Grand Traverse Herald, February 09, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 09, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Baaka and Saioona Net Obliged to FOUR TO SIX PERSONS ARE RE- Report Rciwinmends Thst They Shall
Become States Ten Months After
Clooo. soya Attomy Gen*
Enrolling Act.
oral Gird.



WashlngKin. Fen. c—fhc house
Lanting. Mich.. Feb. 6.—Auomey
rinimiltee on terriuiric.i today favor­
Oeneral Dtrd handed down an opinion
ably reported tbe Ariuuia N>-w Mex­
today that February IS, Uncoln's
ico sutebood Ull. Tbe rt-port recom­
RUINS BEING INVESTIGATED POR birthday, is not-a legal holiday and
banka or saloow are not obliged to DWELLING AT BOOTH. MISS.. AL­ mends that tbe lerrlinrtex xhail be ad
milled to Ktatebood within 10 months
nose on that day.
after the passage of the enmiliiig
PNt BraNa BHar* 10*cMk TMt MomSmrnral Persons am Said to Be Mim­
litf wM Wm PMMi Wr • High
WIM-BolMioS. VolooS At
ing and Repem from the OevaaUted District am Very
BolUe Crtt^ ttUA, Peh. 8.—Tbe
MtrcA or tko rehu of the HookeU
Memphis, Tenn.. Peb. 5.—It ir re
H«M ter Olpstwi. »tkh wu tfeetrarported here that a depot al MM] Haed tr St*
toSor. So* bMD etort- HUSRAND OF MRA MARY COOOESMiis.. and a dwelling at Booth.
«d (or UK hodiM of the Uirw dilldroo
Uim.. were blown down by a cyclone
wSe perMed in Uw fin.
The bnJldliis. vbMi «rna vAleed at
Pour to six people are reported kill­
StS.000. vu' cOBipMelr dMtrored.
ed and several missing. The details
The chlmoor end t few rennanu o(
of the siorm are very me.igre.
brick tre aOnt eenUneh ol ibe oooSecwJen. Tbe bonw was (oaiided bj
dentil Dv
Th* Sre was 0
or 2 0‘doA tbU BorsiBk in the Dortb
wins of tbo belldlnt and tanned bf a
Lincoln and Ha Agreed to Keep
outwig wind, SAlDod sreat beadwarThat Ho Is a
Matter a Secret and Thia Waa
The Blaaltis an Lana UcPeraerr.
Candidata, Sut if. Sentiment Was
Done Until Both Participants
aged 14; Cedi Qnotent, aged 13, and
Strang at Convention, Ho
War* Dead.
. Oeorga Oodaow. aged 0.
Wouldn’t Oocline Honor.




Uocoln blograpby was made todaf in
statement of Mrs. Marr Coggesbail
wMb ears bM- bosband oared the
itb Sr a bomb In
Coggesball. now dead, went
KILLED ON THE Equador as an a
Tbe story says that Lincoln and
Coggesball wore changing cars in
BalUiMre when (be latter aaw a bomb
and flung It from the
window. He agreed to keep tbe in­
cident a secret as was done during the
lives of tbe parllrlpants.


OeMwator, UMa., Pcb. A—Plremaa
Benton, ot Mem^N, and an unknown
four aertnanly fcnsC today wben tbe Cbteago
flyer on
IHlnoit Central ran Inlo
an opan nwlub nod pas derailed. .
Tbwoulneer aared hUoaen by lump
wan dao In ekioa|0^lclit



Bay Waa Hueting Alans sod Walked
a Lmg DtaUfien. Daapiu tbo

TbompooeTtne. bltcb., Peb. A—J. D.
Oomnaa. a lAyoar old boy. waa ter­
ribly lain od
r while bunting tbit ntoratag. aM amptrtatloa of bU rigbl arm
«DI probably bo aonsasary.
He waa eeroral ailsa trem town
' In tbe wood! wkra bh abotgoD alipped
the baauDOr otrlkbig a ksg and Ute
ebarge of abot going tbroogh bit
arm botween tbe olbow nnd tbs wrist
Despite tbe terrible nature of tbe InJary. tbe arm
HM tbe loat of blood, he walked ootn
vltkla two allot of the Tillage, wben
be waa picked np gad brought In In a
Tbe Inlory waa^ dreeaed. bnl Uie
e ot the opUlon that the
»rm wOl bare to be remored.


Lieutenant Governor Soee No Roaee
Why Tax Budget of Logleleturo
Should Be Urge.
Lanalng, PoA 6.—Lieutenant Goveraor Kelley deeteree that there U no
reason for the las budget ot tbe leglsUture eneeedlBg BIO.OOO.WIO and be
beHerea it ohoald lie kept down to
In MacQsoInt the mauer Kelley
polnu out that n.780.000 te tbe
required tor sUle Inotitutloiu
and tl.OOO.OOO for general state ex­
pense*. The deficit amounts to 81.880.tXKI. n toul of 8S.0M.0MI. If the
stale InAltutions and slate can get
along on the same amount next year,
with 8780.000 added for new iDstltiitions, which tbe lieutenant gorenwr
aaya obould be snfficleni. that would
make tbe total 84.800.0M. This amount
be reduced some, he adds, by rea­
son of the fact that tbe receipts
Ibraugb rarlons departments will be
about 8SM.0M. The total tor tbe two
years as be estimate* It would be 8v.8M.0M, which doee not take into ac­
count tbe 8SM.
Mr. Kelley belierei the aUle will
manage to aqueete through tbls year
without a deficit. The Uxe* to com*lo amount to 84JXI0.0M. Out of this
must be token the prcMnt deficit of
8lJOO.tWO. leaving 83.0MM0. If the
slate collecu 84M.OM at leaat through
varioni depnrtments.ihls aum with tne
tax lery and 8280.OM which the state
may borrow,
°e 83.S80.amouni should carry

the t


Jgehaon.- Mich, Feb. 8.—Warden
Armatrong. of the Ji.ckiion slate prl*uii, was dlRchargt-d tbix nuu-ning and
re-arrested on the n<-w roraplaiiii. He
waived n reading of it. Aituruey (Vibb
asked for an^adjoumment uniil next
Toesday and ProM-eiUnr Reece con­
sented. but demanded that the prlr-oner give more ball. Juxllee Russell,
cordingly raised his bait lo 8IA0M
and tbe same bondsmen gave aecurlty.
The demanWur an Increased bail
is due lo reports Ihei tbe warden has
figured in other deals that have A-t-ii
Armstrong left Ibo court with his
atloiueys. He smiled wilb dlfOt-uliy.
It Is believed a bigger sensation is
Tbe new eberge against Ai
it having aoUciicd a bribe nnder the
common law Instead of under the
statute. It changes the other counts
' Include the special act* Uic war­
den waa to perfonn in making changes
the contract with the Reed PumtTbe bondsmen are A. J. Peek and
H. P. Reynolds of Jackson.

Away Last Friday Aftersi After a Five Weeks’ IIIness With Asthma.
Martin J. Whelan. 8C year* old. died
1 o’clock Friday alter a live
weeka-illness of asthma. Mr. Whelan
pasaed away at the borne of bis wife's
brother. Janies Burden. 2ir. East
Tenth street.
Mr. Whalen came to this city (mm
CleveUnd about three and one-half
years Ago and in addition to the
widow, one daughter. Miss Margaret
Wbelan. la left to mourn (or him.


B. B. MoCullowMi Elected Soerataiy
Bf tbo Ubitog Mine Worboro
A. L. Stureevarrt. Proprtetor of SUie Funeral Service For Frank Sleber
tevant Hetwe at Platte
Hew At Bingham Church.
taStaB^ioUo, M., fVA 8.—B. 8.
MeCHUoogh. of MIAIgaa. it elected
HOOor. Mich, PeA A~A. L. Stnrtet ot tbe Mine Workera rant for alx year* proprietor of the
of ABorlca aod Bdwln Perry, of Iowa. Biurteraat borne at Watte lake, died
r and treasnrer.
very aoddenly yesterday • anemoou
I o'clocA stomach trouble being
cause. He was about 80 yean old
and well reapecled.
Mr. Stuneraot came here from To­
Bomo Belloeo That Nkhelaa Bacholor, ledo, O., being an expert machinist,
ol BacOAOba. Waa Murdorad Par
but being forced lo glv* up bU work
Hta Money.
becauae of hU boaltA

Bingham. Mlch_ Feb. 8—Frank
Sleber. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Sleber. died of heart disease at their
home near Bingham. F<lliruary 4. ai
the age of IT yearn. 10 months and to

The funeral scn loe waa heM Gun
day afleniooa at 2 o'clotk at ibiBingham church by tbe Rev. Mr.
GIse. The floral offeriugx from their
friends. Teaaiers and pupils of the
Bingham school, also from relatites.
• beautiful.
Many have the
aabn. MI«B. Peb. S.-NIcbMaa
sympathy of their benwvement.
Houaa Asmad on SMI.
a roaatad to deotb la the
Washington. f>b. 8.—Tbe houae toBesides his parents he a1» tearex
Are that t
two sisters. Mary B. and Ruth; also
I beUero tbe old i
termoe raport on the nrgnnt dcBctM- Mie brother. John O. SieA-r. si
■nudered for bis awney.
cy faUL
navy, who could not be present


BesidM His Widow, Sot Son*
and Tw* Daughter*.

The funeral service of Mrs. Barbara
Kuct-ra. of Clevt-laud township. Lee­
lanau county .was held at the borne
of her son FYank Thursday afternoon,
a large number of friends, relatives
and- neighbors being present.
Mrs. Kucera ,was born in Bobemia.
Feb. 12. 1828, and in company with
her husband, came to Leelanau county
in 1888. The fii^unty
wunty wax
wi then at
derncsx but vllk (he courage
ploneerr-kU<^nd ^Irs. Ktirara
made a
home for ihemseKef from the forest
and in the house iWt upon this place.
Mrs. Kucarn died Monday. The cwlae
of her death waa old age.
Mr. Km-era died 20 year* ago and
fire children are left; John, FtanK.
Mrs. Zuulek. Mr*. Barbara VIxkocbil
and Mr*. Jennie Tlskochll.

Oren e. Cate. «5 year* old. and one
of the first pioneers of Xbe Grand
Traverse region, died at 8:18 Friday
moiuing after an lllnees of- bat six
days. Pneimionia was Ihe cau^e of
hir unexpected death.
Mr. Csae was born In KaUmi
iu 1844 and came to thdTlraud Trav­
erse region In 1^. settling
Uapidc. where be resided until 18
years ago. wben he purdiased bis fine
linn In Long Lake (os-sship and re­
moved there. Mr. Case was one of the
best known and most highly respected
residents of the township and bis sud­
den death was a sad sbpyk
isny friends.
Id addition to Uia widow, six sons
daughter* an left; Charles
of Long Lake. Oliver B. of Webster
Herbert Montague, grand master of street. Riigene of Igmg Lake, Bert ot
lie _Alaxniiir. fraternity of Michigan', fsing lAke. Oren of Long Lake. La­
as be^ v<-ry favoralily
fayette \V. of Webster street. Robert,
for regent of (be unlver wbo lives at home. Mrs. Ague* Wares ASSOCIATION
of Cedar Run and Miss Flossie Case ot
Webster blreei.
Mr. Case was a nii-iolM-r of tbe O.
.A. R., having served i«i> year* In hlrty-SIx CiUes and Towns in Mich­
igan Will Be Visited On th*
the civil war. He xervi-d aboard a UlsTrip Which Start*
risxijipi river gunboat nnd took part
June 6.
in some of the blxiorical seigi«.
Owing to the suddenness of his
Wis., Feb, 5;—The andeath no funeral arrangements have
I of the Milwaukt-e Mer­
been made as yet.
chants 41 Manufacturer*' oxxo
ThiX !
will take In the townx on
the east >bure of l.ake Michigan.
Tti<-evi-ureiunixls will l.-ave Milwaii
k<-e on tbe eVeulug of June G. on a
i”ere Alarquett-- «-af(erry. for either
Lvdington or Grand Haven, whenthey will be taken in charge by tbe
THE BATTLE CREEK ORPHANS’ iVre Marquette railwa) eompany
which will provide an eieetric lighted
REFUGE $0 announced.
train made up of II earn including
three xleepers. two dining earx. and Ihe
other arceKworiex for the (ranstiortaHon of supplies. Tbe trip will coiixmih- xlx day*, the exruraionUtx r«*
Michigan. Mr Montague has
turning to Milwaukee June 12.
been urg<-d by prominent upper -|M-nThirty six eitlex and townx in
liixula people to b>-<-ome a candidate
Mlchigau win be vIhUed. wlUi a total
(or tbl* high ofllcc l>ul had not given
of upward of 200.000. i*.
Inflamthe matter herimiR conxiderailon. He
eluding Ludington. Frankfort. Trav­
mablt Material—Few Buttons
bax also l>een iirgi-d by peojile In blgii
erse City. I’eioxkey. t'hebovgan. Cad
and Shreds of Clothing
plains in the xoiiih-m iienlnsula will)
Iliac. Big Kapidx. Holland. Grand
Found In Ruins.
■ he requesi to allow his name to go
Haven. Muskegon, t*i-iilualcr. Grand
bi-fore the ^le ceiirenlluR. which ix
to bo held at flrsnd Rapids,
Mr. Montague ha> .x wide aoquainl- buiioiiR and shreds of elotbing hats
ice throiighoiii the slate, and xboiihl bi-rii found in the llaxkel home ruins
he decide to bwxime an active candi­ shere C<-orge Gnodnow. a colored vtcdate. be would ge most excellent »ui>- llm of fire, lx xiipiMxed 10 have per­
port from all over the state, Mr. Mon­ ished.
The borne. It Is saiil.waK a fire trap.
tague has not announced that he wa.-^
candidate, but should there bi- a Gni<hed with inflammable material
sentiment expressed at the convention and honeycumlx-d wlib aiivliafts from
tliai he allow bis name io he present­ the luixeiiient lo the roof. These Only 21 Yeart Old and Leaves a Large
ed, he would not decline the honor. xhufis Well- lined with wood.
Number of Friend*—Pneumonia
It goes wlihoui saying that the I'lrtnO
the Cause.
Traverse delegation would give him
most loyal Rupport. It is not beyond
Death again -'nu-red Ihe home of
the bounds of poRKlbliiiies that his
Lieutenant and
Joseph Klaaxeu.
name will l>e piex^ted and it is not Settled For Costs ef 82^ in Recorder's
2n2 Mirth (Iuk ritei-i, taking away
Court and Placed Under
Improba'ole ih.xi he will be iueni1om-l
ll . clu'ft Miu.'.lolio Cornelius KlaaaBenda of 8300.
before the slate' eohvention.
at 3 .Mlin-k tsmiday. atlernooii,
pnet-monla 1 .-ing the cau^e of dnatb.
Joseph Kodex wax found guilty
(enlay of assault and battery pre­ The yuniig man was taken with the
ferred by Harry t>ay In Judge Nerl dlxeax.- flw ilays ago v.liih- at work
Inger's ituirt. and sefled for Ihe cost*. the Trawrxe City CTinir,(actory. and
ko 6< re wax faix rgxe that lltile tao|HauiouiiiitiR tp *28.
Kod.-x was also placr-d, finder bondx wa* i-i.ierialnt-d from the firxt. He
of I3IKI to ke-p the peara. He funi leaves, besides hlx parents, five als(er* and one 'orother. tbe Misses Jen­
Mied the bonds, and returned home.
nie, Cornelia. Marfuerlie. and Dorothy
Will Be Run North on March 23. April
and Anthony. He wax 2i years old.
« and 20 and May 4 and l8->nod had lived in (bix city sloce he
Bring Many Peepla.
I at UA- waa 18 yeais old, coming from Graud
Blng on that Date.
Lansing. Mich , Feb. 8—The demo
John Klaaxen'* friends
B many,
F. K. O-Hiige. ndvertlxing manager of craiic stale r-niral committee baa Is­ For (be last two summer
■ he per.- Marquette railroad. In which sued a call for tbe state coBveBlIon the Island. axsisUng Jesse Tallerday
In tbe n-frexhment stand. He was
he Mat<-s (hat arrangeniems hsvi
Itet^n couipi'-ieil for the excursion cir­ mate caudidale^or juxtiee of the su- member of tbe Moose club, and bis
cular anuotitieing borne seekers' ex- .prenie couri, n-genis ol university, sn- loss will be keenly fell by tbe young
men of ibe club. He was an attcndAui
curxionx into Grand Tniverxe fi
niembtre of tbe agriculturat board. at the First Congregational efanreb.
souibern iioinix. Th«-xe i-xcurskins
t>e given oil Tuesday. March 25. April Countiex will be allowed one delegate and although he had never Identified
C and 20. May 4 and IS Tickets will for each 204 vote* cast for the demw hlmseir with the membership gf the
church, be died In tbe full belief ol
l>e goo-l to r-lurm fifteen days includ­ cratlc s.-civiary of state to IMS.
salvation. Just before death
ing date of sale and mill lx- <>n sate
be asxured bU mother of bis fniih.and
ai all ticket ordcra of the I'or-- Mar­
tang "Fbce to Face," one of hU favor­
quette railroad, to Chicago. MIrbigan
ite hjTDDI.
City. K<-nUia Harlwrfand To'-do.
King and Queen of England Left I
Thr.-H> excursiunx are arranm>d in
day (Of Scrim.
Funeral aervicex will be held lomorline nilb the sugs«-rtions made at (De
London, England. Pebfl 8.—Klsg
*r».the borne, the Rev. Demas
annual banquet of the board of trade Edward and Qne«-D Alexandria left to­ Cochlin Wficlailng. Tbe remains will
attendi-d by the chief railroad ufOclalr day (or Hover, from wbeoce they sail be luterred In Uakwood In tbe family
is the purpose of tbe Pi-re Mi
Bar- for CalaU e* route to Berlin to Ylxii
bribe Mde of his brother and »terage the kaUer.
queue Railroad company t.
who xlvi-p '.befe.




