Grand Traverse Herald, December 28, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 28, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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' '7.









•mim c«ruln Th« CoMral «f
mM C«lt^ Will PaM



Bom, Dm. K.—Th« pope Um t»dM to Md Mother cooslMorp.V
the tftiat. Moardkoc to • eeniMn* CAtE WILL BE TEAT OP NEW
MaoMOtMat et the tsUcm.
The Btueher ot Mw cerdlaeU to be
creeUO eeeBt certela that the oootrol d the Seoed coUeee will bo
ellnod to Cleoiency.
tekes awejr tram the lleUeae. the
hu eaiiaed eurprtoe. It
U bdllered taet I
Rapes or giro him only e short
» ie the general oplnprleofl sentence
ay. Aleaandro Peso. Reyes'
suff when the tetter was min-



e aewi e( Me eorreeder created
a UMe etcHeMt here. Bern wm

Jfpiohfr.a eaed.I


^ Meap toto Unerex the grorroMlpTe JdmeeU op to Ueo-


e| jBai&Mk the COM mOltefr loord

‘iBteplMe. FeemlMioB WM ebUlB.. fi dep^NnBB A Cornel coptnlMtoa
^ Ce.OeMfil TiMTla commeader of the
aiaterr cerpe, et Monterar.
.'Be CTMldj edmtued hie dream of
< reroisUoa Bad

•a Md oa Maead hImeeU at

• MM ao caeraatoee tor Urn- ihmtii for marcj tor the
•.'df amn who hart followea
wiadeflnge to *aad fro
rthe Urae area la thla
^ Mt IB tta elate et TameelipM.
- Mod ooagMatatlaa for then).
>:pg( tagltlrea Md win be




liered that
the other membere will Invite len­
FOB UEAV- iency.
Weeblngtbn. Dee. r(.—The treat­
ment to be acoorded Oeneial Ber­
nardo Reyes, now that be bes rar-

•tablUty of the
Under the UexHeaiT Moore of Weloel etreet wet Icaa mlliterr oode tbe punishment
erreeted Wodooedar on compUlat preoerlbed
preocrioeo for
lor rebenion
reoeiiKm 1s
is death,
aeaui. bnt
of HummM Officer Den P. Ceieon who state dMaft>»«bt oStcUU here are Ineberged him with rnieU)' to ulmele ollned te bellere that such a eentenec
Moore wee Uken before Judge P. Ner
Ungv where be pleed gulltr end vei
flaed >10 esd coau emounUag to eS-Ti
^Mcb he peld;
erdict. It
TeettHer eltei^n Moore eo'
d by a r
I boUaay
k tor clemency. Madero
releb^etion end beeeme eo Intm^ted
f te the only agency who can
that the horee we* left sUoAog on
le the pardoning power end bit
Voloo etreet (or two hours la
s beUeved. will
eoUeet port or the afteruooti rfiboot
the protectloa of a blasket. ^ le men
ware flnallr docated and told to uke
true republic
cdn of tbe animal bot lostoad of uklu it borne at tber promited ther
la another direction, and
_______N. 1
(or eleetkn. I« the
Hoosovelt Is eloUd
<t the
Asnerlcan Hlstedcal
presidency' of
^ s^u
meeting berc today >n
tached and was foundI tbti
with that of the AmwHcao -------yard of Andrew
Sdenee aseoftetkin. M. Rooeevrft
a In
In«charge at C o'clock this morn- MW ftrat v,ce presldeti of tbe ergs
lag and placed in a llverr stable.
ne bore# was oui In the coM from
I o'rVx-k yeeierdB) afl«rm<<>D notn <
BebOol fftporta.
o'clock' this niomlng witboi't any pn>tecUon durfag the hardest surai of
Report ot primary '
Grawn school for month ending Dec.
32. 1911;
Number of days laugbt. 20'
Number of pupils enroUed, 43.
WH the tret offenae aad beaidee be
Ntimbsr of boys enrolled. 30.
Is a strmager In tbe dtp, having mov­ Knmbor of girls enrolled, tt.
ed here only mat beptember. coming
|>eroenlage ot attenduce. >8.
Dally average of attendance, 38.
offtoora of the Hamaae aodety
the Uw in reTbofS nelUier absent nor lardpare
____ e on the eireete the following: Esla Ibarp. Margin
lection daring cold
wtthoat any protect
dengh. John Anderson. ;A'miam Anwinter fdaya, and i:
to see that their animals deraoo. Rotma Curtis. Florence Cnrcaretees
are propMly blanketed when left Ua Patrick Bawyer. Alberu Crumm.
etnAdlag in tbe tutnre 1( they want to and RuMel Powell.
nvoM nrreet and a Bar.
Era McManus. Teacher,
enloreble Christines enterilBBient WH given Krtday evening at
Grawn. by the seboor children.
Many Comributed te Pienearee of In- Tbs cntartalniDeiit wm attended by
a large ceowd.
motea ef tbe New Cewatp laThe Crawa school children aajoyad
very pretty GhttolmM tree which
Tbe lamatee of4be new ooaatp 1^ H decorated with many pretty tiimBramtT Meat a very pleaeaat Chr^ miagi end e gift for each pu|ilL
mae' this year 4i the remit d the
ot thdr frleods. Tbe
M«yaal«i etob ot the SMt tide
Iteport of'nhe
bcred tbe oM gmttemen with neck- le ayetfYh ending Dec. 22:
wear, while the ladiee received boxes
Nn^ber of d«a teughi. 18. V
NamW of pupils enrolled. Boys 8:
of m
day green. Tbe dab alao remember­ girU 8.
ed the veaerable ladiee with a pair
Average dally attendance. ISli.
bedroom illwom each which wUl add
Percent of aitendanlw. 97.
greatly to tbeir comtort tble winter.
Neither absent nor tardy for
A Mead in Grand BapUs eent each Btonih: Daisy Brngb. Josle Rrosene.
oae of tbe old people a boa of borne Dewey Hausding, Dalvin Hausdtng.
aaie candy. Not the lOMt of tbe Tony McKinley. McKinley WIteon. LilWiteon. men .Wlteom Evelyn
la the




Btm^tb a marked degree la all
pat eerr pretty with­
al, the meidm el Mlee Anw Bioech.
daagktar’ at Mr. aad Mia. -------■noeh of the fkalwwli, asd Arthur
aC AUea wm.....................
Map allddaooa at oh . o'cledc at the
: «bM oC Or. aad Mra. W. B. Mooa, oa
' Wmrn^m etiaet: Ber. Prleetlp of
AMMa pMlimiag
carantoap. The
I Mda ware a raiT be
(Map.jrbOe Piwd Bioeidi
Mtde attended
man. After the c«rem
thTa^te WUeh taotoded only tbe
ifitmOiai of the enAtraetlng parties aad
klM iM Mm«s ot the Aride
left Monday tor their
Ml anTBmrr Ml


the pou H tte cmtrtbntloa. Many
otlmr people alio seat the old folks
poet cards aad other remembrances
•f the Christ rats isaeca.


EvMenee in Trial of Faekan.
•ml Mra. Prleatfr. AMea: Utee Bmc
'lll^ of RapU etty; Mlee BUtel
27.—Albert H. V
er of
Or« at Aa Firi^wli and Mlee Jean

trait." redthe:
-------------stand today la the papers'
trial, armed with new baadlae Ot oob,traoU and records, which the governwin place before tbe Jqtt. CBlef
ef tbeoo are tbe contrails leadlag to
the packers- inforamtion ef the KenAetna compenies. tbtongb
FliailM «vent Was Celebratsd at
meed Harbor.
abto to oootrol prices.


Hand Haiher. Dam TT.-Cheeter P.
Wmhmmmt VkilAla, Mtaa, aad Mtee
Baa KithiHai KBwar ef thle pteee
wen maiHid yeamsday at the hoase
at tta kr^'a methar, Mtn. Margaret
' 17. %iStsm A itonsdlac ot
her. man xsd

nera m fiEsm
That Throne
t Loot sad Advtee
TcnM of Peace.

Well Known Traveling Man Paeood
_ Away at Hie Home ChrletfliM Eve.
Nell Uvf^tone, one of the best
known Traveling men ot this region,
passed away at hto home. 5l» West
Ninth street. Soaday evening aboat
6 o'clock from pneumonte. Hte IIItr a period of a
w« . only during the test
week. anEU w>
ir dayrYb '. be bad b^n confined
dr. Livlngstene had been
a resident ot this city for many yeara
and during that time had won the
Goatdeace of the people who knew
aim both la a boslnese aad eocial
At the lime ot hte deaa he was 4i
ymre of age, aad was emiiloyed by
the Mueselmoa Grocer company as a
traveling aalesman. hte ro-ite taking
In maay of tbe larger towns in the
Grand Traverse region. He waa a
member ot the United Commercial
Tkavelcft and during hte Illness bis
every want wm-looked after by the


By A« Doing Intimates That Hs.#m
Cause Others te Take
•cmelr Medicine."




today broke-down and wiih
with the dec
teratloa. '.m going to cle«r myself,'
gave tbe poUoe - fint real light
the case- "I'll not take allthi-blame:
tbe rest will have to take th< Ir roedlWell Known Publisher end Friend of clwr like me." said Bridges. He i>rom- Operatlsits ef Advarted FeUdes De>
ilted In s Spct.h Wm
Pramier. else Dtetingulshcl PerIsrd the po.tce he would make a clean
is>en Aeclety Peepie included
breast ot it at thd bearing today.
in Police Drag Net.

Paris, Dec.
Because of tbe een
oailoaBl nature of the evldenr*. tbe
trial of the nineteen prominent men


Steve traffic, will be prlveie. It Is be­ FOTATO DEALERA ANXIOUA TO
lieved Ibat strong pressure was
brought to bear to obtain secrecy.
Paris. Dec. JT.-.Nmoieeu prisoners,
chareed with being im|dl<aiod lu - Qrowera' Heldl^ foe Highsr Prices
notoriouK while slave scandal, wrr
May Warfc Havoc on
a^gned Jtoday. Ao attest was
amde to suppresss the proce^tngs
procemtugs bete
cause of the promlocure of tbe ac­
Apparently conditions are ahsplu
cused. Among tbe - prisoners were
eiarhoD. former--------odltor---of "Tbe
------- -----------------------— tor a Mnntp in toe potato markat l_

frrt,..rX'tvs xnr

Beddee bis wUe and two etnaB
ehUdrea, Hr. Urtnatono Jeavae one
brother. Dr. P. J. Urlngnon ot De­
troit, mad two stetore. the Mieses
Belle and Carrie Uviagstone of De­

very large percent of toe crop ia.sUll
who oonduned
wealthy society men are alleged
In their hands, which was s Urge
have pcrsFcut^ girls. lu uddllion.
sold ibcl chlllren, are.amoilg toe de
A doten prominent bankers and growers tbe seme as In Maine,
'A aaort foaeral
rice was
apd government officials have fled [Growers refuse to adD under 80 cenu
the bouse Tuesday forenoon at 9:30. from Prance to escape prosecution, j ^ ^
irMe In New Tort
Rev. DeniH Cochlln officiating.
expected. |
0 Print wUl not pay over 90 4ellveraC though
which the body was lakm to bte old'
...____ I
borne at Casa City for burial In the
the young-victims.
Story {O^ld
family loL The body was escorted
to toe I
te ibo train ky^e local lodge ot
arriving In large gnanUtlea. teth In
United Commercial) Travelera. a dele­
New York and Gaiveaton. tbe Utter
gation from tW^llusselman Grocer
tf entry supplying a field to part
compear and a/nulpb^ of the
Framlnsnt a R. A I. Railrasd Olltetei
ploycs of the Traviirto
Traviii^ City
Cli Bute bosPassed Away Aundoy Morning
100,000 sacks of foreign grown potspluL at which institution Mr. UvFrom Apeptoay.
toes have been received st New York
ingstooe WH at one time employedand fully as many at O.alveston. Re­
Grand Rapids. Dec. 2f.—Wvrea b.
The boAy
ports from New York are to the ef­
Cass City by Dr. P. J. Uvingitone Stlmson. one of toe best kaowa resifect that ever) large dealer in poto.....
aad ThomM T. Whitfield. Mrs. Ulv denU of YIrmad Rapids and for year*
cn»Dli>»< OIW.1 ot It. OtMd B. ““
Ingstiifte being unable Ui go otk ac­
count ot the serioUB Illness uf her plJ. A Indiana Hallway cotapaby, OleJ,
son Kenneth, who te still in a very at bte borne. 2l'9 South Union eireeCl®'***" »*»«
___ _____ ________ movement Is well under way.'
critical condition. The fnheral party Sunday awralnc ot apoplexy. Although !*
'caus^of bis detto 'te - there will be no letup until toe windwhs lolned at Cans City by the
relatives from Detroit and other given as apoplexy. U wM PMed on an uP of
heart from which prices go. Even: should dealers stop
he had euBerad for yean . He «h buying, contigamenu will come ovC.
steadily, for when once a foreign s'htpabout 63 years old.
For the paM ate ye^. Mr. SUui- ment ts started te Is almost Impossi­
SOB bad acted as hsat^t to Vice ble to check It.
In spile of the report that the crop
Preeldeat and General klani4er J. H.
P Hughart, and be was et
office* : U short in Engtend and only moderate
of toe rallroed u late at teKTTtagy. ifn Scotland. New York buyers
trouble la making large
He did not leave bte home Baiarda),
Iding took place on Christ. altoougb be was up and about the coniracu.
Bight. Monday. Dec. 2S. when house all day. Hte sudden death BudThis foreign Importatloe -douliiless
Sada E.. daughter of Mr. mod Mrs. O.
will be ample to mirat the nurket dc
M. Sbugart. of ningbain, was united day ffloratog cams as a great ahoik
__ It was niand whether Mkbigah. Maine and
who knew him. although
\rrtege to lioVhert 8. ^dley, a to aU
prosperous young tanner iT Keswick,
surprise, as Mr. Stlmson bad not'New York state growers t-blp or not.
presence ut about forty of the been to good health tor many months. Such being toe sttoatloa, pouio
and friends.
Mr. SUmMB was born to the state, bandlere see but one reralt end they
■?b*e*Wdal party, i
Miss Irma V. Undley. sUtcr ^
< the of Ohio about dS.yeare ago. He came- srr conservative In banditog spuds
to Grand Rapids os a youth aad‘-ean- other than for Immedlste delivery,
bride, marched to the altar to the eoterod t!be employ of tbe O. R. A
strains of Mbengrin's wedding mai
played hy Hiss Lavina Usdley. The
In 1871. he worked with tbe con-ceremony wm performed uy Rev. H.
□eiaar, wa
an uavie
uncle o>
of u>e
the croaso.
ttraetion gangs as civil engineer
At the conclusion of the ceremony helped to estend the line
Gr:*ii. , Charles M. Lehman of' Elk Rsplds
ao elaborate wedding euppor was Rs>ids to Poloske).
Met Death Whits Skating
'srved. The young people meUed
Aur.dsyA few years laicr b« Ivit the com
many beautiful gIDs.



Yuungwown. Dec 2T.-8enator 1*
olletle opeued his peogresalve OUP
paign In Taft 's own suie today befora'
iDitaense Otrong. He outlined the
lulu of the i>racr«saivca potietea ,
opencMng In Wisconsin U POitotte '
wras entbusiasilcally greHed.
The Senator said to part:
"AU grrat movements to OevakWM.M9P
lent and aociety MV
le wogrceilve
growth. Tbe
KMlsV it Mi S(
sorely an ootgrowlh of
u was
fSHtJllhMks M
t _ (he
_ - RerolutteB
_________ or
the cJvU war. It te a paoids's me
uent. a tmople'S cause. It look root
In tbe great Granw movaa>eot of t^
Noribwoii. in which TVTsconato
iportant pan.
- oatkHi has profiled by WtecM<-lilr evolmton. to toe begte<«nr ■•rogram ef leglstetton wsJ
. .<1 with alarm, sad deneuneed as
vtslousry. eatren^ radical, and a
raplut and to bugtoees t
Today, the Justice, tbe wle____________every
of ev
Wlseansln tew to which the progrw>lre nioveniobl fcave being hM eoAqUerol npiwwlilon. and conpelted ap
l-roval In every enllgbteoed Oommoawcwlih la An’crlca
And the last wiscouta RMmhUcaa
liRnform, with all IIS pledgts fullIOed by an Intelligeat aad falthfal Isp
Isteinre Is tbe strongMi gaaraatoe yet
given fw porpetaetlng ealf-govmm
"The newspaper flies, a few yaare
back, would be found repMa vtth
aecoonu of a poUUeal apriatoS la
tbo Stele of WtecoMto ted by A Ant­
is and fanatical dematefAa. Tha
ling i«pers to almoM ewary Btalh
potbied to Wisooaeto M a manUB*
and urged tbe w
or Bi» similar stdiil and the etojBFDtipteacy. oCMV'IM
jx‘’'ulton^ a ef e ^lyflepm
a WM mntteaMnIb
lea which came out of that matt.
''However Diocta the repatatlaa o(
lat movement end the good name of
pte. within toe State pteffvfoi was
after year. aKl thT vrork
nd a bZir ag^ atID
It * aol

rmiae uarewt even among -the poor,
rich, but we do know tha( we have
achieved eeitato tbtoge."

