Grand Traverse Herald, September 07, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 07, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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aincl Xravorso









Aa Nonbport branrb of tbe U R
4 1. mill nio a apeclal (raio doriag
MVCt ftARWICK MKT WITH ACthe Uat ivo days of tbe Leal


oiaal Ua>«.lll:pO a. m., mod there will
be a apeclal train ratoralog at « p.
Ae roand trip (ora vlll be »0r.
WM AMiariNo UMCti m fkll
Tbia vlU be a greu
lo all vbo are going to tbu fair from
tbla dlractkw and there U no doebi
torta aambar viii arall itaemoelve*
M Hit M*m Hmv TMi
of tbla opponaalty to attend tbe beat
fair that Laalaaau cooaty arer bHd.

Brae* QArwkB «U Mqvm urMU
mm* 4t. m «f Ur. «ad urk. PMcr
OmwIA sIm
dtr. VU UUed
«bM MTM Bllw MU Of ru* Uke
M—4my «Ir0« waUv Ut noeto.
Mr. Iwnwit. la fdtu« a bM trw.
1 br u* ittUa BOB. aad Ur. Oarwick. »bo had
baaa a(iMdlt>< a lt« «oek« aaar ihalr
laft tha teaaa aboM I o’elock
la tha teraheea to cat tha uoa and
Si^ tha hosar. Mr. Oarvtck had
iatasdad to ralin hema oa tha altarBOOB tiala roataidar hot hu pUaa
4 vta todar hu bodr
no drta vhlah had hoaa aalectad by
tha^I to alara avay their hoacr
• larya oln aad vhaa the awa
M aUtagid It aaBlelaat lor lemas.
• thay aaaaebad tt to awlag claar of the
mwid. hat Inataad U vhHad aroaad
. 'BBd tha top braaebaa atrucs a aupla
r hr. »h*ah. whoa tt broke, atrwsh.
Mr. Oarwteh.,

^ aad hia book «aa hart.
Ha 4Md d«a hoara. hliar>a aeddaDt
Mr. CliarvMi traa a carpaatar aad
hyi* ha«h VMW8B aaar nia Uka. Ha
haridaa hU pareata aad vita,
ese <MM. «M hnthar. Walter Oarwlek,-«Bd throe half brotaara.
At tahml vtQ be baM from the
ahMek. tbaradarsftaraeoB at

Will Be HaM at Klnpatoy and ConUmw Pear Oayo—Many Pina B«MbHa Boinp Praparod.
A few days ago~Aa Record-Eagle
publlabed a abort article relative
tbe Trl-Avaabip fair to be given to
Klngaloy. bat tba date*
vara, through error. Iboee of last
yaar'a.falr. Tbe fair thU year to be
giroa by tbo tovaablpe of Aiadlsa.
Pile Lake and UayBeld. vlll be oa
Saptamber to. to. XI and ft, instead
or tba dates bcraiofore |•ubllsbed. Ae
fair vlll be gtoao uader tbe augplcak
or Bummlt Cltjl ■range, and tbe loral
officers la charge vlll be Ralpb Case,
prasldoat: Edvard B. Cbautty. secre­
tary. and R. Banmganb. treasurer.
* ElBborale pretarauous are being
made to ocllpae tbe efforts of last
yoar vbich vare snob s nccess. Many
to tbo aqulpe vlll
meat and 1
be provtdadtoribe 1
of tom produeu. fruka. llraatock. etc.
Als fair will be of apeclal Iniereat to
Travoraa City peopto In vlav of tba
tact that many ofUbalr baU axbibiu
wUI be brongbt to the Grand Travoraa


City people. lAai rear tht» organlfaUoo aat the pace tor tain of thu klad.
aad the reaalt-VM ao cratltylnf
Mtaa owe BMaail Waa Hoataia U «.
large uiili
•. B. L O. eivb.

Hml by the mraat.marfta the feat
vu boarWd. bat ahimld U bare
to tha real toot then ia ao doabt to
tha edado at the aaaoelata P. U a’a
that the aroot vpaU hare baaa palled
•oB. Oeron vara told ter tea.

nfioa upujG ffioiu]
Mtaa CBarlotW3wrto of tbio dty,
tha^tooM yotuti roadar.aara aa oaaaoa W

Mm vwk aad made
do ItopobMlea la the ao-


Bwrwau Buyer haanfed
PIfty Buabala Prum Bmpir*
Lmibar Campany.

6. A. R. AT HESm
Rsunten pt Old fielOtor* From Fe«i>
Counties to Be Hstd Thors
Septomber tg to 21-



(e Live Up te the City.




Mlo ruwrs ire afloat r.».'




oeofiirad Monday evening vbeo Miss
Ida tmrlAu ameruiued the llomeaaokara at a theatre party snci luucbeoo. The guests met S' tbe lurkio
home aarlv in the eveulug and latfr
tba boMeas led her guaais to' Dr««mtand tor tbe first abov. At ten o'clock
lunchbou ns served at tbe Jacksoe
lea eraam parlors, the room ' being
prettily arranged (or tbe occnaloD. One
kmc table was
of Plak mod white asters. Tbe meuu
fitota different than hereiolore
merr|to on an occnsloD tor tbe bridealact and was quite as unique as it
waa dHklous. One of tbe real aitracUva features was tbe Northland Special
loe cream molds, a mlosture train of
strawberry and peach tee rresin
The bride's Mate was easily diicemad from th otbora by tba appearance
tiny white cupId between the
cart. Cover* were laid tor seven.
Tbe marrlace of kH*s Loudon sud Dr
Willard Hass km take place tomorling at tbe bome of ber psranlB. Mr. and Mrs. WUUatu Loudon,


Ae Quesikm of cnforcliig tbe Oi^
dinauce rrUtlvr to the buying Of pro­
duce on tbe city streets Is caaslng (he
police department aocne trouble ibis
year aad if swue of tbe buyers vba
come here fron ouuWe poinu are
not a little more careful thay vUl
bare acme bars to pay Is the Recordasd obln^
dMMbtad bar Uotoo- er'a court. This ordinance preaertbee
•ra. to a teU
I Ulao the Umits vUbtn vbich tbe buyers
operate aad regardtoas of bov.
tasM raeaatod a daoldad aMltty
roadar aad aaMKalMr. Potievlactba tbe lav has been enforced to tbe
tt will be made a lixe Issue this
rredtogi tba taaata ropalrod to tbo adlad tbuee vbo rlolaic It viu have
toUtoB kamm at Hra. O. a MUtor.
g oat tbo to take the cewoqaeacoa.
» af TaOaa aad vblu tmod AD bayen vbo operate to tbe cliy
to the
lUst ooafine tbeir work to Bute
Aj «bo
toft, rotarabM to tha street between Pine and Cana straata
por* «r tha bOMt vbaro they
Aa tocnl buyera are la (ka kaklt of
' MUo Uabra Mfltor pro- obaaiTtai tke terms of tke oHlnaace
k vitt a pretty novar.
aad tbe oouida buyers vflt be .
•Mtoa vaa aarrad aa tba paltod to Uto.up m tbe reoutremeats
af tba osdlaaaea.



benlsiuln Prankito Sebetterb. aged
I*. If and :i.
$4. died at the old Saiierly H
there all) be a rvuuwn at Meaick of
stead. Sunday moraiag of paral.vsto
Siijiiiers aud salU>r» of Ben
Mr Schrtterly srai stricken a wbifk be­
■fIF7 Maiilsie«v-^'‘etfcrd and l-eelabau
fore kls death and lingered along un
lu>IUlluu> sre bring seui
til Sunday
tt'bile be bad beeV
bi the xelersns In tbi* muoty to at
lug praetlcallr alonr for a long time,
tend tbe reunion ikssi speakers BETTER PtRC PROTCCTIOft Ato'
it chanced that bis daughter. Mrs.
bate been aecured and an rntertaluVOCATEO FOR BIRCHWOOe.
Alice HHL was visiting him <
'nlon Offieara fiend Anetner Letter ing program l» being prepsrrd
Firs Warden Wants '
tbe stroke cwue. Mrs. Hill romalned
to President Markham — Federa­
nanoo -Enacted le Ri
altk blni until tbe end came.
tion Leaders Firm, fiiit Will
Avoid fitnke If Peestoia.
Scballerly lived and died In tbe luc
atroction of Houoaa
bouse which be bulU when be first
toBOrtonmvM Tor
Alcago. .jJeVi *-The exeiud'c
r to this region.
xommluee of the .ysiem federation of
Tbe atteatlob of tb« bMotomu vm
Cblcs«o. Bepi. 5.—OBirera of the llh
tbe llhnot* Central met today and Jr LOCAL OPTION WILL BE FOUGHT
Urgely ocevptofi tost night with haorvUled to ask tbe Intemattonal officer*
nols Ceatral rallroaa today broke off
(or aa loiniedlate strike ansae'
jins and •eiUtof firtotaocoa of (be pooall D^ttatio&s altb the nev '-system
tbe Internallonni uffi<-ers rouslder that
l-le of tbe city, a largo atotrp of whom
fedamtloB.'' includlug tbe bUcksniltb
tbe sllUBiioD demand* a airike. a vote
bad some kind Of irooblo to tbrwah
sbopmaa ab<l other empluxrs a bo
out before (ho couhcR Tboro wero
have threatened to strike The union*
Deuoll Mic h Sept ( - Al a
rccognite ttie federation
several who wanted to be oaoaapt from
have been offlciallx notified. Tbe
Cblraso Sept
—Ittatead of order Ie«-Bce Of tbe tteld (urxws of
SI oaea vmt into ^mference to decide
Mlcblgau Auil-txaluou league action ivylSK taxes on a<-vouM o( lock e(
vhito other* wsaiod to got
what action to uke.
llhnoi* Central railroad
lo strike, »a» taken shlch *111 bring aout of pa.vtag tbeir sboro towgyd tbo
the repreM-Dlatlve* of the Inieroation. loral opitou fight next spring
Cbicage. Sept.
President .Mbrlicounlies of tbe stale im llinw quit* support of (ho city govommeai ofi
iniution Itixoixed last night alt different
bam of tbs Illinois Central railroad
follos'all day conference, decided to
lau atobt ended hopes of an inimed).
reply lo the letter In C ed. tbe ur* tuode of allaek being
Mr*.-A. K. Peck asked to
tte setttoment of the labor difficulties
-Markham, president of (he road. based on tbe "Joker' amendiuent se­
Ilally refused to re.-ognise the officers cured by tbe league lu tbe Maru- from pay ing her taxes oa acoMUt-of
of the road by directing s letter
HulMay bill
of the tyatems federatlOL
lark of fuitds aad her evaa va« re­
F. Kramer. aecreUry of tbe inter
( Oder this new nieibod of cam­
The ronimunltation. mailed by
paigning. as xNitllni-d by State Anti- ferred to Ibe coomiUM aa c^ou and
aaUonal Blacksmiths union refusing to
.'lal delhery aboul In o'clock
Salooa liOagur Superintendeni Goorge
uats. Tbe same raqaasd was alao
meet tbe representatives of the feder­
stoht itmtalned also another strike
Mono*, (be
niade by Mra.. AMne F. CMlur aad
ated shop employes today. a» bad baec Gorman 4&v«mm«nt Extending It
concluding a* totlova
lend to enter many cItJea and towL
ntll equality i* recoguixe.1 Jusilie
el rouatbs this spring, and (om as received aad filed.
caouol Dianlfest Itself, aad should
fight lor prubibinoe 'common
Mrs Klato R. HaaBab aoftfied Uw
Channtls to Ouiot Cxcnj.
Tha letter f
x>ur sttlinde be iietolxu-d In. such rouDclImen lu many of tbe counties (ounHl ihrougb ber ailoraer. Pars C.
or tba nine Iniernaiional unions in-ouble as may result will uh be ibr, the qoesiron *111 be submitted to '
Gilbert, that she paki paM ber taaw
volved. aad to mblcb Mr. Matobaui's
union * desire, but the seeking of your- j pexMiio lor
Berlin. Sept
Owing lo Increastliose vbose
a nose Interest* -< oo | tit (be rs niuniles 11* are *e( and under iircMfet aad riled eevaral toBBi
uiiDlcatioD «as a reply, was
I (be drys an rJrcuUilng peitikm* fur lecbnlcalltles abteh had beeu owrsldared by labor men here to be In the ig nerxou*nes* lu cumnierctal clrclev represent “
The letter wa> *lgne.l by W. F. Kra (
looked by (he board of review wbea
lere are wild rumors of war belseeii
Batura of an ulilmaium.
quesHoii of aaluoii* or on aalooes. Tbe (bey reviewed tbe
Tbe nalona asked that Markham Prance and tierinany over tbe Moroc
. ..elp- remaining 1* are dry and the weta- aprlag. Were srwre also aeveral other
aitualloti. that are In cviutast riraboui iVeaideni Markham ad are orgaiilxihg them (or the caupalgw
rnlatloa. If is evpecicd tonight that
hi* definite ooraruunlcatlon to thro* them bark Into the wet eol- roiesu aloag lha eaa*e Itaa. They
In tbe letter tbe lutema umo
Fulbiwing are ihe eonullre lere j^Terrvd to the oommlttee on
Tba reqnaet vas coupled vlth a-state tbe govemuieut sill hwue some kind ycBierdax
tlonal ofiUers, Ibrougb Mr Kramer, where contlvta will be waged:
claims and arroaau tor lavaHigamem that ualeas tbe confereoce was of reaaavffng ststcmenl.
who acted as chairman of tbe interna
Couniiee Where Wete Will FIghL
gmated by lOrSO o'clock Tuesday
Reports of fexerisb anxiety come ttonal coimiiltlee. took tosue wltb I've*
Ijipeer. St Joeeph. Ogemaw. Ing­
A tvmmuBirailM vaa'l^ .toMa the .
Xlarkbaoi in bis claim that the ham. ITeaque Isle. Otsego. Arenac.
ilag, Sapteuber 5. tbe unlooi from proxiuriai cities and ai Stettin
Gratiot. l.eiiawee. Sblawaaaee. Osooda.
would take tbe nacatsary stein to pro It in said that large tuins baxe been unloas failed to romply with tbe
day notice clause of ebanges desired Missaukee. Kalkaaka. Alcona. Branch,
test their own Imereats
wlibdrssn troui >avlngs banks by
MHladato. MMland
ions «:bo (ear (bat war Is ImpeudKariy In (be evening, Preohleot .1
Ceufitlc* Where Orye WHll .Fi«M.
McCrrarx ami W E. Bowem, aecreI-eelanan. Grand Traverse. ManI
Effona 10 quiel liK- excleoieiil
being eiteudfd thiougli (viumcr- tary o lOc aysieiu federation. Were tee. Wexford, MaaoD. Berrien, l-*ke.
called utu the coolerentm and ibey re Me-sista.
Hi>acommxm. Wasblenaw
ctal cbsunela tniin Hreelin
sexeral hours. Though no sn Utlaaa.
Miss ld^sHii«v Cm
ueiii »a« made lo thl» effect,
Mias Louden.
the rrt*>n was current about the con
ference room that the International
olng everMhlng ‘they
Tb^ last In (be series of pre-nuptial
rould to ptexeni a strike If possible.
evauM given for Mis* Jennie ls>udon

W. H. Staela. apple buyer for the
Waetora MicBIcaa Derelopomnt buroau, aeoda word to from Empire,
vbara be U tooklng over tbe orebarda
tor tba purpose of aotoeUng ouailty
fmtl tor tbo aeverml exbiblu
mado by tbe burMa tbU fall.'that tbo
fruit In tbe orebard of (be Empire
Lumbar company of that place U tba
bant be has erar seen, in (act. be
thinks that tbe orchard vlib Us apto .taka on color. U
tba Baoat orchard scene that he has
nu acroas tu bis travels (bronik-westara Uleblgaa and tbe reat of tbe
srorid. - Tbe apples have bad (be best
of attonUoa all tba saasoo through,
are of axceptlonai atoe. and arc going
lo be of vary blgb color. ' la aaverul
ruth slreM.
cuaa bo has ' ' '
are ao toi«a that It Is hard to believe
that they babrnted to tbe variety tbai
they do. He aspects to be able to se^
about fifty bnabaU of fancy apptoa from tbU orchard tor tbe develCngitshman Hat Come
opmaat bureau esblblis a tbe big
Beptamber tolra and tbe Michigan
toad ataov.
During tbe latter part of

Moodamai C.E.
Minor aad 0. a UWor aalortalaod a
pait7 at aabaatr-doa ladtoa at tbUr
haam am Baat Oaao atraat at a rocapttoto: Ao BBMta vara bm at the door
of Mia. C. M MUlar'o toma by Ubs
Uartaa Motor aad vara formally racatrpt by tha bawaaim. attar vhlcb
tbar .Sara Mtortolaaa to a amt
UghtM am Mlif «r Mtoa Ctei^tta
srtt al Tfanoaa 0x4, a yooag aad

lenianiln Franklin Cchetteriy. On« ef
OM HiMton's Pienaar BattKra
Pasaad Away Bondsy.


. , r-*o" ■- ■■

Ao t. £. P. L. D. glrta. a bory of tha
Bwsk mhaMwtit baooball taaa, wore
latlittlwd at oaa 01 the rofolar “potloihp* at tha hMo at Uha OQla BirdatilBthw
Uaar vao
the lava, atw vhlcb
a aoMal hear vaa ooHrbd. The ooe*.
alea spa |» anohd tha ball »ma at
UMaa part la tha attaraoea.
joanm at the dlaaar
a both ia Jaa aad
aat. fraca a*da b^ tha loialBlBa taaa.
aauw thM balh« that eao fair lady
tikam vbaal aaethar dova the tvo
bcatMHa We^ at treat atraat ia a




The- grange meeiinK last Batui-tay
afternoon wa» a very iniepesling one
The subject lor discussion was The
Grange and ^ Fair ' E J. Mc.xinllen
gave an account of the first Grand
Traverae fair allenJeiJ by falm. It was
held near Boarduian lake and was a
big exeni in bis life
Mr*. Arvilla
Gardner also told of early fairs Mrs
Stephenson assured tbe grangers that
(be-fioral ball exhibits are the best
part of the county tslr*. Mr*. L Pal
mateer *as iwsltie that the ednrs
tlonal function Is the most luiiiortaot
of tbe seveml performed l>> tbe fair
Tbe greatness of the Grand Trav
erse Farm Produtes esiKtslilon held
last fall wa> called lo mind bt Mr*
F J McMullen. Mm Jameson thought
tbe fancy aork exhibit was more In
terestibg than the horse races. Mrs
E J. Uickerman told about the l-eelaiiau county lair E. E Ihtryes *ug
gesied that more money be si>enl tor
premiums and les* tor entertainment.
lYank McMollen said that be (bought
iniy fsir was better than a rircu*
George A KubertaoD said that the heat
horse'race be had exer seen va> be
tween Ed Pratt of Traverse I'lfy sod
Mr. Noble of Ktk Rapid* on tbe old
lair grBunds He favors the .vuntie*
owning fair ground*
Several of the gninger* present
spoke upon the subjeNt of county own
ershlp of fati ground* and nto»t of
those present itemed to be In favor of
the pro|io*lllon
Tbe Imponaoic ol haxlng able an-l
impamal Judges was also spoken Ol
a: length Not a lew of ibose piesent
showed gr««( interest In the lomlug
Grand TrwveriM- Keaton fait.

Jul> aa
arucla a»>eared in tbe
asking for Information in regard
one Hoary England Cooper, formerly
of Surrey England which place be
toft to is:: or is:n. and was known
to bam been at J^lers Town aboni
Ibat time. N'otblng bas been beord
of him since and bit whereabouu or
that of bl* beirs was desired on acconat of an Inherliance ibai Is a*alilag him.
.Votblag was beard in regard to tbe
an aam tbla week wben Mrs Pranw Craw of this city rret-ned a let­
ter' from her brother giving the (ol
lowing facu to the ca»e.
vhlcb to evidently correct, aa tbe|
dataa and clrcumatAoce* all agree Frank fimith Prapares Display ef Un.
portectly- He writes a* (oUowa
«toual Oeeigrv for OetroH Fair.
pretty sure that I waa acqualatofi vUb tbla 4'ooper. and that
Fraak Rmlth ba* tot reduced a neamurdered about tbe Guie ibat Idea lor tbe display of fruit, especially
Ibey meaiton. about IFTS or itlt. He apples. He baa contti-uned a mlnia
waa vorktog (or oM man Ward, about
bouae. about (our feet long, by
thrut mltoa from Filer Town, and a
V two feet la wtdib. enilrely of
dranken Ba^tobman abot bin
crabapples. The applet
moraiag aa he lay aaleep to bis bed r^'anltorm atoe and color and make a
Purthar taformaUon to regtord to very reeliaUc aad unique dtapUy
photograph baa been takea of the
the toaa «an he had by
Mra. Craw, at the general dellverr. boaae aad It wUI be abipped to Oetraii
to time Tor exhibit


__ ______

Nlfht—Engine riMMted

lubjeet Was Discussed al Grange
Masting fiaturxUy—Moro Promtuma War* fiuggsated.


Organlat and Choir Leader at Boulah.



Clark ef Natierxal f




W«r« United Sunday Morning.

Deulab. Mlcb. 9ei>t S—Sunday
urornlag alter the regular serxice. tbe
Mis* Hattie Cbarryman.
alipped down from her seat at tbe or­
gan. and Harlow VeCoonaughey. *tep
from bis place In the cboL- and
stood belore Hex H 8. Mill*, the pa*
of the I'ongregaiioaal church, and
mere united to marriage- Tbe ring ser«as used. A little bird had told
the secret about tbe town and the
house was packed to the uiwoet by
tbe Iriends.
Mias rherryman has lived In-Ben
xonia about fifteen 'ear* and i* a xer>
bright and a< •'umplishe.l vtmng Iml.'
ts a xraduaic ol Bensonia acad
an.i Hillsdale lollece aud is an
accODipIlsIied pianist She has been a
teacher in the acadeiuy
Mr .McCon
______ _______
naugbey l* also a gia.iuaie
; eiadeniy ________
OUerlln college
• hi* graduation* lie
In Euroi-e stud'mg Ihe lives of
■ be leople wh.i fiix-k lo ihe fnlled
States U> find euiploxment and Is al
present a i<-»-'.ei lo- ibe A xi a. In
PlttBburg >'s among the laborer* id

Tbe talent for the Hi^. School I.e<ire course na* been announced for
Ibe coming season This Is (be twentyfifth year that ibe courae has been
given In tbe
t: city and la atrvnger than
ever before. Tbe headliner lor the
season Is S|K-aker Champ Clark of Ibe
national bdusetof ^preseniailvra. one
of tbe strongest sivakers on the Amer
lean i>ia(form an^ «bo will prove a
ktroog drswlDEcgrt) The entire courae
consist* of *<-xeu number* made up of
ieeture*. con<en* and eiitenalnmeni*
Tbe course has always been well
pairohited by the peuide of (he city
and tbe price
usuai is wlibln tbe
reach of all a^ rare to atiemi Tbe
Dunbar CQpcdri company will appear
again (hU season and (be rest of (be
r up of new talent lo
lome* Wltb Ibe best of
n* 'from (be idace*
where (bey ha>e apiieared daring tbe
Tt^ headliner
onr-ert coiu|«Dle*Is tbe Bostonla orbestra. wbJcb ba> a matloaal repuU
Ion as BO organluuon Of high class

of that virlntiy snsne aaxlety elare
tost Friday and etmuoa* efforts wore
to put it oBL hut srtttoMt avalL
aad Fire WaiBaa G. Altoa Smith
went oa
of placia


I ThI* iiiurniog they went back and
; resumed oiieratlona and bv night will '
{have the fire out or at least to aucb a
'.•uudiiiuu that there wiM be no llaMh
I It. (.1 -laiige, lu soy of the nearby

Wpsftmant Had Earijr l
Call on Feurteentn fitret

flamea to such aa aauat (hat It vas .
feared that tbe fire vould oumaalFlra
out one of (be Sir oagiaea vUh a c*«v
pat out (be blase. The ItlUe —ff'-r
va» sent and (dayed a stream oa the
fire all day and by eight It was placod
in a uoadltlon where there was but lit­
tle danger of tte apraadlag.
In order to secure a eupply of water
•or enough to (be fire It vaa aeceasary to dam up tbe creek that nwa
nearby and by (bto mean* an abua.lam eupply of water wa* securad tor
the engine The sawdust pile I* about
s lit. biuck and many (eel
a* (he fire we* eating It*
of (be ptlW it wa*
difficult matter i
Ihe ceoiev
e trouble. The II
. effe-llxe *ork during tl


Tuesday riRtriiing s' ^4" me v«<sip
bouse uwhed l>. (ienjaimn Thirli.. bvsled SI ;x,.'. XtVki Kourteeutli *|re<.as* dikcovered un fire b. \rlMrtl Ke*ler s next -lo(M ii-'icb’-K- » hu TuMi. :
Splertold Predueu Frem tfto Fifty
lu an alarm Tbr P-e .1,-,.,-,
made a i>r<-th
Acre Farm of E. W Millpr,
they aiTue.|
-South #1 Traverea Crty.
Interior of tbe i-l*-.- m "niii.-- and
Thrr* ISbrought to tbe office
alter a hard right
Ui Thr itr.., d yjigie a quantity of
.-oUMdershl. .1st, .ii:.of tiir results of dlvorai
tb* roof * ikM )i * * • tu.
tied (anmiig a* -uodurled by C. W.
The fl'.- mu-t i-.v- -ruioa’rd u
Miilrr sbu U*D* :.<r acre* four mile*
The** >peciB>ena of
Guetta at Park Fiaco Citterialnod fiat-i'b* ho«».- - -h- —' without inter-|irun *n-i -arm produti* furniab oon•feren.-.- be'.- ■
-1.....'.-,. M- k*%. ...luslx.- ►..i-n.e of what can he ic
uruay Night.
Mr BU.I Vi,, M.Cuunaugbe,. are
Ivrb xeM popular xoung people ol
IVnunta and (heir luac friends w|*ti
(hem Ihe greatest bappiness.
They leti Sunday ingbi lor the
DOMbeni reeon* to stax during tbe
hay fever *es»on 'hen *l!l return to






i M,;
B-o«o of Gr.nJ.i^u^
„..,.up,e,l for *om*;»utoi: I’to'e m the Oraad Traxrrwe re
Rapid* and Mr and Mr* P R Palter jiime sb-i • --o (tie tire wMin.-.: au|gioii Tb* .*.iir.iion InHudr* i.i-ancB
of Chicago, who have btea sum one hs-l hc-u sear .he place. *o the,„
i.oD,h*r.( and Egg plum., beavcause will pic.l.»hl> r
tner gur*l* at the Itork Place for a Tbe b-.ildmg **- insuced. snd tbe ■
number of year*, entertatned at bridge will amuuui tu ><-ce:sl bundre-l •
turnip* of aplen-Jid alx* and qnalRy:
in the hotel parlor* Saturday night.
ox heart carrots a* fine as can bo
There were ihtrty (oor guest* preegrown any* here, dent corn. aLraadv
ent. Besides bridge, music was a feat
npened, as perie<-i specimens a* ran
ure of the exening. Mrs. Horst sod
be prodp<-rd aUo a specimen of al
Mrs Brown gixiag vocal selections, sc
rompanted b^ Mie* Ellion ruoch was Proposal of France and Moroccan
Oiaputo Will Soon Be
Tboive lavoied aith prite* '*ere
This u but one of many slotUar
Mri K. E Horst, half doxrn sherbet
farm* in tbt* regton whlrb are yield
gtosaw; Mrs B H Bracken, a bdoT
ing baadaome prufiu tor tta ewuera
ItoiDted ptote; J V Mclnioab. Harold eobaaay. received here today, indl- After dofrariag expensea of all ktods
Bell Wright's latest book, aad W. O. caie that Germany ba* accepied tbe tbe crop* oa his ptoee vfD yMd Ur.
final propoaal of Prance and that the
HoldM. cigar lighter aad M*ar.
Mofvccaa dtopute *111 soon bu nettled. Miner more Uaa S1.SM thto leawfi.



