Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ENTER­ Cletcd Season On Black Bata Naat




By an of ihr<lalurr. Ibr fish
law* will br
rhaugrd ctMiaVimb))

jrMndaT, atatr Kidar-a dl.tHUctirs.
A Iropard IB biding


esuglit lb.- nallvr Krrnili n«lr n-ar
and trrd bjgb. (raring
br Bould kill tW maii. Tbr Iropa.d
inawnd si Krnuli, »bo bill'd H alib
Mrs. OKWUS# Hs« CvWwrtIr Ossaly
SKO&d Aol.’Tbr nallvr !■ a
WstehsR Hsr Chsnsss ts ewain
RstMA SM WM» Tims Cams.

RoiMirrrll klllrd B pTlbUB.

rr OlMMid. of






rolcMe St

MtriilcSB Bi^UB SI » o-clork ibU
MotnlDc br airsllovlDs esi> ouix
rarbetlr scid. Sllr *sa M I'rSrs i>ld
•Dd bad bMB SI tbo IMitalkwt sbont
sli Mombi. saVrriBg fiOB nrtsn

snd DAnroot.d^iwiiiJoo

satrJdat (osdnaeira. As Issorsl irll)
br brid ,m Ibr srrt*al of brr hasbasd
vbo bai bm MHiftrd.



Rlisl ward. 1*0. lb. asd ntw alni* she
brcuir- an iBBistr of (bn loailltilloti.




la «sutBc tbn dMdir and.

baaliaiMwi. Tha botllr waa alDOkt nnib- DooBday mmlog

at .i1»- l.liUc Tav-

w Tburrday.

Thr lt.»l law wn- rliahg<.d


Rapid* to Bitriid
Odlsh warb raliad.
tallon mmling. nnd- a rrport.
S«eb leridriua gra aarr nalrk. but
^*a-bad BO acMH>r dooirrd ibr arid dnailln gilir work ot ih.- auchiaiFm
Ibaa aaUdotra. alcohol aod oibcra.
rrapbaaUliig Ibr Imporlaiin- ot
wt and oroprralkui ot (br Trarr

■a*‘ Oily hoiiid Of trade.
J. W. Ilanni n,'dulriiian of ih.



niapor’s Proclamation

If and BWd atarr poaalbtr nranr ot mallrrra teiton- upon ahich ibr ««m
aarlag ihr waBsa'a Ufa. avm rraori- mlUrr iri.irlnil lari «.-.-k.h*d B.-.-r|il
rd Ihr iiroporlibm of llio


Cily boaid ut Imdr (■> locatr In 1
CHy, A dral 1- OB brtwrrn Ihr
wltblB plvbaUr f# nlBUIra, At onr
tUaa. Mrs. Otsaiaad ralllad amlU waa
paay aad Ibr tnnUro u( tbr Trar
Clly Motor Boat «mu«ciy wbrrr
by tbr company will



oo the gTAYOi of Uio«e wlio fooghl for tbe fBuae they knew

Fhiweis Male lax land blU. Tlie bo
|’j>%eil Ihe ne-SKiir.- Hhbiiiil Uhn-'lil

was right, who lefl their bonww and fir««ides UiaL tbe

der .u»peli»h>n uf ruh-!> and Du- I


T<H.r>'fore on Monday. May SI. let nsdevoUoiiv

tbe coil nimnat a half a nentnry agn
Let na alrew flowera on tbe gravn of tlioe<> who henealh
tbe tod await tbe last reveille and let ua do all lionnr to tbe

allow to remain with oa.

Tbe Grand OKI Army iagrowinK

fewer every year, every day aieea more and more auawor tbe

dlaarr and gar*' a y<*ry Inirrmtlug

••Wr find ibal tbr aaM Rinma Olm

Ing Ibr rair ot Inlr lo cltlicnr, which

talk upon mriliudr fpr ralablirhing
and dryrlniring.tndufcirtra, onr wMrh
har bren very aucci.m.tnl Flib him
ririilually l»crrai.r In yalor by
raialillahmrnl of Brw Indiirtrlr*.
ibrrrby making a aatr and gmt Inyraliwnt al tbr wuar Uimi providing
aa InduMrlal fund.

; «Br Om Man WM N« Taa Susy t
Attaad Affair Olvaa by MaHita
Oapipiah, R. r~D. No, i.. May JbMarttlVOaaiP R. K A. No. KC bdd
thrir aBBUSl dlaBar>rlday May


vocaiiont, ourapurU and

games Bnd other holiday featnrea. ilev.ite oueday onl of
tbe Sfl5 to Deooration day-- the Homlay of the dnaii.
Let Monday. Mty given over lu memories of tboae
wbo have passed and honor to

Ib^ wbo ate awaiting

the aonimoas.


Tina prupoalllon war t^-tmod lo Ibr
lnduMrl*l coiumlllrr and ihr olftrin
Diupllr a drSnllr plan ut coop
rraihm, a paliilr niming nt ihr <-n
Inuird lo Iw calW lo rrcrlir Ihr
ri’piiii and lahr aiicta artliin



Mainland—Loaa Estimatad at
from Throe U Fsdr Tltous-

iroa. .A deirci la Ib<- anebur chain
Tbe Nurlh ifux was ahmn S3 I
lu h-ugih. of heavy cxw.lructlOD. i
used to carry tbe mall truni (In
carried |anunuer. and waa u>ed b>
Nr. FlBUk ba an and frelghi

auddi9ily,ai his home here today. Tbe
new. came as n shuck

the Saanclal

world and all <it Hogei.' former
Mr Kogers had been In (sKW brallb


year, bin




irri tomorrow ipprcitnf m ibr otflcr


low time, taking to hl« bed <m tbs
19U|. JUM IWU uuiith* ago.

The dia-

bad become so far advanced <bat
gangrene art in In 4he great tos ot
hi* rtgbt (uot. and since tbat Umo bu
gradull) <Tept apward, antll at duth
had spread over bl* cnilis (eat sad
above the ankle.

again ^t<wk out. c-ren (bough IBs lost.
removed. Nr. £arla OoUy iwDusd
.How hi. (uoi to be ^rstsd.
vowing that - be would dio xrbais.
Kuamlng that cvetr day brought him
10 the end bs tookad dasib (a
Ibe faro and said tiv V«r ffK Sfrald,
■Tbe baiDe baa bsas lb JlTlag,'' bs


Hi- allend<-d Ui hii.i

ly w-n.
Mr JU’gera lalely bad te-en ellmlnsi

and (be Index and third Cagaca
crippled by gunshot wonnda.


s; year* ago be -locslsd In tbe aoutbpan of the state, bul abortly sftsr
te 10 Traverse Cliy. wbars ha has
•e resid'd, wtih tbe stoOpilOB 0(

First Bartisr Bbsp.
Ur Cai4. was.tba oMeri bsrbsr la

pruved and dropped bIsevuMaal ui-dl
hes. in Ills iitBie yeulenlay. apparent

Traverse I'lty. Bad erened (bs Srst


barber sbop In (be city OK BM
fcigbjh elrem.
For s few years hs
nperaied a .bop in tbe SblMoa boaas.
and la^r bad bU abop ia lbs small
wooden building on linkm stroet back

vole.1 more alieuDun lo bU new
glula (Jilway. ile relumed (rum

•It tbe 8lale bank bolldlag- A tow
K agi> be parchated a iKiaas at

Mhi Bart Frani mre«. wbers be kspt
sad lalile lieie feeliUK Juxtlee MaeLaren of the OnUrio Bua snop until be wa* Uken ill In Hsn^
A widow, a ts’O, Hoy Baris, ol CblH II Hiigei-was arm
cagn. and a *(ep mo. AMermaa Jobs
ary Oiipute.
If Good Weather Halda tba MenBOlian ■i dll’, ml I’t Ih- Ktauilard Oil I'u
Ihe iiresldenr* box
lA.*i>M’ii. survive
Mr. LamsoB wont
m dii-ecior ut
May Ewcapt With Har «eO PaaJptfe ileclatcd eii n>iiic Dial he ex
III Ann Arbor jiwterday (or trsatamst
Mobonk. \ t. May ^■-^llln»- at Ibe I'nlvetklty bospliat. being la
"W-i Sal iiriial Transii Co.. Na
sengtr*—Steamer proapere
tSrta Ihe larlft hill will !»• in hl» hand*
»l,;ii.|.. .W.-T
.-.UK Mslay .tlrrlng
June 23. dcaplic wmu- iwai-liulalir aeiian exirvni’-Iy critical coodltJea. Roy
ly aiui'ked WX1
iii’- Irtk- Mobonk
IliiaiK iul laaDiulluii.
aloia <abo Ibink Ihe delate will lonKarls arrivtd (ram CTriesgo aboot g
pea* r *Ullt<-: > I.' ' .
ile wa. a inemle-r <i( tbe Ante
Sl. John.. X. r , Nay :o -The Allen
week ago and was si Ua (ttbsr's badllmie Innger.^T^ declan-d he iboiiglil
II nude a ...inly veU’-d ctlllcUm
Ibe' cninniMtw lilll would ciHiaDliile liner kloilgollaii'K he leiund pi.~ill”ii Fine , All. MK-l-iy. Ibe MHtropuliian
klde al tbe Doie of hi* death
J*'-'......... lei.-.-m-lilna-. u.bitta
li Is kUied that tba sksn wok so
a gci<uinAr> vUlon aa waa Ihe repuhll I- tiiiclu.u|'.l iiMlay jiid dander ihreal Nuseunt <i| Art anil uttn-i ait <
Dun pit,|»>-..'.’iu, .-.’.d-aid <-hlua la
III.- pl-.l chile.
can pany'sNpletlge.
<hI for 2ft day*, sod (or tbe laat as*Tie- iiiu.i' ot di-atli was aluipli-xy. vor.. ....i,ii..i-.r> a,i,.<-ai.un
eral day--, bi* stomarb even re)ec(ad
.Maetaren of the Onuylo
Riiyet. Wk. seired iil li :tii UiM I
cl II '1. Im


Mitehrit Brathars LeekiitQ Attar W
liam Wareall. Hurt




.’•r h.dd.. lire k
Kcilljii Will prt’bohly
y be eiuhted l«
e«l»- .■•awscl w Uh her :.ini paae’-nger-



.. ....................... Die li,ned
HoKeis .iiuiliivdlrU
seii.T.i- Iiui'l 1)1. Fiill.-y. a nelibbui'' rilal'-. and I'anadiaii bruindary dUl^le
liiK hli'l Mis

;iu|...>ii.h- lo aid him and reli


Tli.' -leaiiW'i I’lupp.-ivi I. s1<e> iwnglil

Camp, In Fm* Mannar.
MancH-'nu,,Ati.h tiny Jo-Wilbni
Wurdcll. .•mphiji’d hj lllirh.'ll


'erw al iheir camp wliil.. workup laD

or I'n-aldrnt rmlor lo lakr uy
■ad drapitr tbr bad weaibrrwbnut SS
winter. aiKIcred an injury lo liN hll Rabart Ra<nht, Who Had Batn
malirr. Mid a mi^nlog mil hr datird
Since Laa. Chnslmas, Passtd
IMttook at Ibr btaailful dtaarr.
hand.. While (he ^.jiiry wa* lieniina.
rrry trw day* to drcldr wbat
Away Monday- Ape 1»TUa dtaarr waa pUnnrd foF
company |ahl Ida d.K’Inr hill.
than iM* donr.
warka apa. but (bo rale war loo moch
When (be hand ara well, it wa>^ di..
Bobcii llclnke. lb- IPyearoId c
IW ibrM and alao brcauar of a grrai
covered Ibal ti wa« entirely us<le«*.
ol Nr and Nr. I'liurleK Kdnke. dUil
dral of alckarar among ibrir nrlghNr. Wurrlell wbh aem le Ihe h.'«|U. al bi< -buiue oa Weal Fruul Mr..-I
bora H waa poripoard lor (wo w<wka. Mr. -and Mrf. MonUtua Naw Lli
lal «l ( adlUar ve«t< '.iMy hy ti .- cum Noiidav afl.'rtewrti .•! " in. alc’-i an
Tbr moan waa artwad by tbr larmhoia
BInth Straai.
iany. hu evp«n»*-« paid and he was 11lne». da'iiig troRi )a-l I'bil.itnaa


Ouiei Wedding Took Place Tuoaday
Evening al Dm Home of Mr. and
Mrs Frank Tcudo

VViIU.m J Tiud- and Mh>s l.<
d City ^iclalt' Rill. l*>r a-|.- unili-t
laden ic Say
ToeMlay eierilRK a) krtii-lock a
Coed-bye tc John Lamacn.

boou- ol Ml

alao given tnm In ravt|. Bhould t(




be ■ leav'i— one

.e Jeiieral <vf WlUlsB X. Barts
-bT bei.l Kridby afterDOon at t
ii-.-lorti from
tbe First MstbodM
• iuiirii, th ID-v R. 8. UrOrsgor o(tliialinx. e.>i--i’-d by tbe Hcv. A. A
Allllfiglui^ Urltber-os Po»t will bses
■ harg.'
the M-rvIce*.


aad Ur.'•Frank Trud.-

Ii14 Fillb .l”-.-t, the i.-rempiiy heliix
wiine<sv-<l l’> iijily a 1-w oribe many

Di ricjlii-.

J. IlN^jV:


(rierid- «’f lb- young people The Her
W- A .Sbelly utllciated

Ann Arbor. whJ<tt;J))' will und.-i
Nr and Mr. Duxene rr Trude w- ie
an oiiiralluii
Mr. Iau<u>n ivadecided (bar an opriwiion U netea- tUler. Mr* >taggle Undley ol Ke.- Trldden Di>d*|ieHl al tbe de|aal by i best man and matrwu of bonoi re.pei
aary. wilhlii alt Oinurli*. (he .viiipwny
Tbe lanilij'had moved lo ibl* iwniber ut Ibe i';[T oftlclal. and m-v lively and lb- bride was cbarmingl)
will pgy for that ut o. When h.- re
era! rhs.1 frh-iid*
He ba. been a .ut guwiird In blue <tepi' de edven.- :
ABar dlaaor Camp waa «allad
rrrldrorr In ibHr nrw bomr on RUtb roven. Nr. Warden will be gitea u young tuan baying been born al ibal
fere’ lor MMpe lime, bul Wllb fru* veiciiMMiv lojk pimv- ai r> o'<-h>rk
•Nrr and ahrr th frworal bnnln
•iri.rl. having imdrd bomri. «UI
mamoli aa kmkeinan hy th.- coui- plaiv
The gnwm I* a well knuwn yui
gril has pui given up thr fighi. asd
waa onr tbo tWUm waa callrd la lUcoa. who hai inoird wlib hi*
pany at a salary of |3o a mjai-li
hardware man wblle ib- borne ut llw
Kuheral servlm-. wil be behl at'lbe when oiber men would have laKen
' aad a mwcram waa tlYoa which had ily IBIO Ihr Uuntagnr bomr.
(heir bed*. Nr laniww ban kept oa bh. bnde lx In «'aiiada. .be having
baaa praparad. by Nrigbbora Rom. A. V Frrdrrlrk rntrrtaliird at dinnrr
B geaney lefl lor Big Rapid, o'clock, and lo (be afienuon ibe (i
hereoaavisil forlbetau year Bmb
(ret. and miagled with bu fellow
■rilard aad Brsaa. aftrr wbleb
of ktr* Moatagar. who baa yeaienda) to aHcod (be summer term
win be held from Uta ebareb
wllb a amlle oo faU cbeertul (ace aad have a large Hrrje uf fncndxtu wlata
^ work wat pmiead.
jbcce her DM^bor for many year*.
of the Parris laailtute.
IBen diurb faapplne:*
Keralvk at 2'oetock. ,
a cheerful word lor all
aad m)oyrd by all twra to Ata Bykr
Mr. and
J. a ^oulagur bavr
«ba .waa tba only maa ihai waanr moYrd from thrlr olil hutnr. 113 Na«t
*»oe bway“ to alload a good R. N. A. Kigbtb alrrrl .wbrrr Ihry bavr rrdtaaor.
aldrd (or SO yoar*. and lakrn ap ibrlr

Unncrl in acDvc work up lu Uat
Uarcto, wnen he went ur bed lor tbs

in 10 years which bs apsat at Kslkikba.;



AlihoogU be bad been a lUlterar (ram
diabeies for aboat 13 yeart. ha coa-

^hRDiUTlB . Id-el. wumriion

folk h inoolli ago and weni lo Fur
baveti. Mass. hU auliiuer bou>

In euphonlm.* .le.-!*.

Al hla bedside when death
were hi* Wife, hla bob Roy Earla

"iK-aih win be s relist" Hs
wa* ran.i luai up h> tbe Ibat sad dJsd
WAS AT HIS OFFICE AS USUAL fS.OUvand tt.huo. TU-tu was no insur full ol h»|i<- ”t a bHier life beyond.
' Bart* wti born la New Torh
Tbe bual wan driven aabure by 8s:
Slate, where be tpe« bls esriy Ufa,
urday a blow, ib.- anchor chain part­
when Ihe rivii war bftifca otff hs
Was Vlca President and OIractor af ing. Kuberi Anderson. Ibe engineer ynlMed ai a private la (ba 7Stb Naw
trelween lU and S4n worth ot tool*
the SiandalB Oil Ce. and Waa
York infaatry. aerrlag two yasrs.
Clcaely Alllad vuith a Numbac
While on Picket duty ba bad (hs
cl the Big Ccrporatlons.
second flagi-r on hla right bnad shot

Ing-b ui.eir from Hlaudard Oil and de


iih. SI 1:20 Am-Wednesday, pssaon iDio (be other Itfe. death r«kmg
pla<e at bis bone. tt6 Bsat Pitrnt

Alloiasd Ns OportUsft.
n Flank's IMun gasottne launcb.
There wa. a ebnneo. a rst7 alight
Sorlli Fux, lies on tlw ta-ach of SniUh
’.'••nd! a loial wreck. Tbe boat rbanre. ot bis rccerent by aa oparaIn 111 kIndUng rood and Ibr rtitine Uon. but a* tbe dlssase wu U his Ua. .iMwn rvilmvd lu practically acrap hluod and II waa galtc likely It woltM .

nisliiland lu (be Fuira. The bual




muiilb., baa been sofrerlag wllb gaai-ne In bis rlgnt foot, gnvo up tba

lilaiued lur tbe boal gulng nsborv.


