Grand Traverse Herald, April 30, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 30, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ttA« A YgAK,_________





L. J. Itoldwln. of We»1BrId. Ibd.i
btotbi-i ul Mr*. Cha*. JoRrie*. and the
L. 8. Haldwlu. uf ihl> city, under-


___ t nn uprrstiun Monday.*Api1l 2(1.

al Ibe rnMealaut Ih-sionoe* hnuplUI,
iod.. lor gall ktoae* and
•ppBOdlcIliP. While ikv double opcr«tion f>«* a sorlou* son, Ur. Ualdvia'a
triced* hope tor bli ultiniatc rvrorrrr.
Mr*. Chau. JoEriw.. who w*» t*ll«I
> Indiana a h-w »<-ck* a|U. bt (bo
death u( the wile ol Dr. Kaldalo.
will rpmal* with lu-r bro(h«r umll bl»
RaparUd That Tree Fall Aeroas Lint
recover)' la anaared.
Near Baldwin and Tram Struck
tha Traa. Caoting Creat Ml
01 Trouble.






(very MImIm Cairtar In Aaia MiMr
In Danfar af Batlnetiaii UnloM
Halp li Eairt—Tuifcap Now on
Vai«* at Mara Traubla.
LoAdan, April. EA-^anaalar dl*pa(chat atata (odap that tally a hundrad Rrolaaunt mlaalonarl** arara
klllad whan t«ia Maatem* bamad tha
ohurah In the Adana diatrlet, wbar#



r at danpar but h« L. F. Parkalt Wa* EMetad' PreiWant
|had* M allampt to pravaol tha n
and C. A. Emerson BoeraUry—
FruR Would Oo By Rail
Tha daUII* watw not Q'van hut
aad Boat
rapartod that Abdul Hamid wai taoratly lakan to Ea1
Fully SM) (ruB grower* w.-it- in nteampanlad^ 11 «
u-udauct- si the mm-ilng kilti ibt- M
A K. E. Railroad company otficlaU
•alrut. April st^aaaaera* In and the Nortberu Michigan Tcsuiipor^ Adana pidvlnea raaehad tha wildcat
« cOBpany rcprew nl.Uve. y
^iaa** taday and Kaaaaba vHlap*.
t ninue yesterday.
whar* riotlnp has cantinuad far four
ting. It dcvciapu; lUl fiiilt could
days, la naw biirninpr Tha Maala^ be abipped from (bin cltly at S;S0
bsva klllad nasHy ovary ChHstlan
m on (he M.' * .V hi. (o MaiiUteiand tha Armanlan* ara Itockln# hard and would reach Chicago between S
for ra(u«*.
and fi o'clock the next uioiuliig vU
Tha food supply li amall and *M
lb> NoMbem Michigan roiaminy>
waad^. Thara I* iKt|a traubia
•airvt but tha Maalama ara approachI. K. Herheti wa* eircled temporary
Inp frdRddlly and troubta la faarad.
piauldeiit and 0. A. Emerson, icmpo■myiM, Apm W->Taday'B moa- rary aecretary- The Bist epcaker wa*
aspaa Indlaata that ovary miaaiam in P. A. Mitchell, freight snd ivtstcngcr
tha aantaral Aola Minor la In danger agent ol the M, * N. E. Mr. Milcbrll
oultlncij the pR>|K>M'd »<r(Ue, show­
■ of mlaalonarlai ara ap ing bow fruit »l the i>roeh'U* day *
picking could be loaded on (ho M. A
N- K herv al *:3l> a m. reaching
a aamlvai of btood and hill AmaH- Maalatci- in nboui three buuri
uacks or ibe company running «o
cloM- to the dock that the Iruli ^uid
0 the 1
be passed from (ho
without cottage.
The Korthem MUhlgan TiwusoortaTurhlsh sultan.
on eoapnay's boat leavi-v at 1
UMunan natiflad tha gavsmmant to­ oclock eaery arteruoon and the fiuU
day of tha dapaoitlon of Abdul HamW. would bti tsaonvd on board, thus
and tha anthronemant of Mohammed. log (Hue. II wonld be dellveied to Hie
Soulb Wkler sireel dealrrs lielweeii :■
■nd e o'clock the next morning TIiiYoung Turks announead today that M. A N. E. would lurolsh all ihu uecAbdtd HamW will be cenRnad for tha i-kSiry (-dulitmeat for all the Iruita. lu' roat of hla llfa In Taharagan paUc* clodlug sliwwlx-iTli's and npiall (rulis
on tha European tide al the Daai
snd tU- rate* would not be in vacas*
o' those now paird and poulUi; much

Maan-haa. Mich, April IK.-falltog OE baekoard fiom a luadvd owW
rai. a illsuoco at nearly U IwUamCT
Brnaer, M«d » au<l al&tle. M-nunalf
in>urud hU opine, right shoulder uu
«a« atsa lUcmally Injured. wblW
oorUng at the wood irostle o( ibo
AairtiB Irao tctupany ycoicrday aher
Hennoce phjelclan euias that ibt
bc«y prooaaaas of the lower »plne are
croabed. The aboulder la terribly
brutaad. Ibtaraally, the lajurlca canbat at praoeoi be aacertalnad. Ben­
ner landed with hU back opoa
aticka of eordwood. He to In peii
pain and will be permanantly wa——
•d phyaleally. '

Slilcken switb heart failure while
walking on Ihe Mi.H-t Usi nlghi. VVIP
liaiu H Gre<-». of k.M htost Eighth
(. an old -uliliel. fell to the |uve.
UDCODKIOUS. II.- wa. taken to
the drug more of B K. Miller A Bon.
phyalelau s'lmiuun.-d. and after
working over him (or some time, be
The cJly anibnlance wa. rajlrd and
shortly beforo midnlglil be wav taken



Tree* and'Bhrubs Will Be Placed on
Bale al tho Var.«u» Schoela To­
morrow Morninp—Chcetnut,
Walnut and Sprocei
The publle Improxx'm-nt commiiuv
of the hoard of trade liave rveelved
’rom the Agricultural coll.-gr! Tsu
.red*, chcstnul, waliiui. and spruce.
TbeM- trees ale Hum i: to Ik luihe*
height and are ready lor aettlng. Tbr
(Oiumlliee have al«j s.v.Hsewl t'Otsl
hardy Dowering sbriib. trom a proiui
Feuasyltanln nnrM-ry and «iU.
r as possible. lurulsh these tive-s
and shrulM to the sebool cbildret. of
be cliy at nontlual prices, or rather
I’, actual cost.
The oCPorluuHy to buy .b.-sr m-e*
■ nd shrubs will flrsl hr given to the
sebool children; the troe* and sbrnba
be set out on Arbor day or ditys fol­
lowing and^lie |.tUs-s will be as fulTwo nhrubs for i'eeni*; one
shrub aud one
3 renlc aud
.-ca. I cent each.
While Ihi- s.ipply will u-d cuvei
laige auioiiut ..1 ground, stUI It will
■ a stall ui.d an iuoeuiiie i.iwaiJ
iis line of work.
Th.-..- trees w ill 1«- si-el In tbc var>u. sebool. (oiiii.n-iw muniing and
le pimclpals of e^cli Hchuol will we
that (bey are on »ale. If any are left
a'cier the chtldn'ii ale sapidled. (Iw-y
D be secured by the cltfsCns Inker
aome plaro to -be beroafler sUlcd.


The i:25 G R. A I. "a'li was to Heart Trouble Was the Cause and He
mlnatea late, due i.. malu
Had Been About Aa Usual
neclkina. The G K. A I eimlilu't g-i
j^wtry soulb of Hig Kaind. all day.
■fhe Sorlhport dlttolon wa* t|peral»d
Ill I. r.iiry-, uiie Id tk.' olil.-sl
a. u*ual. E. J. LWdy. local
er. 'll l.iH-Uuau ivuiil.i. dropped
the iwimclly of dlrpaicber lor dead at bis .home, lux East Eigbib
Hint ouiL
',treel. al 3 oVtock yesterday afl.-rIIO.III. b.-sn lallur.' b.->ng ib- vau.e
Although t«- had be.-n alTUeted with
li-an irouul.- lor nom.- Ume. h.- was
juui at u.ust, aad baO bo liidiealluu
approaebliig dentli.
Mr. l urry eanic Ironi ( anads about
.’■II y.-ars ago. and 3.', year* ago settled
uu a farm at l*-e. llsy. L<Vlausu luun
ly. which he ran oi.tll th. time of h:Wai Btooping Over and Bumper el death, although he bad a home In :b:s
^Flat Car Hit Him. Threwiing
Him From Track.
Culman A Oosdc Find It N*c*a*ary I
widnw and Dve rnildien fuii.x
Kalkaska. Mli-ii. Ap'll 29.—Reiile-n
Frevidt For Their Graatly InIMsun. :;m >eai. old. wu* sfurk by a .Mr ('urry. as follows: Mrs. MargarecrMSOd Bualnea*.
bulb of
tram near Maiirt-lonj tin* iiiornlng,
lh-eaU>e ol (beir givally lu<ie*i.i sliErilUg a IraclUie i>! (lie |s-lvlc done la-'-s ila... /ohtisou (.'orry. ol Trout
iMK-isiiss »iicl- prosis el* lor Mill omr nil Vie tight side and al-ii Ibe .U*>o<' I'r.-ek. Allan C.irry and Mr*. Laura
t'uliuau A Ciude. pivl'i lelut^ ol U lion <4 his' rishi lii|> Tin- man n< .Viid-isuii. both ut Ibis eily He *!-.>
•, hr.- step ebildieii, Ivite;
tfuci-iS'ni.' aaragr. hate to-gmi work liroiigbl to his home be:.- ..ii a special
Mason, ol fasadk. l>uk Ma-oti.' id
niHhiiou to Ihe. Ilougbey l•u'lld (lain and will l«- s.-oi elib.-r ic
jruer fae» and Suie -iifeu. hoapllal at illg Rapid- or Auu Arbor Ilouo". Jolili and the Ml-se. ||, !, n
and W!a. all ol Tra.erm- t'lty.
wUlch lory oecujij. The south ride of tonight.
The'hmeral will be hVld Frkl*' alt
the buildlug upw cvw-red by *' woodTbs atCldem was a psvu::ci'
swultig. wlU be eneluM-'d and.this Mr.' BoiKin Is a inp Inader >ud wa* moon I.-xrai the. Ko-wlek chur.-h. th.-'
will be UK-d a* the work room. Tpr slandlag on the rack In a ctutSM-d po- uieral party driving oni from :hlsspace DOW used a* a work room will s'lloo. with hU taro awny (roiii Ihe ly. They wlK start a: HI o'elwk
be used as storage room lor aniu:
train Which wa* Ivieking down. The Ihe forenoon and exjH'Ct to reach I
lurch at r o'elcK-k. The inlyrnp
. This will alM> make
bumper of a flat ear struck bis hip and
III be 111 the Keswick ^emi-trrr
easier to run ewra totek to lue wash be wa* thrown forward aad off
The death ol Mr rur:y <-ome* p
wm Sioev stalling in busim-** here track. The only othri tojiiiy wa'
hard lo hi* daughter. M
year ago. \utman A Goode have hi* righl knee.
whose daughter. Miss Ada
sorted up a tome trade bolb in and
Mr. Bulson u meiried. Ut wife aud
umleiwenlTa very w-;lous
It of Traverae City.
sleveral children'residing here.
operalion st ihe bcAplUI jest.-rdsy
Bortously Hurt.
Peiry U. Webwer. who put on Mrs Deoul* wa* not Informed of hei
Mr*. TlllOB, moiherof J. W. Tllioa.
father's death until loday
of Long Lake. >itsuTne« n had Injnry -Ermlnle" »ere, left today for t'heboy
gan. Mr Webster expresaad himself
yetterday afternoon by;(ailing,
Mi* M Swarchout aad daughter
right arm was broken near the as veyv graiefkt to all who took part
In the production* a* well at « “ went to Almira (hto morning where
the; a ll Upend tbr suBuer.
todlei ul the cturcb.

Mr. Choren of (be Nintberii Muhl
gau Traiui|N>rutl(Ui cuiupnuy wiut
practlcwlty the same gniund.
tha mutmiaa el tha fourth and fifth showing Ibe atlvaidaigoa u( the iivw
a'my corpa a^lnat the Young Turka.
Tha raaatlaiarlae In waaiam MaeaF A lUjuioiid it the .Agileullursl
danla ara mutinying, and killing tha I'Ullcge, then addn-aned the moellng
the luipoiUhn- of bnn-ding good
cattle, staling that that was a valuable
ampira. Tha captured raaatlonar
hraoeb ol (i-un growing as the mnvM.
pre balh| aaaautad today.
Joseph growers was due
largely to the lari Ibat th<-y livughi
BalonW April XS.-Abditl llamlO
stockyards InrlllUer. He advocated
rlr<-d UU altniuuoo uo a am-elal trslu
Inriulug n ruUw- Im-edern' asaoeuthHi
from CoautanlluoiUi'. He lonku «i-ak
and Hu- aasuctaliou to purchase
a) good OUlU. '


Prom Thursday's Rt-tvrd
All day lodiy. Trati-rs.- Piiy sa* ct
oir oom|il<le1y frtnu nil down slal
point*, last iiUbi night s sioiiu being
tek-grapb wire available for ri
tlce souih of the cilj unill al 10 ti
mornlngj the Bell rompany tound
route to lletroil. and one raerwage g
over that. Then It was lo»i. lot sev<
al hours, It being ihu only working
and the business U-liig henry.
, down ai
wa- slslrd,
blew anoas the wires mar IhtWwln,
and a (lain hit Ihe tree about U
II o'clock last night aud the rc.ull
was a mikup that wa- complelr. both
telegraph comi«'tiy aud the ritlruad wlix-s U-lug out.
The IHwlal reiwri.d tn.i.bic In the
vicluliy of Cadlllae somewhere. Com
mnnleatlou wa* lost abiuilulely souih
Cadillac nid it was thought that
There wa. a l.h-e oil the whes.
The Olilw-na Telephone company re­
ported Ibe Graud lUl'idr wires as out
and It was Imiwi-Mhli- to reweh other
southern point* over this Hik-. Local
service, however, was unimpaired •
The Bell comiikD} oouldn'l reaeh
Grand Rapids and lor a time .'OUlUnI
get anywhere aoulh uuill l>-lro1l wn*
Sually reached via. Saginaw- TbU serconldnl earc fur all
Ibe business.
The Grand Hapida A Indiana Hall­
way Co. Wires wen- also reportv-d
down, camdhg much irmible.
At midnight tosi olghi. •( w
pagtlvely warm, ihe lumcury
upward considerably. This nioriiIng, however. Ihlug* weiv dlflereiii.
Docemlier suo* storm making
pearanct-. Al llial, huweier. this
y was luekler than aouie other
point*, clghl luehwa «| snow and alusU
being reimrlcd Ironi White Cloud
I o'clock last ulghi.
This afternoon, li wus iwp<n1cd that
Ibe Wcsiero I'ulou bad 2V« poles
down belweeu lUls city and Gjlfud
Rapids Hud that the {‘uwlal had ul-odi
oU down.
Fasseiiger Iralu So. ion the Pere
Marquelte. was two hour. late, due to
Ihe wire trouble, (hero lielng 5W> pol-.
down betweeu tlaldwla aud Graml
Rapid*. The local dlsju<(elier*
iToable to gcl Grand Rapids ovc

Heart Failure Caused William M
Groan le Be Taken Heme In the




Bervieos Held M Mount Ptoasant (*r
Mis* Esther Keller, by the Rav.
Hugh Ktfinady.


Mount I’learanl, April 39 —F'unersl
LUM NURBE BUIC1DED SOME enter.' lor Mis* bther Keller, the COUBIN OF MRA B. C-'GREEN. OF
Traverw- City a-ylum nurwe who cornTIME WEDNESDAY NIGHT.
lifted BUirlde. was held yweterday In
Ibe MettoKllst Ej'iscopal chuieh. ihl*
cliy. Tbti-senKf. werv- rOnUueled b;
the young woiiian's loim.-r pastor. Ibe I
Rev. Hugh' Kenn.-dy, and were simple.
irferoucv being msde to the unfurtuiinte end or hnr iin- Esther wa* Ihe
to biraa a eirclc of ten eblldrea
of Mrs. Ellks Kelltii. who atoo surCass Was Practically tb* Bama aa Ke*. interoM-m waa In BlvcrMir cetu
Came (e Grwmr Bay tn Balt BMt IHr
That e( .Mlsa Esther Keller Who
Soppiiea Fer LigM and Wd*
Killed Herself Last Friday
Caught In a Gale Op
Niphi at Aaylum.
Hit Ratuni.
From Thursday'* Ke.ord
Ke|H>r(s rr-celved from Groeo Bay. '
-Mlaa Oladya Lyons came te Her
Wl*. state that William U BordlcB. a
death by. deliberately taking a auffl.-ouaJn of Mr*. 8 C. Groen. l«n «’ahelcntiy large deec of earbeltc aeld mster street, wss drowned la a gale last ■
ber etemach le kill her, being In a
week. Mr. BurdNk was tbeaaaotjlr.
deprested menui condition; and fur­
sud Mr*. .Andrew Burdlrk. ot BoPtll
ther. that the efflclal* of the Northklaaltru Island lie was
Michlgan Insane esylom are esonlight kei'per al Orvea Bay and hto
crated from sny_ blame whaUoewer.~
broth<-r. James. I^eeper of the Sbaa .
.Msnllou light.
onsldersble nywtery nrrepsds tha
He. Frank Lard.e. wronerra Jury."
diowmug of Mr Burdick, wbo wa* B7
Ml*. Gladys l-voas. a unite al in>‘
ears old .no one having area the arNuHbero UiehlgsD asylum was found ANOTHER
Idrut lie rame to Green Bay la a
drad In be.1 sborily sfler inldnlgbl In
all boat (or (be purpose ot o'ulalniag
room at the Uislitutlon by her
supplies and wa* *een to leav.-. Sooa
mate. MUa CleO Miller. Afier
tn- h-tl. a b.-avy gvle cslur up
wiillug a Hole to her auiR. Mrs-Mag Btated ThatMhe Twe B.g ProJecU are
th.' finding of a cap aud a aail on
gie Fisher, of Bay'City. Mis* Lyon.' (er the Purpeee af Providing Ten■he oay P-ad to Ihe beilef (hat be had
bad klllrd herwtf by awallowlug polnage lor New Ra-iroad
hc-n drowu<-d. Tbc accideui occurred
s caibolle acld^ bottle being found
w.-i-k age today and uo itwcc of the
body has yel beea reported. Ml*
« Lyons was about :u years old
Spokane. Waab.. April 29—OI8cu-l brolb.T has gone to Uraomlwro
and bad come to the asylum on Feb. siiiKHincemeiii 1- made in Spokaink Into the matter of recovering llto
IS from Bsy Ciiy.-wbere she mad.- her that E I' IJky Of (Tilwgo and E. C.
home with her a:int, bet tiiolhv.- U-Ing Day ut Sew yago .\ileh.. bait- av^ulrt-d
di-ad. She was a very.preilv gfrl. Ull. through John Willis of KooskJ*. Ida
weighing about 13v imuiids and being bo. a patent do Ibv acre, of laud new:
p<-il.ct health ahbough ai time*
(owu. granii d hy Ibe depariiu>-at
»ubp-rt -to fils u( metoucboly or des of ihe interior to-l.lazh- l-owery. an
pond.-ney li w«s during one of throe ludlau gill. They will erect a pulp and
she destroyed herself, although lisper min aad cen.rni ptoni, on whieh
aclIODs were' natural ;.-slerday (be loliUI out’va) U placed al fl.uiHi.and (here was no aosplcion that she ooo. .
imrbored any auch Inlenllons. The
This, coupled with the anuounevgirl left a nolo to bar auw keying (bat n»rnt (bat \V. H. OooUeneugh ol lUio-






