Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xraivaraa







Wall Kftown RaaMant »t Ranlnatila
piad Pridajr.




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• Sg Mro. e.





iTjri^lBJIiP HRE



Mra K W lluller eolertalofd at
s. Mary URoebe. Of , III lU.t
Mra. Mary Dotss, «l^ of fharl«
her home Wednesday afleraoua with
Lhirva, of tbe PvsIsauU. paaaed a«ay -MOStiLE- FORCES ATTEfiirr TO Tweitth eireet. peseed swoj Thors
tbimbir pam in boiior of Aer alster
St Ihe sge ol Tl jear. She leaves
altbelioaplialPrlda)' momlfis. where
Mrs Carrie t'hance. ol J.-oe.vIlle The
three sone aed a daudhier Mr* lai_
aba baa baan uklnc Ireaunaat. for
I* were decorated with crepe pa
Roche ha* been a' wMow for thirty-one
aoiiia time. A cancer of tbe aiomacb
aireamera and autumn flower*
.tear*, aurl— which tlnte she ha*
WM U>e cwuaa of Ibe death.
slriklug fealnre of tbe event wt*
made ber home with her son WtlU—i.
Mrs. Diirsa van |( yoan of ape
aewliig contest In wb'irh each lady IN MANNER BRIEF BUT EXTREMSThe
AlVMI^RtARV OP RTART OP VOL-tweni was asked to work a toiuoa
Ibe St. Pr—cl* church. Monday morn
and dansbier. betMea ber husband
U^|re^« TO PROMT
iMile and darn a defective place la .-v
It S o'clock.
and aet'aral brothers and slaters. She
piece ol doth. In tbe first rontewt. Vetera— Were Wslssmgd< Sr '
Was Left to ih* Officers Fer\s*nlcPia P^ TravwM CHr and KiflM was very well known and lored by s Sham Settle Furnishes EscKsmsnt for
Brsl hooor* were carried off by Ur*
ar L
ment Bcferc N«« Encampment.
Old Seldisro Who Could Net
w Prwilaa*«Mdin| R««l«n OUrud
larte circle' of friends.
) Miller and the vvvdaolall— by
Attendance ^Equalled That
March in Thursday's
^ iKh* S«Mh •» tept*!*Tbe tonersl ecrvlres were held
tv. E. Salsbury. Plm prise in
b«r IS. tMt.
from Hushes
Undertaking parlors
darning cwniesi wa* taken
Saturday afternoon at two o'clock
Mrs. II Koyce niid. roiisolntton
fProm Friday'* Record-Eagle.)
(Proiu Friday'. Record-Eagle.l
^rol Tinwddan lUecird-EMlA)* in charge of Rev. W. O. Stovall. In­
t'amp l.aie> passed inio AUstory Mrs. Fred Konner.
That Traverse City can be alil> -!e
dBMVdMd lOc
tbe tfdor but sot
hoary haired —d •*—Iva g( MM.
terment was In Oaksoud ceme­
The remainder of the afternoon
It* noun, all the bu*lue*s having
t—ded from force* Invading from tbe
• Itoftkd'oUsoUUTfst ibo sB
walked 10 the edge ot toe apeakm'
spent In a WM-tal time and music
north waa demonstrated ce«terday aft Progr—alv* Meroh—tt Will Make Es- been ir—Bailed at the morning
t tod&r. Pron «Arir
pUtfons la .the Mg teat at Camp
after which :
oosdtwrala^^il^ I
Bales yeuerdsy after— and lonked

on capturing Camp naies.'wu* .-ut off
tlOM *«rs ysrtlestoily dlascroMbto.
oat aver the gathertog of —ter— of .
MaoULer pal In a *iroug bid and It
Trom Ita base. It* fire drawn.nntll the
Tka vMarsns ware hoping ngalnat
ihe-^nni war. the women wbo atajred
.IV-'millng*. chairman of the con
as ihought Ucst by tbe torsi veter
ammunItloD wa* eibausied and a rehoRa that the waatbar would claar aufBt-bemo when the troops atafchad la
flnally ton ed. To be sure. Ihe cesniouB god luivilegc* coiiimUtee ol UR to vote with tbriu uu Ibe i-bange
fltdastly for tk# parade this aftanoon CHOICC SPECIMENS COLLECTED
>Uty-«ae. and their TH—ds:
(tag fori-es outnumbered the bos- the Grand Traverse Region lair, ha* lid as a rckuh 11 was decided to go
at Behedols Uma, bnt they were dIsap
Pkxr a moasMt there '
been beslegeil with appUvaUou* for > the Mih Illy fur tbe uxi reuniou.
polatad. A poatpoaemant was takes
title ttghterw and
toe srorsa of eyes ata
ground privUege* and »|vace* In the
OfOcerw lor the rumtog year were
BBlll X o'clock, boplng that tbe rain PiwsMaM Supplied with Best That bdfb iDfnuiry and artillery, but
at tbe oM
r—r of apbulhllng. w-bk-h Is not yet com- elected a* follows:
Can be Produced in Thic Region
■rk^elesa they were at a dl»advaiitage
pletedl and cbe fact that the mer­
Columsnder—Crn. Geo. .A. Han Lena la $11,000 With Partial In—r- ptottse wenti— to toe canvas raof.
for Uce. on Hie Leng Teur.
D that they were taken by .uiirt-lw.
spsolsiad. and tbe big parade, one of
For Cor—hazard—.to a— of to*
chant* havlg come forward *0 eageriy Manisire
ance^WIII b* RabulH at On
ClM beat feataraa of tba encam'pmant,
Shortly after two o'ckK-k It was i
and Operatio— Cotitin—d.
had tn bt called «ff. Weather cosdl
itor^aboui the camp'that an attack
that took the Ctoafederato Sea to Part
gher. Manikiee.
Uosa. bowmr, U was suted. would dent Taft by tbe Uosrd of Trade of ra* net at all unlikely . As a precau­ tor the succew* of the (air.
Trade of this city which will add much
C-ntryl l.akr. Mich.. Sepl. It- Sumter to the gray dawa a(
J. V f'ommander—1^ P. Judapa.
Tbe otfU'er* and conunUtee* are re
sot tsleifara with the aham battla.
to Ibe -deligbu of his dining
Tbe saw mill plant of ibe Central 1:. IfiCl.
reiving ypleuilld enroiiragemeni both lIcnruDla.
The pngrstt la the bis teiu -thl*
Ing a good'portion of his long Jeume.* ftfld artillen'. under Ueutenant Jo from the uiercbants and fartueiw and
Uke Lpinber f'o.; was totally deotroyThto velgr— V—ta Ms faaur* —
I'baplaln—\Vm.' Brain, Maiiliiee.
sTtarSMS wsa slao interfered with on
ihrongh Mkhlgan and other sutee aflit Klaasen. wa* orderi-d to the
aVwaVM. OMjr
while the fair Is nearly two week*
Imlement rd bf^Vw.4hU morning. The hlaie
aeceot of the nln. na the Mg teni
Tbe colleetlon was made by J. W. Hanstarttd In tbe pi—lug room at i::90 five montos ago tha 1
laskad an badly that It coada It ax
SiBDiah War Veterans umler Ueuten- away, there i» already auiiile assur- weal her the encampment proved
nan' and Secrettry 5i- B. Holley.
u'clovk and tbe fire fighters were pow of that first oatbreito ot the rakslW—
liwsMly SBcomlorubla. This oondl
I. Knapp was stationed be- iiiee ibsi ihi* will be (be One*i exi*>- grwgt sui-cess —d.there weie abo'ii
coDslaU of Uie Sn^t appiea. pearbee
Sr— Omt had
tUoB wsa -Mswlanr dlngreaable In
and peara ev^ grown nnywbere. and tween Prom and Stale streets in the w hirh Is aay’tug a good deal.
eaiire plant wa* to fiames to
Sfty yaara van
last, the rtMter ronialalag e
the portlea dlrldad of aa. a dlnlsf
the prealdent will en)or aome of the brush to* coter the retreat of Ihe aitll
lutoute* after the auit. which was then awakeard. aad they hava had
.Many ,a|ipllratioD* have l>een tiled' :!4i name* of Olvfl war vete/ans.
very beet of the iirodurts of Grand
dae to a —ark. Tbg, loss b tl$4MM. orarre time eaoagh to eooL Sa tha
^ samp flra tonight
Tbe twain body of the defeud for aiTumiuodation* lor exhibits of Ibe weatber bad been fair yeaierda.v
Traverac orchards. Ine fruit waa se­
of thu agod egmrada haleast UNJ more would have been panlally covered by lunurance. The
ehsrpa «t tba Biulab^
*H«tk. mulln. Isfra and trull producl*
curely packed and •hlpi>e<l by esprass log force re»ied on State »ireet near
fore the teat ful ot paopto atradk a
Hie grounds purlug the dsy an-l
The earliest 10 ronie forward are e»United Sutes Senator William,Al- lloite. where Captain J. V.;Mcluio»h
to the h—ru at tho—
htblior* of faim bor»e» and cattle. eveolug One
den Smtih. wbo will bead the eecdH eaUblUbpd hi* headquarter*.
wbo bad sacriftrod — mach to.av—ga
illlng off of the parade and Hi.'
baalnaai nadtlsg win be held, at of Mr. Taft through this aute. Sen­ The moventeni* ol the defen-leiw These witiAe the bo*i evc^ shown in
Ibe aa—ult — that bland (art —d to
afierooOB program on account of tTnwhich ef&cera wlU be Moeted and the ator Smith wired -Mr. Hannen this were made lust In time No sooner
'Micblgau. The elsbc
a nafi— flam * * J
place of neu ye||r'c aecling decided morning |hai the fruit was received •TBS the artillery In place Ikan a scout
pcoptc that had beoama dteldad.
disniirsed *o Ibst tbe children rovHd
Is Grand Rapids in good condition and ins l>art> rolled'up hU trouser* and be made need not be piedicieil 1*-,"Hare I am: aO toha a took." aaid
Last ereslDg the atlrring Ubmw would be placed In cold Koiage there narted out to investicaie the rumor cause it Is auured tlial Ihe.r will Ix- attend Ibe patriotic exeirlae*. but thr Waa 61^ fit* Visiting Vttorans
long that there wi
Mr. iordu “If y— h— a ogy tfa—
from iHi tn lt» were Dved orer
extensive atid of tbe blghcit quality
until Mr. Taft reaches Grand
r-Ciiy diviKiou.oLtoc.
----- - and to— Us —tea v- drowato
nsMn hr the veterssa at Gamp Batas when Senator Smith will fomially pre- Ulcblg— Naval brigade ha-l Undetl
RchuoU of the eouiitv jH*—IMe ticiiice of vK-cup.v'ilig '
(From Thursday's Re<vorJ-Kagl* I
ul.iih l.-aked like a *elve while
'I'bU foretHXMi the veterans sttrnd oat in oppUuM.
tbe gift to tbe p
he bay shore ea>i ol tbe mouth of and rhy have arranged for alten.lanre
out that had an actlv* bearins on the
There was much —pba— la tha
Ihe Children* day. Prida'. Seideiii the Sturm ..iiiilnued.
lug tbe Soldjer*' snd Sallorw' reuaioa
Wbaf will make this gift doubl.v iloarduian river. He wit* uoi i
•baplag o( the hnUona doMlay at appreciated by Mr. Taft U the fact long, and on hts reiuni Imiuiied
nt .y—terday aRar—oa. anyhg*.
rr*«!uiluu wa* ofigred
ber in*. At 1b*i nlglil’* meetiug ot Ihe
• * ................ fide around
that ertilcal ttaie.. Hie pfogram aas that aom* of ihe Bnest t}>ec]mens e«er luformalton that the marines '
board ot edut-aiion. it wa* der'tded li> tureiiooii meeting looking to a change the city, and the event proved to The wekemw IhM Tra—t— CRy ga>
opened with a prayer by Oomrade R- grown In MicblgsD came from Ihe fruit iaortng •outliward through the brush < lose Ihe Krhool* on the atlertmotr of
the date of buldlng the
inv- «t the moat tnier—tlug In the leaded to the Grand Army of the Km
B. Qaiw. ChUoaiag whloh Miss farm of Mrs. Charles P. xThfL the —d weed* -that Mayor Wilhelm'
puhik Ihoaib May«r Wilhelm 1
that .lay «o as to i-erniit the school W nothing dehuite wTtl be done. It lives of many of them wbo bad■thel OtMs ca«g a nolo entHled -aVi prealdMt's atster-ln-Uw. wbo bought dered em aereral weeks ago
that atlre psopls to ibn to Ihe ofRcetw to decide Iveen in tbe l(ablt of enjoying this
Had children an opiwvrtunity lor Hie fulleai
(Mpufa fd the BranmMlck Cavalry.' the pUee a y—r or more ago. The
plsnae. He saa dewa for the drat
toeiho^ of transportation,
weed* been down there would
to which she J»d to recpoito with aa frtut from there, whidi U kaown as have been lltlle danger, a* the
—d. after — i
0»car 8ini|«on one- m tbe director* year. Ii la pTuposed 10 bold Ibe eu was a dlfflculi'iuatter 10 get sum.
eaaore. Aaolher Icatnie of the eren- AnBI-Ta lodge, was packed by Mr. ililary alone could have driven tbe
r O. P. Carver, aald:
of Hie aHi-ociaiiun ha* been ap|.»liited i-mtiipiin til in June on acrouDt ol ba>- them Into the maebtoe*. as —me of
lag M a reeding by UIm Umrletie —d Mra. George Seeley. Mia. Sealey tacking force* back, but Ihe rank
“Onr y—r a— R was my prlvlbge
better weather at that lime of them said that a great many people
have i-ompleic charge of the iKillre
bgrls. who alco bad to respend wUL U' peraonally known to Hr. Taft, and growth waa thick and mtnle admirable and walcbmcii upon ibe ground*, an.t the' year than In September. The had been 'killed' by auiasDobtles
and boaor to say a few wards <( vaA(VH—
the per—I— ot yaar «annn gacora.
the gin will have a personal tlgnlfi- irer through which to a/vauce.
UD.Ier Mr. Slniiiosn'* charge thi* iwn
The addteM of the evealng v* ^ caaoe.
a chance Tbe most Wkward were reaiion which w— haU M tob ptopd.
I^a first detachment of marine*,
the work will be tboroilghly organ­ hat the veierans are all loo^old
Ueei^ hy Mon. C. U Dayton, who
do active weirk and would find
however Indaced to lake tbe trip up and It seema almoM hana—aaary tliw
Tbe collecii— eonslsu of Rhode Isl­ which was Duder Ensign tieoigc II ised.
reegaatad to ap
agreeable In the ramp during on being pruml*ed tbal they would anything dhoald faa BOM abag .(hU
and Oteenlaga. contributed by Prauk Orosa. advanced rapidly on the anil
There will be a full uifH-tiiig uf
II— at thU tima. tor the hays who
n« tba criticI pertoda of Aseriei Smith: Sitawberry Cbe—ago apples' Iery. The gunners throw bduie the ficers, dlrerior* an-i rvniiiiutteeji
the warm weaiher Iban at this I
not be driven uk fssi.
defended oar couatry'a honor —
In one of the auiouiobiltw
by DarM Roush; ElberU peaches by breech, gauged their fire'and let drive. tbe parloiw of the Hotel wuiHng next v>f Ibe year when the void siornu
I theory that tautloi- toe a J. Morg— tarai: i>eacbee. poars The ahot evideotiy wem wide, lor the
liable to oiv-ur at any ilinr.
^ri> uf four whosfi ages aversged bravely are always weicooto to the
wrong and apples from the Taft tsriiL In
'k: yrsrw each, none of whom had er«r QhM City of the North.
marine* replied •with a volley and This will be the last regular meeting
tnMc a tm hiSd oa tbe mlndi of th^ addliton to these very fine Elberts totarged acrosa Krotii »ireel. Capture
The inclement wv-alhv-r yesterd
-Ooco mere w# ha— —toared to
sat ID a machine before, and while
before the fair and it is desired that
peopto. sad SaaUy cultaiaated la the' pencil— were secured from P. ■- Jew- was avoided by a spit hair'* hroadtb every officer, dlrerior and eouimlitee- put a dsuiper on the proceeding* ui they were, a llllle timid when
shake aach —her by the h—d and
ww of the iwitoattoa aad the loea ' fctt-s Mnide Orore farm, aad Wealthy here, tor tbe deUchment ol Inlantry
be |>reM-nT. This is lni|ionsnt. a* I'aiap BsM-s. tbe auU wenls laktnx Stan was made they were more than
thd oolaalea to Orsat fttltala. PoUow- applet from C W. Loeffler.
pleased with the experience and were —cb other —' to Ihe atraggto of Bto,
which sru to have covered ibe retreat a fair of tbi* kind I* a large un.lertak place -dt>ring the ds.- tveing ihe
tag this he gave d syaopMa of/the
The Traverse CID Board of Trade o: the heavT ordnance ha.l been taken log and everyone In .-barge of tjie dr mobile ride abKb »a» carried oui.^lad tbai me oultng was given them hpi- amid this time ef Joy and ptonaeaaaes Uwl led ap to the war of lit: will bare the'honor of making the first rapidly wesiward to ouiftank nmre ....
during ibe forenoon under ibe di"-. I Tbey s c. e isken to all parts of tbe ure there ts a ttage of sadaem la
|«rtuieiil or a*so<laled In any »
whes (he Malm bjr Sa^and that aha gm of trait to PrenMent Taft In Miob- rloea. under lifutenant Eroekt Salenlion
and t.. keveral of tbe nearby
with the exhibit* should make P
had a
to aeard
»M. h proved to Ik- one of tbe plea* |•olpls of lniere»l and were anrprlRed who were pr—eai a— year oga a—
»ky, who were attempting to sweep all lioint to Jbe present. *0 that each n
a led to
am eveiii. .vf me *eek for the vet I4,
be,„i. ..f the scenery and the missing today: and w* k—w that
before the niln a wild charge |iaM tbe W aide to letMl the mo*i tnieUi;euT
a second atrvggle with the moihei
eran* »ml Ih-lr wive*, and Ihe »h« n ' progres* -hat bad berg made to this some have —soed over that dark river
nveiry-go-round. The arilller
oiwrattuu Iq the woik.
ot life and are walUag — the other
ennatry la whieh tha Aowiicana wero
l.snU- te-tvveeU Ibe MtiblgsD Nav •! I
iMUiiii tbe past few y—rs.
aged to more their piece through the
I this
Kreerves Riivl Hie 8,.am*b War Ve' j rive ms.-hliies were, used to the shore And so the y—r thsi ha*
heavy mud. however, and letreaied
tbs Hgxican war. whIA while the Wife ef Well Known OM Mlseien far a* Slate street.
eran* in me uiieniuou
Luting and tbe start was made at » passed has axade h—v— richer and
eanasa were somewhat Tigne neverThe veigraii* laid »*nle Ibeir >*re*
, 1,^ u
by eanb more teadee. haraa— ef tha
Fruit Grower Paseed Away Last
When totslgn Crox* msite certain
thetoea reealted la anotoer Tlrtory
FruK Grower Pasesd Awey Friday that he could not take tbe pie<e
diiriii* the evejiiin: *-id tbe enilr. , ih.-rain a bleb >isrted abODI an boor m—iorie* of bero— goas. a— MM
(or tha United States.
Mrs. Elias Tompklut. wife of Uut firdt attempt, he ordered hi* men i
p-xvt'am VV4-. luuirvl ever to Hie I i.i^- Iturrng tbi* lime moat of the syBipsthetlc tear,
- A* I look into you.' tac— my
Tompkins, the well knosn trutt grow­ the brush and they'advauced on
oiiiisef nu-iivb»r* .»! Hie f-amp. antV^veieran* mere taken out and glvt-n
More In detail be received
i the detai'- 'an idea of 1
eeuaea and eflecu of the great civn er of OM Mltalou. di«M at 6 o'clock infumry. which sought •Itclier iH-blnd
town and rbe boepi boughts go bs<k to history, aad I am
UeuUh. Mull Sep
• htv of the people Sho have the .„. iremti
j reminded of .lbo**N^v—tor— pf the
war between the north and the south. Prtday evening. Mrs. Tompkins has a.high sldcw-alk uorth of ihe <1. K A- I. Uiy-ctlug of 'tie ciiiii
long time l>eea .afOlcted
Ctviag a review of the Mroggle for
the dt-feodlng was held WevjiieRSily evemne 1
iiainnirul of ibr old roldiers i„'okl worhi wbo rrAa— the mighty
.\iJaatic and landed^ on the Bastara
[ aUvery lind tbe growth tnbtfculostB and during her I
Congregallotisl church
Muric wr. em..Mj.i.u.eut
I . ijiii ebi.b .-oil M-h*rge
troops held this |>ositlon aecu'iel:
*bure» ol ihi. great Amefie— —toa patlenL though grea>. suf- their enemy was well ».-reene.I by ,furulshed to Hie -Munro twHve-pi,... ’"'•leU imli! De*rl nine tor the pr* |
aad tna) end of etatn righu which
eni.. and riH. brave h—rta. lefty
* -tiaastiou* efle.-t
doctrine was roMly tbe eause of the ferw. She had peevtoudy tried chabge thick underbrush and mlvant-ed
orrhestm and *i»KK-heR iivade Pv m'*
Ideals, love cf llbeny a— faith to Gad
great etroggle. Then came tbe Spac of cUinato and had apent souk- out heavy k>*» until the JlMsme l>e- promioem rown-mcn
.Nearly all ol ui-ou '"• ail.ndau..,
ibere wa.
ibev prmeeded lo make tor (hemtoh-Americia arms, and then after the Bombs In the south, but wliboni
tbe bURiue*. men ol the twin vHlaiee* • k'-d:'
u. ikc^teni wbea
tween the two line* wa* K*r«ely
toh-Amerlean war. which was a strug­ lief. Her sufierlngs were added to
were .pre»*nt su I comnhtiit.l over, the m.-cniij; war .slled to ^rder by Grand Travel-— Pte—vr Pas—d Away *e:>e*. hoin
than Ihe width of the street. A
aald that Iher* —me
at M«r Mom* TnuCSday
” ba* been
gle tor huBualty. In which this coun — Intense home alckoeet. endowiueni ' ouimRiuter ■'jrve- ut ibe ^McPberpoint tbe artillery again cany ini^c c.woo icwarvl the
I.. thl. ...uoir' a civllflaUoa ditortry UKto tbe aide of tbe oppressed,
w. TWupklns. was a woman
<'»''ct- *'*ted\ibat he I
tion. but just before ibe mat plarge fund that I* Ueins raiRcd lor Bei.tobia ,-ou P"“'
ent fntni Hi.i whMb b— ever been
J ihai tur work of the j Mr.
aad thea atler the aininle was u\er
peiwoualitv aad deioted- to ber aa* fii'wd fhe marine* cb^ge<:
tVc.r Se. ViiowB In biBiory. tor the — —a
(he United Suiei handed hack Urn home. 41er dumestir life was' Meal
"bug! ' «rm the gun
i I Till* eniei,.ri.e ix uu.lenaken' *'''"‘"6 *
the camp, but that lh« v enth *treet .-H:*- »a «,rii in Ihlt tu from D.irl< every -rivm—d OOttaa la
hiand of Cuba to Its own people. nA- asd she Vas highly rvepecied
"1 object:, fiu-d En»ign
Lywreaichy men Of fhi.ago, wbo arc
Ihe *o:!-l
.After year* of rtr—gto.
Lad requested biui to begin tbe pru- Keam. 8<oH»ni1 .n I
wIthaundtaE the .tart that all the everyone on' tbe peninsula who knew “That'* Irrelevant!"
aix-ustomed lu iutng thing, i
I. ou her w*-d |toiI and bardaklp. Ihe —tooto
mtoa tiaBr
wcftd hnd mocked the Men and eald ber well. She was Identified with the
whlrii he did by announcing the I'oHe.l Slat*-* In
In tbe nteantiiug. Ui-ui ^U-nskv They are giving liberally an.l cxivect
ding irii, Sir*- live-l
CJevHand O tprosper-d aotll l—ro came a lime
thm h aever-shoald be deoe.
Old MtssioD U O. T. M. M . Pentnsu
to have the *uin .-oinpl.-tdi: 1 n two * I>-sno Mr* Xclla Waldron
to her
Followlug Ibis <xcel)eiit muatcal tium
grange' ud t'uugregatl—al
Mr. Dayton nRer reviewing tbeee
nnrihe.'ti '|,.1,1—11. mb*
Sere Rhe ha* 1 gr^ and ■lelftaba—s ov—sta—sd
y. although her illBess during tot—try. By steady volley rtring be
groat amontoa of hlstccy
“*-n Gage of the
There I* a growing .lenian.l lor the
liv*-<f siuir 111
Gi*hd|,tie btyuodary of rrsaoe asd so the
the lost few yean'Va* prevented her n>4B—ed to *iia;ter-the »lde ol u nice
tbe auoeUon ns to whether «
.. . ,.,.,.,,.0. lor
--e counticR.
Itevtoratloa of Isdepeodeace, tha*
bring a eoftsiam attendant,
,red snowplow all np wTib wad* from
tbey have paid, asd bis •
jllfe At pte*eui there arv eleven
tVood wa* tbe looiher of ele
inaK-bles* dovunwut. wo* bora. Hienee. however.
lully equg] to the n<ca*loa
helpful fbe guaa:.alao. when tbe toraniry
was that ton hnd tn every reepeci
jties and three state* represented
audunv- bad yotoed w'-hUdren. seven of whom are now Ii.-|,oh, IS tell n« that It was I
in all Ike organtxations to ' irned around to *ee w here ihi. volley
JasUSed the greet eapeadlturo
jibe kikmI i'lve year* ago atoxmt (be
exlsteotc by Thoams J
[firing was coming from, tbe other de- entire enroiltueni was from Beatte. stoPtog -Aiuerua. Mr* Of.o Kvaelk.
^tood and awney that hnd been made whtch’slie Wbuged.
—g a *oto whl.-h wa. gre.tlv at. j by tertot church. - »rne« ChrmUm and signed by lb—e men bf the €owMrs. Tompkins ''w— born in I8«r ( It of marine* charged and t
an the baule&elds aC tbe oouatry
Si—isTee an-l Leelanau coontierv.
p.-eciated At it. voucIumou Mr Cage!<l«^'
t?.**,**^M^ tiaeatal Concm* whose hearts, wer*
hellered tbit tbe nMlon was beuer and w— married |o Guy Tompkins to defending force* were driven
with true pairtatlsm boamsh
introduced c'apt. J
ward Washington street. Salensky'*
ahd euwnger for ibeae struggles, pad
inac; T G Wood, of Charlevoix; An they were willtof to pledge thofr
Wnd. She 1* aureived by her taihor
xdrsDSpd Ob double time 10 cut ad a greater enrolluieni iban ever state cummaude: of th* 8 W. V,'who
toat at the proeest time tbe
before i» exio-ited
aa tbe heed of ttie orgauliathiu in drew Wood, of MU Rapids: Harry lives, ibel'r bom— their Innitow and
It grewlBg da—sr and better than and mother. Mr. and Mra. Jam— Kll- ofi fur;;*.* TTii—I aad hem to the debntbers. Frank and femietX Private. Bobert Walter was
tbe stale riteltoed bla greeting* 10 Wood, of Klamath Falls. Ore.: Alice sacret boaor to det— «f the —war
umr. sMl ihM giaft wblth bas be—
First Hunting Casualty.
itbe old BD;diei>''and members of the W ood- of Traverse City. Mr*. Florence tbey loTod. A— — the groat war of
t—tohBt la tbe pdlileal life of the Jam— a— o— aitter. Mrs Belle I Ibis e^lnmn.
Calumet. SepL I*—ihlward Auge. relief corps wbo were pre—DL He EJIi*. of Traverse Cily. and Mr*. T A
I tr— tooght and won.
aaitoa is tost betog weeded-out and Kaouer of Chicago, who arTlved'Bai
"Wb eugbta have more ammunlPeoballegon. of North Yakima. W—h.
ha—My —d dhcerlty of purpo— U urday to attend the funecsl which tiou." growled tbe man behind.him. - IC year* old. was the first victim of spoke of the condluoa of the sotdlcrs
The funeral was held from tbe
bewaikig the dnml—at feature of took plaoe Sunday afternoon at 2
'•Yea." said Private Walter, "but we the bunting season. He was walking durlug a battle and said that tbe man
through the wood^wiih a sbotg—. who w— no! scared when he w—i :r—idagne on W est Reveatk stroec Sat- —. ia^ the— h—d la the h—I of
home. caaY waste the stale's Doaey.''
thoae who are wielding the deailar o'etoch' from the iamil.v
irday afterooon ai -dU.M>. Burial was newrD ev—yjmaa. tha toe* of —«aThe interment wa* la OgdeBsbu*i
toe aatton at toe pr«—nt tfaaeJust (Sea the artillery ca» .into ac- The gun was acei^taUy discharged Into haiOe did not batf hrala* enough
a Ookwood cemet^.
and the shot entered the boy s-chest.
(C—ttaaod — gaga ota-j
(ConUaned — page two.)
tOPSttoa- - gage m.)
(ConUnned — iiage'six )

