Grand Traverse Herald, June 22, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 22, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(B^mh Mt^v$t

snd Travorso Bay






TKAVKUSK CITV. ifliAM) TUAVKICSK roi NTV. AI!i niUAN\ TIU HSHAY. .11 \K 22. 1911





Lawn l>arta Waa Civan 'at the MoRatt
>lo>nc Tucailar.
iHiiid ladtn
atleitioou at
r home
la hiUKii o( lier dauxhii .
Mofluti. The b»0 aai- iirellil}
d4-<iirBi(il with Has«
IlalDhU aM»lated talihi. «<t<- K|ina-I
ndar ih«>
(h«> im« a«>d a
iDtbevn served
at £.;W
rntenderos of daisies and ldue)M;lis

a eam


Kmui 1-be Record Eaule. Jiiw,




in:i- iiml wheu ihea*..It,si an ,Hf-d III il,.»er> M'nMlioniil
,ud iMVe ii>..d U.K. Ih,
ill. II th.A seytiwnied.
r an »!.«.
iut tiushnn.l Im-•tl.B ,d hiK |..l.|«,'
diVeed III I.»


Free-Handed Outributma of
Charactrriied the Oicralon-.Street Conpcstion Worst
Ever Known in England.



MUoa itae people of 1
(Puilulic loday.
■ mwM the alrMtii. fax\
i WMViDlMer Abtwr m4 c
•« ibe BOUtitM wbo cUnced ic




TM trip of tbV kins ami <ru<-eii (u
Um BUlouI hone eboa aC OlraipU
Tweui)'-flvp him
liv b*M (or inierteaaloiif

.fte D«ke o( CM




*4 10


....... _ ..........

- ........................ - r will be the ace.i
< Of aaoh oublScent paceaniry and n
IWipeamiaB of fnwer aad mlcht as
wUl e^ffi the cloriee of the )ubliec
oalabrathMW Of HUT and HU7 and '
joe ar Bdward VII. In I
I wDI tnnPlde for all wbi> have

aa4 . . .................
Bfl^loBe «r eeetu it.
iVleada^uoaqaated in reeeol tlmea.

fresldeni -r, A. Hammond.
Vi<-o4*m8Jrtenl—Hrv, J. A. tlanUy
Seorriary—J. ilelni.
Troaaurer—L. KoutM-.
The eveenlive cimniiilee 1* In son
slat of the afmv' uietnls-red oEftvn
loCetber wtlli G««> ,11. OtiMh. lioben
Barney and Charles
Ilamnioiid. Ihe piesident gave a ailr
I detenni
and aquare md bivi <

•wreau ef Infermatiwi Reccivea Man

le Kureau



Itaeir-aiuro valuable,-"l^e^y


aad Beereiary llnlleyandhlsaHKlsui
pUces iJiai


wUh i


tbe riallors o( ihe polut
explalutnc (be H>«rd of Trad, exiilbll
fruit, aecarinc pUirw fur - tfauae
who wlwh lo reiiMiu with us durlnc

oaabratad eSorte lu -ihe welitui <

Ibe autuitMT. ««■ directime .dhers i.. the
nearby n-aorts. answeHns ihe


drede of ifufeUuna that are asktei. or
direciiDK Ihe iu>ialrlea in tboae wb'j
mom lamIHar

wiib the -mailer.,

WKb itbal wlUinxiieeti wbleh has
- _
and -In qneatiniTaMl rarrylnaon ihe res.,
Qaaaa to ilndF. as far aa pnaalbie. the tar nantae of (be .dTItm. whlrb tin
wtahaa of Ibefr loyal aubjecta. arraiiKeI by llio »cure>
I have been made for twt> royal
1 part of Ihe day'a. work.*
Btreeta of ibe
Tim fliwt will take place

They are alao aeenrrac places f«r

twmw when Uyrlr maJeMlea
fima ngrblrfheni u> Wcatminater Abto bo orowned,
erowoef and ibe •
they pniceed from
palaeo ta tbe dty proper, where
whn r they
WlB bo rooelred hy the loniI maynr
andI tpcpwatton
toepwatton In atate
Mas a drive tbrouxh the renier of
liuSbB. aad then, in onter ihai all
Hnwi nay hai
e eelebnilM
] on tbe ew

......... -


loae who with eiupki.viueni and niliuc poaHlouH for those who wish help.
This akme is urn- of the fenuirea th»i
baa irowu nut of Ibd bunwu







made Kood use of.



They work in roii

mK-tlnn with tbe AnuKlaled L’bar1in-K
and man.v ptaroa have iieen fiuind for
tiHiee Inoklnjt lor work


viH b»' clad lo bave all «v.tiiia<m<-e
lOd emphrycra wb«. wiah help i<. send
In ibelr needs and ell aieebani<'.>. and

e meaaer AroeU of the meiropoearners lo Me any Bppllrai|,>-|
To alee-teolbe of tbe people ot
Umdea. etfai the
The farmers are usmii
atw^mereiy eeelng Ibe areal pro<wa- tbia (or a ;^uwllnc place i«> dlacuss
To the Abbey and Return.
Fbr the nwooBtlun eerenoDy in
»w Ibe Ktac and Queen will «
by tbe abtwtcwr.
the Mall, the arrhway aod
yard of the Horwe Guards WhitenrUamabt atreei and



■■ ri-4.

oeeeaoay. wieb win lau about two
boara. a hmaer rmiu win l>e taken
by way of Cbarloc Croao. Cockapur
etreat. Ml MalL 6i. Jame'e aireet.
PloMdilt). Hyde eomer, and f'-nesiiiu
tloa bin.
Dm few persona, lo .-om
parhea with tbe enorrauus crowd*
BOW to Londoa. will be able to aei s
aned Hew of •
Ttw amt of the croat aianda that ba.
beoa eroaed have been glared on th
route of Prtday’i grtH-ewsion. wbliM expocted to aBord i
apectarie that that of tomnrrow
Heat tolka. who rise early, may , .
eare atandlac room alone the atrew
aarha. but tbay will have to etpud .
to aee
eee over ibe bear-«kln. bats
of the Foot Oaarde. tall fellowa. all ot
thaoE e*«m t( they endure ihe bmirs
«d tedAoue walUa« and have the Uu-k
la rotate thetr pAaero.


a aitrarud t<
doe more royal (amUlea than baa evnr
baaa aaea bare at oae Ume before.
U Iheauta rooaie of 8t Jame'e palaoe
taalfhl the Duk* of Cteanauchi elves
a tiHaer Id thefr honor. One of the
r (be (M«lca dem
.m Ji

ttat froi_ _________
latladH Prtoee rnahioi. Admiral To-

heller pldSl* ajkb their nelabfaors for
i-aiT of .rlieir farm proilueia and
tbe uttM-k a|ld fniii crowere tii(<I Ibis


place to lalk ovnr.

IheitTdt^far ihe h'liernirDl of lb»-lr
onwards and ibeir Troll lands.
There are nnmhers




londiiloa. He boa b«—i .. _ ...........
bih.pital lu Ann ArLor al»ui iht
aeeha Tn-HvlnE lrea'~iem
and I
Trl.-tids m Travene OI > haw
a^leppua aa lu LU aeltare
:ia> be e«..
thinp (jriii,
Remedy late Spray ?..............................—
'.■ith Limc-Sulpb-'i.
atw* MettMHSs I
jr holtft.C
- ‘
SvCi Open '
momln*. hifi a*
>y New to Cntsk lu
!l -' ^Kiald
re.c;.i.i from
from Ann Ai.~. ai Dpnnclnc tbe death
The aneoal cemmenretnenl nxarcAnna
: oVIn. k ibi
Mr. (iarUnd :
of the Training Mwol-ol Narroa of
Imniia tliejibC
T;u- hod) will rea.4. I



•.* ir i* “


Aayiaro t


II' dropping
■ rh.fT, lre>>H. Il ap
a.e. turn >.Ih.a
ay ibe ..Hen do
times ot
This has .M.'umHl where thi■iplwar healthy
ih.-.^bM..' U.'O pruperly apra;

held in the chapel of the laatlieUoa

sociIety wedding

Tuesday eteoioa at which tuaetwwitr
youna people rpcelied Ibelr dlpkaane
asXniiied Buraea

Tbe chepel


derated In the (Wkirs ot the Otero
wbi.-fa ere plak and^Jiiroea. atreiamn



forces of Grand Trarerad tWuly
t^t’^Wln*. Ideal oiHioii eampalsn
...____ i Mror from the United 8ut*«
Bauer »aa apimliited
'll to oUend.
halrman and W. \V, McKee temporary
biapBlod with (bi fear that a tracedy
A nooiiuailnK roiuuiliie.'
aajr soobt .inmorro*Two thouaand aecrelary.
WAolweM wd buMlredi i
■lent offlccni bih] while iliU comniii
Uvw or* (Mdy. ConieotJoii h
lee wa* lu aeasinn mceaaces were rv.
velved fni'ni men of ib.< dlFerdbi ikh h
Mitpe of Ihe cv.unty with a view I.
aarortaiiiliic as far aa poaslbh- ihi
Beoltment rolalive lo aueh
palco «a was .viDieniplaied.
bar- Olaat life g
ulte frank, and
RaiM* darliig the iranater.
reaeaurlnK.' Tbe /oil
/olhiwtec U (be liai
of oirieen, eelerioci; .
■sad aromaa. vUb a eamisUml. teapot.
AM Of aandwldbea and a mg eoimmpad on a ai«t id glre her a |U>od rlew
of the ooroMiloB parade lomormw.
Haadiwda u( olbwa followed her exsaplo. Thee* W«» eehn.«l. si
tko abbey iSU afii
d eel lo
ML tbe a..
of ro^ty.
LmaBoii. JuM II.—TAie tammailo
IUbi OMfge Bad Queen Mery U
one topic appennoai to tbe mlndi
U» peewle of I.oad<» today,
wblle tbe brilUahl ceremony wUI be
OM of world
wide Intemai. ft
h ._
Loadoo Ibai tbe creel wad clorloue
- h tbe errat will

KiidoM June :k>.
« N.m!
derided liillilai) II
li.iii preparnlloiis
•tjKTieii. ■
jam yel..-M
fol^ier* mar
ir. hed I
Mmi«-s a
aloekrnr .»TU.- pr..-,
111.' .hxiiic of -an.
M.uh>M |>l<Kire n.n.diln.'e :
Mai,v TO

Word »a» recvdeed laail B«b.l I
Ramvel Osrls^d. caahK^ ot lbe“l




y Many Honors Conferred.
J-h.' .wiimiK
l.siicc Is alKualised by n ir.-«.bund«l ;
*' iribntioii nt h..nrs.
In lli.- list


■ be ■pn
■roller II
II miKlit be ipv.Mi
V.MI II... Iron .
l.•^.rHa.•mstl\e ..f II,.: bun-au railed Minnie 9. Wait
i. I*i«f Talj ol lb- AiTirtiliD
Nicholson United Wrth ElebII a deacripitc
orete Ceremony.
inv coiiiuiiinjrailon wli'-h c-t.
tory <>r th<- lr.>ubte« and tb.
maaiM-r m whhb lo.Uimt tbei
■ 'uOebiei

><r bUDtinK of (beee roiors beln* Iro'he aldea erf the room

of the-plhttorv which a

The nn-i uoiahle «-..lHy wedding
rohinlal Jir. I....TS naiir.- Only'Ohe Democrat'Went Against H
<>I (be M-aaon wbk that. Tuesday eve
Sir J»»-ph
J.,»-ph I«.
Party—Report of Tarifl Board
nlng •■: Mtsa Utiinl.' H Wall, daugh
of Nt*w r'
Was Submitted by the
■•,,t S. r.
K Watt,
«ksi«. aiiu
and rr
E'ranfc Ow...
pniimfU-d ' II
In nwprtuee i., y..srX'que»l hv h-l.' Ni, lioU,..i. The l«
look plare a'
ITshcr, prim
l’'"'"e I wouhl say Ibal llij. inuihl. k «•. hn-k at th.- b.»me ..'f lb
the bride no
Eklwanl Mr.
—ryII....*.- win. the .*.Tr>
mrntlnuud h> i Wash^Kl. n ntr.-i-l. in ihe pirvM-nee of
a «<^ ./I :.'l I ..rii IK due t«i the «rf one ot lU-'ahoirt'fkiiv ,of ihc tclatlrr* iDd InUrtllcra.
■0 il.>-<n.l.'i }h-afMlthl fiiuai. wh..Kn alla.-k
ha .'umu-tif^s .rf the
a» groom.
:be bride aad
The Hurl ol
■111 r
lied b,i the put iiirlDC.rf th. ;
were ebb
eral leader in ilu- Iiohm- ol lordh until
mate* by plant li.v and ■Jlier ellmli-r
uiiiisually beaullful, a color
hta wilhdreual rmt-Mlt <iii arcuuiu or|■■loniit.')
I »—t n.ur InJi.'.ls- This S by no
'“•w |M-h<ui>e of while idak and grvvo being
Iiln<' ma.Ii- a tiuirguls laud Roh- H.r|.uh|,
<hI wilh
irounie a.s ii literally ■ detoltai.-d th. ennied out.
IT.-U daialro and ferns
beiy. lxir.1 r.traim of Kcdl.-Kloi. ainll'ran l<
. vuiB.' 'nt tlMHnu'aenri- ,li.-rrj • trees In Mirbicaii .fUe
effeclHrlv jiwed to
I oi.y
ftepr.-Mmlallve ..•Jtrri urii. to an exirnt that few
larrd Hnis-e) arc niad.- .uirts
IUuh-Iwy window where Ibe bridal
(•ery fa.'reaM.-r sill Ik- kn-.>.» as ibt...................Ohio, wno-l ainuuM it
111 the ir-.B npened Ibelr irup
I torrd. and alter In tbe areh Of
Karl of Midlolhian.
•h.- Kv|i»lrliranK who »nt,.,| |..r lb. frnii, and aa jupny of them did n-.t
1 anri white over the siairwt
The IliKlii ilm. Al.'Xuiimr IV. M.»
were Itops. .Vmler*.... Aiilli..ii.. HiS'W ..III new leaver jh.- wood falli'.i
duinty dining room decerwitoi
iiphell Itavisol Ulhln-w.iM rr.-n.-b. !■> riimn. and thwire... w.-r- ba.fl. in
of Klilialtk. Ill- I hiet l.ib
TO^e^.’ and lerow.
fiiT-d and In many i-aMe* killed hv the
•al .whip i
UK-I.. Ilelceaet. J*r-k -l>. li.l..l|.'tl>
. loaimnnx.
ran- and heaulifal Sowers from
aivn Kih
Uiidli>'r;:l>. Ma.lmm.i,’ Mlll<-r.
ihr kiiic's wsTelary;
jroM' garden of tbe bride's brother
Had 1 e |ree% iK-en vprat.M
llaroQ Ailt-ndal.' and Ihr Kiehl Knn
VI. W Wall, fUlIng tbe house with their
Akera'iamal;is, rnu.iiiM ineinls-r
lui Moldttnti (I toiSl ys
be Itrognujer-. .v.UitiKMi.. lot Korn. »iv
hndw op-u.-d e«9 nti
•"i The laibengrto wedding tnarrb
ini; ot Ki.iiMis
made vlw-i.niii.. *
•r ll.e fnjli Mt. UiOng 1 ir.
' ‘" played by Vr- i.*e-; »' Titos aa
II w.iuld haifc saved
tier ill-^11
lUKsisI « iii-K.-ace
AUoKHher i'l iM-w .loronet:' :mil In
|■'••,».rl.lal party enu-red. the groom being
ud ■pr.'veiii.'d iBjary 'o
: read fr..tu l‘r-^..l.'nl Tjfi m re crvsurd. Tl.i' elm;.' ti-.s
ar.-iupaaled hy his beat man. E fcL
To tbe trees tfaemaelvec
a rr>|.i.'r.t wl.i.b had l».u
hden .ier>»U.itei] l.y ibc kulKhiiiiK »I
Beonell of
Mlrh.^ The
> late
II- lor i-cinaiu. infi.rinalluii frwu
tte<‘rr>‘ Aleianfh'r. liie aetor-tnauaui-i:.
brldrouuld waa Miss Sarah Prall. who
larked an,d allbongh it
taiin ItnbsJdi. M'i:anl To Uie woulSeveral liundnsi <tnr<>rait.iniliutv
jiicstlon. TM- iiiesaas. maleri Hint way uol epewd funhe- -------------------------- '
1h« croi,il duke.
ficwlred InlorinaM-ii rviuM itol k- can U' rit'H.' will be
Adolpb ITederl. k . ..f
I large bouquet of
spread i.. ethhr lea;.-,
FMr this pur ipmu nteo
WmHU. the J»i.k. fit Al
—’ --leei. TaiUc MU'.
Hake ol E'il., an- unien M,. ruM.r ni
e fair?
airy, proIhe Garint
Rh •'i.arl.-* Inrpaiii.k
-arrted a haaket
•biel luKii-v ,,l < i.cailahn.i
Mil.* Wall came laM. an
h-uf blUbi
mode kiKClil .>1 tlK-lliajid I'rni.K ..I Si
Ideal bride wi^ her ecqulslle gown of
lh>6 -b
b^tilrt l.e inadi
MlrbaH ami St (l.K.rcr. whll.- tu.I.-K
ui*r.|«i.'eue .*er Irorj saun aouple
Aleiaii'iei *E*an».iiiT. (n.tsid.-iil uf Tr.
Wb-ntb-tr-e.ha. ' been d.'fi.tiji.d and her armlbl of bride rpeea
It fioui tile larllT l-Mid Ibev sliniild l.e Kiyvn
iinIvefMi.vt ami t'harl*-* <*
reiuoiiv'wa.K |.erfornied hy Rev.
James, d-pirfy uf arrirolinri-. Tiimii
.Hemas <
llB, ud
tl during t
luadr eonrpanK.UK of .St Mh
, playrd rit hull
bael and St, ner.nt*'

1*n.I vViI'Imui OkU r. pivy.-iMe.r'n-su
Th- iTide'e rKter. Mr* »>ed f'uUer
of medi.-ln«' «i OvloM. Ji.d i.TnarH
of Saginaw, wore a l«autlful gown of
prtrfaannr of' at j..hiiK Hop
hliie (..ulard. and Mr* .K W, W all was
kins univtTKlty al IbHtiinore and M<-hartnliig In pale blue
setin rajah,
while Mr Mehoison*'sister. Mr* Uee.
moat tniereeiiiiK llei
eld Mccfog Monday
was atilred In a dainty Ungertn robe
l<» AtixTlraus pad t;
Ofliterw W.ll Be Her.
■nil.r.>iderr- 'b- three making a
day NtgM.
loiirh ol
in a while .Ljigerie gown, re
td th- gue«i* aa they arrlted. and
wlih .Mrs. IL W. Vk'alt. who-wa* wiV
al whi.h*' w.'re 2.‘. ol thcu.e' who ■ less cf ceiew^iles. had chart- of the
Mtea Maude Umlor and Stephen
y Whitney
vcy Centinvea
to Terre
lu.1- ;icii.-d the toll i.reM'Ui. -At the wiving, tMcr ias.,ted by the Ulssod
nee Married Tuesday.
r. Idahe and to Oely
.Anna ihirv-a Brinkmaa of OH Mis
iDceiiDi; ttolu-rt K.' Walter was ele.'
the Authorttlee.
.bairman, aud. Heoiy slrn, Helen Mo(7c and Alice Hogan.
At the oourluMun cf the ceremony
One ol
Vaiid.iw.r,. secmaiy.
Senator W«l
?l. .Harr.
dlnsK e>i•T er.(.'g>nlzr<i in.ilu. .-it.r m
ter u:a b- a report Oi hU trip to li«ii il .IHishilul hour or 'wo were spent
- r-iiiMln w!i.. »..n.-d I'on ring an.1 .ail IboM!
It P 3* Tuesday UN.rnlnc ai
ex|.r<-K*.-d in liiKittim! viwiiing t.nJ la ins(«eitng
nil the Oregiai Short l.hti tbeaiKelvee a.- willina: ij a.;h.crHH- tir III- many beabi.iul veuUlng gilts, aflIke »i
Krouns .'hnrcli, whii. Mias
'Maude I'nilor. tUushl.-i of .Mr. and
he ha.I rent, wl; ch u.'i; pro*id-' .-r wbb-h r-fpest:'k.».-ai* W«r» served.
: Mill, -.'ill .'Ol
l.v ir iiorizi
C.i Ub cf i:.e
that I
* M \ I'lnhir -rf SI
Sl.-ph.-u J
n Idah- niai.agr.l
.-m jp» need.I'. Itcp Ihe .. nijiar •
. E'alh.rr Kao...-iailna
n.f when—f u
'be Iwniii-rul KU.I It .
!l thr.r- a,a;!afc
cotrnij.iree co:it.M1v- .f
i; t-igc
Hal high uiaKi eereiiiouy w* r 'JKO.I a..r|
itcftowh g-:e*U at the w.*l
Crtjrt Joseph
Klaa ca
the ehun'b lia.l iM>ver uren .
e .Mr. and Kirs. Pted f’ulver
nrautly dr-rr iSK-d for n idliilbir .rv^
-IS aipji.t'eJ lo look
Lt-'talne *ad iKmsid. ol, 8aca hall 'cr
in t;
Ibue. K K- Benoet; of I'lyrnouth. Mr.
.Inn. Rose*, lerne aiul ■•ntird i.lanu
i],|ioini.--l (nal'tmui ol iti-'-'i J .<ir
>1 many «ttR<:<vi.i ktun-*.-4'l Iht
P .A, lee of Anti Arbor. Mr*
-nrii I' ’• on n.cuiber.ibi). an.| givenll^araL . -bon of Deito,' Mr an 1 Mrs
-hlef deeoraiious.
.w. t I..>’ the oil.*f ina^mbers »>orge
A Juvoailr r'hnit. 4(*>rt-i-r| h. ll.e Sir.
' Hh-**
\ Chaxlet. K ONcal -.1 Chicago. Mlu
T*- . WiH 1- ati.,Il..r I.ieeimg of
Van l.nt-B ..I f.raBd Rapids.
aniH.un.-ed the upHtui, 1.
dtt.'i.ii ..i. Tbiii •(»}- •'.etnng in
Eugene man. Miss Anna
I |uii. will.)' .-nici.-d th- .l.itrch
ontngu.- bHll. at «lu. L time v-rdm.
Hnnkiusn and K'.-ell and Ol|. Mraiii - i.f lb.- .M.-nr|et.mhn wW
ary a'mnK.m;-ii;> wto lu. made for
. lUBK-ii
n. .Mim Uauiln I.H Ihro.ile i.u--t:ne «.ti ErMtH. olgM. .
h'kyemIn.iing l»o- .-eieniom rli.^ ainl Mrts K
I'ob-n.'l I'liv KU.I «’omti«Mler fhiBii!‘,a »br>
id'niy fvii.I. r.y! 'fl ftruui-w Me. ' ;iml .her hUKlvm-i
Will U- t.i.M>ni f. ‘mk. the ne..-«uti- :-euli
•h th-y.w
at the .-..miurj.oi Ihe FTow.c Song' lend hi*. hV„
k at W'a> WJ.K l,
jlB The kUI'-I
[■ htiili- wnrv a l••"vllllnc
j'■■‘'V'' •
.rhl ha*
rraneed. b'lt \
The l-cnle i. oir
' iubdlxIUmi ' U>'t





Tbe aaroe

.olor aidwiDe wee etrrled oot la the



ASNS FOR $7,000

toll, ream

banked with feroa and pottad hjdtaa
eas In great profualtm.
Bhortl.r after « o'etocte tbe gradt^taa
isrcbed into the room aad apoa^-tha
plat form where Ihoee who were ta Uhn
In the aaa«laro at the evaata*


-IT- already


pretty plciaro In tfaelr srhlu
blue drewsee and white aprotea.


elaaa were neated thn larocatlao
givan by Rev. U. w. Canaa.






foliowfd. alter whicb Hoa. H. C. Da­
is introduewd Prof. I. B. Oithwt who
was rboaen to gtve tbe addraro ta tba
Prof. Gilbert took far hte-nah)»ct.
Coarodwaitae of



and he taandlad hia •abject la a

rorfal |

and a (dll BbdenUndlni of Its i
In beglBBteg hts addrona Prof.
GUben cited tbe teaUtanay a( Jntroa
the aOnct that thn wheat
yteld of this ceonty It ataadiy Hirrm
tng Md that M UBt thn poerm ctanann
wui Bot bn aAite tt dRt aBtu broad
on aorount of tha nrofcity



After traatlag apaa thn aan-

•ervaiJon of lunoafcea U thn way of
foreatn and cropa, the speaker braanhed oat upon thn real nohjnet at thn

Ibe coaronnUon of


life, which is pUond far above thn fanportanre of all thn other Uann.


