Grand Traverse Herald, January 15, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 15, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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$149 A YEAB.



glftg par mootb. for a period of Sve'
yean. He clalma Umt be received
tbe aalsry for tbe first Uirae months.
He alleges that be has made nuaiereat Improvemenu In tbe property, be­
ing a BkIDed and espart craoben?
man. He claims tbsC two acres In


tbe proceeds being sufficient tp pay
a dividend on ibe entire lovestmenL
There are 41 and a fraction acres In
the msrtb, which Ur. Haskins claims
productive. He alleges
OALUUrr FIOHT TO RECOVER ENthat the company are trying to deTOMREP MEN.
pom him as president
purely personal, and that they are trytng to gain control of his stock, in ab
tempting to prevent hii voting his
tire PI ahans of stock, as be has a
right to vote.
Tbe defendanu aUege tlmt
Haaklw bu not uaed Um rnniU of the
«oni|«ay to tbeir aatiafactton. that ba
baa MR ftiven ibem ItamUod aUtaMIM iRSpactor and Rartjr Hava mcaU^r (be eaftendltarea. and other
IblBsa aJooc tbta lino.
NwfM Way 0«ar a M»a af
DaMa' Rwt Hava Larg*
Taak Yal ta RaHam.




against him.

Roy Thomas Alleges Thsi ^
Ibe Saloon at tha tnaUgi

Through tbe efforts of tbe AaU-SalooB League wbkh bie not been idle
tbe Iasi fbw moaths.AntoB HabkawOl
have to appoar ta Circuit coaift as
charge of having hU saloon sgmi 4
Hubka was arrested
a warrai
sworn out by Roy H. Tnomas. and apli-ered before lulge A. F. Herlinger
of Ibe Recorder a court, yesterday.
Hubka deman<!<H> an
RtwftaM. Va, 4aa. lE-Tha daath
aad this was set for ibis moasNig at
Hat la lha
<" tba.Rraneh
h o'clock.
Uch mbw may maah MO.
Testimony was tanun. Boy H. Thom■ staUng tka^ on Sunday. SepiamOnly a baOtaa bad baao iwav
ber 87. IPM. nbont’1:30 o'clock in thr
My«a 10 a'elaek tMa mamlno altha«|h
O. A. BRIOHAM HAS JUOt CLOSED forenoon, be. in company wlUi Wil­
the Urad affioam and vaiuiitaam wariiA RIO flMRER DEAU
liam BcoBeld, vuiorod the rear of the
ad all iifffM in a fcaMta affart u raaaw aama af tfca wMam
corner-of Unlou and Bute ttroeil. He
auted that then* weM five other perMva.
In the aa<
Tba haoa «r raabvarii
man aundlog BMr tbe bar. and
the man who admitted tbeia. after
A raaaba M la teaadad Ry CbtaT •OLD THOUSAND ACRES TO CON< they had ratUe.l the door luiobyhl
Lang, aaalatad by
Mlaa InapaArr dahn
wont behind the bar ^roe pmo\
he said, were i:: a noib--pkrUUo»
Half a daabn dapuUaa.
off from the main roum.
Tbay bava fangM thalr a>ay avar a
It Of HOMO la Mara
Thomns dciclarinl tbnt be,asked for
anila of dabrla la tM abakad and
Than Made Up for by tba Ralsnot
bottles of beet, wbkli be obtain­
amaka flHad main entry, and are new
ef the Treet Which He Still
ed. He pnid for tbe beer, nnd took U
caafrantad by Uw waHt af braMdng
Rettina-Seught Health.
of the saloon after overcoming the
» •« tana af burning
cbJccUont raised by the bartender,
aaal and^dMb
O. A. BrlMam. of Burbley. ba» ju«t
and that he aim hsi the beer at the
clooad a deal wUb tba ConaoUdatod
home of his father. Tbrass declared
Tlabar Oo. of Portland. Oregon.
that he went inin Ute.saloojk for the
wbaraM tk« Umber company baoomaa
purpose of seeing whether be couH
owner of a thousand acres of Mf.
bny beer in a Mioos on Rnnday or no*.
Brlgbaai'* Oregon boldtnga. ibe pur­
bMmd over to ibe CIrrnit
chase price being $60 an acre.
cobrt ta tbe eum of $:.0M ball, which
Berea or eight years ago. Mr. Brig*
bo Immediately lurnlkned.
am detennined to go «-eti in search
Owing to the ioa'uinty of his attor­
Umfe Ratmdad Ug and Rtnwk Him of bealUi. He bad been iU for a iosg ney. Pans C. Gilbert, lo be presewt
Ume and while ta a Grand Rapids hoe' . Wbon a railing Traa HR tlio
with kli dtont. Harvey Pierce. arrMiplul. he read an ndverUsement- of
I'^rged with keeping bit aatooa
Umber Inods 1a Oregon. As soon aa he
open tai Sunday.
able, be suited for Ue coast and
Copemlab. Hkh.. Jan. U.—Wbtle
Pleroe’a eummatlon was set tor Batmade
aawlng togs near Lemon Lake. Aanrday attoriioon at 8 o'clock ta
ddew Morrta bSd tba aUtoroina to
Justice A. 8. Dobson.
get kli lower )aw cranked and a ae- $10,000. Ur. Drlgbam returned to his
At S o'clock this afternoon, whea
vera gaak andar bb cala. wbkh la ho^ ta aibwn with bU health oompleiely rattored after a pleasant trip Pleice appeared ta tbe JnsUoo cmirt.
eat tbraogb to bU neutb.
this beta gthe Ume set tor faU ai>Andrew aad kU partner, an alderly and was also the owner of between
the room wss crowded with
ma. waia aawtag down a tree, wblcb 1.300 and 1,400 aa«« Of fine Umber
wkan tt faU. Mgad In a aaail cedar land located near the aommll ol tba
paikteers, a few mloon men also ap
and Ibaa braka tba cedar with tta Uoaat nnge umusUina.
Tbe tasee and eipenbes on tbe land, pearing. Much, taterwat U being taken
waigbL .Wbila looking out for hte part­
ta thwu casos'on both aides.
ner^ anfaty «rriiI waa Ignorant of taeladlfig tbe eapenses of tba weaiera
kiB awn danger and wbaa the tree trip, brought the purchase coel np to
alrncR tba ground a limb bounded np about $10,000. Two years age. Mr.
and Ml him under tbe chin. Dr. Alec Brigham sold a portion of ibe land for
OonMil dreeaed-tbe wound nnd put bis $8,000 and etlll. deaplie UU $60,000
bead la baada^. MorUt only grterea sale, hna enough of tbe land loft to
when be laallsad be had loat bis pipe more than pay the coat of tba orlgland was told he would hate to eat nsl iBvestiDcnt.
In addlUon to Um purebam price of
$60,000. Ur. Brigham was allowod a
Aeoident At Home of Frank ghumsky
hall Interest In all mineral and coal
RMulted In Serious Injury to
righU of Ibe iiwct. thari> being some
very pcomlsing IndMilons of ozlcnsire mlaemi deposit^
Plungtag Into a pall of hot water
Owing to the locMIon of the tmC.
which atood on th<- floor lu ibi- hitch
Which is very near thewwl^U of the
Of his honii- Isst night. Stanidv. tie
sad IU disunro from 8-y«aroM son of Mr. and .M-s. Fmnk
streams. Ur. Brigham had nothing to
Sbumaky, of SiiT South L'.-Jar st'wi,
Twatva la All Are <
was Urribbly scalded.
U) do was to wait nnd wnirb hU $10,Mn. Bbuiusky set Ibe piil of wa.i-r
000 grow Into considerably more
I the Door, iniendlug to mix up
than $60,000.
some food tor the Lors^ While get
rnr lbs Srat Umo slace ^e
flng tbe feed ready, (he child went to
mrt boose was btUlt. Uo tong Uble r-xtonslve botdiims and bought Ibe the pall and Htumbling. pitched for­
ta tbe ooort room plaoad there tor Iiwct to eumplele them. Their opera- ward. both bands being submersi<d In
g tbe le iJous and development of course will tbe scalding water. Tbe left baiid
gal lUts amt Bblae on tba Oread eim farther Incronae the value of Uie was badly burned, but ibo arm
' *Fr of Ur. Bilghatn's biMrttagt. enpod Injury. Tbe right arm
TrarCm bar. waa takea up by tbe atlomeys la tba case of LL.*u P. Hu- Tbe deal has been cnilrely closed and scalded from fbe Ups of.bU fingers
all the necessary papera delivered.'
ktas. va tbe WnlUM Cranberry
above hU elbow.

$10,000 IS







WMewr of Tbomaa Dyer passed Awmy tumudi Jsmos A. Hemenway
at the Hema of Her Ren, About
Utatad fitotes Sonaur Prom
Mrs. EUea Dyer, wljlow of Tbomas
Dyer, passed away at midnight last
night, at tbe home of her son. Tl
Dyer. 113 Bast TenU street. She
was 67 years old. and had beea a realdent of thU city for about 4$ yea's.
She leavea one son. Thomas. wlU
aboa abc lived.
Uri. Djwf was a cooaeleBtlons CatboUc, havtag been a life long member
of the CatboUe ebuttk.
The taaeral wUl be held tomorrow
mondag at f o'etoek from «. Ftaacia
eknnb. tbe Rev. Fr. Joseph &uer offietattag. Ike (emataa will be Ista to
lest ta tbe Catboik eemeien.




lu mn OVEN IIP

_ paay. et aU today.
IMi la probably the moat holly
taatad eaaa ever beard In ibia court
heaae. aa array of
lag ta nnmbar any e\i
OM aaaa Laatar D. Weich. Farm C.
OUbart. ITnSanrecd A Dmlor aad
Piau * Davis are appearing lor the
PtatalUt. wkUa Ua dafaam la rwprw•estad by Rmartbwalla aad Ahrar.
TmwyA mn. Davla aad Raadaraea. at
at tba tabla trltb tbe attaneya
Tbe plalMit la anlag tbe Waltoa
Obskeery eampeay. a corporaOea.
aad W. W. Artbar. Cbarlaa R Taaaya.
at aU tartba aafvcamaat of a cbm
UaeL Mr. Maaktaa aDegtag that tba
mmpaay are trytag to dapaai him aa
praaldast ssd Rwmal maaagar of Iba
eaawaay. Mr. Hnafclaa aOeRaa that
ta Jvw. USA ba waa maM ptaal
sad RMara) maasgar u t Mlary af

Chaney, of Traverse CUy. aad Mrs.
Hattie Clausa, of Lelaad. Four broUe
also :eft. Frank Atwood of
Will Be tbe Gueata of Dr. Prallek and mRS. SIPES OF THIS CITY IS OffE
Feahrllle. Edward Atwood, of Spo^
Will Enjoy a Danes and Also a
kane. JAItth.. Miles and Basel Atvoed.
of Alberta, Canada.
lory No. 41
ftaverse- City Co*
The funeral aervloe win ba at 1
KnfMte.‘I^BiPtar Is preparing tor h^
o'dock Friday atteroooa at tha home,
big Unm Snturdny nlghu Tbe
the Rev. C. W. Chase oNMaUag.
mandery will secure a special train on
burls) will be ta the Og
tbe M. A N. B. nnd wiU go to Cedar.
eiery, which U Just acrooa from the
At Cedar. U>ey will be met by rigs
«» farm. Mra. QllgHVO would
and taken on to Maple City wher«
37 years old next May.
they will be the gueata of Dr. O. W.
Became of Family Mattera the Eauta '.ItoWj ezpKted that death waa to
soar. aUlLbugh everyom knew that
Wat Laaaed to the Swodiah Church
Hie laSles will be taken nlong
was Vertously 01. and the sad
for M -Vaara—Located In
the talp and at the end of the three

' Wilmington. OoL
mile drive..there will be dancing
Ul nbout 11 o’clock, when n banquet
Mrs. George SlpeSpOf 305 West J'ou.*will be served. The party ezpeete to
teeolb street Is one of tbe beira to tbe
return to this dty about 1 o’clnclc'
fPO.OUO.OOO esuie left by Carl Chris­
topher Springer .who died In Wllmlng'
ton. Dclanare. In 1760. ThU vail c'
U located in the henrt of the
Milan, Ftoeance. Fadua and Olhor
tbrlTlng cUy of Delnware nnd consists
Ol 18 of the best bustaosa blocks in
Oeturrwd During tha
Ibe city.
Eariy Houro.
“ChrU" Springer, as be waa known


Indianapolis. Jan. l« -BcD}aulD F
Bhivtly, of South Bend, was cbtMen
United Buies senator
* A. Hemenway. by the
enU of the Indiana leglstatuie early
this Bomlng.
Court N«Kl May.
Jan. 24.—DUpatebea from
Madrid state thn the Spaaish conn
Oasocta wai BborUy aasmmoe that
ttatt tbe aecsmsebrnhst of Qweea Vletorls ta to be expected ta May.



d That Portion WouM Ba
■p town the Bill at tha Re­
lit « •svomoc. But War­
ner Denlet Intoirt.
Lansing. MIeb., Jnan. IS.—Governor
Warner has come out for the nomtaailM 9t llbhod Butea wenators by pop­
ular vote.
This Is pfovMod In the primary bill
of Senator Dicktaaon. and It was aab*
that this part would l>e
ragwaat of Governor Warner but the
governor says he Is sirongty In fnvor
of IL
In view of'hU candidacy for senator
his declaratlOD
»D Is
U signiOcaiii.



to bU friends. wa» the eon of William
to came to
: tlinc of i
CbrUlophcr SpriDger, who was a bachelor. sided'ill with the British and his
broUier John, who was married end
family, sided wlUi the colonivs.
this diSere|ee canstag tronhle be­
tween the two brotbera. an that when
CbrU Springer was on kU death bed.
be made a moat myaterloua will.
Not wishiug to leave his prO|«ny
to his brother's children and
xame ume not wnntlng ft to go out of
tbe family, he leased U tor f* years
the SwedUb church of Wilmington,
at tbe end of that time U>e prenmny
wss to revert to the heirs of John
Tbe ebnreh being unnUe to aeU the
property, leased it end fine bustaeM
Hocks were erected upon IL In 187$.
Che church found that they no longer
tontrolled the property and were ta
such a dilemma that an appeal
made to the fniptninmii rntme of the
heirs were toeMOl, bit after.several
yeeit of BghUsc smoag f&emMlvqa.
tbe; gmvs up thssestoaL
Sow tbo matter has beea revTv^
and Uiose inlercsted believe that withfew months, that a aatueaest
wilt be made. There are more than
thousand heirs to the vast fortune.
Mrs. Sipes is the grand daughter
of Mrs. Ferris, who was originally
Mis* Caroline Springer. M17. Sipes'
mother. JIrs. Alex Rockefellor, wn*
tbe daughter of Mn>. Ferrla.


Had Baan III for Waeka and Fallad
te Survive the Shock Of an
Chants O'Connor, Who Livod Naar,
Saw tha Firs and Cams Over
Just in Tlma-Losa On
Old MUslOD, MlcU.. Jan. 13.—Mrs.
Houao Net Known.
Bmma GUmorc. wife ol Miles Gilmore
... of the beat beloved women on ._
Jlayflcld, Mich.. Jan. 1C.—Tbe bonii [.rolnxuls. died at ber homeware last
of John Koeh. near bore, was burned evening at 6;30. Death followed
operation and It is auted that she
only ailb great difficulty tbal Mr never regained consclousnau. doapltc
Koeh and bl, brother. Ben Kuch. were
ic iK Si cfforti of several physicians
rescued from tke Suriilng building by
Mr*. Gilmore bad suffered great,
t'harle* O'Connor, a near neighbor
pain for the Vast two months, having
who bad »ccn the fire bdO hurriedly
become IU sbonly before Tkanksg:'
tag. She gradually grew weak*r and
John and Ben Koeh bad beoii
and weaker and although she ww
>wii and bring cold from thrlr dri^e
n operai
home, bad built s heavy fire. The delayed as 10^* a* possible. Berea
bouse raugbl frum the qtuve and had eight years ago. sbe bad undergone
surfa a start when It was dUmvrrnd.
similar operation and bad suffered
tbal when U>c men atlompu-d to
I lerrii'iy that sbe would not give
of tbe good!-, bptta m-rlvrd her consent until she saw tbit It waa
burn* aud were Jn *oc1i a randlUon. Ibe lasi resort. Weakened by her sut.that Mr O'lMnnor bad to remove Uiem fering. sbe was unable to stand the
from the bollding. Mrs. Kocb wss
Mrs. Gilmore was but 36 yean old,
The bouse was well fumikbed and but it Is doohtful It any other woman
practleally all of the conirnt*
on tbe peninsula'bad as many friends
There wa* no Insui
at whe. Her character and thougbtand the lass te not known.
fiilness for oiher* is sbown by the fart
tbal pracilcally the last work she cver did. was some sewing for the lltUe
orphans over at Beulah Home. Mra.
William Chatnty Was a Mambar ef Gilmore was a ChristUn, a falthtol
member of the Methodist church of
Local Lodge of Ml
Old Mission and one of the moat act­
To So Brought >
ive workers in tbe Ladies' Aid ooclety.
Sbe also taught, a class ta the Sunday
William Chatsey died yesterday
Mkool'ond gave very cloM atAosUon
Manisteof His home was on Raodtdpb
in this, planning many UtUe alalra
street In thU city nnd he wss
for tne pleascre and dlveralow of be,
her of Traverse aty lodge So 8J8 F.
Bcbotarw. Sbe was also a swmhe^ot
A A. M. The body will be brooght
to tkU cltx over the H. A S'. C. and tbe grange.
In addition to ber husband. MUas Gil­
Uie funeral service wilt be held Friday
afirenoon at 8 o'elo^ at tbe Asbury more. who tt
M. E. ehorck. AB members of Uie end hns been n reoMeat of tbe pealnlocal todge of Mi
be at the chveh at l:3S Friday.



