Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ind Travors«









TnviMW CHy Will Open 8«*«>n W
•oyM City. M.y 23. « and 28Oaua an Baticfactory to Lo­
cal Manae«i"*iH.
Tba Kvlsn) adiodulo of pnincs for
ifco MlcblUP Suip Baitohall leacue
vaa raralrad from iBvsldrbt DirkrrBon Tbttrtday. This In ibe tbird dnft.
the twa'fonnor.arht^HleM hsvlna lieen
dlaat>|HY>ved by Ihe Trav«r>« Clly bm
Tbo laKl druli
mflde by
Smiatlclan Goble of Grand
WM approved by Ibe offlct-n Tliuraday
and Ita aeraptabre wifed to Presideni
Tbe •chedole baa b*cu

_______ ,,,,

II ojien th«

.1 Mar Si ml Boyne Clly for (bi
aaiOM. and Traverae CHy eiOHn I
aeaaon at Holland, Seirtember iC, 16
' and IT.
The flnt appearance of Traverae
Oty at home will be on Hay 26. 27.
21. with Boynb City.
Trwrene City
wUI ^ at Maaiiiee on July 3 and a
deaMa header on Jidy 4.
wltl plwatooNe bender at Traverae
aty OB Labor day. Seirterober 4. and
aaothw same .on Beptember S. Mania-

MUlOB, Willie Cadillac will
.n Jimi ». following MunU
tday bare
tee, tbe laat day of tbe reunion. Theae
datea. ibe i
achadina being conaidered
aatlafac'^‘rim local offleera believe tbip to be
an aood a aebodnle «a conld be ard and will give all the town* in
tba . league pleaty of good
tnm Hay tl wstll September IT. Trav
. enaCtty ta to have 60 gamea I bone.
it of the local a
glaA year’a playera who
r laBdhig the penaant.
have algned contracta:
_______ Dull. Talbot, Wn-



**lt la MtltvM thin Ubmp wiU be aecoad to adha in the league, and abould
4hara baAby weak apota they will be
fllM. ad^ utnagemeni baa a large
BBSbar Ot appilcatlon* of playera of
good repMatloa.
the managar of tbe team !■ atlll nnaattad. aa tbe
dca.'l with
Maaagar>mrfcar ot tbe Grand Hapide
OoBtral lOBgne Uam tor Ike tiuUec baa
tm been eloaed. ^bootd thia iail
UiBOO^. however, there la ipleMid
natarlal in eight to fill the idacc.

if FarwH^

«r tba MMlgan i
_______________ baa been omployed D)
tba Waatem Hlcblgmn Devolapmefli
bnroan aa ona of tbe tMd men aBtbo^
ttad at tbe Bteeilng <rf tbe executive
ooaacaiuae beld laat areek. Hla work
wfll be to laat
Wattem Ulohlg
Nanlu from thalf fanna. by tbo ap­
plication of tbe beat mciboda that
are knows <0 agiicBitnral srleoce.
Tbe work van aianed ai . Hart
Uonday, and practical orchard demoaatraUona
be given
whenerec the opportunlly offera. and lactuna WUI be delivered
wbara a crowd can
be collected.
Cvealag nieeilBn In tbe vinagea are
alao planned during tbe aeaaon.
■paelal attsauon will be given tbe
otebarda and all Uir beet methods
known to the berticuituriru will be
tsaght tbe tndt growers. Ttalk -work
baa IMB cgadacted opon a small scale
daring the past year aod bar proved
ao aatiafactory that there is a great
dwdbd tor more of U In all the oounttaa wbara tbe fruit crop Is an Impgrtaat fnctor.
Fbr eome time Mr.
UBltt wOI uaeel with Recrraary GibaoB. and after bo gets tbe lay of tbe
Und he wiu conduct hU work alone.
later ta the aeaaon it u proponed
to Ura another nan to work jdona
tba MIM Uaaa as tbe demand U each
that oae man cannot poasibly rover
the taerttory compHaed to the bureau.

Robert Wilson Was Tak
at His Home Ttils Aflcmeo".
, April T.VRobert
oldest i»lone«-m of
Alniira townebip died very liiuldeuly
at -bis home here this alreriioctn, liavLg reuciied tbciaae of *•> yt-so. Th-iimc^laic i ju-..! <ir hia di-aih is dmI nipiurcIII- had unt iH-cn ill iii
■an and doaiii cahi- wiihuat wbni



JobUfPtiillips paKsed aws
luck Thursday itionilcg a

fsHb wrhirti
lived in
i ch!ldr«-n


he bad
was 4K yea
Ihi- >>4.' a
Ib>. widoa
a boy ami


I Lectuiws and Orchard


irranged-an etu-nsii
or* of l.-ctur«-x for K.-nt <-*.001* I
>ecQ lung u suSerr.< uf age and bad
iiuRjber of >ear>.
there are two
------------afiernonn and laiwell in tbe evening! .
1 girl. The funeral
moruiLg from (ha FLOWERS' PRIMARY B|LL WENT WWoesdav at Sjiarla; Thursday a< CITY
, Kctn riiy «*ltb aa orchard deuionMra
Jlltoa In-tihe aftemoiiD , l.aier date*
iasure to Abohah
the* Sutc Pardon «1H also Im- arranged for lltH kloid Se*tdru Battle In Proprees *
-Thia Would
i Cedar f^prtnga. Caledonia and hand
Since V<
Board also a


coRoinoi II Tonsu

• •
Mr tVil»»i Is vM- c.t till- iiKHd blah OTHER INSTITUTIONS-CUT OUTiwa- hehl Saiiir4a>
r«->p>Hti4 bad «t<-tl-in.d<i iDcii .iii
. IC Gntid TrnverKo rt-Klim. mid h;>d
Jlvrd here many .venr-. Ms «-x<tdl>-itr Fiirchaie ef Six
Hundred Acres ol
Vbarnrter and genial .disiaoshicm winLand and Appropriation of S22S.0 ef Con*
ling friends wiier>-vc>r h>- w-ni.
OOC for Cell Block AuthorInteresta to the Govemer.
ilr. Gibson will leave for Cbkasn
was ever willing and ready l<> do lo:
laud by the Senate.
-------ion Thnrsdsv to aliend Ihe tneellng ot,
oitierK. and was never happier than
ljusing. April S
The housk- In »e» itbe priming aad adverttsiag commit-:
»-* »'»*'’• Twhen re.idrriiig wrvkc u* a friend.
laniuiiK. Ai-ilt 7 —l.ii-uii-imnl Go*
Sion today jiaseed
Rau-iabaugfa I tee of rh.- bureau wWch wilt be held;'™™ Torreon sayThsi A«uas Calla*Itesldes tbe widow there am two emor Kor* ha* the •‘enait- llucd up to
. al of
bill and Henry Kerna' bill relative loiin Chiraso l« l-tlday and Saturday., «c», the .apital
of the state ot Toetons and a daughter all of whom re- opiKMic the effort of the honxe to ex
rod tbe center ot the draws
‘We near hi-re.
Hie <|iiaim'-atioDK of railway engineers., April rl and St•nd^e KO.«l»ii beyond April ih. The
tuk exfion trade of Mexico, la sarSEVENTY
TAKEN j«'«1 “W®"uuude-i liv y»Ou rebela.