Imd Inverse Heraki:.


Mi Trtftne l»i U|k

a. tb«




Cera Whnata WIH gan Batwrgay Af.
r e Banquet to be Tandarod Him
By Aft Acadamy in New York.

peace at

. N. H.

Y'f '

n Oencreai at ».

IMS—Bhii «r LeSMBter. faroHte oC
Qmmi EUttbeOi. died.

Bon la lUl.

]7S&-BzUe of Acadian* froai Non
ItM—John Houe; fatnona



irriier. dM. .Born Sept. 31. i;:S.

Cditar and Waaapah

I»S7—An eatra seealon of the Unll-

" ton •Pbaum Wo. U.
’ o»«t. in rront Btraat.


Douglass ft Kellogg


Cask Shoe Store.

Tbe regular mowftal> mestUig of ibtGraod Travarsa^aeelaaau Coaair Med I
not been generally known In
leal •—tc*v
• -H Tncaday ulght in
t City, but when Bxra Win.
« •
be frost iTMcago a abort time Dr. Mllhelm's ofltm
. seee.1 i . W____r of WilUasuburg
admitted U> luvu>:>ct*iii|The
city, s
Deexle County Medtcnl Koett cslend
awarded tbe sctaoUralilp of tbe Ai
vd an Invitailou to tbe iu>':tl m^-iet.v to
lean aesdetny In Roue, tbe ceiebraibanquet with them in the near liiiure.
fd young artist ws* sccompanled by
Hr. Tburtell read a very inierartlng
a bride.
Mr Winters was wedden!
liwr on "Non lulet tt«<- Tmh-* of IVIto a charming youag Chicago woman
• wlik-h was follnwod
prauilueiit In art circle*
They havo
by a general dhtcusslna
sotersi week* at the fanill;

1»10—PrceldeM Taft

TM«tey «ad Tkwadv «j




States concreas eoavened to de-

Carwer Caaa aad Front Srwats. Travetee City. HteA. ..

Now is the Time
(jt )ou lo be ewefd iq boytag Sloea.

Wr waat yoa to try os lUi mmob *we
are sac «r Sboex wiB give yeo vSerrice nd nhiiaciioo that wffi pteaie you.


>em«asvreB to relieve tbe financial

to .New York city where on Friday To the lUnking Instituiioat <•! Gran-l
ictcoltig a banquet will be tendered
Traverse I'ouuiy:
I8SO--CtiJcafo firat tlcbted wUh «ai. O. B.7l2EB,Mt.6teTllns,Kj„sar*:
;Slr. Wiulei
s the art stbutarNotire IS bcieby gi'fii that H-nlttl
ms—Boiler canton on tbe Hud“I Aava aaffefad wHk ktdoer «»d, ship nod the t
■oMsal* of banking imiiiutitins <n
> captured ihiscbularabli
« river ateamboal Reindeer caused
rgnd Traverse coonl? lor iho liieb
^h^'h *T“i^SS'cSd'^.las , •« ulPtnre a»d
rate of interest which they *il
the loas of manj ll<
l*j upon daliy uslauro. ol uioii.-i 18«—Oeoeral Lee cro«<ed tbo Po- Perana and cootlnoed for three
belonging lu sjid raunly or Is lu cus
bare nut used H staes, aor have X f«lt
On Saturday. .Mr. and Mr*. Wiu.
toawc and invaded Warrlaifd.
tody, and the h>we*i rate of fuicresi
Ifardk t, 1»W. fit Oie poatanoa at
lorn will ssirtrom Sew York diret-t
1IT«—Pnnch republic decUred and
to be paid I» said ivuiii.' lur sucl.
to Homo where the young artist will
atr. Ul(^ BBdar tbe Act
lempcrary kuius as said couuty shall
filCht of the Bn{»«sB Bufenie.
take up hit studies for three year* have power in luskc. will i»e re<Hved
aa«t MarA 1, US* '
Apaches under
Chief <-otumunl<aiion vvUllnB the attention under the raudltlons of the *cholar.
by the Board of Sup^rclsnra at ihr
surrendered to General of the coumll to a need «»f lbc-e\toB- sblp'coutest.
Offi<-e nt the •■niiiiiv clerk U|> In Hi
ylon of the fire lluirio .of (he city, as
Milas at Skeleton Caabn. Ariwiu.
O'clock B
lu . Kaiurda?. .<>< lolu-r ;
IKIl. ssid mxilract tn bt for a |kti.«i
1884—Twelve ibonsand tailor* went the old ordlnauie doe* not roter tli<-jambaiTaaBaienU of tlie counlr?-.


To th^m^Womm or

flmMNHiviik m

ot Strike In Ka» York city in protest newer scctioiu

1 (0 be p



have been



hast FrauL •aut i

and South L'ntoB street, where ilitie

agalBM the taak-work aystem.





Yoa avi

be Mfe iber w« *11 len*btr *Dd (Bgde to itgjr wf m

hat no hank accomt

rs .Munha Muuej

we egtend aU the (acilitia ol iUi Mroig. nKaUe bMk

BTATB OF M'f’IIGA:.-. the Clrcnlt
which ate a ntcunce to (bone- «octtoo» from tlic
1 tsxi Wednesday
>nsraa opeaad In Umdoe.
and and i
al (be kllc^lian t^nil
tXNtrt tor tbe rieiiii} of Grand Tra>
This was re wherv she lIa^ been visit lug tier sUi-rMIII I'bauccry.
emend the Pa- ferred to the unlluamv
ie*er.»-ijemnt Morenfbhr,
Morenber. win
*111 ne
be an
aa •x»t»e«|
t.iulnda Orr,
The esliuiHtc of .the ■ liy euglaecr
llrs S .M (tich^soe IK vtsblnc Lev
IMM arttool' under the ausplws of clflc ocean through
Stnlts of Ma­
tbe sewer tu ho iviistmcted (roiu daughter. Mrr<.
th* Nlchlgan
ihu Orr.
lo- Bose
street Oiiatt.
1718—Mississippi Comiwny aetured Kallroad avenue
Vhaafi taraers. borer* and the
lunicd to 8S.04J.KI'. and a iwitu
d-pabUr Pill have a chaurp to re*p!lbo^eharter for Louisiana
iSohOol began Munriay In district No.
III this cause. It
•1111—Jobp n. Noyes, founder of tbe UoB was ordered dmwna alboHslDg : wllli'Mrti. Mcnln Kenney as Icacb afAdavIt Oh file that the defendant.
lha hanrtu %jt a
John Orr. is not a resident of tbe
MB dfUgaBt study whawby tbe sgrl-J-Partecaonlsl- sect, bom in Brattle lu cousiniction.
Btale uf kllcLlgan, but Is a residetii
The special
coUeg* expens hsm soo^l bare, vl Wed la Niagara FWI*. Onl..
and .Mrs Weinrtgbi are rejok of Owen Bound. Dominion of Canada
Investigate the opening of Weal Fif­
dUBautt hortlcBitnm
and April 13. IgSC.
er the arrival of a IHlic dough- On motion of Pann f. Gilbert, sollel♦
iral problems and to develop
1814-Americaa and BHUsb
for Cfimplslnant. It Is
RI> Ibsi the appearance of tbe said
IhHr and wator (oroas engaged in the bat- ut-cessary
I ao^ahd
deltaidain. John Orr. be eutered Uc
thai the mattec. be
tla of Lake Champlain.
Mr. and 1
D ylKiicO I
](i)7_8lr Alexander Tillocb Gall. referred lo the ways and means com­
.ratkm* in c
ildwln Much's (il Blniilry lust Sundiiy of this unlcr. and that In caae of his!
bom in LYigland mittee In order thnt the pro|>er fuinl*
apt>r.iniiM-«- lie c*«i*e bin atwwei icl.
.dOlplarb of
returuiug boiue .^lo■lday.
t-oniplaint filed herein
Ihc Hll
Died In Moatroal. Sept. U. ms.
might l>e Ms-UKsl.
Tholr retort wa«
a c«ipy llK-rcuf lo be mtv
Mary .McGill S|icut
yi lie'hipd M
I Vfvit
asaoelsUon at'
dmaatlH. bom In Paris- Died there.
1 i>y tli^ Kingsley vIsIllDg n-laiiw An^ordlnance waa
-II .doy* .vlu-r «Tvle«> on
a Brat apple ihcr*, will bare
ibat Sli'
Not. «. IMS.
board of pravlding
J. U bums iiassed
ilirvugh ilin
a copy *of said Rill and ncillrc
» and be a
Igrfl-dJou. Grant with
two msl- routed bouse* should t>c funjlgaivd ui>- ipiaiT with hi* thrcKhiug uiachine last lof Gils order, and In default iberouf
I for farmars
II is OitltERED lhal said Rill of fetii
OMmt.Lat5c>ta»JStroageitB«ik m Thiipait of the Stelau
the dlrecUoD of tbo heaiUi officer |Sunday. Honhitii: up a few h>l>H ihai
ud two
plaint hr uken a* eoufessi-d .l-y said
t gMUdr*.
Ifevery time Ibat they sre varaicd hy
per uui rr«d> on hb. lir>-i raoiids.
'afih siifsifi nm
<%r the ..iim-i. kIo® o' radnenh. Ky.
iion-resldciii deletidam.
a of
tenant. This proved to lie an unpo|iu.
rontii-r OiiDKNKO Ibat wilhin
Mr* Bart Jcntilngs uf Traverse Oily
■lays (oinplalnant cause a iks
lura with tbe ableraieii. aa sev­ drove out Kctui^ay and K|>eiii the duy
eral of them arc owner* of
bouses with Mrs.
V'lll I’KWve
■be .Grand Traverm- llcm
1 daroiopment TbaIr vMue toj ,8,5_o.«v«ltoa met in Mcmigom- that ^•es•omo ttiranl
fretiueutly and
r end ft^t grower wUI
Mrs. Ilaujr.-1iaird <>f VVIUIamshiirg paper prniietl. piiblished ami clrculsib> Audlnfi Just what htedi af molts
they >-ould not see wliy they shouU be
_____ to Bume a
lu MSid I'oiHily. and tlial said puts
visited her brother. Win Newsicad.
YIm apple show
will do besi in Michigan 4BC.whkB
Ion Ih- •ontimied Hicrx-iii uliiv in
HUrh an addition expeiisc for
lew day* last wei'k.
•dlimct will have a mare
will yield llie gnraier retaras to tkt
sUttM of Lafayette
of the
beallli of
ihlaaHa than could be
lhal khc <-nuNC a copy of tbis or- ‘
-------- ---Ullowell I'os und family, who ini'
veiled In UnloB
Square. New York their tenants. Tbe
- 1.. Ih- ]>orsnnBl1y ser>-c<l on Utl« I EDUCATIONAL CAMPAION PLAN
tpMlM Is the Mg land show in GhIboCD S|>endlnc a few week* here r
ib'adduiou. Ibe AgriOiUiHm] wOmw
filed witlteot aduidloii
.h-lcndsm «t least tweniy days Im j
hare Wgptar^diigto
huuii- lore ilic llpic ubuvc prescribed furl
III show in aa lutirtaajva way iW
* >W,IU.iO« TO .d„„..d ITOidldd
llSl-Opealng of the Exposliloi
I Mb list tm
itcnefii* derived from artenilAe |
Ills -MpIM-urStl.''
lor Id.
Id Id. dirldd Id U.. .i-l"' " Id.did.HT. lu-l
Agrieuiturai CoUeg* will Shew HeUEUHGK -W CI HTIS.
iig and Ibe use uf |noper i
Kj -lwdlud Id. 8dll«.n douB. dy ld.-| -'1. ddd Mn.
suiU of Capexmerrt* in
n:iuli I'miil
-uinbatlns itl*<a*cs
lutug relative*
from Indluiiu
Mist* made her find passage through four iDlereSi!^ i
. and that Uilutug
Grand Traverse I'ountv. Miolilgati.
FruH Raising.
Siierlmeils cf Hers and fruit cron lu •
Ilated August Jf.. A. II.. 1!
'the whirlpool rapids of the Niagara the work sltali be done lu aurh a man­
Miss Msf^ UVounel
of Traverse
'hagun to roup ramilte
Aug :.i Sept. ;-! i:i ;x on 5 T:.
Graibl llspiA.;, Mh-t.. Se;-'
The tbe old. aagkvlful way. Ibe png at
. .
ner aa to bn safe for life and limb, City baa been Visiting
The Mgtcel'ooWM
Mu'hlgau Agrlcultuiai .college I* to tarloos pasta. '.sTtf tia abowa la coaIMl—PraeMent-McKinley shot
and to be done under tbe direcUon uf Katie McGill of this plu<-e. for a few
lha paopU of this a*|a aad
HU ,«th(»ual
lesson trast ID h<nlthy.-4»bolc?8>q_fra|t aad
the BuSalo expoaltloa.
tbechictiof the fire doi<artD>ont
guts*, pmctkul demonstmtlons
school 'ui ibe|li^ Mi< hUui] aad trves protetu-il iiy iiropcT gt^axiac
iWigTbe furl was braiigbl out al the
Rev. Gnorge Elliott suit wife from
^ Bmk It grown la thit'sutg and
Apide siriw In Grand Rapid* next No- aad developed by proper can. TBero
weeilDg that although there Is an or- Indiana s|>en! a fe» cb>'k
Us dfacovair of tbe aorth pole.
here last
0 had 1*-treated to obtain ttie
I vc'iiIkt at w hich (nut growers, fam- •in also be abown aaptea «f varloaa
dlnanee on the books pmvldlug for the ..pcti
Klllotl preached
A raeorddated July *ih. A O iwi.',.
liBp rasulu lo Ilroductio*. As an
Vc gcueral public will l<e»is and tbelr deitredaGoao. w thifl
settlugof |>o1es by the wlrecomictiiles .pneud* church Thursday and Fi1d*
ed Id the ollli-e of.................... .
mat olamenl for
growers and oibsrs mav bUctnae (a*
he boBefiU
requiring them to aeettre |>eruiissloti .evenings
They left fui Msidc I'liy Iieeds, foi ihe <'ouiU' ol Gran# Trai 'lui'c * chaie
and fmU growera. II. wlU be
ecKC and State of Michigan, on the .(he eaienshc cxfiertmenls and Gm-dlli miliar with iben and gord naaloM
froni'llie coumll and chief of the fii'c i^giui da'.
iMUny valubla and pibparo ihU
Sill day uf jiii'. A 1> l!"i:.. I- ■
wli.^-cliy Ihc .T.IIcgc
•as of tbe en­ d,| U... .d., I,... idoondl j
aster cm^Utloh with any
'Tbe exbibtl trill bs la efew*e af a.
...ughl tu snlic Ihc liuni
said Mortgage was dulv sssigned by .
nnlrAMte la tbe aaloa wltboux^fear campment tiinl wiil be held here itext td. ,.dd.Mod. ot Ido ordl„.«. .. ...d I..J Tn...— .'ll, .l.-dl Sond.
agrii-uiiural piuliicuia of ■verts frma Ibe Apiraltanl
c Hi-vicr
ia-vicr .'LlMtigw
K.Md The
Batik lu E. F.
ddd. lAddd .Pd -1 Id. ml.. I. nil
•I AiAc enrpaased la any one parti- week. On motion of A
.1 ludc'clnp Michigan sull and It Mr be reganted as a practlral
the earn of S3<W was set aside for the ibelr own teuyenlcuee ever »
I lilts ids. c
ihe ;!rd del ol IL-iit.-iiiU-r. A l> 19H'. land, chuult lu iheii hlghc-i (iivdoc Mliool wltb anad agd valimMe teMaa

bevp iweti doing huslness lu the ‘ityamt rii-.inlcd in the ofticr of the regfor every peiWa wite Meks tafanM
later of aluresaid Felinnin l<■•lh
. Tbs question of Ore protertloi] at T. G. SblUou wa* prrsem mud I"t>Ic-i I,.
^ a _I-■
1...I I.—...
Fur lie- (■nri*>-.e •.tfiv'ii.lmiciig Ibis lioB along orchard aud lanu Uaeo.
gatst the way poles kail l>ecn sci i
BIrchwood was broogbt ap by
> a former residciii i
TMIB DATS IN Nirrofty.
page. I.M. on which niui tgagc iln-rc •t.|.)cc i li—eu Kelicul' ui cibibil 'be
reading of a eommaaleatloB from FYre around bis place, iiiuch' lu hi* iiuen 'The family bate the s
1* Claimed lu IM- due al the dale of
chwed ux
dcirluieut uf the
Marahal PTOd D. Curtla. oOUiig atten­ wefilence and the
this notice the sum of FKc Hundred
, ,
tgteDdB at this plan
Twentv six Dollar*, aud SixC'-elglii
‘ o'"--®®*Mtt-OpmweU's first partlameat tion to the fact that tbe people resid­
Cc^t^ and an AtHmiey'* lee uf Tweii- Unwren ilic Kreai mas* .ll»iilay» of
AHernuin I'nilor lirought
up the
ing in that vicinity have no means of
wgglMnl at WemmlDstar.
Mr and Mr* W I’ Kenuey
William Bargasa fiaeead Man to PaP
question of uiderlug tlic cumpanlos lu
Rendon Iasi SMunlay :o »umi mi Wui.
IH> Petsr Stsyvesant. novornor of fighting fire, and thnt ms they arc uxferni s Mom OifncMit FaaL
Slid no »iill or pnM-i>clliig* |,„r,.aii an
Dniiinal Finn Ih-ll
trials. France.
Sept. C.-V\'IHIhM
ii.E liccm InsilMiied 10 r>Maw: #ork, h«udad
an azpadlUoa payar* they are entitled to proieciitoD
I i4>iialiun
II /fill 1-e shown
> Gw Knxllst) ~
tiiuney* secured by said
•BBlMt the Swadteb ooloBiaa on tbe from Che city In cnee of fire. He stated
y y»rK-i'cVi«f ui>plc« growu a
pH from Snoib Fartaad to f^pe GrtoI Ibereof.
thnt protecUon should be turalsbed tlon was passed requiring the work lu
One by une uur kuhiiuci ri-surteis
Nuw. Thcrefurr, By virtue of Ihc ln.-Urulltinil n.|srlun-tH <lallIOD main iin. ai the mouth of Calais Itarlnr.
either by extending the water mains
are loavliig iik
Several led Forcal power O' sale n. *aw! mor,.
lM<lng till- second man la history to aej,..-en
rad crus*- IsMlgo and Mb nienc-ec wiipg
hr else by loenM^ color to be greeo - wltb
compltsh tbe feat, tie sis.rted at lOrMi
■aMUad In Carpanter-a.liall. Phlladel
Tilts will give the coiii|>antcs
inluhla apparatus In tbe vlrlDliy. lie
ila»i wwk.
si...., ,]...
II,.- .:,si„.-„i,. ................ . ....................
." ..............
also called allentlon to the uecessliy lileoly of time t« •]* ihc work and >
Gllbeil and Inuiil' ul
i W««b
coiy miles
add greatly lo the appcaraui c ul
,1 an.1 ooly I.rut., us swte|.
l ily, who liM'c '•ecu spending He 'um
I latuad In Boa- lor a building o^nanca for tbe prai.v when ivmpleicd
fhntkiD of tbe cooelractloB of faulty
-bin u:. .Ima
er al ilieir mtlage. niu'vd m Hu-

a»d cocdiaHy invite yea lo make a

yla Aov to be ci«en in.Oraad Bapida

^ The mooey yea may depoot with «i it ibinlgtrfj

saie. i* atwayi nidy for yea wbea yea waal k • J'


aider cotga «indiiic«8 wtl eon 3 per eeat irtocea.


^ AUdepDOsooiem the Setiata rVpwtaeil cf


this Bank dorng the fint five thyi of Stg

. o


draw nteretl hom the &*t day oi the


Traverse City Slate Bank


>«> >—







sr. ;s■-!
... .. ......

Mayor Wilbetni called ancixiuo
N.,n„ 1-...., ,...r .., .......
W. DulaL Itelled Btelea rosldmioeB. la support of this point he
i-Kl uf llie wtH>k on .iK'uuni of schiwd
The (iicaners had a plca»aul nine
BBlMr tram Vimala. bora In l^Kb- cited the recent fire nt the Parr
........ nii.g ,T*o
tage which be said was found lu have F-rant alrccl and stated hr^ Iw
■ri^ WM there JaM 38. I8lh.
plais- wlirriJieved
GrwiMl Tr;.,,.,..
VTacner aad
Gragg, Been caused by the aegllgeuce of tbe
lowered before Ihr w-urk ol iiailug
k bonbardad by Oco. oohtraclor who erocled ilic bulMlog
;i iiicnilM-rshiii uf fully
A iiiar-linial
and that the only reaaon that the Ore ll.e slrret I* (ouiuicni-ed.
lluw and ivni raasl "civ eninyc.l. ful
BIUOUDl .llll’ I
(errod lo Ibe committee ou aireei* auJ i
popery- rteU In
Idan- did not occur sooner'wns because
lowed hy M |K'[ luck *iipi«T. A iuud u'
fire bad hews built Id tbe 0re)>Uc« un- walks.
inteievi. and a:t l.'cal c-i* tugcinci
MileaDcrK from (irawn .IrunCity EuRlDcer t'aldwcll was r|ct-ied
day waa firat observed U1 the day before the fire brake out.
c fCKtivltlr*
delcOslc to aUend the uieviing ol
be drawn up for
heUday ih New oYrk.
-Ic-I -il-d ill * iiut'
the Miebigan l^eague of MuniritialltieK
Harrison spoke at tbe pratectiop of the public ugalnst
ga.!u .1* sl‘ Ibe fulluw'tn: d>-scril>ud
be held lu Saginaw the week of
preiui.e* .ilualcl ,n the <'ny u' Trui
aC lha OM Uc cdIImc. UDscrupalotta contractors. The letter
was raferrad to the Are eoniuilttei
sr.e I-Il' fuuitty uf Grand Trsverr.
Alderman Green called tbe aiiciiGoo Wera Eieteed i


of the council lo Ihe i-luiup ol lu<-u*l


buabes on Uit- rigbl-of w^- ol the G. K
t 1. liclwceD \VeU*lcr Imd Hast Kigliih

The Cardinal Principles
of Bianktng

streets and iliouglii Uuit winiu anion

lodge Tuesday tiigbl


The btiKho. an-

thick lhal one ran imi sec an »p
lacblDg train at tjio

wtreei brav

Treasurer— i*Butlnc f;u»ui
t.'onHuctro**—Flora Taylot
idiKkrcx-- Matw'l
A new pump was ordered pur< based ' preu.
for tbe well at ihe 0*ra sfresd effginel
alfwruate to grand ebaptef IngK.


K K rilA.kK.
s I Ml.'iK
A -u.u
V-Mge.-.- cl
Ml. h

should be iHkcn by Ibe lonmil beTor'an aividcnt •H-curs.


ll wa* referred to the streei*


....................... ...

Everkeep Canning Coi^
pound Tablets
Are an insurance against canned com,
icmaloes, fruit berries, etc. spoiling. Sim­
ple to use and harmless.
1 Oc a package, (one package cans 5 qlg)

3 lor 25C-7 lor SOc

Wail’s Drug Store
Travofat Ct«|f.

Uaaoalc Bloch

alhs rauHUiitee to bivesGgaie.

Tbe depoile o( > Nsiooil Btol couM o( ibe
■eaqr Mraried 10 be care b7 wKndoel dqonitoa.

..TO „

TO ,.


grand ihaplcr--

This was Ibe pump that wm. of.,A,n,- curtl*
fnrd lo Ibe city for 8Di a short Glue' Tliii
I Mabel I

grand c-liai»i«

Traverse City
State Bank
A. Trsey Lay. Frasidtnt.



Tbe lold

F8II10S 8IIT1I0R gra
Body of




the ‘Ka-oUr- method 1 <

diMgs to produce uaeonaciousaeoa.
f^ple of( nervous tonperataeat a

rk. Irs



design. bM aatartaL

Hopper cooled. WuIgbL MW tin. SOrtA
CspHsl 8200000.

surpiu* oieanoo.
T 8?.2on.i)nf)
r euatoraers may


easily, nms stoMlIy; to

durable and


eutoplaU wMb

pulley. guBoUw oak. latttufT. raU md
BwHcb. silrud ruudjf tu e
arutor, wood suv’or puaip or du uur
other duty wlthia tbe rapaHtr of 3H
b. p.; 'occopl«> SxJte teaL Price If*.


: ANIsrlBA .agpMvfaiagafthe UMtatf BiMaaOovmwraoM.



Cylinder bore. 4 loebet; etroka 4%

'Tccni Extracted AteoliUcw
ly Wtfbovl Pata

fetemoel lbebeekean*Ue»»elbaO>eMi|.
beoDilen.eicnlu| i>.|HSiond «esiu be el

The Ltnie Wonder
A ?<s. h. p. Gmolirve Engliiu

bmcorpcnlkaeonipdibcofieid.. Hestaalba

WI8. JACKAAN. Trawrti* CHv. HlHk^
beUeved ta have Reea tbe raise.