Rohm, Jait. tA—All at "Taaaanjr and
many dtiaa in tlia nartham part, qf

Italy vMrt ahakan by an aarthqMfea.
The severwot shook rapsrttd waa M
Genoa tort na one waa kilMd aa far M
Blanks Will Be PumlrtMd Eaai LegThe Indkatiene are -that Italy wMi
isiatae to Make Report on the
rare or laaa shaken aa far narth aa
Water Power In Hie
the fMthiys ef the 1
slight shack wae feH at Milan at USB
Lansing. Mlcb, Jnn. 14.—Tbe home
Many other towno woro affoctod,
apecUl commlUee Stariod Hs work a>^ them being Ftoeonec
to lavesUgnto the water power com­
panies' merger ecbeme this morelng.
Blanha will be pregiared foreach leg- report that violent ohocke wor* felt
ialator to fill out -abowtag Uta amount
«hout the province in the mtijf
of awter. power ta hhi district.
exprcicd ilua will be nccompUahed today and a forma] meeting
will follow on Friday.

Was a Membar «d she lllitMls Legis­
lature From the Second Sena­
torial District.
Chicago. Jan. 13—Paul Zanbet,
member of the boose at Springfield
wbo. while IIU .was carried Into the
bouse to Vote for Speaker SbIrtllS.
died early today at bU home ta thU
He wa* one of the
from the Second Sonatortal dlalrtaL



Millikan and Company Store Employ­
es Wsnt to the Courtade Homo
Tuesday Evening.


- Clerk waHofta OfRee.
MIm Anna Ntwdbam. tor the laat '
four years deputy conaty clerk aad
ta Ceuaty Clerk l^hort
F. Whller'a (rtfloe. leR today for Dm
trolt. where she will Uoate p}«m
n<iiiiy.-Miu^Na«#ha» has aeoagu
posiuea with the Wtaoa aiamdaa
tag e
n baa many frieofia Rt
this city who regret that she has de­
cided to loeate oleowbero. hot who
have Dotblng but beet wtshaa te ex­
tend for ber future proepertty.
Miss Ethel McAvov. who has borti
ta the county clerk’a effiee several
awsths. will conttaoe la tbo pooltMm
left TOcut by Mias Ncodkaa.


clerks tiom the Hannah A Lay Mori
cantlle ewnpsay and tbe J. W. Hllllken dry goods store, drove POt to tba
w of the Family ThawgM
koRM of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joha N. CourFatally
tade o'
K;,' Tuesday nlghL
Althniigb •’i^'nlghi was bitter cold
t:* drive t-i Ike faim was made ta
rotsfo:!. hot r;jp stoacs and warm
New Haven. Jnn.. IS.—Mrs. HIgglas.
t:.<:.k<-ifc a::d f'lr Ciuti. keeping Jack mother of SsmuM Blgglna, ffODoral
i'.usi ai a dil^.^nee. Tbe return was mannger of the New TOtk, Kew Hav­
made In three';"art''rt of an hour. en end Hertford raUrooi Is dend aad
The Tour^ pr'/iii'- took «ilb then other memben of Um famOy
(ranklurter*. ii.L>s, rye
bread, thought lo be totally boraed as a recbetfcc, olives, ctr.. and Mr*. Cour­ selt of a gre wblob destroyed tba
tade rurcistaed masbed potalooi and Higgins home bare tad^. Tbe looi la
*aucrkraui, and coffee, ouklng a sup $106,000.
per tost was greatly enjoyed by nil. |
■ • _

c. j.„ barney retires

Dancing wa* also enjoy ed. Joe Brief
furnishing the music on bU vloita.
F. R. Barney. Jonlor Momhor of tha
bouM' Bp-‘<'iel <x>mmUtep
Barney Co.. Will Asevnn the

ReprMantatlvc Merrice Would HoW
Them Up Until After a Commit-

Lansiag. Mich. Jan IS —Tbe legis­
lature has made another ateve to
checkmate the water power merger
ta a resoiatloB by RepresentaUve
Morriee to at ooce suapead tbe aalea
of State laads-bwGertag 00 aU water­
ways pending aa tavcstlgatkio by a
house speeUl committee.

Tbe meaning of tbe 'change of bow
Incas sale' of the Barney rompooy
was announced todny. George J. Bnr
oey. the senior mwiber of tbo firm
WiU reUre. leaving tbe 1
of tke store to Fred R. Barney, foator
member of the firm. Tbe cbnago wtn
take pUce March 1.
Tbe Store wlU retaUi Its proMSt tocatioa ta tbe Beadle boOdlng and ander the able maaagemeat of P. R.
Barney. Ike same high staadaad of
menAandlslBg wfll ke 1
Mr. Barney, tbe retiring mnmker.
will mtata ta Traverm CRy tor aav^ Boaika
mooika yet bat pa -to
to bla fotarc
totenttons, kns mafie ao
Special to Tba Brealkg I



»Bd TiiAa;





pigs. |l.4a«&.M; butt of relaa,
Bbeep-Reeeipu. eart« «LM«HSJ6.
mated at IS.iWO; market airoag; »•
Orewn. Mick.. Jan. 14.—The Ladies' ttve, |S.2S©5AL: western. tiS5©SA«:
Aid aodety wiU meet with Mre. Wm. yearltogi. M.»©7J5; Iambi. $SJ6«
1.U; westere. >5.:6O6-10.
Bntey Batarday afteniooti
East BnSaio. Jan. IS.—CaUfo—BeL -O. Backett look a alelgh load ap
I Monroe (Vnler to attead quarterly cel|B. : cam: alow. Hcigs Receipts.
40 oars: strong^beavy. $6.40: yorkers
meetlag Tuesday Boreiag.
Tke Rev. Hr. FerguBon. of Tiav $6©6.30;piga. $$.TC. Sheep—Beceipte.
rwe City, preached at the Crawa M So cars; strong; best lambs, $7Ja:
yearllaga. $6.Mi©6.;S: wcihem. h&.$»
E .toorchTuesday evening.
George Burt has nmved toto the QS.1S; ewes. fl.TSELSS. Chives—$a
residence recently bought ot C. W. »IA
H. E. Baird has moved in from Dock
Cblcagi>. Jan. IS.—The tone ol
I.Ake and is living up auirs in the
Maynard bunding.
market was wieady. Demand was
Wiliam Youker. of Traverse Oly.
restricted more or less by
to loading a car of potatoes toda.r.
cold weather. The tost few days (here
Erneat Uarr went up north Monday has. not been much unloading. Sales
mtlhBlng os a bnalneas trip to be gone today ranged at 70©T5e for good to
choice stock and a car ot Idaho Bo"While we do say that toto elaaa of all week.
s. Allie Bon and Mrs. George rals brought 77c. The recelpU
Investment to one of the best present­
ed to oar people It does not follow Burt were Traverse City callers Sat about twenty-five cars, most of wUcb
that all to eloar aatltog to the develop urday.
ai rived tote yesterday.
The Crawo scllool started Monday
mcni of so large an enterprise,
Greenville. Jan. 13.—C.-H. Gibson
A Co. quote the buying price of pouC RIVER DOEMRATIDN have expended large sums and must trier a two wfeeka' vacation.
Mrs. B. Hafr and daughter. Louise, loea on the Greenville market at
expend macb BMre to ccsnplete
electro ORFIOERh.
first power development Tbe public ere Traverse City callers yesterday. S«c; rye. 700: wheat. $1; beans. $lh5
There will be a dance at Batey hall
now has the right to navigate the
Friday evening.
river whito to not navigable
practicable extent. Wc neither add
9 chronic
Ckleago. Jan.
an.'l8.—(fontinuea steady.
take from tbe atreaio.
A moderate demand was reported, yet
pond to mwdi better as a thorough­
the eoM weather restricts the trade
fare for six or seven miles ttaan thc
the stomach, cure conetIpaUop.
ER COMRANVmore or h-ss. Arrivals fair <d Uichl
river was. It can be caalty and nicely
gan. Square boxes. Michigan. Golden
8. Lcmeriek west t
for small crafts. A lake will to
Heart, good. $1.1561.25: fancy. $l.4i>
created where tbe public can enjoy jan this morning.
1 Up to an totefoatlei.W: ordinaiy. not well Meached.
all toe rights o( flshtog. boating.
ing and lAtolllpent Manner hy
$l©1.1«: poor or froien. down,to 7i
When tbe stream leaves us it lesves
. too Aocfotdry, William H.
per bunch, home grown, green top
,ua the eame as It camo to us and to In
Goldra Heart, depending on site, IS
oonditiou as ever.
And tndiffaatlon
The anaoal ateettog ot the Block- pukUc or private reason to there
Mlmitea ^
bohlora ot Ike Mantotec River Power
t low.
compsnics to develop such Isteot
company waa held Tueaday
13.—TimothyOur last legistotare repeal,
Why not start now
now—today.' and .fornfflops ot Underwood A Umler and
rid youreelf of Stomach trouble March. $4.«5. Clover—March. $8.4U.
Ibe following director! were eiccled: cd the limit os toe land holdina
Indigestion? A dieted
DctroiL Jan. 13.—Clover—S|k.I,$6.60.
L. E Itoakina. Ueu P. Haaklna. Wil­
now grabhtog overy fopc -*
good eat. then Uke Pape's Dlapep- March. $5.65.
liam H. Umlor. Aniob W. Bartoh. 8toaln to atort the digestive Juices workpben L«Blnrr. John r. Haden. Leon F. mining land to toe upper |
Jhg There will bo no dyapepirla ot
THiii, Howard A-Muaa«lman. Judaou Wc do not aoeh M totolAfo
belrblng oFGas or eructationi of undi
New York.
K Cumrran. Orrllle HUlnr. and J. J. nil toe water powers la Mlpblgwir' gested food: no feeling like w lump of Sieaily and uncbaiigt-d; receipts. 4,334.
What we desire la to develop ouhfSav. lead Id the stomach or heartburn, ai
ChccM—firm ahd uncUanged;
Lloa for the benefit of TravKollowlng the Btockbr-Moni' meeting
) ('Ur. ('adUtor. l£lk Rapldasasd
breilh with
10.337; wcsiern firsts. 33D33HC; of
Iberc. waa a dirrwtora' meeting held utocr cito to this end of Ulchlgoa.
Pape'a Dlapepsln
costs only
wbleb ww adiounMB to this morolng"It to true that greedy mauagera Mr a large case at any drug store ficUi :i3c; -rcoouB. SieS’c.
Tbe loltowing oficera were etectod:
Chicago. Jan. 13.—Cheese—Steady:
here, and will relieve the most obstin­
may uver-reaeh In charging power
& Haaklna.
ate case of Indigestion, and Vpsci dalsi-'^. Ill^ei^c. twins; It&14l4c;
lighting rates, but pt-rmlt wo to
Stomach in five mloutes.
First Tiee prraMoat—Uea P. Has- mind yiui that all public Borvlcu t
■ wins, I4fri4l4c: young Americas.
There is nothing else better to take l4Hi. liuttcr—Steady; crcamurlCB. 22
poraUoas are auhJeet to leglalatlve re
s from Sinmarb and Heal
president—Stephen ttri'ilonR on mice. Rates btve.bpon
macb and intestines, andI beaideS. »i32e: dairies, 2l(t6 27c. Eg
triangule will digest and prepare Sl<'a.ty :.flri>ti!^ 31^cLsutner.
llmlird too edten reeeally for such one
for assimilation Into ihc blood all your
fterretory—William M. Umlor.
to permit this b> be dU- food Ihs same as a sound, healthy
Trewnrer—Antoa W. HarUk.
stomach «-nuld do H.
t'tiit-agu, Jsti. IS.-No »hangc learn
Tbe prospreu arc good for tbe com­
When niapepsin w-orks your
"fo let «■ In a spirit of (alracss
I cf. |v-alrr* rrjiorl a nHidcyalc valach rests g*-ls itself in order,
pany's conatructloa work to begto courage all power companya to
and then you (cH like eating
iiM- »f I’usliicrs. There is no activity.
at. noon as the season opena. Mr. Um- vek’P our end of Mlchlgaa. Our rivi^rs upd whal
when you come to the table, and
8u|>['ly seems to be equal 1» pn'«ic«t
aecretary. oO being asked
great asset to attract niaoufat" vou cat w ill do you good.
Absolute relief from all Suxnaeh needs. Ihnu^ railroad movciu<-Dt is
wkeiker be knew anything ot
jrliis and trwnsptwtolloB coarerri'
ruihcr ligiiL
Weslora Mitoigan Power eompasy cause of'l^lr avaltahimy 1« power Misery la waiting lor you
u decide to
t' begin taking Dlapcpsin.
13.—Ileau.s -S|h>i.
with hoadauaricra »X OadUlac, which clcvcIopraciiT? Nurihm lllehlgau
TH11 vour druggist
druggist lhal you waht
$2.17; May, $2,2;.
Haims to own the entire Mantotec rlv- partictilarly foi lunaib IT ihte. By _
• " ipepsln. b

T State new aeeM to have
aa than It haa hean aMa la
rauira a taiwa c
manage? Do we want
la taxes, bat after the lB--i
t Joba for crafterB? Do v
have been made by tbe t
ooacerM owning ib« riirtU. ibe» Iholmore noner Aeponlted In U« Bune of
rctnnu ,«>me in U>e Hi.|* ol to«o*.rttw «*U In Jowtt d*. bnak.? Hsf«
■01 k»« •
... ..........................
ibc flr«t prtco nwelTod lor ihc UndflJn ihnl? I w l« tAe rt«e •«•«>
b) the boM«r« b not •« the beneWn
UmImm nng Mt e*t of
nveaae of private
tbat lAo ponpb «C U* oonWj randTO.
Altle Mr. Cvrtlar BbUvw la tbb enterprise. M Iheee are any people
MUir are not to be «MtloB«A K who desire to partleipate to a corperalooks u U»<m« tbe whole thine wm (kio or Ibis kind cor company at leasi
premature and that the aglUlloo wouid cEen thorn an opportunity. All any
no do tbe restoni'which will bencht saa wto> wanu to get'lnto toto
(rotn tbe devekvment •t the water porsUon on the- ground floor has to do
let hto wants be known. There
power, any good.
an no lavorltei mad It it actually a
people's corporaiioB—h Ja as nearly
public enterprise as a private pro-





hickovTl %xll4 inch bent ruanerw.
____ Mm (not brash hldrovrl
$ixt« inch knees. ^ and 7-16 inch
s, 7-16 wrought Im draw ireas hoHrun D
ed to f^Jfo of body aad to runoera.
lU inch chapel------- —-—
IxlV ipch puiik
shirunidraw bar heavily ironed tall kacth. Bracea.
red aad fitted to each eaUer.
alT-wir band forged

SaJnlsSi5f AlfNVAlOF
Martbam MtoUgan. eapeelallr TnT•ne Cltr and tbe Grand Tiarem re(ton. to toterwted, greatly to the de­
lta iatar paawr. Thaw
of power arallable

s toward dereloptog it but there
to atm iMto far

a great thlnga to
g It. It
•t cheap, deaa power, eaay
go Iredu and eaay to dtopoee ot.
Krtg a a eonatoienl*
^ low rale, to a gmat altmcUon-for
______ ot aU ktoda and to
atog «Kh power. Trareiee aiy.
If the tnel eappiy ahouJd b<^ ItoiRed. wonW be to a poallioa * aocceaafolly Md Tor more todeptolw »» • P®*"
I hare nraUaUe A/m borae power
___ Ihie wUI be told In the «lly. What
4AM borae power meana «m be aeen
the fact that It lahea bat lAOO
hona t»war to raa the Onod Bapld^
•tooet toilway. The Qweea CUy Light
sad Pwwer Co. baa atoo made gieat

m/t»f a mllway lor a rily the alao
g| OtWM Raptda.
la Bddliton to thli, the Uanletee
Btoar Power Go. with Ha boldlaga
rl^er, will la not a ga
toUla, be to a poaUton to aupply ap-ly. when all of Ha dama
gOAOO Bwhi
atrMB there are other
aHa Wbleh will nndoabtediy be uaed
. *p other eompanleaL
above. It wUI be mndllT
___ that TryTerae CHy to rH«Uy
lalanatod la the gniwiton of water
•PVarABdtheprirflegeaof water pow«p iiMI------- which arw aowttompyI^Eka atteotoon of tlw Mluhlgan toghdatoda aad whicii may deradop ialo



Otber atrlea khd gi«d«a. at............ WM lO tS&M
Opao and Top t^ihg Oatton
t« SCS. •
rur and For U»e4 GmIs. a eotapMo Ibre tlCM to 9S»

Wttch for Spactol UtjiiMx to Coots Mxt week.