New fork, May 19 -Henry H Rog

diymr.1 adyUahlr.
Tbr ooBiniIttM- and


■a. the RiaDdard Ull nillUonaire. died


liaia II BarU. Ibe oldest TrsvsrSB
niy baiber. wbo. (or Ibe last two

of nii(Wgo. and Mr*. BraebMher. K
m-lgbUir. He waa «9
yeais uld, .

and Doiiara.

in but a iew years they will la» kone to
L-jt na tuerefuro pauao in our every day

life and dropping unr iitnal

IH^JI’I.-* dellghi

Tbr InquraHwan bfid la abr affrr
MDon al 4 oTIork al Ihi- Alidrrraan
tuidrriaklag parlora, ibr jarr rriurnhw Ibr folkiwiag rrrdin;

undiiAuoiisly willy :3 vot.w.

final role All. they arc marohing over yonder by haUalions

raturn no mor.-

Fighting a harder bailie than say hs
lougfal during hi* two years' ascrkv
during the civil war. tbe attwgris «(

Waa Uacd to carry the Mail from tha

fow veterans whom it baa plaaaeda riupremu Being to-

Ibr M rwia. Ibr a<rl<UB bar bwa
C. 0. Bcbrllrnlirig of Ualllr Cn-rk. ral.una agalnxt lyraiiiiy willHtiil (ilnn.
bogr. Ibrrr bavo brm. H w rlnrd. ■ hoar iHUlnrar II baa lirrB for arv- Olng for (he hiiorv.
Rain mailed ibe .!*> ■Hirmewair
IMS four aairidda. tbr fln< mo lirv
al r«-ar* lo pmmolr Indn-Tira wa>
IRB orparrrd arrrral rrarn ago.
giiTM of Ihr iHiard ot iradr at (hr Jackson'* widow nccupl.-d a eeal in

brr dmib by carbolic


Mr. Karls lllrrelly died b> inebta

kii.l.-iided rule* and paaaod tba

rnioii might bsssYn.1 nad OKI Uiory wave orar one nation,
ia a beantifol one andt%e of Traverse City aboutd not neKr

x>n dlacuaaed ihe Mecklenlmrg dinhad braa anilrlpailng aMtbrr ea>r nllr areolialtona
fur lucatllig (br
laralkin of Ind.iwnUetio- p.iliiilng «nit
o< arHvdrnirwiioa ai tho' a«rlatn. plant hrrr will br tiikrn op wllb
bsaer arrrr noi aorprtard ni todaj'r indualrlal roinBiliirr immrdlairty'
(he Aagh> Bacon nuujaer ■" hualiieaa
like self KiiprevencBt. While olli’-r





(iiig lu public senliiuiul. Ibilull have ajcreed to support Ibr

Tbeouatomof pUriDg/lagj aod wrealfaa of flowers up.

|>maA la ftW. Tbla aiinninl llo- Inanl

II U a piiauliar (hing alsa ihi


finish sborlly.

wo should do bonw to Uie BioBiory of oiir


waa lllar (iladra l.rcinn. of Aar ri'.V. 1} and will laakr a trey Rood'lndur- dent Taft. tIb prealdeni waa.eeron»d
e graiKl aland where be review^
aa aumdaM. wbo klllrd brrarlf
iry lor Ttavrrrr ('By. a* Ihi* la (hr
. ApHI CE Tbow wbo bad fatlb t
le and he*
crnitT of a Urge trrrhur) In wbleb
Tbe prealdeiil'e addn-ui Dll’, alieribraa arrarTTBirr sla'ays laa la ibiw
. la ncr (tcinry o( (hla kind. Hrfl-

arid Mif admlnisiarrd, wlib aulrldal

mlltee, wbleb i- Cin-iderii.g I'faike'.

Wsiuer derlar.Hl ibal a i-areliii lores
Dgalhni ot appiopiiatlou. is coau

ilay OB wbiob

lira. Otmanad'i la Ibr iblrd MtrMr el irsdr baa pirdgrd Itwlt (a ral*>-. a' and ibc Charkilic artillery fliwl i
iin aatiilc. Ul.imn people cho-red and
to orear at tbr aa)lum vHtals
irlpllmi paper war cirruUlrd Al
Imop of cavalry acted aa Ibe pieaIbaa a awaih, all baring uord earbniarrllng aod RSiHl ralaid al oocii.
Ir arid. Mlaa Mbrr Kriirr, a euiar
ripb-etnl that Ibr bnlaacr can lilcDt'K giwnl «t lM«ur Ibrougbuul ll.i(iSKi Kalkaaka. war ibr flni, brr br rslard wllluHit dlfSciilly brra'iM- day. The garernor. mayor aiul nlher
dasth orcurrlBg A|wU W Tbr nrxt tbr iDrlKulhm 1* onr of rrapoiirlhill- dUlIngulabcd guwla rc'elvM l*mi|.

alMd ramr

Tbi-men v«>e<f ii.’ uptsirt Ibeii

lulu’s-, •ominued grtodlng. bopiiig

Tbr placo wbrrr Mn. OlnrirSd or boat comptay'r proprriy
«arad (b* poiaoo van aoi oan of Ihr rirrfl.
vaU dlwraaarIrB. bui vat a PkMH
Tbr amount rniulrod ■>>’ (hr metndar tba alatrvar wlUeb a«a sard tnwn company in di-Tni) moying rv
CSir (or Bwdlrlnm.


MIrh.. Nay 19—Covernor

le chirks were stopped



iiereby prodaini Mowlay. May SI. aa Decoralion .lay. tbo

Bad by regim-nta.

riiirtrlal coimiiliKr*. nimni'd Ihal ihc

lar (bat aha Mak d'Urkly.


e« Today by Both
Houaaa. -

ing «rlHng hrn»-

lime mill ih lugbu to (he courage and ^anboo.1 that heard


rrr dlacamrrt. I* F. tVrkrtI, mrmglr «Blp. brf^ ahr roold br marbrd
brr Of romiiillirr.
lo Graad
br tba attF^ia.

tbooghl Ihat abe vould ilvr, but s(


wrrr »lin on Ihrii- l>rd» Ui
Ibal lo 'akr ihrui was llkr


•Tharlullr. N, C. May *f!.-Pr««ldrnl


iarke dc'riared ifaai-he is willing lo
Flose aiblli^ the wages, bul would not
an-Stale Tax Land Bill to Ba Paaa- lognlxe ibu union m alb.w a clused


5 bill hir t.lale Before r>c

DlacMtad at tM Regular Maal^
Ing Df tht Offleara and Dlrre-


there will he anulber ai 4. The

Ddc-rralinn ilaf. May SO, oomingon Somlsy Uiig yoar. 1

Hr a»d bad rrldrntlr larrfull/ atarkTbrrr wa* a
ad Ibr arid boiUr, (br largMi onr In Scrm sad coaimlHrm of cl.r Tri'iv.
ibr irgiilar
tba riosat as aba ariird-tbla «Uh<|nt City board or iradr al

tan la H. bat aba dralnod thin at a ain-

KaUnisr..’. MicbTMay »-'nie em
pluyvk o( Ibe Michigan Colu-d Rail
way liuiferred wllb Demcal Manager
Clarke lodAv. ITils am. a auun ses.hio

The >u>nalc paMu-d ibe giad-d a


ten of Board o4 Trada.

tr. tbrm briag bat an ouner or


lily alid Intel urlaB' eniphiyeii

Tbr . to«-d uraMin .
will br from Frbmaiy
lalabratlea of tha Anolveraary of W'Wh urgrd by tbr aiNMlrUirn
kiatr, it bring argiiMl ilial
Sluing Of tho MMkienbrrg Owlaratlen


Wages—Men WU
Their Commitlae. -

Wnniei'. tarewell im->aage »*. read
10 Ibr old auaiain, (rum Slay I to
TafI and party air1*rd today to
lie couplliaeiiled tbe iegUla
Srpirtubrr 'l
Whllr iiialiy lll•■llghl
tlclpair In Ibr crlrlirailun of thr I
1)111 regrelied the- fulhirr lo |iaa>
lha* tli'r vr>a>oli oiighi lii br (nnii May
annlyrraary of ihr ^Icnlrtg ..1;
the aiiiilul.l.y bill. In regard (u the
If. lo Itrplrnibrr ir.. tlill Ihr rliaiLgr
[|ril»*lg drclarrrlOB C.r In.lrl
uglixiloii agaliiM evil ap|>ropriaDuna
1« a grrai iiiiprov.^timt nii-r 'tlir
xid Dial Die larger Die .Ul.
Tbr prn>ldrnl arrlvi-ft Iwlurr anun. eni la*.
grown, (lie edncsliuiial need*
larger, and be believe* a .Sve mlllloa
dollar ouiiual expeudlluiv I. ner-e*

bad tiwB vairbn] nigbi aad da>’. ThU
awnuBg. ho»r*rr, tlw nirdlrlBr
••varal MattarB of Irngortaned Wrra
at was aerrMlbb aad abr o<irr<>

NEEDS Willing to ArWtrate tha


liruuar of brr ^Utoa. Mn. Olmstrsd *s» brt>i MDsUntljr In tbi> bos'



Tariff Bill Jana Si.

ActsS OMeMr.
fnm ThsnMtr'a R«eord
Mfm. Wmm* Oln«alrs4 wllr of H>«-




yrar, ihr bna> mwhou oprnlng
iMir IS and ttir tioui craarm mi



Year Will Be Frwm February 1
Until June IS.

Jubn Dr. Ighton. c-xobariS, o( KsAtkkg ruoni). rrcrived sertmu isis).
W at Kalkaska Widnsaday, hla kses
bring .diskKaied and be bri^ lajaiad
Ur. cr-lgblon waa starting oat wUb
a pKrty of ftabecrarti and (be taom bp’ filgbieoed. He Jumped o« sad
ran lu ibeir biada. Tbr (ligbumad SBr
Imata, bowsvrr. ibrww tte mas sM
trampled him Ur. Crwlghlwi aaBsea
coiutderwMe pain and tbs (sn riUBt
faU tniunrs ii not kaows aa yoL


^ pt>n z

•RAND rilhVtMt MtRALB, RRIDAV, HAY t1. im

M T^mne lenu

tor him to eaoape beeemtoc b
te the „.b;i
Tbe u.MlihvU .oll«lAarMta bill, pan
ei b> tiK 1-ftalnaie, win tbea aO'
Miw>o4 TnM4«r >*d rnsMt
•louModlv bare aome pood affact aa H
TnTMM Oltr, Uicfalcu. b/
prohibiiL M e. Bale of rlcareilea eatiroHKRALB ^ KECOflO CO.
%'JH. T.^U«
ly to mlaota. TbU Uw aheuld hr
1. MM............... ViM I'MKld.lM lorwd atftrtlr and by ao dolag.
erlU of rlfiareue amoklac wlU
latfioly abtird. TobaMo U bm a good
lUag tor a growlBfi boy'a ayatem aad
It la aot A Bood Iblai to be takea la■ he luaci. There U a cerUla
prodoM brtd IB aaapeBaloB la
araoke and Ihit coaii tbe luaf rrlU
and u Uair, abewa lia efleeta. Clear■mokera are not tbe onei wbo
take the medali la tbe atUetle rveaUBren abeoid oar happea .to do le. It
no erilerlea ibai he wlU (row ap law
a aiioBg. healiby ataa.
We hope that ihU taw will have ibe

p •
• ••i •#•••••••
Special to Tbe Dvealag SoMrd.
rraak kaheh. wbo ha* hoc i: work­
Plfo Lake. M*k.. May 1*.-Mr. Cal- ing la CadllUr. bat returned heme to
vet. of Mason, b TbHIag hb hrothaf VIp hb father on tbe tana.
U-law. O. W. Marnaa.
U:a Stager aad Mra. King will MX
cook colee tor tV Oraag* ticxt mo«ig bat will mtve aaadwlebes and
yzma Nortea and Leri Kammoad
atl.'Bitad Iht surorlke party at D.
Mr. and Mrs. WlllUm Oregory werw haimoad Culver, wbo hall been tank oeei new* ........................... t Std lltaC
la OadUlae arveral daya.ot laai .wepk. lag hiv borne with Mr. Hartmuq dar.
Mr. and Mrs. Loals Morris «e
lag the wlBiur, laleudr Is ksve soon
TrBTtrs* City Tburaday.
for Ball Lake dt
Frank fmno* ilaieodt ts purchase
J. -H. Leurks was home over Suna fine bred' bull d<
Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Kbowlda aad
Mr. aad Mr*. • K. Smith of Traverte
Ity were lo town several days Ism Dorn Mr*. X. E. Must.
Atolae Rajch hav pureb-ued a Eae
Calvia Msbaa of Traverse City vis­ team from Mr. Corr.posu.
• to obtale eltaretiee la Ulrhl- ited Ouy Walter. Thursday and
Michv: Halt* went tshlu* Sunday
and reiigbi a fine let
'ly- ■
QaoMniliiK tk« etoR« of tb<> cmdA. O Bis* vlanod hie ww Yred Blae
trr. IB wbkA «• all bare a 4m>p U-,
A healthy man ta a king in hi* owe
In Traverse Cliy over Sunday.
OB uabealih) man l» uu unhap
.lamt, HW>7 Cl««a aaU la fall Uat t

r. ftaufk' Maybew ol Monreslowa, pyIhl:slave
Burdock Blood Blller*
rortov of rob^ cobAKIom;
In lows Saturday.
build* up* acuisd bealib-beepa you
“Of bU Uw olMBOBla to llM altua- Spertal to Tbe Dreatac Record.
. Eddie Wise, jrbo has been vtsltlag
UOR, ttw crop ovitODk Sa prrAopi ibr
CoporaUb. 'klleb
Irlead* and relatives here .relumed
toBBl aatlafa<ter> tho roAiicoA acrM«<bis borne la Perry Moaday.
BBRAlUnt of u.iiror wheat aad oata
Tbe Rev, George U-ml* of Grand
the ualB fwapoiuilble. It la
Raptda vMted' bt* parents. Mr. and
••SuTlered day aad nlghl the lob
RHMtor*, bowairor. to Uke a peasl- ne«i trip 10 rraakfm Tuenday,
Mrs. W. W. tewta la Boutb File meat of lirblng pita*. Nothing helped
me aatll I used Doan'* OlWmetit li
■laUe BUHode Tonrdlac wbeat. ilaoa
fl. E Woolf bai a fine new aui
Uke. ThaMay aod Friday.
ly."—Hob. J
iBBtR el ih'- lo'-- Ib wiBler whMt can
n'ork I* propreaei.i| fia<> oc tbr
Mrs A. naeb went to Cadillac Sat K. Garret. Mayor, UIrs
bo jneAt Uf tr ‘“a lean»a«
arbeol houM-.
uiAay to vlalt her sl-ieMn taw. wbo
Mr*. W..D r Oeraiilne went lo fart
0t apriBc wheat aad tarerat
James Zeigler wbo hai Iimb aick t* very Ul.
lltac tmlay to *I*-n.l t.he day wUb
or oobdlUpBa dmiBi the balaaM of the B'Hh typhoid feri-r. inv pa.i
Mr. and Mr*. Q IVMBell were
OMMO. MoA of the aeraate toai
week*, la still very tick.
Traverse City several days tesi week. Irlead*.
wheat win be ptanted In corn, whi
Mrs. Shell, who pot badly bun
Mrs. Vlaaie Vaa pelt went lu
Erery.Weman Will V li
tar the law t»w rMra. taai been Anruat by fslllnp dawn stair*. I< JnSt Rapids Saturday where she will ei
B Terp profitable crop. Tbe outlook able to walk, wlib tbe aid of two leito the FVrrta lUklituie ihl* kumuier.
•ew la tor a bic earn crop, aad tbU rruirhoa.
MIsa Winifred HMgfs reiumMi
wobM praetleatir oswt aar loaa
Rirbard Hrimraer retuim«d Sunday from her vtali lu Treveree CH> tlatwboBL Coro aot «iIt fprrl'hei a lar«c italap ftoRi TboiB|Munvlll<>, wbt-re orday.
awfiaiit Of frelfH t.. iw •
be bad bees vUICipg hta staler, Miss
iMda, hot ii traoBtiiii od iniu
Ulllta MeDermou.
and olhor producti, and U our
Mrs. EaiBM Simons n-turoed Satur­
• Corn. n. A I..........
year*." declares Mrs. Jaaiea UnataVBttaat Bad ataple erepa. Laat
day. from a week's visit with relative* ta
Cora. T. C. Hllilag G

