Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Will 'Speak For Reciprocity. Smith
Will Talk Aminat Maamiix.

'Detroit, inni
ary bf AarlCHIEF 'EXECUTIVE OF MICHIGAN culinro WllaoD arrived in the city
day OB tbe U. E C. boat City of CleveWILL EE GREETED TODAY.
land on his way to the opper penlnMla. B’fleoD will talk for
tonight. -Senator Smith wRI aJeo be n
will apeak a^nrt

VMMn M«t «t llM Tf««iM by CommHUM Fntf DonE—First oflL
«la< aiMUnt of tht StaU
AMoclatlon St • O'clcdc



e VIdoen* Compelled t
Fliplti to Rofwe.
Msioo. Frame. June C,—I*i«i-rc Viduane. winner of tbe Paris to Madrid
gare. after making a record breaking

Rights of Workingmen and Mandtactwrera are Clearly Defined in

{Fro* WodBosdAT's lUcord-Bule)
Todar bM bMB * trocjr lUy tor lAr
I «I Um MHiliMB
ORi rmuoEt A Iv«b Dombor *rHrsE iMl m4lOE frao Oi«iid Rapid*,
■mi* fend Dstrott nod tbe dcU-Sfetefe von oerdifeUr ootorulaod lo
thfe Stkr cMb rooDM. Durlns tli<•vMihc, Cboro VM • fiul* Imprenpui
Fntnun. one of tfee imA plMMot leotnrad boltiE * vorr Ene sddi
Mat— A. Loaboid. exalted ruler of
Oraod Rairidfe lodH .No- It- Amoiis
tke dalacalM present sm tueo pratulBUI tn^etal* affairs.

flight today from VcrvalUex tu Dijon,
was (oteed to abaadon bis mniemplsicsl flight to Rome, as in making a
landing here blx machine wax totally
wrecked. Vliloane was untojured.


Graad fCa|ii-ls, June 6—Cln-ult Jiiilge
Elaborate Prepram Was Carried Out McDonald bcU against iHckeiing b.r
at th* City Opera Hev*#
tbe furnllurc workers in Uie Injunction
Last NipbL
peUtkm brought by tbe maourgrtureta. Werk of the-. Church ■■ Therougihly
Large ImporiailoDs of adikebroakers
Brough^ Out by Conven­
Tile ci>mmcnccDicnt exeriisco
-o exiicctcd.
tien gpvaker*.
the SL Fram-ls erhool. for tbe ciasa
PJckellng ss such Is nijnlnwl. Pea.w
of If 11 behl at tbe City opera boui ■Mo porsuaalon. (he right lo ihr
tFnim W^nexday's llecnrd Kagle)
last creolog were elwborate and very Btreeu. the rliJit lu aerure Informathii)
The sessions yesterday of (he anTbm were only
relative lu the men at work In the iwv- mutl (onventlott of ilw> rburches of
member* In the oenlor rliss. Mii« eral pUnis l»- laaful means lx permli- hrlsl of Michigan now In full force
Honor* B. Bord and Umi* J. Dion,
TbeVInJumiioa relstivr to Ibe l !’h: t fuirch of (Tirisi were well at­
srhito ttae elfflitb trade Kredoates Uk-bigBR' Chslr <»mi>an) lx modified tended in.l .enibuxlastb- Interest was
namberod olEbteeo.
coincide with ibe Injuni-tioii wllb Bjanlfcxt The s|iee<-hes and rei«rtx
Mias Boyd wolimued Ibe parents reference in tiie other fartorie*. the shew tiat inmt grviifying rewulu have
end friends of tbe class in a few well
^t being lufficieni
ber-o aliahi^ 'during tbe |iast year.
LiAies’ Rece^kloA
Yerler.lay (br Cbrisiian Woman's
Tb* ladies' rstopttos oomnimee. tdween a-orda. eaprcaalnK tbe appre- rant an ilial wax asked «»y ibl* WII of
or bereeir and dsaaOsic* In cuinpbJnt.
Hoairi of MiHxkmK bad control of tbe.
headed br Mr*. Joe. «. MeGoush.
ITila In brief is 'wtiat Judge JMin K. convention. TliU organlxaUon bas
«*n «piuuu>a>’ In attoodsnce Ibis tbe intereu Ukee |n ibcir «MiucaU<iti
by tbclr letetoer*. their pareiHa, Uic McDonald iororporaiex In bis derishm nilHxIon stations In moxi of tbe'mW
i nwBber
reverend (atebr. all «f wboni wci banded down last night. It is the foreign field*, besides a large sad vq;.
Tirittw Ifediaa In tbe elob rot
HDs erealBs all tbe
of tbe ready to- help them -Ibrooich tbelr final eetOement and deieruiinaUoa of ried work In the linine iaod. Tbe sesthe great Injunction suit lieguo by ll>e «i..nx were iirealdol uver yexterday by
inias or local B!ka' wUl attend an actaool tiro and in time of nood.
Tbe pronram waa a lOnc one. «
Ibc Ktiiking
president. Mrs. Harriet C.
larenaal faifaertof to meet Uie ladm
-aiKKil l>r taken Jennings of Ann' .Nrlior. After the
In We««elonE Unb booao, wncro tbe AMlnt of drills by many lltiU- foil
in tbe brat part, and do^ with
-Hie suiirenH- rourl. Tbe aurd ul I-relimlnary ojiening service and r*..
rMHora will tie enlcrtsinnd.
several dejartmenta, the
Rweption le Gevemor Oebem.
The opinion Itself is brief anf lo the i rinriiuij speaker of the morning w ax
Tt—MTOW iMroliiE. there will be an tbe older pupils. 'The Conicst of tbe
IfederBy raocDtlos to GoTernar>ebaae NaUonx." with Miss Boyd ss Goddess' pqlnL It is a mssliTfui discussion of introduce Thih speaker was Dr
a'^Osboru «t tto Bka' tnnple. from of Liberty, poelng as the central ft- Ibe polnu involved. It Is stralnbt from Mary- Mcfiarran. who lx one of the
id U> 11 o'doofc. ih* people or the gore. It wen very pretty and (Orriod tbe shoulder as Judge MirDouabl bas medical iiiisxioaariex (nun India. Her
always banded ibinjes out. It lakes s|>eeeh wa.s a im lical and concrete
ettr cenenily. as mt! « Bibs', are thronth wiihoni
•The Flower* Party- by a iiuuibfr fuMO the wurUaRman no right whii-b pirtnre n( "A Dwy'x Ai-tlviUce in IncordtdUr iBvitod to aUeed mad meet
of Uuio boys and girls in cratume he niay- lawfully enjoy, it nivcu lo tbe dia." It was oipeciaUy Intcrexilog
tb* Eyrarfar.
lo reprenent gudener* and different nmnufacturcr. the worker a-tao wlsbe* from (he fact It oiicoed In a mdet real­
n>* Ent oAdal meeUnic of
flowers was one o{ the most pleasing
continue at the bem-h the protec­ istic innnncr tbe real life sod tabor of
MioMffu race' was held at id o'doA
or the evening. "A Yard of tion (hey demand. It docs not rripple: missionary in a n|ediiatl station.
Is saomlBE. but adioareod laoedlu________ Sandawers" by aigbt UlUa boy* eaptbe unions, bnt allow* them the right
At Ibc afternoon session. Dr. ('. <’
-^VHr'tr-ii'iiirl 'to tbe memory oT
ped the climax for originality' and the
tbe infurmaUon they desire Bmitli. imiierlniendcm of C. W. 0. M
JndM Mma Bobnert of Oeiralt, a -Raloy Datslee- by Uie same group
and to iwreuado others to Join their work among ihe negrpex of the south.
pramtintt dPdnter or Detroit lodgo of boy* followod ss s cloee aocond.
ranks. But ft does, in ic-mib nol t
.s|Nikfl ulmiil blx work. Dr. Buittb
vte EM recfestly. The eUle aaaoTwo four handed p»*no pieces were denied, enjoin p|ckctlns ns such.
x|xike of tbe nmswsliy of training and
d In refulnr aesalon at given darlDg tb* evening, the BmJ>v
education for the negroes, but be lim. t o^dM (Md afternoon in the Bibs' the HisMs N. Homimaatcl and c
fitvl very definitely wliai he meant by
rptmNelson, while the eecond was given
live education «( tbcxo |•eo|>lc.' They
The ntdprta pity MnsMsn*' as- by mam E. Scott and K. Dyer, both
liecullar (.eoidc and need a iic■Ortfetra hpFfe ferranfed to entertain reoalTlag a good sbat« of applauee.
euliar trainins. Tbe C W. H M. lias
Dm iMHlBl —iidaas at tb* bead
TBa program was brouabt to a cIobo
several xcIkkiIx in the wiuili under the
Effeftafa at Oampbeir* band with n
by th* valedictory eaaay gtven by
xuiiervixioo of Mr. Sinlib. but
PW*-feRE»dr tooMnow escpiaE at S
Lewis Dion, which was well pngtirowing lo lad. uf lime and opiwrioDliy
ed and praaented in a clear
of making only one t|iee<1i be coaDned
me feltermon, a band concert wad
manner by iho apMker. Follow,
for th* Elks.
himxell fur Ihc nnU pnri lo a dexrrip
rm4-« tbe Board of Trade Infonnaisg this Father Bauer teve a sburi
(ion of (he work and methods <■( fate
UdR burean and aftenrard* went «o
addnas to Ibe pupils, ^nsralulatini (From Wedntyxdsy's . He>-ord Baglei Southern CtuisUan Inxiitntc.
tb* ball trouads arbem they tnmisbBy- tbe ckwe ot today tbe dmrating I
them on their graduation and extendThe evening svxsinn was of xjiectal
ed ttWIr.
log words of oboer «nd best wiehes of tbe Btreela. tbe downtown buildings interest-from the fact (bat a tery uh
A force of upwt Ere works men
for a bright and happy foturr. He and many residences will i>e pracil'-al Okual young man. Mr. ring 1J! a
Arrived Wis momlnf from Cbicaco
impleted. I’rohhbiy oever before
then presented etch one with a di­
gave an addrrxx covering
'afed fere busy pioparlni; the details
ploma whiAi he said ebonld be prle- has the city witnessed snefa a nwgaiO hts experiences in coming to rbrixilan
^ff'tooemr* aigbt'* bic display.
and spectacular sight ax now.
ed above everytbliig else they pemIty and blx xlrnggles to obtain hix eduT%t bit mowds srUl coma In lomorwhen
•eseed, berause H meant U»t they
artloa. Mr Ytng U Is ewe of tbe np
. row «• apoalal Ualaa on,the G. R. E
bad received an educatton that would tbe blseksnilth sboim, peanut stands per class ('hlnaruon and cxpecix wsm
L. Feoa Mar«aaUe and M. * N. K.
and place* ihsi never thought ordc^'
relnrn to hix naUve Und and posh
raUnaMs. Tb* parade wUI etart
^Ung before. ba»c jpinc forth with a
them in ibe years to come.
Cbrlxilan work among the ruling class
PRh4MF at n o'dook and tbe tire
prions burst of colored streamers.'
Tbe bouae was well flUrd with
bf rtiina.
wests M • o'Yiock In tbe ereniaff. In
red. while and blue Oags. coralilncd
tbe .Man .Uiife there wUI be band relaUvc* and friends of
At (be (lose oi tbe evening xcsxion.
with purple and white, tbe chosen col­
eosddTta. asfameblle and motor boat Btudeats and massiA of flowers and ors of tbe KIks. together wUb count tK young peoplq of tbe local i-burcb
pBnU arranged
emblems surb as real or artlQHal gfcve a receirtloB lo.thc visUlng young
Smlib E Price bar* mad« oUborate made a pretty bacERround for the elk beads, (detures of the antlered folk*. A program coosisUng of aj.ptoasranpaamnu for some splrDdl^Tlawa class as they were saated on
beamle* or anyGiliig that in abape or liriato R|iee<hex, music and other feat
of tfac eltr. aspedsOy of tbe htg pnurea was render^ At tin- rioxe. re
The eighth grade graduate* were
rada Tb^ have aecorod an oxpart
Tbe main tboroughfare Is a glowing IreshmeSKx were*served and tbu« the
o operate as foUowa;
tass of color west from.Park aireei day paxxet! to tbe pro&t iiml pleasure
Joseph Bauman. Cbarle* Bramisb.
a -otrknt- earner*. A dew of tbe
to. t’nion and south from imioa to
parade win be taken on Sixth straei. Jao Boyd. Fred Hebert. Imo Moran. KIgblh street, while all tbe luterven
The Hcexionx uf itH- ■■uneniion (u
vbM will abera aevoral blocks kmi- Eitbur .Veison.'ttonmUa Dnnn. Howi ing xireeis both eakt and west an-l day w'iJI tv In clurge of Ihc Hi'-hi
. Tomorrow will br a bIc day and If
C'brixiiHO Mlrxionary society, an
north and south, arc gmgenu l> ,ar
tbe woaibar is fair. Trarerra City wUl Lolu Forlon. tYlia Gibbs. AngusU rayed In strincx «r fiagx and lights orgapiuiloti pushing tbe fauae »>
•ae tba Udl«at and Unnel bnneb of HwnrMcJaeephjfee Klnnucan. MarloR" from one side to the other The mrr- Christ iu Ibe xiatc. Robert M. Hop­
dll**a* from all over the elate that McOoekey^-^llaftora fichnlgoa. Angc- ebanu have vle<l wUh each oilier, all kins. nailoDxl Bible xebooi xupertnever bonorer tbl* coaunanliy with U BdrwaUlta-. Kathleen Slater.
in tbe raw (or (be firwi priie of *j:. to tendend, witb beadquanerji at t'lncinbe given (or the best dixplay. Tbe naii: O. and hix l■rolber. Walter C.
yiidges all! bate no 'f inch " in l•eMow - Hopkins. xwpi'riDieoilent of .Michigan
iDg.tbix prise, for it K gnine to bc-a Bible s'-booU. wub bendquarterx al
Anr Arbor, both x|ioke In the Interest
big (irnposlilon to selcri tbe bexy-'
Tbexe lirollicrs are l«>ih
In lue arllxtlcalb beantllnl Itoe one
* ObATlfee AotFbGn* fe"d Ml** Leratu
Ara 'Now Complete.
! Ute best places tbene judftes will live wires in the lb-|d >•( >he B.ldc
Vattaaa Married Monday Ev*nl*a.
-go up against " I* Bill mil's xaluon on school and ibeir addr« ■<„]
Last evening, th^ ligbta (bai bate East From xtreei. Bill has used a ference will im rl a new epoch In
The WoddlBE of Mis* LocrUa Val- beeu strung on Ihc downura-n etreel*
twrj almple window into, but tl»c ariix Michigan HIb'c xchool *ork. '
leoo tomarnr at Wexford, and Cbas.
UlamlnaW- during tbe Elks’ con- lie inucb is (berr In tbe arrangeiueni
J. K. Shalleiilencer. wlx. spql(e it
A, Aotaettop of this dty was puleUy
tikw. were lamed on for tbe Onu of 'Uny purple and white lights on (be le men's l-anguet last evwning. spoke
Mdemnlsad at tbe borne of the ftoom* Ume and the effert assjone that ha*
Ihor ol the window, peeping out from also SI the morning.scExion on the
^ Mr. and Mr*. AucusUnc. lU never been seen here before upon
the general wwrfc of
arfiid blllowx of crei>e paper In the
bw Float oMet at < o'clock Monday *urn an oecaaloa. Strings of Incan,
*a lu the churrli
same color*. In the center of the w in
armdaE, Bor. 9. Alien Oanby offldat. deecent bolbe arc strouheC acrom the
Tfac oib< r Fcxsianx lor t<.day are
dor It the old famonx baseball squad
tnt. The Md* waa attended by bar main etreeu at .regular interval* and
and on either ride is a U-auUful plant fnUu-.': This afternoon M- J. Tani
MUer Visa Beeda Vallaan and Harry when ibelr’radlancc Is added to that
TbaMk all—bnt the idea bas been so of Delroil anad T. H Adstnx of Grand
rndkllBE acted as beat maa. Only a of tbe regular Umps the streets are
preUlly carried oat that the window Raisds w-ilL speak. This evening Dr
fbw frMadt of tbe contraoUac pertle* nearly- as light as at lalEday. When
attracts more than iwsatng notice. The Mary MiGavran and National Becrevoid Pfdwn. They wEI make tbelr Front street It viewed from one end
ci.'slde of ibc building Is Mahoraielv tary Grant K. t^wu will xpeak.
Borne i» uts etty.
to tbe other It U a sight not soon
Tomorrow tbe day will be opened
•d withjlagk and bunting. Next
Mr. EotoMMe Is a w«U known be forgotten.
iln tbe iwocfSIor acfavine comes the .Mil- with tbe session of the State Minlxpofeat man. and baa Uswd hero
tny of tbe bwMfeea* boosm have llkm store which wlU'make a strong tertal araociaiion. .J. T. McGaoer of
pvattrety all bis life. Eeveral montks added UgbU for (he occaMon and the M for the pHxe. Of coorae.
Detroit will speak on the theme.
a#oBa dlKl
effect Is pantculaHr pleasing to tbe
out of the ordloary -What Must I -Preach to hie Saiedr
«r by. Xotblag hes been *pared from Mr. Clxek. and be ha* been equal M. H. Garrard at Battle Creek will
wtE be DM mu eomedme durlot the In tbe way. of Qlamiaatlon and the to the oceaskm. From tbe top of tbe read a paper on ‘Moderaum.’' which
asMMM. Mr. and Mr*. AmosUiic nlghi ecenee during tbe weak will re­
building to (oar large square topped win be reriew-ed by O. E. Tom of
kiRO''«WP Msnd* who sriu yma tn
and tiMsrJ by tte ^
IrtQar* are ttreamera of trlagnlar«SM*dk|f haat Wlsbe* ai thi* time.
am the tity's guests.
(CoatlDoed oo page (wo.|


Ml mu WB8IR



PavemenU Were Tern Up and Ba^
racks and Prison Walls Fell.
Injuring Many V th*
Mexiro Cit>. juoc T-Thouxands
who Docked lo Uie • ilj today to wel■ Madero were thrown Into a |ianle by an earthquake sbock wbkb dam­
aged the city bnildlngs. It lx reported
(hit III) soldiers in the city barracks
were killed. Kn great damage w-ax
done ill Ibc - li.v proper, bnt fears are
enterialncl that sooth of ihe city suffe.^ great uatnage The sboek occur
reil jiixi !iei(.re daylight, patting out
> Ugh)
Men. women and ehil
dren ruxhed Into the streets half clad,
and terribed.. Many thought tbe (own
had been attack^ becansn df the rum­
bling noise. Soldiers and poIUe final­
ly quieted (he people TbeqiavemcnlE
mn the malii streets were ripped up
The shocks were trorwt on- tbe out
kkins.. where the city barrack* and
Belem priaon are IocbI^. The roof
fell In al the barrmcks. muhliig one
soldier, and the wailx (ell In on (lie
iners in Belem, injuring'a anm
Had*ro In City.
Wcxlro fiiy. Jane -T.—Thirty-four
wrw. six months and qlght days ader
Insum-^m 1‘orflrlo Wax marched Into
(be Hiy with a victorious army. Fraoclstti .Madero today rode Into Ibe cap­
ital (
FuHinan to to W* band at
making a genuine democracy of ihe
Mexican nailnn, Six siierial trains
liearlng rai-ltalixix and buxinewi men
irconiiuinietl Mailcro to tbe k-lty. The
deic.'raiions here are the moM etab
orate ever xeoa. Flowerx were'Mfewn
liy xiK-lety votnen apd ficoiix. Three
hundred thousand jirnionx oowjled
(bo streets awaiting Maderm

Disturbance Lasted Over an Hour at

strung friendship exists
President Taft and KtajHevrlt. no di­
rect pledge has laien given by Rnoseveil to nppon Taft, in 1SI2. From
a high «ource It was learned drtlnito
ly today that Ibe roloiml has In n«
way pledged him support


k is One ef th* BtraaB
Features ef the Soai«]r. Bam
quels Will he Framlnem'

Event Was Held at Home ef Mr*. C.
of the rhorches of GhtM (DtodBlaa)
L. Greilick. Tceebera Were
••( Michigan opened at tba Cbarch at
E^itertelned. .
Without doubt Ibe mist elaburwt'- Eighth sireet*. laat evealag. A good
:amber ^-dHegate* from all parm at
and thoroughly
da(be Flmwood Ave. Mothers dlub was
(hat held Tueedsy afternoon at tbe legates h tu arrive In tbe Ht^throMbhome Of Mrs- C. T.. OreUIck. 7uT out today. The ptogram oosiera imeMonroe streMU when tbe finbl meeting era] of (tie brutberhood InUreKa. 1W
ef the y-ear was romblDed vtlh (b>- opqsier-scnoon waa preacbed Met
annual receptlcm -toadered (be tearti eveoing by Rev. M. H. Garrard at
era (if this aetianl at tbe ciowe of each Battle Creek. It was s ftluiM OPM
tng of tbe coaventioa.
Tbe Ibena waa. -Tb* twAqnaaaaa
Fully mw hundred mothera and
teai-bers accepted tbe botpUalliy of of JosKs." Tbe to» Mare ♦:«. .
JeeiM was aet forib as mlqM la bM
S*rs Orrtlif* cm (bis ocnaskM
>r in (be btoiory of tbe <4«b has personality, in bM wetda and work*.
there beea,gtxM an eretit vfeich prov­ *nd in hit pla Mm- ikBg
hit mlasloa. tbe Bal*atlos''^ttaMrtieM
ed as'aoriallt^ecesefnl.
*Mrs. Gtwillek's besntlfiri taome wax worM. Tbe ptfsaaalKy at Clilrat was
filled with hundreds «( *pritig blow shown lo he tb* central power at
.. and (be scene of tbe many hap­ ChrlMlaniiy. Other reUftebe «*ra
py guests among Ibe .fiowi-rs was qaiia as nsHni and pouaa wRbool
ebnrtnlqg. Mrs GreiUck U loo well ibelr dirty as wllb him. and la wmar
known by many of her (Aends Who raaex the dMty U a bindaraace to th*
ided this event to require eom gystem. But not *0 CbrleUatsUy.
meni as to her abillir ns bnstewx and Christ htnisHf Is Iho central pfllar of
her iMwiitifui taunte life. Her b<«w. CbrirtUnity. Ill* moral* are parfert,
lx .(lirown open to her guests ■with a bis code of eiblca U tbe blibrrT tt*
cordiality that eanoot be tnUUken world ever (xx*. but h taka* more
bid* them wekoint. with a itaan a perf«t system of Ethic* tp
peraoiial word of greeting for each make a perfeH rallgioa tor mortaU.
Ho tbe eupretae acaompUabmaal for
and eveo' ouc.
(torisUsns is an latlmau knowlsdge
Ttae pfogram was cqwuied witli a
of Christ and elms it frtlimibjp with
piano solo by Mist Josephine Greilick.
him. Tbo speaker dwelt upoa tb*
fellow cd by a etann prayer by Rev W. (art (faal Jesua was tba wnader ef tb*
w. McKee. Miss,^rl MeCkWi then
first century, of tba proaeai conlary,
rcttderxd a
lu a volne that
and most wrer remain to* woader of
la full of aweeiuesx and -power and
all age*. Jewus Is nniqae also la hM .
her inanocw of rendKton lx ao eiriklng
words and works. W* bsva but *
that *be never (alls Ju win •dmirem.
Very ptrtUl raeord ot wbat be mM
.Miss Alberta Lehman favored with
sDd did. but fals words and daads
rerilalioe that was well given The
bare been Uio AaaplratkM of OH
.exi number wax i yioUn solo by
wonby meraturo and Itoble mora' ac.<omp- menu in human aoHMy. Tb* ualnim-nt bj fals xbter Miss Qsle Ueardqueoeu of Jeaus in hi* pAaa Cor Ibe
aley Mr. Beerdiley^ax at his best
(Coailniied on page two.)
I dlfflnilt sc in (Ion fanlUessly gtv
Mr>. Homer Howard, prewldeot of
the club gave an Inspiring address ibal
was itotened-in wWi the jcreaiot in
lerest by all Tbe thoughu express­
ed for others bespoke in a simple
mcr Hie clixrarter oS the npesk
oratorical contcbt
ei. Mrs Howard bas beld tbe office ot
prekldeni for the past year and got beniora Depart From Uensl C
nnco iiax she failed In her duty,
and Will Held Me R
This yaar.
while tier watchword has ever seeta.
ed to Im 'give (be be»( of yonraeM
Mat mertiag of tbe setoor <dam
(o lliowc alioiit you."
Rev. Flewx. and Rev. focbilh wh held yesterday anereooo was opa «ff
msrtlags ef tb*
gave a xlioc’ addre^ (hat wax fully
The Hass have on hand a earea>iyed . I'r'H I B. Gilben ax one of
(b<- gue>ts of honor gave a farewell plus of oonsidetsbly over $l«* after
addrcM. speaking of Ms ifUlghl iti cloelng np all tbe prejecta whleb have
having lieen aWr to watch rhe growth baea undertaken this year, and at tide
of this prograaalre Hub of mothers, meoUng It was decldad to art said*
aliirh has proved Itxelf a help tu Dot tbU amount to be put oot at IntonaL
only the araoolx. the papib wad teaefa- liOa Interest wUl go nnnnaJly to porera but has dooe mnrh (or tbe upHR chaae a nmdal (or an oratorical am(e*L Tbe fund olU be known aa tb*
and benefit of (be city
serving of light rebesbment* Idu oratorical (wlM fund and tb*
bron^t a How lo ili:« iPIightlul af­ prise will be known ss tba 1911 ormiorternoon Mrs. tire.'i'k bad mad- pos iral prite. A( tbU.raeetlBg It was aMo
decided to pay up certain btlM oaoslble f<rr li‘-r gurxlx
tracud for by other orgmaltatiOM ts
the KhooL wbicb these organMaUaM
pay. A vecy lively dM-ussloo took piooe wbea tb* i


Ann Ailor. Mich. Jiiue T,—One of
tbe beavlesi earthquake shocks ever
rerpeded here orcurre.1 at i- o'clo.-k
morning ami ou'ineed for an
hour and a bat:' It
■rsUinaicd to
miles r'var.
Washington. June 7.-Tbe most xe
vrre earthquake sJiock ever reconled
tiniveraiiy occurred ul « o'clock Uiix
morning, la-xiinc ow-r an iioar.

