Grand Traverse Herald, February 26, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 26, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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A VEAB._____________ __



ifc) DOWN Rj«¥” HELD FOR
>. EAb- 24.—'Hm howw thi«





J. W. eilfla. Who Hat B


Fire Ort«lnaled In tiM Helljr Hbme
Fr«« a OefecHve Steve Pipe and
to tfx Other Twe,Wlilch
Were Ctoea Te^Hber.
Honor. HidL. FW>. 22.—Tbive
bomea of Forkloc men nltb larcv
(aalliee v^re bnraed to tb« Bronnd
tbk aananc al 7 o cloek. fire coosaiBtD( tbc boaaea and cooimu.
Tbr botue bnreed beloni^ to Amairaoc. Barrett, and Holly. Tbe are
ortcliiated U the bOM betaodat
HoOy. and wa« enueed by a dcfeetlTc
etore pi|ie. Holly bad built a Bre In
the kiwben atore and cone for a pall
of vater. Wben he returned hli;
henae waa oe tre. and bla family
etm atoepUig. After noalat bU faiully
tbe aelabbore'ereiie awakened, but bar
lag no flie protection ootbl
he done to aare tbe bnlMlnca. wblrb
wore cDpae together, and tbe throe
burned to the mttnd. Then
tnamacc. Tbe wmblned hue U ealimated at »U«.
, All tbiw man were employea at tbe
xioal HlM;'^:ahWa-‘:Yer«''no vaoint
bonaea, the three faailUea will bare to
to triaada'hooae them unUI
they can' imba loma other anwngernenu.



Mra. Franaaa Heyar, hr'Detroit, Haa
Bacalvod Word That «he aito
•rotliar Hava Fallan Haira
To a Bnug Fertana.


Faopit from Bouthem Michigan a
Indiana Will Ba Brwu*ht to
* Uw Norihl

fumeen Mfaaud tna ecnata
U $tOOMO br A veu of 141.

M 1H. This I* net final.



H. A N- E. Varda.

Traverse City will be vl.lied by
hundreds of bomeaeekers thl. spilng
no dount. tr pec^ of tbe svolbera
part of tbe title and tbe northern
I<art of Indiana take advantage n
Hawesejkcrt' excun-IOBs. Tbe (
t I. win mu Homcoeekers- excurslOBt
all polnu between Siurgti,
.. and Ricbmood. Ind.. the excur•lout to ran on March 23. A|>rU C.
30, and May- 4 and 18.


Were Present



"V —



Mr. l4ytU>o wID eventually erect :

DM .BwBdarily.
Spodal to Tbe Evealng Record.
Kalkaska. . Ulcb.. Feb.
ugh Heory, aged 17. died at Rapid
City latl ‘nuruday. after an lUncts of
43 heart with nedte bowel trouble.
Hr. and Hrm. Henry had bMB married
all weeka. The barUl look place Sawday.

iptag rates, and wbea the proper
data b compOCd. to lake tba SMter
before tbe stain cnromuirue boMdm
slop. '
Provloua to tbe bnoqaet which was
he flneat ever glvon la Ledtogtom. •
BUBJCOT OF LtwfNQTON BOARD :oB(erence of / delegatee (iw% Mohlnirc. LudUtfum, Huabegoa and TrowOF TRADE MEETING.
City was beM (or tbe perpoee
of (onaoUitag some pUn of nnind gation of tbe cHlea mentkmed Whkh
win briag aboot pranlcal reedRa. 0ms
plan suggMied was that aptwgrit.
(ioas be asked of koards of anpattHliZATION MAS ers of oec of the coaaticu Intertad
(or (be purpose Of drcnUling pubBc»y matter la tacnlitlcs when each
adyrrtisiag wwuU be atfracttvn and
idnce wilera lo cat to
tbe-cast above. .
decided to aeleci a qatoalteach et the bustoroa ma'a
organixaUcM In the towns raprascat
Tb* fifth annual clUxeos' banquet ef ed (or tbe parpece of gsttlag to«Mb(be Udingion board of trade was held
In that diy Mnoday n.ybl. Ibe repre
from ih>- Traverse Cliy.
board of trade being J. W. Hannen
and U F. Perkclt. who were dele^annaal meeting to attend
g in Ludlnglon. U may be
said ot tbe Lodlogtoe board of trade
tbat tbls Is one of the most updodate and progTWIve orgaalxstioos in
this seftloD of (be kUtc. aad Is e»tbuslasilcsUy eupported by the commuBliy. Tbe banquet last eveblag la
(be big Stearns hotel, was attended
by more tban two tanodrod, a tpleadid
mean being served in addltlna to tte
Idresset by welI-kao<wa speakers.
A aplendld orcbestra rnralsbed auiic during the-banquet and after tbe
buelQeita seralon. which inetuded re­
ports of ibe pret-ideuL seerHi
treasuirr. a symposium was' held.
"The Eavi Shore and It< Fuluro Devvlopmeet." l»lig th* xuliject nidi-r dl»russloo. The development of the east Rain It Btlll Fslfing snl tbt CraMc
ArcJlising Msking the Bltuatton
gbore a* viewed by the Ludluftoo
Still Mere Bericm
board of trade reeuns the upbuilding
and imprveoieut of tb* cast roasi
Ijike Michigan from Huakegua
Ark„ F*h. 3
Traverse Ctly and ibe Onlld Travmen were ktlM aal i
eiwe bay region.
.Hired Id yewterdty*a tornajda i
Tbe addresm-s were earnest and l*ito today's reports.
.................................. the f




slsie H.the cbhff aim ol Ihe boards of
trade of the cities ropr-sened.
F. K Grorge. advertialng manager

shot- pai-km. coupled with 8beriB Kit
tie's cxcellrnl dcscripilon proved lb*
nudolwt of I'harles Alexander, who
broke jail some time ago. and was
brought baiA today.
ifarougb thl- evidence of a friend. ci|je
nearly cseai.iog ibe officcra at Cadll. when.' be was eaplurcd. but the
icrtplloo given by the sheriB and
tbe means of id.-ntiOcatlon were too
James Bailey, a G It A I. brakeman.
sa* Alexander goliig- north on fool
from fadllUr last nighl and wbeu the Msoiou. td.-phoned
SheriE KiX!"
Tb.' sberllf soul
IX-puiv W W. llurdiek nil t.. fadillie
als.. nntil'>-vl the railillar police
w.'iii alter Al.-\aiider. The friend
• a- aithbiiu.ssidthat Alexander
had *o>k.-d ill Ibe woods wilbbim lor
IS lime aad »«i .-arueat were the
that U i-s aatd. I»e olflrcr* were
almovT coBvineed. bu' when Alexander
was made lo tak> off bis rubber boots
and tbe sbue parka were discovered,
be wns taken tn. When tbe deputy ar­
rived. he. of course, knew the man and
tO(A him bat* here

Uaual wintt>v *hiit Down of the
Guelph Patent Cask Cc. Has Ea^
ad—Many Legs in YardhO'

HOBOC. Mich . Feb 31—A very wetrome sound strnrk tbe cars of the
pie of thU villas- yeaterday menlng
Oetaatod EgU Jordan FIva By Big
•a (he wbisUr M tb<- Guelpb PalBcore Lout NighL
Cask Co. pealed forth. Tbe plant
Kalkaska. MIcb.. Feb. U-Th" Kal Govurfimcnt Haa Decided to Pmn.t
having been dosed down fur tbe t
kaika Higu acbool B«c playeB Eaat
the Use cf Il Foc Praaareing
rioter aecsott. The yards of tbe
Jordan laat alghu the game cesultlng
Feed ^rediKta.
are fill'd with Jogs which asin favor of Kalkaska. Tbli
make* tbe aixih game tfals year that
IVAsbingtoe. Fbb. 35.—TSc govern- oroa good umw (or tbe vOlaga.
the Kalkaaka baiket ball
Tbe wompaay Is engaged ia tbe
menl food and drag Inapertora decided
pUyed aod ttey have not
today to permit the nae o( hensoaxe of laantactuie ot veneer and lumhtr.
feaied yet THey aun bold tbe chamas a food pieaenallve
PackHUa Goldie Aase and brother Wil­
ot Nottheni Mldtlgna. They
liam left today for Lercrtog to tHR


.. CuyaquIL EqMdee. Feh. 24.—Twe-ty to thlr^ .
jurad today when a pttomvger train pKuvfSd evwr a
tie Banma.' A dispiac^ rail caused (be eeddenL




Snrttfi floeolvM SbHooa tfijvrlaa Naar Bwt Jordan.
Maae^kma, MIcb.. Feb. t3.-4leatT
teltb. tormeriy of bora, wnt oeriOMly
Ittjnrad while wotKIag aaar Chat Jor­
dan. Be waa daefetog htoa and a
awamp book alipped cat^ag him la
Iho lag. 'lataol
aary to


Tbe joint inltlatloo of Teau No tTI
aud 134 held Tursday uight la Msec*bee ball in the Majestic bulUing
one of the biggest and mout cnlbuslaalic gnlbcritvcs ol (hr kind
la Ibla city. Tbcrr wen- present from
of the city Crral . ft
George S: Luvrlacv. of \
Deputy Groat Commander C-harlcs B.
.wry. of Cadillac.- besides- vialUng
Maccabees from Northport Old HIsskm. Qnwa. Kingsley-. Fife Lake and
Williamsburg. Altogether K fa ecltmated that there were nmre than 3M
knights preoenL
Grtsi t'ommsn.lrr Uyvcluro gave
cry Instructive and able talk on tl
beneflis as well as the aocixl festaret
to be derived trw (he order He was
prereded by Deputy C<
Perry, who spoke atoag the same
lines. Oommindcr Jobn A ixtraager
also gave a very
A particularly pleasing feature was
the exempUBcatfOB of tbe work which
was done by tbe degree team of 131,
this being some of .the Baesi team
work ever seen in this city.
A mnsiral (real was given by Herlan Klrcbeeer, wbo played aereral
Fvlectlons upon tbe cwset and piano,
and tbe encores be received
deoce of the pleasure given by' Ur.
KtreoBeFs talent.

in a collUlon In the M. A N. E
yard Tuesday at r-:3t> a. ni Im-Cwi
1. W. aiffc baa relumed from Decoach and way car while swiicbtrolL where he attended tbe bon- Ing. Cbarleu Sllmaon of Manistee
nraa noeUng at OHnnelt Broa., whleb brakeman had fals left foot erutbed.
euion there la»t wtvk. Tbe
«Mon wKb his braking partner
meeting waa one of (he beat ever held George Webater. wat standing on Ibe
by ibe company, and each wrtkm platform of the raboosc wtaep (be;
at crowded wilb tonietbing of Intef' cart came logriher. the rabooee being
lammed up agaioM the engine, the
Tbe Brut aeatlon began Hmiday. and drawbar of tbe engine ^bDvlDg against
m aeasioas eoatiniied morning, after- his foot, plsnlcg him Iasi. Stli
oon and evening until Wednetday waa held for half ^ hour before be
night. Speakera ai the meelingi were wat released from bis ogonltlog poalH. B. Johnaten, C. A. Orinnell. J. E.
n being neeessan- to lark up
Bbannoa. J. C. Welu. P. W. Cueat. tbe engtae, although IU> crew worked
W. W. Walker. B. W. Sml
rapMly at pwtible. WebMer
Straatbnrg. W. A. Oiinnell. C.
. Injniwd la tbe tligbtetL
tciT. p. B. Mugford. J. W. CIlBe. H.
t ,phyuielan wat at once aoUBad Only Four Oivorc Catet-Will Be
R. Fnller. J. Vaughn. S. J. Ouect. 1. L.
1 the Injured man given every poa- ^murd During I
Crlnnell. J. e. Fitxgerald. N. W. Har-; ilble attentioe, but hit auBering was
Four CharKi
rie, C. P. VanSlckle. O. W. Onlley. Intense. A col wat teeured and SUmTbe cubietto oorered everything ■on was placed In a coach which wat
from tbe sbcei mutlc department
taken to Manistee on the 9:35 train.
the tuning nnd factory department
.Stlmiea U married but bat no cLuAlthough at tbe bcgianlng ot the
year tbe protpeeta* were not very
(or notation of (be liquor law.
brtffat for botlneei. ai the cIom It
burglar,..and one larceny. There
found tbat -bnalneu condltlout
six lasuei ot (an case*, four chancery-,
entirely taUtfactory. and every
three ebancery on pro confetso
department bad come ant wUb proiTiere are (our divorce cotes oo tbe
■tacalendar. Ttu- calendar Is as follow-i.;
-meati were made to organCriminal.
lie three new atorea. one YpslIaiiU.
People vu. Euorb Smith,
at ML Clemeat and one at Cbailarceny. Fred H. Pralt,
barn. Oat
The People vi Haney Plerre.-vielaA new name war adopted Tor a pi­
dT llqaof,Vaw. Fred II. Prali.
ano. called the Leonard Clayian. and
c People vs. Phil .'tbeiiuer, tiplB;
it uken from (be given aanet of two
on of liquor law Fred H. Trail
membera of tbe Brm.
People \s. Frank .Say. vlnlaiion
In addition to the burloem teri*
r liquor las Fnnl It. lYall.
tbote In attendance were treated
The tvople >s .Anion Huldta. viola,
rltH to Ibe automobile abow.
tion of liquor.Uu-, Fred H Pmii
Wayne Pavilion, a banquet at i
The l^■opl■Win. Til.e. burglary,
CharlevrtxyiuDch at the new Y. H. C,
re,* ii ,
A. buuding. nbleb they alto inrpected
Tbe l'<t>ple >a Wbf. Pr!» . vlulaliun
and at t final round up taw John
ll l*raii.
Drew In "Jack Straw." ai tbe Deiroll
YeiW the Guest pf Hit Brother- ' The IVcipIe «Kva* «Ta*
opera boute.
ford, contempt ptoceedinga. Fred H.
Hmiry Meeting Tunight in the
InterMto of the Negroce.
The People va yjva renre ('raw
New York. Feb. SI—l*rv.idenl<lect ford, order to show cause why Informs
Wlllitm H. Ttfi wa. t guest lodty ot on for perjnry should not be Bled.
. Issues of FscL
hU brother Henry W. Tall. 3« Forty,
William Wright vs Ijyula Ylngllng.
eighth ttreel. and iK-sides a visit
from' Senator Kuox. the president assnmpail. Jbu. W. Paiebln.
expected to wake known hit Huraev E. Henry vs. Hersbal L.
Hobbt. Iii-spass un ib>- case. Trait It
selection el secretary of Irea
Loam of Chicago Lot Will BHng
while in New York, ToalgW the pree- DavlB. Pai oi t '. Gilbert .
Tatol «f *4,4*1,00*-Origlnal
W .E. WllUaui* tompany Va Han
Ideut elect and Booker T. Waei
Coat Wat I2BBM0.
I will be tbe prinrliuil speakera at lee River Power company, Wm. H
IhBlOr. A. W. Btnak and U & Has­
tneetlng In I'amrgle ball In
Tbe BOrtbeatt comer of State tlrect inieivelt of a movcuieiil for indutirial kins. dcUuIt. Trail A Davis.
Reid Murd«K-k A <onipany. a corpor
and Jadcaon boulevard. Chlmgo. 80.:; education among- the eouthem noiflon. vs fharlos Wheelock and W1I1by HI feet, bat been leaoed by H.
Bluodpaiu, bssumpalL Lester U.
Lrtton.pmprieiorofihe Hub clotblng
;b and John W. PatchIn.
Ulon J -\riioId vs. Rebecca Tierce,
of Perry Hannah. ■
trover. J. J. Twuddic. itobecca Tlrrcc,
Tbe lease It for 1U3.3 year*.,
tU.dOV annually lor
f ibe Young Potpla Were wodded at 8L 1 personrental being
ocing aae.ew
Wlliiani 11. .\niis. Cl al, va Trav.
Franelt Chur«h Thit Morning, by
Dr»t le j-ear*; tPO.bOO aauuaUy for tbe
erav (Miy Hulbr Uosl company, at
ecu 39 ycart and f»l.«Hi for tbe ..
. tho Rav. Father Bauar.
tacbmenl. idcrfaulD. Farm 4'. Gilbert.
idvr of the term. The totapi?
Chancery. •
___I fur (be life ot tbe b-a»c would be
SI. Frwocla rfaurt-h was the tceno of
Travers.- fily iron Works vs. Tlouih
34.4gl.IMK>: lielng gXMi.owi for the Brrt
uedding Wi-diii-stla>. lti>- roulractIfl yearr; Rl.tllii.on for Ibe uext
litg pArtlcs being Will Forion and Sid-- LuniltT .-ouipanv, uhTbanlr's
• lth'3»1.00u 'for the next
Miss Joslc Detour. l«Mh
this city, ’li-u. Trail A Davis. Smurtbwait A
jearucemmooy was |n-if«riued by the Alaay.
(-faarioUc Rv-rs V- Jimry Bycr*. dl
It Is staled that Perry Maniuli
iwrre. l-ndcrwood A Tralur. Trail A
bought the lind a number of yeur.<
ago fur Itmo.tKM. The bnUdiog »n II.
FonoB. atieadlng Ibe bridal Davis.
Joha H. Webb-r and Margard Web
hrou^t him a net rental ot IlS.nwi ■ couple. The bride was inrilily gowned
!-r va. Ralph ''a-;* and Joseph O
rear und tor some lime, be tried to iu while.
Fkilloi^ng tbe ceremony a adding Crotser. to set aside deed. etc. I'hiBgt to square up Ike ground . be breokfast was aerved al Ibe borne ol derwood A I'mlor. Pratt A-Oavit.
owned. He wat uoable to do no and tbe bride. Mr. and Mrs. Noah De­ Richaid Schombery vs. Jndaon Tlllabad given a lease to kbigeae 8 Kim tour of Hatt EUbtb slreet. and tbit paugb. et aU forocloaure ot mortgwe,
ban. Just before he died, tber leat^ eveuing a reception will
*1 Pran A Davla. Cbancery pro conbaring onl.r a comparatively short
mme of Ue bcMe s parenU. Mr. (eiao.
Ula Cdlby TO. Curt Colby, dlvoree.
lime to run. Mr Kimball tried
and Mra Ed Forton. ot g» Wibater
nyw IL but Ur. Hannah refuted
etreeU Tbe young couple will make Lorell H Gage.
leate U really for 39 years, but
home la thi* city, where they . Winifred K. Spaulding vs. Geoige R.
at II larlndet tbe lease held by k
have a ta^ citric etlrlendt wboex- Spaulding, divorce. Lovwll H. Gage.
Della Wagner va. George WagnerXlmtaU. which has four and a hj
dlvorcw lotrll H Cage
tears yet lo rua, the length of time
Ihrni best wishes
103 nkd ooe-half yeua .


