Grand Traverse Herald, May 18, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 18, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Travarsa






u. •.^•uphemc

couht oEcioa

OparaM Bmrauir — C«iirr •
Or«nU Six Mftntb* to Compim tho OlsMlutkm.

cni^M SESsni
Caee Aseintt O. C. Hopkins for Ler
cenr of County ftocorda
Will bo Droppsd.






nite action was taken In regayd to
them. Mayor Wilhelm bronghi up tbo
question ot garbage disposal, and sev­
eral snggesUoDs were made, but none
of them seemed to be entirely pracU
cable at this time.
Lodging .boose licenses were grant­
ed to William CroMer and Chas. H.
Brooks, 'niese licenses take tbe place
of twoAbat were uken out some time
ago mod wei
I McQarry. Tbomns <
nnd^race Ward.
Resldenu on Oak street between
Eighth and Ninth streeU petiUone<l
tbe council for a cement sidewalk on
tber^t side of Oak street jind the petiUoff^at graote<l.
eUUeu signed by tbe resldenu
itb and Kleveoih streeU tor a
•ever In tbs alley beiween CasF and
Lake was presented. The communi­
cation was referred to the committee
lUon was also
sewers. A i^llUi
celved lor an
UI ai_
Carver streot and
and was rorerred to tbe cominitlee on
Tbe bid Of Blereer A Co. tor tnrnisbthe rity with 1.20U feel ot 4t-lnvh
e for use In the cemetery and
George Karas of Long Lake n
rested Turrdey by Sheriff Shuler on parks waa acccided. The |>rice was
per foot.
'larpo of tarrylag concealed'vc^pA commnniration from the executive
aad Id tho afternoon - - committee of tbe Elks' reunion asking
otasloo to give a display of AreCS op the city market site on the
youth of le Vonrs. hnd been botberad
____ _______ ling of June d. aad atae tovoae red

32,800,000 8MX TAXES


- £5.'

Tbe com was nnantnoBs as to (be
__«ate (eoterw oinbe decisloo. Justice
--^fiaHan dlMenUas to a llmltajnitiTIbeUoa ot tbe Sbonnan


._ .


n revolver, which ho can*
' '
around in true sreslcrn Jhmblon.'',,.
pTRldrat Talt and cabloet vlll con- sutod to tbe courtwhat be did not
Mder InuBodlalelr the entire trust sii- know tbe law agalusT cairy-lng woap008
■etlon and the adTUabiliiy oT pressing
the ones who were In the habit ot
for s federal Meorporeilon act.
tberinp him
. A deebdoa la the tobacco tmst case, botbi
vbich was auncted sHnuUaneously,
! was given a good (alkinp to by
c vms Dot aaaodBced and may be hanib
ocotlng Attorney PraU and (be
ad doera oa Mar S».
t alio pave bioB a sound lecture
- 'Thiftr-Beeen OemmatM Moat SepI the evils 0of «mrr»-lim.«Ttun in a
imunlty. and read the
WaeblnBOtk. Mar 1W-—An allarney P^'
to him In regard to tbe <vryiag
not to hai
to do with revolvi
sent home to pul bis* promises Into
• Ro«Ji«u.tbeild.iPn‘rt‘«Tea can be reorgaoi tndepeodently.
mxrnnrnr wwmroi Wlckarsha^ Finds
Bhemwi Lam Oefinsd and
d Uphold.
Waahlagtqm May 1&eral Wlr’-=^— *—
at ta1 n«Brd to tbe Staodard (



laly affirms tbe
» drcult court
meni in every
particular, save tbat It gives .tbe de"'IradaBU sis monlhs Insteed of 30
daya' time la which to comply witb
- teaded (or hr the povermnent In this
eaae «i allraied by tbs sapreme ourt.
la tke reBBBhIng by which tbs
bmiM Hittaa tbo ouaclahw. la

>auld Millar died Tuesday eresilag
Hit 8 o'riock at the county tnUnowhere he bad bees fur tbe past
> montba Mr. Miller was sixty-two
years of age and before coming to

being tbe direct cause of bis death,
• Honor. Mny 1«—Circuit court
'ery little ta known about the man.
vened berc yeetc-^tay anernoon #lih
R. GOODRICH ELECV^ >r he was of a qalet oaiure and rarely
the rase of ibc People vs. Mrs. J. Os­ FRANK
spoke of himself or relatives.
mond, of Fraiikrort. the Brel case on
the docket, robbery belnp (he tbantc.
Tbe esse ot the Poo}de va. G. C. 1(0!>
kins, ebarped with larceny of the pul>nance te Beautify Alleys and
llc records, will probably be dropiied
Rsmevs Fly NiUsanca
as Mr. Hupklns' Mes dying at
st (he prsseut time. Mfferlng with cancer,
Oaly T
wps fwnierty treasurer i
loty. and has held many
Ices here. He Is the c ncr of a
Isntc r™» (arm near
>r Horn Dia. The

when tbs charge
..................ui a y«
Uken ill. sod (he
do any-tblng.
■ WMblwtoB. Mar }&—The UpUK unable
»stM •lipratne cwtn doclried In terai
Tbe re|>reaenuUves of (be AaU-Sa<
«l tlM Bovertimeot 1b tbe SUadard Oil
hwn leaxiie are spendleg a (ev days
CM« Toxurday «ftertMoii.
Kbw York. Uv 16.—Not U officer here trout Ssblbg.
ot Um SMDdard OU (ompaoy woald
smk aboBi (be «aaa.| wntlam lUxrkeId not br<
bis rnJs. Jsbn U. Arcbbold Is 111 at his
borne In Tarrrtown. MortlBier F. BlUoU. eolldtor csneral for the com­
pany. said tbat b« covid base aotbloa
Grand Kapids, Mlcl^ May Id.—
to nar onUI be'had read tin fall text
Judge McDonald today overruled
declsloD, not avaiUble bore last
the demurrer of the
the eaee brought by Michigan
Maajr brokers' offices heiit open late
ibis the aicbl (or London aceonnu. In te recever two million dellare back
taxoe. The bate will now
diBfiar prevtona dedslou bandod
If the state wins It r
do»b afwr the aarket cloeed. tbo
more arnmally In
flaaMtal M«an arare able to pel to- BdOMO
for the sUte.
cetber oiff Biffbt and fonnoUte '
for acMea ta ttw i

Biandard 'Oil eompanr U a tnonopol]'
la redlnlM-of trade.
Tbat tbla plant corporatlob must be
dtoaolred tntbie aix montba
OorporsUona vboee contracts
“not aaraasonably
petition'' are sot s
a wboee acts
I ^Dto quesUoD vlll be
C to tbo meriU of

He Was LRUs Knewn Hers a

preeecutlon ef
Cm. may fellow tha Bupreme court
decislen, according te a high of«cisl today. The etterney general
is te take up the matter eoen.


Mrs. Clarifael N. lAtaon. w'Us of Ir
Ivetaoo. died at tbe homo of her
atata trade aad ooBunerce. or which so Ivetaoo.
sad Mrs. Uenjamln F.
are aareeimaebly rostrlHtve of com- parents. Mr. sad
Caraon, 417 Boutb Unloa slreeL at 7
Wedneaday HKweing. atier a
i ma BA awDee Harlan t» tbe Mber kmg illness, through which she has
■•^Aaad nRMHs from ibii view, aad eon- been dicerlul and opthnisilc.
Miss Ctarlbel Csreon became tbe
tbat ewy contract which docs
la trad* aad commerce. U with bride'ot Irwin Letaoo of this
lahIbUloa o( tbe stsiuio. but bs Feb. 1*. >««. - For aeveral months
whole conn in the eceompanlod him on bis work a
travellw safesiaao. but when his
'The ebiat Jnsloe t'urtber bolds that bsaKh fallM both went to Liw Antbe eecoad section of the act seeks, if Ml«i. wbere they resided , a few
peralbte;. t» amke the i>roblbltions of mbMha. M galaing no relict wcot
tbe wk all m more complete and p
frptt'tbehr to Phoenix. Arix During
feci by aaobraelng all aitempts
tbe letter pert of ibclr residence in
roaob tbs a»ds prohiMied by tbe flm the west n little son wes bora to them
' aedloa, that Is. restraints ot trade by lb BL Joseph’s bospluL tbe mother
any attempt to awnopoUse. or monop- being very ill Uttle hope was enter
aUaaUoB tborenf. even aUbongh the tbined for her recovery, and ujmn beaota by vbleb aueb results are at Ibg vlsUpd by her father. Uiey decided
taamtad to be- brought about, or are that It would iM- ■•est to letorn homo,
breittait sbNL be aot embraced with­ tbe trip required flve days, and on the
in uw BnaaraTaBumeratlon ot the Brat Brst^gbi out o(d>boenix. as (be train
eectloa. Ha fkitber bolda tbnt tbe
enured the higher altitude, the rhanpe
terloo by vblMi If ta ta be delwtali
in the air was too much for the babe
la an caws vbetber a contract, o .
and Id an Instant the little life went
bldatlea. ote-. If a reatralat of trade ont. The remains were taken back
wttbla the maaniag of the Uw. l> '
to Winslov. Aritona. where burial
^bol or ladlroct •ffect of tbe ad
took |>lace. snad tbe couple,
)uple. acromianled by Mr. Cereon, rontinoed
t way bomewsri
homeward. Since then ^Irs.
*tkiriii. Mv Id-—Tbe nadertone of
con has been ,i
tha-LoodM Btarket was streag at tbe
opealat today. Ihere ta abeotutely no very rerently. when it beram appeiv
ent tbat death mn»t t<Blov eoen.
faamiiini will ba Affected.
klye. Letsoa- was a charming yoong
New Toik. Msv 16.—AccortUng
woman and previous to ber marrtaCF
bwriweii awa lodav. Mr. l>lU(nate Coo- bad lived Id tbe city eorepsrattvely all
•BMT vlU bear the brunt of tbe de- ber life, where ghe vea friends easllv
ataioa of Iba Mprome coart dtaeolvlng at school. In ebureb and social cir­
the Standard oU rowienv. as It will cles. An esiieclally sad feature ef the
probably advaaee the price of all oil case lies In tbe fart that ber bnsbsod
piedoeta tooa. The pivHenles sUU |U at this time seriously ill at the boaie
Slaadard OB properties, belag foresd of his parsnu on Oartleld avenue.
to operate t-------- •
Both Mr. and Mrs. Letson vc
xM. beace the price wm
bs embers of the Churdi of ChrtsU and
ralsML TIjay
wtti probibly work fnaeral sarrices will be held fr^ this
aloag tbe_________
« Uaaa MmUar te tbe gteel cberch on FVtday atiaraoon at 2
koMaeei aad bare
'ck^ Bav. J. Allen Caaby otlclat-

A iietllhm was signed by several ot
the btislnns men asking that a saloon
licoDse lie granied to John Krstochvil
as read and voted down by a unanloils vote of the couniil.
The coinuiiUec on eirocts and walks
raported In favor of building a ce­
ment, sidewalk on the north side of
SevoDtb stdoei. from Division (o Ce­
dar. and the reimn was adoirted.
At the last mectlog Poundns
. _____ _______
to allow
. to eollect the money (or dog uxes when b was offered him by the
owoers of doga. and tbe matter was
referred to tbe license committee, and
last night they reported that no money
should be paid to the poundmaster. but
tbat all laymenu must be tuade at
the office ot the city dei*.
Members of the clvi.- Improvement
committee of the Wenun's club were
preaent at tbe meeting for the pur­
pose of securing the iiasssgc of an
ordinance providing tor the clearing of
(be alleys of (be city of liinibcr. cord
wood and odicr obsirucilons. and the
keeping of stable refuse in closed
boxes. All iiiBlcrtal stored in alleys
under this ordinance suiist not occupy
more than four nnd onc-hatf feet.
Some of tho aldermen questioned tbe
wisdom of allowing (his much spa<-e
lor storage In tbe Bbdool alloys, and
as a result the ordinance was refcrriA
to the ordinance committee to roiurt
at the next nyetlng
' Mra. Peck addressed the conncil on
the snbiect and siaiod that his ordi­
nance was Intended to beautify the
cUj and do away q1ih the fly nui­
sance In Slimmer, as tbe greatest
breeding place for flics is In (he suble
reluM which Is so carelessly stored In
alleys by the borse and cow own­
ers In the city.
Mayor Wilhelm apiiointed as siierlxi
police without |»iy J. R. Ixyngwell. Uus
Oottlleb and W. W. h'erguimn. The ap­
pointments were conflrmol.
Tho question of lighting the cliy
:reeu during (he three nights the
Iks vlll be here was bmugl
Alderman VmUir, who suted
committee had received pfires from
the llgbtlng companies tor sirinfu-of
Inrandescent lights on all the princl-

W. B. Anderson Turvrej/^Vacant Lot
iRte a Rail BssuEy
W. 8. Anderson Is doing a piece o(
work on the lot adjoining bis idscc of
bosloesss on i!South Union street that
U worth bo
Should be patterned alter (
II wbo
Is an
s formerly CKruiUed by me old (' b
8. hall, has Iteen iranstormcd by
. Anderson from a barren piece of
td to a place iileasaui to the eye,
witb a very Uttle tabor and small ex
pens*. Tbis was accomplUbed by ptao
tng a board curbing to prevent tbt
wata and then ptarinx a flower bed
hock of (he curbing. I^bind which 1s
a trass jitat. In order to sbm out the
vtev-OI tbe lot In tbe rear a bito
Ixmnd lencie has been bulk and painted
which gives tbe front tbe appearance
of a ttnnU park.
In order that
dlsilnct name. M
toned It -Tbe South Side Benuu Bpou'
which ta >-erj appropriate.


• k


TlirRSDAY. MAY IS, 1311.



Berkley of
(be Beniie
loty l.eader from J. W. Saunders.
Berkley has been engaged to edu CITIZENS VOLUNTEER TO HELP
caiiaoal work for several yearn. Ur
Sauoders will devote bis entire Ume
of toe Beutab RecIn circuit •art yesterday, the j'littge
e ot the People v#. kirs.
■ fror

Fins Baftqiwl Enjeysd by Good Crowd case of the People va. Prank Wood and
.Mvln Wood, also a caae of ittobary.
-redany Lsttern of Greetings Frem
was on trial ibis morning.
Cetnrsdss In Various Parts of
thn Uaitsd BUtea
Tuesday night the DM-mbers of Ctmpsny M. Stth Miebigsn vulumeer In­
fantry. enjoyed thrir (hinecotb annual
banquet In f. B.'P. S. balL and all
preront will agree tbat this was one
of the most pleasant and Interesting
of all (he snnua] gaibcringa of the
Traverse City company. There was a
,' liberal attendance of the origs of the (otnpany. and In-

voted 10 reminiscences . ________
-PS and card ptayiag. Tbe meeting
was oiwned by Irving L Cook; wbo
suted its objscu and said soma vary
Interesting (hingi about tbe cominny
Bent to Washingtan.
and Its members. He ibea introduced
El Paso. Slav 1C.—Announcement la Bert Gage, pest commander of Haa• *
Isxued.from Judrex today that an i
flee Is exiwcted before nightfall
that before Friday It Is expected that
A very atlrriog address waa made by
Maedropnd lllax both will have signed
X |>enc« agreement. Judge Carabajal. Perm C. Gilbert, wbo was one of tbe
lilsx's envoy, auted to tbe United relief committee during tbe war. Aarrcss that both sides wene agreed and otber address along simitar llaea was
It only remained to aiucta tbe signa­ made by J. W. lUnnen. also a membar of the relief committee.
tures. Madera has confirmed this.
Confirmed at Washington,
Tbe most important and ntertainthington.

