Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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$1A» A YEAE.



END CAME IN ELK LODGE ROOM Building Where Butter Dbh Paetory
waa U Have Been Located Was
Alee Burned.



Two Hohnda Had Attacked Another GEORGE CARPENTER WENT TO
Animal and ftek^ Tned to
Part Tham.

Chlldraa In Ihia City.
The Are at Sldnaw Thursday, which
suited from an ovcrbeaied stove In a
WntUnubors. Mieb., Ju. 11.—John
severely bitten vi-sterday at his hoai.
saloon and destroyed practically all
9or0 died at 3:30 thU BtoniiDg at bU
in Eimw^ tuwiishin. Thre.- doEs
the buildings, along Front street, caushome sear tbla TlUage after a three
MANY HAVE SEEN RCefiVES-At.- weeS'B mneaa. Brlcbt’a dUease was FORMERLY A RESIDENT OF TRAV­ ^-d coDsiderabte Icus (o William Beii- REMAINS OF MAN WHO LIVED ON go! Inioafikht, :i*o hoiimls gening an- Calpenlcr I
uHi«c,^wu. and li lobk.-d as tboflgb
Mr. but how much h not known aa
Bruised Chin
ibe casae.
tbe uibi-r -diU WHS ab^t to be finish
Head With a Beer Bottb C»red. when Mr Wkus to^ a hand in IhThe office of Mr. Beiiuer was iklirntor Had No Money.
April and in addition to hla wid­ Mother, Mrs. M. A. Heuaa. and Sitter,
worti Will Da Ewi" 0» New ow. leaves lo children. The oblldren
stoyed aa was also the building along­ Bodies of Or. and Mrs. Arthur Cheney
• OatM Lake Pfwal
Mrs. Miliy Rrad, Live in Thia
hounds so h.- woiilil
X<» “I bin v;c,
side of it aud^i waa in ihU-bulldlng
Are Probably Buried Beneath
Mm. Thomas Brookmeyer. Hugh
lighl ov> r a game of coids iB
A. EeeA Ae Eefflcleat
City—Body Will Be Brought
llni. his band was grit—d .lud lisUly
OdeMt-Ga^ry's saloon Saturday
Uoyd, l>r. John Boyd, all of Traverse
Htfs ter Burial.
his buitor dish factory. How much
ulghi one man received a black cy*.
CUf, Mra.^J. H. McCloud of Rapid
machinery be bad in ibere, S not
City, Hus’ Annla Boyd, who' teaefaea
bruised chin and a cut on the forePrancis J. Heuaa. terraerly of this known. ^
JsdfUE front
Bameroua ordera
Messina. Jan
-The remaimi of a
!h-ai wiih a beer iKiiile. and aabtbor
aebopl at Balea. Miaa Korab Boyd, at­
. tor dooHotAa coming into the Bdward
cily. and well known beiv. dropped
The lam susuined by the town was au who SfSid* it «n\^ third floor of
man is raid to have a imrl of his oar
tending school In Trarenie City. Mich­
f>a7aM Manufamaring company the
dead la the Blka' lodge rooms at Cad flC.ODO wljh l>ui S.'.tw iu»uranc<-. The the American (\>ii>-u1iiro in wHiwli Dr.
l-hoWlHl off.
ael. Ustie. Ambroae and Domlnec
building eeaiMni over the eomiiry
illac-Thuiwday nlglil. bean trouble be^ bttildtngh occDpk-d by Mr.' Ueitner and Mr*. Aitbur i lu-nc> wen- l«>caU-d.
As a resuli of the Agbt a wairakt
* to be very pioaperoua- They Hoyd. all of Wllltamsburg.
Ing the cense of hU death. <be soM
were owned by D. G. Reynolds.
ere (oand today.
WHS sworn out. by Thin Nichols, who
The fmera] service wiU be held at
F. J. HEUSS. '
have booked moatly lor ImmedUte de­
Of which was a great abock
It-is thought that the bodies of the
bm-the chewed cor. vs. George Carpeelivery tUJlOO to 118.000 worth of 10 o'clock V.’ednesday morning at St. bis friends.
American consul and bb’ wife wilt be
l••■•,w!»c IsruicI tohave d-ue the cbewbaet&M Thia wUI crowd the pres rraacla church. Traverse ary; Mr.
He had been a aoSeier from Heart
(oand beneath ibo ruins of the entire
Kniqhu ol Cbl | mx *0(1 C»'p-. >-i-r pieVdeJ gtiUty to asMemous cl L-t-s.
eu ahop to lu foUesa otpaefty fur
rrouble for some time and sras atao
un:bus Bro’jgt.
..jIi and tmu-"-> (i-k uoniing before
all Bontlia. So la order to arrange
a victim of rheumatism but had ap­
' .dre Nerilnger. wm fined $S u4
for the flood of
parently- been Improving. He fell so
--,1% ami'untiag to 33.kf) or iv days
both lohhers and retailers arriving
well last evening that after he re
From Saturday's ReroM
during Ftobiwary.March and April, the
turned from bis work as electrician
Tbe fum-ial pa:iy of Frank J. llcuw
direcicra wW be compelled to enlarge
at the Cobbs. Mitchell plant, he con­
arm I'd ihi.- aflernixu tivm UadiOac of inoficy In his pockets. Carpaotee
tb^ halldlngs to be ererted on thi
cluded to go to lodge meeting, expir­ rent from Island to Manistique. from WILL BE HELD AT BUTTONS BAY
the O. li. a 1.
iroad A sp< ciat
Manlitique to Island. Then BAck
iniiuusled Shoiiff Frank Bhuter to
lake tTMt la the aprlng to Uie folios- OeOROE W. MILLER TO OUIT BU­ ing shortly after be reached ih^
co.-u-h having bo-o pul (.1. Hi (aiiUiar
jatl. wbeu- he will boqrd tmtll h*
Ing aMea:
n-uds. iiearl)
Brick foondfy building 40a» feet.
('* Ibe auiount or take* It out In
Mr. Heuss would have been 38 years
Because of Lack of intarest. Oeamad 6i> relatives, membeia i.f tbe H P, OBrick lock abop building. 63x300
old Jan. 26. He was born In UetrolL, Seven days making the trip from
Advisable Net to Held a TwoK.
Will Olapoaa of Clothing Slock and and Anally came to Buttons Bn.v. mov
Avivrding to Carpenter . Nil^ls
Day Institute.
matna t'adi-rtakcr <
the Fbx island to Traveroe City, a dis­
Extra hnUdlw tor box factory.
Again Taka PeeHion on tba
-laried Ihe ftght hyhitUng him In tbe
Ing to this city from there. For souM
i-adillac. arnvi-d with
tance of 32 milcK on the water ami
Tbeae bnlldhist wUl provide for
eye With * beer bottle. Warding Off
years he was a marine eaglaw-r M
ing alter tb>- arrangen^enis until they the Uoa , Carpenter said be took tbe
(he tame dlKiance by mil, is the long
haaEUag two gnMce of norUse lock
arrived at this city.
Geprge W. Miller, who hw been In the Great Lakes and was «•! koe»n lime record made by George Uoening. coming roundup of the L**-Unaa
U.itle and M l it aside, but Nidtota
in marine circles. He nuit the'^lske*
Farmers' Imiiituto will be b«‘ld
wldow. Mrs- iitain >,ook U and gave him A biff oa ,
who reached Traverse City this moruIn the party uerr
An nddlUomM lock abop and braaa the cIothiBg buslneu here tor the
time ago and about nine years
Larsou's halJ. in Button* Bay. Jan. Idiura ik-u**. the tuo:
fonndrp will follow na boon fla money last eight yean, haa decided to reilrc ago. moved to C.v :• lac. mklng^a posi­ Ing after a w'eck's traveling.
Jltth. Thi# year there will Iw hut one iieilKS. Mr. and Mi*., .hu Heuss. Mr the chin, following ;wlOi-another on
' <SB be MiUlned. ter the making of from active buaineaa and dbpose ol tion % the plant,
til.- fun-bead. The two cllnrbed. CarMr. ItoenlDK. *ho hu isi'ti employ
(lay devoted u> ilu- roundup, lo tor- and Mrs.l-harie* Nrik lD( 3|r* J.-miie
. front doora and riidlng door locka. So hla stock at once.
I on the iaiaml. packed bis giip aud
l-nier admUtlng bUtlng .Nichols with
leaves a widow. Mrs. Luana Heuss.
years Leelntiau eoimiy Md two- SlnUh. Charlw and Th> mas Heuss. all
far the company haa had to refuse or-,
Mr. Mnier came to this city eight and one daughter. Laura Heuss.' 4 Kettlcd himscll as comiotubly as |h>sbis fist, but vows he did not bite bl*
day roundup* but thi* yi-ar from an of CsdillHc: Mr. ut.d Mr*. Thorn**
yearn ago from Charlevoix, where he years old. His mother. Mra.
^ta for hlgbpr grade locka entirely.
slble in a shanty on the shore, wall
FI(-tUI(«s names were oUM,
uppareot or ival lack of loteren wan Heuss, of Ki-U-.a. Mr
■' Host and ai.d till' projwletor M-patated Ihe men
a bf the cloihlng twsiness ter aotne HeuM. of this city, b living aud also ing for the lur ferry Aim Arbor .Vo.
Lmcal boathMs men are waking up
ifesti-d by the farmer* hy their sinaU Miss. tlns'^S- il. css. of Grand Rupld*:
le, ^d he uImi spent eight years ou four brothers: John T., of Cudilbe. 8 which would lake him to North|iori.
to the inpoiUflcn df Riding tkU
hi fore any mon- ear* were chewed.
sttendasce at the om-dsy lostliute Mr, and Mr* .Albert I ,-USs; of lYove
promlaiag Indaatrr
Charles of Gladstouc. Ttaqmus T„ of
bold at PniTemout, Prof. Taft, super, monk nod -Me*. Mill! Retd. About
capital and factory room to handle
The longiog to ayalB go oo Kaleva. and Albert NC of P
him to the ferry when she was sigliileiuident of the Michigan Panuen:’ in- ir> members of the Cad illae Ktks lodge
the bnalneea which cornea la almoat the road haa come over bln. however,
Three slsmrs are leti; Mlaa Jessie ed. there being no slip’into which the sUtutes deemed It advisable not to AceompanU'd the part; , also an equal
without eBort.
Last year 8M.OOO vnd desplle the fact that hb huBlaesv
Heibu. pf Grand Rapids. Mrs.^mma
tha erpenao of bolding a twB- numU-r of tl..- K. ol
-worth of wmk Mas turned away, and reUtloDs here have always been pleasBoening
Hart of Grand Rniiids. end U»>. MUty
day instUnte theU T«r.
Io( I older of Elks MR. AND MRS. FISHER NOW MANA numl-cr i
It b hoped thmihte/ear the buslneas ent, be will dispose of his stock as
ferry' was at la-.t -igiiu-J she was
Ried of (hb city. In addition
tVnilo tbe BtteBdaacp -in SiiUtea utid iIk- hiral
WiT(- lined up
WEE^ iMddM here at home, and a fast as possible and ckw<e his store.
Kiks. Mr. Heuss was a UK-inb-r of boardi-d, and the ferry w.-.-il nn tii
at the dviKil uUeli Ihe Iraiti pnll-d In.
mn^ lar«ar toree In he employed the
After bb aale, Mr. Miller has uot the Knights of Columbus.
>e im-mbersUp from which .the In^ and escorted the rein:
th.- Cstli
jreor found.
determined whether tw not he will
lYoni Manibiiqni- ihi- ferry w.-nt to >-liijte reeelvea Its revemw-s to meet
The body will be brought to this
olie cwelcry. wher.Rqdent ordera Inriode SL LooU make thb city hb headduarteri. bat
Will ConUn
the Post's again, when- she laid lo uiicity (OBorrow at 1:30 for burial.
xp<-n*es has N-eii • very
low. took plaee In ihe'fauil
Mo.. KiMtoB, Pla.. BranavUle and it Is very probabb
he will, at funeral s
Have Charge of the
Tice being held in Cadillac. til theutorm hud abuted suim-wlial
scarcely aupplying means with which
IndlanapoUa. led.. Oweniboro and least bb many friends and the friends
fury, then went on to .Manl-llque
^ Ky.. aeveUnd. Columbus of the family, hope oo.
again, where she look on her North- that fairaer* will endeavor to revi
and TMedo. Ohio. Wheeling, PlUaburg
The Ho'ri Leelanau; ter many yeara.
;>ui i loud. Mr. Uoicing raim- uji fioin a general interest In ihe-lnstituie as
BuBalo. Utica. Boaton and Uyan. Mnsr
conducirld^ ; ^tl{^ BoBrnm. bM
Konhpori this morning on the train. tbe.stale may see fit to withdraw
ledAo Hil
Or.- S- S. Smith Wqs ^lledAo
Hills­ changed lSEiia^tiRli^|df''and Mis.
k la aoM In the next
sitcakers’ to more pruOiabrc fields la
dale This Morning by UPexpect
UPexpect10 dtfa to enable the company
August Plsber. of Kingsley, taking
I Didn't Know Ha Broke
tbe future.
«d Message.
caaaplele Ha building plana, a.plaai
charge yesterday. Mr. Boatrum wQl
Among tbe prcniineni Riate speakwin be erected which will not only be LOCAL PEOPLE LEFT FOR THE
rantlnue a* proprietor of the saloon.
■* are Mi** Jeunie Hileil 'of Ann Ara esodlt to the rity. hot whirii wni
lefi f..r Mr. and
Dr and M-.t S. S.
d Mr>
F:<ber having nothing b
or. lecturer state grange .Jason Uiltedalo this mdinier. .alli-lth.-rebyl,,^ with I
plaee thb concern on n money making
b that luiri of the bnslnes*.
From Saturday's Record.
ANDREW MARLATT HAD CLOTHES ttoodmao. of I’aw Paw. F. A. Wllken
baab. Ptdl Information aa to costs
J .M..r.Tay -afU^-l
Al Davidson suffered a pecnIUr
of South Haven. While tbe local ml- noon 1^.-. Mailn'g ih t Mrs. M. G-jexperience in the hole! bnslneaa, aV
and aarnlai^caparity will be P
eorge W. Lardie and W. t. WII- cident last evening that will keep him
i.i repre.-..-nie<] by Clo* VonGla'jui. Smith, tl>- SiS's] nmihvof ill.- dodtor.
by the eoapany on reqneaL
l.bma Have Begun Trips of Sev­
from bb favorite amuse:
e Mr. Raher was is
Philip EykT and Mrs. («-v.) J. J, ' - - ' '•••
Snillh lad bien in 111
eral Weeks.
week or'two at least. He was playing
pad With Only One Broken Bene Maakesiad will d--liver a talk on dkd. Mis., f
hu i.'-r death paniMTShlp wlih Chaile* Oattemeytcn-plns at the Ur<-am1aud alleys and
In Hie Arm—Kingctey
Tlu- Ijonie'* Happiti--*'. Wliat Procr. in the Board of Trada aatooa. dts-/
George W. Lardie left thb morning bad just delivered one of the heavy
luoti-*. What Harm*,''
cofltlunlng and Rolling out to Mr. Gal00 the C o'clock train for the west, balls when he sllpfx'd. He throw hu
blM Lulu Hohnaa b Eupectad Heme
. sedd-n. os the toid remeyer 1a>t May. Mr. FUber thea
where be will slVy for about two band back to save himself from a (alt,
Kingsley. Mieb., Jun. 9.—Andrew J
Pram Chteago Thb Svanin^
Kinghley. where be
wa» (mitrely u»eii'e-*C'* M'*.'
monibs. Mr. Laidte will spend a ecu and lit heavily on hb thumb,
Marita, who oiK-mies a siunll saw 7
Haa canimptlew.
i.ili was 68 year* <£d a:id in addl- since been located.
pie of days In Chicago, where he will it near the second iolnt.
mill, was caught in the shafting at
Many (hauges will W made In tbe
vUlt hb 'son. and from there will go
The injury did not pain him much hl.s mill yesterday and before the
rma totardayb Baeotd.
Hold U-elBujiu onder the aew manTucson. Ariiona. where be has au
tbe lime and be finished the game chlnery could be stopped, the clothes
Hope bavtag been givn «p. Mias Luao mroi, rotn*» of which will be mads
terest In the Clipper Creek mines.
About 11 o'clock, last night, wen- strippi-d from Uie man's body
tn Hcdniea. daughter of John Huliiich. iiti- :hi, wir:!.-r. alihouth more are planMr. Lardie left mainly for hb health bowever; he woke up and the pain and it was thought that he bad
o'walrb''’‘d ter the opening of spring. The
af OM Mbaloa. b etpecied homo from and will visit s^eral places of intei- was such that this morning he wont cap<‘d with Uie fracture of one hour
ihoK-i WiU aecommodalc about 40
Chlcaso UmlghL Mlaa Holmea
net In California before rooming
local pbyeieiuD. who set the mem- m his arm.
lgii*->U and under the new maaagebeet taking traatmeat In Chicago, bui home,
Bert nelaad delivered a loud of po Instaliaticn of Officers Wat H
i; U exp-rlcd that many imstarted too Ule. lha dbeaae being
laloes at .'■(■ i-enta a busht-: here. The
A lour of the west will also
•luents will be made.
. far advaneed. and It u bellevod that made by W. B. Wlllbms. who left
variety was Round R<-d Kings.
dsalh Is only a matter of a tew days. the 11:80 Pere Marquette trula for
Philip Arnholt Is gradually
She b accompanied by her sbter.
i- t( .if (he D.s-i
Loo Angelos. Mr. Williams
a sle:eU:id» u, i RL.-’RE
•'•'C '
nurse In the hoepUal. and her u
K. Case is lu Grand Rapids on busi- dpi-'., (h.i;
joined In Chicago by hU daughter. Young Man Pasted Away at the Home
hrothers. who met her at Grand Raps Miss Julia Wmiants. and Mrs. L. K.
Illasd Thumie- ..i. Ib. j
ON C^OC - .MkilTTEI.S.
of Hb Parents In Garfield Town­
Peiiii.-ula Fr.UiK hi.vM at.*.iil r-Ir.,
Crewert ».
ship Saturday -Night.
Parkhurst. The three wit] spend two
' The fact that there b no hop^ ter' months in the west. Ihelr lilnerary
rii.-party X..-UI in two iarc‘ *
' Concluded
of the aUoses to locate the present
.t Annjal Meeting.
the giri haa caused much sorrow covering Califnrnb.
i r t T-sving ibi- ,!in-rh ••• Senator Fre-: C. V'^!'
Clifford Wilb-r died Saturday night i now storm. Y'ou'vc ralssod half yom
among the large anmber of friends of Oregon.
i:.tnet. is C'va-f.6:46 at the homo of bis itan-mi'. life—never mind the fl.'.,
II.m! meeting «( tbe
the family.
JdV'»(Kul WH- wuh-Mjt ur.
c>aiy Comn
Mr. and Mr*. Henry WiUon. of Garjt;.i|-l*rs associaUon. It
pl-4.-..:it ineident and the
field, typhoid fo\-er being tbe
'■'-■"'teuc to -operate.
party k. pi things lh*»iy
Ho was 2: yi-ar* ^Id and nnpuirriea.
The '•omoilti-'
Beside* hi* parent*. h<‘ leave* eight
lir. H. Campb* :i
►Ulled. the regular servb-e Iw ti.g u*(id were onuou..*-d
Jack Wicks, of the Hannah A Li
Bawdia Caaaignad from
tn Uniterm Rank. Knlghb of Pyghlaa, sister*, one of whom. Mrs. Goldie
and th.- K*-v J
('a!:by a>4sl»ling: Ch*nd--r.
Mercantile Co, Has Received a
Seott. roaldc* lu this city. Tbe utberii
HoM Annual Eiactlen of OffL
Chbage Cauaed Trouhb in Em
l*r*»idoBt-Harr>- A) r*-»
Oeeerved Promotion.
are Mr*. Martha Morgan, ol MiJdkcora Thursday Night.
Trav.-r!-.- r(>'i;.:j
press onbe.
word Hla.-k. H..Nrt Bariu-y. A. J. MeVU- pi*;»iil.-a: — Koland ('(•rnell.
vine. Mra. Ethel Nichole. Mrs. Haxel
the Mlcbican a.-j-ium
a Bicmher of ih
“Take U onL"
Traverse Cliy Oo. No. 5«. Uniform Roas. and the Misses Bdn.i. Pearl and many friend* In' Travers-- City, and Valkenhurg.
Amui.u.-r!'.1*-r. FYurk AmubuecUer,
ant commit**-*
“It'B too warm la hei* tor that'
Rank Knights of Pythias held their WInnVred Wilber.'
and Jacob Rlrtuley. tbe only change
his fornii'r home .Decatur. Ill. to know
**•• r.-tary— Vida eonstliutloa, state c^piial and
“Something b spoiled Is that tmek- aanml election of officers Thnrsday
The family hare bad a run of ty­
from lH*r .>uar b*-il<g Hr. Btnnley. who
that he has been
phoid fever, the pan-nit and several
evening, the following beliig riiooeo:
' r. |,<accx John Oourtnda.
brad decorator for the Ilaunah
Trexsuiv r—Lulu Combs.
The above and
Lleutcoact Gov.
, Kcticy nn-: The orficer^ ,-toritd by the dlroctors
CapUitt—B. R. McCoy.
He ha*
ChoirDt—Flo-oie Campbell.
Erastsd Ben Askum. driver tor
n,c same a* Ust year bring:
-First Ueutenant—Claire B. Curtb
been the ihie assb-taul and pupil of
OigauM-.'kiiia Snyder,
ValtedAiatw axpesna eompany. whoa
■•11,1 .«l.-naforid,Blark: aecreUry
nt-Judsoo E. Cam- occur. CItffonLvas the only
Assi*!3!it o.-4Hi»!.-t—Wildr-d ChalkB. M. Arrirk. who rv*lgne.l to take ibi small package la the of- sron.
Fred C. W'c:njorc
thi^ <!lnrtct,'_ji„..f.rt Barneyi tre**or(!r—Prank
ixwltion of dry good* ,'ditor on th.- Dry
■( Tba hwger the package
Mr*. John Groesaer and aister. Mil (teodx Reporter, of t'hirago.
Chaplain—W. H. Umlor.
Th(- chaivuaii of th-' lookout eoui- •
' chi.iimgn «ff;An.:A'jnecb|.*r.
stayed, tlb more It made its preseacw
Lillian Weiss, were in the riiy to­
Rroorder—Fred Dean.
To be.proiiioied h> hi* employers I* mlUet- la Maud Tn.u.w-:n*: of ,1...''h- Jadteter:.- conimPf-**. - I'.i-h !.«ec-;
frit to aIl\who Nterod.
day. vlsiiing Mr. and Mrs. William :a deserving eumpliment to Mr. Wick*' *o(i*l rommitwe. AMn iMWsoa: of :*>“'»
■“ imporumv to i-be
the appro-j
Treaaurero .» Town,
Treaaoror—C. M. Beers.
t innoeeat looking liiUe
m—ing'-'*''®"-' commiu.*. |-hairman of the; l:*in Rawiiage. trramtref of MayOnard-C. U Halt
i service and abllitv. May fie a.*rcnd the
package, bel^ eoaslgned frvtm Acme
cbmniittw on f<'d'’rel rdationt. be-; fl* id to*T»»hip. Altyrt Carlisle, treaaSentlnel-R. D. Ronnds.
Mr. and Mra. A. C. Wariier. of'«,\i huh.-r is the wish of hb* frieud* Jo**-phltie Heir
There was some t
Hleksrnie. Ohio, are vUltlng roU-'
A fine ovsteraupp-r wo* served and'.•'•T ’••tafilp. WilUnm
Sttraeted no allVusn. but It was with annnaT ball to he held in the armorr tlvea la th* city
1 tog eoBimitt«.s: Liqupr traffic, ualror-; Hol-n*on, t.-asurer of Grant townI T. M. CampbelL of Daarllngioa. the evening spent in playing
Bnubw rsUaf
Mia* Imura Portsch left today for Ind, who has been judging al
and other BmusemeDt*.
The start ■«“F- Insurance arid WWiers' borne.
.-hip. an,] John loirdle. clerk of Pcnlnnome Ume la Febnury
r It depart ter tbs 11:30
Grand Rapite and other point* on an poultry abow. led at noon today for home was made about 2 o'clock.
‘•tn***' cosainlifL'-o on the Joe*: *ula luvorhip. transacted h
The Bev. Edward Webs and das^t- extended visit.
asylum 1» Pox. Ftewlq. and Kline and th- cojr box:*- today. Tbe treasonra
, Manitowoc, Wis, where he will jodge
ers. Mrs. Nelrgsrth «nd Mbs BtoUh
Dr. Monoids, of TbompsoavUle. was a: a poultry show ne« week. He alao i MiliM Mildred Lartos Dfi tJ* Boriting the bouoe committee: ir composed of w-ie paying In the rtri* and oonaty
Weiss, rriuraed to Reed City thb aF I called to A. DaUard's to care ter a ha* two other engagements
, (or DetrolL where abe wUl resamc her: Hoed. Bron, Boan^nm, DuaenbtUT.. taxes coil«-ct*M np to tbe 1Mb as reiatudle*.
'qilred by law.
|atrk berae last FTlday. ’ ,
ary la Wltcnesln.