Ran taU gfl Opan SwHeli and Waa
plwgor SiM HM Llfo by













svm't .

and Carpeniar and Monr**
For Agriculture Board.
The republtran county
waa held In Stelnberg a Grand Sp*ra
houae Saturday afieraooa.belng called
loorderbyRobertE-Walier. *12:18 in
the afaoeuev of tbe county ehtlrman.
W. B. WllUams. who U trnrellni la th*.
»e*L George L. Crisp, county *dMmi'
was el*ct*d dmlrann
sod C. Q. Sherwood Mcrstary.
Th« following e
CTedentl*U-M. Vlnnle. D. Blod­
gett. WUlUm McOboI.
Fermanent organisation aad order
4>f btulaens F. R. Ooodri^ IL W.
. B. O.
Ladd. E. H. AUyn.
The delegailona fttw asarly all tte
township* and ward* vera full and
aUer the appointment ot tbe committee*, delegates to the *ute convanUoa
elected. L. K. Cleveland. Oeoeg*
Jackson and P. M. Hunllti b*lng
named tellers. Tbe delegate* ware all
elected by acclamaUan. however, the
following being chosen: H. 8. Hull
chairman; J. A. HoniagtM. P. R. Good­
rich. Charles 8. Johnson. Harry Lardla.
WnUaffl F. Grant, B. E. White. Ralph
S. Case. W. D.
Germaine.. L. K.
Cleveland and M. Winnie.
Tbe resoliUiODi eadoraeE the frra.
ent administration and tbe incomlag
■ latratk) a as exemplified by Wiff

m Howard TafL proeldanbwlMd.
The candidacy of Jadg^ PerkliM. of
Grand Kapidx. for lb* Supreme beScb
wax i-Ddurxed as waa also the candi­
dacy uf Imther U Wright for state
aujM-rinieudent of public Insifn'c^n.
Tbl- n-xululionx farther endorsed Ihe
.■andld_s.T of William I.. Carpeoler, of
IMrolL and t^rles J. Monroe, of
South Haven, both graduates of tbe
Agricultural college, for poattloas on
board of agricuRure. Tbo
while HUggeslIng tbe support of tbt-xe gentlemen,
binding on the delegates as instraclionx but simply «bowed tbe sense ot
Hk- ronvenllon.
I* C. Gilbert availed himself 61 the
npeak to the delegnlea
juxt before adjoornlng.lbe county con­
vention upon the bill to be considered
ihp leglslalure for re^latricUng the
judii'ial ctrfultx of t^e state, making
inty dixtrlPts.
The ISth
Judicial district If tbe new bill p
ix to be composed ct Oraad Travorae.
Benxie and Leelanau counUea. tbe four
<x>unilex now compaelng It. Grand
Traverve. Leelanau. - Antrim and
Charlevoix, making more work tbaa
the Judge can lake care of. aacb year
sing tnareVork in tbe districts.



Factory Now in tb« Morgan Cold Btorage Building and OfHaaa In ths
BUU Bank Block.


One of tbe fast growing InduolriM
uf the city U U}e afford Blootrte 3UnuUcturlng coiqpany. which baa JiuB
tnoTod It!; offlres from Soutb Ualou
aireet to tbe State bank building and
tlx workaliop to tbe J. C. Morgan cold
kiorage balldlng.
AboQt'two year* ago, Wlltiam af­
ford secured the first patent on a
lightning arrexier. and aloe* tliai Ubm
lu' has secured three other pateata,
been granted about a week ago, and
one is now landing. Tbe patenU are
for the protection of building*, motors,
meters, etc., aod have beoa used
throughout the country with lb* gnat
Witb tbe removM tram tbe old
quarters into (be new, (be GlSord
ring company bs* acoommodatiob* (or enlargement of the
plant, and ns aoon as tbe shop 1* put
into working order a large force at
will receive empl^meOL
Atioroeya p. C. Gilbert and J. W.
Paicbin were in Waltoa today oa lagal Luslnesa.



“.UTSL'^cnn, rai

TMadtr U« riUaT

F- »S?U‘23..


TUEtOAV. PtMUAnY *. 1«M.

to bo nraa* door oroand In orOw
>no« tbe «oor to bo ofMaed. Min
JOTBOO «ut«i that oho iW not tooeb
Tbe market was praoUcally dead
tbc bdt
r. Boditer. her btubond. oUtoo Raturday. AU day long raw but five
that the door vaa avnng altctaUr loads of coke and one load ot poutoes.
open earilor In the eroBln*. and that whlc^ sold for 5S cents per bnab*l.
b* cast* near (oiling down the abalt
Detroit. Feb. *.—Wbemt—Clooe—
tl.ltAi: corn. (fVsc; oats. Mlic.
Chicago. Feh. 8.—Wbeal-Closq:IJ.10%: corn.

piDN^ Tramr _SHAKE

good to Mmien heavy. KA0«gS; plga
84.80©8.7S; bulk of sales, fSJ
6.45. Sheep—Recelpu, e«imatod —
L5M; market steady; naUyo.
:-M; western. 83-25©S.60; yearlings.
66.Z0D7; lambs. paUve. *SA0©T.6S.
wemern, 35-MDT.6S.
Basi Buffalo. Peh. 6 —Cattle—Tbree
cara. alow. H<«t—twenty car*, strong;
heavy, pigs. 3«40; yorkera.' 16.56
670; pig*. 86.50. Sheep—Twaniy ears,
strong: beet Iambi. 17.50 7.75; cnil*.
0C.5OD7: yearilngf. le.ZSetTS; weth­
ers. 15-5065.60; ewe*. |4.75©5: calve*

S‘r^..v.~;:;;;:;S88 InTOSc
taAl par IM Ite .

eaMwfn appUaa .