nald (bai the pnrarooau genet tea of
tbe age'll to save and prolosw hasaaa


is thn life work of Ahn

tiuroen tbai are tarand oot from t
insilMitUnis of (he eooauy to I
dlaeson and i
•peaking of the worki



dorsM Prof QUbnrt aaM. T mteb in
rather bnet way to go



qaestlott. and if powlbln lead you ta
this rtiDclnsiaa: to nhow yat tha fOeult bronchi hbosR by thn groat watt
In-which you are angagnl



place n teurel on thn brow of rondlcal
and aantcary aeleson aad the profnnsloos wnrklBC an thte iBmorunt w«(M
problem: lo me the greatnnt prohtem
of all Iimrw. all Mantrtnn and aU pnoile. It Is great bncaane of Ka fhHWrtnl
rJue. bui greater sUU haeaBan Of lu
lamaB value in enUghtnamaat of thn
rare aad ibe t
the living of life. It tt a pwbttm ttet
oonUnan to ntady
one thactbe puhUc throagh tea achoote
ill kinds, and throagh samdal «apartmeata tauit -work aol “
A dtecuaalOB upon the iength of Ufa
td monaiity-in Europe and ihtt «aaay

aas civ-B



te wbirh aevoral i»were


eff'via that setence
ip<ui the aavmg and lengthemac of hn-

l—t t*no.| young
iMQ Hie during the pant «« ynara. The
lit- has b<-« spent
—n a-tiv-ty Idwatl
ut.sti-i prove that the duratktt of
nd .tub work and
He bus be-o doubled la that length
■|1.-1 >.as
K .of the city
njcrunnK i
•I'lre. and the end tt utill (nr tt (he
■ ■ \|. f:->l.*i;o I
•ted exiensiveh la-fore
Ii(ej«i1 roiaie men. Ihosi- dealmc 1
will b- n>s
Av duraUoB ot Ufe tntrnanii
-ide l»!
!:• hill fltal
t and trull lands aud
jth- d-a'b rate d
me- It. the iu»v and tooted .i,
... .iltarAro!
W'rwtern ‘
irt>-lii.|iUies Amrt.'UCh a coioHi.a'i ■
H • ret,Vl'-t!< It- Ka* made a recc'd a
read, all wnrtting lo the vnmuoa end
in cBi-i|.r>..iur Hit.i
of gelltog peid le (iiicreMed in this
n'77.,, .he d-i
r kin.tu-!|
Th- disreveey v 'be c
Indusirtal i>r<d>asltK>iiK aiv
IkOc sisn—l tl,.' .1-^ !.. III.- |.r..|.-rti
! Doy." r,.t^ kagics'Leti ? ^r .
IIVjlh \l' SO
has. ptt^
Folhiwiiie ihu church <vt-m..n> s ,
iten coming in and ibc.cp arc taken
A'.-'^by Traverse City
4ht-*,.ri .*
r.i-mng iruu.
» ts- j<>lvtioi. of me p
edding dinner w;— s-r\vd »l tti»
-are of by ibc Industrial coniiuiii-.
home of the {•nde * larents.-the buBx ; 10 d-«BiI all i{— 1.1.crv. :
ind II loond ai all worthy »r auetmui ^tng beauitlnliy derprai-d with' cm
ito^, show.oa-iLe ie'>mi
pas' hst
ixe be.
OoJv ib>- Imm.-iV
iuveMlgaied ^wers an.l plants
•u.sign i
uajics au'l
*• hand arrn
lahle nature, and as soon aa the
trtends aad ivdumys w.-r.- gneao ■be su!u-There, are-seswal of ihta edas* Josi
;.-(i|.l-. can he made to see the annd
BOW (hat aie belpg rorefully lookt^ .pt the dlnnci
;ira.^ SI
iiAks (])>• <
•d proper
precauUdM ta regard in
tats eveaine a laig- Mivia>..c «!!l
II-' s.<»-. ai |,^r ,s*'i ,>m-ir *«-. i». IS- Kta'e roDveiitbj'i
The (ullowing
» B.'-ing off tba eptdemlen IHe wffl ha
leaitered in ot M< and .Mi .'
niai J'.ijd.a
The* hwe bv .
some of the wcAk of
ktil! further proloagad aad thn work
I (he K <
for thU.past week: Sumher trf Hsit.irs
The evtdeaee of
lltih Mr.
>i.d Mrs
Ibe wce-k IISK. iiHieirtw b> mail
eertteint th. fact that f|,e next s'»'»
many medical -xperU waa etted
«d lUxVtr IiJJ, hoQklms given otti over Ibv •vmiit
■s-i.i-i m Traveroe r,.v i
_ __
e the logit
of (he s
iheJr^e* Sled tills marriage iiniie..,
2(6, thw- sent by mail 6>
There» nl -be Hoyis- «-|ij and -•h Foes of Ma-Je»»» Are »
. all. being
iw'O nrUhe uldcs.inamilii'S in the liruu.l t an» >,
ting of reewBt data add
i«0 Malt Osron Sere rrn tuinh-rn d-b-csi-* wlH &e dire-t-d
RebeKron ft.
re tit piece* of mail ryseived. hv Traierd^ tegi'.ti
Birfh lamill-i: aI .!• * Gravel Prt
jl'tsard h.*n«iiig the .r>t.v-t,t„„
,s |
dero medical adeoew.
leieptaone calU arowetvil
ltH,«r,es jirosm-rous au.l bigbly r« K|N'c'-d t» sU
’ton. Ohm.
Tbo«- who wot ore well sup :
M-iiNi Tifr. J..n» 2:
The enanrUI ro«i of dttMan to the
Who know them
Mr latutner has a
have coate from Ala.. .Ark, Hi. Ind
plied with advvnialag matter swung tb- irtg- <*• aawher r-«otut>oa.
proof gtwm
One tans. lucmed ttewui
lour nvites
C^|.>i;. obhi JuutMlch...Mtaa. Ohto. Okla.. Wis.,Mo.
.l.-Two were,forth th- advaiifages of Traferwe Ci'v j»jnet!U of .Vtsdero la af parts of the that a natMB cannot Bord to allow
south of tbe elt.t. and' with his bride • kilftd and half «
senousiy tajur ,as .the hci lacventJon ctry in tbe touctrr a-to'unded *i'ji th- eahe tbit iiseaah to get a foothold far e
Minn, and Texas
{will make h‘* (wture home there. Ttvied. *b-ti a gratel,pit
caved In. wev., stateWhile waiting for t.-air.s the; Slkd-ro drove out iMar are formenting' -vwaona. to thtt
Parttea bave been located in ih.
heaulKai gifts tewUAed to ibe;crBl
lurvd 'and VwrMdaneea Boyne <Y.y ha ad played nev-rai ael s rebellion againat^e
nald. -It C a
aewrhy resorts from Alt . Bl, Okla
or the
the yonng
vonng canpte'aBd
couple and Uie:nilauiee be.ioro ihev were dug oat e«ioas at thTdMM ro k-Ii
i-oailnc In every week >’niui (bow ti.-

fat m

her pray
maid pi Ib'iiot was
arvuall handled hy eeodlng the mii>ie«-:K«rfley ot MBnt.--<-c. hko/K;>
laijds and'the frull bualnt

ind Ihr.

; rJ 1a-i.

A-'.»r»t.tiv io
lo imW „1C!
,li.T plia... wb’le b'T I.*rtf *».u-=.. m
)• ir lii il.rr ciatuH-dui
.ll..? || ..'|0 w;»s Jibil ..
■f. tie.main-, hir W
ins.-d It. iu.,> hr.

pro.iie a\«i.uM*
sir » ?oed^V4S(iant!.
- •■'■wet »T th.-0-

,urt sh- has
^enh chur. h
, . -


\ »!



;';S s&i.'i;':



mcBnctina the roeak-


1 Irte^^il**’’*'work
‘ reto'er-d lor half

j uprlmiig at




Tmtne Hetiid

Twtet A weiK.

VlkUM T«Mtar *»* TfeUMV «
Tr»*«rw C

1^ !»« At tM •D'WBBMiL uS tto
pW)t «f th* eesMry »fU
utd eacoBn** cn«<WM In tAc MrtM
6( preAw a MiOMpoUM «Ak±
tHbntc to tk« ^ «Mt «r Urine.



Sixty StndeoU Were Graduated From Ttpe Traver«e
City Hlik School This Year. Grade of Sebeiar•hip Was Uoiuually High Duriog The Coarse

Wbai N k»o« w the WiUium «v

OHCAOO, UAB.'-Mf. d. &
Betloo end'
ut of tbe detay in figurlngyltattou cf orlgtaal en.
•ackm.ef IBAVenawmiBt..a
_ with jokes,
e history et
n suneing* of toe
members )o*iry. elcag
vsM beter* Uc hooM cnaialu— br
lor etaes of the high school each
egch depd-'t’oeot
depd-ttneot of our
m school and a
atmee na fellowa;
haa___beeetreWd of school eveou. By the rapithta year The Herald
kn ArknitMS uum? of tAnt bum. in"
were sold
Mee hM cntafTh fswMTO
dndM now «n4 mportnnt fooutrM
‘gradnetee and other• peniculars per- we judge that our efiom wci
OM K B^..
then ihlrty years. Have triM
tku wUj oBiinaowl U to the pobUc.
talalng to Ihe etaae unto the present nin
•verytMac on mrtb And apoM
the Grand JUplM New*. Inttand
time. The following article will give I Contrary to all precedeet. our finesHMtnnM tt dollers Mr' MhM
a eompr^ttslve Idea of the grade at|vtal standing at tbe end of the y^r
of tbe btnwian graoatti mml rat*
ectetarshlp of the «•>««« and what It fsr exceeded oar cxpectatltooa. Onr
^ nnd <
•)T«o>k vUb n mu of I CMU Sor the'
' ' ' dorlag the four- pUy netted us in the neigbborbood of
■Mh TfaoM
wfthdwt gettinc any Uatlng refirat pound and i
mo. our cxcuraloB $50 more,
»re. 'while
year coutee:
OIAm, us Tn»X BtTMt.
lief, and can any *• you that I
itsell. Sat-,
•acb pound vp to 11. the WlUUnu
Traverse Qty and it* acBool oBIlispoee of tbU sur!
plan .plvoo thoac rate* oa an rontea.
ctata are tc- be coagratnlated oe tbe
eetlng of the Hart
edy that has ewwd me para
vbotbor ram] or not. aUhln a 6»«aU«
-o' thta
o .bf
Itowtaiid UouElass.
^ «hU« boyoBd tUa non* the rate
•. etaas in tbe htatory of the school, but
oant an onaoo np to alpbt, wttb 1
-1S.1 Oratencai tanas Fund."
________ idard of__________ - TbI* fund wa* to be turned over to
tmu for aacb addlUonal four’ otuM.
to »*■
win claas b«M»"
bonon WWJ
was Ithe highest In
N if. **>• «-____ <». .,L
.w. history
another the cnsto-lj of the arbool beard to be
« ;the
of .w.
the ariwol
making 12 «enu tor the flmt pound,
f. city ta the auie of bui population invested sod tbe interest thereon to
«B|««4 U
S canu tor each adtSUonal poond. and
■ Cash SUiif- Store.
n very ahert time.
’^unted .n tiwUkc ......hDumber, while set- be use>l >oi medal* for oratory to tbe
lUnA a. ISM. M lA* yacMM tt SC «enu for Pw powida— to which
Corner Cess and Front Srceti.
Crty. Mich.
dtles haring
---------------- ‘-*‘- Traverse C.ty High school. Alra-ad.'
Tt»«M OQr. HIM, oa««r tb« Act packagoa am to be limited for tho
tbe fund ha-, beea Invested ’rith good
Igradaated smaller eta tees,
security and rbe highest .-ate of Inter
M Oa^M* tt «wek S, ItTS.
firm yoar-lnnuad of the acUUnc SIcent rau on toor ponade and onethird loaa than tba praaant Iniaraae the debt of the n Static n»«K ta
scbool training tor their boys_____
small obligation agninst
tional mu of II canu a pound. At
than Is wsunlly the case. This seatimanbara of tho cine*
a> other small debtthe and of the Brat rear tha perkaga Deri* with a few appro
moot or interest ta a targe factor in jantors and sever*'
,'latloiia. After kli
against scbool asso_______
Umlt la to ba
that they making and mnlntnlnlhg good schools this has been done there remains
a* to their ralne,
ralna, and thing*
Ju--i new W-..-1-. <bc d«.'s. «C I,-;
for wbon tto oeraers eosae la In any community.
pounda. and to 11 pound* at the be­ •land
which 1>> vote of tbe class
---------_..V .k-l--------------honor stodentt.
n <■ a nr? aoaU ttfaw bnlt
ftowa ginning of tbe third.
o:.,l }«oi ,uvt .vl.c ilu- *i«-ii Uu, .i
to be divided amov the member*
Gardner end Delbert Brawn, won
bo« lha wind blowo. ■aya lb* Datrolt
rebate for th<- in
jtoi. can d« is t*i gri a pair of tiir
. An important feature of the propofilsUctlon to' ua average standing for dividual ciiwnses'incideri to gradiut
PVm Praan. Tb« Cnbaa oonproaB bai
tender Had *h.a s,
-_______ tad by Rev. the four years high 'school work of a tlon
«dUon la -the
oat'rCBt of tho
»T per cent. Oonstanre
an- W.I .-V|S <i>ivc but the icwl
An oveetaire by the little
of the oM federal taw cnetlng a gov­
We have proven tbco. we think,
Hoyt was less than n half .on one ler
memtj for tho taachlng of Bngllah In
they iSivc IS wurtn .-*.-rytiiiiH:
ernment monopoly of the mall carry­ reception to the gradtiates followed i cent below that mark, while several ihni the i.rai^r amount of ainbtih.ii
tha pabUc achoola ' It la only one of
ing buataea* no a* to reetore u the and after tbe seats had beea renov-[ofbers were very dose. Below are
grailfyliig results.
tha manr algna that plainly ahoa our
poetal «yeum the profitable *bort-haul ed fiom the chapel the remainder of,tbe names oLthe ten student* baring
i ateta oa behalfCWm JAdapand
the evening was epeot In dancing.
[the highest i^D.llng tor the four
Earl Bennett ta eempmg , I Platu
The following nmnbera of the class Lveara. all abene 92 per (-eni. and sevbare not
Of 1811 received their dtoloma*; ■
leral others
>er» dere
yei above 9u iwr tetu river lor « week's tubing
. raoa to the people of that Uland, who
Attorney WUUemc the exprea* «omMartha Clara Kttacber. .Nora Belle should lb»-tU bsve
beeo made tonger.
twill bt- (be t'Tuwu ITiiir^ of Rouma-*.
An atill Bpaalah w tha care—aregi the
fen Nlphect nundlnse.
panlea are peraelU growth*, aapplug ______ . Uoa Amelia Rude. MatlMa {
AlacA oeea-la thalr InaUtuUoaa. their
. - Coo8TATB or 1
the pioflu of both the railway* end Uelvena Semf- Alice Julta Tboreeou. I Vivian Gardner. Delbert Brawn.
. “1 R................ ...
Hogan. Vera AlI «ritara. ihtir eynpathlee and thalr anit'ootinucd Inin lamv'ooc 1
the poetal ■yetam. which ahould ba veflla Sd^ley. MaHe Batber
1 ii^doow-d'Ortaatn,, to tbe Hake trf AosUwls -HolUday. Iraverwe.
b, ttpathlee. Hiey do not Uka na. and
ebotUbed and the bualneae divided be­ Genrade Margaret Orrta. Ada Julia l.uclle HolUda}. Clarence Salter. Claud
in. at Kit,don oo the Tbsmv end
At a tessloo uf said court, held at
|r H «e«M ba uranga tt thay did. In
F Itisdr b>-r.eorial drbeir at a Marltween tbe reilroed* end tbe gorern- Hall. Rc^tu AlUOD. Bella Marie | Sbuok.
the iirahalF olfli-e. In the rily of Travtoulh, r.
r* Rulr eyee we ha% ,aU the oSehaive
Claa* Rell of Claa* *f 1S11.
nty. in nnlJ eouDiy.
inly. on tbe.Kth
cuenL the laiur taking the light nnd JobntonTGmce BeUe Ataaaader. BSIr |
U rather
UmmctartNlca of tha Bngllah.. and
Plorenc* Grtasingsr. George Oliver I .Marjory
Narlory tAdami. Vera Alward. WarIL l»!tand 1‘rlniw* rvi li.nmm.js
the farmer the heavy peckagaa.
muiiiis u, her timer lairrestlag tofZpigler. Ine 8. Swan, George W. Ash- |gnret Andenen. Selma
Kred R Walher; ktntwii bi Kuataiid ' 1
a«^re of onr own. Tbe Anglo('■
h<-rr f.w tba ••errmuity
Kdltb Bartnk. I*eerl Buell.
by. Leo 8v Chamberlala. Perry A. To-: bert Bro<
cCM, is King tin-r,;- 'K ’Dn-l musln slid ttuiHK--..* are Pnw-r Henry -of
an haa never abowa n tapecMy to
Oecer Brezlne. .Nina Caulkeit. Ralph
bey. StephM H.
siM-iii hv: I’billibixri ill Autli-itd Bhe , N--<b<-.H4iid» itM- frawn Primw Of
: do anything with nrbnt he oalU u InTbe Training erbool tor onme* coo- CrUumlns. Agusta Cbampney. Grace i . Comda* de<-ra»ed.
Tbe aecretary of the CtSontal Im­
sill b<-|H.blip- i>><-b'aiN!»f>n<,-si of tbe
i'ritv..- Vuaol lped-li,ii of Tut
r feetor mea. except to rale and *vera
|Irvine Corning havlng-Btad In adid furi-tgu l*nniv*M-i uticiidluK ibv'cen,-''»ia.
et tbe eaylum I* recognised e* DcMTit. lAvern Cook. Resalee c.>aa*.
,j„.' ^^. h.
migration bnreen ha* written to the dnetod
>. J>*ura
of the moat •utcaaerul In tbe ooun- Karl Ftaber. Csssie Dobson.
' end bnlly. end to thet extent
tltlou. praying tor llceluw
llcehse nj'uy
Deg Molnee AdiM’a dnb that by Uta
snna. whatever their axtrarUM, arc
Htn ITintv' Pltfrita
lavoninont of SAMO In eclentUk nd- mood, ns they an fully equipped t Anna
•---- •*—Grover
I^Ucb. GroverFul
„tn,e jb r-ertaln reel esiaitaB Angto-Saxoos.
Gardner, Itarl Gordon. Haxel Gore. tbeotln describe,!.
-erttalng. the bnrenu haa on record meet eny requirement that ^
It would not be at aU straage^lf In actual mlea of land* wKb the names made upon them In any branch of tim
. a tow yeara to coma wo nhooM see of the panic* baying, together with
.10 Hobbs. Ids Hogan, toienooii. ai
them during the two years course
Cube nearer, commercially, eocially. the locntlona. in which tbe loul to which ta a thorough one end call* tor
Holliday, Con­ U bei-eby. i
heariac sai-l
; and every other way. to tbe Utoo •bown to be fl.iOO.OM. The aecreUry •Iricl attention to its detalla.
stance Hori. Cta^otte Isgrtg. Edna I'Uintoa. and that all itcnutDr itUn
Jahrsus. Hurry'Lehar. Mabel Igut- CFied in Kuid t-elali- apiwar hefona wbleb we wrantdieU >er by arms further athiM that this probably repiiier. idargaret MoBaii. lal.l vourt. at said lime amt ptace. tn
retonta only about 25 per cant of the
Rose Nemta. Edith Pari. Emma Peter- sliuw <-auM- w;h> a license lu.iwtl ilic
sale* to eauler*. Part of this edvertUlyl. Jc
Jeraie Robertson. Albert Kokos. Inletest uf s*W cslau-in *gSJ real
0(d UOL and old AldDd Ing eppioprtaUon of fSAOS was npent
Ruth IRoland. Arden Rose. Ctareora
sliould not be granlol.
« eaally
X lii further ordered that public wo ' ‘
tn Iowa farm peperslo judgick' the strength t,i t I; kLl alwgj-s
e thereof In- given iiy iiublicailoD of i <
n 1* •tiU£pnnHere ta n dlsUnct matUatlon of
‘Straub. Laiia Bwanton. Wilbur Thies.
A ML' end ta likely to remain *d for what pubUcUy wiu bring U properly
iCnrllon Theobald. Howard Thurtell.
■•rotou* l<> *aW .laa ui
remember (hat it is C*| iial 5u/|-lus tod
if mtMT gMoraUoaa U m forever.
Threatened i Bessie Turaovsk.v. H^ry Vane. Wll- iicanm;. in *hc Grand Tra’eriu- ftci
applied. Thta wlU also lUunrato why Eaplaeloit of
Beriew* Oemage to Shveral Buildjuam Votrliba. Rena Watson. Ctarlbel ul-l. a nrwMtaiter itnuinl and ciivii ■
b than Nortb America
Uodhrided Prefiu tbgt give jc, vi I . io the
i* that ao many people of the Unitin ChicagoHUlielm. Helen Youker.
ted 111 said county.
my tklag* bealdqp tan
nates have been nttmeted
- ^TiVC
depodlor, becBtue it u that wL.iJ. ti.tida
■adn. It fgrnUhM a practical
—The BtacAntone.
e of
0 Prolieie
nm hotel guests
Now thet the ctass of IVU of the
ttmODa that wUI laterom tba people
beti^M you B* g depbsiter aid^n/ pev
were thrown into a panic,
tic. when bombs {Traverse City High scbool 1s s thing
of Traverse O
lole of the Com- [cd tbe pest. It tulfbi.............................
Hw enp altuatloo ta generally re- eheerfnlLy to our own pubUdty
-^^E^UkBge m tU seomiies bdd by tbe
cult t'oun for tbe County ol Grand
1 an an Indac to nattonal pro- palgn fund which ta already brieglag plosion wna-se nevere that the bolU- pushed exclusive of
course of Traverse, in fhaoc
In the
----- were rocked end windows for study. —----------------‘
f or faepfMNan. Thta ye« the good reeulu.
Oliver M Hartuii and . Mary
e blocks ebaiterM. Tbe Kdtaoo tall of 1810 there was a desire on tthe Hartup. I'cmidalnanl*. ’* K..H Hop
I ta encMUonuBy eettafacUry
Oa ta having tahpr trouble end tho pert of every member of the class
kin* and Morton E. Webber. Detand
explosion ta charged to tabor "Blug- push to successful completion
our projects, vU: Tbe lunli
In the abeve cDtltle,< rau»e it Hatta- A •
d condlUoft, bn•enior banquet In honor of the fscfOoBttoued tram pane «
olty; our unnual, the -Black
that tbe said italeDdunts. K. H
■l^tadneesaea ta the eoaee of
C( Ihu bpnk amoufit to $303,000.00. tud
Gold.- the cl
:pldnB and .Morton E Webber, can
tog fitaeeae: It ta r-*-—
jmor goe* t
be found and that It can not be
> that wlU ranch the lergeel
t Ihta time maonfa«urlng
beae attempt*
succeeded In all these
give aisuraoce o( abrolule secaoty tj all
ascertained in what sipie or toutin’
* marked im(from ell evMence we believe that
the said defendant* or eltber of tbi-iu
iconjecture 1* not ill founded. .
l and are enjoying
, ng 4
inOUT depositOTs.
In mwaklng of the eormetive i
banquet to the faculty wa* well
EMprihg demand for their prAncUJ
everyone concerned lor. wlirltorv lor tbe coniidalnaois. H
I tpraillin to the Phltadelphta<Tr«ee.
In Typhoen Which Devastated Coestiproved to us by their keen enjoyi
li ordered that tbe ap|>earanre ■>( the
I 'nierkad iwrtval ta.nt hand In the -There are 18.000.000 school ohtldran
Of Japan—Many VeHale Sunk.
that In esubUshing a Teed" forr tbit said defendants. It. H. Hopkins and
Statea. why arc
are they
event to take the place of the old- Morion E. Weblicr. be entered In this
pent Iron nnd eUel indnetrtoe of the in the Ontted Sutea.
tbe open door to the ad^tkm of
M tacaa
time. worn. .............
cause within five mentbs irom the
ImcMit. noways nre.pannltg for aerce eBcctlog thetr own and their oRwere lost In a typhoon that deveauted party. w>e had taken n
dale of this onier: and that in case id
Ifnlta tor extAtloaa. end othw'con- cprtng* wdrare: what to mOre direct
INdcftt. Larg«w
entire coast of Jaimn today. Two right direction.
the appeaiauce ol either ol them that
klBthto yc:‘. c2L*c
h of iron and atnel are aSaiert- «h«n thtarWhat more vltnl to the wel- hundred and oil
ninety coral boats are
Late in tbe season cai
be cause bl* anewer to the bill ol <im,
late? It ta eaUmated that
>wn to have *ui
uok and 123 fishermen play, a
.litalDt to be filed and a ropy thereof
nlmaUhyr 1tmprDvemeBL ISm axetnte oflllUDOts pays over one mlh perished.
licdi Interested
tbe public Iu gener
served upon the solicitors tor the tom AAAAAAAAAAOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIOOAAAA'''
e ta price of thoM pro- Ikm dolli
- are V edoeate MUdten who
ippear from the parked Idaiaanu within fllieen day*
I eUmlatUg nnnof
unfaqprlag. die of tiluberetrioel* before they arc A
inse which
.given us on tbe cven- vice on him-nr hi* »oli< iior
■ of healthy twenty yeara W age. It eronW eeem
> ing of the iierformaoce, The idri-e of the said hill, and n default ihercol
liveried' wa.' “Merchant of Vei-nlc-e— that the ^'..1 t.i:: 0
to a ebert Ua'e Mo> the ar'least to cheae popiU tbet the stau
would be far better off to look to thrir
,scd by thet said < rciidauts.
ateel wee held eo high, that reUet ta the mauer of health; w hy A ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ A • ♦ %W A A A • A « 'Llpdo-Dute." a rare comedy writ
- higb scbool student iu Dcs )
I R retarded railway Improvement, but neiT New Tork clgr epMdt a ouarter
17I«—Freilerlck. Md..
,iowa. tbe model being Sbakesiware*
Aod It 1* further ordered that il,.
r atace tbe InveeUgetlOD of the of a mllUon oe children who die of tu- -------- Britain'* oppr^ton.
famous comedy of that
name. Excelmiptalnant rau>c lhi« or-lct m
ITM—Tbe great se*d of the Lnited lem
,eu, work was done by s'
. major cast
llsbed in the Gipml Trau-rr.
I dUal traet by tbe gorerament, the
oatorky. it would seem ea thoimb State* adopted.
,o( seniors, ably ^li
>i»led by under- Herald
. .
1 by tbe mono- n plae for the systamaUc ItwpoeUon
high hubed and rln-utaled
.«B..jer with
I BAta ate axpecUd to break. )) C^ci. of Mhool thildreo would be not alone' ............................Central Fklta. Maas. ;.<,hool orcbemra.
and that said publlcnliim
~ '
these children, but would
i-ShtatapmctlmUyeaeW. '
There was some difficulty e*|*r
date of iMr order and uai sui b pule
( poly ptka of ateel. atnee iSM. 4|k n
but flnsitv after a last evening's bard llcatlon lie continued therein ©ace in
K fallen below |XI, bat the congraealon
l«l—Gen. McaeUan assumed com-IbugUing. on a tieantltol Saturday each week for six week* In eo<-cess»a
1 haa tbo%t ■. that the
mand of the army in Western Vlr-!„o„,„
200 students and town*- or that saM comi-talnam ranse a •up.’
the HIppoetnUe oeth we* •‘ii**9Hef of American mil* abr^ haa
ulk- _
-. .. „
Petosker on the good of thta order lo be i«t;n«oDall> M-rved
I people sailed to
to1878-Oen. Antonio Lopes d« 8a^|,i,ip Missouri. A beautiful trip going, on the said defemlanis. R. H Hopkii,l^fSS«ad$2t
-----------•*" per ton. T%eWeUI- ....................1 to the gmdnatH by Dr.
J. D. Mnnmi In the ebeence of M. F.
ana. nreeldeni of Mexico, died In the,p|*ngid ume u tb« northern town. and Morton E. Weblier. »t lea-i iw..diI
wUl bare a wh
Qealntnncoi. of ttaseehey. who we* City of Mexico. Born In Jntape. Mex-,p heppv return Shoot mid
day* iiefore the time a<v’e suIm,< niw-!
. I the eteal Indonry and thereby down on the pttignm for thta pen. loo. FOb. 21. 1798.
rihe even't wee beralde.1 e |
lor their apiiearanre
I teprove genera] Induatrtal condlUons Thta ta the onih tbaiT to admUtotmed
American1 army* under Gen.
Dated June Ut.-Ihll.
Meantime en editorial board
I VBti ta e v» powerful argument iu to graduate Aocton and anraea. and Shefter landed In Cub*.
u lookedJMn aa UtaASda of ethlci of
f'lrcuii Jii-lRc
1800—Deetb of Lord Bech. fMnwrty i been hardd at
e work alt year gathering
I Mnr orthe enfWeemenl of ibe Sber- tbe profSXw IrMtaee the retatioii*
go'vernoi,r of Cepe Colony and Brittab [ together
ExamtaTed. coiiniervigoed and
____ material
for a third voUtme
,r tor South Africa. : of tbe -Black and Gold.- an as
•^.aralBa■ ^anghan.
i aueneu. urea
lue - record (,f
head ui
of the
of student actlrttle*. Fli
......... Catholic church
In Kkgtand.,oa\he ra
rammcncement day tbe ir.k
led. Born April 16. 18X2.
ve* tasoed. -I: was a creditable comrMlERWOOl* A I'.MUm
m*-The Ariroaa and f—

Siilu lior> loi I'cuil'
tehood UU w
HiiMiie** adilro*. 'Tra’cri-o
8TATE OF Mir.tlGAX—Tbe Pro­ .Miciilgan.
June S—thiir> tu ml' IV
bate Court for tbe County of Grnod



Douglass & Kellogg

Ladies Comfort Shoes

OtMUN Ml Mk 3,100

nmiK «F 6E0K L


J What Makis A Bank Strong?



