Grand Traverse Herald, March 30, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 30, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




S14* A YEAR.


Horrible Crime of Insane Man Near
Ibncclona Tbis Morning.

In. Ceofge Boopfer ud 2-Year-OU CUd Were
nctiK of the Bloodliist of Had Han.

sioGAirroR cm TAFT WANTS

Travama City. Coed Today.


..Tomorrow,” Adootod »y tho
Ad Club.

D»t I

alo^ for Traverae City:



Tra»emo City, food today, britrr

Tbla waa aaballied by T. H. Sberlae. oboaa aamber waa SIS, and Mr
Sberaan Ibrreforo wlaa Ibr »I0 prttr
olcred by tbe Dally Eaflr

I. B.1mRT

oldant Wanta NrceMitlea of Life
Placed On a Reduced hehedule
and Will Uaa Hit Infliranec
loward That End.

Law Firm of Abbott A Abbon. of Ctotroii, Taka Leiand intaraoia
of Frank Hatch.
U-land. Mlih. Manh rf.—The lav
firm of Ablnm A AbbiXI. of Ib-troU.
have tiiiri-haxed the water power
risb’x »f .Frank llaiib. The vor)i oo
the riani anil eleririr llahl plain will
be n-MiBMil ai oiiivuid lit a abori
Ime. powi T Iiv iblf and olher nearby,
lllasex nill be furuUhed.



WAS nun

BY APRIt 10 OR 11

Harriton Occlared That toa Tax on
Tax and Feminine Wsaring
parol .Waa a peevuealion of


woman's Cuffrago.

, Mur.1.



Wnahlngton, Manu 2T —Tbe houae
uwj-t and means i-ummittee plai
•UMOtwiii.iai^«.Sareha.-^a«plng with her b«br «« her left arm.
bring to vote ibe I^ayue tariff bill
•e a tariK mlurilou <ui lUe
Mm. Oaarfa OlMbfar wao ^ into otomitjr tMa momlnfl by a blow from
April 10 or II. It to mow ptonoed
sefiarstely oii ttie schedules the
a oUek of wood In tht haaot of hor cmxod hooband. A soeond later, lha
streiiu.HlsIy upi^d. the flfwl
tnnoeoM imia cMM. wamod br oHbor tbo tromor that ahot ihmugh the
Including wool. Inub-r. bMeS,'leather,
a reuiill t
ixion.. and
fraiBO of tbo mother at hor dtaaolirtien or by aome rroaclanea of provldanea,
wl and Iron iiiuiiufactiir.-s,
be la deierralned to make.tbe wealtb)
Kepiva-nialiie llarrison. (be New
ollfMy rMaad Itaalf and H too waa ooM Into oiortiiir. To comflfta the
bear tbeir proportlonale burden.
Y'ork demy^lic bolter, discussed the Frof. Fcaoeh. Mica Oiwo and
awfM orimo, the tnmband and father then toeOc a fcoon woodaman'a exe and
lie advotated a reducUon of srbed
riff bi/fOday. He declared Ibe taxlogman Ware tho But
Ule.x on wOblena. oil. ubues and oiber
earXly ehaopod th# hoad from lha body of the mother and r^aliyaevuu tea, cof^, ghiv.-r and stoektogx
■re a wumiin'w sufferage pmroiaand UnloaOer anO tha Other,
orod.that of the baba. . Ho.waa arroated^ by thorlir KiMla and tahan to
eoivod Many HInta.
('ungrvxarann .mile Jamea. of Kenpanted by a F
safely Brake for
luiky. a deiuooraL oltacked ih« Paviie
•ottalm far a hoartns. Hooofar mada two attemota at auleide. ono wUh a
steel. Iron, kbews. ludiber. sine. ore.
Ibe houi
Frankfort. Mich.. March 2«.-TBo
lea and coffee free.
knMo and the other by han«lnfl byt waa unaueeeaaful.
At Ibe neetlas of the board ol eduBcotio
Teachara' luUtnto.
Whan a
K. J. Cooke, of thla- city, baa been
by. I'd cry toe. and then wa'd maka rallon Thiinulx]'. i. II. UIIIhti
whicb wax held bm Wedneoday.
Hvad on the aeono thla momln).
grautt'd letter! bt patent ui
up, but it waa no uaa, wa’d guarral n-e-leeted lu^rrlDteBdeat'ot tbe Tra«Tbuniday
of Uat «o^
found a ehantoi houaa roWMa with
again. Rather than live that way, It erie rity neboelx for Ihr neat l»o
banoa. On the bad, lay the mathar
il tn a great deal aa both are pracIntcrMtlng and votl anasdwaa bettor that wa all ahauid die.” yean by a uhaalinoui eotv. tba laaeb*nd Ittlla child, the baby ratting on
al aud valuable. One Is sn
ad. IM (earhera being (hero.
he man wept bltiariy at ha told tha vrt' roniulUre having made Ibe rectho arm of Ita mother. The bM
Ore eseap- niid milaader and the
The program opened Wedaoaday
a large leather couch and
other a safely etuiTgency brake
with a musical number hy tbe IRa^. ,
Hr. Gllberfa aalary for Ibe comiai
oooirMng IN »>a vicinity wai btaod
■leiaiom. It. I» Mr, Cooke's inlentlea
fort High arbool double qoahaC which
Altar killing hla wilt and child. year will be |moo kod for tbe year Fatal Third Stroke of Mralyalt Wa
aoahad. The wallc vram apatUmd with
u muDufaettire Ibi-M- ar'lcles and will
terr pleating. Coonty nmaiM
Keopfaf took a jack knife and
' '
Haan't Been Oyer It But H
uaa—Ramalne will Be Brought
the life Wofd of tnnaeenoa and mothocale hlx plant ■whi'n-ver he <-no
Bloaer U. L. Brlaloi. of Bcnnala. thdk < .
great gaoh In tha right aidk of hie will make a total of nine yeara Lbal
ytapondentt Scattered All'.
- -aehood wMlo the bad dothaa. the two
lire the pmiM-r eaeotirageiueJil,- pretotroduced Mr, Ptweeh, fooM^ • •
Mr. Gilbert faa< breu al tbe head of
ihroaL The knife waa tee dull a
■Line Of the Trip.
badiao and the floor wort ooohod
deputy stale supertotoadaat or.paWh
wouldn't ge In aarily.” ha aald, '-So I (be local acboola.
RiiUonx Day. MIrli.. March 2'.—
H. Hawdith the bad. warn gmat pooli
inatrucilon hot now oa the (atralty «(
Tho.,,^nm Invention conxlx
le realfnpUoD of HIM Maud
gave It up." -HooseveU's
Death came in John Limey, known idlena' cbalo running u
af btaod.

(he AgricuUoral college.
■ ■
Heepfar than «mm to the
trip is not lerra iiirugniln I
brougboui the rvglun m. ■ Jack.''
Mr. eTcnch apoke on tbe anhJoeL
sprocket wheels. On thh chain can liuliv .-i
where there la a ladder leaning up
2:30 Ihlx morning, alter t-iiffering the
Naar the bad wort tha IlHIa gar-Agriculture in' the i*ublic Bidinnli.”
nllaebcd bOBketa 6r other rcccpla- praritraltj all Ibe places wbviv
employed In
the loft. Aaeanding tola, ha tied a ed and Miaa Alice Scoit empi
iMrd atmke of iiaralyxia two daya ago.
manta af tha ehIM and tha playthlnga
rope to tha tepmeat
t rung iand than
He wax Cl jenrx old aud leart-a a wJU- goods from a vcaael. from various former |ji"-..ld”iii will lu.vke ihe
that R had bean want ta amuaa i
all education of today tended to tt
On Mr. Codman'a motion,
1. tHe UothJumped on. There wai foe much alack,
ime sorry that he cami-.
■rith. Theaa. aUlnad tha dai
uie’brulber. Mike I.Uhey of Trav- loora In warebonaetorin other pli
rra- rlnb of tbe Union atrort arbool
r. and ha waa net Injured.
wbero ihe lornier pre«bl.'iii slaris uat. (be young people for aurtbiag else hot
t’liy. and four xlxlvrx. Mn. Mat- lly an ingenloiui ananguueiu
d a alghi that weuM
agriculture. He alto apoke la the
Hoiley has a corn-apoiid"in‘
lie Aab. Mm. Mury Malpiexi. bo'h of
uiiotb.T ut'l'guiida. tbis b.-liig ibe <lis- ebangi- in amamedc. ailing attonOMk.
With tha blood atmamlng from tha
Kdgenon, M'l-.. anil Mix. Sareli Me■ litna
Ibe fact that 10 yeara ata. (Be aUdy
traet to ibe ones nsnl by the Uak
IcI of Willis HiiK'bklss. who lectuied
ound In hla neck and dying
waa full af btaod. A atranga aert
Gliriii and Mix Ki.dli lAiun.). txdb ..f
me'aial arltbaetlc waa readided aa
elly a few years ago.
lirt and oepoaed neck, Heopfar want
breading allonoa hung over tha pli
Very important but today too mnMi
-uat abyWcIgHt la put Inlodbe
Hr. Uoniacue calW aiienilon to
Hi- also has a <-urreK|K>iidenl
and whan lha aro%«d of naighbore. of- to lha Cbtnetem farni. Appalled and
lo... to done. -Xbe ocoalOB
xix weeliB agu Mr. IJiney .»uf- rec-piacle, no matter wbMbcr li it Uvera aud Flklilokoxei,i. ib.. fa|g game
Relala and epoatatem agMca, the ach- frightened
feixul.a Ximke i.f |iara;yiito. wlilch dl4- one iwuiid or a thousand Ions, the a
closed with.a seiecttoa given by Bre
enof the man, Ebenatein wai compelled
oaa thraoghat the '
yuiing Indies fnsn tbe Benito oouwy
k«a ordera acramapsb-d purebaaea. abb*d biln. Two weekx nge hi- sulYercd rbine is aiiioiuallrally braked Ju
to ge to toe eamatary with him. There.
Mranga faetlnga
light M> the weight ilescenila
the audltllng coamlllee would
rei-eiveil'by Mr lli.lley lx a pli-lore <it
Haopfar picked out a place where ha
At the Thuraday morniiig toaaloa,
bnu>e. Rliliniigh at limex
Just the s|M-ed desired. It used as
D«e. k. Ibem. It xet-ma tbal Itaiti bad
big game dial Mr, Itooseveli''will
tmmpantont af hla awful dead, tha wanted to be buried with hla family.
lo xii al Ibe table. Hla biv>tber Brc escape, one or more ficnKiiit could secure and on aiiutiii-r. is a ivpreseuta Prof. Preocta talked on -RecAtattona.”
been (orgoltrn until purebaaea wbteh
falhor mavad aboot tha ptaca and Than ha lafl Ebantlaln and returrwd
Mike, went In bix bunie a( Suiloiia detcciid lo Ibe ground at any upecd Him of Ihe nieikod ol travel. Another He panK-nlarly eauUoawd tbe toachan
whan the camera waa adjuatad
to heme. Ebanatoln aounded a ^nanl
they di-slre. ibe martainn being e^- card shows tbe ICamlieiii river and'ovrr against -e use of tbe word "aegl”
made indiacrlmlnately. glvlag tbe com- Day. aben- be leiualui-d with him
take a pletora af Ow bambia aeana. ilarm. tummening the oflleerR from
blc Of IH-Ing set for varioiu apcxula. Ibis to a groat alee] bridge, (be brldxe saying tbal word bad apollod Bkoc* .
nlliae murb trooble. Ur. Uonugue-x (be laxi.
ha laaiatod an being
sv-bolaf* loan any other.
a can be slopped al any floor or at having bei-ii built by a fitlabiirg
motion lbal no gooda be p^id for by Funeral iw-rvireii willlie bald al (
wRb Me dead. Thla waa denied him
Mias imey Onge. ot tbe training dohome at SiilioDx Bay Monday after any dhnance also.
and shipped In ae<-(luiis.
and «nany a ptetura of lha murdarar.
Tha heuta la ailiiatod in a hollow
pantu.iit ft (he tnlhnaioe nonoal,
proper order, carried.
noon at 2 o-clork. and on Tiieaday Tlie Olher device eonfcliia of an endMe face dwaU, after an attempt at nem to a aeheM. it it mt<a batter than
Prof. . raneh'a views and
Tbe board adjourned (i meeTat tbe Ibe remalna will l>e brought lo Trav leoa cbalo working on sotuoHllag the
ahanly although tha.furniture____
also tauiioned tbe toachera agntnat
I photographed
CtJl ot tbe rlerk.
erxe Clly and mler.-ed inI Oakwood raue prinriple ax the torflwr. !( the
mono. ■ •
Jhe use .i asrcaam She (hea apoke
good duality. Back of the houae la an
with the Maaonlr. riiiial.
elevaior goes wrong and staria to
orchard and In front of IL la a grove
"fbll^n'a Utaratnre to (be BtoTHH CRIMf.
Sohn Lllhey wax'bom in Troy. New ilrbii. the brake it ligbicned on tbs
It It evidently a pretty place
meolary llradca - Hits Merrlmaa MTho orfmo la too meal harrWIa In
and it lx atomied in a very MRS. SEYMOUR PABBEO AWAY AT lowed, igwaklitf OB Ibe ”De*elopnwat
York, June 2fl. ixtr., nnd with hfa par­
mmer but haa an air of daatha annala-of Ahiriih oounly. for four
ents. when a liliU- U«y. came to Rock short space. Hy using thla device,
School Haodlrraft.”
yoarw Mr. and Mra. Haopfar had re- ojatlon at pretanL
River. Wi«.. where he lived iiuiil h< eieciiir Or Other power elcmtora n.-cd
■oWtd an lhair farm atvan mllea aavttywaa iiulda the houae that Ho<
no iiower on the descent, running
was 18 y.arx old. At (bai time, be eutaaat of hare. They ware wall thought
found by Iha-offleara. After hla A. W .BRECHTINQ RESIGNS POSI­
listed In Co. (';, Sr.l Wiammaln eavat- down six fiwi a ininuie or a ttonaand Bad Newt Rseeivsd by Aieo Seymour
af by thair nalghbert and wore appear- crime, lha man had token a rag and
saying that education to ant
i-y, « rvlng two yea™ during the Civil
minute as desired and stop
tody Will Be Brought Hci
• oMIy vary happy. Haopfar waa proa- carefully wiped oft lha blade of the
dead as tome people think, but U n
ping bi any place deilrud.
For Burial.
APer the war, be . relumed
living, flowing oaaa Mtot Oige nnid
pamua and aecumviatad guKa a llltia ax. aatting It In Ita place. Than ha
Both invemlDiia aienliuple and prarRork River and retLaiiied fhere i
eduvailvin rouid not be clnMldod bat
manay. baaldaa ewnlr<, the farm.
«la handa and whan found, F. L. Hunter Succeedi Him Aa tha
jearx. Anally going wexi and then c
Wuid W..S nivtoHd Friday
Manager el (he Office
one i-ontlnuuua proceu of learslns.
Haopfar la 8t yaaro old. flva loot, waa pMlng tha Roar, muttarlng and
Mlelilgan. Mr Lllney Aral set* pfacd on Hie Diark
Thla City.
Alec Seymour ol the death of
Miss Merriman. at Ibto Beeatofl. coaaight 1na^ toll, dark eamplauionad. weeping. Ha deal not atom ta racog
JAirlhiKirt. living Hiere 12
niQlber who Jiaa lui-n rosldlug
rluded ber lalk oa "School Haadb
Wa faali»oa being vary «mng. Hla nito tha enormity of Mt offanta and
years, and ihen eninx i..
Hoowlng what could be aeeomraving aye. hla mmbllitg talk IncMia- hit only rograt aaame to bi that ha
where be engsgi-d in .x.ninierelal pur
Ohio s;.e wii- Kt years i.ld, and one plished by manual iralaiag. She ted
Tam at timaa ond hla nervoM aetlana failed in hli Intantlan to da away with eigbt miM^ baa beeti Ibe iiiaaager
and bad Il».-d there up. nnin the
a-Ornwl offii-e of Ibe IbXI Tele
of the . Id idoneers ..t tills rogloii.
Ilka a oagad aiUmat taW the atary
display work done by ber teboUwa
wbirb was a credit to bar tencMng aa
Tbe renmiii;- v. Ill i>>- lirongbl to
tea wall—a atory unauapaetad bv
Mra. Haopfar waa S2 year* aid and phon^ Cu . haa Jeiirieivxl bix n-aianacity on Hie 7 o'. k I'eie .Marqueliu well as HI (be school
lha baby would h^y been two ycara Ion, V\l. Iliiiiter, who liax ^en wllli
Ibe conipaby b.r some time. aucT>fdMine) tookn pmmlneni nan
treln tonlgbi nnd taken lo the I
liix.i^sioiis o< varioua suhJecU loipmhapo-the man la inaana.
eW iteil September.
Ing him .
vlUag<‘ affalra. FVir 12 yewra be was
uT her Kon. Al.-e. imi Beivnd sim-t. luw.-d un Friday morntog aad Mr.
At toe uaual time laet nIgM,
lluriog their xlinri xlay In the elly. Cownxblp ireaiurer. waa president of
Sf-e b-aves iTliI Hie two suns. ,
Frucb presented a plan lor Ieachlag
WIN. the Chiu and tha huibaiu
Alleged that He Bold a
agrienJUre lo tba gcteolo.
tirM, too wfto and child an ibalr
many (riebdx who will be ai.rry lo aee aebool direetor.
Church of the limiiacHtale Concepiloo
In Ibe afternoon. HUa Merrimu
aooeh and the huaband an tlw col be■him 0-ave. Mr. Ilr.-ebtlng gniiig lu
olkcui.-ed kiudergnrten work, naytag
kloDday furemiuii n( p u'i-Jp.k.
Ih-lrolt where he bus xereral eacelleni
>a>mg tbit tbe average tcaitotr waa
•‘father. AI the child ralaad. it had bean
Till- pHi- lisicF <1'-|,jrlnieni wa'; In
OUfTiInga In vl-» but boxn-l derided
iflialiOea for tbla but abonJd ba a
- !?V^^ •mured a huge atlek of atrock and had died without failing
tnitiic’iiiai III -..-I'UMiiK anulb.T war
which luJakae.
graduate u( the fuie Normal. Maaat#a loood. WRh thla. ha atruck hit bato. Judging by tha p*,»ion of tha
'.fa of Richard Each PaaaM Away •BUI Ml the ........... It..- .-nw alleged to
Mr. Ilmiier hex Uh-ii with lha rdm
■ I training was further
"*•“>•' »tv*r moved after pany In varb.u. .aiia. ltl.-u and hix
hate bud .'aiiis-r. aud wb.ri. waa sold
Al tha Bowhall Hoeplui ikftor
ktotfr of the Late Or
ivs MeiMinaa.
beef. Slat.. FO..II liispjcYor G. M.
work lx In ii„. natui
Twe Waeka' lllnaat.
S. O. Aahleon,
1, 1Fasted Away In
Tnr Viusiiig iilk waa ‘The Teatear
1.- • Wearing iiiil a warrant against
r**<t*xii]liun Ilf
T-.ino; los." by Prof. Frcn^ Who
RM aatiallad. Taking hla kaan doubto
Mm. Inei B*.-b. wife of Hirharfl Willlaiu Wrlkbt. of Kmg-leV. Shu a|>
In.ihe paxt.
haiiitied tile ..uLJ'-rt'ver.v ably. He adbitted ax. ha efwppad until tha head
Bsrh. dl.-d at H o'l-b.ek Muiiday p.-aiej (n-foie Judge A F Neilmger
tised Ibe learbers to always be noat
of hla. wHa fall free from tha body.
. H l> Asl.ion today rereived
Mrs Cura Howball'a private box iiutav
do a thing ouuidethaacteol
Than wllfe anoihar great blow, ha Young Man Pataad Away at the He
telegram from laiuis J^ilera u| Byrapltal. tc.2 Kasi Front street, alier a
Tiu- wairaiii aileg... lbal on Febmttouefc tga Oiroat of the little chiw,
NVb., stating that .Mrs. Frank tom she would not do in It.
pitaL Sunday After Onfy a
lo weeks' illness of lypbirid feii-r iry I In ibe lowsshhi of I'aredlse one
Tbe township unit ayaiein waa 8ffaevarinf the head until it hung by a
Iir*.i*lil»i11, tb.* only r.-niaiiiiug slsl.-r
Short llincca.
lie had lieen at tin- boxplial r. i.vk.
mMiotia Will oW Along tha Groat
Wllliaiii Wrigbi' ^ ^11 sn adulirraletf' uf the lari' Dr. II t>. AsYilon. had db-d dorsed at ibe cneetlag Tbnrediy.
mare thraad of flaah. Than ha went to
tiexides ine husband her f.arenls. arti.-le ul rood, rowli: Four ifuirter.
Lakaa April l and Men Were Hare
toe heme af o noighbar. Ed Ebon
3 211 Kalurday afternoon. The
RuRnito Hnory pA-ry. of lon Wa»l.Mr.. W lauey. of Tl
on Way to Stoliont.
beel,..( a'dixeaaed row to one Fr--d
it s.-nic.- will lx- b.-l(1 m Syracuse:
Inetmi air.H-1. pautsl
Ille; xurilie. also * bmilier and x1k|.t.
n-i. iif-radlllae. tb- xxnie b-Ing di- and the burial will te- there.
WHY HE 0(0 (T.
liar aflnmonn at j oviork of Ijnhol.l
The life saving Ustlun* of the Great Milta of ThoinpiumrIUe. She w’ax ^
t.-iK-d and laiiiied. Willium
s. Ilr.-ihblll lived j number of 'Paaaad Away at fiar Homo ad Vtea
TMa la what Haopfar toW a Record tpver and colopllrAtlnni, afier
old and had been married four Wright Having piirriiaeed the (oui
lAkex ofieo on April 1, and the life
year* In ihlx i-ity and waa Well known
fopoftar etandlNg in the room with wfpita' innrm. He had hiwn
Friday. Faralyala BaMg tba
earing crvwa ore fluealog (o tbe dilquarters ot b.s-f from
Rci'ijamin F
nnny of ihe older resldenu. Her
Grand TraTerae bnalpla) a lllih- more feretit atatlona In lu‘ iii readhiexx when
inninger. of Kingsl-:
d.-alh ends ihe generallm to which
”Aa my wife laid in my arma tout tban a r.-elt. He wan t: ynn oW. and
ibe eeaeon xbatl op. n.
mipA, wa talked of our troublaa. and leam a wlfv and two kmall rhildn-n.
Mrs. Deipbine WclU. 5T year* old.
Several life aaverx were In tbe rityi Paaaad Away AHh# Home of Hit Bio- ■rm of Clrrjli lourl to Ihe sum of Kn-chMIl b-ing the last lu go
toe aald that It woiiW be batter « wa Pearl. Bcvd aeren, aad Carl, about
di-xl at ber home at Tute Friday
today on their way in llie Mathuix,
B3lH> bail, whicb be allempled .Jo se­
Ml died togathar. | ogrM with her three yrara old. Hla pamnin. Mr. and
paralyata. 6b« ted lived In thU ’
Joba AI[w-m gufng in Jackaon Part.'
Long Lake tewntiup Tliuro- cure. toit at a lai.- bmir had not re
.Will Open Croeery.
d M itoU toara,• I mada
vietolty for 13 yeara. Her bnatead.
------ my plana.
—- Mra. Fmok Prrry. alto xorvhre. aad a Chicago, abere he wax taai soaxoa.
day afternoon at r> b'l-lork. di-aib com­ •ortrd hit aucevax.
Special to Tb.- Bveeing Record.
wnttom Wella. aarelces ber oa do two
Tw^mamltrg. I klHad them, it waa brmher, lUrry Pnrtri of thla rUr. and Ole Tboraon to MIrbIgan City. Mr. ing
after an atlark of bean failure.
KtngsKr, Mich.. Manch ?>.—Hailnnd one dangbter. Orate nod
a aialer. Mm. AI Amalreng. al*o €t Tbotwcm also having 1--en at Mlrtil61 rear, old and leaVei' a
daughter. Mra Githrtc Reed, or Grand ''•”“l'tok from Ihe dUlgiiltlon of tbe turd Taylor wHI open op a grocery wmie Wells, or Arm*, aad Tuba, re­
tbla city. .
a City laxi leaaun. Tom Halrd weal Rapids Mr Clark formerly lived la ixiw scM to have been snffe'rlng with
whKa And our guarraia wore hlttor.
In tb.' lira Wo.-k. Tour Poock spectively. and Mn, Libby Toma ot
Mr. Perry had been a reeident ol
Racine, tvu.. thU tooralng. where
Wo WRMd hove an awful wterrol and U.lartlyalD<ein2.tend'Bg
... ..................
from Read- he wtll reaame Ale poaldoa at
than ahCd tom away and cry. Bp ORd tog. N. V.
rbe libwigs bnildlDg and wlU con­ Tbe (aaanl w«U -he taM te MM
(Ule aarlug riation .
lill- for (otermeot
the June lerm.
duct Ibe storr-' b- reafter.
Acme cborrb Snaday nnernooo.
Talt foday auxin 111 aeveral rongrvx
that be will uie bl> liitlueiire

















fitail Itmm BolU
twiel A WBCK.