Slate B

A. Tney Ur. PtmMmA
E. Ploy* OMMh. Tien FriaUm
BamuH Qarlan*. Guhlw.
A. J. Maysnr*. Arat TTiabMr
A. J. HasUm Aflit OmMv;


A eemend Bsakiir BisUm 0
Chleago. Feb. A—Potatoes—Firm:
choice to fancy, It©80e: fair to good I
Telle the Reader* of ThI* Paper How
Greenville. Feh. 6.—C. H. Gibson A ;teady for Florida and CaiUornla. OfTo Prepare the Mlatur* at Mon
and Other Advice.
Co. quote the buying price of poutoe* crings were good. Michigan and home
he Greenville market at COc; rye.' growji firm and in light supply. Trade
Now U thr ilir.«* whrn the donor The; -wheat,
In iTp-neral way was fair. •
geia btiB.v. and the pain
.. ,
^ the harvest.
less great ran- i« laken to dress
Chicago. P(-b. C.—Ik-ans are'quoted Ceeee. dressed
Chariea Aahtoe. i [|iriiai*t'lni
warmlr and k«-ep the feet dry, Hils
Chicago. fVh. A—Hntler—Sieady: firm. Pea beans in good reguest and Sheep, live ....
is tbe advlre ot an old eminent au- rreamerw. :2©?8e: dairies. Ziff SSc.
Prom FHdar^ Raeord.
Advanre tomber romiMny ot D)
other rarlelles are s.-lling falrl.v. Oa rggs. |K-r doi.
Walking oE Inio apace nnd falling
ibority. wito says that . KheunatlKin
tiling Ibority.
spent Sunday with hk' pareala.
at mark, cases Included. Ibc o|>en market Oj.-ie aie f..* pffered. Barter, datry
in Uio Datlr Bagle ot eaturdar,
I the ground about 3D feet beloiIV Inland Kidney trouble sealtiber U
of Police and Mrs. c W. Ashton.
Z9G2ZC; firsts. ZZe: prime Arsis. 55c. Arrivals are only luoilerate.
. land also tells shat
do In r
“polster” la given (or the tocal buai- the elevator abaft at S*"'*****^’*
Poutoes. per bushel ..
........tte Ing thU moraUg far Grand Rapt
Cheese—Strong; daisies. IS^;'twins
T).-lroll. F.-b. C.~ Bean.--Siirt,12.26.
neaa bmo. and tbe board of trade and Grand opera house last nlghu Miss
GH fnini any gomi prescription phar­ UHfiU%ic: yonng Americas. fCc:
attend the furniture wnveuioi
May. 12 50.
bttalaeoa aiea erlUdaed for not Inrlt- Fancbott Joyncs. one of the famous macy one-half ounce K'.iild Ksiract
n-e Cnnipoiind Kar- long horns. ]8c.
log the (ajmen of ttala aecilon to co- • whirlwind broiler*- of the -Royal Dandelion, one
New York, Frh. C.—Butter—Higher
rompound Syrup
goo. tthree ou'ni
^ernte with them in tbe develogi
Cber eompany, received Injnrlea that Sarsaiipom
Mix by shaking
Iking In a boi- and firm; receipts f.3Z«: creamery
<rf (hla aection.
at first were ifaought would «wt her lie hnd take a teaapaourul after ni'-ala
sireclali. 32c (official 3Zc); creamer.r
rot the InronnaUon of the Dallr her life. MlM Joynea was found in
Grand Trarerae.
extraa, 31631^; creamery, thirds
At a M-asion of said court. h<
unconscious condlUon by Stage Carto flrau, 23(j.30c. Cheese—Firm; relure
the probate oEiee la the city of
that since the organitaMon of
of Ibc opera boose or If yonr back aches
rei^'. Z7S; stale full cream specials
4>rse City la said county, on the
board of trade, the fannors to Ihie and George Pratt, who beard Miss tbe kidney.s
iciing jiiBt rigbi
ly of January A. I). 19M.
aectSw bare bom aakod to ally them- Jo} nes scream as Bbe fell.
splemlld kidm-:
This Is said
Present. Hoa. Fred R. \|Th>lnA
State 1‘enDsyivanla and nearby fancy
tubitor. ar
and almost certain
pMvee with thto organisation. In
The alarm was at once given, Miss regulator,
of probate.
for all forms of Itheumatlsm. which wiected white.-37c;.do fair to choice
fact, we hare had on the membership Joynr's busbandAndrew Boebler, and the
(Hide and far priea* iwrantM
In tbe matter of the estate ot
kidneys fail to liH.-r mit. Any one
of the board of trade several protnio- ibe men string at once to tbc young nan easily prepare thU at borne and at 5tfi3dodo brown and mixed fancy.
Bartx. minor.
.ItfiZNc; do fltir to choice, 32ft3Sc:
eat ramtora. We have never bad
nSidT-'’-- - oi
lady's awUUnee. Bbe was carried to small cost.
Julia Chapilel haring filed In
firsts, 22c; do ««nd* 31M
Druggists In this tosn and vicinity,
mrt her petlthm. praying tor .
MDaal mooiing but wbat an IdvUbUod tbe Ai^urlcan drag store, and a physhown the pn srrlpllon. siat«*d 3114c. .
I sell at private sale the laten
ban bom eitendod to tbe (ormen of elclaa, vbo was In tbe audience, sum- when
that they can either supply these In­
said estate In deruta real •
this oommunlly.
As soon as she conid be gredients, or. it our readers pri-fi-r,
therein deactfbed.
wilt cotniKMind the mixture for
Cough Cure.
At tbe aanut banquet, when -the moved. Miss Joynee was takm to her
ntlraad mm were iwesmL tbe aecre- room at tbe Hotel Wbillng. where ev­
i shade to 3c lower. Pork—May.
taiT •( the board of trade appeared be­ erything ,]iOBSible was done for her
$16.80; July. $1690. lArd--May. fl'.CO;
fore t^e board ot anperviaore and the comfort. She pat In a very restless
♦ July. $9.70. Ril>i-May. $8.S0G8.82>4;
nlghi, suffering a great deal of pain,
July. $S.97%.
UOR, and gave tbom a peraonal apd hat her Iniuries, the physician
Uhl cour
Long Lake. Fop. 5.—The children
show eau
eoi^ invltatioa to be presrat at that llevea. are temporary, sad although id a xacailon Monday. Miss Crisp
lnterfi*i of uJd esUle in oald
bawgner (or the pprpoee of cooperat­ «he srfll be laid up (or -at least a was unable to get back to her school
estate, should not be granted.
Chlrago, Feb. 6,—Tlmoihy—March
harming with the railroad oSiclale and tbe month, it is thou^t that she wilt be t aecouni of the storm.
comIt Is further orderi*d. That
$2.S5. Clover—March. $9.30.
bealnrae laen of Trarerae City for tbe on her feet again In aboat that tinre.
itlee thereof be given by publl
Bernard Richardson has relumed
of a copy of this order, for thra /ilevalopBeu of thU region.
Pell into Oarfcn'eaa.
l-.ome from the west. He expects to 15.56; Match, <6.57Hcures
wee*s prevloua to BaM <
It has bom tbe a^ of the boetd of
Mias Joynes. who with Ibe rest ot work his grandpa's place the roming
hearing, in the Grand Travers* ,
trade to wort «Uh the farmera, and tbe company bad been changing cos­
aid. a newspaper printed and cl;
meay of the farmers have espresaed tumes in tbe dressing rooms below tbe
-The same old slory"—M. L.
Chicago. FVb. 6.—Poultry—Finn;
It has saved thousands of lit^
tbelr appret lallon of this aim.
stage, was ready tor (be "O’Reilly" dike and family, who vent lo Virgin­ turkeys. 17c; chickens, 13c; springs.
A 25c. bottle contains 4U .lose*.
Judge of Pro!
doabUese owing to the distance (rtm nnnber In tbe aecond act of *"nie
ia last fall, are on tbelr way back to
Uw city. Tt’iy tew of them bhve
Royal Chef.” when she stepped out Michigan. They arc lD.,ChicagD vlsiiNew
tended Oi - ix blic meetings. We be­ Into tbe ball and opened a door leadIng tbelr daughter at present.
riesdy; western chickens. iSc; fowls.
llow that the farmer U as Important tag-tobrttat'she supposed was the lav­
You may slap me with a ri^gle.
Dr. P. al. MacNi
an alemmt of this section as U the atory. She took two steps, and then
u may bit me scjlh a'rock;
boiaosa man. Their tntoresu are fsH Into darkness. She knows nothing
• TATE OP MICHIGAN, THE PROFor I'm the prand "fteddyvrm, CAR, M
Mpstleal. and there U M. qneatloti of (qnher of what happened.
bate court for the county of Grand
Or a baby In our block.
doobt bat that they should cooperate.
Miss Joynes stated to an Bvenlng
Who is* You wouldMl ask if you
Ill the mailer of tbe estate of Caleb
1%sm baa bem a standing Inviutlon
had seen that smile on Gena's (ace.
East Buffalo, Feb. 6.—Cattle. 2625.
Denneii. den-ased.
lor poors for the tannera ot cooperate
light In (be hall leading to the lav­
Notice Is hereby given that tour
with, the board ot trade. That invlu- atory, and the door tbrougb which she Long Lake township's clerk has a active. $6.2506.50. Veals. 1260. active.
months from the mb day of January
ttm MiU staada. Not only hare they went^vas not locked, else she would young deputy. The young' man ar­ $5.73©9.25. Sheep and iambi, firm, acA. D. 1909. have been allowed tor
rived Wednesday. Feb. 3.
ilve; besl lambs, $7.25; yearlings, $C
creditors to present tbelr claims
baaa Jlvm lavUaUoaa throutf'.thp
her mistake. She dedaree
®6.78; wethers. $5.40e5.75; ewes.
agaluet said deceast>d to said court
priK but very aiany of them have that the door was not marked In
tor examination and adjustment, and
$4.6066. Hogs. 15.300. active yorkers.
bom persoaaUy invited by otlcera of way to show one unfamiliar wlib
- ................................................. ..
that alt creditor* of said deceased are
tbo board of trade
..................................................... J*® required 10 present their claims to
theater that it vaa dangerona
Chicago, Feb. 6.—Cattle—Receipts,
n». P*'®«....................................we said court, at the probate oBiee. in
Mot oaly have the tanners not been
Manager Leon Sulnberg. when
iestimated at 400; market steadyevarimhed. bat la the publicity mail
seen this morning, lasted to a Record ler of Mrs. Nora Miller, died at the beeves. $4.10©C90; Texas aleers. Buckwheat. T C. Milling Co............. »6e tv. on or iK-iore the I4tb dsy of May
whim <ba board of trade U now getA. D. 1:-I9. -nd tli-jt said claim, wil!
home or Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Arnold. f4.ZO©5; western stc-ers, *3.9065.60;
ttag oat. to be drcnlatcd by tbe rail­
he heard by said court o:i Vrida}:.Jlie21*
siockera and feeders. 13.1005.40:
1410 day of .May A- I> 1W9. u1 tet
road ccom*wl««. h greater porUon ot
in till- lorcinKin.
U M deretad to tbs tanning inuresta

.':.:.O0 7.75, Hogs—Receljils. estimated
of tbla Bsetlon. AEtdavlts have been lent happened, as no one saw lu Tbe
door it kept locked, but after the ac­ Arlic and Dorothy .Miller, who reside al 16,000; market steady to strong;
Judge of Probate.
Hundredweight, gorn meal..........$1.45
Ih.'ir aunl. Mrs. John Gallagher, light. $6.8&©G.4n; 'mixed. $C©C.62t4: MIddlUigs. per lOU lbs.....................$1.4$ Jan. I2 1!*2C»h 2 9
tboir frait and agrlcoltoral producu cident one of tbe girl* of tbe company ^h Iheir
heavy. $6.0506.55: rough. $6.0506.20;
vhk* win be patdUbed and scattered stated that they bad opened he door Of^lCK.
thmghont tbe wMalry.
la new of these facu and In view Imre a light burning in the ball, and I
of the ««t that la being done to bram do npi see bow she could have made
At tbe tamers aa veil ea tbe business each a mistake. The door Is heavy,
aien, and in view of tbe amount of and is very hard to open. Had she
Bssney now being expended <o that taken any notice of the door she
e^ tbe -polaler'' to baainess men not oould have aeen wbat it was. Stage
qoiU as neceasary as tbe writer of Manager Brazlagion and Properl:
Man Roberts saw that the door-va
tbe "polaUr" doubtless believed.
closed and bolted after the trunks
were la. and the curtain had gone up
Alsrays Cm aaow
t the first BCl.“
Pure, Wholesome,
-Misa Joynes had one chance In a
thousand to escape being killed." said
Higl.-grade Coffee
DOMATION PARTY %OK THE REV. ihe physician to The Bvenlng Rec­
ord. - Had she
At a Low Pitec.
self In any way when falling, she
lould certainly bare broken tome
Pirt up In 1-Ib. alr>tlcM padcagM
only, thus praaervtag Mmgfih. flavor.
lionet, perhaps bden killed ontright.
Batse tesesi Psemsrs *ocisty
She fell In a most fonunate position,
, ef Equity.
striking on her righi hip and tlwalder.
The jar was iremeDdous, and the won­
Spadal to Tbs Bvenlng Record.
der I* thst her spine was not injured,
Our aiiiiual Invcniory, Just cumplo^. reveals the fact that onr stock Is altogether ton large; go<
, 8^ Mleb.. Feb. 6.—The donsiion or that abr vaa not Injured Internal- ,
Imsiticss judetuent Oic’ates that it be reduced _at <mcc. To accoiupli-h this quickly »e have Inaugural*
YWt for tbe benefit of tbe Rev. Mr.
do not think she received any
Crlibe and family at the Bates U. D. inleraai-lnjarira, but abo-inay devel­
dHUCb was a tacceas, botb socially op spinal trouble; It Is too early I
g^ financially. There was a good at- ■say as to thaL however.
UMRBce and a Uttle over »U In eaab.
-The indication* are that allbongh
firnrUlwa and horse teed were re­ she will be Incapaclaied for at least
ceived. for all ot which tbe Elder and a month. I cannot' say exactly bow
Ms tamUy are very graUfnL
Ic.Dg.sbc will be all right again in
1 HEAL IlAROAIN! We hove cut the pries of these iiistnjim-n(i down
Now iv your lime I
Deeotby, tbe young dangbter of Mr. lime., net Ii>ol:iiig (or |.ro(li—that we give ( joti-^ciir oliJ«cl Is to dispose Ot tl
the very lowt-Kt i<oint. W
■Bd Mn. wmtarn Aabmora; is quits
Oround for Floor.
are Wimng and exjicft lo make a BIO S.MTHFirR
in^irt'mcnts and to do I
* Imh Tbff doctor gives little hopes nt
The Ihafl tbrougb
which -Mies
B-.ery insimmenl fully rri-a.i. d and GCARANTlinn
r<-;,i«ented- Mtuy cf tlum pokitlvely e«na<
Jaynes (ell it about 30 feet deep, and
bie leeovciT.
chances if yon u»y on,- of the.>- nargaic Intiriimcnts;-the vato<
Tbe Bates local F. 8. of E held'a when the elevator ie up. there Is noth­
are M> (rood—4W unuviial-iha^
v.ill agr-c lo fx-ht-n:' «ii': )-i-. ('t ;i i-cw Plane, any ilqjc wlOilamaep<| Tbsrsday evening. Tbeie was ing hot the ground (or a door. ThU
year, and ALLOW FVU, PKK'K P.MD.
, b gaoA attendance. Cbarlqs Bmeraon lessened the severity of the fsll. tbe
ijv .x
SPBCUAL EASY PAYMI:NT TERMS—a few dollar- - nd.^ ao J
pf Traverse' City, slate secretary and ground being soft and abont two Ineb« .m
month or quarter. Wc ujanxious to dispose of the .citirmiiec
Mr. Rotuh, of But Bay. were present es Of water siandiag oa tbe groned.
: and Ir.»t,ac;fcn Hook with OrgaP*
l••^ns, Free, during this »al.-, Si^I and .Dra|>e with Piao<«-.
*Tbe followtag officers were elected; Thera is a narrow platfonfi leading
For the best Valentine atlvertisement written by
from the door to the elevator, bnt
Bench and Music with Pla.rr.v... FREIGHT PAID on ira-tnirn"ni- ! $2'. end o.<r, Sa!c m-w «a.
Bresldcnt—Ralph tktf.
any pupil in tbe grades, a $3 00 Valeotioe
when this U opened, which U a fire
Vko presMcBl—O. F. Hoxsiv
Don’t wail uitill the Jk-s Bargains are gJno. but I'OME NOW .-nd ge;
r i-i.k of ihc vtock. ff yo
door and .very beavy. K cuts off part
,- wit; I a- n -.iLhr .1 v. icrii«m tor you, sen.
Srereury and tteaanrcr—C Martin
didriance, WRITE I'S. stating about what you
of (he platform unless awnng clear
$3.50 Valentine.
a your bone 4M FRE
ing you couplet.- dcecrlpiion a and particulars of how you
hack, traving a triangle platform, on
TRLKU He ftirc to call or write today*
Beveral namea were added to tbe
onr aide the door opening to the hall.
lUt. and tbe eoclety etarta oS wftb 00 tbc other tbe fire door and apace
words and may be prose or poetical.
brWbt pro«ecto lor a live or^nUa- on lbs other.
Contest to be decided by Mr. Homer Howard an


I A»erCcatBn*M«MlUMDci|

CkMliliH Ml Mk 3,000

.... »

Keoii^ Balsam








Astonishing Price Reduction
The Most Remarkable Bargain

that have been oHcrcdia giauy a day.


A Sweeping Clearance Of All
Used And- Shopworn Instruments

to Scbool PnpUs.

A AdverUstno Con­


There 1* no cage over the top of
tbe elevator, and bad the elevator
been down to the gronnd. Mis* Joynes
would have fallen across tbs Iron
framework, and her injuriea would
j-ave been Urrible. Aa the elevator U
moving acenery It U not
>A«?cd by a t

authority and graduate of a leading Adventsing school.


Grinncll Bros. Music House
Travcisc City Branch: Corner Front and Cats.


