Grand Traverse Herald, April 13, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 13, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




tlDt^A YEAD.


non ARM


Urges! Single Dee! in the Sstory ol the local
Market Took Race Between L F. Perkett
and L L Bibbarl

Ddon. Uleb.. April in.—Merrill
MMCH •KCVCATIOM IN NSaARO Lamh. bob or Mr. and Mra. CUntoa
Lamb, or Inlaiid. bad the Btofe
olilto ptortag oc the acbcol gnwadi
Wedneeday. to fall aad break toifa
boaee to the lore ana. Tie boy*
Eight thouund buahals of potatoes
playing ‘inill away.” and beoune
Monday morning changed handa. (ha
roagta in their play.
prlu being ft a burval. Thit it net
rery Intemotlag debaic locdf pli
only a record prtea but for thla aaaWednaaday eroalag at the Orange
aofi, but tha guantily wu the to
The anbtoct bring "Resorred. Thou^t That tha Quartan In tha
aver turned over in a aingia deal on
That Uacoln Old More for Tbl% CoonAndaraan DulWing' Will Seen Be
Ihd local markaL
try Than Waatalagtoa.” The eoatealOutgrown' Aorito Oeada Being
Tbe pouiout wore owned by. L. F.
ulf were teacben rre« foor KfaenU
Made Hart New.
Peitleu and were bought by E. R.
to iBland townahlp. Amnnallre. Mr.
Hibbard of tbe l<eourd, L'roaoet hod
Little, teacher at Bradoa. aad
Riley Co., of Clnclnutl. The polaiiw*
Balding, teacher at lalaad, KegailTe.! The Travenc Clly Conkemu- eoBtpaay it .hard at work geiung iblnga will be aUpped to Ciuclnnatl Just
Meware. teacher Ela «
WAiUAflM. Afrt! M^WItk 0*r
a* car. eaa be obtained. Tbe poahape far ibe moving of the plant
rww Uitt WH mom ■> (o Ue Mute,
from Grand' Rapid* to tbU clly. aad taioea era held by >Ir. IVrkeU ii
ipiwlitlu to rtto
with ever.rlhlng favorable it 1* ex­ varloua warehouses.
cAtAjM ■kteh v* c«rtAlA to be aate.
The news of the big deal wa. kept
pected that the plant will be in full
TraM tto hwt aBlkorttj it to uld
operatloB wlibto a week. William aa quiet as poulbli-. but a Record
fW ant iMpprtut ■—<■««» ak
Wloemu aad Roy Tayinr. bMb of! porter uw both Mr. Perkett aac Ur.
•a toltoir*; tu-lklac ««t r««lptodty
Craad Rapidt. are kinking after Cbe. Ubhard aod while they were
*m WlwUMW CM vltk Cauda, and
prellnUnao work In Uli /^Uy. aad to prbmd that the Infermatlon bad leak­
■slag Ike Udf at S» cmiU;, stael
addition to gcUiaf tbe factory aud of ed out. coodmed the regort. slating
nJto. H: htoM, JO or ii cobu- wool,
that fhe deal had been arranged BatAce* to obape are alto pulil,gg
rutored to tha nagtor rate, art frae
MIC of the eookcrettoa.
Ai Itotod. Utokar wlU pcoMdr fea
A N. C. RAIUWAV NUAHINO At- AI Oraad Rapiila tbe fartorr 1* lura
Wl ato^.
tog out *00 cookrTetlMi per day
Tba ^Mtta auace eoatoUlM oil
lie way beulod la (hrir or
koM « MU apectol SMlMg Hooda;
der*. Although rhr ttariiey And'
to bawMe daMrato.
bulMlag will give ihcra pleuly of room
The MS vu pfaaeaiad to the acuta
to aun 00. it U expected that (he bu
at aaoa ud reMirad to tha 8i
II grow 0(1 that more tooni
will bo needed befora the plant bu
been to opcraUcM very long.
The cosipkoy-wlli mike flve diRer
It kinda o[ cookercile*. tbe mnaller
le boidlr.g but one paiU, which
Qrale Elaeator. gaed Heaea. Water
Warfca, Adrittanal gtoraa and htor* That they am last becomtog a bo<i»abeld ncct-tally gocn. wllbout aayiag.
aaldencaa Alt in tight for

'wn w nm nms



urday mgbl but au completed after
bauklng hours this morolag.
Eight thousand bukbeU of polatoea
mean a solid (rain of polatoea. Taking
the average load per car. poealbly a
(rifle smaller. It will taxe 17'cam to
carry the amoiial to Clncinnnati. It
wu Ibe lutcUtloD to ablp five ca
Oa the local market Momlay. pota­
toes wi-K- iiuolod at kv aad ks eel
W-faile Ibis Is (he large.l .rogte deal
Jost 13 years ago, Mr. Hibbard engin­
eered another large deal, On Thurv
br buugbl ll.WO busbeto (tom B.
J. klorgau at 55 eenu. The next day.
he drave lo Yuba. Hate* aad olher
points and bought g.utio more buahrie.
hli, lotal buying between Thursday
and Manday being IS.iwu busbels. On
Monday, the price went tu C5 ceuls,
aad then climbed steadily.






Saad«iak7.JAprfl E—<Itoa "a'af’lead'
m M tahHac cmiV Juiva awaarad
Wora Mdca •»«» and beao grwtod
■ titoanraiT laMacUoa natralatac
too MABd^j1M»lgff ad dto eealito Iraa adIBiWiR ma ta the rcam atocttab tta Htf" arc cited
awm M «AI( AM IS aad ah<ur
cam vbr V MnMMht toJneiioB
The hatoa
the procaodlasa to
uM to to the blhtoc of the conljr
dart to toga tha jaarul ot procoedtoito ef the hoard M anperTtoon at
a«! toartlat la whM the locai opilaa
leattlaa wu ealtod for. Tha U^uor
tdawaal etoiBi that on Hoodar.
MarA SI. three of Ito meatocn Waitod
the otic* at the dark and looked the
Manal arar. ladlac that the al«uowa «aa pot on tha doenmanw
Laur la tha day they arar
■aato waa ptaead an tha Maraai: Thto
to aald to to eoainry to tha U« •oratntog tha potol aad the elcctloa la
lharaton mead.
Tha viroall eoart dwtohni. ohSdtarar aMa tl MTen. vUl bo appaded
the aapeatoe coarl and a oam lagal





many about twenty yenn t
leaves (our aoas and two SaaghUni.
Heary and Adam Hoeflia Uva Mur
The rimaral wfll toha ptoeo WiDiig'
ftoy. the Bav. Mr. Scbeitlcr otBctoUa^

Hare Fiva Vaara Ago.
The ejjllTOUvc
• of the
Norlhern MtchTgaa aaaoctotlon of
K- O T M.U '.and L. O. T. )
In the offh-c of Thos T. Balea
Friday lo organise
w-ork tor the big conveolluti to be held
III thto cly on the 23Bd and 23rtl of
slaU uf W. W. S^llb. Thus T Balea.
Cbai. H. Beers, Frank W. Carvar. and
C.(G. Sherwood. At tbe
morning, however. Ura.
•, of Traverae Cliy hive No 532
and Mr*. Saiwb lliillker. of Traverae
Bay hive .Vo Tl. were added to
After some preliminary ilisrnBsloD
le ebairmrn of the various comi
'Cl nei-e named, each chairman
II out bis own committae with those
whom hr deemed to be eneigeUc
worker*. Tbe eonipleie appolntmcnu
up to this lime are as follows;
Prekldent—John A I-ornngcr.
Secretary—C. O. Sherwood.
Traaaurer—Thos T.*Saten.
FSecuHve-W. W. gmitb. c
man; Tbos. T. Bates, t has. M Beera.
F. W. Carver, C. G. Sherwood. Hr*.
Joaepblnr Monroe. Mrs. Sarah HUllher.

tatbaraa Cbarto at KlngMay Waa
ceawdad Yaatarday-Sualtor
Wwatoal Prar*>"-

that Hied tha Aarch to tu capaeti;.


•eatoted by atg Mule girta.
Thla pomaa « the aarftoa a

W tha pwpto gfatoac
Maihaim Puaad Afiar a Thru
Waaka* litaaaa.
Leaden. AgHi II.—Dwtoharaa.
•ato;.Atod Uto tooratog at tha Plato.
At Pataay. altor um weak*- ID
' vBh paongMaia.

adiUi and Mr. HyMlI


upon Thompson AvqiDe. oceupiad hr
nad Or. Carry as a dvolto
log. and offlee. caught tie Simdiy
morning and was pearly dtsiroyndTTie conteou of Mrs. Walt* nwm*
they arc a total Jra*.
Dr. Carey aaved maefa of hU g^,
damage 'by traier asd reamnl
t coDBiderab'r. The firemen wdra
band, aod bavtog plenty of'iMlr
with force bebtod it, tha Bra
oonBoed to tha one balldiBg. 1%e w«

Cyras Meredith ar„ who hoe' GdM
in for some time paat. braathad'l^
quietly at though going to
Bleep. He was with bit eaUmdhAa
wife well bdorad. Ha win be Miriad
Tueoday forenoen. He leavdi IhM'
SOD* to mourn hto lou aad tlaeia Cy
by oaf pao-

Buckley. Mich.. April ix.-Tto Manlate* A Norih Butero Railway Co.
baa remmed work on Ito 'Alpana
ExpcfU Bay That H* is MaUng th
n rraa ItoeUey. la addition to
Fliiaaev—Thos. 11. Sherman.
Bama MtoUka That Olhtra Hava
the to nea already ai work. 173 lialBands aud iiinsle—Cbas. M. Boors.
iana w«id added thto aornlag and
Mad* in Trying to Carry His
Receptloo—Mayor W. I). C. Ger­
work will be ruibed. It win M ^ly
Comar into Bwmmar WhuL
Mlto Ladd, wnto to the Daughter of
few areeka now hetorc BacUey will
C. O. Ladd, to a Freahman la Ann
Pnradc and floaU—O. P. Carver.
hare added ouUeto by way of both the
Washington. April U—Tbe Pajue
ChlcoM TDprtI IE—X rise of om
Transponalloh-J. W. llBauen. '
Arhar-HIgh geheoi.'
0. R. A i. and Hteblgan Central.
tl, ns amended b> ibi- n-publiean ■ht lit bread la expected ihU week
EnlertalBinrat—F. W. Carver.
The Uockley ManufatUiring
Varle Smttb. who wts ptooad apou
mumbers uf the svuiate finance coiu- e- e direct result of the maiilpah
asceeaaora to the HcDrlde Lumber
Game* and sports—John GUciirUt.
probailoo aome time a|D. asd aJtor *
niltlee. wu today urdertil tciorlixl Ui
Co.. aUrtod tbrir aeoaoeb tut today.
lX<(«raUon-M B llulley
toiwe was glren anothar trial.
Ibe seiiBU-. .Mdrich made a public —... -...i
advance la
The water aupply coaaltteo eonMarshal of the day-C W. Aabtou. token to Lantini Filddy hy Oapdty
luimary. uuilliiing the- sum-ial cbar-li'MM-cted
general In the Cdunacier of llic change' prvi<os<-il.
nud England. Tbeir la a ^Ig ad­ Thera will be furlher nmellngs pf Sioekbill. all beesns* ha ran away
Herria and K. O. Barden, bare ]uat
K-alara and a Junior In the Ann Ar­
vance already lu ibe price of Dour Ibis rommtUce from lime to time fVom home and was found at Baldwin.
laraed from a trip thnwgb ibo aoutn- bor High achOol.where abe U a freabIt an early date to itNUpliWo the
er than on the bill passed
and PaUrn wy. ibsl (he days of
ara pan ot the itato where they '
I of (hr arrangements lor the
bouw. Among Uh- hn|ioriBni ebaeges cheap wheal are over. wbU>- the bakby the riltage eoni^l to Iwpeet
hilax imdd’a aubieet wu ■■gt. Pat­ r distilled and espreaaed ollr,
-s say the days uf the 5-oHl loaf are eonvenllun.
ward* todeniurad to Banii* oeoMy.
aad report oa Ibo rariou.watar worka rick; a akoteb.” and wa* *o well
Thto sssocUKkinionipriscs J5 roun- All the children have good haama W
so over.
le free- list and Inm ore with a
Wnh the ntany laprovc- •en. that abe eully won. wncral poiuu • ow 25 ctuils.
lles lu (be uoribrrn pdrt ol tbe stole.anltofled. sad than aboold ha
Market esperls uy that I'alten.
BtoBto to algbl roTlho eoalag year, ahead of alt the other «voic«iauto.
III of wtioiu will wnd a itelegaie to
ly mere of the mile oaw to homea
The resioraiMiu of liui>orted bird- wblle wheat king now. u making the
among which atay be
be cunveullou. in aildiUon to wMch
woods tu the flee list and Ibe bouae mlstakii Ilf all the great opetainti. there win fje esi-urwloBs of niembon to thla couDly.
water wariia, a need bouae, h grain
rdte on tomb.-r and wood aer
Mr. Hyoall. tntbar or Jay BnaU. the
by trying lo carry the nirnor Into Ibe (RMU all parts uf Ibe dlstrlrt it «UI
elevator, a poUto auwngc. addltkmal
rery proprietor here, pnawd'away'
laliied. All nilurllons lu tbe agrlrul- iminei nheaL
Buckley wllli
lie remembered Itaal a eaiiventkin of
iural achi-duh- were restored and
iinday moraing. aner a AoH Rbwaa
••Thi-y'll gel him.'- Is ili.- slogan, "If
aim assortollon bi-Id In Traverse
IMugley rates nn gloves alM>.
- doesn't draw out now,” TUe pri- City August If. tkut. bronght one of lib kidney and atoUgeh trMbbi. Mr.
After rccelvlug the icpoil the
dirtlon Is gcnenil that Patten to oe tbe larg(-M crowds ever gathered to
le adjourned niillt Thursday, when
vrig,- of a clash. Uki the Uero of
•Ity. This year, luaamneh a* the,
Alditch opens tbe dehalc.j
the novel, •'The f'lt.”
memlmrsblp In the order la largely In
Thraa;«f^lM0. On* ot $250 and Caator
rreased. It i.h In-lleiiv] fust the conOfldring of il«S Brought Up
leiiiiiiii will bring ill a larger tod
tha Tout.
greater uumfmr of K O T M M. add
I.. O. T M.M niemU-rs aud their
lucludlog {111- oRcrlnx. (iraec County Bcheel Con
Waitern Michigan Powtr Company! frlviiilH.
Bplocopal church up lu last night. <
Said to Have Aequirsd Larga
the recipient ol gin. aninimilng
laalruatod tha Ctorii to Cor
Tract in Worfenf.
mure than Sf.VOU. Thm- of ibt-e« gifu
niadr wllhia the tow ^1x week*.
Jack B. Crisp, lbs I3 year nld
O. Chandler.
CadillBi: dispatch ini-ler a BtldrtiW each, mm 1)1 all. In addllloa to ul George E. Crisp. roBRtv -scbiml
dty dstc. III yi-slerde) I. Fiee Pn-e
MIe of t:5(l Bar caneelled by olssloiii-r. trriveil Salurday-^ui Port- Press, s»ld:
The Travrr*c Clly burd «l educeoa «i-ut eu record Prlda> night ai the bolder aud th.- Oix-r offering y e»- and. Ore., having maoe the tnp alone
-The Ulov. (,f the Western
t(;rdiy aiDonnti'd lu about tlfi. the
far as Haaitowov, where he was
apectol mrrilag u lavoriag the
Eaatrr oSerlug ol the dundiy acbool Joined by bU father, aud the trl|> Mlcincsii Pu«n iviui|iaii). brJIeved 'o
Honor Yoatarday.
preeeai ayriem of dlriribnlliig the
kllli-d with the big Cno^nwealib Oytltr Supper Olfcrcd by Delplius
U-lug l«.
nows Uit lake made together.
acbool tnnd*. The clerk <ia
c»iDi>su) of Jackson, longrds tbe drR ctvard Wav (Pv Incentive
lionor. Mich. April
The auuuai paruii mi-tiug will be
Inatnielcd to communlaile wiib RepJack leK Portland ai 2;J0 Kuodaj .i-lopinici of’waici jwsei took pltvcSpjri'd ^era C
pn-iiy romanea culmlatted ydaterday
b. A. Chandler that lu lac
morning over Ibe Kortheru PaclQc loday wln-n representative* Of the
lu the mtrrltfe of Mtot Bmlly.'B. AIUauppor at 7 o'clock at (be rcalopukin of the board (be
the Wisconsin rompniiy |•urcl■as•.d I'ltiJ aero* of land
rtcncc 4 the rector, tbe ll.-v. C. IJ. Centrul to MnBItowuc. tie changed
Ikurliig a ilivcc riui: O’f cndiirai
vbould nut be cltanged.
fur flow.c- rigbis along fhe Manistee
KrankllB Adams
Tbr Janlior at ibe Cnwo . otreet Atwell. At tbb meeting, various ve- rare four limes en roule and had ■ river In Urrenwood'a.iid IJberU- town lu running aiuvug a u.ukU »; boys
will U uiiidi- aad vewrryuiea troubl- except on one lialu when I
In the m. Fraivcit rliilt.imRi*. Uo'pb- -Mr. Adams mss adopted by Mrs. Altooel wu given perwiiMloB lu have port* wll
ships, Wexford
The plfet- pxltf
us Rlcaard offered «i ojrier sup|H-r li'oa when a lUUe tot of (wo or thro*
bii father do hi- w<;rk the batonro o' Heeled.
thought br bad lost bis lickel. Tl
as llti.'iWi.
in an.vuoe present whu lould run eigbl
the acbool yror. If tbr work was orihalf an hour
Tb~ land puirbssed !b-s (ram Ibe
Ufnet^ to the board,
find It and tbe tod was fortunate lij pioposed dam site ap lU.- ilver for miles in tti iMiiir Pt-uad of mw and a half ago. Mr. Adams
i»g him up, thoi- of ihc bo>;, Hm-;i
An^ loouldccoble dl»ea>>lua of
Im-aliog bis ticket shuilly at«-r
(«u uilies.
II „ eoafldonly ■ndliicl. Mtrim wed Moan IniiueJIale- Juiui-d Lbi- navy aod was one of Ihw
vnho^ nuiicra the tmard a<t>cnirn-J
irgunient •Kli the (OUtIucter On
■-xpeii-d rills dam will g-ncfal up­ 1y agreed insi an
supper sailors *bo took par. to the crqtoe
to am at the call of Ibe elerk wbea
(Hbcr (lalns hr made friends> wllta 11
wards of iv.uuu borseponer.
the world, being employed oa
would tosu- good 1« them and
an atdl'-n<i- can to- had with the bualporters, and enjoyed lilmseU li^m.-nsethe baitlesblp Louistoaa aa cqgisect.
~F'r»ui that iwlnl soutliwesi akiug eight iDiIes wsv c .. lou fur to i
tog engluoer. W. c, Weaibrrly.
n- liver (lefurr It leaves Wexford for II even it tb- time was limited to Alioul tn days ago Mr. Adams earn*
The trip orrosB the
bark 10 bis borne on a tortoogb aad a
Taah Parri« With a Net Fiah Weigh­ ferry w*i very rougb. bul nellber ftwBty. there are two other sites at Obe boL-r.
few days Jaier. His* AJItoas aad b*
which the Western Mfchlgnn com- ' The race wa* slsrlcd
ing Law Than Four Inehu in tha
hU fatben were seasick. OlaIiy or olher companies pfopewe atonn and wa* run ovet muddy road* wen- married.
Baund-nrat ORanaa.
rafied Jau out of
harness (be |>owi-r and mlllie It but all three finished ihcli , tnnt
Mr. Adams will agala Iota the a«»y.
bunk onto tbr flour, and this
tivei uonhwefteru Mlihlgan."
but Mrs Adams wiu rooMto to Hoaor
(ore (be lime h*-l csplied and
Aaothar ffae wae luipoaed lu court ■Idered a Joke.
for tbe praaeal.
they are exis-ouiiiy watting tor
Tbe tod has been la the wet iwo
Monday foi violiiloti ol the g.b law.
rrottlscd suppeg
Lara BUagalk of Sullona Bay having rare nlib his graadpaienii Hr aM
Appilcattoe Par a Now Trial Wa« Da- been arroaled by' lyeput} Game aud Ira. W. 8- Ernest. iiQi.bts graadfaiber
Plah Warden G. A Smith and brengbt led oil Haicb 15. and .V.-. Cil>p
Oraat Crowd AtUnded the Funeral oT
toad Dy AapranN Oatiri of tha
W**t*rn Union Will Mllr a Ona Thla ■
befora Judge Nerlinger for catrhlng >r bJ* -son.
th* LtouttnaM Aaaaaarnatad In
. Uunltad hutaa.
Kalkaaka and Boyne City taloofi
with a an perch arrigbtog leaa than
Men Soak a Loeatlan.
Iloyae pty. Hlcta. April 1«>—Th*
Waahlngiea. Atlril It.-Tke denial four MlNM toch to tbe round. He wu
Bhortago Grown.
tnceloito. Mlrlx. April i:.—8i
W'estera t'alon Telegfapfa Co ha* de­
today la Bapreme curt af the appll- toed ON aad ooat* ol *5. or 20 daya
Grand Rapids. Mkb, April 13.—AdNew York. April i:.—A great cnnrd Iraeper* from Kalkaaka and Boyne cided to build a line batweea hare sM
eattoa for a re-bearmg .n the Water*- la iaIL Btaagtik paid up.
Itionsl disclosures this morning to tuanded the funeral today of Llent. eity have been looking (or a focalton Boyne Fhlls. tomrihlng that ha* hoea
Plarca Ofl Oa eaaa aad* the tamou*
The maxlmam Sue lor ibU vIoUUou the Rletberg books show *53k.(3 sbort-. PriTOTiBo. who was assasslaated to her* as fhe cottallr* they ara la at
hag seeded nad which wiB reasK -la
atraggle. The company I* excluded hi Oioo. aad as ttal* wu tba maa'a
It Is believed the iDUl wlU far PaleriDO. a apecial guBid of M BMrc presc-Bl have sinied dry. ft li ni
a greai betteraraot of the aorrlqa.
trim doing butlaaaa to Texna. No fur
offeoae he wu gives the mtol- exceed (tala. Tbe pollre have ao clue; Urn and a big dauchtociit of grilc* stood that tbe Kalkaska party baa aeWorii wfll be Btortod u aaily m f-Ttkar appeal U paaalbte.
■be MS.
Rietberg'a whercabuuU.
wa* to the cortege.
cured a bnlldtog.
Bible thto aprlBS.


