:
a rtiiKph-Te outfit, which cost* but
tlmi. and Includes an inha1--r, a b..l
Re of llvcmiei, and simiih- iiulrut
Hons for use.

i or bronc hlNs. ..r mon.-v bi,k.
ri-Ili-ve a <-old 111 Hve n)i:aii. -.
Ill break It up ill five bouis. It
most gratifying r.-11-f to
sumption suffi-r.-rs. anil it sold h.
Ivsdiug druggists ev.-ry-wti.-r.‘.

Bong—“aupplng to tbe Ugbt."

tbU city........... ..............
Mrs. Bertha RokOB.
M. Laotner was bom In Oermany.

ttildV^, 'i^'ba St Md to the


Orlpin Not Known OsRnltsty *u
Tboughl thM CMIdiwa Plsylnp
WiU Matebss Caused tbs

Travsrse Citv by <f. U Lpekw^. gen­
eral paasMiger agent of th. Grand
HapIdH g indlsns railway. lo_ Inspect
the reson ndvaotnges
etty and the
IbU (
party was >olBcd yesterday by
M. 3. Snndsn. W. «' Smltb aad Jno.
B. Ssnio. They drove to SuuonH Bay.
OmeaA Northport
-thport and 1>-Iand. with
Piles of R. Vtoyd Clinch
d Frniiklyn H- Smitli and were very
■butiastic ovi-r tbe territory tbey

Oseldsd That the |
I Ptonie, Soma Tims



I Was Mads ss
r SB Old Mlsalen T


W ^aa* Itoartea,
ip «MlBD thwe ay«eic<. apd who has
^ «aip a tils atady praolle^ of Ibe
■ Matter, the coat to aot cxoeisWe, so


Tbe toilowtog is Uto sa^ score


Ombs Indigestion

It n-ll.'T.q straiui-h tuisiTy. mr stornach. bell hilig.wuJc-ulvunU'MiUuarb ills
ease og asiuey bai-k. Larpebnx.d la)>.
WU W ivuU Liaagist* to all :-wu.

Our $1.75 Mon's
work shoes are all
solid leather—no
paper-'Grain lealf up­
pers. closed tonnes*
liRhtsInfrie soles and
no seams in the back
to rip.
When in town take
time to stop and look
at this shoe.
Sl.75 *n toUd.


Any housewife who warns to see the diftereace reselling from usiog Cres­
cent Hour must try it for herself.
The difference it has made for others iyan ioc*nliv. but the differ* nee it
makes in YOUK bakings is an imponam thiiik;.
Your methods may be different from those ol another woman: you may be
more careful, more accurate and if such be the case Cresc-nt l*|.yur will na’-ur*
ally do more for you.
You are sure fo find Crescent Hour will produce beitcr bread and pastry,
but you ought to know how muck btlter because ihe tiu h is KoroMimes start­
ling. You won’t know uoiil you’ve trie«:d it out—and you cio't siari any quicker
than NOW.

Tha FiMir Evarybady LIhaa.'' .

Vdgt umiMfl CoMMiV

M, yVftOAV, JUNE 1, liNE


prograB wlU be circa In the Hlch
aebool'rootn. emy member of Ue
:n of
„ - . ...
Bice. Ruth B. Bowenaaa.
Oerbe. Laura DoOme. Oay HcDoooar,
Veraoo W. I>MraaJI. I
The Hlgb ecbool c___ _
-Pueh;- rla»» eoh.™. tJack

aaaien* Will Be J«m* < and !_E;
ealMnl Pragram Haa Eaea Praparad foeOeaaalan.

- -

Grand Trarerae disirict grange will
procran ha* been arraapud:
•et wlib Grant Center grang)
____ ' -^e Board''—CNudr Oole, member June 2 had
the pngram being:
DkvU. Jeri7 ot the board ol edueatlpoWediieaday. Jvn* E
-talleo'’—Will Woolpert of Bk Opening In ilk degree—|: DO p m.
JtaempllAcatlon ol degree work—* •AYS JAPAN OCEENT WANT THE
'u*Tlaie Paaaaa-'-Mra. Ada Bird.
Story hour.
• Evening MaalOA.
n. 9.-~JMTm» tH CellectlOH ul
Plflb degree work—7:30.
If Wnr Cornea. He EapeeU U Em the
Thuraday. Jvit* 3- mrwN»«»«e>
wuiiM't or the board of education.
"iklud gthtta. Enpland and 1
WtWr 10 tfeo Travono Cttj ----Opening In 4lh degree^»:SU a. n
Dr. K W. pearaall elU orUcInU; 1
pan-'^Allled Agaioat the
auk. TnrorM CU7. Nick.
Lecturers program—h.fS
Other Power*.
Lecturers' program—k:43 a. lu.


fisi.rv-.iiaf ‘

S fcr MM lMr«4 «s TIM Dc»Mto


1---bempIlAralloo of degree
lall lour dvgreeel—Deputy Organlxer
C- J. Smllb aud selec-t tuaiu.
—Each party pro*
win be ^
0 relate the fiinal
_ or she ever wllnesacd In grnDge, or to furulah aomethlDg
of lin- order.
RalMHole PoUtocs on
swi Ground'—Robert Barney. John
t —"Grange Pnlrs and Wbal ITtilDk
f Them"-Sl*ur Jobn Wiley, Calrljj
6--Kielght Rate Injust Ice Cha*.
A. nmetsoK. Sister J H. Haslera and
H. Mswortb
M. Burrows. Sister E B Cbam. Bister Geo. A Hobertaon. 81aliattlr BrhclI. Slater Arvllla GardR. Ooekeray. the Ladder, Whe
pMu HM t««oeace aMhoii whut Mn.
Si.ler K. A Evan.
to OliM* of mJ With HI* A
7—But* . Oraiige
mSmu H. caUrM* M
committee report.
ef CamaUene.
Moaoe EwiM>*M.«N. E. Train 1

SESSm m QUIET cwaiAC TO coun'g

ChlcMO. x«r » —x*7 «he»t todtr
«oo*rd to !>* • Urier ID uocatDUoa.
Witb (h« d*Hror7 at mob, PatlM cuo■ Matfullr cuaploicj hli carMT. doarM« M.W.OM. aecordlD* to ooa* - tite
Tb* rkitlac **• quiet, nallko 4ejNarr 4aj In prarlou eoraera. Mar
ll»*«rlBf about It all Ife* aea*k«
Pailoe a«»t dtopoar of fell vboat
••4 tb* broken think hr can. Pattrn
«MlarM ha baa ll.hOa.OM buebela
U4 It 1* deriarrd oltk hi* aaeoctatu.

ca*l MolMi iM0O.e«).


The followlBc ofdcera lor It
>C year were elected by the V
lob Pridar aCteroooB:
Pneldeat—Ure. J. C.
Second vice preatdehi—Hra T. H.

Corretpoodlac necreury—Mlaa daI HaU*
rinaaclnl aecrvtnry—Hra. 1. Vr-NelatoaK.
Tmavrrr—Mrs C. 8. Vnder.
Uhrarlna—Hr*. A- W. Walt.
Dlreclor-Un. A W. Pock.

COMfMMtRWRl EMrel*** MaitAay
ttiMiliit. Clan Day Ttiyay aiH
Kaftaafca. Mich.. Hay H.-Th* NorMl -dn* hoM their elaa* day eter«Mm ta the High aehool ioom Id th*
«mMb: iMUiaU Jeakf, Roby O'OrU.'
MIM Phteay. UeU ^aodrliaoD.
BM fbdtard. Ctera Awlaagcar. J*»-.
' »M BiQMaoataia. WtoBlfred Rial and
Th* uaau at Ike banquet «m deMrand by the alunaal
«a* NoraiaL
T%* elaaa oolore me (rera aad white
«M the etaa* 0o«*r. the triUle caraaUOh. Claa* tBMio: -Tor Value Recelr•i We PtoiBliie to Pa).“
Moday rvroiBi ibr haecalaurrata
—I—a mill hr driirrn-d by Iht Her.
IL H. Harrle in Ibr UHbodlit ehurch.
on Monday evdilna the comom
Meat oaeitiaM olll iw giten at
JMhodlH church, at which tlaie
>ral. C. T. Orawn. preaideai ot tb* Eleeted Prealdent at the - Woman'a
C<1^ j^^NWMl.^^«IU^e^k^
Mbya and Olri*.‘i At thU lime diploma* the Civil arrvlre comioKlee. nve an
re|>oit an'd explanallan of ihc
■wW be proeentad hr C.
Jenk>, mein«
head, epeaklai of the
Wr ot the board oT rdueatlon. Inatead
of ihr tneilt system.
of ^ profraai wblrh la luually gir- Importance
A report ul the commluw. cooslet
lac of Mn Morsan and Ure. Sauto.
60 Tbeeday eveniag the clau
abu were *roi lu mm with Ibr Wo
man's club ot Leland. was road b>
Hr*. Morcan. mioninK a r»d nretlug and genial hospiumr. Mrs. .Mofluesd BO extract from Ihr LeeUnBnterprise uhlch gave a good idea
the pragraw [vodered and ripn-*aed m-proclallon ol thr Travenic City
tub p*l>ri» giien.
Cadillac Club Ceminp.
The Cadillac ladles meet with the
local club at Its next meeting, and
plana for ihi-tr eaieitalnmeni arc left
for the'board and euteTtalBUenl com­
mittee to deride. The local club wa*
iryally enieitamed ux tllc Cadillac laa year ago.
e Pcderaime Hulletin waa re­
viewed by Ulna MiDDle Wall
Un-'C. R. Uockeray bad rhargr of
prograta for tbe afternoon, the


t^vc Travere City g:U a. m.
Arrive KBrIln l0:t0 a m.
Leave KarllB »:tn p m
Arrive Traverae City «:fS p m.
Conveyance from Karlin to hnlL



I'olwmisb.- Mirb.. May S3 —Sir.
I^elah Andre, of Travermj City. I* vis
I'Ing her panwis. Mr. and Mn
Charles Otney. thU week.
Master Mac Barnes got hi*
art quite badly by falling from his
Mrs. Anna Shell Is visiting rulatlvr*
and friends at Neasen City Ibis week
Mss I>-na Valeoeouri of Harlan
as a Copemish caller Monday.
Messrw. Perry and Lee Wllilnau
of Soulb Cleon, were In town on busli-.s Salurday.
Henry Koae was home from Owosso
•s Zelgler. who hv been
dlh typhoid fever, la on
"Mr aad Mrs. Jehu Hli ■ vlalled
friends near Wexford Sunday.
Mra. JMiD Pay and Hanghter May
of lAke Ann were gurala of Mn. SlmHn. R
:er daughtc
of Cleveland. Ohk>.
raring lor her i
imro Chubb *r.. *

Savon Warn Klllad and t2 Worn
Ni a Fight at port Llabon.
BON* Rkm

quite a
Mr. and
daughter fin

New OrlMB*. May » —A Port Lim­
es. Ooaa Rica, dtapalcb au'taa that *’R**K*'^LhFr*"made”a*'ta*lBea# trip
Bovan were kUled and 17 wounded In
hVatisIort Friday, relurolag Batur
lie between ihc demorrai. and
____ tcaaa al San Pedio Ma)oe. The
Mr*. I.lde Patterson .and Mhi. J.
trouble aitwc over the democrat* kill­ Brad>ha*r. of Harilla. were vtslllng
ing of a n
frlends’ln town Turaday.
kTr*. Sabra Lewis vUUed friend,
rmon Lake Monday and Tuewlay
Ur*. Roue Holland I* entertalmnx
♦ ■mpany from South Grant ibis week.
The Junior clsaa of the Copcmlah
burg. Hleta.. May
Mlat High school aiirprlM-d the senior cbm*
Agnea MoOuIre wa* the guest of Urs. wjth a «ne aftenyoon lea Wednesday.
boDoi of their graduation.
Oeorge 8*^2° last-Tueiday^wmMiss Lettip Danvltie returned K
Ing from Elk Rapids lo apeni
me at Manila WMneeday.
-boui 00 pai
partook of the boumicui
Herabal and Mn George Brim­
ver of the sschool picnic
day. held
eld llIn Bisael't grove, juu mer of Manila were guest* of Mn.
U and Mr*. Elmer Brimmer. WednraIbeasiIt ot town, —
The day
the place Ideal and a baivy
Mr. and Ura. G. E Woolle and Mr.
ildrea and
m up pw.
. >ly en)oj.
day. £sc and Mr*. Hnl Shildon were vlailmg
tends at Travarsv Cliy Sunday.
pole vaulting. dlEeretil
Miss .Vellle Eagan of Nessen City
games were Indulged In Itai- day Anlsbas
ntllng on Jriends -In town Fri­
Ing with an Interesting ball game,
helped to belgttcu the yuuugsters' day
Ulllv GiBi'C Huutoi, who baa been
Ulaaa No. 3 ot
Bcbool ___
m with their presimet
inday a____
nl. Emma While. Tuendky
were preaenl. and
Id a <
■Ing aped by all. Vai
play ed lat-ludlng a 1 .
lion of the knowledge
syd won a™t prlxe and L. B. Hoyt
IV cousolailoe.
County school Oommlssloncr.Ovorgc
. Crisp has been having a severe lur10 with tonaolhl*. Ha U recovering
aw, however.
Mr*. Thomas-Young, of CeniraT
Lake, who was thr guest of ber daugh
ter. Mr*. Will Ayira. this week.
Dr. C. W. Bunee lost bis valuable
new borse Tbursdiy night.
makes the seeond horse tbal the dorbaa lost In Iras Ibhu two w<-eks.