Reperu ef AtaW Mettlag Ware httSe
at Aeeclea BMrtay.


There was a good atteadaac* at tho
nicetfng o( Grand TraVerae grange
last Saturday afiernoon and the 'rot-ort* made regarding tbe recent stela
grange nteciing at Katomaiao were
guile toorowtbly dtecaoecid. It wm
lue out-ofrtown guests were
pony sod worki-d (or a time with Ui«
Uk Rapide. Mirh.. Dec, 26.-C'lisrl« agreed that the delcgato* at the'
Richard Hurlburt. Mrs T. r. Shugan, I'niou I-a<-inc railroad in Nebraska.
of TravePM City. Mr. Sbuxart of lU-turnlBX to Ukblgan again, he en M. ).ehmaQ. a printer employed In the
m«Htitig frnm Qraad Traveraa,
Flint. Rev. H. Voelker ot Ow
ProgfM office at this place for tocj"”,. ^.d played Ihetr parts wrti
lercd tbe employ of the MarouAe A
Conrad Voclkcr of Baj- 8twrr
last three months, drowned Sunday -fhe reports were by E. J. McMmlea.
Miss Laura Undicv nf Grand Rapids. lU'ostent railroad. In the t'i>per Penin
subJacL “Bfatt .
Ur. and Mrr. Updiey will reside in suit, now the Doluita. South Shore A afternoon abowM ( o'clock, when
broke through the jee whUc skating|•ollllcs; " Mrs. E. J. lleMa)Keswick and will be at borne to tbclr Atlantic railroad.
f-lends after January 1st.
on Bass lake. Th«r^ waa consider„poa “Social aad BAit was net !„as 'oefore be again re­ able open water in toe center of the Icn. wIki I
of the State
turned to toe O It A 1. railroad as I lake and be and a cnmpaBioD. J»liu> uraiionai Ki-aluree
rosd master for the northern dlvteton. Kehicr, ventured too far and i.ruke Grange.' George.A.
subK-ct was "helng an Officer of the
eitebding from Grand Rapids
H. BtewoKh,
Visitors duHng( (be mdn
te Attend Big Rsace.f Banguet Mackinaw- aiy. He advanced steadI who gave "Uoine Inside History."
School clMed tb^
tbeTSlRl f
1 New York AetunUy.
tiy. and cm the death of Superintend­ reacoed Kebler.
bmas clung- to t
grange reports i
tioB ot two weeks.
ent J. M. Metoeany of toe Dortbera
r IC minutes. wti>
-TbwMlore division. Mr. Stlmson
ceded by reports from the regutar oA
Ulllaa Honon. Temper.
RmM>eveli']<osmvely sieied loda:V (hat
S with the rcid nnd
Beers of (be subordinate grangae for
. be
Jerald :
The fwwral of tho lata Wllliani he would not attend the w-ideli
the preceding year. During the twalva
^ held Ssturda)
Dexter which wh held Saturday att■lb. «>ntlb..d U IbU po.ltloib .b,. •••
.Kb.b .U..I .b b-.b. moBibs :6 regular meettBgs ban
at Intend, was one of the
been beld and 18 new membns han
ex pre
ter^ ever held iu the oommualiy.
l>e<-n received by intilatlom. Tbe proA'
banuuei '
handrede ot friends of the bereaved Taft's
ibership Is 156. Roveral apo­
TI-> -MarbItrailoD treaii,*. <
______________ _
I have taken fbarse of the body. Uh- dal program have been carrteA aat
famUy teeUtying their sympathy by refused to attend.
atuaadlng the service*. Tbe fiersil
man waa 38 >«*f» old and U survived and tbe county grange vrera more than ordinarily
i a twoday* sesalon held oarty lA
bawUfnl aad were silent trlbates to
[er at I'ayett* <»
the estaom to which Mr. Dexter was
it was voted to IDsUB the •ewijr'
Long Atrip ef Ahora Near wift Bavin Chariea Canfield Died AeturOey Evan-.
held by trtenda
Ing F.ollewing Long tllns
Atetten Wnhed Awey by AjtorTn.
«P BatarAay afur>
lss*en.t.:' !ia;l --'I be new S'aiHatl' noon. Jsnuao'6-end (o iBvtto all tor*
Charke Caafleid. ageu a.-, one of Mu:-»un: P-e.i.l.n- TaC this mornmgjDer grangers to be preeoat Mr*. E.
Oty aad Wm. J. Rodgers of KaabtoJ
om of toe I
way vara manled by Judge Ptod R. a Ftnp of shore in right of the Itfe
station on Sooth Matutoo Is- regton died Seiorda> evening after aAmerican assocteiion for the: agates to' Ketemaxoo. will be tbo hK
Walker at the coon bouse tneeday SBvtng
load 400 feet long by ISO feet deep, k«g illness. Besides bis Med moth-■ ^.jvsB'-enem of Science, who have itelUng offlear.
cutting away up V the stetion bMt er. Mrs. Martha Becker ot this c.ty [raihered here.l
' B surf boat and the he leaves two daughters.
Iters. Mrs.
Airs. Nelson
w- —

tbe light bouse were
reed :«|-ers de*of Williamsburg, anda,washed away and loot.
le-rtuw-nu Bud to
<dty. Also two> hrotorrs, H^ryiiLdlcate tbe dirertion of losrarcb Uur
936 EBoyd avenue. Christmas day when
Freda Camp of GiayUng became
o! DetroH aad Logan of Kingsley end i ing }8I2.
Aooefit for MsunuiR Whitaa.
the bride of Wm,
B Rowe
this rity.
atsters. Mr* Carson of Btog-| U te out o! »he larges* mteOeg* tbe
New York Dec 2T — As tnitel pernit.1 Ded. i" —A fcoiv ba-eved to
Ri-t. W. a. Bhellcv oSiriettog. Mlu fermanee of toe Thackeray tenteaarr.
be toll cf Emste Peter*, who dl*e^ Tiuie
------ ---------MOlar was
brldesaald aad
- ccnxtettog
of ta(lea-M re
red N-yvomher A UV
Cbarlaa Trematoe a^.ed as beet man prcMatmg Umraacr* and s^enea L-cr noida. both of whom raalie to Yra'-j*erttons dwoted te ex-.;^t»>wy. maeree
Mr. CanAeld was proeedee |rhe«>MteB botany.
After the caramoay the bndeJ pony ThAckerare aovete. waa gtvea m tor
aad giiim. which tadaded ealy the Staty-ntotK Regiment Armory this a.' la dsath by bte wUe about 2t ysan phyrica. rhemlMrT. :>hraielog} aad otu
near rdativas ef the eontraettog per- ternooB. The affair nadcr tbe aa- 1.^ Faasral servteo* were beld from •L..‘?'Wtobee of fences, some thirty
it Is tMtIlered that a n
oplces of toe dootbera ladaetilal Bda- tbe rbnreh t Bingham at I«.3'.' Tburs- affiUated scieotifle-focietiet
kol-l n-.~H.ngs itari^ ^ next tow u
Upeovs) It to bo
cattonsl.eoclety, tor toe baaeflt of the


nOISi oOic






ceasldcrtag roslgninx h so<a-------makes tie beet terms posalM* with
the fibeh. aceordtag to a dlapateh.
The MancbM reaUse that the tWne
le hoplOsaly loat aad are beUeved
^v^advleed tana to proceed







tpr ■ itert TMtt at the Arch Bren:
■ >Me.'
Krt. V. p. Hohbe

- t«nM A WEAK.



■pwd tbe hetl4m vUh her pmrmu
at 8t Mu*.
Mr. end Mre. S. J. A*«» end Mr;

' -H**

<«Bd Mr*. E. E

ScoaeH •pent Smdar



<' DCPACL^^iMtng hM mad*- 'lil
Ih* eoodtUoos of a certaia nertgage
by Fbeter Kilpatrick and Mary,
to a fCUpamck hi* wife to Mary
Underwood, dated April I, A. D.
eoteitato*^n. to Watson and Masb
and recorded in-tbe oftke of the Rc«-a Wansce. OrvML EvMI Wataoa of toter of Deeds, for th# Oounty
■ “
d Sisw of J" • ■
raverse City.
la thie new nsovemeat R la tatorMie.

jTred Sfee nul Mnttr . «ent



nine u> Bote the cavaUer way


« IndlM brother. Cberlw A*ereoa.
Mr*. Sonner Gsla'to eatertelaias
her brother from Bpsru.
Uts.EE SeoOeld enterUJhed a*,
ji oM cbolr xennios sc ber faon>e Met


WhdMlir ereniiis.

SMslnc. the old

wee tbe festare of the erenlnsafter which the bot^e served lunch.
Uanr wm the resreu
Crtop coold W* be



preeesl at anr

«re renniou for eoeie time.
Mr*, nwjn HtU and etUldren and
Bdsar HIU apeM Chrietinas at




wart* I. ItTL


divided into two prov-


*,# ¥M*r;^w7 *. iht

iBoea. Upper and JJower Canada.'
U0»-rnoce and An«Ha alsned the
treetr of PreeborE which eMabllabed

^^AMK hnM to tkit ettr Rt 2

Baden, Bavaria and Wartembers ae

alftlTif tka oBem «1Q tabnU tkdr

mi—»o*emor of Vlniiiia sad

aaV ti!»; »fwi»o». A^ thii

TP—r other aoUhlee verte^ In the
-IStta aMa «M «h«M repwta'vUl

theatre M Bidiniond.

' aAMlibatHaliy ■'•niBUotorr to tbe

Jaekaoa ordved tp uhe

p ttf 'tb* MwcUtton.

Tbe the SeM nfnMR the
of Uh lail Ulr vorfced dlana.

Seminole In-

Idas Etu Wamw and Mlaa Teeta


me. In lifccT « _______ . .

Caea and Front Sr*et%'fra«*na CMpr MMM


call page ..23 CO wb.cb mortgage thcrejs
cMkned to be due at tbe date of tins
Bollce the a«i-4
of .fioar Hwsdred
Roe- Seventy-cine Dullars- end Nterty-Two’
Clt} Ceuta, and an. Attorney's fas at ftltn
Dec. to^Ddllsrs rrvridcC, tor
svi: at prcvecilla-:
__ ________
St law bavlcg been insUtuted to ried to to take right heOd « ihto thing.
cover tne -u>o«ier* aecared by said
mortgage, or nny »*« therwA:
Nqw. ■Hiercfore. By virtue-of the
power of sale conu'iied la-said wbriikUed. A feirtory
with e good product 1^ «•
rtory witi
gage. rr.U tue staisie In »uch ,<ws"
conic. made and pterided. oolUe Is hrrc'. y
All are cordially tsrited
only aeedf bntooeM aUH to get It*
given that on Fridav the Ninth ds> I
We mirh yon a happy .Sen- Year.
product oa th# market Now watch
of February A. D. 1*12, at ten oVMrk I
Howerd Ur^ck of
t» do if
the forenoon. I shall sell al Pub- !
Now the preaehw-e basMeoe to re- botne for Cbrtounaa.
the h)«h^ b1dd--r. at .
Hgha. Why not let him trsasact it*
MISN Nellie Webb of
-the North front door
treoBBCted It up to ihto Ume. came home for bto Taeatlon.
House in tbe City cf
A A A A A A A^i-OR FAUJ-At a hargala. my ••aero
uhat -briog
gam 3 miles smth of Summit CKy.
Mr. and Mtv George Newman en- MIchleaB.
, A
paW. lie to ofUB old and penatooed
• here the ClrcuK Court for Grand
Ml(h. Call or addreea 1. Opy. Aumtertalned their c£lldrea and tamOy.
with a piitaace. and many of the
mit aty. Mich, R. F. D. I.
!i. Lantnera. Mack Hoclea. J. Witflesrra-eS Iq
dec: tl)r
sa men’ aoem not 'to cere,
.eh thereof aa nay b
•taahkmed prsacber. In hto oldland had a^raad Umc.
pay the auHiuni due
fashloBed way*, gave this country a
raoitgage. with sctvi
'■ tlcy Fjitunl'j aftornuoii.
good rollglooi.wault
That to thej
----way we seem to remember
our falb- Itbe proud pareata of a Min.
ihn Cady apent Chrtotmaa al May tors, cocveu-nled lor
era and mbihen'aa we see them, in
- •

Oh every pair of MeD*a and WoMi*a H«li G
tSbH.iatbettere. $5.00
^ «t M «•.
$4.50 at $4«f. B»s' $300 at n.59
dtaa* $2.25 At $!.»$.
liVyotn dtUKc oow kiiiW we

adoring memory, afttlng In the far­
away pewa. We doabt if ’'buatnesa
men with besMcaa metbodt," a to cor­
poration, faetory-mnnlng, doable efttry and money tn the bank, wiU do
It strfkea nt that religtoa applied to
bnelneas to tnoro Die need of the hour
Butlneea applied to religion.—


w.-itl nrfigewater et Kingsley performing
the folios l.-tg d<
ed In'the city of
Additions are being mads to the 1|.
T-iy pf Grand Tn
VU: The brary iu tin? otHci-s of tlM.- driplop
«-i Thirty of
tmreau that wlU be of great
T“ of lUcnaV Uy: t
. Co's Seventh
IlieneSi to
people who want lo
e City.:*
Addition lo the City ot Tmv<
. .

The Wlfeto Part.
wits, hto wife should iho

During ths



New Tork MalL
8»Hi la specific taxes on mort


The Meaaeat Man Infcwn.
la tbe one who Is alt.-nys eroas. dis­
CoRocloBtiow Man Thought UnwoMlIy agreeable. short and sbarj
arp In hto auGood MMto Would Noop Him
swera. in nine caaoa out of ten It U
w. bom. Died Sept. U. ISM.
From Thinking Sti^l^
not tbe poor fellows fault,
anlt. h
his livet
ISSl—Stephan Strmid. fouider of
Mtloo are out o« order, an
and h<OIrsrd celtese. died In PhOndelphla.
>u getting Inio
la Bordeanx. rnnee, May Xf.
cbnditlonT Then
«rp«oota vhibitod. Ibe t«t
lakicg DR.
A&Mnrtow «BoK.
COATED WU.£ tor your liver. Tb«
ISSt-^Admlral Oeorfe Dewer. U. 8. Juror. ’It was a criminal ease and
«ill dean you out. ritnllse yoor blood
«D oMtnMoa* we
tbe Jurora were imprisoned In a hotel
K, beha la MoatpaUer. VL
put your digosUoii in good or<i<-r.
„ nd «Bere atlD nmala
during the.trial. At oor fliwt dlaoer
c Si ets. per box. Sold by Aincri■MM in tba ekniw et
Drug SioreHoBolata. died. Bom Dec 11. ISMeat tbe exeelleni meal provided.
ebR\br which wlU not
Tf I abonid fill my atomach wKb
OF UlCHlG.tN—The' l*roMXt year. U a
4 an that hlfalctln grub.' he said. *I bale Court for tbe County of Grand
EptMCaWlfsi to the peo^ of
■hould not be able to think otralgbL
I am not used to it at home. No man
said court, held at
The Cbrtounaa tree at tbe brick
the city of Tmv
MdMng. plana wlU school bonae' Saturday nlgbt was a is able to think normally Immediately
after a radii^'^nge In fare.
ihe 15ib
The pieces were sU
: aeveral weeks to adjust bla meoihd the ttct that spriten and- the program wa* line. It
tal attitude to hla physical state. For
> Wm be larsoly
ka wcU for the toadier, Mtoa
le«d srent iBoeaiw*- ____Shott It to her Brat term
eauie of Ralph
Uth-^NM Bmdeaalt.


had the pleawtri

men- gtre the^oacb- WhiBBvy of Tnveeae Oly were
OiBtfae baeh eeit. It to aa U theee ere la our village Suaday.
co^Ueee aaid. "New yn eMTBua
Pred'Cartet of Traverse City.
Cbjirie*olx Betordnr f«r » *hon ^U- are the best of foUowa. hot yon are
Mr. sad Mre. Jaam, AtMla of Ksl- Jgnorant of bnelaeM methods. It to •A Ftohcr and lamliy of Maple
> rUitors at Chaa. Paiaetw.
ufcs spent SsBdAr nt the bo»e «t,
.A Cenunl Lake.

^ QMrM


rtredtaMi ObUonMr Biivteir i^'

Mlrhlesn. acceding to Uie 'recorded look j> ^ lemling aaiborltto* oa
plat thereof.
j...............-uiUirc and general agricultnre.
{Several'\o<un>^ of fmlt magaslnes


Ithetn to
addraaa. Traver<e niy,
aov lA-thors to feb S,

added as fast as

fUtona ne-

SmUa u t» iwim am


who school and her first woik of the kind.