DytWheat. II. A V. iH-r
wo ralaad |.M».000.«>0 buabeli of oorn aad frteada at MarlUa.
aepsla. 1 sutured latensely altrr vat- ♦♦♦♦lVcaVmVrkYtJ**^*
Wheat. T. C. Milling Co., per
wataod at tl.tK.OOO.OOO. whrrraa the
The Rev. aad Mrs. R Wood
tag or driublng and could scarcely
Allbougb the orice of poiatne’a I*
pRMt crop, BBionmiBc to ces.Mo.Oou Moaday for Traverse Cliy. where tbey Bleqp. After maay remedle* bad tailed Bttll at &D aad US ceate. Ib>- reo-iius
and several doctors gave me up. I
h«holi waa valued at ealr fCtT.OU).- expect to vUll a lew d.oye.
tried EleclHc Billers, which <wred me were larger yesierday ibsn they have
fififi. Otrr eoCtoB cAp waa valued at
Tbe Epworib leagi’c eayoyed a
rompletely. .S'ow I can eat aartblag.
moiub. Ml {aad* iieiok *uid
«fafi.dW«00 BU<I hay at fUS.OM.OOO; procram last Sunday >-n-ning under i «m Tt years old aad am overjoyed to
irket yceterday. Evldriitlv
tho auta^rr of corn I* far
Bderahlp of MIsa Edna Kendall. gel my health and iireagth bark ■ be fanners are aaxloiu. lo eell tieluie
again." For ladlgestlon. Lost ol Ap­
bay! tBoaUoa. Sboaid u>
Mias Nettle Moon will lead tbe u
(he prices go allll iQwi-r. as soiiii- IHpetite.
bf farorod with pnoiber h]( rrop ol Ing neii Sunday evealag.
PeaiBle OompItlBIA U's uaequaled. Itave they will. Tbe same g.iic- I*
em, wbleh thop roepeetive trm-rai;
Only »* at 8. E. Wah A 8m*. (' A. quoted for today.
fiiaraaai la aetoaia auneau, w« may
••••♦•«♦••••••• Bugbee Drug Ca, Hannah • Imy.
'fM Maaubly aaro of aaoiber Mr
«f bffrMhtfal pmparity. tba libportPOMONJC
BM Qt irtileb CBB hardly be
day from l WfWk’B visit I Central ••••••♦••••••••«
There b^ao change la Ibep rice 11
PomoBA MUh, May *0.—Mr. and
Mre. Anhur Silvar ayeat Siaday with
Oeorsi White arrived Tburoday Mrs. Stlvar'a parent^ at Onekema.
lb Bhotbrr roloiao of lodayb paper night from bla vtaP la WastalBfitoa
Untie Mildred RuWe Is quite sick Aolce to fancy. CtDtSe; tali io gwri,
and North DatotA. R.ace his return
Luke irmlu has moved laiotbe Bar­ T5Q tSr.
Bufferiiig from nard bouse.
I- in tirovlag
a to obewve Uoaday Hay t| a> au-ab..--.- .
Hay aad
mIcC. T. Luke Va reaiad tV llru<
cooper l«n Wodaesday for Mefen toiise.
ItoiuorU] day.OlAy aa taUlo| oB SuwPolatocD waalcd. Jay B.
ju has a position In as
M Uilv )-uar, TbO j-iwi.iuuUi
There will be QecorailOB exerclw
Davia. Bcadoa. MIcb.
ii.i.iicib.^ \lartory.
■S rltu-'UM to Uy U'KI' IIIIn IV Bvaagullcal ehureb.'
Mareb 19-3
TV aiv. Mr. Helwlg b aufiering
MBBthU’v -ni-J dovblv lu- .Ia> M
Daanle Ball wpaela to start fi
«toB ot III- bare dead -o.d ii<i:i>- i« from A (uoch of pDOumonla. and waa Oregon la a few daya
unaSe to oerupy hb pnlpH Sunday.
m UrlBC.
Mr. and Mre. L. U Duty were Cope- tl.30; core, 7IMc; oat*. UIJc.
.M—prlal dv. tbiPU.'tb Ui< iiiun;:iu.
mlab cBllera Satnrday.
Monday Vlag the lltb aBalveranry
toBHMBi of Uio yoBBder gou -in-u.
Only two more weeks of acbool.
baa laA aome of lu algalficaace bvt of the depanore of Company H from
(B» L'nlled Pres*.)
Several from Pomona look
Mt oBouib to aaake aay material dlf- Tmveiwe City. Rwyn HUl *
toraBOB ware Jt to atop bi that MeBt- Traverse City to aaslai la the
•rtil day U hot a dty for aporia aad baaquet, held tonight.
A SeaWto BoyY Shrbfea
Bore. Sunday. May 1*. IPW. to Mr. horrified hb greadmother. Hr*. Maria
SBMB and hoUday oacuraloaa, but la
Taylor, of S'eho. Ky.. wbo write* that,
h.daj of peaiUto olcBlfioaaot to the and Mrs. Jark Boyd, a
when all iboagbi V woald die. BnokMr. Coven, accompe
B day set aside lor
len's Arnica Salve wholly cored him.
•ipulBc thoae whs went out and friend. Mr. Soaihwiek. of Detroit, iBlanible lor Buret. Scalds. Cui*. _
toBiht that the conoUT oUtbt aot bo were Jn charge of the Anti-Saloon roret. WoundA Brulaet. ('ure* FevoK*
h-ague meeting here Monday night. Sore*. Bolls. Skla BruptleaA ChBMMdod.
hlalas. Chapped Haadt. Soou rouu
Were a war to cow. tt b voty poe- Mr. Sonthwiek made a few remarks Plies, tie tt 8. E Walt A Soot. C. A.
Mhto that thuao^rary young people mudi to iV point, followed by a very Bugbee Drug Co., llanaab A Lay.
Itchlag. bleeding, protradlag nr blind
who forg’t til.- atgalficancB of Hem- able address by Mr. Coven. A large
yield to Doaa'a . (Matmeat.
citoJ <Wy. seu4 bo among the first tc
Train will leave Traverse
Chronic c**e* soon relieved, flaally
. MIM in tbe cause aad would give speaker.
cured. Drnggltit all sell It.
City at 7:00 a.m. See poster
Mr. and Mrs. Alben McDermott
thair the*. U neeeaaarr. for tbe-proor ask ticket aifeots ior par­
taMioB of their coaatry. However. apeat Sunday with retativee at Silver
eat Bbow tbeir patrioUam and Lake.
toys of oouBiry by dolag boaor to Ue
• • •♦•••••#••••• norid* 1.
wbo did to oat aad fiM
Mr*. Joba Onx ha* been quite slet
G. 1-. A.
Wm. Vpchurcb. of Oba Oak. Okla.
Wa hope tba* ibU Memorial day as an exile from home. Hoaatali tbe past week.
be aa It eb-.uid. aad that It wlU air he thought, would core a trightta
Vrttard Rkbardmw b happy a llh
•it ha detoctei.d by any naaeemly
let for two yeare. AfU
After alt Ine new buggy.
One of Mr. Ankereoa'a horse*
s be returned, ^eotb dogging bis
‘Tbea 1 begaa to use Dr. King's very sick with ptM-uawola. It is bell
_ Jlspqvery." be —----------- - — - cared for at Dr. GHmaa'a hare at
taking ata bottle* I
dgamt'-K by imMre or ivir mlidJ. Q. Adams ba* aold bis farm to
M« are uunh umre atiraetlve' to dewvate luag dtaease*. faftlUble tor
Tfipng beya Uan are cigars and plpm. OOBgV tad OoldA il dispels Hoarse- ;jjl Brown of Traveiwe 0«y Will
Beta and Bore Throat. Cures Grip. tmpkiB of Traverse CHy has moved
By taaaon of tbb eery mlldaem. tbe BroachHl*. Hemowbagea. A/hma.
We have b#en<b*nd11i.g Farni Impl-menl. In a whnle*al- w.iy tor
pattooloaa praniM at inhaUog tbe Croap. Whooping Ctfcgh. 50c and fil.OO. Into tbe home.
over three years now. and vb-n s- find tbe numh-r of hand-- an ImMrs. Nellie^Ktagdeo. wbo has. been
Btook* b poaalble aad oaee a youth trial boUle lOr. gaaraateed by 8. B.
plemeai ha* got to go threiigh b-for- K reaches ih- tarmer and the
tohw to tahoK than it b hard ladeed Watt * Sobs. C. A. Bogbee Drag m.. coafiaed to by. bed all wlaier, Is Im
numVr ol prefils dhal it hai. to pay Wau*e of ih- fait, that i-r-tail
Hate been able lo get
i-r from
dealer buying luplrmeat* on tlm- bail lo pay th-- manufariurer
* aad Ihw friends hope lor her
t lu Id per «-Bi nave for the Rood' provld-d b- »-lU th-ni on timn.
speedy regovery.
We believe. ibW there U a larne rla-* of farm-rs, that would only
Mr. and Mr*. Ole Sogge. wbo have
he too glad lo bu.v their imptaiuenl* on -xa'-'ly th- same ternu a*
been la Waablagtoa lor same time,
Ibey'eell their pounoe*. for »pn: -ash. (hai i> tbe < Ijm of (rade we
are back again. Aad they are aa glt<i
V back, as Ibelr frieada are lo
Wtah'fo secure. We have (be fin-rl llii- «r ftmi luiplemeau ihere U
have them.
In any one eitabltahroent in Northern .MirblRtti. aod by selling tb-ni
for rath, we raa take adyantage of all the rash (IImsiudIs sod make
Coat leas than other klpds and
j-ou prire* that will asiontab you All
t'k 1* for you lo come to
accepted at par anywhere. They bavo
rey. Any
onr warehouse and look ever our good*.
a receipt stab like Post Office or
-ovlsioas or caab
Among eiher thing* weislab ’o call year S’lentloa to Steel
Expreas order*. Ask lor tVm when
ry acrepiable. Ice cream aad
WagOBA wiirh arr* perfeoil^r satisfactory lu every r-sp-cl They have
you are. tending away money.
be aerved. KveryoBe M coi
wood wheels, wood tongue, aod aood botes. olhersKe they afe^msde
dially Invited.
snUeely of steel ntnd we m ill *u»r*uiee them to carry a load of; HM«0
DoBt forget tbe Sunday aebeel <mteatloB at tv church on Saturday
lbs. wItbMt Injury to any part of tbesA
«vam U promised. *Bd u
Among other ttalng* we have are Spring Toota. Peg and War HirIs lUHMd (here will V a good al^ieadrowA Cultivator*. llowerA BeapevA Binder* and Il*y Rakes. We also
bare lb* best Hware Spreaders, that are oa tbe markri today.
A CMehan Paneloe.
When la Trevterse City, rail at our place of b^m^ Bay and
If he wouM have hts heqs look slick
I'nloa SI*. aad II Iw seed of anything Vfore. rorreipolia'a ltb UA We
aad tVIr tpaiher* smooth must give
alse carry a large line of repair* lor tbe tnarblnes' ae bsBdta.
(hem a toalc aad la HarroU t Conditloa Powders we have the heat one

■ . Very truly.
- Every lagredleat ha* bees
I tor It* raediclBal prepertle*
Vre b mbsolateiy ae waste la
— .^ickagA which ta full Wright Ob
T tv' A V t: R S E CITY




OMtatln tUi Ml 2,I7B

Deere’s Michigan Special
It WlU pay yoQ well locxaBtec Mhkow
cwetallyhelorehaylaoaBy other.
Sgcclel FcatBrce«~WrM«bi .stwJ Mnia Stomhitl.
High Csrboa »toet Bansi. Soft Contor Stool MoaUb(mi4.-<«M.
er U7«r will cnl glaM, Full Stoel Jointer KtaatJayd ■») Fbol
in oa* pteoe, Extra HM17 Jointer ClunpAoJ Block, Btool
Wheol StniuUn]. Lnnte Wheel. Long HabiUm WoUBnond,
Ohilled or Staei Undaide with AdJuauUe Shoe. IS. fit or U
ineb,' wide or narrow, plain or cuttw points.

W«koHiloac II yoa «• Bol buy • JoMi Deere

Farmer’s Supply Co.




---- ----- .


Kalkaska - 50c
Petoskey - $1.00


Sunday, May 23

strictly Confidential

r>i 4-iiii-rK Ii4(- a nxt" tn expet
•li»t tli.-ir ItaiikliiR liiiHin<-v( «J|1 im
U-aK d as njufideBtisl..
Tbt*. w« do, n?Ml «e *1.0 Bim In pro,lev-l lli-lr tnt-’iesl In -tny lenitimate




A little talk about Farm Imple­
ment buying for farmers

Bank Money Orders


John C Morgan Co.

E E MUIer. .


Tmerse CItjr. mm.

J1. U. Friedricb'$
Is tbe

Oxford Sforo





Pbr The Heenld.
Bany frleoda of C^rln^

of hU

death, whirb occ
Bub- im. WbUr It
been very UL yet the
Abwa coBe at■ - ‘
to many and
eaav tbe wboir
any la g1
Fltber baa beaa le of the Boat,
proalaant man of Ai Arbor, bavtog
tor roBBy yeaiu talu
pan Id mattera perululng le the
welfare of tae towsibtp. la tala <«•
BMWffOM-A. Tr%t7 U>. E. parity aa a public aervast be waa
found erriHeoi. capable, aad t
worthy; aatehful for the right* of
Other* and lakleg a deep loiereet le
all public Iniprovenient*. Tbe people
showed ibeir cOBfldeoee lo him l»
a f«
M Use
electiBg him lor twelve or Iblneea
yaara aupervleor of bla luwosblp. the
K.m—AM«*» bD ColIccUoM Bsa dutle* of which ofMce. be faUhtully
peHomied aad to the aaihlartloo of
bit con*lltueBl*.
He aerved lor
. .
aa Jutilce of the peaiv and• w a» alway* faJr-mladed and Ju*t la wbdi-


>M seekers way back la tbe inlcw
iw Mezlcau cart with rack on Bade
It of wood aMtie. 1 note by cwid st«bad that they clalB more tbaa one
hundred years have rolled . around
aiBce groasers cut It from the forest
and Bade a can of It. Baw a Igrge
elepbast made of Bagllsh wsluuia.
stood seven feet btgb. tbe produrt
Sen Diego connty, Csl Ws* out to I
Chute park, are miles from the ch. ,
there Is a large (healer camctied
wan-'-'tbl* park; alao swing*,
rlde>^ a.'kinds of rrlrestouieut booths su<i ctlilo
sisuds. In fan uiu*l everyihlui; u> gi t
your dimes and nickle*

anrund La* Angles, wbevw one eon
go and enjoy the pare Boontain sir.
One of lh»we. I* Alplnie Tav< m. oa
Mount Lowe, leacbed by electric and
Uiclinr foad: Wilson'* P«wk by I
trail Here there la a comforUblr
gslow eamp, where yoa will b«
(Otertalned at a reasonable rap
Strawberry valley, oa the mou:
lot^o Bfle above the sea. among tbc
I-Ine tree*, and many other place* or
li.terrM and |eCere»llou
Lo* Aageli-* of itself 1. a flne'ellv
o wee It s^. take tbe ohuervalMu
ir (or a SO-mll* trip through Ibe city ,
which tover. ewiy part o( tbe elty.
|«s*tiig Lhrough Cbiaaiown Tberr u
• guide ^tbe car io,|hiibi all place*
of liitereslland answer yoiir qiM>ilbi<*
eairriAlo oa the route.

Cawstun't Dsiilrh tarm is
tbi* park, where they keeji
on eahl
them 1
o.iiirh iy> sbbui'w"
> Au^le* has rbureb of most eva year The brsi 3o tggi
< rv deuraloalton—*ome very hue ed
c, after tbst they are ol no
I6ee* u.' wonthlp. I did UA attend
hatching. Mil are hlowa aad the.,
V* SI any of the rhurrhe>. s.-iii io
obeli* sold to loorisU and vlsliof*
> SalVation Army mciting* .eveiai
one dollar apiece; and
if one ge
lie* They sre doing * gieat woiv
cents, ^hl* 1* calli-d tbe Pssudel
l!v for the Ha»le:. le gt-mii- pw
broken they sell you the piece* for
• uaved ill the old (ashlOBcd wa.v.
ostrich farm osned py Mr. t'awsio
peniaDtc of >Ui and laith in ('bust
tbc 6rai man that made a sucos*
The Sabtmlh day ueie lu»t«
Ibe Osllllh feather bllrlue** n. .Ml>e
ing remembered u* a Holy <
c* klKt-awMon derlMw suuul
ade a bvliday
holiday dv >:
ih< ni-oonly
Ihousanir dollar, annually tioin tl
|H-ople. Rusloes* pti
of all kiuds
»*le of eggs and jiali fee. aloi-- Sa
;h. Si
upv'B on, tbe SauUail
the akcli-Kin jI-a ijrg~ whah-. laid
oe UNI i.-ei lung, weight i:.-- Uii

the arbool board of dl«havlag
tbe board for about twenty-five year*:
ibougb of late years he
b bad u'
dren of bU o*ii to atieod school, yet
he took a daep lotereal la ail educaUoaal Bstlec* and favored ever.v
Beaa* possible Tor IncreaalBg tbe facimica for tbe educailou of the young
T-S"';!!: wfSu
« ’■■"■e or >h.hio.,s. the em.
people In hi* community Sot ooly
The soveniirn-m baa pnirhased
b*t« I'oari for the foumj
' locel affalra wa* Mr. Pt>ber active
the skeleloii lor $l,t'“V. Il goes lo lh-,|lrai)d Ttaviyee:
U be look a proinlDenl part lo n
Smitheonlaii In-lliuli
at Wa.hllis i
•'< ■«
ra pertaining to tbe county, be
valuablc member of tbe board
codiily. on ihe :.iih
ipervlaon. He saa county surveyor
T a number of year* and was at dlf- and took your liit-ei
fert-M times a prominent candidate for
other offlre*. Rut not only as a pub­
lic official will he be missed, but a* •
bind friend and auommudallng iielgban l>- arki-d
bor Rverybody liked
palm tree.,
slicei*. IiDiil

er«ft« MBBtrr M^Ufot Will AtWn«
Un>«M tntwUlniMM »y Cr«fta■MflY Club.

ttorbert HonUfu^. fTBA4 oiBaur of
lb» MIcAlna HbmaIc lode* . I«n
tatey for Asn Arbor to attead
<ul«iie MioruiiiweBi tn be firm by
tbc CroftHMD club wbleb I* eo«»oced
cBllroly ol Unlvonlty ModeaU «tbo|
are Umou. DrlefaUOD. of Mi
froB Detnll, Qroad BopliU, KbIbidb■00 BDd other rliiea «11] Btteod ai
«il1 Blao BererBi (rohd BaBtcra from
ether BtBlBB.
praviiia for li«HM- u> x ll u> privaldllk* W,lle.. ►.le'ibL- jiiUrvsl or e*Hl .-Slate in
anil Dower gardili*
Thli- affair arlll be riry uaiqur.
favor for Ibosc who needed I
*1 aniund.
Sower* bIvNim
rwntlBS a MaMeli- lodge of ITS3, aU
make, ■mi- llihik >hev
r«YrB after the erCBBlalag of (hr arx and reads nympatby endeared blni
ruek Ibe jiaitulliu'of tins
Hus world.
reed kidie In UmuIou. At (hat (line, the many friend* (hsi he bad thnnii
VlHlIed the M>ldH-n>'home. Id iml<_»
out Ibe toonlry Ilia luotber. ai...
the rlty. renchi-d liy eh-.-lrn
a raodMale «UI be ralaed to ibe de­ aad children, and other relatives wfio
..............Ihinisuiid v«-leran* of the
gree of Baatar MawM, the one degree are left lo mourn bln loss have the
laded bli
in okc at that iIb* betag need. The syBPatby of all lo tbelr ben-nvrmrot.
cuataaea nil! be true to the tlise aa
ixicusite groups wuti Iheir ncbondil
. F. Bboar, •aoeh. Mich, writaa:
imd fioral wvalib. the model farm of iutejv^f nalil .-,1:".. Ill :o,ni
bTlI aa tbe nreBonW while the
I have naed yoi|r Knrvell'a. Condition
oreaea and proierilea will b* careful- Powders fur.over ten years, and have
It 1.- funhe: oiJi-iinI. I
tr reproduced flOB old prlata. IHc
liolio- lln-re,.t te- yiven 1
Jttb ceatniT lodge will Beet rrMay.
gfouiid*. make 1 one Ol the iiio*l d ti.m of a loi>y of ihi> .ird.-i
s. They alaaya bring l>ark Ibe ap- siralde placi-* to> viki
I. Tbe
The noHIci
le. Uy Btocfc show tbe'"^resu1U
lery he* ‘at tlie out edge of lie
be tJraiid T
feeding Haivell'a
' '
id*, at the (out oi tbc mountalo*.
per prfntie
. . -.1 to our poultry they
where there ha* liei.n Uid to r« -I I30i>
bwB troubled with (Aolere or ruupe betoca of war. waning (or the Paul
•rmd Travoioa OMrlet of the Wo and we get lou of eggi. Bold by 8. JS. roll call
Walt * Sosa and E. E..MlUer.
There are aa vera] mounialu rceoris
maab Mama Hiaalenary ffeelaty
wnil Moot.

