Grand Traverse Herald, March 12, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 12, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(lA* A YEAK.

lag bli ship at OBybegd. Plymouth
Audieece were coamlaad
with Uughur.
TU Han Urrled
Mr*. Pierce did aot coodae Ur queoNoni
hurt hut
lioBs to the wliaeos oa tbe stand. At
tbe Hall aud cargo
oBc lime, when Araold was or
a total
uad, lU self appoiBied atRevcBuc cutters leli Sempon In reloniey aad deleader of berselt spiud
spoase to a wireless request tor aid.
MM. nCRCC It CONOUCTINO HtR SUrlft l-*raBk U SbaUi la a far cor“i want to ask you some qoeaOCFCNtt.
tioBs. too." sU aald with eoiphaslt.
aad pul a qaesthta to him.
Tbe suntl cdMdleally rose
Osorgt guplctofi Met with a UHeus
-et aad proceeded to the wl
AceMsnt While Working in
stand. Ut as the cUIr could aot bold
Mill St Msnceloos.
two people. IHce Araold and tbe sber.
TOLO KtR •TORY TO THI PIPItT Ur. anyway. bU Uaor told Mrs. Pierre
Mich., March IIto exesse her Brit wliaeth' and Uve
Ocerge. fftapletoo. whllr norklog ta
tU olUr OM awora la. as sU coeld
Ibe Antrim Iron company's sssmlU
not questioB a wKams In ibat mauacr.
Hal) CarrHd P*w Psstengof^ and yt-slrnlay sfleiBOOD. Ud hi. le^ Uod
Ataold gave way to the sUriS.
Nona Wb* lfijur*d—FMiad tUt
caugbt »b tbe siiMKuailr cerrlsjEe and
Cbtef of FOHce C. U'. Asbion was al­
Roth tU Hall arvd H«r Heavy
U-forc tbOi.inarbliiery could be stop­
so placed on tU stand several tlntus.
Cargo ar* a Total Leas.
ped. Ibe Uad was hoitiblv tiuii>«led.
In fact, nearly all tU witnesses were
Tbe lleSh Irooi two ot Jhr anr ra wa.
n-ealled lepestedly. and when Ue bad
•Tt Record..
New York. Msica lu.-Tbe coast
Ipped U. the bouc nnd the
Ished quostloulng. sU would reply liner Horsre Hall. N<-e York to Porty»r tte trrt Ume in the hbtPCT
IS afso Udly crushed. UecaUM- lU
the Judge's question. Thst 1
leea MsUie. collld«-d Blib the freight: [Orwd Trtreree coam/ CircuR coart.
pbyki^lhh **''
lUt im
lo-4^wMBU !■ anwriKi In Her o«« deabscess s'uiild lur mlii u Urg<- bob;
tfmt !■ ■ ItvuUL Tbc cue 1< UiKt ot oltaesses sad srgumenls to Ibe JiSy •y.
where tbe Ht-sh Is entl'ely guiH-.
served up together rrinslodly.
CIIkUm i. Ar»pld vt. Rebecca Pierce.
The frelgfaler smashed the Hqll be- awiiBtslIon was perlnruH-d. 8<-veml
. eed h4« (c de *lib ecnalK goede nil
rw the water Hat-, (sptala Keweil boaes la the .Uad were also broken.
, cutlet* ta 4 reMsamt obkb Mr. aad Mrs. Pierce la the otoervauce of i - ~ iweded op sad sui-recd.-d In UschHn. Amdd aurted aoMc Un* ago. rales.
leu Attorney Tweddle was glvtag
gad later era* ru br Mrs. Wait.
WUa Mr*. Prerce rose to o|ien ber his argunent to tU Jury. Mrs. Pierce
I wbea she gave t
CBM. Ur waaer ot coadBctlag a taw. sU ‘'saswd-'Twi
mi «M aeo to Ibe court. Ur. Arnold.
•Ue* attoraer is J. J. Terddle. was dU. After Site Ud cotupkted Ur pica,
ta tU vllaea chair, aad Mrs. Plerte and Attoroe) Tweddle bad seeored
ibe court to sgalo adUgaa to state la a *e>7 decided i
I haasbandoAed lha eat* against
Chloago. March 10—The gee
dress the jury to square IiIdm-II
j Bw. )aM US' it all Uppeoed.
or the eharrw she Ud inadc
against him pcnuMallr la ber plea.
< to Mra. Pieres that Ue aak lU vltJudga Andaroen-s dismissal InehidM all tU indictments and eeunU for
s'Uo U bad coDipleted adte Jimipi'd
I aeaa Mroet quesUoaa tUt U could
her feel aad began to address ibe tU Ml thipmenu from Chappellc, Illinois, to 8L Louis, censtituting over
j aaa*or..bat Uc was there to tell Ur
-> wllbout penDlsslon (rom tbe half the total numUr.
{ etofT. *^eo Itaew I had te get oat el
The court auted that the eoanu ware dismissed because of a vlrianee
urt. 8be «aa lafonued lUt tLw
I a alck Ud te go dow* aU aetUo with ceuM aot U doac. aud apologlaed to
j lwod»aUaiBoa.Yo«Upt caalUagise
tU court.
i BaaNB, didat jtwr aU aaUd. ~T<m
evidence ahowU (Ut the ah.pmenu were over tU Al­
Woro tpiey.
I wen tUn two aad a Uif atoethii.
Both arcuBMBts were full of spice ton -and Othar Imes.' T«« horroved tU amaar ol m i
The jury reU-rred a "not guilty- vardiet in a few minutaa.
: tato tU rsataeraaL l Ud UTcr eeea
Judge Andersor a inatrpttlona to the Jury to Bnd a verdict of -not
Tweddle BUted that Mrs. Pierce Ud
' roa or { would aever have had aar- Ukea the goods UIodsIdk to the de- guilty” ended the »»M0«00 fine case and lets the Indiana Standard go
; tbleg to do with you. WkcB lU ntoolh feadsat and converted them to Ur H will prelfbly result in
quaahi^ ef all lU Mhtr pending SUndart Inwas ap. yes did aot Ute tU aioaer. own use wUboUt his cotuent. -Is law.”
ga*a TOM It days- cxtcnaloa. U or- be laM. -Ibis sel ts deBacd si Urer to got tU maey Uck I bad let reay. but we u4e aot made I: lUt
yoo Use ! aoM lU staS la lU restao- la this esse.- Tujsuorwey tUa made maueer (bat abe wanted Uinta to tbiak
taai. aad toraed otot the nortgai
an attempt to wohe upon the sympa­ oter the cue and decide tor tbe right
- If you do," aU said. -I know you will
thy of.tU Jary by telling them
Mrs. Pierce had Ukea tbe pictures of nelde^tor me. beeau«‘ the right I. ou
"the jBdaaJte.aU aak ueatloa* la- lU plaintlSh dead talUr aud mother,
aleod of W '
-aad aa enlarged picture of hlmsctr.” Attomy Tweddle. willi the permU: «U wuaeaa .
<tU plslBlirs, not lU attorney's) skm ot tb* eonrl. sqimted liiuiHi-lt In
> -Yob kaow I told you It thaw thlags gad with lU other thlags bad taken tbegyM of the Jury.
. were «ear. i would luru orer tU^ them away oa a dray. ~SU b amply
Judge’e Charge.
Cschlln Officiating
able to pay lor what «be geu."
Ifrehb charge lo lU Juiy Jtidg.; lU wttMBi fldM U did aot roawa- stM. -She coaid pay a lawyer U she Mayae tuu-d tUt Mrs. Picrcc sold
Mtss Auielia 8::iiiek. kiuisii to her
I Ur.
wanted to, Ut sU wnhldn't. 8U cook good*, rocelvt-d fmm tbe plaintiff to
I -Yes'you do ramnUr.’ saM Mrs.
oaa's things aud Uuled them Mrs. Wkilfc. "Tbi- plaintiff olalius." he- iriends as -.Millie. ’ died at ber borne.
Ti: press.Slr.-t. at l .S,'. Wedli.-aday
I Piarc*. -Yott aa4 your wUt said there sway oa a dray."
said, nhal w^-iie sold thetie goods
' waiaotblacagilast'tUH.itah proto
.n conldan carry Ueu. could 17" she be left ccrialfi oUier good, with them, BfUTuotui. afli-i s -liort lliuess of conIked.
and tbe aiUou i> to rv-cotei 'nr tbeM- tulsloii.. 8b<- Ii-stcs a mother. Mrs.
Staiick. aud apveral brolbera and
I At thU pouii tU Jadge saguMed
goods, which she iviuverted lo her
Attenmy Cam Rack Hard.
Biatcis. as fu!io«-s:
' ; lUt Hr*, pierce toU hU Ur Uae el
*TU tangs el the most southern ra aae."
doftan. aad U would eueetloa tU imd tropical aerpeat couIdn'E sling aa
Mto honor quoted the clulte made Prasbtl, k'rank Stanek. Mra. Jobu
LSiuurlua and Olio fflaiiek. She was
wttaea< ao U could i
by the plalnllff. amooutiiig ioS:;ii :S.
hard as the tongue of this iroaiaa.i-ara old and had bees a resident
; la lUIr Mupar RiraL
sald. -Tbe coon and the whole bnslils city lor
years, eutulug (ram
-I deat «are aayihiiig
muMbT shut her mouth. We used Pierre tU> sbe bed. amoiinUug la
fara.*sjald Altaruy Twaddle. -Let ber too well, but it pays to he geatle- value lo $B.»8. and dliccled a vcrdn-I Uobeiula.
Miss Buiit-k w as a young wunma of
' her go.*
luaaly. The court has pot up with an of not leas chan SU8, the amount ad­ lovable cUraeler..aod abe leave, a
Fma Uaw to time as the case prolot. more than ordinary. I hsv mitted d»y Ibe defemw lo have been large numucr of trlentla to aioqru her
! creaeodAhe aadlouce la the court dicaded this case. l\aew tbe coui in her poasessiua.
kws. .Mthiiugh not a member abe Was
and myself would Uve a Job oo on
a faltbtui ait-iidani at the b'lrat (‘'oohaads."
Today was qubi in ('IrcuU cuui grrgaiioual ehureh.
1 tUM hgilag tttlculty Ib keeplag hU
When Mrs. Plene rose ta give her the lull that follows a slumi The diFuneral M-r>i<s-s will be held
' rnaiuaaii - At oae ttaie, atlor rap- plea to the Jury, the court r
case Of Willtatu Nt-wman vs.
flag ahertly for order, hb- bouor stat­ crowded as Ifwgs, asa all attenUoa. Sarah Ke'wman I. U-Uig cuii'eiited. al- Ibis alteraooir at S o'clock at th<uoui-’. tbe Het. Oemas I'orhiln uBlelated tUt a (oao traa belBf Irind la
TasU-fUlly cled In black, her slight -Og- Ibough there k uiuhlng seR-Ailoiial iu lug She will be laid lo rewl In Oakcourt. altUnga to aulalders It ailgbi Bte prceeated a sirlkliig apirearanc-c
be evidence. Tb- complalaant
»M ma that aoeh was tU case.
abe Blood Jieture the i* ntco
Urges vxlivau- cruelly, bk tesdAKer-a aUrt recees. wbea the caw
nude her idea.
Uiuny going lu show lb.->t bis marrlrd
waa U*BB agalasi. Judge Mayoc told
life bas not bveo bsiuiy. Jobe \V.
Mrs. Pierce to opes Ur case. She
-I kiKJw yoo are all Atmesi m.a.' Patehte apis-ars lur the txiiuidilnaBi.
uuee aad saldt -| expect to pro>-e
nU aald. "Por two ntonlhi the things aad Pralt g llsvi. for 'be dH-udaut.
«iUf I a« right aad tUt he Is wroag.
Ibere. and If he hsd sranit
Joha A. Bnoa vs. Thomas
tUt he lied aboat everyUlaS kv saM
get them bt- could have reptetined coUBtlug partuerebip. will be |>Ut ot
Ure. ’
llirm. That Is Ibe war 1 do. If li I. Ibis aflerijuoii.
AUoraey Tweddle staled that Mrs.
lawful fur Tweddle Co bpld thlags lor
In Will Urt July M and Follow Jht
Pierce had glreo aoUie of s setoB.
Route That cdumUa Took Orar
Which could not Is- gltea ai Ibis time. deU. It Is Uwlul for me. lie UM> te ease of Bvsn llsilb-y ts. IJIlljn
^ Four Centurlos Age.
Mrs. Plerte Urea lopiled. -Well iheo. thimm. You all know | would aw dBi«- Itatllc}, Ibl. cwM- rouiiiic fn>w Uh1 glee aoUn that I expect to heat '- swtar to somethlag that b get lanau txHieiy by silpuUilou.
firnt-ta. March il—'Hir Ibntn- Ta
this caaa.‘I think you might to deelilr foi
saldali stales tUt Jmq-pli Hrucker.
Jadge Mgyu th«a reueeeted Mrs.
(ofiuer O'-rmaij worltk lair tsuumhPterre ta URe tU slaad. Altoraer m.-.- she roBlIoued. '1 hSve a bi
Twaddle aMup U ahe was te qwwtba tlk.M agslual Arauld. If I girt the kit Petrewaki Okd Monday After sliiiicr at St Usui*, bas ‘isne.! a. cobot those things .Ihtquhave sol i
Iiaei with ('nunl '/e-ppi'lln gnsranfecUnell. aad aHO> to her owa ewoan lllnaat of Only ffis Days—
lug tile laliei a laigt- siiui to ai
tioas Judge Ma>ee replied lUl ihe
Widow and Eight Childran.
etisbip aeruss the Allantie.
couM aiabe a auietueet ot her ora sad sold, end the rubber boots, alw
bersuae h>- was st-nB with tb<-ni.
y. declared fUyXeitls-llB dill
After an lllaiw. of sit days, Alois
saw bis mother's picture, but
fr..m <adU on JiD.
and f ijPt-liowskl t4 Isailuic passr-d away
-I prefer to Uve her uamtaaed-'
Ibi t'oluiiib... ivui~-. taking a
’ aald. Mr. Tweddle. -and Ure bef re­ BBW hk father's. wU Is dead. Mrs. MoaUy et.iil<ig .I ilte age of T«
tt'otfe offered ft to hin, but br wnaM't yoan. He bstes a widow- uud eight
ply to dboct fUsllOBS.rhlldrot-: Hr., Mary Kigsw of Wisron-th taai caW." eaU hU bouor. -| Uke II.
-t am not um tq addn-sslug s Jui>,
gaeot I win ban to quceitoo her mysnd norme. Prill. Louis. Jutui,
I pay for sit 1 get. WUl 1 have I have Stephen. Auaa and Veils, all ol wboui
TU ease stfO caoUaued lat( thb esrac-d. and esraed honestly, loo.
reside gear laadorc.
Fifty-Ont votes Wore Cast at Ktngsaot know Arnold, but I work, and b- •Mr Pelrowakl was a aatltr of (Jerley—Eaii Case it tnt Now'FrostBo better than L He Ud a right
maiiy. aad Ud been s resiOnal. of this
^ dent bf ths Village.
y me wUt he awed me and redeem cooatry 3t years, reslrllng at laadorv.
After le MlOBiet of deUheratio
Klagsley. Mlcb.. Mnrrb 8.—Fiftyone
bis goods. TUy bad him la the loeksras a member of tbe Catbojlc
fary la tU trover ntee of CUaUu J.
\Dlrs srerc east at the vlUage elnc;tlon
Aruld Ts. RahocM PIme broaght la
At this ^Bt hU honor rapped tor
at Klngaley yesieyday. the viMe bring
a verdict of |AM for tU platatlf. order aad said lUl tUl was not in
Mr. aad Mr*. 8. R llBBt, ef Pie- unanimous with the eseeptUm of
; -which was thi SBSlIcM amoual that 'the evMegee.
»h. wen giiesu i.t (be borne of
; coQld U awardU urn.
Jeaeph Bird.. Tbey left Monday tor
tnVy Kitoor It New.I
Thh dam tU msot ualque eaao -R'eU. (hey know it bow. ggywgy.- Travqrae aty and other pulata.—Cad- Trrasnrer—E ('. VandeWalker.
tUt was uer .heard ta tU Giaad Hrs Plertu reirtied.
lllac Hews,
Clrrk-L. E MeOonaW.
Tfasone eoaaty OlreaH coart. Mrs. SU tbeg (urged And hegsa (« Ulfc
Asses.oi—CharlOb Sayder.
Mra. C T. Hyeni returned to Boyne
PMru deteadthd huaelf la oeurt. aad (• AUaraey Tweddle. Judge Mayae re- CUyutbb morning, after visiting brr
Trualees—A. B. Haekmaa.
sa r*dleal)y did aU depart from
qoemed bur (» amlge hw reawrU parasu. Mr. and Mas tV .R. FVtgn- years; Dr. C I- Fenion (wo y«
odiuot tut at tUas lU Jadfe. tU to tU Jury,
arge Craher, of Oaeas. wi
Heaiy Mog. two year.; J. 8. Brosra,
)mj. tU attarprya, tU <nn otSdak
la bar eloslag rmaiU. Mn.’ Pteice the cfly today.
one year.














Northport. Mlcw, March IS.—
Northpert waa viaitad by an aloetrical atoem lata yootorUy afterneon. Thera woro oemo vivid
fla*nes of lightning and an oBtra
heavy crash et thunder fqlkwU
by nimbllngt just ai though it
were auonnor.
* The haute ef L. A. AbUtI was
was struck aU a comer of the
kitchen tom^(r. the damage Uing






Miat RoutehBe Wa* Uninjured wtS.
ARud Ouraara ot Worm Momoo
Also Maks ThtlrlBUBRBMlll Ruraad.


Ftant Will Rq Built—Renda Will
•a Paid Out ef ttja Racaipta
el the FlanL
Ok RUamar Took Fiv* Haura U Oat
Through the Unbrakan Ica Flak
Helialtv. March Si—The propusltl-'i
In Rkek Laka.
a bond for tv.MU In build a concrete
bulkhead sod aplllway aud a net
Navigation on tn<- groat Iskca.baa
powv-i house fur the rllbt-ea
Tbe dl.llnctlon of being
lagi- liglillug plant was carried yesthe flnst trelghier to biglB Uafffc for
today wllh^^but sU votes cast
r-BMio of 1909 brhntga lo'the Oily
srytwisc. 1U cnllre list of vlUage
la at present ply­
riidra was ek-cled to succt^v-d I
ing baiween Holland. Mk-b.. tad Cbi'■"feago.
Thi rr k ovrr Itl.CVU iB the ek-clrlc
'Preccdi-d by vast columai of snwke
ligbl i fimd of the village and Ibis caa
wblcb, brlcbiag from brr two tall
used In addltiua \o tbe amoiuil
smofceeucka. heralded biV coming,
bund«-d for la making thr ImpraVewith the snresl algo ot spring,
menls plauin-d uii. wlilioul soreadloi
Uke port town, tbe OU of Trarerae
for It Ibis year. The bondi
plowed her way tbrongb seven mile*
as they bocoitm doe w‘Il be puM o'l
if eight to tea-inch Ite lb Black toke
r«ccii>it ol tba pUai r.a berctoo her dock at HoJlaad last Sunday
Itif, ,Tbv village plaaL which tas
bi-eailn t-ummlaaloa since I»o6.
Never before in UollaBd's BUlory
given; Ibr citlseat cheap lights oo
as a boat bad Ibe trrmerlty lo even
dare think of challenging the solid tee
land liars, paid bonds and inter between that pon and <.*blcago. and
CM. furnished street light, lo Ibt- uum- Ibe City Of Traverse has set a new
iH-r ot IS and aonmulaied a fair Ul- record for aavigatloB on Lake Mlcbigaa. True, the Fere Marquette boats
Qce besides.
in during tbeb wiotur maolht. but
Tbe plan, and specikuUooa for
Itupiovenienu at 'Ibe plant provide for ley were conttructed for Icebreakbuilding o( the water ways aad
Tbe appearance of the aieanyer
power bouM mi tbe ei'e of the preawwterwray, ao lUl the light, will w-blle abe wa» creeping and crnncblag
br in -use till tbe time come, to move her way. al a .nalMlke pace Utrongh
machinery aad equIpmcDi Into tbe tbe unbroken Ice Beld la Black. iRkc
new building—csUmaied lo lake about waa Indr-ed a eurlona s|>eeucle to
gangs ot men at work oo tbe iaktthrv-t' daya.
alorlug Ice for next summer. It look
tbe boat about ffve hours lo make tbt
stretch of seven miles aerose the lake,
hf'Dce her smoke arrived al Holtaad
about half a day la advance.