eoauiUcailoaa are feared aa the reauli
«f tbewneat of Mlaa Gra«
of ibU pUeu. laei week In Umdon *#
» aaffragrUca t
raid Premier Aaqullb'a faoUM.v
Hlaa John«ni> guirdlau. P. II. Blewart. rreeatJy reevired a IpIUt Inmi her
atottng that nbe Intended belplag the
DaSragettce but when amvted abidenied any parlirlpaUoa In the raid.
Hanalt Found Oaad.
Mnakrgnu. Feh J3.—I'erry Hoai
70 yean old. waa foahd dead In from
of bla home al Uontague. 13 mile*
north of here, early today. The man
waa a rprloae and a atrmngr ebaraeter
'>oul play U.eCapectid and SberlB
4felaoit.«iid Ctooner Balblmle are la
Nlea Windfall.
beiroit. Feb .13.—Word wa* iweHred
today by Mra. Frocea Heyrr tbai ab«
and her bfotber. Joba Johni
^ Icdo boiel had inberilrd IK.
«M troo a dead retollTe la Oeamark.
CIbbina GMa a Bartli.
Lanalng. Feb. 33.~J. U. GIbblaa. of
CadllUc. will toalght be - appulatod
g cleHc of tbe boate.

•16 MEETIN6.


slanJialnt of tbxi rallas}. wbil*
Jobn Ro«e. pn-esldenl of ibe Muske
eon board uf trade, argued the greai
rianre of unity of mctlon of nlj
of (be lowne from Vuskrgon to Trav­
erse CI'V. He Pii’ii-ul.-vrlv nrged nn
extension from M'iake(*n to Ludlngtoo, and empha'laed Its Imporianre.
Mr. Ro»a U aa eloquent sy-cakcr and
while iDiprcwive and cnlbuslaxic, bla
address was veiy cntertalnlag.
J. W. Haoneo. vice prosldent of
the board of trade of Traverse City.
rww-d Ibe mivllng upon co-operallon. bLrunmy. apjl publicity, and asi tile Lo^l^'m business men
Ihn Tntverac, Ciiy would bcartlly co­
operate Jo ai.v vuuu-i^ni ibsl would
terd to the
of the spliiid;U rtv'-UR-ei. ir ■ hie'Mi-linn nl Ihe
ir. laytr;- i^mrular rtrc.>» upon
imivrlai.-e - f publK-ily in bring­
ing before ih« mnrid
cx.-elb ni ag
ricnltural. acr'ieelni'al and rci-orl a*l
vanugri of the e-,ri'iw-'«rn seedtm
of tbe Grand Traverse rvqiou.
C. A Palmer, post mai ter of Maais-e. waa the deleiale to ragrrsest
tbat city. Mr. Palmer gave «me of hU
I eloquent and forceful speeches,
tbe keynote ot which waa loyahy.
FoUowIng tbe regular program. A.
Patnarcbe. aasistani to the preside
of tbe Pere Marquette Railroad
pany. aad P. F. Gaines, general
fretgM agent of tbe :>aine line, sddrosMd tbe board upon iU relaUnas
to Lndington and all of tb* towns
Northern Michigan, assuriag the boslsras m*>*nt (hai U was (heir pur
pec* to sksl'i in every way in tbe dt-velopment of th* region.
Tb* closing B-Jdraas. one of the be>t
of tbe evening, was given by E. A.
Stowe, former president of the Grand
Rapids board of trade. Mr. Stowe
Buade a Torceful addrcaa and touched
briefly upon tbe matter of equalteatkm\pf freight rate*. enlUng atten­
tion to the fact tbat tbero were
llnet dlaerimlnalioBs which aEected
tbe clltea of Northern Hiebicaa adveracly. nnd MAted that tbe Grand
Rapids board of trade desirad t<

Ftsher. PolDse^ 'cf&BMg r**i»*|id
s praciirally destroyed. Bis^Rract
-ere killed tOere.
Kalo D falllag and Ibe creeks Baodd Increasing (be damage.


JIaneclona. Hmh.. Feb. S«—Despito
V ogort to malntalD eeerecr tbe bet
l<as leaked eat tbat eU has baw diaenvered near this village aad Ibade
sbo know about It aro eacRod over
th« proupecu of what tUs Main to
Tho discovery cam* In a peenllar
wd>. Do a larm a few mllos from the
viiuge. a driven welt -was sunk akoat
15n (rot There was notblag dOlOg IB
tbe line of water and tba well wda
1*11 uorappedi. Some lime ago. gaa waa
noticed coming from the pipe bat to*
much atteniloa was paid to M, kal
tbe xnrtoee of pooU of water la Urn
idmiy. It was believed (hat K was
orlb while to deralop the wcB.
Tfie owner of tGe (arai Katod tbat
350.0W company wiu ba turmad
probably of Manertoas pMpto aad H

Bellalre. K>c*, Feb 35 Robfift A»
dnnon may lose hi* right band as ton
resiill of a fistic encouater.
In n
kcrap. he strnek anotbec mao ia tbe
mouth cmtiag bit -fiagetw oRghlty aa
bis teeth. No aientiea *ba paU to
tbe tnjnry and now blood polsoalag
baa developed and il U algtoit cartala
tbat Anderaeo wUI have to haw» AH
band ampatated to mv^H Bta.



Cml Inverse flerdl

*1 tlllfcll TMBd«7 ■*d rrt4>7

There are maayi tblao


board of trade can do la additloa u
securing new Ibetolee.
forcibly illustrated la the addrea* of
Hr. Borke. of the Ladiaglon boa


trade, hlnaelf a ibaantaetorec.
who be* had cxperleace la the locathin of iBdasuiea. The matter of
tire earlreanou I* oac of the esala to attrect aew aaierprtoc*
The city itself, by proper goreraaieni


AW rmtatneA


and wise administration of Its public
Btimie* can do amre to attract new
tedastnee than the baadlag ooi of

....... ti AivCte*

boaaac* aad
those *euklng localioa.
TU* to an important eonsideratkia
which'the offlclA* of (ha board
sbouM boar la wtad.

« onuw ot H«rck S, im.

amm tws m 3,000
Ike Tmvei^ Cltr board of tr^e to
to be enMfretatoted opoo Uie IntereM

the wbiric. last night’* m^vtlug
was one of great bo^eOL and It will
be followed by other* of equal value
lo ibe reraunaHr.



CMK BE8£ n 1864

- Manecloiia. Mich.. Feb. 21.—HaaceIcna teat No. 202, K. O, T. 11. M.. beU
the greatest Maccabec celcbrallOD to
It* history last aighL
Wh»l made the event of greater
, im|>ortaDQr was Ibe fact that Great
Commander aeorp>fi. IsjveUce of Mnskegoa. and Deputy Great Commander
and Five Children
...» are
a -. .
11. Perry, of Cadllac .were present
Mourn for
and helped la the spoeqpes aad obit
gatorr servlre*. The camp bad 41 apI'llcalkms bul only 25 had tovn aWe
to be approvivi of. that being the total
Frma Tharaday's Becord.
i.iimlM-r ubUgaled. the Initiatory ser­
Emanuel Prekop Wilhelm, or
Ihc olUvK and most hiBuiy iv*p.-cicd vice* will or given
citiseoft of the city, passed away at
S o'clock this morntog al bis bent South Union street, of Brighl's
esse. He leaves a widow and
Chlldn-n; lira. (Dr.) A. S. Rowley. E.
E. Willu'lm. head of ibv dry good: '

There wee e epliit o( ofr
OMretlBii ead ooeoaraMMat meal
teetad which catmot be othcrwlie theo
•raUlriac. The merehaaia of the dl}
are to be eonmieadod for asstotlof the

ware ad-opeo nljrtit. It lecocfa eplrli
that brills* sncceu to cBoru lor

Taking an cigblh of a min
rychntoe by mtotake, Stephen Lsut-

•r and hi. d.^
rain last night.

nor. oac of the mo*i promlacm fann­

er* of l.eelaBsu county, nearly loot
The torgeaueodeoccet WodaewUr'*
BMUas wee eleo commeadeUe. Tbwe cook horse medtclnc, ihiDkiag be wm
were uear preecni who bed acvi^ be­ isklag a cough remedy, thp borae
fore aiiendod e mecilns of ibc board medicine containing an .eighth
griiD of strychnine to a b
of trade aad It soce without aarlns tbai
s aooB as the mistake a
4b«r were iolcraaied.
erd a kKwl phyalema wa* aoUfied
The Bialtcr under dlacnaalou.
end In abom half an hour the phyai«daa)baUoB of frclsbt rate*, to one of clan had driven lo the home lo Seloa.
great bapertaaoe. The toequaliUoi
and by prompt altealloo the life of
ratea hare haadlcapped the ahippera, Mr. Lautoev was saved. He iook i
leasioonful of the amdlclnv. He
■aimraetarera and wholeulcra of
»Uog easy this artorsoon.
Mlehlgaa for maur jtmn.
u^lldiDS of ear coiamuaKr.

of trade at Oraad Rapid*, niaU Sagtaaw. aad oUiar eUlM bare taheu up
the Battar-aCptoUinrtatJaa for earaeat caoBMerattoD and the obopcratloa
c< baitoaM mea a organtoatlon* of oth­



traaiportatlOD oomiaKteo of the Oraad
Xagide board of tredc. were forceful
aad kU froai the shoulder.
As Hr.
relortu sought

Mra. Carolliie limer. wife of Uaretol
irlgbt St her Mmc at Mlllcr-a Hill,
trtrr an nines* of rboumaUsoi. Sfao
was 72 years old. aad beside* her bus
sand, leaves five ehlldreo. Mrs. Ida H.
dcalf. of Dee Uolne*. la; Charlee
Miller, of Traverse City: Mrs. Brtt1. of Oedar City: Mns. BltoFrtU. of
iple CRy. and Walter Miller, of Mil-

iny's More, Dr. Jullusle of the foremost physieians of i.
Vlly. Jerome F. Wilhelm, of St. Loul
lln.. and Miss Graee Wilhelm, a
ifides at home. A bro iber. Charles Wlllirlm
lirlm. and a sister, Mlss ^na Wllhetoi. also survive, and :
tittle grundehlMren. Jull
fbildrua of Dr. and Mia. A. S. Ro.wI
. Wilhelm was born In Sawvna.
Prague, Bohemia, Dreemhrr 24.
IMO. In 1SS4 he eaiiir with hto pan-m*
In' America, locallng at New
where ihuy rosldled‘ -a
elly. V
......................... .............-• to V
and Kbortly atTri- Kteaiing
he acillllg tiere
pK-d a
• • •
- posit’
_______ ID a* grocery clerk
Ditah A Lay Mercantile n

«>d WBiPlto'ijuTe'r? wfuTh^L'sbMd^ war
noa or lacU aad aiattotlcs to bo used one of the oldest pioneers of that pan
ad •(fomeeto with the proper author- {Ifelaaeo county, locatins at Ulllcr-s
w the redress soughi

the figures presented by L. F. Per
. feoO. one of the heBHeal produce ahlp^
Pwa Jh tiito ^ of the state revealed
iMgMdltiM as eoa«arad with other
iwigta of rarlou dtotaacoa. Ur. Perkttt bag Bihda a earetal study of this
.■mttar (or rears and to hto dedoctloas
bh baa ooaciiidad that the tonne
tbo Oraad Travarm reglOB are lasing
• toiga anmat ot-iMacr each year beoaoM of ausMlva freight rates.
Of oooaa, there-are (we sides
\ rvsry argnmoBL The railroad o
gaalM wlU doubtieas present rcasoa*
afiir then should be few if say
dtohges to the Uriff schedule, but be
that as it may, the agitation of
TBiMtn by the boards of trade of tte
dUM.of MlfMgaw will sorely 1
Aoat beneficial changes wir-re
' ^ Wgto dty or boaid of irade
•MMflll* UtUa if anything to matton efOhla klad bat aalty of action
aad cooperauon of the butooess men's
■fi'lMUiiu of Bumeroai cities wUI
brtag aach a foree to bear i^wberc
•benwa^Meds of redress, the cHoris
It In the end a^t with
ill surely be a benefit
*bla mb. the Tnvarae aty beard of
trade, as wall a* other boards of trade
Mods and (OQUlrat a most oarasat and
bpaKr cooperation of the business
MU to each oemmunUy. Tbo spirit
■•hlfaalH to Traverse City at tne
time preeages sacouracemaBl «id atfiMnUop .of. the. local business asen


Emanuc! P. Wilhelm.

ntOB botog fixed upoB a awre couilable baato aad whore there are dl*crimtoaUoai, these will evenuiallr,bo.

largB ahipper, and chalrmaa

the latter to Cadlllar. noth mr
pressed themselves grettiy jklcancd
and stated that the Mancelona
was among Ihe best they ever vUlied.

iu. MiiiER dm

er citlaa ha* boea awbt Tbto mor«MMt meat aecaiMarlbr reaojt to frdshi

*»e addreaeoi of E. A. Stowe, fonn•r prealdeet of the Oraed tUpMa board
«l tradA>4ad Amo* g. Hnsaelmsa.

of Port Huron, who was adverUsed
aiipra.- here, tolled to do so,
int cf
ct sickness,
sickness. It beli
ks toconfliis him to - .
Speeches hy the great commander
trned lo with greal Interest by
itlng capacity
people pmenL The
1 taxed to Ra
tlher toUtog
mewt. the stormy weal
keep the peo]H*Away.
After the' spcccbe* the people re|«lted tbe ------regular lodge t
where supper was served. After sup
uirr was given in bouor of the
Isbed guests, -the Mancelaaa

mmrealod la lu work bjr (be boil
MM MCB teBomllr el leet Dlctafe

bo^ of trade br cloilns thoir ct
oa Wediieedey crealu*. which to

Great Conuaandar Loeetaea and Dep­
uty Perry ware Preaer* the Cereraoalca.

c brooghi to this

tilt ilST COME

nn-a Plague Spots

business trip
t: |i tt
to Grnud Rapids tl
tor part of the week.
¥he Misses
and t.ontoc Nae*.
teachers In
in ihe
Trnve«,se C|tv
sehouls. spent Sunday bv.-o nitb thHr
pc rent*.
Charlie Jcdinsou. of iloync City.
ccM visiting a few da>-s with his j
Its, lir. and Mrs. Jani>-s Jorhnin.
Mr and Mra. Joseph Paseoe are
prund parents of n fiui- baby girl, born
on F- brnary 22nd.
Wii!ic;.i Allgire returued Saturday
from Ain Arbor and repi’rir-ihst Mr*.
.Allgire. who was lakbn there (or mod
.Although a public splrlteil
inu-y- Hue!;
iiig v.-hal he could in a quiet way
. ........................... - Jordan and
further the advanecmenlI of the (i
(ity, Itcllaire Mondnv oii business. .
politician, alS.vm J. Seeley was a Wllilamsburg
lougb he always voted
.ed the
Isltor. Tuesdav.
).el. \Uien the village
l-em R Smith and ll. J. i-cvell have
lixpd. Mr. Wilhelm «i
pened a paint shop In the ln*einenl
1 acne, eeevlni
' Ibc Doagberty block. N'orlli River
be board of edueairon.
elly was Incorporated,
Ed. -Atopaagh wa* over treat Rapid
from the Third ward, e
Clly Monday.
his rt
The Preab,
Pmbytcrian Indies’ .Aid
Wilhelm devoted a
<iety U being ciueriamed today
to hU farm south of
-n^ which he
5lrs. James Wiue
was greatly inlcreslrd,
tholder in the Hanoah'A
\yilhelm was pre-eminently
. AUhoagh he
I any opiwKunHy lo work for the lii• • ■ 1 employer*, he aliowed
nothing to stand’ between himself and
hto family, and
the exalted pos
Mr. Wilhelm.
HI* friends In the cUy were numer1*. especially among those with
whom be worked for so many years.
Everyone *rho knew him


friendship was sincere.
greatly latosed in ihc . .. . .................
■Id bU retlUDc aad brought up hi*
imlly to bold position* of honor.
With him at the lime of death
■ere all Ihe immediale uembrre of
to family except bis son Jerome, wl
ft last night to resume hit work <
supcrlnieudent of conttnieilen i
•blch U being built a
ver lo 61- Loot]
Louis, t
(on having been railed when hi*
hto fsi.
XT was taken seriously III a week ago
Snoday. So tnneh Unproved did he
-------- yesterday that an apprebeosion
elL and it was with hopes of hit
r's ultimate laprovemi
Jerome left him yesterday,
wired at Chicago, aad word
eelved that he wobM return m the
11 o'etoefc Pere Mar^ette (rata toPmm amacnaeau will be

Ayer’s Cherry Pectortl is not
a nmple co(^ syrup. It is fi
strone medictoe, s doctor’s
mediciae. Ic cure* bard esses,
severe- and desperate cases,
chronic cases tt tsthmi, pleu­
risy, bronchitis, coDsoaiptioii.
Ask your doctor sbottt this.