Bowers tlaibor. Mirh. May 39 —
Mru. Helen Willot ol IMUton, return­
ed home Monday, having apei
weeks with her daughter. Mrs
Kroup*. tittle• ILurlle Kroup*
accompanied her grandt
Mr*, {da E- Bummer baa returned
>me lor ihe sommer after spending
>e winter In the aesl wllk relatives
Arthur Kllmsimiy haa a ven tick
orsc with laHammalKiB of the lung*.
Lou Ennlqk baa a aick roll
Mta. W. H. and W J- BuNian vUht *1 Art KlDDuiry-'a ftuuday.
Thomas MeHano* Is spending a
ynple of weeks with kla daughter,
trs. W J. Barkan
Everybory Is looking for * large
crop cd trutt. U there are no hard

Lbw butdleo-BImpaaau mUtag.
Hammer (brow—Morgaa. Haban*.
Liie^l iuU«s reUy—HaMoa. wore.
Whiling, Simpson. .
Fatra far 8a)*.
HUbty aer* Ura for a^ Goad
hnlldlacB. good orebard. faqMre
William Bkkle. Maple City. R. F. A.'
So. t box 54.
May n.TBea.tqjBw2E


Simpson Took ih* Hundrad Yard Daah
And CIsvaland Caplurad th*
On* Mil* Nun.

ES1 ■sir's:,r‘“

FRED R WAUvER. Judge of i’robaic.
May 3-*-; June I. 8. U.

. .JO of aald Oart. Md 8t
(be Probate Office la 4be City «t
Traverse I'liv la said Coualy, «b 4ba
341b day of May. A. D. 190».
Preseat: lloa. Fred R- tWaltar.
ludge of Probate.
In tbe mutter
Henaett. deceused.
1. Makafan
having riled bia potttloa. praying tor
license to sell al private s^ Ihe tsten-si of aald esute la ofHhU retf
>-mte therein draerlbed.
ll iajudrird. Thai the I7lh day e(
JultiC A. D. IlK''j. at ten o'clock la tbe
forenoon, at said probate oRk*. I
and <> her.-b> sppoinied foi
saw] iwti'tun. and Ibat al
tereeU-d In said estate •
lotivcst of 'l
estate should no< be granted:
It Is further ordend, Thai pobHc
null.,’ lb•-l^l>f be given by publlcatto*
••( a <vp> ..I lifts order, pvr three sue
Herald, a new.pap.-r prinlW^d dP
i-illated in said ivmidI).
Judge of J’robsie.
Mayr:-: June), g. 13.


Via Ciorsauu • A A. B. M



Raw. ssSSaBs m.
•%%*.■.. sad 4dipm
BIELT. O. r- A


Be-cleaaed Farm

tlorer. Timolbr. OsU. Spring Rye.
Field Peas and Kuckwhrat.
lakea for all kind, farm and garden
seed* Our prices an- right

fumse Gill Wang CmhiI

We Believe

Choice Uooolorad Jsptui particalgrly fin* flAvor Aad
exoeplioiMt] atrmiKth. If yoo hbve tronbl* n^os •
lea that in to voutlikinK try a abmple pouu of tain
oae. We will Ukn our chhiKMO oo jroar oomiag fawik.

Tbe, lied I'lly try-out wa, held ital
urday atii-ruoou aud ivsulled In lU.
IPV yard da-h—Kimiwoii. Ilan-oii
33U yard dash—Sliupsun. liun-

Price* SSc ecr eoud.




'Dlrde of Kllllnveronh-'
Ura Ida H. Bailey In her' InlmtUle alyle. gave the reading. "The
Bird* of Klllingworth." (rom 'Tnlea
the oalT ol a Wayside Ina." by iMgtellow.
Sbe prefaced ber reading by n abort
paper rdeceollv read at a club. -‘What
Man Owes to Bird*. ' showing bow the
iBseel peels would destroy orchards
and grate If |t sere not for our prts
tector*. the bird..
A pUno trio wa* much enfoyed. the
parllrlpatit* beutg Miss Bewrdaley,
bully UMMtks and Oeotgett* Bbner.
ARer the program. refTeahmenU ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

lady Angers and wafers. A pteasaa) ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦!♦♦♦♦
*. BooteK^
XI hour was a|>ent and 11 being
Pnekeray 's last mmlng with Ihc.
before her removal Irom the cliy.
her program and birthday, she Aaioalo, Texas.
pnwenled bv the rlub with a
Mr and Mrs. Santo and daugbi
r bouquet of rlub Auwvrs. >clk)W -pent Bntnrday and• ••
inday with Mrs.
while camattoui-.
- Maro al ber heme here.
u EeM Urn
6. K. Blnckwmvd and two son* HeaMRg. WATKINg DEAD.
Ale iUi. and
and Ls-land have returned lo their
nme at Leland
8ha Waa ChIftfhoM Nursa *f ThaaThe H-nher T. Beat Wooma'a chib
lel -wlin Hrw. Haro and were eelerNew Vcrt!*\l*y**»*—Hr* Dor* lined by several Udies of Travense.
mu ■
Ily. among whom were Mrs Santo
nd Mra. Morgan. Fine retrrabmenu
were served.
U E. Usniet and K. S. Sulilian
Mrs. H. E. MoKerCber hn* her
will Blend the V. X. A. P. O. C to bouae aad barn at IdylFUd wired tor
be hM M Vkirt Huron Uonday. Mr
Mn. Wlltlsm Bupkinsksn .tin hs.
Oarwdri'drtag tod*., anfl Hr'Sulllvan

than a Binnto at %

ishingion. May
JapaD.-M- Vk-t
Admiral I'rio today. deeUretl. that
Amerlia and Japan never would war
bt-Causc uo rauai- exMs.
The Valted 8ute* la-Japan'.
Trlend and Japan know* ft Japan
dueen'l want the Philippine. K war
i-omes. 1 esi«:<t to see the I'BlIed
8UU-S, Kugland and Japan allied
BgBln.l the other powers"

4«»-yanl da*h-Got« fBarfcneaa-und
EMred to rna Turadail.'
gw yard rwn—Clcvelaad. Grifna. MUe ran—Cleveland, Crifim.
Two mile rtm-Ctevelana. Crlffin.
lerablp <
Lrlfte DanvIUe.
Broad Jump—Kasaoe Whiting.
s Ethel
will lake cliarge
Hig- JomprKYeaiy. Hansoa
Me taoli—Trraay. Wbiucg.
Dlarus-Habsoe. nevrUnd
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'♦
Shot put<-WblUng. Hanaon

Lake Ann. Mlcb.. May 3S.—Dr.
■m J. ShllHday I* very aick at
Fartnera are now selling the
UwsasBytsse:, cswaUswir I
Bate of their poisiora and real
;« celts per bushel for kume.
The Rev, 1. W Rhode., formerly of
ake Ann. sod pastor ot the Cougrega
ti; s* iss moMCX sul Sssea. ]-Knt,iai
onal ckuicta. whe went to Xewpoit,
sBavaT^A^ ^ragatas^^Aowa
Wash., twr^yrais ago, baa returned.
Mr; Rhode* has many good word* lo
Miv about that country He repoits
that all of the Lake Ann people wbo
OF MinilGAX. THE t’itOtberv are well pleased and do­
bate Court lor Uu County of
ing ffnc .VII arc plewsod to welcoi
Irand TrauTse.
Ml. Rhode, and wish him to reman
lu Ibe mnttcr of the estate ol VVilFarnii-rt- arc iniitlog out the target
lam llarr.i-nn. decv-aa«-d.
acreng. of coin cUr planted lo th
Nutlo- Is heret>> given that tour
tevtion ul the cootilry. Large crop,
pofgtues nod bt'an. arv alM retemug nioBih* ffvwu thi rlth day ot M*>. .V.
I!a>9. buM- l.eii allowed lor errd
atteution. yiauy plaatiag as high as
•a lo present Ihelr elalms against
U- to 2S.B(r.a of each.
--a..-d to said <om: tor rxaniMamed. IB lAke Ann May ;blb. by
>ml ihal all
Justice S- S Kurnell. the Rev. 1 \V.
Rbudvs aud Mn. Emma TowsJ.->. Mr.
Rbodra I. we-1! and lavorabb kintyra ed lo pn-M-nl (beir .lalnis to ^Id
here, aud tbe bride, Mrv Towsl>-y. baa court, at the prtrtMic-wdtue. In Ihv
Uv«d here many yean and has busU Cll« «>f TrmeiM- Cltv In said loiinly.
■ u or'bi-io-i-nhi- 3Mb day
S- picoi
of frUnds. All unite In wlstriiig i
1-er. A I> iMiy. and that said claims
couple alt tbe happiness ulloUed
the must drst-rvlng munalv. and only will hi- heard !i> s.ild toiiil cm Tueadny. 111.- 3Mh da'- .rf'Seplenil.-r, .V. I»klndiy expressions can he beard.
' Mrs. William J. Bbllllday' waa in IPON, ol f'li o'--l<K-k m Ihe foiviHwm
l*al<-d May 3lili, A H IPUS
Traverse City on business Wednva
Judge of Probate Mias Margaret llabbi-ler was ho
»la> To. June I.X. I.'.. 33.
visiting her iwrcDls last wi-ek and
lurm-d to Traverse City lo ber sch
F. B. Sinclair waa seen on <
atrecu Wednesday. He Is lookliig
Grand Trax-rse
bis farm, dirccUng the work
At a M-K.-imi .rf said Court. beU al
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ the Probate Ofllce In the City of
Tra.eiM- cuv la ssM Cimuiy. 'on tbe
Ph day of May. A D. 1FP9
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦''♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
rr.-a.-iH: H.n. 9Yed K Walker.
Mpbari. Mich.. May 39-Mrs Oils Judge of Probate
1 haa been very sIcK and under
In the mallerwl the Hslal.' of Joaedorter'a care for so* lime, but
are pleased to learn that sbe I* Hne Bam. deceased
Ham hating I
he gain, so Hut sbe I* able to be
up part ol Iba tine.'
- M-ll
FHherly. Jr., near Barker ~Jd
eiHate In cvrtala
Creek Is very alck, but 11 Is.hoped by therein
'* twist of lileods tbal he may nxuvIt I* ordered Ibai the IXih day of
Mr. and Mrs. Judaon Tenney mourn June. A. D 7»i>9. at Ven n'clork in Ihe
le kMB of (heir Infant son. Funeral forenonn, uC said prohate offliv, b.was held Usy 37. at 10 a. m. the Rev. and is hereby appunl.-d for bearing
stild petition, and (bat nil p-Tsona InHarris ofllclallng.
lerraded In said eatale app.'Ar bcearwali
Ior<- said court, at said time nnd’plae.'.
last rogulai
_ _
large althnduire. and a very idea.anl to *ow cause'wby a llct-ns<- to aell
lime. At the lecture hour, tbe heal thr IntcrcM ot Mid esbite In said real
dale ahontd not be grained;
anballtiito for hay was freely dlscusaIt Is further orden-d. Thai public
-d by all ibe men preavul. and all redlo- iber.-of be given by publication
erived some valnahlt- *ugiD*tlOBs.
a otthla order, for three suo
Iasi Init nni least, Ibe ladle* pn-scnl
iw-rvi-d lunch. All weni home let-ling i-essive we.'ke pmhws to «M day
of bearing, in Ibe Grand Travers*
that It paid to be a Granger.
Inted and cip

Beginning today and as Jong
as the' assortment laste

Tbe file* will -mob 1»- h.-n . and lo keep ib^iu out of your bouse
you will nm-d >ci<-.-n dunrs and window scm-ti* Wc have acreea
doors (nHu 81 PC up On, 81 »" d<i»r I, a nioMiai-d door, stained
bln.k- MIUH-Iblng brtt.-f than th.- onliiisry <*»ap diior We have
Ibe taiiiiwr Aiilip.- windiiw
Ih.- kind ilial *l*>)> works.
They .-'ll (nini 33
up We ha..- eprlBg hing.-*. door springs,
wire ilulL 111 (sit. .-v-.i.ulilUg you m-vd :.i kc-p out the fit---. '

$1.50 Underskirt Free

With every purchhie of any $5.00 dresg
ikirt or other dress skirt up to $7 00.