Ing feature of the eveting. however,
ver has wired t
wni a brief review of tbe history ol
tbe war and Company M by Will
terms as announced la the Ualtod Nash, camp historian. Mr. Nash re1‘reas dispalche*.
taied many interesting details about
Juarax is Hopafut.
(be comimny and bis - services ren­
.'varex. .Mcr.. May 17.—Itoacc. the dered while In Cube and In camp, boei'vcnt <to|>e of .Mexico, now tom by tore sniling tor Cube. HU- retaarks
xellloD. ocenis almoet an accompitabed were especially interesting to the
niombers of tbe original company w bo
^Jiidge Carabatal. tbe ra.leral peace were present nnd wbo served actively
roy. has announced tbat a gencrai it the front. If
armistice will be declared wltbla 24 ■ensivcly
aluable! addition tu me company'i
dent N
declared tbat muiitually
^^t toe conclusion ot tbe program.
at last been reachBd
Gage oi^Uaed tbe
a^Trace is aanred.
rns' auxUiary ta too
I tbe meeting closed
j: of (hose pruaeni sign^ tbe
PrcsI'U nt Dtax within I
bership roll.
.Mr. Gage called attention
nual convention of
ol the Spanlab-AmerSranlab-Ai
nrshtiM. Tbe price iwld by tbe Mex Ican War Veterans to' be held In
can people is at least i.U'iV lives, un­ Three Rivers on July 6. 6. 7. Ha urged
told sufforittg to many hundreds of a targe atiandati
ol (ha local memwounded, sick and poor, tbe ilcatruc bers tor le parix»ac of sewing to It
of millions of dollars In property tbat Capt. J. V. Mclotoab ba elected
tbe probability tbat want for
of the state organlxai nvnv
ilon. This met with hearty apiiroval.
sibly a fourth of (be ro•d tau year, but withdrew, aad it ta
pracUcally uoderstood by toe camps
he state that he will ba tba logtcandldatc st the coming epnvenUon.
During tbe mpeting. Comrade Don
8. Morgan read detiera ol greeiltig
from the following members who were
Washington. May 16.^—A awacp- unable to ba present:
ng Invesligatien of the steel trust
Alfred Day. 3036 3rd atreM. North
was orttored today when the Btan- Mlnneai«lta: btank R. Spealmati,
Newcastle. Calif.: C. R. Brubaker, R.
ley resoluHon pessed. ths heuee
F. D. No. 4. Columbia City. Ind.: Clareoo
nce Lardle. Old HIssIoq. Mich.;
Wj;att DeWlu. LaPorte. ind.; Ernest'
Cooper. Wbiting. Ind.;' Guy_______
CcBiral avestte. Grand Rapids
Orrin H. Morse. Maebtas. Wash.;
Eltaworth Hale, Seattle, Wash.; Er­
nest J. NIcboIs. lit W. Itark Place,
^ of El
Granrk. Rapids. Mlrb : Veriln C.
Up I
Tbom^. surgeon. West Bank building.
Ban Francisco. Cnllf.-. Hohert Waller,
Elwin 8t..Dc of Whitewater town
lie. LAnslDE. J. UUlIker. '
I clr
i letters wero seat.
(erred by his niece, is bark in J^tl^to
day after a short period ot (reedoaa
Alter bciBK Ivound over Slone re­
mained seme lime to Jail, but on Sat
. Wrlgbl. Haliita Mather, i
lay hi* emplo.v'or. wbo at tost time teed. Chas. L. Smith. Walter C. Perry.
llevcd him inooccm ol the charge,
These present at last Dlgbt'a meetne forward and signed hta bond tor
L-iOO^antl Sytivne was released upon hi* "T. L. <3Bok, W. li. Smith. R. F. Herkpngmse to accompany his imiiJsnuin. ncr. Jnllui C. Johnson. Jas. A. Briggs.
John Morrison, home. This he felled C. V. .Moody. J. V. McIntosh. Ernest
to do, and Tuesday Morrison began
icIoUK aad gave orders to
Iff Cameron to take Slone
into custmly. whUh wan done last E. E. Oaraett. Joseph Klaasen. Ernest
night. Alter being released. Stone C. Irish. John A, Rlicy. Albert N»
remained in toe Hly and never sbowiM votov. Frank luicy. Julius M. Wilhelm.
his bondsmen aa he agr«^. -He T. W. Thlrlby. Jobn Alston. Norman
ow.bsvr lime to think over bia O. Palmer, kflwyn Hill. D. J. Me
misdeeds In the Shutcr reticat.
-naekam, Otto Kyaelka. Ctair Buckner,
Charles K Gunton. Jibnin Winnie. H




•Ire te Lead Their Cw-i


wa* inteoded. (bough tba toctata
of tor wMitber k^ n grant i
away that would have attiiBad a
brought out another (art tbnt 1
abould ba tbo
>Y OF EDWARD POWELL FOUND used, not oob by tbe pdltara. but with
band UlU and iba peraoaal talk.
From many abort tolormal talks
tbat were given It was abown that tba
peoiite are most ready to teagnad to
anyrall of this kind If toer ate toM
of ft in time to talk wHb their nelgbbofs and all roew with tbe fall kaowledge of tbe object..
Wbae the meettog^'oUed to or­
lid That Thera Waa .Nothing to Ba der by John G. Bunob. »rgeldMW df
Made to Nerthom Mlehlgai^
Jibe board of trada. toere waa a amt
Left Signal for tbe
number ot tba Fifth watdera ftmmt
and aevaral of toe gumlnant mamberi
ol tbe board.
very aplrii
explained toe action.
n. of tba 1


raxor from ear to car at his home near
Tbe man made every pre^ration (or
letting the neighbors and' paaaersby
kno<g.rof bis awful deed; nnd w-ben
eome ol the men were attrnrted by a
white pillow case fluttering to tbe
breexo from toe end of a broom han­
dle out of toe. window they started
of lovwsUgnUoD. On arrival at
tbe bouse they were met by tbe gbasi
...........................................................X to a
Is' SideOne toe (able was found a able as (ol
Iowa: -i o clotk a. m. TeU fallier I
ovareatlmaied. Thought I could do
could I
gone. Nothing to be made to northhoiicm w
U fed."
Mr. Powell came here nboot four
years ago from Indiana, where bis to'ler la said t<> reside. Store coming
sre be has msilc many (rieoda. was
director of tbe school and was well
liked by all who knew him.

» Oamaga V
But W^l I
So manj> (be condli
this section that many are being led
astray aa to toe real situation. Many
of tba moat prominent growers In toe
ily. have been iotervlewed pcnMinand by lelepbooe. and (bey all
agree tbat while some damage was
uoe by tbe rhenm cold soap toe damge on tbe Whaley***
amount to
ourb to genetnj^,^ some of the most
ximscd lucathius toe fruit was se­
riously damaged, but on tbe whole ibe
orchards jbat have been prt^ierly
cared lor aad have BUfflcieoi air drain
age are to good shape and give
promise of an abundant crop this sea
the |>enlni
minatioB o
chards and oa May 14 be made tbe ioi
lowing report: '1 find exerything to
erst Clara conditloa. Will have a full
. of sweet cbi-rrlew. sour rberriea
and apricots: also a lull crop of win­
ter applaa One-ball a «-rop of sumluer and fall avi>lcs ua auvuni of (be
crop being ao heavy iasi year. Ttere
' I iDdicBilorik
iDdicailorik tbat ttbere will be
a full crop
crop u( iieacbes, plums and
On Sunday George W. Lardle made
tour of the i«Dtosota and found (bat
all binds ol liult were to good c-oadl-

. .Til


proprrl.v taken csreol last year. Many
of ibe groweisVhen they (eun-l that
there was a crop (allure last year nexlecicd tu rooiioue tu spiay their trees
(hr result (bat the fungus xot

M'yekoff. Chsx .............
ilph :
Hastings. Thomas Braytah. Jamy
> bring forth
Panek. Andrew Sloder. D.\M
> to be blu
. lam Brcitbsupt. E W. Bustle. A.
bud* sre only tight rt.Ils of leaves,
C. Cook. Don Morgan, and'frTTTSIl- aod when opened no bb»*»onis <wn ba
ben mod J. W. Hannen of toe relief found. In itic orchards that were
Tbe elertricsl storm tbat visited the oommlttec.
icmatlcally attended to ihrrmgb toe
city Tuesday- oliRit was one ot the
season tbcic a:c- prouibes of a full
hardest tost has hapuened here at
this season ot the year lor some time.
In the rli.v toe crop to many places
ie damage was done lu
as killed by tbe Irost beewose Ibe
wires sod trees b> the lightning.
e«s were sheltered by the adjototag
I. Day Bueewada Himaall aa FrwaiTbe realdeove ol Charles E Mark
illdings which kept out a free rlrcu'
bam on Eleventh street was struck
latlon of air. The same ta true of cernnual maeUog of thi '
by a bbolt which lollowed the chimney
tain orchards loca(e<l to boUowa be­
Waaiern Michigan
aad in
l bureau was held In tho Slate tween tbe hill*, where a large propors injured
o( tbe iron buds were klltod by
e ot Mrs. tvank building Wednt-oday aftcr'DOon a
Koeetaod on Bute street was targe nnmber of directors (•rescDi. The
Best business aitended to was. the
also strurk and badly stuttered.
Wednesday autiv iclepbooe and election of officers (or toe coming
■ should have c
elocirir wires were out of commission, vear. which resulted as follows:
.One toing that
Preiddent-D. H Day. Glen Haven- proxiiects lor tbe >i
but the dsmage wms rejwlred by noon

U fhe
First vice president—D.^. Payton. has l*en proven for a eeruinty
and every toing put In working ordei
(hat (bora wbo toteod to raise
There was no damage done tbe fruit Cbarlevolx.
Second vice prealdest—Capt. Austin
crop, on acrount of (be absepew of
wind with (be storm, (be rain merely Harrington. Holland.
Treasurer—B. R. HendeL Maatatoe.
coming down In abeets alter each ex
Tbe remainder ot tbe sesxlou was
plosiMi ol tbundei

1 tvedni.___ ,_____ devoted to the dtacnaston of ptaas tor
_____ .. be torriad out to tbe realize aad nda|{t l___
____ ____ ______
abort ttase.
•everal ele<«ric Ufflii tnsro were burn­ twenty counties to tbe bureau durtas new cMdItloaa are tba c
reaplag tM karvesL
ed out aad w irwa damaewd.



(-xacily what waa going oa. We
all ccMiiiprate. working rioaely to­
gether and to YnU haraxmy. Wa want
good 'aoUd-tsetdOli;. not.-agr brokendown concerns, or- Amo tbgt woukl
broke after they had bdaa with «•
toon i<n>c. It would be better to
slow sod have no new tadustriee
some time than to bnva tkioee tbnt
J not Bh to tbe high ataadnrd (hat
we are standtog for. Tito board of
trade wants every wags aaraer to thn
to be a member. It U aot sb mneb
nominal two dollars dtma that la
wanted as m-uch aa the hnafty c»«geratioD of tola efnas of BBogte that
we deiiand so mach aina. There axe
buodreds of mecbnalcn to tbe rity that
•re thI brlgbtMt e( thta.sraat bedy «C
wage earners, and thMr «Abw a'
be _____
to everr__________
MaMB^_ Tbv
old maka
tba bast «t afictn and
mber* of tba
tl board at erwribrs. sal
d we (bora oo tBg anmbarabtp m
o would have onS of tba KroaBHt
igaaltatkms to tbd atata.
Joo. R. Santo wag caUod oa aad ba
said that (be city was
raa oor hams aad
wc should Ituaka H ton beat
aad happle.t,
It shouldI Iba kept up aad
lutlfled. aod tba laboring ■
aid In toat Tba board oftrade abould have a bona that woaU
s««t at least 2.009. AR tba rooma
abould be kept opaa at all ttoma: tha
farmars would thas hava a ptaca to
t when they came to Iba city.
Ivea have a pood vwat room.
There should ba a I uroa la coasuat
Thar ibould ba a froa
employment bureau to conaacUoa. In­
side of two years <bU raa ba dona If
all the working moo wonU bsromi
nrambani of (be board. Ttw paraat
takes iDierett to tba child aad plaaa
for Us future. InatrneUng blm to nit
lings that ggo to mabo tba bl^
:andard of i
...................... -... tol
will make blm tba bett rittaaa 'of a

J. W.
f I
iencea and staM that vary faw of'tM
ipla rraily knew tba real bard
rk tbat was done by tba board and
tbe amount ot money that tha oBlnaed
hsd gone down Into tbalr own pockau
(or lo pay tbe traveltog axpaasra whae
(bey would go out to invaatlgnla aoma
tosilioilon tbat wnaiad to eoma bare,
and they wonld Bad tbat it was not
wbat we wanted and ao ibay would ra
pori to that affaef. beennae they
thought li was far better to go wltboat
than to.get aoma tbat ware only oat
after tba boaua aad iwaslbly would Bn
broke alter they bad been bare tor n
sburt lime. .SI bad been proven many
times by these same cuorerns going to
oilier idncea and now were Idle Tboro
two lUiogs that ma^ of tba ladlrldusl. the feeling «t civic pride aad
that nf M-U-toteresl. sod too often tbo
scISsh side pradomloatod to the hart
and Iba parraa. Wbatavar
effort we (lut forth slmnld lead te the
iwauilfliation of the city, and bettor
ssnKary Improvimiata Each ana
irtes to make bis property a litOa bet­
ter than bis neighbor* Tbe Imeraat
uf tbe boys should ba (oatraad. for
‘they are Ibe »-»■—v»if mambere of tba
future Ixiard.
working man la a. e naedad
two-doltar 4i^ nnd baring ^
we would usa tids as ooe of tha t
gnat means to one common aod.
A. tv. Banak was asked his views,
and said ibht be bad found by exparlaoca that toe beat Investmeat be bad
made was whan ba be<ame a member
ratiier than lUnd <m the outside a
ard had to
b be rauAd
contend with s


done. If we
plan* then i

need surb help. Maka it a point to at•eettni of tba bowid. than
tend all meeitna
all (actional (ealtog would ba dona
y wuh. and wa cuald aB pan to­
er. -iba MMi W tba yeuasar
(CoaUaaad «• fat two.)

J :