Ml MB TlMMl f*ea««

Our Entire Stock,

Fur Coats


15to25per centDisete
\l‘resent Prices E16 to $60

lie-llS stale Street

The other n-eeipu Wen- om
of hay. one load ot oals. nod i
of coke.
Chbwgo. Fell 24.—|V|i(iil<a-*—
todre to faucy, *s(t9tK; lali lo

Greenville, I
: Co. quote It
DOS no Ibe Greenville uiHrkvl t
CiCVe; beam-. SMS ba-*ls.

side iiork, pi-r !b.......... ;.

Ilaroii. piT lb .
l.amb Strok, iw
■.amb chon*, per II
l-'gof lamb, per lb
Muuo- ...........

24-^lltle .
rhmige iv|»rted. For
tbere I* a steady
TOlii^supply to BOW of Callfornln a
Cbia™., j-rll,............................. ............,«
(By United l*re-*.>





■n.. (iir




r»*i*.T. C. MllliuTc.r......................... 5«r

Ib-esWBV. p-r
I Fkiiuk. :
ilKl nibm-T to

:■ an.1 M:

Kc.ty Children Are S.cMy. ■)
Con., T. <
Mllbrg Co ......................... r.Tr
Corn oh e. r.T. C. Milling
WlKOl. II.
Wbeal. T


Bi hVh. 24 -Thc ■-kel I* Kiivmx. Very
•oming In. Thetv ar.
foreign i» a to-au*
!, Few rolored, that H
■ie> andI brown
Swedish, are tiOen-il
California I
toll mitolde
S«h1 fonii.

A Great Tonic
l>Li>,,loul f.-ellug?



m rte n-atii,.>K c.i d.bii;i>.

Wall’s Blood and Nerve Tablets
Art- Ju»I the luim .yon ii-.-d
biiv.- tiud- 'In in evpi-rlally for Ikes.vindition*. Wi- guar
If 'h- j .to not help you. you r.-.-. iie
your money• toirk
luirk wli
wliliniii question. All thi- uumlb, m> everyone aill
have a ebauev lu l:y (b-*e—. Me boi :ur 2Se-

lily. IS.W.

_ 21.—Clover—Spot

key*, r

I'Vr.. 24 —Pooliry—nrm
: ehleken*. I4c; springs
F-eh, 24.A,PfiuJlry^A:iv
I cMeken*. 14e; fowl
d. fltlii.
■wto. 1'.



.... ="<'«

•nlpL per

.......................... 15c

“S<Ud tor WWW atoty TWaxw."

tns one «r Aim’s fnm m

Oose Out

Tbe market
iday. only-one i-mall ________ ..

Twa* a Glorious Victory.
Tbere's rejolrlng In h'edora. Tenn.
man's life has been saved, and now Dr.
King* N’ew Discovery Is Ihv talk of
a for curing
V. l>eppcr
deadly lung hemorrhages.
"1 could
work uor get abouL” he wrili-*.
-.vnd the doctor*
r* did me no good. I
using Dr. King's
vrecks. I feel III
and ciji du gcxd work again.'
weafi<re<>re or disinsiTl lungs. Coughs
and Cold*. Hemorrhages. Hay '
Idtiripp.'. Asthma nr any Dr
afteelioii II rUikI* unrivaled.
!‘rie<<• and, Trial!.' lOc.
Young Wilhelm, by hto r-llji.ility
d guaranteed bv S. E. Wall Ic i
l en.Tg). stood high in the e.linia.A. Bugbec Drug Cu . Hamuih A
n of hto employer*, anti he was ad­
vanced to the rnshlei's desk, which
o ♦ « *
(•oslilon be occupied for many y.-arp. • OOP
At this tlOKvIhr entire Ini.inosi- of Ihe
aioriV passed through hi. hands, as
■ he tirparinieul. at that (line did no;
have Individual cashiers, bul the one chib daoee at the iijH-i'a houre Friday
did the work for all departments. So evening was a very i-iiRiyabic social
aRiIsfaetory d
ork that he
Clinton aad Ceralil Bunn went
her, and was given rharge of Ibc dry Wllliamsbui
department*, Monday.
-hieh position he held unlit be tendefPark*, of Winiamahi
ti his^'slgnalltm In Mareh. ISK.
..........iv and Tuesday with
niuy a well tamed rewL During I
Rapkl' tvlallve*.
«ier >>>ar* of hto ronnectlon w
s. ll•>aI7 liuder arrived
tile slore. be a os treasurer ol the com
y from^Ann Arbor,

A Doctor's

Many peqple postpone openiag a sav-c
tasfi accoum uotU they have a roiiod sum.
berime they feel a besitaticMi about
briDgiag a small amount to the bank
ThcFtm National Bank especially inTftestmall deposits and is daily openioK
a laise number of accouats with one
ddlar and upwards.

Headarbes from the slonvacfa nVv
absolutely unknown where this i-BecUv-e renii-dy to nsed. Dla|>i-p>iii iv-ally
does all the wurk of a beallhv Mom
arh. It dlgeM* ynur ueab when your
stomach can't. hUch Irisognlc will
digest all the fimd yi- — —
leave BOthing lo ferm.
Get a large 5V-<viit ca*e of Pape's
Dlhtwp.Hn from- your druggtoi and
■king today and bv lomorwill actually brag about your
.. >tom*ril, lor you ih
n eat^ ^ylhtng imd everjnhliig >
slightest dtoeomlori
misery, aad every particle of Im­
purity mad Oa* that to in your *
acb and inlealiocw to going to be
rlod aw ay witboni the um- ol
>1 laiatHe*
or any ulber asstolaitce.


Pomona, Mich, Feb. 25.—The Rt-v.:
Charles Sander* has moved hto bousehold good* to ScottTlIIe.
Bruce Burlou or Mniek. Is cutting:
DOil for Jamts Urines,
Miss Gertie Burton relurtiOd, lo he.
home in MrsIck Sunday.
■'-.Mr. and Mr*. June* Orincr .tolled
friends lu Mealck Sunday.
• dies' Aid soeiotj met with Mrs
; Duffy this afternoon.
A. Stuart did business to Copemich Tueedey.
Mr*. Man Evens, who has . oeen
\ary 4<tek with louMilitto, to abuo lu
be out again.

During the yean (hat Mr. Tt^faelm
Cxar Has Ordered Out the Beat Sdu- tns in chatse of Ihc dry goods and
loihlBgdetianMCttt.lfacse two branchited Reserviats far fils Waal
.■a grew so rapidly that after hto ri
fgoatlOB it beearoe necessary to <
) distinct depai
J. Feb. 25.—A. W, Ftl. WItbcIm. takli
eatroE, one of Russia'* most _____
atent of tHe dry giwl* il
leeeed'war corn tpondenis. telegraphs
panmenl. which position he still from AiMlvati, Mutchctfro,
that war '
aiiiles, and
-----------------aays the c*ar has <
charge of the clothing.
dered muherotts clas*es of the be
In March. UfiS, Mr.
edneatad reservliU called oat for a
w«k«' tiaialBg.

laria ..
e riilll*.
lever aad ague,. bill
lasstiude. wcaknc.s
he.* and geat^ debllliy and bring suffering
.. dealb to
sullerlng or
thousands yearly. But
----------trlcBli-fan to destroy them and fqre
la trouble*. They are the !»*«
an-round tonic and cure for malaria
I ever used.- write* H. M. James, of
IgmcUen, 8. C. They cure Stomach.
Iiirer. Sidney and Blood Trouble* and
will prevent Typhoid. Try them. 6*r.
Guaranteed by 8- E. Wall tt Son*. V.
A. Bugbcc Drug I'o., Hannah ti Lay.

cram wRhout leer ot a taac of
gcalloB or Dyspepsia, or that
rood wOl fertaeel or sour oa your
Btomarh If yon wrlH oevasloeaUy take
a Rule Diapepsin alter eallug.
Your meal* wHl taale good, aad
anythlag you eat wlU be dieted:
nothing can ferment or turn IntdScM
or jMdsoa or atomach ga*. which
routes Belching. IMnlBesa. a feeling
of fallaen after eating, Nausea. In­
digestion Hike a lump of lead in slom
acb). BiUdtunes*. Heartburn. Water
h. Pain In alouueh and lotestiiHw

WelssneTIme CcrflHcatcs payable
bn demand. II you hold Ihesc ccrtlHcatcs lor a riertHd of time not
shorter than six iponlhs nor longer
than twelve months, they will bear
Interest at the rate ol THREE FEB
CENT trom the date*oi the deposit*



OUcsl and.StroagcslBank to Worthcra


omcsBs—A. Trk0 i*r. riwL
atH, A. J. BarOud. AmMtrnt ci^
DfRBCrORE-A. Tnv Ur,
flora aiodL Mm. JuUm T. Hum
•mmM Oartud. H. a DbtU, Jm
mduna, W. W. BmUb.
» >cr ccat tOfiret M Time ftcHctts
M. B.—AddraM an CAIlMttau OMt
ntarainf Baaklsc
MMiar t» th« Traveme Cttr
luk. TnntM cur, Mkk.


tar la Trareme CUr aad wbemrrr b«
»aa fcaovB. or a ceatal. wkole«oale4
chanHer. he calaed frleada aad heU
(bMa. H« bad a persoeam; that



%^ra Harbor. MIeh..



Krenpa Brpthera jrave a home very

craanai dtapoiiUoa. DaDr liBca folaa «et or Ml VI7 to dvr aid aad r»
Ikt to olbora la
H* olll b«
frtcndt la Trarrm* CHr with *reat affertloB aad acorca la tita aoctloa will
ihan the aorrow ot bl« faainrHta btotbor*. Cbarlei of DeiroM. aad
Otonra, a pbratctaa or Iowa. '

akk with plenrtoy.
Mr. and Mra. Jecae Cbriatopber or
^deeaburg called on Mr. and Mra.
George Talley Satnrday.

Mtv. E. V. Binery apent

Mr. and Mra. Bert Kroopa and Mr
and Mra. Roy Utd'le epeni Buoday
erroing with Dr. aad Mra.



Frobabla That the U«uor Oaaiara at
Maneatana Will Have to UnMra. WllUam Jobnaoa apentSatnr-'
dorga One.
day and Sunday with her mother ol
Ttaverae CKy.
Grandma Dohm (a making

Haaeeloaa. Mldu-Feb. S.—There
have beea a number- of violatioaa

avtalt at'

Ed Emery'a.

acBloct the llqtior ta«ra it 4i aald In
retard to cemnd to mlnore and alee
to peraoea whom the Batoon keejm , Hanua Bandar.
have beea waned about winag to.'
Alfred Bnelere’a children have the
chkkea -pox.

Aa lBvea;igBiloB will be aiarted and
the oBender* proaeculed. 'The InveatlgatlOB la tbe recult of a carouai

Jew Chrlatopher bad to abool one
nf hia large horaea. It got ao bad ll

plaped the leading part.


There la no Ice to apeak of yet.
Man carrier W. Goble U having


Lake Ana. Mkb, Feb. 24 —A parly
from Bendoa eomprlalag about

Pamllp Bam H waa Extingnlahad Bi
Bat the Houaa on Flra Earlp
Tuaadap Morning.

young people drove over to Lake
Abb yesterday and had a general good

FroBi Tbaradar'a Rm^

Prof. B. Deranah got a livery rig of
ncelona, Mlch» Feb. 3t—Henry
Word «u recK-lvad bf Tbr EroalaK
tmea D. Bryan to drive a couple of
Rarard Ibal Or. I. A. Tbompaon died Miller and family, wbo
yoBDg ladies out ta.lbe country Monat J o-rlodt tbU afternoOD at 8l
Marr'a boiplUI. Graad Rapidt. wbare
about 1 o’eloek by a heavy ezploha »'u takea a weak ato. barint beea aloB In the lower part ot the booae.
Ul tor a moath or'mere vhb ebroalc
On tbelr return aome of tbe smaller
llrei' eomplalat and diaeaae of the kid- Mr. Miller inveatlgaled and fonjid that girla wanted to enjoy a ride. also, and
a tamp h^ exploded throwing the
being nnxiona to please,
bn^g oil all over the room.
bnneb nf ibem
Calling hla family to aaalat him, ....
daughter. Mtaa Ellen, being tbe flrat

“Ismb* In
to respond, Mr
Mr. Miller
managed to ex­ *'®*
tinguish tbe Bamea before any* great around place aad turned tbe
pants of tbe cntier into tbe anowand
amount of damage to tbe house bad ^
been dose. The tadp wm hleWn Into
fragmenu. no piece larger ihan a h„,cu.t^ completely, coating tbe prolesr ***
125 tor cutter and one dollar for
c horse. Let It be hoped there will
A peculiar feature of the affair la
no more birthday celebrations
that all tbe lamps were extinguished,^,,*^
.1 least.
before the family returned, they be-j
"niere waa an Invited party io Burtog poaltlre of thSL and how the one
down aialrd eame to be ligbtr' ---------j targe company enjoyed
The loas U nemlnaL
{until tl
wee amall bourn. They then
dollar being found.



BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl'^'-m to Hotel Dongtas where a fine

♦ or**" «PP"- »*• nerTed. All weal
t>o>ne aatlaBed that the party was
Married, on -Teh. 1

t Lake Ann.

ot Mr. and Mra. Md Maynard Satni-, to'Justice S. a Rumeu, Griffith Ormaday oraaiag. The eveatog waa plenaaad Mra. Bdith U Angeriae. nt Beaaaily apent U danclag
aho« M gneata beiag
L A.frhompaaiv.


e day before being uken
al Dr. en vUb aa ati
him unroavrtouB in whirb com
idiiioo he

toamher ot tbe order of Elks, and was
the drat exalted ruler of that order in
E <kla dty. and waa atao district depnty
E -to tbe Stole of that order. He waa alao
;: aa active member ol the -Masonic fratoitiity. Some yean ago be was one
• (a delegatkm of Sbrinera to Hneolnlo
. to iDStltaie a temple ibere.
Tbe remains will arrive this evening
and the funeral will tahe plac«

aad pedro.'*“>•- 8o*»
pr^eat Re- Fr couple.

E« *Uh the hap-


fTtohmeau of aaadwiebn. asserted
caket. pickica aad coffee were served.

0. A. Brigham of Bnekler Iran* money in ail ato^)Sut^Mi’*^raonev
arted bnalaeaa here Thnrsday.
* jin the beat stock. Do yon know boa
- W.
arrived. Friday ;« to have the heel stock, aud be Ibe
.envy of your neighbors at the couniy
Ttolt tala daogbter. Mra. Abe Raaileru.
'-Ifalr? Itae Marvell'a Condition FnaThe popntar play. -Give
Plto.“ will be glTsa at the Ladira Don powder on earth.
Aid ball. Monroe Oeator. Friday ev^B.IJ"**';;

A qniet^ding took place Sunday


TOraIng. Feb. 21. at tbe parsonage. «
The Rev. J. Priestly performed the

Mn, Brewer, left Monday


K - three yearn ngo, he was
Bgarp fa the local profeealoo end par^ ttartariy aetire la fretbrnal wort, in
aStiUoa to beteg conpInMu in the
^ B. P. a S. aad Maaeatc fraieraltles.
he was M ^>ve Pythian, and i

prominent democrat and at <me Ume
was a eandldaie tor mayor aaglnai the
taw perry Hannah.

Mra. Prank Canfield.

Vir. and Mrs. A. Potrafka and
Wm. Davidson of Traverae City la lly spent Sunday with bis father, Fred
town ,rtaltlng-frfenda.