S2.50 Underskirt Free
With every purchase of a $7 50 dreu
qkirt or other value up to $10.00.

S5 UO Silk Underskirt Free


Seed Oats For Sale

With every purchase of a Voile or Pad*
AmA or Serge Skirt over $10.00.


make j

Mly Ihc heel ol this ecaeoB'e
elylce. Year UaltU yon
«ea*t pel nm pick.)


We r^w offer choice
seed oa,ts for sale.
Quality Al. Price right.

Hannah & Lay Co.



irandotherlratlrwin be a

re mast be harMey. aad there-' tttwt. bUeg haa. ud

. _
(riven oter vntrrirvlr to t^] l:4b<--Tbe R T. P.*U.. a Ste^ag
pliiUK-d balgbu.
■ ®toBr —H. W. Uonn.
lu Uie afumooB. a m-asloa of (bv! . lOtOb^-Addrmw—£a]ih Bany,
araod romiUBdprT will be


In bloii.

At Blaht there win




Maeonle temple. In Ibe meantime ibe' tUmnd TaWe-Oaadueierf. by
Udiiw of the vutilBc air knlgbu «Ria Barry.
Iw (ivea I ride nroaad the city la
11;*»-Rcport of KMalaatlag

ner ColumMa, wlih a receidUm
(be srand maater and grand ufSeera

to the world talmoa. the
(be Utter
latter b
havtag been
cratrlbuUon of T. 3. Markham ot Aw
A «ta(v of coaatmBt warfare, coa- torta. Oregoa. a mcmiu-r at tkb lodge
Al- llnned tbV apuaker. aUayi deitroy*
who moved to the PwrISc Coast .
mhood ’and
.month* ago It wa* an elalairaU feaat
Mr. >taie of ^yrtcal war. or
of the wbicb wa* highly eajoyrd. The Sab


and by-Uwa.


- (he Matter


KHb agaliUi the body.
The blggewt markn day of tbe >*-*
xierv Bnely csohed aad perfretly
lojl of quoting. It U aald.
b«U>e *ervedjuidtblsweaaloB wiu ha record­
m was Saturday. 2l5g bnabela ol
dl^ded agalnat Itself esanvt »tand *' ed la the hMory of the lodge ns erne potaiorv bring Mrld'oo ihv city mar
.Wity Is an-osary If we are lu atuin of Ibe best ever enjoyed.
net. The I^Uw* were bfOn^t Ui
that hreai Ideal lor wkicta tbe flag
kuds>so ih.' average load wa*
Previoit* to the banquet the tailta,-ly 50 bOBhel*. brlnglBg at
aUnds. to do aad to be our beat'
There.!* no aneh thing as equality

• ................... ‘•V5*


market prliv of 85 itol*. »3t

of Ulenl. but where there U equal
( ulumbU alll loke Ibo rlr hnIgbUand
■ heir ladi-K to fioU BUoe Uland at the
>r Ibe Uetroll river for ^ deld
a) Preacher, time agd ptaoc.
iBotber Imt loIlowlDg wlita other O*" »•««»“«■■■
eommandericf will >c) Obituary.
i-xhIliKtoB drill*, and (be exhibi
(d) Mlwhxiary.
, ~ ‘
• III eundude with a tuniu Imllal-

h. pure in the fiwet
7,'. rents, bul advice, from ouuidr
. there la liberty, and that fore by the recvnlly elected ofSeera.
U what yon aoUIrra struggled lor. thiricgtbebUiilBnuinMalon tbe rliuaf- niarkeu ebovi-d tbe price down io b'
.Vmerlra's two greatest men. Waablng U4lc memorial *erxb.e wa* rendered
Two l.w.1hav. amt a load ol oat* Uly vn.lre Flour
loo and. Unnda. both loied
. Ui memory of Ibj late Kibort O.' QUa
and pleaUid for It. Korgvmug the | This ceremony li very Impressive and ae.e we.ghi-d .q. U»e, clS» ,«,-alra ye* Bpilii

threagh which eaeb bad passed
.,n ,b^ jaMlmorv work
The.e me c, .baage* In tb.- priiv
both advtm-d
work.d lor peaiv [aiiBcBu-d by nn aitenjJance which
If we !■>-. to be a great nation. Wash
Wma. ere
ruwdrd the lodge'room.
mgton said, it win U- bevause
Wedimaday Evmilng.
An Itiviuilon from HePb7:30—Praise aerrlce—Led by Pas­ lieav.' better than Wc do war Prai
A R. for Ibe Oka to take part in
tor W. O. Stovall
:blug ibal must be worked fiarsde and decewwSoprano solo—Mrs. KmesI B. Smith. striven for. and even rough: for.
tlon of Ibe gratef at tbe temrtery
-d of tbe lUildler with Ibe »word.
was received and pramptl.'
judge OB Ibe benvh 1* tbe rellanee
PeoBeld Plkei. O. O.
body. and
The Dks win attend (n a body,
of Ibe world, aud It I* the mldier who
Thuraday Memtn*
place Sowers uiwn the graves of iiteir
9:00—Morning prayer — Led
bj bdd made this puwlble.
broth.-r* •
War Srougnt Ptoea.
Psiior A. R Hleka. . ;
tVlihuut Ibe great Civil yvyr,
8:30—“The MlnUlcra' AW Socleiy
woeld have betn. no lasting |m-l........... ly after the i
—the Rev, J. S. Boyden, Kalsnuu

lon dn«» parade, a thing which bai'HIrki.
TrftTPrM Cil)’ oomtoaudviT. Na 41,

l«<-a attempled out two ot three tuucs

Kolcbu TeiBMtar. of (hi* city, will b^,
r«vcMi>i«d at IK'iroU, Jubp R. > and

Ibe bUlor.v of tenplarism. Three
hUBdrrd and «f(y «word« will (>c la
the drill, the

1». IB on> of (be



fntcfBBlmlHUry n'hTlaei
witncMod In the umint 8(aic«. ibc annu

4 Xandv of colon, nbiraet. wllh 4S

me. front on i-acli tid.-.
of UkblRBii Rnutd conWedueaday evening (lie Order «>f
r KnlsbU Tempura.
' hiiillB »ill be eunferred In full dramaAlready SS of the 47 eommanderk-a
j„ni l>y (h-oe..-,- V«II.-y comin Hkbigin have atc in.d the inviU- Biand.-ry of Fbnl. Till, baa U-en gir-



tloB to 4m> pn»em wllh a marcblog .-n li. lull form bvt onee or twice In

body, and the other i: will bare miih; Mlehlsan. The laJie. will be eapeeuW
Sunday ScMel SMalon.
In addUli.B to tbl«. i, ,-ared for while tbe »ir kBlgbU
10:00—The Teacher Training Slovs
there will be three or four of tbe boat are atI tbe teiuiile.
mt-nt 4n This 8lati-"-Slra. 3, .L. Glbba.
a ol Canada,
)j Tbui
Ik- given ofPf to the
10:20—"Tbe Home DepannK-nt
It U egpecled Umt J.OWi Knight* bti-'liicKj of Ibe grand couunandery.
> Rvangellxittg Agency.*—I'astor p.
Templar and their ladiea, together, th-iroU
lery. No. 1, and Dh D. able
with thoiuanda of other vhlt.m!, will
con.mandery; No. 42.
10:45—Addreu — Bute
be In OeUoit for (bo ocraalOB. Do- tit.«. arc making every effort lor the
Si-bool MIsaloaary Uangut Bargess.
Molal rornmandrry of Orand Raoma entertalBOi<-nt Of the vb-iUng air
•lone baa engaged aeeommodMhMW knlghtie The
11:30—Sunday School runference
for tn perMB* at the Pontchanralii. them a1»o will bo taken enre nf in bT
Conducted by Mr. Burgess.
Thl* commatidery will have 1?1 way that win cause
. Thuraday AfUmoon.
■rwofda, 14 pUloona of 12 Wen each.' member th.-rr visit‘l<i tbe clay of tliu
1:30—Scrlidure rxpci'sllton — Paator
beijdea oiaceni. In the big parade. . 'atrali.. Right ihulnent Orand CoroI. \V. Rniidit.
Cyrem; preceptory of Toronto, will mauder HudM'O It. Cob-tuan of Kala1:50—Reports of gtroBgly reprbsentod. eomlng as an maioD haa been iti close looeb with
2:15—“Our Tent"—Pastor 8 3. Hall
<«eort to Sir Knight Archibald A. Ihe Dutioll
ctwi-llvc eotnniHlec,
2:30—-Our AssocialloB Outlook-Cimpbell. moat emlneut grand prior wbieh com.la1s ..f Thomas B. Itorden.
Pasiur a HcDertaabA
of th« groat prwry of Canada. Ode VlubTuaB; Fred itmtal. and Harry !■.
Watting bo God, /
de 81-Amand preceplory^ Brantford, vnHUn«»u. all of »-boiu have long
3:I5--Thc Wcallb of (be RapUid.
Ont.; Windsor preceptory of Wlndaor.'evp.'ilcnce fn earing for Urg»- crowds

-Vineilea. The sword aitttleU ouce fur|’"*'““ ^■'1
prarlk-aily denHiIlsb<|Uea(ion suie.uien
>>» ‘ke buugry Bk-, a very
(no kuolt.v. The south ba* artv p:eU taJning program was given.
t. sull and today we are more J
bartuoiiy ibau we have becu for moi

et,al(.-d Rohr. James Kehoe wei
corned (be Elks to the semdon. and

than a hundred year*, and (be o
soldier diMTv.-K tbe mwlil lor :bla.

bade tbem make lire evening one of

vru-T a vivid wo.-d piriuir of a bi
field, the tpeaker aak.xl IF It ti»i
be inwallde that pcaiv and war wei
reU'eJ, and answering said ih.-re d

the (rtiateai enJoyiJenl, Hla ndmool- Celery, per tTalk idc
non tt Ik nn-dleiia lo ofate was ob­
served to the letter.
“l” l! ^eveaaon was vli-et.-d a*
t'U'tRianrr and preaidcil very iredll