__ ^

Capital, Sirplas and Undividei Profits





The Carcflnal Principles
of inking

lo order ta’ keep the funds »f ilir l»*nk. aside rrnm the
' athtdd reeerve held for tlu- pun>o«e of
cofiAthDUy hi work eamiog nu income, nil ap|ilicaUotw for
Not only nre all of the uleinenta of aceuriiy taken into
gcoooat, bat Uie inberesU uf the borrower nre xmrvfalty eo
haainenn aoiJyi^ to nnMHnin if it erill be
1 by the . ropoAcd lonb. In thia way the bnainene
t (uwQK
beat julfmetai of A«n who
men and tl» farmer
are tboipadily informed
rofmed in dnancui
fladBcul aSaira.
aSnira. and'many a
basardoos uiVnUm-Dt is thus prevented and the mdit of
the boiTower protected.


IMtidStM Ontmnot.

... . e«e*lon of iOM conn. licH
1(76—First atone told for Bt. Paul's Ibe probsie Afflce. In ihc city of Tr*\ethtdral in London.
«rse City, in sold county, on tbe Hlh
lUtam Penn arrived la New day of June. A. D-. 18U.
Present. ___
Hoo Prod R. Wa:
1T«8—The eUr et Hellfex we* tonad-, Judge of Probate.
M by Lord Halitax.
' In the mniier of the estate of Frank
1811—Wemogtoo de'feeted King Jo-iJ. Wilbel



omCEItH-.V grwT lay. Pr«rtd.ei B
Barttaod. .VMla*'

Dew tu______ ______
1861' Henry Guy________ _____
ptaywrtght. bora la Port Union. :
18*7—Tbe n
Mexleo. with Jueret
provlntonnl and to hereby eppoiated tor besi
anU peUtlten.
It ta further ordernd that public noeloa of the .
Uoe tbereof be given by publicaiion
I»IA—Tbe Rnrta Acndgmy oi Modi-’ of a copy of this order, for tbrec suecine nnaouncad the dlscwrery of obi eeeslaa week* prevtoo* to sold day of
utMypbaM vactaM.
bearing, in the Grand Traverae' Uerleld. e newspaper printed end circu-

...... , >.< ^



over from^talltatas^twtMSj^ilT^
lag thta BOtslagL
______ __

jun 15 23 29
Judge of Probate-

SPetCcbI Altowcdoa
Tl»c Dtp—Ua
tC- Tvoiwi
• ■uy.Mk*.

r Male Bwik, Tvwvw



Kingsl^ Department
Cwtftieted by miM Bdu Wall.


been. It’s good business sense to^Ci^ a soil
BOW at S12-50 or flBAO tbat Is wwlh one-fonrfli
lo one-tblrd mcMre. Suits Hiat are poMflvelyttie
newest and best—yon ean piek from sn^ fam­
ous models as the "Wizard”, the "CbanHder”,
and Hie "Capitor—garments that have a repotalfon—that have


nal wodfttm tad all oO«r orhuM ffilUna of iwwt. ponoaal^
tf BOOtiiifB, BotteM of OBterUlnflailOBI poUie .inproToneBts
Mat «0M or oont^e^tod.
d. nlM of real
rotl eatau
tAo 1m flkanB of the OcputBeot.—Editor


9Mt ■ coo>)« 0/ vMte viih acr
graiiO oaniiu. Mr. and Mn. J. Vannan«r.
KlM Mm UMUe o( Branauta amr.
•0 tetarOar artBltic to Jota kkr tatbtt aaO OfodMra for (be Kirainer,
'Xlai OraM KeOt retamcO bocae
TburMar »i«*b Bw»ala wb#r* ahe
ocu tbe paat raar.
Bore to Mr. and Mn. 0«a mil oo
UtoMar, Jane
IT. a boy
Clarooce Srwi «raa very ni laat
R«x O'aaiaa ralnraad Ikmm (bU prenlng from AJMon. wbcrp he haa bMn
atuodlag eollfi«p. ,
A MV tplppbODP Hap to CMUr lAdre
tbe 4f'ltupn
. .................................
PboM Co., baa .iuai
aI finish
finished. It will be aaed for >
^ dlaian
dlaianee line. ,
Roy Badib retorned <

turn Mier. He waa
bia mother.
Ray Harkman la nnahle to attend
Mrs. B. F. Wright of Detroit, spent
Nwaaal and OwaraL
Dr. DtvMaw abd_Oaii*»ii*r. to faU work at the depot on arraimt Of
D. H.-Pomerof Foailsc arriv
rMontod tnm Ok Raplda
Bon Bftoneu of Bendoo wat In I
erenlBg oa butlneea.
Jane U<.
apoM .tebOar at bar Monday on bualaeaa..
llaoM Joate and Lottie Braekent to Trarerae berry oof Boardman rUltad frtenda here
Tha Keawiefc behwi.
Tha KMWlek aebool of dlairirt So.
Jay Brown want to TraTarae City
In Blngbam lowndhlp. waa^epened
Tbaraday on byMlnaa*..
_at Sepienber ami rloeed Aan«. kth.
«Jlr. curb *»ai to
Al Rial tatnrtted to Trarofae CUp Tbe taacber. Kaiold OrooaeUi. rionet*
[wator wrnt to MarSaM
a very aurceaaful (ern of nine montho
of aebool. Tbe teacher and pniUlK
. apent Sonday with Mr. Barber. gara two eatenalBnents during the
rSi.Jttaa MadiBM waol to
M depot acent.
BO ah TbvaOajr.
Mn. Will Wurtbarg went to Walton
jM^oil.Hi VMM at
nndap to tbe ball ganM.
;rader». Bteika Mebert. Oordon
Carl Brown went lo Ttararae City
t to TimTorao
and Howard Relhcfce. look ihr
redoetday on bualaeea.
ooonty exanlnaiton at Suitona Ba>
Mr. Calhoun went to Trarerae City
d^r some of tbe mothers aad frlendk
Frank Barsem of SnmiDit wai In
It pupiU atiencled arm enjoyed tbe
•lag day with
The teach«OOt to TflTOTM City town on bualneta Ttiaaday.
... a
_ plcnft.
Mr. Powan went to Bntona Bay and ar of tbe Donnybrook aebool and some
N'ortbport on bualaeaa Monday.
Bookal waM to T
of tbe impUi attended and enioye<l
Mr. McDonald, who for tbe past tew ' ring basketball and 'baaebatl.
Sar a abort tUIL
weeks baa been rialtlng at O.' U Knjryone present was treated to Ice
algo's, latnraad to bU bone lo Al- crean.and cske. Roaeoe Mebert re­
•oala. Iowa.
ceived a prlte for not being abseni
Mrs. Hicking of Banden. Ore., ae- during tbe tern.
r Traroroe City
rtOVb «o VMtoaaa Wadaeaday. .jBipanlad Mn. Myers to her bone In
f • DMMb aad- laDlly waet to Blk Raplda alter a abort visit
" BOR'..
\ 9mMr M tbo ball »m».

MamJe Clark weni to Tmreraa City
vaM to Trarorao
Monday on bnalneea.
UiBar raturaad
to Uancalons
____ I aad trtfo rotnmod froD
Mlaa Metalle Bannatt who hu raSaturday,
ft MaMa ruoadar.
turned from ifae Cincinnati Conaerv—
naaber rataraM from tbo mat week.
Ball Oama at Bwklty.
the iDsiruriors in the violin de­
Tbe Kingsley baseball tean
partment for nett year.
' Jp to il
W. L. Hammend. bratber of C. A.
_______ __________I of TravoTM tarlaa. Tbla time It was tbe ntieh- anmond of this <4iy. has been electtooft Mr. ebaftaa of WlacoMla. talked-of Buckley team. It waa an upni of tbe new Parmera' Bavgome for Kingsley, as ibey did nol
OHdad bp HMa WtalfrM Hodfaa blU game
logs bank at l.udlngtan.
» Late, wen tbe gaeau of Ada gat staitad till tbe seventh Inning. At
«ea. E. Maree and Mlaa Mabel E.
that tlaw tbe score was 4 la < In fa'
r Daaa waot ta TrawaaOlty Of Bosley.. Irat Kingsley mMe a great Pnrmeter were united In marriage by
ftnlab. defesiing the Buckley Bcouia Rev. Gfo. W. Plews Batunlay nlgbi.
MM 'WadaMday'RavUaa waai to Trareiaa Cltr IS-41. It was B game full of excilengnt
was wideawake Saakatrhewan. Canada, where he
contract to build n bank, a brick
play. Robew Nelson, manIt Cltr umbaaet>use and a iwwer house for the city.
deMrrea a lot oi
He win remain there during tbe sumt' to Boeklay
>r and fall, and in .November will go
Reyal Nplghbora.
ban oaM.
Caliromla to si>end the winter.
abd StM BnU> Jaekaoo
p Royal Neighbors met with ..Nel­
At the meeting ef the central db
•eiallod at A. a Blla- lie BellonthedStlg It being her birth­
* •
day. A general good time waa end at Qrand Rap_................... Trarorao }oyad by all. Tbe supper was tine and
Irs last week. Jens C. Petersen of this
luslc by
ea baalDoas.
raa a treat
Many usefnl gifts
_rau are rery idaotifnl
■r. Tbar aeem to delight In were given Mrs. Bell, also a Roja!
of tbe. leading advertising
plaaeaiad her by
tbo crapa BO many• are trying
men of the country and the selection
I S« in OM tbe order as a token of good t
of Mr. I>etc sen Is a tribute to his
a «l pMauoa.
Those preMnt were Mattie
lattle IJntea,
this II
Clar McCarthy.
Canhy. Hattie
a r. flwtor traat to BoaiOmaa Bat- Anna P^ton. Clam
Ibg of
Chri.. .................
Jav. Della
DelU KnwW to bop a «ar of poutoea.
held In Boston. Augt
' SSa BaacMiner waht lo Walton Sitit- sign, Mary (it
Am) Beegmlllci

EA9.*. oomwuoV


fi m■» SI n






WbcllMryowwaBimwc.Oxiord.QMkcrttcy,w Seoieli Tweed
I Flwc
Casslwcrcs. yos-Uai—
yooUl BbS a Is yww stze
sc Serges or Soil Casslwcrca.

At $12 50 and $16.50

for valscs
apio SXS.SS

I far these priecs to:

We Are Going Out of the aothlng Bnslness
u w« mmst have more raon tor Ladico* Rcadjr*to-woar.

tlSAt Salto
at $$.80



il Corresiiondence
>be will move his family to
riallvs Corners Wednesday and will
work for Nate Dallv ibis summer.
Mrs.‘Frank llogera is Improving

business session Mrs. Knapp served
BuiH>er. whic-fa was greetlv enjoyed by
(hoee i>refieet. The Aid will meet w ith
Mis. Ram Hnleii on June 2K.
sick visited
Mrs. K. A. Wall Is visHlng her slr- da.v.
Mrs. Sam Hodgea. today.
Hod Onnine-s btile girte
Chas Wood lias taken tbe Hlarkman
I,evi Strong's.
school for the next lem.
Mand Bwtler visited her
Mrs. Hoy Slack, one day
Willi Frank Box Sundt).
Jane 19.


Our Sunday school auperlniendent,
and Mrs. Alda
Gordon Bari hat his shingle mill In
,ke. wishes

IjikCity Friday on bosineas.
swtgeaful operation new.
I Ice cream
m social
soat th< BChOOlbOD
Will Taylor raiacd his l»rh last
Frank Bbarldna baa bad Ihe outalde
lay evening.
evei ,. E., 1. ^ke h
III Saturday
Teuwlay. aivd despite the.fari bat It of hU salooB newly sided aad paiaied.
waa a rery wet mofnlng one hundred
.Caii Walker returned PHday from
consider of
bis friends and aelghhors gathered ils MRVaukee
ikee aad
and Fon do Iac Hip.
> lias bdwa^ver)
I help him.
The Maplee City creamery ahlppt
Juub 18.
. of butter

- - dtrek
• from
:k. - There was alao Ofey sacks
OI potatoes shipped.
Kenwood. Gled Ray and the Greg
Mr. and Mra Boyd Core.v visited her
•reots. .Mr. nod Mra. Joe. Coek. BunMATCHETT.
Bom to Mr. and Mra. Adam Chap
pie. a daughter. Friday, June 16.
l.«Und last week to attend tbe teachMestlames Amos Box and 0ns IJck
lug w
Mlaa Svivia rJiatnes visited her sis- err examliiBiloB.
called on l-ena Uck Thursday.
Quite a large atendance at the
Chas. Storrs Is over on his mothar's ter. Mrs. Ernest Kettner.
Mrs. HohM-r M'.ddsugli I* visiting dam-e In Marabee hall Saturday even­
farm, wheixvhe Is planting ten acres
her lurenis. Mr. mad Mra Ed Cornell. ing. Forty-tso numbers were aoM.
cl |■olaIoell.
I’artles frum Empire. Glen Haven.
The ladles- Aid met with Mrs.
Oaticy of AnHoeh w^ united in South and .North Manliou were there.
. Knapp Wt*dnesday. After the


s fnrwiabed by
Mr. and Mra. James Dally aad Bt
grandaoa of Eiuptfe called on friaait
hart Suada).
Mr. aad Mrs Baraam. Ftaak
aad hta two dauightere

don aad family.
tevewty-flre geeeU hare haw •
talaed at Walker’a laa alaeb .
IllR. Ttraaiyarven of them ergro V
Seven dlffer«BTraBlW'«aro to
Junu l».
Nr. artd Mra J. Wgrd A f
for their .
leading the graduaUng ________
Mlaa fmsat Ddwrlr. who la «na«C
clana of nurses
grgflaate b
They were the guroti of Mr. aad Ml
Bdgerl) while In the Cfty.

•w. '

Saturday will be Children's day
,(Irani! Tiaverse grange anil elabun
the winter with her daughter. Mra. preparations are being made lo give

Jfra. Lola RoBara is still <w tbe imln. F. Dago. Mn. L«ckie will make her the little folks the
time of their lives.
». Rogers went to Travmae City home with her dangtaier. Mrs. Will A dinner will be served tbe children
and a program I
Mra. Kitchen returned Friday from and girls win be gl
Unrn K. Bales wad grandw. »Mtl. drove over: to Tbomp- adUlac -where ahe vUl^ mends.
Mra. liearl Golden ct BmtoU arrived bureau has begun tbe annuul work oi
preserving fruits for exhibition imrOB Thureday la
Bar tnala MI« gint iar a'few tnar with her i
poaes. atrswberries are being |>m up
now and thene will be followed In turn
Wm. WiUiamsoi
by cherries and tbe other varloiieB as
•- Mr.'tbdMtRl
Rbta wfll move
fktB tbe HkUotl wii-w
irday for Oraad Raplda. where ahe fast as the) ripen. Several huiidretl
Mr. and Mra. Mn Few]as of la- will Join her huaband and make tbelr new jars have been secured and a
laboratory Is being flii^ up In the
tad Mare the gMta of tbelr
«lr dangh- future homeold bgie building.
Mlss Bertha Bartbe epeat Batnrday baaeiaeni or the
- of- preserving will
-- In­
here the wrork
la Traverse City.
andled dti
« IKe
Miss Grace
. Oeboon, who has been
iobo Jane tab ii Ue avwrtbg. Lm nl of her friends Tburedsy etpning
Bbdb Md cw
ooam. AU vel- iwith s Isnnch party.
•ita- PmriCfti «» go lor tbe besefit
B.-J. Dame and family of Gvanston.
•t^Bandap MbaoL
arrlted Saturday
evetHng for the
the sumat tbe sanitarium for tbe iiasi two
^Mnr^yytM taaa aad Mrs. Lamm
weeks, returned to her home yeaterUMOftwermtbaBHata of ber mother.
ita Moofot at ftmba Aaa Moaday aft- home In Bcottvllle i
Ira Stansk of East Jordan arrived
^*ffSr(2k BoBira' bone bM Its feet
at the aatiitarlnm yeaterda.v.
Ruth Van Wagoner la at the aanl'ta tau soverely in the barb wire
urlum Buffering with typhoid fever.
iHita. very «aare«Uog the bear ~
Tha nsma of Charilcs Wilhelm wat
tnadvertanUy omitted yesterday as a
meiater of the executive committee
tag IK of the locaMbptlon campaign.
A fin* new Bulek hat b*en received
at tbe Goode garage.
Mn. R. ft*, tak and ooe. Qoorge
Theron Morgan has received a
«ta BaurftAF^la Trasavea CItt.
inaome now touring cmr. Cadillac

H Mm BlovaaB aad twa
Sta anlva^ TBueday oa
.Ihaota aad will spend the
M tbelr aaw eottage oa tbe
^Qtaey LMUs

* " *

‘ *' Tiaeeiee City apent
•day In town looking
I dor a aew water


•f ttaad la epmdlag a tew

Cm^m pa« pmr with bar daagbter
lb, StaMit Htalortb aad family.
Hto Ladles' AM of the M. S. rbv
n Moot with Mra. J. Ackert oa Prt-


Ii Btgata retatwed this evening
Je M«A « at Laaalag where be

‘ I at tbe
JeMfta Brabant aad daaghter
s left Mat week for nuiadeV
broo tay <win epsad a few


J^tiib f^
A£bB^ “

^im. Lydia' Lackis retaraed —
fbBiaday trem Oedar where she apoot

Bolds FfekiUe Asphalt Slate I
is pnoicmlly mdestnictibic.
FroMs cumof break it—siuk
''Mtad and atona canaot nist
or rot h. Yrsn after layiag.

aexibk Asphalt
tbs last aaU wst drivea Mere iksa
that, it it fins is sppcaraacs. medems
•a COM. fire sad Ughming
._UBg .proof
.. sod
Wfaaiavec yoer
-1> FVsibls

at the cborch for wwic. All members
are requeated lo be preaeoL
Ths Cempanlen of Foresttra sew­
ing circle meeting has been poetpooed two weeks.
Ilbert fihlleon, home from M. A. C.
the tummer. has seeded a pool
tloo in tbe grocefT dlvtatOB of the
Hannah A Uay '*
Tha information bureau is indebted
> (rteod* wbo have sent flowers for
the dieks and wish to express their
thanks and appreciation u
U. Ml,
The Qreea cBureh »uni
widay aeh<
Idcnlc, Vwhich was to have
ire he^hr
afternoon, has.
ts,'t>eeil po

V marriage license wat issued today
Ray U Pennell of Traverse (.'ii)
and Cora M. DoolKtle of South ila

1. pul up iasids tbs talk.


Of the Entiri Hub Stock Starts off With a Rash
---- and no wonder—The highest grade Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods at savr
ings of one-third to one-hSf just when thousands of you do your dothes buying. ^
We bought the entire Hub5tt)ck at 6oc on the dollar—The Hub’s
original selling fag.< left on each and every article, so you can figure
your savings at a glance.
It’s a remarkable buying opportunity for ev^ man and young man in Grand Traverse
County. Whether you’re interested in the firiest tailor made dothes—or in the men’s
Suits at J2.95 or $4.89—it’s THE SAl£ for you. Same way with Shirts-Hat»-Underwear, etc.—all qualities going in this great Closing Out Sale without resen-e. For in­
stance you <3an buy:


guest of reUlives and friend* for j
tew daya...Mra-^ C. VlaW gf Cedar la wmM
log the day with frieada in the city.
Floyd Landee a( Battle Crack ar
lived in the <ily yesterday to apeod
The sanunev with friends.

The Hab’i Sl-50 Hati for ........
Tbe Bab’g CS.OO Hat for ........
TtaA Hab’a SOc Work Olorm for .
The Hob’s 25c and SSc 8tt
Tbe Hob'i 50c Dr«n Shirts



.11 members of Quekn City Camp
No. fi??. R. N. A- wlthlag to go to Klk
iPids Friday, please be at the Pere
u-quette depot early, aa the train
leaves al S a m.
The Memana. one «f the largest
coal bargee on tbe lakes Is unloading
• Hannah A Uy dock i

a«am. me.



IVlen’s Good



Boy's Kaee Pasto, go at, pair
Men's Good Bine Oreralli. pair .
B<7's Bib OreraOs at. pair........
Men's Good Work Shirts, go at
Hes s Cotton Work Panto, pair .
. Olovea, /^Betaty, BnH Oueg.
And M OB aU tkransfa tbe entire Hub Sleek of Pajamas, Right Gow
Travding Bags, Tmnka, etc. Savings range, 3$ 1-3 per cent. 40 per cent and 50 per eenL

14S>lt2 E. Frsal SttccI, Tnverse City* MtcM.


-Sm Glohc Traeiag Stouua-

Grand Traverse Region
nchtth bates.
»r. ftPd Mr*. ifeaHw 8mia> nf
iSortb Art** »»ll*d on Mr*. U* iMf^
Mr. •nd Mr*. W«H*or QRiMn Md
'Matdfcii *p(«t Bund*; wltb Hn. Olt>■n*^ f>*r««M
iUitic CV.KP to h*Hn« Ik*
HMh mnde • trip to Tr«v'%TMa CHj
HOBMT tUwto^ r«H«d dn Miu fkntto

^■nl m**«lnir of rt»» »*.4 k*M »«
0* kM* of Mi** M4ldr*d Uafw «*•
MIM»M and ovoryoB* i*port* n
Md t*m»
Hr. BOd Mr*. MoanW BWUlU ap*nt
•aater wtih Mr* tJDqoM * pwt«U.
Mr. U>d Mr*. O«o. Artiold.
Mk« Ass** RM*d «p*nt Ssturter
■vlih k*r paroBia
Mlkit* tflM' M)


Clara Arnold «prti
■iltht asd Bunday viih Ixir parsats

L Mr*. MaralBU Farrar 'at BurArkSfll* irasaaaad ,4;aah>**a in .Iowa |pd
TbKcd at tb* hrm* of Wn. Beaaau
^taai Friday.
Tto* Mlaae* Alic* and Bra Oay.arrlrad bciaa from 8t aary'a. wl^
^<k*y hav* t>**n at^acBoai. ^ 4li»«o«r1 last FHday. 'nwr iMrcfsBComjflaaM by th*ir bmiBak. David. «ho
ftos.kMB rlsHluy ibem at Booth Bond
" I a frv days la Mut


..K"* “ *■"

prof**dln«»>0<h*r anwiaoMl* pwtt«*
ir*r* J. BdlUvao and fatnOr of Odar.
Dr. C. W FYaltrk and faailr
MaTrarer** City 'with , tbfir <«r paj^n
VbHor pFtfTt.Tl and
JoUtsi CkmnMl.