'. anld:
"1 know noUilng of the dolaga of the
Wcaicwn Michigan Power
except as.auied to newspaper reports:
wbleb may or stay not he true
pcDdIng upoa (be reporter's source of

development ot this power you avoid
any need ot bonuses to secure larac
Ciirea baby's croup. Willie's dally
will be oucournged and it to now
hidered a good thing to electrify sonic
branch rellraads. So let ua as
game and boost and trust to a sense
"I do knew, however, that the Man- of -falrnoas and our own powers to #
Islee River Power oonany has noib- ciUsens here generally get
ing to do with that corporation mnd make
;e laws to tjl^Wl the
has not sold its holdlngt or any part
Despiie the warmer weather yester­
' it to accompnahed."
thereof to any concern whatsoever.
day. no potatoes arrived on the
WatoHta Rltfoan Yaare/
We desire to hold Ibis proposition
kel yesterday. The rcccip|,s wer
"For flftoea years I have wgtthi
owned by im on (be Manistee river, le working of Bucklen's Arnica Blecrs. two loads of hay. two loads ot
and develop It lor the benefit of this alvc: and it has never failed
corn. on« load ot oab>. one tea
boll, ulcer or burn to which horses, one load of coke, and
enure portion of toe state. We do not
L la made that thaaa export to outer any tug comblnea. but it waa applied. It has saved us many ioadh of coal.
a doctor hlU." nays A. F. Hardy, of
itflilii obtototos eoatnl ot tbe there to room tor every company _
There arc no changes in the price,
East Wmon. Maine,
me. Jic
tic at 8. E.
Etolw power rights of the atote will which has a good piojoct for derelop- Wall A Sons. Hannah A Lay. C. A. list.
tea and tbat awBL The future of thla bnsliiaaa to Bogbee Drug Co.
•o. drug
dr atorea.
•to PBapla will aaSrr. The ratn bow great If well oondacted and I moat de­
dlwqtod are not BBraaMmable bat le- plore toe tendency of newKptpers and
IVirolL J ■'
tan oaty a fair didridaad on the to$1.05: corn. 62Hc; oats. 53c.
who nhdetetsnd lUtlo about
Chifaga Jan. 13.—Close—Wheat.
tcMmwl It toaat be utom Into ooa- neb mauers to Ulk against tba d>•igrtolito that pew nuahtociy, le- vriopmem of a sraler propoalttpa-or Annual of the Dohamlan udias Was $1.0*: corn. 61146»ie: oaia, 5Ui‘-'
HsW Last Ewsninp—Rraparaand attenatona are constantly iH talk of aaaetlng legUlatloa tb hin­
vie Ltd.
tlana for Grand DaiU
aaaded ao that It u not all prodc
der Buch development. BomeUmes this
Vhn H to aaen that the ninpanlea la deao beeauae It to thought to take
The J. a D. ladles bald their Insialneiroit. Jan. 14.—Wheat—Clos«>—
'tog dlrldeBda on walored stock generally with the readers. Instead et
whaa toe raiee are raised beyond the hindering such devdopmenU it seems toifon of oSloer* at their atcotliig
Tuesday cventug. The (oUovlug vure
Retot of leaaoB. when lower lai^
me that anaisunce should be grant•a dharcad, and atm leave a^lr rey
$l,0lili; com. 61t.c; oa.s. Sl‘4c.
ar years ago. railroads wgro tastaUed:
1 ca the 1
ea we be- gramM Immense holdings of Und in
pul president—Ure. A. Slepan.
IHto tbat la the Ubm for.a comrali- order (a toduoe them to eonstmet a
Piesldent-Mrs. J. FnifochOclrolt. Jan. 13.—BtohtTi, Dnllcu A
Moa. almitor to to# railway csommla- line through our almost unbroken wil­
Vl« prealdeit—Mm. A- Stepan.
Holmes report: Cattle—Sicew and
BtoR to many reapeeia. a
Secretory—Mrs. M. .FUarok.
that will protoct tbe people.
Financial secretary—Mm. JL Peter- calvcj aotlvc and slronit prices
Water Rawer Uaaful.
!ai ycfcierdtr: wo quote cxlia dry (ed
M while.-^uera are Jaat to the
*Dl4lngulshing the derelopweul ul tyl.
steers and bellers, $$©5.50; sf
ptaaaaa af cryauliaalloa. whoa there
Tieuurer—Mra. M. Spovacek.
water power from that ot destnictton
aad heifers. 1.060 U> 1.800. $464
tor the deretopmeat
Ouard-Mrw. A- PoUak.
of forests, both of which are Ulkcd of
at onr doora. thn
Trustee#—Mrs. A. Stepan. Mrs. A. steers and heifers. $00 to 1.000. $3.75
under the head of ‘Conacrvallon of tt^
©4.85; gniaa steers and heifers that
that there ahould be m toCbervcuka. Mrs. K. Pelcriyl.
■ounes- it accma to me that the buUdthU develAudiUng committee—Mm. U. Jung- arc.Ul. 5ti0 to 700. $3©4; choice fat
ing^B of a saU-r power system is de­
cowu. $3.7$; good fat cows. $3.$$®3.50.
cr. Mrs. A. KIcpac. Mm. A. Urban
cidedly the coDlrgry of cutUng down
The ladies are making preparuiluna couimon'cows. $2.7563; cauners. $1.25
• Of too re«tc» aa OUT foit-sto. the water power when lor their annual grand ball which to ©l.$ti: chnice heavy bulls. $3.75: fatr
developed to eomctbtog of use where
good bolognas. bulU. $36 3.50: light
watt. Wa do aot kaow that toeae
Uke place Feb. Ut. In tbe C. S. F.
before tbeer was pmciically nothiug
bulls. I3.75DX Voal Calvav-Marko
RvaUoaa wlU ptoRO the peopto. they
S. halL
except a slrrsu. It adrls to.our
steady at last lYlday's prices; bert
■NBt aell thoir |«ww sad iba,people
$7.5066; others. $1©7; milch cow*,
art wt U^lato porrhnae a odtomodl
Tbe power developad will be used
and springeiw. quarantined. Sheep and
ty which to too high priced. Tbeie
I he give
re out forasla by wirtog foel.
Powders, which for over seventy years Lambs—Marhet Heady w»th la.-i Fri
80 toach water power in Michigan
will save oar real mine* by taking the has been (be standard of perfeHlon day; beet Iambs. $6.50©A75; fair to
MM tltoee 1> Ple«><r for all aad es place of steam power devehwed \>y Wtay? BeewaM every oum-c and par
p.-0d tombs. $5.l$*r625: ligbi
•aMally to thU reghm. we do aot be«>a1. Ii makca possible great iadus- llrlo of the Ingredients d« tbeir share con lamb*. $4 7565.35: lair to m-d
towards ivintribiRlDg to the qualitlef
Nofa tost the deavod wUi he ao great
(rtat advances. Immease sums will be of
-. the ..atock.
to which
the powder to bnlcher sheep, A36 4; culls and romthat toe people wiU eiaad aar ua
xpeiided in onr part of Michigan In given. You should not fall to try ibis
$8 7f.©3. Hogs-Market .SRloe
WgeaiblB prkm. But ir that (tom
ileVehtiuucni of Itarec powers la case slmA food and we feel sure, that after higher; seHIng at $6.te©6.iS: light
•an none. lh«« there to a roamdy
few days, you will notice a wonder
k-glstotloa doea not make it ImpoMl- ful Htanae In the stock. Get a pack­ good butchers $6; pigs. $4© 4.75: light
jng n thMw waa to too caec of Urn
ble or unproaubte. It (arms a
age at tbe Dearest drug store.
yorkers. $$.fo©5.75;
aU for the tovylng of Uxaa wbleb tp $6 ccou.
5: aUgs. one-tklid oE.
a a letIbe townsblp or locallilM where the
Chlrega. Jan. 13.—CaUie—BmcIpU.
a to tot '‘grabMag" of the water
At Ibe annual raeeliag ot the Oval
woriui are situated pnd where the puwestimated at iX.eoO; marimt ateady
r righto hy toe power «nw|my.
Wood Dtoh CD. Monday, tbe oM
a ot toe elate providoa ei lines exleod will greatly rettove ton fleers were re^-lccted. Th<- review of beeves. $4©7.3$: Texans. $4.2S©5.35:
burdens of the other tax payer#.
$405.60; stock.
Ibe business of the year andUbe outL, that adtainii compasuatfoa ohall be'
What Do They Rrapaaat.
feeders. $SJ505; coirs end hellers.
look tor the coming yrer showed
*'■ MH# to the ooaaiy wboiwto he pro"ft’hat Area the man who talks very sattofaetory cohdliloB.
BMbA Ehb are toootod and the
Tho^ $1.7I©L50; cMvre. $7.58©$J6. Hoc*
S8.«6e: market 18c kigbrr:
Mm are aatagaarDad to other ways. agalMt this fciad ot devel^mMt prw preeeM were: H. 8. Hull.
)l«hL $$.4$©6ia: mtoad. fi$.7»©6.30.
po>e to tu ptoad? Doea he propose
«M oaty that, hat
$S.T6©6.48: reufh. $676©
mhidh RoaMto wwtor pbWOr are dlreet- to have the mate or aatkm build
to choleo beovy. $$.»(•©
Ijr heaeittad to naatoer way.
1p tm** to
«• do aot hMlere
that Utora ohooM be a atogla obataWe flaaad to the way of tbe developawot of the water power ol Mtchi
•Ml Wh heltere that erery alon
gtohld ha hMt toward gtotlng thla
Wtonl Maoaree toto neb ahape that
tt win ba araltoMe far all
'#gata to Bad a Ihtog to be oadertakea
to B BwaoBL H reqmtfea a
dltare of mopey and tt tokr
Any okBtaele placed to tbe way
PH tkto doralapaMt to a blow to the

Bd 6-toeb BfoP-hbarA. extCMlaa wing
^pearwace. ihu. ------ g
- steps ------------■■‘■b. nickel idaied arm and dash rails.
TRIMMING-Wool faced blue or green efoth.
I$x34 Inches, spring back inS$ inches, padded
inebes. AH parte removable. .
'INC—Body In colors, neatly striped; tear. »dae. greea. or
eatly ■striped. Only first class lead and oil and No. i
carntlne. neatly
p need,
uaed. giving a fine fiatoh and a Job —------------that wUl wear well.
raroifb are
• SHAFTS—Selected hickory, genuine leaiber irimased. Pole .
place of ahiflt wllh .aingletreea, eveaer and ae^yokk



........ a«^
yfBkaaUshaa __


safiS-r......., H

K Wr Ib‘.!^

rbl.tow I»r lb.
Olrinargerine. per lb
Floor. Feed, Mis
Oats, per bnaoel
.. .
MiddllDgo. per 100 lbs.
Bran, per 100 Ihs ...
Core, per bu^el ........
Baled bay


per banket.....................

oranges ..............

oSt*. T. C. MiUlig
Cora. T
Corn o
Wheat. 11 A I.. .
Wheat. T. C. Milftng CD. ....
tl. A L.................


n.'causing hudjraa^. .
l'v"cr Tl ible the m ternperT .dtopH
heudsHmi. coaquer
voids, banish
AMilto.- M><- at Bughee !«ug fXx, M. B.'
fit A SobsI.. Frank
H. Heada, Hapb A Lay.
OevM Yaar# ot Pree*.
“I have hod aeveu years ot preaT
that Dr. Klnifa ffow Dtoiovery to tbe
be»l medicine In take for roughs and ..
rolds aud for every disi<a»ed ooodltioa J
of lliroal. chest or lung^; sayw
Henry, of l>mima. Mo. The worid h
Ing's >
ly for roughs s
,er. I------bronckltls. henioHbihma. hnv fever.
rrbage of the lungs, and
:.Ugen uf qODsumpllon. Its timely use
aUavs prvvei
prevents the devekHUuenl of
uia. Sold under guarani
.S. K. Wah A Sons, liannah A Ilay. C.
drug stores. 58c.
A. Bugbee Hrng
tile lUc.
und Sroo. Trim:

- .. ------

satardey. Jaw U.ltW.C
B. Joliosoa. 712 W«4swortb St., will BcU
Abo ihe followiaR.

per 1
Mackerel, per .. WblUAah, per lb .


Ddht Get a Oleoeea.
A western Judge (Ranted a divorce
on accovint ot IH-trmprr and bod
.lb. Dr. King's New LUn PUIa



Women IncKned
To Conofipaiion



Everyttioc that we osrry to Ute
lirocery lioe at prices that It will
pay you to couaider.

beat Care SAoiJd 8a TohdaNM la Ua$
Vtotoal Catoartka
VomsB. owing to tb«ir perottor luaceno. or, mor* or less llabic to eonsU*
iUm and many of ihcm ow* their eon*
tmued lU bsaUb to the pUI WoMt A
well known ph>-siciaa toys tbo moJerUy
oT eases ef foul brwaU * '
eenetaat bm ef violcat eathorUcs
■veeeouw ito.
We beltevs weotaa srfll be■ flwdtolsan
el a refe rsbehlc bosrel end steoaech

eoeeuve tt
■ears' ttwam^ end
yet .0 mtld ami safe* toeuaante of motl
rtre U to (Mr hoUss. ^ 3tiui
-........... - L. says;’~I suftorpid Hver end
Indtaeelina and Dr. Cwtdsrsll'a Syrup TVpaln gave me ^lek rcUaf- SUtrr M
, of 111. to. Hary-i Academy.
________ Ctty. awn:
"W« bare (naed
Dr. CafowoU's Syrup Pspste aaiitfootory
aa a geelle UxaUrs and stomach tonic."
Mjnle Ms (her, CWcsao. Mys: -Mr
bter was WeuMed aleco btith wua
■ ■^.ilwtlon and sick beadacbc.
CaMwmrs Syrwp Pspolti ewred her." Mrs.
W. 3L Powers. New rhllodotphto. Ohiw
Mrs. A H toeww. AOdlngto*.
v« ber prompt relief
Oklo, says ■
lerpM tiliver.
from cenrapeuea end torpid
lis&na WbeMr. rrwtowtu 1
*Tw«BtT.tbtse ysms eao 1 '


[ I could 1

■» ais
sis mod
©wa te ared e
a Use
one srbs kaa aot read it aad W ym
Fapota dyrwy CO.



Those Who Appreciate
Conservative Banking
natufdlly select as a safe depository for »av*
ings aod trust funds, a bank with ample re>
sources, loog experience and a fixed policy of
investing only in approved loans aod secur­

bank whk resource* ol tvearly
$‘2.000.000 00. an uninterrupted banklt^ ex­
perience ol fifty-three years, and haviog on
its books only tm highest grade of loans and
investments, solicits your banking busioess.

Traverse Qly
State Bank






Gatekr-Laea P. TKaa.
Aeatataad caabltr-Wn. KeOoa
Beooad aaNataat eatkier^ F. A^

omcm-^Tna hv,

. _



or for
lever bold yonr pMce.
J The extreme ctdd weather b cetUng


aomlng tha knot hole* In Leo
ntacey'B barbed wire fence were
that they rewmbled
•me of iboM who voted against tn
wrporatlua Honor laat Monday nigbL
Tbe toUowing apeak* for itaelf:
Pin* Quarter* for th* Central Ex­ Thl* certme* that tbe Audltom made
earefni and critical esamlnatloit o!
change Have Bean PUted up in'
tbe books of the banker. Gu>t Heidertha Lang Bbek—Elk Raplda
•nd Herk. M. C. VonUbricom.
. Navm e( Intaiwat
on January lulb In accordance with
Elk Rapids. Ml^ Jan. 11—Tbe InsimeUons received from
H. W. A. and found them kept
Michigan Tebphoae Cn. yesterday
neat manner and accounis accompleted tbe .rebuilding ot the!r en­
tire system here nt an expense of be­ carate and balanced to a cent. We
ance tbe books par excellcnre
tween dlS.OOO nnd 114.000. Up to the
credit to these officers.
lime these changes were decided upon
Elk Rapids had an exchange as good
J. C. VauBlaricom.
U usually found in town* of like
Henry Coffman.
sixe. the pairoos were not complalu-

« ycr cot aBMTN M Ttee

II. B. irtUrm' an OaDMttOM Mtf


Honor, Mich.. Jan. 14.—Rrerrone Intereeted In tbe ineorpomUng of Honor
city U requested to be preaent nt
naa* meeting to be held Thnraday






