Grand Traverse Herald, January 08, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 08, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Tiuvmiiti crrv,

aiund tkavciwi county, micnwan. prioay.


$1A« A YEAR.
January a,


MtMINA AfOO RROQIO AGAIN CX> ___ laeo atreeC. With Wayne alreet OR
tha aoulh. BUI ttreet on the north, and
eoRUtna four aerea. Valued at IS.OOO. Waa Manapar of the Na«h4aH«airta
Action on the report wtU be made a
Raaart Hatal Far tha Laat U
aneclal order ol buleoat tomorrow
Year*—Had Many Frtanda.
attamooB at 2 o'clodc.
The committee on bundlm and
Seymonr A. Smith, better known u
BTounda were authorlted to pnt the thta dty as Colonel Smith, for 13 yaarp
Jail la am claaa ccmdlUon.
or more manager of the Ne«h-uwanu hotel. Is dead, the newa hav­
ing Juat been received by Irlenda In
tbe city. Colonel Smith paaaad away
December 38 at bis borne In Jackson.
Colonel Smith. In point of continu­
ous service, waa probably ibe tridea't

QUEEN Hifi ^

US AtEV 20


phyNoiMM H«v« WtfMd H*r ThM
Unlit GM G«tF« Ft Onet, GRt It
In Dnngv «T a CnUapaa-.

NoDia, Jan. G^t la daclaratf that
tha raglMi abowt Mtathia ail R#q»I«
waa vlaltaG aaHy thia. Mniing by
mart quakaa, tha haavlaat ainea Manday. »Hwn
to fail and tiM eKIaa ta bo dattrayad.
Qaaan la |IL
Rome. Jan. G—Queen HHena, wbo
bat bean waitdag Inirttiantly in an
eflort U> aDerUta ibe anSartaca o(
I. and dlraotlus
the burial of tha dead and the raacm
ol tha Injured, U in a aerloat oondltloo.
Bar phyalelau hara warned her
that ulaat aha tnkea a temporan
raat ^ wni ooOaGaa.
Tha «n^ U la a blgblr nerrouji
atata. otrlnc to lota of aleep. Since ahv
retnnwd to Soma, the haa apant th-*
Ctaatar part o( her tlnm in hosphali
carlnc tor the lnj«rad and aawlnc tor
the Tietlna. fha hOt OEtd M yeara
within tha laat taw dayt.

engaged In that businesa for tka last
LEMAN CROGG DIED AFTER FOUR- 46 yeara and having been behind tba
deak In many weU known bouaaa. Hta
waa practleaUy «hUmlted and hta friends ’ were very
numerout. During bis yeara at Saab
many Traverse City
became acquainted with him and be
had a large number ot warm paraoual
friends In thta dyt
When tbe local aaaoclatlon took hold
I the Se-ah-U-wanU resort. CMawel
mtth wax engaged,
engi«ed. to niiuMU tka
wbl^ be did very ancceaaruB)
Want Down GkMway, Rut Managad ta
although hla health was poor and ha
Keep HN Feat Until AlmcM tha
had not planned on working that aumBattam Whan Ha Waa
mar. having InUnded to rest


lokley. Bleb.. Jan. 7.—l.eman
Croea, 36 yeara old. died laat cran­
ing ot InJuHea received nt the Weztord Lumber, compnny'a mill in Buckley. Satnrday. He waa det^lng k>ga
and received Internal Injurlea. The
tuneral aervice will be at the Buckley
Cregatlonnl eburefa Saturday.
The accUent waa due primarily to
large beech bead log being crowded
out ot iu plane on a large deiAed
akldway. It la very acldom that a
beech log ta uaed for a bead log on no
It of Ita amoothneaa. but In thia
enae one waa naed. Mr. Croas. In com­
pany with a companion. Bert Lnkwton.
were top decking.
When the log waa crowded ouL both
mm were caught. Lawton fbacaplag
with a badly mangled tooL but Croaa
being caugbt nnderoeatb a maaa of
loga. Deepite the tact that be went
down with the beery loga. (Tom. who
of the beat lop loadera in tba
aUte, kept hla feet until almoat to tha
bottom. Tben bla foot caught In a
ROGERT E. WALTER MAOE AN­ orerlce and be waa burled under the
NUAL TO SOAROpile of kign.
Altbough be begged piteously to
bare the cruablng weight taken off
powerleaa until
they removed the heavy loga. Dcaplte
hta terrible Injurlea, hli atrong coaCOUNTY HAG G10S,S7GG« MORE mltntlon eaoaed him to Unger for tour
dhya. A wife and one mu are left.


Fear Caet thaOourrty GT.G7GJ4 While
the Circuit Court Coat GSJGLGS
-Rapart Cavarad 37 Type-


I ClM^ Robert E. Walter'! ant to the board of auperrlad Tbnraday and refer- William Ghladell Had Hla Foot Jar
mad and Frank Nlgaly Cheppad
• on Snance. wayi
Ona of Hla.
ud meana. *n>e report oovera 37 type-wriu^pjiaa, and ta a model of neatMenton. Mich.. Jan. 6.—Two accltram tha rapoii aro u fol- deata occurred near thia ciy^ which
auEered'Conaiderable dUtreaa. Will Shiedell
one of the nnfortunatei, a tramater
-• Rtata and
aw county tam In handa of ter the Truman A Woodward taw mill
clttaB to rcoUectkm. |5». here waa attempting ttf torn the eleigh
on which be hmd a partial load ot loga
t taxea U handa of atate and in doing ao*. allpped with the Jerk
ot the team and had hta food badly
and county for ooUactlott. I21GG7.23.
Poor. I7.976J4: Jammed, being pinned beneath the
hoard Of county canvaasera. m.«6; nnner and the gronad.
coroner. »17«.«: Circuit court,
rrank NIegely. a tree chopper, at
K343;^n hoaae. ILU4.93; county the Alea R*httmore camp, wat alao
derk. «33I3-M; conniy acbool com brought here laat nlgbt In agonltlng
; 11.473.13; Probate court. pain, aa a reauli of a mla-almed hew
B.110J7: bou. ot KiKorUo™.
ot a huge tree which be waa felling.
—'-WJS: board ot election. |S6S.&7 Tba axe alaabed hta feet In 'several
board ot aetaool examlnera. 1161.44 placaa. Ampoutlug of bis Index
roftater of Meade. »S74iO; county waa found neeeasary by tba attend­
. •I.»4t43:
ing aurgaon.
tomay. tlJtll.M; JuaUee oonn. fl.7».«: Recorder'a court. »6».76;
. unGimnUna.
jaU. 0408.63.
Thta BoralGg the proascuting attoraey appeared before tbe board reU- G. A. Smith ta Oapirty* State Gama.
Flah and Foraatry Warden—
live to the piupoalUon ot bmdtng tbe
Important Faaltlon.
county for BIMOO tor purchnalng a


permnoent atte for the lair gronnda.
and he dedarad that tha act on
I would
be UlegaL it being necnaanry to have
aa aaahUag act before aaah a prt^oaition (ouM ha put to the voierm.
It was daddad that the two detaSaiaa. Mmw*. Oanow nod Tadmaa.
who an to attaud tha atate emveotkm. taka ap tha matter, the proaaenttag attorney to Gtatt an anabllag act
ta aabmlt the prcmoalthw to hood for

G. A. Smith baa received hta ap­
pointment aa atate deputy game, flab
and foreaUT warden, bis nppolntmem
coming from Bute Game Warden C.
8. Pierce. Tbe office Is an important
one. more no that Ike poalilon of foreatry warden ta added to the other
dntlea. Warden Smith waa one ot
tbe bualeat men in the aute '’during
the raging of the lOreat Area laat aummer. balng Ine ot the 10 wardens la
4 to look «p the aute who were authorised to do
a anitahla alta far a coaMy mGrmary thta work. They ware graatly hand!
rawwtad tha following aka and raram- cstppad In tkelr aflorta to preaerve the
Hsnded Ita purckaae:
foraatn by Uck of flnancUl aid as well
BMek G Ooodrlch nddlUou. traota
M MOibtrm




O. P. Carver was unanlmoasly elect­
ed prMldest. Samuel Garland waa
clecfcd treasurer and ThM K. Bheraacretary. Robert Waltern having
declined a re-election on the grounds
that he could not And time to attend
a the Frans Caeto the duties Involved. He said If be
1, will Gt Sara Outcould add a few more boars to the
alda af Maaaioa Whila Dabday be might be able to Uke tbe
ria ara Ramauad.


tka ,new president, addressed the
Agpa. Jan. 6.-4Clng Victor
mseiing am] In a brief suiement
oat Mh daclared that both
thanked the members for their roopand Rasgld. which were d<
by tha raeenl earthquake, shall he ra- aiuilaa and aupport


in Mobile.
Mrs. Steele vtail^ her old boma la
Old Mtaslon In
leaving lor Mobile tbe followlDg De­
Information received late Tburaday
afternoon, staled that Mra. Steele bad
died Jan. 4. Tbe burial will be In Pine
Creat cemetery. Mobile. Mra. Steele
was 60 years oU.



Gdvaral Pram Grand Travaraa Cawnty Ware Amang the »0
Monday night cne ladies of Grand
tgan cinb enjoyed a banquet at Parker
Hall in Taconia.-Waab., more than zOO
being present, that number represent­
ing about half the number of former
Michigan rosldrpt* now In Tacoma.
Dnrlng the evening, a program
enjoyed and "Michigan. My Michigan"






Roma Vaattrday.

ould wtah to be. who waragoiis to
tbe fair.
C. J. Ebnar alao entarad a tsa 1M
of buff LrgbMna wbo ml^ auMiy
take tint prise at any pouttry ahFW.
J a Mclnioah was a'new lybtkHMr
and bla black single comb ktiaarena
member* of the committee and sigaa
tally did the youffg eockerate win tha
beans of tbe ladles with their Mtvar
clarion' notes, which could be kostd
as one approached the bnlMtag.
J. tv Zimmerman waa iherewittbta
rrize white Wyandoitca. Mr. GlmMr
man ksa taken tbe allver cup tor tRO
yeara and vaiiw* one of hta birdi Si
111. He war nafortunate In loalag S
valuable bird this year.
In a cage placed wtaere they easM
see all that was going no war* tka
Toulon geese entered by J. E ASSME
and like the wolf in the talry tain,
they blew and they blew but thsff
conMnt blow the kouaa. down. Aa
lady goose coyly bM her band baklaA
tba gander as one npprnoebad tka
cage, and Jnat peeped over wUh dM
Worthy of maatlon are tha seat but­
tons resented to tboae adalttad ta tha '
exhibit Last year tha kutUM wwo
yellow; thta yaur they are wkita with
hn ariatocraUe bnrrad PlymenU Raak

Roma. Jan. T.—Tha Meoaina came
tcry In vvieh a graat number af earth­
quake vicUms vrara buried, was deatreyad by an earth tremble .today. It
waa on# of tha
» In Southern Italy or Si­
Americana Safa.
Rome. Jan. 7.cosUnSaperlntendant E Giddlhgs had akU
ue at Meaalna. Moat of the ahocha are
eral cages of the baamUnl allvar
slight, bbt several have bean rather
Tkoaa birds
Violent cauatng the collapae of aev. spangled
era) bouaes that rraalned aunding make exceOent thow btads fna tkMr
after the *bork of Der. St.'
tcred a cage ot barred
Ten peraons were roamed alive
Roefca. Among them' was
from tbe raina yraierday. .Soldlera
PHILIPS BRUSCHART WAG 104 are burying tbe b^l*p found on tbe wbo tipped tha acalra at U
surface of tbe rolni. Two tbousand were interred U deep tQBncbe*
The duke of Genoa visited B««glo
yeaterday. Tbe aurrirora ara bnlMIng
wooden bulk of material furotahad by
Ibeh government. Food ta plMtltul.
Tbe cTBCuailoo of Measlna ta ba
ing hastened. Survivors ara arriv­ PARMERr MuTUAL''Aobn tag
ing at Naples on awry train. Five
hundred arrived at Roma yeaterday. A
Qreanland; An U
majority ol
Had a $16,000 Plra, Whlak GtartMilan and Genoa.
ad In Raonm Over a
Grtacom bat received
telegram* frtan Mr. Lnpton. vicecounsel at Moaaina. asnounclng that
Jackran, Jan. 6.—PhUllpa Brushart. Several Americana are nafe,
one of the oldest men In tba .State of
Michigan, died at hta home at Burling­
ton early today, age 104.
Mr. Manraa. Who #4fl.FrasMaat fCar
Him father, who fought In the bat­
22 Yasra, No Lawgar Haa Preptle of Watterloo. Uved to be over 100
arty Inaurad aM 1a Not
year* old and be bad aaran names'
wbo lived beyond (be century jnark.
Graanland Fire. .
The Parmws* Mntsal Fire Ii
Houghton. Jan 6
entire businesa section ot Greenland, .RI.TOCR*T, or THE OIUI-O! “TTlLl" “‘.•‘'.T'"'
in OmonagoD county, near here, was
wiped out by tire (bU mornlhg. Tbe
--------' being elected:
<lre orlglnaied over tbe aaloon of
Janes T. Reedeau. and Ibe loan ag^

**lt the people are afraid to ralura.*
■ltd the king. -1 win move the eourt
thara and live there for a time myaalL
“Wa Fill spend much mernay
build both clues Into more mo
sad fatar form nnUl they abaU be
tba meat beautiful spots In all Iialy.’Maaalna and Reggio are today under •UPERVIGORS WOULD NOT GIVE
that atricteat marital taw and a sute
of tiata extau. General Hama, cammaidar of tbe garrison at Palma, ta
la placed in command, nnd a omptau
gates about fl&.OOO.
araenatlon of both ciUea la planned.
AH paraona. including press eorraapORdaata. are to be sent outside. In- WERE SECURED ON THE LOCAL
sMa win ba allowed only tbe laborer*
who win clear away the wreckage.



Many ot tbe old time friends ot
Ifra. Carrie B. Steele, formerly Mis*
Carrie Pmrmelee. of- Old Mtaaloa. will
regret very much to lean af her aertous iUnraa at Mobile. Alabama. Mrs.
8t««le Is suffering from pneumonia,
following a surgical operation. She
went aoulh some time ago hoping to
recover her health. Mr*. Hannah \V.
Better Crownda Ba Gaeurad aod
Crane, a atater and Burt T. Suntoa', a
Aloa That Permanent Gulldnephew, of Chicago, left for Mobile
(figa Ba Erected.
January 4. Mra..-8inaley Holmra of
New York, a niece, ta unable to travel SO SAYS THE CONSUL AT MES­
Tbe ihnual meeting of the Grand ........... Holi
Traverse Region fair association bald way ot k
aery, where he will be
Work af Evacuating tha Strieban
mall tttended. Tbe board ot aaCHy it
and were In at- erly Amanda Parmelee. a atater. Uvea


tendance. Hr. Sanders, president ot
the a»soclation. addressed tbe meeting
nnd advise^ better grounds which
would give better protection In all
Mofa af wuathaa.
e ngseuled ibai ibelr having per­
manent buildings on ibelr grounds
wklcG wauM lessen tbe expenses of
the nasoclailon and be more advantageeua In many waya.
Poltowing the pre»Menta addroaa,
the aecrettrya report was read and ac­
cepted. The foUowitig orflceis were
For*mo year—e: o. Udd. Bdwin
Black. C. «. Gibbs. F. A. Hamlin.
>r two years—Ixrwell Sours. G. A
RobenaoB. Dr. L J Tedman, Ralph
MAK- Hicks
For three yeara—G. L. Crisp. J. B.
Brown. Hon. W. D. C. Gertnaine. O.



Mr*. Steele Waa Formarty Mias CmHa Parmala# af Old Mltman. aitd
Hna Many Frianda Hera.






j "o^rro,. "i.


UlrectotT- H. W. Siawart, W. W.'
George vv. MeWoth} as secretary
and \Mltibr- fore. Stephen :

Question Cannot Como Up For Anoth­ PARKER O- PENNINGTON DOING
' Many Bsayiiful Birds Have Already
er Voar At Loaat and Thoao
\i--Et- Fiewan and
’ BcensEntcrcd and ths Olaplay it
Favoring the Open Seloon
Uurdi.k we.e recl«Ked a. dlTOtAM.
Vary tnterast-ivg—Facta and
Helds High Ofliee In ths Detroit Car
nage Company, a Very Large
Bellairr. Mich.. Jan. 7.—The uloons
From Tueadar'a Record.
in Antrim county have eecuivd a lease
The seren’b annua: exhibit of
of Ufe for another year at least.
Parker O. Pennington, formarly U-i: Northern .Michigan Poultry
IXKwl option petition* were clrcuUi
er in the Traverse City State bank, tion was formally opened this
I ihj company.
ed in Manci-lona. Alba and several
wbo n-ccDiIy went to Deirolt to en­ Ing. The eocker. s kut no time in anThta has been a proaperoug joor tor
neighboring tonna but the required
gage In other Jines of bnrinass. ha* ttouncir-g tbc:r arrival, while tbe lady
I'[the company. 340 new members hav.
number of names was aot secured.
jnsl been elected vice president of the
A motion brought before the board ot
Detroit Carriage company, one of the
supervisor* Wednesday to adjourn ;i(*
E„. H,.,
largest concerns of it* kind In the
days to give tbe temperance people
city. Mr Pennington became connect­
.inonu lo
an opportunity to secure eno-agh
ed with the company only Uil Sep­
SuperinterJent F. Giddlngs, Presi
Losses have beea heavier-this yw
names to submit their petition wa*
tember and his election to the vice dent I-Yed Huti-r, Secretsry F. W.. than ever before In the history of Aba
lost *ev,-n to veveo. the Hon. .V W
prebidenry. Is a very gratifying trlb- Wilson
rompaay. /amounting to II1J0847.
Burdick, of Maneelona, not being pres
nie to bla well known business abUtty. bright and early, busily weighing l.ast year the lossen were 8388.46 Im
eni. The question of local option can
Mr Pennington has a large num­ and uggisg the birds. Vice President ihan tbo-e of this year. Foeent •**■
not now be voted on before a year
ber of friends in this city wbo will b* W H. I'mlor looked In to see that all. I'.iJ not pict pn important pndt la tkn
from next April and ihoxe favorinr
rauch~«lessed to learn of his 'sucres* waa well, and 4be evenness with li>«'ev ihJ* reir,
the op.-n saloon are Jubilant over the
In Detroit.
which thing* were going foon
thought* of another "wet" year.
viDced him that they
The present failure of the cau.«e of

Among those present were Utaa E.
C. TenniBh. Anna Andros. Albert An­
dros. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Siata. Those
praaent from Leelanau county wera
Mrs. D. Hlcker. Mrs. F. A. Keaaal
local option Is aacrltx-d to two facts
Kalkaaka county waa represented by J'irst. the aatoon kepers of tbe county
Stas K. Ikirkee. Laola Darkee, Irma have an orgaoisaiiou formed with
E Ehirkee. all of Kalkaska.
^e expraas purpose of sec-urlng ot>edi
ence to ihe taw in regard to closing at
iht- proper boors and on Sundays and
Ladlaa af Grand Traverse HIva. Mas- holiday* That this organisation has
done modi to Improve ronditioas To
aabsas af World, Entertained.
Last evening tbe ladies of Grand the county it an argument that tbe
anti-saluon league encounter* on all
Trararae htve. r_ o. T, m. ot
World, weal to laterlocben at tbe in­ *ide*. SeoMHf Jlntrlm county went
dry In tbe spring of 1884 for iwo year*
vitation of the hive there, to wit
and many voters still bisme the fin­
the lhauUation of tbe offlcera.
Tbe Iniarlochen htve served aa ancial deficit which forced Ibe issuing
alaborate benquet and royally antar- of 88.000 in bonds to pay current ex­
pense*. to tbe reauliing decrease in
Ulaed their guests.
Mias Rase Birmiey. who ta employad in tha Harbor Spring schools, reMUi Loulae Oardella reuroed to
tnnmd to Harbor Bprtnga thta monlng Grand Rapids today after a few dAva
hariag been at borne on accost
Nient here as the gueel ot Mra. P.



W, H. Bhner is tbe proed poaseesw
of the original silver laced Wyan­
F. Psrkrtt Gaya that E Tntaw
Martin Bahia, of Buttone Gay, Who dotte*. while Fred Hunter * prlxe mot­
Did Go. Cautang Mr. Pmkott ta
tled Ancona ben attroded ibe exhibit
Haa Won Fame Aa a Wreatlar,
Bell ThMn nt • Loot.
Bccomi>xnied by her small family and
Want to Grand Rapida.
some Rhode tsland Reds wbo caied
Nearly all t
Martin^hle. who i-i winning a repu a* a son of body guard to Ihe artato- tbe city
tatlon a* a wrestler ix his home town.
Buttons Bay. was In the city today on
hla way to Grand Kapida wtaere fie
being tbe ease. Tbe «ntt to the
wUl take the ei^amlnatlon In railroad- ter. wbo with their totted and
Ihg preparatory to going Into that line *y bead* looW « ,f they hiU rtae. ^ kara
early and haatened to tba ahowl
................... .
He expects to brake on the O. R A I. too
, .
. .
I man. and It 1* clalraod that after Pnrtheir treaae. properly
^ Tainmn cnneMiId the meantime Mr. Bahle it keep­
ing his muscle in good trim, and he
, ed the order lor all throe cart. Permoralag
U ready at any time to meet Frank
of hta Iota
Burns In a wreotliag bouL which hr were the rose comb and alncta
« «» «ta
Is sure he will win on any lermo Burns legbora*. entered by Fred Hunter. P-1« ,b“”,
may offer.
Leggutabed black Java* and white Leg-'
Mr. Jo*epb Caaahtanea. of Grand
Mra. L* H. Wheeler w«R to CadU- boma. who had plnmed their feat'brra Rapida. has bran the giiMt of Mr.
lac today on a bnalnea* tri|f.
until.tbey arere aa shiny aa any bird* and Mra. P. Menegari a few daym