Ml. IVmeaa. Mlcb- MarcR R-JIvluuod BoutAur, a iT-yuaroM tac«
hapd ba Fredcrtck OaRibatlas'a tam
lear Prater. U dMd aa thu MbbR «t
Brp wbkA dMiroyad tbe fambouBB
I mIdnIgbL
Boelrtter'a sister triad to awakOB
bim uutil forced to jump from lAe aso<wd story ia her aigbt dotboa. lbs
unlajurad and tbe aged OaabaUaa
and hM wife eurapad ta thslr BlglR
ciuifara The cause waa aa oirrhuiltd
Manlatoe Milt ffiru.
Manistee. HiCfe- Usr^ 9.—Plro
DDi unknowB ortgta lotaUy 4A
Sirvyod tbe plsalag i^D. sash and door
factory oa llsrrlaoa'straet tinlnbglad
NeU OltoB last atfiL Tba Mat It
estimated at l&.OM, with ao lasaraaeo.
The dry msterUI with wblcb tts
mill was OUed farnlsbad ready iMd
the flamps. aad tbe atnetare barw pd with the bimoat mpMIty Birf dm
Bed the determined ctoru et Ibe «re
depxrimem to atop tbe pregreai ef UM


Made Pea P^NM.-

Tbe Edward Payeea Maaateetarlug compatiy la getting late very aBHefai-tory abape. The B*w beard ef dF
n-rtors ot woich W. W. SasUb U cbBir
made plans Ibl* week tor <k
thoruuab reorgauluUBB Of the bRsiUP.1 pIsrlB^ tbe WkNU dapartmenu lo Ibe office aad abeg Bbdar
beads wbo srfll eee ^
the ebancter of the feeds lamed «U
will ManufaeUira .Vcnutnng to a will be aueb aa (o losers t Urge trade
Iron) the leading buyers et tbe eeuaLarge Extetit Inutead Uf Huopa
and RUVM.
The prpspBt shop baa Aca stariad
ifauceloaa, jfich, March ».-Ar- Id the aklppiog of goeda beffqa aad
lanp-mvnta are being made, ao that with tbe promiaes ot ««««•^«< belg ‘
the MauceloBB hoop aad .lave mill wblcb have ceeia te tb* beaid. mstlcapttal wlU new be at band te
commence operatloua abouf the
puab tbe caterprise Od a larger acaie.
i:ib of this month.
The company employ, ne-arly a bln- The .hew board of directors wlU bs
divd ueu. This In Itself. Is about all represeate. ey an ageeatfre cemalttlial is dolug III Maaccluna la the lev bf throe wbo will have satire
charge of tbe affairs of tbe coapaay
iiumi-i lime.
Tbe coDipaiiy will manufarTuit- ven- aud wbo wia be reaffOBtible lor Ha

Had Rofkred fur Throe Yaara. Rut
Waa Conimad ta Her Rad Only
• Rlnca Last Monday.
Ml.. Caruilnr Maude Miller, daugbl- of Mni. Mery Miller, died at midiiigbl M'ednrMlay. glirr an lllnewa of
(hree years ol goiter. Mi*. Miller hau
uut 'uoi-ii coirfleed lo her U-d during
Ibis tlDic uolH last Muuds). when tue
goiter iw-gan to eloM.- in against tbe
windpipe, and bor condlllon became
.neb that the aUcadlag physician dic'ded to oiR-ralr. tbt-r<- bring a fUght
chaoer of bw rcoovery ibrougb sb opi-ratloD,t it o'clock p. 111. Wi-dne-d*^
taken to Ibe Orsnd TiavrcM bO-pllai.' krijtiigenieiM. having be^ nudr
uts-ralc luday, but .he iiaued away
mijnlgiii l. fore the opcro'.lon could
Ml.. Miller. knowB lu brr fck-tiiU ag
Cairk'. was a young w^iau wbo al
fnend*. EtMi^a. boia .In
Ijong Maud City. N Y-. n rear, ago
grsdaalin'g from lb-- HIgb Mtbool at
Ib&l pli-jf. 8bc culuc with iu-r parents
in this city 1C year, ago where »h'U. Slur- rralded. 8he wa. a laltbiul
mi-mi.-r of (irace Kpi><n|itl church,
and a itic-niUrr of tbe Wouwu'a guilil
ol Croce chnrcb. •
B<-aldrs ^cr moili.-i. Mis. Miller
avi-* .-vr-ral bnrther* and sl.l-r*. a.
(iilluw.; Ml.. JuM-pb ll’-iarr of jAing
l-laud t'li.v. Mi.. Ik-nba. nnd Fred
Nell. abJ Frank, ail of tbi. city.

Apple Ca** Jury RreugM in a Reakd
Verdict at 11 tfcieek Lett Night-'
Ffelition te Ouict Title Preaanud.
iur> ill
v. Hri . ..
•alrd vcidtrt a’ II u'tlock. last
night, and this morning ibe verdict
platbliff being
awaidrd S3un.
pritUon to qairt tnic lif the Bale.tate wa. heard hy Judge Mayne
mo-ntog. the p.-'ilion balng pn-i.aied by Mr. 8 E Kryu. ol Oaicua.
Wltaeaae. Wcie Mr. abd Mrs, Ktye».
Ceorgr Craker abd Judf* Rteiacr
Uarlbe. AUorney C.‘l_ UajHloB ap­
pealed for the peiltkiM-r.

■ el lug ilH- coming Msas/n. to a very
laige vtleiii. as tlielr num<-nse skidopi-rutloiis bate Ix-t-n mostly eunflaud
K- making of barn-I sfs'us and
boups. and otbe-r uiau-rlai ueed In
the tuaiiufaciure of ebi-ose buxe.
Mare-rs Luiy.'uwuw and man
of this comiiaiiy. own. aud operates
anelfai-r larv ->jw- liilll. at MuoMae.
»I,ib, Sher.- be M-sidcs.

HRS. uerps DEAD
atacd Away M Her Heme in InUrlecl-tn After a Three Months'
Imeiliii-beR. Mich. Maicb II -Mrs
Mary llupiriue. wi),-^<il 8 K llopkllis.
dli-v SI ber home ben- at C:li laet
uigbt alter a ibr>-e luuutb* illii- > 8b<
was 19 .vesr. old and Itgives a large
laiiilly of t^iiiliei. They ate- Mrs
Kebbiiic. sMr>. llaTiil l.■ •i«. Mra.
M'lllmai .N'Imiii. .Mis- llupkius
and Ml.- Kriiis Hopkiu. . ali
inf i
locbps. and li-brge Hopk^. ' o!
E'-reit. VVa.h
.Mr. llupkin^ liHBt-tl at lalerloi-hvu
I 'ear. ago although -he bad lived
Uraiid Travel-.-, i-ouo'-y for uuttiv
•art She bad: many friends
►■nuerai M-ivU-e will le- held Ssturds> muiiiliix m lv'3"-u'< lock at ibttome. the Hev.-Mr F.-H-.t!>. of Burkley, officiating. Tbe interBu-ul will be
lo the luisud cemef-ry

Tbe vaioon cs~-s wblcb were to
.Mr Mhwlockjof Trater** City
bave' been bcBld befvre Juaiire A. 8
gnest at the home of Mr. and Art. Oobaoo yesierday. were pooiponM uaR. KhaiiS The grntkmaa 1.
itl Wedop-may of nest week. Prosebiotber Of Mr*. Kcsuff.-rOdUlac Icator Pratt bHag boar with Circak
I court.

Tbe dln-cuir* are assured by tbe
many frlpodt aad staekbeUera of tbe
«ater]iriM> that ths (MadatidB bas
laid for a tactery whkA w01 bt
ot material bedcfli te Trarerae CRy
ra the yean, lo come. The matter of
tbe new buildiugs will be takeB ap by
the pruper rommluee as aeoe aa (be
plus for the present sbOp are complPied A bigber grad* of geode wllf
la- add'd to the Uae Of loAa which
will pnabh- ibUm lomcet a wlderffrtdiT txuiipetmon and ordars have al­
ready uecn rrcefvod ier’ three better
grad'-s and which arq Bow'ia coords



Elmer Rmiisy Has ChawM ef-Bradubl
mg At Hsad of Claaa aiM RoeMv
•ng *130 a Memh.
Elui.-r. the .mi of?. L. Smiley, of R.
F I» So 3. il BOW at Newport. R I.,
a’trnd.nt the goverameat school and
'. br Dnlabes bit work, be wilt br
i a posiUoB ai IM.M a monU aad
I bit pippoaew If Hb deiabea a>
the bead Of bit rlBaa. wIM be hat aa
etreilpui chants iHdo. be win iwoeire
t130 a mosib..
fpw month* ago. Mr Smtiey left
Craiid Traverse, where be had beew'
iuiiniag a tbreshlag mgebinc for Adam
Tagar, entering the employ of the gov­
ernment as a te'-oad-rtaas mpcblalal.
ulary of *«l> a month. After com
piecing bi. ivurws. be will be a tret,
class macblnUt wKbia eonacqBsat
raiie'of pay. He 1* a^xcopttaaaBy
bright yuung man wttb a large aamber of (ripuda who hope (hat be win

I, ratOAY. MAMCH 12. im.


Tbe artcTBOon »errlee was drvoUoa- man on tbe elllxeu' tirkri were Wab^flM
ll and aerwoB by tbe Ruv.. Mr. Boa- ter NetoM. John Scott and AUen^Bor-'S
NerUpen remalat a dry Uwa.


U Warren, aad one by Mr. Colloo of
After the biulneia eaulon lb the
rrenlng was tuned
to the Yoke


miow* who faroUhetl'

fiMir *peahcrs after whlrh Mr, CoeU>
ll'n gave an addreu naoa “Derelovnirni or Activity aad Youac LUv in

The poiau market was fairly llwly
yesterday, eight Wg leads bi-ing
tecelpU of Ur day. AU

hrav> reelina In the stomach. Nausea,
ilue»» cir
Ih.I.IIliBlIiiK ll<-atlu<'h<-e. niul
Inleallnal Rrlplna.
.11 all EO.
1. bealdea, tbri
mil be no
r1 l••^^ mer tn llie •■iniiiai-b W pii
ir brealb wlU nauseous odors.
'ape's Dlapepsiir Is a certain cure
alt alomacb mlM>ry. bceauae ll will
take hold of your food and dixesi ll
JiiFl the aamc as ,11 your Moioaeb'
sn'l IbeiV-.

Tb**Uta Sr* relwf comDlMkm. I

I »otDt«d hr Ooteraor W«n«r *t (
I Um of Um (OFMI trci i*>t Utl. b
I >•( runlcbed ■ complete rcpoit <uv'


' «rl*c Uie avo iDOOtlu of its «rork
Tke B*B eoBipoiinc this comaittee
ftve tbrir •errlee* to the Mate,
wttk ur kpt» et rtivard. hot a or4er

to aid as U>*2 poaslblr coold In the
•ort am Um resallK they hare Burned Up HU Weed and Then After
adUared. aalw ibeir acrrlcea of
Taking About all Hi* Soar* ClaU*^tkn «aal ralDo.
- Ufl, DNwncd—ChM <• Being'
Not oalj »cr* 4.CIS penobs aided
I maaet coatribatad and all of tbe eai^

Sale Price

; tUM

od'Rat Collar.......................... »m00

<1 P. Sheep, i.aut; Setlse; Iambs.
Hors, r.luii; aeiive; yorkerr,



: MS.M


2 Bc-avqr Chub Fur Lined Ookla,
U!euilo.l'«atCoIlara.'.... ....... »<0.00

l{reenville. March l«.~C, H. Hibson
A Co. euo^^^ tbe buying price of poU-


loci on the Oivs-iiville Burket. at 6j
Firm; elxiio- l» fancy. gkfrlKIc; lair


C..rii. T. C MUIing Co.............................C


Moncekm*. Mick., Mardi U.—When
i pUea, cMhtax. ele^ acat for dlsiriba. II. Forbes n-turni-d from WvtseU
unipsonville. Mich.. March 10.—
-j tkB are accoaeiad for and UtU brlns* last Bight, be found (bat bia borne bad
The (■oiigT.-gallonal church ladi-1 had
\ a taaUnc of laUafactloo to all vbo aid- lx CB eatored. thoroughly niusacked
-lie In gnlherlog paper for sale,
I ad la tbia wwk, directly or Indin
aud funber ibat it had been uaed as to assist lu tbe hulldlng up of eburcb.
I At ttoe* of Croat dlsaslara, there arc
camping place by Ue Ibici'cs for. Mr*. Captain Ilcll was the smcuasful
I aoBaUma away who are heartteu foaic time.
cUlor aud a sapper was served
-] owocb W take adrantace of lb* uaMr. Fhrbc* baa bocn wnrklug at
! tataaaU aad taka whaUrar Ibay
WeUcll lor aoBu; week* and bBaul
’ thlak U oaf*, bat U tbU lartaaea/
lo bis reaideuco for ^ore than a
E. 8. Nortbmp. H. Blockfalll and D.
I tbroosb the dlllcaan of Uta coaaUmeek. The enlraaec t-as evidently II. McLaugblln say they are ready
; la* oBd thoa* ooaaoetod with tbe reide Ust week aud tbe ibicres camp­ and capable of earlag for the borne' U*f work, tbore la no puaMloa
ed right ihir* and made a most ilor- *c)-kcra coming Into Ihia region.
: tkat avarTthlac 1* recular and above
ougb ixaamlmaioB ila ibv luipos of
David Drlyea Is ven ill si bis borne
' board aad that the aapplla* aad awnndlng money or valuables.
with Tbeumailsm. Dr. Sbtok Is aitcbd< dC voiw Baad la the way Uwy wet
That Ibis examtaallon Fas iudeed log him.
' mdad to ba aaad.
tliorougk was shown by the fact that
s. A H. Walters ba* sold the
Tha tenro* (Ivon lo the report a»
every carpel in Uo bouse bad beep Central Hotel toA W. B. Young of
iBlaroaUac. Accordlnc lo the oe
up aad tbe papers and straw tk-nsoBla, who will Ukc poaacsaluu
tolna. Ml towBsbIn were aSeeta
bLnaath them removed. A new bug' iBnBt ftra* of 4C ooaotlea One bosVillage properly Is advancing la
whip and practically ail Ue clothes
' *ad aad ttv laalJIaa were bunsad
left there were Uo obly objects lakou price this spring. Bhowlng that Tbomp
r. «at oaUraly and M MrtlaUy. tb* 7M
any money or Jewelry In Ue butise.


Blend}; lurkevs. IJc; chU-koiis. ISlic;


bowevxr, Mr. rktrbea not having left

BeRoUr Price
l_Urown Calf......................... .........$20.00
l-tir..xly BeartUct)........... .........•1«D0 ,
1-Kanaln Wolf..................... .........$20.00

uf UkI. 8;<iS7c.

aionac______. __________
waiting for you.
' These large M-r-etit •
more than Btifflelent to t
Dyspepala or Indlcesiion

■or* or leas, but ovary cent of Uc

i MHU toona* brlndat tbe total np 4o

Look These Over and Note Our Prices





Lamb rfaops.'Mr ib
ear look the eje of a buyer and- it
iMor lamb, per lb
tabaa Siva MlMtaa Utar.
?• ceuls. Tho
e Car haul
Every fsaily here ought to keep rd tbe rviada In good a
ione OlapvpslB In Ue bou>r. as any
pe’r ih'.r.”.".";.';‘;."i;ftlte
one Bf you nay have bb Bttarfc ol la-

Church,“■ after which a i»tw|ii;oB dlfleatloB or Stoaiach (rouble at aoy
tiae, day or alcbt.
<Hy I'atted ITesa.)
tendered by Ue Yoke Fi-Mowr
This baralcM prcparalloa will dlclub.
llelrolL March 11.-tioae—Wheat.
Cest aaylbinc too eat and ovmome a
Mwr BtoBicfa Dvr mloale* af'erwarda. tl.Ml*; cvwn. a%v; oau. f*c.
II your meals don't tempt you. or
fblcagu. Marvdi ll.—(1o*e—Wheat,
what mile you do eat ■eras lo nil yen.
>r lays like a lump of lead In your; (vra, CSe; oats. I^lac.
1, IMI. «t Um poMonea at
looUK-b. or If you hare bearthtirn.
• Otr. Mle^ uder Ik* kdi
bat la a also of Indbceslioa
7mm mt March t ItTI. '
Aak your t’harmaeist tor a Ueenl
(I>> l llili'd I'resa l
aae of Pape'a Diapciwla aad lake one
E.vst llaffalo. .V. V. Mrcb ll.-Ti
riiHRule after eupper toaikht Tber>lie. ;.I>. Arm. Veals. lm>; alow.

i CMaOm di6 week 3.000


weui .lor 1e -eenu aralflhl. but UU

springs, lie.
New York,

Traverse City





tllilcaago; Marrb III.—An- a lilllc
uuii-t; that is. noililiig lnipor|«»t n--


IHvrtcd.-Uootls of all kinds held. Bmily.
Arrlvalx an- rather light. Then- arc
htinlly any open luarkei uBerlagii.



IMu: Maj.lilS.

So. I llu-aae roij ......................................Sic


^^rlb- .l«e»e

(’hleogu. Haieb III—TlH-n Is a firm

Jii.iexe'dVtte.'.bH-li ste r.siulf.-.l by
■ nbewwik.iMsl ua Ihejabri. ttyaiv y<« i-ui^

I Mink, I
1 Flslier.

market. Supply JOst' fair of bulb Cali­ Folobs-s.
fornia and Florida. A moderately act­ Hay. per
ffliaw. iw
ive demand reporled.
rarrota, |>cr
FrwJU and Nut
Walnuta. nor gl.......................
Hickory nuts, per qL____

illc people are not afraid Uojrff. lagc Is going backward.


, Nd. Bat UU was not the nnuber of
fatooa* aCaetad. there belnc

Tbe ihli-vof lui]l
Uere lor aesera) tlnys as all the wood asked to give eomronc a calling In his
1 Ue plate sra* burned up and local matter. But please exenao. as It
•H adbr id. Nine btmdrod aad nineUr. ForlK’S had Hit a fairly good sup­ ■quid be cowardly to strike wtu-ii
tp pareoni had email toase* and ibeie
ply when be went lo WeUcIl. It I* be­ tbu party struck cannot iwialiatc.
Md Bad 1.7T« ^Udren, maklac U>e lolieved that the guilty oao* went per. Ul aoBber racelvloc relief (be
Mr, DrwlM—Quick!—A
•nas well acquainted With his wbore; borftatad.
Bbouls and the llmc'hi: was In the ox Of Rucklen-s Arnica Salve—Here's
a uoancr—For the ' Tovc of kloses.
naaa pereen* wore all cared tor,
habit of reiamlug.
burry! Baby's burned himself, teirlbly
■ Ihalr waata raUeved. ibellen (omiebClues have been found and these —dohaale rut bts toot with the i
od aM aappilea provided by Uw yenMamie's scalded—Pa can't walk
Will bo dllllgeutly traced.
area* peopla of Mkblcan wttboot any
plica—Blllic has bolls—and my corns
ache. She got it and aiKin cured all
, appaal balac made to the ootaide
the family. lU the greatest healer o
>nh. Bom by S E. Watt A Sons, t
. Bugbee Drag^Co. Hannah A Lay.