inimiNO «CENU










*» '

- I' f-iilii


ttui Tmene lenM
ui MTtna liy U|la

PnUimac ate lolaed Lee's army.

BOthiag to raepiHBead tbant.

(OoaUaeod from page eha.)
•tat* ««ai cat tonawr aoi tornpiH was opeaed la PbUsdelphla.
to get scared, aad tow at beet ti was
18S«-Tbe KWh annlveruary of the a very aacomforuble feellag wbee
Uw eolorwWBt of tbe «* »a lbl» ret ot Boston V ■ cteebrated. ibe bultea of tbe comr «am£.alngapoct tber woaW do a fbw lor tbainmi—The Japaneae
defeated the tag la ckwe pcoxlmlty to too peraaltat aal at tbo ^aama Um do a
Voaltn- good to U* pobitc

at large. Chlncoe in tetUe of Tain river.

aoB with ao ptare of aafoty at band

ISM-The fuaoiat of the b

and tbe boopr ot the jcnaatry to ap-

WhMlMr or aot eertaln Tarl«l« «*
BOXiOtH TMdl aUM tbl> OT anT otbri-

Austria took tdace at


His talk was d good •
triet fair, the cWCI attracUon Iwtog, flrst dose. Thousands bless them lor
the eeedH'-mn of toe aoldlcca during tbe much-sdveriMed series ot airsbli--their glorious healib

«MaM tber abonld br endlratod.
1. onir throojrti earoteweai. that tl
have bMO aUowod toUrv. At pree

tbe vtrugxle
l»—Gamucl Johnson, famous Bng-

tbo next, ohereaa U proronilvo tnoa*- Ush writer, bora.

Died Dec. IS. I'M.

171b—ExpedItiM against the Freach'

nrea were taken earir the task the

roUovtaig roar VoaU bo inat ao nmch Bpllod from Boston for Port Boyal.

0^ la Tnax atnm.


This ■ pracUco

ta poUte heotth.-yet the fotare mar

briag about that oondiUon unices
mMtV lav la rigMlr cnforeed. The people of

aorthera MJcWgan.
TnT«rM QBt, Mle^ «n«er tht Aet hare only theaiaolyes to tOame It this
Mwcfc ». »m.
farorcd aecdon cctuea to be the nwcca
of ha) ferer aahjocu.


Thh> li the aeaaoa of eonnty and

pedal to the Hecord-Ga^.l

gHiSE,* fairs, ana the exhtblU being
tlgg ibr dlajdar in aortberti Uloblgan
aie otcepUonallr fine In ererr respect
Next week the Trl Townahlp fair, comgfWw Mar«cld. nte Lake and Para

I—Vasco dc Catua retimed
lH&-8tradama discovered by Jac}oeo Cartier.
was belt) at Al^


---------------- ,


avT The Ustory of past years has General of the U. 8. ITStdi. iom In
Died there. Aag;
^PVB that theaa atnall talft PUladelpMA
ligMBhIe auimcttoas and aerre a most 17H.
InumnA aa the
177—Bnrgoyne, havtag
■*te ot^t la to demonstrate the d«^ bridge of boals over the Hudson,
ptfopmeMTof tomfng and freK n\- crossed the Aver and ,

^alMOeat pWToae.

they' posaaaa.te^qgntted ralne the bol^U of Saratoga.
intpira177K—Beniamin Franhlln appointed

are respenaA>le for an
' dlBB to excel and

aboaU be

^teartr eaeenmgeaeat


given ed mlnliler to the court of Prance.
fair at


wad set on ,flre by

- m^ley

*»• * eurpriae to order of the Runlan governor, after
‘.|hl people Of Traveree City and else- the city had been entmwd by K^iolVkeee to thte «amtr.
The dl«laya eon and the ^neb anay.
.van well worthy the fatorable
18»-ThB Porte ackno*
aeau regarding -them, and ao aor-

idependenco of Greece In the treaty
naafnl was the «rat attemi-t that an- of Adrlanoplc.
«Oer (atr la to be glron ihU year on
1M7—American army under Gen­
a larger• acalA
Zamora and frwU eral Scott marched luto the Mexican



-•nogpnelee and tbe|r

experiment of

ynr 'hn eMoniaged

to do

haM this yaar.

ISIV-rllie rreodi ambaasador was
amlaaed from Waahlngtou.

Mrilfig the ealae to these three tamous Doralte. died at Cm
the bnlneae men of Rlngt- N. Y. Bom at Burliagtob. N. J.. SepL
haW^en the farnmM. fruit grow- 16. 1788.
ahpok nilaere most cordial en-





ju^ woi^g together, g^ Turkteh .(orcas landad. In
ig mach to dmproTo the Crimea.
of the tanu la that ■ecUn
Iggff—VateB lokea uader G<meral
HcClelUa ongaged toe COntedemies tsoe of the
ftlp.<ta he held at Suttoaa Bay.

187«—Hllwantee first euppllod with

ka teas aa annua] event la iae- water fram a .tunnel



eeiiV m which Trarpree City
ara ttremiy tatoreated.
eoBBty tea some of


]»1—Aev. Henry Coagrove conse­

the beat crated

fUmma CathoUc

la tha Mate and scores of pm- Davenport, la.
ra farmen and fruit



IWI—WlUlam . HrKIplm.


Oty can 40 mutdi to make fltlb Prealdeat ot the U. 8.. died ut
Bom at ANIies, O., January
r «m net only



28. 18<3.

■ ttay Ttalt these falra. but their
> wU lead a dsaerreJ




iaierasu of the Ooremor ot
lyc-New York city evacuated by
» er the cHy and country are


The peoI to Mexico.

a ot this cliy win be weU repaid If
f va *a»o« «b« or mere days at

OMOi. dlptomal aad presidential mn-


laee, died to Ogtetoorpe county. Geor-

^)ga»U tite mr to both becauaa lUr gU.

tea lair, wd this spirit

under an

levee at





188787—Celebratkio of toe c






ib<- aura and stripes Ao.rilng abvtc
tbe buildings e\rry



t to this section Is

.- to this Boctlon ever?'

Parace born.

tlC'Sof New Fraura


(be "Falber

If rag eroed and other nox-^ of tbe American Revolnllon." bora to

fitattea are altewad to thrive Boston. Died there Oct. 7. 18*3.
V this aeettea, the petite who
1822—Frnnchi Purkeum. author ntal
r ft^ rMtef will aoen seek other to- historian, bora In Boeton.

Dted Nov.

8. 1883.

TkadMand B^de Preaa luallxoa the

funeral will l>c held from the
In Hltn*-ood

1882—Tbe bonndar/ line- between

a eampalgB in XtetruH to


For MrsGuy
Held *unday.


I. Guv-Tompkins
moon, one of the largest funers
r held on the Peninsula. A lan..
_iher or Kiks from Traverse City
lodge, of which Mr. Tompkins U a
member, attended In a body. Kt-orcs
ot friends and acquaintances of Mrs
Tumpktus attended lu pay Ibeir last
Tbe Aoral tribntus were braniilui
beyoud descriptloiWTbe service weres
were to charge of Rev Leroy Warren,
and Intermeui -was In lh>- Ogdens
burg cemetery.


ten 8L

Loolw for San Frandseo.

atato law whidi ODamanda the emting
, at BbxOtea weeds in clUea and ak>ag

1882—Battle of AntleUm ended.

Alfred Bbyd became
Hoose. wbo was brought
_ Imdiugton Saturday by L'n1801—The body of the late Prcal- ha^fi der Sberil
nriff Cameron to aaawer to a
atftt Of ft, bat Any one who Is well deM MrKlntey Was retnev^ fVom Bafeterge of tergUry. decided to plead
aaMgh.aoqaaleled wfth a victim to fate to Watolngtoa. where ft lay la gnllty to Urteny today , and this aftI be
ws« token beforn Judge
slate' Ilte foltewtog day. •
ger. who senleocwd Uni to 86
dtatiMi win taka
days in the Detroit House of Coriwc11 ft la true, aa ao
The cem|>ostng sticks
aver, that tag weed U the chief
Reese.bad to bts po
el this Ulneee which spoils life part
of Saa
rraaeiaoo tiled by toe local p
wioatti bl^wayu.

Thoee not afflici


first iiremler of Maaiteba.

Od witbhay femr arc IncUnod to make

^Ibeyeerfor BO many, then rag weed
aad etheae Is tts plaae moat go. They
are a aainSw aayway.

They spiead ed States was drafted.

aver pardaea, vaoaat loU and hl^

IMI Dostoa oetehrated thenoaqS*ney maks unaighar ptecea Uuo ot raOruail Uaaa ranaocriag- Ibe

(dhmrtav wtiiU


has as lino


lb.- tVi!:.!.


Frwl Laiid oo lake er bay. We oely ctiaw •
comtniMioii wbcB we aesd * ctntoaier, w foe are free to an it
youncU it any time. Let Of slrow you oar Fnnt Tree poca.
FAIR OAKS NURSERY CO.. TfaventeCity. Mich.

1,1 G-,,:.-l

be altrartlre. teiy with caaada and the Onutt Lakes.

to lai


him wbea his preeeat

Mo has siio

•ceded ft. raislug toe v.-nicllc* viuii-li
ifv «<-arce in this locaJli.v by,toe use


Iw-E-ii aHi>w,-d^or
no defects against Miii; ilceavc.l lu said luiin
and will bring tbe hIgJicsi mark'd for cxniiiinailoii and edjiistuieni and
His orebard epusists of ten that all vredlliirs ol sai.l ilc-rcascd .ir^
lequlripreMvai il.cir <lain-s I'j
■eres aad the frees arc- well dcvelot>
the iirobsic ofliiv. in tl,'tsid vs,
ed- Among toe varletios that he has
of Traverse City, iti sal-' luuiiiy
to plenty are Tweuly Oum-e VIppto. on or before the Into -l-i' r.f Jan-jary
that s;-i'l ' laim* wiM
Iw bi-ard by raid court i,n vion-la' tor
Mann. I'anada U<sl. and lUth y Sweet
l6Ui day of Januaiy. -V I' I'-'12. at "-i.
Thla la wie of iho (aruis in this vl o'clock In the lor, ntvii
Uatitl SkpirtiilKT Tih. .\ l>. fll
clulty wbich wax bniigbi a few years
ago for a small prhc and is iniw
wortn many Utoussnds of dollars
sept ir I-. 2'! ft r.

IMS—First overland

Cox tif Kanl

inyoiie earvs to re,-


ta—ttea aad ptMtabea the follosring New York and New Jersey was . set­


A Orsadfui SigM



K. J


the tag weed. H a Died SepL 1. me.
r of hay fev«r:*aad iboua^k


of to tAmo oSte^pHttete per-

as retjulred

lu II. J. Itarnuln. of Frc-vtlle. N. Y .
Was tbe fever-sun- that had jdugued
bis life lor years lu s|nle ul many
Tbe program was ,-tuaod wiih a
retiicdies he tiled
At last be used
vocal duct by Mrs. Olio Kyselka and ifairklen's Aroi<-a Salve ani|
Mrs. Bert Gage
"It has entlr«-ly h,-ak-d with s,-arcelv
a sear left "
Meals Ifuriis. Boils. Kor.eina. ('ills, r.ruisi's. S»,-lIingx. Cornan-1 Piles liko inngie
<»nly Jf-i ;.t
all Trav,-nu- fil.v Drug Stores.

L One thing which inakce It ce-

r to aaeb laUef ftum that dread




, IdU-lxHiU XIV. 'of


« II,i|. of wii.ti-.- ::ppk-s lliis year :-n

weeds Yang.

dint certain noxknoi weeda.



“TuTb* s t

ot their dMrabUltr of Ihetr dc-



ly WltboMMa






WaUb appolut-

with the Japannse

tbc-lr sUicr,

Itlrhardreu has retnittc-l


1884—Cblooee lost K.OOO troops to

r lannera aad others owblw battle

Mrs. 8

bumc fiot
ivtfe-Qviatl. where si
sbi- bas leel


■-VMdi mndattaatton has been called in ^ arcfalbIstKH) of Toronto.
BB to the vmlne of conceryd


prob'levd suceesaful toertv.

nm eofliu neb

' gl tbd ertOwaniiiBi of the aute Uw tuiioo opeaed In mudelphla.
Blatwp John


Sqoaie Deal Andtewer

Hasi baa empbaslaed the Importance of tbe rigning of tbe Federal Consil-.



SiWe tor the failsre of tbl-. exbibilioo. | Uan JEUniiuts of Tni«er*c lit) s|»nl
aa they booked Ibe atira<-thin-in go*-! Isunday

1*82—Harper's Ferry was cdl^iued

;, ritetluoite tha deotractloa of noxloas


Manistac Cntmty Fair.
manner. giving sowcwb.vt
e su;<- Slid rame to tbe Ml________
bio with bis engioe iron, the aud tlsittog iwr ^usblri for soniO time
intv ^'Bir. beM at tiipekxaia. Nt<*„
detail what Ibe reserves are
d. 28. 27. 28. 28
-More fua tha*
Pted l-idwards. »u<
gauised lor. aud'what they have ac- to spite of the fart tbai his two u>e«byou can shake a stick st. All Mads
I he mai-hln.- visiting: ber siWf. Mrs.
Ibe abort' time that
of free sttodrtluns and fine aiftlWM;
He stated rcnatantD U totiW m,l be made
hSN rt-lunu-d
together wlto soBw good horse racUc.
I*otomac into Mrgtola. having been In
In rs.t It will be Ibe largert UUle
tbat there are gtrcanlutlons In 21
Maryland two weeks.
fair in ib<- sista.
8» com «nt and
iircscncc of several tltonrand |w-<-,,ltLew to Wells of U.rmley
1878—Daniel Drew, who made, and
have a gtmd lime.
■Ueiiiix at a start was made hut
«ltog ba> I
lost, millions In Wall street, died In
It. K. BBOD1& Sec) «ad Treaa.
niter bun.ptog over Ite Held f..r ul«to. , ^
JIM MrCriKK. Prem
New York city. Dorn in Carmel. N. V
Ge«u Supt^
federal gowmimwi. In this state
In 1787.
Reiieated aiiempls were made'
Kmc MctiiU has ixw-n suBtilug with Sept- 6-12 1>.
1890—DkMi Boucicaull. nol.-d arlor. there ire seven dlvtotons consisting
ith stodlar rewlts-. In all other rtc-.ti: atism ogato
died In -Sew York city. Horn in Dob- of two batoftlons and a membi-rshlp
CltUens Tc-leplwBe. Buteteg' KRhaftMn
9 nrvn.
The nttlonsl govera- re«i>ects the fair was a snceess. There
). Dee. S«. 182S.
Iternard Klrbsrdsou
fumUhes the
and were good borse races, both irulttog
It»3—Tbe imrl of Aberdeen
and running.
The Uveslock exhibits City s|ieiit Fuuday with lu. nmthoT.
sumed office as gotemur general of cqulpiueai. bealdc* funUabing wbslecirapUonany fine. The best frail Mrs 8. M Richardson
boau and rullera alto which to drill
exhibit was that ot the Western Mkhi
Von ujwD toe water. Tlu* suie allows a
gsn Devekniment bureau, whk-h mad.weeks annual cruise ou one of
Waldoraea. tstmmander In chief of the
lues- srp<H-t
B very fine display. Tbe local dUpUy
aintmllInternational lor^ to China, arrired
of fruit and farm iiroJucto were, very
ed by tin- stote During thU cruise
STATE OF NiCHKlAK. tbe Prateta
at Hoag Kong.
Taking It all to all. Ibe
ilte men arc allowed salwUtoncc and
Court tor tbo Connty of QnMi
fair shows a great Iniiirovement otcr
pay and the stun of fl.WH) is allowed
Ill tbe Hunter of (be estate of WillprcTlotts years of this organ
for nreiory reuinl.
im Wimantton. deceased.
Tbo management rouirartcd
Should tbe neresslly arise the
Nollie is hereby given tbU taor
series of airship flights si a
Mtos Martha tichnsider and Loon L.^ ahpes fould be called out lor
Urge cxirendiiure of
money, sad it
Drake Married Seturday.
live aervlce by the preWdeai. and the
goes without saying tbst they were
creditorv- to
ueceasliy of maintaining such a bo-Jy
.againal said deceased to saM cokrt
greatly dirappoimed
the tiiou
White Oond, Mich. Sept.
18for examlnatloa and adjustBeni. and
Tbe marriage of Miss Martha Schnei­ of men rtto rvadOy be seen while sands who attended tbe fair.
that ail credltora of taU iltshasd
der to U-on L. Drake, took place Sat toe natioiM continue to nrm
isre required to preaeni Uielr .rIaAms
urday aficruooo. Scpinnber lO,
equip tbetuselves for war as ibey
said court, at tbe probate ofllca.
4hree o'clock at Ibe. home of
doing at thtf present time. They
tor City of Traveree Oty In Bald
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
be necd(>d until a systeui of InternnSchneider of Lake Ann. Rev. C.
By tbe "Ka-oiar' matted 1 cu rw couhiy. ou or before Um Itb day o(
A D. 1812. and that aaU
tknial srUtratloii has been establish
Haraer of BenwmU. performed
oya those aching leetb ahaoluUly
laims will be beard fay aaM conn
ccremotiy In tbe prenenrt* of a few
wiihout i«ln. and wlibuut too uaa ot
1 bf'an ni;rv<-iociii of the nsUoiis.
m .Monday the «h day .of JaauaiT.
medUte relsllvee and friends.
drags 'M prodneo unoonsekrasnosa.
A ret-iinUon by Comrade •Butch"
at ten o-clock In tte toraPeoj4c of nervons tetewrament and
Xo»otiiy of tbe Spanisb War VotcrHonor. Sept. 16.—In
ith weak beans will IpiffecUto tte
■picmber 2nd. A D. 1911.
xa-oUr" motbod of paluless axtraemusician, wore a becoming gov
ahm one of the fralun-s
na waa a
court the jury brought to a verdict of
«am sailh and carried white a
be prtJgrt
not gnilty to toe case agalual Mr. and
Jadisof Prabale.
tie groom U a graduate of the M.
Mr*. I*. 11. Comm,, wbo were cliargcd 206-202 IMIhHm Block, with Dr. RoUa- Sept- 6-12 18 26.
1-' of IllC t
4'., now w-ell known as manager of
« .rtaple City creamery.
snrvivors of (ibi- garrison
After toe wedding luncheon,
Sumter wbc-n It was Orel fired apoii inse of clearing, and llH- fire spread,
bride and groom loft for a trip
by tbo sotf^ra b.-tticrics was on thi- setting lire nod burning i)( imi cxird>
to to eoutbeni
Michigan, al
M. S N. E. T1«E CA»a
At a tiesxkiB of aaU court. heU at
of wood on tbe property of the Ijikih ihey win bo al home to blsple plaiform-4)u] was vailed
le 'pc^baie office. In Ite City at
few renurks.
Sir. Jordan is iroiibl«-d SuiK-i lot Cbcmkal Co., nl »k RairidS.; i.v. Traverse City...
Hy. In
wlt^ bis hesrt and w.ys iiiisbie
Gladys Rk-hardson of Ueulali brought i
Hon. Fred
make any extended talk, merely s
Ju>tgii.a( Probate.
.valiiM Chsi'les Da»ly
of -Travt'rM
ing ibai be was ibore at the ti
matter ot tbe estate of Atex10:02. 4:M Tu I
and on gtigrd.
"Wben too brat abut City away from ibc jury, (or lack of
Penrh. doceased.
Whole Fire Department Called Out
was fired niy teir stood on end and
— Ingasmtll .bavtng filed lo mtld
ftubduc Flames Last NighL
cairt her poUtlou praylag .that a e«- •
I jumped as high as this tenu' bo
lair toeiromrat to writing porp—*—
toe aald. Mr. Jordan Is one of Ibe notabl-.advVblSbt
b<' the 'art will and t
brothers veterans and nas proved to
laimcb belwging to
H 111
ssid dccea*ed now on file |i
discovered on fire at her anchorgreat aitraciiou at tbe eamp during
court be mlmlited to probate e
near toe Weqnelong
footbridOak Park Faculty Went to East Bay
the admiulairailon
..................................of said
» be
the week.
____ someone polled box .So. IS. snpFriday Night. .
H. tenee
Jenee aad
A selection by the
poslng tost tbe-bUxe was of larger
proportlook. The d^ianuieot respond Quxm-tie. ami a reading
Friday evening the shore of
ed ut once
once rfjid
rfnd upon
ihclr arrival suiVera Alward w«-re well rccehed.
ordered, that the 29th day of
iht.v sns the sioue of a pli-anaiit soceededI in putting out tbe fire with
SeptcDllwr A. D. 1911. at ten o’clack
Tbe Iasi address on tin- progrurii
the hand
Ad chemical.
obemlcal. The boat waa cou< ial Ballierlug. u ben the t»ak l*ark
said probate otSea.
lu l1ir forenaoD.
bly damaged, the cabin being .was ghcii Iiy Knies; Sulcusky. who
Ihcir llrsl. outing -d
be and la
burned oB ah dtoe interior work ruin­ urged the lu-ityssay ol iuslllliag lli.A bouutilul
- Rre is ■
have .principles of pairlolisiii in ibi- niimls the year
caught from a spark on the muffler
served under the pines, one of the ■
notlc- thereof be given by poHItetloo
which caught In the wood of the boat and hearta of tbe Auu-rtvaji i>oopl-'. gcmieuieti hleh vchuol u-aehc.t, s<
copy of ihU order, for thraa ■■©after ft had been lied up ^at Us dock aiul the best means k>r so doing were
liig as chef, while th'e others roasted '
ive weeks prertew to saM dar of
lor toe iilgfat.
The boat-------,
boat had l>ecn
... mecliiigii of tills kind wUi-rv Ha- m<-ii
Itcsring. in
used during
evening and when
■Ing the
wbo have sei-i, aiiitc Ncnii-e <-omcHerald, a i«
. .
The .ml of l.r-vn gm-Ms wer<- tU. '
left by its owners no signs of lire
iiuckama J <i'n
cutotc-d In said niuaty.
togctlu-r to r^uiit their ev|>erk-n<-es.
MauiMtv ...............
•Misses Mffarcu niid .Soldo of
Mt ]
lie also <-o1tfmrtitvd iiiKiii (la- falluro
ree City 8:
Treittx arrive at Treveree
Judge of Probate.
of the st-liuols of lire country to keep

The Record-BaEle on aevoral


of Mr. and Miu. FYod Dalscll
srood township, jiassed away at their
Kansiis home Sonday morning,
ou Ibe nces of hut Irn ds>x. iwriloniiis being
Ibe cause.
Besides lii>

1864—First newapaper in

B can uut but be helpful printed

r tvHm eattre tutfon.