Mis* Lyou Bad been aaslgned
(ottage 31. the patlenta there Mug
(ubeicular.'dbc ward belbf a mild one.
Sh(s i«Moracd her duUee, when
iiieiancbole'. la a cheerful and willing
niBUiii-r and seemed lo be maklni
good prueress. .V 8 o'clock last night.
was ixllcved and haviog been
given absent leave, her dlsappeaiaucc
:a* nut nuiired.
Found At MidnIghL
Al uildulghl. MUs Miller, who cuomed with her, waa relieved anJ went to
her room, finding Miss Lyons lying
the bed deed. Khe summoned tk
asylum siaff of doctors and Bupcrli
t.udeni ............ and Hie Coroner. Or.
E. u. Hlnor. It wa. etideof that
girl had hlll.-d b.-rse1f. bui not b
MtUflrd Ibif she liad Kwallowed aeld.
»n Imtuesf was deeus-d U-si.
ls>dy was removed to ibe Audcraoii
luirgur, where an autopsy was perfinm.-d this tnonilug
Bimilar te Keller Cato.
Tin- case Is very slmller to ibat «t
Miss ISsIb.-r K.-ller who killed heis-tt tosl FYlday night al Ih.- InslUiiiloi). The suicide i>( the two nur.ei.
Within auelj a shoil ills., aud In praeMrally (h>- .siu.- manner, was also a
i- Ibat Pd lo tbs botUilig of Ihe


Inguest Held.

llton, 0„ aad C. B. Pride, lorm.-ily of
APpMon. Wft. will erect a $l.0M>.tWKi plant 111 or near Sfukaue, would
li.Uieale Ibat the pap.-r li-t.(" Will
have some bard ak-ddlhg (or
la (hi- Donhaesi when these works
Are tn operauos.
It Is suu-d that the piojeels a.
the purpose of provlrling Up- Chicago.
.Mllwwukis- A Fugei Sound railway Banator Aidrveh'a Hinu aa le FMkg
Have Had a OapraaMivg KBtet
with (onnsge on the loop line arrows
an the Rwault—"Flyli^
Fiwkaoe. {■ U also given out. (hat Im­
portant uauufacliirlng iilant* will be
1. April 2».-«etoRor AMcwuMlsbcI In Otb.-r pant of. the peuhandle <4 Idaho to provide lonnag.
tor ine Joint Hue lo be conriructed by
the MHwaukec and Harrimsu rMid| ibc two mile ballooa* that have Urn
Ihpocbed In the war aad >nvy BepdHllifuugb the Clesrwater ountiy.
meats a* flying advevOieawlA so tn
speak (or a blggvr aad gnuar and
grander army and navy.
Hell, chief of aUB of the
aimy. is.preparlBg to hromUMe oang.e-s* mid) a sew plaa tor artoy raorganixatiOD—more olBoWe and mere
uicD. a little more e( everythtof to
kiep Up- country ready agalnat the
us-nace of the dieadiol shadow at
war and dlsasier (hat to thrawn upoa
With No ReeulL
tbv ropitol wbeaever the gaaetlea o€



Honor, MUb. April ry—Addlaon
IS-1I..U aad JaUu-s Ht.-wurt. IP-id
ekarg.-- p:.-l-ri.-d ny Lh-nui.' 9-y-wr
old daugniT. sf.i--*red in Josik-e
vey-a ecun y-.t.-nmy plroded
guilty and all. r ' ,e ::
were bound
ov.i to fire. - ,„ -i. Imll being tOe
Samoa. pr.v-..,:-v
Ml: a fltvi -.1:,
.ume ago
(bv men wal.i i; exaiiiina'iiHi. I>ul un
iheir.apjwaian.'e li. l'i'tion
s«keU (o h*>- -.I'i' .HM- -.iil'iw.k. lo
JUlll.-.-.OUn. TJli- v;,-sPb inrcsult dial they aiv i(i <!.•' 'su- pise.
m belo.c,
Smurlbwalte « Aiwa,
Ik-nni*. while FaiPi v. G.:Vs;;
senls bii-wail.

Conmer E II. Minor --aUnl an in.esi for I' o'elrs-k till- a(lei..o..n,
lolloBing an autopsy' whieh was pri(uniH-d 11.1* l.-ieixaHi i>y H. D I'm
The iiiqui'.t was held at the An
d.-i>ou umle:Ukiiig iwrloi-. wheie
the body was remov.-d ibis tuornlag.
niderMli.'.IS Jud Cameron call.-d the
li.ilowin'g jury. F. E. Rom-rt*. Fsiriek
Howes. F'.'d Ounii.' FSim r Kaxtou. Oedalli’lle. bud Fr*.; Lh:di.
Minor i-xaTiiiiii'-l the foUei
-i-.e*: Ml-, nro MMlei.,: llolllst'-i. Ml* Lulu V^vey.
A Slev.-lison. I): II O/ Fuiuum.
Id Ur J D 'Mu-jm.1,
Room Male's Testimony.
The 'n..l *,1.11.-.. tailed Wits Ml.»
and Nerii.
leo Mltl'f. Ml-. L>»u.' room male Traserwe City Young
Unity Yeung Lsdy Were Mamed
•Mi-s inili-i Sihu
iheL al ih- iiAt Isaderc Tucadsy.
Ktiui.un .suite Ai%u*yi-' staled that '
she had been ae>|iiaial'-d with' Miss
Frank Kl-js.. s'.-l M -Ljon* smec the laiier came to '
Kr.Ii. of, .Vo-th I :.r>,
d .«
stituiion BlKiul ihree months.
mairtsge Tu--da> s' in- I'jiholv.
>talod tost .b<- wt-ni uK duly re.ter-:
church S'. Usd-rr.- T!i- youi'.g tv'Jple
day «:teruoou a: 1 u'ciuc* ih .be'alter- wjU locate ;n ;b.v
tiotb have a.
UOUD. BDd that when .nr la-t saw
Urgi- iiuuiber of liiends to w.-h them
Mlsa I,ya3k.she wak m a* good spirits
muru happio-rf- TS'- gr'ooin Is an tna. usual.' .Miss Mll'.er sistH Ibai sbe- dusirloua young luau while ih-. bridewent bowvi town in the ev-nlng. and
13 a i-aarniiug yo-uiig .ad.. np.reuiralng inst.-sd vt going directly
\V. H Romoser Irf’ today lor Mirher room, she .went Into (be parlor
cod remained tonverslng with Mis* ion. Oblo.'where he wa* called to atH-ud
the tunenl of bis rowsla. EsrI
Holllsiet, night nurse, until ntier 12
who died Monaay st bl* home
oelock. when she wea( up to her
room She tound Ihe door lacked and in New Mexico The remain* were
upon uamcklng li w-lib her own key.) braughi lo MaNon (or buitoJ Kr.
found her room mate. Mim Lyons, na Kraner leave* a widow and two ehil-


(Continued on Page Ttrae i -

fk'crvUry of (be Navy Meyer weal
hlm.uoe b^uci up la Beaum the aibar
day hy saying that the L’nBed Bwtos
um-d* asoOier navy tor the PHclBc
souefhlag like the oae she bow had
on lev Atlantic.
A\ thi* weald wean aaiy a tew
Uunflr.^ tmliion* more per .year, aad
Ibe military'gcoUemca say;thto to a
eig .-vuniry and w.- doal begin to da
things like iim^ do la Germany aid
Fhiglaito. rre-ideal Taft may like Uw
tun Ibat 1.< will .idc With Senator AMi .,li in u.," cause ot ecoamay.

Easl Bay Young People Wdea Unttofl
In Ma>x..gc By Judge A- F.
Ncriinger Tueaday;

Judg- A r. ..Nerliager aaadwlrhe«
ir a weddingTaciuUy whileheanagtha
assaott ease of May P. R. :8ailth «e.
tjeorge W, Ognor. The aMdl: case
wa> beard -B ‘.be cooacll tiioma. and
wblie the Judge was busy iwith (haL
WlllUm JUdcllfle and MlfB BwtHto
.Mllberl. of East Bay, visited th*
Judge'. Office, where they waRcd-on-I! the Judge could spsre a few BO- Deuti- to Join (hem together.
Tb' couple were-attend^ by Mr.
snd Mrs. Thomas Peppier The hrMa
was dressed lo white lawn, and she
wore a wfaRe hs-. and white wllpper*.
They Ml <w the M. '* .V.
train a
(rw minaiew after tbc cereaoey aa a
wedding trip.

- T

MMIDTIUVIfl»B.M«UU.a FmMV. Ar«tL M. 1«M.-

f Iml tamse BenM HRE Wiped

FmiQS PUStlffllW


A erteellBr preeriiptloa tor dyspep*U pet ap to a email Ubiet foria and
celled Ml-oba U mahlBg tbouMndi of
aud laatlBi earn tbrou(bout
rLB HltllltN COUNTY TOWN auk-k
There U BO etoBMCh dlMoee (erea
etaiTb tathr etonarb) that it I* not
(uarantreS^ care, aad 8. B.'Wa>i *
8ae* bare ao Bitch faith In Ml-o-aa
for etoatach dlnnler* of all htod* that
they will refuad yaur money IfU doe*


CMUn ttli «Nk 3,000
' WItK Acnoot.
Lut kiiAl tta ettr coudl iMlnet•i tke «rdlBuee cotu^lUM to drait
W ortlaaDM, llmltlBC Uie sumber ot
■tfoM-ta TiAvm* Cit7 to n. Tbu
MUea *M taken beeetiae the cm^cU
«MBe4 that Maher of Mtoeat Inthb
«HUDMll7 e&ougb. What tneplred
Ub actUa iraa the fart Ibat the
CMhtlee of Iteaett. Cbarleirfila, KaV
hMha aod Beaale. t««i1 dry at the
tMt elaetiog aad aaar ealocn keeper*
!■ thee* oMaUe^ar* iMfclnc toward
Traretae atp a* a Inilifal held for
their bMtaea.
Tta»*r*a wuy ha* aaloooa eaoucb.
•M •• tow u t^ «*ay>ly «Ub the
tav they ahaUd b^rea all the rUhu
aad prlTllece* ^led thea under
Ihalr UMnae*. Bvea with tl
*' saw Suaa make only a tare llvlna
tar tfcair prwrieters.
W.^* the aaloon baeliie** la Trar«M City nay be tanporarUy eUnatoted beeaoM^ the ooMtle. neaUondry:^ta U no poeelble ret-

tauUUas preaerlptlon
oai-b'. belcblDS of faa.
■topa tour Btomai-b'.
■tre*« after eallni. bearlbsm

It u well worth a trial by aay readof The Mvealag Re.ord who suffer*
om siiv stomach dUturtance. It
>Blsln* Ingredleiiu ibat not only give
lUI but ttat art on the »ioraacb so
McBctolly that to a »hori time the
«L Joaeph. April
Fire denroyed •hby. tired out wall* of tbe stomach
■gain tbeir strength and actlvkv.
the Tlllaic of Barodk II "
Try Ml«-na ter a week: uilserV will
t nlfbt. arcordlni t
herer. toet,_i^bl,_M^,_
iBBle to bapplaess: despair to hope,
Tltlni lodey. There
lit] r.r* to brighi and you will .eourind the S------>lf wonder why you suffered so long
...........naMe toc-beck the flame*.
■urb a remarkable preacriplloa
blaie *urted In the bu*Ia««* dUlrlrl
at head.
Grand Jary Oelnp*.
SO ceati for a large box
Jackeoo. April 2*.-The *rand Jury
nn.-<tiaBiiic Artustrooc toiuib Bend
“ • tbl*
y aad be eiart*
for Bouil
e had Bot---ar
_ tenoOD. The lovei—---------Mred el BOOB bot U expected to tetOfy
later. Becr^y

•weelpu. 74*i etMmety. apeetoU. ET
entoe: oCBctal. 27c: cxrm **•
NHe; ihlrdw to towts. 2l»2to; held
creamery.'thltds to extraa. flOOEto:
tmiisoa to speetoU 17923c:
weetarB ftetorr. Ima. i*9i»He.
oM tall eeeam epMtaU, W917c; do
taacy. UAkc; eute taU cream, new
colored, best. j4H92Sc: do while,
beet. imOltHc: do common to fair.
tf>913c: aklma. full to special, StiO
12I4C. Bgge—Steady; r«5elpU. 2I.K7;
»tae. PwBimylTMla aad nearby faaey
do fair u
taolce 22He«c: brown aad mls^
fancy. 23c: do fair to cbolo*. 21©
Tttbe: wealera eterwge packM. 27M
22Hc; do Brets, 21H92(r: eocouds,
I|i©2l«; aouUu-ni first*. 2|c; aecids. tutoc.
Chicago. J
creansertes. - 22(1 Me; dairies.
23HC. Egg*—Steady at nmrk: trwi*.
»c: prinje flrwu. 21c. Cbeeae—Basy:
datatea. UOUSc; twin*.
yoBBg Americas. lltiUlfike:
born*. itSieilHc.


‘hSp* w*®taUh*tta te.U*
mony tbU atteroeoB.
Cura ealarrli or money bock. Jnet
Tbe boui^lo breatheltln.
- rtk Exta* battle* aoc. SmnUta.
day killed Kline-* lao *6011* WlKProblblUBC Jodie* from acllns a*
eollcltoia and perBlttlni Judm to apEAST GARFIELD.
RDint protate etenofrap
The aoclel h.-Jd ,.t ibe Kaat C.rlt.-ld
a bill
Bneira antl adulteraikin
- - -re Brdwn-e bill
bin I B. ctaurrfa laai Friday ereatoR
of lleuor aud well attended. It wax held bv
prohlbltlni the
this place for the benefll
od lutenirbaa
ewearint on sti
cburcb. IT 'U bHai l^e
railway* we* defeated.
S m.-l
met with Mr*.
•he L A 8.
..prll 27,—Crack.1
Howard city. April
Th yewade a qnlll
postofflee aefe
Ihto laat1 Wednesda.’.
dynatnlled the poatoffiro
aud aOBie apron*.
mred tIUI la raeh
bln.' Koiu-eny U
bile* Juaephlni'
wllb (rienda at
.1 Maple
Ml. riiy.
turbed. tblokloi the eiplo»lon Ibui
ace moved
Mr. Moor.- and family
faiully bace
>en the farm owned by : '. Eitke, of
Traverae City.
April ST.

:£rzr^i:r::u'SD|{, jiskr mad

The pM^eof thta eaunty will watch
' rtiMilr the ^ect of local opUoa In
the oeanlle* meatloBod and the
•alt «U1 bare a dadded eSact when
I the «BwUoB la voted
Had Praetleed At Old Mlealen for tl
e,ttto cMBty.
Uat *t Yeera—Ooo of Profeeaer Ebeneeabr Flahpr.
It to (or the pobUe InUroet that
Old MIsilOB, Mlcb.. April 27 —l>r.
0 prealdeht aboold ewiai raiuid the . Fl.ter. «« year* old. iBd one of
10 a( MhtoA mye the Boeton Ho^ beat koowB phyalelan. to the north,
tbl* momlnR at tbe borne
MP proetdeBt of the Unlipd died
klonao Sparllna.
of hi
I baa eet tool OB Alaeke.
complkailoa of
dexlh belni due
It Tan can and Ume to make
1 ohaerraHoB ot that aim net- '*‘t>r.*FUher we. bom In Addlaon. Me.,
the aon of Prof,
d part of the tiatlanal domain he 8epL 5, ISIS, and waa nder
Ktaneeter Klrher. founder of the Cann partem a public aerrlce by mal ton Theoloelcal
aemlaary. loi-afed
1 the trip. It to deetrable that the Rl, Uwreace rounly. New York, and
Ktalit BhniM mltaad the encainp- alio naa Ita preeident for a number of
year*,. eervini In that capacity until
f-iMt «t tba Oraad Amy. the Traae- yea
bU death.
, the National
Dr. Piaher. the aoa, wa* a pradi
the Aleaka-TakOB
homeopalhtc coll
PhlladelphU and from there w|';jHpta|b08. It to. dealrable that be
Bellevue boapllal a* an liilenie.
r*mM 8aa Md ba a*M hy the poomatotot there a year. He praetleed
K«to In wtoim aecUmto of i
In Caatoa. Rletatllle and klontxlt tba aapettoea ot public *•^ N. y.. and came
the p<
m a«o. pradletos with treat
( tbto batnr* abould be met
^ pubtle tuada. a* prorUloB ceaa null faillnc beaUh stopped
He waa a nephew of tbe late A
f U BMt tor -nny
^ In tba bervlea. Tbm baa beeo
TB* doctor waa a man of brll
toonrtaem mbaot tba pnaldasUai altalBmeoU and tbe poasexuor
flue llbratT la which be took mach
: tonvoato« axpeaaea which U
eaJormrBt. He bad a great pridi
«p iba cradlt ot the pubOe
hla profesaion and was a very ski
, <bHM Oho that appeal to Ha opto- reettlloiier, baviac fretiuenlly b
tiled in coDsuItalloo 6y ot^er pbyal-




Mr*. V. M. Stewart Reperlc the Fleet
r Flftecntb
>n uf beingicfi^'iVtar
herr-d two quarh
pthirda of 4ben
belna a
Tb.-M- poiBlouee lew itaan
To feel alrona- have Rood apix-lile
od dtoektlon. xleep snundir aad enjoy
life, uae Burdock Blood Illlteri. tbc
■real «y*u-ui tonic and Imllder.
ad-Roek of Sueeeo*
Ttea In a kten. clear brain, tacked by
indomitable will and resur
>tlea* energy.
Bneb power comes from
_ the wpICBdld
•:h It
that Dr. Rinr* New Ute Pills
They vltallae e
brain and body.___ ___
______ W. Va.. write*: “They are
the bMt pin* I ever u*ed.“ 2!>c at S.
K. Walt k Bon*. 0- A. BugUee Drug
, HaoBah A Loy.

