Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tlA« A YEAE. '



2,000 MORE

ny CMUiia CWk
Ccrp tAfcc-Kc" I" CtafRc
Hac Hari Job.


T*civ.> iboyaaad email moatb baw
ware ptontpd la
lake loday. tbe
home* Trarerw Oly Fly ramlog club ae
CiirloE Uw b«»» •“« Tony Uubha dbInf Iba plaollof Tbv club baa alao
M«urt-d an coo.lfuiwBt of larft
BtMilb baa* for Itar lake.
Oe lb» aator train roMlgBOirnla of
Mack baa* (or LAkc Ann. BM*ry lak*
nod other amall lakra In tbe rrfloo OOLB CAME FROM FIRST KLONvom abipped Tbe man In rbar*#
baa been ant t«a alfbu ^nAi Iba
baubary and a* yet baa not bad a
^Dc» to Bleep. It brlof lu-reeaary
lor blm to conatAWly look alter Ibe
tfea RfEi^ MjriMnt cl Oncenab.
ting Mar

t*rr or



•ttlwracBlarTbuiadBy Doc^day
' tof of tbe ofReera and cominHioeo of
tbe bard of trade today.
A«oa«( o0er tbinf* dlaenaaod vaa
tbe BoeedaJty at prompt layment of
darn by tbe mombera in order to aaet
tbe 'bafaaaary oporattsf eipobaea ot
-4bo board. A Toioaloer eommUiaa eenolKlBi of C. A. BufbM and A. B. Cartlk «aa appbtotad lo call apoa iba
■wmbeta and raoMra tbe doaa for tbe
•omlBf ye*r.
, Cboa. P. Bock. ehalttBaa oftBepnbHellyeonBiHtoerepaned that hie cum'biiUao had eomtdted a Hat pf boardtaf pUcoo that rould accommodate
l.«M more petaon* thaa had taoreio.
font been proridad ter In Travene
CMy'bbd elctblty durlof tbe eommer
aeaaab. and Mated that he eatlmated
, tbe tanraaaad tooelpia to tbla refioa
owlbf to tbla VouM be uparairii of
Tbe matter or entertatameal
tbe rUll of tbe Mllaaakea buai
•OB to Trareran City on June l, oao
dIOBBOaad and it vai decided lo aend
■eUeoa lo nmmliar* of ihr board of
trade and ropraBeamtlra boalaeot meo
.BM wmben, larlUaf oacb lo aerre
aa an aarort to oae of tbe viaitora.
Tbe Trarme City oaelBeea men «IU
»ae( the tnte at tbe Pore HarquMic
Bopet at R:U aad proeood at rare to
C. B. P. a hall Tbofo aoppar will be
aeread, «ad(,pofBbar epcorilBf a rio.
Bar. trim wIB be rewtlrad to pay T<>
caaU to peorMa aapper for bimeeir
•ad tor Iba rlMtor b» accnntpanler.
Aa Mormal yMapikm vtU bo firoa at the ball abd a auitablc program
nadorad. The aagt meraiag amtaao
Me toaiB win be prorUad.
rraak HuklltM cailad au<miloD to
tbe OM Beltleid' meetlag to be held
to Tiaaeiae City oa Juae • aad urg
od tba pmmbore of (be board of trade
to malm 8 a petal la attead tbo dinper botweoa 11 aad It o'cioek. Md aa.
•M to Making tbe ereat one of plraeare lo tbe old aetUm.
Otbor toatlora of awra or leaa Im-


BaBortag Htm Pma Bmw tomlaoe
Bwt Had a Natrow Escape tram
HaMi Wars# lajurtaA
WhUo Mark Craw waa loading
. traakaaaia hi* dray at the it. E N. K.
depot Wedasaday. be bad a narrow
eacape from rerr aentma Injurlea'and
- at It la, will be laid up tor two or
three days wttb aeveie b.-uliea.
Tbe iniaKo ware baary sample eas-


Riebard I. Mason and Miss Stella
Mitchell were uDllrd lu marriage at
t Wednesday evening at the taoroe of
the groom'a mother. Mrs. Stella Mason.
iUk i:ssl ElAtb street, the Hev J. A
I'atiby of the Cburcb o( fhtlii olftciBling Tbe young people Were at­
tended by Jobn Mason and MUs Hla
Mason, brotber and sUler of Ibo
Tbe twrrmony was a very i|ulH *1talr and waa wltnrHsee by only the
ImmedUie family Tbe groom is a
barber at Honor and they will lesve
for that place lomorrow to make their
home there. Both have a large num­
ber of friends lo wish them nothing
hut happiness.

June l.-Pre*ldenl
Taft at 3 o'ckKk this aftrmooa atarisd tbe AlBBkB-Vukon-PsrUlc exposltloe at Saallle. pressing the tolegrapb
key studded wttb gold raggets ftom
tbe first Kloadyke mlae.
rH-WILklAMb LlteL
HEAR- - Tbe president spoke hrIeS) wishing
Ibe fair suceesi. and expreaslag the
thought that It certainty would exploit
Ibe great region beyond the Rockies
Mrs. TafU the cabinet. dlplomaU.
senators, roprearnlatives, and delegales. were preseat.
Senator Piles of Waablngtoa
GOVERNMENT MU^T HAVE iTt apooded. aaytag: "I've been ron
■toned lo lender tbe president tbe alno-ra thanks of th# people of tbe Paclflc coast for Ibe honor be baa dune
us louctaUig the electric hey. which
unturia tbe flags of tbe exposition. Conditlona « .-eCleud Are Mure kerlou* than Vaalerday—Baltimore
This exposlllon will give an occular
A Ohm fdacMnlite Were Or*
demonslrsltoa that an empire has
dered Out Today.
grown up In n wlldeioea* In leer
Ti yearn.Andeiaen intimated today llul b<PblUdriphla. June : -Tbe subway
wost tolerate any deUy in the paaaand elevated railway emplu.we were
BB libel caw. Tt»e gorrmoieni
orden-d out today, tying up all the
Aiular«m, who wa* bearing
trarikm lines. After a d-lay. strike
the proceedluf*. I" ronnivi- Ihr bVa-a
breakr-re. with a beaty poll re guard,
praprletora. Smith and Willlattit. lo
moved a fi-w trains, trai there was
tbe Wrtrlrt of I’olambta for irUl. The
grest danger on acruust of the strike
rmueated line lo hrlrg
breakers' liiexprrlriu-e,
tmportaai wltaeaa to court and
Kioilng was ft-siimed and Ksllors
AoderaoB replM that Ibe goyeraneol Qream Is SupaMniendent of Sd
wbo boarded a airike-treaker*- mAu
should be ready.
Bed nir yelled “arab " A pollcemn or­
and Bride Oaughler of Paoplt
Judge Anderaon tbla afiamoon rondered quh-C and Ibe allerrallon re
took PrMidaiH.
llnued the Snlth-Wllllani* extradluoa
suited In a riot wllb the firing Of
rhm the
several sboto Tbe navy yard <na
Kalkaaka. Mlrh., June 3-M.»s rlne* restored order.
Ruth Bowermaa and Prof. Frank Jen
Hundreds of sperial pbllcriiien are
seu were united In luarrlagc b>-e>- being Bwoni In In an effort lo pro
en-nlng. Ibe cerrniouy. which o«rur. levl Ihe l.3<il' strike breakers and
iW at 8 o'clock. Ubing plate ?i Use run ..IV cars. Tralilc Is badly run
home of Ibe bride's parents. Mr. iiid gesied
Mrs. O. B. Howrrnian. Tb>- wedding
Today nearly'no persona were taken
was very qiiicl. Ibe rvremoiiy belug
perrnriDHd by Ihr Rev. Mr. Mains, (cs to huspllals ds a result of the riots
It I* Inilmaird Ibat (be power bouse
ijy of Ibe Mftbodl.i church.
areon-ii nitl be called out.
Tbe groom is itu- superinlendn
1 or strike breakers charge the p»
Rasort spaelaie wAii Bagla to Leave (bf schools beie and bis bride Is the lire with rank brutality and Intend to
»t. Uuli on Juno E Arriving
daughter of tbe president of the IVo- apjteal 10 the people in mas* nmolHero tbo Neat M«mlnRplas Bute hank. Both are very pop­ ings.
ular and^te man) friend* to
Weraa at McClaud.
A chaage of time will go inlr. eBr« them iMcb happiness.
BlsiOD. Cal. June 3—Condition* at
oo Iba Pere HarquHle on June d.
McHoud are more aeftoua today aa
the cb^ea being at follows;
r happy couple left li
a nwull of Ibe lumbermena' strike
No. 1. aortb booad. which Mop* for Traverse L'lly, and from Ibere they Telegraph and lelepbon* wires are
here now. will arrive at 1:03 p. m. go to Mrrrs and Kart, laier returning rut sod tbe alrtkers marched to a
after remaining to mimitrs for lu Torch lake, where the* will spend mill yesterday armed and droir awgy
dinner will go on earth aa tar ae Bay
the workmen before Ibe troop* ar
rived. t'HIxelis are protecting their
Na. S, Bortta bmtaE which arrives at
property with guns, and the strik­
C:M and formerty reaulaed bere for
ers are parading and cnreatenlog their
rr. wtll leave at C;SS. a* a buSei
sad parlor car will be carried.
B. A O. kirik*.
No. I. soatb bound, will ron Irotn
Baltimore. Jane 3 —The Internation­
Bay View lo Grand fUplde, arriving
al niacblnins union today ordered a
bero at t;U and Iraviag at S;SD p. m.
georral siclke of the Baltimore A
tbe aupper stop being made at Baldunio railroad marhIoUta
Was Dim af the Most Pranvlncnt a*
No. «. toutb bound, which no* ar­
WsaKhy ReatdanU of Alpenarive* at 3:Se p m.. will arrive at &;2:>
and will edrry a cate car and a parlor
(By United Prets.)













awrson tt With Iba Rooaavtll Party
In Africa—kaya
He's BeUtr
Known In Curopa than America.
New York. Ju^S.-RootoVeli deoli-B an editorial In today 's Onilook
> Ibe literaiy proweaa of WorrlBg<n Dawaoa, United Press correspond­
ent with tbe BeoaeveH bunting party.
. Rooeevelt declares that' Oawscto'a
two ae* book*, 'Th* Bear." and “Tbe
Brourge." deal IbteraatlBgly with VIr
giiila life, but are known only in Bu
nrpe. He sB>t It I* strange Ibat
Amerk-an aulbor slionld be bailer
known In Kurope lUan In hU

Purthas* Wa* Made bv W. W. Smith.
Manager of the Hannah A Lay
Flour Mill.
Tbe biggest value of any single load
ol wheat ■•rver brought to this market
was r.-iAesenlrd in Ibe purchase tnade
by W. W Bmith. mansger or the Han­
nah A Lay flour mill (mm F. Lautner.
Tbe load consisted of 82 bushels of
wheat at 81.40 per bushel, a tot.
ThI* Is an niuslralkm of Int value
of wheat to tbe Grand Traverse taitol tbe present Itme. Mr. Lautner
le of Ibe most wealtby and progressitr farmers lo Ibe Grand Trav­
erse refioo sod this record load of
wheat It worthy of special mention.


Yeung peoples’ Boclety Christian Cndeavar Had a Plaaaani Tima at
First Congregational Church.
Asked for a Drink of Water and Oled.
—Aecidehl OcBurred at Hi* FAth
About everything that one rafl do
are Portable Mill. '
Ith peaouf* was dote at Ihe peanut
aity given by the First CungregatUmManlsire. Mlrh, June s-MIke Ky _l V F. fi C E. Tin-sda.v iiighl in the
cB|>r. aged *3. of Pri-esoil. was killi-d rtanreb parlors, about .tv attending.
ycit-rday aReriM>on\ by lalllBg on a Peanuts were played with and Ibeii
cirv-Blar saw in hUTatber'a poitabl.-' eaien. the young people finding much
mtniilll at Claybnnk Creek, wit miles
•emeBt In playing progressive
,st ut Msnlnee.
peanui* and nt.ber peanut games ReKycape -juiupi-d over the rurriage iO firjfbnie’Ms ol'pick­
fix the gasoline engine aad fell* on les and aalied peanuts were lerved.
Ibe aaa wbich cot his body lbr\<ogh The eutertalomvut runim'iUee wes
te bean He fell bark. s*k<A for roDposed ol Ollter Wateri, Gra>e
water add died.
Lucas. Evelyn Hammond and Mabel



Glen Arbor. Mk-b. June 3.-Tbc
OLNEM OF kItTERk PREVENT­ old hotel tnrmerly owned by James
Meriill of this place has been com:
pleiely renovated by Mrs Walbet.
and Is DOW fcnoqn at Walker's bin.
Mrs. Walker for many years operated
Walker'r Inn at this place, and when
ibe purrbaard tbe Merrill bolel »bo
gave up the old building and pul all
ber eoergltaelnto uaaklng ol tbe bo­
lel a desiral^ place for acmaar
Priest Oaelaraa That Pira Waa the
Walker’s Inn Ito* S3 rowa. and th*
Work of An Incendiary—AtiUr
entire building bas been renora'cd
kaundad Flro Drill and Chliend btted up with every convenli
dran Marched Out.
large influx of summer vtailme It
expected. •
UrtruK, Mlrh. 'June 1.—Castmlrs
parovbial arbool waa partly burned to­
day and Ini-endlarisoi Is suspected.
Nearly buo ctalldron escaped as a resuit of tbe rdoloroa of tbe elsters,
wbo railed a lire drill as soon a<
fUiue* were discovered under the
itoirs nn ibv second floor.
Fhlber Uulowsbi declares ibaj Ibare
ire indk-siiuns tual oil bad bred scatN« COMPLETED FOR NEW
Irred, bul Ibe Janitor Ibluk* tne fl
wa« from :pontau<-»u* cvnibuslion.
-Aa Ih^^lre drill gong sounded, i
cblldreu hurried down Ibe lire esrapet
oot of doors Just tbe f1am>-s burst
roaring furnace. Oor child i
sligblly injured while burrylng out
Tbe school Is located tn the Polish
district, and the parents were dUlrari
ed until they saw tbeir cblldren were
•inn* Ehow a Bsaullful and Cnmnw
diaus Ruildlng modem In Every
DetsU—Architect F. E. Moora
Mad* th* Plana.'