■ui-1^ a relaiiunablp. -Tbe lui
of tlbeny most
must d
eli-ar away all Irrll

toasu With

' if bis neigblgtr Is brutal


The program was exivptlpnally en-

or march wUI be down Lafa.vetfc bonlcenrd to OriswoU Mreeu io<d«8»mnn

Traverse Baptist aKsoclalina will be


hi Id with the First Rapilsl church In
nvconc. to Woodward, to Adam*, to (Ills city. Tueaday, Wednesday aad
Orand Circus Thursday. June 8, 9 aud 10.
park, where tbe parade wUI be reThe program will be:

vkfwed by Howl Bmlnent Grand Mast­ Tuaaday Evening-.*, p. v. U. Soeaion.
er Sir .Henry W. Rngg of Ibe grand
7:30—Song Service—Conducted by
enoampment of the United 8Uies; Sir n. V. P. V, President. H. W. thinn.
Archibald A. CanpU-ll. grand prior of
•poiniment of noailtuilog and <
.Canada: the Michigan grand command

lollffient coiuoiluees.
ery onrers. and other dignitaries of
8; 00—Greclinga—Field
'the order.
Ralph Barry.
At Orand Circus park on inspiring
8:18—Addrew — Pastor
tallltan' apectam will be made. By a
numdertea wilt be broagbt Into man
famation. 24 Slea .fiout.



bands, colors and orseen maaBcd at
the bead, and wlU march down Wood­
ward tTciiue. to the river. All slreel



:ran8 of two wars

<■ and election of ofOevrs.

liHU-ners lu the Jleiuurlsl Uv sermou,
im-acb«d by the Re\. Hemas Coefaliu
Tbe old aoldiert. aud the members of
W n. f pasM-d ill belwtv-n
lb<- veteialis of '98, ahu stood wllh

ySrlnWal. .nS CI.IM—»

|Th8 Kind You Haro
Almys Boflghi
Bears the

bared heads. Tin- ebiircli was dei-o
rail'd wtib flags lu eomtuemaratlou
of the



fl«M ■riLossoP 6wb


p.T»on»1Iy eervi-d on saut ni
di'feiidnnt at Iras' twenti da" b- rntc
int M> many had returned.
th.' tittle ( pii--i i ibi-d fur bis'a|r
TbU Amei'ltau flag, wbicb reci.'illlv
Hoaled nniuhd the world with Lb.
fleet, otood toi iKwie, caM Mr Coeb
• Cireull Judge.
I. The soldiers have ibowii us thRi>b.'-.t'K WaUer.
cadfutneM of war, nnd have left uItegiyti'i IU Cbanrerv.
( Ideas of war. bul of ihviv. Si-al.l
"May the penes whleb Ji—Us bive
An»l F. Neiiillgvr. thilliilnr i f.u
Ihe world be youra. ibe lAaiv
June 1. >, 15. rr. 29; July li 13
at paaaelb all uudermaiiding

ellouring the Inltiatery Werk. Bb*.nea* sesaien and Stepper. Pro­
gram Wat C'vena

hi •uil-Ieai of Ihe laud of Ure free■id of. tbe biave.

The flah supper serveil In Ihe FIX*
lub nwi* Frldsy night as a winaiip

.ti-eepllng (be Bid. the Rev. U. I'ovb-

for tbe aummer season, was on oil tie

lin d<-rlarid llial it was as the emblem

most enjoyaUe and perfe.-tly arranged
fiincitons ever wluie*»ed in Traverse
Cov.-n. Were laid f-r atwui l|o,[

being twugb' seat* at Ihe Ut.Us for
coni(enl.'tice of the attrn.Ianta
There wPre a latge numl-T of Elks

Including Codlllsb. Maniklre. Elk Rap­
fiuitL th> (Jib .b.-ipi-i ot S'. John, a,
ids. Bellatre. MaarehvnB. Honor, and
rt ef the illli
"IVaee I leaie
other (own*, as well as risitlog E3k*
til jou. 1.1} (.i-aie I ghe. untn you.“
from lodges In other cllle*
Pei« wa* Herttagt.
The iwnu eoBsIti.-d of br.aik (root,
\* a uuii'nb.'i. be die* leaves works
rainbow iroul. lake trout. Mackinaw
an. lileraiOre or n>mem.«ruKxw




wealib or laroe. or verrela. wk'i'b
would bale fuade tbem dlftereul from
other taeniber* of the bUman race.
things'ma.v be aebln.-d and






• Ub~»t6nes nod banjo welections.
Duff Meduaald. who U alwaya popalar, Inirodueod a tcpieal song wKb lo­

Cbarle* Prerbaaka,

a former I

her of the Traverse City lodgi- and

cal biu that entirety new and
with otbi-rs nut quite s« new hot tm.

uiw engsg.-d In bualnesa in a* good.


8t. Louis. Mo-, wa* .prcMDI as tbe
x'barle- Lotutm-ekre. a BK-mbrr of
gvK»t Of the lodge, and Of coiirte be Ibe Ssh rommlttee. gave WB addre**
Inv from Mitaouri'. he expected to Ik In wbli'b he. expressed the npprecdh-

Do this «-Uh your childrta.
School chiidreo sbeuM be ltd plenli(uSy and, frtqtKOtly on Ouaktr Oats
It inakei the best possible fbreakiast for
anyone vtai is to work wSih either brain
or muscle. It's cosy lo prove this in

aiialned.tHii given Could Me have left
hem anything more iii.-uiou.: It He
had left then, anv ea,.* rerd to fame

your own family.

knowicdgi. would (bey bate been
b..|ter O.r* ll< led them pewee. w-her.-

the health ami energy of those who at

Inereate the dsBy

of Qnaker Oats and .voont
tec an aimeat ^unediate unpromnera n

k. fbe rejfniar site paeLage of-Qnaker
i.-re thine* couR) be acquired. With, Onu tdls at iOc. tbe large {aauiy pack­
rll-rord. th.- home does net hilfill U. age site al 2Sv ;.tbe family package wuh
sraaiW mUflon.»or(laMih*aMl If npiNtaldrinaBOe.
avthlu of worth k to he attataed.'
BreakUM on fleaker Oat* erery day.

aty. Ihe differenee b>-nlg wry largely
is favor of Traverse City.
If r. Morgan, of No. 34, of Oiqroli.
and wbu U well known fn Traveiwe
Cllf as a Ulenu-d rnrallM. rendered
h-iilow: “I am Off lo Phlladt lpuia," "Two UtUe Cups'and 8tuid ‘Tbe BonnlT By^*
Ijicb Lomond." IB tbo latter selevtkin
treing accompanied


Robert Ckid-

and AngB* McCulI. wbore Scotch
naiivliy made thl* song especially ap­
propriate for tbem,


m 7WC WETTEST vcmo



Ah'x Morris, of Honor. contTlbntevl
v^-ry- entertaining story, and was fol
lowed-by a series of stork-* by Ous
UiMlH-b. •

Tomorrow and every day we will HELP THE
MOTHERS by selling Children’s Wash Dresses
that are beautiful, stylish and cheaper than
you can have them made up, Then there is a
style about our little dresses that one cannot
get in home-made dresses. White or colored
dressesat........... 50c. 75c. $! upito$6each

but the timing room aud th>- partois;
•vtr tax.-d It. tlieir raparlly. t>«-'" not

preset from the MirrouBdliu; towns.

ilia friends, so peare was tbe brrliage or Jivu* to Ibe norld. He did
•ai.‘ a Bill o; eodicil. or gfvr


Today Wc Celebrate

•rful. and as noble as «a» Bome. a»


For Over
Thirty Year^

U-eam.- K-sigvied to It. and n-Jolred

Mrs. Harve> t'. (*urlis. In the natn<of tliii^W. R r_ pn-sented 'o Ibe

b'ed n.- .much as Ibal
of II..- soldiers tbem-

who-ls rery popu­ t>re*BlaDd

-Pala," and' -Doni Take Me

comparison botwrcB tbe Elks
of Mlsaourl and the Elk* nf Travenx-


- s'Jid. (bul had Wn bap
M l•|.a><l of struggle*. In
1.1 el (he W K -(■ aa*

C. Lute silver,
lar. rendeivd two

kbown some tbing*. 1b bi» talk, bow- thm of ibe cXiminllli'e at Ibe prompt
be drclar. d it wa* very em- i.s|a>us<-* lor txiBiiibutkmn to ibe
phatleaUj shown to bun tbit iber. meniL

wroiifdit b.v

ualion. si«b as Mrs. ( urtls bad
sIH.k.u of, i;i,i: be aiivp(t.d it

OU rwblK-r bnn» i

urtalBlng aad ixmaUt.d of
taairuDlik Bey MM of Codirrc cMortatanienlal and voral numl»-ni liiti-rvper*- <-d with an ad,lr.-s> alsu
Wltb .ap|.tx>|irtale .sddreate* and
Mem*. Seel. y. Reno and PeaM.
wto are playing an engagement at

Cuban eaiu|«lgn. but of bow
retvlvisl of thi_

>-|H'tUI musle.

laige silk Amerirail flag,
b she pr«.s<-Med It as the
ei^bleui of a nation as great, as |■om


He' spoke of Ihe r.-eeptibu that bad
Uin ^lalp-d .tor (be sOIdjei* of tbi-


In BOhalf of th* W. R. C.
PeuBeld Flkes. I». D., of llctroR.
CurtU Praaentad the Church
fedrwsday Momlne—*. V. P. O.
With Saautifui Silh Flag
of the Nation.
UcDermand. Kalkaska.
tVngregalkiual churrti
9:45—Report of nomluailng commlt- • rusded

.«s. d:e
lil.k.-.!-. live weigh;
Sb.-. P. !■>- .......... ............................... ***^

■Jh!« order; .
•Sof. saM
bill !»• laki-h
wurvi byMhiItai- M)d
said d.-f.-o.
Is lutth.-r urderiyl. that
wtibiwvuiy day's tbi- >bid eon
AS THE KEVNOTE OF AO- (bis, owlug nf the tv>ii,Ii::un n: :be

of thl- ord. r^'tL- bi BV REV. 0. COCHLIN.
Wbeu (b<- soldi-le
«erviml.h-heil iu thl- lirand Traviw Her­
seen, not vibrant wllb taealih but witb ald. a ii.-wspap.'!' piiuK-d. pn'jlisbi-d
marks of tbe dreadful tvxxr on anil eiii-ulatjiig in sai.I eouali. and
r taeea- th.-re wa* nol fedliig o; lha; -mil publleaUni be <vmi!mi<yj
ther>'iii at l.-ast on.v in each a—r-k
<vlebmk)ii. 5leu thought of what a
dreadful thing war U. bul graduull.' she lause a ivijiy of Ibis o:d,'i tn tn-

John R.. and bock to


f fur lour vviilurles there had
bin-u no |K-aee. aud whe.v htn«e o' J TATK


The 43rd anniveraary of Ibe Grand


I- I'nilod Sutra vuuld nu: remain
•fui aud wqe 4he brutainy lb Cuba

aljDUst a nnoenity
raod Tfaver*.-, lu «lianeer.«
To pr.-serve |K:ate. tiie boya aiarebed
N.ita Hlndy, itiwplalnaut. v
Heritage-—Snpt. of Ulssluoi. the Rev.
■hway In
and 8ar«la prreeptary of Sarnia, nK> m a hospitable niaiin<‘r:
Joshua Roberta.
Pour EsaarMlal*.
Sui! |n-udlug lu lb.- Clixul
WiU be represented. The Canadian,
Tm local knights and tlx-lr ladles
3:45—Diiii-uaslon—-Our Needs.'
County of Grand 1
There-ari- four i-M-utials in iw-aix-,
KnMts TempUr In Ibeir while sllK win k.,vc <m the uiuraing of June 7.
Thuraday Evmvins.
unlLv. barmnnj. right, and llb.-y>. B,
el^. dt'CorM with a Urge rod cross on a ajs^l train on the Peru Mar7:30—Praise service— Led by Pas­
- n a brillUot
jt spectacle iu <________ duVtle, About bO win go frt>ni here.
diseord rtil.-d In tn.- v.r May. .1. D nntf*;
tor P. D. Ehic.
pla.s- of unify, harmony did UUI eitsl.
with tbe bWk onironaa and* while
111 lbis-e*u-.e tt apiH-prluE /rvmi alSelection by ehonie.
pltimca of their Amerlw hrotbreo.
and right aud liberty wei-.- thiva|.-ned l.davn on file, tbat the rl.-lendaiK I*
9:00-Bcport of resolulloaa and
Tbe grand parade, which wtH he the
soldiers and the .Viberleafi •Da- not a n^sident of (be S'ate of Uli-bl
gan. and that he leshles lu Mau*
big pnbUe event of the conclave, will
detested war and lui.-tl pcwic. IMU la tbe »:tx.- of Uhm
6;I5-Ad*css-"Why Should Our The "war-song*- weri- of th.- jialuie
"rtm motion
.kmi; F .Verling.-r.
(nkepUeent](iu-H<iek Tu.>«My momVouug People Secure a Uberal Bdi
'Tenting on the Old Caiup Oiouud.' ivfnplainanCs sollrltur. it I* ord.-r ‘
tag. taming on Lafayette bouK-vard,
BAPTISTS tloo''—ITew A. Gaylord StMum. LL.
th.i! tb.- said defendaut. John
lobu Hlndy.
west nr Masonic temple. The parade
J "VVUen Jabi.ny Come?i..Mareblii»bis apiM-aranre to be
B.. KataaaBm.
llonie -Again." aud sbowt-d the trui. neielii, wttbiii lour luouifawill bo under
general ebarge of
Ulmeat of the soMien- The spirak:bls order and in o
-XJnibd Oapiata Oeneral WiUtam H.
had heard a velerau q! Ibe local
Xtawicr or DefroU. a* grand marshal.
imauC* bill df-rempi.
l<osl say that the surKuiUer ot Lt«
A more mliiUry tormaiion than fortund a ropy ibi-n-o; :o Wmost peaceful ai)d tn-autlful
erty will bo-observed. lU- commandord lomplalnai
Throe paya.
*lght^ bu had eve." »efu.
• ,
Ua briag massod fn Sve batallhxifc
imder baUalmn eommandora. Tbe line