IJinvliig. April s
Muth seuaie
Long Orasrn Battle in Zacatacaa.
------ —•
{ Ihium-belli srssluitx yesli-rday. iIhlo^nuiug, A;;r:: 7
Ti.e wnatc imlav.
Zacatecas, tlexlcu. April lo.—Blara
incr wdndlng'up at noon, while luc;
f>3»!Msl the hill carrying an appuipria
ml* yraierday mmilag the rebels
1.0UM- conHiiu*-.l on ifntil evening, ad I
fi.r a'lM-w «vll hlo.1.
under louis Moya have beea aitacUas
jourolng lu meet again this morning.
It Ja?k».m and $.:n,.nm
l.i 0x1
it*, and tberv Is rvnson-to boUetu
---- -------I Hoth fauusex worktwl
exclusively - •—
ai m* of land (or ilu- prisun
111 su>ce«-3. Tbe attack was a w*
PARTY I ,b.-ir owa mils, for the reason that
Start is Made by Senate Tovnrd Com­
ft*e-iU> rule iirevents any qe* bills'
pensation Law.
being |•rlnled and Ihe laat days ot the ' lic^ One Huh
April 7.—While ll is duiihl
Many Sieriet el Brave Deeds ef Rea sessloD will be a game *•( gUe-and
HuMioc Cwl''/v^^iets are Dead.
lul Huit the iin-M-iit leglxUlure will l»e
cuecs Hsve Been Reported—Teek
'tiersoD today prrM’ntwtbe aenau u
take Vevl wi-ek there trill Iw- at least
able In agree on an employerK cuiiiChances 4n Entering Shaft
lietitlon xlgned by 4ks rlUaena of H
two and prubably three aeosiotn every
IJtlletoa. Ala.. April »
peoxallon act
be<-aUHe of
lack of
Filled With Fire Damp.
county conrici- I'aso. asking the Called Siatca M ta
da*, while Mone of the members arelH
BI Haao. April
lhr*-c kmiwiedae of the suliject. the senate
Interfere in the Mexlrau war.
in favor of working Easter Sunday in j
r been klTled by a mysteriohs
r of pri!lonera romnilitm- on Judiciary
w-ounded^and a n
dn-IUed to
Scranton.-Pa., Ai>ril x.—Swenly bod- or*ler to lake up as many bills as i>os-' plosion ibig moroieg; in
In the Hanner
Mexicali. Mex.. April 10—GesutM
Cabaa make a sum lij- reixiMlng out nu op- lf«. hav«- been rcitucrcd from tbe l*au
taken by
xible This u III meet with iierious-ob- tcoal mines Most pf tbeui are negnies Sianle.v Wimams, who waa wtwadu*
Juares ro- lional cunipcnealion hill, the opiniuo «-c«sl mine at Thr.M.|.. where yesierirandes. w<-re brouglit
Jetfiuns. but tew meinbers will leave.Thirtv whites are xHII In the mine.
Saturday m the s|>ectaralar
Twenty-five women ramp fol- being aciieiwl that Hie «t>uriv would day's fearful disaster (x-«urre.l. .More
■.BBsIng after Jlomlay until tho final
lowera arrived at Juares today, after
M uphold a lotnpuliiory a«l.
may yet be in ^be mine.
The fire, adjournmeui is taken «
the dead numbered I
walking ISO mllea from Chihuahua.
Tbe preaeoi bill provides a maxi which auried In une of Hie lower en­
the Mexlcaa army, died today la tka
It Is already afiparniii t
-jum cxiuilieosaHoii of fS.tMKrtor death, gine rooms, didn't do the damage It
improviseit hospital eetabltebml by tku
> clash c
boutes are going
dlsahillly. spread uv«r
total or
t'niieO Stales troopa at Calaaleo.

w'f-eks or coiumuled to suffocation
Together with.
otbv dawB
to be Settled by conterJoseph K. Evans, i.f West S<-n>nu>n.
I hash iMivtnenl. ll provides that any
hroughi from' the battlefield five mUea
rommlttees. An Inkllv of this
wlm was foreman i.f Iho I niled Stsies ,

Emma E, Nor Tug BulH for Waltai away, the fallr^biefiala was buiiad
Well KAowm Reeident
Passed Away
yesterda* when the
rexi-iM- car, is the hero ol the disaster. |‘'am.
in tOPli:i
PU:ile gTBVeyard al
Monday After an Eight
Groilick, Took tnHial Dip
-lation HU for the
He lost Uls life when leading a gang!'*"'
Months' lllnasa.
" ‘
emploves. who tmist accept or reject Into ■
H l■BSo. Tex., April
rll 10.—News
ireaxe-l. Tlie bouse refused ii
shting come from gtany wecUoM
secUom nC
Waller Orel
After a sickness of eight months, the proixmltlon within 30 daya The
and the same thing will occu
ra. Harriet HadJea. widow ot tbe bill Includes all kinds ol Ubor exceirt
of bills next week.
and federals allku, do
te U. E- Padden. iiassed away Mon- domesHr ser*l<c and agro-ullural ein
wlilcb was built during Ihe tmsl
Kepreseniailve Flowers succeeded
officials of the ^tiie announce
. _________ _
.Irk and Peter; look for a CM
at the
boioe of
ber slater. ploytneni. ninl eiiipluycr. are made Ha-{
in getting
her look for more serloua wurMrs. Mary Ihtnaven, 43:i West Eighth ble for all uesHis sud accidents excein deaihi
ihtra tho^^-nu
and no'
It ix estimated that ibeiv are atjil \, through the. to
has prevailed Is Muz1«b
itreei. at the age of 67 years. Bbe those caused by wilful negligence. In­
englne^of 26 horsejowtu- and lx ; far
ions oUJcciionsS'were
dead in HiP mine.
leaves one slater. Mra Dunaven. and toxication or breai-h of n staiutoo*
mmaking bet-er than ulue;riu
iR that
round the mine iiallsade frenkled by
:: miles flbr hour. The welgui of the Isdi
hree brothers. Arabel Hale ol Ibis regulation.
the imuienslly
of the
.dG-, Henry Hale of OreenviUe and
Its six and one-half tons. Tbe laum-h '----------Chibushua. evIdenGy giving
The bill creating the office of stale
y voielAwst tor secre
8hri*-lcs and t ries are heard cvaxtauily.
Hack n
Charies- Hale of Sand l.nker-^
Ate marshal passed the
sciisle on
laiy of Mate
ueb ai
Mrs. Padden was an earnest and third rending. Other bills that went
names placed
faUbful ChrtsUan. devoting ber, liie to through on third reading were the
*>Ms pointed (
Morlarty lifil enabling tJie dairy and
no rt>ni^
rood tviramissloner to pros<.-<-uic iwrIwl that pereewage. with the! The new bo^t is a trim looking nl
V o number of years ago sbe'ba*
who manufueiure or sell pre­
I such Offkta as circuit Judge 'fair and Is built,along lines that ar.•een Hentitled with ihb Congregation serves In vlolniion
-lolniiui of the )mre PhmI
lie nlle.l Against this it) was 'somewhat dlffereffl than is genenslly
al church and Sundav schiiul. being uo
• nau-r Cariurge.1 ( H voters hboald Uke aunt i used in Ih.-se »wters. liurtng Ibe all
member lu the work of all Its Her lermllfliig a i
rc.-l in llrf- primaries or iske , .Mr GreiH. k was busy taking
HuWoiiiaii's Relief iloulei^ to luriii till
and on ea.-h
........ * ■
“>> -cm |hlx friend*
C«r|ts she was always ready amt **'ill
cs4el prove.] Hisl xhi- I* what c-aB be smuggled over the UM.
l«t ,irlp Hie mThe lusurtecloe Amve again cwl ewio
ing to do for oHiers, and In tbo wide
J life
... .........................................
all that w,
Tuireon. and Dvclrrte ot friends she has left 'she w)ll
Without a wor.l of comment the 1
mtsaed as one w hose whole thought
raiigo by destroying Trinidad brAdf*
Central Board- for Prisons Only
Wusbingtun. April 6.—Senator la colUinlllee agreed
> the bill abollshfor the second Gme aad buraUtg or
seemed to be to make light the bur
Pasaod House.
Eollette imh
. (larduQ board. Keiq-c*ci:l
brldgee-bcdena of others.
Unsiog. Mlrb.. April' 7 - In an nil- |.rovidlna f«
stive GUsiier springing a lelter from
tweeo Hufango and Paaaje.'
The funeral arrangemphis *>III be
I) session yesterdiiy the house M-ni gailou. It niiiiies us ao :a*;extlgatlug
Osbe-rn 111 wblrh be said that
IJveiy fighting contlnuee la the «Aannenneed later.
21 bills through- the ho|i|>cr on third committee, stenatoiw Works of i'ulitor- while be bad no crUlrli-ni to make ol
cinliy of lijllraa. *a|diU of the sUtO
reading. After it had liwD amended
Towusend of Michigan. Mcls-an
■resent board, he felt luat the ex
of Sinaloa.
Col. .Murelot. who had
h; the stall- affairs lommlttee wo as ol Conncctlcui. Kern of Indiana anu
ve could haudle the work much
been surrounded la tbe town of Badlr-lude- only the three yirisous. tiro I’oMieretie of Ohio.
No action wos
r. if the board wa* abolished hi*
aguuu) by inxnrroctos. received r*4greformatories and asylum for criminal taken, us laiFollette inlcnus l» si>eak plan would be to tonsuli the warden*
Mrs. Esther llcutuii |■a*■
.The federals nave sent
insane, tbe central Inuid of rouirol ujion Ihe rexoliiilon another day.
where bta* her borne on Thp-.l street
I to Nationai Peace Confei
:br-^irl*ons and In
- back a Urge numlier ol wounded U>
bill was paased. 6t to 3<'.. Tbe salaries
.parent be would have liivestlga Hnror Monday morning '„
l.’uUaaH' ““d f‘K»«
of the (hree menilM-rs of the tvinmlxness from i roc.-r of Ibe llier phe had
, ,^^3 setwre one.
ilou* made.
sloB were redt^ to |2.:.lKi each. In
Aaloans. Dear
CuUaran. Was
Tbe bill asked for b* the retail gro­ been lo 111 health tor a iiuaiber of
lu present sHI|h> the i-ommissiom-rs
L. E. Elussar. who has moved hU
cer* fixing the measurement* of boxes year* but luire her suffering .with won- ,,1.1,.<j priday by Insurrectos, who took
would have aulucratU- i«i**ers 10 make
Eriliwe Motor Works froiu MsDcelona
aud crate* used .in selling Yrvlt* and derful i«Hcn.-.\ never .•oiiuilaimng and l„^ny horse*, food kupplien and Btooey.
the appoimmeiits in these iustliuever resdv with a smile und . :e«-iy jculUias and MatatUu are tbe only
to Traverse City, has .been renieniirgetalde* was agreed lu.
berod by Goveroor Osborn in a very
town* In th* stale where the l»Lansing. Mii-b .-Apm k.—Tbe Currie word of wel.oiiie to all with wboni>lie
acionnis. not even the aadltor gen­
] iurT.-ctoa have been opposed.
comidimentao' nianner. The ruilowlng
bill to regulate express rale.s. uloug cauie in .-vrotecieral iM-ing give iiaiitliority over Hie
letter will explain itself:
with kT other bill*, were pa**ed today.
"April 7. Wll.