No.'ll, norlh bound, will be cbvigrd
> No. T aad will run'^ aa (ar aonb a*
Rapid City, laaesd of Petoskey. leavand wesllhiesi urn. autrided
lag here at 8 a. m. and arriving at
tog biM. One truak wae ehoeed a 111thr Turtle Lake club house today with
Rapid City at r a. m. It will reliira as
Mo toe far coto tbe drey, eauslag
Ko. gt and wtll arrive bere at t;t1
Mark to fall orer backward onto tbe
ptaltordAotte leg being otsr tbe beary
of tbeae trains nr« dally exrt pi flsfa. Hr waa suffering tivin iU health
aguaro-timkof at the edge and tbe
and drapoadrncy hut the suicide
traiBk tailing oa tbla A enrere brulee
unexpaeted. He was unmarried
JuM When the rummer schedule r.ill
<n bit right ibtgb aad aratber betow go inio eBrrt U aoC known a.: yet. hnt was «| years old
tbe kaea were laBletet sod be bad to
(be advance tourist cralas wtll lesve
be taken to hU bone.
Bl. Louu on JuDe k. 13. " and it,, ar­
Oaly by bis qaleka-v. la dodging riving heie tbe next morning and run­
. aa be fell saved bln tivai mrlklng ble ning thfounb to Ha) Vfhw.
RebsH Edwards of the Hannah A Uy
bead aa tbe amall ptaifaru track, la
Mercantile Co. Will Probably Oo
whteb case hla Injurie* would have
to PMoakey for Summer.
batn marb aoro aeriou* and poaaUily
Maaealons Will oo So oa th* Saeond
Robert Bdwards. who has been In
end. Third Of July.
ir rlMhing department of tbe Han­
. At a buslaras men's meeting In lb<
Hancebma opera bouse, it was decided nah A Lay Merrsniilr nrm|ian)'s store
levrral months, has resigned bis
posHlon and win take a week's t
a M Nat Attampt to •eeond aad third.
Hr. Edwards has not yet decldtA
In this meeting offlrera were elertsbrrr
hr will lorjie. but be may go
ed and rommiiiee* appolnied lu carrp
> Petookry.
>M the work and give a good ilm>'
Mr. Edwards <«mr to thU city from
Manerioaa. Mlcto. June g—0«y verybody. Athletic lealures wUI
tamdon. England, tbtrr years agOABd
■toke of ua ptaoa. wbo waa iwat. ibe principal drawing card.
»y arreatsd cm tbe charge of forgery,
slDCe bU resldeacr In this rlly has
apptarad lor esaailnatkn at Bellalre
made a boat of frtrnds wbo regret
yeotaidaj IIU bead was placad at
Nairobi. Jane g.—Raosevelt paid a bU depanure. He bas become a gen­
•IBMt aad ibo MaaSaatloD was ad- farewell call lo Ooverwnr Jackson to­ era] favoriir In musical circh*s. aad
tounmd aaiU Juer r He did am ae- day. tbaaklag him for his beapitatity. has been teem- aotolet at tbe Pint
Tomdhrii be staru to Stolk to r*.
•OffMkuial ebnreb. Ito wtB be
kls hau.
traally mUsed la 'be <4ioli. *


Quint Vfadding was I

Arebiteci F E Moore baa tbe tdans
for Ibv new l.adlea' IJbrary building
nearly rompleied. and it Is expecli-d
that In about tbrni weeks Ihe OMI-avt win be awarded.
The building U to be 42x61 toel In
dimensions, w.iu a lufool baseiuroi
ilory and 13 foot first story. Tfaa first
floor will be elevated sl» feK from Ibe
ground. The building Is lo be of ronrrete with brick foundation, with a
brick boIWa wall abute. fared WltA
No. 1 paving brlrk. laid partially with
regular and partially wllb FIviDlab
bond. It win be trimmed wllb ap­
proved ligbl colored stone, with a coim
pohltloo tar and gravel roof.
The interior will be Bobvlied in o*k.
wllb hard mapi* floors, and plaalvted
wllb hard plaster. Tbe nmln enirenre
win be at the center front ot the
building, laading up three Aeps te
tbe entry, entorlng lb* veallbule. Ib(u
there will be a flight ot step* U
first floor aad to the bssemeni
Ur right. Tbe Main ot tbe flrat floor
will coma to (he Ikodtag vesiibulo.
from wblU entranew I* mafic (o tbe li­
brary and parlor.
tbe front of the building oS tbe
parlor will be a commiuec room.
feel. whlcfa,oprbs through a 13-fo«
arch, with column* on each eld*. At
(be front of tbe library will b* a almiir alcove pxl2 in alxe.
The library will be on Ibe Crighl aa
one entura on tbe iwnb aide, and ibU
be 16to*38H in use, wUfa a Ito
12 foot opeelog leading laio tbe par­
lor. which will be 23HX3JH
*!*•' ^
handsome brick mamel wUI be a pan
Ihe mtertor flnlsblng of Ibl* r
Tbe reillagi ot 1^ parlor aod Ubrsry will be faesvVIy beamed. Tbe
dining haU wilt he S6Hx33H
alxe. On the aculh sideUff the 1
; wilt be the Inrnace room. ISx
«3H The klnhen wll^ epo be la tbe
bav.'OW-Dt. and ibe ulvaloi-y.
Thr furnace''(Oou. Will be entirely
sut rounded by n .-silld brick wall, aad
especial pxias will be taken tr
rircngtbcn (he flo..r under the librar)
large eatraiicv at lie Weal end of
the burment Is provided wbub will
tn- Used for bringing In all suppikrt
thus keep the main enirance tree
from thix The.entire building will
iborougLIy piped and wired for gas
and electricity, and (be buildlag
bnated by a hot all furusce. It
a mndern and neat home tor
Ladies' Library asaoclatlua.



Roosevelt Will surt tar Thera To­ Mrw. E. O. Barnes MakeFsRaal C
morrow te Resume HI* Hunt—
Han of Oly Hu*Hf
ViaH Kljabe Mtselen.
Real eeiale men ot ihJ’ctly bate
feminine rivaL Mrs. E. a Ba-nes
Nairobi, Jane 3 —Thr Room r<-It wbo ba« been in the real'eatate btnlparty L-ft this morning oi a apetlal Itesi for Uie last live yoars. and is do­
train fur Kljabe. to alies noritasesL ing a thrivlag busloew. Tbe aw^d
They a III viAt the misskm and to­ lertt of May Mrs. Baraes acM
morrow will start toward Beiik and oimrs aad tms. and last week aa 88.hunt in Ibe Lambwa district.
ao farm passed tbrongh her hands.
have aeeompanM, the party W She M tbe cnly real .estate woman in
cteR's invUatiHi.
tbe city.

and Prank Carver, city member* of
(be board or superviMrw and John
Ander.son of Green Lake, went lo
Copemlsh IVedaesday to look over Ibe
roads there. From then- (bey went lo
Manistee, and aiwnt a day
ing over the road* leading lo tha
City to see what Msnlsu« coaaiy ba*
apltoked under tbe conaty roads



’- ►


Every Cattag* at th* ReM Ha* Bsna
Retrtad fee th* Beaaan aad Oto
Outtook I* Best n Evar
Has Been.
James 8 Bberman. viae priridiM at
Ibe Unued Btatea, aad family. wBl
■ivead the summer at Ne-alua-waaia.
One of tbe CDtlBaaa owaed by J«toM
K Furman bas been rentod for Ma
season and tbu U rapidly being gailea intn shape (or Its iliriiir»l*W

Just when Mr. Bbarasaa or hM tomlly will arrive le Dot baown. but H M
thought that ^bay wlU ba bere atom
as lb* work on tbe ralta^ ts balpff
rushed. Mr. Sbonnaa win not arrived
anyway until afier'the ckwe af coagreaa. bul bis family stay preoeod bu*.
Tbe outlook at prwsent I* tbid Naab-u-w*Bla will bare the beat aaasoa
In Ms history. Bvery rotlagv -at Uu
K son baa been rested far 4be eraron. II Is staled, and tbmw am aMa
lies lor beaklaga a*

onaldtrabi* IndignMian In tb.'ltolfto
berheed Ovm- tha Msttoc—Trawbl* May Fella**.
Sotaa mlscresM eaterwk (be pM
r noermaa Delmoat ot OarflaM «
sbJp Monday algbtRBdBM—dla'
valuabi* cow. Tha udMl wiM
coverMl by Hr. BcnlL wbo bat <to
of .oe herd, tbit BOtfliaf, and a
found was still watto. abowtog .
(be poison had b
a abort time before.
A veterinarr sargnaa' waa swmiDoaed from Trarera* CMy.flad • float
mortem beM on tbe aalmnl, pokim
being found In tbe riototab. Aa aMdbe made (a datiiiMai «ba
kind used. . craon* Uriaff to «ba
aeigbborbood are uitdar suiptctoM.
Tbere 4s especial IndlgwaHaa oear
tbe mauer as Hr. Detmoat Mat AM
wife but iPo woaka ago and tt aaaatod
as tbougb be had ml*tonaa«i aaaaML
Tbe (act (bat (bere ar* p*o^ who
would uke out tbeir aplu 00 a datob
beast alib arouse* Indigaattoa. V (ba
guilty ones are determiaad. (bl» w«lM

Went to Jail to Visit Him aad •
iir* WIfa Fbung a Fll* aito
Cass Kn-ra.
Bellalre. Mlcfa.'^ae E—Mrw.
Vannlmaus. wbo 1* m tb* eoaaty Jail
charged wllb larceny, can* lo tba
Jill asking to see ber bashsad. Bbar18 Kittle, knowing (bat Hr*. TantoMre. Kittle to seareb tbe WOM
le-furc Ictiing bvr ritli bar hwshsad
I'pun domg so there was totmd a flt
I caae knife ip lb* womasY Mnel
leg Sbejs jii the lock np Sow alia.

Alden Lady Hatehad 0« Thbfllid toto
On* HaK Fowl* from a kattli^
•f ThIrtaMi CBfl*.
Thlricwn abd onebalf ^iPkew* trato
; eggs I. tbe rrsnit «f Mrs. V. C
Tyler, of AMen, raporis from a sX- '
ing of eggs wblcb she puntoaaed from
W B Nelson of Ibis etty. Mrs. Tyler
rts that every egg hatebM aat
oae cbicken M bUased with aaar
Mr. Ketaoa autea that If Mr*. Tfller U able to ralaa tost
-hlcken ebe wtii gM a fancy flrteadpr
him. aa saeb freaks rarely Ui^ B*
tea tost be saw a fdWM(«gtd ajeto
Ibat eras valued at SCkl. It was m
eibiblUoa at tha Horibrna Miebiffb
powJtry show, -aad toaafl paot^ wto
remember the t


tontse Benli rrSS

U dlMeiUt

lUp. but^I iAobM
dOrfB* BMch M I CBS to bolp
IhO rood Uad* Btaeg b^ appransg (•
lb* paUlc BM to eoBdMB tb« VbOtB



RwMt Hae Raeaiead Bad Net
from Beathern indianp—Wat
Fahnor Btata Qeeto«lac


eqnare d«
«t B sqas
Btlar palB snd dlstre
S. a Wail A Sens today aod
bew at Sl-oci-a tnldeft.
gel a .d) cent bos
tbe great preerrtpiton tor Indigestion
and stomsrb trouble^.

mmj ba fasad «hlrb li oot to
aUta «{ partly wbleb ibe puMte d«-

J. C. Bank, of this cllr. bat received
word (hat hto fraadrather J. J. BuaL.
BWBdB. M ihr propla rlrr tholr
Maaea la Iba trade and let tbeai Ot aouthera Indiana, bad died cadde.n.
r 1 oclork Moodar moratof. J.
Iboae Booda whkb tbr> do
M. KuBk, of Qraao. aon ot J. J. Bonk',
not VBBt to parebaae. br iBiperiioB of
left tor lodtona realerdar.
or tbe tobol.
Mr. Bonk was M r’^rs old aa
It ran tblBli thla totter *111 be ot
Bumber oi yeara aaa slate sroloclsl. Hoadredi
benoflt to |he trade. I aball be verj
p to (he time of his rteatt. be sat Shelled
atod to bare roe puwtoh it.
Beld depiny ter (be BmlUisOBUn
-H. W. WJLB^-.“


^ aWSii-::

Tak.- on... or ir your sofferlog
ioten.e, two tablets witb or after
»esU and at the end of 10 days, if
ou oob'i eat a square mral wiiboui
Istresa. go to 6. K. Walt A Sons aud
That's where the aquan- deal conwHc

Rich Men’e Cifti Are Peer
besid.- (bb.:
i tfut m go on record
4 as se.vlug ibal l .egard Klecirl,4444444444444444 lera ss on.- of tbe gt»-atest glfis
Ing bitoe Ml-ona
Orava, Hleb.. Jnee
Mr*. BunsI.
» rltee Mi>
O. RhlneiBuli. o! Vestal Cemer. N. V .
t qui<-k and positive action ol
-i. T, C.. Viltlng Co............................M BBd Mra. Hlakk-r. of Traveiee
, -I .-an Bet .-r furgel sbsi It bs> dime
>a on Ibe siomarh In Otre of gav.
Cllr. dfove out ‘nursdJir aad spent for lu.-.' Thin glurlcu. tnedlrlne gives
•brsKb. ..our rtuniaib jvid heart
.a women bur»sm spirits, vigor of
’ -0> K.V BV OR. WILEV.
(be dar with Mra. Prlestler.
Is worth a lot ot luon.-y tu any
It qulrklv
OMFUtB M>:"M but pOOThr iDtOnUKd
Mr. aad Misl O. Teamvad and ebU- body and Jubllsni hesllh
cures Nervousaesii. Bleepl.-sxiiess. «■ ‘
Moat Products.
ib« oMBtrr b»w »«»4- dren, ot Beltner. spent Sur.dar
alicbuly. ileadsch.-. lUcluiHie, Fall
WIMtlr or vfti-fl-wtt* «0M the caB- iBg Mrs. OoMea.
Uig and Dlixy
Dliiy Spell.: soon build, up »wATnd belteri.Vr'ib"
I trl.-d diflereM
k. ailing and sic kl.v, Ti v thc-ni
mim burUMM b «TMt Jalmj7- D.
PuaenM services ter ^Ma. Frleud tbe weak,
wllhc.iii r

S= «, \\ali
Wall «
ft &u.;.
Sons, 1^'
r a
A Hug
or liiioiu
f rumpleli'ly
tW *0»u (MX* <n»4B. wbleb
VaaUorB was held Bandar slteraoon
. Haetisb * l^y.
ted B iBMln* «Caet br tb« lotroduo- at tbe Oraaa M. K. choreb, lae Rev.
Mi-ona i< sold by
leading drug
tka « rsrx>at utarwrdt tor tbr pM- J. PrlMtler otartottiiB. Tbe foaeral
was-tte torgeel ever held here. Tbe 4
Boral Cribelee aere tosar and beanh- 444d«ddddddddd«
I BWClM M to I
lias were told to re
The prireof pulsitkHv sluiupiHt agi
Maple Orovr enoeterr.
yewlerday. and now ihe' prire is I
TRb Mbiag IHMIMW U OBf ot ib«
Dr. C. A. Clark and D W. Rori
ir. snd bci c-DlH. sill) iiu
■MB tavortBBt la Uw eMiaur- R»bt aere Traverse City rallers Tueeder.
Cortw ralarrh ur moivev back.
Jugening tenter lods.v^he ree.-l):is for
Looking One’s Best,
bar* la Travarao CHjr it M aa lapoitMr. and Mra. William Krumm are
te-wllK-itlii. OMB|ile(ei.'otfli.iorlo.liu.
n't a woiuan's d.-Ilgfal lu I
ted to ?<i kMj.. but
M tMUr aa dartag Iba aaoBoa troai ependiBB a tea dsrs la Traverw Cliy.
■ 'ur#L k^anUiOluuPOu Druggin.but pimple., skit, eruptloi
Oeroads Crandall nade a businesa
rob bf.' v.r lev
best ot nvndlllnn. l>nlalueN li
llci.-klen'. Arnica y____ _____
t fliOf -that but trip to Traverse Cllr Batutdar.
coadltKui will p.u brleg over C
tiuikes ibe^Kkiu soft uij v.-lv.-ic
I. baaaa, Bad odw;r num
Tbe BradeatlBB exereiaHa a
......Oe In ■
today, and to rcVnln » a more pn
Hi at food |u lea* bt v
biid at tbe cberck pyidar evealBB,
conditlou. ol a uic.ruag--. .made i
Jane tib. the
by Karlin and Sadie I
dHtBlB Dalu.
happed Hand.
r (luiw dc-e.-ascHl
Wle., r:.<- si
A Sous.
Wbat la tnw «t Tratreroe Cltr to Pearl Reynolds. Btoacb Surbuck aud
. upon
trna ot mar otter oUtoa and loeaii- fraaces Wllltolna.,
I quari.'
Tbe Rev. t. aad Mra. Prl(*#tl(.y aen(Ifteeb tl'I.
>wa.*bip twenty.*!*
ttaa and M atone aCaeU tbe tobbrera
norUc. range .
eaJled to Aldea FVIday to attend tbe
and mven, bat tbe
Janusry S. n*ii2. recorded IIn oElee
fuaeral ot Mra. Jesae Bordfe, retura«dl Oaanad Booda an
■swlrwwoily -■oat etWT peiaoBY dtot and wlt^Bl Int bome Saturday.
eouDly. AlicUsao. Januarj 1.1. m:. I
of mortgage-, .m page 4(1:
Miss Ida Uarber aaa a Tra
tboa, R votUd be iBipeaalbli
The said Bvortgage will be tereeloae
City caller Balurday.

vMa a varied diet
■ ■■
above desc-ribe.1
The Misses May and Mnrtarat Meiwr of I
Ik. WUer to «eU fenotra ail
latoab wtra Trarerae City eallera Fri­
the city of Trave
OMbT aa a pare lood expert, beace
Mlrhlgan. ai two o'clock p. a.
JULY 17. 19M.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Palmer were Travon% hundred seventv flve
erne Cliy callers Tuetday.
lU" .,.::..3si dollar., Mr. sad Mrs. J. Fletcher left foi
rUliiied to be due at tbi.
g.-h.T with eleven and IMIhI i»u.4:>
CblCBBQ. Frasy. abere they expect t«
dollar, tor laaes paid on said premlik.-tocatB perataseatly.
vlereat thereon, with Interest on
Baltudty was potato day la Qraan.
hole amount from Ibl. date ai
8«e of tbe fannera boldlOB their
per cc-nt, pe> annum, and Itirlu.I
Ing tbe costs and eapeore. allowed by
peiatoee for tl a bushel acre glad lo
♦ ♦4♦♦4 4 444444444

;r*L. i




Deere’s Michigan Special
It will My yon well lo extoailne tui- m|ow
ctorctolly before baying any oibcr.
Specitol Fenlttress~WfouKbt .siaj
Bich CatboB HU*-1 Beam, Soft C«nf r Stool MouVlUmrd.—eat­
er Iftytr will c nl glaaa. FjU St(«el Jointer StBodatd asd Foot
in oM piece. Kgtra Heavjr -Liititor Clamp ami Rbck. *»»—1
W^l Slantlaril. Lan>e Wheel. ..Long ilamllea Well BibooiI,
Cbilksl ^ Stoel LamlBiile witb .\djuBtaUe Shoe, l*. 13 <w 14
inch, wiile or narrow, plain or cutter pointe.