F. A. MltckHl of th* M. A K. E fty.
hto wife. «am* from
MaMst** Tb* tus fuonsbt a crowd
from Bordk-krHla aod vJrtahy and
i4omiP*at runarr* wKb tlwlr faiaili*« »*r* prwent from lb* mirroondIns roantrr. Much let*r*« was Uk*«i In iMe towtor* toy Mr. Bmlto. ike
oicbard cipert. a* yra*
In ttoo r«markii toy •Mr. Olbfon. Mr. 'Mlickell
and otfam.
Mea»r* MoHler of Detroit. Gray of
Grand Rapidt and M'airMtden aod
Tousle of CklraCD
All Per* Marflueile R. R. crfdcial*. wer* cuesU of
n. H Day last BaCurday. harlns driv­
en over from Traverae City in an aiilomoblle. Tbe seatJemen are all
v*rr enthusiastic over this country.
The' Mlsaea Carrie and Haiel Ben­
nett were la Lelaod last week.
Mrs. M. A. V«K* and dsuskter ar*
tlsltlns In Rmplre.
t-'apt. Henry Rotoertaon of Fisaktort Is ylslllns oM friend* In Ibis vlctalty.
Mr. and Mrs Hull-arrived on tbe
Ml*B>ciiri aod spenua abort time la
town tordore oins t& OlM Ray.'Jtine ML

Mr. end Mrs. Waller Harris and
Vie .nephew. Willie Mc.Mlfcle left Tnaeday
JADpIre team on oar «Fotinds Sontey Cor the went.
-Mff* roBukad ia -t»*«n«f lA*r^^
a H. BHinett and daOBkter. Bmi*.
Bnnday at Betumlt City with
,, Mr. «a« of BwiBeld was la town epeat
hU mother and alster, Mfw. KInts
jfK »—iBMi buw *mab1
“^Mlw Ida Farrant krHrad Friiay'on berry.
Baldwin spent Bunday at
;,|iM Mtoaonri from ChirasoMies
Mr*. Geo Rhodes and two cklldren
__ Anumto, Texas.
returned to their borne In
MMa Flora nri is aaalatl
Torse River* Monday afuw vlsltlm;
' ' at th* botel.
' -» ;
. lose UW*e with relatives here.
ebef for Oedar Bprtns*
aUeodsd tk* Odae meerine
1 tm the■ nilnote
nilBOts Bantoy..
~ '
ai-lsland Sunday from here.
Roy .McKaln wae a Traverae City
fkm___ ____________
attended, over 400 tmopl* be- caller Retarday.
Ralieoa Brown from Wiaeonain It
in atteadance and mock interest
ber* looklnc after his farm.
I to the V
The Woman’s Christton Temperthe eBort t
nnce I'nlon Is s
lot the pardon <



atfdtSK tk* cr*daaU*B •asrttof IfaBtHy. for the p*« few nMOth*. left
M bl* SOB Bert, wbo koe been attend- {last - week for ike somk pan of ike
IDs «Dllc«e '.;iere for eome rime aad stair. •
I Ur.. A. J, •FTkorlsvo aa.1 sister.
Mrs. EOia r*tunMd to Imt kM»e at is prepariat for the mlBistOTy.
... last sweek witb
A J. Wklir is epeodins some tlm* Mrs Aoihoiiv. visited
►ri* otter rartns tor «r*. KaosernOB.
ffi bit taitn l<x-lns sfiet the totdld- Ikeir bioibei apd laiatb at Travi
of tis kcnsekod bam.
Horace Sktirow waa at Tnverae
fejtrr Fktrts left
Rlltsbelb Conkev of . Beaton
^*iTDton”u’dto*- Aid wtit *ew Joe'
llstlicr visited wtek before laM s
dlrli Mtolte. }r.. pitsed ttarougk Botou her brother. Chan Kins aod famllv
creiiii aod cak* Baiatday Hrctoiaci Mr. Carrier aod wife, who have
Ike O.
lived here for the lui!! few tuoalhs.
proieei hlm^Hf io saw tolkts to
ftakiaji iireiaratluiin
Adam Tatter has iixjved his saw ICaei ior.lau.
Albert Anderton of Grand Rapid,
as In town a few days on OuatoMa. mlU to Jcbii IVplinski's pUr*. wbere
r and
Jane 2«.
be ka« a numtxw of weeks' sawl
. I) R. Kins aad
<;irnn and
be raomint; tor '
|.ret<> wed-ilnx cMrarrvd
Tkv Misses kiDdU-r. ztisBierinan
and Mr*. 3. H.'l.yon rlslted .1 OTIatt
last W*.ioeedav at th* hom* of Mr.
over Sunday.
Mr«. Kmll U:t*nilow>kv. (our
t with ,Mi( and
Milton Beckwith of PelosVey and 'urkioic bom*
miles Ironi her*, wlieo .Mr» luoen
Mr and Mr*. Hany Itortwlth of XVll
dcwekv'i. HaUKhtcT
tlertruii*. was« vislied a< P. BeekwitVe •.»*«uniied in marriaic* it> J*»»r Tanner ol
MtlU ul Traverse City Thcmimonvili*.
k*v Hrovliolni <■(
tlien Shaw rUlted Cbeeter aod Uo«-. Sanndey.
TbomiisonviU* iwrlcrmed
• 81*m
oi. wllUamsbutT
«'• Gco.1.aod
Hrnxholii- glared I
thtr. vl-lt-.l
vl*i\eJ h.
b>r-ter. Mr*. T. _ wr.iiliiic Biar.h while i ■e bride a
UWiesnd lamily Buuday.
(.rouin, attended bt the lallers broth­
June to.
er and wife, nuirrhed In srid -Imd uii
tier an areh of fernn. roses ami hon*^
kxuft. \ luuuircu- w»<ldloy dint>t-i
Miss Norn Jehnaou Is at borne for
was served arter Ih* rereUMin'. also
Mabel SundB).
Mr. and Mrs. Merrilll Baird and rempte of weeks.
ire rreaui and i-sL* the alter(%er.-> idrlclns lrf>ean Munda:
noon, after w.....................
Bert Baird visited at Butt Ualrd'f
MIta Uottli- tiardner spent1 Sunday their boine*. v
Tannei a hai>;>>
with .Mrs. Steve famill.
Jane so.
tminial »
Mrs. Chat. Ijirdle i> veiy tiek.
IS at unit- in Tito
Hr. and .Mrs Alex Carroll visited
JutM lit.
tboir borne hero Bunday.
Mrs. Frank Burfaan of Anhie call­
Walter end Hetooa Hoetflar were ed on her mtChrr. .Mrs. -Mary K. John-'
-Mr. and Mr*. O V liclme* are well
rolliBK lb the neiklrborhtrod one day non Sunda.v.
and have beiti aiiendmg the tniwi
thto we^. '
mgs at Ptnv Grove aclw»1 house.
Mra. L. Oulman returu
Viw Smflh la about the same.
Mr ami Vre Wnll* and daughlc
bto grand
took iliiiner with Mr and Mrs O. V
Mitt I'v
Hdmes Sunday
.Minnie and Ida Edceromto . hat*
Mrs Waiter |i
and daughter
hern visiting with their torotters. Hsepid Holbrook of Traverse
s|>enf Rundwv with her imivnts. Mr
Nelaoti and Alfred Edpecon* for a j^rolxlsiilaft at Stephen CarruH's.
1 Mrs, Puniliroii Slid two grand chlld- and Mr* Scion Tj I.t .if this idu.-e
few days .
tren are aiajln-' In Traverse City.
ti<i.Kia Mae Man* i-i>ent Sunday al
June tit.
* MIsa Kllzabeih Sfonlefc Is w-crklng -Mam-elona Malting fneiid*
[ fee Chaa. Lardi*.
Mr*. Hick- ih some bclt.-i.
CEDER R. F. O. NO. S- ,
Jime £i>.
Mrs. Keiit!.<v of .Mantpn vitlu-d ui
Wk are bavins tine xrowlnx weaththe luroe Ol Mr*. Geo M.Mamoi last
' for tarmera.
.V. W, llerrinmon Is anfferins with
Mrs. ^hs^ Rsntsev. who has been
n sprained limb.
He accidentally Cery *l.k ib«- )ia*i two weeks. Is ’ i'harlev Anton v-tidied «). V llolure*
slipped from a tor caukUiK Ike In­ Bligtiili_j>n III* gain. Her s.i-ter from Ihl.weel..
Charles Merritt and fa(>iil> of King*
Indlanai* with her now.
lai-i Sunday. Tbe teleptacme Is aicalD dolnx duty,
Ben Holler Is ill with typhol
typhoid fever.
Gennide Dennett and
baring bam laid op for repair* •lot 1 Miu Syhia King is'bome fi.
Charlie McManu* had dinner wjih C>
^Rb|4<Iv. where she has lieen attending Hi Floyd Tyler last Sunday, and a(t
8. B. Cate received 80
er diaaer ic-e ereatu vas m-rved. ami
I'uabel for a load of potatoes Sati
tuir.j^ \V il. Smith ha* treated his
Henry Grerhen
len liapiien
liapi«ene.1 along Jiiks
III of lui
luint. which adds l
■I a dish of......... —...
f il vek niuc-h.
Holme*, hs* aonoiin.-e.)
.Mis* CnlesMi)
Utlessa) Mrlioldiick, who lias there I.
hrolher, Charles, and.iif .hiU




thH i-lare. All ate InVlted. Five tor dsrwltb ker slater. Mr*. Mbri* Be«E*-'er.ho.iv .-cnte and have a (KXs! With.,
*m. strawU
Mrs. John BejM vWied ber sas.
wm I,
I. There will t
Mike. Bunday.
KpeKLini. in I
Mr*. EUie Srattold and daagktsr
.Ml* O V Ihdniws W««| cKlMslrvl Mar> went to Trtverm- I'lcy Tksreday,
last week.
_______________ ' June ».
1 ave been selliar'
:)*e bu>b<-l-U)e Iasi week
The !ailner^.are rlnariox and .kiinc
Mra Cbartntie Hoil.Snnk and Mrs.
t.*»ns 40-1 lai* isi.
Stella (tooper sere al Kalkaska Frinnd na.K verv
Tlie school bad an ire vream sswlal
Saiurdai i-lght Oo the lu-kooi grounds,
g^ aiti iidsare and d good (Isie. pro.•eete.».-,,.o
Ur, .VU-rr OUc ctlisd OB Mr*.
'We are h^vlna al this sTltlsiB t
hTora Ma> Sunday.
• arm weaihi-r.
Hugh Itilo. FreA Harter aad Rati*
.Mi> K. M. Madbwin^a* been on
KruuiUui wfre at tbe >-ouaiy *rg|
■ Wol: vhilled a


.Mr an

Mr* S K «il.4.d»nllis is on Ci.- ,hk
Mr aid Mra. Clltton 8hsw wrtTrsvfrse !li\ callerv .Salardsi.
•rook a
Mrs il, C Pray went to Trsvet*. l.iiie H..lbn*.k and daiqRiter
dai_____ ___
• 'Itv Saiurrtat
attended lb.- ChlMiwn's Ttou sssrriMMrs- Cook vUlled at t’. Glmdening
East HukNaiaa Sutidsy.
Jnh.. Bo
I at
■I Mr*. 1
' C Glendepliig.
Urge irow.l «*ni to the Uke y**Jpne m ^f*rda> Tbe« rri>oiied a fine tUa* •
Mr, rtwak bYeemas U 0d.tb« itek
Ur* James Rilev and two rtolldre* .
<r Tiitverwe I'liv arrived BtltKdav la '
visit her -on. Wm Ktisy aad family.
al>*> he> molliei Mrs. M. M Milks.
John Peihall slid tsmlly vhdM at
.A Saver.' Sunda>.
Wm Hllev and famUy vtolted af T.
A. Vuli-r 's Aoate.v. ~
.loliB lYrhaU.aad 'family, stio .Mr*
Savers, drove 0 Klagaify oa k^
ress ibU Binrnlmv.
Mrs. J H VautJew
Jew of South Sag!
new. kH.h
vislilag with Mrs K
Kl-anv toi t....................
J- .\Ulr.
Mina Seelt-v weoi to work this
itii flit Mrs Maltn Stoi-Lflsh.
ictM^a.’s^;;-llst-Mailiwm. ,
Juni IS.
Nell l4^sii was a TraverM-al’er JYlday
• l.iis flrix.inlK-yd rnent Thiir.-


Temp'ting. Sessonsble, F'uirni'tun

It’s very sdditoc yo* Und suebtempltDB values, when seasonable mcrehaiidlsc Is most la demand. Usnslly the very

bighcsl prices are asked al this lime, but we shall maintsla cue wide repntaUon at selling Ibebesi goods al the lowest prices,
now ab well as soy other time of tbe year. We are sSUslled with oar nnliormly low perceulage ol prolll and cballcagc any
mad Order honseia exisICBCc to undersell ns, quality and style being the some. II yon posws a Hoaseinrnisbing ealalogoe^ any descrIpUon. brlOg II ta'aad
eompars prices ayd values. We not only meet the prices ol snch Itrmi, bat yoo can see everything belorc yon buy II and save liaU or msreoa the Irelght.

Iron Beds
This Rocker

Resoli Furnishings
We are well equipped to furnish
resortf and cottage* at the low.
est figures and on short notice.
Good c itton top
MattreMCE, full
•Ize. each,
Good Bed SpHogs,4ull size,
each, only ......................$150
Bad Hlaoket,. pto pair ...................................................... 7Sc'
Bed Sheets, eaep..................................... .......................... SSc

Thil bed, like cut. made of selected
malleable Iroo, full reg.ulatlon size,
■olid colors, haodaomely enamel­
ed, strong, sanitary
and durable,
each, only


Is only one of tbe maoy wb are (rfferio^ oow it
exceptfooany l%ir prices. Such a Rocher is
usmUy sold at other stores at $4 aod $S.
Notice the comfortable shape It has, the
bl^ back aod coottoaous rdl arms. It
yields to year wd^t aod the afr drcolates
all through, makiog It cool aod
euu URUH^wm
It Is ooe of the maey '
Perch aod WlUdw Rock­
ers we are^ering oow
for the low price of..
SoUd Oak Ladles* Rogers, wi*b high,
restful back aod geodoe shapod cobbler
seat Positively worth $1.75. for ooly . ’97e


A handfome American
quartered ' oak Dreiaer.
neat in appearance nod
deaign. Three d r a w a ,
bevel plate glasa, pollUl
finish. Usually told for
£9 and IIO. Our price

Cbtict ri nim Irantl.M
Bed Sprcads-Spcelal-mia wute,
npirad prttemi,
dNImU itpW tw VMd ot Inn Ml
ulov ts
hrlUSnUMS. Man tapnpwUoB.


SOclngralB Carpets 18c per yard

window Shades

low as



aaad upward .'



«wl ntllvf Imlker pOt^dupUr.piair

TMa M nm-dui mirlBltaipeb, M
pud aMt aal tarUdMii ttutone
mM oa^ nap ue (aod lor now
rani paSUoai, Hoar or 4[aa cnaiiidi.

VJlffVAM .

A hanAome, high grade, ateel constructed
Couch, covered ^Uh high grade, figured
Velour. Choice of colors for....................
These Couches are usually sold by mail order concerns
for $7 00 and S8 00.
We also have other Couches at $5, $6. $8 50 and up tq,$25.
Large Leather Bed Davenports, massive, solid oak frames, pos­
itively worth $35. for........................... ......................$26.75
Sanitary Steel Folding Couches from $2.93 up to the
DaveoporU at........ ....................................... $74W mod $8.M
Couches with steel construction, high back oak frames,
choice of covers for ...
............................ ............$3.75


Only $7.73
Hotel Combination Dresser with
mirror, for only .................
Others as high as $25.


Reliable Home!urnisher

$4 93

Come In and look these things over at once.

Picture Framing
Bring in your pictures,
diplomas or certificates and
see how good and cheap we
can do it.



Ch». T;
SUte*»>^vAatMki DftMt PrceJ>reM.
te tb» Det^t
Tim PiiM «f S«ad«y V<n pme «f
IMMMt km:
CbartM T. Mawriac. atubtce. wbo
ku km
wi(k tb* M4cDUar
Mrtealtana -u4 - Miu for Morlt; a gnarUr of a tmtarr. tka keat iian of iwtilck prrM ka
kaa apoi la th« rwt fntt aatttona
al tho waaUTD outaa. palnta a dow<Bc pietar* of ib* poaaWUtaa of waum MtchkeaD'a aiMcapM Hoaa If
pmwr BriaatMc mctkodi ara oalr appM. Mr. Maanfac «aa to PKrnt
aod aaid
“I baTv ta«a acUvaIr totonatod ia
tke davalopaMaL of tka fratt aaoUoaa
at tka Mt of Oreaaar Waahla»wo
•ad Idako. alorr 1(81. I barr aa«o


tkr ftiiow^
Valtor tnaafbt
Sace-koah hUta
and plalaa (« tb«4rjatoa«at aUia of
Hgbaat akS lk« praiMe ptadaalraI ha-rv aace ibr Hood rirrr and
MadfOrd sroOoaa—oeljr a mry fe«
jvan a(D. caaarallr eatawd vttb tka
raUow fir and aa^r p(
froai I H» to 800 ibauMkd foot of nap*
kalaWr loca par nra ecBTanrd to
vhai to
' ~
■ to tbr voriC
no fnik prodtudna ami
I kara aaan aonkar* Idaho krooakt
from aaan kaak waatea. paoplad ooJjf
by tka ryota, pack rakblt nod ika
bomad toad to aona of tka falrrat
tend* on tbtr fcmt globr of oara.
-i bara aaM land ralun to afl
thaar* dtotritca at fn>« |1.» to


Forget It
Paint Cdebrated Man­
hattan Beach. Firewrakt
are the Very Bert.

mp pnaa and rape, ranaa ■maOm^V
Bky rorkrta and aU thk:lataot pyijp.*.*.. ^
irrhtir, noTalilea.
• '»

SfMPtkm hA»0$Mt»


200 ^ and women to work on fniit*.
Nice, cfcm, easy
in a sanitary factory.
rri« asd wut yovr
W« k» *«W TMBiaf «
MM«a «Bf-k itMdx dspiaXM. Tito
we ihoold
for ktrcwbenta' Merer wm bettw, tad
tepe «k kut k thTM VMki' ran ot tkii froH, ttiCB we Uk»
if .zbd kkd Mkdt nfpberrtei, iboeebwTiek cherriet, itriai:
bMsi, pekfiOm. flSBf. pMn kud kpptM, n xon ob pUialx
pee we
fliw JM eMkAjr emplo7»eDt fer six aHothe. 0dm
ik ead enter xoar aeato ea ear UM as eooB u eakreakat
Oae word to trait frowerk. How. we deat WMt to
td JOB how maA sore we «a pay thka ear eei^etitori for
yowlr«B; bii«^weitf %kat to Uipieee apea year
W;ln^we .oea aae than oar
ompeMbn, ia other wardsTi*
rlet H wpU u year Ho. 1 fratt
Tea are an aware of the feet that dhaia are ttees dariai
the rash et the pkyag aeaeoa oa an fifttts that yea art eem.
peUed to leee felly oae half el yoar erep, men ecpeoiaUy.
We win alwayp be ia a poeiaea to aae Ho. I'a Ho. S-B aad
asCt fraha We an at the prmeat time oeatraetiaf fer oae
half of ear aeeds le it yea have any frviti to offer, oom ia
and we eaa talk the ms^ oeer, as we feel amand that we
eaa iatereet yen ia prioe^MBd ia onr mode of hiadttaff.
We are iaOtalUBf 2 i^4o-date dder preecea, one atrietty fer oartem werk. We wQl be glad to make yoar
elte, hoOed dder, }dly aad anOe batter and will gaaraatee
yon thejfedaeti from the aiqpki yea hriag ;ei. He Job too
Cain or tee large.
We win alao ha ia the market to hay all gimdm of apyUc
-ddcrt. wind falls, aoeoadi aad yoaf'He.^rs^ WOl be ia the
market for year crop d X>aehem apples mtd can aae all grade
ef earty sammer ap^ca. We waat yea to keep this ia riew
aad gire u a dan of yoar patreaage. We are penaaaeatly
located here and waat to deal with yoa peo^.
Oome la aad get aeqaaintod.

Mikes^ & Co.

Smcct igaw 2a Tfwr/n CHy fa—Idf Camtamj,
tnvcrae atffy MMrftam.

par acra endoally dinb tka ladder
ttaeaa cnn «ia *—1*<« for ton than
()«• to (ICO par aera tor namprorad
landa; (i«» to (600 par aera tor talapreaad .tanto tor altolfa and faonl
fatntec and fron (6d» to ttJMO' per
acre lor kaartop oitkaida. notottkaiandtoc <ka' ka^hnp wln« tka
prodorar or idOO to SdOO nllaa br*
raan kin u4 kto markata.
--Thr ooo^oi dmralennaei at tlia'
praaK oaatam am vka broopbt
akoat tkroosk
t pnkNrfty. by nktoir tka
past » yanta nan ikM foor fold.
Tkia toerawa of popntoltoc was
knw^t la lu far graatar paia fton
tka nlddla vaatam nam and Mtckimn kaa ocnitoutad an altocatbar too
lanca a qoota.
PaaalWIittoa of MtoklpAi.
"A pmoaal tatreatlsackw of tba
aztottop to tka waatam
cotiBUaa of 1
prrtod at tow nontbs iwt pest hu
conytonO n«> ikst BonberF la' <he
wbole UkliMl SutM are alnllar
portuBkin atfotOail to tba bmb vko
drstmi to nipnpF to any breBck of
amcnlinw or bAtk-nltara na to vest*
•rn HlAlsao.
"KTiC'ni.Fa 'ef tka-aOapdbltltr ef
lb« aoll and aailafactory Hlnetle tmejtkna Bin maaltlim m e*«rr band.
aoe (kr farmer tje orrhardlat who oi:
*Tta an^ e
neOeni matey end kBovlrOce «t
-kov and nby' to kia carw. and rutUrainoa of bto landi* and orcparda.
aad markaUnp of bU crops, ends renuarretlon «teBl to ibai eejorrd by
bto btwbn- oa bU fancy priced lands
to tbc
~8o unto la ttnanlly keewn of
wMCarp Mleklpan and bar poAibllitlca. iSiU Urk nf knovledpe (a not
moaned to tka toad honpry nlUtow
Mialda of tkla tiwe. but nwy be said
of the majoruy of the Mlcfclcnn pm
ple.atiulda of «kat tanored dtoirlct.
eren tksee, there aaean to he
en aliopetber too prm.: a dmUi of'the
toll roBMaetJOB of the vooderful poBbMIRIm yevirlng dormant.
Alfalfa baa made nwre pra« tertunm In the vaatera atncea tbBB tos
ber blpkif' colored apple*. HSliereTer
alfalfa lia* beeo aoim 1a vaaltn
Ukklpnn. good sianda bare beea obutoed
tweb aMeSo cut bla crop three
low timet daring the aeoaoe. gather*
log Bn mrerw ef ooe Bad ooe-bBlf
torn of bay ^ aere per yew. ■qmi
to the best erepa on the apaMlre irrlgnted Usda of the vest. Wca
Utobtgan toils ar* espectoly
to elfalta. AtfBXa baa added altl
ol doilara to-the farmera' tommae to
Kamaa and Kebr«^ aad hsa tocreased Uod ratoesi toon u to sm
pw cent.
aaadr~^IpeBi aolla are
ftp eep^ii] end'jwtlailar eatlroaBeing Wendtrfal Wartc.
“The nembero of the WtasterB DareiopneM leegne are dotos vondertuRy effettlTC work tor that aeetlon
•r the aiate. They hare mnpUed
hot* leatntog In useful toformatlon
and panKularly nnibaotic in their
connUi« retolu obtatoad by farm
and orchardlsts. I hart rlaited many
of tbe groyen meetloned to

c tnitk fslr sat forth. Tbe Mb
I tolly
ranted by my toweilni'kii
'Hearlr nl the frnfu are
tafty grove In newly erery county of
venero MMtlgnnJ Applea are onlseraally BaceastoL Ike eiteiK ^ Uie
peach belt is dltficnlt to define, althoofb II ts generally accepted as a