fx. gkjjnJ. le.-Adrtrau




“lirfiBl d



IbeltfrO^. bS





Honorable L. E. Sltiaaar. Traverw
City. .Michigan;
*-My IH-ur Sir:
1 am directed by
Oovrincr Uslorn lo -asrartaiu if ll
would be possible for yon to represent
............. _ _ ■
‘ -d na
•May 3,
Tbe bigh-'^xtandarU of
tloB may b« best shown fay furnishing
tbr names ^lol delegaira from Masaa,ebn^is. ag IoIIowh:
• Jbhn p. Iwiag. I«»rtner xei-relary of
•10 nav<f
~C3tarles 8 HaiDUn. former secr*-


Were Exhibited 1

Tcji dolfar* p«-- luirrel seems like
a Targe price to pay tor a barrel of ap­
ples hut Hia; U Hu- amount, that the
Hannah O; lay Mercaiiliie company
paid Frank Hffilih of the pcnlusuU 10fur a iwmd conajsijag of ('anaika
Red. Fallixxalcr. and Wagners, which
applea were Hu- ia*l of his li*l<i > rup
The apples are a pan of ihose that
were exhibited h. rv during the meet­
ing of the slate graiu:.' and created
such favuiaXe tximiuent from the vl-dtorx from all parts of tlu- <vuutry.
Tne apples are all s|.,eiidld »peclmene and are far sutu rKO' n> spi»earame to the w.-tern upid. s. and are a
g.ssi aamide of what kind of fruit can
be srovui In Ihe Grand Traverse rcgiou.
These apples were grown in
.the onhurd of Sir. Smith so:d
To* ♦2.0PO Iasi fall wjn-n aiarcel* any-,
one «-lse bud an* apples for sale, and
this «rvp wax the n-wii; of careful
culture and spraying »hl.-h Wax rae
lied out *lu;ms tbe spring and sum-

Tbe continued e»ld weather Ix gi<
ig a grrat Impetus to the fnili Indus­
try In this region, ns It is kei-plng bark
the buds ill u itiBuner ilisi insures tbe
largest fruit cro|i ever grown In the
Grand Traverse rx-rion. This cvrtalniy
a great deal 10 do
f a r«u»d c
of the region, and
11 8amuel
arcoriling to the Ingulrles that
Ing made from all juirts of Hie>«uiiJr., aud Samuel Busies.
The gmeraor Is desirous ot haring iry there will be a remarkftblu-bwve.iffl.hlKan by
Michigan represenieu by lueu ot your menl toward western
thood In other state.* Hoif are desirous
caniire.- He will be pleased lu '
vour Bceeptance. in wfaich. case your of bettering their eondifion.
families have
arrived and
credeatlals will he sent you.
fall will
•Yotin-.-ver^ traly.
-W. R. Oates.
work of earviiig ».ui a fortune In the
•■Secreurj- *o Goveroor,
fruit an.l geueral farming Industry.
According to the re|«irls of Ibe
e iiurcbBSird
After the a .pie*
nurwery agools who are .lo
doing business
they pla. d on I
iij the grot
.lioii. the. sate 0
.-:y depannieli
i- i*f three
last M-axon
ha* been Urm
Leo Buckner Left Sunday for Vic over a million
this Imtia-dlaie
apple seem t
I.M Buckner left Sunday for Vic- irarchascl. with iwacbes a cldse oec-iln the barrel by a.iusJ

' •he
- has■ secured
----------- ----------------------------------A llliernli
Tbe prexem-e »»f Ihes*-apples In the
airfbad among •*Ihe ---------era.
Hie .year goes
............ haverniarkc:
excedlcni pi xliiiro
a w
with I D Interior fin- •prinkling of tbe uHn
order*. The^u. show w
•an be Ooiie In the lln«
Ishing iibiii iliat'u being cliaugeil
also been in.-luded in
• shell II w »Oc.lo<l.-<
lu a furniture mauulBcturiug factory, mcreaae In the amnun
-f xtoi-k order- of rnril .
y Urn*
be t«piilBrity . along *«-nmaking cases and chairs a s|>erlalty- ed and th^nmax,- li
April It. is exixdleri
Mr. timkner will lake charge of the of s|.ro>«fB aiiumg me
grower* wyijWrll alotig
-•cpUiv gusli-ies of Hi.
business pistagetr.eW of tbe <»*e lusurfan era of pi wx|.er»i ibat ho* (.proof ol t
pruduil. whhdi Is a!
i Grand Tra
Hama at Claude L. Carter an Sixth goods aad
Mi- ne*er\been egualixl b*-fore. .
lion to -be placed. 01
Uuckni-r lemierly hud charge of the
•iraat Porehaaad by Chaa.
rer trber .aj»ple» -hu..
r ivtniuiii*
rev-ently- 1
o a wider field.
n. U Cartar ImTcloaed a deal by
»bl<b Cbarlec JeBriea. the produce
bnyer. baeomea the owner ot tbe hand
none auiae raaldcnee on Slxtb street,
built by daiMle U Carter. The pu^
Good -Prices Were Realiao^ aE Hab-'
ebaae price was 35AOO.
Claude U Firo Did Haavy Oamaga at Uka Ann
Aldermaa B. C. Green, who wa* for; .
beler Farm,
Canar U now located in Texas, having
. I^c Ann. April 10^—The resldeuce. some vear* attached fi> Ihe lighihduxe ——
gm tbarn to benrSt bU health.
Srtore and m.u-V of goods of Hdft kl a^ce on South Manlrou istani]. this ^
loike Ann. April $ —TJie sale vobSmith wenr de«troyed by fire at noon morning "picked- Aip the. fog whUtlc dti.-.ed at the term of Wii^m Habtoday, with a losx of Sl.rjw, part of on that Island.
H^iog ..een In the hel*-.-v.-sterday wa*
ot ilje larg.-xt
Ihe bouseholil s.xhU
small •ervlce. AlderiDsn GtPFO wa* natural- .-ver held in the Grand Traverse re
atoonnl of merchandise was
saved ly interested In Ihe Incident, althoughov<-r 40o bring present
Plva BolMI.^
"tailing a The » •
- ct of Tsnverse rity. aad be secured
s'lDtrreeting. bowNepr Haven. C0^f*AjSii 8.—Five
MW that Nortli. Manitou 1* reaiarkalde pri.v* for all the looU and
..............Qg a bloek
lb.* awa* and that tbe whistle [»ti>rk sold.
Tbe net revel
' tbe dty were burned
erful tbat U can be beard ^walc wvm fl.WfS. and this a
cover the Anna.
kaa 3a fnojMO.
taken in dtmDg five hour*.







\TV, .MU nKJAN. TrK><|)AY. AJ’Ull, 11. ISll.


• **lth her jwn
i good time for tbe Mexlcaa solron years, where, they ui<-rx. None of tbe private*
short lime befme re-|r>-l*ing less than <1.23 per day
-sided only
the Grand Traverse region, aud rursle* are getting-32.M. Not k
officer Of tbe Mexican army la
Icaaor Taft and F. E. Wagner Will
-r lUe
For a few yeer* she liy.-l ID In the state. On the sugar plaautloas
Be in Traverae Crty' Neat
state aU the feeling U with UM
' lo^lansu county and then rame to tbi*
■ ity. where she had lived ever slace {tusurreotos.
Had *he lived she would have reactied '■
.'-lexi.o Cliy. April 10.—The late ol
he Grand Trav. rse Growers' and her slxiy-Ufib birthday tomorrow.
1/ has not been learned toShippers' asamiBiion tia* called two
On April rc. ;lk7l. Ml** Hlnkston'day'p-jbtn- m.-etlngx to take place In the

-------- ^-----------------------*
oiH-rs hou*.- on Thursday. April
the oiher'at S p iBcnion. who pre.-eded
her In death



t'blcago. p:
Truverse t
lk«rd of trade
I'r.dewsor Tali will dtxcusx tbe mot■r ,.f ...ruMiix uml Mr Wagner will
handl*- the subject of packing, irrad
Ing and markrtlna. while Judge I'ralor
will discuss'subject* of special luler.wt
Tbe Dialii idra lx to bring .ail
th.- prtuicpal need*
of the G:atul
T.-j«er»e ri-gi.m In agri< iilture. hi>niruiTiire. spraying, gtwdlng and
c*»ulM-T-jtive lalxirlug, uLo Hie mailer
■>f :i.atln-Hi;g farm and on hard pro­
This meeting win iw> of speela; In­
terest -and Imfxyrtan.e to farmers land
a .o.-dlal InMtttli'fi is extended to
Ih-m to »v prescic.
Itesldes Uioi-e
meiitioiie-l. there W.ll lie >n^r proml
;>eal speaker*. '