Gary Admitted Steel Tr«*t Owns
6.000 Acres in Connellsville
Coal Ficida

WrtThiiic't-ti .lun<* 7 riiarging that
the fulled .'xiaics Steel i'or|inratlnn tx
negntiatfne a pra'-tical luonopol) in
enkine coal iu ili«- PlitxSiirg <Rxld. Rob
C Hall, a I'lilxbure brokK._nyl*v
Mr. M Mn. »llhv « —™"«““
fnends was breugbl up. Tb*
iDierrupU-.l the invexiigsUon comBii'
.. Monday Evening.
about evenly divided e
and aM'Mindcd il>c membcix
quoling Senator tllicpr of PenniA
R«>- and Mrs, A A All.«gtoni>jue*tloo and the discussion b*
rather healed, but at last the d*
»«i* HX ^uihnrfy for the charge. wcT.. bouort-d Monday evrniiig
Gary wax nn the xiand again lodaY thej -were teudeted a (arew«-;i ix...qu‘: jcnl-d A» depart from the tunal
recoptioa wlB Me
and Wa>- quer'ioned by Stanley regard­ ti behalf or (h- I
ing the ‘oal Deldx of tbe steel ^r|>o- Park fongregatfonaj. church where
ratioa. Gary admiticH that (be trust Rev AJUngton bas be-a panor (iir the
n, tn (he epn past three year* Pre*.iily d»-r.!aicd
oHl.vllle field.
Uble* Wen .i.preBd in the Finn Ward
hall where (tie first tne-tsnga •>! (hi;
church wer.. beld. Covert* woe .U;d
t is First CAM
Hi; and dlrecUy fo.1owiiIKg It
of Local Gradoeto to ComSt Principal Perry of Oak
k <•*•
pirt* Caorao.
fcIkbM hi * few sell cbisien sorda
"ANY NOTABLES FAY TRIBUTE pEwsr-nfed Mr and Mr* AlHnrtftB *l*h
nearly os ran be traeod. Mtot
a hsDdwNne pur** cDinalm'ng Ik' Margaret -MoSatL daughtor of Mr. and
with (be txal wlxbcs at tb- -nOre Mrs. n C Uoffait. who Is a moabar of
Frasident TsfL Roeeevett. Viet ftaeitbe 1911 senior claes. Is the fitrt ttoOd
a* Jubilee of fUSlacc coming here Rev mai Mrs. at any memlier of former gradaetlng
spected FreUta.
les to bare Batebod a high aebeol
Atlinginn and lhe:r fricDds have made
aiion lo tbe cMy. Tbe socemd Hass
many frleud* nn (be east sMc where
Balilfflorc. Jane
Prnident Tafli their work bas been and many were of which Mr*. .Moffatt was a aaamber
gradimted In lUd. only s*v«
Cohmel RooeetHt.
Vlce-Prealdent the exproeeloa* of regret last evening
Sherman. Chief Justice ^Mrtte. Gov. on the part ot thoee wbe ha** known
them beat. pcrsoosHy as well s* In A aaantt at a eantarr
Crotbecs and one
Tnca attended tbe gnMei JabUe* of (be work of the rtiureb. Rev AlUnk- ■tnee then bad today tba class
Caxdlul Olbbaas wfeiefe was cwlabrat- we IcoTce aaoa to iak*'>p. bla now ^ tt. tbe largiM
cd hero today.
.ctaanm at Gaylord.
from tba Inal Ugh


1 j



t'AGK 2.

Imme Httald
liDl TnwtruUiU0»


an wosar SKacssBr-'
Wonderful Praise Accorded Psnmatin HousekeM Renwdj




of kls mto^ emtau to
Us mtoMfiftary PoHcy.-a awd givaa
A Mg wealam Mfrhlgan devUopeat meetlag will be held at Olen Ar­
with Ike wimmaai
to go Into all the worM aad pruaeft
bor. Leelanan coostr. on Wednesdar.
Mrs. Maria Oowia, Ortaata, bklaThe aton to net such as wmGd
Jnne 14ih. at the farm of D. H. Dar.
commend Hscll to ordlaary human
prealdeat of the barson. This meet­
O. «»ifn
-»«. bu tbe, resolu are ftord
ing will ebaatst of an orchard demoBvBjrs hasp them la tbe haaai la owe of
of the wisdom of Ch.-lsi's plan Tbe
Jon and talks br offlcars of tbe
aiDMity. I wai wtMd to beallb hr
speaker refetred to-ike ptngrass of
baraau. Tbe orchard work wOl be la this medSclne, and Dr. Hartaiao's la.................. 4Ht miesioss In all ike world and cloacft
^rtee Bad books. PM '
...2200 and >p
with s loochrng scene from the vBfrom dlgereat piseis,;
lage 111.- of the rigtcas of Africa.
given br President Dar of the banau. ; aaqwtsed that l esadoalloCmy
John I. OlhaoB. eecretarr. and P. A.i workalowe,aadthat 1 waeatmdby|ba
Ibc program of the oeoveatloB to­
day oreoed this moinlim ' at »:(«
(Cootiaoed ftvft pegs one.)
mlUee.. Tbe day is to be made a pi
shaped flags r>r :.urple enJ white. Oa o'cloch In Ue laterest of tbe Chrlsteeracbe ami eamrrb of
nic day tor Iba western half of li
isc's Board of Mkssiens. The
my ooe of catarrh of tbs Ibroel. WbsB tbe lop of ea -:. pillar is arraaged a
t»r<an ooaatr and tbe (araMrs and frUt I waestek 1 wMghodMOpocndst Bowl clnsier of lighu with fringe of purple speecbca by protnincot women were
growers are laaltad to come and take weigh 140.
aad white bnnifng tonuing a shade. Inspiring, end tbe reports most gratipart In the meeting
“I bsve regained my health a^ia. and Juft^rer tbe door to s large clock tylng Indeed. This society to prob­
ration and tbe I oaaool thank yon enonsh tor your with hknds polailng the hour of II.
ably the most wonderful orgsnlxatioB
BdTtoa. May God give yea a Icmg Ue
niuatrated lectore. 'A Pnrmer
Tbe Elks' temple has been coavart- of ObristlsD women for mtoshmary
L im. at the poatstflc* tt Every FOrtr." are aebadnled tor Dal- ■Ad tOMi ywurwMk;”
wort In the world. Tbr program of
ed Into a bower of lovetlocM. with
air. Mtch..
o* Act
tr. tor Pridar aventhis society eorers all of today. One
amlreds of spsrUag Ilghu and nu•r Oovrm 9( lUrek t, ISTt.
ln«. JoM »th.
of the groaisst worker* in the negro
was quite severe. It stroek Joseph
A Dieellnc of the cxecutiT* commit- AmtaboMhler'a carriage shop, damag­
problem, director of echoes and mis­
Ibe building/rom top to bottom.
te« of tkc Woaten Wcblsma Dewriop- ing tbe building to
sions •vppened by the C. W. 8. M. is
' Two tarsc electric signs. B P. O. E, in
tncBl bnnoa has boon colled
Ruth Lautner Is vlsttlng her Meter. pon>le and white lights are going to at the convenUOB and spoke this af­
Thursdar, Jane 8tl>. At Utl* time the Mrs. lYank Sleder. south of the dty.
ternoon at S;W) o'clock. Other fee
show np Jhie when tnraed on tor the
work of pKporlnf the l*tl Ulaiuated
ires of today's program s?b a speech
Mrs. WencQ Lautner U aomewhpt flr»t l>me tonight.
TNB PRESIDENT ON RECIPROCITY maemoe. “Vimtent Michl^. rniii
by Mrs. Harriet C. Jeoalngs of Ann
improved at fhU writing.
Piaalileat Taft made a vuu to Chi- With Ftoeor," will be besim ud one
The Dreamland -theater ts beemlof C. W. B. M
.Miss Martha Raasch Is speadlag tbe
cam laat week. Us main oblect-baloK
two new llnee of work tahan ap. week wHh her sister. Mrs. Edward fully decorated Inside aad out. flags Dr. Mary MacOararan of India toU of
dna iec
wiMsUaa the peoUe of that dtr np- PUoB will ^lw> be mode at tbla dme
aad bunting forming the |■r1nclpaI feat- her woric. Tbto evening there will be
lautner. Jr.
the laniprodtr-^ onaatloii. plao to for the exhibiu pronlaed tor the Bwet
Tbe Plm National bank build­
pW C ov
one by Bobsn M. Hop­
Miss Ida WMler has retimed borne
>v them that tbetr aaaaton In tne of the Wwtem MlcUcan Preas
ing to a picture ^niifni to look up- kins. NstiOMl WUe school aaperinafter spending some Ume at Maide
iMitnfbiS were takUs a wrong view club at Cadillac In September, tfid the
oa. while the Sheftuan ft Hunter store, tendem. sod Mr. Ylng U, of China.
right next door, to not to be outdone.
dm H BO ilioe dul cu gm you m vact cev.
apple Bbow In Grand Baptda In NoMrs. A. Sayder and Mrs. Prank'Sny-'
Tbe Hotel Wliuing and Klu»k Bros,
der visited at tbe Kronpas Tuesday
saloon are aiuoog ibrmoM elaborately
pment barean moetliuBi are to aftarnoon.
trimmed on the south side of the
be held in Charievotx. coantr
Bdward Lautner. Jr., to
atreec Flags. Elks' emUems. togeUlbr
lows: Hondar. inne l»tb. St.
raise hto barn Monday.
wIUj yards of purple uad whlto bunting
a session of said ooort bftd at This evening s baoqu.-i fur ih* wo­
»dfW>e»? with Cana^ whldi Preat- Wednaadar. Jnae 21. Uaide Orore
Julius miiu
and .tuu^
Tony At
IIIII,iiMivi iiiei vent
the probsic ofilce. In tbs city of Trav- men and another for ibe men will be TccfhCzli
t Taft gave here on Shtvdar.
Grange ball: TbuIWay. Jnoa 22. Ma- to Petoskey ^turdsy oa the eacuralon. end hundreds of electric light bulbs erse
City. 1b said coanty. no the Slat features of tbe day's work
have wrought a most iiraseniable siv day of
axtask toat It U read br the eon- tMo Center Grnnga hell; Priday. June
May. A. D.. l»tl.
Tomorrow the Mkhigao OBrisiton
ly WltevtPsta
■ents nf'aenatom who vw oonnled 22. South Arm Orange ball; Saturday. ftftftftftft^ftftftftftftftftft-ft pearanoe.
Present. Hon. Prod B. Walker.
Mlaalonary Society will have charge.
Tbe Hannah'* L-sy MercaoUle com Judae of Probate.
mat radprod tr It wlU serve the June 24, Walloon Lake.
By tbe “Ka-oiar" matkad 1 su re­
la tbe matter of tbe estate of Caro­ Her. J. U. Slater of Minneapolis, a
peso the president had In view In
AdverUeemenU teUing about tbe ftftftftftftft^ftftftftftftftftftft pany'B store, tbe Stole bank building
achlw tM(k ahaaMsiy
A. T. Steward, deceaaad.
very brilliam and powerful speaker,
and tbe RUbelm block are among the line>bn
dng her*. Convlnea constltaeDU meriu of western Mlohtgan as s fruit
W. PatebiB baring filed in said bas been eagaged at conrenUon wukont pain, and wUbont the mb
elaborately trimmed business
It win not be BO dlfflcalt to conrt bis petliUon praylag that said ^leaker and will deliver three ad­ drags to prodnea aaeonaeloMMM.
^I7S(—.Nathan Hale. American RevoPeople
tevpefnaaK aad
iaUoaary hero, born In Coventry. Conn,
pedally pretty. Strings of lights from' weib at tbe lime of her death tbe legal dresses St the., seasiom ' tonsorrnw.
^t is hard to see how an? farmer
rnted by Uie BriUsb. Sept. 22, m«.
of sau deceased aad
id entIUed to Other importocl IWIsker* arc on tbe
tbe sidewalk to the top cl the State 'Mn
rand ttw president's cogent srgn- been ignorant of tbe reaooreet of tl
Inberlt tbe real ostate off which said program.
bank on two sides of tbe building is
iderfol region are baglnnlng
a and tall to be oondneed. The
orator, died. Bon In Stndley.
spectoentar, to say tbe least.
It to ordered that the 24tta day of
iptlan that reciprocity would lo- take DoUce.
May 22.1726.
Or. Fralick drove ever from Maple 206401 M'ilbelm Block, with Ito. PrlgT
All along Stole street are decorated me. A. D.. 1911. at ten o'clock in tbe
wunh, Traverae aty. Michigan.
fcla persoaallr la disproved by
lira?—Tbe Jesuits' eotlege. church
apr iMBsaaara^r
bnalnesa places, tbe Park Place hotel. forenoon, at said probate office, be and aty today In hto car
H would not cbekpen tbe
Is hereby appointed tor boartag said.
id msny oU>er buildings burned In
Morgan's and Germaine Bros.' Uver'
. ft Montreal.
I of hts piodDcts. It would not ft
baras toklng tbe lead. ,
It to furtl
urtber ordered that public a
♦ ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft
r-the value of Ms land. 'On
6212—BHUah deetated the Ameri
'* thereof
reof be given by pUblicallon
iwry tt k-mU give him a better
canakt Burlington Helgbfr
cepy of this order, foe- three su
plaoes to the Amleruon undertaking cesslve weeks
Peppier have gone to Bowera Harbor
M for manr of fals products,
1862-Mewpbls token by Uie federrooms. “The South Side Ueauiy Spot'
i teable him to enme to better for tbe anmmcr.
bas been made the center of color,
r primed and clroustage in the stock raising IndnsMrs. Rarlck bas returned (iwra Bv1872-ConstnicUon of the 8L GoU»Isyth floral and omauicnul. Tbe vin- isied Id said county.
erett. Wash., to her borne near Hay- %rd tunnel through tbe Alps begun.
dowa are also very pretty, great boHeld.
%aaJ«us tbst. It would give
Judge of tTobale. * *
l»l-«r John Macdoonld. Cuuadton
ijueu of purple carnations feaioring
June I. 8. IS

( he needs greatly-«beaper
Charles O'Coutof aad family, who pramler. died. Bora Jan II. 1815.
the floral displays.

I ft
Asd yet there are farmen
1»07-Klng Oscar and Queen Sophie
bai'e been oeonpylog Mra. Barick's
And so It to. all up and down every STATE OF MK'HlGAN. tbe Probate ;ft
M of docepttva. argumenu.
boose, have movod to Klagftey.
Coutt lor the County ef Grand w
business street In the city—
helpteg out tbe lumbar toterests
Several ^Idreu of tbe vIBage «rc wedding
everywhere—and on all sides
Mhar special interests which tor sufferiug with measlas these warm
At a awskm of said Oourt. held at ft
JUM 7.
happy. smUIng Ska. from all ove
tbe Probate Oflke In ibe Oiy of
SdUUh reasoni are oppodeg days.
1618-Slr Thomas West. Lord de la state to be seen.
Traverse CUy la said Umaly. oa ika
Those Ihtereau are putWarr.
Guy Tandervoort is to be cnagratoTomorrow opens with a rush 24tk day of May- A. 1>. toll.
•ITiBoney. and through their hired laled on the position be has reestv^ was named. dl9d in tbe Anores. Bora
Presem. Hoo. Fred R. Walker,
and from dawn to evening there will
Judge of Probate.
Its ^ dUinbuUni deceitful clrcoin Hampshire. England. July I. U77.
'fakeaman on oae of the pas
blng doing every minute.
In tbe maitor of tbe estate of Loto piisM the pnUlc mind against
1765-^rst American oongraas call-,
Seld Brown.- Decaaaed.
He farmer ahould. be tonnd puUad by vnta of the Maaaa«b«matu as.
E. E. Miller having filed In said
m the^TheatiiDts out of tbe Bre for
coon hto final account as admlnistrsThe Bpworth leegue gave a social •embly.
ke k»Apalls1t that have becu prey- last Priday evening which wad a de­
of said estate, and hto petlUoo
IMl-Tbootos Prands MaiwhaU. tapraying for ilie aHowanoe tkareof.
os 14;di
cided Bueoeas. both from the eodal and oui Keniueity orator, bore In Prmnkh to ordrred. that tbe 19th day of
The preddent makes a tiling polnl financial point of rlew,^ Over seven
Jum- A U. *1911. St u-ii ojclock to the
-herreealls tba furloas opposlUon (tcllnrs was cleared, and eiWri tedy refureiiooii. at said Probate Office. Nsnd to herel
Hereby i
il (or cxawiu- g
Itr with Cuba, porto lUoo, poru a flne Ume.
I848-\S*tilg eoBveniion at Pkllsdelsllowinj. .
Philippi^: There ware
Mrs. Sbarman Says and children pbls MmlDsied Esebary Taylor foi
further ordered, that ptibli.-1 '
of fearfol idissiK
lief, hut tn
,me from Traverse City to attend the president.
notice theroof be giteu by pub-l '
> there bas been a great In- Epwonh league eorlal.
I 1S8P—Congress spproiirtated .1100.
licattoo of -a espy uf -ihto u.-^der.: *
'or three succewsite weeks pre ; »
l|| Awmriian tWa. That would
Miss Marlon Gibbs
B In Traverue 000 for tbe erection of a memorial of
lous to wsiil day of hearing, in the. a
I tnevltable wnseouenea of reci- air Tnesdsy.
CorawaUla' surrendw at TorVtown.
Grand Traverse HeraM. a newspaper g
r ^ih CanadA- Thare would be
Miss Edith Bridgman ta
1893—Edwin Booth, famous actor,
printed and rirculsied In said county.. %
products ba­ fng finished ner school year
aX Ben- ifted In New Yoih city. Bora near Bal5'IUfiU K. WAiJvEli.
: '
ss the two c
Judge of P.-obslc
jtlmore. .Nor. 18. 1822.
May 25 Junt 14.
ho otherwiae than beoeflclal ..
lM5-^Norwa.v withdrew from tbe un♦
k Om special banaBt wltlcb would
toB wHb Sweden.
STATE OF IITOHIOAN, tb.- Probite •
rsa « tbo Gnttod eutaa would be
1910—Ctoldwtn Smith, taatws au­
, Court tor Ike Cbunty uf Grand * ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft
BBS^rvalloo of eerutn natoral re- ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ft thor and |•ublictsu dlq* In Toronto,
A number of famines from Ibis [Bora In ftoading. Eaglaod. Aug.
. held at
RSB iMe% hare bean drawn oo too
fit)- of
Tke couniry would also be
uilon day! 18S2,
Tiaverse t'liy la said t'oumv. on the
i^rctocs In the rjly.
tbe grip of tba
:ith cloy of Uuy
Tbe |»nr ai E. Strobm's 8aitiplay|(
1‘rcwiK. Hull. Fitwl
udgr uf rroUsta.
Th« ikoeldent nainc to the west to evealag was well auended. All rc-^
A 2V: b p. Ogaoliae SBfiM
In ihi- niaitrr af Hu- «-si«
OWslp Ha people ao.aaiaaten- ported bavlaf a fine Uma.
lenry Hslnstoch. Dreenood
be uiiuted. % policy
E. C. Btiioktor hsttog Bind i
Chlrago. June 7.-Mlrhlgsn potatoes
C^liinli-r lsirr. 6 incln-w. sirnk^ 4|fx iadHft
Milt «th good (or theft and all are spending tbe week at Anthony
luri hto iretitluin: praying lor I
are quoted at 4«U4Sc; new at |l.20«
r Cl#0BB of the republic He has Snyder's.
The netod lay evaftpsitoL Edward ) sell at privsto sale the liitcmi <>: [
.. ......I ■l. -.ik’ii ln«t iiiatcrisl. II»pl>er OOOigA
The electric ■tom Meadv nIgM L85.
E. Mlaras. of Grand Rapids, win asslei asM evtotv 111 certain real estate
iklgtert. Now let theft do ihalra.
Wciplit. :i'«i 111. ."‘tarts '-sklly. ruiM ftCkdOr,
therein drarrRmd
the psftor. the Rev. J. W. Etsnten. In
f vOros shonU be heard ranmg
is l■■-olIl1llii<-al.>li-, liiirahle nud eonplflti
ftpmlirely on tbetr senaton to pass
tdriaa ef meetings ts bs|in Oimday, Juuc. A.
with i>iill< V, KiivotiiH- lank, battery, eeil nd
UuSale. June 7.—Ouile—ftorelpts. June 11.4n the M, E. church. Inland forenoon, at said prubste offiew. be
noltorgr tba rerlprorltr bill.’'
rgadp (e m pour gepgrstftr,
hereby appoint.->1 for hrartug
•T ,50 oars; active, steady, M.M. Calvos tcwnahlp. Oderps K. Gibson, svango
wikmI uw or ptiui|i or tiu any oihrr dvtp
ilHon. and tlisi sll gersoBs In-rArilva. 50c
|S.T5G».:5 list aataist and chorus issdsr, of DaMidi II d<" .npii'-iiy of 2d. h. |>.. iM-ru|ii4ft
Mm. K. C. Sames rstumed Estu^
I In aald eviste appear betorw
Iflbaep aad lambs—Active, firm. Mao Irtlt, will site taka s prcminsnt pari said court, st >sld ilui- sad pU<«. lu
2x2*. ft.
eT.'i. kleiiufgeturi'd by
Oiy rroif the souiii: wU>tv-she *|icm
1D7.I6, Ha«t-Artlve. be hlftter. 81.40 In tha maelings.
show cauM shy s Ikwuse to sell ibe
Hto wlotor.
06 40. eloalog at 56.2501.80.
•ath ef these men have had large laierest <if said estotr In said real
ftlssnhsImsF. who was token
eetsu sbeuld not be granted v
anparience and have mat with ms'kod
fteh last nlghi to noi t-ipecisd to live.
..os In thsir work. Thsss meetinga notiue ikaraof ba given hi publlratMto
Cblo^. June 7.-Wbaat. «Wc.
copy of this order, for three sotha of the deapaat intsraM to ttia
wttola eemmunity. and an eamset In- cossive weeks provloui to said dak
of bearing. In the Oihnd Traverat
vluiton is satended ts sH to attend Herald, a newspaper primed wad rlr
eutotad in said county.
Judge of Probate
Mky 25 June M.
h b like boyisf directly frtrai
ttft coBpaay operating the
larfttl paint sod van
It bfti tiwtjt ban the Eim of the i
Ih Ibe world—G>e makan a#
the "Acme Qdalily" pateft,
'o( thn hiak. to mshe the priocif4« tadedjiag the
: Hanaab ft^ Cb
eaaseU, stain*. varsiahM.
‘ coBdod o( eB ki gtein petiec^ deer bo kr depoitt*
You can get exactly what
yon want in tbe




Douglass & Keltogg

tkvUM m nA 3,100

. All deposits made in out
Savings Department dining
1st . these dates will draw three
2nd'>Opet cent intered from the
first day of the month.
At this bank you can start
' a savings account with a de­
posit of One Dc4lar or more.
We invite your account



Oldes*, .Largest i

ihU pari «l Ike Stale.

