Grand Traverse Herald, June 15, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 15, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TrowW* Atom *■ • EkIfwi Ovtr th*
•MtIWMMt «l IA77 MMt •111—
T««fe FlAM ThlA
ITaa MwdATT BMor*.
*^a( Frank HarFr e*ma


•aath fey ba)n« kneekad dawn ky Capa
Coe, hit haad atyikln« tha Hard flaar
«aualngarr*Ctuma(t<iaakull and n-pWra a» blead vaaaal wfth a torpa dat
Farming evar tha right alda af brain

Traeorao City Men Went to Dotreft
Friday to Clakn Hie
TeUIng only e lew Of Ills Close
friend* bis secrel.. Barton Jeonln«.<
Ibo well koown pawn bniber, left at
( o'clock FrMay morning for Urtroll
and when be rtAara* be wUI bxi v cum
Tbe bride to bo hi Mr*. Adah Burrougha. whose borne to la Detroit and
tbeiw tbo ceremony will occur today.
Tbo bride vtolted bww a ihort time
the grooiu, wbo baa beea bero for
naay. yoara. baa a Urge Dumber of
(■lends wbosc wbfaee are uolblug but
Tbo happy couple will be at boa»e
0 tbrlr frleD^s at Stk West Ninth
treot. alter June H.



batwaan aovaring at brain and akull.
Fallawlng tha raaalt af tha 'nauaat
aCalab Cmi was arraaiad this


*aah upas a warnnt charging
twuhtar. and ba trill appaar bafara
Jddga Nari^i- at 4:W a’eiaek tkia

•ash waa tba vardlet of iba lory at
'.tba teanant baU tbia tooniinc
thr body of rraak Hardy, atao dird
yaatcsday atlaraaoB abosi 4 o'riorl;
bftrr lymc In .ta uaeonnrioos coed^'
tkw slorr last Hooday algbt. {nHovtag a Uoar os Uw brad wblab l( la
aaU a«a atra« by Capr Cnx in ib«
asooM of Fbrdlaaad ijiatarr. In a
•ftt o«ar a »aU biU aamaUaf to

OMI •• •ralh.

A goat Monaai was baM tast nigbt
M Aadaraoaa' abdaruklag ronma.
wbera tbr body, bov list, thr aul«pKy
' balM porfonard by Dr. J. V. Wllhalto and Or. H. B. Gamer. It van
toBod that ibe aksll arm fractured and
a Urge bUod ckk
formed <» thr
kraU. daatb beUg duo to eerebrnl
At the Uqaeot. a’bich waa held in
the dooaril mom. (be Jury wae rnmimesd of Leri Soule. F. D. Itarvlo.
Aaa Hele. Maleoliu Wmale. F. K. Robarte and D. Batterloe.
like ftnt wnaeaa called by Coroner
E. B. -Uinor wna John Kratoehrll. bartoader la the tantner aahna.wbo atat«d tet he had known both Hardy and
CDA tar aareral yaara. He aiaied
Hardy eama tato ibe aatoon Monday
atlemooa and engaged la a game
d( aaroa np. He dM not aeem t
tuoslcated. he said. Hardy, he arid,
naked fbr a glaaa of wblak.r,aad Krai
weiTil. aeeordlng to b» teeUmony.
•drlaed bin to get • beer, wbicb be
did. Hr teetlBed (bat be heard Coi
' aak lor a aetUement of a meat bll
Cox. be aald. saying he would like*
unto on Ibe bill It he could not gi
aU. b the room, be aalA were Frank
Jbller. WtUUm Ingersrtl. John Shep­
herd apdaman be ihongbt wax W. P.
cox. <mld tbp witness, bad not bm
drinklag. He MM when Cox xpokc to
Hardy about setUlug (be bill. Hardy
whirled stNuf aodaenly and be
tboagbt. atmek at Cox. Cox. said tbr
wMaesr, Ibea atraek Hardy, the blow
'biltag oa tbe manb right eye. and
Haidy wwM to <iie Soar, failing upon
bU back, bat not bearily. apid the
bartender. After Hardy IcU. Cox. nid
Kratp^l'i. atrbck bln iwire. oat
one an« of tbe (ace. and then «
otber. Hardy did not Mcak. accoi
to tbr wiiaera. and Uie baf tender
with Ibe aaaMa'are of abotber
helped Hardy to bU feet
Took Him ilk Saek Reetn.
“We took hba isto Ibe back r
and washed hU taco. His no>e
tteediag. Cox wont oat. asying be was
■orry be bad hit bin. Hardy remaUed
U tbe Mlvn bMII altuoet ID o clock,
anywg ble bead foR doxy. a«M be
wnaM not GO borne ubUI bo felt bel­
li i. J^k Hointox and Oarid DerenSeri took him bone. He walked out ot
dner end eat 4e*-ii rclelde until
Ibo rig came. Cos lelepiiaoed
aaJd to look after bln and see that be
•ot boaw.~
Dpoo oxanination by Proeecotor

Began to Be Watdwd in Vestofdsy Altomoen «rith tha North Wind and
Cevoro^ tha Beach in a Space
Two Feet WMc.



Northpnrt WHI CetobraU Indapea
HIM Day and Pramlse* a Good
Tim* to ViBitora.







nhutrer of tbe dead i a he obtained
uiiill the wreikage I
1s bellered that over
poraoBS loat tbelr Uvea.

Teeth of Animal.
r. E. Puller, w ho i< manager of Ibe
J. C. Howe farm at Old Utoslon. wa*
bitten by a viclousrbonie Thursday
Pulrer aceoauMlned by hi*
Imal when wilhooi warning the horse
In Last Feei Days.
naoiA-d his left aw 1° Us teeth, mtahIng one of toe bones ud terribly
CunslXMffi^le. .
II.—Tbe Ilus
langllng tbe nesb.
aeni a protest
A ptaysicton was called from tbe
St. Pe(«;reburg against the cxmilo
dty. wbo made a quick trip In bis
iloa of Ibe massacres of Anuen
»bUc to the Injured man. and
IS. He declares Kusslao agents
today Mr. Pulver. accompanied by his
It to Investigate In Asia Minui
wife, arrived on tbe steamer Lena
Kuoblorh and he was taken to the found that over a hundred Armenians
ruaxaavTi-d ’Hear Alexaudreja In
Grand Traverse hospital, where
.1 few day* The Turks prom
receive treatment. Mr Pulver
»liip tbr uninges.
baa Ruffered Intensely since the



Travrerse County in iggy.
kalherine Hammond, widow of the
to Nelson Hauuuuiid. a pioneer oi
Gi-and Traveiwe coumy. dlrtl at 3
o'clou. Sunday iuu.-alnK
at U-e
home ol her daughter. Mrs, -Charles
romb of the Pealavuto after a
long l^luess rsilb slomscb trouble. Iil>»
as €.'• years old.
Mrs. Ilammund. molber of copuiy
liesaurcr F. M. llamaMAid. was born
Ttoga county. Pa., where she was
married wlfc-n she mat IS year* old',
coming with her husband to Grand
Travers, county in 1#6: and aiutllng
East Bay They rema'ined tbere
MX months, wheo they moved
CuilSeld towusblp, wbeiv tbt-y nvade
their home until six years age. when
Mr. Hammond died. Since then. Mrs.
wind bad lived with her cblldron.
having givwi up bvwse keeping
In addition to l■^Bley M. Hammond,
there nr« lour other vhlldr.-n leii.
Chuton Hammond of Carlle!d townalilp. Mra. Ctwr/es Bdgv’cDqib -af the
Peninsula. Mrs. Aliua Sirlciiand ol
Washlnglon sin-ei and Unv. Bmwa
Warren of Ibr Peninsula Two .isteis.
In Rpriugpun. and one* in IWi;i.
one brother in Washington sisie.
alM siirV'lee.
len =a young girl. Mrx Hsmniund
unii.-d wUb the ItniKist fturih la the
-asl. She was a nieinbor and a^ efO•leni wvrker in the grange and b-.ide* her Immediate family, leaves a
large ti.tunier (d friemto to mourb (Ur

L. F. Perkeil has rclurn.d from a
meellag of ibe directors ot tbe U.lcbIgSD Shippers' association held at
Grand Rapids. Routine business si
Samuel Byera. of Near Buclilty. L«
acted mosi'y ind the matter
Hauta and Contenia m Blaze
Ibe payment of dins was also taken
. Thuraday.
up. At Ibis meeting it wax decided
tbere vrill in- a coaterence with
Bui-kley. M!rh,. June 11 —Tbe farm
tbe rallioods lbe,Ia>u-i pan of July resideoro or-Samuel Hyer*. south
or tbe flrsi piri of July, th- assru-ia- here, burned lu Tpe gtoviad yote.rday
coonscl having mailers m shape
wlib Ibe contents was a Wal
s Breliog then.
The origin ol the fire 1*
known, there having been no III
bouee since early yesferday i
Tbe losa to abut ll.iOD.
1. B N. E. Will Lay Steel On ExtahaioA Wedneaday Next.
lis* Elixabeth'CoilaTkaB relum­
Boekley. Mich , Juae ...—The grade ed from a two weebs' vacalkm asd
tsrwM aad I ibongbt bo was pdag w
of tbe M. * N. B extenbloB from bas resOM^ her work ms saleslady
hJi CB^ tbca Cox bit hm la the oyo.
Mra Fred WU-eler.'d Long Lake, Buckley to Waltoo, bas b-en complet­
e .Globe store. She attended tbe
IM. Campbell came in eborily aftiw was taken to the Grand Traverae
ed- It is expected thxt tbe laying
log of her cousin In Detroli. and
(Comlnued on pegr three)
IdUi yesterday tor UoaUuent.
'•( sli-el Will be begun lomorrow.
also Vriiled frieodi at Laastog.
HanceloiiD. -lone ll.-Vestcrdsy nfnoon about 4 o'clock tbe
Frqd Tibbitts wan bnmed
grouiid. Tbis bonne «raa localed on
Ibe farm one mile north of Ihle place
glng to Urn. J. M. Holfman. The
furniture was Insured tor neariy
TBine. Tbe bouse bad been Insured,
but whether It 1s now pr SM will
be ksooiB anill tbe irriral of tbe insiirsnce agent. ATI the beet ckttUng
Kwe of Abe beet furtolare
The cause of tbe Are to unk
Mr. Tibblus baa l>een - working Mrs.
HoEmans farm for over two ystors.

Travaroe City Yeung Propto Wora
Wadded in Marquette But »
Make Heme In Hanceek.
Tbe marriage ot Mu* Grscs S.ngbl.
daupghtei of Mr and Mrs. W. L.
»igbi. of 133 eouib Cei^r street, and
A. W. Kuuib. of HancoriL look place
Tnvrsday murulng la Marquette Tbe
ceremony toas performed by tbe Rev.
Joovpb U Roger*. '.
TSe couple were anscrom|uia;*d.
Thu bride wore a pretty blue taUorrd
111 aad blue hat.
Tbe bridv baa lived B» Traverae
ity aU her ll]e and .Is well kuuwn.
be wxa employed (Or abmt Seo yea-f
V *alestody lb B Wdheim'a dry
orw uetll last Christmas, when
resigned her podllion.
* •
The grvxMD was bora and lived In
Reed CKy (Or sonte lime. He
borsesboer by trade and waa .-mploy
y W. H Abbott fee sOBw :
raalgalng bjs pu-ltton for a belter
It lixacock where be Ts com local
and Mrs Kbuih wHI wiake their
borne la Habcock and will k--rp Imase
Poms already (urotobvd by








Kenw of Fred HbMUs and Property
of Mrs. J. M- Heflmnn BurnM to
the Ground.


Kortbport. Mlcb.. June Jl—On Me
day. July Sih. Sorlhport will cel-hrale OCVO.OPMENT BUREAU WILL DO
todependence day. At 3:Sn a. m tbere
win be a sunrise salute; at 10 a.
large parade which wIU be headed by
I'ncto Saw and ibe Goddess of
eriy and Sorthport'a Mod Then eouuChe floats of Ibe various bttoloess men
also the various fraternal rgaul
Uilna. Form 11:30 a. m to 1 p. m.
isket dinner wUI be served In the
I ball Brirtc your lunches, coffee
be protided.
I:ll p. m tbe Northporl Isesdeni AgHcuitHral Rmaurcss el the Region
Will Be Shewn—Bp^al EahtoiU
. crops bals with nmne fast
Atoe of Fruits and Berries
In (bto virinity. After wfalcb I
ef the II Ceontlce.
will be races, consisting of lauoeb
Bnt for tbe pn M-nce ul mind
Pearl HIIL Win. tbe 6-yeir uld son ot
adverilsiug ixMumtClee of Ibe
Mr. and Mrs E. H. Wilcox, of t
MU-faigsn Uevelopmriii Bur
Mtokloo. wouM have been drowned
>e awarded. In Ihe eveumg tbeie esu bave compleivd arangvmenis for
the bw Mr. mu diving and bringing
t JdHi -square feel of floor spaw in tbe
Ibe child up Thursday ereolng
Colnn-uui. t'bicago. for use during tbe
t g sharp,
Mr. Wilcox own* the More and has: hall .
boat lively at UM Muaioa and baa which ffreworks os I Nurthpoit bay. Kailunal f.and cuugirxs which will be
• undertaking eld at Ibe wana lltue of tbe ineeHug
small dock tbe water bring -quite The Yoke ' Fellows
deep near Ibe end. ITe Utile Wilcox Ibis eiiterprise and ask everybody who ! Ihe fat stoik show.
It to expected tbal about 3.tH>».0«W
lay was playlug with lllile Gerald can to come. You will be assured ot a
peoptowillseetheeabIbH. wblcb^ wlU
Fyanktln 'while tbe lalber was en­ good ttou.
ceaelil priucipally ol Ibe sgrlcultural
gaged In palntlag hto boats. T!ie chil­
trie, of Ibis tegtnu. Spei-ial ex
dren went out.on Uie dock and
will also be made of canoed
place where Olln (ell-In was quite
Truits, brines and vegetables grown
In tbe 11 a-oonties represeoling tbu
Mr. Hill saw tbe arcMent and
Western MIchlgaa Development Bur
It waMing any time, plunged luiu
tbe cold water sud picked up the
Irena «n the'“Cemlng Man" by
chIM wbo would Mberwtoe have be.*a
Iswstlmated that tbs rosi ut the
<2aarhart'one of Best Ever
floor space to be need by tbe Weeters
This was the llrM accident of the
Heard in the VlUagef
Michigan I>evelopo>««t Bureau will be
md reponed thin aejsuo. Tbe ebl>d
and tbgt tbe bureau will
expend at lea-sl SiU.ouu on ibis exblbla suffering no ill effeiis from it* cold Sperial to Tbe Evening Record
Norlhport. Mich, June ll.-Thu
Bjvertisnig the agricultural and reImifa and luiitber Is Mr. Hill.
N'orihpori Hlgb school
rt resoiircev of ihl> locality. .So
nierKyBiciit exerciria In Ibe tosu'ball doubt Grand Traver.. «-uuoiy will not
Wednesday evening. June »lb.
be behind ihe IV iiiber rouiitU-s lu'
Tbe graduBlge vrere Minx Btia Kri. sbuwtng the world wUsI a miDe of
M-y and Mias Marlon Kehl. Miss K>1 glkM things Claud Tluveise rouniv
B«*y delivreri-d Itie salutatory and Miss
Kehl th- class poem and botb did very
credllable work. The commeiuemeut
address given by . Ur. Cearbart was
FRIDAY nights' EARTHQUAKE one ut ihe beer lectures ••ver,de<iv-^rSERIOUB IN FRANCE.
ed In KDrlbport, bis SUbyrc'i b'-lug
"TTit Coming Man ­
it U C. Fuller present
ed (be dlptomas w

From Friday's Record.
Tbe aboree of Grand Traverse bay
picM-ntcd a curkxi* appearance thii
img. being black wlib dead InMCta. Those wbo ^w It first were of
tbe opiuhMi that the eorlh wind yes­
terday aflrrriooc.had brought In a kH
of old sawdust but examlDcilon dtorloied tbe fact that It was HkK aawdust
but flies of some kind.
The maects rover tbe boorb for a
space a: least two feet wide and there
ere millions of Ihciii. The insect*
black la color and have wings aad
bear a rloss resemblaacc to tbe cart­
ridge fly.
Where they cane from or what
maed the death of such vast num­
bers to not known anlee* they were
blown ftom tbe sborv out over the twy
and drowned and were Iben carried
MarteiDee, June 13.—Seven vlltoge-tack In by the north wind. They be­ i-ai Lafarte were oracilrally de­
gan coming early m tbe afieraoon and stroyed by last Bigil'e i-arthquake. to
before long, ibe sand was ducol
day's dtopatciies abuwlag toemsing
by tbe mulUtudet.


$1A« A YEAK.