Chicago. April 2t.—ProvUlup* at the
penlag were 2Vic lower in Sljc Blgb-

totae>h»8, Hleh., April 27.—Amted
jftotth aaaarik warraat. Deputy SbeiiS
? flheemdb aenmanaaM
be R. N. 1moyd
paaled by
AairiB Iron .
n C. T. AAley-a
nffbt and
I- tow AtoOMt c( toodi laid to have

___ ____

*£Wap pratoaaad «Bonaoe of the
tototov M ralluad to aaawer oue*■ StMTWly aMtot that bet ’chtlirm
%8 Wt Utd e( tba imiUe Iheir father
> wont make any eutemei
a are tomtliattor bto paat

A Far-Sighted Nut
KBOwlDg of iho many Ihlogs wWIch
are itoble to block bU pathway, ear­
ly begin* to prrperc tor tbem. Agatost
the RtBMIoDi of Mverty. eicknoee
or edversny. yon ofteu flad blm butliMsed vttb a wait Hied bank acCouaL Many of such aro found on

ZZe: fowl*, l«6l#^c; dressed,
cbickcas. l2Hc.
Chicago, April to.-PeuUry—Steady.
Turkc}*. 17c; chlckeus. mtc:*prtoga.
(vipts. estimated at /:.000; on
Heady: bhV'-vi. |t4;5e6.*0; Texas
steers. K.tVOS.SO;. western atcer*.
Hockt-r* and ffodcra.
f:40es.SV; cow* and hcircr*. t2©
5.RP; calves, »4;o«fl6.*i. HoRs-Kccelpl*. criluated at IP.OOO; marl
blRhcr; llRht. $t9ri4i7.S2lk; mixed. IT
©7.474: heavy. |7fl7AI): rougb. |7«»
good to Hiolce heavy. |7.«0fi
-iRs. l3.739tiAS: bulk uf uk-a
(7.3067.40. SIliH-iH-sRcccipts. ollloul
lO.OoO; njarket strong t
ilsbvr; aallx-. (3.606<l.t0: wt-sti'ia,
|3ra>6C.10; yearltnga.
itlve, t3.306k.40: wasuro. to.736
R.33. Veal—Steady; SO to tw pound
elRhU. 5634c: fiU to (13 iwund
weights. K467c; RS In IHi pouiiU
weights, 746»c.



New TorA April 28.—Butler—1

lIwUl pay yon wcU to examine this plow
carelolly hetore boylag aay other.

............... tiiirn

Special Featnre*,-WfDU4d»t Steel .Mma SUirinia.
HtKb CArbon Stool Beam. Soft Center StMl MouUkmitl.—out­
er laytr wilt i-at sto**. Foil Steel Jointer StAOdnnl and Foot
in one pieiw. Kxlra Heat^ Jointor CiampAod Block. StMl
Wheel StanJaM. Lantc WbivL Lo&k HanJlM WellBraoed.
Chillal or
Lmudsiae with AJjMUhlo Shoo. 1^ i:Url4
inch, wiile or narrow, plain or cutterjpoiiUa.

Farmer’s Supply Co.


Commercial Accounts
Yonr Commercial or Checking
AcconnI Is Especially Welconie
nt mis Bank;

Traverse City Railroad Company.
Notic* to Steckheider*.
'ruv.-r-r ftiy. Mbh. March 2t. IIh-'
Tbl- annual nieciliiR of the siwk I
hnider* ol ibe Traverse City ItHlImad
I'ompany, l«tr the eli-ellpii of ». v.-n
Director* to serve lor the i-iimhu:
year, and fur the tran>.ar-iun of mu Ii
other buKlnc.** a- may prop.'rly .nmi.belore Ihe mi-etlns. will be held at
ihe ullici- or*Ir. Thoiiia* T. luie*. In
tin- cllv ul Tra«er»e Cllk. (Iraud Tr«>
er-e (OUIIIV.. yilelilaan. un TIiurMl.<>.
May fi. r.M'S, at P uilin-k a. Di­
Mar. 28-Apr. 2916.23SO

Hay and grala lor sale.
Potatoes wasted. Jay B.
Davis. Besdon. Mlcb.
March IH-U

Pere Marquette

. Today the comd Heller an- ahow; climatic effects. Roosevelt shot
a carnet buck* today. He beard
as roarior last night.

Chicago. April 28.-Wero
28.atrady. Nothing of Importaaec Is presented. Dealers. wbRore obeal tb
ly bolder* ot stock, report J«»t mod­
erate sales uf white beans and color
ed rarleUet aclltog to a very nwxler
ate way.
April 28.-Beaa*-8pel
l»2.W: May. «2.3«.

isil'lf Deere’s Michigan Special

2g—TimalB) —
April. >3AI>: Clover—April.
Detroit. April 2fi.—auver—Simi.
9i.Si: OcloUCr. 2G.30.

U uuerl-. ..................

Two loads of hgp. 'wo loads of tank
t*. one loM of
• ohipptogs.
load of salt, aad «;g
were weigh•« nu tbe c«F f»l»* yooicrday.
FOtATOEaOreeavillc. Mlcb.. April 28.—C. H
Olbaen * Co. Mole the baying price
ot potatoe. OB the Oiwetville bl
I B5c; neoBt. 82.20 baato.
28.—PouioeeRleady: choice to fancy. ll.OSfcl.W:
good. »8ce(l.



Wc both lose II yoado not hoy a Joha Deere

Sunday, May 9

Grand Rapids
Train will icavi- Traverta City
at 6::<0 b. ni.
KctiirniuK. It-uve
(iraml Rapid* at li:!'- p. m.


Mm fMHnw to Make a 8


Ur. I10A7H. Ribi—May, |SA0;
ty.Sa; September. |»-27lb.


^e'flde* the daughter with whom be
lade hla borne. Ur. Pl«her leaves a
widow. The fpaeral service will be
ilsbotm. of Treadwell. N.
Tburaday at tbe LeKbton borne and
I* reason 1* well worth
the burial will be in 4be Ogdeasbure _____ ,
.^rr a long time 1 suffered
from todlge*tion. torpid liver, eoastlpatloa. nervouanea*. aad general debit
Ity." be wrltei. "I touldn't »leep. bad
ppetite. BOT ambition, grew weakvery darnn apHe of *11 medical
;B«ar Then used Electric Bit­
ter*. Twelve bottim restored *11 n
oM-tine beeltb and vigor. Now i u
Marie •amsy He* Been III.
bd to busmen every day It's
)fi a
iDtalltble for
Mrs, George Barney sa
Tneuley for
Hn. Amellg
Roeboa. left T
i>ld home at Charloiie.
ipendluf more ibaa a year in t>i
th.i city. A. Bngbec Drug Co.. Hannah £ Lay.
Hr. Barney will follow Friday.
*♦ ♦ ♦ ♦’♦VoVooVo ♦ 0♦ ♦
Mrs Barney reiaraed but a i<
from Detroit, where ebe i
er deughter. MU* Mar
Barney, who ba* been very III wl
dipbtberlm. Ml** Barney graduate*
local markets.
June Horn the Detroit Con»ervalory ol
The receipt* of potatoes were
yesterday but the market was twther
A lasy liver lead* to chronic dyapep- ;dnU owing to the siatlonan- price*.
*la aud 'coBillpatloti—weaken* the Five of the 18 loads were coalract
whole system. Doan* Reaulei* I2S loads,-but the others eotd lor *« cents
cents per boil-eorrect the liver
•iralght. This price la quoted this
tbe alomach. cun- eoasUpaUou.
tnoralDg. Ontalde marfcela ore very
according to ibi- local
mlasloB men.


Wc nffer you all the facilities of our up
to (1 sit- Commercial Department ig mstsi you in the transaction of your bus
ne"v, and your chicks drawn on this bank
wiU'Mivc iircstiMO and stability to ail your
undertakiotpi. You will alwayg save mon­
ey ty having a cht-ckiiii; account.

Traverse City
State Bank
Oldest and Strongest Bank la
Northern Michigan.

would be about as seusible to adverltsc as
oxlords, but yon know "bebiud the cloud
tbc sun's sllll sbinning” and yon will soon



To MUSKEGON • $2.00

A little talk about Farm Imple­
ment buying for farmers
We have be>-u handling Wtm Imi'l-n.- nl* lu a sliole.-a;- *--> i-ovcrlhree years now. and wb.-n ».• flnJ tb.- unmle-i ul baiid- uj/l:n
pleaient (as gut to go through U-fu:e
uariie* the- InrnnT
i:i-number of proflU tbal It baa to pay b.-..>u«-of the Uct. Iha: ib..i-'ail
dcak-r buying Implemciits on time hs- l‘» W the iiianufai-lui-'i tioiii
8 to 1U per rout more for the good' l<io»;d.Tl bv sell, tb.-tu on tiuic.
We believe, that there Is a large «U»* ul farnKTs. tliavw.ould uu’y
bc tou glad to buy their Impicoiciila un cxarily the.
teruis a.
they sell their potatoes, for »pot ea«h. that is the
wish Wc have the lluent liue of I*rui1nipii'i.i-nis tb'-:.- is
Ju any one eetabltobmcni to Nortiiern .Michigan, and i-y
for cash, wc can take advantage <-I all the covh dlMOnut' and tiiakyon priri-a that will aalonish >‘iu. All *e a.k Is for yiju l« rome Wj
our warehouse and look over^our g*,id>.
Among other things we slab to cal] your ' atii'iiiloti In
Wagons, w-nich are perfertU'- »aU*fariory In every tv.p... l. Th.j ba..
wood wheels, wood tongue, and wood taxes, otherwise -bc-y a-.v- made
enUirly of steel and wc will guarantee'tbcai to twrry a load ol
lbs. wiiboul Injur^ to any pan of thenl.
Aupng other thing* we hs.. are Spring Tooth. P.-g and Di‘. Il.trrow*..<'ultivato.-*. Mower*. Resperr. Blndrrx and Hay Uak— ,W> alsu
have the best Manure Spreaders, that Vr.- bn the mark. l-toJs...
wi-hrn to Traverse City, call at our pU'ev- of ha>;nv -a. Bay uid
Union Sts., and If In need ot anything before, rorroisind with a-. Wc
also carry a large line of repair* for the m*rh!ne* *<- handle.
'V. ry t.Tilr.

John C. Morgan Co.

Its-lt4 as* IS* BS}’ SI.

Traverse Oly. MleS.

You Should See How
Our Work-Shoes
Are Selling
FROM* Irom $1.$0 to $4.00.


_____________ pAU% ;




^r'WTAr area Tiaet xinee abe bad
entered the Inatltotiaa. ihe laat time
but g week ago. He bad beea called
*t |:U UtB Bomlag. and tonm
girl on tbe M wberq ehe bad beea
placed by the aitandanta.
TMrW Bulalde.
Wben atked la regard to (be rule
^OfflCStO^A. Tncr L«t< PmlWould Eaampt tha Homcataada «
4*ai; R. FToj-i CllBfh, Vlee PmMnt: whereby tbe atteadanu were all
Vatarana el tba Civil War Ira
BM9rl OBTlud. OmU^-; A. J. Uv■VR. A. J. HBTlUBd. AialMMt CMbwere kept, be mated ihel U
*^BECTPIl*-A. Tr*^ Uy. R. neceuaniy to. aaimtiaUy la tbla ward
county Clerk Robert E. Walter
IVyd CUkch. Hn. Jolliu T. llantuk. where HIM Lgime worked, a* It wa|
avU»4. H. C. SbtU. ietrj mHkmtmpOre ward, and rarboHc acid day received word from Hen. David
MlllfU. W. W. SbUA
u need la laiwe qaaaiMlu lor die- G. (Atndler to Ibe effect that the
Cliandle/ bill pa«&ed the bouae. Tbla
porpuea. He auted Ibat tbit
bin U Ibe one tmradoced by Ur. Chaoa Hr CM& aBMrvl M TIM DciMlls Inleetant
waa oaly tbe .third caee ol tbe
In (be bUtory of the tartltutloa. aad diefanil eienpls tvalealate of oM eolat an Colltrtlcaf aal
dien. and widova. providing, the real
• »cardlnc Baeklas Ibat all ihm- raaea the eulcldcr.
('Mate'^^oot asseaw-d for more tbn
>■ TravMw CHy 8Ule
• Ctty. Mkh.
Mu. Flaehm. the girl'* auat. wllb ll.2t>0.
Tola i» larlieuUrly pleaalag-io toe
bom »bc made ber home, wu wired
BpanUb Amerkwa war veteran*, wbo
tbla morning ot her niece'a death, but
oalag to Ihe atorm which rageJ Have worked hard for tlri* bill. Coun­
Ibe atate. laying low tbe ty Clerk Walu-r alone having aoni
n iDore than l.onu leiiera In regard
(OoBliaaed fron nsr Om.)
legrapta and telephone

cnm. •



fcM kacn by the M. her f»ee bartert dunUfnl wB lber Ibe nu-uage wa* r
tB the corerA On the floor at her rifbt celred or aoc
««a a lar«e b«Ue at carbolie hcM.
ahoal'panta))y flliefl.


Cedar. Ukb., April 39.—Tbe Hr<l
hall game ol tbe aeaaon waa playn!
Sunday, beiween Eiuiiire
Cedar, and reaohlng Iq a acore ol II
id S lb faror ot empire.
UUa Elbe) Cork luui relumed litua
Raal Jordan, where abe hat been vUItlag her aiater, Mra. Cbrlalenaon.
Hr. and Hra. Dright are riaJUng la
TrarerM CKy tor a lew daya.
Hn. Bullivan and MUa Mainlu
virlting at Grand Rapids.
Mra. Zenika. of Blk Bapida, baa
lieen vUliIng. at ber dailUtUrT Uia.
Vlark'a, Ibe paxt week. 8he twliiroed
wne Btiurdty.
Hn. Johaaon and daughter Arlle
api-iil aRtnrday In Trarerae Clly.
Mra, M. A. Culver la'oa the alrk
Hra. John Tucker baa beea helping
lake care ol Hra. John Perguaoa a
hM been quite alcb. We are glad
hear (bal ahe iron the gain.
Mr*. HamiBlord haa auld b<-r (arm
ol trn acn-> to Mr. VInrk and Rrighl
or thia place.
Hit* Nora Cork goo* to Laroncbera IbU week, to do (mine aea
Miu Bibel Uket ber place ii
Tbe town teemed quite deacried
Wet D
Monday, eroryliody going .to the
Mel. I<acy Corey, vbn btd been
Itr and PaboUky wedding, a gay lime
the at) lain alace iuly laH tad had U reportMl.
known Hlu LdDBt oaly tinre
CMwioibcInaUtniloB^iaiod Ikat
waa not iBilgialely aeqiMimed with
bar. Bbe aaw MIm Lyeei iait night
at I o'eieek. at the young lady waa
8BtogHq|b Aer toota. '•bo turned atid
HBlled at BH>. and aaid -Good night.'
He tbaxi went lain her room, and Im
aadlaieiy lockad the door. Bbe bad
laMiked to bc at (itaea tbai abe
Uflitad BteMa I* the pineM CmH on
•Meonraged, that abe (ell blue, and
tbe Oreat LakeA a Real -Pleat­
bad Mtblag to tire for.
ing Pelaoa.WM Into ber leoB I did not aw her
Captain W. P. Bobertton. of Northawln. I went to By rooB
o'aloefc, and at It:l0 1 wai ealle.1. 8he port. futwicdly caiualn of tmr terry
bgp appcored downbeaned and blue Uaaiallque No. 1. paimed thnmib the
city yevlcrday oa bl) way botre Irani
In Be la tte *

tm. but I Ibongkt oatblag ot It. at it Chicago, wherq be baa been glvt^n
und of Ibe new aleanuhip. Unllwaa notbibg for ber."
fir. a A. Sterenaon. one el tba aa- ed Stale*, of tbe Indian* Tmo*poHacompany'* line*, the ume line
Haunt bouae pbyalrlada, who baa
f*lher* Ibe .teimahlp Theodore
bona at the iMtllMloa alnee July S.
Kooeevi-lt. which nude Ihl* port Tali
1183. waa awom. atailog itni the
UBe LyoBi BltBM dally, baidhtdr aoTbe tinned 8l*le* I* the m«l
gnalBiance waa aniwrartal. Bbe aatd
MBa Ldwsa bowwerr bad enpreaaed nlfleenl deamiblp on freeb water*,
hetaett at aatliBed wUta the woik. and In her make-up ihcre are piece* ot
and ta ber bad not appewrad de^ewl- wood from every ilate la tbe union.
eal. Bbe aaw ber lart at 4:80 yeater 8be I* Indeed a floating palace, and
day Bfersooa. and thoa had been rail Caplaln Roba-rtton la extiUBM-ly (<
od to bar room at »;4t tbit momiag. tiiuate la ancurlag »o retpoaalble
by Ibe aigbt aoperrlaor. Mrt. Wklt- roinmaad. T-ot 'bea, the ladlui
8eM. Mlta Lyont wat tying on the-bed
on ber bark, ber face turned
leftr and alibougb (be bottle ol carbetween V'blrrea and HubbdUc ndd waa found la tba
•Urenaon auied that the fmad no igan Clly, Indiana



,erUeaoe of eaibolle poltonlat
taft a Latter.
A Irtter Bddreated to Mn. Uanle
flaeber. AdtBe atroet. Bay City,
aunt of Hiu td’oos. wae found, wbleb
waa read to the Jury, and la
"Dear AUBt.
Ttadre me. bat I am no dlacnnt*
^d and lOBember ar taal.ibougbU
wwr* ol yoor kloden you bare done'
■0 M Ibe paaL
-OladyAFawr Ouneoa of Acid,
fir. PurduB. who perforwieMbe auI888y. waa next awom, aUUug that be
hpd enamlaed the eiOBach' «t Hlu
l^DBi, and bad loiini) that ft cMUIned n Bold BUed with carbcdie add.
ol aulfldeat atreagib that It had
, aroTcbed Ua handi. He bellered Iron
the evidence louad that Ibe girl
ewallowed at loaat lour ounce* otcah
taollc nr(<l. Dr. PurdtlB abowed tbe
lan a bottle eanUlBlag (be fluid
lakHi troB Ibe glr1% Btoinanh. and alao abowed (be aiomarb o( the dead
girl, wbiqb wrn Beared by (be aeiloa
e| tbe arid. He bed eumlned ibe
girl hirrher and ewore that aalde Inan
ItilDa of Ibe

Kewadln. HIrh.. April
J. G.
Doelh and family left Tuesday tor
their new borne In Travetwe Clly. Mr
Rooib has moved his ahingle mill
Leelsvllle, where be has a Are ye*
They wUI be misted ,by Ibeir
many Irlead*. ,
Mr*. T. J. Mitchell la reVy low at
lU writing.
Miss Helen Otboraf ol Alfleti (pent
Saturday and Sunday with Uia. tVII
lUm KergcL
Drama Hubbell and Wlff went to

ome ot Hra.
Ha Prink (o offer eongraiulutlona
her aoc Lowell Md bride tybo
turned that BReraaon from Uielr weddlBg trip (o Detroit and otlwr eoui
polni*. Supper waa aerved (ran
until It flVIoek. after wbi(* all delurted. wlahlag the young couple
many year* ot lutute happlaed*. Mtay
beauiKul and u*elul |ire*eni* wer
ceived. which abowed tbe high ealeu
In which Mr. and Mr*. PHnk are heldHr. and Hra. Uert Fiupatrirk tad
haby o( Rk Rapid* spent aSturday
barcondltta belag noraaL
tad Sunday with W. IL Aadenua
. De. Mnaaou wa* the laa
BWora. and he aUled that tbe girl had '8. M. lipwelt went l() Travers.- eii.v
come tp the UattMilea wail tMu- Ttieaday srllb a load i.* ^ ..uj tor /.
BBiied. .and that be had aady aaM|>,0. Boetk.


la Grand Rapid* a Tettabllliy ran"
tbroogh '^rtbem Mlckigaa U being
talked ap| by enihaainslir
Noioiber aulomolille
ata. Ne|w
I fqfibcn
i In (be a
Ul* believed tbe one plaao
be ma lo tbe aorUi will prove to be
popular. It la eipeeied iIm' ran planmd will conKume three dayL (Riini
imrth It I* propoaed to vl»il Oreeavnie.Lakeview.Cig Rapid* and Rvar«.
Mopping (be flmt Bight at Cadillac
From there tbe *eeoad day'* ma lould
take la KalkwkA Traverae Clly. and
MHuUiee. with the aigbt »tO|i ai Lud
Id the flaal day^a tun lVn<
Han. Wbllehall and H-ialegiin could be loueh.-d b-lor.- the
h al Grand Raptd*.
While the date for (be rnnie»t bai
I the iBWller.
Hr. Cbaiidler write* ibu Ihere l« beeo llllle dl*cua»ed. late In Ua
Mrung laJk ol forring no adjuummeul earl.r la June- la derlare<l to be
auliable time.
Mny C.