FRKR—Thc use of 13 aerea « ymng
orebsriS Uad. good aolL leawd oa
a. three mil.'* from Travherv. Therv are eicursloDa eicry Sab­
y. Ooly reoulrcBcPt—caabath lu tbe beach. ballooB a»cwaaUi«i.
Isiijg BUicbe. and dancing al tbv
9 la prercBtlag tajury to tree*
fivm plowing aad culilvatlag
parks. Sunday, eveaiag thnlers. nsd
HcDdciwoa. llouacmaa Bldg, ilrand
Bee coat ahow. la the city.
Yc*. like every huge city. It \has
Rapid*. MicblgaaApr 1C Fu ll
moch win and wvkedBewa. and ntao
much wa«( and sorrow
Tuna »
Range » VV. Towuyhip
Old MUsluu. Mtcb
VL Caluo. Grand Traverse evAaty.
For particular* eddrras, Alice C
Aak for Atltrv^ Poot«aM.
Tower. Ovndi.oa. Mich*
Apr. JOTuea lo Hay «•

All Inieresird' in Ibe Dowas i-em^
rry are noilfi-d that '.he :.'>th day
f May ha* ^en >ei a>kdc for pr.^
paring lh<- o-nietery fiir Decoration
Uav. and a* ai*u> as can arc rcqucaisUeodsact
Prcwidi n; .
luauviwl Sccretaiy.

• Young' Cirit Aro Vietlma
uf bcadaib. . as well a. older wumep.
bul all gel ifUiek lelief and prompt'
- from l>r King * \cv Life Pills,
world-. br.T r.-aj.-d,> for *l<i and
lii-rvou* beadsebe*
They niake pure
blwid, and strong nerve, and build up
vuur health Try them 2ii at S EWult df Son-..-1-. A. Rusbvv Drug I'u.
ittoab C: Lay
. ,




1 gorlnlkntB mnd Children.

iThe Kind You Have
Always Bonghi

> aie all large an
•1} upholsten-d
Mlaa Helen Oabone of AUea baae' have teen a*' many as :s cars lim
slTi<rt euily In the mor:
Sian out la dIBereui di­
grade eierciact wbicb weiw bcM at
(he ehnrdt that evoaSog.
1 one
Inlercstlng places
IL Is WHaoB sold hif driver to visited
Ddvb Hoekla one day this week.
mineral, forestA few fioB thIa place attuaded tho n and
veceubic. also Indbiti c
(warn] aorvioi* which were beld (or nlcDSIls asd luiplcmcnls used b>
Oa Thompaoh Thuday mom:
O. B. Sackett of Bellatro
with hla daagbter. Hiw. C G. Baraea
lor a lew days thta'week.
- Jamea RoblaaoB aad wife left Thors
day tar a (ow daya’ vkU at Traveno
A sclciullir prescription fur dispep
pul up In small Ubiol form and
Mra. A. K. Whraer was called to called
Mi-o-na It making ihcussndTiwvwim CHy Wod)tah«ay by tbc III- of cult* and lasting cures Itaroughuul
B60B ft bar Bother, Hra. Ucotga U
There Is no atoiaacb disease leven
of the ate
Is H. Oaboraa c«bo aear lotlag bit catarrh
guaraaiecd lo cure, and 8 E
hoMe by ffto Tbwaday. a apark from 8ona have «o much taKb la Ml-o-na
hla ahlagto pull caMitag la tbe roof lor stomacb diaorders of a I binds
H havlag a good utait belore U wm lhal they -will refund your money il il
BOUcod by aoate aetgbbora.
Ui-e-aa. the laultlew prescripilon.
VtftoM popUf took the eighth grade •tops oour Btomacb. belphing of gas.
dlmieas after eating, heanbum. bllWfiia^lno here tast week, O
BtWB aad aervo..................
Oakdb «( Bttae, hartag charge.
Is areR werib a trial by aey lewd­
Iwwto Hockka baa boe^t
er of tbe Eveniag Recent who suffera
asrad o«to tha taTB recwtly owned Irea any etomach dlitnrbaace. It coat only give
Iff w. u aobbdu.
roUet but that oe u ue stomach ao
Mtaa'XWy BM^rldge la apeadtag bwaencially
a ebon time the
Ole woak wnh her eonala. UUa OUdyi flabby, tired fMt wa
•r tbe stomach
TogMn tbeir strength and activity
Rom WeahR « AhgMI to gpeadlag Try Mltsaa ter • week: Bisery
change to bappiaewa; despair lo
tha weak with bla stotw, Hra. LsMer will
hope. duU eyi-* lo bright and you will
roursMt waader why y-ou auffered so
bag wkb such a reBarkBble prewrip
' Oaotgu OdeB had a


Bears the

Card a( Tbonka.
We artih ID eapTM our tbaaka lo
w triewda aad aetgbbora aim «. kind
Ir eBliiud as dariag the illaeat uid
Mh H ear bstaved wife aad moth
er^^^Ate tor the bcaatiful floral «(-

Hay SMt


toOOtoKS RARNARD. ' Can* catarrii or aueey back. Jam
hnalbeltia. t)aBr<h>teontflt.iartmUiag
ialuat«*L KzUalMttk<s30u Ovugsisla |






(few HuasoB Btk.
(hUieai trk-pho)
Ideacc. «*?.
Aak to b* directed to Hi d

Itarphani. d'-.v>**cd

Foote GCoddington


TYm-eUla Inlay*.
ValBitws esmeUt
Sirong eat .. nppeortag
ahd ooeg
-e-t ariiftrial teeth.
Make appolattMto


Apr. 3i>- -Way T »l 21 rs

* at Phone 1141

F-r*d B. F-ad»rspi«l


Farms and Qly Property

have contracted with one _ot the
Urgest wool mills in the.east for 140.000 pound* of Michigan Fleece Wool,
mua^purchaee the wed to deliver.
1 em willing to pay the full outmariirl. Don't sell or ceniraet
your wool to anybody olte until you
get my price. AIee,s| have ehipped
from the wool milj enough wool twine
furnish all my customcra free of
charge, at te save using bindlng-twIne
or any ether kind which eheuid damthe we^. Ficaae call far it whenyou ore ready.

For Over
Thirfy Years

Boailil. sol* a*d ,xcSuae4
Room 1-4 MagegtU- Bldg., TnTeno City, Mich.

Your Fruit Trees
Probably you ioteod too. If so. we are interesied.
We have the very best Blue Vitriol, anenste of lead.
Parit G-ee-i, etc, that we can buy. You wilt not be
dissappoimed in results if you purchase Spraying Mat­


Cilz. Phone 481. BellPInine 130


^Mcasioria w

SelcBlUlc Hair
Dressittg In the
Beauty Parlor, all
tbe new styles.



We Have Time to Sell


.See tbo wiailow vliaplHf of clot-Ka. bavioi* a ■pei.-ittl sale (or thia wo'k. Never bail a liettor
fhaoce to get a t^ood tiuiv'-pici'c than Dnw. Tlie AUtifDaiini; Clock fur 11.10. the Bronae
Clock for tl
and the -\tnorican for THo. Don't be late when you can gel a -wakt; tip" for
Ibcao pfioea.

Don’t buy OLD SUITS
when you can buy
NEW ones

Special Hal ^ie lor Saturday
lo tbe Milliaery Division—new triiitmul li«l*. all the laUet
with ribboQi. othera with fancy feathera bipI the |iri<rs will
ri-ii'a hnta, aome Hn- plain, eome urelrimuitsl witliBaaheo. others witli flowers ami llitee pricee
will be from tl U) and up.

Don't let the big ads. fool
* you. When you want,
a Suit


Did You Buy Those "Six Sox”

They are ttie buet tliitl we bave ever bml lo offer, tb<fy are |DianwWN*l for six mootba. and yog
oan hare either th^ black or tbe tau. and the price la only $! .:!-'( fur the aig "Keep
the tag and save yodr money,"


Eat al iile^ounMn

Something New,


Sometbing good every day, the cooking is good an'l>)Lhe new- things for susimer 'Irinkine, la
being aerveil every day. Another supply cf Graud Traveme Fruit that wu aorve in all (be
Somlaiea. ll is tbe beet in the world, ao aay all wbp have cveMriud them in all (becitica
'This fmit-takea the lead."


Full Lined. .
We have a Full Line.

Frank A. Kafka

• f

Twine tor tying wmI
tree lo our cnstonBera.

Faulllcss Prescription


oaU J

Wc arc In a posllloR
lo nay kigbest morkcl
■rice tor any quantity.
6cl our prices before

, _ llfemla.

ImuT****^ «

Juilge of Iholat.may ll ri-l’;. juu«- m

C:*ii.l Traver*.-




Exrrolor* ol the last Will and TewUmect of Ik-lia S Tucker. dri-caaed.'\
Atloraey tor Moiigage.-. FllaL Mich,
pr :Sf-ndavr lo July Ig

iU:- v::i u w..t-r.


Old HUalon. Uny 17.—Um
, U a dt
ity .
Dd: It hes
klMaloDtry aoclgty of the Meib-1
bondred .
rb. In I
..u be
s.. bald »U“ •*« ®f i»>e
odfa: BpUoophl cbtticta wiu
OB Angoleat valley nearly ■
to tbe rint ^ortb u Kalkaska to- :«d by Ibe BouBtaloa; on Ha street*
■MTgw aA rHdty; the seaalOM opan you Beet wltb people from mod
vMMOwew atlmocB aad close Friday cry .pan -of tbe world, tbc Japs
Cblnatnrn arc heit-. engaxed In n
every kind of b«|»incw. Many ol
___ A very laterestlag progran
haa rMtauranlH aro conducted by slapa.
boaa iHopared among tbc apeakera bo- and Dearly all have Japanese rvvoks
wallrewsM, in fact they a«-ein
^ tbe B«v. A. T. FerguaoB of IbU
be adapted to the restaurant bu
£tty. Mrm 9«Bmra or thia eUr la iw neaa. They arc Deal In dren* and vv
------------■•nllBg and
you wUh a cold
. dlatriet a«cre-|ready
y time between 7
B and ID p. a.^
fry part of the elfy, l.
oadway. I rould get a Beal for
36 cents They nerve mem* of nil
kinda. Bab, fowl and game: there are
great maay Runalans aad Turk*
here, and alao Bobeaiaus. Iiallans,
Spaalsb. Hextcaas and lodlans
EeamdiDJ«lcb.lAay ll.-W’lfbur Uoi- negroet One pleasing feature ol
iQabeok. left tor HanUviUe Moaday. city la it* bMUllful parka with tbeir
-~ecs, and cool sparkilua
afbere he will take charge of a ere«B-i i^ady iialm trees,
fouoUln* and tbelr Itn.________
der the palm or ecalyplus
lus ti
• Stafford c Mhoae Saturday
. «lt down and cool off
rest a* long at you like, tor you *1
shade alter yu
' QnlU aa Mdtlag ball
tor a
■toyed bm Saturday boiwuen Rapid bour or two, even If It U Februai^’.
Ctty and Kewadla, 6 to • la toror dt
Lo* ABgcles baa the bi'*> street ni
BapM City.
service ol any city I was ever In. Vo
r on RroadWin Habben moved oa to bla taib- ean Uke tbe clectr
ol Spring aitwei. lo i
er-t tara at North IHUon. ibU week. way
part of the city. They alto m
<*arloa Aaderton aad Mick Bacbi all
i„ the
,he laige
park, ai other places
Pf Rugg wore at borne over Buaday. I of interest Bve and sii miles out.
Bgto Paaeoa left Tuesday lor a vtaK lArge motor cars run to the oceau

Delaalt hav'lag bora made la the
cowdltlaa* of a moruagr. made mR
exMoted by Harila aad Sadie Brown
to Delta 8 Tucker (now decoaaed) M
n lien upou tbe aauthwewi ouarter «
(he amilhweet .guarter ol aoetton
mteen ilel. lewnshtp tweaty-sU (8ff>
Dortb. rwage tea <I6) west. Batad
January ». IPu;, retorded In «*Ww o(
Register of Deeds of Otaad Travofao
COUBI), Michigan. Jaasary IJ, iggt. tn

4i ol mortgages, oa pago 463.
... aald mortgage win be foraehBeJ
by -a sale of the above .deocriM
premiaea. al (runt door of the Cknirt
House. B the city of Trarerao C^.
QTATff OF MICHIGAN. THff FRO- Michigan, a; two o'clock p. a.
JULY 17, ttOR
hat* Court (or the County of
Grand Tra.erw.
for one huadred aeveaD-ffve aad
lu the ma ter id ;he «uie wf Vlar- :ai«K> (31Te38) dollars, tbe SBOUK
u»« A NitbuU.-. df-«-.-*--4
' .iBicd 10 be due .at thb date. tO:ber uRh eleteii aad 47-Ii>u «tll 47)
NiKler i. heu-bv g.v'U Ihat (our
lUr* fur tase* paid MLyaid pceBlaod
oioiith* tiMiu ih.- nih dav ot May.
i iBlerest thereon, with Iftereot «• ,
A D. 1»C!'. have tM-eli aiUiWcl 'ur
■ whole amount from ihi* dale at
rredttorv lu prv-wat
ih-'ir clami*
agaiQvi said dvteased to sa'id i-uun *eee*-per cent, per annuB. aad larludlor eaaDmiatioa and adjut'.ineiil. aud ing tbc coats aad eapeaae* allowed bj
that ail iT.-dllor. .'I said d'-.vaaed are la*.
rewulfi-d lo p.T.eni iheir elai!U» lo»*ld
Dated April i:.. A D 1909.
a- the p-iiSiair ollii-v- tn Ike
lAM'lS G WIUJ80S-,

Bny the rtew mapasinm.
Buy a good book for 17o.
Buy a-yard (or more) of good calico
for -X a yard.
Bny a box of fine candy at Ibe Fountain for Kki.


DecorattoB Day eomtag OR Svaday this yfear, 11 has been decided Ibat
Modday be the L&al HoUdar, lor ttai rcasM ««r store wUI
be doMd aU that day. May SlsL



Grand Traverse Region
Odp d*r Ibl* wcAk ilw rhIMrpB of
Mr. and Met. John N. <-<wnadr n~
<1 at one lime or aaotber bat {>n-n crlred a fttai lurpiitA. in tb* B>on>.
I brer]' Hale In Ibe anola.
Cv«7 '•Mfc tltriMlWlMI H
lac Mr. OourtAdA went lu Tr»wr»«K. A. UUIe wbo waa •ertouaty in- CKr aad ordered one or Ibc )nwi
Mtvad «M
t* M. All CMfMt .
•Mt MMI rMC*>
N»r«M afflM M«
itM la the niaavay mlaup on Proet n^kra of■ nianoA
lo br
br deliver*

rtel i. tardi, able lo br aboul.
one pnar.i
r. n. PVAcrapiel. tbe batlllna real Mrm. Courlade tumaased i
th»ln lA. tMy mtf **
Uut It n.lA(e dealer of TraviTar City wa*
here owe day la*l work looklna.ur
rarwt* for preapreilvc buyrra and we ed It I* urmreentary lo aUU- tbai ibc
aurvrlae'waa a ba{>p> oac.