green top. ll«»c; Golden «»!!.
Helvlg U Cham, ati Mr. Worth. «t
amen. 1S417C
anditiac tOm tn ^ aani am'
viM^Oood life aeaUnga an am «
•I WICK A wiuc.
t In order.
Prwito and Nrta.
Flve-loada of coke were.weighed
Mr. mad Mra. Bmmett SeoSeld tpeai
tbe city market yeaterday. They meed
Simdar with Mr. and Mra. BageM
RIU at ABgen.
ed bat that was alU There are no
There hn haen a little akating hut
ebangea in the price Uat.
hetwaen Uta«a and ano«. the akatera
r« aearlr dlseoaraged.
Jim WrlEfet baa mored Into O. P.
OetroiL Jai t.-Wheat-CkieeManbH kpttee here, aad Mr*. Manh
IL06: cor*. Me; oau. KScoxpecu to follow
Cbleago, Jaa. 7.—Whea
Mra. Jamee Etotiert apeat laet week
•L07H4% Wd: cor*. M%c; oalst. nwta
with her parent* at Odar.
Mrs. Cora Beodcld apeni a few dara WEAR aOMETHING ELSE tCtiDEt
of last week at Klngaler, returning'
,t br.,h
Chicago, Jan. *—Only a yery limited
T; J. OonkllD U mofing bla kmiU
husineaa transacted today. Both
Premlacoeualy, celpta and demand were light. Dealers
Bto his farm, whtob he parchaacj of Premiutoa
cd lo frame of body and to rnnnera. 'H,
IxlM inch quick rhlftlng draw bar heavily trwmd fall length. BtoCM
Pena Preaenting Pacailar PeeW. A. Ben aoBie time ago. He baa
reported a alea^ feeUng. Salea re­
are all liand forged aad fitted to eavh
■ .
denied hit beow In town to WoUeg
C Om^mi ei MnA 1, ItTI.
BOnT-Ash frame and whUewood VUM*
ported were at TOOTIe.
serened and plugged, and well braced, goad site and ntOkcUva to
Greenville. Jan. 6.-C H. Glbsou &
Co. quote the buying price of poudash, nickel ptoied arm and doah rail*.
Red. white and blue tigs are pro­
T»* MBBiU b«n«a« oi ibt Trtv a*. hV^leal college in Detroit; last EWtoe* on the Greenville market st S3
claiming what birds have won prises
•ne Cllr bo*rd of trode held U«. urtay.
Gfi5c; rye. 7<lf;- whest. »9c: beans.
John Boyd or., who lives about two at the Northern Mirbigan IMuiiry as- 8IA6 basis.
•walBE. *ave .offlcfeW erld«ii« thM
sootolkm eiblblt. about half of the
Presque Isle. M«’., Jan. 7.—Up l<>
tko pita of ln»JUa* U»« rtOroid otfl- miles iiortheoat of this villafe. is se­
ea^loe n^tly striped. Only first class lead and oil and .Nm 1
birds having been Judged at nfloo to­
date of the line* entering Twerte riously in with Bright's disease.
the Oral of Decyjnber there had been
varnish ar^^. giving a fine finish and a Job that
Mias' Bsale Vinton returned to her day. -Tbe tags are placed on tbe aomeihing like 6JJOO.OOO bushda of
SHAFT^^lected hickor.ri genuine leather irtmroed. |N»le to
CKy to neei wltb the Vxal hneinett
promlsruplace of shafts with singietreea, evener and nedtyoha. 82-M extra.
«wa wti tn execUent obc, tnd the •chool tn Wexford .after •pendliig a
potatoes shipped from Aroostook eoun^ ^
euMy, no attention being paid to
teet that to mtnr men In hlgti plw«e we-ek's vacation at home.
ID other words, about half the
..dl. .;ck,l
tt, M o« 111, p,. oI H, rt,«i crop baa been abipped.—The Corey
lliehlgan rtUroad men c«ne
bird as long as it is oh a pen of
4Utaaee« to attend thla foaetlon but is miKb Improved.
Miss Mariam Conklin spent New exhibitor whose birds have won
dMamatratea elMrir and eoneliulreYears at borne having a abort vaca­ prises. The show closes lomcsTOw.
Ir.that Uie
A whit* Wyindotte cock, who has
tion from her aehool wenr Cedar. .
New York. Jan. C.—UuUer-Bieady.
ugyWMtly Oealrotis
seen at least two summers and who to tirm and unobaaged; receipts. 4.897.
with the Traveiwe City hoslneat men
has grown spur* an Inch or more in
Cbeeae—Firm; receipts, 1.062; eUte
aad thA they appreciate the present
length, was proully displaying a
full CTMm, October best, 1S%C. EkS> LambftSk.
canamercial conditions ati$ future po«llt-liS STATE ST.
prise card labeled "cockerel." while
—Finn; receipia. 8.838; aute. Penn
Mhames of thU section.
gay young cockerels had prise
sylvanto and nearby fancy selected,
At the bangnet Ublea last night
AGED REblDENT PAMEO AWAY cards on their pens labeled "bens.”
white. 40c; do fair to ciioice. 86f.'
thcee were iireseat nine of Michlgau'
in placing the prise cords on any
88c; do brown and mixed fancy. 344
Gowaahed Med. WodL par lb. .16486c Old rnb^ber b^
mm. promiaeBt raUroad 'otOclaU.
ige of an exhibitor whose bird or
Sheep pelts aecordlagty^ Croat fox aa hl^. W
36c: do fair to choice. 82©33c; westThey were giveb a cordial rooeption
birds bare won prises, the work is
Arau 82cr-db seconds. 80©3ic.
by a reprwentaUve body of Traverse
Had Bean a Realdent of the City tw much slmptined. os If the card was
CMyh boMaeaa man wbo le^eaent alplaced on the.pen of each winning
Many Veara-Member Ma» Trarme CItrs moat vlial tndnebird, the birds would have to bandied dalstea, 14^ei6c; iwlna. Iteittkc:
Watched rifteeh Yearn.
young Americas.
14tov. . Bulter—
tftal aad wmetdal lntae«ato. There
“l-'nr fifteen yean. I have watched
H me doabt bat that tbia baa^ wll<
When W. H. Rbntr. member of Steady; creameries, 22©2Jr; dairies.
irnaels 8. Price paaaed away at 10
the working of Huckien's Arnlc*
A«‘«. 2«c.
le exeentive board, gras asked wby ?i^^27e.
Stive; and It has never failed to cure
bo gih*a<-H'«
o'ete^ Thnreday at tbe
>r burn
uurit to
lu whleh
—»«»«■ of tbe roQiaad mea that after a lingering ninesa. ttv
any sore. boU. ulcer or
they labeled a rooster with tpnrs
ns many
H was applied. Ii ha*s oaved
«bty were wepared aad wUUng to eo- year* old aad waa ttnmarrled. A sister Uch long -cockerel.- and gave pullets
Chicago. Jan. 6.—Timothy—March.
s doctor bill.” says A. F.
I Hardy, of
apotata to developlag not only Trav- Mrs. K. G. Davis, resides at iSS West rawter's tags .etc., he said. -It is all
:5c st B. B.
#4.05; Clover—Mank. 89A5.
^ CHy bat Ito 1
Tenth street, aad he M BlfO wrrlved on account of the incubator. Jhat
Detroit. Jan. C.—Clover—Spol.|S.6S.
wre and we be- by a nieee, Mr*. M. B. Loocka. of this cockerel was hatdied in an Incubator,
^lercfa. 83.75.
Ueve tolly appreciated fay tbe Imtl- diy, and a nephew. Cbartes Dnvls, of and he went all to apurs."
aaae men preMBL
Pi. CoIUm. OoL a cousin. Miss Anna
The key note of the ^qnet in tbe W. Rindes, resides st BaUlmore, Md tbU morning:
New York. Jaa. €.—Ponliry—AUv»W. H. Ebner. silver Wyandotlet. tnd mrong; chicken*. 14c; fowls, I6c; tur­
papen given by tbe locsil men and
Mr. Prioe had been a resident of
«be remarks by the railmad offlciBlA this city for many years, having been hen; Snd.pullet: Srd hen; 1st bent 8rd key*. 12©lle: dressed, strong: wesiBUYIN4 PRieCB.
was “cooperation.'’ and It was Ine employed as bookkeeper for B. J. Mo^ cockerel; 1st pallet; 3rd pullet; 2nd ern chickens, ueilc; towto, I2014wc
pressed npon the TTaveme City busl gan and J. T. Beadle many years ago. cockerel
western turkeys, fl©23c.
RMS mem hy the railroad men that He was a member of Traverse City
Be Aure it is conservative, the more to the
dottes: Srd hen; lat hew:
•Hboot the tooat earnest oo-open- lodge Nto. m. P. A A. M.
bett r. Consider its directors; who they *re
tton beneteUI remits wonld be slow
Word has been received from Mist cock; Ut cock; 2nd ben.
Chicago. Jen. 6.—Caule—ReceipU. Oau. T. C. UliUhg
and what they stand for in business. loqmre
Tom Sbllson. white Wynndottes: ls<
HtndM rwiueating that tbe remains
owl long to eomUg.
17.0WI; market steady to a shade high- Cora. H. A ‘
about its loaning policy whether it be conserpullet; lat cockerel.
T. a
beeves. 8S.90©7.r.0; Texans. 8380
It was improaaed by the rallrand he sent to Baltimore tor interment
vartve Compare the amount of us cash on
Mra. J. Harris, while WyandoUea:
men also, that wllhont the moat *r- The Maaoiis are yegoested to meet
44.60; westerners. 8445.60; slookera
2nd cockerel: 3rd pnHet.
hand and other quick assets with the voli-me
wat aad harmoaton* cooperation tuerraw morning at 10:30 at the An
\V. J. Nelson, partridge WyandoUea
of its loans.
•OMBtf tonal toafama moa, tba board derson UnUertaking
1st cockerel; 2*d pullet; let ben; Srd heitera, 81.754SA0; calves. 87AO©
aC trade oonld aot aoeonpltah great where the Maeonlc eervlce wm be cock; 2nd ben.
8.50. Hoge-^lecelpw. 40,000; market
ToaaHa. Tbe'vUlUiig goesu empha- held, the remains then being taken
C. E. ManvUle. -buff Wyandoues;
ataed tbe tact that Traverse /Uty poa- the Pore Marquette train and shipped 2nd cockerel; Srd putlet; End puUet; ed. 85.6066-20: heavy. 85.6546.26:
•Atoad'iare advantages over miy other to Hiss Hindoe, 688 Caillon avenue. Istoodierel: lei pullet.
pigs. 84.404 540; buyk of sales, 85.73
tavB to Nortbam Michigan and tor M. Baltimore, and be interred in
C. J. ftmer. buE Wynndottea: 3rd 4C.10. Sheop—Receipts, 20.000; mar­
that raaaee Is boaad to come to the Hoaat Olivet cemetery.
ket steady; native*. 82.8546.33;
the Mtnp’e facts upon which thestab-lity ol a
Ttwat^aad matotato the poaltloa In
J. E. Adams, buff Wyandottea:,Snl era. 884625; yearling*. |5.r.oe6-75:
b4nk perraqneotlv d-oend* .md- thu' ’■cl^ct
WHeh this eotomnnlty really beluags.
lambs, native, 84.6047.65; western.
them*' b-si suited lY his or h rn-ed«. Se­
ben; 1st cock; 2nd hen.
as tbe eoBuaetelal, ladnstrtol, agriOiddlngs. CoInmUa Wyan- 84.754 7.60.
curity a loorf p Tind "f yc-^r-i i* .the nrime
dltoral aad resort «enler of tbe aorth
doites: 2nd pullet; 1st pullet:
Detroit, fan. 6.—Bishop. Boilen A
requisite for savings. a"d it »* A
•a peitloa of the aUe.
cockerel. SHver Spangled Hamburg: Holmes reportfcCatlle—Market steady
aimofthcoff'cers and dir**c'-«r-. «*f this WwiL,
The aasaatioa of tbe otActoU that
3rd hen; 2nd hen; 1st hen; 2nd codeTuesday'e prie«; we quote extra
3 per Cent on dep -sits of $1.00 or m ire.
tbay be allowed to aaMet In the pmperel; 1st cocEerel; 1st pullet; Srd pul­ dry ted steers and heifers 8545.50 Hay
aiattaa aad diatrtbnUon of advertislet; 2nd pulUL
Steen and helfera. to 1200, 84.50
«s maranteM
(mde and
lac maltar. waa roeetvad with favor Peaeed Away at
■C. P. Hunter, single comb mottled 45; steers and heifers. 800 lo 1
Break Yeaterday
Anconns: 1st ben; 2nd pullet: 3rd 844 4.50; grass steers nnd helferr
gad fnlly appreclatad. Tbe aa
Memlng and Became ef Btorm.
ipnllei; 3rd cockerel; 1st pullet.
Made to this Une wfil doabtleae be
are fat. 500 to 700, 83A046: choice fat
J. J. Ritter. Houdans; l« cockerel: raws. 83204 3.75; good fat cows, |3
adopted by tbe board of trade.
One partlalar olement to tbe meMsncelona. Mkh.. Jan. 7.—Mra. Ly­ Snd hen; Srd hen; 1st cot*; 2nd hen, 43.25; common cows. 82.5042.75: canMaUle
814120; choice heavy bolU.
eesa of this baaqi^ was.tbe'enroll-. dia Rwe died at day break yeaterday
>4Mat of femr leading raUroad efgclals moralog at Camp ll. east of Alba. Laghoras: lat cockerel; 2hd pullet: |3.:.n64; fair to good bolognas, bull*
Nes*l Cato^rrh so
834 3.35; stock bulls. 12.5042-75
opOB the aeUve meatoeraUp of (hv Mra. Roee had been ill for some Ume 1st paBet: 1st hen: Srd pullet.
r. F. Hunter, rose comb while I-eg- Veal Ctolvcs-Market strong at Tq<u‘end a sudden coIUpoe came yester­
day morning. With the mercury below
46: milch cow* and springer*, quat
ttpt It created a favorable iatpreet
a gale raging and the jonda bad­ cockerel.
W. J. Nelson, single comb white rr-.lned. Sheep and LAmbs—Market
apoa tbe Tmveree City business ly drifted, it was Impossible to get
strong at ToMday's price; best l:>mb.<.
Btta. 'Which was erldenoed by tno medical assIsUnee from the vUUge Leghorns; Snd cockerel.
T. gbilaoD. single eomb white I.,eg- 86.3546-50; fair to good lambs. 83.5«
mag of cheers gtree tbe oMoers IS miles away,
46; light to common lambs. 84.734
«hea their names were enrolled open
ft U nuted that could the aervicet horns: Snd cock.
523; fair to good butcher shin-p. K~t
the TVaverM City board of trade mem­ : a physician have been oeenred In
3.50; culls and common. 6242.73
time. Mrs. Rose's life would have cockerel.
J. Y. McIntosh, black Mlnorcas: Snd Hogs-Market acUve and 6c higher
This aetkm ooBtalnt aa objeet less­
wockerel: Srd ptiliei.
than on Tuesday; prospects good;
en to a great many Traverae City cliWUliam
Mr. and Mrs E. Q. Gardner and -Mm
light to good butchers. 85.70O:.-75-.
Iseaa and la a practical assnrance of
Snd pullet; 3rd corkerel; 1st pullet
tbe pnrpoee of tbe railroad offielalt Blva Bolix. who hnve been vlslttog Srd hen; Snd hen: 1st ben; 1st cock. pig*. 8444-60: Ught yorkers. 65.504
5.60; rou^B, 6545.25:-BUgs. out-third
to bend their enentes to aid in the Mr, and Mra. U L. Fuller, returned
fj. E. Adams. English Rod Caps: 3rd
developmeat of Traverse City and the
ebek: 3rd hen.
East BuHalo. Jan. 6.—Cai’io—Re­
C. J. Ebner. Pekin duck: 1st young ceipt*. 2 con; steady. Hogs—Receipts
, Ttnrerse City Is to be oongratitu^duck.
steady: heavy, 6C.d046.4r.;
«d nptm the auceeas of Uat nlgbi
Nettie Gray, white Plymonth Rocks
86.254 6.40; pigs. 86.25.
$10.00 a week would not buy beiter enterlainnunt
‘aoetlng. Tbe plana inaugurated L.
3rd cockereh_______________
dipertien Vanlahee In
Sheep—Receipts, 30 cars; 8in»g;best
tba board of trade were carried ont to
With a VICTOR or ao EDISON in the home you arc Independ­
Mlfwtoe aM You Peel
lamb*. 8T:6S47.7S; yearlings. 86
the letted. ^ eptertaiameal was exent of Thenier* and other Amusement ulace*. The Artist* come to
6.50; wethers. 8645-60; ewes. 6420ti
«S4tlonany''Rood. and the eervloe of
you and pcrloroi for your benefit av you sit In your easy chair.
4 73. Calve*. 664 9.75.
not artart now—today, ai
tbit men moat exeellenL It the buslIn what l-'itfr w.'.y coold ym. *p.-nd these kmg 'Winter evenings
1 yoniweir of Stomach u......... Rsportad that the Law is Bafaig Vio­
I MW men of Traverae City wtn
and IndlgeoOoaT A dieted stomach
than In linenlng to the World's u.r.-niost Mujlcai Artlsts.lhe finest
lated We« of Kingsley—TroubUf
Nttow the enthuslaam manlteated at gets the Uaee and grnnblea. Olw it
Bands and Orchestra*, the fuanl-si Comedians, and the best enter­
Chicago. Jan. 6.—The market rra good eat. then take Pipe's DUpep
Uat night's gathering, there It
tainers in every line?
sU to tUri the dlgesUve Juices work­
tMins quoted as quiet. Some bean* ap
<neatloa hat that Traverae aiy wlH ing. There wUl be no dyspepMa or
It is roported to the Recovd that
^The aongf that are nightly d. Ilghtlng the theater goers of New
be a Urge gainer In the near future. belching of Gas or erartailona of nndl quail are being shot w«t of Kings­ pear by the railroad reports to l»e gc
Yoik City may be reprodut-ed In your horns for the'enienainmem of
ing out. The trade Is a* yet not order
geeted food; no feeling like a lump of ley and that a nutphor
and la
log many. At late price* the marl:ei
your family and friends. Fsn.ous Artists who I
lead In the atomach or hearibnrn. side
e aad DItsIness. and yonr food
remains aboni oieady.
will aot: ferment
feiment and poleoa
year who are dolog the shooting are said
Records for the VirrOR and EDISON, and you may ti.-ari them at '
Detroit. Jan 6.—Beans—Spot. 62 13;
riib nauaeous odors.
to be known and unieae the practice
4T444444444444444 breath with
yonr pleasure it you own one of these wonderful iiiBtro!m:oU,
Pape's DUpepMn cost*
ody 60
. cenU
____ is ceased, there will oe a compUInt May. I2J5.
WmUmsbnrg. Mich.. Jan. 7.—Henry
We have complete outfits. Including a doren selected. Records, at the following price*.
............. any drag store
glod against them and trouble will
Uulmor, who has been srorklng in DuK and will relieve the:
vtb. MUn.. thU winter, came back
Chicago. -Ian- 6.—Celery was quoted
stomadi u tve mlBUtea
game warden with headquarters in
There U
fa nothing eUe beUer to take Traverae city. vtoUtlng game tows
ateady to firm. Arrivals from Mleblgan
A small payment down secures a a ooifli at onee. balance 81 ■ 'ie««hA merry party of yonngsters gather' Gas from1 stomach and deense the
were moderatf and of homegrown the
and totwttoes. and beaidea. much more dangerouns than it ft
ad at the home of Nr. and Mrs. PKd
supply was light. There was a very
one trtoaguU w1U digem aad prepare merly was.
Avefy, Moad^ evening, to remlr for asMmUatlon Into the blood aU your
tair demand. Square boxes. Michigan
tbelr K» CoUUs. of the fact tna. H food the same as a
I- of TsriouK musical 1
Mr. and Mrs. Hiphnr and dangh Golden Heart, good; 81.1641.23; fancy
was hU 11th birthday. Afiw a pUas- stomadi would do It
ter avely* of Marion. Ohio, wbo have 81.404 120; ordinary, not well bleach­
postpaid to any addross.
«at ereotog they enjoyed Ught r^reak
ack reata-cott ttsaU to order, olaana been vUltlng Mr. and Mra. Ttoa. Cran- ed. 8141.10; per bunch, homegrown.
awnu, breaktog aSp at a Utc boar.
up—and then yM feel like •aiiag sioB. teturacd home thU moralng.
when yon come to the tsMe. and wjiat
Mtoi Hasel Eaton, who spent p
ywn eat win do yon good. ^
Mr and Mr*. W. G. Puller, o( 440
Doan's Regnlets cure consUpatlo
of her vacatioB with reUtlves at 1
Atoolnte reitot from aD' <
Monroe street, left today for a vtoll to«ie t^
1^. aad Bk Baplda, rotamed tome Misery to»walUag for yos a*
-- decide to bagto taking Diapepaln.
ileoday merstog.
Rruggtot that yon want
ToU ..
BevtvM meettop start ben MXt Pape-iD
- - you vast to expect to letn home Feb. L
Baaday eredtog, with the Bev. H. D. h, thmwuahiv aand Of iMlliftiol

fiml mwH UaU


A Winner ftv



A QOOB cum*






........ “St'


]Rx:T’*s^®7.^^u?r^i8x3r rnchSr”i^drf .««. iotox»


For IlMd CoUs.. compfei. liM MS.S* «o SiS
Watch lor qwUl larfaiiu U CotU nil moh.



Si-X“ '

When You Select a Bank


Anybody Can find Ont
For Himself





Traverse City
State Bank








**4JQ. ***2«.



Travcisc aiy Brandi:

Comer Front ana Cass



Notice by Purchaser Undm Tmc Balm
NORTH pomr.
To :he ow ner or owner# of any and all
January 1st was cold, mci jury 12
________ je PrcBoaox left Trt^ay Im....... ............ ;ood retnrned Snadar.
Tpallaatt. where ehe win take a nine the flnt of Mat week and retaneA above sero Today we are lartog n
imerest in the land herein dwerlM.
to^tei^e<hoo1«l Old MUaloB.
thaw, anow going fast.
home on Satarday.
Rocera and familr retaraed peeatba’ Bnlabins eoone for
Me. nnd Mrs Walker went ip UH- JiBa Aben had a broihm from TravPrldai' from spend Ini tbe bolldar* at
mortgages against said land or any
erae City rlaittag him the past wgvk. wsahoe and FcadnUc for the boMdaya
Chas. Chrlatopher. from the pealaMn>. John ToMn. of GlenBere and
nasiftiee thercKif of record:
Case A Crotoer’a mill
John Ate wife- and little
ania. malted nr the home of WUliam
Take notice that sale has been lawM's cm Monday.
Ihited friends
niruue here today.
_ Taller retnrned Satarday from, ChrlBUphar last week.
HIM Alice Abbott retnrned to Big
There was an entensinmeat in tm
MUs Nettie Roberto la visiiiug her
CVflCSB*^ Trao Ur. vn*
having apMt toe vaentkm In the
d for unpaid taxes thereon, and that
church Thursday evening tor tbe Sunslater. Mrs. John GoB.
• of the itnte.
in tt^^and little sranddauhter
•nt: m. fMH CUB*.
Tbere wlU be a daace at tbe Glean­ da> aehtoJl scholar# The>- were tTvalMrdge remraed Satar­
malted Mrt. JnlU Tripp aad other
and that
For over siztY ystrs doctors
ed with candv. nuts and popcorn
day evBiliig from Aldea and Hnebor er ball Saturday. Jan. 9th.
ben thla week.
•■Ht A. t. lUTlteBd. AatoUBt Cub- frlenda
Mrs. £. J. Bennett la slowly on the
School open^ ags>n Monday mornSpitoga. where die spent the hoUdaya.
hive endorsed Ayer’s Cheirv’ thereof at any u within six meatha
Mlaa Cora BcoBeld .of WHllamal
Prayer meetings each night this
nent a few days
daya here this wireek.
aW^er return of senlce-of tbit notice,
' Thr- Dissnuerade In MaecaUx- h;;II
Allen, of Trar- weeka In the (VmgrecaUonaJ rimreb
. and
id Hrc. Hervey
the undersigned or
Tnwjr imj,
Friday night was a Jolly sRair. over
of Ixw
Bdlth. the little dan^terof Mr. and
veik lunts, bronchitis, con­ to the regl*|i
__ CHy. malted hi the
-hancery of the coonVtofl OlBdt. Ml*. JBUk T. Hub
ad U reps
20 numbers sold and
reported atRial. Mr. Allen returnlni homo Sun­ .rs. Waller Wliaon; aged eighteen
tuda lie. of aU sama
ly in which
StUMl OBriBMi. H. C OBfb, J«
sumption. You can trust a paid
ices ibey
months, died on New Year's day of
day. and Mr*. Allen and
upon such Dun-hase.
MUru. W. W. SsUtb.
ibaintng for a few dat a.
e hunt!
with one
hundred pei
I Weatccti Ailed llie lill
The Klnialoy poultry fancierc ship­ vice WI
the home on Sunand tbe lees
prove. Then trust this flic next therela
Us Wood, the prlniary leacber. was good.
ficrnoon. Tbe Rev. Hr. Beutoll
itaBtweleaTlaeDeHito ped their eahlblta to the show Tues­
ib,‘ aervlo- or eo#l ol putillcauon ol
:hi- noilc-. to be «x.mpuied as upon
I Un. F. Oago and little |wer k> vacation. Mlaa Prvsioii it tin balDe in Traverse City Tbursda).
The Mlates Bstcmai) and Oakley,
Pt-rsoDBl service of a-deelaralloa aa
I 4Q fVTrrt*"! Bad
get here to commenre sihoel ' The- Udh-s' Aid ^oc:
from Orand Rapide, are
.-..lUGi-neemeni of #ut!. and the fur­
tdmm raevdtBe BukUw deaconeiicca
Mra. Johnson lari Wedm
ther siiRi of (Ive dollars for each den,
> tb« Trar«ne Cttr MU* boldlw ueetlnga In the Metbodial
wltkout other additional cost
K, TraverM Oty. Mi*.
Wynkoop wfadown from .rav- a sleigh ride to Omena this evening ■ ChiiatmnB with her parents. Mr. and'ilieni. Tbe preaident forgot the sew
' msM
or cliBrgi** If |MonH-nt as aforeuM
John MHla
i Ing Laakct. By the tipori
Charlie Ransom, of Maaton.
ene City on bnslness.f UKAfJMLH.
iUiaiie. the undersigned will Insll•and Mrs. Benton llerbei bave Indln. hud a grand sorial
J. W. Hodies A Sen la Ibe firm .New Year's day alth his pareub
• “ HUS.
tm.t proe.-edltig* for iwrseastoo Ot the
been in Grand Rapids for two weeks.! lead a piece rbe bad
name ol a new blackamilb abop open­ and Mrs. O. <' .Ransom
ived heanv
ing Christmas
ision. w'birh i
ed In tbe Wrlgbt barn on North Main : Miss fFannie Steele la spending- tbe | Vlhlll
............ ,ou of land, -late of Mlchweak nl .Mr. and Mra. .N. C. Morgan's.' bis nmoiheii—-.
1 plat
1X411. eouniy of Grand Traverse. .NBH
Wllloby U gulte sick with Car u brought down i e bOUs<‘ '
Mr. nnd Mm. Wm. Wllaon left Mon of Omena.
Ilf NEvi? 8E4* of NKW. NWH «(
Edward Ransom. Roy and James the cblrhenixr
day for Trat
Traverse City whei^ibey wilt
SWi, of NKts. SKH
May Emarv. from Cbarlevjlx.
be president. reque»i«-d Iba
Thomas returned
_aln dnrlni the i_____ ____
Sec 17. Town 2i:. Range 9 B'; amount
U visiting ber'^arenU.aud a number
be elected as ebe wi-hed li
ing to resume their studies.
John Sebone baa porchaaed
ild, TlIhTb;
tsi for years 1894 to
resign. Mrs. N. B. flberidan las elect
Mrs John returned to ber home la of ber old rriciida.
Bblnfle Bin and la inatalllni the
Mrs. Janies Herbet spent a couple of ed president and .Mr# Weatcotl vlreOrand Rapids last week after having
chlBcry. Me eipecu to have It
Fred Gri-eii speiil the lio!lda> with
to redeem.
days with ber d<..............................
Mrs. U-w J>re»ldeiil. Mr- Ihtnebrlll resigned
t Chrlstroi.............................
operation soon.
mother and other
1- lees of tbe sberlS.
the oBUv of -leietary and Mrs Ehle.
be Hisses Relto
and Mar>
Tbe'-snow tv fast diwippcarlug. the
Toney and l^w Zonlek have gone to « ho was treasurer. Jtn» elected f-ecro- roads are becoming tbln for log haul‘Inga Sgttttaey returned to Harbor Sprlnga
ary loo Mm .loLnhof treated them
Place of Business. Traverse City. Mtth.
HoAard Dunn was in Traverse City
e spending
and. Mrs. Beech, father and o dellciou# roBer. 'cakes and lee
Jun. l-8-.x;2.
1,' Kebl and aon, I
J U Thomas and sous, who have
motber of Mr*. David Eimon, will re- .‘i-i-am. altbough li was against the been visiting in Canada have returned
Roben Alvin visited at Marion the the week In Chicago.
■ules. I; was greatly enjeyed. Then
Mlaa Addle Nclaon returned to
Iter part of last week.
' Ihi
ihcir trip.
much pleased with
Mlasea Cowan and Jennings re­
Thomas vl.-iteU with Ifis
turned to their school dntole Sunday,
Court for Grand Traverae CoOBty
ba# U-en blind (o; alnu
iwturiyMl gray team of horses of Frank Broseh. -plendld visit and Cue ride, lluy (elt
Tbe Rev. Mr. Ho ___
— in Cbanccry.
having spent the holidays at their re
Mr and Mr--. Burl Kroupa were call- like calling an enrore.
Saturday evening
log from _____
apeetive homes.
.Mrs. Blackman gave a f ari-wclH Sophia Prinen. remplatnanL va,
- Sparta on account of the death of
Eunice Premeaux Is spending
Prof, adh Mrs. Clark retnrned Satparfv for Prisl Gre^ii the otlie
John BrHirn. defendant-Dea S». (MS.
rs Kroupa'h mother.
arday evening from a vacation spent the week in Traverae City with reUlug. He has rctunu-d U. bis woik.
It appearing from aBldavit on fllo tn
Raal Estate Tranafcrt.
WillSFd Kitchen is cntilng a loi of
In Mount Plenaant.
Mr. and Mr* CotmUiid Itrownell this cause 'bat tbe above named deW. J
abridge <
Ellen J. Delbrtdi
Northpori Lodge F. A A. M. No. 2C3 wood oB Ibc/place that be bought
George Smith spent New Year's day
lots \ and li. blk. 33. Inter- spent New Vear'^ l>av wiib Mr and f.-ndanl. John Hrinen. Is a reaidont ot ‘
held their annual inatoUntion on recently from Montague
Mr#. Sw‘an. of Traverse Ci:>
•Nnar* and Narth Wind. Thru In Traverse City.
tbi- state but that process for hit
locbc .
Frank Smith had quite a nt
A party will be given this evenly Tueaday evening. December 29. After
appearuno' ituitied in lht« cause caimM
(Tins. A. Moulton and wdfr to Kempt
ASaa'a or Thm —taw la All ttia
the buaineaa aeaalon. tbe members and going down tbe Peter Ijirdllilt No. 6. after
wiik of vacapersonslly served upon him by ren•wna to tiw Tap NoteMn
their wives enjoted a banquet and The cutler was quite badly oruken but Commer. and Savings Bank, lob; 1.
1 of bl> i«mlnaed absence from hla
3. i. blk. t. P. H 3rd
no one was huri.
Boclal evening.
Hodges, wbo Is visiting here.
D J Springer and fanilly ' >pt
of Poaltir WerM.
Iix- of it-sidence On BOtloa Of
Geo H. CroFs to Kempt Commer. A
Mra. Ell Bordeanx. wbo was very- —
. Mias Joasio Helfricb spent a i-ou|>l<
- ■
about 123
h‘*'c.' suliciins for complalnnat.
Savings Bank, lou 3 and 4. blk. 4.
Ill last week, is convalescent at ihH o^^iva visiting Mrs. Davis Eimon.
ordered'ihst said defendant ewue
Stnltaaoooalr wttli tbe opanlnc of and neigbbora gatl
'. II. 3rd
of Hr. and Mrs. I
be entered in thto
Jas K. Abrons and wife to Geo. W
Ifca Nortowa Mlehlgan PoaHrr
Raymond, tbe little non of Mr. and
help them celebra
p.-r>on or bv soIlHtor wtUlIn
legiH-r. tot Hi .ble. 7. Goodrirh Add.
dailoo’a eablblt la tbe Hoollbu farm
The(e'* nothlnh so good for a
A very enjoy- Mra. Will narrow, of Traverse• City,
three months from tbe dale ot Ulln
Clarencx- I. Martin lo'DeWltt l>
bad the misfortune to break one of his throat as Dr. Thomas' Kclociric
«d. Mr
, lU Stole atreeu able evening was passed.
thereof that the
V H In a few hours. Relieve!
lim of .'omplaiiii tiled herein may be
a caaalBO North AmarlcBn bitacard alUi
Lewis K. Kent and wife lo Tboma#
Flood attended pain In any part.
_ beautiful lOO-plecc dinner
Hickt v, lot 1. 16-2610.
doara MadlelBa hat in the aorthareat Bides a number of other beaptiful him.
When You Pot Cn Stoekina*
he hest-rti^rl. dojrwor she«s|i»wli. sm!
aad boiat apoo the citr. aa I) hat the pieces.
Mra. R. E. Campbell la very IW-4t
Rfldolf Weldueft. lot 12. Blaekwodd.
r f«t .wtli «odj«»r.irr‘ It »<>i--i-MukU
this writing.
Bert McCaitby returned
id Mrs E. Champion went to
haUt «f Mat «baa all the blddlea
Tllla M WUeelotk to Wtlliani I! Alim'- Fo-t lUMj lo -TOUT •''“’• j
D. H. Power, of Pontiac, arrived
bor Sunday after spending bis vacation
City and from there to Fife
UM'F.1.1. H. G.40B.
aad lhatr hiubaBda are on dtoplar.
Satorday for a few days' stay on boai. iJtke to visit Ibeii- Grange nKs-llng: Rllov and wife nw».4 of awH- 28 27-12. M?lSoTsw^”fkM'.*ri>^h2S‘' at.^^now't
with his parents.
Solieitor for Complaina
MM Kndres and wife to Isabel Mr
The bUnard baa not aSacted the
and help in the insullation of oBIrcn Bride. neU of iiel4. C 2-Vl 1
An €enjoyable evening wn^ spent
(iu#ine## addn-ss—Travt'
Mr- and Mrs. W. H. Porter V'ft for and to give their report from the Stut<
Mcceia of the ahow aa far aa the
._ home
of Mr and Mrs. E. J. Cl
J. M. Heullmantel et al < Hanna
hlhtta are oeaearaed. Never have the Friday evening when n few of their; Ladiagton ihli afierDoea where tbey Grange meeting In Saginaw
Jan. l-Feb.t-.
Wfesler. lot# 30, 51. blk P
lered there tor a social were caUed by the death of Mra.
Carrto IMxo^is aerloiisly ill.
bMa dlaplayed been more boauilfnl; friends gather
Porter's broiber. Fred Dowland. who
Alton and Mollle Bennett and Mam
> J
form^the order of
l-hiri returned to Traverse CHy fl
to pen.
morning after spending their liolid
Alice Rees lo R J. Buell and wile George 41< id»ey! Dofeudaui—Dec.
w, of Traverae CHy. ar­ vaeation at borne.
nn A Son and tbe Cas<
and Ida and Choa. Rees, w‘4 of lot 3.
to spend a few daya
Uimber Co, each have, very pretty rivedI thU ovening
Will Cook is sick with the grlpiMAlone oadi waU froa <
with hit family, who are. vialUng at
Mr. Kennedy haa been qtiiie |>oorly
William Beliner and wile lo Robert
the hall ID the other an
he home of Mra. Oco. Dame.
Mr. and Mrs, Swift of Sebewalng. the
n-aldeuee was i:i this
le last two weeki
Srbomberger. wH of nw^.
Mrs. J. F. Mathews returned ToescBKea. while a doable row la arra&sed
•e the parents of twin boys, boi
Jan. *.
Gi-orge Jackson and wife . Mary atate. but that his present place of
lay laat from Harbor Springs, where
r. Swift wai
ew Year'B day. Mr.
was ..
resUienee c.vniiot now lie nsc-iiaiired.
down the eoBtor of the hall, the cn«oa
A. Ennis dwV, of nw*,*. 20'.'8‘ti.
local schools,
11. Gage. Solii-ilor for
How la Your Olqeation?
Two Ulvers Woodriiwa
K (be creaa of tbe ponltiT
apenl lest Wedlisa Agnes Jaequea. of Travel
Mlaa Kellie V
the above named eoiiiplalnaiil. i: Is
Mrs. Mary Dowling, of No. 22K Sth Fred M. Hale and. Dura 1 . Hale.
rarda of the Orand Traverae regloa.
CHy. spent New Year's with friends nesday at Omena.
ordered that said defendant. George
San Francisco, reo
neti. 20 28-9.
T -.u-rr lltin.lrrd KtintTaBd Mia^
.At the hand of tbe center
...................... s. Jt lobo NeiMn' <micr- emedy forsiomaebb iroubli'. Sbe !>ayr of Frank
ni«pea:;;ii.- tn Is'» un,-...u!#irrdih. <iiuui»>daitonfl(toto-.
Uokas ami «ltr to Fenliuai;.!
M. Box and Mist EBIc Boftarl!totned Mr. and Mrt. Vevaog fnd 'Gratlnide for the
sad tbe (Brttor Nto •(
(^analare aererai dlaplara of barred
Kapnlfk and wife, south M> feet ol l,.l I i;;ered in thl.- < toe either iu p rsuu
quietly married at Traverse City daughter on New Years.
nr i-y .-.nlieilbr »;! iiiii five nin ithstrotii
ol Mk 1 Goodrich Add
l^onth Bocka, the fi'st enur bblns Thursday of last week. Mr. Box anal Mr. and Mrs. Denney and three rbH •lleelrie Bitter# In a case or acUH
Ilip ,la1<- her.xif a lid In default tlien-nf
itot df OHocr Watora, wbo U ahowlnt in bualnets bore recently and Mlssidren,/«r Chicago, spent tbe holiday#
roiivlnced that for stc
nuyiman. n>- «f set;. (S-2VU.
arpen eeatatalag one eochere! and Bogart hat resided at Matcbett for a with Bnw. Denney's parents. M
9 ronfi
feas«-d a.galnat
ud llvr trouble- Elecirie BiiUe:v is'
abort Umc.
Mrs. Ell Bordeanx.
little Blieea wbo are not
e*l remedy on tbe market loUa> ■ I
Mlts Maud Porter, who
- ba* been v • ' - e MbIsses Grant and Ban
GKomjK w, cn:
great tunic and alter
e Uiedi I
Fred B. Federspicl
to being gaaed at by curiona eyes. Tbe Ring
turned from their hollday
relatives here for a few days,
Circuit Court Comm:-:
ca*erel Ups tha acalto at eight and a turned to Traverse City Monday
Saturdir evening.
Grand Travoiic C
blood and is eBpecially helpful
half poanda, aad la very proud of bit
Mrs. Geo. Suits was In town from
A watch party was held
be at tbe borne ail forms of 1
lie wea'
Farms and Oty Properly 1. - H.Sol.GAGli.
Snmmit City Monday en route to Trav- of Mina Nettle Nelaon
for Complainant
aobby black and white aulL
Ji. K. Wait A
Bought, ae’d and wachanewd
eteolng. Tbe eveuing
■ae City.
Bu>ln<-ef addre.-,*; Traveri
A. Bugbcc Drug Co drug
Adjolalng the birds Of Mr. Waters
games and music.
Myron Van Corder. of Manton.
Money to loan, Call and tee me
are tkoae of Charlea Billman, who U 1 friends here laat week, returning
and Mr*. C. Heberg entertained
Fil. Dec. 18 Jan. 29.
Baum I . MajMlI-Bldg . TtornweCi:;. Micb
to -aid ruwB', uC Uiwad Tneerwrow eatanUy.
lay. He was accompa
with a four-course lunche
ahowtng the same variety, one cock home VWedi

MarrIi.A. D. m atian
id Mrs Fred Eyestoi,.-, ol
irn by Ray --------Hackman.
bis return
Year’s night. Tbe tables
weighing lOH pounds .
A bon will give a masqueradi tUy decorated with holly and mlsUeId ailDl. Mr. and Mr#. A. M.
Powder:# For
Evan Whitney alaO ahowa barred Jannary 16, In Box's hall. Bill foi
for flfiec
noyBoutb Rocks, while next to these dance ^to oyster sapper, Tu cento pei iDort program consisting of piano Sniltb. » f< w days fast week They
NelUe and Mild- go from here to Copemista lo visit .Mrs.
come the pit Games belonging
DR. W. J. HIGGINS. OmtiK. •
sister. Mrs. Sheldon.
CbwWpPutmaa loft yesterday for a
Nelson and Mr. and Mrs Hed- EyeVlone's
dtoriea Irtth.
New Munson.Blk.
Traverse Oly.
Miss Rhoda Ratienbnry wa# vl-iilug
Instrumental selectic
Cilixen* telephone; offl«. 798; ren• R. H. Wilson haa eeveral cages of few days' visit with his brother. Ask.
and Mr#. Smlib a lew days last week.
Heberg. tbe Mtasea MU
at Jennings.
worthy -rhool dircclor. S. P.
Idenet', 602.
btodc Jnvns. aa Sne birds as
Nelson. Readings by Julia Miller.
. . Ha# done -nme fine work paint­
Ask 10 be directed to Ms otflcq op­
Meadames Matt and Ida Budd rewaold see la atony n ponllry r»^Teachers Married.
posite Sherman A Hunter.
ing tbe wall# I't the school loom.
Biaetr tWi WTw nWre ur Ma
tnraed Thursday from Crtra* Villi
a ettaaon contat next with bnS For tbe Herald.
Our school commences today after
Do not be mlsdlrectedand Mancelona. vberc they spent
STATE OF MK’HlUAN-in ihe Clra two weeks' vacation.
Gold work of the very bato.
OrpliBlMa. the BOdeet colored hens
A happy hediday evenl oc -............... bolldaya.
lhr« IS,; Sbenr. —“
iu!t eoun for Grsnd Tr;uer-e CounChaa. Gore hsii been haiiLiig wood
l*oreeta!n Inlays.
le home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
y nltbe vlallora.
iroed Sati
Miss EtU Kelsey
___ _ . Manha B totnrw: Ihrasa awaS &
Painless extraction.
vlng spent the holidays at for tbe Bcbool bouse.
•k. r. .
, JA & om has more than BO nla^ UVaniure. of Centerville, Mleb, De­ day from havli
Jan. 4.
cember 30th. when tbeir daugblcr. Buttons Bay and Helnforth'B Crossing.
comb tmS OrpiBfton*. <»* <»* weigh- Mlaa MsUldn. was united In marriage
rilflcial teeth.'
om affidavit on file In
It appearii
Mr. and
nd )Mrs. 8. W. l»ortcr enterSovtn Year* ol Proof.
lai 11 pounds. U B. TrlppM birds
Oacar P. A. Barth, the Rev. C. lined tbe fatoUies of r, and Mrs. W.
the last known- place
this ra«M‘ t
VC bad seven tear- of pi
cernc otxL Cornlah Indian gnaes and Pnrmeter oBiclatIng. The roomt
the above named deof residence
I. Porter. Me
that Dr. King's New I)l»co«ery Is
Office hours T;30 to 11:S0. ’
Ifully decorated In
insider. !
nnd Mr*. (Tiifflnsi
feiidsnl we# tii North lUkuia b-ut that
White Indian gnmes glaring at their beautifu
and Mir.
pre»<-nt place of r id-n.‘e cannot Other raquesL
netghbora with no frlsBdll
l8 and for every di#ea!>ed eonditUm
parlor was an arch eBeri with a large Peck and Mr. and Mrs. '. Darrow t
be an-er’ained
nintihTi of L.
ihroai. chest or lung#." #a>s W V.;
. their beady eyes.
•re the
white bell In the center, where
' coniplaiiiant.
cw Year's day.
irj‘. of Ibinnma, Mo. The world has I »
Mrt: ParR. J. Hall baa some Sne bull Pl^ ceremody took place.
Miss Hattie Woolscy is spending
said defendant. John
I Ihlrly-eighi years of proof that IT.
ippearaiice to be en
few weeks with her parents,
I Koeka aad J. J. Ritter abows • • •
Meno'clock p. m.. at the
thi- eatiso in tMTson or bj
Mr. and Mrs. James- Hudd Spent the
SOBW Serce looking pit Carnet.
Ati<«w«y tor
, for coughs and colds, la grippe. tered In witiiin
delasobn'a Wedding March, the groom holidays at Mancelona and Cross Vil­
five nronihs from tbi
BBihma. ha> fever, bronchitis, henio- lOllclior
Irish also has pit games, and they entered, attended by tbe grootnaman. lage with relatives.
rbago of the lungs, and the early ilale he:e<>r and ;ii default thereof that
Fri.. D-- U -HaRh U
look as though they would stand no Philip ItoVanture. the bride follosed.
Bled In tin# cause
Jan. (.
.(ages of con-umptlon. U# Umcly use • [he ‘bill of roinplaintconfesaed
arm of her father wbo
alwava provcnia the development of|®*>
gave her
he away. Sbe was attended by
Mind Your SuainenI
Some fat '.iUle Pekin dnefca
nia. Sold under guaran
guarantee al I *>'"»•
aa bridesmilaid.
by Miss
Mlaa Martha Barth,
If you don't nobody will,
shows by W. J. Nelaon, and George The
In lace i
Itrlde was atUred
Circuit Cpurt Comtnis,
business to keep - - • all tbe trouble S. E. Wall A Sons. Hannah A 1
Caras has a Bee lot of Paiiridge white silk and carried pink and white you can and you can and will keep out
Grand Traverse Cti . Mtcb
of liver and bowel trouble If you take
a Wyandottea. and carnatlona, the Impressive ring
lee being used.
.MU# Loul»e Kale ha#
White Plymoath Rorim.
tome very flne Inatramentol music was
tuMne*5 addre;#; Traverse City,
> Dr. L. J. TdSaaa haa white Ply rendered and the bride nnd groom of your system. 23c
hclidays with hei paren
ihowerod with xlbe. at the — Sons. Hannah A Lay.
amatt Rd*a. bfowa Laghoraa. single
Mrs. Asa Hale.
r was served.
rloalon a bou
Drug Co. drug stores.
Mb MhsorcM. nad fHsa Nettie Qj
party repaired to the
after wWrb tbe
ta showing aoBO beanUfhl white PlyTownship ball nearby, wherr
MMth Rocks. In. the display of J. B. male and dancing was enjoyed. *
. Sophia Bayne i s surprised
Booghl, sold and exchanged
~'lMnBa there are Bngitrii Rad Gape. reception was given them to Ibi Saturday by n•eeelvlng qi [e a number
home of the groom’s parents. Mr. anil
Mack Mlnorcaa. while Bo*a. games. Mrs. Geo. J. Barth, of Kaaun. Mich. of postals. It: being be •IxD-«‘lkhtb
birthday .'
January tat. They received many uacand Mra. R H Bayne are I
C J. Kbner la ataowlag some P^ln fnl and ornnotental gifts, showing tbe happy parents
Boons 1-4
Bldg , Traverae City, MicL '
of a big baby girl.
daekL and W. L Wliana haa a flne friends. They will rename their dutlee riving as a ?>e«--Year's
.................... gill
esteem In which they are held by their
Mrs. Ella Good Is ukh
iMgtky dfr
Barth being engaged In
rs B. H. Bayne.
Tbe buck MlBoreai shown by J. V. DlsL
rrlile. and M
Mrs. Clara Helferlrii and
MdMoBh. eoAdactor m the M. A N.
man. of Traverae City, are vlatUng rela
R, are wbowt aa handsome birds aa
d friends at this place.
live# and...............................
Make the new year % mcmofablc
r .SheBer reiurned
tlwra nrs In tbs ahow. their gteeay
Tbe Orange hall Jubilee was well
one by having more money than
ednesday night after spending
buck coals. mamBOtb iwd ooaba aad attasded.
imas with frlenda at Kingsley
ever aaved before. Bei(in
pearl white lobes ' Baking atrlkUg
and ___ John Amy returned
and Mra Frank Ellis, also M
home Inst week from Traverae City
tooUai blrda.
Wlnslanley. called on Mrs. O. R. Clay
now. - Open an account jriih this
It has been rammed that Miss Clara pool on Monday Uau
T. M. rgg^ell urirel- yeeterdny
aad Ivan Kellogg were mar‘trd Gauthier vlalt
bank aovl add to it re^larly—
Mr and Mrs. Edwt
is eome higher todny than % dnyg ago, but ie CHRAPEB
tnm DarUngtoa. lad, and began at
«d at tbe home of B’m. Wii
every month. We will pay you
•MS to aeoM the birds.
Tblr (haw has made the lumber­
than it will bo W Jgyi from bow.
men quit their Jok from ths sroods and
three percent imereht.compound­
Building Msterigl of «dl kioda U cheay and labor id planBariwr retariMd to HoAor
. .
tUa pwralnt. aecompkaM by HI
ed twice a year.;
Has to be given Harvell's CondlUoc
Powders, which for over seventy years
has been the standard of perfection
I. Levi Strang visited at Whyf Becanae every ounce and
4.0.CKOTSEB. Becelvcr
Ucle of the Ingredients do theli “shlTre
The HUetw Tina HartU end Oraee
towards contributing to Ibe qualliiet,
earner, of Ktk RapMa. wetw ta the Donald wen aaarrtetf Chriatmaa.
which the powder^li
of tbe stock,
etty today im tbeir Twtnf* to eetoiel
tn try
giv^ You should
Mr. OMrA'a Sanday. '
food and we feel sure, that after
.Woman tores a etoar, rosy comMr. and Mra. Q. Kettrr- w,
■r you w ill notice a w^erlined by their sou a>.d his wlt«s N :• lui :hange In tbe stock. Get gJpack'
pitxioe. Burdock Blood Bitters part- Ulnad
* Mra. Ueramn Kettaer. Snadnr
at the neareM drag store. Rrlee
Seg.*» b^ anrs ths Hctn, ragM* risr:. rtund health.





CkMlita ttb tMt 3.0oa





st^,'SA \v,';ssw^:sja




F”rod B. F~edorspi<

Farms and aty Property




Now is the Golden O^rtonit;

'‘iS’Ktnss-., - w. M.

First National Bank


South Side Lumber Co.

Both Phones.

Traverse Oty, Mich.


Grand Travwse Region
partlea and the year ItW waa hi
r*-»ry WMfc
It ff midat )or and pleaanre.
•tivtd toe ittt to ytt. Ail eorrMpendMra. B. A. UUle. who was ninte m.
•nee mutt rwch thtHtrtldefltetnot ia mudi better.
A oolaance are the boonA that
oome on tbelr own hook from Travene City to bunt rabblU. Tbpy come
a-ltb dieir maaiera for a time or two.
then they come in packa of two or
three with no maater. and their bay
can be beard far away. The poor
________ «bot. of Travel
rabblU take to tbelr barrowi and auy
«mtb>K ttove wood aod cedar
'Cam near tbe baj' abort. Hip wvu
Prank U belpioR bim.
Albert Coarttde h&d tbe mitfortone
to )oae a valuable borac.
We are (lad to hear that d. DeBar.
Tow, a former rnldent off Beat
who waa oulte 111 with pneumo
Cheater Rank, of Valparaiso, Ind..
bla biuie In Trarerae CItr. U
has boon apendina the balidara with
bia many friends of (hU place.
Mm. Una Hasar began her tdtool
January tth with an enroUment ot alz.
.. —
/'in the le*ltlatorr'. leave* Monday f
C.^'Ronk la teach'ng at the Need
LanalJK.’ Mra. Tbandler vlll accoi
ham Boalnesa ooil-.ige.
Mr. and Mrs. Ulrani Warren arc via
Ring relatives and 'rienda at Manton
' MUa LolUe SUdelbauer, of Monro*
r, called on ber parents Ual
Prank Ftorton la sklddlns cedar
loct and Ed. Kobinaon la baullna for
Fred WarTen.]a_drlvlng Cbna. Rial's
. Joeepb Porlon. There lo(a (O to ihe
Xelltr Umber A Shinslo company’*
Pranclt Fbrton U baullDK a lot of
oedar fence posla be bonsbt ot <Sua ir-Jbi!’'
Jeeae Randall U able to
Pred Cooper had the miafortune to again. He rode over )o the
jterdsy with Mr. Spencer.
borte Baturday.
Mrs. Sheehan. Mrs. Sbunk and Sadtnet tad oytler rapper tt
at .Mrs,
Warren were
New loma
- ■ I tt Eaat
and RUr Monday
L. Kate Waiyen and daughter*.
m^twdy had a very enjoyable Ume,
and Gladys, and Mrs. HiUi, of
Wife ot the peninsula.
_jitper. auended church at this
WUIlam Mitchell haa aold bis wighty Beil
acre farm to Edward p. Palmer and last Sunday.
Mm Claude Sbippey la viatUng her
'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howry, of
of Grand Rapida.
traverse City, are the gutalt of Mr*. Bister. Mrs. C~ •
Jan. 6.



fortune ot Jadt King, a former Eaat
Bay boy. who recently went to tbe
aortbweat. Boaldea falling heir to
acres of land .he also
• heritage of M.OOO eatb.
Cbariea, Hntley ...u
and ftmlly
meveo toTraverse City.
Henry B. Carlisle, who wu UId up
■. vtth t very lame back la now able
r. to bt abool. using a cane.
Btttatf] Vaadnrtlp la is Omn4 Ray

_r. and Mr*. Ti
Dlngman visited
Grant Brady, wife and children, vialied frlenda near Mabel Sunday.
Ml*. Claude Warner, who waa call­
ed to Elk Rapids by the illnest ot her
mother, baa returned home leaving
her mother much better.
Damon Seeley, wife and little tons,
rialted at John Broombead'a