Tbe avtotur. Jack Mason, had inm

I of LnyoU eoUege M

the Grand Balllmoru.

was asked

In tbe city within the last few yesrs faith and
end be acquitted himself In s very fllchu.

Dorn to Vlrgtoto. Feb. 24. 1772.

d that many ot thdr ben exI wm be shown at


the day U|i to last evening. The luaaaxt- ♦,*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
sav UWI of Ibe fair wa* in no way rcs|un , Jxme l.ake, {Sepl It - .\lr and


ganlxaiionbthat bas come into Ih.-1ds

im—William H. Crawford, stetes-

ijm TrPTpwMSHp and Leelanau c«
«iaater Intsreat wiU be



«ae lownhalpa. nIU be held In Klnga- bany with the rblefs of tbo 8U
Also n«ct week the LeeUnao Uons.


A Tracy Uy. preaWsm
R. Floyd Clmoft. Vies f

A. J. Msynard. Cassim.
A. J. HsvIlsndL Assisttnt CwhUP,
Gee. S. Kllbeurao. AwL CaMiter. <’


UstM from bU voyage of dlaoovc

i'Z2~K congrm


[the airship nerar Jt.'t the ground

Enalgn Oterge H. Croas

Traverse Clt^
State Bank



something la regard to tbe ni-w (h--

tsMla osormn with weeda defHmeaUl

tiM t, imrai *• tMtcm rt

g|mn thus tar and those In prepara-

United mit-iA



torr orar the peata."
Whllo thla aectloB haa not yet be-

ORMai Ms fNk 3,100


Ibcosands liom tVdillae and
else- --------------—----------- ..
tom •
laaateg%te was snog by Miss Bus where were keenl> dtepiwinted »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦

to—Joasthaa Carver, who was the

foUowed «n-

•UtMtljr «oald moa'i an alUmaie rlc-



States ^ Spain.

tocta aeaaBO'e aeeds aov the crop for


Ms Note ta *lap Werii.
Whoa yow doctor erdors yon ..
■top ^rk ft Btaoers yon. *n cant'*
yon say.
Ton know yon are weak,
ras-down aad faUing to heelth. day
by day. bat you must srorh as long as
you ran stand.
Wbst yon need Is
Etectric Bitters to give tone, strengto.
‘Ur sysli i, to preve
at to Cad- aad rigor to
More than IM people went
j up.
ray towns I
be weak, aid
Inern Ins-'...-

im—ThoAteteraoa Uedicai cxdtege

*1t tbe *har fetwltaa' Uux»«|kcwt ibb




I u.

T»kra f»« anr T»e»potet tfcty bare






euliure. and


Foread to Let
Ever) year a large number of
sufferers, wboni' lunga
recked with tsiugbs. arre urged to go
to another cUmate
It this is (swtiy
and not always sure. There's a better
l.«l Dr. Ktog’s .Vcw lAscovcrt
cure you at borne.
"It cured me of
tong trenble."'writef W R. Nelson.
Cal&ulne. Ark.. "wbeD all else tall
and I: gaiued
galued 47 p
pounds In weight
lu Mrei:
1.V Ibe king «
all cough and
mTbouai ds owe
faith to It,
It s positively
for Oowgbs.
Grippe. Asthma. Croup—all
and Lung treublea,
:«c and ll-oo
Trial bottle !8r. ai'ali Traverse City


BALE —Tbbtx>nghbrad Berk
ahlrc Boar, one year old. addreaa EH. Allyn.- Beodoa. R. F. D. No. I st.
sentenra- All
'IDn aUUon.
Sept- 12-l9-2<*
•wBs tkai —
<to try W,
WANTED-Gtri tor ceneral
bonaework. Good waara. Small faralU.
Mrs. I- F. Ttiu*.
.Vug. 22-tf



Lake Sbore

Wash Day
Now is the time to prepare for win­
ter washing by equipping yourself with one
of our bench or tub wringers. They con­
tain tbe best rubber and material all tbe
way thru. A washing machine would save
much mbbing and keep the hands out of
the water part of tbe time. ^ ote line
of boilers and wash tubs.

Tickets Good 30 Day*,
gp^isl irslo leeve* Grepd Rapid*
niTys) a. m. Ten dsystoiop-over
u paHof 1Bob
»t CtevetoBd on retetu
C- 8
tnlo ilrkeu.
r DepartOeaerel Ageai
tueni. Grand KapMs. Mlib..
. —
wks of sept S. 12 19

Comer Fratit 1 Cat Stn-ctx



Our «t««

be clowd all day g|{
23, on account

of Jewidi New Year.




Department Store,




Traverse Gty

Keblar and Cleelew Alan Held J
Other* in C
Aaked to Ua«a AtUr


t! ♦ ti* • • • !


Ten to wiLtoN



Beverly. Uaat.
Taft tBtimtea that radical actkm tnar
be expected wbM be ukea up "a very
nnrh breeder queatlon which eeme to
Uclit In the loreaUsatlon of the bernau
■hemiatry by the roacmaional

•I*. U%i MU. *’o%, U.
Beverly, Uaaa. Beiw. 16,—Dr. Har
vey M’. Wiley wOl be reia'iaed at chief
■overBiMBt rbeaslat. Ur. U F. Kebipr.
IV chief dniwlBL end; W. P. Blselow,
ebomlal. will also remain in-abe aer
TbU wax the dedalon of
Taft, which look the form of.n letter
hddreaaed to Secreury of Agricaltore
WIlaoB thla me minx. The preaideDi
KieS. SepL lf.-P»w*er Btolypln acioochly atanda by Dr. Wiley, defend'
the 1-oundi Infllrtol Jn( him in the Roaby
Btuby Incident and
by .mmlti^
IpoiimmendlnK him falfhly for hit debt
anlnit tminire iooda. He further
► ♦V Blatea
that Dr. Wiley took no reeponalbimy open blmaelGbu tmerely
O . tOUTPIWUT LONG LAK^.:. 4 alb
according to
Bouthweat Lobi I,ake. SeiM. is.-.Tbe coDiroveriy bM been raglne for
Corn rottlBR la the order of the day weeks. Dr. Wiley was made tbe oi>lect of a blttfr attack becanae he em
In thla vicinity.
Dr. H. H. Rusby. an ex|»erl
Rdward A aralen look b trip to the
chemtol. to aaaht In the enforcement
Hanltcu laUnde Tuaeday.
of the pure food law. The opponenta
Mlaa Oladya Riley who haa bees at
Kdfewood a (renter part of the anm- of Wiley have brougbi much preasure
bear. It la aald, and the action of
mbr. retnmed home laat week.
Ur. and Mra. .Qeorse BUokfader Hie president baa been a' matter, of
much apenUatloa.
who hare bean vialtinc ivlaiivea here
It it rumored today that tome oElbare mtvmed to their borne la Qraod
lals of the department of aKricnllure
ire In disfavor with the aarainlptra,Weeley Waree and family have
tlen mndihat changes may follow.
moved into Jeai-ph Chasea home for
the winter.
■jdn. Nelson Pepper drove to Travcree City Thursday to meet her
daoBbter Miaa Mildred wbo waa in Remarkable eellectlen by Barry Coun­
from Neahttwaau fitr the day.
Who Haa a Summer Heme
CWAttfc oM ..>...^................. »c Mita Dorothy Oursa haa gone to ty Mn Near
Traveree City. '
laterlorheD whMW the hae a poaitlon
at teacher la a achool near there.
I.4e 8. OoMi. floumy aurreyor of
Mr. and Mn. Hold Dodd of c^r Barry eonaty. who hae a rammer home
Ran vldted-BaiMU; with Urn. Dodd'a at Bast Bay. la one of Ue moat dlatlnparama Mr. and Mrt. Wealey M’area gutobed jadtoa relic huatera In Michl
or Ihto plaee.
laa and firobably haa the finest collec­
Mr. and Mre. <*harlea Hartman tion In the imaaessiun oi uoy inivatc
who have been vlalilng their brother ■nuKiuusi.
Individual. .»ii.
Mr. i.ouu.
Cobb, wiiu
who i»
l» Mm
aiill neiv,
JoMph llArtmaa have jetumed t« brought i&sj'ke Rr4-ord-KaRle office
their home in Wauaeon, Ohio.
flve very small Indian arrow hcadK,
fecily formed pf film, (be whole
numbA of which conid be eoslly
ipoa o| one<ent piece. There
doubtleaa few of three arrow- head*
These were found
aonthera .Michigan by Mr. Cotib and
An arilrie la tbe Orand Rap
Ida Press, describing Mr. Cobb's etdlectfon. to worthy of reproduction and
to here given
In Barry county has a finer
GoUeettoo of Indian relics than (>uiity Surveyor 8. Cobb. .Mr. Cobli
bis resided In this county a long time
and during the last forty years he haa
been collecting arrow heads, stone
stones and cuppci
and Iron tmpleuienis used by the
U aMl>« loi *i
id Mon.
men before and after ihr mhiie men
‘nil RBW tfcBa SMe^ «»eciJy
came. The collectloa Is made up al
most entirely of Qndi In Barry coun
riady la tmh a««y waor-Mad e( only and to complete In variet.v.
Uad (or the *ew maeo—that k evsy
To enumerate the relics would be
waar^wed that hat Quality and nent in iu
hr bss TOO arrow headr..
a Urge number of atone
rioua sixes and a ttlll greeter ntimiter
of other Implenteois, which are con-

„5S&-SE“n^s ?S£?:


N*. 1IWM bMM...........



/ »

/' uvcrroeic .




uSjaUM^M. atMcS
0M G^y*


»'• ue te d ><• »t~ |M«

N«w Sulfa. $12 to $28
New Overcosfa, $10 to $30

Yw «a «he ootam la fad tnoh what yau waW fa
fa» fapfar. Nm paRerM ■ mn. faowna. curaaalicn ledi.
tMLP^Orvaaaadcfaeb. Rm made by third aiti-



(Noi .WI. A. V. Fridnd,:. Sh« s™.,)

Your Interest at Stake
u<wat!.Mt dbc

yw cMia .tt»hi a

kwiiiiii & ur co.'s "lEsr
Trya sack aao kc coaviscoC
for sale ky all Icalcrs.

piati '


leotlon of sea sheila, corals and
rtae oWer-ts, which token in their
(liwiy would make a good nucleus for
Rare Feetlet laclwGeA /
Among the roresl objects In the col
lection are eeveral pestles. One ot
these, found on Mr. Cobb'a farm It.
Rutland, welghi arven pounds. An
other, about a fool long and three Inch
e» In diameter and perfectly round
« as iound near Cedar Creek. He ha>a large number of atoae axes and also
three Iron tomahawks and an
fsahtoned ax.
The best of ttaeae lomahawka U evi­
dently of Preach manufacture, h
It made In the ronvenftonal pattern,
with a long thin IdEde, and a i>ii>e
bowl In the head. It waa iound aorthetat of Nashville Another It
cruda manulacture. has no pipe on the
top and a small eye for the handle, and
v.*aa evldeatiy intended for Inaerttoo
In a split atick. after the fashion of
(be atone axee. It was found on Mr
Cobb's farm in RnlUnd.
The heavy iron ax was fouad b>
Edward Green e( Aaayria.- When Mi
Green's father took np goveranteni
Uad (here waa ee It a angar bath in
which the Ibdtoaa had been making
j sugar for many year*. Tbe forest was
H-leared away, and yastfs afterward
‘Green found tbe ax while idowlag.
tr heavy; tH proiaortloaed. and
are atamped letters which may be dec'phered as -Heffmaa.'
One OI
of lac
the moat
tnoat vaioable
valoahle teiics
relics oi
tbe period wbca the ladlasa

tradlag with tbe wbtte new ia a pe­
culiar kind of hoc faosrn ea tbe
aquw boe." It
; with aa eye (m tbe
arked “CrpWley.' Tbto hoe
i. narM
M a (arm on (be Taafcee BpribgaTboraapple town line.
Tbe pipes In (be oaDeetlM are eery
Owe of tbawk made of
baked clay, waa tanod by XVastoa Hleta this city. AwMber. a tlay atowe
pipe oraameated on tbe bottma witb
parallel marks and carwbit of balding
half a tbimble fall of tobacoe. was
found by Hiram Card on aecUoa 31.
Another coae-ahaped pipe
waa discovered near Big Cedar lake
In a Held which bad been plowed naarly hmy years.
One of (he I
of tbe entire coUecUon to a pouery
Mtok about ten laebas ta dtameter. la
the middle of It Is a perfectly shaped
pipe, ornamented with carsiBg. while
lyUg by the aide of It U a well formed
pipe stem. What'wucb an object could
have been made for it la Cmpoaatble to
aay. ThU was found on tbe Yankee
Sprlngs-Tbornai>|ile town line and
obtained. from OharlM IMI




ceptoaai Dle»laya af FrWfa Gralna,
VepetaWae aM Other CreG
habie EaMbHs.

liCHanao county cane to the front
in great style al tbe Wast Mtobigan
State lair at Ctaad Rapids last sreefc.
J. LencooL who repnwenled Uui
county with a aanterou coOeettoa
made II entries, for which be re­
ceived IS premiums, nine of then drst
prtoes. and out of a paasibla 4W palBis
was ggS. Tbe
prnech to this splen<lld rpcord being
Kent county with SSk.
S’o ieu lotereaUn*. but more cam­
Mr. Ivemcool to one of tbe moat suc­
ion. ta a none adae which came from cessful and progressive farmers ia
a farm.^weet of Bartow toke. While'tonau county and has done nueb
John M’. Brlsga waa engaged In pull­ toward bringing that cwaiy to tbe
ing tiumpa iQ a Held he pullwi a ttnmp front in fhiit aad/egrlcuitural productwo feet la diameter. Wedged between tioa. sad tbere'are a large aamber of
tbe roots, deep dowo, waa thla adae. a other latereeted - (armera who have
heavy Implement of very hard etoae.
caatrlbined lo this development by
Tbe ceremonial atonea are cuHona. aclentlAr and progressive methods ol
and what they mere need for to a m>a- prod not ton.
icry' that never haa been solved. One
Tbe leul rash received la p
hem to a blrd^haped object carved by Mr Lemcool from bis exhibits al
from airl|ied eiafe. of which material tbe Went Michigan State tair was
lUt;:., The following Is Ihe colilmade. Another, a long black atoae. plrse Hat;
I«erfectly round, with holes In each
For Leelanau county's collection of
end, waa found near Beiry-vllle.
fruits, grains and vegetables, first pre­
[be Indiana here used eopi>er exten- mium. tTS.OO.
rket garden, first
aiveiy. Copper baa been found In
masaet In tbe glactol drift covering premium. gZu.oe.
Ftor best Burpee s|>erial exhibit, first
this lUkrt of the auie. Someone found
piece of pure copiier weigtaiOK l>re«lnm. I20.«».
For best dispUy of II earletles of
Ihirty-Ove iKHinda near Morgan
her at yean<'ago, and Mr. Cobb aUll 'l>oUtoea, first premium. S4.oe.
! Pnr
nne-h*lf bushel
hWAkel large
Um field
AelS beaa^
For one-half
has a piece of It.
first premium, H-Nt.
For best one-haU Bwabel aUaUe
seed, first premium. tl.M.
For beat colleeiiea of berhe. first
premium. gl-Ou.
For largest aqaatb. first premium.
For three citron, first premium.


Fbr beet single plate Bartlett peers,
first premlnm. fi.VO. ■
'Fbr display one variety of prat*third premium. 33.M.
For single peck of early potatoes.
third premium. M.Od.
For thiee muskmelc
For collectiun of
Predueta ai a Remedy (or Fre>
hibitory Frtcea of Nocesaltlea
, premium, Tfrt-.
of 8ubai«ance.
For largest single cumnilnw. sesvind
premium. Tie.
Vienna. Sept. 18.—Troops are paFor three single pecks of late |iotatrollag the streets here today and the
gotcrnmnii has announced Its inten­ es. sixth, seventh and l*nth pretions of declaring manlaJ law. tu niinma. $1.00 earh.
prevent a reacrureoce of yesterday's
This' excellent showing under the
rtoiing. when six were killed and rno -luirgc of Mr. l.eniro9l for Iweetonau
wounded In ftuciblc protest of the county bears
people agalnat the high rosl of living.
been constantly made that Lee­
Boclallat meetings are forbidden.
Yeaierday fifty thonaand marched on lanau county is one section of (be
parllsment bimI w-ece fired at by richest fruit ami agrlculiurul region' Ir
iroopt. The situation It rrltlral.
Michigan, firand Traverse muniy
Vienna. Sept. Ih.-A crlilcal sltua.
neighbor, li
on har arisen In1 Vienna
owing prl- l/eelansu's
equally productive. Tile bonnrs won
arlly u
es of I
by l.,eelanBU county tn Ornnil Raptds
SaturdS) and mai
reflect cre<lli ufion the entire Grand
led or woup^
thp mobs which had «eecled‘*^rrl
cadis tn the stretis, There waa
fierce exchange uf butlela and
avldlera s-ere in-Ilrd with all wrta or
Folios ing a huge SoclaUat demnnfiasuia Sy Fern>«<
atratioii outside tbe Rath bouse, held
(or Ihe purpose of proteatlag against
tbe high price of food. It became
Beattie, Wash., Sept
necessary' >0 call out troops to diaperie the mob In tbe early claabei daue^ lienba Meddeu. Oeklna and
SO of the rioters were hurt and ItWi Cora Walters Scudder were hostesses
a Traverse I'm- pimic. given
Beki 1 IIU Beattie.
Fifty thousand [htmidb were presibe demouatratiop and fiery
luncbesii was aened
speeches were made, deoiandlng that
the government permit ihe liuporia- luduors The dining room waa clear
tion of foreign meat and take other ed nC all forniiure. and decorated
measures lo remedy the rondltlona with grertio and fioseis In a charm
which bate resulted from the pro- ing out door effect
Th» bounilful luncheon ronilated
hlbllorv Increase in ibe price of (nod
of aandwfebes. rolls, cpid meals, jel­
ly. potaio and salmon' salad, baked
beans, olives, pickles, tomsto jelir
cookies. < ake-. fruit taiad. peaches,
grapes, saierinelon, candy and lemon­
ade So mile impresaioii sa- made
on It ai noon, that a second repait
was served a( five o'clock.
The afternnen saa spent on needle­
work ur looking over a colieclloti uf
Had Small Chanea In
viess of Traverse tliy and aurroundTaken From tnt
log resorts, broughi back ibis sum­
mer l<> one of the gnesu
li waa
toted 10 make the event an annual
Traverse rii> plmic, lo be held Ir
lug BtX
July or Auauai.
the IT .
Those present were Mrs Hoxsie
iky. wht
Clara Hoxsie Oemerl and
caught 111 tbe aior
t'odmau fi McGregor Co.
Richards Walsh and son*. Mrs.
McGregor had come to tbe i
»n>. Mrs Tollen, Mrs Ethel Hope
about this lime to get a lantern, a
Horton. Mrs Julia Backus Etchi
hearing a noiae in ibe
room, Mr* Eidiwd. Mrs Grwea Bldrad Cox,
:k nx
bougbi hit dog.' sbn had folios ed Misses riov and Klliie Walah. Miss
Mary Bld-ed Mr* 8ro.idder sud cbtld
Bekins and son*
He bad 1
about te In small change to hu pock j
eta. which he b^d lakeu fr^ tbe |
ra>h reg^ter. and a cigar wheel, j
also seme tobacco. Tbe boy ■
that be entered tbe store Satui






'«v-, Mrt. Carolina Aaaorge. wife of Win
eotcred and email Idelln Anaorge. paaaed away at ihetr
taken, but It waa never j borne near ttototi at T 50 o clock Sunfound ou; who did it Tbe boy ad-{day evening
Sbe has been HI (or
mlu having broken taui the ■tore,some ilaye with pneumonia
•everal nmea before, and also aays, Mrs. Anaorae saa an early teiiier in
be entered the scboelbeuse Saturday,the Orand Traverse region, and haa
valae taken. Ur. MrGregor took t
Jail and bad him arrested c
rge ^
of bnrt\»r^.
lo tbe Circuit coon.



The Splendid Display of
Ladies’ Suits

Just to Remind You That

Coafa, DreMot and other FaU and Wlote?' Ap*
Now Showing at




BaceiG In point ^ variety and
beauty of deelgo tbe oiany pretty
display* of past seasons
No Wonder



■re “all tbe rafo." An laepccUon of
our line sllll explain It.
The same high standatg
of values at the same

Suits, $13.50, $13.50, $15,
I $16.50, $18, $19.50,
I $33.50 up to $40
■ In Coronatione New Navy.
I ^.^^rfmns, Qr^ and popu-'
I far Bnglli
ngllsh Mixtures.


Coats, $10, $13, $13.50, $16.50, $18,

I $t0-56.
■ and upward. All the latest plain and rbIs■ ture cloths* plushes and fabriewfars.

Dresses, $7.50 to $35
Cloth Dreuee that are a revalatloo to yea
Inetyle and Eoodneee, at $10 to $t6.$0.

Opposite HoUl Whiting

Msslcans Will J

sill be made at tbe Mlchtgan state
fair at Detroit ll U (be IDlenttoB of
me bureau to snake the exhibit at Of
troll one of tbe Isrgeel and boot »*»■
baa ever been Shown from own oociliii. and seteral hundred buaheto of '
fruii win be used In the display.

dred aod
will petition congress to postpone the
fiemetim* Friday nt^ht the hualMaa
coming electlOD. becauaetof tbe dlsinrbed state of tbe country
They plaie of David H. Muin>by. al the
aay (be unrest will cause all elections louih end of f'aaa streM brWsa was
to be Illegal
enieted and several doliari w«fib «f
cigars and tobacco taken
The «ursuder i-nter«d t<< tireaking a paM iM
glass out of (be window located la
(be aiBirsrav and uiihooklag tbe
door wbk-b was fastened with a tu­
ple lo<-k.


ered S4 miles in > minutes today
He ws* forced ’o allgtil here on sr
<-<Kini ..f engine trouble.

here the funeral waa held Hoadty
ooi the that place
Jdro Mary RtoRaed has racairafi a
sweet i>otato from bev i
Claresre. In I'otombus. Mlaa.. Wtlek
G weighs
pounds and to t«H lacbdd
G G-G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G long
Fpdek Riakey and Setkah fiuttet
were united in marriage at the Bap [rower, made Cbla eectloa of tlw ntau
tbe West Htohi^a fair at
Hat paraonage by Rev W. O. Btova!l Oraad Rapids.tost
iweek with hto dtf
Thursday afternoon They will make play of fralts aito gralaa. Ha ea»their home on Itoke Avenue, this .ored first prlia for his exhibit, tha


The exhibit of the Nenhacti Miehe
gan Devetopatent bureau at tbe Cadniac fair was packad up yamerday
be bald from tbe churchI at ftotoa
iralng at 10 o'ctolrk and shipped to Grand Rapkto where It
la (he Selod cemete^ was meivad with tbe exhibit that

raaiern Michigan. ThU iaetafiad oUteen counties, all of whlck had MbIG.
its on the grooada, and the fact itet
he woe over all of Usaa proves p •roM
victory for the fralt and piwdMia
raisod in Grand Traverse eonaty.