Best Calico Only 5c yard

ColtM SelUeus ia n iMvtiful lioe/oE
pnUemg. that we hn»e been nbllins nt 85c,

La«les^ Slecvclem Vests Only 8c
each. Compare ibeae with otbrra pticeil

Gerdea Base. It pa7V'io^ifiki.-ait(] it
l«]fn bnttv wben yon gut good bom-. Try
the Electric and Kevoe. Get oar
ptiiw* uD iho vati"us ninu*. W« will tavb
.you morer.

Magres. la ihu k>l are Oiwxhanin aad
Matlra that we eold at Sfm. 30o aad 35e.
The price on the lot saly ISc yard.
Dill yoa eeb oer COTT TENT for viBepiiis
outilooraf itiin bright idessid uoful
nml liqaltbfoi Imd. PriCCS trOH 8»
I0 81L
Buy i;rcceneti of the best and most ooobpleie urocery in town, and that oieaag
us. Order of os and has'c them come


, la graveling or 1
e cUes o
preached byjt
tog any highway, tbe grarel or atooe tbe Ber. J. V. Foots, or the M.
ade tinUl 11 o'clock Sainrday momaball be pUced on the center there-'^dmreh of thia place. The High school If.
te. la a mass n<« less ifann nlae feel'tjroros of GO voices r>«deiwd “Praise
After the traaat otScer's report wt*
Side, and not less than sU nor more Te the Father.- and “The Heavens •celved and placed oa flie. ttwo appll-Ive'l
than twelve'iBObes
deep, la tbe dls-'are
Telling.ratioas for }anliortbip were also re­
creiloa of tbe highway eoninlsaieaer. j Monday night the ingh srtiooi Ca- tired and placed on die. the flrst J>e.
See. ig.—The work spedled
la M)C-|dei
, _
.. ,dei tend tgave ao open air
lag that of n. K. Cortli. who applied
}iOB sixteen and section Bevealeen • the Mb psrkCmI> *•« T*. Uw.
for tbe lunltetahip of the I'alnn street
of this a I ahall be caatlaiwd u II! all! TncAay.
Part* « MictkHu. t. 9, 10. |(, 17 aad ways and bridgra gpd In the
ly l ei-DlDy •!«- class <
<rbool. aad WiHinm R. Knapp, who
lt.r<M ■ lollovi:
the highway! la the . towaablp ate produ(4d - Me aa' Oti..' a four,
nienl of Ubor. ‘punihhnto* of
r-aet | avked to be appointed janlior of
SMttoe I.—Tb^ hisbwar* In fwrj or lal. tools or aiaehlnery to be nsed made eqaal t Ibe requlrementa of cornei^.
the opera house. Tb.-re was Roonvltle school.
Cabltod tffVBHap Is tbU nUta nhal tb«TefOT.
no aenuDi.
[a fair bouse which netted alont Kb.
City CJerk Glllis tbcB read s copy of
br >sM ou. Impmrrd «MI
I Wedoe>‘day afUTBoon ihon- tiK>k the agreemeal presented by
Scr. 1C.—All wort ■herearter done
Wllh tb* eneeptioe of that portion ' pj^ce on the High achool tew.i the
in’ IBS naspr u»-«; om ux «hsil w upon roads and brldgea.' except such
ozercite*. A large croad Weatherly, of (be flrst part, and aignkpo*
work as nay be required for repairs, of Ite Uw la sectlcnz one and nine
by Urn and W. F. (Sole of tbe sec­
oie speeches which were rvaaball have le view tbe pertnaaent which relate* to road repair, ihe law
ond part, and tbe bonds ot
pernmnent work, The g,
^ a■ plesKina maaner.
tP» toamhip oouMa or lbi> Umlu ol
oveniesl of such roada and
foie, for »S.noo. with n. Q. rhandler
dd Isw noder the palfamaster rule al-1
* iMorporsInt rllUcan. wbich Uz nhsll
Rennie sureties.
..._ the'I
> undo
filty r«Bif os et* one bunPrearh. of Hie M.
«re« dolUfa esJiiatioD aecordlnc to
surrey of the highway shall be
.'llvered the enmnienrciui-m addn-sa
tb« saHMinnit roll of ibe Iwt preredade by a CDinpetem snrreyor and a
; Ibe 18 meuibera Of (h.- Aulriui county and that Ihe mayor and clerk be-auISB ytar, spd tbe mber tax shall be proflle ot-such survey shall be mad*
.nornuil. 7111* Is one ol the. isrgrvi Ihoilxed to complete tbe conlrart
kouwa IS <bc lilchoar lsiprov«-oieni and pUr^Hi oa file wiih the township, ed means cnnilniu-d jirngreiui and
rlaxees la till* M>cliuB nt the that tbe bonds be arfepted. The mo­
noLie future time every mile of road „
tax and ataall be aaaeoeil on all tnxa- clerk. This pitiabi shall
tion carried.
bl< properly in Lha tOVBHblp. Inclad grade Unea of tbe center of the high­
Here Tm
iBg that wIlblB Ibe liolU ur Incorpor­ way and the botlom of the dlK-hea, diunel in fit condllloa with but «»• ,waldo. of tbe Western Michigan Elate
The (ommnuteaHra of Superinlendexpense to the nwnship to m.-ril
ated MllaCM. vhtrh Uz aball not
and there ahall Im Mdlested upon
normal at Kalamazoo. addVvsM-d
eni f B. Ollbert In reggrd to positions
reed fltTy eenta on aoeb one bnadred profile a grade line abowlng cuts
of teachers Dot provided for. and.
doUata valoatieo^ acoordlaf
flllf which, in the opinion of tbe
tneinlM-ni. The'dljikimas «-<-re pn-sent- canri.-s created by noo-aceepiaticv
lAH, reads as follows;
'teaeasBeal zoU for Ibe last preced- veyor, should be made la otder to
ed by..Supl. P. F. NcTormlck
pekitlons offeivd.- was received and
tad year.
UbUsh a good grade. All tnrnplklag “For i^try mile of hi-II graded road piopriale retaarks In i-arh ii
BdoiUcil. The report was in part ns
Sec. 9/^Tbe^road rr^alr tax aball iball be .doue aceoniiog to thU
u pi^oq:
be expended for Ubor, walerlal and before putting gravel
c on lb not exceed six per cent, and the width
• Tb- following tearbero wTio have
other Booesaary ezpeBaea, uadi-r the highway, tmless it raa U- clearly of which shsll not le- less.than eight consisting .(If 2S meiii)--rs beU the|,r
le-fii Offered positions have not acceiteen fi-ci betwi-eii dlirties. nnd wblcb
aspnrrlsfcM and by Ihr direcllnn of .howii to the towiiKliip board.
shall b- proiterly drained and. have prumoHoo exerevis.-s in ibe opera ed: The yfbuu-s and Wlltelm
the loamablp Jiicbaay
•greed to fay that board, that
will hot teach ihl. year, the uiues'
grailc esUbUshed on such proflle Will c wagoB way or travel track not
Scott aud Rowley bare accepted poslImpracticable and Inadvldahle than nine f.i'-l wide, and which ahull
tiunsairiulutb.Mlss Rlsncbe Doughty
when completed. In which case a new consist of not looK than right Inches
anepl.-d a pusUkm In Qrnnd Ha|e
Of compacted grave], shlch
Urx on aay one mile of Msbvar. aa- grade siiall be Indicated,
ids. (he Hi.-IMS Ko-mig and la-wis In
leia otherwise dln-ned by Ibc town- file, which grade shall be salUfac- applied la uol less Ibui two la}.-.-»,
llic- High uchool. the MIsseN Trumau
ablp board. Should tbe hlehway or tory to said board. IlefoTe proceeding, each layer to be rolled aeparalely
Walsh bad arceiKed positions
bldbwafa or bridses directly a>Uaeent
ly Improve any highway Provided, tbal both shoulders and me
eb.whc-ro before nitelviog our conto aay property lazed, be la cnod oonikrner khaU act grade talcd track shall b- propi'riy rrewin-d
-1. At the hist BUi-ilDg''lbere re­
abed water quickly
diUoe ao;tbat no repair* are necwt- stakes not more Ihsn une hundred feet
yil to Dll one puKlHon at Ihr
M17 there 00. then Ibe Ipx iclnrd
oiiarl. on -the side of the./«Tkliwar
ItuaidDiati nvenue buHdiag and (he
aadk property may be expended by be Improved. 10 wbich the grade aball by the slate higbway
priiK-liulshlp of tbe Oak l>ark school..
Ibe taidbway eoomlaiiluner on other be made to confons. The highway a reward from Hie stale of Bve bunMr. Wood. ILe princlpiit of Hit- Hoard
blfbvaya or' brMses In tbe townsbip shall Ij* ronsmicled In such manner drod iloIUrn a mile and pro rota for
Biles aod fractions thereof
avenue building not arce|Hing
Wberw It may be noedod: Provided, If
lo fuim a turnpike. sniflclenUy
$7(1 per month.
there be • aarplQs after the highway
'Ding to abed water, with gutters excess of Ihe first mge.V .
By a careful ■iiidy of tbe law It «
, ^
___ -conimead the follow­
or Ughwaya or bridges directly ad or ditches adequate for dralonge. The
appear wise from a pn^ieal slaading: For 111.' Nigh school. Mii-a (ieor
of Ibe turnpike shall be .
Jaceat to the, properly lazed
CONTRACT AND BONO OF ARMS gla Pnirlor. a gniduale of Nonbwest
been repaired and pul la (dbd con- less tban eighteen feel between side pqlnl and in the end
who has taught sue
dlUon. autb surplus may be expend­ dllchrs.
■fully In t-olAnido aud KiOamazoo.
ed by tbe highway cnraiaiselatier on
8«ic. 17.—After any such tun
W. O. Foot* Wat Employed to Look at }7:.hO per month for work now
other blgtaways and brldgez In the shall be used lor one year. Ibe
done by Miss Lewis; Miss Robert*
Aflac Uic Various Bulldinp* Our
towng^ wherever any ImproreBienl shall be fliled. after which It shall
Kelio.-. a graduate or our lllgli school,
ing lb* Summer MentHw;My be neoded.
lie graveled or macadamized
ThlHy-Ona Veunp Paopla Raand ot the ilniteroifj- of Michigan, at
Meel Saturday. .
ML—Tbe highway impmre- shere gravel or t-nisbed stone
uiontli tor work In English
Btent fond aball be expended by the venlcnlly be obtained. II it
It was*:fS before Ihe l.terd of edu- anil llertuan In the gtwdes; Hl>s Isaship highway rtnumlzalooer un­ able ^o put OB grave] or
Mancekma. Nay 78.—Comtoenee-; raiioii na^ lalled to iinb-r Thursday
SldebotbhBi. a graduate of Ypslder tbe dlrecUoo of Ibe (otrashlp
meni week opened Sunday evening. uiglit. after 10 befoie H, Hie lanii V
•ssfully :
board la laylag out. buUdlag and-per-,
Hay S3, wllh the baccalaureate aer- bUKibesk of the year tio' tlien bing
Cadillac. aad