Majpm McIntosh apent
Hugh Dunn la hauHng loga for Fred
daya^Bl week In Traverae City, aa Dunn.
tbe snest of Mrs. C. J. Garnett.
■Jho Rer. Mr. Strait spent Friday
tuTBtog home Satnrday.
and Saturday with Mr. and Mra. WU
Mrs. Harr was epoflned to the bunse Ham Saunders.
with sore tbrosL there being ne school
Grant and Walter Warwick
Tbnraday or Friday.
spending n few days at home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bnrt went
Mlaa Blennm. teacher at Rernie

a period be was bealth eflcwr
Traverae City Sainrdoy to visit frleu tcbool. went to Acme to spend SalurOt rraverae CMy and eurgeon In this
< ^loaforthe Grand Rapids « Indiana Kingsley Saturday to vtalt friends .'day and Sunday with her father.
over Swiday.
. Ralhrar.
Riley Crain
n February It lp«2. be married
a Alma Desprae. of this city,
leaves two t
, heaide hla widow, he
e leave,
Atonsa bora Anguti 2*. r
lary 2T.

w^-tipgtte home form ot hla
2^ laddeaiw
I '
PMs'We be aueoded
fc a^boring acheola, and as hr w;
dmgeai Mudent. he ancceoded in
t»B«Bg bis audka QDder dlaadi
of toed^^in Toron^^d waa
^ ISij'''” i?** ■

Mending jg moaths

f.iLX'Ssis.'”"-'™*^ Ua«ed a dnigent stndeBt of hla pro-

We waul to tbank those women f« ibeir loyal^. We
-^jpreeiMe tbe fact diat they b»w what they’re talk^ about
We aie
diqr have a
their own aad will enou^
to insist on getting the brand of flour which egperifcace hat
proven to them is the best

It» wl^ \^nte as die Uy and just

it’s made of the best wheat, tboroughly cleaned before
firinefing and no human hands touch it from Att lime the pain
Ittves die desoers unifl tbe tidy housewife lakes tbe pure
white flour from the sacL
If you like clean food-nse Uy WUte.


The Gnat
„ Spnad for Vread

Use It instead of other sweets: tou’II wnior
tf. W „d b. be„=fi»d Iv i.3 puriV!
»s » sweet with a fo^ value.

int neeestory iiKrejSeem. c
Iiundredi slxry<ix and SMoo doUa
I.1US the
of publication.
Place of busine
To ThomasI Fair and Sadie |TaIi
iiejM.^ln^lbe regular
Feb. l€ 23 Mar. 2-9

"'THfKJDC^vVWXai iaL a»d

t’KD«w.x»0 a

auorto/s for Axlgtow

55TATE OF MinilGAV. la tbe Circuit
<«»rt for Grand Traverse OoBBlg
—In Chancery.




» ago SI.............. .. _ J.ihn I
Bring from affidavit on file to
rat dog. weight 14 Iba.
the above aimed deshort hair, white strap between Ikla c_„ J that
fendam. John
John Brlner.
is a realdeni of
front legs. Answer
Busier, glu reaaiij. Jas Murphy,
l-edsr R F. IV............................
b>- personally s
son of bis ronl;__________
last place of residence.
L. H. Gage, solicitor for comidalaaBi.
dren"—to p
ll 1> ordered that said defradaal caase
loe* on half Bhsre crop,
his appearance to be entered la thli
chlnery and team. Will famish half eaure Id person or by solicitor wfthla
tnnde a business trip
♦ ♦.•♦♦•♦•••♦•♦♦•A
seed, fir. miles oit Traverse I'lty, three moaths from Ihe date of this
Write J. O. Ptal • -------’

order and in default thereof that the
Bill ol-Complaint Bled herein mayjw.
taken as confessed agslnsl him.
box soctnl held al William Saunders'
Long Itokr. klich.. Feb. 24.—Iteraard
Friday night, for the pasjor of the Rlchanlaon hae gone
to Ln-Iaaau OTATE OF Mlt’IIIGA-V TIIK I'R.IEvangeiiral ehtireh nt Silver Ijtke.
bate rourt for Ibe eouiily of
county Kvwork.
Grand Trati-rse.
.'EM. I
The Rev. CharU-s Strait held se^
Cleii Edgecomb from the Birmley
for CompIalnaaL
At a session of said eosirt. held al
viiv-s at church Sunday afternoou.
neighborhood, U vUltlng at Mi. AoDuelnes* sddrets—Traverse
Ihe pmbate offiee, in the city ot Trav­
erse niy. in sshl county, on the 4lh Mleh.
The Crime Of Idlcncaa.
Jaa. 2»'Mar. 12.
h«i. Idleness means trouble for any one.
Present: Hon. Fred R. Walker.
lu tbe same wITE a taxy liver. It caus­ Ind., prenebed at the Friends church
es fonsllpation, beadarhe. jaundice, Jlonday evening. Mr. Johnson U the Judge of probate,
and eupi-rintcadeiit of evangeirstk
In the matter of the estate.or-Niels
bldiehes, loss pf oppettle. nnusea. but
Anderson. dee>-ssed.
iillana yearly meeting.
l>r. King's .Vew IJfe Fills soon banish
Mary Atidcpson having filed In said
liver' troubles and build up your
headache, court her pr-illlon praying that sold
hcalih. 2r,r at S. E. Wait A Sons. r. nausea, dlzxtoess, languor, heart
court adjudicate and deiermlne who
A- Dugbec Drug Co, Hannah A. l-ay.
pllallon. Hraatir pUyric* gripe.
were at tbe tl
«m. weaken the bowels and don’t
Doan's Regulets an gently and
real estate 0
As>( wSnrtoi thraawwial eUl
cottslipation. t25 cents.
deceased died aeizod.
driiggUtIt Is ordere
that tb'
St day of
March A. IV 11
nrk In the
Mrr. J. K. ThampsOD of St. Loult. forenoon. 1
Mra. Georae W. Navarre, of Detroit, yis Is in the city visiting her and 1 ighermof
- - w'n, H. A. Thomirson. manager of
said pciltioB.
.120 South Colon street.
Knox siorc. _
. It Is further ordered, that public
Thia la An Eaay T^
notice thereof be given by publication
Dont let the baby su
nf a copy of this nnler. for three sue
AfriaU* Allto'* FOM-Btoeia om shor
eaema. sorea or any item .
M U Um «tor. aad aodes lb
cwtslvc weeks previous 10 said day o
skin. Doan's Ointment gives inalani Uast lb* thtag to em wbto rabi
hearing, in the Grand Trsv.-rr.- H.-:
relief, cores quickly. P»-rfe<th' i
aid. a newspaper printed and rirculhtcblldren. AH druggists sqtl it.
ed In said .•ouiiiy.
Judg.' ol Probate,
Keb. .^-12-I9 2fi

For a^ by 252 dealer^

3%wS ftissrr .t'fts^oiiSh’sys




Are commencing to arrive at
Barney Co.’s

Travene atyoffice. 7M: reeidenre, *02.
dlracted tolda adee nopoelte Sbenaaa A Hnster.
- not b* misdirected.
Id work of tb* very hadL
rcelalB Inlays.
lnl(>es extractlnw.
-ong. natural appearlag and
Iwst anlOeial teeth.
Make appolatmeata mbrad

A few points of interest that
will appeal to women who
choose “correct clothes" are
illustrated by the latest Readyto-wedr arrivals.

Ladies’ Suits. Jackets and Dress
Boilton now linea and k-o^ba: entire now
nuige of w«area amU-ulon.'

Ladies' Waists.
‘ Wbeiher lawn. Linen. Ket or Silk, tbe
kij note of the Waiarailnation ia

t'>nBmetevnr wtocr tbs worth Use .dsstalia

Iwtoly ■> wt^hof twagrlwelrw wM. Uwo

* All’ 'tawTSmM

■ ■Ol ntas toM .if tW Mcta
tkn* ■•>; thto-r MIh tl
reds to the >0011,
s<^Uar<C,wklkrfUrwr Til. ibcwMSto
tb. -«witbBe.t newer X iwld Lo* Ikroo iti;
pBStog: Alto Ism four

<>. wU iw tooUra

SSi’T.i'i.Ki"'"’----corglj, A t-ROMI.
Aiccxy; for MortarSB.
rn.. t>to IS Wwn4i 1:

F'recI B. F’ederspitol

Farms and City Property
BoootaU sold u« cxdiMioe4 '
Boom 1-4 Mageatic Bldg., Trwvene City, Mich.

TaUored an« DeKd-Tallorc4
Last week'# abipment ioM at aigbt. To>laj
we mqived another lot of thnee demitsilomi
for eveninif wear, atoo Lin­
gerie waiata at popular prioea.

While Net Dresses.
For conSnnation. gradnation or evening
wear. . Those wb'o are already plann'itag
gowns for them evento will do well to in­
vestigate tbe beaoUfnl ersatioas in Lawn or

Silk-lined AU over EakroIBcry or
HUtcnd colored Net Dreues
aa cxtremAy pops-


**Tba FkMT tbe Best Cooks Uss**

Deierves its paroe.


I>esrription of land: East half (H*
Ilf Ibe *nulb»<-*t fjaarter <>41. Sh-c. 21.
I'own 2:. -Vorih-BangeS West; amount
gs.i.Mi; «iaa—Jor veer* 1*97.
3C. I9WI. lkt|,\M2. 1902. 19

LUy White


meralng family spent Sunday with bis sister.

for New Togc slate to vlilt friends
and retativei.

Tb^ $*r it widi iMide in tbeir voice and a "»««»»*> wdneb
d»ws that'it would be foOy for anyooe to «ypoae
Aak for a noraeat ^ using anytbi^ but ibe best

'®T “'! '>'*>« “i""

ing. Vet. tt There win be a good pra-1 p

oth. yourself and slock. IVlre
gram of mask, songs and recitations. 25r per
SOM by 8. E. Walt A Sons and E.
Bveirbody eoate and
your ,
friends. Adrataalon 10 and 20 cents.
__ _________________

Sony which anited In marriage
Mlaa Ula
Davlaon apeut Friday
Mrs. B. Thayer and Arthur Weldrig., afiernoon al Van Luvia'a.
of Monroe Center. The bridal couple
Mias Bertha Sweewald la spending
were aiiendcd by Mr. and Mra. <Vll- a few days at borne.
llam Baler, of Orawn.
Mr. and Mn. Abe Snimdcrs and
[ loped e Jerge practice ti

HuBdredi ^ womea bm toU us dist dwr use
have BMd it for jwan «k1 baue never found its equal


Mr. aW Mra. Will
moved over to tbe farm.

leted to have been indulged la by aev- roDhlB*l get np and there aeemed
oral poung people where firewater

talghta Tamptar Will Hava ChargaWaFtba FImt Eaaltad Ralar of
tha Local Ladga of

About wbit fanncl of Bour to ne wooUn't mnaia to ioag if
Ae ooiAd bear ttK'coQinaM tuae of
Wb^ fioiir.

Saturday and Sunday with Mr. acd
Mra. John Hoxale. of Acme.


Of Ta* TH .
Tlierc was a hearing on Ihl a
To the ovner o: owner* of any aad an klralor s final account la tbe.eot;
Intemu ia tbe land bowl
Ibe late Isabel LaBnita.
cd sod to the mongagee
. -----gag«H>* aaiDcd in alliuadtacbarg.-ri
recorded morigage* agalBK aald
land for uopaM taxe* Ibereon. end
Take .S'oOce thti rale hae beea
fully made of the following dex-r
laada lor napald tatec thereon,
ibat the unde.-«igaed ha* tlik iberelo
iiader ux deed l**ued tbereror. aad
that VDO are .ealllled lo a recoaveyance ibereof al any Ume wltbie »lx
monthe After aervice upoa j-ou ot thU
aoilce. upon paynicBt to ibe ouderaigned or lo Ibe regtner la chancery
of Ibe rooBty in which the land* He.
of an wunui paid upoa eurb purchtoe.
logelher with dim- hundred per cent
......................... ^ aad the fee* of the
sheriff for the *erv i<-e or
esUon of this noilee. to be computed
Ui upon IM r-onal servltv of a derlaratloa as conimencemeat of aulL and the
-jlsWiby gitoa M
tu.ther sum of flie-dollira
description, wllhimt other addillunal
ro«s or HKtges. If payment if aforeraid Is noi-made. ihe uadersigned win door of Ito Cow.
iBstiiuie priK-yedlng* for poHsewsfon of
the land.

In Doubt


S5.00 to $30.00


ia aome highv today than 30 daya ago, but ia CHEAPEB
tbaa it wilt be W daya from now.
Bunding HaterialornD kinda ia eheai. aad Ubor ia ptentifal.

Now is Die Golden Opportonity


J.O.CSOTSEK, Receiver

South Side Lumber Co.
BoUl Phones.

.Traverse aty* DBA.


Grand Traverse Region
Mrs. McKercber. There they
•WBaotly entertained. Games and
lata to UM. All «
iv tbaHaraMaffteanat moBic were Indulged In. after which reiMar than TMBAar naan efaacft «>aah
M1bb.>b Cora and Bibel McEvoy. of
Traverse City, spent Bnsday with •'
A- M. Heuas.

rK.. -


I'ordes on Monday lai
Mr. and Hn. Wai. Wood. oT 8eu(b
Cll Bord Cook was a Tra
HIUmi. vMUcd MeadB Otar Bandar.
vUlt< on Monday las
' Hra. Jraa Hniin> and Urn Ardtia
Mr. and Mrs. Frsj
CaaqiMI Irtc Fridar nlahi for a rlait Rapid City, have reo
a^b rnradf is Drtren. f^ntlar and
oib« plam.
• pnblle- Mrr. Northern has been In tl
Mr. asd Ha. Jaawa tvi»n. of l.p<-(a hotel buslpei.s a gresl many years and
viUe. rpeat a Ira dar* U»t v«ok viib IhAre Is no doubt
ibt but that be will make
kii brotbrr. Ora l*etefa. Maaier; b anreess o{ It here.
Quite a number from this place a
Jaam rrtaraed wlUi tbnn.
tended the masquerade liall given i
!• aUll rorj- low..
HIM Tkomr
Raa^r Ueeber's ball Sainrday evening. 9
Mrs. J. Rnaeh. of Traverse City. :
.trllh bar parvnta In TraTorao rilr. A»
Ithnr was no Mtool Hoodar Aa did vlslilng her sl.ier. Mrs Itlehard.
M r«am amll Hoadar rrcnini.
\Mr. and Ma. I*ba« Raton an^ a<*.
Ward, of Wmiaaiiburg. railed at Wm
Mru. .Irma OInss and IllUe dsiighier.
.. Hen. is. Mailing her sister. Mis.
Bk Kapida. called <n T. \V. lUwler Ora Pease.
- SalDfdar Mr. Hawley U no better.
Abkw Wood, of Kewadin. vMIted
trleada here a few dayi laac we<-k.
Mr. and Mrm Oeorpe Hand and famfl}-. Hr Jted Mra. tkrnle Bioekinjc Md nlgbt «
danckler, Mildred, and Mr. and Mr«r goal Him-.
I.yle, drove
Waller Cease and a
Heiir) lUiiol and dau*hter. Clam, of
Bk IUpld». were onlertalred at Ibe
ingsley caller
home of Mr and MfK George Muuro

V on/

nrtar Aides from tbai
**Mr. and

Looii Carry Mailed
J. Loo

nansburg's Sunday.
. Waller (
_ 1 Grlffl
Feb. -3.

CDimeu. DisT.

Hr. and Mrs. 2.CTI Strong aad son.
IvM, Malted’ at Hilton Strong's Siro- taken advantage of the ran of alHghIng Bid at their large camp at Pioneer,
they hare sixty teams Asullag togs,
thlrfy in tic day tia» and thirty Inthe night Umr. Tbe alcigbs aae kmded
at Digbt by the glAe of lenii llghis.
tar. they
Mr. and Mrs Cleveland. Mrs. Rev- have received an average of ftfly-eix
ds. and dtugbler. Imlu. and Mr. a nl c»r lands ol lot* s day.
B. Idvl Strong
irongaand family visited at •Mr. Skiver l.s I ling cedar togs to
Fred• Konxej Satnrday
Saturday evening.
the KHlcy taimber A Shingle com­
Thee Cornell school held an enter pany's mill for Joseph Fonon.
talomenl Friday altemooB. Mr. Qnlnn
Bessie Walker, of Rvart. Michigan.
gave an address of Washington whlth It tbe .guest of Mr. asd Mrs. Frank
was appre<-iated by all.
Herbert Hall come borne 'Sunday
Adam Slater. M Cedar Run. w
from Forward's camp and reinmed in uue-t <if Mr. and Mr*..C.
Mr*. C. U I:
the evening.
Airs. ikl. MiUineau Is on the slrk IlsL TTie dance Sa’nrd^ night'at th
Mn'~ Ed. tore)- has been very Ul bat town ball was well gtlcnded. FortyI better at present.
eight roapb- tipped the light Untasllr
Marvin Colvin has nearly completed
bis lor hanilng.
Garfcld. Traverte City and other
The ittfam cbl____.
parts. There was good Btn*ij
Hamilton bae beenqulu
Martin orrhestra. The speHai
.uniber.^ Itt. aad ai
Ing now.
sya.* experienced by all.
le 'Cotnolt Aid gave a sorprliu- on
Mrs, I'anl;
FH. ».