Old Banta Baa there -and gave the

SBBweee aeron oonn- children their proMnla and caused a
th* Qtand Travoree re-

deal of lanshier and fun while

them around. He must have
‘TMd«ao Caty bMng the oome la tn airship aa he bad

* .
mdoMriil balM.- Several from Almira aUeaded m
fUr Mi*ci4y wJ
which will eoaten- _hrtotmaa tree at the hrlek school
fn aMmed
Old M«EraM of tin bwtoo SaUirday

the fact that Trav- eador the pronto.
B^lfenr Bare to spendlag Chrfttmas
been an Importin the dorotopment ol the with hto parents.
Faol and Ira Bare, went to Traverse
thM point paitlcolarly
-At Um anae time, tbeyo

City Batorday to do tholr Chrifimaa

Bot tatarteo with the ■hopping.
Wm. Sbutt went to Travefae Oty c
tte oomtas ^ wfil
I of Beptem-praettcmiy aU
j$lra knee



oalam. ■
Alva a&d Etaa Braoka went-to~Kas-

The •on'Ceater Snnday to see tnelr slater.
Mrs. R. kf. Peck.

wlU sake it a
Mrs. L«nra Baiee of Almlia went
coBSttM to bring their
is elibpartKM with oadh otb- to the tree FVtday with ber irand
chUdraa. lorenro, Harry. Harold and


srfll bacaaai a potoet tatoMMO in the Percy Palamr.
Grant Bro^ aiM
- BMoM whBA orory eeoaty to

aons. Alva and

Elm wmt to llbnor Saturday U do
,cM»da advartlaigg a aection or atau tholr Chrlatmaa shopping.
Dec. 2«.
o vdte'alB . MpoMtloe of the Baneronr.


Northern Ulchi-

few okoeU tue conntrr la frulU A ♦

•ttd BWaml Sara ptodoeta. -Tberofore.

OWi iir*TbaM Reckw mirwst
'ttir tSwMiAo saBUy Mggeraadbeb

A ♦♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ A

A ♦ A A A A A AiA A A ♦ ♦ A ♦ A A
ttr aad Ura. WlU Pierce and child­
ren epeat Chriatmaa with reMtUes In
Trarerae City.

Mpf tho-

Ur. and

a Mile attend
a much, to every
1 tae prqgraa


Ura. Bernard


BWroteipart In tbe devoMp
'' bek tM Graad Trarerae Re
k flaecMtUoa to






ChTtotnaa Tbooipaen. spent Sunday at
W. P. Keaay was called to Bendon
Mat week by the death of hla brotherladaw. Wm. Oeater. who was killed
hr a tralB.

i‘df oa-bBort foe geaeiai ichildraa tron OrMU. spent Chrtotmas
with Mrs. .i. U. Riebaedaon.
Mrs. Oacar Um aad daughter. Ma­
mie from the PeulnaaM are vtoiting
her pareats. Ur. aad Mrs. AnkerSOB far a tew da.<w.
Mleyahle aOMtra of
____ liven MM Tuesday



has i^^aSed

tother'a farm of 80 afrea.

Henry is

•nd’Mre.Beorse to Crisp

straight, energetic promUlng young

KOlai, la bow of

aa and IiMr ulr to become one of

who Mavee today for

tameni of the com­



a>Muin vtslt

Dec. 26.

to hto Borne

MaatewBd talk of

AM plMa^WTr.

Aaat before tbe party broke IMm left Saturday to spend the hoUdam wlth.TeMtlTea.
Ulaa CiMmpany Mwpeuding the hoti
Tkey left for home days with her (amiu at Acme.
School has chmed lor a week's *wca•ag ^ Mfe boar. «MhMg be might be
at M* aM-OMfOa.


Hoteaa Is

vtotUag Ura.

^ Doha at Tinr^ Ciiy fw- a few
*. A. <5, arrived


snltaMc match Umhera.*



The French academy has solved-a
great quesUon. its -Eavants having
traced Ibe aoU|>tfhy tor the mother
in-Uw to the red man. In the
teenth eeninry the Spaalards hr
back with them, besides gold
legoide. the story of the hatred of the
topther-iD-Mw among the ahbrlgiaea.
The aoble red man wonU not walk
in the footsteps ot^ls sqtMw's mother
till the sea had w^hed-tbem away, so
protound wss his detcataUon of hto re
Mtlon by marriagn.
th'lok. was a rdc of the feeling en­
gendered to tbe days when man stole
hU bride by force. Katnnliy hi* dis
position toward hto mother-indaw was
not that of an admirer.
h are Itring down the motherda
tow bogie.
UnUk« the v«d man. a
good many of ns coold walk In her
footstep* with great benefit to onraelrea.

"What Is the matter with this raH-i
wayf asked one into passenger.
“This train U three or lour honia:
Think of me.’ saM the atoddsoldar.!

2 I
» ulm
' "
“i it;
c, •

"AH tfaa pans ta this piv aio tu:


AartkTbe.v have when the pMy M
soil U hOd In Greece.’



Dec. 25.

Tea cannot «tpoct tho woikiM
eMoMS to see takur. wealth aai

Msfi^ lor a ihUA. _

--' . .'



ne €oo« n«wer SiBMi


Capital $206,000.00

We (.ffer foc th^ setrirM «( btok ikat hat
Capitai and Stirp!iu of $300,000.00 Aod R*rourcet tnt^e that $?.250,060,00.

Cbarievolx—ssvirtue of the atntnie lo mch
made and provided. I. Fredern.-

,»ion of
the probaV ofi'c,
ly. in sail
.Mdcr c

said <«'
in iln- ■
i-vuni... i
A l>. r

•..If !.- ijri.:re.l to

-stud hav* psUeace. lu dirtdeada ar«j Dj |
thrae or Imt years ovardn*.'

DeltMt* Bnwa la vtotdag hM parOta. Mr. and Ura. Prank Braam.
SkatlM U sood oa Flowier'a pom

IM CBvtM BfeftOw

demands as much attention
la the
choice of woods Involved as any other
forest product Only the choicest -por.tions of the best trees are sultalle.
Sapwood and' knotty or croaagrnined
wood wfll not do. Instead of being
-diy-producl. the 'llltle match la turned
In mllU where the hy-prodnrts
bulky , objocu Hko doors, sashea.
ahlnglee. sidings, posts and cordwood.
The plnes^nden. aspen, white cedar
poplarAd^ aad willow are tbo BQgt

Than w|U be aerriccs at Sl Jo-

■■■. Boaco expect eapb'a tharcb daa Soaday aad Nea
a-vMIt et the borne Ycaia day.

tor a

pertODB who live under tbe American
flag are charged with (he conaomp
tlon of onebair of this apiount. Small
and hiBignlllcant as it la. the match


Mrs. John UoBmann and wn.

MEieAiBsUs durtag the


This to said to he the avahtge fc
ery minute of the 24 hou^ of the day.
nneea hundred billion to the num­
ber for the -entire year, nnd thoac


3Jfr3I8 a Union 8L
to thfJ^t^r of the eVtate of Ralph
Both Long DIst. PhagsA
Joseph P>
and Thomo* Moore Py !““*■
No. 4L
PR. W. O, raNTOlT
bus. minor-.
Travorao CEy. MIA
•Of 208 Wilhelm Block, with Dr. HoldSMary II. Pybus having filed to aaid
wnrlh, Trnver
Clty.---------. Ml<±l0a.
yurt her ninth aonual.................
guardlna ot saidI estair. and brr.pcu.
Uon .pn^lnc
for the allowacce tberoef.
It to ordered iliai the gih day o'.
January. A. D.. 1912. nt ten oVlock In
tbe fort-uoou. at said piulmte cffU-i .
be and I- lierel y apimloted for exaiiiinlag and aliov.lnc s.-ild nccc-ant.
It Is further c.nlered lhai iiublli- no
tlce Ihert-ol iro given bj pBbllrallob c, order, lor Ihiie xur
cvM-!ve w eeks tirevious to said <!« of i
hearing, in the Grand Trartrse Hc-a'd. a nap'imic-r printed and (ireu
Ut<d In Ki:il et-intv.
Judge ol
dec H. 21. 2F

do lnreU> fix and
times of holding th
the Circuit (kiurt witbin l
fqr the |>eriod of two years, h
Jaouur> 1st. 11»I2. ax follo*>\
Antrim County—
fth Monday In iVbniary,
Iiate Court for the County of CramJ
fth'Mmiday lit May.
4t.i Monday In Augunl.
At a session of said court, held at
2nd Monday la October.
tbe probate office, in the city of Trav­ Cbsrievoix Countyerse nty, in said county, on the 13th
ill Monday In February.
day of December. A. D-. lAll.
3rd Monday la itoy.
Present. Hon.
Fred R
3rd Mond^ In Angnst.
Judge of Probate.
1st Monday in iTecemscr.
In the matter ot the esiaic of Datls Grand Tnivorxe Cinitity—
PecB. deeenaed.
1st Monday ln.Marcb.
John Pegg having filed in said court
2nd Mendii> In June.
hto pcUtloa praying that said i
adjudicate and determine who t
at the tine of hla death ths IcEal Lerlanau County —
heirs o^ said deceased and entitled
2nd Tuc;-da> in February.
inherit tbe real estate of «bu-b Mid
2nd Tuexdut III May.
deceased died solted.
It to ordered that the 9th day of
3rd Tuesd.ny In Oiiotor. ~.
January. A. U.. 1912. at ten o’clock in • Jiiiled at Clinrlevolx, Mietiic.To
the forenoon, at aaid probair offliv
Ikl day of Xov.'. r
A l>, 1911.
be and to hereby a|>i>otnled for hcai
Cireuil Judse
Certificate of Copy of Record.
ST.ATK OF MUTlIlGAN-tairmy oi
Grand Tmv»-:>e- sr.
•eks prev
I. Eiloer K tninc 'lerk of
In tbe Grand
(tiunty of Grand Traterw and ib-rk
newspapcr' prlntcd and ctreu- of the Circuit Court for said lount.i
1 said county
do he.*eby «erilfy tliat I have com­
pared tbe foregoing cony nf appoini
Judge of Probate.
[Bent of bolding the seveml terms of
!lhe Circuit I'.uri wHI: the
i.ow reuialnlDg in my of
and th»’ II to a true and cci-:o' i
ripi ihci-eirom.
i*>whole of Tu. h original-retetnl
to te.'itlnioK} whcceof. I bate here
_________ „iy uand.atid affixed ti e -'-h'.
cf said isjurt aod rriuuty lbi> 2<it':
dn> of Noveml-er. -A D . H*n
nov 3(f—itiurs to jnn 4


Med tbe wreMag to pass

ly Wllboot FmM

r the county of-JGraod i
bale Court
Dr the "Ka-Olar’ method 1 can rw
At a siislon of aaid court, held at
the probate ofTIce In the city of Trav .
t pato. a
arse City, in said county, on the 13t:> 1'JV'
Irrgs to produt
day of December. A. D.. 1911.
People of net
weak he-H. Ill appreclato (ha

bearlos. fn the
aid. a newxiuiiicr printed and circu­
lated in said county.
It Das been estimated that, for eaeh
Judge of Probate.
nlouto of time, the dvlllsed n^ons
dec. H, :i. 28.
of the world strike 3.000.00A t^chea.
Mateliea Uaed in the World.

Groat Question gelvod.


Ur. aad Ura Amos Kenaed.r^aud

Mary li. I't buK having filed tn said
If it takes half a dorm cooks to pre­
mrt ber Biota annual accouni as
pare IL U that waa dorc. there v
cilnistmtor do toiiis-nou of said
be fewer freak verdicts In this toaw.' late, and her petiiloa praying for the
There was so much sound eerse In nllowaoce thereof.
the docirioe that the H other Jurors
January. A. D., 1*12. i
■clocV ill
had a fleetiog fancy for aticklng
forenoon, at said probate offiiv,
aecoetemed simple fare, but the
fleahpota of the hotel overcame their be aod to hereby api>olatcd for eum
mine an
and ailow-lDg aaid acconoi.
teruples and for three weeks we feast/It is fi
ordeired that public noimptoonsly. Also, to mittain the
ven by publication
ceoadenaoup ■ man'a theory, we re-

this ^aee over Chrlaunaa.

IMkMM MRulat to particlpau la the
'yip^Ml^pBhao Ikat every county may

of food be to osed to at homo, even

of-Travem City rlalfod reMUvee at
Vtartha Unacy

Positively the
largest and most
Interesting stock
of Cut Flowers
and Potted Plants.

the forenr--m. i.i .a.d i.-o-i.i-.bearii.i:
sad to bc-.cb- mpivjiniad
ft t> ta.'ihc- ordered. Ttoc imbi:- ,
ueticf fbe-eof tor
••> t^fe-sifonl
Of a copy cf this cede*-, tor tore* su
irtitc wee’--- ;-’e»loo# to Hid day /
»ring. In the fJrand Traverse Ueral
nro'*t»t‘rr printed and rimtUted l
said cotnu:.'.
Dec U-SS.

Jaa. 4.

Atide favm Oib fic«Dcul atttagk, an wmU,
call joar gttaftion to tbe canertAthra ptHcf aad! .
tb« tgpefiffice of o« oR»n aad (TtKcton.
No bank coold be coA<kdcd «e B«resAf«;cM»>
{u3 and Hied ptiodfJet thafe are foftowed by
Thereloir. wka y<a wt,dOTll to decide ape*
a benk in wliffc to depoik yam mmty, mmiMelllieBi<«llod.tli»ll.teeinnde-lbiiaeUl*ea
aod Urceigeel benl in Noillieni Mklnia..


3 petcem inletenlpndc. Ti» Depodli.

He Miol I’m. Bnlitc Inieii.

bUett, Urtat md Stimtmt tmk a Hyrittm tiiiiim ■

The Liiile Winiaer
A S'.': h. p. CaaatiM tfwlns



Cyllmlcr bore. 4 roclwt; Stroko 4H


dvAica. beM 'natwlaL

I'opiv-r coolt-d. WclgU. 800 Iba. Btarts
ea-liy. runt aicadlly;

U coonomlcaL

reliable, durable

cempleto with


puUey, casolioe tank, tottory. coQ and
switch, wired rssdy to run JW l
arator. wood saw pr pump
other doty within tbe capai
feet. ‘'^PtIm'
E p.; iicMptc.
oceupic* *x2^
Manufactured by

Hnw*s Yenr H6rse?
K joiff Horie oeeds laeJciae cooe to « «riA ytmt
cept or for aajf ^ ibe B»nai Harse MadigHftKitW Ham
it Buna grestot fauftd aad irbefi aiftef ihttJd bB?e as ^ad
tyeatmeet as hit muter. We are paflkabr la m as wm^
and at pure drags ta ibe laediciae ter ^ Horae tt aie «e
{or iu nutttf.