May 18.
«»», Al^ iln K UtA-rM.7
Ed lAiary of Gaylord. Mirb., 1. ibc
toM a m«
uaat of Mra. {xiwry'a parent*. Mr.
MV* ttorah lua W-AO toHlrr ■! (bts
aad Mr*. David Cra.
BervParker had Ibe mlefortune lo
Ou. DomlBc a bo wa> in Die Grand krae bi^nrae, thi* I* lbi< aeeond nne.
«1tb M>» *ArA*
<« ftWAf Ibc Trarerac lioapital for nine an-ka after IbU winter.
an operation
for appendIcItU. baa
Ml** Leah Brown *a. a ealk-i' IB
Dh. A
ABtobrr •••n- pmrat,
. WrUlB«lu<> ItovIlY bouM- And til It* Coae to Ann-Ar,bor for (urtbor Ural- Kalkaska Saturdav artemoun.
Hr. and Mr*, prank Eiieorn were la
««■(««(* bnre<d to tbr roOBd IM meat.
waller Plecer loaded a ear with |iO- South Boardman Saturday alteraoon.
TtfUy bbool 4 o'ttot* lb ibe fvenlaioea ai tbe warcbouAO at On
Mra. William Davl* ri*ll<
lU r»uw uDkBoaB.
Mr* Jutt% rvntoil tat bivB ttcfc lor Head.
Machinery In the Kelley Lumlicr A
tta pa>t IvB dv».
•. Wrd Shlngk- (OBipnay e mill aaa damaged
Don in Or. And Mr.
and Ibe mill wa* that do«a lor a lew er. Mynle. a...................
■TAdai ttmlBC- a sH
Ftrmn* trv morn iban hurrylns In daya for rcpilta. Tbr plain la now
on RyeksiBD Priday.
•H IbAir ptowlSf ADd-owlai: toBA.
ninnlng full blan. mchi and day.
Mr*. J. D Drown
Mr- and Jlrt.' A. Perk w«i» bappll)'
Ulaa Uuir Curtl* U helping \
Seymour Ryekio a yl.lled bl* *
•vrtMltAd lAM Wtdl
In Uip boarding i»utc .
Mra, C W SI Twood of Jvalki
few old fi
amtnd ibem
Prank Mahaa baa gone l
Duluib. k* over Sunday
I IbelV Ik
birthLouis. Atkin* was al the
day. A very plnaani ew-nlng «a*
Dell Rice hae traded bit forty for a seat on bu«lnc** Saiuiday. Prunk Bur.
her l» helping George Ryeknian build
apeel arttb plenty ol nu«le l«lb vocal forty near Long Lake.
aad iDBiraaieatai uotll near mldalcbi.
John Ueier of Acme U In the nclsh- fence tbese days George U always
-when refrr.hiDeBtd weic aerved. All bortond vlih bl. wood .tawing ina- tmpruvlDg hi* place.
Harry GcTTliig i
reiaraed to tbeir boBca feeling ttkal thlnr^ lie ba* guile a few )obi on
Jamea Hykman* Se urflay
tta erealag waa wyll apenl.
Miaa noatle ConicII died a) her I Mr and Mra. Ear! Ubgwonhy of
tome Ian Fatarday moraine. Heart'Acme «cie
leie the cu
>-».<k fur a few day* Clly
and Mra. Cieotge Wl
UMblc waa tbe
Mr and Mra Ralph Palteisou
Mr. aad
Idee a
Angiik porten baa parebaaed a farm
d Mr*
Mr*. Walt Braeebrii
daugnur vulled hi* mother,
children were tbr gne»lt of Mr. a
near Wtlliamehurg.
Mrm. Oliver Bartley Bnnday
Arthur Vetenaa of Traverae City Kate Pattcraon of lixwUlor over
Mlaa Beaale Davl* called
hat told bli rann.lo Jane* Callly af
]on wax In Soul.,
Jeaale Hcwla Soaday.
Ttavet*e Oily.
evening, t^atcr
Mr. and Ura. A. II. Curtl* of Tra>Mlaa Maud BaMwIa apet
treaaurer vlalled n-lall*
rrae City drove oul lo tbel( fprm Suadaya ai hame laat week.
in Ea*l Ikiardbian over Si---Mra. Phil Kellogg taa 1
of her
Mr*. Lake 1* alck artbe
We are proud of our new Indiana
' OoaJy HI Ibe paat week.
Mr*. Colfom'*.
Tbe yemag peoiile of W
■ad Oblo Bcigbbora They hnatle and
South DoardWaUer Alklns waa i
arc going i<* be Ibe maker* of aomc
mao Monday.
uf Ibe find farma in the town.
John Wood wa* ai South Doardmai
All report a good CInre-al tbe dance
Saturday evening at Oeorge Ponon’*. Monday.
Mr*. Mypoii Siulih and daughte
George Waid of Traverae City ha*
purchated a lony ol John Chandler. Hazel were |n Soutb Boardiftan Satin
Arthur Dmulac baa built a near
L>b Hell and wife were al Ihe iviut
bouee on hi* forty.
Mr. and Mr*. Albert Courlade at-' ly seat Saturday,
Darid Vader wa* helping Charlie
tended lh<- funeral of Cbarlea Garland
Cbarlea l-eboU of Traverae City ba* Ty lor a f< w day* lk*I w.-ek.
■■o tot South Oakou wnh the lalenClarence Ryckman and-wife vlalled
decided to pUee on the market hia
hue renort property wblcb run* a mile bl* rou*ln Allen Ryekniau Sunday.
The ashing party of Oliver Mar’.
die cUtoate there. He aaya almoat <-r. long on Ibe ahore of Bud lUy . tn-iog
•7body out there wanta to »ell ouL <mly Sve mile* (mu Traverae Clly. AVelllnglou Kyi-kluab. Wllllalb Uutler.


•luj be


You Can’t Afford

Eva Barney Went to Kalkaska Mon­
day. where ah<- will be employed by
Mr*. .Dean Ixwl*.
and Mia. Jame* iI«ni|P>mery
lUily rl*ltrd Wellington Ry\-k-

Some Alcohol Questions
b alcohol a Ionic? No! Does H make the btood pore?
No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! b Ayer’s
Sarsaparilh a tonic? Yes! Ones II make the blood pure?
Yes! Does ll strengthen the nerves? Yes! Uiltteonly
Sarsaparilla entirely free from akohol? Yes! Ask your
doctocabool this noiKilcoholic medicine. II he approves,
your confidence »tU be complele.

Mr Wiboi «tll I
hi* AfM-ning
In hi- confeellbnery
le this even.bk al Will JVC* are on ib. ijig dudgiiii; ly !a»t yciW. ll
ll* week.
Tb.- «uit.**io«
Hugta>l*udki called on L .\i.
heel III the t ougn-galtonal i-hnroh.
kins Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Elme. WbUr * wen id
uardniaa a day lasl^eek.
Win Davl* wa* In Sooth Bourdmin

• of Caller
d, Uinv laxi utgh!
-11* ciiloyed
I’-vyne l» working lor

* M*eK**lU^rEly wa* In' Kulka»ka

ThJ^MWK.U'.Lv. Short--r. Ella a
IxKtIr Swan ol Tiav...*,- n;> vuit
Urv. I) t: S.iciri.T Sandv
Ml** 10:kii)I-*ixu> and Mi* A
Wyukoop vM
trl.-nd. BatiiiiU}
lilgbl in Travel> G Shurler wa* In HoRur
ine». Monday.
Viovd Toa*ley. Gimge iiiid Harry
Hlul-, of Lake .tnu, oTiendMl ybe
hboa bore li*t iiigbl
Frank Harvev has n-turned Iivin
eyvllle.-Mieh, where be "work.-vl
itany a Teavaraa City flaadcr
Mr Iv.-* ill (amp.
Knewa Too Well.
lii.Trav.->1 ib<’ kidm-y* arr ibk.
• fliy viMi.-d tbeir daughi.-r. Mr*, luoiber.
;iir.- tell* y-on all alwul It
F.v..ik!,. her and f—lly have
- itriln- 1* nature"* i-alendar
Mr and Mr* Warei-n \V»I o: Tiav
rr-<liieni!y «ii too freguent arikui:
*e t ley
'.heir danghti". Mrl”'ilru« lia-‘lH”n\l.mwi Mra.
> urinary tniuble' tell* ot kid.
nir-r Skiuri -ciil family. Siind*.'. -

r.'0*^Smitli «B* u rulier 1» Board- ' The ^o»iiy friend* of Wllllin. Mar*h.ill- .11! be glad 10 learn he ,.
in line day w-e^ k
. abowei ui l«BUli(uI |»*l lard* peeving Irreii hi* -eriou* ilTb.-*-.
to Alice Hall Mav It.

. glvea It
ontgomery vl*Heil her
Allen Ryekermaodaug)iP
Mr* Cbarle* MeNalr wa* ul Grant
WonseyV Saiiirday


I Mr*. Shafter's I.
llaiu Dirk jr.
man Friday evening.

5li** Giriii MoiioB wa* -iiipri-ril

<• pf h
pareiH*. .Mr. and Mr* JolitiI Hollo
Tbe eveuliig aa* «)h-ii; hi placing “^kvaji * KIdiu-y IhU* rare all kidney
game*, and b.-for<- ihe'happy paiiy
parieil, alee rufi••»hiiii-iiu *.n* nerviHl
Trav.-rw fl>v people t.-*llty to !hl*
All bad a nm*t en>o.vHhb-tluxEdgar Onii-by. relin-d farmer. Trav.
Mlssew Clara Holiou and (la) a erxe <"iiy. Muh . »ay*: '•'For yi-arv 1
llarib alteiid.ri ih- l-aibeis' a*»«.la- w«* Iroubleul *llh weak kidney*, the
iion al Norjfa Port Ia»l Friday
*eer>-liunr Iselng ItHed « llb a »eilinient
and dlber»l*e unnatural
I also had
The dance given al KiU-bu-k'* U>i *i-vere pain* In the small ol my bark
sutiv*-. Whib- luklng shout lor a <-uiv. an ae.
Everybody r.'pori.-d a Pood tmie
ilUAliilalM-' advl-ed.uie to u-i- Ihsuii'*
Atid I rmnired a hi
Tom Kropa had a liam-ralsliig be- Kidii.-y
liM Tbur-day: Evi-ryihiiig went miv HI the Wall Hnig t'o
i hiul taki
••.•—till John Garthe ulid- new iir- ■ belli hut a 1i<* itfr-ek* When I *i
'entirely eur-d. A* I look Uci tilfai
Ml*"*Aiina l-ar*on t-Hlk-dJn Irlerid•nied.v 1 owe niy eurv- i
in GilH’i.Pler Jaal Siimlav
- Iney- PHI*."
Mr John llollon and mi
bv all dealer*
Sutldb Bay c-aller* Iasi 1
-viei-Mllburu f.
Mr* George Peler*.U a lUlle>.-ller
sole ageut* fur tb- Lulled
at prexi-nt.
Word ba* lueii n-n-lved le-re lliiii
llen«Hul*T the
riiarle* Taylor of Nurib Poi* dinl la*i lake in other

1 mt.. til- bone, vaeated by llnpiw-r


ivtld for
pureliaxed a

Ttionu* liinuk*. who ha* tawn
xatylng .with her daughter at -Kiiig*ley over winter. Is rt*l:ing with her
"anghter here. Mr*. Glen Brugh
Ed Ne*»e/i reluru'.d !o Kaipirv-

iosUlK-d and tbf I

How’s This?
WaHfar Oa* Haadrrd tMlnr* Sewart fw
anv ea« oftMUrrh that osoaMto ear«d by


Ray. Hazel alia
i»al*y Biiigli. ol
Edgewood, are -pending a f- w slay*
with tbeir brother and *i*ier. Glen
Bnteh and Mr*. Harry P.-nlogill. ol
IhU plade. - •
K-'V lia-kili* dill not pre.vib
I Snnd.iy nioniiug. r< rliap- In
rii'lalnivl by the illue— of hb- -ini.
May IT.

*y for th* Isjn A yum. a»d
MsdBBvaeuU; st£ hnaa^'aalaar t*Ugw
Waloiso Kiiiba
B*n'n>?*t*rrfe<.ar*UMana InveenaPy. aeunu


*tly to Norlhern Mlcblgon’s great stores*
If yoo’ll loin the Immense crowds ol economical bayers, i
looking, selecting and baying. Here yoa’U find an extraordinary large variety ol all kinds ol dependable
floor covers, conveniently arranged for yonr careful Inspection., and al low prtces—sneb as cannot fall to
please tbe most^ndent bnyers. The ever increasing demand lor these celebrated carpets, mgs, llnoleams,
etc, has compelled os to enlarge onr carpel department and- make room lor the largest and most complete,
stock ever before on onr floors. Come here and see tor yonrsell. Sec how much yon can save on a Kng,
Carpet or what ever yon want to pot on yonr floors. Yon can have the most liberal credit ever given by
any cohemi, by simply asking lor IL

to get along without a good Relrigerator or Ice Chest, and a good Oil or Gas­
oline Stove this summer. They will pay for themselves this season.

U trlfliog, when compared witb the amount it will save ycu in
a single season. An extra large purchase of the famous Yukon
refrigerators enables us to sell them at a lower price thao ever
before. These refrigerators make ice last lunger, and keeps
your provisioQs fresher and longer than many refrigerators
which cost more, as well as being a beautiful piece ol forqj^turc
f for tbe bone.

$6.50 up to $25.00
Parlor Saits and Couches
We are DOW offering'some marvelous values in I’arlur Mills
aod Couches, and if you haven't one iu'your home you wilioever find a better time to buy than right now. Qur new <pring
line is here in Us bewildering beauty, and includes everything
made in this class of furniture. .\Uo Bed Davrnpurts. bed*
couches, divans, etc, from

Oiu- liberal credit system makes
our goods easy to pay for.


You Can Save Money
on Carpets Rugs

The Cost of a Good Refrig­

$5.00 to $45.00.

a Well kiiouti ind rvwpecti
bli uiaiiy iTii'iiiU am pained to learn
of *11* lb j.h
Mr and Mr* John Anderaon spent
Sunday mllb K Ob-ur.d raiiilly
A great .uniriki- w. -i; through tbe
IH .gbl>»rbui«l »h. n won! • t» r-.wlred
Ibe drwih of f. E. P|*bi-r. formerly
” M^^^hV'spent Soaday at home
Mr. Phto-r ha* njany
-Tba Afhool of doArin No I
wi ni of GlTB Arbor
Trii^dt hive who ate gr^-y<-d to hrwr
ler aibutiut Kridav aflrmooB.
Horn, to Mr and Mt*. Grant Won
May IS.
*4.ya. May 15, a t:-ponnd girl
col the bah. a cond ratrh was made.
Bari McNair, who li emiHovfd at
Dorthy'a of RarCrld *l>coi Sunday
aiih hl»^^IeDt». Mr and Mra Cha».
Mr.Vair*. i
vivltrd Mr.. Ally

When You Begin
your first thought is how much will my furniture cost, anil
where can 1 buy the most and the best for the least money.
Wc have been furnishihg homes now for over twenty-live years
and we make outfitting our specialty. Wc can save ynu at
least one-third on your furniture and staves, liccause our long
rxpcrience has taught us where to buy ihe best for the least .
money, and as we buy for,our three large stores, instead of one,
we secure immense qiiaotity discounts andthercforc give you
a lower price than is pussikle elsewhere. Don't buy one single
thing for the home without first coming herr and see fur youi^
self, that what wc tell you are facts which are wholly beyo^n^
dispute, There is no credit system in cxistc^ncc which-is more
liberal than ours. ,

J. W. Slater's
Reliable Stores

Those Wonderful Oil Cook
will save you twice their cost in one season: they are rightly
named New IVrfccsion blue flame oil cook stove. They arc
guaranteed not to smoke or give olT any tensive oders. They
will cook and bake perfectly: save half your fuel now used with
your wood stove, and they don't heat your kitchen either.
Wc have mauy different sires and stples and also Quick
Meal gasoline stoves and ranges up from

$3.50 to $35.00.
Dishes and Cooking Utensils
Vo^ will find everything here for the kitchen m granite,
tin, enamled and nickled ware Our new Dinner sets "are here,
prettily arranged for your most critical inspection. We've some
surprising values to show you in wash tubs, boilers and w ringer*
as well as everything that makes an" ideal kitchen aod wash
day a day of pleasure. Hundreds of bargains in odd .dishes

Ic to 16c each
Our low prices maKe our
goods easy to buy.



The Gnat
Spread for Vread /

Use It instead
mnead ot
©*. other sweets: )you*!! enjoy
tfaa flavor and be benefited by its purity.
fttW h a tweet with a fo^ value.

.marlal toads to I.e1and 1
John Itoaaedy
Traeerae iniy
Praak Htob
Tba Itodlea- AM will meet fbis 1
Tbarsday *ttk Mra A. E Bllllnt
A H. Plaker went «o Lelaad B
day wiife a toad ef lomber.
Jacob Harvey went to Oleg Arbor'
Toesdav to attend tbr funeral of (bas
A. Plsher.
Dorothy Plaher went to Omraa Prlday.
Uay 1

ly enjoyed by the children when ll
leather treated th«‘m
1.-. cm
with tbefr dinner.
A piugrxui t
-ndercil la ibe sfteruouu. A BI
•r of tbe dbtrtrd were present 1
enjoyed II.


We are all glad otihsi
. Karl Gray drove 10
last Wednesdnj to do
. Well* ». building s -railroad
and egpeei* 10 be able to ,b*ul

lag In honoepf hi* nuh I ic.iday 1
to uork 01
evening sai ver} pleMntl) spe.nt
pUyiiig gi<p>t< A >upp-i of cake 1
coffee wCs served, s.':
r. who *
went home, glad Ifaai Will h,d'a
moi^a. U ronieshsi -itnprpv*^.
lere W's* a good *'
are being
I fa Siiuday eveniog.
........................ 1) at the DiM-i
U S V. ladle* tun -wi . Mr*
Capt. yf. P. Robertaoo
-k'. and fujoved a sotlai aflerornlng on the car feny for UaaltoFr^d*-.
.VtT*. Babcock -TVed
oc. WIs., trnere be will lake charge
fine lunth sort ,aer>hody b«d a
I the new Bieamer. rolled Stales.
eighth grade exaininalloo wasj'"'.'; '''’J' ...
Id Pitlr4i la (oamlsaton lor tbe sea. dl.tri« NO 2 under the dire.-l
**• a valt.-r heic
>n'a ruD>^be rolled Bialea U one of

finest boats on the Uke., It l» ill
and to the top pupil*
feet long. 40 foot beam
ure ss feet. Bbe tended.
of tbe bridge wiirm
Wmic Ihsoii is a very proud l*i>
most complete
Is equipped wUb I
Ireieos telegraph
a|t|isralus and After gelling hlS- retnrii* fioin e),,.
eighth grade eiamluallon be found he
IreleM (elepbone.
.* OUl.t 13 tea.
lisd passed
Mrs. Uurphv and niece relamcj to
hard work at >
ravwrae CIty'lhis morning after hav­
ing tpent the paM few davs wlib Mr.
given at
Tbe surprise parly tb
and Mrs. Cbaa Vi'estoo and family.
tbe httnie of Mr..and Ml
1-St rick-

f^’m .t'"di&';r«’,*

AlTiB 8bvp •» la Boortfisi

l«m MaH it •mpiart* br
Ura. Ckarh > Mc.Nalr >1
« PtaUbor. *
t HaU'sad «

' t
' ^

«n boaiatM Taaadar.
Hari7 Rrrkmaa ia iha ovaar of
naa BOW Uo-ela.
OHban Wouaar it ifea owaar at

p. Robcrlhcn last Tuesday
a. After the re|«rt Of the
work, the following officer* w< r
1 lor the ensuing year:
tor. Ura. Uay I'rexoU. aad els graad.
Pi^sldeni—Mrs .1 F. Uallhc.
fblldren. He also leaves an aged
Vice presIdeni-.Uis. W. P. I
nwUier aad one bitnber. P. B. Plaber,
ond a larte circle of (rirndi to louurti
ikeir loae. a* was evidenced by ibe
■rent Dsmber If people ibat came lu
S elected
Vi P.
pay retpect and lake a tost look aic^^

and .........................
s. O. H _
. . .alteriheir friend, and by ibe tears ibai I;' 7V,!
slate Federation
d the‘ slat
.ed down Ibe cbeel
o Iw held at HllleWoman'* rlnho to
Octolter. The club udjourfiI (be family fed grateful'to
Aral Tuesday In *
rondored aastslance aad (or 1*'
e Clult
r. B. Kehl. The

BaU waa a eallar I
Bugene Flsbey. wbo bat beeB>-very
Boaraman Tuaa4ar.
M. name icG for Unslng I
TheiDaa Hall aad tonlUr rliKcd Uirlr grant aufferer. with an awful Moo on
daaaUar. Ura. William Bultor B«4 taai- ' - Hffat bond. Ibe iwelllag going to morning.
Uaraiou Johnston spent the,dry
elbow. Is gdling belter, since' it
»r, Baadsy.
Tba torman ta tbhi vtciolty art- vary baa been lanred ou bla thumb, band
llowar.l ^-ck of I
biwy aeiilBg In tbair rroi«.
sad arm.
gtiests or Ml*. Bdns Kelsey.
nay I
liarry Hycknan callad an hh atalar
H. U -FISKBii.