'OtiMli tMt WHk 3.DN


To the
Interm lathe
and to the
Eak Rapids. Mich., Jan. 14.—Tbe
named la all
Antrim eounty Furmera' taatttnte wUI
aaalgite^ the^ Ot ru^:
be held at BeUalre on the 2?th and
notice that'aale baa heea Um
2kth ln*i. Local Imrtitutes are lu be
fully made ot the folUwtni dsumfbsd
held at Alba Jan. tath. nnd 21st. and
I land tor unpaid taxes thereon, and »*>«»
: Kewadin J« > 22n1 and 2JnL
the undersigned has dile thevwte ualax deed Uaued theretor. aad that
HarUn Gate* left Monday for a vUThis is oae reason why Ayer’s der
yuu are entitled to a leeoaveyaaee
It to hU sUier. Mrs. D. P. WlUoa, at
Cherry Pectoral is ao valua- thereof at any time wtthln sU mouha
ElmhuraC Long Island. He expects
ot amice of thU notice,
hle in consamptieo. It stops upon rettini
payiseat to ihf uoderaignod or
be away two or three weeks and will
the wear and tear of usetm to the regUter ta chancery of theennastop at Cbkago cm bl* retora. As Har
In whlea the Usds Ue. ot an augm
couchiof. But it does more ' ty
lev ha* never before been 100 mile*
paid npoa su^ purckaa*. tagseher
from borne, it looks likes big time
*—it controls tbe
with one hundred
and the ft
him. '
quiets the fever, soothes, heals. thereto,
the service or cost o
Martin Hansen U back on hU deliv­ Aak your doctor about this.
this notice, to be cm
ery route offer a few days layoff, tbe
perwmal aervice of n dectaraitaa
dedaraitaa ia*
ronmencement of sutL aod tbe ta.
furwork having been looked after by
s for ov*r sixty ywwn."
ther sum nt Sve dollar* tor each dea
Vincent Crampion. This mixing witb
rrlptloe. wtthout other additional com
people WH! probably be a good thins
or charges. If paymeat as aforesaid
is not made, tbe undersigned will insti­
for -Vlneey•' and he no doubt will be
tute proceedings for poaseaalon of the
able to rrcognlxe bU own sister next
(ime.he seei- her on tbe street, and not
DeMTiptioa of land, state ot Mhhtake borne tbe wrong baby.
igan. county of Grand Traverse. NCJi
Mrs. H. H. Green entertnined her
of NEL- SEl* of NBH. N'WK of
I Pita.
niece. MUs Irene Wood, of Atwood,
k'H of
« .VEM.
_ of XR'14:
. Town 2«. Rang^ 9 W; nmonat
last week.
paid. SII9.70; tax for yeun ISM In
MUs CUra Hnater. who baa an en­
Tearhlng Geography :n tbe Grader two:. Inclusive.
gagement to slug In a Detroit theater, Mary 1. .knderson.
Amount -Necessary
to redteat.
loft Ur that place Sat-irday.
What things pectainlag to tbe postal Silt.TO. plus the fees of the sheriff.
After a few day* at Provemoni. Mr. maneni rboold be langht in the pub
PUre ot Bttslnen. Traverse City. MkB.
and Mrs. A. Ducbancy arrivW Pridar. lie school?
Jan. l-a->e-2L
their borne In Milton ‘The Teaching of Drmentary AgrlSaturday.
culture in the public School. tUead
Loie Bunn paid Traverse City
Ing Circle Topic.t foni. E. F. Csrr.
STATE OF MICIUGAN. In tbe Clretflt
bOflDess rUit Saturday.-'''
Conn for Grand Traverse County
—Id Chancery.
Ur. and Mrs. Joe Mautke. after
Help*. 'Margaret,
Sophia Brinen.
Tixti with thir parants. Mr. aad Mr*. Ruegsegger,
I) J Mabi' ii-lmD.--l v»»:. rd«y
Teat hers sn> urged to con)t' -prepar
Dr. Z. H. Evans, of Traverse City, fd to Uk>- part in the gocM-ral dL-irus
a former resident here, has been tbe Klon of the aotoevbpi llaroYP?-;- d
this aute but (hat process tor kbi
guest of Elk Rapids friends
Klon of tbe above topics. Harry R apliearance buiued In tbi* rauseeunaoi
Ilunibrllle. vicf-prerldept
southern be p
V Ex-President 8. K. Beach arrived icecllun .bar rent out tioilrt-r of the
home Monday from a week's business meetlnx.
trip toOranab. WU
To feel strong, have good appetite it is ordered that uid defeodsat cause
A new organisation lu Elk Rapids and digestion, sleep rosndly and enjoy
appearance to be entered ta thla
is the Elk PIre BxiInguUber company life use Burdock Ulood Bitters, .the
se In perwn or by sollrlior within
three mouths from the date of this
tbe members tielng A. B. Fairbanks. great ryriem tuuic and builder.
order sad la default thereof that the
H. H. Oieeo aud Len. R. Smith. They
BUI of Complaint filed herein may be
are general ageiiU for an extinguish­
taken as cenfe
confessed against him.

er which 1* baring a large sale. They
When You Put On Stocking*
Circuit Court
ooer. QraM
have secured practically the wv»L
. _ .
0.. MIC*.
half of the lower peninsula and are yo«
— engaged In placing agents. Mr.|yinrai^.^t<n.’u4beSAt'^«<Mr
BollcHor tor CompUinauL
UHloeas addreus—Traverae City.
h left Monday for Mackinaw.
*• D-'.
Green went to Honor while Mr. F»l>-| —
banks will probably work some of the!
oF MK'Hin.AN'-In tM
southern territory.
for Grand Traverse Coun­
ty—In Chancery,
May UndM-y, CompUinanL
George Lindsey, Defendauw—Dec
It appearl
■ring from
affidavit oa file in •e-BiM br Hw-jM- H Old.a IlinSjnJtHkjgii.
teJfWWr X tfcwcheT.otTrwver.* Oty. Mbh« that
Ibis cause
l(U. which aud Borutsaa waa caaardad ta lha
LEELANAU TEACHER#' ASSOCIAJslT. A. D . ISm IsUWr*) at nanttmnm
On moilon of I.. II. Gage. Solicitor for
tbe above named complainant. It Is
ordered that said defendanL George
onurway. u
Lindsey, cause bl* appearance to be
3 and Exeellofit PeoftramWill
ered In this esse Hther In iierson
Liy soHclUir within five months from
B* Given.
dale hereof aod is default thereof
t the bill of complaint filed herein
Glen Arbor. Mich.. 3an. 12.—The
y be taken aa ewfessed against
southern seaion of tbe Leelanau
County Teachers' ssaodstlon will be
Court Commisfloner.
held hero Saturday. January 23. at !
Grand Traverse Co.. Mich.
o clock. Tbe program will be:
Sol. for Complainant.
‘Business address; Traverae City,
Fri. Dec. 18-Jan. 2fi.

It Cluiets
the Cough


Ing: everything was worXIng satlBfa^
torHy except that there wa* a slight aac J. Spellman, apeclsl Auillior.
busting sound evenings after tbe elec Joseph Mrt'artby, Consul,
Honor Cnmp CI!A M. W. A.
trie llghu were turwed oo. While
A select party will be given In M.
there was little It any compbini
W. A. ball on Friday evening by s
company was not satbfled. Their
of six Honor young Udies. who
gineer* were sent here to report on
the cause of the butsing sound cveu- have banded themselves (ogetber tor
Inga, and how it could be overcome. mutual eajoyuent and a Jolly good
an expert eeat out hr the Natloaol
They decided that the only way to time during tbe winter months. Do
Safe and Lock conpanr. I* in the city
One Thaataad aad Bteeaa Haw Rat- looking after the new vanit, and atatea satbfaotarlly remedy tbe dlfOeulty not butt In unless you are tbe re
was to btttaU a practically new ays- Clpleni or a gilt edge iuviution.
raM AM*a ta the Bank WHMa
that the vault wUl be inatalled Inaid*
Euchre, ice cream, rake and pleuiy ot
^ compoojof two week*. Local Ubor 1* being tern, which wenL
and a large force''ot men nave beeo taffy will be se^ed.
Miss Bertha 'CornUh returned to
engaged In the work for neartf oln%
home In Reed City Ust Saturday
Th* Wfil aaaoal atatUaf U
after serving l^ncle sim faithfully for
I of tae rinl
Tbe pole* which for yearn had dlshaak «aa BaM this MraUg. raporta
Bgured the atreets.have been removed sbout oue year Id tbe
and new one* placed in the alleys,
OLD OPnCERS OF STATI BANK the wire# have been replaced by a rllle Wednesday afternoon and will be
single cable earrying
tbroogh tbe business section and
I at tbelr InstslUtioo.
smtller number In tbe outskirts of
tbe village. Pine quarter* for the'ccnMind Your Bimines*!
If you d<u»'t nobody will. It l» your
the LASg block, two new •wltc> burlness to keep out Ot all the trouble
board* have been Instnlled; Ih-JAcv you can
cs and you can and w ill keep out
iver and bowel trouble if you Uke
everything U new. Today »k Rapid* of 1|V(
The annual neeilng of tbe Trav
King's New Life Hills. They keep
blllousneas. malaria and Jaundice out
rae City Sute bank wa* held at tbelr has a telepbwe exchange which
be beaten in nny village In
of your system. 2Sc at 8. E Wait 4
office. Tueaday. Jaaaary 12th.
Sons. Hannah 4 Lay. C. A. Bugbee
aaaie board of direetora and offloera

Power*, and bl* nccommodaUng "hel­ l>rug Co. drug store*.
were re-elected aa followt:
lo gtrlf- are correspoadlngly happy.
Board o( director*—A. Tracy Lay,
Next Saturday ervutlng. Jan. ICih,
R. Plerd Clinch .H .C. Daila, Jerry
wlU oceur tbe InsiallsUon ot the re­
SnUlvaa, Blaie R. Hannalw. W.
cently elected otfteers ot Kk Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kessler of Gram}
Salth. Saauel Qartaod.
Arbor A. O. a O.
Rapid*, are visiting tbelr aunt. Mr*.'
The oSlcera are:
Chief gloaner—Prank Wilson.
John Zimmerman, and friends.
Prealdent—A. Tracy Lay.
Vice C. G.—John Ritter.
A pnrty of nbout thirty ot Mr. and
Vlce-prealdent—R. Ptoyd Caincb.
Becrvtaiy and treasurer—August Dc. Mrs. August Wlselburg's fiienda gavo
Caabler—Samuel Qaiiand.
them a very pleaaant surprise Satur­
Aaaittant eaahlera-A. J. Maynard
Chaplain—Webater WUson.
evening, tbe event being Mds.
and A. J. Haniaod.
Ctmdnetor—William Huet.
Wlselburg's birthday.
The caabier'i report of the bank'*
Cmidnctreas—Uda CurryMr. and Mrs. J<*n Zimmerman
condUloD and earning* wa* very plea*L«etnr*a^-<^ace
family apeni Sunday with Mr.
lug to the atockholdars. Th*
L O.—WTtl Cnrtla,
mtmi Olf«e**r' Ptrat
Mrs. Thomas.
Unnad growth of thla iBaUtntion. a*
O. G.—Tim Stocking.
Hr. and Mr*. Prank Blxby spent
thowlag by iU daDy hicraaaing htial.
The Lake View House wa* 'tbe
Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. F. Cannee*, goes to show the confMenc*
scene of another eu)oyable dancing field.
«ai« md and the toltowtag direetora
people have In this well known hank, party Saturday evening, tbls time giv­
MU* Josie Kratochvit spent Saiurwhldi baa eerred the public more en hy the telephone gang. Tbe Ust of
'tea. T. Baaile. P. HtBlKda. B. 3.
ly and Sunday with her brother.
than so year*.'
them leave here today, voting Elk Rap Ed KratochvtL
Sacsaa, Balph Cat*. 3. H. Mni»on.
Ids one of the beat towns on the map.
M. B. oaten. W. r. Onttlaa. and Laoa
Mr. aod Mrs. Jake Keaaler spent
R. M. Ashmore, attired in true cow Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
P. TKaa
boy utyle. Is here visiting his sister.
Th* two new B»eabere,akitcad
Mrs. Fuller. He pc^ the Uliler
lltaara. Calklae aad Caae. hoik o(
Bxem Secor made a bosiueM trip
CopetnlBh, R. P. D. No. 1.—Jan. l4. Bros. Ranch 101 company nt Traverae
wboB are well known tkrau^ow
—Tbe thennometer reached 14 beWw City Ust summer and says be- has to Traveewe City Saturday.
Qiwad TnTtrat reskw.
Lawrenee Dunn was a caller
•ro Tueaday morning.
slDce seen moat of tbe western coun­ Wood Cutters’ Lodge Sunday.
Nr. Ca
CalklM bat. beta
Mr*. Willard Smith b aerlOMly HI. try, Mexico, South Amorka, etc... and
AHU the Tratere* atr Iron Work*
ty—In Chancery.
Clayton Saunders' has been sick.
Maggie Clark. Complslnsnt. vs. John
aad tha tm ot Thlrtbr 4 Calktne (or She b threatened with a etroke of will return soon to the ranch In OkDan Kicklos and L Has Davison
nark. Defendant—Dec. 16. 1908
17 yaare. TWt irm to oa* ol the old paralyab. Dr. A. CtwneU b attending homa.
■pent Sunday evening wKb Mr. and
It appearing from aSldavil <i
of Traverse D®r.
MUa Slmma Goldferb and her broth­ Mrs. George Burt of Grawn.
III cause that tbe isst known, pis
Mr. 701*00. or Pomoa*. wa* around er hrael. leave today for Detroit.
City ^ lb Boaad bualnaaa repouuon
Rose Canfield spent Tbcreday and of residence of tbe above named c
fendaiit wa* In North. Dakota bui that
collecting rent for the Bell Phone Co. Israel will resume hn. trade ot engrav- Friday with Mrx. D. Duan.
bis prewnt place of residence cannot
MIs* Slmma will also visli Sag­
NnrtlMra Mkkigan aa to need ao la- Tuesday, and also put a phone
Rose and Belle Canfield were call­ now be avceriained. On motion of I.
tfodnctloa. Mr. Calkins has many
H. Gage, solicitor for the complainant,
ers at Potrafka's, Sunday evening.
Duve Lock, a young man wwktng ml turn home.
it Is tiered that said defendaot. John
yopwty tableau a* waU a* being anJames Robinson, who has been sail­
cause bis appearance to be enaoelated with a number of tha city*, I^emon Lake. aUrted for AshWy, led.,
Itch r—Scratch •
Scratch! Clark
»iT*-d in this c-aus* lu person or by
eatarpriaa*. aarvbg at ihb Uxm aa thb Bomlog, having received a letc- ing thU season on tbe steamer Charic
noMcitor wHiiin five months ftom- the
ftwaMent of the Pduto Implement gram that hi* mother was dangeruaa- Hubbard, arrived home Saturday olgbt

for a short visit, expecting to leave
aoiipaay. Hla meHianlcnl ability and ly m.
tag. All druggists sell It.
may I
haMaaa* Jndgment have been moat
The county road examiner. Mr. Brad­ Tuesday for Cbicnko. and follow rail­
wala^ to thb entarprUlig mnnufac- ford. ha* hU workmen at work oa a roading during tbe winter.
Tbomas E Sharp, proprietor of the
tnring oeaeera.
Circuit court Conimissktm-r.
Grand Traven*- Co.. Mi<h.
Mr. <Jaae came to the Oraad Trav.
oiwe regtaa a nnmber of yean ago and there b one to he built over tbe creek spend a tew weeks with bla sUter,
Mrs. BHs. at Atlanta. Oa. He <
kieated at Kbgsiey. He haa beea a»- Jn*l north ot Mr. Smith's *101*.
> address: _Traverse
■top on bU way down at ChaUikno
aoobtad with J. O. Crouer and tha
Dr. WMd nod Mrs. Ortme* of ManPrl. Doc. iSjan. 29.
tbe have ballt up a large aad pro^ btee. came up from Manbtee Satur and Knokrllle, and at Louisville
abb lamber boalneaa. beoomlag aaao- day night and stopped at A. Ballard's the way home. It "Dad" doesn't torget his New Tear's resoluttous when
datad with many batitatloiu and eonSunday to have a little sport in
be mlxeu with those Kentucky colo­
eern* doing haalnea* In thb part ot
the swamp below Lemon Lnke hunting
nels be la made of tbe right stuff for
MUBIgaa. HN Srm ha* large lumber
nbhiia. They returned to town Mon-'
IbtereeU at WaUooa Lake. BlnghaBL
day moralng well burdened (*) with
Arsa B. Dibble, for some tims tbe
, and Ktakgsley, and be* eoaaldMabl*
their game.
ta the office ot the Elk Cement 4
timber bolding* ntbe North
Lioie company, and which pMiilon
^"Siau. He b a man o( exceneat ckar.
aCter aad repotaikm. and b- well
ho peoenily realgned. left Tuesday to
Edward P. Carpenter, ot Maotstee.
known both by Imatnen men
Ttalt hit parenu at Beldlng. Miss
and Mrs. Anna Tomlla. *H ihU city.
Goldie L Perry, of Grand Rapids, hn*.
, mere aad wfll make a ralnahLe aeunited In marriage Tuesday
Saving begins in the home and comes from avoiding
. yutalthm to the beard.
taken the poaltloa-a* ste.nographer
enlng at the home of the bride's niece.
waste in every-day expenditures. Those who know
tbe Cement Co.'i office.
The stooUolden ot the baak are Miss Christina Swan, on Bast Eighth
what they spend, quickly learn how to save enough out
to be eoagratnbted «a theb eebctloa street The ceremony wa* p
Ifr. J. O. LaCorv returned Saturday
of what is ordinarily wa.«ted to maintain a bank ac­
at «Hh able mea to oeree aa directlra by the Rev. J. Alien Canby.' Mr. and from New York state, where be wem
count of liberal proponions. A record of famly ex­
.■hi protect thotr lotereob aa wdl aa
• attend tbe funeral <4 an aunt.
pense* wilt show where this saving can be made. This
During the cold sup last week Elk
thea* ot tbalr palm*.
Tha aaan^ report* ahow a tott aatlake wu frosen over ud already
bank has prepared a household expense account book
Waetory eeadlUoa and praStaMe b»
there 1* quite a aettiemeht of tab
embodying a saving system, which has proved of value
ebea* tor the laat year. There has
houaes sev tbe aourc* ot the rivar.
to many of our depositors. Copies jpay be had free
, hoea a eooataat and steady growth la Are, San PrancUco. r
Some good catches ot perch are re­
on personal application.
for stomach trouble. She says ported.
the pattoaage ot the bank, during the remedy
tUatltude tor the sronderful
- - - effect
mr. IJHI new patnm* haring beea Electric Bhtera in1 a
i case ot acute Udtadded to th* already large IbL Tbe geation, prompU thU teutimonUL 1 met with Mlaa Manba Johnaon. Jan.
that for stomach 8. and elected offteers for the next
Oa th* I
mt ed th* ntoek— heat rumedy oa Ue market today. three nwntha, as follows:
hoMcrP meetlag the direetora* meet- ThU gnat toale and alterative mediPrealdent—Mias Margaret Brace.
tag waa eallad to order aad the tal- cUe lavigoratM the system. parUUs
Vice presMtmi—Mlaa Bvelya Thomp
th* blood aad I
all formsot ti
Prmldimt—jaa T. Beadle.
Secretary and treaaurer—Mias Mil­
S. E -Flrai vice preaWenl—R J. Morgaa. A. Bugbec Drug Co. drug stores.
dred Cooler.