run UHLTOR, tnntu Ciljr,

C B. iSItS, Utu,






SU.U per
moved (hat Mr.FtooUbvK
Ruth Battoa, a Srndut^'of Ypoflnntl
and n:bo baaxiantfK XncressfuUy at
t^IdWBler. at I47.W per aaontfa; Miss
Roth Thiers, a groduate of Central BMBib. Hr. pone 10 have cAarge <i
S«tea! and teacher si Petoskey,
(be Jaaltor* of the bnl^Bga. ta imrItTJO per month; Mis* Mabel
ebase supplies, aod lo carry «ot dCsuUh. a grndiiat* of TpailanU s
dvr* or the board.
teseber at Olivet, at K7.K per moat
• HIsm Bola SUlerand BdHh Bdlods. women of experience who arc
coispletlcg couroes'at Central Normal
at $ko pw moolh esrti.; Mis* UUUn ChariM E. J
^aro'pm V
Hart, who lauaht the primary grade
In terii
:ion Thurwd
: Elmwood aveeae. at KS per month.
“For the prlaelimlsblp of tbe Oo*r
crown. Mich.. May Sir—Charlro S.
Ethel Rlitghsia at tUJO per month." shbson Is considerably Improved «»e^ J
“It has been understood beretotorv day. al(tw>jgU last night bb cxmdlljn '
Hut the prlncHiwl of the tkmrdman was serloiis. Ur. Jutinsuo was polscrnbnlldiog who has eharge also
>y some wide-leared dork yhtc*
ot the ungraded room, stmuid reewny hod, g<iUen mixed ia greens gallu^reA
E" cxfri ]ier month or above the piln- by (he family. lie was the roily on- afvipals who have but one grade I /erl'-d.
would r.-cumnivnd
Hus be
changed to tIO pCr month extra and
that Mr. Wood, tb^- prineW of ihe
Roardraan av.-nue building, b- offered
the position al ISO per mcttUi.
"Ttic lidi of teacher* is now. qom.
fueled Wllh the excepHon .of Bo.inHle.AfUT bills were read snd approved.
Mr. Momague addressed (be board
-Id >n hnoor of Miss Rlleo Hallard
need* of .having some
whofu- maiTlage 10 Jack QllebrIS
devote hU time lo looking after the takes j,lac>- soon There .were, sbnol W
buildings during Ihe year, saying that fri.-nds of the biii.-i-l-c( prefWtiL aOd
the salarivw of the board was an Mies Hallard was lli.-rsli.v showered
unknown quantlty..aBd (hal M aU tbe with beautiful gifts Hut wil tgn
memb re had to earo their own bread ward nuking b-r home pretty. Ine '
and batter, and none .of tb-m could cream, cake and mti* were served,
afford to spend Ihe elme looking af
ikV w.-iiiling was Hu feotnfe m Ibe
ler the large pruperiv ini-iviils, he



' 9ave Your Money
Here is the Way
C«t our prices oo a doking-oui sale of
Sa&h and Doors. Prices less ihap cost

Then Tott Buy
Yob Save from

lo M per ecnl-

The J. E. Greilick Co.



i-r » '


' TN iMcVicker PorteUe Gasoline
Note the few raris. nis engine It nenied from f to SO terse |N>wer
is NiUU* (M- ninalBg Iced mills, cum *b!*krro. silo Bllero and tliresb
inr Our lelcei are baaed npon sJic nnd quality of engine aud are always
the low-est. Call and be coat Inced.

Tbe TbraU Marine Engine

Tbe McVicker Open Jacket

Why not insinll one of these engine* It. your row buit-and -onvcrl It
lnl» a safe snd *i>eed.r lltlle Isiinrli? W- carry a lull liii. -I :ill B.vnuuirl.-i
f»r the InstalaHun nf Hits engine at vr-ry Inw-si pno-t.
I’rltw l»r single cylliitliT. 3 hiirsi- iniwcr ciislni-,
Pri.v Ic.r double cylinder, ( h.irse i-ower .-nglm-, lUT. 00,

Onediiird Hi<- usual number ul parla This end*-- Is iiM>nni>-d u|aai ’ tua'I
tciil-Ls. slBilnaary t>r u|an skids. Mounted u|si.. >rii<-Li or sinlbniary-. pnw--r ’
fnun : lo K hurse inwer; uumninl ii|<nn trucks, -siwer Ir-mi 4 I- h b..r«- imw
er. Oiir prlrc* iits>u Ih-we ••Bgin»s are ir. u-.- i-.-ni off
ini-l a.ldl'luiiaj
|icr <i-nl off for cash f. o. ii.' factory.

Lansing SUo
Hade «t good materUI and by ■•eoIde who know how to du Iba work. No
lire that (bit silo has Ihe conliBuous
door fruiD Joji to botfom and that
teops are Skjnche* a|iart. mfiVli
very sirnng and durohje. We
this of seven dlffercnl Linda of lim­
ber. Small farmers are lo great note
of silos, lor baring one, ihey can handle
hand a am-h larger heij of rattle
and keep (hem in belief condllbia tm a small amount of grouud. W-build Ibem In a great variety of .sites al prbes bkv
ai<v>rdlBg to size. I
eap give you terms Iba) will pi-rrali ot your rsislug
I b-f-rt-


paylug for (bis slki. .

Perkins Windmiiis
Tbe <dde-:( and iiinai rellaUe tHlI on (he
mark-i. aud sUII dulng buslncsL. Sironk-r
Slid beller Iban ever. ThU t-m -li.iw our
wood wheel on a st<i-I («*••;. 1 l aii >eil you
nny sire ur Hijle you may wl.ti for. If yua
buy one of our ali-el ■wlifeK, *•• gnarannithat Hie franve will ni-i lih's "ff or bn-ak ai
Ibe first rlw. as we h.iveV rim golrig around
(be outer e-lge at fain ft vroul.ljM- ini|»-sible
fol the Wheel to bliiw off Hie i^iidle. as
there r* no spindle ..n -li. Herkii.s Wind
Mills. *,Vo( how cb i-jp. Iiul Imw pasl."

The Nailonai Oeam
lias only iwvi |4ecea In Uie bowl. Ilui
dre-ls of.HieQt are lo use In ihe stai
of Michigan. Perin-l iHsIacHo!
If you nee.1 a f-ream separator, yc
wilt do well lo call aud gel uur prices.
We guaraulee Ibis ae|iarali>r to xklm
as cloae as any marhlDe
tbe mar-

We have a large line of Air C!ooM hhigliiei and second baud gasullue ehrluev wbh-ii we ore aelUii'^ sj

Rosenthal Corn Huskers
Turnbull Wagons

Victor Safes

I am Side agent lor this dm.irlit for all of the above orilcles. W« aell eierytUngfn our line dlrecl to farn.ers oui of our offire fall In and
e are aJwavs glad lo ebon oui goodi


will loro out from IZ to it bnsbeis an hour.
Four different makes In aelert fitim.
Frtii-d v-n r-atsiuabl.-.

M« J« LBlonC9|M^£Mo^Traverse Cily, Mictiigan


H*rM Vmmi r««c* •—■HIM
I alll try

«• ■■rrj’ •f

m BkMt
in' u »• M iMm M <
Mi m4 Mhi «**ry«Mx hMw
M fir M I MU. .
( «rtH lijr •• ki iMkik Mk
M «M UM W •MiyMr

tr I MM-tili In Ut*H *• ^
thiM ttiMfk I ««H 'l-fy. try

pogrro or wagutorw tbai

com to Vr
oV pirkt o« IV
I tbit oV italoki
-Booibloy. ood otroo tboM (o "pow
okior' lo on yoo boya iod gtrto. BV
bi* M BSiy protly tbtogi MTOd op
ibil iV to golBg 10 priei
tboa ihto w«*k. aod Vitorn itsi you
will enjoy tbriD v aiirb m abo hai
A Wtab for Evory Doy.
Moaday. 1 wtok for ragor fwt.
Ob orrandi of loro lo go;
Tooaday. I wtob for a gootio rotoa.
Wlih o loer both aoR aod low;
Wtdaotday. I wlab tor wliliog booda,
liOTo'i datir* all U> do;
Tbaroday. J wikb tv opra rara.
WUr worda lo Itotro lo;

Pridar. 1 wlab. tv a anllioi faro.
A brlgh^rarr of ’taoior to V;
aaioidoy. I wtob tv quIrVoad eye*. all o rr :
loads/..I «i.b 'V a ii'Viit Vart.
Thai My to oCVra fay Vpart.

WV 0«BU it ilWiya >(■ O0*]r ol
TV rood wr iriTolT
•mmHm OrwikwiMiif Mn. A. U WV wiou IV praUonii wo'r* ill beBoos |« airivol?
Wbot bar or girl, «b»o liao to trlBg
WooU bo eoslooi 10 glTo uy iryiojtr


WMItMCntfMIMI No iwy or HMhlao wio oror MUdn.
By frowiiBg tocoi;
No bouio OTor wu pliOoM or foogbl
to ooiy ptoCM,
giroito li.touM to briTo putioiM
Op VUioVido or VotrUtog Ootof

W* faUo«*< tki R«lib*« B4M
WkM U|* im kU sruMM by.

TV ratav* i»M< br M Wf •«»
TV VohM or i gmfli.
TV tfetag IVl gnw tbr lirth^ ti
word tooktof Hlo worth tbo WhUo.
ThM ooou tftoU ind dov ib« om
to yoM o plwiiit ioilto.
Il-o roll ol worth iod goodoow. loo.
with BWBly kiBdoMo bibaiA fW tM • M« Ui Vll
tMUUV, lU worth i toimoo Wra oM R.
AM tv Vc »Mt iMc U> tMt* tv
deraal eoM ■ erot.

WWti*«PMWMakrBM Mt tv 4«c M* I
^<TV «v wHk tv mMx urn.
AM • iW V M

Thoro to on iwoa for udoow 1
l^«V Mm* mm 4on u IV KToud.
l ooo i rbwry iorilo; ,
It olwayo hw IV mdo good to
I MMV^ t«M V« APM or kOM
U1 ooroT out of ityto;
• bMMtVMioriVbov.
ho iMlto iwiy. Folk* nndorotud '
• nitto to toooot—
io4 ooat MM DM.
«M <V MRir UIM Ooc VblM
ak «M • *lf1. OM H. to MW

OIPnvr. I V** tw tv wfMt »U<«

DM tv *104 MM V otth • 4MMM1


itoltV VooOtol Bo» oiot ooL
IpM *• tonM to look oVoi
TV gM MmA MrKhod «om.
. «• Mi w toH tvt D0| ww lOM.
AM tv Mf «»i tv am oM boM.
AM IV tkoVn ooM. oM IV rotoV«i go.
Vt DM »M tv 40f oM I—wo kaow!
>->liMloi Uoii Nilboo.
n*0 Vtto toUwo wool owl to Uto too
■oMor tbo iVdo ot o Joitpw
bM i rwp fraoi ■■ voroVII

ii-T ploto Poto tv rtod of o bM.orroot.
pd tv tiblo woi oproM wRb 0 cWh
' oil Of tocw,

Vaablrn Work.
lalo tv apou e( oUdday aigbt toto
tv plawa draor,
TV BnoablM foUca adadt tV light
aad Vtog a wvd ot Vvr
Uaio Ibt afaei-ln. balploM oao IV VB'
ablv workera come,
Or arnd a tiao of tore dlrlat uato
IV bambtoat hoM.
TV Baaablw irvk to work tor yoa,
and IlkrwV wnrk tor aa.
I tklak tkr Baasklaa wvk it dv
Him ot Oallloe.
TV kambtoai tklap tVt com
boM. tfr bumUMt tolV amid
aeb wora tbo droM. V iaarM wV
roads, tv grotto Vrior dM.