Littleton Said That Merae Told Him'
That If Appellate Court Believed
Him Guilty, He Waa WillIng Te Serve IS Years.
■New'Yotk. Juae It —Attorney Ul
tleum today argued Charles W.
Morse's appeal Iraiu tbe aeutence of
li j-esrs on the charge of bank wreck-.
Ing. de.Iariiig, "Mor..e neither
sympathy nor nieri-y Mor-e told me
if the Appellate co'uri believes be
commuted the crime, be's ready to
lerre ihe -iiitea.-e He doesn't want
be senteuce mitigated He demand*
ilniple Juslit-e. .
.Mossu remain* in piisoo and didn't
attend tbe aigumeni of the appeal,
lotd l.itile'.ou. ' Mak^ it plain tbai
a« unjustly ruii>ni.-d. ibat I waa
tbe.vii-iim of multitudes' clamor for
I. 1 demand my rlgb'-i a-i a cit


nad the Prxnklm So Fa) Out ef
Her Ceurae that Hen Could
Net Be Pound.

tki'e Bsk^g^w
N.-Cie '^n'Slu.
arrived today and n-pon.-d that eight
bf nis --r.-w bav. b- -VI 'osi m a fog on
Cape Cod.
Thursday Ibe Bsb>-io>ea werl o-it In
the Is-aia to draw tbe-lrawls. Th? (.»;
dTqfpvd, and the ild- .ta..
swiftly Ftiva satW towaids the m.'i:
pick litem up Inn ICe tide carrh-i
him out of bis coum- xs the foxclusevl
The Ft-auklin evniMiiT kxaie ibe
men despite lue algoals and coustan^
cralslog in the vlclnlcy.


Among Tham Was One from Cable
Plane Company, Saying They
Were Clad to Help.
B Curlit. chairmen.of 'the m-'isU rship ruiiUoHtee of the board of
trade. *iax wrltn-n to Anns otuide
l.stUig Itical lutote.^E. solicitiag tbrir
meuitorsbip Iti tbe buord of trade, Unotflev-rs of the board le-lieriaE
vB tbouitU they do ecu reside In tbe
city, people living raitHide qud bav:
ing local lutore.: . ^diuuld
IbteruLt in tfce work *.f the beard



Voung Man Left Note Saying TMt
Family Treoftlea aura tb* Cauaa
•—Body Waa Still Warm
When f>>aeeverea..
From Moaday'a Record.
My name is H O. Ralston. My feavt
live at Lclatvd. My father', name
cob Ralston. Notify him, whoever
findt me. please. Family tic-.bit >t
Hi' body sliirwarui. a M-...:Ver lyig lu lb.- gia„ at bis r.-.-t, Huod
vaiiiiig from til*.-i.-• u:.d-t--Ic to tos
torebead. the Usly of a .ones mga •,
about 3r- .v.-ar, idd Was fmiud by (be
rvrihdlag the grciind . whero Ihe asy(uia re.-rvolr to hx-Ktod.'
r.-sliiig uxaliiKi Ibe fence garrt.uui^ tb< ground ibe grouBd where
the a.vylum r.-s.-noir is Joiwt*d.
W-!U. Klu, live, at 3SS Sooth
itrv.-i.-» j4 driving In from tbe
.uuaiiy with her two children Wbna
•■be taw tb<- body of tbu juau. sbe left
e .-hvldreo Vokl the bonv
mad- au exatniuaUua. plac>
:IIK to r hand on the bean aed flndtog
ilixt alibuuLb It bad MupiHri beaUag.
tosly was still warm, ahowmg that
a abort tlwe
.U -he loechcd tbe dnod WtoO,
i.wva g-.idu-d from tits uose.
Poeoeeaed Nerww. '
IWe.sirg more tboa ardlaary
me and pr>-,.-ti<v ol mlod. Mra.
W.-lls euiy-d WUb Ibe body wblto she
ber little Son bark lu tbu rwrideiire of WJliara GranL wbo telepbw>.-d for the. she, iff and Coreaor
tvt-ll.- sbe waa Iberw with IL
Lawrow and tamlly droee tff .
nalii.d With her unUI'aastotII—ord r.|e>ri-r. Mra. WriU
*tut.-d iLai *h.- bad pasa«i WlUlam
n au rods Itnm wBere aba
found .uv- body, aed wbna hr bad
along th.-ie, tbe body waa oot
• he piaw Imi a few momeata after
IS fiaged.v.
Revriwer Wu Near.
Slieriff SLut.-r and tVroner Uibor
■nt luBP-dnUly rn t:-- place la'tbe
dov-ior's auiuai.ib.Ie
looked over
llw tl'.uallpa. trncu
• man's haoda
•II hi* Breast ay.. Uh. oifaiu- waa
e groand n-tU> ti. - -vvulvW rloee
Tbo vv a 13<allfae«
Furebaed Am.,-. ''■• ..l . ry rfaeap cow­
s'rut-lou and had evid-otjy beea earivd lot .-uii— time .. was sIxsboL
i-iiiB fr-i:i-r .11- cariridgew.'aud la
ill- mao', pui-fc-lir. w.-re fuuad 35bxD
■ariiilgoa.-.ll- bsd eridetitlV tired
wi.-.-. Ibe bullets en'.-cing hi* broff '
ju»i a li'ile ti» tbe l-ri i.i lue center.
Ill* poidtets wer- >h<-not-leflmg bto
uie and luulive and also IC eeau

1 :..t,g Cue I

li tor JobB Bborter
Vtoiiu .ompeny'ot l^rrti wxpresyiDg
arton Calvin el Sparta. Formerly ol ili-iOMlve.
— grateful
. ....I for .v_
Tiiexote mas wril'*-:i o
tbe o^pur
Thla City. Suffered Paralyfe
lually to axM'l Tra-.-. - City io
.-av-!o!-- Th- gra- , Where be
Stroke—Is Critieal.
d. v.-lopuM.-'il -ihd auth(.ifzing
fuuad »A. dl.'wrb-d. Ihe lodimanager. Mi». Aeiia Urgiian.
Buckley. Jbne 11—Marlon Traverse 0*'y. to h
'"'■j Ul-d IbouVw
Colvin Xlid Mr- Janie, Kellogg were
It- retiip fee.
called to Spans yesierdsy on acesuni
,;..r.,.t, ui've I'e^'
Ibe cundiiiun of ib-lr father, BarColvln, wbo bad ,uf|er.-d a severe
ii- was walklog In
piialjjic *troke. Ibe stroke so
_ Lt.iig l-yfe. Tb-.lwy ww* takeu
severe that dealb is ex|>,-eied.
TO,.M- t-aner receiTwd B
Mr CoIvlB Ix-oae u! the early set
jui-vxg- ’.hi* aft-mune from Rw lalbtiers and developer- -d this region.
.--r -a'iny h- would be hero (ODtgbL
For a number of year* be was a resdent of Traverse Cl;y\^ing eugaged Admiltad Having Small Fish. But'
the impl.-luetil'l^iM^* 1
' SSe.7fi DidnY Please fCharlea
Oleeon Get the Same.
Ed Games Almost Went Under Heavy
- • Fertilizer Spreader.
fharie, E. Olesoo. a Frvokf.vr; B-b ;
a;.ci*pT cam. very erar belaC
eiman. app-'uicd l-ur. J.isHc.- Sorf.
tu Hd Gsisex who la wnrfciag
KIngaicy Ha- a Fi'e Friday, Afat Tfiorapiumvii;- F'Vidsy end ij, -r-. sial-r.. 1 arm. Mr .Galsra,
icmoon at 5:30—Loss ta EtOBued $33 with I11T6 cosv for ,,i,o wa. drlMi.g a manurt- sproaWr
mated at SZOO.
liaving fcma;i fi>b in bit posae-*h».! .i,b ihr..- Loie.-* artarti.-d. mvlo a
th<- warracl baviog b-en tosm-d last.
,r.d f..|i ug, atrlkliM eee of
tIi.- h-.rt ihrww MlM
Kingsley, Micb.. June 13.—A resi- tVedorodv o» voinplami of Depot}
Tbe oc Btoir ,tre.e. ..mned by 8»epb Wqrdrii Smith of ibi. cHy,
in yviulemacbcr. and decepied by
Hd Oieeoo also of Frankfort. app-tr-',,„ snhiiti u e Very heavy piece
Henry brooks, was burned yesterday ed before Jii-Gce .Morihrup aod Ptoud-|^
, . teachinery. wvwM Ivave rrosbed him
ed guilty to baviag small Ash m hto ,
y,* htw«. u>row» him hway
alterBODa from a Are wbicb started
Boed »35 and
____________ __
Ibe uuc. Tbe Are deparimeni <
good-work, but (Me flaaeu'bad too big 111 :c .coeli. Hewplie hi. pl-a of gull
a sun. Tbe loro to esUmsied at tSSD ty fa- bat appraWd to tbe Circnii t
vUiting-be? i-arv-n;, at Suttoo* Bay. .wiib Uo losaraccv-.





fimi Imrtne HerdU
TwtcK A wecK.

)'utUab«< TM4«r BBd Prid«
J. W.|Uu>«ii...
Ous% Bum..

................pMldral« PrwMmt


THM. T. BATba,

OM Teir---------«h Maethi.........

•Mond-dfn* matlvr
Leelanau County Repai
iMt. «t th* po»to«lM
Tr«r>!r«f < Jtr.. NIch.. «Bd«r the J
cellent Fluid for Wer
«t fuBT-" Ot March S. J87».

■■oa ordinance i
ta aeud a poi
I comity and have him visit all ot.
(beae towns aa.t hold weekly meet
there. Tbe


for the

t making I',
saleans to remain

opeff an hour later in th« uveaing
U seems that many of tbe sakua men
(brmseltes. *s well as the clllaeBs,

d be in BOt being able to secure a did not favor <be ameoit<ueDl.attboQgb
pastor who could speak Swedish. Oin- It was pushed
some of Ibe men in
The pouio market was dull ,Sstisb aud EagUah tnd be able to prvarh the busluest. The veto foUows;
uniay. tbe receipts being small and
all Ibrve ot tfa
••Ttjiversc City. Mich.. June 11.1»».
To toe Honctable City of Ibe price paid below auythiag
ha* been paid this seasce.
the- City orTi-aveisi> Oiy. Mieh.
in Ibe dsy the quoted price wai
these towns shpuld • tbe-y decide
'.^tbe meetleg of tbe city couDCll
send on; tbere. and tbe asaociethra lew JU.-I* 7. J9«. a resolnilnn wav to 4:- cent, but these price* did
eouid not afford te do so at the
adopted'atmnding section I of our ortime, th-y a1r.-8dv bsTing almort diuonee rrlaiive to tbi- lime in which the price had drepped to S* reots
more than they can do aking tMs line MilooBs may t-e kepi npm and regulat- 4U tent*. Tbe omsMe market ts weak
aad unsettled and ther* seeast U
“Ae aOHlim closed Witb devotional mg tb- ojB'r.vlion lUercof. wo us to
ro pril-pects for any ta-ier prim
eti r«-l*e» pdi by Pastor StovsiL
jhapse '.he lime frian T udock in the

Cimlatloi tth mt 3.5D

Froia Ftidays Record.
the Heme ofthe Bride.
Tbe lest session
the Qraed
Traverse BajillBt assorPilion was beld
-B<-Bdon. lllch., June IJ—A
The action of (he'Darer In veioiOK at the Flrsl Baptist clnireh la-H e»I 'Illy w'-dding was eoleninltcd W<^
the nwiKttneet to the ukK» ordl-i ■ling. Stale MtssloBary Mnntcus Bur­
n-sday afternoon. June »Hi. wl.ea Mins
•kBM A)k>a'ln( the liquor dealer*
gess led the devoUoaal and song ae^
filad.vs AItb<-a Ikiv Is. Of tills pUte. and
keep their place* of buiineaB open
AileluiTl K. Martin of Ilellairv. w.
hsar later at ols&t. la aindouMedir aeThe report ot the enrollmeBt eoaiunited In marriage at ibe home
• rac nalorUr of the peo­ iBlttee was a* follow* giving the
• briil.-'s parents, .Mr. aud Mrs. K.
ple of Traxerae City. It la suted ibK
visiting di'legates and
DavU, the Rev. Jau<> Tunu-r
eren the loen of the aaloOB heepeni town* Train which lb.-.t rame;.
of the dtjr-did sol dealfe the rhaDfe.
Allien, f: Harbor Springs, S; Doyne
I- brid*- was atlend.-d by lu-r ivtirtH M a wel.
)M<’t that Trav- C«r. 1; Kingsley. 10; Charlernli.
in. Mlse Irene IVsvIk and lb.-'gr<x>u.
er«e CliT i* au
" lljr t;.i- Kalkaaka. 4; Easiporl. 3: llhwetl.

c;Km .wltI:o:il dleCUSaton
fiid furii.-d wiib Obl.v one .li^s.-nilng

tmlay is alricUy a deiuorrallc rellg-

^eetahia bn* no dealre

As the progreM of events bate
dr^ks". it
hare anserti-d' Nicliol*: Of Honoi, Mr*. Wilt Hartliig
doe* Dot spMk well for his place or taken place people
ila-mselves until today we hive an In- Mr*. May Disbrow nnd dnughi-r. II'V
to the eity either.
of Charli-vols. ntui Mbav Ic-ne Daiis.
•When the anendnient was Iniro- depeadrnt people.
Taded by a "buneh of

daoed/ia the sieeUnc of the counell
Moa^r night, there was m dlseua-



that d
.i.gulsbes the
Is tbu< the Individual

alio^.' remain

.us n



my riilied Prera.)
Ilulfa!.., juu<- U.—t'jiile,
D.aSn open, taking lu;« consl.lcrwimn
till- riixi* lit our-city jiid the welfare y.L3u«i 7. v.-als. JOO, ea.-i*r; '
■3. Sli—-p. r.V'S'.; lalUb*. flit:,
iii.ialnUDis and I sm mu In
ll.igs, i::,..-n. ariu.-; torker*. ?: If.
fiivi.i- of tliu oDi.-oJiii.-ni In mil .».!!
o'clork p. m.. i de.-m ' !tai is sufllrient
late hour in wliirb Ih.-y should re


Mr., and Mrs. Martin leave FrU.iy

for Ih-llilre. wh.-ir llioy will Ic'gin
•oi.s . --i..*vnt to Ccu hiu'^eit to-Ih
The Mli l.isan Woiantr, Pe-s= ass.i
«-ple <m r-cord. We believe had tK- av-d sod dth's luH send a rcpresenia- hoiisek.'eplng at one in their m-w ciatloii beld its unnunr^iu.s;iice iit
Bldeioicd takeu cIk i-i'u lu :liOfii':rti.: hv to latercede for him. tnd when home. 1'lu-ir uuny fri.-nds wish I'l.t.i iVU’l llurim I.isi wiM'k. witti jlarg'^iita Imvg and happy life lucetbvr.
ly raiisldOf till MJll-1,
l.•llllaue.•. Til.' follnwiiiR otficera we.-1- :^'liTldllaI does tbls the great
would bare al I- bki • ■
lerled lor Hie eusoing year:
ininsiortning spirit of Ood comes
• ..t^BSeef. us aad mpki* n« mute. There Is
■K->'ting EBtll Ux'i 1ju<I '
Pr. sid-iit, Mr*, (liuci- tjreenviisvrl
xiHed it place for 'cwaDed grace', 'or "boiiled

lirowne. Hurior lleorb; firsi vie pn-. -


idi-lit.- Ali-i-i .I.-nUle ilii.'IL Ann Arlyir:

With the. Bu)0rity ui
fiiawu. Mich., June i:.—Mr. Slmi. .-eeoud vice ptesidini.
In defining the word "clmrcb- >lr.
•gateet Hhe chaage and the enkioB Roberts said that the srord chiircti Of Traver.e City is uuldiug n-iival llnti-s) Traverse I'ilj ; le.-oi ding s.. r—
>lf. Sarah J. Ij-iogr. l>.-!.-ijil;
Been thwdTrvS not being un^
fbe-s not mean the building.
That meetings at the M. IS. cliurcfa ible
ni'-v. l*r. i:mina E. Hn».-r. Port
the quesUon. the mayor' without
where the church Is spoken of In
dontat acted wisely In the matter la-ve- nilile It means that the ehiirch Is
The Lodi.-*' Al.l aoclely met M the Huix.ii; lilsiorliin, Mi>. All.- E. Bart1. HtanVit; dlr.-itor*. MfV. ,-rneIla
udag the ActtoB of the eoaiic
aasembl) of ehrlatlns not a building home. Of Mis. Rbei-han Tbursdsv ai.d
tbe aldeniiea themselres wilt

for there were no bnlldlngs In ih'sc spi-nt

than likely agree vilh hlOL

days called charefaes. He showed the llgblcil wHb their day's Antinfi.
difference between toleration tod

the day, Tbe ladles wer.- ih-

Ml*. <Dr.) Clark went to l'>■1n*K'•'y

Sliennan. IktivAy Mr*. Mnigarel
lliil.l.'n. Iteirnli ;■ Mi*. B.-lle 31.
-Iinrlnlte; Jlifs