. spring,
bn Cbasdier ia t
Inga whtdk
whtd go to tb<

y with John Smith and fam-

eomtng U the
Cart Atweod went to Travetne CMy ___________ _
middle of winter.
AltboogS a number of bouaea are her mother and family oo January-1.
Hamm, of Traverae City, fa
vlaltlng kU Mator. Mm Bwl Breom- OB the ice not very many are bring­ laoa.
la better of ihe In­
ing o« the Bah. Two Roe
juries received In a runaway last
Rauaoai'a last week.
The snow * aeiUlag-tast a^ lo<
Mr*. George Newman, who haa been
thaw V
u though
111 for two weeks is able to be out
^ Hoaglm apent Bnnday with hU
Highly recommends the system of as the rare lUandABitter. Mm C. Olradennlng.
tiou for the future wment o( “Ibe mortgage’’—bnylng of A,
Mrs. Hobbs has been teaching school
_Jdla Hamm apent Sunday with hU
tines* or for other profliabi* invcstineni—
i month but Mr
tage burned down last Sunday.
sister. Clan.
»e of which requires rtiady money, and savlu is. tb*
Ing saved. It waa insured.
The UUle bahy of John
r to obtain Ibe same. The People* Savlnm
Mrs. Tbomaa V
Lonk Uke Omagr No- IMO was
rialted by Mr. ud Mrs. Gee. Robertenable Income la shape o
.‘raveraCarl and TYed Brown left yeate
BOD Saturday night and lla onoei*
tor the lumber camp with tbelr teams were Inatalled by Sitter Roblnaon. a very pleai Dt day with their frlenda,
and famUy.
Owing to the threatened storm there C. H. Palm
pper at .. ........
The followii^ well known busincaa men, who manage this
was a small attendance. Slater Robhank, makp* this offer and reronunendation to YOU.
xtended. All had
Mr- and Mr*. Brugh and daughters.
. The Rev. Mr^arter and family v
Hasel and Delay, drove oat from EdgeUed at WysonlR last week.
wood one day this week and rUited
A number of our people attended
nc at BUte grange.
with their ton and other friends
:cellent eotertaJniiient
Ian. S.
ati for aeveral dtyi
a church e -• w Year’s
H. B. BVLU ProsMent
J. Borough went to Maple City Sat­
Tmverae City to attend school gm
Is aat home assist
ber slater,, M)Ttle. la
Scbral began Monday at the Green urday evening.
tber with I
Briar after a two weeks’ vacation.
I trill soon
MIsa Olga«on. teacher, spent her
he expects to move to Bastport.
tloo at her home In Frankfort
H. Smith. B. a Garner. U O. Rice.
Waim weather. Uie snow Is melting.
r. and Mr*. Everett C-jln spent
Roy Payne, of Cedar Run. accom­ Saturday evening as the guO'U of Mr.
*e City Paopla Should Not Walt
panied Haro- Gsbo
and Mr*. Charley Clay. '
Until It la Too Lata.
Sunday morning.
Mrs. B. F. -Otman visited relatives
H. O. ROBINSON, Cnahler.
G. V. Benso'n haa been elected pres­ In Traverse C'l';- a couple oi ilayr List Bvy siiBvsF..- 19 due In most cases tE L. EDWARDe, ABSL CUahlr
ident of the Young Pcoplr’s meeUng week.
the fact that the little kidney ironbles
In pUcc of Mrs. Geo. Brooks, who re­
Mr and Min Frank Il.irvey
usually neglected until they besigned.
sons. Edgar a-id Wa’tor. a.'-! .__je svi wus. The allphi symptoms
ter. t'earlie. vlii* -J bi» motbe'. -Mra. give place to chronic disorder* and
Wm. Saltier’# logs.
the euSercr goes grad.inlly Into the
Cedar Run. la aaalstlng him.
returned to Trav- grasp of diabetes, dropsy, Bright's
Wilson Bros, hnve a good black­
;l> Sailurdsy. after spending the
j.oey; vin-pre»ldent. Mr*. Amanda Mllr some oth.-r serious
smith employed now and are read.v to hon<Iday* her.
G.-o Downer and w lf.. sp.'nl Chrisi i ler: *ecr. lary. Mrs Ella M. Domer.
do work at their ahop wlib promptand Mr*. Fred
i nus w ith tb.'ir daughter and family I treaauoT. Mrs Hay Southwick.' All
If you suRer from backache, head­ 'at Buckley
end akin.
Mrs. S. A- Pike, who has be. n sick
1 relumed To th.-lr hainev In the rvensome better sod U able to bo up ache*. dixxy spells; If the kidney
Frank l--wl* and
a«grretlooK are irregular of paa-tag.- guests of Ib.-ir chlldi
and around M>me.
by hit brother, Julloa, and f
Mr.<. A
W.-Dkoup wag a Lake and unnatural in aiHHaraocc. do not Christ ma*.
F. F. Cleveland, ue Sunday school
Ann caller Sit'jrday.
Burke t^wis and
-p«t the misalonarr. talked to the young people
Arthur Nephew and Asa Harvey
Dosn'i Kidney
Asa Harvey la -worklug for Will
Pills in' especlally holidays at>»l* of of the Alianew Sunday eveelng.
are loading logs for Wni. Battler.
»r kidney
diaOrdetw—they core where Mr*. U'wia’
Satler. ot Kaasoi
U'wis par.nls. U
aod Mrs
James Sweet la hauling logs for Joe
then, fall
one hundred tbou- Well*.
Grandpa Zlgler Jorl a <tot>d row lavt othoi..
----- Over
weeksand people havc
ha.......... There was a family nwinlon
F .A. Powell baa beoght the Arthur
Rob. Payne la
loing blacksmith Here’s a case at home
Prank fYawford* Cbrlatmaa. tbelr
Ralston plai
work for Frank
Mrs. G. C. Tbomi»son. IS:. Elmwood children and fainllies w.-re all at honu'
imin and rilnion
daughter who
Avo.. Travers* City. Mich., saya:
hanllng logsi for Wm. Sati
Powell were Travel.-*-} r ly r.-i'lora have used Doan's Kidney PHD. pro­ Washington.
We are expecting
ipectlng F 'Wright to give
Id Frank Wil.oi-. Pi tivlatt. Floy cured at the Wall Drug C« and have
Fn'd Milier. wltc and daughter, any
gn illuatraied
«d Bler«<oDllc_.._____
D. G. Shorty of fedr.r Run. Wil! found that
SI i«r
for kidney
siuu<-,- trouble .nid the of IHiraoria. at.- I'tiriFipias dinner with Bd.’sCMwriThCwrw.
Friday evening.
iry ir>. at
r J caKK*T*C<0 TdMo.0.
_jany ache* and pains that
their parents. Goo. Miller, aod wife.
church. The admlaa(on to this exhibi­
1. Skiiliier re.urii-*d Isem Tm*’ersc pany It. that they are.aa renu-dy
________ F.J. COM
renu-ri. which
>. KolTsIncer and non vUUed Will
1. and UUm Ub pw
tion will be t« cenU. All invited
City Mrfdi
«e hav<nav.- ouvn
win bring reiiei-*
relief-* We
oft* Cotterman and family Christmas.
(.Iray b<wn'r«b>« M all boriM
boriBM masactiow*
it Ing biB
.^-.-amended Doan’* Kidney Pill* and
A Happy New- Year's day* was MdJin^sU^^rmrTT «U say vbllsw
Wea. Wires aod Harry Chase i
are pleased to do *o."
passed at the home of Willis Southloading logs for Joe Chase.
Mr. and Mr*. Chtried Klne.sier have
Vaidiiso. Ktnas A Manvta.
For sale by all dealer*. Price 50 wick. The Udies ‘Aid served a New
Cm-1 Oortilt la driving Grant Petien- :oti^ to took in ean>p fo,- Georg; Hlncent*. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Bulfala Year's dinner. Owlm; to the cold
(lira team at lumbering this winter.
ly day there were but <S preaNew York, aolc agents for the failed stormy
Jan. i.
Joe Burkert. < - blacksmith, after
Ibe exercises In the aR
ent Uurlng

three months’ sickness, has open
Remember the name—Doan s—and ernoon the following officers were
bis shop and resuni.-d work. We a
elected: President. Mrs. Coorgia Fin
Uke no other.
The warm days are making the Ice all glad to ace Jo.- feeling belter.

The People’s Savings Bank,
Traverse City


a per cent per auiim.

■;n ■'

How’s TU*?


SSS3... ■

Big Special Sale



It Must Go Now

As we do not wish to carry any Xmas Fur­
niture over, we shall offer what remains at
about half its regular value. This Furniture
is of the highest type and rather than have it be­
come store worn, we would much rather sacri­
fice now than to offer it later in a damaged con­
dition. It is just as good now as before Xmas,
and at the prices we shall offer it at, one week
will dispose of every piece—sis we know from
psist experience.

Just One Week

At These Prices


And eTturj taUe it different in
deeign, hut of tite aaine high
1 eolid Oak table with 18 in. top
ud abelf ooderaeatb 0

41 4 S •fakoo oiw of
hoUd Oak Side
Bovda; it ia beaotihdij fini.
shed ia e dn« rioh eolden
BBdhtaadg78i&.hiA. Ithea
Unad ailver ware mwer and
ell the oonvenieooea foimd on
faoeida aold eleewbere et twice

5 Beanlilul Upholstered Couches
Freaoh earved
Trnlf.a remarka

3 Stupendous Book Case Bargains

Webafe three of t
Oaaee^i^ Writing Deaka. They are eU
—__Bta3e of oaiefnllT aelooted golden Oak,
and elegantly finiahed. Tbe book oom>
partment bare douUe heavy izlaaa door*
and adjuataUe abelve* affording plenty
ofrorat tor hooka, and no dinger ot
breaking tbe glaaa. Tbe Writing Deek
oompertmenta bare al^ neceaaary oonTenieooeaforTaInable;papai*,etc. Yonr


$7.50 buys a handsome
Mahogany Music Cabinet

6.85 buys a beautiful Writ. ing Desk

At tbiA^oe Ton nut iffnid to havs
your good mnaio aoattered around aod
damaged aa it always ia witbont
a Oabinet. Then tbia Oabinet ia
•neb a beantifol one that it will add
Bueb attractiraneaa to yonr lojin.

It if difficult to I
value of tbia Deek without aeeiog
it, but it oan be compared with Deeka
fold eleewbere at double the price.
The ioaide ia finiahed with pigeon
holee, drawa. pea and ink holdera.
aod an extra large apace for writing.

We alao have another in (
tered Oak which U narked at


Others at proporttoB>
ate prices*


Don’t Deny Yoursell a Library Table

When You Begin

At tbe*e prioea you oannot
oaunot afford too, and
you will always regret it if you
low. No other time in tbe
the year
one now.
you have an opportunity to buy thi* olaM
of Furniture at anywhere near theee prioea.
, ^We have one golden Oak TaUe. medinm aisa,
^th drawer and nicely finiahed
0 0Q

Wc want you to come to us and sec how
economically we can furnish your rooms
or whole house complete. Ttfis is our spec*
- ialcy and we can save you a lot of money.
Our original easy payment plan and uni­
form low prices makes our goods easy to
buy and easy to pay for.



1 genuine lieetfaer. aeaaotied Oak frame, oil tempered apriuga............
1 beat <]nalit7 Verona nphdatered, carved Oak frame, extra large • •
1 beat qualitj Velour npbolatered, dark green, guaranteed apri dk* - • •
1 dark Bed, Verona oorer, earved Oak frame, worth $25.00, for ouljr...
1 luxuriant Mohair craahed Pluth upholatered Couch, worth $3000..

Another quartered oak table,
larger and exception- 4
ally beautiful for....... A»w9.
1 laroe round top top Pedretal
Table, large flaky Oak graio,
wookl aell qnioklj at M fte
$S.OO for..................... 4*09

We have another which will be aold

8 35

Our Recent Purchase
of the Grand Rapids furniture store greatly
incroases our already immense buying pow­
er, so that we buy at our own price, this
securing enormous quantity discounts and
this greatly reduces the cost to the con­
sumers. With our two large stores in thus
city, and our branch at Elk Rapids, we shall
supply the people of Noihern Michigan
with furniture and homefurnishings at
prices absolutely unapproached elsewhere.


We have 4 others which you ought to see aod
which we know yon would have if you saw

2.75. and 1360



Unapproached Rocker Offer­
We haven't space to tell you all about
these Rockers, bnt we have 12 of tbe
biggest bargains ever on record aod
we will leave it to yonr jndgmeot
when yon aee .them.
One beentifnl quartered Oak Bocker.
highly polished, sWigly made and
tbe moat oomtoruble Booker found
anywhere at twice the price, for


10.00 for Gdden
China Closet


Elegantly finiahed, has bent glaaa eada,
•Unds 64 in. high, adjost^le Obina
abelTM. and is made to Uat a life tisa.
If you hareat a China Cleat, wo want
yonr opinion oo tbia one and wa will
leave it to yonr judgeiBent if it doesn’t
« compare with Oloeeti aold abewboe

A ranblc amgk j«r Baa
DeparbRcat will save jm

I by-a bery of yoaag glrto. Ml
Tietorta Uaaoloeeky. Della aad HorHBLO IN TNK city.
tease MarUaek, Teresy PraaH. Anna
aad Roby Stepan and Victoria Tarek.
Tbe- way tbe food didaappeored
an ample tribnte to tbe cooking.
After tbe oeasmay waa oaated. tbo
iaeocatloa waa proaoonoad by TboJ
T. Bates. Hob. John R. Santo, preaideat of the board, tboa gtolag the addreas of wolooma.




OmmI« •» Mtww
mibwi f tJw
L«eat BMitL



• 4. W. HUNTER,
• «f tiM O. R. 4 I R*llw«y.
• THEODORE ENEEL, •uptrti*.
• tMEtnl of tho Pwo MorvioHt.

r. A. MITCHELU TfOtllo IW• rarf of tlio M. 4 N. E.

• ff»l«ht iEOirt HlchlEMt Coirtfol. •

'Mambera of -the TiaTeraa City
board of trade, frlendc and invited
cneaU: To an .A^tor dinner speaker,
tkto augnlfleat audleaee would iMd
and no doubt Inspira­
tion, but to me It is Just the opposite.
In tact, I hardly kaow where d am
If you were to oopm to my home,
it wonld be easy for are to extend the
hand or fellowahlp aad any. ‘Hello.
Bill; take ofl your coat and stay for
dlatmr.’ Here expected
aometblac more and it would not aurme If -< would put tbe can be­
fore the horse.'*
Here tbe speaker lalected a buniorM story dealing with an old man for
whom hto wife had Arranged a aurprise party onlytobara her husband
mix himself up badly and abe mixed
berself worse when she tried to set
bln right
“I haven't tbe same feeling
old gentleman, but I do wish erery*
one here a hearty welcome to Trav­
erse City and I hope every minute will
only be one of pleaaure bul before
we go. we will
setbiiig to our
advantage.'* ne speaker continued by
tbe railroad offlclato aayiag that never before in tbe history
of Traverse City bad there bees such
Atberlng and tbe fact that everyone
wbo bad been Invited bad accepted,
spoke volumes for Traverse City mod
tbe wllUngness of the ortlciali of tbe
various lines entering the city to
oept tbe invluilon; shows that they
are glad to do 'Anything within tbelr
power- for tbe efty.
merchant wants to see bis busi­
ness grow. It is to Ms Interest to see
that his patrons are well taken care
of. and it to the aame way with the
railroads, said Ur. Santo. It to to their
Interest to get is rtose toneh with
the farmer, tbe bnsiness man.
manufsciurer. The interests of a city

. Tho Ruwl bra«wt of Uo Tmveroe
CUy boorE of l»E«. boM *l C 8. P.
8..luJI TocwEi)' olfbt WM ottraded by
includlog tbe
oifltor*. who wow 00 p
•o ooy oHUeo of TroToroe Olty. Thoro
mj o
bormony about
Bwottaf. OB ooreooiaeM of p«n-»«
and oo oBtbMlooB that woo oooio'
(Iowa aad Roo foU by OT^ryooo.
Bvtry deun of Uw baaqnot Ud
boM arroAEod with tbo otmooi ear*
aad tbooo who atayod away miawd
aoi oaty a “food Ubm" bat sany beSp, f«l racfooUoao lor tbe mturo and ah
no ibc fonoral teellBf of good followAlb that woo provalont all ovoplof.
Bad it not boea lor tbe other attraeOoBS laat OTontas. it b probable that
tbe attMsdanoc would have boea Boeh
Briar, but it to aato to oUta that not
me who attended waa aorry that he
roads are largely dei
.did ao.
tnterasti of tbe city.
Tbo board had at lu fOMta, the
“I believe also that Uiaaa large oorEeUowtaf prubIboA mmigan railmd toea. npreooautiyeo of tbe ibroo poratiou aaterlng our olty are worthy
ranroEda oaUflag Ttaeorao City, aad of our jmst efforu and lupport Aa
rala, a corporalion to looked dosra apatoo.a rapiaaaautlTo of iba Hicblfaa
oa aa a thing witbont a aonl
Oaatnb, which dOM not eater tbe
city, but baadlw eoaaidera^ Trav- heart. Though tbe eufferage of . tbe
arm City tmilneat; A. Patrlarebe of people. Uieae railroads are permitted
Detroit, eiee prealdeot of the Pere to grapevlDe our stau. aad It la not
rir privilege-or,rlAt to barrasa
Maraaetle; W. O, Tnuap of-Detroit,
pat burdensome things upon us. Ou
■aaeral evpertntendent nf tbe Pore
tbe other band, we should not harrmss
Mardwitt: Theodore Eaael of Grand
or put burdeaaome tows upon
Bapld*. auperipleadant of tb« Pere
sUtntea. What to bad for them,
MaiiBOtte; P. P. Oalm. fenera)
fM<bt ateat of the Pere llarduetie; ii bad for na. we cannot hart one
i. W. Haater, of Otaad Rapldv wltboot hurting tbe other.
■*To tbe ralimad otEclals I am
aaperlaiaadeat of tbe <T. R. 4 !■; C. L.
Lockwood of Onad Rapide, lOMral gUd to wolooma yon to our city aad
It Of tbe O. R.-4 1; B. hope that It will not be tbe last Ume
C. Leaeeawortb of Grand Rapide. geo- we win tea you all here. We bope you
win make frequent vtolts.**
oral trelgHt aceat of tbe O. R. 4 I;
At this point. Mr. Bantp turned the
IL u QaalBUBce, of Petoakey, comBoreial aieat of tbe O. R. 4 I.: B. A. meeting over to tbe toastmtor, Hon.
Treadway of Oread'Rapide. dtotrlct W. W. Smith, Erst Uklag oooasloa to
freiAt awat of the MtobigaB OealraL Jab blm with an ntterty tapoulble
, Brery maa extended aa larlUtiaa reThe
<1- H.
P- Hagart riee
Mr. Smith read a telegram.from J.
^aratodeai aad geaml manager of the
a R- 4 I., barlag been called aoulh il. P. Hugban, vice pn-sldcnt
of tbe G. R. 4 I, wbo
hy a death, at tbe laat momeat.
eipiwsaed regret at bU iaabHity to be
The dtktlagatabed gueau of tbe
ovoali^ eatored Into tbe spirit of tbe preaont. having been called south by
) fully and their remark* oe- tbe death of an aunt. In hto place,
vice prcsldent-r^f tbo
Aueb - oathustoscii.
that they work in hammav with
Marquelte. made tbe respouve.
■TrnvJlmCIty. was evldcil^y ie'"'’»*H»g brief

the three roods that eater tbe city julks ever bear^ In the cl^.
Mr. Patriareba, who was greeted
(Oanllnaad from let Pago.)
wHb applsuse. saM U part
and a represenUUve of one that doei
“Mr. TosaUnaster. prealdeat ut tbe
.not. the Miebigaa CentnI. -bee^c board of trade, members of the board
members of the board of trade, not
. .smi
and giM»w;
gneiU: Tbe
lue aguny
agony your prvaiuiAi

palma and tbe daonrathws of the room

waa one ot lae beat prepard ever en-|„„Kt..
■. 1 am happy to say that
being as tallows
the railway.officials have responded
the iBvliation ot tbe Traverse Ci'y
Salted Long liland Wafers.
board of trade because I don't think
Raw Oystera,
Ibme Is B place In UiCklgao that they
own Baaoa,
Hcklea. would BM come more gladly than
Cotory Salad,
Qaeea Oliva*.
Traverse City. (Applause. )
^PrOHSid Ohiekea.
Odd BoUed ».«.
*^> don't aay mueb. we come Into
ybur city every year ntore or lew. but
wUh tbe rwllwaj-k
m Fkaami iMto,
Brown Broad.
Insula to laiklug of *rroverse City
Fbacy 4aaort«dCbhe. Brink lee Cream of the nortbera part of the m«er pen.
BWtad NuU
ooBsuatly. We regard Traveree City
as ibe gaieway ot tbe great Travers*
The sal e( the Bohemian ladles hay regton. a rsitao which U known
aa onolm to tan wall knova to need all over the Uolted Bute*.
aay farther oommeot and the tallow■hrou have an efloeat orgulzatlon
tag bad tbe supper la charge; Mrs. here and through thia on
RUtto.Haaalovaky, Ura-Roee Peuv you are going to pragreaa. It is Imtyl. Mrs. tema Betartyt Mrs. Marie poesible tor an lAdirldnal to achieve
BUtof. Mis. Katy Prmall. Mm. Marie KBch BBCwx ia davetaping a region.
Maniaafc. Mrs. Maris BpeTarok. Mrs. U mast oome through orgaatoaUoa.
Anna rWak. Mrs Aaaa Etepsa and._____________
atfoager you make your orMrs. Anna Kh-pac. Tbe servlag was gsntsaiiOB the beltrr.

“Tour timber reeoareaa t
yon. but'U to a proven tact that after
A eemmaalty baa bemi leaalag ea or
parttoUy leaning on ooe resource aad
that rewwree dtoappeers and' you
tbisk there to aothlng left, and this
baa been proven la other towns t£
similar poslUona. you wU] find sometblng else Jest as good aad la many
cases, eves batter, ttuoorsge youreelvee, don't get dtocoantged. Tou
hare en« of the most beautiful loca­
tions la' tbe state; yonr peo^e are en
terprislBg aad ewgetlc. yon tore as
good transpona'.ioa faelUUes as Shy
town la tbs ^tA
‘TtsverseXMly ts always <

“la behalf et tbe guests preeeat,
give you tbe bast of good will and
thank yon tor the welceme and tbe
evidences of
Robert BMwsrds then sang “Son ot
the Dawn.-* with Mrs. K. B. Horst
sa accompaatot. bto ekcelieat voice
making auefa a tovorabla ImpreMli
tba; be was recalled aad rendered
UgbWr aeiectiOA.
Same FasU and Piguret Abewt Trew
aroa City,
lu introducing tne next speaker, JW. {{snnen, secretary of the board ot
iradc, the toastmasier stated tbal It
n-as always InieresUng to vlsiiurs as
welt as taxpayers
about a city and what to being doos
along tbe lines of
one is moro filled to give these, than
r of tbe board ot trade
wbo is constantly ia touch with
IstlDg eondlUona.
In beginning.. Mr. Haimcn staled
•bat the - raltroa'd men present bad
been here many tip>es and aU
moro or toes acquolnied. but Dot so
mneb so as we'd like to bare. them.
Tbefe are many Hide things abmt the
city that they wonld be Interostcd toy
knowing and these facto snd figures
had been complied with tbat Iden In
view. Mr. '

s o< theao three
Bnanclal b
e E3.S1B.S7, while the deposita as shown hy
the lam oSlelal statemeats aggregate
t£4M.M2. Thero Uiee h^ own
their own buildings. tohltA are hand
aad moaamsBta to
the thrift ot Oraad Traverse aad the
toduatrla! progi^ of the eommUaltr.
The Edacauenal SyMam.
Thera are five s^om buildings. In
dndlng tbe High sd>ooL representtog
an aggregate tavestment ot nearly
Our public library It one ot the
indsome structures of the dty. and
also one of tbe most preteoUoat to
Nortbera Michigan. The library with
lu contents, represents an Inveatmeai
’ moro than HO.OtW.
In addition to tbe public school ays
tern, there are two parochial s«-booto.
Ibe academy of Holy AngeU In -;ocne«tion with SL FVancU churcb. There to
also tbe Needham business ooUege.
an exeellent ai^ grosrtog insUtutkm.
‘Tbe enrollment to the achools of the
city exceeds 2,000 pupils.
There are -many very fine <hu<- ^bet
la tbe city, the total number being Ufteea. some of them besutiful In arcvltecture snd handsome ornament* for
the dty. aad each generoualy support­
ed by tbe community.
Thto city U tbe home of the Northm Mlrtalgan asylum, one of the most
; and completely equip.*:public tosUiuUoiis m the stale. There
has been invested to this property. i.<
eluding buildings, moro than ->ni> mil
lion dollars. The asylum fiow hs«
iboui 1400 inmates and tbe euiployvj
number 375. Thto Is a benefit to -.l.i
which to obrhm*. and a
credit not onl>;y»o the state but io iht
of Ibe InsUtntlon.
Tbe total public improvements lu
Traverse City reached tbe very sub
sunttol sum Ot S2S5.000 to 1908. This
toduded the erectioo-of 3S new dwell
ln^_tbe construction of nearly six
mllM ot cement walk, paving of a por
Ion of two streets and Improvements
to the water snd sewer systems.