The unie Wonder


WM. JAOKiOit, rnuggsg Oity. MtoUpa.


At we do hot Ure MitkieDt ipace a tfaa dne
leesiikiftellcrf the Mitten nleli^ to aofe bi^i^
; we
pnieot ■ wria d tA> m hsihisf, pmeaft
■Bf ihooc festorat of hoeacui BiUm tfagi are both
, flttireiinf hod impoitML

XMtr Csaiial at li. S. Ttoasiiry.

Wbasi FoaDiir
Pmkrt Harm



Siniday June llth
......Zk Grand
i^iyirroc*..........*" Ttek wil lesve Treoene Qfy



: : -SZ


Trareno Oly MlUhaf Co.


Et MX) h. m. ReMiiiK lesrc


ToMiHhr^ Cimi

EPtrCDta AUiwaiDa
Ttot PtpDDllE

kind for touching thiDgs up, paiming inside or sooide,
Of for any ocher use.
In buying. a»fc for tke new
ktokoriv—‘The Acme Quahty Paioang Guide Beak.’*

Waif’s Drag Store .






AaU TttAvkH^ BAT '

teowa as PbasUla Mat, aa* of tba
mm desliwble of tb* mar aamater
rrsoru Ui this regloa. Mr. H«a(«r
Tber* was a ^eeUag of aU ibe eoiih
*• stated that be had speat net* than
(PnUB TnaMUr'i Ri
I test bight ami the ■*-«■»• war*
towaship aad gt;;«0 la referwlataiaa aad otkerwtae
YiM Irst officer ^ ttac.
ready for the apenlag of the
rnromliTaai ar* giv-*^''*^'
Wesford t-ouair Tiicat.ts arrlr* In (kg cicjr «u C. £. U
■eaaoa. and *rtll be prepared to aseef
lag aaeb devotkM to tbalr wart that. It
ot CkhinM. Lrtusrar ^ tke
all bU old -patiwns and maar new
M MlMna U« Ml b. c'
Tbt Mtt
daeud with Uttle or m
oragular tripa betweea Tbarh aadsoaea.
M k—*.Wtfk» WtMilMlllW. «« MMk “*«ilag Hks wUJ raglster at th* Ulaad for .be beaedt of tb. pwN.l* of 1 «. P. Oaliab of Grand Rapid* la id
‘ > dir
B. Ltfvnr. prMkIeoi board of trad* Informnloo barean.
“ *"«
with friends.
4 tkg
eiis. arcompulgd bs wb*(* tber mt aacar* tbclr bodcaa.- '***“
accoaipaoied by a naid aad a
Harry Raod cam*.op frem WhH*
(Mr lUBfbtar. Tb« HewatJfu) badgM bare bisea aemred
larhidwl t. J. MrtOrttt ud tor the ladles, and these raa also be '*»>• »"‘'ed In the city Monday nighi Cloud yesterday to aiwad aomo time
**'* '**'• “oralng-tor Kdgevood. her* 4-Uh frteadA
|dt» «nd }«gnna iUade. all of SM- had at the bQxaaa. Socretar}' HoU*y
Hr. VtioBMa reaebad her* Uat of tba bwrdwf trade wUl aalst the locottar for
Geert* A. Meor* and aen of Kan­
Mcesaarr ^ soason. On* of the cottages Is al sas «iy arrived Ust evening to visit
it aad *•* MtorUlMd la the dob cal ooraBlUM la
latornmlen. Already the hotels bare
Wrs.'Tboiaai Oelt of in this region for some lima
a br.ioM Dka.
I Tba adruc* «iihn] for the
bad scores of reoerratioas for looMS. ®W. R .Taylor ef KaUasaaoe mad* a
•* Edgewood the S2rd of boelaess t^p to the dty yeeterday.
I win anire to a apedal PdJnaa but (be hotel cotoaittee. of which »*•*
I th* Per* Mar«actte UOa CTenlhC- Oeoiw* E. Amlotu la cbalnoaa. has
etiaa Ceroeeon ef Ionia ia vieHlof
r wm be tBM br th* k»c«] receprelattvee and (rieoda In (be city dur­
I eeanlttM aad escorted to their
ing tbe Elks' reunion.
e all who desire lodging.
is «v«Uat *t tb* elab mas.
Time, Mil c a. U< d.l .c 1»1»C «.u™~i1M.O. Olson Road retumod to Central
apedi»« and was Ijtke (bU morning after spcwdlag
I Tb* b*bp>* of Trararss City are loy- Kwaands of vUltors will 'attend the “
Monday here on busineas.
'' 7 stbpertlag the Bks la tbeir pre|>- celebration. In addition to the.hotelsbefore being captnred.
Misa Mb* P'rintup ef Kalkaafca ra**•'' bydla HblllsUr Ilea vary ill at
ratlobs io entertaia tb* vialOag aad rouauranisSaad public dining
Tb* BMfcbaaU ir* doiag yootas. Beals wm be serred ,oB hoar*
H” Ernest twmed to her home there today arier
the t«st few days with
-ho Ihre. in the Groilick bloclL
» aad bettor downUag tbaa ever tbe «Mmer >Umorl IroB l'o'clock.
I. abd the «Hr wlU preSMtt a
The cur opera boas, baa biwa .*■
*blch there U no hope of revblcb.wlll cTMte enred for tb* use of rlsiong Elks
:^4 aplMdld lapresskm opon the rlilt- where they can pat on their vnlforias. oovery.
. R. Floyd Clinch
Chaa. Tromm auffered a painful u;!'
Da.: Ibe ptogram win b« lasuod (or the parade. Tbe Trarerae CItr
city and will remain during the Elks'
Idar aad caa be seeorod at tb* beteU. Btks will Beet In (be lodge rooms at jury Wednesday -shiie at work on rennlou.
MS places aad at the beard of 10:30 Iburaday Boralagito prepare to tbe foundation of tbe new table far(.owl* Pratt arrivsd from Oetralt
(cry under coosirurtlon on tbe west
bvdao of IntoTTBation.
eater the Un* of klarch.
aide of town. U r. Tromm was tulng a yesterday, called by the death of bU
heavy sledge hammer and when It father the Hod. E 8. Pratt.
Jam** louden of -Grand RapWt is
cam*«dovn it struck him square on
I arcoBpanied by her mother.
the tbnmb. suiashlng ihe end of it In the city lo spend several days with
George Cook, wife and aoa of WeiIt It not thought that amputa- (riqadt and relativss.
ford arrived today to «ialt relatives
Howard Creilick ef th* Ford Meter
neebssanO. P. Carver Wednesday here.
Martin Doran went to Traverse
Thw Boll Telephone ha* bMn in­ Work* of UMrelt Is here lo apend a
riiy today on bnsloea*.
stalled in the Dureau of Information wreek with friends end relatives.
Mrs. ByWI Baker arrivsd yeeterday
and tbe number Is S6. This puts the
Tb* ITa^dNe City poatonec wUI
MASSBureau In complete communication from TViroli to attend the funeral
Mwed baa^ Wedoeaday at which
hire. G. C. Pray made
'er O. P. Carrerretlred verse Cliy Thursday.
with alt the resorts in this vlrinltv. of the Uir.Jion. K. S. Pmii.
Rey Cravjtt ef Bay City Is visiting
Ulss Onle Uiidsey e.
... .. .
frieods nnd,relatives during the Elks'
^•e dotiea of the oiniw. Ur. FrlddMcb SawaMka club Thtt^ay, Jane tnd
.Ibwlag recelred hit eommlMlon WedPBRSONAL MENTfON. '
♦ reunion,
Mist M, O. Herron arrived yoetsrMr. Csrrer has served six %
Mim. rive»i«ii
day aftemoun frtun Cleveland. O. to
mbs over his regular term Baking secreurv, Mrs. Bertie M'arden: assis­
T. J.
B|>end some time in the city.
e yaara Odd ten WMBtha that he has tant secretarr- »lra. Mabel «iaw;
treasurer. Mrs. -Hattie Warden. J(e- e|.ii( months In t'allfoinla. returned
J. C. Sullivan, W. H. Matehett. and
f tbo paaiUqa of pnmiua«er. freabmenlB of k-e cream and cake :
last night.
G. H. Nichols of Hancock are gnesia
were served, nil returned at a late
Mr. and Mr*. L. Mahn arrived front of friends' and relatives for a few
hour and pronounced MIsa Onto an
B An oteetHeal storm visited this ,vl- able
hltiakegoti last evening to s]iend some d*)-a.
Or .. Hammond made a trip
ir.hBbday which severed teletime la the city.
Mr. an^ Mr*. Chao Glbeen ef CreenTravera* CUy Monday.
w win* 4n ceveral places.
Q. W\^ker of Grand Rapids is rille arrived in the city yesterday to
Mr. and Mra. Bd. .Norman of WellI dames Cobnap aad wife attended
anaariiac business in the chy.
s|>end a week with Mrs. Glbeon'a par­
“ ) ddhce at Cedfr Ran Saturday
Suadsy. The.v were vary favorably
G. P. Collar left this morning for ents. 3lr. and Mrs. V. E RoUnd. a^d
amick with onr country and
Ann Arbor after'sitending the past few to attenil (be graduating eserxla^ ^
IB Kama was a Traverw .
ed it "nae." ThrJ eay (
days here with friends.
<0w anrday laai woeh •
Mrs. B. Frank Wright of OMrei^
come again.
SVank Wymont and Juba Osborn. ly Clifford
MIsaes Gayl* GrisvMld and Man
3d aon. R P. Smith, of Medina. Wu
Pray i
both tbe mis
tret Ward spent Sunday aa guests of passed through the t-liy today <m ib*'ir
wHomy * fow
3llss Nell Keai at Petoskey.
way to .S'orthpon. to spend several
MIt* Mabel Parrish of Grand Rap­ weeks.
--h^tKw*TWvenis cSy tIbIUmw
ids Is siwtinag a few <lays In the city
M. and Mra. Frank Willard arrivad
Wc wish to thank tbe G. A R. boys
Mta. 6^>oni and Mrs. Paynt
the city Saturday olghl from Band
le Royal nolghbora. th* arangera.
Oder Baa
P. H. Read of Pori Huron will visit Point. Idaho. Mrs. G’Ulaid was for­
Id (be many meads for tke beautiUr. Koari._.
frleads in the city for a few days.
toad of bod to Honor for ths form­
merly .Miss Mabel CAwto* of this cUy.
lown daring the tickneaa and death
Albert Msafey was In the city today who went waat nearly four yeert ago
ulas J^HsIleek. tbe lesebe'r here „ our huaband and father. Un. Hol1 business ronnet ied withI his”
1 I hotel anil matried last August. They are
i wo-weeks ago on ac- iHtxdt aad children.




»e* vIMtlv tor pnrasu. Ur. aad Mra.
H.. E Cbwlan. of Blair wwmaUp. aad
w(k probably make thto their borne. '
A. H. VanKeolin of CodUloe le
spending a few day* la tbe etty on

HM! wn IIM in DMlIt

Scia-nnaa «


ia -Tb* Qmy ef to* Mda Wart^T '
li a mry tone wQl brtart CBiBllaa
-Nadir, bunder ef tot BeMM partb
ef Nadir.' la toeuMVuB^ ef*am1d iiagiMR aa»d ft
of. pwripMiu. *Mi anto^ GT Mi
^ ..VO.,
rmtm toat

ealr aa Olaatiauea ef «bat Detratt
caa do a-bea tte eotMiea caila tar tba
bam efferia ef her citlssM.
DatseR CMrtHlaa Eadeevarari srtB
tola year take • forward sup la aaW
me* «r eniertaiamaaL ^slag tkrir
Tlaltars a aamber at thUms free, whtcb
bo* akTbeen comemarr ta post caavemiaag ..^mewe
W a frse
boai-ride aad a fre*
Tbs prottbaTof nearly every eoovsaikm that ms«u la Dstieit dactot
tbo summsr meaitae tacledm same
form of river sieutsieu. sod tola cow
v««tlea wiH aet deriaie from aa- saeablllabed ewstem, bat will giv* (be de'a
I fate* aa owmtf oa the bMctlfn! ttot twit river Oee ef a dmt cd toe maat
laririou* fleet of exrwrstoa staamera


so* day whan be eetered toe
sbriM to eew a bMud
tbe oU ^ to* MMX. aa
bo loMMd UM to bod
asked hdm why MB Mto wel wsedto
(tot kia elfbt bed oet beaa HNMM
nod asreoo that If *• Me IfM to
feuad blm adU bUod to wetod'dad dC
bt* bMd.. rto wTotrtod asea ghydi

use ef tb* delsgatee,
Wttboot reterenee to oduide esrwriUm. Diroft bseli is aa

Miphi Be In a m*e FIs.

Feature*.. Oetogete* Will Have takoB ta «hc potou «f la'w
Ample OpperiunHy m Sec th* City .
*h T
oa* of that ettya aewsiupera.
cf which Detroit
-Oh. to- exefamted ew ef (to GeP• Of irterem Win Be vieltod
wtwM. PerbM* Ito mm meas. "So day hnf triaiilder f■<
mtrwrilve of alt of Drtrati't latnwei- Dotkw Of a man wto Is am dtod Bb
lac placee te Belle tele i«rk aa istead rved.T: Veil. aow. he'd to to a aUu
of ;ov acre*. *m like a gem on the dx if to vu ew of doe* bnebte ««
booom of tbe river. M'iih Ks drive-^^? beUerce eeceythlng day mm to 4*r
wsye. twaals and lakes, soo. aev sc- ' •-------- ---Banwri* Hagaatoa.
Uken to point* ef toterest W
qoariuB and bortleukaral bnildiaa.
th* city in Oetreitmad* autemorbarmlng woodlands and view* oT tbe
bllea, and will else be uoeied te
possing levlathaa* oi tbe laiaod iakse'
TOO any aporinl (OTM fV Mb
a boat rid* *n the OetfwH river.
Nsr asked tto am* to totot>
commerce, tb* ssjoal to BeO* Isle Is
aUo and gogglm.
Bot to be (oead
-Waal, yea.- rimtoded tto aU toto
wfD to *»
One of the aUraoUve fantorw* of the
ouiIbb*. as wetl as galo-toetwr. wbaoe gal* tod bow bPH
diw’'^^^tl^Jhleh‘^'to ^
I. .k. Vks.
in OetruU. June 33-li
-Ulh u tae lem
>bat it will be held ft 'be sUtea - •
iropolte-th* Convemicn efc}. A»
nueiiy ihoueaods of peou* attend contooUtm* ta ItatroU, ua only lor thcoBventtao'e aak*. b« to eo# the clij
with Its IwauUlul envlTwamswtt Th»s#
who eotertsin much acquire la a tari*
meaanre (be line an of amUag th€*r
guesU fern it ease. This espUlns why
the City of tbe Stiahs te a (avdrtte ta
Ibis oouatry iritb nsliera.
Eatertalalng yearly eeore* of e<mvenilons. with their mnitlinde* of del­
egate*. her welcome 1s cordial, bor h'»
lihalUy gracious sad her . lesuiuees
' aad
fonable so varied aad extensive Uat
she Is betag sooght m a ptae* of me
lag by aa ever.inrrksiw number of *rIteirott has earned it* high nputs
tfiin as a ronvsniioo cUy by tbe exrci
iuit care ablch Jl has taken at former
capvea;iooji. both targe A(d shia'l.
Whether the laternatloosl Coavenilnn
Of Cbristlaa Qideavor or Epworrb
Leagues, or the t'ODveatloo'of tbe Am
xt(<uB Areoclstlon for (he Adraaco
meat of Scleoce, each has found
terinlamcai la accordance wl;h Its
taste*. The rity entertained accv;>i*U
1>. M one tint*, almost M.OOO memtors
of tto Society of Christlaa EBdsover.
•ad at another time was the gathering
.k^ w...

toeaktast. free -r .n
Ifhargn*. Every asemtow of a rhrt*.
Kodewvoe Soclely. htoworib
n^,. impum Young Poopieb |-aMiu.
„ Anxlflery. or any
peoM*'* onmalsMioo ta
delegmte'* ervby applying to'Hie* Mary R.
1*7 rollingwood Ave. I>^
eredaoUela property
, j* py«rideiit aad tto



**l wm explalB (to dlffwawr*
example.- tto fatbor reptted- If I
c« dm Bay ova espeesea that ■
erooomy. bnt If I eat down yetm taotto
or-* tbao II te pafttmeuy.His din
n* great road beildar bod bU toM
CO Us srork (tut merotag. aa tto MB
lowljig dlaloga* betwsoB Urn abd bM
wife will abow.
"How do I look, dearr '
-Katriy veo. but I abeoM ay (Bto
yow- Ifar* weeded reeBrtectog.'-Ueiy

farihfm BaparimwM In tto IMe ef
a dsvetsd aaetm anwog Ms
yeune peepis. It has eentlnosd
a* an epmh making and tranefprmise tsperisnss. Msy It O*
an to rsalis* tto flsetev* Espaelatisn Uat Its past and prmswt
MhievMhsnts told feetlhi.Bee.
C. H. Hphtoll. 0. 0.

tota r

Tto Only.Kind.

il ChHet is tto OynBme.tto Faweri
Hs giveth etranfOk
14 Me le tto Vine, nmn’e.sscrb (to
-Wehn R. Clveota


Why I* ThleT
Every dty aiaa coaatdera It hte
to )e*h a frieod who move* m (Bff
1 aeuairy.—WaaMagteu Hasotd.

Splendid Buying Opportunities at the Gk)b|Dept. Store

special! New Wash $^.79
Dresses; $4 to^
X4.4U v»lue» at

Wt mMle ■ TOT ionmutc purchue ol about
100 Wuh Droae. w.y ■»!«■ wl« mJ
•to iJito tb» KcanboilT. TlMt'ie wtl
nukollinu, eottoo (oiiludi agd bwu:
io low seek. peuiBt sWve ttyles.

Right now when you have the most needs to supply in things
to wer Of lo hrAb too, hooi.—we're oltniog -VALUES THAT ARE "WORTH
WHILE " Cntooier. loll m mtj 6tj ih.l iborVe noitot nm lotb iiniclire |»iiim bcloto JoIt. Ii'« nntoj Ihii mnlb iHe bii-<.f Jaie ia oM batorr. You un jiidp ihn Mhci
^ luiog opportunbiu br thue mqiboiwd bwe: -

Good Footwear «t Real “Saving” Prices
Ueb'e aad VT<y
men * line Shoes and Oxfords in ibe wanted auiamer .styles
. ______ _______rasllv Me cheaper f- -------' ',' i: «s and i

TOGETH^ 80 oo uW S'^.yP
wUciberto" ll“ •««'Impnco......................... ■—


14 Heaped Up Bargain Tablee
whtrii .ou-n find tt. bIfifiMt t.rfimto* you'v.^vi. .fi.ii lii road

DREE, la solid colera and fanctas; high and low necks —
aptendid ElgS vale**. .
^ w

Spring Suita; Final Qumnee
. Eony hiei’ Soil redoetJ rejwdfai <1 oo
' ^jvjdio* !*»*«
|7.?9, $10.98. $13.98. $17.98

Trimmed Hats—Marked-Down Prices
150 HbUgo banil BftET a Btrr soccenfal KinG—aS to be dtoed ggI ti ooce k• ftcdd ei A jo^ (bviitcd iolD A peat groupa:


L.adl«' CInth Conta rtduccd

LOT 2,

LOT 3.

LOT 5.




Tiia«ood Hfilp. (onnfiHy w>U .1 $4.48 to $18.

al tbo wmud iobrio oDil colon

stm. S7.S8, siass, itxm
We'rooScnBg exccolioao] nloeo in lundredi

reel sum Hngirtrsto went Brcescs n

stjaaatT. *tJs. ni.*8one«p

Department^tore—Traverse City, Michigan

Save Qlobe are'en Trading Stampe — PREMIUMS FftEE.

Ladies’ $i 35 and $i 50 Waists. 98c
AAk ISO wMtU altogtoher ta thls apecui ante. larioded mm
ar* ta(« wd itagrri* waiei* ta high or low ne^ etyW: mid 11W.aa
dy tduee ato Dutch nm-k wateta with sailor collars and JTffBf
poektaS; Value* op to |I.» at 00* price ..................................... BFR^W

Muslin Underwear—Special Values
at 4»e.'U^ aad Bstooitorr trimB»ad Drew***; Qowu. low neck
and abort *lc*vee, embrofderr
trimmed; alao mtemr riKlIirari

lark -and **a»reid*cy trimmed: .
aod a ■picodU eolectloa of lar<'^
and erntomdeq: trimmed gowns.

On* s-t: G<kCert. -ful u|>b(dst*r



O., fil.ttoCr,.


.r.-r-.*””... 8.98

$12.50 and
$1$ valuta


CeiBpve these Suitt with 'those you
b«7 eiaewfaae M IL50aBd$14wtMt(b7fuM> SuDecarey
worbBEiulbip, sEme bB wool U>rics, tame
s^ie and fit Tbe
only dAweoce u that we aefi them
■t iroB $2.50 to $4 le« awocf:
It'i leaealhr ncknitted that osr
$9.96 SibB are die b«t to be had
ia TraTEne
ior 5^^ *>8
tbe price. AD ««
for BMB aad jotm% mm ^
P'sdfi- of gaud «-V4-nlog fabrlea ta Hgdi.
iTM-dii^ and dark ntora, make .pleodlit evri-.' dsy stilts.

We aeS tbeae ceMxated Suits ior
mcD aod yooig ma at “MBfi-aarsiDal-pnAt" paceA A oew niC e<—-s
ckite bee for an; Ktnebbaum Sdl rrfcS
dwt does not give ntubebOB. Piieo.
\ _$15« $16.50 up to $22

Pretty New Wash Goods

Baa* Upkslatctc* Gn^krla Way Btlaw Cml
Ob* ISS Gof^rt. full ut>holst*r-

Otto t» OoCbri full upbo’wer-

Men’s and
Young Men’s

Th* -Olohe' is uBiTnvritonaMy wslhgoods beadcuarieea—all (to toweel aovelllr* ta riudlng ('otton Rraterd*. Balbl*.. DaUUe. Oupldtaa.
<'ouca Voilrs. Soisriito. Feory rUxoe>. attrsoitvriy priced tor tbo weak
at. per yard. lOe. iy .-c. ISc end' iffe.