BlttM taaTiof In ebarce the eractioa
vlll be able before laaajr aonibe tu
Urn over the aew baiMlng to the
iboldere. It b expeetad th^ br
Jnly 1 the bask wUI owre laio lu at*'




sri.*sjsrsb ssftj’ ‘

How to Save on
Household Expenses

DcvMttera CMrartccd Find
Capital. Sarptaa aad StockiMhMm UabUity

First National Bank

.. Li*"


• liiJiSri uS


sss'T'iSi.'trii-sr'A^ rssrs-

OR. W. J. HIQOINt. DaetlaL
New MuBson BIk.
: Travers* CUy.
ClUsena telepboM: etflee, 7M; re^
Idence, «02.
Aak to be directed to bU office oppoalte Sherman A Ranter.
Do not be mladireeted.
0<dd work of th* very beaL
Porcelain Inlays.
PalBleaa extisctioo.
Strong, natural appeaitag aad very
artlfirtal teeth.
ke appotnimenla ahead «be«

IwtstriUealNl Is—-------- ----------- ___
W«m to to* wart Utoef Lot two <ti ttoM


Ih. wrtLwMU nwMot toM Lw* thto* tSl:


once boura 7:30 to 11;M. 1 to t.
Other hours by rsqueeL
tw^Gti warn. OrwdTlWVtowUuwaty aad

Pri..D>r . IS lUnhB

F-rod B. Rederspiol

Farms and Qfy Properly

DMmht. boM and exchanged
Boom 1-4 Mageatic Bldg.,- Traverae City, Mich.


is aome higher today than SO days ago, bnt ia CHBAPEB
than it will be ik) day* Ikmo now.
Building Materinl ofnll kibda u cheap and labor u pleatUtti.

Now is the GoMn OpportraitT
J.^CROTSER» Beedver

South Side Lumber Co.
Both Pboaca.

TVavoac Oty. Mich.




Crsuifl Traverse Hegion
eOTlBK Tp coi
•«M« «M M* ta «M- *
•itc* iwtt rmch <hnM
iat»r tiMii Tmmt»r mm


. ,_»«a last week.
Mra. Lois Rofor aod LoWe Abbe
rUl po to Traverse CKy Tueo^} oh
Mr*. Xafa*. Bate* reeeived -

iR (Mrmit
rmi* Falrhuiki
Fdirbtnki rUted
at Brother. 1...........
ftMarait. Weet TlrtfBla.
^ 4Mh year. He leave* • wile
feor ehtWren. two ateter* and two
brother*, beside a boat or reUtives
C. Peok'^droye io7ravarM Clli
esd friends to maura bU low.
waa a menber of the M. E. «burck
iOM Oak
He ««s UId to rest In the LCM
WdrongEvHi^ B»d« a bwlMM ceineieqr at HMiit PImmou Bbe baa
sathy el
a the loa*
lo of her brother.
la cat hi* ^ «uti* badly wbUe «lthw arood at hh tetber’a htnnd. We
hope he «rm won be able to po to
Mbool apata.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pred
tS aSooi ifa the aouth dlatrlet wUI
next ireek for two or throe tor* end frienM to rcnlnd her mother. Mr*.
Martha York, and
and Jawb
Mr. and Mr*. Slmer ritwkvrifbl Eckart that It was her tiat birthday
vWted at Mm Satfh-i Sanday.
and bis 83rd. A bounUfnl dinner wa*
. Henry Mmnon was In Tray- served
and the aliernoon was spent

r this vtntpr........................
e are v«*r}-thankim a* OB (ot our mail evrr.v day.
J(dm Hamm vlll leave lu a (?w
days for Tiarerse niy.
Bar) Hrooaihead will leave In a few
days for Walter Watsoa's canp to
We are very wrry to learn of the
death of iobn Boyd, who died at his
hone laat olgM of Brlght'e dfaewse. tin. Itarl Broombead. who has bew
caMe olrk the past week. Is able to
be np apaiadM. II.

1 ^

Peercury—Oeo. M. LMtIe.'
Firisaclal secretary—W. H. Staele.
Treaaurar—Walter lAcUe.
The following efficna srere vpoint-

. . . very b. .
Peter BariMad's
*^R. 8. noble graad-Dr. R. E. Flood.
toem for Marly lour hour*. Pred MilL. 8. noble grand—H. WeMon.
ler Is oar of l>ncle Sam's life •aver*
R. S. vice grand—Henry Banes.
and n was iBcky tor Beaard he was.
Caodactor—Ham Ryan.
as bis hands are not
Right scMie supporter-BMi BodA
Mra. Katy Holland went to Bast LoLeft scene supporter—Frank Vole*.
land Satarday to vUlt her father,
Inside gnardlan—Carl Weston.
Hsrmaa Pertn^.
Outride guardian—A BartleiL
Ba '
Mrs. J. Chris, of Buffala U vUKiiig
-Amos Bsrilett.
Mlka Reno Muotol Who haalreeB visThe M O.
- T.
- MAI.
boM their
Itlng relative* here left last Wednes­ her brother and alaier. Jos^b BranOB W^nesiUy evenli^
day ter Pontiac wbeiW she has accept aon and Mr*. John Wheeler.
ed a poelUon with a telwhone com
sftcr the iDsialUUoa.
pnnyMr*. K. C. Campbell Is still very
Mis* Ula Curry rettned Sunda;

(*iiy where
from Tra<
r funeral iservice of Mrs. Jacobbeen vtslUng the past week.
Mia. Fannie
spent a few day*
last week in Elk Rapid*, the (ne*t of
ly Bash, of Good Harbor, dnm- i
her alater. Mr*. Arthur Robinson.
the occaskw.
a. was held at the Latheran cburch
Mr. and Mra. T. J. While, of Elk
Jan. II.
] Sasday aficrooon.
Batdda. visited over Sunday sitb
The teachers have organised
friend* here.
Reading Circle under the
Mr. and Mrs. J. l^out* Curry return­
. C.
. Fuller,
which is held every
ed last Wednesday from thplr wW
atternoOD at l:3u at
Un* trip.
They are staying with

• the

groom's parents-ai present
.Masian Johnson hss been tusking
Archie and Scott Mnnro moved to
■me Impruremenis in his store the
ike I
psiit two w.-eks, which adds vtm'
o,«„ ■
holidays i
Diuch to ila appearance.
daughlei. Mra. Ferguson.
The Girls' basket ball team enjovedElk Ukc Grange held tbelr ..
Mrs I.OU Baaelle and llitlcdsughtrr
meeting Saturday night and Instalied left Saturday for Traverse Ctly wheiv a sMgbride lo th<- home of Mr and
Mrs. N. C. Morgan's la.M Monday
“ p. of Willi
Williamsburg, she will spend a few days bcf(
ailing officer and he slra gave
Grand Haven to spend a
Jan. II.
a report of the State Grange. After weeks w ith her husband who ha* a pomeeting an oy'itcr supper sH^on 0
the busim
..c carferry Milwaukee.
■■ *
much entoyed.
was si'rv<*d wblcti
. B. Kehl went to Trav
couflned to bU
F. W. ttawSey
irday to spend a few days
h friend*,
r. and Mrs. Eugene Hill »]><-nt 8>m'Oman's club inei *
be Worn*
1wltb Mr. and Mr*. Ki-x at Wlll.formation.
yaual program.
When your Writ gives out:
Lowell Morrison was pli-asantly
Ml.-m Susy Baumberger read an
UeruuKS laiuts weak or ac
. rised b}' a ounhor of blx friends last cle on the “Great laind Owners of
VVtu^n urinary troiih1i-s
Thunulay night, who rsim- lo help the Culled State*"
Your kldtieya are “In a
him n-lebratc his blrtliday
Uoan's Khluey Pill, wil
Chris Deartng and sister. Mrs. Mar­
Hen1i» al ohb-iin- lo provi
garet Bruce. vUlled frlebilM In
Tu)l<pr, n;t MadioQU
u 8l..
81.. Travneighborhood last week.
t'liy. Ml. h , says: “Som.- five
Mr. and Mrs < laude Warner, of
J. VannatliT left Sanday on ibe
years ago I was Mufferli
Willlamsbiirg. and Mrs, J. I* Warner. feri-v for Pox Island, where he wlU ney weakness and severe pains In ro>
uf KH( RajiMs.
Rajiids. allonded
allondet th>- eurpriK.- »is-iiil the winter.
back aod ai-non tie. khliu-y.. I <-ould
party Btlarwell
Morrison's last w<«-k.
Mr.^iid Mrs. Walsh, arc spend
baldly le-iiil m>-r nr lift and finally 1i«.
the wi-<-k 111 Traveree Mty with 11
came so Idd ih.r. I wa.. unable to
daughter and Mr. Walsh'^ risters.
work. 1'lie kidn<-v Hecreti<niK we
Mr and Mr*. 11. (\>1c spent I
bIm> diMtrden-d and ctintaitiid a lies'
Mr. and Mrs. Pred Miller n-tiirncd Monday In t>*IaiKl.
sedlue-lit. .4fler trying •••veial rei
to l.cland after s|>eoding a week with
Mre. Ida Budd retnmi-d Saliin
•■dfe* wilhoiil 1e-nelli. 1 procured
cveiiing from Boyne city where
parents and frieuds.
Itaan's KlilBi-y Hlla nl the Rugbee
Pharmacy, i bad used thi
Peter nrhri-ii* went tn Travhew «|M-nt the luilldayH with her nmihei
Idur. n.lM|.»«nir Bf>lliT..liiv
R. H CatniilMli s|M>nt Saliirdav
*hon lime U-f(>r«- the ni hes,. pains a
Traverse nty.
house have been on the slvk list fur
For gale by all dealers. I*ricc
sometime. They
ore throat
Mercary went down lo two above ncer. C. H. Werion'
Wetinewtay. 'ienard' Bi
I llemenilKT II
{lake no cilh-r.
' from Glen ArbtjKlo i

Mr*. John Caht* rtfaraed to
Mr*. Laura Batea drove over
WBip Saturday aAMTtoon after her borne tn Traveraa CKy Saturday after
00*. Oarl and wile. Mra. Viola UdM TlaUlng nearly two weeks with liiends
- - her. All tMnt.Su^ here.
as Alice Sour* returned to l.nnefofjttat week after apeodlng her va-


Ht4* aid nOaUvM

on. hto boaL Whi 1 he reached the
varaboo* he M Pred MtUer. he havMr.

Adanm. who was there on b
Mr. and Mra. J. c. Amy v
mether. Mra. Bum Amy.
Jan. a.

Cadlllsr Saturday.
Bd. Oorey la entertalninc his
brothers from the aouth part of the
A. Levi's horse ran away last Honmorninf. demoltshlns the culler,'
. ‘Ins driven by bis danchler, Mra.
BHa Grtfllh. throwing her oot and
bfuislnp her face and body quite badSalurday evenltif
Ixf occurred the clectk>n «T officers for Wexi:ford Grange
which resulted in the* folloi
Master. O. £
O. Adams; overM-er. Mu
Hill; leclur

Lockwood: tvris. Maude UUik
ney; Potnooa. Miss Helen Moore;
Wm l.«pham. of Mke Aim. kiot a Flora.
.. Ollv
Olive Jewett; gate beeper
John Barrett.
Mtu Viola J
James Cook* from fa
Mrs. Henry Smith has been on the
Rltk llsj but I* much better M the
Leon Corey returned home
d over to Lake Ann tor the *
Macklnah', accompanied by O

„. ;*


WHAT wpu. tass no

fob tout

Tot) face .the Hew Tear. You can make It ooe of Mi ad­
vantage for ynorse-U la a tBancUl way It you will decide to
open a savings accoHBt aod adopt a regaiar phta of addlag
tbteota When you have decided that point and sort a hank,
«e« •aaend to your cosiaMeTatliw the claims oc THIS bank.
becaoM n loana tU funds only B real estate or gilt edg* oecarRy-i-bs«ause of Its liberal Intereat rules. AND BBCAVSC
the above nsmed ditector* give to Ila affair* tbelr getatmal
\ pen-UlMi.


Howard Brown returned from ramp
SI Dellulre Sslurday
Clinton Pray and Milton Ib-<kwUh
virlted at A. M. Pray s Sanday.
Unrolll lackey made a trip to
Trnver*e\CU> one da) last week.
Mr. and Mr*. Urin Undm-y went to
Traverse Ctly Saturday
The Mpper at the Mabel To*n ball
last Tburoday rveuiug was well attended and highly enjoyed by-ail.
Fred Hrosrn was home over Sunday.
Mrs. tlllbeft aod Mra. Andrew I'raT
Viviied at Mr*. Nel Brown's Toenday
BuiHiiiler iviurm-d
iirn>*d home al'er
long visit oitb her daughler.
Tom Pray returned bnme rruiii
WHIaioB Saturday. January (ad.
Frank Wilson wen: to lake
with his team I
wood* last 1


_ .T brothers aud sister. Ue has teso
working for some Hue In Canada.
AM. Smith went lu KUr Rjipldi lau
.aatxtal l-'wta. of take Anu. was
viriung reUilve* ben- * t<mt daya
lari week.
John Newcomb .in.i w'lfe Uavc returtn-d hnttM- atler visiting at CoMwat>-i' lor a itNiple of w<-cks.
Ord WilsM •« *tork*i«c lor Huiaee

Bow’s TUs?
TV»«*hr OneBnaderiDi

IN Til 1-1—'r~« hsvuhwwa P.J. Cbm

Slater’s GreafOearfaig Sale Offers Unmatchable Valnti

In Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Dtshes aud everj^tng that makes
a nice comfortable and well furnished home. Invento-v '-nd the necessity of making room for our
have therefore reduced
These annual clean-up
------------------ ------------------------------------- andit is with pleasureweannouncethe

This Great Money Saving Sale siarts January 16tti

A Saving of 25 to 50%
on all tha bcary FaroUnre tnoh u Dining Tables, Conebeg. BeSroom
SniU, Ads Boaxdi and Book Cmh.
AMlsodidgtoal .
We b«T6 merred nothing-in Din­
ing Tabled. Oar etodt i* nnoU
lazier than ever before, and on
many Tables «• have roduciil
the ptiee to M% below tlieir
Hctnal Tdloe.
A Rood Dining Table, extends to
C ft. worth $8 00 for
A nice Mabogiuijr Oombinetion

Great Bargains in Bedding
Blankets. 48c

lor onr doable Blankets in color > of Grey,
White or Ten wi^ fatov strips 1 borders
to mttob.
f9Mf% bays a nindi bcAvier Blank- Oar B4 and tS BlankeU a Ofi

et in same oolort bat larger.
for per pair only.......... £*99

QtiUts. 1.10

1 our regular 82 Onilts
and while diey last will bu eohj iot jl,lQ each.
Oiu extra large g>iilU which alwaya soU for S2.50 and are worth 4 d»C
iU ahall lie sold for each only........................................................................ 1*09
1 IS per uir for oar good 81 50 feather Pillowg. arc



,«,iUfy and spItntliJ Ucking.

We tball aleo reduce oor DXlia large (iuose feather I’lliows at-a discount

of 25 Dcr ceaL


large stock of eomforl* ootnpels u« to a as
ComforU which sold regnlariy for ft awl $0 at£e90


Wonderful Stove V^nes
Sou Bcallaa Stoves udcaoli Staves, u 7°° have waited
until the heavy stove niah waa over, joe h are aaved youTMlf eome Booey,
as we are wiliingto
on anystore
ttook. WesQUbarean
_ sacrifice beatOy
-- -V_any
ions amount of nneold storee which we aliall dispoM of at
Tlieee ioolnde onr famona Airlight Heaters, Oonlnnatioo wood
and coal Store* and Htoveg'tliat
bam wcod only. Whether it be a
Cook Stove or lleaw you can get
yoar money's worfb in the next
few winter tn^Ua and they will
last you fo^ yean and year* to


liMt 40?ii



, we are eellprettiest and
aiu OarneU.

liA peryd-forourbeal l«c
and 9(>c Straw Matting

Our Very tinaat and
Sew«d free


We hare e large nomber of
remaanla, large enough for
■mall room* at
per yd...................................Ob

$20 Standard Sewing
Machine for $14.50
Tbaee famous dswing Hicbines need no
iDtrrduction. They tew as well, ran as
easy aod last as long as machines told dtewbate ler twice as moeb. .

U R«r coit oil


Stteb as Stands, Purlor Snites, Rookera,
S28 Mahewaay Pailor Suits, beauti­
fully upbelsterrd with Green 4 0 CA
Veiana. Ofoaiaaee Sale prieelO 9V

I'/iotiug out onr entire line of IRCS
patiema in Floor Covering* offer*
tremeudoiia upportunitie* to the
l»«ple aim oonteniplate baying in
Hpruig. Even if you are not ready
in hare them pal OD the floor, at
these prices you should at least bny
tliem.aa nerer again can you buy at
such a remarkable taring. You
owe it to your self to select early,
fis ibe prettiest paltema arvi always
taken first. Don't oome next nonlli''
■ •xpetTinn these bargains' bat
come TODAY.

9 or for HxI2 Ingrain
w*w3 fltxtr Ruv. formerly
“ •' « for $(i.

^ o^r esirm
WC fieav^ Linoiewm
aortlj 75cand«0c.