We bolb hMc 11 yon Go not boy a John Deere

HWMEI Farmer’s Supply Co.





the dtotovtof totttr <4
ntapd jeeda to o| aapeelal Utereat
■Mahtogtoa, a C.. Mar 1. IM*Hr. Walter A. rwat,
*S WabuD Ara., CUeaBe. la
ttoor mi rteat: I hare often r»
wotted’ the toBdeertaat tojnrr nrbleb.


Sunday June 6
Saginavr & Grand Kapils

sell tbeni at a Bach tower rate per

1 artier^ InpIrtoB
tenilrx! T tttok I can eBfelr aar uiat.

Trsiii will lp«Te Traver»o City at
G.OO a. m. Ketamine, ieei-e Saginaw at GXtO p. m.

. lahlOB Uio al.dt uiatl.-r "t '.'oil'll
•pitto luB>.-ttor. tovidlie^ b.'ii.
IwiiiA biJlr a» aa<?wut.'i>

w. J, AlkiBi aorkid u
hi. .m. at Banaer Bprlncs. Tepu
ex^ure gave him a severe cold
settled OD hU luags. At last be
Blve up work. He Hied manv
SB hot all failed unill be used
iBb New Disco.......................

u..aU per

dBRlMe <4 tkm er..'r routuui wij edM.aahatiBiiM vbatetor,
■4 Wthapd a UUto aau -a •ii«:..r.

thtoh tm teat eoiAt to he edi njeen
hart to WQi* as well aa ever." f
^•owat 1 do not tootode la
fs-. Hemorrhages,
M4 mmtM. anMat ahtoh have net
ig Cough get quick
how ntirlHiad. tor la sock arttotoa
— ----------cure from thi..
BMdprwttidB aia. oRoa oaiptoyod.

id hot Ihtok tta great caaatoc trade
dbpaid nmm heeaaae aatA as laalr 5^ A toma. c. A. Bugbee Drug Co,
idIWBt tea PM* la oither Being ar-



of the

aiBUd apoa the tohaL Boyecs at can.
MX gooda therahrs have a eerU-n
wkhad Of proteettag____________ __

Clk Rapids Has

Immb eteak. per lb




Cl^.tapidB has dedaltMy decided
to has* « big Foorth ot July eelebra-

■fcaalty yitht to regard to tte eumpoaldoa «( aaeh arttotoa. of
BamecaanadBOedBareofbetter quail-

TIM Bkoc Stole c«
nesecMtost Stotorday.
Out force ol stoics
people eotoM Bot wslt
oto otoc-Ptoll ol the
^crowds. Supply your
shocBVtootSDowat tke


______ _____ boi
Doan's Regutots
la a moot drfunaeaa erne aw to Uaroi- Cists.
tal to Um trade. I am. aa you know,


a haltoTw to eaanad poods and to tt*

2 JonRaa

k for Alton's PeelAaM.

aa anil aa aa

HL Phone 1141

bate Court for the (Ininly «>:
Grand Traverse,
At a sea.Ion of said court held M
the I’robat.- offic.- In the City cvf Trac
erw City, In said county, on the Sotl.
day of May. A. 11., DIW.
ivres.-ni: Hon, Frtvd tL Walker
Judge of I’rqhal.-.
lu till- mailer of the eMate of Jatne8. I.anison. dec eased. Abel I.. Kimbbhaving Ricsl in said court hU i«-iiri«n.
Jiraying for lU-eli.e to .ell »i prhabsale Ibe inii're.1 of said dale In c
lain real .-state therein deserilKd.
U la ordered ’hat Ihi- IT-h day «r
June. A U- iyo!<, at lu o'NtK* In th
Tor»-uoon. at said VroIicUe orflc-.-, bIs hereby appoint.-d fur h.-ariii;;
potlllon. and that all perrons ii.
:ted in raid estate aii]H-ar te-forcouri, ui waid time and plae.-,
fShow cause wbv a liivnse to sell
I Interest of luvld estate in aald n.-al
'tale sheiuld mn b.- gtant-d:
It la further oid.-ivd. lhat publictiotiis- thereof lw“ glu-n hy puhlirji
(Hon of a of ibis ord'-r. lor tim-sut-c-c-aslv.' w.'.'ks previous lo said d
of bearing, in the Grand Trav.-n.- H.
aid. a u.'Wspaper pcinted and eirc
laird in said couir v.
FIlKIl H. WAf.KEn,

Wc have been handling Farm Iqiplenieni. in a'-vrb^ei.alc- way for

CUMno*s WatkAUe Siits.
Dmws BBd Koapen
Aihtker Ltt Jict fteedeed
Children*0 Droagei. 2 to r. «n.


The rewag met and aomea at tae
gradaaUBf eUas will tev^loag leeeoo to toara after sAooTiaya are

Ofaildroo’B Rompera, 1 to 6
rwn. ewTite
Bos't Suito, 2 to G jtt. M
MiBBea Jnmperg, .2 to 14 jn.
liiBSW India Linon Brea ea

«*te. BBd tte tom way lo leant ttU
toaooB to lo beglB now. Open a bank
Boeouai and decide to odd to it at regalar latervals. eay each week or each
month. Aceouatf of one dollar or more
Bra aeleomed by thto haak. No bettor
WatoBtlDg gift than one of oar aaviBge pass books.

I [ivTTVir


Foote &Coddinglon

C TATE OF JlinilCAN. THE !’R<>

A little talk about Farm Imple­
ment buying for farmers

•ad good^ooatala aftidetol eoton. a

OtoiWaB laoesaa. i thtok It to a btosototo and a htaaatog abk* to not la dto-


Dated April ir.. A D
lAll'lS U. WIU.IHO
Eveeulors of the last Will and Te.Ma
m.-m of Delia S. Tucker, decuased.
GI'Y M W!i.SnX.
Attorney fnr MorigBgec. Flint. Mich
Apr. 23-Fridays to Juli- IS



All deposits made in our Sav­
ings Department during thew.days will start to draw three
per cent interest from the first
day of the month.

The lime to start a SaiHngs account is now
and with any amount from one dollar an<^
upward. Our Savings books contain the
Uy Laws in English. Bohemian and Ger­
man. The one peculiar advantage of
- these books is that they become as valu­
able astbe depositor makes them.

In Northern Michigan


> Oxford



Globe Dept. Store


that aomu paopto obtato that an can-


Roand Trip Fares to
Maskegon and Grand
To Saginaw. tt.«t

We tore In a posllloa
lo ptoy blghcsl markel
price lor ony qatoPtlly.
Gel oar prices before


aa Day on Which to Ohaarva tha Fourth.

tioo. BBd to axpectlag a reeord-brvekaXaawter, and that to to look at the
tog crowd. Saturday. July S. to tbe day
MhoL When ae vosMsr the
and thla will be ftUl of eveora
_____ RaftheoaMagladnairy to the
tiPtothe toatealBle aattl tote at nlghL
^Mtotng pnblte, tt appears to cue
A aamber ot tbe bualaaea men. i< to
thM ae oBfb. to tme every
bavo gotlea ttgetber voder
fhAMSSr to trf tte minds of

trtllH dh.-rsXhaUaBnatan] and
•ary *oui<;qu<-ii«oj bat the

BBCDB, per IB .....



awR of AgrtoNttars txruia
■Odon. nay be tmed to teods togally.
kvetd..! thetr ptSBCMe to ptoialy

Pere Marquette



ov.T three.years bow. snd when we find tbe mimber of hand* sn Implemebt has got to go through h'.-for.- It retches the (arnirr and Ibe
number ofprogu that it ha* lo’pay berause of th.-(act.lha: tbe retail
dealer buying Itaplement* on lime ba. to pay me manufsMurer from
8 lo 10 per cent more for the goed* provided be

ihem on time.

We believe, that Ih.-r- L- a larg.- class of farmer*, that would only
be too glad lo buy their. iBipb-mem.* on egac-ily the same t.-rm* athey sell tteir potatoes, for .pot cash, that Is the class of trade we
wish to secure.

Vt have ibe Pnest line of farm ImplemmiiH (here Is

In any one eJ^jbUshment In Xorth.-rn Miehigaa.and by selling them
for cash, we can lake advantage of all the rash discounts aad make
you prlcTi that will aaionlsh you.

All we gsk la tor you to come tu

our warehouse and look over our goods.


Among other thing* are wish lo call your




Wagons, which arc perfectly satlataciory In every reapecL They have
wood whcelA wood tongue, and wood boaea. otterwUe they ara made

Trimmed in PereiBO Banda.
Child's White DiesM
Emiuw Style, .f to « ym,
OhUda aed MiaeB Uaer,
obeoked and Btripid gingham
H to 14 yean and aariow
other Btyleo.

Cbl gecsiw nnl (Met


entirely of steel aad we wili guarantee them to carry a load of
tba. without injutr to any part of them.
Among other thing* wi? have ara Spring TDOlti.'Reg


rows. OnlUratora. Mower*. Reapers. Binders and Hay Rak^ \V- also

The Leading
Shoe Store

Traverse City

Northern Uichigan

have tbe best Maanra Spreaders, that are on tbe mark?
:et tiday.
When IB Traverse City, call at our

place of kustora*. Bay and

I'BlOB Sts, and -If la Bfd of anytUag before. i»rreepOBd w lib o. We
also carry a Urge line of repalra ter tte machines we tandle.'
Very traly.

Jobn C Morgan Co.

tn-lM us Its BW SL City. SUrk.




COpeoitah. Uleh.. R. P. O. .Vo. 1.
1.—Hr. aod Hra, Will VcNed an
1300.100 Joe
tbe proad panata of a boaaclac boy.
Albert BarabaK vwt to Tbomp_ TrMT lAT. PTMt- aoaTllle' to cot a toad o( ftir«ltitre.
iHPki aa tboum be vaa bo>>>C
•URMl OulUd.
Mf«, A. J. lUrOMd. AulMABt CMk- Tbe trait U«e4 deepMe tbo eOM
an tadea vttb MeoeMi
macrouh-A. TrMT L«r. it veotber,
tbe proepect tor aboodaace of (nilt


Uet ’em come
whUe the



OM « Tim DCRNlli

B. K. A. piaipUBVepand by
Heicbbora OaBM. fcrobard. PkUUpa. laat PHday at tbelr tcrUar. vaa
tae, aad tbe ■eettoc vaa wcU altead-

su OoIlMtloa wd
OwimroMmc* recardlBf
•atUr to tlM Tr»viKfM CK; BUU
«Mk. Tmoont CUy. Hick.


•OM Wof* Of Forotfooro.
HuoilOM. inch, i«o* l-Lo«
MMU -droata'' krako lots (be
•cboid boM la dlNrtrt No. 4. u
tau MTcral vladovB aad dcraaclai
tbc faraHoro. Tba OMlcera viMiPd
(b« 0U» **rlr tbli »orolaf bol did
•ot toaawifila aa to abethar aaybad bMB Uk«a for fear of aUtab tbt track U the bkwdbooad vaa.
wad. Swplctoo It directed la two
•HelTM'ra «bo troik to a caiao a tew
■lira fnxu (tar octeol boDM-, aad ifbo
toll loaa Uat Blltal lecitaf or«t7
goad. 'Tba arTMt alii tae aiade today.

! i
lasts. You can't set
a limit to a griddle
cake appetite wHcn
Atto is on the tatile.
The best cynip frf c» eiy purpoac.

htur-tkhttins: toc.ise.^
P B « A « « 4 ♦ A AA ♦♦
,...____ _____ , Jaee I.—Htaa
lie Hlita ta rlantoc to Trarene Clt.v.
'' Uoyd Walteo vbo bea bora tpead!•( acveral OMBlbr Id Teuu. retermd
bone OD Friday of U«t week.
Hra. Wjlltaa Uorni of Kalkaaka,
vititrd her nolber; Un. T. LMdy.
Mre. A. O. Blue, vbo baa bcea rta
lltoc la Trarerae CUy. returoed botne
Mn. Loula H<vrli aod three cbil
dieo Tlaltad la Kalkaaba a day Ual
Hra. W. N. Carotben returned from
rr »taU to Trarene CUy oa Moadar
of toat veek.
W. V. Levla of Sonth Fife Lake,
vtolted hli alMcr. Mtaa Lory LcvU.
: Nilea. aeveral daya laM week.
Utaa Hynic Oray U rlalttaf la Ba«
Mn. C. W. UuUoo. of CadOUc. la
itolilac her alater, Hra. H. L. La"ar.
Jt. A. Perria. of Pciookey. la rtoitiBf relatirea la tbto viclattyHn. Mae Kltaball. of Bt Icaace,
to rlalttoc retotivaa la town.
Hn. p. T. PetenoD vaa Id Trarptae
Oily Wodaeaday.'
Bdcar .OolWrc vaa borne from Bla
Bapidt oter Sunday.
Mn. W. B. Cray to vlaltilic retailrea
; Howard City.