toirs DiRiiG


•rfMC, II:« at to


Srirai^r£^sT(own inalce)qPlanos
^■*W PIM» boM St K»cu>t7-to4ioiM Prtcs.
hsBO bsckrf br
sV 0»rsBt«e«. TM nsBO, Is wbtek.'MUbw «bbi»saisr «r
css «sd s polsi tsB tasdwiwi ..
_ s. both ViHitht sod Otsnd. in Ms▲ fkitMy ot
k sod CircsMisB WslBSt. to srtort Crost. Sold
sair St flst o*B storas., Tbc sctosl noslcsl tsIoo i
boa a» sssst tte «ortd ovor.
Asa tt'S ton St tstr U bar Um OrUutaU ]
PiSBO St OM or SBonlonsUo worth.fBoildlss H «
. ire OSS. sod dob snito»
flstr toms at psrnest wbM dcalrod

days' vIMt hero with Meads.
Mra. C. E. MaawRIf want to Kiofaley today to visit Meads and *alaUrei.
Mtoa EMIa Baardalay want to Boyiw
ettr thto BMwnlng. whara aha wlU
spaed a couple of months vtoltlng rMatlves.
F. Bmith ruamed to Ms heme to
Grand Bapidt this moralng miar aeveral dsya' visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Varic want to
Ann Arbor todny^M hmlncaa.
Mr. and Mra.'miBart OeHnth left
this morning for Sngluw aM Itoy
- dMo to tnsko—to peroossUr lo^aoUsale ttate Pisoo wlU tsito bat Utcity on a bnstoees trip and iteit <
.‘Urod-Tsor tlBO: sod rmn avrrr atssdprtal. It will bo Ume speni
btaad. .
>to satsMt sdesstsce. Wrtto tods rtor Ortsnen Bras. Gstsloc. if
:.»so tast eslL
Mr. and Mra. F. B. Clart- and
Willard ot BaupM Bar pm
rrdsenc Oty* through the cll^odsy on their way to
Cleveland. cC to spend New Ycar'a
Stmt, cor. fnat
Me and sen. Arden, f*'«Ctti5u.
merly of thto city, hat who are ur>w
loeated to Flint In concertloc w.iJi
tbe Bb'O’ Auto compan}-. te'cracd
vat bcme In Grand Hapldi this morale^ there thto morning after fpendtog
to bit borne U.U Bhrnlnc.
- at alter ipendlns Cbrlstmaa arllh Mr. and CbrlstBov to this city wK.i '
♦ accompanied bx bis
Ornsd Rapids, where she will spend Mrs. P. 1). Wade and famUxand reUtlrea.
- (Pratt Taaadar't Record-Basis.)
>me time rUltlns her wn. C. If. | J. T. dnuahall went t» Man
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ze.*.a of Prova
Ms. M. Wlfbtfwn and danontar.
this Borninc on 'biialneas.
mont rel-iraed to their home today
UaBUn, SSd Ear) O. KirchMra. T. E. Sfinkmaa ot. TravpcM I Min Byrdt Slneialr'srant to Laka aher viaHI-t,: Mr. asd Mr*. 3. 1. Ora'sto SSd toatllr tpeat CbHaUoaa day
Cltx and oontin. Mrs. Culver br'Wl-'Ann thit tnornin's. where the will zlna over Cortotmaa
SI «bo bom of Mr. and Mra. Prod
Mr. Snf Mra. Herbert &NdiUar left
aeVen miles until of the
todav ia tl-e noon train fur Clii-w
toto. «■ vbicb oecsBlan a CbrlttSMa Ba>- atx. dortos the week. Mrs. I.
Mr*, r. Harpestcr warrt to Efnpira on anS-x-'uided buatoej* trip and
MW sad tsBl))- dlnsor wars the Brinkman will spend the haUdara to
,tbU morntos to visit friends a^ :rlD^tt and Grand Rapid*.
Fred Richter went te.Detroit today
« -tom. Malmferth
- - aapaetsAt
- ...............
J Thocnat Rowa of Ann Arbor/after oa a week's baalncM trip.
Carl Halberg left thto memlag for
uvcral northern points In the rlclnliy
ittec Ibis
rafaUna at
ot Boyne City on bualnea*.
Mrs A. L. Flnnay to here fronj To­
Mr. and Mra. R. C. Maun went
A. A. MoOu'rmatt want te Kalkaiks
peka'.Rsne (to a fe« weeks' visit Honor this morolns. where,they .III
I jy Itetid to know that she to with telatiTM and friaodt.
ila morning on boalaeaa.
spend aeveral days rlsIUns' friends
’~‘rTeeerarb«Tro» bef raoeat se>
W. tf. Campbell ratumed
^ Prod Atkinaen returned hara thia and relatirea.
home at Manion this morning after
iDorafas. after bavins apeni Cbriumas
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Waidner. who
aeveral daya In thia city with friends
hare been here for-the past week ris,
0( .to^dotta. Hleh. ape>>t|,
ocoiraer-of HooUhbE
asd raiatlrea
Mr. MHi
and Hi
Gw. nu...
Rows miiiu*
retnniwtfllilfiv c| ta. r
* ~
' I'itlns
iviua wi.
•. \«w.
Mr. and Mri. E. O. Merritt return­
a( ISO ,,
vtoli as the I ^
^j^lr borne In Ynailantl thto
ed to their borne at- Holmea-Siding
gout or Mr. and Mrs K. 3. Cook, -'aioralsg
Lw-c HC't. U.IM lhl.|
„ this afternoon, altery^ndtog CbrittBtos to this city ai (the Vu«>to of Ur.
and Mrs. Frank Lah
.c|~ —^
Mr. and Mra E. V^^ggp^ry of
nnunlt City paiaed
ariernooD on their return home
CO. u oaaut tb. a., thto
from Bendon. at which place they
epent Christman
hit home thti reoraliu;. tner spend- >
**•*• "***' ratofwed te
Mra. Wm. Rennie of Buck!ay retoe Chrutsat to this city with friends
»»«»•« turned to her borne tola afternoon
and ratotiras
•P*®^*®* Chrtotmai in thto dtp after a ahort vUlt here with retoUve*
Frank La Crow rwtvenad te Inland
and friendA
who hu bus tha thto Borntog. ntier n lea days rtoit' «**••• Howa want to Cspamieh thIa
Mtoa Margaret MeGarry to hera
morning on butlnem for the tlay.
tolling her parents. Hr. and Mrs. 8.
.Oas A. Meyara want ta'Mantateel
^erpuus who hu
IcGarr^-. for the holidays.
thia nMnUnc-os bnalneas
nvisiting friends to (be city for
Mr. and Mr*. F. E. Hadtoen went
Oscar BraMna retaroad to Muntolng
P“t ««»««' *»>-■• retnrtied to her,
> Kingsley today oa a vtolt for a
tbit (bit mraing sftar apaedtog Christ-^ homo at Maatotoc thto morning,
few days.
mss Wtu hit psrasu, Mr. sad Mra.
> Mlu Mary Ramsay ratumad te
wtoMB fortoa day.
MIm S. a. Bimon* of Bellaira pau,echool St Alblo nihU morning after
ratormd'toMt horfie In Braitos
ed ihrongb tbe city today on her way
to^ sftar s brief vtoit (. P. Allen ratitriMd'today fren spending Christinas here vlib friends to Klngaley on n visit.
IhEort asd is this dty with Grand Bapidt where he apent Chrtot-|ud nlaUrea.
Mra. N, Albright wrent to Klngaley
I Glen Bnigh went to Inttrlochan
toto rtotoivad. •
'- laa wHh ratoUres
ilB afternoon to visit ber daughter,
Doloraa Clark who hu ilnlah- this morning on boslnets for the day.
Wsdaw want to Hsanah IMt adMlea
Mra. Howard Dnnn.
her eeaaon at mlUtoer with Mlu
MrE A. T. O
C. C. Fawieu of Cadlllae pasaed
Wsda ratoraad hama to Cad- Biggs MR yesterdarcseternoon tor her returned to her home thto nbrni
'through the city today on bis return
after TltlUng for the past week with
ibia ■ntosc sftar » faw daya: hon>e4nWheeUBS,WeMVs
from an extended vtolt at Cl
Grand RapMt [ friends la the eltj-;
A. E. Olun of Tomah, Wls., I*
Koapta it v^MlRS raiptlrat tpttU the Chrltfmat racailon with re-| Rev. O. P. Undman M ChMMysan spending the holidays with hto pnrbtIvM to Trarerw City.
returaed home thto morning from a
ento. Ur. and Mra. John Olun e(-ll5
Me. V.n SUkC bU bilMbUr. Ml« c-OB CCl
A Btrahtt waM to Cbdillu thto
Gnat Twelfth streeL
VlbCib Vh SkkI. or DBiolt or. ctr.
Dfts Rou Blaber of Detroit arriv­
0» ncu or Dr. mar Me WCtbr
..c Me «. A. soon, we e.o
Ripar ssaat to Bmplra th)a Thlrlbr tor e. eiMoe
,„J „c- ed Saturday to apeod Christmas with
l^u-S bsMiiaai for the day.
MH M.rS.^W..S l.rt ,e,.BC,
.. he( i>areni>. Mr. and Ura. David sicrMpma. Marjerto sad Eattw Vao- aftanwoo for PoriersviUe. (bil.. where
• >r.
.their home in Cbtaago today.
Bwn asd Mtoi Bdw McOontoek -abe wUl make her fotnre boras
Ml** Harriet Dyfcman of DetroH Is
"••Btrat Oarriun want te home to spend a week with her par­
tm to Grand -Rapida today, where
today on a week's risP.
to. wBI tBMd a week or two rtoit Chrtotmaa to Manltlu.with frlead*. |
^NisUtoio and trtesds
R. W. Thuker, formerly a member
MIta Gayle Orltweld leH thie mem-*
}«n l. ei*to or BtoaUaa. CpL. who tog (or ('grtillac where she has an-epi- radlllsc this morning on bualneu tor of tbe local Wgh acbool faculty; but
few day>.
^H'BMB elsKtot to thto rldslty tor
*r pbynicai director at the Peru
pbslUon In the Cummer offices, t*
torWat ttOBtb or cfac weak*, retursad
Fernando SmHh ratwraed to hie* Mr. and MriT O. F. Hatfiold and Stole .Normal conego '^ Peru. Neb..
•ont. Pred \and Ployd. rcloraed to
here rislltng friend"and relatives
for the bolidava


Griitnell Bros.

HTco^ «w

" “ ~ “Sirert-r;-1.,



This Icy Blast Doesn’t Trouble Ihe Man
Clothed In One Of Our

AU a ymi’M Ml Mc«i Uwsw you'd beUcr tola Ike procnslou.


iMk mdsMc-.wid yuu'd IMak wlaltr was
last btglaalae; look tsktra at aar Overcoat
. pricco-aBtyoB>4lhlahwlalcr> cat was Bear.

Mlu Anna Wepmsn want te Honor
thto morning on ureral days' visit.
A. F. Owen* went to Manisto* thto
merning on bualBeas for a few days.
4. W. Bowman to spending the day
t Oneknma oa boaines* for A. \V

, ______ -A. $7, $9, $lf AHO $14 ‘iSfl'SlSSf
IngtBBil htTB^ COMtoilifale cost aad Mm cnlwi,


$16.50, $19.50, $26, $28.56 AND$32
,'nv'R •• * MbiKtara'. covi(DXM>-«< hmi-| mooled • dolu ia
tbaa - lad can bfold IQ tdt den a dme picn.

Bays’ Sana aU Ovcreaala-valaca trm aat fSt *. al

^80.1180.14.80 and $5.40

Wib Goad AINbM Yarn.

from an extended visit Iq San Pranctoco.
J. C. Cellstt. of Recheaur. N..
former baaelwll manager of tbe
Reunera to spending the holidays
with friends In the city.
Richard Seymour of the Northern
Michigan Transportation company, I*
to the city for a week vtoltlng (riendi-Bam Haletesd returned here ieat
evening Irom Detroit and Flint, where.
»ith friend* and



H. H. P. Wastor want te Heno^T?*
morning on boalnew for the Saginaw
Beet ooppany.
Mra. U W. Murphy and hiatar. Mlw
L Blakely, formerly of thto. city, hot
BOW of Petoakey. paasad tbroagh tbe
ettr thto moratog on their way t«
~hartotto on burineas
Mra. F. M. Colby amnt te Grand
apids thto mortang on bnalneaa
Mr. and Mra Chu. Caatu and ua
Proctor, left today noon for Pllnl on
*0 relauve*.
UBar of Fife Lake was in
r Tuterdsy to attend the high
Ian evenln.
eT •
- _u
_ _
tog and having a fanaral gooff Ui
Frank Chimaaky arant ta Intan
la^aa uto-moraliM. where be will
probably work tor tho wrtotar.
U M. Bapplu want to Karila thia.
«ralag on baatnew for the ffay.
Mtoa Narraal Andrawa af

tattiwad to hor hna thto


thts-mortfag from aovarai
Baya vtolt bare with trieada
Ray Bmith asant ta'Karitn thto
tog ae bttdaau tar tbe day.
Mr. and Mra. A. Batoaa af Neaaaa
.Jty. vbo have beoa here vialitog for
tbe past week M tbe gaeats of Dr.
lead Mra M. 8. Gregory, returned
ibome Ibis monUag.
Ralph CrimmlM paaaad through the
cMy thia moratog from Boyne City to
i Mmalstu on bastDeas.
ai^. Nalaaa went to UtonlatM this
■wrmlng oa baatsess.
N. C. Morgan awM 1.
HTBtog oa boaines* for tbe day.
H. A. Doty.^. B. Sraakanbury asM
A. M. Sooner want to Baifficknile
Bwratoc on a tew days tmatoeu
Mr. and Mra John Gilroy, ratw
to tbelr borne at O'Neal Uto Dcrx
after seevral days visit -here ao<
Frankfort with relailvee and friends.
Mra. Bert Benson wont to Cadiltoe
this tnoraing. a
will apeod a
week vlalting.

in tbts
of (33 South Dnon street.
A. H. Lederie went i
Harry Crain ef Frederirit. whoRiai
•eh here rlsUlng for tbe past uveral
ret of Mr. and Mrs l..e*t
South t'nion atreet. reuraed to his borne tbts ctornlng
Jay BmKh arant U Klngaley tMe
ter spending Cbrlsipms In this
with Mr. and Mra. »ed Thom,
turned home to Ow,
and I . C.
. B.
. Welle went
Orami Rapid* today <00 an >ueudi
visit to friends •

for (he winter.
N. A. Ochs returned hem* te keroy
this morning, from a brief v)sU taere
with trieada
Mra. H. V. Marphy *a« Oelrait.
turned to that place ibis morning.
(er a week's viili her* with Mr. .
Mrs. K. Roenlng of Weii Slxteen'Ji
Karl Fisher who I* apending ths
boldlav lacatioD from tbe M. A.
with his parenia at Interlochen. was
In the city last eventog to atleiM the
t«riy given hv the high ubool at
City o|>era honse and returned home
this tnornli
J. W. Nobla dtolrict I
. ef the
0 Gaylord-thB tnorning
Mra. F. cTVlekerd returned te her
home to Saginaw this morning after
spending Christmas to this clty
ber mother, Mrs. J. Shadek of
South Union street.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Rodgera. after
visiting here tor the past uveral daya
returned to tbelr home this morning
Mias C. Wilhelm wortt ta Grayling
thit kKUdlng on aeveral days vtolt to
friend* and relatives.
J. ZlmmermaiewsM s Grayling th
•lalt relatlv

ebllbtatoa OB *7 bMAaotofL WHf
be before wa got tknwgb dtoaar, WB
Bad-ow that w* know aU aorta of pa*- ^
Tb* wind caught

sj'Oi w-



~u w* did. tbar*d aU be vwlartJto.

. r's.rc rToS 's.-s: '>■

ed dp at him. with a mnmurwd word I loMoom* town yoa ever (and wboB '
oI U»^.
lo hi. k.» I
•ose dlnuer Altb a vivid Impreuloa hit tb* place to ToeMth, Pto to«B
Of pink cheeks, gray eyu ud brown tbrowtag^^ mW^^bW'S
hair that mingled with lb# brown fur • und teetlng like a real on* ttmlTof ber cap.
-Why didst yoa ran ap tou* for
Bnrely th* plump Oennu waltiwu today T~
was Cupid's side partner. Deftly she
“Coulda'L Bent a BOBay .atdar tomoved ^ck a chair Invlttogly. ato tba -stead. They nuded U mot* thaB
girt auk Into It. facing KaiWey.
"Just bring me a rul Tbankaglvlng ' gh* toughed agatn. uCUy vtth ttot
dinner, plcau.’' aaid th* newcomer, suddm upUli ot long laabu.
potting back bar veO with a UtU* gea-go did L"
lure of rellet aad aeattcrlDg aom*
-Did yog* Tbaa yog BBAanMtod.
saewdakM theraby. "Anything. *i don’t you? Ttof* why weYw baf*. «B
long a* l«i all Thanksgiving Bxlngs.' joungatcrs. to make good aad bsM
Oh. and pfoase. 1 do want a wtobbooe." , hone atudy Money oedera. TW tovHarvey was very good, conaldorlng eraoris beu dead np bome for tvs
He hardly looked at her. natU tb* yeara. and Tv# got a kid btoUer to B*
waitress came back and aanooncad lege."
that U wu very tote, dinner was over.
-)>* got two at tatofo Buto datok
and the tost wlshtan* had beaa glraa besMu mother."'
to'tbe genUeman.
Th* wallrau cu* wltk t«0 «b«*B.
Gullilty llarvey gtoaead at bU plat"Make It eea." said Marvwy. bat 4g
ter. There It was. uadoatoMy—th* girl protuted and took bar awm %wlabbone; AngT sta* waatad It. Ha, for* aba pot on'bor glovu >* BM
lifted tbe fork InvUlagiy. u aooa u the wtobbean
the waitress had goaV
- TUadyr Tbaro «u a ahaBpM
“ft'en't you let me glv* It to yoiT* { to bto aru at they Bat bto.
She aoehed and airiled.
"Ready." eh* eehood. and they foto
"Cb. no. thaaks. 1> was ecty a bft' cd." It ocaappod. toavlag tw« |S|
of taoliahoesa on my part. It—U'a ' pans Of ogoal to«ph 'to tbalr BbrS
Mj first ThanksglvlBg away from i "1 iblak w* boU got oor HfotogT
boot*, and I always bb*g th* wtobbon*' eald Nan uileiMly. -TaU fmn. B|il
there, and u 1 asked ^for It—babIL I Uto* U’a good-by."
ffttou.He leaned tawatd
"Mother always glvu ft to b* wbw ^ "I wtobed that 1 Bight a»mlHB I’m bom*, too." utd Harvey, bright-, track of you. Nga."
enlng ap. "Reward of merit, perhaps. I "I—I am gotog ■
Please take It. 1 tell you. yon Uk* It
It'] voled."
-t ^
aad nibble all the mut off, and poltob
"H*bat did you wtobr b* |l[l‘MlI
It up and wall break It „aad wtoh. "Yon have to taU: oa to* lovoL a4a
mk..-. ..... 4^
•____________________ M
That'S fair; Isn't Ur
-It rosUy tonX bnt If ywa taalsL 1
. wtobed tbat-ibat yoa i
ing uptown OB tbd aoa
She sceeptad U doobtfulty, aad BarHarvey bant down i
day felt laordfaatety happy. U* bad coltoctod tba fragBi
bean up all algtat w«klng oa a heavy ^ and ollppad1 ttoa
to MB ^
then had put to tb* mora- poefcM.
*Tbat to a Bagla vtobhoao^- kg
aald. "I OB not owaratmoofo, im
lYtraalaa trom Taaneanan, bnt I tM*
laek to perMitog oa foy toft toaiMgr
btoto at tbto Bianta. n« 1 tmr Mi
wtohbaaa hare. Ha baa greparfy Ibtrodnead aa, aad I «afp yea IB fat
rtd of BO. Ready, fair lolyr
-.Out tbay paaaad tofo tba riiH
■BowatorB. Tbanhnglvtv walfa Dot
an tb* gtoBoor ad yooag for* wm-IR
he loabad dowm
I happy.
'• -


tng the holiday* with Mrs. Emory L.
Rlgga and daughter. Jennie H. Biggs.
"MH Caai streeu
L. M. Larkins of Chicago arrivad
Satuiday evening to visit hto un. O.
L. Larkina SIS South Oak Rreet.
Triz Tinkham want back to Grand
Rapids yesterday after spending
tbe Cbrisuna* holldaya with Ms moth-