ONE BODY WAS F0BND!..-^S-”-!^.'



















eiUMD 'ntAvcnc hcrald, tuesdav. January it i
The matter of precnrlag an Invsutory of tbe properi.v in the handa pf
the coaly oHIclals was. reterred to
tbe committee on finance, ways and
Dpon motion of Mr. Dean, aupportod
by Mr. Btitea. tbe blit of Dr. CUrk.
I411A0. wah referred
WERE RECEiVEO BY THE BUBER- back to .the e
The petition of the property owners
Ic the vicinity ot the site rocomisended by tbe cynmittee as a county Infiimary was received and placed on

final Itaim BmU BONDS
4W>cb a week.

^l|MEE^ a

Utw MiS Mwmbw^



Tbe Ormi»4 Amy of U# BepnWK,
thiBOgh a dml«r fron tb« uUoul
bMdSttuten, mS throagh u oiDer
fron U» DBpwtneni of MlcJUgw i«
•e*kli« to Sa*« • gr-tteral olMerranee
of th« OM baitdr«dih •oolvorsary of
the birtb of Abraham Uarola oo Prh.
12. It Is eminmly SiUog Jhat the
coostry shOoM eelrtnl* Uris 4ale and
that the Grand Army of the Rrpubllr
Bhon»dliar«sproinln«‘nt part in thew
Mwmooles. either by baring them -In
charge or bring honored guests.
Thd annlremry ahonld be obsenred
efttwitllf in the schools of the coun­
try doling the day and In the erening.
there should be a great union gather
tag under tbe aospicea of the U. A.
R.. or in connecllon with the G. A.
tL. to vhkh (he general public should
be iBvlted and not only Hrlted. hut
urged to attend. ’Brery patriotic Am­
erican has a high regard for Abraham
ory ud there U n
W or more BaUsfaetory way'of sbowtng this regard than by bolding aueb
The department has snggdsted a pro­
gram which U patriotic in lu nature
and Indudee the famous GeUysburg
- ■iMiiUi and also extracU from the
life and wHUm of tbe great Emanciputor. A pKgrsffl along Iboee Unes
could be arrviseit and tbe meeting be
one of Taloe la that It win bring this
great man ekwer to everybody from
tbe boy on the farm to tbe business
msB. .
We wdsM be pleased to tee a large
general celebratkin of this great evunt
. smaged for Trayerw dty and bo-feere that it can be made of great Intermt and proBt to our clUseim. Tbe
Wti poM of the O. A. B. will be gled
:■ to aid la tbU any way poeslble and
as they are mea who answered the
can* of Abi$jham Uaedta at a criUeal
ttoe, the mott crttlcal Ume In the
' , hMsry of onr oonniry. ihe'lr cooper,stloa win uadonbtedly be valuable.


ring a straggle to make both ends
moM. Tbsy have a (amDy ot fire, the
oldest a girt of 1$.
& B. Cbesebio. a near wei^r.
•taned oat yesterday with his team to
get them anch aid as the sarrouadtog
HiaUT can giva
He ii dS yoara old. Is ' a
Mrs. Votan U a member of tbe E
Honor. Mich.. Jan. E—WUIUm A.
Joy. the retiring rextster of deeds ot strong rupnblican and poaaihteu M N. A. and it U expected that they wW
mean ability as a politician. He was also give her soiMAld.
Benxle eounij'. heU the office for 14 bora to Mstoe and came to Ohio to
years, but now will enjoy hU borne ItoS. In 1661. be Joined the regular
The Msanott Man la Town.
In Joyfield ^own8hl^ the home that he regular-*army, seirlng wtll tbe end I* the one who Mwaj-s wears a frowa.
carved out of the wilderness half a of the war and shortly after the war Is cross, disagreeable ud short and
sharp tn
it his aaswers. In nine casce
centurj- ago.
'was over, moved to Denxle county, out of t a Its Mt the poor teUoWi
Durtog hU term of office. Mr. Joy taking up his present homestead. Mr. ____ ... Ui Uvto aad dtgestta that
has recorded 9.439 deed*. S.CftS mort- Jot was one of the very first setHers make* him fliH •» atwrable. he eat
gages, 3.T4C discharger and 1.1T4 rols- In that section and Cut the first ire*
ct-llaneuus paiierr. ('oiistderiiig Ibeh that wax cut wih an axe by an acual
- -OMtoklngDr. Hefridt-s
fact (hat Benxle U the county scitler. Tbe towbship was named to
sale, sure ad raltabie vi^euble liver
Ui the Slate, the above figure* prove his honor. Joyfield.
Mr. Joy is succeodcd by Edwin Nev.
that tbe people arc uoi dormant but
Ask for a free nample.
that eonalderable business is tranuc: in*, a young man. Ibis being Mr. Neved. Mr; Joy bas followed tbu migra­ ius' first iiomiral offl-v. Mr. Joy V(ii!
tions of tbe county s-at from Benaonenjoying hU
7 Frankfoii. .-ind from Frankfort' fine farm.
Yoimgl Ladies' Literary and Mitalonary Ctcele ef Oak Park Sunday
School Held AnitMl Meeting.

Ends 14 Years’ Service
as Register of Deeds

Prom Satnrday*a Record.
Tbe January meeting ot. tbe board
ot snpervisorx adjourned this aftvrnoon to meet In April, wind up thtdr
bu.^lnest Khortty after 3 o'clock.
Sheriff Aeked For Repaira On the
Tb*- report ot the rommHtee on
Jall—Mr. Bemey Flaeed On
roads and bridges, to which was ra
the Same Committees As
' His Prodeoeeeora.
that tbe qaestion of adoption be*subFrom Thursday's Record
mitod to ifac voters of ibe county at
Tbe bonds of the county officers the April eler:k>n. Tbis report was
ere taken up Wednesda)- by the adopted, also a resoIuUnn to Ihut ef­
oard of supervleors, tbene n-c»iv<-tl fect
belna u rollows:
The matter of repairing the type­
K a Minor, oorooer. 13.000.
writer In the register, of deeds effice
J. J. Brovnson. eoroaer. 13.000..
referred to the commillee on
George W. CurtU, Circuit court
grounds and buildings.
commiuioner. 13,000.
The report of the commiiiec on
Robert a Waner. county clerk. |3.- rtaltas and ac40unis was liitally adopi000.
cd. w-llb the pxre|>lloaof bills Nos. r.2
Frank U. Shuler, aherlff. $10,000.
wbicb luid «t (lu with the
Finley Hammond, treaaurer. fit
quarrjitine at iiiierlncbeu.
The tvpon of tbe romniiuce o
Robert E. Walter, register In chan
ncp. vaya and means, who. bad under
.-rr> . $S,000.
consideration the drafting of
The bonds were referred to the eosnprovl'ling lor a Uiard of <-ounty uutll
miitue on Snancea. ways and means
tors, reported that they had given tn communication was read yester^
iait,er careful eoiiHideruiion. and
afternoon from the Keeley Instil
evi^ that such a beard would lx- an,
lute of Grand Rapids relatire to the
added expeiiKP eti the munt:'. atui lUat'
contract, with tbe board in case tbry the adratitac'-s gaimvl wniild not roin3ld be called upon to p.tss a pe:i
peiisale fur the added expeliM-. Tliey
recomtnended that no a. Uou ^naken
Acts of 190T. On motion ot Mr. Saf
tbU time. The repot i w-us adoiit<>d.
ford, supported by Mr. Anderron. the
Vpon motion of Mr. !Van, support­
motion was laid on the tabli
ed by Mr. Stltes tbe comniltKs- on
communication from Sheriff
buildlnca and grounds was autliorir<-d
Frank I,. Shuter asking for repalrr
purchase a new range
for the jail.
ig«* for
ui»n the county Jail was received, up
A resoluitoii waft passed upon <1
tnvlUtlon of Mr. Sbuter the board death of Marcus Davis, tortnerly
vuitlng the Jail ud making an
member of the board.^^
The committee on grounds at
Upon moUon the county clerk was bulldinga submitted a rscort in regard Picture qf Signor Edmonoo. Mayor dcs Planches. Italian ambassador, wh
appointed ousiodian
tbe Horrectness of the county athat appealed to his countrymen in the United States to come, to the aid
recomuiending that action be re­
of their feltewB who have been made destitute by the recent MrthMr. Dean thU morning ocenpied ferred until tbe April mdetfng.
quake in Italy.
■me Ume In maklag oompurisou
The commluee on finaaee. ways and
wiUi other conntles in tbe staU rela­
mean*, who bad to consideration the
ed At tbe meeting at Its close, and
tive to expendinirea
report of the countjr clerk, nnd county
Dpon nmUou Mr. Barney was plaeed
treasnrer. the superintendents of the bade the supenlsors good bye. tbU
upon tbe same eommlttees as bis pre­
tKor end tue soldjers and sailors’ re- being IiU last meeting w!;li them as
decessor. Mr .Hammond, ot Garfield
ommlttee. reported that they had he Iv now to private life.
lined them, and fouud the reports
County Treasurer F E Brown also
A peiition relative to tbe county
<t>rrcs|KHidcd with tbe cU-rks and b**- bade all the county offict rs gtwd bye
roads system was presented and read,
licvcd them to be correct.
today, leaving for bis home ^ Mapleupon motion being referred to
As W. F. lUrataa. a member of the
committee on roods and bridges.
board. Is In Cuba for hU health. Coniv
Tbe matter of UgbUng tbe coart
ly Clerk Walter drafted n letter ot FOR SALE—On
bouse and Jail was referred to tbe
kiting to bim. signed by each iceTihealth, rooming house, central
on grounds aad buildings.
located. 13 luniishcd
Ml ished rooms, steam
ber ot tbe board. Earb member ^Iso
report not Uter than Friday next
best, baths.
light.. «ii-l gas
wrote him s word Of geceting. all to
at 3 o'Qtot^ to the aftsnoon.
l_ Marsh. Tr.ivu-;
be sent 't(«ether.
F.-oiit f»t.'
Dpon motion of Mr. Chrver. who
appearJar,. 3-6*
'iltiens Phone 3I*0.
staled that U was customary to pur­
chase green wood for tbe Jail one y