Load Lake.
Mn. Hark OeafcUa are «ugUi|
tbo taka. Hark to paeUa« bark (or
IMK Wlaato.
Hr. aad Un. Hdoard CartMla bave
iMBWd (nna todlaaa to apead tba
■HMr la tbair ceUa«e. Hr. Oanaeto
to MiT Manb beiiar ibaa ba waa .Un. 0. Tooitaead ta apeodiDR a (t-w
min ba «aat aoay to tba (alL
t dayi at Crawn Wlib frii-uda and rel
Utile Beratoe AUlBtoa U rery aick
»Bb tiBbold farcr. Bba vaa ukra
^n. H. Hayao.aigHvd'frow Wii
Tnmoa Cito toat Ttauraday lor iraal- iPwbDrc TaoMlar. Mr. Ham bae
toUa rooflu of Trutaaa ilomard aad
^ Hra. Addle Valieaa baa aievad 0« ■•ll BK»e to today.
la bar base to apead tba
MrCarry wa* a Trarerae liiy
Hra. FMd Wbeeioek to tary alefc
via afpeadlcitto.
n Blbel 'CTaiMiaU apeot a U *
' Hr. aad Hra Oatola Wrifbt aad ftC
datmtar Naara « Trareiw CU> Meat ^
■aaday vtfb Vt. aad Uio E. i.
mr. aod Hra. Bany JohlMOD'ud
■ Hr. aad Hra. i. W. Harab hare
’* 'Tfwfc Hoaard Manley called <•( Traelawad aMla to apead the aaBiocr la
thato HVtty eottac* by (lie Ukr. They
. Campbell of Traicne City la
fem apral Mite a ptetaaBi wiouir. rlalttoc Birdie Gall lor a (eV daya
apMdtoc MTt o( tbe tuae la Virstoia.
Mr. and Mn. A H. Lmf>oy attend
dfetoi ma« to reaaarlvaato to rUlt od (be fanertl of Mn. VaoHora at
IMr •oAirr, then w to iodtona. Urava Sunday.
Ceorce aud Frank Sioltta of Hodpea
Hn. Hearr Kincdoa to Imprortot called OD frioada here Tueaday and
1 Bloely. Bbc to atfle to ride DU( aoae
t Hra. P. C. OUbert and Un. Pr»d
Oeilor droee nt Iron Trarerae CItj
•acaiday aad caUed oa frleada at (bU FOR SALE—Aboui
to Section 3, Gaat Bay ltomma
wtlb water tron
from. Muat be aoii
eacrlfire. Inqui.. .. .. ,
nan. Grand Itoptda. Micta.

(Ira mee (n work
Eovadta. Hub.. Jeaa L-Bebocri WANTED—Tmenly
In plantoc alll. aan- mill or lumber
dtoaod Prtday attar a very aiucc
yard. HUvtaell Broa Co. Jennlnci.
Tba Urblaa clak not vKh Hra.

Abeekcfrrdpcsfrrceetfree wi rteucjl.


. tar \

Itoa. Win Ow aad chUdMa of Bk
lube Ttoliad vtth Hra. l«dto rrtak
Md BMUy Baaday.
Hr. aad Hn. Edvard Qrecvara. aV
ao J. nirt are la Aaa Arbor. Hra.
Oracvaie to iveeire a kll»ht operas
^ tUa aad Hr. HIrt to rMOIra U*ai■aboft Aadenoo oT Old HMw viaHad bare tbe tatter part of laat voek.
Hra. Praacia Saraalo b eatertatolac bar atoter, Htoa Harsaiet Qaldtott,
tor a tov jraaha.
Hn. «> Hercot tefl (Or Haatatee
Voaadar aa a CeletaU to the L. P.
H. fi. vbieh naou at that plaeo tbto

Bern o .Mr and Mn L W. C
or Burl■kley. May tS. a boy.
tVmU Raii.M<) 1> rery

Globe Dept. Store


s »r

Does not Color the Hair
WcwUiyoatepoakivcfyaddWtoctbuaAcntwdthH AycFt HM
Vicar don ool aSret the cite H & bab. mo to tot dhM
Acrec. Perun with tor mhAot ortoe bMUat wd Ml ASmIb
Mood tob nay uw k frtsly wftoooi haWM tot half ntoc a totedtect.

la to yen
w Aocter.
Aoctar. Aik bho
hho wka
whH ba H

FREE—Tbe dac of 13 acre, of yonne
orchard lard, cood'aoll. kieati-d oa
ta DiiiKula. (br. .. mill s titiBi Trai.■ree CKy. Ouly n-uuln'mi-nl—cautloD-ln prv\ci;-iDR
-•ll'IOR Injury
ti ploalna and eulUiaitos; T. J
H..u»,a»aa ‘ir/dsT
Bids. Grand
Apr. 14 Fruf

March I9-;i

stung for IS Venn
hy Indication's pan*s—Irym* mahy
doctors Hod SZCbtM worJb of niodlrtoo
H F.’. Ayeeue.
of Incli-aide

^ bate Court tor the Caaoty af
Grand Traverae.
Id tbe matter of tbe catAte~tf 6Ur>
issa A Mcholaa. deceaaed.
-Voiire la hereby Clvth that
the 14lh
------from the
day of Hay,
A- i>.
I*. ISOS, bare
alloweA tor
dltnra ta pn-arnt tbeir claUna
aaalDM aald detvi
di-tvan-d lo aaU court
fur •-xamlnailoo and adJuatmeoL aad
ibat all cTi-dItura oI said deceaaed ure
n-qiilnd 10 praaout their rlalmsiouaid
..‘Uri. at (be pmbaio office to tba
I'lty of Trax-ra,- City In aald county, )
on or bi fon- the ITlh day of Septeai- .
tar. A l>..lta‘s, and (bat aald claiaa ■
mill ta- heard h> aald roon oD VYUay. '
the ITlh day-Ul'Seiuembol-. A 1', IMH.
JudRc of r
may h :i:8;Juuue. 1 U

...'IS CI.' . c.

1 aod Romcl Irnubles. r.V
ih « Sonr. C. A. nuytas- Hrar
aiinah A laiy.________
Cooper TtaJieday
Era Cook rluMM a auereMirul year
ol aebool at I lie Coiih y urbool Fi'iday
• lib a flBo pnicram.
W. J. HIOOINA Darrttat.
W'lllia Souibnrirk nent to Travera.Trarreno Ottj.
City Saturday and adoplr-d a baby Rirl New MuntoD BIk.
Oltlaeoa telapbooa: etCce, 7PI; ra*
not Ihre.- wwka olC
There mill be ■ Chirkrn Pie noetal Idence. *«.
Afk to be directed to Ha sfSoa
at tbe huiiK- c>( Willis Suiillimlek's
Friday eeiDliic for lh< ta iiclll of ih.- poilta Bbcrman A iluntat.
Do not ba mladlreeicd.
Gold work of tba rary boat
Ertry Wen n Will St Intareatad.
ParrelalB lelaya.
Palaleaa eztractlcp.
StroDc. DAturai appeariag aad vo-f
bfat arilScUl taaih.
Hake appototaati MaM vhac
orsca hotin 7tM to U:M, 1 to •
Oibar boon by rodoeat


Full Dress Shirts
Soft Collar Shirts
Neck Ties
Fancy Socks
Fancy Vests
Soft and Stiff Hats
Straw Hats
Rain Coats
Outing Pants
Summer Clothing.



Tbe Place ot^arttcular Attractiveness
la (ba ToUet Artlrh- Beettou of (he I>rnc DI\l»lon, We have iw many artlelm that are ao attractira (e the ladkw. Pt-ifuiDn of tbe verii^>et make. We have all the alainUrd make, and many
•t tbe amt dtakvto.tbal are aade. IdealrVTra Vwl.H. Itaiwhy Wrwm. Saa-sllka. Illue Lilli.-., aie
aote of the md ooea. Ail tbo fel|tee «dm of Toll<7 Walera
WntUm.' aad CoJeatea* Tulena IH>«-der» in Carnallua or ll.e VIoM, T<’l1>'t Cri-ainK and Fare
Fovdein la a doaeo dtCeUDI ktoda. TuvBly Dvc dIOcrcu' kmda of dainly Toikl Su«|ie. all ktod. of
Haalrurtog Artlrloa.

Plebves for tbe Den and Summer Cottage
Soute of tboae
idill MelllBc (or lUr each, and aun>e eiiilrely uev ouea
•al4. that aiv IwIreJl at &c eaob. TheyStv aellloK
iTt- jUft (he tbitig to the den .
kunuer evUaite. Tbey an- terr aitiavliv.-.

"Ideal” Fountain Pen an Ideal Gift

H SIta



Hayud fralH lor sale.
Potatoes waalcd. JayB.
Davta. BcBdoH. Mich.

U«to rrtak mday.

‘ Ilia. JaMB Bpblaaae to «at>r id
Ihto wrIttoE. Or. Oaraer o( TrareiM
dto balac coltod Hooday.
A aaabar trea Ett Lako atiaadad
tfeo Otovaeiv «oMto« bwa Saturday
adthL Ntv ■etobart balac lakea In.
MUto aad Balto Fttoh arc apeadlac
S lev daya at Bk Uka.
Hra. tim RobeitaeB of Northport.
ebdtaS mm*» bore Baaday.
■or^ Hoaday. Hay ai. to Hr. aad
Hra. fkaak Waitera. a bey.
Waroer toft laat Hoaday for
EAHavUto. vbere be vIO votb tor a.

1 •iT.a

: s\i
i e|j


Por (hr craduaiea. Tbe haadtaat article lhal you can give and that will V
od. tor so vbere you will yPu will alaay. want lo u-. a ;
da'd l!
way you have It alway. vlih you. Tbey an- M>M (roiii t.V
lain Fen ihal we ale .^iHob for |] aod 31
Ibem, They give Uie ta»i «raall«fariiob.

HIgb Sebool Pennants.
Own a pruutu aad boo»i lor you home ..ta«; f.rry n .bvi.- -w. you e«. "Sbo* yn-r «1ora.r Tbeee are to ibe High aebool rvlor. and ih..
..f rJr Include the cane. Gri-oue and
.add U lo your coDecUoa, hi many a^ m.kto* coll.-, a-u. Veu can get atra oue. no that you «Aa
trade with your friend'- and to larrean^
.Dilecucm .11 lh«- Ia.irr.

now ollercd at

One-Tlird Off
from rcynlhr price



. . .912.00
. . .016.65
. . $20.00
. . . $23.75

Theao Suits are not culls. Ninety per cent of them arrived
after Easter week and up to two weeks ago. They are
this season's most “ classy" productions.
There are no reservations.



(Satarday) aod aHvexlweek
Jamper Dressea orciorbamor
Percale, lo tto
or blue, at...........................
Others al 52. 2.50, 2.00, 4.50, etc.


White Moll Salts, alcely
trimmed witb lace and
embroidery, tucks, etc., at
Others at 5640, 7.50, 840,1240, etc.
Colored Dresses in Lawns, Dimities. Batistes,
linen flnisbed SniUnes, Foulard ef(ecl$ and


$S, 6.50, 7.50 and 10.00
SUk Dresses in all colors, wortb
512.50 and $I5(at ............
SUk Jamper Druses In blac^
and colors, at .....................


Tab Dresses in while, tan, bine, pink, etc., in
ail the new styles, at

$3.75, 4.50, 5.00, 6.50, 8.50,
lO.OO, etc.
Lace Trimmed Salto in white, tan, blue and
’ i* ffA
pink, for only............................................................... 0»#V
Others at 5740 aad $1040



Grand Traverse Region


iaur ttaa TumM]' Mefl •< M«h mM
an« U MfTM^ond <tU tall t* AM
Mwin lis Uny any b« MwrM tAM H

Jonita Slablv. o<m.' da)' la.l wi
. Prank UadiMin (.'id fauilly a
t Salunia.r
I Man; .of lU ytailSi pnspl. Iroan ll
lb« oaio Ml. pnany* fans.
i ly 8i>i.>ck rriura.-d la*t wrvk (roB .|>|iii'<' aifrad^d. itH- DHfllsa at Ib-a
Tawivr Iri.-nd. ,.f JU*.. Bcttb Wil Wal. .-vllt-i. wban- hr
au*ud |\.int sitidav tTmlng
<Aib bill laai Tburaday it «a> a «ur- utc fanaral o! hW
ford, lit(( It IU not lUvrlvnl
l«rk Ui U'-xr<
^ watiios of
kind «relo
itnlil all

The fusrral o( Urn. 8Hb lldl «
l«^rn"ujr atu.'»
ti<-ld at the kt K. thorrli at tlii- (flr;
IVil] mukr.
tn.- Bpv. Mr. QuUm olftcUtlns. Ir.Uirn.Mit («ok
10 ihi- airtUli .
iir.t. TiM- dwi-»»-<l loavtn
Ml.. ll•-1vIl Ilowk
■n luT
iiccl ihr>v iln<tgMi-n>
.Mr. B»d Mn>. IW!a
a Tl*1( ’ <\>ii Sullivan abd '<u>u lii>r)>rrt t
diy kl Mr. AlUsi*'.
» Kan l»cn planlioir ixanioa* for 1
Miar Wr. Siri.kl.T of lb.- !o„<, and fttm: Ih-iii th.-.v .ill
lhi'*i>aal r-'a:d
MlB> Kiillv HandnbrII I
for Ur>. Cc-onti- rt*«».
Jam^ *.


Rani, to Mr. Ud Ur>. yVank Wtilp:^
m <op. Mn. Tfco«i»oB l« rnyrtg
fPT A*r-. ,
SInL V«l>^l BrM<-l>rlde>i aMd diucAUi» •la-nt
»rtb txr p«n>utK.
J. Ih'kJ* U wnrklox lotCoolk.
ij :d. • nun.
Hta EdIU. .Conbi l« »wkliig it
Mat J»t:i lb*-»v niu n uir
Jit. WI
ill. boiiH- ul Mr. «»tl
b-iiiK iHT Iniirii-rbUi I'irfiii-i . RrorvliHdK'^
Mr. nad
Rroroli'ldK'^ d(jr. H' lt1‘^oirul. iif In rivtil'i ui<d
um Biiuday with Ur. uid Un*.
Mb 8cidy.
Uatl. and tanill.v vMIml ,»Hb
Mni. Trank Sailtb »!<■ ••n
lly «>r Bliahi. inn
Ua*l. and Istully
(• L. U«
ttatnibiua roin|iany frost S'i'brjrka.
to Ur. awl Mia. Otile Adan>>^. rtundtiy.
Mr. und >11*. IM>ir •uni......... '••.
d Mr* II It riiajrr of Kry.'ow,
Gladya MacatuidiT baa tfrii
ou ilw .Irk 11.1 the la.t f.w day.
WVll, Ibr krtii ba» looiid Hr w^iy

Land & iDaarponkltH
Mortgage Co.





Loans on Real Estate Secuti^'r
gages bought and sold. If you wish toYWYORSELL
Real Estate or LEND OKUOKKOW on Mortgage,
c^ll and see us.

OlUets la Wllhclai Block
W. P. Cntser, Vlce-Pm.

Hvibmik .uid dauKlii-

...-...... -

.Mli* Hi.Nj Jnci.11^11. Bhn Lu«
i.l Ka.l
V1.1.H.X hr. ......1.:.- I,.,.. bA* Hn..v :
,.l* m-i.t. Mi.
•r av„'k At llitL.r', -•.....k,
,^..1,1 .-a., i.ll
n,i-A 4 J n«.k.-S..I..UJ
-■ Ua- I.'.- II. -O'-A
n -Ii;i-. ......... ... l-r.
Ml*. K..i lOmn.-i al...
■a..', «M.h ■.l..tiroi.-- .-I .1.
II. ........
I« Tl.n..,,
iu KuIKulk.., I
'..l,..,,. .,1,'. ,.4111-. Tl..;t*0a,v
llar.-i AU'.-i. lU'lid III .ul* ul i|ii»kl>. iiii..* lb-'
.liiiu ir

The Achaa and Vanw Will Dlaai^Mr
If the Adv'ca •• Thia Traverw
City C.linn la Fwtewed.
. u.k Ua* •mail} aAm




Th< li'-t Ml. Tb.iiulwiii aud rauiil.
IlKklMl.. Thu>*.l..,
Ml*. Jam.'* Xl-.iiip.m.,
-i-li. Julu and



. .

There’s no need of doing
without it any longer.

Investigate our McDougall
Club—Small payments

Come in and let us tell you bow
you can own a McDougall Cabinat
and never miss Us cost.

makes you a member and pnts
any McDougall Special Club
Cabinet in your kitchen.

Yours for the
asking this week
McDougall Kitchen Caliucis are the highest development
. j-'-of the kitchen cabinet idfal, and C9niain many features that can
not be had in other caliinct* .it any price Before you buy a cabinet
you should' examine the complete line of McDougall Cabinets on
display* at this store.

These Pri*e Kitchens were dcsittoed by the greatest architects
in the country and cost McDougaU over $2000. a cash prize oi
$1,000.00 being >4id for the best kitchen. They were designed at
this great expense tp show you how you can have a perfect, attraclitre, inviting place to work, at practically no cost.