I Emma Howe'oft
i« 8iandl»h Of lo>-;
. Mr..
t:ua May [Ml
sister*. )*lf-

devoted t
iove.1 Iiv nt: wliu knew tier,
years she l,ad -b.-n a


Waa Scene
Happy Annivtraarjr Gather­
ing Monday.


attends lauilly reunion stibebMM
tbrir morher. .Mr* Helm Ulendom
of 41:- North Cedar mtree'l. on tbo
<tuQ of hei sixty-slxih birthday an-

.f Airil. K«* Mr. KoUiixoD. tbe first
i.inialei in Traverse I'liy pertorminc
A land:; dinner and
social i:u>e have been enjoyed
-clock AVedne-da*
Hie day br the venerablo
afteruouii. He*. iicKc
.lady and b>r cbH.lree. aud she la rv
cx iving consnaulaHons and best


Moves, to Bouflhey
Iff ct State ana

their new t
Alfred Neuman Had Eaciting Exper- of the Boutin
Stale'and <.'*••
tene* With Hit Runabout
Mrs. J E It-'si


-iw Caioaln and ‘
Odcag-. Ill , April K -By tbe egpleiend'.^laF Jel-[•!■«*
oH .tore, ifp Imddle
I with
*'* fhiKlren
-era faiaUf
• •“‘'“fb of CbkaMB.

Sunday., Alfred N'esman lost txyutrol .IwaVlng and all seats are free.
of tbe cor acd K-came entaugled w Ith
:be new- FOrd car owned by A W.
Pc-k. which was aiatidliig In from uf
hi* residence on Eighth street. Tbe
-----------(vUlt to Prexldeni Taft at the WWto
Feck car wax uum-cupied and
AppeiRted Deputy
and Food;niro.e and cs lUifade down . PennayANewman
t»»oia avenue with lbe:r faded and Ut'damage was done to both car*, th.-------lured bi
^ tbe rui^iout ^Ing
Lddnifig. Aprfl 6—The office of dep- IJ'striel
' while tbe f^k
ssasbed •
Hvtoln aad food commixsloner was celebrated tbe fiftlctb aiuiiversary at
tbclr enlistment In H«1 In response te

■ H. done*
rs of;
filled today when Frank
Brut rail



\Va*hifeg».ro. n C.. April l*.-i-Wlth m



IM Tmoie IcnU

m rtfht In tbe am 1iwubc«. nod k>!a. w.
hnrlM U done for nil Umer
Trudi .....................
Tbe eoBKmrtloB of e dock tine j,
q, i.cte •iiver'.’m,*"!!!!!!
rwiei A WMK.
citr. Md not to the pertle* to the eon-lwtn. Jackeen..................
iroreni/only. It 1* Iniponnnl not only ; P- Mewserl ........ ................ .
ni • Knnilnr)- natter, hut the ItnuruTe-: ^ ^ wuTa Ccna*!............
of tbe atrean along the IJneajThe Globe-OepTwora^’^!']
Med would make It an aifnrtion /. W. Travia ....
for'the fatnre rather than a iJienare;*- V. Frledrieh ..
C. Lewis ......
title heeith as at present.—Re<- E.
W. W. Farr ...
|M. A Sanders .
At tbe Elha'
raversa.CIly kxlge
TMO*. T. aATB*.
have as Brewo Lumber Co ...
gubsU Abgun Hemnatin. gram] exalt-|wm. Olll
UMr M Mmhot.
A nler of tho Elks of the rniled Agnes Abbott
Both 'FfeOBet Na t».
States and IncldeBtmllr ovrner of the
OMee. m Frvnt BtnM.
CInciniiatJ NalloDsI ieat^ taeehall; |y|_
team, and bsad of the nationa} baHC-:: w.
ww. u.
O. uyon........
Charlas Jaflrlea .
Om Tear................. tl.W to Advance All oommlialon: also John Bunon.
•It Months................. 6*c to Advance of the two snrvtvors of tbe original Or
tto«n MMtk*........... »e to Advance ler of Elks
bn “JoUr Corks." Not the least jc. D. Alley..........
btomd as sMond-claaa naUer aong the gnests will also be Govern-' E. L. Edksrda ...
Mvek % IMI. at the postofSce at . C. 8. 0.1»n., «o i. «U I. b. .
» TlS" ^
ftsWM CStT. MIA, nndar the Act tbs finti~MlcfalKan KIk. Some rnmiiaD}., william Murrtll .
I. C. Murray
«C Oo«r«a «(
X. mo
Frank Shannon

Mltnmt ItyU^





--------- '
;FARM FOR SALE-M> ».)acre farm.*
----------------- '
: ZW mile* from the village of ttm-


bouse. gi»d barn, large orebarJ li
• oM. amM s
feOred. no butidtnga. Prtres ivo . .
--------pltrallon. Mika turn
nnaagh. Empire.
Will Allow Breach to W
-Ian 31 to Bpri
Legislation Problem M
t Shall Be Choacn From
at the Senate
WANTED -tllrl fnr general boose.
----, work. lhr«- in the Isniil>; must tx.
\V5,liluj:i..t< Ai.rll I" li U «lall>
kI I'asn. A|.HI k - Tor Severesf
goo.1 waslM r amt Iromn-and do j.Uln
be.t>iiiiii>! more
Ifiul tongrea*
rouglit In 'h.- Mate «rf Ihirango ' •'ooklng
.Miw GtM. U
Ik faring a Homo aAkK.-and ihaij**..' „i prosjess si Vrrlatdwa lue#
Washtoglon Mr-el
Ih-rr-<nin be luadr no torrasl of the j,,
Ttiree hundred fAt<Ivral* o-x-upv
pmbable legislative rrsultK Itie fael :,},^ „„„
thHi Uiih of the Ktvpl pullltcsl par- ipMs.
badly dlUdinl la no longer
I. ApHl h.—The Maderos r
ilrUed and the leaden aPIMwr to have j uuMd sirvparainms today lu-make aulffilmSs r*as
btHe hope of rwUirlng
kii) thing more | •atnnioblle
,B«iniOblle dash
daA to ftaihuahua
fbthuahua to dis-1
-Uihng aiDihtng
than aurtan. fian
|CUss stlh ihe liwurgc.iil h-ad-r |xw<c
Th. IV are [Iriuallv four panlea.; t^rluK.
f6r sale. '
•I'll nllh I
repreeonisUon. I wasliliigum. ApHl ^-Gw.
4i> arm lisklnuod land. *• acre*
SJ»| sorUng at udd<
Uk in
ih<- uresoot
t'rititiQeld. an Atnerh-an slnil fnmi ih-ared.
lalan.v .m over lead)
^ I kUiii Till- ICe^blhaii
toblhaii minority
ot the ,. ^
Tuxali. Meiiio, t» dead
jilearing. r>» nilleK i/pni liai<
lates poet
SDO I ImliKC Ik dl^ed Ih-Iw
epartnx'iii has been noil .office,
on t'ere llaniuelie rallroa.1
63)6 ; and ii-.KUryfritti. an sax« i-vlilenced by t ned and t
jAlao one gml surk boise. s
SOO'ibe \.>ie 111 llie a|>eakeisblp
For iirtrcK. addrea*. S
5JCI0 The hrwb bi-!«*vn th.-w tso lai-•
SOO LiuiiK IK i vi'ii ntder 111 liie Republican.,
SW Jlisjovll) of III.- »-tiate.
What hr de« Ufed • - ‘
--------------. .
‘ bevui
MO Ihr .vmseria'ive Ueinorrale
sMIt- toMStinx lAi Presldmil »>iax
SOO i Itii- Mroaie who are .ippoaed to au)
LflOi Ii iiii); al dtemioii ou ibi- |KirT of Wu tetire aud llw munrr) be prepared to try out am


I 111 lA 3.300
ApHI 10.