MORE THAN $2,000





Miiidnaa. Mleh. April It,—A'alter
. •h^^dtatoantod ht« right aahl# and
vAa the hOM la the aaata tog Satniday whlto' vorWag at iht Aatriae
Iftoi cBtopaar:a traaL
Hr. flhaue wu aiadlng abut the
dototog daan of aa an .car. A aadden Jart caa-ed br the «hed aUpptac
a tag. made hint Iom hli batonce.
praelptutlag htto to the leor beloo, a







S3* y*ai^«rr ■



Bora enrnned—A
the patrons and no expearo has Man
n^'.Mdti alter «m iMtre re.
Girts cBTOlied—11.
vparod In bri»(ing this
iM4lm, vklck »iU be bM la m
Average'dally altcDdanc.—17X
- a. aa« «ae rntm ap^ meetleK,
I*er centage of silendano.—89.
whicb .vlU be beid am Bawrdar. Um
through the medium of art and archlaiMUacs will be dtaeosUaned aaUI. nose 1% INCHES DUIIt^O MONTH
tectare. We And that art aad arcAltoc- Those vrho were nelihcr taidy nor
during (be mo«h were: "
Wl bMoee ot tba work that will
lore, and htotory haa proved it. was
Onffek. Adaline Grubb. Hcleo
beef -Um eonaur wogMS at 1
VQceesstal flrsl of all In secotar build­
«M DOW on.
ings and churches becanae these build- Honthgue. >arJorir Moaiagoe. John­
U/fc htehea Loww Than Urn AworN«ct weak, tbe prefraai wlU be
Ingt are seen by esatutades of people ny Rlcfagntaocu Willard WUaon.
Manh Stapa far the kaoi
rnralaked by tbe caaairjr weatea eathe Ihflueace tbai U brought
10 vaafo.
Urelr, Deeabbera or tbe local dob
bear I* taken Into their faoiiKs and
bar^ -tfeiM tbU heretofore. Mn.
ultimately Ibe home art
CAPITAL. S200.000
WmiaB Balne waa to hare bad a iw The .Dalted Sutes Lake Survey
tectuiv progirsses. The architect and
Tle'w et David OvpertteM bat thle wai
antol wboae life work Is to brtit^
fwtpoaed oatu the aeat recalar aaret- tor tbe month ot Harob, as tallows:
about better undentaadtng and
Feet above tide
claUuii of art caanol express these
water at New York.
Tbe eomiaUtee Satordar decided to
thing* eacept thttragh the medium ot
advlae tbe coaatrr aroBeo to tom a Superior ...................................... 601.M
secular bnlldings. The Firul Nalloaal
haic charge uf the dncoratlng of the S per CcRt BlltwH «• Tiae DepwlU
tank building to one ot this type. Tbe
flower dob and take flowert to ikk Micbigandluron...........................HO.OI
ni>t .Nhtioul' bank in the aboence
ibcrt aod perlom elaillar tavon. Erie..........................................,.«1.0S ISgaeOt First National Sank Buitdmg arohiifcl. Mr. Uason. to 'one of the
ot Uc ^onge Smith, arrived la the
Oaurlo..........................................StS.TO aa'a Model o( Itt Kiful. a Oistinetthe aame as is done in tbe cit7.
best architects. In the country snU the city toiday-.
ahoperatMM) given* by Ur. Tims and
Ivs Heme of a Solid American
Since last moaiir. Lake.Snperlor
Miss- Ftortace. who sings
the director* ot the First Nilioaal
tallea t inch, takes Ulchigan and HuROWERS HARROR.
tank is most gratilylag It bas en- Star Electric, is ill. and ha<
roa have risea 1^ Inchea. Lake Brie
F. M. PAlNEs
brae IB Manrelou. Her place U
I him to woik nut the advanced
bas rtsra tli Inches, and lake On1.
in Harbor. Ulch.. April 10.— tsrto has risen S inehea.
theories ot trchitecturc and wo have to-lng liiken by Bert Dnehn.
decorator in ctaaiie ol ibe work ou produced perhaps a* reflned and dlgMrs. J. E. Youker and son went
To the bMlaeti auut. the tdephobe CaptalB B. N. Bmerr Is on tbe elek
llkelie First National bank building, aod
^ iBiliPMaahla. to the proteeafaiaal •t
ikewood Ibis morning, where they
to remain about sUtloosry. Lakes also associated with Ibe Wlulon Co., nlAvd a piece ot decucatlon as cut be
■u. Ra flieebatlBaaBce woold wodc
Miu ktloa RIekerd. at Traveroe
. The celling or tbe main banking
Ulchigan aod Huron should rise 3U
a tboroogh artist and as auckrhas
CUr. Is taaehlai tbe Bowen Harbor
• hardahlp. tbe reaUent ot the
Mrs. Chnrlcs O'Brien
i. where moei of the work occurs,
Inches, Lake Erie should rtoe «\
high regard (or the beaulltnl and
toda UA eoBvealaBeo and not a hu- acbooL
this murnlng after visiting
most carenilly siuilied dealgn.
emly, beHevIng that without one. Tbr coloring and details ol urnamt-ols bore.
Ur. and Mn. William Bmerp have Inches and Lake Oulralo should rise
. mr. Oa tamer dlaeovera that to him.
tbe other dees not calst. He If espec- used arc large and gray, tbe desire be­
oved baek and will oceopr part ot SH taebas.
It M'S
Mis* Elimbcth O'lVmneli went i
lake Superior to 7<R Inches 1
Utly enthufinaue regarding Aniericai ing lo rroate a masa aeruMi tbe room CadUtae today lo visll over Sunday.
Dse heaidee bdnclBc him and bU tarn- Ur. and Uro. B. N. Bmerr-s bouse.
Of 4sto deeer tooeh with the aelgb- R'lmarn thtnki that aaiUng «m be than the average Uareb stage ol tbe archlleclure, believing that Ibis coun supported by a treiie ot Ibv Wall,
>tr*. Qrorge Priest nnd daughter ropssl
iry has an architecture as dtotlnctlve which will In a measnre reflect Ita de- turnedr^o Pcllslon today, afu-r
b^oA Bst U order to ooodoct a tol- better than farminf.
er than last year. It to 4th Inches
ephesalteo.oaoeptlo easee where ibe
-. and Mrs. Andred C
latJ and color tbrougbom lbs room. ing Mri. .jest's stoicr, Mr*. M. J. G
higher than In Usreh. 1891. but ID
aato phoa« U oted, tirU are necoe'We are not like an Bngltohmnn. dcMohlelti.
G G G G G G G G G G G G 4 is G 'G
inches lovrer than In 1M< and 10)|
earr. Xy In and dajr «nt. a boar
Prosn BatinGay's RumS
aplu- our close rclalton.'* be ssid. AloxandTlan frieze by Thorwaldson
inebea lower Iban In 1901.
Ml*. Urorge Peppier and (hlldreti. '
corpo of rooac womta ette at- the op- ham.
-And therefore our arcbllecturc Is not and was made t-spi-eisHy (or the bnlld- son. Roy MeGany , and Albert Kyse!
Lakes UicbIgan and Huron sbuw
aTotl&c boar^ aU over the conoiry.
The Udr UaemliMs will meet with
like the Bngltoh.' Coni-ermng the
g. It wi-cuis most conslsieat this ka are hoidc (rum tbe UnlTersIlr and who have veen visiting her mother.
■OOM atteodlnt to local calla aod Urs. rrank Stevens the lUh. A food stage tto Inches lower than the avc work on which be to engaged here, he
luiuphsnt niiii h of Alexander when are sttrodin^ their spring racatlon Ml*. Uxric Dike, retaroed to Maylarch sugc ot IbeMsl ten*yean >a» especially enthitstaalic.
flcld thto montlng.
•onw aaewarlnc tba haUi ot diSorent
danee is deelied to make '
- war lu the zenith ot bis glory. with Ihclr parenta.
and Cli iticbos lower (ban last )car. "The new building being erected lor The steady march. Ibc •conragt- dtoMrs. Maiy Wetdanr. el Summit Clly.
cltiM. Tbia puu a boman tptor tau aprona.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bedding retha bualoeai and sukee U diferwi
NdUe Stevenaoo U working (Or Un bat JIH inches higher than In ISPC- b)< First Kallonnl bunk ot Travervo l-layed ‘n Hu- Agarc*; in lart the piT- turued to Lakewood this morning. n(- vho has been Wiittng her ilsler. feIn Usreh. 1886. the water was 34% ■U> to one ot the best eumiplee ot
lUrtu-d lo Summit riiv (his lanmlug
' from a thlof merdr ot battoriea. Ofoi«D M/hn.
nec of iKl- warrior* all seenu lo UT ylsHing in tbto city.
Mrs. Msiy Saundusky. who tas
paMa. wirot and li
Thor are buying poUloM at Rroopa Inches bigbet.
good modern aicbtteeiure In (he stale rcAivci tack to tbU Institution iu
Mtos Rom- Tremaine roturtivd
toen vtoltlag hi ibe rtly. rolitnird lo
Tb^tdephooe cM eaten dosdr Brcia.; tbe price belog 7S
lake Erie to 7 Inches Ulbw 'the
Michlgun.' he. said. "Bauk ar.hUec- Biiiidl. onward amrih. the courage Slights lodny.
lotolhe life et the natloit. more closebas bMO _«an Msreb stage ot the past
ic to otien tonlus.-d with otflec and Id conviction that ninke* for succe
ton. Jeaae Ohrl
Mr. and Hi* Henry Smith nnd cfall- Sianwood today.
Mr*. R. D. Connine wrenl to Gray­
* Ir than anr other dam ot women. To very 111 but to Improving at this ^t- years and U inches lower than in' other niercamlle buildings *ad
dien left today for n to day's vlsU
•^The background of this frioxe
ling Ibis morning tar a
March laat year, but ll Is 11 Inches guile surprising to And In other tbao Id blu--. while lh<- Agunr* in l^lcf nitb trioads a^ Plslevrelt.
her. the
Rachel iMOln and Jimt Wheeler higher Ihmn in IBM. It 1s 18 lorhes
iiwlllan elUos barik bulldingf »l re old ivory. The liiirudncUon ot (bis
Mr. and Hra. A. K. lilll at KMst (lieods.
W. (■ >-rlso». editor uf the LrelaaaB
(ho moat pelUe. la uslof a phono be- ere nnlted in marriage Uonday ai lower than lo Uareh. 1878, and 13>4 till* chursclcr. Our htwl American at- 111-- ax Ihc note ot color In Ihc room jordau'were lU liu- city today on their
OOOM Impatient and apeak ibarplr- he tesldi’nee ot the Rev. Ur. Cbesu. Inches lower thin In Uareb, 1887.
:cur> as well In (be small sgiiare way to Ok (Upids to visit Irleods. Entcnu l-u*. was lii tbo city luday trom
•X%»f woold not do that word tber
Henry Oobm Jr. has a new team.
Lake Onurio Is 7% Inches lower lM<en working toward nalional
.Mr. and Mn. Wise relnrued yesier- Lrtand.
of ihi- ceillug and
ape^I^ to tha (irl tace to taoe. but
Iban the average Uareb stage ol the naltonal art to meant not are norcau 1- oiiuBicninlina. t\*hllc red stands day (rom Ibc trip through «cw Ybi*.
(alh^ over a win to different, al- ddRddddddddddddd
rather the constotcni. slru.liiral lor •-x<'lli'm>'SI, yellow fur excckslvc
yean aod
Inebea lower
Mrs. F. C. Dranond »( Pi-toakey to
* ■ uie *y
thoiifk It sbonld not he. The lelephone
than in Maioh tost ycarvbrdlunoindlul giiallly t< the Grt-ckK r-omtilued with (G.-crfuliK-s*. hlu- stand* tar dignity vUltliig her aunt. Mr*. Loul»e P«rte. many people who are crippled w«h
ffh-1 dM not, receive a prlncdj waco, ddddtoddddddddddd than In Hnrch Ust year. In 1870
Bniertcan regiurmurnts. and cli- and rcAucnieat and II was Htoughl
Hoy McGdrrey has n-luiiii-d from rbeunjaltoni. yet It Ihi-y oaly knew it.
Cedsr Buo. Ulch, April
Ur. and
tb--y oan be cured by a few botlle* of
ret OB her mU
s 80% Inrbes. and In 1886 S&H ln<
■veil by ,iIh- srchiti-ct and decuralur M-houl for hi* S|>ring ta-almo.
Ki oue'* i'aln-Kimag OU Safe lo n*e
iTs a»d fresoeaUr aha provos betMU Un. W. A. Davis, of rraaktort, lield
higher tbnn in 1909. In Uareh.
Fred Ph-rMHi to fame Inxn ilic Uni
blue wrould tw- Ihc ino*i Ailing
-The First Nsl tonal bank bulldtm:
icrnally .aad externally The bast
very pleasaat local option meeting, at 1897. II was }«% ineboa lower.
■alnKllle . I■r^ct■3ic. i*f andJI-ta
a slont structure an dike arehiuwt color to 1IH-- Tli-'rc to siiSJcIcnl yel­ vi-rsil) of Michigan to s|M-ud his
Sold by 8 K. Walt A Sons
to Itohaah. Ind.. a,tow dars a«a. Ibeb Advent church la thto place '
The stages of the takes to be
CiwrycU. Mason, ot l)i-troit. hn* thor­ low lbr<HiglKiui Ihc room, oci-arrlng spring racBlIon.
Hr*. J. W. Hllllkoi and Jaiuv* Hil■ whUh tha Utophona
peeled during the comllig season ot oughly siipn-clslril ikc tact ibnt 1m- to in *|mu* or gold to cliM-r up and bring
anolMBdo was located eaogbt are. In- sdeotlBe principles, on the subject nsrlgstioD arc well below Uom of liiilldlng'lu stouc. Thu proportions ami
llken rvluracd tost night from IXdroit
ishliie and snfAcU-nl it-d
otaU ol ntohlag out la a pwle. the
past tow years. tVKh eompi
lines an- classic aud yri Atucrlcsu. lev* It* lu exilic amliillon bat tto-sn Wlicii- ibcy Went on I•u8lmw». Tbt-y
Rlrto ramalnad at their instranenta srOMded and all were charmed wlA tion at Saull Ste. Uaric by closing Thu bulidihg to ru>t a slavl-h ropy of <l»i> aiv so t-areluily-Ilf
visUvd Mr. aud rU*. A. J. Doyle
and oast out the alarm. Thto dene. Ue brllllaat manner. Hra. Davit ren­
tan ot the outflow througll Ibo
Greek or Roman temple but so 1*1 they loM- tta-IUsehe* ll
Ui7 loohad aRor their own aafeiy and dered a number ol reduiloas oo the American Power canal, lake Suppi r- .Xmorican bank building. Perhaps (he
i-reatls. .A Warti-n. ..f Blair, was lA
ilnaly ludsy on buxines*.
wo sra jla|l to nau, all get out wKb- (emperaiicc subject
ior may be raised to Its prt^r stage.
eonKpIruoua thing aboiil UuA. -C. Wyokoep was at Ovtolt and
o«t lii)B^. Tbo bundtoA however, was
Lakes Ulchigan and Huron arv llkcl> building to the- aOM-acc of numeruu* (w-cially designed and made tar thto
lelolty transactlag b^neas 8'*"'
to 4n- n Inches-tower than ike stages
and offlees. et;.. for a grest rtwim and also the electric lighl Ax
of tasi ecason, taken month for month. many of our bank buildings sre main­ iires. Nun<- ot the (umisblugs in fact
Mto to.t^ a aoRtary lastaaM. Uerc
Alvah Rayoe Is hooM (ram North
hotH SMV othen on roeord where UaoKou Island. viUtlog friends while Itake Brie 7 Incbei. and Lake Ontario ly targe ofdcc buildings more or less liaic to-ca lioiigiit hapbnurd; all 4iave
ths^ dalad peKi and. pertorosed the mlU there to being pnt In repair 18 tacbes lower.
good, with Incidenialb a pU.w for the been carefully d-sigoed and eonvid
Snufflss .Must
i-d lor lh<- ptoi-c.
thato ddlai o«w la tta (ace ot dsn¥
ThB ObUopt Msn WMr'
lor tbe sumnMr't work.
'-n'lii'ii the bauk U opi-Ri-d tor
■or. ^rahtoff it all la all. the yonng
* G to R ♦ • G G G • « « ^ • what
Un. Uanha TemUnsoa has
public lh< muM conspicuoii* ibing will giw* the suffere
WB^ who karate the telepbaae axCQPEMIBH.
Ibe QUnIltK-s Of
Uanlseee the past week onden
Ihc a»--lire ol *huw tind OstentagggGggggggggggggg exterior, seen either in |K-r*p*-ctl'*
fhaiiio ot Ua coontry, an aoi only
It to -uch a rrtiuiil.a’.ile ciirn. «
operation tor a tumeroua growth
ion nnd li o lioiusl that the public *o postllvi- In lix aciiou. that 8.
hsril doMag aad axiraordlnarUy pa- le tbe side. Ur. Tomllnaon left (or Cciiemlsh. Mich.. April $.-.Ur. and Ibe from elevaiiuD It to most s:
g people, hot
Mrs. Uarcut Oleaeon arc both very factory from tbto polni of view. The 'ill qiilt-kly appreeiale ibc elegant Wall A Sun* g» w> tar a* to guaramee
there yMterday to bring her borne It
•: lu i-ufc caiaiili or mdae} ta '
linipllcli} uf tbto bnilUIng."
orgbod. eloaa. pore grit that makes
fouuahe iw-RWe to be moved.
A cumph-U- outAt. which cc
tbam lonM taagw wbea tbalr doty
Dr. Alec Cornell IcR Wednesday dsiloD of tbe bullilliig and *>-eni <u
vl a hard rubber Pocket inhaler,
Mr. mhes. ot Bear Creek, to fllllag
aaya that they than remain at their Ur. TomUason's place as sU
xin with a patient (or Harper's hos­ h* Just the right' proporllon lo bold ggggggggggggggggo 111 or Hyom.-i, and a uatgar dropper
(llllng the iahaU-r. ouly costs o
poB^dSd as sach are entlilod to recmuch ot a wall, aud a* we
pital at Detroit.
ar, nod if .iii extra botlle I* aft
Mrs. George Uuran of Pomona, was sludy the line* from the grade line •GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Ura. R. C. Sfepheaeon reinnw
ds netded Ibc prlre Is only
. *.8. ■M-.iri- * And most beauillul rvlallons In Stony UcBcb -.chool. dirlilrt No. 4. cent*.
gucsi ot Mrs. Alto Babcock Tuesher borne in Traverse CU|t Tneeday
niBs»r*. It gives u» .the Impression of IVnlnsula, lowii-hip. lor ihc momb
IlyoniH to a healing. anlUrpilr bal­
Un. A. C. Wpakeop came aloeg with
sam. taken fluid the mlxhty euealypending
her noiber to tbe.clty on bniUtaos.
> tntw in the heaXh-glUiig forests
.Sumb-T of day* laiiglit—i'u
o( the building to qnlle In keepRetar Davis, who hat been working home trom Big Rapids, wbera sbe
Auxtralla, where dix-ase* of ll
Total eniOllBlenl—24.
with the large stiuciural line* aud
-|ilra<ory tract arc unknown.
on tba Peters' line In Weslord eCun- bad been allending school.
Hoyenrobed—7i-100 are iroat-d in robust manner,
AI! the suflerer has lo do U (O I
Mtas Prances Yankee, ol Netsen
ty. if baek Sgata.
hale Hie antiseptic sir of HyoiMl ov<
know when we see this building
i;i:to eurti:i--d—17.
City, was In town Mondsy.
ly, to back again to Cedar Ron.
AieiAgi dail.v jiH-iiitonr-—In.
Henry Rose, who to working at (hst II to a bank building. II I* n«t lo
Uvl Zelgler was quite aick Ust
IVr ceutage of allcuUaocv—88.
coufuei-d wnh a residence and ofBuoday. but we are pleased lo learn to OwMse.''vtolted Ms (amlly hero over
Those who wcie neither lardy nor
flee bul'.dlng or store; we knew too
Lady ‘ Maccabees cleared 8:i that the chsracler of this buibllng sb-'iil during (he imintb were;
Mrs. Alberta Crain it back from
luipli Dufli'k. Ik-airice McMaloi*.
Hirrtelta vtoltlag her mother, Miw. troni lb*sale of their dinner aod ha* a clot-- siiailarlty to <he cBaracler
Ml Munti.. (~;ito 1 Wilson, Hcl
Karvey, and doing up her tewing pre­
eii Ki< lisrUsuii. Kalph llii hardsoo.
Stone-t. A* we enter ih
.Married, at tbe Uclbodlst (mrsonHerhsrt NoaJague. grand master ot paratory to lOlBK away tar Ibe aua
sgc. Mondsy evening. .Miss Alice door we feel welcome mid are ushervd
thu MIdilgan todga F. A A. U,
v.rsiibule and a- wo stand
(illson or Lemou Lake aad Herbert
<Dllo4 lo Rood City Sunday by Uw The people of thto community cm
this vesUhulc looking liilu the Isi
itall ol Sherman.
lUlwn Ilf piliiiary d-'i-xi Inieni Sluny
•orlfau lUam of Lou a Rlnduor. Csistulate Cloyd Dodd upon bit ha
Mr* Carrie Dixon, ot South Uranl. or main banking room . we are :
iIiMiirt No. I |V-Iiiii'U
gnad soerolarr. «*U fcaown In this
euUtUg YommeoerbsciZil^L CivtsiHScity. Mr. Wtadser was Snt taken mMeau have long (ett the -seed ot
caedtolc rU from brartbmn. sm> Mamliilerlor.
la that cBlee that would take
tfmh taHOms aad ahonl >• days ago.
Mr. aad Mrs, Cbsries Hahr ut.Uaril- »eem> not apparent. We fliid lu
NamlH.-r of day* taiighi—JO,
.-otralpMudevdoped. Dr. Louis Barth, •ome Interest 1a thto part ol the town­
Is wrre In town on bualDMs Mondsy. building* whose Intcjlor 4>-:aito se-m
Total entullmeut—19.
.:B£ f A A E. wait A Sons.
ot Oraad BapMs. who waa culled, ar- ship. and leel In Ur. Dodd the lownUtos Alma Kendall, ot Traverse •> Impress u> Brst. ritbrr with me
riTod OB a.upotoal train and atated taal thlp has a man of rsterprite aad
Cliy. passed ihrough towa on the way mallnes* of the auiuunt or With O'ei
aMhl Oat he expected a ertato within
trnamuotalton. but In Ibl* building
I her home at Pomona.
Mr. mndfw waa-U a nemtWin DanvHle. e( Uarilln. was vl the detail sei-m* lo tall In hatimuiioi*
f onuiaoas eondillon yesterday and
large proporlton
Itlng friends In lown over Sunitay.
' Ihmu was DO chaaBe today.
lonni and help rrrale a symphoniuThere ha* hwn a very smsll Mr. Windsor ta Mleblgau's best
tendance ut achool this wrok on a whole a* an Instrucietot in -in tm-li.-,
ham Mmob having atuinod .slngulnr
lose* lis lodldvlduamy (orlhe eoin
count of alcknees.
Crawn. Uich.. AiwilUuu
baaotu In the (rateraity. He has beM
BIsard ot Qrubd. Rapids arrived Sat­ Ur*. G. & WooK visited trk-nds |ilel> ruceess of Utc whole.
•fWT ^hair )n the Mlrhlgap giud urday to vIsK (Nends In Crawn.
"The color scheme to UH-t g-i'if>
aud retallves el Traverse City
Mte nnd it a Urd do^ Uasou
All that is nccchsary tu prove the real worth ol VoiutS Crc'teiit Hour i-v lo buy
g. The general tone of the -cslm '
fees Beth Bracken and Franeto day* last week.
to atoo n ftornfaMt woriter and office
gntet warm gray. Thto at once eMills Walsoo of Hartan. madc-u
WlUlaus were Traverse City callers
pound hack. It's ea^y to get the lirsi sack. an.*l alirr that it’* cai*er yet
heldar la (he vnrtaBS other MaMwlC
IsblUbos a perfect background fur ih(slness trip to lown Moads;
Master Froddm CleaSvo to on Ibe business ct Ibe bank. We are u-i e\
Ur. Canule ot Wextard to here dlsbecause you know then why you're buyiny; that rart;< U: I- i i’l
Ha haa a largu aaa^r of trleada trlbuUBg a ear toad ot seed peas.
riled by red wall*, nor funoyed b;
sick Ust again.
hero who alacmij hope tar a
Ur. aod Mrs. John Kiuhall aad blue walls, nor yet i* our atn-ulton
The dlnrici auperlntendent,
N'oigl’s Crcsteni is made for j>eopk who like gootl thiiiv* to c;p. and ii'v Miepleta morory.
R*t. Mr. IVrgitsou. will preach at the dsugblrr Jennie vtolled friruds at called to the tan that sgsin we bav
grven wall*, bui rather a soft nstuial
U. K. Aurch Sunday avetiing.
ccBs is due to the ‘repeat ordera" coming from the h-»u9'Veepen who have
Mrsirk Snuday.
lone ol wwrmthi which
The Lndk-s' Aid society will
been "shown."
llful backgroa^ (or the green Haled
wtU Mrs. George £. Aldrlrtt Mato
bronte oraamemal fliturv*. which parday afterocNU.
If you're curious to know just how much good "VoiKt s C?Trsi.eiit' tan do for
Ullon off the olflccs.
F. BIsard retaroed to bet
BChe Does your head ever f«s-;
Tuosday attcT to-^sbort vbit wiU
you get the iirst trial sack aodaucod a little sur|>ri9C party.
son-f Too can cure It In no lime by Ig room we have the eashu-r's prt'
arllng on your liver with Dr Her­
CbMIet Palmer to ttma-aeUng husl rick's SumitoCosled Pill*. I»e‘t It vnie offlevr on lb- one hand and a
CiuiloiiM-is on the other
MS in Sherman this weak.
worth trying (or (hr absolute and
Urs. Aitte Dun was veiy Measant- certain reUet run'll geir Ask (or ■ band Thru un entering we And to Ibw
sample. Sold by 8. E. Wail A rgbt a room for tbe iadtet whcie they
ly wit»maa Sutordsy evnlag by bar ee
ons and E. E. Miller.
an sit to the table and guieily 'and
ds aud nelgbboi*. Progressive peeasily arrange (or tbe transscimg of
vas played. Refreahmenu ot atW
Tha AMtUag of the Oouatry. WeUra. C. A- Hanoalord left this
wichss. <«he sad coffee wera sarrod. i lug tor Chebown tar a vtoH with their bu»in«st Attached lo Ihl* room
•Tlia Flowr Evaryhody Llkao.*
to a lullel exclusively tar the tadtes.|
The Meal potato buyara are paying
ron. Albert Hannaford.
D Penstermaeber was In t^e which .to
Volfft imilaiK
hwtoad, the qaestlM ot cuBtla- tram to to (3 coots thto waW.
tart, the Ptonnlng oJ.ihls bonding l<jl
Mra. MIttw Harr Is spending bar dty today from KlngsleJ-.
Hra Hal Ferris retuiaed to Lake expellna. It seems that the Aiwt M>-4||
enaatoa. tha tlsM plaamad for. throe IMatar vaeailOB ta Chkage vtoltlag
has been lor the a
City thto moiBlng. '
auMha, harMff how oowaaMd. It