XnftBts aad OUUxva.



|The Kind Yoo Hbvb
Bears the
Has Aluminum Machine Mounted On
Ball Bearings instead of the
Wooden One Which Was
Used In This City.-

For Over
Thirty Years


Jolin A. Wade rcturm-d from w'lik-ii
go ttacurdav night where be bus b.'eu
demonstrating bis vacuum producer
propeller and will returu tomorrow
morning. The demouatratiou has iiui
only been satisfactory to the Inventor
but has been so successful as to create
a senaation In Chicago:
So great was the success of the
demonstralloo that Mr. Wade has a!
read) offers by ihe score snd more arc
ly being made to proiuoie
aud develop the inveiitlun. a large
number of vs« largi- Inieresir. with
backing of ijiillloai of dnllars, being
desirous of pushing the vacuum^ pits
pellcr and Mr. Wade has a number of
these under consideration alibougti he
has not closed as yet and will not uutti
bis terms are secured.

The demoDiiratlon was not made
with the old wooden machine which
represeffted the Brst ^ttempu of the
Inventor and which a large number of
people saw sucoesaffllly operate up
and down South Union sireet In the
Inch. Winter predlciloai are iuhleet
teeth of a high north wind, but wan
uncertainties fTO'Ing ««> ot
made with a new maefaiue. This ma­
It-cU of- lee retarding the outflow In
chine la bulU of aluminum with ball
the rirers.
bearings throughout, and Is bat 20
l.ake Supenor Is
inebet lower inches square. Despite Us small slse.
than the average Jaouarf stage of
the past UQ reara and about 4K InchThe
eb lower than Ust rear. It is T4( Inch­
mounted on the front part of a set of.
es higher than In Januar}-. 18M. but
buggy wheels with the gaaoline en­
12 inches lower Uisn In 1»06, and
gine in the rear, making an even dis­
12% iDcbaa lower' tha» llpl.
tribution of weights.
By this srLakes Ulcblgan snd Huron show
raagement Jt makes the rig resemble
stage 2)i Inches lower than the aver­ merely the skeleton of-a buggj'. the
age Januarr suge of the past ten whole being-very neat appearing and
reara and 1% Inches lower than iaat' praetlcaUy notaeless.
TO rear, but »% Inches higher than In
So far. Mr. Wade has not i^H-cded
18M. In Januarr. 1886. the water was It up beyond 1.200 revolutions. It tak­
23% Inches higher.
ing but one horse power to produce
Lake Brie Is 13% Inches lower than this speed with the new machine and
in Januarr l«*t
It U 2 Inches despite the tow- number o^ revolutions
below the mean Januarr stage of the and the amall amount of power, the
past ten rears, but 6 Inches higher machine has a greater pull than a
than In 188E It U 16% inches lower
live, export! figuring it out ihai
than in Januarr. 1878, and 25 Inches TOO per cent more power per horse
lower than In 1866.
power Is produced than by a locuiaoLake OnUrio Is 18% Inches lower II ve.
than in January last jrctr and 2 Inch­
Those who have ancu the machine
es lower than the average Janoary re more than opllmlstic In regard to
stage of the past tea rnnrs. In 1862 :s posalbllltles. even tnorv so than (be
as 25% Inriiei higher, and In .1886 Inventor himself.
29% Inches higher than ,tn 1909. In
Januarr. 1896. it was 16% inches lowbr. J. M. Wilhelm will levc iliiK af­
ternoon at 5:3S for Chicugu. where
he will remain this week, returnins

ims OF
|aU. I

nOKAN FE1131-21N.



Number of Ladles Listened to an E
eclient Rroaram—Nest Meeting
Next Beturdar.

Vegetable Compound
.— “Lydia B. Pink'•------- TDd haa cer,______lot praise it
enonah. IsuffeRd
' fromimrslarities.
female trouble.
potxnd haa restored
me to perfect
beaUbaBdkiy me

------- « b? vTtho^^

___ In Um house.”—Mn. Ban*!.
BE« Fovth SU. LoidsTlUe. Ky.
AmpdWar Opentkw Awolded.

i>moon alKiut 16 ladles
of listening to the program fumUhe-d
of the Woman's club In
!nrt>l>- room on the w-cond Dour
ot the Company's slore.
Tbls feature In <vniiectluti with the
tt-gular work of the Woman's club 1.
only an expcrlmoni. The inlcrect. how­
ever. unit was manifested at ibU flr.i
meeting by those who are otherwise
debarred from attending club programa on account of living out of the
city, aaaurcs the memboni of the clnb
that the farmers' wives are very
much Interested in the eSorU made
help them, and will do their port In
making this a permanent organlt;
Ura. William (Awnt was elected
chairman of the meeting and Mrs. E.
e White secretary. The) will
tlnue to serve as offlccra of ibla seotlon.
Marie KeHogg and Miss And
tendered a Veiy pleasing duet entiiled
PosUUloB De'Amour. which so pleated
tboae present tbst s rising to
thanks was given them.
The paper of the afiemoan was
read by Mrs. E. E. White. -Ideal MoUierbooE and How to Auatn it.- which
was greatly enjoyed by all present.
At the conclusion of the program
rising vou o( thanks was given the
speaker and the committee who fur­
nished ibe program.
Ttae next meeting will be held at the
same place next Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Beginning next Saturday.
Ibeso meetings will- occur every
weeka. that they may not conflict with

Mr. and Mrs. Brace Somerfleld left
ibli mornlag for Winchester. Indiheir old home, to loeote perman<
haring ratlded in thU city the last 10



Spokane. Wash . fob 5.—Oin- buudretl and iwcnty-flve member* of the
.Michigan club of Spokane maOe meiry
a( the annual reunion aud business
ineeling In the srsenibly room* of Ihe
chatuber of commeiw fhe evening of
January 29. when these oxeraiive o(licerw were elecied for lli<- year:
IVesideut—Ul. KJank Taylor, forof Alunio,
vice prv-sldent—Dr. J. \V. t'o»fold, (orwerty of Manreinn.-i.
Second vtco president—The Ih-v.
Dr. AUx-rt C- Grier, in'iffor of Fir*t
L'niversallsl church, formerly of thiy
Secretary—T- Siewart. formerly of
Tiea«ur^rZ^i^rs'- Savage, formerly
of Saginaw.
Executive couimatei— I’sul A. Cow
gill, formerly of Cass county; Mls.i M.
Tolpaii. (orniorly of Siauiuii; Mi-.
Minnie Silver, formerly of Imlay: Mry. G. Lawcnce. foruiei-ly ol Wlllum*
4q_irg.i(«d Miss CanAlm- Scbluck. U.r
me!^of Ludinglon.
The prinolpal addre-sM-s were I'liiUtby she Bev. Dr. Grier and Mr. Cow
gill. Dr. Taylor read an original poem,
tailed -Mirb.gali,” and Mrs, C. C. McEaciirun.'formerly of Tuscola eouniy.
was the rolotsl. The fesIlvIUes open­
ed with ibe singing of "Michigan. My
Michigan." in which nil Joined. At the
close, of the program i-efre*hmeu:s
were H-rved and a pleasant hour war
liassed In renewing acquaintances.
The Michigan club was organized
at the Interstate fair grounds last
tall, when'll? uauies were enrolled
It DOW has 139 and
Is oue of the
strongest sute clubs'in the city, aud
gives promise of leading all the oth­
ers In membership belore ibe end of
the year, though the Sew England
club has moic than 600 members.

Kidney Pain

hia> is Ik* •Bill of (k« betk.
There'* DO miuskizg ikii rigW ef UdMy
Other iodicalieai sn 'freqerm wilMtiM,
psia « SBxnisg when pswiag wster. deawha
C^tbi anae. beadseke *ad lou of flesh.
Dr. A. SV. Chue-* KMoey and Lim PUI*
evereoB* fcidaev deiaagnaeoti more prompt­
ly aod Ibenaighly than say ireatmeal you eaa
efauia beesue ef (heir cotsbiaed sad diM
dioeoa liser ssd htdoey*.
Tbi* lelisr to prove our cltita.
Mi. B. F. Txaco. Polk. Pa. wrhnr—
'rDeni« c«bi year* of •uffeiiot from kMaey
ditesse aiz doctor* treated s>* vllb little bea*6l Ob the third day after begiaoing lb* as*
of Dr. A. W. Chave't K.doey sad Um PUb
I Dotked SD iorpterrmr til asd after otteg thrst
bovea had gtiaed sj poundi sad felt betiei
thus I bad for Disc yeari. I bare (old aaay
aboot mj weaderfol care.”
Ooapilltdoie. :scti.tboi. Btalldeoler*
rDr. A W. Cbaie MedkioaCo. BufiaU. N. V.

Dr. A. W. Chase’s
Kidney and
Uver Pills


Thoraday. March 4.'
5. An Anecdote, or a QaoUtlon fram
8:20 a. m.—Lrtnurttf's presram (cooPresident Rooscvcli—by each soe
10. a. m—Closing. r-N
Wsdnedday Ewstiing.
10:45 s. m.-Train/es\c* WilUame|. Short program by WUllampbarg
The Qraud Traverse dlitrlet grange buig for TraveraF-XMiy10:32 a. m.-f«ln leaiU Wlillams- public schools.
meeilng will be held at WimaushnrB
March 3 and *. The program will be: burg for Elk Rapids.
Km'—Kd by State Speaker If procurLECTURER'S PROGRAM.
Wednesday. March 2.
Wednesday Forenoon.
7:55 a. m.—Tram arrive* irom Elk
S. Song—l*atrons.
1. Grange soug. patron*.
Thursoay Forenoon.
2. Some' Bxi<ert. nee* In the Poultry'
8;<<3 a. m.—Train arrive* from Trav1- Song.
Diisiness—E T. Cans uler.
e.-M- Cliy.
2. The Water l*ower Trust—R. H.
3. Reeitaiioii—Mm. Art ilia Gardner.
4. Life llb-urance a« a Grange Kea- Elsw-onb.
' 3 IJfliug the Dradgery fivlu PoUt
Itire—lli-orpe A- Robeilson.
12 ni.~Dlnner at town hall.
to Raising—Upaall Hobbs.
3. Reritanon—Sir*. E. A. Kvaiis.
1:30 p. m.—Unslners ‘*.-8*iou fifth
€. How and M*beii to St-I! I’utalot-*
degree Tran-mi-sum of degr.-.- work
E E. Clmuipiou.
i t. IJmlii-d dlMtiaolun* will follow
nml reiiort'ur l>t>iinma dd'-gaicb.
2 |)- m.-ruuiili ^ll•gr.-•--U••luro!-••:
'ilie proventatlon ot each aubjert.
pro;;iam, <cuml:iu*-<1.1
1. Sun«—I'atroiif.
| 2. Any g^ glory will be acre|iUb1o
4:.".» 1>. m-Th.- Mory hour.
2. n.-Hiailou—Mr*. D. K. li«i>lv.
during (be story bi>ur but all quoia3:.?.i I), m,—Su|.[ii-r :il «..»n liall.'
3. A-ng.
modb must be taken from (be saylniM
?:;mi |.. ni—Piibiii- gi>»d road* mi-fi
4. liuw Shall \V(. EuK-rnm thlug HI tomn hall.
|S1au- Grange?—nt»ru*suju by every- let u* have nome good one*.

Just a F6w Good Things
That are ol Interest to all. We try to pat belore
you Ihe bcBt of everylhlag at the lime, yoa waot them.
Some Books Ibat Are ol Vllal
loterest Jost Now.



Flags lor Uncola Day

Never was there such a demand for these
books throufvhoui the entire laud.

Every poraon should have some Oaca for this
yyvat day. It it the one-bumlrodth
anniversary of Linooln'a Birthday.

The Law of Psoebio Pbeaomena. Thompson U.
Hudson, $1.^.
He&Itb and Haupiness, Rt, Bcv. Samuel FalIowa, $1.50.
The Lirioff Woid. Eloowd Worcester, $1.50.
ScienliCc Demonatretion of the Fnture Life.
J. T. Hadaon. $1.50.
Belifiion and Medicine, Kamtfel UcCjmU$l,S0
The Mattery of the Mind. Henry Frank, $1.00.
Tbit Myatioil Life of Oars, Ralph Waldo
Trine. $L50.
In Tone with the Infiuite, Ralph Waldo Trine.
WUt All^th^World’i a Seeking, Ralph Waldo

Wi- have the fiaet from 5c a dozen for the tiny
ones for table deoaralion to the laryrer ones at
5e» lOc and 15c a peioe.
Dennison’s Crepe Paper for deoorstion in either
ii lags, 8hiekU or Btripee at 15c a roll of ten
Dennison’a Paper Napkins with the flag dcsiipi
at 6c a dozen.
Place Cards with the flag design at Ifc and
15c a dozen.
LilMe Flag Stickers for decotatico^' lj||g a

Paths to the Heitrhte, Sheldon Leavitt. $1.00.
Jamet Allen's Helpful Books at 15c each.
Ealcring the Kio^om; The Way of Peace;
Oat of the Heart; The Heavenly Life;
M a Man Tiiinketh; The Path to Pioaperity.

New Books That Are Most Read*
The Miaaioner, E. Phillip* Oppenheim. $1JI5
The Happy Habit, .loeMitcheUChappeT $1JI5
Fashionable Adventnrea of doebna Crain,
David Q. Phillips, S1.S5.
Comrades, Tboa. Dixon, Jr. $1.$S.
The Bed City, 8. Won- Mitchell, $14iS.
TheGirlin Question. L. C. Violet! Qouk, $1.25
Colonel (iroBtbeurt, H. C. Bailey, $1.25.
64-fO or Flirlit, Emerson Hongb, $1.25.
Kiut-aid'e battery. Geo. W. Cable. 11.25.

Paper Festoon in Bed, White and Bine at 10c
a box-.
Lincoln Day Post Cards in six different designs
St 26c a dozen.
Tboae can be nsed fur inviLitions, plaoe cards

Lincoln Dny Books
The Perfert Tribute, Mary i£. Andrews 6$C.
The Toy Shop.
.-rgarila S. Gerry 60c.
Lin.-oln and Waahii
lingtoo. Lydia A. Coonley 2Sc.
Lincoln Day KnU-r
Liiiooln at Gettysburg, Clark E. Carr $L00.

Our Big Annual White Goods Sale
WUi Begin Sainrday Feb. IXIta
Watch wait for it, it will boyotir intontt.
Newoeir^goods, latest styles and Iml pricee.

For Bale by Johnson Drug Co.