To tbs observer from abroad
Traverse City being the seat ol
Traverse Uly gives iho’taipression ol* Grand Traverse county, possesses cx
a thriving, prosperous and>«rbg^ •client public buildings .
ire commuDliy. Some Umes.
The county court house has a value
give the city of 181.533; the Jail building. $31,000:
proper credit for iu real irapoMance tbe county bouse $3,000. In addlUon
and the Influence that « eserciaes In to this, the county owns s poor farm
the nwtbern section of tbe elate. W« recently purchased tar IIJKK).
are told, and we believe It. that TrfivPott Office Figures.
erne'City is one of tbe most beauti­
I an index to tbe growth of a
ful eltles in Michigan. IU emlronmunity. receipts of tbe local postment cannot be excelled, lu agricul­ office are slgnlflcanL Tbe total tar
tural surronndlngs. already, rich in the year ending Dt-cember 1. 1908. waa
production, possess a wealth of future •S3.78t.S4. as agalDSt t3».528.8$ In lt07.
showing s gain over lt07 of $3460.7$.
Trsveroe aty to the trading center
This dty to gradually beeomlng a
t Nortbera Michigan. It to tbe mar­ wholesale center, and two Impoiiaut
ket for the forest, farm and orchard tosmaUons, the Hannah 4 Lay Mer
for acores ot milea on every side. Tbe canUle company and the Musselman
proceeds from the products of tbe Grocer conpany each distribute mer
farms aad toreato flow throngb the diandUe over a large territory, which
A^f Traverse City trade, and is gradually and surely developing.
tbe smaU towns surroandlng. tbemMaimfaetuHna Intaroets.
selves progretaive and growing., aiv
The manufacturing tostUutlons ot
important feeders of this community. the city, large and small number 45.
Our manutactorles are becoming and the Importance of the comma
8 •ubataatlal each year, and grad- to this regard Is manlfasted when we
Daily, the additiODs during the past
.merate the following which are
decade have made this an important
here snd shipped
industrial center.
Being impressed with these facts,
Oval wood dtobes, baskets, fruit
tbe outsider, and indeed many of our packages, wagons and sleigba logging
dUtens. win be particularly in wheels, gas productog nuebinery.
lerested in wbal Traverse City really cbslrs; inu-rior finlsblngs, store fixoonstota of.
turea. store fronts, iron and brass
castings, granite work and marble
It to c
iDowledge, that thto
lumcnls. coufectloncry. printers'
city has amre and better paved etroets brass galleys. canu<.*d goods, gasoline
than any other city of Its site in
ches, cement blocks, flooring, tineMichigan. Tbe homes of iu efUsenw gar. lumber, barrels for fruit packing,
are amdern and many of them rich clotbei plus, wire^nd dtob-maklng ma­
In architectural design and domeatic chines.
appointment. Our public utilities
ligbliiinc arret-tors. Mtoaion turulturo.
up-to-date. Oar public school system excelsior, motor boats. Sour and feed,
is unexcelled. Many of the brlgblest lauuebes. cigar boxes, door-locks, potalights In public me to ibto state, and
plantcrs. fruit sprayers and kindred
Indeed lu many other aUtes. have en­ Implements and tanned robes.
tered our state university and other
The Oval Wood Wah factory to the
largest In the world of Us kind.
Tra«crse I'lty High school diploma
Tbwe Industries represent an
their credenlUU.
vcstuwnt in buildings of not less than
Our slrecu arc bordered wUb $7r.».«oo. while tbvlr equlpmcut
cement walks that will measure more cceds $559.b(K'.
than Id Riles la extent.
Tbe numier of employes In the vari­
Traverse City'a populatloa exceed* ous factories is not less than 2.800.
IS.OOO persons.
and the annual wage-roll during the
The assessed valuation, real, to |3.- past two tears not lt<BS than ?1.3;5,000
HSS.KIU; personal. IU&',.dT5. which
increase of »:,;!3 over 1»0T. Tbe
Tbe cxu-nl ot our agricultural and
estlmatHi total value of real and per­
luauufacluring interests arc necessari­
sonal properly exceed* W.ObO.iXK). The ly of value to the railroads entering
rate in tbe city to IPOS aieraged Ibe clt.v. aud tbat the railroads are
IS T3. ai against *3.75 in li>OT.
iheniKelves. a Itonefit to Ibe vity in
many ways to evldeneed by the fact
IU bondoU iudcblodncss to as ful that tbe transportation eompanies is­
sue pay euvelopt's to uot less than 350
RefuDdlug- $33.0o0.
people every pay day. w hose aggregate
Water bonds, <not counting »35.0oe. wages during Ihu year wUl reach $370.proposed Issues) lIbO,C77.
- Kt.
School bonds. fiSQ.IMK).
The Pere Marquette railroad com
Bridge bonds. tlu.MM).
pany akmc, baa. 240 euipk>ye.-> in tbe
Street Iniersecilon*. IlfO.OOO,
truiu service and to tbe meehanU-al
Tbe city baa Invested In water depart wcni./-o.
works. tI30,00O; in Its fire department.
The Grand Rapids 4 Indiana Rail
•SO.ODO; in public utilities In charge w-at compan} has not less than 30 and
of tbe board of public perks. $43,000. he Mantoteo and NortbesMcrn uot
Traverse City hu excellent banks less than Si. , .
tbat are counted tbe best in the stale
FreisM Shipmenu.
financial Inatitutlons with equal
The total amount of incoming freight
capital. They are conaeiYailvely and thto year was 341.975 tons, an Increase
by men to whom of 53.47$ tona. while tbe outgoing
tbe community bare tbe utmost con­ frclgbu showed a total of 14843$ ton*
a. against 310.741 tons in 1M7. These
Tbe Traverse City State bank wlib figures show an excess ot Iseomtog
capita] of $»Ki.OOO. tbe First Na­ freights but are not a correct lodica
tional bank with a capital ot tlOO.OOO. Uon. inasmuch a* a large quantity of
aad the Peoples Savings bank with a lumber was shipped out by veaael
capital of mjm. have stockholders
Tbe failing off to outg^ng freight
tbered aato^ Traverse City's most is doe mainly to tbe short potato crop
i-ul'Stxiiilal bu>‘ll>c■^s men.
-^y'' aud fruit crop in I90S. This (viiditlou

thMtic aad redlahlg as the moat
acting canid axpocc
Tbe aodleace wm (hen favored with
beaniita] vlaUa solo by Prof. Horst,
so aknttalty tnaderod that
demanded aad the reuponse
lection that set toe fe« to Iraeplag
time, toe exeentloa belag sanethtog
orrealakiH. MrJtorst wss agaia call­
ed bacA and gave an Imtuttna of a
bagpipe very sooccsafnlD.
,**ck hmOaeb*. gm
•Traverw City'a Indaatrial interast'
toed. ai tali ooMuaiB
Tbe loastatsater tbe totrodneed sear
usd tor a «
Hon. W. H. Vador. who had “done Oms ts ds ■ Mhto*^ do
Thars what a
time" as secretary ot the board ot saH
IS tos u.......................
trade and waa inUrMtad ia not only has* yeal havs Aim toil* « T
local enterprises, bat ohialde obm as
xas ouKAsst aaa usm war m ' iwsiw
well. -He knows tbe srork from too
ground UP." said Mr. Smith. -Aad a
OridwHTs By*9 Fwisto R givwa aatslvsys ready to pat bto staocldcr
muL daltr toiwwti to tbs bowels, tad
Uto whheel tar the betterment ot ________________________ Ibaa half tas
trouhts Itos. Thtu It aUt Etomttoa.
T^verae aty.“
■wMtoas tbs stumsBb. sMs ea tbs Ever
Mr. Vmlor apoliogtoed for oatog
aad to a giMral mstsa tsoto. •
twstmastsr BUoUI. e< BrvtosvtBA TSA,
manuscript, bismtog it onto the ivItod such a srvsrs wnsrk sf ib'misMi
pollers. H^.^nkrd the boi^ tor giv­ that hw stamach. ttvwe aad bswita
ing blm aa ohportnnity to speak and
caUwwrt Ensto P«ato rsEsesd blm
thanked, g^r. ^triarche for ^iug andDr.
today be to wsB as sver. Maade BA
le way. He Iben proceeded, sayirg. AlpMa. Mich, pays that om boCU* emwd
a very erveie case of taagaattoA
in this age af-entarprise the erants her
I. CUer ot PDtXes. Mew T
of the bumsB lamiJy hfive mulriplied
ears: ^ Bad Or. O
i:auy fold. As ever tSooe wants have weil's Syrwp FetwlB the beet tesosdr to
todixstotos 1 ever (toed. 1 weaU wet b
n nearly all case* been aupplled. IkirIL- Rsr. A J - ■
jng the past two or throe gpoerotious ferd. Tena. to sew SS. aad x. .
er ttotoach trouble
-jt-of ss yeai*’ ataadinveoiion and a change to our manner tUB
Isa- Mre.
of living bad quadrupled our cOasumpv^
Hon of tbe material Iblogs of life and
to ee eseettoe "w«
humanity has been put to it to supply
ttoo la old peopto. it to psrftotlr mSo toe
bwbtos. aad it to ptossaat to taka, and
dess net pato er gripe.
AB dTWBtote eeU It at SSe aad $t st
.rily made where lalior 1* available
betUs. Pepeta Bjrap Oe^ PPt Chidend an a cxintequenee people bavu ■ptr
wHI Bldg.. Moatleallo. UL. are riwd to
Shipment of srool from Traverse
flocked to the cities where It possible -seed a riwe swtnple to aay eas whs hss
nty has also increi^ed 100 per cent
the advantageous manufacture of the not Bssd It sad wa givw to a ^ trisL
during tbe past five yean, several
neevtsUies of Hie. as wi‘11 as of Inxusheep ranches being eiitabUsbed upon
i-ies. This baa Increasi-d our urban lag 30 mile* inland we have excelleat
the pine plans adjacent to Traverse
population and as Indusirial changes harbor aad shipping tacllltlee while
Ctly. notably tbat of- Bno* 4 Hynestake place and Ihf raw naierial be- there to no waste of w ater on aay sMc
near Walton, wbo have been experi­
romes h'fcs available the dilixens ot al­ of us. but we are left wiib all the ad­
menting the past three years to wool
most every city In our land baVe at vantage* of an Inlaad town.
growing. Their experiments having
time* been put to It to taratob einproved profliable. as bate also the
tesa things sfe dm ao far advanced.
experiments of others, have lead to ploymenl for the laborers of tbelr cone
At priseut we are In the iraasltioaal
the development of wool growing in munity. Thus It Is tbat as cities we
the Grand Traverse region, which has hli struggle to retain our Industries Stage from the condition to which the
manufacture of lumber was our chief
becoBM quite profitabie. This enter- and acquire more.
While the peUtleal economist may Industry to rondlllon in which, this Is '
prise vuggeat* a valuable solution of
picture the man wbo owns the tool* of simidy an incident to tbe more perma­
tbe pine plains problem.
and finished lines of InduslrH
tabor, (he factory, a* a hard task mas­
Electric Light and Power Fscllitles.
ter, or as aa evil rewult of changed To use the expression of the agriealTraverse City to provided with
iudiiKtrlal condlHons. a» a matter of turlst. "wc are between bay aad
adequate gas lighting and beaUng i
(act our manufacturers are decidedly grass,” a condiiloa always attended
tem which to enjoying a heavy pat­
the reverve. It Is the uiauutactnrer with unpleasant cunsequeoees. Two of
ronage. Tbe electric power enterprtoe
that our cities are looUnff for. aud It our large lumber mills have during
bow-ever. suggest great possibilities
1-. tbe manulacturer that we welcome tbe past year become defunct and lit(or the future.
8* an element In the produellve enter Uo fia* come U> einjiloy tbe labor left
The Boardmau River Electrle Light prise of our city. Such men make pos­ unemployed by tbem. tk-hlle this is
and Power company to In process of sible the dcvetopmeol of the city and not the condition that we expoct wilt
tocreaslog tbelr equipment to the ex­ bring about the eomfoit and well be­ continue for tbo next alx months portent of 8300.000 or more.
lod. nevertheless ft is our proscat one.
ing of its inbabltants.
Tbe Queen City Electric and
To build a city industrial aad com­ To effect the change from tumbertag
Power company have constructed a mercial Interests should each be (os Interests-to more penngfient oaea.
dam (bat wlU provide light aad
u-red. Usually, however, tbe building much bss alroadj- brea done Threo
power tor manutacluring. domestic
of an industrial city will by the force wagoa. sleigh and carriage works la
snd transportation purposes.'
or its demand and Its consumption oofldiy. though small, praalse exTbe harnessing ot the Boardman
ot the products of ladnairy bring pansloa In the future. A fanilthre fac­
ver during the paat few year* means
about the commercial advancement. tory will take tbe place of a ptanfag
much to Traverse City's future In­
As a rule commerce takes care of mill recently buraed. A lock factory
dustrial life.
a factory for tbe manufariure of priatitacK.
Another very largo electric power
ert galleys, a lightning arrestor plant
enterprise U that ot tbe Manistee
sre among the new and permanent-'
■ Coi
River Power company, which promriass of tadusiries now located with
to develop 30,000 horse power or
and ^rosperoua faming section trib- us Even' oar m^ti engaged la the
more. This enterprise Is located
uiBO' to it Insure for all Ume oar ad­ manufacture' of'foreiil4.^n«B^, are
about 18 mile* from Traverse City on
vantage as a retail cemer. Our atore* chaaglug (heir hne ot ainatactaie
the MaaUtee river and Js exploit^ by
from the rough board and bRl staff
local coital. This promises to be a are the equals of-ibose Id other cit­
product to one moro or less fintobed.
project that will alao be a very pow­ ies of fire Umes tbe popnlsUon. Tbe
thus empJoylDg moeb more Ubor ee
erful Influence to the development of -shopper here cao do better than in
the same amouat of raw natarlaL
Industrial life, and promises much
Sliver Lining.
(or future electric railway po&sibil- have higher fixed charge* to moet.,
with no greater patronage per awr-‘ While oar Indnstrtai eondUlon 1*
more or less unsattotsetory. and white
Climatic Conditions.
A* a wholesale center thu ha* beeh many of bur willing laborere are onThere Is s popular Impression to
demonstrated to be a very tsvorabl-j w llllngly unemployed, tbe cloud U nut
tbe south and cast and even In tbe
loeallty. With our narrow bay* extend(Conllnued on page six )
w-est. that Traverse (liy to the center


coodlUoa prevailed practically
all over the eoaat^.
Fruit RroEuetloa and Agrimiltarat.
nreritsTlmstt the valae
of the agricBltanl cosatry enrroaadtog Tnverae City, to thto community.
A carotat compilation of figaros from
vmrioaa soaroec forme an
study. We hgTe not Ukea tbe prodncA
Uon of 1908 as a basts, bat rather that
of 1907. because the fana produeUoas
of 1908 were way bdow the average.
1 condUtoa Mrlkes aay country
in a while. Tbe figaren procared
are as follows:
BctlOB ot potatoes shippei throngb Traverse aty, $1450.000.
Apple*. $500,000.
Oterrle*. $76,000.
Poariies. $15,000.
Plums. $8,000.
POSTS. $$.000.
. Thu to sedition to $15,000 paM oat
by (be Traveree aty Caoatog com­
pany for Cora, beans, apples, etc.
Peninsula towitoblp is the garden
spot of Northqcn Michigan, so far a*
fruit culture to coacerned. la thto
lectloa. which is tributary to Tnvsrse fity. more than 30,000 barrel* of
ipples are produced annually, 15.000
cate* ot cherries. 8.000 bushels of po700 bushels ot plums. 400
busbrto of peaches and apples tor can­
ning. 14400 bushels.
Beside the above Items, the produc­
tion of corn, pleas for seed and beans
rapidly increasing, owing to the in■ease-d market (arilltles.

of an Intense cold coodliioa during
the wloier montns. This ImtHWaalOB
i. as there to no locality
In the country where the tomp^tara
to more even or the average *mon
agreeable than to Traverse Ctty, and
the Grand Traverse region generally.
In 190$. the lowest tempMSture
which was regUtered to. February
wa* 10 degr<-es below sero; iu Mareb
of lb- same .vear. the lowest was 5
below sero. lu I!k)7. the lowest tem­
perature ws.- 8 degrees below- sero,
and the next lowest 5 below, while In
IMS. the lowest point reached by the
mercury was 12 degrees below sero.
and the next lowest’3 degrees below
in 19(>C. Ibe bignest point reached
by Ibc niereuiy was 93 degrees above
sero. Till' was In June, while to
Augu.'l ‘.'Z was reached, and in Septemto-r 90. lu 1907. tbe highest point
reaebed was 9$ above and the next
highest, le In 1908. tbe bigbeat point
reached was 94 and on aevoral days
during the month, the- mercury touch­
ed 91. an4.^al one time. 92.
Tbe average (or three moiiib- was.
to l■.•••6. 48; 1907. 47. and to 1908. 50.
These figurra were conipll<-d by S.
E. Walt, who ha* been the governmom observer in this aeeiiou lor more
than 40 year* and wbo ha-, compiled a
careful record of ibe temperature dur­
ing that eniire period. These figures
show that the climatic conditions of
thto sectloBvgire exceptionBllv agree­
able and go to prove that we are not
quite so near the North Pole as
Btraagen are lead to believe.'
The secretary na* been careful in
compiling the ataltotics contained in
toil article and belierca that they are
as ecH-rect to detail as could be ob­
tained. It Blast be recognised, that to
secure absolotely correct staUstics
1* abeolDtely Impossible, hot after an
experience of nearly 15 year* to tola
Une of eadeavor. 1 believe tbat tbe
Maiemer.ts made bervto aie as an




Be Particular
one of the "pKticuUt'' people.
When you male up your mind that you want
"Lily White" flour, you've a teuoo lor it eud you
•houkl insist ou getti^ it
The “eisy” person geU svhat the "particiikr"
penon doeso t want
If you're partioiler and chooae the best, you'll
You'il find that most particular people buy

Lily WMte
nomr tbB Bests Cooks Use**

And lhat most of the people who do not ose k
are not particular what they use.
Users of Lily White are pc^e thou^ and
df-ewioD- They are using Lilv White becatae they
b^ve it is the best flour and because no one can
seD them any other kind.
Don’t let anyone get tbe imptessioo that you'ie

Be particulai—get Lily White.
F« sale by your dealer.

^ ^


wttbont any nthar Mth nl>nMA
prodt thaa that whkk they kkow «W
accrue to CTcry mOMbnr of tho enmjnnaity, when omen tho upAaia haa
started and tbe regtaa bgctaa to
Into Ra own.*
' At Stated tefom, thb community
(■MituliMUi- T»o targe vtmtmiM *»d
has been a lambirlng commaaltp and
M H»«ltar OM wiUi cr»i
tae work of Ibe taat fkw ysnra hag
tk* or derehU'Mt ore fcsorkiac
tended to detelep onr people to other
o«r <knr Bod H L u»l/tortti u> kang
thottgbtf and anibiiirM than ar« pro<«l a aaOMratir taCK hrteb alrlac to
damd kv the Inmbrrtag cortmhmeat.
W>4 Ikon vtth w. Hit <we i« iko
-nis mae (Hrit. wUcb mast he odm
am wrr*. alttaMl aewe elmint awar. •mnis lo be nataioat ha
* (cifi «a oar ran a»4 Mt ore M tk«B
Ibe unusivinaibia compaslcn - wblektH«W ol root* U ae laakx the ekoikvein- ihta dtaiHn. Them haa hoc*
Fkr 0 ’•rvenitloo to ttimn. prataiWr^
very Utile aeMeuee lo anako oaa tkiak
o«r tudoalrfpa *ni have to he manaed
•that cbe» aptimuied the aUerad cooj. . _fital cxjsdoelrd la aoiw «»« by
dll icna notkr wMe* we am strirtag.
iM«c freui Bl it»d. that U. trow other
sad tbe gae pnasIbiUtiaa which atu
c«OUre«f iBd jCry hivlDg etport aod
before ns.
t(<chatMl IrtcoleOr’ ef Ikrir lion al
la sayieg this | 4s not wtah to cMt.
njautaslBrc. Out imjig ova hove a^
say rsSections or laslnuatlona apna
bOM odmiod ieduatrUllr. Fav^oT
gmtiean prrseeit. because tho
lifm bare learned a trade. H)ey bare
, rmbtam ta not one M mslateoaaoa
tirm edaeMed to the eav log and U
cr operatlOB. but nae which mMt ba
ib^ la&k higher a coamereiil or rrotaken up by the man o^ mea who casIgilitaAal BlB ka* koea tboir :
' .ltd Bn'ki^tlttra.
Tkoy halve not a«<*. oor'ktHoThe Chteago R WWkwetoera
baoo edacaiad to raaliaa tho Itamasae
eomptay U knOdtag a taiga de­
^ JOH.'i «. 4m;« T(i,
advasuwe they woald kave. Mid ike
pot la Ckleago, to cost aavaral mllmm Vice PreoMam.
tduaoaaelr greaUr beaekt they would
________ .lion dbltara. They are doing tkto to
be to tkelr caauBU&lty aa tho maitaNaro vlaltedj Oiir fniitt eoual ihoae of Callfomla! provide tM tha more tapanstan tt
atapte Itua dd pro- »W the united parpOM and action of nwrc manifest and result nlUnmtety scattered here and there and can bare] Tbe talc
la site and ijuaUiy, and are of greatly - their bnalneas la the ym to ««•*.'
baantr^. appoatttd
Bar people. Tbla neant crerjoae. No In making as one of tbe banatr aao-jvery lUUe tnterccarse orcommotlca-j Letand,
dMC It ka» cone to bo aa «
pur- isuDcrlor
superior kaw.
flavor. Pntateea
Potatoes and «hM
«kct. and tt la the elaaa of man eoagactod^
and be liainedtaUIy
re«Blrtaf aa great or giaatot akfll hOBM owner here can fall to be Inter- tloaa of our state, or. In ftci. tha Cen- tton beAreea them. People wbo build | him.
a. place and built a home'fltld croys rank equally with ear fruit. with lh« ruilread, who saw tha
Summer eoUagoa and return year after iebaaed
ia«« kaa aayiklng In ffae norcantne rated, no tabocer can rtew with In- irat Valted States.
'Gr^ Traveree Reglou- j year, appear to be more comenied there. Through pracUeally hU ladlvM-]-but a few things are needed for la- ally « thh Immeate ♦—~*Tbe
Of prolesaioBal llnea and tbo naa «bo inference Oie toaa of aerenil month*
aAttlement At
aslng Iha
the bClrlM
bklrioncy of our tarmi.' Ue aeewslty of preparing for the !•eSoris. nnltA
quite a
a aotUement
Of aulw
aul>- l«no.i1nA
catty, to apply to that ^ with condlitmis than tbe transient vlv 1—1 tf-WAritt
bccelnaa a nanulacturer and l•'abta af time each yetr. Belter donate a ta known, locail
that amaller acreages eaa be more, turn, that ahoald be made tamOtar
Staailal summer cottages hare been
iaieltliOBUr to MdiKt kto kBalnew Bfek'a work eack year toward ladiia- part of Nortben kllcblgan adiaceat' liors, who go to. the hMela.
ibe Oraad Travemo bay. and na-|l>ave roiuplalood to me Umi tbe coun built, and it has grown lo sneb aa ex-!
Btly n ■ked and a greater num-! with the r——•*» ‘b- «~»d
taoTainiicboMDore aae to the con- rial enterprtoea.
Travetae region, aad throagh tkelr
naally thaa U bo had followod nay *Owarn of real eaiate aboaid aub- tends from Cbarlevol* lo Northport try is beautiful, scenery inagntfleeut cm that lit one summer It was teU- ber of agricuHormllBU seitlc la the tfbtoflueaee aid at by dlroeUag Ika pow­
otbor line ol work. Therefore, we muit tCTlbe to todoatrlal enterprtaea even and that part of Leelanau eounty trib­ but there was eo little to do and tt mated that tbe improvemeata aadotb- irlct.
er of tbeir orgaaluUoB aad acqaalatgo saywbere er expcndlitirca for'tbat seaioa alonej
intererkan gervica.
look toward Intercallog oaUldo mea :bougb they bad to borrow the money, utary to Lake'Leelaitau.
ernouDted to $40,000.
| The nature of our crops ptoUblU care to Ike apbuUdlng of the dtatrlet.
*I%ls aeetion coptains.a great vsrle. I’-al they did not
aUUed la doalraMe llaea of nanvlac- lo ssre real esutc from ohituklng la
aaderataad that Ue Morgaa toMTicnyoustopto consider that Le- uing hauls la wagons over oowntry
ly of woods, taad 'and water, mtaed up uuirws tbcao condUioas were roctllure ^on U they 'are. aot roaldeata raluc.
. ,
land Is not ony any railroad, ta acces-|ntads to tbe point of shipment. Tbe teresto ao* eonlrel tbe P. M. nll' s of bills and fli-d.
of oar cHy UBiIt the line oonea when
PttWta kpirtt
ptains. lakes uu livers
riwi-v, forming
slble only by boat or n long drive _bemes and smeller fnilts must be Htadtaad that^the
. Ioaai
^ t*.
Tee tittle To De. .
«c aball have raised an amy of
RaccaUy an lacldeat was related of
^ *8# to
beauty spots, wkicb truvellers tellj me; no man in Charlevoix who from Soltons Bay or Prevemonl, you picked and shipped when they are ripe
yovag BseD prepared aid wlUlng lo
young man laiereated la a aeighborI TC*ldcac« was In Ni’w Or- win see that tfcU retort (which hat ,nd u> do ihk It to aecessary logath- oor ladgmwt. It would bo wise tew .
tbonaelvaa dasame the ctndnct of onr ig town. Be bad aared $M0 to aUrt are not excelled In tbe placet la olfcer |J f^od his
eight for thoaa tetoreids to mako aa
thai he had been coming up nc hotel.furiilKhes quite an ob)eet lee-'er up the fruit pickers and by organtodaatrtal aSalra, Our yoong nan Bdaekeeplngapoa tbc event of kU ap- psris of Ibe world which have been
I toed movement barrest and disperae >ppraprlaUon te ox^ttog aad demade lamous In palntlnga. songs. nud^i;(.rr erery year, but Ibe trouble with son.
wrkea thlaktag of enteiiag aa occnpa- pioachlag marriage.
Tbo people who have settled there jthe crop. It ta necessary that rclrlger- eloptog thb regtoa—that the traaaslorlee.
. jthe <.->iinirj was there was so llillr to
tiea bare atnniiwd the baUl of tbinkAn ladualry kbi city needed was of­
portaUoB eonpaalea may do tkelr
Added to ihe naturnl beauty of the ^ do. ami tliat next year hr was goins are not all from one eocthm of tbe‘stor and other cart be placed nearer
a atore or aoowUilnf of ibal
fered. erery man tiad the eplrii to do
,-c have a cUmMc iiocullartn
to Dulath and come down in mniry—tbe property owners bctng'ihe orchards tor ktadlng-aad the Ml ritaro to glrtog a the pn>9^ lapotaa,
eharacder rather tkaa tblaklBg of aU he could and ibta young man he- region, we
to Back a way that It wfU aot ka
ona* ttae of
producUre eaubrtae. rmealiy deferrad hta marttago and laehargW agalato tbo ttomedtau eanaore who hab^t
hah-ndi lived
Hved ''up
Ike aumtuer
aumnuT and ba- Nebraska, aad aeveral other states—^ly pe acooir
•------elated byr any <»e
up that much of the
Coald the mtriUI lareaMla
togs ottkalooa]dlTtolBa,k«t to Dm faremed hta money la the
which furnisbes a further illustration ban service.
in the flirpliia atorea be tmaaferred The tmehuhoa of the romanew I leare heijj a few yoara after a life la the|ifcat niurh Ices Hmo to lie .ireuuo
Uira greaUy oahaaea. not only , tbo
k-na favored aeetions. Our ^ttr
ing nothing; and that appears te he of ihc far! that Ihe beauties of our dta-| The transportation coaipaBy,. latertato predactlre toduairlca it woald
your own ImagiiiallMi. Tbe public
canitogi of the dtrtatu. hat faralsh
not he aeceaaary either to
bustoesa to tbe «Ur* eystem.
aplril of tbe yoang lover.
atock BBhaerlptioas or v
Wrong imprewlena.
> Ttmverae City.
My time
dry air and very little excessive-cold ] Theavjrage summer guest has mou
iltuc U too limited to take op
npj aesiera and aoalbera Itoca do)
The Grand Traveno raloB caaaat
Lastly permit mu to gnots bom one weaiber.
ey. wants accomuiodatious and plea* each one of Ihe present rcsorta, each agent, to charge of the land departUader^tondiag la Neeaaaaqr.
aa ob: our modem i.rohke wrltera.
Why our temiierature khuuld be un-J' „rea.
and ta willing to pay for tbtita one of the licnuty-spots. and describe' mcnl. ifbuse duties are to aid the aga the railroad Itoo. Aa
la doaing I wtab to nrgc apou the
hem to detail. 80 I will desiribo bs ' ricullurlsl to a systemilfc n»voiaeul,“^“°*
-Society aeeka mca wbo can nerve formly wanner than otb-r parts of.
lieople of Travetae City the aooeaaky K. Wc want help, the help of the the oouniiy in tbe same latitude and |
briefly Bs posribir. tho nlllmstc dc-'of the crops-show him where the
they were battt 1^
of aadeiwUudlBg each other better. •iinjug.lbe si-nslbk), and the unaelfteh. uuHornily umre comfoHahle and with
velopmeat of the treorl feature a* I ;ni»rl.yls cre.-aad bow to reach iLcm—
couBiry. came after lumber, aad
8oac line ago l wan elected aeereme 11. and the future of this resource .ud work with the eommuBlly to ad-'l^c Impre-ion of the traveller la, a .
less pciietnitfaK cold than the eouatry
Tbc age ta crying for au
ta^ of year beard of trade at
tas anyone wbo !s a student of fau- vortislng the Bdvntilsgos before pros-.«*““i''» otvsand plstos^d unculUvallion wanU men who can save It from for tv* or three hundred miles south
dlmtlvtion; and thOK wbo can bt-ueSt of us. 1 have never beanl satlatactor!
WWIIIOU--111 ... I.| I milith. lrf:dl.,t.p..Iit.«it«l.' bi Altl-J -HI-- -u™.d ™ »«
I. moat arc those wbo am fceeat from I)'tvplslned.
Stetttog with Charlevol'x and lke tu- mrai and resort possibilities of oar^^«n" » P^vato ere bad be«^
Wo have seen, therefore, that we
urcjndlco. 5»t«. revenge, whim a«<l
dian Riv.-r country, eenitog down coiiJ tVT would come an Incresae to
•'“* wHk aoiaa rattr^
hnvo till- two moKi luipo.-LiBt «le
thrcRcb .Vorwio-J ana the Torch Lake pt pulativujiu tacteoM.- ia pimple avail- vfkcialsj asked blm if
T»o tbanund yearn ago Hvrd on* iiicnts to sort with- that la. a hcanil
diiulrl, around to traverse City, cl-lc to work to totiuriw. an
^e said., “No." ho was
luir) and a dclt^ltiil climate.
wbo :sw the absurdity of a nau's lev- mi CMni')
ttienre up lo Sorlhpoit. taking in lu tbe tatervst taken In the diitrtct «“»t—Ibat when a private car e^^
tog only bta frhmUs. He taw tkui tbl*
The grawib of our Hvtloa has been I
Lake Iv-olcpa-t i.r.d tx-’nu.l. wl’l be an i-j ihc ptopU- who c m-.i.ol capttal—
“**'• “ ‘«crferW with
» .
‘ p-AfHi (rletloa and faction, ilue* of ao- rush ibai the derdopjog powders nociniermbsn fvttrm of ireasportatlda. i.ou that combliialion woald rosnll la
would be all right « tbay
eta! cleavage, with uHUBalf discord; rusary n. ojit-n up the <-oun;iy hav.
Whether o-ir present tranaportatleo au Ird.u.rUl grow'h.
^ real pdaand so be palmed the truth Isige. and net Lttu drawn to us. Our eoun-n |
rn«* will have reco;:n|red the fniure; 1 have been * :• J
declared that we should love our en“-.orlgtoc'Iy. wa». covoiod with virgin j
vbtoe. aaa broashtthta tmpfoveisen'’fity ta ro tackwarJ ia. sisrtlag todas.
ladaa- wero
*''e newr
rw.v..>. te tha