ICOti—t'olony ot Virginia divided l>y M. B. Hungerford ...................
Che king Into iso volouies.
Madison BroK ..........................
ITIb-Hleiardus -Uoekiuan bceaine i Smith A Prlia..........................
acting iptvemor of New Vork.
F. P. Lawton ................ ...........
Queen Ilortenne of llollati.l. Miss C. Hotcisworth ................
mother of Napoleon 111., bum In I'urU. M. 8. Hohey ....................
Fisher A Better ......................
Died iu BwlUerUnd. Oct. Z. t«3‘.
S. Click ......................................
Ikl 4—yyench army under Marshal D.'Cochlliy^........................................ ....
defeated by
'British nnder Civic ImprOucmsnt CommM.
Scull--------------- 'the
---------------Wellington In battle
baitl of Toukruae.
tee. Woman's Club
1027—Gen. Lew Wallace, author of
"B«n Hur.-' bora In Brookvilte. Itid.
IMed In rrawfordnvSIIe. Ind.. hVb. I\ R. W. Thacker ....................
W. W. Goebel.......... ..
J. W. Patehifl ...................
R. S. MacGrsffor...................
tinghani, Eogtond.
Wiegand ............................
1841—The .Nes- Vork Tribune flrM Geo.
e. Metcalf ....................
Ralph Andersen ...................
Will H. Andersen ------------- .
I If ibey could get
T. C. Typegraphieat Union.
I for BanM wBon tb'e crop
t, TBo raane tMa barred ot apilon>e,’
Mist Julia Barlow..................
i feroaikt |1*. Is tost they are Africa. Bori
George Berlow ............................
1 k. and toe rsaaon tAt tony
Odo. B. Blue .......................... ■«
ChSA M. Bcere..................
I BBMh the aMBay to boranao toofr tacked U«d>. Granger
aaosd by toa ocienGfle Tenn.
Mica Bigge and Mies Pehoral
ysd to tosir prodactlon
1864—The Archduke MasImlUan ar O. UTraflord, InterlocAn...
klfx• aa
moatratlon of
_ jg «r OB
toat Baa besi
1863—A new coniiitatloa promul
Ilii'VaMdni MMitfU daring ton tated In Mexico.
1874—feSevated railroad flm pro­
r ysora, aad of tbs rampalgu
for .Sew York cHy.
Mtlaas ttodar toa aua> posed
1S»«—Pretideni aerreland iiwued ,
le Bering Sen proctonatloii.
sj^amtoBOtowskto- Tbu IM7—Senator Lok'olietto of Wiscon­
to A diacAioaal and by sin declared In favor of the rcnomlnaof too farmrs and fnili tton of President Koooeveli.

mat aar bo acootnpUAed by
aWiBtWt tDoAods of fnsli culture la
tjiiilj wvttMR to a Ale Of a barrel
«E b*|0A w ^ Haasah A laty Mer.'
Oa. by Prank fimith of the
jiilMBla. Mr. eaUth aoM one barrel.
m laK or Bis 1>10 crop,
•M^. Tho anrlst -ware Wmgnen.
hmM Ssds'aad Pallowaiecs
r* gylt*!!** specimens of a fauey
is.* M to not many yaara ago that
M thors was a Mg
from tl.
ItM was tbo DfwVBtUDg price and


t JatoAaMto prims on
I at* psJd for too fancy
■0 IteUe alatos. wlto toe ad• « OMtfht mtos all to favor
■y, April ll; tooro .wfl]

d By too Grand
Bn«m- And Mlppors' asm toa city Opera Bouae for
• «d slTtoE toa tomera ud
I toa banoftt of too oxPMlsiSOr L. R. Taft of
It Of tbe hterantloosl
MonetoUon ot Cbl• fflndBil M«ls of toe Grand
• fssiM gad dovo^ toelr «tIftattng. This wtU aBord
I to Bto toe idewi of men
■d witoority upon bortletilBnenltors. TBers la no
_ .jwdrdn And tos «
t Msm Aid ndopUon tAm


aoratoff. sub■ too Bobto UoloB atroet
g to tod. toooto of Boardmaa
of in­
VBMWRny conaldorod
to too owaera ot property
I too riror botwoa tbooe
E ooto taporiaaos to toe

The houw•.-raiiv majuMiy tbi-ut» thux far.
...,««rapvd a bn-ak. bin Ihr Irsd-

....... .


Kptvad i<> III.'
ia»Piti ha» in
!lh (bi- -t'li-t-tluii of lOiu
MO^iiiti.-.-. and III.-. ti-*;l« .it l.-glKlaSDO 11... surk.
i'lotuiblv thf r«- n.-wr has Ikvii
6A0 .•uisMtw wli.-rv wi iiiu.-h un.-vrtaitil
6.00 .-tiKi.Kl ami wli.-i.i iho .vmgnwK had

s PHI cmr. auowem ««

We sill ageJn rail aUeoUoa to tbd
annouB.-er.eni that has ba« made
maiiy times prevhwaly In tba itorald.
cbai DO roniiuuniratloaa raa bo used
unless wo know tho uamo of the
enter, iaxsi rurresigiBdeaeo eras


—_____ J too

ps.Xl*ieaao bet

thla to



-that all

tended for (be Mma r___ ____ _ ___
name uT toe writor. Thl« aptdiss SUA
lo r^tpr and octnakmal ---rilTrtt
enliC TA natue it not used, bat wa


m.Ik t
Ni. .im- ill ramp belh-v.-ii praiv Ik
in slebi or thal ll |k-pokkIIiPv betorv >
lh«- liivuTi,»«» nmke furcti'-r adv.iii |
<vN. Mad.-ro liliiiKvIf ha* mu lak.-n wi. !o|Himi>ilr vIvK tai far a* inmiodlao-.
|Km<v |- ____

«*■•. —

v. i. *111., x


J tl^e



,........ ....................... ... 11i» lh'iu.K-ra3*
k.. Iiji
i, |N>«er
>u.iE,r In
li ih.- Iuium' ami ili<SJIOjurtSAO Kinudiiiian* .ur>' in i-oir.rxil of . tinI Keliair The r»Ml .uii».-«f the *tivl.-i>.

trV a sack
Oi Tl:is Femous Brand for Your
Next Bake Day


Unrest in Province of Malaga. Spain.
Calls for Government Ih- / '

Younc of hi»a ti.ld the *enate to-la>

nUmt the Kdi.e*. of .........


^•221 Madrid. April f» -.\n embrn* *vp«b
“•‘"ill.- hSK Uvn ptWlaltueU ai raiillla* De
"'‘"lAe.'ltltie. In itu- i.ruvlnre .K Malaga
"•*!TIie lopuluc*. atlai k«Hl the lurrai k* of
^2“ th.- .-UU guard and seieral w.-re in
g—|jiiri-d- Kelnlorcenic'iit* of guvernmem
hav.- be*-D hurried to Ihe scen.--



euvcntneni In l)e. Moln.-*, He O**'*'* *"





Ilinr. l..r, ...1.


ffiPlE SH»E Fito FDR Silt

lliiilier. Stiitups and Ktone|
jsll out of .tesred land. Good fericv*.
Cl-teland. .\i>ril li‘ - Former Mayor iXmrd 8-r.aini hi>ifH- willi »teel rmif and»i--<.n KUffer.-rl atHiiii. i Kinking K|>eII ewri .vl'*-. miIi and hard water lu
Hi- tdi.-i.liinK KU', • liuu-u-. wild mill and 2-i barrel lar.k
<'i;»50. -tl-ril H'.-t'.wiielin* Mr ihai i'. ii.a-- li.e (hroogli Itu- .lay
»'‘d bou*--. »i>.u* Kiuok'e Iiouk--. oi
________ , chard. bla<k-nulh *tiop Iiki1«
''.-■-.•nlli iiMUaging e.lit»: __ ____
wrKidKbed dill *i-vt :
‘hr fhK Jgn i:.-.-or.l llerul.
jBowarw o» Ointments toe catarvt Ujditig and ou «««• wall
I0J»_______________ j
piaz Contain Moroury
turn*, a potato avllar made <>
________ ___________

aim St uiuiF Kti



^ If ii ^■.tsriL*k you as it has thousands
til olIu-Ss. ihcrt- will he no more hakctjay iroiihlck.
^ If,it dtV-sn'tr your money will be
chcerfufly refunded by your dealer.
L We lake all the risks.

1/oigf Milling Company
Grand Ka/^ds'


DIMIBE OF $3,000,000

T. M. M.Tdrrt No. EM..

CB»nai • • tmjm

must know wbo the partUs ar*.
LOST—Between tbe comer, of Ptoe
and Elevento alreeis. oo -Unloa Ad
1'rMricb‘a shoe store, ladya opm
fare cold watch, black aUk fob wlUi ______
!l G
kHkei with1 1Miefaim
_____ srai Ratarn
Kichth Sireol. Travto Kerard-f-toglo. Boward.
dec IT-U


AftdsraoB ....