We have got to raise mmiey. Prices like these are doing it. and doing tl last
A few more days like the Compalsory Sale days have been will put us on our
feet. Then everything will be marked at regular prices again

Supply your wants for the future as well as the present,
you have to. For now Is Ihe time. EverythiBg narked down.
Rockers »>^oo



Calico Anioriconor Simptaon

Men’s 50 cents
Faeced Lined

Borrow Ihe money if
These are eye openers.
Emb. Silk Filo

per garmenl





Lodles^^ Shoes

Lonsdale Cat­

Coats* Ihrcad

ion, per yard

per apool

Frail ol tbe
Loom Cotton.



$1.00 AmcriOOB Bcaaty


Granite Ware

San Silk, spool


aothes Bars,

60c Stockings

rogular price 65c,

for boya’ and girli'

Amos kc a g
Apron Ging­
ham, per yard




Single Bed
Blanket, ouch



6*3C Unbleach­
ed Sheeting

16 and 18 Bal­
lon Kid Gloves




per yard


iocliea wide, per

Shlri Wnlsts
nt less than

per pair

with every Boy’e
audGirl'a pair of

Women’s Low
Herl Rubbers,
|wr pair



Bow Ties, ezetv



Globe Green

56.60 Silk Pet­
ticoats all i-olora

Stamps Free





‘mand niAVEftie himalo. ^ewav,


a. 'tm.

• 9fJ000
__________ _________ _ Lw. PtmIEast; B. norE CIUkA. Vka Proddeat:
•uuMl <teriud. CuttM-: A 3. tUfMTtf. A. 3. HarHatf. AaalM—t Gwtar*.
DCaBCrORE»A 7Ym7 lAf. R.
riord CUnetL, Hn. Julia T. tlaanata.
Saaaal Oariaud. ll. CL Davit, Jatrr
EaUlraa. W. W. BmUk.

« fcr ceat iniiirei M Tlae Dcpwtis
N. B.-Addrnt an Coll«<lk>iH aad
rt^SanllDK DaBklat
Travaraa CUy. MkA.





Abotrt ta En«aga In the Summer Reaert Bwalnaaa on the Ponintula—
Wat a Jiiat and Upright

■ion. and continued In thA capacity
for more than 20 yeara.
Some yeara ago. be organl.-red • the
Farmers MutuA Insurant Ck>.
Grand Traverse. Antrim and lA.<elanau
counties of which be was president
gsd manager for' a number of .ccars.
vblcb Initiiutkin la ttlll in cxh-tence
and doing a good and pro>peroub butineta. He »a» awlvcly Inu-rmtcd iff
the first grange niovi mem ui the ebunty and be aad bis wile wen- charter
ibert of the first grange here. He
Aways took an acitve InlereA in ali
public Dioveim-iiU ami wat one oMbibtrong tm-mbrra of the Peninsula
Farmers and Fruit (Irowr rt elub. H<
• as the very first to engage In lb.
Ruinmer resort butlnets at 4l(] SLb
diciii or on llie |><*nlnHiila ami be eon
tlnuetl in it until tlie death of Ills
. The delights of lb" lled<l<-ii
Ubie brought tbe same vUllurh year
after yuar.
Mr: Hedden’s polllirs were always
ri^ublk-ao aad %blle be was nut a
member of any church, he »-;is Illt-ml
lu his suppurt ul the cburelnn. at Uld
Mlstlou aud be dooated the laud
Ibe site of the rwesent rtmgreg-alionnl
ebureli. at Old MltsUm. lu
ehurMi his fuiierA will b.' held Tuesat I o'clock and In this church.
bU wife's funeral was bold nlue yi-ir*
ago He wit s most teinperaie m
In all things and never used tobacco
liquor lu any form. The laiermciit will
l llhltide cemetery ai Ogdentbnrg. near Old Mission, by the side of
bli III<- coniptnlon.
Mr. Hedden wst much bclov.-d by
all who knew him. particularly ’th<
children of ihe uelghborhoTMl aud
"Grandpa” Hedden wos always a wHcome visitor In the homes of hit Old
Mbsion frlt-ndt and neighbors. Tiius
it ended a beautiful life and be will
long U- nilitiHl by tbe pwpic of Old
Mission, who will always remember
at a moat worthy ebaraeter. a
gcalal friend and a good neighbor.

Oeone Hedden of Old'MImIou. a
' pioneer of ihe Craud Traverte reglou
peated to hie final retard Sunday
tnomlag at 4:80 at tne bone of M|a.
Jaaea Carpenter, on Eati BKbrb
Areat, where be wat eujin* for ibp
winter. He wat 8S raara old.
/ Mr. Hedden wnt born In Palmyra.
Wayne eotthty, N. V., Dec. 14, 1833,
Wlteo 10 yeari of afe, be came to.
Mhtfilffae tflib bit fatber-e ramlly.wbo^
wmiaratliurg.'MIch.. Feb. 1.—Horn.
located at Lodi Plalni. Waeienaw
Friday. Jan. 2». ISKiS, to Mr. and Mr*.
couaiy. There were 14 children In bit
Krnie Cooper, a-tbrec and one-half
latbcr'a family, and be wat tbe latt
pound girl.
iiuTiror. When tbe llntvertliy of Mich
Mr. and Mrs. H, Eugene Hill have
Ipnn wat opened at Ann Arbor, Mr.
moved tbdr boutebold goods from
Hedden wat enrolled at one ot Oie
tret Audenu. he entering thp law departineBt. He eonilnaed bit atudiet lor
two yeara aad then aickneia in bit
father'a lamlly compelled bim to give
up hla ualrorulty work, and'bo took
up teadilng, which he followed lor
t aoteral yeara.
Sh«>sM MOocs.
At^e age of 84 yeara, Mr. Hedden Itclean-ck, soothes,
innrrled Mitt Amanda Cartienler. ot heals and wiuteots
Ow disesw-d mem.
York, Watbtenaw county, and togeth­ brans nwulliog from
er they went to loaki •■oonty, where CaUrrh and drives
, iMHh oonUnued the wiik of teachlns. Bwsy a Cold in tlie
Heml qAd
8I> yean after tbelr marriage, a stores
tbe Keaws
daughter waa bom to them, now Mra. Tiwu
. .taudSmdl.
aud Smdl. FuUsit-.-iOcts..sll>rugD. Franklyn. of tbli city, and Utor a AsU or by maU. In liclui.l form. 73 ..nln.
C6 Wuren buwit. New York.
aoo. Fred F. Hedden. Aow of Lm Angeloa. Calk and prealdcnl and gener­
al manager of tbe TranitO>nUnoDUl
FVelght Co. of Chicago, Lot Angclct,
San mncltco. Seaitlc. Denver. New
York, dnd Watbington. D. C.
Wh^ in Ionia county. Mr. Hedden
orgulacd tbe Farmer*' Mutual Inaurmice company, the Snl of Its kind,
a bleb hat been very auccoasful and it
atm In oalAence. ilr. Hedden wat
manager for aeveral yearn.
tu the aprlng of 1666. bo walked cy
ery tlep of tbe diatance from.Graii(l
jUven to Old Mluion. bit flnt atop
bn the' peninauta being at tbe home
of W. Oolden. who It ttIH a rctldeut
tberc. At that time, he purebated the
little farm at Old Miatlon wbem ho
llr<*d for to many ycuira. and from
which home be and bit goulal wife
diapeuaed Jhe hotpuallty for which


AngeU into T. J. Conklln'i bAite.
Mra. CbarlM Will bad a aeveiw at­
tack of bean trouble last Tuesday
Tiigbi; but cmlUed from it after a tbori
MUs Agnct' McGuire left (or Elk
Rapids last Saturday, but was recaU '
ed by the tllnest of Mr*. George Sant'
The skating hat been Sne bere for.m
few days and all tbe tkAera are wishling Ihe thaw would take a e»ld.
A oumlx-r of her young frieiidt and
pupils -.urprited Mist Cora Scofield
at her boarding place U R. D. White's
Iasi Wvdnetdny night. Tbe party was
in honor of her btnbday.
hua«ly enjoyed by all presciiL Light
n Irei.blnents were served
young iH-»[de wish Mitt Scofield maiiy
i.appy reiiinis of tbe day.
A. J. Duylf of Ik-lla'irc was a ImsInew* vltilior here today.
The Rev. H. I). Mclwlg wa* a Cen­
tral l.alio vt-lior Wednesday, return­
ing Thursday morning.
Hugn and JuJius Will came from l>ulutli, Mimi.. Tuesday night. Hugo hat
In en'tpc-ndiiig tuc wim-r lltcre and
bit hrolher relumed with him and
ixris to make lilt future hoine in ibU
Mjfc. Edgar Hill of Traverse CUy bt
'It'iiding a few days with rolatlvct
The Rev. Mr. Helwig will begin tvvival Die> tings at Barker Creek

>ntb street. Filed Jan.
Jan. 6-Jokn aiSord. son ot Mr.
aud Mrs. Jobs U- Straus. TSI Webster
MreeL Filed Jmn. 7. ■*
Aitrec Ollver^on of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac L. Crain. 201 West
Sixteenth elrecL Filed Jan. 6.
Jau; 5.->Tbelma Naphalia. daegbier
of Mr. and Mn. Samuel T. Holmes.
Eighth street. Filed Jtn. 11.
Jtn. S.—Goldie Irene, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Emery Badgley.
8u3 Randoli* street. Filed Jan. 11.
Jan. 11—Aihlecn Nora.daugtaler of
Mr. and Mra. WlttUm H. Witebnew(•ky. 128 North Oak street'. Filed Jan.
4._riarvnce Charles.son of Mr.
sad Mrs. James Frederick Landon.20j
Garfield. Filed Jan. It
Jan. 12.—John Edward, son of Mr.
and Mrs. -Thomas If. Dodton. 1323
South Union street. Flhxl Jan. 15.
Dec. 31—Hettor,. Min W Sir. and
.Mrs. Edward Lavalley. Tlltis a\cuue.
Filed Jan. I».
Jan. 10—Doiuild Arthur, ton of Mr.
nod Mrs. Howard Dunning. MO IVeb
sier street. Filed Jan, 20.
Jan. 1ii<—Ruth .\rcle. daughter ut
Mr. aud Mrs. Gary Goodrich, Hannah
avenue. Piled Jan. 21.
Jan, 17.—Loiibe. daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. Horace E. Dunbar. 1011 Cuts
Mreei. Filed Jan. 32.
Jan. 21.—Thelma, daughter of Mr.
iindiilrs. Charles R. Hess. S28 Union
»tn-ei. Filed Jan. 23.
Jan. 21.—Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arch M.\mdred, 2<J2 West Fifieeiiih
t im-l. Filed Jan, 2«.
Jan. 17.—James Mndbun.ton ot Mi
end Mrs. Jerome Madison Glllou, 20S
South Elmwood avenue, Filed Jan.

Jan. 22 —Kenneth McNeill, ton of
Mr. btid Mr.<. Jno. G. Kopf. 412 West
Tenth striel. FUetl Feb. 1.
Jan. 30.—Roy A.‘. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Seger. 4U2 Went FUteemn
street. Filed Fob. 2. ,
Jan. 28.—KalihUnd D., sOn of Mr.
and Mrs. C. U Greillek. 7«7 Monroe
street. Filed Feb. 5.
During Ibe mooth there were 2C
deslpa. 10 of which occurr.-d at the
asylum. In the city there were 16
deaths and 18 blitbs.

Sewed on your old tops
gives you a rig as good
as new for less money
than a whole new rig.
Look your toes over,
brin^ them to us and
wc'H show you how it
''$2 25 gets the guaran­
teed rubbers sewed on
tbe old tops.
^Cheaper ones too If
you want them.


Single Comb.
Dent Waste Food On Itfl* Hana.
iKxvmiH-r auU Januar.v 3* Knis 1i
20 to 23 essB dail}' Judgv (’.ampboll
said t'ucki-ivl bcadliig my iTt
waa lKx.t in .hapr and color hr
bandird Ibis rraaou. Kgga from
p*-n J2 iK> pt r I.-.. Oltarrs 11.00 per 16;
; $3.:3 per 100.
Travtrac CUy. Mid
; F. b :-Apl. 27.

Mis. a. M. Plante, of Chicago. Is
sihppiog at the I’ark Place for a few
r^3. L. Cooper and three children
to Ijike City this iiioriilng, called
by Ibe Illness ot Mi>, Cuo|K-r's tatbiss Handy, who Is the new Qig
Ilab teacher In the High sehotd. ar­
rived this iioen and will take qp her
duties Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, R, Klngln w. ni io Ciuctnnaii this moraUig. for a tao weeks'
CTATB of MICHIGAN. THE PROMrs. H. J. Stone rvtarned to Cadil­ ^ batr rourt for Ihr rount.v o!
ml Traverse.
lac today.
J lu\lu- maiu-r of tbe rsuie of Uattd
W. cjnislna. droi'a>-ed.
|lrr 1*
from __
ha\r IKH'U allo«<'d (

«D«rtc»r» w^daiy


rr rj^uir'

For Sath>y Johnson Drug Co. .

Iirobair olfirr. iti the city of Trayrraolm
CHv lu said ruunly. Uii or before thr-”,;
A. 1). tons, aud
be beard by
rourt on Saturda.v the 2j«tb day of
May A. It ls*0». at ten o'clock In the
UAed Jan. Zfitb. A. 1) HtOS
Judge of Probate.
Jan. 20-Feb. 2-9-lC-:;!

^Lr&S-'J'2!'S21'.S“3 •k'2A"S

eidod CKiangre
.Sometimes a woman gets an idea that she is entitled to better results
in baking.
She sost oi feels that with her broad experience in preparing the different
foods, she is capifl>To.^of better things to eat.
V She feels that she owes it to both herself and fa-nily to make bread and
pastry of the bettci kind.
To such housewives we recommend a trial sack of “^igt's Crescent" Flour.
We know^our^^pert judgment will pronounce it the idei! flour.
Its peHect baking qualities, its uniformity, will convince you that it really
the result of skillful milling. Ad ironclad guarantee covers each sack labeled

The Flour Everybody Likee.”