Traverse City
State Itenk

Uf»t>n Orsy'sItoMFewgaesler rtildM

■ adatta. m c^dren over it year* and

AddFFo AlltaB Ulw*ts4.L*lb>r.K T


repubOK won


coKWiiSH n. F. a no.






Intsfut Taken.

Mrs. Jones talks of luuviug to ManUU-. She win have an aucliou sale of



her is-rsuoal pro|ieiiy In tbe
If 'yon have liiillgexilim. .your fwid
.Vurthpurt. MIrb . .March li —-Hie big­ tiire.
IlnpMN Rsidiatrar and Traa*.
gest now sirimi of ibr m-aeon elrork
lermeiKs III the- sliniineli and boweS
Mat tAssi-lluaH Is heller.
Nortbpan. HtchT'tiarrh
Ki^TLr tbis village
Horn, to Hr. and Miw. u.H. 8larks. It diM's III11II-: It deeaja,
: . MU aaoim nMotlnp of the Unnd IpiOing the candMatoa en Ue clll Maroh i. a
poand baby girl. Mr*. nutritious iiialtor alilrh sliouM go ivi
Hrkel. and after It was all over
.................... ... hinod deeaya wifh ll. stid
: 1Vavi|ke OmcreMUinal aaMirb
lUit'leads to an hnpuvt-risheil kviidl
andidalcs oa the republican Uek-


Miiiwtir and th* n*v. A. A Al-


No other luiik in this scciion of the Slate has such
larco assf is lo safcuu.ird its deposimrs.



U hasevery




1 he hank is uow putiiiij: out a very haudsome'yavs

R. F. 1). Nvi. 1„ MarcA 'J.

Mrs. Edna Roul Is <iii the sick list.

j : The

• ■ ■ ■ -'SS r!

B&s paid a CapltEl Slock of AddlUonal StockhoUer'B UibUitltt
Surplus EUd Proflls o»r - -

—III Chanter}.
Jobu Itrlner, defendant—IW,
It »|iptiirlng affidavit on tilt In
Ibis cHUFi- that ihe above named d-Irndsiit. John llrluc
llrlucr. Is a resident of
this Ftal- ljul Ibat proross fur bl*
apiM-branre l>KUt-d In Ihlx rou
b.- p.-rHinally r.-rved upv>n him .
Mill of biF (miilnued ahsenee from hix
Iasi plaii- of residence. On naillon of

inps book, with rules. rCKuhimios A->d by-laws of ihis

cause In ixtrxin nr bv solii-lic
lliree nH’nltiiv fn-m tbe date
cvnier and In cl.•fault «h<-r.-.if
Hill III ConiplainI bled herein
lakca as confesM-.l agsinsi hli
GhOIKlK W. Ct'll
CliTCiit Coiirt {•onimiriioutT.
•llpr (.








U-he iiii/rii-

pr.ivc ip be of yreat converniem,'





not read ihc I*:nulisli|4aiiM'iaK«-. und enable

itfcm to

have aHxUt r kiiowlpdpe of


hnmllin^ of film's



! h*:

'o ikosc

iln- working*


this dciMriment of the bank.

- > Mffoh at Mortbpnrt Monday ^d Tun- •4 were olservcd sitting on lop of the
snow lianka under which ibelr oppon’
^ (hi* week. ^
A flood coaUnceat


'“•-jliou.-i!. -*, wiistipaiioii. sick h>-aiiarhf.
Many of Ibe farmers uiv licromlug| bad bn-slh
clisgiisis Jour
paMotp hr-! onl* were burw-d. Tbe lirket as eleel- Inii-Hsled In the buslacsa. Vbere a fi and oilier tiisagre. abb-uml

itead oa tbe evaoloc Iraln aad war*, ed is a* f.dlpwst
Prvwldent—O. M. L. HucUg.
aeeorted U Uw oburcb where'etipiMr



a.. „.u.

Clerk—,W. H. Sleele.
The Bev. »fr. PamwHrr of Old HI*-

TroBBUier—Ccurgi- Uwlie.

m preached the aaMidatlon *rr
en—Ueorge PMrkla. Jal

• flticr wbkb Uwfa wn* eownraaloa

Tbe Lemon Lake Leelurv dab Went
to Sbermaa.Saturday nlgtai sud played
“Tony Ue Coavict" to a full

. and tha followlac oMccn were ch<c(


d Ita Daur.

eiy aoeowatully. Their trip was

Oa Ue eltha-B*' ticket »Bert Canip-

i pk-aaant as was anlldpaled, owing
1 tbe alarm.

bHI ran agalnai Bwlig. for presideat:

Fuller agalBst Steele for clerk; HenDooT forget W. K. Ferrla la lo
O Maraea made a tnille atiempt to lure at M. W. A. ball April ».
*lB the oTOce of Irea'aarer from
O^rge Leslie, and Jim Kelsey ran tor
arawanor agalosl Cbarhw lUamborger.
Tke Urev gemlemm ran lor council-

Canmitee of BanK Deposits
Is siSitioB to tbe oidinarY avaUablo aaoeto tbe
dapofliton of tbu bask are atlU fnrtbar ptoteoted


ti Stockholden

Sorplag SB
Oasnatcfllo DapMiton



• •••8,000.00 I

1b sildiUoD to tbe sboee tbe iHuioMeiaBBaafiet]
Bsd direeted by own wbo Lave made a aoeoMa of
tbeir owb^bom aad bm well koowa throngh.
o«t Oaad Travane Begioii.

JSO.T. Beadle


F Hamiltoa


Uke Ann. MIcb.. V
W. Clark had the n
Ills right arm broken in two places
by a falliag limb, a-hile working in'
ifal- srood*. Dr. SUIIIday was la attend­
Services at the diprcb all this week
A mass niceUng In the lalereat of
kveal option is called tor Tuesda)
night. Able apeakers will be preaent.
and Ue cauve of (emperance will bu
strongly ebamploo<-d. This town
vqie Meal opllon by a large au)oi
sberlng buslnea*
bustneas Is drawing
The lumbering
1 a etoae
F lor this aeasoo. Every
Every one
seems to have goUen out all Ue toga.
>1U. n-ood, etc., aad are ready to quit.
HUs Kale Decker and her bMther
rank hare gone lo Naihus. Vt.. callrd Uere by the deaU e( tbeir father.
They are expected to return lu about
Uirec moaUa.
baa many ebttrvcttoaa. but ................
deeperatf at poor beahh. Baecoaa to­
day demaad* health, but Eleoirie Bit­
ters Is the greatest bealtb builder tbe
world kas'ever kaevn. Ii compel*
perfect aettoa of atomacb. liver. Udaeya. bowels. purlSea aad eariebaa Ue
and iuvigoraiee Ue
whole system
Vlgorooa body
keen krale follow tbeir
ront afford to sllgbl Elertrir Bltt.
if weak. run.dewB or virkly. Only Me.
by 8. E. WaK A 8ms. CA. BagbM Drag Co.. Hannah A Lay.




Nns] Ibai din-kii'l digest, but feniieiija
and ofilnes rots In the aiunun b.
And leiiiieittallini Is caused by
atomacb not being strong enough
elicrgi-llr Mough to IboroUBblv
the fvmd With the dlB.-»llvi- jul*-«.
MI-O-N'O Is respouMbU- fvit I.-ii
ll.oiisBiids of cures. lu fact. It Is i
a posliivi- cure for Indlgv-silon aiic
stomav'h irbubW thai It Is guavsnie'.-d
Lv S K. Wait A Sons- lo cure
ey back. The prict- of a large
-iia tablets
Ubk-ls Is .'.d vents, ai
ure to proniplly r<-llevv tb<- puvst
of Indifvstlou or gasirllls

Brooa^ Crotfli. CmifiB aaa CoUk «
Boacy bad. Sold and swnnt«d by

M1CHIGA>‘, in
for Grand Travi-r
ty—Ii 1 Cbaneery.
Venn e M. Ladd.
Ladd. Defendant-March
»U. IPOHll appearing from affidavit
Ibis route that the above named de^
fendaot. James B l.add. U not a realdear of this sUle but Is a resident of
Ue State of Illinois
On melloa of
L. H, Gage, aolleitor tor remplali
1* ordered that said delendaar c
. s appearatirv to be mitred in
cause in-person or b> aollri'.or within
lour monUi from tbe date of thU
order aad In d^anlt Uereof that Ue
; Bill of Foiaptolnt Bled berelo may be
laben as confesaed against -blm.
rireuit Court Gomml**ioncr. Grand
I Traverse Co. MIcb
L H b.
SoHfltor ter romplalaaat.
Busiaeo* address; Traverse fit)

Specials That WiU Interest Yoa
From 8 to 11 o'clock Only
-’O^poumUoffirubuIntcd Sugar



Xn.un.ULf WoH.1 .illi J»i.b AllmyWifc






< In the Firing Line
These areaU tbe originul olitiona. not acy reprinta.


MnrLlL, HulWr

.Inn.-vCinspia H.iy.

Wo|.ic!atl ilivKi) iipatn


bargain aod they are yoofs for.......................................................

Going to Entertafn
GvCanne of ihr St. I’ntric-k N..v.-ltH-* that
UvB Oougb Cure."


^aa dose it for

oUierg and it will do it for you
ooau yon £5c to try it and will aavg you

we bnve.

-lu-tlo (ll•t|L-i>ll "t-'l nut ex-

penaivo. FUe*. Unt*. Hod*. l‘Uco Oarda.
Tolly Card*. Napkios. Crepe Paper. 8eal*.

a doctor's bill.

Head Ache Cs'recl

ASL Patrick Pool Card

With McEvoy'i Head Acbe Cart-.


tbe tried lied that baa doneao u.ucb goc.d.
If yon haven't need it do w now. that is if.

Would please your frieud so much and
.....................................yon were tbiukiiiK of then.
We hareeome of the Enett in tbe city,

yon are saffering from one ol Iboee aobt*
that aome people have. Only eoM yoo

y 2 fer Sc or ISc a doste.
Get them to-day




It teas that are on the markeC





aa a wtiaen at t
down tbe street tbe other Bight hiteb
tera of the CIrentt eoait ter MaeU- ad to a cBtiar. aad aitkongb It was
ceaetp which MBTebed tke Srd the first tlaie be bad ever ba<« in
tacL Caawanibaad.bu( a
karaeaa, hr irMiad aboa as sedatelp
la which kk waa laiareaiad waa not M be had aeaa bis Bother do
to be catted aatu thb waek ba
ban afraU of aapiblng like auioaohoBa aad apaM. Saiatdap aad Raa-' bHsa or railroad tnlas. baring trotted
dap. It will ba recaited thet UM
:bs. aad bas learned .to conduct
gatt Hr. MitebrU boaght a targa
htaueir propertp. bb Bother belag a
MackJaaw boat ter Itt which
eaallp worth aarerd tlmaa tbe price.; good loedwr. It b not tbe imeatlon of Mr. rnv
Mr. Baal elaUai to ha iha owner of
the boat aad the partln who aold It I break in High Oar. but aa he ioteadi to turn bln eai to pssicn la
here atola It from hla at St.
where ibep are wow la Jdl. Mr. Mitch, the tprtna (or tbe aeaaoa. be wishes to
S CMi ilHrM « Tiac ficHittt cli
aapi the lee b (he atnii* U » get' the colt need .10 (be harness,
whea he b bRragbl In nexi fall tbep
fret ihfrk.
M. *. AMnm «B OoOmUm «wi
I't gire him loo noeb of a shock
Oiirii»w<w w wnrtiM IWiMm tsadap ackeal aerred anpper test
Mitar •• te TrawM Cttr Ittu dap erealag at tke hone of Mr. and whea be feels tbe tbilb on eacb eldr
■ukiTisvww ONr. WA
Hn. M. B. l^ag OB Ottawa aireet. or htm.
Tbe ncolpU wen to excess of |M.
Oo WHh a Ruah.
and aa the price waa bat
for that w
there Baat bare baaa aoBe one there. StOBBCh.emaDd
Urer andd Kldnep c
Bops get Advtea.
Klng^ New Life Pti..
Vigo Jdiasoa aad Chariea Darer- e. B. Walt A Sons, C. A. Bugbee. Drug
Hannsb A l.ap sap ihep
aep. who appeared belon Jodge U>ptbe like. It's becaose tbcp
Hmm M
. . to cure Boor Siomirli.' ronsllpa.
Ratardap. aap ihep were gIroD
ttea. ladIgaslIOB. Bmousaess. Jaundice.
Sick Headadie. Obllla and HaUria.
B«>M Citr. MIA. . Merck 11.—A tatherlp adtlce which (hep wi:
Oalp SSc.^cil7 kOM vcMiM W* place at sooa forget. TVe weald dso suggest
UU vUUsa pcMardur. Ike parUdpaBta tbai H Bight be welt for ihelr motkere
Mn. H. J. Nelaon. of Bucklep, ^ho
brlM wmiain 3. HoopTer, pee of Mr. Ic^iraBsaei their eorraapead*
has been aiteadlag the rongreKBlioDa>4 Mr*, •trerp Hpopfer. aotf Min tboB tor aeata tlae at bast.
al aaaoebiloB at Nortbpon, will spend
Ob Iba trd liM. -Wbo-a the ThlrMaM Skoarw. dancktar of Mr. aad
week la Trarerse rily with rriends.
Mra. J. C. SkaaTor. Tkr eeramoa)’ teeaih dab" met w|^ Hisa {teieihp
"I auffend babituallp fron consil
vai parferand
ika Rar. P. Koena Towae. A ddatp InaokaoB was serrad patioB. Doan's Regulets rellered and
pt Klgk BOM at ika kona of the brMa’a and the aaaal aBjopabbtinn bad. Mbs sireorbened tke boweli. so that tbep
bare been regular erer ilnce."—A. B.
aMar. Mra. WlHUa HBkkalL Saa^ Oertrade Hawlep will text eaterula Oavis. grocer, Sulphur Sprlaga. Tex.
Hokprar. Jr, «aa kaat naa. and Miea Iba dab.
Alibengb not Baap UacUi
Mn, John Lwwb reinraed to I>tMtla Akoarer. alaiar of tka brMe.
leskep ibb Borning after rbUinb
an balBg brotbar, rtank Jobnaon, or ni West
PWlovlat tka toramoBT a race
»aa kpU teat aiikl at tka kMM of Bade la Ike bap at Krvadla. ^owrrar govwath Btreet.
Ika frooai'a tatkan a Urpa konkar of Ikon «ko go u Torch lake
ipUtlraa aad fi'aadi oC botk Ua krMa warded wlik aoma 'floe catekaa of Tool teagald. weak, run-down* Heart.
Rionaeh -oT'?—Jusi a plain
a»d truM attaadlas. Anong tka oat itOBt. Oup tkiebaaap wapi out Suadap -Che?
caae of tear liver. Burdock Blood Bit­
wt to*a rnau vara Mlaa Bdoa Hoop- aad lakdad Sva ataa opoa. while la iha ten tones Urer and stomach, pros
Ihrao dapt Billp n>x,kaa caught dlgeallOB. purifies tbe blood.
tar. aiatar of Ika room, aad CMHaa
McNlarh. koU of TrararM aip.
• ladoer ball g
Min linpfar aad Mr. McMIkdk Mft
A great meny reader! o?tbe Hemid
tor Trarana Clip tkU Moa. aeooa- Tburadap avaalng hatwaaa the High III be biterested In tbe advertlaement
p«M kp Ika krUa aad groen. wko acbool team aad tka Bha failed
«m ratun la a fa« dapi aad uka ap natertallia. Ike latter teaai aot p
be aetlced that (be bank la i
tkMr tooidmaa aaar Rapid Clip. Ika ling la an appaaranre. The High
putting out a sarlnga book wlib
aebool bopi aap tka leeawt I to t game ngutelloos and bplas-s printed —
or. 0Mb
In )0 laniagi waa pnkabtp the o<«aa- Bngllah, German and nobemlan This
tb krUa
bi' a great convenience lo very
Ion of -cold foM- aaioBf aone or the
•iton of tbai bank.
The Milk Maa
NIgM On OaM WouitUln.
He baa better milk
On a focalp algbl Alai. BaatM of because
used Harrell's
rpn Bdward. N. Y.. dlmbed Bald .. .... . which
always keeps bis
MonaUla to tka kona of a Belabor, rows la the best of
March t.—Tka tortared
shape. The best
hp Aatkma. boat ea earing
Moadap waa
kiM With Dr. KlBg^ Nlw’ Dlaeorerp. coadlltea powder on tbe market for
It waa gonerallp aap-. tkat kag cored hiBaeif of aatkna. boreea, mile, sheep, bogs and poultrp. For aale by all general aad moei
oplp oaa itcbM In'
eared hii neighbor. Later drag aivos at 2Sc per package. Once
bwt It aoann tkat a OUla aad
II Mired htaaoB'a wlfa ef a aarare luag tried—alwapi used.
b bod kaao «eM to defeat tiOBbla. MUlioBi beUare lia the great«at Throat aad Lang c
. Slops the
Oeogka. OoUa. Cmip.
and beals
I. All drug
aad Sore Laaga an aunty cured bp 1 aoU It.
BMt lor Hap rewr. Grip and Whooi
I gve to «
tl.«0. Trial b
Mn. FVank Uags left lodap f
bp 8. r Walt
jibttar. Th) MQUB& Laag tor praaviilt with friends at Wexford.
MaxwoB tor dark.
J. A. Carr and Son. Lansing. Mich,
' <MB| H. Behaler for traataror.
..Hue:—-We hare used HtneH's
. TiJIh R. BBUk tar aaaaaaor. then
Coedition Powden oa our llrerp
WM BP appoettloa. Tka toU for t
bones lor about three yean
r two paara waa: Hatrp
bare always found ibem super
jp gl. Winard i. Tearara il; Mr^ Village #r Bvekiep Ooddag to Rond all othem. We bsvd found that llrery
bonecTre subject to great abaae aad
rk 'IbBMta M. Wauoa K. W.
I ways
Harrell'a CoadiUon Poarden alwi
a J. Wktte 111. TkoBt
P 1 It b non Uiaa prokaUa tkat
OB lacir piBs, r ‘sSTd
ooiu bv's"
np w. k
a or tfcr toeera wan no
Bocklep. Mich.. Marck
The ret- obs wad R. K. Miller.
Bat Bap w«a» readldaiM.
g waa almost mBaalBOWs la taxor of
oaaan Rtili Aihn.
Of the Oiteeas’ ttekea hen pealordap.
a CRlaear aaaodatloa kaa Tbe toltewlat la the result.
Jpaa. aeo*i for. a
Preiideat—aiea A. BrlgbanL
RSMlpt ef
____ _
. Booat
aerk-Ooorge Cteawat.
E or alaepiag. On tka ceatrarp I
Troasanr—a O. WotMter.
I” Bineballra and*b taptag plana i
Ataeeior Wlllla WlgbtBaa.
. gtoe tke ppank of Jalp toad aaotkar
Tratieeo—Two pcan. U A. Rklaaer.
Unacelona. Mich.. Usrrh 11.kacBL Tka aaracUoa will pivhakip r. O. Barder. T. W. Brawa.
lanceteaa Broom eoapaap is in re­
ke a grand St. PatrM'a dap daaca at
Trwaiee—oae pear. George HarrU.
ceipt of two orden from Cbleago
Be open keaaa. The Bocaten parpr
Tbe n^latlea la bxor at bonding flrnii ralllag (or Ron tioaen Uro
do ikiaga t^hairnnad wbalerar ikap >c vlllan for lea yean (or water One firm asks for ewi doicn. the oth­
carried alBOM unaatmoue- er firm waau »M doien.
• bWBNMb
> ler an tkat ha> baaa add aad dwa
Tbe biOoms are manufactured
Bara are atOl a tpar ban wbo woold
Maneeteaa. at tbe compaap'a fat iorp.
taikar an a hasBer than a crow bar.
About If girls are employed there.
bM ika anabar li UaiHad aad tkap
fkBt eat Back be. Orab a horn and
get la tke gaae for Bk Rapidi.
Wedaesdap waa tbe fOlh analxenarp
Riatod tar kreneUan.
Mr. raaalBg-e birth, a auiaber of
W. K. Ltoeoln. ifatHllBf aaditor of bla frleds dfere to hla home and anrBe Mbblgaa Bate TabpkOM cob- prteed him with Ihelr cempaap and
gap .vbe baa baaa ben for ibe a*<
me xerp nice preaeata. After hearing
three weeha. bfi rrtdap tor fit. Joaepk.
lot or fine naale aad enjoplag din­
lere is no action oi your dailp
Otto ppwara. tka teed awMger. wbo ner. irhich waa served at t p. m.. tee
b( greater importance than to set
ha bad charge of tbe kaalaeai bore gaeets ataiied for tbeir bomee wishpour heweb more. They abould
-pad hat workad op aa exebaage
tag Mr. FBBDiag maap sore bappp --..c at Icaal ooce a day nainrally.
Bto to BOee la ibe autr la a lew
binbdaps and dertartag tbep bad wa- aad bp that ia iiicaiit orithout aoy bcl^
If tbep do BM move at least oace a
•gaal «tn. wa Mated lor ptwamioa Irped tbemseixes xerp maefa.
i coaaidcr pouraelf coawhteh »oBd utaraUp lake biB ela
Hr. and Mra. Robert Baraep brengbt
ii ia time poB did aomewrbara. b«l he preTerred reaa'
elr gab houae to* (be lake Unodty.