A. Tracy Lay. PraaidsnL
R. Floyd Clinch, Vice PresidonL
Samuel Garland. Cashier.
A. J. Haviland. Asal. Ceshior.




Koot.kridga. WoaU tots not
IMgil attractioa to the.re0 ara tryiag to gat to pay (or
tovard dstog toM aat-

Twenty Girls wanted
at once. Oval Wood

iMlauli haviog l.e.-n made In tin
I hiisevri. I« l••dl<•l•Ki to .be .IniI |>n)Xliiiliy .if ill.- pnii) .on.i-iillon*, condllloDS «f a
- •-lilt'll will iH-l.-.i the Klatiilard lieon-r*
1 Jaiiin* M. M. '
1912 ami ilir kSKiwledM- that u
2 I5u>9. and re- |
p b> either during the exiruurr regiKler Of |
I diiKiry
or the r.-xulai m>k*1uii
■ Itiilow Tuny xeis .-aKlb d.-ierniiui1.- reeiiK uf i!i<- iir»i iiathmi.1 caio : , .
r<4. ami flM*
Pr^rams ara PI
In koi.i nuirtgaxe hating
n of ihiUNtmi
■ion ordered
.............i-.- l.-lefte-l and hen-hy doe* i-lert lo «le.1 ih.-re.h- IMI nwMi
ih.. »1iole amount »i-cured hy
car rates.
li>r KiHK-ulaikji.i. rivKideiil Tall
„x„,»-i.t!e due am! .vll.-.tible. on 'll
eiiamoieiii o'
u|,h h mortcuge there i» . lalltii-d to be •
lU-ithm Ui .-ari-j .111 proushuiK .>f Ilf juj.
,(,, ,i„p u| ,i,i»
,ii.- Kiiiii I
FORCES HAVE rnrmllan K«-.-ll.r
•"'" of> nud BHomey fe«- of IK.-ttu j
ll ,i‘ nr. lU.irl.lhai In- •uiilil l«- uUJ |,|.Dv|,hs| tirr In said murutage, and no i
1.1 hiu- .•oiu;r.»« Mop al thal awi d. ler
„ u» hating been
Claim That Supervisors in Catootm. llic <jm-ailon of further revjelon ”">H Hnslliuied to re.-«\er Ike inouey* arihe regulsr araaioii aammblea
inured hy ralu mongagn or any part
Geneses and Jackson Cannot Raaimer. HI* reason for thU Iw that
No*, therefore, bv virtue of
psaf Prohibition Resolution.
the tariff biu.r.1 w.hiUI be able to re ,1,,^ ,x,,ei of sale n.iiialiiej in said
to t
Marahall. Ml.h . April in.—Altliuugh port several *toedul.-s by that
fund to doto:
iS^vU.kI. notlra I. ■
ihn Imwl option relumr In Culhnun. Nelllier I* ilmre an) ..l.'.-u-li)- aUmt
Oval Wood Olah Ce................. 10&00
> and Ja.'kKaii tounliei. Khun o he program of iMx-aker t lark. Ilep^- li,prp,,y ^Heli that on WedneiMlav. Ihe |
A. Tracy Lay ................................ iOGOO.license tnajoriiy. it U . lahned'by ilie Keulalive I iKh'rwiMxi. . hairnian o
jlweuty.fourth day of Mny.
a.K and im-aiiK .■onimiltve and||,'
R. Floyd Clinch ......................... 10000 drys tbsl the board* of KU|M-rvi*.i
o'cl.«cl. In lb., forenuun I *hnll *
R. Flo;^ Clinch (fermtr oubifcmocrau ».‘iu are «Ur-.-ting
hlghe*l Ud.l.-r Hi i
mot lllegally ,other
aeHptlM doubled).................• 100AO which .
A. Tracy Lay (former subertptlen doubled) .................... lOftOO
felledfiBmA Co..........................
6CLOOTbey claim a . .
preniUe* de- ,
could rot be reiH-aled unless a nut past >.«r or *•> lia* lie<-n gHen uiii.
No* that tlm new nia^my " «he|^rtbed In
niorlgage or so tnurh |
Bros. A An(lstts.........
.b.Mi*.- ha* adodled rules glvlngK Ja«
i^. De-e*«ar) lo pay'
.1 llgiwr
.t* much p..*.-r as any n.ajbrlty evrr>,,,^^
mortgage with 1
Smith A Hull .............................
ove is n
Hamilton Clothing Co...............
.njc.i-d ther,. 1* no .loiibt that measInierost and all legal'
Iir,.* on Uie *uh].et of dire. 1 ele.1totl
lor.Hher with an atiornev fee *
lmiif. Titiw................'.y.y.y.i
of *.-nat..r*. publlelty b. fore election* j | ravonanted for therein. The
1. in uu.-Ktion.
Horgid A Rtoord Co.................
•* .................
praiulHes being desrribed in mild mortW. 0. C. Garmaino..............
Jana C. Pstaesan........ ...........
and ivil
' of Whitewater. . inly of Gra
tariff changes ill.’- .majoriiy
J. W. Mlltlhan. Inc....................
er*e and state of Mllirhlgun. vl: South
will Ik- *rli1 to Ihe wuaie
CItixan ...................................................
"■■“‘least uuarter of suiiiliegKi Quarter uf
et.T .ird.T ls.jlei-reeil by i „ ^ • ;aerth>n nfleen, township twemy-*eveU
Qusan City Elactrie Light A
and mean* coainiitiee. The oepuoirP. Co.........................................
weKl .-onialnliiB
can* nis.v expoaftiiate or -demMin.-e
Bunch of Elka................ ...........
foriv acre* of land more or. Ie*>. ac­
th--v pleaee: thej wilt ha powerleiw
A ft. E. L. A P. Co....................
cording to tba .('tilled State* survey
ToVlo. AMI It*.—Three niimon dob prevent. The real legiKlailv.- pir
0. P. Carvor A Bro................
, lar* danugc wa* canned hv a lire >e*- lent*, theivfore.-w 111 b-. a' the sens
Ebnor Bros,
the Vo&biwari. end of Ihe capllol.
lay. which *<
Travoroo Cito^ Co>,................
I iliK'.rin of I
Bamuol Oariand ...yf..........
) Hnl lli-cjiRe is iicruiliiod under wunh j
JM. ft. .Bairto
for Mnrtgagr'e.
. I|ml Burretllanfi* Four or five are re '
AJ. Morgan Eiiato'.;
niislDe*-. Bildre»«. Travcriie (*liv.
- BustoV. C. Fr& (
feb SS-U3 to oia) Z3
) tvcKld.'nt* i>f YoKhlwarl are Otsde home.

f Chair Co...

t to 000 that not only toe
iHy ted oBltorMly ostabit toot la oovo way h Bay be
. ud that tho rit)
0 at iBte tlno oad a low
rooL BMh too aam way
1 Bobo, it baa boea ong» prOtoNHwn of tbe couad too city kaa too right only to
h a Uoo by ipUoiriag tho aato of too river. TbU tsouM
lly, would obatrnct tbe curMAb*atoa*oxtaaLaad tothat «kI «|BMia ■aa—ty. if tola Uae ran
...........Ala pracdrally a itraigbt
tba river at
ith of tho river.
I mini aa aaohotroetod and
R aanoat that will not oaly rarry
» aad otoor teteettoatotettrn ba of ^t benoJoat iBaglae a
I Bight.’ aad too briUiteUy


TboM seed oaU are wortli 48c per bubcl or
in 10 buibel loU at 47c We invito jm to in­
spect and compare. Tbey will mn 3 to 4
pounds over weifbt to tbe bnshel. A food
crop candnly be obtained from ^ood seed.
garden and field seed department is filled with
fresh seeds of almoit all kinds, but u ease yon
wanted some kind of seed which we did not
have in stock we shall get it for yoa on sbMt
notice. A few seeds that we can mention btra
which you probably will want, and on wUdi
you will save money and trouUe in leokiat
lor are Hangelwnrsel Loiv R^, Golden Tank­
ard. and half Lon{ Sufar BeeU at 90c per
ponnd Oxhart half Lone, and Lone Orm^
Carrou at 50c per ponnd. Onrs is hi(b-frade
seed from the best seed house in the eotmtry.'
If you want a good crop get this seed.' We
have eight kinds of peas, three ki^ of beans,
eight ol com. from one to three ea^ of cnenmbers. ctibbage. tomato, pamipt. .pnmpkiA
lettuce, melons, an'd a lot of nice onion
scu-the best we have had in years at the*
comer of Front and Cass Street.


IOjOO,exiertial affailK of AUKR-alia and i'H>'

.TU«l....>tio ceniAiB* »*> ww


*he1l-r 1 xa*oli'..-

1OG0!rt-v tobe heW in london Dcxl moni...
,e,,^„,arfi,iwr.rrh.or.t-«iw it,.-ra alt. no l.aml ....rk G«k1 -i.
Ytun-wu* lUTU In .kdcUlde. .\4*rtl I". I'> ■ iyt« get thce«iuinr I. I* tskM letwwsUy.
1(k00;Ue iaiu.-hl s.b«.l tor a time and tater-ljad
T .i-;^.Ui» T i ilo-w,*
Kom- .xiung sUek,.
T«o r
1OJI0i«a. emplo).-.! In the government UItogK. r«"- .-bi-lien*.
10.00 <«liio(lve KhiH-K Wliiic ihUK eiii|d>>v<-! ; T*k* Uwtl«dW<DDurJau.
K« houl bouK*- oil <-ori:er n
lOiW'he ticeame amvoly inieresled in tb.i..dghboi>. good nisd-. OI
He Joined the Ade
* ntrlivary sod »a,v- telirt- phone
imone rin hujiiu- ^
e Aim
Thi* Idjirv
cK-ty' of EnglDHwra null f.vr several' uf ihe mel:ile->K
U*- Obi
kiTailon'ati"’wiK ^
hebt «ke «
i and
... 11X00 ,v^i* w-avi.rvKldcm
aud secreta:
‘r “S V’,
PriTe Va
offl.vor<•!Ot* i.f.Moflatt.
ke « ‘ke
____«ne rmteJ ILabor
imny. InIn
IOjOO ;wa* elected a luember of Ifce liooae of tary. in ll.e Si*>e BauL brnMier. Tra i(4r- yearw and have made
»e fiij, Mi. b on Tl. iirKdayVtbe. S7|
sblv ou Ihe
■ l.alwr iich<u serriag
11X00 jaetetublv
1 a
T u!r AprilA
A I*,
lono'untll IV'.'l. Fur two year* he wa* toe
of Kaid du). r<
HXnOi leader of (be l^bor party In laritalono'meui. to. 185*9 he became minHier of ;»-eveii trn»tera I
10« eduration and agriculture. tesigaUig-,an.i the iraa«ictl
l>e prexemed tor the .VI,
:two year* later to enter the flm bouce
derattOD or (he meeting

SOiXyJ.rf repreacuutivea of the Auftraliae
O. t'. Moffatu Secretor.v.
guw.w. WllllBmMBiB.ra*«m»
lO-OOi.Tiiuaionwealth. In lt«'4 Ire becatr:.april 4-lM»-:3
iPeh. 21 Tuea to A(d tJ.
lAOOl aUnlster lor hoiM aSaira.