Elavatar Maa Wiltlag la Ca
Rapabltoan* HlgM


Ae th*. otovater
Bpona* to Mr. Topfioor'a Hm J
noraing of elactloa day be 1
elevator "boy" bn
under bto braatb.
*TbAi’a a fin* aeoc ran ah* MMMD
Algernoo," b* rniaiiliil, • Tt fo^-

Guy Thompun, Lloyd MMchell
lAicile Orlffio and tilts Stella Aliwrn
of Elk HapHa. were in the city yeaterday to attend the high acbool uart«
at City opera house last evening.They
"Yoaiah. dat am I
home ihls morning.
Paaaad Into th*
4* Boa' beoutlfoto*' In 4a byrna b_
Hy RuaUy to urieualy
ly III at his
tng at acbednled routin* work, and bto 1 ftok. 'Wot4ewo’4sr Daaala’d
on FYoni sirwei.
J. Fowler of Pcilaten, patted bead felt light
H* longed tor tb* wo’da" and wub
brettb of adventur*. aad lo. It had b* ropatad them.
home to
I "G*hat war* tboa* llBaa aboat<
blown is oa him in a gusL
sli at lAke Ann.
• Til bet my share of Uie wlabbon*." Al^raonr^askad Mr. Topfiasr.*^&.
Sylvester Rousteng burned heme
them over." And Algarwm, ]tth R----to Bocklev iblstofternoon. after s|ioii-l he put In ptweenUy. "that yoa'r* not laxiendod aad tars* roUad'i
Ing Chrlflnias to this city
The wishbone remains ________ ' dramaUeaUy: "Ob. L'd. I a____
W. F. Jackton paaaad through the
city nd*> oil Ills reiuin honi* lo .M«> on that." th* laugbed back. "I'm tram ban'* to thaa Sava b* ^aa I
IIMd from Fraokfoit at which plac. Tent ease*."
nl Chrlsloias
"*EngUsb 4M(kl> WkaMi VMfM*
"Prom Tecnesaee, and ap'aadtog
and Mra Thomas H"dunL.of .Thankagiviag ill eioue on Park place, d*«toa4*d Mr. Terfleor.

radlliar. relumed t- Hiclr home this
I "1 B«v*r could fin- ont Ise wtot 4at
several day* visit here New York Wbais the aeswerr
I was on my way to the elevated .was. Md. Tnpfido*. bat It------ gsBi>
llh rcUtivpH iiDc] fneuds.
Rev. H. Veclker returned
and couldn’t resist the dinner call, , tin' ratgM bad. 1 rmtkoa. MaBba fo
home at Oworru icvlaj. after «|iendmg ilolldsyt tDSke no dIStoenca wME bt •naan d* BberllsUn' fl'aa"
If bolidars at BlngKem ar the Ruest aork 1 am a private aecretary. eaff I "Maybe* It ffoaa’ agi«ad Ma
hli- sister. Mrt-. I.e>i I.Indlev
finar. and to changv tb* nbfoctR* Ib>
clear up the day's
Mitt Marion Gibbs returned hem. ence, turkey or no-turkey."
quirad If Algernon had vesad y*L /
MayAcId this aliernoon Irom a Rhor
--Yaaaah. ,1 voted bato' I aatoa.^.
-My name'e Wilfred Harvey,
sii here mitli friends snd reJtri'e#
rer on the Dally Grinds spacUl WDl: dlB Boraln'. Dls on> 4* wmm"'
Mis* Helen Wright ef Elk Rapid
,n (he rlt> viblUuK frlendi. and re galley slave. That Isn't a
I'm Ubv to mah Ilf* V* voted. D* for
laine* ter several iIb>» this n.-ek
Ured I can hardly Ulk straight Do ilBw was Ui"l*eUeB day. 1 toafialM
> ret
a mind?
You'll ranUh la a few mak BAin- den dat It was aaab Aeaty
mluutea. anyway, t may an w*U talk w vote. I owa* It te mah wMa ag*'
cr rhi-lslniiis
amly. Ev*Y OM dat know* aayrto"
Mlea Clare Mrsbak of Cleveland O.. while 1 ean.Might to vote, an' af yo' has aay baM*
Sbe looked down at her plata
s guest s< Ihe home o
■ lodeed. I do not mind. W# bar* •eat ot wuTte at aometla'. 4* «BF'$S'. Meninek on Stan
at dto alevMor. votlo* 4a baa"
Quincy A. V. Thacker of Acme town- the place here all to ouibalvaa. Tbtok
ghl|<. has aononneed himself as a .-ao- bow lonely It would boM traea If I way to make yoa-aoT known la 4* pofolie. Oh. Ab-a a Daai'eraL aab. OB' R
dtdaie for represeatailve oa the re bad been th* aaly on* ber#.vota*
OvM'erat Udkat r-*-lg.b« cte
publican lickcl. lo suireod Re|
-Don't yoD like to t*B your___
tative Chandler. Mr. Thacker
Dem-erals 1* 4* bat'; RapabUeaM m
Swiftly the laabea raised, and ah* ale- much good, nohow. To'l fo ?*'
candidate four year* ago an.l win
toughed at bim. He was more boy­
again at ibe coming prlioarle*.
ish then ibe bad tbeagbt. assuredly a RepubUcan? An'to y«a‘laaV
pubUesinsT Well, well—w-ot-ffa* ya*
Just a boy trom out ot towa. with a
Bauraac ef Her Cold.
t'lnk o' dat! To' rarfar das’ aaato.
As papa didn't come bom* for lunch, fraall^ clean-cut face
Ilk* Jf> was oae. aA; notbar d* Mfo
"Why. of course. If you want te
laama and Uitto Katbertn* always
TopBoe-; an' t rachna dat wr’oa «»
to a COM reput. which Kaiberin* know—Non Parnslea'
good U'd com* to foda* 4* ItoMfo
"Finer" be «tld "If 1 had two
didn’t Ilk*. On* morning lb* KtGe girl
Ueans b* gwtoa to maa* rwasrtMtofo
wok* op with a vary boaru vole* wtahbona. I d tiad* you another lost Uooi. *0 aooa ob dam wlU b*
~H'bere could you have caught that for tbe cbano* to call yon Nas tor fif­ -New York praa*.
cold, dearr uked manm* -! (talnk teen minutes, to make believe you
It was from utlng that cold »ui yu werw my fourtb ceusln. don't yon
*TharaX a RsfoOB.*
know* A fellow alwaya taka* ta kla
terday. msttaa"
May-Tea aaam ta profar fo* bBB«
pretty fourth cousin to dinner os
to the ptoxsa.
Tbanksglvtog U be gcU tbe ebanca."
Btrang* BighL
b; I-prafor te be boM ^
'Yl’taen we were on Lake MlcLlgu
tbs son than raaatod by (b* gaaNaa^
at anmaer." say* Mrs. Uaslcraa tromT" sbe asked, half shyly.
-Oh. by Jove, you had m*. dldnT Jndg*.
ar. "w* uw a beandfol sight eoe
afteraooa. We were away oat ta the roB? Tm from New Hamp&lra.
Fair Trad*.
mldOe of tbe lake, and we stumad Here, 111 pot tbe aalt cellar oc tb*
Taaehar Jtmnny, giva b* that dir
past a a^oonar with a womaB oa It Haion and Dixon Una Bet look eotl
I'm gotog to march over It."
*u* tbto toaiBBtl
full *( brick ud tubor.-^odge.
eh* laugbed St the absurdity ot a
Johnny—AW. that ain't tolrt Rot I BOV*, and then sighed.
teU TOO wbnt I'D do; HI gfv* yBB tw*
One Thing Worth Having.
tohalaa for vour appUl
-How qtMM
td aat
In tbto worM tb* one thing worth


bavlBg to tb* oppomnity. coupled
wftb tb* capaclty.todoweU and*octtany a p(*c* of work tbe detnf cf
wblek Is of vital

Latthe Herald and Re(x>rd C%»
do your Job WtRk.





or Grand Itap-


I»/1; k

ja«*da rtinitr.
LwnUa Ba^waoa
I Her. dtaaton
Roan. accDiiiM«ied Ir
stiua. left

31. With a wai^ alcht amM*- ^
to atxtod CbriMauf
foUawtac with the furowra awaw.
Will be aaalatod hr Bev. CRfca. ITemm Allabtf StftM apMt CbrlatMiH CMitto Levi, wito hwa been I Lean. All are cordlallr taVIfad.
Ba* wBh bcr niMer, Mra. Jotia Slart%« -yoanc apKa* mt at Charter rvr. at Bendon.




a^ LiS, Ld’^TiLT'a^^a^J
:'"S;“rnd.u.a U. Sn-m ^ ^^
« Bat-

rearmed ChlratMaa laTravame OW. wltb tcelr
^ Hadeo cf BenoaHa. a eerr tnUr. and Ifra. «..............
fraa a two
iwo weeku'
vlnli with
timate friend of Ur. Dealer, apent
innUr at Tmve
Trav«nie‘ Sr. and Mra. Roy Spaaleer and Buaday Wttb the family at BeiMon.
I. Darrow and innlly
laailly are vlaUla* la lonthem Uicbijjlaa Haael AByn cam teme to

Mt. ai«l Ufa. Namaa Neamaa. >on
• '
'Iter Gertrude vUUfd
<Vn^ and -taBir

■r*. S. Sislkwr asd AU-

Ora Brawn had the mialorti
ta^ aalnabla boiae SaUirdar.
,^n. J(lftT Man and Bauna Pmr
IBKM at^ suiee’ Sunda).
eaoAfi RUM. '•
tv. W. Prar and tomllr of Tmreiae
imunalinnit ai Ciur apeat
Tha C^Hataiaa imtanalaii
mot CCbriftmaa at thh -A. S.
<ka iRaMl.tatardajr eraalw a
mm and «t
«. G. C. Har
tMac veat uo^Tarjr nlea until
Chrlatnaa with Mr. and Mra. R. L.
--------------------------- which craat-i Clew.
K^tderaMe^m^miUjln al^
Mlia Bihyl Pray rmurand'• home
^ ***. T?J7_*^.
*15^°' from Kalhnaha to ape^ her vacation.
®**- •*■______________

•„ f

Hanpach. Prom ot-rilr.—Anna
Oberllit-Anna HaU
KeUI. Prom Benioatt
Cbrtatmaa exercUes were held in
.^e M. E xhorcb Saturday nlchi and
in the Conrredhllonal church Monday
.. ..
. _-r_______ __ Iolil.1.
l..n. cro.a. Uirndnl UiP



M: -

'It Annual Meeting :«*a

and Urn. Ben«n. parenu «>f'
Benaon. and hto alaur and broth-

day ■
_ recently pnrchatcd , vacation,
Prank l*a>inenl nnd children sere
Ian ihlB *»* vaartton with lier parents
fay Mr*. Adallab Onia. .
j EdUh and Cora

a rtalt
l^E- Woodhall Ivf. for a abort vlMt the guest* of relatives at Keasni
There will he a wedding dantw at'(»onitag tor mnWfon_for
trum Saturday luim Tueada:
Baslnaw laat weMc.
r. Arlohaan. I• ..
Wataoa and family
r Mr.
Harry Oabom and Prank‘wii
Wilaon of
Henry weiwu
Kwcn *»•
oi Btiiuma Bay
luag in ine aeiaiiDumuou.
Ura. C
Bonce vlaUed at A. S. naked- In marriage to Mias
Miss n
Oa^ Pay was a
Pray'o Rnnday. '
BRrlb of
a. , l.Aa*lng.
__ _________
_ Nmthport
___ Wednea^y
The anrciaes and Cbrtatmaa tree
high npan.
Rev. Heasler
of Lelund o. \ AaJvr AUlneon and family atid
Jlr wTMrs'ilinor Cf»ln. Ur. and
- •
• dan^ter
suoata. Bverybody enJ<u«M tlien
Ctalnjwent <!Wbi

... .
. 1
_____ ... .... tb. liUMt. .t Mr ud
aelver hngely.
Dec. 3€.
the building of a cottage on
"■ “
“ffr^WSUno of
Ilia- farm, left Monday for 6t. U>ul» to
Otr apeat Friday and Snturdny with
Richard Doran and slater Margaret
apend the holldaya with hU family.
fe# OMther. Ura. D. O. Shorter.
sere home fttm TraVSrse taty to
Min Wlnogaoe 1...............................
apend Chiraima* alih their imretii*.
me in Mown P
I Mr*. Martin Doreu.
rod the
dinner with them Ohrtotnua.

frtoada at Mt.
Ut. Pfenaant.
.. holiday*.
Ur. and Un- Rob Parae’a ehlldrea
Ulaa May Desing left here SalurMlaa Ua(lon Kefal la bon
iwe aU iNW to cyiriauaaa lUnaar.'day for Uapie City, where ahe hU! holiday*. Uiaa KehlAa* a
Wni Harvey took diDnar with hia apend her lacalina with her people, itoii in Ithaca,
mother. Mrs. Jane Uarny. Chrlat j Uiaa Lena A’ebbffr baa returned
Ur. and -M„.
Ura. p
-.....™. Price l.. ....d.
u.,«'frtUB Peiden. Dakou. for an egtead- ing the holldaya with Mra, ITleeal
....................... e M i;
Prankt Rhoner. Btevo and Basil advlaU^th relsUvaa hare.
parent*. Mr. and Mi*. A. HuU^cb. t


M vWttag hM

OUy trtalMi- Mr. gad Mr*. O.



hen he
Traverae Krglou Pair ai
bla prmwty here and movpd to Me ^
uomlnee io be siib hia chlldrM. Dell the Grand Ttavene county
We ttotW by I . . _ . ..
houae in TrararM City. Utchlgan. at Record lUi Qutoey Thnekar^ Aea* |
• o'clock p. m. on Tuesday. Jaauary
1*12. for the purpose of receiving
the reports of the secret:lary a- tre.a'
directors im
enau ntember
„„.mber of the
ockeri ti'oar Barker Creek.
^ elect otrccio.*
. the eeMr
isSutst^' *



course In denUatry at the U- of M.. laj (on. *i>na< ™m.„rUM..rd.
homo for the Imtidaya
: Tim„ itb
aHk^ Qagncn D
pi-u ter*.
a line iwHltlun
day*- __________
Mr. Gasnoii___________
wHb the M. U- I*'. Motor company In Mr*. Cllliloii unib. stth Mr* p^ene
Cqpk m Inc crgnii. The dower* »er.IletrolL
M. A. Jobnaion M home fron Lao- beauilfiil. ygmindlng the bereaved of
alng for a wefik'a vlalt with hia moth their iuaif>- a\inpatiiir.iiig frknd*. He
',lo rdst In the Inland eemcer nnd at^r*.
kio<P' liusbiiod and father,
Prank Bwanaon of Cadillac U
her parehta. Mr. and Mra. kind nelghbS muLfrlcnd U gone.
Hrs/w't). Cari>enter and
Kalkuka pn Cbrtatmaa dgy. Albert Fred Lalondc.
duuchUT Yetirti «I Uentopta «erc at
Raturday to attend the
-- -knowp. and
-lOlllO. Bvndou
nd tovergbly
all Join In ing from from a caae of' pneumonlo.
G. :Shor- and
bifi unde. Win. IX-vut,
The children's eiercl**-* at the H-nDec. sc.
from I Rosa Henderun ot fbU pUoe and