Msgin*' Wnlr.. <'al:i-

le-i. The ni-xi .vniveutlon will In' h.-!d
er(y‘. Toleration saya to you. you Tiiesdliy for a two weeks' visit.
t Harlior
hemie but we will let you vixy
Over tai Manistee county. Frederick
Miss Eitiolyn
nod lire with us.' Religious liberty
homiisouvnie Thursday evening. •
Bell Mi-Quay nnd family .
borwe and the anlmsl was In v.-ry bad
The drawn i-ltlri-ns c.vH.'d a nc-. t- nrday nl JanH-s MeUniiy.,.
WdlUoe whea dJsaorered. The HiiIng Monday V'veuing in d.clde al<i>.it
at give It to you " Tbe Baptists
Dmni- suiiety took up the
■lehraling July 4th. All wer.' in tu•chalti. a farmer, did

the first to give rrilglous liberty.
ir of liBv-lng a oig daj.
M day* 1b taO- If hie Mme sras due tkeCalTiDlsts la Maryland gaye toler­
K. C. Slump wa* very pIcasAnlly
la tbeagbUeaenees. be will bare pieniy ation. W. Carey, was (be first DapUsi surprised kloiiuay wOien a
y and to India. He
«r time in which to think It over i
of bis IrlirtHls and nelghboia
BiM*e 17 langnagcs and was made
'.raMhe to do better.
SdiuUi wfl now aerre a sentence of

British ambsssador. The Baptists have
Tbls case Ulustrates fully whit
II. K t'rundall went tu tiiand RapDfUre Huin.tBe aadeiy .can acrem- 304 rallegas aad 330 studeuts In these hte Thiimda.v.
WNb. If It had am been for the llu- colli'iws.
Mr. and, Mrs. J. Ilraekt-n and daug
■euf t<“l>ty ot Manlileh county,
Pastor Btm all closed Ibe STpsloo
er IMh vnvu to EVerf Sumbiy on 'Pe
Behula ui-<ni have been arreeled aad with aonBi and pjrayer by Pnrtor 8.
xcurslon (b spend Uie di.y wiiii
he tnigb'
and it he had no', there
WDuld h<') been noibing to drive
Mrv M. Aolip was a Trav.-r»- City
kaaic ih- Ipiscb that aniroals hare
The Thwrnday aflernoon acsslfia
rall.-r Wedm-jidny.
rtgl": W; it SebuHs In’lall. however, was opi ned wliff a-nong service
The graduating esi>rclM'H at 'the
•ds-.- »ho are wnni i.> be can-less dulled by Pastor W. O. Stovall. Conluireh Friday evening wi-r.
M anch' matter*. wAl become
tinu- was ronsunied In read
enjoyed by ail.
b tbe result that cattle. tag lha vanoiiB reiorts of (be eoremu
Mr. and iirs. Alack an- Hi.' prau'l
karo^ and ether emiares -will re­
tad" the meeting was isrgcly glrparents of a boby Isiy- wbli-b orrlv.-d
ctor beMer trealmrnt.
viT to tbe (usIaesB ponioa ot-VTle
(heir home June Isi
la tbU eonnrrtloii we are pleased sssocialton. Following is a repot
Mr. Johnson, ot Allegaa is heie this
to note the {act that OraDd
iKteo on time, place
week looking ov. r the Burt g
CBwaiy baa aa etceOnit Hui
«My aad whDe there are twt aumerTime—Seeond
aos praeecutiePA there are very few Tbaraday in June.
' mee reported. slu.r.->
Place-Harbor fSprlngi,
Mtenre «htbc soo:.-<y bu. li

Preaehera-Pastor W. O.
Pastor F. O. aie.

•Five hundred for Trareiwe City,
thafi (be aktgaii of (hr fTharh-roIx
CDuaty Pomona giwage. If ail Uie oth­



•toM leu of fluli m bebiu
AM children nnd in adulto
in giinuner as weO as winter.
Sene people hewe geined a
pound A dA7 whDe talunf iL



Jucur--. M Degu 'M M-..'.rw Tork
|iyimei.-i. to ami.K', 'i-

ler and bolding mertmgt si
tbe toot uf T- 'h aiv - .ridge. Oisiv.i-crl i.' .ent 1., vicUermand


i. S
ouU be, tbe br«l belp la
t on the mlfSlOBary work In

>uatl.-s BOt reached by the bsm>i‘ii>.
wed- riatloa. Supcrintendrul of Missions, will tbe Rev. Joshua Roberts aaid that
Moro to Italy w. u .a
S.I Ibal l^binau county afforded an rscel
tbe klag'l oblertloos hsv. i - j ov«t- hnt field-fo^lbevas^-latloa m wbleb
te work, and (hey look Ike matter an
gma. Ahiwl U la tbe UimMayas.
Abnuu-.a and Kr

dfaNE. drrlared U>..'



Buneb of Company Oropped In On
Moses Pirtte At H.t Home On
. East Eighth Street
A mimlwr of friend* of Mosee Piette
leiidere.^ b>n) a very suei-eskfii) and
aUviif 3

ALL Kurtw or

surprise Friday
im adlag bu bo^ na Kast

Erglilh aireet. |>tnclng wa*,4ii.- main
feature of tbe ev.-iiing and alt present,
including the fairsi and biKH-s,. had a
>F'a-4BI lime.
Over M per Cant at Appendicitia
kv.. eaus>-d t(,v a ivngested conditio
t.f jh<*
bos-.-',, commouly call.-d
call.-d cnoMiputkvB.
Why not relieve younx-lf
of this (v)tuliiHm and lb.- .vms.-qu.-nt
danger of apje-ndlcfti* hy b.iv.niing
a user of Or M.-rrl.-b's Sugar i'nai.-d
t'llls* The
*et.e be-t
l„,f ^sn
n fli.e
I'l gi inble I'
I'iiig ihA ittinp'iis.' g.WHl ihal
doing. Ipfirv .'V.-r>«h-re jr.
Ask for fnv sampli-. Sol
: Wail A Son* and E. R. k

Firms tor Eal*.
All kinds and prirwu One hundred
■>d ihr<- ariv*. li.ftoc;
> am-> Bi-ar Rapid -nty: gj acteo.
K-Wn. if M.ld qul.k; other borgalna.
Write A. J. Mtwrlk. I'lalnireii. Mich.

FANTED-Twenly-nv.' n«-n to mori
in planlug mill.
miH or. IwuW
yard, Jditch.'ll Brus. I'n^ J-namg.

TATK C ■ MirillCAN, THE I*ROtlrand 1
In the mali.'r uf tbe estate of WH-'
Hail) Ilarriuin. d.i'coiwd.

Xoilce 1- h.'r.-hy given th.vl four
monihs (run tb.' 73'b dsy of Max. A.
ha>e been aUo«ed for i-nd-'
|ire*,mt their clalsts agauiet i
said d. .vased lo sold c*>art for exam­
ination aud odJuglBK-ni. and tbal oil,
Florida lomstise*. per lb................. i:.c of saM decesju-d are n-quir-'
Il.'tlumke rodlwbev. p.-r bunch S for lOr
<1 to |ir.-«.-iit their Halm* to said
Kliiilurh. per Imriib.......................
ouri. at the probate ..fflee, la tbs.
l--l.r.,t.i .-.vhlate. Iwr Ih....................
'iiy of-Trav.'fx- ciiy it, ,ald rouaty, •
UTvr Ikv HVMM Oracerr
Rr.en oalOBs. per bunch...........1 ft
■lUsms PliOB.-K.->..l-Dee, ts^waAUigtuB n or bi'for.' ibe JSih day of SeplemWav beans, per lb.................................
TuavAihsi: iirv. mcH.
.-r. A. ». 1H.H. and that aaid .-Isiaa
felerv. per vtalk
. III U.' h.-irO hv «id ootirt oa Tara-'
sy. Ibe ”Mh day ot 8ep(eob.-r. A. I).
.m len a'Hmk in the fon-nuon.
c TATE or MirmfiAS.,TllK
Hated Hay 7tth. A. n IhW.
PerA. par lb .............
niKl) H. WALKKIl.
l.»l.- court for the countj- of Brand
Codfisb. per lb .....
Judge of Probate.
- /
ktsekvrel per lb ...
May;:.; Juni-l.S,
Wbltefieh. per lb ...
«th. trout per lb ..
Xntli-i- U hor.'bv j
rn that
nuitilli, from Ihe Sth
Most Preduea
O. t«ol'. have b.i'n all
J'rtclB. per )b .......................
present their
Beer roam, per lb............. ............. tttlbc
Mild d''.va*ed la said court (or exaiuIteef S'ews .......... ;................. S and Ifilki
iiuiiioii and adju,tinriii. and that oM
Hamberger, p«w lb
c-r.ililo;, of esid ilj-c.-ae.-d are
Pork roast, per po ind ..
it-d to pree.-iii ;he:r rlalins to 1
Pork cl-.oiis. jier jsiund ..
in, at the probate ofiire, tn the .
Clearback pork, per bbl ..
Trsii-i-ke t'lly. In said c-uuiilv.
b.'lore the Wh day of OMoher. A.
n. IPOS, and that said Halms vrtfl be
i Saturday, if
a. per lb...................................... 140Uc hlh day of October. A. If, 1»W. at !•
b aleak, per lb.................................... to oVio.k ill the foreiiiMin.
bf Iamb, per Ik............................... ..Itc
l>ji-<! June till A I> urns,
on SI. w , .......................C. 10 andVi
Flii;i) I! WAI.KKII.
lloner. rreuiiierv per 1b............. SSfi-tec
.I'l.lV" uf IVobaiituuer. dairy, per lb........................»;.S;
Jim- S 1:.
re july 1;.
Urt. per Ib...........
Veal stewa .......
...SflAI'eal chops, per lb
rhliketis. per Ib
OlemargerlBB. per 'a..................... USto
Egg*. p.T 00*.-m
fV>tat(*es ..................................
Turiii|t«..ppr peck.............
Akparagu*. per buiirb ..

James W.-Gauntlett. N. D.



..... m.»



PERE Marquette

I‘otaIie-< ..........
1 Hsi, le-r tim.
Carrots, per 1
«lr*w, (wr (01

.......... *13


Sunday, iune 2Q

Trains will Icavp Trdwrbc Cii; at

Wc are In m posIttoD
to pay highest market
price for any qnantlty.
sellto” ***’^* before

Twine for tying wool
free to onr enstomers.

at Phone 1141

2-8x6-8^1 3-8-5 panel, painted
2-8x6-8— 1 3-8—5 panel.No. 3 grade $1.50
2-6x6-8— I 1 -8—5 p$met. No. 2 grade $IJ0.
2-8x7-0-1 3-8-8 panel. No. 1 clear . $2.00

m vl-e d: .uiis.on ••Our
, ’ ani cn cndewvor vra* made to
111 the rMii need of tbe esrarla-


A GeaM SuUir sassm SN e

) KT Celt altovet M Tito DCffffflti

d rubber bueu and a

d I, Best Hear, per barrol .

Bargains in Doers

ward. They are coaslderlng the advls.
nhilliy Of taking tV teut lo'Alden fil­

HalF. Aa the Klnr* Objeetloite
Haw. toM Overtone.

Wi.]iiul«, p«-r ... . .
Ilhkory nuts, per qt...
.Suval Orau^.-s per due
OraiiK.-*. per do«.............
Figs, per
tlierrjcv IM-.- III....y...
Meh.ii- .....................
W.M.-ri.!. l-.i.v, eaeU ...
llr.-ii.pii ap|i]-<, .-srh ..

CAPITAL, >200,000
SURPLUS,. >«0,000

-mugs, per IftC....................
..iilr-du-iiiht roro meal .
Sliell.'d lotii, p-r hukhel ..

T. (' Milling Co................ .
T l- ■Milling l-n...............
II A I-. piT bushel .
r. ('. Mihing Co....................

'^,00 B. m.

Ki'tnruiiiu. leave. l*«-

tobk«v fit I'.KX) p. m.


Petoskey, $1.00
Elk Rapids, 40c



Welcome to our
You will find a
he.Trty welcome at
the little shoe
^ring your lunches
and children.
Make our place
your headquarters
for the day.

The eommlttee oa obituary report
cd olghi deaths.IB tbe ehuretae* durg the past year.

1'a.ior 8 J. Hall made a fev
er graagra do that well, ta a few
marks on "Our Tent,- and told of the Mesturc Net Psvervd by a Majority ot
■withi. Traverse City will entertala
wont done with tbe aasocialional tent
the Citlzcna. er by All Sa­
owe of the targeM and best rrawdt
through the outlyiug disiricu nnd
loon Men.
0kt or.-.- came here. All
enunllea wlicte there are ni> eburrhattte. t'/' porathiM are now
Such town, as
■all fur- tbe great meetings, and
Rood Harbor, and Ohm Haven were
while all tiw granges may not send as
visited and service, held In lb.- tent
many delreitee as our neighbor. Cbarlilt u good result, several baptisms
torolr. Mill there will be
.'lowing.the meetings.
T all. And TrarDh-.rlct Buiwrtmendrnt R. MclVrena dty wtl] cooend a right royal
.and spoke on "Onr Assoclnllcaal
wwtomi to all and endeavor to make
Outlook.' xml adracaied the looking
IbcB glad that they cwme.
aboad rather than (he looking back­

Wipirted That Mlaa ElMns Will «e te

Moot Praducta.
Cows.- per lb......................................
Steer*, aad beUerLperib. ....Sf^SHc
Colveo. Uve................................
Hogs. Ilv-e-.............................................6®5He
logs, dressed ........................................ 7(j ffe
'blrki'B*. live weight...........................Ibe
oheelheliT* ........................................... 404tic
Butler, dilrr ............................................ ;,*5e
tiggr. per

CfiDcen Cored Witbaot the Rolli

of Reston. C. P.

alMi and there was only one n^ilre


my I'nlled Press)
P.'lfi'il. June t4.-4'hi«—>Vb

"I I- ui.v Opinion that tli* nujority
cira', ;sr;'«ats. «c.
of the eitireiis of Trav-rse City ar«'
rhicago, j.inr ]*.-i.('|0Fe—WbesI—
not ID favor-of this amendment to the
ordimuire and’as ihi- -uik-oiia.Bre now 7I.KK- : corn. 734.r; outs. 3Sc;

y his brother, Chisncr Slcnln. I.i
ihenlAie di-Mipprovv and vee llo IVbros, a rwosiii uf th-Urid.
Ih- or the wnnell In pas*
as ring le-ntvr.
i.ig (his resololliHi.
The ei-reniony look plae.- brioriboiM and
pro|M-r .ttishua Roberts, of Howell, spoke on
fully MiliiiuTIrd,
•MDint of rcat. If the naloona «.-rc ibe Baidhis as u denbntnaiton and Lank of evoi-.i.-.-ns and f.-rns, wMlo
"\V. 1>. C CHHM.M.Mk
allovad to lemalD irmb an hour long­ whut the llaptisl religion means and Hines, snowluill* and spBnea
-MayorIn <I<-romtliii». Tit.- I.HiI- iii'J
mote pi-ople would be kept
It really means. He said It is a
dnlnilly gbwii.-<l ,n
down'toa'B and tb^ reauHo wopld be dcmocratlr rrllslon beeausi- 11 gives bridesmaid wi
Pain It Sometimes s Blessing
.Mt fn.- the bert.
Ins-dom to evi-ry one. ft Is not at tb* white .aud llio ring Is-orer ie pick. Af Fsp.s-b)l}- wlii-n II warns us •>! a ^
Ib<- coicmi.iiy a bountiful s.-ddliig rkHj-i illsonl'-r. such as ' m-uralgi
Til- -uioon keeper* vho do not de- preM-nt ttrue aristocrallr,.ar
boJK r1ieumaii>m. euis. Iwinis ai
•im tie (iialiRe, euie. it la aaid. that lal. Howi-v
If sre WehlI far
enoagh s'i|ipcr wWs >e-tvisl. Many nice •
rnlnKming f
of sflvir. liib'ii and oili.r uselul hrois.-y,
the dau of inde thep would aocure
aniciiw wen' rt-reli'cd.
Hill rlM- i'ily (VII.., tln-s.' !rtejli|c-.-i.
at the later hour would net he di-*ira-. Uslinps who afe lords and princes
■ out Df lown giu-sts wi-re; Sli^.
U trial Isiill-. ISiov 2.'.r. .'str anil
We. It would be noUy and hard In cen­ and ther.. were castles calh'd "lUsb-,
Soil! I-v 9> K. Wail A 8ou- and
Of)'* eaxtica". TfaHt'has Iw-cn done, Rcu'ji-n. Mamn. uniter of the grmim,
tral nsd a Btan who U mdoetlng
I- Mill-r.
pdaoe of hualnena that la quiet nnd re- away with ami the Bapllst rellgl.m 'I.ester -Maitin, l-milier. and
thne 111. rail'!', lea dote, about o- Oaylord. 4: Traverse City. C; Cood.
O’etoek, the *tm.u are prelty arell ,l- Harbor. 4.
•erted and the pimple ito. to iLcir
Soperlnlendent of UlsKions, Ihe Her.