The eiuerialnnieiit given at 'be day’.
:asi Carheld M. E church FHiritary
», was larg'd) aiteudcd. tlwT*- In’ing Sunday visiting
bout JSSTalacd for the b' liHlt of Hie H-bi'U*.
A numU'r attended the <mterlain.
mem at Glen Arlmr Aatnnlay .-renittg.
It was splendid. \Vc e.mld go and
ils srltlug.
lAi.-n more nit.-n if tln-y would furntsbIJillc WiiinHrvd Wilber, who Ims lie enierlalnnien'.
Sir. and Str-K. W. Wh.-Her calU-J ul
et-.T sick for some time. Is soiw Ut■r nl present.
, Bnohr's Inst Sunday.
Then- was 0 dance at Ihc- 'l■^mp «iT
Mr*. Job;.
ml and Sir*. John
Ir. and Mrs. .l<-sse Wells last night.
Oh en. of Acme, who are \ lulling Ibcl:
ebtrr. SM
Olsen, calk'd on Mrs
P. J. ItuHh-nd Ralnnlay.
Mr-'. IVncmt and Mm. W. Kelder
hoiis.- vi.lleil Mr*, Fi'ohr Sunday.
Glia Uclllolaod
Miss .Snd/rsoli wnt horn........
Iteil Sunday wllb
of CnrSHd.
• Friday for a short visit with, relatlu**.
Phcait Is cnltinR wood with 1*
Many from East Hay nttendi-d the
iii-ruimiieni Friday at Uie lilrmb y Reliren* tbi-* w>'<-k.
'rtien- will he c l>1ny rtiven nl the
liool liuu.M-, Tbi- enii-rlalninoiit u-ui:
Civ'-Ii for H.e benelit of th<- KasL G:ir- IVirt Oheida srhaii Ihhisc Slorch Ctb.
li'-ld M' lhodlsl Kins'-npal cbnrch. All ••mnied. "Th~ Old Maids'C.MueBtlon "
'ejiort having bad a viry enjoyabb’ A social will follow with a gonti sup
per. Volt uri- all i-onlially In'lted to
e|ih Pieiic-h;>«'-••Idliis farm,
--jii N. Com
tage of the n:i
i of li)« M.wyers
keiii lm>) baulln;
le ll

William Piieket was over from Car.
T's Biding last Sunday. He sitebd
ed the Sunday Mool at this pla<f.
Thirlyihree Wps the Bltcndane<- at
Winnie was In Traverse fity onr Sunday srhool last Bniiday,
Tuesdar on butlnewR.
• Mrs, Charlui Tenneni Is home from
nihr«> Coffar-waa borne from
Honor last week.
Vm. Bunleson has a logging Job
•A very pleaunt surprUe -waB given
Max Popp B( hU borne Bonday afle.-noon. Ibe occasion being bU birthday
Sunday sebool convention
At-aboot six ocloek Ibe gneal* were
Ran Me
iBvIlod to paruke of an exeelleni TbompsonvHle. All report a good lime.
Devereaii*. Of Honor, was elect gangs'cutting fel.-pl.oiu- poles, logs
supper, prepared hy Un. Popp. There
;s In.’hes Ir .
IJeniie and lathe bolt.'.
were about twelve preseBt snd a «Vrv ed county suirerintendent
The K"ili>y l.uiuls-r t Sbltic!" com­
pany Ik a iHistllng'couci'rii In and
"'A^uiich *of Tonn^enjoyed a
IhiB week.
' Hn. John CamB. o
ittiue Monday nigbl f

Big Sale of
Iron Beds


$2.75 Buds $1.38

.if the liirr;'..*! i

BesMcs saecessM

^ ol Ike lollowteg

new place (the former Aribor
HOQ place! near C'^r Run.
Robl. Csry is hanling logs ...
Cram IVttcDgill.
Sirs. 1. Claason ;iad ebildrcn acre
the guc.'is ol Mrs. J. H. flyer o» Frlduv afte


E. L. Bdvapla AwL Caab


Iriao- ibi' past
We arv^glad to hi-ir that tb.- sb
.nes* at A. Hart's did not Inra out
be scarlel fever.
Gen MerenA-en. Jr. his charge of
Jin- Ch.-u-r.-'s logging ruail at pn’scnl
Will Chase hating r'-turaed to hi:

n S. Ball.
M. Hi
SiPRtiso Lnntner,
, Boaj. Thiribjr,

,t Ixing Ij
Hail'-), n

Dr.H. IV Gamer.


As Many a TraMcae City Readei


Tjti^ wa» a I

1 two hogs f.w Ollie Kt>fan last w«wk.
>c welKhlDg 4117 and the n(hqr SM
uitids arcKsed.
The las; Cll«'HaIsi.m brard from
hl-i In.thcr. Arthur, he was In
and Mr. Gi«rge Wil]nb..e and • Mr. Posnll is tno.lng .mio tbe Cam I
Frank Itogenc Arihu Kal- ten mjI.1 to Mr. Nceslngee.
Mo:: l!nn,vr, «t F.m.b. was a t-da»
peotde from here siinded the enter- Uun .ailer Sm.Uay.
takim.-iii at Oi-lait Sunday nighl.
Miss mil. Phori.T and hvr lady
Ooainoaa Cannot no C
Itl.'iid. Ml--,, retuinid (o
Trai.rsi' I'liy Thtirsda.r evening.
Cloid IKHd and Mis* Rsiella Wares
\Isi1..d her par.-m* at ls>iig l.ake Sun­
day alieroooB.
' .Miss Abbk- I'aync visited Ollle Kohn
Thurnday alt.-rmwin.
Mr*. Harry i•aulleflow.''r and danahl. r. of Kasson. w. r.- in town
day. Gramlnis <'.Winwiaipanli.d thim tuis'
home for a visit.

1.oilie StUver and children. Oi
Skiver and family, Mr. J1c«'oii
and 1.10111)' ilsiied Grandpa andd Grand
lua Skitcr Sunday.
Il-'ii .Altman and son. Frank. hiiK-h.-P
\ ev.-nli

Any urinary irouMe
i»oan'< Kidney IHIU cure till kidney
1Yaver-*e City p'-opJe testify to thldssr Ormsliy. leilnvl farmer. Trat
• City
ly Slich.."For
"For year*
lublivl with Weak kidn.'ys. "* IH-Ing llllcl wllh a sedhtinet.;
is.' uiinaioral. I also had

owe my cure .-nilP-!) to Hoat^ V '
For Miie by all .leal.-ra l»rlce
cni* Fest.-r-Stittihrii Co.. Hiiffalo. 1
York, vole agent', for. Hie ri.l;..l


.* quite u



Big Sale ot


Now ii the time to get yon s
I’arlor 8taod or Library Table if
aavinif ig aa o\ jinit to you AH
Taiilra and Slaiidt i-xrrieJ over
trum laat year go oov.


A splen^d time id get some Good Dishes
Best plain white Tea Saucers, odd Plates, individual Creamers. Butter Chips and other Dfsbes at eacli .
AU |daJn white Pie Plates, fane; decorated Saucers, Soaji Dishes, and several others at each. ,..
Ricfal; decorated Pie Plates, plain white Creamers. Butter Dishes, Su£ar Bowls, sli^hUy damaged..
Good imitation Gut Gl^^J^Uers, fine quality, also Sauce Dishes, while they last, each...............


Bed Springs
We bare sevoral bed aprings which
' wen tliRbtiy datnaged in ahipping.
but as far B wear is coaoerned thf7

LTrS.*!!"."... $1.95

Rocker Bargains Big Special Sale ol


AU Bedding

The Wasb Day


Onr etock ot wash tnls and bctilenoomprise tbe beet known brands
act! were nowsd’ioga good<»«»

....... $1.29


.Many have
laius atitl mixing
ami other
con ) .-li i en eea
tiililis with flraws
mwie"f K-«t selec­
ted stt-ek. We want you tn see the table we ^resrltiog for
They are foil si*e, uiaik- ot im U-cleJ ninpte
Cl Qfi in natoral tioisl^ has a large top and
a goed large drawer.

More Bargains
in Dining ehaira }<>n
'cih always lind them
(>nr assortmont iDcbides Misaion. 1/catlier, Seat
Diners, dak. Maple
and in fact ..very kind
tliat IH made we have.
In Diniug Cbairt.
>V« have a L*w , sam.
pieoauirs which were
useil on onr salts
floors ami am olosing
them o^ at £5 i^r

Enjoy Ironing

taken all rockers like the illastration. It is
made of. seasoned oak, baa high back and
ab^^ arms, aad for outofort and ilnrslrility it
will ontwearmany ro^ma aohl elsewhere for
twice tbe prioo. Maay otker fiist snA



Look wbon jron ifill
iuiil as often as yuii
jilrase, but yon can't
tinil a butter aaaort.
nient of
Kockora .............
waya found here.
We have aliout fifty
rockers which were
usAvl u sampiesAon
ouraaltw floors, ami
whiah weareuow sell.
ingatdeep cut prices.
Uan)' of these are in
perfect coudition
while others are
slightly tnamvl or


Oan be made a day of pleasure if
the right kind of waebera are naed.
Weeell the machines which nin
easy, wub quick and c)ean and

We also Bcli the CeJobraled Amen,
can wrin^rs. wilL and witboat

Au'l alt thoagli tbe
U- foQud jail suidi price
have root forth* MW
^ ........ ..................>111
oneE coming Wu have aome good ’
atandv. eap'cially attractive, desir>
abb) and just the thing fur yonr


Bnoh as blanketa, quilts and com.
forts are going sow al eatprieea.
Mothing leeerred in thia line. Ton
ongbt to flee tbe nice double blank.

..... 1...48C

AU $3.00 Tables


$12.5 Music Racks
Joat tbe thing for sheet mnsic and
pbooegrapb reeorda Thcf are
light and rerj pretty aa well as

ycu’re never n«lly .
enjoyed ironing. They £
are snperior in erety %
way to all other irona. {to
They are perfectly H
smooth and one can V
iron the most Jiff
icnlt Fanr^ik with fierfect '.xso.
of three ............................................

Frank H 8«rilh. '

SperccBl Iflterestpald odcertlHcsies mmt
savte^ deposits.


W« hare MTArEt malleaUo iroo
Wii in colofu ot WhtIft. Green.
BlDO. Oitve gcd'Golil. which were
vaed «• ggmplea bjkI atc now goioK si gtestly redooed prio>>8.

TboM beda sre fnlll aixd, gg>orted colon, stenl obilla sud •idernils.
nekd and I
, are well
... enainel
as neat and prettjr aa tbe are
nrjtUe. Wc bare a nnmbnr of
ihenat j 'st aoeb price iedaetionr.


chartublc work was t«her small
May Bell Clawson is spending
eek or two at home wllh her y
^‘wm. Battler ha's qnlr Inafhering for
this wlnier.
Geo and Rolrt Bsrb> r have ordered
a imnable saw mill andcwlll soon I
nady to cut lumber for the famera.
Frank Sbelhamer beat hli own rec­
ord in hanilng loga this week by haul­
ing 3.M9 feet of elm on one load.
A big kind ot j-onng people f
■nded'lbc tervlcei




Wnaro '-fTeriog all lam|>s now ».t
diwplr cut prin-s. ala > wicks W
the dozen only 9c, chimney ami
burner at each onU- 4e in the plain
glam ami only 7c for culorul

A few Carpet
Remnants /
W« have some oupat remnants, all
grades in ingrain, from three to
twelve yard, at the yard yoar
c^ice while they last

’ is the time to'got them
We also have a few sets where one dr two
Wi re damai:<vJ in rbipping. In tbeae we can
give yunatut of live or six atjostwbat they
'cost us. We have one se* which sold for $9.00
but one chair in the six bag's d.xmagi: leg and

they are ottered bow at each




• •’St..

Good Lamps

llu Iwrgains in lace curtaina now.
i.bsingont odds and vnts fur al.
i.ioat nothing. $t -VJ odd
Uthvn cheaper.'

Clothes Bars


<!:fr-*rent kinds, either for the Qpoi
■K Wall, raauicig in prim from

S1.25I0 25C.
I kinds of
kiicbea nteoaiU and kmm goed

... 17c

-sides bi« vidnwt^ mother be
tbclr brtn in Port' Bebr<-ns: Rube, toallsh boy. but wise.'
,o MSten. and (wo tuotber* to
Maurice U<-dd> ; Mr. Cbesaldt. a biwIS loy*.
r7vl??&'iraiidhaa been In poor UiT and crafiy. Bob
Ikib G
G«radt: Hulda. mourn
JecRie Farranl and E.*lellc
Health Ibe past week.
Iretty and as belres*. Ida
Gerndt. To
. . It last sx-ek srilfa tbdr grand­
The Rev. Mr. Phllllpn bas gone to luy that ft WAS a grand sucoesa. Is putparents In Mskt Raipire.
Ubdios U attend quarterly meeting.
ting Ivsmair as UM by
Keve DBuii apem Sunday with hU
P. II. Davts went to OmeiUL last feats.of laughter and beany applause,
lull nas crowded, good maslc lie- parent* In Umpire
J. W. Armstrong, of tbn Johnson
Mrs. W. r. Ashley visited wRh Mra.
II Ihe aeU.
Grandma Flaber
Ring, of Kenwood, a few day* last
;d me lo tbank Prof. Oumbrill Candy company, iraiuarted business
and Mr*. Reddy for the compUtuMiUrj It) town last week.
Ik-kii Ib-y kindly pp-sented Jh r. ami . Fyb. :3.-_________________
roc plvla of od.
-............................................................... 1* Ifl t
in Burdic
sfac cuyoyrd tbc play Imt said it didn't
week. •
S.-U) like s pUy. bi-eause they all u'lkJohn.Uufiery lost a fine borx- la*t
F. .K. Dago and family. <if Cedar, .-d and acted jd>tl u* if th-y meant
were In town today.
• leryibing they Mid.
Mr. and
Mrs.- Ben Cbureh aii4
A number from here altfuded court
The larmcrs. fruit groweni and ship­
per* of Cleii ArtKW and vielully U«v daughter vt-li.-d at Mr. and Mrs. Ed
In Ueland fast week.
MaiT 1
formed an orgBUlratlon aith a cuasil- .Anueti's Sunday.
ley. I• here Sundav
Isaac ;Xewmureb and faicilv and
In our village p
lutliia for g
fillinR tbe omn>llitiueiit
;hn X.-'
ailed on
pe<lall' fruit grosliig.