LaxiUve Sent
Free te Try
may b.
mere to ao famSy of any
■oat Ttry kng vithdit naedtnt e lax>
atnre. If yon don't know of a tobd
tonathru, or the kjcatitp ym ere nmac
to tonne >» *8mt. we vent to caO
to Dr. CiMveira Syrap
SpMn. vUch tbotueadt of toaOtoi
arc uiac aaccesafnlly.
Ws hars acersa et lattsra from ms«h.js. aad aeans tram wntarot asm
ssyiag they era walag n psroinaHy aad
n ta tbnr fiUtea nro Mks Mr.
■nlth ef tb* Trodk: Ctaarta*
BoBaa, Pla* BI U Arfc~ and Mr. Osergs
B.Tnroar. ala
ealvsa and giro It to tbalr ehnaxsa
wmM taka tae nneh apaca u

l*i« ikat Ikto fnitt ««■ do better oe
loMlad loeaatan ntnr to a body
of voter. Oartato aartotlaa of ckaprtaa are nalwnaBr srov* and vttk
rdat anmaa. Ptnm. ptana and apri«ota do voS nttamaar pnrkra aro
n. Tbo mQ tmit. ancb at

orckarda to tkla dtotrtct; a too vlB
of tka poatokObtoa of-tka (orcsnata
of a farm or orchard to any of
attoa aton« tka ahora a< Lake
'O. W. Haight has ti4 aa«a to
<he Pleaaaat Wiley FVvlt torn, of
which about gfi aerea are to fruit. He
a gooseberries that reion <
STOe per acre; cwraKa. fdoe per
pluBU. SSM per acre: ckerriea.
1300 to Siaeo par acre: Dixebess ap*
plea. (700 per acre, aad vtater apples
at 1300 per aote; prveea. |»00 to fOOo
acre. There has oot been a fallnre of the crop oh hi* (arm to 30
yewt.*"1L lit ocetaa la looe a«ued a
profit -of 9t,SeS fron
psechea aad over K-ton from
aerea la generaiouif
■ConU never told 131 rosea
moaeberric* tor $mJ8. picfced from
a Web core^Bg leas ihah obechlrd
of an acre. He eoU t03 roses cher­
ries tor |gM, the prodoet at 1S3 trees.
ti of them amalU Tkla u a return of
«t^ (600 per acre.*
‘Paul RoBe ia an expert m chernes—to groviBg. packlsg aad aelHag
them. He kaa oae tree od Use
eebaOdu mg erreaa raitory vbick
has prodaced 40 boxes of faacy fruit
—tea ponod bases—and to.- vhieb
he recelred (lie per box. One aere
of this railety yielding at this rote
vobM prodece orer (6.000 vonh of
'Ocorse wnace sold atravbecrtaa from aW<^ of one aad «ne.;nlf
acres for'|r0C|.60 or at the me of
(707.M per aera.'
“Theae are ooty a rery few of ihc
Pr the bonan. but
tbay mrrt to ibow wbat can be douc
with orchards to weatern Michigan
“Tb* reports on traps raised on
tbe farm ere eqoany eneohn^g amt
include aatoestk ertdcnce of mast
aadsfaetory retms of all tbe groins.,^
r-oases, at veQ as Tegata*.lea of all
siBda iVestarn Mk;ilga8 potoW
mt* IB o Claes or ibemeelvro. and Wt^
cajmtog and
-Neitoee tarmlnc nor or^rdlng u
01 Abe expertoae^ nature to tin*
eutrlA. for toe wmntles embraced
toe Wetiern Decetopneni league iarlude within their boundrles an area
of M.nes square nllro. with 4I.33T
fnnna an^ ao arorage oft.Wl.iCS. an
erage of se teres ef tnprored land
for each fam.
“Vet ta this aame dlttrlei la to he
fonnd over S.WM.OOfi aoree not Inproccd. land of to* aan* character, to
theae aaate tocalltlea. of eqoal rich
of eoll. equal (ransponatioa fartUilea and egaally adaptaMe for tbe
bigheat fora of derwtepmeat eaioyed
by the oMer tomtoc dtotrlcu.
‘ Theae lands ar* (otnid rery large­
ly la Maatotee. Beaxle. Onad Trot«raa,,WexterC Kalkaaka. Maasn and
Lake counties, new to -good lowos.
of to* alx
trunk lines or of tbe various amaller
lines of railed with which these
counties ar* grMIrwied. Theae are
tbe lands formerly held hy the great
lumber companlro, who flroi removed
from their vesHh at ptoe aad -Vedar.
A few yrora later the heal of hard
wood proved of more raJue than bad
the pine and cedar, and now throe
land* hare been or are now being de­
nned of the Uat of their native wood
and are thus made ready for rbeir
Car greater wealth preducring power
under modern and aeientMc agricuV
Ural and konkultunl devetepment.
Oraat Markata to ‘ftesch.
-Wltoto a radius <S aao mllro aiV
teuad Ike grrotew markets la toe
United fftaiea. Cblcpgo. MOwaukee.
and. 8l Paal. Deirolt.
Graad KapMa. IndtonapoiiA Clev*
Mad. Clnctonatl.^t. Lotos. Loakvllle.
Oolumbaa and Toledo are only a few
of toe great centers of poputotlon
sHhto tl^s radin*. and with a-freight
rate of ^ cents per harrel of apples
from western Mkhignn to CUrogo. as
agatosi 30 cents per box or (1.50 ^
barrel from Oreftm, Waahtogton and
Idaho preharda. toe difference to
freight akma nukea a rery deslmblc
It of tbl
Usds «r weetera MIebigM
BB added BOpBlatioa of not
lew toak OB* aad oovbaU miSkwa of
eople. to whom the producis of De1btt‘t mills and fsctorlro abould be
sold to toe cxciiiiioa of all rompetlug
to throe Uaw. Tbe people of tbiv
rocTtoa ^re put awakening to tbe
posaiMUtiro before them. I reafly ts
pert to see such adraneemest m^de
aloag tbero lines ta wrotero Mjcfalgaa during toe next few yean aa ha*
bron and* to (ka aonhwe*;. toe marvM Of the present age. 'ITie aatural
adeanugro ar* (bar*—PeopI*
aaargy. alilUty osd BUe»-M*«'4*w*cro

rsrtiJ‘.sjSTW"-*ss sfjs
amr aad bewei WBroaro ter oror t

OMbr rotdtal srv (k>- rewsnite- ♦•♦•♦•♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦a sHd.-* sUl a* a rob hst>- oul^ the
destrod. Tbane rob sbty be totsrest
# q**t sMd a* tpe troe. 'Mtaro v« Bto
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a be many whiter appiro. bat pleaty to
ed by bartog presented to tom tbe
, The farmers of this rklalty aaa procbFa.-»e*ra aad pluaig
real eondKIeoa existtog ta tbl*
plasitog pcutoea.
area of i
Take good ror* of
Mrs. Ida rfBnnrtiirtimlill arks hM
The iBdkBiioBs pelBi t a good prWa
been at work to Oraad Rapfpa.
this fall: toe Bnvsge t>
ed boar* to sprsa Ike aomm*
toap last .vcm.
ber stater. Mr*. Wm. SaBBders.
eMiiftoa ccNTaft.

who has bMB
aa apest a few
C. J, I
♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦«♦♦♦♦*♦ tm at Crs>Iiag with her aamu Mrs.
Ike farm lor to* past two moBths.
^ Tbe..»wfc OB toe Odd FeUows- new
Is BB better. She Is still bllad aad
knildlm tt progrroslBg ropidl.r bow.
Lee Htoird ef (hock la vorklng ter
>ilroea Broil* EMGrest aad Freda his BBcle. Fred Brerkel. ihU week.
Mtaa Ireae PUttlc of GruBd RapUa
i'agner took tbe teschen’ exatnlaaIs speadlag a few Oay* with
tloo at Trarerae City this week.
Tbe AM soctotr nw> at their hall lA Mi<~Wm' Ssuaders.
l<tt» for toe BSst few, day* hare Bowe V
Friday afiemooB for a bnalBess meet
erman aad'lAdgc wher.- they wUi reMrAad m\». Jc
^ Kaail St
|K» &umtu*.r
rteeted; Proskieot. Mrs. Uoaroe: vi<v Mne^-Bi tJrhtto spent asiorday an.l'
nesi^t. Mrs. Moysc; secretary. Mr*. Sun-la.v with their aimer. Ur*. Cvalae. [
'^ra.vUnaDarU; ireamrer. Mrs. Fletcher.
itle irea
Mrs. CalriB Spangler has gone
Kalanaioo far a tisit with relatirae
U getilDK sioBg I
aad friend*.
Iasi Thursday two little girl* from
Rose and Aik*
Truvrose City rome out to tb* roua-:
ir> slghisectog. They came rlear to:
There will be a farmers' pkaic at (be lake and wbee tbe> fouad out I
D«ck teke. Frida.c. June 33rd. A sbon they were fire mile* troai hoaie they 1
lirogrsn will b*.,clveB. All are ror- were frightened, a* (bey ibouitot they I
wer< only two miles.
dtallv Inrited. Bring baskets
.Margie Sill of Traverse .City hsv I
Mrs. B< Dacia arteeded tbe old aethren kpeadlug a few day* sitb her L
rter»- mmlag this week.
tt. l^rm I'oir-"irsfka.
Aodrew dark is nakJng some lB>- coosln.
oa bU bouse.
Mr*. Ftauk SkilUter wa* a Tn
gmu groax* ai ..
•- There will be an Ice emm social at t'lty i-alirr oa Saturday
c-hlldrrti‘s lia; exerrtaro were gl»
the Ijidie*' AM dining hall
rn at Sunila> x-twert yroterda} aodcr .
day ecenlDg. June 3Mb.
th- direction o: Miss Violet fteoue.
Wise ar Innaosiitr
A regular meeting of (be Rparortoj
He mat her one night at a
l.eague wa* tatod Sunday nlgbi. ami [
and aakad ber to go te (be itaroier
another enjoyable pFOcram Isml by't.
with him. fibe a<ve]>ted. aod. aa they
liked escb other, they went again later. Mlaa Rmh Mllne waa gireo.
A • Jolly Two" daociag pany w**
Tbeo It got to ha a sreakly occurrmro.
ren at tbe Town ball Saturday
PlaalJy be got to thinking that be was
solid enough Vito her to go oat to- niaht. Rlrctabee's sevni piece orchea(varo tba arts, and ao ba did. For
furntahtog the muslr: also dauraerarui weeks be worked tola aad mrt Ing wa* tbe' order at IHamond lutrk
Doth sere wHI Blteuile<l.
a lot. ereu (bough
Wauh fur tbe luierttM-keo uoie*’
each .hitoi lasBe of tbe He.-<.rd. I
Ona ereolng tka itoA. ''Why dent Eagle
pen go to toe amaktog room to sateke
Instead of gotog to the lobbyr
. “laH* tbera a amoklng room In31 r. liycrx has given hi* .b«
aider ka asked.
~Of couru*. Toe aivsya tag that
you ar* gotog oni to amak*. asd
It team* so naeless to have to Uk* Counade of Traverse Clly.
W. £. ftoblilBoe has Just complried
year bat and coat every time. And
building hi* new boune furstahed with
It you thought of It
euuld bay thro* clgsrettro that you gll the modern Improrementa
anem to llke-the ouaa that amtol Ilka
The cherry blight has smirk the
c4«raa. you kBov-befer* you comt
(berry trees, there li some apprtoeu
He Is vondartng If she Is aa vis.
aiOD (hat many three will be lost as
It Btams or as laaoceut sa It appsai
aa tbs esae somr years bark.
There will be a big hay cot.
The csi worms are quite had and
they have demroyed to* cabbage
A Loodou surgeon who bad bead for
and other vegetable*.
many yronf to laidta aay^ be aroald
Did you notice tbtl al! winli-r
■ooaer risk a railway accldcat than




Arriving Dally
At The Leading
Shoe Store m
Traverse City
And Northein

pbant la a more rover* msaaer than
(t daw-any rober animal. fi;tapbaBia
aad a
bar* very seusltive nervex. and
(ooct of teotbacbe often brlns* «
____ _
Provldid yoa are able
ehalu down an clrpbaut sod draw uat
to* offendiag tooth, tb* brnta Is ro^
lain to be airec-tlooate to you aflarvard. Her* Is ao Insiame: An dapliant to Beogtl. India, beism* affei-tad with lootbacbe. but tb* ka^ra
managed to secure It wbll* a dentist
drew a decayed loolb—fb* esnro of tb*
rruoble. After a rime lb* elephant
aaemud to nDdenaad that tbe deuUst
yraa iryto,
trytog (u do somethtog for
pain, and be gave every endenca
apitieclarliig tb* atieoMoB. When the

Fen Mar.
Soma faUew down LAScastkr way
kiss come out with to* exptoaatlon os
ta bow Pea Mar get lu name, ‘‘li U ef
Coralto extraction." says tba Lsiii<aa................ and he qaotas an anriant
Ayma to prova it. Tka tact Is (hat
Fan Mar Is so called because U ia oe
itoe Mason Dixon Unc. with Pcnaaylraaia oa one aids aad Marylaad oa
ilia other, toe first three leitera of
•ach stale name belag used to form
to* word.-miadelphia North Amer-

Many New
Models In
Sacic. Velvet, Tub
S*Ub.'m*i Kia, Patrol,
CuVas. Gaa MclaL

A Rabberset
Tooth Brash
Beronie It. Ig rke most *ani
Ury. mosTtKynMe and safest
tooth brush made. Tbe brtstlex
are held In .a aol)d bed of barJ
vulranised rabbet, aad gnarait
teed not to looss%.

Tbe Hros

ure yon vtll get YiWn one nf
throe brashes wMI more linn
I«y |©r It.

Troffle to China** Oirta
la TuBaaa. China, glrla aro *mi
toM tote alavcry. le on* year aboot
>M cwidran from toU oalghborfaoed
vroe aaid to daatora and carrtod to tha
erdlnary Uma* tha price for girts U
about II for «ato year of their ags.
but la the* of taiBiM chlldraa become
li drag os the market.

Riibberset Tooth Hnnbe*. fif-c.
Bcniei Tooth Paste. 3.V.

We Are
For Tans.
New Shapes aaS Slyiro
Thai are Beaalles. ^



Dmg Store

The Great Flag Day
July 4
'Will aJbn be here. How will you dec­
orate in honor of the Nation’s Birthiy?
The ^ Stale's Stationery Division
has proviM

Flags of All Sizes
every demand.
and in quantities to supply ever
_ the city
^ vvill make
'te no united
Even though
demonstration put oul“flags and celebrate
the occasion.

The Umnah & Lay Merc. Co.
TrtYcrge CiQr.

How to Gel
One ol These
Real Watches?
WUh every OaBar er
more porchese yoo eaa
oMala ooe el these Bac
walehcs lor Oaly S*e.

A. V. Friedrich

IL^ Shx Store a Tnmx
I C>7X«l(loctl>en>Mxlte*-



per (MM. «rUcfa !• » l»»er price thM
«M erfpecMd OB •ecomtt of the *rep
here eoaimg ob »t the mm time M
(the Irult'unherwwUi. U !■ eQiect^
market vlll be Hmuer a«kt

I br that ttaie tba tHThanto
!. CbJcMD.
:!.—Mlchlun pen*m
lb vlil be prettr well
per. fh^bv^rin* :be etop
rsp trom
&«« Art* Q'jotHt! ti SKil.K); n<>» p>' ‘u'vi
>r var oa the mer­
•«i_ M iiw.:i:
; ■<£■“^1
'he i4^1|iu cr
er eherrim
eherriea on*^
— *■"
1am markeiA ha* bees gnod tbU rMir

* Bi-fft'o. jKi-e :i. -<^!iJr-Ile«TWl*,




. . m>rodi»llie«iat'Wia."



File Ijtike Department





We vni te Mkt Hita DvpMMt .«( m
irntdit MMiUe felae «• eD mambmA ui to
nmm WW iB
mml MM fat Mt W Mn. BdMl to to
WmbM to toe PwMdBi. WeeiMQf
M tosTdMRte. ftotorail MctotlM bM tto
Mtoto Mw to totomt to Uwlr rw|me.
ttrtiifBgrtofltoB VewftotoctoltoataBBdeatAaMAlMtotoato totos Mto or tMtatotoatod, toil MMI.ctoafeto, tad tnatfato to
Nil tototo to tern sad eMtobr to* Mtol^


Mra. AsMt Fa^ *M ^



t wblrh ‘t
wt^.dMtrihutM h> clover

Booda. The a>«ds
and ore eo kaae lived
Mlaa Betale Fredrle- ttot U is
■—■ to enuA
Mke attar moriirfby I a frit e
MMa Ual«B Baker •
B the hiUtgM of soslag do er omd
remltiW Mckhora i* mode, cb-wi
ay ana tmBBay.
toe oato' iStog to be drwe U m gt
Wm. Bhaman of-CiBasfork arrised

....... ......... twin
. oMip.:..........

liar, p<^r 101
BUaw. oar t

We ate havlnit'one gro^ria* weath­
er. aoil fannera are im.provtoR it.
riaarlog oe* laad for r»tai
Mr. Net*ew wat aa Orlatt called
Sanrdar Bight.


J. a Htoew wna at Trsrena CUy
ne. day last weMt.

Mtsi Molly Clsrk reiarud
Jamet WiltoB ol Orlait worked for Csdlllse the Bm of list weak.
George A. Pet* TM*aila>- and WadaaaMrs. Wm/rr^ U msklnt n two
weeks rlslt at Grand Banida.
Ueorge J. Barth rtoeatlr porebaaeB
Mlat Reas Hasklu has gone to Dehonic. • •
irtrit to speed the saatmer.
Trank .S'ewaiaa rooibl a Baa afans
Ed. SUBpnar or fTaiiao
was U
ol bees hangtog oo a ilrab.
pwo OB boslBaBS ’nBrsdsy arteraooh.
John Baaif haa Ttepd Bdblk'a team^
s trip to
Wni. Wells made a.....................................
"" .................UvilTOCKl.....................
wcrklDE (or him B (ew daja.
rTrsverae City Witosadir
. * fl tv.t
tieorae Nephew was a Maple City
■ 6
6M.C rtller one day last week.
Mrs. Bsrnts QuaekiabUib nt
Datld Peck la r
c is ritliing (rlends of nfe
and rlrinit).
w, Lp. Allen la planUng a flveaere
Dr. Gray af Manue was la
Satarday and
• Snndaj
o«w Iloeman. Oca Wllaon.
_____ _ o(
Henry fSparllag
1 the iifaOM
1 la tci

ihh rirlnllt.
t Tritveree Clt.r
Wm. PlckUs was
UiM Allah Mateer called on
Barth Friday tnomi
"iu. CTuff'of
Clty^ passed
>f Ml.
tbrotvb onr rlcinhy one

Traeerae CItr MiUi^.Co.

Fruit Time and
Fly time

I mi BDMTBoce and i -KonToiieoce
are ideolicg'.whidi^fict cauiti.
aoor* aod wioduwt ore ptoperl/
to botnckeepeis lu^ the doon
■eetortti bicep out tlw rittle pe*tL Gd jrour

SeKen Doors and Windows
tt Tbe 6*2 Stare—all ttzet catriad. *016 Mbdc<Io(u Doer with
ned bhice\aa*» $■;. It it juat what you need AdjrutaUe
.•creent lot wSoS'se^ .ol any ne. Screen Fixtures -braces
boob, Utchre, Wsg^ toc.

Cherry Pickers Need
Laddrts. lAcantlor djppmf. eic, anJ in pufli^ Dp the f*int. Pi^
Al! these
Ftrssn. ete., are weD-nigh inditpennUe.
and oth^ Frvil and Flly leuon neccuttrei in

Mr. Cuban's boys rode orer as far
ilooi-ee Peck's oar
week. They made the
•wefMJrs Helen Colntsa wi
Sophia (Tlutr* last Friday.
U'lUlam Zelgler of Ovlatt Is working
fo; tieorse Banh. 8i..
KcHE PraByou wax railed lo Frank
Ili.Rprs' lo rare for a bored badly
hy barb 1frli
: was* beU la the

iiday evenini;.
Hit .vial
Mr. and Airs. A. 8.
ty liat.
Ihrlt aoR Cb
hir little sis
and Mrs.
Ella Cook of Traveree City Is
out on her fhrm (or a few day*
Ilarry Perk called on Frei} Boblk
Sernlay last
June. 19.

Hardware Division
ly WIUM Palto

TraTcrse City.



n> the ‘'Ka-olar” raeihod I can re-,
move ibtise aching teelb absolutely
siUvout pain, and vUbout the ns* ol
drugs to' pruduoe uncontclousBaaa.
cf tl
People o

' m-sns Wilhelm Block, with Dr. Hdlda■
Traverse ciiy.
ir iSdues-tburwU

It k. tobor to Fetitoay tg lo kSi
_____ ____

F. B. Caiww Of Bto BtoMkotetotoM

riiy for a few days eia« wMkdrtto*.
Mr. Mto Mm. Jl C. Md gttbMi
Uai nl|bt frees Toledo lo'apeod tto

Sriad torej^ ^ ** ^
irg are sWUto niaoda bore


Robert Wahers and funHy of Traeras Oiy *n)oyed a few days vlMi
i the home...............................................
Dr. and Mrs. W.
returning to thalr boste on Monday.
Mra. J. B. HodgM U entertaialBg
her sUtcr. Mrs. Alda WaU of Kingsley
tor. a fiw dam.


___k *


Petoekey ihU i
ing the past few days vUh I
In Che city.
W. d. OUkw to toBto tood orebrei
UM Bight to opead coma rime here
with friaoda.
W. L. Aotaa rato—- — •-*- •-------eik RapUa UU a
saniag btwlBeaa i
tew toya.
C. Twltstoll to Carwnaa M toatoto '
and relaUre* la tto gM) ka»- .
ivad last nipbi
. .
Sarah Abbatt arereti mdto
from IMHkM u> Tifii Mra. <k w. WA
sad otber retMtoae and aUa » attknd
NVbotaoa-Wab woMIbr.
. ana Mra. VMMr C. Vawpiraam
companUd by their two aewa paoaM
ibreugh tbe city iodiv In ib^r rdr «k
ibelr way lo'Ana Arbor. Tbe Vi
bate'beee speadlag a weel: ai
tato at Old UMaloB.

Mrs. Cnsur Loop one day Mat weak.
Fr*d Bettetlna. Fnak Clark aid
Verne Crags. en)oyrd a sreek'a SpUah
iking a boat srith tto& they
down tbe Uanlatee river ManLake View and laBdmg at the

r. JMr. and >
*^p iSd^rs. Lp. ^&er.
A. T. Breed. Mrs. James Holstlne a
Hlsa Heten Baker auended tbe ...
settlera reunloo at Kalkaska Ust Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Benjanria RIoHalr.
Mr. and Mrs. lowtaa Shippy and MU*
Bertha Hager apenl Saaday with
ad Mrs. Del Biaclnlr
Tbe I*
1 naU OB* day last
quKe baAy oa
lurry to leave town Mooweek.
day afternoon, by the way U .stancd
Dent Bine made a hualncaa trip i
down the aide track, but .concUideil to
atop before any damage was done G,
B. Dohenr who baa okarge ol the
Snnday In town rialUng friends.
idetoe atatloB bae aUped aloe
Mias Dealab Howe of Boyne Falls Is loads of pickles, from thU place.
a guest -of Mrs. A. Baker for a few
Mr. Beau rUlted hla dugbter
CadUlar a (ew days tbe last of tbe
r|r Tlsiied irteads at CadllMy and Beaday.
iMr. and Mre. Wm. Bomrr
■ne 11. a dangbter.



Roberi hliichal on Monday went to day
lay eveblag. 'The
degree MoK au
Tbe Atft..
Traveree City on baslaeaa.
soma Initiatory work (or the
8. A. Wellman of So«h B
dote of the business seaaloa Ue Uspent Sunday with bU grand dnugb- dUi were treated to dellclooa
ter. Mrs. A. C. Hodi
cream which was very much enpMG. B. Dougherty
at J!«T^
of um rue
City one day laat week.
' Mrs. R'rtiht left on Tueadki.^or VhUe waliltig'for ihe^l o^Sek. train.
Dlckaon. Dakou. where she win spend wBen shddeDly sH was darkaeaa.<tto
the aummer with ber mother.
' Ughu being itiraed'tor. Tiure■ ooia
Jack Qlbaon baa rested bU farin ,raa a scramble lor the ctokkr '
and has gone to Canada for tbe sum- The' Fite Lake Rebakah. lodge
U very pioapvTou* vondlthm, horiag
Jobn Swain of Pension vialted hU et>ont slsty4re ntemben.
surer. Mrs. Jsacs l.) le. Friday be- ^me fisM work.
»uii Tbersa Downey U the goneral
Mtm Flora Aldredge of Souik Hoard- (.jprk
in i. oitIk' -store, bavins taken
urwas a gum of Mia* Broma HodyNina dlnrkbi
wbo aspect* to go lu California
HpaUU^^'of Grand Rapida U wvok.
**idl K the summer with bU uncle.
Xilldren's Day eaereUea win
beld la tbe M.. K.
Ira. Sal-. _.
g to 10:3k toiBday artato wOl
«d Friday for a
Kpatarth laaga^ ito
- jwug at c:30. All are cordUlly 1*Mrs. L. r. Judkins reiuraed from Tiled.
bar vUlt at Grand RapMa Tbundty.
The Ire cream aocUl given by 1
MUa Netie Folley went to Grand Snwtrda to tbe M. K. church. Ran
Rapids SMurtUy for a few days vteii. day afieniooa and evenlag wsf well
F- M. Doherty and non of Rowley patronised, the Udles cleatii
■leating $9.
ere in town Saturday.
MUs Ella Dtnclnborg( and Selaob
Henry Howe of South Doardman Barber both ol
utde a busineat call In town one day were united in marriage at the paraoaage. Tuesday evetklng. June
Mrs. Robert MItchal U vUiUiig bar Rev. Baker oSk-Utlng, ■
for a few daya
El*etl*n to Oilloare.
r MlUa tor i
Hodee U vUltAt -the regalu mealing of Arbotn*
(. ;J. 8. Hodge*. Rebel
htar. Mra
bekah Lodge
No. « Tuesday evrv
I was at Msnton Mood*
g. Tuesday 13. the following <to1bulneaa.
* were elected for tbe term:
Monday weni i
Stanley l.*Bar
.Noble Grand—Mrs. Margaret

TumXi thTle

atSteiiibergBrosi. j

1$ atiractioii customers froita everywhere, j
. Among the many special oEEerings ate


SUks and Dress Goods at Cut Prices ;
' Breafllia rojjjard., ^ „pii.OO maey

?:39c, 69c, 79c

suin.. Uudu quJin-

DreM Goods, ftccy leU atriped, in al[UbebMcotonuKl bUcl.
worth 58e per yard, »t------------ *____

Thin Wash Goods


; Q colon, worth 35c pair, at ............. S5c


kadvod piaiiulA.


over tbe'hre^ In the (MI opd le.
•ore tbe'pfaats by hand bofate Ibvf
coa have maiared med BtMda ta ae•ereui.
The plhht can be recogattad hy ibe
•arrow luveaiwhUb RroA fb s bna(^^.

dindvUpB. wliboei


ap 'gs'

itea. Tbe wred behds reBOmbU thoe*
to tlmrniy. being nbonm- and eo a
•tronkr ithlk.
W# obms toe follow­
ing trqmvn-rereot butiena;
‘ •-The stoOt (Hg. U are. Mrtilaa.
qlered to brawn, oral
Ibapad -Hto a


IBMy mooses lor Boys’ Klmkl Pants, .plen- Middy Blottses ntle,
•I KMU, embroider^
uotsui Bbni, am ' did faliira, ati axet. at. pv
with InditD Head tiid
uasuinlni. rnlpiir—....... .sec ud75e
fesUien, tod tiksoMd
Uul auMtiunt d U,l«
with rtd mobtlr krtld^tliiin this ui»a. AH Boys’Wosh Salts is Bat­
• reil Bovelty, ta otsses'
ter or Bloase atyle*. in a g'eU
ptlUIdAy BleoMs for
te'Dt. worth op to $1.30.
ai«i ud Cliillna,
at 4Sc, 59c. 69e and 98e
wotth JSC, «l.. . .S«c



Mra AamwM »BMM' to
rired la tto Hty iavt nil
Ibe Buanrer with (rMto
A. T. oiMoaA to
few dart.
Mr. and Mra
TBlm. Okla-

ihlck-wmllad canw, a

mixed wl-.^ cMfer iw*d. fram whlob
IS very dlttcult to aeparate."