SaM Tmene BenjM

1. tWa
.that (M
Ohio oorperetlan coold oot teaally he­
Upn top moUon of Aliicrinan Bmitb.
TWoMr. and Mrs. J. P. White of Mapte
tbp^coOhcU voted to pay bUto aet to
fore the tnwteae
«iw lot toe eapeaaee of tow City sg^Soadny with Mr. and Mrs.
Btoch of Blxty^our of the corporaUonB
Friends gnartefly meeting vffi
Mayor Wnbelm eaUed tb« attention
laauialBg twenty.
of toe aldermn to toe lad tou no be held at the chartk Beit Satarday
Slandnrd of New iarnto betng oagl
taiayar pro tvm had tw«n elected Ihit and Sunday.
of toe.twenty.
year, and Aldennab Frank R. Good
Mr. nns Mis. .twfl Miller are
rich waa selected for toe poetiion.
pected teme from Cleveland tola;
im toe etochi ot toe other
Alderman Green called toe aitentton week.
tor etock
A W. Un»E...........................««M<T
of toe council u the tael thu Belt
Mre. P. C. Ullbcn si>cBt n few dnya'
of toe New Jeraey oorporatton. Thua
ner's heavy wagon* were being aiiven a: the cottacA- tost week.
over toe sidewalk into their wooda ahare of ita atoto BaaUy
Mr. and Mrs. Bd Carmlen arc toei|
lyard with the roanlt that the tIdewUk
cd a fipcUonal ownerthlp In all the
lit .being fast broken to ideces. and pn-uj |ie>eLi- of n Uuie daaghter.
Staadard OU boldiop.
Theie was ouite a gre ia the FOreet' i
I thought that Bometblng should be done
'before toe welk .Waa coUrriy rained. U>dge woods Iasi wce-k did a
Oouaeei tor toa ymapany argued
'The chief ot police wm loatructed to good deal of damage beicie it was
la toe trial court tou lu caK
linveaUgate toe altuptioD and act ac cootrvUed.
-rj ;
------oaUke tfau of the Northern BecnWUee
I cerdlBgly.
Rev. Fred Carter and family re­
company. In that oaa there war*
' Tbe next meeUng ot the coanrti wlU turned to the HI) lati Monda.v after
emottve powers. Bat few drag ■
be held on Hay at. aad Uw bearing
apen^ag a short time among ua.
two coapedtive raUraada, and by
carry thto md. owing to the higheeat
Rowland Douglass..
n lavii
Annnr Kellogg.
l.«0(er Wells has been mortng n
tfwnelar of their atodu to a boMlag of nb# article. ,
t date.
bouse for P. C Gllhen. which be purcompany ^ incenUre for a ccnlln- wThis eownlry ta a large eoamm
chnaH of Win Ease -The) bare
wee remoreA thto costly aecd beeaoae it enlere into
otored it down to tte lake stem.
the famooa eatarrb remedy, Pefoaa, k
Bat toe Staadard Oil
Tbe temtirrsncc meeting nt tbe
MarA i. IM>. m the poetetflcs* at atlegod. had ttol comMaad -with or eoldthe world ofar. '
♦ ♦♦♦
churrh Iasi Sundsv evening was well
Ca.-h ShoE, Store.
rmmm otr. Mteh, uatfer the Act boogbt oat any eompethore alnee the
Mrs. Nell Brown and two sons. Fred auended and a gt<od deal of Interest
aroused In Che anii-.-altioa que*
A OatcreM of lUrah 1. irt.
Id Bl}-ibe. Biwnt Sunday with Mr.
pnime of toa anu-tnmt act.
to be a pratly figbl In toe Niatb dla- and Mrs. Seelef.
tioD. Mr. Ha> «as the s|ieuker.
bad Blmply eaUrgod lu planu. la. irioL The entrance of UenU
We are glad to bear that Miss
•oheunee. if not In form, there bad Governor Roaa Into tbe ooniaat to aa- .ttaude Zlck to tmpro>lng. being nblF
ADAMS EaprwM Co., has lecsied
een no act elnce ItoO which had ■erted to be coodntlve evMence that to attend eburch Snnday morning.
lU offles at 242' Front «tra«t. CIU.
Eva Green Is working for
uppreetod Internal compel
- May IMt
dovernor Oaborn will be a candidate Mrs.- Thacker this week, as Mrs. phene 431.
Ben Blem and Miss Myrtle Boynton LOST—Valuable diamond ring. Sat
Ike Biprefse ooort cere the Stead- hy thU reaeonlng. It held thu toe thu be bad aonnunced bU dwermlna- spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Utouler o( the aleetoen cotporaiioai tlon of boMIng tbe oElce but one term.
art OU Oe., • to4r blow end it U
Denstacdl of WillUmsbmg.
to the New Jency eewpany made It The altuuloD la naaumtng intere
Rev. Holsaple gave a spleBdld Ulk
TMeiTTiitlr to
that the pahlen Ukely that compcUUon woald While Governor Oeborn
> temiierancc Bunday evening at tbe Tccfh Extraelc4 AbMlata>
Ue at lute will not weele uy eysbreak out thereaftor. Therefore
stes churrh. 1
VUtay «pon the M(
Ur. Green, .ter supervlaor. to stIU
mn« be taken aa a oomblnatloe In would be be a candidate, tbofe to.a
WmUob. The dedehw le Oie moft
uy making jUsessments. Another . By the "Ka-olar” method 1 ran
reetraint of trade. The deteodanis pretty strong eentimeW tbroui
day win flototrhis work.
fu reechlat ead met.
move those achlag teeth absolutely
were enjoined from engaging In In- toe atata that wfll be Iwongbt lo bear
Homer Brown fans loft Mr. Seeley's wliteut i«in. and without the use uf
the netted Statee Saueaie coart bee
take a trip to visit bis parents at drugs to produce nneonsciousness.
heeded dove to neay yeere. H lo- tentato commuca nnUl toe dteceO' with conalderoble force when toe time to
People of nervoBS temperament and
edree e luge eombu yt big ooipore- Unnance of toe opecaUon of the file- cornea. Tbe Roveraor's etrenoout
Miss Margaret Johnson of- Acme with weak beans wUl appreciate the
i are of the appeUlng celled on .Miss Maude Zlck Saturday. "Ka-dar" method ot palntoss extrac­
Uoae. allied to each other, whoee lo- gal conddaetioa. bnt tlml wae
pended peadtog the eppoel to the Su­ eon and te* may not be able to wltoMiss Benba Wells' speat Sunday tion.
teeeeee have bean e- detrtbeot
with Mlu Fannie Blem.
ctand the preasnre.
pcMto yelUre. In dluautac the de- preme coart.
Onalle Hawley at>ent Sunday at 206-508 Wilhelm Block, with Dr. HuMs.
Now the
♦ a****************
cMm the ChicMo Trlboae
borne with her .brothers and falter.
worth. Traveree City, Michigan.
Govcrnor\Oeuorn doee not take
the deiknHiig oaoMDent'ead cteee e and toe qaeatliM le. What will the
I'rauk iiuiat ii»s
Mra. Beers returned«a few days ago
• yming
apr U-tuea-tburs-U
ct)!u-. '
Md reeoate of the' metbode of «pere- Standard OU company do about it! Jadly to t^attitodc of N. P. Hall, from the bouiheru pan of tte state,
here she baa been visiting friends
OonbUeet It hae looked upon aa ad- inaator of the atate granger who r
N. W. HcnljiL’ioii aud wile and M. ,turo Ki Ktowotili the tost of tbis Week
tiee flC the Bo&opoly:
id relatives
In pnrsuance and by virtue of an or­ 0. Talc alli-iidViI Il.c !CE-v]Htuu in Ikl
Pel. r isdcr h>M • valuable cuw last
reree declaJon aa «moog toe poaelbUi-^ resents tbo Michigan ‘farmere
Iva Arnotil has recovered from tte der and devTce of the Circuit ('Mirt fqr ItngcrV luill Kivt-n 'or Vr. and Mrr. week.
Ikeameie hea epoh
hlnston in opposition to the Caaatlaa end hM made ’ preparatloas to
ensles so she Is able to te about tte county of Grand Traverse, in WlU. AnildpUMt lliclr U'lieih WvsJdiug
^Mr. Wat.ons'
nil stch
ol4he Steadaid OH conpaay
recdproclty ngreemenu Tbe gov­ again.
meet IL k may not reaUy need too
snnlvpi,s{ii>'^t4h«_4-V;,la>. and it
MMtr bee bees eetUed. Ike Bu- time which toe court haa aUowed It ernor deoiaiee that toe reprea
.Mr. and Mrs. WarthlngtOD called on
Sebrs't luts I
wlthiHii rii'ini: tb.ii It ttui an vnyoy.
tr^M ODWt «ode It a nooaiKily aad to obey toe dlmtonUon order. Doubt Uona made to President Tbft do not Mr.nnd Mrs. Walt Arnold Sunday aft­ of June 22. A. I>., laio. tterain .pend­ aide cVEiit
weeks .m airuimi >
ing. wberclD It. B. Davis to romplalu» aoaiWiiaHoii is ceetralnt of ueda. aa to toe acUon «t the court being reflect tbe dominant scmiipent cK the ernoon.
and luu l,rulb.
Wm. Selkirk has bto new 40-foot ani and the Michigan Starch Comiany
Mrs. r. Ilow.1 called on Mf*. W».
eA.allme the order of the Orcolt
X vtoluwl ui iVsiil. ilujui'x Sunday. •lasFiir.-c
now at an end, toe pitbllc wUl eb- farmers of hUchlgan, and te oflera to corncrib almoM completed.
to delendant.
on<- d.ay last Week.
coot (hat It be diaeolTed.
Mik John Wl.’lic was
as at :8. B. Oate't
Mr. Hawley has a lady coming from
Mnh-olm Uaigraves to v^ stefc
serre wttb keen tntereat toe method go to Wasblngtos and make represeuindny
Wbite.nod Willi ibe uicaslcs.
I shall sell at imblic auciton to the
Ike dedeien la a
ot diMoliiUon the Staadard wlU re- aUens wbich be beltexea wlU m
luglitr-e: Esilicr.. home with tier lor
Homer Hawley spent last Sunday highest bidder at tbe front door of
Wm. iaFtinw to abln to te •«
the tnie sent|meBL not only, fit the afternoon at Bunker lUU.
eon to.
istthe court bouse on Wr- * ■—■ — -------*
sum aiur vnterUlniBg UM«umpa «
lllb r^c spent Snnday with Miss In tte. city
:ity of Traverse
Cttia Mlctal- an.l.
wlag too pact, it eoema fairly -farmera. but of other intemU of the
<i)U|>lp of veeks.
Tet It oestelas Dothtngetartlteg.
gan. that being tbe place w^circ I lie
.Vniilc t';.lc and Vii>lc FcrgUMin caRThe larim-rs me ail busy pMUng tn
■Lfe to predict that oader tola dc- •taio. Governor Osborn will have canMiss Blanch
Isncb SUtes of WUUenisbui
WUUemsburg Circuit Court lor said
jty to ticlJ.j. I at Frank Itn^arR Srmdav.
lead a am (borooSb readlec Uem claion toe Standard Oil company of
.11 i„. as II is tine growing postlier.
rable weight In shaping toe sentlhas
<Ji,rar <1ari>>.<I and Jitu l.nngr1ck
vtoiiHl ol-Olnt Cotton's
kaa baea poaaMe at thla writing dUNew Jeraey wlU lade gimoatnlly raont of the people of UlcUgAn on Selkirk.
to petork I
sm «<ck.
oici 8mtda)
-ataue man (ton appeara open the
ewny—and bp enceaeded by
aaf ne k aaeraly raadfldma the plain
school Friday evening for over Sun- raise tbe a
ami tier atotcr. Mn- llcllinli. Iiuui
Jber of lawful, oonpanlea; ■poteutiday.
IpdndaaBta Ot a law iwetty tboreogbl for |irinct|uil, interest oiiil c
t.iW II. Id I ai iiig lla l;cl.
ally” to engage to oucb i
Id rauM'. the folloulng vlesvribi
.iTAdMtaBted BBd Utecpreted In the
fble condoct in tola era of onlVereal
uiwrty. to-vvli:

escribed I
ollowHiK dcscrlb

(GoDtlBued from page one.)
allualo in tlic t-ouutj «>f
uton were warned badly. If toe s;
stole ot Sl^hi *.
wto ■ ■

Qoltc a number are laid up with
Blaaderd changoh the omre k la toe
gut to-wU:
aU be membera we would have eoeb a
iverc colds.
1 thing.
Lou seevnleen (17). eighteen Ilk),
force that would overcome all obau6. H. Lawyer remodeled Mr. Tinlnetocn
(2ui, twentjr.
clea and we* would te a city that .
tense St Cedar take tost woek^
ould te to tte forefront of all.
Mr. TIpon to setting out an orchard of one t21l. twenty-two 1221. twwtt)
throe <231. twenty-four CO. and
The ftret of a pertee ot ward
Joseph Slcder. preaident of the Trav- 750 Creea
.Mr. and Mrs. D. O, Shorter retnrncd
Inga, phmnpd by the Board of Tntdo.
Co.'s Elcveotb addlttun to Travirsc
heft.'ln the Fifth word Tueeda)' eald that everything waa Just aa yoo from Ann Arbor, where Mrs. Bborter CUy. MlcUtgan. iielug a |>orilpR of lot
made it. If you wut a good buiioeaa underwent an operation.
three (2). In Kcctlon three i*t.
nlgbt and toe remit wea eaectly what
out and hustle and
FVank Shorter spent a couple of ■hip
iwcnty sevcn
|27). nnrtl;h of
to the eaea No eorel wpe predicted by toe Herald
make It that. Thoae who critldae days in Traverse City tost week.
west; loKetter with uH'
Mrs. Altman Is sewing for Mrs. A. iwelt
at law.. Ike Blandard OU toon tuna ago. The first -meeUng tbe city are the ones who arc making
ir ilw buildings and iin
ia they see It. We warn only tbo
Wynkoop ttesy.
le adld^il lU«aI and U
pcotrad kt vaioe. Aa haa ottan it
thcieoD, or which may I*
best Induatrloa, tte best conreraa. tbe
Mr. and Mrs. Ebh. Payne visited his
placed ilipreun. an.l all I *
^ a dMre.
been atatod balore, a great many of best city, tbe best of ever.vtbin^ and muihcr, Mrs. Rob Payne. Sund
the plant* iiiacluncry,' A
■ piflt toJohn Haywood has linisbcd1 buving
dOv oai( a half yean ago. the woihlng people of toe cHy have
acr. healing, ligliiiiig and paniping ‘ p
. • are
Wtaiocs at present. •
felt that the Board ot Trade waa
«kaa attonagr ganwal
apjiaraius, belts, wheels, pulleys, tlx-'p
d of hoslneaa men whom eSoita
and SH>aratus uovr tnereoti, oi ‘ ^
tWM «ataa (tarn in the
log men. and we warn them ail
Ollle Baker, called on Will Harvey lutes
w hich may berealier be idaced there-[p
I cODdned eaclualvely among membera of the board. oOBt Ih SL U«la the prot
dock, dpckugc riKhU and ri|uiitonlp
welvM. Thla la a oetural error
T. H. Sherman aald that tbofe ward
ohdA flihDe to^ ctoee yeoterday.
Prank Harvey has moved to Cres- on;
rigbis. and all and singular me here I ^
Ml vae brogttt ogaloet the Stead- aa the right tnethode have not been met-lings were Just what waa wanted »nt. North Munllou Island.
dltanirnts and sHiurienanocs now E.r|^
tH 9U CBopany of New Jeraey aad adopted to reach the wotolng people Kacb ward should have a committee Harvey and family havei returned
r thereunto belonging <ir ln|.
; aidicilaiulng. Excci.i'u sii i|, i *
l{g Mreniy ebapanlea aad pattau- cloee to their bomea.
who would be Us representative to CrescenL
dxlcen Ubi fcct In Width over : •
Tneaday fiight'a meeting
meet with tte board and iiresent all
Msa.n^ tha aatMnnt law. and
and fccross tbe folluw lug .iesi rllwil *
and Saturday I
lha eaort waa aekad to deelare the VMT larger attended becauae of the matters of common Iniercsu
lands lying and being In the cti) ul
J. Omior
uAivi toongbt
EEiuuBuv that
iuai there
iijviv •uwuia
onlawdul -and to oiticr •torm, but what waa lecklng In mita- be more
Traverse CUy. Grand Trivverso w.dn
e aclKbborkood talkiog of these Ella visited at the Uepews Sunday
- - ty, Mlthlgan>io-wii: teis seveuucn
hen woe more than made up by great matterss and
Ita ilarhiHnn
keep toe loterest alive,
Mrs. iinker and daughter, Mrs.
‘0 twcoiy-flvc (25). inclusive, of
by tooaa preaent and when
ben tbese
these meetlnga were
... held
___ CoU’oII ot teke Ann. and -Mrs. T-im.'
tka etaaArd OU oeowany of Saw
Im'-. Hannah, tey * t'o.'s Eleventh addi
see that each persoiv'waa iwrsonally Case and Haxel Case of West Almira
Jataay beeam the bead and front <a In toe Board of Trade and lU objecto. notified and that tb^ got out.
sccurdlng to the recorded I'toil*
attended tbe Sunday school convenAfter
'L and sixteen ilk) foot stri|i *
(fet aoM^taoUoa ebortly aftar im.
Harlan Brown aald that there
tioD here Saturday.
^de all lands within Hues drawn *
fhOw to dial year iha etoA of too work bed been eapounded by otfleera toe moch coldnoM between toe s>eoi>Ie.
eigbt iM feet froni'on either aide of. p
these meetings were Just what
Mr. and Mra. C. P. Dlckerman of
■toadard OU cenpany of Ohio mad of toe or^ixatlon, the Fittfi ward
(•araljel to the
wanted to draw Item bearer so Grand Rapids s|ieqi Sunday In the city
Invited to
«ba atooka of the ooapaalaa ft owaad
e fit). lA'clanaii A
that they could talk over theee mat­ with .Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Joyce, leaving ter line i.| Traveric
Itailrtuid euiu|an>'.
*pq» raate^ in truatpea lo that you
ters and agree on what waa tbe best for MBBistoc this morning.
of way. Thto leleaae I* for the -aid
eUte that they readily eetered two lor all. llarfflonlona roeporailon
way over and
(he eplrlt of toe work and were not toe secret of sneceea. He waa WUltng
arrost, Mild lut-^nd .!<«* not ♦
■ 1 the
slow tn eapreaileg their views. Sev­
any other ol sat? lands Horn tbi lUu **♦•♦♦♦♦♦**♦«•**A*****************
.. / ad
eral ot thoM prewnt aaid thu they lerest-created by aald iitongake.
bad never before understood what
Aldortnan B. C. Green nald ttmt be
drruli Court (.'oiiu>.i rfoucr In and'for
toe Board of Trade bed acblevod and came for Information and bad gotten SamS With Bofri Saoee or Cs.
Graud Traverse Ckiiuiv, .Micbiguli.
what ha purpodm'weto. Alter reI'AnM C- GlI.ltEKT.
cehrtng.the ioformatloD wbkto they matiera ot interest, to bring each fau­ fyMn.JamrtUcKtmtieim, FJHor^f
Ok &uUm Q»ki»e School Alagaiime
daAod. they Imropdlately became in- lty taui full knowledge ot toe-aBeds
Here to a new way to make apple
d-and mantleated a toeertui of the ward and tte city and. the dnmplinn that wUl surely plenseevety
feb 102;; n.c)i 2l*!0 23-3ti
desire''to do«Mi4te whh toe organ srorkinga nt the board. Moat of tte bonaesnfe, (or U is not necesiaiy to
Notice of Adjournment Of Sale.
criticism was on tte ouuide hare whole apples, and tbe jnke cannot
. In
(heir seal waa mucb adverae
('vliii.i.r i-pri . 4 iix-liiw, strokr, 4*^4 inrbra.
Notice'to hereby givcu
ivcu ihsl
and they aboald be Induced to come
ersntar than toe oCBoeis had hoped in. for the board of trade was the an>- ran ont and tern as with apple doi^ above mentluncd sale ol -iuu)u:
l>->l RUiti-riHl. llopjiwr i-<h>|.-,1.
lings when the appleUplaced inSe
) is hci+hi
The man of the ntto ward are cleua aronnd which all things rOVtilv
a Bt. u.Jily.
II.; Storu wtsily.
center and the dongh turned np aronnd
day of Ajull. A.
E. C. tewthg aald that tteiwwaa , it. Tte biicuit par*, forms a crispy
awoke to toe tateresta of the .ciu
. cL.yit.l-al. r.-iml.ic. «iur«l>i.. hihI ccomidctc
1911, lo the
ni>-nrib ds)
great mlaundcrBiandlng. and too much LsbcOl that bolds the spples sod juice.
end to toalr own and all they have (netionnl criticism and too Ilule knew)May. A. I). tyn.
Ui.iV, l»ii..r.v, ..rf
' ' ' t toa opportnaity to
«»|1.1., wired reEdr to nm j-..iie wi.«r.i.».
edge ot tte. Deeds ot tte ciij and ikhat
ilhe boaid and to o»«p<
to bo doDc. These meeanga
..r d,. .„y ..II,. r .io„
.jid do away wttb that, and we
with it. The meeting wae no i
williiti til. .-ii|cni-iiv ..r
• It |... .M-..-UJ.JCS
laotory tou eareial of thoae preeest e>oa)d te a strong force V all wteked
ZiJ'. ft. - I'ri.-.- «T,-*. .Muituftn tur. .l by
logetter. It was moved that a comvstanteered to pet out and rlait toelr
•e of tbe fottowing te tbe ones
WM. JACKSON, Tiiverae City, llidii«»s.
neirtbnis wtd axplun to them what
irelully took alter u)d fin for
meb SO aid 6. IS. 2U, 27 may i
Her meeting In tbe neu fui
tbemaalvea bad learned
tor anotber meeUng which they and each one was to ulk It over
his neighbor eo that each would come
IIU toe hall.
with the fan oDdcretandlag of Wtet
was Intended: J. Oulor, Harlan
Brown. B- o. I«wtng. B. C. Green. C.
Dye. r J. Burden. John Clark. V. 8. A* C Pohi»jr /hwrf-r,- V rap tkxjrUnOtanger. W. E. Warner. Wimau is/7 otomt H €*p miik; Opplei.
■hies. Milton Lewis. John Snabara.
Fin the caps of e battered muSo pea
Trarana City aa toeaa'^who employ Prnnh-LePUnt. W. K Ferguson. Sige
wrlDi pared sad sliced apples, spriidcle
Oka plan of boMiag ward
*■ TS torn two or three tabteoeetingi te a pood one and wUl hare
.. water into each ccp. Sift
threeUmes.tbeflour. salt and
1 naolb.
posidcr: WQrkintbeshortenitqr,
n soft dongh wUb the mUk.
; OacniSS^Sii ,.»>> u.
(ConUnaed from
b diatrlet U te have stroag oppoprice they wanted next elec- oMsmltiee ted'.to isiwnd. agd be want<d to know whu t____________
c sentluent-___
of tbe
Usderfe Mpfuii
cMDcll was In rcord to the qacdUon.
apfdc fa ckA dnapUnc and fiatoh
Ikn figures U|U tte cemmtuee obtnla*d were for » strings ot lights. whh a grating of ontoMc.
w|dch would be pieced by tbe com­
IB (be heoto of r
pel tor tte three nlgbu for 917 Ptf
w w.-anaM Ml rMIMwH sa« erntw
HWertiagtea. Kdreok^aipe BoaeeU
d Bait to aleo a conMetk WKhthln
8. B. Comer Fropt and ObIot EtreeU.
U» aa.ter wM^ —52S—-ft—