.. .



a-enm and aaaorted cake* w«r« served.
Priday eventne the followlna su«st*
were enterulned at supper and ih.
c«Tnlnt spent In nmes and mnalc;
Ur. and Mrs. 8. J Dame and famllv
Mrs. Myrta Johnsoe and dauchieti
and Hiss Jnlia Miller.
kltud Preeland
•rabdpnreDis', Air
The school pound* are beinc p«dld
and tbe etraei below peint lllled lo week in Traverse City.
and leveled, after which all will be
Mra. C. 1. Roaencrans entertained
■own to craa* and cement wmik* laid Mr. and Mr* C. S. .Velson and famiiv
air* Fred Pre<IHrkKiR died ai h
at *t!p|i*r on Monday last
htme Thuradav rocrnlnd alter on I
Mias JuIU Ulller entertained Mr
sea* of several week*. She leave*
and Mr.. 8 J.
bDsband bnd three .vonna children
Johnson and Mrs. G M Dame ou Sal
foonrn her ' Icr*.
beside*" a
lather nrday
rruli punch. caU
;ther and *l«ier lo this coontrv and water* and fnili weie served
point*, left MceUay Jar ber t
Denver. Coio.. etopplna for a
ly* at Empire.
wa* accom
iplerf by ber coneliT Mrs. Will Sieale
be wlU n*li bar »t her heme,
alt** Kinma^fiortlraei left Bunda)
it> vlalt friend* .ur a
few day* IB
Traver** Clt.v.

B«r OknBM 0CO1PM tb« |wl|rfl la
Ik* OaBffrolBtloaAl eharcb

«e BkUDbersai
Mb. C. iomti. W1M> hu aiwM tb«
ma&r vitk bw dsncbtrr. Hn. C.
____ Ml iMt
l wM<tor
wt*K tor ber Ikoiiw In



. i

Mr. and Mr*. Ur Hlt« of But
^ ^pant « Tr« dar* tut wer* with
Hlta'a pareou.
tt. Hr.. and Mr*. 8.
Ml*. JffcKaa or
r Cadillac
1« liHUMr
Ncutcaad Mlldrad Nalaon.
' Mr*. 1. Conttock baa baaa III the

paat **ak.
Tba Doroibr K. took a noinber of ihl* cottBtrj wlih ber parent*. Mf. and
niiBOBCOT* to TWene Citr<oo Mon- atr*. Rasinu* Ole. when a yuunc
and »«* 21 years ol a«e at her .1
Mra. P. H. PrfM U Tlalilng beK^^ The fnneral aeyvtc** were held In ibe
Unherao church, K«v Maake*ta.i
Mr. OvHi of Rned Citr arrlvifar on Sutton* Bay cfficlotlna
WadbMdar >a« lo apend a dar »ltb
. Rotten retnreed from a \1
bi* *r*»«*B«!nor. Mr*. C. U Boaor
llaire on Saturday la*i.
CT*aa, aad aoB. Uae. Ho ratnmod to
and .Mr«.’nti<>l*) Hobertsen
on Tborada:
Cblcafo arrived Slinday to vUlt tIMr
Mr*. O. M. Dame left Monday
tpmi B f«» day* at Oimp Rooaorelt parents, Ct|n. and Ur* W. I‘. Roberuen.
r parha**
apoat tbe ■
MU, Mr. and Mr* Wm. Wllwn. lefi
Mobday tor ber hoioe at Saiili Sie.

Mica Shirley Wood I* a enest *t ihi
borne of Mr. and Mr*. O. C. Raniom
Hr*. Hyde, a al*ter of Mr*. U. V.
rieu'R. I* a itnesl of the bride and

Mr*. MIBMlula
idMB Pirmln will leave on Tumuia)
n for tbelr borne to UnlivlUe.
Bph after apMdina tba paat ihre*
Vote la town. They have *peni tbe
pM two jroefct at Kebr* hotel
Mr. aad Hr*. Bay UaaaBiere of Chie arrived lut week to *i«imI ifat
to with
Itb Ibair
Ibelr aMtera,
aiatera, Hi*, tei
.. abd
Ml*. Oeorpe.. Denny.
Mra. Albeit
Novotny and damrbter
________ City were aoMt* at the
of Mlaa Mama Dordunx n few
Uat week.
They returne<l to
on 8autrda)' afirmoon.
Ml*. B. IIIIU and dauffithier
r Eleanor.


P«nre*. cf Ree.1 ('lt>
Thursday to vlali her cousin, Mr* C
U Rosenrrans.
She returned to he
boiM on Monday i
y and .datiahter,


visit kli-H. Cray's sister. Ur*. Mar
iret l^-sllc and tamlly.
Rev. «1. W. Plow* sod bride of Trav
« riiy arrived oo Wednesday la
! will oernny the SiienreV cottni
fbi two «4«hlV.
Rev. (i. W. Plews otfuided the pulpit In the M. E church on
tnoinlDR and erenlna and •leMvered
enmeki M-nuons to apiireclailve nuili.. e home of Ur nod Mr*. W. P. Role, encer.
Mr*. 1) M. Dniiio eniorinlnfsl a nun),
drtjbn. will return to their home Ini
her of relmlve* and frieod* on ThursDoUnre, O.. MRtorrnw.
Mr*. Ulnnle O Connor and dsughier. I lUv cvenlnit. At the rrone«f tbe plea*
Who bare apent the suRtiner viaiitOR ant eveolna dainty rerreshmem* of Ice

m Vnverae







I to learn Uie practical side ol fountain
I pen uuge. S^er or later you will
I have a fountain pen and eventually you
will buy the Waterman Idral became
I they are the standard of pen value.
A big Miortment now to pick from.

School Booko sod School Suppllco


TtattlBS tbcp
--------------------------------------------fall. Tbe
Omer Skiver toot a food bonis one Indlaa* aay -winter com soon." early
day last waat.
1 sappo**
■lobn Oanoru of Bm»li* aad Pt«nk
Mr*. 8. P. Altman spwt ov* SvnvlsMlns rela Bberidan of dec Arbor, gave a banday lo Trav.
QUet yeaterda.v afternoao «o FUbers
Ml*. Rob. Payne and son attended Pbint. • bgauiifa] spot
of Glen Ulu
Ake. Two hm
Ihe rampmeetlng In Travel*# City.

pear. b« very njMb tbe ................
It has a thick akin aad tbe palp U riefc
yelkiw nad aomewbat oUy. laataad of
a core there 1* a large pH. Tbe pear*
sell for TS centa nacb la r
Wn*. J. Capnlnitd «f Bdrtm* CcMk
bM an o^pM eahibit at tbe bnrenu of
> that b worth.* of notice

Baaday nto tto hotMSF «tU

MioMd LMtta
Mnnto' 'Md
Motherelll left UiM ■oygiaE tor
tridt. aad BnChto. where t^r
spend two weeks with Mad*.
Mra. Fred CeoMy and HHM toMfltter ha* sone to Bprtafvnle tor,A t*«
weeks vlalt with frieada.
■Mtton of
O. MnMesw-wto hM Bada
.fate Skiver came «nt e» tbe «tnir.
among which vai two large
sited the nmntry. Tbe exhibit conaUta ot
eton Sunday, to attend the Sldver renJsst pig*,
"mere were gneeu from three BItmer ftpplM
Traverse Cny. Ha»l* Oty.
Lelnnd.- three ponads and two onnee*. He has
.The Skiver rennloo vaa held
In Boutb Manlton.
Oileago several treae ot this frtrit. which U
Omer Sklver'a grove. Suodi
Sunday, and a and t'lnclnnatl. Ohio. Tbe feast and abaiwd like tbe Wolf River and col
to F. Kraeeben
•erfeegfl OMrWt it
One. time wm enjoyed by all. Mr. and friendly gatbertag was greatly •njeyed ored like tbe Cbeaango
and Straw riaiung frieada in the «tor.
Mrs Jerry Skiver aad family of Kinga- '--------y thanks to Messrs. Doao- berry apple*.
Hr. aad Mra. B-'A. C '
tv. Were here to tbe rennlon.
ihertdan. with a wtoh that,
Mr. and Mr*. Harve MoormanJ gave
ladles be Invited, an It
Mr. end Mra. Frank «im of ktoae Sun
teto are gveeu af Meatoto tto dty
School will oi>en
A big €TU
Pru' Clark a* cuierlntendeait Miss
:bere and a floe Hme enjoyed.
Hr. and Mra. C. H. Batde dt I
iPrau Teeeday's RecordBagle.i
cream and cake was served
Maiei Uarthe. aramtnar-oleparimeni'i
C. F. a Wernicke, Jr„ dutlbeek en of Rev,
. .
Carl Kobn.visited Lawrence Black,
Mr and .Mr*. Dna Seen of Callfor
MU* Emm* Banh. tnienne<itale deWUconailj^^* foo
foothell leais. u vuiting
Mael chnreh >en eraaias.
nartmeni. Mr*. Albert Anderson, sec- more cf Kasson frtdm Saturday until. nu are here visiting relaiive* and Dr. tom ^ndU at Pokaaoa l«dge.
ixlniary driuimnent. and
.Vila. Monday
> week* prior to re
- besines* for a few daynMl
and Mr*. Will Blxby of Flint
isQ and
nr.i iirllaarv
Mr t'sliebi
•I Rauaer.
itslled on friends here a few day* agh.
Brycnt. Ind .' visited Elmer Cr^Ui
from the -too t
W. H. Crowell wa* In mir vUUge
couple ot days last week.
«heee he ha* h
* vUlling Goyentor the city OB baal_
Green Briar school began ihto ibor^.^ U*i week.
E. M. Bufiy ratarned to 0«*eea* tfde
Miss Ruth Prenrh went to Yi*ti- Osbcri).
Ing whb Earl Keynolda of llenuiMa.
lanti vesterxlrv. where she will attend
and Mr*, f. C. Pickard of l«v moratag r/tev a rlolt wUh trkMto
8. J. Uamr. wife and four children,
M. W. Wiieen. ferraer araStoto BT
ia|>oll* are vialtlng Ur* M. Shadek
who have .iH-ni ihe |>ast three monlb*
.Mr and Mr* Flay Powell are ehter- sehool.
fhe Traverae Qiy High schBoL Mft
lawUy on South I'nton Mreet
M iss Jennie Clnff has ■■-eeide.l a non their coiiapr. left Sunday lor ihelr
lining Mrs Poweil'*
Chester Winter*. ««he U at Bern*
iiOHH In Evani.|on
(ubcT company rrum Ohio and indlaa Kliicn with Ittiniiell Rnn. of Traverse
$ poKlttoa a* lactraetar la a Emspent Sunday
Fred Slukc* und eUier*. Ihe Mlase*
kkl .\of*inaei and faiully are vUltlna City a* bookkeeiK-t
Mrs Jer Neiiieskel I* .Isiling al in- and Miroday with bl« iwcenia. Mr and uicky Stale Noiwal arhooL
Nellie, Sadie ami Tlu reko. Jefi Salur- Mr. and Mr*. Will Nofslnger of
Dr. Welter Oreeeeer ef Cktetoto M
I lerlochen
Mr* I) H.
ter ihelr boinr lli Kvan.ion after
tvuple at days.
rUltliig tor ajew weeka with Mr.
!3r Frnll.k and family .Slue borne
Joe Iturken is
Mr. and Mra. A. Reehloan retu>
**■*■'» CAntl>'-'««crday
Mr, end Mr*. Aitrad WlMraan r»1.. tored last week and
lug with George
«f I'flsnd. Ind. to their borne In Winchester, ind.
day after ■■•ending a few day*
with tnraed yoMerday frota aa extsaiM

were .. J^hc friend* chureh Sunday
ime of llr. and
!Mr *n-I Mr*. J n Bower
Idike ave-: trip ikrough the east and ra tke BIrI'B. Helen ha* tiecn n v
mud* island*.
I many xrni*
Or, and Mra. L L. Whtotor. w6s
nunAce- ihli. morning.
MUa Oetore* CUrke of Wheel
Mr*. Kyuelku ct Tiuve
Mil: Slunebunier waa called lo
have been vtolting at Elk
Mr ami Mr* 1), A CUvewla a
Va . arrlve-l Usi evening.
il her »!»ter, .Mr» Wnher SeU..ii i-ustu. one day Liai week It) the Illness
Mt W(
again take charge of the trifIminlng el past few dw retaratd haiMiMto.
and lanxly. sexeiul days Iwm w(.ck.
.uxl death oi hU mother Mi> Jamr*
Iiirnlni, to hei koint on Satunlnv
Mr*. Bloneburtier vUtl(•oHiion
The Uamc laimiy and relauw-* held ed her buti eT tbie place for a few
tUttm Sar a
vesier.lav. where. a
ahe will
family Iilrnlc St the lake short- on rooDtbi last aimer and wa* well liked. iplephone central
Mra. BraadliMS.
Ml*s Uxxip Ryker went lo East l.p
M'ednesduv last, abem iwemv-l
Mr* .StotH-luiruer Joined her iiosband
been with her partmto. “
n.l vcaier.lav. wht-rc ulu- will i<-ach
. ..ealerda;
Ing prcMtii:
.Maud, the d<.n'k<.
at MeenkU) lost fVIday. to remiln till
Ing for Hayw<
ried the well dlle.l baslal* ntirt kie tifier I b^Ium-ral.
School iN-gan in our
.tllagi- ihl-. teach In the Ihigh arbocil IhU yei
(ung children and enJo;e«l the pp
Helm and children *Url
and i8iiBkto» Ftormorning
'f <DUntrv gra>-»
The gru»iiUi> <
ILipUU Oh Thursday U*i
»->hcl Rykir ry-iunu-rl to Travenw lerday from a
Noraifi today to
Iren enjoyed u gam cf laM-bail
vUli wlIli ri-laliv.-* and trlelidr
allend .the funerai of Mra. Taftor**
nty »'<' nhciv
will a.........
Tti»e moaihly r«i
a...^ipanl«->l by h.-r sister
Ua* Mexeilt Bennett left thU mei
Irchi on WnlncMli
,1 la IK.- ti
who hare Im*>u vUlling here
:. A. AMilsy end Mr.
MU,. N'clllc 14-wiv of KkI is Ing for nucinnati. where *be will i
>er being iireHcm
.iKlHng lu-r uuili- a fc* ,l«vw.
sume her work a* tnsinicu.r In the
Roy Wolf of Hetibli vlBiiod hi* auiii.
and Mr*. Will Hinge* u( TravSe|.:
('incinnnil Conrervaiory of Mutde.
Sir*. J. lirobaoi. u few dav* ln*i.*eek erfe CHJ. v
vUlityl over Sui.da,. wUh
$ epead lAbor day FHh
MiH LeitU Coek left this meni>«s
lllirold llniliani uf TraverM- t'll. nl.-i. Mr* Hingis’
Mr* OH. Towtil•or1UlJ.I, Ore. where ahe will be
• l■•nl ft lew days with his ii-oiticr IiikI
M. Btewan
la. le
Ka.-«m tVuir-r Hiuugc N.i. Hi*) fu.-i united lu marriage t.i Arthur Oibberd.
and Mrs Rulwn Knigiii
rf iW ear
the hall to|W<-mlH-r J Mtvling call formerty i»f ihU city.
The wedding apeodlng e few weeks of
.xtiimliiy »I l>.i-k lake.
will CM ur in HuriUud. artec which Ihe
Sl.M'iim i- xiiffeiliig *llli
<«iiu-rr. meeting ibi-HhiMt and fourth
euple will Uvive
for SaMm.
usinews uieei'i.i; ,iuil kuvUiI aesKioii
• limi. caii-..-d By slepping
been tpendlhg the prat tew days Wfth
' warty ccnfeirpil on aeven rnntie home ttl Mrs. I’ lrr*r..i j.i^'.crw
Sera ChoM hea-returaed frem « frietid* baa retarard bpM’ay lata,
k •
i1« buMneav ecs- . j,
Ml** Mabel Walter aud mother of
A. c. Fulver made a toMtoato IM»
• war rpreirpfi.
revhmenis ol week’* visit with her (attor and *1*.
quotation* were given by all and r
the rlly yegterday.
aantlwTchpr. enkp anti coffee
were ter* at Otoefo.
sumiHuoiir lunch cf »acd»U-he«, cak. Fred EggK on Thuiwday U*l.
Mr*. Geers* WMf, fwr Mil 6MS
Mlaa HaviUnd U S'vins • hetN*
and coffee was nerved
A number fTom tfaU idace attended served by the Udies
>d Mr. anrMr*. T. T. —
Ifserl with the
by ih
panv today at ber cottage in BirchMU* Kunire Primeaii l.-ii Sundii.
the funeral of .Mr J Say of Tniversc
•re l>en<
(r .Mattel, wboie kIic will teach a.-lioo
Suodu. laM.
Hiaoe* Marion Snuatoll and Keth- with frieada la the* .onilni; >eai.
Dd Mr*
Miller of Traverse
w. H. Bupemaw of CkaitovtoK, M
crlne Wickenhurg have returned ftYun
MU* Wincgenc Klleit of Mnaon. ti
■ ‘liy. ec>(;yt-A a day* Sahing on the
their TOentlon. opendlng two week* to the rijy tor a few days «■ kwfived cn Paiurdny t.o take ui>
he. river here, last Tueaday.
and reiaifree at Cbloago,
school dnile* lor the
Mr* Hjtweid Manley vltlled friends
knd Mr*. T.
The sixty-fourth meeting
the Detroit. Port Huron. Lepeer and FIlnL
BUast at the hoire of MUs Knim:
Traverse I'Uv on Saturday
Ixuig Idike and aarfleld
Miaeee Majerie end Florence Fill­ Central Lake, who h.
.VlUcn dnripr the > ii
Mr. and Mr* Ayer,
of Traverae
held BI .Mr. b'anning's grove, Long more. Roee Tn-maln. Lawrence Fll- lag a few day* srith f
Itv. Kpcti a few days U*i week with
tnrned I
Bnneck to s|.end a fen dny* aith hi..
llr nlH'c. Mra. Deck Slix-uni
w hich was c
ly Id Grand Rapid* with irlMitU.
. aaed of * tew eemga
He and iHjy* and arconijian) then
Steve -MoGarr. ba* Just completed
Mr. and Mra. Chao.
Then an eddree* was
Dm.' 1
silo >,r till platv at Keystone
fee a few day*.
I by Hr. Shelly. Dinner vra* en- daughter
er arcoznpaaled
Htoa f
Marattn Jehnson. who ha* a pcsitloi
Tbe brick yard abut down Imsi week
trade Sevlnour of Milantstee. apeat yueJt
•ing to lark of
<l:iig U Hopping «lih hiheld
a a*-eek »ii
hi* niotkei
Heck Slocum
pUrc next y-sr
The prv)*r*iii com.
Mlaa Lottie Crestt returned Satur- retnraed home today.
*. SrMlh Bti< three rjilldren,
Mr* Truii.aii Mu* ard sen
Mra. A. E. Finnay left tor JofMliiBa
mPiee •*» appointed for next year day evemiig after spending her vacarealdeAt* vl '.orllippri, Rie .1
it. .allcr* on S»n.rd».
foilows: Tree. Robert jlon in Gra^d fUplda, aa the gneei of ihU moralag to speed a few day*B^ft
ft leads heie.
Mr*. Vert. I’llf
*. Oscar Heme and '
Il.'i* ... >;r..*u'.M? \it.nda7
MU* Fall. Ij^ie. Arthur
ciulsaeaii of Fex Iklaiid an- «vei
Zimmerman f'edar Run. Chalk-r Gun
few bay*.
Robert Oariie.. her alster
.Mr. nnd Mr*. Oscar Dtme. aceom
pieaideiif, Kimer Youker. aerreiary
Mr. and Mra. Emmet OHmer ef
panletl by their nieces,
Fort Wayne. Ind., are apending eev.•lady*. Vivian and Marlon lUuie an
Chicago. SepL
rral weeka of ibe-aummer eenaon kt rarn. Ct: oata, 4S..
k'larisss Johnston.
S-i-i-d-.. a
Mr Kile*. ..ho has been engaged
tbe Wvnkoope fitla
Omena. returning on the Manistee.
o Hs.b out new term of school, heci
Mr. and Mr*. C. F. Eoetee of Mue- (orti. C7; oet*. 46.
held from Ihe home on Sunday last,
Born to Mt. and Mi*. Ht .t Kussell
no.ed hi* lauill. Into the Sid Morse
ai 2:30
The large number of frifnda kegon. are .Isltlng at the butue of the
V Wednesday, a boy.
attending tbe funeral and tbe flow-era latter* father Jacob (
: oata. 46H.
The Mlues Martha and Gencvlev.

m.7»; til.Sr
Mn.- inemser* of
I testified 10 ib- esteem In wblcli fnion sireeu
Rill left Saturday on the .Man
ub licni <'iDcinna(l.,Ohio. aic cami*
Thse. Ward, eon ef Mr. and Mra.
wt* held by all who knew him.
heir belt
g on- Ptsber INilut.
John Bush of
James K. S*> was hogo In Arllnron. Ben Ward, who hoe been apendlna
r aunt. :
raverse tiiy. Is chef again ihl*
Bait BnSalo. Sept S-8taadf »T«
Van Bur-n I'ounly. .Mich. Aug
aome time In Oetroli. la In the city
25: artlve. 25
ife was at the ohl
Mr. and Mra. J. J. Fartoy and Mr.
Mr Praiiierlm. In.pi... 1 hi* water
«<«• !.*••,
si.uvvsxe: w
In Ivimi he came lo Traverse and Mr* F. W. Hoffnuui. have arriv­
I780F ■ ■■
>wer hv|i liulhNnK a new
twenty: IT^Ofit.M:
•mem rtani
and ha* ,.ince been * reapected ed from Anburp. Ind . tor a aeveral
Boiile have ihcir corn cut al tbli
Ml numbrille. *h.: I* rrmripie of
farmer of
ty«ni| week'* May in' ih* Grand Traverae
be High school In En Ire. moved
Gdjfint Fftoa.
Sew potatoea. per bnahal ..............TM
Mr*. Myrtle Sheet* tof Sidney. Ohio
lU fsmlly und a small .
Mr. and Mr*^ A. «. Sllnaen ef King*- Butter.............. .. .................. .. ....................
lend a helping hand
in. whom
setunyed beme Saturday after spend

might be In need On Oci IS isvl.he ley. apcni SunHo. ’
uU.4 them, and look for ihelr houie
Ea> ............................................
ng three e.-eks here with her mi.lhei
married lo Ml** r.iiihla WillHay. per ton.............................. ..
oniing in in.-/i*i.rtnK
Mrs. G. Wtllobee
T»,. children were iH.rn to
Straw, per ton ..........................,
I'arl Walk.r ha* Ixvii on itu- »'• k
r». Litner Crain
returned home
them. Gertrude and Glad.K. »ho it.‘at for several rtaya
CMw apptoA per IM Ihe..............
I Cbarlevolt Saturday, where ah.
geilier wiHi ilielr tuotlirr aurvlve him
Vis Ituru.w* and tl-llc .taiiglil.-r.
railed by the aubness ot her son
He-.ldi-.i Ihe
.1*0 hai«.
\ixlilng rcUiivo* herc
n law. Boy .Newman, who ha* typhoid
Hannah * Uy Oo.^
I.-a.e* an aged ineihcr. two slsler*.
Wheat. oU .
or *cvrr:il week*, left Friday on Ihe
aver. He .was aome l«etter
St-arns ol IxwreiKV. MJeh., from Manistee yesterday
> attend WheaL new ....................................................
vlUsourl for their home In Cblcagu
MU* I-Ulle Breilhaupl of Travers.
J f H-nr.
lk-c»nir, ■ he ball game.
ler niece. Vll-i. Hub. Hiigg*. ot Foil
City, visited Mt*. Charley Newman
Mr and Mrw Louie Morris Neve reI u t.ruiber Georgj. alw. -it
yncida aeeomivsiited her
Oani .....................................................................
iun)e<l lo l-Tfe ljUle. after *p>-nding'
R?a .......................................................................
Ml** Mar. Dorr, ol CIrnnierc. vUH
MrB few (la.-r with frW-nda.
Traverae Oty Mflltoc Oo.
l»lcr« 01 Win. heater, and me.... Mrsi IriemU here la*t week
A. L. Ciceeen ef Copemieh, N In Wheat
There was 3 pleaioni dancing paiiv
.'•orden. and iw ch11dr<-ii. ot Kir!
the CUV Kir a few days' visit with Oat* ...................................................
Cora .................................................
Mra. C E- Wataon oFBraekenbridff* Rye ...................................
Mra. Charles Ourpa of the penmawla.
the gill • "
CU> friend*
i-i liai-.lM-e-ii ,^rioii>l. ->lck foi a mini
r a few
■ day*!
Hogs ................................... ....
cr ol wcvi.e. *u» taken in the lUii
L. Can a i turn sen* of Man- Hog#.................................................
.1-k l-o»|>l-.i1 M-n-ta.
Ii-C. alli-ndrd the ball gum.- Ii.-ineen Kteer*..............'............................
Mfs. Nettie Spangle returned to her
e I’nit* and Rewotlrrs al U-agne I'ol'c.
.•-I-- <,11 I'm........... .
Momli. -.l-.-r
irk veelerday
Cow* -..............................................
ciiiv at flic 1U. Ilsnv lu»|iiiul lot a
Peof. a ft. Catten of Benxonia. I* lamba..............................................
I *l>«-ii<1lnr * few days In the cli.
Cbickea*. old ...........................
Mr. and Mrw. J 0 Fearec. 8t8 Waah-1
Mra. VirQinia Wooda and son of SL
Farm Produce—Bellhi
Inctoii Mreei. .niortalii.-d a iiuMil»-i ol iJ.Miei.h. *r«- .{siting fn«^s In the Botler ..............................................
Iriend* ut a lN-a..i |am and man.1. ',;i.
Egg* ...................................................|i-. rv«»i Monday e.cniDgon the'
A ' 0 Crimmen* of M**iek. I* In
Ij.i.rn shore of Grand Travenu- ha. ,1,.. ,-it. on husine**
. '..-.or m Mr *1H1 Mr* Kmmc' IMtA parly eempoeed of Frank Fitid*.
o. I cured hides............
I..v: of l-'Dit Wayne Iii.l • ho are here|T-<l Vlmeni. R' F Smid. Frank Hlg
.. 2 oured MBrii
'i- the summer
I gin*. fTsnk Yank- and Kmei. lUsen.
Miss Gr^e
Eleventh -anie ci.-r from Maiij*'<-> .csterday
. . green bktoa .
»-'.-*-t. .-nierf»ln-,l HiUi n . lii.iitiK .li.h |,,I .h— the l.ic aitracMoii of Ijibor Vo I cored calf .
pan. ID honor nf
Mr* [ja., the league null xaiiie
cwred calf ..
I’tcUeMBier. of
Si-okaoe. i
Mr. and Mr*. F. L. CunningNam of So I green cwlf ..
on the occasion of h-r ihtrd j Uanipirr a-- n>ct-.!im: ■ te» lUy* No 2 green calf ..
wed i.nt ann.erwary
The aliemoon',,, -n- .n.
ih sklas ..
Wool abearlags ...
I'ae-I muRlc. sitei
h lig-.i I resh- ! to ihelr home
Wool .................................
in.eni* were rcced
The sue " de- , tng. after a
Reject* ......................
paited at 3 o'clcKk
The Western M.ehipi
bureau i» In recel|it of
is rh rizer for mat, eiif.w i. jerreyr or
c from ihc
McCaalc) I
.1* Ficrson of MaDlslee. sere
HM CrttMem.
............................ Ihe peniD
heryy Worrtedr, priced rt ,
aula. The apule* have the chaiacur
r the bell
Ae old maa stood on the otreot cdto
Istlr shape of the Chenango and are game
aer la CberryvsJe whea the traUw
nicely colored The. have been lOaced
Roy Walt and I
stopped aad let off e woaaas paOaoBto a iireserv ing aoluHon *iib Ihe hope j n bo'.ha> e been
ger. She had on a Itoea drara, A PWlhai Ihelr atlracil.e feaiuin- nay Iwjnmlber and ether relative* Id the
ams hat. ehaaspagae-etoorad hake oai
prei-eryeil for eihiblilcn purposes.
•smubern pan of the state, returned
•trapped putopi
"Oeeh" " exdatoied
Leu>* Mama, vto has esndueted home Siturdsy