Rye. H. A
U ...........................................7
Data. T. C MlJttag Co, ... s...........C
3ata. p«r busbek if. A L...................g
tpening ijim wet* &«Uc klgtaer.

fonjKuu utud II o'chuk in- the <tri>-innim on every day when thi'y nre

On- loud of hay. threi-'kijils of
and a horse were ^elgbed .mrihe ,eiiy
hv »uie 'law allow-d lo l>e open bt- ».-ales Sa'urday.
rween llie l«tb day ol.Jniie. ISfC*.
wedding Ceremony Wat. gelemn'.xed ihv first day of January. ISHO. ‘rais
Ther. ■ is no change in the ^ire
by the Rev. Jamaa Turner at
lustier *-nt U-torc the cimnrll and


Trarerse Otr State Baak
---- —-f-


These Prices Good Only One

When you consider the qiialiiy of the tliffereni br.ind* of flour you may
have used, you’re apt to admit that yon haven’t jt-t fxuind just wliai you deiire.
Thai's because you haven't tried Crescent tioiir. Gel your lirst sack, teit 1i
thoroughly for both bread and pasUy. ihen make your romparisont. It’s a
mighty safe ihinR to say that you wpirt need to d . any furiKer expe-rimenTiog
because perfect bread and perfect pastry^an't be improveil.
•AntLa point of etyial interest to -you is that Crescent dour i» nt>t «ood once
but atiW>'a.
Your Grocer would be delighted to send up a hack.

•Tlta Ptor twwybaffy Ukoo.-

J.E. Greilick Co.





eik Hapids Department

ShmI Owlud. Cuhtar: A. J. »■*•

_8nBCT0R»r-A. Tt*ef I«r. It


Un. C E. Mahan of Kalkaska ir»,

Epecia] to The Breoloi Record.

Elk Raiddi. »irh.. June H.-Anotfe- kttre last ai-ek- atu-ndlnp tbi
iremeui exercise., (be aliiiae! ir ratUlnR iiond ball caaie u-oirb treat
cepllon ^d tbitiDp her oiaoy Iri-t.dr
into ovonlne- «taa enani-d on the loc­
Mrs. r. A. Clark u( Orman alb od>-d
al diaraoed Friday afteriKnii. and to
It- alauiMl reeepiloii Thuraday evep
make It more intt^-min*. the home
hope* came ool on top of the heap. IIIK. and I. tbi- suest ol b"f parent..

The Kind You Have
Always Bou^

It oat -Hr. and .Mrs. John F. V-ii cu ib.
the (Hal saBu oo tbe bome arvu^t East -slthMlu Nora Farrell, sbo bt* been
for (he Elk Kaplda team Ihit >-^ar.
their uppooerta betny tbe »lan.* teu-bins af Aides. I. at the Hone-•of
Mr. and Mrs Elmer Far
tpaan. Tbe vlKitlbfe ^Uh-r i tr -liil> her parents, fe
b.»t bauer*. only *»<- blia. too ot
them (or ealra baaea. arr? ni >de olf ulary.



hit dellTery. and be atrurk out 19 Bea
Mr* Ralph .Vemhouse led Saturday
nut tbcacvltheoe >««e on balU and (or Ludlnpute to Join her tiu.baod.
aotoe ^ra (Rat work on the ba^
prored to be plenty.. Our oe-n
-Dntefa' Erkatein fooled but <-1x01 butlera ollb bU tuiaiera. but *llh pt-r(ret eonirol. gonA anpport and fine

1 In pliirfeea, he e
4. fminil t

Bears the

return to Alden anolh
autuUrUal inrrraee in

bad tbe lodlan eltn on rume of tbe


Mrs F. W.BcrhtoW of Be-Halrt- ha.
h'-cn a yue-st al ihV .Kndri-w luiFur>t>home- thia we-e-k

tbe tcorif 3 (o 3 tu opi-ti (bt- ti-nlli. ar-d
(fee bead of tb. lr •bat;i..a ord.r up,
It looked cond (or Mabeeloiij O'lin.-a
(ifkt b> rlrtui! ul a-j err

•eeullny ailnrnvy Ih-nsmon- sa.
from IMIalre- FVIdav atle-tidlnc
lh>- Elk Rapid* ilsties-lenii

For Over
Thirty Years

J. M. Se-ara tiuile- a busltie-s irlji
> Tiaicrc fiij



Mhs flaae-li l>e|, II. I> .'Iil-rtal;ilns
Keeler (tea oui tu kburt. Ki-kuleln
ill., trc-iir Mlll-r (if Wllii'uui-hu:y
« !• th« lUtBlc kirere of TrfeaenuJ BraUefal attended IP Whll-> ca
,K It Sly of hay yhor.- 1. at A
Tindall KlnRled advanrlnc O Bri-ti
('e-msiii plant, and Is tUlliiie hi. .c
" t*d procnun «s-te
ot **(»•
^ to
u. the
• •>> «“*•>* ®®'- ••oknui-i u firat
la r. Thn*, and vaa dcrouid
A. Wlielauel of I hli.:sn iirrh
a Of Carll't-kome teani .lohnrU
- «b and ■ualral pt
jAlire openi-d the tenth witb a (no Mnndiy sltli hi. tamliy. to spi-iid :
- ^ ^^
laacker. Jobuaou lulled to loratr tie- xbuime-r al I.litd>-n t'uiiii.

-■T'riuT^.'Kb la-■


Kwto TOfe WebtT.

-I” •' end

Baker, who bs> reeenily tee
pled a po.Ulon tea barber si

,-^f • cUmpae of bin aarty life Tttt ^
Jto Maay trtaU and of Ma later life
[ Jobnule catne uarehlnt home «ilh tbi S(*ley'e barber Hiop.rbst noiie- to Is
bia auceeaaca were tempered by
oil to sre;cpi a similar po.lIxiD .
k in bealib.
irr. and
Mrs J. W. Uauniie-it t
Tkla BwBher «aa (olioved by a
Traverse Clly speow W.-din -elar I
D emtUed •
town atle ndfay the e-omuienes-nieul •:
E3k Rapid*..
4hB.Oaacie~ from tha Her Frleacbma,
e-rc'lM-s, tbeir son Wier belBR a nie.'ii
Manieloiia ..
ftp Mm. I. a OUbert. Hra. Oilbeit'a
brr of Ibe yradriaHiiC e-las.,
—Ibirlnl teeboioM 'tootuebe «it the
Mr aud Mrs. H J. Mable- faav.- re
'ftMMltal.Eumy or Weber't banuoniurtied from u »ere-ral dse*'. vi«H (
Im aa ofely a tnm drU.t could.
i{. aan. T. a. Sherman cave a blatory
at tho opam -Der PMeecbiita*' aud ni

Elk Rapid* Ixidlie .Sit «:■. k'o O. F

as ei-cledoficer* aa folluas lor tbe
|Mareb)B muaicBt'nBBbera were Iniite'
coaulug term:
^Mntd U lUaatnu tbe artlat'a atyle ot
N. G.—Wllllani Kilter.
V. 0.-B*ra Holletibi^k
. ^be Sret, -Aa Orcrlurr. fmm that ' , Secrrtnry—Ali-a. Y. Sharp.
fma «na apeoied in hnlllant Mylu
Trriaurer'-Aartin (Soldlarb
ftp Mm.
Oemalae mud Ulae
iiiand Lodpi_

lAIUe Frink and ttiril. f. Wood; alteran aria, by Mia. Tliu. and
mmo, k Laa.U.b.r and fUarpam OarrM Earl, and the laat a rpe hti itaulelK
bba kp Mm. Tttaa. Mlaees Garlanl.
Manlii liantrn and Harare IIbIkoxE
flMaad Bari Solllraa. Ruiaer Uni-'
“ atlended the Slate Firituans contcu
S“r Baiyoa were mneo appniclai-.f|^u
Rapid, last week. "Sun-

$5 0 0 REWARD

Sheildaii. thi^ suem* of Mr, Mab'e-'lilecv.

TTc will refund all money received
for the rods and pay SolX)' ren'ard lo

Its} cooprr baa re-iurm-d from Aiiu
Arlsir. where be- Is ateuililiK the

find a b-aiMing burned by ligfatauig
with our rods op.

Ite-rslty of Mirhlean


The Security Copper
Tube Liyhtniny Rod

I*iilul re-iorl win ope
Jim-r rnib. aiici Malinger Klus-exis-es*

has never failed to alTord perfect
protection from lightning, and
gives general satisfaction in every,
It is the only Lightning Rod
patented !n the Gifted States with
AuttHnatic Water Supply insuring
a ^rfcct Ground Gsnncction at
all times, which is the most im-

Mi.s Mabe-1 Fi-rrlh ■{ Klkran, who

iiu. (or Ihe- part
rirliiim- op<-rulor al Onawty. has ace-eiiti'd a |».ltioii a. niyUt oin-rator
ihi- local ti-lephone offle-e..<-wl»
Ui-an, wbo baa liiu.i sU'C-.IUIIy fill|io-lli(<li leir yi-ii-i'al month*.
Ill New Yo.k atiile tu a'-s-e>pi a

■*** ***■

®*“*R**>. N- Y.,

.Iluatiiiii with III.
dl.irlrt tuanayer of the tclr-


portant port of any rod.

plpiiir l•<lm|■Jnle..

ras H^CTED
:- p

The- M. p:- church will observe Sno’
Rapids, imstlos t-lrsani. laryt- rolmi-d diiy a. cli'ldreu'. Ilsy.
Ml-es Cyiiihia McAlidix- will enlerpn.ti-ra advmlainii thy blRKe.i aitd
in Ihe M. E. Udb-.’ Aid soi-k-ly neat
best celebration of tbem all to be held
here Saturday, July 3. Weatbe-r per- Bedile-.itay.

Oirf object is to furnish a rod that we
can guarantee to be a full protection

Tbe fter.m-lll I'helpa I*re-..sed STommltlioS. an already rrrord-brvaklng
company baa bevm awarri<-d lh<- emi
atteadanee la asaurc-d.
(or Ihe 4-recllon of the new e*-The Meaara. Bob t'aae. Charlea

The Security Lightning
Rod Co.


BducoUon TM Astlen at

•M blMtlng 'HeW boturday
Wl#tt-bli« EMurd^.





LOW^r TOSto caSmloE.

tni-nt bloe-k sthnol house In Hl.irir'

Laraciia and E. U. Hawkins bnwRhi
Uiilon fow tisblp. al f UT:..
(ko moetlnc ot the btmrd ot ed the ball team over (ram Mbnrelona
'.pBnUmi Batsrday ereolnp. on nmtlon Friday In their automobile >.
Mrs. A. If. 'Mimken~o7 Noilhjs.rl
W. R. Foote, one ol Traverme Clty a
Wt Mr. mote, aB the bids mcedved
a* In the clly tetdny on her may to
^Ibr the BImwood arenpe aduoi boat procera. was here on bualnewf the mid­ Lanalny where she will visit fii-uds
dle of tbe week and aays Elk Rap­
,m •mam *o» rejected.
Mrs. Jennie Wnlson went lo KIors
. .ffto moeHife VM 0 apeda] and out- ids' ran npeci a yood bunch errr
y todays where she will wurle in the
Irom the clly that's "yood lodny-be-l" p at thia. Ue only butlneM
Modern klacrmbee inlerewte.
r tomorros-" on July 3



ibcammendallni that hi
Mala ft* anntod dlphtmai and


RySmlas a ansber ot bUla paid.

Mias Mnry Moran,


I'HIGAX. THE tlRnr the County of
Grand Traverse, in cduineery.
Nora Hmclv. eomplainaiiU-vm. John
HIihIv. dofoiKlant.


'in,', A. H. iw*. at i''i

rhan.-ptv. at Ibe City of Trmvem*
ntv in «iid county, on tbe ISlh Aoj
of May, A. l>-1»9.
In ihi. vahU U appearitu; from afbdatll on tile, that tbe detendant ta.
. ec-.hleni of Ihe State of MieUaiid that he- re.ldo* lb Manain Oh- State of tnto.^------- n
y*. cr.fitcwl.
nlutiua of Amll F. NerKUyer.
further cir3.r.-cl. Tli»l oulilir
■Iter, It I. ordered
al 1>> |•ll|>ii.'*;:t•ll
ortsai. Jrtin Hlody.
a ".l.v of (h > O
tuv to be eatered
■ woik. :n.
■cm the
o( hi*
dxi. of Ibl* order a
* talk auwer
appi'aralitv that Ue
.......... .................. of ooiaplmiat
fiU-d. and a copy then-of to '
aid (xviiipUInmafa
ipUInmafa aolleUer
davk allc-r cu-relre
cu-relre o*
ot aald’IAll and boHeo
. orcT.-r; and that
C TATE OF MlfIHH''X. THE PROiri.xvf. .aul III!) lu- lakeji a* ___
late <-.«rl T.t Hi.' (Vunty
liKin.! Ti-mcrI iwi-iny day. the waid rallMfeinanl
i),*c' M iiotuv Ot Ihi. orUc-r lo bo
iihli.h'-d In Ibi- Grand Temve-co Hc-rlii. a imw»|iaiM-r prliilc-d. Mibliidic-d
X( h diy’c'u Jlv JA*''!)
lid virculailuc io .aid eounlv. and
IT.-«.-it-,Hon. Fic'cl
K. Walker.
i*( .Uili piihllc-alion If C<uilianc-d
Jude, ol l-u-hpl,-.
thi-ndn ill le*.l oore In each wrvfe '
1.1 -li. tlcnit-Vo* ibo. l-lilat.- of J«*o
r .lx «i-fk. In «ui-ec-*.lnn. or that
p' In- IbirlX'. dcwvxM'cl,
,r cm...o a eoi.y ol IbU oid.-r to bep.-TW»!« M-i»n Ntid luin rc-.ident
io cx-ruIn
therein di>srrlbed.


s."id prelude ..ff'lee, b.1. loT-'ey appol..i.;d for h-xrlus

lo .how rnu».' why a llr.-u>4- tu m-11
•.he int'-re-t of .aid e.t.-ile in «ald’real

.•.-.Ivciii.'ihii. to
,.l '..l■.•-l^. if Hn- tirancl


Burlington, Wls.


p.'arancv FliraiKRICK tv MAYNT!.
iTlTc-uH Judye.
Alif.t:, A true- (Copy.
llol»-n E. Walic-r.
IlcRisti-r In fhaneery.
iS.-al »
Aiiiil F. ScrlliiyM SoUclWr to
June I. K. IS. :S, 39; July*. 13



Ma.' j:.: I.ilio l, S. li.


WItiii I’eiw.-r* has iminoii-d ihepiaraticv of hi. house- »i|i i’ine- -ir.-e-l
by Hie apUcalbin ol a e«al of paint.



Torlnfuti tad ChildrEB.

Kcore t to 3 In ten luoloaa-

i 9« Mtt tBnrei M Tlw Mpwlii

V In *mid (Vumv. on tlx
**i^i'-'iit'f Kiui.' It.


Farm for. SaM.
Oyhty arr* fmnn (or mle.
I blWliiBS, r»d orchard.
WiUlmm Rickie. Maple CUy. B- F. tk
No. i box 'St.
May ll.Tue..1oJuBe2».


ll.M-'.-.m.-ci Fa-111
Tiacovmatau •-A.A.


r Itill, I lliiikwhi.-ct

Trareist Clt; Milllae Companii


Ufew DewHewiim Wc hsvc Ihc Bcst Tcs «

ClKiii-e L'nncilnri-I '.fniinn

the Marlcel.
partirulwrly bivo fliivcir «iul

o*oc*pli«<ii.ii atrc-ii):tli.
If you Imvo iroublo gnUing a
tivi tliHt is (o your Hkiug try a aatnpk- |ioQnil of tbi*

Wu will Ukoernr diaJiutw on your ooiuiiig baok.

Price, 69c per ptHind.