They show you how you can take a McUougall Kitchen Cabinet
. which is the firvt essential, and build up around it a model, modern
kitchen—and at cost no greater than is ordinarily spent on the .
average, coamonplace kitchen.
'' '

r Portiollo of $1000 Kitchens
. Every woman who visits our Mc­
Dougall Display this week will be
presented with a portfolio of repro­
ductions of the famous $1,000 Prize

We wQI also present each houscHif.: whu
yftu, a Cret/i/ Cert^atf
/*' f'o« the pur­
chase price of any of the McDougall Special Club
Cabinets. You will not be urged lo buy. but
■ come and see the McDougall Display.

Dibn’t Fall to get tlieSe
Beautiful Pictures



-K.u i-iiXr jm.'.• i.11 yi
a^ r**aurfn^
-b.' and


Tb.Tl' rli'M.,.1


' *1^

*■ bO
«tii. .1 tu. ai'11,-1 until I
t Ik.Ah'. Kidli", I'llU at thn
Wall Ikua luniruh)-. In IWI I Sat*

... . Ma, r:,- A u.,1,'

tliui aU 1 than ...»)•■
Xli. A.. Wii
!.i K«.mli iluaidiunu T.iv*da),
O.IIM-Ii -iaIUiJ




' '■


Mn., H. f.. nriiui.-^.


Mi«* tknn Ikrk.r I* i-ia|il.i;<il
nr ttmiu Wlw*,-).

Ml* Jiilm niffci'i- Tu.i,diiy'

tlMkiiiaii lilt*

u lA-I|,in|;


. taal Kuad.av.

Datld Vudi'i u.iil lo H-atlfl IVuud
isaa W.'dnia.lay.

A- Kii,.r«i!.iiie bid* f



Remember, the genuine McDougall Cabinets cost you ho more
than the inferior imitations. Whether you are ready to buy a
kitchen cabinet or not, you aru urged to attend this great Special
Sale and to see our complete display of McDougall Kitchen

Easy McDougall Club Terms
We are now forming a McDougall
Kitchen Cabinet Club, which will
make it easy for every housewife to
own a McDougall Ca^et.
To make 'his sale on the Club Plan more
interesting, we will 6ff<rr a Special Cabinet with
extra conveniences at a n»uch lower price than it
rrgularly sells for.
By uiiiing the McDougall Club, you can
select any cabinet you desire and secure it upon
a small payment down—the balance to be pAid
'jn ea?v weekly oayments.

nrr tb..t rj'iiH'd bl* d.-Uh.
M'llhan)*' »*Hdr,«. irtk»
l.nt.' b>*-n qnlif <lrk. are wueh betlvr,
Mr»..ttll*iMi* nauiirr fn>u Elk Rath '
iifi,. -.Is.i.-d A
da)V at krr bub'n
:.i.| ai-rk.
HAril~-ii I'uU'iiihrr la euUe paorijr,
>.'< a.' b»i>c fur kia apufldy n-cuVciy. .
.'UJI- t


-,-k ..kiu«ear...d >..-i imdh.-i


r, wrt l» almoM «>bipl<>(.
Mr. TlKMU|i»oii lulnd at ••d. whi.-h add* one mure lo Ibh
l,.-aiiiir..l t'-aorta oa Traveiae l^kr.
I i.'l .MklUMia. Jr. and Um. Cbapiuati an- bi-re api-ndlng Suaday aud
'.lrtn.-llAiid ai ii?f M.hoo!'
Monday «llb relaUrt-a and frxwiia.
ir daix-,- at Dorki-r * haU M


PiilTir’* Tliur*.lii!
Tiiur*iliiy. .
I»U.h1 »llh Jfiii.'i-

... . -x.sii.i'

■ ajuol Suoday )

hizuin HyrkBian * Wi-

...uda) It. ilurdii-i____
ifa'i. XVII**) K'uraid ta»t BifiR nw
Vl,tl io H.-.-d CUT.
Mr IX’U>i>K of Ixdaiid la bulldfag a
II.' i.lar. iu lb,' li,-w


Uver Trwibfo \
Remady Free

► in South liiwrdU>rui| I'UB I api'lil a
of J< iiliK' Ud'Ii-Ilai

*aa Biui'b a|i|>M--

hill- playliiK »lUl tuau-i-e. Frida;
4a-riiuuu, t*o litil.- tbIJ.In-n of Ail* r('artial.- *.1 lir,- lu lb..;ba-T.. Till«ni u-B* ,'.,u*umril a nil ib.- <-..iii.'til*
fuur to..* of bayi-Jlu buHu-U
..I oai», a u.-w bu«sy aud ail il..- Jari.i...E Ii.i|>l.'im-I.t< «< r,' trarii,*] u|.. Tb.r
lu*- »'Iy
r.'d'by lii.iirjiu'u iii
I .l- Furui-1,' M'l'ujl lu-'Urauif t'-:iiA b.'!|..iiK baud ua* *i«vi. lJu- lb"*KK.-.I . iebl a. K-

Any im-illigcnt peraon ets V Ua
ouki dncior in the ordinary caac of
liver irorMc. t--r th« »yt:i]iiomi raaBdt be miaiaAen. ]( the nlule <ri the
eye bccomva yviloAuli, ii Ibe tkin becomet aaUuw, it i-uiipU* and bliMcfces
appear, U the bowlt do nut more. If
vnii hare tick licadaehe, il yoa ar«
.biliooi. you may be turt that yoar
Lver it torpid or inactive.

»a .m-i.i'?, ,isr!.sr2 rs

«e It* e>-n.ploiM u I-r C*i.i«*ll* Byrim
Pyialn. Uie arvat L*tl> lAA,ii.e ompound.
Thla voiidvrfv] reowdy i. M outy a Uaaktl.T. but u IM.IC as v*!!. I. via atatt
Uie nuv or BAMrh;
Ihefrby tana
eiiaUinc llo- li.rr lo do ua *ara uatui.
ally. A tr-itl, of tbla creat lirer rifaity
can ». t-iua-hi of aar draedat for M
ernu or tl. *nd Ui mtRr.UABra a atatlo
boiiir >.Aa rvrrd a ebtvaH caaa.

n-atS’iJC “V*- STi

TlK m M da;

arubbam :.<■! »<rv lot*-*Oi>««1n* =»»• «Z
liver truAt.u. villi ttioT4t*
^oTto|,.', rlr , and ,l rvrvd bim. tin. U.
ntm.l.tfin. Jsrkaini. Ky. aars Uir aama
«d II. rioui ,v4. of ramtll** h*rp It ta
the I., V* .le^i'.sl }oal >ur« an aiaar............ “< "•'■’J- V
emor. a* »oa can never l.JI vbra van#
Tom lAuuIx rt la ploaiolt>-r <jf IBc famUy vUI naod a (ood
In on), r IO bar, >■'«
*nv other oafI Uaf!.-* 1x;bol of Trawr>a Ci-.y, I. t-T-F f.oni ,»« II,. r m*V» a l*ot Of Dv.
VuMa-,;;’i 8,nil. IM-II *Uf,<i,l.T>a*au>)al
di'.i.,z ...UK- th anux and'uod-rbru..,. itiTf,*.' I'f full I.ll aill amd you a free
I «t tsdll' if T''J vill aand jnmr aaioo
■■xi on Ul. i.;*orl |>roiwrp'-

I ni-lrtibnT» lor

..or..' XV,bon aad G^.e Fl,.,ou
aorSiux a.' ..-"IM-iu Belflen lu.ll
T.kimi>*‘.-oa oI Tiav.'iMi ritj. 'Aba I,



-'f 'b.


...I,- tu.' au-.i Sunday, oi ui- Hun iU-.
r-lia-1.'* Jrf'b..- - • Tc.iv.<r*- , ty *U,'--l Sunday »1 r. .or -jnd Mr*


l7h t* uhel hov*c?tly'k
Ic vlU start you on tbo mrr

IT. iSSy^'eSe^V^aTuThi
tl,s Anii.m, and tbs d-..tU>r uraea you lo

—rr2_“ •‘-VfWi.inyUdnaaho.t
you^lifn*Tt that yoa dooT
St ntdb^ advtee. vrlto
u ih* do<ior. aaS So -vfll
*M*er you fuOy. Tboro W

■ caMoiV

Every Member gets a
cabinet at once


-II.J X!i- (i-riy litmi.l.-i;. Xir'
an I '.1 . J..I.I, VI..:.':, aid i.u- U-rt-!
;„:i uiiit '„ .Mr
KrAf.k il.; :

i.iju>-b:> liiu-.'.

Tb. 3..j-iiiouiii a.-a-.iD j-




,.Jr tn*D-ai.-i..^Villmin' Kd :
!,.» j.i.ur lo. ila Jun- l*i lu

.;t. .'1.1
dty la.l -r- k;
on A i-jLitir - .u',
«llh*r /,'1aI',*i|
J.w. and a!! r.'iir-l a irr;



l*a*anie U'r

Insist upon seeing the name McDougall on the cabinet before
you buy, or ask the di.-aler to remove the entire table top and see
for yourself that it is all in one piece without‘running in groops.
Then, and thi-n only can you b»: *ure you are getting a genuine
McDougall Koll Sliding-Table top.


Kitchens designed by the leading arch'iu-cts in
competition for the McDougall $1,000 ca>h prize.


aum.-n LbiMr

k.-ad aliBi .in,- hu» tu aay about It.
Mi* W a. !l|.rn-}l. Bl W«Sal,

Wbll. .alhil ■.
Jniiiir T'-*!.-, .'Uh'd <>B Ml*.

n»m.. |•.■n. r Tbiir-day.
W •' M.1\ «U'. In Kklkaaka Tbbn

See for yourself the many advantage* they possess, and do
nsc let anyone U'llyou that any other cabinet is as good as the

.The prize designs have been reproduced in' colors to showV^u
bom to lend a charm to the home'workshop—the kitchca—the place
where the bousesrife hfwnds the great pan of her time.


-Mail) Troi.-nw «•u;

- et a Ob*
luataL TtM
i.-au tbai I
sot iMdiy cut <111 a barbed «tf«

thfe $1000 Prize
kitchen designs

They show you bow you can arrange, etjuip aud decorate your
kitchen so that it wUl rival any other room in the house in attrac­
tiveness and comlon—BO that it will mi^ke kitchen wof^a pleasure.

- kidm-)’*' fault.



IO, urx all Ihej' vWlPdJaui t.



Hhc greaf lAoc salc«i
Bimi, Bronse & Co*
stock oMarud Bapldg
Is crcatlaa • srw
Uoai It tvlU RBorc
Una p*y yoa lo !»•
vcsUosIc at the

Globe Dept StoiB




F Way
^ To Clear

On 4uo# ia 2 p. fB.

win give a DEMONSTRATION of

i.liotograiih III
lia> 101111 a

cniiarbl» m................. ..........
•lay to bi- near the eraulierry I'ltoidge oa*
latlon, alilch hi- I* ilevelopiirg. AUen. who
k u|«on it will s<ion begin m-llv. l> tJ years. Lu
my frtmi here attended Memorial
•' Kingslet. the mill .Vorthport i-eTii-ter^ oil
shuuiug down tor ibsi tiunm*"
lea Weill to the l.o-al ci-iiieiery anil
decorile.1 tke iioiilbT-.'


anthonv qreilick

demoostration on lua property.

Every Farmer
and rfl othera tateristed are invited to attend.

J. A. Mmilague & Son
werr ALMIRA.

uo the niiiie. t.a H was In honor of
bUrrlad. Mn. Towalry of iAkr Atm Ueiucirlal day.
and Mr. Kbodmi of the tV.-rt.
Mr. fiatlerliv and «l.-n lin-ne of
TbunuUr •veolnii at Labe Ano.
OllMi W.;iv In out vl.jnlly Monday
Born to Mr. aad Mr*. li«-ur} Urwika putting in new l.-lei.huii.-s.
a *00.
Mrs. Mrk Nelson auil iVarl have
Platro Bairs rKoro>*d fitin Harlan good liieii Wben they go flaMog; they
Tbumday ovrolng.
bring home a large KtrJtig'or Bsb eaeh
lime llley go.
Ur*. .Roditwa.
UaU-s and
Jraalt- SIiIboo wore thr fornt* of «r*.
srhool closed al Uke Ann
Maker at Lakr Ann last Tburaday. It Friday wlih a Sue basket plcnlt
rebolart are all glad that urliool I
botBC lltllr jMalr-s ftftb UrtMay.
Mr. Scbllllday
writlw. We an
apMdr roeorery,

8. & Burnett baa a'soda laucei"pm
I hla i-loiv for the i.uriame of sell.
Ing to hi* eUKtoiner*. He aJao r
Ura. Barkiv b eery aick at tbi* Ice < tv8iu.
wrttJni. .
F. Roger* wetil Ir Traverw- t'llv oti
u*]ne»* Sstunlar.
Archie HnlCb ts wnrkJna (or Kraak
Jum- I.
liodeem. Ho it doinc fami work.
Um. DIU Abbe
VIoto e(AAko Ann won- vlatlnt with
Jdhn Sivivkier baa lost the
brr aon. Soar and wl(p. Wmint-Hday.
Ji*e he hnd. It I* very bard tor him
Soaday aebool va* organUod at the
I hsH- hi* team ot ihl* tlnie of the
Weat Almira acbooI houao, and Iben*
•ar when be need* Ibeni the ox
will bo Sunday acbou] evory Sunday
Mra. Wm. llurOeston I* at
~~«t hau-pasi two. Let
orory o
I.ake IbU week.
«imo.. All an- wolcotnv to attend.
There will b- a Sunday school
Ura. UUlo Abbe was the guost
ventioa al Ihe Weldon Cenier a
■n. Uyrtie Uke laal week.
' Ur. and Mrs. A*a Patiner and rbll
rm veto tko gmsta o( bor uwie at
1* cordially Inaaat. Ur. aed Mrs. Will nates Sunday.
ileiid Ibla meeting Ji roiuTbr ball team rrom Honor ptaaed
prlse* t^Vlilon and CoKas tuihi*hip*.
*•---------^ our rlclnlly Sunday en
t to play
there with
lel. Jr, went to Travktra. Ilreaer. of East Jordan. I* vl*
•m- City Saturday to aee Ua (aimly.
He took bit little grandson Lowle with Iting her daiighler. Mt>.
Baker, lot s lew week*
has n n.-w lucych
Ulta HlBnlo U. Bato* went brnn.front the Mead Cycle fo. ITilcaco.
Sanday to aee her pareata.
Uia* Grace King. o( Travers.- Cliy.
Thnaa Wrlgbi or Cedar Kun «a»
over to aeo her mol her laM week ter I* ais-ndtnc a f.-w day* In ihe rouniry
with ber auut, Mr*. K. It, Kldd.T,
a few dayd
The Pomona Grang.going 1.1
aeei with lb. Grant g:
>• Wedn.-*■lay and Thurkday ol
drill anil condnrl ibe .
•time new iiieDiU-ra. A good tltite 1.
Clyde Caoirt.. baa bc-n very aick
allh eryslin-la*. He la belter at tbi*
wrltlv. Hla

and Mr- (en.rg.- Byck

I* Pul
kasks vUitrd relatlvi-*
. au.l frieiid* In
.froiu Saturday
MI*» Mynle White wa* In Sot
iiarriman Saturday,
r. Harllng nf .Roulb Boardman s
rnl»h the p.-opir along the Bn.- a

Frank Dick wa* in Kallra*ka
Wniiam Ive* w**' in South Bo:iiM
■an Wednesday.
Mr*. George Hyckmaa called <
Sim-* Kycknian Friady arierniWin.
i.m] (amllv .
Ikaska Kstut
>111 I* ivinnkl.-n-d
a»kn italurtlay.
MiiO-y ti*lie4 at
bomi- of Jatm-* R.vckmau a d.vv
A. J- Monlgnim-ry ami wif.- t
tbe eoanly »ntt Tue^av
Mis* Mliinl.- Umrlniry n( Ksikaakvlslied hi-r |iarenl* Saturday uv
'i~mI was ut Snu'th Boardr

Wife Says
“No Waste”

n away.