It Is BOt ao Mcb wbai yv aay.
As tv maavr la wbleb you oay it;
tt to 001 BO toarb tV toaguaga yoo
As tht toara to which yea oearry I

Tboa woalif yoa qaanrli orold
AM to pracr aad loro r»lolr«.
I IV ipidofi hM woroo, tV
Koop oogor not ooIy mi ot yoor
to giooi.
d UtoM u tvy ill Vd • words.
Bat Iwwp II eat ot ver rotor.
10 oot* ;
■Bwi of MrowVi'iy—toy. whM o
Booiiv gooM or Klndnooo.
«Hoy IV •wVtoM tv wtW boo ooold Lot ua giibv up IV suabraou.
Igtog all arMhd ear paib;
Lot OB hoop IV wfcMI aad resoa
Oaatiag out 'iV iboraa and ebaf.
fVo tboy plodgod iVlr boMto booMh iLK aa had Mr aworlwi coiatori
to iV*r tooorRo drtok.
dihleb WM- 'Woa. whot wm tt?
All tV Vtort tn>B tbr way.
ooroao tktokT
Why. tv dowdrop tboi ootooo
tv bMTt of tv roor
io tv drtok ot IV ttlrtoo. u otwry A laagh to last like tuaahtoa
It troaVaa all tV Vy.
ll tipa tv paak ot Utr witk light
AM driroa Iks ctoods away;
TV BMl grows glad that bears It
Toro MiM ftotolag. OU Htootoo. And torts Its cMragr otroag.
DoV Bonoa. Oopototok. UlcA. Nom For Voortog lolV aloag.
oiol V Lota TtoiMek.
Oor hhart.
CliAM Dirltog. aod Myrtlo florttog. ktoygold. Nkb. NOOM ar«t by It aay llltio lorr ot oon.
, Caa Baba oor lUo iba swroior.
■Mbor OooalogVto
It aay lUtto ear* ot oura
Jtoori ■■iigpU. Knu Aooo
Caa MV eoa atop Ihr flrotrr.
Kaitto BoooogtoJ. CtyV Colo, Ctoido
Ooio. toe North, oM Btotoo Hockort. It aay tlitlo VIp aay raw
TV Vrdoa to aataVr-a
VoUrltlo. Mick. NitoM oral by OtoOod giro os loro oad car*' bb<
to OMrlB.
To bMp atowg sBolbrr.
; CVrtano OarUv. ago it* aioatoi.
Moyhold. Mtob. Nom arei by BMbor A IHtto Ihlog. a mway oalto.
lorlag word at aiara.
KM Fmw, ago oto yrari; OUrr AV aU Vy toaa IV awa abov brighi
> <an« of JUe woro aaado son
Pmo. igo two yoari, Wosford. MtoO.'
- Matow foot by Joow ttorr. .
■ y. ago War yoaro Aad awootoat bopw woro bora.

rndoflck RaaMtoTM. an
awatV. Ktogitoy. NMh. K F. — .
A NitoM MM V Bay HMphray.

Trws Worth,

b to to hotog. aot 0

ot groat tblBfs lo do by Md by.
Two prorty poatoto Vro broogbt
tbolr MMhloy aoaaago ot tootoa!o. Oao was from Ira Holou.
Vauaii aiy. Mtok. Tv otbv 1
troa Uto Tialtok. ol Nraaoa CRy,
Mich.. R. F. D. Ka t. TV prmIVoi
snids dtonV Ud brat wiahoa latbov

niBSMV, JUNE 1. 1M

leVod. oM tbore wm o Mg. btoek
KewtowadUM dog hoHlag tV IRtUhto BMOth. lotoorely ralklag
toward IV bouao wVra Mr orldoBtly
VIoogod. SV waa ktofctog aad cryiv.
ao that I know sV waaot hurt
tv dog bad Mrod boT.
“My flrrmuD tboughi ll fuBay oV
krpl on Ifiigblag but I rArd UV
; I }u>i c.NtldB‘{ brip It. 1 bad a
mUo girl of my OWB at boM.'—V

A report from 1V LreCarlllr
ATrwt iMWasrt.
baa arrirad this work. Tour prosMrai
neat waa. a big yoltow cat. oao of
dM aot rvoira too lottor ot which my maay pM lo toy touatry hOMo
Otito apoaV. aad Vd bora oooder- Oar sumaioi'wo aoitood toot Vy aftor
lag wbai bad boroww ot tvoe %nlr>< Vy Ftosa w^ dowB acroaa iV sooad
ow and dtSapprarrd la tbr rdgr ol tbr
Votarllto. Mlrb. erdar swamp. He always wrot in iaie
May n. kdl.
day I followert him.
Daar PrroldniUktog good rare he ahoald not are nir.
I wrvoTv a Iritv aoiac ilaio ago. He skirted the swamp for terpral rods
bM rrvirV v avwrr, 00 tbouglit aiopprd at. a llltle o|H-a and. arailpg
rwrrlrr ti.'Wr bare rlrcl- ______...----------- ip. began icasUog
od arw
alav I arj-etc ypo laa>. bis tacr. Mopping now and thru to
wrm enrrrt -.1..
ihr pmldrnl uow. gtove aboul lo rsprcitnt fasbloa.
iHtor. and
avrtly there waa a nwllog among
toll you IVl IV pirsldpol
wo ir buslira. and a handsome yellow
barr to Ralb Drll.
fog tooped toto toe open. The fun bea rvrIrHl IV howar avda. and in,
bare iVn plantMl. Wa alu goi tbr
Fkua end the (os played si lag as
■ODg book, aod ihank you arty mnrb gayly as two children. Plrw.;
tor your kladnoM In rrniriDVrtoi
ways tbr “lauer." and the fox ran
brrrwith awd you Ibr Bamua ot
■od Out and deublrd and
vrea RunVaaia abo wtob <wrd> and dodged In so comical a manner tVi
bbttoaa. Flw arnd iVai u our prmUaghV Mti-lchl. wherropea
Mont. Rotb Drll, . Prarl Rosaigull. ibry slop^iod thrlr play and alnod
Rraargull, Matllr RrOM
iDomrnt llsirnlng. TVn Flnsa ■
Clyde Ctoir, Claudr Coir. Jv Sonl>.
irk to the stump aod the fox
and Brama Itrrkin.
down on the grass. Aflrr a
Wa an baring a rrry airr Ctob. minules’ real CVy were up and a
■nd wo baro olrr llaira wbon we 1
1 a work v iwn »r air talkiag of
For half an bMr I wairhed tVm
artof a plenlr for ibt Sooahlvr
from my biding place Vhlnd a clump
Wa aro looking fvward 10 our
of eedsra. uotil rioaa was quli# wxT troai MV Vira, aod all tbo
Vaua aoM thrlr lorr and Vat wltbThe toi was aotirtog. Vt Plowr wm
> to Uto> Vtra.
boi ■> nimble aad was very tai
Ooo ot your guoahtorra,
Ateut Bundowo Ibey separated.
OtaU CalrlB.
Brcmary Lvtorllto Ctob. FlQM walking slowly toward!
■nd the fox iwinging og towards, toe
nearby eiiram ol a brisk trot
hurried io orerUktc FToss, but be
How aiaay of tbr SVablvra know
M> MM of Hr. Orvn T. Angrll.. aeemed much trikblened when be
n Into the awaaip. He did
bo wai ooo ot tbr ktodrst mm that
home until neat morning,
vor llrodf Ha Va glran thlnvo
ratoo to boya and glrto—rulra tVy ■od never akaln did we see him cros
or Bud him playli
abould aluaya irnriobrr. Yov ptmIwith bto wild romiade.
drat to goiv to prlot Iboai tfiu 1
tor our Humana Soelriy.
Haw DM and jack Wen a Friend.
I. —Nver to altok. pins lolo VltorUp aoiov the green leaves and bkaBlM oad oihor Inavta. qnloM yon ima ot a eVrry tree waa a liny
would like to Wa ooiaobody altok Vme. vd in ll lived latoer aod
pips toto you.'
robin.with ibeir four babies It mss
Z—Norrr to Carry poultry wlib
moM brauiltul place
IVlr bonds baagtog down, uolcm you
It one tblv troubled atotber robin
would IIV to V carriod to tV mbo very much Every morning, while obe
feeding Vr Vbir*. two
S.—NoTV to (brow wloaea ot toose
wllb hrlgfal blur eyes, would
baratooa rtvoiuroa.jba -frogs, unlc<4 Mind at tV loot ot the tree nnd
you would IIV to Vre otouri tbroM rat</j the Hiilr IsDiily at brraktMi
“I Vllevr the Is afraid of uswhis­
t yM IB the aamo way.
4.—Thai acarty all saakea are ham pered lack to hto little sister,
toa aad aaefnl.
‘Then wall go away," Mid little
t.—That oaiib wortns aro baralraa
pad aaotul, and that wbea you use Dot. “and wall uaiil abv Vows us
tVa la Vblag tVy ought to V kill­ better."
ed laauaily. Vfore you Mart, by
the chlldi
plnaglag ibrm In a disk ot tolllv
but they wera'BilU very much
ested In tbr old cherry tree.
TVt It la rory cruel >0 krop
Soon niler. IV children were pUyIk la glOM globoa slowly dylag.
ing near iV tree, wVn iVy saw
7.—nat It Is kind to feod tbr bl'ds mother robin Bring round vd round.
to wtotor.
“i<ei't see ir we can belp her." Mid
■ —Thai bhs should vrrr V pu< In Ot.
honoo- aooths In cold wralbrr wllbThe children ran .10 too iiee and
out Vlni firal warned.
tbara on tor gronud lay a Vby robin.
TVt It It crurl to krrp twitch- II bad tallm from tor newt aod lould
tog tb» rrlns while drlting..
BM fly Vrk. Jack civbed up Into tbr
18.—ThM when your horse Is p>
vd brave Dot picked the little
in a alraagr atalilr you abould alwsv bird np aad banded II lo Jack, who
iro tool be Is pioprt ly fed oM laid II very tvderly In the little •neat.
Prom that flay the roblna and the
wolorrd, and In cold wraiVr ibai
blaakol to properly put on.
children werv tV heal ot friends—
II. —TVI you should never nde af- Klodecgarien Review
r a imorlooklng bor«« when you
help ll. Alwmya look wl tor horse
kittia Ouatava.
lotiiar 10 ride after a poor-iooktog
I.lttle OusUva alia to the aiin,
roa home vboso brad Is IKlrd up by Sale to toe pofch. and IV lllile drops
tlgbi cberkrrla. .
It.—Thai yon should always uik From 'he Iclclet under the eaves 1
kindly to every dumb croature.
11.—TVI you should alwaya
For the bright apring nun shines war
every dumb creoiure aa you woold like
UMbu treated yoiirwlf If you wm
And gtod to IMito OuBiava.
IV crralnrc's plarr.