___ _ Udvridar

sp^r, a»4 II U veil to ‘Tk«o tbo
««rr •ppooruM ot etn- it kM Mt
■ppMfed urvton ihmt IfcebiWrwu
or tto ofrtoMttMleoJMRo fc*»o oatw•d ifctvoBk. «**■!**• *opotBl»*i
the •rlmltnnl boord.wlikA boldi U«
UBW ivUtlw to tbo oolletc ibot tbe
boord or eduotlOB doeetolbcMnul

U The b*T ordurd. anf was on the gronai about
boata bate barer made rdfalar atepa
there a»4 (be oblp vap to raaeA

band. It was cold, but steady..
aad FaOer vere at verb,
"How are you frellng todajT^ be
Mkaloa tr«M tbia eUp baa been bp auted (bat he haard a tkad. and look-:
drlrtat. Tbe oev boat llaa vlU tw tag lovard tbe am. aoUeto that tbare was asked.
-o. I'm feeling good today, beiier
doobiadlp reanlt Id a great lacmae la
yealerday.' be replird.
tbe ettmmer retort boataeaa and brlog

Do You Get Up
Wlib a haam BackT
nto9 OwMe Makto Tm Mmi
Atmarn erory-ooe koowsofDr.iaimef*
cause of its remarkI aUctaalth icsto^

Traverse Oty State Batt
A. Tracy Ltr, ITaaliraL

R. FtoFd CItoeh, Ttoa FtiilEnL
Ramtwl GatUM. OtahMr.
A. J. Mayord. AtoL Otahtor.
A. 3. Havuud. AtoE. OaBMar.

atrfke aj.
When naked why be bad killed Ful­
p! etopplag Ibete.
v ground hid tie ob>eeL Newman decla^ ler. be replied:
-I had to do It. II* was saying all
be hoped that tbe iUw vUI lag tbal ba thought at drat It vai
|cm7 wish in overthe time that be .'veuM kill me. I
> a p^g OM. (be omtaok belag aqairrri vbleb Ferguaon vaa after.
Binirk a blow a* Newman
bim evs« at nlgbL He didn’t
M7 pramlBlag lor that, aad that
vaa ruDDlng. .Newman baring called
right out to me. but BO I rould
out to him a* be ran. Semnn'a leail- bear 1i. I heard him aayJt yesibrdsy
e did vlaelp la jaDonp waa la pan aa fellow*;
jnst before I alrark bim. I'm glad I
ctirtects urouEty lo
trododog tbe change. 8« ve are anv
- -Wbat to (be world are pou doing.' dM'll"
bold wateraihl aeaUirgpain to paamagit.
to Meet tbe ala membere of the board.
aeked FergOMB. 'TouTe-killed thi.
"Did you ever tell aayone that you ertadcAc. tv roUowin;-u*ecdlKp>ae.w»c
WeU.vho are ibr?—Ue oaDdldilewT
an. baren't poor'
“* **?
feared hlmf he waa" askt-d.
IKIib vi-c exception ibep are the prea
- I guea* so.! Ferguaoa replied. *As
"No. You see
dMn'l -knew bow
n,i.n>U-'(. alreadp IB tbe eerttre:
1 u oooood-cin
long a* I've go* to far pou may a* they would Mke It."
, t»M.«t tbo p
lb- i-zeepUoB U Jadse Wio. U
veil let me BnUb hln."Out peibaps If you had told'them
Corpeulw. of Drlrolt, who laielp re- •No.'1-replied- 'You atand where
It he would bave been lakea
or bladder (rouble, it will be fonad just
elgucu i->nu the loprene beoeb, aad ALEXAHDBR TBROUBON KILLED pou are.' "
rare of so you would uoi have .been
tbe remedy yoo need. It has been
vbo boe been pnreoaded bp tbe alone
Were Not D
danger, and Iben ynu would r
ooghlT tested in pricste pracliee. and baa
Moept ft»r tvo pean Ible eeh
Xewnto* tnither leatlSed (bat he tare bad to do wbal you did. That
rice for the eeboOl of lAtIch he U blrar known of F
DB S being would bave been belter, would ll noiT"
rraSenofthis pa^. who have mA alleir
FVrgdiOB s eye*, slaty blue with
Bdnae U Wm. 3. Oberdorfer, of UeOppooM ootelr br'a dewlKumii bbod
yellowish ring near the pupil .wavered
lever shown any
of Sroottvar fcathof dealora.
violence. He bad always considered for tbr Iraal pan ot a momeDl. bul more about Swwnp-Root. and bow eoeeiJiotloaa'i cooteotloa, aad of the
bndonti<yoatavekldtema«tOK«to{ NOV To* oUle ar«
llbTH MEN PATIENTS AT THE LO­ bim a safe man to go an.vvbere.
Inttantly there came Into them tbr
neyewtoadder trouble.
leglalatore for foor teraie. Tbe foor
i(A|Uag a dAperate baltio for a Uv
loolcof one who recalls sometblng that WbenwriltoginenliQa
ler, be aald. was uevi-r quarrel
mraoailiieeaatvBoben D. Qrabam.
vai fidlr protect tbe wild blrdi
reading tbit generoaa
It he knew of. and was not subject hi‘bBt^e«ltb ltaegreaie«t wailslac
of Oiaad Rapid*, fruit-grower, bank
dbejr knev can ahwe eare tbHr
violent passions. The two men be Hon and complareocr and ue replied: offer in tbit paper and
prealdeat. aad with legUlatlre expeHM«pa.baai toeert peeta. Headed t
arguaon from Cbariaveta Ceuntp,
d aeemed to lu- the best of friends.
"Well.' perbap* Ibtl
would bave
IB both boaee and teoate; and
been better, but K was his Hie or nilbe
tbe Matloaal AaaoctotloB of Aodabc
Olaenarsad m Cured,
Thep occupied ibe same w-orki
Alfred /. Dobertp. of CUre, exteoelve
.ud one-dolUr
oneAolb sice bottles arc sold by
and 1 didn't want to die. 1 dIdnX
wnitllii aa dtha etaie ^aaca vttb
turned of Own Free Will—
tanner vltb eaiUe and dairp a* epecall drnggi*ts.-'4>on't snske any mituka
' MSbeimblp of <l.aM vofUBg. tarniitqiMat Haid.
said, waa dead when he arrlped at bis iq take aoy such chann-*."
bat remember the name. Svamp-Root. FOR BALE—Farm. 60 acres: no waste
laltlea. and
Men Were Friandt.
Isiul; 1« *,cr.-s cleared, baltnre good
ora, awr a*rt«Ilofal Intereat In tbe
Dr. Kilmer'* Sw^p-Root. and Ibe ad(til l iimbel-: small bouse and barn,
• iwu men. Ferguaon and Fuller.
BRpIre Btata U lined up to demand credit POr
roffl Satnrdap'B Record.
Clint Copeland, fbrmerly a itrmer
grosi well; also tools, ox-tram. c»»w
Wt H. Wallace, of Baginav; preaent
I to prewebt tbe botch^ seemingly good friend*,
Di tor (be last pear t^orklBg
Creeping up nrbmd Isaac Fuller.
puuliry. ci<
Four Imles to railroad
•eaeral manager of tbe TJpIted Mirbloften
. ’ M dr tbe taaaet-eaUag aod «pa-*aa»«
siailoii-ol Wllllarasbura- A baigato
asylum, waa the neat, p-ltness.
gas tugar eempaaiea,aad. L Hop Wndale.
IT taken soon Addrees
W. IHils.

bfrda ai -lia»« b#r» to benefli tbe
sbonlp alter ( ..Mock, siruelt CoiM-ianil stating tbal be was
lerbarp. of Oakland coonip, vbo bat
Wllllaaishurg .HIrh . K
( F.
I I» NA f
tiaiwd niiriv-. The young iu-opb- left
him sucb a vlciouablow with tbe limb
orebard wllb (be men helping at when be bad threatened ytuiT" Fergu
lar to Apr 3.
, LoaUUaa, Booth CarolloB
tree, that Fuller droppto dead at (rimming iroe's. He did not know ihe aon.ifas asked.
tatnre aod a« preddent of tbe aiaie
.sli-rn puiiiis and on iSi-lr P-'.oni
"V»*s. but I new-r b-l him know
tt ViritnU. Dnieaa Ue
Frank I'aiuplvll. of
of INtarlrvoix. who
rhonvhe laier
bis feet. Fuller was a patient from
l«l ks* a man whonLbe
BMdaUon of farmer*' cinba, and for
all! Is- Irudcr.-.l an clatsuwle Ironalways kept mv <-vv on him. i
1 uadora In tbe aealpd
allciidlnx the M A <\lito the city
Oreana teuDly al (he Nnrtliern Sllehhit a
maap peat* the well known editor n|.
let blui kiiup- I bad bewid lilui qiii-i. Tlu-y Kill Is- at Ji.niu- «d l-bist
. Ills aoy horn.-, (t»r
tgan asylum anil Ferguson Is from
h'uller. Fuller, be said,
(he tflehlgan Tanner.
llireaien roe."
If made to reepoet On ecenomie ralae or
Cbarlerolx eounly.- Tbe ivdead when he n-artied the scene.
fthoulil a hundred <ir
‘ Ualr ptej. U la dacUred, tbe orcbardbees clone (rtondB and no motive for
Charles ^S. Wllliani*. of 333 W.-sl
pailenis be lined up for liiv|M-cilun.
Ma aad -l^eaHarleu o( tbe vbole
rrlme, other than
Klevemh street, a (estnater
At tbe limcheoa of the board
- oeantrr vlU aeon aalter bz tbe lohullUFlBBiloo, la known.
asyiutn. was the next witness, suting Ferguson oiomig ih-uil. he w^iuld prob
rede cewmllteee peaterdap. wnilam
able be the la«l one lo lie Vu>l».-cl,-d «>I
b of ererp Mm M Inaeci plagiRi.
Both men were voluntary tittlenu thar he was In a tree near lb.
Orant. preiident of (he Grand TrarMich a crime. Of nedluui sile. r«d
darlBf that tbe TahiaUe bird rewhen (be heard a thump
i the aiplutn and both were getting
iHsb hair and florid complexion,
^' .dearoM of tbe vhole Amerieaa pc
pumpkin. II
ilong remarkably well. In (act. Fergu­
rerp Umelp Ulk t
tlipears to look favorably up<>u
we at riakc op tbe priodple of
aon bM ao compleletp rerora-red that wedged In me limbs
.'hw^ aridre*K.d looks one falrlybe could hilt mm iniincdlaii-lv.
Mttle of the
February 20, be
■ and (he board of
ii|uarely in the eye.
WIk-h In__
Shake the IngrMicnta Well
in the Bat
nr In Cfaarlevoly
he anilU-s |■leasan■Iy.
- II* and Take a Tc
taatm Olfford Plachot, bead of tbe
on February 28. be relumed to tbe In- Fuller lying oil Ih.- ground, as be >iip
penance of eo^ratlon not onlp of
Fulbw was so much un Hie gain ilroi
Dose Alter Meals
siltuilon and naked to be taken back, posed, dead.
farmer* aa Individual* wllb tbe board
abb. «ma pot tn.btroag aopport of tbe
Two palietils. Mike Kelley
dating tbal be rould
Fi>w pt-tqile lii-ri- km>w lliat }-uu
01 trade but of tbr varleu* farmeta'
reiuni Imnie In a slHirl tliiie. He «
piepaaed tocMMUoa. Letter* of t
in- that dr>-ad
Anu-iican iliieand that tbe men In tbe camp* were Henry Shaw, had also wIitH-ased the
Khi-umailum. »li!i Ju»c t^umuro. evv-ry
killing, but owning to ihelr .icb.-d adinllli-d fniiii Ocean* ciiunty. a
MlMiiMTn of tbt* oampalgn bare altaunllDg bitn. He wanted a chance
Irugs foiiud III iiiiy ding siorr
M«WB retvlTod at tbe Anduboa beadliving and be protected. This cuiidllloti were mil called.
in-scrifiMim is m> slniple tbal alo
niuiilhs. He bad wlidied to work
. «Mgt«n boa C. F. Cox. preildeot '*
Dr. Mupsen'i Testimony.
-ated to and Ferguaon. vbo is
all prc.imre It at lioiiic at euiall
orchavd and lo Is- a* iiiiii-h lUM ol
l>r. J. If. Mumum. fur 23 years head
' tkp New Tone Aradcn'.} of Eclaica.
It is iiiadi ii|> as lullows; «icl
abont 38 pears old and bad alwaya
ilisirs as imfslble in order to iNilld him
am gu».l pr-—crlpliini pharmaev
MiEMea OraaL obnirmea of the aibeen quiet aad well behaved, was as­ of ibe Insliuitiun. was sworn, giving
01 trade and he beliered that tbe ilmr
Si-lr up to as to .Is- Id as giKsI roudl- Fluid
Kiliai'l Uxiidelioii. one half
veMtre eommRtee of tbe New Tork
signed to oee of (he colinge* and put bis (estlmony lo tbe effect that Fergu*
OUIIC1-: t'oliilNiuud Kui'giiii. oil*- OUIUV-.
I* now ripe vben greater artivltp
■HRlral aoeletp. I>r. Bapmoad A.
Into the working gang, lie is an at sou was not roiisider«l In the,least
Coiiipuiinil j-yrup starsapsrllla. three
maaffeited among
li.ime- Both men wen- aboiir Ihe name
Ferguson, he aald.
'1U by shskiiir In a Uxiltcohollc palient.
tote tbelr Intereila
13 years, ll l« pr.'balile tha
l»s-n udiiillletl ibraiigb ilie jintbale
w sr arilaiKan and B. P. FetL the
BmA (>r Ik. ■» wW wred. > Am
filler was also of a quiet dUposI
idaaUcal with tbe InleretU of
•al and al le-d lime. TIuk- »
«uk W i- M: wsoMkioa k. reo
conn al Cbarlevnix. and on Frfiruary guMjii will lie N-ni lo lonli.
StSMaaMaologUt F. N. Oodfrop.
a of Ttar- (Ion and when be arrived, was suI
-le Ingred.i-iiis, tnakiiig ati a
30 bad been dlscbarged. but four days
1 Mf Si fta albta Brabffa, baa
harmless Inmie lenoily al I
sohitClip. He TOleed tbe ucntHoenta ferlng depression or au-lanchollB. lie
returned to (he Instllullun of I
, oMPralp Mtlttttd .with* Icreea
lle c« ..
Improved under the treatment nnd
Of tbe farmera geoenllp vben
plannfiig bn golnf hume. He bad
•tated that tbep-jweie vllllag
r deraUK’-ii kidneys, n Is
a sviiipii
tancr. Ferguson h(d aald Ibal
E M the daBp food of tbe
e to tbe lastHuilon about six
produo-d l>y the (allure <>t
readp to cooperate with the board of
Honor Young People Ware Quietly a roiiilU
not procure w<ii k as the iiii-d
bMtthM abme M made ap of tbe la­
tnonibs ago. practically the name lime
Ihe kidneys lo protUTly PUer or
Married by the Rev.'^W. E. Ly­
tbe .lumber camp where he had work
ppet pHia tbat deafrep tbe eropa it
This la a pralaewortbp aentlnent. at Frrguson. aOd was working out of
man* Saturday:
..d talked about him. and be naked
hW tM pmee bp expert examlBBTbe farmera ore the tack bone of tke doors at much aa poealble, in ordv^lo
aooietbing lo'ordcr to ea
Ht oC tjso atoMaebi of tbtoe wild
harden his muaeles for pbpsIcaUbbor
urand Trarerue region. Thep are
Ria-cial to The ^^eolng Record.
bis jiving.
mm, ttp tmMU of vbtoh are belog
forms. alKHU the >.*ios »ml i.iu..
Honor. -Mir*., March 39.-^A vi
dee^ Intereated In tbe vorh of the after be got to bis borne. Both he and
Harry D. Perdnm. • who p
sabalttM to the legitlatare bp
.using the uiiiold sutr-.iog and
board of'trade aa tbe httolaea* men of Ferguson were divorced Irow tbelr
wi>ddlng acriifT>-d
autopsy ibis niortiing. lestl-rmi'v of ibcutuatlsm.
«. « Msar of the goremraea
Trarene CItp. Thep are rluilp In- wh-es.
xiigfal at the home of Ur. and Mr*. F.
pottm* tt agrtenltare, With otbera
('. McManus, (be Rev. W. B. l^inans
Uramed to the matter of tranaporta>D« saw Ibe blow struck. The
declaring that In bis belief
. <1 tte wobfamo apedee that R U proaad trHghl rate* as their pio- working gang was engaged
pi rfornilnfg the ceremony lUi united
blows bad been struck. In the bark of
poprt to icotoet In New Tork, tbeeO
dueu form (he major portloa of the tnlng trees In tbe old Company
Karl K. Smith and Miss Jennie L.
Id-r and uriiiaiv -toul-U' jnd back
the neck, one oo Ihe rlghl
teti bare bean toovn to be tbe ettr
emmodlUe* tranaported by the trana- orchard, about half a tulle from .tbe
Ihe left portion of the beadc
WtoPUra obKk to tbe plague ■of brova
porutloa companlaa. Tbt* In Itaelf I* asylum. Tbe party was in charge
The paniripaiing p*rt|i-s are both
Tbe neck at Ihe sixth rortebra was
ua and grm mth* vbkb U »veepUr- Clara K falin-r will reopen
iricpt teaaon why the tameru and George Newman, who has been an atwell known young peoi'le ol Ibis place
her Mlllltieiy I'urlors wl tirawo
^ pvar tha wonlp from tie New
men of the city abould teodant (or year* aod has tbr best of
(he groom comlog here r-om Look
Wednesda'. April 1. wllb a compli
r. Bnma. general-aupi-rvl«or
BWMsd statM vbm ba*
tor tbelr muinnl benaflu
record*, and (he first be knew of anv
Ijike five yeare ago and belng^i
up-tlMlBlf line ol good* al lowIbe aaylum, vai sworn, sitting t1
abeadp ben apeitt In rain ttlompu
pric-.. All are invited lo .all.
Thr.rlsii'tif t’o railroad m*a>
(rouble was vben be beard tbe crash
ployed a* groersl bookkeep.-r by H
It present at the time of i
to eirrh tin doTaiiatimi or ib<- ci«i><
. I.AUA i; l»AI.MKH.
'rtarrrM' CItp OB tbe occmIob of tb^ «f the blow aod turning, saw Puller on
C.icelph Patent t'ask Co. Mrs' Sniiih
deed, but testified that be did not c
Clown. Mich
and a(00dA WBli Tbo
aual banquet, markad a aev era-ln ibf ground wllb Ferguson
came brre about a year ago fromiillls. Mar. 30 II
aider Ferguson at dangerous a man
birds H 1I alto pWnnod hoperation aetvlto tba baHn*
Urn. Ferguaon bad no weapon other
ime ot the other*.
Bsovp o«L vileb Ts knoeu to
,lereau of tola neeilon and the rallan old nmb vhlrb be had drag­
Dr. City- M. Johnson va* the tost
«m tia horde* of nn-udov mice
lotda Since that time tbr aclirltle* ged trom^fee snow and be
»l;m-ss. he also testified as lo ihe dtovhoM dapradatloa* hare vu>t ihi orof the board of trade bare attracted last Btariat (be instituiion who would
posltloa of Ferguson, having found
ahaidl*ti «f tbe toontrp u/tiuna of
Iderable attenthM and the farm- be au^cted of Wren having thought
him tlway* agreeable, uorlable
era bavo betw Inrlu^ to lead tbelr co­ of tuch a Terrible crime. Hr made
pleasa:i;. mil uadentaod that at
*%!f'bataa tor the proper proteeoperation. Tbl* iBTluUon ha* been reaUtance and auRrrqf the aitendant
tk« of the tatoct-tottag blrda vlU recelred wllb taror abd (be leading 10 lake him In charge, merely remark­ when Intoxiraled be vaa quarrelsome.
None of ibla had
hare Ra aSect apon tha vbida
faraert •! tbe regloa are taUag an ing (hat be bad acied la sell rieleBse
be had been an Inmate of the asylum,
tiF.« aald WIlNam Datchn, pmldnt aetlre Intereat la tba develop
If he badn-t killed Fuller, Fuller
however, be leailDed.
of the Nktieaal Aatoclatloa of Auditwould bave killed bIm.
Oruaaam* Eight.
but be
Tbl* was probably merely a balloTbe dead man presents a grurooroe
* bp tbe
clnailoe as it I* ibougbt that hr sudiDeiaL UnllP of action bet
appearance. Tbe bark of bis head
.to kata baa loat to tbo famara of tbe farmers
buslnvas IniemU of diMly became obarssed with tbl* Ids*
tMtfbaa taat pear tbrowb tba depro- tola eaction ot the state will bring and crept up behind Fuller as ibe Ut-i and neck is pounded lo-a pulp, but
diBtoa of tanaet peau. We want to
ter flood vi(tcblnc tbr men saw (be
datanalM U thU van kwa u Urn aa; nnd n more apstematlc methods ot de­ limb* fn>B> tbe trees, all unaiupecilng
cepi on the back ot me hand, there Is
tuo ta not to b* eonaldarod rather veloping tbe ragloa. Tbe (inner*
of any danger.
bruise, owing probably to an
ttaa tha aalEah IntarMU of tbo tow •ot baaltailag to Join with tbe memFerguaon I* an insane man and
llmu e,.- i|;m/..m, l-el. u..--- -I’ Make a d.vte ata «-* whxt
tempt to ward off a blew.
‘Till- l-e.iiilv p.--l,ir
daalara to tbe plnmaga of (be
fore Irreaponsible. no action was
tara ot tha.uoard of trade. Tbep
Tbe club which caused tbe death
Updi that deatrop thaaa Inbacu. It i«
people vbo otbervlee voeld not tbtab