Fancy Parasob


$9c. $9c. mc up a $3.00

New Wide Embroidery FlounciiiCB
On* Iw o^Jneh wide
***'^.. *^**^ -twd.‘lod‘M*kto

M. » ilQ



Grand Traverse Region
taitmeni »lth •
T.Tlw MImm WiMCVB* KIMI BBd. ^iiirh »•» blfhly I n'loye.'
MHacB J«fi
wortilM ■••oide.
tbeir borne* •( Meeon «M Blr

. Mia 14* Steele
retnroed to
awiiplBt blMr beviDK
Uiwn ebd etlei^BB*^
Bnuiatins eierrtan ol iheir i

City ar­

rived on Ftlda) ei-eulBS to boW <jaarletb ronlerenre In the M, K rharrtj

iVuiaiQuion set vk-e wn» held Bunday
Rev Ferauion
»enl<-ee at I-etead Sunday evening
r> Aucnsu Steven* and daughter,
n. of Traverse City, arrived lYl
Tiit^Tbemwitr of Sauoti* Bey *1eevening to vl*lc reteUvee.
dancbter. Mn. A. Roi
ii- Itewe *i)ent a few .lay* at
JM< WMk.
. Mra. J«Ml« 8r»lwat mnd rtaiiKhter. home .10 attend the graduating eger»»r>orte. are rUlUtw mend* In Tmv- vUee.
The following taaeher* have been
on Prtdny ntterBPon hlred for neit year: Superii
The lUst school eo- Prof Clark; pflnclpai. Mtea >
test hour In slncioK nod in- Klleti: .......
Maret Canbe;
lui iiitisic: Min hinier's
at Trtniary. Mini
Millie Uier; flrat
.Maud MeUon I
irtod fudge wa* aerve.l In

~^B7* «)■

lotv paiwr
tiger attended the first i>r1mary de-


year, and the



Hutnparb and yolte MiUer will i


Friday evealng the___ totteadag

“wa* given to
E. BobiAc.v of Traveree
large aadlenre in the town hall:
day* fn ,{awii.. rett
Orchestra—Mr*. I, C. name, rlolin;
> bU heme Saturday.
Mrs. J. SchltlThe loHowiBf .pragram
wa* weV rlenry Baraea. rorpei
rendered to a nowded honae on ('teas eneder. ptenoInvSrailoB—Rev. A. Bentail.
dav. Tbiuatlar evanlng. by ibe lai
Christine and
vlasr *lncv I»dO:
Pteno aolo—Mtea Ellelt.
entaiica of diiiloma*—Pr
Salutatory—Minnie NeUoa.
O. Onvl*.
t'oral Iaolo—Mtea TelegaH.
Piano solo—Anus Hahle.{'ten blrior)
reare NlgbUngale—tltedys
Waltz"-*-ilrs, W.
Onanet. •Greetina
B. Johnston. Mia. C. M. Dane. Mra. M
Schireder. Mrs. J. Sehlff.neder.
I'nivettel Peace—0|ia! Bigelow
iiaale. tbe oul.< bo> .stoeng eight

;iful 111
flower bar
tioy doll sniTounded
Tocol aolo—Frank Anderaon.
floeeis and cut flowers in vases.
Patriotism-Anna Hall
■tloD* and lem*. and with tbe clas‘
Clan poem an.l phophery—Eunice
flower, violet, the class colors, blur
Vocal sole. “Perlect Dai :-Mr*. W. and- gold, The class motto. Onward
and I'liwai
B. Johnston.
The settlors entt'c-l a
'*cst ride.
Valedictory—Anna Gaitlie.
Maher Bigelow with hit
Hall.. Anns
I yen
o .Vorthisuv

'Z .


the hf>n.c of Anna Hall.

Ire rreajlt

On Saturday evening tbe
% gitel
'.en In the lawn baU.
• with the
which » 1* preclli
. .
•olorw. blue and white, and:
with iioiied ptenis. fenu and llowen.
Tbe Itanriuct war in charge of Me*. 1. Dame and iP.-\Vur*bunc





• Urp tK «1 Childrem Vd«i.e,
SeOljr «Q kinds. Tlie express wegon from 75c up to
$3J0. Ike fOnosts E. Z. Goes or Sulkies «t $1.25.
*lg5.Jl50, $5.00 mxi $»J0. Hsnd crus
$3.50. A big
of xdall atxe*
widt and without
rabbet lytet. Babjr


at the lowest hgiiie*.


CotJi. Ijiw'n Cliulr*. ScH.-es. Rts-k-

them. Price briflns



«i faU MH1 l-hnnctt.
inritrtBg em. >a* daad
Th* canxi
FrvcbUitl of ScoftsvAlc h- .as bean irouhlr. as Ibclr was wi
vi.iiiDK iivr gf«cil|stirni».
Mr. anti,a|.(»Binnc» tu hi* bavtas tnot.sJ.Mt*. J. Vannatici

> ,
Jnii. d
Mi. and Mr*. I'rcmmux ciitcrtalniHl,
KJlrlt and -Mclwi'D on itu* \
II i*if rTMfttl '
la>: we.«l..
MuIdHl and bnf t_____i-au* o! Tra'crac law were dung to *wr Hr* Uary M'«dla vlt-iiing rrlvnds in town.
n> in Mr. and -Mn. Cari UVslun.l
1. a but.
l*r,. Mm.
and .Mr» .0*4»r Uani^ and Mi^l
Itounsaii tan.- owr Iren, hox Maud
of Trat.r.c «tty ralM I
It. aiwnd a tc.
gnoibcr ni.t
Ml. H loan and chlUrcn «w to
t'ha*. BarraU 8o^.
Iratoc « n> ibl* mcralng to W|.nfal a
,nd Mr* Mwo tiuf^ -waagtfl* «ith iricD^.
. ^ ine Id Travers*-ri.r aanmtey.
Mr Gary an.! M. mtte daagbtrr
Ibclr. daughter. Mrs
went to Uanton Saturday.
| Aikci. l«r a lew days, ryturtilng
j,„, p..„d,r
■■■ tl.c, h..:.-.-on
tirandtua and
iloiiriNau ie-(i Ibis morning
spauid'ns Waa ov4r to
Iguat*. where he wdi apcBd
^19. Rrlggee;.
Mr. kcd Hr*. Rrigge* have alaAed
Prel. .P O Davik leave* in ibe mom-1 to keep bouse,
r III* liome
le at F»-ntwater
.afier '
iiuleti took
I hatiug pm in a vei.t -au< ter^lul rcl.uirl , lo Kingsley
km day.
ng*ley fcir Detoralk
-------Mr Davl* hit* a.vwpied
a i*»*l ‘
M:»1 Gaiy'
- don't
1 get aay
. .
in the Huron. S li. slIioo
I* (or
for iwiter.
Tbe -(wn-i wi-hcs of -hiUm. t ha*. Barral ralM «• Mra. here cj «;tii him.




1-' a







{tehlnets: Bed*. Bedding, tae of all
kinds, jnst what you nc-d for the
Whatever your wants
may be in tnl* line, come fn and
see what wo have to. off-r yon.


Write fot priev if yon mnnot mil.

Baby Walkers

This Handsonye $i8 Sleep­
ing Coach


like cnt.



McKter KUen IteUd i» sfek
* rilint. • - - ;

Mr. and Mrs. Gt«. fAndsey visited
ilieli daughter. Mr* Julia h
llale*. Sum’jiy.
.Mix Manic ltev;kirii«>ad Mias be*vie GanlRir '-KlvIB^-aKF. Beekwllli's


ihc httlsy how to wulk


mndp rtf st-Jml nuilcri

F. W. Wentt of BelUir te in tlw
A. J. ono of Provemaat ma«a
..I,. ,,..1
. nil- Cl Tra'crse ('Hy Kalur-la'. te- l.oslnesR trip, to the city today.






no. only

riiii-4'oun for the {’onniy of Grand
Traverse. In Chaorery,
Harfup and
Mary U
llardHi. r* luplalnan’x. »► H. H. Hole
kin* aiul 'I'.iCin K AWliber. Defend-


rvHi* and ('radlri-


great spring sale, a




hacdsomr- snlirl rml: j<im|.-t

In ilie.aiKi'e en'itle.1 cause H aallafa'icril' apiieariog lioin aBldavll on
Jilr tl.v 'he -aid ilefeodams, R. H.
rjiklo. ati.t Morton E. Webber. «
• I.e
' ii. itvP
itwP and that i


able, cen Iw iiuirkly tcnvcrisMl iiiic ;i t-pi-li.litl mekin-;

t Seofielfl.,
Hcgilaicl doe*


-lefetiitentt or either e


Hammocks ,
Of all the big colkctioos cl Boe HammocLs yovH
Bad tbe I»r|est and best al this Store. We’ve every
ihiag aeariy b Hammockss^ll calori, sizes and all the
style*, and tne prices are so low they will suprise you.
We have them as low as $0c tad high as $8.M.

Summer Cook Stoves
We cany a Urge aad coopiete Ibe of o3. gaiolioe
and alcokal Gwl Storei b one. twoaad three birmi
a«s. They laage b pricefrom____^..rS2.50

We abo have ibe Owac all size* so you pan do
yotB bakbg as wdl as yotn cookbg with one^ dwre
Stores. Gkd: b aad
put one b yon home.

then over iu luna^w to

Garden Hose
SPEClAl, best rubber Jpse fully guaranteed for '
rwo seasons at per foot 19c. These come b 25 ft.
and 50 ft lenghts. t^ee quatta bch aZe.
o-her Hose for 12c aodlSc per foot

Ice Cream Freezers
’This is ice Creaaneasoo and you can make a $1
worth of tbe foost ddicous Ice
for ^ab6ut lOc
b one of OUT Freezers, all sizes iqi from $1.65

- eJ. W. Slater

wdwb* Ihm^wnh


Mr*. Ceo. Dietz and daughter, Frante*. Ilf
siM-nding a
Bilh fiiend* and relliOe and oLTi‘xonh*^a?^worki«ff ■iK.t.ili In the <11

'• day Ib'i

Ae OUestp largof

Mr* .Martha Otto. Asww S
ignia Kenaeil). IxMte
Williani Mabn. .

al thmushoute nnd arc

chair for lh>- low price


floral cflerlng*. tbose wbo sang the
hymns she hived, tho.te who siuke
such word* cf comfert.
bellied to te' her away so gently,
liPde. but there
(mr grief i* Inexpreasih
!« iTitnfort In thinking of Ihese frieada
who idured our grief a* fai as that to
Sigrtnl —
i;.x rte Mahn.
Rnsaet Ftabfw.

Hty on biisines* iiMlay.


x-ver liivotucd l*alMs-h


Seteral frotn this nrighlstrhood
teiidcl the tarprwe -party on Mr. and
do,-ior who wa* so full of aym,.U|^ of Iteie* te*i tied- |iaib> and t^eer: tbe .lallbtul. saatla
An- teiwn I
ibore wlio aeei Um beatuUal

' “
Mr, and Mrs.'CliPtOB ■Rhaw’^n
aPleis in ihix nelKbl^rhnnd one da'
Stine of the {•TOI'ld of tbi
loihnud etik'Vtvi.1 a

Carpets and Rus;5:

Linotecfn, wocth_80c pw
BOW oofy SSc Cbeaper grade* at S5c yiird.
Bast qa^ rnl caik LiDoleon woctfa $1.00 per 7ard
BOW tSe. AB w>^ lagram Cwpeta woitb 75c and
80cBow65e. Fiu. qualit7 iBoed wool aad cottoe
Ca*v*bpe*yaid46e. Other grade* at 35c and 2Sc

Card Of Thanks.
...- ..W(he ww.—
son* ...
an.l daughter* of Mm.. her reward
thank (be man'
w Ini IkIimoI her .luili.g I.
1 I 41 aoxiit''d lierra'emeDt.
.. rejnewber eaptgdaUy (booe wka-'
vlsKed her or Sent .....................
kln.l mesaagea.

Pita rcaj ^r-.on. T'.. Bjm .II

.xra. rme nUinm Ihe,$2j0 Idud fat............. tl.M
UrgeeolfapsiUeGr>Gmlsber^$475 rigbl nieng
rvu SM,«« Wknt erer dm Oi9dteii neudfa ihb
fate. Come in «nd tee ibem.

Wbm we *17 oor out ^ of Rugs and Ctfpett
bnt exceeded preeinut genrt vr-rmennh. Ynoll fan!
nbige assoitment ol all tbnts newest and beS bexe
and losrer prices ibnn cxer Ixdore. We nrill name
pmt a lew of tbe ezerplioaal clletingt;
9x12 Brussel Rugs, rmw mdr.-.tia?*
9x12 Heaxy Biussel Ri«s aaly.gl4.7$
9x12 Velvet Rugv noroal7._..*k8.n
OfalO* Ruik al esdes a^ pattrxirs
farm $473 ig>>______
Gemane leatnlest wikrm Rtv9il2
snexfaQm *25.00 ap to_____ 7S


•.is.i, iilaee al the«- «it the bride s ]
EleWBrown le(l.Kainre*|r lor *. Igi.jiente. Mr and ,vii> lilward I.arw n. usee loi a tlMt

just *.-«t of town, on Tburwdav altei- ,
Kate tV.«).l *|wii( SuBday
at the
■X.-00. Rev. Uaakestead ni the Sullen* heue of A. Siiaillnv
A farewell miri.rise ji^ny wda^foa
l:*i> Ltitbevan rhuirb xRlmatlak.
ireoe Her at tbe beme of A. par­
.Mi-x Cited'* Iteiue entertained the
ting taxi Saturday evening.
Bkil Urenior < lar* of IKM iht* evenlnc l*rol.> leoie toda'
IV for >Neabiawmu.
:i)avts was flrsnw'innei nf one of the 1^.'''
hie lo Ihr ofli a»lB.
.e-oniesls an.l .Mite- Anna Uarthe
Afier game*, ire
rif-nexi week *a.*or> _
.Mieses Glad'S and Gem
•.l^* KiitherldeiohuMon enterulnanenoed (he gra.laaling
Dg eaerrlaew at
!c1 siv liitle .girl Irtends on ttetnrday
'afieinwn in henot c.l her eixth.faiith.
After tee
. A. Campbell. ling her n
ake were *er'-ed.

srs. porvb Swings, '-tc.

dose. kUc4: and one that run* easy,
We fell tlio Standard Monrern and tbe
PeeVlen. and. ,we belle.e these two
niowere rani be beaten. ”fbc blades ^
are made of the best mat^al and
they bold an edge, much better than
many moweea coating more money.
We have a largo line of all size* to
ael^ fn>m and remetobey they mu
an nice and easy a child can operate

We carry a

large line of Camp Siools..F«ldlnc

with a sood nssrhlne—one that eut«

ar« Bold by u* and we beHeve there are no hotter
mde for tha price, la fact,
there ran he no hotter laaulatlon and cold air clbcuUtlng gyaiem than te found'
In thd-Uitgarda. We have a
aaaortment of all tbe beel

ildren’s Vehickles

arc coins

furnish your summer cot­

tage w.- are prepared to fit you out




Shave your Lawn



tnrcrf-aiicn-~Re\ C. K. Thie*.
- ifor a bustaesa' trip to Faad d« Lac.
Piesldent's addreua—Mr*. P, Warn-, M o
»n>1e and
l>urut>iiJie have bagna
Mdcoine t* Claa of tMi—l.aura making g meat .hsnge ra tlw-lr Rore..
•.They mill put no moce sheivcw uader
Kesiionse—Eugene Bieele.
ttse oM oaes. making it more coaven*
llUttAat BeRa*-—Ur*., W. O • lent for the large »t,K-k el goods They
hnsion. .Mi» tl M. Itetue. Mis. P. ’ wtH alto paint it fcsi-i* ami out. wUch
r< r«il. kep
Uurtl'urmill greatly Imcrcte tbe looks.
Tiusi- Prol. J. O. llBvir.
Unadiaa Fisher >a«s she will hsve
itoe* aad t
la-ders frem
memliee*step to one side. a> she Is no hiager
. aide;! Rcllr
IMarct Gurthr
t;.e aldest wuman in Glen Artior Mi»
Graj-e Sated
Coccanui Waters
soto-FianV Andenon.
i; a Wa&r U her senior hv three
Vanilla let Cream
-Ke«, A Bentail.
Prank .In-lerscn
.was las! Thursday. Grwsdma te aotV)
White and Hark Cnkn
Violin duel—Cart Gartbe. i>*car Pe- |»t yld Irieud is not In as good balta
The following incgram was Inter terron
Bhe went to see ber ►'ri­
i;nvUig 4U|..
persed during t
Usuhe. M.-tx-d as I
Ml J ►
Mir.h—Julia !

You can’t have thiqgs too comfottable and inviting during thd hot
weaiher now upon us. At at small expense at this store you can
fit out with just the very need for the hot days. To­
day we will name you a tew reminders of the things you need, and which we hre now selling at money-saving
pnees. They are not luxuries, but every day necessities : note the change in-ptices while our great spring sale is
gomg on. You can’t afford to overlook them.

It not. you can hardly realIte whM you re mteatn*. A
good refrlgarator wOl par
for Itaeir In a abort- time
and your prorlafona are k«S>i
fre^. pure and elaan.


i Chicken tlumbo

Prepare for Summer


and fndge were served by Mrv.



They 'vere entenainal

Your Reliable.fiousefui^isher

Ui Ms ftindsi yMr mkofe

Mion of rnderw,
ilor.» for tbe eoi

deiendants. R H. Hopkins and
Morion R. Webber, lie entered In this
lae wlihin flve monlbs from the
.iBie of this order: and that lo raae of
of elthef of them ihkt
be cause fab answer to tbe bill of o
plaint to be flied and a ropy ifaereof
►erieil open tbe sblicitors for tbe cotn(•teinants within flfieen .lay* after ser­
KJ Suit.,-!.
-ti Maliej at this writ- vice on him or his sollritor of a cap;'
of the saM hill, and in Aefauli thereof
lhai tl..
i;:: .c
.iscn a* •■on. ..;.mlrntm.s i. ^.i.log
fessed hr ihe *ahl .lefendani*. R- H.
ill l.v« ■<-: a few day*.
H'-pkin* and Morton K. Wehbei.
HaiTi..'in i^rifleM 'i»ite<
•tied at Rol
Xa.1 it is further ordered that Ibe
1 r-onplaluant mute ibl* order' to
■nd aoelety wll
T!-e llHf.ins Ha:
pphlishi-d m the Grand Traverse
.Reid liiurwdai
llemhl. a new*|iap>r.
|.timed. |Mb|.;
’LshM and ciriulaicd in >
abfl thai »ai.i puhIleafloB
he. eo*.
mi-nred'w ,i! <ti iwcpi' di-'» from the
and that siicb pnbi>ed therein OMa la
Ml(h week fer »IV week* In attprsMlnn.
hat *iu1 •
of fh:* I

' ■r.trr.;,.r"


*;i> Tuerda-.. retuming Thnrsdav. Hi*
Uirhter. ;
. Fate. <*Bie f
.-I a week'* ..X..
Mr* Gihson bas a linle alork of mil
in«V> lu' Rhie A Uumlirllle.* store.
Mr Tmmbrille and family ha'e ttime

Boase M Crrdtl «f ike few­


est Cttk Prices.
|(.<eiip'iag their collage at Cktimere
Carl Walhee left Friday

iaa* »—(bwa lo My 3d.




Mx-wc iMlDEilO'UIFE
OMl. Aad yM. ta >n Who bar* mm«««U1 mj. -tf7 t>mt mmm


Let the Herald and Record Co.
do your Job Work’.



«B «


’^Irta Vblla 1

Ssnr-ii.'su? ja !T.js?



All Trttrie W»« Tied Up Unfit Noon
Pomr M*mber« ol ttie Train
•Craw Wera Mlaaiag at
La«t Report
FairAald. June T.—Five train men
am dead, three aertoualy hurt apt)
four miaaina as the mault or d»
«rra<^ of (our .Veo York. New Have:i
and Hartford freight train* pulllns Inearli other at mMolahi. One er.aettlAs fire
wraekaaa. Tlie vreek oreurred wfaeij
a freteht car of one of the lioi
Inithta treat bound, jumped on i-i
itbe eaxt hound track where twn oib'-r
frelirhia craebed Into it, pllinc up all
four iralna- All irafflc traa ti<il u •
iinHI noon.

Cedar Run. June C.—We are haxini:
lot* of rain. Hay will be floe ihiabundance of benlA> of


People Will Join m Big Triumphal
Proeeaaion m Capital—Special
Train to be Met Out•itfo the City.

Foot Powda wiU Kbrie
>ojr bred swollen fed ahnoat
lastandy and prereab cxce.Hve perifira^on.
Just dtat it to the ^leet
an 1 enj vf d»e eooliag c0ed,

Price 2Sc

Drag Store

Wm. Keaton, who lived near CedurJ”""^ ”

Aena> Calieniek, Met.. June C.—That
nn aiiem)i> nn Madero'a life waa (ruacraitd U.i nlsht U the belief today
among the meniber*
When Madero an.| hie
ibe lanqitM idtma Tailieir honor hem
itir ligliu were KUddeniy eaitngulKlir^.
ll^onel lit;. fearlOK a plot. ru»he.t
^adem IliixMipb Kide atrwt>. over a
tniiddv irark to Ms yi>e.Hal tiain. Ma■hr., did not l.-av.' the train ayaln.
Warm Wcicoma lor Uadur.
M.'Xi'o Ciiy. June «V—FVanriwo 1.
''tadero, Jr., will enter the capital
tVcdiiesilav. Thoiisands of vltlat-as
»iil Rreet hini at the vtution an.i lud
cllers ol the army will line tinto ruiipre-".. theme who IwHxmie too eniliuKiaatie. Jiladcra wilVIie wei.-onied
11-1 a liritale ctiixcn b:il the honor.,
will lie equivalent in lli<»e aii'iTde.1 I
till- ■■rt-slilent.


■ ^
Arvld l>e|»w',hae returned in tviiolij
leaves a widow, lour aon*
and ■ three
after aiieihliogfa
vltitinc liU i«i
daughter*. Wm. Keaton «a» bom la
Saco. Penobacot. eonmy, Jlahie. May
Mn. De^'Griffith
and sons. Wil
S, 18Si.
bur and George of near OvUii xrlatied
Mr. and yra. D. A. Barber aiM her parents. Mr. and Mr*. Unior Crain.
daugbier .Marguerite of South BoardSaturday and Sunday.
pan are here visiting Mr*. Barber'*
Mr*. Moorman and .Mrs. Crcorge WTI
.Uier. Mr*'A. C. Wynkooii.
lobee drove lo loke Ann Friday. Mr^.
', ♦
Arthur ^Remington and ^Is mother
Wnic-liee. who has lieea sic-k for Homwere lo Traverae City Satiir.lay.
time, thinks she I* some lietier.
Oash Cooright ha* moved into the
lere was no mewing at the ebaiiel
tVynkoo|i muae vacated by Humett Sunday night, but Rev. Byem will
Crain- ' Burnett inove.i in the house. hold meeting next Sunday night.
Toaa from the rhaiiel;
Too late to be £1^
Miss Hattie Hane* of KranUfoii
Mm. Idtey Young and family of Wlaeonain are here viaiiing her mother.
OHIe Baker, reiur
e home Wedaki^
Beat luw ol PoU Cartli aad Souvesin ol gecuiae lodiao
and IVank. and other relatives.
. ^
Will Sattler was a Traverse ITi'
Baaketry, Quill Wotk and Leather
Mlsa C.arrle Wagoner, who Is clerk-! j.
lag for 6. 8. Burnett of l.akc Ana.'
■lient Sunday here at -home.
J6e Durkert wax a Traveme City
caller Thuraday.
ilr*. Warren DejieWa mother of ^
-------T™,,™, lily bu bn,.
Epl«»p.l Cb.ibb
Tuesday Morning.
the luiit w-eekGrace KiuRcopal wa^ Hu
Mi.-S Velma Ikiwell siicili a few day*
r.em- Ql r, very prn:y xx-i.UI-r;,; M-«
day niorniug ai
*h<-a Miriw

; MeKt teller Oi.ij i htld ol .M^^. ,M. v .M ’Kerelu-r of luelainl iteranie the luid<iof George llulaiutiil. al«« of l,elaii.l
;i:ev, I). Wellinginn Curran ofiit-iaitsl.
fusing the full Kidto-o'ial ring Kerxit.-,
[and only the Jmmedoiate reiatix-ex anil
[inilinaie friends of the rantmiiing
jicttles were preseat.
I The bride waa chainilng in a lieati;tifiil gown of ^hlle embralderoxl Inrr■over *llk. amt carried bride'* ro.-te*.
I.MIkii Mae Briniup of l^lkaaka aiitaid of honor, wore a pretty gown ei
[blue foulard aad carrie.i ramaliom;The groom wu aiiemled by Myittii
.Siovor of I.eUod.
I .Mr. and Mr». Halaiond left in llll•kr.
UTDooD for thy northim reaorts jImt'they win aiicnd aotne weeks. l‘uri oi
the trip will be made by autotiHiblle.
I Id Cbdus T«. Guy, N«»j uxl Fu^y I Id foojre OWiVlidi noidl n price up
Ml*. Haliiiowri has a host of fiiend-,
vlw wUh her all the happinesa la th»
Miii)Rib wutt W lo $15 DOW |du(
IU$2S oow|oia(ui.......... Bali Price
world. She htH always been very ■•op
ular and highly regardcl in liclanri
“■....................................--«» Tub Suit. wlrictxoU.«plo$l5 DOW «Uio,,
and U well anil faxorubly known In
ihix <iix
J ldCoubiuTumN.TyuudMiitaru..Wc
uDilwrio. •t....SlM,SSuidS6.M
Mr. ami Mr*. Halnmad will lie ai
up u. *20
;hftme to their Irieod* in l,etal)d, u heix'
they will rehIde, after June jn.