Looks to her face aM kla runny U8 Red my grandma In AprU. vd we had to a week- TV swampa aM too towwaga:
a Bnc Hue Villng down anpie ahp landa became Blled with the flead vd
-Ua! Ua!" langV UtUe Ousts. Into syrup. We boUed K to a kettle to dytog vegetatioB. TV rains came and
tbe woods, aad grvflM made each IV whole maas rtMted or chv^ to
a want aome breakfast toor- aV of us o rake of augar. I wish yoa had wtal we now call carboo. aad aeUlad
beea I Vre to We aotae. My trvd. down nnlll the water stood over R.
BV ana Vr bowl m iV Vick Om ma had a couala viaUing there ai toe ■ad gradually H wm covered np. all
■ lime, and V gave me a IRUe of that carbon. Banh vd sionea and
Aad little flog Rags flrtoka qp Vr watch, and It ms right ak>«l.
sands formed over it. viil li preoaed
Aate a little coll at borne, lu nar
down upon tbe decayed mas* of mat*
While she strokfw bis Maggy
Hajor. 1 will seed you Mine vmes ter and pressed Into n Ann atrwta or
ike silk.'
tor IV Cradle RoU: NHI Pease, age vein.
“Dear Rags." vyn little CoMa- ■lx years; Olive Peaae. agV two years.
In time iv Vm begv worklBg op
Send the cards to -Mrs. Ora Pease. on IV mass Volcvoes poaVd V
Wexford. Mich. 1 wlU close for Ihu from Ihe biMUai vd the weight Of tto
Walllog wllhoul auofl nporrow aad me.
earth aod sioova and svda and watmr
Your Siinahloer,
pushed down from tV tM. aqoaoBOd
Cooling ibHr feel to IV melting
Jeaac fRarr.
the regetailon as it u bad Ven to a
I bave enjoyed bearing all atosut rice and to Hiv toe stag tome to
“Won t you con In. good folk." sV your good limes. Jesse, ll wouM
V coal.
beea fun lo'We bad aomo tV am
io some parts of lV worid^e -havo
but Ibey were
pie sugar!
I bashful, and
roBl that was not Bolahed. Fewt la ed outside.
I the making It to briivaHl
TVugh - Pray toiae la! " cried
NorTlre, Mich . R. F. D. No. 1.
ml was at flrsi peat. IHie
, *
IVar Prealflrot—
peat which wc know It a laass of
May ». ISO*
tangled weeds and grass tools aad do- V iV lax wbr ibrew them, sad knett Dear Presldefil—
cay tog slug like black eatt'h one flnds
OB tbe mat
lecelved Ihe badge aV raid a In awaaipn. ll to dug up aod cut toW
With doves and Uddy aV flog Vd
lime ago, but bave neglected to rakes and permitted to dry totV Mto'\
n.wt c.hMltM. r«s
e to you. Thank you very much
Aod Vr motber caate to Iba fipM fur ibeu. J think Ibey are Very nbe.
bouse door
For ^s. I _We three lambs, a cat.
ire three klqds of coal
“Dear llltle daughter. I brtog yon
a dug; besides tbe»e we bwve a
p.jii or tw in calves Ibal are quite lame
>ly merry little 'CuHava!”
I have one brother He to to the Unit­ nai Iionis and forma a isnce'tmrt of
ed States army, snd is now in Uela Msl. Anthtaclie coal coniatoa tV
Killy aad terrier, biddy and doves. ware, I go to wfbuol Marly every day. 'uialb-si amount iif biiumea. and u
All Iblnga htrmleae Ouatava loveo. ; »d l-oui In the ebchlb grade. We live’ be Vrdewt. Some psuple cau «
The aby. kind creaiures, tto Joy U iwu miles fruoi IV wcbool bmae. Stone coal herainv 11 reseublon black
Well, I giiesB this Is all f<K ibis lluie.
There was greaiv preewurs
Aad oh. Vr breakiaM to aweet taProm voiir.frJeld.
t ihv U]<UD any other kind,
Carrie DePreete■nd it found under great monatatow.
To bappy llllle Gusisva!
N-ardy all ot It to to V found Ig
-81. NlcVlae. yuur brother tell of bts experimeen Pennsylvauls.
n army luv. I don't iMlIcte Ibcie
coDialna more . hUiunM
mvy RiiiiBhlners who kavi
than aolhrarlte. and to sofler. ll to
Columbtoville. Mich.. R. F. D. No 1, brolbei to Ihr aruy.
vbjecicdtoso much prewaure aa
May l«. im.
tv anibraclir when It was hotog
Dear Frealdeni—
e by asiiire.. lo tncl. the prewaara
1 tbougfal I would wille a lew lines
so slight upnu It avcumliared with
I. you to let yov know Ibal tbowe Dear Prealdeoi—
the prensnre upon vihrmcilr; that you
irfla evie all lighl. and were,vi
ibougbi 1 would wrrlie a few line*, may easily see iV priBI ol leaies and
l.liUe lawnUMv .Walker
u six yearg'old. I am in iV-iblrd ferns and the grain of nood to many
dead. Ho died Thursday. He wrould grade. I bavf a name fv tor Bun- lumv ol Ithave bean lour weeks old on Friday stilv Club, It Is Dina Ballon. He.
Caavl ivisl to nestii a& btiumon.
Wlllle Tllihlle got his card and but- dies# Is Oopemish.Wr school wm out II to blvk and greasy In appeiraiiM.
loo obd will try to V a good lUlle SI Thursday.
tvhen -haped like a evdie it wlU
Hood by a.
blase like a piece at tallow, and It
tebmoml today but It rained ao
Luin TImilrk
was at one time Used lu plav of cvcould nei g.1. The wM nowers or
Are you glad irbool Is OM? Wli
dles, hence Us iiniiie. wkirh is a co^
cooimeiiring to blomm oui. hut it lu It ll to play oub.or doora. tbewe rupllob of Ihe word cvdle.
been eurli a cold, wet. backward Klee daya;
Coal was used by the vclena to
■prtog Ihal Hie garden flowers have
MUte extent, but ll wasma unUI obmit '
blosMimvd yel. MaVl'a baby
Mjyflvld. Mir
six hundred years ago that II eame Ingrowing like eterv thing She will V
May St. m*».
tu anylblug tike general use. ll wm
nine monlb* old (he {rib of toto Dear President—
dtorovered at Newcastle. Rn^V. vd b. 8hc has six leelfa. and caa 1
quamlries <>f 11 srmt to Lvdea,
tbougfal Ibal 1 would write
papa vd tusuima uud baby.' She to
vd let you know ihM I am well vdjwheiw 'H wmi used by MarkamHhS.
ule> Does Fannie Cook of Maple City buv you vd all ibn Suiwbtoers aro Imt. like rveryibtog etae tool U of
eloag Io tbe Bunabtne Club? If u.
bame. We. are Wing
-—----—• f-z-e-. -bo|ie she will write-lo tue. Well.
1 have a name for Ihe
t'rauie vatoM ll at toe siari.
Ill cloaee.^
Roll. II Is CVrtotte Jtorltog. age Bve
80 opposed lo toe use of coal were
Brer )-our Suaabliier.
uuntbs. And I have two names flu tV people of Uuidv. because Umv
Florence B. Palmer.
PuDsbInc Club. Clarenre Du ling suppoMd II pnUoned Ihe air onB
Perhaps Fabnle will see your letter and Myrriu Darilng. They lubuig to
ised Mrktiess and d'alh. tVl tboy
ad write 10 you. Florence. She
Itiuned Ihe klug to prohibit Ha
ibe Cradle Roll, but they are old
ruongb lo be HuDablvrw new. Clar. to ing luiroed The king toned ■ domember ol our (Hub.
that anyone using coal would bo
ence Is seven year* old. an;] Myrtle Is
flve years old Will you plcsse pend put to deatta. That put v end to lU
•ui far as i-uiidoii sas roorerned
Ibe cards and buttons to me? Ovr
mme time; Vl the people Of OtbB
presldefil, wHI you please send me a
Dear President-^
As t haveVRoie I will writu am
new button? I lost the one I did We. locnllllea kf{>t using It emt as they
iHler to the Suaabtoe Club. I am well Well, t guess I will bave to close for did not dir from III use, H was flnally vnnilled In l.ondM again
bop* you and all the SunatalDcra Ibis lime, ao good^iye.
The two men wbo llrM begv tbo
arc Ihe Mtoe. I Ihtok ll Is atoe'lo llvo
your toving 1
use of autbruUe coal were Joooph
on a farm wbea the apple trees and
While vd Braklv tlssard.
peach trees are in blooiu We ba>
lan-l it flne Ic
forty-six Dire lllrie ctaMkena. My 11' cblldten come tola our bt|
tie couBla Vera to going tu write t Club! I am alwaya-gtod t
too Sutttbloe Club. Well. I will rloo
for this iltua. so good bye
From your Inting SiinVsm,
How coal WM Made.
eiva W Fleming
Ages and ages ago, when there
(Vrlalnly ll must V VaiiUful t
ere no people oh Ihe eaiih, great for
oee tbe fruit trees In blossuu I aboul eats gre.s up and flourished for a 11V'.
like lb V un the tnim. tou.
There were probably envmous weeds,
and ferns as lilgb a< k bouse or lilgli
Old Mission. Mich-. er. and niaby plains that we now
May 2v. l»o».
know oolbtog about. Pans of toe
Dear PresIVmesrih must have tu-.-n a tangled wll
!.thought I would write lo tbs gun- iletnesa of vegeiailoo. and plants ss
abJue Club, Veamu- 1 want my 1
tall us our tre<-s may hate grown up
he Cradle Roll, and pul or
Sunabine Book. Will you please send
1 card and buitou* i have s brulh
cr aod a aleier. My cousin Elva sent
my name to for toe Cradle Roll. 1 will
dose.lor Ibis rime, v good-bye.
Vera Maud nemlug
How pleated I am 10 We you

She wean a quaint imie acsriri rs
An gntina Delvef*s Very.
And a llltif grrra Vwl aV holds to
“Yra. IMeiar »r have some queer
her lap
and -bulluu have been went you
itle IncIVols happen 10 as,“ oal<
Pilled with bread and milk
eaglne dnyer. aa he plied bto oil can
Kingsley. Mich-, R F. U No S
ant) under his marblne “A And a strealh of asartgoMs round the
May ZL 1W».
queer thing happe»>-d lo me aboul a
Dear Ptvaldrm—
age. You-d IblV It queer for a
r Gustavs
'ilg' Ha!" laugbt I
Ibougbi. I would write a few lines
rough man like me to cry for len
today. Our school let out last W»
ilaulea. ud nobody burt. eiiVr.
omra Vr Utile gray, coaxing cal. day We had a program, and after the
woulda-i you? Well, 1 did. aod I can
almoCr cry every lUnr I ihtok of It Wllh her llllle pink nose, and she program we bad Ice eream sod .
mrwe, - Whal-s iVir
PIrav srod me a button. Lawi
I WM running along one aRemooo
Ouatava frrrto her—she Vga tor bis mu Ion bto huilun. bur I bs
pletl^ lively, when I approached
will send m.r two llitie broiberw'nsmes
mile village where IV track cu
lor lor (be Cradle RMI. Kenneth to
Ibrougta the Blrvrts. I slacked up
be door;
IsTour years old. and Frederick
mile, but was still making good speed
"Oooflday!- cries Ulile Uuauva sight moatos old. This la all I ci
when andAmly. about twenty tods
think Of 00 I wUl close.
atrrad of ate a llllle gtil. Ml i
From your Sunshine boy.
than three years old. toddU.! 00 t<
Vown ben.
Roy Humphrey.
track. You mb'i even iaaglae my
Thwe comee a
d a flutter, and
J am aure you have iVugbt of a
nkw lliite letter. aVa am gtad you
'There wa* ao way lu save hi
wvl your hrotVtw; na^ on tv Cre
It Impoaalble to stop, or evm alack* Down Blea her lllilr while, flovre
die Roll.
ea muck, at tVi dlataacv. as iV into
heavy aid and the grade deocead- Wllb their snowy wings vd tbelr
iV la leu aerbads 11 would have been
rer; aad aRcr reverslag aad a
plylag IV brakes I abut Diy eyes.
I iVughi Ibal I wouU write a
idWaY want to ore any aore. As « So dainty sM eager tVy pick up tor
tinea to you. I am at my gnodma'a
slowed down ay greaaa muck hto
BM wV Is this ihraagh tV floorwv now It baa Ven a tong lima Mnce I
out ot tv rob wtoVw l<
wrote laM. I bare bad mvy good
srhM I'd atoppod tor. wVa V toughed
aad ahootad at me: 'JIm. look ban!' UtUosSooM tocitor, lllUo dag Rags. tUBM aloe* tVn. My vur and I vli-

M 01 rsi Ml I Slll\



fX tbe beat. We have ll to any qnanlltv Jn ov.poond boiee
ll to easy Ip measure and gel at tbe right proporiloo to make tbe dlffereat spraying mJxiurea.
lAiid Platter io any amount ll would V us-leM to |^l toe
. value of I^nd Plaster'puoM eiery farmer huews IhM. It Is a
valuable vd tdieap fertilixer on rioter, and when mlxsd vUh Parts
green it to as etfeefire potato bug killer aad ll tocreawew the potato
We alway. bave Quirk Lime on band That is nsed la some of
Ibr spraying mixtures.
nave Lay Plaster Sifters. Corn Planiers. potato PlaBtorae roteer p( Froouand Coss htreels.



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