triTcrscaiy State BaiS



■ sE?<^Ji,“vs?sriS
I Db VNk l,N0



Hard Pan

100 WmR DX



To Convince You



MA TUttMnr. AMHL tt 1MI.

, RSMH imiilOl^ HOME
Ti»ey Uy, ■ R.
tn. Jaltu r. UuMk.

____ U M. c. Du«b Jtnr
W. W. ilrtk

■ K.
aiiiiiiMilTifr rtcarMg BbUAm
■wtt*r tt IW Tmcrm C*j tuu
ink. TtmwM 019. UlA

UMlilt. MUk.. AprU,
liaHittMit of tk» ttftftaura *m uim ritMii mter to Tm»d»r W «tT»
at Mkm m apptttuiHr to r>
tetto uki' m«.
«: km. prorMJn tk»t «h0B liW
«U» art bertt kr «erlBnitta. Iko
MttM i« Iko rt*l eUlttUtt tkall be
iMorttA Bi ptattUt*. MB kMB «t(*rd
Oormor ¥firmi-.
• A«in Bmimitt HmMH, oI Vu
Bwm. <«ltkttioA kl« «Kh ktatkd«7.
ilaieh 3$. tmi kU cBltonuM or
------------ w._ _... , rtlk iltt.

Tio ttorek .ud Mlmrt kW o( BM»

W mmu—i. m tu ckitt Mdttc.

Mt rHonod tt tM }<ttttUi7 comRtto. tbt aitorMy lOMral Myla» *hw
aa ntatto ikir^ trooM bo oaeoattl«|t»uu to UaU Ibo operolttot or tbo
■ftMuro la lotal opilm eomtlta.
'A^kUl agnod U la (ka hoaao r»
«Bhm t«»T koekafo
or alBlIar etnal p^odaeu to eoatata
a labol ahovtag tbo aoBber of pound*
■ IB tbo paetago. aad
Wttbor ot pooBda ta a barroi. ballkaml. ou.
fttp. darkoa-t UH Ikubo bill So.

..t pablle bnrtag and dlaeoBtloa loTbo bill BBka that all nllroada
ta tha auto that ebarga tvo or ibm
oaatt par bUo atil tttmbnago
aad uaabtoraMa oUttapo boeka
gaiBtt inr tUa tha roads aro ttttwad
. t* oeUoet Id cotta additttaaJ m alt
aaak IWot paA*^ tk* inlaa
K a BoaBdiagao, id Bay Ottr. ter
bta laB tbroo yyara jaalttr at tbo
wptttl. ta dnmag a bin which «rUl
: liR. Tha un ngBfaaa tbo . iaaltti to
;.«Mh dry d«an Bbaaoro. plaialy
•ikIkBd. tateoad W tkollOBid ttObmn
«■« gaatnUr oaod to ditpoatog of
«Mr toda .Tho
•tea a AHronaea ai tto eobto toebot
, la a bWBM. bo nya.
'AMtbor bUl paatod totroaaea
atoaattvhlebtovBkbipo may row for
Id—Iblp pnrpnaoa frott MAM tt U.Mt, tkU tomaso bolag gooawd eoeoo. attain vboro iba evUiag ot of Honor
•raa MU rodaao tbo oBwaat sTallabta
— tan—p par—oaa.
' a «rv wn. to—eod to oar bt
J. M. Barttoad. rogolaitog
ahabtoa tar Utopteao aarrtco. Long
ttawacv ntsa ibm Blaotaa lOBltta.
lopboar ram ratead atur Hareb 1. IPbP.
Ural. Got. Pauttk H. Ktttoy
Bablai BtToaaeaa oCoru to baro tbo
•Ml ndloarntoaM May 1. aid lotoell-


boa car had ahlppod of to Uol»Orkaaa. lU. Aprti id.. nacttda.of
. R loarkrd tkora aU rigbi. aad
Kdward rottoa Waatoa. MttaP Aldarttm Aoaopb Badtaoth e( Cht«a«o Good vm£\w Kora le ton bis that
aad otkor tattooa podaairtau kata bo bad alroa^ ukoa It OB hmu vlth
ta apUatan br a Okaa- klB.
aatfo Moatr
Teatttday Hon vat la hit tnM
Thoaa at Jack Loadoa. ’ Smaat yard vhn a dog oaiorod tt. Tbo aalkeBpaM-SHoa tad Protttacr Low ■al iBOtodUttU raa op to Hon. and.
Uyt aUo kooe ton M ahroda kjr tbo
ankowb bo tried to drlro li avar, li
tbovod uaBaoal akoettou.
Tke dag b tbo propanj ad WllWatt
Kora ftaany rocogolaod the dog a#
Hon. or ladonit. a x)>loc* »* Cka*palfb ooBBtr, aai tar airor traat tbo tbo Mto vUeb bo bad gtroa to Good.
baltttigi or iba ataio miooralir. It Tbo aaltaal'i fool won bloodlag and
appoarod to bo ala*o« ourirdhad abova lu akUltr U eatcblag bird*
Hora la eoBTlneod itai attor li Md
aad la otbar vart. bat K bad Bade
BO claw tt any rottarkaWo dbUoe- brie vKh OoM for oeao tl»0)li oo
t. ao that latt rotaniary. «k«a Hca- gaa to piBo for tu old maMor i '
17 Good ot LcHilibaa, *bo vat ritli. It* old botto aad ran avar. Ho
lag Horn, ttok a ttacr to li. Hon im- llovoo that ooBo roiaarkablo Intuit
biB vlib tbo BB- obabM It to Bnko tbo l.OM mUo
laul. Good aocepttd tbo proMt and Jodraoj from Loalalua—of courno on
« placed la as imaou Ceo- f

Aa we ubo tb* road aootb. wo tad
May otaartog* along ibo vny. moat
of ibOB largo oaongb aov tt bo called
faraa. and tbo aauior ta uklag oo
dignity, aa ha foota that bo U
tororyoao ta boty. war to tbo ngtr
tab, aoao gatUag aara land raady
ter ct—^ or iBtoiwrtog tbolr boBMt
to BOBO other way, but at we
to apoak. they aro likely to ark. -la
tboro any aevar* Fbr tboro taro
beta airaago auiterlaga from the
amth toad aad we do bo> know vtat
111 eoBT
Dot wo do OM bare^ie waK loag.
ter tbo arlBg oa ran Sumpter
noaed tbo aamry from aboro' tt
■bore ooBt lia oebaao-M Nonbora
MlebJgan aad wo erboor bemo* —ro
la tb* vIMa of Traroreo regloa.
doietood, bettor than orer before. tMi
oro a part of ■ groat dattoe.
wboBo anc. tbo oablom of ntm aod
liberty, bad been aaeallod.
Tba Moaning or War. It va* not kBg before ve bigab


Lata Aaa,Mlek. AprU .IG-OororjI
HBUInana^MtaB-To tkl..,.^
Bgga-pS^ tat’..
TM, Mto boBghl tor^ boar
Ftott. Foad. ■
Aaa aad ban tha awoaiB^ «( oaor j^^,^^^^^^. ,j.
gotlc paopla. but *•“* cdilaoaa aa all n
vvotora itoora, ‘ l«.»e
*T0: aioekrn aad foodora, tJ AA(|
aad Hlot Hyr- j
c«vt aad bolfoto. KR5: calroa.
rnarrM at Co«ral p5.»^T.:t Hog*-R*eolptt cMWiod
lake oa April I. at tbe roNdence of
g to Sc higher
lO.OW; market *
tb* bride * fotber. Mr. Bcbaeldi
oae of Lake Annto aott —ithy young
BOB. He ja toream ol the WiilUm
Habbelor flo.'a toetpry K ibti ptoce.
Tbe bride. Miio Saart. ba» rd-lded
here eror a rear, and bat beea em­
ployed by WUIlaa mbbeler Co. a*
bookkeeper, wblch place ebe Mill or*upleo. MU* Sman ha* made a
friend* wbo dortog her rttUearo
here. Tbe be« vtabou ot aU our peo­
ple go with the happy coupla. At
borne. Hotel Doogltt. after April to.
tore to the market. Hardly any ,on
W. T. Shun loM two ral-iable
rent to., appear on sale. De.tor.
boreoa latl week.
Oo April :. ihrre wa* t large cobpaoy gathered al tbe borne of U. U
Ube. Ii beta tbe oeeaatan ot
blnbday.i Mapy old fnealta a*
well aa Bumy sew ooea lUed tbe
large bOUiM to orertowtog. A iae «u^
per WAS aerred and eretybody went
away aatUfird they bad an eniorible
iKKM. It wa* a norlBl >acce»*.
U>rai option voa out here, anil
^ *0 let •wttmwu.
reoalt tbe boy* wbo have g<
uatia are peulng a feac* areuad
Ibea. Seteral well* and ciMeraa
lO* e*r** at
reporied lo bare gone dry.
Mr*. ftllltoB J. Sbliltday U rMilag
to Frankfort.
Mrs. Jaa»ea Ik Ayrm, of Traverse
MW**l*r*C*aCity. rtaNMl eM Irtends to ibl* place.
M. r. Rita baa parchased a very
‘^ura*** eoM ■*• «mk* cMi
•be Aoato for hU farm.
The Rev. C. K. Babcock, of CimoBt
North Uanltou Istoad. 1*
friead* tare, also looking after hU
and other bnitoeea Batter*
aei* are Just begtoalng tprlag
eork. Lcl it he hoped fhe gresshopa will t I lead a heiplng hand i


A Mettih af Onad Travaraa W Many Vaan Apa by Mn L. A. H.