Special t{uali<y fibre floor
Kuna. ri:gular value'$12
aud $15 for only

■ jiialily S-TO and iiCk- Liuol-

58c and 66c

SS aod sic eadi
All «»
In small Rlag* we bare cut
naif in two and
.— wneat quajity
lualitr of big


Rugs at


We hat^e several remoants
piecL* large
• nounb for small rootnt.
which we shall offer
you for the yd.-

Everything Sold as Advertised, Cash or Easy Payments
$4 Handsome Portieis $2.65 Lace Curtains at One-haif Off
Having an nnnsnal bigatock of Fortiers
' “ tdfer the entire lot *1 21 per
we shall

Here wf Lave several pulU-mi which w« '
ahall diacontirue. nml aeveral odd aod Onr Crockery and Dish Dept, it fully up to
The pr<(vs
prxvs on
on more
broken lot*• The
than half is share in baegaiss We have severul
— 20
----------------------• •below —eity Dtnner and Tea Ktffs to be ckeed
of them is !• rw
per ccBt

Ibeir actnal u»t to us.

jag) noNr


Big valuBS in Dinner Sets

it at nvaper ccoi'dlseouL

J. W. Sister




Other Furniture
Actual Cost
SimeewiUDot permit the deacriptaoB at
' I of other thines tor th» bom*, but
a visit here will reveal faar^iiM that are
bargains, eaeb as you haws never aeea before
■in our grral
It Hou
[oii^nmiabiag Stoss*,
foaons i« Nortbem Mk-bigaa for lumiab
on a system ofeiedit
that WM originated fay H. Bythiaeyetem
you can bay what you want and pay tar
it aoyou will sever miss the moa^.

Nice Hob

vtslted oca- arbool U«I vpek.
Mr. and Mrs. )<arroo returned home
trcHn Memon last week, tkeir niece.
Hlaa Rdttb Aanny.
iiiow. 8b« eipcciu
lo n mala dnrin
the winter and attend ar-lKiol.
Prentice .Wine and famJlr vlaltc

naky Biscuits

ad *e

Ua Ina <1 ailUK ><a ca |Jai belin • havT »
A Uaa» aakridi ii d

kr . idid u. bo > ra wal to

teitd acbool last week on accoant oi
nine and hanllKR of wood

lad . hap7 aa ^ ba da la baaa a«r ka.

b*' «1................................................
h lab

• n tov to |laa • law paa. <d w W

Ha bkd< adlBa toadaliad tota daraaialada
Aa»'ia|adcakaabr«b>baalaalaaab iaa to ae
W baa ad ht dd a fakf aacdainia be a to at

from ihclr vUJt with tbcir daoKliicr.
Mir. O. fore.
Mr. Itovejov. or Bettner. calU-cP on
H. Warrea and fauilly Ual Kr
Wm. Wine wa» ^ Traverse City
Inal TburiMUy on buaiDoH.
Jan. 12.


LUy White


ClIfTord WHbur died at his bom< lo
Bast Uarfleld on Saturday. Jan. !i. at
aice or 22 yeara He waa a brixhi
faJtbrul. lovina i>oy. loved by
all oiio knew bim. IVath waa earned
by blood poison. He leaves to tnoiirn
hli lo > a father and moiber. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Wilbur; also seven ai«trr»
as follows; Mr*. Rodney Morsan.
M-s Perry Srotl. Sir*. KUiel Ross,
Mrs. Ha'.el Ro»t. MUies Bdiia r
and .Winnifred Wilber, who reald
borne, besides a host or friends. The
family have the aynipatliy of tbe enlUy In tbcir sad bereavemolit.
The l.adies' Aid of Eurt Carflcid
l^lll meet with Mrs. D. J. Sprlnscr

Mrs. Bd. WewtbfTs has ndopted
and placed In that "Home not made
little Kirt beby. Tbe cblM was c
with bands etenal I ntbe Heavens."
oM when Hri. Wpi
Wentbera adopted And by the den* oT oor belovad slater
oar ebtircb, Wonan’s Home Mlaslooary society and all tkristMi Interests
have lost an arUre. faithful aM scalBill for Arthur Uoinlne.
ODs soikvr, t^o was evci siilvlny lu
Charley O Brlen U drlvinn team for advance the best interoats of the
{enn- E- rarliale.
Manor's cause. And be It rtwolved.
Albert Courwde has porebaard. a
. .fheir
sad aPlictlon. and may they ever look
lo Jesus lor nreuftih and comfort, and
be enabled to feel that "He doetti afl
In Uctaneo. Ohio^
He had ai thiajcf well;" and be It further rv
. . -......................
enjoyable Ume. Mr. Detllof. who •olved
ta the owner of a Hoc farm here, wbl
I'bat a aprcia
In Ohio Ksve our town a bln booi
the family: alw
with the result that a laipe -cumber
are comlns here next sprins. with a
view of purcbaslcx farms. We have
the land and tee people of Bast Bay
will extend a welcome hand to all enenteilc and enlerprlalni: new •sciisTs* afar
that conic (o make ibelr■ bouius with
iDvls^blc and dlsUnt abore.
Wo are clad (o near that the K,.^
busl I nreached by hnmnn eye or oarthl
nesa men's association of Traverse
tftan (he remotest
nty bad a sncryTsaiul hamtuei and
im-ellDp. Now let eiery one Join Ihe IMicre undiscovci
lioostem' club and apeak a cood woiyl TbV sparkling dnai
beavons eternal
for Ihe cHy and conniry. Advertire
and all will be.wcll. and the year HH)» But
rather say; why should oor hearts
a boom that In the future

Thy wort is dene
• •
Mr*. John Madison and sister., of
brighter room and left the door
Manlatce. arrived hero a few ajm.
They expecl I
lie n-ft of tbe Of It* calui pcaee and rest unclosed
^ ikoMi lUi
poMMS bniu. ski tai apemaeo-a
wlu^ cauMt b« beutea m • recipe fee nakiag peed
Mrs. Samuel Coffar. who hat been
kick with a cold for the part two
mt;_cou**ug_afUr thee.
weeks. Is very poorlv nt this wrillne.
Ooor*e ReadI has moved bis faml
MK8. K A..Tuivu.
Al ew io SMC
bco eoGb** »e Mkht hoi bbd^fcr,
MRS. T. At'K>:RMA\ .
' NtefUrWhhu
(coce tbe rest of the winter.
GeorfR> Tennent baa moved back
■The funeral servlvesor flifford Wil­
Um^ PM ew M or AmdoJ of. pst Miy While. *1he Brw the
bur were held vi-Hterday at tdie East
Carfleld M. E. thiireh in iharce of H.
1. Carter. The
oosben'i daurtter. of (hlcaito.
Pomona. Mich.. Jan. 12.—Mr. nod
inc laiyc eon
Mrs. L. Larson called on Mb. James
I their Iasi j-espeetT to him. rhowi
Bentley FUt/and family vUtted ai Ludwick Sunday.
VAUXY emr mujnc oo.
^ be waa a hltlily honored youns
tbe home of Samuel Goffar.
D. A. Sturt did bnsinesg In Manis­
I Mrs. G. M. Slocum U nurali
Cberle* Tennent. who ha* bcoii sick
iTravorw <‘lty.
for a long time, is sick ai this writing. tee Tuesday.
Mb. Silva Borst Is coming to Po­
Mr. O'Blrnilv la getting out loga for
* 111 nt the Grand Traverse the Sands Lumber company, of Man- mona to attend school.
Mr. and Mb. Elmer May sp(ml Sun
lage the young couple moved to l*ce•garct Ell.
day with Melvin Bortl.
Innau couiuy. Michigan, and were niy. *p. nt: Sunday with her parcuU
Ora Ludwick spent Sunday with ber
among :bc Brat n^Uera of that eonn- of tbU plac
Jail. IS.
ty. tbe town of Bnrdickville bolog
lAdlcs* Aid society will meet wlib
named fur ibem, as Is the post offleo
with ber slaler, Mr*. Mezrtr Mason.
Mm. Wilson Thursday of this week.
urn. W. D. PUIUXCK
PABSCO Of Biirdlck In Ibis county. The fam­
Pearl Albright, uf Wallin, was l)i
Till- M. K. flUBtiiTiy coiiforcuiv w;n
A 10 ecot tea will he served.
ily moved to Tnylor county, Ky, B-cll aitondcd and Fromdllig Eidp/ town Satutda.v on tiikuram-e Imelnesv
Mr. and Mn. Fred Aabcroft spent
A carload of hay arrived Friday
Ft-rguvoii gavi- an Intcrcstln&^iTpm^D.
durlug’lbc year 1877 and have alway:.
Mr. and Mrs. 1-yon. oor ncw-ifrirt Ihe Goal Ranch.
Sunday nt Mr. Rowe’a.
held a place of hieh OMteem In this boB. lormerl.v oi WllUamsbure. atMiss Haicl Allen Is home for a
Mr.lwip Mrs. •m^IA Catne te Lee- communliy. Two son*, were born of (ended young pi-oplc's mcclliitL Siiu- short lime from her work In the
Graves' liuslncss- College at Peluscvgirtiig.
IwiM* Cenniy In 1M. Utrinp
7his union; the late Lewis W. Burdick d.iy
Itebcrt Billon has been towing fur ke.r. • •
■t. Vurdlekvlile.
who U aurvived by one eon. Master Wm. Sattlrr on hi* lumber Job with
Roy Van BeBogarl was on the slek
list last week. Herbert IX-xter took
Fred Burdick, who makes his bume hi* team the past week.
The Misst-8 Clara and Eva Andei
llolH-rt Gary's ii-am and el''iglHi Ills plaee of tbe It. F. I>. route.
son. of Schouiberg. left last night (or
Wnrd hns l|slBa rooejved here of tbe with hla nislcrnal gn
Bom-To Mr. and Mrs. Willis
wi-iit over Ihe blgh roll way iiauk ai
Tayioi. Wi*.. to s|>cnd Ihe remainder
death of Mb. W. !>, Bnidlcii, who
the winter.
lunalelv ibey won' not hurl.
passed a^ay • sbert Ume aso nl tbe
Karl Bow l n were Traverse City vis'. Bail'* I
daughtcB, Misses tiara
Mr. and Mr*. U. Morgan ri*turn<*d te
homo of her buhnnd. nnar llalebcr,
iioTK 'Saturday.
Taylor county. Kentucky. Hr. nnd Mrn Lncy. have for iho past few mouths
Mr. and Mn. A 11. Cli nienl. of Trav- '.irmelec tbi* uionilug having vlaltci
rrett's frleml* in the city.
Bmokto In working for IVtI
Bnrdlck will bo well remembered by made their home with bU bithvr.
Mr. and Mr*. A. C. Warner, ol
her early lUe Mrs. Burdick
tbe older notUem of this recton add
Frank Jauiiish had the -ni
Ilirksville. Ohio, returm*d thi.
made A prolcuinn of
her falih la
eapccUlly of
,-o cut hi* foot badly last Tuesday iiKirnlng alter visiting her, brother
\ phy- V. A. strljiig. and fnuill.v
Abont iKf Mr. end Mrs. Burdick Cbrlii and united v.ltn the MethodUt
I while working in the woods
was suiiinioned who tnok
came to Imelsnau county, locnllnc on church, and though abe never idcutlMr. and .Mrs. J. P: Wise left this
seven stiteiies lo eUwe ihe wound. 11
Gien.teke. nt the point no* known fled horseir with-any place in Ken­
Is healing nirely and ah an' ibankfni mbrnliig for Bath, N. Y.. to visit tbe
The Kelley Inimhcr
as BnMiekvUle. the vllUga being tucky, she was always loyal to her
iipaiiy^ mil
null is running full blast, It was no worst*.
old borne of Mr. Wise.
ler III W tseason It will run night
named after Mr. Bnrdkk. Mr. Burdock Loid. and lo the end expressed her­
The 2nd quarterly meeting of llie
Mrs. G. E. VanAnken left this ntorn
• was promlaeatly' engaged In tntnlier- self as perfccUy rosignod to the Mas­ and day. Mr. Blown U mill foreman. M. E. church was held at the luUmI
for ramlrn fur u visit wllb frU-ndi
.loneph 8e«v Is yard foreman. J'red
iag end business at that point for ter’s will. Mrs. Burdick waa a wouian GBlmm Is head sHw vor. anij Mr 'Hut' church Sunday evening. Di.*:trict Sup­
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson left this
erintendent A. T. Ferguson had charge
aomc 20 years. The family removed lu o( floe personality In ctory rcspoct ton log Bcvlei
Tilts Is a btisUia;! of tbe serv ice ami preached a marter- Diorning tor Houghton, vfbere they
strong mind and a well concern and meanss a go
good deal to ifte ly sermuu. Revival servlrca will be will locate permanently.
Taylor county. Kentucky, In 1877,
trained intellect, able to Ulk Imelll- prosperity of our town.
held at the church (hla week.
where baa been tbeir home alnce.
Mr! and Mrs. M. A. Meyers reluracd
Bessie Pearl, of Evart. Miihlgaii.
Jan. II.
Mrs. Bnrdlok was hum In New York geotly on almost any subject, and visited a few days with friends and Is
tr. Grand Rapids today, after visiting
r. Getmaii. o
sum, October 20, lUl. her maiden bolding her opinions tonaclou&ly. she now working for Ur.
filcnds at Northport.
Rewolutiena of Reapcct.
faithtii] wife, a loving erwe t'ily.
name being Annie a RandaU. The
Mr*. R. B. DeFrance t^urned to
WTiereaa. It ' ha*
pleased our
Charless B: Cooper and^fanii!' 1
e u taken (mm a local mother and a loyal frleod. Her plac' removed 1A X*tov#»T*aj- filv *
Heavenly .Father. In His all-wise Kingsley, this morning, after a abort
will be hard to Btl though she lived a
Frovldenee. to remove from our midtt sUy In the city.
Xentneky paper:
most Buict and oapreteoUous
our muoh beloved sister. Mrs. Georgia
Wbea aba was abont ii years ei
C. J. Smith left thfe moraine lur
Norconk. Therefore, be It
Her friends rise up and call .her blessago bar panau moved to AahUbuU
Rosotved. That while we bow In Toledo on a week's buslnesa trip.
I* aerlously HI at (he Iwme
■parents. Mr. and Mrs Jerome Fortun humble submisston to the will of God
cwuty. OUo. where on May iDlb,
Mrs. U. R. Joiea. wife of Sheric
JM4. she WM nurrled to Mr. \V. U.
Jones. Of Potoskey, was iho gnrst of
......................................... bright tand (aitbful cbrlstiai
Mb. Charles MerrloU. of SeuU Ste. Nathan.
^urdhik, with wbom she lived In onaildsl Mrs. .rtean on Tuesday.
has be.
lOved from c
) Ul! her deaCb Marie. Is the gtwat of Hr. end Mrm
Inm Tuesday. Bkortlr 'after ibeir aiar- Mcded Vlaton, of Bast Frant streri."

•nrv now the BmL cooks Use**





I Klad T«M Hs^Ahny* BoiwU, «m4 vUek hu bwM
> na* fbr over 90 tmn, has bofiie the ttgmittmn ct
■ glace Matnfhaey.
etodgeedreyoMiathia. .
IT tbe health of

^ ; iWliat Is CASTORIA
-------- fiir CMor on. Pw«l>r^ aad SvtoUilaK Synipa. It Is -------------1«
aias MeWhof Oplaa^ Stoblae »or other MarcoUo
and Wind

a. UnUt
reltovea Teethhw TfPOblee, OB
It aeMiBllatee tbe Fo<
the <^Uiiee*g Paaaeea The Motber*s




Grinnell Bros.—Michigan’s
Leading Music House-Oilers
Advantages Not Found Else
Our line of Fian.i* 1» th-- l.vrg.-i :<ini finc-i in th-- iminity
|a*sttlvi-ly nnequalle.i in quality or brnadi»--<» <if srli-ction. Macufaclurcrs natunftly pref.-r l» bi- n-pivst-nii-.l l>y the largest and
Y1U.S1 suecenful houaes nnd we arv thus able to control the sale
of tlie World's leading make*—STEk-SWAY. slnndard of the Yorld
—GRINNEU. BROS., (our own make)—SOlfMER. a great favorl'.- with mitsiral peoplr-STBftLING, over ii.nOo already sold—
lltNTIhWTON. MBNDEI.SS1MIN. and othes^.
If there were belter Pianos maaufa(4ure<( w»* would handle them Twetilv Bve years ago we set m. our
»i4u0ard of qtialltv—THE BEST, (his pol.e> w« have always malnt-tiurd.
The Immense purAiases noeesaary to supply onr IR stores gain us prito eoneeashina and special dlsconals laipowiible to other dealers. We buy for less—WESEIJ. FUR LESS! Comparls-vQ will quickly prove
that onr values ar^ not equalled ebowhere.
Ample capital enables us to sell on very easy payment terms and to carry all our conlrarta. Oud
easy payment coaiomer* deal direct with us from the first payment to the receipt in full, which U a guar,
antce of proioction and fair treatinent nnder all elrcmnstances.
Every piano are sell is fully gnarutecd. bot^ by ita mak^ and by ua. Ton take^o chances It yon
deal with GRINNELL BROS., for our loog-estabUshed repnuUob is a puslUve awnraace of complete satUlaclkm lo every patron.
VUIl onr warcrootu or wrilc lor Catalocs aad full information regarding any of our liutrumenu.

Wheat Cakes
Cona Cakes—
Griddle Cakes
of all Makes
taste better, set better, an
better when seivcd with

The BOM healthful siwl nmrttiout

Miss Rtos*om Morse, who has been
worting !n Tbompsomllle. came borne
J. Sl*nton U SuBcriog from a
severe cold.
Mr. sad Mr*. Hafvey HIR have
oved Imo Mr. Snit^s house.
Mr .and M’*. Spngler are
guesu of the latier'a ]Mrent«. Mr. and
Mrs. B. R. Fuller.
Mrv. Mary Bunting visited at the
>me of her father, J. J. Stanton's
M Friday.
Mb. Vera Bowman vidlnd frlenda
In Ibis neighborhood yerterday.
Several from thisi pUce attended
le shadow' social ijt Pomona last
Saturday night. All ^reported a good



Mrs. Ed. SluS. sr. Is qoRe sick.
The Rev. Sir, Parweter prearted
bis farewell sermon at tbe Cougrega-

. tsal-

emding school here.
J. Kenned.'- has BMved bla famUy
Into our lovrti.
Frank Bloom has been riidtlag ta
Jan. 12.