I Also Sell Three Kinds ot Ihe Copper Cable

J. i_. \a/arne:r


Lcyual AuL'iit


Elk Rapids, Mich.


with bonora from the High icfaoul In
the data Ht.'leare* Monday for Cbl-

I jfta ad>oaneiDeiit was tbea Uken off- cayo to yet Iblny. In re-adtnenia (or thel> MAvday muralay at lo o’clock. rrewptlon of the baUnee of (he (aiuMiMm. Moatapae and Millar wwtw; Uy. who will IcM-aie- In
the Windy
•at praaaat
alybi'a Clly, leavInK here the- tatli-r part of
ne*t wee-k.


rlinrlle- Hannlmn •( ( Ala..
foruK-r Kek Rapid*


We till prescrip.
Hods and deliver
Ihem hy special

Oar storc.cloBCB
, Friday BltemooMS
for halMiolldays.


ahaklny bands a-llb old time (ile-nds.
Jennie- Ve-.rdlen is vl.lllny bt-r
paronu and'rrtenda in ^ay fliy.
Sunday was observe><l a. ni--nional
* frtHallBaa were laaard today for

dt} by tbe local Odd iVlIoaa. Mae-ram and l.ady Uarabe-e* sorleltes.

Oil your li4lr

- aim modtlag ot Hiia AUcyri Rboda

At tbe annual memlny of tbe Hlyb
Mr*. aebool alumni assoeUtlon ma* fa>-ld
VMklya Uomoe Bmlik. m Stxtb Thursday ecenlny at the opera bouse-.
•iraat aad rrank Walter Kelley, eon Ofllrert mere Heeled aa (olloss (or
rimKft. Aafbter. o(

- RC WaBar tL





wa tafta Maoe at t o'clork al


Badloapa) churdi ee tbe ereulny ol
«aaSamdaj’..Jgae M. At half pad
•ftlac^ there will be a iwccpiloD al

tbe romlny tear:

: ■

9HRS people will be



Imtg L*ke.

Hldf.. Juae


i.V‘ -ci;ax-.-.Uri.-'a-lr.e.

>.ca*. tmhchx.I-'.rf.
Wb.l uc-x-iHaU....

^ it to


i. (' Wiiit.uic'il lo -ciyLj.' oti*
■ 111.

It baa been prot4|d that eaters

When aU ti uid and done oa (he
cereal -foad qorstion. the /act remarai
that for eecoony and for mulu in

«ftawa4Ay«^'«^a Wrtybt amd Clay-

hcabb and atrenrk. Quaker Oats etaoda

MPa. fVed «Wlock. wbo bas been

Srat oi all It is the nxM popular food
ia the arorid amony the foods told in
AS froctri cany Quaker fisi.


dla at 10; (or the regular sue packaye,
2Sc lor the Urge aiic famtlr packaye
and 30: for lb« family packaye contain-

iny • ^ pirn «< ^'oa.

eua xcl-tt ll- Wa.'b
;i'a.t.-.J.,.,«;eufe.,-ll„;.-... Il-T3rrc•;.l JJI'dl ''-rtl.l'pall-ijtt, alxl .V'loi*. UOcI

empenraenti oo foods to determine
I an tbe Wft for atnnyth and ta>

IbOM who reiy upem the luoal diet ol
beary, yreaiy foucla.



Ttot to be ttrost?

of Qaiker Oat> and rack cmab are far
. ier io airenyth and rsdurance io

MPp telP^lb appwdltllla, w^ isken


ftrtaldasi every day- Tku advke it
ewniof from all aida as a mult of re-

•SMi parbfeU or a twelve poeud ylrl.

Mr. aad Mn. E.-J Bast went to
City Wedamday to aiund

* Old Postofllce ^nU^g


•Haan plaaied.
:Mr. aad Mrs. Joba Oalllper ate tl>e
tea. Brm Durya baa bees quite sick
Mr Ma time

'i.iui. I»i GrnJualiif; (in * )•< all ->

Tresauri-e —Kelslti MalTlott.

1 more Quaker Oats.

•' mmw am eery baay fettlay their po-


W-- i-;oi R..I voB'lii.-n.-ri-R x-ic;-'

Ihw.ldeni —III.. Cora R. Pascoe.





Vice Fre.lue-m—Ralpb St'. C. Rnycr.
Se-cre-inry—Miss Clnrm HaneL

ftaakton aner Be|.ie-mbcr 1.


Come in and get our price on "Ajax”.

m* -hiH mnvi-

V- im.-'

MU. BpruRti-''Will I"

ffta ftoM at tba brUeh parcnia. Tbe

99 0f$~a ♦♦♦♦«♦♦••«


CIUI.IB .K.OI- 1)1 ih.


We sell the celebrated ••Aijx" iiynamiie. If you
have any s-iumps or stones you wish to Ret rid of try
"Ajax'. It is the strooRest blasting powder made and
will re^movc stumps at the least possible expense.





*iv vxvhilxv .mpc-iiui iiir'He- '

-Eilucmicir- 'She* » lur iwye; V;. > !j.^

thc'U-M w«-mrlnc elMic-Ihwt »■ lw>v .-' r,

. Tr..'*|t!fi! ;-rii-r -SV4 *u.w .MoWci.* .'-o

. ow n. an chi-tu «I >'(,0 puB a
. "htw.



. 'v •,



; : V>4M
out- iikhi iifW uiul bm>
b-.imi„l ixii. .

• K-rP the file. ,i;.< l ug. ,.ul ot >c ,<
.heUM-. wliti Screen Dcmt. wtNI Win-'
Ocw*. MV hure mi ull mec-l :r*nc.
r-Mc-nlh..t wdliH.. .my, wucl wnu*-. .
much U'Wier than tbe wooj>-u ou-- x

■ M,- hai.'ii.
I.,..II l’aii,.i

•, . 4'-'. I. Sti.-c'i..



Mas been fur a long time and will continue lobe, for
y/f propose to m'ainuin its high standard of cxcelleuce
a. long as wr can Ret the same Rrade of hard winter
wheat grown in our own state, and that’s good enough.


llali.:.|. I- .

.l-!y j.,'u5.-.» >(>'1 Wf ixiiu t
.Ir-Y b« u. eoial'ciilc'-l-'ai.

Hannah & Lay Co.

ALfi, TuctOAv. June 1A i*o«. '

cn nu
-(<^(>■•04 Iron ms Oi».)
tb«. Hard/ mUiI be *m gt^epr •»>
did M( tfO ircIL-'
U-ben ward b/ r. D. MarvtB. pap at
Ibe )or«rt. ir Ooa «u • frpvuantrr
^ Ibe nleoD, tbp wtlnpaa olalfd that
tw easie In orewivnfllyjor a rliar.
but that wa* all
' Ationtp/ Patcliln, i^o «fip<«rMl for
<Va, aakpd Kraturbvll ak/ i
Aerd/ aakPd fur .a1ilak<-r. be atfviaMi
biOl 40 *rl beer.

dPBBkP" oaked Hr. Palebla. Thr reply
aa'i lo tbe <«e(t that Kraloehrll did
onl knoa of .Hafdy'a beleg diuirrl
•. “Hr told BP Id the bark rnom".
mid KralocbtU. “tbai Cut uvpf.htui
lead of be o«iJ>c Cox anything."
Cot. hr Uatjfic^. did not oOrr lo kirk
Kaidy. and bo did not I'aiok be had
nniek Hardy »<o hard.
Wllllani Ingri'cull, ana ilir-Drit ale



oolL - | board Hardy (ail.
abat broogbi my atttaikw.
aUi«i gc iMi tidB tbM."
anwrr to a i]Witlaa by^oe dt
the Jurora. Ingerooit aaM be mW not
■y ahetbrr Hard/ vaa aober <>r
ThM>«M Ho Wot Dylnc.
WllllalD KIdred wa> cOHrd «px
ataU-d that be as.* ila:dy «licu be
lalo tbe saloon to a<y logrraoH.
'TImv «rrf setting up a game of

QWING to 'the cold, backward spring we have
too many suits on hand.
This means you can save
severai doliars bn a suit

No need tp tell you about the quafity of
I these suits. YOUKNOWif
they are from-Hamilton’s
they are O. K.
There are four lots of these suits and the value of
each lot is unsurpassed. The two first lots are mostly
dark colors, many mixtures, some plain colors. Pat­
terns are all good—nothing old in any of them.


Yhe two last lots are some of the
nobbiest goods of the season.^
Cuff sleeves, pocket flaps, bag .
trousers—-all the new kinds and
in newest colorings. You will
find them the most desirable
values offered this season.

Suite worth $7.50 and $8.50, Suite worth $10.00 and 13.00, Suite worth up to $15.00 tor - Suite worth up to $18.00 lor - - ’


lymilton Clothing Co.

oTTco np. and aak«d mp to )oia. Har­
dy. Juha tlbcpbrid. mek rufk-r and
ByMlf playrd. I w ennUU Hardy.
1 iboughl oil ibe labile that Hardy
«'X« Intoxicated. He got up and noil
out. uid l (Old InfiriKill In Ukt- bU
[dace. I did not arc iUrdy drlhUng.
WlH-n bv nral out that aa. tbe la>(
or hi* for MKuc time. The next
liiur 1 aaar him (bey were leading
him otn lolo tbi' l>a:k reooi. I did »ot'
him afur that. I bad only met
Cox la • be market a Ira- lime». 1 don't
ibmk I wuulo reeosnlxe him.'
aittan-r lo a vutwlloa put by AlIcuinj Patcbla. EMrtd rtaled Shat he
10 Ibe Miooa vben Hardy (ell.
but he dM not boar aoy dIapitU-.
Dnvid Dafendort otalrd Hut he aa»
Hkidy kilting at a Uiilr when be en­
tered (he aide door, ard^that later be
helped Jack HoJmeR lake the man
boiiii-. He atJUd lhal Hulnioc zakid
him tn-belp Mm take iiira bame. and



that nhea iLey went np to Hardy,
Hi4mc. roacd blm np. ICkes tubed
bi.v be (ult. Ikirdy repSed that ba
dldat feel very v<ll. “That wax alt
be aald to mr.' ‘
M/alciaiet T^timMy.
Dr. WUheltBi who ottraded the
(rom tba day aftrr be waa t
home unmxehw.. and wba. oaai.ted
by Ur. earner, pertormed the anlopay.
gate a brief bUtory of <ae caoe from
tbe time be wa» cmll.d, autlng
be aju palled Taexday norulng. and
loumi the man In a xtupur "Wfaea
aiUuaedbenoabloBawae In maau.yUble. Hta eye. were biacoloretUw
Uluoied. BSd then- was oljbe
lett ,ide. bia no»e bad bltd. there
sere bnilaes on the left 1^ bis temIH-rature was »ub normal. 1 nMb
uo history of the aceldebt fnNB tbe
man' That eveiiiiig bis modltlon was
iineboBiud. and be was able to take
u small amtwiil uT bonrishueal. Witb(II two dayst there wx» a rveurredee
of th<'- hemorrhage from the mouth,
and .-e paralysis remained (be s
II!. menial eoudlilon seemed ti
more in toe natun- Of a delirium thin
iiueaBM-lousneea He berdue restless
with a rising tempentnrr Ibe third'
day, Yeslerday morning he wai

More Pianos
Better Pianos

Tlian yon «vUI Und la any olhcrvlwc.

Where U the-xiofe that
e.|iia1 ORl.V.NRI.L l>ROS.- rrmarkahle slioalng of Ibe nehima-Udged IlKST PIAXOS? And where U Ibe
huyei who eoiild not And coiup'eie salislaeiion In our nistehlrxa Hoe.
Taeniy tamoux make', iu o>er ;iHi Ulft.-renl xlyles. are what we
oBir. And tbe Pianox (or whl-b we nr.- sole (Rale rvprvRCOIaUrvi
are aud.-Mahly tbe world'x U-a4. rv-eTKINWAY. SOHUER. CRI.V
enuo-EU. uEN-ueuEsoHx. kstey. smith t harkbs. lar.UKil'E, eic. Also tbe woBi'e I«1 1‘lAXOl.A PLAYER-PIASO.
Our siui^ was lu-vcr so Urg.- aiuf etmiplete as now. PxrenU wbo
•uniemplale i-n-M-atlng Plane- ■<> JU'XE UKIUES or SVt'BET CIRL
C.KAIX'.ATES xbiHild unt (r:I i» inspect t8> oisay beautiful and urti-iic Piuiios now uo otir tluor.. iniludlog a uumb(>r of new and exqiiislle styles jiuit reroivrd lr< iu ib>' (x.-lnrli>.
We arrange -imyniPBIx ’o a..r.iiiiuodat< the buyer. If >xH] want a
I'lsuo w-by'notgel It uost ''rll »i wilie and Itwio how cary Wi- cob
iiiuku 11 lor >o*t
.NEW PIAXtIs'TO RE.VT at w-r}' reaMmable rates. Special tenuc
to -uiuniiT n-iilerx and InAruiueblR Khii>peif aaywrbeie. licnl. up to
on.- jc.u. sMoweiJ uo puieba.s-.'>^

Gritinell Bros.

HIcUgan's Leading Maslc Hobm
TraveiM Clly foanclR Cor. Front and Cana

cldedly reaUeas. bnt there was no «a-'
tertal (Aangr U aU coaditmn. Uls
Prank PnUer waa tte last «MM
apm., did not ba.-a mock volame. giving In detail ibp affair as ba a
sad be would ask lor water. He alal- It. stnliag that foOr tuowa were
<bl be bad baen dtruck «Hh a by Ox. “t'be (Int one was te (
beer bottle. His candlUiMi Sas moattod knocked Urn doom On U
1/ enmntoae.'
struck blm three Uueo WhOc be •
Attorney ratchls braognt ont tbe' on the Door. He feD rtial^ bMk-H
aaM Fdller. “He (Mi hSTitr. J
fnrtUat Hardy-* xkaU vasabaormaHr
ibla. and aticmptod lo get ibc pb/sle- 1 enaaiad the lonr Uwwa. 1 tm - “ ^
Ian to »uie* that a btaw that wooid SI or 3u feel away. After bo.NO b.
produce paimljal, la one man wonM waa Mwd to Ibc world, lie bad
not do a^ in another, but tbe donor muc- Iia>e to holg UmaoU Md bd ;
was eoasenatlce. sUUng however, be-m able.ibxt there was a)WA>> a prrsoaal ecjux
dtary nf TmwWa.
UuB In every eaxe, but that paraly.u
Prank llnidy smt bnuMbt to kin ^
wonld depend on aaore Ibao nne Ibiug. bcum on Uie ewaer of 81x1k nU ]
Ur. Wilbela demonslraw to tbe dpriKr Mrerls a aeek agn M]
Jurj boa the paralyaU oerwred. using]
the skull, abb-b bgd been removed
s Ukeu I hisibonM-. Jack Hn|i
(rtwu the Uidc of Hardy, fbawing tbe
n wbo ammtpwsted kim, 4
fracture. Tbe bnla with Its large told Mrs. Hard) that he waa lonnd in
riot of blucal aos alao naed as an ei- the rear of the 11^ Ba* $40*. It <
blhJU tbe t-x-hBlebaillle. of tbe case
lator tvaraad. kowwsew. tkid bla '
being gone mer by (be doclor.
condition fcOfowed a flgbl which ba Wben asked by Atlomey Palcblu if bad had Wiih Cage Cox. who etm^aett
the fracture cunld bate brvu eauv.-d
market on Vnkm.sirert.
by a lalU Ur. Wlb.-Im repUed. -There iMrdiiig to rok'a atorv. wi^ was Intervw».-d by Ibe Record. Cox went Inig
is no dilfefTutv belweea a fall aad
blow.Ibe xaloou Of Ferdinand Laniaar Ig
j, ArtHornoJne buiogna. «kM ha tarn
Aaniy^ilicig;^^ ikn. naked Aim U ,
• xntad a^nuer la bit buslnetd, '
bad.-glvlag U os Us oplnloa tkat th.( OX replied. "I doa'i need a gait-. nma'i deub waa eauMd by rerebal
If 1 bad gll that waa owing mg
b^murrkoge. He atated Ikat It ike
uld get along ajl right."
Irarture uad been eausAd by the Ull.
few words over ..p meat kIB el
there would andoubtedly have beea
abirb Cot alleges Hac«r nw*
■ of the scalp-wblefe n
blot, (ulloaed. Hardy alao Uyiag elala
it tbe nesA. He ai>o e
bill abirb Cu denied basing
X blow ua one side of ike bead sra
>aed blm. when Hard/. aaW Oog. |
cause a frmrlure of the other side,
tn.-nrd to aitragt to strike Ua.
also tesiiried that <he maa a skuU v
bit blm. ss be mas mUlng ^ I
abaormaily thin.
. aad I taougbt he was gniag to
•e. I oBly hit blm la tba Cnee.”
i U well liked by all srko know '
him. and r« far as Is known kM hag |
Iroubl. Uf tb,- kind with tap o*
prt-vioM u> this aflnlr. Hneh ■
U*by don’t yon gel rid of that natty. ■Mlb) Is frit lurihe msa. as U H MB
lomUlallng disease rstartk?
U lu->nl iksi be had aay
* -j
You cat do It If you really waai lo
But you c
e catarrh la a lew ik,u. .g Ibe mss. snd would M( ha*^ ;•
luaebed bun usd nut Hardy wad Utn g
eau<w/ (here
-.sasitigL- be did sad siarind tka Oo^ 1
sill kill tU
l-.ank Haid) wax 4t ysnre et a
But you can cure ourrb If you wW
have a Mlilr palleaee bed brealbe la sud ivxtes a a-tdoa and tkrae ghOllyomel iprononaeed Hl^«.me> three dreo. EUrr). a rrold.-nl of Cmte Bags ^
or four limes s day. .
id-.. WiiiUm. aged M. and Ksihaijn»
Hyomei cures cslsrrh by kJIlieg tbe
germs and it klllx the germs bemuse i: yra.'s old. An aged moibcr ng4 .
-vi-ral brutbers oiad slater^ sitrVvo.
It gets where the gi-rmi
Hyuuiel Is a poaerlul atloepile and
germ kllllug air; It Is made
sdu from (be
fluid eitraited front the euealypius
Iretw of Australia ahere miarrb is uakaown.
It gives relief iBstantly, slope baak!>ig in X few days and i< gnaraoteM b.r
Mils Jeon Slams len last oroa
K. Wall A Rons lo cure miarrb. (or Peoria. 111. where *c wUI elntt ,
a-thma. croup aDd.broaebllls or mon.
ey back. A complete outfit, lixiuding brf ncelr. Fred Sbogberd.
Inbairr costs tIAO. and extra buitlrs there ■be goe. lu (^aaspMgn. wbara
of Mtomei fo«t. .-.II rents
.by-sill airud the tommeocemeol of
'IlyoBiel i-ertalBlr saved tuy fife and errlMx id Uw I'nlversil/, her biolte ^
I aeeord It tbe credit whieh It deserves
aud nirrlis. There U nothing loo r )-| id belag oee u( tbe gmdnatea.
Charles E. Perry. dapMy geoal non
utter mauilri of the K. O. T. H. wkn Mrten
■U. S
tgusi :a >i->ienUy Irooi CadUlae. ledt Mag ■]
Are. Celdwatcr. Mleh... Aug
Uanhdoe la tba Uloraol at the new '