- Hapli
,rDnsl* Rradley
of- Grand
Ura. .Janaa
Uoattomarr. Tuaadar
few days
evening to spend a few
'Xr^ijaorta Tltompna and tomHr
Man' leorto visited I
J. Spangle Telurned'thl*
atsMoe Jatoot Hyc^unau aadJ.jtV urday afteruoou.
Biwrn Taradar.
' The Misses Bmllb sad Downer «
spent ihe pnM week.
Mra. Jaaa gmHb riaKad ai Jai
Weiford and Buckley callera W*di
Mrs. Ralph Robertson nnd baby of
■yekmaa'a «aa day laat <ra«b.
Grand Haven arrived Satiiniay ryen& B. Brown wta la guutb Boardi
idia IJeeker Is at Ponono eat
> siM-nil a feu day*, the gur*ls of
for her motber, who Is sick.
md Mis. A H. Mlllken,
Wal^e/'RyrkaiaB araa sl 8«ul
Nettle Forward ol Buckley Is apeadJnyni and daughter Hattie of
Omena aiiended tbe learheia' InnlUr. sad Ura. Oaorir Puffer was i
ite and reeepllon.
BaMk Baardmtn Taaeday a«Mla(
gaalaed at ike Rraagellral ebureh tbis
Q. Me**etink of Ilig Rapids deliver­
- Un> Arrh Woaaay vaa a rallar i
very Intrreaiing Wltire om
Qraat WaMay'a Uobdar.
Uay Vetter wai ibe guetd of Ur.
rallon last Friday erenl
Mn. Oeorta Ryekmaa vUlted h«w aad Mrs. B. Itewla Suoday afternoon.
to a very appreeli
daaghtar. Ura. Deaa taala In KaU'iC Sunday school class of young
'feaaka. «tie day tbis week
____ a «se< at tb» home of their trachtark.. the Misses Fuller. Rose
Ur. 8ti
Ura. Uyroa BmlUi ralM en Ura. At er. Ura. I'tara Crawford. Salurday afBay.
and Kelley,
lea RyeknaaY.Taaaday afterMon
scbools. drove la Ur. Imraen'M
■er nrk
fa Beaib Brwtdtaaa
May IT
attended ibe Icsillule. lecture anil
Ueaday eraalar
,e Friday even
Ura. Robert Darihit vlittod
plloi relurnlug h
Etaabtor. Ura. U AthlaaoB Tuatday atGeorge Oee a_______
Among those who auended Ibe intoraeoa.
- City Friday.
slllule from tbe aurrounrllng lowes
.Jaha Blsa eaitod at Jaowa RyHiMr. and
Id Mra.
Ura. James

Dean drove u
pw'a Tuaoday araalac.
were Commlsstoner Carr of Rmpnr.
Tenverae City UoBday erenlng to at
•Hay tS.
the Uiaaes Clara Holioe aad Rartb ol
lend tbe wedding of IBeIr son Dennis
0111* Pier. Mr. sad Mr*. Oatar
A.namber of <Uleaaera attamled
Awatbif THbvto to Chartaa A. Plabai
lodge u Wtllliusbuig
illussbtt . Tburaday algbl Barth ol Cedar and MU* Manon of
- For Tbs Herald.
aad helped
Initiate a elsaa Into U
The Ladles' Benefll aoclely will
.CbarlM A. PUber. arho Ud baaa
•niBf tor aoveral moaiha waa obll. .
Ura. Artbla Campbell, daughter Al- meet with Mrs. A. Barnet on Friday
to take to hts bad (tarae.wMks aga al• aad Mrs. Frank Boara and dau^- sltereoon.
Mr. Dunlcan of Rullon* Bay allendtheagb a uwal nfferor. his family ter lAlcllle were la Traverse City owe
ed Ihe ImiUtute which was held lu
day last week.
the NorlbpoH High school.
Isai. Md bls^deaib.
The reception glreu .by the
•wBleb eeowrred last Buaday moraine.
niauY cluh in the teacheis In
«•! a tarrfbla shook to ibrti all. Hla
Congrenaitonal ehnreh pailort at
nwaral 00 Taasday waa heM at bla
Mra. Dr. FTaMck Is aulle sick
W. C. Aabley returned borne Baiur- close of Ihe leeluic ou Friday e
dWaa nad coadaotad by tbe UacrabMs.
mg, wa> one of Ibe pleasing lealui>w
BB be was a ebarlsr member of tbat orof the insiliuie. The parlors and din­
4m>. Hla ramaiaa were pUeed baaMe
ing room were pretlll^ecofaiei; »
bto (aUer's. m tbe oM faoaaatoad. Bsturday and Sunday at Long lAke.
ling In pink and Uvender.tlie
wSera ba Ittrad. Charlea A Plaber.
J. P. White and Percy DeHil al- bunitoc
ra. A short program eontlHiInn >*
wbo eras the s(Hi of John K and Her- teadad quarterly meellng at
piano solo* by the Mi*»e* Uams^d
Hat Plsbar. «w born August 2«. ISO, lake Saturday and Sunday
Kelsey and vocal »otos bj
la Fob OuLoe. WUeoaalB.
.M^KaaMdy has asoved bis family
Fuller and Mis* Burdge were r
. wfcb tbeir UmUy wiorad
Bane Bay. now eallad Glen Arbor, la
Stiy .Sawamn has moved into Mra. ed. Ire cream and aaaoried rake
airved. After which the male quartet
Aagwat ldt«. aberc be bas slnce re- Dullb boas*.
aldad. JaeaniT lb. ttid ba waa aalled
A number attended tbe eighth grade ruiisitting of the Rev, a. Remall. J
la ,atorr1age u Utsa Uary Bus B0I-. euBilnattonat'tbls place Msv Sa '* L. Dame, J F. Mallbcw* and Pror.
•ayil wbo aarvives blat niey a
Tbr Meadamra John Reinke.
G, C Fuller rendered a eons. Good-


^*Uir‘B.“o. Bellinger eUked Friday.

Can You Beat
Bread and Milk?
Wkoi jno an in aeaMk of a light, mad htneh ud
ytm don’l wiat loloBdup«aalot(4tichloodcA
CAD you
«f aayd^ bettti than good, old fuhiooed bretd
Do you know o( wnr new iangted ioventna ia the
ptfeat food Uke faw dud cuiwid i egade to iG
EmBodeebow ngsy hmkem bmb call lot bread
and bmB dudog the noon hour at retUuruOi?
gettng op aad eating bread aad oA aighto
can't ilegp?
Ever Bodee bow naudi better the flavor i t wbta tbe
bread it made yi

Lily White
**Tte new tha Beat Ceokk Uae*

U yoM aeret have, do k tbe'voy fini ebaaee fen got
aad bread aad milk wJ powen new ireereat for you.
l>n't bo in a bony to gel k down. Let k lk«er ia
Ibe amttb aad give tbe league, palate, etc, a cbaace to
Take time to eat aade^ the flavor of bread made
olUy Whkeaadyoulikvek^aaT^bctta.
But MBHmbet, when you are tfderkw flour that Lir
WUlo by aay odwr same » NOT Uy mke.
Craoe BapHi. Mkh,


Renews the'life .and brilltnncj- nnd feeds the
f finish uf al! laraishevl surlsccsi deans nnd poluhra
' tlavsaiid rtiHaLofairkiiHU.


I ntsklnc t


-iii-rlaliimeut uud
n> .'.us.' of a .luall
• ' exieud
. ohix^r
lev. Wrighi. ol
rh.•hur.h. who'*11! *peak. if all l.«
Siii.d*'- Ma> Sblh. at S:3U |.^ia
Hr lloHgt.t.>ii'.
.» wa.Ii.'il «.nl -by
1 nioik and plant ivin
,.iiiili*e*i o' .Trmv.-r» City Sal- Olivjii the lll.-ate r ball. R
, r.'liiiiiliig Ruiidux. aevuailuiliied Uivsti-r) who H wa*. stol.Ni Tyler, i. making pir.'atid Mi-.',F.I1I<1|
••.'.F.iinli of Tiuv.-i'
U> hiiilil on III- furu^ea.l t

I'.sluu Woiil.ui went li> Viai
I W.nlseodav
tor~-lla and tJljdv* Cl.m vi.iied
th.-lr grandfather's. Charh-* Ham
h.l I..I .-.ub 'home SYldav ac
Pra,« mm
a trip M Kspid
Albright'* -graiid'
•n> WiHlnesday
d <>rll Hodge*
Iiiov v'isiKHi at I
or File
. lehler
I’lilv.. Wedniwdav
V Friday.
Mr*. Ors Brosdi visited Mr*. Jann-.
There will be a
WaiHiii Tbiirsdav.
Gleaner hall, two mile, m
\Ve«ton w.irdim went to KIk Rapid*
odge, Saiurdav evetilug. M-a>
Mr and Mrs. Frank >nil.«
Hr. and .Mr*. f'llMon Pray
moved Hi Teav.-r.e iliy
Ivi.'iid. SU'I relative* hefe la*' week.
James Strap* and ivii iiube
"■ Traverae Pliy imi.- .lay Is
a gtorion* rain siiiuc*ty.
md Mr,, k *!ie* vl.|'.-d'jd
we Deeded lu bring uii good and Mrs. Otlii- Pta> Saiiiiflav
tid for small grain
*e IT.
Mr* I uia.Hate* ass Ihe guest of
'harle. and wife la*l PriHOLME* BIDING.
.! \!e*rlti:m:i. a Traver*.- r|-< v
llave itnillb gnd fatiiII}\lH luou niiipl.- <>1
days -lain
liarllu for the .unimer. a. he h
il.. here .he Isnight a hbiw.- ,
lat^e park Job there
Wlnili. Sr. j* .k.wy jumrl
there to
She .ll.'- iiiit gain a*'bi-r IHi-iid- wi
Mr. Smith.
IlDnlliJivai.Sidney MIdillel
ras railing 011 *
: hi. old ar
(ualniatice* in on
:iv ,,r.. nulrtiia
Mis Hufu* Ha
*<-Uiiig album* tn'th
(Ire last Monday, I
lalii- a; WslH'ili’




rbe farmer* la tbi* localiiy are vt. ■
■y with Ibis apHon'* work Wheat
ts tooktag fine. ibrougbMi this secmCMwMi Mg*

A toie. depeiu-il*le,

A hlKir-snver ui the hotite,

?'wht.h''i.' :

tng her slay here she bat wou many
Betuaii of Knipice was tailed
home o( her douahler. Mis
George (‘ook «ti aerautil of ibe. i]|ii,-hs
or her grandsiin, Harr} (kadi,
d >»a

Bast Stomach
Romodjf Ftao

In Acme Qii»irt) “NMr
Life'* have the best
ro»MliJe pi'luh for furniwre
and wiKidivork, for ntetaf and
U»s.,for the nwo tKidv, ce«,
uninsn nnd 'voudihielj'. for the
for brass raiU, 4ur wuiJoA-s tnd



■olle.l 1« «kl M1--.IOH un'un-UUliI ot
le llliies* Itf ,Mr. Chrlstoplier* Uli
Ur*. ITiai'ley I'lsik and ehlldreii of
Klagsley »pei,i ttimday at HA- h»m,<if her pareui*. .Mr, and Mr* Well.
Julius niu of Klugslev
wuv in
Hodge Friday.
Ml*. Mailke of IlgetHUW


for nil kinds of»Blube3li^^ .

arrived at tbe bonse, and all were
■ expect* t.i g,
ready to dance
The eveiilug was
greatly enjoyed by all pres.-in, a »tip- laud Sunday tn play th- le-laj
isn leavi**
per of <urr<u-. cake. eie. was sertetl
Tbe young p<«ple of the viduliy will

slrler-hi lj«. la.i Toesdav.
Mr and Mr* A>a Palmer diov..
RiiidU'kviIle i^aiimlay on bu.lin-**,
lumlng Monday
were aeveral
■Pbocked by ligbiniog last Saturday
There .wen- flu- front our schon
lai lOnk tbe eighth grade ••xauilnri
• • r Anu on U*y t and :
• MI*. Winnie M Rate.
Mi.* >
Ila'li-, IVo" lira!, i:udon Gr*x anil Ciii' Uavli\V.. huy.
liavnea nnnaed nwsy taM W. d- they win alt p**>
eesdsy afieraoon M tbe nge
. Ueo Gray I* helping Mr. Frank
year*, after
Roger* on the farm (dr a f>-» vieel
The funeral
Miss Minnie M
lUies I* helpti
Mrs. I.luda Bate* lor a feu da>>
. ...Iclating.
Kubv Itixvok. 1* helping Mr* lent
Mi*s Maud Hunlge wai railed
Alden this allernooii by the serioii*
Mr* Karl lie.kwlth 1.
up ai
(tltiess of her mother. Miss iJiiir*
Garthe will teach during her abseiiee
Kelli Bdiiara veiled bl* paiwnis
last week.
• Mr*. PlanliAoil daughter of C
. srrlvfitL-lYldBy .-v.-nlng en i
rFug Island, whep- they will *
le siimn^r.
Mra, a. M'. Porter returned I
Munlay evening Irom Traver*.here Bbe spent tbe pasi week
_.r and Mra, Dartow. She was ar
because so much depcads upon the
panted by her llllle nephew. Ken
proper working of the storoaeh. Many
persons itnij thcmiclvrcs with a di.C. L. Rosencrans returned to
order of the stomach which
ington this morning after haring
duett dyspepsia or a peculiar si
t-tl bU wife and child ibe imvi
It you suBcr Mm both stomach (rouM*
and etia»tiiialtoo >■*» are en the way to 3
•tereoptlcon lertuie rourae
very aerlous diMasr Krea Just suvlt ~i.;lven in the rougregallonal thurch dtlieat com* apBendii:m*. ibevinustism.
Wetiuesday evening*, eoniinrui iog akta atssssm and slatlUr ditorderw beWednesday. May IS. cohuimltig lur cause the waive mailer that ihould'hav*
been diipeUol from Uie ■j.ieni Ihrougn
gve fonowlng Wednesdays on a rouree tbeAuw.l* hat found lU.woy Into the
ef travel lecinre*. Tbe subject*. "Th. MooBmI vliuted 11 W1„| It nrrOed at
Hill Ciiie* of the Himalaya*.- The Ihlstolnl t* not simply * xwtent c«tlmrtlc
laUMPor ssll.-wuwh ueueliy dor* more
Und-of the
Koran,'- 'The
Hunter." •• In Itorkesl Alrtes." 'The
Laud of the Inca*." -HBrkesi Chi ;igo
and Her WaUv"
Joe Rutford ha> arcetued a pokii'
as nilllwclghl wilh Ihe IJelley l.unil
a Shingle Co., at Bast lUv.
Tbe fatiersl of Charle* Taylor, a
died Baiurday afteroeon at hi* ho
OB the lAke shore, of a stioke of apo­
plexy. was held Ihi* foreBOuo ai the
houte. The Rev. A Benlall ofllelai
tiL Mr. Taylor leaves besides the w iddaughirrs. Mrs. Mjnie Mid WvU'S Cytup PvywU
. rl the MIsse. Glare and Bva. over two a.itttoa rwu,..
to rrar dru«i*t and bv
Two sister*. Mrs. J. Knm* and Miw at
a* cent* or tl. aco
■sember;*.f the
. 0 F- The flor
al oBering* wne many and l>ejmilul.
Amos Bartini strived Pome from
g Px. OaUwrd • amp Pepsin. *
South Manbou Uiand oa Satui lay
Uay TT.
If UMC*V anything abBBt

''"mIm Mut^He'rri'ngtoe ba* Hosed
* very BBcctBeful term of scbool ia


In vetrrlnan ■work
nuDiher ol
ii nrowii'* >-.rniig
(i ituids
(ahwifll --jrpri.'•njiig
Itoul* CalcMkt* I. eu'k 31 ibir
Mr. Keuaedv atid fan7l!« hate niov•• icimi Uai
lapie «
• III with 11
fadea's In
III bono
honor of Miss Matlle
[lie ttlecwas a great suiwesa.Vas
.'•as be
rt,4tiiig r
>ifaiag of Ibe aflair until sbe

aiella Forsyib
1* o


inir: Sumljv bringing a
[. him 11.- Inl..nd* to do
l.-i:l;fing and mak- oitarr
- on hi.
v;i.-ii.lJk.M.> Raker
A party oi .-il