Miw Muter iDHher aUted that Mt«t
Lyeu vat ottea dowahoarted, ani
apoke ot tbit nearly erery day. 'One
day the atked me irbai I •oold do '
t came boaie aome day and lonod
dead* tald Mlta UlUer. Mltf Hiller
atMod (bat the reatoa of Hiu Lrom'
dwrcnaioo vat beraaae
pareau, aa<l no boate of her own. 8ba
had no lorer. Uiat MUW aatd.
•Ody 81111 Warm.
' Mlai HoIUaier. (be aeeoDd one
BM the dead girl. «aa the next i
A Bho *ad kaewa bar 8lB<v ^
le to the liratUatioB. MHt Uollltier
having been on aight duty
Mllotlen for tlx and one ball yeart.
la MMiacet yt and 31. She aald
war sot Inllmaiely acquainted vUh
Mlai Lyooa. Il4 latter beUtp on day
duty. The laat tlaie abe aaw her «ai
the nlBht belore. Ulet UlUer r^lei!
' her >ben abe iaand the girl arabe
aappaoM]. dead, and abe bad gone
ibe raoia and aeen her at abe waa on
her kne«a belore (be bed. Mlai Mill­
er and UWt KollUier bad idaced her
OB ibe bad. aa ^r body
and (key UuMWbi tbere might be aome
Die led. Mlta IlflUUter tald
t^'abe bad never noticed any depraatloo Of Bind In MUa Ijvna.

are planning an VBHing Tn«.
UM City nhd Other Peinta.



VVIll|aw.b«rg. Mleh.. April. JS.—8.
- Perry bu moved Into hi* re rent
l■ll^l'lla»<■. the (lain hnure.
The rajlioad pll<- driver I* here at
work now, It drove plie* loi the long
deUyed lurn table and 1> uo« at work
piitiing new pile* lo Ihe bridge over
le road.
Ik-orge White left yeaierday morn
log lo - Spokane. Wath. It Is rumored
• Uu he return* be aill bring a
brble <UI. him. Ml.« Kuiike llabbllt.
fornieily ol i)il« place. ReU|:ve* Iti
Sunh Ibikota will he vUlied durlns
be trip,
Mr., jane Thacker relumed lastweek from I'alKoruU wbv-re i>be ba*
kpeiil tbe ta*t two yean, flhlre ber
return *be hat be*-u quite 111 at the
her daugbirr. Mt*. {M. Moore,
as n-roverlag nliely from (be.
lailgne o! her lediou* Jmiriie;-.
Mrs. Ma-lla Hall, ot^ Elk Rapid*.
speoL Suiidvy at the hninr of her
slater. Mr* Will Samel*. The Rev. ll II llelwlg pr.-a.hed lo
theOt'dlellow-a andKebekah* U*l Sunday morning, the r.-»p.-ellve kidfe*
people attended tbe
54th qaarierly convention of lue Acme
ind WblK KBter S. S. auatM-Utlon held
Satuidny at Qk Lake. A very enIhuslasile and instructive me.nlng Is
Mr. and Mr*. MeArlhur left yesniav lor Khode Island, railed by the
d.-aihofM. McArthur'* brother. Tbe
lirollier lud suffered a kiroke of
p.vralysl* and died Saturday nlxhl
The Cranger eonlesl which has In-en
.agi-d lini aud heavy nearly all winV. aaa ebued last Tuesday' niKhi
with Ihe side Inuided by MIsB Cora
Scofield leading by over l.S(>0 p-vlni*.
Thu* Ihe poor defeated Our* musl
(orlbwnli slave and toll In prmluee a
bauiiiiel 111 the ntlirr aide on the Uh of
May. They have much alneere
Pipe LAKE.
• ♦♦♦•888«8 8‘«888*
Fife Uke. Mich.. April 3S.—ilb
adie Kroil. wbo ha* tveen v'lajflii
friend* lo town, relurned to her buni
Travenu- City Wedu.-ailay.
Dr. MrMiillen of CatUllae. waa In
-wn un pn>ri-k«lniigl pnsineiiK, T4iurr.
T. IJdd.c visile.! hla family *.-vcrjI
days l»»l wc-k,
• Mia* Ctaudia Prt.w« i* vlslllng in
Traverae City.
Mr*. Straub of Maiiton, vlaite.1 her
daugbler*. Mr*. ITnrnlh and Mr*.
Whipple, over Sunday.
.Mrs. U A. GIblis was lu Kalkaska
twe.-n train*. aSlurday.
Mr*. J. H. La^ of South Boardan. ta'vlaiilog Irlead* la i
Mr, and Mm. Joe Wolf.- of Hanlon,
vitlled Jvtamolber ami al*
Mia* ^la Sloeuu) of South Uoardan. visited her slater, Hr*. Julia
8loi-um. Saturday and Sunday.
E. H. FUsicr. who attended the tun
oral of Reiilrfm Learn, relunved to hi*
borne in Alden. Hunduy.
Mlaaea Iva Carathers and (h-nrude
Cn-gt> Usiied Miss Bdiln Darling
SouLh Hoardiuan Saturday and Sun­
The Rev. George C. Horton weut lo
kit. Pleasant Monday.
Mrs. Dun Riidgea la visiting reUve» In Hojiie City.
Fred B.-chaleIn went id Manlaiee
Saturday, wh.-rr he will remain tor
aome time.
Mr*. J.-.M- Ilurdxe, of A1d-n. I*
Ring eld Irlcods. and ncqtialmnnet-s

feSda?“ja^‘ “lJ5hu U Mt a ffltfdent ot thds atate bat U a rurii—t dff
tbe State of IIHboIb. O*
L. H. Gage, solicitor tor oMBpInlMit.
vwo narnesaes. one cnrrHge.
lake part wood la pay. Call _. ... his appearance ti e u«Med In flbla
luee in peraon or by aelMur wKUa
S. Elmwood Av'e.
lur mootha fraoi tb«u4M .«( flbH
'REE—Tbe use of IS acre* of young order and In defanlt UlHSt 4M8 thn .
orchard land, good soil, kveuted on Uin of Complaint Bled bnrelB may be
aa confessed ngataat him.
peninsula, three mile* from Trat-.
erse City. Only requirvment—cuutkwi in prereuilng Injury to tree* Circuit Conn Comml»»lon*r. QrMd
(ram plowing and culiiv-atlng T. J.
Traverse Co, Hlcb.
llrnderMvn, Houaeman Bldg. Grand . H. GAGE.
Rapids. Michigan.
Apr U-lVl.-tf
ssolu-ltor for Comptolnaat •
Riiiune** address: TTuTers# CHX.
A Certain Cur* For Aching Feet.

Tke weekly noonday meeting of (be
offireiw aad eommiitee. ot tke board
•I trade held in Uule Tavern Thnreday waa attended by a varger number
Ibaa any previous tneedng. there beig scarcely seating capacity for all
oae preaent.
There were aeveral mailer* ot Imporiance disposed of. A couple ot Im­
portant indtiairlal projects were iatroduced and wbirb atv new In the bands
<- hidustrial convailliB-. bbih of
which are very promUUig.
W F.
Raven. Ueia ugenl of the Michigan
Agrtruttural college addressed ibe
luani for a few maaikma upon ibe ii
pravemen: of live stock, describing
* bale conn for the eounty of
plan tor ibe snereaMut breeding of Grand Traverse.
a K.-,*ldn of said conn, held,at
high-grade caule. He a«keil Ihe co­ (beAtpn.bcte
oinoe, in Ihe city of Trave88\*«8P8#*88«888 operation or the beard of trade to li- erne City, in said county, on The :n»d
day ot April A. H. 1909, ,
Presoiii, Hon. . Fred. R. Walker,
8«88« referred lo the proper coniniillee.
ol proUiile.
Should Ihe Ihieresl la the*e meet- Judge
PonionA Ulch.. April 29.-Mr. and
In Thi- matter of Ihe e«<aie of Will
Mrs. Alex Holier bave relumed Iroui ■gs conilaue to Incrraae. H will be
I haring tiled In said
uen-K*ary to bare large quarter*.
ihelr-tiip 10 England.
n praying ib* admlii.B<-rt KyM-II U on tbe sick Hat.
hir*. H. R. Cornell and Mr* DustMr. and Mr*. Ortbello Knlme* ol Hn left today lor Kalkaska, to (at­
IRbytine City «re vlMHng friends In tend lh(- seventh dldatrlct ruaventbin
It U o^'red. That the ot
of the Church of CbrlM.
lay A. D..1909. at ten o'clock In Ihe
U'lle Riisael Welto U quite alek.
vrenoon. at aaid probate dRb-e. lie and
To Motntra In Tn-t Town;
I hereby appointed for hearing ,aM
Aiiilir«*e Mark* ha* relumed from
ww Mulhsctltwr's
.* visii to Holland.
1* (urther ordered. That p.;!' t
(Tiarh-* I’belpa is ealerlnlDliig lanoHce thereof be giv-eu by pub i.
grlpis- now day*.
or a ropy ot-Uiis order. f*ir lUr .
ces.ive we«ii prevlou* lo said i .. •(
.. Wlliram Uoial entertained her
lii-ariug. iu.lbe Glaqil TraverN- lb ruUl.
sisters from Oipemtak Sunday.
a newspaper prilled and clrculalHl ID
A. Stuart did bUHinea* In Cope
‘ TATE OP MICHIGAN'. THE PRa said county.
mi*h MemOay.
• bale court for ilie nvunty ot
Judsd of ITobate.
Jay irwln, who ha* Iteon on tbe rand Traver,e.
Apr. auto-May T-14
ale* 11*1 for *ome lliuvi f» belter V
In the mailer of ltu> estnie of Clarace ..I Harpham. deceased
tbi* writing
Noiice I* hereklr given that four
from the :9th day of April A.
Krh; llrb; Iiebl—Seraleh* SrralnlC iDonih*
1909. have . been allowed for
•ratrti: The more yon seralrh tbe D.
creditors lo present Ibelr claim*
wome the Itch. Try Huan'* Oiniiiieitl. against
to «aid eour
:e» pile*; eciemL
I*, any
aii> skin
*kin IKb- examination de.eaffed
soulbwest qu*rt<*r of
and adjusiment, and
til drugi
of seel Ion
all creditor, of said dect-ased uimy six i2f)
quio-d to prv-»em ibelr claim, to aaid
north, range ten Odl
w.-.i, dated
. at the probate office. In the
recorded In office ol

8 of Traverse City In aaid sooniy. on or
Wfore Ibe :iat dav of Augm<{ A. D. egl«ter of Deed* of Grand Triver,e_
vunly. Michigan. January 1.-1, 1901 In
1909, and that said claim* will '
Iber tr. of uiurtgagu*. on poke 4»"beard by aaid court on Tuesday I
loilay /or Kalai
Tbe said mortgage will be forei-Insed
1,1 day nl Augu»i A. D- iwn*. ai i
too oil a liUsinc** li lp.
by- a sale of ihe above de»ci
•clock in the forvmoon.
Brnesi K, Smlih. manager tX O
preini,<-,. at front .door of the (
IlHteihlkpMI Milb. A D. 1901.
ti'-li ilro*. inuHic hovise, Jen this mi
House, in Ihe city of Traverse City,
lug oil a l.ui-lnesi* trip over the 0. ..
a' 1*0 o'clr
Judge of PfuUatr
A I. road. H>- ws>! aceompiuiied by
pr. 3i)~May T-U :i :«
(or one hundred sei enly five
Mr*. Smith, who will visit Irieiid*
File iHke.
391(19 ltlT.'.39l dollar*. Ibe am
claimed to be due at Ihl* dale,
-Ml*s Stella Fv-nsienmaehcr tv-iurm-d
geiber with eleven and 4T-1M> ftl. .
tu Kingsley this mniiiing.
for the cimnty c dollar* for taxes paid on -said pn-mlse*
Mr*. J, FrBM-r and children returnand Inter.-*! thereon, with Interest on
Maciu ililH morning utter a vis
At a seaaion of aaid court, held at the whole amount from thK dale n(
the prohate office, In the i-liy o( Trav- seven |*-r .-eol. i»-r amiuiii. and in. Iml
Stoiil left Ihl* morning -rar
t'liv. in aaid rountv. on .In- <9ih log the i-osl, and ■ xp.-n**-; a!li>iv--.1 U.c
ty at ApHt A. I>. 1909.
Colunel F.Tl. Strong
Present. Hon. Fred. R. Walker.
llale.1 April i:-. A D. 19o9.
mol his wife, and the three prtveeed Judge ol probate.
LUITS li WII.I.180N,
I'n Manila. Philliiplne Islands, where
In Ibe mailer of the estate.of Percy
Mias Siniii win Bpend a year. Sl»- wa* E Thomp*on. de.-e**ed.
-Kaecnitors of ihe Issi Will and T-,i
accumi>aiiied a* far a* Chicago byMr*. France* A Tbamiwon having
mem of IVtIu 8. Tucker. di-ci'as>-d.
Mr*. F. f. Rice.
died In aaid rourl her peiiil.m praying (H'V M. WH.SON.
and Mr*.....................
ihar *aid court adjudlcaie and dvirn.-y lor ?
his morning,
lermlne who were at tb<- lime of hi*
:r, Friday*
with their son. I. death the b-gol li.-lr* of aaid dec-aai-d
R Silekiiey. and daughter. Mr*. L. W.
entitled to.Inherit tbe real •Ciulman. und their families.
..r which aaid d.-<-.-a*i>d db-d a-l



1 my knee

H I, ordered, that Ibe ITih day of
May A. D iwe...
o'clcK'k In the
forenoon, al auld probai.* offic-. be and
hearing said
I* hereby- « l>oln«
|i I* further ordered. Thai pul

" write* Frank t
................................... lui-klen'
notice Ihereuf tw glv.-n by publican
Salve', which vwvon
ird.-r, for Ihret- a
fallible for wound*. >
soon cures Hum*, Scald*. Old Sore*. (-ivialve week* previous to said day
Itoll*.^ 8km Krupllon*. ^World's best bearing. In the Grand Trav.-r,e Her.ild,
u new-,pa|H-r prlnle.1 and rlr.-iilaled
C. A. Bugbee Drug Vo..‘irannah *‘L.-iy! said com
Judge o
-Apr. :3-30-May 7-14

Annual Meeting of the Aibury' f
worth League Wa* Held Laat
'rtie Ki wonh Ij-igue'of the A»Bnry
M E church held ih-ir regular monlb
laisea* mveilng la*i nlglil. Olttwere elerted lor the ensulag
(he following lielng the resull:
'"idenl—Rtvln-rt Down*.
Sl'vlce ptv»ldeai—(Splr-linvl d"
(lartmenn—John Bailey.
Second vice iire«idcB«. (Mlaalorary
depaitnienn —Mik* Vera Alward.
Ird vice prti-idenu (Social
paiimepu—ivtra Anderpon,
Sr-cri-iaty—Ml** Olive Spencer.
Trea.'urer—Uvulae Thle*.


largeet vaeel mills in (he east for 140.OM pounds of Michigan Fleece Wool,
mutt purchase the wool to deliver,
I am willing te pay tha full outmarVet. Don't sell Or contract
yeur vweel te anybody else until yeu
get my price. Aleo. I have shipped
un the wool mill enough wool twine ell my epatomert free Of
charge, a* te save using binding-twinc
It’a A Top Notch
any ether kind which theuld damGreat dec*!, compel
impel regart. The
i the week please call (9/ It whenworld crown.
do.-r*. That * why
Ihe .Am-rican m'Opb' have croicnsd
vsd Dr
rr yeu are. ready.
Ned DUcovery the King
Throat and

A Reliable Helper.



at liewnd -TVarsrw
tha IMk dsr of tVs




F*k. imh. m. u

OR. W. J. HIOQIN8, DmrtM.
Now UuDson BIk.
<VravMe Otp.
..liieM irt«phOM: «t8c«, TN;' N8Idener. «t ,
Do nol be mledlveoted.
Gold work ot tke vury b«L
PorcHalB inlayu.
PalnlcuB rnrnoOeB.

• and la grippe vaniah.
igh rqcaed membrane* and
and- hemo;Tliages'
.Mure, flla> ki Jack.
J»ek. N. C., write*,
• of lung troDbl-. proiiounct-d
by all doctor*." .MVc, IMU'
Guarantecl bv-8 El!
Wall A Soil,,
Hannah g- la


A. B.,1.™ 1.,., .o-lCin, Pfeone48l. BellPlrnie 130
Egg* for Hatching


From »y pri*a winning
White Rock* aiKl (iokieu
WEnmlottee. tlMperl^
White Plymouth Rooka at

WrMd B. RadArsplMl

Farms and City Property
Booghta fioldaiid exekattged
Room 1-4 Magentic Bldg., Traveree City, M- L,

Your Fruil Trees
Probably you intend too. If so. we are iniere*te<J..
Weha^e the very best Blue ^ttriol. arsenate of lead.
Faru G-ee.i. etc, that we-cao fitiy 'i’>;i: will nui be
dissap|>ointed in result;- :t you pi:’- iui-v 2=[>rii>ink; Mat­




Travcnieaty. Ml^

If you want quick action and prompt Mrvica
at all times send your orders for Sash, Doors,


Hake appolataeBM abMd
Office bonra 7:» to 11:M. 1 to I.'
Ollier hoora by rMneto.

aioui i»
and ml
heal- .


If your atock doesn't look well or
well. Jnai go at once uv tbe n.-ari
druggist or general More slid purrhaae wilboul delay a package of
Marvell'* Condition Powder*. The
packages are small but the prl.splacrs tfaeiu within Ihe reach ol all
There are no food atuB* In the par
age. each and ev ery ,drug or dIBerei
BUbaunre being chosen aolely for 1
medicinal propertle*. and for yonr
money you are gelling a be'ier arllele than aiiv one i-an-ghe you abvng
ibi- auue line, and at the same prU-e
Over aereniy year* old aivtl auld
everywhere lor ;r>e per package.* Sold
by S. B. Walt A Soaa and E E. Miller.