From Friday's Record.
«ra. Alice Ortor, Retiring Secretary,
A motion was made at tbe meeting
BreacMed With a Bet of
of the snpervisora this afternoon not
saver Knivee.
adopt the report o. the -committee
the county Infirmary site, which
Tbe faetanatioo of officers and all
ks carried, a petition having <
day ^ion of Grand Traverse grange to from a number of tax payers to the
was well attended Saturday, a large vicinity ol tbe site recommendei
' aumber ot graagere aad tbetr famutitee yeeterday. asking that
niea partakiag of dinner at noon.
the report of tue commlUee be not
The Inetalling cKcer was A. .. sdppled. Tbe county treasurer's re­
Gray. aaclMed hy bra. J. W. Dirken port ws* received ^ay and referred
Baa. The tollowlBg offioen were In­
ommlltee on finance, ways
and means.
WoMhy master- Ed. Urblnllen.
Tbe taxed bill of costs made by the
Overseer E. R. Rutyea.
Judgo of Probate fur tbe expense ot
Lecturer—R. H. Bbwortb.
ig the insane nmewnting
Btoward—Mrs. L. K. Cleveland.
$30. there haring been five paUenu ex-Wi B. Gray.
amtocE during the ys6T was present
-Mra. A. R. McRae.
ed to the board for consideration bj
A. Robertson. ' the. committee on clslms shdactonnis
■hcreUfy—Mra. Sarepts McMullen. It was moved by Mr .Hsmiin aad sup
keepep-C. M,
H. uraae.
—uuw wweper—i_.
IKirted by Mr. Hicks, that tbs
-»^rss-Mra. Mary Sluyter.
ctans-be allowed $3 each for ex:
Bn- Aiiee Grubb.
ing Mch patient. Instead of $3. s^
^pftomonn-Mra Ogtwge a. Rt
taacd by tbe probate court, and here
aftsr that amount will be allowed In
* Lady aaalstaat—Mra E E Duryoa each ease. TbU motion wa^ adopted
Insurance ngent—George A. Robert- by n yea and nay vote, all voting yetnon. ■
exeept Mr. t'arver.
^ a token of the lore nnd esteem
eommlitee reported that Ibej
to wbldi she U held, and appreciation had lo^ed Into tbe matter, and found
for Ue work wbkk wbe has done
U»t the Uw did not fix the amohnt ex
secretary of the grange for the lam 33
espt that it not exceed $6. and tbe lim
ysara, Mra Alice Gray, wife of A. P. U had heretofore been allow-ed. li:
Gray, was presented with a s<
view of the fact that this Hem amount
atlver knives and forka finfi a set ol
ed to $365 in probate court for the last
table spoons by the grang^ Lecturer
year. It would have meant a saving o'
R. H. Btoworth making the presenta­ M06 had ibe physicians recoivid $::
tion apsech. Mra Gray was grentl.v
each Instead ot $6surprised by the gift,
none tbe
Couaty CTerk Robert E Walter
less pleased, and respoDded (eellngly.
brought np tbe mwter of ihe court
A MW carpet will be porrhased tor
house not being provided with fire pro
tbs grange ball, in a few mlnatc. $31
teciion. there being but one psll Ir.
being rntoed for tbU purpoee. -Other
repairs are needed, but they will come the bnildlng and 30 feet of hose. Dp
on motion, ot Mr. Dean tbe commit­
to time.
Rsfforts of tbe delegates to tbe nUte tee on grounds and bulldtogs wciv
granae were given by Mr. and Mrs. suihoHsed to purchase a vre evtto-;
George A. Robeftaoo. Mr. Robertson ^iUsber for each floor.
This morning the supertnteodenu
spofes of the meeting ot the state
grange while Mr. Robertson dwelt
tere upon the Insuruce depart■mnL Boto reports were toteresUng port showing the dtsbnrsemeats tor
the year, the report bring referred
■nnd wril given.
louce, ways
Mra. OUvq Bodge
fo I
Tbe matter of the repayment lo
ter vislitoBg t
Holt ywtaday. after
motker. Mrs. Q. W. Curtlm, and st»- Canty Treaaarer Brown of $t.CS. be­
ing tbe amout ot .taxes paid for a
tera. MMdamM Gore ad NoUe.
Hr*. O. B. LeUnd ww^to Ktossley widow wbo is a county ckarge, was




Here Is a sample M wbal we are
doino at onr


ladies' High firade Coats
In all colors. Brown. Na'V. Card'nal. Green. Tan,
etc., made of fine Broadcloths and Kerseys, beautifulrimmed, 50 to 52 inch garments, nijtn^ of iHeoi
: lined throughout: were $15.00,
S16 50 and SIS 00. arc now in our in*
ventory sale at only............................


Children’s Coals -4 to 14 years
Made of novrlty doa'clng Nivy blu
and some Astrachans amotij; them, were
$‘2.00, $'2.50 and S0.50; think bf it! now for

Ch : voitft


A. Tracy
a. Ftayd Otoch. Ttoe Pni
Oamuel Oartaad. OmMw.
JL J. Majwd. Jumt fMM
A. J. HarltoM. AMt OiiM

3 »er CCBt tOffweE « Tlae DcHBtls

Db. Pe

■nio Young Ladiex' LitMk« ud Ml*
aioary circle cA the Oak Park Sun­
day Bt-bool UH-t ilMday night In thci:
iUib rooms, at the borne of Mr. and
Mia. AlUngton. and elected tbe fotlowiig officers:
Prosidrnt—H«icn Rixby.
First viev prr>ident—Ruth Rubert-






Recording . «4^reurr—LOlIu ' 8eofleld.
Flnamtal mLV
-. t'tar
Treasurer—lU'dred AHinpoiL
The young Mdie* wiU bold a put
luck supper on’ January *r to be folShmIaMtalDma
lowt-d by the knuallaiion of the
Itcieamw. aouthaa,



brmse tmhlQg (r«m
Matt Uddy iwill leave donday or
Tiici-day for liig HapM* where he will
Uke a bUBlneas course and telegraphy.



Tiarcrsc QD State Bank

Five Peraona Way* Affected by a
aiaxe Near Copemish—family
Moved to This Region from
Indiana Last Spring.

r<ii. tiil>h. H. K. n. No. 1. Ja. $.—
.\l fiiiii o'clot-i. \V--diu->day lb.- hous,.c;ipi--ii li> Will Votan and famllj
V as 1mrn.-(l to i!i.- ground. Ur. Votan
iNpt .\l!s. Voiau and IW)
F,.- Lrok- om in tho kitebrn ad
.-fur- ;li- »a- awar- of it the flame:
..M- li-vond Ml'. Votan's control t‘
I- i. It Off Ilchiiiig thcm_ and tog«li•• Miih a n.-i-ihlHii woman. Mr*. Win
iiiaiiac-J :o save sonx* of Ibv
;<iM r<H>it: an,] .ou.- bed room forni
Nothiug was .-.ivnl in Ihe klicb
r or tiji'iaiis.
Mr. Vft.iti and ;amM> nvoved to
a:i 111 I].- ..aiuuy from Indiana last
{aiii.- '!
V 'mall iinlmprovod
.;ti: lu..
mhiiIi of l^-mon lake.
:i,l Is :,k..
u\ >aiu-v new comers,|'

Bred qnlcklr. Ra.
Taauaad&DelL Pull tire ED ela.. at Drag,
In Iimiid fora, 73 cents.
IJy Broa>m,3CWaireu8«re*LMewVcck.

to these prices for

An assortpient of copyrighted irooks that
have never sold aw ■ _
for less than XAp
60c, for.............
A t.vblaof the regular SI.50 copyrights,
that are really most extraordinary values.
Magazine Clabs and SubseripHona.
Don’t lorgel Ibal we make the bottoni
price and save yea Ihe troahlc ol sendina.

City Book Store

Next Saturday Jan.
Another surprise lor those who havs our
PrlvUeoe SUpe.
We Will plaee on sale

linen Handkerchiefs

aad erai; costcffier baviac a Privilege Slip, caa buy,
wilb it.

O of those Linen
V Handkerchiefs for............
Or, If preferred.
n trimmed Cwset Cover lor


These prices good only for next Saturday. Jan. 16th'
and only with our Privilege Slips.
If you haven't already secured tbe advantages of our
Privilege Slips, call and investigate.


“Grand Rapids knows how’
When the boot: housewife point, with pride to that sack labeled “Voigt'a
Crescent." and then shows you Ihe delicious foods she makes from this flour,
breads, biscuits, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, you fully realise that Grand Rapids
rcaily does know how.
You will be convinced that the difference between


IW how.”
Aod ordinary floor is mostly due to the "know
lo't know bow and you wish to
If you've BO idea that Grand Rapids don't
•ack of ''Vmgt's
shown," ask your grocer for that 25 ponnd tack
"VtMgt’s Crescent** and get |H
ndays. that "Grand R^ids
proof three times every day. including Sundays.
u- •-knoara .tB:
Cr—A HepMe,Hcfc. |H-

Miss Callsu Donhar returued ta Mt.

“Tony the CMVicC'* ahd “Too Much
f a Good Thing.” will be givre
the leo-ture club of Urnmn Lake to
Popular fiesith Side Yemg Paopl
Mich. Jan. S —.Alex the near fuinre.
Were United in Itorriogc Thure­
Imerman. of Detroit, is here on bnaithe state board
The L. A. S. sewed for Mrs. Votaa
Robert Whiter.
ds, Morwinp.
tost Saturday at Hr*. Hall's. *
health, there U lets amanpos
Mra. Grace l^naway returned to
MIdUgan tkta year than for several
Grand Rartds to^ay. after vUltlng her the recant rooms of Ihr Grant store
At 9 o'clock Thursday moralug at
seasons, but tyidmld and scarlet fever
'parenta to this city.
8l. FrancU chhich. Maxtow'I>aiai«
cases are numerous.
Miss HaiUe Hnth went to Standlah
Mrs. Carrie Clemmto* left Wedi
and Mias Mary Verreau were nnlbid
MARSHAIA^-Chsrles 8. Bsll. of
this morning, where she will vUli her dsy for Tower for s shwt visit to
to marriage, nuptial high mare bring
Iblon, secured a marriage Rcense
sister, Mrs. Don IngersoU.
said by the Rev. Joseph Bauer. The
county cleik to wed JenPASSED
Mr. and Mrs.. John Hendges return­
Miss AtoM Grant returned to hrr
brldesiMid was Miss Edna Holmre
C Stevens, of Bellevue,
ed to Mendoa today, after vUlUng schotfl duties at Big Rapids this week.
and John Verrean. brother of the
wanted the license “held tm' for a
Dr. Shanks enterialned his brother
bride, was the best man.
few days. He's a physical director
Mr. and Mrs. Beit Taykir
from Merton daring the holidays.
The IwWe was charmtog to a gowa
and aba a teacher.
this afternoon from a vialt with
Mike Dwyer bad hie hand smashed Was s Member of the :F<rtn of A A. of light bine ank and tmntolioos were
MARSHALL—The drainage c
Carren A Co.. Travirroe Qity—
frieods at Ann Arbor, Jackson. Deld I Wednesday to an .Aon Arbor colilston
her- flower. The wedding march was
niittce -of the Calhoun bo;tid ot
Widow and Twe'chiWron.
and it is doing as wr|] ae could be ex­
tog and Howard City.
by Mlw Meade Lafayette,
pervlsors will 'recommend that
pected but Mike win be told up for
who to the accompitobed, orgnntot at
drainage.laws be amraded to make
about six weeks
Suttons Bay. Mich.. Jsii. S.—John A. the church. 1
county drain commlsKionera
Morris Hunt, of Montague, was the
Catron, of the firm of John A. Carroa ried s bouqoeL
aorveyors elective by the people and
gueit of bis uncle. K llcrren. and fam­ A CO, Traverse Clt.v. died at midnlgbt
Following tbe ceremony, the young
placed on s ftged salary baeta.
From SatardayY Record.
ily tbU week.
tost night
home here.'alter a people were the goesis of honor at a
Jbe Child Study Clrvlc of the BoardCHARLOTTB-Audrew Walter, the
Ed. Danville, of ropemish. wu to
long mnes^ or epUepsi. He was JS recepltoo given at the home of the
Mllletie fanner, who waa commltiod man avenue school will hold their reg- town WednewlBy on business.
years''^Bnd lJa>e* a Widow and two bride's pereals. Mr. and Mrs. John
utor meeting Tuesday afiernnon. Mrs
tu the asylum at KaJaaiaxoo on
Geo. Kerry Is carrying his hand In
children. Mr. Cdfnm was married May Verreau, 14T East Tenth ntrect, the
a sling on aecounl of btood poison.
emergency order, was found Insane by Roxburgh wllt'bave charge of
7 l»ec. to Mias hreslo Sielmel. daugh- party eonsMtog of the tousedlate rriting, subject. -'Making Hap'pto
Sirs. Mina Lyons and Mr. Welmore
a Jury ta Judge I&8n'« court after a
of Mr and Mra. George SioimeL aiivos and fricndi.
returned to their home at St, Charles
two days' trial. The
o: this place.
A shadow social will be given at the Monday, alter vlslilng their rister and
Doth young people bare Uved alt
nade by Waller's son.
Mr. Carroo's parents’reside to.In­ their live* in the city and both have
LANSI.N'G—AppsrenUy the. weather
diana. and are cspeetH
entog Jan. ''it. todies bring supiier
a large number of friends. Mr*. Dewas favorable to winter wheat
niars to a charmtog young woman and
Michigan during the month of Decern- for two in boxes. Hot coffee served
j Moflday at this place, and the inter- tbe gronib is an todusirions youAg
free.. Everyone Invited.
queries sent

will be to the Sutjtoas Bay ceoi- man. tH'ittg an employe of the W'HThe meeting of the young todies'
by the secretary of state. 503 persons
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••j ,.jp,
turns lailory. They received a boauilPresbyterian
said that wheat bad not snffOred dur­
Cop.-iuUh. R. 'F. D. So. 1, Jan. 11 —
will be postponed unUl one week from Miss BaraUo IVck of Elk Rapids, is
fut and costly array of preaenu aad
ing the moDib and St that it had.
M'. and Mrs. Joseph Kt-rgUMMi. of win go to housekeeping at
MANISTIQUE—An order has been tonight
vlsiliag her sUtor. Mrs. Maud Holly.
Tenth sircec
Rorn. to Mr. and Mrs. Kessler. Jan.
received by Manager Bruscc, ut the
Mra. Nelson returned to her borne to Ueweese. North ltokju|a. who hate
Arradto today, having been vlslttogj^^" vlsliing Iiionds near Traverre
Lake Superior trem A Chemival com
PjthCity, returm-d via. the.C. R. fi 1. thto
pany. to resume work at the furnace
MWb Hilda Lorachu:x left thto mornln-r niece. Mrs. Bohr, for ihi- past two'”"...................................
nionilDgIng for Bruntsrick.
in ihU city February 1. The chemical ton Sisters will be given Friday
plant wtl start about the lath. Both Ing. All K. P.'s .MTS inrited.
ora and friends of WilSooMbody will be piwsentcd with an lUro VoUn c helpind. him to build a
plants have been closed for several
Elk'a tooth with a diamond setling at small bouse on bis farm.
the Elk's club rooms tonight.
Mr. McGariy and tamily are prepaiMOMtOB—Earl Redmond, mias
Judge R^ker Saturday made an or- tag to move back to the rhoppingb.
Howard, of Toledo, alleged to have
Ij^^mlUlng the final account to the
Ed Cook^and family of southern
rolled off two barrels of whisky val­
Holcomb estate.
Michigan are visiting Mr. Cook's sis
ued at gJOO from a Fere Marquette
The M. B. A. wlU meet Friday night ter. Mrs. tV. Gannon, and schaklng
freight train runntafg 45 mUi
After SQppljriDg thoae who signed for these Osleudsii si ths
in Foresters hall. Bartak building, for hands with old friends.
hour, refused to plead when urrtOgnFair we lisve several bundred left. We want one of theee
InstaltoUon of olficers, instead of Tuew
Henry Ream is on the sick list.
ed before Judge Berthelote and the
in every home as far ss will tb^ go. If yon have not been
day night. An oyster supper will fo’Mr.
examlnatlop was set for 8aturda>'.
c " St
------------1, call
onr store snd’ get• o
tow the business meeting
ROYAL OAK—Mlaa Flor«Me-Fo^ J. E HOHman. C. P. A. of Grand ally fulling, and suffers Intensely.
Miss Maranda House U suffering
has filed a claim agaliui tb^^ljage Rapids, la to the city and will start
from dropsy. Her sister. Miss May
of Royal Oak for gl.OOO. alleging
work upon auditing the count''
ho Is a nurse, has come home from
tbgt she broke her arm by tripping books.
Pennsyivanto. where she was nursing
board walk on Third lAreet
The adjourned deaston of the Dehelp care for her.
some time ago. The girth father Bialtotlon supper wiU be served to the
also asks that the tillage relm-. dining txwm. There will siso be danc­
burse him to the extent of MWO for ing at the Horst's academy and cards
the loss Of the girl's services, she in the lodgerooms. The 'program c«mbeing his housekeeper.
mlUec are working hard to make
ST. JfMINS.—In the gS.OM damage grod time for everyone.
suit brought
by Mrs. Alice Ben­
ilatt Uddy. who has been driving
nett aguJnst George H. Chapmun. 'he Adams Express wagon, hm resign­
a promtaent young business man of ed and win leave tomorrow morning
this city, ^e Jury. ufUr deliberal- for Big Rnplds. where he will enter
tog about an hour, brought to
Ibc FerrU Industrial schbul. HU placeverdict of no cause ot action. About will be taken by Harry Wait,
u year ago the parties to
the suit comber term of Circuit court will conhad a few words over a piece of
tomorrow afternoon, at ]:3i>.
ribbon. Mrs. Bennett felt that her This is a non Jury term, the Jury cat
er tod repuuUon bad been
having all been tried at the regular
damaged and brought anlL