Qhcs indUestion


Mr. and Mr*. WflHaa Tbomae
Nvrthport pauwd tbiwagh tba dig -'
today on their sra/ to Olivet wborn'
It telieevn Momarb miarrr. armr outr tbvir MB. Ri>). gr*d<utes from Oltvot
nrh. ErlrMog.andenres all Romaeli do. eolirge. Tbey were accooipanM bg
rose nr m-tner bo>^. lArgo-b"! of lahlau M) cunm. Ibnggifis ia nil iowu. Isaac Kehl.



\ ;




As it is impossible lor os to reach all of our iriends vritb special iovitatioiis te
visit onrrDbw banking bnflding which wl be opened ior inspection on June ink
And 19tb.Ave extend a general invitation to everptiody to c&U at tbe bank on tbe
opening diys when a ^ial air&ngement will be nude to show the visitors flBoafb
tbe building and its vaults, and we shall be pleased U every depositor at the
bank wodM bring in his or her Iriends and introduce them to our officen

B. J. Ilortkn

W. F. CalUu


L If :cl /





Win unmEOR


eoart ordrr « pita <ir
It MMItOr ffilHK fUundry .0 Lem San of Chicago. Sau
Al BUHMIrt tUUU j„g,p,
lm:uedlate;y. The fortnIRr brlof
Wrlfht'a Bltorrtej ru M prMnt. haring brca «» gdiaa' AW doeWty Briu ho^Cou ."'f ®wr wIllVemalB here tbt. week
vMMWm Priday Maxi—Wrw.’^ C.
attending to bUls recelvahle and
Scrrral mm of
tta Toaehan •( tho Oak Barit
wataeo to Waleemc VtaHarw.
'able sod on Tueaday nest, will l
r*ponta. all of i)H>ai brtagtng in rrtr
I for CallfomU.
good n-riorta. Tb*)' »«r sanwr L«»la,
j wmg ’nan i* 7«an oM. who bar
Mias Deatnce Cleveland eniertala
cincurr court rroan its lono Nm
on praUiloB a paar: Wi’lUiu June It. beginning at * a. W, •»» pi, ,„a gur.o* h.. .liy hen-.
ed the teachcin of Onk Part sebooi
Prior, and
le C o-elork luaebeon fVIday tn
‘the cece..i;-: 1-sers aud be
Ramaer -and Oeborn, who aim>
of MIsa Laura Vaa Talkeaburg.
AmerlMi, cltltcn. wearing A______
wiib.Oeorge neimforth. for i
who om I* married this arntb
they have been teorklng et $» pet
Herman Prater of Meant pleaaanL
lb. These two men reemad l
e decpraikma In the dining its
Icing aihard working, qui-t
auenaUy good splrtla. ihe,r
Welcopre by Ura. C. WMsou.
red and wblie. A large red h
nian aud worked up a I.vrgiployer speaking words of priisv for
Respouae—Mrs. Wheat.
was suspi nded over ibe ceMer of ihe
Tor, b!s laundn'
Select reading—Mrs. UoferT
and fiwaa U ted W reamers were
So good were tbe reporti Imugbl iu
lo Ihe corners. An tmmeitae
sl.-<fi*sietiu, U'illle aa>s ihat be
by the probalionr-re that JudgA Mayor Canute.
quet of white lilacs flwmed Ibe cenbr
Ing I t'alliomia to mary lb-'girl be
nade tbu following stseement:
ReclUllofi-lawy Herroa.
piece. The. place cards irete white
•Jadflng from Our .•ajH-rienon. S5
irds lo etbk-b were taaieiMd tw
ippy event is over, he will a-tetid
rllam Raoota and uven
er cent of Ibe |>rtaouers In atatae
e bells.
Praiaad by the Jndge.
prison ought to bo released. I do u«
Afternoon. 1:M. r •ding tbe *3rd
During Ihe evening two confort-rs
that titey are not gtiitty of the Pnnim In concen.
-re tied tor Misa Van Valkcnburg
- ClnenM court convened Monday after- charges whlc;: placed Uicm there, but
Solo—Mrs. priewtly,
Mon. nith Judge Majoe on tbc hmrh. that Ibey could he o« on iiroballcn
Rfport of Buminatlng eoumlttea con
vlth.lbe lonaMt catmriar tbir cou/t to the advantage of the stale. Jndgleg

kaa had in ycM. There vero U aim- troni tbe experience we have had lit, rlMlng er the prewldeuis of (lu> aid PatMd Away at Her Homo at Barltcr «
, ^Inal MM. are of then liquor ctiit. this county., i think tbal even
Croak voatardsy PoHowtftg a
BechalloB—Mr*. W, Martin. •
Mrs. Sarah J. Mllk'r left Ibis
and two of then vlcJatlop of the pire
Stroke of/aralyaia.
•8 per cent could be released i
ftwd la*.. «Tien tbe court waa con
I. Hannab Wart.
ler slilvr. Mrs: E. C. Ooraey. at-'
Tcoed. the court room erne erevded
Chariea Howarih Data.
Irs. Margaret Moran died al her
which she win take the bnat for
Select Mdlng—Mrs. C. Jfargrave'.
vUh thoae who were to appear In Ih.Cbarla* H. Hnwartb. an Inmi at Uarki-r- rm-L Suoduy ni Prankfo. i where abe will ts- tbe guest
Recitation—Misi Spangler.
MM. their wllneaarta the Jurynen the oaylum,' dk-d at lliu place y .__
IJiin. bs'lng sulf.-reil a sinike ..I
Solo-Mrs. Pen Kannderm.
I Tbarlea LaVoiix and family.
end apecuusrn.
^y at i o-elock. His home Is at Mor»paralvsl. nu Mtunlar. She bad not
Tbe tcformcl reading of the calen­ ir. and he baa a brutber fleorge Mere­
well (oe Bonie time bat ing re- ed tbitniab Ihe cIit thla morning enRecllalton—Mrs, Purrows.
dar alwwed that tonet of ahe'
ly, who is empkived. et the sK.vlum
Doei-Mra. Hlgger
Mrs. relred a fall during ibe wlnier from
tor Pululh after spending Sun­
wt re ready for trial, all et the erinl- and who went there ^I'ut he inighi ue
wbleh abe never n-.civ.-red. yirs.
with bU pareBts.>lr
sal naaM being reported ready. Ji
brother to took after ___
0»*eral diacusalon. -What An Moran wks one of tbe oldest settlers end Mru. Ihirdeux. ’
Borden, rtiarged with violation of the Oeorge Hosarlh left today Tor More
be region-and leaves elgbi )lvftig
ime <4 the Dirnrultles Met In Can
Mrs. MImo Kibby retunwd to'Bault
Itqaor law, waa jrrnigaed and pleaded
make arrangeoiems lor the tan- dueUng n ImuIvc- AM Society rod rbil<lr.-n. her husband baring died U Si Mari- this morwlng after apimdiag'
gnllty, and the rare of Kiity UHtda
end the botly will be shipped
----- V ago Tbo servler. will be held several days » tbe city, tbe gusog of
on elDtOar charge «ni |4nced at the morrvu mtirnlug at 10:«. He was 2« How to M.*i Them.- openod by Mm.
le Talhnile eburvh at lUrker J'.is B. M. Bcker.
Mnnd Bntvy.
. ;
fori of the ralendar. Addleon WcKega. yean old. Three brolbera aad'a Msfreek. Fuiber Pbu.lwr «f that place
Eelert teudlng-Lucy Herron.
s. .M. l.lmler. wbo has been visit
charged with burglary, waa armlgned.
survive bim.
will coniliicl Ihe tert ires, and Inier- Ittg fnenda >a the city, rrtunwd I"
pleaded guilty. vMk- la the clril fu
raeiil will In- made at ihal plate.
Kingsley Ibis morning.
ee there wraa a rontlnnaiice In tbc
Reclinlkm—Lrofa McCombs.J. n. Priest of DrWard spent Sun­
twee of Ctori It fll-aon m. John PulTho Pig In Watoe.
day In tbv city.
cl^r et al. BaaonpaU and laqucn:
Of pigs It it eommualy reported that
Mrs. Helen Lovejoy rstunw
Prank W. Jo£naon rn. Uk> tb-«twnd
•o quecrly faahkuwd are ibdjr that If
A laa.l picnic dinner will bf
tha a A- R.
they attemirt to swim they cut their Honor this morning after npeadleg
Chemical eoapaay, conllDnanre. heed
(By {lulled Preas.)
Joyed al nuob An lavltalluii is •■iieuii thruafa with IbeU fure foM. but this M iwo w.H-ks la Ibe city, the gsei
of the loi7 eale^r Octolwr teim:
Toledo. June H-anteral John c4 to all imerest-d In Aid sodeiy only uo old wife's ZbUc. M brtber
(Uouinned on Page Thiwu.)
Kounix. □. A. R.
srlld or tatqe. ttwy arc all good swlmIn eight, ebowing tbnt ibe bad itwched la ISS4-8. died SI blr home today at- work to attend and take part la ihla loera.
tbuugh. owing to the abonneas
yiiu. J. S. Packard sad daagb>er,
Orin O. Luce. va. John B. Vinebcofub.
bmg lllneM.
Mrs. Vliw Prei.
Mrs. Anna Shovk. have m»o to Oitreapaaa. amtion for caailnnanee. KdMrs. .MclXTVRE. Tress.
Creek tor a visit with Mrs. U.
ward Payuon Mfg. Co., va. David R.
tbe srs4er very blgb. Many of tbc IsBen McManus left BatipAay fni ....
B-ynkoop. tnw^ww. over the term.
lands of tbe soutberr seaa ara now to- M. Pat ksrd.
South FSix htlandA whh g small Inuncb
und Mrs. Dunn of Grand Rapids
bablled by wlW pigs, wbleb are tta
In t^ cane of ibe People va. Wil­ |>e’bnglngto€aplalB PIcnk. Mi-Manus
Suoday IB the city tbe gneMa of
liam A. Smfth. grai indeoenc}-. Binlih having brought the Isunrh to Ibis diy
aiborc. aometlmragrc i; .!i-;ai«wa. from
Ihinn't parentt. Mr- and Mrs.
wae present In court, waived niiflns to m It up for use until tbe new
•necked Tessela.—pi. r«-.i n Weekly.
lol.n Thacker. Mr. Dunk wbo ta
rt tbe charge, and picnded nnl guilty. launcli which lie Is 'bnllding for CapKoo—Sam Gon to California
Ibe L. C. Smilb typewriter
latn Plank raa be pul In ihe water.
To Bo MsrriMromiuiny in that city rrturwed
Ibe MM month'a spspener.
Tbe Dew Uuneh Is 50 feet over all.
moinlng hut Mrs. Dunn will remain
Wren Jabit V. Wright, obametl wllh and Is built to replini the flm- liuncb
After being ,ta biialnesa hero If
here for a week ! visit wllh frienJi
treapaio.. wns arraigned, he Mood recently, lost by Captain plank.
yrarf. Sam Wing Kee today sold bU
'l .Ur. Ttmivsi o' Cned Rvpida i






fveat^ al *:W and tnanorrow afterMUB at the •aapel umt awd usraor
row eroBlsg in tbo optn hnnso at
7tM. to. Truter la tbe goeut of Mr.
aad Mfs. Maaaelmaa whUa la
Tbc regntar mouthly meeting of the
AdsR Bible «{aaa of tbe nm M. £.
cburck wbliA wma ta h^ bee* bcM
v'om- 14. Is poatpueed Birtll Jhm
Mml A. W. Perk baa-goM to Maulon where she will be tbe guast of
Mrs. C H. Taykw.
Mrs. J. W. Applebt left this morefag tar South Grant for s two w<-.ka
vIsM nlih G. & Ham* aad family.
SB yTorenre t-'Ulmore has rw
turned from WIIIlaBaba^ where abe
was the gueat Of Mias Bertie Wordea
for a‘ few days.
Doctor iiolafonb leases lonigbl tor
blcngo. where be wOl lake post
gradaaie eourse oo (be eye. ears.
Ibe ihraal. He will return in about a'

can have » greM ptuah seuda. tha
InsMa woo^woifc la' wMie oak. Tha
aara hare ala wbaet trucks. There «0I
be uo ebaage Is tbe achcduie.
a maar friemda of Joe Sladee. tha
sell kseWB Laat Kightii street Mt*>
er, will br pleancd lo Warn that ha la
able to be OM. ahbough be haa la *h
crutches. Par tbe last eta wrekR Mr.
SlrAer has been caalaed to Ua Baaia
by rbeomatlsm.
The uork on rbe mnaiclbal walarv
orka Is pnasesrieg well and tha
•ecesaary ibe fsmspa
be aaad I* .
weeks or three Je ihr aal«M*
Tbe pump u a craua ^mpoud Mi
already ow side u set up. The pumg
bemg a double etpaastoo aad the sMa
sow up being (be aecota eyltader.
however, aeUlag emu be mma ualll
the ofbi-r aide la><ir'apL
The wm«
be silghlly ■eUrduR by Ihe IM>
ktas. Charle. E. Hale has gmsa I*
rbicsgo, sbere she .win slay (or tv*
bi.'Uklag up advanced atady M
any and piaao wort lor (eschars
with one of tbe best riebooie
eiy. asd upon hei letura will bl- bat­
ten prepared than ever before to.moat
her rlssBus with Ihe most mods**

Tbc Rev. A. T PerguMa went to
Wesford Saturday. "■
Mrs. P. EHIotl went to Klagsley
Satorday far a ebon eiali.
Mr. and Mrs L. B. Judd and two
rblldrrn returned to Manion Saturday
Tlvltlng Mr. and Mrs. W. O
Mr, and Mrs J B-iisoti of Biugbam
• ni 'iu UllvH Baiurday t» alirnd ibe
graduating exercises, ihelr son Me/.
an alamnsa ot the .hwwl liigb
Kiiic'lc), U » ymuBg man Who Id
school, being a member of (be grad- de.ervliig of e^icclsl nealloo. havlac

P•♦4 «♦♦•♦*V««P••

I, MU- tiom tbe Kalamasoo cdh
le*e and uue fiw Chlrago He la ahw
Sundlng on Ibe piaiiuxm east <
u organist of cousidernUe abUlty.
Grianell'a moalc alore |r a sreck of
In one of Ihe Bloduws of the Hm—bandanae piano, ogehng a tnu> nah A Ivy MereaMAe Co. ta an
ap^al to tbe poaeraby. II la a rvlic ul falhli ul im-'lua taraltare. (ha tsr*lIbe recent tre on Proui
c having Iseu made
b: R. J. fks
k bi
badly is II damaged ibai uot even
Ibts city. It I
hr'^ la
airing in Ita roDslracila* can be pal
lie kew kdoWB and Aalabed hy tto
purcba-vi and -is eKperially dealgaad
tor reaonets. being raaieaed with piM
ng -11 tsosiblC to take K .Aowh
held la t. U. O. P. ball Nv>. MW. nex: and shli. K sbrn tbe ■waaou c>ci^ It
Sunday al SiW o'clock, having been all! be us Mir nl all fnrnHure ators*.
postponed oa acenupu of (be storm.
Tbe frlende Of Ussreme UPhOtPOa
Tbe KiaC'B. A. iinis will bare charge
ill le- pb-seed to know that ha M
Of tbe''aerviM. aad moslc will U- lur- borne foT a short visii. Hr hat be«*
nubed by ike Lady Bebckataa. Ueneral la liH- husphal at Mgniatru lor iha
larlUllon la extruded lo all 1.0 O P. Iasi tbre- Rxutbs aUd while not eatiro
members and Cbeir Irlenda.
cot-red. has made very sotutnoTbc tlTsl vesllbuled irsla ibe M. A
E. has ever run Into Tnvenu- nty
Mrs. M. V. Itolmra of Hufthes ^
arrivcpal 10;J0 Saturday lorenc
Ing rrinrned homr today afuw a viaHvn-afler. Iralha number I and 4.
li la tbr iiix. She wIU Irava hott
former leuving here at 5:40 and tbe week fur a visit at her old1 heme
laiter. arriring here al 10:50, nUI be New Tork slhte.

r i

Tb^ McVicker Poitable GasoUne
Note tha few parts. Tbit onctno la mouatod tram 4 (a » horse power
and U anIUble for ninnlng faad ntIUi. cor* haskots. sDo Bllera and ibiwsbins. Our prieai are baaed npon el» tad gnalftr ot OMina and aiw alwayi
tbe iovasL Call ud be eoBrlneed.