STATE OF MICHTQAN. I* ttS Cfc>cuit (kvorl for Grand TrUTurnn CBS8of I'nion. Grand Traverse eoaniy.
(y—In nnnenry.
y»r parHeuUrn^
Tennle H. Ladd. ObmidalBaaL VE
imra a Ladd. DefenteM^lilB*
Apr.'w-Top*. lo Hay 18* 8th.
It appeuriv ftw
acre* good potato

Lumber, Shingles,



Work. Cottage Material, to

SonOi Side Lumber Co.
J.O.CROTSER. Beeclv^
Both fhoncs. n;^ St
Traverse dly. MIclk


lax with bar brodwr. C. F. Twh.
Mr. and ^r*. D. Halnar and daucb place. Hr, Puiver Is the (omaiaa
-Illvy .wpre at Tntter** City tbU Ur. Uew .
Dr Pl.her 1* very low at present
With no hopes of bl* rero»Try. »
It is kpoeibfe to be weB. shnply impossible, if the
Para»r« la fcnnral am bu»y «hh
W. Sione Is xrowloa quite feeble and
lotrd OO tbotr farm about four mllra
bowds are constipated. You must pay attentxm to the
(heir plonrluK.
«» could not eipeel qiixb else a* He
bavlnir pU-niy of rain and
will be VI years old in June, the old.
Jrwi-pli VaMm- Irantaeiod boalnoat In
The lAdW Aid aoHety met
laws of n^ure, or suffer the consequoices. Undigested
est piTsoR on the peoinsuls and msyrrav*T.r rily on Krkday laal.
Ml*. U. M. James Thursday atler
material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be
Noah Cauthlrr and Mlaoot Odilla
Them wa* a aood aitendanctiind ouite be 111 the north roontn
■laiiHJiiduD and Flort-noo Brtio aponl
a quantliy of sewina wa* done for Ur*
removed from the body at least-once each day. or thare
doina Interior caep-'Hler work.
Suiidnj nllh Mr. and Mra. Air* afiM vpcndiiia »ooi«- tlmn at home James, whu tresied all pre
wOl be trouble* A sluggish liver is responsibie for
Ith her paj»-ni«.
Roy Brea and Jcdis Brew have aone
iBdy alter the work wa* laid
Hlu Emma Kemlnidtin la at pn«enl
rblcaao lo *nt ready for *alllna on
immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask
Mr* Cbriilman has been
■April 5T.
..kliliiR h«r parent* and friend* hem quite poorly the past wmk.
the Heamer ' Slerlin*. They wer*.
doctw about Ayer's Pflk. He knows why they act
alter nCVkInj: tor aome luouth* on ibr
Will Jackson and Ml** Elinbeth both on the same boat laaf year.
Uanllou And.
John Huime*' Ih«. hav” eftme
rurila. uf llraon, war a
directly on the liver. Trust ten. J C AvtrCa-.l^V^
ronson, at Trti«-r»e itiy, visited oyer
Many fruit '.re..* *111 tx' iilanted IbU Sunday
, 1 the wjlnter well. She ha« a
W tV<-ben Sunday.
with frielirts here.
auod many ami
them very proHi
I..V, K.
«f Hta-d nty. I»
A party of fri-nd* »urpri»ed Silas
Mr. and Mr*. ryruK Harper, of Weiti'lllns ollh rvlailrin brr>* tor a fi-o
ford. vl>1led ul
Ilrookk' «en>ral ari* Saturdav eveoina and helped
Mi** Jp.'lc Ilval* I* workiua for Mr*.,
baby alil lin mlebrate hf* blrtbf
**jlr and Mrt M'fn. M<-*tIm. of Trav Says laal neek. The .
Kjclvr 1
a* the chief attraction.
Ml** Elisa Cran and Mi« Mary
nrrn Pfly. am rlrlilna ollh Mrs
Itix'k iwme m Awaiisi liran'* Monday.
Joe fha.e la movlnn il
pandit*. Mr. and. Ur*. John
day i-vc
Uke. •£. a- to iH- ready
A iiumW-froni hrrr atu-ndml th-Kimtsiyy.
Athctlan. of WeHston,
fuiK-rsI nt f>rvUI- Boon nhirh ---o«n.n! b.v J. U-vall.
Mrs . 1. liibb* mmic a hualne.* trip over to Manls'tT. last week.
Kalph 8emark..uf Bnblin. i- «..ina W
lo Traver»e city ih- lu»t of the ».Hik
till* W'itina.
in WeB.siim
. Dolty Rarhk ha* aane to Trav
He^*Wl!«m la *«rkln* f|.r Harr
:iiy to kpend eome time wllh hei
-e aoina to ha>.- a i-anip at W-ll*fan

ateat iilw. Mr*. John Anderson.
Xormsn Uutin is ’>l*IUna with
Harry Peiienaltl ha* einnitl the
Mr* Eram*-« Tliampaan and Mr* friend*
III WelUion.
work uf a»e>.>liia Ka**on kiwikIiIii of John -Seety and little daushler.
Mrs Al. Sm-l; ha* Is.-n q.iilc *«t1
A. r. l.ulIV dsiiabter. of tlraiid Hup on*ly 111 )ci'b taii.illTl'
,blrh he 1* .tipiTy
JuM'phlne, of Buckley, arrived
Id-. Is vMlIna In MVI1.0i.ii
and Mr* C. W- Ben-cn
,ad.e font
Mr*, lirider ajwmt .lmit SunHar
chihimn W'-re ih<- Rue*i* <iT -Mr and friend.-her... Mr*. SmB al'd ilauAliier
•Halted atiii-t> i:ui
Ath-.i„i,J faniMy ub Suiulay relinnMl Suml
niiday h-jc
C. W SmI'h left lur hi. fsini l
r^ray).*.tm.'Hr. '
will n.nmin far a w.tb.
had t
and Mr* Mam WatMiq SBiiday,
Meadame* B. M. Jame* Holliday. twk
lyniH HiiliUT, keeper
I ii*.-ir hy liicakiua Mantgold. ClljU* sad Tlioiupson am a
at F.
Uland iix
Watson’a Buadsy.
_ William
llurdlek. liU
leiidlna the meeiloa of the Ijidie.
au . Uni
Mr*, t'llmoii l‘rsv and son.-Owtai.
Klna*h-v I'eDieiery a**ari}linii toda:
*»" drowned last
la -rhumday
, Mad* Many Tr.v*r*» C.y Ra*|.
*li.iil a (•-w day* at A B 1‘ray'fi taat
Mr* Addison McKeaae ami family
while ialllnd .ftoiD Omen
denu Enthusiauie.
leave i.kI;i,v (ur Brlm!->, IV P.. to make
iland. •The
.The aiil I. hi*
■' boat and hi*
O -waml..r «yii..* ui Ti.vt INO City
Mr and Mr*. E. T. Trsy ylsllnd ul
Ibeir luiiire borne. Ilw) McKeaae U
id bui mnblna of
Mr*. Jim ti-pi w I* vUl'iii
ipp Imvc lx>i-n Miuml
■•■n* aval <111111)1*13'’.i
. B' Vi vy > Boiiday.
.other, Joi- Flak-'.
alrimdy th-Te.

I'ha* ll^iuiuond went to Elk .BapAitdri ..
Mr* Itb Sayer* is quite |«orIy ju*'
nan. l —
ml broihIth Manllou. ami
l^mWrdlrk.. beeper
keeper of:
A par .
The pro|.<
I’leiaiid Prl
MapIlcM itlhiid .
tH.Mi, which tt llrbe need lo buy t Mr*. le-«terr Saver* and Mr* \V
aixl 1^1101*
ii.r Jiamoinnd and fatullr hs
dally 'i - '
nlaold. a’ the home of Ihe 1
- P.
- Ilaaerman.
llaxerman. pho
for the around* and talerna] Im Manlaold.
Waf Mr*. m'i«>-d into III.. Tom Pray h«ra»e.
for Mr* MeK'
keeplnx the hotel here. iprovetneiit*
*h.) ha* lMXitil<*t th).
AlTll JT.
About fifty of Ihe friend* and neithleate fill Elk Rapid* Tburaday. Th-y
miKTeded by U. J Karbour and bom aathered at the borne <iff Mr*..
of Rapid Cl«-. who will hare John Amy Saturday nIahIMn remind
,nd triad vnrio..* ki.l
Mr. Miner 1* esjiected home
lal It wa* her birthday Ifciiielna
ebarte Of
be order Of the eveiiliul and at She has been yIsllliiK ho dsn
sMl Balll (>» Ua r,** yrwni ’rm ■<« a^sd v>
lir Inrursli* Pvr ■ yMI many yesr * dts*»‘
Huai hour fcupper was wryeil. Mr*. Biaa*. in Mi**.ourt.
and n- I had p’<-vv
Samuel and Mr*. Wllinot An. All enjoyed a auod time.
afH-ii ih'.in adv>'rti*>d >n the. pap<-i*. I
Hotuiesvniid *ew<Kl <*rp**t
Herb Hall ha* ant bl* house
ruts will) l•xsUMllmmt.|<racs<aneedlll■<*lr
Rapid <-|ty
errjted hei
pmnirrd a box at she Wait l»riix
nr>eiwelia.I>r.n.n <wlarTU (o bs a coa
Rood, eomlti* hem by
•k. their RO
.|*R,’lrnjVit made a bosin..** Dip t sblr.
in a f<-w wi-'-k* I «n« und
•tUBIwnsJ <lMss . *sdlhM*.|ucsr*atlt»<**
hnai. iulniBK
Mitstivasl iiswiisrai. 'Hsll* I'sUrrb ( nr*
IniBK their huabanda.
not wa* down y.-ferdsy and lie slniy born fi*T from kidney
Boa* Black visited Mr* Amy SaturasBufsciarM »..* K J » hmey M tx*. Tot
already here and will make
tbouaht he would ael'alona if ndiblita pliint. 1 own my recovery *miimlv
lo th). uw of Doan* Kidney fiH*.In.
V%ninan moved from Burdiekrllle *^Hattle St'rona I* workine for E. !). el*e.»et
- a iiiiiiil»T from amnnd henFtir sale bv all dej>r*. I‘ri)v r.a
The imwt ol the farmer* am se.tllna
(<opIand. of liranl township.
ihlf wi..k and will
0 lu.uey river ►jx-arlua a lew
out fruit tree*. Mare lre.T hive come cem*. Ko*iei-MllbUTO
Cuy Slack made a hu«.lne«* trip
heryard faerv.
la*i wei-k and all r,-i>orli.d a
SVw York, cole aaents far the Hhiit.*!
this »prina than any oiher
l-ba*. OU-«on and Peler Bebrn*. of Cadillac last week and I* now lakli
n- and a aoud v.ncb. the '
Pori Om-lda, wem in town on buiilne**
1 welch'*) eiahl ixmnd.' s
*'Remetnher the name—BaanV—and
a It) do this sprina
take no other.
The Norlh Manllou mall boat t

Grand Traverse Region
^nec TO


Kcwihpoft. .p. m «utuU) • [>»> Mr '"I
wn John H.iJiiui. of tbU
Thr W« ‘orlil »i «bf
school bouiM- »»»
- -»ni U>*- h«a ni*h'. »h<- pro"^*


^Ml»» KlUoln’tli llolion. <il Xorlhporl.
spoilt fhiiidki 01 fiill. Pl-r
Ssh Sclsoii; ol North MsiilloB, roBie
srru» to ►P- t'd •
p^nu. Mr *nd
NcImib. o
“Mr. Xrli
■ ■
llpMbnuMMonliou Island.
A lo»«r tr«»d of f^Und >nun* iwo■bi Ofljoysd Ibr ,bb» ooi-ial Ot «II1«
f^r Saturdoy ov«-oUi» .
Tari» «a* » doiir.- llvii In
Nsl.on hall afiw Ihr boa -nUl
•iday iiUhL All n-piwl .a *iw'l
Tbi- o. I’ n hall -IMW hlid II
t- 9 ball 1ISI.1.

mnt. l. »..■

Moarol. Th.' Iloill
. hy <,ns »r«w abrad <
UUa ni|r*’nf Utiusmi ».o.
waiful Wm 0/ Kcbool at Norlhpon
, Point mud la tiailliib Crinoda o loo
days boforo eoln* to Ntirlh Maul
f»cr 01»»i
»UlHn« Wendii
oni* PUT. walllnit la *H n-ro*r
Kertb Vanlim Island
A larao troird orioun* pooplo-fro
ficvori Mautoth. of {tDllOUa Ha.>.
rlalllDC lrl"ud» at (illU PI<t.
H. C. lUdch pu^aaod a borac fro
^WllfWrklsa, ofNonhport. raJI*^ <
lAonda In QIIU PUT laM Sunday.

Old, apont dun
I H. fN>rd»C
.Mn "
iMton os Sunday
. . Hr*. Alborl Heu i. ^nt Sunday and
--------i}ty In Traror

._iiruj gnlfha i. oiiMrt<-fl biialni-**
lb Trovoroo rlty oo Saturday
. ■ .Jullut Duprwrron and family havp

ibie to be Well






Hortbern niicbiflan's


Homes Furnisbed on
at easb Prices


Here are a frw of the leadins Go Carts and Carriages we are selling thi« year. \oo vM from the illustrations that
special wheel made for deep
we do not conHne our line to one kind only, but have a vanety of the best kinds made. We hav
Bind encounlered^n country roads, and the prices are exceptionally low. ranguig right along from $l V) to

Carpets, Rugs» Linoleums, Matttngs, Lace
Curtains and Draperies

All lovers of beautiful and dependable floor covers, rich draperies and elegantly designed lace
curtains should visit our carpet department and see the many new things which make the home
the most pi easant and desirable place in the world. We are better prepared to meet the big de­
mand for this class of home furnishings than ever before-you’H find ah unusually wide ^nety
to decide from. They’re not ail high priced either; By purchasing for our three large stoVw we
bought at a price which is right, and we guarantee a price to you which will please you. Egery
day weVegrIndingout bargainsrbigger and better than you can imagine without seeing them.
We cordially Invite you to come and inspect them, for we take pleasure in showing you whether
you contemplate buying or not.




Start Housekeeping

Handsome Parlor Suits
We would like to have you see these l*,^r Suiis. They have just
arrived and are certaiijly the finest line of Suits we’ve ever offered.*
They corns in quartered golden oak or mahogany frames with leather,
'verooa. velour, plu«h qpd mjtiair cbveringi. We sell the Divans or
Churs separate if you prefer to buy them this stay.

It’s much cheaper than boarding and the money .that
pays for your room rent and board will furaisb your
\ A% - house and you’ll have something you can caU YOUR
OWN. Our original easy payment plan will cnaWe you

to furnish your whole house today and you can pay for it
as you earn the money..



- O<M0r*M With tkp*rt.

jinart ti4*r

thn fcnrp. of th»

«na ntf WRTdm orf loMot
llwy m
iNWhrd Unr mm loo hl»h im4 Rf eh»llro*m
IfirlBdiRi iiu ttRptiPV. ftnU
Din.''ch«rk» Plere* bt» «h>
' rhar(n4 with panlrlpat
IBfllrl^llon l» lh'“ H'.ior th» (omiry Miw-n ol tli» rBl<ndj,i,r cxpvi la prodam hi* Csam bj
■rtioniuTKiii. ||« prohAi
ibnn dtepra>«d
reinir puDU:w4. Tbr (uruB't her^ *»•«« d*i>»riiwm oj ««rlculWfp «ho
•■n- bU report roBrnmlniE the iwot
_ .
jin uMiU-nil.
the ,»«u.1 lo. w. proh——■ ■
I Soldlnn «t EnmiiB. A*Mtlr Turk- il.e. .Rd AlUKBomd tbm.tlM. ic. in
timbm •KgiotaiAd 'll.OOO.noo
fen. .-Ilv l.;»»^ih»n five mllHon fmt. The
***' '■"Pf-*'' ■>*“«
»«r*n ‘hkei "O •emn"'»>*"
" (IDW la th* lahbtM cf Hip boM* and cma^h nilaed.






Traverse Cify's Best Store


~»tP»b oalrapes
Mcralna. April
<T* orroplialfi] loday al______
1 AdaDa and
The Mobuiiini',
lb. im.lbd.
Atroenlaa qnarirr



will oecur i


The Faultless Fashioned Garment

Arrcated Cultan.
lAiiidoR. .Vpi!) K.—An Exrhiin*.
Mearaph onronflrniMl r«‘port» mij fbii Abdul Haaild »• now a priM.i.. the pal*<«- rheraahsn nn Ih.
«l th* VoB«# Turk*.
plinra*. ill I* reporlPd (hui Hi’
Tnona Turk* peu-n-d YlldU Kln-.k lai-i
■ UNon jlMllrttli~Aprll
iilfhi and arrr*lpd .nbdiil and rhc- nmalnfnK mptrrtwr* of IhP hnn«‘-hoM.


. Caramany la Na<

At the

Mnw I* ntAwrN u. b* d*a«.



Hard CMar Under Can.
Cultaw D*pa*«d.
rk»«ta«iim>p|p. April j;.-Thp millaa ba* U«t depoAPd, a* Oip itmH of
«bP ialni work of-ibe nattoaal - a*
wmblr wblib i.p«rp|plr «>l«d for diMBlUM. and hhlPk I'l Ul*m'»
reUstow Pdlrl apprevinK ihp l«xaliuitop of the drapooillon. The Millan
«fli be f»iPBT*d lo TMit KJo«k today.
Abdol HamIdV brorher,
' t-B* hiimr
' aaliao
‘vildpjf rnibanlaan.
-Tbp Orant baa fatl^.
ibp pliy.
Becbait." uJww-d throusaV.'.
' Rpebad'a PBlbroneiQPlil
linmtrpraina 'Rmbad I* c:.
i* om
the olrtem male drm^ndimt
t butao of Ottoman.
Ottoman, aflnr Alxlul
of the
Uamld and bp ii fbp »ih aultai
Ibe owaapal ol I'OBatanllnOpn- >
Many prpfprrpd Abduiv np»*pt .
Taanef Inedim. boc bi« aplpHion
woidd tiolalp tbP la* prmldlna fur
of UiP oldest ^alP


is found this fannous
nriake of Suits, Coats.
Dresses and Skirts.

Oadlllat—ba Jlodi. who waa rhartPd
«llb vIolallBK the Mral o|hIub law In


W-lltBK bard elder, had apnl«nr»- nup-ndi'd on him l-praUKP be ahowr<l
Judge Jlaynp of Cbarlevola be n-aUy
mitoa-at beeauae he wa*
aware that bard cider eamo undrr4,b"
ba*. U« Ht«» oat in the rouniry •b.*c <
local option talk baa not ix-po
warm aa ia .Cadillae.-wbPrr lhP dnin
glfcla atq. now selling


tarpfiil thai

tbpy advpnlM- In alariBR typp In Ibe
opwapapera that llquom Wlp-^o'


aold •'Zeppl on drautita' prpncri{llion^.
- Rut Relton Inte Drink.
Mar4apttp-rbarcpd with mlneiine
polaoB with drink *1ih intPfii to fcin
eiPhard Curwon bn* Wii found

A window fall ol various seasonable
goods for Saturday only* tbe reg­
ular prices ol which are from
2S cents to 40 cents.
Books. China, Dinnerware, Boa .Station­
ery, Pictures, Games, etc.

More tharj $50,000 is
. spent by the makers
of Woofte^ each year.
Simpiy for style.


On top of the quality
in Wooltex‘-material,
there is quality in
Wooltex workmanship-

In Cirrull <«>upt In ttcboolriaft roun
ty. TbP Jury waa mil if. bmit*. Vm -

aub'a ulll-si-d iBlPnilPd ' ticilni
wpJb»p* l».i'-k». a (arntPr rprlrtlm; dt
1l la tvnrppdpd that Rprhad will
■a ibP youn* Tarh* wUh *» hr 1*
cprtnfaak. and by whom hr *m pin
lencPd and lark* Abdul't rraftl.
• lii^a* hppn pranlrally

City 6ook store


The maker of Wool­
tex will reline without
charge, any Wooltex
garment that does not
give two full season’s
satisfactory service.

On the basis of better values, belter service and better merchandise for
the money than can be had elsewhere. As we cannot tell about all the
soodthinss that you can buy at a saving, will mention
just a few items as samples.

Men’s Suits

MEN*8 work SBIRTS. made of
best Southern SUk Shirtinff.
cut full size and dpuble
stitcheda 5 c
value at................


without bib: dbuble stitched
and warrantedr .
60c kind at.......... ^..........