IB KiBd Yofl Haro
Almiays Boi^
Bears the


For Over
Thirty Years






Ur. and Mrs. Michael F. Nacherman
left Wednesday for Charlevoix, where
they will locate, Ur.
gaging In the real estate and insurance
‘ Bak Rapid*. Mich, Jap. 8 -The fam buslneu. Mike
Ike Ins and
tow ot Mr. and Mra. 8. P. Dean
outs of the business snd should be suc­
Toha was the scene of a beantlful wed- cessful. At leaiL his many friends
«lac on Wedoeadar arterpoon. Ji
here hope so.
W7 Sth. wbea their daughter. Anna
-The week Of prayer will be observed
V, vaa united in marriage to Carl D.
next week si the Presbyterisn church,
tow. or WUllamaborg. The ring aer
»1» was perftwmed bj the Rer. H. Bcrrlce being held each evening ex­
W. TbompMn.^e ring being borne
The Ladles' Aid loclety ot the M. E
ta. the heart <a a white chrrsanUtebr little Mias Mar>»rie Daw. a church wQ! meet nest Wednesday afBleCe or the brlhe. SHss Dean was tereoop at ae Carver home on Spruce
coatoined Is a process gown or street. On the same afternoon the
Aid wUl be escream aerge'. and was attended br her
terUlned by
R. C. Rex and Mra.
Wbod. At the resMenee ot ito former.
Milton B. Lang is home from 0)pnbride's brother. Loub R. acted as best
man. Tbs parlors wm pretiilr dee- ah. Wls.. where be spent the bolldsy
omtsd'^with carnations and asparagus season with his danghler. Mds. H. J.
fema » ^Uty-three gnesU were* In at-' Flanelly.
Mis. Wesley Mix is at Bast Pordan
‘tendaneo, and an excellent wedding
soptor was oervek.’'AtitbS| -tig ou- Ttslting her 'brother. Claude Wood,
tMdown gnesU Were Mr. and Mrs. J. and family. Mr. Mix Is at present em*
at that plaoe.
D. MarahaU. Mias M. E. Msrshsll.
Mrs. Charles MarrloU snired TnesMrs. W. R. Pratt. Old Mission;-Mr.
and Mrs. ton L.von. Silver Lake;'Mr.^ day evening from Sauk 8te. Marie
and wiU spend a eonplc ot weeks here
Mrs. George Lindsar. Ur.
Fres Satttidayh Record.
Mrs. Mardsnt Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. aiUi reUiivcs aiul friends.
Kenneth Smith left this morning
Mrs. L. U. Spring and daughter.
Walter Baird. Mr.' and ^Irs. J. D.
e. N. Y..
toon. Wlliiamsbarg; Risers Anna Miss Mildred, are home from Grand
Brinkman. Mabel l.ove. Cdlth LewU. Rapids, haring put in the holidays his studies at* River View academy.
The Misses Ruth and Kathryn MichHelen Pnldpher, Flora N'cwcomb an'd with relaUrce here.
I anise Pratt, and Louis R. Dean, of
Bk Raidds. The happy eouple will tion with paronu and friends, our. turned to their home this morning
take np their re^denco nw W’nilama- young folks who nre attending the after two weeks' visit with their doustorg. where the groom is a prosper- hlghre insUtntloDS of icanilng. have Ins. the Misses PetertyL
Mrs. F. B. Lalone returned to Chereturned to their duties. Ernest
beygun today.
PlemUng reporU are, heard from Mrs., Schulgr. Cbas, McLau^lln. the MissMm. D. L Trafford wont to CopeNlna Martin and Grace Kramer go
Wm. AUglre. who, for nearly font
Alma; George Mamagona and Ray mUb today to spend Sunday with ber
BoBthS, hat been very Hi at the home
or bar mother at Trseerse City. Her" Coopw. U. of M.; Harry Kennedy.
Attorney A. F. Nerlinger returned
Arthur Wood, M. A, C;
rwoorerr was for some Unto wnslderlast night from a bustoesa trip to De­
ed doobtfnl, but she now Is apparent­ John BuUer leti to enter Albion coltroit und Grand Rapidu.
ly on the road to leeovery.
Attorney C. L. Dayton.
Alex Wlanen eras a Trav^m City
' The members of Apollo Lodge No.
Of Letand, was to the city today on buvlBiior yesterday.
IH K. of P. followed their Installation
•eremonlea Wednesday evening with,
A bMfsteto aupper. Those Knlghu of
pythiss seem to eat beefstoto on the
PUltei Mich.. Jan. 9.—Schtml Dis­
•nntng u ouanette consisting of
Xesars. Powers. Banks. Bowman and trict Na 1 ckiw?d Friday for a w.
Wbeeler rendered several selections vacatioB.
The little son ot Mr. and Mrs. John
srhldi were very much apprecUied.
Bscb Is very sick.
The Lake View House was the
•Mrs. John Esch has been oERhe aide
scBOe of a Jolly party Wednesday eveitng A dance being given by Landlord list last week.
Uuie Helnier has been working Tor
who bare bera making this place beaaguartare for some weeks. Now. they Mrs John todi the pa»t weeE
Miss Msgglc Esch. of Empire, spent
ta turn, talk^giving the people here
a good time at the opera house aooie the holidays with Grandma Esch.
Fern OI.awry was absent Irrwi
lovenlng. before they leave ns. Thcy
(ore a alee buoA of fellowa, and such school this wi-ek on acconut of harllig
brw-ohruys accorded good usage In a stye on her eye.
After two weeks' vacation. Fanny
Bk Rapids.
Marita. Velma Esch and Roy Tower
.Ttoa. E Sharp, landlord of the
/Ceturned to Bcusonia Monday.
Hotel Lake View, alderman -from the
Violet Voice and EmmaretU Elsfirst ward.*' and a “booster” with a
worth, of Empire, visited school dis­
Mg “E” expects to start Monday for
trict .N'o, 1 Wednesday afternoon.
AUanta, Oa. to spend the balance of
Aaron Hclmer. of Btalne. spent
tto winter. He says he is going to.
Christmas visiting his dinghtera. LUescape the vrurm village c«»np.ig"
lie and Sophia, at Abe toch's.
tow Bsor at hand.
Wouldn't Mr.
Pete.Kadrovach. of Lake, Leelanau,
Sharp be snrprised U oome baiR and.
spent a few da>K vlslUng_at the home
elected village president
of C. Manning's last we^ and relnrnBbanger things hare happened. He
ed home Sunday.
may. perhaps, stay nnUl spring, but
The Christmas exercises held in the
We'D bet toUars to doughnuu that
Morgan sdml bouse Thursday <
“Oad" win be batk in the -tosy town
Ing were very raccesafnl and
CO the bay where Hfe is worth llvinx.”
well attended. The teacher received
and in the thicket of U before elecUon
a beautiful present and all were very
mvA pleased wlu the music played
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Frink and by Miss Smmaretta EUworth. of Em­
ooo. Alson. left Wednesday evening for pire.
Oeveland oo a boalness and pleasure
trip combined. They wlU visit Mr.
Alexander Anderaon. who has bees
PlnTt biother. E D. while the genUe- v«ry lU tor two montha with typhoid
assB WiU attend the Annum Oooven fever, to tmprovtog.
-tott «( OemeM Deers whlto wDl be! Mra. J. L Clbba rutnraad to Mayheld In (hsi
U“"-rr nth Tttli. ' field today, after vlrictog here.




Grand Traverse Region Falrl
Calendars FREX
No Calendars Given to Children


Unheard of PRICE Reductions
, Don’t let this sale of stoves pass
without at least investigating this wonderful

Quits Aseurats. .
A two foot rule was given to a toborr In a abipyard to msosnre an iron
plate. The laborer, not being well up
to the use of the rale, afur spending
s coosldenible time over his task, retnrned. “Now," ssked ths plster.
“whsi sise Is the ptoter
•'Welt,” repllad the man. with a grin
of satisfaction. H's the sUc of y.
rule, and two thumbs over, wltb this
piece of brick, snd this Mfie of pan­
tile. the breadth of my hand, and my
arm from here to there, her a finger.”
—Omaha World-Herald.

Money-saving Opportunlfy Offered.
Every stove in the house Is strictly first-class ifi
construction, finish and material.

Better Stoves Are Not Made.
When we say you cannot duplicate any stove for anywhere
near this sale price, we say so wijh all sincerity.

“You Sty that you do not object
on soomni of my agt^ Mlsa Gtoev«r
“No. 1 dooT mtod yoor age s bit. Mr.
“TbM what to the objection, may 1
•t:ou look H."-Chlcago Tribune.

$1 Down
$1 a Week

$1 a'week

taobc erecn Trad­
ing Stamps FREE
with every It-cent

Globe Green Trad­
ing Stamps FREE
%vlth Every It-ccnT

Stoves that eannot be dnptlcated at these prices.
These prices are made with only one object in view-^TO SELL
ITC GOODS. Every Heating Stove and Base Burner
Ail $5S 00 Heaiiog Stoves or QQ QQ
Base Buroers to go for---- VQroOO
AI^$37.50 Heating Stoves or
Base Burners to go for
tit $33 75 Heating Stoves or (
Base Burders to go for....i

All $26 50 Heating Stoves or d Q VQ
Base Burners to go for ... • aqfq i O
^0 All $21.00^Heatiog Stoves
All $15 00 Heating Stoves
to go for ...................


Globe Dept Store

r .- J

.» «


>:4&—BaiUUas op • IMiT U«d. N.
P! Hull.
IMMUuion lad br C. 1^ Whltnfjr.
10:45—8eoi Cora. Ita Baiyioo And
Care. A. U Hopkliia.
Dtacmakw led by tbo See. C. N.
' Ofnc*K»-A. Tiw Ut. j
UaeUna.ot Inotl4mn a. floyd CUM*.
ara«4 aariud. Cufcter; A. J. M»- tota aodety.

•ud, A. >, Barllud. AmIMM CAATeaebara- laatlinta
Graata baU.
XKKSCTOSB-A. Tm^ tar. -- -0:30
FloH CUM*, u™. *iUa T. UabmA.
Tbe ComtiT CMId. F
Mmrnm OuUmi. H. C. DktIi, , Jarrj
•tfUfma. W. y. gariiA. .

<k$m, .



. ttoww

11:00—Tbe Courae o) Suidy. Prol.
Qaeatloaa and discnielon.
I (Ae Tr*wr» CRT Sun
numeta’ IniUtute aeetlon in court
1:00—Qneatloa box In ebarse o( A.
U Hopbine.
1:30—Marketing Dairy Prodnelt, N.
V Hull.
Care of tbe Cream Sqtaraior, C. J.
*:30-Haodllng tbe Com Crop, A. L.
8:30—lite Coooty Road Srelom:
TOR FANNIM and TIACHRM, Ptoai (fta farmeta- atandpolnt. O. H.
Fran tbe city buxinaia man's sundpoint, Prank Hamilton.

j pcrcotABnreA MTURDcHCtts


old. *17.83: between two and Torkm........ .....................................l»t
abort ataor. $2S«X2Ae: m . die ts
Jibrae }-ean old. *S7bi, and thrvf Or**
kena.'par ik.................. ........ M4r
8«sur-HU«. ®nn: lair • rudnlaf. yeara old and
Hrtek and _____
I54J; eeBtrilacal. M loot. ».73: mo-| Th* avaraiea prloa' of «brep under utr^arrertoa par Ib
taaaea a«*ar. »M8; rellaad ^ulotL No. one year. •*» *8.41 and one yaar old
6. *4J6; No. 7. *440; No. E *4.U: and w..... *4.19. Hogs «„v
not thtlened 0aia.^^tS?
Jth>. 9. *4.10:
No. 10. *4; No. 11. *3AS; , were worth *4.1* per cwt
*10; No
ft U Bert
NO. It »8J0: No. 1*. **A6; No. 14.
The prices given ere for the eule. HundredwHgbt. eof............. ............... ...
liM; «™tocik«er. O. «J0; a«a4; Tb«
ol wMt U . ul c«7i 3
A, *5; out loaL *5.48; erwahed. *5.85: cents higher than one year ago. while
*4.75; grannlateft. *t.«5: rye .U 3 ,eonu. oaU 1 cent and bay
cubes. »4b0.
*f-U lower.
Coffee—Spot eteedy; No. 7 Bio. 7W j The average price* cf horses, etc,
!7Mc: No. 4 Saslos.
Sanlot. 8HO'
8He*%c: whd one year ago wu aa follows: Under btmi.
llSTbs V.',‘ V.V.’.V.V.V.Il'jtt
year old. *49.70; between one and
doll; Cordova. oKOlXA^c.
yean old. *C5.TI; between two'
Slid three years old. *9T.TS. aod three
Baldwin appll
New York. Jan. 9.—Butter—Steady; years old and over. *i:i.9S»:
and unchanged; roceipts. 3.211-Cheese j
cows. *34,84: eaiUe other Northern 8plt



—Firm and uochanged; receipts. t.l»3_ih»n milch cowr. tmdar
weekly exports. 311. Eggs—Steady; g,o.o5; between one at
yecelpta. 4.S3S: siffle, PeDuylvania<^,d,
between two and

1 Baar kM* aa klgh a* .


Beenwx*. per Ih. tram ...
Na. I Skaak. aa kl0 h ... .
OM r^ar kasti and ahoei. s
No. I CrtM Bn « blih ea


(Hide and fnr prICM



' ■■'ss

Tou feel as-if you had one face
u*r, when you have nearalgta. ft—
oo* Pare tbe thee, yon may need U
ut get rtd of the aearalgla. by
Renoe-i Pala-KUUag On.
ig in the world for rhe«
vaigla. Luma. euu. <

f^oUTuaug aaLg-DsSsnU I
Corn. T. C. MllUi

«b oNt 3,ON

iS3isx,“.'r:.r.v.v.v. 'S,&isr5?SS,__
I L niEon

€14Hc; weatera and uopthweaiei rid and
833.1A .Sheep nnder one ^\"“,(. h. ft L 7
turkeys. 31p32c.
83.85. aod one year old and over, tVhrst. T C. Milling Co...............
CitOc; do lair, to choice, 3Ces»c;'n;ss; ut cattle. *3.58 per
. ..
brown and mixed fancy. 34935c; do
|i.j] per cwt.: dressed- poTO,
fair to choice. 3lC33c; wesicra firsts,
cwl, aod bogs not tauened.
. '
Chicago. Jan.
dailies, imeiiic: twins. 14914Wc:
young Americas.
Steady; creameries. 229S!c; dairies.
•J bate rbor': lor the roUDty of Uraud
:ilt©27c. Eggs-Steady: first*. 30c.
Fruits and Nita.
Ui tbe matter ot the e*la«- ot Caleb
Phlladelphta. Jan. 9.—DuUer—Firm;
Bennett, deu-adied.
far demand: exjra weatera creamery,
Via Oermtaa a A. A
Sotir- la hereby gUeu ibat four
3tc; do nerby prnis, 36c. Egg*—Un­
>i:uiub4 ironi the lllh day «l January
changed;. Cbeete—Firm, fair demand;
•\ II l-.m. have been allowed tor
creditor* to present their claims
New York full creams, choice. Hlic;
ucaiiis: said deo-ased lo *a|il ot
do fair 10 good. 13H©lf«ir examination aud adjaslnu-iit.
:ia'. all rn^ltors ot said dtnvas.Hl
i'«luirod to pipiM-iil their oljilms
TBta (raw Oder u«y aa* P
Bid «-uurl. I
• probate office.
Chicago. Jan. 9.-8tP*dy at farmer
l^I^WUManmYaroa w aa* •:
the elt> of Travor-.- ril> :u aalrl t
price*. Mlchlsan sold fairly well and
U. (UBLT. O. P -J
gStaJlLtSLarjitaoKSJaa. ^
r befo
•for*- the I4ih day of May
.md that
— saui
- - ol-iiins
ol.iiiiis will
the arrival* were moderate. Home
Eooatleirt Prppnn^ Will Re Olvoo
b<- beard by said
Kriday t
grown wa» in light anpply. Sqnare
DwNng tha EoaalOM of the Moot­
I4in day of May A. t> ItHif. at t<
K®»iyg<»<*ing WMcb Laau Thraa
Telia Hew Any One Can Prepare Sim­
ooloek li! the forenoon
ll.lseiJS; fancy, *1.40©I30; ordi­ ranilpi K- IKKi
ply Home-Made Mlrture.^faid
Uat. l Jaouarv Ilih A. B 1«*9.
KUEI) It. W Al.KKIl.
nary. not well bleached.
■«:o POPP-™, pw do.
Judge of l-robale.
poor or froxen down to C5|iT5c; per
' A ante Panuera* and Teacher** InThere is lo much RheumatlvDi berc
Choice Cnoolornd Jai IB puticnkri7 fine finwor ud
filtnte and com ebow will be held In in our neighborhood now that tbe tol- bunch, home grown.jpxcn top or Goldexoeptiooal streDtftb. If 70a have trouble rg^ns •
I Henri, depending oh slxp. 15<y25ctbe court room and Orango hall at' >wlng advice win be highly
tw tbht it to rour iiUog trj m wnide pomri ofthU
Trarene CUy. «w Tbnraday. Friday latad by tboac who suffer.
............... ..
county of
a your owning beok.
Got fromI any
one. Wewill tokeoar..diuoM on
and Balunlay. January 28. 29, and 30.
lid Extract Dandelion.
half ounce Flntil
The aUle apeakm will be: Hon. one ounce
In the matter of the eslute of Daiid
Chlcng®. Jan. 9.—Bean* art- nillnK
' Kargon. three
Hamilton. dco-atK-d.
jaaOD woodman. Paw Paw; F. A. WIInip Sarsapa- steady. Small advance In price* noted
Nnllj-w I* hereby civi-ii that -lour

kPB. Sottlh Haven; Prof. O.-T. Orawn.
j-Mierday 1* malnuAud. Sale* at pres•tews .
.'.V.V.V.'i’and 1 iiioniha front the 2nth day of Deeenitake In tcaepoonfiil dowes alter
Mount Plegaant: N. P- Hull. Dlamon- and
Important nnd yc*. fair
irger. |
ber .A. U. 1'.t08. have been nllowed f<ir
oadi meal and at bodUmc; also drink
creditor* to, present their el.-iinis
dnle; A. U Hopkina, Bear Uakc; MNa plenty of good water.
reported. No spcClnl Pork oast, p