_______ rw.*"*”

B. V. LMTie e» hut^ Bar M w «M




rnxnm ot

na Ihelr

Stei^rg Bros. Call Your Attention to Their Showing of
^ Sweaters for Ladies & Children, Men & Boys

..... U

IM Ike *cw Sweater* lor Fall have |esl bcea received end placed on aaleal very
ata*e prlte* .There arc Sweaters lor Ladles, lor Mlaoci. lor Chlldrea, lor Men,lor Vonna
-Come la and see Ihcm
'Mta eadln Boys. All the new slyica and Mena i
Swcalcr Coats
b dl Ih. bat 07k. ud colon, V ikipo,
atiWT M«i olhof coikt Sjlox piced u
■Sc, nc,U. SLM. *1.M. *1, $XA*

bito* Tune NcMt Sweaters
' . wJmrwbwrWoMola

Some Extra Spedal Prices
on Ladles’and Ulsaea* .
Mine*’ Sweater,, worth $1.50 tl -$8c
Udit.- Swetorx woiU. *2 75.1*1.*$
Luiea' Swetm, word. $4,50.1 $S.SS
Newljr dl *iier.Ddcplorttocboowiniiio

Men's Sweaters
Bie hoe of brri la.koBod Oyle,. Nc«rly elf colon, pricer
SOe, *1, *1.$*, *2.50,12.50,14, IS

user'ShrlorKidt Sweden
«............................... Mud *12

*2. *2.5* red 13

Tnrtic Neck Sweaters




A Word Aboot the New Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Govirns and Skirts

t ytm I* sec Ihcsc modcIs-They typlly Ike newest and mast laehloaable Ideas
iV-ta-wcarCarmrais—lhoscwko have cxemlBcd Ihcm (end m»y have *1Ihcsi BK Ike pretuesl alylea they have ever ecca aad arc very mock
solc&wiprIecB we arc qaatlae. We are very aaxioas to show them to yon. Come la.
Scncnllnc CVepe
lerkMlr^. 3 lo 0 yudr.
oogriL I8c • 7s.*d. s bsogaa st

PffSB Goods Specials

Td epeod lean otraef
two geDeral more*, one In Fife Ixkc
Mr*. Herbert Montague, and
her the cld Bsaa
or my boaaet and buy »'ta* oockA'’^
and another la Kiogsley. has mM ine|daugbirr Mr* Fr-d R.
■ and will gixe hi* *i Kanaes City. Mo. went to Alma tot
CherryeaW iKaa.) JeuroaL
teaitoa 4o tbe Klagale:
urday. i
will moke bis home in Traverse City,
>. who »
rslng an suiomoblie to make, ihe trip
.. Rewla
BototHme ol otarck wiu raoteve Ink
t'cm here wheo the weather permtls.
otaia* from fabrics oack appUraUoa
Frank Waidier. <* eenoueiy m, at day
betxLg allowed to dry uatU II eoB bd
hb borne on East Eighth »treei
hruaked oB betore eaetaer to ag^toi.
Or. J. H. Wilhalm received Men«ay
from Henry Tonnelier. mho residee reFlorid*, an Avocado peer,
which 1*
r bate returned from their cottage FOR GALE—Thfoe years oii
tometUBg are to fruit culture la that
Old Htaoioa.
land The iwar is a Mexican fruit and
M,Im Edna Skinner, clerk at (he toBeen oi Kewedla or call BeN pkowe.
tbe spetlee eenl l>r WUbelai la to slae fomaiiea kwreaa ba* retarned from
W. M. HaaL ICewediB. Mi^ .
about iwKw as large aa aa ordiaary her hoiae ta PeUalre, where ahe epeat
BepL ( fed tokfl



Graild Traverse Region
■•ovU and archery i
Tho youBK nien’a archery
Ii flibiBc MUOt ,U DOW
pnrvUled (BQrh.anueemeM and
ovtT» of
•>wrRl le t

'^Bulllean. .
i •by Jefyji7l
^ a»p- »p"rt
- eauip. eh.
who •urtveded
-r— plerrlne
: three fair niatdan'n' beam

are Biadu.
C«it. nwjfcmm. V. S. taipM-ft
eerved Iti (he vood* lb typical
~" 'krlDji «uit)MS vat here
im|i atyte. after vhlch (bey depart
j aitd sIm) vmk it> Soutli i
i in anUMUobllee to (Haetstcfale
where dtnOna va» the order o'
Ute evcnlns.
Mr. ami Mr«. Behan have returned
'Ifften Craur. vbo ha* b.«;D Ul»8
rhteaxo. after apeodlDir their raca
r lor the ptti
jn at .KcntriKtd.
tB froui lioruK
• retus*. >lun
. t.oupr from
Mr. Shoniak'er. chef of
H»T. B. y. Aloc* Bud ftmlljr fi
SprliiB* l.odge. rviomed U> ('blcajto
-------r SortBsi l.od«e., and <T»»
I Sej>L I at.
Hipbervt. vbo hsr bt«a Ttsttlnt: H«ri
Mr. and Mra. Frank Hardv of Kmentuuj;
|M':^llea in Koiptre.
pl«i*.-lefi bert- on the Mi.K.un ot
W^iieaday. going to Mackinac and
Morcw a&d a party were ff~ rlortherti rcaorta fbr a varatiun.
111 an aatoBiobile. on Monday.'^
kliu Jennie y'arrani of Kniplr* vaa
Idira i gueM of Margaret l>ay neveral daya
if last week.
Satarday eveniur.
Mra. K. H. Day of Detroit, closed
Solll ter auinnier borne, latrelel Lodge and
tacn. Herbert and Jeny
o( l»«.vaBia rsnip aad Merit
etiirtied hnnie last -veek.
and Or. yohi»4ii. their aoeett
Konard Morgan of Traterse Cit.r.
transacted basinew In tovii on MotiRay haon
» IB Chi


School opeua at the ilolmet Kchool
vlth Mr Matrioan at teaclier.
Mra.-John Pender ha* been rtslthg reUUre* the past veek at Grand
lapida She vlU reium bom* ibo
.vnilng Saturdav.
There wUI be a dance at the home
S Willard and Roma Evana, vert
>r Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wlslen. in
1 rrpm fhuplre. F^fday.
their nev bouae. Sept. I6tb. >E\erypaldiny PrtedHcb
body is'cordlaUr invited.
Mr. and Mra. Hovard Wells. Theo
___________ .Traverar
a ooqple b( daya of la»i tt'ell*. Thressa Dn^by and .^laer
jeata of the Mitaea IMy.
(he home of ’ Mrs. 1
Mr. aod Mrs. Will Kimball
I Sunday,
t Angus t'ampbeirs
Monroe, au electric atomhe bat spend thta wet
............................ _ . -J» biul
SepL i.
I fwi veek.
I Metntoah U apendlBf a fe«
sf tWaI 1^oefc at hla home Ic
Monday the hU**o"ri made >
] atop here, taldnx aereral pco
-_r f'hUaco; ft. Clark har retursed to Cbl
L after apt-Bdlna bit vacaBoa vltl

teBUemeD and boya th« ■»
, ... the aaihiUter.
Noceeds to be given
Brooks of InMr. and Mra. Grant Bn
___ drove
over to East Kaaaon
Tr^y. to a«e tbeir daughter Ruby,
and husband, returalng lij the even
rayeme -niy oo boalneaa Satur­
(Mr. aod Mra Kliser Abbe vere the
^beatsvof Mra. Fima l..ake. Sunday. .
Levi Gray of Bensonla. came out
I a«e bis sister*, also he was calUng
Mrs. Minnie HBellinaBtel. Sunday.
" R.
“ Bates
Mr and Mr*. R.
aas call<
ing on Mr*. Gatu Bate*. Sunday.
Mrs. Viola Coin* and Edna P
callb!g on I
rtshbors last Thursday.
Mrs •bare var. clie gueii of Mra.
tamed home until (be heana
bnrkv'bcat are ready.
d to her
. Mrs Calvin Brooks returned
borne In GratuT Rapidi
Vt-edoes«•?'• after a fe* '• eeka
uiejiu., rvspiua. iv uo m
work for William SMIliriav
We all tynipalhlze with Mra. Joshua
Ablie 111 her lulsfonune of geiiiBg
bomt so badly. We all hope for her
ivery. Mrs. Rcra iJke Is takiOK
rare of her and i physlclaii dressed
the burns.
ing. vltb Mtas Bellingham of lessen
City as teacher
,^ri o,ra:
ray ta filling bta tilo today.

t. e K,

( rMumed
e‘*afte^WliM Vuh MUa HeleB
t UxmatGrove
Or eotia«e.
F. and Mia. & A. Soberuhav
E-IM -IlnBlalee tor Mackinac on
IIS Cut. alter apendlai aoiue time
r Sprinn bodice.
Jlaaee Bay cntenalned thirtyEjaiaU oo Thanday .last. The
*Woa vaa apent in 8t. l.avrence
, alter* lennli. croquet, lavn

over to In1a.._ .. _
.Lohn Pewlna. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kddl
Mie I
goeat of hla brother, Walter lake aod
wife,, Sunday.

Pleasant grove.
The marahniallow roaai at the
Pleasant Grove school bouse, last
Friday night was well aiiended. there
txilng about fifty present. The even­
ing wassi>eni in roasting marshuis!Icws and pUjing games. WUUamsbttrg was largely represented but the
Bate* young p«-oplc had been to pic­
nic fhrit day and felt they oould'noi
Mn. lAora Bates and-Andrew Koaa. aund any more excitement, so three
all drove over to jbe wood bee Iasi of ibelr boys had to represent fbr
Friday, at Mra. Otta Pratf*.
Bates crowd. The roaa^ was given
by Glen Shaw and Chester Baird. All
of Joe Btrali. Sunday.
report a fine lime.
There vlll be a pie aoMaJI held I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank SJi
ihfi.'Weut Almira aebool bouse,
at W*||.
Bairds Sunday.
the evening of SeptOmber i>(b. Lei t
and Mr*.
Crco. Lindsey and KIeach lady and girl bring a pie. the
Plerce attended the Bates Suo-

day school pieale at
Mr*. Cbailotte
Cbailt . Sharp
Of South
BoardaaD. is rlsKlog her stater. Mrs
Jefferson Undaer.
The Misses Carrie end Unoie Bell
James and Addle Merrill visited C.
R. Shas's Sunday.
Miss Cassle lyobson spent Saturday
and Smtday at her home In Traverse
n. Alta IJiidsey and soa Robert
returned home from Chtati Mouda<.
■here they have been lialGag for the
ravone City. Sat
Mr and Mrs O. V Holmes attend­
ed (be Gleanera picnic.
Mrs Ka McManus of Manton Is
tkslilng pi the \*n.e of G C
•Mr Tyler and'a'lfe and Mr*. Samsoludrote to Kaei Bay latt week.
. R Smith attended the
E-.UcCardell vent to Klngslefl
-'tr aud ;
t Cit«, 1
AlhrlRlU and Mrs - Pish took
and Mrs. Tyler. Sun
day evening.
Henry Greshan went to Traverse
City Saturday, and came hnnv- Situ
day iiiornlng.
George Yale and wife called on
Mra. Tyler's itecrple Smidav ami also
called on Mr. and .Mrs O. V Holmes
Henry Greshaii took hui>p<t with
.Mr Tyler* people Sunday evcnlnc.
Byrati Hicks I* itionding school at
Kingsley Ibis vt-ar.
vear. aas he |>aased the
Kigblh grade here.
Pllie C
Grove wcliool diitrli-i Xo.
gan September 4ih. John Madison ol
KliiEslev la teacm-r.
Wade Smith hT East Bay visited at
the home of -Mr. Tyler last Thuraday.
Some of ibr farmers are'diggina
tbeir •■i.rly mtatocs. and seilinc ih-m
for but a buabel.
^me of (hr farmers have their fall
ling done and wheat sowed.

tenaged by Ughtaing. Henry Bahik.
bog fcUled. All Bonh of Cedar vere
Inaured la the Fanuers' Muiuat.
Frank Papa's bam and gtanan
burned Sunday night.
Oanse unknown.
R. a Cat- of Thr« Mapl-a faro,
ioal -MH- ot b>s fiiM- Jer*<-. <•«.*->. Sat­
urday nK,niliig Two others are In­
jured Insured In Farmers' Muinat
Mr. and Stre M'ers buried <b-ir
infant in Solon t-ii:. u-ry. Monday
M'» Margaret VVhlie ami Mrs l>:i>
•>1 i'levelaii'1 Ohio, ate vIsjMiie r- .a
live* III Soloii.
MUm-o Rachel Herniigtot. and liiinie Cliiff. ram- out Snnda' to sp- i.i'
;he day ai tbe.r respenlv- btinief
Mr and Mis Connlneha’.. at.K'.'iliK a visit with rhetr daiisin.from Ohir
The yyuug p*'v;>le of Solon -c.>o
--d u daiiHng I'arii ai .inhe. .Aiiit?'.-mh
let -. Saiurday .-v. niog
.MiKox. Cate. ;r. roinmem-ed x iioo!
lu T-sv-r»e I'tc. this oionitiiK.
n.-a- Brook «. hool hi.gln* iiexi
Monday w-iih MU* Margric Auder-



Urge aa

,,I ll.e so.»> things tlie

and'. ' V l<lle,l
Sa)u'.<U.‘' I'od



I Pw.. Is laid uj. with a aocs.bend
! K.I iVay who Is on the road seUtbs
■hand, u.-ks retu.m-.i home Frida'

and Mrs t> H Sr-ut- of I'aii
f'lrnia. wbv sr. ste-niljng
,111 Miihlsan. 'tsited Sol
rriend- .Mi.. J
Iasi w<---k
'*■ ‘>i*
•• -f''' " 'i"'c
Jan—.It;.. .. rt.-au.. .|... i.,iM-rrit: T W i-wsl. s B
Arthur M.AJu—t anjoiiK
.11. ht»riH-t‘.-' an.l
tj- C PsBilci aud Mr*. G H.
th<»e- who art- -r-itlng Silos this (all
Tiie>.i«r alierwooB with
•lohii Tagcr has linudo-il (bresbiri: lloBl».l-ad, -......-I la.' Tu-.U. i» iniMti
n.i Ms l.-..‘rr loo in Mr- Earl Pralick
ul I- liitnie»- ll.-rinaii l‘ h'tll-linK a bouse on the sight- ai Viav.rM- Clt. the -au..r> uvnd w-si •>! Stiioii station, aiul
ill iiioic Ills futii'il- there when com
Mrs. Pr„nk .Vmisbuchlremeriatt.c.l a couiiian- S.iiurday
Kira Win Vl...n„g'X.iv?-- lt.“ilM. Xth ,s.i of| .yi.s Susie Wehli-;. si.ter of Mrs
III. Mate, miiined liome K.lduy .
V-Hairy Wheeler City t« risB
ri* irJchiU a_
.1 Miss Germ
rirude Blake
MtsH Mattha Kthel ....... led
UKtuiug lor Kalkaska to att.-hd th.- Glady^Mathews vUiled fm
irtay with letailve* in -‘cIhx.I at thet |.la.e.
.«lr- Llniisay v olte.1 erta
Il-C brte,',-.r. cl last
wUH..hcl( ttv.-r. U-aii-lWllUani-Lur*,
M. ami M;>. J.. A. Saydt
tvests at 1.' man
•* Sut
J K Hoc-land is..till on Hie galn.Uiss Ui
- no iM-iter *• tl.H rt
-0 City-.
S<nroI I

CEDAR R. F. O. N. 2.
s, Mas
The electrical storm
morning coDin«-<u Im; about
oin- t:-itl;l<!r!n« <1
n'clock. did lots of ■fsTiiasc in ihl.Mnf. I'i
Tony IVpIliitkl's bam burned soli Mol-iu. Ol IM.- wc-k
ill-;. ....................' TlH.mi-x.ii
ville ft-cul lust U' wi-l. V.-;-. '
Ic*.- le^eavy.
Mrs. Alt-.. Woitd
l-ruy -ia>ni last Sundav In] .Mr. and Mrs. John Ralterv of Ktat*not begli
I'eciile h'-:c .ve havinv
Slioiiek 1'
his barn and mbI.I.-, five th-l. -:ic.-c liH-i.
straw aiitl t.i'nr iiiip:ni-iit*. I'bilip Hi.-liinrs licioc wa.V't I.--..1 Mrs. A, P. Pray. Sa'| s?-id. 4.

K„„.. T„.,~ o..U'5.s*%: sSJSLrt.'Sf


And the-j:rowds grow bigger and bigger each day

It seenu &s tUegb this great chaneoge sale of farmtnre, carpets, rags and stoves, his aroused the buying spirit of everybody for miles and miles aromd,-^I|oL
011^ are the people of Traverse City reaping this harvest of homefuraisbing bargains, but peiqile trom tbe entire Grand Traverselegion aod sorroinidiog towns are'
^90n^ flieir share as wefl. It’s ptdtively the most remarkable sale of its character ever before inangerated. Bigger and better valoes of jast the things yon are
in need of at the present tfane. Fnrnish op your home now or get what odd pieces yon want, for such bargains are not found every day. Today we will make
JM a few more duUei^e valoes to be loimd raUy at the J. W. Slater store.
fclld Oak, CoWer Seat

This Chiffonier
Kiafily like cut. OnUhc.1 in 'arge
flaky grain quartered nal.. niUHi ImSv-en to be •l>|rreciaie,T. f,.i ^

Sanitary Steei



Wij oot ret ui oew C»rpet noir,
wblle-jron cm save 25 per tent.
We've fl.oasu.ils ol p»ro »I fl«' >0frtlo Cvpeu teli|> oew it lower
prices flso pen ever uw qaoted on
snch (eod merUundise. We also
have many remnants hit enon(h for
the overate rooms. Ont they (0 at
stffl lower prices. One-haU their
real vtlna

In Rags we cao show yoa some
valoes that will opeo your eyes, aod.
as long as you need noe later, get it
Qow aod save ooe-iourth at least.
We place oo sile Saturday a great
display ol Rugs, all kinds, just open­
ed them up from tbe mUls aud the
time to buy is now. Getiirst choice
by belog here the very first our.

too solid

If you went a tanl nod'raclicr of
any kind, come in an.l look these cici.
Wc have from *«r<-pty.nve to one hundeed tUfferem atyle* at Cbaltange
Made of steel tbmughout. saniian.
**vyF; durable and convenient: fold*
'1 ^ *”■
Llialienge price ouly


• 5.^5

A Whirlwind of Bargains in Unredeemed
This means by paying tbe balance due on furnishings which have been used
Mine, they pass Into your possession. We have quite a lot in ersst every
UoOp One floe Hve ptece mahogany Parlor Suit, sold when new ior^ | ^


l■t‘c.*a. All porch, arlltow and
roekera are now h^ug ctosed out at a
iihctioa of tholr rM Talviea,


Now is tbe time to see about tbe beddiog for earljr fall aod winter ose.
We have oearlj oTerjftbiog to this Use, aod you cao save from U to ‘is by
boyib^ dorio^ Angnst Challenge Sale. Come in aod look them over at once.

la ail >-out Ulc you bctct miw such
rocker baigalsA They y,re made ol
solid oak. twv* high back* and well
sbaped griM. with nicely ahaped cenuIne cobbler ceats. and eelta *b.ewherc
front >2:10 to K.«ii.
Oballctige price. e«cb.

This Fine Am^lcan Quar­
tered Oak Finish

First Showifis of New Bed
Blankets for Fafl and Winter Use
at Challenge Prices



^^ExtensiOD Dialog Table, sold when new

J. W. Slater
youf Old, Reliable Homelarnlaher



.... .


-n • :
• B-ll
' i- u-tully aol<l
, .. : h-i-l-- -r-r l;:, <(fl. but *•
fornl.h II

Viur- a ,
»*v.|,' A crro.l I
varV care wi
I a3Kf,i|v.» VO the «otiri- line.

.-'.(•li -nufTCI
-ir u.ri,


a> b-s a>


vxa^ 5. ■< 4


REUntoN fmm
Mm bare) raaorm. Miebicaa Kara!
rtuda. Camp flra la btc uat.
raaoM hr Prof. !«• Aoraabr. cnuir
ammlaaloDcr of apboeli. aad oUera
tw W»t te Pt^
• :M p, m.--Bopfrer ealL
i • OrwT
<:80 p. as.—Sonaet aaluta.
7:1* p. m.—Camp lira la bl« laat.{
Tto «*cbUt* CMBlUM toVe !•• AMreaaaa by Hoa. G. L. Davioo ana
•0*4 tta foI>o»lac procram
tk« oUiars.
1«:M |L B.—Tapa.
■UtMonth usual mam
OraM TraToiw SoMlm' aaC Sallar**
MaoeUtm, .vhm win tw h«d la 6:K a aa—Rorallle and aemlu aa-

9:00 p B. Woalneaa BMllas ip bic
Cbom of plaea fM^ Msl ^tEMctlon of offiean and stub otbtwlMsa as mar cobs before tbP

Fife Lake Department
Coodacted by MIm Mae Dewey.



6;S6 p B-xBraakfaai rail.
8:00 p m.-8lck call.
8:90 p B.—Ooard nmom.
S:M a. tt.'-^>paBlnc of Oaaip BatM:
11:00 p m.*-DlnBer call ud aalute.
taifla caU; nnali-; monilu aalota aaa 1:00 p. m.—Grud parade. Column
fotps on From airaat. lipbi retiina
MUtscW tha flacFBroaooa-HoPoptm of coaraCca- «ope atraai; mareb aomb on Hope
Wublnaiop vest on Waabinpon
> aad aaolsaoMBt to quartara.
Caaa. north on Casa to State
ate. wen on
.. 1C:M
TNuOT can aad artniarr 8UI« to I’nlbn. north D I'nion to
ist on Front to camp a
- m,—Camp fire in b
- C:M p
Social bmUbc la Me
bT Hcte. Frank i
and others.
7:00 p m—Sham battle. This will
a raalli
tla. ooverinR the crnondi sonth of the
eamp to WaahJuton street. ABbuUncet. atraiebera and boaplial rorps
will be to attenduce to care for the
1d:f# p. ■•-Tapa.
Imacfnar} wounded and dMd. ThU
win be an auractira and esrltlut
a. n.—ftorMUa: moralac aa- rent of the camp week.
7:45 p- m.—Camp ftra in blp tent. In
ebarce of Spanlab War Veterans and
«:M p B.<-«rmbtut call
Naval Raservcp
4NoU. All nerdses at all ihe camp
S;M a BK-flhsk call.
wlU ^ varied by bokIc. reciu}1:N bl-IMbbb call and artlUaiT
■ bp ibe old
S:M p m.—AdCma of wakoma br
10:00 p. BL—rapp
Um. K. WIlbaiiB. oaror of Trararaa
aty. ftaaponaa br Oommaoder O. P.
Oarror oa bebalf of G. A. R.; IrrlDC
lu.—Breakfast ealL


W« west to BMla tint Doportneot of Um
fmtoot >00*110 wlao to $il coeecrsod end to
tfak end roqsoot tbst cU items of pee«>«».i «bH
ftaonl iBtonot be toot to Min Dewej to be
taeonontod la the Deportment We ccpedillT
ask that dmrehea, froternol societies and the
Oraafe farniob items of iatoran ia their retpectin orpnintinni Newt of aeeial ennU and en» beiae “*d* or ccatemplated, and bosiaen chaaeea, and tnnefen ia
real actate ia town and eooatry are etpeeially
acoeptaUe. The above appUei not only to the
▼fflaceof Fife Lake, bnt to the fsrrooadiiut eonatry.- Editor Herald.

Ur. ud Mrs. Stork of Jarfceon spent
a few days with Mr, ud Mrs Cnrtts
l^wler Usi week.
Miss Rosa Urdle of Jackaoa visited
Mrs. John HoBman a couple of days
last week.
Utss Margaret l.ardle returned to
Cbiraco Friday.
Bert Kronpa Us erected a new barn
which was completed lui week.
Mr. ud Mrs. J. FrancU CnmpbeU
left Inst TbnrisdtV tor a then visit Is
Detroit before coinf: to ibelr bon
Grud RspMb.
Mrs. Cbsi. rsrroU si>ent Tues.lay
with Mrs. John Hofinun.
Miss Elfwieor* HoSmso will leave
Thusday for Orud Rapids, where
will work for Mrs. J. Francis
bell this winter
Miss Delta Mater, formerl
Hty. left for her home In Boyne City

by Miss Mildred Purvis of Ntashi
A farewell party was Riven ai
borne of Mrs. Dell Squires In honor of
the two; also Miss Ester Caiison of
Cfaicaco. before ihelr departur
tbelf homes. About ihlrty-flve
games and
Ulned withI various

Our New Front Will Soon
Be Installed
still have many seasonable suits which
we wiU dispose of


Mr. and Mrp Jvitus C*mpbeii s«d K
B. Coek and Wife Enyeyed a
FhM THp.

0 p. B.—Break ramp and partlitg

Ttiis Week
and Boys’

^at the same dlsconnt

Our Special Shirt Sale
One Dollar Hat Sale
Bfittl aU are sold

Take t^e Bargains

New \Fall Goods Will Begin
Next Week

tlamiiton Clothing Co.