I. uho
Is holiilng sprtial n
jrcts Is to IH-; -out iw m-s of jmaeh
jle: Ih-Iaiiev an< lauilly a|s-vt SunMiss Rose and the Misx-* Halil-. ..f lyi,-*. as the “nil aiul I. •niton of til.-u
Thiir.-.l.vy's K-'reird
Ri'IUKis Ray. are vIsRius at llif iKinic Artior Inwnsbln-t* oue e the ic; > ber.: d.v/«tlh Mr. and S
' ■£ I
•If Mr. and Mrs K. C. Van d- Walker. for p>-arh'es
Jim tia>- amt fai
.Mrs .V'**"'"- Jlrek-y ol KewndlO. ^ ^
rbarlle Cudd. liack altcmled <be Ian
Mrs Zod.i JiihUM'i) is >i-ktlng with bn- !■' n <n litwu fUlting frtettda b>r
qiict given by the Ni"slliaDi'Il«»ii«s.-. iiM-nils'fship fi-<the' psM f. u day*.
r |Mr.-ul.-, Mr ant^is lAveJoy.
colb-ge at Traverse City.
who an- DieinU'rs. i
Jack Me Miirr.vy. Slio bss b.-eo aufMl and Mr*. K. H Ilinkm-r have .
MUse* Myrtle Fraser and Haiti.- wi*h to pMii. fruii
j<Tl)iR ulfta B firukeii limb Is sloaly r>- KSiiive'd from a tt*>l
tiiand I
loidhV .lid «.iicly I* t
Jslly, of Walton, alieiidcd the mas­
querade dance here klondiy night.
Ihroiigh the orgaoiutiuii. The officers> afternoon Bexi nitb
^'Mlsa Olad« Warren, who has b.xm
•• >. Smith n'lurnisl yest.-rday from' of the oigaiilxaiion are: President, F Jennie Malliday.
Aj^berr bi' vWlcd friend*.
K. Fisher, tlircs- years; rits-ptvsidein. troiu her sister's ....
e.-t* returned hoiiH- Friday.
Is-n (lallMay. Frank
nia.-Mjuer.vdr dame given by iU>- J. Vv.'Ebl.-. tbns- y.-ara: sei-n-tai-j.
B-'rt Isduiin is on the sUk list.
boys yionday ulghi was a grand M.v-k Randall, lw.> >i-ar*; ii. asum. Faver* end Ifiatl Ikveoon/all-iided He;
:4!ns.l,* and or**
The roslume* wen- insny J. vail llurki-R oin- year
M>---llnr> I. O. T. M dinner anrl ^•■inlan at ih-gnu* on abi.h ............
l.neiiiuo disetmt
and varhsl. Miss NeUb- G»ry dn-* wj)' »' held In lh<- Town Hall lo tJI.n
Mrs. lUlph tV^Tuesday aft- Jrd Monday
• lltfiv glvvn. lYiniei
and «'BM
SenifJCSo the »rh
iu re:I. ami Ralph Maulmdd us a i lowii Ai1>or on -the afl-rtiisMi of Ihi- tirsl
Ffb i*-n
Mr*.. Jtlrvker bas Uh-d very poorly
JOK iirsi
first prises.
P.-itnidnv ni each moiitli.
Mrs. Cbas. IrIsJi was dusii from
tod.„I with he.vr: trouble during the
City Satunlur to alteutl Ibe
psst «.-.'k
antihersarv of Jolin Waft.
Mr. Molt. _ s lu—n moiv ■iiiofortaMe
' Scared With a Hot Iron '
Ti; yeais old Sunday aud
k IMS! Imt Is still quite |*K>rMr-. Ii. II. IM.v wiuit to Truveree ] tor a n—'k
' -v-ald'-l lo ov.-i'lurtn-d kettle cut
I'ltv Iasi Monday*, siliere.she nil! lake
jW'ttli a knife lirulM'd hv sl.timii,,| dis>r
Miss Itnldie
>pii;e III wHb o»i<s>p»ihlc treat men: for a liioiiUi
the Isgrtppe,
Mivr. Ida FBrraiil. of Bast KnipIn-. is
Me* rha».Cook and Mrs, l^vriiM'aii sUMoR With he! famil; during ber ule
leii» .\fiiK* ytalie to suUilur Innaiuaui
Held vlvlted tne (onucr'e moiber. Mr*.
I non aud kill !l.e pjtn. If. eanh's su
Wm. Wells, of Htvdge. Monday.
Mr*. Uo
oi’urd Kolir and duugliler.
bool • iiiertalnni.-ot eaniv off prv'Hie beater, iiifallibh- (or lUill*. t'l
Empire, and lavuls
■-.eiiiiig a*.was annonneed, r.-ti., Fi-ver Sonm K. rema atid I*jleThe l.ady M.vcrahc-. iiirl ih!> wc-k : Kl-liahelh,
wlin Jlra. MrCartliy. rT wen- pivsent flntxler .of r.twn IUi«. Wi*.. pas-vri
:-.c at S K Walt g Sou*, f .tl Rug
^.•Hlde* the family. After ibe bouiitl ihrouxh here TueMlny. en route for i.-itilin*. Patrietiesong* bv the school, l~'c Iirog Co. lUtiiiah A- lay .
rul dinner, a short pruEitini was given
Manitou to n'.'eiiit the funeral of
•play. "Mai.l,-(i-'vMl n.rlori:,"
o the .\U--e.« Ffcvio MrKivtgv.
enjoyed l» all. t'atiily nml Hi-«»rg'- Hoixler.
Thiriv-livf people front here attendlelin*. X-U Manim-ld. . BePe
servt-d during
'play g|vi-n under the niispln-*
• Bd IV.' and Ik'ila N'ewronier;
I the gue/'» cloparn-d
Gh-ii Arlior M-houI at that plan•r*' Tea Fariy." by girls
they pre-H-nii-d -Mi's. MeCarihy with n
.Mr and Mr*. Xoriuatt. of Will
la*l Saiuid.iy evening. Ki'h meuihei
sei-oml grade-; a pan- Were up tl:.' Hc-r:-y.ov<-r Foiuia'
syrup set and tin olive dish.
« Maud Muller." be
Henry' Svegiiilller was up from Cad .of the east diil hi- part .r.-dllaldy and
Mr Xonnan
Mr. Albenoa a
.McKeageMail!- going to put up !<-' this .wc'k.
<- the Bt'l pari.of the wi,-k on hu-i.
ere very pleapfiiR. Kveryone seenKtl r,.M.
McKeage and Vi.tor Culver.
Mr. .tlherluii w
I Viorouriil.v enjoy the evi ning and
I Hie prtqtrntH which w«s._,
■ucraluliiti' the participant*
UK. Runy
1- left t.l, •r. How
.Misses Ijila and Florene.- Ijivaiiei-.
.1. S. Fray relunird front We
of Ikjst i.niplr.', ren>aim-d «>\er Sunday
'edm-sday ntghl. '
lit* ami .".e:i a J«rt «f
—M. W. Farratn *P”ii' n few da^s.of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pray vitil
at V houio of Alfred M iilinalon.
imp It; Sunday.
a great oaMiiE to
r.irMr*.. Xell Rrown relumeil
uui cu*tJiiicr»,. We quo;. Ivlow
visited In Traverse City iIuv.:ik
from Chieago wbere. she bas lav
a few of.ihr spec iai barraliu wo
his aiisentv.
*bat1 olfi-r for
Isvu Codman. repn-snUitp Is-mon .and visit.,1 in the lioin.-- ol her atim*.
Arrble Brown visited
Wheeler, transact'-d hu-lin-.-s »t :lje J I. cfnlrs amt Mr*. Roxv Jack*ou.
Mrs. C. <• l-ray's Sunday.
tore Wednesday
lay ilii
Monday- evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mam W>
Karl Johnson. IS ycarmM son fd Mr*.
Hassell Wincht-umh. of Hodge, and j
Griiinell Brothers have only a few
s*-vi- Johflson, win) Hves ti
Ko.i affll I'uil fa*.-, of Kingsley. \n-' fine bargaina left in pianos and ttt
fo Traverae'Clty
south of hen-, pass»-d away
i. rii.-.! the si-liuol enli-rtajiiiiieiu hcre|Rau» on which nil Invcmoii di.-.-o-jnt
He bus Ih'i n III for some -int
SntU 'lBy e\ei!liig
[will 1-. giuii forn.rFrun; ami I'v.Orlolf Fray 1* sivndlug s few
The U- i .Mr. flerlvrt, from Klue-; str—u,
hatlef had piieuinoiiiu and (vmpli>
with her parents.
Sophia. 8


4KVU ■■■TP


f wmm^ W1U6B av aw

U DM for orer 80 yew*T hM «on» the il<Mri»A «C





Infonu end OiilditaQ-CxftrieBee ageiiHt 1

OMforia U » I
•aMMate for Canter OO. TSre.
Rorio, irnip* and fi
ins SrniiM. It te Fltmmai. U
rnnuius noltiier Oplomt Morpbliw nor other Kareotie
KubsUDce. lu ago U lU saaimntoa. It deatmh Wcwm
and aHaj« Penatdmcaa. U iCnraa DiarriMBO and Wind
Colic. ItndlereaTM
Outeocy. ^aa
and Ftatatcncr.

' ~~

} Bean the Signatore «f


The M
Yon Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tn-.rrrxp rily. sni'Hl Satorday i
llr. and Um. Bariho
p <«iuil to Trav- Funday rtii- eupsi* of Mr. and Mrs. G.
•rr« Cily tbJs
M I- Prllia. Tb.-y n-turupd to lUclr
Mr*. R. K.
mod Satarda)’ In TTavcrro
re City.
3i!ni. Fred lailoRdc spent Saturday
tiowArd CrocaFpcsi Friday and Sat­ 111 Traverse
IIP ii-ipi- City.
vii^ •
urday In Ivclaod.
A piPApant ■urprisp
lurprisp was
vai gjven Mr*.
irday cycbIok
- Mra. H. Bran and cbildrcr. cjiciit t\-aUpr Wlbon oo Saturd
. friends.
by twenty of ber lady
Salarday In Travereo City.
spciil In a aodal way.
Mr. oXIrgan. of Drtroit. Is the pK-st
And mpey
of Hr. and Mra. W. P. nob<rtron.
'uieiitopd were,
were.lpfl as a rdtulndcr of
Mr. Moraau. of Dotroll. t* (be (Mcrt mruieiitopd
.1- happy
hsppy oreask
^ ^
mto to an BppriTlatlvf ronitrcTatloa In tillMira- bmina Kadhp spent
the M. K. rburcb Ia*t crcnlna. ,
itii brr parent*.
TbP U O.'T. M.M- wore nleanantlv
Mi«a Clara Wurrbarg
Wur-barg et.
entprUinnd after Ihcir sp»«lon
' '
on Slonday
n FYlday i i'poln£ by Mpsdaiupx' jiiebi>-<D of bpr friends
i'\<nlng at a Vklrnllup parly.
Chas. - lianmbcrRcr.
- Ibcrl aBnio*. joung men flndics tliclr partners for
Mrs. Murah. and daugbter.
ibtiT. V^rlp.
room dnnratafl wllb bearia.
to TravesMt City tblc momlug. : Ibe
Miss Bcssle^riina sfA'DI the day In thttnigb wlilcb Bine lady bands were
tbnisi. wtaero upon bended knee, the
Traverse < uy.
Oscar Dame left Tbnreday for a young men proposed and wlib
roDsept. plae^ o ring upon the flngrr.
*oek-e suy In CblPAEo.
The valentine nodal given by .tlic Tip Kiris pomliiK Into ilie room with
Eptforlh Iicagui' at the home of'.Mr.
and Mrs. b. Woolsey last evenhtg w.vs.
a complete aucccsi.
Tbc alelghrlde
vas^mudi cojoyod and alao skaiinf on
Mf! Milbpws won Ibe prltc^ln a
. game nlileti eemb-ied of catting
beans out of paper.
Mis* Rirnard
won fttyl prlic by writing a verec froi'n
words given. A very sumptuous lunch
was served.
J. Vannattrr Cbnir ovpr oo the car
terry from Fox Island today.

MIu Fannie Sloeli.l Is spending the'
week In Travcrai- City. She will alisi
wiplc of si'peki with friends
10 r E. i
Durpb parlora tl
(be ^gn
Tbe Uidies’ Mlxslonary Soeleiy will
meet at Ibe COngregJ '
Tbe liadle*- Rent
on Friday aflemoon.
BaymoDd lUnielt and James Tele
gard Cril Ihtougb the Ire, while skat-

The boy*
and teemed none
Mrs. Maricnrvt li*>lie is ronBned lo
ber home tv braltes reeeIvtM from a
Mr. am! Mrs.


Stannik.. of

jioaed lu by the rings they wore. Thri
then tisbiTcd InlQ tbe dining
where refreshments of brick tee
i-tiler, cakes
frappo wer
, ,
ibics were prettily
irge center plfee filled with
rilh red c*rnations and exteiidlnc from
■very rover werwslresiners of red rib■on. the ends bulne In ld in plnee by
iitle red heart shapi-d Imxes filled
vlib red and while candies. Ilcfore
caving the taMe rarh lady was reluesled lo draw oul Ibe ribbon leading
to beh plaei'. drawing a red rarnatlon.
Around the su tii. was wonnd a paper
alorng Ibe couple's future, which
K read and afforded much
■nt. Tlicy then started on
eddlng journey." purcbaslng tl
at the station, a progreasivc
mnslrtlns of five tables r
and Fred naumberger receiving first
priii-s. Xi-IUe Voftv and Charlie XelM-eond' prlxes.
he Keswick male quartet w ill gtvT
an enferlalnment In the Coogregalional chiireb. March Snd. under the
auspice* of Ihe Yokefellows.
r. and Mrs. Bert 8<*m CBtrnained
•ral of their friend* on Tuesda;
ling at a dai
lanrtBg party. Rcfi
:re*hmenta w

Wedtienlay M-eniBR. which
lllrtitfnl affair from start to finish. The
members and their fimille* gathered
Ihi-lr ball where an hour was spent
friends. At C:Sfl the doors
I tmll. w'bicb is but a few
steps, w
thrown open where the annual bai
ft was nerved. ThF table*
deeoraled. Cover*
There it a tfot difference bi ffte
UUndred and twenty-five.
Burpoiet to which a laxative sbonid
musical and sorlal banqi
be put. Tablet* and pOli. aalu, etc,
en; FIrat on the program
are tonally violent pnrgativei or was given;
a BtlrriiTR addn-s* of wa-lcome bycalhartica. and altogether too power­ Noble Grand Gliuiau U. Dame, who
ful lor the average peraon.
marter. who Interpersed happy, witty
remark* in hi*-preseniaiioo of the
speakera. Selonlon* by the Silver
Quartet. "Tneutv Year* An Odd" '
low," by Antoine Bartlett; “The C
fellow aod the Married Man." by n
bai earMd Wilklni«n: solo. Prof. G. r. Full
-I.**K«» An Oddfellow Never 1
get*." X. C. kforgan; reading. Mr*
£. Flood; America, aung by all. A
the program all repaired to tl - '
O. r hall, where dancing wa* It
who dWnol
. ____________ruinment is
___ .................... The committee ta charge
aod'sueV deserve much
" ‘
frtainnient fc_____ _____________
A merry slelidi load
Id of fifteen ladle*
and genUemeo enjoy ed a alcigh ride to
lb.Hoo.c“ where they

Landhsfbr •*.
Women Free

s“«i' 'jrs-j-ssi

and Mr*. Geo Btiltar*
The Woman's dub n
Volee on Tuesday aflerArter the usual opening pro
Mlsa Burdge read a very Inttrae
tlve magaxlBe article, followed by dt*cBBsKm* on the effect of Bqtial Sutrrage.
Feb. a.

Grace King,
le town todtf.
- Mr, Weaver and! daugluer,
of Port
OneWa. Here here today.
Mr. and Mra. A. B. f>ltx bare­
turned from an extended vlsli of two









Outing Flannels

,... and Mre.Morden LintlM'.v t^slicd
at G. foray 's Sunday
■ ■ “
spend a few days
Uke Friday iilglit tc ' apeod a fey. days
r parent*.
with her
Bi-h Watron is sirk wltii
lid* Cross had the iiiisforfuiie le
spill a tea kelUe of ludlina water o:.
Ida limb scalding him s.-v eieLv.
Ml. and Mrs. Ora lliewu tislted :i:
Nells nrowii's Sunday,
EVb. j:.

_ 4»ic. 8c
6c, 7c. 7»»c and 8c


Profitable, Safe and Healthy

Out Irmi. are -o liberal that the laboring ««« »»
hinvwlf indepriidanl lot life.

frl.-uds'S^ Inst-Fridiiy.
I.. H-viTliiRtnii. of Aliiiir.v. r;iiu-d o:i
Mra. Mi'Mieliac;! and sister, of Ttav
tr-e rily, arrlvi,! Isst eveiiins expeeling lo liiid Ibeir moilier. Mr*. X
R .Sberldan. in U-d. hut foHiinalely
she ha* nearly recovered from the el
r<-<-l>i of ber tall.
Mra. RoluTt Oliver arrived home
Fridav after *p<-iidiiiK s<-»ern1 months
Jor utedlcal treatment
'A rnral eoim-dy drama ti
II. ibinrbril
1.. J. Reddy, tor tkO benefit
ishlp library
:rlet Xii. I. was given In Maerabei'
I Iasi .-veniiiR with the foDowlnt
t of eliaraeters; Famn-r I’ei'ktnl-ro:. H. If. nuiul.rill: Mrs, Perkin*, hiwlte.-Mlss Fenrl Uv; I.iddy Fi-rki
sn old maid sl*iev. Mrs. 1-. -I R'-*h
lUgglos. hashfiil. Kari;
Fulina. a m.-;id. Mr- H. R
JoUu IVrkln*. the taruier*

Juiing Night Gjwns

Our land is >o fertile that it oceiU no furtiliung and a climate to perfect that frost* ate n
These ate two ihinei wbich aeriously hamper Florida and Caltforaii fruit geuwen. We are in a p
our fruit down in New Voifc cheaper and quicker than any other gtoweiv.

m Oraage* SSOO one acrei Cah^:** jntl one acie.

Pineapples, vrgelabln and cem can l« grown bn ground on srhich citraa fruiu are maturing.

1 yard wide, 4>.^. 8c
and 6‘ac yard.
Bleached. Sr, 6c, 8c
and 10c yard.

Four year old proves art selling ni w lor S*y> p.-i acre. We control several ihou-and arm uni
.vor.hodr, in and around Magnolia, the mo-t frniU- land on the idind, -cllvng at S^l, $:IS and '$4
•hoveling snow, buying vnarand suBering wiih cold at
Ccloliiviv are
ilii- land ol perpeti
-ell von the land and leave you.
We are t*Ul
.town el Magnolia :!t~i. b:.a'rdf;g''h::u:::?',
bring our piciute vatilog "A."

Cuba Land & Improvement Company
516-517 The Murray Bldg., tlrand Rapids, Mich.


Even Ladies’ and Misses’ Gpat Must Go
We positively will not carry over a single garmenL

Just 75 Coats Arc Left.
Every one is of this year’s styles. Compare them with what
others are showing. The prices and values will
. speak tor themselves.
LOT 1'



2.98 9.98 4.98 6.98 7.48 18.»<>
Bo>'S Any

Ladies' Cloak
that sold for
56.00. $8.00and-:

Busts Any


Buys Any

Buys Any S

Ladies' Cloak
that sold,
$10 and $12

Ladies’ Cloak
that sold
$14 and $15

Ladies' Cloak
that sold
$16 aod $]N

Ladies' Cloak
that sold
for SIS 50
and $22i0

Men's $! Gowns now 75c.
Children’s 5#c Gowns bow
ChQdren’s OuUng Palnmi,
50c vUnes now 38c.
OnUnd Petticoats. 20c.