MW* BUCtste 1*1908

and CbrUtmae llBt teaad auay
hoattt; tor to a elrclo ol *c
lie* you could anrrely tad a «^l
able bodtod Bea. Nall day wai! tho
red letter day of tho v«ok. for ibea
ve lookM ter neva troB tbe abocal
e walled and hoped.
Bat iprtoc eomea at la*i, avK doco
alway*. tad onr llttlo town I* an
tog Mto new life. Ba*iae*« U *t
lag np BBd we hare a aew*paper~
•rM to tbe coBBty—aBd wo feel «
prood ot IL Tho tagU baa bulll
F0| to OMT lluta.iovn. and each week
lea ott«ia. vtalt tbe boae* to tba
•wB aad aurroundtog 'cobairy.
Richmond Hat taiian.
Agato It U a beautiful April day,
te anew bat all goae. and
clear of Ice. It U Ball day and we aro
WBltiag anatooaly for new*. Tbe boya
of tbe ilKb are away oa a raid and vc
hare not beard from ihoB for a toag
llBO. and BOWS Ima beoB Acarc* fioa
otbor*. bat tbe mail came on Ume and
there wai neva- Riebmeag hat falloa. and Loo bad aarrenilorod. Ob, tb*
yoytul Bova! ve telt nor* that
meant tbo etoa* of the vbr and that
peace and Wbony.
OTOr. would ngalB bo oora. Old glory
raised aad lu fold* glr
breoae. Never bad tbe embtoa meant
ao Buck to u*. >ttw w* eoaU ting.
-Tbe Boy* are Coming Home." The
world oooBod ouddonly to grow brtgbi
or ud more hopefuL
Yearn bare come and
tbelr aaay and varied egperlenccA
bat among them all tbe mei
that soiuy ipringtlBe day tiand* out
bright aad clear.
Late to the oh


ckleapo. ApriMO--<^ttl.wducolP-a


Cblcfeoa*. »ra
- lire .



A« tbo IBB eoaos aonh and grow*
Boaror and aoaior oaeh day aad- be­
gin to waboa Ibo awoot aprtagi
tben U soaoihlBg to tbo soft viBd,
tbo bird oOBg tad iko aprlngtag flowSTB ibai ta« oar aoBory worki—
aad carrtoa.w baata*tA-Mo wtogiiaoo of to— ago. and wo Aba—tt
pi rhapa aaaa tott might bo iBtofortod
to tbooo old aaaerio*.
Lot ao toll ym tnt of a mito-rlitogo aaatiod aloao to TraToraa b
pretty ptoca aa va roaiabor It.
Tboro to n taw mill dolBg a goad
aaaa, a goaorai atore. a apbool.hpno
aad pathapo M faalUat. Aad H —tt
wt forgot tbo poottthce—wbicb wy
a a eoraer of tbo twro—tor
ikrougb tbo BOBibi ibat aarlgattoa
U cleaad II toaboot oar uly miom of
oatcatloii vttb tbo ouuida world.
Tbo Ball I* btougbl by aa ladlan aad
va get U earo a veok, Monday aflorNov. bo brlagi oach Utao Uo
‘■Qraad rnrarao Uonld- pobll
to a«r tutor leva, aad tbo Sret aewopaper to aU dtertbora Alleblgan. and
—bt gladly wo voleoao to our bodtot
Ibo bright, brooay llttlo paper.
Aa wo go Ibroagh tho Tiilaga we
■00 a aaabor of raeaBt boooee
h) faaalHM who bate bought told aad
narod to W. ao wo will toUov tboa
aaM too bow tba aaoniiy aroaad ta

••{tvrtoya. Me;-talrtom. Itc; iprttga. TanI



Crmad I’raveree—os.
NoUev I. hereby given, u provided
I XerUon 2IC2. ol tbe compiled law*
ul tl»T that tbe ('nuniy ut Grand
Ttaverne ha* eaicred Into an agree<neat with the city of DetroiL repreMacrtouelL aupertoseated by J. I. Mac
lviid. nl of the IV'.ro
period «
■ be 1!
ol Marrl
ob*H be e
*ald r.
eb-'-ebv I
y auiborised agebt a
tinned, agree* to reewive Into the DeIrull House of ('arrectloa; safely keep,
board, rlotbe and rare lor any and all
person*, who may be senteared lo roaBnemenl In Ibe Mid Detroit lloutt of
ftarrerllob by any (ttuR or Magtatrato
In tbe eouair of Qrabd Traveroe.
Dated at Traverse City. Mlrblgaa.
tbI. I9ih day of March. A D. 1909.
('balnaaB et the Board tt Snperrlaoca
(Iraad Traverse Co.. Mich.
nerk of said Board.
Mar tMOApr. «-l(

E & I. L IK CM


......... U aad Mto
Florida lomatoea. per lb ..16 aad Mto
Hotbouse radUbeo.per biutcfa S tor lOc;
Rbnbarb, per bunch


As Batarday brought mtay taraei
I lovB. tta receipt* might bare been
larger, but Btay ot ito farmer* or
now holding tbelr potatoes tor $l
^h« I. They asy. moreover, that tbi
Ham, per Ib.............................. JC «e
r^rlce vlU briag tbe potatoes out.
Fire toads of bay. one load of ttrs' Bacon, par II
»e load of coke, two hogs, two horse#
>b steak.
steak, per 1....................
tbd one doad of not* wern weighed
the city scale bouse Bainrday.

that the Srei re*ttl pt the
wa* about to eater our port
and thU wn* nlvaya couMerod eoc of
of Ibe year. Slowly *he
made tar. wny up ita bay and Just
abcH9r.Ata-\lB0 tbe old bell on tbe
all] mng tor *lx o’clock, eho anchor­
ed.. It. vaa the lebooner OoMea Horreel from Chttego.
of people met
tbe amall Mat-^ It mrhed

Scon we saw a man coning wlib pa­
per* In hi* band, and there wa* *oaething In hi* appearanee ihtt altrseied
our ailonlioB. As miob as bo wa*
•m, tbo bouao ta away bohlad aad
enoufV. Rc -ttod to n« tbe terrible
' that data tooba douWrol ta tMB.Oor.
Bew'-ofTrtaHoBt Lincoln* aiMi
Wanar ta boartfly oBdnnlag May 1
itou. Bo aooii we pa*«ed from tbe )oy
aa taal adJowntooBt date.
It. for BOOB a leuer Into Wt ab- of vIctoiT to the oorrow ot death. For
. >Tha a^-ttaastty daCclt by iba
ve meuraed eadly for the man we
etllor boy of ear borne ei
tiM af Mat yaar grraa pronitao ot bohad Icsraod to lore and truel
oayiog. -Dear one* at boBtn. I i
tog araaad tlbMAN and tbo ways
By eeuotry aoad* me. and I have
ibiwagta ibooe iterible yoate. tbe man
a— attaas oommHUk af ibo bM— da
Itatod." And BOW bofla* tbo valllog who had Mood *o nobly for all that
t aa rwdi vDl ha a
Bova. the vatchtog tor tttien va* right nod true. The folIoa-lDg
il onto UMHotHaa
that ooly.lbey gbo hare had dear Sobbath'wo gathered »• the tcbool
tab yoar. AIM ail approiMsiioaa Mil
to peril can andeieiaad.
r only plaee of worehlp,
bo boM at Ibo BlalBBB. Ubalnau
tbor alowly.-U teemed oi tret, pay ear Usi irlbule of roupeci to t
tb. vaya aad
d tbo
martyred preitdeat. Tbe bou»e had
tea. iiya0 Iba
badgat vU1 Bat anaod vaa Iba reaopBoe u tbe call for
vlth oabloB* Of BOUrBfrtjbdl.Ma ton aibor togtoiaian, vbo b« aa tb* aortooitoo** of our attlOB'*
tag and tmek af the pulpit a pklure of
eoBdlltoo beraao better i
aro aat ao Baagalao. predict that
Uncota hungi draped with tbe tag.
ooa after aeotbor Mdo ^oed-bye
win rneb aaarty inAbAW.
>ao and friead* and west to help Tbo Rev. lARoy Worren bad ebargo
Two blUo an bettor tbo labar ra
of tbo oenrlcea. The leil ’There
Mttoe of tbo bonat. ear tt atattlalaly ■re tbelr couBiry.
tarty to tboa* day* the cHlaeB* ot prlar* aad a great man fallen iht*
dbtttah o^iomoat taaroaaa vUeb
Israel.’' seemed to apply
Marge faoo tor tbelr aerTtcoa, Imre- ir IllUe rUtapo porebaaed a breml- well to tbe noble man tor wbOB
daaad hr Rop. Jota Ctorbea. ot Da il tag and retaed a tag pole oo the
iraed (bat day. Otie of tbe beauti­
trttt tad Ibe otbar, totrodoeod by Bill, and vbna any et our boy* otarted ful hymns snag on that occasion, tas
Rof. Trad W. TooBg. et Ray City, to ter tb* war or vkoa
been naooclalod ta our m«
asaed tbete eetat— bg grautog roooo- Bonbon rtcury.' tbe tag wa* raUed. wlU LtocolB’s dcoth. Tbe toUowtag U
ahta noawot. Tha abtoei of tha HUa aad Poaied prouder on tbe air a*
reiee of It:
ta to oUa—ta «—i. Oao of ibo pre- to ayapaUr with ear cauie.
-Broiber. tboa art gone before us
. ftotaai ot tbo ,Taaag bDl ta tt pnWhere lh.r salnUy aoul U flown;
tdda ttr a atat# baroaa to orory cHy to tbe boae* tocreaacd. teae that Tear* ate wiped away forever
wonM merer be Cltad agator^
at BAM pwalailaa to MlahIgBa.
And all aorrew U opknowa.
Tho Draft,
bar* alraady
From tbe burden of tbe body
to tbe (prtag of lift tbe draft reach
ttMUard MHy aaer af
anuoa panda
From all care aad ft-ar released;
^ htodar tMBO Irea1 itha JaMsoa 1 0*. aad BBteag thoee vbo
Wbere Ibe Mcked re*>-- from ttw
■—PAMtaptoat torthoaoatw ^ drafted BOB. wa* one wbo left a Mfe
T^Tho tvteota aeW ter arm anh and eight cUldrea. aaoiber a yruiag
And tbe weary are at rest '
a‘half atatt aaah or tatm and ibroo- vtf* and two rblldrea. white tho third
tbe BOB of aged parvnta. wbo ntteartboeoata payablo Oaiobar iHb.
"Colltfo taa doa* Lowdoa a
Thta to a tower prloa thta tvtaa was lewdy had Utoo.aoaa ta tbo
In AagoBt, abdai )• ealUtod. the afgoud.-Ur dotan’t Impieattuatyaa ci
BOM of tboa going to tbo mb Mlcbtgon cnralry. later caao Ibo oaOtetea M*ta Rattaal Whortoyaa Boot Of oleetton. and tbnskfBlne**
If Raana-I aten a gvla* aa­
ra )*r baoo wtaw ra gwtoa.
>r flHM to us anriy that g#r. «m Cllj Tta


Tranist CiFiiiiineCnpnqi
tu. lUllniio W* nave UK Best Tea <

We Believe

«« M.rkrt

Cboico Dnoolonrl -TupAti pnrticnlarly fine fia»or aod
asoeptioanl atronKth. If you hbv.e Ifonbto gtatias ,4
ten ibai it to yoitr likinff Uy a aaiQple pound of Ihu
oti« We will taka our chanoeo oo your oomms bask.

Price. 5«c per pouA


Delrotl. April It.—Tlaae—Wheat\
|13»; com. «9c; oals.tltoc.
.rblcago. April !i.-rto*.—Wheat.
ti.'MI4:Vora. fitS-r; oati. 6t^c.


Rcrlvsncd Farm


Clover. Tiinolhv. Oats, Spring Rye.
Field IVa* and niivkwhrat
luken lor all kind, farm and garden
seed*. Our prices are rlglil

a bobheL bad thi* tnoratog
price I* qtwied aa M lo ti ceato a

A Reliable
Ml Elf'S Crin Bill

East Buffalo. April 1!.—Cattle. V
00ft. active; real*. 1.000. active; gS.tS
ITS; sheep and laml«. iS.OOfl. -.rtlvie
lamb*. li.iO; Bbeep. g3R4!.7S. HO|T‘It.TSO. acUve; yorkers. IT.SORT T<*.
pige. r.

ltcleu*m. wKXbrt.
hraU sad nrolaeU
tbo dlsMewf Bi*B.
Cstortb Slid drive*
svmy B Cold to Ib* ______

■ Tmt*aadRiu-ll. FunsUe SOcU. •: irru*-Oreetirllle. Mleb . April 10.—C. IL
Qlhaen A Co. qaole the buying price
of potaloe* on the Oreearllle markot
kSffSSC; beabs. 12.10 lUtoU.
ner or osnvr. of .«> *r
n-thc land herein desrri
Birong; choice to fancy, tl-OSRIOT:
Ihe luorigager Ol moi
Ir tt good; 11(11.03.
undl.charged t
rorded toortsuK-’* egalni
any oeslgne.aeslgae)- ih.-reof
ihereaf of
oT reroril
RROVItlONB. BOIlie. Ibul sale has l•-■
10.—Prt>Ti«un« fully mud.iiii|iald 'aie. Thereon^
opcaed a shade lower in SDTV bigli- Uad I
..<1 ISMIed thvivf,
t>ork-May. tItlS; July.
.... ... enitlled 10 a ■eron,-<
llT.bO: Boptenrtwr. (IT.OS. Urd-kiay
ihereot al an> Mni' silhiii -i
im.inod oionlhs afler reiuni of ..-rrire ot ibi
upon-payment lo ihe und.-i
10.42H; Rcplember. (10MH. Rib*Ibe reglslrt In ebanei't
May. la.l2H; July. (OSS; Beplembur. o?ioe rounty In
In which lb«L land- lie
.UBS paid .1
geiber «llb one hundwiper 'vn’ •'
dlltonal thereto, and the lee* of the
sheriff for the wrvlce or eoM .■( puhli
Cbicogo. April 10.—Bolter—Bteadr; caflon of Ibl* nolle*, to be rompui-<
ereamerte*. •302He; dairies. IP® os upon personal .et%ice of a de. Iarst!on as counienremeni of suli.
2Sc. Eggs—Steady al mark; Brai*. hiMher auin ot 11. e dolar* to
1»**c; prime flr.l*. 2»4c. Cheesey- descrlpllon silhoul other additional
Btroag; dotaie*. iTc: twin*, icciyonog COM or chargss. If payment as a(i>:
»ald Is not made .the undersigned «
ABtetlcaa. I'r; long horaa. iTc
Insiiiute pro.-eedlng» (or pos»es-ton
10,—Butter iV
Steady; receipt*. 4.1U.
IVsrrlp'lon; Southwest onarier
quarter of section thlr
Firm and unchaaged; iWlpt*. 1*32:
alulng forty acres mor.'. ot
weekly export*. 2» boxe*. Bgg»—
1 iwenty-sli north, rangFirmer; recelpu, 12.4T*; »Ute. Pena•t. situated ,t> the roun'
rylranU and nearby faery, eclected
______ and state
Amount paid:
while, eenHc; do fair tt choice,
-eight c
:me22Mc: brawn ud Bixed
rtes for
r‘4c; do fair to choice, ne:ie;
tera ottrage packed. 21HC; weel. . quarter of aeclon
for*> arre* more or le.>.
flrau. nCttUr: secoads, Joktc; tolnlBg
fwehiy-flve north, range in-elve
loutlttiB •r»i-Y. 2ic; *eraad*. jOSbC.
luated to Ibe county tt Grand
erao and state of Micbigac.
ABonnt paid: Twoniy-sU dollars
ad terty-four cenu (I2S.......
New Tort, April
Taxes for 1X94. 1893.-lS9t.
^kllre. steady;
weatera ebtobens. IJI99. 19t». WI. 1903 and I9«C
r P. HARPER am
brollera. fSOSIc: fowl*. 1d«l<c;
dretaed. dull; wertera «*lclmB* 12S«:
islnoaa: Nesseu City.


towU. HHeiStoe-

Chtoagn. April 10. Poultry—Firm:

■'Apr, IS. 30. :r. May 4


Kttttft irrttna taftrttttta.

It >.Mi .1.- r."liiK

il" •'»> I'lilldInK ihl. summer II *IU pay you

Get Our Pricfei^ On ’
la-i ... !iK.ire -il, ymit Vail toll W.- wll try and »ari- yoU osme
tnnnv, wv ,-a,.> a -r, ...mpl-e Knv of Isvek*. KnOb. and Hlngra.
;.i„l ... toi. ih-s- gvN.d. dh.-vt from Ho- we can ii«hs
U.u ptlv,-. ir yn., a... imlldlng a hatn
oil- Utuo IkHir Uol-is Th.-.I mti -i.-,, Vmi rsti l g-t. them og
lb- iTBik and llo- pnet- *111 surpilrv >(MI.