u4 IrtTfne Itj


.... v;;;S3“‘




Douglass & Kellogg

Coracr Front and Cass Sis., Traverse CUy

OtcMatmtiNk 3,300

Elk Skin Shoes

is the shoe that is always as soft
They will wear like iron.
OU can depend on uSf^for good shoes
every day in the year.






Fifly-five years of successful banking,
is the record of this inslitulion, the oldest,'
largest and .strongest Bank in this pait of
the state.
This bank is equipped to sene its
|Btroi)s proratoly in any rapacity con­
sistent with-wnservative hanking, where
2 the services of a strong and reliable bank
are required;


We solicit your account.


e--------------------- ^

Traverse City Slate Bank



The Little Wonder
A 2> 2 b p. OfiMdise lacias

jvm jny iooi. «E« ii
jni in m MDe dbliot nwl niimniiirlly.
A* wmloBt mi 1


■tTudjEnt E Hml
n., owptu^ •<


dinr pcmad
it s



Pure Spraying Material
* Arsenate of Lead
Blue Vitriol
Baris Green
Liver of Sulphur Etc.

ffu im pi snsn

SPirCial AUmredm
llBC DeoMlts

Tint Netw^B^

mnn mm, ttag pcptotoes »wthhAto toa

At the lowest prices that the best material
can be sold- Goto

WAiT’sr DRUG Store





. Miss have also t

Conducted by Mrs. I. H. Bonnell
Hiaaea Stbei Sinclair and Lnda
antf Qanaral.
O. C. HoirfalM «M 4t CwinUc, one Brower were. KalkaMui eallera Satur­
IV iMt week.
Woi. Gr««n o( SoMb
WAV bis ttWbw Tueeday o( lul apent Sunday with bia
Ura. A. e. Hod*es.
Ur. Hills li entenalnina bis falber
Oeona Psyn* ot Tr*v«nw city, was
fftao Greenville for a couple fif weeks.
j ton TburadtF.
JUaa Daisy RasTtactan vaa al KaF
Fred BecksUoe vUited tats brother
day la« week.
Ourlie at Monrelonn. Friday.
Sr. Ktotiwll made a basinaas call
San Mills of Walton, waa In town
, Walton. Tuesday,
Friday forvnood.
i. H. Leoka was bom rmn Grand
Uem Blue was nt CMdiUnc,' TMaasida Wednaaday and Tlniraday.
day of last we^
Dr. Hills, on Tuesday, wrat 4o
C%auncey LaBar on Sunday, went to
raMTllls. for a nmple of days.
Uetntli, to aee tbe ball same.
Mm. <'. Welse flailed ^frlenda at
H. O. Dqra €>f Trayerae City, «aa in
Cadillac, a few daya last week.
tn Tbnraday and PrMay.
Fbdiert 8<ou left on Tbuiaday for
Oaorca 4fodtes asada a business
York itatc f*r the (rami
■to to Kalka^. Tlsaradsy.
Wn. Pickliis TisKed bla nsoUier.
Dsn Kent, on Bstorday, went to
Ura. Uebart at BouUt Boardmaii. over
rarerae City for a few daya.
A. L; floBi of Howler enada a busl- Bonday..Mlaa Nina Auderkerk waa at Knlsaa tsU In town Tbnraday.
diaorSa antftb waa a CadlHae caller knaka a few da; eibe poai week.
Mr. FX>rsyth. un Wednesday, went
nday artemooB,
.. Grand Rapids and Ovlatu for a
Martin and^lU "
couple of weeks visit with friends.
I town Ttaoraday. /
Wm. Saxton of Kln|>ley was s buslWa. Klmbnll left on Satardsy
aeaa caller in town Saturday.
art HoMMi. to reanma bte ■work.
Mrs. Markham on Tuesday, went to
Mb* nra»o Wol
WoUa Ylnited friends
Greenville, celled
called there by tbe 'lUaeas
KatkbMm SawrdiIV and Sunday,
her daucbler.. Mra. lidseU.
baa aold ber farm
Delos ItoMfbiook
of Manion. callci
touth Boardoan.
■ntoa. Steward of Harrletta. was a OB old friends In town one day last
tUar in town Wedaeaday.
Mn. A. Mills went to Cadillac TueaJoba Burkholder was at South
of last weHt. to care for ber
aatdaan. Friday and Saturday.
. Mrs. A- Helmer, who Is
Mr. and Mrs. Jobn'Sklnnea of South
earinaa were in town on business quite ill.
KimbaU and Mr. McTanet
‘IMaea Wlnilhnsdaad Bnma^odtM were at (Wdlliar on busineat Wednes­
ra at South Boardnao. Saturday. day of last week.
Clinton Welae made a bualneaa trip
^d^<^rk of Cadillac Mteni Sunday
la Cadillac one day the laat of Uie
Ur. Sai^I left on Snoday for Sum- week.
C. Hodyes anci «
' '
dt City, wbera be kaa aasrioymaai
a caHera

A. C. Hodcaa on PHdv want to tbe
no loe a tew daya.
Hn. Doty «f Travefw Cltf, waa la
«ws SatuitUy aftenwon.
F. W. WUmh of Uuulnt nida a
lata— can la town Friday. .
F. OrDaoa left ob Saturday for
mad RapMa. for a few dara.
J. M. Townsend of Mancelooa. was
n oa bnsjaaaa. Monday.

Brower oo Sunday went io
Jackaon. to attend the funeral of hU
roualn. .Mra. Parish.
Mra. Wm. Richards orCadUlsc. ar­
rived Monday for a few days rUlt
with her pareau, Mr. and Mra. Tibbiu.
Mr^ and Mra. Bel.,
nun Siding, over Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. A. T. Breed, on Sat­
urday, went to Big Rapids, (or a few

Mtaa Vinnle Vanp^ anieruinef was proceeded by a pwer service.
Wc believe tbit bes strengtheoed the
Min Dundas of Alden, a few day
splrUual condition Of the Mbool as is
past week.
MDsra Rena HoMdas end Maude obvious bv the number of nMiveralons
We wished to have other afbouU of
Birdaon visited tbe aebool st South
the county know what la being done
Hoarduian. Ttaoraday aflerwoon.
here wbicb proves amrh ran be aeMeadame* Babcork. WnUama. and compllsbcd by tbe faithful work of a
Crane of Walton, attended Royal- Sunday atbool.
neighbor lodge at this pUoe Tburwdsy.
Mr*. Vanf'atnp returned to her
home at Newayge Friday, after crajo)Mr. and Mra. KowlapiL/Harriinaa and
Ing a weeks visit with bar pirema. rbildren of Aklen. llich.. spent from
Mr. aad Mrs. W. W. l>-wlr.
TucMlav until Wedoesday with his
Mrs. IX-wey enioyed a 1. - . days uKther. Mrs. S. H Snyder.
v-lalt a-lUi her son Wilbur ar.d wife at
Miw. Fred Ca>w and Mary Mnllea
Cadllbc. the last of tbe week.
viidied a tea- Javr of last week with
Mrs. ruud Curils of Cadlllar is »D , Mrs. Xlagkmag her sister. Mrs James Strshan j" ^
Mid mother. Mrs. iHrapev. tor a «»plc
^cd Wn, Clark s place.
m'StV,™. Uo„„
.o T..V.I Tl» d.,« « ^

«,« <n> T,»a,r Qf lut w«.l





rctaia the cooS heshb «f ill iti a

that Is pet to thee

.(■liisTerTri^e' la™ “*j"r

That ts "How can 1 ciuv ny
D. W. Tanner led Young -IHwplo's
Chidwrit, an esiural Spn-taltM In
L»r. vwwweu.
meelJac on nuulav evcnloa. ueing‘dkMSai ot the >c«ma<h. lexer sod be«ri>
"Our Ptedges- a> a toph-. It proxed
U be aa latereMing meeting.
Bcbniu wia lead next Sunday even . «wat ta railed'I
sited Dr CalJwrilN f^yrop Praaln
US) trxim OOB*
Ing and have a song and i.ialee-wr hw
l-ei ri.
vice In whl. h e»ih wilt have an npi*ii
Itv suaera In th* core of vtahtxnra ow>luDliv xo siwnk of their taxonte wnr- iMipaUoo
Has doM much
dupisr* ilm
and tell ot ilieir auihurr nnd how
uw e( salts, waieri. ----- ----virll known -ong come to be w ritt<.-n and aoeb Ihings. Synip lVi»m. by tnocleg
the aiumach aad bowrl mimJre ia
Kveiylicxly x
> in South Board
ogaiu do tlMtr work natorwUy. aad wtih
Joe t'bsM- i> liusy trading' log> :
PeailJ-ake with a gang ot turn.
Airs, t'oru IVietten ha-< cone t
hoi hfiuc .VI FYiuikToit.
.•auc-.t.llxe. hivhec. S--... .V.;'. SI.«-0
May ]•..


*Mra. fSt.I t^re of North Si-rlnaOeld

,o‘?Sv.S:”<f,V'’;,TS,a ..W
Hr.™ inJ unit Suaa.i »*oo; riu. ■JJ't'.L'.jL?:

Reader Geres His
Constipation—Try it Free

. .
t>rry Wilson had aq ariaek of luce |
(ever Sunday evening, but D better si |
Ibir writing
Mr. and Mrs. A
W. SfOfford of fiM wcxteuyfgmfly to
Uke Ann drove to Oviaii on Sun la* j
e'eaiag to see Mrs. Siiaaord's sister.; ^
------------or ■nraith Hir.uMra. Glen Brugh.
sod Answer ~

bnraa Oty and itwoioiads-or ulbm. U
ran hr uMsBwd >*f »n> drugcMt at any
rwibt SDd <j«r dxUisr a boiur. w If swO
waai to try It ai»i a frw
caa be ohuteed by xenting the Ouctor. .
Tvr. raMwril doea nni ferl laat tbe
ilvrr and buael
years aad will I ..
r< ad- r any advice „i
<>r itiargr. All arr
aiDi. Whrtbrr f..r the
laMitral advice

». SVJBLr**'
Mvaxlrvllo, ttk


1 «rc«L kixica.............................. te

Mrs. EM MllHman it abte u
S!...... .............5
Mixxs .Nellie Sia* visited .Nina Amy
.vio Ficg Koure ran lifnc-edle
band xxbicli broke off. Iraviug il
(iiirt in tbe ixnliu. The di» toi> .uw- ------ --- - — un X Kax i>huio of her haud. which j lltraw. per toa
No. 1 horvui
............«:.M ^ to
pmved that the needle had workad in ) .
to her flnjter. The needle ir wuw out.'
Hannah A
I .she IS still aiifleriug Mum Hie |.a.u Wheal............................................ .....T5c
liHi il
il xaused
............S; B-*e
^ ^
taiiiie Hatiii-' and wife vislti'd Er­
nest Kettner'e Suodav.
...... ........“ J!',
Mr. and Mr». rinuug called ou John
Traverse Lily MilliOE Co.
U: tv-darj>te-««idsy.
Amy's Sun.luv.
Mirs't haiU.tic llanlxo'n and Me.
Adanm xif t'b-on were uiarrieU Wed- <t(,rp
neiulay eveiihiv:.

Preaching sbrvirew at the M. E.
. ;
church Sunday eveoiiHC. May ?I. at
7:3U. Epwonb lywEuo at
dsv wbc»! at 11:30 a. TO.
| Tbe abundant ralas . and warm
Miss Nellie Tilfav emeitained the weather cue cauHlng veMlailoa Io rap
Keep Sweet c lass at her home Friday idly cruw and ouaht to create a iluinkevening. May IS. At the close of the (uloess lawur heait* U 0» Olver.of
bnsineaa session, .various ganves were all UwxL
enJoyH by ibcivoui.g people. Be-’ The WPepecis for. a good-rntli rTop
trachmenis of aanciwicbes, rcdls. pk*- In oar vtetotty ihia year are i.rlKht.
les aad eake were aerved bv tbe taos- * A few (arnters have planted eora.
tr», The next meeting will be held *b»e others aie J»«dy to plant as
at the home of Tbe te acher. Mrs. Hr. w«.n us ilie rains tsahe.
AfxiHe llertnsn tltlKj leitiie Payae
Hflla. Friday afleFhoon. June 3.
-Mrs. Carrie Keougta of Ainmueitc
Hogs; dressed............................... kBhVh<
The Sunday Sehesl.
M» Kia>lng with her sister. Mr*. Glen
Harry ci.-t>«roe w«irke.| tor .fVed
Our average attenclnnre rtnring the lipugh. who will lies seriously ill. Her
Bea-man Fridn.x and-Saturda)
winter has been good, and is aieadlly uiciher. Mo. Thos. Mrooks of Kings
George Avii-l uod
increaalng. During the recent two lex. is with her. as also Is Mo. Wn.
were Horo. xii.!t«re
weeks revival conducted by Mic^as Hrugb of FMeemcwHl. It is feared she
Max r.
V. Gibson, FN'angeliai of Grand Rap- will net rerovei.
ids. there-were sixty convertlons.
.Mrs. Gertie Kitchen ot Old Mission
Del,oil. May, IT-Wheat. !H4r.
foriye'lgbt ot -which were membert ot is si^ndlng o few days with
c furn. 3:<-.x- Oal*. ;1M-.
our Suuday arhool and nearly all enia. Mr. ati<l Sirs. Utih Brooks
Farm »rn>doee—Selling Prkm
have united with the church.
this place.
stale of Ovaiu. where he will inxesti-*
We feel Itaai much of our success
Rev. Glidde-o preached a hcwit-ale L.tnw a. nn ol land which has
to the
of the. classBcarcHnK -ri...
M imon at the church
Is due
been acquired liy the Jackaon I^nd
. .
. . . .
(_____ 1
es the
part of. whlrti
tans helped
Suiidnv. The anendaace was laFge
•vihiiiuiiy of Jackwin. Miili. The turn
to Inrreaae our number. .Also the
fcnklln Itr.xs. of Honor hay' «>'<1 «
{•any will lay ilitnr land out Into
promW and reguVir aticndsiice of the great iiuml>er of Paglunw nave xilos
Hides. Furs and Tallow.
IdxH ky of KU uiTx-'.. cvely hlliev otte of
ISuPalo. Mux i; ~t'ar,lo-l»e.vlHs.
efficcra end teachers and falUirulness thruiyli this vlclnltx. AniotiK those will lie hiitneelcadril. and the
ill the discharge of their duties. Wc wlio purciia.-ieil were H. H Pellinglll. •I «'urs: B.-lIxe. I.igber. ft; 3:.v, 0 t<>.
i.iiu-r- icialni'd hi ilic ivim|ianv.