Km mb
against said deceased to *ald court for
•' Is claimed that there arc few vl^ ftalure learned of. Pea iK-an*. haoU
evumluatlun nnd adjortment. and tiuii
s of thU dread and t
Plrkrd. choice, *2.2092.22; pritoe.
all credhtv* of rain deceased arc n___
perlBtMdeut of Fbrmem* InatUulM, In ibik simple homo-made mixture, 12.1092.18; good. *2: efttumon. *1.75
uuired to prexem their claim* to said
rotirl. at the probate office, in the ni>
Pnt. U H. T^n, Agricnltuml college.
61.85; mctllum* nominally same aa
and In most case* a persw
.......... lu saidd county, o
Short cut ot pork, pm- hM .... ViMNi of Traverse ruy.
|wia beans. ^
The'oCBcen ot the GrandTraverno U the result.
before flu- Fourth day ot May A. 1>.
I'juh. and that rnld claims will b<rarmere’ Inatltate are:
I cleanse the ellmlnabeard by said toiirl on Titeeiloy tinPOTATOES.
r. M. Hammood, Troeotuc CHj, tive Uasues o
May A. D. 1909. at ten
they can 11.............
CTilcago. Jan. 9.—Sales today indipreaident
o'clock In tne forenoon.
blood and sraiern tbe poise . acids cjtled a stead) lo firm markeU There
. E. O. Udd. Old Miaalon. aecreutr and waste matter, which ci
' Judge of Probutc.
only RhenmaUsm, but
«»d tredaurar.
Dee 29 Jgn. 5 12-19-26
good buslnes* wu reported. Milder
^ee preeidenU: Acne, D. T. Ho*- er disease*. Ev*ry mao or ww
here who feels that their kidneys
Bte; Blair. J. B. Wagner; But Bay. not healthy and active, or who *uf- weather appeared to be very favoraDefore you buy a Steel Range come In nnd let ua abow you •
Bdw)n Btock: Fife Lake. U Baku'; ter* from any urinary trouble whki- I'le. Itecelpia were good and salce at
f.-w iKiluts about the •Malloabl*- range thkt nmkea U the b«M rahge
Grant, L. H. Prtaat: Oarlleld. J. H. ror, ahonld not hesitate to make u^ 70977c. ■
lU mixture, as It Is certain to do
In (he world.
Buell. F. Anthony; Gracn Lnko. WII- _iudi good, and may aave you from
Lard, per
Uam P. Ung; Long La^e. B. E. Dur- mncA ■ mlaory and anff*ring after
Veal alewK.
New York. Jan. 9.—Pouhry—.VUvts. Veal chop*, per li.
l.ct Uf vfaow you how the over plates are tiveted to npillraU*
yau; Mbybeld. E. B. OIMia; Paradiae. 'hUc.
lome draegisu say they will quiet; western chicken*. 14c; fowB.
Our hoi
O. C. Sparilng. Byron Hulott; Penlnangle frame*, making an air ilghLAolntiT'^w t^_ flum> around to*
dther supply the ingredlenU or mis
anta. M. 3. Cllinore. *. 8. Nelabn: the prescription ready to take If our lie; turkey*. 12918c; dressed. Arm:
utcr of 'The Malleable" are larger than on uihBr-tongcs.
v-ebtern chickens. 16921c; fowii*. 12
Dnkm. O. Boynton; Whllawaier. F. B. readers ask them.
91441; western and southwostern

Let ns sho^ you tbe triple wall of tbls range and abo the del
Boors. W. H. Ayera; Traroroe City,
turkeys. 31932c.
a J. Youker. W. M Miller.
able reservoir wbicta bolds • barrel of water.
Gomiidttdfe on «ora exhibit—A. R.
MeConaba. TTOverve
CUy: David ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Lansing Mich.. Jan. 8.—The first
Ronah. Traverse City; George Arnold.
wm atop may otmgh that
decade was cold and dry. The U-iniM.-rWlUlambuig. '

Tbe one load which dared weather
can Be adopped by may
•lure was slightly above normal most

on program—W. a Gr
meGlelae aad care eonoba
conditions Saturday sold for 55
the remainder of tbe month. Ughl
DDd wire. Traverae City; A. M. W
that caxinct be cared by uay
a bosbek Whether this raise In tbe
lobee and whe, Old Miuion; Gee. L. price will make any difference in the
Rfilph AsdersoE. Igr.
twelve days. Heavy snow occurred the
n to alwa>-B tbe be
Crisp and wile. WllUtmalmrg; local guantlty of receipts Is not known,
eooab rare. Yea eaaa
16th tod l7tb. It was quite dr) until
committee teacher’s tnsUtute. Geo. L. can not- make them much smaller.
allerd to take cbaacea «
the 30ih when moderate sbowcia toll
■iQr other Vlxsd.
Tbe sUte round up femers’
Besidee the polatoes. three losds
Ill answer to the qiieoUon. "Has wbrot
lule will be held at Mt. Fleaunl. Feb- of coke, two horaes, thrge bogs,
eeooba. celda. breoebltl
during December suffered iniury from'
ruary 88-1*.
load of corn, one loed of she«p.
Tbe.program of the Teacben' inslt loads ot oats, one cow, and ne load ot any cause?" 84 correspondents In the
II deea aol contala alee*
tuie ud eera show will be:
carrou srore weighed at tbe cviiy
baL opium, norpblae. or
sad In answer to the question. "Has
Rarmara’ BacUon In the court Rrom. market yesterday.
may elber narcetic. patoom
the ground been well covered with
Thwroday, Jan. SfUi.
snow daring December?" 328 corre*•:48—Introductory remarks, PreslQRiuN.
.deal r. M. Hammond.
DeirolL Jan. 11.—Wheat—Close— liondcnu answer "yes" aad 364 "no."
The tout number of bushels nl
10—Selection and Care of Seed Po- *I.04M: «ora. 62Hc; oaU,' 53c.
Uloea. Jaaon Woodman.
Chicago. Jen. ,U.—Wheat—Cloa©— wheat marketed by farmers In Deei-iu
12: Souring mills was 170.45"
*14N: com. ClHc; oau. 5119c.
8t;**i amintlala f«* Buooeu
and at lOfi elevaion and u> gram
dealer* 166.463 or a tout of 336.913
1. led by ^k Smith,
New York. Jan. 9.,-Wheai—Re InsheU. Of iHs amount 252,448 bush
marketed ia the
T*aeh«e' Bbhtlenn IIK Oranga Hall.
ceipta. 8,400 boshelB; export*. 28.1*1
tnsbela. Spot steady; N«; 8
re^ four tiers of mwnilcs. 63.748 iu the
|1.07K9i.0l% elevator; No. 3. red. cantral counties and 20.732 In the
. 10:45—FronUer. PiOt, Burnham
*1.094 f « b afloat: No. 8 nort
Social ^ur.
Duluth. tU9ei.t*4 f o b alloat: No tal number of bushels of wheat mar­
ATM moon.
8 hard winter. *1.164 t o b afloat. Af­ keted In ihe five months, Augiisi-DtOur 1'ue of l’i;iii.>*
11ami flacsi in the, ivtuniry
Fknnera* and tceeben* combined ter opening a little steedlef today
oralicr, was 6.500,000. Sexeniy mill*
ucMlon !■ oourt room.
firm continental cab^ and bull bup- cievaiors and grain dealers n-|H>rt
—ii»>iii>i.]y unequalled bi quality'or Uiua'liica* ot wtecUou. Manl:09-«u«Uon-bog I* dmrge of F. port wheat reacted under bearish ab wheat marketed in December. Tiitul.ieiuix-i* uninrally pn-fer to 1^ ivprerciilcd by the laipeat and
A. Ettken.
iiin*i r-Kroaeful bouses and «• an.- able to oontrol tbe aakt
kHcbigni state report nnd local
o( lire atoek in H>''
Ing. but recotcred laerr on improved
I* reported as follows, couipaiHie Woi Id s leading make.—STEJkNWAY. standard of the world
l:30-flghUug foUto Bug*
—CIHNNIXL BROS., (.hi* own matel—SOHMfBt, a groat favor*
cash demand, cnmmtsslna bouse hay­ l»im being with slock In good, heslBUght Jbeoe Wtaodmau.
thy add thrifty comUlInn: Horse*. 96;
ing and covering. The Houc was
.It’ *i-.b B1U.I.U. iM-uple - 8TRRUNO. ovrr 6:..«*0 slrdady soM—* ^
hlgb^. May. tl.t04ei.ll 1-18.
WHGMAN. 8HONIN017H. 8<*HABFnfll. 8MITH ft BMtNiSd,
Sewed on yuur old tops
8:lt-fhedliig and Caring tor the lakw -----i9leud; esAJ-olOh liVRIHgq The average priers January Ui ol
lirNTl.VllTON. MU.NDIUJi60HK. and oibere.
some of the principal farm produeli
ffhrm Orehard, 9. A. Wilkefi..
chmod 11.11: July closed *1.104.
»;ivcsyou a riR as ifood
*:*9-Tbe Oreeteet Rerai cgchool
C-nrn—8)M>t. vtoady; No. 2, C8c r'e- M the markets when- farmers nsu
If there wi ie Iv.Ui-r Fi.iim* inaiisrai-tUM-d-ae aoiild lian-lle Ibom. Tw<-nlj flx** ago we act a* o«r
as new for less money
Problem, prof, e T. Orawu.
vator and 67c fob afloat; No. 2 white ally market such products were ai
si.xiidard of qiialit}—THU DB8T: this policy ,we have always malntainrd.
nominal, and No. 2 yellow, 674c I
The immense purohart:* uu e.aary to supply oiir ix store* gain n» prire con«-*ahgia and apsctal AHthan a whole new rig.
Opikn market was without
Tbe average price of wheat pe
counis iminarlbie 10 other dealer*. HV buy fur le«a—WE SHU. FOR LEBS! Compariaon wllljiulckly provs ;
tdansactlona. closing unchan^
bushel was 97 cents; rye. 70 c^'uls:
Look your toes over,
ll-al our values ate not equal!" 1 el*ewb<-re.
Phramn* and teecben* combittod 4c lower. May eftaed 6*4r: July shelled com 65 cents, and oat* 49
Ample rapital enable, u, t> sell on very ea«y payment terms and to carry all our eontraria. Odd
bring them to us and
MeshMi In the court room.
dosed 684c; September, closed 684c. cents. The average price of hay per
easy pax uient ruatomer, d.-*< direct with us from the first payment to tbe receipt ia (dll. which A* • gBar‘*:*9—Mualc by pupOa of Travi
. Oats—Racelpta. 50J25 bosbels; ex­
was 88.18. Tbe average price oti
snicc of protection a\d fair tr*aimeat under alt circdtartances.
port*. 15.355 buabela. 8pM doR; mix­ fat cattle was 8348 per cwt.; of tat
Eveiy piano we't-i^ !» lully guarantee], both by lU maker and by na. You take no dwMSs If jdd
Redettlon. Mn. A. Oardser.
ed. 26633 poonds. S4©544c: natural bogx. *4.97 per cwt.. and of dressed
deal wttb GRINNELL BKUS.. for our'longeMaUldted repuuilou Is a posiilw aaaorance of oompletc •at'
?:IO-Coonti7 Ufe. P. A. WUkee. wbite. 26 to 32 pounds. 5495Tc; clip­ port. *6.49* per cwt.
ped white. 34 to 42 pBoads. 564962c.
$2 25 geifi the guaraaThe average price ot each class
g any of oar tpsirsmcnta.
c for Cgulogs Ad tan it
Man. Jaron
ot horses was as (olkiwa: Under one'
teed rubbers sewed on
Wool-Steady; domestic fleacc, 3t year old. 94346; between one and two
year* old. 979.79; between two and
the old cops.
Ptekted Bem**-849*He; pickled three years Md. 9104.77. and three
tor our'Boys gad GIrta. Prat c. T. baB».»«94c. •
year* old and over. *131.62.
Cheaper ones too if
Lard—Bisy: wesiara. |9.;o9940:
Milch cow* were^rth »3t6S per
rs St Detroit.
you urant tbein. ..™.. >.
milch cows.
iMaed •toady; contlwaK. bl; South head. CaiUa other
Aamrtoa. tlSSS; eoatpouad. t. .74<;
oMn ofte roar Md, wsre’wdrth per
•tMlj hMVM MW aU two








ass? •


__ -asra-.-s

m rnmm



We Believe^’

SuriS'rS';:;:: E;il

Iwvc ibe Best Tea
the Hukcl.

Price, S*c per poo«.

J. J. ES





IBSSSteyp—a Order that Box of
"■ .......i’Sm
Flowers here

Kefliffs Balsam

We have Uie varieties
nekeslol slock
AmA we arc bcrc to
pleas© yoD

Queen City

PhODe43. 318S.Uoi«i

Old PostoiUcc Bnlldtno



' Grinnell Bros.—Micblgao's
Leaffing Music House-^Hfers
Advantages Not Found Else



EIgWeea Stores. PfOM fliclory
GcMral HeaiL
'Travcne atyBraBCli: Cvr. Front ani Cass Sis.




that M ataei stataoent of tfet
H*alaMtt«n of ttata Tr*aWr*r.
atttiuloa ^ uSe.
“ln»#rtifttJoa that I h»*a ■ad*
■*la coaianasr* with tb* maodat*
ahova that lor thlrtaaa r«v»
' bat to ta^on that
aodtai l»Cltb*dbo»^‘«'^*^ tonowlat iba taltar*. la D*t«Bb.r.
caatoa of tba aadltot gn*i^ w
CheUaa Saftnt* Bank. I
»oft aa mattoS ST
“.‘^.•*^i»aS* aa toTaauiaUoa aod altar ca
lalaodaat of pobMc iaatnt^^ *»■ ,„,*,e«*rful >eraoaaI demaad that
aertfoaMt to tk* aaaaral cpoatla* of
lh*attW0»»rt‘“'*T****'“7^^“*,tr*aaar#r of tba atat* af Mlctifaa. I
romatatat »a tb* priatanr acbool low \
oat toad oa «•»• » of 0*^^ fear. Tb*
oBlf aota oot apportlooed w tte «•
aad aukUaaaaoe* la ottc*

«Jd Fnok P. Glailer. aiat*
trcanrer, aad eliad aald oaetai u, a*I to tS (T paar before es* at tba caaeauvc nttca
^ «IU.tbara -a. «P^>oaM « » ^U.. rttf of Laa-of. •« the

bant ibsi will
perpetuity and aare from bnu: dliin
pototmeat 'counties* tbt»a*t>‘:« M end
0W* kPd orth*e« tbreugbout wi; st*ie
aad Billon. It *««« wiibout aayiag
that eoctetieB which tsu to make
quat* pioTltloa lor ih* lvib<:m»B> «4
their coLtisci obtiyation* (si.i.oi Ion*
■orrlv*. and II l«. iterelcre.' the fluty
•t the aisK >n I1.1ISI. ibrccfb leffteia___ that lbe*e organtuitoae deal
lalihfuliy- with the pntlle an* adopt
rate* that will teltly Insure tl.elr perpetuiiy- Some ol ih* law* ot uicfclrsn
gevernlet the levtfUceat* cl tBsunhe
eompanlss wet* enacted nearly * bal
ceatwy ago. Tbtee Jaws Lent amendha^ I
leg rocdlllona
tut* Banhe.
“Dortog ’be year l!iC!i tbe c£<h and
legal Rterver lequlrcfl cf state banka
by tbe bibklBK law Lave as a whole,
been well matnuintd. Five reporte
beve been-called lot and Rcalved dur
Ing the year by tbe att’e batklcg de­
partment. atich bie made tin taam
inetlont ct ataie tank* **d trnat rempanlet under Ha ruperrirton l». addi­
tion te ’.bese examlcallont He <nect
ora of each etatc baek bare made fwt

dlretlly tremtie to the IntelllrM «•
flvtilee of the depertpenl bivtnf t*
do witb tbcec iatereett Tbts dtpartmen! has alio been active In gnatdlng
the health of tbe people of Uicblgtn by
coamanUy warring agalnet tbe dls■cmlnatlca ot Impnra food prodoct*
fa protecting tb* people hom Imtloo through tb* Ml* of edulier.
ated prodorti which, altbougb not loJuriout to health, are not what they
purport to be.
WapecHcn of 8 illdins*“The enectment by -he laet legtala*
(nrc of tbe necessary Icgtelanon ba*
reeultefl In the iarpectlon daring tb*
past yeer of approxlmaiely one tbouaand scbool bouse* end public uutldIng* ^h a view to proridlng adequale prciectlcn In caae of fire
the same lime demonetreted
tbe need for more extended and-rigid
safeguarding of tbete elasse* of build­
ing* Wblle the several bundted Are
escapes end other means of pioiecUng