City Book Store


Our Semi-Annual

Clearance Sale

-MadxuDa indn will be ntrt a aburt Udi 4»rt. Ur. Md Mt* Starr hare
diatanre from the «dtr by committee*
reprenesting tail of the vmrieos ivUt- begwtifol aamiamr home.
k-al rluba. After aa addrews Madm>
Noah Gauthter and Mia* SteUa 1,«w*U rida-throa^ the ktreeta of the vark of this pU<« were married oe
T«e«Uy Uhl
a ailliianTe^n.
Mr. aad Mrs. Marlin,Hoefi are the
The. flyU r^nlar train la many .prond laremvot a kne baby gtil, bora
moathr*iaried\gp.-El Paso loda.v and^ We-iuesday^
the National railway K oow reatorol *
to Bonnal nmdniona.
ou*«« rworr .
oilage for the n*Ueoetal Beroardo Reye. U Mill
Veto Crut mod U eipeeieH id t«*. h I
“*'1 -Mr and Mrs. A 1. ttoai-nlque of
iTh- lapiial the la» of the aeeL
ISunb Mmimou ait Fiieu.llag a lew
idax. .n.Hii .iMaK.
‘ -tttiit{<hr.. M
44444444444444444, .......
latlaild. June T '.Irs <'a|>'ain Ihiyh ,
of Charlrv>-1\ l.< vbiiiap her l.n.ilM-r.
Will Iteliun
- ■
.Mia.'Herman Weinhard: of i'au-am
aiTired Monday ami ia at "Tlte IHocw' ' '
for the Kumnw'i.
Mr. an.l
ti. M. Adam* aiwl i-tiil dien of ltu<me. Wla. an* in la-ban>l!
for the kotniuet.
.Mr>. Wagner au.l daughter. Mi.-s Til
lie. of Chb-ago. Iiuvr atrtve.1 and 111I..-11
|Ki>i>etu,ioii of lln-li (viiiaKe.
'Mr. and \tr«. Juba It. Rahin s|M-nt
I'^Way in l,elaud. ibe’goeei- ol M-w
.Mr. hn.t Miw. Jake Itulll. Mm S»>b
eth atul Mr*. Wall of Sauunn liar
weie callen. ai otir village on T«ie»
Andrew IvienMUi of M.ngeBboio,
Cernianv. arrixed heie .VTHilay /or a
vInIi with blk brother. Norman 1‘elorla Und iKt.;.le have

I with a grtet

r ltiilian:i|«.lt». Ind.. whUli 1

of the Barney Co’s. Semi-Annual
Clearance Sale offering ladies'


Serge Coats


5ilk Coats

Silk Gloves

nro^s ‘^k'rrls

Kid Gloves

Silk Drocci-..;


Wash Wai.sis

Wool I)re=sex

Silk Waists

Wash Dresses -


Begins Monday, June 12th

One-Third lo One-Half Off

This xvill jye your chance to secure. Suits, G>ats and Skirls
and Tub Suits. The following reductions will prevail during
this sale.

I ldd«. Dplo*27J0iiiduin, Surtd iu


iGieat clean-up ^sale on ladies'Tailored Suits in Tan, Navy,
in all the latest weaves and models.
I Id up to *1650 (ciu, d..............(M Bldl Voile Slum. Icmer price *12.50,
DOW......................................... **.$*

I Idol*35d«l*40l<».................*** AJBUcb Vdle Shim, (unuet price up lo
I Id sob DreuMu, lunuet price up 4u *25,
*8.50, uow .i............................. .*5

.................MOuuaSn Tbed.reriluaduotlhebudAllmM.Vollew
BUck BDd colon.
AQlkektest iiiodeb ill bUck Bod colored
Bldck Voile Skbla,lonBerprice up lo $ld.50.
DtewSkiiUBt___ Oac*Fonrtll Oil
'• 9}S

BUdtVci'^'^'irii^'w te'*l5, ChMreu'. Spriu, C<«h.ri«.4to l^
DOW ............................................ *1*

Traverse aiy. Mien.

■»«>«« *1...................... H«ll Price

Travcrseaiy. litcMg—

Mt> Bigg* and daughter. Pearl, o;
Marllla attended rhurrh ai I. I. Mill
arrh's .Momlax.
Mlsa F-dlih Griner of Nesxeii City IIresainakiag In town.
Mr*. Ann Clifton It vialting Triendi Marill^nd Vafes.
Mr. and Mr* Freidenhut*m re enini
juining their daughter. .Mrs Mimre o'
.Mr*. J/>hn Hollami had the ralstot
tune to fall ami linn heraelf quite s*
Mr*. Eva Sprague of P1er|<ort is vl»
Hint her mother. Mrw Elate Arm
strong, and other relailvea this week.
Kor all the atom waa tcnihle Sun
ly. several, from here atienderi ih.
fpweral of Mrs. C. Gregg at l>omoMt
^ Mr*. R. K- l-ewl* and Master 1‘WdhIGleaaoa vislte.1 friends at Yatee'Sat
urday. ;
Haxei Brimmer left Tuesday lor n
two weeks' vlaii with friends at Mt
Pleasant and l-anslng.
.Mr*. f>ed Sanders is eaieriamitlg a
jbroiher. Glle* Dllt, of Muakegoo. whutt
Une had not aeeo in elg)ii year*.
Mias Ikinna Holton was a gun
Mr* E. H. Grant at ThomiUioni iile Sal^ur.iay and Sunday.
Rav. O. W. Ctirran left Uila noon f|

Oeo. Aomell arriutd last cvcniiv
irorn .krxgdia and wilt a|ieBd a
.days-with friends.

Has n Host ol Oal*oi
Town Cnstomers JVtao
Appreciate the Mngnlli'
cent DIsplby of Foot­
wear We Arc Mnhlng.

“The Best of
the Latesf*
Tb*r* Waal Vou Alxvay* Find at A. V.

Beaoflful Pamps3

Suede. Velvet* Tan. Pntcnt. Mat; Kid, Gnn
Helnl, SnllD, White

«5“w.................i..............W« 6#

N.O.T.uodWbil.d«bl-iS.ri. i. Fdw,U.«Suih •rimuud with bL„ itw
•II Ibu Utot aoduU «t........... ..aiM*
,.nk«.-loa»d price *27.50 dw.tl7.£*

I Id up to *25 fciC...........................US


By Our
The Leading
Shoe Store
Of Traverse
City And .

Josl receive* aaollwr Urge sUpment ol -

Yon*ll find ibem bere — hiindreds ol
tbem. New, aSliy, cl«ssi*procUenl otyles
GARMENTS IhnT wonM wotl
GARMENTS Ihnt nre «ra«y on
yoor DToc
These salU Jo Buster or Bloose styles
lor boys iron*
years to If years ol
45e, SOc, 7Sc* $1.M and $1.25


vowLL WAirr several ok them


Men’s NUly
Wc Arc Showing Style*
ia*l Arc ExcliMivc
and Bit* ol the Season.

Tan, Gun Metal,
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00, $4.50

A. V. Friedrich;
Leadiog Shoe Store of Tratefte


Fife Lake Departi^iit
CoaducUM ky nri. I H. Botttil. '
door. fMdMnMIi'B Animstsd Na­
played *>y Rlrbard
fnimvlnc Mmv <.f ihf nrifinsl any frtxr a
«^tcalton ct thf fSikn to ('nBEriUli- ftUi rly. be walked np to ■'bp^usmi ture was Pftwaulted nad the ebararterlUkw of the rlfc^nlodted.
it wt'
^ « «f}| kMMU vrltM- wlio U tL Bwif!, syni|ia:lic(k' toln? lUal lostaRt* found that ibe graefdul animal was
ly 'nude liidi a fifeud of erery oop
<1/ Ulc orih-r
!>>«• 01. >>■»
Hi* «UUItW<»
auditors wore M>W«
a«ar folfc. fieri of foot. HBorous of doing wrons
“A prtitomsd brlltf la Ood. a «P'-r1i;pt»truin(^t or.d olffied to <n:i"nain atoldiDg all cuattmt exeetk in fighting
rotrany wlih •one*- He bad a for Ike didenae of the ynung and
4o iho tmrortttMlQ.'
belpleas. That setiW the mauer.
<kfl r«lliv«rton «r romrwl^p miJ Tbe UufikKd taoOtd tbe youop mu's (Or tbcfltb the thie bad been ebdaen.
raitd.' Hp saw tb«' otan ix«dfd mv
hMnr «>)or»0« or th* rwd tbimo pICMiMn and rryoarmeBdod bin to the report of the cooimtUee w« to
«r }irr. B cbcTliblniE or (ti« rfrillir «r the tnanascr of Uon<*r's tbcatri-. wiin be brard 00 Sonday. rcb. 1C. aad
iy a vote of eight to am-M. the elb
•attUBM*. <uMlr«IlbB of Iho m«ti»y sTipr MsteRln; to' fab rlmrmtrtK was cboaen aa the crew of the or­
t-oU* fxrf bin ih<- work wcifh
t>nt1nirmr wrir rr(«i-il; frivon by a h<D'ydrd SO nuili HIr frtead. the der. H>r a brter Him' the asioria
AOtat^aprr IB5I1 Hi »hf i-haiBei^TUHtM l•iaM t<lev<f. loA him to the artors" (km wa* manned <0 artora. but aft -r
tt Utp BIkR. A cVmtt iBsw^lon of loardtOR bouse kn>i «>y Un;<k>mian. the first benefit perfortnant* of tli*
tk* ordfc and InUmarr vlUi Uaoar and stctsl po<.d for bis >{(<ep. Sunday Amdemy of Music on June a. Ibis
«M roBIKoe lu rei-mbcrahip only nTtcraots) Stl^Tly took bis friend saa dropped and people froin aU
yrorw ihe tnith of flip wrUer"* ttsr- down fctalfii 10 the Lark' parlor, where walks wore ellgHde. pn>Tlded"'lh«->be Rnmd a dozen actors entawted in t-.>ssesscd the required elemenu of
-Ot»BBli»d 4< yoort. tbe order tellinr- ktorlcs and amuslBS tbetn••\'lTtaii, the man who sang Ih?
itirrr to frc ajwrrcistrd as the twires as ftap> ium are wont -to do.
7«an «ual 4^. » that now 3W.000 VtviSn made the thtiteeotk. but he Elks Into existence. sWps In a Bos­
■eod Aaarlru clUuas «rar 0>c n*at laughed at nopemtltlon and bad no ton eemeiery. Fcr a tttue the sutgr
Cot ncUreoMr 4Mttona. ofaleh pro- ffroe for misttlrfh^i of the foaire. tt«n dominated the order, and even
tbe great moo of the auge
.dalB lorDitwrab'p In Ibo ord^r, Caod fellowship ruled raprene. Vi­
le In the!an- roembrrs. Today. howeyrt;. th»
«k«M work U markod by a qnlot, vian Btntxeeled that those
... memte-rs
............ _
iBStlluiioo great preponUeran'^* of
ler -walks of life
svor. ,TI
r scntlmont fuuad favor.
h> made up of men In other
y a (altsrtng aanl orrr the
little I>st>d at onreionpinlxed end U ~s broad ratholirffy of Judgmeni
s IB IKe.
<be order was cMabliabed by was called the JolW dJorks. TWtre Is Iho drtermlnlPg of menAwrs baa i>reu wlio a tone of tuUtllliallon at^i Ihe iama. valW, so iLt.l .the Rlks are cwnpo«-d
an* fats first hoars in Roeland.
, hut
.......It...prov-ed popular aad the eoelcty of those wbo sre aeung the best,
.... ,13 ftnmlns
tten was s MIrw p( merry nrtiire. 1 itrow. Of
the orlglnsl
«he biigiiirst and B--ti;.tlvo of the world
wbo foniook (ht home of a dargyresn . socleiy, six tbe nOII living and seven
■The rardlalliy end (he broad
la sing Joy to cAer hearts and to r-ae- 'ore numlnrcd with the cbSMit.
f« the llfhi and bapplnsa* Into souls
~Tlte little society grew- srith giwa: mlndid d<n-.ocrscy of feeling cmlin»arkasefi with dtsiulr. lie lorod Ms raiddliy and U was aoi long befon ed i* shown by the "Hello. Bill." the
tt8a* net) and thrived on asaorta- Mrs. Oonnsn's bark parkn- was tea demoerery of feHlng U shown by tiniJag atib H^lr kindred spliivS. »o small for those wh-> le-lonM-d to the greeiing wbirh one Elk extends to
that wiien b|. fonnd ti'.meeir atmr lu cncnnlzaibm. A Imtl was engaged uooiher. “Hello. BUI" bn* m> pat! In
4ba great city of New York, hi- was u: 1: i)r Cane? «t,. N*-w Y«»k. and on ihe ritual of the order, but li I* on •
•at fa*t down, tie found sbHter In a eundsy. Feti. |0. ikcx. tb.- name of of the links liial bind member lu
ali^ bowse that had kukg sinew born the eurfely was rhangml to the Ib^ m-nve*er Ann In so <4rong a »bnln
of attachment. An KIk may be a
laiMMUd to <he dust heap of the netoleoi and Protortlte Order
-S'-<lstc Jiidsn of Ihe supreme court
'The name oT iba ortii-v bad It* orl- and when In- m*-eis a tuMih.-r wliohn*
Ciii tn an »*lk'e iiiad whli-b linng i»ver ni: iuvunted ns many of Hie roiHxIs


ta ol .lsw.
of th«. Udder as the
-IMbk nni" Is as liable
one ^ the other.
■^newe IS muyfa about the drder
tb^k kvt In Ibe myib and iiadiOoo
of tbe t*sst- Surb is i:ip beautiful
luui^lag and In ever)- way aentlm* ‘
al il oelork toast. Whenever R
gaiber. wfastevr the mtivertsllon
filled and lif<ed bvareaward and
a tpsst il drank to the ataaeni t>roib
era. ATMMmt may'mean across tbe
lonUm-Bl. prrhap* across the water or
the €>lher side of the *ea of etentlt
They are aitnply c-lisent. when tailed
by the one Perinsneiit Bsslted Rulei
TradltioB aaya that tbia baaMllDl euy_ had its orlglh in the passing
sway of Vivian, who. they say. pass
ed on at that hour of the nlghL
floe il to asy tbst Mtblag is i_
beanUful and Inaplrlng than the u
o'clock tcait.
"Oxnmerclallsin has no ^ee
the realms of eikdom. but true HaterI'll}- sod chsrtty Is ever at the tamp
fire. Tbe writes once attended a so.
cist gotberlcg o.f ibe Elks at Hudi
nnd on tbe program card saw these
words: -Ki Ell.* ev<T died In an
alms bouse: no Elk wss ever bn-led
in s pollen' field.
The charily that Is so charncteris.
but ii that kind which
w|t« f<
ihspring Intbebean. Chsilfinds a
lOned to member* of the
order, but the bean of the Flk goes
forth to the nsedy and dlstrasaed.
whether the neat Itmklng ahl
adnrna hi* brsai-l or ue la bereft
the decoration. What ike Elks do for
poor ehildreo, the airk of
lod.r. nilnrt sud bean, needs
pbanr to iiiwlalm.

{June 3. Among thuse gradnaisd.
A preiiy weddleg took plao- at the'ih.-lr grand aou. t’jril
brnie of Frank IK-milay Tuesday ev<- ,t-ived hi* diploma of which we
nliu; wtaeu llurtie) lli.4IidBy waa unit all well pleased. Tbe young petiple
td In loairlage'to Ivah N.-aconier, I of Bnmuilt <Uv have don.' well, we
who ws« gi.BnHl III a while ombrttM think they oweliiiiKli 10 iJn-lr leai-her,
en. Tbow nsriMIng lb. .a . Wi-iv 1 pi,,f. W.-d. shn Ua* wdrked no faith
ifoyd ll.dildsy, Irrulber ' '
kill} llotliduy
SoUin Tyjeriuaile a trip in Tra
.The Hetl.liiig niaicb was play<-d by
ii> last week
i.ydla ilrowii.e
hbbel Bmiib and th>r brother Rliuii.
The Imiise was tastily dee..ra|ed lit f l-Msi Hay are rUlHog Ibeir grand
eveigreen and siiowballa
irrins. Mr. and Mr*. Solon. Tyler.
At a lai^-bmir a sumpHoos snpper
T\l,»r nnd wife vl»lte
after ahtrti the many their parents Sunda.e. Mr. Tyler «

We want to mike thit EMputaost .ef tke
grekteM pee^hli v»lac to u teBoented mad to
tbit end reqneet tbst sU Uem of ptmonal
geaeral taOenet be teat to Itts. BobmU1 Ito be
iacorporsted is the DepertmeM. We tmfMir
ask that ebnrebee, frsVnmsl lorteilik sad the
Onsfe fmieh item of latwMt tta tbelr reipsi
tire orgmaiatioBS. Hews ef eeetei 'leeiiU sad eatainm^ improTcmeoU betar»sde eroeatui
pUted. sad boriaeei ebsages, aad traaefen m
reel eetste to Iowa sad cooatry sre eepedsUy
scceptsble. Tbe sbort sppBM eot oaly io the
vfflanofFife Lake, bat to tbe sanroaadiag oontry— Editor Hmald.
MUa Enms HodeM Was at cadflItc Frldiy afternoon.
Mrs. Hene Hrarklhbaib was a Kal
kaska caller Tue*<‘f;-.
Mrs. Orn Huiebint returnod 10 kv
home at Rapid < Uy Friday.
kwlverly of Kalkaska waa
In town a few days tbe llm of the
we«k on buBliiess.
Mitt UoLU wss St Kalkaska ooe
dx> the hist a; last week.
Rev. Baker was at Sonth Brardan Saturday and Sands).
Mrs. W. W. Brower sad daashtar.
Sola oe Monday went to HUIadale lor
couple of ateks.
Mrs 1... Morris and daugbier ^lo^
they were at t'adlUac Monday aftercon
Slg Denatine made ■ buslaesa trip
u KlcgBlpy Monday.
J. irahy of Pmoskey wss la town
ill buriaewi Wednemlsj..
nd Mrs JSBM tieuld weiw at
■ TiH«day.
was at M ant on
Wednesday of Uat weelL
Jir*. Jobs lightblaer wa* ni Mann a few dua the Ja*i of the wi-ek.
IR. Gray (r Mantun spent Sunday
town at the City hotel.
Mr. and Mr*. H II. GIbba o[ King
airy were gue«* at the liotne of loeli
sun and fanilly over Sonday.
i>. II. Hone ami non Otto Were at
Hraud UaiOd* a f<-w days the pa*i

- -




MVa. A. H. Brewa wko km tfM
vtaktag ker> ku retarwed m WMma m Ortad Slum.
|l1Sca^<M^laig SSu**
r* or tbe LafiM' AM
the Udlee Aid «M»-

A aambar ot





bads bcaltb baa not beea afiog far
ko-ne tinw.
Tbete wUI be s cartel
aUyprd boro Jane 1st, ewe each tor
Wat. Danar. Ira Case. HestJe kUm
and Natbaa iasaUb.
Miaa Sbula dam*t «bo bas he«t
their garrats. Mf- aai Mrs. Mwaa«iUte tk* was a^ to go to Traveree
Cit) FMAaa'. Sb* was aocoeaMtaloi
Mias Mnrrol Summers of Lake View hr her
Mrs. AlUe Mllbou.
arrived on Monday for a couple of
Mrs. Cattwriae fUraoMe vWted
wooka Titli with her auai. Mrs W'm
Sana Kraay last week, ttay
both have very'y^ health
Mrs. Sewell Of Kalamasoo M auk- lag ibotr agea. .ft and •& ywora re­
ing a few day* vlalt at tbe home oi spectively.
her brother-in-law. JaiMo SraraU
Mlsew Jennie Aigrraaa gad Myrtle
The Grand Army boya' wlsk to Oetter rMuraed to Travorae <Tty
ibaak the band hoys' for iboir klad- Tuesday after a sbon Ytak bees.
JHDoai Traveree City vViltora Sat­
In luraUhlag mualr for Ibera
urday were Carl Carpeaiai; lAwall
aean.-ti. Oeorge Bowmaa. Wat. and
MIm Evelyn Bechstiae retaraed Herbert Oexier.
from Msoeelona FrMay evening. Mi**
Mra. Will I). i'arpeater M fiaagbBedtstine graduated with bigh beni ter Zaaaa leave TuasfiaY m a *Mt
r* from tbe Msncelons S'ormsL
Tbe Odd Fellow* and Rebeksbs Iwtib her parewa at BattW lAka.
wlU observe Memorial day Stiada}. Mlaa.
June*-_________ ______
June n. services will be beld la ibe
M. K. ebureb at ! o'clock. Tbe Odd
Fellow* bare engaged
Mr. Frrry
Powers or Cadillac to make tbe ad4ros*es. All members are Wfioeeird Zenaa started Taeeday :
la to visit bar parents.
to be St the ball at I o'clock.
Wayne McMIcbael retaraed tbe
Mrs. C T. Kimball eoienalaed the last 6f the week from vUUlag la tbe
toUowtng Indie* at dlaa
part of tbe aiata.
laat week: Mr*. Ora HuicbtM, of southern
AlUa Mfltbowaa fatarwed 10
RapM city. Mr*. II Foster ef Alden. berMrs.
borne Monday at UlehJgaa Oir
Mr*, la-sras. Mrs. W \V. flower sod
Graudtua Uewer of ibU place. Mrs. after caring for her sislar fbaay JarIlnicbln* and Mra. Footer, were at
Mr. and Mra. Rari WMrig mad O0O.
one lime rv-eld«nce> of ihU place, and
•ajoyrd their visit very mm-h at the Jarreti were Traveree Oiiy .ylMlor*
bo^ ot Mra. Kimball talking over Tueaday
Thoae that aiieaded the I.UIe.'A^
old times.