Ask YouA
ir be tdls you to tsKe Ayer's
Cherry Pectorsl for your
■evere eoufh or broochitl
irouble, tbea nke Ir. If be fats
tnythisf better, then take tfasL
We heve frest cooBdence la
thii Riediciac. So will you,
vbea you oace kaow it.
TbsbsatkladeletastlBcmial- :
-■gold ter OTcr slKXr psers.-'




____ jW„





To the legal voti-rs of ih-- roiiniv t>i
Grand Traverse, state ol Michigan:
You are hereby notified ihst an itfeilioB Is 10 be held in Ibis stale on
Monday, ibe fifth day of .April. lino, at
which time Ib'e following officers are
10 be voted for In Ibis counu:
Two Jusliivm of the Supreme roun.
Two Itcxenta of the rnlvemn ol
Sup^ntendenl ol Public InsirttcMember of Stale Beard of Fkhin
Tsro Mcmben ol tbe Slate floard of
Agrtcuhure. lor ihc lerm of iso years
Two Members of tbe Stale Boar.1 ot
hr term of four rears
of the Slulc Hoard ol
Agrlculuire, (or the lerm of six
In wluiesa whereof, t have hereunto
ael my hand thta fourth day of Xliireh.
A. 1). IMS. at Traverae fliy. Cranil
Tnverse county. Mlrblnn
Ebcrifr of Grand Traverse Omntv.
Mar lM6Iie:3-:6Jo.Apr :

Rather Ute la the seaaoa.
Mr. aad Mn. Gene Caae and dangh■r were among tbe gueaia at Hr. Fanatega\
Hr. and Mn. John Jtoea*^ wei
iMU at Hr. FaBBlBga’ thli week.
Hr. aad Hn. Robert Batwep wei
at-Mr. FaaalBgs' to help with it
Urtbdap toeUxIilca.
Blalghtiig la eillLgeod, wKb now ai
then -a amall drift.
_ A goodip BBoam of aaw lags i
WlBBerb Bill ptoBlsos work tor oen
oae text aumaer.
m Seeor is ulUag of bnlldlag
barn thu aommer.


New Spring

To our already strong line of hosiery, we have
added the popuiar Wunderhose. To every
purchaser buying a solid box of Wunderhose,
the manufacturer warrants the goods to wear
three months fron^ date of purchase, without
having to be mended in the foot, or they will
replace them free of charge.
These goods are
made of double­
thread, combed
Egyptian yarn,
pro pv.e r I y spun,
dyed and knitted.


Thta la An Eaap TtaL

OR SALE—Two gasoline launches,
one 1C ft with 3 II I>. the other
ft . II. P Term very reasonable
ran or write. J. P. Srhwind. Trav
Mar. l2->*rMr
rse niv. Mich.
FOR TRADE—My residence. S13 East
Blghth sireei. for lorly-i
proved farm. 11. I~ Sbefi

OR. W. J. HIGGINS. DifttltL
IcBcc. «M. **”
' * *■
Ash to be dlrocted to hti otfioe opc^e Shere^^

Oold°i^*of*ttir^^ beet
PorcelalB Inlays.
PalpleB extnotloa.

• lacorpGratcd



■T.i and

8eod for

R.F.D. Ko. 6

teas. wbM uad ■o.u-ifacc wa*TCc4nl«l la lb«
ott.-o »l tbr racUIrr ? cUvU. .if Ihr or^iaty
ot litabd Travwaaua U* Twraty fifth dav uf
July. A. I> , ins to IiImt M of a,urt^ag— oa
at <
p. to.
Aa<l vhrraik, ibvamuuBi rlalaird lu W dar
a wid iBoneara at tbv dau of tbu nniirr n
iTua of flfwoe SaadrMl S'lavl* Aial Xla*.
..eoa.oBdrtdib, itiwu U.dallarxw imn

- aad (ba lortiirv .lUa of
Tbivty.firr-.MVlJDl dc
' " - aa aa alteraria to,
«aea. aad Iba abnW



uSSm*! ib«1Si«wMr?OiM^


I ot autaae
iztoae buadrad Taraul.v-Bra
______ uav-bawdradlSa ipKSi l>. d iilari.
>d no anil or proraadiar havutp l-aoB laali
taud al law v> raoovar tka dal-i aow rawain


«7a g:rm>7


Bth dap of May. im.
ABcttuateib.)iivUM lwH»MtkIwlir»l!ftSM

see colt wowid be hard to ftod,
Bd ited. of m. Igaace. waa here AUkoagb to) te ham than a pean aadj

•r <IM
Couiylib.ia< UM piwteiMa OwwnM la
Haneac <« a. oiaeb tbaragf m an ba
oaaarr w> pay tb.uaBaalaa»«BaaM iter.

F"rod B. RBoloraraiBl

Farms and City Property
Boaght, sold aad exchanged
Room 1-1 Magcatii- Blilg., TraxcNc City, Mich,


:b llor of an-lluB
____________________________ MUkv. Ikrora
WBM u Ba Waal baa of Lot two •: tl.Maw
aautb ewa haadrad thin? ilaii roda ibaaca
ila,. >wlB, Losa oaa . aad two ir. and
arwaa sura ,w laaa ■ If Ibaaaal aad of
uwcSi, aactloa twant?.oiaa -N'. towa
via- land dwaanlaai
Atedaaanlaal aa eown
Ul. foor IMi

I DO sand la hte gear box. la tbe
stable be prtrka up bte ears whe
besuw the exerpdap name of Cbartle.
hot be le iwgMetwd under tbe
artstocniir aaaee.

They are of suflidient
weitiht to stand the
strain of
l hey come f
ly ribbed^


Hake appolatmeati ahead whoa
Office boon 7;W to U:IS. 1 to I.
Other boon bp roqncM-

niuie aarii'ur.
aarii'u, V-Iba
tvoat door of iba


Womao's Wunderhose U
sold three pairs io a
box for $1.00.

Boy's and Misses' Wunderhose come four pairs in a box
for $f.00 arul are in three styles. 'No. 333 is a good
ribbed stocking for boys. No 444 is of the same tpdghi,
but m a ftner rib and is equally satisfactory in wear for
boys and girls, ^o. 555 is .meant more especially for
girls and is lighter in Height and finer ribbed and is made
both in black and tan.
Woman's fine hosiery in the BBAUTIFUL SPRHN.G
COLORING contains such a representative of shades as
He have never before shown.
Full line in all the different Height cotton have high
spliced heel, double heel and toe; also split sole, full
fashioned. "Pair, 40c and 50c.
Fancy lace, in black and coiors“-one of a number of
very attractive vatues--pair. 60c to $1.50.
Woman's sUk lisle hosiery, pure silk thread, with
double gart^ top—pair, 50c.
Woman's hose in good quality, medium weight cot­
ton in regular and extra sizes—pair. I Oc and 15c.
Good line of EXTRA WIDE, in all the different
styles and prices.
Children's hose in tan and black at 1 Oc, 15c and 25c.

10 aa.d ■Bonaaev baa laMomr oiMvallva
Noa-, sbarofur, aoUoa la hrerU, rlvaa.
tal by nrt.-o of (kr aald power of aalr. aad lO
.oraaaiwaof tha alalulr in aucb ra-r aiadr and

ia-f.'SS't-Si i

ANtfaoee ia croMbar maalia trim-


There will Im- a riiucus of Hie legal
volcrs of the township of Bblr lo l»it the Town Hall os
»>tii, al : orlosk p I
e of placing in noiiilnallnn can
1 for Townahip offii-i-rv and luch
business as uiav c-otu.- before
tbe (auviis.
By order of ronimlllre

A Consfipafion
Rimedy Ftae

here era ior leia alarp. Laal wak
a patUtea wa* eiitwlatad aBoag
gauopa of the tecal eaebaage
Blgoad kp pnetledip dl of tbna. aakMM*kat ke iMBla la ebarga. Aad ba
. M
Laaton TadgM.
ToBlght Ike tbe open boate iba
Haw. Oaorga C. lU«£iti*ak will daltr.
or kb famen taMaie. Tbe latamgw
Ua.- tbe ihaM betag Ufe what wa
Bake U. Tber^ ha baea ao dbdomu
a the auartatoBaot ceaiae aeearad
bp Bagerlatrwdat Btedgatt. of which
Ub b tka teat ranter anBber. It kai
rettaMp baaa a bigb eteaa eoona aad
deanod a aien llberd attoat
which woaM M doabt hare been
cordal bad baataaaa coadnieat ben
baa BtaraBL la tto anr totare. Mra
Ida M. Bdtep. tke Twrana Clip draaaiu Nader. wlU preaeni her <
MBotol foadnia at the popater dap.
TW Barraat In the UoMi.- la tbe
High ackoei oawaRatonen e«


pgttiooBU are
aion oooIonDiag
tothoao* abhdet
io droot gooda,
Base, liray. Wiateria ayd Bine are
partioaUrly eoo<1.

xvx ■ ■i::.'a;srr,‘‘rb'£s.'tss
urarrof aaid Lot tbraa il-.


'is some hiiflieModgy thsn -'U days ago, but is CHBAPES
than it will be:« days fmui now.
linildinK MstfTialoraU kimlt U ebimpawl Ubor ia pleatifui.

Now u tbe Goideo Opportmaty
J.O.CXOTSfS. Kecelvcr

say Bedlcsl^adT^ wrtes
I u (be tocior. sad be 1
saewwr you t^. Tbatv
ao cbsrte (or (bla mtv
NTba eadtma M Or. W. _ I'sugsxrnon a riiLna.
■csHwcB. m cateweo uto.

'miTrn. blTay til

ujriilr Unwd^£vaMO?nty^bSd
JKSxig K. anvongy.


South Side Lumber Co.
Both PhoncB.

( Traverae atp. Mick.

rH^ Owteh U >

Jv- •; lied, i


Grand Traverse Regioh

W. Oeta. apoBt Tbaraday la TraTora*

uita UMd Talocard rMnrned bMte
Wodneaday fron Cbleago whm aba

—.rtiMhw^k Btoot tb* vintvr.
fall tt fM
Ur. and Mr*. Ralph Kewbonae
«Mf«4tliatK toTrafarae City thta tnornlng to a
a «oopta day*.
At lb* yiltat* oloetlOB of oRleera
bold today tbe tntlr* rapafallraa licbei
araa aoccaailut. Tbc folloirtiii; offitvr*
rapt. W. P. SobwtaoB raiuraad Sat- ere elected:
Prcaldenl-O. U. U Sccllr
( lera—Wy H. Steele.



' year*—
... Ja*. L. KebI and Walter T
■mtar. Mr*. K. P. Uaiw. vbo U rer; ‘■S',_______
Ueadaoes Aaunda Barnee. C
^Mr. BeBBMe. of Trararaa C»y. apeot Barne*. Ctarcocc Blacken.
Banmbcrter and Jullui Rcare
Ibe L O. T. M
M.U. Pi
ll*»co« baa^ aa* baby talned
Ins after lodfc.
.. Dell.......
Oelicioua............ .....
and cake
aerred and •* abort proBl uar
OB iba eyaBlnc of Marcb
' TIM iMdin' BeBeOt BOdety *IU giva ataoctallon to be held In <he Congregatlo*al Church Marrb Sih..«nd Btb.
a din* aodal al tbc bom* ot Mr. aod Sapper
will be aerted oo MoDdny and
dloner and aupper on Tueaday to all
to Maduad *i« iisbi refmbaMou viaJlor* and eonoiry friendi. Taeaday
pyeBlng'a aeealon will be In charge Of
PcUowi' dab. Thooe «bo
irm. WUtoB Ktnroad Ratardar lob* pan la
tbe program from aoav
BvaatBg f»iB PaMon. abrrc ato ap*Bi are:
The Rev. D. ('ocblln. Traverae
City: Dr J. W. Satbertaod. Laming;
■lelgkrUr < tbe Rev. T. G. Bennett. Sullom Ray;
Tba H. C. M)oy«d a aleV
the Rev, l.eroy Warren. Old Ululon;
Taaaday tail.
C. A. Parmller. Old Mlaiton:
Mto tda Ri**l* r*(ara*d Ima a the Rer.
Rer. A. A. Alllnglan. Traverae
«a*k aiMbl ai Trayen* City oo Taw- the
Cny: the Rer. R. I, Ayer. Travemi
day Udu
Clir: Ibe Rer II. 8. Mill*. Beneonla
MM (Mdl* lUtford aad
Siwl* tbe Rer. F. Fulkeraon. Tbompaonvtlle
Tbe G U topic- for Bnnctay evening.
-Our Pattern.- Lender. Gtady* Unnie.
Ur, and Mr.- Jo* Rdford.
Tbe Woman'* clnb met al tbe borne
Oaly tb* ImaiBdtai* r»tatlr*a **re of Mr« Mane Gagnon laal Tueaday
WeMI. Tbe R*r -A. toatali. of lb* aflernnos. After quouikina agd eurC«>iifr*«atb»al rtarcb. p*rform*d ibe tenl evealB. Mr*. A. Beulall gave an
aaranony. After whlrt a auiupiuoui intermllng anlcle on "Mexico." Mra
diaaer aa* aervad. Tb* coapl* «*r* Gagnon ot*e bu "Oiir Former Prcel.
«ttaad«d by Ida RlMl*. Id* Budd. Uor- denti." The dob will meet with
sa^l**l* and Leonard Bteele.
G. M name- on Tueaday atleri
Bora—To Mr. and Mr*. Prank Callarch Pth.
.hOBn Sunday. Marcb Tih. a baby girl.
Mareta T.
Mtai Volta Bpansie

irfiissR,;."*....... .





la TraTora* City.
Chari** Tbontas 1* apoadlaf the
arrak IB OtlreU. «lih bii brolbera.
wbo are aitendlM ooltaf* there,
HIn tottor Ilattan left tbl* moraIw for Trarara* City vbeto abe «m
a^^a f*« day* botora SOlbS to
^'unT^lhloB BennanTer left Tbirr*
day fora »I*H *llb ber ttatenta ai Bni
“Sr^jita- tfayw* and lItU* datub

Mr. and Ur*. Gllbart Pray rialted gt
-•»» —
Archie Brown'* Sand^.
rather, ol that place
Hr*. D. H. pay Sundmei at h^. Hr* Robert Clow and daaghtar.
nd rwrued Mood*) to Traverw* CRy Doria to vaciiing her sotber. Mr*
j rmume her couiwe ot treatment.
Ur* Alydta Boyd vUked Mra. Horde
Barney direr and * lfe. of Travel**
Waiaon Sanday.
iiy. were In town laat Saiarday.
O. C. Pray made a trip to Traverae
The mail boat rase over fras North
City Friday.
Mr*. Helen Seott. of iSwverac nty .
UvUltlng in the place
France*, vialtcd lu Umpire Banday.
Mr* F. Wauon 1< better at tocftcnl
Hr*. Jnq, Lnvani-e. of Baal Gmplre.
A. G. Felrbank ratarned lo Tratene
vtalled here tbe (ore patl of ta«
meek. She *** accompanied hoaie by
MU* DM Waiaoe U in the place
her daughter*, ibe Mta«* Lula had
Morgan Pray u on tbe aick Hat.
Florence, and ber arand daug
March in.
UlM Nellie Itatancc.
March e.
There will he a local option mecilng
Amo* Bex wa> a Travene City ralP on the rvenlnc of March IT. al the.
Weldon achool bouae, dUtrlrl No ;
Willaba* Friday.
r wednoda) .
AH are Invited to ronie
Mra. PasfUe .\orrl* «a* In Traverae
Uorn—To Mr. and
Born—March 3. to Hr. and Un
City on biuloraa Baturday.
Bcbuatcr, Tuc.iday, February 2.
rd by hla C. i:o(Jiond.a pair of lain glrU:
Guy Edgell U helping A. C. Wynrieue Meiieeii. a.
Cbarlet Goffar U working al, KIngi
I aoa. Reid, pat DP Ira
Biller. Mary. U vliitlng i ilive* Ml

Bbertor. Hr*, doc Barken *Ueowa urr
faovral o( OratiaBUt Nevnan. ot Ba*i
Kaaaoa. Tkaraday.
Mr*. Rob Payne and aoa. Bob. riattad Honar Pay** and (anUy. of Trar.
era* CUy. oear Sonday.
QrandDia CaaileSoar Tlaited In Lake
Ann yeatarday.
D. G Rborier and B H. Uvyer a
■nd*d Ibe Odd PpRowi Wd«* la Tr*'
-a* nty PrMoy nlgbt.
A C. Wyakoop't camp doaad np ft
111 »lnter.
Min C»IT*P
Wagaec. Sadie Praia
die Oatrli called on-Ollta Kobe
and Ootdl
Stmda.e a_______
Mr*, aner Crain and dauabicr.
rlintl and two aoni ritlied
Deaalc Orinth
arandnta Haney
Prlday afterooou.
Mr*. Prank Rogera. of Weat Alinir*.
n-iied kerwenti, Mr.^and Mr*. Of


Wall and family
day with the fatnlly iM 8
Peter Stortner came over from North I Prayer
lanilou laii
>1 Mondai and went to Em- bold at ii
Bpwonh League Sunday evening
after Sunday reboot.
Every one
_r. Hana
cenUally invited to 6i- preirol. Myron
Co, .........................
aylor leader
baslneaa laal week.
Mil* Margaret Day retarned yeelcr
day from a week’* vlill with her {Briv and taffy pull
rrandparenu al The Maple* in But noon. Tbcaffalr wl a aurprluc per
pclroted by bi» achool mate* and Ibe
It U
Malrhetl achool wa- •uvlled.
y |hey b
good Hiiwbunincita here
The Itadiea Aid Ho.lety niel
Winiam P*i
redneaday wlih Mr* Sam Hulnlt and
we* In town Sunday.
tied axvmlor:' r tor Mr». Sllnron. The
who have ladle*
Miller *nd
cnioyed some dellriout
dcUriout cake
ca and
the wlnier with tbclr coffee aflet Ibrtr work wa* fliilabed.
Impirc. Ei^lr<^ Junrtlon
A pleaaant farewell party w-ta given
1 Ml and .Mr* Itan- IVndei Saturday

cK-nlnr. ... iM-rt6u* waH^prewnl to
*ho« liood will and friendship lo Mr.
aprlng term of acioot lodai
‘ '■
IS-nd.-r. Alter ependlng thFirm Becker., ol klaple Clly. w.
evenlng in <-on«er*alu>» *nd gahi-* a
town Saiurda).
Up Kupper *-a* aerv(H) amt the gu.-<t»
Day'* ramp cln«ed,(or the «r
depamwl wUhlng their bi»i aud
Tlniraday. A lull crop of keg*
and the run will be a long one. The blwtea* uothiua but good luck aud bap
mill I* nnw being pui -In ahaiu- and will plneM'
March 8
nan about April l»l,
Richard Sullivan and nun. cif I
pire, were In town (Hi bualiieaa Sal
A coal many fri-»ds of Mr* A. F
Merlon Voice l« confined to Hie 1*1*) galhi-r.-d at her honte Tueed*;
her of her birthday anni
taouae with a bad riM> of lagrippe. Hie
Ham \V»fium made a lrl|. to Tra>
Thumday alter vUlliiig Ur*.
eiwe C11> >>ii*y returning Saturda)
him Thuraday.
Payne a week.
A. S. Pray W(-nl to Travetwe nu
Frank Altmaa helped put up li-e
Roderick Dunu .who hie been living
n C. Shorter leM week.
In Empire for Mitne Hnie paM. 1» muc Friday. .
Mr. and M.^ Andrew Pray viellej
Mil* Rigler end non. Sned. Hr*, Ing back to bl* farm on (Hen Lake.
inner CraIn and aon. Bven-ll. and
SlgiK-1 Jubnaun. uurrman ot Fiiiiik- at I. II PraV* W.-dw*di).
f K Pray made a trip o Tyaverdaughter. Sadie. Carrie Wagner. Ollle lort 1. 8 S, acaSmpanled by-

''*Mia Haw* and children left her
Ibta week (or.tVaahington. She ei
peria to Join bet bnahand


\V ^ Goffard 1* *I Traverie
ml* week bdplng bl* •later gei ••
In. ner new bboi
Thtmhy Walker
a girl
“ M.-irrt. 1.