•••t* er



i meet tatlsfactory record and
thero ta no dcubt that the depanure
from tbe one-man ..
•0 kmg obtained In Mleblgaa. aad tbe
•BlarceMBt of the aeope of the tows
aad the power* of tb* eoMml*aloa **r
wtoe and timely While tbe new tow it
not p«1*ct and needs *ome Improveaeot. lu eoacunent was decidedly a
tonrard etep.
AiriLLobby Leffitlatlon.
“Two year* ago 1 took occalon to
say to tbe leglalatore. which tbeo coavened. that ‘The proteanteBa] lobbylal
baa no proper pUce .la legtstotloo and
If tor coaraaMoea la maktag the <0*.
0,^ foreaooa of law dar
(be sooner be t* eliminated iherwfrom
peutloa. to be tociuded Jo tb* mil ^
mio* aaever to
R*ct» R«tn«n« Um V«rk«(
tbe better not only lor the pnblle but
Oaidloer.llalna.->*'1 hav» bean s
tba aald cbaifea.
for tbe specUI tnleresis by which he gieht auffewr from otfanlc trotfw
mm •» ttm SUU. Tef*|fc^
-The retail of thU praeilce vaa that
-Sarrlce of tb* eharge* and ctutloa
M employed.'
MMir UtoirnwnJtmni far 1M Sn- oalf tb* amaU balance* remained la to appear wu made upon aald Prank
“Tbla sentiment was againexpi
the prtmary achool interaat lund on P. Olasler oa Jaa. 1, 1«M». aervte*
•ctmant vf Law* C***rtm
la special ipanges addremed t
—S^lc* Cf^artattif •* Ralanilfli Dae. at of aaeb fear for tba last ttair- balDi BiadcAhroocb bU pcraonal auorBtme body of lawmaker*, but without
teea raan after tbe Norcmbat ap- oey In view of a wrltun eeruflcate
RrMRWtty aatf CaO* AmntNa ta
by order of the commlssb
Influencing It. to abollab tbe «v»
made by Ur. Olaxler-a aitendini pbyxl
have done much to lessen the danger which is condemned by every rl^t*Tbe average balasae te tba primary (tan that Mr. Olaalei^ condUWn waa
to ite oubPr. tbe anthorlty ot tbe com­ mlnded clilrea of the state.
I a «BWral wawU of aebool fnad after tbe Noaeznber appor- each that Vrrlee of any paper apoa
missioner under the pre*eal Uw doe*
"Several state* have already eaactod
endanI ■«■!«* to «L« ronrpot iDdude tbe ordering of other tafe- legislation which has had a most benIn abarp eontraal with tbe g*a bit bealib and mlgtal preclptiatc
• of tk* aUi* of Vicblgesrds wbirh should be provMed.
eflrtal effect tn reifring the profe*above 1* tb* lollowlng abovlng for tb* acrloaa reanlU.
lobbyist vrifh his eecret. dartgre* empleymcnl SirRaus.
two *«ce<sedlBg year*: I*Od, 11^21,•
“On Jan. 17 Mr. Qlaater. Ibrougb bit
-Slaee tbe establishment by the state -ttetera methods of inOuenrlng legtslaIld.M; 1*0T, ai.6*7.t9«.
attorney* aad the formal autemenu of
I ih« BaodU* of
of free employment bureau* In five Hon. WkhlgsB Is lagging In tbla mat- monUia' use of '
Dep*rl*d from Caatoia.
ht* attending phyalctana. made eocb *
*n)l-4t should hasten to Uke *
e slate employment bat '>eeii
»h«';oMttUU«o I ««bn.u to ,00 «r
**Havlng lor tbeae tb}rt*«B feara
found for ttarly f.O.OOO person* with­ derisive etand ugelnai any and all lob­
U.M M«»«
pracUcaUf. exhausted tb* primary pacliy that
earning* end dividend* ot •*’* s'ai* out expense to either the empluyes or bying that will not stand the light of
I u to tS* eoaJiUoo i
latereai tend lb making tba 1 until Jan. ii.
bank and trust compaoy bave tee* employers.
full and complrie pubUriiy
ooS roooBkiooSattooa co'
auditor I “Ob tb* laat-mentWned daU »tr. Ola- csseted
Taxation of W>ra Companies.
Cmpleymont of Children.
ftwiMM wblek. fa mr loSsnaaL •
—7-.T-. ^ g-i—«d to nroteet tb* SeMt*! d«>*rt*d from tbe long etub-' n,r appeared by bli attorney.
■Tbe*e varloui reports and eumlU compared wlib the prevlnasyear . •TTiete la a unlveraal and Just
•^n.f.V^^i^'llabed caatom la hi* department in «htl* enuring a general dwiUl of tbe nation* have been 'b» tubpet of toroyear Just closed sbows a decrease Band on tte part of tbe people of
i SSS.l»r. 1«». ..d Id >b.t «...«!
>»ld« lla.
munlcailon along «ba line of special ot neatly tO per tvol In the number state that telegraph and lelrpboae
s of thetiUee of ewte comment and criticism, and the i«mfoltowing tailed to Include li
be required to pay aa ad
ebeet. minloner of banking leport* tha' In ot eblldien under sixteen years ol age
"“jL*^«L*^h«Te^o^‘n toutrmwrte;uih..^
to tab. immedUU. eb<
tn this, state. Michigan waa valorem tax and at the same rate as
T" left It
*Seo_f^ cl^gi
wtroctloB for oMwrtWn-1 NotlthUandlng thl* reelguMlon.
but Jew Instances »>.<n nece*. among the first of Ihc alale* lu
are all other properly owner* and tax­
^ ment larg* attoa.
*o that after tbe 4(k catteed
Seward L. ..........................
- t.1
fair 'o resort *o tf annlicatlon of laws regulaiing the emvloyme
payers who share tbe burdens of gov­ the United Stato* bnar wUltat
___ ______ _
.a «la
wa* mad* (1.
In Vn^amKA.
November, 1 to
SI* la
In .ha
the aaaan.laa
eaecutlv* nlBCe
oIBce ble find any of lb* flraiilc provKIuns
ehlldRn. and to the faithful enforce- ernment. It should
one of your
UOe. there renulned In tbe primary tug* baaed on bis tnveetlgatlon mad< taw where disrecarfl of ’h* law wa*
____ of these law* t» doe tn a great first duite*. gentlemen, te plece-all tbe It cures tomato Uto, and f—
acbooI taiereot fund 11^22,tS€.S7. and . m my behalf.
manifesied The consunl effort of llin
anL buoyant tomato he*
after tbe apporUonraent ot November, j "The reelgnatlon of Prank P- Olaxler denartment baa t«-n to lacreate I'e measut* the gratifying Improvement property of the elate on the 1
are 111. for yonr own aak
{at etaie treasurer was
cBciency aod the efferilveneev of I'a
Inepcetiop ef Mines.
-When tb* legUUUv* committee* copied by me end on Jan. 23. i?"".
examlnaiiona and th“i.-br streos'hen
The Michigan law for the protee“Orer-ca^tellutlon
stock-waaa».a to make up tbe general budget appointed Hon. John T. Rich, form
the loalHnliona tinder 1<* sitpervUii.u tlop of coal miner* to one of Ibe but
the stale of Mkbigan.
tering manipul
la 1»07. they
called for inlonnatlon
RetutaHen of Private Banka.
la the country it ii e metier of pride
whjcb dHSSttcusty rfff(K-ls the
te the *>«<«"«» In tbe etete treasury tmaurer to eerve out tbe balan
“Dtiring the leglsla’lvc nrsslon of that our sute-1* foremost tn gustding
general puWlc The railroad corapenle*
at the cloae of tbe year 190«, and were the uneaplrdO urm of eald
190S nnd again In I^>n7 I tligefl 'be
have bRn' the greatest offender* In
Informed that U was approxlmauly ctaslar.
i>t n taw imivlrilng fur Hr:
thto respect When these pranlceaere
State InetltwtUn*.
regulation of private banks
c Ritin-d In the r
Ifni fii a - - •
Indulged In by public service corport'The need for 'he onaoment aa eldent. should oceur. but by cou.iant
---------------------------- - .
that tbe various «ute Instltuijens'ar* lew for liciicr Infortnina <he *puli
Tlir- parlor* of the home wi
weichfulnesi fhAff
thee- ffflSfntfl
accldemi are
are rs- Urougb tbe euciiun from U"m of InUtnr* or tbe waicntiTe oAc* bad any
fulBIUn* the purpose* W 10 Ih" nature of private Iwnks if Dot duced to the minimum.
erased tolls Tlie genera' public too. rated In grwn and whUr, Ihe ot*Pto anepect that more than a
establlehed end ere for better protccUor of flelwtfl'or* In
Good Reads.
Is Ue prvy of all conwrations which ueny bring perrormrd In a
^Snal amouat of primary achool
^tdlUoo. They are man- these sn-r*lief1 -hanks i» lm|>era’ive
“Since the cetaljU&limeBt ot the Mate
.'hich was beautifully d*P
flfcnej. aa thown by the average ot
^pr„en„tl*e eltUeueof Mleb- Tbese concern* hold lhem»elv“» out *0 highway department a fotsl of 32S seek to pay dividends on rratered Mock
lea. tba. UJ.OOd
,, ,„e. the public a* bank* and there can l>* Bile* ot road bave geen built under .. which unload such Mock upon a orated In evcvgMetts, UtUmWMR
lean yeari. was included In tble bal- ^
witboot conipepiatlon BO doubt that a large porilun of >h* tbe enpervisiem ot tbe state highway confiding people who ate at all time* fnme and eamstlona. A torse w*dSl^
aacm They rightly nppoaed that aa
thought aad Uml w ih,vwolot»on general public labors under (he mUtn- coramlsaloner. Twenty-ilx dpun««e are
irplB* fund*. Tbe result in either bell seal suspended from Ue ceiltofL
prebenelon tbit they ere regulated and now under tbe county road ay*iem and
la preriooe year*.
S tbe Intrieaw proMe«»,««»‘"^»^
iM Is Tobberr. wtatcb abould be spt- tbe couple sundlng directly imSW
• iBtercol Bwney bad been apportioned
iuceeeeful dlrweUoO'^f ih* affaire supervised by sute eutborltr In pre­ in AprU next more than forty addi­
Ue bell. Tbe wedding march wa* plfliL
and dWriboted to tb* coontle* 1* re- ^ io,umtion* of such g>wat magnliude vious legUlatqre* most of 'he oppori- tional counties will vote on the adop­ clOcally pcoblblted by statute.
od by MisB Lavlnto Undlcy.
Primary Election Law.
RUfod by, law. The atember* of tbe
. naportanee. Tb* rwrd of thee* Uon to legislation designed to give the tion ot the system. It Is the opinfoa
The enectment of a good, coningU*c*mM9r..
_^tu. «»vi pn^l, u™o. _u.u
.atu™. U.. ™.el0P.- public needed protection
of tbe commissioner that at least thirty
thay were dMOlag erttb a general fund J ■ that they are pertormlog a service
u who were fio
of thme forty counties will vote favor­ ^nee. easily worieble prtmair elec­ Ue guesu. about 60 tn namber. wsRI.
tion tow. ihe provIslcB* of which Can 'seated at ubles.'ue folloerliig
iTSta banka The hoaH
In prirate
eonsiKutes thv ably on the proposition.
be carried Into effect at the leaat poa- being served:
ag* la which they live, thl* ob*erva ot tbese
Militia and '
potent reason tor eupplylog tbe
Uoa i^iplle* alike in the member* of
•Tb* tnlllury esiabltobmenl <rf the rihle COM 10 the people, to a task lo routo salad
Preised efe
• Into aecownt to propariagthegna- the boerd* of manager* ot our educe- legtslatlQn ta mestlon.
Mate bevlng been ptaced^by tb* last which you abould give early and conCold rmat beef.
On this aul^eet jfce govemo
Uoesl. cbaritable. reformatory
legUldInte on a basU akin to- that of eclentous attention. There It already
Pnilt aataS,
eludes by saying that whfl* prlv*' tb* regular army. U does not appear on the sutult books of Mkblgan tb* Apple Salad
poaal tnatltntions.
. beioaged to
nocleo*- of aaeh a law. The present
Acsorled Cake*
“Equally aa promlaenl In lu field of banks may be p necessity In ih» smaU
tow U the best thei could poa*lbly be
eedmvor It tbe Ulctalgan Agricultural
obuteed at the time ot Us entriraent.
—.1^ tbe pioneer agricultural college
Among the oufjf.iown g«e*t* at U*
it la. however, tar from bring perfect wedding were
j^„mry. which lor more than IIOM bi
llaaa are bring reewned. labor is find- aBoont to tbe toUl
toul to be mla^
rala^ by
t tax ^
IP. wo «
b. ,„,u„
■re the grar
and abould be amended *0 as to more
aad proa- •» tbe general purpo-e* of the
nearly and tberoughly meet tb* Re­ Bev. Edward Weirs, the Mtoae* Uh
and Reutofa Weiss, and Mr*. AB>
e of agriCBlmre
taai^IngB of the
of Reed City, aanto
piOBpt raoovery from th* die- Dob the November aiwortlooMi. ^^
metdiaBleal ert* end which deMmWrny of eoarilng . to- lor
be In line with tbe beet thought end
Ihe bride; Ur. and Mra. Arthur Uah
mMbod* in tble mett«r.
Vr^^ce They tbould be
BlfMBg oowdltioos which obtolBSd torn'
Sr**l*r earn
today has no peer. Always a leader. toCutoUon or the buslne.s cf stork brevmr ago to but aaotter «v|. t held the previous year. wbO* In No-1
tmpetg* vras given thl* col- her.- During ihs -e
aer. ot Bolon. Ur.-and Ur*. Amll B
wluataad the fellur* of a concern 1 e®"***”
Home for Feeble-Minded end E^toptie.
“With reepeei to U* eeveral mature man mid Mrs Kd Taylor, ot TrarenA.
which tianssrted a large brokerage
"The tow RlaUng to the Home for specifically menlkmed In Uto Beeeaga Ciiy.
baUe*i within this state Men of aii tb* ^ble-Minded and Epileptic and to all niber eubJecU wbicb may
manralona retwcee of oar eoontnr.
The bride I*
To yoa. gutueaen of tbe Porty- oadar the tow In each aod every-gear." United States and bla action In Unking profemlons end calUcte. men of toige should be amended In respect to the be brought to yom aiteatlon during wick and is very popator. 8h* hM
The govemor then direeu tbe atteo- U ao prOm'-nenUy wlU his addrers ,U means and men ot small means and.
f«iw lictrigtare, hae been ssetgned a
conditions govemiag tbe admission ol tbe serslon upon which yon have Juit Keen Ue.^wlck corro*__________
U* people «a tbe importance of agfl- aa Ue record dlscUrses. werklr.* w«m- patients At present, persons are qd- entered. I beepeek your.moM tbooghtt duty, Too have been tm ot the
into thIL concern up 10 milled to tble Inatlintlon without doe fol end pelnetaklng eonalderailoii. (heltofly S^ iar-*pm* ttsA it*
ley int
enltnre and tbe dignity of labor.
i ‘ «a, paid money
Tb* Michlgao CriUgc ol Mine* It the very tost day 0! lie exls’ence is process of tow,
Ton bave *won to dtecharge n moat groom bad fumlsMd as honae oa Thir'
■Bklag a moat enviable record in Hi
important doty to tbe best of yonr teeniV vireeu Tra reran City, «Mf*
aSir“— ol I new orgastr tow are
Bblliiy and I bare fslU to believe Uat Ue happy coqple
ha fwOBliInreil aad tow* enacted that
at no time will yon lose eight ot yonr booaekecplng. dUpratIng with
orfD tarry Into affect the wla* and aaln- pooaa by the eerenl legtolatare* dor- U* edoeatlonel world.
aolemn ohilgallon to legislate lo tbe wedding trip.
tag the past twrive year*, and con“A conetantly Increaring non
leteresis of sli the people ef onr great
Many bcaotifui gifts of band pnlotM
young women
sute Beard *f HeaHh.
s'.ete. I would eepectolly urge yon eo
ibowed Ue eacern to which reference
•Tble department of elate govero- keep conMantly In mind the duty yoo chiDA cni glass, silver and II
afforded by the four excellent normal fi hen mad* to have llablime* run­ jent is conMtnily extending It# actlvl owe your constiroects to esfeguard were pri'sentcd Ue young qpuple,
M«"a«gwi to aalBtalB Ita oomBcrrial
of the prtmeiiry echool Ulmaht fad
tUto; while Ue ayatem ai
ning into Ue mllliocs -lib few asMts ties slung prscUcal lines and thus mak­ heir private feriunet aa well aa Ue bride also loerivtng ISO In casb'traSl
goridoo la the gatozy of riatea.
7.72. Of thl* amount 17,- ot county normal
«ve those pledged to a few credliort. ing its work of increasing value to (he r (to of Ihe fiat*. You ran do Uto her relatives.
non^ school*
Bcbool* Inaugurated n
Now State CerteUeaMcit.
•evmal yeara ago la developlog In a. ■riSi furtte: that It wa* lesolveci for public The board and Ha offierra have
“HhUgaa haring ontgroara the
ranfully aaenlng all
The Rev. Hr. Weiss ud hit danghlong lime bgfore Its butinets -<.» in­
moM eatltfaMory manner.
framed hy the plokept In touch with all movements de­ which involve the eipendliare of pub­
9SS6.23S St
■IS. Mra. Mclrgartht and Mia* BMP
"No ettte ha* ever eurpasaed Mich­ terrupted by the appolttineni cf a te- signed to make for tbe beltenavnt of lic money k> that you rhatl exercise
aaan wtoi told broad and deep the
from oUer Intereria igan in proridlng for the well^lng of criver
■ah Wrias, iwturmd to Reed CUg
toaadaUooe ot the commonwealth.
the greaieai possible
whlU pay a oadfic tax. During ’h*
•The bustncM of eioek broking is In
r*pr«eatatlv*B ot the people ot thl* aame-iwrlod them was paid from Uts tboa* who Urongb mtotertnne ot any
the protection of the beelih of tbe peo­ omy ronrisicnt with the leaeooable day. Miss Ulliu Welas wlO risll h»
some respects simitar to (hat of a
totor day have toberieoaly and oonacl- toad by the Mato to Ue aevaral co^a- kind are unable to provide for tbrir bank. Tbe business affords opportu­ ple Much of piaclical value ba* been needs of the various objects for which Bisur. Mrs. John Groeaaer. for a •*»
provide aod the honor and days.
ondwty towoed a aew docoBsot to tlM for tb* support of- tbe public own cere wd malnteoanec. Our
nity for fndu'igence In p:4ct!<*» whlca sccomplisbcd.
keeping with the new coedlitoas lael- Bchoolt *9.891.078 22. or 'KeiSti.M
State Pioneer end Hiefertcal Society. tmporinnoc of the Mate.
tepretasnsible and tbculi te
and tte wayward, our rriresto for tbe
daat to tbe devetopment of the eute Bore than the reveaae o( U* fund.
"We ere fortunate In number^g in
“Hav Ing been enunsted by tbe people
Bentally deficient and for thoR wbo
aad the advaneement of elrillsatlon
jr cltixenahh. ao able and devoted a wlib.-ihelr most sacred Iniereet*. w* P
•Tbe aggregate of state taxes leried have teea ,mc*en
Cenaervetiea ef Resource*.
stricken ii»
by »*««.
dUeaat have
It to hritovad that (he new consUtubody of men and woroe;i as cumpoae wtJjTTaU short of a fall performance of PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP<
“The rvtenf eoclereneei participated (be Michigan Pioneer end Htotorlcal
matertoUy contributed to the greainme
UoD Will prove to be e* stable and and
du<y If we fail to work together
I.-0 CanitM-ju lilt Uto morning
year* wea
. of Ue state and to Ue enviable repuia- in br It* president ol it* I'citefl iocleiy—a meniberablp whoae imaelfixh
dy and harmonloosly
beneficent In (is day as wa* tbe oa* tazea
AvXimption roll"Sc, B.iDilusky, Oocollected amoum*dTo «S7l,2«Jd.
are prop- States memhem cf the ceblnet. gor
wbteb baa-hut been laU aeid* was la
work tcude lu llie education of tbe aafeguard aqd enharxe Uuae IntorrM*
npon iu generous. ernors of lbs devers! etaies and oibei present generation as well as to the to Ue fuUvdl pdnlble exieot. To ibto lario. where ho will resume bU stud­
Its Um*. dad thri U will ee loa
bounty or wbo need its restiatnlE.c
neci cBcialq and private cil enlightenment of ponerity. They have end I plcflc* you my sincere ud a- ies. He was aceompuied by bis atorive to eotwerv* aad. guard the
CMBt of our edttCBlionsl. cbarUable. htnd 10 direct them Into path* of rrefcavlag (or Ueir object 'he con rendered an Important aervlce in plae- UueUMic
ter.-HlDA as far as Orud Rapids.
of the people.
il and reformatory InsiUntloBadur. Utndv and bonor Not less efilclent servetlor. cf tbs r.aiura! rceources of log onr sute end in people on the
Mrs. William Hales, of On^llrirvllto,
Tf you. tn whom ha* been aesigned
the same period amounted
are those necessary InslIiuUons which Ueceuotry.baveawakened wldtiprcad high plane of civHlution which (be
(he doty ol lorrautotlag and eaactl
left thl* morning fur RIdgrvlUc. lod..
have for thrir purpose Ue punishment intceet ic <bis vlully importani (ub- arblcvement* of ibe past era and tbe
the laws u. effeaoate tbe wtoe pi
for a vtoit with bcY alMer.
ject 7\> of Michigan. •Hb our rest acllviUes of the prraent era demrve.
UalverMty ol Michigan....*1,Wf.lMtl' or those of mntor*
vtoloos ot the new coatUtutloa.
wealth of water power, our njlntral Th* work 8f the aoclety meriu encourAgricuMural College .......... <».fJLIl 1 tranigr*** Ue lew.
ywr duty taichfuily. eoudenUouj
{iSb,1 College................... m.saifl
••in *11 Uee* thing* which make tor rtorei am*, oo" memory of simoai agenient and regard.
aad iBtoUlgeoUy. aa y ^
of tbe eiete. the orotec
boundless forest* which have to 1
1» 128.211 Ue greataee*
Oeotral Nontal- School....
Priaon Binder Twine Plarrt.
lirgr extent been ruthlessly sacrifleed
M ol the aule will never have eauxe Northern Normal School..
•The reeuli of tb* flrxt eea:
I regret that they ao emphatically Wmtem Normal Scbool... «l.2lMI;Ue gener*! -jpUft of humanly no la a mad mb tor wealth, have special operation of the binder twine ptoal MISS ADELAIDE CROESSEft AND
reuBon for enthoetosticanT oo-aperalWM. MEERieS WEDDED.
uaderoed tb* work ol tte reccat eon- Ooonty Normal Tralung
tn tbe sute priaon at JackgS.MS.SD
exering with the leaders In this great
•tuutloaal coaveaUoo.
Classes ...............................
accordance with a law enacted
Ue end that U* public shkli
^Now that tb* orgahle law of the AtrInB* for Insane............MM.EM.fiS. clsed
C«r*<neny Tea Ptae* *( KeewHck and
aui* Iwtld* the eaawmeni ot a ape BoMierY Hoto*.................... 2ii!m.(i7 ^ not be undniy burdened in providing
^ rial tow where a geaaral tow can b< Home tor Feeble Minded., 2T«.m.S8 for tbe Batatenane* of tbese Insuiu- tbe wuMe places which have been made that an sppropritiloa be made for Uto
wa* Perferiued by
10 rive BP Uelr rich treaaute*. to the
7E.87S.9T tlOMmad* te apply. It bebooves you to cxer Echool lor U* Blind..........
of th* Srtdo.
purpose This legulattoa has not
rise tb* atmori ear* aad yonr beat
Inatltato for
•ad that Uom wbo come after n may
leeseaed tbe eosi of twine 10 l
The iMutonee tows enacted two
U* Blind .
ijoy tb* bleaMngs intended for Uem Urmer* who p-jrthaied ibelr supply
Keswick.-Mioh.. Ju. 8.—One of Ue
. wl* tb* School for Ue Deaf............ ISk.seUt years ago. partlcntorly tboee affecting by a* all-wise providence.
fro* the Male, bui ba* effected a aav ,<,,.iety event* of the winter *easoe,
_____ lur* o< power and pretectica Butt PebUe Scbool............
91.831 83 U* boolBMO or life iBMsraiice. are U
Fish and Gama
ing to Ue farmers ot Michigan Cen-|,, Keswick was tbe marriage Tueethat eras demaaded by that and la Prtoana and Rcleruatory.. *20.28190 itM vrtth tbe tegtototfaiu adopli
The experience of the pi« two ereilf by forriai th* (wine —..........
tended hy the framers el Us conatltn- Hem* for Girls..................... 14T.450 01’ number ot Mates as tbe result
year* ba* perx-jided tbe oOelsU who
laduatrtal SUoel for Boys.
daughter of 'hlr*. John Oi
are charged with Ue enforermeat of Importast comuodiiy.
PsychepaUie Hospital ^...
gist* Plimne**.
the tow* enected (or th* proiecciou of
(hto place, and Willtom Meeriea. ol
Liquor Traffic.
The eoDduioB of U* Soaaeet al Ue Sute Saaaturiom................
fish end gem* ibtt Uete to-< n*f4
Traverse Qiy. son ot tho la:e An­
ftat* during the pan tow weeks to
1 that Michigan bad an emendlo* in eeverel ptrtItBisr
lic sentiment ibrougbool Ur country toine Mceries, of Solon.
“WhtJe Ue e
BSUai u commoa kaowtodg*
ib*M oarie’i art r.ow «a«>ged---------------------■
The ceiemooy took pUce at 7:»
The last toflelainr* e^ the chi
I lastlti
exhaustive •**mltattou cf ttt Uwi of thera Is «
0 o'clock. Ue Rev. Edward Welts, of
cHlien* of
execeitvc ot tte state hae* been cr
dvtog Ue paM few year* they two of a pately imUBical aature anfl tbe vsrioui stoteiof U? Unis* with a ledle tbe’•“*
liquor traBe about with more
^Ity. grandfaUer Of U* bride.
;ta*d for Uto stats of alatr*. doubt- have rimpto kept pace with the oaurm ** «rinor Impertaae*. have teeo toand viewTo prereaiici tor yoar coaviders- ®*«*
khaU critlct have Bad* gsowU and derelnpment of the las'.l- dasirabto
tint mtit-.irrf det'rsti *®