>AOS 4.

1U> tb* oaJr
Ua aatfhbeAoad «ar« Ua OaU
varM. who to4 iMt km umur
kMtaa kr tka Fl>« Natlow Md lorw
kite • trooXT bx «hleb tkar tab
»l|iad W ba callad wowatt.

Ortfirvat Hama of Hanay Baa.
Tka coatBOB rartat7 of baa. kopka
M Iba koaar-baa. U iboutht hr ^Bona
kick BOtboFlilaa lo bote had IM orU SUPERINTENDENTS READY TO
iMl boflw BBioac tha ■poda and
a of aaniml Kuropa./,
'armera and Sualnata Wan Taking
VTATK or MICHKiAN. iha Probalr
Oraat Intaratt in tha EnUrpriae
z' Co«rt for Iha Cooniy of Oraad
and are Ce-operatlng ta Make
It p Oratt Sueeaaa.
Ai a^'BMitoa of BBid a»n. bald ai
Ika prabcta offli*. Jn Iba nty ol
If united'eSurt. entbualanm and In^'TYaierw* i'Hy. In aald <t«0Dlj-. on tha ereal la all itial i> rcqulrid tu make
mb. da>--or Aapienibar. A. D. till.
he Orand Traverae Realon fair next
PrvM'm: Hon. rn>d R. Walkar. reek the blmtml «iu.-ea« ol auy pre
Judf« of Pfobata
loua effort of that kind tu tbli reIn tha naUiir of Iba aauta of .ton. Ill aiH-ceaa la alr«-ady aaaurerf.
Chioltna A. Tmat. datauad.
There wai a meetlnf of offlrpri, dlfC. r Mbbb havinc fllad la .ABid rectora and auperlnieodeDta In the
(wm bli padtMn praylnc lhal ~lald partora of (he Hoiol WhlitnE thU
man adjudiraia and detannloa who moralni and It aaa the larseat satb««ra «i lha ilma of har daaib ihr erlnji for bualneaa y.-i held Id cobla^ halra or nald dac-aaaad and an- nartlon with the entrrprUe. Tbe
I lobaHI tha real aauta of farmera of the. aurroundlnf muntry
and bufineaa men of-the city are
Elvina tbe moirt rordlal lupport to
the affloeri and rommliteea and the
nierett manlfeaied ludloatea that
IM Md U barab)- appolniad for bear- .bla
expoililon la to be not only
Inc nald paildon.
or the Grand Tra»era« refloa.
h ia funtaar ordarad. that pnbUc worthy
but a credit to the offlctala and com
Dotlea tbartof ba cltan b> puhUca Bilueea In ebarae. The commltteet
tioo of a copy ol thia order for ibraa are aupportlna the offlciaU with con
MKOBaalva «a«ka prat Iona (o aald mendable enerfy and ever)-pne aeenia
Bar of haarlBC- <n the Grand Trav- to do hU Bbare to make
WW Herald, a hawapapar pHniad and the fair tbe blEBcat atww tn fniU and
^rcBlaiad In aald county.
furm products and merchandise artirR*D » WAIJ05R.
>s ever shonn In thia loralliy.
Judfa of Probaie.
At this raumlns's tneeilnE. the ^
BapL l»-2« Oct. a.
Ulla or the nunit-rou* art'anEem^
were dlacuaaed and eterv irfMlal.
commlttMiman and supetintendeat l>
>un for Ika flouaty
prepared to loot after bia \pantrhUr
porticn of the work counl , in Tho
whole acheme of aucreaatul
. Farmers ihrouahout tba reflou
NoUeo to harabmivan - thal four
preparInE to not only attend, but
iMDttis from ibe Mb day of Sapiamaa of them will contribute cxRCf, A O. I»n.*baya baaii allowed hiblla that will du much toward adior cradliora to praaani tbalr rlalma lertisInE tbe advantaaea of the Grand
aiiatBBt aald.dacaaaad to aald court Traverae rcElon. while the buaineai
for oaaiMnattoi and adjuatmani. and men of tba city are beaiilly in symthat all croditora of aald dc<oaiad arc ptthy wUh lha propoallloii.
mnlrad to oikaant tbdc rlatm* to
There ia room for all the enerpy
I tba probate offlt'c. In
uid <
iBl ran be pm forth and there will
tha C


of cooperation. Iha fair UOa
•to beard by aald
yapr 'will be a blE surreaa If the
ffrd day
of January, weather does not interfere.
TtMBday. tba »8rd
tan oVlock In tba foreA n. iwr
~-Miod. Sept, taib, A. D. <l»n.
’ •
Jodec of Probate,
•apt. IMI Occ *-10.


U the matter of tUa aataU of BRITISH pLEET ORDERED READY
OUrar laudia. Jr, dacaaaad.
NotW If batvby Klven tbal tour
sontka from the ifib day of Septantv. A O. l»ll. hare been alloaad
fcr ciodltora to praaant tbalr dalnu
••■teat aald decaaaad lo aald roun
m nmiBliidiloB^ adjMumt. and
^ iSc^HoM Of aald dacaaaed are
liivred to preaem their clalrea ‘to
•CM Ann. at tba probate ofnea. In
thb Oily of Traveni City. In aald War Sesea Made Mara Intanaa by Or^■VA «0 or tofora the fOlh day of
Sara Qlvan Fighting Farcaa
JaBury. A U. 1»I2. and that aald
-Hlwt Unia Nawa to
win be bMrd by aald court on
ivnday the «0th day of January. A.
B.. 1*11. ai tan o'clock in the' forenoon.
London. Sam. It.—Blanllng mllitary
•nd Bbval activity, evldantly pccaJuSie of PrebaU. alenad by tha Moroccan war acar*. de­
•apt. 1»-l< Oct. MO.
veloped today. Orden were laaued to ib« ranimand^ in-ATE or MICHIOAN. Iba Probaia
Court for Uia t'oaao ol (Iraod •r of fhe home fleet to keep ateam ni>
ceaalanily. which la belleve<l to mean
that the Drlllab payent'ufix Intendi
Joaapb M. Hoaker. daraaaad.
to send Ihnae ahlpa «o the African
Nailoa U bartby ilran (bal
• lllh d
coast if lha atiiiaiinn srowa any gwre
The army headi were Inalrurted to
lay In atorea sbd ammunition ao i
..r euninatloB and adjuaini—..
that all rtodliora of aald dacaaaed
nqutrad to preaent tbeli rUlm
mM cMH. at tba probata office.
ews was aufflffrleni to a'tlr army
and navy clrclea to the frealeat exJintfy, A. D. If1>. and that nUd cUament lotlay. The altuaiton la Juai
.sfiaa will b» baard by aald court
uncertain aa II baa been for weeks,
•r Hobday, tba MnH day of January.
but feallns runs higher and higher
A_p. IflS. kt loh o'riock ID tba fOreeach day. Aa la parfeetly naturel. It
sna|<ecied on evary hand that the
war office la In poaaaaalon pf...aenaa
.jBdpa of Probaie (tonal iBformitlon: (he evident aml.-l
•apt- 1»4I On. MO.
iuu’ton-of aclion tor both army and
■TATI or UICKiaAK. Iba Probaie navy has atransthened ihia ■uaplriou
OMn lor the Coowy of Orand
la Iba matlar of tba MUle of RdwtN Oat. dacMaod.
Noik« I* hereby firan that four
■ObOu from lha lllh day ol A
Sar. A. I). l«li. bate bean al
lor citoliora to pnoent ibeir riaima
awlPM aald daabaaad to aald n
for alamlnailon end adjuaimani.
that all eraditpia ol aald daceaaad
rafttred loz-preaent fbvir dalnu
oaU ooun. at the pmbaie offlc-e,
tbe City of Traverae t'lty. In aald
•oaaiy. on or before Ibr 2tib di
.^^r;^A. D. i«l|. and that

luwy mm

to hove



•day III
A D. IIflt. at tea o'rle^ In the fore1

tlaied. Bapt. Htb. A. D itil,
Jbdte of Probate
ton. 1M< Oct. MO.

....................___________ .. Orand
In tba matter of tba eauta of Jacob
■ObarlBA decaaaid.
■ Notice !• hereby givaa thal four
iMatba from the Uib day ofReptem
•Ltof. A. n. 1»U. bare bean alloired
Uor creditora to praaaaL tbalr clalma
'••tlaat aald dacaaaed to aald court
•aamtoatlon and adjuatment. and
[ all credUora of aald di
laaU ooan.
City of Trararae City. In aald
on or -before tbe »nd day of
A. t). 1»ll. and that eald
rin be beard b) aald eewt on
tba nod day of Jaanary. ..
at UB o'clodt in tba fore
1. Sept. Ittb. A. n. 1»n.
Judte of Probate
. IPSStOrt. MO.

riaad'B ulece. wlllaccompan) Ibeoi
ABd spend a tr* data In Medina be­
fore reiuralng to ^bool in Sew York
Arthur WaK. who haa been in CaieSPECTER OP WAR CAUSESOREAT mdo for the laat three yesra, la In
Traverwe City lor a vlali of some
Climax m Noroecan Situalian E
Frank Bauman left thia aftarn’oen
pactad Today. Upan Arrival at
for Olivet, where be will aTleml tvl■ it Ljcd to Tnreiiig the Careen^;
Franea'a Reply.
lege Ibis year
ot Two PeraoDt Into s
Mra. William DaNen and aon. True,
Berlin. Bept. 14.—Tbe German
Single ChsADcL
foreiah ofSce fa auioualy waltlna
the t'Hmax of (ha PranceOrman diffl- tol*.
Mias Jataphina Crater returned laM ;
. which will be reached upon (he
arrival of the French courier, du.- night from a h>i*inea> tnj- lo tiiaiul' • CopyrtEht ba Ainrrlran Preaa A*a<
today, with Prancea reply to Rapldr
Julia Surd, who haa bean apandmg
Germany's Nororean demanda Rualthe liSBl frw iiionihr on .'..c|..r Gliii
Letter earriera art- proverhlnitv rare
fiult farm, leave* lor lirBii.i Uui-idr.
•Bl decline <■! price* i
laaa iu leaving mail at the wrci.g ad ialle<l there liv illnea*.
ar aperter;
,dre«i. or. rather. liarUtg ao umi.y 1c
Miaa Edna Shelly who U teaching
Icare. It la a wooder Ihry don't make
qiore mlatakee Ibau they do. Cardea*
oeaa In tba writer haa perhaps luurv to
Si*?*' .l!
do «lih Mllera being delivered to the
(From Thurt.lay » HeconM-^El'’ >
wrong [wraos lb.-iD either uf these
I causes.
One day a letter addrt-xaod :ti a femargie leavat tanighi
apendiDE arvera! weeks in the city. ^or**^i<*'
■ iln- iitilllr - Inloa band was l.-fi by the carrier for
idi-a* and iDv 1 u|.eued It e».1 rcuti It. It was
Mlaa Levina Lawrle
or Olivet |oiK-ninEa. aec i
very abort
today o reaumt- h
. ItlE Store
[ T»n f. m Tl
’tovnlaie- Vu
I. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Finch. JJO W»at*,,„ ,*
W .» <..-r Irl
and Mra. N. R. Sehulta, of Laka\,„,|, ,,reci i.-ti for fhuago vcai.-r ‘'.*ou ^
Oil), returned home ibis nKiniine.'day. where ibry will
I Opened my ayec very wide sod gave
.pending a duy ui ih^G. A. *•-1
a' low whivtic. IVDo could It iw »Uu
was iiiakliig an ai.|M>luiu.i-i.l ulili lue!
Wcai ■ '**'
Mra. John Creillek left far
Thei. 1 loukml ^vniu at the ndJr<.m.
>«n this morninE. where abe will mH<
i^plf* f... ^ «• api.U- allow Ibui ‘My name U ('rancls II Usnliall. ouJ
(iian.l iUpIda lu.ihr aui>er*rrlp!l«i. apmared to be F
vUil relaUvea for a few d'uya.
II yurklinll. bill >t li.iiil.l l.nre l-et-.i F.
Mr. and Mra. A W. Munaon left f«i
Ciaranaa Salta.
ibelr home in Bell Plain. Iowa, thia
when h*^' \i>* TV"'"®'-''L*
r.-Jl*.o-d 'h;a
morning, after upendinE ae\ eral » eek» I lege aa i
bcud chHnlal uf the de
claudeellncly, l-ut oiuld tix upon
Tbev were realdenis oflpoaiiiau
Im-Tuu. prcvluil* to hi. .«K>cnc Wbnt should 1 tin In tlie iii;.l'xelopmei
Traverae t'lty thirtyinepuriuie.
- * Should I■ rvluru
...uiu the
...v lUe
Mra E.
Lyon of CenUrviiie. re-. mi„ Adoiatfle Johnson of 4« Weot poMtoai.? Sl.K-e I had mn-t-.-.! Ii. tliot
urned home today.
loday htUng spent an -1 Eleventh atreel. Traxww t^liy. who wuuld not do at sU Ib-slJt-s. I nns
............... the leilt-r «....................
-ral weeks Hi the Vlt);
Isboold 1 keep the i.imI
Mra. L. N. Saeflald t
paai M-si.
Ipooalbly riok lomidlng u|k»ii il.t-se- ret
uime In JackaoD. Mich.. io<la>.
j.epted ihr poali
<>( aaalriat
of other*’ J Ilually de*ide<l to meet
al the rcnii\
Mra. J. A. Millar af NebllL Penn^rrYaliilnE
Ing leather
. Liura and. If I was not ibe person
left for her home Ibla morning, bal.jitei iBl at Jit Mleaaaiil. Mi.l
I she desired lo meet, bund lu-r her letof Grand Rap.
Ing spent the aummer lu ihia city. I
,ier, that the might know It lut'd U-en
W. A. Moore of Cedillac. was Ir. tha ' Irtcnd.
ty on bualneaa yesierda)
Miaa AIkc Wood left Sat« irday n
' Since there was hut one r.nninlii In
Mra. A. E. Finney loaves tonight for
.town, and that In the center of an
Topeka to Join Mr. Finney, who haa
' o|ieu square. I was ni.l In iloiilit
been there lor some time. They w ill
Ihe iiiace dolgtisted (or the mi­
Tha Panama Hat.
lt nas a public |ilnce. nhere strnngers
make ibeir home there.
A pepitlar oi-n.t-u.mi .>; fi Ijiiul.a migbt meet w lihoutylK-lng e*i<ta
Mra. Choriaa Vltochar and Mitt
cliflTfaratwl it. N.« Yon. i-l.l a i-una noticed loiura had eUdenlly u
Hark, who bate been vlaltlng friends lua hat aiory.
sei-n me imr 1 Ijiiira. else we w
In ibu city returned U> their *bomra
"A young clerk out my way." hr not have to wear some mark h> which
In Springfield. O.. Ihia morning
aald. "gnM- hU girl a pr.neut of o to be known lo each other.
Mr. and Mra. Clartnea L. Orallkk yuioaoin biat year Th.-u tbe duy |.e
When tlio clock In a clrarrh tower
fora the Kuncii. h<- got a couple
Grand Hapida last ev.-i.lng t
bear liy the park struck lU I entered
compllnieMorica for a |<lci»c. cluultakr the i«rk carryluc a i\>*e In uiy hi
-lali ihe fair.
Mr.-and Mrs. John Soyd and Mra. and corn roO.i down ilu- liter, and he and. apiiroacliiiu; the feuntnln. si
William lAiranger of Elk ItapMe ar­ wired the gfri;
leaning upon tbe biisln looking at
‘“Meet me at pier irt tomoirow (iiiy warelet* made i-y (lie w;
rived In the city last, nlg'ht lit Mr.
njornlng.«f T. ri-'nlr nrti.g i.auiiuui
down itimii It. I liad wn
Bgyd'i automobllo. They left loduy
"Tbe next tuoni
lor Grobd'Rapida to visit the fair. pier IS dr.-omli.g
of lOV,-. ID I
ndrancliig with some vi
They will make the entire trip in the agtniug a tong
da. Cf billing
I 111 her |k-:i. It oro-iimil tn roe
hi* girl Bilvan.-lngi
-lie was liun-e-ely n 'lilHi.......... llcw.,.|„.,,i ihi- roighl Iii«|>e.( me. U-i'o
Mra.‘ William Oatlon of Ltland.>ul l-e uhle lo liisiieci her nod did
rived tbday abd li a guest at tbe borne terribly annoyed, and‘ • the boat. i» •hould
hot doubt that she nod got a vie
of Mr. abd Mra. C. O. ilan-er ol 6i:-- soon at be uould get
me w hile I waa* siaudliig under the
Siale i|Ucei.
•••Wbat did yon want to bring tbe lighted fooiilBlu. As abe npproacbed
Spaul^ FriodHeh left (or Balti­ old folki forV
1 ailvanetd lu meet Iter, lifting my
more. Maryland this mnrning, ^wheie
hy. Will, yon lolii roe to.' abe
he will attend the Tome Prepurtioi v I
. till- tele
School, this winter.
[gmm. wbi-l. the oiw-riiid made lu
iProm Fridays RrcordtCaglal
" Bring |ut faii.l mu ' "
A largo numtor of po«plc who ot-1
irnde.l the G A. R rn.-ainpmrnt here
WhiatUr Btfere Whiatlsr.
returned home loda>. Amung them
f illowlng : liBi i-iil
Mortimer Meii|H'*
wer* Mr. ahd Mra, W
in lit Btury of IVlilsCcr. nln- »:>*
if At I an addiv** oue iln,« t- Ihe f
Ooniial Uke. Williai
woo-1. George Humeiion of Helhiiro. .......... . Ar............ The
wmiaro lonwr of feniral Uke. J II
ffuHle..!} .......... ..


laeuaaed IntaHlgant Farming and Eellavfd Eaptnat af *rhat Otpartmant Shauid Ineraaaa -Saaauaa at lu Value.
Syraruae. N. Y.. Sept 111—A learne-l
didactic eaaay on agriculture In the
l«ai. preeent and future, by Preatdei
Taft, dlaappolated thouaamla of ce
tral New Yorkera who vlalied the
aiat» fair today, hoplas to heai
prealdeni diccuaa political oaemhma.
one poIHlcal problem was touched
except lor a brief aldellEbt refere to “mistakes that have been
made In tba department of asricul
lure." There la aecessliy for Intellh
geni (armlod. the president aald.
1^'hlla he toileted In Envcramental
ecobomy. he bellrvetl tbe expensM of
the depanemnt of
locraese. and ought to. He pleuded lor


A Trifling



u.., J.... o--..-'I

1 Uio world 111 general He |«it’karlevolx, Mrs. Gciirge Sewanl of | *4,^ -#Mpry Mmirlug the «
ncllalre. Mra J. VI Aiken of rhaile j members, mid uii
Mrs. Robert Hobaon of Acme. | pinure. AiTd there
tiru-eu uluiiles, regardhig H with n
Mtw Mary Kuoarl of-Klk Haplds. MviD Grody of WlUlamaburs. A. J saiUiled expretalun. tip|iplng unw
bm-kwanl. now forwurd. i-nntlng hi*
Drake of Central luike.
Meo. Anna Arnold af 10H Stata bead Bbd dukling the tiirf ire ..f the
glSM Wllb a silk |sK-krl l.siidken-lilef
■ireei went tn rharievoit Usla). ai \Ve watched him oik-ii luoiUlie-t Kml
hy her daughisr, and son dculy he lunW rmiml. I■■•ulued ui-hi
will i-mei PharleMilx IHkIi OB and uttered but luo e.ird*
■Itravo. Jlroni>"-ib.-ii i...k uiy skw
Mra. 0. A. Freaman want to Cantral and hurtlwl me out of the gai.i-ry.
lAke today to siviid srx-isl •lay* siiti Ulklug volubly the »Idle "
King's Quaar Petsant Far a Ovsen.
Ed Suttar a^ Cik Raplda aaaatd
In all iin-lieblllty ilie king -f D,tu>
through the cll.i- loilay on his may
mey's preseol of i-li-e* l•l>cl l-.lti '
from Grand Haplds. wheie he atlriide.l
never rrm bt*l Hu. kiuglinni i- .iiuv Oii
(he Weal Mlehlgan Htaie lair
one ••x'ashib. however, k/ii.-.-u Vi.ioiia
Mra. William Trudt, of SaMingham. had publicly to a.-n-l a gin
'ash., relurnr-l home yesterdiy. hav aa cmliurrwsaiiig 3 imture Ti.i* uu*
Ing aiwnt the aunnnrr In th<
In Iboil when ih* Ling i-f FiniTi sent a
Frank Willard, of Portland. Ora., laft' mlislon to CoEisml on I* luc iire«<-nt
for Mb home tMs morninE
I «l '«> H** tinren wi,., tv.-ru.-d them
Mra. Jamas Matoy and Mra. Mauda |
«<'«G'‘k‘ l‘-r
Kehoe arrived from Grand Rs|dds last I
ci.toj. .ru«i«-d tbnlghi with the.body of Gleli sister j «!'**’»*.'f •‘‘‘f mnJi-«iy V fe«t on the.r
I habdi BUd knees rml 'hen each ilrrw a
.Msa, Emory Moody. «liraaeut from the f- iu of ii-f i.d^Gaarga Ratortton and •dughteea. J
flrtt elOe.t
in the .|ue..n'Jessie and Mabel. Went lo radllla.'l
wasfa siinr ►p'.fio:.u.-ls-Bd«i'
this memlnE to diieml th
Oran Sayra and Lloyd Clavaland lari j
Slagaaeach af thi Tivantiaa.
(or Grand IU|.U> this niornins 1-1!
i|iaB<l a few dt)s j Brooks Rowmiiii .-..uimo. . e.l r.n.nlns
Harold and Oarllhy Grant laft far D tiourl.v *Ug.-...s. h l«-twet-D llo*li-n
□d lU'Xbury on Usr.-I. 1. Dc>: He
t'adlllar this roonilng to attend the| left tbe town bouse on lloxi urv hi:
fair and see the aeroplane flight
, every da.r in the week excei.t the Sab
Miaa Canruda Taylor laft for Oa-|
,t 8. 10. 1/. J. « and C ... o.k ot.d
oil thia iBomlDg. where she will at-1 reluming, aiaru-d from the oUl K-mtli
lend the Thomas Normal Training: cbnrch at P. 11. S. S ami T ocl-zck
school this winter.
j Tba fare was IS's ernt* rn. h way.
Miaa Chariena lagrig left this mom-'
Ing (or Rellalre. where ahr win be the
Hsr 6eod Advice,
leader on a oom ert program slyen by I They tod Iwvn .vurtli.g f-r enl.v
wi.eo bl a* spokthe W C T r.
me lesi
"I tUliik you ougli'er g'
and Mra. R. Naah left for tha<
raa ktkO. 8arr yon kii-w; It's fa
ter KYgive than rc-et'e '
"You dctTl say V enl.l t^nry ■Tlien It seems to roc some
I Prom Saturday 's Rcoord-Eagle )
Chariaa and Ralland Harp«( raturw. ougbter pracli-e wion they pn-aed Ihia mertilng to Pittsburg. Pa . aft
er Bjiendlng two weeks wtih E J Tay i
lur and (amilj .
' */UV milV t.11. .. »• IVO.U, O. >
Mea. C. J. Knaaland and Mra. Harry cr bow another little girl wa» dress«*l
And would you belli
Koeeland leave tomorrow (or Medlnsk. '5* * i*«Bnia •* ibr .-onclnded. “her tlll'where lbe> win apead tko Jt
werw 00 tight I couM see .all Hi.Ihiec UMMHhA. Mlsa Loey ArV'kamUoa tm her iue*.'-4.‘hl<agw Newa

leaving eveeyihltig to J-II Ymi "111
mid It It. Hie nil liox In o Id.-ii I k.v|i
Bi; my>eni in Hie
.f my b«-d
IVti.-n 1 n|»-ne.| th-- ix>xgBfi<-r
Ike fumrsi II wn* lud Hieiv "
This iv'ealiM to me iliat the li-tler
•i-m lus Ill'll m-l l-eo liit.-nilcl
me ItHl It....... 1 nni u«l a f.rofe*
»»tial dete-nie 1 ll.liik I hue n de
ieetlv..v in-Mivl. f.'f in t!.i« rase sc
linpani-.l It I > me
hi I -.nil
lug Inii-t •ir.l uie. 1 |•enlrltlBd