People’s Savings Bank

H. S. Hull Pra*.,
A. V. FrievIricU Vit* PffO..
Chn*. VTtlbols Vi« Piw.
M. n Kobin*-n Ctoh..
E. L. Eiiwsnln Aidt. l>ah.
H. 8. Hull.
A. V. Primlrtch.
(^, WUWm,
J. M. BiwQmbntel. Wm. Lowkm. J. O. CWer.
Oeu. W. Lanlio.
L. O. Rioe.
BMi.,Thirlby. Dr.B.B. Gamer, Prank H. 8*ltL
Sperccal talercsipald oaecrU
savlag* dcpoalta.

be Acha* and Palna Will Diaappeai
If the Advie* of Thi* Traverae .
The lumbering in thi* region 1»
Clly Citiraa i* Followed.
■arlv conipl'-'i-d l‘" thi* y.-jr.
A woniaua back ha. many ache,
Miu Duty Ja.jui'h «a. a Traveiwc
lid patn*
ty vivlter Saluida).
Mo*t lime* -tf* the kidney*' fault.
lni-( l.viuvoR k-fl Thiirulay tor
Ba. haehe i> realh kidney ai-be;
few-day* vi.ii with the Carpenter
That-* why Doan'* Klditey Pill* cur. afamily
*i lii-nroiila
l^ntis Huffman «*< in lloour 'on
^Maay Traverae Clly ^ornen kiun
blh-in.-.a V'iday. ■
Head w hat one taa* to aay about 11 "Mr*. J,i..p.n Whorl.-I'. who lu* 1*-.'U
Mr^ W A. Murrefl. 831 Web*ler Sr
I'k I* bI..WI> Improving
Traverse fity. Mi.h. *ay*; '-For near,
Mr*, viola Woideii ba'* reiurmUl
') (IfHirn vear* I Buffered Cram ba< k- tini a *hoit viall in l.ran.1 lluiiid*
wehe add kidney trouble and 1 be.aneMr and Mr. AtbeH H. Cl.-melil,
nervuo. and depre»»ed There TraversCity, vlaited J \V Jarir
_ied to be no >lrengih lu niv back
Jamil) over Sunday
whatever. I dmtored bni obulned e..
Tbe di-baie betawh Ib-udon am) I
r ualil I pnH-ured Ihuin'* Ki',
t(Hik pU.e \V.slne»ti
‘ III* at the Walt Drug Co.
evening dt Ihe Inlivml Grange ball T'
.. . 1 have * l.UbUe •tatemelll
(lUraitnn wn*. --R.-4iU’<*l. Tha' i
carding tbe'cure by the i
I'nlic-J «laU-i ebould -airengiben i
of tb.<. reiivetly and al this liui" I <
nav).- and wa* biul.v <-oule<ied. T
tlr**ed to eonflrni all 'hen i*aid."
*er.-; Affirtnaliv*. - I...
ror sale by all d<-alers Priie
W-iii .
Fu.ier.Mlll'iirn Co. lluffAl... Paid* III. Vera Si. ii kl.-i. K"> llniioti
N..W Volt. aOle ag-nt* Ivw He I i.Ued ,iiid .l.•ff>-<^•ll1 Slanluli. I■.■ca1lve
.uuul-h. Ai.-bU- H.-aloti. Il.-rln-ri
Ki-iiieuiher the name-IV.sii'e-and Ivan Ifc-M.-r. Tin- d.iUlon of
jiirtg,-. ».-ie 111 favm 111 the h.-rj

$lat«r’s Stores tor


For lampa and laniemn at
nearly half, jvriicew. We have an
cMrn iarip' Kiiw-k of tbriw which
rc<iiitfx- a RTcat deal of n>om and
imtU the Bsuortinent rcachcw ilu
nonual «i»- weohall acll Ike entire
Jot at imee. •
each frmu-Se I* f,...............




'■« . ........... ..
"■■■•«• W»-ll -I".'
s<hv i.l' |d.-»*iir\Vi- l.avv oil

f|ON"T wait to set inarrieti until you
^ have money enouRh to ftirnish your
home. V^u get the wife and wewilf take
care of the home furnishing part. You
may as well be enjoying life in a well fur­
nished home as drudging along irjing io
save money to buy your furniture. We
have helped thousands v>f young people
»i art housekeeping on our orlfllul *«»y
payoMdit plan ajid today ih« y arc, well
on their way to prospeii 'y and happiness.
We charoe you no extras of any kind,
you can pay as you carp it.

For the Baby
We havi- a haii<Ki>iiii- .line of
(io-t'aru MhJ I'tin iaifi-s. nil lizea.
all kind*. They iin- ii-hI almne.
eomli-rluMe amt i-iivv ninnini;.
They Mart in price
up froni......................


. edittol

(IvviiiE In our rnomuiiia
Kat-K of •-iirp'-l ninl linoh-uuia Wo
_ ii'-arlv alvviiys linv- ji large nnml»-i- ol i-'-iiiiiioiik which w<- ar>‘ |t)ad to diH|><>.*<- of hi iiioHl any |*rice.
Sou n‘<- hiivi- w-vt-rMi yarda of iiigrniii •■iir|H l«. all ffrud'w.
«(I'-r yur-l. only .........................

£ace Curtains

Iron Beds
\p,| vv*hI ••I).'*. i'~>. Hi chiill'-nm1I-. • ,\V,-jii-i-iii'W Klipiwnty
fill’ l:irg<-Kt liii'- Ilf klrii'tlv hiL'Ii
>,'- l"-i|» cv-v-r iMi-ti in 'll'- '-ilv
ill tin- l"VVi-st prii->
lip fi-.mi


At Cash

I)isb Bargains
Onr reputatloo for »>iR barsaina in dwhea u iut-TcaaiiiE. lieaide onr high gTodo dinher acts,
wc always have • Urge nuinht-r of
odd dkdtra. ychiA we bM ropirdIraa of their cost to on. To give
you an idea of the |wieea> w-c luOl
Uiye dianer plalea,
each only......................................9V

Marrb ».

Carpets. Rud$ and

Wr have a few rhht of
Ihoae w-ondorfiil Ivarfftin*. in !neturc frame*. If yon I a fi w
piclure* which need fntliiiiiyf.
hriiiff them in. ** Ihc framca nr.all iiuido and it won't take to
miiiiHi'B to put the pielniT in.
f While them- (nrora lo*t
your choice, each only ... ra/v


them They .ere pr.-MUitrd with A
nice M-l of dl*be* llefrinihmenu wcce
.oTV-eil and Ih-- gwi*»l. left al a late hour wlibing Ih-ia many happv annl-

- Whal i«i mure .'naei-'ouir.v i
WHuh itay Ihiiii n “ ’ ■’ ......'

picture Frames

Wc ha* apvrnil Indian
wwi-cii waatc paper boNheU. aluHit
fine differonl a^ ver>- im-My
and convenient, worth from 2->
to«50r, Atao nomc fine quality din­
ner pail* urn! dinner imxi-*. While
they laat,
eaeh only ..........................

A targe urowd paid rliMc Mtentkic tu '
and Mr. rrank Jaijuiah cuh--:
braied ibe.r leib w«dmg annlvefravy
Saturday evimliig A large number of
their neighbor* vadie In aad kurprlacd

(yasb Boilers


Wc have nltoiil fifty |irclly
KmcU. which arc ideal for holdme
Unf" piolarvn or cnlarjtcd
etc. There are many differciMl.
I)U( all t'ri'tt}' myleii and Kha|H>g.
They are nnriy aJI fininhed in
pddcfl oak. iHit aoine'«re
ill-white. l•Ht-h I djf..............


AMMIomI UaMUty •! SlMUMMcr
S^wm Emlata ....
TbfllarPrBtertl—1 Pe^osltors

Here it n Kidciyiid^Hian.'In gi-i •.oiiii- l»i'.' i-urtMUi* Jif luirt:i<iii prii-i-'i ■ \Vi- hav'i-. fc.-vi-rMl
pHtl'-»>g)w-hi'-h W-- hre cloHjiig oiil
and wo Would adviM- vou f
-arl.v. They mu in
111. piiir. 7S.1..R1 .V.
now ...........................


At all liiiica Vviii will fvnve mnii' v
Ivy htokinc ovi-r onr Ic-d nwim fur
n'ilnrc id nil liiiids. Tv.-iny-fiv.slyliN of llfi-wsiiie
at *9C
lufrinning. al • nch........... "Va/to

Cbe greatest center ol at*
at our stores this. Spring will i*c
directed toward our linusuaHy
handsome assorimeni of Hoor
Not only ihe superiorqualities
they possess but the liih and*exc'uvive patterns anti low prices w til
make them more aiiracttve than
ever betore.
Our facilities for making Rugs.
Carpets and Linoleums to lit ate
unexcelled, and no matter how
irregular or odd shaped yourrooms
maybe, we guarantee to ht them


Steel Rattfles
' iiir , •'."r.-* ;ir - i-'-oSniw-.l ns
|..-ll.•|■s ..r liiu'li
- •loV'Viiiiil
doN '
»»"• ‘"«. »l pri.TI<s;..v.-,. I.nt
do .-lain,
ihi- h"si. Il it s luoncy Voii vvi.ti
n. oavit, uiV'-.f ill ;i g'MMi


.\l*.lil 1«o .f..;i. ii p;ii|s. ./(f
Ih .I ! Lull., n. jiisi fiif.- for ..-arly
sp'i- '
...... ""•r.'4 S.irdn-K... -V ai.d #ljin tl." juiir
Il ...... .-.m..- I1"W W.-.4II L’ivi th'-.ri
|.. V'.H 1/1 .1-MUHC.I
|* c pall-, ouly ...
. •

$ofa Pillows
.Vud hofa .-oii-ixa('(i*l-»ii*h.. ... 1..VV pro*-* VV.- liuj.- Hit Kit/W.
..f piil.-u>.. cvlri i.-;'id.4iflitiu at»d
tfic- li.’k*. il* I'.tv^H. £9c. t ouch .
crt-cru. Kplcinlid <|itaikv. arai.rliul
.'i!or*. extra l.-trs. *i«-. '

iiptniiii i-ai-h only . .-I... y/e

QiuMB rm

Ae KM Tm Hrvc Ahrajt
md Mhk* kM kM
te «M te mr M fom, kM kocM the Mg—fre «C

r *

t trite


e ibr OMrtor OH. P»r«pe. It to PteMMit. It
ne Bor other Herootle anhal—ee. lu ««• to fte gwwa
•Rd aSeje FmrUtoHM. It a
Crile. ItnUeraeTaeUtevVn
_ _
• the Food. WMrietBd the
Htoiwighe>i Bow^ ctotoa beriUgroad utamletoesi
The Oadf—«e PeReciM-lko Mother»e Friead.

Beart the

Ha U Tod Hate iliais BodiSIiI
In Use For Over 30 Years.

JaVlMMi •»« Mra. ■I‘I■U
Bunum uid i»(rr »tra J. U Clbbf
mad Ur*. B. U. June* »pF*l M>oe
tlow »ltb Hr*. rr»B(«* Tbampao*. At
Baekler dnrtac tbc lUDt«* *ad death
bf -her *00.
The death of Percy Tbompaoa. noill
laat tprlng a resldem
Idem ot this place.
- a*a ater........................................
terrible shock to his maay
large rircle of
triends here.
friends, both yooBg and old. unite In
espreaslnn* of aympaiby
reaved uolber and starter.
The Rev. Mr. Herbert and tbe Rev.
Hr. Hall, both of Kingsley, wltl begin
special OH-etIngs here Tj^asday
Prank RlgbaiB bn* moved Inin ibe
rooms In tbe Dranlstoo hu
cvnily vacated .by Mr*. Harl
Mr. Kirkpatrick and family are anvlag Into Uielr bouse nc« Cfo. Porter’s

mother to Mrs. Lester Sayers, o
Ur. aad Mm. Fred Tabberer ha
len entertalBliig Iriead* from a d
7 all apcAi Sunday wl
---------- --- Pit • •
Marea I

..r. aad Mm. Jame* Peters. <>l
l.eelsvllli'. were calli-d here la>l *eek
by Ibe death of Cbelr sIster-la-Uw.
Mm. D. F. Peter*.

*. Mnnro aad Mm ranten rt-

•d last week from a two w«.ekV
with friend*
Detroit and
>lr* Klla>IVUII. ol llensonla, was
call<-d bore laat wesk by the m tIuus
nine** of her oiolher. Ur* Sour*
Mr*. NIel Manru. of KIk Kapld*.-vl*
•d a couple of days la*l m-cek wiih
Y parents. Mr. and
Mr*. Lowell Morrison and little
daugbler spent last week la KIk Rai*
Ids wiifa her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. J.
I. .Warner.
•A large eloss waa uken Into tbe
ebureli on probattOQ^ Sunday nlfbl
rc-snll of Uic revival lueeting* wh
ivt btH-a held tor the last four wet


borne to tbe Baptist charob In KtbC*was
Paul Jooe* reotrned to Wellstoa Iry. MIeb . wbtre tbr fnaeral
Toe Rev Mr. Hall, tbe panor.
aner a short rUl.t back to Waabbura. bold
resdUtf the kiTlpUire town.
aged Rev. A I. Thumtos a beaatlfblly aprpoprUie prayer, and the Rev
W. H. Herfacn dellyerwd a dlacuurae
to build soon.
marked by deep earaeeliiesa and
Mr. Atherton waa down to U
lender sympathy. Slaglbg was furn­
and over to Matrtslee last week.
ished by t>r. and Mm. G. U Feuiuu.
Welbioa Is the proud possesttor of The hymns U-lng -Face to Fare.c new lodge called the UobUrr* Tbr -Jesus lan^r of My Soul.” aud '’Je.a>.
member* were favored with a spedeb
Savior Pilot Me.'* whirb were the
same as sung at hi* sUler's faaersl
Ibrre years ago
A prorusluu of beautiful Sowers
siere sUenl messengen of Ifae aympa
*^e7ta^ GUI U worklag im Ur. thy of uaay friends
Tbe bearer*
Carrithem’ house
Mr. Carrlibem rvTe cbosea Jrom amobg The yvjaua
turned to Wasbbnra Saturday.
•D assoriaio of the deo-ased. and
Mrs. Bessie Thompson ass down to
re Jay Beal*. Clark Corning. John
Chicago, ill., on a business trip Is.l Briggs. Abel NenscbelL Lloyd Corn
Ing and Joan Knorb
Perry Edward TborapMA. onlr son
0. Edward H. and
Franiw* Pi<Tre
Thompson. SB*'born at v'le' l.ake.
Mabel. Ibe oldest child of Mr and Mich. March ITih. Ittf.'where 'the
Arsi two and one ball yearn of bli life
Mr*. Cyril CraaL died Saturda)
w.-re paased In UiSU tbe family tann
She waa six yoar* old h<
birthday wblrh was three days
to MsyOaid •ben- I’ero n-vvlvi-d hiher death. The funeral took pUrv eduestloe. being a fayorlie wllfi biachoot mates .aad Ike people general
Monday i
A* tbe prlaripsl dependenre of a
'1o*ed iiHitfler be lull •eboui during
■ H
eighth grade, aud ba* slue<-. |ii
P. lUh
spite of (vnltBued III health, labored
nehberg. on Sunday ti
fallhfullv for her support and com
Ur. and Mr*. G. H Cordv•» V.silr
fori, at Ibe mill at MayAeld aud dur
friend* nnd roJatl
-Und o
ing the past year upon the farm ae
Sunday last
ucred tbroacb Ibelr united eSorls
March >.
Not many week* ago a great iron,
le came to hlui. nbirb he ktrove to
LaMar From the Navj^
ear manfully and wllhoul ramplaint
i Hampton Road*. Vs.. FVb
lelog atrkkea with brain fever, atlrr
Dear PaH('’r and Family;
n llintws 01 six dap hr passed Into
I Jut received a Sne letter fram
lie great tayvind. "Where the wicked
wblefa wa> dated the J^td. Wasbingease from (rouldlng and (he w
lon’s Mrlhday, tbr - beautiful day
e at r.-ki,’ aged :i years. II mv
wblvh Ihe great AlUiiitL- Seel Diii.bed
nd i: day.
us gn-at rrulae aroumi Ibe world, aud
F'roni esriv rhlidhnod be ha- hi-eB
u* It bappeued I ws*
of Ibe
regular uiieiulsiii at liiureh and Sun
lucky oues wbo enlisted In iFinr to
make the grand trip whleh I railier eit day srhout. and showed, a thoughtful
moving to
Joyed, altbeugh folk* it wa.ui all a iDlerest therein
grand old pleuure trip a* some might Buckley he Joined Ibe YgniBg People .
Nile e1*«> and Miended a« regularly
surmise. Lot* ol bard work ami lots
1 bik beai<b sould permit.
of drilling
I.OU of bad weather and
In addition to hi* widowed mother
'• leave* one sl.ter. Mr* John Seely.
I Wexford
Another ai.l.r,
ellii- Thonqtkon. having
cu. aeeldenl* and ut ..
liu to Ibe home beyond Ihfi- years
' You know ho*- 11 I* voursv-lf, father,
you hive been In, t'nek- Sam’s service
and .vou know aoiueilme* we have

were soldlera ID the
Mia* Boman. after a two weeks' vle- war. does uot believe In uxatlon wKb8be also thlnka
II with her uncle. John WeaieoU. and nut represeutalton.
that no penoii ahould have the rtkhc
vole iiiil.-ss
they cau read the BaglaiBuea.. eiii reave ruruMiiu* avi iivi
b lautnuae.
home la Radne.v.
Mr. and Mra.
Mrs. Euiteney
Eujteney PUber
Charier SbrrldaB. or North Uanlton.
vlaltad el* parent*. Ur. and ift*. S. It. Mrs. Prank Sberldau v^t to Travenw
reiomln* Priday.
Bbarldao. laat week.
Tbu warm weather and kaw of the
Tba laat meeiln« or the Aid aorlnr
crow* makes It aeem like sprlof
writ Mr*. <
Oordee Earl.
1* wtlfc
ManA T.
Mrs. Robert Oliver
«-eot l
_ Mr}
Ur} aad
TfSYerao City Wedneediy. Mr*. Olivr