The Thrall Marine Engine

The McVicker Open Jackel

Why not InstallmM of tbeae engtoes in your row heat and convert It
Inio n atfe and speedy IliUa lannchT We carry a full line ot all anwaaurleu
for Ibe inauUiiob of this engine at very lowest prices.
Price for single cylinder, a boras imwer engine. m.M.
Price for double eytlader, 8 borse power englDe,.8128.00.

One-ihird (be usual number et parta. This aagine to moanlrd u|a>n small
iracka. alationary or upoa aUda. Mouaied opo. .tacks or stsHueary. power
from : to t boras power; mounted upon trucks, -wwer from 4 lb 8 bond I"*'
er. Our prices upon these eaginea are IS pe,- cevi uB list and additional
8 |ier cent oR for otab t o. h. factory-


Lansing Silo
rtllllsllll ill


tktllll-'lEIID ! M

H liRfl I

Perkins Windmills
The oldest u>d mott reliable mill oo the
market, aod stlU doing business. Stranger
sad better than ever. This cut abows our
wood wheel ob a steel tower. I can sell you
any alia er style you may with (or. If you
buy one of our steel wheels, we guarantee
that the frame will not blow off or break al
Uic drat rim. as we haven rim going around
Ibe outer edge of fans. Ii would be IminKSible
lor lliv wbeel'to blow off (he spindle, .ss
there is no spindle on ihe Perkins Wind
Mills. - Not bow cheap, bui bo* good.-

The National Cream
Has only two pieces In the bowl. Huw
drnJs of them are la use In the aUle
of Michigan. Perfect tllsfacUoB to
If you need a cream separator,
will do well 10 call and get our in-ires i
We gnarsatee ibfs'seiaruior to aUu |
as dose sa Uy macblas oo the n




Made of good material^ by peole who kne n bow to do tbe work. Noee (bat( (bU
(b silo hu the ooBlIouous
door from top to bottom and that
booiis am 28 larbes apart, maWn* ft-eery Mnmg and dnrable We cun biiUd
ibU of erven different kinds ot tispber. email fanners are In great n<>cd
alios. tor bsring one. they can handle a
of alios,
and keep them la belter <rndliloa on a va
vmall omoim or*'grou^,'
build Ibcm in a great varlriy
rlriy of sixes et prices
acrurding to site I
enn glvs you imus tt
will penult of your rslxlag iwu crops U-forr
paying for ihli alio.


We bare a large Mae of Air Cooled Kngtncs and second band gasoline enginra whl.ji *e are selling at vary low Oguroa.

Rosenfltal Corn Buskers ' Turnbull Wagons
I am sole age*i fUr Ibis dtetrief tor all of tba above articles. Wa »U w
: we are always gtnd to show our goads.

Victor Safes

lag In our line direct to farmers out of our office. Can to aad

Will turn out from 88 to M ‘—- -‘i


KM. J. Lalone9 Bell Phone 403 Travcrse City, Michigan


SlMlM sitd

«f TIm


H«raM V»wn« f*(M SaMhliM



ronfori thrin oorti. So boro vo*
Ions day vlih Boiblno I'o do.
-\Vb) doD'l >vo plant >«ur sordon?

I w<M try nivar «» wmnj or

frt oboift onytMat-

"We havoiit soy aoadt but com and

I will try to ko M hawy •• I

botnt.' sold Jofai
’-W* mote going to gob tbo olbon
loda).~ taid Arthur.


I will try U bo
talkfvl onO kind to ovarybeOy anO


to ovory llvluf thl«t-

-But why don't >oo plant what you
Tauao mo maul to plant iboni all

: tl I o*or foil In trylot «• *•
: tfMoo tMiifa. I will *Try. try

(t^mlior." mat Iho animor.
(Sraadma rmlirt. -Woil.*- rho *ald,
“would you like (o play a gmmo or
mlaor H't a vory ploamant gaiuo mboo
toeU uuhappy
about It? Jutt find Kinioono mbo la
unhappy. loO Bo kind to bln and tor
bom long you both »iay unhappy "
-What do you call it*'aakrt Arthur.
“1 think 'Scatter Sunshine' Is m good

Your Soasbiae boy.
r happier than when in
« home of our Treasurer, who
inaremw Lewis.
nxnpaoy with Jaar.
Ulllsn HHIUrd. Neit Pilday
•. It Is sBch a bunitful time of
meet with Usrgueiile Shaver.
Ut'le BmUy was not kuig In
yetar that we ranbot belp being happy,
We have fonneen memberm enrolled,
g to harness after abe once
m we?
and they all belong to the great Sub- Jane's acuuaJalance: and -ee great
shine CInb
In s abort
hone moold bend-ber
head domn
Unple City. Mit* . R F .«
all going So write to
y while Ibe rblM. meantlng
June i. Irt*.
<^lr. rtetea-ded after great effort
Itear Preoldent;
h mould not be too
iKitllus u;- -.h. tri'k
.Vtalo. Jane
letror^ou. I. mould like
■*»* y0u|noul(t stsud r, b a ■>1 .vtlriiu- mbrle
My. Isn't Ibis lovely meather?
le to me. and belp
more with'her iiiUe mS.irt-y.- Iil-ci In roi ry m r.
Club, and gire ua 1
.I^aa o( combed out hi-r long mam- and uil. PNepiblng is growing so fast,
e going to have rbildrva's Da.r
mbal me MBld do mil
patted ami bupged ber. rsb under sad
i-fsee ber<- In Ibe rburrb a toeek from
We have made a role that oaeh m
tUiut htr, or climbed up foi x -ide on
St Sunday.
1 ant busy every day.
per- tbeuld givu al loatl two rent
ber broadllark
I think ibe good Jane
really des.-rved 10 be callid “auni“ We have a good gardea gromtng fast
blnk Ibe Humane Society is going
Vonr frtend. •
then, for^hc patience and leiidernVss
c-aril* and bu:
fSolao Ervli
llest-d lomarts this Iillte
j sent me are Very pretty, and I
child. But ibe tille wa« not gU'en till
ink you (or Ibem . 1 .m ill be c.lsd
••u school commences again
One fair spilng day we went for a
do n^ have to change tity rloiuer.—
my teller is getting long..I will rltwe;
lung ctrKc In Ibe moods
It m'as so
or bide Ibe may 1 feoL—
KvIt your Sunsbiner.
•Vor alt In proper pose at stilt at any mild aiul lovely under the oukc-s and.
Frank Icowls,
pines, and we found >ueb ireasuterJulnii'd dull
im glad that you enjoy the Hu
e may of paV anentonr-. aibu:us
- Society Dou'i yqu and CUrcore.
and sweet, hidden Way under
a ceilllicate of membership?
Ibe leaie., uud young terns ;usi unroll
ibeir wooly wrappings, that me

■me for it.';
Arthur and Jrtm didnt think much
oi tbit. It teemed loo mneb like a


Isn't tbsi a pretty cerse
Borieiy this mcrek!

They were not ready lor a

that June has come, we 1

of doojs more iban we are ll>-

“Wbo's unhappy?:' j<,bn tald tt last.
“Ob. that )-ou muti

lind oui



log in Him bcMise. and bos nisny. many
friends we see about us!

lingered, and mere tempted to rxplorr
grassy, unused mood roads that
Hear President:
looked especially fnvoiiig
In so tbs
mell aod hope
Ing we lost our may. and belo-, me
1 recvlved Ibe card and button
>uM find the open ronntry road tbe
lor Craee. and alsu'reis-lved
ID had let,
'inaiik you revy much (nr
June stairled olf for borne al s giiud

temrtr over U. Senes blm right."
<l> I knem Ihe tnbk-. mbfeh perhaps 1
Uinner went arrilty on. bat beton wooMn'ti. 'Yea scvwb one
was finished Hessle stede aWay tO- ten soarlv equal to one He'—I wovulor
vrart tbe bridge.
It would go so?
-I suppose .vouVe CTune to look af-.Now the moral I* tool wO ihlak U
-r your precious duck.- ssht George.
droadfal ibing to tel! lias, bot «*
looklog-oround with a very cross I
don't think anyibiug ot saying holerul'
as be turned up one slooe. alter
monU. Apd 1 wonder bom asnayr
other in search for bsb.

You ueednl

<rel' aboOl H
longer. A lew mtu
Dic-> ago-It Just gkTc a Jump am
smsBl am*. aHer the ■test of them.'
"I'm glad of It;-' said Bessie, -bu
that Isn't mlial I came for. Sec—-I'v.

halefol words H sould Take lo count
up TO on,. Ue.

Vd like to get sMueon*

to cipher it oui, and I achieve It. moold
mount up 10 « good masy He*, so Ur
as Ihe right ot it 1* couaented.

-So ncm- ifaiw cheer* for Oecwca

sated cbe mebt cMi Of niy-~saudmich Washington! tVrbaps he dUlDl nay.
and It miU make good bail tor you"
•I c annot .•> s cross word.' but I'd IRm
lull did*- exclaimed George. hK>k. any o! yem fell,.ms to prove that b*
hig at h.-r in surpthu*.
ec-r didsv ■•Oe Hip- lup - barrab!"
•flui." sbe said. 'I do wish you'd
Tl.rec- che--r* gic.-o milh besny goodleace moor-fishing foi a

mhile and

ronie and bale ,.ou/ diuner.

II Will
don'l know wheG^everTon*'
nineh nli-r It me'ce gl) pleasan:
JOmrtd agree m ilb Ceonte. hat when w*
lug. you ku.vm.- sfae added bal^
reii>c-nil>'r horn often we mho-ore carttimidly
(.11 01 ..Ir m.ih. sin throuab, speaking
*'l mill." said le-cirsc*. an>-r a niciin
angle'. and that a *lu 1* g sin.'
>t's besiiailuit,
me may ,.j„<e tc. -mender mbfVber
Hv mailc^J a luomrnt lu mind up hihere mss not > sen'*- In hU Fdurth
»e. mblle skipped tuck :u Hi*
of Jaly -peec-h.
-xlc-u^e H eomlBg; and now do."
she said reiy ear.uc-sll)'. “Icq us all be
p(.-a.«n-. again."
rbey; euuld not resist



•ader. aiiiT iNcfore'Geurge mat dune
eating, the grove tsith Ihelr
uic-rry Jidie^abd shjuils c>I taughUT