M4y Vadee an Impaiae 1 SerMrd
OMtweMdte la AsMato :
take Bp tto caw
It was aaM •( tto laie Biwto A. AV
If she wetw about lu bli tmu the haDd* bey Hut bis nrarwlghtedawa hodwoeb
^ awlndMra aud. tf atac aare. prated
WUh Hallow atieattw to datsU. WOP of tbe characireiaato. •< Ms
'rermit mo to assure .roa." ]
Al) Ulusiraior who dma WMk
“ihat la me you have ■ friend."
to Mark and a bite, apesktos of Mr.
"1 do not d««obt It."
Abbey s cwitetoaliowt di^wiag fli at
“Why DOtr
details. Wnudmvl how much o(«ftr
D tbe mo- tefevia arcounied for cenata aptlttadad
of Well kDown artWi*.
"A cynk-al persoa told me tto.dttor
drrvs 111 which I can write y
day." he said, - that to tolf bMMvad
:ave her a bit cf l-aiw-r
•verr iBpressloniatlc * ‘ patoier ■ toia
ter 1 bad In niy pockt-l
aearsigbied and drew what to aaw
She wrote "lAiira U. Ostrander. yiim 1.1* K'lSases off. u sousto MI> slivet." It was the hvux- j
slble ■
‘ .
d tq whom the htid connded
“And .-ouslder me. t am coavMIdlr
color Hlu-I
I raniMt area tell Mm
•ft her at the door of her own ;from yellow. <1 faiuiig wtorh to raear
hi-:i— md went lo tuy room
tttu red.gTei-a c
i-> Issl 1 wrote a note dligviisOu
wMii.1 trot aee rwlan ff I fetmnlue band, addressed to
could. When I draw, you see. I toil
It Miocbell. Tbr h-lier ttot had cvi
In (ireelBel) the effn-U 1 art In uatRto
ir Imd no sln-el and iiutlilw-r on
and ibev ir’l iiir Hist shade gtadatliua
u.-iie WHS iwd.l1 On -the not.
trf-K^iif..riu.-t Mr Win bell '
cortain l.our .-ii a certain night ho |
.^^nnd\a rnrruigr standing a
TFTTr.ln plficeVife was to gel Into
When .Thty Pbwd th* Barwaata.
TlM-re'rou*l hair brru a aeltoat
cam.vEe. where he w.-uld And ■-loiurti." exeii In Ihe *|«* Ions UaieO nf
> would hear wbat be had 1
i:iirals-th. If we may judge by a lut
lugsealeil my noir. I neni o'
puSli-d II. Thru 1 «mt to I'eO .niHicr\ rules drown up by ■ harouet of that
era fur the gtiMaura of hto damaU '
•• ihluk of my s.lieniure than
|hel]ieni and reoenlly b(«toM to light
nil the evening lu question, eovrred hy an Lngtlsb writer. Tto bam
wttb a wnui'ira nili.r.nt rearhlng to evMeully fikesi bis bonw kept In MdW.
ny h«-l* and n's tot ah.v|.ed'nud if it were not made atosdBiety
Ikr UII iiiverteil iH'i that would eon-! Ms-ilew on iriday afier dluBW erecy.
1-:,I n.v fraturrs. I .-nie.-ed a carriage’liodji eosi«n*lble had to pay thttoiiid drove to the fb..-e 1 bad designai I>*t' -e. lie llkrd pnrrtnamy. aad slxi1
I had l«vu ih.-re live tnluulra'. l-eore wsa Hie flne for meat that Waa
shell a man ai'|Wro.vlw-d the door and n..i ready at II ot Iwforo- far dluMr
land at li <ir liePwe fnr annwr. wblto
|fhe table bad t<> lie laid tol^ aa hour
-I.-,' I re|.He.l In a womwea con M-rf.^' thoae tituea. wi iwin ot two.
:niii« vol.v
[pen.'e. Oetba were n penny rarh. and
Il.-eunfed ilieearrlaga. thlnkUig he It »at equallr expenstre to leave a
na. with n wunumandlgDoronl uf thelBoor
whlrb waa found ahSL
r .-t Hmt he w as w ith a roan wh..*. I » I"lr
teat b BBT of the . bUdrto BBy
....... , In the r^Lcc of tbe rolnou.t.j-tibhoneat sr^ech- Waa faurrMrern,i,i-d a rro ked ivvolref. I bad prFHTbe One, were duly paM FBfh OUa^
U.'iiilv I,I'd .be driver whero to take fl'T ««t of (be wagea. and with Am
a*. .Hid ns *.«.n ns tl>e tnnn waa sealed
tto Unroet wlada -n tto pour
bi-slde roe «e were driven away.
"1 um ready 10 bear wbat you tore
1 ssy. • I said.
"I can iwMore tto will provided liiat
B bear ot
nU «l!l ot.llgate yourself lo pay We
ns son. B> yoa roceiv* the es- read of airogaive rebaked; beace tbil
Inie <nhk-b P'UI all be yours under lha little tale. « hl.-h might »«■ beaded "Tto'a Ileienge." An eldetly tody
will" . ;

"For wdiom aro yon artlngl” X wboro rbarocieristka epHGe har lo
Ihe l«*aent name of Mrs. Itolly PomaiLc-a
pont had a p.t monkey which aofldwiy
‘Timt I do not card to alate."
"SiiiipusluE yonr projidsIHon lo to be-ame III. Fbc tod tbe aaaurahc* to
atNiqiie.!. when and wbcrc do you in- aeod for a promlnen
jleud Hip pniiera shall be paised?"
ireM tto Uitle bsaut.
"Wlieuever and wherever yon'like."
was Inirodurod to bto patient to
"lime yodtto will with your
very QU- b ennged, tot to dhl hot
betray Idoroelf. He took tbe aick AMI"We might cloM tto tnnaactkw Ley's r^e and asked the utual qoeatlona fsow. In the room waa a Uitto
"Not here In tbe carriage."
buy. Mrs. IS>rtly romtwM' groodaoa..
“No. TliliiLing we uight need 1 The disdur aiq-ruarbed (hrtoy. •xaml>riin(e i-tif'-e for aiirb a purpose. > Ined bl* pitlsc
"»E Iben aald aoliibi.ihKi! of a frl.-ud of mine In tin eroniy lo Hie lady “XIadam. your two
IV1I .-‘tote biialni-vs Ihe key to a ta
' grand- litidrvu are suffering fidwi
enu eotliige on the Ceotcnille turn lBdtgeail.«. Give them only Ug'kl fowl,
Idke. There sre wrtUng uulerlali w llb plpniy uf exen-toe. and Ibry will
H'ere-lmleed. everything wc need"
come uut all rtghL“-®mt«n Tran' Tor n wowau you have a gisxl bead aerll'L
for hnaluewa. Aro you miv thU cot
Inge 1* vaeanty
End ot tha ¥
"Yea" *.
along luwaM !to waulag «f
"Very wrll. Tell the driver to Uke tto buurymo>ua.ibBi;^ dlak^ took :
~ ‘
-U- loro^henr told that already."
sure that yus lot* mo M
Wi.i-n we oiupiHsl at the dour of lb«
h--u>e Hiv man u-keil roe fur the key much sa orwr
"rorfrv lly sure."
nii.l (old me to eHiialii where I was
"And aUl Mver, Bto«r lore tiy(III he had| the |-rorotoi
1-im.lled Ilf went .Into tbe liouts. ttndy eU-r
■‘.Never, neref,''
:lkli-od the gns and after aomc
"la three amihltig yog woulta't da
to make tiw l...|.p> r
"Nniliiiu- Within tto hnunda of iw.
use with hlu Olid,
ulidlli lllrg him I ulo a roow In (to
"Abai ItbongMaoI roatotobFcii-rr of whl--b nst n table with
I riling iiialerials All It. stint tbe door, ffiin to rensou." Tbe biiaumi— ti
inbie and BHesI •verr'-tViolaBd I'lalh DoSMr.
tvn Bt
It n nnte for'^l»rian. |siiat.le Hitrty
gy* the liaLer slKS
When BMchee "HMIarto.*
I'n her rslatVs^^m gave II
C'daitiB home from the tBoralat amt::ii
I rend n and irhile doing ao ke loie Kunday Iw. IMertor threw
lid -'Wtiefo It Ihe wllll tot me htnroelf .u) a louwe aad aald la a
tone of deep de)e. ttu«. "1 totoro IhtI
H-- i -.k Ihr win front h's ptvkrt and was (to Wuroi aennon I ever
n-l II so il.;.y^r.nlM see tint It w,
prearbed " One of hi* dangbtera i>rn»i>u lie Til# was ail I aislird fi
intsd tbst Bto had i.-idon. heard him
iitliiis mF toad In Ho- iwkcl «if fl
wton be wn. tiiore .-Ii.-tverk. "Oh.
■ n-ot. 'lUl-t. ns a (tnsli [ leielnl
sea." waa Hie Inios' re|i!y. “wto«
-• -.-r .1 hull. V.Ul.og It within
I ha»ii-( si-vii.ii.g ID say 1 atwaya
o 1.1.1 of bl. f«(e
boiler "-omi-aik.
■|iro|. hj:i("- I wjid in Biy nntoni
TM.e Uaa.
h.l gl
. .. bale those gloaa ease#
vt. toitiiner, •-rnabsr aad
, tliew .ar.*" atked a iraf
r«(ir-**d yrlng lo New York,
emrr pul there In 1 ase any
a eln.low o(W|i. " replied Ito
un loiitli. HompaatoL
Btugld Mani
ips A* urn Hilt wbr didn't yaa
■ to material II yoa Hfcad lit Ml*
rl-'h- Tto s»;.-.Btffi ssid it wa« 4o•ii- dres. x-.-ds
Mra Aa-raIIJ Ups .'iirl h Von doa't sappOM
wear B>M>liii-g uennt for dumai
.. d- )-'ii' l'tii>.-dpl|>liLa I'rsiaa

me I0.1 W.i; .11.1 I* W
u int Hier.-f'-re 1 dldn‘1
iBlcsie Wim «-tt ex-ei-t
N..W I bale cvpl
c you I BID id h.-or

-!x'«e t,. il
■he fart i>
WDrinded t

‘ do J"


-1111. J-..I ibe II.M
..f •
l.iHe -Irama
1 3 ke Hie druios
t-p.-; ptsjed \i-l '

cu-ter street
I |.. 1- flh'Ul
I was drc.dediy

e »l.-.le rtoriB.

He O-dnt Fay
le t , silk bat wllb tto' maa
Ihe last rear, and to tot
r paid me .meot^hem" su - 1 .iiiriTt knew to was la
l,a>.:t of l.resking hi* srotd."
h. to Isn’t He won tto totS.F-r
Ittnati Time* Star

Whse Woroee Vela.
Mrs ''linr-1- -W. ii, b'jw did yoa rata
l-»lsv’ Sirs GeHiem-t didn't vole at
etl Ther- Were only IWu WO«M COWdi-i.iiei. 1D.I -oe of them mM seaaoibi'i.s iioroinptRunilary aboai mj baL
si.d -lie o<tor. one nerev aotfccd my
b.i at jli -Tookers matataMO.
Tbe thrse things most dlBcalt art
• keep t aecpei. t« f.rrel aa lajory
ud to mafca good nse nf icMar*.


rcr al a Bl| Savtao
Vm Bojr DbFcd iMi
taPrIeeWhca VMBiq'iiM

Grinn^H Bros, make Piano
B sell «t (be price a
Our cvatoraer* ort«ti wottOer bor
tb«t Id Tom. Action, Inniib nn^ Durabltlt)' li fnUy tbe equal, aod >n
iDsar cases tbe aapej^r. of Planoa acllliig at 9160 to |IM more. The
eiplautloa U fonod In the foDowlBf facts:
Etott' parcbaaer of a GRINNE1X. BROS, ton make) PIANO burs
Mreet f)«m ua. partOK but one profli—tbe jnsuBesctorers'—and our
-'bulaeaa Is ao Immenae (bat »c are aadsfled with a ven small mar«la
OB eiacb Plano sold.
■ Tbe high aaUriea and big eipense accouou of trarelln* aaletmen
only through (
own stores
to call on dealen la saved
e of .magatloe advertislDg la wholly elinil—tbe tr _______
any other
e aave on freight: tiMbl'ortatien frotn Detr
p^t Id Ulcblgan la far lees than from New-Vork. Bonon. Chicago,
etc. Id fbeae and nomecbus other ways we keep down
L BROS, (own mafcel Plano—and oor cnatom
ibo beaeOt.
Crinnell Broa Plano. Style 3..................... ....... ...............
_____ ______ ______
___ -................
will prove that It Is tbe best Plano Inveatmeoc yon could make. Catalogs and EB'lorsemeots. nostiuiM.

JmcDt of tbe erenlag waa a mars*{mallow roast There wore about Bfiy
guests present. All declaro Miss
'Adellae to*e s charming boaieas. Tbe
igoefta left many boantlfut-pr«Mnt» a.
! memeBtoea of tbe ooeaslon.
I James Smiley. Joba Knbesh and
I Alec Baekeit went on n Babing trip
to surer lake Snnday and brought
back a good enteb.
Mr. and Mr*. Chai. Bachtleben and
children spent Stmday evening at C.
E Mallory 's.
. Mias Ruth Stevens spent Bunday at
her home In Traveroe City.
Louis Strieker la BUlng bis silo ttaU
Mr. and Mr*. SklUet ai*nt Sunday
In Traverse City.
Mr. and Mr*. C. E Mallon' and
daughter Adeline expect to leave
Tuesday morning to auend the fair
ai Grand Rapids.

AnteRep^ Faction Clainw Oiaerepsneiee Eaiai—Governor and Coun­
cil ^wet Adjtat Thom Later.

Portland. Me.. Sept IS—An sppar
It majority of ISt votes for repeal of
tbe liquor prohibitory amendmejit to
Maine constiiniion was announced
In an official statement Issued last
Dirhi iiy Secretary of State navis
tbe outcome of Monday', election Tbe
secretary's re|>ori Is tiaaed on alcned
ataiemenia clerks.
Certain diacreiwncle« which In.licaie
the errors by town offlrlaU In return­
ing the vote are not taken inlo ac
count in the serrelary * report, ss thc
law requires the tterreiary of statcrvlmidy to tabulate the figures as re­
Theve iliM-reiisticles uie
laimed by ibe ano-reieal sdherenis
Ws< Oleeuaaod at MsMing of Woman's j*
• be sutrtcleni (0 rhacge ibe result
Sttrt Ur. FtmU
I a "dry majority
sod U s Sts.
Tbe members o( the Woman s dub
Only the canvass of the vuic by Umwere gretted with a Pretty algbt PrP Roverttor and coumll Utrr .«u udj.t.i
da» afternoon unon entering the “O',that may exxM.
, Club room Tbe leader of the day.
Mary H. Tregea vs, Tbeodore H. A. b-rthday. The evening was pleas«.ily ,
Tregea, divorce. Jobn J. Twe.idle; H. aieat In idaylng progreK.lve ,edro !T«ver«.f™it for decoration., twining
C. Davis.
Ruby Brown of Toronto gave a
.bile and blue gra,u^
of piano solo, that '
•" "...“is:.,™
Chancery Pro Confaaoe.
Trtnmr-TMRCS have been filed
andwlthea.i,_________ .................... ......... ....... V. M. C. A.
Orin Dlngman vs. Bthel Dlngman.
divorce. Jobn W. Pntchtn.
brilllani fruit on tbe stems.
i>rel<ee Coir va. Bllxabeth tole. ^vorce.
Tbe program topfe was "Modern tJvFo«r Criminal Caaoe Will bo TrioA—
iDled her With a set of Inlaid Mlver,. . and rwo excellent pai>ers od (be Ulaske of Traterse t'itv has l>eca
John W. Paulin.
elected president ,o( the <-nllege V .M.
teasiwons and a cream ladle. Tbej^^r.
John Levi vV Julia
subject were preaented; the Brsi.
guests departed h( a late hour wishing |!!'•Some Resigns for the llleh Cost of C. A. Other offlrer. of Ibe asMteia
3. Twaddle.
Ida Haiel va George Hasel. divorce. Margaret many happy returns ^
1110 etrcQlt court enteodar for tl
Underwood 4 Umlor.
^^^^Eoptomber term baa been made i
e second.
Me May U e .>ear ||•lain*ell. uiul irea.uier flif
nr. U.I -«n. Cl... .r.l d.nrlw
Bertha P. Dmyion va. Jease .U
and wnalalB of iblrty-ibree ouea. of
I'jlgciton, ('a.. Ciiv
Adeline, and Mr. and .Mrs, Jones'andJ SbaDDon Various club members took
which four are crimlnaL eight lasuea Hrayton. divorce. U "M. Gage.
non. Slanley. were me giieKts of Mrs liort In a practical di.cus.lon of the
of fact sad twenty-one chancery.
Love at Green l^ke Sunday.
I«onll. brojtshl out in the papers. The
There am Afiaeo dlvoroe cadea, which divorce. 1. II. Gage.
CBarlea D. Rice va. Angnata Rke.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doud and itany afternoon closed with a Ulh by Mrs.
la about the nanat hnmber for reguUr
left Sunday in their loitriiflg car for A. W. Pec* on -Meats; Choice of (hits ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦j
H. Gage.
tarma of noun.' Court srill coavene on divorce.
Kentwood. 8epi. H—Mr*. H E. fte.-j
AugusU Walker vs. Donald Walker, Grand Rapids to attend the fair
Prepared for the Table. " Two Urge
.Monday, September K.
divorce. U H. Gage.
used showing the position

The Misses Ruby and l,oola Brown, charts
Criminal Caaaa.
of Toledo, who have Ih-cO
Walbridge va. Prank Wal- who have been visiting their grnndiiar of cuts, and ......It,___
Ibe talk wns further eiuHm* People v». Elwln Slone, incest.
visiting friends in^thl. iilitie. alM> In
bridge, divorce. U H. Gage.
ents. returned home Momlny to To- tdnslced by actual cut. of »>eef i>reTbe People va. l.ouU PIrillo. murICrawn, for the last two weeks, re
Winifred A. Steara vs. Chartea B. rontc. Ont.
jiare.1 for the occasion by John Sichle
Inirned home today. .Mrs. Birch re
Blears, divorce. U R. Gage.
IdUs Agnes Van Horn was a Trav, Tiie iMople n. BUser Bence, ttri
tmn* with them to join her busband
. Geneva E. Knapp va. Ralpb Knapp, erae City caller Tuesday.
{ Daring the business meeting precony from peraon.
M- II- Gillten of Grawn and -Mrs
divorce. Amll P. Nerlinger.
Uerohda Crandall went to Toronto, j ceding the program, (be chairnisn of
Tbe People va. Pied E Baxtoa. eb
Mary E. Manning va Georgs Man Onf- Monday.
tbe art department dlspUyed the. Gilbert of Battle Creek were Tniverd*
ning. dlrorce. Amll P. Nerlinger.
Mrs. Caniemer of Bendon was tbe | iramed tiinuie which was to be pre- Cut (sllerg .Monday.
largo number attended the reicp
gOMt of Dr. Clark Tuesday.
; .ented bj tbe NVoiuan'. club to tbe
aeys.for defense.
given .Monday evening to Kev
Mrs. Jones entenalnetl
entertalne.! a number of|eliy
o(|eiiy l{bra|ry.
library, und
and the chniimao of ihelilon
LcaU P. Perketl wa Manistee «
friends at "Jon'' Tuesday’evening. Re-[etvic Jipfirovemeni depanmeni csllediand Mr*. Plows. Music. refre.liniems
Item Railroad Co„ aaanmpnlL
freshmemi of sandwfehes, cake and the aTientton of the club members tojnnd a socUl time made the eventug o
PntI 4 OavU; Wtlaoh. Wilson 4 Rice.
one tiod one long to bc
DaaM a :vtbber' vs. Arlington
Mr. and Mrs. .Melvin Arillp are (he'weed nnd Mod bun* from tbe alley*. Irememberril
or, trespass. J. W. Palebin. 3. J.
projud parenu of a Ih-iwund Ixiy that The i.residcni annourntd that Mr*, .v j Mr. and Mr. Eldred of flelliii.c arc
"Good l.aick" Is the legend Inscrib­ arrived al their home Sept T.
i VV Pet k bad rvceive.1 the honor .if here on n v to their eon, .K M Kid
Jnaapti R tteOoagh .«
ed of aster* of attractive coot*,
wllUani Krumm Is sick with ty- being a.ked to give ao address at the! re-t. and to atiend the cnranipmcni.
kfoa. MaumpaH.' Coeei
ed of agtera «f a'-iractlvlve colors. pboid fever.
^civic confereme of (he Michigan
There, w ill U- m> legular
A. Twaddle.
Mg. Jlaynard. wlio ba* been sick, is j State Federation of Women . Cliili«, the Kouii.-ctiih St. fht.nh -S'lnday
^ which bold, its ammni n-.cellng lu IV mdining. but a prm.c .crvlie will In'BliBnvrr.-WDad& 'U qttium. 8bm ; dIepUy window of tbe "Men's Fashion IroproViog.
Shop." adjoining A. P. Friedrich’s
Mrs. Kata is entertaininc Mr. and iron next monili
.held at III,' nioiiiiiig hour
Mr. HdU 4 atlUH; Coveil 4 Croes.
, shoe itore. This Is a new store Mrs. Crandall, Mr, ami Mrs. Sebrlghi;
--------. Jobs E Baote vt. Oval Wood DUh
'Ir and Mr. Mairtu-w- vi"lt_c-d will
Go.. uniDpalL Oefrell 4 CrosB; ParmJ which bu Tieen fltted up wiib the and Mr. and Mr. Frank Page a. ,}♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦; Mnt. Maithcwi' lutrenr- la.i week
laieet styles of Bztures and U>e d,,n„ p,„y today.
C Qlltaort.
They are greatly nil.v-e-f
I Th9 entenalnment given by Prof
Hariiostw DlatnUag Co. va. Trav-. ahelvea ud csblneu and abow
- Suilolf. Seju
( - Ml». I'anv I munilv •.lore going i
^ Otj- BrewlDg Co. Amll P. Nerlln- e-provided with new and latest' Hansley at the hnll wns not very viclL Wamn.
S„, I B.>- hom,.
M,styles of men's furnishing* of *11 attended owing to the bad weather line Bye of Mi. PIcs^jhi. came
h,. Who »B. such » help In ti„- Siiiiin'
kinds.Tbe store Is a model In every j c. Mainart of Traverse City is day for a few dnv. vi.n «itb
t school and . Iturrh work '
I respect and Is presided over by young'apendlng a few days on the farm with P»rcnttt here
men who are well known and whb bis father.
Mr. and Mr* Smith w nohsve
^^^ ^^ ^^
c. ontmrt
. ----------------------- .... ............-............... ............r ml Mr. and Mr*. Prank lUge of Mon ,'isiilnp here me PMl tew week, with
rh.rU. O
ra Trav««
doMug and gent'* farnlgbhig ,eUo. VVIs. are the guestt of Mr Cran-■'hulr M.n, W. H.' Smith and famllv. ♦
Cltr Canning Co.bearing on Jlnal ac- b»“mesa. Tbose wbo will look afler dall's family.
I mti Tuesday for Traverse t'Uy. where
OsiKjrn. Sept. Ifi-Vcrv fin.aulni of rrcclTpr. Pratti OavlA
Hiram | Milton Hmrr enme from Barker; they will visit a short time there er and faini<-r« an- l.u.v tak i:i: catwith theli^hiilldren. before going i
Harvey Morrtaoa va. Qooen Oty Rnasky. Fred Seaalona and Charles Creek to siiend Snnrtay at home.
of ih-ir huikw-heat
has' fhclr
.-Ir bo«c'
bdi^ in
In Sliver Wood.
SUctric Ught 4 .Power Oo.. Injune- Emery. All are experienced salesmen | uiss Winona Crantlall. who
Mr* Jow-ph Albrcrfii i- yrx .m, i
Mr*. Minnie Heed aud daughter
dton. John W. Pmcbln. Farm C. CU- and Mr. Emery la a professional win- been visiting fiiemls. returned home
Ksile of Baldwin visited from la.',- at iht. writing »lih Ians tn.iin:.bon, Pratt 4 DovU; Onvoli 4 Cross. dow decorikior. The new store star:- Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs.flhornKvn wr.■
Frank Suflord iranwcicd husine.s { WediieMfay mu M Monday of this week
ed with bright proapecti, SaturdxS.
W. P. Crotaer.
In Traverae Ciuv Monday.
«i«h her filter Allen Splitaione and Lake .all.Ts \Vedne*.la
Hnriln Brown va. Qaaen City Eloc-.
A party or wniy walked out lo-site. They all vl.lie.l Sunday siil.
Mr and Mr. G.wirgc l nok at,'
trie ligbt 4 Power Co., bill to quiet
4 Frank Sawyer's farm Wednesday even- the latter . iw^ple near E*d Mr* Hnlp.1 Aikin,.Jii and .hildrc:
tnx ARle. Perm C. Gilbert; Coder
ing to help Mr. Sas yer take care Of j W H Smith ««» In llonoi the first and Ml*' Manilla Ba’iniga.'i < . a’wood 4 DBlor.
Grawn. SepL 15—Mr. and Mm- E hU **ierme1on». It Is needle*, to i pan of the week on l.u.ine^.
diiiiicr nii'i Mr* and 'Ir. \V I' lu.Jobs JL Wood VS. LuVeni R. Wood.
] Mr and Mr.. K* and Mr man Stinday
Mn for necounting. Farm O. Gilbert; Hare and daughter Loulae went to, say that they all had a good time.
The church sheds blew down duringjand Mrs Anthony visiied a f.-w days I Mr and Mr. Ma "n Ho-aii
Grand Rapids Monday to attend the
Pratt 4 Daria.'
John A. Wnd* vn, meph B. Doyd.
jbdlC Mark a'"'AM.r.. i.i wU- u v.-v *kk
or. oL aL Amll P. Norllo- Mr*. Ixtve of Green lake is the the second time within the year.
Rev. Mr ^ones wen. to Kalanuiioo' family.
gaiv John W. Pntebfo; John j. Twed- gueht of Dr. Clark', family today .
Mr. and Mrs. D. E Crandall. Mr. Tuesday to attend coiMerence. and. Mr. Kemi . attending court m L,,,^ „.etr .lUet wed.iin* s.ind*
Mrs. Jones went to Monroe Center to Honor ihl. week, drawn a* a Jnryman|.j.^^
Jobn Pecs. «t nL vn. Uarr C. Pm- and Ml*. John Sebrlgbl^and daughter vl.l,
|t™, IM.
. J..,
«. nL Oovdl 4 Cran; John J. TvadThe chl«*en *u|.|»r served by the| Allen Splttstone left Monday '"r idinner
m-.r ii..
ily and tbe Misses Ruby and I,eol*
iwiplar tr.-e' if.-t;i,-;Mildrod A. William* vs. Boy Delos Brosrn of Toronto. Ont.. drov* to Key- Udlea' Aid society SalurtJay was * j Beulah, where be went to imlld
) barn fora Mr. Harris.
ifTont »ard
all liad a verx pl«-»*
Wminms. divorco. Farm C. OUberi: Btbne Snnday and spent the day with financial suceess.
The t-Adle.' Aid society will meet; MUs-Ocrirude Peck ol An-sdia. I
jfm Crandall and tamUy.
. w-:i iw- r«-Mic:iiti,-ri-•
Itof S. Wnuam*.
Mias Margaret McIntosh was the with Mr. Bracken Thursday after vf.lted friend, here this week
Bntbn Vnalfom. by Cora Boebo.
: SejK. 1*.. '
bar Mitt trtond. va. BU Vanlmena. dl- guest of honor at a party given Thur* noon.
vorae. ^rm C. QUbert; Lawrence W.
II h^r|» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• [♦t** ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .♦.V ♦♦♦♦♦♦; lareciv a'lended