Voigt MUling Company

Grand Bapida. Hick

H. & i. L fHE cm

C TATE OF MinilGAN. THE PRObate court for tbe county of
Grand Traverse.
In the tDstirr Of ibc esUie of John
Shields, deceased.
.S'ollce |8 hereby RlVen that four
laonibs from tbe istb day of January
A n. IStOS. bare been allowed for cred­
itors to prtxieot their <laims against
Ksiil deceased to aald court for exam
iiiutnn ’and adjurtment. and that all
riixlliorh of Mid deceased are required
▼ta Oonm * A A B. B.
to present their claims to said court
at the probate office. In the city o
Traverae Cliy in said county, on or be­
fore the 21st day of May A. D. ISOS
and that said Haims will be heard by
aaid court oo trlday Uie 2lai day
May A D. iSOt*. at ten o'cJock to U
Dated January iSth A. D l.t09.
Bala iia^lrmaf^n^olv a. m
Judge of Probate.
J. r JBntB. Awmt y
Jan. IS-26-Feb. 29-16


We Believe

Choice Utioolorod Jspsn partionlArly fine flavor ana
exceptional strongth. If yon have tronble-gettins s
tea that i« to vour liking try a sample [loand (rftbis
oDu. Wo will
oar- ofaanoei on yonr coming book.

Price, 59c per pound.

Aimifal Clearing Sale


will be held Saturday la
company a. _____________________ _ wires and other womea who are En­
able to hx-ome members ot the Wo­
man's dob are InMied .. _
program has bees arranged

NOW is the time to secure
some wonderlully good bar­
gains in Men’s, Boys’ and
Children’s Overcoats and Suits.
You KNOW just how DEPEND.-\BUi.
just what GOUD values we^always give at
regular prices. Now when we cut these
prices from cne-quart«r to one-third, don't
you see it's to YOUR advantage to buy
NOW? Suppose you buy an Overcoat
now and keep it uni I* next winter, you are
still saving money. As for the boys,
. . they
alwayi need clothes—that's the boy of it.
\Vc are the recognized leaders in Bo^s'
Clothing. Tbe reduced prices make our
Children's room a decided attraction.

Men’s Suits and Overcoats

$10.50 to 15.00 Suite-nnd Ovcrcoato, $ 9.75
$18.00 to 28.00 Suite and Overeonte, 14.75
$28.00 to 28.50 Suite and Ovcrconte. 18.75

Boys’ Suits and Overcoats
$8 00 to 10.90 for..............$640
We are making special prices on a great many winter
goods. You will find that it is NOW


J. J.


Wc ocll the fsmou “Royaf” Fence. Tbii funoo rsoka m one
of tbe itrongest sotltnott darable feooee in ibo Aiuaru-maeh
The apright or oUy wires are firmly would around tbe
borizonul wires in a maancX preolndiog toe ptsstbilUy of side'
• lip.
Tbe whole fabric ia tnui mwie solid, affording tbe
■'maximnm hokltng power of the steel wiic. &'f>ro you bny
fencing come in and let as shiw yoo tbe *‘E lyal".

Old PoMolUcc Baildlao

Are You Particular
aboBl yonr baekwScal Hear.
There Is one kind yon can always
be snreoi and IbaTs OWo.
Strldlypnrc andnnins mensssl
dcHetons cakes. Alter yss Savs
tried ttoBCC ysnwUI qlwsyssnc



I, «f Thi« citr. win
Hawa Chart* •* *Aa Caramanin
Aa OraM Maatar af MichIffan L«d0a.


QniM RapMi. Mlrb> Feb. A—As a
flIUag caoclnaion to arwirnawnta for
a dar wbleh vUl kmg ba renambarad
ia tba blatorr of Oraod Rapid*, tbe
oonier atoee of tba ma(oifle«nt new
tadaral bulldlnc wUI ba laid at S
o'clock OD tba aflamooo of Fabruarr
It—(ba oantmarr aaoiirenaiT of (ba
birtb of AbrabaiD Llacebi.
Tba fraad k)d*e of tba Maaonle fratamJty of Mlcblfca baa aceaplad an
loaiutkw 10 uae tbalr bo*ut|hI rttflal
ia aatVbS t^a ooroar atooe of tbia
. and (be t
t of iba United SUtaa
will coma to Grand Kapida fran tba
Badoo'a capital to alco wield a trowel
In tbla Inportant erant.
ThU meani a rare treat for Grand
Raptda. it abould mean a comer atone
1 wbl^ will be wltbont
equal In connection wltb any federal
buildinc of tbe land.
Mra. Mcbolaa Lontwortb aitread
wltb Senator Smiib to <otne to Grand
Bapida on the racial train wbicb will
(ueata to tbe Lincoln banquet, (or tba
purpoac of aaalatinc In aatting tba
Grand Rapid* federal comer atone In
a caramony wbicb will ba biiioiir.
Grand Maatar Herbert Montague, of
Trarerae City, of tbe Maaonle grand
lodge of tba BUte of Michigan, baa
alao accepted an Invitation, on bebaU
of tba grand lodge, to have tbe Grand
lodge uae lu beautiful
It ritual
In putting
the atone in place.
Tbe preaence of Mra. Longwortb.
atlll faalUarly known to rallliona of
admiring Americaai as Alice Rooaavalt—will add a rare tone
day. Tbe preaence of tbe entire Maaonic grand lodge off Michigan
.prorida a ritual and
baa baen nsad ia tba andowmant of
Botr^ all el Uk great bufMlDga of the
county. (r«ri tba capHtri dowa.
ne eareaney arlll occur on Linoolu^ eantenary Wribday beranae tbit
M a naUoaU holiday and every clilten
of Ora^ Rapida can bare a hand In
i)M oaNMiKim. Attangamenta will be
a lor tba preaence of represantaUtbafiiNi-allbodlaa. Tba mlllUa will
probably be aakad to appMX In honor
of the dangbtar of tba preaManL bAcanaa of tba preaence of tba Maaonle
grand Mise. tba arTangeBtents will be
undariiOceii by tbe grabd tyler.
Amine arraAgemeats wllllte made to
tbai.areryma cam bare a band la wet' lofgilRg Mn. Longwortb, who win
wMD bbr first trowel In Grand Rapids.
Thmw wUl alao be ample opponnnity
for every interest to contribute to the
big ooppar box wbicb will be depoalted
In Uie bean of
if tbe atone.
Tile oSicefb of the grand lodge of
Mtetrigu Masona wni ba tbe gnesta o(
PratMent Hanrbatt. of tbe Lincoln
dubi at tbe Llneota oenionary ban­
quet to be held tn tbe evening. The
gnod lodge otneara are tbe following:
Grand MasUr Herbert Montague.
Traverse City; deputy grand master.
Aitbnr Huaia, Owaeao; aenlor warden,
O. R. Swllb. Alrlan; Junior warden.
Jandia E. IHOon, Bant Tawas; treaaurer. William Wendt. Manistee;
urr. Lon B. WtBsor. Reed City; chap­
lain. W. 0. Qallagbar. Bagtnaw; aenlor
deaeoo, James H. Thompson, Evart;
Junior deacon, P. V. Clark. Flint: ty­
ler, J. F. MoOragor. Detroit.
Mra; LoBgsrortb will also attend the
UnoolB banquet In' tba avanlng. a* a
special guest of honor, with bar bus
band. CoBgrestman Nikolas Longworth, who la one of tba'oratora of tbe

Latfiat* AM Soelaty af
Hag an Old PBahlonad Social at
MaaMky Homa.
Bparial to Tba Bvanlng Record.
OldMIaalon. Mteb.Fab. A—Tbe Or
denaborg Methodist Ladiet’ Aid aodaty had an M taahkmad ohleken pla
snppapwt tba borne of lira. Liaate MeCtoalV. Chicken pla wasn't tba only
good thing serrad. (bare being an exccllant bin of fare and the Udiea
cleared tlS from tbalr Tenlure. There'
was no eat program but vartoua gumaa
were pUywd during tba evening, averyo«M antartng Into tba a^it -of (he
oceaaioa and having a veiy pleaaant

H- '

state Deputy Gama Waidra G. A.
Smith left today for Ornad Rapida,
and Monday wiO go to Lansing, to at-1
tend the maatlng of the auta depuy
game nwrden*. called by Bute Gaaoa
Watdeat Pierce. He was acoompanled
kr Mta. Smith.
Mias Qrae* Moaroe left today tor



Read our Ad through and see a few of the things we have for you
Dimity and Swisses

We have mm AgcDls Sample Line oi ten
doz. New Spring Waists.
We bCHiglit Ihun at a liberal dlscoanl.
yon gel them at manvlaclnres cost

An elej.'ant new line of Dimities in checks ami
stripes bought especially for ihis sale, pi r yd.

iOc, 15c, 25c, 35c, and 50c

“ihe NoHon Dept.

b Special Lots ol Embroideries
per yd.

X'choice new line of Doited Swiss, per yd.
They were made by the Standard M fij. Co. who
make fine waists only. Notice material and

Also a choice line of patterns and qualities in
mercerized waistinns, per yd.

25c, 35c, and 50c

$1-50 and $3.50'



The Monotone is a half Silk and comes in the
finest combination of coloring the mills
ever produced, per yd...
The OKI and JAPANETTE are half Silk with a
soft finish and a very high lustre and come in all
tbe colorings that are being used this- spring.
.The following are some of them:
Greeng in Olive; Reseda nml Nile Bluet m Nfivy.
Oopanhageo and DaoRa Wing, Baby Pink, Mail,
be^, Tan. LiveDdar, Wiateria, and alf B>e
berry aliadea.

‘5c, 10c, 15c, and 25c

25cp 15cp 25c 35c and 50c

Special Prices

Twenty-five piices of :10 inch WHITE IN'DIA
LINEN, regular value 10c |>er yard.


Special lor
thU sale


prilses on all last
Mnslin Underwear.

The New Spring; Miidin Underwear will reach
here in a few days and will btt iLcieded in this

Colored Wash Goods
arc iDcluded In this sale
Onr Holly Batiste in the side bands, are of
tee choicest lin? of patterns, they have -J ffp
ever gotten out....... .................................... AtfLliandsome’GinghamSi at per yard '

8,10,12<>^ and 15c
Everett Chambeyz for Shirts

New India Unen
In the regultr lims. per yard

12>>^ 15,18, 20, 22 and 25c

Percales, choice of patterns,
A strong line of Denims.
Exquisite Patterns in a special line of
<C Ai«
Cretons at.......................................................J.VC


White Wool Dress Goods


Fine Persian Lawns,

Hnnip of the licmitifol wcavo.

In (he I>omestic Dt-j>anmcnt are

you will Iw- iiblv to buy in wmv)

per 7«il,

arw the tollowiitg;

25c, 35c, 40(^ 50c and 60c

Mohairs, Batiste, Panamas,
Serges, Henrietta,
Cashimere, Veiiings, Aibatross, Lansdowne

Frenoh Lawns In Beaollfal
Sheer Goods,
50 inches wide, per yard,

uuil aIbo

30c up lo $1.00

Aii White Siiks.


300 Agents’ Curtain Samples

Both Fringed and plain

2 yards long

Some extra heavy and fine

J gQ

Others less expensive and plain
at............................. ...................


4 and 5 lengths of a pattern values n|> lo $3.50
each, on sale Monday in these lots

19c, 29c, 18c each.

Wc earry a inll line of all Cottons.
Every width tn aU Sheetings
42, 45 and In. Tubings and Casings
Thin Cnrlaln Cloth by the yard


Malu se, Mechlin. Val. Cherry’and Linen'Lorch' eon Laces. Handkerchiefs. Feather Stitched
Kraid. Bias Seam Bimlinc. Tapes F'mbroiderics. Stan)|>etl While Doilies. White Em­
broidery Cotton. WhirevXprons. Etc.

.\lso big lot of slightly mussed Curtains in regular
lengths at about

Half Price.

Linens and ’^ble Sets from

$8.00 to $25.00
Table Linens, per yard, trom 25c to 2.50
Lnoch Uolbes, Searla, Enkbrold*
cries and Dollies.
Faacy Flneli and Uaea Hack Towels, also
Towllag by the yard.

Novelty Curtain Net
aod Fancy Madras at 10 per ceiil

10 peices fanev curtain net in \Vbitc or
Arabfan 30 in. wide, at.....................
Plain Green nnd Red imported Madras
^ in. ............... ...25c
1 pexe 45 in. novelty net Red, regular
^•«50c value, at............................

All white goods excepting some bargains at a special price.

At 10 per cent discount
You have been waiting for this SALE, now is your opportunity.