J^T. C IMMr .to

mm Nomad. OMo. to
■kowt the weds naturiE sMe.
tmmmer in ibe city.
Irumet crlipu'-l
Mins OarepU Pgulus ' to
U found ia Btarly all crop*,
ti rw
A toi, wMh fAMAagwlrM two- y»ar* to produce oeol.
1. aiili
^wlBi a foot Ito fir*l year sad mda lag a ftra
tto oecaod jttk Um canto tod tvaip.

toafnalto of Tremm
Jadf*---------------- . who M MO to ttk

Bbifimi ootot tonto. tok, #fe« Ah

Mrs. AMredge vlalied ber son Tom
Dd family at Cadillar tbe past week.
Karneat Henael to Ivan Asa a 8n»ay guou ht the borne of Mr. and
Ira. Jobn Join.
Mlaa Myrtle Becbstlne baa gone to
lancelom to spend tbe snmmer with
Mra. Chaa: Becfastlne.
u Junes Strahu rUItto tor ala
Mrs. McKle at CadUUc Tboradty

Nclgbert of South
parents Mr. and
Veils a (ew
w days
the past
Mrs. H. BlaiKbard wbo

a lew days rUH

K F. J
J. Jadkina of Oraml Rai

a brotb-

Fig. II. .Beha wf NlrrovMAawod re
Curiad Ooeh.
Tbore roto* are very l«a*etows of I fe
and may to pioached cto. harrowed
gnd koockod aboat. but U torlto deep
or only s amtol p*« cwverad. w«l gra*
gad praduee a oauatlty of aato. Soane
dare tto mots are loomnad by frreti

Tto tlijir Frisad LaShhr.
rrtM bimtoto dotttoi TW ^
,r ito mom k
ber woMOttt dgva.


and In *arly *prlDg
____ _____ b* aaafiy remeveC
Tftla new caa bo beM to-oAaek mly

fire Maad UaMwtn W kdme
uh Bo*rda>aa.fae* lew daya
Jells and Cora Zelgler atteodad tto
-jrentlon'^ii Traver*e CUy
Ister. Mra C. Dritum.
ne*da.v and Tburadiy. .
Mf». CUoloB Peck aitd Alldree were
Mr. aCHi >Ira MeComtaa aod daugh­
1 Acme a couple of days to tbe past ter Maarioe areAere tram ttaatloga
Neb. (or a short vlab wlU ftleod*


Mto tog*, to aMtodtoi

ttora ware loot twrety
that drare-Jaat twea'


LAKE JUNCT1GNFrmak Beeman and wife and Bret
ReytwW and wile ware ritoting with

Mis. B. Hsaktna wad at .Walton be.veen trains Wednesday of last week.
Mra Henry Srabbercr and Mr*. Bonnell wer* at Cadillac Wedaeaday af-



whaa to «aa trying a
tnrtofbig tha right a

Frank Phyment _
to Neuaa City Sunday aa Uie exenfBoardmaa -siOD to rUit
tit bratbcrlo-law. A.
Mrs. Wm tug and wife.
Margaret Dorsn tnd
were- Plmte vUltors Boodsy
home orR'm. Olaary.
Hdgh Palmer vtslted wtto frit

Mra ttradUh and daughter Mildred
Belding are making a two weeks
visit st tbe borne to Mr. and Mr*.
Miss MabU Ckiand of Kingsley was
irunt to Mra llrary Tabberer Tbursdsy and
aod Friday.
Mra esocn of f'adUtac was In towa



I of
•peadiag a lew days with frWadi to
•ba etty.
Roe. K
A. «.
« for fCalpmaMO wbare to M
ito «aanef1y cMlWear* to 09
baor^^ SM^^ of ibe Msikadtol




*^The heu dry veadier that It jirc
telllac at iiieceni hat init a <rint> ia
cOaeU-n-t- crep that will reeuU !o
6mti' lw««a In the gtowera hi Ibis '
^ 1ltr.
.. Kaiir
. . vrbo bare been brink
loe law the niarkct eTerr ilar
that MhJem there it a pbower toi» OP totrtaht that OB# mere plrMna
l« Bnith Ihe'.r .rep, at «be l-errl to
up on tue vlae* uoaWe
. .
With a
i ehovar tealght Uie crci> woold
It aaMher weak, but wlthetu It there
,.U be ecthlag doiax to u da' or. co.
! Both eweei anil loor ehmle* are
spmiBg inio mariiet in imall qoantlI aoil are fliirtlnk a rfai1> inarkat.
B to
iier arc brtaalag iiooi
to Cl
crn:» ti



tftam tMadnyb RBoamtotobJ

n' ^ iSM * Ur “

.......... — --------------—•




ftria IK Bmdt

iTbmOraod Rspwi


June «■
«»':'■ <t> Jime
21. -Wh4,*f.


it seem to have aitrxocd fotiQ'

^bni. Mr.

fcAOtA.' t^trte&AT. Jt?Hp

Juoe sa.

Two tota to MetalaA.
Toa bav* two Mta to muarfe*. tto |
aaur aom. whleh yoa caa faal tad
tto tore aaea. whlcb are ytor'.Jfistt.
bmn. stomach and other totonwl re ~

by cooBUot etfon. act allovdag i: to
Bead la ciover or mstSre ahou* toe
yarda and tanaa. If <m j«K btfare tto
oetos iMMre the aid root Is aboot
mad up and the plant wlU not recov.
re la rima, to grow more amd.
seed la not ires lived, aod If



TO gxeMAItol FOR FAim-Roaideoce oa aae of baat atroata lp etty.
Addrma. “J. F.." care Itorak.
Jaao n-SF*

aaoda cm to kept tram lermiag It cm
oooa toremiicatvd
N The sends ■IT*. IM are baakwtetl
toaped tod bwore drying are covered
toih tbtee brewa Siolo abwwo aot-

halt Coart fre tto Coaoti to Grand

arol ala* in tdl-

atto City, la aald cowr. oa the xw

1 a aeasloB to aaM mart.
a lo'A,


94T8 AND FZAt.
Mtnoroa tf oats Ml peas may
be grv-wn hr Mirblgaa farmsr*
for utc M aummer aMi ag croy.
tfaa* W. to nil and haul M r
(he taUiare may to afioed befcee vMbrity. or It may to al.
mwvr.tnsnBtnra andtoetoand

I J. dcUtfU. 1..1M

fbrewU deacribi
It m ordered ihai



Me and Mrs! rHarlle.Detton of cad- far pertonalog aeUoaa. Tto laare
nnoiated (or toavttg aaM
**ed fjT to'dvr Ht--re bef re re
ilUr were Sunday gnesu at tbe bonte
iiociilea -od tnat an paraiB botwmakes you happy re gspramad. powof Mr. and Mrs H. t,. Dator.
aftwT ttaoubing.
This mlairew
btotber aadal or amah, oatoai re too eMtrary.
Mis* HalUe Gram
U eapretollr Vatoable tm dairy
laritoi* uammg.
Bird, left on Mtmday forJSberman
mtowMKtotniraa a
where ibey vrOI Join thler pareaia.
jmt Uto aay othar maatoas. by InMM, to laid eatata la aald real aotofa
tarm hr* United or have haea
Master John Hodgea, arcoaspanlM agsatly gWiftsd soereioa—Witlimal
taJwaR- by wtMar knittg ur
by his grand fsiher. 8. A. Wtoman.
on Mooday went to Detraii where be
will spend tbe summer.
Hr. and Mra. John CoM vlaiied
.j^Sn weofca prwetoM to *to« day.ol
their dangbirr. Mra Greea at Tra­
Tto Autoar-WreUd yoa odvloo tot
baarlBc. in tto Grand Tipraroe
verse City over Sanday
to gat om a aimli odWan? Tto FtoLetand Dewey to Cadflloc I* apend- Rabre Taa. tto aantlar tto hoCMR
Isg tto-aammor with hU grand moth­
TbaMta mmaa a boakla at ttomM mg a iraigi m tbal tto bdarre la tto
er. Ur*. J. Dewey.
MIm Uum who haa bee* rMiiiU! to tore re tre aammtto t^ mm. Mly obA who m Mkoly to to •mdtMi
y yoa raaHra trom U
trietoa In this rlclnlty. on Satarday

•Hfere." “5
" ““.lu.




“Hr amt. k* awn lb«s ib* 4«tr
VimM be. u4 w f** elairir mt tq gM

tben thmicb. Ah. II U jb^ lure bovT

Sbe bMtedatf ewey lo fire up-ibr kv
• <!• Her tnutke. mad KlMDor hnrd Mr

khrtH treble rtolaf Is MpciDlatkis

>«>lMt the quick thtcbtlre lose* of the

2 ..csstoas
■ ^

Justice of
i The Plains I
9Udi Wm Umm



walun a raetala igaaal I

aaaa a( iba aeU that bcM ibr tallnie I
tracM ot NHly-e boots.
Nuw. tbeta'
tbe trail of aaoibrr boiue. aad by |
tbe deep
- Barry Marty
I bat they bad beau hard rlddea.
Be ttoked aiMad where tbe May out.!
Uae of tbe'Flower nacw nlftu afford
a refnge far ibe doperw
Hr luahod
brhtnd bM aad mw % maa ruusadlM
alaag tin a taU. rawbouad white boree.
"UM mat Sqyder aad fMlag Uke Ibe

totrodamg Um lk wamp mammmf
asatarnw. In >116100 as a roMiiiM
pracililsoer or epecblbr wbeae riewa
desired to obtain.
WhUe drtriM

Jf An M

to Tbll

to Ibe MU iloifnded
eive bln n Wot at t» whal
I abMid roqulrv of bln. that be nigbi
t» PSrwrnd to apMk wlib aa apiwfept BMW of knowledge at tbe nhJect; eapeciany wbaa Ibata

Ba Uaki Fee fmi^rn Taeaeem

derlU" be ■BMcrwt "Bofw be doesB'l
Trick iDe for itosarU. Pil ha re lo get a

oo bloiTIral.
6101*4101.- Be ffaebeij <vn
>vn tab
»y AoMHca'D
caarndM by
AoMHcai Ptm ___ • ! drop •*
^iSTSi •’“*^21 pbtol and bad Mr. Soyder*e tat baada


Br J. L. CsroM

• I jOul saer BwbUe ib* oOclal
2 iMlied « iHMeteok sDd read •ometblac
• l|bec«Cn>ni lu Mm. KoMkr. Rlib • bUcnaanght by Aaawltaa Piaea Amlar cry ebe gave up bsr uabreita.
wllb a quick taro o< bis »ri« IM ofMMUTfrfThPffTTffFVffr?
Uclel coiupeiM cbac carefully iiiaoitThere waa on tbe allfbieet doubt
-W-y. Ur. Harry. 1 iblok yea neat
J rtppi
teetered article lo dlMotge tbe pearU. tMt Jin Roaaell bad Moiee Barry ■Utakanefara roailer-^r baaaU.
SMoe icn lallea fiea tbe Eicmel
Mr. rrmta tagm tn a strsaa trf pw
▲tier Ibe contuaioe aaironediag ibk
| City. Sosw. actoerthe CanpacM.
Barryh farortie borne. Every nan oa cd lagratleilQEly at Harry Marry.
««a hre. 8e.«ttbsrsd then Ists
locktoBt bed died earay Uru. KtMr
-ll*a best lo be oore. yvo know. Mr.
oa wblrb ibe Ronabe for
tba LoM Ball ootfft looked to bla own
• Bttle besp, pcnped tbeai up end
toood bereeir grovies qelie oerrooe.
bom wtaco It wai learoed that the Itayder.- grtoaed Harry laiaidcatly. twits krre bece accii*io«ied to apead
lulled then loip a snaU cbanois
as the etber paeaeagera In tbe “h~
Ibe wey yoo waa iightiog after na
The aldre of tbeea
lien qelcfcly made ibeir derlarailou bed lha nieht i_f..i
, I got tbc SSre you Waa irytng to rua Bllla ara dotted with rillagea. tUba and
*9e -sun tp dedsn tbea*. Blnoor.
aM were prmptiy teteeaed. At Uat DM lae oigat t»^.
! nr off tbe range, aod you know aa
ruin, of niba. la one
I| «Ui be cheeper is ibe cud. Tele, ahe alooe was Mdt. asd aba cana rw
-It a oo yoo. Berry,
asid Gabriel Uma Bell Veltow, duo*t let nobody do «baU lowna. ITaecail, 1 wa. bora.
pboee see ft the udka sod I irlll seal
IpcUMly forward ^cb bm fceya
tbit.I Three b or wae la Italy rary ItiUe
• check doera lo tbe cMem JmaedlOm by one itaa tnuka ware ibrowo ed la to breokfaat.
"Ob. no. far from each bbaeaar et- opporinolty for a ynung mat to euke
Vee beetsr let ae ake ibea
upaa aad ber dalatj
-Aad 1 caB taka cerr of If.- an- ptoloed Mfy-Boydar Inpatleatiy.
"1 hU way. and at tbe age of etdbieca.iba
fM are ruber cereaboat for ii&pacti
booBced that
gwia more tnponant Bniter.
That •olf «rld «c>eo to »e being the amy.
Mm. ag .deer."
Iba aerry ItgOi bad guoe out ot, blaned aeoaodral of a Jin aanaU, M'a (hoae ratbrr logo lo Anerirt.
Mded. Jobs FtppK
ayaa. and bit pleaaant
pleaaau {run away yritb ny daagbter. ny 1m-| Chance led me 10 become a telegraph
iim itaa <>Mk to its* Vwk Myeelf.
»u«««e wet gooc orar earefoily wtttf.
ugly. deiemiDed'look toe! If 1 colcb en HI akin bln all»e.“, «Pr««or. aad yet powIWo nclcnildr
a»d I va sbew you Ihei. ebboafk i
rbM bla conradee bad narer 1
-It ba dub-i akle you Uat" Mid taneu nay bare bad aoatatblng lo da
■ay eeaerilnre be careltae la utile
dtJau tbeoacial
Barry Bnrry cuouy.
wltb Ibe mailer. At any late. I fanD there la
eaU and looked bar caUaly lo the eye.
"Why abould be akin me. ebT* spat-'
the work lanly bMume It was a
wMla to be
"That It all yoo bare M dedara,
terad Mr. daydar. "What hare 1 done •^Mnce. I eared money. aiM when IM
' aball DM
M tafl. Aa t
madaar be aakad.
1. wbeocohe bad drift­ tobim.ubr
I t^epbone was dUcocered I .uluerfbed
tbe daty wiO be rrlpbifnl. They are
~l bare glreo you my keya-yoo aae ed noMbward in tbe Lone Bull raoeb.
-Voo're taken away Ut obarhciar '
some shares la tbe roa-Moy tbea
wbat la Ihere." retuised Mra. PYeer Many berore bad l>e«n laid agalau bla you know."
1 otganiilng.
Tbeee lOiarr* made me
at that, gad ibr duty vUi b^sg haugbtily.
repatailon. but tbera bad nerer been
Mr. Snyder atared iDcradaMtialy. ****l^- ‘od wliWa Irn )eara afier
19 fJM epoL bet I caa afford i» |«y It
"Bow abeot the dlaMwdar be mak- nny proof.
*Takra dway bla cbaracterr* he said
uttlre Uod I monied to It
After tbe meal wae ceocluded Harry aloviv.
Slowly. "Wy mao. I aMn*! know Jim
-DInnooda." gasped Mra. Freer.
Barry, wbn h»d nalnialned for him Bttawll had aay cbiracter."
Arcbaenlocy l>erame a paaalon-yriih
t hot dm« of cbcatlog la the
Be Doddad and cuomltad ibe Mna
asoaual ailenre. obtained freo Bou
-cVaii you prora Itr*
I derctfd raysflf l» dlcclng for
Matter." aald Ptott grarely. "Ill talc#
notebook that bad been iM undufng Cllnlerk laare of abaeara lo bant bla
Tbe faiher ot LouW acratclwd bis
In an wbleb lie burled
' » of the diamoadii unrll 1 aail ts- ot mile Mrs. Foster.
note beast.
Declining all toera of ear thoiigbtfnliy..
esu't prure It
*'*‘’*‘ t*fvru»h>B In and alnut Home
fMTTVw. Tbae yon may uke
"l>ur ageou report that you purrbaa.
bn 1 ware yoe afa>n*t trying
had .»tniii.i>d
od (UaniMidii Id tbe rmlue of fflCUno
fficuno acnib
o<i^>b whlrb
wbleb lu>
be bad
capiured and
-but I reefcou I couW oy writing dow«

Mtaeggle tbe«i lo. I shall meei yoO
when you were In 1‘arU," be aunounc- broken bimeeir aod wtal^b wa* niierto Arisnna. wbat* M’s hom."
■ * fkrortie lurallua fur ib* rillat of,
n Mr %oat «n your arrtral aad aeuia
d. "Where are Ib^-r
ly tlreleaa In tbe ebaaa aod followed
"I wouldn’t do a." advised Barry
«»rivoi Homans when tbe wealth
the Bitter^at ooce."
•*rWa ta an oaiMga."
a freably brnken (rail tbat led aside
Harry. “Jim liuMaell will proMbiy be
world wtt flosring In
-Very wed. dogr." eald Mn. Vnar
EleaiMr tearfully.
fron well deflned paiba auaigbt IMO
married 4 Ixralae oy ibni time, and “1^ <>»«»■eekly, yet with a apa^Ie lo ber eye
"It la ib« law. nadtn." be corrected Ibe prairie.
anything you aald aMtnai Him wouM
l«wilgatk.n* I went about
wbleb did Mt aarape bar quiet. Indallemly. aod Ibeo. "I Intel you wUI
Once be dlamomied lo pxnaflne ibe
unit bejt-’rellectkKi on rour own lam-'
I au^wcied ao arebaeolor
not make a penwmal aearrh neceuaary.” clean liaprloi »f a small hoof, and he
Bow would .vou like to Me* anytreasure migbl lie taMdeo.
aod tbro pride gronred aa he recogntoed ibe llllle tH____ .
. V
..mA. ..r li.ll..
angultr ftk-k made by Nelly's notched body *llr up your iraatr M naked Inpoceoily.
■>» ■ daogcroiu. clea*. A few
fore foot.
"Wtlh iMdaore. I'm goleg out now.
Ca»Tier Knyder nUrted rioleetly und
b« ni be la before dlDOer. Will you
tNirr be mollered aa be rode
tbe cnaton* wae loo mopUfyIng to «nlooked*! Harry Barry keenly. -Wbat ®
here Amad MCk my ibiom? I non
dare. Sbe would face It oui.
They watd.hia ere* erer 00 tbe Innkoni for
do you mean'f be demaoded. with a
^ l*«>rlc. all belongtag 10
a dinaut
aateb ghat Cbt^rg expreaa erllbout
would nerer gncM where abe bad bW., Ibe fbui -------------- of -----------....
red face
criniloal class. Ou ibl* accouol la my
RinwHI moat bare
taV If m to Biake'By boat io-tbe dan tben-U Iraa ber own Men uod, ^®t*e and rliftr.
I »lt- reran*. H.rer. •!->.’
“ !i' ™"1T 1 im.rl.wr
Morhihg.*' Mr. Freer kleaed liia wife
■0 Clerer.
. t>ven riding .locc dayllgbi. aad Nelly
IW Hre-rera. rei .1. bore...
. Tb.
Bghliy and left Ibe roon and later
"Voo may make tbe peraonal aeareb
Hrrd by ihia Hate, for Harry
bod poalM her croelly ibe day hefopr.
If you with."
abe aaid swceily.
Tbe elder man iMOknl dnwn al ilie
*" Awf'wao
bard day. for (be caitle
Mra. Freer* looked tboagbtrnlly at
then aba waa cuuducted lu a email
ground and i.ii hi* 11,. though,f.bir.
•»««;«»' from Hoiu*
' her rtaga aa ber boaMud left tbe roooj.
room and yiUccd In ibc band*^f a along Ralipetcr crort: had ainmpeded
lfhe,.or*,H*iJim ii.,**oii
h"** dlsa,.wared. He
and Ibe caiilemen bad worked iiniil
bbi a lima anilr rarred Met Upa at abarpeyed woi
h»d ctimlsal III-hin l.a.*-of Ibe inwn.
10 o*ci«irk before ibe rewire rrrutore*
Ibe oBcUl bi low t
I befuri; I
Vl«ltrd Ibe illlu of Ibe Aldo Rmadlnl
were retopon-ri cnnngb 10 leere wltb
tuRMd to Mn. Freer.


-v«, ...w. re,

bond and spoke aloud;
■'With aU doe iwqiect to yoor.jiaigMOM. dear John! Ogb^ Fancy paying
oa tMC duty bealdai BWaDh Mil for
aattlBS the atoMt la ny piailaam
;:atein! Na atrr WUh wWeb axpm‘nira abd myatrrlowa Mark a6e daaei «w of the m^. ^

"Win ywi frieuae remore your bat.
madamr aba asked courteously.
"Cenabily.* retanidd Bleaiiur. wim

. .
_ » matM-. with bar abopiriBg
hilt Abbe, bad dwidad to remain aad
fMbh *L going borne by tbe boat on
WWeh they bad engaged pOMaga for
{Uraggn trip.
Kow Mtitabe waa alooe aba poured


BMM.tbreagb her atender flogara.
•llIgbBtig In their sfMrkle and brllBi^ Abd tbe porliy ot tbelr color.
9hM nbe bid ibem In ber bonom and
dertb to attend .to bar OMWcted

nemiwaad badad oa the Leanara.
Ibh. Fiaar wore a peond and irlsmMmhnwBMtliat

u-rtaiiH-r >>ar* tie dnu'i nina
If she take* a ride uilti-wlth Ibet Jliu
Rusw-M. nut Hal be remmaoiU ber lo

tarlc^ tbe womao cai«(y denuded iba
bat of Ita gnmn grapen. and from each
OM abe TWodWMl a Vaioou. wbleb abe
UMInatay. Sbe cnunird Ibra carofully and (bM called in jhl> dmi-lal.
."WhnL^.fepu makaS^^tu-mi'- six
He smiled breadlyMod nudUnt approral at Mrw l-ferr. "rreity clerer
trick, madam." be nald. and aba fell a
grain Of oMfort lu (lie knowledge that
ber iMabbeaatj wa* nf higb degr

■■Xo. Wit yon are wetrome to glee
Fir* sway." aald tbe vtber goM
"Why don't yoo |>rn**4e Ibe old man
lut yuunin'i wbat you're «ald in be:
Ita easy toyworr you're Id Ibe rightU you arer be added.
"Well." aald Jim iwnghtfully. "I reck
on I're got to tell xomebody. fl'a Ibl*
way. Ihirry. ,We sront to get married
and go tirer to Mar Mke. wbar* I cau
fomiuiD >>b with tbe lumber
company aud vpi out tbe cattle bua|.
torerer. I Mrea'i got fKI to my
>. but lAuibw la willing lo go irltb
me. uad aM
. ^ . rime

m.' While UtBa gronpa of tbe womn
AMBfwd orar the dntlM that wmM I
"How did you gneaar' sbe teliered.
Smaa to be paM oa tbalr parebabaa }I
•'« au«*wwww-uo^i
gueaswnrk Abaat It.It" oe
be aau
' BMMr>Areer
BMMr>Areer amlh
amllad cooMntedly and
cheertnlly. "The-man wbo eeade yoar
MM abe imaaSM to dadaio orary grapeo-to order, wami t Itl-bappcsed
M oae of nur epifo: tbat'a alL"
i-oba bad boM:ht.

glra tM alguai sbe'll bring a few
Iblng* aod gu wllb me.
M's a fifty
mile ride to Star Imfce. wIhs* tlw
paiwoo te aod wiim tbete'i a llllle

_ ^
r #aa esamining tbe alooe* with a
_ __ Mra. Freer wma among : Meung glam. Tbcu he lurned to Eleatheaa wbo were firat oo deck, bocom- ' nor ooca more.
-Wby did .vou taka
r« to anmggie
tagly gDsrned. with quite a marrelthOBogh falm aiooaa
iam^ ba
^t^^llUie bat trimmed with green was

Pouae waluag lor ua-oniy. you aae.
Fee got to gel hold of a bone ibafH
Uke me Ibe whole dWance wiiboul
aiopplug much, tor old mao Sayder
will Hot foot II after ua wltb el* wbnte

“Falear abe gaopeC
"Why. my
~*flm . .re____________________ rban I tanshand paid II0JX» for tbdmr
^ did Dot Slacani bar darotad bua^|
Tbea be waa badly blUaa. Tbty'ra
pot worth $100.;^
bend on the fder. and ■
was cnoackaM of a dNtlsct fcailng ot
It was at tbla momeul IMt John
MiM. It waa quit* BI well. uM oilFreer cbooe to nrrira. admitted by tba
(Mated. If Jaba abould not apfumr tar magte of bla card and coin of tba rm
jAe Bakaur waited patleaily for bar
Hit abarp cyM look lo tiw eltuttloB
Shmkt to be eumtoed e fellow toy
glance—bla I earful wife, ber deOfot apprpacbad her with
andad bat aad tM bssp of Imiutloa

ouidt a* aeon a* be dtacoyen we're lit
Imahm ba* gut ber own borae.
Ibe fastnet crliier ou tbe range exc*pt
your Xeliy. aM I want lo know if
you won't M me bare your critter for
IM purpoue—Ml. Warxrr

-|)Mr Mra. Fwer." abe a\lapm*A.
STm ao aarran I don't know wbat to
gb ^ jwi e«r smnggle anything

_ It qalta tbe rigbi iblng to dor abe
betberr taM Miv. Konier Im
Tbe gurmimrtit Is ticb
■ fciaigti wilbobt aakbig lidl of my poor
MIc pnrebaaea- i'm woadertng-hwk
(bare aagiMng
Sbe beM forth s allk urn_______with 0 koub baodle of Alter.
^la aad practical looking.
Why? Too barM't-rrallyr
Fraar'a cyabrewa weoi up In aur


"BJeaaor." ba cbMad gently, “wbat
did I vara you? Tail me wbat aort
of trouble you're in that I aany help
you out of It."