A Mi-h^an man wav recently ofiered $800 1*1 acre for hiv two year old eiani;e grove.

A po-ial wi!


18 per cent

»» ‘be cspItalUt ha» an opportunii]

Pa-i eapcfieocc show* that fcinunet cxn be lusde in a few yean in Citro* Frnit CiiHnre.
(U--.,*nL- like spring.
Mrs. Merrill has sold her h'l.lel i.i
Mr*. Slellu Walker. Mra. Merrill w ill
uime to Travers.- I'fly 'Wliere ilii- own-

pir yanlFormcr pric«6 l-2cto 12c
Buy your romfoftabks and Qailt Lininjvs now.

Buys Any

Ladies' Cloak
that sold
$25 aod $35

The Globe Dept. Store


Men’s heavy nil wool,
5L2S values, now fi.55
Buys’ and GIris’, 11^^
value, now 51.08. e
Boys' and Girls’ Cotton
Sweaters, small dzes,
now going at 48c,
55c, 75c lo $1.85
rernalrComlortables, 65c,
75c, 79c, 81.37 and
$1.65 each.
BUGS $2.25 Axmionter oqw fl.79
$4 00 AvDiinater now 8tM
$:i.00 Smynm how

- 81.39
• ' 8L99

All UndcTHcar at 35
to 30 per cent
Fbunclcftc Kbaaaai
Short leogtbt, 69c aod
FoU tengthn. 81.35 CAoh

With Ibe

10 per cent discouni
«-ni b« gii'va on all otb,r gnoda
lu slock ah^re tb* (ombifted
purebass* arntnau to :>0c OC
more, nblle ibsre will also bn
from 10 to 20 per coal »ff eat
various Mbcf anldra
Imooeflbl - 10 here qaotc prices oc. M
we mutt bare «*nb at once.

t, fftiMv. FCMUAttv n, tm.


IV« UiM «ltb tfee RMS the »orU hM

the Cbarloue Tribnae. Hobs Cbeer
Kire* le (nil tbe report of a reeeat

A» rvc tolled vtih the

(Aeer. the boate departneal ao aU;
coaducted b; Ura. Belie M. Perr; lu


IVe .lsiM vKh flWB erho ■Oove vlth
' oeot.
Aad tVe toiled with the

meetlas. khowlns that lu readers aJwa;s like to get tested
tbelr owB uae.

tVedneeda; Ust was Hooaekeepera'
bm who
a; at tbe Century club, ears Good
And ihlf U the ule B7 eeul would teU Cbeer. Soara of tbe good tbiaga glTcu
pasted OB Ihroagh Good Cheer,
Au H driru o-er the burtuw bw:
quouiloos were eppr^riate.
The MUd o{ o (Igh daeuu'l t»rrr well.
aaiong which are (be (ollowfug;
But the Ult •( • Uugh rlogi tar.
The BBS who werc ooar the «ni
■ >
lor-a aide.
Ojb lira; heard oot • word be said;
R ' 'THaeuad <d a aoas . raas far aad
wide. Aad the; harkeaed to that iaatead.
Us loaea were sweet as the tatea the;
Of the rise of the Cbristass star—
1»e Bead of a sl«h doesnl bit; wel
But the ibt of the lauKb rios< Ur.
r U ;«• would be beard, at sU. mr Ud.
Keep a Isufh U jrour heart
rar tboH) who arc deaf to actrai
Arc alert to the dteerfuJ aote.
Ke« bold of the


Khop aloof tma







. 'The eooad^of a alcb deesat canr well.
But the UU of tbe Uush ria«a far. '

• T Hhs the *aa who Ucca what

. he moat
With atop triUBphsat

heart of cheer.
Who flgbu the dadl; bUlMw




without fear;

• Sees bii hope* fall. ;et kcepa uu•
talteriag tnnt
• That God It Ood: that, aomehow.

trap aad Juri
Hit plat work out for luorialt.*' '

JViMWiI fk etfiMT'f Csbk
Wt hare all of ua kaowB the dear
eld taadly dooior whose

hrnvhi suck an uplift aad seat
cheer that the paUeat frit better the
BTantil he entered the door aad while
lha UiGe Bedldue cue was aUl
. gpmd. A aa eaten paper


One foonb of what wc eat keept ni;
>c other three-fourth we keep at tbe

few grUw caiyuaa. oaehalf Ubie- tarn u the flro. add a plaA of dorca.
rpoon flour, yelks of (wo eggt, one and
of aaU and a dash oi
nc^hen i
eue-balf UbteepoOBraU melted bi
eayeane. Serve boL
ibe rUmi and cook sbooi
^eea B
min.1 4<«>>
three-fourtb cop milk. one-baU
Spring . Soap-Boll vNie cup of pe4. ate* longer, tk'hea ready to serve add
Ipvr.' MU dry- lugredleBU
M cap of asparagus Ups aad balfh the eracAan rotM BaA
geiher; add beateu ug yotki
sp of rarrou cut In small dice. In
tba milk, a URIe at a tiara to keep aepante water* uatU tender: drain,
which la days still la tbe
from geulag lumpy, then the vtaegu. ud set aside to add to the aoup. Put
memory of muy of ua mere luxurieo.
Let It come to a boil. Klrriag entogether the Uquor In «hldi Uie
ceaU a dooea. are now
Btutly unleu double boiler to uted.
vegels.ra* were cooked, add eflough
Lemon pic It much improeed by at- bomni water to make a quaix and In. among the cheapest fruits to be pur­
They have the added merit
tag mint mttend of water.
cook for ftfteyn
A IliGe vaailto Uded to cboeolate sulks of celen . two green onions ud of belBf as wboleeome aad aoutohlng
u they are good to taste. When the
glru It a pleagul flaeor.
tmall sprig of parsley, strain, return
frail sheU.lB tbe cellar begin lo ran
Add an abaaduce of whipped cream
I the Are. add one pint of scalded
low. don't be discoaraged. but uy
If conrenleDt, to uy ulad dreulog
illk. a teaspoon of salt and draw the
wUo you are ready to serve, it tbe saucepan to tbe back of the stove. tounas for a change.
ed l^a Ml
aaud U'of (ruk. even more cream thu Beat (be yolka of .two eggs, add half a
I bouaua I
dreulng it desirable.
plot of croam, dilute with a liUk- of
through a vegcuble ricer and aeathe hot soup, and vtir lato the rest of
win produce plea
half cupfuls silted flour,
c teupoon
to boll after
those of the delecfsUe
baking powder, one ecui teupoon adding the eggs or It will eurdle. Add
vegetable and with a pronounced avbutter rubbed in flour, enough milk us the prepir.-d vegeubivs.
Serve at
lag of labor. In lacL baunu can
make a stifl hatter. Plao^ a spoonful

perO of our Urea.—Abeneiby.
AllBOtl ever; bumau malady ■■ coo- of cranbeTtoe or other sour fruit in
Rice Soup (Swiss style)—Wash four
bMtem of cupa. Drop the batter over
aceted. either h; hlgfawa; or byway,
ounces erf rlec. 'cover wilb two quarts
with the sloBtach.'^ir Fraaelt Head. ud steam one-bqlf hour. Serve wlib of water., adu a teaspoon of salt, ud
white sauce.
tbe dUrook thirty minutes. Add also-a table­
A little cornsurrb ulxi4 with salt
to iwv of ^e hatioual disor
spoon ol onioo cut small a blade of
pivventB It getting lumpy.
auny ud a spray of parsley. When
•oughnuts—One egg. one rup.sugar,
uros mair thu docton—
the rice Is rooked, add a ublcspoon ol
we cap soar milk, one lablrspoon sour
b l^ve^
flour, rubbed in aJitilc cold water, let
luspoon soda, one smalt
ho' iwu.^» a room u f
minutes and rub ikrougn a
teupoon baklog powder, season with
sk-r<-. rubbing all the rln- fbrougb
nutmeg. MU enouMi flour so they will
Prepare u mixture.of two eggs ud
not be sticky.
If a rup of c
draw the pot to
always ns<- om-half u much bak
f. add the vggs
r iiark of th
lug powder as soda, wilb sour cream
I ^nfer t
tuto of grated
■sour milk.'
A mu’a food wbco be has Ibe meau
cheese. Serve at once.
dUe Without Sggs or fiuUer^rGne
and «9portanlty of telectlng It. tugCream of Carrots—Scrape clean six
ip' sugar, ont-balf rup lard, ^plncfa
geeuhto moral ulure. Many a (lirltsuull raiTols. out lo small pieces, and
: dalt. one (np njsikts. one cup but­
irylng to do by prayer that
with a quart of boiling water;
which cauot be doui- ncept through termilk or sour-milk, one and uim baU add also a green onion.
: cinnamon, clurcs and nuicorreried diet—Taluiagr.
t-Ulks of ccte;r and a ft r sprays
stc. Cream sugar and lard.
“lleaKb to ul quoted la the marheU
Cook until tbe rarrols a
Ud tHmenuilk ud spice and lastly
becute It to without price."
tender, then rub through » puree
Deblnd. (he nuuy loaf to the mill ratoins dredged In a lllth- of Ibc flour.
Add oflf plat of hot milk.^and
One Bgg fakc-One egg and -one
wbi-el; bfblad the uoM-wheel to tbe
spoon of bbUer rubbed lu two
wbral-fleld: u the uheat field rwto cup of sugar tboreagbly te-aton. add
nous of flodr. U-l ronir to a
ifaa naligbl; above the sun to God.- flve Ubleapoonluls aielted
bolL add a teaspoon of salt, a dusting
three-fourths cilp.swi-i--. ynllk. two cupfames Rataril Lowell.
cajvnne and. If desired, on.- fourth
flour. two tcupoonfuto bak­
To work tbe head, (emperurr mukt
a teaspoon of grated nutue-g.
ing powder.
I’se any flavoring you
be earried UtO Iho dkC—Ueerh-r.
nomiHb Soap—Wash atld slice five
"Wbetbrr or not life to wwiib lltlug. prefer. Tula makes (faire guud slxc-d
(iiloti". a head of eeteo' and six
layer or a equare tin loaf. To tbe
all depcoda oa the Uver."
arg<iMimUM-e. ftJvrr with two quarts
Tbe word "vcgcUrkis" to not de­ latter may be added raisliis which
meat of water and vlmUHT uuKI tender Rub
rived from "vegetable.' but (rum the have been put Ihrougb
a sh-vc. ft-turn to tbe fin-, add
l^n. boon vegriat. meaning among chopper, splecs. one tablespoon mo­
tablespoun of flour mixed Kmoolh
atrons, rubusL (boruugb- lasses and a little more flour.
After Bwecqring a carpet use the car­ in a cup of cream: when It boils, add
iy bealthy mao.
salt, peppery a teaspoon of chopiK-d
They who provide the food for the pet sweeper, tben tbe lc« uandled
parsley, ud pour over four bsrd-cookw^d. deoide the health of the worid. cloth-duster.
PoUlo Dbugfinuts-^Onc cup mubvd ed eggs 'cut In slices
uly to gu on some errud
through the uverot ud the hotels of
blany Styles of Geohing Fish.
tbe-L'nlled Slaua and Qrm BrUatn. spoon lemgp calract. one-balf leaipdbn
BroUed Salt Mackerel-boak. flesh
the fact that a vast mul soda, two teupoontnls hakim
side down, for eighteen hours. In a
Flour to roll.

IN Washington; d. c.,



well-take the place ol apples for use
is pics, dumplings and shortcakes.
Banana Bluc^nge—Soak a tablespoonfui of gelatine for. an hour In a
teacujrful of water.
Bring a eupfnl
ball of milk to the boiling polnl.
1 pinch of baking soda, and stir
in a half rupful of siigar and the soak­
ed gelatine.
Boll fur five minutes.
Mirriug Bleadily. Uae a Jelly mnld
with sllivd bananas and puur the luke­
warm blancmange rarctully .in
these. Set lu Ibe Ice to form

I find Pe-ru-na
very valuable for
rebuildinjr of a
worn and tired


nd eat wilb wbipited m-am.
ud Uananas—Open one end


yellow frail and peel off the akin. llteB
split Ibe fralt Into halves lengthwtos,
l*lan- in a butlend pan and 'cover wlih

Ud cook until llie fruil l.wks s.-mliramiparpnl. Slip onin a dish aud i-nv-

^H1IVALRlH’S. high-minded. Imputolve. generous, r
Vrf loyal, a believer In pood (r:iaw>hip.a lover of bout",
mire, Irne to friends, to a rrputalton il u anv mu may well eovy.
Xomsn belter rvrmpTIfle, tbl.- rt- M-i-*pttnD thu t'ol. William CaiBp,wrbfla
toetlmnmsl to given 1-1.-w. HI'unique figure and rhsrraiog p>-rK«sHly U wMl
known in Ibe Mre. ts..f tl.eeapltal nty ..f IbSVnlted rfIStrs. His word to US gond
as his bond. UU fraukmi- and Irulblulaes* no one has ever questlonad-that

wllh a inea.-d red eiirranl sauce. In
which pls<i- tvs.k.vl i-iierri.'s and

Anew him.
Read whsi be ays cneernlng f>roni.

sugar, ud tor eaf-h banana Allow on.leaspounlal ol lemon JubW—As soon
as the Jnlei- and sugar are ■■•it haste
a quarter of n ivipful of hot water

strawberrle.- This to a.good way le
use to-rviei. thal are loo'sofl lo r.-rve
- usual way.

lusiead of the Jelly.

Ihe Rsuee ran Is- mid-- of cru -hed her■ud ehcrrlrs.
la-t tho bananas

••/ write lo say that I haxt vsetf Peramm mn4 fllt4 U m vcvr
rmluabh remcify for coughs or colds and rtbuiUlag of a *-orm
aad tired system, dissipatlag- aad crwdlaatlng that old tind teeh
lag."—Cot. Wimarn Camp. 1740 L St., N. W.. Wastlagtom. D. C

and Haure l-eioDi'- .old beforv- ser.'ing.
RanuB Cn-am I’ntldlng—Une
of milk, one (ahlesponnful



slardi. two l.vblnimonfuto of bulter,
rtipful ul. sugar, (be whites of
three csgr
Hut ibe milk on the Are
double ooiler U-beii sealdlng hot
add cornstarch w-ri wlih cold milk,
'ook fifteen nilnulea, add sugar, buter and eggs; cook five minutes long-

to write y.m a

eooM sleep hul llltle at night, but
: o| fi-' I It my cloiy ' fvmna cored that tired, all-gnoe fselw words in |» alM- <rf . mg. and made me feel like a

are w.ak and ran down. II wtllglr*
•Dl rem<-die.. hut have found
na to the greatret loulr on earth, and a new life u.l energy.
nannoi speak too highly K Peeuna,
pertect system l•oilder.
■-A friend B(lvis.vl me to take Herias ud will m.t forget to reeoaiwend ft.**
for Indigestion, a-jd ‘t cured me'n. a
•hort time. 1 was very weak and ue.-