Seed Oats For Sale
We now offer choice
seed oats for sale.
Quality Al. Price right.

Hannah & Lay Co.

amm. u mm.'

. ^ 4.

llte xy Yoa Bin

Bean the




ibaa* iBpanaM

It you draire a ciagy
•( the Oogbtry Ufte
■ to itMlor Jallua Caeaar Buror
Aldcn Sialib. Wahbgothic
nuBt dt late
A great ABOuat
BOW abowa la tbe naitbr o( UsprAr-

i, D. C.
Very roapMAtally.

lag tbe coodltiOAa turroobBiv

perUieadew «7 PabUc laatnidioa


lile and U b

atibn RrwtrUB1. naeoaslda of Tta CommiaMoa

Thirty Yearh

arbieh becr>r bH uoiloot ol jaa epiei
prW^ und home lorluc eoaimDaii]
to all caaea there I* opportuBllr la

luprovaoMuti. iherelore I d«lre to ad
UMUbnewi of nbrary la dbiriet.
»1I poaihle eoiphaalB to the etpreM- cclailBg library).
ed vUb al our avte otheUia Utal tbU
5. »tab)bbmrat ot dobs (tlterary
dar be tuetae^Ued bj a
ance aloap (he llaei which (he)- aajtd. Albleilca aad
rerreaijoa I
(iwl. 1^1 our acboolr be real
ol eoaununlt)- Inlereai. Celebrate Ar­ ruccoalloii grounds for roBmutilty and
bor Dar.
Very truly.
Miurts. ninalpg trark. HC.) It la aug

The bureau of aoiaul ladoairy of Khrtiaken or held enm & per cent
(ha departiueat ot acricuUure baa rotten e«a. t-S per eenl; wldy ^
jMt luooed a rlnvlar by Ullo »t. Haai- bad flavor, n.5 per eeai; loui. 17 per

grated that this lople bh ttkea by r
young man aufflelently iniereatrd ii

tbe aubjeci.
Public laalrurlloB.
.7. Tlie socUl aide cd eoumry life
Lanslog. Mlcb.. March Si. ltN»: (guggeaied that ibU lOplr be takM
To letcbera la thw rural dlairina
In August. iMit. President Rook*;
veil appointed a cotumlaakw on couo' the people of tbe e
try life. The pnr|>ose ot Ihe eOBalaof eounin- life la Ibe dltereM stptaa


of the unioo, get In touch with the

A third of ■ reniory ago Oorertior

John J. Baglry by proclamation call
paopir ibemaelves and flad
they toll were their principal noeda. attahtloa of (he people of Michigan
tbe planilB^ ol trees aa a dilty derolvblndraocea.

Ihe prioiad list ot quMUooa aboui anro with It. I hereby

suggeat fome meana of getting flneh a Aat aad its obaervanre should
If the diaadvoaugea of eountry >be>B7Ate wtde, thn day should leave
from any other aeurcr. and ia eapecial- life. The aoeond porpMe la to onillBe
tu tofluenre and iapraaa upoj
•aty daring the aumnrer la the
tnllfla of thosq whoa tbe burdena x>f
aouih Md weal, where it amonata Id

tax tbcB.

S^teu ia to br (ouad •-1 ihe seoerml
(ar»a of
MiaaMpid ehHey. Some
ideu or t4 crowtb of the poultry ladual ry OB tbeue geamal tarsia
nhova is (he caae ol the atate
Canaa are





praeilrslly Uakoown. yet

' the rmioe of poulIlT aad «K> aoM
baa laenaaed oeer a nlUioa doUara
caaaed by ocedlesa detertorallotl maa

to Ibe total crap value aie snii
j»cb year (or the paat fi>\yoan<
.Tto total loM to the egit trade
up ua (Mktwt: Dirty ens. 2 per eeat
breakage, y per cent; chirk derelopateui or betted

eea. £




The beg mifry for iadlcr' Aresvet apd waids childrai't tchool drawet^n(i|iigiTi. apraaa nmi el odrer
UIM where an erououu^al, pr>-1ly and rcUaUe colIuA wash labra is rsantisL Ask to Sec dm new KndifH Silk
SuiUag Syics and llu new Pongra Silk Soiling Slykca; aim dm auptc deaigDt in grral eaririy

dUlona may be mlaed to the highest ^ahoMld he of a nature that wHi bring
possible aundard. Tbe people ot the oul and develop a love for me ti


Tomorrow fnorning we opQn a must remarkable exhibit and sale
of 10.000 yards of the latest patterns in Wash Prints. These
goods are produced by the largest cotton mills In the world. The
American Printing Company, no better printed fabric In use.
We wilt show many styles in the staple colors such as Blues.
Grey. Cardinal. White and Blacks and many of the Foulard pat­
terns, also shep^ord checks, all sizes in polka dots and hun­
dreds new designs never before shown in the city- Every
yard of the fabric is worth 7c.

6c yard
Also a big lot of Standard Prints in staple colors at only 5c yard.

A Word to Mothers
Our Tuesday etrening’s advertisement in this paper will \ell you
ofourEalraoidlnary SalcoiaiUdreii*s MnslIn Caderwear. This
sale ^ould bring every mother in the city to our store. ,8ale
opens Wednesday morning.

country are (he backboae of our Ba­ eat. field and flower.

llon. If. as some ihlag. (he young men
It ahovld be a day when atienitoa U ^
women are learing the farms we railed lo what a generdiia Providence'
dnilara should use every posalble iBeaaa to
T»«e P
has .done (or our state. A noil aVU rib'
whtefa are earried down
A Urtng light, r
remove from cepntry life every bind
adapted for all thai
makes n
in the rhape ot bat) ecta.- taya Mr. ranee and diindrwntage.
country beantlful and ntlrsMlve Is
xpe pyropbore It a
Haatinga. ~we niiul bate, flial,*
has lieen soggeaievl by the eom- chief among God's bleaalng%.
| montter firefly, au luib aud a ball
palgb ot educatkiB' amoag egg proBltploB that the coubtry.-people nil
tbat will abnw erer) faraer’a
Ibe Uglted Siniea gAtber In
wife that when eggs are allowed
longer eslau In it. entirely. I.ur I. wa, |
remain in damp neats, ander broody
there dlacoBs these rarioiu ques
be pzpeeted that Its
Mib* of bla country, raatetta lo each
ir In hot IdtrheBa'ibere
which are of vital finportaBoe to i
of umber would not be drawn r<l>o« .boe a pyropbore. Tbua lllaulbtlea.
quality wblrh meant au actual
Uoremor Warner and the governntu
for Ihe needs of our people. We ran * br
do dUDruIly in avoldlag polserr
noney to heraeir and to I
of aerrral other vinies have Issued

Kalla and wild Iwusu.
ou taakra. pufa
aod abonld. bbwever. by .
ndghluira: and seeondly. a ayslem
lal proclamation
latrlHgenl and eaergelle. provld.- Tbe UraallUn coqueUv faeteiis li
buying eggs that will aa nearly aa poawith the regular Artwr Dqy proc.__bair
bef Conner
laoiitcca for thoan wbo come after us------ -----j
------ ••

alble recomjiense every pmdo^r who
iton. wuggestlng that the pet^ile of Uie
that Will prove that our mb...™ here ^
aella eggs eurtly la aerordance trllb
dlRetent comaunuiea aaoft on (his
^a» not nMioe to ux and diutroy.
, pyrophore'e light goes
abat those e^gs are worth. Above all
day. It la my idea (bat the teacher
-Plant a ireeV should be Ihe watch ,,
orrreiir]- lo Qll blm ap with
«dae, gbe inramue rule
In every aepamte eoBtannliy iball Word OB April 3nib. 1W9, and the <^1
j,.op , ^oln In Urn nr to throw
tbC.marknlng of egg* la lor the (amtake ibU matter up
In .o
(farm .rradilde and the whoolgroand- (dm away, hut a niomeoi'a ducking la
erto Tell hi* egga aa aonn aa pjaalble
tegular Arbor Day
Thereafter Ua
wbMld be aa evideoce from that dnio cold water aufflera.
itier they are laid."
I would suggeai that you hove a pro­ ba that it was aot simply a precept.
three little Unierni. ene on the hrenal
The pnMls of tbe Hly retailer
and two ou the back, emit ogalu Dv
gram of an boor or more in length,
The Commlxlon oa Country l.lf-- bright a radlanee ai ever. Thrpjroby tar tb^rgraf item la tbe markelgiving the ■(« bolt of it to the cMljappolnted by Prealdeat Rooecveii »iig- pbere. at all nature iiudeoin kre<ir l«
Idra of
dnur and their Arbor Day eyi
geaied that th- i«>ple In the .roral called vulgarly t-uenge, but ncl.-uitli.-.
And that the aeeond half be given to
amuqtilen («me together In Clielr ally (be oame U Coleopier
eggt nay be obtained fiotn tbe toll
the fathdra nnfl moihcru tor'the dtaI elatefidea.-nai-ltinatl F.o
ihcHbeuxs OB Arbor Day and lo-tu
log flgurea ahowiBg Ibe clriuenls ot
btiasMSn of some .id the Aoplea



ler. with 9 CEtcriFrlTeldtaa bow,
-Tbat dollar was of uo use' to me. Hue
Bofw tbat I'vfl told U tor a dollar aod
bare my car-tot* hum*.
Thank yoq. (»Md BlxhL*--New Sort

amtoiB.lw hrw ce^«on. Pw waatyrnwll
h« l-n ngai*fa S; Awian as the waAclaa MS
Ukrt, w rwe (wigM. aod H to a Knag hoM m tha

Old CsIleH Ways.
Stuilenlt at Kt. Audrewe oiulrenlly
two ceorarici ago paid ootbli/g for
tbelr tooma. but U Ua. per qaarter vaalded them to dine at tbe blgb utric.
For iS 11a. Id. poorer mea could
Id gM
througb tbe whole ae
Bwntlia. Breakfast waa arrred
ij. and cnuatiled of aa oatmeal loaf
e«cb bad
pint of beer. At (b* blgb.(able poul­
try. broth aid beef were asrted.
• second a pleotiful supply of
BUd beef. Uerriugs aad flunndrrs dumetluca graced tb* lipenl.
Reef there was lo sbaiidaace. *Bd '
eullege* Id Uuwe gvwd old days
Uw-lr brew huno*. a penivdaltr of tbe
porter, who was perailttad tu Bell ale
iw the atud-ma—Loudon AuUqutry.

Mends cuDialaa amang
violet two which daal witb Qookham
Frare and the BbaeatmindcdB*ra (or
whlcfa be n*s Doled- Fret* wrrtad
imdy Brrol. and -while (toy w*ra *Bgagrd hr look ber late aliMto at A
While they. were iklklag to
,drank up tlie glaaa of wla* be had
l>onrcd out for her and (hee took bar
back eupiwrleaa lo tbe baUruom. AftM
Ihe wedding be went atralgbt from
(be church lo Mr Murray. O* pdl>llaher. who aek<d blm tn stay to dlawhhh be very Bvmriy agirad.
. .
wring "Uly Jnal la Ume that
tody Errul n;iv wsMag 10 Start w
tbe houeymooa”


Just a MItUha.
OrgaalrailOB with the -chool ta
DoMpg o-Je of the banqueU of I
tioned Ia (he
e«cteh Pr*rta.
She center «nd meeting place, (nr the
Kew York raoantner;
In lha Pretanea a( Daath.
eburcU vuDgma lu Louduu a renslo.
-We bare drcMed." aaid (b* toad ot
Ive iirngraiffi. Bvery teti^r Will noed
(purprae hr developing and making
fiome yeatw ago a Swamten veiael blaliu]> bad «■ bla left iiaud •
Glaigow fins. -M cemdort our taad10 vary the pragnm lo suit the weeds
• ilergymaa wbo waa«uui|>l
Liter Ibe general life of the oommun- .ras caught Id a terrible gale, aiy*
raid lo Ihe tamer la Iowa ... is
cm (be ].r«fii atartog
of the parUcular toealiiy bpl ibM gew
Profll of the rountty vatore .......... 0
(ly. li la to be hoped that our m»i<- EaglUb papw. Tbe caplata bad hU iMIrinc Oeoaen
priadlde. We alull begla at ooce to
erar ouiline may be follnwad. 1>1 me
be basts ef lait y.-ar't roiulla.'
I he auorfg the ptoneera In «hb- .irite on hoard, and wheo (br wlod wan dropped bis ungiklu auJ stuoiwd m
(hr shipper................. 71
'urge upon every Ieaebee4pe dealrabll-'
Mill rialag be tuld her to go down Iw- It up. >A( Ihla ndiueot the blabup.
lo bear It." reptlgfi
Freight lo New Yo-* .........................IJ
liy ol working om ibia plan In Iwr
low and sleep, for all wa* well. He re- Wbo- waa lalUug to hta right haud tbe forwman, opetUag for Ibe mea.
arose prufli to receiver ...................^.6
uelgblior. felt a aUght loiKh oi
dMilrt. Jf li -f. uheji up ia U»e right
milued op tbe bridge till
-May we ask uUt were lb* taat
Crow profll ts )obber.........................I.S!
came np aad said: *We've duue all we left arm. lie turned aid. hrbuldlug yaar-a rasnlur
way I am sure that a greet dral id
Lost from caodllag ..............................l.S
caw Hado't you better tel! tbe ebapa Ibe th-ar'a pate on a level will. L
-We IMI a ihousaad pound*.- oalA
inieresi end enUroalaem
ipertmenflem of publlr Inxinirtloni
bow. saU; -.No. thank you. oo awloB. tbe emp1oy-r, "u-.l. therefore, o
Croas proflt ot retailer........................4.S
taget oDt (be boatir
aroiraed. The matter retie very Urgo"Yea. yet. my lad.' if you think bb." I will take some |.lu<wpple."
.luring pilu. tj.le. Iber* .(rUI to
lo icatimony mhereol." 1 have here1} with (he teachers. If (hey do
adM the caplmlo.;wbo knew tbe only
Ktlv-i. of lo i»t «*at is y«q>
Cost to conauraer
ilo set my band and canoetl
take It up. ao one elae .wllL
Lin* Carrying Raekals.
wBgea.**—Ibandre AdrMlaer.
choice left wa« whether to gu down
In the r/plalen c
ITBI Sral of the stale to be affUed
The nr«rt line carrying rockela were
with tbe ihlp O' In a tmall boat, which
gieaic-M handicap
kt lAiutag. ihU JSlh day of Match.
lov-enied la HW» by an (htgllsliiaan
«(Md UP Par Him.
BbouM result In aa, Immedlau persfifl;
_ (be general alorv
Ml tbe year ol Our Lord one thouriinU
DoUn-Po faaey was runolo' «• .
be englnceri eatue up with tbe oewe naru.'d TrragTwnae aud '
In. of baneilny met
after adopted'l>r tbe ilaosa-hu.4.His ktwu a.i' >e otuud up f-.r u.e:- Valla^loe hundred and sloe.
bat tbe Area were all ont
intm. qyer-itbe .torekeeper r
-Very well. la.r ladW taM the cap­ Humane Wuriety f..r use at lie
eleetioD of officers, and a
.1 aa’ truthful .
good* aa mote (haa bla loet
Governor. tain qul^yy. i "have yourwlree If you « Ibey Jifv».-d very aucrC;
4 raiiaoua ar<- e
ye work bald an’
• see that work If
Hioogb t.-Cay
He does nqt try to enforce Improveilie goveraor;
e doi.'l get dmk
lieguo Bi once aU>ng tbe lines most
-Won't Tou fetch (be wife on deck. ' clDilvHy u.<d
’! iwy yev
u-M>n his patrons by buying on
iiuL 'In sitlier fw>u’ lU k
ab-r naked one of the men.
^ n-r. >-k.
quallly lutslw and witb the advantage Bveded In (he Individual eomtaonltyk
2)«cre(ary of aiaie.
-No." waa the calm reply. -U-t lirr
his pecnliar pealtten gives
Pretty Weary
Bleep, poor gtri: 1 am going d.-wti m
keeps the ether egg buyers from d<s Bsme agreed upon but one that ae
The.supper and baaaar given
ary (lylr.g ooil.-r ain
particularly well adapted is 'leemmunl-' Gaaad Tcfivcrae grange fistnrday
lag ao.
ml«t«-r. k
bedside of hit lieeplug wife, he w-ul
. Ihem npl'les
Tbe (Irruinr dlxiuisea quite general­ t.r-aebool nasorlsilon'' with rfie
enlng w,y well patroClted. the ladlea
wllb Ibe ship.
Tbegreat benefit m healtha«d•tragdi
r iDCHillw .<11.
ly the various phases of ibe egg In- of tbe aebooj district oc coma
rtesring briwecB (L’l and t«n by ihrir
lo (hat aluby> ;> enjoyed by regular eaters
duMry, and may be ob'alned dee of
A Man •( fttuurceo.
of goovi oatmeal it Jnrnwa the world
ehargr by
over. livery year there are more and
(be dltfereat Slates the roanti? achoor
Then He Waa FireA
more eatm of 0(^ker Oat^ whiehMt
WMJ palrunUed cafe au evening or)
meotlooed by the great malority Prom McMay'a Record.
i'athcr -I t-.iial<i- you my daugh- reeogaired in tiii. couBUy and in rnrnpi
le flisi thing that needed
Illam H^iotlne left toda.v lo- Er- two ago. raised blgl. « <(ollar bill ai»l •er my <b«r rlr
I am .ulgMy for- av the ore perfect qatmeal.
proving. ThU U parilculgrly true Mi efeti. WaabtagtCHi. where be
Quits lb C
tl.-ular In au-ti thli«aKultor-Oh.
-Geutlemen.", be oold. -|
AH the ea(>eriiBetP> of the gnrafUno taie^-TWlMB Terriaa. who for Michigan. It tberelorc neeiM-)i«ihal
a didUr bill
lima good UlL open to ^>«w^vow. i s ■I. Dot la (hr tea« raent food expem aod the aihlytie
maay yegra was iarartsbly tbe baeu hat the school bouse be made the aolimpeetkoa bv u';. 1 aaut lo raffle-It *'-Meggw.ilorfer matter.
trainer* of Vale Vnimsity prove Qad
In (be dnaua produced at iba Adelphl
UI nmtfr for ibe purpose of nunh
liy. how.ol.SIjMiaw. Mlcb . U la u
far.w U flf :
cereal eater, are tbe straqgeat «nd
theater, hendoa. aeeiDs lo Oavc bOC« oigaalutioa es here angfesW-d i
la li^Tieia.
la ul>.-e anvrd wlibybt ebaraettrt bd
that Ibe leacbers sbould set tbe move^
MUa nco^te Morgan weal in |
puyeil. Uue day. writrs Riles Tarty
It'* din cheap. Wli- will <-oun- »«oe.v lafelr
i the head of the liM of eereri teodt. It U
neat on foot. Let not your omrortnnl- rago tmlay for ai etiended vI»M »
lb her UkA. -Tbe Story of My Ufla."
ileaael HI e»t«-m li u «-<<«■. a* I
Jewltt-WriL womea h»v» dUfereM ot* only the be« food, but iFslto «to*pla.
Mra. Fred ,*Lteware.
be eaiue line tbe ibeairr auabad.
■ iral waya of gening It. My wife klsae* nm eat food oo earth. Eat k dailr foe
aatd. ao-l tbertt tbe <Uaor
great advance.
John Kady, »f Bprlagfleld lownahli..
"(t U ralBing. Terrtaar ahkad aomi
I abcB she waeu any.
| breakfast.
•as. wbo Botleed that be waa wet.
Ut< me auBtest that you aea itw) Kalkaeto couaty, b la the rtty today
FUtcra o
good oaiurcdly .
The large sire family gMlage' «f
“lorae like O. doeta'i lir aaU Ibr- yortr special Arbor aad OnmmdBftr an bu*ltH-«a.
Barber (ratbeT
(ratbef alow)—B«g
alowl-B«g purdto.
P**^ jQurter Oai^ with a hamlaome^ece of
ma earelesaly.
niariea Hiamfler.
MUaankeeipj a hat. aud il* wlni>er ^r. but your bair It a Wt gray.
•bool day program Is well writlH): np
Later It cam* out that be tod ]gmpddna, irli, at 30e; wftboul tto rtisa.
- bin. «l:b a Hugh.
. a»—l^uIdu'L wuoder.
In yoar local towspaper. It. is bt^ed couBty. te In thh city to hualBeaa (0^
ed oS g prany ataaiDboat tot* Ato
*^'.40k ..uu. tt^iu-mei
lueu; aaU (to ^^I’.abecu L-. s -Gbtqagu Srwa
la IbU way. wide poMlpHg ^lU
ItoMB and navad n UtUi skTs Mb



eouatry life ao that rural social eon-


, Acoon}lBc to .Mr. Haailasa. the bulk
■ of ihe .poatUT wealtb of the United


upon g09d rliltens and urged tb.served without pay and held thlruhpg
aalde. Of one day In
public bearinga trota MaaaacbBaetia selling
for Ihat purpoae. The cuatoCblUOrsUAl which
ed trota more ihaa forty sutea. More totn hna been followed by each axecuthan I2£.0#0 anawem were reeelred tire alaec that Ume. aod. In aeeord-

iBta preaeullw ‘l>r
of » Rudy
r«de ddrinjc the petf 9*tr ot the «daThe loaa Iron el^rk detrlotuneai or
dl^liaa eorrouartiB* ihe
ii'-ated ena la probably itreaier tbaa