Mnrr CanliSawwr apant Cbriad* hotiae Prida/ -evening was weH at~ I wtih ^ dangbler. Mra. Rob fMl- uutfed and a fine progtam rendered,
* • l^r. spd Mra. Porter Rwl. **. and
Ml*. GMrge
George Rnat and lamUy and
Car) Uya.
A tahe and
Slnek V « Chrlatmis gueata of
a and wUe.
_________________ jld at the home
cf Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Frvndaco TiieaUdUi

MwW w. C—i

; tha Brailey adMwl Saturday nlcfaL NOTICC Op
lai Lola Hoeh U aick with frlp. ,j TW aaanai iBaaMn>-«t-1
The pmaaers bad a Cbrivtma* tree
ajrf procran last nlabt;
Tr*ver«. A.Irb. a
* ♦,♦ j -iTlaaJ^ivfme 8e*ar and >■
O'itid Frttt Hlam atien.I^d :
=rneet Ketiner ipent »
INK-k Sloonn.
Chrtatiw In Uanlatee.
Ur. and Urn. 6- R. Harsh a^ daucb»•
ter Mildred left Thuraday for MidLAKE JUNCTION.
dleeex. N Y, wherr they vxpe«
sill come before tbe moettac.^
• L
main the moat of the sinter viaitlnf
-----All Deratters of ibe Company, sa Cw'. I
.fT^ u~
thrtr daughter Buale.
Grand Traveroe Rollon Fair
aa poaaible. are requested to hi(p
Mlaa AgTkM Taylor of Eaat Bay
tlea WIN Meet Toeaday.
apMt tbe efwater part of the weak.
January S. 19t2.
xXtMm at the
of■ Inura
the home
Eva Gann.
. To the Qfficeiw and Uemben of the

*1Sta rarTle Waioaer of Uke Aan
W9tmx Raadar Mara Ttalttag her par-


War« B. Connim



Ilona Uplrea to the UUe*. '
bD brother. A'lll at Hardgrovc.
Mlu Knoll our teerber Du
be ptwoij
nt Dlnrder.
Micn.. t
H, B. Monlaguq, Secretarr.
the hblldayB.
,to atand for a princliiU. Mf. 1
and Mrs.
dee n-41 ' 1* a college bred man wte J
io«e.l fanolng all bla Ma i
gu. M
knows the needa of the f
The Chrl.
B church sft.
fcutcer* In every s-ay. Ti
I short proKratu
itu by
.. The echo
ufr the Bcndd^' kch
kcbool s-bic:
Reaolvod. That wheroaa the Al- ;^«|
j !y enjoyed by *11.. alter wbl
‘mighty hu deemed It proper to lake
-K. *irir-'
ripped of Its load of useful Ifrom u. iMmpanloo Jeffereon f**eU.
ami 10 wear. A aark of c
I Pc It rewh^. Thai our Arbor eit. ‘SiiST^h^elS—
peanuts and candy saa
of glvU
ruved wire uJ family <
rrnn-rBf- —


. eon t“‘'

Bar: pledgnl for tin- beael
♦ going resolutions be sent to Ibe af-.
we aaauTWm - UM
W|fUcie<l wife and family ot our de-. ]•„>(r,.,, although • not'ww-w-s
Ihla Qlairtct. ...I
,wUI (AiaarlgUjr
-*'* Mwe l__ ,
Mark Mlara has hee* buy baukine
tbe Grand „* auiiport ln
out hi* wood.
Traverse Herald ud o le to the rltory covered
Miss Lou Hoch Vlsticd at John Gleaner.
reason that
.M Couriade's lui Sondsy.
Mao' Btrong.
> be dueoded
I npeB
tiiMm *ad
and R dh
Mlllon Strong.
.Mlaa Isrvibe Rogar wu vlBiilng the
: side of all «B*e(io«k ;Ug I
Fred Howard.
•whom the farmer* cooM '
alrJi lui week.
I* one pf them.-Bk B
There wu christmu enterutnment


GresV January Clean-Up Sate
rnipj^pifisyiB Saturday, December 30th and will continue for Thirty Days

■a al luck Habaraams le





Wa bare tke ki^ aitoRBent of

kit« m

tbe Male.

■M. .ad a. «U« «mi>

b<|iah laka al fS-It aad na,e ap

Sec—d Head Stoves Too






A kffe anortBeDl o( these which you
caa buy at yow own pcioe.
We caa
supply iou BO mattor wbnt kmLe^ •
, heulei you waat They begia ia pice
I ad low a* 9LW.

Cook Stoves. R—ges
Md^ tt (faege are tadoded ia oar
graat <ktfa&ca gde. It virS par ^ to
e treaeodooi b«

D'a laav caataiailaMt ekaa oU dilu •
1Vran'*<>d>v>aS6iapnk<OiV a. pa^ad «adl^aSan^
•RNarudfr die. Met <( itoe aaebn as al h pod caadUoa.
h tialge«»«A*Wfddarab>eiadaiaaaadidoaUa*i*awa ait
fargua. Bacudis pa-Saat pat piA hau kia pep « d» laccad
kUiW la* pioa at etJSaadai€aonad»falknp*di.Utla

We haven't tine to detaifae tbe a
Ur want you to caO and look them over.
Carpet reontaats u low at .............................. -............... ...WOptfyiid
Liookum reffl&anlt as low ai__________ _____ _— ....Rlc per JMS}
Cboice Rags at baifdp pneea. Daa't buy a coverkg Iot year |kg,^j!
ckaa up priced aad lU tao6t i
aBbl you

We are sgtofifd i we cea get cat on
many q( oot Moves now gt it is gettiag
so late gad they occupy g lot e( R>*ce
which we moM have bebre toog lor

iraa lOpefcaalloZSpei caaLllav

GAinp No. X

Odds, Ends and Reinn—t#
from our Carpet Dept.

iO lo 39% ott

Group No. 1
coudM waref d* (m* lOcLn



This hgi been a very bgckwgrd seaMB for beating Morel, owing to lo mucb
iznUi weatber and we are oecrMocked. U
you waot a beater o( aoy kiad yea better
buy it DOW. Don't wait intil next eraeoa battBse you can boy itaowaoduve
acady cnoagb n piiei to pay ier *he i.el
yw will age. We dsak ditpnae at theee e(

redten ■ Noc4«a MicfaigaR aid we

Wlda>o(d»i»a<>aiaav cSinad«fanaMdt Iqr *. TraHna Cir


Big Price Reduction on
Heating Stoves

aad jraa'1 BercfbaTca dMocato'^
w»A Tiliiet
at least not. doon.

laiiaa te nir


J. W. Slater
Your RcHalile Baniefpniisher

This Library Table
noct<y like ctrt. 28 id wide 42>ul teog. hush EaHy EagliA.
worth $12. deaa up p^tce
Beddin0->B>gDkeb. qodta. cooiloftt. aght
than moM. gH (dcfed al dean up prices. Yeo ought to tee die
is DiiitM Fabtev Chain. Book L-aut, Miwic i.jAioeti. T
Caa^nuib. Pafter Stonda. Kuebcu CalM Bada aud
^i»tte.~GMhere theW (ky

«*. «U


M ^


Kiiigildy Det>arti&dht
CoBdacted by niM Edna

MlaMNst ««d aO
Who iMeharfe of

ik ^ tdSt of atiy ttour is in
ypuf kitchen
But r>meml>er that Cres­
we coutJt our Itmg
*: .^rtaK* M highly vata- cent Flour will bdp you
If'y. ilik jil pro4acing flour of tirproA'e your bakings and.
•A even and high <jnality, that « sack contains a
guarantee wl^h shifts the
ve wwt-^you to judge it
vrhole hjamc and ei^ense
; ■ ®Bly by Ac resull< yop get.
. upon us if the contents are
- Foiget A«t Crescent not satisfaetpry.
I3ff»rii)iwd exclusively in
Get a sack from your
:Ti^ Michi^ homes grocer and msketho tost.
‘ ■ whese good bread and pasLIGHTED.
; try is demaaded.;

John Wall aad sranMaashter.«
MIm BUiel Hwkflun vrat to WbI- iValL aad b1m«. Ddo Crape. wM
ton OB IwAMM rrliltr.
A. H. Clark «nd taaOj left laM 8al-. • tHK wKh Mr. t
onlay Ibr Mt. PJ«d*aal. where Uiey
will dpen^ thet holldaya
old home.
V. O. TiidterMa of Trarene C^y
rialted at A. B. SUnwn'i Wedneoday.
Bora to Mr. and Mra. Oeo. SBtth.
Miaa Winnie Rial returned home
rrtdar n«n iron Belt, where abs haa
been teaoblns

Grand Rapids

W^iih a Waterman !d^ Fountem Pen





tag aemcater.
Tecumeeh Saturday, where ehe
> Ralph Caae cetnrmd troa Athesa
spend her racatlon.
John Wall and,.Barl WHIlaBa and Uat . oeadey. where be had been Tiethe Mlasea Allle Brower and Bdna
ipnday and'Monday
aday wICi
wIC. ***& H>rtwen*ot Do^m^c waa In
Wm apent Sop
ineh. ot town on bttilneaa Thureday.
the Utl;ler-t «arentA, Chaa.
A. H. Barber apent Sunday with hla
Tnrerae City. •
family at Treverae City,
kltaa Lotae Rowlader went
Birthday SurpHaa.
Pieanni FViday for a Melt
taat Wedneaday evening R. \
parenta during vacation.
mnk Hopklaa and tamlly want to France and daughter apent t
evening ahopplng unbl J
Bui^Iey .Saturday to . apead a tew
Carl Caae of ^lUpMa e
aee the praaent that v
apend the boll..,
Mra A. P. Sorenaen weut to Tnv- purchaaed for her father. Am ehe 8
erae City Wedneaday for a riait with
^Wuer. Mn. K^. of Orelllck-


«nepca Bal makcalls mirk
bare, some *bod niimbejs of*
WatetminVl^t aw] know diat .diis
you pmect ulufaclioii.

li Store
^ tfie..Herald
flTOord Co
........Jto. your Job Work.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Dec. ST.—UTieal, »47»A
day with her parenta tmd bar brother.
<k>rn. aiic. Oau. 464»<'.
Edwtt. iriio baa been ill
—Wheat. 9C«4c
Earl VnnderbuiU eiMsnt Sunday In
‘*T^Wd?*'Dc?“V—Wheau »r.^cMayAdd.
Mra. Thoaa* Feppler wbo has been
vlalUng her porter. Mrs. Adam Mle-


SfafglTttfl Bros, Are Omtlniiliig Tiielr

A«lvl! 8fi®5e6.:-r"closlnrai $G*og

IQ Peeper lAto iftifty Llrfcs

S5'" .......................... i£
Hannah A Lay Co.

....l.tAdBa* fpew. no*. SaU..«kM^ Be,, an alCal«e
Mmea' aoS ChBarca's CMIs lhal w»«tStotiaalSaM.t«Aa.*a

Treverae City Mming Co.


ftck^bsBt. per ewt .................... 11.40

Pen' Mfa BBd'Omtoats wwtfc. iq> to
St CL60. S3.80. $4j80. $6.40
iha^’aeBdsr napswicn, Silk Hose, eto.. to
ie«s VSc> nv St
^Psre m BOW St
W«r« ZSc, DOW St



Thi» h.ilu.;.-. IJ-.*-.. nii.l- IJur
«cia.' K.iiu tm«- Ion- «.orMf.<l.* aiKl
c-amlniru-, iilark
kvi-> ov•'trra;!>. 1.111
ar4il> nil «itb
I'll- .viik.-nnl'le tTful .-ullar


^ Nest Ddor In Frifdfidi't Shoe S*ore.


Uauea to retain Its popnlaricy.

Mr. aad Mn. mnk Bo* and daugh- dky'
The rooms were pretUly decorated
with holly, camatlona. . ehoaanthc- TO MAKE IN ODD MOMENTS
neMay toapand nkiiMBai
mums and feraa.
The evening waa/fRMatly a|M>Dl Trifnmlnga That Aha So Highly Fepie
and wtfo went to TravIn gamew and mua|e, atlcr which a
lar Just at Present Need Not Ba
luncheon waa served. Ai a late hour
Matter of Expense.
the gucate depanedN^tlng several |
The girl of ilendrr parae who U attrarlrd by the graceful Imporfod
garntiurc* of beaded fringe abo«:
brji. WAS accompai
on fcome of the most attractive gowi
♦.Wilbert for a visit
i. feel;
of ihv present season need not
^•^^^•^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦j Mrs. Uater Sayrea and children and ll obligatory on her oliber to be I
Mr*. CWherlne StemiMoa haa gone Mrs, Cunningham want to Traverse
touch that would "make" her new
to keep hooae for her eon. Will, who City Mon^.
haa bought a (arm 8 bIIob aoulb ot
Harold OIbbu apent Mondaj- In Tvav- frock.
Deads In themselves are not relaUv^
eras City on biameaa.
raverae City.
It expensive, and a’flh a a'cH chosen
Uenrr Dohm. Sr.. U vialUiigrdlaMr. aad Mr*. Cl
aaaertment of ibeeo ^ A few long
Urea awd friend* tn Traveiae aty.
in Kingaloy. ModnaL.v
needlefuls of silk, cither to match or
'^nhfiiax.'BDtU‘ p*renUarTlvM.tooran spent Monday In Xlu- contrast wlih yiat of the ground work,
a pUln alltcn, fringe may be iranaday from Ann Arbor to spend the boU- niey.formed '.nto one ttai need be no Imltadays here.
I Omal Koeb. wbo has been working
There win be n dance at the Macca-'------ »-—
hi. hAnw. m
bere. returned
bee hall at Old MlaaloB. Dec. 26. Tues­ North Dakou thU week.
Mbs UUIe Uchen la rlaUtiig Mr.
day eve.
Mre. SUckney has left for a vlait and Mrs. Will Uebert.
with her siBtor. Mr*. Dr. Mann ot St.^ "The Meedamea Wayne Manigold.
Georgg Peppier, and Bert U^lna did
Pnal Mlnu.
Jack Bnehaa la areimd vlaRMn
eomc ChrUtmaa sbopping In M^ley
Mre. W. H. Bae^ wdl enUatatn
Mr. add Mrs. Petw^ Isaac and Anthe St. Joseph B*m«drcle Thursday gust Oran spent Tuesday In Traverse
Dec. 28. at 10 o‘doek-A. a.
Dec. 24.

Yob'U &B8U7 MlBlit' tW
and ooesMti areBioretbu
tee tbea. price WAS $20, Aodlbti meaai
were mailud rI Unit (wo tt
dolUn uader oanrhl wordn
BOW to cap (be dints to oor
ember Stir, we pee jm die
uty oi linte gunexiul^^iilT

I Men’s Fashion Shop

a abort time, and then attend tl


vsm Yddf mmuM

meene of a ptnktng Iron, for dale at
any hardware aiore for three <«la.
edge the "rac” In dainty aeallcpa.
which doee away with hemming, and
■ l» the
y may be flnUbeU in
one real r
dainty stacha lu any qnantlty at no

I. Brlggi. MotteUoe they had been on the route.
The dance siren by Hanlfold aad day. Dec. IS. a girl,
l^rn to Mr, aad Mre. Amoe
BrpVB Chriaunai nlsbt waa well
■■on. Thureday. Dec. tt. a girl.
Ipoded. Everyone nported a fine|aoa.
Mra. Chaa Snyder went to
U Traverae
Tl» Madiwn or^ra fur* I Mr*.
nlahed the bobIc
- IGity Monday on bnalnaaa.
Mini Brand went to Trarene City
Joe Abbott nioned tome Triday

Voigt ^tilling Company


SpwAw and a Wt of tooce e( ap
Bb>e. and Id icvedly aabanod of tt
Why not Bake the BOK d <mr«elre«
tf we %are the power to do eo? We
i«the lerelteeed of oar clothed
hrutue taSlTldml tooebee—why not
apptr the aaBe rule to ib« eoaplextae?
Anyway, wa an do It. wbetbdr we are
aehuced to adnlt ll or not. land It U
wdl to knew a way alwayd u> hare
DO hand a tteck of coaplexlon clotha.
Oi«o 'aied IW ramre. tit* eloth abonld
net he waahed. ^aeatide the color wUl
eertalaly ret Into aorae other piece is
the laundry and it U b«et to dUcard
it baa Seen naed a few

portations. but may, rather, have tbe
deslreble i]uaUiy <4 original'
beauty In He devising.
Tbe best method of attj rhlng tjipss
MDievhiii fragile and elusivee-danAles"
U to knot the threading silk firmly
Aral In the beadlsg of the fringe, then,
at tbe proper dl«anw-. around
baaA ned again, la Ibr beading
another knot, so that each bead (or
set of bcadR. 11 u:orc than one la de­
sired on cacb loop) la entl'ely eerure. both la Itself and as rugarda tU

LHtls In
Blnpla Malcfisla. With
penulty. Can Be Turned lnt»
AecepUbla Present.
Tbo fmmdailofi of a, very dainty
bonbon box la nothing m<jr© llinn
small tin cracker box.
Tbe rnUre outside sovfare has ber-n
covered with an odd piece of bn., .id
ed sauti glued on |«rfe. ily sm.u.'li
lapping well over on the Inside Tb-'
lid Is in-i.led In Ilf sum. w.i> nnti T.4<
a trellis Of naTT.iw
cre--ti Mbri
ribbon worked over the tup und ti..l
tn a bow si or- »lde. Thbos la lined with hean glkted l>aper
paaled on rtgCl np to H e -Ige
a lu-nvd I
eoverlatr the satin t
from tbe outaldc
Such a box lined w ith silk or vclvc
would S' -'C aa a Jewel ca?r a fca;.<:
kerchief '.-i or a rc-ita-le fr- aoi
tnnkeu. if lined «:tli silk. W>.; ib«
bottom with a layer cr two of '•ouor.
bmtt'rg perfumed wilt a dcficati
Narrow Be'ti.
While l4-Ila are by no n.cati« get.
ereliy worn, the (afhlr.-jabb- l-olt
the moment, when It le In evteirnre. ;
about an inch and a half In width
is made of bUck patent leather d''. o
ra'.d wliha buckle to match, or »it:A pcrfectlv |!
votaries, aad is uiuall'
belt has Its voi.
.. be preferred, tut tn some caee.^ ar
Introduction Is made of tiny »tite >-ut
ten iriminlngs.-which look very emart!
Indeed when tbe bcitoas are clustcrc!
at the bsck'In a p'remidal form de
signed to givd grace to tbe ftgitre.
Narrow aatla belt* *» being etn
ployed, also, acd some of the dre*»
makers latTrsduce
their meaOD »
cDDtrut In color* to tbe rest of the
edatuene. using ahadee of pink, blue
aad mauve moet dexterously foldcc

into toe narrow cnttpiii ax toelr coca



ItditiN^ com! cowif.dfiWerr, gown*, cbemwo, cembieitiM tuilA petbeoaU ee\
leant. Tbe *ery Ekefa
qpiHlies, bbt aoilctl. wiU gJ
OB aile Tbwadaf monuBg
At josl


II you Qtt fioe anderwetf
here $ yout epportnaty.