!«.. ,E-JV

a h not aa operi l.-aatl makrt. makes the

TWs tlir tettunany I a woman wlinx lunband feds
good patured anJ graMul < CY tbe good biraJ be k ccttkig, ibal
U wiitn to tel in about iL
She fwdier say* that ~r*cn I a dmuU c«t-W) cctti more on a
sack k wouid be dmapei.tben than dl ibe etber brand*

11ml,wanea fam the r4d idm and Ael be doligs ead do^
ntoa Aend eufiy year ibM she GMNiBoes to we

Lily White
me Flpv the Best CookE Um*'

to Ibe emduneo ol Ibe “odter btaixk*'
Of cnaeae. it do^'i coK ao ouch
much more
marc than
ibas odm
brtodi. out
wl'frt'D • fl»« uttered to you ioc
ior ios
ks* money you may take ooc’
word, il tm I wertb any mere ibm yoe
pay lot k.
Anddon’llel any <»e iod yon with ibe totemem d*at Ibe
Sow Acy Jef ym■ for lem immey. "n ihe a* e Vede



» llii-tuly her.- tl
Mr*. I.e*ler Sayers .vnd Illile daugh­
ter Pearl mart thK wwk to
Mrs. SayerV
on Manltou
Mr. Pat Hue) arrived Iroi
-u Island Saturday evening.
Phln Walsh lia* returned I
larenis' botm- In the essK-rn
the sistt,.
Mr*, and Mr* la-n Il••l1i■lav hav>v-n enlertaliiiBg Mr. I)ai«> .Moran
and Mr*. Foster <il South Uoardiuaii
They rviurm-d bom.- Suhda>. Ii|isl and
Edith Holliday u.-.-onipan.tIns
lor a .Iiorl vlali.
MIsa Belle Suver. who has lauidi'
1.- *<hcml here for ibe past year nturned boni r to N.-W York Monday.
Ml.™ II. He Iltmkfii* of Kingvley
nim|ianl.-d li.-c a*
iir ;eOrr.spoiidi-ti(
I* Ih>th>- rtu
r lp
Monday of a flu.- ni.-ro of pl.k
nf which weighed
*. Ernniet Itnaman havli
i hiK laugh
lb.; imnd
imnl back oyth
oythe mill.

Arthur Tn.U-r imd
kaska M.-moriat day.
There *411 to- 4*hIldr.>tiV
dav egei
rise* at Ihe Bajit
llaanlman M. F
church on June IX.
Mr*. Hot*>n
daughter. Mr* r. All
I. Atkin, w

' fi mao did net drive Hnadiy


e Ibey woAi aet g tor lem

F«ede by ^dealer.

n« Kind Yoa pfan Aiwa;* Booefet, and whk*

who^ has lintD/ granted petmissior tj make this

Rer. Carpontor of UabUtoo ptoarbMl at oar gchool heuK Teeaday and
Tkmday evening of laat week.
Reed aad
Mr*. Lola
, were Ite guest* of Ura.
Aunutnlet Priday.
idtUia. Cook Brook* werv the
>(-Mr. and Ura. Ed. Brook*.
. also weio calling ou
_ .
returned home Monday

A nomht-r of oar. vlUagers anvpdtj
tbe ikworaibm program lo Trateiee
aen- were alwul Ar |.nwent tt Sun- Chr. Also a Bumbw aiieaded tM
•chuol and J.tvachitig Sunday. luiH'tol el Ferdinand Lautner o( Trav-*e C.iv we eu.-nd I r sympathy
TVr|.;hr gave a rery appropidate
> alt the (rirnds.
11.1 Ivcom.inR day,
v-rv wilj !». .1 eJiildren's day^proJune 1.


Stump Blasting

at «NKtL»eKVI(.LE

gtam Jtmr c. al the school boMO. AO re invited to be pn-seoL l( all ia
The *<haoJ rkoed here FTMay with
elL Mr k^fghl wiH speak to «i
Piciilr on Cedar lake. All hAd a
>l•uaat lime.
George Newman va* la
We are glad to w.-l.-OBu- Mtas Com


aa opert representing


« the farm ol

FAt jfc

the mother of «even childrvn. (our of
which have twimed on before. She 4s
enrvlved bi a husband aad three
rMponeJonI to-clni>
(‘aughle.-r. Ir.ternw'ol wa* ikade
The Ocni
The lAdkelAdke' Aid «K-I«y
will m.--.
f««mre IDI. Methodist rwmeteiy
(.ting, wen many and Oeautirul.
Ttur»da.v afO-nKion »iih Mr*. H(HII»L

T»bb.-r«-r. »bo will (urnUJi work.
' '
•*>*l »r»- P Wurtbore »P«-ol and Mrs. Saaueou 'of Good Hat
aitended ih. laoi-ral server.
Mr and Mr*. John Klrk*ttri(t hav<- i^>urd»v in TiMvfrx nt».
muif «o tumiolu-riilss In tb» boD»r ell
A. M MIU*.m •|«nl Sa)ur:«r
C ■ Morsui of Oinena at
Mm. A. S. BartiuDi. rrremlr
rrrenil)- vaeai>Nli
vaeai'Nljtr Trav«-r^- Qi:.T.
itended the MenwrUI wwvic-* i
I| Prof. <’anoB.....................
by^Holll. Tabberrr
, U.-e. A. betitsll I* rontiii-d
r.»«rt» PortiT. who ba* apeoi
«< «> ai"l itr*.
home with a bailly sprained ankle.
. . last V... k.
«tni>T In LouIhUb* and Ihe
the sprii
aprins ■ *'
C. I'. FMIIer prv.^ster the diploui
In vikltlDS In llllDoi*
Iktr^to Mi.aod Ml^.«l.‘0.<:lli. Ua.v thU morning to tbewe who had pasW
is and
Old IIowa, refur
ml to hi< borne
here la>i 1
It.e eighth « ■

I Mr*.
Augu>t Oran. Will
MeniMlal day *8*
a.T- at lo!l..*»: Kffl.-/Rang.T. Ko*c
tlibU. Kdaln Oran. Mrs. J. U Olbb* ............................
• r\<s1 (l.M*. ............- ----------- -- the -rbool V-l*on. Uanie.sRu*.' l-reniean.
and .Mr*. 1‘iatt Barnuiu. attpoded the chiklaeli te.-l al the sciiool linri*,- and I>‘nard St«--Ie. KInier .Ash.-lb’‘T. Fred
t IUM da.v excrri*eB ami coRiOieiK-e- ■oarvhivl lo the loam hall wA- iv ibey
ment roncen Thursday
iradty evening
e >iln-| by the 0, A. krthe W H r.arthe. Ralpi
Iron. Hufii« Gill,
Kliigkley. Win Oran of thi* plae
Who ro.!e In
ana ahe aiBluh Uis-k
e Of the graduates.
a ami tl
n Iberv- was a b
Mi-lhisllto work al Iniprorlng the Harnuni I sis.- h-ti S*rtl>e na* Ih-IiI
•- I.H.1
lenieiery. and alihougb there was not' m the
baU tbI* a.'li...........
gimind. le-gJiiniiing Augii.i
■ CUy*. An eareUelil

Mr* Ih.heriy ««aape<l «

kl.-. while •

^Loti Codiuuu. r<-iM
e Wh.H i.-r did l.nsim
Dr G. W. Pralli-k of M«i.h- (
in town on.- <la> lo*t wi-k.
John Newjtall iiiid Cotoiie]
Brnirmlm-Vff North Mamou i.
H**ot4=rhere Thur>.l*v.John Campbell M Travenw CItv. i*
ni.veurihg a caigo o( lumber (or U II.
M. \V. Farrant of Ihl* place
I Traveroe Cll.v Sundav.
D. II Day went u. ManUle- Fri
day. returning Safurdav.
Wot Farrant ct Ka*t Kmj.ire
In town Snndnv.
Mr*, n. H. Day and Ml*» Berole
Farrant api-nt &ti

iB use fiM


Saiur.lay af.



IT You WouW Be
»*ful farmer, horse nan and
il*er. you .-hoalil u.e. Harrell*
-n l\>»v|er». tb
oldest and
rto*t r.-IIalrle on Ihe
With great *m-e,-s» by
eio.-k ro)«.-r» of tbi* a-ounin
a* a tonic. Increasing'digeati.™.
efreuliiion. 1h.-r.-by increasing the ap
pclile and the growing p..wer»
role evecjwher.- al *.> per package
Not at alt t-xpensite aad nfier a Trial
.rou will -way a ju.rlag Inv.-wtmenl
Sow by 8 E. Wail A Son. and E E


on. VM

CnsforU in u harmieiia mibstidrte fiir Cuai
Kuril-, l>n>|ui niitl HootbinK hjTupo.
It to____________ „

... .

The^fidlSl It.!
and le-omllnl Mr*. Itur.lge
III Canada, and bad 1U-*I In
bb u.t;*-r .hep, buiiH-d <» Sunday,
try lor many j.-ai>. TieTill* wa. huated in Tr.i
lluidgi- ws* pusi.ii of lb.' M. E. ebnri-h
here tor liins- ve.r*
an.' Ml*. Jiihn Jlin-huit..
ugo. Mr*.. lldr.lK.- had nunv fri.-nd* \y J. Ihl,-hart. M., Mt*. J..l,„
an ov.c 111.- who wee- v.-rv
litutii ciiev.Hl le leiliu >-l Jut d.vith
She I* »urvUe.l I.) Iim hiis'..iml, and
Ihm- «U»Klil.-r\ Ml*. Ilurrim* Given
k-niitk WiMm :.n.l .............. ..
of HarW SlirlDg*. Mi» J
Matli .v-ed.Hl in taking the*, nm- |.i.-ke
and MU. Muu^ ibirdge ol .Noith
Mr*. Jitvephln.- Boylan of Traver*..

■1:*. Mllliau. M.C.mat, ha.i r.el
111-. MIIIIII |>..reiwi>B. ..1 GI -, j-,,r
(hlf s..-;, wl.
tl Tbnnulay lu ;he aj.- .............
.h..ii.s;.,;-l. .h. mail. Tlie ho...- i
.e M-Jtw. Th.- tolle.j|....r.l,v W..S ■n.i Mr*. M.-fc.w'an -llh.; mini--I
1. II and but. Un .*b,.ul.l. r .,ed i

euotaiuB nidther Opluxu* Horpblne Boe ether Tfnmtio
sulwUucei. lu nK« la it* Kunmutee. It dewtnyn Wateu
nud nUnys S'evertohneM. It enrre Dtorrhcnn und ^ud
Cullc.. It yrlierea TeethIdk TTuublem, curtv
mud riaUileuey.
It uaalnilUtea the Ptrod. rfai^tm the
KiomjM'b Mid Itoweto, Kivii« bmitliy and untuiul aloam,
Thu CtiUilrcuS I-Uxuseen-The SluUter’s Friend.


■""•nr -


The Kind You Hafe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year*


f I®w specials picked at randum from a few of our many
Ttothat cannot fail but express that we are the Bargain Store
of Northern Michigan, hundreds of the bargains are here for you tha*
are equally as good if not better than the few mentioned.

Extra Specials from the Oiy Goods Dept.

3 Wonderful Values
‘'worth SilT' lor' ‘


t.auro* -ruir*.
*ra*‘iii-. s’5l.-«,
. ...
l*.r Ladies’
Suits, uii
all im*
thi* vea*-i:.-*
:i-i inch
coats tiHmmed with 'satin, folds. |>aich pockets,
positively the biKgest suit bargain ^
ever offered, not a suit in the lot
11 3k
worth less than Sl'J.your choice for

stripg, v’Erd-

Some Rare Clothing Bargains

Furnishing Goods

A .-UI.. f..ll _/
____ I «r
table full of Men's and
Young .....
.. Men's
Suits only J or 3 of a kind all rj
gqod Aalues and worth upto..iw9v

* - - i!<pd vrLi andworthuplo..*.«»«

50 dozen work shirts in black sateen, black and
white stripe twills or chevious actually
worth 50c. for..................................... ■ 37C

Ottaw Work Mtrts lormcD at....... ....... 719c
Men’s Summer Underwear,
sizes with-double seated dr.-iwcrs.
for 1(1 days only .-t..... ..


The Big Shoe Sale is Now On

Here Is a Snap
About 75 men’s suits of fine worsteef and casliimer*
nil this spring styles with those
fancy patch pockets ati.! cuffs,
worth $13 50. 10 days only


Wonjen’s Shoes with elastic front.
snld eveiywhere for $I 5U. (or
150 pair of HIk Skin Shoes for little girls the best
wearing shoe made, will be sold for f i%y%
1 table full of men’s box calf shoes, biticher cut.
good styles, for 10 days only.

id Mr«. il. N.-whall arrived ou
»nun Sunday niahi ami i.w.K
boat for North Maoiiou Mon­
Mr*. Geo 8. Baker of Chicago, airlvDiu Mr. lUk>-i. wbo ha*
*»aie limt'. loilldiiig
-U-..MIH III hi* *ummer home .
h^< bke.
Mr* R McKlIlo). of s.uuh Manlio-j
amv.-d on the Ulhsourl

d hea bete nude SBdgr hie
■onel eupeFTlbkmelnoelDi inlhMT.
Allow no one enasus^^Rijfgtmthle AU Counterfeits, Imltatlom and Joat-ns.«^**«e b«C
Kg^riiueuts that irMJe With und etitUnrer Ui*. heaHh eT

* Haul

III. i.BUlHllRC. M
■rit le Sw.-.-d.-n
11 Aiii.t:i-u In I*n

kMu ^

aver SO yt»rs h»a Ibome the ■l^efre if

Somellilno lor tbe
whole family
•A good double stretcher
h.iinmock made
of heavy coro
and close Weave


Needless to say we are doing the Millinery
business of the town, we are selling more
trimmed hats than any n>h<»r 5 stores in
the city. For the next lonays we place
on sale 50 hrfts worth 3.50.
5.00 and $6.50 for $1096.
$2-98 and................... .


' Iron Bed, Spring and Matresi
At or fall size, m
several <tlHer> /■
enf styles aad /■
colars. completelor.

___ _

!• Roils ol Graall
Full yard wide, good colors
and patterns and very
servicrcial for .M g% ^


Yourw always FOr Bardins

Trawaraa Cl«y,
140-142 E. p-ront.



Flflr Odd Wlntora An' Mora.
Tall T* or «hat I *m iblDkln'T Noa
raoir Urr« ain't mutb
lb ■euld' br« tooktn- at Maody. an'

watched the sweet laced drl hrlde
hrr datoly while frock, and the toll,
manly groom as they took tbrlr plares
oni of the treat tlreptacr. and

to the rUrkertoa llahc of tdaalnt wal.
abloklo' of.—(blokln' of.
1-a tblBklo' *e'd ll»od brra u«aUirr put logs wbhb threw danclnt shadosrs to the tar roriurs ot the big 'lovter BRy aood Wiaun. an' morr.
An’ bHtbor. likr a«ae I tonld wro- laa room.” promised to rberlsb each
doik. hai cto«B Id tbink tathrr a other as tong as Ufr should tasi. And
An- I tboMbt o- lhai fanglr. dlrarrOi.

Ilfs has Indeed been good to itaen
glrtog them loving companionship

wbero F«>i>)r tbat <bank at Ui' hit
Oo to taw wHb'aJI ntanner of otorlra.

’ nearly slaty years. Think of K.
June-brMes-tobe. and when the


A clev.-r Itwlc entertolniautot ptanuvd to IvuuvH of two prospective brides

the rlsM ot (A« brl4c«n»B. 0
U« btck.
In t«adlBOM Ao *rp
tar tine «t tkr praprr plarr to
rrrrOMnv. Th^ bridrY Intbrr ■Undo
brbiod (br bride. In rMidioroa to (Kr

pinpricks of frelfulnesi. of worr
Aw saUta' tbolr bhrtilD' ihir
1 tbooshi bow wr'd worked In th’
harwra* a torln' rack other the the door of your bean ag
t them.