20 per eeat ot the egga produced
taaa doe to the tpomac of eui, wbleb during the healed teaaon. The rraponeould be Unteir pretented by
alfallliy lor biaied egga la alatoai whnlprared aaHboda. sad ta thia arUcle 1} wUh the tamer, altbougb the rural
Ibe esoaea of aoeh lose are pnlated buyer and Ibe trelgbr handler ai


arhocri properlr
yieg of interh
4. Adraaiages of a good llbtary («

luqulro Into the condltloM

rat sad softeatioiiB Bade for renedy-


c«ie iW the r«rt1 »cho« hwi»* i« a Coaairy'UYe.* Ka 'appoloti
(be one oBir Uen of public o«uer2. ObeaBalOA at some urgent prWas■bip vllblB (be booBdarin of the dl»(rlci. BBd vhlle
or oar Oraod lag weed of dlMriM (new aebnnll
repaifk. or additiwa)
TrBvene nu*l ecbool ironwU





epou iBdMNl. there ,ure oi^


Ibe use of aiparau coail rraja ihl d(e«sy
(are. to three-quarter aad full length light coverts, arc Ih-graet demand.

MSI of a doten

pureb'ased i>y



Do you c« eomitb of fUfi


A taboratora at
In tin r


------- -


,«ibaau«. ^ o..k„ c.-i,,*';.

Tto rggnUr atic ptdto* <«*ta lOc.

TUM4V. amh. i». nm.


'.tm 1m «<!.
ftu hM> oCmd tto
&• •HMler
«M tk* L


b tbi giu« ncOM itf tte U«l«
■ AoDor.
Lab* JL Wriffet. mir*« fms tw
MMwTak^ eC «*r. bM TMnM u
«M«tata.-Tm. tbi NMMd tte

• r ' Wiilieg «• H<l.v
Lord rwasrefo'e rmjrfrd gmtly
ftom-rbtomaik r-e: la hi. iMrerdsya.
aad be waik.«l aUSIy tad
bad to oae two ewam. Hr
aftermaa te aw'.i- a .ail. aad bo roawlned qaiie ■ |..n; ilu-. .» l••ug mat
tbe burm gui re..lrK, sfi i;,. sr.wm
tralkrk ibeai cp and tl.>wti ibe acnat.
When' Lots Pann-efute left ibt
Ibe r^trlagr was o*'i U feaot. and.
iMsblag Ifcere teat eomt uiNtake la
bit otderm. be aiartcd (o walk
eaUsawy. wtdrli waa ouly a nqi
X Bai ba bad (wtagea of bb oM
■y. aad ibr pavofaeou
trat a large. bMvU.r t
aad be fesml n fnlL tVtiU
■sg yvrr bis dUemiua along
jrounc mnn in wortlns cMbqa,
. ..
- sfier
leon witowr|.m, aikfd; -My
friend, trtll yr.u walk liealdr
belp me bomrl ll la Juat a abortt wava
afraM of falllna. I amui
■atly Bi'pretdatr li.~
D looked him over a
rkl.v. •
*iii. I am prciiy
aeir. bar
In ru do the beat I ran—ilw
very beat I ren.**


• wr-d
-I m--♦ H.r=m .^..Wl. -taa
,.oi've n....e ........... ..
wKl ,m>

Ladd-a ata Hr. Manbalt
Um. Utatlon wmaby baa bM aick
mJon ^/Tta alaier. Hra.'
for a number of weeba. bat at Ibr prenUailr HcClaaky. spent Saaday aftv
«ac tima ta JoA a Utile better.
Mr. and Un. J. Hiller, of Travrrec noon nKh Hr. aad Hr*. Cunta Lride
aty. win work for Miaa Aata Ucrar
AIpbooKO Tyre, baa' moved ta M
The l.«d|e*' AM met at Ibe home of new hoaac and t
He*. Nora Blam and U wa« a very bought Tyrra bag
baay day. w Ur laillet were bnay
A. P. Cray dieve down to
makUig aprons and piecing quilla.
Sunday on buainmi.
Uao. Hatel ba* bought a borar of Hareball
The Utam Loalse Frail aad AaM
Mr. Kitchen
Mr. and Mr* Tommlv fthrring wir.
iiKivr this week on ,lw Klmmcrman Elk
April If—
bouesiead. Tbr
• mr- H.
arlghbom mlU mta*
ally very much.
Miss Mlnnlr Ottnuidi-r. of Travrywe
nty, I. Tltltlng at Ibr huaw ol Hr.
and Mn. John UIH* and sbr 1s la
hqpos tbat it will bemrit ber aa her
brallh 1* ti-rv poor.
Tbo Mtases Tburtrll and Wepd. tbe
inu Ogdrusburc leacbcr* speat 8aaday at Ibr borne of Mrs. Joho Hejfrirh.
Wrdding bHI* this week, Htas Klla
Ayer* aod J fiord, ot tvinumaburg,
Ml*a Ayrrs ha* always U«rd berr and
may Joy go ntih her.
Wmiani Cbrlstopber. nbo got hurt
■asl fall, dov.n'i *« ni lo luiprusr «rr*

bfhaee Wivao Arc Kept Undw.
Cblorie blta. Caudle ta larow
ccltable. (or abe would promptly ta
relumed to bee father tabcM Too
tuiKber bhobCTTv.” Only by one meant
Ue lady obialD aay rlgbl vbaiUMtAM mn« tNTM.
to use even ibe mild moral auaJ. Bobiid Caewraa of IVsaarrranli
■Ion wbercwlib Ibe tactful wmtem
h «b» «Mtrt llrlDK el MBlNr of (b*
wife I* wool lu turn event* to ber llk^MMt. bt tMK M far M ^rtorttr of
tn; If a* a bride tbe Cbloeee wemaa
^iea «D«. Aftar bla co»t 0«ff.
euccerdrd In alnlng on, any career of
V«b*ft T. Ubcols asd WIlHu* C.
brr buslHUKl't riulbrc at Ita amowet
(GhfAdltr aad Tellar. Th«e ara bow'
wtieo. halfway ibrongta tbe aoptial
A danghlrr nas niadr wclroon- at
gW. thirty UTlaff a<ablMt naaceremonUta, they Sret aeat ibemMlraa ibr bouH- of Mr and Mrs Andrew
Ullniorv; also at the borne ol Mr. nnd
* lieagini
pnaliva btatetm,
poaltion of raletram ia ber Mr*. Ikcpai- Manoii.
Mr. Light, of Traverse ni«. wilt
It admiaalOB lo tbt
owe bouw. Even then It generally
down :bla w.-rk ami pm. up a
He It SRy^onr ycara of art and force'
ito|i* at undrntaDdlDg.-Froa “Tblnga eotiir
ut w wludmlll at (!u) Tompkins' and
L-blt eld to bocemo a law^, boi Kr. 'am aierely reiwwtlng a reman
Scru In China.- by J. R. Chitty.
i-llffurd Toi^pklBi'i
also Bi Mr.
ehnooB li fererer yoong tp niallty raellt, nrd to pmve rbe atrengih ..f
and aplNt. Bla rarent Stancmi to. bla conviction I vril) reiwei a ni.»y »'
have DOC AUmayed bfm la tbo Mn-eli inki me when be mt lulnlsK
to Rnglaud. It U Ibr cu.t.mi ..f tl
Bo.val Acadcpiy of rainten to b..i.i
n tbia bkure ara; Mra. CbriatlM Hprivate view «f tbeir pIciurcK Urfure
jwara OW: -iauto J. bwanaaa. 66 yaara eld; Mra. Jannia C. Nalaan, 26
Ibr pabllc exUlbltlon. ttismHi.
Taara aid: Albln N. Nalaan, i yaara aid.
Tittia art aald to bo am bogae *MM Hue arm In anp with Browijlng
MH. CbiMiaa H. 8«anMto vaaAwrrfca in im aad lited In -Cadillac rtataca’ oiUI remaining In tbe gal- Ibrougli tbe galleriea. uid. -tVbat,
bar^aa. *». lin. In Haklncland.a ,bort lime. Andrew ti now llrlBK teWa et Amerlea'B mllUonalra eellfct. vtrltm me moat forrlbly here M ibe
lii k of fmagtnaUna." and br p
••a^. •»<
■arrtod *o 8. *«" in Tacoma. WaataiDftoa. Sbe ia now
enlarge tipnn tbe t«ner of
>r Ituaciiiaoma wbo ewao on* berm la Bel- to
t Bream
paya a ux of S1A. If bo bao tion. derlartag K
> than tbfco, aaeh extra one cooti force lo Ibe world,
a toaat at tbr luiuqnct wbirb followed
ISO a year.
private rxlitlililon br dwelt npni
Mexico BOW baa a aavy ot dfbt vao- tbe
dan«tiura are atilt In Sweden and the In food baaltb and baa
tbe wcalib of lm;cliiallnn In cMdi-tire
t>ne of the Important advantages tif deaUng with this Cival lluusc Is the 0)iporluulty afforded lor
aoBB-la Aawrka. Her Liubaud died plgyatcbUL Her eyaalcbl li cood yet aria.' tba targaat af which W rmly
oa tbr waHi about him and aealn eximio Mgfor than a Cnltad BUtea n
;•! laiiiiiarison among I’lano* ol widely different charaeterlsiles You niav bavd your mind set oa a cerIn IHI. asd aba baa bean a widow an tbe i*a read wliboot glaaaaa. aad
praamd Id* rouri.-tlno that Imaglnnquallty of lone, character ol touch, de-lgn and finish of caae. Hnw mueli nmre »urr you are of balag
aao cutter.
lion I* tbr moviDB forve In ibr wwld.
alaca that Ume.
la aUll nble to belp wlib Uic tanuaetwcniy tuake* aod a great variety of dlfferenl »lyl.» for yua la
Tbtre ia a growing dcmtiid for Browning repeated DIaraelt'i Drat re­
8ba eama wlib her ann Aadrew toworb.
uly one vr two make* and a very amall au>ri( art- Kbown.
lOWrlean pearia. Tboae Ukea from mark to Cladrlone. wbo att breldq
him. multered. -Tbe derur—
nurac andtoremcaatocblMiwn, arc wahiad at fsoaoni.
John Trowbridge In AUanUc.
Jamaa Browa of Aabtabola. O. baa
of flgwcra. and alia aagetablm
learrM a gold watch every ^y ataeo
The eilmata ol Arabia.
poDliry, ud yet tnd Ume to attend ,Tob. SI less. Tbo watch waa gtvm
Ot ArabU'a cHmAa a rrrUar mya:
u> the tnurau and daUa ot ihclr llo bla father aa a gift In UBS. It baa “Tba daaert air la extremely diy aad
Imabanda ia bla ab>e*a, and Plas WaelaaBtd bat Iwfca aad kaw« good dear. aJwaya inriparatlng. and-eves
Iba greet teat la 'luinmer la not at Inr»i and arry out Ibe aoclnl InteraU
•tuppertable aa U a damper ciimite
Tki Udlaa- Society of UqaKy Ik ol tbo home.
where tbe ibennoineter It pmbably
not oBIy a eo-workcr witb and bolper
Ik It any woader that m the yoan
r. CUmate baa wlibrot dmibt e
- af Iba Men'B «odeiy ol Kqult}. bul peaa. and (amliy ara Incraw. that Tieridaet Prank Kavtn et tto De­ great eSen oa tba baman rbtracter
K la alao tbo smaiaat aoeU'ly ever the aodat and inteilectui ocod* o( troit Tlgeta aaya ba baa tba blgbaak and iDtenect. and tbe aervotit. blgb
If terapetament of the Arab It te
erfaatimd (or tba famaral .......
ibclr lira become more and more notml extent Ibe cmiloa of tiM en^baaedl of Ur« woman.
heted, until wbra tbey mat tbuir Cbraay. tba b|g Brat baaamta ot tba
Vety Cram iMm. baa promiMd te Jeto
lateni of deaert. with Ita apleodM
Ha alma and' obJecuarCBadldrcni- rliy aUicr,' wbOae arly tralDlac and tbo rbUadelphIa Amerirana at tba mlragri to 8re tbe laaglnatlnB end
adranlasa wera no boUer than tbeir Ideaa «< tba collago araacm.
rpartrltng air te keep tbe aerraa tl-,
onn. but wbo baa kept bright nod npIn I'layer* pnd Flkyer i'laiHis, me bate tbe oiigtnat and obly
AeooadJog te Preach rorf critlei. W. ware alert,"
genuine PIANOLA line, t'abtnri FianolnsI In play
pUy any
- .
rtajm -Interior
lo4aobyclaba. daUy ^aperaAOd «on- L Vanderbilt baa a tbre»-ycar-oU.
1*^0010* bum luin Kuvh renowned
aa the WEMK. ATECK.
-tod people, sewn aa NegefoU which li Ukely te
■ .^pfamaeraial tUasa at oaorf
It aUnt aaaoclbUon
instrutnenl* aiv reeugalied
iaRow In tbe footatepa of Nonbaaat
W|iT^l I II ‘j tbr tboa to do tbto.’ttie counuy ala
'the standard ol tbeir '
carryteg a MU In m.v abouklrr from
no «OM do. akaw'baiHt sumber. ai
Ibe Ume 1 was noundrd In ch« arm.v,
gfitTm meal Ume.
They almoet
almou la »P the tank of
K. Tbey
wM( el It aud probed It tor atatu
B. V. Oolvor. aa Rngttafa motor tnobebourn."
It tbe opisirluiilly of
ailiig M-lei'iliiu is nut Ihc uhiy
* aS^T^ cat ibeB babll ot kmklBg meat, the I
age of buying nl CR
ayeilat. roeontly aaiabliabed a new
I tbe wofb ot bane- abrtnks tUll brtber back. And U abe worU'a rix bottr rocoed by rkiiag STn “iSd bnwsiracl ap.nbliig fn-in y-nr
“Vrs; be exirnclrd a guluuar—Liver­
have uy daufbtera aba will do all imiHa I.ITB yaidi within Ibit time.
THE GREATEST PIANO VALUES ai bere-iuadc poaalUe by nor large e. and «li- enunaabe can to prevent ibcir bciog (arv- Tbo bm foraar record waa 208 mllca pool Mercury
vtdiinie of our buaiiiess. .
era' virea, aad becoming old before SSSyaida.________________
THE HOST CONVENIENT TERMS c lieiv—beeauBc we aindj Uie r•-<|alrl■llletlI^ of e. • ), ;iari basor
iiiraus'- the paynienu accordingly.
tbeir Ume, at tbHr motber did. To
THE BEST SERVICE la bere-not only D|i
aneb aa thoM Uie Uadlea* Society ot
Equity comoa aa a friend and oooncullic <«iintry
Do aot pat tnrnlpa oa te cook ta Crand Travcnic.
aelior. It iorea tbe Uuy Urm-w<
•he purrhaacr
purrftaacr of aa Planu. a Player tor anything In the mnslr ItUe*. abo
targe placM., It ealy wanea foeL
BROS. hik
HinlI leant
learti by in
tM rTKonal
obM-rvaliou of the atli
awa)' tiom her cam a few houra
Robinson, derrased
caily as well as flliaiieiilly.
Per boUIng mltnoa tbe water mn
Notice ly hereby give
lu iwo weeka lo meet her Bcifl
t'orres|N>udence Invite
e bomag. tat for aU other Sab It
onibs freiu the I2tb d
It April ,
and frlcndi In a aoclMy whoae aim boald only ta warm. .
1W«. have been allot
k>n.Hl r.
and object la U>e npiin and mutual Ctaatauia bare cmabUraMc food creditors to pn-sem tbeir
brneSi of cocb oUrnr In any and all aloe. The boUad aad maabed^pulp agaluM aald ilrecaar-d lo aald raun tor
be eulfjr and inexpcn<-am and perplexities of tbeir Uvea, ■•r bo aaod aa oao woold oa* meat examination and adjustment, nnd that
rrrdltOTK or aald drreased are r>-.
■fdyrebBnhedwith IVr*
murally, meniallr and Snanclally. tr vogetablee. oveo croqnettea being all
qulrvd to preneni their riainis to aald
Mdaof IL
There ia acamly any Halt
conn, at the protale office, te ih- rltv
jna*l^ and made to look
averse City In uId rounly, on or
Kcopc ot lu poatlbinuea to bring aun- OookJcB can ta ahaped with the botas ake as new. You can
I? the I6lh day of August A R
ahlac and hope Into Uio life ol every lem ot a “ataP* tumbler. Preoa tbe
and that Mid rUIni will iHIh- heard
do the work in your spare
member wbo tlvei a life of equhy, bottom of tbe gbm Into tbe unbaked
eeeby noiu tbo UdentatloiM are imdoing her part to gladden oUier Uvea. prlbted upon tba caha. Floor tbeglatt
tugusl A.
And Id the dark bourt of trouble
HI tbat^ci
urt. tbo I
Judge of Pi
mh hik
permuern, beauUfut fin­ fort of true reliable frienda. eapcciaiIJ Ji'-JT-May *-11.
ly In the form of a ooclety whose Oermnay baa a Uw prohibiting tbr
ish,fof'eye^hlog made of
artal, wood or plaster.
QTATE OK MICHIOA.N. TIIB PROmiht after cnnKtrocflon.
for bur g» ,cl. tbiaUng of all
O bale conn for Ihc aiuiily ot
be douc lo help ua. U not tbia a gkrr- Hm chief puMlfhlng centert nt Oernd Traverse.
tons BOd much deeded work in wbk-b uuy are Berlin. Lripdg. Stuttgart.
t a Kcaalun of mill courl, held at
we may a.uilit?
io«de woodwork, (loon,
probate office. In the clt» of TravA leading Oenaan electricti com• ruy. in uid couiitv. on the IJib
Oh. rami alatera; Lei na each and
i^ls, ceilinss,—for car­
day of April A. D IMP.
all do ovrn thing wc poatibly can to
Hon. Knd R. Walke
riages, wagons, farm imptuh IbU .odety and tpread the prliiJudK<- of prohate
' ptemenls and everything dphe of equity,a tU fullcat aad Faciery amokc. ehleOy from bltnailIr The matter of the esiate of Jaiii<
i« aod aeouad your home. grandeul sanae, UU every farmer'a oaa COWL la becomUg oo bannftil to ^•oJtech,
Krank Vajlerb having Sled in -a.
Wife and daiwbinr la this favored egetaSoe In Oormany that tbe Baxeo
S^beautHul colors.
hi* petition praying thai -a:
laud be linked t^etber la one great
adjudicate and drierntine mt
at the lime of his deaib the legj
rbood-the Lamar Society ot at S2,«m for tbo Vat prereoUra.
of HBld derr-sed and eiimiiHl i
liilierll the real estate of which said
trr the aiknonlodged bcalquartcrs for everything la Ihe f'ltblng' Hue, .v I a Uing ibal
(leecaced died (elxed.
' 'md. that ihe filti day
n this most tnsrinallng s|>orf Iml *r ba»e. and wc know lliat our.iuPv
I- righL »re Ibe
May A n. 1W». a
I »ery wpt'riaa
Mat woald bold a poobd of radlam.
fnri'iiiMjn. at uid proba
hen-hy appc.,ntM r
Wbaa tba abadow ot tbe amon faUa
Kiliply .-tcry detuaud.
. Vrooman Pure I'aint. rrom Moaday-a Record.
H tba aarth tor^ an oellgm of'tbe |K-I» u
further orden-rl.
CaHwinate of*
Aaolbw eard» eapetaed to arrive oa ■an It amaDy ceean a dlamaiw ot Iinllis. ui'-reof
lie glv.-n bt puhllra-mu
Ibe Srai boai from Chkago for the Uttmato
a c^py of.thi* order, tor tlirc sn.
■ L.ead, Oxide of Zinc and
previous lo said dav nl
Traverae C«y Rapid Tranalt com­ U a tari <ot ibi taplBilTi pewar ot
1 »vers< Her
' Grand
■ pany. and.aa aooa a« Ue car airlvH Iwrtow StriBB «< «ari wbaa Bixad hearing. In the
aid a newnpaper printed i d rireulaied
Ibe line will begin to
lu said couo"
Our Luncfacs
groaing in poputarl'y bejureh
s.'r»e g.wM thing.
Judge ot Pntbair
ly for over. 81 yean.
ta ea tta taatlta wtalaa atv.
frtislB-d yiuHa a
all Grand Trarprse growa.
Apr. Ufty-rl-Uay i.