totteu aod’Ue demand* made upoa
"An Important branch ot liwereftce marked improvemeat in this retetet mealclpsllty or commautiy bearmlt*«N4e •'»» exqutoltely gow^ U
d cauaa ot tbe ehortag* ta Ur thuB by Uo lactuaaing popotoitoo ot that U now rceelrlng careful aiteailce
Dairy Intaresta.
ta to estahUrt more than one^ooa white batiste, and wore a veil, Sbe
gousal fund trOB which tb* g«**nl the Mato.
, tothatcraeaaciedhylbetracemalPeo
Tb* dairy Interests ol MIchlgat fo,
bodlnhaWtanU, leering It op- carried pale pink cumatlons. Tho
•1 have bad prepared a deulled and *Seiary noctoties of the coonlrp Mil UV* been treatly extetde« a*
«xp*A*«* or 'h* suto goaraBwt aso
tleasi wlU tbe moalclpallty or com- bridesmaid was Miss Ullian Wrias. ot
•xhauMlw* autement
Ue reeriptaof «o»* «t th* common pMMi* d«p*afl op*e
oBc* during
fleilna the
(be F*»«
pan fe- yc*rr. (be.___
... ______«t
By' -helberU* number ot ^ cily. who wore a prwUy gown of.
- -Ta torilco to tb* lari l•qM•tnT« cat U* Mau tiwasuTwr from all
aotoly upM the** aorietie* tor
vulo. Of Ue prodBt. of tbla indo.jy, .nhabltant. per aaloou shril
^s beet
•zpwdUures for all pupoeea.j *?*»«»
r loved
«p*a wham tavolva tb* doty ot pt» wSleh wUI be UM balnr* U* BasM,
to*4 ones after thty aav* boa
Miw hg Ue 1*1
Oroeeam, hroUwe oC Ue

lesnge (• tke Ugislitire


u., P..n.



p. - i “V


Vegetable Compoudd

's taj.?.


wai LIVE HERE Mn CwO *• PM-UI .
Tbe List BnlNeit*

'..'‘SJSib'J 1 W .1.. I...



israr n“o riJmTn^i^^raS;

ffomal bodgri. 1 «•«. it MBBhtoa* o( th* atABto and has

i ■-■■PrraMgr

if;, MMc
(|t la 1
Ctorictiu* I raealrad a new Aresa. two
balr ribbons—ona vaa pink and the
oibar «rai brows.—a new pair of
ahoaa. two anna booka. two ahaaU ot
nnsie. a cap aai aaacar. and mu and
•* pw
I CO to acbool avaiy day Chat
MmM vmnt Mka •mwMm
tooaldBt am;
i ohl 1 like to go to attoool. I like
Bat tba ekOdraa aO lorad bar. “Baje^eber eery Bach. 1 am In the
" tbay all cried .
'eighth gtade. Hy two little brothers
I «(Ui toy MW U,Mmrr wf
-Sba-a ao ktaid and ao bright and ac p, ,o .choql. too. We haTe ooe nlK.
sad a ball to walk. We bad a CtartstI wiil toy w »• a
Bss tree down at the school boose and
we bad a flpe time. Tbe taa<^ gave
M far •• I caa
ea^ of tbe acolara a nice present and
Grace Byer. Lake Ana. Mich. Name a tack of peanuu and candy. I re
I will toy «• »a levln|,»i^
aeat by Frances Ball.
cetved a nice white silk handkerchlel
lal ani kM to
Fred Brantlgan. Otto Brantigaa. and with some little flowers srorked In one
at avary IWtoi* tMa*.
aosllene Brantigaa JUngaley, Mich. corner of IL And my little broiber. re­
If I avar fail la toyiafl ta io
Names sent by Dbsray Weaver.
ceived a lilUe glass full of candy.
Ihaaa tUnfa, I will Try,, toy
WeU. as I cannot tnlnk of any thing
H. Y. F. tainabine Clitb Cradle Roll.
ore to write. I will dose hoping to
Deyo Ball,
Ana. Mich. Name
« ibU In print.
rat by Fntnees Ball.
Toor loving Sunshine, girl.
Charlie Ball Kovarlk. age ten Age IS.
Ethel Bow.
Bontha. Omena. Jllch, R. F. D. No. 1..
W'hat a nice Christinas you bad!
and Waller Stowe, age ooe year, flni- am glad you wrote to me about iL
toas Bay. Mich. B. F. D. No. 1. Naaea
seat by Helea Kovarlk.
Maudle Charcb. Thresa Scbnter,
Ralph Scbnter. Artbar Allen. Mable
1 win write and tell you wbnt I got
Cburdi. May Brown. Rnlpb Brown,
Karl Hnlett. Cecil Hulett. Sammll for Christmas. I got a horse and
City. Mich. Naaea sent by E. G. 3. ragon. an auto, a waidi and chain, a
OrganUad Daeaiaber g, Iggfl.
checker board and checkers, a pair of
Stdiuter .
pants and suspenders, and lou of
candy and nuts. 1 will close wishing
yon a happy New Year.
to going to give ua a little talk. Doeau’i
Julius Bow.
It seem nice to bear from her again*
1 hope yoa bad a bsppy New Year,
breenstreet Rantto. Yuma. Colo.. ^
lA’bal did you do on New Year's
January 1. 1»99C«
Dear Snnsfalnen:
Yon are all writing of your happy
Cbftotmaises. and I ihougbt you would
Omena. Mich.. R. P. D. No. 1.
ChrtotJan. I. I»09.
Mumber of aaabtra on the Crwlle
to like In tbe bomes of tbe boys Dear President—
ItaU, dan. t, iggg, m.
and girto out here on the prairie. You
1 will now seat myself and take
boyn end girto who live where there pleuure In dropping you a few lines.
Hew Mamina Flaya.
>y trees eu hardly realise wbat I am well and hope my 1> Iter will find
inu lb* aweeUat (king that Gw dillM to Uke out here where ooe can look yon and all the BunLeams the gamey
for Biles and miles, and not see a algo WIRUr has come at last. I tJwayt
0i green life except the crops growing wished for winter to come, but I don't
on tbe farms In the summer. We live mind It now as l dem't enjoy the wlnra a ran^ aa It to called out here,
1 irtaya-tbat with a merry
(you would caU it a farm In Michigan)
tbe best, don't you?' It to
ten milee from tbe nearest IltUe town, pretty cold today. Last Saturday a'
*My baby taat!** np ^ down BBama and except for trees which we have triend Of mine and 1 were ai.tae stheoi
ptonted on our farm .there arc only a to hear tbe Christmas pro^sam: It
A gavtag Abont and feQovlng her few treea U aee In the whole dlsunce. was very nice to bur tome of them
As tor real Chrtotjnas trees or ever. recite. The teacher of that school Is
'there are hundreds ot children Mist Solton. We also had a Christtatade tbe p«|iarA nd under tbe
here who never saw one. There Is a
tree and program In ov achool
.Ai an in Iwtffem tlia envars flbe lamUr ot happr little folks four miles bouae. but i wun't there. I am read­
from OS. who have a big time when ing throe library books. The names ot
looks. /
’'Baby! baby!*' calllag.
are “Bladt Beauty." “Uttle Lame
Bat thoogh Is bar way to papn'a tan does not know what a Cb
^ “ and "Wood Rangers." 1 like
to Uke. When be was a Uny baby his "Wood Rangeri" Uie best. I do enjoy
-Bh* never onee Ulnks to took onder famUy bad wbat they call, to this day. reading very mnch. I -have not much
“a green Cbristmaa tree," and It to tba work to do. eo 1 paw my time away
only one they ever had la all their piecing ^ calico quilt. Tbe name of it
. Bb* UataBA ^ «mpu. no bnra tbe Uvea. But they have graat apart
Is “Kentnoky Croas-bar." Before I
wee Uagb.1
when Chitounas comes, ‘^elr lather forget 1 most tell yon that 1 have a
Atod armmd the flea, the enter by and mother lived across the ocean, to
little nephew who wanu a Cradle Roll
Austria, when they were young, and cord. Hto name is Charlie Emil Kov-Why, where can be her and ehe they tUO koep many ol the pretty cosartk. and be was ten months old on
Men lb* clock.
ol that Und. I asked the chUetovnUi of December. HO wetoh*
■be tamMea byr bukaL abe sbakas Iren II they do as tbe boys and girls
thlrteea>Mnds. Also plesse put Wal
PMA's aock.
^ to Oennny. and pat their tboet ter Stowe's unme on tbe Cradle Roll.
"Baby! baby!" oUUag.
to a row on <%rl*tma* Eve. lor Good He wiu be a y^ old on the »Ui of
WbO* (be ebOdm aB evil* at papa's Salat NlcboUa to DU. and they laaghed
address is Buttons Bay.
and eaU they aomeUntes do. but that Mich, R. F. D. f<o. 1. I Wish to say
noogh DOM el tbea go and took an- generally, inat betore they go to bed.
U Helen Brodriik sees this letter 1
4*r that
each geu a plaie and pnu It on the hope sbe wUl let me know her adftlntog UUe, with a letter to It. telUng drees, which I lost 1 should like to
A *we« coo calia.
Mamma dartt
8t Nleboiaa. (tor that to wbat tboy
a reply to her card which I
oaO Santo Ctoas.) Jost what they received a long time ago. 1 hope abe
«b* leek to her pocket to eee If he's
want, and eack aigas her letter, so he wlU write soon. I have t04 post cards,
tbar*. .
will kMW where to put her speeUl and wish to get more. I will exdiange
; lb every ven on the totatelDbeU.
presenu. Leal year. Bauer got op -be- with all I receive. I hope to get a
I esercbee Maip fexa* Uttle eU.
ton «ny one dae. and oa hto pUta shower on the ISth of January. W«
w .
"Babyl bebyl- ealUag.
have eight bouse plsnu. They are
^VADOtber coo com Iran papaY taU
he roaoi>a Uttle whip.
very pretty. 1 wonder where all Uk
IltUe four-year-old boy. but be geU
Christmas. I spent
R aoaa o( tbOB gttr aa tacb tewardt
lou M tun out ol life, and quick a* a Christmas at borne because my uncle
wink be slipped tbe whip onto the and aunt were here. Mr. Kohant visit­
a b^eenntoiy wntt be. ib* plate of hto Btoter. before she came to. ed us yesterday. He to from Trav­
Then abe. to tarn, when she found U. erse C!ky. We like » have him com.
put It oa another brother's plate, and
be tells us stories of olden
It went the rounds of the whole Umes. Well 1 think I will stop and
n* coeera aba lifts troB tbe eogarilly, and Buster did not bave to give tbe other Sunshlners a chaoce on
a bad boy. even to tun. the page. 1 wl
white lOBp*s ebe ratUes poee
you all a happy New
•Di roils,
Wouldn't you bave enjoyed being there Year.
•oe them get tbelr presents on tbdlr
^^! beky!" calUai
Your most loving 8
Bit tboagb there’s a stir ■
ilelun Korarik.
Altbough 1 have sot written yon
You have written such an interest­
VMT often dsrtog tbe past year. I often ing letur, Helen, is yoor birthday on
think of you and always read year let- the S&ih of January?
tera. and It makes me very happy to
Bh* Boraa tba dlahaa. bM baby to not see bow rvldly
Bates. Mich.. Jan. 1 .1909.
lb tte crefltapbcMf Dorli the teapot to growlag. for It means bappy. lovtng
Aad ^ wrlflga her haMs and stamps ktod boys oDd girls to ever so many Dear President'
M lb* Root.
I wlU try nod write you e few Itnes
Wk» mam tbe nws. «>d sbe apeee
to let you know l am welL 1 hake
three brothers and one stoter. and one
-Baby! baby!" criUpg.
brother dead. I hkve a black dog. Hto
Jkv mat with tbelr
to pepe'e
name to Rover. I am to the fourth
reader. My ntoter to to the flrat read­
er. WlU you please send us each
As I have not written for % long
Prom your loving friend.
time I will write tonIghL For Christ
B JMn to tbe fanny
Cecil Bottorfl.
mas 1 got a new dresa. a poet card,
You Joined the Cliih qutu e while
aome nnta and candy, a picture, a
L an anddan. with swift
ago. didn't yoa? I am glad to send
handkerebler.'asd a book ot Cot^
yiNf and your brothers and stoter each
M*kM « PBBC* right down on tbe toU Robin. We bad
a new button.
1 wna In n
a euoc, and
btodt bai.
AIM brings ^t tbe taby tnw nadtf
Kingsley. Mich.. Jan. 1. 1909.
Grandpa's lor Cbrlstmad and bad a
Dear Praeldaat—
good tlaw. Where did you go Christ
’Bnby! bnby!" enmag.
I will sMd you some names of my
Aad tbto to the end of tbe Uttle ptoy. mas? I hope you bad a good time. I friends wbo wont to join the Sunshine
TB* chUdiwn would like to try every bave A new neme for tbe Cradle Roll. anb. Their names are; Fred BrantlDeyo Bell. He to my little brother.
—BIto Fnran
He to elx nod e half montha old. My gan. age twelve: Otto BranUgan. age
friend, Grace Byer. would like n card ^Igbt; Roellene Brantigmn. ege seven.
Bwt *1 Ml.
*rwM n brown Uttle. ptato Uttle, thto mad button, please. Send them to me
Dewey Weaver.
sod I will give them to her. Well
Uttle book.
1 have sent the cords and buttons i
In pnaslng yoa hardly would give tt
be new members, and hope they wQI
ooo leek.
Fraoew BaU.
Bnt tbe ebUdren aU loved U. "8*You matt have hak a tee Uere <
ouM*.- (bn •» erted.
KlngsIcT. Mite. Joe. X. 1909.
-n* taU of nice ntaciee Yto leraly Christmas day. I should Uke to bave
Deer Preeldent—
beard yon spook your |riece.
It bei, been so long since I have
Twaa A brown llttta, pinto tittle, thto
written lor the teasblne page, that
UtttogM. r
tenant 1 fteld write tbto Bimday
Her Met wm « MIere. ter
* I wfll vilM ttoyefl.