'.mlea and do good to those w ho might , formt*. lin-a tree aUJHttng to tha. I
er wbet.S-r it ta brought ati-.Lt by In tr-es. kl starling etc., 't'-mtory followtog aBy** obaorvadcspllciully use us. He wm one with ferret hr.d Us value—and all U wa^ j
<'.-r.(-Vdert lr.le:esls; I cannot propUe- :- uavlrg been reflecud lUal we ha4,'*®“
tbe ciTtog. the weak, the toaane. tbc m-eekrary to do wa.v to chop It dowr.
goapoor, snd he was live from preja-'and conrr-rt it into l•anllK’^. which re
upon which our dtatricl ni.t tho c*-c. snd there are very good Ueweat present. If they knee the wvb
dice sad ft-ar. He wn» a man s.-: apsitJquJrcd piixMcatij ao lorrelgbt when
Ircreons uhy Traverse City has ao'^firo c« Ike dlvistons of tkelr toada.
I- made one and made aceossnile
bcennso he had no wmpeiHlen to mat- taken into romptirison wiili rommugl- j
able to do more than she has which roaa ihrsoMi ikM cfloalry. at
which have to plan ibeir improtV
Wh:t it Needed.
•T Of love.
makes pflssllie!i'P » «*J»- prescal lime.
Ihvxit, to try tad reranga aariy aaxt
There tent much rivalry hcr^be menta. make Invcstnicnte todny that
cp VI
of rviAuiva
resorts auu
aad svvu^
seltie-ji The drat -----------reason---ta -really
a ——
tack of June, wbsn tbe coaatry ta ia b---------tiiidiiig up
. ——
patient, generous, kind, even to f^- they may build up a development to
to have tbe "powers" who dleUto to
vpois. bringtog
J* •». Having been a *
menti-. ;at the

tab folk and absurd people. Do not ex­ tosurc future profits and earning powthe gaaeni maaaeert ooma ap la tkelr
with «aehU«l
graduaUy devMopI
them into
Into eommuBlcatlon
tricate yourself—be one with all, bejef.
cars lo ‘Traverse City, i
olher-enabUng tbe operatton of Into tl>‘» eonnty seat, of an agrlollur- prlTSM
onlversal. Bo little
Mutt Look te Future,
lages sod stay through the entire sea
here aad apead three or fow days to
.there la ikla line that nay man. in
After noBie SO or 60 yo-vrs of Ini
Ecn; the other are trausient
visit- varirtw kinds, the fnrnlahtog of flret-lareumulatlon of capital. Tbe ma)ori-1geltli
pcaatlae caadldau *Uk whtm
ore who come for lao or Ihreiclav.i fhesiriral attractions, onr bars ly of the capital owned or controlled Grand Travorwe Bdflon.
wtoOd work. 1 kara met and talked hnlc aad tear behind him ran make where it mast look to the icture. plua [wvH-ks and prefer
U> a
dotied with pleasure crafu *" tl>i* district la aeUvely occupied] If I reatombar oomclly.
tore, Btako Invcstmekts for _____
with these supposedly advene toter- blmwlf dlBtlnguUbed. An.d all good
ta. of coiirsc.
la hta
aU kinds, with frequent water carfuRro. K this genern'Ioa wooMLqUgp, ek-uieni who make pci
Mks to our rliy aad kud If are only gM tktoCB ahnti be hta-tbey win flow
ebaventtoa la Detralt. atatot that
available tqr other tovcstmeoi
i.ivbIs. rare*, resattn*. etc., 'during

tORPtber there ta no real dtterean kf iWa.
Ucipato to the wonderful derel-'.-em tovestaterts and prednee
the se.v«m. dinner tarties from Lee- The few who hare surplus capital w hoa be was a boy be laaksd at toe
ogikloa sad no real-tack of barmony traverae CHy'e Raaori Advanl
k-cal ageat as Ike "big toaa" aadkhkt
and How te Develop Them."
aad ibere is no ml dlkrreace of purmake the Grand Traverse Region, not;
„ t,a»., i-j};f.«.totp Tunmi dining at Ohnrh-vols—theater have not..<hc everience or desire to
only a banner agricvtlinral aad hortl I
' l^artl'-s from Petl>^ke>• ailemlirig the lake acHve touArrahlp In tho orgaal“la 1*65 nod 1*64 I WHed to
. page. Bvery mothers son e( «| M soxto the prooideaL The praaaat eoaetp
fj,„inar with cji-'ra In Travel-q Oily, returtiing uttoa -of todustrisi eaterpitacs.
tow tkr the todwtrtal moral aito com- 111 of Traverse Cli} ou tM~Haiiuub ■ultural dtalrlet. not only a favored' .,„p
{ have beea actively connected dur­ tloa of our transportatloa compaataa,
BiK-nd rv hotre till- same even;i|...
Wtoriil- vedfare «ad advaowtoMt of A Lay sfeaaRr. tbe odd Altegheu.v. Wu Industrial dlitrlct, bi.t, In addliion.
fioM the intotvst we have saea artS'lmii'artaliig it ulL bri-fly—during ing the past three years with tbe
j^ritonh of th- vear wi'li
oar el9 aad U »e only get ttgetoer. wade one rosuid trip a week te Cbta jne of the playgrounds of the United,
deaced to thta saMtoa, leads aa to
•he -iiniitier veasgii the- i-r.iirc ahurcs work of the ketaffl of trade In onr city,
trwig'captms our views, our likes sail rago. leaving Traverse 01‘y sliorOy Statea
during that time, to my knowl­ eUII re<4 that tt U "from U:a agaat
. dlakkM and let it be open and above atter supper on WMawdsy night had
As tbe subject sl''vu me tonight taj They also crcuic a d< iii.ind for th i.f rii- buy (both oil land and water)
dosra to the prcsMcaL"
irauratog shortly afierouartse on Mou. 'Reeort Developwenl," I will spenk of-iiansl'-nt-honse. where ih- y ran fain- would be one movement of life, gale- edge. there has aot been one propor­
kowd.dtoditboto aU dtae *ork
CanM After 1.anikiP.
day." said the uatmaater itHtT be had hat drat—but in my mind It 1s Impoa-jilielr meals, when they .lu not feci
and pleasure. Tbc cottages and tion brought to'our nttejiHon worthy
ataag lakikad of grambtlag bd
The raUroada. wkea they camt to*
r>- modrst hpfeU furnliktog seeSu of tall reeommendatioa and anppoil—
Wrwa. nor city ta koand to advanoe never s««a a mere beaatlfdl a«:Da slble to divorce oae phnac of our de- like lisvlug them prep.:r<'d at home.
tbemtbla couatiy, came aftor tatobar. Ttoi
clon. 'rlierc “mr
iiy lady"
lady” can rest at ease
to-,^ eaMntisl ibiaw at>a p«I« that -than Grand Traverae bay with Its onand talk of that only, s bore friends can come Ind be
kfokcB forcol-ltoed shores In the
RftT gnrnvnt which may contribute aeh-ei being eoterprircs without e»-1]margla aa i
v0| ■arpi'ito the nwi yptii^ie.
It wobM be a norry day for the Grand j u,etr friend* witbont ta-tog e>.mp«
he- comfort—but where, when she ubitabfd biwtaeos or capHal. to ompia. aad the qaestioa c( Craight
n pea desire to buUd a rily tat me Iv simrlae cr the evening eansCL And Traverae Regtoa. If It were found tbal L,] lo partake of iheir ho-pItaHty; but
which the proamler had everything'rales aot one that bothered the pea^.
bow rnoet awre beautiful la It Dow
only real source of future iaeome'ihe verr class wbo are capable dnsn- fr-ils the tuelluatinn, t-he Can pat on
asgare you that unity of purpose and
to gain ami Dothing to lose, and ne'A* tba aeaauy -ta now gatttog dawn
sr'Hh'-lw farms aad baUdtogs, be
iiiust be from ihe resort bustocM. te|< tally of dotoc; th'eac ihiiiim. ta th-- I:< r fine re;i<li<TH and take part la aodtokre-io .hardpdatoa ytao- opt toms
peniODal risk.
Ito a baMa wksca It.maM balM •• IM
tbe real season ta short—but from a class who desire to move soctfit- vi^it ilnl i>b-a*urrotaDd have a tboroaghVtih thoaa of othsiB Is oae of ike ab- etalmed.
The m'm at the bead of the mer- fotary by- moata!
The speaker tkea autBB that thh careful slady of'the eondittons before|;,!| the vaHons ivilnts of interv-*t. with- Iv good time all summer.
a^ta preeeqataUea. VI build a tkrts*
Aiiiiihi-r feature that will be a big canrtle nn-l ln-ln»irtal esUbUakmen’-> ning ahead, tovesllag. Md I
*erlnu.« tneonveni'-iK-e. sad under
I city bore to owy «OTh. kai noae- reason tbenr w«<re so many'SipUlis lu us. I am convinced that ’he
of our cfv arc all
busy aad have
s ta gtang to he 8 lycat future,.mr pre.^ent crude eon-llticins ihey factor in aUractlng the summer-home Inei'hcr tiiWirs lior time in devote lo
thlig must ba dwa. It mast be work tbe world bran ’ because 4he people
biilbler !» that we arc a fruit <
>ne that will bring a great | n-vu-ct put np with Jtr’iriM c- over
nag ir will otk RoRkeir. | btotovethat were-osmed to atphtbeUcai .ivrdcr and
|»ut»Mc rro-tKitlen; and while, ss I
of inuney into the resion»-oue'.oiwi« aUt, indiffert-ni jior*-- i>m
K good men each having a Mule whea' 8 WM roarhert. the
said t-'-foi'-. three U not a gre.t cl-.-il
lore and more to hta tiroo ofj
advertise, tbl- regtoa broad - didcti-ui v<-|iiel<-s.
it eras
mkiat aad with b -Bra garpnae to bancIM aad called
lie siSk- way wlik the dlflercnl parts 4y and one whreb will reviili to great; lu mhuc kretlbu* lb-- a.miinoMb- k-l.'ire to the co-iniry. and Hie We* of there are men rendT to invest to olthmake this town grow and acting
Id order to da this. K li a
all! to Ibe building up«f onr Indnctrlal ii> !p.« oEscl thta taut eumiitton.' but owning a summer-home, located "
that purpoae coaU do moro to briag of thc-earib. they were aamed to
that Nanhern MIehlgaa has
ckmtt '4kir gkaeral ptbapartty thaa phabetlral ordei^ and when the lcit«.- life—andthBltbctocome di-rlted pure- in more sandy lucattue*. where thc ™..lry
It AM P~P-«iHo™ ...
live freight raiet, from
reached. all lk« beauty apol tt from Ihe rosorta can be considered | kumLs. hare nut been pr vi’erlv clayed
coald tiO» ligtaiwa^ who do ootklag

an aU
exacpt exlat aad grambta at wkat the. were buaeked aad railed "Resorts.” Ju« thnt miteh “Telvct"; that ia our;:ini ar;;vilcd, even a-it.;ii;o;-iIing is
hta „ u, .h,:™
"■■“VlMll.r « th.„ when oace tbe uwaapartatioa tana
M. 8. 8an8era. aecretary aad treas- oidtoary agricutlural,
hortteuttnral | >iu<-tb.R^liie pieutrare.
board of tfada tula to ateompUsk.
lea have overcome the "spirit at tha
h. *ho.M Id..!, with ... Th. Ptaln..-i
ef the Haaaah A Lay Merean- and InduatrUl poasrhilHIes am aa|
want to Come Here,
Olvaa M atwb moa and a erom toad
woods”, they wiU of thalr awa aafr
Ia' cxiendtog
..W-IIAUin eighteen miles lUV'J
Into UlC
the!I 0“f
— “ - A—.A
hoard —■
of -trade
w.—w haa
A" done
A-—- a
A Agreat

to a good pradwiira aemtoa of eoaa- tile compaay. was then called upon, good aa any other tceltoa's, and ourj There ta co question a!>ei<t the de­
pleasure features Just that much to ■> f the^^Kiple o: the . uivldf worid GrandI 'H^Teiie bay. ta unique la* lo-jdeai of. work, without a ahowlag of tloa (for Uelr fntura prnapartti and
try aad the xwomea with a good city apeaktog on "Traverse CTly
the prasperUy ct ear aaettota) ana that
and How to Daeelop addition.
suuimer here. I was a: Ckarlevaix atlonI-and w'ilb a braneb tolerurbaai Brest raautu—bi<_ all thta work has
to Mart with and In ten yeara to uoe a
.• proper:- advertised, there uomeinot beea tost, as tt aarres to edacaic these matters :ro Jaatly adjaated—Oth­
How to open-up oar beauty-spot*'.lone day tast sunur.ertand one of tbe
atoag ai^naslna. tho Bi mao woald TkeaLwill be a home on every Bve w «»• commnnHy and dsvelop them for erwise, some day Non beta
have ibalr loWa built and ao adrami
Mr. 8a»drea explslned that he eras
still greater adeavora.
wUi orgaalaa aad Jorea jaatlea..
u question which has nut been aoiv -’ciaed away over M-o pi-uple. and J
that the older town of Ugkiwags would aot eallrd upon peranse be ms kaad
I claim the ofScata of tha traaagar
Above Self Intereet.
As before slated. 1 consider the labo "faded ottke nup.” Thta tamdt et-'aome or a good talker, but beekuse be •d—aad Ihe growU of thta aseei wUI,-'<ard other a'.miltr rejorts from that
Eom summer resort baetaers ‘ Oat maa. wbo tkoold be laiarcatsd tntloB compaatas aad ite poopta who
aefty our coadlUoa and aa l any there i was an eatbustast aai bad faith to probably be la about the *ame raik. vlriuity -and it w a» estimated one
third to Impjrtanee to thta regtoo. 111* tha district, said to ma that there hara deratoped la this iiuiitalli.
apolota Mtile lack of bsRooay
eoBttldcr hortlcuUnre and egrlcutturo »»» oert any work,dona that there do not appreciate what eaa ba *«Bea
ni.d auksown resort) over
L It ta only the gM^ to-[Bltcd te uoiag a maanseript by say llae*—and wbethm- we are slow or
tbe greatest assets the region has.
i*** ><>1 h view of personal profltla R here. 1 tad t^ groatoat eathaataam
•ether and the unity of purpose tksii tog that ^t woald keep him wliklu quick depend* largely upon the que* Jawild 1:m • stopped ibeie if they had
The lands iytog arouad the Grand te the worker—and I wtab ta Matt among men who havs apewi
we Boad to aiale thtogs kaore. *Thl»^ ^M»bl4‘RmiU. Mr. Sandora mM:
Traverse bay are excepCloaaUy free ^cr hta beneSt that there is a group of thalr lives actively eatofi to hmd,;<»aiBodattoni.
aeRAUtoa U rapidly comlag to as] Tbe Oraad Travarse region i« aa
etaewhere, aad wbo art auerem
In tm-nt;ia:-g -Lelaud” it brtogi i fiom testt. and owleg to onr taHtudc.'t»«h >h TrSTeise Ctty wbo aro workTrererwe regtim i
IhtokSb Ike very tecw aad MeMsityftike any other aeaicm of onr couatryi'l'f Cread
;«-ar eroiw avahiro after lb© aontheroi*^ te the dtvatopmeat C« Travarsa to! aseta—wko aro ekamwias toaaijS
.k.' A. =Pl lllAl-llO. tt tt
■r mr Miaailcm. aad the wmwMmtot aad kna advaalnxre. which, as time,number
'fratu are on the market
'Ctty aad tka Oraad TreTerae n»wr,
(Oaatlaaad aa pato aaato.)
ti;^ ave <'<
N-tmo ateie wIB do.




.J^pHtrlMattliPW BT Bar BBy kwptt>|»^nwto. win kaewBe totok-Bad^tow

J -





TN_________ /"Xd__ i__


J/I vmO Ollli io






SlllK 3


it is stor*

Mr tkti «lstrteL

eroAM I4oBo( s
roste sM *•« (
irrhU rT nr oIm
41RSI7 I
at the yrwest tlM, Htn not pro»»rlr
MTfo rb4 tersJot <«• eooolrr-Usi
•loetrie latorarlwB Bon, at o»waUd
la Mmmtetttm of the wimtiy wohM
ba onnllr m«lelaat; as4 »b« I
" I hsTO In
ralo4ras«a havtac all U»a ri^ of
DOBM CHrrtan, with a eonplBto
tiaan M«l>t ««Bi»aMBt. and vUh a
rawwim sod UfM (relglii aerriM.
<9amtai br Ball««o*»*d oara._ ma at
Is t0 prop

14 the pUoo. Mr. KirdbRV p)arln<
the plaao vlth hM : -tt basd. operatltiK
^ _l,k
hit oeraat
with kl»
bit ripbt.
ItobaK nwardt gova tba sett oumbar, a aatlor aoog, appodrioc to tneh
good ddraataca aad ba
called* l|pek. Tba entire mw^l pro­
gram or the OTeoIng was oT tbe highoUBdard. tbe neater
placing all tbrongb ibe eraolng. each
lelectloR being TeeejTed with
Toatimaater Smith then aUled that
one of the drat qnaetiont asked by
stranger was **^’hat are four liana
■r We bare wlih
tonight, the working beads of the
t tbe cltr and
1 will be plf4aad to call upon iben to
dlscvca the topic, “Trarerae cur's Relaiioa to tbe Trauportatioa Coni'

Bdward Buckler, presideRt of the

ertr aonra tbe eetoaRaltr. TbW «oold Manlsioo and Norlboastera. was Uie
4aaab>p the tgritfbt .aad paacaotCT Brat of ibe gimu to be eoDod upon.
taitoaaa at tbs aama tUoa—tmlah [
Bochlar aUiod that the api«Uu«e
basTT aqaljinMU to operate ai»w that vaa slrea him vbao be aroae

tbe hngne to do It," aald Mr, Tread­
way. “Had I tbe command of language
i wouM describe tbe beeuiies and tbe
tbe line of reawts.
t bellere tbU Is one of tbe prcitle»t
conatries and has been favored by natiered I
t In wide devel­
opment. He regarded tbe rallwaya In
Ibe light nf pmoem as they were stways }oat a IHile ahead of the de­
P. P. Ilalns, general freight agent of
the Pere Marquette. * was the next
speaker, beftnolng with an iriab story
and taking occasion to iniect several
aooedotes In Us brief addmss! Mr.
Oalns tirat eem«. to Traverse City In
June 15 years ago. wearing a straw
He liked the ctiy and Utoogbt
he voald like to become acqaaloied
with ibe peoUe. lit*' continued' by
lUtlag that at the bamioet laM even­
ing. be found the wamnh of ^e pe<^
plo Just tbe oppoeKe of the ecM-4ars.
He then told of tbe spirit of entbusiasa sloag fbe Padfle coast, boy
every .function, be was banded,
of tbe fnili growing
poaalblllUss of tbe region,
eliy of Portland, be received similar
literature. He then told of a fiiend
from Sdntbem Obio who saw
martably Boe basket of peaches In
front of a Traverse City fruit store
and on bslng told that they
grown bere.bought them to Uke
tn order tbit the people would believe
his siorlea. Mr. Gains believed that
Ibe railroad men wanted to work with
ibo people of Traverse City and the
that last nlgbt they cams fwm
^ p««ni. siieated

plows and kaep tba Hne open, oo that Wiw all wasted as be did-not Intend to
tbere «Duli be ntne of tbe wlaur make a anseeb, bit edncailon In that
imUM laddoaUl to troller or “third llae baring been oegteeted when be
was a ronng man and be bad never
T JU nansQ^ wen qwUSod to bad time to letyw tt alnce.
can only may that I am glad to
IMS iodemeat M tbe sdmtagw or
with TOO,- aald Mr Baekley. -The
llateg la ibis laathw. i bad ba4 aa
M. « N. E. aad iu otAlale tare nothdUtaant ing bat the ktodlieBt feellngt towarda
UOH, bavtMl Urod la
d. I bavo Trarsms City. Ton bare treated our
offef*—stMir bU iTartM- '•
niesly and ws will be rsrr
1 Jtpffw
jaa« ta .tba »»tw. u tbs
*** ^ anything In our power you
toaeh. ta tba pfBos. at tbs managorVi
siways of conrae
daak, M Cta contlag' room; 1 know *i‘b ths prsmlmlon of ihe railway
thUr HM. tbalr alms aad umir
who« ^rranu •• all
awWUrt I kaow «h# hmgbici ‘^,*^^*^’1**“"
ocmw from tbe weitar. who day te wd P^de In
< day «at SM vary ttlUa oltboakyor‘^*?'*N-*-“ slwaya. np to now.
J. W. Nuirtsr.
iTitaklBi and I k^'x' bon IrraaisUbla
a prlrats concern and has
J. W. Hnntsr. supsrlntsr
It of tbs
. wUolr wa haro to narsr bsen bonded., If ws enn sell O. R. ft ]> was Introduced.
oCnr. voald bs lo tba raHura«lag
Hunter disclslmlng any orsiorfeal
atoasy to spend and ws will
Ulsnt, but Us address mskin
Htm IS May.