Also about a dozen Ibip
white Ungerie Waist* tliM
have been od display ai^
are a little mussed; watUs N
worth from $3.00 to $6 00.
Also at'

Half Off
THE HWH S LAY illC.mi.

I tm exUttibg std ttUigifg my bousas cb new Ime^
gfid am going out of tbe stnifaclure of Wsgom. Slei^
Bug^. etc.
For tbii rruoD i am t-fierieg at ledoced bsrgsm prieci
sH myy ato'Ji
mo-JL Of
H «

Buggies, Wagon^ >
snd all miUtisl and macbbwjy petlwiog to
their niax«isctttre.
1 gppredsie tbe psiroBBge of my masy (riesdesB meet
tbe Gtand Trsveiae Regwo b tbe past
I sm tfff thnef
you splencid ba^aiot on tbe goods I hive assslsilwid. to
tbit clesiHip sale.
Evciytbtsg b tbe way of muuAsctp^ atfKea siifad
ires sad wood ftedi wil be sold.

U yoQ W80lhsrg|bs sow is tbe tbie to ptoctew.

No. I grass <»U 0*0* biAMSns.
Tj. Wh


jrsttM bmIc. bow asd toes. U (■♦
mA Sr tfca losstoirad m----

Trmrtnt Ctlg

I cteflr F—M»>bte lor Um Into renM mhI 1U« Ik '• «
Mka ”
I hiiiiiai to Ml Mtt
cmp ^^wr)lto
drM ,»!«« fcJ «PwMl» fn« tb«. |bi ud UlarM
m« ud bcy» «ho «o t>«« bona «• ^ u ha«-. fban WMSdH .«• tt^ba
«^loio'ib« toUiGC tm)L
TU drMFkOon ^ be u UadM bona alMr u ,<dd doocral wbiA MTTo^Ui ^nn..1
Tfceee daa»>lb|» are M itcht ud ten «• IndJeMuI tutc dtcutn: ud rtt.tewtebir mu «)tb a leamoa roCbM» Boagi
«b o«M»iaf
te ntboasb nade «ttb atettaolag coatnnaa oacbl to ooMral M affear apana bi 4bt ahapo of o*pwB aad bomr bad a an« tobW^nbUt aC
la latalliini aad ortitoaUcr.
tba aMead bake n dear to too Torbr afttui
Imjamm -to a iiaimi
Mbr tM na-Maka a Maeaft
Altar aQ tba noau hara antral.
and nrW tba ■»: add
doa«b. bakauidapiltKand)apnn-.ta elnal mttrr balU a>a Jingiad.
_ _ .
daremt aa a bot plattar. Paw orar u» ninjc ««ru. and all tall la Una
J*T* ^
«y«»: tat It aom to a hoO. «*a
It tbe ailneed maat In bet nary. Pat ua aardi aroand the room, swinging
<»n«"ta ennaa boi owa a ynrOu ira. aM baal to tbo
top enut on and aarra.
hAds in a rtrele; at anotbar alcnal *** “
' of twa agga and two
WKh the eartalaty of iU <
Theaa tatt thm (aotpaa are rusu- they anaage tbassalraa
sanded not only boeaaaa of their tabta. on which rapoaaa
few days babra
« spenhU ml a
ehaapnaat, bot bonne of Us aartng fnj “Twelfth b'l^t Cake of Myateip." taat hoort.
I tba bight batOra, Movto pan. cm.s ^ bUSan.
of time and strength, sod the atsplle- The nke le always ^eed on a tki^'
sat Of holly, with twelre lighted nb- » poRhaat aW U«
dradga with
candled iasen pael. tha ansa of
OaUneal Wafert—One cap oataeal. diet arranged around ft on the ubie.
Unless one wants to fat In the army toy orer bUa it
annga (eat in thin alioet). Beat tbe twe-ihlrds tablespoon better, one agg. the ahadas of which carry oat the spa- of 'Ob. ifi aach p boraf- Ts ao bot oren for <n artaatn; taka Olt
addlUon. oaabalf cap a«ur.
oaafourth tea- dal color aefaese aelocted. Orer tha deed tired 1 mat eaet" “Pm mbed and aprinMe with grnled chieaa. .
^ hauered and pr^bstred spoon salt. ranUia.
Bake la a alow cakt swings a large cotton bell, oon- t« death!' "How 1 wlah I aaald aloep
Choaac Podding—Any dry a
cake tin, AU thrae-parta with tha sli- orn.
uJalng a asall meul ball: tha hast- antll the whole thing la orarl’ .good ^caaa say be need, aad i
twa aad bake in a soderata orao for
Mahogany Cake-Ono enp sagar. «m rings Utla to signify that tba cake 'Christmas Is an inranttod' of babtoa brand alao. so that aceaosy k <
oat of Un gad Iroet oaedoeith cap battef. yalka of two u ready la be cat Ebeb guest etna and lanatlcir It la aooe too aooa fa aldlNd. and ta ast la the taas i
phea cold
eggs, three ttblaapeeafols cocoa dls- « dice; be who geu tbe one coataln- begin preparaUona ter the treat. Por santal to tba t
>«T. Ui, . p.. 1. m.a« UM. -a u.. OB. « u «»lu. » «U b. b.™ aa tb. u«. Taba a
nama. aaa a«iia,. ba„ baaoma. ..aan,
aasa oM Bata.
anlaB ebaaa.
O ™a.B-aa.
Toondad ««p bT'.™,
flour in .bb-b
which u
to Sift.
^b. oobaba..
b^viburw .lib
w.ui ' Tba»
*m a.
». laaB
I .■ I. ... -------■ -™—-----—---------------------•
^ ^
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «d aaa tsu
baktttg powder. mush ceremony, and together Isy New York wbo to not cnagbt In tba musUfd and aalt. Pat a taatn|*al«
Oswib„rfbrl«r. gtona-fc
Mis In order'named. adding last the
tbe dance or gasas of tbe aron- tolls of Chrtou^ worry, all due to milk ta Ia aaooa pan. aad bwt lha
stlOly baaun whltw-af two eggs.
^ ^
of lha a syites
Iratad aararal years store met
Cake One cup soli
la Iflro
tha mother unUl aoR. which wUI taka a few ^
cna cup batter, one cup
fesUra board. Tba aalaAy pnsusr ago. Thto UtUe r
IltUa eooaL aM a M
soda. . ___
eMTWwratMMWirr o of tbe slKe coocoallog a (tore be- «l foar children and tha 'oantar of a uieo. B’ban a mua
,W^ oolfss.

“ «PPW^
IriendA gives
„ 0.00.
. Of
...... .....
peaked cap and belto. and to to screnty-flro presenu aach Christ- very attC froth. Oraaaa a
CnUtob-Tbre. Uiv> ubl»K«.A New Year Leaf-^1 Ure In a c
<>t melted bnOec.
iv of ‘.Itoilre. w^“iaii“crinTto «**««* to amuse tho crowd.
mas. wiitou. ^ «onf^ In her add tte

oitaU««f aur. C«l cArw M« lm*m
and tf^ccrate .idet »Jtk ae»ri«-bor^
ites. •
ABotbef T*«l«t^'llht C«k»-Work
UK ponds neb of bat•tor aad^Buar. bMaUUlegrBtodMt■Ig abt oBoaicbfk of ab onea ndk
of taai^pBOdatad dnsanM. aliaidoc.
2n^abdnaea. Beat aU tbaaa topbtbar: add the potta and .arbUaa <d
tan agn^f^taly: add. by dagraaa.
, ^
. .
v»r a—« «f drtadd»d atttod doar,
enn^ypa ba^ tbe^apo^M t,, pfde of waC waibad driad nrmato, omter pdoai of blasebod al■fObda|fbralaed la a sortar with a IH^
by aoania ud drtren


rf M,
The camiaa «
orgy are no asaraat than, theaa
aecre >tknn. Tbey ra
seat aaa eooa ano laeo spoo
food, bat they a» charred
wllk grit. bold, to aetampt and oond«twr d»tw-HCTbm K..I.

TasiWwNigM PaaUVltias.
Tbe feast of the Eptpbnny. which to
I on Janaary «th. to popu­
larly knowaSatsremh-Mgbt. becante
■ 111 us ns II It Is tbe'
_ tw«mb night after Christ,
mas. Oa thto day. In bldan tims la
miuB. Ibwa. .... .l..r. pelfonnod at couA'and In tbe"grcitl'lAlto



TwatfthMIi^t I
“Olit Chrtatmaa
Chriatinai Day." because, pre- buttar, aaa eupj^- ®“ “P »>lh.
jtow Year I naad the following aerred. Tbe cgniarpleca may be a
Fire yearn s«o aha bought a asaU uadtatoly. »
Tloos to the raarrangcmesl of Ibe eal- IhraO mad two4tolrda caps flow, one plan idth success;
Twclftb Night pie. covered wlihcreain ledgerto l<e used tor her s>-stein of
Cheese Omdal—Whtok tma SBBiaadar la ItSl, Chriatmaa Bay teU an tobleapoonlol ginger. Drop one Ubla-imo each Christmaa package
I P»Per, to repreaant croat. wHb a pw-gift maklag. and Ito sneoeas oould bo
well. Uian add saH and papps dB*M
what ta now JaBnary kh. Tha. apconfal of tbe slgtnra at a time on tucked an InritaUon which rend:
forated alloe tor aach guest Through spared by many, ^w Year was ovnee af grnUd bhabaa. ]Mk
*Twsltth Cake” sru a tang estahltoh- flat wad greaaad tin. apr^ as thin
Mrs. H. K. Wayne
the cnut.f>aas a ribbon atuched to a scarcely peal whoa a^'snda bar list oanoa af halts ta a asaU
ad fostaro of thto day. not only In aa peslbla with n broad bladed/knUe.
entenain January t. IPOT.
souvenir placed in the* pie; bare the of names in (he ledger^and after each pan. Wins It la gaHa hat,
but la Pranoe. The "Twelfth Bake la a welt hoatad oven, and cut
(mm 2 to c p s.
ribbon esiended to each plate and tuT- nama she entered the gttl the bad tbe ogg mtiffllk, aad prlcfe M at <
Cake." It is aialmad hy rktoUa an- before oooUng.
come and turn over a new leaf!
•=» 'o >
to » tiny, snt to Umoe relatlras aad frioM (ho^ wKh
thorttlM, can ba traced back to a peNorwegian Broad—One pSt barley
SelecUng a targe beauUfuUy point- crotMqnely dressed doll. Belfano. year before, so there srould bo ao rep- - —
rind sndi elder than Obrtottoahy. Sear, onwhatf plat graham flour. <»oi „( Istob from wblM the Sanu Claus of Tualtth Night, eUtlona. All through Urn year, whan
haring had IS origin la an old eoa- halt idnt
wblw floor, one taaspooBfulm-ubcard These were
to the
rbculd be etandlng on up of the pto;
one of the reclplenu of her gtRa eitom of the Bomaaa at thalr 8at»- salt, two
teaapoenfuto baking powder.p,esu.- ifcy were certainly new. and
he may be represented by a tall doli.
presaed an admiration ota dealre Wf
milk. Bake forty minolea.course, V was natural, the guesu
dressed In an odd hood and tong red
aome'object which might bouM uador,
Dostog ^a taat days of the Bssaa Thto ta a hard bread, but very flue turned the* mwr to see If (here was
in which be to auppoeed to a^ the heading of^glfta. she entered (ho
chaeat Cuatoif—Battar k
Bataraalla tha sembere of
for dyupoptlea.
anything on the other aide.
'suggeetlon in hqr book. '^•P>M gi,b. got la a h^ of kn^
-< ..____ 1_____________ B.-------------------,
hoashold draw lota to dotamlna who
t Creams-One Cbp
wten the Uugbter bad smewhat
At the conclusion of the feast the
“»• « *>" dtopoeal she could xUa iUet* aad that Into j
ha king of the
»r. add lost enough .nheldrd. tbe.v weJe^toidMmTAach bosicM draws the «r« atrlpg. altar ^»oee earefolly aad ^oently Uka mch ,g,unre. flprkkie wKh t
moisten It. boU I!
„tpcc!«d to w»5te\m New Tsr which tho others follow bar asaapta';
of sles. Durl^ tbe si^at tMa M a wtfto i
Are. add reeolotlon ou the l^f;..,
the pnper
peper (mslly
(mstly team, afad great to *«■
“• fashioned
taahlcmed n
many d^^ with sOI and papper. Afld o
Thto tat was drawn by means of a cream of Uitar also of a w ond four
tread, choaaa aM •----- _
ew^nd read by ‘he cicltemeoi aa
as Beltaim's
Belfaim'S slfu
glfU are ®‘>h»«a
objects dear to feminine
teminiae wtohs ^
b.^, U • m. pin. cm. u. CD.. Bcp. DU dI p-ppumlD. Bet till 11 ,
and pour over all a siKtare pkflp fli
X^ ^oss draw out and unwrapped. The* sny «Ato-Hn. graiUcMoA
UksB a pea waa Uaertad -tor the to ereasy and drop gulekly on waxed
two beatea eggs and a pmMMm.
Titer The^rtoe was a ^ l®y uonkeya. elowna. bugs, ttoarda. As each gift to laade »
fluean. V>e characters of king
huge pepeorn
ball UMKm
off In the ledger,
then Bake about halt saa hear taTW
— , UUJir
|.k pkUl u UB...
BI.I mfc twenij.cCBJL; alligators. aalderA tunchea of
- - tiny
■ U- to
latalned ta mock snjQuit* Pudding Bauco-One egg. one
diameter The game affordor anything rldletftooa or odd. wruwod. labeled aad packed away un- eraU oven,
aejjf hy thoea wno
who drew
draw taa
the auooe
alioea cup aogar. lour lAoieapoonims
tAbleapoonfoto oomng
boning ^
amusement, as the
------------------------ r ' .
UI 11 la time to send It on Its Jour—
ooBtalatag the pto and.bean. Tho mOk. PUvor to taste.
resolutini Tanged from the sublime ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦♦♦ nv *1 ptoasnrefllTtag.
mahekhUeraeraakaptnp to'niltelcht.
Choaae Toaai-Pui «m cop «*
uie ridiculous.