J . W . Ml L. 1.1 K



n««ulatl«M «i T*m
H«raM Y*uiia F»lki SmmMiw
I will try nimr ta worry or
trot okewt oi^n*.
I wlH.liT toV •• IMPW •• «
M for 00 I «aib
I will try to bo loving, bolpfill 0R« Wnd to ovorybody ond
to ovory IMng tMog.
If I ovor foil In trying to do
thoto thingo, I <0*11 "Try, try

wH»od. Tr»*ei»e CUy. Mkb_ I
U. No. I .boa penniiicd your preside)
10 (ok« the roossr skin, ood the )is
store bos very kindly offered one of their Ms vlndoos
There you <on see it for yoorHelres. oDd con realise that the stor)'
i» • really, truly so!"
Vesu, Wash.. Jan. 37. l$o».
lV>ar Sunbeams—
Some time ago. when Unrle Mack
(ind l sere speaking of a certain fur
rng ve used to bare, be aaked
-U'by wouldn'i it be nice to wri'c
wtH' an4
tell ibe Sunshine club aboutt nr And
I believe I sball, for there really is
sortb telling, ibougb prob­
ably tbe boys will be more interested
tbsn the i^ris.

aireieh of country
lending perfaapa ibirty or forty miles
Irom here to the easi and nortbeasl
and houibeaat and south, wbirb Is
made Dp of great bills, (some so big
they are called mountalosi gulches,
Of^onlioO Oocombor t, im. ^
broader valley* and In one pan oc­
ProolOont—Cl«r« Sotos.
casional natural openinm In tbe woods
- First vtoo Kooldont—Mobol Batao- ■lied prairies, t
Esvpi the prairies ud (he clearings
Sooond Vleo ProoMowt-Mro. Irono made by men. all is covered
e evergreen -fores), watered
Innumerable streams of pure cold
water most of which finds a wa
the oceaii through Xonb rlvc-r. on
banka of which we live. There are
many farma (ne call them ranches,
out here) In this cxtenLof couniry ud
Numbor of naiM I on the cradle Roll many cattle, horses, sheep and hogs.
Fob. MtM. 461.
Into this region of plenty there
tme. some eight yearn or so since
.To the Little Oiri Who Got Nona.
from (he hungry land oi Somewhere
; Tbe pnetnpn aiopa «t many a door..
Else, a great, lawny cat. .Not much
And. tanlag. he goes bla way.
like your pet kittles, for be weighed
But a poor IltUc girl In her litUc wheel perhaps as much as two men. but
none the lesa a cat. with velvet paws
81U walllBg tor him all day;
and the gliding, stealthy ways of any
And bor mother works on srlth weary
who knows mankind fastes him.
called him cougar (coo-gar).- The
And tbn AM with
nippled great body required mut-li food iq
keep It up. Perhaps he and bis kind
• Thraugk
irangh many a
• inigh, aaya:
had killed and frightened away most
that I Ir
of the dear ud other food animals
Wore ooclUbody'a
•where Else. But when be came
ir pan of the country, he found
• ThwcY mux a ahout that the post- that by being courageous enough to
■pprasefa close to where people lived.
mu hearo.
And mur a heart ts light;
Be cMid easily .get all be wished of
Bat ibe alu and aigfaa. with tear- something he liked even better tbu
dimmed eyes.
venlnoa. It la asid that once a cougar
begins on domestic snimsis. be will
O. poor utUe girt, in your little wheel: «ever live on uything else, and be­
comes what we call a "stock cougar."
- Heer a poor tittle message of mine:
seemed Indeed true In this case, for
BMII heaven’s above ud Christ is after It wu first known that cougar
there.- /
was working here, thefe were conAnd you're SemebodrY Talcnilnel
llnual reports of losses of livestock
le pan or another of .the country
—S. B. Kleer.
ranged over by the animat.
Mew Membera.
«. at lint the people were not
Jemte Rttey. Mayfield. Mfch. Kamtt awan that It was the same cougar who
did all tbe damage, but It became
Ml W Bsiher Cunningham.
tally known by the large alee of
f;, i. J. Monroe, Monroe Center. Mteh.
bis tracks and by th* similar method
Marne aent by Haael Monroe.
Margaerite Halstehd and Milton Hal- of work (for be had a meibodl that it
r mead. -Mule fHr. Hl«h. Namea simt must be tbe very same one In nil t^
widely separated placet.
He "wai
- hgr HaWl C. Maha.
Luarae OolUgs. Tbomu CoUlns, bunted for time ud again with dogs
laris OeUlna, Arry Tlltoa and Horley ud guna. ud (rapped for with great
i, TllUm. Traverse Cicy. Mich. Names steel bear-traps, but tar was wise and
wary, ud for Several years grew fat
mat by Elate Conklin;
and tleek and came to no barm,
Roy Hayes. St. Ignace. Mich.
Mabel Degroat. Monroe Ceoie. Midi. would kill, sny a calf, and first drink
Margnerile BarU, Monroe Center. Ibe blood. Then he would carefully
conceal the carcus by drawing <
' Mich.
s - Martha Madison. Haul Madiaon ud it Bticlu and moss and ferns so It
Relu 'kadlaOB. 8t Ignace. Mich. not easy to find it. If he were
dUtnrbedf^y anybody, be would likely
Jtamea sent by Boy Hales.
Mildred Ayer. Dorothy .Jenkins. take a (wcond and perhaps a third
Ullh MeCTary. Alma Johnson and meal from the meat. Then be would
RunU Jobnosn, Sherman. Mich. leave and'not stop until he had got
or flfieen miles or more, lo mal
Knmns nent by Blolae Ervin.
the next killing.
V rebraary—forinb^ta two—
Briefesi ol tbe months are you.
. 6t (he srIater'B chldlren Inal.
Why fio you go by so futf
la It not a little strange
Oaee in four years yon should change.
That tbe nn would Alne and give
. Ton anotb^ day to live?
Maybe this u only done
Blnea you are tbe emallest one;
Bo 1 make Ibe aborteat rbyme
For you. as bellta your time;
VoB're Ibe baby of tbe year.
Ahd to me you're very dear.
Juat became yon bring tbe line,
you be my Valentlner
R. Y. F. BunaMne Club Cradle l^ell.
Irwla FaeeL Vexford. Bleb. Name
aut by Benua Fosburgh.
i'Treaaa ^>tanroe. Monroe Cent/r.
.Mich. .Name neat by Haael Monroe.

Ian worth Of livestock that we know
of. ud most likely a great deal we
r beard ol. We lost at least six
young cattle at various times. One
a number of miles up North
River lost thirteen sheep In one night.
Hla vltii* to any one pan would be
many weeks apart, so people would
oegln to think bin gone to stay, when
bad! he would come and do mpre of
bit bad work- '

About fire years ago now. when oth­
er people up the valley were bousing
up Ibelr stuck pretty closely. I'ncle
Mack put three young helfera to paaon a place about three mile*
Vesta Creek where no one was living
then. They were to attract the cougar
(here, so that he might be trapped
shot: but in order to keep him Irom
kUllng them each had a large cow­
bell. for It was said (hat a cougar was
afraid in attaric an animal wearing m
bell. Several limes t'ncle Mack visit­
ed tbe place, and though the cougar
bad plainly been there, the cattle Were
xtned. But one day onl.v
heifer was In sight and before long
Uncle Mack discovered that
them. In spite of the bells, had been
attacked ud killed, apparently within
tbe tweety-four boon before bit visit.
Tbe one which was led bad been so
itened ud was atm so afraid of
tbe terrible beast which had destroyed
III companloat. that when it
I’nele Mack it ran to him and
lowed bii every step. He could
have driven H away.

nfa VWL
Tour preaident has
you this weMt because she hu
celved another letter from Aui^
• Litsle written to all yon "lW«r Bnnbeaw." It U the kind of siorr that
the boyn will espedally like, for It
tells of tbe eaplure of a great wild
bust out In Wuhlngton. It makes us
loel aklvery to read it. bat we know
that the story "comes om right,
how glad we arc that the wicked
. coagar eunot do uy more barm!
Your president feels very proud that
tbe ^eaent owner of (he tUa Is wlUtaig to hare It on dUpUy so that all
He Immediately ratorned borne
you Buaahlnera
got two big. heavy steel boar traps,
Tmvarne City (or the Mxt few days and with BUT Dew to kMp him.
an bare a chaMo to nee K. Mm. W. back to net the irapa lor Mr. Cougar.

d tD IV tkot tke ooe belter
bad been abat np In a barn ea a
Detgbboring place where she had fol­
lowed L'ncle Mach, so abe was still
Mfe when the men gcK back there.
The traps were ekt ope at each aide of
tbe carcass of one of the dead calves.
Uncle Mack scraped away all the dead
fern, sucks and moss which
cougar bad used to rover bis kiU i
setting the open uopi on - tbA b
ground, carefully covered them o
with the rubbish removed. In snci
manner as to make the place look
aetly as If he bad never disturbed It
at all. Then he went away and left
them until the next day. Ob. I must
not forget to aa}’ that each trap
•eeurely chained by a'foot-hmg chain
.0 a large heavy piece of spruce limb
some ten oi’ twelve feet long, whirb
would seryo as n clog to catch and
bold before the rougar could go very
far. should be be caught In one of
Next morning as early as possible
after breakfast, for ypu may guess
that we were all nuHe anxious al»ut
I'lfrle Mark and Hill and the dog*
nt *n *ee if the traps bad done
their work. Bill stayed on (he other
side or Vesta Creek and held
dogs. biH owp and t'nele Mack's, while
I’ncle Mack himself crossed
where the traps bad been set. One
trap was clean gppe! That meant
be-sineu, *o Uncle Mark poked a sili-k
Into tbe other trap to set it off and
called to Bill to let loow* the dog* and
But both the dogs when
they struck the cougar’s track follow­
ed It bark toward the way be had
from. BIU's boosted hound
would lead him away from It every
time, anyhow, and Teddy didn't know
miich-al)ount bunting then.
lYclr Mack knew (he cougar could
not be very far away, unless be bad
not been rangbl. and had pulled loose,
but be soon saw tnat the animal must
have been trapped securely, for there
■re signs Of a.terrible atruggle. It
1st have made a clean leap of U-n
twelve feet, when ibe trap snapped,
and that was' surprising, for the trap
weighed about forty pounds and tbe
clog fifty or aixty. Tbe beast was in
frightful rage, and clawed deep deet^'
gashes In tbe hard spruce limbs, bit
off a large number of saplings as big
as a maa's wrist, and tore up the
ground; but with all these signs, hunt
luld. It waa some time'before
Uncle .Mack could see the cougar, at^
he had begun to think (hal^perbo^
after all the animal had twfttdd off
a foot and got away. Just (hen Uncle
Mack came to some fence raila Piled
across two logs, and without really ex­
pecting to see anything much, be
stooped and p<H>red under.
were two biasing eyes looklng'strslgbt
at blip! And ’slmo*! before he-could
think ol aiming at them Unrle
Mack^ya the rifle seemed |o gojip of
Its own accord to hi* ahnulder. and
the long-bunted and much dreaded
cougar was dead. It never even
moved after It was shot.

lembera of poor BnafkluB Cinb.
1 am in the fitIB grade and I Uke
school preny well. 1 hare two atoten
and two bnthera. W« bare a littto
poppy, and be to about twenty weeks
He to such a runalng little fellow;
I at Bchoot now. and we girls are
writing together, and will sebd oor IMat the same time. My aeaimate
Well 1 must
Three pretty postals have cotue this U gomg to write, too.
dote (or this time, so good-bye.
week to the Snushine Club. One
Mabel Degroai.
from one of the grown-up Sunsl
lust bate alee times in sehorri
(Henito who lire* tn lioa Angeles. (Yli
K«e(her. Is Marguerite your se:
fomla. .Mrs. E. A. laner. The pinure
Is It Itola?
on the post card Is of s wonder field
of valla lilies in bloom, and seemed all
Monroe Uenier, Mich..
tbe more reniarimble because Trav­
Jan. S&. 1W9.
erse City Is covered with snow. lYe
Dear President-^
second ponul Is from loicile Nirker(bought 1 wonld write and Join (hr
ton, also of Caltrorato. but sbe live*
Sunshine Club. We take the HeraW,
IlurUnk. R. F. I). No. 1. Tbe view on
d I Uke to read tbe Sunshine letters.
her post card shows one of (be beau;o to Si-hoof^learly every day.
ilfully decorated car* In the lYsw
the fifth grade. I study reading,
dena's "Tournament of Roses" on New
aritbmeUc, grammar, geography, phyYear's day. The third postal Is the
Biology and spelling.
Then' are
dearest little valentine from .4vus Plxthlrtywix scalars enroMed now. For
ley, of Nsublnway, and the first lalenpets I have a canary bird. (bre<> eats.
line your president has reo-ived.
Id a banile chicken.
Sunahln* Letter*.
Marguerite Daru.
, Mayfield. Mleh- Jan. 23. !M».
.1 am always so glad lo welrome the
new Hunshiners. and am pleased
tvar President—
think you enjoy reading tbe ttupshlne
I thought that I would write you
tow Hues and lei you know that I am letters in the Herald.
well and hope you nre the same. I go
St. Ignace. Mirh.. Jan. ::
school every day. I like to go to
sebool. I am In tbe fourth reader now. Dear President—
1 would like to Join tbe I
1 have four studies, reading, arltbmetic. geography and eiHdllng I have Club. ^My mamma takes the Herald,
name for tbe Sunshioe Club. Her and 1 enjoy reading the' letter* very
much. Win you please send me
name is Jessie Riley. Well I guess
cartl sad button? I always lUed
111 have 10 close for ibis lime.
Oraud Traverse co.,jintll tbe 16th of
Frotn your loving Sunsliiner.
July, when 1 niim- lo^l. Ignace with
Esther Cunnlugham.
We llv..d
Ito you like to go lo schoolT i woi papa and mammn.
der which study you like best? Is It <lrnnn last winter, and I liked to
there better than I do henv I h
some names lor the Sun-bine C
They are. Martha Madison. Hazed
Rurbank. (Yllfornla. R. F. 1). No.
and Helen MailUou,
Jan. sri. 1009. MadlsOD
Ignace. Yon ran send their l ards and
Dear President—
buttons witb mine If you like Well
I will writM'ou another letter and gueM my letter Is tong enough for the
(eU you what 1 saw on Calallna island. first lime, Rood bye.
Before we n-ach><d the shore
Ev<-r your frb-nds.
came out In boats Tbe people
Rny Hayes.
ill the big boat I wna uu would throw
St. Ignnte imi-^i he very different
nthney into the- water, and the hoys from your iilit home,
woM dive to the bottom of the ocean sebool? I womt.T whnt vour similes
for It .and bring it up and put It Into are.
their boats. There was a large rock
called Sugar l.oaf. I was In a glassSberninn. Mieh.. Jan ?<;. ]!»9.
bottomed boat, and s-e could see way Dear President—
down Into Ibe ocean, and see lots of
1 have not written In a tong
a nlw time ChrUimaa. We
I w'llte a Une
bad a Christmas tree si our bouse,
going to M'bool all the lime
and at church. 1 spoke m piece at and have not missed a doy this term.
church, and was in a song. Tbe song My siudiee are as follows; Koadlug.
was called "A MHIIon Utile Snow­ ariihjiietic.
flakes.” We do not have snow her.*, geography. spcIIiiiK. and |M-iiinansblp.
e had to use rotion m n-pre*eni
tike arithmetic Is-st of all. Some of
1 go to acbuol every day 1 tny friends would like to Join ibe Sun­
My studies are leading, spelling, shine Club. Their names are: Mildred
arithmetic, writing, l.niguage, g<-v Ayer, Dorothy Jenkins. Edith
graphy and music. I niusl close for Clary. Alma Johnson and Honnah
this time.
Johnson. Please send lUemI cards,
car an
From your Sunbeam.
buttons, and also send
:> a biitlO
lAicile Nickerson.
lor I lost mine. I will try and not lose
It seem* ven' strange to the Urand
one. You may send all the
Traverse- boys and girls to think of eards and hutions to me ,Mid then
having iu iniliaie siios- with cotton will give them to the girls. Well, this
liatten. We have plenty of it hen-, is nil that I enn think of for this time,
haven't we?
so gooil-bye
Elolse Ervin.
HoW pleased you'must be to^hlnk
Old Mission. MUh.. .Ian. ?■'• .!■.•(».
you have not mt'-sed a day this ■■-nu:
Most p<-o|de think arilhm-lie Is llnJ rbceived my card .md bmion. and
lianh'Ki study .
liked them very much. .My little sister
very much pleased with her inr«l,
Monroi- Center. Mien..
I. I have been going to sebool. My
.Jan. 27.
teacher's name to .Miss Kaiherinv
Wood. I like her very much. Isn't Dear Prr-.sident —
I ttiougbt 1 would write and tell you
(bis lovely weather that we are ha\
iilch sister I wanted on the (]radle
Ing? I have a rule little baby brolbi-c.
He will be five months old the scivnd Koll. Her name Is Tressa Monroe. 1
• I,-leu years oid. We have two
of February. I am writing on my
two «ow>. one pig. one dog,
Christmas paper. I will write more
rat. Our dog's name to Cuff,
lime. I am going to the mull
rat's nstne Is Wliltcfool. t
box Ibis morning. It Is nior<- ihsii a
mile litim our bouse, and the mall have a brother who wants to Join the
Club. Ills name is C. J.
doesn't conH- this way b> our
Will you please send him a
nouse. I hope to se«- this In prim.
uiid button' Well I will have to
Your Mule Suiisblncr,
miw as ft t* just about time lor
Edith Krliig.
II is llilei'esling to sec your own let­ s'i|iiKT. From.
Hazel MoDr9<-.
ter in prim. Isn't li? I enjoy reread­
glad to know the name ut ihi'
ing all the Sunshine letters after they.
>ou watiK-d, on the Cradle KoK.
primed in tbe paper. Jiisi as much
as thiiugh I had not seen them'b^ and will •‘end bi-r the card a: ope*foftanately. (hey are seldom or ofver
known to attack people If let atone.
They will foltow one's track, tboagb.
•omeUmea. for mlls^ it to fhld. Any­
way. this U a fine pan of the wofM to
live in. That Is the belief of yemr
Aunt Lizsle.