Dbirenitr: u4 it b
tbo 0o«tt of -oar n
■dmlnlitniloiu that



A Gcicnl

taElim Oee t

3»«-Ceii EllEwe4ERTUMltoH>tt*

CtailitiM His week 3,tllHI


STRUCK BO wm cuni

ALL Knriw or our rbowns


N.v. r




■A vi-



The OsUoorllwWEEr

Hard Pan


Traverae City,
"Good Today;
Belter T^

bos meitum. matt thut •


Items oi Interest that are Itmely
. t. II

Fuller Is a piece of an apple tt
bilk ttoM tar tba farmera. ortoRiEtm are. They bave (enacd an liapc
limb about flv* frei In length, crooked
raOBM and plaatera ot thla eonn- toctor la. the growth and progrea* of placed In condBrmrtii.
and abont throe Inrbe* In dlamelcf.
top to assert themaalvaa In tola mat- tbe Onhd Traverse reglea and It is
Bwffora No Rantorot.
t* aa tbe agrlcnlturlau ara dMag
_i»hf <hst IPs* should coooerate
I Inquest Into tbs dealH of
FergUMn I* absolutely reaio
tob atata. TYe feat that v« can eouai
D «t tbl* cliy and Fuller was beld at tbe asylum ibis
upa tba gupport ta evarp patriotic
forenoon.' Coronrr E. B. Minor and
wllb otli'--i
ward where h
Aiaartnan to help ua save tbe aalian's
Protecttling AHorney Fred H. Frau
pallents. be wore
T^toahla bird moorCM."
icflng the Inquest. Tbe following
'ite totorta to New Tork auta are
Is Ibe verdict oMbe jnry: "We
"I am glad lo c
daaarrlBf ot bot atoue auecsss bat mat Tcrp- rapid.
(bat Isaac F'uller came to bis death by

\ Eaten at the "Fountain” Lately?
II l^'V<|->p.ilar w plar-a-r.Hi will fi'..l Tl.-

•totaa, Ic suieaa] ot.which

being struck with a weapon known as
club In tbe band* of an Inmate of
ThenewJwat Hpeabetweea Old Mis­ (be XorUtern Michigan Insaae aaylum.


tovod robin to ntat bp Otorkat banters
•id oeU tor tba pliUul putaco of sion and Traverae CUy will ail a long
t otoU a doaaa.
waaL It win eaaUe Old Htoaton

people to do tbelr trading la thli city Wlnnlejoroinaa: I. M. Winnie. OeorgTHKAORtCULTURALROARD.
and rHurn tbe same day
without Lather. Frank Putman. A .B, Ilbell
Il BMktos (ba wutc board nt agrt- mudi expense aadjn a much oaaler mantel and Fat Howep:
neat rxoaerating the
tnner than by drmag through. It
a loag Bgvment of the NoHborn
•MoUvdbodp, tbe membm to
akaaa to tbe ap-lrrujU tbetrausfrv banl and win enable them to market asylnn from any reapouslblllty In the

0^1^ A otoearo toMead of an ap-

tbelr orchard product* at a mneb Jess death ot Isaac Fuller was lefi
OtItaetoMtoa ot supeitotei
aid ataia board ^ edueatlo%. member* cost Thto last featai* alone to Import­ tbr office of rdroner Minor for
Jury ra sign, all agreeing that this.
troto tan to ■fdag, wUb tba nlversU ant enongb to justify tbe Him.
staouM he dene.
CHd Mtosloa to a natural a
tp ragaata. the divorcing ot oar eotlre
Tbe Brwt wltneas lo be exan
a»aotlMal toaebtooiT ntoa parttoM r««>rt aad a Urge number of people
as George R. Newman, aa alleBdaui.
have tbelr sbmmer bomee tberq. tbe
ae ot tbe Brat to wliaea* tbe deed
ptooa y«iitp batog a play
great Importance. But the proper tte- Mr. Newman ataled ttni he gas at
of OM Mtaaldn baa bean work ouperlattmdiDg the trimming of
la tbe oM llanMh A Lay
w m

MM ara largely taolhl; but partina
paltUea eaUnally ,}onto wUh
h'M baek by the fact tbal tber* Y ;

Ic,..,-. I1.'

IlnJI.ic ".i.. iii-i t

iug-ir ><K. d.. n.^1 ..VI- 1

A New Industry



Haven’t Got Your Wall Paper Yet? '
noo't delay anoiher ,la>. ■•»cii If >ic. ao-ro.i I-ad> le- -.I-

era Merkcte


showing. uB-1 llie i-jiierns a-e so pl-avli-R. »od j-ij can i-a;

New early hardy- vanetieF.|
at $&.00' per 100. Also bardy
peachcE. small tire, .same


W.- w.iUl-1 111-

l-•eO■r y-ei s-isr.e.-is-lis.


Onr mg Opening Saturday AprU 3rd.
Wail for lh;»

It «H1 to- a* great ft ga'berlPg of Itw news-rt aud mrol a|stt»d*le giwW* Ibj

been SN.WP in th. ci;. Every dhishm will ta-r aome.hUsg that will to- timely. Tbe enilr,
un« »i.d eteuing will be given lo th. Ui-Play niul’-imto «l ikl- Xf"«eM
man I.U- it. Surely you will ao! to- d

H. Voorhees
731 WsihiDpos St.
ToverteCily, - •


See the Beautilul Millinery Saturday?

1 action r«*
-acini but

•Muiailun. erpeeinltp In tbe southent'

Be • Beerter*
11 BrlMS


egptallum .d

the -i

matnrity. VnfaiMde as tbs alto H. ..
rarat p«t nnyihlag Inm slUge Uai
wasn't la tbe eera before K *001 bi.
----- jUkiBg care BOM be put Into tbc and It may lake out gouethW. It bet­
dairy buslneas.' Cooperate B <
ter be barvcAted too late than too rar
Why. Raiee otaadard aad guide
yosdeeueiis npd yog wlU asccoed."
.What kind of wore? -the laigest
Auttor Priam.
rtely of corn that wUl ripen in y
Buiur prlxes a* follows srore nward- dkCricl U tbe beat ft will put tbe
(nod vnlac la Ibr silage. Plant
Score. corn In drilla.
FTfvt-A O. Ladd ....
briuglng onl
«1—Mm. Praarls Ransoo>..«:k
Third—Mrs. George Bobertaon..llH'
Fourth—Mrs. James Harris .
Fifth—Mrs. Dan McMullen ..
• Meralag SesaMn.
The Friday m
oclatlon was
oiuBed at 10;M.
(Ulon c. Ullle
on tbe laportnnee of the local assoelathm being aldlUled wHb the
latloa. He dldnx adiise auxiliary
Mlngi just for the take of the Train Bteppsd Be Bbddcniy
OMn't Hevt Time U Raiee
•tings, but lor tho Inloresl
(be BAAh.
create, ‘non be advbed tbe local tocteiy to try and got a state meeting
on with Ihe auxiliary Beetlag.
Maaectona. March S»—SUckmg bis
text subject on the program bead throogb a window without •top­
Cow Teatlng aatoclatloB. Tbe
ping to raise Uc sa*b U usually acaaaoclalJon is forBed to Bod tbe notl
by euls. bruises, etc., but
iconeairil row and to find out what
Tom HruMli haa helihcr. Mr. Bnincll
ows will lest the highest.
bad been working in n camp cast ol
•Throe factors," aald the mwakir.
Hoyne Falls and when bi- quite It was
in doroloplog a dairy I.erd, _ .
JoM In lime to catch the ioggii
lection, breeding, aad feeding. Select
of tbs Boyne Fplls *'.S'.-E.
Ion Is thu Bret subject to be auhJoM.
tbe caboose with the rvar
Select (be good ones and then try nnd
wben tbc Utter invited
them by breeding. You enDt
srayu Bud (bo most economl.ji produc- Bim to go up In the eupoU and ibeu
lid o.erloot Ihe train.
by rlnply looking at the arimel
The Bwu had been to tbe cupuU
llaelf. a» In ^ of seMing for beef.
"Three tbinga eniorliuio tbe proBI- It a short time, when the tralo surted io go up a small gaade about
w*. whkb are abiount of milk in
train brake in twu. co
quality of milk or pv
sadden standstill ibsl
butler fat In milk, and tbe
These row testing assoeU
atrletly local and orgapitrd for the throogb tbc window light In (raui of
aud forn, ilta«p. If you try to make
people iu a cbsmunlty. tXilag teatlng mi)} aad tbe brakeman rolled from the
cupola to the floor of the'caboose. Th.upon mru allacr you must ludlvidually U not successful as
air held tbe cars 00 tbe grade fsr
■e luT twlre ihf omoue^ oT earbo- average farmer wilt not slick U
lime before they sisru-d down,
hydmirt to get the pix^rr eui.-<uat
And tbe stigma of tbe private reeordi
proliln Bad (heroforp you «a <p l
' alwaya ackpowledsed.
A meat bulb wen escaping uDlajured.
rarbo-hydrstua. The ntloii wants
many private tests have heoa added
Lalaneod lu lU bulk alM. A coa cas'i and consequently every CMe must
HON. FttANK HAMILTON ADOREMDough ctorrr hay u> get tomclent
The nabcock
nuu-inwat. it Bust have a more cop- era and ■ pair of scales has been advoE- Case Wll Do upKelstering and
ulrtent food.
rated, bot they bare not been used
universally laa private InatruBenu.
. U) balance Tho farmers urarly always realise
'sse. who has been wlih
■i|> ihe <d>ro vllagi' and r >vrr hay. It they should test the tank, bul tbc)
Hsniiair t Lay Mercantile Co. tor
End lime.
(-oniain* protein, Colton ac^
tost two sod oDe halt, years, bar n-Michigan was the S)^ aUle
hrau, glullcn meal mail bprasu ate
lake up this
tcMlug slgm-d gis iiosUran. bU resigns'
'4«JI good protoln foods. ••
work The first auoelatluas tested for isklng effect tonight. Mr. Ca«
Tte practical fanuT of today
•ugage in a general fnJnUure .renkhdollar a cow. which was too tow.
[' a bualneaa Ban. He oual u>
Ilrlelly the speaker taU at tbe way ing and uphoNlsring busfaews <
bead mud hit load iicncU.
WHHein grant Wet I
the row tester worked. He said that residence. R:o Webster atreel. and
dMt etth»/AMO(
Ihe losler weighed milk at Bight aud win also iiark furnUnre fur sbipidng.
dalaaa. Harrtt, Oaeratafy,—
G. U IUn«oB of Ihl* city gi
irelag and feed aad Ukea accoudi
to abundshlly cxpcriupccd lu lhls
CtaaJag EoMan.
(a Dairying
Ihe per nut of butler' brought.
Of work and undoubMIy will .
rTbcn.. is niixv pivBts bow than It
large business. Mr. Case was c
Once a Booth is tbc Buniber of llpo.
:.u.l bainiuel. Tl.v load ,'.ni«.i.vl ei
VroB SalBday'a RmbA
iHs >0411* Bso. Tho prams yon got
Mrs. U'Iii.-emI, Mr'.. G. livliun»'iL. Mi«
tret Is used. Any onenrr would gaged lu Ibis Hue tor a auuiUor
^ Bftanwoo aeaHoD of the Dplry- dairylog 1* mu only ibo luuney y
M e ilrilion. and Mir. J.Oll (Vui
o' L. E. .no G. I. -E C..c On. F.
B«Bt aaaoetelJao ofUBod at |:8» with hato Id your pockot, bul the fcrUilty
iouKhe. These
Her. .Ml reported b fine time.
Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Smith. Mfho
Ml. aud Mrs. Omot Boob ore *tay*
land ol Ibo fariiiof. Tbojv
a pleailag mandoUp duH by MIm Noly_nearl) enough eomvt- Bf l
Co West.
IVrry U'arn<w is >n Ann Arbor, to- Ig with Mrs. IWy Warner.
proflis In dairying bore U ne work
n Barnet and MU* l^ae
method you have placed ddaflVlng
Itig irvaled fur on opetalioa
Go* Brickson of llinghaai bo* be«N
It right." Ur adviaed the pruiluciloa
They rvtponded to an'tvoore.
buslDCM bnsU.
All xr;t gtod lu bear that Mn
to cbleoffD. where be pure-based a AMT
iHtBuv uf Mr. and Mrs
'At IhU tlue-lbe local othooiv werc
"What ran cow I
Frank Oanicls. Who Mads trie Trip
Mi>. Joneph Clark have ■ Bur :
Siuilti. who Mwn luavv loi tiu«M«tad.
Around the World With Bat­
Fhllip Helutoith baa hi* warn Mnw
Plrasiin' from Thtlrying •
to luakf tbejr future' bumv.' *
WUlUffl OraDt «as clecli-d •raeMrot
tleship Fleet
Mr. and Ur>. Jidu Clatk have ny uearly completed. They have U ptoAdIscusM'd by Oforgn Kulx-iii
pleasant torewell parly wa. given by
asd Jaines Harrlt •ceruiary,
“You must like dairying to get picas.
turned borne to tbe Nortb Idaoltnn. irred. gu light* 1 antal led and a tag*
Frank Uaiilels U vtolUog at
ul I.. K auil tbe G. I. A V
rnak HamntoB of the cliy
IV out.of It. Y’ou must take an InMrs. G. lli-lmlorth bod u qallitug
pul to. in rannlng order. Mn
-M. Winnie, sr.. betog home on
Eva minute talk on ibp eouoty^fbad
station It was lound Ibsl dairy eow>
I. H. at Ihe home tif .Mr.
1 Thiir>day. Theretercat In II lu gel pleasure out of ^
Cook 1* doing Ihe varatohtog at prbto
Itsdays' furlough Iroui the i'nited
ayrtem. expUInlng tbe advaniaget
brought r? per cent x>n tbe iDv<«tBcni
Uri.. Warri'U «'w|K'r. uii I'nlun
and make a suro-sa. You musl have
todii s then-. All bad ■ gov>6 Uiae undo
Slates uav\. Mr. Daniels had a
the ayaiem and why th« farraor*
According to the first y ear * record.
Friday nignt. about
guei-tc bi-iug Id a mile quitllBg. '
Helmloetb'* comp bos Mright
ug trip and biuught boi
ahoBU vole lor H. Mr. Haailltop't paThe slate asaocteiton advised tho
preent. rhe evening vro. apeut In
cortvcHy to gel pK-asun- out of IL
n up. so be to at home At pre eaL
Tto re was a singing «u?rSTS
per tq Mil appMrt In anoUMf purtloc
organixatloB of these cow testing ss- iarge number of aooVenlra from th? various games and mui-b enjoyed re
Yiiu nm^ do a cash bu>loess
Crarge Betloer had hto fool pal*at tUe Helmfortb oebou: bou.-.'
vartoOs cities visited by the fleet lu its
e( udajrh Baeord.
wUtioBs and wilt do all they
the >00*1 pleasuv out of It."
Keswtrk quamn certAluly deserve* fully fandt by the horse xlcK>iilff oa M.
Journey around tbe world Ills ship is!
Btlantad Ratlona.
aiding the organizing one.
t»-leem in wBldi they are held. Mf.
By PradiMA
*nn Bataaced EaUnn," was the auU
"The Idea of registering the ' good the Mlaiiesou aad be likes the uavy Sniiyti war p'reseliied witli a-ta-autlful pialM- tor ibelr Bne rluglBg.
Ullle Harold xad itmr Uumcr
K. P.' MufI give a five niluuic ulh cows found tiwm the testing
Vet Bt the next talk by Cokm C. illpin by the <3. 1. A. and .'Ur Smith
Ihelr gfxndma aUfraer'* while tl
lU. Be aald thU aobjoct must be eoiithins wrhich woqld mike a better founlib a Bu.' »kuU fob by :be B, of
mother to 01 Ana Arbor with
spoke of tbe money In skUu niHk and daUon>laThe building up of a k«>d
aldarad (ran a aeloaUBc
,*T0o BUM lay tbe foundalioii (or butter milk. Om' bas aald
il^Ttiualness In Michigan. Grade
inrd I
ira from oue cow n y
UM talanced (aUont by Bndliic__
cowi by ihclr Writ not by tbclr
Monuua to vlsii and nill uu-n locale Mr*. G. Fkix aud son Wlill e fpem Sun
.Jnat «hat coutltuenta mue Own the woith IS5. This depeuds upon the way age. The pure blood coWs of cour^o.
Fortland. Uregon. Itoth have
dny null H. J. LemeooL
feedlBg of ecrialB tooda. Then the
handled. We don't put It upda should bo registered In iw-rformance;
I'Ddk bi'fe. alio, while sorry (u ree
Thursday uras Herman Lemcool'*
Max U to aad out how much of Ihwe la the balanced sray.“
lengthy discussion (oilowcd.
-m h'aie. wlrii them all kinito of ilb blRbOay and bis frbni* hod the
Apd ffto* jra full vwloe M
Robert Daraey.gave a Mtoii discus-'
oootUlueBia the anImaU «eed under
Bllos and SIlAgc.
J. H. Steinberg, who has been It good ;.Miine in ihelr new homt'.
pleasure- of having a supflae pasty.
i» on "Some Ohjcctkms to DairydlSoreni drcumaiancra. Then fix up
N. P. Hull thcD gave an eiceileai Nea York fur (be past two weeks O'
They rushtd Into tbe room and pulled
g." There Isn'i a* much slave
m the aBount of food accerdlug b>
talk on sllos and silage.
purrhaslug trip for Steinberg Bro.Otov
••B• him iKi^ of hto chair b.-fYre he knew
walrtt to Ja.t maintain life. Ono rea*^ about raUIng cattle for bwt Moat
"You have all seen alius aud I need ri-lufned last night.
there was anything going on. He wav
Arid ky
on tor knot lug of W1.U niMUtutaa a eonflBlDg H dairying.
go Into detail, but you may wai
He state* Ibal the em-ly freUy alyles
^ •*«. Mtor^FmOri^gm
prevn-nthd with a pair of slipper*. R<Wlntnl ration It that too Buch pro
»o know what form of silo* Are goo-l. have given way to mape subdued efH- iiiifonb . Crcoi-lng. Mtcb. Mureh lirahincnts of pop torn and black
The iiibi on tbe program has K, E. The Clement silo U the one ot tbe feelt. styles that arc of a gcBtcel itsiCn. the Boat expentlve lood. be fed
■ -Mf. L,-uH-oul look a load of Lady nalnuu were- served.
A ytwnc nnlaal noedt more praieln iirewn on Cooperation.
future. The sllos want to'be air light
Bd very pleasing.
Macrabee. to Traverv" Ti'y. |f) bis
'VHtiam Helmfortb re-turuid TiiursThe cooperaUon at tho Brmers Walls perpendIcuUr and smooth. Tbe
than n fully devd<B»od.4ulnial Tliv
wa* fonuBatC Id recurlDg a
ered sleigbs, to attepd tbe.ludsr day from the »e.l where he has been
with the business man on the city. danger of, cement silos Is that the number of advance fUl modeU and
IS fatulness men buy everything
are somMimos In and out. RTth
cboiiv and exdBilvc tbltigs^iu
’The two best foods ace dover hay upon quaUfy except battor. Wben
Clement silo you must have a good suits and costumes at quite a conce.'buy butter we don't buy li upon It* foundaUon. Tbe ifexl proposition Is slOB from tbe early prices.
aerUs as we do other things,
s are properly pUstcrad.
A good porlloa of hto purebssek a-'e
would like to gef a good prodiKThe cvioeei block tllo moat have a now OB their way and expected to ar
thrn aell U ter number one. Coopera eenicr hoop oa the outside >r .baods rise wlihln the nest few days, w.hlle
tlon U the real law of life and praBts.
some sre already faere. having bvi
A srell-known physicun. who
ran rooperam with
"The.reason why we should haive'
received teda.v.
' “ "y knqwK decUtca (hst
hy giving them beller prices if Ihey Ho. If a Ban haa six cows he ra
The Supreme Achievement of
wlll give us tbe best butter and proslid, but If he baa 10 cows be
Piano Builders’ Art.
ducts. Tbe mcrchaut and buyei
can't afford to be wlibnul It."
Them as* m^t
The Etrencdi of B Child.
, lovers who butt
always willing to pny the market
RaasoM for Having a Elln.
It if surprising to And how lew parenu
•OBietlmcs with
price, and more It the product merJn
their sweetbram
kilbw the great strength givii^ qualttics
slonige. The slto U the poor
of good oatmeal Mott of them think
00 the Concert Stane—first
Stai;eMr. Ullle gave a few words on tbe
First on
in ihi;
instead of a rich man's luxury, <rf it as a food for thv siurdy Scotch re
Advanuge of selling to a creamerr.
Home—first in the Palaces of Royality—first in
nr been ihnugfai.
Xbe brawny EngUshmxn. aad ovsfiock
Wavent bad hreath
“A creamery boraura neceMaiy
estimation ..r
of Musicians
ans and'Musical People
"A man can hjuvest corn crop its kalur as a food for thadren. Every
when you have to ship out your pra- chi-«p.T aad eaaier with illo.
the world over.
dieordefed. .
BOW and then-a Wilber wit; ukt to feed3. "He cat conserve a larger ai
There is only
, one
__ "Steinway:”
no other apbig her children on Ouxkcr Oatt and
food value from hto food, la field wiU be astnm.btd at
proaches it: 00 other saiitisfies the__Artist,
Educated Musician, and those who
raring you lose fraa X5 to M per
la sireorfa aod vigor. Of course. »hr
demand thd very highest qualities of tone and touchT
- IU value. WKh a good silo a
boiBe Tbe creamery amkrs It pnulble only toMs S per cent •( food valne fay toUs her friends, and they prove 11 lor
If you would like to leam more'about the '‘^teinway’ —prices, tfrmt of sale
tb*m*dves. but every ranber a the
to go into tuedalrrhualoraslB a prtcetc;—write tMay for our Art Catalog aod "Portraits of Musical Celebrities"
couBto' should set thu her children arc
Heal .way."
more palatable to Uw feed- atroof aod vigoroB*. Plenty oF Quaker
pictures i. We are gl4d 10 send this liriterature, postpaid, to apyooe interested:
(aOM U>. UkS Tn)
There we« J3 meinben oblaiBcd
to use tbc allage.
0«..caini often. will.doiL
lor the aiaie Ualrymeo's asstwlalk
Ihe teak taxstlrn.
The silo preserves Jukes la
.This U a herb medirine. wdd h. , atWeiDUayear.
aid* dlgealion and aasImIUUon " titt packages at 10c. the family sire
Hew le tnprovo Bvsinesa.
Mr. Mall then >iold of Ifar quality of
Exclulve Kcyrc^
packages at 23c and tbe family sirr
K. P. Mutt closed the eekskiB wiu .
(or afioge. The corn la nut package eouaimag a piect of fese chin*
latlvcM lor MlEUgaa.
IBMHy BlBBte talk on "How (o Im­ always cut at the proper time. If
lor JOc.
prove the Dairy Rnspur-." 1,» gave a
fbr food, (be largest nasDunt of
Don't mb* a day: e^ Qmktt Oat*
«M0rd « n coriaa gwn'B hotd aad
la ft M >at before u
every rndnuBg tat brakfan.