-r. Turn In-o a serving dish. When
ready 10 xerve. cover the top with

b.T neglect or ill-axe; but give them
flu of cold water. A tolf hour before sliced banauito. sprinkle over tatlf a fair trea-.meut. and they will t
A cup of hot water sipped
cupful of sugar, with a pinch of anU laiiutully 10 the end
utes before eating Is very good lor the cooking wipe dry on a soft cloth. Lay
Sene wlih cream
greased broiler and broil with mixed In
Fig and Banana Mousse—Slice equal
Old Boat leg* stliKicd together with flesh side dowmover a clear fire. When
and* bem
metal ring to bang up by • made Simon doDC. ^rn and broil the akin
m‘L-def II scorch.
Lay the sprinkle with pos-dered sugar,
-I It tjpihandy holders. You can hardly
place In a mold half full of whipped
only rhou
K muy of them.
a. Padt in Ice and salt for
In the ircaHBCBI of .lainTo cook t'egelable Oystera—Scrape
Creamed Fish—Any kind of Bsh can
Crass SUins—Xlolusws w.-i: -robbed
Bach one present gave recipes and and put in cold water to prevent dJseach Ingredient may vary acrording
lo; or soaking In sw«-el mm.,]
Mtuhold btnu u follows:
Cnt In small pieces and boil be beamed. .Tlie remnants of boiled
fried ftob tu be used.
Make a to supply at hand «nd as long as tl
or beoxlne are good Ur wet the spot
Oraags Pudding—Pare ud slice till tender. Season with aoll, pepper
cream sauce of milk or cream, thicken mold Is fun to running over ti
and r-uu in soap aud baking soda
tree eiugu ud uhoetsn.
Make a and butter, rubbed In
•e win be equally satlsfacloix
with a little flour, ud seuon with but­
Hatat—Xuihlng bt-ller than turpenblue mugs of two eupt of milk creamed with milk.
tin.-'foi euarsc. fabrirs. but’ for finer
sweetened wlih a labletpooa of sugar
rrVl^leces of outing flannel ter. pepper and sail. Pour il over the
a Comfort.
nialerial bentlpe or naptha to preferfrom nlgbt dresses can be ntllited (or
divb colihs by overlapping cdscs,aud mixed with a Utile melted butter. Hut
> the oven until a tigbl brown
r the orange Ud. let tland until alltcblDg together to the right size
\Vh<-et grease and tar—Rub spot
Breaded Flrb—Any kind of flab ab
1. Serve.
(New outing Bunel of ■ cheap grade
with ilolb wei'iu ammortla. tben wash
sense. They are light lo welchl. cx
have read that pulting sugar lute
and cxcelleat dtob be breaded. Take off the skin and
with void watey and smtp
('old rain
ledlum-sltcd pieces. Seasoa iremely'tTarm. and can be- made at water and soap will removed inaeblne
eriral before putGug In frail wlU cloths.)
with salt and pepper^ Dip lu beaten MMDc. one-pound rolls of wool-bailing
Soar M
prevent the frail from boiling over.
-ease. raa.-Iiii)- or maeblii.- uil stain- .
egg and roll lo cracker rrnmbs. Fry 5Cx8I Inches lu iixe costing about one
Dried Beef Gravy—Baked potatoes one-ball cup i
Gn ase viKiis In wboleii.. Dampen
In boiling hot lard or lu a spider with dollar, ami two-pound rolls, TrSI the spot and lather it freely with a
ud dried beef gravy arc my most
sllceb of sail pork. Cook-until a alee ineber. about two dollars Man; weak­ pui-e soap and a very llltle ammonia
uted articles of food- tats
ly persoBS aud nervous persons gener­
Scrub poUtoea clean ud bake
en wipe lather Mff. HIsie bloRi-r unally cannot endure the weight ol the
Creamed Codltoh—Shred tbe codfish,
In a bM oveu. TUc tbec ont u tocin
;r a cloth oruy spot and apply bot
unwholesome cotton cuiuforiables. To
as done, k'or tbe gravy, brown live
ut not too Doe. Waah thoroughly in
Trait Cookies—Tsro eggs, one
.ucb. Ih.-re wool-comforts would be
worLi of dried b»f In a lump of sugar, ont.-fourib cOp motasnes, tbive- three differeut natcra: put In a spider
.Ulld.'W—l over Ibe spo: wilb a mixsimply delightful
cuter «ilb plenty of milk
Hut in
totttcr ud arakr s rich milk gravy.
founb cup butter, scant one-bulf c
tuiv of chalk anfl soaji-half and half
Timely hlut: Ctc butu-r ud eggs ac­ milk: rinusmoa. cloves and nutmeg
eggs, (bicken with a IlUle flour II
—#nd Uy in son all day. Keep in suds
Baked Bananas and Rubber Heelani-ces;4ary.
butcording to price.
A little salt, two leuspoonfuls
--Kor nervousness." said ihe spi-clal- over niglil. and repr'Xl s»ap. rhalk and
and pepper ud all II ivguired
Sugar Cookies—One <-up sour crram, baking powder In flour enough to make
in-ainient uplll sinwsslul. But­
t. "I pn-scrihe baked banauax and
ler milk thus' usOa-sls gisjd .in mild
one cap gruulatod sugar, one teastiff batter: one rup chopped ratoins. Sm-ve wllh squares of toast and slices rubber lu-els.
of hard-boiled egga.
ises. For rotored goods Immerse
soda, a llltle sail, flour Drop on bnuered tib to bake.
•■Tlie jer given to Hie spine In walkcreaim-d Codfish and I'olatoes-Hick
cuoagb to roll. Tbe flaest louklcs I
Meal rie—Cut Into bits left overs
lild.'W spots in suiir milk <X hours
ir by Ibe comlnusl rlump. clump of
Another—Dtoso'w om- b-aspuonful
ever ate.
from beef; wiil In wati-r with buui;r. the lodllsh Into very aniall pie<v«:
hc-l of lalh-r, to Ihe ebl. f cause
, Mock Lemon Pic—One cup sugar. salt and pepper, until very tcud<T: ihuroughly wash it In a lew t-old
t-nervons disorders. Hence the rab- chloride ol llpie in ..m' q-ian ol erfid

saou la music, and may
"Whether the aarliig. ‘Laugh end get
; true or BOL there laku lesuBi In paiutlnc. u4 Icwaou
«dr be a
In utroaomy, she to uc well educated
am BO doubt groat adTsaUgei
uleu abc hu laku leisaot la dough.
wb; of health that come to the pefaoa
who it huoyaat aad happy, aeing the
brUbL em the ludlcroot tide of
tOair of life. In weutera New Tork
there taslded. imUl a tew yean ago.
>*;**«« who wu
*Laaght^, Doctor.*


aa tk

«u always full of amllea. p
<be batvieit Mad of a face, to much
. M w to hare glta to him the name
r Mated, aad K It aM that his good
kaBOr wu eoBtagtoa ud that hU
: >-.Mi-e ud hit cheerful, hopeful aduto* brouKht all that wu neemaar; *
kit paUeutt: he dealt tpariagl;
K rdfwgi. U at all. aad Kill wu rory uop■'--------fuL A mu la a iralghboHng di;
ruraUr glreu up to die: hla faialir
aut fw ud gathered lit tbe bedUMej one caned to aee him who atured Um sadllagty that he wu all
rl^L would toon he well, ud talked
la acta a atraln that the tick mu wu
forced to laa^. aad tbe eSort routed
kts energlet ud hit ayttem; he rallied
aad wu soon well agdla; 1
atated as a general prtadple that tbe
;perau who laught modi wUI be sick
hut mUr. ud It to the ecperjeuce of
Buy that when a life of bllarlout
freeduBi U adopted, -there It an
erceae la bodily atrengih. t igor a^

^ le teupoob <-r<«m tartar, one lable“iKagMer to coatagtous. aad It to of- apoon lemon extract, three eggs (eavo
tu foaod that the preaeuro of oar the whites of two for (roKtingl. one

Jmria) aplrtt will aSeci a wbole com•any. latralidt gre always helped by
a call from a amlUng. hopeful Irlead.
aad Aepresaod by tte
*Auiy IMefBl."’


Why NM Snilet
"Hate yon tried amlllng? It
't rearady for an the Ilia of the
k aad the aptriu ud it la cheap.
All that U BKwaary to do to try the

.birken to make gravy,

put tnosi of

meat mlth smc gravy In pan. Uieii
a rich biscuit dough,


waters: pour milk or ervam over II.'
and when It rouies lo a boll thicken
little flour.

i-r In-el that I prt-acrlbe. which re

Add a good slxed

and pour water over It,

Add vwter

until all dIsBOlvea.
Touch ouD the
spot altb ihe acid and rinac quidtiy
and- Iborougbly'c ay states in bottom of aklrU—
rop and rrnse la clear. eoM rnlu
Mj^^iore R goes teto regnlar wash
flEc^ny icmperaluFe.
Jmdit .vUtes-Scnl a;.J'-H£»e la
ear rold water; or <old ooqp Nds
iihjHTDsene In It; or te cold water
;d a liitle ammoBla: or spread on a
luick lAs.e of otartdi and eold wMer.
Brash ofl waen dry and ropeu II necesssrj. Jur staios of loag standlsg
use pepris and cold water.
Cheaisut, walnut or leather a&lsa 1a
hue goods—Hot chloride of Ume
wlntlon foiicroM bj ^rong hot eoltttion of urtarlcT^dr
>f • r
Srorrii sialns—Dtp In waftf-wiiter
id Iheu In leiitau'']uice ad espaMTlo
le aun: or dip lo soap xBdaK»d fol­
low with s Ucach.
.Turpcnil’ie and amiooiila
nove mu* tulua.



A dewing Corner,
Mtc Ii a bint for the buay woman
lU to take
•Milch la time."



have a eewlug


down Molrs. and It to meb too hard
«o.k tor the boBsewKe to bo obtig.-d
lo go up Mult* for ■ few mtei..ea

"I find tl pesalUc lo use one mri.clr A
the diuWroom (or sewing wIHhmi *
soft wslcr,
KesM' inibb-wi-d article disturbing the roxt of the room. When
iDg’tbruiig^fiis water umll i
1 bare much sewing on bund ! pin
Blti.-'- lUiuiediately
uiHXr Iho rarpri la a rofner that CMllin-e or Trauf-wii-eir
light window a mg three yard*

piece of biiUer- After taking from the sl.v—a protei-Uon. you know, against
Rre add two well-lieaten eggs; All a th<- red hot desert saiids—bin we have
rquan- mud' *i( brown denim.
baking dtoii wlih this ud l>ui on lop
r.'il liiiT swml', 90 why Ibe het-IT
of leuivll K
its I* plsred tn> msthlne. a couing
Ihivk layer of mashed potatoes. Hut
tub* and otber'artirlee In the bath stoker a... take up tue moisture.
llak.'d baiiaiius make a dish that starch amt .mm.,-.- to i
ible. a rooiforlhlil'- sewing chair, ud
I tile oveu until a iiue brown.
I^taloes can be baked on
ll•>u^lshlllg aud c-tomltig qua1it«-» ontil atniii d-s.-pto-arn.
lteallo|Hd Firii—Two teaeupluto
asbestos mat on top of the gas si
mful of sugar added
mark Iron ruM-SaWraie the spot
• uui-aecned
II you arc ever shaky
curtain In IiAbL To partUlly ronmashed putatoirs. one and one half cup from «ter(nd-Jlg.-iirr
e ill colfre nr lea. lliOnKighl.t a:ih dl-rdtr-d Mup aiol lay
-ol all Urti is s large tbree-psueled
f il to Ifearly out will rcilve If cDviTed wilb s tin puddlug
'I1«-y must be more carefully wafehi-d futo of rold boiled fish (any kind ol
rovqred w
»<-vi-ral aereen wilb a strong burlap cover lu
Kleubnl eilher. r qdish ol llieoi,*.
t ns<-dl. two and a halhenp- — Hblludeipbia llullelin
Cookiei—Three eggs,
two cups than those baked lu the oveu. but the
ihii-kii-.'M - oi w-i elolb IVli.-u M-sm- the copboard I k«cp pKloroa. ' iw
llk. oar egg beati-n light, a
pise saves gas.
igar. one cap awcei milk,
oxslie terials. ud odds and ends. Uuflulahed
cup butter, oae teupoon baking powlong while rollon tape Is useful In quarter uf a i-op of butt- r. and |»•pper
work Ibat I am oUlged lo leave it
and sal' (If sail fish to u.-n-d omil* (I
MUe soft
the laundry. Pin small articles
Ink in white gnods-FIrri dip ln«i a ptoaed to the tuMdeof the icreM. pro
rth. thfee

squares aad put oB top the meat

copa water Makes two pii».
Oae oi (he beat Iblngt to clean Ulh

gravy and bake.
A few kernels ol rice lu the

le cure" which, we are la■ran Pie—(Very nice). Juice ud urow the upe over the riolhes line In
t; pul Into a buttered tokh
le LoodoB doeUHu are rceomwork with the
l. to to lift the coroen of the grated rind ol oae lepuoo. yolks of the yard uu then atuld sUnding In dl.-b and bake (or one-lalf hour until
1s a ligbl brows.
white of one egg. two tabk- the ■■'ard to pin catn article to the tine,
light shining In ’be face.
^onth slightly hy DUira^ the facial
Baked FIsli-Carefully wiisli and
la.n'i ha\. roloivd shades on the
Tbe best way to p^vent pics runBBi^ expudlag tarOp* and Uow- dpocas flour, one rup sugar, oi
alDg over to to see that they are baked dry ; pul la Muffing and sew up open 'Umps; Use while or ground gla.'K
lag lbc~ti^h. Pnctlee this before the
Boll Ginger Brrad-fFiuM
three gashes earli side of fish
Don't go directly from a warm rnnu)
lMfelni<latt algbt ^ morwlDg naUI
moderate oven.

niuiion nf uxnlle arid. Ihen (olkiw venting Its becoming CTUMied aad
wilb tiilorid’- ol lime i.oltiunn. iheB wrinkled
Scrap* are ewMly gathc^
again with Hi- arid
Rina- llmr up l^ronrihe draiqi nig. aad when tbe
uu'goly b*-lwi-«-n escb dip soil alter sewing ih completed tbe (hreadx are
Hie lai.t
Tiiite to-quired d--|>en4.' iia
baheii ou. of doora

strength of 'ciluitmi
J'ive ininal<-ii
"I Qad many miautcs for sewing
and lat pletv of sal; pork or bulter
an s cold. gqw all
hmg enough if suluUoo Is etroug.
fam here warn I rould ntit leave tbe UtArti fb.- e
weaker MiliHion toviolring more time
lard; dredge wllh salt, p-pp- r a
Don I opel
Lairten Soups Without .Must
lo gu Ofr-tairr."
bstblng. esp'irlaUy In salt water.
Is preferable sbd do-s less duiag" U>
Bohemian Soup—Sdrape and - rot Boar and lay In a baking dtob; l
Don't let any strong IlghMIke
le fabric .
small two oirrols. fry la a labiespoon plenty of butler around the fish ud
Cold Bods.
ud one-hait «upfuU flour (large), one of batter, add two ublcspooofuto ol place In the oven.
Ink in colored goods-IWp in Utelled
from etoctricll}. shine direcHj Into the
No duuhi Utbeni beside myself have
teupoon uleralua. ue Ubletpooa flour and allow to brown slightly
(allow. Ih'eii push the gr.«re out with the BPplcB*Anl memory of soma hotel
Fried Flsh-Waah and dry careful­
vinegar. (Sour milk may be used In- When of a good color add two quarts ly roll in flour and dip In s dish into
Don't strain tbe
bj reading,
bed where the covering was conspicaatesd of rla^ar ud
Red lak—te roost eacw Vepeated oa* by lu ahuence, multteg in a bad
tewing or any like occupation, with an
ater. a green odIob. a bar leal
rbich u egg hhs-bcea broken Ha
wufalngton te ammonU Is sufficient. add If nothing worse, says a traveler
Imperfect light
»e pint ol peas. When the veg- he fat smoking bot. and jus; be«
TUe time lo tea<± children to help,
Dent bathe Inflamed eye< with cold Tartaric acid w-fll do it.
dropping in the fish roll it la cracker
Now when I make the aoquaintuce >.t
pays la the long ran and to a klod- eubles are tender, rub throuMi
water: that whi^ to u warm as It
Indelllble Ink—It applied at onro aveb a bed I remove the cover* aud
crumbs, thoroughly coreriug all o
ca to them u well u lo yourself.
ateve. Return to the Are. add a t

fg. oae-balf cup sugar, ooehsif cup
the amlle ha* worn la, and tbe beaelluedialf enp hot wi
. data retulu win be forthcoming. It
U terlouriy aaterted There to oo cute half cut butter, o
one-half teaspoon glngui
of aCelra n dtoeouragiitg that It ant
r IL end
loyeut that
It will not
wider otef
the^rface of the globe with the eousmile. If yon Uve trouble,
grin-emaa end saile till
Ba^^ grow* ur

be borne to oeuer
equal paru of turpentlae. ammonia
spoon of solu a dash of cayeune and Inga so that the fat cauBo: enter.
Don't sleep opposite a window,
ud diloroform will cot ludellible Ink
Clam Chowder—One qurt of dam*.
ich manuer that a alreug litft-wUI ao -U ,cu 1
(The clams which come In (ins makf
I out with cold
Cora and Toatato Soup—(
CbartotU. kllrii. it eompoaed of bmpretty fair suballiute for the fl**h strike the eyes on awmkeoii
wateVud a
pint of tomatoes wllh a quart of water,
Ule bouteheepera. ud tbelr auaal fali flour.**?aa«la. Whipped cream add a
Doa-i. above all bare the'chlidrea
les l One pint of ihin-aliced pouFruit xtalne—Those that
of corn, u ouloa aad
■es. one pint of oyster cvacker*. two sleep so that the morning sun shall
out wiui feoitlng wai.
or tronlug for fllUug.
spray of parsley.
Simmer half i
wu which to aiwnyt looked forward
SalU Dreaaiai—Ooehalf,
■. odd a UbleoeoB e( flour robbed
lioita sliced very thin, oae cupful of ahlne 1a tbelr faces to arouse them.
red by axMle acid
Have it alto wUh latercdL aot oaly by the
Don't expect to get aaotber pair of.waysoB hand. Lnbel K POISON. Bay
> ubIeupoOB of hotter, and pseus sliced tomatea. goodotoed piece of
Brown Layer

CM Reelpet aad Hints.

‘The Tweatteth

berm, bet by the








sugar, oeedtslf cup moUsses. oneh
milk, oue-thlni cup ahorten-

Good ouaad

the whole through a pvee alevu.


spread all tte sviilsbie newspaper?
between, and find thal eru a few
papers mUe a warmer covering tbau
bUafcets. as papa la a
post cowduclor of b?*L and the th>*
U*ers of air briween tbe puerv bre

tbe best DOBeoadBctor*. fceopteg te the
beat of the body as writ as keeptag ut
boner; salt and pepper w uau: cover eyvB when ibese have been deKroyed It te cryMalllied form, put te bottJs tbe

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