Will Continue Throug'Hout the
Month of May

httoed up with attracUva biirsafnt
that ceuld not be shewn during the
Rrat fpwjdaya- of this aale_Steeka
muet be .brawgbt down te nearer ner»
inal atra.

Men’s SultSs *9^
----------— —





Here'* • chffiKff (or you to. get
better dotbe* thui uHul (at yoot


Shoes-Twelve Bargain Tables
Not ail sizes in each atylc"-good hooetl qualities and Demeodous baT^
gain. We can mention but six ol these exttaordiury offetings.
4 Children's patent leather oxlordi and strap
IwU# M. sandals; $1.2*) values, to dear ' §7^

M^$9ud$IOSiiu PJM Sw wonh $16.50 >ixl $18

If you'xre rxot yet aKeoded thia profititbgring

don|^ put it ofi...There

lare riceptional barpalivc in every dexprtme/xt. so you cen



^cedi In thince th wear end lor ^
tj*fnr at ^inpt worthwhile.

TAILORED SUITS, li you've been wailing (or something “extra** in
values, here th^ are->-We've pitced all wotnen'z and Mitset’ suit* (or quick
clearance in this sale. Moil waoted spring styles and material*, regularly $12.50
la $50 at



BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES are going in this ag Purchav^ Sale
at very alUailive prices. Lingeri-s, Foulards and Mestaline Silb. Silk Poplins;
Ooth-ot-GolJ. Wool Batistes French Voiles Cbiiloos ac Ste thosi we ofer at

*9^ ,j2:»8 *J5^ *jg^

Dresses o( eqail style and value would Cost you regulady $10 to $25.

Kirschbaam Qi^thes

We toU tbeto celebritffd Suits (or
men Aisd young men at
Margb^'Trafit’' piket.
one msoa wby we adl so ouny: reiM»ber. they're basiUsaored and guaiaBteed IIS* Gl&Ms SIG.M


Table No. 2
VaYmI A T^a ' 9 La'dies* and Mitsex* shoes and oxlordr;

lauil^ niUe O black and tan. $2.25 and


$2.50 valoe*, pair.,...................................... .................................... ^------

Men's Pants

Boys' Saits

n: titk emi M

iiainM; 'mmU he $3 mi fS.S9,

Jtowa, ^nriar

rtfUtr iewUe ireosteJ
silts to t6 ytmn, $3 SO mai

$4 jwtiffrily, fttfdbase





in fcUi doths. while


Pm< S.k. p.ic__________________ ________ _ A=

About 200 Sfabts wilh and without coUan, tSk (roots, pUia aod (aocy
attca. totdiai dodH, etc., divided iato three big le^ in die Podiaae Sale:

Mm's Work SMrh.
mostly Egbt colors, a few


Table No." 6

MmfKtnen Oean-Up Men’s Shirts

Om't CrawA
Nw mdi |o°d ud

Tabic No.
Table No. S

Ma’f Bime BAM
dertotar, the regular 50c
k^ n the Purchase


Save 50c and 75c on extra quality footwear
here-Men’s “Globe Special” Shoes and Oxfords
at $3; Cahill shoes, oxfords and pumps for women
at $1.98, $2.48 and 2.9S
SHEWING Huikon^ -LL- : soiSETTE .old ite world



Prellv lace and edbroidery trim­
med st>Ies Here are the savings in'
this sale.
$1.75 Princess SHpsl^r ....$1.39
$2 25 Princess Slips (or ... .$1.75
$2 50 Princess SKp* (or.......... $1.98

The most beautiful showing oHong
and short kimonas in the city. Lawns
Crepes Batiste*. Swisses etc.
Long Kimonas at SGC* $84*
$1.48, $1.75. $2.46. and $$.75.
Short Kimonas at 48c, 65C, 8$C*
98C« and S1.39.

g we mill place on sale abowt 200 trimmeJ hols
difiM into thtee great groups-the biggest aitffiflery event in Traners* Cty.
Hats for

$5oad$5.50 $0.95
Hats for

Hals for

Ladles* 26, 30 and 36 In. Spring Coats, sold np Io $15
black tncloded, priced lorqnlck selling at 2.98. 4.48,7.5$
1 lot of ladies’ Kid Gloves, black and colors at, pair^......^------- .49C
(or choice of our entire stock of “Simmons'* brand $1 and SI.25
vnFV* bd gloves-We are discoatiotiing the line-all colors,
all sizes. No exchanges, no pair--------------------------- varV.
Long White &lk Gloves, regularly 98c to $1.48. at pair..................... Ttc
Long Colored ^Ik CUoves, regidarly $i.48.'to clev, pair........ ...........$9c
Long Blac^^sle Goves, smaU uzes. regularly 75c a^ 98c. at ___ 48c
Long BIsck Silk Qoaes. regularly $1 73. at pair................. $1.25

The GLOBE Dept. Store
Traverse aty, Mich. . . . “The House o! Belter Values.”


kSJ'r:,‘r;:,.“Lrcr«s; r.a'sr."' ■


- The Globe^s Big Purchase Sale
Deiga*R Tablaa aed eeonUra wiil«be





Grand Tr^yerp JR^n
D Monda:
K'e h*d a ts« min
viU ti« Biratiar
at lMiol tu
atcr)- BuBdar al (be• Wp*t Alml
W^lbcuae roVMMliIns MB) Si. l>c(
««rli BUiJ evvrr one att<trnd. Alt
Stall} inriieC
Mn>. iMTc'OTJrien was vKUla* Jlrt.
I^ia lt.(M Saicniuy ailernuua.
, l>t8-1 Ku»li1t.»- and Vam.V uBrlpn
want citb .Vis. l.axc to itie a«aui|>
aCW a had of i>o>fe Saianlar.
Sli. and Mm. Blark ol l.aka Awn
vera Iha Koosta of tier Klster. MrA.
La«ii Hualiinaniel. Sutidaj.
Mm Sidney uiid UllUn Ollrten sraa
eMUnit on lliMr
afternoon. Also Mis. I. R. itaies.
Ttirre waa a Rccd atiendaDre at the
idcflU:-KrMa}. the last day of tbe
•cSoal UKiti hv l.eaii RurkveiL
liiefe *rre M pre- rni. A hl' e dinner
was eerve<l ai n'Miu. Tliere Mere
fporu foi tbe children. Bnisblns up







Oate Uadaty and Wallaee Kinney «
tended then. They arrived bunie on
the 6:U-iinlB.
,Mm IL


JnpU^r wbea It pasaed the

The fnilt 1
that are
r*. Carrie rray rMted Sunday ■
with a ball pttae between the boy#
heacllr loadad.i. We all hoj»
I- Pthyv
and alrls. tiie slrU tjnnlna. 1C to A
pViity of fmli this seaaoa. The
Mr*. Flora l.ake 4* retorne<l home |n<siieet Is ?oo-t now. We do not iBfcMir.
Hand Borlety
N. V_ alter belnp think the :roM and freete of U« Frt- l^iiday.
Irciii Hcrt Heoi
’day Dixht dM any danujte.
acne three----Saturday
are •lot*
of friilT
' ' trees and
Stra. liaiTlM lijit* expema to ao (o I There IH^B
tdlaha to see her sUtei atao.
e‘i™p I •V'’
** ^ - Sooday even, IMS'
rated ui> aaiid au froit to* >t.
y,rs. Cllftra Shaw rtsliM
Uesar*. Peter \Uaies bed tleai
lake were the Rueais of Mi. and
'at Fieldlnf Wnisttrs Suintay evening,
‘ Maj 1!_ I., npies Banday eveidnt.
j Mr. and Mrs. C. R Pha»- *i>enl We-1Walter l.afcc cf Pearl Lake was vianesdav evenlnit at E.1 G|.
iiloL tvSth his parents. Mu mud Ur*,
Mary Rlendeatiln}.
t- 1. lAlce. 8atida>.
le iieiptnc Hand sorietj.
Hoosee’eanlae !'• the order of the
Tlir Swastika rlub will meet next
amt Mrs. Dren
»n»- Uon
Thursihiy fvenlsa. May null, with
There were eteten
Mr*. Thtmas Pray.
llBh btoLiaht In Uke Ann Saturday
The He’plnE Hand soriety will tueei
Iasi .Mcmla^ eviyDiDR the Bnastika exi iliite with Mrs. NeD Rroim.
• fiiii Into the trarroundloa laWee.
IS’e bare ooi seen the
Ikih laas In lub jmve a sho*-er ai
Miss <sal>el meadeaBltU! and Mr.
the papers this aprlnK.
apriria- We woi
wonder .Mabel hall lu honor
^'litinn Bhaw were onliml In mairiare
by? I Becoiire Ihr lOiers hate
\V<>dnc il3'-. .M.iy luih. at Ttwteise
.Mrs. l/<tal R<nlt of Trnteise City ri!,> 1>T Het. .1. Allen (tanlij. Miss
M-D Ihciii oilher.'-—Ed. llrrald.l’




i-h Snn<U>.
There was a beavy front here Trtdaf
I.avreate Catrn’l. Alex. Hefnas and
Marih. Heoreotloa—<>rrh«*ira.
Kov Hobm'are weikina «■ ih«
Euiere. Barre-I Medley—Orchestra.
^hool el<.»e.i hefe Friday
Bcmnrt emx>re. cieiniaB waltt—Or­
m l.y II
k a* fol
The Lasi Kiss—On-hestra.
Si hcol ojedle.c—<>r. liertra
The deliabiful prooram waa followEssa', !‘irsress of Bduraiton'—
eil, by a tdealr dlanpr at Bower* Hac
Will lloffnian.
SoBfc, Mi^hijcan. Uy UlrhliaiW— l»r. aitet whlob tbe M bciol baU team
tat* with the panmt*. la
K.sav RelUtu-as reaermtloa—PIot- which the ls*vs won In a score of M
enre Hulmuti.
Oerman walB—Ori bf«ta.
Kssav. I’rvpress ot flvlUsatloB—
lUroW Detlraw.
Sons. O. Come. Oome Awdy—
erae Csiy. .Miss HoBuaa has retonieit
CauA—fitirdon Val
The hiDPTRl of 1
d froniJti. Jonepb'k rtun-h

Whether It Is an Outfit or
an Odd Piece
Wc gnsraBlee yon B saving ol tram 10 to 20 per cent, and give yon plenty ol lime to pay lor IL We arc lorolslilDg
hones every day now. and It’s the besltlme In the whole year to do yonr baying. Everything Is brand new, show­
ing all the Islesl ereaUons and clieets In llBC.Inrnllnre. Cone In and see thenew lUngs. Il^ninlendhonsekeepingsoontBlklbenslleroverwllhnsand gel oor llgares. We will give yon the benelil ol oar long experience In
Inrnlinre bnylng absolHlcly tree. Come In now while onr great spring sale Is gotog on. .


Mr* rarl l.yoo hk* r«onie.t
lionie in Ovikti after a three
ViKii nlih frlemlp and relaiive*.
Utsp l.«dia (ireen ot Rates8 vlsitj-l
rs 'Ue<k Uodwey over Sanday.
ila Jiire,
Clifton Bhaw. lormerly ol thia
f.n.I MIks Mabel OleudeiiBina( oT
e MaIwl were married la*t Wedi
\euiDk. 'Ihelr tuanj triepds wish
Item murb Joy and happlnens thiotuiti
tSIen ShaV rislreO hi* hrolbar, I'llfloB. at Mnleel Randa.'.
May r>.

rseeegtlT vmt*d ay J. «. i t*

Win lutMM w«s • (*n«r At

place re.-cDU).
Mm. Ed Hgrvey Mjoyed •
• hti her luother. .Mm. .Mcttm pf '
l.rnwR I

Bkiurday nl»

<*'ir rnltiiMp-. Mr }|pv}v.xyi la ah
to be out o«dB. Hg preached at
■.(hiMd bouae on Sphetay taot
Thrrw «m be ChlMtMi'sc IMty
<-ln* al the arboat^' '
ii ibi* pla
on liiuW :nd
Honard Manl.-y I* ttkihS _
MUo <!ayne takti
his place as foteoian.
Mr. aod Mr*. Oeorpe HecMw
Traverse riiy. were down on a
Ine trip one- da.r best week.
Mrs. Idna Ht«ar drove toTfUTeo
I'ttv. a aboTt tlice ago.
There Is morr tMienaan ibi
1 the river. •tibtiOKb there baa h«
mte nice calt-hes.
May >C.
' Mynte Keef rAgniHl to he«
iBaiurday after apMdliuc a re<
with Mr. and Mm. Paul BnMi.
--lnriarT*y»y mnde « trip
Tra\er*e Cltv Thurndar.
The iielpinx Hand soctHv
Irs. Mary IJndiey Thursday. May
Nearly all the memben were prow
ami Jtll eliHi'ed iheiBseiven very mw
tirover lianunund made a trip
Tiitevse lHy Snturdnt
. Mr*. (}.
I*ray ma.
Tynrorse City Thiiibday. .
Mr. ud Mr*. Ja*. »io«. mad*
trip tp Traverse OiV

The fariTter* w-lli wear a smile (bis
neck after the ntn.
Mrs. Siiu-s of EdPt Hay vialied her
sister. Mr*. Jessie -Moore, n few days
law neek. rvlurDina hogye Batiirda?.
-wikinR MIPS Bra wHli her.
Mrs. Frank Hukuiaji was a Trav. cl here bfTW*«
.•rae City caller last Wednenlaj-.
tleunte Fteemaii nml laailiy. also
Frank FVeeman were called to WilU
i.nijsburx. Tharndu), iu attend (be
fUDeral al their nephew, Robert t'nitik- here \Vcdnes<lay trout Porresi
siK-nd the summer wl
. Mrs. Jobs Pcrhall and Ul- la«c. «fao ha* boea ............. _
l(> (lauabK-r. l.eiile. vlshed at Kxra time "iryliu; hi* hand' at (arming.
The Swastika rlul> bad a BiisceOH
Milks Sunday,
Sunday. aim
ali« <*lled at l.eonsra
r»is shower (or Mabel ab-adeBMl
arley Sweet’s.
Jfilka and ribarley
Monday evening. Refrashmaata
Mrs, flaud Skuti
Skut of Travers
rake, amlwlchcs. iiicklea and M
risltlnii :her slatei■r. Mrs. F. Fi
Kervcl. Mknv tgetly
ii-eful Rifls were reoeived.
Alxtui fifty young jieople snioy*
datKina |iartv given by Mt. and
Tho»o who tailed at Winnie ISerce's John Kennedy Friday evening.
Refreshments of lan.lwltbe*.
iiiulay ev^nltiR were Wm. Riley and
imlly. Mr- and Mr*. V.
Voire. Mr.
ml Mrs. John Pgrball. Jame* Rngor
and.Hurt l*lerce and Ruxene roster.
AiiMln Pray mad** trip to Trav«
Mr. and Mrs. A. Man* virited at
Mrt Iloan's Buaday.
»lbcrt WelliDf is ap akain after ; Mbt 1-^.
tiavtM the measles
-vlloward ('kirk and Miss l-oura rattcfxtany Tnner*.- fliy callers Sal
Behoei Cioaad.
Ijid Friday Miss Jenaira iiiAebard
otoseA her second term of gebooi here
oroRram was given
-ymr^the. prttgra
'*ss given I
|iM'Kr»ni was as liillows:
Song by the schiiol—We an* t
n Skip School.
Kecitulloii—Th.- New Chiirrh
iiti. Esther rupnlUBham
Song—Hooter He tlnool. Marie Kndrickcr and Ida Reok
R.'udlug T<> 1-aie Ft»r the Train.
K'"c K. PI1
Song—Way Down Kast-irnoid Ho■

Here’s Just the things you need for summer



Standard BrasscI Rngs, 8.2x10.6. .....................212.7S
Standard Brnesel Rngs, 0x12...............................WI4.7S
Fine All Wool Ingrain Carpels, per yard...............6Sc
other iirodCB at 28c and opwerds.
Gcnnlsc Cork Llnoleiim, per
S9narcyoTd . .:............. . . SSc, 6Se, 7Sc, 8Sc and kOc
Hatting............................12c, 17c, 19c. 2$c, Xkc and SSc

We hwe > Itrfe lloe el the heel
t«(rl(entert Bale. We ag
tipplrynsllheay dn yes
vent el tbe loweit Btores.
Ilyoa suit eweel mOt, but­
ter, meeti, eelenbles to lut
loster.nmeig aglsee wbit
we hire to oiler yes, Price
resfe Iron

We want to show
you our big line of GoCarts and Carriages.
We sell' only reliable
makes, such as the
Rambler, Fulton, Stur­
gis, Favorite, Gendroo,
elc. A good rubber
tired Go-Cart for
$hSS, then right along
up from that to $25.