The BAOK DOOR NBBH- -♦ -rriwt. tau onmmor and talL" said
Our Oermaa laadlady
jOM ofthemoat heauUMlwfBhake- grated chMoa crumbs ta «ue cup of

*0«*« C«*T.
♦ Ufh.'^Jeomor of the glft-glTlng eyethe hearu at
aptotek ptaya. It ' umed Twaltth mDk. heat ta dcubla boiler tin cheeae
aaaaaaaaaaa«a*Ba-fl urn. “am harveet d^vs tor gltt buy boardcra by
Night" br8BMd.TwatfttaMightla mstla: Mason wUb salt, pepper and
-i d.. i.or- you Tiaveoh Ibrs Wcrchanis nr.- eager u keep dataiy cooktaA says
klii^Af toul Ala- • stin In high favor, and srith If are bolicr, luiw In two well beaten eggs.
.-r^re. iw B-rc*m mn>t
“'®*‘ »lre»tng yctl^’th^ir business up to a certain rtsiid- to fiit. NuihlAg.




W .tuiMsuCsn «■■■» n>v*tarlMi« i-Om h.,. zHiTllia

d -with the ^phd ,(ba visit of the three 'Wise.
to the Chrtot Chnd. Thto hoUday toMtaad. aa well aa ta Praace.
Mat (he (avtotmaa feaUriUoa, Much
dtoarrily of pplataii nppeara to have
«Ustod between aneient writars as to
Nm orlgta Of TweIRh-Day. Though It
to oeMoit the enstoma varied ta different coratiJeA one aad an bad the
• and ta view—to do honor to tha





wbat-a tha aaattar with Itr- M(«^«t to-tben. when one has aup- apprMtotICB -of bar eultaair oAfetA
said tbe Young Bouepkeeper. 'T 'piled all the needs of draee. that they Aa a eonaoquenee she uraa mffn^
haven't made It yet. bat-1 waa golng-.offer attractive bargains in novelUes to tell ns her way of dobag, aaly «p

u> to It Ur my Sunday dinper.' ■ . .and worka of art. If a Wotnaa lakes frequently found, as to tfai MtoM
od 7mn « •
■■Well." said tbe Back Do^ Netofa- ndritntage of tbaee aatoa sbo wOl not with kuay tamoBS oo^ that %ii#

'll wouldn't be altogether « laQ- utend half ao modi money or energy, was a good deal of "aeaaon
MHnat maa-aad free *
Tbe weeks just before Christmas are tn tbe recipes. Thto tact
e it to y
IMM. dhfl htodltor •
___________ . ...................................... . ebaoa to the ones who wait. Tbe rather dlffieuli tor the nainfttotod'to

remembered that I bad omitted'^to-wtaepe are stifling, tbe clerks weary follow bar fomnlaa. Bowover. Mft
iffCthatamd. •
important tagredlniu and one's riotbes and temper snSer ^ve pn a MttofaetoiT metaa tor fl
QMB ttki kto be!'
corraetiy: from jangling crowds.
delicious chocolate pnddtag whieh Jt
noil tc (ether for five mlnotee ena cup
“By the last of November 1 have iU frequently mada la. «
•arvad ta England even yet. aad the ta oven.
«■<* with a gilt sur, since the p, ,ogar _anAone-balf cup of vlndkar of my gifts bought, wrapped, tied ta household with very
pmka aad frollee m which BnglUbMy Mufflne—Onc pliit sweet mllV. occasion ccmmcmofuies the visit of
fced. adding half a tea- their ribbons and waiting ta a eloiet suits. It to doubly enIuflMa"'l
indulged OB Twelfth-Ni^ la old- ope egg. butter site of an esg. i«o the Magi-(.pooBful cf mM^ to the sugar be- Those going a distance are kept aep- becauae It
taan rwntod ns of April FPol'a teasinonfnto. baking pow.ter. flour (or "> bid ye come, wlib jo) eUte.^
bolting. .Poor the mixture on a arte fnim the others, and packages emmbe.
Day ta onr own toad. *
medium stiff batter. Put la hot tins T« Twelfth Night now to celebrate;
,0 egg, and let ItIt eook Just a few
<i_. ^nt imiii rn»faa —- to
lew lor a family arc tied logetber. There
In UtedecoraUng of Tw.lfth-Wgltt k-«d bake In qnlck oven.
So baste fn>m near and haste from far. ---------------------It .. cold and -----------------------------------Pin brean crumos. soniW ja
l tired
from ona ptat
just 1
o^ hot mOk. thrto nan. (flrfln
««kuantMuI tkten. <*hto great Ingenuity was atadwn.
Blagkberry Ylnegar—Pour enough F*f
Tc Feast-iide of >
(..■tore lining, add liaif a cup of thick* doing too modi In a llllle time, and I htoplng Ubtoi
" IhM «u the The'target and rtehet to flavor oeon- flood rinegar over tbe berrlee to covUpon arrival the guests found tbe cream, i-esten* eUjfI told you love tbe giving. I am never worried _____
fourth pound
grut _____
m ckrit birds
^ e«ter fat the shop wtodewa «v <hcm. I.«t them etnnd twenty-tour rooms decorated
with Cbrlsunaa the other day. for a cherry salad, uae at tbe iasl moment with tbe qncetlon. ^ efl^ Ud mto aB tbe «■ _
uiionlly waa pUafad on a hud-. bouffiT then add one quart of migar to greens conaplcnoua among which cberry juice ud a llule lemon, to- ‘What afaall 1 get for Tom or Nell or (boroufhly; Put in(p n Imunll r*~
TuenOy la n
ptatter. ITbese eukoa «a«h «|nart of juiew. Boll one boul were sura of holly, evergreen ud red
of vinegar and water, or aubell- Beeer for 1 have It
^ aleam’ two hOBru. IBe per—*r
and flUfe nC nan- ««>* nraamentod wttb all eoru of and hoUlu. A geed sumcr drink to imnneiles. mtit sil had arrived a |„tc other fruit juioes to Uste. " .
"I never miaa the money I spend <^,(om is to serve thU puddtafl wttk
ad beaaty
bennty. a
»* mlntotute casUea
.■ p...a. •«»«».
pianist cDtcrUlned
v.-m-d.-.. with
...... oldqimc ga
------------------------on my gifts. It to a dollar now and ,ngi,uy thickened aad
pemtlaTlT *flt- dragon# and
knights and evco' epecJei
Cinger Spap^-One ausar. one voiles, mlnupis. .-arstmnds
and carols
1 the year. Instead of
jnHe. In Ike nbeeaea at
known to the antaiBl ktogdom.
beeping cup abortenlilg. ooo cup tnoV \tn>en all had aa.^cmhled “Sur Char% lump sum all at isoe. whlcb I
‘ tkto nay simple psdfllag eaaea «m
r dl- euUar to tbe New Year, and some a 1 m afford. That one point gives many ^
AboutA century age there were va- lassea. i 0 qgga. four
la fuse K I
kaovlH thaTu-r^ rioua ways of Mbraitag Twelttfl--ginger, three leaspoootola soda. Put vlditig Into two parties, each with d practiced even to thto matter-of-Uci people i
---------------------------------uniry placet cbrlaunaa. as the senmUem at betag . *»«*'•’• *““>
rhnr^ pudM mO prove an ta*■ !**»
Country. In the s«to to molasses and best to .v froth, leader, and tho words acted being twenUeth
Isr from
of tbe or
bom. hard op alwaysfsr
ktaWT. ■ --------------------------- _
a yMr at BOrikrm
parts of Ba^and ibis nightadd other Ingredients, mlr stiff
and r donstella. names
of the
donsiellafrom Bvaa
the hoot
o -----------------------------------------------was the condusion of tbe bolldays
roll thto.
tlons. Of course the cnijj* word could or the whistle of the approaching mu leuers may be prRton ahead Of “ tallows;^
r. Tkto is then
with the rusUce. who sronld meet la
Dongbauls—One cup sugar, one cup not be ocicd. lui only tho syjisbiee. irem.
time. One night flU to aHwInr 8nnsugar, jsm tahta^aaflCal
a targe room. OUnclng would com- sweet milk, one egg. butter slie of an Among there given were Arciunie
It U believed that on New Year's <jay aXUrneon. ancther an evening bettor, one rop ^k or VUer, t«D
mence at seven and flutoh at twelve, esfl. tip> teeapoonfult baking powder, (Ark-tcnr-uii. Joplicr (Jew-pit«rr). Bve the housewife should rake out when there is noihlng partleoUr to do. Ublespoonfule cocoa, one eflK nnn
__ trwomake •
they Mt down to “lobaeouso”-^onr lo^acR dough.
Saiuru (Sat urn i Pleiades il'les-aid ihe ktirhcn Are and carefully spread »
has tovlng ihoughU and wtoh- teaapoonful hnttk powder, nnfl «M
When aho
oho es’
es for
for aa friend
friend they
they sfaoald
should be
be rxrs toaspoOBful
teaspoonful vaiOta.
J, initiwtr letaom * ■
poutoea and on-^ Ctoger Bread—Three eggs, one cup earn and Orion (O rye-oni
(be SKlies on the floor When
yautflay. we shall •
t<»eUier. and “ponaondto." uugar. two cups molas^. one cup
The reircshmenis served w^re riser
riser (hr
uic next
next morning
morning she ___
may pressed.
_______ _____
Died s*ay and
___ when
____ __
Mix the iBgrottaatB
—,_______ (hm _
footsurk to tbe
tbe ash- celved
by the
the loved
loved one
one wtu.
wtU. marri
marri add flour enot»h tn-sinfco
tn-sinfca a
• hatta'w
'ikn' boat W* overy- *
»as the “wassail" of ale. boiled sour milk, three-fourths^up butter, chicken pic. to lieu of the fsifaed chance
cbsiicc lo
lo Dnd
find aa footsurk
celved by
with sugar andnuuneg.Into which
twouaspaonfuU soda, ginger, ctona- blackbirdpie. nuts, fruit
aad. ’moat ex. If tbe mark to turned to tbe door, umea. be more welcomed than a our- thick aa for layer flnka.
ware potraaated applea.The feaat men.cIovm aad flour.
Importantof all. theTwelfth
Ntfllit It forebodes a death te the taatly: riedly.
Ul-cbosen gfR."—New York enOM cope and etesm tfan
was paid for by subecriptlon. It was 'Rye Gema—One egg. one cup asreet cake. This was baked to star form but If tbe footmaii appear* to be m- World.
of an hour,
the custom ta mflny parlabes to light milk, one-fourth cup sugar, two tea- aed ronUlsed a coin, a ring and a taring tbe room, U peisaflus a blAb.
florve with hard or Ugutd |
IS > evar. you're up
.........luelve email
” Are*

large spoonfuls faakteg powder, one cap small bell. Tbe guest to whose piece
It to lucky to see u man from the
----- “i« Various --------r H esataat—yon're one.
to ac- Sour, .cne cup rye meal
tbe coin was found was acclaimed window on New Tear’s morafag, and . The old prejudice sgaln
to aad bwUB of the
Graham Pudding—One enp motae king, tbe ring made the fortunate pos- a dark man as flnt toot to a sore on accountof iu supposol
To flsve Heat.
ta the hnp- eervancee of Ihow llmsaand were
sea. one cup sour milk, .one cup rota -sessor quee^. while the floder of the luck brlnger to (hs home.
No floors ills' quahiics he*
aad you charoUertotic ofthe ignorant credn- Inn me cup dried plums, ©ne-balf OeU b..r«nic conn jester- The ho»t**« must be swept ee New Yeer's Dty. store the
ihwtknt IMy which then preveflednnimeg. one 'teaspoonful soda, one then passed a (ray (wntaining
or tbe year's Iw^ will be swept out humanity
It will be found Omta Mi
treat It reasonably like
Twstttb-Klflhl-Cake—A real Twelfththew-aiuau guests and silver with tbe dust.
I. one egg Beat stars
any other article of food and be ____________
flre In a clear grtfc and cM
Idea as H Right cake has a bean baked in the well with enengb flour te make soR sure for the man guests. Upon tbe
On New Year's Eve all srater be- frateful 8o. like other »wd things
give cot
center. To mak* It creasi together hatter, Hke soR molasses cake. Steam beck ol each star was wniten the •obm* wine between twetve and car to life, i’ iv made much of. and. ta flre Mcumber
na nr mood—you three^narten of
pound of butter three hours.
name of a character whom ifae guest o'clock, but should anyoue be curious stead ot merely occupying a small
Bauee for
tor Graham Pnddlng—One was to persoMte
troth of the story pmee
place at tne
the nnisn
flalsh oi
of a omner.
dinner. it nas
r ptaj with R—you wlih half a penad of augar. then add
enough to teat the iroli
To Ctoaa a yrtilts FdalM
fl yon eunt see-It— alx eggs, two at a time, beatlag be- «»P sugar, cnchalf cup butter.’ ytdks
Improrixed cnsiomra had been pro he will be tempororily bereft of sight’ beroipc as ImpnrtsM Ingrodtent of
belietc se«cr»i taper difbes
It is stewed ,
•Utfing te ynur tween eech addiiton thorou^ly- Hieu two egu. Stir tn smoub cream Add vided hy tbs boxirs.-. ’The king and
apeofifel thto a.tart» *'
yonr flnlsn. Ijutap add one pound «t cieened cumolA lulce of one lemon end tbe grated queen wore rehm: of purple cambric that it is lucky
be BUM monay on ”Ub eggs, baked to bi.eulu made to eitb^gaaoriM.’ta^r^^'I^.i;
tata ynur
ata ounrea of chopped candied lemon
riod. one cup boltto^ water and thick,
trimmed with (“airton ^flannel. Gilt
New Year's Day. and Irishfolkgive souffles,pnt late puddings
I must fan and oraags poeL one ouoqe each of ea with me lableapooafol flour. Add crowns adorned tbeir heads, and the away food for toc«.”
wnJ. made tow'stick--, aad used to^ night.' In ibo-MpitaBC. shako wall
gm-4tto a.toicod oNtan and chepppd almondA bMten whiles of eggs last.
royal aceptcr was a croquet mallet
The most curtou* sspcroUilos U decorate omelets.
rt..— ■■ ..i—w-...
to do bet- buir aa onneo aach nf ntaes, mace
Minute Pudding—Good, riteap and eavered with gOt paper. Oa* kimonos, perhaps that rolattag to thy futnroEggs Btth Cbeeae—Pry three eg^
wbere the air srfll rmh It Whm
and ctannm^. Then' am in three- n tabor saver, into a pan cf boiling shawls and cloaks transformed the husband of eny girl who ta anxious to to a paa with one ounce ot butter, p^feetly dry, cwl and hwill took Me
.. hod unt tar qnsnstn ot a. pound Ct flour, srtth a a«Usd w*t«t stir ehber white or gra- goMts.
know her fate aad carot tp “pvt it to and pepper and salt to taste. When neVD—o S Mb ennuni pteefa of asH and Uro teaspoentata nf ka* floor until tt to faWy thick. Cook

the waeb-” She must mi a Urd they begin to set. sUp them tow a
■0 tks’vnnma ugtacL Bow tba nUxtarn to- *ril aad sarvu »1th augar. grated nuN
A TwelRh KU^t party—Tbs alKb
efs who 'olk bar bees re- totoh. cover tk^m aO over with vbt
. New VesPa
»1tdtod to a tratterod aad preparad cake tie:
mei. and ctaam T&e Padding is ao of Jannarf seeming^ lend* itxelf tor placed with tab and then go to bed this toi-wx cf cheeic tet tba dtoh
a totth drop a bean tt the center and hah*
cheap that ear can afierd cream with merrlses: and gau-ty ou-. cf ihe uaaa: wi'-hTui quenching the
ineviuUe where the checM will melt aad serve
to men- to a mndunu ova tar two haara. X cve& u cl^ prtcas.'
order, aad cenatolj ncthlng could Ig thirst she wiu coffer from. She will -nithleast
mita «MK M oool. tha rntaove
DuniptttgB-Add m oat ptm of mOk so unique or turntob more real pleas- dream cf aomeone who wifihrtag her
1 salt and onougb urr than «n evening ta oia^ue. wKh a giasi. of water, and the
..PMffitff to tata.hkn paa aad frMd. ftorm a
—- ----------Bfopwltbr U rod cnadtaa. pUctog flenr
haktog* powder in. the p
of all manner will be her tatvn busbaad.
flrient milk to tom into a stA paste. R. nweeta to .tosta. an4 Mm vflk
Vn Tcar'a Ptt to jlw TdtitoMiip*
rag «»'gjn. oa
hta paA

n*«( *' iL*

of shot t
Nsoolloped Turkey—Cut left-over
cold tuikey ta email ptoces and ptace
Tbe idacp cards sere cot from
a layar Is baking dish, then a layer «*rdbc4rd. wslng an ivy leaf tor pai
of o^stm then of cracker crumbA
Tbe« were-Oed to small fancy
aaU. pepper and bits of botur on
every layer: wet with pan of (be
oyatar Uquor and bake twenty pita-,'''
olea. Then pour over it tbe remain"To Feast Tide of Ye Sur-tavluder cf oyster tlQuor. mixed with one
Twelfth Nighi jnny
erlpt. '‘FOB
were srritlen ta old-time icrlr"
egg well beaten, butter and i
a'lely d

tTabte ^


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