Mr*. A M. Smlib Rave a birlbday
party ou ibe Snd The lnvU>-d rue«ts
Mr. and Mr*. 1*. Ilnrrtuffton.
were Mr. and Mrs. B. B Arnold, Mr.
Sohn. railed <N> frtoM* here Men'
Mr. and Mr*,
The name or ih* lady who Itu^ Bud Mr*. Win Perrit.
d Maiter l«tus and
(Baaed the houl from Mrs. Merrill I* 8. B. !.ewlf and
klr. Sinilh received
- Mrs. Belella L. Walker, inaead or Mr*. 6. P. Dean.
Stella Walker, aa per Item of iwu aome very pretty present*.
Allen AraiBiroDc baa Dmved onto the
Oeo .Dean farm. Mr. AnoMnmg Is a
baatllBi; young farmer and we bopo be
Two slelchloadi of people from here *Wl^^^%eatoo U working tor Mra.'
Mary Plfe for the sumtner.
•Ur-nded the etnmalaawot ai
Albert W lieatoK came bome 1
week from lil* u ;nu-r Job up north.
Peti- BbeDanquet came borne rroiii
U r. Sheridan feels quite proud of SuUinis Bay one dav laal week, where
kit «nnd eon. Atfred loaiduiB. ’of •he torn been working all wlwer.
BoTM my. who Is atrout nine yeara
The hay ta (roaen over a* far as
». IbBt wlib this mild west
oM. He (opiBd a *^rand Price ron- can noB.
MM,” cartoon, advertlaod hy the Oor- It will not stay long.
•e W
s working for Mr*.
of America.
. Smaioii.
“............... Pa. and
ud s<-nl theai. He has Ed. Carlisle.
roeelrfld a cenllleale
iKIeale iand t*-o letters
March t.
he an director,
for hla perfeci
- (bat tboald he rullhaled.
Mr*. Jennie llallliRur ______________
T sister fram Plfe Ijike toTratenie
P. B. risber ha* reo lved a bo* ot
freah oraaae* from bis old frleud, A.
lly Ibe ltr*l of tbe week
l>U>b* has been In Cblel
nortda. Mr. Andnraon own* a sun>- go' Iiir tumrli- a week past
Aboal Inrlr persous from tbln place
■1 at lUark. Florida, and bad
sy to atlend ihe-aiate
Headed Ibafnneral serv ices or ftrey
e eransm from Ibe Tbompsoa. which were held at King*,
ley on Wsdnesday last.
. Last Tnsaday waa Orandma naher’a
Mra. l•a^l»b. mother of Mr. Partsh.
•U birthday, She cwlebrated It by who lives north ot here on the Boardflltntac and rlrealatlim a WmAn** man river, died at her borne Sunday
SaSraae petlllM She is a Freeholder
r «nd heart I rouble —
tad like her two yraud fathers, who
ike placb at the el

tin Pleasant Smell
of Naw Made Bread
b Me sriadi ike asenge nun would faid k hard to dtaiaka. bto
he sesm mkijis the odor sridmtd a eertaki watsini oi die Mouth •*
Ike btoirkdfe «»» to tbke bri a o( a heap that be it MDmidotoir huBgry and he can harSy wui imia he geb a getiaoui dice « hh
Ud. and with rich, golda butter.
And ierihal atm &e*MH wed worth the Gviog.
fawibM laB

Tk cares of

away ham hkn like walo (ram ihe back of a provetbitJ

Atch. te la dwe* ad tbe btdi sag and (or the itMMBt he's as ha*

tfpurnt Ml tap! 10 crotsrd te whole batch mto hia bee bdore te but*


The surprise parly on Mrs. Atwood
l.ak<' lii>l Tuesday evening ws* vc
well attended, considering Ibe storm.
Mm. Hester Averlll and Mm. Laura
K. Bates drove Over to tbe parly.
We are all verv sorry to bv«r
Charley Clark, of lAke Ann. geltlag
badly hurl Isvl Saturdav while ai work
In Ihe woods. He bad bis ami broken
and elbow ibronn out of place: beside
getting bis (ace acraictled up*^ulie
badly. *
Mr. and Mrs Sidney Bates.
Bcriha RJehardfOn and eblldren,
and Mr*. Ed All
of Mr. and Mm.
tley Averlll got hi* foot bnrt Saturday while working
workla in the wooda.
Peliio Bates has purchased a ply>
of land.
o Cedar r

iVllson U drawing log* t<
r mill of Robert Uarbei
:h In the sprihg
1e* was Uir guest
her BOO. Carl. Sunday.
Bra. Millie Palmer and children
were t isiting with her mother Friday.
Mm. Viota Uhc Isontbe gnin We
all hope she will still be on Ihc gain.
Tbc LAdlei' Aid win meet on Uarcb
Jolh, In the afiemnon. to talk on bus|.
nr*., at Mm Karl nrny's. Tbeie will
he^O rafreshments on that day. U-t

OVIEd Egglle;>qd lamll> went in Trav
erse Clly-^ Honda} In lm>k up a
houie to move Intov.a* lie Is through
worhlng oa tbe railway.
Miss Mariel Collins wt
Ruth Byer Sunday ^er
Geo. Herendeen and sun* vlaited
Traverse City on business Saturday
purchaaed a new hone.
T Ball reportaa
at hla new lomrtlon la Bastport.
Is ramon-d that Cbarlc* Saltier
has gone to Ohio.
Eld. Iia»klas s|K>ke on the subject of
e "Preedmen's Education Snciriy of
e South, tasl Sunday.
He used
Abram IJiirciln’s Ufria* an evatnple
for peoidc to follow lu refvYeiicc to our
rolort-d people. An offering wa* t
.r woik
Over SAlKi.itOO feet of togs have bm*n
delivered on Ibe bank* of Peari lake
this w lutcc and Ihl* wllh over S.OUO.OOO
of Ihe Madlloo Islands will
he saw mH1 ai Empire rather
lan it ran rut in one year,
light shin 1. put on which
hear is apt to b- done.
Joe CbaKi- expects to clean up
iogglag for Ibis yeat on Tuesday.
Ur. and Mrs. Ksrl Browning i
famll) were enjoying a drive to Pearl
Lake on Moaday morning.
Mr. and Mr*. J. II llyer and :
Ralpo and and Guy
made a trip to Traverse City to do
ime trading on Salurda.v.
Tbe Ice on Pearl LAkc Is quHv tbirk
with people Ashing these da.vs sod
probably more

J"we vrotdd have (ewer divorced

Any woM can ate god fared if te aa

Lily White
"ne nosr fke Best. Goote Use**

W<na who ire reafag te •Woman * Past* <d te <Uy pmm
MdaaaawatryBatohdoafraaseae other wesam te tarel of
amn ^ aMad ad an cdectrre wotes wl do w«l to

Haiiaawtd a l«cla« diaa ai ad., ha if h gels ao^ ted.
kad wateg aaa a aqaate aeal weT ha ^ai
fa aJe by yoar date. .

VAU.CY orr BOUNc ca

held a sue
prt*irl»e party Priday evening on Mr
and• Mm Will.............................................

eiaeb. made a I
e Wednesdsy

The minister of the Church «C
(»rui has tooted in Ed Coraell's ten­
ant boOM.The Coraell prayer meeting waa
held at Prank . Butler's Friday evee-

dou'l. The govonmieiii mean* i
right so I never alio* m>.elf to col
plain Bm sOhietlme. I think of home
and Crttd's rtniniry, where we only see
Ibe good old iftars and stripes* flying
and will Iw tree again and 1u} u»u
I Ju.i wrote a Idler to Fred
I suppose vou know hr and
Fran- Clark are up In the North Mich­
igan woods.' He Ik a flne fellow and
I would like to M-e blni-we vould
have a good old-time visit.
George wrote me a long letter and
told me a1l*tbe new* from about
George ray* when he gel*
a letter troiu uic It's Just- like a good
tong Ulk or visit from me—lUai'* Juri
like when I get s loiter from you.
I got your letter which you wn
on the JJnd Ju»t at noon, rlgln altc
had iny dinner eaten. Then I bad to
put tbe dlkhca In the rack* a. the
me*, cook* bring them b



welcome Icllor. I would carry
daihek utnil I was raughl Up with tbe
yoor loving 1
Bay lalher. they are giving
lows now and I guess 1 will go up on
deck aud put In fur one with the rest
of the boy*
They- pul np
up ooilce
ooilcv on
all men nlsh
liig to
all but one muiitli * pay
lu draw
and wasii'i
up tor general coin I
tnalrial. weie to euine to the eu-eu.
(ire ourfce and pot dosn their names,
so I went and put In for all I had on
the iKKik* wblrh I BU not eertaln bo*
muili It will ts'. but If I don’t ehsiige
my mind I .will eome hmiie a> .■*<
I r*i the Irliv dnllam Irnni veil »

see me eome home
until June STih. I would lie In Just two
yearn, but a* It I* I’ll be borne a lit­
tle sooner
I sent yon a Washington post card
(he other day whleh will tell you *11
about Ibe trlj> around the world und
Ihe time we had coming In lo llamp
ton Roads, here. Almost every one of
my friend, and relallvra and ibt
. my good Inek miey
would like the chance
the siiue
-lue' *k
a* I
Well, II I hadn't
enlisted I would
have'tost out sure
There wa* a lot
ol fellow, that enitoled In the navy
the Fame tlmt^I did. The I’. 8 Is tbe
only nation wbo '
force their men I
W.-II, folks, you can look for
any old day now, and yon can tell
Smith and family that I will be
sure to come and
see ihem. and
We win have a good old-time
sorry to hear ot Mr*,' Smith’* III•. hope >tie I. better when I rorae
home, and you ran Ju.t tell Elmer
thst-lie ran bet w- will have a grand
lime aud we will have a .blu-dlg
plenty to eat and drink
We are
getting plenty to eat now and good
food 10
We had uuaage and ytouvy and bread and verv
good bulier for dinner today
roa.ted, but yqu bet I
geti U any old way. fOP w e are Ju
ud In our own couniry again.
1 ibink tbr city of Norfolk gav

T eomlni
don’t know forr certain.
Well, the crew la up' oa
on the deck.
,e top deek. sbolaplng tbe
gun deck,
- when Ibye do that. why all '
>ni thl« deck. .
my*"* ' mile coop writing
m til the uolM. a:
fusion, wbiih I* geneisUy |
You see It ha. 10 be left atone after
It I- put ot. tinlil It dries «h!rti only
take- about three hours at the most,
then the decks look slick aad nice and
It it done once every i*o
M'ell this I* about a
enough letter so father. 1 will ring off
and say bye bye for tbit lime, from
Jovlng *00.
larle. E Freeman 1. tbe sob of
C D. Freeman, of iTtllli
Illamabnrg —Ed

**Mr. and Mm. Levi Strong vlaited Jt
Lewi* CUrk's Bandae.
Mis* Hattie Siroag tpeat Sauday
with Viola Aaty.
Mr and Mm. Frank Fowler have
Death of Percy E. Thonpean.
moved on the Wm Caawetl farm.
Jany frlei
friend* gathered at tbe bome.
An lev eream social will be held It

tbe Carl school bouse Mareb I».
Buckley, to par a last tribute of
I U Coraell fram Traverse I
to Percy E Tbomemv* Ms
* been visiting in Ibis vicinity
kfier ae^iure reading and
by Ur. Walker. bl<
tbe cvtaalas vent
school teadicr.

L^t ’em (M>me
wvhlle the

las& You can’t «ct
a limit to a criddlc
cake appetite when
is on the tab ’

11m bM sjrnip (of cvw)-(vui


tiu: tee. »se.

AmU-rsou i>I
Maitto llansi-n

HapU Cily.


KIk Rapiii. and .Mr.

und Mrs. <•. u llvincs ol ihU |4»rv.


Country Women** Club.
le t’ouniry
Women. eluh will
im-r; in the awiiihly mom of th'- Han
vab A lAi store Eaturday afiernoon,
Uarvh 13 at 3 o'clork
The program
omraltio' have arranged for flne pn>


Mirli. Msrcli II -r.-tor 811-

•Boll visited the liimiv ul Isaac CbapJakv kJ-rb unk a load of grist l»
Luke Ann Wxtoesdav.
Thi-'ShcfA-lj svparairr wa's i.lai.-d
*!»«• the Snarp si-j«raioi ’wus plai-ed
the bumc ut Jake Esofa M'.-4new

Cbcldren to Mourn.
Mis. Maty .InuuUvi-r.wile of Koberf


Oliver of GU n Arbor, dw-d at Ike
Ed Miiiiniiig. ut En.1 Empire, amt Grand Traverse hospilst at T p. «u ton Kridlemuu «.f Empire .-nt.-n-d Wcdnt-scUy. death fullowtog an vpereItu rauevT a
day* ago. Shu
bcislnes* with C- Manning.
30 yrar. ohl aad beside* her ho>lU luwu Ism Tltoriday. irauitoctlng
^r». JuLo W. Ksch was called I
.Noiih Branch JYIday lo see bee si
ter. Mrs. Charlie IH»I. wbo I* tH-rluii
ly III with beart dldscase.
C. Manotog mad.- a buslucs* lilp I
lliaal Koksuir Tuesday.
Mr. aud Mrs.

Rube Shcibrucd: •

band. I-4VT* several cbildixto, HennllpiH-rt Oliver ol Ciaod Rap>d*„ Mr*.
Oriic I'rl.e ot Glen Arbpr. Mrs. PoulHIchatdsoD, of Hlg RbpMt. aad
Coy Ubv.-r. wlui 1* a sailorh>d the
lake*. A sIsUY. Mrs. gatabKodskla.
ol AJwuud. I’ol . and tlire^ brolbcr*.

Jacob Vantlusklrk ol Aun Arbor. Ow­
Ibuluk siK-ul Siiudsy wllL Ml*. Sim
t.took's |N>nnt*. Ur. aud Mra. Dan en VanUusklrk of Arradiv HaMstoe
■ouniy. aud
Igwto VauBusklrb -of
l.r.ind Rapids. Minn., also survive.

Mis.UUbersiuUHu in Munraetymaty.Ublu. but bad lived fur uaby yeoia
at Glen Arbor. Bbr Wa* a wonma of

• Ilal-S, Mi<b. Maicb |1—llisbop
I. Wiald. I). 11., ol AIma..)iri'aelicd In

• XceiHlonally Dnc ehai«< K >. aud *prul
her lito doing good, llt-7 iltocws M-

lowettb aln ak of Ud luck (heir bome
Hie r. II church Sunday iiKiiulug
and all It* niBicBU
-ig tMraad
vveulhg to good congregaU.m., TJjc 0 Hh- ground to Febnwry. 8b- k«vo*
libliop 1. liiTi- to Ihc luti-n-irt ot Cen­ 1 wide circb- of Irirad* «lu> i-giead
tral (Village, loculcd at lliiuliugtun. loir sympsiliy lo ibu bervav-d tab)tiid. Tin- sum of-130(1 was r*le.-«I to
blip pay hg tlic college d'-Itt. The lilsli

op was preshlliig eider «f this disiriri
tor a niimlsT vif yrais aud It well
know n in'I Ills place.

t’op<-mlah. Marrli g

to DHrall to spend a lew days vHb

Taylor llack'iuan. and (aniUy tiariod
Tn>- wedding ul i^VlIlitui llunpfct
Im-sday -tor IHJrttouU. Ori»toand Mist Mubc-I Shram oreuii-v'd
Udh-s- Aid will meet' nsra«v.
ycsicrday at high mwto. Full puriku
lib Mr*. I. G. I>uBy.
Hr. and Mra. Arthur Jariuum ara «sMrs- John Ibntini of Kiunnln*. urig to Oregon to vUg Mr. Jaeksoa.*
tv«-d Tuesday rv.-iilug toi lliV Ibmpparents.
fcr-Sjicurt-r wt-ddiiig.

1 Ibe buiuebi juhn Rseb.VVi-dm-sday.

Died At too Yaara of Age.
Nathan Plerte was born In Para,
port. VermoBL November
uuk. and
died at N’.-.»en. CUy. February S«.
moil, axed l^year*. ibrei- moirtbs
:i days
Int- funeral
. held at
N'e«*>-n City Februarv :iS, the writer
ufflelallug. text Job i-se. Tbe burial
took pisre Ih tbe Nessen eemi
.M the age of LI rear* be wa* mar­
ried to Chatlotie Inelare at Middle
burg. At the age of S3 year* he moted
to Elisabeth Town, kbvaex touniv. X.
There six children were Imvcd to
them’ Mov/h! to Mleblgan In lKi« and
endured Ihe hardship, of pioneer life.
Took up hi. hnme.tead on Itat- shore,
of Portage Uke si Onekam
be became loially blind, wa
Ave year., but regained hi* eyralght
by an operatioa at Aon Arbor.
He beraiiie a Christian when S3,
year* old
He was tbc fathw of six
children, grandfslhcr of fl.’gre.vl
grandfalber of 4C and great great
grandfather of 3 Tho~' present at the
funeral wer.- ibW eblldren. I'olly
Dailey, nf \e..en; Addle Dallev. of
Honor, and Frank Fleree. uf 0.>lH-nil»li.
8lx grand children. E. It. Dallev, i-eman Holby, Wm
Dailey. Ctoffor.l
Dalh-.v. I.lllle llaltley. Emma Frleml,
Viol* Dill, George Pierre, and iwn
gre*' great f
llaltley and W
There w*. a very kirgr BUendiuire
The Nessen Cilv i-holr rendered good
niific. Mav It be said of him, "Serveni of God Well Do



S It Mafsli lia. ueiK-J lo Jil. plat*' Only M SaMolt Cast At the ElecUon
At Mancelona Yetlerdsy—,
■■lie Iilih- vvesl of Hates.
Jasac WisKr, PrcsLdcnL
Mr lllraii ba. uuved Irani Hunker
JHII lo the placi- recently puii-hes-d id
•S. 11. Harsh.

Maor<-loii*. Mil'll. Uur.h P —Tbera
were but .'.II x.t.'s cast Iiere vesferday.