Why. even In Trav.rhe City, which pare; but it mas dUisnt seveial mite*, Bunsbioe Club:
Maudie bX-kst'eln.
ciulte a "big mile city." you know. and tbe'darkness gaibet<-d fast
Canield l-h-ksieiu.
I, • Ibis Is Ibe K.iiirih ol JAly, a
>iir president ba* sui-b a numb* r of
a cloudy, Starless eteniiut. bui me age flflec-ti yc-ars; Oscar Eckstein, age
uusi obsc-rce It ln a titling m.
borttlDg. Tbe birds mere rtairping.
out door frleuds tbai she couldn't even knem Jane could be truMc-d. -o me nine years; la-laud Kckaleln. age s.-v
I mnev. HiJi ey.-ry boy n'uike;
The morld teemed happy. Old Mrt.
begin to tell yon ulnut Ibem.
gave ber u louse rein gpd let her take
the Cradle Roll. s|Hweh ami every girt slug a suqg or
Walker was out meedlng bur garden
rirti of all, there are the birds.
>mn may. She m'us iroillng brisk­ Jobiiii) Eckstein, age lliiee years, and
•cHe a piece-."She lived next tbeat. all bIudo. They
And dear me! If you could see the ly along a quiel lane, mhen suddenly Kdmiu Ec'kstelti, age
Agre-c-d!- :bey all cried
bkdnl been over there for a long
trees near ner house.
slopped. We could see no B|> I'lcase s
K and bullous 1
-yoluiiH-ers are In order.'' said N.-l
time. They monder-d If she mas
- siirpilsed.
Then b>^ proachliig team or any obsUcle In
George mar. the first.
unhappy. 'Hiey *ai<bed her a mhUe.
Ycmr y
■blue girl.
“Washiiigiiin *a> a gn-a: man. lie
10 on tbt CroAlo Roll
“Lei'i go ouidooro.". said John.
dove* that live la the rhurcb U-lfry aatoDlsbnieiii the liunce, for tbe
Kbuds .Huleli.
iiireniect the FoilGh of July |[ it
AtMo 1, IMS. m.
got tbeir rapt and ment out
acrosi Ibe street, sod Mrs. Rosen- time in all our expenence of bet
falibfut Bun-hliirr ycM a
hadn't bc-eii for blm Ibeto uec.-r mould
wlibout laying anything more.
RoekUm*, Maim—*• I was tfWbM
canary that sit* Id its gilded fused 10 obey.. Site paid no attention flh'Hla' I sbcMild miss your Irfiers >t
“Shall wer' tald ArttTur trier they
^a^^ li^' with
cage and sings with )uy all day long.
-In or lulcs-. and only tossed
ou stopped milliicg lu me.
almanac. He mas burn In the y.-at
bad abut the door.
Ha bo, brolbor Com. bo* oro
And ob! Mrs. Walt's chickens next head a little al the unm-elrome tcHii-h
wav. 1 doctol^
until 1 mis dib
I TaH*.
door. We muan i forget Ibem. must
be miilp. We could see Ibat sbe
They malked alomly arrosi the yard
1 000 yon oro molly aSroodnc!
"Ned, gel out Ot my ma
They are separated by a light kept tvniiiig ber bead and hcokJog
- shaky
Untuirbt I aboaM
' Koop OB onO y«w-U ooBmUiw rboeh op to tbo fonco. Ur*. Walker >w* themkite, I sayboard fence •from your president'
back *1 Us iu a gentle mMfol
aaret get weU. 1
toward them wlto a 1.01110.'
to «r onn.
rtatl mb'
bace )un as good : righ: here -cim.'bidy edw ^as. I'm
garden, and sbe llkro to bear them Clearly Kouieiblng mas wiong
“Pan I do anylbUig for' you. boyar'
-talking" when she U amuug
T Hire.*' domn ibe reins,
Washlugioii wli.r said. 'Father. I
ibe asked.
'You'd beltei. Ihoagb
spilnglng Tiont the raiiisge malked
bte Cumpounfnnd
Tboy tiiurhod tbeir caps pollioly.
Then there are ihe etalpmunks that up 10 _e -borse's bead. Theic the Chailey. “lie yu.| iul.s-.ed rsii-lnng
thougbl 1 woiUd
me in r»-flew.-.| groanand John said. "Wby.'we mcre-mc
A wort or odrlto In yoor nor.—
try A. After Ukthose splendid buiiertlles jusi because
frolic In the oak trM>s on tbe atreei cuysiery mas explained.
“Weil. H be dIdVl -aj
TWm art boicbu U tfcio *orU A
Ing three bottlH I
y\>u and yjui old kite.,,,3,
where your president lives
cBanai atlala!
•You'd le-tter 'vo off by yimrseU.
ivmeiuber tbe story she told you about
l( he bad stop
“I m-onld Indeed.- she anawered. “I
Bo controt to br lowly, my 4Mr!
then," reiuraeci
“Tbon-'s Jlc»j
them one tiuie? llow llie pewr lil'le
lilib- rbllil.—a
Slqmi .. (only lowaa lonely. Cbme lii."
Piukham'a Vep tabWi'umpouuiitoEU
•tybody ctowdlag <ni lbl«
things mere caught and cagcMl, suit
Mililn'l. when lie ihuughl
' •Twai lb* Ihrlfiy potato Tin* oiipmd
my fr1eivdii.''-Mr*. Will Y’ovxo. t
1 bey clirDbed ibe Tenre and le-gan
learly died of tbirmi? and then bow
liattliig Hie rarlb mi'b one l.llUpe. Tl '-r.-'s ill. iilj of
liitghi he gOil_ . ____ _ x-cxmI swi..
Columbia ATcuue, RorklgngL Ho.
tb*o* vorta
your president's Big . Sisic-r bought
Inidg.-. smalII„Q ,,,3, ..y,,,,, r.-cs.i. he m
lUckacbo la n aymptom ol feaxalo
le hand, and luukjng up in 11 sm.-c-:,
And t^*«uaih and tb* cucambor They told Mra Walker about papa's
wrokneaa or vienuigetDeuL
li you
lem, rage and all. and. aft *r giving; mondt^iig ma.v at Ibe groat, linca-.
n'v.-y a-tracnce Ptoce ,, have seen how much
leaving them. Then they told ber
have barfcnrbe. vl.ui't oefk«t IL To
• ei.!npai.v ol l«y«
them food And waicr. let iheni Icoiiilng abore iiiin ibroush Ihe dusk,
• Wt iba Com tad tho Pot %nd
about grandma's game. She sold tbe<
They bare lorgoticm all atou' Ibeir lie mws not dlii-etly in tbe horse's
Boon only langhod.
mould like to try ||. too. While they
inbappy exisnlenie. and scamper pjlh; Jstic- timid have pasS.d.bim
>r ran toll ill) wo'ro tnod!" mooded three beds lor her. aUL told
gaily from limb 'o 'mib. and look es- easily luouglr. Horn ixmld sir.- know
. •• tboy atroicbod up tbolr boodi to- them Jual ibo kind ol atorlos boya Ilk*
' pound. Cure the cause of Uxoc (Us|ex-l»llv mlscblevulK Ibis sinic.te.’.
that the ktclli turning wheels tx-bliid
nart lb* bolghL
bear, and mben Ihry ment home
There U a red squirrel, too. a cun­
wblc-li six- U.->self eould not see. stev Inqe. (01 ii's the best place li
• Bull* tb* nicbt «ltb Ht oofi rilltng Iboir porkela,mere lull ol cookies, and
The gntal volume of taooUdted
ning llUIe Mlow. tbal frisks abiHii. mould r<-aeh and harm Ibe rlillil*
id sil.'tiie
tbolr tncM roll or anillet.
■ I walil 10 Ma.v lu ibOse dorl
and I* claimed by'everybody who Ihc*
U many, I hofw, me ;
- I couclualreH
' AM (b* day with lla aunthin* to
lur good Jail.'! How glad we mere
Thom are all sorli of game* that
Ing lillle ducks," said'Hevsie.
Se. Gecuse put on a -.Ion tha city block.
boya and girls .will piny, tboae
------ berba. tiAi teatvirt bealtb totbou.
hum the sunshine luake- il.clr pr>'l’! Ua|>r. y ->u.clc- n •
Your presidi-nt hat tpok.-n of Baby.
IU) much a moiiiiDi befim-: llbm
Kopt b*1piat tban. brtplng thorn beauilfni vaeailon day*., but surely
aoucla of
■ womea
mlng- xlilne."
10 big gray cat. until »be U sure
Iiunilr.-il c-rablexi murds
me •iiuk'sl and petted and piaired
-Ira. PlnkliAm. of Isjww RUms,
tbo gain* of “Braltor Sunatalne" U one
"And Flu gofuE to put my ship dowi Norn- I iloii'I km.m ho*-, m
lu all retneniber him. He^ b.v- a
'll- .-.■ten
all alck Won«a te writ*
U-Icr.- me lilted ;h» pretlyof the nlwst. don't you think so? It
IxT fur udvtce. Bbe boa nided
brnibei. Buster, wbo look* exarily
tiuglil 10 go I« one IPIt
uiu 111' | poMlic.n and
"Ha. ba. fiiobd Pnuia (•»*. bore It
the wateb for
to booltb aSa at
don't n.H-d a brid«.- lo Ily a kite on ui.ilcip)i(-ai:..’j t.i j
bliu. ond you bate such a lime carried him 10 ihe Brar.-«l
my band!
play It. you will flud ihein.
try ing to decide whU-b 1* mhlch! Both
CbnT rtarb Ilf—IbarAa ndtblng Ilk* many times, just as Arthur and John
m-llh Inciniclk.iiB to the. young moth
"I ran rnalrli Hie l.reei,- beller h.-r-."
Ihe cats ha^e exciting limes trying lo
did. when they looked about
mbsi's Ibe ne.-d ot
-b tbe seven gold fish that IH<- In
take- better care of her joungesi!
It sriora* »• to b* ao far «p
crowding'in wi'ih-a Ily trap, or mlialtbe arttfcal pond next door. The cir. iiM Ihe lirict exclamation ot surprise
ju don't .-ape.’i lo cateO^
You have not beard from the Bun^nd have' had 10 cov-r
and i.-liel when the b.nby *-a* found,
Wtallc low at my fool yoo'rt lylBglatalne Omndmotber In a long while, the pool where tin- fish live with minbllilenlP-s |1 tb.- mater do yui
Toa am w* don't know on llta'a low,e little Vhiiily. mho mgs drUy Just mh.-re I 41
haeo you? Well, your presldenl ne netting, sod even then Uaby and Uus**t mtnd
ut. stepped out on tbe sbaft,
gromleil Charlh.
calved auch a fine Idler from berjuit ler slick tbcdi paws through
How far up tbo ladder well rtacb:
walked along it. and HHianied the
1 you
miial, though.
few day* ago. Sbe says:
metbes. and think they are fishing!
And 'lla b«i*r to lend a kind belplng
borM-'s back. In her eager desire lo
"I can't
sIi-tsDen yoi
“I see ihsi my numerous Bunsbine
There Is l>uke. lew. Ibe big St Hersee I When Ibe real stale of alfxlrs
Onr OrnliL.........................
slliilug up lumgs uUiul here-"
raadrblldren have oot yet guessed asrt. We must not forget blui He Is
mast rot ealed to bc-r. and looking
FL( )l'K art tbe BEST that can U- mede.
. biidge ' asked
le name of ibe animal 1 told ibem the dc« wbo bos such an aiiachment
Ibe trusting baby (ace sbe
We have Hone. C .w, Ht«, Poultry ami litlli' Ohick Feed,
-, as ae M dosu
about In mv last letter. *o 1 mill give for your president that be follows ber
saw bom luueb me ow.kI 01
Oil .Meg). OottooSetdMul.'^i
MHl.lliuK'AiidUAY; W«
10 say to them itiat where ever she goc-s. - He I* bigger
Inlelllgeiil horse, the IlMIe maiden
niao have CEMENT.
V s?.m TceJlni:
• |l,-«v|e, j-oil'ye got
coyote, s* aonie iboughi. heavier (ban she Is. and he liy
avmr morning Uraugb the atmn
around Jane's m-rk.
move duck"' mlib I r . mtiKO llurh
We pev hiKboei CASH priooe for iimio. Rrani end Poao.
t. a monstrous, savsfce-looklns mild wais so close.' gaitng up Into bFr
From boo liiilo gorton spot.
ti.'Ktled her rosy lillle face In Hie
rising to hi- I.T.-.ill') Fcoil Eucl Excliange Flunr nml ollar PcixlucU fur UralD.
noticing where he is going.
■adio Mags mo pretiy rluston
(Icm-lng mane, and exclaimed, “Vcmi
Amn'l we glad to know about it.
Ibil he pusUcw her 1 Iglil oft
Ot tbo newer lorgetWK-nol.,
good Aunt Jane!" And. "Aunt
pieis-*;" i-o.TX.'d lltlle Hessie.
St! And don't we wlab our Bunsbine
she undeisiands that It is lust
she m.ia called Sfier tl
1 nils' to s's- Jii-m locking up (ur li.“
randmotber mould write us anoihrr because be lo\e. bt-r. so she calmly
am Ue Qssmo aeoma hart to Baldlo.
end of her life
George mailed .iinpa'iemly; then. ai
long letter aomr day!
atopa an^ shoves, and shoves, until
• Or doM not bor taiiey ploaae.
e'ste did nut -4c.]i quit.- as suun a
be lets ber come back ogsln.
For aha alwayi taytt “Good morning!
e Iliroikht pi.ip.-i-. m.-ni down th.
None of these pets belong
Boro nro oome remombor mo'*.'
Your presiOeoi reallies that varaBunmiil City. Mich., H F I). .'
a l.-w *iep». and presenlly ib
you know, but'ibey are ber outdnor
on bai aumly come, because sbe
June 1, ly
dicks' li aal msa brought lb 1 sudd.-i
geillng siicb floe reports Irutn tbe friends, tor all that.
th-ar rrotident:
end by- u shower ot small sionei mbich
Wouldn't you like ro see them, too?
dlllemnl Brancb Clubs. Two repurla
received my c*rd 'and button all
at ibeni
Sbe wishes you could
Jnmo* FooM. Summit City. UVb„
have arrived this week, and we wl
right, and think tb.'m very prell.
. Girorge. t moiildn'l be quite 1
F. D. Na 1. NniDo aont by* Uraco have 'them’ ne*t. ^
moved here last (all from Ga*
niPaii' excUlmeii .Vi-d
Every once- In a while, lucked
, Ponoa
Leelivllle. Mich..
ltdiana. and tike MtHilgan very n
•laiuk—you uav-e hurt one c.f them'
me ou'.-oHbc-wsy corner of a <
Loator Hnaca««g*r.
pets I have tour doves, and
eri.-d llessle. In dl-ifiay.
newspaper, there mill appear an ini
Mloh. R. F. D. Na t. Nam* m
Dear President:''
My school mas out two m.ehs
But- i-m»ig... i.tii- cf them drupiuxl
your president likes
«Uiwneo Lowla.
As your new president of tbe LeetsI am ien years uld. .-tnd wa'.
s b<-..d. Slid lliially turort
HnMi* Bekswln. narflold Brtateln. TlUr Club. I will nllempt to wrl^c
10 prityl^our IHumane department. moted to the seventh grade. My Utile
Rt Isii-k as (h'-y swam u.m-ards the
^read ot the Ihile brother. James, wants to Join Hie Sun­
Ooear Befcataln and Loland Brhatoln. my first letter, telling you bow fli
•ummit City. Mich. Name* aont by
horuek load* thtt live in faufornU. shine t'hrh
Please si-nd we bis card
A rbonit of Indignant exclamatP
Arlxona Texas and New Mexico.
We are making our Club a help
and Inition.
r«-.- as one ol tb- bov-s drew the
II seems that these- ilny ereaturps
le poor, a* well w a social gathrrFrom your Bnnsnlncr.
Jii:'-(1 hlnl from the water and laid It
M. Y. F. EUNgHINE CLUR CRADLE crlng each week tor youn
have lieen killed 111 order to make
Grave- Pen
I lie- tyank IP-sste cri.-d as sli" mud'
.pins from tbeir "horns." so tasblonnow have s Sunstamers*
bed of drW leaves lor li under ib'
wbicb includes all ot the Club. able soDen might hate something odd
Tbo boyt looked out of the miiidom
The tun mss Ululns
The bud* mere

To Lydia E Ptokliaia’s
Vegetable Componnd


. f£!srr,;!'frbr'S!iajs



..ii&arsa ‘


Wliyf became the gi'ALirV «:il TKlCE-v of IDEAL
(IL'K Huriut* miit tViiiter PLIX'R in
Oar tirnham. Wliolewbiml. Kye nod k^natiy

pRonre‘CTS ere’riubt.



Tamer Supplies

^an; .Bdwlu Bcktioln.
,tbe boya a* well as the girls. We 1
Bontba. Bommtt City. HKb. Natno* making different article* to seud
nent by Rboda Hulolt.
Oartl Rougnoggor. age tbroo yean:
Home, nnlrh is located at Grand Rap­
«Cma Boogrtggor. ago two
id*. Micta
This is lu be *e
Vtolei Bougaoggor. age throe montb*
belp ihe poor.
Doris Kennedy, ago on*, year: Ruth
berewitta enrlOKr a stamp, tor
Packard, age five y*art; Kdn* Pack­
ard. ago three




MKR. R. r. U . No. 2. Nano* a

mnlrb please send mO another Sun­
shine button, as one of tbe Sunsblnert
buiFDfl, while golnf to meeting,
tbe other dar.

CiarencN Lewis.


Rbth iva

wear on their heads;

What.a pllv!

No*' Ihv Jt'weler* til Oregon have
derided .aat they mill not sell these
b%t-plns...aDd mill
stop Ibe slaughter of

nese borm-

lesi creatures m'uo live entirely upon

All.’he sunshin- o

The aumncT day cl.iuded, at! ;h.- d>
Maple t'ity, Micb . H. F OJune

(iced. rh.iUren. bow

IV-ar President;
e Sunsli
a letter and send some

light ol Ihe gt.esl hcliday maii.-d by ;
'angry words. Have you e.-er no
one ugly , mold

am lead lo many inure. Ju-l tt
i:Park kindles.-a fir-T

t's gci over Into the grove
Bunsbine.d.'parimeni. and I'rsdP- Uoll.
A Good Hero* Called Aunt Jana.
get ready iV lunch." projurs-d
t think ibl* 1* a beaniitui time of
le Illlle. girls.
Kvery-.hlng Is so green
When our good horsi' nrst came
flomers m bloom
I she was young and gay. a* (nil o(
lay at a child, and me cnHed her Two weeks from next Bunday

•■XubOd; *ant*\i>-May wi!h you;'
fhildrv-n's Day ol Ka'soo Evan­
Jennie. A* lliue went on she grom
qolei, sleady. and mas so (althinl siid gelical cburi-h For pets I bav
Smile* ind plei«aut wordw return
Sttep. ! will send
obedient that we all Wved ber “Jened. homev -r. as tbe good Iblngs
seemed too light and frivolous a the follomlrig names;
Bessie and AMro bixvugbi
Dear President:
e (or a horse ol Oueh good quali- •hine Depanmen-, loxiier Rnegs.-gger,
to deiorate tbe nkes. and Uhl
•ge six veais; fur 'tbe t’rsdie KuU.
We have started up tbe Happy Hour lleo. and we began to call her Jane.
la one paper wn* anch a running Sunvine, na the while chub, around tb
Sunshine t:iu> again. Lost year 1 w
Sbe was large and sirunp. with soft, Furol Roegsegger. age Ibree yeAr*
ohU* ttory tbal abe will have, to
Wheo all w»s n-ady n-sM
Sermtnry. but now I jtm President
intelligent eyes, and dark msne-snd Wilma Ruegsegger. age Imo years: dishes
poat II here for you aM to know:
We meet every Friday. We have tall. Sbe was a good carriage
Violet Ruegsegger. age Thre'muUlbs;
Arthur and John
were nahappy.
“Go gild call CeOrt'. Arlee 'Dorta Kennedy, age one year; Ruth
obedient to the least touch ot 1
They had planaed to drive to the city had only two meertnga aod
• He oay* be won't eoB*-."* aal.l
leriectloa or voice, and so gentle that Packard, age live years. Edna Pack­
with paps, and be had gone without elecen cents In the ireaaury. Our

mentis;) boy*,

On* of tbo SoBsbinon. not tong aga

broogtat an

armful of



to yoor iwesidont. and sbo mad
rt ibam before she pul them away


To be sum. they worn not up

early Moagh to ga

Sprinklers from Sfc to S6e each. Land
Plaster Sifters 55c. Flour Sifters 15c,
Flour Bins 55c each, holds 25 lbs of Flour,
Tea, Coffee, Sugar and Lard Canisters
one dollar for the sef; Milk Strainers,
Steam Cookers. Dippers. Tea Pots, and
Coffee Pots. Ask for prices.
Lem^n Extractors 5c and 15c.
At P. K. Corner Front and Cass.

Pbrrman. MIcb.
June 3. IrtP.

meeting was at tbe honse of our

Bat (hat dida' |rtlary, Margory Colvla.

Noot moot

she waa (be best pooalble play fellow

ard. age three yean.

r yonacest. a cUM at i< I yean, (bt* lime.

Tbis I* all lor Alirt. returning. "And IF* oamll loo
-He's led hU bait, art U In 1 >o!!y'


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