Ibis $15.00 Mattress

np to


Weighs M pounds, made ol the IlnesI pore eolton. built np
In layers [not stnllcdl. covered with handsome HI A 79
licking, lor the
low price ol................................ ^XWofek
We carry ■ Isll line ol Springs, Matlremea nnt
ol nU kinds nt money-saving priecs.

Garden Hose

r iitiiiiiiiip]

21c CardoD Hitte. tfaree-qurter tDcb size.
Imnotoed (or two seasons. Comes in
25 and U foot lealUtt. OHered now

Sr^............... 17c
^ iMhwIxc Ivr lSe
Other hose, per leol, lie

Nodilot dw> ■t't eesdo'l <■
wmov kacbert. tbey yIeM
te yost ndijbt uO tiw’ sir
drtalitei ell lhros|b then.
Tbey are Hoe ter porch or
hvn see. We bare tbea up

from $2.75

Lawn Mowers .

$1 Worth Delicious
Ice Cream
tor 10c

H.-*nry tiieslieti. who -works for J

Yonr Old Reliable Honclnrnlabcr.

Oor dnip »ie tbe vef
higbeit itkodtfd pooiblelp
obuin. akI 0(11 bc£tia f«
keepiDg them hak aod doa
are ibe beiL We vrOe
your utpeeboB of our Ootc
and ftock roooa ot *17 tnt

quality rales

I^g ^ore


A big consignmriil
of new Dresseis en­
ables us to offer you
some great bargains.
We have all sizes' and
styles and can supply
you with a good one

Cone la ul tM par collection ol lem■ccks. It's the liriett la tbe city enC
tbe prices are tbeJeveit. Tbey belln u
law u TSc aai ru|e rl(bt alon|[ up
trea that
Then what yea aa nibe la eae ol the for - - - - $8.75
faiaous Peerless Ireeiers. We here e
Oar brass and Iron beds
hr(e Uie ol these la in siies, and they ore
ibe talk ot the town.
at 980
CUT be beat for deabletbe Beoey.
Come la oad see Ibcm.

A guarantee of sat­
isfaction goes with
every purchase.

Ri tiiKtloit—The Swing. Tfarenee
1 triit.i;.
Sept:-Till- Hresstnnker. Idi
lieciiaUon—The Quarrel.
Ifownrd nai_.
Kcritnilon—Crowing—It* Hitk.
KeriiattaP—My Mammg.
RecliaMOD—Roln llropa. Bllg th-rInll.
Solo-l»ear Old New HampshlroIlilL ElU Heck.
Soni:—Srhnol liars, by foar girls.
I'lay—Mother* VlwlUng. by two
rls an.
and four Ixty*.
The s,
scholars pre.i-med the leachei
with a 1

Purt Drugs and
prompt, copipelent
service are the es­
sentials of every
prescription store.


j-Wc have e Iir|e llao ot the tamoos
Couatry Qab aiachlaes aa< (ainalee
sitlilecdeawltb erety eae.

"ucItailQii-Old sibool ptinlahmeni
—Velma Keffcr.

Hie Oldest, Largest
and Only Exclusive
Homefuruisher in
Traverse City

ing friend.- and mlatlv** ai this plate.
Crandpa tin.l fSrandma Milks niv
'lultc well (hi* sprtog.
Tom .Merritt i* borne on a visit.
K B ITkw and wile and two -on*
Ilf Vtli- Imke visited ut the home ui
-lack Price last Bund*', also l.eni
Madiaon of Arcadia. Mich.. *1*0 John
Milks and Peter C. Milks and MUs
Uasel. daughter of Mr. and Mr*
Henry Milk-.
We had a lorely shower this morn­
ing and the woods aod nbnibliery look
ko green, reminds ua that tbe summer
Mrs. .K R. Btnilb b quite poorly
Mr*. Merritt and feer husband were
.■allers at Mts. R. R. Brolth'a last Bunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler took dinner wliii
Mrs. A. J. Albright la« Sunday.
IM le Vali Is home on a risit Mr.
l>-\al| has been to Soutta IlskoiA for
Solon Tyler has a Bock of sheen
Charley Holme* of Harraga. visited,
liisjstber last w,-ek.
Mar ifi.
' ,,
. I
Mr*. Wm. Beimer. son and dsug:iter of Traverae CHy. were down
Vtunday last, in tbelr ■
'*Mr^'L M. IgyveJoT
IgyveJoT virfied relstlv.o
ihls nlare on Prii_,
Ida) last.
Mis* Birdie^egti oprai Sunday wP'a
her psreais n this ptare.
, Howard Maalev and hb mother.
lira. S.^O. Maaley. have moved U tbe

Sheep Dip
Vermin Destroye
Endooed hj Agricaftonl CeilrgM •»({ ExpaifflCBt Siduo. h<
me w9 nre you. k»*
ooyRDee and iac«ncs>
knee m weQ m SHacy.

Dn% Dm^

Merc. Co.


MAFLC crry.
VOL Dt. Praiiek ud «l*ucliter. >Iis8
l,»i« vliWii* In BapiUr .-0001}.
^ K*Ut« LatU of Emi Kbswb
nr«b Mr. nod Mm. An»n»ber.
;N^. fc. A. M«bn fn Y«y low «t Ifala
Mn. VnnNoMnuid spcai ■ few.dar*
of Inu week at BnrdirA»}lte.
Ruth agd Ruby Fiwnrb
ue ameruiBln* tbeir noaiile.
Bore to Ur. nod Mns. Perry KIsbet,


• Mr. and Mra. Wed needay afternoon w I Mr. nad
lb iMBty. MM. where they
Un-. Itemaad sod tnaHy
,wj|| raide la tb* fntvo.
MIsk Clara Allen
Caraon called
Airs. Jeasie Brabram was ra|M to
1 Mrs. Joha Borfioad laat WodneaGrand BapMa Thnroday to aUMd her
Crenikul cfanrrli St^y evenloc.
o<». Hniold. ad» b 01 with toMdUUa
»1r. and Mr*. Wni. Apildcn. Br.. were
Mr. and Mra Geo. I^vr made a ttoaW. J.
Itiveo a Pleennm snniH«« twrty ht kws iitp (o aiaple City laat Tbnraon (he ram be twcctiUy par*
teir dawJuer. Alts. Mllninr. in Bel
llver-a hall Friday arioreomi. h beina
lAUdng. May le. Ht. and Mr. R. W. Bmwn took din- ...ealolVn. DeOoUer.
tnday laanod bb annoal Memorial
tbeir Boiden w^dins nnolrerwry.
ial day
The N. H 6. bnaetaaU ton* will:
Mr. with If. J. BurBeod AndI faaitr
Coqducted by MUt Edn. wdl
^'CbiiialKiii. naiuiBK Toeaday.. May
Hay Cbarlerolaa 00 finuirday. Th>f Wednesday.
*bk' »r"Ih"c”* T™«r»e City la vUir
! ticrontnn day.
Uorotby K win bare at t a. n.
V>- had a heavy
beay (roiri
whirb did some damage y (be earij
, A H. ruik baa
The I.adlcs- Aid of ibe
• RlUcoal cborrh

will meet at the
aVnlVWalkn htnwe -whkk
Ca-d of Tteoki
Wedor iay, rn huainrua.
Hr. and Mn. R. W. Brown returwed
<»-;nl» piir.haMH.
May 16.
Min Ottn* lb
UnttD ta borne (me WaabV-:.
Mr.'tnu desire to
Mid HiXItnan w.-bi in Tr
ihdr home a> Troverbe Citv a*i<r
l« vlait ber otnibcr and oibcr
Ml*. W. r. Rohmatoa waD leader ett), Toeadl.i.
Mu.ra went--to TrarorOe City thsnk all iri-ndv lor flowers sent and
a two which
of the E. L. Rnnday eretUng. SuhSaturday.
. cerci.ts reoJered dutiug liw -li-koets
Coia and CdiM Wall .
whh tbeir iwrents. .Mi. and Mi. ieci. erldence^of divine fabuinc.
lAwrenre Mahn baa rettimod to tile
Mr... John Wh*Jer. wliolbis lie*® on Gee. I.awr ot this place, alao

teughtr,, Caro-lne
boor la Kentuety.
Prank SwBilah left Ttmrtday' for with tbeir’patVnU.
»ii k ll-'.t. t* nloi
lowiy Ilei-cviriny..
ThiitvUy. mnmlng Moittey
' i
TraxerM City. Monday
. Mrs. Frank Kewenan la alck at Ibej Mr. and ilir. H. W. Brown tpent Mir. Manlord Brdwn cf CiosceDi Boyne City.
Kay;h Ca»e wem to Arcndb Wed
' ■------------Mr. 1 hiTston rinited rdattreo
The Mtoeea Nettb Wagbo and Ida
There were Ove of the eighth Bodd Spent Thnrwday hi Trwreno OidlUai- lUutadjy.
aradeia of the Fnn Oneida acbool City.
Mr. Badbr of Traverm- Cl;y wa
Will .Straub and ateter Vl^
who took the eighth gn
h Walter Blgeiow toft Thnraday tbr town on bwlDeaa”i»<lac«tey
11 ion. Following are tbeir
Will CiulD of Tmerse Ctiy
frieods and reUti
banalng to apend the week wtth bin
Certle Crkerdi. Marie RuiDrod. Ulady. biiKber. Royal, who U attending the in lean fhr a rt.rft .vlait im- latter
part ci the week.
Mn. AI NUoo waa mlbd 'lo fadArthur B. ttordcaq* of Moakegon
Mr#. Joo t’nsser and grandsen.
V Tucaday owing to the UInvas dl
Bpeoi a lew daya with bb bmher. A.
E Bordeatii inat -week.
hehua Hopkins b ill tdih the
Mina Jeaab Gbwonh eRwed a very mcaalcs.
aneecaaful <lerm of aebiol ai
Mr. BiirdUk and lamllyMir. Monte Wilte baa returned Bright cn FTlda.v and iwturwed itolur
Traverae City. Tunday.
Frank Suegeani of Summit, was in
I'cine niter a tew weeka* rlnll at Sobn. day to her home In Ebngilie.
ivah Dugan haa been unable l» at­ town on bualMws Bntnrday. '
Mr. and Mn. Rd Bondmu are her*
_ ---------SnUona Bay
tend to tier duliet ll^the rlor« of A
for the Bummei.
GroncT Drown returned from Can
I Mortday.
(b the
nda.. Tburada.v. where be had bec-i.
a J- Baundera and W. R. Brown of
. Farrington, who baa lieeii vbltlng.
houar' with the memales.
little Frankie Yeuman Is quite airk Grand Rapida have aecurod a leaae of 111 with the mcaalcs b now able
Mil# Fsmswonh of Ttaver.^ City.
with the Aieaslef. hat la belter at (Us the Cedar Lodge tioiel at Sonhport U- about agnlD.
as In town Monday on baaintsa.
The betel **a rented and
Mr. Bounga of Titverse Cliy. «
, John llowden of SumruK. wns lu
managed loruMrly by O. A. Wbrd of
town OD bUBinew Tuewday.
town Mmiday on busliiM.
Grand RaMb and has an eaoellen:
ilr. Tlnklet of Heiru^i. was in ui
t: G Nlekcrsbu went to Travel w
busfnost TiieBd4).
pa'iemr. Mr and Mn. Mnnfonl Rrown. repuUIJon Among vUitor*. Don U
f'liy Mondaj. for a whorl xisli with
f'harlt-a Valenrourt of Tullabauu. hi- daughter. Mrs fyaiifc Wilson. «uThe dance giren by Ur. and Mn. Baonden li < been head clerk at the
Teno., b visiting bis daughter. Ava lore going to Tb Kalb county. IlllnuU,
Ilansoiu was enjoyed hy all;
.venpL-ind b one of the beet Ho­ Xalentoun. who rcaldes with
• Mr. an<l .Mrs. George Groner
where he will visit reUtUes lor a
lertainlng their daticbier from White tel men In the suie. Mr. Brown has sraiidpareius Alfred Oowers.
short tlnir.
had mui-h xperlenrc In the botri buslMr. Valenronrt w.ti. .ailed iinnh . _
fo: a^few
few wceka.
tKiniiby and th-uUh Ucll are analdu
tu-sB They ex|ieci 1,1 have- the bold lag to the llnesa of hU mother, wbo In Hllrtid aehoul this -week due to
and .Mra.
Mra. Ai-e
A<-e HencyHei
iirea at Karlin
■ iiriitHl after a{«odlog (beI 'windb In In readiness Juno roih.
Ih.- mcaales.
Mr, and Mrs. J«ch and dat«titer
Mls» HuWard. who hia (wen leaeh
1 ravcrKr^iy.
ilrw ,kl lual weiM to Tmveree cit>.
tbeir borne at itnt at the Marsh sehoot. went to Trav,
Mr. and Mn. Phil Tbbl are spend- left Wedqeaday
aliirday nn hu-lucBa.
K a week on the malabnd.
I.*a Bsj. B-here he tea a One inili erwe City. BalmiU.x. hjxius ttutahed
Miss Gladys Hamlliun. who has
her svbool leini.
Mra. Phil Thiel gave a miacellaneouK form.
bcs-ii ii-a< hliig school in the Biiarllng
Pete Ilr^n( well blcwacd with (IMrirt huv fiaHhcd her Mhnol and
shower for MIsh Ada Brown.- Many
meJKlr^. as five ot his (hildivii are pone to Cadlllae. lor a nsU with rula
nl.e arfdo>r«ful preaents'
The following turcmin was gii
^lik ulied whb the tncaaUx.
u a full house at the town halt
We wanlfo say wc have
May IS.
Henry Sririlng of TiNxerae Cliy.
Friday evetiteg for the beoeBi of the
C. K Snyder was ealled to Cale­
Was 111 ts.wi, oh linrliies^ Thurrday.
N. H. 8. basctellteya:
donia ThiiVday. owing to the drain
a new line ol
hearer of llotiie cifv ot his broilicr Pnrd SiitdiT.
Weknmc Soeech........ Hr. R. K «o ^1
_ ahiin rislt. with Tota.
Mlm Matilda ,
Aldcn. Violin Beto and Pbno
Theliua Rial and Rhea Bilnson. an
WlBii.. arrived last Tncwlay
botli ill w^Kltu- measles
Joe Crotw r er Tmxerse CUy was m
lUc- Mimmi'f with ‘
Wicr IlekTtiiSker was arrv-ti-d Tcie..
iwn on hnwineas Tborsdav.
Mury Rums.
lay on a charge of not s<-ndUig he
.Mia. Welch of MayAeld Visiird her -hlldren to aihool. He was hroughi
Jrrrv l-slmer and family left today
bis^dr^Ni™. It b; temYikln*. EV|da>. Tuton- Jusiirc t)!vwn by Tiuant Ol
II «h.- Jmroth.yK. fm fTtarloroli,
fliri Vimoii. .Mr. Il.-aiiuaker j-jl.l ,
where bc wfll toakc bts future home.
Itoardioin Mondix.' for a vbii wliti fie fine and cxisl.
L. R. Peck hsH Pnrf. Manin’a ciilThai will make yea
laiter'a parent.-. I.ofore going to Death of Georg* Freltenck Sparling.
ige nearly comiileted.
Hewing in Coaiume. Jten Sibefllsa^ .tillChio, where they aDiU-ipaic hx-attug
George Fiederi. k Sparling, the ii,.
III ben Thf.irax has punbaaed the
fant -on of Alonin Spartiug. din]
l-^nk F^-niiD went^ to Wlllbms the hniije of hK grandparenis.
and Mrs Joseph ftwatos)> left
burg Thurwday. to auend the funeral Sparllnc. Monday al l:3u,
Hl,^li Cat EIbkIns
Til. ^ ntonilng
:pem-h in behalf of the boll boys. S.
Dionla. He h«s been 111 sini-c:
W*. Porter. and Mrs. .S. Sorensen went to of Ma>. I.ltlle Gc-vrse w-gs 11 ninnths
8 tneb topa» loll IkIDuet. fTalaaa Jofanjton and Eugeuu Cadillac Tuesday on business
DesIdrr a niillher ar.l falli.-r lie
Mis ETtaceiitd « • Kiimmli was in
ca a mile alslrr age Ihrc-e .xea.i. Iowa tdngne, very llQbl
»n tTsiuiday.
BKiUiii his loss, k'uner.xl -c-n
I'lano Solo........................ Boutah Dame
pMr-. Hniij Workman o(. TrA'tTse tic-,-- wei.- held al ;he Sparling si-hiwd and cool. Jnst tbe thing
Song at Twilight with vlohn and Fi.
i- was lu
'■> ti.wn
•• -n Bn-iirdai.
house al 11;30 \Vcdn<-»ds>-. Ret Mall
ano Aocompanlment. Mra. Myrta,
leratd and Zc-iia Kawllug hue Hie1-jjotiii;..ttiig
to keep tbe dirt ool.
»im j.iiiiig
Intenncnt was made
-jihr Evurgiocu cvniclery.
Sow. America............ Baaehali Team.
Tbv proceeda were iwvniv-flve dol­

omcul pbocuuhn









Modern Entertainers-F-

Vfelor Taadng Machine;
Edison Phonograph

No more ni<«d to depend upon aomeonc'i
uneortalo skill lu
fumbh nnalcand entcrlalMnem—or niaa U
_ of
. ptenaurc
p«1>npa. By means of the Victor and EJdbon you hoar tlw^ nutnhi n ylw
P*ea8nri>-^d you hear th.-m rendered per
fectly. While HunAwda of ibousaRda of ihew- lnatniuien.| have liM
•tW. Ibelr popularity b atcndlly in. reusing —they are the tnodem enter
.Uliwra and occupy 1
ni^d by no other Instrument.