Ife* and cake
Plent^uf plates, luiks. spoons and
and laugh In ibelr faces ai
ror feoowts' that nrltbrr was prrfrrt. And then enter Into the secret ebstn. napkins are bn the table, ind tbe
and earb oib
U' klMtwia' wbal lotbrr onr .borv.
■I ymfr bean* and pray ibai
and are not sealed at ublea. but
Taa. Handy and Ito th' lortlaa Mart- good Lord may so fill yuu bEib
stand up ur may sli lufurmally about
ad eat n> IroToI thta road.
rue eplrll of love thal you.

I* before leaviui
a* a'-H.y .l.,-he. basket filled with
. the.,unique, am
aster*, to *ugge«i a "Monday wash."
Besprinkle their bride with a 'sbower AiuuDd Ibe base of Ibis -basket, lak- origliial way she fraiied itbe jiictuivi
given: They's.w.-tuviuuievl unde:
tog the place at a wreath ol clue*,
of ntiilou*.'
s a i-tiwlu Of gilded chuhe* pin*,
■ ^to a manner famihar 'to all
•The kllebeuware abower' a heavy
ribbon wa* stretched across Hie km.wo n» paaeeparinut. {hut itmfrod

aboweflooltlng bark. If It pleases Him. over
While the
ta’ that racb ooe had Mioaldrrrd
ay yesrt of married life,
sounds teartul:
What th« grtOs FurnUhoa.
only the good, the happiness.
And the vh-Iuglng fad has now goav
a load;
That ibe bride should do her share
Urn we tUda-l start out on tbr )ourto extremes,
m»r a HDtrfcln' and tblnkta' wr'd love which you have both built Into to the WIV of gills was Ibe Ihuagblwe bear ot a fete, slmplv fi-srthe walla of your bon*, puking It the ful Idea of Ibe two whose plans are
which was to yonr hearts when givec*.!.-; a:
TRe caanta'est tblns In matloo.wlih
T|tat ts-felL In Chlcagd. a bride ot tbe
received from one ot our
you started on ille s tourney together
a (Marc aU bonry an' fun;
girli aaka wbal propurllun of tbe Her brldeKiuaids poured forth at bvr
An' we didn't atari out In a s
boupebold-linen a bride. U suppoaed
About Woddinga.
with a Bortfaco some twoaly fwl
Irel a 'hose shower '''
provide and how It idiuuld be
Her wedding to nsiurslly nn Impor
One girl aras lucky enough ti
>nt event to a girl's life, says Ibe marked. as)-B tbe Kwnaas Parmer. I
MR we nbooMeiod our load an' looked
giveu a '-abower” ul il>iiig« nliuosl by
She wishes the oc was glad of this puesiion. for U is
hawy. an' Bilnttad sona work Lsdiea' World
the dozen. Just Imagine II. gliU! No
caslim to'be ss heaulllul ss possible, me Ibsl lusoy girls wish answered.
•nth our aaod.
When ad-rl marries abeprevtdea only wonder a girl would be proud of her
IRtakln'of? ..(41. i was thlnfcln'tbat hot sb* forgets aometlmet that there
wardrobe .died up to style. Well tbe
besuly to simplicity, beauty in the such things lor tbe furolsbtog ul Ibe
Maady. wtio noed to bo fair,
Irlelids uf tUis bride tobe d.-.lded to
she feels sbe ran afford.
tatalror now with her wrtokirs, than fair prqperllon ot spending according
do the tbtog up brown, ao they bought
le's means. Rhe does not reap Whatever ahe provides, however, to
to to tbat picture up ibero;
pink rose cretonne, to the bride's favway ol linen, whelber It be pt-rfWrw new to the antnnin. with her Ise ibsl whsi may appear to be beau
shadr*. enough lor everything.
■1 or (or tbr bouse, sbuuld bear
outwardly does not really postiwsera ail drined with anew.
• were tray cuvers (ur truiifc*. arid
besuly It there U underneath It the loliial of ber msiden name »an>
Than Me was as a pink and white
handy bag*, drawei saehei*. .kill111 the linen had to be
tonMoA aoBM finy odd winters all a rurrem of anxiety to..oHier‘peo
bag* and wal*t cuverw.' hai
made in Ibe home, enough of Ibe im­
An' toai wnao-l ail by a tastaL

It U Inronsidersle of n girl mediate necessities tor tbe bouse was
bride's dower.
overtax her parents with expense
ber wedding arrangements. They Voung pe^le rauld not go to Ibe
would, no doubt, make ascrlflcei fur alorrs then, and buy Ibe things needthese necesHliies had to be pro­
her sake, but n tboughttul. sensible

cmbloii*. coat hanger-, and a euuple
ul licit*, a garden hat. several fancy
aprons, u pair of cunalns and couch
rover. Sunie of tli.-^e article* were

lie 10 which uapklus were pinned
lb doll violbe* plus' Kaeb giie.:
before silting down Ivuk i>ue. Hull*'

Hie'usual iiiai ol lirw-u or card
ltd >b- used dry** ma>eriu|y Tb.'
ture wiiich sfie gav.- .her tuoiher

wasb-lubs were u-H-d n.-bor«-d'o.-uvres
I a 'nurt ..f-ihe While .ilk wtoeh
dbhes for bolding olive*, radish.
had bvsti .}*.*! lot b-i wvjjvj.tqt dies*,
and iwo mark.-t baskels. al.u opd aenn-v .ui- corner i^..* a Uii of
of dollbiHise size, were flllMl wlib Ibe late wtb, whi.-b *Ue dio»a .wa*
randy Iniiis
Favors were toy fraib
er dUKler* to eatb of wfaU-b was- at

iilmii..Hl T.. n slst.-r wb.^ gjw- a pi.
1*0 luvlHUIe.1 iu
wblie silk

Cached a place card with the nani.rt.-sigii U( ural^e tjU.sMVIU* eUl
of Ibe guest and a verse Irum the b.uidei.Hl un h. while the muunl tor
nursery Jlnglt- which detail* Ibe do
"0 her mald<ir hom.r wa*
Uivslk duties of each day of tbe week
e silk .-mbriri<>ered wlib a
After luncbeou each girl received giaieliil s|.r*y iit IhlJe ijows
Friends le<» n-ar ^-.eived pictuistrip of cvition good* with needle
and Ibiv-ail and iiixirui ihiii* tu luake mount.-d with gv^* whi/h. 1,ad »...nbununb.ile. Ten luluule* wa* al
make up tbe- .liHeri-iii g..wn* ot
tr>ni**euu .Tile unniui made tmui
lowed, and a wurk bag wa* the piix.e
material of her 'gt’lngaw-by gown"
In anurher atuusing round ea.-b
> esjnnially pieliy ;. li' had l..icei
girl tud a slocking given her will
hug.' Iiule In It 111 iH- dariii-d Thbe*i da.u pi.nlu.-ed in len mtnul.-i
wuo a pretty needli- book

nuts .-pilMviidered



/ t
III eaeli caV- the n»o«uiled'|ii.-iure

Again. Ibe rouifAny was railed 01

was b.iind l4 (be glass' with a n

I write Inuruciiiius (ur luaking an

row snip of soli h-aiber In a aba
to ro:re*p.'nd with tbe icalur nl I

-I cake and ciicniiit Jelly
As tuaD’
' 111.- gills were Igooraui of eitok
the reili*-*. all
which wen

gurgi-ouVIy trimmed with pink ribbon*,
Aa’ ttoa as ito» fosnieya onward. I
tbe wbnle dNj.lny looked like a
to advance. As toe spinning
read aloud, vveis- uio*i laugbabl.-. /
«aa aoe her one. altbt at th' bars. girl will not wish lb make ber wed­
rose garden to full bloum: and
As I I---------f by with a *reetta'. and ding n sirata on her parents' purse. and weaving ot tbe linen was done
the bride wa* dellghi.-d Uhymid words
■00*1 praitlcal. and a.-cuidlng 1.
the bride always pro­
her ayes wandered oJr to tbr stars: The expense lor tnHissesu and wed­
And':i>p« ntu'l*
attraellve tuese
a piir.e waV aworded. The prir.An' thM th' picture ceu juBbled, an' ding, the Invliailons. floral decuraIbiug* were ibaii If one girl bad made
a 'luail cUaliug illsli.
all I can see Is her lace
:lona. reception and rolintion. are al­ Jnmll)
blue bag. anulber a pink, b third a
supply. Tbe dower chests ol old
Crown^by a hearenly halo, a Cod ways assumed by tbr bride's family,
« n. and M.'on, vShlch I* a vvoy >uoie
A PreHy HInL
aiarte^ years lii advance: even
and any deparmrefromthla sbaoliilc
glrri Bsasasc of trace.
|grl* have—making Ibe thing* ibey
In Ibe outiif .'it a r.-e.-nt lirldi- were
before she for wbuni It waa inlended
An' afior that life was to aaruest. an'; rule Is n breach of eiipuetie.
llke best, regardless of Ihe ta>lc of tbr^
>me (ruiik (tay rovers niade (rom
Ks burdtaa were not oear ittbt.
A very simple home wedding may bad become engaged.
l>erson who 1* to u»e it .fomnif'lr'
-uy Mill'll aiiil embroidered to latg.
ce ol Ibe indeftolle- Bat we both cave a baud on Ibe tow- be very beaulilul. and It U emlaenlly
is a quatlly much tu be admlrt^ liilitals with white cvMloii tins*. U.d
‘ rope, an- Beasurad our hearts with practicable, abere expense must be neas of her married Initial and also
and desired
ir the.lop* of Ihe tr.vv* and luck
dower migbl tue recognlced
t flcht.
conaldered. It obrUles Ibe neceaaliy
tW aiouti.l the ivacked ciniblug.
The girl friend* ot one i.rospec
w esiabllsbmenl. ber maiden
to fh'
I* rmn
pa Bed an.—they Bare
-y were useful a* well aspn-llv.
BWT7. wltb ■oboUbw a good hit
Initial waa pul^upon everyltiing ube


n*m the ba.-b of each w

II 1* needles* to slate Uiai the gilt*
Were prlxed as Ibe phuivwraidi* al.m.
mver .*.uld have been,
Wv.ulil I
uol la-to grac-tul Ta.Mon lor t.ilie* IU follow T
In old.-n liuies the lovers lit “m.-rrii
Keglaiid" fell





biu hair f.llabted unlll Itiev had dys(x>ven-d a iriHAied MiiM-ntvfulld lUstk■arh ketqvlng| a hall
these (rkgiiieuts was
supposed'to Insure agaiosi


Une girl reronily marKled made a
the ael ol pielly ptave twr.^ and todbrhlal
ot vA-ddiugs, many an- |uix- delilally aouv.mirs lor ifaer
n-fre*biiieni» must bi- lumheoii, using six "lueky HK|s-n<v
Pd. as to tbe v-xaei quaniilU-* obtained (ram an (ifd tuin d.-ali
that sbuuld be prefian-d Tor a given
For Ibe bi-neflt of the In- oiu- of tbe rord* with blue rlUUm.
exiierli-nred . enteiiBlnei ' Ihe following lum-hi-on. the lolk lor<- liivolved w

be IM wns to go the kot road
toviie only reUtlves and a limited
Be th' Lard saw fti to call Mindy. nomber of friends, and to Bead, after
provide Ibesu
*npara a pity to doable her load:
tbe mirriagr. tbe announcement
Ibtogs. It is «mslder.-d very nice
Ab* tbaa 1 was thtokln' how maybs those who were not Invited to
though for ber to supply them and
Mat Handy Blgbt Journey ahead. vreddiBg. These are Issued In toe
■ying a man of but
An' Have bo alone to my eorrow. aame ol the bride's parents, acfd paid erale means, sbe will find these ibtogs
aloae wltb my beautiful deud;'
(or by them and sent to toe general a great help at tbe outset. There are

divided, sutedlvtiled or inulllplli-d. ac

It urns bout that ha eall os together,
ay Haady. my aweetbeart an' me.

nees ot (be (nmllle* of the
bride and groom.
Tbe hour popularly



wedding Is mid-day or afternoon.


brMe-elert hu tbe privilege of cbooilag the day. tbe rlergyman end the

Tbe u>hers are selected

(ram among ber friends and those of

• 'Hotw'a to the eyes that an tnn•
der and gray.


Ibe'bridegroom. One bridesmaid, or
ildof'boaor. would be safflclenl

• HoroY to tbo oyao tbat are btodt

n small wedding, but It U not net
try to bin- any aiieadstus.

or bcowm
Do Bm a* tke eyee speok true!

• BeiwY to the eym of tbe one I


HhrcY to tbe one 1 irapt.—

• 1 Ao a« love him betnuae I wUL

I tof* bim becnaae 1 Bust.
• Hernto IP tbe eyes that never rove

la natMb of eacA



• Hare's to n man wbo Bren n Bald

For ber


dotaty grnrel
• HeeWa B tbe mroet






A panrl tbat bttb no etaln.—
• A MM tobo baa BBror been false

to bis vows.

Assad tot J^Wr's Ctoli

Tbe house ms£ be decorated w

ed of Ibe girls gathered


Rtfroahmanta lor Fifty.
As the time ippim-he*


table ha* Ji.-en prepan-d Irom actual explaltied
expi'ili-nee*. These quuitllle* ban U-



anxiuua to purrba*e from her as *ou
venir* tbe arilele* she bad brought,
and sbe waa requested to offer on*
: a llnte, when the girl* would bid

nd onebaU pound
(‘•.tie.-, black. Ill aller<llnner rupis.i and uni--<iuarter gallun*.
rhurolate. 10 make,


gallon* -

Any (eiiiedy ea|wlile of mlUgwtlag .
Ilia catarrh

It U claimed foe Feruna that II la na
Internal sv-i. mi.- esisrrii remrvty. and
reacbn iliv-calareli to wIvaieirvrorgaA
It baiqK U* to l» liK-atcd.
“I wasruTwd •rfuerv ePe attack Of IniBamnuvilon of the U.wei. I.y ukiug I'eruna. 1 win glad I" re.-v.nini. iid Feruna
to a»y on.-" Mr*. J. J. F.roi., HI
Water tu., Kan Antonio, Tc-aaa.


future; l.rMe, and

hu.vlng salmon
iilui >uur*ell. as

IU- sure 10 sctccl
ta*i.-s dllfer. Ito

not go lo maik.-l lot him

The heal

are alway* luougbl to y.wir door. But
il I* Iji l-'li.-r (...have uuiic uwless
you will paH.-uHy learn bow lu cook
A pr. sen tog h.-ttl. ol -ibc .’incM
porcelain Is bcsl. hut it you have
iK-toIng iHii ail eartben plpkto,.ll will
do. with .ale Ih-e that tbe linen to
wblrli y.iu wwap him Is nicely waabed
iibd ....... .
wliji Hie required anm
l-r I.t l.uiK.n* and siMugs sivurely
sew.-d on
Tie him to the kettle Ly
n sliwig .s.mfuii viud. Tin- duly cord
I* breakable aitj api to let blm fly
OUI of Hu- k.‘-Hl.- ami to .vine burnt
and crusty on the .-.ig.oi'route,
you know ihal.llke a ecsb ur iobater,
yuu li.iK 10 ixHik him alive. Set blm
near a dear, steady riiv ul lovci neat
urwa Slid rlliw-rflllnesw If he spullera
anA rixzle* do nut to- aiiiious. Borne

fi-elioners •all kl.M>*. I.UI oo clnegnr
Hew To Proparc a Husband.
A g.HKl m.iiiy fausliaud* are utterly or pepfu-r on any a.w.unt
A lillle
miled III til., ivtoking. Borne women spin, win lm|.r>M.-.him. but II must
to- ii-evl w.lli jndgmei.i
IJ.i nol alirk
i-atelews- any *haip iii*irui>i.-in* Into him to