Fishhn Notes

3. ttl. milliken


Bean the

Crapcm guy 's Best Store


AfePer have shirt ttaists been prettier fkan ma,apring.
Elaborate in trimming, yet practical and simple in cat. Tbe
models folhtu closely the batline of the figure. The sleeves
are long, tpithoat fullness either at the top or the
bottom, and fit snugly to the arm.

Women's Irish Linen Waists

A very strong line of hand
embroidered or plain tailored
waists. ThBM waists wHI be
I particularly fashionable this
y®a»;i , The hand">embroid>
ered fronts will be greatly
admired for the neat.carefully worked designs. The plain
f UUored waists have back and
fronts of plaitings of varying
width and combinations. The
price............. $2.26 to,$6.00

Thirty Years



Women's Colored Waists

A splendid line of colored
tailored waists. The most
interesting ones are striped i
in firte lines of delicate green. '
blue, yellow or maure. The
fronts are plaited; the sleeves
and cuffs are small. The col>
lar to be worn with this waist. I
as with the —
either the Dutch ’ or***tinM ,

1 Sample Line of Lingorie Waists at Low Press


The styles are those to he especially popular for spring and
summer, and the lovmess of the price 'PcSl be appreciated
a^ a glance, They are made of sheet mull and latPns and
are effectively trimmed vuith beautiful embroideries and
^ tucks. These waists are marked to sell at 331-2 per cent
below original prices.
Fifty samples to sell at
f'°"' $1.00 to $3.00 eafdi


New Easter Waists

•w vary elaborate showing of silk waiuts In beautiful line of
coloring, especially suitable for Eairter. Find them in the
Cloak Dopartme>vt.





On Rainy Day*
AfishBnmd Slicker
wiB keep yon dry








The Greatest Piaao of all Time

Xane’s Family





imam crap: >a inc uuiiirv \w
tbe edulvplent *a*te of tbe by orodoetB>S &edAy life and in tbe tallutv to' coapebaatr and provide energy
• replace that extended In tbe exev•e or (be priMlplea of bealtb.
■Tbe aBoru iberefor of Ibe fnrmer
abould be to produce a maximum crop
dtbe mil m treou-d tbat tbia end
OmCBM-A. Trmcy Ur. I*re»l«cat: B. Fiord CIlBck. Via* Pr«»ld*Bt:
SkMoi Oorlaod. <^aablar; JL i. Hay- tempted-only on
ra adrauiage li
, MiB. B. 3. HorlUml. AulaUot Coali It la not 10 (he farmer*
other fenlllxer
add In oonimerclal or o(
*^BBCTOR»—A. Trier Ur. R-: the equal rn tooeej- value of tbe crop
Fiord CBnch. iV» in'lM T. Hannali, removed. Tbe mil nmat yield a
nquendy II It lb* ca
J.n. 11 a D*»U..Jerry proBL To* (requendy
that tbe fan * doe* not kno* bit «
, a net proBl. It aboi
i (bat tbe larger t
crop removed tte ieta tbe e<
duedoB xnd cODaequeBtly ti
le net projU.
K. a—AddroM aJl Collcrtlone and
-I( It pOiilMe to make tbe at
ntmmoadenre resardltic
uce a ne< prOBt by iRPOilnt tl
Ibr Triverw OHy Bute
oral by prodoeta of (he toll, i
tbe natural manore and pore
eemmerclal feHlUxera; but tb




- • « - - tfOfiOO

• 9« Ott lSfWC4 M TtM ftCFHttt


being operated
Aliort of It* |KM*IMIId« ...............lertUUei-a In eertaln .
revy valiulile adjuncti to (be ordi­
nary fa.TB .0*1 iret. but they catiDOl
plarr- of tbe neloral

imtUXNT FROCRAM WAS OlV■alo groirer' it the Ideal ferdllrer for
that mil. Potatb uiay be ao incredleot
ttary In a manure tbat U applied
soli for pouto groolBS. but the
cbarucler of (be aoil Itaelf and tbe
nature of tbe fam mauuret available
arc llema of even greater '
t tbo' eomfcrtilUlng fagrepotUlon. M>
led. of tbe crop redlcnta are rancerned.
•The pr.'vcntlon of
the k<
diwUpn ol die maximum art profit
feom tbe noil. WTiat tbefi^are the
ch*r»clerWlc« of farm manure* which
tarn vord Fartmnr~Va>
cat! for imerlal attenlloo In tbe mat­
Bubjeola Ol^uaaad.
ter of their etmmrvatloo?
fbaw FHdtf^ KoeorS.
Valuabl* product.


uok TUUOAY. MMCH W, Itmi '
tlve mood
to Biwad.iU force In weed*.
-Udliaed to Ita fulleat exlebt. how­
ever. menu early removal from tbr
aUble to tbe mil. It meant the liquid
ponioB eouipk-ivly abeorUd. it meant
III aimllcailon m form .and .quantity
aeiontlng to ibe oeeda and demand*
on (be glveu toil. II meat a maximum
nop auc It demand* in rxiuin bialu*.
rklU Bud eBdiOfclaam on tbe part of
tbe laiturr. Tuv prvvrcdon u' tbe
vacte of (he farm m.iDUtra la Ibe key
to Ibe^ioiluciiuB of llx' luaxiuiuiii oi-i
proBl from (be toll. TbIa all meant
that with (he exvrcUe of kklll In niltialng pm only tbe main producla.
tbe^by-l'nMliicU of (he tarlu a* •
lullem cnparlly and the
lopmepl of enthualaam In the man
whoae .
field that laat year yielded 3«
of *bea( per arie mutt ibl* year
ttead or yloldlog 2S buabeto yield
buabeto. and w OD up (be ladder.
to nbat good ' cltlxentbib
meant and U meant It to the farmer
Juki »► much aa It
It It to tbe
iwyer. That to «hal *e
merctaacf or lawyer,
lab If *e leave to our
illdreii. upon wb
whom *111 fall tar great
er problema than wc are railed upon
lo aelve. tbe legacy of a produetlre
The dtocoatloB wat led by Wdli
UQIer. Mr. Millar acorlBg a point IB
doelaring Ibal 'oc believed tbe time
would come when the law would pro­
hibit tbe pruetke of throwing the
manorr out under tbe eaves.


From fTlday'B Recoid.
One of the most enjoyable a
a* Inatructlve program* ever gl'
Ibe liairyincn'* ataoclaikiR In tb
wia that of Uat'eveulttS. Ihe »pe*ker>
being Dr. Ftoyd W. Bobliiaoi). atate
analyal. 1‘rot. Ivan r. Weld, dairy dl
vlalon.uf (he deparirmnl of' agrlenl
lure, aWelimgluii. D. C., a i Ih. 8m a
T- Oiaae.
ftolon V. Ullk'. preaiaeut «t the
aaaoclatkin. presided at tliia ae:.^toll
with hit uaual-raae. and Misa Hhca
Martia favored with a plMaaing read
log. MandoUn and guitar music wav
furaitbed by Mra. L^na Brown and
MlAB .Nor* Barne*.
A ablft in tbe program warn made
to Ihe delay In arn fnrtheAiereoptlcan
tied Ihe lecluie
Weld. ihU having
lieen put over to the last.
Ur. Sara
T. rb»«e read a very insirucilve paper
rt a
IS food," exirana of

'WlthoQl doobi Ibe proaeat
r perbaita
at tbe Mlebitas Dalryiaeb'*
Uoa aad the Orabd Trarerae Dalrr*
Mh uaociaUoD ia one o( the.awt cd .thHr eoment cvf actnal tertlllting
BMaaatlac if bol the bMi. of ih* moet- ingifdlenis. ft U very well to know
value of ntiural maai're to
..ted hmtofore UM by tbeae atac
. . proportion
ilroecn .pboapfaoruua *iinI polat
PPOt Irai C. Weld, dalo' dlvUlon dr
alum and 'wben It U rompa-:cdI wiib a
MTtMBt of Bfrlcnllure. save bin a
■nilUei It bai to In- givarm 'TBo atr MHk Bopply,~ barli „
__________ ... conaidemble more than
lined In tbit paper
TTie facta c
wiA bita Boae of the laboratorr ooolpm BullHlD No 41
amt. He eoasratalatm tbe Onod It* analyais revealt. In fact barn yard wejc obulbed from
by ibetSovernmenl Hygiebic
Tl»T»r*e raslos in bavios alive dairy nanurc and commercial
eannni be compared at all from *n,L,bmiory January.
■nalyiical point .of view.
-■ .y^
Its relaUon
wir Wdd tpoke'of tb* sreat
riD paasiog through the coonlvy,health"
r or baviBs • toot ttavnr to many are tbe farm* we tmve awn •
..y„j eonUln* all Ihe etaeutlalt of
Kllk. doeUftos that no mtter ho* There manure heaped nearly to the , p„fecl ration, viz., proieldt, car
Blah the allk toorod otberviao^ no,:iaM tbe eavor *ai food. I
atrnlner to 'catch tbe aoUd
Wn did not care for H.
wblle more liquid portion runt
y of dIgestloD. Henee It la an Im;b cow*
eeaa pool In the barn yard *blcl
It food tor sr k
' and convsiesreni
. stock
_____ __nar as tbe aouree
mroe ol
and other
a a* well ai iDtanta Iw greatvalor aiiply. WAste In one thiM rat ImRortance Is aa a anbatltute '
temlno the Savor, tbe wmiiuaiuuo.
^ Ib* polRtb that mar effect or add to
her s milk in feeding Infants
tbo omBber of baeterta. and be em- what in the first Instance to a *l
log the first year of life.
.Bore becomes in (be :
ffilliaod the neecnaltr
• Holslelo catile produce milk with
watte of tb* efforts of
SffiMt tbe aedtmeot tn
lowest fsl content. 3 per cent, and
tbe mtlk. He ataled that a sreat maor cow tor no ec
ley with Ibe blghesl.
uupTVM not' believe that ihevo wonld be mum capacity

........ .. .

t: There are Hines no ilnulk
* nstebad, olacins a iina]l amoyU
mny be used, but not aa an
a n i^ bdhIb'lB tbe'aoralBS. and
Jl may be neceaaary or d< Bee orbat tt obovr* at noon.
sirable to c*e a purlBer or lUalnfecCanoaa of Fooe Flavor.
and (hen mailers td sanitation
Tbe eanaaa of milk bavins n poor
rally take preoclence over ec.'
Savor ■» (onr, the pbraicnl eoodUmb
r problema but as an absoibcut
■Tono or mero-eovB in the bard: one
«r nmre covi to tbe herd eatlos Ume should never be used.
-Land plaster may be used :
. .aorheat If the soil the used on to not too light. Dry
absorbent. Probmay be used aa a
ably the brat ahso ent when all faof bactofia In obe milk.
.... conalderailun. I
4T o'lbTta rf eoWa milk will . .
stlw* and chaff and the wUc farmers
Oftbii ai
are year by year gemng more oi
vetoMBIa vai'-ry, 4M peoBd* fosar.
' ivtoacMW the farms aa fertill
hU-ftay. At any rate that *bi
should be uaed Ib aneb a quantity
will '
lakcB up> ai
and held Ubtil t
irted to tbe
■rder lo have It of moat value
anure should be tranaported
to Xbe field as soon as poaslble after
It has been rciuovcd from Ibe stable.
wna per enoic oeaiiineier, aiao u
And then sgala (he manure caunot b.Sei^ markei milk abould net ..
the toll at all teasonr of
tabi ever 10.000 baclerU per cubic
e year. It does »ki more good in re­
wnumetor.ive (he manure to the treicn field
and l(av» She nutrlnicix drain off into
W. F. Ra«.n. of KrooUrn. Seld Ibe creek from rth re than to have li
nseai of ib.- Staf-.'
m* amoriatil liani yard. Nelihcf
lion, apoke upon "lirpn-xemmi
n<>:.|'St to leave It tuck­
bliebifan Ur* Blui k
ll.' aUted (bni ed lip Ip thi- yatM in tueh a way that
tbe lestalature bad .-uiprxprlated Ifti.- li heat* and becomra file killed.
m to
nard for th. nuproremeot of
Uw itock. .'Cpehtxi. Ill* bavtns beoo
^eorrlM) on at the .i.-rf. .ninraJ rollece. ment floor
Ihe manure spread
SetertlBK 10 comawn mwa. dividins
'cniy and
piles tberc U very
D Mto
Idto 1*0
two (
(laaae*. one dalrr and
llle loaaol.......... _...„
. . dur. .

A* for beef Ru
»M. bait of tbeae log tbe lime that the manure abould
btoodod Biret and be left.
1 Bcrub sire*. Tbe
be prevenlkvn of vaatn of
aboDi n
irvs mcBna also the utllluti
le eame. and i
the organic matter of the mamin' (or
VIVO ■wttebed- Tbo beef herd had t

: 5~s9ii:'r.ri.r
Sho averts* Ssare^
------nilk InTth* «
■: «cnHhr co* . ma

. aaBa 'onicklr. nod (be onn bred
tbe terub aim tbe poorrat rf*ul(W.
Mr-Bavoa oaplaleed hie metbn.
be bad orsanUed 14. <
•A restiu.
.... Mfcito
hlioer. of
Ibf Korthem
Mleblsan aaylum.
tollowad. ieadic

been Scbtlnc tor M year*, --lo unity
, there U'eirensth.'' He eiaied thu
then *ere alvayt MUle thins* to be
done, and save many sood *nsRe<.ttan* tbe rare of tbe herd nher tt
bad bees brad op.
Mr. Whitney s*ye *ome Bsui
be had ooUeetod. abovlnc Ibe
of wbter conantnod hy cow* sivine
. milk, tbe milch co* uelns more *ater
Ibaa tbe dry co*. Tbe averase cow
oaad 44t potiBdt of *atar to one
pomd of mUk siren.
Fartitlaer Warta.


eoBdttlon* upon tbe milk supply, me.
Tbe views were, take* tram wbat be
considered tbe moat perfectly ar­
ranged dairy farms, views atoo ahovlog the preparatioo of milk ion tbu
market. Tbe lecture with the lllastraUas* was very intercKtlog.


■•Sugar li
drilou a*
prraeot to
lum and {
Jeftn Sparling Nomliistad For fioper.
per lent. O
vtoee and Htmyy^C. Tripp
pburlr avid sr- most common.
-r^ws- milk alsraya conianto large
cumber* of bacteria. Ibelr ouaiber Inmilk and
iug'lel. Mivb.. Mi.'il.
—AI .tbe
dltion under a ,lrh II la kept
republican caucus yesterday hi Para
Fream is «ow'a milk rivb In lat to
disc township after a eplrtiefi cunleat.
I' dtfferK Iroui other milk but
ipravisor John Sparling was not
iiigblli Is Utiiei *oItda- The market
■ted for aujw-rrfsor by a ^joriiy c
•ream .arte* from 8 to tC per cent of
• Milk preiM-irt*' the »ir*nge contra
dlcilou o( to-lnis the mot *bole*oiue
slnglr lood stuff «ud at tltuea tb- most
ot all-food* a* It baa bees
known to .H.iiiain so virulent
■use dealt
-I difficult
Is tnilk to
preserve pure and o handle with s
It n-quire* n B onl. intelligence
B high degree if iralBUig as well
Im-psaast vigilance td nroduc
clean and safe milk One of the i-------Imporunt duties of ibe bealtb officer
should be to Insure a pure and Safe
milk supply.-"
r. Floyd W.
Roblnaon gave a eomBr.
lonslvi- addn-sa upon
rhemprehonslviupi>n ‘The
tolry or Ufe." Dr.- Roblnao
deep imo Ihe myat.-m-a of things,
animate and Inanimate, and be ealined In tdetail
how many of the
carried out.
Chemlafa eX)
iiiM-d. •From
and what rvuiuli
suit* a
was tortiied:''
e lime ainre l».
wid, “fbenitol; ..
an effort io ehange (he baser mi . .
d minerato into the rarer metals sad
minerals. What wc hav
itfds of what has been acvomplivbed by
tbe ancient aicbemtot* are ftagmemary out show a very esrueat and valu­
able effort In tbe aearrh for truth."
□r. Robinson traced (he progree* «f,
,'h-ml*lry from It* Infancy to Its prea-Iit high atate of itevelopmenl. and at
the close of Ihe a.l.liv-«s«a llv.-ly dls
i-ii'SVMi lolliiwivl. Iiiaiii •iiieKlIon* lielog itoked III-'
:inu1y*l which he
answered *a:tolse|i>ril..
Prof Ivan f W-l.l .1o*ed Hi- proram with nto lUoasrated le.-tur.-, *howIBC ideal dairtob as well as the
reriM- onci. ibe effect ot ujl.anilary

•• pretence of
game matter In a •>< I m -ans the contlnual liix-ratioB of ibospboRnis and
thus placing It at Uk disposal ot Uu
lA-composIng organic loaiter
minns carbpn dioxide gas and carbon
dioxadu gas in tbe eolf menni soluble
and avnilabic plxuphorlc add. There
• not one pound of hay straw or
cri.|i j-euinr.-d fiviii Uic farm
ahniild not b> fully replaced bv
f.trllliting cioiv To accotupltoh ibi
tgrt'dieiii run be l-erniltted to run off
Brough the barn floor. Kone can lxermitled lo pass Into lbs air
asscf from burned up manure. Ni
f It c;m to- waned by imUing It upon



^5K:J2;ni„ r»i


Ceufity ReM »r*tan tiacBii.
To the EaeoUMW. at ikt. Otmtj •
Grand Traverte:



VI —W.U vvMiavy, a.ju la
Jahoary. A. D. IMS.
waa adopted by twtKhirds
rate of all (he «M«bera el*« of aaM
board, viz.:


-Reaoirrd. Tbat tte qoaeUou of
adopting the Couat^-Sted Systea be
•ubml(tc4 to a vou ot the
Ihe oloeton
the. _______
of Croud Trover#*
at th*
geurral etocUoa (e be beM ou-tb* S
Aprn. tPW,"
*- ot■•prn.
Notice to runber
tonber gi«
given that uld
queaitoa wUI
*UI be aUled oa tbe bsBou
to be naed
a* i«
••* at
-■ saM
-Shall tbe CouBty Road
vad BysUtu
RvaU.. fre

adopted by tbe county of .Grand T


Ibi-'t^tejjjgOraud TrarMar. 22-2f«e-Apr. 2

Treasurer—K, O. Hogan.
Coaatable.-east part of town—Geo.
.Vtt'Y irabixicimg utbrr hUKinrai.
•. .Spertlng,
1 ndjuuiUuiiK i« am-t on call
Consiabh-. Rnmmli fit. - R J. Jeor.
a BIlDson., h
E. A. Pulvi-r.

Grand Trararae—.*.
.S'diuv It hrreb.' given, aa provided
lo SevUun 2K2. Ol tbe compiled Uww
of ISHT tbal (be
inty ot Grand
Tr*,ei-*e. boa V..........
- ..................a agreewith the cIlT of -DetrolL ropretkieelL si iperlnof Oof«,.on. lor a perUxl
five .yean
from .
i- l!>th day ul March. IPfS. ueb-m
said <vutravi shall b<- sooner annulled,
whi-n-lii ihi- i-llj ol tictroll. repreacal.
<-d b> lu duly autboriard agent Whothpi'-d. agreea to rt-n-lic Into Ihe Drtrnii Nouai- of t'orrevtioB. oafoly keep,
hoard, clnllic and can- tor any and all
persona, who luay be amicnieid to von
finement In tbr said Detroit lloou of
Corrc tUin by any f^.urt or Maglalrate
In Ih.- .-ooiitv of Orand Traverar
Daifd at Trawrae CUy. Mlrhlgut,
(hi* IPlh day ..f Mareh. A. D- tSdS.

A Newly Married Couple
lw very bappr. ao ia evi-yv person
who has good health and to fi.*- from To t»M- l-«p| voi-ra of ihi- comity of
liraui^Tiaii-rac. -lai.-of Mii-ingan:
rb-utuall'ni psit.-: lor ibiwu- who
You pre ii,«-h» iiiHitlcHl that an i-lce^
not. and for iho.~<- -who have net
lion I* to to^ held In (III* atate on
gla. apralns or contracted .musi
we discovennl In R-nne's Pain-___ Monday. Ihe tfftli day of April. 1S«1>. at
Ung Oil the gn-atcsl help A remedy which time (he (onowiDg offlc-r* anthat ha.-< been a favorite in Ibouaands to be vot.-d tor in Ihto eoutiiy:
Two JuiUb-v* ol Iho Supn-ni.-Courl
of bomea tor ov-er seventy yearv.
Chairman o
One* tried—alway* used. Price 23c.
Two Regcota ot-lbe UDlvcralU of .tolrand Trarctwe I'd.. Mich.
Sfle and »>.D0. Bold by 8 E Walt ft UlcbtgaOL
Son* and R R. niltor.
Rnp-rtinendeik el PubUc InstrueORGANIZED FRIDAY NIGHT

Mvmto r irf

II.,ant of


Republican City Committee Met and

E & E E.

Two M-tiil- r* of Ih- Sliite Board of
Elected Offworii for Year.
Arri'Hllluie, tor Ih- 't. rni ol tw.i \
The repubircan city eomtuiiiee'met
Two Mamla-ra of Ih- S'aie li..»rd of
io J. A Momague-a hardware f'.OTf Agrl.-iiltorv. tor th- term ot four j

This High Grade
Separator for
As strongly gnsranteed as
any Separator.



Trlpp'ior'cU ik io“*oiii ov"'Wain
R. Chaiirtv b.v a mojoritj of
ddloning kre tb- oiber noailnaUoBS'
Treasurer—A. B. ilaekuian.
lllgbway romiBssMBer—Jubn
IbOClTTS. mcB.
Beard ol review—T. I- J’ortcr.
Overseer soolb half of :1—Byron
Overseer of 23 aud south ball of 24
Frlday nigbt aud urganUt-d. tbe
—Frank Bayers
Justice of tbe peace—William Oram. luwiBg (rffivvrV living elecled:
ConsUble. Mayfield—David MsDl
Cbalrpnin—A. JL Ounto. '
goldftoustablo. Kingsley—Arthur SoresSecreraii—B. E. While.