Victor, »0 to $100. Victrolas. S7S to $200
^ [iliuin Phonographs. $15 to $100
Edison Amberola. $200

TnttntCity Start
Ctnwr Fn^ aW
C«A> 5if.

Laee Mm Chei
Every pair of Lace Curtains and Sash Curtains will go on salebeginmng to morrow-at a quarter-a ihird-Hir a half under price.
Owning to lack of room, we must discontinue this department.
pun 0, half pun-worth
{rom 50c to $6,00 pufgo on ado


. SOc.put.a.........................


worth $2 00 k pBtf, Bt________

put aroith $20,00. at. _

Mr*. Alias. Horhrmdel vUlied
reverse Cltv
M. K. Kellogg
Irn .tibor and UU-a
wUh to tonert (he mbuke In the'
Hrm* or last week. It abould have
iteen T. Pelky fa bmid^ng an addition
on hlH abon for farm Imnlrvuenis toaiead of F- Kiri
r bat'our livery fasra here
>e a gc ad iocalioB for some

A. Cliatice fo Buy

4Sc Bad 50c • pur. u...............Z9C

at TiavenV City 00 ^^leeday. laa'i
A busJnesa neiwlDg^r the
nian-a Club will be held at the holm
of Mrs. D. It. Scott oa Tuesday. Msy
F. H, Robertson ot the Ihiimafa t
Lay Co, Ttoverte City, arriv.d ibU
evening on a hualness trip. •
Mrs, j. c. Vlack haa retnriled home
licm Ludlngton wbw she w-gs vftitMias Mai
vlilird h:ilraLoth BulHtan Monday
Wm, Culver made a huMnea# trip
■ Tiwteme City one day bet wro
Mr. and Mr*. Kin and children
lied al I'lovemnni Sunday-.
Tony Odid him lieen hanllog gravrl
foi ■ cemeui........................

Wclor or adbon Becottl. We well any outw on amaR wc-kly or moothly i.ymcnta If deetred. A Or«l
paymem enrering ym Records ai^ pbwa one of these wonderful inatnimenU In ymr home Immrilliiii Ij
in CUP wJmidld atook will he found an outBi to mc<<t yonr rcqulromeois in every- panioubr. and when
a b «> CMT there b mrely no reason why you aboutd mla- the u
menu proride. CnUtogueo and detailed iDformatlon. pos^d tf you can't caH.

3E.GrhineU Bros.

Plain Toe EIbkint

B W. I* Hoberlalnu. Mrs I), W
Broil and Mbs Mattie Hauarber^T


Caff of OM ifailaested, as gtmtiHet are limiled and no doubt


Sfeinberg, Ppos.

Rciiprt of the sUiy-ihIrd convenilon
or the lirng loike and Garfield Snodav
held at the Cedar
Hub rhurrb. May 13. 1911
AHIioteh (be lime seemed very pre
clous, t
Ing present. u”d*tl!e^da>'' va» well
Indging -----from -ill
all apimamnees
............The meeiliig was called to order hv
the laeslddnt. Rohe.i Ibrney. follo*e.l
■by a song acrxlce led.hy Emesi Salln
Iky, Frayer. Rev, Bbellr; song by the
Harvesteij- rbn of Cedar Run; a
very iniercstlug adOress by Rev. Mr.
Shelly; aong hy (be Silver Lake qiiar
closing aong by all preMni. Din
and BOrial hour was enjoye.l by
Aftamoen Baaalon.
Opening aong. r,s. devciional service
'ed by President C J. Helm. A good
number gave testlmoobb and prayer*
tJoog. Rosa Sbisler; aolo. Anhur Zlm
loerman; recitation. GeOrgb Wade
the organlied ctaas and aoelal questloB led by Prealdest C. J. Helm, fol­
lowed hy dbcuagion.
Ho« call: Lome Tree. 3; Silver
Hcwartl. 3; !,3a* >.akf K
Cetlar Run; 31: vbliort.
Total at
lendaBct. 55.

Bong-Bllver Uke qoanri.
Arrangement* were made for the
tdrnlc (0 be held In Ford Fani
grove on Thom
r»day of' the
' list week In
A coi ..........
aiipoiwed IP look
after the {irograi and otherr^JWng!
silver l.tee. ^en sSiuky:' lying
lake. Arthur Zlmmertnan; Cedar Run.
MDtfred Powell: Gonton. (Ttnion Me
Crav: lomr Tree. Hugh Duell.
IHamla^hy Rtv. My. JlhoRy.
Robert Baimey, Presitimi
•amet Tonkei. Secreurj.
, ,

Togs for Youngsters
BUYERS have given, speciaj
consideration to the requirements of
little folks, and mothers will find
lines from which to supply every need of
their children’s wardrolw in the Big Store.
Have you npliced the window? , Here
are a few items for you to deliberate on;
InUnU' Dresses. I<ui or Uioii d,le>.
50.-. 75c. $1. $1.25. $1.50, $1,75.
iBlawls’ Bonnets, snw « moJm.
25c. 35c, 50c. 75c. $1.

|Wilb thin leather soles.
jThc lops are as soli as
^gloves. BiocherCaL
This is a shoe neahavc
been asking ior lor sev­
eral seasons pasL Vow
would cnioy a pair.

Regular Elkskins
with Elk or Leather
Solen, piala or tip toca*
\Ve are nbowlog tl^c
tarocftt and flacsl ll«c
ol Elksklas In Traverse

SOI Boooel .1 75c.

Inlanis’ Underwear,
Reuben Veil*. 25c, 75c
Knit Wni.m I Or. 25c.
Miulto Wfliftt, widi bo»e *upporteri, 25c

iwlanls’ Bosicry
Corion Ilow, wbke, lOc. 15c. 25c.
Woolluw. 15c, 25c.

sat bow. 33c.
Inlanis’ CoaU, Coo uu-tont lo kIccI Iiod.
$1.50 lo S5.O0.
Playing Togs,
RompeiK^Oc. 75c.
ColoredX>re«w*, 25c, $1.50.

Oxfords and SHppers for Children
YguH End « good BMOrtmeot ^ thii More.
Fuur tod Eve Mrgp Stiideb, two «od ibree ttnp SEppera, one
itr»p AnUe Pumpt, ia blick. tan nod pkteol leather.
0» ortbepedic last i* the oelj dupe tbil coafonM exacd/ lo
tbe dexB^t of nature If. madf the exact ihape of a oatunt
foot. wRb pleotr of rootn.for eoebtoe. It come* in afl leatheri
and coat* do nkore tban other atyle*

69c, 76c, 91 JO, 81.29, 8t.80 and $1.75
according to liie,

W« arcExdoaive AacaU far
Edacatar Shoes lor
Come ta the Big Store for year
ChUdrcb*s ObtUta. Complete.

Traverse CBy.

WIUi every doUar or
' more parchase, ewatof
cr'can oblala owe ol
these gaaraaiccd
watebes lor only Me.

Our Work Shoes
Hav^ a rcpalatloa
among menwhosteply
nasi have sinlhlae
good on their icet when
they work. Oar* arc
dlllercBl tram the nsnat
work shoes.

$1.65 to $1.00.

A. V. Friedrich

Ltu5i« Slue Ssseel Tan-ne
Or; ud NoRben Midi^




we»fl «r bat bottw; mdA peplwr.
FROM 000» Am tntn.
♦ mM
• Uto. SimM «r1m M IRmc
• A« o i« BOM Mt ow; eoww Rirtll iborBbv MMt «—-»H-----TtiWrrr m
»hnia*h: tb«i r«<»r»

•ad p«<* ■
plM« tort® «>oa«h to CM tato ptocM
the alto of a vllrFr
fourth loch thick. Mine®
der. addtoc cnoufA fat
rat tc
to kMF
-------------H toa MU dh^ and tf
trtber: apred a tore! tabtospoonrul of there fa any toft
r «...
meat, w.
h^ I.
« .

the mtowd meat aad toy It oo tb« acpepie dUh aad ea oTor the eete•hole piece ot meal, rifro fold tbe
I- World
apeak for aoy o.lneod mtoHtre o»er all aldea. Ulth a

Oirt of Taoeh.
Ouly a saile. ye». only a amlla
That a wroBaa o'erhnrdaoad trli
Iran i™. Twgaa -fEtoeo her relief.
Wm her hem ached aora the

dad take IhMr
. tat or • taTorlw b
Hi ear Mr* to
[lou to> that «a«(tBb. to naar tomrt; oecttot
U U Kwt Meh Mtau M tbU
of\aR ai eaee.'
»• «■■«
foilous that
. _ l-^iai
<M». It (oihMi
M»r*?-L.4tM- H«m JoamM.


prepaw Frhktla <*hM
«» brMkfaal. tostoad of
ru« tarutp. Cui the turnip la two.
rub the hot I id «llh the Oat aurtace
of It aad >oor batur will brown perfectly wlibodl hurnlni:.

• *••••*•**•******
vhliA pleased or helped her. She
h..™ low on., a. i».
helped me over a dtoeouradsd ptoca
apd «l»en me freah «mr*«e aod In-


Inj Into i
.V isbtoapoonfU] of riac«sr to a
•»». aoii
,wr <«i. o..i .iih
Perhaps It mlsbl be more appropH
niik or water, eitb
toll aud pepprt and dot wHh butter.
I da^ the fcOtowIn* ibo^by ,oda. will make.ihem equally a» pood.
For real, poor orer a tomato tooce
tb« b«d of • Houeework Siude [
- bead of Houeeworh SMe „ .^j^r is used,.a IHlto baiter or
tord should he added. Geais mited


, Uffhtful
The tollowla«
1. i™., ibe ...m Ti.«. i. . V..1 .«T
■,7i btuadmiirtbs. airted. two tahtoipjoo’!!!!
^.,,..0 i.nb„H.. bb. jjirt'S^bbu".-n"■“ 1^7" »•




which to KCDuine and belF

.™.. „d I. Ob.

.™ »n.


-Mbi.ieB- Mrt

M, .-mol. m. Obi. . nrt.
TUB Iba 6PW. moll obc. «W«. <01 «b.o .b.b tb.r b... bBbol . b~ im bMil w...
oi -bM.";
“• •>““
"•!. O.- ™ T:""

if p^moes are bgikd unUl almost
•*“' *“



•“'1 •«•«* H*«« helptulnce* delirious.

ered vkb dotted Same p
cirluf the deeircd color i
Stripe of mpe pkper cut tonstharfM
are prutty for tyfaic bmk moatto curtatoa-^Wlib caretul hatodllM'*
atuurtire as' poaaibto. <.«• bo* »aj be tied, and thoa th*
have aa aalhnUrd pockot- paper palled om a iUtto Tba tTMc
beuitUal ET^MMU paper <eme« ia umuy way* for Ibe
furuinre. ma.
raca ,and rurtaiaa. but w>Bto summer cottaae Tabtocoreta. doll- .
of -the pretttovt ptana aeoke that lea. eir. are other •oKKemloM tor lia
||a«nr f'W>r has ever aeea ha\e rep- tiae
ruaeated do greater euttoj than a lit-----------------------ne time and fnrrthnMhi aifa a pot
kheweftitt (ha'farld*.
of pstot. to coouecitou with cbairi
i, thMe proarMutoe day*. w« do
BB. -M. k«.
.a bB. - lo„0«d, 1. dS —
. Ibe atllr
A lew pretty braided
as did our Kraadmother* hetofa
carpel nisi. * <oi of rushtOBa. stuffed
pnh^ coum of our modera
|| seed be with eicrUior or •hiudded msrhoda are aot aitoaeihre wlae aad
«,™ busks, aod corcrod with the
doubt. rouM the dor.'sarMi face.
cheapest of meterlsb. or. U they arc «,ll amUc npOa us from the rhimaoy
iDCeaded for seats tnsteud .»( bead- TOraer. they would be asoused at our
* hurry ins to aud fro and at *^’r letehae
earneutneea to our busy-neasM which
grtr-o. will give the Bnl»hlug touch.-s.
world and orrupy .


■>»» »


» '**' sbleb

.bb.rlyl.. PH|»M~ « M«lo- wtU., Imo ..o,
Wbm uklu
bobib. >
• nU.
nl.b nmuibib.
Bit™ .orb.
It mow b. . B»d
Ulb. ... .. -aibbo. « d... b...... „ ...n., .11, lb «...

BB i^-zstW »«.«.«.


If >ou u rnt thtm stuffe-1 od from miar soorm. aad alt bear- ,„w,

rr r »rr .'rt ^11.^.;

btossed and weak.
Whom yon were meant
To eoarake, dewtlon aod lore anew,
Becaaae when tb* mesttogs came to

Tcu were 'out of touch” with your


u ms


dtoerrrw the
)<iciTal of eri>ry thlnklw pe
«„„.rtb, at o- Jm.