If you want ihff very

t l.i-f-nl m •-

trriali in nnwcsi paUfrns an«l


Novelty Suits from
Novelty Dresses Jroiu
Novelty Co&ls frem
Novelty Skirts from

i- t'nr-

hivc ih 'ui 11

$12, $15, $18, $20,22.50
Should yt^ < Ifsire .\
give youa s-tvici
don’t Cl

tc; yu*.


SUI T a hit

$12.00 and $15.00 Suits" al ».50
$18.00 and $20.00 Suits at 14.75
$20.00 and $27.00 Suits at 18.00
SHIRT WAISTS—About 10 dozen
to close,^$ 1.50 and $2 val-

Ladies' Dresses, special...........8i.00

Sale on Petticoats at 98c


- Ail.(. Impil^iiial ..•t-Mc- lor,l


$3, $4, $5 and up.

. _ .


lu-loti- rouiln: h-ro liv iiad l•p.•n
111 kKs.lvIIli'. 111 . uiKl Krc liar
Uv.s. J.ll.. l.,-u.>a «Mrw aisrt;: Ur- liad >.«<u>lv(l. lU.lhd

il .ii

<•' !<«■;• lil'R-''bird lo I.- ;,nip«t=''-<!.

-i.ii'-Ted k - raiiKlns

Bcsl Piinis, - - 5c
Good Percales, - - 9c
36 inch Bnekskin Taf.
fda Silk, $1 25
value, - -88c
$1 and $1.33 Eoulards
at - - - - 88p
65c and (5c Toulards
al - . - - 49c

Urn niR Hi
I lip oliBorv
' aiinlsr:.!
,i. was. :.T .

Ike time has come to close
ool Ladles’ sad Misses* Salts
lor the season. To do 11 quick­
ly «ve oUer a large variety ol



' EVERY BOY ohonldwaar a *'WldOtV
Jones** Suit.
Beal we liuve ever
oft-u lur the money -



keep f l »r, atnl

' $10 values at ................... M.W
$12 and $15 values at W.75

S,“'at*'’'"’.‘’'........ 31*50


so rn'icli money,

at oti r sjieci it lot* of

Six men cannot rip them* $2
would be a moderate pricn.

■ai line of Dress Pants at ft. $tAt,


■, all the latest roodeU at

bMt double twist cottpnade.
No rip, no buttons can come


^ ^

Ulouuiii liv Tn- '<l.i> a lislit i
,11 1.0
to i.-..- -hfoitph

Tbe Kind You B&^*e Always Boq^h^ «nd wbkA has been
in nae for oTcr 30 years has borne tbe sienstnre oC
— and bss beeninsdonndcr bis per­

1 rl|l by Illv U<-

sons! superrialon since lu InftuwT.
Allow no OM to deceive you In tbbi.
All CounCerfeiU, Imitations and *^JuKt-ss-good'*sre bat

y.iiiui' Kiiriiiiipm«‘Ui '

licperimenl* tlutt trllle witbspdeadsniferthe hMltfa of
luUuiU and CUUdnsn—Eiperienoe f««»»c RTrfirlrtr-ti

V"...:" .Vofl!v,


>>T III-' Wouilill'.

;1 b.- 1

Castoria In V hsrmleMi aiibutttaite fbr Csator OQ, Vare*
goric. IhcbioN ntul ivoudiiue' Sj-riipN.
It U PleaNSnt. It
coDUias neitbeV Opium. Morphine nor other b'nrcotlo
Mil>Kt:ttico. T(s .-t-'c in its {fusrsntee. It deHtroys Worms
mid slinks l-'oeri-huess. It cure* Dlart-bfcssod Wind
It rcli.-vM Tc-thinj; Trouble
bips cu
LUe Fo<

A bunch of Odd Beils
to close a! . - 10c

‘.iilCll- Itti IiU-Sev (1»-ll|.,c.ton-, all of thv iHiiMiii.!.
pinch |Htiu*V rapid rl**- t:

7liv CbUdren’h Ihuuaces-The Mutber** Frieud.

Bean the Siznatare ef


liBclodIng Mercerized Salines.
Embroidered Heatherbloom and

icalu ii> n*^a tnvh U ? r.M' lly
IV naiif 1.: lU- vil.,.n.- . viU
Imniv-.l to IVi-oi

E. WILHELM, Front and Union Sts.
Fjvc Story Block

1-11 i.iai.ff.i.;:s >r,.i. and liavr ft...-.

Paaur fell Oess, '

The M
You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

Mr*. 4*. a Krtl asd dcucfaU-r. (»««.
•MI Wadaeadar le Trarena- City.
Bo«—To Hr. mad Hn. Jobo KeaMdy. • Ctrt. T8Md4gr. Aarll Idth.
Jot Bardawu MaM Tlitiaday la
T«ra(«p nty.
Mr*. U M Scott •arai Saiurdby Is
Tronrac (.1(y.
W. E
(-aaplMdl. •( MaaUlUiM.
ayaat a fe« daya la uwa laai aack ue
baalB«TB aad rWtod frlaod*.
HU* EdUk rrawiaai. af Trarrrxniy. la >M(lBk bar panau. Mr. aud
Mr*. O. t*rFBMaai.
Hr. aad Mr*. Prxd lUantaricr
«paot Taaotay la Tra»an»e trlty.- - “
• la parcbaMd lh«
.. Ildta.., ,
_____ . - 7 ia«t la taau
Ml* U noaaacran* la aboot to uirap) ibr raomi In her pare
h»M.'«tikta >be ba> had
d o<
nralj mru'
W . J. ThuBiaa arrlrad Itame Ual
Mroaaaday fraalaa Iroai ronrlbr.
HoaUaa. abaiv be apaet the alati-r
•lib bU aao*. Irau aud Nortnau. and
qiair Unlllft*.
Mr Tboaia* la vary
lOuiM plaaaad «llb Iba aa.i.
Joe Oacuon ba* ralnnii-d from W'i-*i
•iafMas. Maa*. «bi-f« ba baa apciii

part year. Hit taoiUy win Jala
blmlBfer. Mr. UagaoB tMka tbrre la
no ttau Ilka ibat of Mlrblcaa.
1. I. Duar la ■etilas ibe Dorrtby K.
in raadlaeaa tor the anDtaar ran.
Born—To Mr. and Ur* Harry Uyan.
a >irt. Wodaeaday. April U.
Tbc Maaoalc order brld a very c»
>.ynble merilac at tbelr ball on erentak la«t. Urand Maairr II. A
Moalaane, «l the Urand lodge
Krw and Accepted MaiOBt 4>f Hlrbl
Kan: fast Mantcr K. B. While aad V.
fl llrUBUb. IHab I'rleal. ol the TraviTM- flly cbaplcr. irere preaeai 8am
n<-l W. l•o^er «a> gtren Ibe Ma*irr
klaaonlr decree
An elaborate dinner
naa *er>.-d at Kebl-a bold The paat
t»i> year* bax- been i<-ry proapcro
and Ibr fniurr l> very brigbl tor i:
local lodgr
W. E i-ampbell. of u.
lalbgui-. *a* prrarnr *1 ibl> nHi iluK
Tbc Her. Mr Pooler, of Uurr Oak.
a«<c a Ir.'lure In (be loan ball on Fri­
day evening on The Grand Canyon
A luoetlng ol the board of acbool I
apectora of Ueelaata tonoahip wilt t
bdd at the ten-D ball on April SOib
lor Ibf purpo«’ of fonnlna a
wboal dutrirl from Ibr territory i
bdonglnc lo dltiHc la No*. 3 and
Tbe Womau'a club wet at the boioe
rt Mra. A. Voice on Tuo*day Wrt.

After oflul order of bnatneoa
J. F. Malbe** »Tc aa arUdv on
-Wbat .T CrenfrU-a la Labrador.Mlaa Suale Baamberger gave one oa
Tbe Aator Howl."
Mra. J. Vevang apent Oaiorday' In
rrararae Cfiy.
Tbe E. U topic for Hay tnd. The
te^blng opa Reilval." bender. Mra.

a aumpiuoua »upper
at parta^^^n of ibe ten
• tbe jppSk hall «hr
.>D>Utlnc ol nraelr I
Wiley and Hla On
O O. P ." by .S. (1.
"Gaud Oddlellaaablp." Ur. R. B. Flood:
tool aolo. Mlat Ella KeUev, Mra J.
a<-(t>mpaaUt: tvcIL
In Dutrb diali ri. by J Bi-lx lfluel
At the
Moraau. ^.-111
Voir# accouipanUt.
Keniarkt by i: c
aeelfvttona by Ibe orrbealra
wa-rc n-nder<-d.
r<-d. after *bl<'b daodne
daaclnc «a> enjoyed.
Ted Calbuuii and family have uoved

Ml/a Jlargajei Spangler rtaittHl .
J>. FirflerV Id-, neck,
llP-t^r. -alar h*"' •hr i.i-ijiuee lu b;eak Ilia gnu. fa cettlng along
The lu*. Cbm- F. Crfm rtalla-d at
llobCft a few <>1>, laal a..a-k.
Uttla- AtUa Sia-;: U aerv -.ik,;.!
tbu wriiloa
The teaebVr. Ml** Dowling. v‘all.Hl
her broibrr in CailUlae la*t Suunla.a

'l/c. Every oue irv and eooie onl and
liave their lav In tbe ebolee of oKlcera.
-Md me! with Mr*. Sarah Taylor
Wedneaday wlib only «lx prv>aenl. but
ibey M-emed to bate a pleaaanl rlmr
E. A. Wall ha* been helping Will
Taylnr haul polaioi* to Klngalry.
LlRle Wilma Taylor ba* been quite
/•iek bOI I* relurted to be belief BO*.
Word ha* be**n feoeived by F A
tVall and Mr* Will Taylor that tbeir
daughter .nd aUler. Mr* Clia. Crkpo,
la very Jo* and not expected lo live.
Mr. crapo »em in Idahd 1**| fall
hoping xhat Ihe ihange Of iliinali»ould Innetli hw taeaoh.
Ira Maiebi-ii loM a raw la*t week.
Prayer vuc^-ung ji y-nnk Boxn. la*t
Thnr*da> eteuing wa*o’l very well at
(ended, but Ihose t}iai did go enjoyed
fhe meeilng
It Is bupi-d that more
will attend lu Ibe fliture.

. BP4-I
■rle. are lUi lh<' c
Mr* J W. Sfanton ra-iuiueal houeTueaday afier a few daaa wlili
tvlatlxk at 8oh>n
Mr. Bual Mra. Frank. C<»k bate
moled Into
A Seoll'a bvave.
». Ed. «ll!e. U 4l*ltlna at tbe
of .Mr and Mr* C. C iniffman
!• Her Mr lielghi returned to III.
u<;ar tiraiiil Hapid* Monday.
a»l*(lnK the llei. < ba>. (Mm id
-ie* of revival nieellng. ai llai
lid llnuke. ol llurdlt kvllb-. is la out
Ian. Mne new member* were- takenneighborhood buying old rubl*-r.
lino the Wenjevan klelbodlat ebuieh
Mr*. Graie lavke and efalldren were
I >lail.m.
Hie gUfis ol her niolhvr Saturday ami
Tbe atlver meilal eonleat li-ld in Sunday.
the rbiinh Saturday evening waa a
Ur. and Mrs .Vwa Palmer were ibe
ApfU 27 .
siieee*. Utaa liable Hlrilble won the guesl* ot b--i niulbei Sunday
We ail- sorry to hear ol Ihe deaUl
Tbe ■•dle
t-»' -kill sotiely will tfns-C at
Ibi- -ihunb Tbursdky afieniodn. April
•eliiiol on 8outb Maoltou aud lauie
bomo l-TIday r 1.-II Fri.
.ri-hnili-a A. FIrlii-r. nlio na> ini ibr day for a In
aUl. Itsi lor a nx'k. la able to be uui
*( MelUili.
Ml. and Mr* J. \ SUiilun 'Mi­
4'liarlea Khb' haa- rfiuni4>d from
ll Peler JHngrr a Sumlay arii-moiiu
N.’rtb Manllou and la In the Neata-n
. April 2C.
ba re again.
r- Uorkor, of I’ort Onlila. U vl.

y r.r by .s. o. a

. name:

of Mra Joba
la Hooker, ot Traeerra I
Vedneaday waa Mil eeiT well nllradShe leave* Bve daugbler* and one
d on acruUBt of the OMW atom.
ley have the sympAlhy of thla <
Ml** Rekah Wllaoa 0ve g party to
■er young frirad* SainrdAv erenlng;
Mr. Will
Silas Grey la aomr better at thla
fVteravillr, were Ihe gue*

Laura Bate* laat Turaday.
I*. A. Smith, of HaMc. waa !■ oar
.Mr*. I-aura llalea will drive lo True
urit Saturday and Sunday.
erse Cliy Tn.-mlay to nee her daugbler,
Mr*. Archie Smith.
Mra. J. E. Hulea and dangbli-r.
School Rapert.
Mabel, drove (« Honor last FrWtj mi
RepnrI of the Maple Grow school
for Ibr nKnCh endWigAprtI Ek IPOP;
VV-hoIi iiumbiT of days labgbl. » .
Mr* Uom-rs was calling no Mrs
Ulllau Cia.i. also »b Mrs Flora Ukc.
Total nuoiN-r emttUed. 31.
Mr aud Mr*. Fb4 Wllstin was lo
Total allendanee. 3331*.
Plalte lo *oe her parent*. Mr and Mr*
Average daily allendanee, 3U.T.
Anbur Marljii. laM Sunday
:lllu Wrigbi baa b-.'u lulllug
. abs.n; Ol lardy for tbe month—
eimlj; for Ibe pasl ara*
Faiiule Widdla. AmanvU Sundln. Vl»
d Ur* John llrighi. of Cmlar. liwia l.ynn, -kWJ 4»r............
Visitor* tor MR m

Safeguard of
Health Fraa

Plan lor
SBouDer Contort
Uao a New Perfeetion Wh^ lU

OU Store Uio proparation of
Srtly WMala. « tb« big weekly
’hdetag.” la daoe wftbent ral*-<
Sig tbc Unperatare pereeptibly
•hooo that.of any ot^rr roorn


Hne Hase 00 Cook-Stove

top abeir (or warming plateau______ ________________________
lodtedb ,
Stop abdrea for tx4ding amall ewbking ntenrtlt, and M
•ran Sued wUli rseka for toweU. Made in tbrraalaea.
•ad ean be liad wllh or wltheat Cabinet Top. If not
•t yonr dealcr'a addrom ow anarort afcney.

or low-b ihantora tim tnm diwramfalt odot and cao<
am emoka. kfe, trarenicn). eraaetenul-cka Umllga
Unetrt raw daalar-a addrem ournatira agtaey.

Mra. A. C. Ib-Kpren returned Uhi
Igbl from u ibre.- at Knlmaxoo and Granil lUpIda.



bru'lii-rin law


night to a large ami apprerlaUx- nmll

irulse*. luaiiiiua'a
riiiinaa' l-k-lerlrlr Oil—Ibe
huiikboW reuK-dy.

Started at

Steinberg Bros.
Good on Saturdays Only
(lood f)'T 2Ac un any pair of Lace Curtains at $] .CO
Good for 2^ on any man's Hat at $1.00 or over.
Or wllh ftoese PrlvUege Slips, yoa can hay.
OB Bay SBlnrday, your choice ol

Mr*. Eild llervey ami iililEugeiic Flaher ami bi» father. F. E
Jack, spenl Saiorday and Sundai
Flaher. took a tilp In ibe Teal jeatery
aud Empire. It Trav^eise CHy
t with Ibe Teal
Mrs O. To
. . .
•w engine a
Slid Mt*. Miiigcs Sunday
Tbvie was a party Hud dc
Will Uoflfru* Saiiir-tav night.
a laat Wednesday .
Abner laiiejov .of Honor xpei
Hancvbnrger and family, ol
Foreat Hill, have moved beic. oerupy- ne«day and Thursday a lib hi* 1
Ing the Moore bouse ou 1* '
A M 1-oveJo.i. of-thla plaie
f’loaiilug up Ibe yaids
All Ihe lanuers are busy wllh Ibeir
spring plow lug
der Id the day.
Fh.b4-r tats hi.• tleam drl
We Brc-flad In lom-rt tbe mt
that Mr. llurry will uul have hi. leg
...Jklng pern
ri-iuilr* to
doitk which will M
taken off. fie Is ge'ilog along us.
as ran be expeiicd for o»<' <>l
Frank f'ulting and Uavbl . Gibaon, year*.
Sheridan l-ovejuy I. visiting
IWO bo.e* about IT- and IT yemra old.
made a lery riaky trip to North Man- uneieat Honor ihl« wis h
Itou-laal week in a row Iniai aboui 12
There is alill aunn- slcku>-** urnutnl
fi>el long, three leet wide, with one aet Winona Crandall wa» unable
Of oar*. Tbey sifried about 2 p ni.
• pa«l
wllbout Ibe knowledge ui tbeir parMr. and Mr* A M IxJV.-Jiiy alleti.l. d
fills, rowed lo ihe Island by suppi'r the Mtih auiilK-rsaiy ol the I.
iliue. a distance ol II nillea, alayed
Monn*- Center MoiiUa
roned baek Ihe next withApril rC.
flu. .■^y l.eVaiue7of Glen Haven.
liCTOking Irlenda here.
Tbe voung folk, had a vei v pb-aHaiii
laiieing pariv In Miix-abee ball last
April St..

Another Scries ol

U iber* I* anythlag akonl
I rear ailment that you don't
■ undrrauind, or If you want
M oqr medlcwl advl<-e. writs
I to tbe doctor, and h* wtU
' answer you lully. There It
. no ehargr for this arrvMb.
^ The adder** It Ur. W. &
■ CaMwrlu Mi Caldw*l Mg,
■ MeutlcsDo. 111.

2 spools of Coats’Thread for - - 8c
2 pair'Canyas Cloves for
2^ yds. Toweling for 8c
3 Ladies* Hemstitched Linen Handker­
chiefs for
3 Men’s 5c Handkerchiefs for
I Man’s Best Linen Collar for 8c
1 pair Best 15c Hose for
- , 3 doz. Best 5c Pearl Buttons for - 8c
] pair 25c Suspenders for - - ISc
Men’s Best 50c Tl'-s for
Ladies’ Best 50c Cur set Covers foi* - SSc
Wc give Privilege Slips to every
porcliBscr ol SlJW or over-

Steinberg Bros.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

Correct Styles in Men’s Suits


Men’s Haberdashery
Men’a Mo»e, the new shadea of
Winb Pearl, Green, Tan and

8 pairs for $1.88
The new Tubular Wash Neck
weir ii here in Woven Strip***
and hi^rei:
yoor cnoicc ....................
Solid color! waah Pour-io-banda



A splendid line of Men’s Suits Which we are indeed proud to offer to our
trade. Correctiriodels in both conservative and extreme styles. Cuffed
sleeves with, button and fancy pocket flaps, peg and semi-peg top trous­
ers, side buckles and belt loops. Do not fail to see our big line made by
Amepea’s foremost tailors and made correct, interlined with unbreak­
able haircloth and shrunk canvas. The products of four of the leading
clothing manufacturers are here for your try-on and inspection, in a va­
riety of exclusive weaves in Worsteds, Cassimeres and Serges in shades
of Green, Gray, Tan, Blues. Brown and Mixtures,
plain and self striped and fancy weaves.