Tw.v Menib-n> of tbe Brat- ito*rct,.>i
Agriculture, for th- ivnn of-.-xiv .veara
In w'lineta whereof, I have hereunto
uy band tbto fourth day of Slarrh.
A D. IMS. at Traverse City. Gnuid
Travers* county. Michigan.
Fbcritf of Grand Trav.-r*- County.


Mar. 12 l61to23 2fi-39-Apr. 2.

Iti'-cU-aiied Varm

n«i-r. T^olhy. Oai*. Spring Rye.
k'l.'hl n-as and Ilurkwbeat.
ak-'ii tor ull kimto farm and gnrih-i
il*. Our
are riglrt.

Tnnise Citr Mlllin{ Compini!

(I. RtffLT. O. r. A
J.r.JBKKd. Agmil

And Hawking, Bpitting. finurfla* Must
Go Toe.
Ilyotnal (pronoiinc.-d HIgh-o-mel will
give Ih- sufferer from catarrh joyful
ivflef In five tu.nuies.
It to anch a remarkable cure,
so positive In It* action, that ft.
Wall A Rons go so far aa lo guarsBiee

Now I am putiin^ the price down where all people
n Separator can afford to buy it,
who need a Cream
tt, and
the experience onI tr>'ing
' ''
Separators has come to past,
but I will put one iin .your house and operated, then if
you do not want U.l will take it out.

bard r •her pocket Inhaler, a-liot.
i-l. and a unique drti|iper
th Of Hvoniel.
Ing lbiabali-r. •only <vwi» one
(or filling
dollar, and II au extra bottle Is nltei
ward* m-.Hi.-d the prle* to uuly :.U

The National is the easiest to wash as it has only mo
pieces in the bowl. The simplest machine on the mar­
ket, built strong aod for everladtior"use. as all adjust­
ments can be taken up as thev wear.
Now our prices are as follows:

^H*-i.niel la a healing, anusepiu bal
lUiio takeu (ivm ihe mighty pucalvp
Kia trees IB Ibe beallhAlving toiosts
!•: Australia, wh-re dlseaszH. ot
ii-»pir*lory tract aie unknown.
All the sufferer ha* to do is I
•ale Ih.- anttoepilc air of Myoroel
be Infiaiui-d pail-, where tbe germs
«re eotrenebed, three or four i
It cures eougha. cold*, asthnis.
r.-ver and croup wlihoul sioiuach

YoMMwerUclIktAm'L Cmara.
nediBk teU from Imailbwa. sour turnadw ftoBsch dbM. and sick beadadm.


We Believe

Cboit-e Unoolorwl Japan partiotilArly fine fiavor ood
exceptional atrength. '(f yon hava trooUa Mttiac ■
taa that ii to raur liking try n sample ponsa of tbit
one. We will take car chances on your ooming book.
Price, 5*e per pound.

J. J.





11. m lb., p.r him,..

1^' 4.«11».
11^ p,rhou7..
No. 14.

16. «o0 lbs. per nonr..

The No. If) has the ball bearing in the neck bearing,
making it run so easy that a twelve year old boy can
run It.
Now 1 have no agents
Traverse City at present, so
I will sell you direct. Write for
free catalog.


oniec* Ctly Opera House BUc. Bolb Phones.

House Cleaning

. E. wait A »00A

ilF!' *


I'Airt F.'vct. half t!;- IjV- of
WO;ii-v.'.it 1. cn.irr <3 fto’i,
rioevr. I i a- ■ f- H dirt, nn l r^hrl dirt :l riop* rollccl c-emn
ofl c.-.*r.

rs:ul tir. rc.-ir and

h.ic left work next year.

n» .McrwtVi-».-f.'<cwj r.-i.f'lf r«imf in im-ill ran-, lu'cto the

king of romhlbed fertlltolng Ingranls in the Mill and ttu« wjrk is Iho
office ot thi' organic nutter.

A goltar and mandoUn deef -tolla*Cd after *blch l>r. Pinyd W Roblien.
•tste analyet. save hi* addrea*. -Tbr
Woale 01 ram Uinure.'' He apoke In
Bart aa folk)**:
*li U atranjip lhai a people vitb
oneb a reptHiHtm for procrea*. thrlfl
•md veattb a« haa (he American |.ec Itdaaswa. aoxibca,
pie abould at tbe aamr ((me hax<- anch hawk and jinuads
a repulaUoB for proetsallty AM «aa(e.
Wl(b (be leaaoD of tbe depleted Ne«
•h aud dnie*
Kmtlnnd aoila frwb In our memory
a r.vlJ U (h*
ft fi. Indeed, alranse (hat *r aUald
IF rlfht on tgnoHns tboao leaeoba U
onr bandllns of ■>«* laada that come
TattoaadKBril. FullaUa U) ot*.. at Draglatliirr to properly lompenraic

According to tb<- analyal* of tbe Unlttd SCBU* expeatment etatton pood herd
mlUt la ttmipoeed aa tollo**: Pnt 4
per renL proieid
oteid J.5 p
per Cx'Ol. ------ugar
IrotoUa of to*'* milk
The Nrot
In eomblnatl)
many of cBM'In
to preaenl
aleium:* I_____
-Fat 1. Ibe
,,.e element WO-t
varlailon rant
rani ing
lng tram
tram tbat of HoiatclB arltb 3 IP-r cent to Jer

Colo. ( aiiL

What Do You Prefer?
What appfials in ouc woman as the most important thing about - good flour
might not be considered so imponant by anolhe.r. One might consider the
beautiful white color the best test of good flour, another might judge by the
lightness or the flavor of the bread; but with Voigt's Crescent flour containing
all these good features all housewives are Interested.
Those who make a hobby of whhd bread get it and at the ‘same time get
the flavor, moisineaw. lij^htnessM perfect bread •

Vojr lueil*. yotif ilesirt -; :irr fnilv .iiiticu'.it< ■! by giving you a flour that
CJiitaiii!- r.ll •.111! " nt A;ni
h-- i..-.d ir^i-i-.-\r.d it's e>|uali)-k'Ottd for j.r.'-'v


the .'••k’-p.

Traverse City, Mich.

-l)___________________ L


If you are buying bakery bi ead. Get a sack of
new Moureh Bread
Flour, nrtake your own
bread a few times and
we will guarantee you
will be cured of tfare
"bakery habit” and you
will find it much cheaper

“Th* Flour Evarjrbedy Uk*a.“

Grud R^lds, Mich.




TAUED ON dlNA defended



Olvwi by Frank Hamilton at tha Dairymen's
Convention. Traverse City, Marol> 26.

6/A Rapids Dtparti^t

BIk Rapid*. Mirk.. March !7— UaaUra court.
Mr*. James Covert, who waa ao bod-'
MUs Snsle Bateman, after an lila
ly acaMcd a few wedu a«o that Inr a
of but two or three day*, died Tv
Ikftn bMV
H At Owa Maka a Wur
k IW « IU-'tk«a
tara. Boi t*l m Ull rM Cap**^ the Uaa* of Manx Corioa
day evealag at tbe beoie of M.-.,
ttmd ber lUe t
Which She Diaplajred—Told of
rovamaaU in tha Hoot
Mere iWe eooMjr «• geire'rlfht Uere, etrpe ta mhKM !•« *■!»■
o bo aboot^
a WUtiUiaa. where ahe had mi
tha C9>lnaae Cwatoma.iOM Ways.
Me4faL Tfc« mile lire* eltotied to ■ejvlmMBUrr lo the coooij roed Uw.
ber home ever alara coming to Bk (wmo a poctloo of (be Uase. .
«»t aot allow tao' to ■» ttrr 4wplr which Uw Un laM bow a roaO abaU
taio the 4aia»e et tswa pentmag to .be bwilt l« aeHt a rewart from the
C. K WllamrU ol Rockford, til, ••The Couatrr Wootan'* rlob which
•ood read*. I will iberwtora awauto ciau toward redaclBf the coat of (hat «t le the tlterarr club reoau 8a‘.a^|
here wlU F. A. Swwaoh. Ue CkM«a
Lete Silver became tbe owner ond In thb seetten. the <mly relatives In
Uc to a certala exieai the eoaatr hod' read to the ooualr. Tbl* Uw. paaaed dar atienooB
tger of tbe Drotmlaad <
cXMiotry being two alstm icsld(owaabip read
Now. the law ‘ at (be aaote aeaaloa of (he )ecUla(are. la lu prograia b.t (be prereaee ol
(boater. Mr. Sliver take* a
Ing In New York Oiy. Sbe was boro looklag over the cooBtry 'b«r«
I* rerr aUvIa, bM U U aarroobded bj 'proTidei tba( tor a aillc of weU sred' MUa Crace WyekoC. of Faag Qbuaag.
Hire gliding and at oaee will lu Irclxud 74 years ago. and bad bvt-n with a view of mesUag.
ao aacii dcUII that U aot a( tbU’ed read where the iorllse ahall aot Chlaa. wbo ha* beca a nUaloBary
make a Urge number ot Ipoptwve-;
bb eouglrr bai two years,
(ttae ferrealao (o tbd'BWlB poleu that ciecwd *li per eoBl. width aot If**
John Bates has b*«a apeoBlag Ue
that eouatry ctpce lUT. Host of the
murh eateeraed by all wllb *
] aa foiBf to atiouaarUe IhU ander tbaa oighieeB feet between aide ditehw-eek .With relaUvcs and frlemda la
. wai gltre up to deacrIbiBS
Dnring the last severel montb*. Mr. sbe became acquainted. Tbe funeral
four l■■panBat bead*.
|e* preperir draleed aad have
Muskegno. Grtad Rapids soft ProltIbc many quaint and loUreiMiif cuSilver
Tbur*nret. i waat to uUt of the couiato' (rack aot lee* Uaaa Blue (eel wide,
Hm wbicb MU* wyckoS dUpUyed
under a lca~- from the owner* aod
d*^ morning at b:»0 eondurled l-.v the
alooert. Mt batom dolO| ao, we vttt'Biad* la
eooiae* of relied fravel
Mr and Mrs. C D. Twwao and
and de*eiibed to her cbarmlng
time ha. mon- than made goud. Rev. Chailr* U. Atwell of Traverse
Boppooe that Oreed Trarereo eoaatr eifbt lucb^ deep, ikall
dsngbtpr Uorothy move today tar a .
aer. each curto brlngleg to lulud
boioc- ^yiag to larcer buxlue*. CK.v. with iBlcrmest at Mayli- Grove
bM adopted the eooatr road iralOBi:
I'aabliigton. March {7.—Bcpiwx^uiafew da.v*' vlsU wUh C J. Browa and ■
edote* and letcrMllng lllthi
than at any; Umc aiucc tu oiwaing. remm-ry.
waai loHowi? The beard of anperrle- I
at Alma.
blU ot Ulomstlon *howlag the
TbU week uniun gospi-I tiiretliigs
on will aaeot ud appoiai oae. two «
U* boose today, abd dreUred:
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Scholor are
acten»tln. aunocr* and cuatom* ot
are being held at Yuba, tbe alieud- tensinlag their ao« BreoaL who A*
or thr«e«oaiul(ilDBere wboae torn oficetec thU a
Tbo Payne WU baa :reducod Are
this quaint p)eople.
of duty where It Increased oftr.
U the Grand Travers*
aiire being goikl and luurb inieroet buiue from Alois colic** eajoylaf Uu
epecUcatloB* foi toadi neriilBc
ofbce wui coailBue aaUt the Bex
Ml** WyrkoS described the procre* Bfure re4..eltoo* lor every Increase;*'"
* abowmnn and always g^v.•^ luanifesu-d. Suoda.v ,-vi-nl^ iiuXi
ward of aeveu bundrcsl aad arty deloral electtoa; thereafter theae
of reot'hlBdlog. and explained
except lor reveoue vnly."
i““A"*-) Rt-v. B. H. Vail wi;i pr--srh at Ibr M,
wJaaloom will bo elected b; the peo­ Un (tfSO) alw Ooe (or ooo ihouasod
Giwnge tVealeh. ar, ta very 111 at
drew, displaying the gart;. i-iiurret at Ynbs. nnd the Ri-v. II.
ple o( the^atp. It I*, howwer. per- dolUre (ll.OW) aad I will aay right
Hr said the WU war a fulflllmeat of
boux- u( bis SOB John St AaiPlL
menu were by cblldn-n. Bdwlna and U»pwinn. ptoto-.. .PJ I-I-IPIUVI-PP-.V-. 311... .I.U- W. Tbomitsoo will oreupy tbe pnpli OwtBg to bis sdvaaeed yoara hi* rw- .
mmcd to at drat oloet theae ooawie- hare that all or the read* built is ManFrcdrlka
Wblio. beleg dronaed ir
T.K. .p«-,W, H,
a- tiH- Klk.Kapi'la pnnby-teiisn ctiarch eevery Is ronsM-red doubtful.
aloaen. hut It Beaoa a apecUl call Ulee Blue* this law ws« PMsed
aallrc reeluuH'. wrerlng the
Tbe rhildfrn uf Ihe pabllc scIkkiU
(or (bat porpoM'. or a deUy nalil the beoB built to Ibc red thst they •boiild
P-um,,.,. (o, PPl pp.p.rPp; . »1.„P
a Bailey not only has ore-'
drt'acd a* tbe CbiBCfc children do, , „„
jliln-rel patronage aad hope* to «
will enjoy^ii-lr. spnng vacalhin
seat peaerai elortlon. If tree combU- pieril thU reward. You audwlui
trsetor SirilUig and bis tore* of carand also wearing (lie bmg eliccr
"Of the ISO paregrtphs In ibe Ding- "*”■ *“
* eontlnuance. He will wiek. APt'r IbH ten wo ks of school lirulris tianafornilng lb* bouse be-reaieuer oaU U elocled. hto tern et of- bel|> ll U. Tbii b ibv only way ibal
protcrlur*. Ibuuib ring* and cipb.-v>l'l'
•oe U two jrer* fipto the Biwt day of
V UW schedule*, one U reUed U
cenily moved to Pine xtrect loin one
ned.enr aiuR*.
very best prngreiu* obtainable aad varalkin.
Uay: It (wo are elected, one will hold then tHiUt iiroporly lu the
It* £UI and over ISA lowered.'
Ibe Bleesi n-sldenccs ia (nwo. but
A MUve Dowspain'' «•* dUpU}fd
ofDcr two year* and the other, (oar The IniaUe ban bent whh all of uur
He urged Ihe ueewatty of greater will keep tbe price of
Tbe i-nti-rlaliiDH-ql gtvefi by Mrs.
a*m Improving the iBIeriof' at Ms .
hlrh I* edited by a CbiistUB Cbl- natlopal c-vrene. •The bill proleel* S and Id c«-nts a* usual. Taklag Into
yesrx; II (bred arr rlccted.poe buMi road* heretofore (hat wi- hate had
Ida M. Uallry al Ihe iipere buuse Tvies brlrk lihK-k i« River slraeL occapted
eonsMeratkia the low.cist of adtiils day evenini:. -The Aervaai U tbe
afScc lor two. owe for (oor aad
aysten. Hnny of u* ran look heck to me aouan who niu-abs ol Idulio a* every American Indusio nlid
Jobn Gnviiy.
other lor *la year*, and (herpafier (hi- begiBBlag. but BDUt. of ua exIM -'luolee* Iguorauco."
tec* every mnn empbiytueni at steady MOti. the IHxaoiUotl bill* an- evc'-liviit Hohm'.- was ull Ibll was |>rtmi|sed (nr
A. a A'alriumk* Is borne wHh anolh>]|** Wyohog docUred iknl ll mlgbi wagra. the highest In any tiunlry. |i‘» In every way.
owe rOBiDlaBloarr iball bo elerldd (or today, youap or old, wbu caa m>o ibe
ll. one re Ibe vi-ry licst adhibers uf : earhiod of horses (orCbe Phlrbaafc*
real a happy regrrilun upon tbo late
as sonn n* potslble. (be stage an rxrelb-nl ruurv,e. The anepdanee
the foil terai of foitr or *U yeara. Tbo elk ul audi ■ meibed.
tvvisiibi Is doBiiwaril. and provides
E Waruer sale stables.
pupreea dowager, with ber cruelly true reelproehy a« uuilersbwd
• III iH- moved farther back and ib- was lafKi-. So,s-rlnteBdenl lllodgeil
aaUn of Iherr ooBnUalouera U bed
>-* Ccioelery asOTcUtlM
I* Impertaat.
i>ranco ibat »br put m
M-atlng Mpoeliy Ini-rensed eonsldera- U aUrady |itvMuWng us aU even biHby (hr boartl ot Mperrlnor*. AHer thU
Now, right here. I waM lo iiapreat •trietkios U|K)B Ibla paper. Thea. loo. lUalnc and McKinley.'Illy. Other liuiwmememp will tn- mad- U-r
board U-i^Bied. Usry will orBanUo upoa you Ibr
uew y,ar.
•oo. April :ud. at 7:30. .The an­
ll show* bow the aliltude tusard tbe
along these line* m as to mnn
asd edPi't »nre rale* asd rcfulailoa* the reuBly nwd aymen. Why.
Alloruey John A. Ixraiigrr »f Trev- nual election nf offirers la to be held
tnerOua changed sbeu the ctn- ♦
A leniently hnudh- Ibe peo|i1e nnd tbo ,r*e Clly was In town Tu.-aday ua K Kill] all meuiUerw sre earBOBtly rea* nay aren best. Tbey ahait be
adopt ihb systoDi. in tbe Brel (dare
win tr made enllrelyr-sate la gal bosln,-.—u rivi) suit ip Judgkoewa ta Uw. oe lb* board o( cooaty we iball gel no good roads: M Uv prrea accepted a Bible preaitile
quested In b>- in allcndance.
PH/m Mtmday'i Record.
way. New seemery will be pro­
rau oeanuikmeo ol ibe eoasiy at !next place, we are ahaually ctntritai
UUi WyrkoS r«B|Mred tbe Cblncac
*. yVaares Jnrobur. of Ktint. I* vided fur the atagr..liicludlng ■
Orwad Traeoraa. They nay aoa aad be lag to overy eiber eounty wbleta baa
wax elerted manager ot .
/ adopted the syken. money tu buUd
dreu la more BMde»t than (be Jap
RberlE Joha Lrw. re MMUnd eoua- plele rorelag and lenillUlIng plaal le G R d I. w,-n't In N'»rth|ion
the player* and the. name uf Ih* l«m' '
Tha «Uit ot the eosbty will he'elert their road*. Xlrend Traverse be* al­
but that -tbe Japaneae show IV. arrived tUiorday wHb a raUvnt will be Installed «o ihai even la Itiv sp, > lal ,hU morning, mnrolng h-rt- at • HI be IVre Maiquetle.
, of the boord of oooaty road coanle- ready paid out twoBiy ooe huadred
delkacy In their band work.
w the asylum.
holtrwl luonths. Ihe buOTr wi!l be coot in.;;i< and leaving forCisnd RnpUls ol
On April it. at * a. m. (here win be
akturt. ThU board wUl lay out aueh dollar* (IMOOl which baa gtwe Into
- told ol her call to go to fo.-etga
Mrs. V. A. Wllnoti and Mrs. f. A
o'rloi-k. The trip was a liwr
omfortable nad at all ttmea.
anoUrr meeting, when the vartoM |
hew road* a* nay be dralred. They rewaitc aretiered over tbe aute, BeMa. While nhe bad been lawill be aa xbuDdaal supply of insprettoB.
eommluem will make ihrtr reports.
than aalaet aay UM eai read or part whJU oar DotfhborlBg eMOtlee. Kal- tirreted in tbo work Ibe call roue vnn Bmltb, to oHeud (he {bDeral of fresh
Miss Isa Conley returned to M
All i-naimunk-atkma rviganItBg gama*.
,«t read ter a eeoaty road. They nay haaka. Antrim. Bessie and Uaalatee directly through an artlke which *bc
hrtey Uniprk-bl.
I tt’lth bl* praeih-al experleBee aad field IbU monilug after tuning on cir. should be addre**ed-to T. M.
Bbaasa the width, locatloa. or ttralfbi- have received eaeb from Bfteen haa-: nad asklag for six youag Udlet. siaiTvni Gervis lelt for Abeqteen.'blidoln-totdeasc.Mr. Bilief will onaa aay rood, but the Uw reqalree that dred dolUn (tl&ovi to alae thousand: lag. Tbe maatcr U come, and oalletb Wash.. tbl>'inorntng
Idoubtedly continue to have large
Mr*. Frank Ku,ni reltim-d to Rattle
theee road* ahall hot be tea thaa two doiUr* (M.0B0). We caanot aford to; for Uoe." She and ber aUter roapoouDr. Sawyer left for KenL Ohio, (his crowd* lu.^t* iioiiolar place of bu.l- Creek today aPer vUiilBg at Nortb.
rod* wide. Tbey shall hare aalhortty Ut thU go by detaull; It U ao pUU a ed to the Mil. She it now oa a tucwith tbe most rxceltcnt precpocu.
morntng. oo'account of hi* mother,
to giadA ffarol. drala. aiacadaialae or
year aad will mure In bo Is very III.
Mrw, C. J. Rose reined to CadllUe the Pere Harqueue numberlaf many
. . ............ ....... November.
othorwUe iaprore aay road uoder Uere It
<-srcIlenl |iUyera amoog lu emptoyoa.
Rdwaiil Edenstrum and two after tutting here.
their turUdletloh. Tbey ahall hare a» tag ot Ibe Uw for ihu ooiuity tu adopi
The work, sbo Kiy*. la bean-oa-.i*- dien Ixtvella and Edna went lo Maniv' John Kelly returned lo Cadillac to­ A auliabln schedule will b* arraafed
uaaaliDeualy. Tblak of It.
thoetty to coaitnicl hridse* aad cvland Traverse City Is afeursd. of a fylag and toaebe* a CbriatUa mother lee ibl* mornJng.
day after suiting here.
Peru aad repair asd arelatala theae
Travereo City Helpa.
to mret dlfBeohy and dcaib. The Cbltiuy Walier..of Pile tmke. wbo has H. Ntwvlll* Wai Nomlnatod for Pool.
t^e Rev. A T. Ferguson went to fine ankle of baseball.
reads asd hridsae. Oa or betore the
Now. who pay* the taxaa tor build- neae have wonderful mcmotle*. and been tpeadlag neveral tnoBIb* lu
Boardann today.
He will
■ hrel at Oetober. they ahall dreemlne lag three roadst We all. aUka la c.iOften can repeat the eotlre Sew Te*- .Aeaitle, Wa*.s. ha* returned
Solicitor Oonorai.
presen there tomorrow and then go tu
A Orsai Myrsttey. apos the andnu ot tax which U Ueir ie*. 'rlUtgaa aad eouatry pay oar proFir* Uke.
iDCBi. Tbo vrork tao^t In tbe ocheel Walter went west (or Ua baalt.i. which
There la en,- ireeai iB.r«tec., ta Oaira
JadSauBt ahaU be ralaod tor the pnr- perlleBcta part. II Oraad Traverse
coch aa is taught here from the improved after a short nwldeaL-e ne«,
Mre. Imttle Michael returoed to nnlvrrwe- *„mewl»ee flow* a r,*mlalB
poeee redulrr^. apaelfyiaf aad tienU- adopu Ull Uw. -lYarerw City
«f life, wtvere b o|M> of tind'a mtiM
the coast, but be 1. not (eelliif as well
klndergancB up, ibc high ychool
TuMlu today after vUjung *ere.
tag ibB roada aad parU o< roada »
pay M par ceat ot the cost of (base bctag algebra, geology, physlotagy. at be did at>ret. HI* mother. Mrs. senate lodky: Uoyd Bower*, o! IIHK. I. Hugfaea went to Kingsley to nnw far i:a vrnterw (lew we rooEK
cpaeid aad aUo (he aatouai et
tell. No huiunu feet tutve tneksd Ha
reada: tbe aute will pay jve hun­ blolocr. botany- nod Bible aindy.
(Uf.l L 8. Walter, arrived Saturday nret. solicitor geoenti; Charles Dyer day.
streiux In il*ti wunilrrttigs. The Fadred dallare USOi ion every nlla of
voaian Is looking
fiom Hfe Lake to meet him. th- two Norton. IliliroU. aaataiaBt treasuo'
Ml.* Katie Straub,-!, of Frankfurt. I.
bfei .'m-rre-l ibai »-* mn*t dHBk
Baaoe aad ti
It ot aay rood*
s-cretary. Mitblgan
|•o*ltllaslers visiting hei Idaler. Mrw. J. K. Droguy, Iber
reiurulng tbl. aliernoon.
approved gra»®l
<>: » Ir, lire, and yet be bitndi tm
which have henetore beea built uoder which ediu twalva hundred dolUr*
Mre Seabury. wbo bas been .spend Farmington. M. Byron Pierre: Adrlao,
Last Elg,.., stre,-t
eyes wllb sleep before be lem OT
UU aysteai.
ThOnuts Ualh-.v; noync. II. Ncwvllk-.
(IIBW) to build per lalU. Ue
lug Ibe winter In tbe rilf lu order
drink. ITben w* awake Ib* atrettgth
Murttc Apprerad.
payc tve hundred dolUn (tMO). the
be near her son. John SeBbufV, who I.
,-r the etretoi U In •*. and so w* «ak*
Mew. do aot for a b*Ibbu uadee city pay* three hundred and aerentythe famtey of the day. Aad Ih*
a patient at tta aaylUBil returned
etand chat the w«rk of these ooawi*- eight doUara <$ni) aad the oooaty »
•trnnge water* hsv* atrange pnwera.
Walkervllle to*y. Her datigbti-Mn
Soul darkneas ami deapair are molME
aUarea la abrelnuiy aetiled apoa an- large will pay only three huadred and
Uw. Mrs. Agnes Seabury. of .NorUporl
In Ibriu; fror and trouble shrirel; hof*
tn U U pacaod up to and apprered by twenty-two dolUre (tlU). n call y
Patbar of Ooorgd W. Porry, of Elktrod sirenrh are held In tweet aotathe hturd ot aaperelaora. We wfll aep- attentloB to tbe tael that tbe reed
Mr*. Heii Campbell, ot Northporl
In Ibeir wnJte*. Worn lod weary
Rapid*, Paaaad Away Priday
pOM ttat the board ot «
Meeting April 13.
Oraad Travena couaty oouide ot
with Ibe rare and fret, eloolag her
have done ibclr prellnlnary work aad Traverse City Ust year, was eeveaMr*. W. G. Laureuw bas rt-lanK-d
e.e*a as the tired Hda fall la Ibe gloem
are ready to rephrt to the hoatB of
a mreilug uf tb>- direcint* »l Ihe
from Cblrago.
of night, tbe faint iredber altpa (sto
tbpusand dollars (117.000), wind
aupervlaoii. The auperrUon MUtt ap­ you. ouUMe of Trmrse City. Now.
W(-que-toBg club IB Ue uBIre of
treani of alee^ and then ta a llltla
while the ni-ri.lng eomea. aad a «*»
prove ol ibU dMarailcatloB of (he ippose that we asaos*
Frank W t'aner Friday nlgbi. It *bs
woman links ooi opon lb* day wNh
board. Mb at to (be aiaouat of tai tax on the property of this county as- Joaepb Albert Perry. «0 year* old. died
drcMcd to open (hr c-Iub buusv on May
the aerrel ,.f a new ereatko to her
Blk tUpldi at Ibe boiuc of bU son.
' to be lalial roodi UM out. aad readi «e*«ed at ahu uimon dolUre tfO.OOO.It year Instead at in April. The
aoot. new power and reorege ,hnra ot
to ba- bout baiore aay work can be aoO) Bbicb woaM be etgbieea Ibvu*- George W. Pw. PrltUy at k:SV p. la.,
reason for tbl* U Ibal the weather
Ue Wr-er* of life.. Plum* (Kyj
alter an^mncM o( several diotU*.
don* \c the
duiiug .April la geuerally suib that
on pirei 0*1*11 Thi* Eoaaoti
<tlt.«O0) tbit
ttoally actually, tha baard ot auper- thaa doable the tax we are reUlag to­ UeaplieUl* age. aEsatil three month*
tbv-rr Is only a small UumtH-i wbu
Last NipbL
avail-ih'-mM-lves of the tliil- privllTUon akect tbeet roads, detaratlae day. iDitead « bertg seveuieea Uoui- ago. he gqVe little evtdoiicc of Inipead
•HnmbI* Pi*.’
lug dlssoluikn.
(aaaa which shall aot be over t
and dtrilar* (tllpoO) It would be UlrOriginally ib* leeni -'bumbU pta~
Kalkaska basketball teem detoated ably be kept open a mouilj .ai,-t
<>oU|n par thouaaaA Theretere,
carried no opprntwloQa meantog. TV
ly-Bvi ihiHuaad dollar* (MJ.OOO). Tbi*
Ihe Haibor Spilngs (cam at Harbor
Tbl- annual atoikbuldcrV ti.retlug
pie was -ms made reii of the "bamwaat to l■ploc* upaa you the (act Igbieen ibouatsd dolUr* itu.owi Puritan alork. hl> grandfather
great-cnindfaUer Bgbtlog lu the war
bleapiig --nuniblea." from ib* .\e*wa
will I*- held Ulsy ,-ar oa April tS. as varyeua Cowyniiteos Named and t
rtlaed lor couaty road purpose* wu or the Revolution while hU father Springs las: nlgbl by a irore i
•|>ench •*--l. *.. th* eMraBi
«. The game ••» fa*L snappy and pruvidi-d hy tb<- by-ldws. the <-lub
fttore Elected at Mocting h*U
•-111 say. will tatid ten mih* at road:
i-r a deer. T„ lUa day U Is highly *•fooght against tiugland In tbibard fought but only two loul* wore
isi- I-iiig iipi-tii-d on Ibal c'l'ulug
Yetterday.—Aneitar Moving
OB this ire mile* of road bulU on Ue
teemed In m-niiand and to aarthara
Iklt lnlliO.Mr,.l*errylcllbl.homv called oo each able. K-anwlI ataried
Now, thB next aiiilar that lateroU*
e, wr abonld bo coUUed
pana of EngUod. Ho Ut» at tha tlM*
I-S and reuir west, sell- fur lb* Kalkneka team, Urowiag nine
localloa at theca ^s. Maw. to Bve ihutuaad dollar*'(te.MU) irom
of PerV -omlde pie-' was aerr«d M '
c goods by wagon fur a (lik-ago Bnu
part of the meno -f a ■entleaua'* tsdo oJTwU qf yoa vUe ap aad aay that
kwvlag iblrtcre ihoBsand before Ibc railroad, were built A(l< baskets from ihe field,
liarlior Springs ta- plsyrd j •
Tbe rmpluys-s of Ue Vers HarqBvkir t-ie on an extranrdinar.e oreaaloo Homo
. ywa waat there roada laid past your dvllart <tlS.«00) Vi Ula eighteen ibouPEREONALft.