Kawb^^Mtwf. tKMrbteaiaa


■Mat at risk Jaaaary I. HM

~ "‘’“‘■Air.??*'



a II W.M. B*M.eMklst daw




t 2t B. P. Btowatt, btottVtoaiMl ftoa*
twii. harsMl. witon. laltma





Apr *






Apr a Pstar BmUcaa. btn
-------Ill daaaawo. .


Apr aaa.



■*, BoUb;



o_ -355r"-.„ to
^Srr^*eT_ .

la B-iTcm OP AU. o




«< ■*■*



a huk g^l-Til. saw kUM


-lalyl Bn^

larw ^


Jolr t SyniB W-notatoy. bAww akd
«t«u bunwl. *M» ua
IT4S U .
CwhoakaadJaa I. IS*......
' M.S
0*0 * SeVRTHT. (fcrissy

Joiy « ^^K^ki. rw kilM
JaljS AWj^«»w*kl'ovw ktlW

Chimney i

JaiyS OareliMS
•a*<lt>rL((i, .
JwlyS Sn C Myia.btBdaaaa

aro ttven until May 1. ISOS, to oeoatruct peed brick ettimneya m Us
cempany vrill net he reapeoaiMa far
losaaa whera Ray Chimnaya are esad
afttr Ust data.

Jsly i: C* 0.
Wa AMiaa
rtlhyllakl •
Jsir ir r pt*»»«ra. e. kUM by


fterntt. hrttw
ik kUWd

am- totoU.


SUte of Mirtigan, Connly of Orand
TraveBe. a*.
DSa JH. Monroe. FreaMeat. and
Geo. W.
- HcWeUiy. Sacretary of aaid
any, do and aaeb for blmaaif


e»ps OM-KlItW. etfW iiulq by

rww kOW bf

> tot

TraverseCtlyBnach: Cer. Frssi umCassSts.


Ahnual Statement


EiaaiccB swm Pina'riday'aia gcmu i

___________ MAPLE CITY. _
' Mr. Brow Is very'low at thlTwHT

Atiuoal aUlenent for the wr ending Dac. 31. 1'.»M, of the ooo(lit'on of affairs of the Farmen' MalusI Fire Insoraaoe OoDpa'iy, lo­
cated at Traverse Oitjr, Mtehtuan. and doing business m tbe Oouotiea
of Grand Trarerse. Anlritn n»d Leelanau, :n aaid Stale.


Tbe Dnil
Ton HaTO Alwajs Bought
In UM For. Over 30 Yoara


U Cfomn. tP:. iSt. 5»c


__ • the contaatt theraoL and that
tbay have good
------ reasoo -to beliOTe
do believe aaid statemeat to be troe.
JAMES a. MONROE. PraoideaL
GEO. W. MeWETHT. Bsaetgy.
•eribsd bslard SI
Travefra City. Is aaM sttts bad «
IP. tkb 2tn day
Craad Travane Onatty, MMk.

sAyrilVinL ,



laoe. every ^
or ■ M«d 4ropP^ tt«r« bjr • mimm. lAfflcooteat; Mmoreldreem
Ot ehipi that aaU on distant aea.
Grtw p*)« la tbt tarkBMi «ai eaUI:
o more 1 waU with longiag heart
II, taarad tbraoik the rvhbleh aa4
For what U mine to eoaw to mo.
MethlBS H h^ hot the ti«at
Or haiTTlas feet sat the baactiic ot Too loag I la the tatore lived
Aed dreem^ of UUaga that were to
Tiet* wann the sheet of a ehov
la thoee cobwebhr resk«s below
For BnaahlDe or eltal-ff^ air;
- Bbere were oolr raak eawOe ^,4ew
Vavelled at iaet air hoMee ejrea.
Vor the pUatlet uader the house.
I oaw the preeent glory ehlee.
"or a seed dropped there hr a taome.*
Aad kaew the nalverse wes Blled
With good th»t wet aVwedy mlae.
The Ttee pasted eader the hoase.
djr a aaaapwiBC, laek-wHted aoase,Sleee that glad hoar I saU eerene
iiow eoaM It be Chrttlr aad streas
Oa what before wee troehled see.
With aotht^ to coea U akHw?
Aad blest each wind, howe’er It blo»>.
. There wae ao easgwiCM. 70a see,
BlBoe It hat brings mlae own to
Of what a bnrr aanBUn tal^t be.
Haw enld the elae rea^ soccwu!
No aihar plaat ever thee srew.
Deprived of the eaa had tbe dew.
Rs grave eeaaied oader the hoase.

Bat the pwvUa vlae sowa

bjr a

la the vierd gteoB aader the boaee.
Never had heard of deepalr.
It kpew there wae eaaehtae eoate' -Vherc.
it etretched aat lu teadriU eo eaiall.
' Bbaod a aaa-hrighteaed break la the
waU.Where It borat oat iato the werid
Aad iu broad teaves of Irtamph oafoiled.
H atajred apt for atOdew or htlsht
It )aet crept eat to tbe light
The vlae proved the pride of tbe
Tho’ ecwa to deepalr hr a tabase!
~UUIaa H. Shaer.


Oh. favore every year made new.
(H. ^ with ^ and BaaahiBe

• The hOBBty ov«rrua cor doe.
• The foUBeu ahdM ear dlecoo- '


—Whittier. '


Aad U UU falib* l do not know.
I know u siMMMhe* life’s tioubW
And brings an thtugs for whkh I algh
Within (he Kingdom of Today.
•-The Rev. A. H. Margen in Harmony.

eilltr't tsbit

, Over aad war agi
wbOa have «mm I
the part of the writer, la ad laetaaee
■was it the heart grief made by the
oaae of the pasalkg oa ot aome dear
; «M aad the leaeltaoM of the «m left
bMrtad. b« It wes noos the lets
BWiklii iwhapplBees cawed by the
dBnniiiidlim of the writer. In one
awe it was the homeslokneee oocasloBad by ro»val to another city, thouah
the family tlee ware nnhroken, tbe sal­
ary of the Men-of-the41oaee was ample
aad aew meads were nomereoe. Yet
aU Ue tamUy were wretched hecansa
of the change. Another wrau irf nahappy home aarrovpdlegs. end a third
ot e hariL woartag. moaotoooae nmnd
ot dally wvt. -And ao. with Slight
aartatkaa. the atory has been told of
aorrow. of
The straage part of It U that eoald
tteee wrttera know ea^ other, they
‘ weald each fee. that theirs
only real boidea of sorrow, and wobM
envy (be lot of the others. ''
Swiewhere, bedi of It ell. It
aeemed to Home Cheer that thefe
mast be e reaeen eed e lemon, and
gradaaUy the thoo^t hae crystaUsed
Into some aoeh form aa thU:
N« in bur aurroaadlnga, but la oarodvet Ue all our peasiblUUes tor Joy.
for peaee, for ooateaimeat. Wewoald
‘ not he la the
aalOBs la some way they Btted our
praeeat needs ter ooal growth While
we«hefe,aad grieve aed make others
B wen as
not ieerateg oar lemon, aad aatU that
leamw’fs Jearaed we cannot
B he
the page ^A
be taraed. the cmdlUou
e wanM
sorry work
changed . We
of It If we bnrrted on to new and ad' vaacod lemaaa adtk the old oaea etUl
namaatored. Even the hard leason ot
Ulaaaa. of pain. oMoaa. U soaMtimm
aenmsary beoaase we dU not tbo^
onghly taara the earlier, more simple
oaee. (tee of the beeaUtal Seals,
whose Ufe leeaoa was an w^ leaned
that she long ago gradeatad
Higher School, osed to come <
any. like s heaedlettee ot peecw teu
the home at Ht»e Cheer's first editor.
Serenity and Joy ehoae bom hw eyea,
aad she alwaya awake Is tbe monlng
with e song of Jap ta her heart,
bar snrrenadtegs aad her health sronM
have made ateegentte of her meadt
mtownWe. A doeen
caa he recalled, bat It is aaa
far wo each kanw, deep te on
that it Is tne. aad that we. Uke Peal,
moat lean to be coatonu TbU dom
aot aiana that w« mom aever try to
rise ebeve oaaeceemry coodU
It dom mean that oaly thrmch tnat.
thraiHh patlanos. thitngh teve.
throagk a happy, peacefel atet
mlad te Jhe mldei of outward oentes
’ ta cna we ever hope to etUte to the
helghu where aU good thtegs wffl be
note. Aad Uem hti^ts are

Pried food U aa autrttioaB m that
which la baked or boiled, in spite of
the solemn protesU ot faddUU who de­
clare that It la n>oet IndlgesUble.
the cause may
be traced
frying pr« wes aas been unskUtully
or more often, the- lard
used was of an Interior quality. The
bmt cook that ever handled a trylag
baaket could not turn out a perfect
product nnlem the best Urd smoked
lu the kettle.
dost why a woman of sense will te
aatlstled with any sort ot cooking tat
that may be handed out to her. while
she U painfully partlouUr nhont the
quality or hotter she buys. U bard to
explain. Lard enters mere mrnatoty
into cocteery than butter, and yet tbe
tverege woman plachm and ecoocimItet by aarteg a cent or two e pound
when baying terd—then the wonders
why her cooking U e fellnre.
Experts tbe worM over agree that
the best Urd U that rendered from the
ertay flakm or Imvm of tet adhering
totte ribs of tbe bog.
Tryteg" means Immerelng tbe artlde to he cooked In fat that covers It
In the test analysU it U steaming.
The moBient the article to he cocteed
toadms the fat its surface becomer
m»Mng It Impossible ter
the nater^ Juices to get niL These
ere turned Into steam, which cooks the
food. Tbe tet merely browns the out
er .soiteoe. Abqat three poondt o
pure leaf lard wUl be required for use
ketUe eight Inchee Is dUmetcr
This may appear to be an extrav
agance to a housekeeper whose Idea of
frying consists In greasing the bottom
ot a trying pan with a Uny bit of tet
matter of tact, frying te deep tet
Is aa economy aa wen as an absolute
necesstly from the lu .
health. Very little grease will he ab­
sorbed by the artidm cooked In It. aad
It may be used over and over again U
It la atralned each time after it has
become sllghUy cooled, but sUll te a
llqald. leaving all sediment In the
houom of the pan.
Tke fat should not be tedllng. but
’'smoking'' hot A good general rule
regarding temperature U Ibis: "It a
allce of 'raw potato browns te it te
(ton 40 to CO seconds. the>( U ready
Generally speaking, doughnau and batters reqnlre a' lower heat
than breaded aieeta. and tbe latter dc
aot reqnlre as high a temperature as
poUioea. flab and alf watery arUcUt.
which must he fried at the highest
possible temperatare. When trylay
wet food, watch tke pot carefolly
When It has bubhim of steam, pecmlt
every drop of smter to evaporate beBg the work. If tbe tet
hot. It may be coded by
throwing into it a handful of
oUced potatoes.
CUoked foods, such as croquettos
aad flabbalU. and small fish of oystere.
wUl aot require more than one minute
brawn. A frying baaket U a neeesaary adjuapt it good work Is to be
dooc. The articles should be left te
tke tet until (hey assume a delicate,
golden-brown color.
FeTthe Chafing Dish.
Breaded tongue with t«miato
Cut cold bolkd corned tongue te alk .
oaethird tetdi thick. BprlukU with
salt aad pepper,
erambfc aod fry te butter. Serve with
tomato sauce made aa foUowi; Oao
half.can tomatoes or one aad throetoorths
ooe slice onion, three UMeapoontula
of Sour: oaefoorth teaspoon salt
Cook onvlih tomatoes fifteen mtedtee. rob
throat e etrmtner end add to butter
and Sour (m which —hare
been added), conked together,
atatoes are add. add a few grates of
leese omelet—Two egga. one tablespooo melted butter. oneotaU ««»»K
epooa eeh. few gratea (ayeane. aad


Wgs sUghUy, odd oaehsif teespoM Iter ap tke meat; when good aal
arnlter iwtter. add mistare. and cook |brosra add eneagk mSk to make
eaui Brm wltkont aUniag. Rdl. aadj |lkkA gravy. VhDe boOteg add
iwooBtal of tomato catMp. ealt
epriakle wftk iretad cheeee.
pepper-to ume; pear tkla ovei
Caktt gtOl-CleaB one pint ot oyemeet balls, wbleta have beea pat
ters and drain ot aU tke Uooer poaelFUt oysters In ckaftag disk, a^ |te a bPf disk.
as llqaor flows from oyeters reawvc
Grilled Steak—Oa# pouad kUet
witk a apooa. aad so coatlnee anti'
batter, o
oysters are ptamp. Sprinkle with rnlt
and pepper, end add two U
parMey. Method-U^ thhotter. Serve oa sephrrettee.
IhroUer qlx atteutoa before it to reOyatar rarebit—Oae cop oystere. two; Iqolred and Aoose steak about one
ablespooafoU barier. oae-halt pmed Iteeh te thtdmeoa. beat the steal
soft mild Cbeeee cal la smalt, pieces I slightly to break the fibers, place on.,
th tosspooD salt. tew,, gralal jounce of butter on tbe top aod brol
cayenne, and two eggs. Clean. parboU. for six minutes qo one side, then tarn
and drain oysters, reserving Uqaor;
aad broil oa the other side; mix
(hen remove and discard loach muscmalnteg ounce of botter.cLopped
llelt batter, add cheese aad sea- parsley and leawa Juloe together,
aonlngs: as cheese melts, add gradual­ place OB the steak and serve with p»
ly oyster liquor, and eggs slightly best- ito ribbons, gsrairhed with parstey.
As soon aa mixture Is smooth, add
Pot RoaM-Thls to an old ta^toned
soft part of oysters.
dish, often cooked In our graadmoihFig caps—One-halt pound washed er's ilmct^ Take a piece of fresh beef
ta. one-halt cup chapped wUed al­
welgblng abom five or alx poaads.
monds .two ublespoonfnls sugar, one
mutt aot be too fat. Wash it and pot
teaspoon lemon Juice, and oae-halt
It Into I pdt with .barely au»^i
cap grape Juice. Stuff flga with
water to cover It; set It over a alow
monda. Pat sugar, lemon Juice, and fire and after k bas stewed until
grape Juice la chafing dish; when heat­ tender, adding a lUUe oata If liked
ed add figs, cover, and cook natll Bgs
replentok tbe water at tbe
ere tetter. Unlng and butiog otiea. tost, but let sll nearly boil away.
Serve with lady fingers.
When fonder mi through take (he
from the pot and poor Ibe gravy
Ways Te Cook Meet.
bowl; put a large Ittmp ot but
The following recipes tor cooking
ter in the bottom of the/pot. then
moaU were printed recently la a
dredge tbe piece ot meat with flout
prtie contest In a Colorado newspaperand return It to tbe pot to brown, turnThey are all tested redpee and the
log It often to prevent burning. Take
beat te their -line aa each lad>-. ot
tbe gravy teat you have poured from
coure. tried to send some recipe which
tee meat Into Ibe bowl and skim off
te be_ cxcclhsht. Tbe pri»
all tee fat. pour tbis gravy te wltb
being oBered for economical and at
tbe meat and stir la a large spoonful
the same time patetaUe ways ot proot flour; wet wltb a little water, let It
parteg meat.
boU up ten or fifteen minutes aad
New Bagland BoUed Dtener-^
.^r Into a gravy dUh. Serve both
pounds ot corned beef, halt poafiil of
bat. the meat oa a platter. Some a
pickled pork, put on to^boU la coM
very fond of this way of cooking
water; when It has boiled up good,
piece of beef, which has been previ­
drain off and cover with fresh boiling
ously placed te special pldilc tor two
water. Let cook slow for five boors.
r three days.
If you don't cere for the flavor of ibe
Mteton Hash—Take small pieces ol
vegetablee te tbe meat„^take eoother
kettle, have alx canou. dx.odlonB, alx leg of mutton that cannot be siloed
turalpB and two small heads ot cab­ nicely; chop floe and put te bottom
bage; BOW use aome ot the Uquld from of baking dish with enough gravy
: then add half a ion ot eeao
tin meat end cook unUl done, which
wlU take two hours.
Have a few ed tomatoes; fill up pan with creamy
beets oookteg In a beule; when done mashed potatoes and halco till pota
«t are a nice golden brown.
peel and slice, season with aalL pepGriddle Broiled Beefsteak—Takp« end vteegar; when ready to serve
have a large platter hot; pot all the slrloln or other tender, Jalcy steak
rather thick, cut off*fat; pot grid
vegeubles around the edge and the
meet la the center and serve with die on over tee ooaU and 1« get very
hot; cut tee aleak In several pieces,
pTjmsee of Round Steak—Chop toy piece on griddle and let sear and
two cmidns fine, brown them te a fry­ raise immediately with pancake
ing pan te two tablespoons of butter; er; let tee griddle get os hot as be­
add K cents' worth (tf Hamburger fore, teen toy other side on and
steak; tom it te the pan umn well If wanted rare, turn about twice on
browned; cover with water and stew each side, keeping up the beat,
ooeAonr. thicken the gravy with flour wanted well dooc leave on foager.
Sea^ with sbH and pepper and Uky on hot platter, season with snlt.
pepper and bntter after removing
RoUed SluBed Steak—One nice from griddle.
tender eteak. two tahiespooatOls of
lbs, one onnee of refined
chopped paialey. ooe
tablespcmnful of mixed herbs, two taWespooutuls of milk or one egg;
Real the
steak lightly, make dressing
mixing all the dry Ingredlenu together. bind with the ogg or milk.
Bproad oa the steak, roll up, tie with
etrteg. bake for thirty minutes; baste
with butter and serve wHh rich brown
Roukt Veal—Mtkc a drcssltm ot
bread, sage, a little pepper aad sail
and a little butter. Moisten with ho
water. Take a lote of veal, about five
pounds, make aa tndaloa te tbe flap
and fill with Muffing; secure it wlib
■kewers abd dredge the veal with a
lUUe flour. Bake in a moderate oven
and baste with salt aad water and
afterward with the drippings In Ih'
pan. When done skim tbe gravy and
thicken with flour.
Hash—Take the remains ot s pot
roast, cut 08 all tbe gristle sad mosi
ot the fat and pul through (be food
chopper, nsing the coarsest cutter:
grind up with It an oirioa sod a pou
Pat oa to cook la ^ granKe pan
with Just eaougfa water to keep from
sucking; or. better sUll. some gooi
soup stock or leftover gravy. Seaaot
with salt aad pepper and wken It has
cooked slowly until the potato and
onion are done. pUce In oven u
brown. Add Just enough water to It
cooks to prevent lu being dry
When nicely browned dish up smootbly on a tdatler. spredd a lump ot but
ter over It—my idea is that a lump o{
butter Improves almost anylhlng-and
garalab with iprigi of parsley. This
wUI he found a laMy and appeUsteg
dish for luacbeon or dinner, sad at
time utilise the left-overs
and quKe a dtSereat pnmosltlon from
the thin, watery mixture some people
•all hash or "boarding house mys
Hamharger etook. Brown GravyTake om pound aad a half of hamburger steak, two eggs. oaeAalf cup
rich fflUk. salt aad pep
per and a lltUe butter; anions may be
added It liked. Put meat into a pan,
•alt and pepper, (ben the
cream aad meUed batter. Beat all to­
gether oatil meat has taken ap all
uototsre; have a plate reedy with
lined flour, tato which drop the
at a Ume; roll te the
flour and (17 In a hot bkillet with oae
half hotter and oae-half Urd. The resalu are Ilghi. flaky meat tept^ of
hard aad heavy. Browa Gravy-Add
to tbe rwmalDI tai (he skfflM afUr tak