Correctly Priced at $10, $12^ $15, $18, $22.50.
Advance Showing of Men’s Summer Underwear
Men’s Munsing Union Suits

Wonder Wear Inter Knit

Egyptian Balbrig'gan

Balbriggan Shirts, ribbed bottom. ’
double inter knit drawrcN,

Shifts long and short sleeves., draw­
ers double seated.

SI. $1.50. $2. $3.50 per suit

50c per garment. ,

50c per garment.

India Gauze

Cloisonnettes ^hirts and

Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts

This celebrated Underwear iu Balbri|{|{an. Lisle aod Wool, at

Shiru long and short sleeves,
• '’"1
regular drawers.

50c per garment.

Shun sleeves, poros knii.

in all the new prevailing designs and
colors. Cuffs attached and

50c per garment.

$1 and $1.50

Men's Negligee Soft Collar
In Tussan Silk,
Madras and Brilliantlne

SI, $1.50, $2, $2.50

Men’s Regal Oxfords in light and dark tans, black, patent, gun metal and wine, $3.50 and$4pair

M half I ptot’dtolodge tbe du4. Spot* of greae* or
1 with a Btoture
b of ^rpeatlae tad Itoaeed aa* a'dtrt ol aay klad abouM be ctaaaed uC.
«ltb a Itis bnisb. Rlwe tboroogbl] gill arch of aknhol aad vtoegar. tlu-k- ApirlU ol ammonia to aboui ba
rwtlTc in reiBoctog ordloary .tola* a*
lag Ibto up each time belon
oBd »lp« drr.
any thing that can be taed. Tor d«II
I Brau«
be plangod IMO boUlag mi* to atoo ae excellent furulti
«Mer UBtU wtriD. ibes clMnpd wUb itoanaer aad poltohn.i Liquor, lemua- tolely colored tobrica two Freacb
chalk, (-oter tbe apot* welt with It
MP.U&* a>d drM «llb <rid Uses ade or »ynip •tolu*. If frc*U. may be
and place a pn^ of blolUag paper on
:iotb». If ibU to IbeBertual. iry be**lb onyliop and run . hoc Iron otcr.a. Fur*
cloth, afterward |•oU■btoc
eter by ‘.be wax and turpeailae. rubbed
• Out Of tba day* Of WytofleboaW aeerue to
»bould be uell aired aad ctraoed. Very
(bat followi IB ft. wake.‘or *>^lh a cteaa, aofl cloth, iwwl oft poltob dcalrcii. Kor oldei
OBb of Ibc )oya of llvlof. oae of tbe
flour rubbed wWl Into tm
[ lukewarm cofla the Brat place. Ibe BaJorHJ "1
^btng with a ebamoto to an- well to a dicoclton
gladdeal UUiga.
id iheii bruthed oat bill eleaii Ibcai
•n old. Mil.i
re drvg*. ihi a dry
It to to.aee
tom Ibe
ibe awB
ww come
cose out
Mt asd
It ns'hable Uvd-clotbea abould. p
I iml.rb a.
xiubrlc bandkrrchK
niMW laklat down eiovo# and alorlng' To brlghteu
glU plciure' frame*
■Bod ihr M»b vltb told.
courH- tvcelve Ihi* alteaiioa and
other winter romlcwu-ioo early aad lake .ufOelcat floor of nulphur to givi tieloie.
Aflor Uk irMry ralttog tbal aprtu au
baelBg U-en Ibuivaably dried.‘packed
Ibe family .uRen. la u goWc tinge to .boot a plat mtd a
ebi*t lor Ibe purpoM- d.*->
erud brtoia.
Haw to Nemova flpoU and btalna.
WKk akiaa of rm>. aed wcadon while the docto. a pome waaca lull, hall ol **Kt. and to Ibl. boll lour or
u«K ba|.ie-n to W- m piMtwl
m auie
Ut« bot mhl»r,
laiawne the globo* ud icrab'Qxlrkl;


their totatlag the breaib

OuioB* Au Cretin—Uoll while imIoii*_
I aaltrd water, drwla and chop fine;

»R«v>ifL rAttf

dabk. aad drean- dara aad cold.


wlai- woman never

hegtaa her Bve brul*ed onion*, or garlic, whka

apttog cloautog udtn afte. the

*lBf (baa iba ebacry «ro«u lu pretiy
toidt lufold*. .
Aad abova Ua bkaw la farpie dfud
aad gayaat yeltow. (ao.
Aad with a (ragraat vi-lcooia
kyaclBtb babedda





aeau brlgblly blue.

Ue awaet'braatbad juadt^ad Juatr daeodll.

troau lDUKTlal Ua
laavM ol Ktawir rraa.

Ab puablaMpaard. opaard. U aewr

XblM (IBtU .
Iba rirbaat


^pdvva vttt aioB-

cold will an.eer the .ame purpom-. Birt

l--r nitply pIpecUy mixed to the Ibl.k

la boUlagl


IbOB or baklag. ibla »lioog oU I*
and If a llitto
charcoal la rtewed after diaaer It will
abaorb any of the odor Ibal Bay re-

N'rUMMr wi/f dm Amt in « cr<7
Ag^aMAc/dM//A Aftkargfirmed


plate- a layer lu a bUlcred baking dl»b.
dot wlih bit* of bultcr. ■piiaklc aparb nutmeg and



bread erumb* Kepeat HU Ibrdtoh 1*
having Ibe lop layer of crumb*.
Over all poor a cupful of Tlcb dock or
II. Wd then bruwn

II Ito- flavor

<4 ebiv*c; to liked, a tilth- of It. grated,
to- added to Ibe lut. layer

boUM-«lte .1 tor*.- »iore-bo*'. Ilaed »Uh
«>.p*IH-i>. 'he papi-t* iM-tiig |4>li-d

Oaiatuo Frail flatad.
lie** or cii-«m with aau-r aud l"i i'
her,, *u- g.-l*l.uv' Iniil **Ud* a*d
Ibe UtX. nlll do v.-iy aVll Void lb.
•'ottr. U-lo..- rc-umv-tire trull v.*lBdi>. and like the little
btonk.l* lind uuuleu .viniori. ..rvlUI
when "'R- “J»*n.
ball a jliilr earl, when Hie}
I toy th.-ln to with >pilg>'o( ivdai
To r.«um- oil atalaa from laintohgood, they are very gucwl'indeed,
eoBfon OUI
ol ibc <ii>e.Uon,
lor dry U *111 come oul bilplit aud u.-.,
*11.V >ialk* ytlaoul b.-i«e.-u Uie
i-d-iuin .. waab with flanoel dipped to
when Ih- y are bad. incy ar.—well,
hr*llb-a aake (here abould be aoBB-| la cl. aoiog IlruwM-U ean- i lia«to k.'.-M Ibe uiolb* oul. If the
»<-ak tea and rub drr »ith .
doul cale (v>r a aeecuid helping
MDB prodded for havlug frc. wllea tSe cariM-t •.lmki>u. cbeo wck ii d«»B,
eedar and lBii»y are luiT obtalaabh-.
M.II i-tolb.
> mutli by way ol prelaw Ici, *tal
ecoaaar) (be aumtuer throogC^: lor lu (be room »her>- li to to remaiu.
To»e palni »luto* fiom do.-i.
tbal a cTKalB Miebigau
tedwleb^ la beiaoea ibo hot apilia'aud .*e<i. It a. tborougbly a> | nlndow. pul a handlul of r^ida
I aalad* are alway* tolu-r than
to Bure.10 bo cool aud rainy onea.
jble. Take
rud a pk-«e of gt'K- tote »to<- of lbu.lO|>
giwd. they are d.-luiou* aud Hu* i.
of |io»di-r«d
Tbe IBIIUI alep. of aprlng cloaBlAg
I>( a cup IMO a pall of hoi m*in b> U
abould be (be overhaullag of cloeeta. aa; »n»b lu.' carpet an over me .ur>IIU ra.trn tbe lid ou duM-ty Pa*l>'
P<ii,oiilr rx'iuokc* tbe .Iirl. but 'rare*
To oae Iiaek«cr of deilo. add Ibn.
bareau draaei*. boaea. baga. trunk*, face, uaing a Baunel cIoUi KO. gc-a^a
b' .-to ol *MOiig pap' i ou Ibe uut*ldr
B maulllul glo.. wItUimi imU.biint
lupIuU torUlug wau-r. Thl* I. oue
other recepiabto U> which a|Ol. or very dirty
um- a
il'lhe box' ttie toniai-wlte re.vm
l•Blmt■«l woodnork or fln- .uaOK-ltklag* ate aimed. Tbta work can be 'acnibblug hruah freely and a rery litiM-iid* polilii* tut* In large, pap<-r i-uplul «iurv than I* ealb>d lor'ln the
i-d furniture- eau U- rb-anMl wUh wblliliM-vitou.
Add to Ihi-v tbe Julw of
Fd while bldinc the Utue 10 tic auap. uUng cere to rlnac th- mm|>
haa* aud iiaBtiiig ihi- .-dg'-* uw>ili
|o8 well alter acrubblua. Change ibe.'ng much more «>
uue good h-uH>n aad >»<-elrn till It
bowever. *buuld to- lakt-o
do '(ho genual clrauliig.
Ul-.* giiud. tVto'ii
tbto to-giii. lo
Tbto overhauling abould uo. wnalA^wau-r quite ofu-n. Hub .to- c*rp.t - ,.uua’». looked over au^ an
•pen- la May. apfl eiTt Iheu .be I. oR the ItoUld.

•hary about’ cImIms graU-a aud uW-,»a»ii «llh a nUt bruaji
iBgdoWB atovi-a. indeed, lea. iug iu< r.- •hirh require. r. iiralaa,


•mg. j. a ftUKis.


Rar. J. II. i-ak**. Patonr of ih* I'ntaiiau Church ol ibnawwfl. N. Uc

wif* bm W1I ia a wry liqil •(*(*
IUl.keu.*d|^ your Iruil*-one leu ceut
merely to UWng ihlag. om nud pui-jalter waabtog. nllh a dry ctolb. and
ihi- *leeve* of watota and wt;
ol With furaarcral yivan,wml nuihing
imwdvi u|*rb a pluli-. dip a ph-ev
IjpM |iUiea|vpb'.
Hag Ito-u. away *g*to. ImoyM. there,open the door* and window* »o a* to
d.-au i-rumpled liarui- |>apa'r l»
•witMci b> rto her any CO»<l UntU ah*
flauuol into clear warm, wal.-i. wilt.*MtoUld be a general clearance of .ur-,dry It a* qmckly a* po.u.toK-.
,-n’ trem-lug. tValal* *bould todalalea, you laar arew.Ivegaa to twe ivrnna ow BMvntb ago.
lag a* m arl) di y a*‘po*>lbU-. luld Ini
Of rour*4- Kln.-r ibMi ll■•>>-vll.■y ha* tciaruMl (obat
Aad trOB Iba boitfba of B>apl<- (ran pliw elolbtog and
um-Io** rubbtotot
To cK-«u mirror*, .pong.-them perpaihed lucMeiy to large paatetourd
a xuiall pad aud tak<- up a* luueb «
tdlcvd and Uie plu>- fa< •. and vdi* i« gwalag In llr*b aewry
barat leader apra>f ol nil.
.bkh ool ouly an cluUcr up a hOU*u 1‘ttly tr«- from dirt, drying allb >•>•11.
l-aMe pape-r over the box be
the whiling a* will adto-ic lo It .\|
I.I.- CUI into .mall plcw.
IHIU, ami I l.tor*r .b* f a well wuaaA
lore the i-ovei to ]vut oil It to beat iml
Pl^ III I II, tbe bUto the rlpplloi rltli bUI form Burk friendly Imrbor. Cor clotha. aad when quit.- dry tub a to
ply lo Ibe patili'd .urlaf. and a ver
the ptnrappb- julw may to- added
loid drew* *klrt*. Make large bag*
wUb piaaaaat Murmurt Bow.
moUia. OoBcrou* donation. abouM Bad He powdered blue or.-, lire gtoaa. i«lly lillto bey.tra y«wr*ol<l.«t*1ialO
lull.' rubbing will remote auy^reaa
pjv-veut the oiaug- laaitog bltu -.
aew duiuealU-, place'ihi- *klrtv *>n
Aad life tprlata up au«» «ben- Ule Ibeir way to Hh. poor, the r.uuum««. l^blBg II flmtlly -allb a .oil old >llk
bad Ivui lull* III', lie brgavc *•
>ci olieu fa*|v|ipD>. avoid u»iiic 4i >
or din 'Va*h well with clean wale
bangeni. *lip Ibi-tS Into Ibr Wg*. diaa
waa M( (be alBiar'a dead.
aato aad ibe Iraah pile al thl. «*»on; baudkerehtof.
IVruna llir cite molbac Iwgaai
*:0d wliN' dit. with a cleqp .bamoU.
of Ibl- >km1lke
tbe dlvl.
. I
up'Ibe top* lisii'iy aud bjug In tbe
T»-day hi* l». c 1* r.«v. aod b* i* wot In
fur Ibcrv are tlmra. and into to one
To n-m.-w latoul olk-lulh
■ pulp out to blto
w»*byard runn-'Bg and Jumping with tbo Ar! afiar tbe aaary relaloa ihal ol them, when the bump ol dcwiruet-*6.11 ao ouuiv of Uv»aax la a i-lar.-tmardiuto'
lug ItVilb a weak aululloB *>t aah aud
miof llir.bildrrn.''
apilB« ao ofiea briaia.
iuni-M abould to- eulileaU-d.
jglaaa of turpenUne. rub It Ugbl|> ov i
: eandled e
-ir* do'l. d kruuud the
water and larefully drying eath po>ttOBdcb Tr««* RalltMS.
WUb aklaa of gray aed Boadowi
With Lalt-OMr Felalna
TTm warm day* which herald fbe the aurface. and latltob with a dry
top. Tbto will H-n
I ). waaheal. Tbto method <>1
Mr*. T- J. ItalUrvl. l-ry-”r *'r«^
liT) and l-oiaui ('nH|UeMe*-Tu
dbrt aad dreary daya aad cold.
MBlag of aprtog abould atku be uUI riolh- Ollclotb pivparx-d to ibto way
ladianTcrni.vrv.wnie.: “Hmhapw
Tit atM af Iba )oya Df Jlviag. oee of toed lor elcaalBg ihi- cellar aad aide, .prtokicd with chalk, make* an ex- c'.|-BUlBg k.w-p* the matllMg [lum luiu (n.i-bed and Dio-ly aeureoa
1o (ba gpi-ng.
Xe toll TJ.O III. I keep free Irvro uv.-ld
Iba iladdeat iblava
of tbe moat luiiiurtani lutoia of celli-m dunclug floor,
:> dryhto tow curuia. (bl- «
Ir: l*ol B» catarrhal
I dean ear|N-t» tborougbly >priu- ped celery . add a. iabte*|nioriynl ol but
.To aaa Iba aUB oone oui agala bbiI aliark of the hottw- el<-ulitog^ Otlu-1
II. 1 am atvto to do BR
•r w*.hiag Ibem lay a biqnk.'t cu’tvmpi.\'» a rule, lurullure in ibe**' da>»
kl<- thick cuarwc >all. Vi lay ball an
and .Irtnk what 1 wani.aaA
good Iba oartb wlik gold.
and 11.01 e Ml' :iiiJ p.ipper H bei-d
Aoui Iq *ouie euipl.v-rewm; *|.ic ad j »-ik.
palgn. yel tbi- very two which drv *uBrra fnim too much rurnltnre polilmur and •wr-.-p m.-II with a •>ifl
•t l-'iouMi a »ur- rare IB yowr
-Ramare! KyilBga.
aud till to'.vieu yolk of an •** tbe eartalu* ou the blanket. *tieiehiug]re)
UM>*I often leM uutll ito la»i, wben‘i*|i rnlhor than too liule. Tbe delUnU|«*lu*lvlr nielie'iw.*, wbirb I (•■lod to
ii.rouul UUIIl you liate nil the aali o«. Sb-lio^mo cylinder e.uqUeUe, aUul
Ibeu r.irvfullv. aud they
will ke
evorybud) to tired out and toti-re*' In kurlaee for wbieti old piece* are laflml UI the- U-.t vl home pl-jw-'cana."
.Till* will not only tlcjn ia«- cat'wt. three Idtlc'-r long aud a......... .. thick
llielr ptow aTtbuul any U>Ieuiiig nii
Ibe work Bagglag, and aro ibeu given niou*. known a* ''i-gg abell glou,'• -Wtoild you go roWitog on your
lip In beaten <-gg. then lulu eruiiib* drh-J
piovorblBl lick aud a pnunlae.
jwtui obiaiued by'* mtotoium ol furaii-|i>'“

upward way.
lid Iry to deep bol laU niilll a dolbale
Sprinkle- Ibe ncwlv-puldown vdd c.
Ooc of the uoucr.'*»ary dlacomtorU urc polt*h and a maximum of elbow »*«*“•>
liigaOkla O' -t'ottg-mvap' when waiblaB
• fUertag bUBght
•1 wiib itophiha quite lito-rally, b.
tofllcted upon nine lamm.-» to tea dur-'greaa*. There to an arMu applying
m It they ale much rolled, a band

tfwaUtug la (ke day?
Wathmp •lanhat*.
rele» room, into wblch im Itgbt tut
lug aprlng (Heanlng to'the upbaava! Mraliure poIi*h of which only the to'.*
u( *all tbiuwu Inin the water will
• daar iba darkoMd wludoara. opea
Illankela that niv.- uw-d du^ lie-alv pciKlo-* ........... tlivi are w.
- laki-ii. I'O match atxUrk unlll H ta
lb- toU.r*
lac'kwam or nenriy

lug the Wlnli-I. abould lieti-i to- l"i
H« tboioiighl.- alnsl.'aad'.*.-*» 1
add a piMv- of btilto. aud mil
■I ...-.-r in wbirb to took IIu-b*