Hbe told him aoraariwedly. and be
tangbod when aba bad ctmeluded-Fal*e. ynu «ay» Yaa my dear, they
are The genulue diamonds came orar
wlihw a fafintebt ago sad w»r*
ptpf^^dselwad and IM duty paid.
Tbune 1 lao^l^ y«u Ware cbMp iBAtattona t tan out aud irarcbaaad tba
.ta«T Mgbt before 1 ealMI-aftar ya«
baA axpraaaad your Mtaa Hcudlng
•mggttvNew you're had a 'taata
of It: bow do you llM ttying to
yoartTacIa Sam*

Mhar oodMQ em|ihatically. -1
Ao* B >bM» 10 order." abe wbiaperad.
,*Tba stick It targar iban Is ordlnaiy
A»d boUow-t atriog of.pMrla for Da»*
Tba baudle acrew* aq.
Mawaat anlaaQ In (be Rue de BliMbamMe It tar «*. aod I bribed him

rwwfA and bribe, roat-,____
MOV tbaoaaad traacw"
-I eMidB'i.-- dteUred



FOtt JOtt

,,.1. e*,.

"I've gut a mind 10 nmie her off
oM day Je*t a* I would a bunch of
cattle. If 1 wa* ibni kind ot a chap.'
aald The ageiiered young lorer.
-Are you asking my adrtcer aaked
Harry Horry bluntly.

Bieanec's ebaklM be


. pgapp>a»

pr.«lcfl hi. ..w„ .qiou,

tie iv-iuln
.|•..-u.-y W n.lgui
a iiist* i.w iMiK-* iiiMMnd on m>
raucii aim Ibn* ke.;,. nU lav.irn,daughter .n l-Mne. At Hi- same tlnio
be cpuld k.-e,. nu e.A> on In* M.n-li»-it.w.
“I thlok ni gii IriuM-.- be iiald u|i.
rniuiy. -It you *n»<iid meet up with
Ur. Harry, you Un

nndar a streng Atop IlgbL Tbea ube
<^w forth • pair at nbnrp arbwora ai^
of.iiM. green
gnipea from Its stem, tore It open and
Trailed out a at«ang ot cotiuw wuui.
from wUcb dronwd ahMenlng gem.
While Mrs. Freer aiAj^ wild bye-


coma to tbe
Lons Bull with •
Ibn* abudau bbeker llun a crow, but
to whom good ealurad UHnincfc bad
rouebsafsds trial.
Harry Barry ridlag acroaa tbe plala
(a iMdlrsetioo of 8*.ar lake found him­
self pliying 1/vntae Snyder, wbo waa
tbrowlng ber life sway ou tbe 'rwprobais wbo bad atolee a bona with
wbleb lo rioiw whb ber. Of couraa
Bany Bairy raatimd tMt Jim Brnwall
bad irlsd U> borrow Nelly for tba <
atoa. aod ibac atwwed s dagra* ol
caacy ba bad mi attributed to Ua tala
But Ibe thought of bis boraa^M^
In bit mind, sod be wa* quj4 detar-

I. a* tbe giri would Mre to raat at
Intarrain. be wield show oo matey to

Bleht- adrinad Fraar
moraB oa tbe atralght"

fbal bom ibtaf and be wooM fclQ two
birds wltb ope stone. Be wanM faring

“I will baraaftar.
Baf-alghlag“tb* way of (be (npaaaaaanr ta bacAbard a* diamoada. Jobe "

a long waqt(d bone Udef to latUca
gad at Ibe same time be would mra
Leulae Ha.vder frnni a'marriage with.

*"'**‘* *“■

hearitlr' ^
oM man and went im 111* nr

'l!:;*’ *


One (lay I staned «ui t» cUl| aom*
grave* «>I whl.b I ha.I tieard slU»<ig
Ibe Alban lilll*.
I.ii »n- of ibem I
found rcll.» .Isllns Uvk lo a iwrlod
be.iuud tlx- r<>i»id;ffl»u »f t{••nle.
has *u deliglilcd nllli (uy I'.nd and
liiKned l-v
i.f dl.,Tvei.iig more
xiicli treasurm thal i pursued my Invcsiipati.-ii. ,111 It «rn< dirk. J'ben I
xiaried lo riiul -smie ,da.-e In Aid


**•"**■''■ ='■’1 '
•■‘'">-*^ “*
aoiac dMaOree Is-fure <vu!og h.

rle ll?
aod rode wllb Slackened rein. Be wan
oeud .urea, and (he Os, ws, a.nKW

bulWlog ibat bore eridence of btviiig
i—m *«»«. eeMiMn.n- rin.
gc^.n* rills.
Ii w.*

with tben

lO had taken bla b
re I,..,.________ moving h>.ui of ,wrri.ling up a mile caa.voa „„„
aod it wa* -m,c time be-


„ ,, ""‘L.®*’
fore my,uu,mon»wa.„„«md Then
brought him sbarply face abeuu aad .
B,„„,od. ouc of tbe lowest
M law lbs BUD be wa* looking for das*, nud. allbcugb *bc stood wUb her
M teyest to ,M rign, ot wm. JUn Mck lo the lirehr. J .ould are emragb of
Kuasril, while aod desperate tookiag. ber fs,c i» a-xun- me ibal tbi* was
«oM at lay behind tbc Httls Mack
norae .Nelly,
laiulse Mnyder wa* nv
where In alghi. but Barry Bsrry hod
no doubt ber fair rrigbiened face waa
bMdea beblBd tbe cianp of dwaiTad

no goyd *io,...,ng |0».-e for me- However. I toW her wliai I wap looklag
for. and site asked me to come la
There were i wo men ibrre of tbe aams
grade a* tbe woman.

I was pusxied wMi lodo. If I wane
-Welir he aald aharply ta Bnmall' rlsewbere these |wnu»w might follow
wiibtiui making a mote ,o draw hi* me to rob me; if I the bouaa
weflii«i».aUbiKigba six nbuolrr gleam-, I might be murdrr>d lu m> Bleep,
ed lo Ibe otber a Mud.
I eltbt-r ereu, I tnuoi roll
ilusaril drew near uni'll M was does

wbkh I b»l


ua Hib

beside bis irarwiMfr. "I look your borae. M-ied lo bring «|,u me.
Harry.” be wblapered Maraeiy. “but,
Hidug bad tioihii.g lo rst


want yon lo heHevs an* wnsn i take nxwirtiig. 1 «ai d .wn' at s table and
my oath IMt this Is ids first time i aie
Ih->-;i i bad vriib ms. I
ever did sivai a boraw. ou ms Her wbat »‘®u*d li*vc
f.,, , g].,„

____fleriy Horry. "»lf 'be »«r-i. ana. frartoc p..lva. .
"Nary Naliy." said Barry Barry fiat- with tbs ow many took ta bta eym.' »»frBlned.
uiiiie i *,e i wo.ioered.
foliy. for be waa half asleep aod i*-' “but I've prarataed iff aka goa Met • dMermlncd m a*k for s rvraui. aad
aeated bring kept from bis well earned with me last Um ^ma"
' found li ca;nbir of UHag b-ld ta
by iny mao'a lore sffalni.
"Wbeta lor^ihsd iba atiar. baatlly
"•ia'-I; l wuu’d s,*y ibere;
Jim Ruaoell bad gvue qrleily away, backlog away.
| If noi. 1 would gn mi
T» lay sunrise.
and iM Mxt moralDg .Nelly bad bean
'Vonr pa-ln-Iaw waaa fhsi you sfifl •‘‘"'U *
for a j. si*- ,.i aisep one
mloalng. and ao bad barn tba band;
LouIks abeniq corns lo tbs ranch aod
‘Nc <u"i> ••|•>•Ve u,- tud said gruffly;

-Jfe perfectly horrid." aobbad clesnae agalbat bis sbouldar. "I teal m
mean I dou'i .know wbat foAc. John.<“Jnat don't do it agni

ad'^bMtaPA **

“■L'"' '

After II 1

-I ntppuae lu tied lhl«-.HI liaU coioe . _
you boBara I bare dlaintmia cuocmied aide abi lumk and yarneii to Harry «>f
IM Arixiioa cmioirr and loM Mm
in my faalr."
"2 bare bmrd «f atangar eaneu." n- moth abiim /i gin «-hn wa* willing tn
-^o. marry bim. <miy her lailMW bad beard
madam, yon needn't take dowo yoiu* ao mucli niatiit liW luid n>fiulnl(«n tliM
r ti> tee
1 tblnk 1 cao locate tbem nitb- be bad
Jim Itu^l

. wbUo hqr bhMmiid iraa prob-



MDm bad the OaMiM.
' Tbe dnblU I* a flower that la alMR'
aacTcd to Snwdinatlaha.
Whafl thg
late Sagaur tMUror waa nNaktflg tl
a Saadlah ■ttkuiant fruM the rmK
end of a rallaMB car a bunch of dab^
waa banded to blaa. abd be bowed
thaaka. w;hne tbe crowd reared Ua aM '
pUuna far tbe eaator and for tM hanl

r of It
-Whal Uod of doweaa are thtM?*
Inquired fleaaiar DolUrer at SMMaff
were raoere of abUety ke a^|
Clai>i> of Mina
— but be
be anuaed at the awtoM.1 .
-Anwrlean Baamiea. I gntM." tagdiid
' «*»Mr hw aacefad wfom' - J
> I aakad W. 1. umBd.*.*"naior Clapp.
DolUrer knew better tbaa that, aa
branlly tbnoked ibe people tat
r>byncl£B’a relatina. wltb tbe dectn
wbo calls bln Into tbe caea to drfW tbalr altenilen. applnaee and iRliBdtd
to the other*. Judginent wblle gfrlM
And I wsa *«rrrta-j7k
be coecaaied tba IMI

bow Bdralily

they mellB WstUngm anor
'Ne campaign fleaaior DoUIrra aaM M

that M didn't know wbat M waa miM 'NeMlnanaia maa; “naw». yaa wiMS
tag eboai.
< Nare had me mobbed If I bodat baSR
We entered om beuae wbee* m
nutae. Mrs. Webater. a woman ratbar
older Iban tbe ararace. waa a ran


oaoiberly peraoe and arldentiydeeataA
to ber charge. Ml** EdwarM. dowp
wllb tyimeld ferer. Or. raiber. lb* pa*

Tea" Mid SaMior CUpp. "tbay at*
»»<* kwraUy do tba risht
*Nlng.--MlnBetp*U* Joaraal.

< Nad called Hum SabUM
for, kilUag me."

Heot wa* la that weak Matt wbleb '
---------------------------------ly afl- -re* dlaanoa. (
Wb, He Wapt.
Jernegan put an nwre p>-*“'reieaal Un-1
A maa wbo wa* walfclac Ibraagh fl
penanca than naaal. remladlag ma ef Iraln laadrerletitly led the door at aao
ccnala dorton I bare known who : »f ibe car* ope* A Ug nun sHHm tP
conceal ibetr want of knowledge of a a aeat la tbe middle of tba car yelM:
case undar an apiwwrnpc* of graat "Shut Ibe doer, you foot! Were you
ariBdoa. tTraandy be sold ta me;
talacA tnabarar
"Plaasa excuoe ma. dacior; tbera ara \ Tbe man «be bad left Iba door aotm
eenalD fratare* at ibe ewae iMl 1 (Mewed It aad tbea. dropping lata a
MonM ilka to inqelre aboat from ibo seat, burtad bla fira la Us haata aM
Mine." Tbeo. turving to her. M add. bsAa lo weep. Tbs Mg omn bmkad
ad. -Mrs. Webtrer. I dcafra lo confer aomewMl
wltb yoe la anetber room."
Busily walked up to the weeper oM
1 glaoM at tbe nuiwe. aiqS ber exTWtaaioD ariokr rotumea.
fibe cooM
not refuse lo go wlib bIm. yet byr
fact toM me ibai she dreaded lo do
BO. Bbe looked a aort of appeal to mo.
aa tbougb iv communicate wltboot
Bpraklag ibat ibere wa* a rasmta wby
abe should not iesre ibe paileql. Hut
Jereegtu'sjfaca todlcaicd tbat tbe Interrlcw Inj aaotber room mn« take
lan led bim out.
He sbni tbe doer hebibd ibem and left
me wllb Ibe psileut.

tapped bim rni Ibe ahoulder.
“My fririHl. ' be said. 'I didnt latoM
to hurt your fcellag*. ' 1 Jest waMaS
you to riose lbs (loor.“
Tbc man oil,, was sreetring rwlasd
U* bead aud grinned. “Old man." bo
said. “I'm m>i erjins bscaW you b«rt
my fWHing*. i>ut .lioctuse you aMedaaa' .
If 1 was nl**d la a Mra. Tbe aa«
fact Is Ibat I uos raMd la a ban. aad
every time I bear so r>« bray It mafcsa
me lwfiwlch."-la»ui«TU)s Tlmsa.

Tlie momrat we were alnoe tMriber
laralld's face.
“Hare you called me by talapboner
I asked.
TVII me la a fow words wbat la tba
“flbe'a trylog fo potaeB ma"
TM expfsarieu oa ber (aca sraa oo
full of horror iMt | wopped ber.
rent to tae telephone and called for
iDoiber nurse, then Mck in ibe palien,. ,;^lier wb.Vl I Md done and
tbat I wfuhAwsmalR nn,ll IM arrival
of tbs subodiwe. This doDs. I
aMul the reoM col loci lug wbat
dues I could find.
Meanwhile Jernr
d In tbe
other I
wifb tbe nurse,
tn ten
minute* I
one I hsd called for sr
rived, and. placing myrriBthral uodet
ber care. I went to ibe room where
and Mr*. Welater
wa* l(*q;lng al a book, Mrw
WeMler wa* «taiMjlng hioklnc out of
a window, fibs appeared rery much
There's your quarry.*' anld Jernsan. for tbe Aral time dropping all assompllon of Mog a d>wior.
“I know It." I replied Tbe patient
has foM me all. Mra. tTeMler. wni
you plenae come dnwoslalrar
We all weui ,« (be Boer belew.
where wc woqlff-ao, d^inrb ibe pt'
tlMt wlibTjs^i^. and I told Mra.
Webster to rwefvare lo Isare tbe bourn.
Fbe said ahe must go lo ibc latleni's
reoru. bnt i did not permit ibla. ot
I dm not like almpI.T to turn the wo»a off hecauar /l saspened abe had
»me malign intebtlon toward ber pa­
tient. nnd 1 did not like ,o here ber

armitcd., for 1 haidly fcoew wM( to
charge ber with. NoiwHhrianding tbe
Invalld'a coodltloa. I wen, to her. leer­
ing Mra. Weh«W la charge of Jeraegaa and asked tier If sbe felt Wrong
euoogfa to tell me wbat Md occurred
betwren ber and ber nursa. Mtaa Edsrards told me tbat abe Md seen Mrs.
Welc-ter on was ocrasMtu dn«if>ing a
powder la Boms fluid medlcfoe before
glrlug It.
After (Ml Ml** fklwards
held In her muolb ail the lordMiie riv­
en ber till ber nurse'a back was turn­
ed. tbeo got rid of l|.
A sk-k person i* no liable to nee wbat
doe* not actuslly occur tbat I would
tbI* Inrurmailoa wllhaat
tM dtacvivcry of some poison on tbs
Pfomlwk ITita could oM br doM srEbout an SMlyata. and I fait abilged tn
dlacbargs Un. WeMier. ibougb 1 tald
Jsrnesan ta bars ber abqilowsd for a
raw daya.
Nsos of tbe drugs fouad
inmcd oni to be t»I*od. Tbi* did nat

He (rimpb' reiiMu'i t
bum Uxy.

He sraa.

,,-A*-a rule, if
lim filscfiy, I
get ibrnogt a
Id alxiiii thirtyilnuie*.
Kui i«Uy. atier cmlg
fouriesa huura' siceti. be appaotad erap

Blaggtab Iban ever.
Ibc itibce to id*

As M am

lo wbh-b it was Mng applied.
Hi* nuitumpr wus iiaiirai
*t«Ml ibU Tinr h
*hd|*i his iwilent-c wSn to oaa*. he Inlerrapird a forty vrlBka' laim-al with a oragh.
--g'ciT. lad.- br •ucgreied. "la's* m
Idea. Hold your band. kee|> tba bnasb

MaUiid Things Hum In Rama.
Tbc Boman* bad ibraq i
mribod* of <
tbe imiMice* aiyl ibr teotae. Tha-ward
bottbus did Doi carry any allnalea la
espkaive*. On lbs contraty. this farm
of aiipUnec « a* tht most daroroaa laasmneb as It roaotated awrriy at a
bammlBff or buaalag noiae. Tbaa la a
way lb* ilomana wet* ibs firm "lo
make things bum” In a pobHc aaaambly. Tlic bombus sras BM tba (Mcff
feature the Rntnaiis bad to oCar la tba
way »f ■|>plBU*s. Tbe Imbrteea msaU
a dcmouMraiina made with tbc beUaw
of the bands. Tbc iratae mMbt the
striking fogriber of tbe flat pnrtkiaa at
tbe hands
Kroin Ibl* sr« may eonilode that lbs RotMM clappM. bai
there b »o certalaty aa tbta petals'
Niyr Tort Herald.
A dhabby Coot Colinc.
Verggoficn Ihe collar ef a cmI bagin* to hxA Bbabby wbeu tba caal
li*eir l« taregDod order, aud It ta weadcrful wital a difference a Tkirni^ll
cleaulng will make. First take a
liio'e of clcMi ckub and dip K la nitrII* ot turprailnc aad rub Ibs cuitar
borotttbly wHb II. I>eavr It forviea
niinulsa. 4ben rub il sgaln wllb ybs
uida>-raiw li rsrrfully. lo
Tetnorc any loose dirt,
Ncil i
Ibc >*>llsr wllb a ItiiU Bkoboi anff
keep wiplM II ualll It b dry. Hgoff
ti up lu oa airy, ptarc for aa bear or
two sud H will look as fund as aew.*Hoaton n«nid.

How H Waa.
•AM'* very waaJihyr
"UodFy left lo beer
t>^ H tbe aulbnr of a

eaUlIcd -Blatf to HeanUful Waa
•11 Ibs.....................
prorr thal ibc norae did net have soma
poison which ws could aoi find.
I, la tbs country irarebascd Itr
-So; but all lbs pialu wooma Mrget nothing vety aattafactory out
aantment gona-fram tala seta, for aomNew York HarakL
af lbs paitaui and was forced to bw
bow Cs crniw IM Mam Jim Kn^
Here that bar fears srare tb* femdl af
foe waating lo marry pretty bqums
' ‘'“"•'’'■d'd to stay.
M pbyvlcBl coadllion.
I therefore
Bnydcr. mm anyhow. Harry raaaaasa. “Very weH." I mUT *1 will re'meiu lu
remarked Ibe ,nifmmr,
rm no furiber anaotlon to (be mntIbl. rrxwD. i will nicr In n rbslr. I
Mrd enough for folks wltbpiwrtlcod Iff JBa d»>
ter no for a* enneernad IM nnrwi
ool Pis making It any srome.
Very Stull be off by dirligv anyway."
(lews"After Miss Rdwsrds' recovery, ukThe two aea riMj^uiiro In K,w volceu.
likely louUs WOUM be dMappointad
"And lau'beinrtanod.-- IMemffUt I
Ing up a newspaper no* day. I udtlesff
Iq bsr daabiag busMofl. anq perbaps end one of Miem. iBlli.e up a light,
mahlefi ..f f.wiy. -is a wrenc ptaettaM
that Un Webater Md bean arraafod
fold me to foihvw bira. I did *o and
Jim Romeii wouM teei aommine* tMt
hy Ike modera "-BaatAn TraaactlFt.
for attempting to pntaoe Ulna Bd
ws* led lu a dJnc.T r»i;o with one win
tyranny ot oW Caspar. Kayoar
dosrln It.
I il.-rw up iM sesb and srard* while ib» tatter seas in aad
wooM bs baldly srarrb tbs acqaiaitMO
■ w tbsi I ws* aboat tblr^ fee, from der ber rare- it was cMrgrt ibat tbe
of a wifs. yet M knew iMt taers
"Why. Rarkliis. where kdra yau
the grennd. Tbe lock on ibwA-vor was aorae't aaow wa* not WeMter. bet
been? Toe look like • wrack."
Bigbt bs a foundatlM to tbelr wvo
00 Ibe la*i<le. Aliraetbee I (Order­ Oaate*: tMt aM was a dtaUat relatiro
I know It. Mr twin hratber aM I
wbicb would ootioat ibsa* truia.
ed tM foriiloa tarorsltei
of bar Mttaflt Mtaa Edwards bad faUquarrel, aod i hirad a *______ __
"Wanta oa to cotoe to the raneb aad
1 OHX-Iimed to *ta.r lb fKr
(B belr to a large osuie. and Mra.
li'-k btm
Tb* Mlow muad OS ^
w-mairisd. dM yew oaf. or bs abotr*
If 1 did noi Bleep. ,ii> dawn
ibWrrTyCoaie* was next of kin aod lo rasa of and bare 1 am.--------- London TU«n.
I Jim Kuaaeli lacrMnioaeiy.
Miss Edwards' deatb would inbartt tM
-M.ee4.a, .,1 ~M-----------•»«'k.. So I toM Ibe OU I WAS SStMsirma
tepesied Harry Barry hbed and *tid good night to him. and property
It was cMrged tMt tbc
firmly, “and lo be sure inera *ouN beset down .!«-Ugbi aad wer.1 away
nora* bad purrMoely soenred tM
a lot of girtt whs 4«t
he aay misuke aboat tM martar Fm j
i *„
,„ed lo kaeo awake, bat
to get rid of ber ftatleei
V*r Intend to gat marTtai."
Halt K«i* and ffid not dare even to »* on tbe bed
Tbe case wa* tried, and evarytblM
"How do you knowr
IM sky pilot myaeif. i'U^ « m0h“mr'^b^''aa fw’faarof foltoj I bid «een Hated la II
-I'Ve inviMsd lo oot«tL"-Oa*ta
abead If you want to fete* LobW"
| asleep.
I Mt la a chair, but even
wa* prersd except the
land l,eadcr.
"Uod Msm you. Harryr mnustad there I feuad myiwlf luvidlng It was- think It praMbIc tMl
Jim RooneU under bta betaib.
aad 11 o'ckwk whenT beird s tapplag. B*- •aiM'i lofouttOB
It I* (tepincM to ba MUy dMcraj
iboM wstta coming from btm prombig at the rime half asleep. I was not
at the way eitbsr by pptaon or mail, ad; II tafM lam to bare oa maeb m«>
iMd d falrar future (or Uratastbaa I fony coMckws of lr.
rrmenlly tba
rtotts domlostloa
Bet since oo pofaton
........... »«bdr Isqalrea wbatMr «ta
my oaa might bar* pradtatao.
tai« asamedvfo Uke tbe shape of Hm wax found the aune was ncqulttaA
aif.-U irarcre.
bs uasrrisq." aalo Barry Barry, all ra-


for tbe geaile-





• #»«#♦«#»♦♦♦««♦♦ enttar i>rM«cUn mm *»!.»«*•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
T*1AT HAV« MELMB. ♦ tickU;'sircldked nulls eutalu. Sc ♦ MOOEEHOUO ! G«thcf«4 rnm •

h* «iu ttou b<

»• rmtiit.
Ub. heut «t mint, be p»U«t!
BMM Clad dv.
Wltb alt UTa'a awssUac awblf

poE paste, prick and hake to a qalck
orea. While stIH wane, spread thickal to* R |«t«B1ii paper U cat late «l»re
A home nade uratoer lor the hitch>haU be ihtoc to a
1} with freah-stoeed cherries. Make a ‘
pim dad kerpt in a eoavealesi fdaee m atok Btar^be abtalaad by fnachlac
■Bierlacee of the vtaties of loor ena.
.«„Tai .rf ...«r .to nae tonall ^ »>«>•"=
■'*** ^
a piece taa> be slipped orer Ibe »t>odp.„ ^
The aaatou ««.
ea ,.toto dm. aad the. the leflocaf
^ a’ha-toer
euptal of cherries stirred UiPoacli
[nod pet In. The paper, after ese. may
neaa oi a on »
__ aad awl. Such a rtrmtoer, need u a
H-. ,1.1. ™ .b. P-,.. p™.1. war T,.
,lhe buraed. bat the «aodea ptotc may
W W ..^1 IIW. Wt^'n
lomon,! boUo, ot ™. »<U»_l-.o

•totiid and Kaapint-;
WbM »e ao»
%in aattd) »roa.
h Ibe buteei oa) Iw


T—...™. Chlckeii Pot Pie

uopi (»-«i»» «-***

... ,



;_-s___ ^
_____I **
- - -- Ato tlmiom readier .V ton/
tnwn Aahea.
* m« wkk mr be Mflr i«( ta a
(didar. u the
We<^.alatu to ue I. ibe r<<m- to»p »f abo« m to.* rf c «-l
Soar Icilk* think ttot ealy “taitorfd .
t Wlr. It the ^ iiBinitW ran cook ctocfcca. balatrial .
entor arlU tore -awtac extra diahu
^ .oM.............................
of this tsneos chirkea pet piedii^aeu '
troas Good Hoose- that a.mine Er«y
•hd ratofiTT I
I** and tbea lr«Md dry The n«rt* «iH
the aorlee
^ thoroaBhl, eajoy h.
•Md ptotea loto the lee chew. «*iek
,.c«b- to
hrto the ketodto « feDoead.
ta alav. a Hah. The waodee fdaua
^ the ptoa » ««*‘ai ahaaU hate ao dltkelty to
that bakerx ue. aad the aaialler
».a twi wUl awnctote the ad- «*Uai clear
mith rery little

>*• —,

Cartaai. mm be aaed brfore they
are ecer-rtpe. aad aheald aoi be pirhed
b'tbr • t***
“** carraau orer
«ret«llv. rea-re all dry or fpeHect

• PM Pto. hstod B
OarfnitutiutfxmiK \ <«//n.r;
• ■ • 14//: *to.........................
UtipoomUU f C Bak,'t
hi U^poMlul utU. h' ca^
ikartfx -. mili«rtrr*m.
Oxer the Inwl with boilioK
Irlsimmcraatil tender,
idrr, then

removeto a
the M cap Boor. saM
Iwkuix duh.
sod hUck pepper with
....cold wsiertoa .
fhr lUe-worh*
««««»♦«««»»>»»«»». bn»„«ia..lorrelato dUh *nnth pa*te and av to thx^ca the
Do aot plaa toe awch for oae dsy. happily aolred to this neultde way ;
n*hrB (wl tootk. Broxn-e the tol tona ther toped
•«> •" 'b- w,,. o,„, «■»..
the tooth Hum ssair bebwe adding the ^
wberetbt»i <*Mt iiot./'~I This is the best help to bottsework. She dirlded kcr kKchea laio
eaouxb to haadlc. Miucese the fmtt
roor this r»<7.°
Era»7 ova
tbickenins. IW
-. the
' Om womaa who says her frtoods woo- pans, nwaially. i
*Tb* to
doaaUtles till dry. cbtouab i
SttolB iS.
the Itiln
T^r^^t^^-e ayon.' &B ^
Thy lot. where’er It he. la
Idres that u her aaawer. Bren atoht eoaaectlo
Wleelr ptoaaed.