"•h'T' arit.les did
I The corn I. gening ripe and tbe| Copeiiilsb. Srpi id—Jake fhir-ip.;»Hn-y »rr<- »r.rtn
farmers In the vlclnliv ara geitlngiand family have moved to Kalkask.i
iTbeir many friends here are wrry to
[ School began Sept. 4th with, an en- *ec thorn go but w^h fhem si
rollmenl of tweQjy-eighi. Miss Rutbltheir new boate.
Stevens of Tradkrse Cliv Is the teach-1 Ml** iera Moyer who ha. been vis ! Monroe Cvnlcr stept IT. - Ttw- |i.v i
,er.' and we extend to her the best j Itlng friends hc.-e tbe pa.t ihr.-.- of tluny-one r«oner» fretr. Mau.c
wishes (or a successful lerm of school! moniha bs* returned to b.-r b.vmc. '•
have been six-itding the im*
Joe Yagel made a bu.ine.* trl|i to^Ust Jordan,
•» >>«<:»■
Cedsr Monday.
; Mis* Mna Wmier* of Yasie* 1* 'urned to their honve. ThurKii-x
An automobile party ron.l.tlitg of,working in the Dell Telephone olfice. | Mr* Wni Jones of i;ia«n i- vi-;jMr. and .Mr* Wtn Malloo'. Mr and i Mr and .Mr* H-rb Mewhan and ung friend. »t the femet
.iNow it the best time of the year to remove 'm«. Edgar Mallory and son. Mr. and son Allen of Toledo teturned honic ^ HerbcM,^nd Kte-u Wagee,
Mr*. A S. Arthur, all of Ludington. Wednesday '
;i.-ndirs the fat- a' G>an l Raj id- m •tnmpt sod Dynamite 1» tbe best thine to re­
drove through In their car* Saturdayi Ortxrgc Heffellingcr of Henry sasiseek
move them wiUu It blows the stump out of [to make a abort visit at the home of In town ThurMlay
_ Mr* Cha* M^nne- -i^n;
the ground and breaks it up so that it is easily ,C. E Mallory They returaeti to their' Mira IVarl Jobnnn who bs. been!days to Tr*ver»e Cm la-' week . i'horae* Monday
;quH.- sick 1» on the cam
ning fruads
Mr. Hammontree is much Improved' G«-vcf*l from here attended the j Quite a number ol the Center [teop afier his reecnt attack of rhewmatlsm. fair at ('sdiltac Wednesday
1 were catDidng at I met l-ake la.t *<-ei
We seH the famous “Ajax** Dynamite, tbe
Several young people from tbist Mr* Emma Simons visit.friend.' Mr* faivin Sitangler er.-en«in. ;
most powerful blasting powder made. Try
nelghbcrboo.1 attended tbe danco at in Tonipsonvllle Tuesday
Uhe Aid K--teTe Um Kii-iay
Mr and Mr*. U illiaiu Dtckoni haw |' Srbool ronimenced here la*
**AJax” on your stumps and stones. It will save
Addison Wheelock * Saturdny evening
iiou.e recently va-jsith Mi.'» l.uoilcy as leqchci
All report a fine time.
you some money.
i ! •on* 1Alb
Robert Saeblleben «*F a caller In rated by Chsrle- I'oilery
| Mr« DeGmai an
(Du. .1.
Jlfs- Lottie Bolten wbo has been lAlmond. nuied Irten l.
(be neighborhood Satorday.
last Week
. The borne of Mr and Mrs. C l^tfal- quite aick 1* improviug
and Mr*. John Ad*mS--Tm
lory was the scene of a ve>y ideasant | Mia* Uxxle Moms vutied her pardaogtter. Ruth, of Traverse City
ecetlng oa Friday, ibe occa.loa be-jent* at Yates over Sunday.
; Ing (he Mrthday of their danghter.j K R Grant of Tbotupotmville was Spent several dava last week canipiaf
!ni Duck Lake.
.Mia* Adeline^ Tbe chief eDtert*l»-lin town oo bualoe** Wednesday.


Grinnell Broi^e

buSke is president








A home sometime during each day at
this season of the year to keep oS the
chiU and damp. Are you provided with
the right kind of staves for such an emer­
gency? We are ready to supply you
with anything in the stove line that you
may ne^, either for. the present tempo­
rary use, or for the “real thing” which
will be necessary for the entire winter
) Air Tight
ight stoves, none better for the
purpose designed

bum wood or anything, hold fire remarka­
bly well, cost practically nothing—accord­
ing to size from 90c to $3.50.
Box stoves,' burn wood, take tittle room
and inexpensive to operate. May be depended
ontnsmcdl places for tbe s;reater part of the
Laundry stovefi. all shapes and styles,
answer for cook or heatln;, in demand tor all
seasons of tbe year, but particularly.adapted to
the fall and early winter season where there is
not a great deal of roum.


Tht Best Bcic Baracr

ir.d<M Saatmclirn
ProwR iy ExtauiK Dm
S^eriw It Ait

The Art Carhmd
! thU pa»g« oo itom by
.Take occatim to. i
•t Th
The B « Sure and tuving all tbe poioU oi »upenorily
callifits al
expb& you.

Really a Wonder in
Base Earner Construction
The gawiiiom the firqwl paw throush an opei^ bcbi^
die firepot. down ooeoi the rear taAe lloei and arouad tbe
base smjkc Hue, then op the other reu *m»ke ikir, through the
amoke collar io the chiosoey. The hot (laies id their course are
radialioR heat on all kidex to the air in the room.
Coldak U drawn up through an. opm
bottofo of
iKOraae into a bol air flue beseath the aApan. idwe «p tbe
^eet due cxiendmg eotiidy across the back of the (tore, tbeaee
up tbe double heater collaf into the room above.

SspL 30. we will ceod abtolutdy free with each
Girland Base Butoer told in that time CX^'IEHALFTON BESr SCRANTON CHESfNU r COAL Thil dioold rbn ihe Uove lada
ordfbary circumttaDcei until Nor. \ and give ampie lime to try out the (tore and bd.
Other GarUod Heating Stove* carried in stock bcloda

/' The Smokeless Garland
for »cft coal or wood
In'which ir produced a tmokclest bre with a minimum caa«iiiip>
tion of fuel -both fuel and gates beiiig couumed.

The Cremo Oak
(or coal, coke or wood.
Unrivaled in price, o0ff» remarkable vafoe and it the most ar­
tistically desigoed to iu clau d stoves.
Our stove iioe embraces these queens of tbe kitchen:
MAJESTIC and MONARCH Ranges, coal or wood bumervaod
THE CHAMpfON COMBINATION, or Two-in-One Range.
Bums cokl. wood or gas. ^■ou can use gas. even
while the other fuel it in operatioo.
No othw line in the city can compare wiili our*.
us prove this statement.


Order vouf Winter's Coal from the Big Store. We have
Scraafoa Aaliraate- the best hsTd coal to be boughl b
this coumiy--in three stt«. Stove. Hlgg and Chestnut.
Vest Wirgiaw ^b/- Domestic Lump.
Focdbatoi -Egg and Lump sizes.
Wask JVal—A soft coal .n Chestnut we.


person or by tdephone. m etiher Urge or nafl
qujDtilie*, given prompt attention.

Traverse City




'Uon in thf world will Join in ibl*
•Srouioiit: and I boUoro that tlH«
loci of onr «rett asd food prwtdeni.
irj Ud-«*
an« va« a true aoid- William H. TVi. will go dowa In MeItoMdakore.
jlorr u one of tbf nlgiitt«« deeda <HI
r»oM* mn.dbT.od new pwbtem. Uae. aad (be projdteay of our Sartor

1km A toSter is the dim 11^ of
Sejr /STwtje S^rtb '.nnMrt'



time emr lift her gra^nl fo™

ijMItTfr **^
(bat greatest.'minded of the words nf die poet ibat
I grsDd.
mrr hu
#MMIMt tl

«u wouM •> «•" ■■
“«■") 'P
for * ^ ' ffTwwt mankind.
Bretbem all teen, bigh and tow.
«<* *“»*•
«to oi| of ibe greaiMt
Mr Paltb the ccmtoon truii that, over
0mm 4 Una.- lo ■ddlliOD
all It Ood.
.|Min tbooMikd. joT men
And that (be meanre of IIU love It
'-•to ofered tbeiSMdrea for tbe MrInBnUeljr broad.*
■.0m, tbm were omr U>t«
*-0n(« more on behalf of the Cl'T
lader *iean years of age.
of Tisverae fity. 1 eatend to you her
"Mft| years hsvs rolled sarsy and
I bOie* that_Jm» of yog who are bofplUUir and >ter warmett weloome.
tsfore |»e tfiHy were bot boya when I hope and .n>^t that you «m find
jm fottbl for your country on tbe bare In oar midat the picaaurea and
'ftnUee We are now living in a the good that we iletlre to give you. "
Oommaoder Carver then respond­
■jfttf. ^en iba tMcbIng* of the Man
^ Qat^ ar« betag Impressed upon ed for tbe <2. A. R.
“Tlie people of Traverse City hare
fh> :«d*U as oarer before. Alaaady
MSlng light of a better day It giren ua what ws want every time
have been here." he aald. “And

in tbe Patera tky. Already
of cleaaHig, polltically and then If you boy# doni get It. If* the
U aiwoad ta onr midst and fault of the rommander. 1 know tba^
very oafiteipalliy In tbit every veteran belleses b« 1 do; ihai
- •
-■...... -u* ibli —
«• -wrettllng wlib tbe prob- (he,welcuQic
alort^ro. WVII come again Iif the
yooa thtag that I wlaMb
•4ucatioii to In panlcolu people of Traverse City will lei *ur.
'm August 4lb there, wat a
batweea tbe rnlted , Bute Senator tlobert E, Walter reGreat Britlaa. between tpouded for ibo Spanlth VVsi Veter­
Btatea and Frwaee. two ans, saying In pari:
"We did iipt see Uu- scoh-e tha’
In tbe voriil.
t with Ike gTMteat of ^ptres. the men did wbo enliaied la '<1: In
artHiraCkm fact, we saw Jual enoitgli to give u*
Iht that tbe time it not a tasio of war and to permit os to
1 arhen every olvlUted na- wear tbU iHilc bronae button of wbleb

ta-a.tfrhe nHUx WM i«« W. lor ,->'1'

___ i,!,.. th, «-ji
MMfsT ammi
^^•nd X
■1^ ^lOBloer.

iiraa.|halr«d men down la fmL TV-y are
r tevo taM?|tliRnffh ike Um of Mm kdkre Utem.
we am are ail ao prond. Of oouraa..
it Wdk yon tom yparn to whip tair
talf boya yec in spite of their baira; Jnst
a nation, but we whipped a whole na as Bfncb boya as they were la the tkat field of. Mae would have beee
fower. and tke territory of tke nortk'tbel^
It they round ikemearly fluUea.
ties in slaty daya."
rom the hay and out
Wbera at tbero was mart tanghter
“I m»pe that tbeaa rwoalooB will wonld Mt have extended beyood tbe'seives
Tbey were facing a
and appUuse.
be d krrted < B and on la tbe yean i Rocky UoQsulna. alavery would *Un >UmD
years ago.” tbe speaker come, even after the last old soldier sxut In tbe country sod our present [foodlcM. raOny ntgbi In
conUnned. “I* had
of . baa gtwe ”
to thar
great reunion power and greatoesE would never|tile eiiy. and the retreat was ordere-1.
II ■.! the
IIKI opportunity M.
■" »*
retreat, indee-l.
rUlthxg Arllpcujo cemetery, at Wash- ahova. fren wh«ce
<•. t walked
valfeMl down
itn*n tbrougb
(hmivti 'TheV
Brv good
EOod things
IhllKS for ttaore who
Mr Bates aald tbag tbU date fdra-'»l"*«
*•“ artillery
lagtOD. Aa-'t
Tbey an
matlnnaUr wbUe the de­
attend, and good ibinga (or the ritj' Isbed a peculiar coincidence, a* .H
those laaea erf U
u I conld I
ws* the fiftietti anniversary of ihcl‘*®‘>*** u«>p* kept ui> a steady fire,
bnt'be impressed with the cost In w^lch they are heW"
at. Also. 1 was ImprMied wiih| Several Impromptu ipeeebea were leaving df the ,>lre volunieera from} the sham battle furnlabed Icta of
the reverence that U shown tbe'then made and spme muakal numben Traverae City and the (Iraod Traverse'eacitemeni for the Clill war veterregioa for the front. These volua ana. Perbsp* It didnt look real to
eouaio-'a dead. In aome graves them rendered.
left for Xortfaport where ihcy them at all. Imi the »i.>ell of iwwder
U-IUtle nmre than a buckle or a few) After the meeting was dlaniiwni.
here. an.I it iiiacle man) an etc
bnilona with the bones; juai she re- Mr. Jordan, who sat on the platform. took the boat for tbe aooib. there
mains of some shallow grave on-a‘was the <«cter uf interert for many. being no railroad* or even good bigb- brighten and many aiufr of drooping
vquare iheiueeUes.
in tbi* section «f the »tate '.i
batUetleld to ahoa wheiir otuic I'alon j "| can't remember the names of
pn account of the rain, the parade
soldier was bnried.
[these oiber two men who sere wiiii tbl9 lime. Pile of thet-e men we-e
"And iben we went into tbe silent me at Sumter." he says. 'I have from Traverse City and the ol^r wn* called off The dowoiour of the
tuerning eaiiM-<l * ihange in lime of
city of the dead where rest the re ' ihem wiitien down in my book, but eight wen- froni the surmundli
Of Iheae tlr»t volunteers i liom one to two o't lock
utaina of some
those wbo gave up UiM lah't here, I sm getting pretty eOHBtry
living- Isaac il 'heavene gave rvi.lenees of ilmrinx.
Ibelr lives to liberate the people ef old. 5ou know
Cuba from the yoke of Spain. The
guard that morning It Winnie of ibis .-ity and Martin A |'’“t more ^AOujid* rolled u|. *Drt the pamonument that wn* erected there by wt< Juti twenty minute« after four Hopper who I* at present a resident c|jani of »«-Idlkr*, voung and was
^><"»ti iVe I'rogisni
(be women or the T'nlted States Is a when the *boi vM fired. 1 was walk­ of Muskegon. The following dipping
‘frantl Traverwe llci
simpip affair: a abaft or marble, sur­ ing my post, half a.«ileep and half
mounted b)' a sphere on which perch­ Btarvfd. but I'll but I JoitipM at hlghj"a<< by Mr. Bate-, in rw*rd

es a lieauUful wrought eagle. It a* tbP top cf this tet.1 I had more! <>vparture. which was a m<
lypined to me (he rire of ibU country hair thon.thaji 1 tiave now and 11 all “'eni in ihl* aectlot
Mavfl.!d, Sep:
"Thirteen volunteers
icer* Stanto a world power. Some of the foreign aio6d right tu> or end."
Ijidteh' Aid ao.i.-t- in.-: with ,Mr». i
mllittn' rriilcs didn't think much of
Gibb* for their annual eleciion of i>t September. If*:]
our ability before we whipped Spain,
Jlanln A. Hopper. An-'
1'*'’"- r. freehmpni. 1
ns folioyou know. Why. they had OoT" navy
servid by ii><- ti-vste** and
beaten—on paper. But if ymfti re­
very enjoyable social time war had 1
member the decaiU of what hsppened
r.'iib thlriecu plvsent
New officers
that May morning when Dewcysioam ... . «,« bi Con.™«. 1. K.
r S"" S"-"-' A -rt-l-ll-a wvre clevled for all Hie orUc-i .Mr*
ed Into Manila bay to wreck the land .hldh ...
in . man orl ^ J
'•»«'■ r-"* “•! JBruleSQU. prc*:dcn; Mrs. Will Jackrn.!*-'"
On-Id. Ev.n., „d
Spanlth fieci you will recall tb.'t nl„.l'™-r .nd .bl.l, did
sou. secretary, .iii.l .vira. Jatiic Holli­
when be ordered Herman sbiiia to ddlrn .n.v .ndn,
'«• »r
H- f.n, Br,
day. treasurer.
Mold hla range of fire, they obeyr-<l
.d..,nldl rindltldd.
‘ ">”>
Mrs K A JarJison and Mr Ray P.
#iih great alacrity.
t!,- .«»cl».ion ol .hi. ddn,h.r
'■» » ■<'" Oh ...
-lackson of Pittsburg, arrived Satnr
■The \Var Veteran* thank O P Carver,
had (harge of the;.ilii:g with them. Mr Hannah made
Tiavert'- Cii.v tor this royal [irograiti calb-d iiiMiti Tboniaa T. Ilnies 'eodi a handeonie pre»eni. and Uild (l=v. tor a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
ih-'ni that If they w.-rh i-ver in dii- Will K.«.ii.
and we hope ilutl wc-wil1 not In- too lur a few words H<- reapcmled
Major Vandervort returned to llte
bard cn |bc boya who leai^ed to fight .„lds. lh„ .hllc ll.lenldd ... ,h,..ln.. drlnn.H.lot.und.. .ddrd. o.,
school for the blind at latoalng. Buna half century ago when we meet' «.dr„. ot .h. ............. h. hnd ld.n;--" “ “I"” *">' ""'I'
them In sklrmlHh tomorrow."
Mdllnn what
.h.t the
ih. result
...dl, would
,o..ld hnvhn... -«■ ''""“O-r. S.l,-. ...
. fteorge H. Croa*. of the Travt rr-' h«.|l-lf
Junior l*-agiie met Saturday'
.Air when
.h.n the
.hn first
dm -.11
.or iroop*
™""0call for
Hmik*. Steele, .May. and l‘oge were with JVrtt Isaac for their regular
City divJaionplJItUigan Xaval
hod iM-cn nindo In ISiIl the vouiis
Jfrorn Xonhpori
Kvan* wn* front monthly social and fanslneas. juee*serten. rt-«iMiniled\for
■itganir* j i,s4 slayi'd at home and Kald. t.
Wlniew.ii.-r. »ml l*-v foua Cciitr
he south
"The Naval Reservea up|iredali-,lhc tall %ras made tbey had waM tin- same viUc •'
Fred Taberer weal lo TiiatOD. last
Isiiac G. Winnie was preseni
words vf welcome that Mayor Wil­ thing and roniglned at home where -t
w«rtk to bring borne bU dawhter
called upon lor a lew- remark*,
helm has apoken." he ItegaiC "We
I more comtcrtable. If all tbe call*
Ruth, wbo baa been rlsitlng her
Appreciate the spirit of boapUamv
truops bad been met in ibla apIrU llo regard to hli war experlencea and gratid-parenia.
be responded in g brief talk whkh
which prevade* this atmosphere; hos­
Gny Vandervon spent Ronda) with
.•- X
waa highly appreciated’
pitality for us aa well as for the
b-avea (or Olivet college to enter the
|«as given by Mrs. It i) l.'lc which his ramtl}'.
Grand Army of the Uepubllc.
-Mrs. Jamieson left Monday for Kreshtuan ciaas.
was excellent.
•Travetite t tty baa n reputation (or
(or a vlaU with her cblldMloa Veda Vandervon teUrwed O
A good talk was also given by D.
this boapitalliy. You all know that
K. nniikcr of l*>a Angele*. Callfonila.
when the C. A. R. or any stranger*
Will Gran left Wednesday (or Rood
and the campfire was dnaed for the
come here, they can have the bes;
-r-.ty. Th' rofiowing Monday he
ingsley. Monday.
that i.he-city baa to offer. While 1
Joe SrtKt ta hSTUn kta vndalie
appreciate the welcouie tbai the may
Word Of Scandal
ig takca hf people in tropi>
hat Klveli in it* a'l, 1 uinrt warn
tarred tbe call of a.neighbor on Mrs with Johv' Hsmihorna taking Ms
coupfrieg all the ftmr
W P. Spangh. of Manvlllc.
AVyo.. -•bo place oi^ghc elertrtc ll^t plaaL
hhn of certain tiling*. In the first
reoad. It AtepswaAtincasd
said: "she lolvl me Dr. King's New
Harold Oltfas and I
place, the bop* are here to haw- a
l.lfe Pill* had cuied her of olxtinaie
Ireepi op tbe atrength and
are atieniUng
Slue (ah- nt
goodt lime, and they
ft'onilnucd from page one.I
kidney trouble and made hoc feet Nbr
vrita^ ia gununer aa
ttjon again und lunlicr coRvi-nuiMon a new woman."
All police power tnu*i b.'
•• Ka*y. but
bill sure remedy <:r.vmJ Rapid*
OrtTrge^I*oner and Mr. Gieger re­
for rtomach. liver and kidney I
wn. drowned out.
■brogaiedl and every city ordinance
; KiiBign Cixjss' men had «inlie over- b)e«. Only J-c at all Traverse Ciiy turned to the ooldlor*' home ot G'rasd
•napendedvdnrlng'tbelr slay.
ItnpidB. Taursday.
‘rea<-hed ihemselve* True, they broke Urug Storea.
“I wy boys—but 1 mean these prav

oitnaci uva na





tlTlK CITY: Kitn (UK


i •.

Traverse City, nichigan

Five Big Days—Sept. 25, 26, 27, 28,29
September 37 will be Cadillac and Traverse City



September 39 will be Children’s Day. On Child­
ren’s Day every Student in the Grand Traverse
Region holding a ticket will be admitted free.
Tickets may be secured of school teachers..