*^asn1 that >usl Aaer be aald.
thing to white away tbe Ub« tar | way: they did not hurt hU anas, did
Aa Brat he was very shy. bat after hUa; hot 1 dont khow of annhing 1' aoi sUp. were tang enoogh. and were
inch coapany. My aiater. Katie, and awhile bU ahyneas wore off and be ooald do except Bake pietnrca."
pretty a look at. Be was talriy radlly outer. Uiooie, and her two babies talhed vary fast, telling Aniinl how
Ml with
wIfV. delight, and Mm Qalnnb hoa
-Why. that would b* apleadid.*- mM 'I nnt
were here. They went away today Mnasome be. was at hone and bow he Agnea. Toa ooaM give him drawlv!«« face wna ooe broad iBUe aa sbe
Minnie Ures In Tnrciae City, and longad to go to stdtMl. and be ashed lessons and make pletnrcs lor blto.'
watched him moving abont the rooaa.
Katie is teaming at Ocdeeahug.
many qnesUons abeat the boys and] Urry tbougbt It wooid be iptoadld. • ”>*'«•*• may aU tbe saints la beavn
aspect to go oat and Visit her kcheol'glrU who wrut. boa old they were. too. and tbongb be abowod ao panlcn- W«sa the b'ys and gywrto that bave.
In the ^ring. Ot'e bad a ChrUUnss ;«hat they studied and In what clasi
lar artistle talent klmooU. be admlrad ^Me ■> mnch tar me poor LAnrl* ska
tree In oar hoaae. I gOt a bos of su- they were, what they played at rer<
Jim s; and Jim drew qualities ot udalBed tervoMIy.
tionary. a game of Uddtedy-wlnkn. a and wbat tbe uweber'a name was.
b lunny pletnras for him. tar la this line' “Sura, and I cu go to school n
brown coat, a cap and saacer, a pair I Amml liked to see him enjoying him' be was' parUeutorly sbUlfnL and he Mid Larry, exalting. ~1 nlrer tboagbt
of gloves, a brows balr ribbon, two self so mneb. and he drew him up tbe told Larry that he meant some time u
tbe day.—1 leer Itb away down
Ikercblefs. am a Christinas Val hia tnd coasted down with him agnin
r s canocmlst.
j In tbe primary sitoool 111. be sner
entlne. 1 go W icbool every day and and again. tllLtbe sun went tower and
David Gray, who bad been to the
ibough. I'm thai.lgu'inaL" he
tbe only one who hasn't mUaed e lower and rank out of sight, and the store to get a paper ot ncedlea lor hto ndlled regretfully,
day. 1 Mve one and Ihree-quarten rad In tbe sky faded into gray.
mother, met Jim going home one even-1 'lil get my teerher to (tnnv tnd ex
mllea from school. 1 like to go -m
Then Amml took him home, and ing. and asked him where he'd been, t amine you." aaH Nelson. "Sbe boards
school and am In tbe seventh grade Mra. Quinn oune out and carried him Jim told him.
lalmy boose. Well have to come this
We take tbe Herald and 1 like to read in tbaffklng Amml profusely; while
"liumpbT does be-'Ilke to" drawr > evening, because she to going away
Snnsblne page. 1 always urn U Urry bimsell decUred that he bad asked David a Uttle eoaiemptuonaly.' morrow for tbe whole vacattoo."
that flrat. Today was so mocfa like a had the very best time be bad ever "i say—s'poM he'd like to play check-1 NMsoa was as'good u hto word, wd
spring day that It was hard to sUy' had In bU whole life.
era? 1 like to playl and I cant get any-' brought-tbe teacher. Tm very aorry.*
raining and thawing
reni to his own home to sup body to play with me.' It's lots more ‘ said Mtos Pearson, after sbe had talkhope it .wilt freexe over
and that night It rained and i.:a than drawing "
] ed with Larry a while, "but I'm afraid
and then I can go coasting. I like to Bpoiled the coasting for tbe winter, for
Urry liked anything tbM brought you will have to go to the primary
gn coasting wHh a tot of ecbool AHwas DOW the last of February.
blm eomi^ny^od David's mother ssld ' scfaobl. tor a year at leuLWell, 1 must close for this
Ou the way to school Monday morn­ be rnlghf go knd pUy checkers wKh j Larry's face leD. Ti wtoht 1 codld
time as my ejeo are getting heavy.
ing Amml's eouBlD Clara, on tbe road Larry any erring he liked, for that go In tbe school where the boyn and
Eveo' your Sunahlner.
ahead of him. waited till he came up.
kind of'ghlng-oui-evenliigs that girls whav^ has been no kipd to me
Deaale -E. Wood.
Amml Kogera. why dldn t you come she didnt object to; snd they plsyed' goes." he said toaglngUl "Oonldn'
I bavrn't forgotten tbe nice lllilr and coast. Saturday afternoon?" she
many gamra that they boih'bcrai
study by my kwself. this vacoUan. and
vjrit wc bad, a good many mooths ago. asked raproBchfully. as they walked e perts.
catch upr
Come and iee me again when you are along together. "There were ever ro
In June. Ammi and Jim and David
Miss Pearson rather doabted bis
in Traverse city.
many girls there, and all the boyg and brought It about last Saturday after
maktoi much pracraos stadylog otoae.
tbe bill was perfect. and we bad the DMn ball games should be played to
and wished that she was going to stay
loveliest tUne. "
a field opposite where Larry lived, so
DayfleM that aamwer ao ebe could
"Oh! 1 didn't get my. worfc done till .hat he could see ibem. iboogh U was help him.
the middle of tbe afternoon." Amml 1 jt a very good field .aud they had
On the way ba<^ abe snddenly exto pull up a good many biuhes before etoimod. “I've tboeghl of Ihe very
limg lime.
-Why didn't you come thenr* per- they could play there at all.
tbing. There's Theodora WiUtoms
Since I bave written you ray t’ncle Msted Clara..
Amml and Jim woutd make a chair would be gtod to teach larr^ We will
Jim and Uncle Mack and Aunt May
"Oh! I thought I would coast nearer witb then hands .and carry Urry out stop at her bouae and tell her about
have been here vlsltitig us frani Wash- home.
and set him on the stone wall, where him.”
isgton. There are so many birds
and fln- he could see all that went on.
Now Theodora WM-a girl who bad
around hcra.-^e«iterday I counted ally got at tbe real reason of Amml's
The tost afternoon In June. Charlie ■nade up her mind at a very youthful
eleven np In a tree, and I put cracker not coming, and by. thsi time they Crosby, who lived In New York and
age that she would be s tearber wbvra
cTuinba out on (be porch for them. We
at achool. But Clara kept think­ was on a visit to bis csiisln. Will Cros. she grew np. aad she bad never since
all love the little birds. Ham In the ing of Larry, and after srbool sbe ssld by. saw Larry brought out la thto way,
unmade It. She had (or aome Ume. In­
flfib grade at school and I like all
to Amml. "I want to do something for and inquire about btui.
deed. been Earing every petmy that
that poor boy. loo. What can 1 dor
"Why doesn’t he uw croiehesr be
* to her way toward paying her ex­
all.''^'e all like our teacher so much.
“You might go Bhd read to him once aaked.
es at Mime traialhg steool for
We bare so much fun at school sliding In a while; yon are a good raader. and
"He has one" aald AmmL "but it tearberv.
She was greatly pleas­
down hill. There Is a hill Just a Uttle have so many books."
hurts him to use It. and be has fallen ed at tbe prospect of haring lATVy to
ways badt of the school house. I will
“Ill do It," said aara. “Wm you go with It two or three times and nearly practice on .and began at onee to
glad wbeu the Ice comes. I srith me tbe first timer
spoiled bis other leg."
spend three boors of every forenoon
will cleee for this time.
“Certainly .1 win.”
"I'd Uke to see IL" sold Charlie.
leacbing bln.
From four Sunsblner.
abd they went the very next Batnrilay.
"You can. then." said Larry. "It's to
«1ten (he teacher loves to teste and
Isabel W.UsoD.
sad Urry enjoyed .the reading
the shed over beyond tbe house there. the pupil lores to loara. wbila tbe one
It has been quite a while since yon much that Ctora made a vow to
r behind i
! old
to wise ate tactful and tbe other pep
wrote to the Sunshine page, and I was Sfit that sbe wonid devote two houm
severing and quite, there to as IdCal
hilera.dellgbled when I opened your letter every Sitnrday' afternoon to tAcry.
Cbarite went and - toond It and state ot tblngs And Larry's knowledge
and found out whom It was tram.
and lend him books beside.
brouidit It badi for the boys to see.
Increased at an astontohtog rate. ' He
AccidcnUlly. Agnes Macon found • "No wonder he couldn't one IL” bt •tndled bard, and when be Eras not
out what aara was dotug. and was
"It to
stodylng. he was ,out o! doors on hli
"ir you get all the wood sawed you
fired with teal to help. "But I a
cnilches. getting strength and bealtb.
in have what time Is left for your
poor reader." sbe said.
the arm; the end Is round and smooth,
Min Pearson came bate tbe last of
rn." ssld Amml's father to Amml.
-You can talk." aald Ammi. who bad to ot course It will slip; and it to too August, and Theodora asked her to ex­
Saturday morning.
formed a habit ot stopping to to see short. He ought to have a pair
amine Larry again. Tbe resoli was
Bo Ammi “pitched to." as he called
Urry (or s few minutes cacb nlgfat on stead Of one. hesidetr
It, and wort as fast and as steadily as
(he way from school.
Ous Beverns was listening. "I be­
“Why. my deer boy’-^Je aalA "you
he knew bow. Hb thought be could
-Wbo wants to bear me talkr- said lieve 1 could make blm a pair," b« aald won’t have to go to tbe printoiT at all .
flnU)> the wood by noon, but bis mothAgnes, coloring, for her ebattor was eagerly. "I Just like lo make such You won't even have to he to tbe low*
wanted him to ^ on an errand ncarlooked upon as a tolling iwtber than things. 111 go this minute to Falk- e»r class In the grammar school. Yoa
a mile away, and his little sister
tier's factory and soe If 1 can't get the hsi-c done wonders, both of yoal”
asked him to mend a broken doU. and
“Urry would." said AmmL "He to wood." be added, for Gut was always
The first day of school cone. The
neighbor came over to gel blm lo
always asking me questions about
hoyt and girls waiting to tbe schoolIt a hinge on a gate, so that alto­
what 1s going on. and 1 cant half fill
"Whal. no: now?" cried Ite boys. boose yard looked expecUnUy down
gether it was three o'clock in the aft"Who'il be catcher? Nobody can catch tbe read (or Larry. Bat Larry's moQternoOD when tbe last two scldu fell him up.”
Bo Agnes said she would go to as good as >-ou ,"
er bad dUcovered at the laM momeuj
from the saw-horse to the shed floor.
Urry's every Saturday also. Just as
"Ob. I guess you can find
that there was a buttou off bis booL.
Five minutes after that Ammi was
aara came away, and ulk to him.
Cus called back as hu aped down tbe and it vfooM ae^r do to let that go.
going ont of the yard with hto sled,
She had been doing ibto lor several road.
Besides, hei- dote ^ slow. So Uie
for them nras snow on the ground and
weeks, and It was the middle ot May.
At tbe fsetoty he found Just whsl rhool bell rang and oo'Larry'waa ta
he could hear tbe boys over on Car­
when Agne'a brother Jim discovered be wanted and .when be asked tbe slgbL and the boys and girls went Into .
ter's Hill toughing and abouting as
wbat she was doing. The.Idea of her price. Mr. Falkner said be might have the steool-honse with dlaappntoW
they sbM down on their stogie sleds
turning her gift for talking Inio charit­ tbe pieces of wood and welcome.
and doulBe-runners.
able channela amused him hugely, and
The Crosbys came over to help
They were hardly quiet to tbelr
As he hurried along, hto eyes bright
be tonkbed and J.*ered: but when he him with advice, which was oearly all seats, however, when there was a Up
wilh-anticlpation. he passed by a small,
taw the leare come to her eyes, be was the help Ous would take from tbeih.
lap—Upping on tbe entry floor, a^
forlorn-looking boose, and at tbe win­
sorry be had made (un.
at the door, aad Lairy ap
dow he saw a tortarn-Iooking boy.
“Ob. come now!” be said. "I was
pair of rubber Ups. ted arts very peared, In a new suit of clotbes. hla
“Poor Urry—he cant coast." thought
glad of the pretty bits of plotb Will rap off. hto short, red curls looktog as
AmmU and he walked more slowly as only Joklns H I
> you Ulk to me. for really I think begged from bis mother to use to op though buralsbed. hto freckled face
be pictured to himself tbe life ol
you •have a 'cute way of telling any­ bolstering tbe arm p^ces.
shining with happiness. Ammi Rog
Larry: only two years younger than
Tbe crutches were finished the first
Jumped to hto leeL' "Toateer.
himself, with a bad knee that would
“Do you. truly?" aaked Agnes, color­ of July And Ous ate tbe Craeby's plesBe may we clap him?" be aaked
never be any better, unable to walk.
ing with pleasure.
went to carry them to Larry. Nelson eagerly. Mtos Pearaon omlied and
unable even t aair wood, siding all
"Honest. I do." said Jim. “and I'm Myers, who bod watched Gns at work nodded, snd then there arose anch t
day by a window on a street where
going wUb you next time—may ir
and become Interested, went witb
of bond-cUpplng and '
there was litile passing, and alone a
Agnes said sue knew he would
lumping of feet that Miss Pearson,
good part of the time beside; for laugh, but he might go; pnd go be did. them
When La^ tried the cruirhes they laughing DOW. pot her hands over her
• him and her"I declare. " be said sfterward, "1
to shut It obL
ere found to be exactly right >n every
self by gotog to other people's bouses
pity that fellow, eveo tt he is so cheer
to trash'and clean.
ful." (or Larry bad changed from a
Suddenly Amml stepped. It was a
hopeless. BpiritlcsB. despondent, silent
beautiful day. and warm tor winter.
boy. to one wbo could laugh and talk
Why coaldn't be take Larr> out and
and hope. "1 wish I rould do somegive him a ride oa hto sled? What a
treat it would be (or a boy wbo hadn't
been out of tbe house for monibs!
For an instant Amml hesluied.
thinking longingly of the* splendid
coasting oo Carter's HIU. tbe best It
Sbavmg Bnubte. 3 inch white brisUte. not in nbber,
had been all winter, and remembering
nickel handle set in robber, nice looking, good Tolon nt SSc*
mat tbe weather bureau bad predicted
Williams ahanng ntick in nickel box. noogh in it to Itet a
. Then he turned and went back
to Aorry.
year, only SSc per sUck. Buon from »c to 9%M teoh.
Mrs. Quinn happened to be at home
Thone nbove 25c pnir gnarantoed. (or 6 tnnth*. OoAine. fine
this afternoon, and came to tbe door
oombn (rom Sc to 18e enbb. Tin
when Amml knocked. Her careworn
lOcdczan, better quality IScdoxea. Extra qaalltg Bcgert
lace brightened as he told his eirand.
•The b'y be overj'yed to go.” she
Niokel Silver TSc per dosn. lYUesyoone (ram SSe to 41«SS
aeld. and bustled in. Amml tallowing.
per doxn. Eniren and forkn from $te to $1,S8 per net.
Pxle-faced Larry flushed with de­
For every doUnr'* worth of good* thgt yo« boy in Honth of
light. and could hardly wait to he got
Jononiy 1909 we will give yon one artide off oar ho coantor
ready. He was done up to old coats
and shawls tUI be looked like a bundle
or two arttelee if yon buy two doUar*e wwth. We wont to bay
ot rags, and then his mother, wbo was
yoor com, either ehellad or on oob, yoar oats, botter, eggfl.
large, aoscular woman, took him
andisonemybottleof it sold
y to her arms, carried him out and
We will pey yoa tbe highest market prioir flt career froet
io tbe world—which amotmta
set him on the sled.
and caw etreets.
to several miUioos Yearly.
There was a good bUl.oear Larry a.
IM^r^Becmiise it has inatk
but tbe bo.v* seldom coasted there beno many sickly children
« Carter’s was so mnch better.
stroeg and well->given
Amml drew Lsiry down this hill then
health and rosy cbedcs to so
said. “What a goose 1 am! Why not
man>- pole, anaemic gills and
slide downr
restored to health so many
80 when they reached the lop again,
thoBsands in the first s
be shoved Larry as lar forward on tbe
ot Consomption.
sled as was sate, snd thee hanging oe,

Necessities of Life



Scott’s Emolsion

_ .ome mlraeulotu way blmaell ao aal
to steer, (bey sUd together down tbe'
long bttL ' LarryY'Wus eyes shone like j
Btnra. ate be drew a wng breath when

SCOTT a Bowxa. «s FBrt St, K.T.


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