I Usil.'< MaviairJ i- imiwoilog bis
faii.i wdh a lie* wiie |.-ii.w,
.UUs loii- Ibi'ke. wdio'u Btlendlug
K-tHw'i al Ibiu.Hila. *|e-ul Sunday al '
Miw 'ChjTles Kluney I* uo ihe etek
JuIUi. I'iau*.., Sr. ..I iNvl itm-iil*.
'pas«-d thTwgli l»*ii lii'ai Uiuidgy ,u>
^ 'dis*. toiV.-nie Clark ia at lianie af
hi* wav 10 Knipliv '
J '•
Mland MiV. If. I'T.-llai- -t‘
Knipii.- vf.lted lu Ktvvii Tiie..dav
Urarge John-on id Kmidre ws*
■turds'. On ai-iainnl 1
i.iwn one .lav la-t k-e..k
i..'e wa.'noi a very lirg* acmdauce
Ixiu c.eluiaii. n^ire.eoilBg le'tiiim
Auui Ka:le It-yoold* 1- .lowlv lm
g- Wti.u'ler. did l.a.luey* In i.;wn lust
piuvfng. *-;-T her rei-ut Him-**.
Th- r.'main. ..1 Mr* Eunem- Raw.
Fnul Atkinson .if TvaVr*e Cily dsf
Ini.Iiiei. ill jowii taki Thursday.
nrd Mooroe Cimter. lormrrlv ot Ibis .
plar.-. werv -orii j;:.; iiere Wedneiday
Tin- »ihOLViier G.vrgi- We.ivii Uud
ed a esl^ of -laji* (or Mltoauk.*- Fej. fur biiilal. Re.Id.', bei Limhaud. abe
,^lr IVallac vj M.inKtee 1- ln‘A..
Anhi.- Oviaii
i-aine IIP t.. h-lp SbP
V In the rti.ial Mf
»r bardn.Kvl
Ian w.*-k.
v'llichs'd Tot.
.Ml.ooail Thui'.
h<T oad

"* .r".*."”;.;''.',;;:"
F. .......... ..
•MsMiimi 'l-l:.i ■;


■jilr v M»
alter a
p-.rvtu. Mr. and
' Fac Cf ire, ••-r.hed

of '

'.. VViegeid and m.ii Claud.' 'ai
I last Timreduv to *|m-ih] lb.- euu
in Ihi. vivlnit.v
I'ur. and stfe and .on Carl, an
Kvan and wir- l*lt .01

— -



....... -

at Steinberg Bros. With Privilege Slips
Next Salunlav’
Saturday and Monday

A gkf"
and Misses, were $3.50
to $5.00, at.............. ................ W
S5 DRESS SKIRTS for Ladies
and Misses, were $5.00
to S7.50. at .............A
ts DRESS SKIRTS for Ladies


A ikC

Hcnist.:. I-. <!
11 .iitikcrehii-fs
,^.v P..v.lf^ Sl.p



Three Hundred New Wash Sl^rts
^ Just Unpacked

In White.Tl^ight Blue* Tan. Pink. Copen­
hagen. etc. All sizes for ladies and
misses, also for extra large ladies.

-.......1.25 to 3.50
One lot of nfTY WHITE SKIRTS 01 OA
will go on sale tomorrow at . ,v**w


Clmicr of a let f.l Men's
joc Four-.in4 Aa
hnnH Ties. fnr..lUC
W'l* a pcvileoc Sl.p.

(jhoict* of T lot of 1-hilirs'
TiOr iiAndbuKs'
. W.tVv a Privitooe Slip.

WilK a p,.,ii«9e Si'P ,

Moslla Paata <or SKIHs
forlitil.r litrF :J to li
year*, worth

li^c. for......... vC

With a pr.v l«5* giy

nrotnl poroen la a bsirM or
u* aKBicai. aay commit a mutk*
lima*, many ttma*. wbaa it doro aot. Mk* that nill r»onH la os*
all lb* IIHir ancsmilloaa wblrb I aada«t daoih*
\oi tulranoMItly. wbap on*
have maniloaad aa ptayln* a part la
tba ralalsc of *tyl* vou nlll aa* lhai
doa* ba* b>*D
have, lallrd to >paak of (ba fabric ol
I or gl^ altl
ba pown. My raa*oa boa ba*n It*
aad WH adda to ibo anMIr ortaet of
aad tbort> arc

home cheer

> do tl. aitbar. Uood. pialD. wbola.
MBa food la all that aoy farBar

Tka kiowB brooka bad a bImI to
Aad aaao laa <m By way.
I coMoard


Its belllg •lirky
Chop twu cup*
ig caUmlty
No matter bow
one ba* (be macaionl. add^wotblrd• of a n
bandied any tmitle ar botlle*. deiplle of lelerv. CHI into small bits, and
cup ol BIM AnrericBS >
lb* B>o‘t poaliiva Ireltog of aMaraBre third u(

rlsbt to aab bl> wl(a to twth or baba
I a baay aaaaea> for tba saoa

K». Ib'^ghlBM.* dapetidtol on the
BMunl ot air beaten into tbe <««
In mukini uponge --»ke MTUtrate. the

--.'dU-ed. A1.0 four med
,ue cvnleBte. OPe kbouU cart*
liillt r*wd the label each tine- bdore' iiiiu klxed (omaior*. rut -toto ptotva: :
laklng or admlnUlerlng 11. even 11 It fies'b cilH-k ale. be«l but rwtiBcd ones'

yolk* from the white* and beat aep

bas Ui be used every h-w

bllad. they ara naturally Iblan-aiad In

(bair wort, and fhay will ovararork
araialy. bea'lnc iba yolk* until they
aod alMi. tboaa aruund
a ihuk and lamon-rolorad a iimll they are »... *|

A»d alwajra al>ite e
TM wMa •( aU fba w

IbaB In tha artort ii
tbair artihbor-a family, with two hired

ABd abadowa atoppa.

an and a birad clrl ar<- doliic

Tba blOa Hba laati>« cod* ot aM
WHb aloabf ahoaldara lay.

Ba romaat. If you hara dose tba

Abd all tba narlac rajUi opbaM
Of all ibo hlfh bliM day.

beat you ran.

Bar. far below tba rfrar arapr^;

aun to find lha ttma. Tba rur>a of lha

It I* aBOU»h.


na willow laaraa BOda atlr
Of blawiBC allaar; loiiebed asd awapt


U nuoron and bappisaa* mi tba farm
look (or II. and ihl* K

By wIbA wUd lata ptayar.


tha Ihtaa W*. Woiblnc.

■ripe and WUbiBC.
and wMcb huru him iha bo«, and lha
.ka>t which niska* blu dUrontaotad.
|i« raniam. Kna your dear ooM. asd

(tba Mvtr wtad a Blunwl U.
-A Btwtral daft abd blind:

'anjoy your botna.

A few

tia wlllowa kMw bla tlacan' bin
Ibr raarh of all.

A* atrtM> Ida playar'a Bind )

I*ui up Ilia darnJuc

sal mandlnc, chase* >-o«r dr*«* asd

(ba atraat abora llald*. tba fairy fam.

an>0y lb* arantagii.
It i* not rtrb*« that bring* happi
Ml. II I* ranlrixmaai. Tha yaan

Wsa WItba with craun ud ctoun.

at* going. rblMran ara growing up
oad away, and you will ov\oy*e»i

1 did Ml (saat a atbil* taco
Tbai would aot amlla at bo.
rwhwa the a«D*a aaat CoWas grara
Sol Ipva and UufhUr frao.
Tba *r««aaioMa by tba poplar iioa

lb* land of daairo uni*** yihi op*n
your •>•*• to tba comfort* arimnd you.
tbuk tba Imnl
Ba (Aenrlul.
You s**d lo laugb
and )oha w1ib ilMwa around you.
Jobs will ba kurprltad. but

full cwotaaaly 1 paaood.
b* will Ilk* It
Bleia you. of course
J tboogb. ibhtOaaib hlB»lf Biui;^ h* win. and a* for Hrtaa* and tba many
Mow iwaal woa Ilf*, ol laat.
act**, and th* grand bouia*. look at

Cahp* WilhPwt Swttar.
Sponge rake* an- mad* rich wlib

baa aaouih to do Ibao. bat nan ara


a eU^hlM road,

And I c*Ba bo«M si taaals* tlBo.
And atlDw bshrt doth albCSo ba*o I wnuisbt tbio wstrtriM rhyao

eoeAoll iea*MO> of buner. aad one
beaten egg. n*ce. after aeaaon
:. to ballere*] patty abelto or

iltop dish. spriaUe with mu
aad bake until crumb* ace biwwa
lUltoa Salad —Tbe (unodatloci
tkj'llc |—liiakilnt li. until Ibe
lack of Important*
Ol courac, i do
luaao ibat U pay* to buy watarUI fearlul cjuuUcuenik < e' it» admlal*- Ibl* salad 1. two copa of coM mi
Tbto abouM have bee* ooobed
taatimnlT* patiama and celort, trailiio ba* led io an m».-ti*ald.ii; roni
but I do mean that the fabrlr or rb>^ (be dUcorery of a mlsuke u.tea tom- very leodet In well *aR*-d water
of lha cows ba* U'tta lo do wHb lag ton tale to ward oft a beait fareak. lb«-n rissed In cold water to prweet

ptaa aaafjr day. aad tw* dalatiaa i
Th« OM Bay.
aalt «ba wblaa ot brr nvinarm
I kava aoi tboiiki ol aorro*
K waa
Tha wh«>* «ltr MM. »or »o«.
10 A> (bat. bot If >«« ra
t .aaitarMi out. aMl oh. «hai *la«a
not. whboM balos «rad aad aarvoua
kluaa OB ny brow.
It* »lyl*- •
aad woro out. aay ao. and do not try
Aa4 an tha worth ww hlah to m

Juice- ba* hero added. Boll oatU tarn
drain. m**b and moimea with
cregm or milk, to each coptol add

them and anjoy tbam. but do noi *ti.
Iba people Inalde. IVrhap* tbay

tbe augir *nd eoultoue be.vilng vigor






and (oM in ‘lightly lo tbe lint mlx‘

b tbara onr naytblag qulto Ilk*
tba toaUss





1 p<‘l>le-r
It Uiil* add ib« beaten yolkv
,-m.: la.v olx poatbed egg* «a
hot aiih.-.girn1*h, wtth polut* or toa
■d pour over the saaee.
biggs with Utavy —Pour a gill grav> of any kind In a buttered
baking dtab; tovak Into it atx •
.keeping the yolks whole and *ea-a>n

M iwooUy. tb* b*P* hnBB*d ao drowally. por tb* water* apartilcd with »urh
n ailmry blu*.

Barb aprlag <b*,mlr.

uta b r«n***d and with It
bppypney ol heart, a fr**b aosi tor'
lb* day * ww*. new bt^e and wut
' aad lor* tor all Oodi cmnilon*- li
b no wonder that l^ier eoB*a In th*

salt and pepper; place .it to
nuiU the wSlIe* have



of vaulUa-

II ywi u— ten

wblle* of egg> III thI* n-rtpi- iliHlead
(be dowdy woman and iba woman
of fbwr
who. though bardiv dowdy, never at. of eight; then
if klto».
and oiK- lounh cup* of
tract* a *acoBd glaar*.
But wbea
Beal Ibe egg* until frothy. TbF* U
you 4i> **•■ Iba -woman wlib «iylc,
eadeal done by pulling tbe while*
ntway*. bring* to your, mind tba qneaon a large pUiter and u*tng a large
tloa. “Why cent 1. too. look »i>Uihr
wire kponn
Tbl. mak>-* a lliile
Wbat I* 11 *be po*«e**e* (bat I lackr'
e In bulk than a regular egg iM-alNow Ibl* quaallOB Of alyle 1* not *0
er. lie *lire lo «lfl tb- lloiir kcv.-rul
auMle aa H ■eema. bacai4«. flrat of all.
time* to make It a* Ugbl a* pn**lble.
It la built on a loundailoB ol Ju<t com.
a. Tba atyUab woman give* &ke Ibl* cake fORydIve or flfl) min-

boll up and imui

aioiimt the egg.

Finely minced parsley sprinkled over
tfae dikb add >o th- looks and
rl<-d Kgg. —Frv' eggk In bnt but
Uayou ot ham fat. lo the r--qqlVsfl
degree; lin out with a Hal skliui
hot di'h, PVMII >!t Ibe fat exivpl
- paa: add
Ik a initiced pickle, shake alioul lor
aecoltd alij |NMir over the eggs
on hansage
round alliv. nt tcMiked

aibto (or aaqlhrr


nwtbar could


reotn, pnoofoot. Cffy of Mwafco. Mor. J. mt. '
TtoPrrooo Drug ttk- <■'«■■
00/0. f. S A.
aemtloo$eo /farfngoserf.yowryuKf.v coirOewltareme^r,
rlbepfcaaorroffoltocBf^.xM. «baf f cwaMaF * l*«
. _
Ifler of (be mrr*^ attrr rsbanaMow aM ff B*'
CfW*se*(besfls</0 of <be wbofr awf.v,a*rffo my own oaie bnaprwBirirf
Ibr mroti rompirir oa^ permtoBtm rmomihm. h isaisoptoaaanf t* dfe*

rhop Ad-I oUi-.baU pAind of
chopped dale-, one-half cup


LaunUraaa- Apron.

jsi-II alih keitiaene while the (reaa*

The WOIIUD vvtio doe. lo- USD Wash ’Is (lesb; then wash out ID epid aotl
lUh walnw!* and onc-baK vwp ol .sug­ tog should gel a ywi.l of t-rdlaatv 'water, uslag uo soap,
Ml* well and add
the . stltliy ulillv table oilcloth and v^is :u apn»t
Stalin, ol blood may tie is-motwU by
to-aten wh' e. of
on the Htyle ot a hu'< lo-i'e-apiwn. Hem ^iBraiing the .|v,uk with wkenavean.
the and *ld-. by puiung on the
*en big b
pound of fig#, oue-balf poiuid of dales,


-Okpoon of virange extia<-t
Mix fhl. wWle klUl hoi. •W'beii iieariy cold
d Ihe ehopiH'd fntll. UBe
Ift nerenwlghih. cup ul panry
vanilla, and
flour slih oue and one ball teakpoons
ItokevI Tiri'toca Itoddiug —Soak
baking powder, aud add allernaiety

»,.i,snh «,ih iUghily warm wa-

targ.e.1 maibloe »tiieh and ImliunV , J5..,k-*i th.. .1 uvu
.trap. cTvtosiu- vn i aek to opM-lmoyed,

side*. b>om tto ..hse. thal toll
and one half fkvuiid o. w'jlnu:* Soak off to cmitog relnlor.s- ito- fttdrt fryvru
one tahle*|K>ikii of gelaliue to. a Imle
loiiiih cup of iMlier. add onehaU
to iN-lo. wal.l line. tbn. u.ak.t-g
Make a cusUinl ol one qu
ar dowly aud iviiilnuc U-iiiiug uillk
Add the >olk* ol live egg-, b>-atc« of milk, nite eiip of-.Ugar and -fA id th- kiificned' gela:toe
ibJck and lemoo-mlored. ami egg*
till I*, dry and eh-an when bei wa..di

Browa quirk-


1,; ^

water to which ho* beew nW- '

!tiuli stalP*. do MU put tbe ctatk to


but |guir toUUng water

Ibrtmgh it until the alaln. diaappiwr.

as to rioBv- hiKiejd of soaki-d and wi*
brptgh the >kiu



Javelle water.


met with


worka or article* on clasauing and dy#mde of oue gaUon of wnur

What to Oa With prippirvga.
ler frylBg bacon or iue»i ol

pounds of ordinary wasbtog

Ip 1,1 whole lapioea over night Iu
th oiietourth cup of milk lo ibc
VO <up> of cold waier In Ibe morn
Itake in a buttered and
kind take the drippings that air
tog boll one quail of milk with <uie
floured iin.
and pui iheiii in a luvn ami vrii a
-ruiiib**! Salnion —Maketuie pini ol cea.puoti or wall nud sugar lo taste
putaiu np fine and imiI it lU ain
s while saucs* and aeakuo highly. Add the soaked laplom. anvl tovll
cook lor a bBf hour, and the
Ukiug leiuim
' will nliMvih ail th*- pvlur ait.I
ivaukpaivut. Ilehiove fmin ih-- store
*au.-u Add one can of walimm.
Ihe laid will .*iuie uul a* eh
e «ell-ls-jivu yolk, ol three
bivheii imo tUke* with a^fork. Fill a’nvl ad-i
nr eggs. IM' in a Poneied pod­
Individual lll•b«-<. welt buttered, i-over
Ihc lop Hlib crumb* and add a spoon ding di.b. aiut hike one .bone in a tnvid.
flrai mixture

of rn-am to each.

.-ii:,,/ '» .• (1 T"/iir.

pound of pruti.-k uml! soft. .1

I fur five or ten mtoairw. (be*
»<M oee p-Njnd at .toloride



|j.| pool, and kee|i cork-d la n Jug or
light vessel.
Y’asb hllg handkeigbM* by laytai
them on a smooib Uowd sad mbbtaV
uiib Ibe palm ol the hand. I'w eltber
Lorda .or white cast lie aoap ta mab*
the ouds; rin-N to rb-ar water, abako

oven. .Il.iing II Iwl.e while
C oven.
M:tke it meringue and

till to-arly dry. loM

evenly..lay Pe-

boa.d*. I«il a weight oa (bem.
It allowed by M-wing ninihine oil will i-ume oui. Nil iinniiig Ik required. 8Uk rlbbuaa
• washiog. H lliey are nrd nlli-.
*.l .1 mile the pudding will Ir
i.-aied in Ibe *aB*e maaaer.
tod over wiih w.lue liquid auvuionla .;
iking the while eMbr* from
i,iu, ky Foddlng • Kill a d-.-p Uak
Ibe tin. a/ier Ihe dew hegiB* to fall.f
Indigo bine calico or giiiBi-a*"
II -lightly In the oven

an iv'ih al-loalo la.ver.ol bread
cruuili- Iiiiel.v < h»|iped u|>ph-und well

, will ku.k UKin- Ilk.. 1U-* .itf " -wash

pillow ca»e*. towel*, etc., a* they
pu> into Ihu basket.
II <o j

lusi|M ol biuilei. ;i gr.ytiiig ol iiuitiies

li pay» well to do the mending ti
aiilHe giN-* Into the wash.'
since the i.ruresw-s Iu nhlrli K t*

a .^rinkilii'g ul sugar.
K-»-'vil •tviiiih. for ihi- toil layer Make

Ih-.e .^Ip-ci. d luate'lally enlarge lb*

rli eu-ivrd id thus- bea!i-n -gg


>. onehalf cii|i of dug.xr -■nd
..r hnl milk
Add'the saga
■ii!!k .and |MUr oy-r egg*. :h-U
ov-1 Ihe-paddilig niid liak.- th:Tty

'and lulding sh.-<-<*. (abb- elMh*. nap-

g II they ar>- not Siarrli-d.