FAST HORSE RACES—Liberal purses are offered
for a series of speeding contests to last three
days. This is the first time in many years that
Traverse City has offered first class horse races.
Elaborate Program of Athletic Sports and_othgr
forms of Amusement.


riusic by the bands every day.


Every farmer, fruit grower and all others are in­
vited to attend this Fair and ASSIST IN BOOST­

Northern Michigan.


If You have not yet secured a Premium List, apply to the Secretary.

H. B. Montague, secy

Robert Barney, Pres.





e prvBipi deUrw- of o


. Tbe batWlQf neWbelitc used for the
AaatfaeUre of llbiaor ubles lo6at*l
•est of tbe «
acrou tbe stroei i
■fartory. ibcreby sddl&a lauch
needed caiwcMy to iDcreese tbe oatpot
o? tbe Treverse CUy Chair coini*iir.
Tbit Incrcue in ibe operatloftt of
the J. K. Orclllek t'o. baa neeeaaluied tbe lastalUiloB of ivo moOero
dry ktina. Tbeae are ao« pearly eonlileted Barb ktiB
iB U ISxSS feet IB illumiioisk with ll-teoi celttos. bsTlna a
loul t'Btiacll} of SO.tHIO feel of luRitM-r
■Bd dolivertnc coBiplelc rrooi S.BW to
O.OM feel |»r day. Thete are the
latent.tnt'roxed kllut for dryiiis iwnl
I.f cotir-c. lun «e want s-ot« to wood Ininlier aod
M.UHI llDea) feet of iieaBi mplM. Tbe
hecoim- aeqisainti'd uitli the
Miolnmem of ibeM ktin* It the laiMi
brand thai lia> tlu- moat good ipreoUon and baa aolted tbe prol.leBi
featnrc>-CRE8CENT lW«r.
of quick .loins of barJsood The
You «ill find it s]>lciididly fime neeetatiated beias reduced
adapted lu your timl*. ls>ili for uilDlmuin. only tlx days betas required
bread and paMrv, ami ii- (juality 10 dry bardeood lumber In iwrfeet
is guaranteed by ti« to be of the .onditloii tor niannlscture. dellverlas
tbe Inniber to tbe laeton
Ughcat iiiiiformity.
dtUoB that danger of sarplns and
nrcaiiM.- tlim- is a iliffrrenc^-* atahnkase ia practU-alb eliminated.
and this differeme It
The J. K. Orelllck Co has hereessential to your succcs-—we
IM.VII eaplia1lxe.l at s:.ii.iru)
ask v'n to purchare a .sack of t
order to provide for lliv ealBbllshCrescent flour fmm your dealer./ liieut of tbe table-tMlallienH, tbe rapltal
tuii been InrreBsed t;5,<>vo,
Test it ill any ?vay >ou wi>h,
nmklns a total of tTr>.nOo. oi ihc u.i
judge it by any standard of'exdiUonal Buihoiixed cHiitial, tIT.Ooo icellence, and if jou arc not fully
in leeferred atock and ttie baUuee In
satisfied, wiir grocer will cheer- | vuniUMn aiotk. While ll.o cxmi|«nv
fitUy and promptly refund the baa bien enabled to compleic this
idaut and to set the Uidv busineaa up
purchase |)ricc.
tin a Driu loundntlon. the mos'ib and
itubsiantlal charactei of the butliiraa.
! which baa already been delerraleed.
:«lll probably give opiK:nuiilty lor
! iifiicjng a timlied amount of flic proI leiTfd hioik u|ton the uiarkci

.-tNf Hour jp('

ncvoLUTioNirr Arreairra life
IN nncBENCE QF exan.



THino AaaAOLT on arot-YFiN
Lung and Llvtf Tern By BuUei:
'pert Burgeon Being Ruabed I
Kiev Frem Bt. Peters­



on the Market.


Suits and Overcoats
Id out Qodag Out Stk oi MenS CSotUag. 70a cbd btYc
choice of about
a hondred orefcoaU lhat :oU kit winta at
froiL $10 to $15. DOW at thtee prices

$S, $7 and $9
We ue «« 4*000111008 lie Bey.- Cldliiis lioefc bU tie
putOoe io ell Boy.-Soil, eod 0.enoeU into tbe Wiod-op Sele U
eqwUy Us redu.tiooi:

Salts at S2 8*. IS 8* and
worth np to and 87.Se.
OvercotIt al n Se, tS.Se and 84 80
Ihnt were np to tS.S*.

New Stocks Of Outing Cloths and Fleeced Goods,
Fleeced Kimonas, Kitchen Aprons, and
popular-priced Dress Goods


Cameo Flalds

OnUng aolh

Hecced KlnKmas







Kiev. Kuaala. Sept, U.—Tbe um
dltlon of Premier P A. Biolypln.
ta attempted
•- Cntil you-haw hmn»l that ihc
vboae ai
(he opera laat plgUt. ia no belter
Word flour Mand» Im many
Tbe, Boblranau It ao weak Ibat ibe
thingk, wm caniiol ho|»c u. luvc
phyaleUna In aiieodaBce fear
. ceruin'mcmH on baUc day.
op.-ratton will retuli in Immediate {
dcBib. Any turslcal work of a ae:
Too many houacwiw Iwlivvc
toua nature will l.e posipooH uuill
that flwir » jii>< iHce* ^usar—
■he arrival of. Ur. Zeldler. an expert
pracliaiQy one kind.
ill the treauueul of «unabot wound-,
who bat been anumwoed from St
Hown-rr there i^ a big clifferPeteraburc
t$tee between every miller's
Tbe premier »aa »bol twice by
prodact—« difference that canUwyer iianu-d UiHJiof. »bo foll.isrsi
Mt be concealed by sack or
him to the opera and aitempled the
trade mark.^
biiirder while the c*ar aiMl m^ret id
The rtokc of wheat, tbe blend­
the noblUly were^alllng for fbe per­
ing, the fcourinp. right on
nor lo iK-cIn
Ih-ltrof *sk -n
aiTcaied and taken fruiu ili<'
through fach grinding process
The ladlcv had dlfth-nlty >r\
■ad **patent” separation, no
Beilins him 10 llie sin'ei na Iho uml*
two millers will produce -equal
ipTjie llnaicr wanted lilni ' .• i'*d
liicn^atiil llnip
Uoal floor has good features,
IMSri.t la u liberal, a n |-n
live Of (hilt gri-al bodj of Ituasl.m
uhlih la m-'cr at real, and rUk tl
hiR all when be fired nn
The premier. «>o the other hand. •
e exar a |ian.
nacly baled ti.'
Urelllck. tlio be«l of the llbmla. Twice before bta llle
• "^
; the comiwuj. la one of Traversee City * had been attempted. In um; three
•rvaftve »hot. were llnnl al him. but none
auhniouthil an.l conaert
year later a boinh
Jf E. Oreltltk Co. Erects New Plant with 12,000.snd tor many yonr* tw.k effect.
Feet Pfoer Space and Product U Already
'•f *M'i;>ove.i « urge -waa ibmwn whiu- lie wax bolJiug
public reerpllou In tin home. Thin
were killed b> ibo esploalon un.l
j 11 tew yoara ago aa an expcnmi-nt. liai..
V vUiera ufri
Siolypln eaeain-1
WkUa the IndualrUl prasreta of la not full) e.|Ulp|K^I, nrden. arc eon jj„„ved a wonderful auet^jaa. until
wlin alight ln)|irlea.
dealgna of inorNa aOd
iWrana C|ijr baa been }outbE alonE iiuBtly being rerelved. and It la gntl- ibe
Il tk belle)^ that niKi liiiif;
ll»er were 'perfnraled l.y one ol
Is tbe avM tBBOf of lu way. ibo J. El.
markeia. The chair >
Onaiek Oo., hereUgore eaUDsire of library tablet w-ua received with .In (he furnlti
;„|j i„dgcj agoiiiM
■UB(»et|ir«ni of taab, ekiora and In- aueh favor In the Chicago market cumiiany hm. been ruabed to lin en '
,,rcoiisc the lower iK.rtmu
q«mtr pre- that they have been coni|«‘lled To re- lucli) during the laat >%ar und now
ruae aeveral Urge ordera until fbe now tbo fartovy la crowded with ordera
,,rcnd.T'r hod* i- iniialMcd
Tlila bnalneaa baa been a wonderful |t|„.
bul',ci graxed lii> head
tbps «U1
aueoea* and a aubaiantlal addition to '________________
tbs ■BfuTBcturea of tbla «Uy. Tbe
In order lo enter upon the iuanuUr- TrBterac nty a ioduairlea.
L B. Onmek oowimiij' baa decided is
The J. K'xirelllek Co
Bks—tlwtc tba oaoBfseWre of fbe ture of fhia line of gooila » new fae--------eaubilab a tory hai been ereeted }uai i-aai of tbe ____ liiduatry ciuliely. althouKh oper !
office bulldins and warehouae lb( ated under the iwraonM direciloi. of , Kohr, Handa Oewr, Two Oec.a.en.
asw todasirr that win
Fi-iday: One en Valuations.
If fBarw oceiipred by the company.• Clareoor U Urellk-k. and althuugb Ut­
Bsl4 tbBb .lbs otbsr: Is-lsU. s Bald
.Mich., isepiI .V hi ai
Tbia building la a auuaiaaiial atruc ile haa been aald about It. Ita prod
Aitonig],.’Mra. one atory In height, eonialnlng j uat have already found favor In the opinion rvDdc'cJ tixlav
«■ SB
‘I maul for apadnllgtag In a *-*’^*' aquaie feet of floor aiaace. The Ifurnliorc marketa 80 aueeeaaful baa t;cnor*l Kuhn holda ihnt asinona arc
not reiiuired l.i . K>m- on Mui-da.
proBnet Ibst wlU And favor mU ovar large warehouae hereioCore devoted to I the Initial work .Icveloiieri that tbe
when the pt^-ceetlmi:
Siiiida> hu
tbs BSbBMB. Uuu s( n aerlaa of aUnp- tbe anah snd door'bualoeiui It being. comiiany doea not bealtate to com.\n a. i of the lae'
snd enlarged for tbe exten •^.leie tbla plant to an extent of the been a liollday
ittel dunifna of librbrf
legliUalnrc enables arlouii men
B of tba table buaincaa, giving an iiinidat efficiency, leellng tliai Its
tbe campnay will -be conBned to additional 4.000 square feet lor thl» ceea baa already lH.-«n ataured. In
Ibe uiiorpcy ceiwral
BevurnI atytea of II purpose. The office In the oast end of fan, the Hues to be mauuturturc-1
Another ojumun of the <lu.»
bia^ tsl%M of nwdiniu pries wlB be Uila building la mUo being enlarged ha«<c been decided ui«n an.l ibelr xethat when a hoard of auiH-rviaora
MSBUtscinred of bard and aofl napla. and rstDodellcd to provide for the lu- ceiHlou u|ion ihe market lutve borne
cquolixe* the vaTpaiioii of
euier«bs Batah cieiBB Am^can qaartsrsd
This Industry la bound to grow and In June li nujy^re-cqualUc
Tbe pbxat la now U-lug (-<|i!ipiwd be nnmbered amouR ihe moat aubaiau Ot-tober session.
o«Kl or esrif Ksgllah ■ and maboBUilk'tial
(.<■ UiU
<>ai and ihiMns li> ndnlicro )llchl
UMMlmi uuditm-.s
SBbgd- Tbe J. Z. Urallkk Oo. did wllb :<i modmi
Bot aotcr upon tbla aaterprlae wltb- clasa of uiaDufaiture aqi w iLrbc.UHel sart.
1 la every |arilcu {
tntt Brat sipe
: and aac«p era s»d 1
fatBlag wbai waa rsqalrad to oatabiiah
•B Bpdmiats plsat asd ouuket tbs
Tbeir sapsrtSMnU bats abaftlug will be
la fart, a line of iMtrlng bsagara. No single Item of
wplwt bBS otrsody boaa prodaosd SXiwnsehasbeenspare.ltoim.kethl.lPUbLtB A RICE GRAND RAPIDS
Bad BSblblM at tbs ChlcBSo funltiue tsciery up-to-date lo every particular.'
■■ ■
SBBSiitlBB. Tbo lias bscBow iiopster tbe purpose of tbk comiiany beingTu >
IWedtstdlr vltb faraitnre * deatora tastnll, every iiioehanical device nveer- 6ra„d Trank Freight House Also
Burned—Uss'Msy Bo Over
aad S lane auDiber of ordera weiv SBO for Ibe production of a flratHtaaki
Half ............ Oollara.
ptauad. Old now; altbsuBb tba (ilsnt product at a mlalmnm ooal and to aa


Please Nt«c--ma store wm Be OomUAB Say SaiwrSfy.
Sept. XSrS, oa aeeoaal ol Ibe Hebrew New Year.




Fleeced Goods

Kitchen Aprons


l-ll.-M.l I..K.1S fUl
. I. »liiK hac<pn-», ktliio11:1, uml liatli rubca.
fucil vai-icix cl iKilUTim
at lOe. 12-*e, I7e and 2Se

f et,lc- !•. vlng

Boose Dresses

Sept. 23rd,
on account oi
the Hebrew^
New Year.

priced •

-Srlde. at ...........................»c

Now Ready!
New Foil Costs
New FsU Soils
NcwT-slI Dresses
New Foil Skirrs


For School Dressed

22c. 3Sc. Me.
55c. 7Se J



Extra apecial
Cheek Oreum5C tnchck wide.
>ard .

Traverse Qly

A Great Showing of

New Fall Merchandise

Ms Are in the Market

to buy

Apples, Paring Apples
No. I Picked Stock.
dbd we wml to leD you sweet cider; clartider for diinkiog purposes; boiled
for mmee ^1,
and pastries;
jdly and apple butter.
above » «n»ll puAit^e io |k** cr in laV
Ween fnilijroo fiteto fiften gaBsu keg*, barrek u»dcaikg.
AIbb daw «f«e GB hwd lor our I
n you htre b a
I d* pixloct hm ya*



lotall) dewtroyed by flrv .v-kicnl^] afi
CfctlTDoou. I'Uialllng a Iohs
inausl at from $2uV,uoti to halt u uiitlion. Tbe Oraad Trupk wewi aide
freigtu bouae. valued ai tZu.OiHi. wua
itlio buned.
The Arc aiarti-.! -fruiii a hot U>v un•ler dne of the macblnea In the Immenae planing mill Thla mill waa a
one^ior) ainicture, coveiiDg a total of
six acre*. Tire emergency Ore fighting
upparatua waa uacd with no elfe<-l and
by tbe time aiiparatua from (he clty'i
driiartmem arrived
flamea bad
made wwh headway timi It wah im
ifiOWlble to wave the mill llaclf
The luwlwr yav.l wan aavol how
iever. wa were the office buikllURh.

Final Omelal Retunia Give Maierfty
for Rapaal of RroblbHerr

AuguaU. Ma. Sept K.—According
to compleie return* given out teml«lbeially at the ataie bouft tbla after' noon, tbe "weta" have won tbeir Bgbi
to reiwal tbe conatUailobal probtbit01) amendment by a maiorli; of 13(
Found Dead In Bed.
Maiitaiee.. Mlrh-. Sepi 13—RdTpb
Otto, algbi cterk at ibe Briny lab ho­
tel, waa NMuad dead In bed early laat
evening. Tim caaiw of hla death la
aomewhu of a nyaleir. An taqueat
ivtli Iw -heU ibA erening

This is the time of year when the buying of Fall and Winter
Supplies is imperative—while it is not imperative that you buy here"
we believe you are slighting your best interests by not doing so.
Stocks of Fall and Winter Merchandise are now complete and there
are some very attractive values to be found here.
Some new things you'll be interested in—Children’s Fall Dress­
es, Children’s Hats. Hoods. Etc. New Fall Waists, New Dress
Goods, New Trimmings, New Hosiery and Underwear, New Flan­
nelette, New Blankets, New Ginghams, New Outings.
The Dczt time you tre id look al theae:
OB Check GiDgliBms .
$C BDd 7c
leofithiul PefcaUx .
New Oulingi al.......................... --------- lOC
$300VooJ Top Blankeii.-...................................ll.M
Fraal deao up oo W»ah Dfe»tea. Everylbiog pul in
two loU lhat fold tip lo $9 aUwo pnc« $2 aod $S
Ooe lot ol Wait Houk Dfewo, m»tly light colon,
lofiDer price up to $2.00........................................... •§€



The Rcady-to-wcBr Dqff. i» ready with

N*m Smb,
SUrh, WmtH tmi Fm
A very Bttnc^ lue at moderate piicca.



rnmi aad (bo tatbor bM. ta Ua cooP croaaed the U»e sad he roUapoed to looked exactly Eke yowra." data Urn
U AmU Mtoer.
iM oraacB aad black, wm aowhere to a heap.
woman. "Are 70a oare you dIdBt
OpM wMe tb« wladDws:
ThM the gaan^baek Ueksd paal pick aay?"
I there are eerj be saaa.
Aduilt lu'nrs u> erurr atom.
Ob aaiBtdajr aftcnMM Jtaimta waa aad tba Uam keeper relied ttam
-Tea. ma'am." toplled thex Other
AUd with h S SDllllBC l*c«.
The Coniell feilowra gathered la a Twin, and be seemed ao hoaeet that
There nre the gray caawa. tor In­ looktag om of the wtadov, wW Po
ror that, with a pteuut word.
Is a Ood-aeut bsliu to tbe acbluc stance. with their beodUke aye* and saw throe or loar other bora bnder groop arooad Davy aad be was ««*«■ Ike woman beUeved him
«hcfr knowing wnya. Just an wman in a Ug maple tree farther dowa the to a doctor
"Was ibcr*' aaother boy?" abe
That evening Davy sat propped ap asked.
telling a gan from a cTooked stick street All of theta bad oltag-obou.
01 the buwsa race.
M*r«U Vm"«
ew-W"* ♦
11 *«>"W
as'were the North American crows and seemed to be abootiag Utile la a chair a tmach of chums anytud
"Tee. ma'am.' ca^ truthfully from

4 ship Id m club like ibis would K
that I need to try to sbooi when I •tones ai'-'Boambtng up In the tree. him. Tbe coach came in
the (rigbtewed twta.

■ ^11
_____M Jtm er ♦ •“'•f • •i»^" “P®®
iwkP'f »<
Alter wau-btng them a while. Jim"Doc aay* your layed up for three
waa a buy. Tben there are the black
■ M'HU 1 wish I'd cangbi the right
Trmrerse City. Ulrti-. E. F U. .So
^ boy abu wUhed
and white magpies with their talU. Ble got his own altng-abot aad weoi weeks." be began,
owe.r eaM tbe womaa..aad ibea aha

I wlH try te be as happy as I * * Ctrl who was sIshlDC to Jttsip rope
"Make It fifty, we've got the game. ” let the Other Twin go
Sept- 7. I»ll- which go bopplDg ithe magplew. not oot
brlBbt soMhIiie. -WonMnt It be
the Ulitt over (be fields with many 1
Wbea the Twia-wBh-a-dlmple heard
Dewr Presldeutbad eoouib to fare the showers wltb■
hi. brother’s wiory.-he told him tbm
Our eobool eaxDSieiKwd (be ttrih flirt and flounce, as tr the. cared for aald
pretend inai
that ooe was
♦ '• .^11
k. ImoImb Maful^^ cat
®"1 hsTlac
nat^'a* lo
lo pretenn
•There ts a bird up there and -we
0*it e« Riaee.
hr mast do the arraad abme. whKe
of SepteiBber. but It rained today so nobody.
Carl Cbaple shut hi* grammar with he would ro back-to ezpiala » the
I couldn't go to K-bool. and I tboosht
The great storks Interested me very- are tryiBf lo kill It. ll has got caught
♦ auar* IMna thlrJ?^
1 *" “*"■
I would write you a letter. My papi* much. too. with Ibeir big neats of and cant get away, and H will starve a yawn'of relief "Lera bate a game fberry woman
H 1 avur fall m tryliif te da«
So the Twtn-wKb s-dunple waM to
Las been V> Uo'-nr I'lt.v. and be says rode sticks In the forks of tall iiee<. to death Jobtmie Reynold* saw ,i before supper" be proposed,
m..tbaas thlnps, I wdll -Try. try ♦
“And iben." abe comlnued. "U la that he la ftHnjc (here this winter lo or on the tops of ruined lowem which there three days ago."
'Oh. ym. that new oar" rhlm-d the woataa. "I'm worry I pkktd that
afatn.i * aurprislDi bow many dellfhlful cheer
Jimmie looked where ibr otb-r m Bertha "Out ot Pbce. dtd yoj ,bunt’b ol cherrlew. 1 didn't step to
r la norklnx lo a chemical were built two tbcusaed yearn ag >.
♦ op tblupa there are to do once you fnciory
think (bat they beloagwd lo anybody.
He said It was not Used when the Romana liu-d in Asia boys palmed, and ibere. bangtog call< it. Aunt Ruth'"
nod iheio. There is al
^ut hot. H.- baa to siaud od Minor.
bead down from a limb, was his
'Fur Nek of a belter name.’ her I will pay woo for Iheai as soon a*