Tba oKy of Tmtaosa Cttr va tbo
simply Ibsnksd tbe board for Ihe t
Orud Tmtoiwo *ogloa aro bam tn gladly ronstnd aad ws will ba glad
ic, do anything you want na to. pro•toy. Tbotr i
at being bore aad then said that be
•PorytUnt artO right ttssir In (bo and rMsd of eearac. that we soa s res would like to he enrolled as a membei
~ I tbo dotation M, bow tang ba- onsblo paying rtanra." (Applause) of tbs board of trade working tor tbe
I. e. Ltawtatvom.
(ni« an tbs dSamt otamooU aad fnm
interests of Trsverse City and
ton InlaraotodIwakonplo
arnko np le a jitt
ranl- B. C. Loavsnworth. general froigfat Grand Traverse regtpn. This hrmigbt
i^loa that tboy most all do ttatr agnt of thsO.R. ftl..wat called np- forth great applanae and when tbe
ntara-an taady tbo oomuatty tanm on. aaytag that be would apeak brief- toastmaster sUied tbst Ibe sM-retary
ig In bsbalt of his would be willing to take bla 310. tbere
. IU own baota, and net JMgo tt by
tba ofdbtaty ootaMBlty.for tbe poli­ eompaar tbsnks tor tbs InrlisUon to- was stUI more applause but when Mr
cy altatad tn BB tadtaary lalaal fam- be pfMsnt. He sutsd ttat U WM a Hunter dug op a IIO bill, tbe applause
tag dOtamoalty ta not oao'tbM vUI plnanre tor bluself and the'wssM waa almost deafening and abouis
pnitan any amly roantta lor tbto ro- amt bs sseeadsd ths ssnUmsnt of Mr. “whoso all right." brought foitb the
Tbs work of oar com

Patilarobs. that conpsraUoa wsa ab- reply, “Hunter.—he's game."
•olutsly ascsesary. That ta ths key
C L. Lockvsood.
When the toaatmster could make
himaelt heard, be pronounced
name of C. L. Lockwood, general pass­
enger agent of the G. R. ft I. Mr.
Lotawood slated ' that on inveatigatloB. be would have to be more i
ful than bis preeedessor as be found

notlOB BsUsrs, up ta . . _____ ootft- said Mr. Lsaroiwttrtb. "Tour
titaa, hu bosa wbat might te oaltad interests are our Intsrsats and
“MnUgirtan voHl^ puas arabatag tsmta are your Interests. Wbea ws
portaetad vbaroby tba eoaiag yaar. prosper yon taosper and the reverse u
vprk aa bo takan sp aoio Mptatmai- sqnally tnm." (Apptanss.)
W.O. Trump.
taally,' tbo dUtOToat otaatoata of —
/ broagbt Into eiooor ba^ W. D. 'Trump, gsnsrs] snnsrlatsndwao next'
amy vttb oaeb elbor. to term a eom- •nt or tbe
Mr. Tmmp stpted tbst
r tor doloBM nr nlStedytag all tu aeeda and adraatagoa
aad komlag op a oattaaad oiort to
■dko Ota eommaatty Mggar, bMtsT.
•ad rudor ta ovary reapecC Ota paoPta btaa pgtaMma, pta.tat.mM mad tedtatrr-«ad tb^ ootaUaod vttb a daMataattaa thTMto tba ragita fte..♦taop proptaT. ta galag to brt^ r«y
■Woflal anndta li a roty low yoara
Tiavaraa Ctty today baa bottor prosp«nbaB any city nfiu slss la MIebl*a, oM tbo dta ta oomlng vbn VO
I to bo Tory prond of K.
«QM poipip UlUt t om TtataMfy
»>tata 1 oapnoal on tba bsoattao aad
aay to tbata. arbo da. U tboy vW btka
o ivte ovoy troM tkta loglem. rialt
- H toWM, aad atady tea
. I. aad «bta naan
bPta to tbo eiaad Trsrofta togtenor U tbo potalo vho oto lataMotod ta
tbta aomawattr. aad do aot llta bon.
ml Otata ita aad opamd two or thm
moks mM got onoottalod vttb tbo
m«»»lty. I tblak both utooota. vboa
tbta got homo. wlU any -Wbat 8aadfs aoya aboot tba Oroad Trarotoo
mtea* itabt-oaly ba didat any

ths rUlroa-i eotnpanles spend mneb,
money and give the aerrlcea of train-[

e stated that be bad enjoyed every

“» Tnt'srm. fliy on n.s
"P '®jtrlp 33 years ago and nalurall)- cher
""'^’ih'Wher wa. at that time station .gem
of •1“' Q R * I- 1» ‘hto dty, .Ho took
may bring the people here, but Trnr- the Inland Uke trip to the bead of
era* ciiy mnit ke«p them.
Torch lake and was teen Impressed
Mr. Tmmp. In babalf of blatataf with tbe posslblUties of a summer re■ tbe
.oTt. gentlemen.
Mr. Lorkwood hss
Mr. Lockarood has Ix-on conloM oe^ioo to apeak of tbe music. «e«ed with tee G. R. ft I. ever slnce
ta^g lUt It had'been delightful and „ was pm through to IVtoakey tn
lUt be bad eaJoyfH) the etbor porttoa 1ST4 and be of eourse. baa observed
^ tbe program also. <AppU«e.) '
tee growth of the region
C- A. Traadway.
Mr. Logwood then called aUentton
R. ^ Trtadway. of tbe Mlebban
Ibe advenising done by tee rail­
OeaitaX was slngtod out at tbe on- ways. telUng Of tbe pampbUis Issued
elosioa of Mr. Tmmp's talk. After tbe and ibelr dUtrlbntloa all over
•pPUuse had died away. Mr. Tread­ oounlry. Railroad adrenlaJng does
way eapUlned that bo waa not a not pull as bard as oteer Unda he
•peaker Vt a worker. He
uoc aaM. tbe people rlearlng It merely as
eoonected with any railway entortng a means to gtating buslnees.
Trarwae Ctty. hot Us rMd praftted
Mr .Lockwood next explained that
by traftc to aad from teU elty. Tmv- tee rroort aeoUooa were divided Into
•»* CUy la rogtaded aa a giowtag three sections—tee Grand Tmverso
city by tbe milmad bm of tee atate. bay region, with Traverse City ss tbe
and be regardta It aa a prirHege to
Little Traverae Bay
come here. He Brat cam sO years ago rogion. arlte Petoafcey as tbe center


be became a Trar-

tbo andtaBM via ibam teewod wttb owe Ctty taiiA barteg ofmt 18 aum• ^ aad ooroM data by taorama ■ora OB Oraod Tmveroe boy at Ne- Hons betng equally well odvertlsed.
Mr. Umhaer. as « «ap- ab-ta-waou. “It wotad be very dlfg- Tbe cooperatloo of frarerse City
ttatag tbo booaa Ms maa rontat aad oUt tee anyeme lo eapraas hlmsetf wnold be a great kelp aad wooU hrtng
gmo o pauioUc aotatakm u
■Ota tavorabtr of Tmrtaoo City oaB naeb hotter rasalu. He ooita
Oo wniBi Itag a—tag ttaaf. hot that tbo taaN o* ttafto ptopota aj
tbo caijM of-bta i«te tateB

amall pamphlet wntsinlng Informs-1 er. Mr. Qnatntanre came to Peloskey
tlo6 about wbat was bere and alsojot the G. R. 4 I., was the oext speak
aome lUnstraHons and the railroad 34 years ago and grew up with tbv
irould be ghtd U> help diUribute ibeae. clt)-. At Petosaey. tbe question
If the board of trade would appoint a very often asked. "ftliCTa-cao
committee for this purpoae, Mr, Lock- to see this great resort counlry.
wood would W glad to help all be QuainUAce- would reply “Trarerae
t1iy“ and teen almoM Invariably. lh<
When people come to this city, reply would be test it was undenuood
there should be somebody to look teat teen- were
after them. If they srant a coUage lo­ Uons there. Mr. Quainiance^betieved
cation. Ibe different ones sbmild be that if there were hotel accommodsshown. It they are seeking a place Uons. the people would rame wUbom
for a hotel. ttae.tfHrerent poinu should much urging.
"We have a similar organisation
}-our hoard of trade In Petoskey." aald
Tbe trausportatio
Mr. Qualntance. "and we have simllai
galberings. Some times tbe'questloi
asked wabi has Petoskey done
help tee town and tbe reply Is 'We
F. A. Mltehsll.
P- A. IliK-heil. generaJ traffic mao-; bate a IIOO.WO sunset and we have
Ager oflbeUanUiee ft Nortbenatem,' been living off teat" Mr. Qualniaiice
resoonded to bis name with the allega concluded by expressing bla pleasure
tion that be didn't get practice enough at having been present
Theodora Enael.
lake a good after dinner address,
1-beodore Rnael. superintendent of
ibea pfoeveded to prove thu nc
be was call­
practice was needed. He began by ‘
teUIng of tbs pllgnt of a famous bum- ed upon, explained that be was not in
orlst who was instructed to be "just the “wind department" He. however,
as funidr as be could." contiouing by
taylng that a locsl man bad told Um would like tbe same privilege accord­
ed Mr. Hunter and that bis niotfey
that he suppoeed "y<
would fill ue up wilt hot air." "But was exactly tbe tame color. This ao
after a freextng blast like that bow lion brought torih tend appUose and
do you expect us to furnish any hot the new member was given a very
air?" He explained Jtowever. teat beany welcome by the Traverse City
ibe remark of tee local man. who waa board of trade.
Edward Bndcley teen atated teat ar
a friend of bis .wm» merely a Joke.
The speaker proceeded Ihen to call both tee oteer roads were represent
aticntloii to tbi- rbangr In condltloos. ;od, he would tike te bsve the M. f
» f.w ,.,.™ .... ,b,n
hand .u U.II..I tb. nlln»d.
.ould h.v,. bn-n lib. the Iloa ud lb.
lamb lying down togeteor to have bad
n similar-banquet “It is an open
quosUon now wbicb Is tee Hon or tbe
lamb, tbe rsllroad or the ablppen."
conllnned Mr. Miichell. Compulsory
laws and Inws test work a bantsbip
are not the wa.v to get the beat reauHi. A man In bis »<'iutes or a cor­
poration In It* senses, never knowing
l.v stands In-lU own llghi. one of tee
ruling passions being self Interest
Bui the interests of all are the lnIO^
eats of tbe rattrosd
Traverse City naturaSy wants to
grow and expand but ibla mast be re
memberod. A merchant has s right
shade s price to a customer who
takes a carlot of an article, a man who
sells an overcoal bsi s right to make
discount to hi* customer but the
railroad company Is up against a law
that Kuy* there mutt be no discrimin­
ation whetear a man ship* a thousand
carloads a year or o&ly one. Tbe rail
road can't give a customer a free trip
special rate because tec law soys
In tbeory Ibis Uw Is right as it
prtveniB the business of the coanlrjpassing Into tbe bands of a few great
1 Uw" works
be.mad*' f-ar Traverae ('lly with
Its IS.eoo iieople that cant be given
Ijtke Anu Willi Its 3(KI.
City wants a lower freight rate and
the company I- glad to give as Jpw as
pa-wibic. but if Traverae City gets a
n-duciion. then Charlevoix will want
the same. Teio.-ikey. CodUlac and othei
towns. The law must be obeyed as the
penaltyJs severe eooogbt o mak- trafHe men chary of taking a chance
man wants to go to prison par
llruUrty when be U merely doing
favor for some one elae.
Mr. Matalng.
Mr.MarilBg of tbe Charlevoix sugar
plant, aa* a visitor. Mr. Marling wax
called upon and read a aelecUoa from
Meredith's • Luelta." He stated that
he had wet an oM friend here abi
was surprised to learn teat a sugar
lory wa* be^ operated ta CbarleX. Mr Marling stated that there
I a factory there and that It had
been operating BUcceofnlly tor several
aaons. Altbough It waa bm yet t»
profltable haslB. this was hoped tc
In time.
Tbe result of thU plant's operatton
as been to Increase tbe standard oi
farming and be hoped the Ume would
' when tee plant would extend
tar enough lo reach TraTena City, r
satail basiaeas baring been done at
Elk Rapids last aeosoa. He thanked
tee board (or tee pleasare of being


_______ OF BUSINESS 'mis MONTH.



Piw*«lo«. Mr. Ullrtrll
»”> >brf.i™«l lo cbime tb. Ir
to pxpcr.aes.
As a sort of a n llcr. Be moved that
as Ibe Michigan Central dMot toach
City, that
live be Id in for g&. TbU broagbt
forte applause and the bouse was wUL
Ing to suspeud the rules Kr that exleut. Tbe tuastnisster eiplalned, bow.
ever, that he was at a loss to undorstand Mr. Milchell's remarks as be
bad Just a lew minutes ago.
J. given I
be law fi
bouse to undcTsiand that tbe
bade an; shading of rates.
caused a tei y. audible smile and much
Mr. Treadway teen took the floor
suylng (bat It looked as though he
ought to have sometblng to say.
Mr. Mitchell
should iblnk that a representative of
Ibi-Vanderbilt Iniercais coiildn*'. pay
hi* way. He was perfectly willing to
join if Mr. Mitchell would bark blm
> tbe extent of a ten spot.
Mr. Mitchell srose with a aad ex­
pression and a fat pockelbook and
another sawbuck to
kt-e|i company with hU own. remark
ed that Mr. Treadway had banded him
a knockout blow. Out of tbe good­
ness of his bean, he tried to get blm
ir. tor $j and tee matter eadeO by
rasting the speaker another |I0.
Tbe mo-; Ing was then tarned over
10 tee president by tbe toastmaster
and Mr. Santo slated that tbe railroad
men would not only, te enrolled a*
■uemb'-r* but he moved that they be
tendered x rislna vote of thanks and
ihree chi-ers, bote of which were
heartily given, -be metalng teen ad­
journing sbonly after midaigbi.

Had EoM On tiw SUita For Throe and
OfH Half OayooWithoteod DmFlashing. Jan.
The croso-examInatkw of Thorton J. Hains was
completed at noon today. Tbe delendaat hnd been on tbe stand Just three
and one-halt il^s and »eemed cooBdent when be walked to bis seat that
site tee exception of a few poiata, his
lesilmooy Mood well ibe rapid onslaugb* of Dlsttiri Auorney Darrin.
Miss Bra WUlard. of
has been speodlng tee holidays at
borne, was in tee city today on her
reinrn to Chicago, where she M at­
tending acbooL She was
led as tar as tbit city by bta motea^ooi ac Tptalantl atler apeodlag tee
«r. Mrs.
B. WIDard.



with a Boo qnlli.
Harry Kennedy returned to
maxoo where be is going to oebcial.
Wni and Lester HnbbnU weet b
Kalkaska on baslness. MonbyLewls Hockia. ar_ iranaataod bOBlr.cs* in Traverse City. Monday.
Aitbur HocMn aad B. J. Itottaftbbek went to B<-Ilalr« Tuesday.
M. Heweit and artfe woof U
Cliy. Tnroday.'

Kew-adip. Mich., Jan. 7.—Mis* Ma­
bel enraier enieruioed a number of
her friends Tuesday evening.
Mrs. B. L. Wilson gave a flinch
party to her Sunday school ciaiis
Wednesdap night.
Harry Kennedy
the prise, Rofreshments i
served at a late hour.
The Rev. Mr. Koon* U holding re­
vivals at South Milion.
Mis. EIU Park, and family visited
from Wednesday unill Saturday with
Mrs. Lester Hollenbeck.
About 50 young people wit-- icfierNORTHPORT.
(aincd at tbe home of Mr. and Mr"=.
Conrad Bachl Wcdnewlsy evening;
Oameo of all kinds were idayed. six
tabl<*» being In u»e during the even­
ing. after wbicb reCreshtaenta i
served, the gurets deiotriing at a late
.NoHhporl. Mich, Jan. « —Nortbpoft hour.
Mr. and Mrs. S, M. Heweti and Mr. l.odge Np. 305 F. ft A. M. indtalled ofand Mrs. W, S. went to Ccniral 4tak- Beers last evening. Most Worabiptnl
Grand Master Herbert. Montague OctT ednesda).
g officer aaalstod by ArtQuite a number froiD here attended
the dance at Bk Rapids Tbursday Ing Grand Marshal F. G. Henman,
and Acting Grand Chaplain 3.
Maiteews. Tbe tonowlng weye
Mrs. Win Gee and three danghiers
of Elk lAke spent part M last week
W. M.-A. E. Oordeanx.
with her mother. Mrs. Lydia Frink.
8. W.—W. B. Nichols.
Mrs. J. O. Booth returned home
J. W.-Clalre Wilkinson.
from Traveroe City Tuesday. Her
Treasarer—John Scon.
TDOteer. Mrs. Dan Winters, accom-^
Secretary—c. A. Nelson.
anted bet
Chaplaln-J. r. Mateews.
Mrs. W.' H. Anderson and son Tra“ •
-Prof. Q, C. Fuller^ ''
T returoM home from 8ii. Ignace
*, J,'

•.'itnrdatMlaa Craoe Frame, sister of; n'tiaanl* Hoyt, oeortk
<rs. AiideraOD. returned with tbeiu) Bcitan.
■>. a vlxiL
Mlrs Bertha Bachl reiamcd lo her
Tyler-Ed. Scot'.. ■
school at Hncklcy.Sainrday accom­
Abont <fl were preoent had a *»«wpanied by her sister. Mis* Emms. Vrbci
quet at the hotel faltowed Ue work. w-ni visit for a few days before reidrnlng lo her school at Atwood.
Joseph Buasa’s are najoying a new
plane. •
r. and
an Mrs. Chesiet Barnes. Char
by. Altba and W. H. Anderson, end' Monday.
the Rev. 8. P. Hesrelt, attended the
Bertha Lutnian Is 111.
Hanscn-Sacketi wedding nt Rapid
Martha Potrafka retnrned (tom
.('It.v. Monday.
Cadillac Monday nlgbt
George Mamagona went back
itawrenre ikinn was a caOer at tbo
Bcbool at Ann Arbor' Monday, after a NIcklof borne Sunday.
seek's visit.
Jim Robertson oaUod on Mr. PMD. D. Ooodnsii came borne from rafkt Sunday.
camp Sunday reinrnlng Monday, ac­
Bertha Seawald Is spending a wotal
companied by Perry and George Good- with Ethel Secor.
Donald X'anfleld and Warren Thom­
The Larkin club aorpiised Mrs. A. as spent Saturday at Canfteld's eamp
Dcrocher Monday and preaehied her
r Interloteen.




&e Kind Tmi Hftve Alw
li*a»dwhkta hMl
In nae fw orer 80 r«nn, hng taone thft MiMtnrn «C
^ _,.-._wnndfcngtaeennuidenndcrhlo|Mr.
nnd“Jiirt na gond"n»fttant

Cnatorin ta • 1
forte, Xkrttoo nnd SootUar ftyrapto 1« ta 1
eontolas neltber Oplnxn, Herpblae nor «d
CoJIe. It MlierM ToeUitata TnooUes, curoo Cm
a ttte Food, re«atat«a tko
Jtlirand 1
Tttft Chlldnn*a 1
—The Modtaer*s Friemd.

Bean tba Bifnatun af

Tbe Kind You Haie Aliajs Ben^
In Use For Over 30 Teare.