aiming bach i-a.t for some Ume. be
.me. :bls >easua and u.N defv-a
wrliets twite ibe ,-nninaieUoaa nae ot
lUMway eotn|isiiy held a use, ting
praadaw tba trot yeor, ew.erea tbo band (llkpvu. M per cent wuuM be
to Grand Rapid, in UTS. wo* Uc Bret time lact algtat.
Ibe pfarsae -ao *at tainhie pi*' from
ll Jimnlun yesleiday lor
areead year. U yw are gkag to ap paid by Uc riiy. ienving only Bve (boaF>vmi Saiuntor’B Reeewd
Lansing in UTS. Mr. Perry .was
an tllegrei -itaion „f aervlog --umM*
purpo..- re ..rjgaulilB^ Uwrl-*n to
prove Of tbe «NMy reri Bysiet* apwi saod. Btnr huudrrd and eighty dol­
pk- l.elow (be asit. or at Ih* af-emfi
u in-llever In Ibe MeibodUl
aii-1 l b , ling orfieere.Thi- OH-ellng sa, table. Rill thU U BM aopporled by
tb« greuud oBb. that you aye to re- Ure (»SP»J tor the county at Utgidr<-n
dextrine and als'i voted (or every t
Celev ( direct beneBl ihe Bret year, ouUMe i>{ Ue city lo par. ar aboul
' Mr. Cwrila' pnreuls, Mr. aud Mrs.
aolboHiy ft more prelwbly <ware lato
publlrau noiuluee Irom Kreiuust op
Ib amish iM-lig; ,-lei-ii-vl ,-^iimau.
you luny be dUappuinied. but II you one-tblrd ul the retire eoel. a mere
r Carver
simply tbtsmgh th* slmllsrlfy af
Treveret C<ly Cowncll No. Ml United
ami Inclndlng William Howard ToIL
«IU herp the graeral eubjvri la adad. DOiBlui amcMBi. It your farm U asMiss flanv Chandler of Lcland •hu •The (uDuwlug ufficctK were ck-i-tnl round, there hetog n- stmllarirp ot
Comnvcrelnl Travelers Held
Mr. IVrry wa. married lu lU: at
iDlng whKsTer Iroween tbe haas .
Ihpt dartag tbe period et n tew yeaiu aesaed at ota thuuaaud dollars tll.s<t,-ndlng tbe .-ikgrtuulturel coH-g,-.
Fre*ld,-«i-W. IL Hunius.T.
lu addltkm to «n. nldow nud hi* mni
vie* nr numble* sod tha ofiJacdT*
. biAre. It you are no tbe omIb Oaee k PMK your CSCCM la* smild pcrtaaiH.
■> n^urDedibomdJ<u.ibe Easlci.buP .Vice presidt-iii—C. J. Ilsli- y.
ID Hk Rapids, u daugbU-r. Mr* Msrj
Irevei. yoe wtD ■ore thaa likely get a be. for cooaty read*. gl.».
1'be annual lueeiiug of Traverse lay.
Secretary uBd irvosur, r- F t, Fair
tVrUUL of -Oelroil. survive him
direct beueBl. but If you bappea (o be
City vuunHl S'> IISI Cutted Com
JuhB Waller*, of Sutlooa Hay.
hwaied oa one. two or three aiUe* There Is nuoiber edvaiUge In these
«e>.-lat Traveler-, waa held Friday
I tbe city today.
years h*fe*e
Buslneiu, miici*ger-T M. Vrlre.
from either ot ibeee l««4^ while'year rood*. klaaUtre ha* hdnl.-d grevel fur
v'l-ning. lb<- elt-(l),>u reauUtux a* tul
Mu* Alla B. Chase. Uweber In
Kuppiiuleudeui of grounds—W Jor th# pohlleaiton of Newim'a "rTtort-.
lea mile* of road thb p*at sUtcr ua
pU- Hhakespetre Is the play of
' B wtu be
Saginaw M-b<«1s. is spending'
•TroHvt* and Cverold*." art 4. aroM %
bat artaaOy ac* ac Urge ai tboaa ad- the snow, employod Bi teaim*. and the
spring vachtloB bltb ber abler. Dr.
Biwrd re ii;g.i«-s_c Markbam. T niake,-nis .W bit ebsrseten aay- moacy
Meatt to tbeaa road*, bat the geaera)
Qatar EmRh. in Trying lo oo to ManSemiM- votmaelior—WllUam L Ch*p SaraT Chase'.
Jleawisb. H Istrobm. A. MtIU. WU- l<o l-> >hi> wod> vnsf vs’TWwPy r«t aaa.
tateot U that wb<« the reaaty e»- who bare drawn tbU gravel; so you
Haw from Loland, Hod Ceally
Mr; Mary B. HcKerUer wa
Hs, .to* Mrort tae* ao* taiMHM *f ■»
lUm Armilagt-.
tem U adepred. the maia Uure of road lee Uat It ta gotag to fumUh «ork;
Juotor couB*elh>r—Ray ThaUrr
:be rlty from Lelnad today.
ChaiiuiaB-reronimi'lee oo tall-jiugvrIU he trU adegded a* cowaty roads H U goUg to pat money lata tbe pockSecretary treaaurcf Fred C RtchMrs. G Anderaon bas retunied (rum
and attar that, other road* wtU fol­ eu or many pt Ue farmer* lit lug adLoUad. MIeb, March 77.-1*
■ vbit with frieod* at Maple City
Tbl, wowM Been, to look very Ok*
slsiants. WHflaiu UUrhbura and C
low aM aU tbU be dooe at tbe opilrai Inrest, or living la IbU district, i
IcmptUg te follow John paeLsidtow
COaduelor-Winiaa\ S Gvdirey
Ib* aiii.',aai-eipeni of the tow of graeiMrs. Guy L. Champaey of Acme. Markhnin.
ot nmr beard at aaparvisors. | ahall will say. Voder thb Uw. uv have
I'nire 'John Grabau
i.r and .ret notOtog eaa paoalMy b*
ivilh Uanlteu Thnreda.*. <»«-*r
sta has been nm-nUing .her auB.
an of remmiHe- ui< Iran-por timer than the, fart that Ih* great poof '
be prefectly retlkUd la Isove (i U UBlform Clare of •■oiJ^^Vou give the Smith's UBBch gvn rongbi ta the
KentlOel -CAarb-s a. freMey.
Cleoa Champoey of WilkMstayg. P*.
that way aad U th* boaid. after rea- morey tor labor boreVheie H be ■Dd beRvre |t euulil be goltra oat. was
Kieeulix- 'oniultti-e-Herbert tirlf- or Oie ^ six weeks, during hU UV- lalKW-F. He.,mi.b. axatstnaiu. M. dl-J ore to any a '
'Betweeo Rhokex
•Meradoo at the public aeedc. want to loogs. You wHl be able lo balM roads teuUy wreiked and aunk.
tth. A- L Jvyre. K. B. WbCaton'. Ju-j sesa ol typhoid feter. ha* retoraed H. (Mrrol. E. AV. (torluqgh. ll J. H, w pat* Ue p
a scale large eMogh to have tbe
' apetre'a ftory aad Ihe aeleMiflc WlZlmmermaB
hand tba Bret twM frota nta Labe.te
Paetarbow »•» 'aboot «on
ronir. Ylr Cbampaey Is stowiy conCbairuan 're'lbi- tummltiee oo onph iit .VewTOT the** la as taftalt* '
oreal. ot frooi otaai to Whitewater, beoi kind ot roods at a mtoiuioio rw<. ahead of Smith and gut Urmigb
aiffereWe.-New Tsrk AmerlTOB.
II dore aot rcquliv a Urge aiuounl dgbt, tat wben Smith's boat '
l-wiu aot aay a ward, tat I wljj'i
- O. H. E, C P. •
^Rny-al U Blush*, b home from Uc
I a frairiDBl soeiely. but Ih,- abovi
lotaty real upaa tha Utalllgdaea e« the at aBBcalBeiV- Maablec, ta all Ur about Sue (eel from aborr. (be
asststauis C.
Boomer, F. Ueamub.
leio stand for one of tbe grenies Alma culk-g* for tbe .'priag racalMa
board ot HparvUors aad tha board ot work abe baa dooe. baa M lovestcd auddcBly closed up boWiog the 1
Chairman reinmlliee on ottlfori
Hyman CtaUB has rciuiwed Irom
MUs K’ttr- Before roe w*ro
but (BR« thousand dolUn ifS.vuO) la fast. SmiU obandoaed the craG and . Iph tn the world* Try them an,
r. Pidwr. oasistani. WUliniD Urowa. Hed. Mr. Risni. did .vuwr hOTtaafi
are. Win relieve that tired, feeling
. A- C for spring vacwtwo.
iret. aacasd m- th(rd Use ot road ahall
weot ashore. soeorUg btdp bnt Ue sirfc bendaebe aed all disorders «
ac .v>m man.* S-iWertl Mr*. Blunt
Bud Haslet returned 10 this cHy to­
Gcwilag the Urger povtloa of Ul* boot could not be exirlvwted. A
Ue atomaeh aad taweli' What at
didn't bar* aay hwhand befiaft I
they: Dr. Herrick'st 8
t marritd. «Mr.
made Mat ta (be dock frote the Pm». a tried and relit
. r. Bramiih. !
TilaUe remed
IWrms'illy. l »ay. It' behoovo* ovary hooL but the wind came ap U Uc rhirb baa been Oa the_____
Na* how shat) three roada
he market art
Mr. and Mr* Thoms* PtainciOT Tb»s<-cr*iaryaadtiwa*ur*r w
la iho city to Bight, totally deoiroyUg hta aUk- laty years price :5« per box.
mods} That mauer too. Is la I-.
Sold by 8 E Walt *
Seat an E E. ■ Ol Move oext w;eofc for Parts, •hcie
ft tanaud
haa* 's(^ Wd'otcupanUonasB
bvoreMy os thb Uw.
Ug Uc cratL
• they will meat*. '
MWer. Ask f-; «















CittM Rt(irM*nM«.

nr^ Frtaty* Rw«»d.
W. H. M. U. ORFieiRt.
RmMMt—Mr*. 9.


FbM vtM



ThIM vte* ’prMMMt—Mr*. C. A.
FMirWi vl«o prMlMM^Mrt. M. M.
Martin, Ann Ar**r.
t-H. U


WIHon, OMr«R.

Hr*. HarrM I. F*rt*r. Ottratt.
Wagntr, Ann Arb«r. - tacnUry young p*opl*M
Alt* M. KlrWMia, JackMn.




M. Jotpn.

yaa taiafc of tb* Maatoai •bifUag
tbe poopi* of tbo coaairy to tbo dtj
-*T«* aHaaloo Aareh matt take eaio
af tbe fbrelga olemeat too tbai will
aadu wtib ibt eily churebe*. W«
« nt«f tbetn to com* and weUne
a baartlly. Tbe lumber town baa
dlflcoUei aho. tbe eonatry
i«bar«b, ao doe* ib* «tty mtaaloa.’*
•Tb«ae people are cruel la war and Tlmr* arc the eaoouragemeau which
orea more eroel to iberaacle**.*- Mid twiaMlimt tb* dKbenUics. Mr. HrMb* ConiB*. Here Mlia CoIUh dwelt doMeUpV aa InierraUngaccouat of
eary paibeileally on tbetr awM aat*
Mag for ibclr ova people to ai
tbeir goda. Tbee* people are ei
year, beeaimr of cUM .orgaaHaUooL
ouc and why aboold aot tbeir o
*-More Lore to Th*e~ wa* nung a
he abed for good.
tbii MocM tbe prufram. A bnelai
'Tlw iBdiaM long for a Ood to tore meeU^ tMiewed.
Tbe report of
' At 'tbla polat the apnaker told bow givea gr*v i«*olaiiMu and crodeniJaU.
abo won tbr bearte of the Sltilag BaU The credeatUl lommiuee reponed 34
tribe by ber baowledge of modlclao: delegate* to the W. H- «, U. and Ji
The gocpel eia reaeb the old ladlaba lie* repreaeaied.
ae well ai ibe yooiig. ae wa
Tbe place of aieottag la eoajnacilan
by Bome of the atorlee the
with tbe W. a M. t. wa* aamed a*
told of eonvonkn at aiioe of
Denton Harbor.
' DM I
The lollowiBg iMolotlon* were
Id they
In clooing. MU* _____ adopted:
« for the eaubllabliig pi ~be Mlflbigwt Bnncb of the W. B.
I, tbrought lu committee dectre
ibo mUiloog la Dakota that have
expmi lu apprectatlM of and
had to br cteoed. MUe Colllni- a«o
and boalth wlti not permit ber to con- grailtnde for the warm weleome and
tlaui Mat In thla work and new init- <ordUI hoapltalltr It baa received
atOMHOa are noaded to take up ike from the Traveme CKy cborcb.
Kotblni leodlag toward tb* eemfort
work abe baa ao falthfiilly carried oa
gin* baa been omllied
tor u year*.
gutlen. Bsperlally do we appreciate
the untiring work of the eommlllees
Ml*, rraak R. Lgoa of Maalatee led rho prepared and Mrved the delielons
la a dlteetialo* "WUl U the Idea! ..eals at- Ibe rhuirh.
Cunatltotioo for a Chnrrb ladlat' noe*peclall,r
eletyr Plret Mr*. Lyoa Hid ahe recegnltr Its courteous reoepti
wptlon ol
thought It wa* a good tbleg fqHadlr* tbe delegatrs by the young
ladle* nong lad
to fcoow more aboot Oongre^llnnal. elelies. the HDdge nullderi
•rs an
and Cov­
Urn. A ODogrogatlonal ehureh iiandi enant Ctreie ond to the Boys' Home
tw ttaelf. It la aa entity. In masy
eburebet we bare oorleilet which are
}C(b annual
•eparate and tbeoe lack unity id roaveatton of the Michigan Brsnrb ot
thongbL Harmoalou* nntoa and c«- the W. a M. I. and so far as your
cperatlon U neeeaaary to the eucecA
has beOB able lu team nu
• i ehnreh In Ha vartou* organliuiys- MiBsianan aoclety hw *
The plan of the united orgaalu:'fled the delegates. And nre s
, of aid aoclety work. mluloDarr
II etiirolsl
eaiirotsl attention to this o
wort and eocUl tli
aeed by the epcakev
and tbe adW c.................
■* of It
and reragnllkus.of ___________
' work
.if Hu- buslneas men un<l the neirup*
young p.-0|jle.
|•0|J1e. 'We need Kelt *i
l-r» Of Ibe rtiy.
ridee. TitBlliy.
>ii-y. (li
(Inte. Ii U time well
To tbe iioople of Traverse City wbo
rpent. II take* lore l.orr the
deh-gatei Iain Ihelr
■Ived the dell-gales
ivety and lodirlduBlIy. It lakea
iM-aiilllul home llfea
a iid
ud who have
cratlon. The blgbe*l lt>rm
_____ J marked
-ked haspllalll}
be lukvn only Ibrougi
Indeed greatly
greatly indehtd. The
delegates will not ftM-|
- -get the helphtl
t IL’ A. Rnlinan of CharlevoU eniertalaineut and
tilling lueaaagu'
n a dincuiOkiu of ■mile bona.'' fmoi nibuiiouri>'».
i>'». It is with
uf narrow that ilie.lirani
ilie.liranrb esieuds
Is U>
Irlenri and foriuer preshleui, Mrs.
Atreiil. their hinrere symiiathy in the
death of Mr. Arrvlit, wboa>- iM-aullful
_ -Ivhie HlCKinrance. Tbeae a
Mid iis*-lul life here nii eailb has end
help us to nniui uur bleaalngt. They •si. but wboiu* Influence lur good wilt
nre ueed to lull In (or the ellras ' Increase as the ye»rw go by. Many lo
raming un Bnnday scboole In I
dlsiani lands today arise niirt call him
wrsl. One abuse U when the bo* l» leased.
used for regular jiledces for mleslonOur bears go out in loving syrapa
ary use. Anolbn- U when we' put
thy toward our Mend. Mrs. pteder
and not use tl. Du luil iwrr
Irk W. Rtevens. our efarlenl Ireastir
'y ■
from it
iher. It la eonw-nwied to tbe
there wer* t^rwf M year* ago.Indian* Need RallMen.