! Crnccr



1*T Kmiit k Ca=: Str-g U.

Also good Fnai Lsod oo Uke ot b*y. W«
dMUne a
commiBWQ wbo we send ■ customer, to you «re tree lo srf It
yourself *1 uy time. Let us show you oor Frnil Tree pdecA

FAIR OAKS NURSERY CO. Traverse City, Mich.


N«* »MrdV
MM aiMl
Of«Miited fw
Men<ay Attomowv.
tiM ipeelal MMkm of (be board o7
MUwrrtaon rouvaoed Moadar afterMOB tor the iwrpoieor orcaslduaixt
iraMartlna aona Impottant tiUKtnrss
of ibe county. The flrtt iblB* on the
(troctam «aa tbo MlMnlati fo a chair
' ■ tba euulng yeai.---------ear. and i
nan tar
Ibo board had been caUed to ordeir by
Ooanty Clerk Btaer E. White, two telIan ware appolsted to paai the ba^
lota. Theaa ware John Andenon and
Frank Haalia.
The raaalt of the first ballot was
OarelaBd *. Bnell S. Hamlin ». On
the second ballot a cbaaia took i>lart>
and the vote atood: HaioUa *. Clero
tnd ]. Baell l. Ur. bsaD barlni: with,
drawn after the first ballot bad been
ukaa. As bIm tretaa coasiltaUKl a maisrttr. Mr. Haadia was. opoo motion
or Mr. Clerelaed. dedsred the UBaalaeboMboftl
At U»a condoaloB of the elec^
board took e recess «
______ % id> o-cloek to I w the
cbalrmaa io select tbe

rSuggestions on Varieties of Apoies
Beet Suited to Michigan Soil.

The Barney Co.*s Annual


By Professor H. J. Eustaeo of tbo Michigan AgriculturaJ College.
.F|Ml£ Michiganlarmn hs^ not. pc:- "«1 cars a least arc ibtow*ouL
ba|«.ln tbe
i.’aUr d thclm
«'• <«« «n3i to be ol eicriil tamak< scrm'natloo tests
^ portant. iiart that the quality of
the corn ihlii y«-sr beraus* of thr
•he- seed corn plays In the growlne
ter farmers pick «W their seed eon»|
In the fall, eliier
eilber from the sUndlnc:
stalks or at the Ume of husUnn. and
store tba same to a welt veDtihted{
loom, so that it Is wdl dried out lie-i



s W. J. FUtv
nslph MeClui
nis in Oireert Cltr Deltvsry.


A dasl wss closed receaUy wbereby
Balpb McCloakcy becomes tbe owner
- .of the interest In tbe Qoeen
IMiseo' oomimny formerly owno
wmiam Rennlb. kir. UcClDskey
weU known young msn and bss
ample asparlence in tbe delivery bual.■ naaa Is furnish the best of service to
r bis patrona Mr. Rennie has nccepted
n potion ns foremaa of the Morgan
-'the oldest es '


Of Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Dresses

hid mimcrtras report-- from *'mor.-n
part* of tthe sutj. Iodlrai:o? that tt.
seed co.-n u In as cstremrly poo-,
condtilco. and has feued In aur.e
out com ttat from ; to lO p r cenr.|
irly 5-t pr-r cCLtl
pi the eem bsd frozen germs which'
would Bbsolutel) (ail to Rrnciauic. On
acrocni cf this <o]-.d!lioB.or our sard
com it is iBHrortani Ibst
lbst every con
trover should test faU seed and do •
leas of Uree to five dollars In th'
crop, which 1» arple rciouerratloDfor cooductlbs the leal I‘btu!It ser-l
at one* so that he | ar he able to se-,
.-Lr.-/a Rood gialc elsewhere If be^
fibii* his own la poor coadltloo Olnc.;
a be'otv for tiui.lug s
genniutioa Ilsi, k
wbich U quit., siaiplrl
and cnh>be made o any farm wilbon.

Make a boa.of th» fo'JowinK-dltoei
Three inches
atoDS OB the Inside: Three
deep, tseaty lncbe« wide nod
thirty inches long. Fill ib' bos
within one-hnll la-h of tbe 'op wiib
milft soil (saud or 10JI..I. Drive ucl r
around the edee of the box evriy (w.
iDcbea and wind cord back and forth
across the box la bo.h direciloas. -r
as to mark it off into two larh square.
Place your aelerlcd ears of corn «n Ibt
^ragiam aad NMura fiMfiy Will be
tables or racks where they will
Given Ttraaday Afternoon
Praraasor of Farm Crops. Michiginj dl»U«rl>«fi and number every traih
Agricultural CoMcgs.
Tbe meeUni at tMe Boardmen Ave­
nue Mnthen' elnb was held Taes- fore heavy fpwis.
More com n|
dar afteraooe. April II. at S:U. The nsoiily aelected than is necosaary for
BiAdaot la "Kaure. Study." i
planting M as to allow a-good1 epporpnaram In charge of hire. K. E
ri Whir
havp been pVkctl.
~ —Flint grade children.
Paperr nn
on -Malnre
"Natnre Studv"
Study" by Mlaa 1( is beat that ibl« further ^leoUon of
the seed 90111 be doue ct once for fear
Violin aolo. "Me&delieobb'a Spring It win be n«el.Yied If not 'dune be­
»ng''—Mias Helen Hannen.
fore tbe rush of tlic epriDc work l*t>Aner tbe program, light infreab- glna.
•nts will :
Tbe corn should be taken rroiv iho
atUc or siornRc room and placed in a

which begins today, surpasses in^point of styles, high quality and low prices, all former
Easter Sales of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear.

Take the first car and remove stj
gralBB from the huu. middle and lip
on elfber aid^ of the car. Place'ibcte
Id the first check ar one comer of the
tbe end of the box and so no until ibe
box Is full. Tbe box will nni iveed to
he placed In a roont with warm lem
Ikvx riace six crains finn/ the se.ond ear in r irond square, cuiiiT tcr<
pemture. hut chir.ild not be suliject.-d
fwilflc i"ioi>eraitire. The
should lie u,. In'from six to ten day.-,
artordinct to the temiwrsture, Ahcr tt
is all up. examine the Imx tarcru'iy
and discard ibose ears Irom which one
or more grains base failed 10 gennlnsie. also Uiose wbirh bnre produced
a weak or uasalisfactory grow th.

. Aowed an ararage condition of SS.S


___ ..
. r tbe ten years’ are
Rye abowed 09.3. comiared p-lt
'ttl a yaar ago and M on tbe^te
In MIchtgaa. winti


teJijr. Hasai^arrhiteaural
f^arsnce «a a building and
Iwaiiietiraa Needs no piim
or pteservaiire and it 6ft and
R^inne pnoF.
IF you hare an dd Ttrof t
newra anew erne to pnlonlet dK mnmrnt be R^Idt
FlenUe Asphalt Sate.
VU.C. un7

m/i «Hr\,wv

Being miecral-turtsrsd,
bylrrnu. Be.-.„......................
they are im afierwd by tienn.
e than A I sblegln.

Pli l.~Pirtt|ng on ths Strings

may be wcwk*< ov cr to one end of the
tables, coopailni; iho rars In weight.
»r. depth of firsir,
unitoniiMy of grain. Mr. Many of the
may be discarded as of low vitall«t. but II U not ivosaibio To judee as
germlnatlag quality of all of the

$25 Sots for

Ej^a Special
long Serge
Black, tan and nary. «etne
fancy niziures.
diipgte tbe
$1330 and $15 waloes
wre have ewet had tbe
pleasure of showing. Du'
ring this, a


ON msfficr FOR imeit

TTE8DAY. APRIL 11. 1911.