WYen (be dogs neard (he gun. of
course they came running up. and
Teddy wanted to worry the dead
cougar as dogs do. Hill's dog sudden­
ly becs^a.very urave. bristled up and
Jumped savagely upon—Teddy,
the dog fight was slopped,
tne men drew the cougar from under
(he rail pile and looked li over. It
was shot din>cily beiween the eyes
and its neck was broken by the ball.
n tmroente animat of its kind
and It would be difficult to carry It out
Ibe wagon, about a quarter ol a
mile away, out In the rogd. bui Unrle
Mark had promised 1 should see it if
he caught It. ^nd no the two jnen
act about It. They got a tong, smooth
pole, tied tbe cougarY two pairs of
legs together and slipping the pole be­
tween the legs, attempted io lift It,
They couldn't do it. Tbe entrails
removed and they tried again.
This lime tbe load sas lifted though
still very heavy, but when tbe
men shouldered tbe pole, the cougar's
head hung so near the ground *s to
be In the way and they bad to lie
that. too. up to me pole .
they got started with It. and man­
aged somehow to get through brush foie.
r logs-to the wagon, loadetl
In tbe cougar and came home.
When I saw that rreaiurt: I could
ell realize what might be meant by
the slang pbfase, "an ugly customer."
Oh. that savage head; sod those pow­
erful legs and claws: Somc/oi the
teeth were broken and the rlawi
frayed In the frenzy oi being trapped.
After that, we became really sure
that (Bis same anhnal bad done all
the work laid to him In tbe district I
described, for tatmedlaiely all such
tosses of llvettoea cessed and no
bothered Ibe people for a long.
|.Iong time. In ' fart, (here has never
ice been any such great enemy
livestock about here.

Monroe Cemei-, Mich..
Jan 2:-,
I>ear I’rcsidenl —
I have not written to the Suuslilne
Club (nr a tong lime. I Jolm-d when
lived in rullfornia. What have you
got for pgja? f have a llitte puppy
it was nine week* old last Saturday,
ti ts a little rat-terrier. It !> learning
si: up and speak, and I am going
(each it 10 dance.- Papa has tbe
lilnrksDillb shop at Monroe ('•'oter.
Mamma died about four months ago.
lUod at Hendon with my uncie. after
mamma died, for about three wwks,
1 am twelve years old.
My sister
Jennie U fourteen years old. We have
two kitties, one Is named Frisk, and
other is Black-and-white.
would like to have a card sod button
as 1 have tost mine. I will close, hop­
ing to see this In print soon
' .
I»la Wldrig
i am always glad to hear from the
Aid Sunshinera. You Joim-d in M>ut.
didn't you?

nt the skin to a man
Hoqnlam to be Uinied and made Into
a nig. Someway be allowed It
very much ahrtinken. for. though It is
ailll big, It mea>M)r<-d at first Just nine
feet •from tip to lip." We kept ii
quite a while, and our children used
to love to roll io tbe soft, uwny for.
and think bow harmless It was then.
lAter. Unde Mark seat it to hi*
father and it now belong* to the chll
dren's aunty who live* near Traverae
Moonw renter. Mich..
Jan. *f>. 1M».
Fortnnatelr. there are few rougara Dear ITekldeitt—
ia the woods Uke that tme.^d
I tbought I wonld like to be one (rf

mv. I wash tots-of Atohe*. ntakt beds
and aweep the fi«oi4. Wc have ahout
a mlto to go to aehooL 1 go tn Bwnday school nearly every Sunday. Uy
name to Bertha Luiainn. 1 am twelve
rears old. I will be thirteen the J«h
of March. 1 have a little friend. Her
name I* Bernice lleaaoo. Sh* has
a ('radle Roil eard^. but not a Sum
button. She'to a*ye*r old. I think
abe would like to ua\e a button
wear oo her pretty red dress. Well I
guea* I have written enough for this
time, so good-bye.
Itertha Itotman.
When Beniiee gets big enough I
write her name on the Sunshine pledge
card, then she shsll have * Sunshine
button. Tbe ballons are to make
remember what the pledge
Maple City . Mieh. K F, l>. No 2..
Jan. 2*. two.
Dear PresidentIt has been »uch a long-time since
I bate written that'I will write' now.
It is anowtng now. Our vacaiton atart^ the 8th of January, and we will
have vacation until in March. There
are iweniy-oiie scholar* in our sebonl
I tike to go to school. Our teacher *
Thornburg 1 like her
a In the sixth grade,
reading, arithmetic,
^yatology. geography,
rramniar and spelling.. I like reading
. 'tysiotogy nud spelling better than
the re.M of my studies.' The school
bouse is llire<--quaners of s mile from
our bouse. I would rather live on the
farm than In ('••dar. I got twentythree |ires<-uls for ChriMmas. 1 gut
presents Irom quite a long way* off.
My ptvM-nta came from (Yliforaia. I
hair- had a CUrisluus tre«- every year,
but this year 1 hung up my.stockings
Instead, and Santa t Uu* filled tbem<
both. Suutu<-r is |iasu' but I will tell
you w'bai fun 1 had. We have n horse'
named Jennie, and a cow named
Fanny. .Uur bor*e U so genib- that I
ride on her back, in the sumnx-r
I would ride on lu>r back whi n papa
was cultivating, and was driving while
pu|ia wa* plowing. Yesti-rday I was
111 ibi- woods hauling chunks. For pi't*
I have three kitties, one bird named
Dicky, one paradise lisb. four durk*
and oeventy chickens. And. Sunshln(or plants we have flftyone differkinds counting In the resurrerilon
plant. Our Christmas cactus bad 127
blossom* on H, and has six buds yet.
see a varigated wanderIng-Jew In bloom? Mamma has one.
It has delicule purple blossoms wbleh
are very pretty. IK-ar Sunshinera. lei
send a imst card'of sympathy to
little Alice ClayiKMl. w'bo’has lost her
toby sister. She live* at Cedar. Mich..
F. D. No. 2. I have two more- names
(or Uie HauiH-r Club, whirfa makes 72.
Marguerite llaUiead. age six ycacs.
Milton ilalsti-ad. age tbr<s- years.
My letter to getting long so 1 niu»i
close wishing a Happy New Year to
all the Snnshliien ani the president.
h'niiH your Invinj: !tutils-ani.
M;>hel r.Alahn.
Y'oii always write su.-h Interaailng
letter*. MalH-l. and It does nu- good to
hear fiom you.
Summit City. Mich..
Jan. 29.l»n».
tn-ar ITesidenithought 1 won)il .write lo you and
Sunslttners. I have a little slater
whose name is OrbI>a
Shi- to two
have a little brother
named Karl. I like to go to sebool.. I
at home now. It I* snowing today.
Christmas 1 got a box of writing
paper, a gocart. and a dolly-licnd. h
ha* liei-n a long time since I have writ
-n to you. I will close now.
From your SUnablDer.
Eva May Cox.
Was your letter written on the new
Christmas paper? 1 got some wminK
pa|>er for CfaristmaH. kmi.

OBwna, Mick, Jut. 3*. IMS.
Di«r President—
1 got my card and bwton. and 1
thguk pon very much. I «o to admoi
every day. I had a good time sliding
down hill last week FYr Ckrtotai^' 1
>i a story book, a game, a new draaa,
penrH boa. and aome candy and an
orange. 1 will dose for tbto Un»e.
FW,« .vour tot ing Sonablnerf
• 1 as so interesied In the kappy
Christmas the Sunshinera hud. and am
sure you must have had a line one. '
Omrato. Mirh, Jon. 30. 1909.
Dear Prcsldeni—
I got my card 'and botuo; and I
thank you very muck. Our bnby to
ten months old. We h{id a good tinie'
For Chrtoim** at school
I got two handkerrhieT*. | gut • Httie
book that teacher gave m». and randy.
There wa* a big cruwd there. i will
do*.- for tkto tine.
Your toviag Biuishlner.
(ll^dy-s Vonbolt.
I wonder what ia -the name of yoar
book Do you like to read stoi-lea?
Oaylord. Mieh.. Itob. 1. 19W.
Ib-ar President—
It has b«T“ • H»ng time athfe I batw
written ^letter to the Herald. SO 1
*111 try and write now. We aits aR
quite well and enjoying our new home.
\Vr moved ahout tw-o weeks before
Christmas, l^ap* bought a (arm two
miles from Cay-lord. 1 enjoyed coming
lerit We started on h'rtday^nnd
got here Raiiirday afieriioon. I do not
J school now but I w-snl to go In
the vpvlng They have a nice largo
church here, but 1 have not attended
Biioday school very much, bccaaae the
nods have not been very good lately.
We still get the Herald, and I like to
•3d the letieni and stortea -My twin
sisters like to have . tne read the
them i hey call li the Snntie paper. Thank you for tbe pret- ^
liost card wbleh 1 ren-lv^ so tong
II I have rev-eiity tw-D post cards. I
will c-loM- for this time, a* 1 must help
get diniHT.
A* t*ver. a 'Suushlner.
ZelU NoEalnger.
What a running name (m- tbe Her­
ald the Utile twin alsterw have chown!
I hope It will always seem like a Bunshine m>er to them.


SX! toke Cod Liar O/t-Ouy
undoubtedly nean Scottt


It would be Just B> senlUe
for them to preficribe Qidnfaie
in its oude form bs to pre*
serfoe Cod liver OS in Its
natural state. In

the oO is emulsified and Eiade
easy to take—easy to tttgert
and easylo b^llEi|p«bcd fai to.
the body—and is the most
natural and usefol fotty food to
feed and nourish the waded
body that is known in metfldne
Nothing can be found to
itsplace. Ifyou are rundown
you should take it
Sea* tin* laittMim (*■»»■■>**■*
e( rww to vUek h
raw Misw* M*
(owcarttM csawsmtatoxind vra »*■ srad
ra* * "CsMtou HAto Attra s( the Wort*."
SCOTT « B0WT& «n Pari 81, New Y«rt

Cotfee and Tea

Traveri.e Citj. Mich . K. F. D. No

laten t vvrilleii )<>i a lung time an
■'*> I will wriu- I wilt tell yon
wha: I got (or I hrisima*; a work box.
some dishes, a ring, a string of bead:.,
some t-ollars. som« hair ribbons, ami
tiandkrrrbief. I have some name*
send in: l.averne Collins. Thotna*
Coliins. Lois Collins. An-y and Morle:
Tilton. Send the rard* and button* -“
please. 1 have toil my button
and will you send me another? I go
school every day.
My teacher'
me Is Miss Norma
I go t"
Sunday acbuol every
every Sundav
Sunday afternoonn I wrote io\iny giand
Your Sunshiner.

Elsie Conklin.
How pleased your grandmamma w ill
be 10 bear (rom you’ When- doe* she

Dear PresidaatI have not wriHen 10 the Sunahlne
Club (or a -long time, so I thought l
would write a few tines. 1 go to
school every day. My studies are
arilbmeilr. spelling. hUtory. an'd gram-

We selt eolfee for tOe, XSe. Zde and
ZSc per pound. This eoliee Is (he
Chase a Sanborn brand, it is wonh
every ^enl we ask (or It. Thelncreas*
lag demand Is a posUve prool ol Us
good drinking qnaUty. Onr faith In
the goods Is sneh (hat we sell II on
approvsL we wUl pay yonr money
back U yon nhonid not be natlsUed
wlUi IL We have a similar gnaranlee on the lea, lor aneolored Jap In
Vo lb. nir-llghi packnges price per
pkg. ZSe, lor Black. Blaek and Green
mixed and English Brealdast ZSc.
Wc are agents lorihe ChasedSaiiborn's Teas and CoHcea.

traverse oiy,


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