Ftrarhiag *«r»lre« at tbe M. K.
Ira ('oak. Mra. <> & M^ibarrti Huudayl June 11 al ia:3U a • ia. Mra. l-e«a MrtDaia; Mra. Ofira
E WllUnI I-li on Thuraday foi ui. Sunday acb«ri-ai 11:30 a. m. Urtkaarb^ Mra. PVmale tiaww.
lAogae at «:;3o p; m.
Mra. iTiM Warden. Mra. CaH Car
Cedar Spring* fur a <v>nple of wn-ki J Tin- Keep
Sweet < U,ni bad a pU-aIr peoter a^d thlWrea.
virit with frleud*.
U K. Aid BW'leiy will
Mias SUHle Sixlair of Hodge vUUmI loB Hie lake sbote near tbe boms of
aiber. Ml** I
Mr* cuttd Warden Friday aflArMoa.
bet alaur MM I Frank Cs*e the pa*i ibeir
nfii-rnoon.' Jn
Allte t'ota. Veretia Banok. labik
wen- present and a very ea
tlaldwbi-aad Ethel MHiorvtrk MF. E. Corawyll of Cadillac madi
ulternoaa waa *peni by tbe young tebded the last day of ackool TM*bustnr*! call la town Thuraday.
. "1^'““
fin*. Holburg wa* a CiAlUac ealler
Mrs. iloilldsy years of h
cTiailey MarMann* sad Hladyi
Tuei'day ol last seek.
I .The O^rtunlty cla*. held itair
' nett nnd berjil*ter Cfertrude attended
ice ccpim and cake, BaiMFiar
ilay Klmban of Rayne City U moatbly taalnM* and wlal
tbe graduating exercises at Summiti me.klng a tso week. vliltM at the at the home of Mr*. Dan Murjthy
vealng la Mr. AHMb vacaai bawa.
! Snitday uiJskley and Kingsley etoss- (Tiy and all report n good Him-.
1 here will be 80 t
borne of Mr. and Mr*. George Klm- Mcaday evening. May ». A very enciI tats her-* at the ball park, where., Hry-on Hick* baa graduated from
teruintng program of mn*l< and re-'
verj- interesting jtame of JO innings the Pli
Gniv<- scbeol, at Holmes
lAwa* home fiom 8ura-'<Railoi>* wm given by tnemWra of
Id also rrcelvcd liN diplmm
shmeniB of
lUnd Banday oebcml. I0:3S a. «. as '
aislrr Myrtle*
Hcrry I JJk*
in Ihe eigbiii King-dry tiisl ihcin 4 !<•
Mr. Will Raipentilr:- wUI lako
•re a’l Cadillac Thuraday afteruKoa.,«’wed'>ii»e bOMes*.
4. Cia'iidc Moorr broke the He hi (he
cX Hotel llentloB altar . Jnas
Otti* HelliKmk
tenth Inning, giving Kiagaley the
I.ester King wbo la working at Ra viilted hi* mother.
McAley Miiertalned (be ('bri-Hau Mak<-r*
game ot
to 4. Kingsley play* the mona caate hc:ue last Ruiiday Tor a Sunday ami Monday.
Ikle cloo* at her home Friday- eve­

on Saturday
-Mrs. Heurge Ste<wmriliation.
(:t:Tn Rnnday.Ocwltt King, be returned the same went to t'loiion to vlali her sister. buslnem Sesskm. refreshments of Ice
Jiw.e fi.
cream and cake
Mr». Ive*
• The MIssm Oertntde Peek wRli
Mr*. EUia of South -Boardmam was l.yla. ablah wen
Mr*..Allen Epllittane wialted with the ■ guest (.{ Mra c. lamp a Ta« days by-all vnaentDanM .McAley died at his home
Frank and Garfield WHsoa ualoaded laun * people aaar >l<HomestMd D*( the firm of the week. .
Jthn Marsh retnraod home last
«. hay. airtiw -and , Voaday and Toeaday.
Vera UUbaidSM of Kalkaska wo* Friday arkning. Funs : at C-.30 at the
cats on Thuraday an.t Friday IbM:
A. A. Merrill rime from Denton la tewn Thnraday anO Friday, cu age of ;s years, be tesves a wife, one Wednesday from Canada,
brother, o^e aUtbr. and a host of
Frank Freeman and family riidtod
came from tansing and beloBgi- to E Haibor Friday evening, be expects to route to Travorae City.
Mr Koan* Sunday.
A Holden.
return again toon.
Mra J. .SelbMrt of South Board- friends to mourn.' Mr. McAiey bad beea
Mrs Jessie Moore U qaiie poorly
The Maide City ereamery b-agon«
Mrs. Bert Holler left Saturday morn­ man visited her parents. Wr. and a -great suthrer sine- last November.
’ s were beM at (he G. at UI* writing.
now nin through Ovlatt three times a ing for Fremont ahere she expect* Mra. Wm. Wen* ■ tew doya laM
lay at 5 o'clock. The
Mra J. IV. Uorda of Traverse CHy
J vl*li over Sonday wlii ber father
Tb» people of Kiagdef and tho surrounding
isiied at the heme of Mr. and Mra
Charley Battler loat a valuable coll
ho la soon 10 gn 10 Wprhington.
Mra John
Cetb and Mrs. Hohn Grand Armjr aervire It-iiig umhI
oountiy are all intareetod In thit DepartmenL
John I'etbale a lew days Isst week,
f^la week. It aeeldentatt}- got aorne
Vollnier was ahopplug Fuller dru<
Kingsley Tuesday of
Daniel McAley was bora March l». leturalng hoF>» FrMaj.
Wa abalT be |^d to have individuals, churches,
1 raverve City
.... week.
Mr. Koan rialled at A Maag's
dM Onnge, fraternal societies and all other orthe higher Die June :. I>ll.
ic TraverM City.
from Ml. Pleasant Bunday to visit from her vUlt at Traverae Ctty.
lairtwttnni band in Itams of naws, pereonala,
marriad and leave* * wife snd three
John Pethxll «nd farnllr railed at
' Mr. anil Mr*. Geo. Bnrgvas took with her poronu.
Mr*. Dutton <f CadlUac vlglted
ttBDQBOODaBtfi of maetingt, noticat of entartainvviilism lilDy'B Banday evealag.
Mis. The*. Brooks and Mr*. Carrie
Mrs. aiSord Blanchard and son o. the boiue
her father tbe flral of children by hls-llrat wife, also
brother and al|>ror obd other relatives
Walter Baycra bas beea worirtag
Keough to Lake Ann today, where Carter visited last week with
- 5wt, budnm ehangos, pnUic improvements
last week.
thev will leave from their respeetlvc
f. Mr. and Mr*. Webber.
. j y<is. 1.. F. Jiidk&s was et Grand Who will aiUsjH]B,^or he was ever for Heth Sayen Ue past weak,
• ‘BEf done or coBlamplated, sales of real estote
rjdy to help tC^Mx need. When (be
r. Endrick'a and family riatted al
loniv* at Kingsley and Marpaeite.
.Mr*. Rrim'a mother came Friday R.pidt * fc* days last week,
in tewa or eontry, and ary ether iUmt ofge&Koan's Sunday.
Wo bear that Mrs. Fttnk Roger* ts
ir tn extended visit with her.
I ' mi** .vargret Bocner baa retnme-l war of !hf rt-bellloi; broke out b-* en­
ml IntcikSt. Send all itams to Miss Edna Wall.
listed Id cowpsuy G tievenih Infsniry
r*. A. Bayer* railed oe OraM(III oiilic ill
Ray Worrols hai been visiting *f(l',h:me from Kalkaska for tbe
■I tapeer. Mich. A^.t II. ISSI fbr ma Bayer s K'edaem
Arthur Neiien I* rtmnlng a eream relatives the pest week air more.
|b(i hu dtarfs of the JJ^arUaent.—Editor
Jone A
wagon for the Maple City civiamery.
Miss Bloasoni Morse or Harlan { Master'George Hobba on Baiiirday three v-ears ninsiereil into service. Aug
Ptof. E. E PeBenglll U busy farm- was tbe guest of Mia* LucreUa Hend-'
-for a two weeks R.IM1. IMm-barged at Fairfax Bentl10 Poioskey
hospital Vs,: Feb
IIS3. be
ing these day*, having finished hi* craon the latter part of the week, vlrJl with frlenda
to Hfe Lake So 'ear* ago. was
Charles Rosch has gooe «o Ftax leKchnol at Mujile City.
they both took lu the alghta of InterHn- John Davlaon
1 Frida:
rlday '
■ merntar of F; Jiik .Fswler-Posi 3XC Und 10 work.
Al last cur friend and neighbor. Mr*. lochrn D»i Saturday, p. m
____ In the tottliaing of
to Gr
Grand Rapid* tor
i. A. R. b(s wife U ■ member of Ibe
Ella I- Brugh. bas passed away after
The lofani daughter of Mr. aad
Mlasea ('.ertrude Peek and Mary visit.
•»(rt new barn.
rs l> navi* bas been bavtag Ue
a long Birtiggir. Tbe end eanie on Dernlf closed a v-cry aucceatful tern.i jili* .Myrtle BeaU oraa borne from iV. R c of Fife take, be leave,
■tore of R. Baumgartb.
mnv wanil* friend* who will mU*
Wedneeday evening. May Si, abd her
- ihool laat Friday. Tbe ladles or'Cadillac ■ few day* IfSt week.
praacM tn
Pete »lmb went to DucUef to buy remalBs were laid away In the Green
Durlug Ue-siorm of last week, (be
neighborhood, served iceecream
Misses Goldie and ElU Ughtfaloer Its smiling face but we know there
- lay ■oralBi
potatoes Friday.
UHer cemetery on Juur S. She was a
c*ke to the >-cholars and teacher,, have retvftned home from Mgnton. >0 deaih. What oercus so I* translrion lUhtului atnirit a boibU bant baioaf- .
m.. by Rev. ....
Mr*. Lee Rial weal to Tfaverae faithful wife and dcvoie.1 metber an.l the Isiier left for their homes Sator- having finirhed tbe orttool year
ind aJtbougb his suSertag* sera se
to n*vM Rash, lu which Ue mem
are cordially Invited. All
leaver n husban-l aiid.llve children nil
« Dernlg returns to
the, Ben .Shueri of ('odllUc was
In ere and losg. but bis pailept wife and or hi, farm loob were stored. It
ptfibva are reouasted to be pro- C4l) Satnrday on boalncsa.
Otbi-r friends tryevl to make bta paa.- burned It to the groond.
, Tbe paaior will give Bfinday
Pete Muih and Joe llenges went to under 11 years old 10 mourn their Ids*. aebool next year.
|io»-n last Thur»d*v. •
ooiufortable «w they ronM. bla
Beside* these she left n mother, five
Mr. Blue sold a bone ooe day tori
aeeniisg.-dervke on actontit of I’mlor Friday to fith.
H Smith and son,-1. n. attend-l The Swaverly Telephone On are
rai 1*M' to rosl In Fife take
IS and three brothers' Her mald- ed Merchants seek inGrand RapIds < putting In a line from this place (u
BKiralttg - event
Ukm Rial anfi cousin Thelma Rial
remeiery. June 4. ISHl., The mem
amt was Brooks , Her age w*» tS last week.
Mrs. Roach ha* beea vletUas
___ * The funeral eervteaa were held
Mra Frank Ga*«ee and ooir Ray
Ralph Davison U vialHng at the beea of tbe Post and Corps attended ber dust. Mr*. Newstead Of mmr
body, tbe aervire* were military. LMig Imke.
ip the chnroh at Ovlatt and were large­ also Miss l.ove)oy of Thompsonvillc tpM of his Grand parents at Sum._ .hoir sang two beautiful pieces
June Tbemoa wbo baa htm mm^ to bo movdfl frton hot parenu home
Bowden of Sitaimli «a» In ly aticmled Rev, J. H. Byer ccudu.t vir-ited at Mrs U(dl*ra Usi Friday. 'mu Chv
ed Ibe services: Wilt Arderson, under Maudie Caidner who bas been stay-, uisse* Hora and- Haxzet Eldridge Bccoaipaoled b< Mr*. f>orabety at the Bned to Ibe boose for a.iEw days
« baa iHwn lit ter lire moatb*.
m bualnesa Moaday-.
organ . the nervlro* were very Jm- wlU tb* meaalra la ameb Improved
laker; Mr*. Crfo llrcoks, Mrs H. W
i |o Trareiwe * Mr*. K- Bacnigarth and. cblldrea Tanner. Elmer Wilson anad Chns. Sat 1-jg w ith Mrv. Holler for aome time re- oa Saturd*}- went to 'Traverse t
presalve and *11 showed be wo. beM ■I tfaU writlag.
sister. Mra. W. 'Went to Staudlab. Monday for a rlil Her did Ihe linglug. The hereavc.l turned home with ber mother that tbsir slstei^Mra H. Jl Fo.ier.
John Hnamood to akk. with the
n high esteem hi* liody saa Inrajri-*
| mi** EdithBridgeman
with hei ,---------Vehoter.
family have the syntpatny o( ihc en
meastrs at peeeeat.
Mr*. Waldron from near Btg Rapidi home from Bendoii Saturday after 11 the ftag he fought for. piesewied
•Ira. Ear* Milks went
he Post
llrv- romniuDliy.
hut who used to be * restdaht of ibU -.icslag a very *uc.e»*[ul tenn
Wofineaday to rtsK b«
June' 3.
klace visited lasiSveek with Mr*. D. g, yicol
ara. A. Yoikj.

nc >' Do’ly BoUWay BnmF King and other Irlehd*. ohe left) Mr. ji.! Mr* Fred BechsHne
Harry Jobivson of IVstock celled
ale of Fife take waa
Berolc* Sayen ratatvad heme Taea-1 “ ‘P!* y Batnrday uigbt to auend
(Ylday^to yl*li «hh relaiive' at Wal 'tended the ccmmenceineni ereroises
here baxttog wood a mpto of days
«ay from OM Mlriioa Wherp she baa «*‘
Jake WhlleV |>eople are all on (hr loon Lake.
nf the Msnrolo&a Normal Wednesday friend* at this place recently.
Mra. Joeephine TownUnd
UI* week tar V. C. Ive* and Fred
bm worklag for aoma «l»e.
and Thursday.
Mrv Geo. At*oii went to Ann Ar­ ait'4. list.
seversl days at Orawa May.
Davl.l Peck of Kasson ('enter work
IVry Keller and family are moving
Irene Shield* returned tp her home bor Tni-sday.
aodwCamily hare
hero from Jlarren. Ind. haviag purlb Bay City Friday, fbe bib been
Fred Nixon of Ti .:verae City wa* tn ed for Grant Hiw-k* a few dav* huU
aomv with them after tpending some moved late tke taDpr* boose for the
ire having flue weaiher'at (his chased a farm com of town.
ttkiag care of her fatbar Joae^ Hai- >wn rlaiUuB rokulve-' over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I'rnnk Heath were rut WTiilng.
I We fei'.
up to dale, since our Hme with hi- anni. Mr.. Pat Golden. summer, and be ha* vrork for lb*
tt* wbo ha* hem very a She w ill
Allen Keller and..kit Bioekflab re­
rela■utnnter of H. L. Holbrook.
• «
Miss Bessie* Broonibead vWled band has U»n reorgaulied They did
yotarn here fot Iba snrnnrer.
turned hYIday from Sort.' »rn Carmda calling Sunday.
Mra Uanie M'rich and dUUroa or*
Mrs. Wni. take drove through ir friend*iQi* nrigtUH-houd a lew fine dernraiion day and hope to beai lire* at Mayfield for a few days tost
Mra. W. J. iHiln and mtHher. Mra. where they had been for .ae past two
here rtoftlag bar motber. Mra Fbito.
CatIUlac Iasi wi-ek.
’ih«-n cii<‘:i Jitriiig the vumiuer
day's last v rek
Farvant visitad'relatiTca bora Hon- months.
-flusoell Bobinson of Orawa vtoiied
Mr* dlerbert Bonny speat Moaday
Mra C. Roxbury. Mr. and Mrs. At
I’hil Rey has pnrohaaed himself a ■ Mr* Dr A N Howe of Boyue' Fatl*
lash Bogart spent 8r-.4ay w(ih her
u* borne of George tvM
wood take, and sen. WIHtani. wer«
_j*oliiie laimch.
who »J* x guest of Rev and Mr*.
Gaonw Wodgaa -wont to Traverae parenlA I’. K. Dagsri’i cK Maichrtl.
Mrs 8. U Manley abd Mtoa Narva
Mr. KetebbsU of Kalkaeka to ber*
Miss Etta (ieuky visited Mr. and Baker, wa* takra seriously III Pundsy
Mrs Pete Biwntia - of Boyn City Hc-Bcr slKi-pera Tnes-lay. •
Oty Balnrday on buslaesa.
Ibe masea work ter Cbaa FaaMlu Ruby Brooks ralle.1 on hei Mra. Jesnaw a few day* laat wetdi. and was not able to aiu-nd tbe *erwas lit town on pta'. len Mooday.
to Traverae
llai;v Copeland i« also tbe owner,vires SunJav erenligt
KailagCMv NIxan returned to Tra- frteml. Mi*x Bessie take. la*t weok.
Mlot WItona CrandaN was a TraB» on Ibe sentor exeursJoii to Ppto*
Cbaa. McCdalla weal to Grand Ra­
Alva Bronks Is scrk.ny. loi David of.* mw lanr.h.
Mlssr* IVari CUtk and Alma
verae-HtF M«hd»y oficr a vialt o4 Peek ol Kasson Onier thi* week.
bnslDcse Suaday.
key Satardxy. She refwrttfi a fine serdral
A ron ber of the young people from Agrral cf C-iJillat vlsl
w««-k*^llh her relatives.
Fnd Eggll was a Travarae City
Chaa Fbllo aad family of Bpeoecr
Mr*. CllniMi tamh war. through
this iielghborfaood spent Fundav on home of H:c former’* grand father
Al Regl refunv.d froai Traverse
V Isilur os Frida)
come Saturday might le vtrii ww
•IghlH-rhood lumigatlng for Ihc n>
tbe lake Uvai riding, all ruyoyed one day last week,
<1ly FCuiday -vherc be
with tbafr mrihor. Mra Phb
au Friday.
working for sop-.e lime.
Mr*, ('ox of Ek RapM* who bs* proud 1 wuer* of a ro* boaf.^r<-h*s ed 10 Keystooe.
Fair Asaaciation.
Ahhte fleegmWl • retained to her
.Mr*. Henry Helm was s Traverse
Mra George Btuto of Fife Ute
boe'n visiting at G D. ■Hammond', a ed by their father while In Grand ”*
Tbe Paradise fair assocUHon held a
I CadfUav- Friday.
to visit Ue fStoMto*
ft X days last week returned to ber pM* Ja*: week.
tceMlnf.- la»t Friday evening to Hen
Powera Want to Waht
srrh bUbop Mr. CraodaD aad lit w. c. May and
C Iras Marm
hotne MoaiUy.
f Clayton lllmfaough of Sturgis yi>H
Mrs Snattnn of Grand Itapt;
offlcen.' for the yvyar. and to talk over
day on burineaa.
Mia* Caddie Magee returned home ed hU aunt. Mrs McAley ih>’ fi<ifk of i wife of TbompsonviUc and Hr. A. M. (ng to ber Sanday nigbe
Mra. Floyd DavhUon was called te l.'ie boVlIng cr attoiher <alr ihl* fall. ronw to radebraie. Mr. and .Mi<rU:
■fTnveJo) of Orawn gave SB taxereaUng
ProsJficni. Ralph Case: vice-preal- Sauann-* goWert wedding. STiy :
-iBk lUpMa Friday owing » tbe and
sernvoD si the school boose Sonday ed a roualn. Mra BodF at CMrago.
«sa draib of bar bratbe^ Mr. Mey dent. K*t3_Ca*e; secretary. E. K. Mrs. Samson was presented wUb a
Hr. I^orejoy will ulk to IH. a couple of day* tbe ROst week.
Ohio, krrivtd Monday for a few dav
ICbanfLy; treasnror. R Uaumganh. batiiisomc gold pin.

Mr. O. V. Hohnea drove to Walton
„yron Rrr-ver and wife moved to On ibe exeemtve ^mlllae are B.rMr. BUd Mra. Ora Orraa and re- were here Sunday.
Frank RakM af Thompaoavills is
Cedar Cliy Friday wbwe Mr. Broaer ron Hnleo. J. S. Biwn and l.
Uilves coJoyed a flsblag trip to
June 3.
Mrs- Pfeifiey and Mra Rralag
Mra. O. V. Holmea' went to King rtsJtlag bU mother. Mra Antboay Robas ranploymeni In the Overy of Praak Porter.
w. v ... ,
Dock take oa Baurday bavlag a
I At»oi1»cr meeting will be held In
k(» ol 201 North 1'e.lar strek, lor atr the la*t of tb^ week efter eo- raiU of :s.
jpM Coevisll or SurioNt jyjr to to
*-’solc*n Tyler and wife atterJed ihi
Mra Cb*s MllDrd wont to Tra-'fcbont two week*, when further
, Joying a week'* visit « Ue bew*
be city todsy oa basing. .
graduating exeectae*
verae City Saturday for s sboci visit rargemenl* wilt be bett
Vhjr <io Ihn Elks’ um fht* popiaw ahliitnli.di ?
It=H this way: Back in 1849. when there c.-iis 11 seliism in
Ihn orjninigation. the two raeli.nia met in AUuiilie I'lly r»r ;i
prate paHejr. At the lime. William U. ifyem. ritiUdeliihia'H
only pant Kniml rkultej ruler, wa* the jrraml ekl.^mitl lemling kiiigliJ anJ one of Hie miwl impnlHr im li in the onlei-. To
Itet hia gtlvii'e rfml grciit him. hundrtHls of Klkn‘ eonprepited*o^ tho AHautk (?ity atalioh to meeU Mr. MtVea. All the
membeni were ot hijdi Irnsion. Whi-n Bill Myer.; nteppotlofi
the ear Delf|{gte .SUipk nf :St. I*mil, n hip nix ftMif.-r. nhmiteil,
“Hello Bill,’’ and the crowd iiKik ii|> the Knliitalioii with a
harty lauKb. sad'fr**m.Ihuf day to Hhh •fllell.i.Biil." in
tmirernajly tisi-d tmioiig Klics’ that it tvjin viHiinlly li.-ec.iiie offirial. To Ihe iummI naturiHl feeling whidi haii its oulwart! exphanion in KteekV jjreetinc to Hill My?nt w n.H.-riU-*! Ihe re-

Kingsley Department
Conducted by Miw Edna Wall,



Bka te DMntt iB mt.