Ui a mua BUBablnr In."
without It to *ni
I! I« mmh to-Uer tbaa hot
bome of elwBi that to aU but dtoi.-m.-l-|aialu*. ele., tbeu with a Itouud apply
Iprtoing torn much dirt an appaieinl
fre<dieu>-d earpet U ibe nwuli, which wati-r. aud the diit iuviacH* quite a*
in. V.-i .Mbiutl.
W 1.U Ml,. 1.1. tim ol 1.1.11.,.■
uat-d. UiBilge a ivaripboard. epu-ad on luay be wore UborKNi*ly ulualued'by readily
I'.e oxpall fo.-. x-tljn* tbo
Bllto tbe wc
place-*'invite tooth*. »ofl. flewey It the puialor* a gou^-bali liicb thick. *po.oglBg over with warm water, (ulu
rotor ia grav or brown goad*, aed
It be cluaned at band,
hand, aud rub up the wood, tbe way of
for but
.» often retain dtooari- xeriu*. nod Wbi-i| cckri. cut m •cinaicii or rgUnd '• lalkpi wl wblch a ubietpoonfiii of
vinegar In pl*cc- ol ■aM.lo act tjvr rolthere I* no poa»l- the grain. (HI on touching tUe .u.face ’
Itoat Cboer often quote*
"m^.M-o'b ‘be-c danger, ate obvlal-d by a eakc. Ill'- iiKbe. xeiu*. (bit on ea(\ ammonia bii* to-eii poured, and loW- ur* ill blata; purple and brUoIrvpe.
_ ____ I
____ _
_ _.l
youf ._
It 1......^
leave* n*. n.A
WhltMyb atorloa, booauae ahe alwaya
igb wBvktog.
a l.vrg. ixble-pounlul of any lug Ibe pKoiig-' w.ib a dry Hum clptb
be dtouaattod. Wbc« tbe doaalug pio- Tbo r«a»ou for the two duaivni I* that
goaa to daeply laio tbe lunar Ibougbi
flc-lect a warm, bright <
A aun baiiriout hour* mire a (ear
o: iiicAl or |voulii> imiu-eii line Turn
HM Milk.
ccoda *co*lbly. oae rpom at a lime, >hur left hand may not mark the
•t Ua orarr 4vr dutloa. tbe
work, aud If a geoth- bret
Ibr cake to cover It. coal ought IV to- given lo rtN) matlrm* lU
If you have douc a bl* day a aorb
begtonlng uu alalr* and woiklag grad- wood a* you ie*l upon it. FOr ibi laai
pUee Uvea. Hare to a bit truu oae
lag *o much .be
ighake tbejiuemo
ccHisUni lur. Unr vbuuld be given In and u-c l loo tired to cat a beany ateal:
pollab a»c- a dcaa. old ailk bandkerOf ker boiUu. la wbteh Hope
haa beta onreiWkuket vl*o«.u*i.v b
u have ta*t nya.r bOBW trua a
hlct. Of courac. If
MWUaa wlaaly and wall ooaeorulag
uaually (be tool mouili for lb - Ollier bol. da-ly Jooiwev. e. ;i‘ you have
rcuiuvr the du*lao MUae of laei aad waariaoBa
aun and air ulh, H to *afe !o a*o-i;
blaiikcl. cui It to I
d II. .Irc-ple-ue.
lur boura. try
teak ua Lba apriu bouaoclaaulag. a
lhai Ibore
nr very aloaiy a cup of but mlM.
,irelm. « ... »..» IU .u.l„d. 1, uh.. ulill,,-!, ... IK
■4.--. K. h,,»|. .■ U hUh , „u.U.d
. .dd
brtoga troB It a laaaoa which ^toaa
bed* itau* cared lot w i 11 to- to
VV.-U bettor If yxM paiue bclwci-n
U|e the wkUa peUU of an Baator Illy.
e.* duHger ol .uO-rlWt Ituiu 111
111 nIbUe at a voupie of craiiv-^
Aatog troB tbe dirt.
inU will rny... belter heaHli It
or a .live Ol breud. Many pmplc ihiak
.HI U ,1 UK- -HUH. .ud HUH.-. . r...!., du.l,‘*'»'
CC- -h'' ’
-I> irivu . I.vp on nivik«l>i-I and |>wid)i-d they rou t taku milk becauae l< rurdtoa
until II to •* b
trap, requiring fat ................ — -----------lag one.—Tabic Talk.
-wkefa Iba aperrtobaal uar.
ll 1. a'*00.1 pUU to bavv 'in Ibe .lomarb. but ihia 1. uernly al
volvc <-min«li iwu luih.-. lOnB and ouc Inch »ld.It. coodlltoii. tevc-u If tbto I* po».«l>lc),
<apuae «( tprlag CtaaulDgr
givud. Mimiir Ur-i«h i>i<Ui-'J buU'-r. lUm cove wli.i «>:e line- pm up on ptaztaxor on aet
to-iwme It u drunk too rapidly,
than II ck-aned prepi'ily at #>■•» Of.
The flprtiiR HBue* CtoanlnflabuaaU.
t-gg. III! Ihi-ni carefully wiib a lud v.tor< idul*. aiq-v-*alblv- fruui win
-alma a lltih' wblk- iikiog It and
furalture crearna. ibc-rc are uiaiiv ,‘“^
“Slng * aoug erf clwniug Iwuao.
“Il'a a teaebla' uwid. aad ao 1 prenu lay Ibnu on a well bmo-rrd dc>W»..aml then nmllie** alnng i* *iiu •Ippina U vciy »tawlk prevml. ll from
kluda. m. home-made poltohw are] rtu -h- bimik'd. la a .
. Pooket full of null*.
auBB tben'a a roaaoa; tbou^ why
<•1 and bake In a quick oven for pllRed and the latoH- atolmUed. Tb' roktog lu the •loaacb
.H, HUH. ...U l.r -.ll.™ u. H. .HU , I-.
I-"Fbor aed twenty dual pens.
kaullatbsn to a bedroom I
It uBab I III atotBod ap uttor ibo rrea•r I* dirty .
ir iiiiiiuu-^ •iVVto'ii one.I* very tired or aervou* I'
Bcrabblog bropB* end pall*'
wglectcJ part ot all bouar
ttoa. and tsad ao'a to atoy. baa al;i.
Hr. |vai< mi*bcd |ve
■ hi*. I».il Inin a viiiu l*r«'l>Bri- abothlT ►U'lvi ll
it to not e very aale procuodleg
wayq baeu oua of Ue pr
the uue cbing that t« ul uioat
I. but tbe gU>. ot
ady JO p
tutu to ho' uuu I--! pan Sreax-d ^«k*
a yellow wai
Byatortoa to aie. Jaai think what the tell any women Juai bo* abc eheuld i»,
arb and
but milk imolhe* the
il'.jblaukca fa a* noon a.
pa-,..i« cm.
II.. .ao..
i*M..ri.KHilul toiii-i. Fprv-ad
work to eioeo her bouac, tor If boiled lto*ced oil and oec oi
vmW uould be If It oaly woreat lor
ocTke-k «ud ronlaia* euooch nvarUhro-d uii
ig'ifirvugh lh<- wringer Soap *buuid iivv. j,.,,'Hly, loivk .
dirt! Why, I doB'i ace why It wouMbH
meni to atunoUto them whbciut over
... . 10.00.
IH Ik. HuilHt ji;.o.,kre ikreu >ure. loll .1 lull,., ...]or k-- r.kHU o. • kHukol, .. 11 k.rt ,d,.r,,,,,k.
be htagdoB oimie rlgbl oR!
Uiiug Kbltt boll IbAmlUi-only beat
*h'(uk.{ 'ivo'Un IMdcer.-lhto to
away tbe waab daya. and tbe amib her (a»lly ahe irUl do exactly a* ta ter. and leave It (III ihc- wax to iwrH-bnd ii:.l .oeuv. ro.bcr flat a plucb
keeping .breakfa.; iltob. and one ea»l1,v pie
Try plBi-tnz good plump
daya. and the cicaala' up after every- done la any well-conducied hoiol-[fm-tly united and the wbok- u well “I"*" 'breugb iwo
of la-It O laubkf. a daab of ualmcg or
Haie uih- |K>uiiil .uf puUtne
the leiain-ralury
•• Ol eiice. ol *au*ag<- wi-at
raoB at a (Ibc and conflne'colored nUb ibe nlknovi; then atraln
thta^ aad cio'ea growto' noau. and
ctonamon or a lew drop, of vai.UI.
are - taken Ima.hi-d and i uI-Ik iI Ibrvagb a -lew
le pimva*. H^-ii they .arce dilivpiog pan, pooling tbe
ggtUHwroMBiB- with tbe grim .o' tbe upbeavnj to that particular apnri''|i nnd when i-ool add lo It n gill each
make II juorc- pato'-able, aud aft- r Ink
,,MeU OKI- toill..- of butter ll
om Ibl- |B*1 water baog ib'-a
over them, aod to a bot
aPMrta* mad I gucu there wouWal be ment. leoviag all tbe otbera a* undle-lof v^of^ aud *pirli* of lui'iveuilrle.
tog It to- sAiflerei will oftee drop
the b-ateu
.mug line, turtilng (uki v-ikiub^ •
I lor Iblrtv lulnuti-w
Th-- tkaltot
aaythlB' tetl but ibe -nwi that re-sg. abd a
ligv* over to bivld them, and fa-l.n
i.ade pllh two foptul. ol Him.-, a
tulahed, lUd la ihia way bou*e-!up,” iV u**- the lecbalcal phraw. old!'
BaluMh.- aai (be baUcliUab*:veiy :<-w Inrbe* wVIfa u el<ilhe»fiu
tadved. any dark wood.
Hc#e alwaya bad a aidrltoal lueau- ck«Bti« to robbed ol o*-arl> all
e< Ibi-m hang uutll tboiciugbly dry.
ii'ii, aud IWO cupful* vl uu'k.
------ --- '
will The followtug aliko to a *tiUBle Iw'uwlerrorw. But if *be to a gou**iag. tbeaald;
•-..•tpe for tk'-x- -Bne uA hif
■Id evenly, and p'll uway with plea
ill Ibc oiberlg^iic- cixwm wblch aixwc-r* ailmlracwiue tbcre'a a roaaoa;
Ibc eeiUlnly do n* dumpling. ••■Rtre*'I”'
1 of camphor sum to'kivp Ibcm Irom
aauN roaaoa Utai ruaa througb every- gvoae haveU batt.lrau of more than lecal
lie ravage* cil ibc iuotb>.
(blag. Itb a taachlag world, a*

a .upcu-loi look rut a allce
Shred eaedy ooe .
. Martha aaya; we have to deal with
. bread Into dire «ud fry uaul
*oap and two ouuce*
Houac Cleaning H>nU.
(be wutalde aa are utghi to do with done. Womea. a* a rule, lack the bu>l- ■ yar with halt •
Id bruao in two ublcpoonlul.
lo the air of a ecllar jvun mtof'.e-'u ,
or do uol iblok It worth w'
^ta; they're made lo'tt and help,
uuiler. WlM-n rool stir into a
il.Mioy paraHiical growlb. pul *uai< Ibak.-ilieiii in
dal have to aerab and ctcaa.
ipply bu*luc*a mcibod* to
.b^ ctuueuls atv petturtly l«iwdend brlmMapi . Into u l-an, poni !brq.iii--'l. the
egg < rwBhiug tbe criapefl bread
bow abould we Icaru to be itaorough bouaework.
-wfaaf a* you ctir. Add a utl
diaaolved. tVbcn quite xvld .Uix Into
I iti. v are wa.b.-d
I'-- H
Vluund- Add a little ho-.
wKb oaroHvea? Aad (baougbueu (a
ntui - Ml ll III sail aud ground »*.e
ylcaner* o('|t ba|( g pint vl apirlta ol turpenilut
.re-o! alum about a* big a> 1
aud c
aoft Iba fraaaaa whtoprr. "*



.1 llu rVu7(K’roi~'. li 11 hi. lui-u

M a. .hHuu, KU.U. 1. — wuiLuu u,iuh

."T dolbi”''

w jShi>,»_ »u u ,^is. h.,ri.rir,

H. sun. IH .11 roH.HU ..Him.



t 'lblak wboB we come to large eUkto. wbu inke |M*wc«*l0B of a'umj
bnto din in k
lo bote U In aouKaraera. too;


Uibk-rpnoalul* uf

lUd pot It to »pleapaii aUape'aufriug tke*c well



Tbi- eream

from top lb bottom, beglu by taktag | *bociM to (llrred occa*luita'lv wblle lu

tbelb proclaolr *bat ibe Irelalug to down aud ibourougbly clennlag Ibc'tbe oven. To rleau nfd oak. wbMl.ei
ler. I MVtir tbonghl of ll todore- picture, aud bricobrsc ol one i.wim. furulturo or panellns, du.i It torn
anactlyr," abe woni on. wlib her aud rc-yuQvIng them a* l»»l a»,clraPcd{„uBhly. aud then wui-h H with w«mu
happy leuk af uew irulb: -But tbaCa (oaa UBWX'd rootu. Rug.arv lakeu up^Uer. u*tog a *ol. btu.b lo. ibcc-arv.
a to negl to godllao**. and banging* are^takeu dowuaiRt a^iog c-U. Uetnwlilh- bull u-geiber two
end Oed'a owu alga tor ft.
ivwa aprend over the .-arprt. whllc',y,rta of l-eer.‘ouc ociuw to-.-uav
Aad tket'a eky buay hose life I* good
farnluirv to tborougbly cle««---d ,i,ii one oimee coarse bium Migai 'HI
tor people: -we're dotng doable when and lailtohcd, Uphol*ler.>d tarnltwtv.Shi- lalUT are iwrfei^v
ore «gai and pu rtgbi. end wi
ol cour*r. mukl to- to-atm to Urn opcu.tbeu apply tbto wllb a large *oll briuh
evee kooer it. W>- err trarnlug. like
{and wbcu tbto •* quive .dry ruh It. till
(he babto* wlik tbrlr blocka.*The carpel to awept ovtvr and uvc-r.t,rlgbl wllb ck-an, toft floib-.. Some
ngeln Wforv to-lng taken up for oe*l-L,„pie, niu-r wa.blng
A torvBbt. wiU UI* cUu*c.
Hkieu pollab It with
I .aivuki-.
tog. mid .rc-**epl after
Heka* drudgery divine





•—lined iroufl orblouc-tb

pud a table.pooulol aad a half of fl-«f
n wnleb h*« toi-u-oitted a qnm/Rw t-a

.. Ijded wiVti Iri-viu-ni la
III troni wc'icr Ic th- -un

.puonftu ol baking powd-r, Funu tore
Uii’ 'the- ; p.-x>i-»rttoiu

iibreeui fuur galPm-Ol *i

•often ih-to. th. ii, »|,.-t.l
window* hK\

*h;piv-l ligii; ai'l. a fork aud Th-- i-gv
I lu <i »tlO irolb. mix and
u,.l In a buueietl imddi.’S

Will u.Hk. vekenl and drop mw b"*’1- ••q|..loljKd WUvw .1

••rougblv tu .cuip.udi
i-j Ibe *un will PC a* taul - uew

H-I.It puacle-.l; then .erve i

ben •ciealiiug lion.- it ’« eouvrulo nave a Mick wi'b a ih-!• uoieh
11- end with wMcli to li^ pirc«r<. and cord* oR Ibn. Uoflkv It



»a>le. VI.

ii< r.-

.b'lK of Msap a*.'.' Im:


■.di ns ol tb- klt.-b-n b" . here it 1» ■

■Hi a fid ove. lb. lop, aud w^n Ih-

•II lo |»v.- ou baad a .op.ll'w'e tar
, -iai pme- -ot eailisK
day*.' To

>a]> I* all diitolved tak- it oW and
s. |i lu .sol. aiM you Bill be abb- lu

s moi-b rlloihviig up and down.

It it unt. therefore, yua can ux- .>

ickiih lightly apruikled witfa paraffl-

.ouith and Ctaarvly Fliq KIndICf.
I> I. uu; cask lu all locali'lies fb.ub
.MiubP- malprlal Ur tb- .q«tcb

MU. ,1. a Jar. nil up w,:h wat'l- put
to the oven, mpl bt to told; well.

ski- a qurrk and Mti.UftorT Are
kmdler. add li'e. ooore. oj UUow to

Sih i-MBd of fe.ln. aud
meh to .
It Is usa-lut (Of waihiug Qa.i
,. 1„ ■;
vv:.(!- but. »mr la dry to"*
.wdu.t ■■kicb'WybcobialBBl la ai
during IHC wiuK'i. whan the >';p|>ly
*»y I !'• ■ -uutli very tbto* Havre
si hewh ki-geublea t. iiuiled. u>a> be color, to waab good—Alum to ’to
and decoiJiiloB. mtokiy rvluruod to
p„u.h well witb a uilxtuiV of bureau draw.-r. are caivfully
-adj board* or bo*e» •Proafl *:tb
Th# Hone* Ctoanlnf MWrob*.
rin»tog-naler will kec-p gr-a-ii Iron
Ibrough «ud rid ol all, arl.cle* whic h ibe m.-au* ut Mivtngem*ix> ■ dmiof
{equal part* of Itoievd oil and
„du.l to tbe d^pib of a* tacb or
vpno the arrival nl (hr ftral aprlng ihclr place.
Uneq -uli. a*d .bin wauit>
caDBUl to- u*ed dorlag the «utower mil Jb the head o. tbe house Indeed.
Wblk-. a* ba* already bn-n wa><^(gar.
ore, aud apo* Ibi* pour tbe b<* Bllaepkm (be bounc ch>nniBg tnl<
•fco'uld to- *wab-d In ba.'-water imadv
■apo-'i loUow* the ta.k of
nearly every, wumau lo the world to | where pultobrd furnl-ure bn
ire. aad leave uBl.rroW The l«rcr
f«ia bnay and. lorgeitlng that a
ur tbe tc-;k be-l aid to the eoBplexipu by poui^og boll.
»iarluc Ibeiii away
Thl* *bouli
todtaaoiuhly wedded to a panlrular,niyl*c-<l. aoak Hu-di-n( wab water
: .awdiui prevenis to from aUtMtag.
wprs day* do aot make a >uii
keep tbeif
and they willI k
dune III *ui'b a mainier ilial each
(be groat army of boaaeqrive* nave tnclbod of bojx-clcanlng, tUU oae oc-,uy oo It a abect ol browa paper
:*-or •Hgar oflcad to the board*, aud when COM to May be'will to- bt for ti-rvieee'whci
broken into lump, and *ured tar 4m i.
•OB eaofbt the Icvar aed (be warlarc- caalouliy Rbito a (c-male who I* flve or *lx time* and well an
i-d from the •loring pUec to
o»e A block of tbi* mUwra aa
agalam dual and dirt I* on.
any color, ud i* cp-iially
■Ml woolen garaieut*. wr,;p*
turning upalde down' ot lowing bint* may. after all. prove of ', hot Iron till the moinure ha
ir bloc print* Soak tbe good* iniS aqaafe »UI kiadh- a.tb a •Ingle
. to Ibc dallv ua* of •
llolhe. -helliu be bUUg OUI H
Itoit evaporau-d. Tbto may have i
uicb. aud vlea a Wax* alroog •wugb
•van tbo awak laner rocenaea of ona'a practical value.
girl*. If yiM. woald be' beau Itul. don't
Tbe amoked and duaty giobec ot repeated ouce or twice. Whit- .
to igaiie any kiud ol try] wood. TV*
botoa to. BdBitiadly, for hygtoale ie«day before toy tag them away. A light neglect them aBen they nri
ona. a oooaaaary avU. but. like many ebandeller* ran be nteely etoaned by!may be iwaioved by boMisg a
and water. Do not try to boll Unred H 1 qalck aad rteuly w anHI aa •
Many who are
bmUafl with a willow' clotbexwblp. tbe table

Mher (blag*, vbao overdoor U Ibbm aonkU^ (bem to hot wntm- to wUebUroa over, bat not quite loucbiug. tbe
or figured goodr. and do not
wavk xafe fl« kludier.
-m dlidikr to rat ib-m on
tallowed by B <*j*tBl braablng. *111
e«^ Ibl* vIrtiM and Uc good (bat a Utile aal tofla baa beea added. Then'apot tar p llulc. aad then poltoblag

Who •■««** B nmm. aa by tind'a Uwi

Makpa (bai. aad the acUun fliiv

Ib. floor*, woodwork, and win-[nub pine. It duty. *b..uld Ue will
niv eleaiK'd to ^belr ordek Ibc
«nh *«ap and water, wv

oarpc-l rc-lald and the ckvao fuinlluiv^ihp *rKKl oa little *» iw**lbk. ali.r

the roo* Vkh- —rve* oliioiis in

blllHg the gelV'.ll boils- tl-J
the .prilig wXidcoU-*. i-losei.

real form, 'ev--:.! Uiii-- a ai-ek

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