•I'Hieni .vuislaiilly In
ihei's tel ih.'Ui fm-xe by

p»a and Indifferru.-e
Sum- kwp see It he i* l*-<*initog lendor.
them ill 1. pickle all Iheli lives.
g.iiHy. sjl.-'ilng Hi.- while le»t be Ito
are Is not i.-a*oiiabIe lu suplHMi- that
Hat and luu .-lose 10 the kMlJe.
-rvi-d: T.-a—on.-gallon; .-off.H.—on- hu.halid lati he lender and ap|s-lU
»• to'■■.me Ilebby
year'* hat. wWeh she merrily aurtlonBbeelH and pillow cakes. ber.iowels.
•b.i* Ireaievl-you will find him
ofl for half a dozen linen fare and one-hull gallon; loaf sugar-two' Uig (real.Hi in ibi* way. Iml they
.ellv |)r«- agreeing Mi-.'ly with yuu
kitchen linen nad at least a part ol cldibs bearing her Initial. A half- pounds
real) deliiniu* »h.-ii prut.eilv
\\ lil|i|..'d cr.'.vni, eiH-h ijuart yielding pared. In s.-lerllng yi.l
He will keep aa
ber table litM. They ran be accuniu
liu-l'alid .and Hi-' ihtldri-ti.
laled Utile by little and maiiled a> fqll -or iilc-e toilet recipe*; a pair of twi-iil.v five RiMsuiluls-twu quarts.
as ,v..u ilk*-. «nle*» you be<y>iua
y..u should niil be guided 1.)
l.-p- and e,.| hiui In too rold a
golteri. The revival of the mended gloves wer.' sold (or a pretty
l*-uiiinad.-'01 Fruit Funch—two aud v.-iv ui.i-aranie, a* to bu'ilng
old dower rhest.would be a splendid haiidglu**; a pair ol worn . .Uppers one-hair gallon*
erel. le.r hv live g.lli|.-tl 1.IU.
many things to get at the begin­
ning tbat many corners will have In
be cut and many things* deterred. AImoat any girl can provide he^wn

thing to encourage frugal faablls.


fibout* ol laughter greei<-d


money that goes for odds and ends ot
personal adorproent might

I turn lor each.



in (or a pair of evening

gloves; and (he fun waxed high

much of

one pound
(Tivemy llvi- to tblrly
cuprul* are rouiiled to i.iie gjIlucL.i
When bolb lea

Frapi.p 01






imullloii. boi^two and oue-bslf gal

It be used to belter advantage tovesl- girl po..»e*ed a souvenir of llie bi
few palms and growing plants
Ibe future borne girlhood day*, while she wem happily
IbiullliiD. Jellied- two and one fuiirlli
barkgreand near tbe place where
Three pair of shvs-is and pillow ca»cs, home wiili a basket neaped wiib prac galkui*
ceremony will lake place.
ones. rarnatloDs. white lilacs
table riolbs and a half doxen Ileal gifts and murb good will.
lee rreim iw-.i and une halt gallon*
Htick l.-e I'lesni-iwu galh.ii*
and Miles are seaaonable to Ju^ napktoa foreaeb.a half d<>x<-n band
One or (be most amaring gift* pussi
make towels and as many roller towels and ble waa made by one ot 111.- ihapi.-r*
charming Yffeclk
N'alural elfecu arc tea tow«-ls would be a good star!
ot a lir.-ek l»ll.-r x.forliv. a ni.-m
should not rosi SO much These might bi-r who was about to be married.
produced by bnrtog the flowers
Urn* to lime, and
isca or bowls on Bsntels and tables. be golten^ro
Each girl was given a laige .beet ot
The bride's motber receives tbg be
heavy pap<-r and was Instrurleii le
Unh-ks a glM knows bow
to e
gUtolB to tbe room where lbs
[III II wlib advice about how rolr.-at
■oms of ihe syrlnga

my Is to take place.

- CManR Caairo KMBy Ph«i>tn.
(Ytazrh 1* a trsniornl cauae vd kU*
ney disease. Tbr pelvis u( tbe kidU'VS. ae welt s* the tubule*. I* Iln-xS
vtfib inu.'Uis mrui l.rwnr. WOd Is Ibeiw
(ore >ui.)e.-l lu cwtarrliwl eoogeetivm.
H..iiieiim.-elliv calarTb I* *•> ellghi w. to
rau*e n.> eiieniion. Other lloiee t« lends
U|.tv>vrrj eeruuiseoadtUoaa.

do tbi* ui|i il (hev are •|iill.- dune Add
a Ittile sugar tu tbe forvii of wbat rori-



An aisle farmed of while ribbon
may be made by four or six young


iirdiliK 1.1 Ihe liuiiilK-r lo be serveuv.

large table, and ihe hosies* infuroied
Ibe bride-to-be that they

MR.A. «. «r. LAHAWTU.
4gT sfFFFRFIv for twentywix TMvro
1 biih tiladdpr and ki.luey Irimbla.
nn.l lelngndTWrdl.sgive IVruoaatrial,
u^n4 gpbgbMiktui lo say that
1,1 u.til.w ofl'iTftnli^lQBthpe bulliea
MaaalvD eulliely cured live ul UiM
trvNible.and I am a* well aaever.''—Mrs.
Laniisler, ai2r McAtoa Aro,
Uouuvllle. Ky.

plaluty wtiiieu the naiiR- and .late

broagbt. wbeibcr It was ul linen or minds. An invitation was s.-n* in her
take, lea wltb cme of the number.
orgsatoi and fee for opening tbe silver.
1 10 bring wltb her'eleven arllrle*
plptato'. pa' ww aoaldBl roand Use ckurcb—all of these expenses bslng
But the olden daya bare passed and
tba: she meant «■ discard before de­
ff wabhA
for tbe bride's parents. Then. too.
lib Ibem such tieceaaliira. itlU there
TWidtta' af? Welt. 1 waa thlnkla' that tbe lovlinilons to a amaJI home wed- If lust as much ulisfactlon to Ihe parting for ber new home. On Ihe day
Xnady. wbo alwaya waa fair.
<Ung need not be engraved forma, but girl of loday as I'bere was to her and hour named, much, to her lurprise, eltyren Other girl* at
Waa barer ao awoei as tbto minute.
toformal notes wrillen by ibe
In supplying Ibe linen
«llb tto snow drltu taM to ber bcMe's SDOtber. II the bouse is Urge (or ber own home ai the sian. In the table, each with a mysrerio.i* pack
U one's frleoda may be to­
ly sol a standard that
ABTitbtoklB'. Tnthlnkto' UiatBayll b amair. It U correct to
After aandwiihe*.
of aad.
am ws narar tbought Bn«b a( eem-

AW. Use I cottlda'l help praying that
asaybs U- good Lord would see

For Twenty^ix Years

While girl* ol lee* uuoey but c-uiul

Aa' wo didn't start out without kaow-

bow tberVs a picture I see
Of BO Whan -Rrst I saw Maady. an'
Mas^ wbon first she saw bo;—

Mixture lor tlmbnles or pattiew—

by toeir girl friend* was an InlltaiBu
Frail Jelly—flve quart*.
Juno Miowwca.
J/ra. ImmaMt. cf Ktntttkf,
r. tbe InltUlion relsH^g. of
Aspir or other JeMv. moMed. ooe
The charalng oU proverb that
vnli tmurkMJ CtUrtktndmmt
courve, 10 tbe dniea of tbeir foinre unri to six or eight people—weren
was so dear.
FtMdUy R€tu0*4^y t'e-ru us.
hrr aov in tbr rerrstoar. vbro barof
Abcfct brides vboae careers vouM
Ids prrtomrd ibni d«v. br nar wlib—Woman's Home Compankin. ,
br pleasaai
ID* (bore upon IbcB from sklcw appeared on. the scene Ibey
•Inging tbo Woddirtg March.
* Afiet
many tbe clergyman
brongb before a trlbana] p( the spin
that wete vl. xr.
in unusual and cbwruilng wedding
congratulales the sewly-wedded pair
sler. and eompelled to gnawer some
uol •i-jii. uiModat.; ynat at
euiuny toeluded ibr singing viislead
and then withdraws, and they im
aueb question* as these;
of playing of the wedding nisreh. fi
and ataad in bis plan, tbe mald-of- For the damseU are aow such ua-How don II (eel tu be to tover"
Uibengrto.. If a churiis uf girl*
booer at ibe right of tbe bride. Tbe
-What are your Uenl* of malri
bkiurwl flowera
.ing Ibe wedding march a> a h.
beat man moreo away and makes They at* ibriving their beat in a mony>
sreddlnn. tbe prelller way will be
Imaell generally useful as usher.
Insieavl ot any toaiA'iKr senlliiirniserlro* of sbowees.'
:bem <0 begin in one of th* ur
The wklle Hbbuns abidi lormed an ■TbC^bower ul line*' descends upon beart>. rosea, vupld*, etc —.able trim-CUIDS. sluwlv descend ll>4 *lair*. and
aisle are carried away, sod tbe famniinga a* .well ns tbe (rvillo wblyh
llnirb Ibe rboru* in the Vvom where
Uy and frleuds basten to offer greetAnd a -abower ol spooes' la thought rounded nut tbe aflernucvn were all Ihe cerv-tDoiiv N to take place.
Ulgs to Ibe bride and ber husband
*ugge*tlve ol buu^keeplug. It. fi*k».
A dnipla feast may be set forth on Or •.bowwrs ol cryalal' expensltel}
A kridt s Citta.
I and r.-*^Hbllille», lUIrwduvvvl
a table In tbe dtoliig-raoai and may
thvugbllul bride wbu.ea
to ways wbl.'b made for laughter
V her borne to a dl»t*ot ciiy gav*
bouillon served in cup*,
The tun.-h.-un table was iih>*i orig
prirea- ub.
hut crogueltes
of cblAen. salad.
in _.»itingk. The cvnierpW-e ber plivcogiapb* to Ihe lomt toli

broldcr it would be well for ber
. If possible, tbe papi-r marbe I
forms and work ov.-r these.


girls alretrhlag tbe strands from glv

Insures a perfect and wel|-padde4 I
Inyulrv with a sc
en points Between these ribbons tbe
bridal party walks. Tbe clergyj
addressed stomped envelope nddresa
enters first, followed by
groom and
best man.

tbe bride­
Shopping th-pariment 01 a
They may city dry gbods store w ill g>-i the price*
^ these Jrllem. They range In price
eltber walk up the aUle described
enter by a aide door, near tbe place from 2 CO to cent* etch.
For ibr

a busbaiid. The sb.-eis were ihei
levied and bound with tbe *or
monogram upon Ibe rover. Rome ol
(be advice was to prose. «onie to

Itonl.iVii*—ilire.' .viul oil-hair p.iiin.|.
ttalt.-.l Xut- -Ihf.-e 11. t.iur |*>iind*
Ole-halt piiiiml ot blanc hed aliiiiuidnake

piN>irv, some was quoted, some wa*
original. bu> it was all very iniiny and.

-iiual to two and one puarter fsiuiidv

while II migbl not be very iru.lworiby

Biigar lor berries—1 wo pound*
Haw Oysi.TS. lour to per.on-

to live by It. il could be r.-M.-d upon
10 furnsD a laugh at some dfi
moments in a young wife* lir.-'

for Ibe ceretDony. and take ibrir po abeels and pillow cases

:wu hundif-d
oyfer*. vi«*l eliopieul one gallun
lairge l)y-!ei. lu r.siuU'.e*- wi-n

and table
At one sbowv-r given b^ married
be Ibr.e or friend* of the bride, each ^e.| came and line naif qiiarl*
tbe nipkins a* requested, to ber own -wedding ap
Ham—one small -or null .larg-Inches hlgb. parv-1 or as much ol It a* possible. bam.
lOweU. take Tbe program ronsWed ol short talk*.
rbltk-n ir Turkey. dr.~*.-d bo- un
letter'About tbnn- inebes bigh. Fan
• folluwi. wltb a prize offer tor ibe cooked—iweniy fi^ pi.und*

■lIMns where Ibe reremooy will be, cloths Ibe leiiec* should
Not many weeks ago Home nwer's (nctag Ibe guests, tbe bridegroom at four Inches high.
odlur bad
the left of riergynian. nod Ibe beat they aiv two or ibri-e
iue left of Ibe bridegroom Towel*, ibai Is the good

If there ire ushers, they enter two
and two. Tbes romes the mald-otpeopB. wboee eyee an aa bright
r script uDd old BngUsb leller* urr
tbtar benrU us young as they were bODor alone, preceding the bride, wbo oqually good for marking On sfaeeis
wbea to ICW they plighted ibeir rows comes 'taai. leaumg on the right arm and pillow case* and towel* the letof Bre aiB Jaltb. liver since ber glrl- of ber father Wben approarblng the
l> pla<ed In' the middle from

The Wedding Five Year* Ago-By
Uie bosleaa

Hoiv We I'.ed u. Ito It—

Salad—one and iwnibird* galhm
rbicken Salad —four -in.uiid* chick
II i<> vine quart Biad. *ev.-n |»und*

1 woman who had celebrated
I.ob*ler*-t'>ra_^ one quar; *alad
pliacc where tbe (eremony will be
Ibree inches below the hem ac- golden wv-ddlng
Potato v'hips^^^^fimr poundsA-Modern Bvent—
,OHye*. bj number—two hundr-d lu
otbrr pBasun. what ahe used to can the usbers go to eai-b side, allowlag
ding; to tbe style of toe letter and By a bride evt one we-k. A Brid.-t»
Ibe Baidol hooor to pass up u
ir of Its owner. Table cloths and
"a lory." and ae It aatarally
-By k young lady soon to be tikir two hundred and leo in l» Ue of one
to pMs that before kmg abe waa beg- left; tbe bridegroom aL'.-ances 10 meet napkins are marked to tbe comet
A Hitch In Froceeding*—By
glag to be WU of tbe wedding day toe bride, who remorn ber band from tbe napkins the letter Is placed so
R<ril«-*lx dozen
who*.- wegldtog df»*« wa* delayed
la far OR lodtoiia. to the ptooeer her father s arm and plares 11 In toe It will show when Ibe napkin Is fold and who kept a eburrfa full of peo­ . Butter for rolto-one pound
ttmm when li« bonnes to scatlmd hand of Ibe bridegroom, wbo leads ed and on ibe cloth far enough up ple walling, and wbo at ia*t
one sandwirii loaf
gionpi mniRed Ue spou where aow her lorwanf and they stand faring the
I be efTectlve. The pattern of toe obliged 10 wear aboiber gow*
to six loaves
not band to hand
Kentucky Wedding—By a Keniuc*y
Rimer for six hvave*—two pound*
ouad Urtvtog dUee And so vivMly clergyman, but
oto should help determine tbl*.
one cupful u'
was (bt pMars drawn tbat
On tbe personal tblngx. that Is. tbe woman.
Rxperlences of Tb.-ir Own
bood abe baa Bred, better tbaa

got tbe areseat day surroundings, and the bride. In rvadinen to offei
oaderclothlng. etc, a much smaller
feh' bsnelf xmoog tbe gueata wbo. mile nttenlloo. aoch aa bolding ber letter U used and 1< li applied ac
.«■ tbe dusky bight sbndowa gatbmd. hoqaei or gtovs. Tbcv.bMt mi
lac tu. lAo ClrlY own ustc. Tba




Poem-Tbe Urooifs" Song.
Sweet Home'—By nU.

if you want quick action and prompt
service at all times send your orders for
Sash. Doors. Mouldings. Lumber. Shin­
gles* Lath. Shop Work. Cottage Material.

Original bolter and paste: ot other fJlIng. on.
ptoi I
Meat lor Croqucttec-three parti:.


- South Side Lumber Co.
J. O. CROTSEB* Receiver.
Both Phones Z’, ^

Tcaversc Clly* Ifich.

Your Frull Trees
Probably you intend too. If so. we are interested.
We have the very best Blue Vitriol, araenate of lead.
I’arii Geea. etc, that we. cao buy. You will oot be
dissappoinied in results if you purchase Spraying Mat­


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