Auditor—O. O. Jordan. AL Jooaph
Tnni*** for thro* ycsro—Hr*. C. H.

Portar, Lanalng; Hr*. L. P. Rowland/
Orand Aapldt; Mr*. A. H.
Truola* lor two yoaf* to fill vaeartay caaatd by raalgnation of Mr
M. -Cutehaon of Orand Rapid*e. A. Alair, Orand RaptM.

Tbe kKrraooa Maahm yetirrday
of tbe Wonaii> Home Mlaalonary uniM eoeTOBiloD «as opened at t;4S
' dafoiloiult tn charge of Hr*. C D.
Banrett' of Cadillac, ralthfolotwa wa*
r.' the ttaoBe other talk and Bbo read the:
dtary of tb* taltbruin*** of tb* wo'HR* Of Detbany. Thla arntlce ^oaed
Mitb aentoboe pnyar*.
Mary O. Oalliaa tare a brief
on bar work amoaa the Sknu
___ ta Woetb Pabota.u ^la 0*0*1
'4Blr*M aba Hid thu
It abe dM I
___________ ______ ..._te*t
k Oily BRRftaraooo but to mal
Mr tbe, ladlaaa ah* loved and wbo

liOnl's woi




boohkeeper In tbe Nmtbeig MIddcaB
BtylhH at tYavwtae CltFr««E «t bM '
R. tchsmkirgir Will tnataM-gHiwaAe)' boiae baa* la« amlag aiMfl a Mot
toeaa. raoefwl aarviee* wUi ba brld
and a Hast Marhat 0« flm '
eoB3l> at tbe Swedlab cbweh. HaaEaat SM*.
’**« sras Mhlhr BHaag Ut« yvwag
pc.ple ofHto rily.
R. sebomberger hai purchaaed the
swperty of Wmtam Hopkins, on Rast
A>'htr- Hansen, daring tbe ttmo
■roBt alreel. on which the store ol M. be worked here, made h Urge n«mHerraa ataad*. together with two ad- ber of friend, who were much tbocRed
jotalag has. haring a froauge in alt (■> h-arn iff bt* death. of ft feet. Mr. Sebomberger ha* also
purchaaed a building of the MllUhen
estate which stands'on a lot arrM*
attvct. and aa soon a* possible ba
'move Ibis building to one of the Mr. and Mr*. Frwil Tsui** Cntarta tad''
vacant lots nnd Bt R up tor a alar*
and meat mafhet.
WUUamiburg. JH<+.TTMUl
AlleraihMis irm'also be made la the Wednesday evenlna there were abMt
store building now standing oa Jp ts
J at ;he boete of Mr. aad
lot. but the;-.- will be no change In the Mr.gather. Twlis: a1I had well 4UM
store Itself. Ml- Herrin <-uollnUing lo
d saadwirbe*.
rOBdatd bit business as beretofone At
. _.
bad ruad
and game*. Asr any ooe that vaa
there .. Mr. aad Mrs. Twist know bow

YMr cOMlttee offers tbe fanewmg
resMutioBu IB csinyuDciiou whb tMee
M boauUfuDy eomplled by tbe conultlee of tbe W. n. M. I;
Raaolvee, That the W. H. M. V. «ipressea lu appreclatiOD of me uMIrIng and IndebUgahlc work of ikc
Death came u> llarUn Kirk
ladles of Tmverse City ebarebe* in
idlDg lor every poseiUe eomfo.-t Umpriebt. better knawo a. -liarley."
roBvcnlence of the large Bomber aon of Mr. au<1 Mrs. (' H l.lmprlrbL
of delegate* ai-d vlslturt In atund- at 9:4i (bis tuoralng, after five weeks
tlDuing-wCh an attack
: to all wbo have so kind'
ot pneumODla. He was IS yei
Itnlly adciM to the value
and besides his parentv. )eiv
ms wiih music, bo<h voc
Imprlcht who Is In
ilT HPen *ta- I brotlier*. t^ri»y Umprlthl.
milpplnes. and: Hmuld.
Harold known at
mdered through ibeir reporters;
Harley was one ol the popalar
• f trade, whoDveutr
Tmveree young men of tbe city .having resided
•legate; and
here since b» wa* three year* old. He
•leelre* to pay Ibute for
'falih^ wa* born at Loke UdMsa February in.
>1 an<t efflcienl service* of .......... IS9I. and came to ibl* city s'llh hU
ling offleere. Mrs. Rowland, who has parent* from Ionia three l-ean taler. .
rrved as aeereury of literature.-and
During ihe j-ear* when be wa*
1 Mani-elona, Mich, Marrb
recording Merelsry for (he past eer- growring tn manhood. Harley a1*ty*
Ra.-on of .asiirtm will b««i) a party Af
eh year*, and Mr*. Culcheon. who ha* woo friend*. He was of a cheerful,
iwTson* who will jeeve for Raailla,
been IdeailAcd with the work 01 the sunny dlaposltlon. always having a
roclety for more than a decade.
pleasant word for hi* friend*, and st Young Man Who Wa* EmpUyed In Wu.h.. Tiiesdny. The men la lb* pMRespectfully Kiibmilled,
bome was a world of comfort to hU ; This City. Paaad ..way at Mania
IV huv.- nil ohuiped work ln,mUla i*
Mn.. 8. K. Kelly, Reed City.
parents. - Fevcral year* ago br .was
. tat. Thursday EveKinp.
and ahliut fbd'ih- Mr. Bacon l« a*
Mr*. Osxter, DcitPli.
unli-d with Ihi' Flr»t rongregatlonal
old reshleot here, bovlng tivod |a ABMl« VanDoum. Grand Rapid*. • church, was a member ol the May Aun-er club, of the Sunday arhool. atid of
trini the psui IN year*.
the Qu>s-n City nramailc club,
me ver>ganlaatlnn of boy* who did
u a vu|credltaUe work. He wa.'
■a. C. A. CawTSaT BftHmM Hama'
Vaaterflsy Aftar An Abaanca
After KUfferIng lor aevera! wiekv
Of Four Wteka.
with pneiimunla. aud Ju.l a- It *e<-nied
(hat be would soon rreuver. an ale
A. role was agrecahlv *ur- icess formed on the lung and an operoH»ed yesterday when her little black allon wa* neceuary Ulher>ronplirskdOf.the n-eenlly nbdiicied pel. dragged tiont followed, and h.- wae hurriedly
tlniM-lt home hovervd with mud and taken fo the hospital, where a secoiul
with fatigue. The caalne bad a operation of a dlffera‘tK natorc was
sirM around hi* Beck-mnd has
mlfaiDg about iiur week* and no
: the misrreanl whn stub- him.
nr from the strap send the time
woe gone, had luiended lu keep
m How.-ver. tbe
the dog
dM U back aad
Through all bis Illness Harley kept
Whil( only a dog. yet It lueai.t
up 111. evumge and his •heerfulneKS,
■> Mrs. Cole, who reivttily luet berliur bu; when at time* ll aevuiei) lo liiui
Blued (be dug higMy be that he could not mtuer.'he bravely,
met the.....................
ranw uf the prvtei-lion I




Man«'Ioiui. Mieh.. M»rch n-A
D. II. fower Ilf t'udmnc. the tank­
Di'iuber -uf oouae* have been c|uara>e er, i. in
city over Riindny, on his
lined in Antrim on accuimt ■>( nn ep viay to Kingsley.
Identic of the meaeies. No death:, hav.Heebert Jurnf. Is tn Ibe elty today,
bedn reimried.
Iron. Kik RaMils. on l.uklneKs,

Spring Opening Week
-At the-

Brighten Up Your
Give the wood-

MUolMl to Mro lor the odneaHoa bf



'"we mis* today Mlai Baker, wkaae
Inierest and knowMce of our state
work it invaluable, and wboM- ah
rovery and mum to ber arort.
And to all wbo In any way have

' Hpia ladiaa ataaMaarle* lo ywari ago
aaf* HlaatoM, aad ihU abould not b*
- an. M*HBd* a pHw tor more
ai^aHHlou tor tbear pai«lo.

oet.bM Mkad wbMber tte
beg* ever go back
___ tototbeir
blaakdU- wbaa they loar*
lots tb* gora
not go
' ~inket but
. l they carry
ind their bearti
HUkIob BdMoU mm
lo giro Jbam tbo goapel There

alrwaar'slvn thafr ttUrtt. or wVi
shall at (atave icasleas, eoatrltMil* ta
(hr prefll pf thi* meettag. ibeh caamU
•xteads Ua meat graiefni tbaaks.
RNgeetfffIty sabmiuad.

work, floon, aod {(irnisiute a laating aod beauti­
ful fioiih by applying a
coat of Perma-Lac.

You can do the
They aboidd be bpened at stated
limes. Many will lake this lllUc
wbo will not pledge regnlarly
lead* on to larger gifu and intereatH.
Tha Country Church.*
Tbe Rev. A. BcniBlI of Northporl
gave a shou ulk on one phase ui
home mUsionarr srork. 'Tbe Country
"inn an of <choreh work w
In tbe Imni
tive work.
■The eoulrtiy church baa to fate iImfate that as noon aa tbe boy goes to
High aebool be Is loat. but In Ih.mean time the effort* are not wasted,
lie more w* c«b do id keep
stream of iboae paasJDg into the
putw the more we will belp in i
lu the problem of those Itnmlgrauis
fM tbe outside coming Into the coun-

not iiaast mlniMcr
must interest tilmself'ln the life of
tb* farmer and be must interest-him­
self in The eoelal life of the petq.le.
You miin oclnlillkb a point of ronieni.
It Is a pan of the work of the country
church lo look afii-r the young people,
rarest them and give them «»nu •
ing lo think of. Dive ibe young -ixmpk-I- aallsfacilDU;
nallsfacilou; don't
aeold tlwtu Inu
Biuch. Don-i addre
as 'Cbartey. do
in closing. 3
can't afford lo
italry cburi li
"The Lumbar Town.”
The Rev. A. B.lmrie ol Johaoi
burg gave an eicellent talk to
ranveiiilon oir "The Lumber Town."
■The one wbo goe* to a lumber town» HT MtU^
e who hno*----OTAK. Bos
.ling else be­
side* academic aindle*.’- The speaker
told of the eovironmeni of Ibe lumber
sod wlisi naiurc_cin do for
■ I would be anil anything."
»eaker. living in a lumber I
' Ihrrn l> much. Iniempemnci-.
vbo nonr naHo^laeaHaBta, Maaa>
Imrle spoke ol the InBuenee
of the church tn the lumber regitw.
telling many interesting Mortrs of
raaji life. He also spoke of tbe tile of
lire young peoph- In tbe lumber cam]
aad the dancers that are tbeir* l<
keep Ibeu pore.


^ofk yourself and make
them fresh and sbtniog.

Perma- Lac is
alto fo^-uie on walls, ceOinrt.Ciron bpds. stoves,
shelving, buggies, carria­
ges. farm implements—
and every ariicle made of
metal, wood or plaster. .
24 beautiful colors to se­
lect from besides Clear

Join the Prosperity
' - Give your house
or barn a nice, clean coat
of Bradley & \’rooman
Pure Paint.

Sold C o n 11 n uously for over SI yean.
Always a: "top notchcr"
in durability and economy.
Covers 350 square feet2 coals fo the gallon.

Every can is full
measure—a Standard U.
S. gallon of paint in every
gallon can.

Opening Week Specials

Prokop Kyselka
Traverse Ciiy,



the pash we are going

solid week of seasonable bargain in the shape of the very Infest ^n‘d most drsir>
able merchandise.

$1.50 WaistsTor 93c

$1.00. 27-inch MessalinI
Silk for 83c yard
This i> the ihatetiil ao much wan­
ted for new Spring Gowns, we
have it in all the most ilesirable
Colors. Remember^the QOa
price, per yard.......... 00\,

25 and 30c Messallne Rlbboits.-21c
G in. wide in almost any color you
. can ask fotL Opening 94 gw
wtek price.'per yard

BrRdiey& Vroomart Purr Paint is cam-'
posed of pure. Carbonate
of Lead, pure Oxide uf
Zinc and pure Linseed
Oil. It’s the best paint at
any price.

lyJ^lB^d^ and
Rapids gave a nsoat eseelleni talk an
tbra 'City mtoMon."
"You will readily resllte Ibe tmportaaee of tbe city mbslon work, when

Our store is in fuH bloom of Spring newness and we invite you here fo see the
choice merchandise this season has brought forth. Our buyer while in New York put
forth,every effort to secure choice patterns and styles, together whh workmanship In
every article he purchased. These goods are all here now. and you will find it to your
advantage to look them over before buying.

$1.25 Black Talfela
This Silk is full 30 in. wide and
•rear guaranteed. Oeenlng
week price, per
yard................. ......... ...OW

New 'Diret:torie-and tailored styles.
made J{ hnr Lingerie and Linen->
ette, plain tailored styles, as wellV
as Lace and Embroidery trimm­
ed Oiveiiing week


$1 Table Linen per
yard 78c

$5 Trimmed Hals
i v $3 .98

f 5il nt-whptfnc Hats
positiv- ' '[) valii'.->i. ihi-i will be
a firt-. h if T 50 Lidi«-s to
secure -.vti-l. Dn-ss ILhs for



3 98

$12.50 to $14 Ladies’
- Suits for $9.98 -

This l.incn is a full bh-adie.l Saiin
Damask, ~i in. wide and 0 choice
pailerens to lelect from.
Opening week price........ i

riiese Stiiis are ma'th- of (me Satin
striped I'ninella
('oaiw :i(i in.
loi'g. Saint lin'd with large
- -with
uttons' Rood assuriinent of
colors. Opening week ^

12>:^c Dress Gingbam for 9>/lie

$12.50 to $15 Hen's
Suits for $9.98

Yuiirchoice of any cf oiir 12}^c
Gingham, either Uoile du Noride
and Krd.Seai. IM* paiterns to
select from. Oi>e.<img Qg. a
week price...................... «FV2t.»

These Stiiis are positively the big­
gest bargains ever offered.
Latest cm and made of hoe wool
ma' all the n*’w colors in- chiding Blue and Blacks Q AA
Opeii’ng weiek ihicc... .9*90



tiudicn vrr; ti-il. 1 w
cioil- tor Ibis lime, to gooddiye.

And my .Utile alaiera.
■m sure youll aee
Tiny UtUe bousae.
Oat of which we poep,
A^ea we BrM are watlag
Prom our winter's sleep."


waTTlM 4
RulM and d
H«raM.Vowf« r«lka tomhiM

I «dll try Mv«r la worry ar
(ra a»0M Bfiythla#.

I will try la bt at hadpy at I
ean and aiakt tvarybody hapyy
at tar aa I can.
I will try to bt lavint. twlRfal and kind ta avarybody and
la ovary llvlne iMng.
If I avar fall in trying tt da
theta tWngar I will *^iy, try

Besale NeltOB.

Ham. Wueu Barkmta. HttOI Olotan. "A* tbe days grew milder.
Urare tone and ImI> Dollairar. Trtr- Out we pul our beadr,
'»r (liy, MIrb. Xamrt arnt iby Mabel JC»d we lightly move- ut
In our IMIIc bode."
Alva it. HfUar. Freda Vernon.
Uau Cleaoiu. Ira Hlllt aad Ftcbi
HUb. Dtvlaoa. HIcfa.. R. F. O. .Va 4.
There It murmuring here aad there
linimi Maaacb. Auird. Mirb.. K. F. t>.
Xo. Z.

unit Jobaaon. t^patr,


Flareaea Catilr. Craca (telle
Btrtba (tetir. CalamUaTUtc. Hleh. a.
F. D. No. 1.

Naawt aant byiFloreaM

_________ ___ _


K. y. P. •unahina Clab Cradla Rati.
Mellau Hunt. Tmveraa City. MIcb.
.Vaaie aeol by Mabel FUb.
VIIU Brimmer. Old MIolon. MIcb.
nine tont by Elvio Belle
Winiaa Out LalfhtoB.
ame aent by LeMer (XiriU iLelgbloa.
Leo BrnnHI. age Bve , {wnlbt;
NtDDl Bennett, nge two yoi^. Kuril-





l.ew|K tyeeafer. agi- tour nor*. Ita-

^raaWtnl—Clara ■atat.
rtrsl Vlea Pratident—Mtbol ■atatWIillama.
doeond Viet ProtWtai-^ra. Imna
Painaray tMalda.
•baahina OrandmaUwr-Urt. A. L.
. NtMtAtr-am
I an tba Cradla

From your Saatbine girL

trr, Mlib. Tbeodorr PlamoadoD. age
X year*, Proeemant. Mlrh.; Naatet
int by KertatB Denoyer.
Arcble Homan, age

year*. Sal­

low Bay. MIcb.. R. t. <6. No. t


Carrten. age nine SKmih*. Sartbpori;
MIcb.. R. F. il. .No. I. LetHe Laugbton. Newberry. Mirt.
Adah tLAritea.

Name* teal by

Tht SunahiM F
oft Vltit.
when your preaideot
rnl OBI liilo her garden wlitl do you

Odi of bU bed-or aunkw etoud.
Far uwarda ibe pralrle'a brim,

wood pecker bat come from ibe konlti.
hetrd him drumming this ninmiiig.’’

Wbitlling a tune of bl» own abwd;
So owny and atroDf oi limb.

And iKalbtrlne

ninin.rnr.-d to laugh.

I am always laietetted tn taearing did net go to sdioM laat week faecauae
1 bad much a bad <»M. > am la "
about tbr Suatblnvrt' tcbool-work. tnd
atxib grade. Here are two nam«<
am pretty tore that you are a good
lbs Sunshine Club. They are Anna
KhoUr. Bettia.
Klldee aad Tom, Smith.
KoplM i
aee tbl* la print. I remain.
K F. n. .No. 1.
Your Smiwbloe gtri.
Age i:.

wlil 'write to you as 1 have not
ten for a Ions lime 1 am a* well

Shaking ireee tn ble Rftd Ihii


like her very mum. : woold like to
Id Ihe Sunablne FAb. I have two
name* tor ike Cradle Kpll and ooe
nkme tor me Run*blne Clu^
Keuneii. gge live monihs: Naomi Bi-nneit. age two yean, aod (Kadya Moore.
eleven year*. 1 am In the fourth

My sindlee are.



Heading, writing, arlthmelle, language,
spelling, geography and drawing' Aa
my letter la gHlIng long 1 u-lll close,
hoping to see this Is pi Int.
From yuur hiving Sunshine glrb «

h'or his xl^p was long and .'wwnd.
And the woodchuck peep* at Ibe grow­
ing aUea.

Age ll.
Itladys HennrU.
alwa;* pleases the to welcome a
member Into our Sunshine Club.




111 promise my bloatemA" the Croraa
—Yoaik'a rowpaaloB.
" MmT Mareiu
“When I hear the blueUrdF ting.
A tilpplag op ibn etieet. one ammlng
"And straight tberetfler." ^'trrittut
,ln apriag.
I amt a wee maiden—a By-away
"Uy allrer tnd |old 111 bring
«MB*"And ere they tie dulled." anolber
AH draaaed In toft gray from bar bead
to bee toea—

Bat daar. dimpled face wgi ai pink aa
gTh9 braacat warn blowing iwr bnonle
browa balr.
Her ribboM wree Bylng. now berg and

And tweet grew’ the air of tprlng.
Then. "Ha! ha! ha!" a riidnit rama.
Of langbur. toll and low.:
From Ibe mdUoat of Bowen Under Ihe
Tea. mimoni. begbinlng to grow.
Oh. the pretty, brave thlogs! Ttaroogb
tbe coMetl days.
lavHMued In wall* of brown.







laafoad in greM glee.
To thlak. my old friend, that yon
aboaldn'l know me?"
•ha Uned eyea trlnaome and winnin
and arch.
And aald la a whliper. Tty name 1
Mbft Mtrt^"’
'New Mebmaea.
Qladya Bennett. Buckley. MIcb.
Mayurd Skiver, Cedar Run. Mick.
Latter Curtta Imlghton. Jollel. UI.

Anas KIMae and Tom Smith. Weglard, Micb.^ Namet anal by Aguet
(terrace Danlelaoft JallK. Ill Naam
aaat by Latter Oarrit LelghtgaAndy Brimmer tnd I.Mier Brimmer.
OM MIttlon. MIcb.- Ntm teni
nvie Belle Flemlag.
Bertha Wagnkr and nertrade Sommerfridi. ('utter. Mirfc. B. F. D So.

Kamet tret by Ida Crtel.
Mini Beriha Fletcher, Ooy Whaatoo

'ate Maanee Abemon. Cutter. Micb.
R .F. D. No. I. Namet tent by Mary
<Uga Crow^kaw. OeUe llbnt. Bulb

“ney never loti heart, tboiigb
bUti thrleked bwd.
And the tlrai tad the. hail


And tbp- Vloteta will come peeping
|TEMi!>enrath the drift* of tnon
.(«d tbe rohiM fly from .^mlbward.

V^ler Curtin Delgbtim.

lake (be Ihli^ pretty soon.