A Oond Winter VepetaMe.
Almost every one likes sweet pota­
toes and of tote years they can
bought at every grocery at no great
cost than ^ other vegetable. There
many ways of preparing them be­
sides the cufciomsn- bake, boll or fry.
Try some of the following this winter:
Room Sweet Pouioes—Wash ani
scrub swoet potatoes of uniform sIm.
Ful them In n baking pan. set lu n
hot oven, end bake ontll done. Serve
l-i tbclr skins Immediately.
Fried Sweet Potatoes—Parc. boll,
•lice and sprtekle site sMt and pep
Fry te boning drippings. Tnke
up. sift over with pounded crackers.
Buttered Sweet Potatoes—Boll large
sweet potatoes, peel and slice Icngte•Ise. put In a dish, and pour over
melted butter.
BesUoped Sweet Potatoes-BoU
large. aweM potatoes.' peel aod slice.
Pot a layer In the bottom of a
r wHh sugar'and bits of butter,
put In more potatoes, butter
r uoUl tbe pan Is full. Cover tbe
top wKh sugar and butter, and k
hot oven tor twenty minuLes. r
Tosmed SwoM Potatoes-CutUpotatoes Into slices lei^wtoel dip
cate slice In melted buiiei. snd f
> a gridlroo over a hot flrv.
Sweet Potaloes—Boil
and usab six medium sized swoet po­
tatoes. Add a Ublcxpoonful of but
to teem .with tbe beaten yolkz
wo eggs and half a cup of milk.
Season with snlt. pul Into a. baking
dish, and net In the oven to bake
When browa on top spread wHb moringuc made of the whites of (be eggs
Sprinkle wltb powdered sugar, and set
la the oven one minute.
Sweet Potatoes Roasted with Pork
—Wash and scrape swoet potatoes of
medium slxe. Pot (hem in n hakll
pan with a roaM ot fat pork, poor
teacup of water in the' bottom of tbe
pan. set in a very hot oven, and baMe
the potatoM with the drippings
Swee Potato Pudding—Take
pounds of boiled sweet pMstoes. mnsh
nnd oilx with n quarter of s pound of
bntter. a cup of milk and three beaten
egga. Beat weU aU t^Mhcr. add a
parUde of anlt aad a little grated notmeg. Turn tato a battered bakteg
disk, and set ta • hot oven for twenty
ffilnnle*. Serve hot .

tkae atniateg dlveroe odds and ends naytklag for Thrao *r tour hows .hn- apnoi wkh th* whR*B qir the ats* m *am nttC. Any trhtt cu no
aaya * writer te Table Talk.
fora lotlrteg.*' wy* o «rttar. DM 1
Leek over the pantry sktfvea and bebeve n word ot aR tent? U I did, I w«d lnste*4 of towons. bat tf the
cottntely dU Mt *1toe op to my he- trait to tatt OMr* oosw ahooM .ho
Met,*' for every aighk. the toM net
which I perfonwd hefora the door of
my toomhor ahu me te ti«m xnartni enoogh swoet pouto** to make a plot
kno. WM to pay a vtoit to n eertete trima rnhbed tkyoagk a wflsndsr. add
pnMrr. wkldl atm Uvea te my mmattpi. on* otefol of aagar. n pink
’ srith ealt and ory, the embodiment of aU thNto ot nOk. n tsnaptwfal «och of'gtagar
pmoiey. dried berba, bottled toothioam nnd toot, where I made
Bake wUk ns oodor
etc., usliig. of (muon, not Ml oaeb osn ot my opportoaltlen thi
rwt te n slow ofog.
teene flavors togeilHr. bat riiooatag the sleep that loUowod was not the
Cnom Pie—T» n pint of croom add
teese which combine beat with tee "sleep of (he Jost,’’ ;tt oertotely
Bant th*
mntertols of the mtotnra. Wet the the sleep of the wMl fed. Now all this knlf n euptol of onvwhole wltb either tela gravy.
does not mean teM we ahoald become' whites ot terse eggs M a Miff froth.
w«er and batter, or milk. Some
"glutons or wtee Ubbero." or even Add the yolks of two of tk* eggs to
teen stir te the whites of
an egg or two may be added. Sprinkle invite noeurnal vtolta of onr decenaed
tee eggs. Ftovor with n Uttto nslmng
her by tee too free as
nay «xtracL
mince pie. bat It eetinlDly does a
longer the baking tee better, provided
D be slow. Tbs Important points
are to-mix the InpodleMs so thor­
oughly and te suit proportkma that
oae taste ahall predominate
tee oteerv. unless it be that ot tee
meat; te use wetting ot a tnlutee
kind and qnanUly In eate cnae to give
ulstency nelteer'too dry nor too
eoft; and to seaaoo with dtocrimlaa
tta. Cold haah. coM boiled egg.-eel
ory. macaroni and cheese, stewed tomnto. graham gem*; cracker crumhe.
cold milk gravy—of soch nsMeto tomates as .these one may produce c
wholesome and palatable sapper dish.
r^aste twice alike.
Hinto for SnrvinBA Penasylvanto booae-moteer thus
replies to a query as to what vege­
tables nod meats should be served to­
gether. We all Know, ot coarse, and.
tradHkmally. from our foremot
that green peas “go" with tomb and
ducks; apple sauce with dutka
pork: sweet potatoes with roast beef;
rice and other white vegetables with
roost and boiled ttelckeo; white pota­
toes with fish, nnd a dosen other backaeyed comhteaUous none of us to dis­
posed to resign. Corned beef end cab­
bage. beef steak and onions. \ boiled
pork and beana trot to double ^nees
—perhaps by nataral selection,
haps becauae custom has yoked thorn
Tbe Pennsylvania writer give* ns
other hinto:
Serve potatoes with every 1
sweet potatoe*. salads, ocoaslo
green fruit In seston atewod dried
fruits, very little canned goods aad
Beef—Tomatoes, custard er gela­
Pork—Kidney beons or lima beans,
baked apples .
Lomb—Peas; Uplneatov fruit
Cbleken-(^; Jelly or cake.
Flsh-Stow; pie.
Oysters—Baked beana; preserr
Ham—Cauliflower or tonilpe;
Stewed onloas and oyster plant
make a change In this list
Oravie*. Sauce* and Thtektfrtng.
Gravy to the Juice that rona from
meat wblle cooking, or a mixture of it
with water thlekeoed with flour.
The tern "sifucos" to oftsa npposed
> ladude only certain prM>arattoBs of
fruit, like applesauce,
touoe. etc.; or mlxiureJ of butter,
sugar, etc., eaten wltk puddings; but
anyteing eaten with food to improve
iu reltob may be called a «
Giavicz arc sauces, but net all saucmi
are gravies.
Gravies arc made wltb mcM Juice or
broth, and may be either light or dark.
Sauces arc made wltb meat broth or
Juice, water, milk, cream, or frutt
Juice, or mixtures of two or uoi
these maierlali.
Tbe convtolcncy of gravios and
luces may be varied by using more
■ less flour in . proportion to
Cooking the flour In the hot bouer
- fat cooks 11 thoroughly: for tbe fsi.
when it stops bubbling, to much hotthan bolUac water. When done in
thl« way the flour never has a raw. unuwked U>tc. aad the butter or fat to
abeorbed by tic flour Instead of float­
ing on the surfocc of the gravy.
When a brown sauce to devlred.
beat Lb(- butter and flour Kleiber loog
enoneb to have tbi-m turn brown, be­
fore adding ibr liquid.
browned alone will burn easily, and
tic flour browned alone In the oven,
os many writers—not cooks-r
mend, will be baked so hard (hat tt
will only color the gravy, not awcll
aad'fkirkcn It .
In making a white sauce, he cnrclnl
> cook tee flour ta the hot bullet,
without browning them; and at all
Umes add the liquid hot. that it
boil quickly aad sw«U and burst the
starch In tbe flour; and graduslly.
ihM the sauce may h* ailrrcd. while It
to Uke a thick pnMe. until It to amooth.
If aU tee Uquld be poured 01
tee. 91 tec mlxtore be not Mirred
thorougbly while It to thick, the
sauce wiU he lumpy. Bnoogh liquid
must be used to sweU all the fl^.
tee saoce of tee deMrod
IT- The oaual proportl
one tablcspooafal of fat and
tablespoouful «r floor to ooe enpfnl
ot liquid; and by varyteg the*e pertkms. aad using diSereat UquMa and
s. a groat variety ot gravto*
and mnees may he mode from this
gan«ral role at tee toondatton.

WhM to It?
[ iwctpe woold I
uw Mmple nnd obvious tt foruotoie
were to net for my lomam
tee tact teat I kept hnoae tor years
md tee peaslMUty of 1

Mtets for the flisepisee.
trs ago I isarosd to'eteool thM

that to secure good slsep. we most iue
stomachs lalrb', and give teem
.-_M^ to do. wUch very doteg
wSLkave k (eodeocy to draw tea
l’.ood from tbe hrate. If a crachei
n^Ush into, tot It be only a
cracker: if a enp M milk, see to It
teat tee cap O' mSk Is forthcomteg.
"My chUC cried no la tee night I
as afraid she woold wake tee selghbofo." sold a mother to me. Tn
pair of anyteteg else. I gn*« her a
P'^co of bread and buuer. aad she aat
In bed and ate eeery cramb, then
told down aod slept like a klitea."
The interenoc to Umt if the me
hnd furnished tee broad and butter
when tec child retired, lu sleep wduld
:ve been nndlslurbed IRI morning.
It to but n mortean ot csulfoa. but I
beg you all to "give heed to It. as to a
light wb'ch Bhlnelh In a dark place."
if you would kave sleep accomplish
In you Hs "moat perfect work." do not
> te bed hungry.
A hot feMh before leUring Is i
cmcactous for Insomato than t
An eminent nuteority on nerve* row
nmends for Insomnia a cop ot hot

lotber* Js said to have taken this cure
with complete snccesi.
A Chsptsr On Piet.
Mute has been said against tee pre­
valent habit of eMlng pic. yet In spile
of all that has beto told sgalnM this
American dUh it to not easUy banish­
ed tram oar bills ot faro, aad it need
not bs It made successfully, with
ertop. flsky crust, and not with one
heavy and sodden with grease, te o?to msie good crust the lard
batter aboaM he tweet and iresh:
sweet cream also inskM a alee cruat
Cranberry Ple-Une a pie Un with
good crust, fill with cranberries cut In
two and well aweeieand. sprinkle oveT
the sarfsce 1
1 of floor
and a small chunk of buUer cut in
smaU blta, cover wtth a crust, and:
Rhubarb Pie—Take tbe tender end
of the rhnbnrb (a plot of rhnbarh to
each pie to shoot tee right quanUty).
sweeten to teste, and grate over It a
little nutmeg; sift over It a lltUe flour.
A IKtIe butter to always s good odditloo to s tart. pie. :
Prune Pie—Take two and onfrAsU
cupfnls of prunes test have been
stewed and sweetned. place on a
bMU» crust, and tprlnkle wite a lit­
tle flour Cover with a top erasCand
bake In a quite oven .
Bute Pic—BoU togeteer ene p
of stoned dates, ora pound of seeded
ratolBk and one cupful of •ngar'^wlth
one cupful of water, line n pleAin wltk
crust, and pour te tee fralL Bake te
hot over wltk an. upper crust.
Cherry Pic—Une * ple-tln wHk
good emst. fill with pitted cherries,
sweeten with sboot two thirds Of
cupful of sugar, add sprinkle over It
so spoffnluls of flw.
In making a fruit pie always rei
her to wet tee odg*; of the under crust
before putting w tec top one. as this
win prevent tke juice from running.
Orange Pic—Cram (agvtbcr
Ublespoonfnls «of sugar and oa
butter, teen add tbr wcll-beatcn yoUs
of three eggs, the Juice and pulp of
two oranges and tao grated rind and
Juice of ope lemon: UMIy add
whites of Oie
bcafoa te a froth
and mixed In lightly. Bake with an
under cru„t m a hM oven.
nans Ple-Uac a picUa wite
paste, and bake In the oven; remove
Id slier In two small braanas. Make
cuMard with one pint of milk.,two
Ublrxpooofuto of flour or eorn-starcti.
tb<- .volk!- of two eggs, two UblespooD(uls of sugar and n little vanUla; poui
ibc cusurd over the bananas, rat

Don't wear ten hnir always ta tke
same style. A change ot and* to
Thr-halr sbooU never be dried be­
fore a hot fire. a« tee hcM impairs Its
vitality and may produce a severe
headache er a oMd.
Boat tie tee hair, or roil or twtot tt
in nay wiy U^Uy- This strains tee
roots of tee hair, nnd to very' InjuriPat a toespoanfol of nawnnU ta n
quart of waiM. wash your hnutoo
and combs ta this, and aD grnnn* and
dirt wOl dtoappenr. Rinse, ahnke and
dry ta the sun. or by tee Are.
Hair brushes moM be kept scrnpeloutly clean aad sbeold be washed
twice n weto te soft water. Do not
allow the backs of tbe hnuhe* to ga
teu the water. Be eoooeml-ml hto
give each member nf the ;aa.!l> n
comb aad balr brosh. this aboaM'
be nn imperative rule. Nothing to
more onnUgtoaa than dandroS end’
Bcalp dtonasna, and. asMe from the
aeanUness of •eparofle brashes and
combs this to reoMo eoeagh lor (heir
U tee heir to teln and dry rah wMl
wo or three times a week wite a mix­
ture of sixty groins of qatetoe to an
oanco of vaseline. For etannllDese
I tt onco or twide a monte wltk
good ur soap, and wipe occnstaMuIIy
wltk a damp towel.
CTeaaUnesa. vesUlatloff a^ fricUon
with a good brush or the finger eodn
are tbe essential needs ot tee hnlr.
Bee teu tee hair to shampooed (ecufarly and kept pmfectly clenn; this
vriU relieve much of tee tendency to
Do not nagloet teo-«Bd* ot tho hair.
They are too frequobUy ollowad to
«pllt. and this condlUra to o(tm tee
cause Of piwmaturo groyrara.
should be carefully examined, and at
tee least sign of splitting should he
properly staged er trimmed.
A Plate of borax In the water In
which the balr It washed'wlll colyeci
tbe musty odor which clings to hravy.
oily hair, hut do not o*e too mute.
Ammonfo wllTtp,^ ten fottr gray.
Do not tell to glvffMtenttoo to tee
hair at night.
Brash it thoroughly
snd braid It te a foora pUli betor* rollrteg. M Its beamy to to be pre­
served. It is ahMdulely necrasory to
keep tt tree from tanglet.
A almple way of making tbe balr
look thicker and heavier to ps follows:
After the shampoo.-aad when tee hair
to perfectly dry. ptalt H Into two ot
three braids. Have one Mrud small
and the other two laige; hroM fooacly; hold tec little strand tight aad
ptRb the other two Bp toward tee
head. This a-tll caos* It to form
large. oMurol wave*. Don't wear a
fit. They are wncleaa. keep tee scalp
too warm and often coaae the hair to
lit luxuriantly.

Order that Box of
Flowars here
We k«vc Ike varfetlee
Aa« we arc kcrc •»

Queen City

Rllph AfllOVflR. Ugr.

Fhoae43. 318S.UHM

Whit the Doctor Orders
That's wtert roe get If yeu I
More-JnM what the d
It dees not pra t
tor. we do not ei
pet up where teer* to ray queotloa as te me reltohUtty of tee serelco. We hire three competeut regtoterad pharmnetots. our prracrlptioB depsrtmrat to without questloe the beef equipped aad moM coevptot* te Nortbsra
We never •nnsttWU. LM u AH year

TraircsscClly*sLca*tau Dree Store

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