one sick or aoffie ODc sor- ,
^ricb Boor and build a Bre uubeauttrol black-and-orahgc bird. Il ,v.i<'nt aasi^nted.
1 can care some peoalcw."
Dot I think the moat beantltul bird
there'a usually somebody
p„„ ^ ^aietbln* tbal
seemed to be tied by ou leg
-Msy I
it this ttaK-**' begged
"Bw you Juat told a*e 11 waaal you
111 all that pan of the world U the
clue bmldea - yourself w ho U dlaapa.he., bui of t^rse ll lint
wings were stretched out. ss If it Alice
who did tt'~ exclaimed the rherrr
Fraaldant^Nlaa Clara Sates.
hoopoe. BBd them la a very prett.
"If you U prvxolse not to make It w-omaa.
FM Vk. Pkkkn-Ii™. iiFb.1
loo. .0.1
He ba« a rabe. and rabea story told by the Turks abont (he were too tired to bold them ap. sod
------- lamii.-..
^ »l'h himself.
bimseir. There Is
la work
work lo
,hen they sol
a* It spun slowly round In tbe soft too hard.’ said Norton,
' No. ma'am—yes. ma’am. -I iheaa.'
way lu wblch the hoopoe got the
"If you’ll agree not to-make it lou aummered the TwlawltbA-dMaple;
to b- read dry j,, rakes It oB sod puts It m beautiful goldeu rrowu of brtlllam breeze. It fluttered feebly one* or
and Bsmea to be played, provided
,,e puts In more to
easy. said (Mrl. Isugiftpg.
'Itout "that was my brother"
Pttmrsjr •hielda.
dres^ tbsi you have the will to make ss
"Hold on. boys: Don't shoot again! pnl the tooga uu the (able"’
"Oh.. It waa your brother uUt took
ibai be always wears.
effort as discoverer And what fut
Vour Suusblner.
Don't kill him: He ts building a
You come. loo. Aunt Ruth sad them, was If'
This la the story
to be aood and sij. a maker yourself
Charley ('onkllo
nest In tbe big etca In front of my mams!" called Berths, ss she ran
-No. ma'am." saM the Twta-wHh«'Bolomou
»,p. ?t sunny household weather. That'.
* chemical fscior, must be an lohouse. 1 • hsve been watchtng him into tbe bnll. and Alice was left alone dtmple struggled bard M to gbow 11.
Number of members b
wrhsi my cheer up children say. any. .cre.iing place. Hate you ever seen the air one day. 1 beard be for nitvsi a aeek. Let's get^ihe big
She Ktok.-d round tbe llbriry to -1 mean I picked the cherriea. My
Ismber 1, t#1t, Milfore that hi- indulged In aay oserclae ladder from uiy yard, nnd one of us see what article she could put out jt brother haa gone on the omBd. aad
names ee the Cradle '
of that kind, bm that’s what the. go up and set him free."
place and bate It least observable, for I have come hack to toil you how
1, lt11. 1,109.
sorry 1 am."
Lo tell yuu about ft. SunshiqThis the- boys derided to do. The that waa the secret.
very hot day when he look this IlylnK (our of them together could Just car'The very thing!" she UioughL aw
“But why didn't you ai>y uor she
a bate a Cheeraip In^
, '■
trip so long before Usrtus Green ry (he ladder out to the tree, but It her eye (ell upon Bertha's goU cpp". asked.
Ckariea Morton. L*o Monon. How-- our own Sunshine Club. ahslT wet Dear Prealdeiii
thought of his flying-machine, and be was too heavy for them 10 raise, asd she cbuckiLi to herself.
-Because I warot here. It wamfi.
■rd Baonett. ftoacoe Henaett. Ocorne B’e may alt bolouB. sad ou^ dues
1 will now'knswer your letter which
suffered gfeaily from the beat of the They dtd mu know what to do then.
btfore." bhd bis dimple showed
Bannait. Orpbis Moore, lleeae Han- ■><•11 >>« a •olue kind set esc^ day. 1 received so lonR aso I would have
sun upon hie bare head. but a man tame aktug. and they told acd at onre began a aearcb lor the prettily now. "Tou aee. we taek Jart
•MtaU. and Goldie Sulcer. Kalkaalui. ‘“tl
““Xi" ohall !»*■ "Cheenip '
answered sooner but I wi, eeiUn*
So be caUed lo sc e^iU -hsi wa* him about It. and be put up the lad misaplarcd object,
meh. .Sames sent by.UielU M. 8nlVour President Rlanced at- a aclen. ready to so to school and I /lldn;
"|i n in plain alghir aiM NorT deelar*! Aro rou rthe Carrotl
illlc masatlne yeaierday. full of lens, have time. I am ai Imerlocben bow . flying by. 10 shade him with her der and held ti wblle Jltumle went
s^oua artUlce written by expem soinp to school
My siitdln ary»:t wings: but Ibe eagle would not stoii up
It waa a long, hard climb, even "LncKigh of It." answered Alice,
"Yea. ma’am, we are."
o“ ‘•O grown up subJecU. sad in a very hard. Alsebm Is (he harOec*- lor King Suktiuon or anybody cIm-.
Then he callid -jpon other birds, after be had gone clear to the top of -ub. not atl!" cried Dcrtha. “That
“Weil, well! Toale a teal IllUe
Uossall iloore, age three tuoniha; study on psychology.
Isak ywir John. WUIle. Ilannaliel. sad I arc
gesUemaa to come ahd own ap. I
dueace Sttkar, aga two yaara. Kal- teacher what ibai word meana.1 she here and I am keeping bouse Mam- but they were all equally unobliging. (be Ladder, bm Jimmie kept bravt-iy gites a aue'
aeem (0 be of use wonder If r»u woutdaY like 10 pick
feMka, Mich! .Names seat by Imetta Wid •<»oi • school secret society, ms la coming n.-ii w«-k She Isn'; Tbey evidently thought that any one on until be could Juat reaeh oat andBm It did not
M. Snlcdr.
'The strangest secret society In the very well. The work was'too bard else that could fly as weu as the uHiwiai ilM- string that held tbe blrd'w (or round and round Ibe room wrWbtri some cberrica (or me. ll yoo will,
waa loo weak the live, yet so om-of-place artlrle you may bare all yoo can oaL”
world." the article suicd. It hu for her. Berthe la going to stay might Ipok out fur bimseir. But v leg The poor thing
So wbea tte Other Twin came hark
.. no ofBcers. holds no meeUnga. and down there and cook for the men. It Itcopce was more accommodating, even to cry out. but Jutt Uy Lill in runid Iw-'dlscaeered
-Is It Utile or blgT' Queried Noe be found bh brother up Ig the tree,
Than and Now.
recogniies only two by-lawa. They aeems to good to be back home. The for, seeing bow the sweat rolled dow-ii Jimmie’s hand ontll be cllnibed back
Said empdma: “When 1 went to are these; one member seeing anoih- woods are very pretty now. I don't ^ylomoo's face. iblF bird gathered a to tbe Udder, ai^ ao down to the ton.
and for the first Ume tbey bad all
"Is that a fair qtmoUoa. Aunt the eberrieu they waated.—eschaage.
er member looking cfoaa or aad must have much lime to l>e out doors but rock nf hoopoes which flew over the gronnd.
%# had to lean Iba Tnle of tbre^" aay Inrtaotly. “Do you belongr and | ei^y being btek. I have*read the king at Jilin Ihe rtgbi angle, aud
Tbe striug was twisted ronnd and Ruili?" appealed Alice,
Where th* Day Safina.
round the bird's l-'g. so tbal It look
"We all aeem to na-d more light."
the other member uiuat nnewer—wlih book about the Seven l':astcr IJIIc
shielded him from the burning sun.
For all ordinary porporea. the day
Then Pclomun ask.-d them what some ilm.- 10 unwind It and f« it replied Auni Ruth,
a smile!
and enjoyed It very much. 1 learned
-TtM cblMroB Dowadi^a. It aat'ini
"Well, then.' answered Alive. "1 btslns at BUbriae. aad amuallj day
We am bave that society In dur a leaaon from It and that wss paii they would bate lor their senl.-c'. off The bird muit have been cerr.rbrgins at the first aocnod of Ume
Dost ava^know what study oMan
It preuj
bigWbea -ll
own Club. too. Shall we?
encc. I have a lot of work to do to- and iftMc. a long conriav.- and much lug It to lu m-M. when ooe end should caU
after midnight wbarever kpn may
I dont bellOTa they really know
Do yon belong?
day so must close. Yes I was verv dlscnsslori they decided that tbey ,-aught Id the maple-tree and the was new It was Urger than lu owner
bappru to be. But tbb la a« onffiAs nneh as l did. loag agot"
other end wound round tit leg Then wanted."
Ob. Suoahlnera. do yoo want to glad 1 had the pleasure of visltlug would ba(e B crown of gold.
Wd Nannie: “Did yon cverl"
"What In the world caii It be!" rienjty exact for the parpooaa of
This ^s granted by the great king, Ihe birder It struggled aad the more
hear a cunning sion' about a little with yoo thta summer. '
aavlgaUaB. since wc know tbal wh(>i
And tiiea with mlacbiat In bar eye:
wbo -^vldentl. had any numher of >i spun round the flnuer it was held, muted Carl.
girl named Ueth Uncoln? Your PresVour loving Sunahlner,
It 'u mWnigbt A QOadatpbU. tar
"Make na a rcfBa basket—try!
Idem doesn't know who wrote IL hot
Anna Grundy
eroans to give away, but ihe buopoe
When the bird '■■ •• >■•( IfM
"And where?" arovlcd Norton, pa.-v
iautaack. It ta.wariy ooi o'etoek U
J made a Iwael one yesterday—
abe la anre ll is unite true. It begins
Yen are always a busy Sunsbiuer. soon tearn.-d the truth of the old Uy- silll a luotuetii on Jtmnle'* band, mg on and down in from of tbe bookFonlaod. Maine, and not muck after
M'a'Ia two colors, pink sod gray.
by Beth saying. "I'm tired of ever>and always a tbeery one.
adage. ' t'neaay lie* tlie bead that and then fluiierecl away, up into Hi.- rase.
Jim rl^i lo bold a ball of twiae.
thing, mamme. Do tell me what to

"Therv-!" cried Bertha. auddenlv\ el^ao o'clock I* CTilcago. lU. On tbe
wear* a .-rowti," I(.r e.ery one In elm That evening Jimmie saw loib
land thta makra rer> IlltJe differease
Abd yon hbaUWe IL grandma mine, do." as abe
Alia Minor man and boy, iM-gsii 'c lb- nioiher and Ibe lather bird ((*■ "1 told t'lemenilne HoK hkUa that the
le Into the rcom where
WlllmmsburK. MU h
U basinsaa aOAira. cgrriM la tbe asstU yon can saw a board lo two..
her motbei
iM eltUng.
Bepi h. l»ll, Bhooi arrow's al ih.-m fur the sake geeber. and the uext morning they oext lime we pUyed this I would aak
JkM dried a nail as straight aad trae.
“Why ' n
ot secorlug one of th.- golden crow-u» were ar work ’again a( the newt, and ber over. She thought It mam be (er of telegrama.
play baaketball with Dear PreaWentTo lllusimt: Thi* dlEarmica *a
And palBt
In tact, if tnlngs had gone cu -1: by mtdsnmnier a happy little family fnn. Say, you wait tor me—dost
mer her mamma answered.
1 i^n|(shl 1 would toll you a Uric
betwaea Ltrerpeta oBd New
And Bkateb from life a Homan nose.
runIn time
aad g«
“With you. BHunma? 1 didn't know of my vUli In Marion
I went down Ibla rate much longer, they would of four young Baltimore ortolea were try to find It!—and I'll
York U abo« five hom. oa thaU a
And moold In «lay t bahy-a band.
8>i swinging 111 the coxy little basket, her. MWre’a my goK cape? I
you could pUy baskatbalir
m see my Aunt Jessie and also to see bave been mierly evteriiiloated
aoBt from Urerpoel at 0090
And brcll baaatank with ready band.
'Why not-? ,1 have balls Ig the my Uncle Win. The children were they came to King Solomon, and told Jimmie calls them hU birds, and thought t left It right here Ob the
*tAnd imka a cake, and write a song yarn baaket. and am going to weare juat lunlDg to school the mornloB him that their crow-u* had Ix-come a evcryliody who knows ihtnks be has couch.--T;5uiufe I didn't carry It upAad alng IL too—sit sunsaa long,— the yarn In and out
stair*. Vo y-uu know where It la. ter aetea la the miAiNB. M aU»wthis ball.” 1 left for home and niy rousio l.«uis-; burden and a nuisance, and aakM a rlghi to do M)
lag for delara.
And—-' “Mercy, child!" said grand- anld -Mrs. Uncoln. amlUng and bold-----------------------Allee?"
gu as she was alraid him very eernrstl. that ibe. iiughl
l-’BuaUy. the great boai-racea be­
n„. j,eket.' she an■n “Stop!
tag up n woolen ball, over which she i would be gone before she got bac.t be taken away.
tween Oxford and Cambridge are res.
How Cornell Won.
.wered, evaMvely '
So he very kindl. thauged the'r
J|y bead U aplnnlng Ilka a top!
stretched the- heal of Madge's liule she la one of the Snnshlne glris. y ou
iHrtnsu (ar ths Oswshlas Pa«*
Ul>. I have a bii; guess that's what ed about foar p. m.. aad wa baar the
Job don't tall me you laarn aD Uwae etocktag.
ta»w . l' wish you could have seen crown or pure gold Into a crown of
she ha* hidden!" cried Carl. "Yea. result u noon.
p pothg to icbool!". -Tfea. grandma. “O. that
kind! 1don't call that the betuilfnl trees aad the iHflerent briglii golden feathers, which sit* be1st' ' Corneirs *ur tackle,
San Frenciaco u eight hoare la
II ta- I know by lS^ looks’of ber
play." said Oelb.
birds, and the Bsh in the stream a- wltchlngly on the >er. tops of lb-ln siiJ out wltb 1 badly wrenched
sun time from Engtaad. mJ la com
And many mere daligbtfni tblnga- "You and
lourfriendNellie b^ a Maiion- But the crops are not so beads, snd If ally of us should be
..kl. M.
b,. lUur, *l,„e
Abont a bli^ and bow It aings.
nice time yeaierday playlag you wet* good as In Grand Traverse- I'oua v. Inclined to dunbt the truth of tbi*
riementloe ran wait for the next aeuneace tbe thllforala papora can
III ptsHi.e tor ibe'foutball game with
AbOM a bug aad how It crawla,
a tewing aoelety; and why may' i The U*i really good crops wer,. ,>,1^ strange story, thr people would point
game. A golf cape cso'i be In lb? paUtofa at six a. m„ aeww of happen- .
HsMilIioii a nearby college
lagi In Bogtand and ttm OoaUauot at
Abont a taat aad why It (nils.
not play that my rani work la play— aide of Tbompaoiiviiie end ‘M-'oud ua lo Ihe Aoopoe darting overhead
Despite the roach s effort* to gel
Eagerly the searchers peered Inin two p to., of* Ute same day.
And Ob. go many thin* I know.
bnakcthnil. tor losuncc?
l will coas there all ihc core was near!.- cu. and lighltfig on the tn-es. and would
.h.„- ,0, ,L. Mc h. t«n0
Thli Is latereatlng bat paxfUag.
’ifb.. of courH.. it muM U1 haven't told you'.balf-oh. ool"
a V«» «*> ytw-"
and other things were not hki: n e-->u say.
eapertallv to narlgalora. aad la or­
Bald grandipa:
1 B«»er!“
Beth caught ibe ball and said, as f brought home dome Itowunrv U.r true; don’t you ace th.n they wegrder to prevent k>*» of rvttealag k
—Harriet Crodwr LeKoy. ahe came close to her mother; “But. ujothcr and she wants voti -o !*ao.. their crown of goM.-n l■■albe^s lo this
became necemaary to >d oa »9mr par----------------- ------mamma, wlthcui Jokliig. what can I »omo of it. When I cw.u.- K--k .he very <lay;^and how else- could they
tleoUr spot where tbe asIrtmomk-Bl
Dalalaa on a Vacation.
do? 1 am tired of everjlhtug and fl„*ers wen- so pretty thu I bardiv have got them, pray*"
„o. Wb...
„ ... or nautical day abooM begin.
-Oh. tell om. where are my dtbUaa eveobod}. Pleaae tellme what 1 knew whero to look Bret I bmi..
AcrurdlDf lo tbe way lo wblch Ibis
Would you like another bird stur. 'I"'
"", I. .1.. " ...Io.ln.1 Nor
«•" do '
come to Traverse City soon and will
The day for the game arrived
arraikfemeal U now carried out. tbo .
Wbtl can the aummer have done
“Is my daughter really tired of remember to bring you -wme o'
for the- HumaDe Sodet' (bis w.ek*
flriti Und tbal the ucw day dawas
night such s pretty lard ..nnc Your Pn-Fidciii r.-dd ihi* last aprln'. 1..., ..UM 1; mm bi. bx,m ...... " ,
With all tba Boaara? FOr high and berwolfr naked Mrs. Unetdn. with a T»- »r.,
bbl.k ,, I,
upon Is Easter Island, about two !»■»•
slight eniphaals on “heracll."
ftom unr «.f n.v tgrtuer . •’•
t.rls but the author’s iiaino was not given
I. b.a ,b..b,U «m« b,
dred and ibtrty uiile* scat of tbe
-I MB-t *nd n ninghy onof
"Why. yea,. Dldu i I say por mam m,d also one /rom my cousin in Iowa. This U the way 11 begins:
coaat of Chill fb.uth America. Tbgt
rra saarM and bnnted Urn meadow mar
!• i- so nice to Kue them ..............
Karly one fine, bright tiMinilnc Just Mm n,„b k..a
.b.-l. Mb.r ... ,.,!,■•]
bbbkb... ...a ,k.M ...... U to *s' Hie sa«nd of July breaka
"IJow would It do to stop trying to jo.i 1 am dplng apples >h,. inn i.';.. aa Jimmie liallc-y
>lartlDC (or
T!„. l.„ b.-,r
I, ... H.m ,, ,
here wKIiln s few bouri ot the first.
1 ru 'arny down lo the brook.
plrase self, of which you are so very - b «.h is an old time cusiu-ii -r ta'.'i-r iciiool. he heard a sweet, clear whis­






AmI np to Uw orchard and over the
Tbaco'a nowhora elae to look.
Are they dead, orare tboy hiding
trom Bta?
' The meadow te bare and cold;'
There's not eojnucb as n clover left.
And all the t&ltarcnp'a gold
la acattered and loett'aod the Mueeyod.'iraro
Haa ran away with the reaL
- bow long theyll stay. After


.. ...y „f our grs . umin.-.. T
-Mamma, what do you mcaor
,, i.t, a long leiter lor -u. :- ..u a;Jnat then dear liule Madge came . ,u • Sunablnrr n • - ll> -t- mriUi.-r
toddling Into the room, and said, siu | send you 'o«-e an-l/' i;.
wlaUuIly: "I haven't anyone to play ^0^ 'ou In the i-ar fut,- . -i gw<l
. py.
Mrs. Uncoln gave Deth a meaning
Your loving ftiend
look, and aald:
ndtenc* Oarreitson
"How would It do for my l)ig girl
We feel that you are a truly Sun
to gat away from aell. aad amuse my ,btaer." Mias Florence, and ’ warn
iltUa girl?"
jour leliar in the Sunshine page
Mm. Lincoln waa called from the
room. Ltd she lound two happy «-hllJKalkaska. Mtch.
the anumar knows beat
ran when abe returned half au hour
^pi il )^n
lo do for-bar chlldroa: and later. What were they doing? Be'.h Ut-.r I'n.'sldem—
Rwyba they're ^e
/ was Mowing soap bubblen. and Madge
j have kumd tea men- vouiig pv-v
Par a little vacation. Who know*? was trying lo caicb them. Mrs. Un pic who would like 10 Join ihe Sun
-Selerted. coin stood for a moment In silence, ^pc Club. l«sMl send you the
uawea. Two ol them should go on
EUNEHINERREglDENTt"What a beautiful picture"
the Cmdie Roll. Those for the riu’..
Beth looked up and saw her moth- ,,, Charles and l.eo Morton. Howard
Ante! Hnln! Halo! How it did er. and said. "Aren't the bubblew Eoscce. and George Bennett Orphic
pmir na your Proaldent went to her baauUtal. mamma, add Uni Madge a Moorv. Ijpcne llanensu-im and GoWlr
daak this morning for a\ Sanatata- daarr
Those for the Cmdie Roll
MMi with you boys and gh-la!
1 have two dears now ; but whni ,re Russell Moore, age three momb*.
”11 la n good thing.” she anld to has become of ihat tired aelfrClarence Sulcer. age two .ear.
hoTMlf. 'That there can U Sanablne
"Dtawn away, mamma, with the Haase send the cards sod bnttons
In the botme. even M the sky U- drl> bubbles." laughed Beth.
I will give fhem t
ptag!" And then she thought she
Your Brosldem wondem If you
wmM laS jrou abont a club of young ever get tired of youmelvew.
SunVonr Sun.hiner
tolha caUaE tba CIroenips. They begms. If yon do. remember about
iJh'lla M Sulcer.
ronBy oagbt l« -belong to onr San- Beth. w-onl yon?
Aro the tlilHlrvn yuur srbocimates'
~ ahlM Onb.
One of
grown-np Snnrklne j ihmg u u fin. m tave so msev
o—- ttey try to make everybody friend* railed al your Prealdeni'.
hapn. taclndlng ttemeelves. Tbey house the wber day. and left a irwee*_______________
bbV* roles, and o««m. aad a tress- little veree that she had wrtitea Jual
tiry Whkh Jingles with the pennk-i for our nub.
Vour President often lilks to .ou
of tboae who target to amUe. or are
'.Mny I not tell the lehlldcen you - abont the bird* abe sem near byr
craaa. or waaia Uielrtimeta comaamer' the PteaMem asked. AnJ heme. Thu week she baafMnd
pMktag nheat aomafbtngthat cannot abb raceivkd "Tea," lor a reply. 80 anch an Intereating little talk by Dr,
you -may know that onr Sanablne Clark wbo bs* tmveled all over the
Proal- friend te Mm. C. a POac of Trav- world. TbU la whai be says:
1 -Srvt erse City,
Tbete are hot a grewi many Mnl^

tle from the tall eltu i i-e in trom of
bl* house; A' fir-i lie iliouglii it of the other hoy*, wbo bad
clatmbetl up iberv and bidden 10 tool
hiui; but Ibe ifer w*s so Mg (hat no
one could i-limb il without a ladder
Then the whiFile came agam. aud
there waa a Dash of someibiag bright.
like flanir. and ue saw that It was .1
beautiful bird tlisi bad made tin
Tbal alteftMton be wciil out under
the mw again In a IlllU- ahlle the
bird cauio. carry ing a long stniuc Iti
lia bill It's mate wa.> wbh ft this
lime, and Jliumie saw iliai iiie- bad
bc-gua to build a nest aw*, uui on
the lip end
a swaying twig. The
bird that mad-- the sweet wlil*illn<
call wa* ol a beautiful i-ruht orangcolor, with fingw of J.-i bia.k but It*
mate was dreared in 1 sui- trf yellow.
l*h brown, that Jimmie though: wa*
not noarly so pn-tt.
It waa a wonderiul ni-wi ibai lUc'
were buildint—a perfect litt.e baekeor Gag of atring and horio-hslr aod
ItM and bits of brlgbl-colored yarn
and it was au hung to Ibr end of ibe
twl- (hai ev.-rr breeze swayed and
rocked ll back aiad forth
.Vt ibe
aaoH- lime, it was so far out from ihtrunk of the iree <hat no mas o.'
boy, even if he ,-ltnibed the tree, could
teach it nor could even a cat get m
the young bird*.
The w-ork of building the nest went
on tor three or four day* and then
all at once li slopped. The mother
bird—In her yellow tab-brown suit —
was abont the troe. and seemed
irightcMd. She Bew ahoot and back
and 'forth, hm did aoi srort at the

li'"" ' ‘"I; ""
............... ...
fbiaw «, .. .Ib..!. m
the atr and Kllnser Ibe ne* it-----book, was Ihe ml'«
ran Jioder It Tlie ball hit h*s
a 'gUiJ < -V
slid bouiiOeo ssIdA* Quick as a flash
‘ forth
'I H*iiiilu>ii pUyrr snsu-brd OP the
That was a *--;Cl
it i-arl wiili .V Ml
a iiiu.'bdown. Tin- i|uarlerba<

M.HHI n*.- to ooihing ill lavor



11- ru*h ibsi followt-o Klliig-1
- uihJ llliivill*rio-z» at Ihe toHolJi
p pile The roaiii was wollJrr
hvr tic wutild put :n lo take hi*
wn.-ii *iinn-ljoil> luuchcd liiUj
,- rno TM'ii.hg he U-heid hav.
Ill one arm and
pro-o-tor i " Hu- other



• KO<»l

r a dlinplti.'teo caJI-

t.j -he ea*i and tbe two dsyi rou on
aiouc»ide the second la Easter Is­
land and places won. the fintt 1B aD
oirtbe Amorican roatluent.
Wc may (berofore. realltc tb1w
Idea—that at 7;;o o’clock any morviIfig In Great BrtlaJn or at uoun l i
1‘tilladeJpbla. the next da; la <udnieitrliig In tbe world and Is Ui be
louhd at ibl* little Island tn tbe Pa• Ific o.eaii. whetK-e in due cmrW I
will iraicl round to u*
But to nave thti* the Mart of the
world IS kii unultlgaled advantaco !0 (be*- lalaodera. Suppose on »r then, wall* eaal lo America, wb.p
I* 111. resuh' He win find that ih-'v
k'-ep ;u(F day there under a Olflcrint..
dale, aiKj he wlH bave to re*ko« one
day in Ma calendar t«ii-e over to put
himself right wRb th-.r notloat,
On (be other hand If an iumricia
crowaea (rom ea>t to west this wooderfnl magic line where the fay
gina. he w-in find 'be dates la this
frewb pan of Ibe world are <mr to
ad>anr« of bim. and he moat seeds
strike a day out ot hla ealopdar to
keen op with the Umaa.
Tula fset was cartodaly Illustrated
In the res* of MagelUa. the Portagueee capuin. who called around ihs
world from east to west In I.’-??, and
having crossed the magic line of
“day’s Wrtb" In bl» wanderings hla
calendar became of conrwe. a day la
arrear The aallorw were completely

'till- d.i- '■';>> W-111 mi an errand
auiu.* a.-oa.' -mli- eiij
A •-herry-lree bung
V,-» I tu alrUkii oulj
t,..-r the Mdcwalk and the Twin.with
• piled Davy
’<'•:> J dmipl-' CB'r a }uiup. aud bU hand
Tt..- i-oocu ihoughl it uunnti
SJ,.: laraj..' down wiifi * cluster uf bnatt
rr-! iherriew id It. Then he liesrd x
k»ke; snd -I!;' - little nolM- Uic other sM* of the
* he entered the hedge, and he dart'd rvMiOd Ihe
p«i Into bis togs

field he wa* gr.-i-t
The Other Twin wa.* not quick
sunvjcrvd ten enough to eacane a long arm Uiat
The Ua.. k- c|H t
.-raebed right through the h»tjge and
luhiuiF-w more 10 iThe gaUiC Ln-csh again
For fi>r .'.utebed him Then a lalL th-u womlDotes neubvr Irani gm.ned an In. h man peered' over and agid. •dia.T' Tben l ornri! g..i the Tall. l! wa. -So It’s yoo that * berO siealing my
pavaed t« !'«'• whe took a, within cherrlew. U llT’
Ovr yard* o' llacuilt.iti . go^l
The -No. ifia’am." answered Ihe Other falling on a Moadav. they acri
second iltiM- t ornclt (ailed ip gain Twin. Uembllagly
ooe nocher of umperiag with
Tbe third umv the ball waa'mpcnh Tbe woman stared at him. There recfcoolag
t time that Urn
passed tn Ua>> wbo carried it around woro ao cberriew la his band
the left end tot a louebdown. Hla aulas oa hla llpa. It waa sMage.
aakle gave away iMvsealb hd« aw be . "Tbe face 1 saw above tbe Bedg-.*

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