Mr and Mr. .mlins Camppelt Uve
reioTWed from s deitsbtful sniomohlW
tn|i whbh re>ered I «T4 mile* A sood
part oT ibe .fl»ian<» tlie. »..»e aivutr
imnle.1 by Mr ud Mr* A B Cook
They sinned from Tra>er*e C.i> ro
Urud Rapid* In Mr Campbetl . Ever
e«i 3tV and from the:e to Ikrtrvi.i, lest
ing Detrolf. they entered •tanada b>
Windsor and ronllnue.) their

Harry ItaBar is employed
the Ssbbsib sinool si ll:30 a m
b'Ve l.ake bank.
I Epwortb I.eune at 6:30. iBlble
Lloyd Waited- and nephew Robert '*Utdy Rally Dsyi topic. 'The Pehl*
Lewis Walter, went to Traverse C^iy. r Spiritual iRoorante ~ Rom 10:1-4;
Pet. 3:16 l.eader. Victor Bryi
Preaebins at :;Sb p. m bj l>astor
Fruk UcCormte of Cadis. Ind.^ a
-fever patient is atopping at l>r.H^ - A. W. Baker
Death of Mian Nctitc Tiffany.
o. Walter-*
.Mm. Jas n. Straban went to Mid­
and severe lllnes* from typhoid fever,
land to visit an uncle. Toesday.
Geo. .Vewell wu bome Over Sun­ passed away Monday. Sept t at Ibe
•Rv 0 ■ 13 ,»eara. four month* and 11
day from Traverse riiy
She was bom in Isabella
Mr*. I. .-lurris
.Michigan, unli.-d wlib the it.
K. church 'while iiMug in Ml PlenaF. JOD<
bis famllCharlotte to- Fife LUe. In tbe nevr ant. and was fuhful in Chrlattan
work while livtnt at fife LUe She
Mias Nora Berry of Harrfelta. re­ leaves many friends here to mourn
turned Saturday, to reanme ber school ber loss. Memorial services wwre
held at M. E church Toesday morn­
work here
Fruk Sinclair transacted boslnes* ing and remains s-i-re taken
rasul for burial.
In Manton. Monday.
P. H. Bertiateine and dangbGenrude. spent Wedneoday ud
Paul Campbell was home
l,eetavllle. over Sunday^






I/eaxlDc Toruoro ibc. toured
Berth luiu ratiaiti.
ranlo u.d l+anit'ion ami th-ojeh the
erlne*. Oi

Bntak). Crta.
lied .Viagara
PUnaylvanla. Aabtabdin.
Alyris. Sorwalk and TeIcCto. Ohio, ralomlnR home
way of Derroit and
Grand Rapid*
Mr. Camptiel: and hi* pnrty ar* «Wtbaatasilr oter ibeir tiip He StOlM.
however, tltat he Was deepiv tmtweu
ed *iib the CanUtae fruit belt aa
roitipared whfc the Grand Tmterao
fruit recton. i
oBparinw being Irw
•r of Grand TraveraeCampi-eii oiweived that the ori-nard> in I' wv-re eld and that ^
the same »<'leullh<' mefhbds of fpiil •
■ ub.urc sre ri.: |iractir*d.there M la
Ih.. fmievl State* Me said be did M
»*v a ►itiRle tonne orchard His trip.
hc*/-\.-r iia* fttep bim a deeper aad
more fatoraBie ini|>reaaioe of Otaad
Travr-*e a* a fiult roaofrv and be do- Hare, thj, hi* bhuervauoB coOvHsred
him thvt for faru. n* acd fnilt fowwirr ih.-re i. no t»-iier plate than north- '
l *e*trrii MIrhinaO.

Finest and Largest
Display Ever Made in
Northern Michigan

The l-adies' Aid aociety sUi meet
tw. week Wednesday afternoon with

rr.,1, soil,I. ot


-^v Puller ud nnele. 4. Stoll of|“«" o’ ottXcf^n at thi, toeeimg.
iaitard. Waah.. arrived here Saiur 1 Hall Ftack la expected twme this
day. to vtalt hta fatter. W. R. Fuller week from New Vork. where he mas
"‘’peray''8J^ahn'wonted from Mar
field Tneaday. where be baa besn via- '®
lilOR bis onHc.
I Mr and Mrs. Tom GherlDR and famHeniT Sijvernall of Mothenon. IL« of south of Traverse Citv vi,iie.|
wl.h .. .................
w. It Puller and son Orange. *-err‘
Id Kalkaaka. on bDriUda. Wednea-,»»b friend* In Traverag City,
( Mr*. Ilaiiie Ccrnrtl and dauchicr,

^ 1


'a Tisli with friends around here.
.Mr. ami Mrs. J .M. Salford returned I Mr. and .Urt. klontfe Priest ud lit
from Copemlvh. Wednesday evening, tk »n of Traverae ritv ud Ml**
Cummings of tlrand Rapbl,
Mra. Jaa. l.^ie attended the I, O
•' the home* of John
F. and Rebekah picnic ai Manton. Uonrisaw and Oliver<lle.
I Eight of the lAdv Maccabees visit

T •“

l.een vlaltlnR mlative* for aetefal
I Tink Tompkins loot
. row;;
. . whb li
fhaa. Comstock ud danghfer Erma.were *iruck b' UghininR last week
*>"' "' "■•-I"-l-

Orange rtller w.-m .Mondav ,o KM-'C"'*-'"*
ka*ka. where be will aiiend the .Nor
'hl« plaie
Iiial the coniins year
| yVuk GHm arrive.1 houu. (t-.m To-

Monday evening

Jm k*on is via
itring relatives here for a few data.

from her trip i
troll and Baflal,
Edaon \'ue ■

I for Chicago, where she Roe« In Uie
I Monday to Grand Cook Couniy hosiulal
training course.
FranH* Salterly. aged «4. an old
Mrs Mina McCoy of Montana, ar­ resilient of this place, passed away at
rived here Saturday to viaU her sta­ bis home at Old Mission alter a few
ter, Mra. Jaa rampbefi.
days' lilneKS foliowlRR a stroke of par
The 8erei<^ Guild cleared all dol­
lars and forty-five cent* at their ten- alysi*.
cent supper. Baturday evening
ilr*. W. T. Osborn wdll have her
mlillnerv openTnR rtaiiirffay. Sept. <i.
Mr and Mn \'ern RJrbardaon weni
to Kalkaaka. Monday, where they e.
rangellailc school, at rbl-

Hawk a
r Gerald
tne. who have
er. Mra B Barrua. went Vo Cadillar.
Thursday, where abe will v-|aii her
aunt. Mrs. Cbaa I>utton. before rr
taming to ber home In lAnsIng
„..jery and daugh(er Julia ot South Bonrdman.
e guests of Mr*. A H. Baker, for a
w daya. tbe past week
TTle G. A. R. Frank Fowler Post.
No. •« and W R C Xo.-SOH, will at
tend tbe rennton at Traverwe nt«.
from the ]*th to I3lb of September
Horace Clark of Goldapringt, wa
Mrs Geo Kimball left Tuesda;
Kalamaaoo. where she will spend
three or four weeks with her (laugliItase* Ethel Sinclair. Uanba Bemaletne and l.eda Brower atlended Ihe
teachers inttfiuie at Kalkaska. Sat
Mia* Claudia Peierwon was home
front Traverae f'liv, from Sainrd*.
Monday evening
I Wm, Roger* of Dell, r P
railed here last week to see her *i*
Mr*. Miner Riddlecome.

Geraldine. io spend the day with
8 Cgrothera and family
Spear Slrabu. who hat become
known to many Cadillar ]H<ople
tbmugh his courteoui effort* to plva*rIn Zelgler's cafe, baa decided 0 make
priesthood of (he Caibolic chi
life work. He has completed
Junior work Id the Cadlltar High
school, but will not return i
senior work; Innead will enter „ ._
fall, the Notre name unlveraliy. Inrt
re ^eoinaily be hope* to i
orders of tbe priesthood
atodle* in that best known of Calb
ollc 4nailt«Uons in tbe north, will require twelve fnll years work.
w-lih t . .
baa charartertaed hta a
tbe cafe
while paring bU
ly ibrongh
tbe High aehool.
ere is u> ooestteii
Abouib hU I
r high boDorw
Noire Dune.—Cadaiac Evening News
Prayer neetiME on Wedneoday eweo-

Don’t fall to visit the Leading
Shoe Store of ITraverse City
where yon can make a selec­
tion from a stock as large and
as fine as you will iina even
In the largest cities.

A. V. Friedrich
The Lcading Shoe Store of Traverse City
and Norlhem Michigan.

Three Days More
Of Money Saving Blanket Values
The special prices we ate now making on all kinds
of Blankets will end Saturday nighb The saying
great enough foi you to make the investment and it
only a short time until you need them.
$ 1.00

Wool Blankets S4.’39
Wool Blankets $4.98
Wool Naps $2.19
Eixtra large Cotton Blankets $1.79
I 1-4 Cotton Blankets $1.10
1 1 -4 Cotton Blankets 89c
as low as 49c


Store OpeR Every Friday Afternoon Hereafter



=s^ 'a staid imm



• -


wham t hmO

n ^Iber—totolktik^.^^

** - *


■■ Til* «Uv tarrtw t»o «1ik)eboiu. •
I watrh. toKMhtr
: cMte’. •.-Kli. m'4\a^>. » «KMil2»>;
. ladllB
a »tcaa Unach. TbMe Vila anyUlar of apecui tmereM.
^^iM' iolitod ftbMitl «riih klodc viA
I( ta * part or ia« duty of the navittcM* br 0>« awn vtiti th« Mecattoo' gatbic otflcur’a yocmaa to copy
UOBcb. wbMi U tedated
amooib lot Thu work
- V «aawa povor. it nakaa a eery
tbe lot of ibe vriter
«ruOy itglH vbea tbe ahip puu dess atatod that tbare va* •om« dUruMi
Mr teau aid they make away «Uh M lo wkatber be vaa to tM> yeoman
'^,^lrei«va. all la white.-tniaa aoD«' (ka UTicaUBK officer or tbe paymaa'*4l ibe new crews pulled uway ffom Ur. Seicra tbe ervUe was baldly
Kibe.iblp tbe cars rtmlnded^ one of a der vay. NaviyaUds Officer Mai
- ^dlil>a«e, .bu( awm with roirbiw aald Ub
eof beinc
Amt aaurad tbe vsb
cseraUve wfSrer for a abort lime lo
maka the appolotneni. The writer
TheVravem City Olvialen.
tried to be of a<eiitance to both
‘rtu officers sad meo of our dlrU MasoD Is a rcry able naricator
.ltd* were eomptliaeBUd upon their tbe esperieiwe of Ur. Hser. pamasin Tlcv of the leuglb of tine tv. enabled him to itcrfortn well the
■ «bar jud been Ia tbe.Berrlce. The di- iluilM Of his office.
sgas sustared-ffl by Cohtnd
Tto Taiions. Ipks of tbe Yamic
OkK lb July of tbe preseat year.
would make iAereatloc readlm. tellv'UewUBitue-MbBtpoinery .aad Viio- IDC as thv would, of the Arctic win­
derdtVri ind Knsin Cross stood ibeir ter, of foreian ports
stnnee Isles of the sea. tor. tbe bss
'■HuateUsnuii did his tan at btow- been bround tbo world twice. Wbat
they would Uir of tbe navies of tbe
li^ihribip'a cans. ,
’‘^^Quartemaaters Alvay. Ftoole aad world, the SpatilsS war and the
- UpsWn Boiltb took thMr turn at or Inquiry wouU bo of lalrnw..
(To be OoptinaedJ
wW. One qmmenmsUr from
<ks tiuee other dirlsIOM
Brefiublu Trade.
•■Mad aboard. Titer wture ttader the
*T Ibougbt you aoM -your automoChut
tWier* -Ko." replied Famsr potaioa. «cn nb^ h very ^Uat ^officer,
oaeWa*r«« »r that
we« Bd&y trtndi anaac the
over there ~ -OttW been to
Ure both the auto aad lb* terbe."
■^tblfipkir—"Jimmy; I«sa’'—aa
be -yee. 1 n»c - a coaiiaet that Bb waa
«<ta rtrtrhametl by ibq mm. made to dive me tr« baulla* tbe atbckln* out
jfcjdtfcmaiiralarma. Hewaaoom- every Ume be (•• ata^, . ar jbrolto
down. .Finally be ovad.ab-w mneb.
the captain. Tbe otbv that be lurtied tbe mo back aa pait
ij^ Wficen 'aad t»« mau wera ans- paynaof
leant tbUr dottoa dtad always
dp ibwr part.
. Frlends.'ila.Too CoeUy.
tbs ISMp s Lop.
"Are you golac lo scod-tlm Bparkier
A “raupb" «Bd a "aaiootb'' k« are girl a veddtfip preeentr. "^'o. old
. MH ^ ft tha>*imsh loc.’' amoos otb- apeiktor and 1 bad a squabbla yeater
or thftpsr 'a .ftccvd U made by tbe day."
mtat'i too bad. Wbtf waa
OawannastoTS ek(h boar pf tbe tom- ftacauaer "I can't aSord hit friendHe bss fire ntarrisgeebls
. MrsKure; tbe bel^t of tbe banntetor; ship.
tie tUteegou and veleelty of tbe sHad; 4tuihte.-s-’-aeTeluad Plain Oealar.
J^fifano or ibe aUp; whether (be
PrediMl ot tit* Pllkwenn.
la oleer or cloody; tbe peroeutitoe
A yearb product.of tba atlkworm.
doDds to clear* aky; thb kind of
mads into a aliifle ibreed would
acsadltltoi or the aea. ptretch aro'ind the vorid one and a
rdhffe ur^mpoib. ote.
duarter mtlUon times.

traverse City Day
«f the

ioitt«ni INsIriti fair
at CadUlae

fmy, m. lan
On that day the school chlldreo
of Traverse City will be

Admined Free of Charge^
.Ip addition to providlaf unnoually Intereotlnr
. .loafllrcii for the Northonil>l.trlct Pair
.on the date named there will be

ThriHing Aeropiane flights
Jack Mazon
Amerlca’e aioet Famoni BIrdoman, tiring In'
one el tbe oefest and beet firlo*: mechinee,
a Baldwin “Red DerU”
Aeroplane nifhte on three dayo of the Pair

other features' ol amusement and enjoy
nwnt wlU be Association Heree Races, Free

Railroad irnateaieate have been made
throuKh which the Travarae City people can
attend thaNortbemOltMct Fair, wltnaesth?
Aeroplaoe PUsbCs laM rotam home the same

' her. Thurston vmt to (Mlo to uttoed tbs soUisrs' rsuslon. He will
ktop U hit rstuib to a~
tend tbs M. K. mmfsreMe
Mrs. Ounds Moors mads s hutiasss*
trip to OudOlsc Mondsy.
Hrs. Wm. Ulltoe. 8r, w«at to Ttut.
arts Civ Mobday sTsniac to visit h
Mrs. Sslson. who U in tl
Brynn Hicks of Holmes BSdlnc U
udsnt ut tbe nupsler High s<^
ram Sbseds of 8u<«sy'to isuchli
in tits Ustimstt aeUhhortiufid.
C. 1. Portor of Soimit SUsd a silo
I Byron Hdmt's Jut-wed.
Mrs. Byron Hnleit U on tbs tick tlsf.
Boy Huckmeu la tbe usv Brmlup
Prsar newsboy.
Mr. Hares U haviuc lou of tronlrle
with lbs preaa.A)f tbs »M i.riniln* oviOL but bs will soon bsvs s nsw ooeund then bs promises lo have bis jnpar oui on liras. Tbs Usi two Issues
are o«( abd ure nset and ftevay.
Mis. John Schosndorf uod child re-'
:im«d TOMday from a visit at Grand

..jminU Ciiy.
Wili Wurabure and A, If BUuson
aqd wife were '■ rarerae Cliv cullerd
Bparilnk were Traveise Oiiy callers
in KlBiealey last week.
lartby and wife reiiirned Sai
im their eiten<le.| visit in
souibsrr Mlchiun.
Mm. GUIs WIiaon Is slowW recoveriu from a severs llloes*
Rev. Qnlimao Smith and wife moved
Icio the Free Methodist lorKoouue iusi


dpltti tbs worit. Jlr. UotsiMa gotug
to .carry a fall Uses ol harosss and
tarn implsmants usd sspseta to more
In Jn a vssk or so.
Ralpk Cuss. SOB. Cart, asd daughter,
t*. NeU Ball Ubd. two daoghiera. re.jfned froB 4b*- visit is weaiern
Michigan Buturday evening.
H- C. Meyer of Beyos Falb made
kid brother. Riley Meyer, our hardware
man. a call one day laat week.
Mrs. Dave Pender of MlddlevUle.
-bo fas-hosn TlMtiai frleads and rel
utlvea ia Summit City end tbe Matcheo nsiuibcrbcod. returned lo her
borne Tundd)'
Dan Taylor and wife of Toledo. O
■o rlsIUng relatives end friends in
le Mst< '
Amos Mlckerwon
adys Nlcksison.
and Wm. Harrli
larrtooa of Hannub sn
Ingtisy Hlcb school,
tpodlag the Klni
Ralph Glass is
ii erecting • new boras

Flad.Heyringcr and dangbier. Clan
Kramer and children
of Fort Jennlngm. O.. are guesu at Jo­ year's work, fiftywlx
seph Rnmser's near Hannah,
tesebcTs desk hav. been purchased.
Giles N’tekersoo It erecting s large A new book rase *nd cDcyHopedis are
• be purchased lu ih.- near fumre
k new vnelbod of Raifonri readlni:
A..J>>rd and daughter of Traverse City will be a feature In the primanwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. Baum rooms sod Mr. Clark will pul in x
Ksrth Isst week.
course of Elementery Agriculture In
Peter Brantlgsn and wife were lo cooDcctlon with tbe Blolog.r el«
l^yne City Ust week. Thev purA rhoms will also b<- a teatur
tsed a home
there and Mr Bnmi- dor Ibe direction of Href CUrk
a will w
tbe While cor tboim expects 10 give a concert of aaciwd
f winter
near C>ristmaii. and a sucula:
Vill Wall an<l Mabel i
eonen near the end of the school
year. The Htltous of the town have
arranged wltb Mr riark's assistance
A number of tbe
ladles of
glVf a k-ctnre ronrsc ol five
rrs. during Ihe school year
werepretent. Ughi refreshiuems were'uwt. ..-hooi tinLLi
“ '

‘-Mila mid we have fifteen foreign pupil,.
enrcued slxlx
'his IrelnK lats

ei school hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kocimer v
among ihe Travers. Cn, rallcrs :

Miss Edna Wall returned 9uD<lAy
after a five weeks' vecatloB She »iii
roMme her dnties as ailieo • uj>.ratpr.
ERen Madison, Nela ManigoM i
Otom Onfiy went to Kalkaska SaturdiMari to sttend tbe Katkaska I'uua^Oi£3f*'Bsekfiun teacbei at the
Hagab sehBQl ibU year.
John ktodlsao tmebe* at the Holme*
aniiaoL Jobn was a graduate of the
Kla^ey scbool last June.
PBtoWea are oomiog in rai>ldly and
torttera an betog repaid M>me«bat
p by e good price
------- -------------rad wife are eoiertalatag Mr. Dana's sistoT. Mr*. Sarah
(Sana of Pnsrn Rlrtr, Mich,, and hi*
rorasta, Mia. Ami Parham of Bronson.

was of course

That Ibe Infliienoe le rltht and
work good. l» evidenced ti> tbe
cresrive wnric ol the pupfN who pass
our Tenth 1-aek of spare pr«'•■ms Us from going l>ack of Haas
!;>ltc. hut Kingsley schooU has lo her
record prior to the year oi ihM, roi.
lege graduates who srv making good
reeordb in their chnsen professtouH
Good business men end excellent
teachers, businera college workers
good home worker* and good rarmees
of tbe clans cf IVOS. Bs-rt Holhda'
Is a drug clerk tn Pirla. Mich.: John
'Veitoh, a successful farmer, with as­
pirations for more edncatloo. Floyd
Boman pasted one vear in Bo' n* Cltv
High school: Elbe) HsHnnan has one
year of .Mt Pleasant vormal, and on.
year teaching to her credit; Eller
Madison bs« taugbi one year and will
attond the Kalkaska County Normkl
this coming year Winnie Rial spent
one year at Ml Pleasant, one year at

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dunn have high honors
and bs* acxepied a poolspent mMt of the enmmer at tbclr tioa as teacher
of music in Iren Belt.
tans Bortbeast of Kingsley .m. Uuub Wlaconslo. tor the romlug year: Ber­
Is a rettrod Inffiberman and is now as nice Stinson coimnenred a <x>urse at
entboiiestlc as a boy
boy OV
over bU farm tbo M. A. C. at Lansing, but Hi
_________ ___ . have ■ pretty li..— health compelled her lo give qp school
home situated In a beautlfv.: natural work.
le exi
grove. He
expecu to go largely Into
Tbe three graduates of class IMS
he sheeii Industry.
wero George Hackman. Wm. 1.4-an of
Tbe band
rad boy*
have ordered new_
_ _____ and Maurice Roshmorw of
and sriU appear for the first Old
OM MlstlOB.
MtsslOB Oeoige and Will both
Ums in tbnm at the
Kingslev Tri- finiabed Ihe
Ihe high school course at
Township fair, whore they will fui
>Trarene City. Maurice is an Alma
IcoUege student. George leacbe* this
■ .........
Her* (D tbe Gibbs'
City were Kingsley ealler* last Moo-' general ...
... — I
Of '*“■»
Haas l&lh. Ion Welleiii contem■Tk- ^11
i '■'*
■spUiea auendlng
‘ ?IL‘‘
'***' K™'v>'<pU»c*
the KaUmazoo eoh
M front Ibe village limlie west to igeo this comlux winter Joaeoh Ab.

And How It Turned

Uml FeeM TBcbl
W»Fpad la his difing gnws and
—----------------------------with feet
tDcaeed in slipper*. .r.„
Frau _ _
L» was slttlBg romtonnbly
evealng ts bis nrmcbslr ready fer“*.!?^*
watfe sod teritiag tafittmHoB. On the'?
fiaor abeva. ia ttaaaaanmeot* ^ ei** *

..'»■ * «■» of the Perris inatltate. "

ff" f.—rf
au rest

KBMraitiLatlaR am
btat. otssad to latndaet ma. i bceeptad sad was latrodacH'
1 Amt tbiak l ever etoetti ao m
my Ufb as trbsa I fb«a« kWir
Bite etaattmg wrlt^ tbe Mfi Mmb I
bed bcea eaylag aedt tl5* to enr
thewira 1 made ap my alag to«kV«
eg tbe deasaemsatas kragae | —Hit.
Kot tor the wotid ww«Id 1
any Hew to my Ueatity ^ tbe i^ghteat referemre to wbat bad paaai« be, twees aa Aad aa to MtS* hm b»ew

'.1* ®P*»f Iaotblagwoaldiftaptmitofbb*»**^
T®ao* P«tfe «»( «W«rite aei svray ibe whale thing by dotig m
« -cb other tbn aver
•I- danced

' mvenl
«■ telegraph wire. Tbevw Miller ead eace with her itiMd Bin opeesling froai be- lew Orraeby. 1 caacioded to go *w
w.tb Utae Mfflcr. bat I gut la a admber of campUmeats end Meant Mka
Indiradag my. ndmiraOsa tsr |at..
When 1 left ber to cat* ao* ttfila.
____ ___________ __ which I did before tbe dear* had nfidBpmHloa In many e girl ed. i premed ber batid end leveiiad a
witnwbo. i „ii«i over the riigtt Monaare to man.

eort of

Troy aewa tfier tble 1

rece(«at *

toyueif and doubt if It wuoM shock at tbe ratan af f
have occamd to me to barabao i Tbe Stantth war was aeag.
u and

down ri IL ItratrnSJ^r “iSwatering trough at
fornera. This irongti will be made of
remsiu. with Bteet outside raring and
wDl be fe.1 by the rtiy vsierworka.
The men and borses will have gool
reusoa to (bank the giver for his
plendid preseoi t
Minnie and Irwin Bargeni. Jesrie
and Rose Bowden. Bdlth King
llogKley and

Miss Maud Huger of Travsrse
day mcrnln* and evsnlug serriren
-hlng the Stirling srbool
the Baptist church nest Sunday.
farrie Rtoderirk of Traveme
Arbutus lake U ihe romlni; resort Iwtr Is asairilng
w »ra Mairbeii s.
for the .people -......................
of ihts vicinliv. li Ji*a
nan Ta'lor and wife of Toleelo. O
n.An ^ A ta
(H.I.lM.. .
Hose to town with fairly good roau.
The lake and aurrcundtnga are i>santlful and
p being a
Wedding iiHis will soon ting a City.
Kev. Haywood and fUinl
mtly ere makMr*. Rorena nowerman look the
Ing their farewell visits ihis veel; be- iraln at Summit City Tuesdar for au
fore moving to their n
extended v'sli lu Rouihero .Mlt-Ugan.
Mra Hager of Truverve riiy will
Mr. nod Mrs .Cha* .Millard ale
tea<-h ihe Summit ni< scbool this
torialnlng Mrs. MlHarU's taihor. T. .. 5 ear.
wlfv «d driller, ^rtlia. of
The siding has anixed fnr ibe fair
building and work win mw be pushed
> On___ _________ ....
lo rapid completloo.
harles and Will Dyer.
Tbe-fommlliees of the Cemetery asMrs. K. 8. Jones and son. Grant, of aoclation met Tuevday cub Mr*. Ur
Traverse Cltyc passed through *lowti Fenton to trrange for a Icm b counter
Sunday im ibelr way to visit her broth­ daring tbe fall.
er, Gene .Norton, west of town. Mr.
The Schools.
Norton U balldlng e boose on bis
Sebool began Monday morning with
all last gear's teacher* on dur> bu'
Frank Nelion of East Paradise ac­
companied hU wife to Traverse Cliv
Miss hah I Waldron of Tecum-'ah.
1<(e gradurir- ol ibv Vpslltnu nor­
mal wlll-teayh ibe first primary iti
he ia reported as doing finely.
place of Mips Bell Hopkins, resigned.
Winnie Rial and Ethel Hackicnn
Pref. O: H nark Is beginning his
■*rt Tlsltnra at Traverse City last sixtfa year at prioclpat ami is an able
Id progressive toacher,
Mi-e. Geo. Maltby sod eblldrcn of
Mis* IJgile Kvan* of Traver-e :'ll-..
Oeneva, O., rialted st Chas. Merrifi
I lest ^k.
Miss Florence Strickland .o«'- - .
ieqa risitor at Mr. Merrit'a and
Mias EdUb Berger of Bancroft,
ipanled- Mrs. Maltby to her home teaches again lo tbe second gruuin Geneva.
mar room and Miss lyxiue Kowlader
-Rev. Bridgewater returned Thursdav of Mt Pleasant Is icscher lo the seclast rroi£\^Brbor Springs, where he nd primarT, her seecod vear also.
— * called To see hU wife, who is no
Tho t.............................
lo Knla- nd keep only experleii
the .\l. teachers and we h.ive i


teach, John Madieoa win teach tbla
year. Paallae .v'kkacwen. paseed one
year at tbe Kalkeeke Ckatiiiy Normel
and will teecb tbe Rconle acbooi tble
year.-. Of
Of clUM 1911. Mark aad BmUy
angidey wlu^ fttdsb tbe High
canroe at Trorerse Oiy. Clara Dnfy
aad Ne^
go to tbe Kalkaafca N'oraaaf ecboel aad Cart Case tabes
a ooOega prepaiston course at Big
Rapids this year. Can any other sma;i
ybool show a better record.

tbe Mlea opeoed. end UM.eattoed.'
«m wrapped id bla In Mini gown.,
'Suvld MsDlgold has purcliusc
be ___________
tntb slow stem Ltet
new team ol I. D. IJnton.
aad tbe *
Bart Jeor of Summit ritv is rbir' walked tawnid tbe

if M
let J ,

8. J.

^ r^k^rapAlT?


| bsbdwa.. « ever.
» SOM. way-1 hbtiB



traaqtgl air vrttb w^ Ite

**'“* U»e gin w»s .yrat st O- a |
dbe wa* to
M*H«« ~*ne twenty dUm di*
frura both af na
iBorelI <^*ajuy »««»*«■
tetan from O. I to*
wbero baconW^^S?^:“«
gbs bad more
I iricgnpbic cbit wttk bat. sajoyki^
I> p^ .fsr more than bcTor* fiwn buA«
-------------------------I poM this U wbat set ber eo to qaUrin
msdt bee a
Rsnas of RsohsTs Vris..
i “ *****
»»«»« ■»»"« • I aranring to talk with bar. bnet^ sggy
A ProMUn prtac*. a co^ of tba! tl*"** after^Hug taken a racs
^ I Mr. while I WM MB ukwwm to bar
William ThM left'***** “*'by taking
except ttarowgfe Sam Atkina* |Simaaiee upon
*®wn;, I bow
. <1...

n«. I “1Mw. r>»<,


bsve been quoted la a lecture upaa ' on
, filer, and egprenring btr dislike st. *•• dollnsM of O..M 1 cewcMiS |e
bring •'utupeUtid to live In s little my ; aHt bee to core* to town and go with
the tobiotis actrasa Tbe prince end-:
; .tstlon Ilk. Q. Prom thb we fell «‘
the tbeeier. This wsMI tot


a.. SS5 drm.d « u, 1^1 "i“t W tl«l «il .o~ IU»^ mi.