, Fii -'i.;


delecMei «r«er m«« tp cpow here Lather. W. 1. Iroia. i. A. fiardcr. E>r.
twuM TniAiM uir'a temouaur J. a Mania. W. W. Srtilh. Or. W. a
Maatlar. a J.
W. P. .Needham,
Jdewa. F. R Pratt.. W. W.
ewlac to tbe iwiyml ea»vntk» of
Parr. JoUh Bawa. Badph Aadenoa.
Elw a
rtelOod tko oute roofftotloB to Uot
dtr bocBMoe it WBS boUoreO th2T tbo White. Joa. SMer. L. a Stlckaer. C.
lOks of tte uatc d«trod to ottoad iko P. Haatar. J. M. HMUuaateL G. Lote
b4 to altoad too SUreb C. A. Skelcber. Geetse. Tar
La O. Bko. a
olihln a MOoU KiKht he book. W. U
Lor.1 KpI« J-J. W. lUp.
W. Otallkfc
hai^p to mar. FOr that raa
Udlw' RecepUoo — Urm. i. H. Mc^
I KBlsbl—Br. B. the auta coofeotloa laat rear
Gooch. (Aalrmd; Mrs. C. M. Boon.
beU to Oetroli. aad at that m'
tlen Traropao air oaa repreaeated hr Mrs. A. a Jorce. Mra. C. G. Corea
Janes Kabeo. Mra. J. T. Uanaab.
neartj IOC Elks. There oas ao 9ppo»V- Mta. Jaa
Uoa at tha aiaU MoecatSoa for Trar- Mra. J. Ga Saaio, Mra. J. A. Tbonpaoo.
Mrs. kl. Kicb. Mra. U M. Beaaeti.
eraa Cbr as the locatloo for Itil.
Mra. W. 0. C. Gcraialne. Mra. W. R.
Todaj tha toembwa- of Traraf


>M»inttte'lii»t.ottbe HloWini
W OrcwizMI.
B. P. O.
■ '

atr Msc-are reealrlat delesatas a
BdilasaL Hrv 6. P. Buraa. Mrs. H.
It U due to Ibe people of Trar- cbalnBan: JnUos Beers. W. c. HnU.
Otr that aerer before bare (her A. 8. Bowler. Guy Toatpkios. George
am 'fardiailr sopportad a fraternal W. RaC-|^Tberon Morcan.
------- ■- 0 pobUc enterprise.
ertU be BO larce tbst
tbe boMte coaid aoi pessiblr bocta
take car* of those vbo desired accoatPresldeat-Ckartea E. Lowa. Saglnodatioet. bat tbe peopU of Ue dtr »w.
bare come to tbe reecne aad opeaod
First Vlee PreaMeat—James Kehoe.
^r tomes cheertunr to the vlsiion.
rareree airBeerTvae ndU be oomfortsWf beosed
Preetdeat—W. M. Brrar.
aad well fed ud patll PHday nt|bt Dowagiac.''
TraTerae Ctfr aad the Gaks win bm Third Vice PraaMcto-P. J. Sehalta.
boor with wHa MiienalBiiieBt as «iU Bar aty.
Boat plaaaiai to the visUors.
C^cretarr—U F. WflUams. Sbelbr

of «to. baud;
Oa eiM fataln»aat is to
Ba'A W'IlaakM ao dlffareaee
«4attor a npa ia aouad in baaineH
tf ss eordUIIpr4il^ tfka voria with bU beads
ar htfMtfBik
TU wMaTaklp or No. tss is dist^ias.' It U eompoaed
«laa« «(ttaa Biea WWi
atr aad who
ha«d tooB tMaad'witltfa tbe devclopBMM Of the oeamaaltr during
put )T«a. Sato lu laceiftlOB tbe
led** kaa baaM -praaperous and its
aaakartl^ baa eoastnUr crown.
Fratb baaMa caarters in the Clty
Wian bedaa'Ueek. where It wss bore,
tto irpaliiilloB bas procres^ mitn


CtaapUla-^. 1b. Weaver,
ianer caasd^erman Wtatohd.
Tbe dab nwBM of.Travaraa atr
lodse are altraeUve aad .wW Mrnlabed. T*a afe Is weD eoadtoled
aad la «bat«e«r Q. B. BcbUppMcasBee
aad Mk amUtaat. Pmak Border, nrat

4. OilwoB. Port HuChapiaiai
Tba teliowlag are the eoaunlttcc*:
Doorkoeiicr—H^rr SwUb. Traveree
EaocuUee—Jobn H. Santo, chair
man; J. W. Hanya. aecreurr: Jaam
SergeaatAt-Arnts—0. W. KmL PeKeboe. tnamirer; J. O. Straub. H. O.
Jorat. B. P. Burea. A & Bowler. A torter.
Tnmteee—Morse Sobaert. Detroit:
L. Jorce.
Pinaace—j: J. Corooraa. chairman. W. B. TarUr. KaUmatoo': N. A. Abel.
Traversa Okr: H. 8. Ameraon.


Af |Mk «aaHe«« of tba lodge was s
ciitf W0e« tbe topBoarof the Citr
iiw Mock.-. After « few roare
Cto aaaBM vara too aamB to acoommoMr*a ata««bBca bad proride
Cla«narBBteBoaa raanlred. to IHI tbe
Mbs was renarrad to tbe CanipheU
Mark, tbe preaeal loeeitoo. which wan
|ai|ailt» daaigaad for tbe of*a»luUna.' BS petoparoas hae tbe lodge bei> Satitambar, im. tbe
lltie 'ptoB^Qg Ab tmndlag. which
iM iBMtoa Hi* piide at fU. taeinbera.
n,toi tatowlr taaoa'^aattrrtr rodecoItta# «1U1 aoa- h la tte Baat lodge
aiktobi-tto ctir:
that blKwTa. ' ehoaea db.Umi
•Ifbt br tia bBtaUea U Uta M« doBawi:
■fiiltto B»iar~Pr. 1- A. TbtMtpMta

ACbaptcr-from Ibe pSbore* of tbo.PocUic Tbat
Wa« Enacted on tbe AMantlc Coaat.
Tbe order of Elks ear (oooile<l i& Ucoat Ho|>c OaiplcrT. I
the obscuvlir of aa stior's boardiu....................................
boase In .\c* Yotk. by an Easl.Uhman
bite aad Bie* Tbe Other
named Viiiasi. Id the rlmins jeari of U bcacred tbe vorM orer: he is re­
iba C*'a Ho»tpD bai tbe ditUartioa membered la tbe HaB of Peme ta
of betac VH-ian'i Baal reeUas |dace. Westmiosier aad acores of a
where a roi.-,lr ntODUBirnt ha* beea are erected to bte memorr la hU ahto Uad.
erected to hU taeiacrv. but the boate*
or tbe vast army owing alUglaace
of tbe order, wblrb siaad like Hnk* is
I this order, tow awav are itiiiiiiigb
ebain t-ireirhiair from tbe AtMmIe
and from the Crest ly comerssat with lu btatorr? But a
Lake* t the Golf. si<eak bts |>ralu small Merreouan. I b^va
many know that the order of ESks.
wblrb >in.les Itself on tu dtotlnriire
e but Amere of Port Jecrif Lodge AnM-rtvAntsiB. to> s
1 thereon. ■
does hU iUrture oma.............
Vivian was an actor, (or at
luaiion or tbe oruer alt actors wer^
ElU and all Elks were actors.
wbetber be «as m bore actor <
came one b.v torve of cirmustanvee
Is a Querlion I can neither-affirm nor
denr. Msybe the Utter thoorr U the
most pUusibfe. as will
soccecding pangrapha OI one iblng
I am sure, sod tbst iss tbat hU aalarr
did not approarh }I.W» a week, and
twbbablr tbst is tbe reason some of
the other “Bills" turned
But whether It
upset tbe esubiubed ireih
Ul worth, and not bleb salary or socUl
makes the man. an>
one need so beyond
, fines cf our owo city .
There are many members of tbe
order who deny tbat VivUo
founder, bnt wbetber there are a
sneb io CG. Is aooiher question
on 1 c
I hereby ua!l my flag to the mast,
wbo twQ aasail it do co. Tbe best
evidence in favor of m> position Is
contained In a little brochure work of
eigbi paces presented by Serrutary
Pcrdval from the archleves of (40. It
wss issued by Boston ijulge In IMS
so as to sciile the guesilon as to tbe
fouDder cf tbe order. The coBunlitee

man. the i
Cburcb of England, who drifted
Ibese store* so be lOuM beat aerve
fcGow msu. as be often ewessed It
blawetr? .Not away. 1 daUn.
such Is tbe cate.
VivUn was a man of broa.1 i>riarl-

lived. When be left the world he was
no licfaer ihsw at bli birth, but bp
left behind a nante that win live wbea
that of many of his iradocers are fot^
BOtten. or him It can be bbIaI: “He
bnildod belter than be knew;-' lie
a lover of aU mankind and his slJn
"to iBculisle the principles of bretberI) . lo«e. cbsrlty, insUne ami Rdelilj;
to promote tbe welfare* aad eabanre
the happiness of the members ot tbe
Older, and to Iac4tcaie good felow
ship, and above all to quichea the
ing tba
brerse knew la bis heart they were
sure to lake root and flourish. And.
Wranaewt ehapter of all. thU man. who
founded the order of Hki. the strong­
est and richest In the country, re­
algood from tbe wame to escape t


u *1^ Uitca bas bean noted for
I aad Hs pabl
aptr»toaM okssab^loB. It has been
toimddt tai aar moremoat that wonld
«aad M the battenaeot of the oom'TnranoCttr ktdee No. sn waa orVBfaad eetober tt. 1»A br Itotriet
DaVBtr James a »elBals..aaslsted br
dim RtoMs lades No. M snd Manlsm Mca Ra kSa. aioca which time

block. DetreiL
Treasarer-C. E. U Ttoa^s. Calu-




'• t

e and in defease of the young aad
bettdess.- I'itUn road that Hsracraph
and bU eompnnions thengbi the nuns
SMte auiuMe and mndi more dltoified
than t

Oder of Bks. Tbat was the secoad
Jet in Ibe play. Afterward the firnl
srord was drvnpe< W It UM a bad
leeltnc U t'.r order and resaiied In a
firticual nsartw* It ms< a Kilkeany
hgb> an .bg bftMhmn- (or (srtMblrds
At- tbo taenitors •
at that aa'bs*aUty. On June t. toUowusK. ttore was
a lieMflt performance gives at ito
s~>----- of Mujir and Vlrtas's name
off tbe hUU. whether taieatksoal of nevioeotal bas never heefi
mnde clear, aad ttiM fansaa tbe amnp
whk-b uas ended liv VivUn eUbdrsuIng to esrsiie eipulsloa. sll hU frieads
sharing tUi fate. Then be drifted to
LMorsdo aad died m Landvttla in
Ibbu. IMK the rupture la tbe order dM
on wv swTW.

erwed the de< lekio of New York Loda* by rssturlag Vivian's Irleudi to membetwhlp. af­
ter whk'h bis grave wrus opened and
his reualtts were truasretred to Bow
-n. where they now repnse uader a
Tlviaa*H*CTtoiiid with being lbs
author of Ibe msa> beautiful seatimenis eccuined In the ritwaL aad his
bcr*. With Elks there Is ao surB thing
rath and no so<-h ward as "fevrn" ran to fanod In itolr tocubwUrv. 'ftMi-rever 13ks Btiher. ahaiever
they mav be rtelttg at ito boar ol'll
U night, a gUss is filled and liftod
toward Mearen and Is qnaffed in sL
teace. each having In mlad “Our Abnent Brothers"
Those who tans
vav are not jlead. they aro merely
“absent.'' gv‘to ov<r Into etereliy. and
nil uiemberw of the order hope le
meet their '“atoetit brother* ania
“When the rare* cl ibis worid nee-upded aad the Icy of the neii beglaa,**
Tbe 'Absent one* are never lorgRtm. TASni the meanlRi of tbs II
o'clock inasi sad that explains wky
tbe battdv cn aa Elk clock always
point lowartlL the hour cf II. Bat
wbetber tha ncble sepiliueat Is VlrISO s or a< i. mstterw little ao«r. 8wre­
ly It is tom bingly baaui‘(ul and fit w
laie lioni tbe aimOa of comdoing so mttob-lor.lns fe^w-mBm
Never knev. that, you
aeiltn-r did I tolcie tur .j» Ag<BB
Convention. There I learned IL aad
thai wasn't all I there learned.
The wuirmoniB conuiMd In thJa .
article may not he new* to all Elks,
veuturr to aw.l that they are
Urge pcrcFBiase of MVs mem­
ber*. and I alre think they wlit prvre
or (nierert to all the readers of tto
Trl-Histv Klk and to dcwk to amay.
they certafnly were to me.—P. C.
^Chsrld V. St TaWa.
Rffliwqvw- Charira V. of Aastrla. bp
br the mret powt-rfiil i»iler of Us day.
raw tbiw (IrM-rflevi a> to appeared at

V 5? ■


sfiwid bard by tto rni|irr.>r's fable. llB
b«d N.urwe«; to had wd l«wfTtwy KBiid-mi*i muiteti. Iiaked har«;
tu-M> to un aervirr lu Engiand. Tto
eci|N*lnr bath a gmiil fare, a eoastsat
took; to fed well «f a repou: I bar*
■nj mine b-wtere Barow
my rtomtsT. He sad
rrrvllnamlu. Ling of ito Rununs. ale
liqirlher very baiMtovmely. cwrvhig
■bemaelvr* where they list wllbagi
sn.v (-.irbwlty. TIm- en|iernr drank Ito
towi that ev.-r I mw : be bad bU toad
In Ibe gtan five ilhM-i as ktng aa any
of a* and t»»ver drank lena than a go«d
quan at oi.n- cvf Iili-niab wine.- H
wa* imt-tloo* ttot the empefoc ale
snd drank InuMidrraiH.v. and s* a natarwl result to uifrerwri terriMr fisa
gont frren 1 to time to was tUrty yean


.. ' Gams ts tto Laat
Doaftes Marltoinid and Ua old rr»IV. rtooBld MacfyoBgal. were oare B^
pnaed to eseb other In a famena cnt(tag mslrb. nnd «to Ub| two slrwM te
Sateaaod Loral Jtal«bt-a G. Cofinish tbe ynme were Ibe two erreile*’
FlnsDcc—Charles F. Bstbrick. Battle of who** Utor the work IrcslK. wss puLion. and he Gnslly died In Ibe vib (tonald -Ms'-ltoueai. with en-nasai
elaat lucals are ftuiditod to aambera
wr-uri'v of a ctieaii toarding house la deme-ratlon. threw til. atone. tU
Crock; John J. HrKevitl. Saginaw ;
at uyAlnie they rggalra tham, aad the
Dumtor, Ijvadvllle. tVdo.. and his grave remain­ threw li w-HI He made w hat L eaDed
ainter of meabara wto gat tbalr
Perry. l>rti ; * P»»t Gtunrt Kxalte.1 ed iiBinarhed for len .viurs aliboiigh
Credentlals-Wm. WiHanger. Filni: lintor. and ihc Clialrman. |to..nirr. a hi* funeral wa» made the <><v-axion ol a |isi ltd snd Jomi"“! f-r J-y. Then H
4Mala then lestitoa to tkedr «|aaUty.
E 11. Bush, Margucilc: Uev>. L. Green. member <>i the MsMorbusetlK ly-gls a Rocky Mountain holiday For months was TtoagU. Marltnnsid'* inrn. HM
Tbs «hib raems ara tasty appatatad
gfeiBB. OM MUaioa.
. ibe <asc (nlly be stood In the glare of l*etovllle's •wse «eemed ho|ietow. tiul woH) a ^dto
ato tba (aarittaa ot maaBhara tad ttoas
Pai*do-J. n. MeOoogb. ebairtnao: Jackson.
the rcptii k>fc- Its fnlluwsr
frmt-Uid)i*. tbe idol Of Ibe miners, who did threw did to Btske that tto pflt
lAw—Sbtricv- Slew-art. Pori liurun;
Traataaa-Oaa rear, wnUam eelb a piMaaat pUoa to vlaU.
aldoa. Dr. J. M. Wllbelm. B. H. Bracklid was knocked off. aad hh. wtane tay
“After t-uri fill roiisMeraliiiti joi;r inmprtaed tbe bulk
at Ibe side of tto lee. winning Ito
t. Tbi-roo Morgan, Georga Tarbnck. Herbert Clark. Adrian; l*elcr Glas roomdller find thsi to Bro. Charles A
8. VIv-lsn kind
tpiicrmii lovsbl. ................... .. ._.-re. be was alwn a game In lih }oy tto old fellow JampPttblldly-B. r. BlHlogA chair- mire. Manistee.
cd *k.v bigb. He came d»wu ao told
irrati'. net without fault*, hut roval send-off and all IxsadvlUc follow
Rltnal CompeUlTon—E D. Prescott.
nan: J. W. Haanen.
ed Ibe hrarwe. a brass band being In Ibai be Irruke right Ihpragb Ito V«.
Gic lead. Tho greve bad no so
MoUl-Oeorgw Amlotte. .Aalnnan: Maskegon: Edward M. Malloy. LanHe mnk. tot. bobUog up snlBi. to
ckMsvl than the Idot of Uis boar
Hta C. PetereoB, Ralph Aaderaon. alng: Wm. ii. Boyas. Grand RapiUa - sail iToievUve Ord.-r -ol
■bootBd frem tto e»ld water
tiaiement made by !’. l_ .
-HI. lads, we've wow. and If t dtona
'Harry Mbaroc.
■on. tbe presUiug officer of .Sew Yorh netlecied
yhtH •^amlst'’ Lechsd,
not o' tore aUve lie rare ye pM
corauoaa-n. 8. Obiuar. chaitdel ti-ver forgot the iDioMlcc done.
a mining camp Ihtrn "Iltioler Lodge when Vivian wa* thrown out. Is
aiBB: C. G. BMes. WBlard (Ampbelt.
.Ul- nrvQ
•« “‘r scaalon Of the Grand that atone on my graver-KsrbSBffB.
and 1I uecime
decline vo
to maae
make any
one evening given by a siroUiag remarkable
Its lieieca. following tbe good|L®d*e In 1«: at Det.-uit tbe wrong
Baattnet—G: B. Ikblapplacaaaee. company, and tlii* 1* ito crliU-Ism that
ptecodent set b> the Committee of In- '»* • righted, jostles waa dune blx
Pen Mar.
■c&alrmaa; Prank Snyder.
appaarad next day In tto local lupm. quire. The reiwrt In qucMlon has mt-incr}, and his remains were dlsio.Some fellow do*n Laneiater W
AatoatoMlea—W. D. C. Oermalnc. WTllteo by tbe miser drematlr critic:
been tetoreetl to ftecretsrv PerHval'‘erred and remoetd to Bosron. where has come out with >be ei(dBaatlea to
Joral. Mrs. Joba 0. Straub. Mrs, c. w.
here M too moeb chinning In this tor sale kceidng. snd if there ure anv.ttoj now rest under a eostlj moou
got ns name. -It U df
piece. Tbe author Is behind tto time* doubUng
Pba«L '■■■
ang I■ homasea in (4^ h«^ will j ueni.
Cornish exlrsctloo." says Ibe lahCBBf„u
VaterialatoeBt—P. C. Cilbcn. cbalr- ned neanu to forget tbat wbat ws lAcerfiiUv bring[ it (onh tor pfniifV I Anj
ter amn. sod he quotre an anrleBt
is balr nlslng slttta- ow.
80. <iu-.
now. ni
I (I au
go htark again to my nOo Icbarles AUeron Sydney Vivian.
ma; WOtod Campbell.
Tbe fart Is tbst
and take up tbe thread where
here I left s« ;
, |<,ndert>us nsnie. surely, but his
Bedrlcil irspisy—mmuef /fJar-" lions and detecllres.
Pen Mar Is so railed bersMe It ta «•
' “In tbe hand* of _ --------«.,h, .P,..
. .. ,L*
tto Mason DIxob lue. wph Penmoyl
land. ctolRBan: WTIlsrd Campbell
wTlght a deteetlre would have been
renU po one side asd Karytafid a«
Binto—CbarMu M. Been, chair put upon tto treck of Hamlefa uh<*»e.!^i ,
other, lb- Ihwl three letters at
>aii: ctias. s. Loaiaeckcr.
and ito'oM
IM old amn
man would
woom tore be«it«esrlv
toto[,je,rl» two
reoiorie* .gu.
ago. -«
was .uenoInsme hi, r,ib»wm« nnd smoothing the oatb- each atai- use befog oeed le tom
Ragtainitloa—E W. GroUBA. cbalrmanner that would.mental in tonlerring tto imme of Hits
of life WbBO be arrived
the word —PblUdeIpbta North Amarlaa: Herman Wiegamr.
ire lifted the andlenc* oat of tbetx: to tlie order. Wbea U was flrM found>rk be had ne moacy. but he bad . lean.
. - _______ ao Bad of wit. aad
•Tto morel of tbe piece U not good.-bst after a alwn s'me It wm changed,
rreecBBt aplrlt that babblad
ebamaaa; E J. Uddy. John JenkA
Tbe erene where Hamlet .................
bit W the....icore
- . dignified naato
name of tto Elks, ji
^ glut ai Tntnaic bfrveregg
PrtMs-W.'H. Uialor. chalimaa; J.
a thlat as apBlttaM
aotber Is a rrry bad rumple 1 tK,iaad GoUamlth* description of thatlg. ^
perees't good Uoka by pratalng thato.“
P. ^Ub. Ptoak Sladefc.
X? bSJ.^tore
liMng genentioa.
“Aa bow-v “tveli. 1 told Agaea aka
^^ISaiure. read at a meeting by 'l'lan.-^,{„j^, {Hendt. Aa actor took
Gewral Baeaptlon-Ceorge C.
"Our ndrlce to tto aatbor-U
ness, and aha baa
tell, chalnoan. Tratetw* City; C. M. m-tioa. more luvemsking and plenty
jreonectloa tfce‘ strange coincidence* ^,
pn.feealon.nad there to soeortd made herweU ereee-ered looking nt 1L“
Dame, KerCbpon: A1 Willard. Empire: of mvecialilm. Tto msy girl arens
e with fbe *nrtirl»es sad a
a i*>*ltlon at Butler's tbretre and_be
Dr. -cTbeaver. Maacetona; H. E Am- ataonld to cat ont altimector and
tag coe asoiber io rapid suecessloa. r^med at an aetorb resort
r Goldsffillb's tsttor was. like Viv­ street, and there, at Tirlan's snggaa•rsoB. Elk Bipidt; Wm. Gates. Hoaor: nttUag good aoag aad dance sabmlTha Madsen Mam
Un». a mtnlmer ot tto Church of Eng
Fred Fisk. Central Lake: Ralph Caae. tuied.”
tbe bonrderw ns“Tow wUh ta dUerea rmt Mb
land aad <be auibor. like tto actor,
Klngaley: J. D. Marshall. Old Mlsaloa:
snffered erery bardsblp known. kasd socUtioo uDder the aaate of Jolly haad! Tea eaanei MPto? U «bM
Bmiaia: thm It was two years fif^.^ Tka'i^rsa E A. Pisber.iocntocben: W. C. Nelboth died is i*:vrrt>. In a foreign Uad Corks. There ware tblrteew In tbe way doe* yew laeompsUkUity. of tarnmath tbat
“Ok. 1
aad amoag tfranger*. Goldsmith was pertv. That was tto bcgtnnlni of the paramaat manifest Itselfr
aty lodge waat la force to Catoam to aon. LelaadT'c. M. PbeUps, Kalkaska:
aloe mny m
ling of ao tatrtaslc rah
order of Hka Then they met at Parlaad the atoto eoBTaaOBf^ |or lilt. H. G. Paul Ttompsoav^Ue: W. C. HalL «w to lu eannameat like tM always pbCr In purse bnt rich In his eum's Uuseom. and orer tha door of wteh to get dlrercad aad ha deatoX'
Madly aatore and bis wosde^worklng
iMlIi if. fcltoto.
They waat by spedal trala aad tbalr Oas OntUleb.'c. E Ksle. 8. Oariaad. Bobetrectire rock la a load Of hay-— fiaim .VJrlfiB was alwayw "bnUe.- and the room hnag aa Sk's band, ao tbat —La Dtre.
tavaatoa of «to-cai»ar cBy la atOT ea- Dr. J. M. Wtlb^ W. O. HeUen. Rob­
wa» teppidBt wtoe la that. eonditloB. every oaa wbo passad la caald not
afillti Ftood lata Maw Vfi»E
Tbfi.oae dpimed Europe with bU lit- tall to see it.
ibaiod br pwpia of that
ert Dkldwan. Dsrl< Cbaadlar. E W.
if tbe realdaau of New Totk efty
Dally TheufiM.
rnyldsmlih'a “A«liaatad Nhtars" tbv
Q. Oorrtl
BBBlty. Ttora .»as m
Oedmaa. OBver Dahr. Freak FrWricb.
TNare Is amtoag bo easy bsi tbst it egbre ftoased 'Amerw-a with hi* adiae A-rerleh* tto oik; “ft is Ugbl Of (oM. draak afi af the mfik that 4hn Mta
I Khighl—Jdaoi* aarurlaa iba aoasMilM I
r J. lidfiy. John Pricb. Mike KeW.
1 dlEcaU wkaa-yM do u with aad hu> wu. A V.MUII wbsn puteta to t.nwrtviH. of duUs wrong, avotdiag all tba Mcr aaeb IbbakMato fiatod dM^
W. E Williams. B'm. Lora. Uaorge
Haarsa ever the grara irf VirUa U tombat. ascapt la tflHiaf ter tha la- aa a*araga ot aaraa badaM a |«to.
Chat. B. ^a, QrgMiBt.

a r rmjkMl

8. C. OatoraA'S. U KalgbL



tteaaAare: '

K. W; GraUldi. Inner Guard.

L A. TltompaoD. E. Baler.