p„,.,„ .bJ 8B.S..-CB .on
mi.rt.1 1. ... o«. I. ...» plllom' b..i 1-fl. B ..... Horn™
If you •■bi “Ilk to i^r qiilcklr ,re tott out in tbs nsln. <jr at night of U»- most tjesmilul •„
BKVt and weakness, aod a telephone tolled potatoes tato amaU jdeees. Re^hli^Mly m7s“ brnTT and ukio froin OM-ht'J --''Alphahet Scampw wlll^ ^vs a pm^n
he r^e. Bgr *Hi l>e 'cry llltliibsi of a dear girt wto ran down the
U»K-. ruplul
then flak* It,
and happy way of picking up a a*^ milk and
ukes a few moments of .........................
b— of.lluh;
, Ml* po,
To keep rbotoiate Irlog from'dr>
^ ^nen rt.-r <n»ni Iwiic walk to the hark, amid a pm tort
will be an untold source of bclp In taliba and «ih together with a slice ptoy-renm ,ahd
signal from mother. »•« oo«- ndd a little bmter lu*i before
j.*ccc» of torh on th.u sbower of pink and whMr sweet psaa
their tine of need. Home Cheer lie- of onion minced vetr Bne. two aprtgs «an» time,
nerve, tim ehlldrcn run to Had aad put to spreading on the cake.
where the A memory far lea* phMuu to that of
tieves that the impulses wc so many of par«l«T; when ready
Umes foci andwhich nine lime* out Mtly ml*Wlo these tmohatf rwpfiii their proper places all the A *-anl
Warmedorer Pudding—In warmlifa edge of the MCeen «ow sirtki-s. lak- a WMgde who ruiiie to Trareiue City
of Icn wethraetuside. are God^5lven. cruam one tcaspoonful vinegar, heat- mnto. a>ks aad acicftsU; the
B t— orcr a eteamed pudding of any kind, mg rare to drive (behead of the tack on their wedding trip from a
Only « aota. yea. only a not*
e often we need sn' m^her unUl thick aerre on a lialU. bak hexes, and. blaque dolls - orjn tt«aming a Wale eike to uae aa in e» deci that Ibe door will be aire Tillage. The old cuatom of Ibittotot:
o a friapd to « dtotant toad;
«nd that the
podding, never put tbe artlrte to
jo hu tbe .-.itk ivw pod brew rlmwously proescutsd.
h. MrH <au “writs” but thM you them, the wore frequently will we tod of lettuce at tmee.
that arejs
That matilng to good fur summer Ipej^pa -peruecated- would he a
roeelre them and grow closer sad
Portuguese Oittota. — Mince onr- tbiw^iAll the
letter* ot tbe atpha be steamed on a plate
wax dlarovercd aix-ldcntally «Wc rorrecl wood In usel. a gpuin
dcssrIn touch with the Divtoe lifehalf cupful each of roM tomb and bam
bet. A simple
prtoe—a chocoUte dish. Pul the pudding to a colander. p,nlei
fr«n then ael the colander In the stearor. py tbe writer. «hn * a* obliged to had eaierwd the cor 0Pthg,gK««m. and
which I* ever present and every where fr^ed from all unedibte porlloBa. add drop, a cooky or a big —- -----find
Inio a new house.ticlore tbs In- for days he toy uawmsehM*. uadrc
It mstisrod lirHs. Too did aot know prtaoaU hut which we must nseda
slice of oiilon. minced: one ten- moUicr. rewards tbe child who find* •"<! >««* *»>
toflueiirw of namitirs.^while
•riSd^T* mred a »ui -from ain iwach through our own wiillngitoss to ^p^toW each of naralcy. and red. and pui. away the most objotu. and tnnch lighter and mors. dellMt*
„dr doorswere
in pU.-._

u» keep . to touch S^Sopper mtorod: one yolk of to fl.s. ptouter the rtnm will be Pudding Will be than If yon Imd used m.mng the leng.h ofihe doorway, docior. trtod to al^. Ibe,
with it.
and pepper to clrororf roady for some mors rstoy •
"«•»«'» “> •*»'* « wero hemmed, and tx.ked over the .ton and «re hi. Ilto. to say mAhtog
’Tou wsra
of touch” pHh^your
**• i
tolls- day fun.
"**•'* ’*'*
door frames The niautiig fell flat <4 hto bearing. Perhato thl* aeunda
Roll level
' . tortL
as fiw
,... I. wm khsm
i« p^paring cuMieds orer which agalnrt Ibe casing. «arccly. moving like an extreme ruse.' hut M to not
one mMna to eprMd u merlnguel m. to . and was mom .-Mtofavior,. alone to ibe annals of the medlmvl
and try brown.
not to
to ti*.use the
the portiere,
portisivs were
were prolmloo.
prolsaloo. Let
Let u.
us sbtHrar
shower the
tae ^
itb borMramsh aaa-a.
‘ho custard, after the sbeU U filled. WTicn not
8St^d“?to^ I^ghU ♦•♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* tth boreerad
Bedtime wlH come before d»e
onough for
north sliidc*.
obidc*. we lore so dcarty with
wHb utohing «m6re
lor the I'on
top Tolled
aud Ued like port*
Paiunlp Frittmu.—d*rs6i the cooked cbildroo know 11. and there will be no
ihy Tolc* fa thy Maator's by .pun
DclWous <iold aad SUver t^ke.-merlndus
can Tbe Weu douM be adapted for sum- damteyous thah^wrr. and prMy
glise over.
1 sicTe. aod
• mom mtsuttderwtood little hyy. unI right:
To make the gold cake, crcxm one
little paper cenhiai^F^Ueh eon be
tonclr COT.
M BB UBbrtl. -Hid ttB BB^
^ bbdl BiplB ^d °bb-r«.nb
b«B. .bd b.Dl.b«I
'W« aUTec
. bought Ifor a few
quickly wllh n« trouble of lumpil|g.
When closing a house lor Ibe
to] Mch of salt and 'petopee.
TV (or gend lurk are both
toy thnmg. .
sugar: beat the yolks of eight eggs-----------'
. the heutw i aw.”
nk-klug c ruffling the custard.
mer If all brass work is thoroughly ___
I car* not to slag of the dly trf ^^11 rery Ughi. add them to ito «" 3^ of an s«: form into Hule
Home Cbser’a editor
d»brf .bd tbB.
-BI .1U. B«l!."dbPlB»7.U..7 U™. ^
creamed butler and sugar.
cake*: fry to a UttJe hot baeoo or salt
^ fayedto amnaemeet.
~.™a,B B .ni IBblJ, .B, IIUI.
Concerning Tabto'Llnen.
Aad the b«sn that yoor words might
milk, throe !»»* toL
which can take the tdare ot the MIMTo kMp taWecImhs to good cetidi end may be casUy -rubbed ejean In lbPot-Poorrl.—Fry one-fourth cupful *hl(*. like Tom Sawyer *Hh Ws
have reached grew cold.
Ic and cruel i
and onehalf cupfule of floor and two
lion, poor honing water on etaino from smumn. Nickel plumbing insy
Ton TTurs *tou of touch” with yonr ........ ..................... .... ----------------------------- ----------- bacon until brown, then add any lefi- whitewatib wriisb.
brush, ttbe often Inveigled
when -the ftke rlre.
fruit or voffec an soon as the table Is kept In «n>d
or with vanllto or temon. To be bak»tl-ihe children if .he neighborhood.
goVdonnl wall until thewoek- h.m« .ls tunpty H It la eme-ted with
Only a day. y«. only a day.
Bat O! ean ytiu gooM. my Mend.
TV-Aars the lafiamce renchea. m
wkve It wlU end,
or <he hears that you Mttored
The Maator** command fa “Abide In
And fruHfans and rain irU] your aerWoe be
U *iont of ttach- orRh yoar Lord.


cupfub of mipir and one-half cupful
of butter . together, -then —
whites of eight eggs Iwaten stiff, then
onehnU cupful Bweel milk. <wo^
one-half cofrfuto of fiour and ana te»epoonfnl baking-powder. Ptoror with
,uina. Tbfa cmke w_. kell
____ _____
keep soft
fresh a month If kept coverod.
Pllltog-Take a cupful of

H. WB.B.

BMrtaff«*load beyond
f Bimifth to bear.

■i ~

lenre with or wK^out tbe II
Kttoee.—Preee cold mashed po^
•‘••^d tomato to mototen. Bet the
dish In a pan of boiring water until
---------- he*ted
Pton«*o* are thoroogWy
toroogh. This fa a

Vwb' oT

Cocoanul Filling—Break || fr
, eocoanut. peci off all the brawn
oMe akin aod ran through tbe meal


r ,r"”

psper dolls strewn from one sad to ^ suggestion for nreserrlng
erring the summer .over the to.ka of ihe . totrs tip.” u»lng tbe folto*lng m«bod
Ibe other, the wtoe
length of days of Ubie Um to to with heavy. ui.Jitrarhed~ muslin, whidi with great surma, says a writer to
geat the game of
folding the Uble cloth In thr a-isbes while In a rhort time C-n eucTruv. I unshod the comforter
Witn .Nortn.
laast. --------------erery time tt Is launder- the rovers Ibe stopue of the backs crer night In a tubful of eoapy water
were propured with No^.
Norm- ^
|n»tnid of alway* having the of the rbalrs. making them about
moruiv 1 told tbe---------------

two tochex nar.dtoer at Ibe bottom g,, .cniM the lop of the tub and
them wlih a ubcvj
„e«<i .
. indm*i«i--ij
moderalety aofl SCTTlbbing
*•■«•• ai
m* ihe>up.

tao^lnch-^ All arooud. and tie
,od plenty of soap I ucnibbwJ
them Ip
‘" *' '
a seriloa 1

really more (un than ibe paper dolls
ijHwail* In the r„”"'■■
Die cover, fsl the env-cra wi tare- ,j,p ■UrUDSi"»im
then ■lilted t
comforter, and banging It acroas- a
a roeolt the they will nen l>e so large aa
ibe yard 1 iborooghly rinsed
bread until a g*>ld-n brown and crisp ‘
to the center. Put a layer of this toast™... „BO..™, B.. B.B..

.n« ^B B ™

^ .I^*lLh chUd'^w^toTw'^
of tbe
cue cloth,
cmui. more
uid/.e it
.. occasionally
.-^....Bdii.d./ an
M .Uiere ....
WM a ....
race Ip sm ar
or so
«o irv
to qllher Mde. When it to
litid, tbe crease will, of oqurse. be

=F™:rzr=r :=


jj” In . ,nB*


“ZT' ,

. __ , or; flavor with vanllto or lemon, thun » inoiaten toe oresn. o»
,j,» piiking-np provers proceed* along
lift and
o,en for fifteen mtoote. and Mrve at

tbpir way.
• Weidd not to* aUght reltanted

«»''■ I”*"'**
" •» mnA
«r .



Mm careful '‘HtoS appearance.
^rtw^dtaunro from both
Sweeping maUing wltb an nnrov-

I. ■«
™b —iB-™.. .«>

1«» <hi. mriiuui will be more t*-"




aU the dwr

... a I Oe T.nltla. beat.
on Uic rake.

------------------------Had You TboupSt of Thlsf

When cold aprmul of onloo. Let cook for fifteen mtontet. then pick out the onion mid ert-

V«.llto (tokra-Beal four egg. and ^
one half pound ot fine granulated
aogar together tor t«» minutes; add
.mvwr and let rook
a plnrh of salt, one fourth ot a pound
^ntoS- otlr to three-fourths «*
of pastry-flour and one tpaspoonlul of ,
^ ^nely chopped ham. either
Ifatenod to a semoa extrart of vanllto. Mix very gmoolb. .^Id-boiled or roW-b'rolIed and let
dhough (dd
buttered tin*,
looai m boiling salted waltoa dhoo^t tost Truth.
' V
Bake to a moderate oven until nicely
, hot eerv lng-dtoh:
•®®*“ *® "• rolorod. aod when sitll warm, twist
- . srttb butter and
tom. at for in- each one Into a eone. Fill
wllh ,„h the ham mtxiuie and serve
... ..............
atMce wlNU me read a tamlltor Bible whipped cream, rarpbeiry jam or <Md amolrtiig hot.

i»B iiABton.. i,rt.B« ~
IM — «,«1»B 11U. ti»«i..
--- BOteBBd . to or 1.0 IBB. ~”"V- <■'
.to ST^l toto 01 tb.

the same manner.
This will form a nm <A***^. .*°5 * iTr-not only wiu

* young man 1. a^y. by
the falher of the girl he want, to
tn-rTT: ”Wh.l arc your praapectaT
What are your tos-vtoeea quallflcatloo*
dauitoler?-• And upon
to au|^ my darter?
his aHliiy
) answer these quesUon*
lorily depends toigely wbethO' he grta Ibe fathers ronaent. Sow
by tbe same token why to not the
vtung man> mollier lifaHfled to gomg-to the girl and at-klng her; "What
domesttc quatlfiv
ttvaUons lu
B*hat do
....M -»•
-----------------x">------------- eptog. wifecandled cherries Into quarters or m bpod and moiherboodT" It Is never—
rr-r't: .her preserved fruit may ^ uara. ^ ^^ely-dooe. but If the young man
.jro.m.«l choctolo
«..dib, O.B to to.'- be “'■e
ir' •* qulxsed why not the girl? fi>on
- pnjn, I
-s*«- «*«*» ■ erwid luilietl

. -------- --- ^!L"l!riLr^ them awl cut



rrfn-n today Home
SiTU mtod aT odl-

“* '*'*
bottom of the bpAl and add
cup. of flour, mixed and the prepared ma.-xroons and fruit and \

is a Rool that
WIU Last


2rt? pltoiod two or three -years ""«*
* ‘r'V“‘T
llgbrir tc*-ther
z!-*!. *!It. Obto—toB. ..reina Hb.t <"«
8*t paper doiUe* on small piatce. and
Z’tollDW tb^^ly imimlro wbon it
ronned piw^MM to ua. without waiting for the *®‘"«
. •P?'*
c^*» mixture
«K* vaantsd -mAer ascend tboaghi”
«“‘ck Coffee-Cake^ tabfaspoM^ Itoto
topping to
the pltobto
plneappie. CWlltotoBbChill thorough.

,he> wlU require rigoiou. rub-w... ...1™^mCt « r«- «.r bin* wtih soap or in hot water.

„ ,hp«, or tshlecjoth. are - 'i.Cg
hml a home to supiort. WbuW ‘‘c putting the selvage ihrough .he
^ ^ ^,h o^ptobC

baartsd dealr* to oahe some one eiae
-------- -- ..
two or
>.____ HOW many helpmi words we
>“*« *“
---------- -------------—w«fuls Of bakingqmwder. Bake, three tablespoontuls of vanned toms_
My. Ad we^never wait w «
^ toe*, or II there fa none handy. uW
dsr whether we wmiM be mlstindep. end wAon done take from I
and spread with faeltcd butter. Ibep-The wme amount of hot waicr; rover

“P"" f'"' dtughter'a future with euco
young *"""
man? True, marriage Is *
■ >‘~"s
The Good Old
----- ------ ....
The stflnroer time comes ro apaco.
Portn«»‘'*Peach member Is sappored lu bring his and we must even noa: begin to
special individual aUfllty.
epprotchlng awnn days.

StoTB,r::.r..rob.'s: “ir™-:nr, rb^r:


ef a UUle 1

’ said; "In the


“r j“ r„.r:

i.,.. «b»..e.

,r;.-::rB::r „-rL“br„‘rr


PtoS; btob p. to b.1 .Oto, U,™
» IbU
o< Ito-toB ™to. dto lb to
I. tto”., BB. B tbto to.. ... toB «»r bbtlB- B.B «..tolto~B.l B to bto. B. -"B- “P ““®""
to B to» b...Ul. bBlbtalk ehe
B toi..
Sb. Bllb. B.U» B Ibto to. Ibto Ibp b,jW.
™P~“« ■
BP V"B.B.n 1-b.. bu, to to to,to. 11 bb,.bBto Pl.-CbB. to M.toB P-" B lb. Pto, bto. -bb ptoU,- .,*«« ton- .B l«.br V-WP
nine year*
have known to. B to. B..1B.I.P totobto
to bB P.™, 1.UB1 t.B B . ttotoP B Bdb. BU lb toBbbto tobB bBMb™ toto I.
to to. to to Bl B to. B.

to MU •• OR. afier I


been the 01^ given.

. p.„
towtlm. of the rarc-1. to««d

maitins around Hie border, av wllh the com-

Home fbeer baa bad grtM sucuaas
be tougbetied by the mU.
.vroiorter. o.
oe tbe hoe. spny,he table linen Is thoroughly , <'rep>- paper for the summer .««(- putting romloncr.
remove It from the line and
..H *"*
prepare to dampen to
A whisk
ulll plTtlrolilly
broom Is excellent for tbe ptapose.
drriiser.- and rov- on Hie line.
Table linen, in order to bring out
" spread
(be bribShi glo»r that makes K attrac
,„.r, ehottid V
tbe tahleclbths freely, be
Sprinkle the
ing sure that the aelvsge ends or
hrmsiHched briers are tlvorraigblA
dampR"" ‘to tightly, patting (h»
roll frequently to spread the damp
For fresh lea and coffee atains. ui,*
rvfmg material hat beep
The perfect ronfi
lie with rotting-shiogfet.
(o ind Trouble
gfrl * gWHV '«
P>*« "»«•
IS* thin
broken sUre and rusting '
the pivt. Reynold* Flexible Asphalt Male T
Tjld tea
oiiilasivanvofihesecommonly used materials
tbe one durable roofing known tCMlay.
1 avirer fl
It iwfnMn «lstc ia appeaiaBce. bat lay* aau«,
i-iivts lev and II not affected by Iroeti or Hem.
Out fonfidenev ia.
average girl piMcnie when
Nice tablecloths and napkins should
^ he .n<v*ed to beroiue much «>;i

-r to
r:.-;.: r,r,
to to JreTb^r
*."sr:';vr,:rs?s,»», -r„"«"b^i-lt-j™“.'■'. t; r'■
tbetr daUr living. Each
Idea thU petoaps the v
bad Madt ao mnvh to t
bsvo a axVsge for aome -


t.blraloUi to

a frylngpan in which is one taflile- the part of the girt.

U we areearo-

pUan. wtth a ^ece of summer sew-


PlexiWe ?ksphalt^
it as tlvereaghiy groanM that wc back it wilk a
loegtrim guarantca
RrvnMdi FJnible SUtc <1 oreaeirotil, orcar
WMw. and h tire and ligkminx pr‘>*’'.
Rrynoid. FlexiN* Stale .v «.oW. (or SBr«y>»
ITP* •* bfalding.
Consult >out o-B .BiMy..v-bi.v • roofing that -M la«.
W. alvo manufacture cun't*-»urf»«v! roormt rt high qouUty. ia lolk
naita and cement (or liv .iv£. |*t vf InDdr ttreiolHHJM. REYNOLbOS ROOFIMO CO.
ledOaScIsntt Avanu*. OeanO RamMa. MleH.

BcnreacaleaHirc By

Hmmh & Lay Merca^iU Ctm^anj

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