Old MUsloa is a beauliful placv. and
do not wonder you like to visit your
rar Grandmolbern



My leji •

Mr Os.-ar llarlh. be i-i'

eoosin*' oames ou the Cradle Roll?
Fife Imke. Micb. Feb rs. 1909.
Their name* are la-wi. Ih-nuyer. Of
Isadore. Mli-h. He U (<*ir yeari. old
An 1 bsvi-ii'i wriilen to yon lor a
mg lime I ihoiigUl 1 wuuld write la And -raHodore Plainonddb. of Prove
lint. Mich , age six yeara
gou tbl* morning
The snow- It so
dtoiji I dldli'l B1> lOsrliu. 1 today.
Ibeuilu tbe
Will tell you wbai I got tor Christma*.
so good-bye. huping
A new dress, a ai ring of beads, a pair
of glovea. a box of t-buralales. Ifaree In print
Every jour Ilule Sunshiiier.
I of cand.v, and eleven baudker;
Herman Denoyer.
chiefs. I am ten year* old. I go to Age 8.
Dear Presideui—

^ease read me a Dew card? I Joat Dear PresMeni—
I thougbl I would wrilr a few lines
to you
Mamma Is wrlliiit: now.

From yuur Invlag Hum hiner,
Nina Hhanni

tainly nli-e peu.

go HI M-hooI

I dost wonder you Halm
calves for your own. They

llrl l-called them "Baby Boo'*"

My teacher's name


MIm Young. I am in tb<- third reader
I My uludlei an- reading. sp<-iMiig. arllli
jmeiic. phyitology, and language. . I
nave three sUtera older than I. Their
name.-: are Cora, fhhel and (ilady*.

have Kix brothers
Their names a
Willie. Cimtoii. Clifford. Ashle>. Mu: lie
Feb. 2.1. 1909. and Hoaen. Well l mnsi iloae
(toudb)i-, from.

ColomblBVjlle. Mich,. R F. I) No T.

Carrie Vlriorja fray.

it ba* been a long time since
lie to Ibc Sunshine nab. I will
write a few line* (0 you and send In a

A'hal good Times you and ydur
bnilhers and flslera nuist have

for tbe Club. It I' not very gether! Are )v«ir bioUiers all older
good wealber out here.-it snows one (ban you. loo?




I2lb of March,


t will tell you wbal be

gave my mainlna

H>. gave her a pin

> a picture o( (he Soldlerx’
Home oil it. We gM a l■■Uer fron my
Hie. and obe said Ibal apring
had i-omi', and (hey were getting ready
to plant Ibeli: garden. She live* in
l-eulsUali. Idabu. I went I* see my
Aunt Nelih- Cary on Saturday. She Is
dining room girl at the llolel Ue
Franiv In Kinffsiey. l' will Hose tor

Does the
If not, something must be
wrong with Hs fo^ If the
motiier’s tnOk doM*t nourish
it, she needs 5cbff's£miiUo0.
ItBupptieBthe dements of <bt
required for the bdiy. If baby
is not nourbhed by its aitifidal

food, then it requto


day. aad rain* the next.

.Ncxi month
Mahle City. Mich, March I. 1909.
Habi-I and her family are gulag north
ill ijlllle well tiilw. Dear l*revldeol—
1 (bought I would write lo .vou. l
Well. I will , tell you


Christmas. 1 got a photograph album, to school every day. I like my leacbplctures. iwo dishes, a bandkervery much
Her name is Miss An
cLief bo*, a candy box lull of choed derAin
1 am id Ihe third reader. I
dress, au apron, a Iblm- have two pel*, a cat and a dog. My
hie basket, two sacks of nut* and a
aack of candy. Here are the name*

oldest sister 1* al home nos.
M-hooI will begin again ihe llrai of

for the SuB-ibine Club;
llilb-i. I'uHia CI•-lnuos.



slntv 1 last wroi'-. and am going to again. Floreiiev. and I have sent all
Dear J'retldem —
I thought a* I had lime I. would
ik fork sriiool. Mr lek.-m-i'K name
a members their carda-aud but
rite you and the Sunstatiiers anultier
Miss Uls Thacker. 1 like her vert,


It Is snowing today.

We have (he nicest

AVII I will close.

From your Sunshine gIri.

Fram*-s Mills and 1e-«a Cleiuous.
Lllla K. Burfirad.
I wonder what your pels' names are
II ba* b's-D a long lime slnre I wrote Davl«m. .MU-b, II F. il. No 4: Emma
I yon, hgan't IiT- It always Kis-med lo Maasoh. AilU-a,. Mich . K F. H No. 2: I faavenl any pd now. but Ihere Is a
ttor big dog (bat comes to see toe quite
I- that 1 didn't hate nine lo .priie. LUlle Johnson. Lapeer. Mich.;
This I* what the March wind loM m-,
Castle. Crace Caatle and Berlha ollen. and rsimv times fullow* im>1 I did. and plenty of II. loo Ev.-ry
lilew down from the shy.
-0 I'go si
tim.- I ri-ad Ibe Sunshine'iisge I woirtd Caslle. ColiimbUillIe. Micb. K F. ll
Tell the boy* and girl*. II whisper*.
(I 1
Aprll'a coming by and b>
Ever your Kunsbiner.
when lomomiw eanie. soiiieihlng kept
Sunthint 1.ctt*ra.
rant willing, mi nu U-ii.-r -wu*
Florence B. Palmer,
Old Mission. Mich. Mar. T. 1*0J
written at nil. I have mov.-d to town
tl -]< indeed nl*e lo Lear from you

ow. I lust love to read the Suns|s-!lhig
1 like manual trjiiiina
»hlne leilera because they are *o in- best »r all. I mil sure Ihsi l.ix t Han
-etilng.. I have oome new member*
II must like ber learber. Ka4-. Vin
r the Sunshine Club Their naniea
n. for sue Was Iu( teainer when I


1 am-aore'J-ou pinst be a real Sun­ (bt* lime hoping to ara this In print
beam. Hertaan, tv'write me *o nli
From > our BunahlBi-girl.
little calf, rhe i* nil red bal Ibe front
Ilule letter. It make* me happy
Mary Spaaldlng.
Of her bead. She I* a nice Ilule pel.
Won't It la- nice when apring come*
always Halm Ibr Ilule calve*, they bi-ar from all my boys and giri*.
here, too? Do )ou hire a garden at
arc te Dice. Her name Is Beamy.
Mabel. Mlrh, Feb 28. 1909.
A’ell I will Hone for (hit lime. A’lll.
Sunday n'-bobl

Where the.v went w> long ago

letter at I bare not writleu In quite a very niuih
t am In the fouilli grad--,
whUe ll 1* tnowing hero today. The
'.S*. My Siudii-* aV' as follows:
An-t and tecoiid da>* of March were Arithmetic, language, diawing. niusir,
n.lce day*. I am going to tchool ever) uianiiat training, geography, leading

- Ibougbi I would write a few Unea

IS. M.i iiiOlher died last uncle Albert Olmateod baa cosBe here
aum'mer July, so roy sl.ier lake* rare of tbe from Urap Creek lo slay with urn. I
bouse 1 have lour brother* and omat tiiy grandAw'a laat Steday. My
Kister. Will you iibaiu- pul two ol my Urendpa Spaulding will be borne (be

Half A teaspooBfol three or
four timefi a day tn Its bottle
will have the detlRd effect ft
teems to have a ma0cd effect
upon bdiies and ddUitn. A
fifty-cent boftk wffl prove tbe
truth of our gUtementS.

BCOTTd BOWNE, 4M Psarl au Nt> Ywh

Chick Feed

Traversu City. Mu-h./ll F U No 6.
Feh ». I9W
President —
111 *::<e in i|,.- H.-rald as I have
not wtliteii In^nuite a while
bool I-I-O


I go lo

studies^ at--

IS lu the aeraari and ihir.1 gtadc* readins, aritowpric. spelllqg and tang
My isjcb>-r'* naiiH- la .MU* Mar
Iu>ster Brimmer; and tor the Cradle
Mia* Vinton .e.-. ihi> I-tier 1 hope Jage
on. Toda> Is my brother'* birlhda)
Roll. Villa Brimmer
1 am sorry to ahe win rvmemb..r ihi- uuiichty HcL
But patiently each wmugbi ber beaulal 1 have lost ro> Smishlne ptn girl who used to w rite notes and Ibrow ile is.ihlrit-en yeara old. M> Urandnu
illul dress.
OI-a verj pretty valenilne
Will you pleaae .o-itd m.- another, and them around the room.«hen her barii
Or latbloned ber beautifol crown.
trill try and take m-i:er care of U. was turned She na* the best taacber Uraadiua llws tu Traver«c fit.'
And now they are eomlog lo brighten
r bad In (hr rouiiti.t f.-bool Here When varaiion rome* i am goliiK t.>
•ell this 1* all I MB lliink of tor ihU
Ibc world,
I bare three nephews and
oate name* for the Sunshine visi: her
lime, so good-bye.
Still ehadowed by wluterVfrown:
liecv. Their name* are charli-Club: Olga CrowsbaW. K-llr liuul.
From >our toving Sunbeam.
And well may lln-y -cheerily langb.
Elvle Belle Fleming
Hunt. Waaeta lUrkman. lioxe] Alh-rl. Archie Hamau. and IjU- Cars
-Ha' ha!"
j .
Indeed. I win be glad -to •end .v.«u Uleaon. loiiils llullaw-et, and Mellsss -n: and my nlece> name i> M»t»-i
a rfaomt toU and low. ‘
l.yle Is nine nioit-h* uM. I
I haven’i
anolber 8un*hlnv bulloa. lot 1 know lluBi'for theViadle UoU
Tbe mlllloat ol flows-ra hid iibder tbe
vould like to have Archie Homan s
-------y pel' now
M> bl;.l di.M jIkiui
are one of my real Sunbeams
months ago. and on.- of mt rata name put on the Cradle itoll.
Tea. jBUIIra^toglnnlng lolgrow.
Hlat.addri-*s is Suttoiis
got tamig up between two boarda In iwo y-raraold
—Hiri^r'e Young People.
e baru and got killed
I have only Bky. Mlrh. R F, I> No’ 2.- AUoJ.ylc
dog tnd a eat now
Well. I can Carsira. HI* addrt*ui U Nortbpnn.
,0ear PiraldwBl —
Fwaey Willow.
And 1 have a
think Ol nolbing more
I will close Mich. R I- D .No. 1
I thought I would write you a let"Oh. .TOO PUM} wlllo*. .
cousin nanii-d la-sl-i- Imuflbloii.
ler and lei yt>u know I am wv!l. and
Preliy llltlr Ihing.
\wnlM-rry. .Vtirh
Ph-ts*- put bU name
hope >«n are the tame. I am nine
Comrng with the ■uiBehlne •
Cradle Roll. ti*> I will Hose
ird and biiilun to me. and I will give
year* old aad am In the second grade
Of tbe earl) tpring
to bet
me. tell me. putty.
1 hope to Jto
'•» ‘•'1'^
Vour Hiinshlner,
. s
have three aHietw going to trbool
1 want to know
WTiere It It you come (nui.i
How It Ityou grow?"

wrhlen. I am eleven year* oW.'Tgo am going to sebeol
1 sludy reading,
to trbool tlmost every day, | like to
writing, nnmber* and apeltbg. I am
go to ^ool very much. I am In ihe
gbl year* oM. Pleaae send me a bMctxib grade, bm for ariibmetir I am ta
m and card.
Ihe lerentb grade. I'ltke arlthmelle
very much, it la my favorite study. I
Marnud tetoer
hare sU atndle*. they are reading,

tellel. la. Feb. 24. 1909.

"He hat bes-n ben- all wliiler.
book abom birds tays that hr doeani

And.braugbi It bark again!

I have gerer wHRra lb tbe BtwablM
I ibougkt I wonld wriie a tew Dno*
to you. This la tbr Brat time I have aub. to I will try and write now. (

l>ear Pre.ldeai-

I hope we shall bear mure from
From hi* chamber under cround.
■lay la lbl> port of the United State* Tbe faoilerlly erawU front Itt riirytall*. Oladjs.
la (be winter time, bat teellig It beThe tMittlea arou«e from their nap.
The early robin, trying to !<
And ihra your pretident Tbe blooaomt awake at yhe' tomb
Oahe loet nor hreaih.Mid pMan.
Custer. Mich, R. F. I). Nli. 1.
made up her mind that Kaiharine wat
wind’s kits.
Mar. 4. IPUS.
The bare tree ablrered' when ibe the kind of a Snntbleer wbotc eyea
And the raindrop'* gentle tap.
Dear Hcesldenl—
open to the ifneretlliig The aongbirdi are flying 4iack again. ;
ere alwaya o
w •
I will w-rlle you a leiler lo tel you
ilnga ('tei we
>n all around
I woodland* with music ring.
Add moaned la etrange dUagy.
and hope ion
Don't you think to, loo?
All Iblngi are awakening (nini win­
As the neat of tgat year't favorite bird.
he same.' I n-ce|ved my buUon
And to many Intt-retUng thlngi are
ter'* bh-ep,
He raiblemdy lore away.
and cani Tiienday frani 'lii-Ieti .Ilnidbeginning lo happen tn the great world
To welcome the merry nprlng
rick, and I thank .vou .-ter so much
The boya. however, mere wlM with uf out-of-doort, now that tprlng bat
tor them 1 am iwelve year* old. and
Your pretident hu Ipund over
Out of the Dark.
1 the »et.-nih grade. My leath­
ly pretty reran about them,
Twte a tambllnA manap rare,
Ifa ptlher dark lo ike earth fodaj." er's name Is Miss llertlu Flei.her -My
KOI trbicb abodU wla.
fe« Wbtea
Said one lUlle bulb to bit brother;
studies ore nrllbmellc.. hl.rory. civil
going to print the poema.
abaobl to
"But i ibougbi ibal I fell a tunbetni government, idiysiulogy and spelling.
they are:
The OBM to seep la Ui place.
My Mister llosv was *l<-k. she i-ouldn't
A Lnughlna Cimrra
A’e muKf strive and grow till we find
lo sv-hool today. She Is se^ea
tarb a commotion aider the
And tba only thIaA aa I can learn.
Ihe way." .
years old. and 1* In the flisl grade.
That Teddy warn angry nt.
And they ueelled Hose to earh Mary, lleien and iliebard lirothirk go
Whm March called.
Ww trbaa »e wind, with a anddi
to my sehool- Sl«l.-r Uo*y r.-i-elved
ber card and bmion last Tuesday, also.
Sort ipreading of rootjett
Sent Bring cmBdM*t bM'Tbeji they tlruggted and tolled by da>^ There are two or my araoolinale* who
and by night.
would like 10 Join the Kuu.sbin.- v luh.
Such whiapering <o and fr^!
And the daar old loeka aa white a*
Till two little tnowdr<q» in green and Their names are Benha Wagner and
And. “ you ready T" the anow-dr««
. white
Cenrude Sommerfeldt.
Fleuse send
.' asked.
, ,

Warg robbed of -abelter and bare.
Rote o«t of the darknet* and lalo Ihe rardt and btilinn* lo me: I will
" Tit lime ta atari, you know."
Mat bbly that, bat were blown and
tbe ligbl. my letter sending you my be-^1
"Almoti. my dear." the Scllls ceplled;
"111 follow at soon at you igo."
That beaniltol. allvary hair!
April't ComingL'rom your SansVIner.
TheB,~Hi! ba! ha!" a rbordt came
I've the nlceil tei-ret tor you,
Ida I'rtel
And Teddy'a eye bad an angry Bre.
You ran guera 11 If you ll-y,
There are ever*o many Siitisbinera
From Ihe mllHont o()lowert pitd)»<ha
And bU Ibpte an angry italn.
Ulukierlng March wind inW It to me— It Custer now. 1 wish I Blight know
ipoundr.VbM be canghl II out of (he Mack
eiery one of l6em?
1. mini
milllenii. beglnnlni
March mire.
Bet mla^te. Indeed wat In kit aye.
Ater... wMlnbtarolce:

I. 19. 1909.

-Agne* Davis.
luN 11 Bne to UlMl Ibal |yab a-- arltbmetlc. grammar, geography, phyil
am *o pleased, lo ihtnk iliat yc
fT*l Sunxhim-s DOW
liked your card and buiUift I have elogy and speUing. We have a very
die to
my card in a liltle gill frame over ay good teacher, her name is Belle Hop­
Down tn the underworld.
at (-ver.-aud hope that )ou and all Ibe de*k where 1 aee ll every day
kins. Balnrdays I go out in the woods
Sell little, voire* call one to tbe other:
11 .No I.
Sunthlnert are the same. 1 am going
aid hejp ^pa eat logs. I like it jo the
-A’here It my boodT" -Where mine.
Mar. 2. IBOt.
ttbocrl every day. and 1 like to go.
woods. I have iwoolsters.ihejr names
■ little brother?"
> My tearber's name I* Ml** Dube. Dear Fresldeat—
art- Violet and Ina. They work In Trav­
"Mine tbtli be vlolel!" "Mine Is of
I reraived your to'uer Satnrdgy. I
She Is good to me. A'e bare quite
erse Clly lo the Oval Wood Dish fac­
I woold like to belong'to your Sunthank >ou \try mock lor tbe rard aad
tory. And I have a Mule slater
BumlM-r of srboUra In trbool
Ute' the snow
ilnr Club. *0 will you please keqd me
I am in schbol today. My
am eli-ven yr-ars old. My pupa take
home, her name Is Laura She la nine bouon
cold! ’
card and buuoa? 1 am only live
teacher woold like in Join the Saayear* old A’eM. J guest 1 will have
the Herald, and I Ilka to read the Suo-Will It be warm up there? A'lll te
years old. to mamma I* writing (or
►bine Club. And Ony and Maurice
quil a* It It getting late. I hop- I n
ihlne letter*.
I am In the fourth
be wet?
this Hme. but next year I will write a
wouM Uk« to Jala the (lub.
t.rlle some olher time agafn.
M> Mitdie* are reading, a
we not go tnd tee?" tVaresi, not
toiler mysejf. 1 will begin school next
'^'^y »• thlrtera yearb old, and
metle. geography and »p«lliiig I
Beptember. I have a little baby brothicelsdeven. We aro bavlag tn*
my Kludlet well. J have three aisier*
Soman Ke«er.
amed William Dana Lelghion
wo brothers going in school.
I am ever
glad (ba: you have, weather here, bol the roada are quite
So In the dim bushed twillgbi
Ptoase put his naaa on your Cradle
I. writing, ro I tboogbl I would
wriilen me a letter, aod hope that you: muddy. My leacher'a name i* Min
Tbe buds, while, purple and guld.
Moll. We go np lo Old Mission to tbe
Will write again some day. You have' ll. rtb* Fletcher I will iHI you wkal
write. luo
I du' not know much
Wait for tbe tunny morning.
I got tor Christma* I got a srart. i*o
write. *0 1 *llt rlo«e flood b)e.
been a member']a*i a year, kaveu
A’ben they may each nntpid:
and think Michigan It tlie very
jbair nbhoii*. a ring, a string ul bctdai
And on that tunny morning
place to be IB In tbe summer i
■ story book, and a shirt waist »et. '
Hnnonh Nelson.
And will you pleaae tend a butte
Tbe rbildien (ar and near
send the catftt and bulUins lo
Cedar. Mlrh, R. F. D No I.
A'lll rry, "The spring hta ruiely rome.
my llltlr friend next doar to us?
j have eertaiul.r wnitrn a nir
Feb 27, 1909
For the rrooise- are here?"
letter, and I am glad lo hear froi alway* play togeiber, add go to
From your Sunihiarr,
Dear PfeaUeat—
day sibtMil togelbfr.
Hla nami
you and Bestir.
Mary Brodrirk.
I Biragbt I would drop you a few
ClarvBce Danlelaon. and bit addreg* it
you'llke to read atortog?
I ,
llnaa-todail aa t haven'i wriiien to you
124 Campbell St, JoUet. 111. I alway*
Rnekley. Mtrii:. Mat. 4. IP
Uarrii romes bliut'ring into town
I'lr a longtime
1 am well and hope
like to bear tbe Sunablnen' letiera In
Dear Presldeni-:Dretted In suit of ruuel brawn:
yen are (be tame, and also ail your
Ihe Herald, and will hope lo ihls
I gaily at he pacnei
I Ibougbi while 1 bad lime I would
Sunahlaera. I gn to arhool every day
it you have room for H.
Maylleld. Mick, Mar. 9. 1909
dr-ad leaves and lost year't
rite a letter to the Suns&|pe Club
can. I like lo go to school real well,
Yonr Ilule frlendr
My le.-ieher'* name is Mia* Walker. I
amrin the second grade, but I will ^ar Prestdenl-

Till Ibe sap begin* to run:
ullng kO loud and Hear
ippene the rwiDd? One'Ulib--|inowWhat tba Wind OIA
That the Kh-eplug flowers bear;
Ha was everytblng nolty and rude and. drop in iilcmMisir Bhe wa« to proud
t eiuirrbw lend* a note
and HO happy over ll Ibai ilhe could
Front Its ijulvering tittle throat.
Wfwa^ wofce‘‘that md
11. when lhal Bndthiner rame over to Kv'rytMng Is up and silrrlug.
Mtrrii winds begin their whirHa awree eouM allow hinaeir tine ane her. "Wby!- Kalhailne m18. “I
bava known about ii (or ^iwo days.
There It t
btoubm.- iou.“
To fatten bit garmwu aft.
Rad Mte. 1, IMA bO*.

Wexford. Mich, L

received my card and bBtfuft. a«d
(bank yon ever no niicb for them,


Art- 10.
Adah CarsiHr
Mals-1 n->h.
We have ju»l *'* week* of scbool
should like to t»-e you running IK
It is vert Ulre iktl you took time to
1 like to go lo achaol
Bi-pb'-s* and (hr ntito Biwto it 1*
teoeber-t name 1* Mloa Itobe 1 tike wrilc again. Tell as some more about
Oft lh»
manual iratoing In sihooL won't
her very well
My atndle* are read­
ing. ariihmeUc. writing and apelUra you?

Cradto Loll.

f- ■

I' is BPewssary to fa*4 ihw following •!> ’om- cvi>.|ii if you wael
tn havr gnod Mcrras with yuur chickens;


old do beat tl. limy #iw M on chick Maii.-r

i hlcki-ns nnn

soil's tria In III ivnvincv anyoAe alann ib>- iniib oT. Jhis
Af;i-r Ibm- wrt-ks f<—<1 them.on t hick fsoot.


TIilL 1* so balanu-d that

ii.l* Ihr bn-l fi-’-d tor baby chicki-pl np lo. ihn-c wnr-*. old.

On* saa

That U a liitic roarscr

Ki-cp It up ;hr*v wi-cks mom and iLcp gltr thr-m poultry fr-nd. wheat
(racked corn and orswsionally ponliri mask

'A'w have rhiik starnr

cbiik fowd. poulir) ((--d'and sBiinowcr sv-wA-

PouIIr) uiosb U a mix

lurr uf alfalfa nwal. oil <ak>-. bran sad oonx- »tb<-( Ipgn-dl-nu
a wHI balanrwii raiKa for laying bens.
chai>-oa1, bus* mpslT'b~-f s<-rap*

It b

lOllr rarn. mica crv*’al grita.

Wi- fasi*-




■chickMi f~di in any qiiantfty. Klibi-r _*ui-- or ull at corwrr of c«*»
and From.

All gtaals goaranlvcd.


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