-I ........
When a l»>ei
.••ad >iiNoi>- • use.1 odd sniatl


I. Isdier tiu.l mure agro*-

ahle lo wear il Ibo washing (Dll0«*
n ru.t i«v N- ..-M
tto- -iti.u *»» II I

ih<- memllnc.
Kii^iie *itl-reu»



When hak—I. i-ovi-: -*

and ft>-sh paint, while nothing litoe*

■ig.le IlKld- of the, ....................
brown lightly

out'bhuid Siam- le-'ier ttano cold.soap­


suds lo will' ll k-nikeae ha* hers add-

To S* Enact.
tb- i-ags iM.Miiig*''

High. Rkd Hand*.
tiou\;h^llS red. irmgb

and into knackle* mot
1 roll v-i-ry
iN-fore irtiittog them tot
square*. (hcB liilo wrrlp*. curling
Thi. will not com.- oB
o lanty *hajH-<
Fry .quic^;
and tbe wmlu, grimy water canBot
rj bot lard
Wbea done. spriBUei
into the

root* and let stand ppebatf boar
aeck and .waist to tbe lomi ot auxto'ed with ocher medlctoe bottles, a* the cold toatev (0 which a lltUr iemon

accoB- when a bright eoucb'of eolor at tbwlwbould never be ladbcrlmlnalely

bake tre t


f Mo nor besAifr. Ihcrrtore. to resvamcM rbto n-atedy M at toWBM

•kkily washed in clean water.
jp of bniler. and cm* ten inlpwoBB* wbo delibemtely aarrince* her gown teqalre* a bciL took well to It* either of matt or beast. Itrugs ol all
le. to Ihi*. oneqijLner cup each of
BtreatU to BincecBary work
Eggiaoa Feuit .Cak*.
abape. The bniad beh aad (he stout kinds >bo«Ud be kept to a cabinet, or celery, turnip, and Jarrot. one rtoton.
same IP gpt BBch cealoit. or brtiig womaa were never meant tor «ach on s aheif by :beni*elves. bev-uad the
One vnp of browa >ugm. onshred of red pepper and onr aour milk, om-half ryip.of butter
Bprb happlacp* to tboae an
cup of diced potato. Add one qvurt
brtf-^ a strikingly reach of Hule cUldreh: and poisl
iwd am otic half eup* of ffour.
Strength la a quality, and we ba«* contraMed color from (he fabric of sbuuld be 'kept strictly in om- place, ot boiling »at.-r and seasoo i
cup of nUkto*.
etabh-w are iloae
tt In dtnaceal quaMHiea. Tbe work your gown should be considered well w-bere lew* dangerau* (Intgs will
ofttl vrf ioda.(Be-haH tea.po
OM woma* doe* apMly U iBpot- before It I* worn, There aib tlmeaj tM-come alxcd with

J/l'u /'.'.'•ij-

A Inter u-nt Ui ibr r, runs 1x0^ Min. t'u.^(rvuj lli* popular Mpaatoh vlanc»r>
Ml** Filar M..niniU|,Us» f-llMyv-___


or scrapple on the pl;>ii.-r. Oh each
place a piMobed. egg and pour

ihougbt. and much ihougbt. to i
o blow'll
wear*: »be appraclale* Iba After It hi* risen and Ix-ginCracker DumSilng* —Roll fine ihre.>ver wlib a bull.-ivd paimr
bPddtiii bn(. Tb* tlnleal blade of great Importance of correcl line* In
Id om-bnif soda eracker*. nnd ihorimdy * Finger* -im- while* ol
Sr*M bid Ml* *lurdl*at inw lake up
;.ba famlllarlia. baiseir wHh
viughly satnrui* will) milk.
M-ii a
tb* Btory. and It would b*
w (aabloon aa Ibi-y coma and tjm- egg* unlll .tiff and dr>. odd
vel lea.pooii of bum-r In a pact, add
-aad bupn'Uat failed lo get at l*a*t go. anil she never, no. never, make* oiie-lhlrd r«p ol miwUcivil .ugar grad
le Mijketl craelierk, and euok over
Add ili<a Ullla ot th* niaastge and (be arlual, the tnltinke of sAirlnc the (aaktun- aally and comihui- beating
.low lltv IIIXII tlje mass *.-p.lialei>
phyatral raaowal. a* well at the Beat. able gown, ragurdl*** ot wbi-ibi-r It I* yolk* of iwo -gg* beiucii until iblck
niu Ihe
When >ool add one
and h-moii colpred and one-fourth ti-aaJ and aplelittal new blrtb.
I.*i pa adaptatl to bar own figure
lg. sah and nittnieg to la-de. Mix
apoon oOrfSaiila t'ul aad fold In one
artao la nawaae* o( )oy. tbna* Spring
the gown (bai look* u If It
ell. arid dr»|i tu half ti-aspoao* to
third <\p of lioua mixed and >lfied
day*. Ipnblag tor A* good, tb* hapwar* made lor yon. and you only, that
I tiolllliH soup or kleu.
with oifv^lghih iea*|io»n
Mn*B which each day bold* la ator*
produce* (hr amartasi effact. Style
.\ui limwn liread —'^hl* I. a must
Shape lour and one-half inch.-a long
(or ua- tbar* I* no day that do** not
and IndbldualHy In dra«* are very
detlctoii. and e.v»1Iy prepared brown
me Inch wide on a fin abeei cov­
bar* tor at at baat on* ny of
chwely aavoclaled.
It will not take
Miv together
Ataa II w* iBilatcdily look tor It
ered wlib unbuucred paper. V»e a
tba woman Iona. «bo give* m
of while flour and grwbam
pastry bug and lube tor this
■ th* tnoc* caaatantly w* kaap oar i
tbougbl U> her clotbr*. to.know what
teaspoon ol baking powder
kle with powderud'angwr. u*lng fine
toward (bb aaa, lb* BOro apt w« wlU
color* help to Bake bar bMtar lookand on—eighth of a teaspoon ol
ak-ve and bake eight mlnnles
,idd oneojuarier eup eacb
ate oven. Kemove front paper with
nmlaskek and chopped Kagltoh
Then there I* the irt^of pulling on
The lady * linger* should
DH-aik. Mix lo a Patfer. with milk
one'* clothe* correctly,
y. Tbl* 1* aueb
not spread er swell
If ihey spread
win require almul llii.-oqnarter,.
aa important (actor to btyle that
ven I* too mol. and It Ihey swidl
a anbiect which wUI ap.
1 eup—and bake in a nt^-niTe
ary woman ahould give-It her i
poal.tP nrpry wOBdA. wl^ptber ab<
1. Tbe no: ■ nicatk add an indatlon
Uon't dre** to a hurry—
IIVM on d fmm or la a vlUag* or city.
>erlbable riebaiw* .of flavor.
the earelea* womaa 1* never a atyllMi
• Balaton* and Their AnSM
Skp aay*:
Kuasi l akes—When baking a
Boa'i foeu* yonr atieailos
ItUny live* atv lo«i annually
fTb* Ilf* Pf a lamer** wife U made
ak- flat (Wke* iroiii a dnvking pr-.
oqe pac(.ot yoar coatuinc
because ib* antidote i. udHioww. or
ap o( B*ay Iwareau. And eri*n In ollgbl the (Hber. Tbtok ot your dreas
In tbo escHemenl of the moment l«« pared as for ehUde-n, with tbe advllthan* aaany
of a bit of cb<x>ped onion. Bake
whole. It l» tbe eaiembk- thal (orgottelt. Tbe only safe way
. snaufcaac* and <
dripping p;in and •.rve Vith
couai*. And here, too, Ihe Impoe keep a 11*1 Ot polaOBs aad ib*-lr ami.
onv-ab* Inapa aigbt Pt the fact ib*i
ince or ib-ull* *ome* luo play
doi^ pasted on Ibe flyleaf of
tb* Ufa that I* ban by rlgbi. ibe gin
Airy Fail y Nothing* -rTakc
l( your neck I* •bon and fat. don't cook book, on ih- tn*Me of (be <
pf tb* ynra of bar pcraepallty are slipriv-n egg*, mix wiih tb-m enough
ear a blgb collar. '
tbe medicine cupboard or *'
ptng away balor* >br la aware.
our to make a veiy »tifl dvwgh. and
tahIpaaMa ft tsa> be. it wDl surely equally M-ailble place, where U
W* think m tfca year* at ibelr be- prove the Jarrliic note to your co*- be qulrttly oblalned and will not
oiltoelghiu Ol a ^ea*po»n .
l( your arm t* either
forgotten lo time ol ueed
(tea* ol ibte yaar la prcparlm: lor-the or rery tbto. don't wear '.be akln-iigbl Miebigao Farmer.
fsina*. iMk U aquarely In the fare and long aleeve which ao ptolDly reveali
rxtuatrv bomew. where phvklcans
■by.-Vaar.wbai will you Mac (ob*
S'ear the long'sleeve.
and dniggisi* me not coavenieMly
S'* daetre coBlort. and atcengib. ai
If U bapMPa to to- Ibe fashion, but
. ft ik ne(*-N*ary to k<-ep a supply
bappinaaa Can w* Had (bam on the have it fan enough u> disgutoe Ju«
-ruin medicine* on band, in order
farm? it depeod* upon ouraelve* . The a trifle tbe slae of your arm. It your to be prepared for sudden ailment*,


M bum-red iitosi; add a gill «f
toll eream to the gravy la llm dish,

■priac with Ha b***mo of »fe 1»
Boriali n BPaaag* rapeaiad lu every

•tnnlBg aad at ibalr ctoae. and


without bteaking the yolk*, to sefuan

oue cup o( kugar gradually..then

beating uatll tbe egg* are
Of coarse You know bar. uay* the
cup of BUgar gradnallv. Fold
d ooev cop
Woman'* Home ('ompanion. tba ^wo­
flour mixed
mbs every other woman rccop

dom not criM* your palb a* odi


carbolic acM, aconite. laniUniim. ban

khorii. acetate ot l.-ad.,l>e, amiooula.
U*t ol all cv
*lfted flour. Im noi beat tder add­ potash, alcohol, aad •ometlmi-* other*.
Ircuui-mit. kepi. ‘ Tie- gccaie*i
ing the (lour a* mu.-h of the work ak
should -tii- taken to keep every
ready done In enOuKing air *11
bottle <onee|]> totaled.
Any m<^l
!o»( by breaking (he air bubble*
III a botlle without a label sboiild
the cake wiU iM- clow- and tough
In- thrown away a*
os dl.coverSponge eake *bouM bake klowly.
Bo tu>l let It brosu qulcklv. A pan of
The fullowltig I* a U.I of Ih- Mewater pul In ihe
II* and kimiile anlUoic* movi
dace tbe bent kurilclently, yel gradual
queaily chlled for:
ly. Ur. (over’Ibe toaf with brosn
Acldk laulpbifHc. njirlc. muriaiic
papi-r kbaped to go over
and (ualici—(live an - alkiu. atnmg
aldck. Tbe rake should
-lean kuapaud*. or even a piece o
bakiag. but *Mtle allgbUy after being
feoap will do. prvvoklng
taken out of the oven Tbe (op
are milk,
xbouid be kllghlly *ttgary unU
gruel, raw <-gBv. barh-.i anier. I
texture illghily looker than iba! of butInd. mu«clla*e. etc*
lercbke*. bm lender and vehviy.
patient amt ti-lli-vi-Npaln by
sponge Cake—Beil the >olk of:«ii opluib; -If fl
falot nr kv-mpUinik of fall
egg* until Iblik and lemon rulored
Pei-d liv i-ni-ma
llig. sllmula

klfted four lime* and add three fourth

- UttMgA PM w a wlm. anony Mrtag
tnPMlns'! Suroly tba bird* noror aang


never hi- needi-d.

preclou* life.
a farm bou«-. such poHon* a*

UM llilie-rertpeealU

1t m«>

i may be (be mean* u( saving a

o««ly: (hen add ibe flauirtog aid llq

Angel t'ake—B«U ihe

_• f

Tber* to a trwM demaM tor tmlm
obaage of voewtwa could he mad*.
during ito- d«]>ru..u>« bBt
Bat thi* to B»« alw»y. p»-alUcaBd a and cfSk-tally to cuuoirto* vtoaea M
food louie t«eolile«* BeVk-sMIy.
wvwtbrr U Very prvvaloBX...—.
Fetuoa to a tumc (hat iavig«r«'*a
' -h a demaad to raartly qiM M
totvbont yoductog a vitvig hatuL

allowame (or IbU amount -vil ulad.
1 all tugetber wllh pleniv v>l wayprlnii-d. lUt ol Ibe amtdoie* to
be (lour Kbould U- .iried four
laue aud serve on a ts-d ol britare'
U... iK-rnre K ). Uiea-urr-d, le make all pnlkOBk sboiUd Is- pam-d on a
door u'l wall. (>r In aoy cudvenient leave*.
very ligbi
Em* M •rMkiaat.
place a here aay
member of the
ileal the yolk* el (be eggH
bigg, iu Marinade - I'ui a gill of
Ing the agg haaier..(beu ars<lu*lly add boox-hnld iiia.v flud It at a aoineni'H

eight eegt unlll frothy; add onedulf
teaapoon of cream tariarand coulinue

• AUb ricbi wlib lha worid.

■^RBTOrs pmstrailo. to mmally
A to roMli of a Tu-a<KB whieb r*qn

ill do aliTKWl a* well If the flrnii-st
er care in .IbU dlrecihm nnuM ate rbuksn. SeBMUi with pilncevpn-d
man) dluresstug aud fatal ar pepp^. three will be a g.-n-rouk

Fur farbolle arW giv.- K|.*om sail*
oil and glyccHne. |•lu•lu>*- vimdiliig
bare trouU**—Beat tropl* d»—and
pMhhp* If you war* iraB»ptaatad to wuiie* or *U eggk. beaten tUff and and oitnwlatc
Wbea the wbltet are partially
,»or ay loBaabortag.
ArM-iilc (Failk green. Fowler's *olu.
tbMr pUc*. Inald* of a
week you
mixed with yolk, carefully cut
on. etc IT—I'rovnbe vomlHnit, give
WMld b* glad to go borne.
flour in which
Aara mi tbcwchl of oorrow
coplou* draught* of lime s*lef. give'
Mom* I* bNB*. asd It I* not slid*
fourth feaipoon of *aU ha* been mixed do*e of cajilOl oil. re»I ihc patient
Tbo wbbla day IMI. nor
pc graai liebaa. or fla* tbisg*. and It
anted Tbe aucceu ol thi* rake and sllmulaie >f uc<*-k*ar}
(Mod altbC Mr wertdl and oa. wbai
foand Is a palace. And a*
Alkulie. (barlkbnm. aoda. poU»h
th* yean grow ahortnr. and tine goe*
aireoglb of tbe beating
Tbe yolk* and lyei—Give vliii-gar or cMb.-r aeld.
Wolta tplaMor rond ay brow!
on. when atrengtta IMI* and stepa go
ihould be be*h-o until they are thick. provoke vomiting, give bland llqu.'d*.
Fnnnta Staano DarU In tba NoraaaUll b* rontent,
Ibe BUgar mn»i b* graduallv added and
bar CAattrr.
cure re*t. relieve palO b>
only oa* day at a ttm*. and thera i*
tborougbly beatea in
Tbe sblle*
■<l - imulaie if Dec-i'c-utry .
aunablna lor aU. you know..«hould be beaten unlll Ibey fly (rum
Ai-etaic of lead lor .ugar of lead I—
A llltio bit of loviBC.
ifae beaicr to flake* and the flpur euv
ive Kpwmi salt*. provxAe cpmlilng,
• Tba mr'a *t tbo aprinc
A kind word by tb* way.
and folded la a* carefolly
VC dvi.c ul lakior oil aini blactd liq
• And dayb nt tba aora;
A helping hand to tlr*acUi.-i
a* Ihe while* tu an.omh-i
All epunge
• MwwtnTa at •o'looi
A aong (or
cake I* made Ilgbl b> the expabaloo.
•Tba hlUaidf'i daw^aarM;
wbea c«ke I* put In ibe »>ea, of the
Oopd'TMog* t* Eat
^ • Tba UrkY «■ tba wlac:
Glad tldlM*
air entangled to the batter.
.Goldi-n OrJbge C’alt.-.—t reatn
• Tba nAflb m iba tborn:
• Oodk In bla baavan-

Beautiful Spanish Dancer
Gives Praise to Pe-ru-ni.

II kind* of.spice

teke to a

House Paint
\V- . jrry
lb- lest „n •evriaJ building*^
you a giskl
gvski quality.
-ily *.i; Ibr— ,v.
lai a gallon
dollar and t*entyftve rowta
We have a grade hlgh-r for
whiik *- absolutely guaran'-e I
pur-‘b-id and o,I paint, tort tbto
We have si 111 a high-' -incla* to-en foruNTlv M.ld by •* tor
at one dollar and
five —i
liih tbe maautoriBrer*'
ten yeirs and gave i«-rf—t satl-lBith.n
We also handle rreskoltne. efash—and oar guarantee v.m tak~ uo th-' only wall Weparwllob which na
ny. ponad park
ages :n
D beautiful
b-autiful sba'le> a ibir'yliv- eicold »a-er and
Ind app.ted
app.t-d il
by anyone ea-ily.
a -hartee tn demonstra-- to .von t
III and vamtoh-

A. W. Bartak&Son


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