~i r 4

npper F snsrpa Her apeaktog voir* that, msirlaie belitg a tetterr. I would
ribbon ww la V
Urns had a eompuM of two octsvea ebon} ns lief marry a girt I bad no!
OB her. »nf*nl
But. as B role, be olj^efwed that sbe kwmiedf* of as OM 1 Md met and' ^ ^ op ft*
tored. All I reqnM was to know
«»"*T a tow vtoot" tn
When Him HDtor allghtid toep tM
f~“." f"lr.'»»o»t « iood !«*.
One Uilog led to aoMbef tin It v_. train aad
; amngMl that Me sbooid mall me ber'
**tb ft* *ntog* itbbn Ja ray
pbotognph aad I ebookl send bar i ^tt«ftole nbe stood uUl for * ma-mninally
then, simply enra^ (Sgl we
Mad met before and 1 tasd dscoivt* bar
•boot tbs pbotognph. we toft tbs sU
Ml oariOcetioo end ib.t tbe etlffneM ,
“* * UoB. and. since it was a siitotoM mooof igelteanswj by .tbedepoellsof cel
lag sad aa hear must olagM Mom
tbe play wohid bsglB. ws wmlfeod to a
park or cexitnl squsia *M. sal .fiowa
on oos of tbe boMhaa. Sbe
rotbe girl. Kara provod me mildly for soodiag F-r tba
sod meet, iucreascs the nataral
I -u -M
Ibe K».n
8iianisb-American war wt»Bg pbotognph. but Mid obi fl«a*l
eocy to oMlOcsUon. *sy* Health.
at tbe time, and i irostsd to bb geithis twssoo s diet made up largely of{ ^n. sbol
st G.
dylng of disease ao Ibet
fralt. which coutalDS
When w* eoterod tbe ibesWr asd
I I might
t gvt into Uvnble by (
sraount of this cricareou* matter. U;
,„r myMif. In rotitfu 1 took our aeata bnt tow 'peopto had
sHentlfleally brat adapted to persons tn mcrived a pkdure of s raiber pcstty arrired. We eojoyod ontoelrM ebatsdranclng yeara Large eater* add to girt, who I Judged from ber festurM Uiig aboat oar tatocrapblc uitoMpiiai-tbe llsblUty of otrifle depoUt* from ; was fuU of tbe Old .Mek. tba wry eace and wairWog tba andtonM coMa /
overworking tbe ellmmsOac omnt by om to get up Just such a cumpaeatirai ih. Baddeoly ay bcarl stood atiU.
Wbo mraaM ougr n^. taka jba two
an eseess of natrltira mstetisl until as we wen cateriDg upoo. On ber
their bealtbful sctlvlfy b dootroyed., lips was an Agaglng smU* and In ber sMts tn tbe Best row Rimbt of W
tnii 8am AtklBS aad Mka MUtoFa
and Ibe wbole system suffers ts couae-1 eyes s very saucy look,
qoence. Old age loiifcslos toss food j After that tbe wires begsu to warm friend, wbam 1 bad met ai G, I31m
and s maximum amouat of fruit as tbe 1 up with our conreraatiana. till at laat Ortaaby.
j they,came to a white bent wUh tore
, pacaltoi. tabrn
—---------------------i jaMOgea. When we bad fired a tot of
gunbsn Ships Mark HU Oeavs.
•■k mlasitos at eneb other we bcM*
' 10 talk about meeting.
my -proTl.cre •
"fstber of the British nary." 8lr Fran Voool to go to see ber sbe cooled down
easy to sse tbstJrar
cb Drakex ihrougbuut, the world, but --------- ------------• »&»•< doOgbL m
bb • tomb- is to Uie great deep upon exubrnsace was tbe resslt of Bgbtiag,
__ fame behind a masked banery. 1 iMd* ssrtrisaspb.
wblcb be made __
bb everlasting
He died Jso- 2S. ISOi. lo bis ship tbe i era! proporitloas togotoaeebaroaal^
at oMe-that m mootkoi
Deflaacc. ocar Ibe town of Mombro de csetala day thd bour. but for every ^ ^tefc-bnd not traiy bean dtoOMUto*, W«i Indies, sod Id a imdeo I «“• ‘
rbe faw- eume reoaoa why, •f**- ««'
tmed afSiM me
cufiti ill. body ira* lowered Into the « »oa‘d he locoorealent or isspoari-1
•**»• F®* «eesir I eietolstsd
waies SOUK-six miles from shore. As bis f«r her to receive me. At tan it, Ym re a irattor to yra» own a**r
s last bouor to him two of tiU shltw. «rcurr»d to me To go up and look her <
reon^ ocraraun^ a tou* ef
with all the (wues that were la Ibe
^^tboat an appototmaat. Keror
ft* »•*“** ***«' except
fleet at the were soak beside hla
seen me. tbe wouldn't know ,
___ _ ^
casket At the time of Ws drain toe i “**
"<Vme. I Mid. "explata tbe a
robistrs iliiib
groat admiral was ta hie flfttoth year ' •*« “oe day. berliig secured ■ leave.'
) tbe orerture. aud la ton mlnokas
tod la tbe prime
bU phyalcsl sad • started to ae« my charmer Oo *rore the cunrio ruse. My tsemantteB
totoOectnai jwwet*. Since bu dtoth
1 waited up lato tbe vUUge sod
Ibe BrtUah navy has aerar bero with- <» «>« »iraet n>et ay- girl, whom 1 forced me tv wsit Ull tbe sad «( tbe
first set before giving me aa «
ont a ship besring hu «4me.-Ex- recoguUed at one* by bar ph _ .
. tben ray eoaapaalon sold:
1 followed ber IMo' eeveral shops sad
fioaUy to a yellow bouse that stood . ■-Nellto Otm^ u a tatogngb oto
r*tur at tbe C Station and has boon
A W.s* Frwrisisn.
S*** *«» ^
.-.HroapoDdenL Bbe SMt yom mj
I r>“i notice w1»-0 a mao “** bouse, sod hsvlnc wBited hslf
tb.b.a of
but with tbe D sbtrpc&ed.

“4E"? ss i

iliunil. with a bauirarr utilic
|■UIIMIC down a lariwt under Ul» wife*
supervL.iuu li..n quicfcty be ihru«i« the
broiscl aiM li>r.>Hping member into lUs
nmiilh - Veoph- iLiia u >. be-.B,K-rb«
ai>|.,|.-ail..ij I. MMiitilnc' Hill 111.- moveU.«uaii.i*n... llLewiokTtiv lueu -auuol hv;». .1 Tbe
ilui nature Kn..*- wUst s Duo
to «, under su.h ,-ib umstaS^^ 1
I bs. provided biui With i
•io|.|>er WlH'ne<r-r be
Ibutol. tisrd ••uoURli
daw-.iv 1 l.xkr a very hard
li: s msii wUeo be I. dvMng
thhu; hr do«.D i like ig do- by s sort
if luierlo. LIUS .'Idem hi. thumb die*
lbl>. b.. tuoiiib sod for Ibe ertUv.*!
moineui .|«-e;h i. .ut off.

bsf lo
^ koew a DU
>'®«tor. aad. hnoUag him Up. told him
“*•* *^ we. * girt la the town 1
»**b*d to know. He aald there w.s
FOlng lo be a dance that rrrolDC lod
*“ “*• «“■'*
would take me with him
tad if he knew the g.H 1 wished to I
It would give me .hr

eUale so loiruduciiou
gtru wiib
Ibe one 1 was ssiwx-lanT Interested la.
Ths! rir.iiag I wVoi Wllh Foster
> Ihe ba:i where tbe drsev was l-v
rjL-- i-Is-e II- e.ked shout lb.- rn
1 wished I" kovjw and shy I wuhrd t"
Froficb Humor.
know ber. si.d all ihsi hot I r«a,.rd
mnn wbo texsessed mneh Isud bu questlcu. I didn't proRose to let
tiiwl bau< >o-ineev Liroiher* w.» tbe girl btriwlf ksvw Ibat | ss> ihe
lri“d why hr dU sc
buotlug feUaw- .be Usd bees making i->
■s bU l.roilK-v* did.
ire-Rt least fill I bail Irarrv
« ■•! be. -It I. beraose II rd all about bar
h-vrewiM that ibr gun* of
sbe ws* tboro sure enough. lookAc
monger t>roil>rr« go i>ff a.xldeoaily a* i-mty s* a pk-tun^a (•ruoeliv. w’Tb
f«*lulrd at Ibr ridest. but II J*s profowlon of Jet bla< k b*;r. a •t*lelv
s«-d->ai 'hst 'he gso* of the ridewt br- figure sod as mtoblevudi sn r)r u.
r u: .1 .imlUr mi'iiiier toward the, ever 1 saw In n woman. H'ben I flr»t
ingrr I -V
■■■■ rrrn, h J vLr Book- saw ber »be ws. talking with aaotber
- —-----------------girt sbuQi Iwc owo age. airi that I
H*r ComplimMt.
' tolght Dot give inysrif away to Foster
A poptUar iCngi:«h •osnU.-n and mu
totrodsce ms t
ale ball aluger. wtumtii. fsiialest
experiro<e wa«. raid: -•mp Umc I
be Mb. Cnen Ormeby,
drove up tu tbr ihestf-r ID fhiblto and
was hsmmJag a lane wbru I pit oni.
\» okl Irtobwoman wbo bad failed to

asd. havtsg s<
Huuw-e ui you is sueb a auttv than

•“ •«

«. ■«--

you Mt ber wm yoot wwn. 8be WMt
to M.. taking Ibe pboUgnpb wttb ber.
moiual frieiri of bers end Mr.
Atkin* tbers Urid ber Uut it wm his
pli tun- Before toavlag town ebe saw
st work at your tastrsment aad

hls scqualntooce sodWd

tbe moment you esicrod tb* ballroom
KHUe rvcogglsed yew 8bc saw your
atteott'^D fixed on me sod latrodMod
you Vour eojoymrot lo (be part yea
were playing g*»r u. dooU* wbat WM
evldeot ID )on Wheu yosr lantstiM
came we derided to speUg tht John
•h you here at the (bealor Wa wtoto
Ur Aikios to ftod oat. If poostMt.
where our seats were and pvt two
more near (bes. This bt taaruM
tbrougli yon
'iki you see Ibat wbes s msb nets
himself up to outwit a flri bn mnet
sbarrwo hi. owo wits os a sbstsiuns *
It was all pUto esongb now. I
B- koowledged myself beam and sftor
tbe play lurlud tbe party ts tbe bans
supfwr ihsl cosld bs oMnlned.
There Is s sequel to this stBty, b«t
not lo be glTsa ben Tbe IM nt It la
that I pnM oC with MIh MOm nb«
■am wttb MSm Ovmnkm.

Let the Hereild and Record Co
do your Job .Work.

(HIAXD TBAYEB8E BgRAU>. AN'D TjurEBSE BAT KiOKK TRUimAT. SSfTBUm- 7, 4MAkr th* «*rvatrt.
, n« saMtac Btetak* ««« w4* IV
'»** Akjratelu 4elc«lU« of tte Bn•fMbr UCBeM to ttuco I* n>rTUe4
‘bj tb« Part* Oaukte. Amr^ br tbt
,*P»««aor of kli COI4 lat* iialtofv »a4
|tlM Mtetattlt7 of kb lapoomc noiiaer, IImt Wctook the nttier at (bo
«oor of (be femcB Btidater'o eOk*
for M. «o Mreo blmoelt Ao tber
were broogM lato tbe

Ei^ oirl^ Is Mviit Horse
8f ReavftstliinlBtrs.
•f Un Hidiitu A|i1rallunl Collfge.

n ISMBt of agrlcvUartl KochlobMM ttmi oko or cxtr»s(t;
ilbotfopiiieul wlUIk

Its worth, bat msay are looklnr f«r>
ward to lU advent with the heeneot
intoreet Can such a macblDc Rod a
Held of BoefulceM. and If ao what
would be tbe basil of lU adoptionr
Soppoac we Rive tbe nutter of Ibo
aaMunt of imaer fnralAM some coneMeraUOB and In w> <IoIbr leave oA
alt otoer facion. Wc win compare
rtwAly too' power fomtshed by rtio
tractor with lAt raniBhed liy tbo
horoe. At preaent (he unit of powci
Is toe horoe. This onli may be cddbloed Into the two. three and even the
f^-home fenn. Tbe latter Ib abntif
(be Umii of i>ower that one rub ran
ile advanUReonsty. The a^craco
p la able to develop B*«rly a unit
horiepcwer when ueed c .ntlnupoilr
(too bbraepover here Is Inieode,: tn
t tbe uali used in meMuiinc
work. A man then drUnix a fo'irhorne team would be able lo control
the oneTRy equal to (ou^boraepow^^
If h¥ were ualnr a Sfrborwepov.-.-e trac­
tor which abonid ierelop- ronsbly
apeaklBR. about 6o per cent o( the to­
tal bortepowrr at the draw oar. hi-

t^eni. BSt at (be afebt of bU allrer
rbalo bis uedala- his sword. bU pold
(cM>ed cane and hli diree cornered
At (be AbyoBiniaBs coaM sot be espected to ksesr they were la tA prea80 bowlB«

I-£s Gisdeon
the Rhine.
A«] How He SeU It ID B
DescoiSaat oI lb Fio<
Br F. A. hinCHElC<mrrlAt to- AmetWaa Prow Awa-

1 TmtBR townri tbe sbarv.
; toy boat WA Admlar to wblif WKk
a ^wes^il effon I ttnwd and patad
bach tote Baaootb water. Tbe
coatbroed ewaater tbea befora. bat
; mppti my aan wtto a bit of etoto .
(•and umybostatadidMiooktw

. M^.
A Story of Britiih

The Loreiair eiMatmed Btoboe
Too tdl your etperiauts a if it Ad
many Appaaed. TA l*r«W b u
■yth."CaU bee wAt ynai UA. I dA'
Wish aoy mev* af ber. HI UA aon
of tAi puoch. 1 need a bracor aflat
Cepmabt br ABXTiean Piaaa Aaaa.
■y Arrow eacaA'
Tsklac a mas from tA waateU A
Pborad out aoma of tA UqMr aA
drank it off
TA maARTT of lA Grant UlacaOui"Oa would >adr» fr«m tA way yw ftllng coeiAuy t>r victoda. Britbb
coadoet youraetf." mM BlaboS. tbtt CoInmbU. froward as lA door of At
yon arc at botA bare."
rrtvale oOce wa. inKheO aofily opro
raor SAK>ed Dish
pbred a card un tils desk
Wuolauu •a-a u uvu > bv i a rd i Aught
.uffy. 1-et A ntoy
M. BotlclaR s fully. LU frown grow tag bia> kei
DAS uue. deep hoes aeliliug aliiiui Ul- rmiUU
At btt be OilA bx-k hb bead acu
be added
tAok b|v heoad sboutden a* if
• Do yoa play cbosl
AHag bliaaetf for v.>ata«4. HU faee
u(Aa uMak aa A turned
“WelL tAte IS BO better way
to (be waliiag ctSrk.
mwadiot an eveoine
"Bead him to.' A Aid Aledy
duor oproA aA cloaad,
He took up the ehrwaboard. aet (be
pitcher of poneb asids.' placsd the A a aArt. tioui maa approacBad
board 00 lA lahic. amoged the bm>(). ar Banagrr'R deck.
“Ur Arthur 8l Claire Wootaoar

Oo tbe left Ank of tA Bhtoe li tA
slowly attd with pteat respect natil ruiB of OM of (Am oM caattoa which
they were witblu reach of bis coattail*,
which. OM oa elito-r side, they aetoad A re mood in t At recioa foe ceotnrlen
la tbelr Aodi and ktoaed. Tbe oAcr TbU Articular cattle some years srb
did ant know wAt to do. but tbe ap- was beuRbt by Carl Btaboff. a Germanpeatnacw of tA mioleter reUered Us AmerlCBn wbo Ad ms A a lot Of mon­
ey brawlnr lager beer. BlsAtf bought
wiib (be castto a few placm of furntbathing In Oald.
A ranalsu JuumtlUi wbo Ad apoc- lure, plctutna aad otbee curtoaltlea t At
several Aadred jura old cod
ntoted in milwey aArea woo 200.000
fraara at tA rvwulc of a lucky ren- Ad been handed Awn from me Ar
tum. DrswiBR It to foU. A pn>-eed chaser to another. Wltb tA decay of
o a hotel, emptied the Ars of lA cattle oA tA gradMl breaking up
cold lo tA bed and went lo sleep lit­
loan of these artlclea ell (At ^reerally to tbe Mods of Pactolus. Tbe
itoed Ad flAlIy been concentrated
was M cnied by Ut pood fvrOA monk which. wAo tA owner
lUA that be foonfl inOeBCTIAblp pleas­ WA them. A used for a bring aA
ure la reroUoR In a miden Ath.
t<od room In (tab aAftowot was an
rstanlA the rlollnlst. wAn be re- eatique fin^bce big raougb to rodat
-----------celjed tbe prueeeds of bis eoocens lA no ox over (be cblmoeyplece buug took tA first more' kiaiK,^. w^der. |
tag at tA man's sAscity. low.rod h..l„
Indsted opoa betoR

■ picture t At wat Mpeclally prised by eyes to lA cbeMboard and soon forgo,
^ .
0 waA his baoA In sererelKiia.
A Krebcb Dovellut. Soullc. wrote a
BlsAir was ao sdiulrnble amatrar sI*^"ArTA
^wfiod wAn
Ihto yokr -at WTbB^.' Caa,
Aok called "TA JlettolrB of.iA Dev­
Itoir-* BBtoHUebB otWer tra«o«, work with the ctutiue worklhi; a*, toil was successful. The puNUb
ceAul Player. The gaoesw,. . ,/a< l^'f^ut^’^S
■L MSUm knd kerMooe. Hera where near Its full load. MI o'het era paid him for tbe first rolnme $10.- enl occasions tackled profeaaloueis
a Mt.lbirty-cm ontflta fn«i hair tfalnSk bolBR eonal. the «caH 000 tn cold. Tbe author carried tbe wltb fair aucceaa. TA raaana <1aaay aowipantoa, FW throe woeka be In favor of (be tncior rnre ii Rold 10 bla liedroom. poured It Into a pnxed tA picture (bat boug over i'» 1 . r-o * way tu rtrckmale bis at- inapector Dofi^ of RcotlaA Yard. Bn
nbiectod to tbe voflM enble oae niaa to contnol
font Atb aad ea)oyed for half as Bour chltnoeyplece at bit cattle waa be­ ..............
"P •• bH down. air. aod teli me wbtt
>. brake aad lo Rreator Rnoant of power. Aaide tma the erclteiaaot of morbiR hi* feet to cause It reproaented a curtoA pcnuilnn ■ niii::-im*r as If to ny. -I’ll sona Are for you.“
wbrhlot coadland fro In a Alb of go'd coin*. *mok- between cbeaa playeia. They were in yew now. my fine fellow.*
I ^he iMpwtA Mt Awa tA pulled
tot taaanwbila the blcceat of Ha- mnlleral drenu tbe one tov aod
Tbe sitaoRer looked ap. (a. sod'oot a Urce botebc* from an looer
thin with a black (ward, the other
aasittoe.ujiy unre- vanaa.
- low Uugb turned bU bead p«-ket aA con.uliA It uearcigtuedly.
Xtohi.'ai* ao«wiad-Ma tnduitobd with Ibr out. An example ->f wbai
stocky, wboae beard was Ary red 1 toward tbe picture of ibe cbeaa pity
"lo lA matter of Aureoce txlratodhdMlty «Bd aan aiaaslnB to (be
Old Leather Battles.
by adai'ilblltty mn;. be t liown
«-• (At Liior over Ibe cblmneyplect’Alt" A snapped out suddenly
1»*Mk. ffhat (M'the paitiM cf Hiby (he rOlloalnc: A f(xirbor»> team
lAlber Attics, or buvkjtvk*. were
.___ _ ^
elanced from tbe board lo Ibe Alldog voles dW not aevord wllh
■Itt'^f^ltaillf to dotertUhe the adap^; miT be dlelded ant <;arh hor>^ or coBxiBoe to Europe two centuriee sbtl
.<* Jfc* eartout typaa of ma->aan need eonpleui m itoelt ibis adarrt TA Attias were oflro maA of one
toM^ao^ work Tor wb'ch ihey are tee » to-oaialler yet inporu-nt drtAns akto doubted up end etoody sUtebnd
- *55^toryer Kboe to de.'or *oHt. In the tractor this woold toceiAr, ieavlu an aperture for tA
!S p**^* a' Ibacblne which : manireotly be fitiposalble. biii on U*o neck- TA thick piece betwAn was board, erldenlly troublA at a prospett dawned on RUboff ,At bis rlaiior apd KimAtl wa* conrlctA aA Imprls■■MtW ato|JM of thc omfliwoft. 'other hand the tra.'ior, ihroi«rti Its toserted for die allp. It was meant to of AlDz cbeckraatA by bl» aotagouUt. ,a, „„„
tp, rA beard were om ooed." A Mid lAlffareally.
M aia Meoptciaed to the t»e of conatnictloD and enctearT. »i>uW be A alunff at tbe A>-k. a Icatbcr fboDC
regarding hA with an er . god tbe Mine.
| liir.iectA Duffy rouaullA bla boot
*»Mr w tbe fa* h MtehiitM. The found capeclillr valuable lor belt voih .Ai'scd tbrouch two lonpa placed oo presslOD of srlunpb On a piste
^ you la six movau.~, *Ato “Aiirence KlmAII aerrA one*
"I will check-mate
iMMatbewladmlTI. the where bbrsoa can be ua«l to eery alChcr aide of tlic neck, and It
lacbA to tbe frame was tbe name of '
M fha aleav ergliie and . imie advanuuse. There are maae Aleotly fiat
lA AA to atcud wbcD I lA picture lu German. "Cbecktuaic tn '
. , tbaB
fha VW b»i been dlrWed queoltoBs of deeien each as type* of pot down. The stopper wns nisde of■ Six Upres " There wat i legeuO - '