D TRAVimi MtMxa. rmoAV. jamuary t, im.
wiped gait* dry.
throe Uat hgyeb oun hattared aad Bwtafclad have
when oae Is unduly of capers; mix all togiAher
r that the teacher hae a good veaUve ot
aad paiad. Mk* the toralps aaaiiy
Md u the woaUtr. Y>a haMl «t parts of oO to urn* oi vtaagan gAo the
ataetlBa far your Mp w gbrt
breaUlag to aa aM to bnalU as heap ta y««r alad bowk aad ^rateh womM the iMu M a baktog dita; halt aa iBEh thlta. aad dhiflb thaa
aaeb nllghtod aad.d^lod w o
pretUly wkh Ismwi aUes* m* gw- thaa pear ta the praau hoillBc hoi .toto dka. Dtasotv* |Md aa eoace of
U* disk ao that toe steam amy ''batter tor each haM ppmd of the
taeap aad aaay reandla.. hat tha Bt ten. COM hobdd UBgo*. Mooed oUre*.
few pickled oyster*, aad Ue little met eecapA aad M ft cool gradaslly. taralpA pot Uem to as flat aa th^
^Anyway, pa to aUool aad eea yoar tie woaaa who talked to tos on *aMRS.MABBL HA TBS WILLIAMS Editor
be aad new Uem very gently In­
Whea ready w sarvA cover Ue top
chDdna at week aad poaalhly tOA U UutlastltaUy.jipOB It Uat I promised tolU of sardtoaa.
their redtatioas and to try aad rival her cheet expantloa.
Caper aad mustard dresalag A nr- WlU boded (raotlag garalsbed wiu deed. (ram Urec^aaitor* of aa hoar
to a (UU boor. Add a aeamatog of
latloa 00 the mayokaala*. that sake* sgaaree of apple JeUy.
g BOB aad WOBMB are hold atrtet coapan. 'lbea fairly wtU these ^ Uat wooM aahe aa ordlaary stl
tkr Hw Oww T« tehMU
aad whtte peppor whan they aro
other undrea. Yoa wlU reaUu. as
kM tom to ackoal; ah. at! ly to their dutlea aad are brought to never befon. the labon ot « teacher she took up deep breathing year* ago. plish. BS.V be rellahed somstiaMs.
rice eraqaett* mlxtare. by cookiag hM( done. When Ua* pcepoied. Uey
aharp aecouat It Uey do aot aUewd'
vUl the aeUitr do?
Hash Ue yolks of two harO hoOed a cap of rice ta ottad water sad add- i
who haa the antal. moral and physi­ NotsMURI*.
With Bt*tr a «tU to battOB or ^
The Iwvo.of BCdletiie la truly fOm- eggs to a paato: add Mtaaally ftv* tog to tt. while warn, a ttkleepoea oi
trolBlag of oBT boya aad glrla ot leak cal woUan of tioa tweatj to forty
Or U» a mut thotr
batter, oae well heatea egg. a tea­
mue oae* for ala aaUn boon a day. btae. ft most be a tore or Uere
of oil. a
Hew «u aht ktte htrtrif hoay all dar laportaaco thaa that of oar belpera la Yob will have a warater feellag to­
ild not be ao madi Booey epeat each Of caper* aad PraasA mustatdto spoon of vaallla aad two tahlsipnoa*
With Ikt unit *<hlAdarlas Hhlac" the houae. ea the fora or a the el ward her aad ahe wiU for yoo asd upca tl Ask nay dcalar !a drag* who
of vtoegar. or leat of sogar. taroad this oa tho bottom
Camfest Per e*M OapA
awayT .
plaHcr. aad cover It wlU a layer
yoar ehUdnu AOd as for thaa. theyHI and his best customer-.he win say oa Juice to the regulrod acidity, a
Add sMt to starch aad Ih* riaMat
roBBg IMpie. the teacher* a both
wa." He wUl also way. it be U daah of white pepper, aad aalt to of stewed praae*;/ coatlBoe altoraat' water aad the doUca vSl BM (raeuB
our day aad Suaday ecbooU an al- > porteeUy dHtghted to have
^ Aeeihtr bahkM to «U wttk h»<A.
idem, that Uey will bay asy- taste.
lag Ue layerA and maktog each sac- while you are ptoatog ttam to tha
BMOt Without ekeeptloo eorweab coa
t V*”
AJwUor food hr u aar.
MlghOy smaller. aatU the Uae.
tklag put upoa the sarket If U Is
Dressing quiU aad easy—A ateUod
Aed iha aoihtr aueda at tbt deer to adeatlotta. thoroughly troaed yoeaa
properly called to their atteatloa.
of making mayoaaatoe uuce that rice is all oaed. *o Uat Ue dlth may
When the Air le Keen.
HYhea yoa have a 'scarcity of huA
people, who an deeply latereeted a
•ae Ue trooble aad eaatioa M be pyramidal to term, gprtoklc Utat- etoUlag aad Ue weaUer tarM saA
A practical writer. In a Detroit preaume that Uere are times when
Ha hahy aarefe awar;
leiae U aeceasary. hot they are carefully dropping Ue oB. is to etlr ly wiU powdered .sagar and cover deaU coMer. remamber Uat emtal
paper gives a lot of good naggeeikas
Aed tvaa wUh a alfb that la halLr^ u wen aa Uie hodlea of Ueir puplla tor cold wtater days. She say*;
fewer than -you Imagtae.
Commoa- the juice of half a lemoa toto Ue wlU a Blague seade. from Ue .....................ot newspapst* will egoal
But la thia gtWteat ot reapoaalbUUlw
Bettled cold weather aad an aaoaat nease. proper dotaing. good food and yolks ot two eggs aatll Ue mlxtare white* M tM egg* aad a cap of cos tha warmU derived tiom a floed
they ehaald have the coaaclouaaeaa o:
. Aad halt or aoatlUad akla (o crlat.
iwgular habits are aedlelne* owwgh thickens; Uen add a glU of Mlve oU imtaMW-s isagar. Place to Ue Ice Uaakel Or U UI4 betaeea the haA
npport aad iatareat ot the par- of ppee- wiping hn coaffmed ny heUet that womea keep their llvlag for ordia^ humaally sad they are s leaspoaotol at a time, adding salt (b box OBlil riady to serve aad garnish spring* aad mattrem ihar wm ha
8ha Uiaka of a poaaJMt tuturo aora.
lU aman^-plecwi of crystaUlsed egoM toaaether matresA
o warm aad spend loo much aD we are asked to take to malataia taste aad n Uttle tarragoa vtoegar.
there an Hother'a aube which touch
Wbta tha chUdrtA OM by oeo.
Home omde tarragon vtoegar—Tar­ lager.
even degree €t health.
Do ym waat a pood way ot makl^
fly wpfB thia vtur point. They Uae Udoora 1 cannot Bad one ahWUi to froa haae oa( ate the worid
ragon leave* can asaally be obtained
Praae Bpoage-Meat Ue juice of a doUm pm hag? Taka a fltty-jOBta
aointely sound woman aac
TO haute WUh Ufe akat.
to market; pot half a pint into a
ve lemoa* and haK a cap of sugar, ■our sack, cot oE ooeMilrd ot ta*
A MHag *1 fislide
friend*, and aoat of them
Aad aot «T«n the hahjr he left to cheer
quart bottle, fill wlU best white wlge add the yMks M three eggs, aad cook lengtk. take a hoop from a pMl aad
la wlBter. when greea salads
faring from unnec«*sary colds caught
The deaoiae boat ot that latare year the city is euroHeA la the tebooU o! by weakening the body sad opening scarce Ue wise womaa atUl serva or cider vinegar; let It steep two or
\ twt water uatU UIU; Uen stir ben over It forYke top. Tbea take a
the naaller towns aad In the country
Ue pores by too much beat and being salads; ahe knows they are important three weeks, strain through fiannel, to haU a psekage M gelatiae that ka strip of hraU or tap* Mag aao^ to
d Uere. achoala it la poulhle U carry out lhl>
Me »M» op K
little warm water, com* over Us head aad Bader Ue Ml
nnnble to mist a breath of cold air. when fatty food* are to be Ue fare; pat Inio bottle* aad'seal tightly.
Throwa dewa la careleea haate.
Beet salad—In the .long Hat of win aad told in the beaten whites of Uree arai. laetea to Ue hoop aad mek ftrar
Beveniy-two degree* is Ue highest that they Improve the digestioa aad
A»d trt« w thlak bow It woald aeea luOBili. for the purpose ol belter tc- temperature we ought to. permit
ter aaladH we may well reckon boallU. eggA Pour toto a lascy border mold. ly. aad you WlU have boU hamia tree
Uerelore U« lecapers Of those
gualnlaore and for the dlseuatloo ol.
boiled beet, which you caa mak^ oat T!d set on lee to harden When coM
hang ckUes with. Pot yoar mlh
it the hewae wore alwaya aa aUU aa warn aad means In whtiA teacher aad better. If lea comfortable. *aod babit
Tbe noted gastrononiM-. BriUat flav- et poor soup' nuat U It deu aot hoU t,..-a out aad U1 Ue center wtU jellied taas U the uck. also make a pair ot
Bother can come la doaer tonch and
• thia.
Serve wUh sweetened whip- wkUe
flaaBd underahlit aleev*A
wUl briag US to tie poUt of belief, ft arto. says salad to -rejuveaattog.’ too long.
Hew eeuM ahe hear the taeaUaeoa?
Cal the meat late dice, learlag oat ped cream flavored wlU
■hoped to yoar hand. wUh the Uumb
Binds and bodlea of the chUdren Ba­ U not always poulble to regulate the Therefore it must be "heaaUfytag.'
However tbat may be. let ue to Ml tat and muscle; add soma cho
A oat aad ran ap oa the
der their cun.- A priest oace said that beat la borne* waen we have abMluieHie rtfol *00001 Oaya.
hard-boUed eggA a taMe^oemh
Duchca prunes—Pty diamemds M
iamThem can all he washed
If parents woald five him their boys
mtoced parsley. sMt and pepper
graham bread to hot tat until a gMd readily aad are a greet coofort la coU
to train until they were eight year* parwtuk. but w«r can hnve veBtllntorr lly Uble. wb^ winter eet* bis ky seal taste, and a leaspoonful ot grated
He aich a U1‘ feller,
brown; drain and place on a hot weaUer. Another good way for cMd
old. bd would nately truni them after Btted Into a lewu>( the windows and upoa "tbe green things growing."
But Ae ala' de teacher rule.
Lettuce It nearly always with UA oMon for each plat of meal Pour putter. Prepare a pound of pruncA days Is to pat the plaa to a peach
that to any one’, care, sure that he temper the beat with cold .freak
■a Ihha hla bcaha eo toddle
this a Muce made by muhing by soaking to coU watar oeer night bataet aad book the handle wtth a
had lostiUed In their mind* a retIgiouK ft veeas ksrdly possible tbat Uere and that housewife forestalls Ue doeOb hta UT feet. U>r achool.
who on two day* of the week perfectly saMoth Ue yolks of three to Ue Moralng cook them to lenwa beat wire to the doUa ttoA*lt coa
women who object to this
tralalag which would never leave
and adding to Uem tyrap untU tender, remove from the be aUd akag the Uae Jam la advaaee
them. If thU U true aad It ungues, ground of .wasting heal but Uere tfnT 'omiU the pastry course aad eerva In- bMf a tsaapoonful of mad* mustard.
Hla aaaay etaa' eo watch taire. and sUr into Ue syrup a taMe- of Ue doUsA
many of them, and they never seem sUad a pleoUfu] salad ot fresh, tender
tlonahly Is. mother*. Islhers
ao aaaalB. fwiae by!
Uree tsbleepoonluU of Mlve oU. sMt
a of currant Jelly aad the stiffly
In freettog weather Ue haagiag of
teacher* kbould work together ahag
•ho MdU' wid her apeni
heatea wkiu M oae egg.
la Ue obsMI artldea on the Uw I* a irtaL
winter quite as much as U snmnter. fc«m, crUp crusted btoad and the best and pepper and a Uble*p«
the aamo Unea of development, li
Da teardrop te her eye!
center of eech piece M fried brad Take a strip of stroag bbsUb shoot
der to mnke well rounded. perlecUy They never air out ibelr llv^ rooms butter to tbe maUet.
place a heaping tablespoou of Ue pre­ eight torbes wMe. At totervak ot
aad <9*n bedroom wladowa gnidgBut sbe must bear to mind Uat the yolk ot a raw egg.
developed aea aad women of the
De toa’ Uae dot ahe ever
ThU same sance is very delicate fei pared prunes and t ver Utckly with aboat aU inches skag oae sM* M Ih*
pourlok over the leaves a quantity of
Ing generatkw. If every mother
OaM BlBB hla ploy ea eoai:
COM fish and U also tbe sauce\(or
chopped nuu.
strip. Btkk large alsed sMety plas
I aw an uansual night, ita'^er vlnMv and ML and’Ue sprinkling
lather would aahe ibU oae ot their
Tolat M woyt ter de acBcolhouee.
Uroogh Ue mssUa so UM haU ot
New Year nsoluHoni It would go fai moraiag. a cIoUm tres. oa^k^cb Ue vrtU wU and pepper, ’’any Ume" be­
Sa yh de road look leas!
Turaipe In DeMrnhU Pena.'
each pto will extead I
altat gamenls of two persons were fore serving, does not consUtute Ue been boiled twenty-five mtoatoA
"A* dry ae a tarslp" k aa oM uy. When ready to haag o
Turkey salad—Kor a deUclou* tnr
MMjpnded, pnt out on a lltU* balcony -d'lusstog" of a wholesome and ap
He iwtee la de worf. aow.
to air la Ue nipping ataosphero ot a petlxlng ulad. The very best lettnee key salad use a pint of turkey meat tog, but the turalp need not of neca snide to oa* of the ptoA CoOan
But what'a da prlM tor wla
U<9Ped fine and mtou* all skin sto ally be dry eating. Ikoperly cooked and cuffs mar be bosg hr the batteoCMWnn
Bl dot eweot. U1‘ IHlar
ewA etA; Ue uaie of cot np celery. it U a dalrable UMe dish, aad it cer­ bMcA pasatog a aafety.pto throagh
"Oh. dear! What can the aattar be*
the condition of the bcMise. comfort- leaves, vinegar reduco* Uem 1
DOBI w hack hoae as^T
Pareais doaH visit Ue sUooir
ably warn sad pure. I am conBdat pulp, and oil WlU aot adhere It Ue Poor over French dresetog. A ptoob tainly enters Into the compoMUoa M Ue battenbote to aaU. The whota
DM yoa ever bear yoar ehlldreu sio« lae ctoUlng was ot flannel aad
leavM are wei Drem at tbe noment of cayenne Improve* this and a little many most desirable eoaps and etewa. may tbea b* hang oat wlU dothaaHe ideh a UT feller.It is true the turalp needs to be cook ptoa. Tbe anidto de aot Mew aC aad
lemon Juice. It ehoald be n
,ol serving, ft I* all Ue more
that eoogr Let's hope It does not ap iwasoaed that Ue bed ckaahem wi
Ha taralB-tae today!
Uey may aD be atlachad to aad rahour before' needed and pul la Ue
piy to you. Barely, eunly If pareau cold at Bight OB accouBlof open win­ , dainty If prepared at UMa
Bat *011 hla a«ay aha Ha.
WlU a lUUe-o
moved tram the ptoa to a warm loem,
Put a salUpooa of salt to a large Icebox.
kaaw Ue aeoeesity they would take dow*. I am aot an esirealst—in anyKaae dat hla aammy way!
1 say DOthlag of the sMads Of CBB appended recipes!
Hew to Ac Praparly.
—AtlaaU CooeUtatloo.- Uae aad go ofieaer. No crop that Ulag. 1 hope—eo 1 nee no reaeoo for ■poon, and kaU that goaatlty of pep
To bolt 1
Ue spooa wlU vinegar and ned MimoB and tobMer; tbe serving
eoald era- be raiead la ae bapnrtaat aa opening la Ue windows latBer
Tbe average woasag.4QMtM a groat
Ue "ChUdrea 019" aad yet many tnan wlU admit a continual Bow of air mU wMl: -pour over your lettuce of dMnty flaked fiU to lettnee kavet them Ue atrtogy rind, and cither mUt dcM M her slreagU becuse she dom
• Waahlpg wee taoea tsd Uttle hlaiA • people never go Inside a aUool room, from outside,
that makes a cham­
eot stt property. Boppoa* ah* haa
washed, drained and crUped In a
plenty of choice ao UM a salad cac Urow Uem toto boUIng water slight- done a tard moralars work aad stto
• Aala.
• except tor ‘last day." or eoae other ber loo cold. Utek garment
ty salted, aad keep Uem cioaely cov
• OaUlag thaa nady and Bt ^ he • festive occasion, aad thay know aoU-. order, of courae—Uere Is no sense in plaee-:Bnd tom Uem lightly; Uen be served every day notwithsiai
tetter or do a Mt of
ered till Uey are tender. When small
add Uree tobtespoonfuls of Mlve ML "the north winds do blow, sod
• ‘ hlaead:
lag ot the methods by whlU Ue oh’!sewing, she is pretty sore to perch ap
and young they wUl be don<
• pBftlBg tboa toto daaa garaenu
again; it not acid enough, sbMI have snow."
dren are different and Uat she can’t ^To(^. is there?
Ue edge of her chair, to that thera k
• and white. * der which Uey mnst work,
an undae strain upon the maadpo of
A traltful source of cold is unpro- supply Ue need with a squeeie ot
• KMag each little face ney aad • has said that every pertoa KhoalC tectod ted .The soles are peculiarly leBMn. Tbe drewlng of a graen salad —|Aany do not care tor an olive oU growth they will’ regulre from throe her back, her kgs aad tar toeluad
quartet* to a fntl hour, or mo.
aitletle ceremony and belongs salad dressing, (or these Ue
year, and Ule «<>uld
BA instead of hdag a not. attltod
iUve, and It is not wise to chlU
gentle ^ing
•Taehlag the hlaahata iwnd ea<* • he the very best Balah to every sraui
down k only a tax npoa her alrtosly
I. Keep a pair of roosty allpper*
Ue Herald Century Cook Book
To mash turnips-Split them
• UUle farm
aar eehooL high achool or eoUego e !i at your beside and slip your feet into
tired 'maedeA7..AgalB. aoUe* n iia'ra
Best potato salad—Potato salad
• Aaxiotti to taper U tha ehUna
recommended u a perfect sMad Or even twice, should Uey be Urge; to Ueir 'taiM'ia-tat itoOft carA to
caifon; aot to ffx what ha* been leara- Uam before touching Uv Boor. A wo­ usually served is not a thing
dressing, ft is u (oHowa; Ooa cup after they are pared, boU them very taurch and so oa. NM eoe la tweaty

an warm:
ed la Ue alnA hot to realise Ibv git man’s best friends are her dressing bmiuty. Nor U U exactly a joy
• Bpylag owt halM la the Uttle won * Boultle* .of teaohUg young fdoas to gown and allppei* and boU should be eveiT dlgesttaa. The secret of the sgeel milk. one-hMf cap butter,
tender, and pres* Ue water (ram them Blto as ah* should. Tta kwor port of
Uoroughly wlU
strainer. . jko hOck OOght W b* poihll Rrmly

W.UI a {uuc
sss sirainsr.
Uoot as they aheaM. aad U eec wlUln reaching dlsunce when ahe perfect one ties la using freehly-boll level ublespooB* floor, same
• Laytag by ahoaa that an^wara
the bark of the «*■■»» or ta*
school* froa Ue teaUer’e point ot
is. A heap ot comfort passes ns ed potatoes. This seems heresy; (or sugar. Uree eggA oae teaspovufui To insure their being free tram inmpA t
aMt. oae-half cup vtoegar, pinch M r;4
• "thatoaB.
view. No one who has *v«r taught by. 1 reckon, tor young women aim to why doe* pototo sslad exist save
pew or Ue saai. than the apto* haMn
or two teaipoonf
• LoBklag o'er vraeaU eo fad
•Uool would aooept a child'* aUto- b* tough la constitution and wilt not use left-over potatoes? NeverUeless.
ttseU np. Ue chest' U axpaadod. nad
• aad
Beat of InlaBUoe donp him wiUout
the pMlUon is a oomM ata haMUfol
lie theauelvea. aad older oae* are boU your potaioM to Ueir jsckeis. tard. to suit taste: Pot milk to double
• Who hat a aathar kaowe when • ttrot Interviewing the teacher, ani careleH. Pew of Ue sex have Isaraed and let them partly cool before peel boiler, and when hot add butter and
But as a rak tt k the middk of

to heitaf
Ue back which coma agalast the
ev*^ la Ue ran event Uat ehe has to adapt Uemselves to weaiber. keep­ tog U yoo want your ulad to be eaten flonr. which has been bubbled
back M tta aaal eoasogaaatty tta
beta uajust to your UUd. you doa- ing on hand an extr^ covering for cold with keen enjoyment aad no nfter- geUer. Beat eggs to one dish. mU >11
ingredienu to anothe.-. coostantiy tor a few mtonta over a iptoe take* a carved poMUoa. tta
know how auU better she will hr weaUer, like a Jersey corset cover, maU of ladlgmtlon.
able to cope wita hla. After you have and discarding It when Ue tempera­
Use lemoa Juke wtU this salad. stir well, seeing that Uere are nr gentle fire, that Uey may be very- chest U depreesed so that tta lunta
her aad hare talked over Ue case | ture risen 'There U very Uttle danger It conreMeat use a scatter of chervU. lumpA pour into eggs and add Ml to dry: then add some sail a Mt M do ao Uct property, aad the atrato
upon musda* which were never
s»i«g the various thta^ which wMh Wrseey aad talraess. and Ue ot taking cold by such n proceeding.
chives. e(h.. clumped fine. If not. s Ue thickened milk to double boiler fresh butter, and a Uttle cream, or. to
have always boea a source of wonder klBU you can give her aa to
WUh all our-powers of imiUtion. we ■oupcon of onion minced to mere Cook Uree mlnutSA W'ben cold it ta lieu of UlA new aailk wtU a arasoo- toieaded to bear II It may he dUOto the editor ol Hoae.Cheeer ls«oae child’* dUpoeltloa. health, etc.,
have not attempted to emulate Ue Juice. Or use aimply Ue dressing u much improved by adding a little tog of white pepper or eayeane and catt to evnreome the habU. hat U 1*
thc effon
which was cuUed to alad the other oftan be of great help in overci
girl In her love for fresh air
five or six ninotM longer, or until
day by Ue vene of aa old eoag whl<A later dlffioilUea
and her detesutlon of hot roomn 1 Ue sliced poutou whUc they are just before pouring over the alad.
Uey bsvegulu nhnorbed sll the liquid
We bear great, healthy, happy Tom toaraed It. and ikat Is Ue main point
arai and serve at once.
•ms# Uuoata ker
and wklch
which IM been ponred to them. Serve
Prune OalntleA ^
ahe louad keraeU kuaalag la ike comdlaiDlng that "teacher" kept kirn
Cold potato ulad—But. if you have
1 Uluk i came Inlo
Those who have Mways Uougbi Uem Mways w hot u possible.
■aae vlvadoue uae. witk the same la- an hoar after eekooi aad aCOlded him the world wilb-A liking (or heat—hot some-cold boiled potatoes sad wlH use
TurMp* to white auce—When ac
SteanMO to the aatalag. which haC heaMas tor doing the eaate UIng Ua; fires, hot Xtor and hot drinks, ne Uem for a ulad, you can slice tbei prunes to be the last resort in the way
scoop tor Ue pjApose U M hand, cat
awM It la bar echoolhood day a
Ue only made Arthur Browa stay fif­ water and drinks are sUll dear 1
into a bowl, pn't on tbe plain dressUig
teen mloute* for. and 'Tom'*. moUer kearl but Ue Ore* have been quench­
described, add dice of cold boiled WlU be surprised at tbe exoc-.^dlngly some smMl. finely prained turnips lato
qnarterA and pare Uem toUvhMto.
Ulaks Uls is
ed. *0 to speak. On one of Ue cold­ beetA abreds M celery, a sprinkle of dainty desserts wbic* can ;e
dear! what can the maUer be?
■itoced parsley and hit* of salt he^ ; pared from Uem. 'The (oUowlng sag toto Ue shape of plums or pears of
Oh. #dar! wkal can ike antler ker- she has seen Ue tMcher .who can est moraings 1 ever knew I
gesttons are (ram Good House-keep- equM slse; arthage Uem eveMy to s
^ west «• to eauaerau the varied soon show bar why a fifteaa-BUuta rited to breakfut with an RnglUh vo ring, booed and minced. This Is
broad at^wpan. and cover Uem nearly
wait after sUool wlU punish a «UUd of
weU known sUr. and I found very substantia] salad, aad relished lag;
Sattes. faaeled aad real wh^
Prune Prappe—BoU one pound M wiU good veM broU. Urow in a little
Aad wc arc here la
«Upy the aueatioa ot the Weals, ArUur't temperament wlihoot a word her to an apartment that seemed toy by “huagry" (Mk.
prunes to one cup ot water nnUl very aalt and moraet ot sugar, and boll
of reproof, a* much as an hour's watt
me. with my pa
winding up with the plaint
Salad macedoine—When yon have
tender, strain through a flna colander, Uem rather qukAly matU Uey
did Tom'.
Ue other direction
»-Why don't they vlalt the *ehooir
a variety of vegetables, canned
adding a pint of sugar. Uc Juice M gnite teodcr. but unbroken; lift Uem
aad ep « through haU a doaeo ver*et
Every ntoUer wOl tell you Uat chllUy bostes* was clad to a thin pale fresh, take a little of earii. s
lemon and hMf a cup of maple ool drMnlng^Uem well from U<
whlc^ere alwaye auig with aach droB ate dlBenat aad that she caaH silk morning costume, cut away at string beans, some peas .some aspar
syrup: return to Ue fire and sUr coa hroU; dish And poor over Uem aomi
I.W. to tto
toowlto ttoi *roat them la Ue same way. and Ue
neck and made wlU elbow Ogns tIpA a boiled carrot and a couple
siaaily to prevent horning, boiling teb Ulck white sauce.
Iho danUclIoa ot Ue aiothern
modern teaOhar. it she has haea prop­ sleeve*. There' were two OUer gucou. of boiled poUtOM; if to
yoa sdd
Turnips stewed to butter—This U
minutes. Remove, and when tbor
_falhan troubled them not a bit.
erly tralaed, aad has Ue good of her boU English, and they. too.
celery root. bMlcd la salt water and
Rfilpk Afiteiaa. Igr*
an excellent way M drealng the
Ae It aang ttaaU through her houee- pupUs at kearl spends just 'as much thinly clad and blooming, wblb
cut Into wheel*, you have a pretty oughly cMd add the stiffly whipped
vegetable when It is mild sad finely
laM duties. Ue oM query, alwaye
Uate trying to solve the mystery ol bine and numb under my heavy ga^ macedoine salad. wMch you arrangv. whites of two eggs; turn toto the
grained: but lu flavor oUerwlse
llvMy one a Ue alad at Ue fh1 i
drea and place on Ice two hours bA (reeser, and wbeb hMf (rosen stir in
*a<k Uttle eeparaie eoul u she does in
its. A more miserable sessi
a smhU cup of chopped UekWT nuiv too stroag to be.agreeabk. After they
tore serving.
she gsew to s
correcllng arilhmeUc paper*.
never experienced, for Ue food
ir a teacher in
Again. parenU oftea say. *The as cold as the breakfast room. Tbe
tablespoon of whipped cream on each
the puhUc schools, ahe ha*
teacher has a spite agalnat RuU aad
day I did not want to get up. and makes a cheap and good salad
^ wort aaiOBg UUdrea a the Sua- marks her poor to readtog aad w* for aevernl day* afterward* 1 could the firm, white ucads ooly; a quarter portkA
MMd of honor tarts—Pare aad grate
tay echeoi froa h«r earileet rMoUer think abe read vgry well." Probably not bad I wished to. A good doctor is raough tor a amaU family. Shred
tha. aad ehe fouad It to be true then Uote parent* have never visUed kept me on Ue ouiskins of paeu- very (toA mix wlU It some mtoced one cocoanat and chop finely one
ae weU as ta Ue daUy school Uat aot sebotd dnrlag Ue working hours, and monla tUl m.v good consUtuUon as bMkd 'poutoes aad cover wlU Ue pound of pruncA BMl one pound o
oae BUthar la taa knew Ue face, anS have never heard Ue whole cUi
serted Itself. I got up from my bed French dresMng two hours before sugar to twotalrd* of a pint of wats
ponthle not one la five was aware
eo don't know bow poor RnU I* by WlU determtoatioa to harden
serving. U (he cabbage is not tender, (or twenty mtou*A sdd the grued co­
That's w^ you get If you have year preacriptlOM Slad U om
ot and chopped prunsA and cook
eompartson. Patber* aad motber* ftame to cold, not by barsh methods, shred and cover wlU boiling water
Us aaae of U* teacher who
■tore-Jttst wll^ the doctor order*—Just whM your preacripeton calk
planting U the Binds ot her chUdrea. oftaa claim when a chtM is aot pro­ but easily and gradually, keeptog my about flfebea minhteA drain and drees. twenty'%>toutea Imger: remove from
Wc d* net auhetitwm. It doa 1
at their aoat plaalc period. i
Sardtoe salad—A reM sardine salad Ue fire, and while still warm sUr In s
moted Uat the leaUer had a gradge eye upon Ue Uermometer and my
pat ap where there k any qoestloo a to toa rMkbUtty ot tta s
Ihoutaa. the tralalag which were
against hla so dldaX let him go into band upon Ue window sash. I UUik is not made of (hose little flsb that quarter of a pound of butkr. the yolks
rice. We hire Ur.
come to oil and are so of Uree eggs well beaten and a Uttle
■ as Uey grew M tha next roooi when if such were Ue i could p*M Urough Ua\ experieni
tlon department to wtUoat guenlcm the best egMtaefl sad mot com­
A* lor what U< case. Ue teacher woald pusb the UUd now wttb Impunllv—and I could read­ Is of Ue salted variety, which you candied orange peeL Line smaU patty
plete to Nonbera Michigan. We never sucstltaie. Let oa AD year
pans with puff pasd pour Ue ntlxture
taUdrea wore being uught. Uere ahead eo she wouldnt' have to teo^ ily tall back Into my Md way* tgato. boy by weigbl
aoemed to he the utmom indifference. Urn another year.
Parents, should tor I silU have a tondneu (or beat and
Take half a pound ot Uese. soak an carefully im and bake in a quick oven
decorate with a ttoy pyramid of met
In our doMttc work we exertiae oarer Marne a teacher to Ueir chU- caa stand conaMersblc ot 11
hour, chaqgtog water at least
eoaetant vIgDaace over oar helpers. dree. no mauer what your private
There is an alamst sure method ot tlmeA Poll them aparl taking <mt Ingue on each cake, with a candled
We TBtch them .train them, aad keep oplatoa Is. uphold the teacher, and: reviving a cMd body—by deep breath- Ue spine, and cut oae of Ue bMves cherry resting to Ue center.
New England prune podding—Stow
our eyot w Ua amalleet detaUs »t Uc don't Judge any cnee tiU yoo bare tog. Try it Ue next Ume yoa led into strips an inch loag. and coiling
le pound of pranas uUl soft,
hoawWOfK. to nee ttat It U betng car­ beard^bw aide. Yoo may say. "My chilly. Take a number of deep, long Ue other hnU into link rMU; these
sweetening th<M to Uate. aad addttig
ohildjtas never told a Ue." Thto Is a breaths and yoa wlU feel an Immedi- last are tor garakhlng. Use •
ried OB WlU a
tew MlcM ot orange.
The same la u- t to evan a greater ax very
rash sutMest indeed. At* ^
you gte warmU from Ue IncreaaM Mood gherklBA sonte mixed plckleA a
aguate* M toasted whMe ifbeat bread.
teat ta Ue b
world, where perfectly certain of Uat? And re- etrcolatloa. It k advocated as a pre- tie smoked aMmon aad Ateaapoo


JTiwiar Ot eotti'i Ct»h

Order Eat Box of

Queen City
Ptose43- 3l8S.nHci

What the Doctor Orders


taverse OUT'S Lt


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