Jaa. Kaboe. Samtary.

J. R. Baiko. Chaplain.

A. C. Deapret. Tyler,

'Riley fiweera. E Lertariag Knight.

J. T. Haaaata. Treasurer.

M. B.'Gates. E .Loyal Raiglit.



r-^r r; r-Tr“„“*rr«",r r:
-—- — - sr^rr.

Mak* tbe »«d «« tM H nke MR btfo nMwWrrtw. «t>rtRkl« wUfc «MV rriB tkieto^ •M
BUk« It. StTV tk« •«««• tklRlr OMT RRd OTRRIMRt'vltk VklppCd CTRAR.
teU t.

> « «J»0
WMlR RCtiurTTlaf
^^nJZtaA *ia Mtl
l^RklRR tkiwJ!*^
kad ttap «>■« wagBW

rj<* Rad *c». RRd -Rtoff tare« «** ♦ tC^HOMIM
w; YWB tlT.PlTAml.tKT.
. MRiIntRva. iKnwllcltoR. «.nB«l ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦• ol tk. «w
-------------- ----------------- --;
-------------------------------------------------- ---« .* •
ker-«Tl»I drnrtlan to t*o »onU.
Are our rrwlcr. f.mIlUr »llb tk« oM klnd> and are «ood«rfttllj m«- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦♦♦•♦♦•“*•
poamninWc* oUbe ordliury Soar aack. U«d Rod r^ed. aad hare broad.
The t«o (bium deecHbed brio* are
every R»rala?ta «aklaf \ab« r.lart ...bril and troaedT

4)011 vomlBC.

ih> m»tm »faat the « ord may aay
, H'iina hairyla*
kbvRf the o*y. A brtphlcr day
la llB«rilit« aloac the «>—
Quit vonrlatKa aaitor ho» the oiada «ay bkro
U’hUe tarflkf
AadawrylM We ooght to kaow
ii^T.'LMw .hi.M an here halov
That hrl^ter ihlaga an h«e
TbtT'rc hrlghler ■tiU
■hooU to-'
Quit srorrytag
..40*# ortaaaa T«»w IWoccnu

8a,j » *rtlor ,ld«k--Rrd tbrv.tR maklaf bMotUul .. ».cb («. ia a Marty

________________*bo like «.«U or «Dn»e al».
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦• aiv bettrf.. warned tofrikw.
• THt HtW ttAD fAO.

,4,^ iircad coraf. T*o aacka
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ „iukod toirtbar on aU lour ed«et
Uuch Utercri U bclhf waaUeried
corer. Three aatki.
ihl. year la the fragrant, velvety
p,H and .one lor
W«k heart., made from coooilea.
aleorea. laake 4
««* J**^*’*
neat. er..i«an-ri eUblfw lor the
^ 1- calKorula. iha land of roaea
^ ^ ^oy. KOr tha girt a Irili
and 'arc'aaM to ho a nvlval ofaa art ,,
„o, „ ,1,., igroai and

There have been i

Cowraga aad faith.

if Ood <ein grant!
TMra la the harrsot who la tnial
Co i«v aad gloat,
oadar vhoUtr R will ba
Or fall or aoaat.
e U taih, vUh tUigoaoa
Another year t il'auraly hrtag
The aaaded raia.
The'»aaded ana. lo«U the trida
W'ttb mOor grsU!

fratrance tor y«an if kept lo a light
bos when not In actaal use.
UoBM Chcora editor U the fortonaU poaweiof of one of the moat
bcaatlful atrtaga sho haa ever aeou.
It -oaa tnda for Vr by a CaUforaU
friead vho bsm the original redpe.


, aplendid nuttn-s. pal or t-vrot good cotton err uacd Ibr the tlllag aad U ean »-e'«i»uiiod ea the laarhloe or tied by baud
,i,u oontgMii rof-- cord. *«. fun
„UcWag laak*. T trm coo«gli ,u
,4a>« coubUsm laxeJ.Tinga


lid bo black In three daya. 1
the proccM can he haMcaod by puttins to a very Utile poedered cop-



bat ere MfUlaly b«».r
m panlil .hade In eplte
of tbeto^ belr* 'labknable. they arc
Imi plcaalag than a dwa lee. highly
inlaod i>iam.. Thrir Mufe aad
Booera never eecs uabaUneed.
<Uw anaaaht are odaiHed tor bed
ding. m5»raib. r ol »ey annual, uale.. |i br petnala or portuUn. that
«a0» wuet aoi be altoird to fern.


______________ _

TheV.2^ o« WiT J

rilp. ri M*l>et. Mkla,-haMl-Mee«R
to anaarr !• »carlRc. bl« favorite aaIbor. #o»er. |•e1. t**d. o«vpaUM«.
tooa. «e. Barit idayer Ukea a ^
per. wrtiea hia or her talitoto at the
top of the page, aad prvrod. to eaawer
all the ooeatloa.. wlag oaly aoch
evnl. aa begla eiib hi. lalOato. Thoa
r. V. n. eould awoer that Wa lawMe loei *aa Poor. B^Heh

«i^cr three toyw. yri iKiete^brr

Br.aa .

. ■ r.!ti^T^
over by talr Aebcaaea
miy AoaMeetly «pect hetw
t'nptd The ending of Mlaa Bryaa.
yvaageri daughter o< WIH^at

■ OorJ^orU em» tMJbmri V A*.
MAf $4H; ft^kH mUi.- l rgg.

Ml. Aoar aadnlt ««lbasriT»tWe
4d vUk; «ii late the hot aOk aad
>ok Ua mloataa; add the ebaccUie
sad «ir until H la nehfd .aed ovstOr
Mcadcd vrHh the Waar miitsn, the*
pleat aced pod. ttatUopala makes a kl». hut ala. for the poor friloo «bo aad a hrMea roae «UI acconpaay beat hi the egf atasd oith the oanr.
the K C Cook'. Booh, CMiD ib^c. of bright yelloir, red.
fat. io
trialim'Jtit aad M other
dcHriooa >'
of tor? of peeiilUr Intereri; a hUlor? of
irooo dalay-llks lltnen.
Teerlna out „........
rvoro a
redpeo wot /rrr upoo v«»p.«
receipt of im
bevouu wiui
rr. uaing
the Baser, laataad ih.* each.nge of'a tallroom »wa for coior^ Mv^finie
BaJaana^ ihr Cnest eirtlaa of seed -btaak pai>er.
. i. aol a» caar aa U look. Josl an ordlaar? vruriilug drr». Yean cralcaaol K C Bakiag Ptnd(T*6tad
are rc<n.
,. ,lor _____
inurti more lageauliy part Un. Alin Mawn Ihirkmaeter. to the Jaeow Mao. Oo.,,»icat»
w llRed im- Ttai.
™iUaa°[bem out eeasrially’ohea daughter
Rtatlc* of
daughter of
then chief
blocun. are
are good
good br^er..
brddor.. If
If llRod im- than cutUag them om. eepridally «hea
„ !T_
■^tri, after a waking rain, they >ou are deigning the plctare a. you
Dainty Cnqwettaa.
•ben oom- BO along. At a party 1 »eai to. »« daahtng weirt? ^rl <»f WaaiRfloa

—,‘T»vr?rr«:: rr.» r.

... P.U....

day hU word wiU rnUUnl nake Ihrt them In aa iron pan to

j** *nd three Inch atrip.

__ _.....


„,pOTa-oa. ,f meat. Tbl. i» not inch aa ea.y gano

^■■ '>»

l.cnwn Saadoiche.—Mai* the ?vlk.

dliifiad Prataad ttaaln


a leaspdonfBl of mlt. ope _.mlBg I. muffed praaacd Maak.
Ikniad a toroe rouad ataak Bai aad
1 of chopped paraler and
l«o ohlld'e under '
Tbne Dalieaie detimaa.
ground, and arc a.Ohcci of rich bloom
odd— lb* grated riad of one lemon. Mft tooder.
StrairberT) Souffle.
er. and oh (0 hard ireetlns
IP. WtaW Jta u,
Ui, btad. w roUta, ibem lb tab Tiro aaeb. wMh .«•». at ^ aide.
paate *llh .latlng. roll Into ahape and ae» UghicutU.^
lagrt^IlMt, Into a paate
of Is egg. and the ItHe. of Uroe Arcc ubleaimoaful. of lemon toice ly la ch«*m-cloth. BoH lor ikree hour.
nv Ital.
tUl tata
lta» pta,.
P»» .n,
ulH»V ttal, ta.ta.tao..
ta •ka ,a, goodaltod pHMn allp. T-o
^ btart. UUta
„ p»
sllrea of in nailed •tier. Uka out aad prew
ick. «U I»1I . tail rt Brt taOOB

- * ,
,a,l lour i.bltapoOT. ol p™.™. .»• u. .tata. 111. tatali .ta. 41.
n«gl >eara uae. 4n uie esnoer own. ___ ____
__.„ita,ta,. u-,.________________ k.^4
Into fancy under a Meavy Weight natll roM Take
HI. tall ta.'taJt.
tfcoi ta ta wboo tatabta. AHor
. KBtauta
pul I« .w.
Ui« _ta.M
where the .unl^DrieoJi^^i^
Uciu with nar- ol the noth, rot fa thin ril^ nod
, hard to turpaw The? _
0^ ooH row yellow rthboa lo look vep dainty, wrve «lil. horrorodlrii or made mu.
fully with a damlug needle. Slrll^
„ opening at the top Ibr ” "®**
«jd a cup of alrawbcrrle. tnaMied te
Uly Salad-Remove the ahcll. Iroa« urd.
itacm on a. eoerme linen Ihreed aad
^ook of the hanger wUl keap your
t»W«.pooM of whipped «i many hard boiled egg. a. there
-----------------------hang them In the wlado* for a week
For bordera one wania .vmpart.
,«.r*on. to i- mrved and, begin
S«ve the JarR
-And vbat amy be toBorroWa ■
or twa While they are drjlag aad
admirable lor prwm^ aa ‘**“*'»
mmalu to ^^^^,ere and eei on Ice for two or*bree ^ at the attaU end of oach egg. c«l
tho email kUaa lar. that coataio
abrtaktac. move them up aad down ,n, nci of Ihe Iron dona aot Iworcb
etmdIUoo fw
end garnUh with chopped al- (he wbttsa toagtfcrta# to five wettoua vaaeltoe or cold rream ban be riean
I da not aerit to Bad. .
< on the thrind often to keep the half —....
moitthR If hlghKOlored foUtge to daaerrtog
Cot almr-- ^li
*— taking care to ^ mg hot aoapwuda. aad wMl then
“FA -Leave Oat to ‘
rired. ooleui I. wril udaptad. Pae
SotrfSe-Mart a g«» of leave thej-oSS^i^. Taro back the to found naefuL Small ouaniltle. of
BMdinp Haata far Lasma.
the aheara eo a. t keep the P*M«a
, aBoolh pulp, work- peuli tkua (erated w as to mak# garden MMd. put In each lars are aafa
Aad Kew a culel atod.Urta
cd. pat a very Utile vaaeltoe on tk«
nna !• tha
the Ume of yeeV
yeoV to Iw oj;i of a unWorm bright, aad tto praaow
yon go
a UhleMOoa of each
egg elmulale aa open Illy. Roagb- f„ms
dust and Inaecta PllU or tab.
. u.
. ta
ute wtih tWa a «p ea the aorftvs
of Rbe yolk wRh a fork, i^, left by the doctor are bouer If
palaa of
Chamberlain, Buals.
aupto. auA aa naaiunuina
IViV.llUHta aad
tatata tatau^,
.----.----- . »•««
»weet thofto »"
•» lo* “eF
'Wto ^
dreppad Place these tautoltoo Ulle». not too (bn. shut op from ma^einro. aM to
and pwplaa. have cUppfag
eUpplag to keep them in
la order. Had- ^
Perrk Calironla.
paaa, mlgnonhette» «ad
SMaon wlUi MR near together, o* email rriap lettdce , muer time l>om flic..
fd*aad are already Sallerri geraslnm. with lu dainty. '
The two following reclpa
are ioBg been plented'aad
pepper; bMt la the ohlgpad laave* aprsod on a rimllow flat dl«h--------------------- —
taken from the flikaga Beoovd-Heroar dtopiay beds of tha more rounded iMvee half shUe. hM^lro
^ ^ mtnuto of clear glaaa. Serve them with nia?
Tomato SaNa
aM aad wore ronl to tkat paper by delleflto plaata are ulwuya eel out greea. to one ot the^pretttoat poerihto
aUffeaed wktleh. Bake la oanalae and-breefl and boner.
to make tomato balto. Uve randy
tgflnM phtieoee we woold caUforntona. Home Cheer does net utw m order te eaeepe. poeelhle bordering ptotiU. Whltelroved ^
baking dl*. eovprod. la a
------------------------a diah of dry broad cro^ •blch
ita WflchlBfl chlMren. or vouch for their accuracy.
toarcM (Dusty Mineral form aa odd.
^ twenty mlaotea. Uiaa
Banaea Pto.
^,va baea'pot tbrbugh a MHt ctow
flrmitar wllh tboae mhom we toeet
bmAi' from roee patato—If
netml Ufa slvea the followtog ei- grartoh border, and the leavro are
UfUily. Serve e( oBce.
banaea. ^
camrad tomatoaa aad *«to
dalD. R *0 mouM atop to reallae weuM have them ver) iwcct. get the- <a)iegt sugspalloaa aloM this Uae;
beautlftrtly «n aad lororvad. Oa« «
n,v^ Souffle of Mgso—BmM • ‘hrough a vc*«able rleer to flU a cup.
, MOBMom
Iwar -we ountlveB f»U to «"■ «•»•* “to pwala of the nest (rasroai roaaaMade npofl (he »« amj ho AUed *he very pretttoat. dafateat greeom
. p„,ng, „ * y^y pliieh To ihU add hall a rop of augar. w
the atora. add paR.
aV have to atody them pver ^ „ A«er1e«B BaauUaa aital Da- «lih eithar WMa or Soweflag plaat..
“* ■J' *•
of ooda. Brot tha jotki of Ms ad*, ublrapooafoto of
. daah of rod pepper aad a l«i thto ML
I m tt
: .rilr to ea 1
qm n<*

-tatatata H.Hi-tai, ta

- »■” -- ■

the ubm Hind. Wa know by UfaiM opeitoaoa IM thtme day* to
MTO^hidd iMBrivaa eulet auudy.
«M« to whlqh
^aXmd with the
■realMl rose, to
*c ofton aay
II awm to da Itoalf. Sacb lUaca a«i
le 1PT— the once wbea the work
ighleri to qaalUr or qumnUiy. In
snsmcliTif as the atatcmcui
’ ...» Mta. of ,h- tuavict davs
u tor .1 U-M.I ahnlml «r tatrrt-'
aa tar aa acruaj paywcmi
tobar ara rrmronroi are oiikTmtL
■ve ear Ughtoat ones and al night
CTlori toe undtaitoiahed exhUerstiee and uaim what haa borne ua
!TT ... though on wings,
toa day
■aatatata tata. kta. .n,rri.T.ifl th.

a..-, « .btai ta«.,r-rta «rmdta. .nd

S!?.M "i 2

ol Uitl».
ttUP tV pulp blaek. which aoee bat 4, r ........
aa Iron kettle wlU do. When It'la ef habit. Pot the coaler of a large, com‘V conl.iency of dough for cool- tlooitm bed. a rtetoua. or hanaaa
lag. ft to rasdy to molfl Into beads, (nnuji. or ull-groMng oretold-flowHa*, ready a etosa hoard a *M ertag «h.* l» -«tod. About the
tflttoto «• therMboau. aad ptaaly of coatroi Maul m^'be a elrde of eaaptas Break ht a Ut ot tha pasta at*, er aalvlaa. or petunia, or ahutlof (be etoe you waai lor e heed, aad jtoaa. Mdgtog ell. eome kra groaroll to (he palms of your-haods aaUI lag ptoau metou. need, .un atad rich
U >• round. SUck a pto through It. aoii, «ad then become almori a uuall
lae poi.i
and run the
print Into urn
(he board, -etok- „ee,
tree. Caanas at»„
noed csic.
extra .»«
rich ««d
to* «»• ‘he heed does Vt Weoh the ge*p „nh. unllmlWd queaUtlca of
___ ta«o«i ____________________ „ta
-ta..k.«ta vo.
Thai would Batten aad .poll wuor. wad plenty of ttmahjoe. Mo^ut
the ahape of the bead. Leave the ufoim mad
(hua impaled
' tmHl they are- seed plenty of room to spread their
thoroughly dry. U you with {p Prilah «m« jevoe. and the .eame Is true of

(hem. ishe a tiny bit of vaseUne to tg, banana which ncraiP toe mbc car.'
“>0 pslm ofowuT hand and rob too „ oaanaa
hands together nnUl only e euspirion
the taoM poptUar heda of ell
of grenae ahowa. Pick a hoed from a ihce« flUed with flowering -ptoau.






sronod does net frocta mon (haa als
tochc. deep la wlntw. ^are of
pUolIni It. It
wx« takes the bed Oner In, It «n
aerer be fotten rid of to mlM vlimates


ms.^. -uu .tau..ta.ta.
very qukkly. l*our Into a daep. butaiM Imk. to a
mliwtos or to a
drilcaie browa. Sene at once to the
baking dtob.


Vu'-ta —r..;. ^ tlVtaJ^i is
“1-ta?' roTrirJS-taTTr

tat. Thicken tV futo« *
„„biy eae ihim naui nr« la . era .-Aao wttk
vUk a
a dMh
dish of
of rred
P»aie llm-d with paalry aa for Miuaab
- *^ ,
as gmvy. Sur.
pepper aad ..It aad amew as grovy

A Sevriog Mint.
A Uariul I eveetlee.
Sew the skirt UndlBg on the heai
It was the Brat time Uorot*} had
el >our akin before you preiw It ever eeea a Street sprioklsr
wide opea
Unfriyed BcslW
Pre«aag the goods BaitV. It. and It memma.’ ehe aaid. with wide
W'hcB the ^uth wHuI l««to* to
i-e got
Some houeckeeverr ohW to lb. become, difficult lu IcM the braM on eyro. -fust »• what Ihri maa-a
blow, bcrric. blush Into roriaros re"
keep boys from rid
Good HouM-kceptog. Urge, ripe, un
^aUep 00
bulled wrowberrlo arraBKcd on a___„
____ . (r«>» In waahlog. Thl. roa Uhulled strawberrio
fruit dUh. In;he center of which I* ■
<,vrnviuc In eevcrol waya The _
dalnULgles£» illrh ttW »Hh floe soger.
j, ,g bimoabolc e second lime
urodoec a rimi-mlag rife 1 fur a lunchy,, pwl.-d edge when the «wl<4» isWc ccotcrpiccc. until time to
ovrkrd and cat pel.
Paa. to Ihr guest, at lablr.
,M,whcr u«4hod I. to nm the out
sjrowbcrry Toa»t-Havc nmaly
svaUoi. with
machlae eiUeh^
. .................
or right iJIre. of dry buttered toast, 5^^
buttonholing. Or la euiilns
Hto *«!' ®“c ''^1'
’‘®«ar end two
narrow- aiargia and turn bark
roro.tarch; pour under toe icaltop and hem to the maaBucetmo onr cup of boll- ,p^j
TV perfect roofing matenxi Lu been
tata>uniU. Ctak

loo taitai;. intakta. >t
iV. Trouble with rottme ei«|k». vV
,ta. —
ta —
least wsrh tbr linen hetore .eflttlag
ittng tin
tm if
li a dii^
dung ri
broken tlite and rust^
StflBg the* as your taato dirtales. brilliancy of tbr Intent pink., srar- riear. I«ll down lo oar rup. add onrta ^
aetertot tortaka 'aad M
the part. Re? no
l-'kxible Asphalt Slav \
usV matanah T
aad >s tV oac dunUc roofiag known
bet toys mate,
li i«seabl«i stott is a
(rasti or (term. Ic0 sed M am aflsetad by ft
tata."- ta'
tatata. Mta. 0-tanl.ta. mnw... ■“^■™»'4"-l-ta,,-, .tal tan.
oil, 00,

Oar ceahdewc* to



ts a Roof Miat

tartarr^.'r.-"-. - srvxr:,—

, Wang water ualU It makes a thin Jel-

„ pta taratat tadi

are qs hrmiaat as 1

Pta tata, ta ta tattata U rW, .»! «tata.

Oatklew Croam Mia.
0 roke* are a
oneh.ll roplut of butter and on. cup
Xnl nf holUag w«er la a-Mu<»pe«. «■!
place 00 toe from c( toe range. 'Aa
soon as thV bomni point j. reecbeA
nJd pae eaprul of broad-flw i^ro
lifted) .H at oara. and

nnill tborwughlj mixed hetwi
eJdItlon of each egg Drop by 1
of rorostarch la t-n uWe^ tola oa a buttered sheet, oee end oneBilr leto one rop of half toebea apen, shaping -Hh toe
spoon, as neariy dreetor
Tb.; bpllln, .ita.btar, |.1ta lo -WH. ta. tap.ta ta

rs:. ~ S.S: .:r4i:'p“ sr-ii-Pta-rL-r -Sp-r
r.r =2-

d Vrant of Aaatst- They-may he •

■ ih

ta.irrr'Tta r“Ttan“rrrta;."ro

h OUT mroagto. aad The joy of Uw-----------------,t mSs off iV rtrit rirliu of .pong, rake aad -ipread It
dlSera ..
- - - -. -.. - ..
lord la yonr
Uom Chearta Ikowlu recipe
._____ ________
n ____ _______ f..n.._ta,a.k ...» t.
k.. .hr. mmtod these two________ (tom iU PTvdwrerora that the read- coiofw of tot «be« to parfectlOB. .k verj rorefuOy'wnh cool lemon galaw2l
•( *MI to once pererive toe rroaon panlcutofly pteaalag. border for a tin. Set on Ice aad-hen partly roaiThl^^-Sijr?.^ 2Ti^ St tot briaglag It to her mHlcc.
geroatom Vd to a rioro row of that genled All -Itb fre.h Arm berries.
to V
UMU we mak. theta
olives aad white to- Cover with the remriader-ol the getoI put n( nnr flatly.
«c. aU ouaecs of powdered orris root. Itoie eon. Madsm« Sallefri. elw.y. Ua that has been kept to the kitchen
mm .sd nww. (h. wcirid Is rom- * ceau .worth of gum'trogaeaaih. oak dwarf aad aHroys a mtt of frilage. w prevent lu hardealag. ptooe the
to?r^i.T2a. ronT^nil^ «»U bottle of roV irilri wmer or tariabealto. U to muto prettier thaa mold on Ice. end when thoroughly

^ 1HHr.j?::. r.

.Xtai. I-(Hurt MV gator aad flU individual nmbi* |•rr«lcH(sl> dlpiwl me*.


^ F.




rigatceh smsu

PlexiMe AsphzJ|


T traeadsd tost ws hack h «•* a
Rcyesldf FlesMe <>>« «
------- aad ■ Am and Ugktsing proof.
lUreeld) PWribW SVs » roimM# for arrv ityl* xto fypt
Ws rim .Mriscran gTaairoesrlseed rroksc ri hfb qeriivy, m lefc. •«»
aaih rod isanai for lay'SC. ran <to 'wed* tbs rolls.

»t»t—CTtciBtf Br

Hsnadi ft Ley Mwcenltfc Thsiptriy



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