I Are tracA bin actoA tA Atlntlc.
yon In els tnores.“ Aid
I to the ngbier di^le* has been ieOKinea, searx rlntbos. helsbt and wood, born or old leather. A good nectA with the AtoUug lAt (be
This agalAt your rattle ilisc It I* 1 bronch GbaA aA Britton CoiuadMnaatbd wtadmllt a d ihc paeoUta width of dHvera, kind of lups lor at- deal uf rare was required to the yn*i. who Ad built end owned lA c
fonh A to VlrtorU."
d^M. Thd atoahi rarine haiiine# the icdilre traction, welcht. we., whl(4 arailop of ibe leather, which Ad to A
day return
-You Are caught blm ibsur Tbere
oiled SA
aA wnrkA
WTtrked wllb
wltb bammer.
bemiDers l« when A eaaH-wo lA legeud mid- ,
Mmer Mca. to whleV It Is adapled.' time nad eipcHcnce texetber must de> Otled
raa nimoat a eneer to WoctooB'a eoica.
h^te-Mk^ auat faltlihil Mead (be tenninc. If. however, we oaa'add to make it s^pj.le and tbon ws.bA w4.h
I Tbe other rAdrnA I© tA rooia of
hkWK Mif awfitoaicr Aare. Tbe the rtoe and adapilblKii of the n^w
lAt all lA ImArlly was on ^ bearriA mnn in the plctur,-. .a..<l '
■total Alliii ]in MTof he>« toinofio- commonly unVratood end used na- Urely retnorA. lesrlng (be lAlbw
of Alng ci.ockmeiA m .tv
----- * HU ro^ grnwiA tA daepar
aA dry. S»
V.. mnicinre
mo.wnre or
«e air
sir Ad I
cheCkmat. to iLe
VdtaPtorta.a a tlHd maehbie iDloItoe or kerooene eactae. nbUia iiol rlron
Mtajtato.ta accooBl of luvoigbt ata lat a reaoaabla oeai and Alft a pr» any Am on it. niackiavka were. In Mme DUOAr
“I lost lA trail, f kmw A arrtrA
m.ive .•■melbing Rl.Aft bed nerer
flagoat nude la rarloA aim.
«MtMMaa oa the campantlralyjpomooataly lamr Aare of thi work
BWioff cbu(4rlA at (lil« lirfend. tar­ cmintrd on'pened It sceme,! lo In VIcturU July aS Aeaure A was
Tarws.. There is be-‘tfpon this uafeeliBR machine, tlraa It They were aometlmp* pKcbA Inaldc.
ing tbal If an.r oue oouKI get Lie .-B-.ile
reinguixea Slui-s then be bat dreppA
howoTor. too wUl ouroly Bnd famr. Old DobMn w lH
In that way lir wn* wH.-..nie Ir. Jo no. bun lti*t (I.e t.lile. w'ere fnrncil Aft out of sight.''
aiM tnorul tombtmkiin tracto:s la- not be BDpplantcd..biir relieved of bb
fie had aludleil for I1.MJ--M Irvin:; lo
“1 will lusintet our •aprrtoieodeot
ger moled again Rl«l...ff. i\i>o now
Ame one A*
. MMfta «aa«Ml panwae work dpea i bMViest burdena aa be has roliaved
a mHl.-I l.y »b„-h ,he *;olt
bair trlDtcr ronsllnmnn. my* OHm<o mao could -..i-. n-tiivrlf nml lied I<-vt hi. head. mnvA for ihr [ifili tlOH-. aid .rou In every way Hers Is a card
tfenfiMiL H has
aa -yet prorea Ireta of hto.
Wblcl, will admit you to srery AArtSwstt Harden lo Su<vem Maganne. fSlIA lie conal.lvrA (he irroblem In
fhcckaaier uid iIh- nraugi-r men: of our company.’
TAy go-off oa tbe sllRtitost prorocaI
soluble, and •cr.-nil chess rX|M>n* nlio Bo-lng
The Ibspmnr beaUaiA sA ahot a
lion, because they net from impulse.
bad ae«-n lA plcure bed agreA nllb
tA raca of lA
TAy dr di>( koow liocv L> contnd
KS.ped RUIloff
-or couras ah salenty'a war­
ihemaclveg. TA tulmal loAoct doaTA .trancer cbuckiA
due aarnaD Ruiioff. who had i
all doors to my knock. At
"All (hi* U very queerr" ga.ped
orer from Amen., to Artto. n
I always cboons the MAr way wbeu
Air control U ibe flnu rondltloa of
merican. sisriug si lA ms pey o ri.ii to bis castle (>
*"•> It Is loaaibie.-:
all achtovemenL Jt Is uld tAt tbe
aee that all wat readr for tbe coming
•* *''C •»
1 TUst It very rooaiderale of you.
frst sifu of iBMnliy 1« tbe Kim of *ei( —' "Tou are mUtakea. .Volblog l. qi
Inspector," said WooUou Iroolcslly.
I hIMT of BonoUetviw •!
. now courw:. Wc ore told that
• .dBUMed lae of po«or baa mde
> trorfc or (be vortd leaa arduous
T'ahoruaod tbe boora of Ubor.
r fTiVM tfepndk lomly upon
~ p to «o voHi. which to tbo
he-^wpeontare of eoentr» of power baa aoKipHod hU
r a baadretf^oM. rba tkati
htbo bee. dull aad .meeapr<rii>bd; to paaalBX. aed le bis ataao wo
a with wits keea to direct
baads aldlM to eostrol the
T wbitt dOebtoe Itto oWd a acor
A%etho fonrhenui tnrii. <he
of (be saaotliie trarutr.
k dto aaoatj or woiiadap.od
Ml ttOCMsoa ho hat bM
► to
«bto oBontr lato noetol

£ sSiid"sSi^i^r^uid


dMHB bU j*ytw that ."in train *’*“*•'»
"•<* litdlvldnal a part
W Ibara in ■traugA" to nowhen
r»''HtabH»tinc«lB Ihfib la a tom- she prAncls^taken ib, and a*«nilr:;1
n coi.ta
t^ra^uiry. c<epA»iton »• l-mi queaee AiA batter U made and ibc
MMs atohlUiy. HoWben if
iAttsrmwmiA-tbAlB ihruult
,-.jtlvc creaneriea Are
■try «if tautoflL wbara tfaa farm- ion abuahito falhirea. ThU mar Ave
BMKrta «tr MRAffu aA raeura been tA result of me a more of
taMBaa (bat AA WdtoWM! «ouId maar rawaa. A promoDag com
t fat. la our own country «lH«a
-.....................was not
rcMlu hUA ttoA rary enuugb cows kept to lAure Its «cAt liSwton. MKh.. the coas. PoAhly It'sfA not due to
B^UMrs uriaAM iu • oceap«r iMuBctoat numAr of c«w». but
b Mr (p 41mA of chafr-prABct ihw fart ibai the ppomoien. follnwed
-ao aueceasful tAt tAw Ave their u*n*l cuMotn aA chargA an ex(br A«fT priBA- tt*» orer rtlillMt price for the bulldtog and
Aaf. NW-. Oidy tosTc coA
Tkeee two raelera have
prUTtoled, At a -RMlw ou- bMn tbC greateet eurre to Cerop-'ratlee
A aveny Aa been <1vra t» creamarlea. aA tbe cdtooAially drelrof Qielr (ralL
lA ► co«i*eraHve creamerv atio-.i.i
IBM] creutary is toe «»«p«r- lever Ak or uocept the aid of a proHM'. n to MeA MAuae It re­- aoilA company.
tire-pnfts-fnm the tauittVer^ Aim (A failure of a- ciM»Ar«( dairy prAwto ta (A pro-• alive ereamery ls dw to nUtnaARrae meaiuety owner mmi. the Araoa aelectA to overwee
, B mrti 1h tbe nea- the bAlaen affaire or ue cooipany
io6f (AofAa from fermi, He Iwdng lacomAicnt doe lo tack of m.
* y*!**,***^.**** orerrea of prrienM aioA creamerv llnce. The
i bMtmt delivered. Ad i, mMQs creamery mAWer Aould here had
HMr ABve’grata ire each pouA; actwl prucUeel apeHeoce to Aticr


*'**** ^ ***” '^“*'^ aAAcfs are Alter msk-

exK>Ar««v* . eream-'iaA eho5d*A^enragA\t”"liArei
the,oWlre huv
M ^>a mr per pouA of fat nesa of the creamerv. . With .ueh .

■ (bal pswfh tbat bas Aw»l A factor wori'

f«‘-»«ally‘aasorr •

r reltoble ittaager Is eirgngA
taWtto ^bte Ob this
I piwvteojly Benttoaed. the aa-

**i*^.”* .”* “»

anemtty ' paitaem to aMt ibem la the orcaa.
A pH- taatloiL It wHl pay them not «^tu
taarp eoto- aeeuHA * eare market for their dairy
ofiproditoi At a'raarAi'tiuU w'lL' gu...
tar BMP, twt tA AaperaUveiaatae beure returai.
m I
I ^^ggera-w-A-—..aa-.|^^ - ___

tA master of bis own
Duly to Anger, bnt any degree of
•rbtoretiwtil to impoiuiblc to blm.
Every thought tend* in reoult la an
net. so tAt thought always tead* Tbe
n,rnlal alUlude at any taomeel 1* lA
pni'eru wbkb flic life proceew.
weave Tbe lives of many of u arc
groieaqA ernsy qullta

UH.TAaa. bwt to a
TA draaetf** ru** a aseatty i
overtA moB A1A wArf. atmi
podmtly Ipto ao^tato^ toes
wbM tAt Attlgoreai geanesAa
his CAt aA dtaidayA am taigr lo tM
■ttar eoufooioti ut tA taii.vamo.
Tbto betrayal of petty vanity m Hih
Art or rA iBiArt'ur AeupM a fiataF
to WaotoMta bruettA eyas. 0«4H^
pA out A tA cum- aA oi peitofhtd
tAdatectlee. TA UA Hr rooiMu wta
errtoglA A M 10 «A sruarfi. gid Tta
bewA fiui foTto of lA ms m4
----------------------- lb pMt wp^
Axre agalMt wbtPh lA tl
tTooim (bruat aa am tkreugb Ita
toapactor-t podgy oue oA levAd M*
sway -Gome’over le-tA Met-gaV
Ate aometbtog." A aAd gataWto"Can't you drop yMr *iUm ta^
eooogb to apwod a iMWtobto Alt
iBBpedA Duffy rsddeMd adth Uta*
IA oaolty -TAak you. air. ni »
pimaed te )oto yeu.~ A agreed A W
ww, Hreac wAre lA cntiortoff gtoap
froet of a large Atsi rataetad -tae
bAy arewa oe (A vArf.
luide (be borel irootaoc mt (hCfiMI
tbe water fTOot "Uakthg out prMty
welir A aakrd at lenrb.
TA Isaperror atwiefc hl« haud. ~N»
trace of bta Alog to lA city." A atM
ruefully. ’Too see. Ur Woetoau.
here to Viciorta far (rro daya poal mt
rekA tA ptoca .Uraa. aA I wept ■
you w a laat tAon. I’re crem qiMeliooA your men. and I've got a aUffta
clew-tAt’s all."
“Ta were mytog you Ad a *tnr.“
ARpaaiA Woolaoe aa tA l■a^icto«
yawoedAreplIy"Tbere ta a alight How. Ow W
yoA mao dearHbA a men ibM hMtar
an ooiBt Mat week. At any reie. I
feel )m«JM to carryiA «y e«H» A
(A Tokoo." mid Ur. UwBy.
-ijgr boai. are at yoor dlaaam%*
marmorA YTooL-hi. Ilghttog aMMt
"Thank-a. I’li like lAt erne to Ue
moialog. .Vow. If yoo’u «
air. ITI go lu my wdgliH
aoma ireA iogHher.’
Oo tA airi« or lA AlH I
•I down (A aireoc owM


feta. Tsrtdfta

wn» (BlIlsA. BA tA aretev fraut i_
darkewA Aib lA appeoeeU^rdM A
IA day. le anelAr Alf hour tta
eoollo gang wuuW atop wort.
TA mamgor A tA iHoat MlaW
cMpkBy *sK Ark to hto rmn «i.
wofhA rapidly tor mrmtt maaMtaTAu A mode hta way (a (A whM
aA auwrad tA paywmmar’a nfA Mb
Ant ibe mao away on aoma aenM
a A raltad BodMU- TA iMyan:
IBO. ibrpwtng woataHog cogramodi
rer btoribMlder at bta cool A
"Read ibst faUow arsMd far tfg
•ooey. Bodgaoo." dlrectA hja aapoHor. -tAt UhlAmA 1 loid yM A djto

-Rtitt Hr." dbd BodMb toolM .
WoetoM atood atIBy. waBtott wMIr
t A dtarapoiBbla figure «T (A iMItaH
cropt ep to tA wickat. Bo Uftt« Mr
bred aod peeved through at tA Mf
red aod wbiia aktowd ffAlllhltab srttb a Stirtoklag fear to hto nfw 41m '
Misd raatnrea. Cmrea htoek ta»
ainBiH toio
ddhi gyato «M 4
tong CM bUA Awp iirMtb Mt
t bruat a tremMlA AM thnn|» fBw
wieAi aa trootoeu eAvM a tat g»
volopo lowaA bA

for him aod bl. wifi- and could pro- |
«V won'! of which yon
t)r uawnUng for yoo to aeek
vide whsi Rl.bvir requlrA In (be way
cooscloii.- Too think ilie past Is your eeraped-manr A cAlleaired.
of refreabocut*. Bl.hoff would bo '
Notbtog ti dead
Kverrihlag -EsrapA eauvict.- rorrectA Duffy
obllfA to spend one otabt to lA cas- ;
ebsoge. *|,b ,
into Woetaou's
tie sod would do so to tA room ai- j
“‘“e, „„
„„ i^iok of oo rrawva gtutdediy. with hto eyes find at ab«a
ready dencribed
>■’" '
lu posaeulou for Uia .jeept lAI be was yotfr frleed-aA Atot beyopd tA maa'a AM. *Mt It!
It was a lowering ifieroooo wbeu
'pardon noe. itr. your testimony wm Duffy of Rcutlaud Tavd to mftor yM.
be reecA! the rasile. dooda banglug ] Tbafa all Blvl.olf reueaArs of Ihil glren reloctsntly I Ape "you SA’t There's plenty of mawey ta tbto adVHlow lAut Ibe Aillcmeots. Atter mak : memorable, evei.iug. The uvit morn taA Aenae. At Tve got to have y«r ope. It’s yoera to lamimhiutou M
tog SD ln«iwci‘«u *nd miking ovee tbs ‘ ">c '’c swokc sitting m 'til..c Air. -The b«M Alp. wbetber vou era wUMng or old ttmas and. God srtllleg. to HNkfi' Lung CepacHy sf Corset Wearers.
roAJUofia with bis raretsker Btaboff, | Bre had goue out. and be waa ablver- not. Reatdse SCCoapItaiitot (A
Tbe lung cspsclly of ibe nverage wA Ad dlrerlA a fire A Allt lo , IhC Be left wiiAui evco walllog for of lusOce. tbere’a a big reward At foe Attoh of new aM Atire Umop »
cemo. IA tow Mtti toMHffht Md
woman who does not wear coraetr l« his ebamuer. dfh'A
aod wAo ha^ Lfrewfiat sA offered (A easiie for KlmAII’a eapiofx and I want IL" He m aimard tir Quooo of tA •m.-'fM
, ;i.800
bad flotabed imilA s big aripcAlr up •*le An agenl fooA a porel.vser. aA snjllad greAlIv
rae eoally low yoeraHf to Cbtoa"
Afore Btaboff rvliiroed to Amerie; A
-A reward large CAUgb lo lure yM
TA coon# drew a drep Wutih. -Ta«
ni-l the mao lu ibe sgaot s oiBes to ro tbe utlermo*t rtrd of lA esflli. I recogntaed ma at onco Uiau. ArtlmrT'
be dlreciA hi* ctiretekcr to make him romplete lA ule
Ifbacy." obserrA Woolsoo careteoaiy.
he gasped
lb« lA reA.lty of Ibe Armai sA , uoi punch Tbi* w*s set on a table
“Tsu-Avsr mlxH. Ifs all right. oM
uurratHrtA luitga 1
Aside him, sA a. ,,,,
the Aon slowly Ibe Dew owner hi. U.iior who Ad face Of fbe tP.|we,,w -Htrdly tAf
lan Keep me poaied of mr ■ptp.wot ^re Ibau tAt of Ibow whicb
off hi.
cberWm.ipd him «r Ihrea
’TA Tokoa to tA
lenlB Rellev aliek to IA Tg||M»
frequeut Atatlona
While ihc Iiaiiera
Alcg mad* limit ao far sa I’ya cOMerued. My valley uaril It btowa over. Perthll t
' Prearatly A fell loto a doua How
•Imaiures appeAA Bl«h time's rrortb seraetblng
ran A(p yoo regtto srAi yoTahtofifif
long A slept he didn't kAw. At the off cooPnoA to Msro «t t A purebasrv. * Woolsee lowbA a AI
"Mr. Jamo- Hr laid hia brood AM aver (A Ml*
A Teehntoel Mindfirst Ihlug be did know (be door was Hhe nv. no sigo of ever Aviog aoen 'aoo will A at your aervks.
ooe of (A coolie
"1\"hst In tbe oime of rommon eeune 0|>cdA and s man esme Into lb<
blm Af.-re Tl.c lu.n was lo.mAerB and If you decide lu go to the TukM
Tbe man’a tom worked
atraigely gar
sro nrsagmy
ere you arresting me for?" a*kA tbe Btaboff imkA up expeetlng to
dre... and i,],
ibougb red. was one of Our Bteamen will mil at « TOmomeut. aod A turaad awg^‘ i
■Wiodig wA Ad eciideatally vlolaiA caretaker
He waa aAtken
TA cropped clr«* He bad lost ererythlug morrow merBing. Here la a Am (At
with s’ aoddOB ImpuisO I
per*i-n wA colered wat ooe be Ad of Lis old fs.hiooA sppraranca In ibe will take you op rA c«at to your
r ^ aM A
“I ain't arresllu’ rea to (be aan
never aeeo
He approached Blaboff I.ietore In olher Wnnu. be seemed to dtaUwtioe. wAtevur H may A"
ehan’ly: “1 e»0’t do 'It. Afthur.
Yfthur. IhacoramoQ aetiw." repllA lA rustle with outstretrhA AA aA with
Are bm taken out of the fifteenth
After (be detective aA dascaoo bad
aa ItI i*-r fidA
sberin. "I'm srre<<llD’ you to tl
dtality (At aeaued more appropriate or slxieetKh cestury sud dropped Into left (A room the maugsr (crMd to
wn>0B*d yoo efioogh.
Miar of lbs lBW-.’’-Weililngton Star.
for e host tbnu a guesi Tbco A drew (he tw(«0elb
|,A wlAow aA stared out at lA
d go Ack 10 Eogithd
a cAlr before (be fire, warured
-Have yon ever Aes lb tA catilsT’ wbarf Ten. fifieeo. twenty mioutm
ler I re lakro my medlCiM TU
AH ff^ucstA.
AA* and. inkliig s plA trow his Btaboff asbA bin
|a stoA ibere, mottoaleaa Then A
rk. and Arb'sA ibeo I’ll A wbftbk
“But don't yA thiUk you could learn pocket, becsn to .moke
"No I do not Pve In Germany. I |«it oo bt* hat and
grasp your Aud’w Ht OAkSd SUd) lotr mcT be laqulml of tbe beau"Hell." A said to Btaboff. “this Is bare sloce my AyboA been la Loal-1 TA loug stream of coolies wavered
llful be'rest.
a dlamal nigbt wlihoot At plcusaat neas In Reuib America. It is (Are Ack sA forth tcrow ibe gnngpisBk.
Wooiaoo spoks gni«y TA ««•
a Biwny* eeid r w-t* Ard te wlililo. I'm gild ypc've made yonr- that 1 acquired ibe mean* w re- TA tallym*n veile-i ivstliv ondl WaV
noibing more (bafi yM wogid hged
Icitnj." aim repttod toutellxiagly.
self comforisble."
• borne of
•8'-eatf'reson* drawling accebis ml blm SbOft done in like cimmsuiicoa.- A Mi A
“But I am not ■ Iwot.’’ he iwotrefA
BltboS A. ueeer beep very clear lo
.\l tb'« imlDt the a»enl flntabod work-Hedgnon. yoo may dlsqArge lA (b* wMkse NS
“Too make tod
"Oh. 1 cn read yA ell rlgbi." bA his BtatemcDl* aAiit (fata msu. Were
ig <ni I he papera aod aald
msti on lA end of lA line He'a a deuced bsppy. old man. lAagh I
BMWervd Pittsburg l>lat«1eb.
It pot that A ha. Iieeti ao sure A waa
Rar.-o Bwk-r come* Into bta own rlnm.y (>egctr Broil hl(& lo ibe pay- wrliA (o tbiek of yoor dotof BfiM
.wake aud so eVpIlHt sAut aomo
iiiiirire. He I* s rinrel masier i-rlchf '
<irTtim»mn.-re eonne<-ied with tA vlalt drsceedsni of the ongtnal AvA *rt>o ' 1\ti--»»r.r ih. long Mo« iiraggled lo aAto (TAf. ym rome Mck vArfi M
”l.<inrer|ij? t aboilM **v loogevlty
would tw warvaoied lo l^unilng built lA restie I, waa imt BOR>e son Iti final m-1 ii)» last rasD. tall and A a plsre for you with mn." Ifb
arroue tA ihto Aad n4 wtocdl fi|
id ruti to lA family." said Mra. that he rrsi dreBtalng At first, be year, .go
n game of ebren Tbeee Rao"' a ragged ri—h tied atxwit bta tax (rare Mi m bto owfi. Mb fh
BpTiRRins. "(Tby. John was eli fA( a-irt. It only atruek him tAt tbe matt
legreO 'l'«i . dreceudaot of It. bred end hsif r-n.--re!lns . yePow wa* ewaortoua (At (hO “toft toM" M4
Hill waa six foot four, abd Georgs wa. very queer looking, very queerly
first owner wc.nM rnnw again Ido Its fwiaimanre woold pa'ise (o wretcb dluppoorod
had more iougevtty ■.(■ any men I dressA aod wore a red Asrd. Rut
(A reroo way ibai It wa* hta Ireo and .hronvm arm. Are lo
After A Ad dtomtared BodMW Md
ever eer He wus six foot eeveu U he
I bla rntrscsee BtahA did not coo
(he fa tolly ’■
jibe abooide- He walked wl'b
Aid CAt AwIidereC^ lyama bH 4m
■ fAt-"-B*cbsnge.
ert blm wiiu ia piemre.
burdena (At of wages iTooiaoo sai. ..cred Utok (oMa
r.taboff W*«
aff«,e[ed at ibi* m 'from
r.lsAff waa 00 attootabed that ftw formailoti that a algued bta remlpl* be ta r wemed all i
bes'y. for tA oBcs to await a metoage (Aa in^
AUte rime A maA oo resAuaa- lo and burried away wttbogt a.klog toy wave
-h A foUowed lor Ooffy
deed, be couldn’t ihlok of anything to quettloox mneb lo tala regret ever L-a r*>n»ri*Nl<m«
Dos hour Turafd tM tofitAV.
FJMtly be brow aileaca by aik- atom, for be appear* to A In a mud- , Aiwa,, iw wa. lA last nao te
In Gevmati
die sAot Tbe wAle affair TA only reari, 'be gaogplaot with bta berdm
“WAace come .von*"
pan of It aAot-c-bleb A ta certain ta for tA stremer * Aid aw. rotarntoc
-From op (A rtVev. I bsve had a tAt A was wide awaA aod to bta fun he was tA last lo Irere tA eiiiil.
-CM Mmr bHtowad IA toAMlfit
Ard poll. Do yen know I came near aet-sca wbeo ia evenu occorrvd lo (A TA rallyman swore at Mm to vtrtoara
toyfoDy. "Game md gave MMftt jih
bHitt cooghtlo (At wblHpnol? I was hT’St'a uBre.
Isngnssea. aA hta lUtra grlnfied -w«a drvmM Ilk* a tord dMcMlS
XcU-llaAe always urea a fAntnla imIUng along wbeo i beard a voles
Bs always aud* bit story wltb rA eblldlably at bla meek acreptSAe of yira Ptoaae- JoBy odd Aw t mtoM
pea. Belto-Ber Atore are nilbev staging. Glaacing op. I ssw a beauii“Tbeee |* no much lexeed tA lAniu (At were banped upou bta him. HTt Itr
guratati. gTaa*t tAy* - Phltadaipkia
wom*e looktoe at me. oh. so teuderoof, Awed ACC'oHm hoM «p «•- marntm
1 could
------------------------------------------------------ (X. . rouHi
urn Dot
rrom am. B must A tn.*."
| ITnotooB. ObOSfvUa all lito. ellurhod •rolled euMMM^.


mtAMpnATEB8B^aiaU£a>. ANDn&TSBSpBAT SA6Le..TBrit8I>AT, SEPTEUBEB 7. 1»1L

Wlf cvdnta. Cover with btaUng wn.
'♦ tar. and 1st stand Are mlnucs. ttan
drain and cook untU soft la-baiUng
Whne looking through a nsraher of aalted water U cover m which has
recipes for cooking Apples. Home been added one half teUtaioonM of
Cheer'a' editor wee aarased at the bottarl. Drala. and add to the foV
vartety of dtateloas and dainty dew towing eaaw; M«4i three ubiespoooeeru. eadi Ude after lu era way. faU ot better, add three tahlespoaowhich were given the »»«»■» aaate. fals of Boer, aad stir nuill blended;
Apple Soow to eepectally good, at tbto then poor on gradulin while stirrlns
time of the year, whea the tall ap- ooostaafly. ooe eupfel of chicken
plea are la tbe marhet. with their stock and one half capful of cream,
spicy flavor and their way ot cooking Season with sail and pepper. in<J
D a palp. Try one of the toUowlag: fmt before adding tbe carrots, add
If you don't Uhe It. eae tbe next ooa the yolks of two eggs aj.d one half
aad aaKUC the lUt you win surely ublespoonfal of lemon Juice
And aa apNe snow wbl^ win be
------------------------given a permoaeat pUce In yoor list
of reripea. '
Bofl six or seven foo^ slrad apples ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦
and press through a sieve. Beat ibe "hats the prince of occupations iu
tender apples till smooth. Add gran^
the auionm on ihe lanuT
ulated sugar m Uste. aad flavor with Whafs the Job that saajs il.c st^pi.r
grated nniineg Whip the whites of
tbe s»cei
two eggs to a very siW frath. Ifllilp
charm ?'
oae plat of pure cream. Then whip Hark! I bear somebod) ouii^^
tbe frothed whiles aqd tbe cream by
“my. Us-mskln- apple b'ji:.r. ,
beeping tablespoonfuls ialo the ap> That Is reckoned the prince of Jobs iu
pies. Whto thoroughly mixed the
aniuniD oa the farm,
anow al ready lo serve with pare
cream-^plaln or whlppeihs-aa prefew How's the apple butter making doa<red. .
lb euidmu's pleasani- da.vs.
Or. take a small bowlful of freshly
Mb»»lt.c's full o( languor
cooked and aweeteoed apiflea and turn
this aUr the whltm of three eggs.
well beaten
Tbe eeuce ahbold be
quite sweet,'and the addittoo of bUa »«*“»■ "*» '**•
Of eoodled orange or lemoo peel la an
tmpravemeuL Fresh sponge cake
should, accompany ibis dwaert.
“First >-ou juke s lui o e lder from
Or. para aad quarter alx apples and
tbe WUteeap sad the Pippins,
cook them with 'a little water until flqueeu tbe elder press down solid,
lender enough to beat to a pulp.. Add
eo's jwu'll get tbe lste»t drlppiu ..
tone lemon peel to the water wuie Then you put it m a kittle
they are cooking. Let this cool,-*. Aad you boll It down ■ iitUe
Ilule. whlto yofl beet eUffly the whltmL-Tiii yon have tbe very eas^ttee of tl..of flve'eiga Mix about four ounce*
Wloesap and lUv Pippins,
of powdorod augar with the apples
aad add the egga beating until the "Kvl your tasy<«)klu aiijilo, qusr
mixture la firm enough to etand by
ter. core 'ein-wali no longt-r.
itself. Cut acme aponge cake Into For yourrdder'a boiling, boiliug. nri■mall reuada and heap up the aoow
ting still a little stronger^
on the separate pieces. If you have
Then begin >«ur prepsrsitoiiB
BO soluble rake at hand. |wl the j«or that prince oi ocrupnlonssnow la a glsas dlab or la lil^Ue glaa* for (he elder doesn't need to boil aiieupt^or tumblers. GaroUh with tiny
other lulouje bmgvr
pieces of currant or apple Jelly.
Or. separate tbe whites aad yelks -Lrlhg your perforated silmr and
of two eggs and beat each thoroughyour stork of pxttonn.-. too
ly; add two Ublespoont of grunUted And sit dewu -and watch It rolllns m
sugar aad. two cups of milk to (hv
an Agitated stew—
yolks and cook until It tUckens. BUr it—sOr. don t U-t It stick'
Flavor and set aside to ml. To the Or '^'itl spoil most a* fill <|uicK.
beaten whites add oae tort apple For it takes a tot of Isbor ami a li.i of
phlch bds been pared and grated.
patleaiw. too
Add one cup of polverlted sugar greduaHy and beat until lights Keep on “tS’hen you see the mlxun’ l•ollIllK <iii
ice ^Ul ready to serve, (hen put tbe
it warm you of a spluucr.
cnatatrd In a gtaaa bowl and pilethe Then tbe stirring uuis; lx- livel> or
beaten white mixture on Dp.
some naogbi.r ibiiigs >t.u1l u<ii-r
Or.r-for apple enow take sU large
As upon .voar a-rtsi or band
apptca,Nke wbllee of sU eggs, four
M'lib a 'splut' me hot <ln>ps landOUBcoa of powdered aager end ooe For It'a awful atufl. that butter when
tooDB. Peel and core the applet, then
it oac« atarta to splutter"
■tew them with e very little water
till 'un^ar. Rub through a store end Thet a the prince of orcapsiiona m
when the pulp la cold add D It the
the autumn on tbe farm;
streloed Juice of the lemoo and the Thai's the Job that wields the srepier
augar. Ultlp the whitea to a very
'mid Utcsaevt
atlS froth, aad add lightly to the apcharm,
pie pulp a taWeepoonful at a Ume.
Hush. I bear «oiii.-IkkI> tmnie*
beaUag all tbe while. Serve Ibe
-Yes. but eeitn apple imiicr
-anow" at once In cold cuaurd U a luxury In atiujiuo sod n. uu.t.-r
glasaea. A low candled cherrica over
ou tbe (arm.
tha top arc e pretty dreorafton.*