•“cb^'i™r-"r- .u- -

a deed


r“ "*• ""



berriea aed tosre*. bat do not Mem or
.„p ,b». PUo. Ibe lr.U I. .

bor. ,...0 w....—--rSoTTr —r„b“:i.r„“r.

“,rb:.!t. roS,sr r„",;,sT.

or a toklaa diah with theae. aad Bit
the dish »llh stoned cbeAlea. peeked
Uosdy. Mcb layer *eU stiewa erlth
sBsar. Bake haK an boor aad serre
rery cold, with a pUcher of th^
eweet cream. Bather tart ftoU Is beet
lor Ibis desMsn. wkidi. thoo»b so aimpie. will he
warm day.
now STtolw Sr 1- ■Pw,
cm cbmo,..-cu,
™.------------- „ pooib,.; 10 .b. ooio, lo c mu. «• • .w. bi.w mm
oemsn. ir
«rtp. 0
Ok- "
HI. ..0 bk. .blrb in. lo 1,00... Tim. bo tlo. O.r 1. >b. ooob. wUb obl, . ,i^. .1.
low! to the
tois bys|
i *Mdd re* upon aad
' Cbbo. ooO
ibo» oiom^b.
U Wot I. oo«im... • boi I. bcot lo me. ot oim ooib.
lo. oo. oooiH ol ...uilbioO hw » dish, wfa
c er. bet behc abato U
• ■Oan H the atoddine: Go<aioee « iMcs of a
“®' Pl*"*"* “» "»*'*'
A small Ubie la the back hall oa ^
Boil tb'e Juice for
• Baholda toe ehd itf what Is sowa: ' quart of tee. I^y che^
imerropilou that are sure to wblcb to pot Uuhdry lockages. baaB^,u,ee. Add tbe *a*ar. .llrrla*
. ..
s. wwto fSktoss aie timrtv. BW;
ow emus
rtatoa -weak
aaB dim. • sprlakle
• Beyaod
wu. ..o
ll»hlto wtlh
MW ^
^ver *row «o»e are pioeWed tor. If the werh Is dies to so back to tbe stores, or aaygusoKed Skim frequently.
iSLs stepsitow iMsMSwb
it Uttel.
Umens hid with hlA. •* .eery
• TV terreat
sweet. Poor tb^. W« ^ -P^
baBcy-todea for the done naober tbaa is expected it I. ibias that aeeds steaitoa. wlU be a
„ f^*“erM?
men assrlirtss tSu atoassmS assMiw.
-J. O. BTiltWr.
• oeer toe spoBse eke. N®* -^Ip a
pteasaal to thlak that the ttom toft gr», help to Ibe buy boutowlfe. Oa
,.*,o*er bolltot o! Tbr this asS flw m «»»t monwwnsn to
d- a
• plat of awcei cream eetr «1B. awm- ^
,, ^
.bsoluie rest or ea- ibis table may uUo be pot aayiblas
nnaeceuary. allboosh uaa}
ea to tasle. color about half of It with'
is ti so opstalni OB tbe Beat trip, .....ji rcrwlr----Have rendV s
d« wtbr jMpcm lisa CO .CUksss.
rad cberry hilee. aad pile ii uino the
,o, «01» 1. ib. ooono ..,,.0
J Mkfcl ’ what time tik harvesttos
If a whish broom be cut so It topers thus hcIoi
Sireleh orer the top
IM It remala la tbe kwboa
wouU be.
tot a poiot at one aide. It ts dooUy of ite day.
a aqure of ^
tiaui the Bameai of aerrlns.
oacfal whea sweepimt dowo tbe sialr».
To rave time la shclHap peas wAsh very hot watw. Poor the lelly lato
Bprted. Served to Cnmm—Boll ooe
J Cherries—Fbr tbU
"Twill not be mttherod la.' "How a Uom^ whKb Is put serrlce for Its tbe peas tborousbly aod pn to bell toe pitcher aod Bll the alaises iai- h^xi docM ou» aboot fitleea auaiBce;
. JsM. Uw awlh Of rosea, tte mid- ^
oz-be^n H
ortoiaal porpose -4s u SDOd os a new {• ipc pods. W'hea ttacy are done, the Mediately- This rule. If carefally fol,^4 (-m oE a liuto-pf the white
•wiwr of iha mr. hh« tetoMote- ?Le .odJ.
iralt. took U orer
for your om alter this ireatmmit.
pods wlU burst aod coo bo akloMied lomed. aeter faito lo make...........
<Pl» a*y teowa nada. ptoattot with
,be stoaia.
*» n
' so that tbe css will etoad op atoae.
Saadpaper Ibe peiohea of bird «**ca oE. while tbe peu so to the bottom, ctoot Jelly .
MB* .perfoat faith ami tore to the
®* cream aad tolekan
^.^y the Eater. Ub .berrtos may'-^’^
VrtM-ttee. are toaty sreea ^au to- ^ y^,
^ g,,
p,n.. Tbe turner awned: be wu aaore wtsc jertead of washlas tbem. It win slvc Tbe lUror surpaues tbal of tbe pau
to' tbe projw- •«»> «»® Ubtosimoafuls of-flom. SeaItea Ir
yKcd will)
Ibem a aaiootber surface aad may also sbcllcd before cookies.
*kp. altOBdy^ihpwtos btois of color
g^^ P,^j,
soe with salt aod popper aad a little
T plow M aoder lo eerieb tbe ooH." g^^e tbe bird from caiqblas cold by
a vxlubto belp to tbe kUebeo Is a ttoo of two qurts of
vMth protolM a wanith of bBawa.
^ .ofleteat fw tu qaarta
stoodtos OD a damp perch.
' tbla board, about eisbt lacbee by tear- su quarts ot rartmata.
butter. Pool toe cream ocer toe aCB>.
« wte oow la faith to oor ^ eberHes. Pot toe fmlt lato cleU
White foraltore may be cleaoed by teea On tbis board W dlsbes. hatfuspberry. bUckberry, sirswbcrry. g,„,,gg *uh paiuley aod
«MM0at Of rich frtUttoa.
^^0. with hot syrup.
whatedteroagoal/alto When
come. p„,
dtoaoivtos baktos soda to warm wn- ties, etc., may be *dace«l. aavtof toe barberry aad sooseberry Jellies arc aU
^ ^_
bard boiled e
ha aar taan-sardasa. Par. lathe took g,^
,*t tbe Jam la a large dal
A to Salsae«Sprc*,l tbe buMoai o( a
ood sippiylas
tf aevlBS. af waUrtos. of booptog ibe
kHtto. aaporaUos th»m by
appirias the BolntlocJO.
solntloojo the''furthe'' fur- laklas
laklas hot
hot pie*
pie* or
or cakes,from
cakea.from tbe
tbe ovea
ovea nainc
n*iiic ao
ao wate:.
eta mtHew pad Rw from wobda. sad
leodora. ao ibat they
tet the beort. like that bfMd
^^g ,
tub inn this board ocit to' tbe siaie aod
sood plaa
warm Ibe Mtsar ^imb ' iili''fl 1 -|4lHn.iirii1 i* trete
S dry doth
v«w afterward. Plas^iqitarka
............... ................................
ovfsi bdere uslas It.
God's Mkta to site the Ricfoaae.
agalnet eoeb dUwr to
**• E*®"'!*"
slide the bci dishes upoa It. Have a la
bottei: cover till* oiih srtM c*ccae:
__________ ___________ ____
teach Ibdr deo^,y y^g^rad to ibis bole to oac eod of the board la order sOrrios ll frcqocoil} to keep It from
break ctobi whole asEs oprm ibe
^ pioaperity, or of fear. oPbato. of
Uood eadt
almpte way.
«« tew “ «l*
“*»* to oae.
borolos or mqlilas.
cbccM wKboot bruktas tbe' ytdks. ^
IBBtei aad povarty; ibe.Uw/H toevl- um ju,. britf* H to a boll aad tot tbe I**
*««“ ‘^at pariah oafulTo clean j :a's overalls aad boys'
^ “Whatoocrer ye -ow. tBat shall
B,. tg„
sells thwi ere bodlv .mined, toy the
A Health Talk.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Benson with red pepper and salt, mmr
^ jg, nartaca.- strow
Hr. Carolva
Carolyn Celtel. one of Hl<*lHi<*l- * A BUfiSilTUtC FOR HEAT. ♦ ^
poatoonap.', »t.U, .HUP TIB
■■■ WlMlB MPO that vaalsb ore_______
oo ibe wubboard ...4
aad screb
rouM a Boor.---E»n'» tern known womeo. snve o prec- *** d
bare been absorbed, and the Jars are
i..^ with a braab. u you w^....,----------nbou. .^toumuofsremdcbuu*My Oateaiv
to be filled with
reaervod for tbe
The dirt«kMB>
Will coine
U«1 <mi
time ago
before a
thelr rhenpew juM nos
*»d s« the oss» In a mndarato
A^en. i.rjL.4.
Will coine
more w>me
• ------------------------- ,
V-woold.ypo Uko to kOow^Aoat my
This Is to be boUlag wheo

body• of womeo. ooe ^of ^ m
„ ,
Mo *'«■
WHO >*»
less “ter
moor tbaa
icrno whea
-oco the
.«.= reprcacautlve
------------ ---------prerWealtal wheo one
for eboot Uttnoa anootoa. Browa
hlnasDB ItaneT
i._. ..ik i_
tS»> «,„,,dp„,h,eM*,BdqulchoeK.»til.
•aMoa whit* lakes ao mndk of my
and » aoon u tbe Jars ore
tiao and <*reT ThreoEt ibe canter g^^ ^g^ mbbers are pot on and tbe
a-asbboard. For overalls, hare a board Cbariottc Tribune’s Good Cheer:
»g,fg ,g«.y cao be pretared. They
TunmlM* ->lcH
' tAsa n path with fiowem o* eltber coTors ^
are fsMcned.
faatoned. Of conroc they
U« IWB .M TWa. ol tuc 1C. Ib.1
-«T»t B. ........................... .» <b. , porf«.
.« •
M«* a Ipisa bod.of Palton*
* are romoxed
remored from tbe
tbi boilias water
Badt to the cHj- with Us *wlft
MBinira! had of Hope, a Bm ollmblns for this porpone. atd ■
Jaianeu Rss>—Hard boll sit csss:
a as tbej;
» and a Httle rlo» ealted
.4 1_
___ _
. Mt hv nncBlne It wide and acrebWas on.*'- Hoo’l wuie It 00 Urn thinss remove the »belto:.coi them' loio
wm aad OM t
amtlad mto add to ireiwtol. eweet od by opeolag It wWe^^bWW ^ ^ ^
This machloe-Powr halves toagthwloe. Uklo* 00. the
a to na« oot all
jg^ coreri. the taotot-'
It with a little I
fidbr «y Bbfdc*.
- ■
■ them: add a teupooa- tnl of salt, well mixed Whea ass*
ore U wiped from______________
ibo oqioldc ot tbe
__ becln m ecramble. poi la six table
’ ^-A»oB»l' tlib ImHton fa a feice made „,b. *nd toe fmU U ready to be aet
red spooBfuIs of the dry parts of uaacBil
4».DatorMlaififaa with potu hr Porae- g*.y m , ooei pta» for foture scr­
amt rook to proper coaalslip^ Tlito la to hoop out tbe yi^c.
lo uMe. f'aaoed upara
Gniirtli VhM that growa.all about
ckern Prowrxe-llM the sour
Ue blutoK waiter poured from a water- »n and souad. not llmptog nloos.on form Into ball* aad Bll Into the space
that we
we work
work of
of each
each while.
white. Hare
Hare ready
ready ooe
ooe cap
cap of Bu poiou oiay bn tranlod to Ibe ume
‘ ■■niii.aad'trtoa
Ifi.aad'trioB to IM
lot la.
1a. The
Tbe path
pto Mo«|ia.
M^rnlto. which Is
la a dark crimaon
erimacm fmtt
A ValwWa fiopgaalion.
^„ ,0 bleach aad one leg to it not treee that
|fi-*G EdrdM la made of Writ and gjen,
um eherriaar strlas
Who Is lb« who baa aw k^ urn
«,ashtne All the work may hard for Ibe thInss *e carefully boiled rice, form U imo
Kss ljublilc- frodib a fe* crachorw;
set It.’as tbe folk down to llltootou). the eggs dowa^nio tbe ri<v, and sund rvner with uiilk: salt, beat wall: aM
One womnn I think of espoctolly la the plaiter over hot wnier while .vo>f six Iwatec c«s and 00c Ubtoapooofoi
this mniiertkin came lato the aani- rub WSetocr lwo,r«uiidiaB iraotpooo of butter; puur tato a baklps and
o of floor Add bake till delnsiely browa.
ai>,| half a ptoi
- ■■
■ ■ ,
ta .a ahi^w over my BiAers and tgia IkioU opon tbe susar and boll till

a New Broom Cooer (or OoMtog
e la a wWa aHwOlght a btoekWtd
sugar bu baea dtonolred. Tbaa
intoh a cortato uno.
,«t on ibe upder side of
it U S Z Lrr- toupoonfal of salt and a dash of red
and atags la tte bradebu U .*1 ihe cberriea aad rook tor ten mto- oat articles needed
-T- .Ptoee
00* coergv She bad spent at the card popper, Siruto Ibis over toe eggs and
This to made like a pelUcMi ^
ad tte OomitetolBi BWH« ulea. when the whole to reedy for the
Of sowlns, or perhaps the faocy tbe board
is oaDod
the *ork deslgnod tor Jurt »urh emerg- Tbe ume amouat of comfort ran be
,*„|ey „d slip. loo«:iy over tbe breom. It la of
dou hotcemf-^eaUblc.
nr oaciw la packed away to a trunk, obtalo^ b) uleg Amps, but ll Ukes
_____________ ,.us 1. .. aarve very hot.
fllaaoelotte. at Sevan conta a yard, a^
; "la «w remr of my gafden to a gymp sbouW be added to oacb c
-TbcD have confMeat fahh to l(B '
%ot-bod where I raise fimItoOooanu j,,. „d ,hea roM the corora are to Here to a .most oxcelleal susgeMtoa. more tliM to adjart them.
Haked M*f»- No- 1—Break toe ecs* to about atae I
to be foreod! Mr fihrdeoer’a ^i urtiened'^to'bcrore the preserve Sara toe Writer:
.Dtob Teweto^lrtp^
!?!^,.?4“.T..^!r!.-4*!iwiI Into a well huiieru^ dish; add «li. mmw
of tbe breom.
t>a» htr<tob
Mr»w pari
ta B. A. Goodama.
’’Mr omergeacy.mpCM ha. uxed me aot too heavy.bemtned and toorouguiy laurlb^ la
^irusl ^ all
makes It BrTu. U ta ptaltod Into a



-i^rLe..V. T.

................. E?i= sS'irH r

Ml texe I
my fiowpn aad ^ng t
. together with Good Rewltti

B«.. .. .

B~V I, .b.
I elne. to my grip. I found tbal dlpplu tbe old book
i.™ --b
errks of toe botll« to melted paraEin taruel. slumbers not *
tolee*b^*^^^y^pre- woi*\lihout bavlag to get thlag. lo- prevented any toakage or daagef of the -halrw of
- -Two fltoo Of a Chaent.wtoaed. tbe mice betas .caretuiiy pre_
worklni: out. I dipped the It tells u. Kveo ,j
-.What to do with too ferries Is
jmeo. freli. sugar aad i«bet
•apaclotts corks and Becks of the »»ulos well to count your hairs. Ask Him to «Uy by
terdty a preWem. It ta treel oapeclal- rtaegar are put to toe preserrtog ketSuch aa apron
re set.
yon. tVorvy. worry, bow It kilU folks.
To toe quantity aamod, pocket for atocKlaga aod darning ma- the poreflln sevarel Ume*. ThU
ThU proved
ly If one have a beuaefM of'boya aad
poootoi of Axes aad tvrtal. or oae boldiag aMDethiag more so waiUfactory that%hea ctoalag
glrta oaly too eager to 1^0 srtth toe
* „
ullek Anomon. Tbe practical tbaa faneywork. w©gld oot house for sever^ a
reblas la aotalog each «Awtod priie iwteethatbulkof
‘ a if oae la a busy boasekeeper. any bottle^, where ,
Ibo momeot one jmuap cb«ek urns p|^g|g ,goqM eeok tm aboot on
guest would be offended If vis- UaWe to evaporeto oridry out. The tog to hU bed Sloety-oli
I a bonaeltoM magaslae. Cer,ggg „ggy ^ got .way ta
eombtnod with sewing or ccailag of paraffin makes fbe cork a hundred are that you .worry top
ttlBly no fruit
- ,AKractlvo or Jars. It makat aa a
practically air tight. later, when mn<-b, Stop It. Start a kind of book
fancy srork.
-------------.paaled oalr
sarvod aa aatnrM.

movihg B long dlsuncc, I dipped Ibe keeping Put down on a paper all thr
by Its gtasay. daoply serrate leaves.
coneerwli* tha Refrtgsretor.
<*rk cad.ot my bottle* of extract, pow- irooble* you think you are going to
It aeama ataaoA a pity » loae toe natJii Caao of fl
tolaga. woto w* curry powder, have. Tomorrow read them oxer
Bial buBBtr and dtUcala flavor ot too
I. • rm n.Wi o,
M,'" I*™—. -W-V
e„. I«
,» Ln. 1 tbu. .To. o»ko . Wt« Wi»,l .ouk
'oharry te oooklag. At too
. tuik ™n«r I. Ma 4-lr.bH; a
wo, di«u. „ar Tidoh to™ « -on !»»•,"„•« too,,
I* to,M
JoH.,.' -onh o, ^ ib^ .to, rekll,

kotoW. oto'k In.1, H n «,a.. H|». „i4.w.ur p», to iktorto. Tto. U «>», kotoOjU.kto b, kooriu oo mk,.rtkto M.o, bo,,ln o, .o,b .bio,. ,6,b, -rertn ,ob oM ,ob
o, b^tototo bbH bbUto to, tot lb
ob ibo
. tonJ k .bbito, o, Ub boxn o, kmoll w«™ |.nl! uwd. o, lo ma am
***** ,bl nonm,,
manage „.
It. ,lv,
give I,
It opj^.b »,a„tb..
«—.ria; If tola be tbe case.
bCNiV W^a tbe patleiu U PaU* wHb dosoffuing IMt. to which lids were not air tight, and I made God
PM^r f
tha rollewlag reripea will be found ro- better and able to awnllow. a tea- tb* odoreua food may be securely tbem *o b.v a iwvaffln dip. thtu traa.--.No* o regard to the
-rvtng the best hea!^h.
ttahta. and only aa nagratofal patate .pqgotul of aromailc spirit, of am- gflutaet *» *te refrigeiatOTj/wlib perttog bottles and boxc. with their lor
Mmide. plain.
sceatlag r the otoor conteou undtaiarbed.
could tall to do them jvtiem
moMb to a third of s t*— of wawr no foar of hi
ilways the best. Then eat thy food
Botaot. A bottle tblagi. Coffee boxes and lard pans
----------------Cherry ftamga Beit ftmr eggs very may be glveo as a oUmotant...................
Cretn Pea Boop.
wHh gladoess. Trust It. Bellere It U
light: to toe yolki add half a cupfol g, thH-ahoold always be kept ta toe urve this porpose ntrely.
^1 ooe quart of sheU-d peas In going to do you some good
l«i h
ot floor, wol olih
milk, a ’pirn*
*, j, t, thg boat and aafoat
A large bmp of ehartoal kept to the
wg- food-oooUng
of aali. ooe^mlf teospoonful of baking ..imotant that caa be
be given.
alren. Hot
Hot wafood-oooUng ^mber
#amber wUI
wUl do
do mneh
much to ooe pint of bolllns wster. «’hcn soft, nlooe Then when .vou hate coien
powder and a plat of boi mUk; lastly
coffee . .milk mavbeklxea keep tbe air fresh and free from rent- tuasb nod rub ihreogh a kiiaIbm. add- )T«r bread, what toeq? If you and I
add the beaioa whltoa. Have ready la j,
Q,g ggpj g, goUapse,
If v-our water U hard, lostoad of Pnt oo lo boll again. Cook oM uNe law, a whole lot of Ibtogs would oW
a buttered podding dish a half plat of
wasttog too drip from the Ice by loi- apeeofnl of batter with one table- have happened. Om of toere ta ~r
Moaed tourrlea. opriaklodjrito ougar.
Boat the whltee of three eggs very itag It dreto Into toe rower, have It apooafni of flour to a saocepao. being metpotro ofbod). Ila»d your Bin*e
Poor the teitor ever thorn and bake
hot oven aboot forty mtontea. .ob. Add one cupful of pulvertaod giip into some lob or tank coBvoal- earefal not to brown It-. Add to the agato. «taad
up ipon yoor ’feet
ste^agBJ Is too near toe pclvV
Barre aa oeeo aa does, or U wtU fall wwnr. tboa the beaiea yolkA om tea- citlj placod tor It. aad you wUl hare helltog aoop Stir in oac-half tea- Y.
You put two laches of slack, la
CBorry flaare—Cream
third of speontol of vaaUta or lemoa extract, rtoot) of soft water for dtah wmahlag apoonful each of sugar and salt, oae- be
a capfal of bauer wtih oac cupful of oae capful of alfied pastry floor, oao-'-or even for light laundry work. Maau- rourth saltspoonrol of pepper aed om ywor ^). Let It oot. Thea breolbe
engar: add onodmlf t^ptol of haM
halt teaspooBfol ^of baking powder faiivred Ice Is msde from evaporated plat of hot
milk. II_i< thick, add more correctly. 8on»e of you have oot
. . -.-------- __
and. k___.k_.
lastly, .._________Wk_____
too i^poooruta
of boU- _________________
water, aad
the .drtpptaga
are especial
>eas whick
are too old aod token a deep. fuU breath to
cfeern Jalea. and boat welt The Juloe ^k..a
bard to serve as a vegetoMe roe be year*. Take oB your c*rror*nd- cnc
Can be Mimtood from cb*rtea which ing water. Bake from tweaty-flre to ly soft.
have boon stSMd and auEared aa how thirty-live mtootea Whea doM. ry
if yom-«a?e a somewhat sheltered used tor ibta ooup. la the wloter. strttttog bands. t*.*bat hsvs yoo been
hotoretead. Berre revr *oW- te ex- nere from tbe paa and ptaee on a porth.rroc ywir refrtgorewr on h lor dried green or spin peas can be oaed. doing all ibero yeare that you en^i
cMtaW hMMoa w ala^ any plala toweL Bpooge eako abould he marked toe w|a»er- Beia^ toe wooden door. oeaUng one cupfol over eight to ctdd get aloog wlthoot a coreot. I have
m .
—v-s the top and tort toto plpee*. sad la ha plaee have a door U ocreon- water aad cooking them to three Mats i
Ohorry MorlnfM-UM a* pinto with and oerer cut toroagb toe loaf.
tag made, oa the laatde of which, lor of water, nttog the rome aeaeonlag
and .a
bn, pounds
pn.4. of Misar u-B

plat o,


-b""'-'' “»

They an- more than CM^urn,tk. fM East fitb Bt.
tnea-toara-jane IS-U

We’ve started our annual ctearance
of Ladies’ and Misses’


Earlier than usual this year. Every section
of our great Ready-to-Wear Dept, offen
sanngs you can't aOord to overlook.

Dcpulmewl Store
IX*v*r»* CBjr
SavcOebc Grcca Tradl*| Siataps

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