J. K- <’rlle. retomi-d Balurday i

when MS a rule, ibf-re an
liig Hum Eouib Huardmai]. w:bfrr to- Uirei- and' imir hundred. U.-n asslsllog Id revival mceiDuly SKitx. to-fon-. to Manrviona's
IIIBS Tho mveihiR* were rinsed on hUivry were then- so Jew voles r
count of clipbtberls in the place.
Three year* ago. *

Cannot Utt It.
Herald 1. to reevipt nf .
pontJenw- from Wexford, w

.Mrs. Waller .Irnold. who un^erwcul under qiiaraiiltoe.
I o|s-iaii«.n nl the Trsver*.- Cliy- l>o.
It U signed by the
wrifer, tor inlurnialinn o

pliaj rsii wc.-k. ago. Is leiioiled as
laiprtivlng nli.-ly,





I'eter Evi-Iis -ind family from IVnosy I*nla.




Nelson Writs and family have gone

Pre»|.lcnl—Jesse Blshr.


Tivasun-r—J W. Msihewsoii.



N.s-laud. lUlph Jilasuo.


daughter Mr*. George Dunn.
Mr..George Horkrtdgc «■. pleasanl. surprli-d last Thuri-dsy *hen
3e of oer lady friends ni.bej lu ou
With well ailrd basket* ol vat*bb». Tlesy presented her w‘H. » love­
ly frlerdsblp qidll and s|>en> tbe day

mnd n»rml Cmlte uiu !>.« to swc.-e«.
~l;iUy gi->'VKk Quality VtgeiaUn, liosen siul .sotsll J-’csAi, Valaabit
ii.r..rwxl<an jr.d rsbitrc di erii.wt (or Ibe tlankncr and EiieRr,
Viek’t Mikado 'Wbito Agtor f-ir ■* flve ladx* to di Mts. Kkc * grog
tiiv-ai,ikeim:rai ibe Kit.g el lU Auer (>f„.ly. - IV t^slti vtuU l*Kr .»
aj ccT.:v s paikcl, bst >e tend tbr CjlalfM and Auei.............................OT lU C.

Ticka Bcbrtet Olobo |UdUk. AUu Onlg Oaiea and tme» Coca

111 uuUimg It.
Ml>< Della DuPresbv and Ml*. Msiy
I•bl1!i^>* attended the Teachers’ Inli­
ne ut Mancelona Thursday aud FrlMr.

I lili-ii*|ii||]|g


Kesadln Mich. March
Agni. ttorman of Ei. Igiiace I* vl.l
Ing with W H. Auderuim nod family.
>. W N* Hobbetl
for Cbiragu







ElsTlal to Tbe Evening Kecu.d

Thursdny. *hrre •ito'Trill

_ __

re b
being only on.- i
fl.'Id. (facN’Ititens, way aroHiul for ttiesuiall uuuiber of voles,

ll. cr gics- ICUI u:^ l.a zj
I.u; »« tcu.l ibc C'aia'uc'
and so* packet of ca. h...........................................................................
Aak tor tba CatAlacBO oarvayi It's te*-'
U3 Xmi, m.




J. G. Booth went iji Traverac

City FrlJay. retuiTiIng Saturday.
Liltle b-year old Clarence HolU-uiM-rk nuietly passed away Saturday
luoralng. afie: an iltotw* of about two
cnica. The funeral *;*« held at tbe
.*E. church
here Sunday
at !

The Ulernieoi being to Ma­

ple Grove cemetery at Elk Rapid*.
Revival* closed heie Snnday.
The totaai child ot William Uitch1 It very low,


Belle Frink
wa* pieSsanUy sur­
prised Monday evening when about
•L Ol ber Irleads walked to npon bcr.
Mr*. George Hockridge enlertatocd

.A Great Tonic
I- you troubled witb that tired. pU.'edout feellngT
Are yaw
tobled *:ib petty Irrliation. uvrvoii*n<-s*. sleeplesancsa. or luHges«• If so .vou are .in need of a good utrvs tuult. as tese are SIgaa
)r debility.

Wairs Blood and Nerve Tablela
Are Just tb^toutc you need. W. have
' mads Ibeoi especially fur
CDbdilioni. We guarantee them
It they
bey do not help yon. you rso
your money bsek wftboul
eFilun. All this moolh. *0 everyoBe
have a chauic to try theor

... ----- - .

the Lardln club Tuesday.
xadm* Fring ot Elk Rapids It viT
Itlog r‘ll> Mto. Lydia Frink and lamy.
Quite « reuaton Aaa.held St W. IL
Andersoti-s Moaday the fotoriag relabelng preoeat: Andrew Ander**• Of Clam Lake. Ur*. U I«Cve aad


T. I




•Ujr At Hmm.

•us. <U)> «t koM. nr b«an, ud



Tar tkwe tUt wander tber kwow wot
- Are Ml of uwable awd fall o( otre;



To eur at boDta li beat.
Waarr and bonraldi and dUtraead

TAey wander ea»t, 'tier wander weau
Ant are batted and bcaun and blown
By ibe wlnda ot tbe wlldeneae ot

ibat It msy brawn evenly

Wten tbe

iltom Is well colored fold csrclully.

Poutoes a Is Lyonnalee—Slice an

ira out and serve at once
Urrakltst , Pouioes—(took

1. my beart.

A draiubt bM

A crwat fitun tbe
Ibd* well


I sated OB tbe almplt

Tbe teeea Uoataliis aroeod On door
Awd plnki witb perfeme' awect.
Tbea the paaalee doddlv ibelr tiny
WbOe e wbtiper tbrousb Ibe ireea
A wttMptr « -welenwie'' to tired

>11 balla. nod fry tbc-m In a wire
bosket In boliiog fat.

or meal

rrnnmrsl rolatuc-i- fhoR ndd boiled
potatoes nnlll quttr fine, add butter,

a ibi- dally menu:

nalt aad pepper to taste; wben quits

tell beal.-n eggs add two tenspooi

yolks ihrougo n slev> on W ike Ua.l


tigg* Hroume-Slx eggs, half i
!pf milk or ereani. two musbrucMu*

The Friendly Hen.
rIfiMtIj hen Is olwaya nn i>
■hr rrlem
lud oue-hair (eac^ful ol milk.
tent, end helps ti
( rfltba'th
-Il'beaiei) evgs and a Utile nail bouw'toite to vary her tenlon fire .by
Mil well Kigc-lbrr. afaape them Into kiving her a ebrap-und good subst

quart of water in a double boiler, (or
two taourw. or uolll tbe amount l
<*ueed to one plat. Strain and i

inmulcs'lti one lablespoontul of but­

Best the egg*, sail. |>*-pper. and

rream together and >in them
snueepan: add Uh- butter and i
s: allr over ■ moderate bei

>t Is often worth our while to know >
>ome new way to verve (beui
•gg dlilt wtticb I* dcliclouh nud easi
dlgcMcd ae well as iioxel to many,
tbe steanved or frothed egg

begme to Ihlrken; lake from tbe Utile Water boiling tn a large cnxered
-pan. separate the egg. ben
■ltd beat rapidly until the eggs be
> to a stiff froth and place I
quite tbfck and cn-amy. Havi
t of traii-l on a hot dl*b. heap tbe ilalnly bqnt. make a little not I
aii^ drop in the yolk, whole.
lulsture oo Ibese, and garotob wilb
Then plsc- the bowl in the aaueopai
s ol toast. Serve Immediate]:

Following are nome good

>i}> or rooking uggs. to give vai
Omelet. Xo I—To the yolks of two

mothlng New in tte
Uiakaui Uem>—Into

rover lightly, remou- from the fire
Brand Uns. sad let xand lltc minute* A few
n quai
crumbs may Ik- du>l.-d ovc-r the top of

ifoi milk stir four egg* that
been benU-ii onl) a illlle; add a
spnonlul each of nicli.-d liiittei
end a unspoonful of sugar. Add
gradually Ihn-e rUptuU of graboni
flour Ihnl bgtc been



when hot turn In (be omelet quickly

the egg If dt-rlrrd, and It slioiild
-.erxed wlili n lilUc butler -aud salt

A Chanpt Front Vsgctsbict.
.Nearly «-«ery one gels lin-d of the
UOieiicss of the wlMcr v.-geUbU s.
kUecsroiil is liK-xpen-lve and offers n
-hauge from tbe usual round

remove from the Are when nearly
lies and bake lu greased and bented Of vegeial
cooked end spiead the beaten • biles
and Oy»tcn>—
aeela. Macaroni.
PoUloea s U Maryland-Six poUgem pan*.
tt-ten tbe whole
Case la wilb (be paailaa brene.
Ul.-h -Ixwr
>es pared nnd rui lalo thin alloes; tested fold oVrr. Tbe white will burnt
blmrult tealen
y la cold aalied water for Blleen
same aa usual oY butleruillk or pound of maianinl ibxt has biK'ii Irak
It around the edge, giving tbe oueen Into two luih leuglha sufficient
minutes, dralu. and put la a slew pan
t n very temptlqc and delicate apwith Bilk cnoiigk io rarer, put on Ibe
(blekiiess. then spread witb but bulling water ib rater w.-ll. add one
lid. let simnrnr slowly until perfectly
■prinkle wilb sugar and cinnamon lablespuonfu. ut salt, let boll Dlteen
Almost any kind of omelet may
lender: then add butictr. salt aad
and roll up like Jelly rake- Cut tl lee* idlnales. Drain off tbe'waicr. cover
made from Xo. I. by repUrlng
ley minced very fine. Serve In boi
I (be end half an inch tbiek. lay In with cold wafer again and drain -until
rhUe between the omelet with siloed
III s coUndcr. ftol a piece of but
dtoh. Thicken Ibe milk, a llllle
bakipg pin not close enough \o
<r chopped bam. veal, chicken, ela^.
tba aeeyei i read oe ber happy (aee
In a pudding pan. melt It. when
touch each other and hake at once tn
itewed or raw tomatoes or sweet nrn.
Of the n«te oe (ha wall
; sprinkle in s layer of. bread
Pouioes an Orsiln—One cupful of
a hot oven. These.are nicer than
■he save (row her heart tbe beat ebe diced boiled poUto. one-half cupful ot rtaeoo (or breakloai or Innrb. while • hen mnde-wltb yeasi bread dough
imb^ ib-.-n a layer ol oyster*,
or tee-omelet No. 1 may be used
yese. niaearont. bread-crumbs. oy>
cracker crumbs, isro
Coo4 hot or raid
omllUng tbe peppe rand adding
Her laltb. ber tore, her alL
a. cheese and marnronl until you
melted butter mad two-italrds of s cup­
Sally Luun MuffinT.—MU logether
Urge ubiftopoooful Of powdered sugar.
one q-yan of flour ithni has been sift­ have used all (be macaroni
ful of cbeeae. Put layers of each po­
Aad inio ber Ute flowed Joy oatMd.
pint of draiued oysiei
utoes and eheeac In a buttered baked with two even lenspoonluU
Mlb and tore far bar ntaoat Beed^ lag dish, cover wItb cnimbs. pour orei
baking powder and a teaspoonful of tourib pound of cheese. Moisten -witb
pnacbea. or pears, or two or ibw-e
And all who caew to ber hnaUe bonte
pint ot drained oysters snd
oapfui Ol milk or pblie
raltl. three eggs, well beat.-n with
of currant or grape
Ware Wawad W her word*
cupful 0. cream or one cupful of
bake 20 minutes tn a moderate oven.
Jelly- Sprinkle with sugar before scr>
milk. Place in a moderate ov.-n, bake
make a border lor ibe rhopa


pound of salt perk Into tbU slices, fry


Omelet. No. 2—Number ol eggs a
‘n(o greased tins.. Thin quantify will
four or 'flve large oalons sliced, cook fording to lhe:alxe ot faiiilly. Be.
make sixteen mufflus.
Brown Bread—Mix and sift one and
slowly till a iigbt brown. Plate a Uy- tte eggs until light and foaming, teaer of alieed potato^ la a slew kbtile, son to Usic with salt and p<-ppcr. Add oncKiuBrter cupful* of granulated fitthen a layer of pork and onions and milk la the proporiton of .one cupful rllan meal, one cup of graham flour
to six eggs. Fry In spoonfuls
sod itareenuarters of a cup of ne
dredge weU wlU pepper, flour and
Hltle salt
Repeat (be layers until tel grt^dte'.rolUng until the ci
floor. Add to these one teaspoon of
slowly for a few minutes, then ndd

‘•lauly -be




■•tbMAt o( food and It wDl radiate
• —yea do not bare to bother abeei
• U any more than you need tronUe
• abonl your dlsoetton."

Jtmmd tk*


pork and onions are used, (hen ndd firm and browned. Wben the (amUy
necakfast together, this i
perhaps three plnu of water, let come
niowly to n bolUur point nnd sUnmer test way to serve omelet, as the mixitaiid two or three hours
.loi2l7 forty minutes. A cup of

aeda and a bait teaspoon of rati, mix
and sKi again.

Add nro-tbird* of a

!cnp of molasses aod two rnps of sour
milk: beat well logether and pour inlo
crenm nnd some rolled crackers may it Is well beaten belorc eseh Irving.
buttered tin. Su-ani four of live
Cream Omelet—Three eggs leligblpeople wbo Ure in t
la other ,bc added Just before servlag.
Egg Bread—Thi* is one of (b<- nio.-t
Pouto Oaken—To one pint of cmd ly beaten I. three Ublenpoonfuls of
milk or rream. salt and pepper lA laniou* of old-thiie soulbern dtoh'-s.
Haay readen will tansb at thU Idea masked potatoes, wbicb
Heat and butter a pan. alTil
nd to made as toltow-s: Otic <iuart of
bat there are ottaeta who nUI nadei MBMMd with salt, butler and cream.
quantity of bread
-bite coriiBieal. whirb must ly>- M-aldotaaA and tlm are,nooe wbo bar
.-d wtlU a little boiling wati-r To thU
»ol.|U«clt«e]f or nncoiiMloustr. feH crumbs, one u-aspoea of sage and onebe
, liillc salt, the >i)lk> otj tliiv-e
lonrth teaspoon of blatk pepper, oi
lia trulb. l\ere are aooM
■ligbtly and se rve hoi.
a cuplul of milk a liblee^muiirul
Jest. If you ore not load Of pepper
wkicb. ir one eaters them
hard bolb-d ol lard and a lablerpoonful of mrlled
aoeacvd and ao<™ <roai ruomtonxmi. make Into cakes and fry brown in ho
Have one pint ol veal or rpIcYt
•utt<-r. test ol all. add th>- welilK-atflae rakes arc teiu>r than if (ggv
braaibe a apirU of
( hop lin.- -n wbiies of ike egg* Haiti- nearly nn
a used In tbem. and tbe broad rn gravy or white sauce
la others a seBBlllre pwron (eeU
-ae cuplul ol ham. tongue, poultry or tour In A moderate men
raaUeas aad "rabtHid tbe wrvas way.
Soften one cupful of craik.’fBread .Muffins—iln-sil niulflii* (hnl
Putnio Puffs—Take raid roast meat, Ub
8a»e boatea sire one a sobm of opOtd It

s ot Ibe

rreesMe and depreoaloai ubers
to radlaia lore and good wlU.

either beef or mutton, or


■rumbs lu one-fourtn

rnplul of milk

Chop Ibe whites of the eggs fine
small and season with pepper and salt, • hullered dtob pul one lajei
Tbe axplanauee Is aoi Lard tt
rufflbs. a layer of chopped whites and
Boll and
•daaUaU tell as that erery persoa tnd rut pickles If Mked.
>auce or krevy. mlured meat, yolks
cerrles wHk hlai an ' aura.'’ In elhei Bash some poiaioea'snd make Ihei
rubbed through a One straiuer: anolh
wards, oar tbaopbu eaert not only an into a paue with one or (wo egg
ham, cieaf it from tbe grisib

layer ol crumbs, and so on until the
Kell It out tsHh a dust of flour, rut
dieb I. fun. Tbe lop layer should be
toned with a saurrer. Pul nome t
dodas disease, while coaversely lore tb« seasoned meal on bait and foM It buttered crnnite-. Bake till ite
ted p«c« briBi lAyslcal well-bataia.
Egg Timbale*—Four egg* beaten
bat tbaae ateatal aUtei throw ibelr aad fry a light brown.
Slewed I'otaloes—Pare, wasl
•lighil). one cup of milk. *ej
ladaaece aiwaed ai like an invUlUe
It tbe pouioes Inlo dire. I
.‘nil. I<epper nnd chopped
etoad. We know (tel s peraon with

aeuai taflaenre apon oar bodlaa.
anser and tear tbau^is literally

tablnspoonfnl of butter tn a drop fry­ Turn Into buUcred nmall mould:-. Bake
ing pan, add a ublespounfiU of flueb
\ of hot wsler unlll Arm in
chopped onion, sad fry until a golden cenlvr. Turn out and sene w
l•rowa. aurriag coosiaiilly ibai
ereaiq A»uce.
ray at aenobtae on a aiormy day
t rcBU SAit-e—Tw-o Tupluls milk
HOCM Cboer enlb to mind oor poaie Hour, stir, and when well blended wilb cream, four lablerpooufula butter, ft
'which was barked by Ibe slmpllrily the on km and butler add one and one tablropoonluls flour, oiie bslt teaspuua
a WM. dereleped case e( the Moei
like a wet Uaakel 'oa erery one

wboa he eomei In eonUel nt
cbeary, hrUM (need srasan b I

•I lU well wora tumlsbliiss. and >H

ball cupfuls of water.

an aee. rich or poor, ywanc or
celored n witbeat teettes Ibe bense of
peso aad tore, which OMmed

season -wlU a level u-ospoo
salt. tei. as much pepper, and a uble-


(Bl Mil. specs of pepper, parsley.

A New Egg Heeipe-I-Ut an onio*
Into line dice: fry It In s tablespoon
tpoonlul of ctepped parsley:
(ul of butter: then dash in a teaspoon
nUfiMnll Tbe aarm erf the wonder- me quart ot me diced pouia net the ful of vlnegnr. BiRter a .hnllow dtob
fal floal wba tired (here lesde ItaeU (rylag pan on tbe back of Ibe stov<
; sprinkle tbe fried onion over il am
fell In erery note sad corner of the! rover eloaely. and simmer gently ui
breah In five egg*, being very rarefu
beaae. and ereo atrsniers eoaiateated III the poutoes are rookod. whirh will
ihat Ite yolks remain whole. Bake li
Bpoe the root and suentth they foaad
. tot oven until the whiles become i
la tbair cteace otopplns at Ibe doer. bol.
delicnle film.' Dost with snlt
Pouto BouBIc—Stesm six pouioes
More' than once tired, aen-e-wtni wowhite pepper. Just before sending b
moo have asked the privileie of tU- without renwvtot the Uias. tben peel
the Ubie sprinkle nil over the dlsl
tiBf lor a Unw bennatb the uiea la jd^mah (1 m. adding, while hoc one
of lamer, half a pint of coarse bread crumbs.
tbs abady yard, bojIbs that h aaenad
Celery and Bggs-For an sppetliing
milk, one tea^paonlal of salu and
to raat iben la aona straase way.