Or. throe large ten apples, three
Apple Bo«er—Hen- 1* a good rct lp.
Whites of egga. half cup powderad (or maWar' spp'r butter in isrs■ngar, half cep Jelly. Stew or steam quanltleot- Pronire a t>-»
tbo' apples, cored .and quartered but peuad Un Isrd ran and or.- that
Dot pared, drain, and then mb them you havr eight po-md* of iighi
thraugh e hair alerc- Real the wbite* broau sugar elose at baud
of tha eggs aUtt. add the sugar, best the apple* 4rr pcclud and slicetl. eom
again; add the apples and best UM mence to psek the csn. using fln.i :i
like anow. File ilgbt In a i^aa* dUh: uyer of apptoa tb>-n a la>cr of sugar
garalab with Jelly or bolly toavra; and ao on until tbe ran ik full Co>-'i
aerre with boiled cuaurd.
u tightly, and after lotting It Hand

L*t U ttk* tb« beta. At oace. wind
Ttew •» Uw bMt dw*t

ant ware, m besUv m tack, to
euri' «ere nerer brtakta-.
tniSetlo* u* with aonn and apnx of
Hearn were never lighter.
aalt aear. becona beeeflcient (ortwa
SoBgx Of birda aad rippUng brookleu to aeod oa on oer war- AD thlnp
.Sever were acre tweet;
work together for good. Thta »a no
‘There were aever felrer Oowen
epeeniaOve dreaalng. bet a ireth.
■' ThM Ibooe at OM feet
J - ««cer»Ii>i which the ooe who eeeka
1e thMe fair daya. theae rare deyi
to know It ehaU Bod. end to the tool
that knocheth > D thto door It chaH be
The beet daya of aU!
Tbnee are the beat dayal
For Thimble Fertlec end Tcea
aUee were sever blear,
The ewect fllUag for aaadwichee U
Prfesdt were sever trecr:
preferred, ea a geoeraJ nile. for after
Then wn serer keaa of eoittnr.
soon tee. and with a variety of then
' More of )oy tad aong.
dainty eandwlrbce no other refreeh*
Than we Bad beeide oar pathvey
Dent la needed. t^liateTer broadAe we tndge aloag .
eUS U uwd. it ia dealrable D have
1» thaee fair daya theee tare daya
It In the Bngllah Bath bun abape. for
The heef daye of aU!
rartla CUrk ^
^ dainty ertitt that cn' drdes each allce wben the bun :■
On baking-day take a piece of yoor
doegh and add w I! a quarter of a
mimr or gray, yon •
powdered augar aad two
gny. ywe ^ uWeapoona of eoftened butler. ThU
U the proportion u nsc for dough tbo
• If eoly the heert Is gted and gvaiae of n amandonf. Work the
• 'TwOl Dska for yon a snHhlay
•• aad batter Dio the dough fcII. cover
naunra not what the day any *

• nontter
the luaBue
eaaahlne neneryoo
when’erm ^•

-rterDve sod Joy and peaoa • *
ren1l km*

• * Mm

M raamir 1


Bv halae tovlna and troe aad
• ^ 2?- ^
• . . • T7*. • ......................... .... .

kneadlng-board and roll it
etrlpe. having the


* **
Butter each piece and

. ao that they wHI riae In height and
• ao< in dreumferenoe. TbU la all that
. la D be done for enadwlcb me. bat’:t
* buna are nIUbed with the tea. corranta. chopped ralaina and citron no
be Dlsed In at the aune Ume the
augar and butter are. end tbe tope
'are doated over with alRed cMfec
Tho foUoerlnf extract tram the pea o^eT*a eogar aad cinnamon while
•f Meaif Qfee^a daerty loved flrot
^n^a are hoL Another attracun
OOUer. wlUiMwwaiM of opproMtloo,
,pp«u.inf »o> to took. Iboo.
fc OMP
th, Oooa Choor Mport. („K boo. 1. to ™U oot iM Ooupb
Hoot ot tbr OMTlotto. Trtboo. of
Awgiial OayttAgMog the many bosoUful and
v«al|*il thonghu fnm the bean and
iMtot of dear prbmotad Hra. M. B.
. ^ Sklak, the mother of the Michlgas
HrhBgn'a ynJt AaaecDUon aad the
. . Mag frleod aad helper of women
ehJMren eveiyvhere. through her
ertfUhgn. u Uu folldwlag. nppro^te
«o tUa eeeeoa. which Good Cheer
«eao vhh toring gratltode.]
This la n world <d eorreapimdentea.
Kntm* aymboUaee. and the nataral
««U flada always Its coaoUrpen la
• the •Mtsal worM.
Than eomae a Ubm te Ufa when
,lhe lent Aqgmt days sund for oar
life ggperlenneA The toU of eoFlag
•N craning la maialy over. All the

pool. apMPb
traata and —drouths have had

fratto then roU up ckoely like a JeHv
rtrfi aad with a aharp. wcll-Bouret:
knife cut oft lu aUcea half an lack
for a ralaln- and mit -flUDi." uac
an equal praporUon ot each chopped
Boa after aeedleg the ralaina Wx
together with .the whipped whim of
an agg. aieaaooed with a pinch of sail
and flavored with a little vaallla.
For flga and nota. nee tbe noft llga
that come In baakeu or boxea. The
kDae flga or- the pulled flga erq tee
*0- Chop the flga soft. patUng a
very UtUe flour on the cbopplng-knlfe
tram sticklag. and add
w thorn an equal quantity of chopped
peoau or oih« kind of nuu. Mix to­
gether with creem uatll It will spread
nieee are
____ egpectaUy good

0.” torsi’s

“•**• W
HUM ana womer eroouw aave
ttafr dej. and not of all the fear and
, part. Chop floe end mix with meraiakilong care-^ha hOBra when
dbooght all wga lost and ruin coming. mallows UtM have been beotad up till
then mix theta tboraagbly In
fWl. w* hare found that things are
•ever ea hnd aa tKay threaten. We; wlU the dates.
Water Creae
have lotnied. or should, hare taerwd.
the H«.
u a
~ hr p«^o«
tag ruhM^ can. At tbe wont. It



Otffi. MM Of !>«. ood -d"- '™“ "" “ " d"'""
the conUBU Into a
wloierh altean aetBaa over alt the 'Mow. then
3 ta>,l
dU sad rlaee well with eold-water. • GOOD WAVS WITH CARROTS, h ,
green thtaga gmring. But under It
i position »
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦ m-ni slntmeror l«ll
and tbrn
X« lun, .jm™ mo 0-™.
U 1»
on.) II to
lo „„

isarra «eis-rr*rLMKe
Not Sandwiches—Make ■ cookM •lock. No. U»tf poMlbllltlo. lo U.O n,.
iJt exMoe.^ thT^hled
euUngry Uoe are many, and those who ,j,
use (hem iWnk thei thelt delicate

pest will he hot s dream, oot ot
Vklek we ehsU wska to the tollneta
« ^kc* • thick peMe. 8^ flavor pUcee them among Ac leading
^ mierferwl «lib prk.r to
this between aUeee of breed whldi
' or c hsmy resUly. Woe
vegetablMuotier mado this ma> thave
r with psileot taMor.
Carrato. when properly cooked, dp,,,
the yoong'tale may seam a bard ***
' •«> «“
•«« tom aa excellent. aubsUtute for eggs
In paddingw Boll (hem, mash and
Evaporaied Apple Bi.ner in 1
pan Aroagh a coarse cloth. Add
Wtag a quiet eereaity of eoal. which
coavee- _Ae palp to Ae oAer Ingredtenu of ,„u.
wlU hridga over all hard places, sod '*« *"
for^ofkloor lunch- Ae peddlBC. and It will be moA ^,,4,.
evaporaied »,.pi« .
_ *0. to an,
**“ • 'upped.
lighter and more psleuble than when
^e toui (mm A.- 1
eggs are need. Thlsfict U morAy
ihe apple, and i.r,K
w^ .htal wear thtar rebe. of
.^w. deed Apple ^lish..,
of the prudent housewife's StlenUon. g,
M.-a -Ato .. X
dell)-We.h mod eepecklly
' proves (heir appesrance
er wlA Aree quarts of coM water
ta Urn days of etreee aad taraln end me quart of vlneger. Boll them pickled like beeU. cot In Aick allce* -Yes. I kimm cblldrci. art- apt 10 ■ t
that wm come ta spite of eU our efUU la pieces. Let them qrip Araugh and browned oa a battered griddle; aggeratc. to icli big Murie* -si.i *
(octg to the contrary, the queerioe
a eolaader. Pot a piece of AeeeedoA chopped and heated with a Ilule neighbor. ' Uiii did .>uii • M-r .to;, -o
aiieee hew heel to deal with them
la the bMtom ot Ae colander, that croaid. salt end pepper, or milk or think wtui * big morM la.e
that tkay omy not qulto oooqoer oa.
Ae inloe may be clear. Ifaasorn Ae water seeaosed olA tauter; or cut Aemr They sra Just leltli.j: luquai!.
' It ew «sn only control t^Mta all Is
syrup, take an equal quanUty of sag- ta halvee lengAwlN and browned on ed miA Ac morld they !u. m a«-i
weO. It la a tact taat we taoet oUher
ar. twotty-tanr whole doves and smm Ae griddle or cot ta Ae same m-ay the etorlD «• tell them iim*i m-iu
nda or he rtaed, sal to he heaun
■tick etaasDiM. Let all boR together aad dipped first into beaten egg Aen as strange m iliHlr* do to ;i. i; .*
dawn by ctrcnnutancea. swept tike
ih er»Aer<rumhe and browned la harbor them u dlBerentute ta-im..«-ii
a wtod_____ _
tor toUr. and strata oot
a wtpd iTiiisfl leal at the mwey of
apicos. Tbla
he ■ dear butter.
Ae rpal and the imaginary . I 'ul-l
k U to eaftar hocaly.
Pried Carrots—Boil
smell wbok tiaJ and Brib.tor iDstuicf. about -bAs ta an things, the suengA mnst
Spiced Apple Jelly-Cook Art. un- cartots till tender, drain and cut ia bee*, bow they live, aud tio« duoiea
coon from Ae Inner etdo.. Oae mnm
all arc to the queen, ainl .bom.-l
deMlpe.-fud appiD ta the oenal way
flint be turd or one's sclL It u
and to every Aree quarts of Jake CTumba. than in beaten eggs sad agata them the exquUlie *rark in makliiK
-when one knows how.
^ odd ooe ytnt cl vinegar. Aree qoarto in ernmba.. Fry la h« butter. Ushe ■ tbe comb. I alao told them horn far
saec« by creaming the yolka of one it' was to grandma't and m-hai ibehard boltad egg wRh e tabkepoonfal would see there
n ommaK's or flve mtautos- neUtode
"A Ism days later I beard thrm lei:
mp 1b Ala moaUa. Plalak as osaaL of butter. Add two tableapaoofaU of
■ more If m OM. HoU yooradt ah:
This Is dalktoue to aervs with Ae vlnagsr. a ptneh of ealt aod a dub of Mrs. Appletoothat ihmy mere golor a
ooletdy etllL Tbea. when the tronWrod pepper. •« on beck ot etove mad inimoo nflles to traoduia* il had
ed wares are a litjle at mat call tor
ea soOB SB Ae mixture Atekrns^^r eaU a tboueaud. but ha>i told ibrm
the tores that Ike beA of all toreeeWhM •he Caued it
It OTW Ae carrau. Theeorare nice of e oaiHon bees, buih word* mere
r that
mamme!" exctolmad a little to ssrra wlA steak or ebbpe
aew to ibem and neither <-on>rye<l
H targe or omen-tor strengA sod giri, as ah* loohod oot at a wtoflew
(Errols. FrenA Biylw—Waab aod aey OMaalaa. U *eeaw>di. aad ihr;
- is not tar ot. It 4s u daring n anowatarm-'sao the popped ■crape cerrota, aad on U eobee.orwees pnlaa to pick pent** end ndr
^ odr taoKMl (hmdta nrtn ramloit down!"
Btripi: Aero ehaoM be.toru end mtio grasAoppera I had said piA cniotMe


time to whidi b. be' or dtogtMt fir the penoo whe ruoQy
and ride Grnaahopper. the oU mr *>ayed tor a
Jwrae. They tota her, also, that Mra. came quhe
eoewers that qoMtioo if aha is .aot
Queeo Bee had atovM and ate Do oa tbe Ubte to get a bit of chaeee
b«, O..,
M,. M..
Ulna- tbe laty old thing!
Dogs often make thetr way Into tbe ***" ®** ■**
•■•llBlg oers
-Mrs. AppWton told me. and she car* and pre given a trip. Such sol- ** ^ Meads tha lliagriiebli tale
■aM abe was eurprised to fliad my nuU sre macb petted aad are weU «t bar heedechea, k*r bockechra, bar
ihlMren sifeh lltilv liars. But I knew takeu t-arv of ,\i Burliagioo one time worrira or e»ar'' Bh; (be woraao
they bad ttdd iblng* Just aa the words a stray dog made Meads with tbe |y4,n., ^
tMMS lo
uesat lotficK,
transfer tuen and stayed with them
be to (ell. la i
» detail, ovory
It took me some time *t first in tor a long Ume. lie would trot back
step pf an op«
realize whai a strange wonder world and fonb under the wagon that baulself or setae e
my children Ilted in—that a shadus ed ili.-. mall from the depot to the
sre slowly bu ewrely beiag 1
«a> as real lu them as a l•.■^a«l wa* twMoff.c , and .octaabMially mould
by Ihe bar of eedal
to a;c. and Ibal Ibclr oma grotemq'ic make shun Iripm w-|tb ooe or Sitother
either ignored «
fanclcx d;a not set-ni a bn more Id>. r f the »rvws running out of ibc
pusslble l&ao tbe true tbuuci> me told ’Own
Somcttmvf the men on the iralu .prepd b.»
«|,a ntaMW
'Norn when H'sJ sa>> he heard a
S»IDibIs iiDev|icr|edl>
One d>v la disease U aa real «e the cOMaglShbundred .lugs narking In to.- >ard. I
«»» making It* way from meastoe. of maiaps. or acartot
Simpl.- *.vked him. Ar.- you sur»-'
'l.rinyrtKa moodUnd in northern Michl- (^^..f, Modera society kra rac(«alf" -w. II. , krom I beard a,
Jun-ped Into the open door. *d this psychic ceotagtoa. and U deigi-andmas mord ihi> iiin.->
b^n .bated by bounds, was niandiBg that oer oeovacnaUe* taall
- How maij.i are a score Hal'“
'^dly iggitexficd and be made Ibe be cl«»o and wbotoeoDe SO ahjecta
' U'h.. I doo t know a lot 1 guest'
a back .lose to tbe car ot health. To talh ntlipatos has be• \Vc!!. are you'tun- there were a T"' baggsgemnn tied hla. up and come a Sign ot 01 bnsdlita Thh la
bilu.—('ht.ago an «.poch-oiaklBg chaage la the charAV.-II. I sam a mh.u- one. and. a Tniun-,
coavemalko. aoi It
black one, and a Iiitle furry one. and
I witbiB the 1
a big eliagg? <me Thai wa^ a loi.
Two New Germjf. Rme.pmmany of ba.
‘»be*. that imlll Ik'
, -, . .
-v.-s. 1.. a rhiki Of fl«.- mho mar graud m.iu eothusiaMn b> .-vei'un.-.
flpaoleh CeeWa#.
ufrald of doca' I bad <o admit that It atv called
„ Salco—TSOta SSM graaO
wa« u loi bm I taucht him. then to
Fufferis-Alkw a large ram p..ta'o pepper* uaUI the AlOi ^ oataly.'
cDuul-tlie Mack ouu. mhl'.e* Imu to escli person: grate ^tbeai hue jn wk; also petd the saae q—«»eT eC
the fuii' one. i.;ree. (l.e shaggy our «!«■ case of old putatoea th.r. m£) ,,p, tomato**. Reowve aseds froD
lour dog*
I* too ““‘-h '•ter- *nd >kl» “'u*'
peppers sad rnfara UMaloaa nod pe^
ihai B-king iheiu if they ire poured off To six potatoes add a jwr* very floe, add eotoe eleo ■
sun- and ifaen helping them to an- ihorougbly beaten egg sod hall a tea- fine and nit to teals. Add etoo a IRswi-r tbe uu.-*ilon In some su.-h 'poonful of salt. The Uermaas pul 'ti Ue viaagar to suit the taste.
' ' *
nip'ho«l. Is the Nr»t ws. of rorm-tina ■ tom bits of onton but this 1 do not
Chicken Bpealsh Om doseo sweet'
their lendciu > lo exaggerato and adUs.- Have a siKualul of mixed red peppers mrHk asods sod whlto th.-in sbnulme truthfulness.'' dripping*, or l>utt.-r.
‘ teem removed. Let Osek c V slgbi Im
I clear Are 'Four in bol eettod water. Whtm reedy M ■
K lb. pQU.o
>111. . ._____
It .ho.:t.| h... u It IP— In. m bm.n ^,,1...
..... —. ..i..
Tramp Animals.
. IP.Ii .Id. ., n™. |.u«. rt. n.n b. j„„
I' the iiio»t trav<-li-:l
iiM- sorlfl are the animals that In »>ne cooln-d ; —

. ««|d-.|wd un .. tor.U—. Pu.ti
sa> or ai.otlior .limb ii;to itn- Mg ra'l- 8crv. ou a hut plate. They sbould
w>ts hot
ma> posiolfhcs on (-tilcugu trunk rail- be abaoluteli crisp. With them our
, goctawlBCd optos floely
—--d .|.|.l~n.-. nr Mn. mlnnU Md
Tr, Km..
Tl'.' gt>\ertmii-ni now osruo ibr ''cunipo*..-. as ibev cell slewed rni!l. {|„g
|g ^ee chlckra. fltf* tin
sinfted bide of a dog that <-ain.- near bu-i lor American laalD I rj-rooiBteBd i,f^n ,4^ , eo^ hot pster Sod
ndii c ill all of t<i- big p.i>-tal car. them mitb Silt and biilter to scconi- ,1,^ pepper sane*: esK to ssh. Keep
11: 111.. .Munih
It maa only bis un- P^'?'
»«•»' or aa a courae by
oovefed aad cook stowiy CM
ilmeh death it T..l-do thai prevent- 'hcittselie*
siome- cook-lKiokt tell |,our. Boll strinv rtce ahd eervc the
ed him frv III a L-.itupllshing this feat, one lo add a little flouK I have aeen (.birkee oa a pisUtf eorrouaded hy
But be wa* onl; one of scores uJ « "*«• *'»< <'le»eD of these, hut I
^ce and gsmish with f«n)v.
diffemii annual* issi. niM ........
—■■ ' '—
Spanish Oystera -Wees la a sshcvtake up With the <v. wa and ride back ''
- lutn a large ptooe of bottor. add s
■;,<l forth fioBi on.- end of the coun
Uelnerr ibnluel—G.-I one pound of kernel of garlic nod a tesapooBful of
IM K. Ihe ether
ih.' best veal, withnui tame or gristle, floor. ..Brawn nicely, add a half <
• hn-r n.-rk Sba/cr. who bas .hargo Krciyihliig depends on (he proper se- of lo&atoes Bad e tew crefear enuibs
Ilf 3 number of liu.-s runnlug (ux of l.-ciioii of meet f'ct into stuall flat wtib ult and whha pepper to eoa.'hirago. and mho began hi* >ervic« ]i:<K-e*i. w^ieh luus: Im- beaten on both son. Boll ooe-helt boor.-odd tha oyeby work on ih-- rsil.say* that one able* 10 make them lender. Hull In ters cither raw or renaed. a q«srt of
time III* crem bad a rat »»h (heui flour and p.-pi>er. dip in^egg. tbea in jigatera to a half cma ot tODOteos. IM. mor,- rliaii two weeks The kitten hrcad-rniiuln. and trj oa both sides a~' come to s boll. Toon sUese Of hreod.
r am.- imo tin- .ar In a ''lie' sack, dclliate l.romn Have ready tiny an- butter and serve with oysters no a
1’roliiiM. *o;.ie ciir- l.agg. il li ni «ir i-hovic* with all Ih- bi;iM-m rciuoved. platter—Kxetiengecicr i-i gel rid of li lipi aiiymay the ami lay unt- on each bn of veal, meal■■ ■. ' —
al> lli'l.- rii-jturc taad.- friend* with u-r capr* oxer the whole mod gamTe Flit S Veil So a Uarpe Hot
the ta>:s a* soon as sbt- ma> libera'.- lib with sllcem Of IcDon. The com- This Is quite e praMem tar nSay
The cat *l<-i>i among the ba^ blosUon itt Ibe hot mdac and the eol^ people. The fatlevleg eagpratlos.
while 'he train mgs but wben highly-flavored fish la oiittsuel end which .Is gaenel^ U he Fortstas.
ther.- . a* S »i.m ..I a half hour <.r ,,ioit tr«h*ome-l.«lle*' Werid.
will help loasy to ^^Mko'^eta velU
le,:*. *1.ed vei.ftrc ..ui to Ik- pelted
' ------------------ —
look neat and fit wtal ortr g-Mg hat:
a.:id fcl
Knjm <!i.- Iiin.-b of .-aeh
A StnslMt Fad.
Along the top edge ta the vM Bake
murker li- 1 h- car kuty got u *;uall
lr 1 no kniiier well to talk a narraw bcD. asd rOB Uraoi^ It a
l•ll'•c .ml Ii..-n U| up w>iu.- milk ..iK-ut ill bc-ailh. saya The l.«dics' narraw luatcaUng ftahoo. Arrange
(ram III. top o' a 'an ta-inre rciiirn- Hom.- Journal It Is true that we arc the veO aeatly uder the chta aad pla
iTig 1.1 he.' Slum'-er Om- nigtii the >iiU hindered with relira of the dhys It ftrmly at the hock With a laag, Bgrra: dM.3i>|H'nrcii snh no one knew mhcii one'* rieaitb an? Cls were tjie raw beiwttc; then poll (he veil op
nils' ins atiie •■' iicr. iiui .in Ihe Dexi ramt iiiirn-«i!ng topic of couverM- over the hrtai Of the hSL draw the
trip a mo.isc Iiiad.c |„ appearance in Hon. We »iin perfunctorily ask "How ribbon UpbOy end Ue Ot the heck,
ib- s.-iiiir- 13T l-bo little fcllom also do you do* " Ilui me hive only pity tucking In the eOdS.

Every depattment will be ready
by Saturday with splendid values
in new Fall Wearables.
New Fall Giats at $9.98
Fall Tailored Suila,
$12.48 and $14 98
$12.48, $14.95, $19,95
Nfw FtU Carpels mtd
Rtp (Stumi FMt)

- I■^a.'llr*lly .-•ri-y aaian. oe* end cacte•M. »I>I,. I- iiiriudrd m At* enperb Aowme <.r 'Taitorro Ruiu. There era sew
Sk-ck* s.oi'b matrriala. Douhk raced mixanrt 3ii Ibe meated tabriD to bkek.
...I,K nxMt popular fan shadat.

Children’s Dtesaes, 48c,
69c, 98c and up to $4.98

Children's Coals, Saturday
Special, $2.23

THf-y I ume in both worau-d sad waA
■.nrkw—<'<dledgc Sailor aad Peter ThOOkF
-on .tyle* ihere t a mide rUBfe of (he oeW
uii color* to *ele<-i from—the Hylee are
p-sriiral for acbooi or drew wear. Bvylns
iheac drem>ei Win **ve you a lot of time
m'.rk and iiM.n<.-y.




.'fa .

2.000 YARDS She AND


., ;.-n'ii.i .i,<>«-ing 1* 111-- '«
ai.d a i'l^rai-.i:- . ' •
i> «ijitii»g» f'lr ;.i :
'i-gii:3-l>. ►pt-<iar j;■ \ .-lit- ' ,t' •

'-<•1 High <'rc«n eSei'i* *

an't ! '
-l. «8«
»n ' u' r?«


for <J-e>.


I xJluo*- Kirry

Miase*' |i.2i Sweat*-*

3*c Cermet Cevera. St


Huiml-- Uri-er--'' •' 1of .arditii' ai.<1 xm'




manufarturer'a o«<-:sro<'k


YouU and eveoAlns ihat'a oew
in Women * hbova—high eat etytas
;n Gun MeUl. Fateat Leathar aad
Tan raif at MJE m.«o vataal
Also ne* airk* In all Tiothlli
lao- and butioB. St AIJE ao4 «-«
.-i'tiTdy Ail kathw skooa
--1.-', day mear as low oe |1J»

Seheel Ao-la.


Uouble l>ri-aiied knlrk,-r -mU-> *:iird> (abrivs'
In uem colors—alt •tMS

the qlobe dept.
Traven* City

MmFhflfle Btorit'taHrM.

and Khaki cloAe: aR
•Ixes; new goods.

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