: GRINNELL BROS.’ You Will Find the
Largest and Most Comprehensire Line
PIANOS, and,, PLAYERS Ever Shown

The Utia’ Society of ^Etty.
What U m


SportkiQ Notes.



-fiMsIi your
_ fimwnire

- -

Ths Cookbook.

furniture can

oHier wcU kMww makes.



Traverse Oly Braach
Comer Front and'Cass Sla.

Is a

aennm CI



iHgest tarietf of ItilviewPibt Ciris
cttji. 31 ntir

We sell ell Kinds ol
Magazines. Seethe
great disglay


hint Your iiouse

S' "

6el Ready to FtobtbciSIb

Seienoe Siftingt.

f Uie Br adley &

Our Fountain (slttost Popular

Linseed Oil.

8(Hd continuous­

VkHloot chalk, blister
peeL Cannot be duplicat­
ed by hand mixing.

A full gallon in
every gallon can. The
best paioi it » possible to
naoofaaure bmuse ab-

Prokop Kvselka
Traveiye City.



.z."«zzi z

Titet of CBita.
Bp owing to the
Uh rain, bat tbe wprfc
bat gone oa ao
wiU probably ta completed before
arrival of the Brat boaL

Cilcgffi almwea aatwal IncwMi ot

Pater Lanlle aad CapJtala E.
KpaCK*. Pwwr and eoatmaader of the li had by abottt SfX» brtdfta
new attamaf. Lena KMWmH. teft thi* New Teefc rliy wiR neon tava wtthti
kriaiA^ a IwHStia tbe taogMt bridg* ta tka
mitB. ft wfB apan Hell Gate t
Tine Hack Cultivator Oo. wiU begli
work abooL Aapiat I. la tbe mil
owned by UVfratKpod Riri over tbe
■neee* k frum twu ratio wntaa
l.K-rUaaa eouaty line. Four aalrn
will probably be kept ceoalaatly oa araotag without wax. aud was Med
> fTfiFtn.1
(Malior* that tad M
«*ta «.*.
deftata Blleil np wUh wag.




Boom Our nsto Slosan
We bav- Josi rer>'lvcd a oomber of Ituh'ber SUteps with Ihe Slogan ini. and ■ »i
have otM- so tbat they ran esc It on ihrlr letter brads, envelope*. p*<kag<-», card*,
Bdv. il.!c* the city. These stamps *clJ lor :lc aod the type ta almllar to UUa:




P«tk* tMaWM
I «HI «i|> «Mr-t»-«wrry «f
fra akMit MytMa*.
I «Mt try ta«a M MMT « I
aaa aad waU a»aryta<jf ham
aa fvaa I caa.
I artll try la ka laatafr hal»M aa« kM ta aaarjMy aa«
ta aaary iwaa tMa*.
H I aaar fall 'la trylac U «a
thaaa tWafa. I ««H -Try, try


1. nei, tM
,flan Apr. 1, IW, W.

The HBa tairlfa aotUy «««(
To ar-ry mM. (orblddlag book.
To cblUy craaar. fmeo brook.
AlOH Ike hlUa «bere abadoara Ba.
Aad orar vooda aad farMU ble.
Tan awnr M«ic araod* ibey aleld
WUIe ereaalBS rtrer. lake or Bold,
j^ad madlr a*c«t tbetr roleea riai
, .To ban
aear iH>roa«h of aprlacWbeo ctaa fairloa aoftly creep.
And UtUa eblldraa arc aalocp.
TTbea UUle eblldraa an aaiec*.
The alto lalrin aoCUy creep
Aad toaah ' with craea ' Ike' dorea^
Tbea danioc-where (be aikoBhtbl

■With ajrailc. aelaacMy ftow
Btrupe abadowa «« the tallM aao
- They «allr float oa gamy wlaga,
-laeaaaaaUjr (ba Kwle rlaga,
.. They wake tba vWat. Bell the aaow
Wllb «aw»at day away they go.
Wbaa aifla talrlaa aafUy eraap. . '
A^ llcUa ^Bdraa are aaleep.

H. V. F. taaaMita Club CraMa IMI.
Bdauad OaeraMr. a«e atae moatlu.
Wazfard. Midi. Naiaa aeat by Veaaf
Fbn CmtU aad Bauia HaaUipa^
Beadoa. lltik Kaaea aeat by Fk^ICC B.. Daria.
Aaaa Dapertba. Uola Oapema aad
Alice B(«v. Cedar, Uleta. K T. D. No.
0 Ijangworttay, age two yeare,
WlUUaubarg. Utcb. .Vaaies acbl by
Praacn IhoaipMo.
Cora Vat Wk, age three yeara;
Marie Vaa Wie. age Are yeara; Joe
Vaa Wk. age oae year. Shepherd.
MIefa. Sanies aeot by Joyce Van Wk.
BdwtD R. Waters, age ibree-^chs;
CkybM U Waters, age three yean;
Tbfo'Watm. age six yeara. Kalkaaka.
Mick. NaiBct tent by Edot A’aters.
By Barley, age 4wo years;
Bmaia May ('aiilrr. age two moiitlia:
Wink Caatlrr. age four yeara; Ncttlp
Caitkr. age ala years; CUgord Johaige twa noolba; Cllflerd Morgaaom. age two years. Seaxen t'lty.
Mkh. «. P. D. So. I. Naaiea seat
laabHk Siropg.
Tha flunaiilne FrasWoM'a VltH.
When yOur president was a UtUe
girl sbe liked fairy stories better Ikaa
may other kind of stories. aod< At
ased to wonder why grown-op people,
aeemed so latercbted In coouiion]
thlags. But do you know, Sunbe
the alder she grows, the Bore sbe Is
fladlag out that cverjiblag In nUure
la wontlerfal aad like a fairy siory.
hat the true iblnga are as Intercsllng as tbs mUe-beHere:
Bo when the postman dropped a box
at ber duor our day Issi week, her
heart began tn go pllf)-pat with -ex '
dtetarmt. for It seeiMWt to her ihal the
>u wen aa arvnderfu] and fall,
rhaotiuent as any (alry-ptskage
she cssld (matlac. And'what do joo'
ar was la that iUUe box? Nothtrig leas than a whole garden-full ol.
fkwersl Tea. tborw' aeed-enrelopes
held a aiore of Uossowa that woald flll

such Uoy. UBiotreir Utile aeeda Iliey
were that It took much (atih to believe
the Talrywiory of their growth
true. Yet at abe aat aad bsadled them
oror; tonchlw each package lovingly.
oiM by one. ahs get to thlBklng about
the dUfemt kinds of seeda then
wen la the world Sot Just gtnircr
Sf^a. you hrww. but tbongbt'aeeda. as
well. Aad tben abe n-oadered bow she
was pUatiag her BaasklBa garden, and
iboot Ike bkaaema that srouM grow
then, through all the days to oobm.
made her feel very happy, and.
*Vkaa tiute chDdrea an awake.
meway. sorry, too. Because msuy
' 4rhc alBa talrfea all tonahe
of-Ike l(losaons la ber SuasblBe
- The weodUad treea. the aaaUt bUL
garden are ao beautlfo) that they bsve
Tha rirera, lake abd «lny rill.
opened Into Vhe Hearea garden, aad
Tea caanet hear their antic aweet.
she caaaM see them'for a little while.
But aae iba rlolet at year feeif
uhln^ blomm^s a
Tee caoMt flag the wwada they wield.
open ta apHe of all her care, and hope
. Bat oh. tte eolora la the fleKfl
With gnaa aad parpta. gold tad bioo. aad lore. Bat when ihe bad shakea
tbe tears Mt of ber eyes aad began to
They paMM f|Hag fa ar'ry bue.
smile, aha suddealy realliod what a
irhaa hMarM>-Ul4INbl tbar enpu
beanurul flunaUne garden abe bad
WhDc mUe d^&flfea bWeetly elept.
after afl. Than the happy (eetlag
came batk Into her beurt. aad sbe
araated to gather all the Sunahlne flowera Into her arms aad whisper bow
happy they made her emy day.
Have yon,B“etse<l that Ue Saaahliie
garden meuas oar Suashlae Club, aad
that tbo Buaahlae Ummonis wean—

esa.' Then aid thlriy-elgkl pupOs la
ur teaeber'a name k
AUea Wlghtama. 1 like him gutte
well. 1 am la tbs fourth grade. I have
Mi stadlea aad I like language the
beat of an. 1 saw my latter la the
paper, but yon ynadc a mistake In
apeltiag my name, twa^ of Veaaa.
you bad Bcmna. Two of my ebuma
wrltlag to roil. too. I bare some
tea to scad la: Praak Vosburgh,
age eight; Nellie Hall, age thlrteca;
Tlilk Dixon, age elerea; Velma Dlxoa.Aad . hate a name for the
CradkRoll; Edmund Oaeraaey. he ta
Blae maBtha oU. You can send Ibe
earda sad buttons to me. A'ell 1 will
hare to close, as It k nearly bed41me.
ao good-bye.
Prom your tovlag Sunshiner.
Venua Vosbnrgb.
What a fBBBy mistake I made la
Mir aame! I'm ao glad you wrote
agaia and told me sboot
Wexford.'Mich.. Mar. IS. IS09.
Dear PreableiA—
As I have never written to you be>re I wtn now write. I llkv to read
Ibe ktlera la the llenid very much.
1 go to Wexford acteol. I am la the
flftb and sixth grades. I am twelve
old. I Uke to go. t»r Irarber a name Is Alkn Wlgbuusa. of Uvekley. Well, as I have aol much time to
write I will close, hoping to hear (rum
ifl aooa. 1 am .
Your loving Suashlucr.
Anna Kildre.
I hope your flrat letter will sot ba
your last one. for I always eojoy
hearing from my Suaablnera.
WmisBuburg. Utcb. Mar. IT. i»vi.
Dear PretIdeBi—
rkaae aend me'alx cards and bul­
lous of tbe 'Bunablne Club (or Dellh
Sewstead. Srieaa Moore. Hargaretta
Uroombead. lissel Cooper. Brma Baaest and Llanle Bell. Plcaxc send them
Your (riead.

Deadoo. Mitk.. Mar. 17. itui.
Drar ProaMenlaai a' member of the Suaablae
Ctab. and I like my card aad pin very
much. I wear my pin most every day.
1 think U la pretty. 1 go to tcbool
every day t cbn. I aa in the aislb
grade. My studies are aa follows;
Rcadlug. gramamr, arlthmeUc. apelltag aad- writing. Thero, -are .(grty
a^olart who go to school. aad'''we
have a maa isacber. Ilia aame Is Mr.
11. I like him real well. Uy
friend. Mildred Doncll, .wauu to Rda
the Sunsblnr Club, and for (be Cradle
Boil. Pern Curtis add Emma llaaklnaoa. My peU are a dot and a

QleOMiW. >0*.r Hit. M. ttH.'
Dear ProtMeu—
As 1 hoTo a few' apart momaaM t
win write you a few iiacs. I am well
aad hope you are the same. I i
sriwol every day that T «aa. 1 a
Ike fouitb grsde. Uy alodtes
ipeRlag. reading, arltbmetic. i
raphy and laaguage.
My teacher's
name la Ida Otenou. She Uvea at Uka
Havra. I like ber qalle aril.' I hate
two slatccs and, two brofbera. Their
naoes arc Mary. Anna. Roy aad Ver.
--------------.... go -----------auters
to school-qicb Arbor. Mire oa a farm by Cleu
uke. My t'arie Voiaey has a pet d<«.
nu aame la Shep Aad I'nrie Kalpb
hai > colt. Her name la Topsy. abe
la a big cult now. My gfaadma baa a
cut. Hla name k Tommy. My graadma uhea tbe Herald, and I read tbe
unaine kHeiw. 'Well, my ktter
eu'lng long so I i
dose, hoping
this In prim

Cuflar. Mich.. R. P. O. No fi.
Mar. ». IPPt.
Dear ptesldeat—
I thought I would srrtle. you a few
llaes. I reeriTsd the curd aad butwlih great pleasure I BBCgolag
to school tlnsoai every day. and havlag Ms of fun playing marbles on (he
Boor at aooa aad receas. We rolled
ne marbles ta sebool boars aad bad
alay In at recess. I sa> wearlag
uy balloa lo school and ksl It mlldtag
hill, and I k»krd ,er It but
not find It Ho will >on please
me aaolber button?' Albert IMgal dU
lose his bnlton. but we are golag
end our Icilers logelber You will
see bis letter In this same envelope
M'eH I guess this Is all for this time.
From yoar Bunsbiaer,
Jrim Cate.
1 bate rent >ou a ovw hutloa, and
hope you will have better Inch with
Did you think you bad to wait a loag. this ouc.
while before seeing your letter la
Cedar. Mith.. R. F. D. No J.
print. MUeal I had It pal by safely,
Mar. IS. im
alt the time.
Dear IbraMent—
write a letter to you. I am
Copealsh. Mich.. R. P. D. No. *.
I am In the
Mar. 17. I»W
loorib mader. aad there are (biriecn
Dear tTeaWealI thought I would write you a few scholars lo the school. I like lo slide
Ijers aa t bayo Uiac. 1 go to school down blfl. and allda very fast. Uy
studies are arithmetic, epeillng.
sad am In the fifth grade. My teachlanguage, reading and geography,
er a name Is Ids Bowling,
go to school quite well. Plesse send like all my studies, and w« bangood
tearher. Now good-bye.
me a botton and card as I would like
Voor Wend.
to priu the Buaahlae Club. I have a
Albert Dugal
eat umrd Ring for my pet. My seatIsn't It iatercttlag to see your letter
male is MIlia OlBger. Bhs beloBgt k prlato^beri? I am glad that you
to the Sunsbiae Uub bow. I am Uai and John wrote to me.
years oM. My niece, tot Batabrook
stays with us..
Mleb. Mar.
Your Sunshiner. Dear . resMeni—
Urns Teagle.
I will write and (ell y«o that I would
Yes. MUda ^Ined the Sqaahlae Club ke aimtber button. I bad a buttoa
a little wbllc ugu. t am sufc you at ItM- a tang time, and went to get it one
Zoc will enjoy being* members, too.
day. and could not Bud It.
will send tor auotber. Would you Uke
ttopcalsb: rflch! B, F. D. No Y.
W> have aotge utber cblldrea Join tbe
Dear Pretldeqi—
Mar. IT. I»ps. iSuashlBeCfub: I think lhai I tan get
as b^ a year or mo
ime. It has
ibuught that I would write a few
c you. I win try aud a
Han as I have UaH>: My grandpa
takes tbe iierald. iad 1 bavu to read lose tbe button
Ihe Sunshiae page Co ofleu (bat
Ware Butler.
tbougbl It would be alee to be a SubI afaouM like lo bare your frleada
fblaer. i am tbirieon years old. My
home It in Wyandotte about eight Join tbe snnshinr Club H they care lo
from Detroit. I Uke It there rigp the pWge card and bu “tnily
real well l.had ta come -out here for puasWners '
my health- f doBY go to school here.
was v-tsltlag sebool this aheliMoa.
Please scud me a card and
and I wlU be a Sunahlncr.
Zos Mslabrouk
laJred I will Iw glad <o send you
card and butlou. 1 am glad you wai
to be a .Suaahluer.