It b a blssaed Ulan to be able W tiny plarh oCxareoae pepper. Beep
■aks oar bones eote centers ot HUsmqolhaadllgbi. Beante whJtss
atreesa. Joy. lore aad paaee. and tkU of four rags to a stiff froU. stir genUy
late tte poutoes. Heap them on
, to wUbta tbe power ol ere
ws. Oar ewa ■antai attliefla to tba baking dtob or drop by spoonfuls cm
ireased paper.
Dust wHh gretsd^
thing which makes or mars

breakfast dish, rut celery I
mra pleqre .boll until lender and drain
mix with a cupful of drawn '
•II scosoned. pour Into s butt
baking dtob and break six eggs
the tte- PtKtjBi a mite ot butte

ri- iiarllcuInHy patotabk- may bfiiadi- in (be lullowmg wsy: Tut one

-Mr aa/r rrgrat i$ tiot /
mOt mu rrmaa sraarr aad /
weoyrf kavt rifidtdMlmi gtr

It may'be flavored by
cooking with (be rice a do?eu ralslm
ind kc-ededl or a little grated

lemon rind
Probably no arllr^ of diet l>
ispuoulal of Mit. a tiltic p.•i:pqu(-uily aerxed during eickneas^nr
three ublespoonfuls of butter, a t
crating ol nutmeg, rut lift- mush- VoBvalewrcnce than egg* in some lomi.
when a rtek child turn* from tbem
looms tolo dice and fry them for one

tel. pour Ui a cup of rrram or rich of nillk. one naltspotuiful ot sail nud
milk, eook a minute longer and serv-r. oniHourth
sallapooDful of peppei
Pouto iUrawe—Pan- nod slln- old Beat (bi- whites stiff.
poinloes and let stand in cold water yonr OBk-lel or sniaU Irvlng-paw am
(or an hour, ftol in ibm strips and
davp lal. gcWNiii wlUi salt and

-/ am mtar rwrrrf sad . Jurrf»! (■
oil Mrrar* fdr
acra.y ef /Vreors. w-dni hmt
nrrdmrrgt' tmalhomdrntmd

.d nerve.

Potato !U1U-Taki- thrw- cu'plifli of
laaahPd pouioca. oii< half wuplul of

To prod tbe digewUre orgasu wllk
wdicliMe tbst are (rarely eilmalnats to
pour way to remedy mseb roaiu.

boi dUh. pu. a layer of sauce on
Rice water win serve a* a change
Pd tben part ol tbe wbllcs of Ite from aay ol the above, and I*- made by
cut In strip*. Rub part of lfa< loillDg.fwo tsblevpooniul* of rtee
Repeat thi* aad finish with a torn of
luie, the bveu for about
tree nilnule*. Oarniab wiib parsley

Tbe Mrd la aafeat is It'a neat;

.‘.^•Fhat dM It ueaaT

s vto rcMoro tte
AKBCNA rarely falls
A appetite. Immcdinlelt .
alng the nsr ot Prrnna psritenn begin
tOMiaoddlgMl. This talheantrereal
issilmoay. eomlog from all paru at tbs
ctrUiste world.
Caurtb I. n revy treqseat csoas wt
Iras irf appetite nod dUturfacd dlgeMlun.

Dd one different wars of cooklag po- . iDi. Beat three eggs until very light, about two ounces of grated cheese on Illy of proues, figs-or raisins. Pour
ite fnili a pint of raid watet
Utoes. If that to true. It Is ■ pity ip season wiia salt snd pepper and mix the top. nnd set the ^gs la a moderate
>en for about s quarter of in hour, I ring It slowly io n boll then allow It
serve tben In Jest one or two ways. with tbe poutoes. Melt a icnspooa('reamed Sggs-Boll six egat twen
o simmer till lender: strain
ifter day. until every one Is tired (ul of butter In a frying pan. pour In
niliiolea. Make ooe plot of cream
a-ceten ibe liquid and serve eitber
of (bem. Bellow are given serenteea tb« mixture and stand over a moderme.-. Have six slices of tuast
•Ol or cold.
heat, turning from aide tu side
of Ibe tbe possible 1001 pouio rarto

lion finely nnd fry It In butter until
lltet brown: ndd fonr or
Slices of petrfod potatoes In so Utile
boUed poutoe* rat In sliced tbreeelteiba el an tneb (taiek. salt snd pep- salted water that U will be eviporalcd when ibe pouioes are done, add
O'er all that flatter tbelr wtaca and fly
Uste, and keep tbea sbsklng
liepper. butter, a llUle sweet cream
A kawk la borerlsg la tbe aky;
ireptn nnlll Ibey arc quite hot
Dd morr salt if necessary. Serve hot.
ftay at botne U beet.
and^bc^lnnlu to brown. A dainty way ol cooking potatoes is
—11. W. Utnafollow.
Stnlloptd roiaiiM-s—SIleo raid boil­
> slice Ibe raw potatoes verv thin, lei
ed potsiort very tbiu. rather more
lem remain in raid water alMtil eigbl
hair DM a baking dliA wilb tbem.
The Matte On the WalL >
bourn, ehanglng tbe wstr-r oner- or
Kprtnkli- tbi-ni wilb salt and pepper
Oe tbe wall el a cotlafc. poor i
iwira- Put them in a baking dtob.
Id ItlUv pliers of buiKT. pour ball
ibeni with nulk. add salt and
.1 read tbeer tlaae ae tree:
pint of im.s over tb<-in. fill up tbe
pepper. Place Iben In a nloa oven,
' to t^worM tbe beat you
u b
bare. dish with broad crumbs, covi-r with
and as thi- top browns, sllr Ibi-iii Ke« Ue beet wm eoue back
lie bits of butter, a IKtlo more- milk,
peal IbU until thr potiHoes an- per­
d seasoning to taste. Dake until
fectly soil and tender
tboronghly heslod and brown.
1 auy at b


quite under: add a cup of cream,
• till aUghtly frothed.
In tbe pan with yopr raaaUag meat to
then flour, uen add eight or ten bard Serve with toast or toasted crackers.
Many acceptable drinks may- be pre­
Aaotber way. alee fee tea—Take boltod eggs cut in ball, aad serve.
Uta. Wben we radlau lore, peace and
. Eggs a la fltUase—Spread (be hot- pared from Iresb Irelu. Apple-water
Kood will, all elee loUowe naturally, some eold meat, chop flee, add eqoal
lom or a dish with two ounen ..
made thus: bake a well flavored apaltboat effort on our part, and the amount of eoU mesbsd potatoes; a lit­
>resb butter: raver this with grated
e Until trader, then place it
borne beconcf a part ol tbe KlafdM tle pepper and salt; form into rails,
vheese: breah eight whole eggs upon bowL covcrjwkh a pint' of be
wtalch U Ure.
I'beeee wllboal breaking Ibe >olks.
>ter and let It stand UII cold: s
•acker and ley a golden brown.
d sweeten. Or pare, core aad slice
Potato Omelcr-Put through (be Season wun red pepper sod anlL Pour
RaUto Varlatlena.
little cream on tbe surface. >
apple or peach, or use a small qnanver sufficient bol poutoes to make a
Tbc^ are said to be one tboeand


To aU7 at home U beM. '

float oo the top. The driak known
<.bee»e sr.d pm In a quick ovea UH a oaeb wUh lalt and popper. PUee U
reo UitU ipe eggs ore aoL
-en and milk- to simply a^ ca
ynlden brown. Serve hot. '

Curried ^gs—flllcs two oatoas aad I'teily wblppsd. added to. a gUsn of
Pouto Bolls—Mash potatoes with a
milk, tt msy be slltetly sweeten
l.tUo salt but no milk Add a few taw fry in bouer. odd a UHespoonft
desired. To serve o glaai of crsami.
oalOBS ebteped fiac, beat up with a turry powder aod ooe plat of
little bouer. form Into roUa and pUee broih and stock, stew UII the oatoas have tte erram cold, (ben whip wtib

iaal atfdriaf aad miufy"
—Mr. ‘rntfo H. Caataa.

llen.vtS IXUrrli. ItesIwM SpsttHe.

Mr.'Joraph H-fonlan.-le-TTIh Are_ Hrcwklrn, N. Y . writes!
-I enifered from catarrh whteh cmplrtely drairoyod »y appetit* »Sd
weakened my enure ev.iem.
“I amnoweirrcd snd cheerful laepinU.all thrrmgh the ag—ey<rf Psrae« Wh.rh h...-e.r.,1 me eneeiiistIr and reslored lar seretile.
rr and I would kave

TsrpM U««r. flismadi Trsa^
T..pska. Kas, e..tidnei..r Sam* F-.J!i !•
way and msmtei Onirrof lUilway (toodacK.ra.wriiM:
*-| suReied with a lerpiri liver aad
Stomaeb ttenbl*. wlileYi ins.le my cmpIrSK.n very «all-w, snrt 1 felt airerable and tired all the time.
•-An aunt wrote m* an* wn* tak­
ing I'ernnaWlHi sueh g-ryi re.ulis Ihai
>h> ndvI-Kat me U. i.y ti.and I Brially
aonghl a Iwllle. alii
. I f.Minil Is-riiBarery wg
.and elTe.I„e. .. 1 (ell
k. 1 toolj.-Uly I'.e »-i
U ail and I found thsl wa* all I ne.V.-t am m.wi grateful to you (or what
• medii-ine ha* tioue (or me."
BysoilcrF CwHrdy RoflevcA
r. \V. .N. Vaoey. Ix-amiagtoa.

Calorrh at SIwtoMh.

wllli powdcri-d sugar aud crusted .n a
•dow own. . Wbi-u arranged on a plate
these arc- garnisbed with leave*.

isuBlly made, (be flaxxeed pool-


■Il (hat il Bhould'nol be-d wd
Seed fakre-Thto to the way car- inJas w-hlrb Bonn can welcome. One v
rrondaiolhers made the seed cakes we way ol mating tbem to to acoJd the
'osd so much about; Mix a euptul of meni wiih ooUIng water, allow to
batter with two eupfnl* of rugnr. add ■well, and tben beat (n tbe teiUng
eupful of water, tbrvi- wi-ll beat­ point again. Thi* I* u.ri where SMDehlng genile to required. To strengthen egg* and two tsbiespoonful* of < araway seeds. Pul two cupfuls of Sour -u tbe poultice tuDatord in anioJI pro­
The well
sieve with a teaspoonful and B portions may be added.
>f basing poadc-r. Stir tbU and, made poultice stoBld be sort aad
It uot wet and taut.

then add another .-upiul cu -ifted floor,

wblvb i-bould luuk- a -.(IS halter. Turn'
uu a floured boirvl. sprinkle with
nnd tvJli to an elgblb of nn Inrli

ppiling w-ater. add a lablekpoonful

fto rw-M r* o lom:
•apt. R. It. smith. Ureenalmro. flo,
•Afterttoine several hoiileanr Rerooa t ran H a* our of the best
itarrh medietneeoo the market. Asa
-IVtuo* to sll th.l l.clalnwdforU.-

roseiic*. spreading wl.b nianitat.'d.wlib meringue, w‘b..h U dui’-d

ly minute* will do.
Macaroni with Cheese snd Tomatooa

rail and boll lor fltlecn wlJ|uii-s; sk
of salted wali-r: plunge Into a ]i
,-ei7 cold water and let aland until

My vara was tewol

Mt. Henry Neeir. Fir*l Uralsnanl,
o.-'-F." rath Regiment, ti. V. I.. Bos
dfi. Trenton. Mo, write*: “1 sufferte
tor yeavKWlih ealarrh of thr slnmncb.
Keeing an sdrerltoeirant n( Prrnna. I
houghts l«>iilesBdereiy4nrama4*»s
two week* ader lieetnninu (r-i tetter, terra U.iiles complelcij
treatment I ws. well. I u-tl nine U-l-

t mil the crunibs are brown aud
ill Ibe milk absorbed. About

—Bresk half a pound of best mscar.
twotucb piece*: cover well w

• ol IVruna.

■I sire inra Yvrnns (or a eowgb- •<*
roidlng indtreeinma, and (1 exraadsoay
igh scrap I ever u«ed.
I Wish every »»e aJBiete^ wooM glre

thick, cut iuio rather large cookiys.
id bake in' a moderately quick oven.
They should be rri*p, and will iui
rove wilb kiK-plng if plgcv-d in a
one Jar or nu bov In a dry place
Virginia T-w-rakea—One .-up of

Narvoira Htadnete.
Tim tuosl excullem and niwer (oinog
sire for uc-rvoua bc-adarfae. noya on '
-Btbnalasl In pbyalral culture. Is (be
simple act of walking backward.


try li some time It you bare any doubt
xwt It
I have yet to me«( (be per
in who didn't acknowledge lu cSl-

cool; pour off the oolfl water aud di
icy nllei a irtnl.
, .
butter: two nip» of pulterixvd'sugar.
well Have cooted in a raon-pan one
.Nobody has Bi yet dUeovored or :
iK-alen. fonr l^aapuol■itoes
Cu: lu small pieraa
>r swc-ei* milk two teaspoonfuto 'ormulated n reason -wby auch a proonc-(otinh 01 a pound of luU ert-aro
eiire of l•■llIO■l. two heaping ten- res* ste-jld bring certain relief. Phyler u pudding pan; pul in
-Ians ray ibai It to proUMy because
.pooiiluis ul taking powder. Soar to
lomatoe*. Ibeu uiacarvnl.
make a soft dougb. ('ream tlje butter tbe reflox action of tbe body bringi
sugar u«etber. add the egg*. di»- itioul a reften srllon of the brain and
n-ed all of each; sprinkle with
d^ves away the pain ibai, wten '
- Hie baking powdPv In )he milk,
leAs|KH>nlnl of paprlivi: add
lb, bimm and flour Then beat prudurt-d b) nervousnnsx. Is the rusnlt
I) one cupful ot milk and bake
the vb.K-s.- on lop
mclt.-d nnd i
■it brown .-olor; bake »lo«lwln
-M- uieii: ion rspid-bakiug



Italian Pudding—Break .-nough
,11 p.iii. cook, ic-n mlnuu-s in salted
lU.-r then drain and add three ,-up

(<n much going forwrnrd. A* soon
and droj. on bulten-d paper. Bake
you begin lo walk baehward. btfW
quick ovc-u.
;roi. Cake*—One |Htund of pow- ever, ilirro comes a feeling Of ereryderi-d sugar, one pound of sifted flemr tbing being reveipte. and tbU Is (ol- mixed wilb one leat^nfctl of baking owed by relief- .The relief to alwny*
■I. six whole cfkgs, four nunees -.'italii vnd generally ap«*-<lly


Iilnuie* to Ibe longest I have ever ,

<«iaH plejes Stir the c-2k* and sugar found Reresnair.
entry or n long room to a good '
quarter of an hour, add the other
ila nrtlk. rook »weV'' minuH-s owi
till! ot suit- bn-sd crumbs In w bowl.
'ingiedieH's ami bake in’ small rakes place tor sorb o premensde. but even :
KHtr over om- pint ol oiilh and let lolling water; thWttunix in lour cggi
butten-d pau*
iS-rlups 11 may be > Iter than (bis 1s a' tong porch, or a
■1 with -one cdpful sugar, lac
-laud ball an hour
Ib-at the yolk*
-cHuded walk in tbe open air. Ym
.|*MUlul> butter, one teasjioonliil
>r iwu egg* and ndd tlu-m to the
iJiouia walk very slowly. Wltag ibe >
Mul Drop'-Hest oie- egg uu il v.-i
.read and milk, then one
of -our lone touch tbe ground ,
Ughl; sloslv a.lcl om- e.iplui of pm
mil deliratcl. brow
ful of nicUed butter and one Jeasponii
and then the beel: Jast tbe way.
•Icn-d sugar, to-aiing alJ Ibv tliii>. 8i
.11 (aei. on.;.should. In theory, walk lor- ;
I.- tal.e-'pouiifuls of silted pasH
Macaroni a
irdv tet wUleh in practice to so rare
, a pinch ol salt, one .-.iplul >
■ luacaioni until
doirf- —Itop-Jlar Brience News.
V ciiopjK-d Blits unci ^ half te
whiles of Ibe eggs and three live 1 id boiling wal
.pnntiftil ot v.iniUa. Htcq* by
to Do Thiogs. ;
>|M*.nluls ol Inking imwder. itaeiI ul'l'-spociiilul o
qsN.n'uls uu flat gc<-as/d )>ai)a
hall turn
dishe. hr careful (tet
l~ik'- in grt-nn^ ge.^ pans in a qtued
band Piilnied rhl.i« nod china with
n bait an hour. \
Rome Cote Home Rcmtelea.
vpoonlulx of butter creamed
o-iiameniatlon b' not left lo
n..ih-. dipjn-d 111 hot water readily
Food For Sick Children.
>r floitr, two
I will
-. as Ibic I
a.- as a poult...- and have tow .-qnals
cverl*h . cbildreu are gei.erall;
ic- while _p< pp»t; Bsdosh of
injure Ite d'-rorsUou*
in. rcdu.ii.K iuiu
cloths which hav<thirsty, aud ns plain water i* apt ti
. rail to s«-aiion. and on'-fciurtli
Uki- the -sfaln«~ from cMta roll
to*-ndcpp.'l in b«l water and then nrelave an lb>lpld taste undeMhe*e clr
d grot.-d cheese Driilii llie
and ^
ipp.-d aroun.1 n tet watoi bottle will
luuisumvs. some fla»on-cl or seldnto. turn Inlo a sc-rvtng dr.-ti
for arae iMurs. until lb., gor,-.
... all tif- effirary ol iboto- Cre*hl:
ted milk will often to- v
orer H the boiling sauc-. -Send
lilpped and ning out. and will retail nient Is v.-r, damp Tben boh) a tet
able and usually harmless PlaHf lr»X- to the table.
■uu n»ar tbe shluy spots witteot
Uicir h.'ot anil utnisturi- for boors
.made iBlil.b should to- strained
lied Macaroni—Cook • package
etuaify loacaing th- aqr(*c*. This
good ibing to bear ii. mind
often nil that to desired, hut If i
Of macaroni uuill lender in united w,
rill rad'.' the steam to rise tktekly
,e dlfr.cuu Io change Clothi
i>bcd to sdd s UtU>- 'nouii*bDienl
WbUe warm, wind It around tt
nd ixtoe :be nap . Or yoo may rob,
Iso chnage the -.nsle. sn egg ieinow
ul a rather'small nke im and
be glue* off wilb a bit ot-flte ««en ;
dc M.' be substituted
To prepare
be rust aioand the side of (hi
cloth, to either coa* it VW •«nra
me bird t
li*. beat one egg lill it
lot on tbv bottom- Fill tbe vender
after much weanug
dd two Ublcaiwobluto of augnf
wUb n »iron|. cleat soupwiock—chick­
Wben 'grinding dry bread ibrougb
On<- of the most bealiiig cy| applla
tbf same quantity of iemoo Jnk*. en it best-and pul on ice upili ftnne food chopper-saysawrllerlnOote
tion* in the rase ol bad burn* t* mad
Then slowly stir ta a lup
Or. make a cfairken Jelly by rooking
onsukeepiag, I wn aniioyed'br tteiroffl raw -potato wltteul oddiiu: anyp-ater. -mix welt and strain
the meat in the broth and 611 the mold
atlering of tte dry crumba. I -oew
ibing to 11 Crete ll freshly every
auseg may be added.
with the <mo Tbli Is an exceedingly
tbe pcmlllce i* to to- changed, and. lie a paper.bag over tbe mouib of tte
Another lempilBg drink
ltrart,;ve dSh. served wbtrfe. garaBbpuiung it thickly on a cl«b. lay ctaoMier Wfi« throngb I enmity the
iSdc by using-only ibe white of the
1 with sliced egg*.
tbe burna The heal of thr bora bog inm a twoqnan tin paU and pni
First beat tbix to a (rotb.
will yield like magic lo iu dripping on tbe corre. Jnal below tte top ol'
Utito Cnkaa Far Pantos.
slowly add a leaspoontnl of -powdered
tbe pall I puni* Mr telew nU oroond
Pretty fancy cakes tor Suadny night eoelneaa. which, tewerer, dries rapWrugar and heal again UII unite stiff,
II Bbonid be reoewed aa *ast aa aod flod UBt tba^'eroaten k«te any
pour late a
of ordinary lesnmade. Of atierown less a -e made hr alici**
Juice ot the regettble ernporalea. angtb of Urn.-.
loaf caVe. eu'tlng
Isto circl
-whip Ughtlj- nod allow part of

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