Cedar. Mich.. R. F. t>. No. 1.
Mar IT. tlHi*.
Dear rrqaldeni—
Allhoogb I have belonged to tb*
Suiahlna aub over a year ! have not
written il\l now. i have lost my but
and would like to have anotbei
one. And I have a few names Tor ib<
Buiisbiiie Club. They are as follows:
Anna D^psrron. I.lola Duperron and
Alice iftow for tbe Cradle
Adeline Duperron. Klisabeth Duper­
ron and Melinda Brow would like
.Nosaeo C<ty. Mich.! It. F. I>. No I.
Ibe Sunshine Club and get a ri
Mar. I*. 1M«.
land butloa. Well as my letter Is gel-'
Dinir Presldeut—
thought I would write to you and ting loag I win clO!ie. so good-bye. with
kve to you sad all tb- piushinera.
r Subahlnrrs. | have not been
school for elgbi days. I have been
very sick, but am better now. I re­
Cecelia Uoulhicr.
ceived tbe Cradle Roll cards and
Yes. your number Is IMK. and r
pled|S card and kmon yesterday. I Joined in March. IS»;. You sec I know
am sorry to say t have lost my but­ all about my bunsblncrsT
ton. WlS-you please seud me anolber
Barit a penny Master poaUI has oor? I bare some new names (or (he
Kalkaska. Mlcb, Mar S. 'itHH*.
>iae from Dina nxley. of Saublaway. SnnsbtQc aub: Hairy Haacs. age iKor President—
Hlefa. It wax Ibe first Jtaster greeting Dlae; John Sammlller. age fourteen;
As I an not busy. 1 wjll writ- ta you
to be received by the Sunshine prvsl- Robert Morgsnom. age ibIrU-eti; Papa takes I'be Herald, and I like read
Irvcn Hlcka. age fourteen. Here are
br Sunshine letters ver.v well. I
ttowera aad aapabtoe, Vlr^a aad
Aaother post card has arrived from some names for the Cradle Itoll; have a lew names for th- Sunshine
Osreaneth Jenktas. of Waysau. Mian, Jimmy Burley, age two years; Kmma Hub. They are; Kenneth Waters,
A-«, aw,
whose good ktter not lenp ago. you Hay Castler. age two months: Willie age eleven yoars; Mary l’ark»r. age
-Rackd G 8«nb
Caatler. agv four years; NelUr CaMlcr. wren years; Nettle Btotlea. age tight
abe U aeadlag
plctnre-poaul of
all years: CIIBord Johnson, age years. That Is alt. Good-bye
<Palls, aad aska
moniha: nifiord Morgiwm. age
' Joyce Taa Wit. flbepherd. UIrb.
If yonr pioaldeni has over teen them. two years, riemsi- i^-nd the cards and
Ueriilce W.Irra
. Uaak Ball. WnUaoubars. Kick.
Some day. she says, she will write and buttons to me. What la ibe age limit
Xree'l the letters olre! I am gli
Heka Hall. Tnrerae City. Hkh.
lhal you have aritlen one for o» Ui
Haakah maaoa. Oka Arbor. Ulch.
wlU It not?
• (kae TOi^. Copentab. Hick.. K. r.
Aad three cards, all tn Ihe
From your Suasninr girl.
,D. »o'. I.
mail, came from Uoaald. David aad
Uabellc Strong
Kalkaska. Mleb. Mar IS. Ipip
IM BeUbroafc CopeBlkh. Midi. a.
Jeaik WtlsoB. of Vests. Waahia
Thera is no age limit (or Ibe Sun Dear PreeidenlB. D. No. I.
Oouald's poA card had a picture of •hlnera. but of ctiurar the Sunshine
As r am not working I wi.. «ri
CUra Brooki. Klagiky. Hkh. Naae
lowly wreath of ceacs oa K.
Club la iUppoevd to be for tbe boy
u Papa taken the Herald, and
ant ^ Hoy /ewtiM.
be aaya *tVe have a fine new pbooo- and giris. and when grown up lulka Ilk- reading the SnnVhliie letters very
Bdaa IXager. Neaaaa t'ky. Mich.
graph It Is kis ol fun:" Weuhla't Join tbo usually write directly b
much. c-stK-vlally the letters of thRaac aeat by Mlauk DIagrr.
all like to bear It! liet us ask prcslden’ and tell her. themselves, etalldreu 1 know For pels I hsve
HlMiad Boaaell. Beadoa. 'Hieh
■aid which pkwe
likes best. that they are lulerrsted In the Club
Our cals that ve lisd (s-fore
Malta mt by riomce B Ikrk.
keaaaUi Waterm. Hpry Parker aad David's curd baa a merry bnutlng- Tbe Cradle Bofrls (or the little folks were Tricksy. WlMIc and other., but I
aceae with Wee la red loau on prune
are not oM euough to sign their
not Icll ineir oam<-> Allogetber,
HcUk BteUaa. Ralhaaka. Hlcb. Naain
Ing steeds, a parii of dogs fording
names to the pledge card.
had six. but they til died
aeat by .Berake A'aten.
«m. aad an aatoamhUe crossing
used to bare a dog named Joe.. He
IS they can write, aud o
Praak Voabaigh. N«nk Halt. TIHIo
bridge Just abeod. David says he ataad what tbe pledge tucans. tbea got killed by a fiat car. We bs
ptaoB aad Velak Oiwa. itfetlordL
they eda have a real Sunahlne card other doc named George, bm.he died,
Mdi. Maaea aait hr Veoea Vaa^
loo. Here am tome aanns for (be
and buttoa.
. Bwgk.
ivde^Ug If U
aub and tbe Cradle Roll- Da SbrrAdellM DBperfaa.'BUaahelh Daper-'
k<- tbe broo
wood, age Ihlrlcen; Ive Pk-nv. age
Cedar. Mich . Mar. 17. m>x
na aad Hellada Brow. Cedar. HhA-f.
tea; May Whln>le. age filteen. Uixle
a. P. V- Na 1; NtBea aeat bj pMsrel Tbea Jessie tells as about Drar rresldeal—
Ibe wlM.Sowers out In Washli
Merritt, age seven: Ruth Sayen.. age
I thought I woald write yon a f«
OecwlU Oeuibkr.
She says tbe boys brought hoote aloe- lines to let you know bow I am get. sixteen Tbose lor the Cradle Roll are
tra Bberaaed. I^a Fierce,
Ulka. or wakf^rvblnt tbe other Gas along. I am galag to quit school Mwlo R. Waten. age three mo
Whippk. Uaik MrrriU mod Bait
aigbi wkes they ramo from school the Ural week la April- Tbe nu
L. Wwicra. age three years;
era. Kalbaabt. Mich. Nanco ao
Spring k earlier ibew ibaa U Travschool Is caRed Ckar Brook. Tbe Tbeo Waters, age sU yeara. M'lll you
Bdaa Watm.
ersr. tsal It? Jsask-s postal baa two
ml U going to stop the slxteeath please send the cards and buttous
Of April. Mill you pleaae send me
me? NctUe Sherwood has lest her
gntu Bnaabad. Haad Q
bnttouT I loat mine. .1 tbiak this la botton and would" be very much
Bnaa Baaed. WUkaebars. Mkh.
all for thk lime, ao good-bye.
pleased If she could have auMber
Kaaei aeat by Uaak BaO.
As my Miter le gctllag ku>g I will
Weslaed. Hick.. Mar. Id. IPuf.
Thuaiii HeawarfaldL Aeat Welle>
James Slater.
cloae. ao good-bye.
gar. cila Welaan. Bertha Welaert. Daer PtubWoM—
Ton wiu have good times wbea your
Wklk I have time I'm golag rnwriu
Mark Wbaataa. Aik* Wbesloe aad
acknel k out, will you wot? Areut
■flaa Waiera.
Btkel Rlgd.Caatar.'. D-Ko. M you. I am well and hope you
I was iBtcreaud lo kara all about
mac. I go to school overy day I
1. .Nasei KDi hr Ut AJrtel.




0 b Tootsy, and my cat's name
Snowball because It was white!
Well. I gueai I will close aa my leiier
Is gening ralbor long.
Florence 0. Davis.
Usbould think a lamb would be
very cunniag mi. 'Docs It try “to fol­
low you^jp^ool?"

Wllllamaburg. UIrb. Mar. :s. 1P0».
Drir Presldem—
I rceelvetl tbe card and pin that you
-at lor. and I was very mucb pleaaed
wMh them. I stay with my graadma
■ad graadps at WllUsmsburg. and go
U> school. My teacber'x nama is Miss
Cora Scofield. 1 am In the fourth
grade at school, and I like
school rery well. I hava
brother who Is fifteen years old. and
bn goes lo school, too.
Vrrabeli Fox
I am always glad to hear from tbe
nes’. Bunshlnefs. Taeii I (eel aa
,ihottgb I really karw them
Wimauisburg. Mich.. Mar. gn, t*W.
dear Preildvai—
I rs-ceived my Sunsbiae pin I si
i-ry much pleased with It. I go I
school every day.
My tnteber's
name U MN« Utonelfl
I like
teacher yery much I.have i|>re<Tbrir oauirs are Hilda. Ruby
and Ceoevk Koi a pet I have a ci
less I sill clOM- my letter lor It
'. boplqg to sec Ibis la print.
Your Buii>h>uer.
Macy Bauiels
I soml'-t sbich stmlvonu like Is-sl.
0 'our slvicr- gu lo the same tcbool

a^ool pretty MArty ism tmma. I am
■utag to my mead's bouse today. It
is Bnaday. We are going for a walk
this afleration. it D a alee day today
hecanac tbe saa b ahlalag ao brigbUy.
My peu are a dog mad a cat. My dog's
is Teddy, and the cat's
Tricksy. I bile* up Teddy and go for
sleigh ride. > 1 have three brotbeca.
Tbcir oames are Benbard. Andrew and
carl I bare two big slslera. Tbel'r
nara sad Uaile. I gaeas
will rinse for Ibis (Ime .
From jour Sunsbiae girl.
Age 9
lUBBsh JobusOt
What does Mra. IMmbrllle road l
yoc la tbe morning? Are they atorles

Lewb Olager.
Tea had ao mlatakoa tn yoar leilev. -'
awla. aad-i aaMlder It a spleadid <ma
tor a IliUc hoy..
Neaaen Oty, Mich, Mar. Ji. |9M. !
Dear PresidenlAa I have time- I wfti write a Jew
llnea for the Sunshine- page. Tb^
name ts ISdna DiagM-. Phwaa
send her card and button to me. ' I
have another name (or (br Sunsbiae
Club. U Is Lulu TImIkk. and abe b
I old She comes to school
the second rebdrr and Icuma
fait. Plearc scud bur card and battoo
to use. aUo, t reeched my card and
button aad was very much pleascui
with them.
Yonr Suui*iurr.
Minnie lUngrr.
Do juu like to alldr on the snow ua
well as your brotb<-r? Some liurn It
is hard to tell wbk-ta b nicer, wtatar
or spring.

Kingsley. Mich.. R F O. No. I.
Mar. n. n«9.
Dear I'rrsldrat—
will In (bU leUer send >ou a Bamthe Bunshlnc Club. He Is iqy
eousle. aud bU aame Is Clare Brooks,
of Kingale}...flllcblgas I’leasc aeod
caN and button 1
sebool and go Id flie flftb grade. Well
tbl- Is all I can think of tbb tluio.
Roy FVwlaaa.
Shepherd. Mk-b.. Mar. U. 1909.''
I have scut Clare bb catd aad but ivi-ar l*re*ldeat—
•n Do >od aad he see rsrb other
1 aould like to Join the Sunahlne
very oltrn?
tub. rirase send me a card aad bal■n. I like to read Ibe SUBaolat- MCusUr. Mleb. It- F D No. I.
-ra I am
Mar :3. I90S
teaeber'a n
Dear Pr.-sldeui— '
three iiainvi for Ihe Cradle Roll:
I will writ aud tell you tbai I re Cora Van Wie. age Ibree; Marie Van
evived Ilf t•wrds and buttons lor Wl>-. agi- five; Joe Van M'le. ago one.
Bertha aiid Cmrude. and thank
J wds bum In Traverse Clly and She It .
very much lor them Tim girls were there very much Shepherd U n alee
ich pK-ased shea they received
rm. I have s
Ilul (Brtnli« coUBlry
send in Ibim tin . They arc as fed all around. I am glad that apriof' la
lows; Bergetu
coining I have-aren.three loMoa tbla
tVollager. Ella Weluart. Urithi
prlni Well I will ckmc tor this
erl. Mark* Wheaton. Alice (Vhewtoo
and Klbrl Rlgel. Please send the
cards and bniioas to me. I :
Joyce Vaa Wk.
p tn> letter In prlDLsoou.
I am so glad to add your name to
rl) ail gom- bow. 'and <
h- bli Sunsblue UsL and hope we
haring warm days. Well I (uluk'l will iay bear more from yon-later.
hare lo close for .tbb tliue.
From jour Sunbeam.
Hachetnr. Mleb.. Mar. 3T. IPOt. ’
Ida I rl.-1,
|k-ar President —
I aui sore, from (be Intvrrst that you
I will write to }tw and IcM Xt» that
■^ke in (be Clnb. (bat you
■m nine yearqOld I am In tbe tblrfl
Sunbeam. Ida. and I sball hope lo hear gradi-. I have reading. speUlag. arlthfrom you again.
uieUr. language, aad wrfliag. 1 lot my
friend tak<- my ballon aad she lost It.
g. Mich. Mar. rt. 1909.
would like another If i caa bare oue.
Orar rrcthlenl—
Tour Suushlm-r,
As I am not in schutd Unlaj
thought I would write to you. Ibsl > 1 ahall be v«-y glad lo aend you anSaturday wc went lo Ueubb llerald'a olber button, Gertrode. and am glad
help be'r sister enjoy ber birthday. that yon are ao lairrested In onr Clab.
Wo bad a very alee time. .Next wc
meet wUh Macy Sauiels. Wc have de­
cided to have Ibe flower garden
du not take the Herald, tbougb I was
glad lo read Ihe Sunslilii.- Inters
morning. »'e are going to ti
tbe Iierald as aoon as luamina .weave enough carpel rag. to pay
It. I have tor peU a cat and
>sy hens I have twu naiues
Pmtm have been town to
Ihe Cradle Roll. They ore Tb-liiia
Laagwortby and Alonso l.aBgwo:iby.
^c’Sse^iSlLbkm. r
ages five and two.
Your Sunshine ^Irl.
Frauce.-i Tlwuipiuiu.
Somdtow ttie ounce pradaoeft

How To .
Cain Flesh

Ilghlful lime at Meulab's. and shall
want to .tear all about when yonr nub
-t at Matra.

tbe iKNind; it ficcrafi lo lt|rt
the digestive tnodiineiyfaiV

ortUn^ food whiefa he oooid

Ni-v-u-ii l.'Uy. Ml<*. Mar. ?:>. 1909.
Dot do before, aad that it tbe
Dear President—
vny tbe gain is mode.
I thought I would write a lew lines
today. M l.v Quite cold tcidsy. and the
A certain *mount of fleih It
oil .he'Mtow b Juit right for
DflttMaiy for health: if yo|
roasting. Ml my brother and I
coasting aad had a fine time, t
little boj elfbl yeara old. nod I i
lUe .ourih grade. My u-acbc^'s
niiB I. Griner. ! am going to
speak ill a coatrst In a tew days. We
li-arnliig Ibe plrrc* now.
Mile of luj plere Is -.My Troiupel."
Thl- Is the first time I have ever wc
I to lb- Bunsblun Club, and I bo
(H-u Arbor.' Mlrb . Mar. ?l. im
niy mistakes wlH^ ovi-rlotbed.
Dear Frenldem —
retrlrcd my card ant button, aud w
SCOTTA BOWK 4dd M it. Nan
rweiv.-d ni.r (srd amt button and pk-a>vd very inucli with tbeui.
very glad to bear from you. I go
to school ry-ery day- I Ilk- my (eacber
sell ll-r name Is^.VlIss Andreses,
i-e file rlssset-isCeldes pcanitn
ship Gur tearher reads lo us In Ib-iitoriilog My fri-ud. Ilanaab Johnson
bouse lodar We arc going
— Mabel Holland. I have .
diva and is.. ,,t. i..r pru. My dog's
Bnap. and
Peter aad Tomni.r 1 bitch up my do*
and g.i oier i.. our neighbor a and play
M,v'.ou-ln. Ml*' nisc-kcn, ts herr. ShV'S W|. have Fish llisiks. Fish l.lnes, Kmker,. Kpllt Pbnt,
lives in Sultnlls Bay . 1 have Iwi
Triiltlng Ball, Fish I’nles. tyad-r». Bass Hiwrhs. Trout Hmihs, Pm*
brother- and is.i sister-. Well, aa
UIS.J.S, rhaniom Mluriows. Bobs, 8b-11«I Houks. Milk . I.iiifs. Cr.lloii
eatinnl think ul any more to write.
Mil—. s*-a Gras* Mim-s. Srot-n Flsx Bass l.ln.-s, Kic- Srlertlng your
Flshlna Tackle l« s mstl-r of gn-ai ImportaiKe Wbea yem pur
From your luvmg 2>anahlae.glrl.
<-h«s- bi-r<- vou call f<-e| -ail-fi'-d 'hat you hnv- ih- le-st (be mirhr-t af
Tittle R A Thofea-.n
f..rd- W.- prew-nt I! I« >‘<ii at a v- rv iieMl-rsI- prlrv-. Tu g< at Ibe
When you sent to >ee Mabel dP
Id-s of Wbst was havi ji«i •huuW visit our siur*-. ,W- ban- a v-ry
Boap go too'* Von and Hannah uiu>
l-niptlng -mick of t-an*-«l gwids for vc«r luni-li .s from the
have bad a happy day logrlber
luanv tblngs we bar- |s tint dlfftruK. (Jur sht-Ivi-s ire loaded ajlb
Sirdines. Salmon. M-af. Soup*, torn. Tumalw-s. Ilun-y. Yialsd Dream
Glen Arbor. Mich. Mar Jl. Ilw?
Ing. Catsup, Purk and B-su*. Chec..-, l'<Mikk:s lu Qitdli-sr varh-tj. We
Dear PrraMeai—
have bc-en supplying tbes. thing* for so many jesr* we can teU
1 have no' wrtilen lo you
pretty near w-bat^ou want. Call at corurr From aud Cas> Sta.
thought I would lend (or a raril anbutton I go to srbeol every day
aa In the fourth grade. I have as
day. My studies are retdia?
apeniag. arithaieUr. geography, gram
mar. aad penmanship I like
teacher very well. Her name is
abrille. Bh
•Bing. Then
In Mra. Dumbrllle's room There at
.flfteea pupils la my grammar rlass,
and two less In my geognphy
My little brother would like to bare
you send him a card and buUoo.
He la aevra years old. aud Is la
first grsde Kv baa been >sod«g to




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