Eiaster Sale
your choice of junion’.
Miues’ and Ladies' tizes
foe $IU5.
AU adter aw sprmg
; style CaaU al 10 per ceid
dMconfdiriag (be faster


Exquisite Lawn Waists
with Dutch
short deeves, b^ enbreideted Frend Lawn in con>
btnation with Veniefe or fine wal c^e. or insertton:*-


At IO Per Cent Off During the
Easter Sale

Easter Sale Prices, $11 98, $13 75
and $15.75
All new ftUAfd* nnd memlioea $15 Io $20 vnluea.
be BO re-order* oi rtyles nl tbe*e price*.

Thoie will

Tlie neat, f^in linea of tbe new *pAg aodeb ore recawnt man
ikstt nqifl pwMe


TH e

Fm infM coi^oi^ Gt

BoitMB Prices..
Dtn DfaMM



Ncgetiatlona on Feet for One of the
Great Systems to Finance De­
iicde and Ironton.
troit. Toh
New York Jevmler Believed to Have
8ecn Implicated in Theft
April I"—That npaoilBlioio. 'of gg540C.
There nr* nuBy farm and entintrv
arc on fool for one of llic great rail
road* In Mlcblsan that lack tbeirrautr
wa« ...wiciiik IC. lake over the Ikctroii.
New York, -tpril I
Toliwlu a lioiii‘»i Tallrt>a<! and (urnlKli
of our native tree*
u c»|u.cisii,
It traflU and
i-quli.rnciti. »a»> ^u•
inie of those scil«n« «tailed by Hie
• •-wwfully argUfi l•efull■ Ju'Ir.- bsau
great fires of 1ST) and IKSI, Gradusl danirott A Co., brokers. <
■ today ax a rcaaon tor a ttoMpoDcmciH
L.f TBri wc-ekx
Biv-iiK tbe
tha granting
rranilng of a decree
It this loss la r.s'.nrall}- rcpUued b>
rlo>urc on the road. Tbe junior
opiiofcliic the decree are
nlone road fcDcea or ditch baaki-. ur iKHit vaiill .and the *ccurlti>rx sere Iwindholdcra
-CM-ntetl b> J. 8 Forakrr of
•loien. Tv«o wtHika later the brokers rcpri
among stooes and Mumpa.
rinbatl and la.-n M. Il-Jtzql of l«e'roii
the «•
It 1» an easy matter «hij.. repai-.iLi rm-eivvd word that for
be icturbi"d Tin- r«-m.wot
reptaclag fi-nces to b'lve tile smnl’ curltleii^wouKi
a-ard was lpaid over but tic iblever
left In a taxi It
ear. by a ruecbnntcal cx.mlnSilon, and
‘’Jberrh?".^rl“tn *’’'11 .T** althlirld Co.'tU"
ftic com shmiid tie t.w.t«l can.fuU> In
* .............. s allpRcd ihal IClaxs is one of the uien
the cal'.
a gmnlnatlng box. O I» »w auBrtent ^ 1®
to-keke a few inwIns from ssiera! of
The vouBR sproiita of .Xm^rican elm
! are erpccially tenacious ncil haidy. I> q
arc always a ftw cftins St lonsi which**■'•<*'> •<‘<1 !>«>..lookln*
annectien With
will not loOw
grow, .nd
nnd ih. nrwlo.tio, "-™
rea^ 1
Such voune
raiiiKM be'** objerilonatue• bru.h
quality of tbe S'cd
ImprevKl 10 11,1. m. TV dU.™,
.Id- o i«>. rr™ n.j
I WarliiORtOB. April
..r. VoiiM V
«.|«rdlHr. w, "!;>■ ■"?
hto'fd »»iftl>
Ihu ur 1..I Ml .» n-nUd.ii- o>!
'Tr"”' "
■”> Forty-FIve Ri
,mw 10. rtullii. m " V dl*.nw.
'“i" Wdl,.., w, wMcb ib- wo..
Hero Rei
'ouah Senator Hunoa of Ohio he
Son- no. hw- n-d- srmid.iloo
" Io b.-,»
ctni'haikaM} denied that tbe reporvof
low, ol IIM, .om Odd V;.d» tt-r 'V“
ia proioaed.treaty l>clween iaiien air:
b.r. 1,™ .1,1- to tbro. out but
Ini-oH'- -» •
sntall pcrrcnlage of vara becatise of
Thl«and 9" more bo.lle» are
l«k Ui ,.t«,»f U-, iblub Ui. Jlf
br, ler took pls'-e. laufed
to the opeD air.
tm 01 IIM- ltu„,,™„, but ut-u — ■ ;'"Uut ■ -tu^ wow -b-ru W ,
one hnndred ar-l taeBty^-lRli:
. onu to, uun Vt b. >10-!
. TbI. IU.U .UPSlIw tb. I
killed lx .-onflrroed.
•shade. wMlr ti arnida the objeruoa of j


of merit
Best Floor
will be yours.

By Frefesser A. J. Bsidwin ef the
Mlchienn Agricultural College.

I trees being an
o-» the farm
'.In cbooal^g-tlw to be left o" (flanted
' permabtfin- and hsrdi
rdinees should b'
rapidity ofarowtt
; eoneiderv first anif rs|
second. The O-olina poplar ha* been
planted extenrirely in Ulrhlean on a;oum of li* rapid xrowxh. hiii it has
prawn short lived and ' linatiiwcfive.
Fig. m_Tne Ocrminater After Plaivt-, Rome sivs-le* of eiliow. air often
'planted, hm these seldom. If ever.
have a-plnrr except In parka
tdaBlfna eren one « ■ which T
to prrtBlnate. x



In pltin colon arid two lone d,.

Hannah & Lay Co.


at.. ; *



g s^utkoi


Silk Petticoats,^ $2.95
SpeeiJ lor Eo*r Wck SJo.


dmeral Ingrediento

dnSpottli. .a.

SPECIAL—Natural liDenf>Ksso; waist and front panel of sknt eahret*
dered in brown and blue, each $7.^.


fiydro meters

Easter Sale Pike

95c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.75, $3.25 $3.50,
$3 75 and $3.95
New Gingham, Mull and Chamhray Wash
• Diessesat$3./5,$4 50.$5and$5.75

| prinaeaa Irons taftiy
her TM* Milaming.


obta Thi* Morning Spent an Hour .r
Froltminar> O'aeuMion.

lug rommlqee moms and Iwruee t
ployea. It !• aotiouDCwt ills' a ■<
New Yck .kpril 1"—The .teslucr, plete Il»t of the commit I ew* vvill
PrlDcca* Iicbc tois.' xaiely passed !ready fur eleyiIon tomorrow,
the harUrr elil'ance-s hlih she uiliaed


' American elm are s-Miiewbr* slower U Jurcif.
* .tlful. and (Sn t’.nri«aylaa; a,U(etlaM

Lot the Herald arid Recbrd Co
do your Job Work.


Jlln. h Mat* v, .-ight
I'Hlr Br..vvi, Mari-n. w .ffl.t -*'^'•'1
H«y n.TH.- Wight 1-HlO...............
llr-ratt II..r>-. u-iuht
-----Bay H-r..-. Bcghl lUJO............-

] |•nl^ .Mult*, weight 24W.................


I Wnshlng'on. April |o.—In a resolu- '
itiOB today by Hepraeentailve Frank

K destroye.
ipany's s
age « Morlng
The ■toss i* iron llO.bO'f to

he declared tbe bouse te

tbe committees have no mors ass than
:a bog has (cr side locksu.'
- J

and Record Co.
do your Job Work.



Bbcmt talks w e alee' given ^
G. G. CovcU, iotan Siittoo «»d W. W
Tkc next mecUac «HI be beM Ma«
&lb, awl ibe follovine roaiiiimew
yall^of Co>oper«lion and Civic Pride mod “Qual- trere'jqipoliiied:
QaaqatH—1 W. Wait. & Oaefc W.
ioCitizei^ip, aoodTbemeeat
Procram—J. T. Mtlllkea. A. U Ba
ebaat. ii. B. blentague.
Brotherhood Meeting.
Sixteen ae« nembera jolaed tbe
Btotberhood. After ibe«prdipam was
4 oM ))<u4red and fpar tnen.
over many of tbe wembere auyed and
If the neaibers ........................... enioyed aa exciting game .ofr Indoor
a ai^ pMsts of tbe cowtram- dope
voluDtar.v. wbole-bearted ro-o|<eratioii baseball.
I Pretbcrtiood. met at the ebnrrt that ban made ao maay cities Tai
f tke rertlar uontblr nieeUnK aa<l with (heir beauUfal streets, |iarkK,
IT Prldar erenlas. While the com- s)de«-atks. gardeas aad tbe like. Trav, ♦ CRESCENT. NORTH MANITOU. ♦
erae tTfly bka a naturally ideal sltuaM gatberim, maar of tte i
lion, as has been conilUBall.v told, by
tbenaelree aad the oakwl
y visitora. With e
tTescciit. Morlta Jdanlioa. UIdi..
r tadoor baaeball. anchtbe}* bad a
pm 6 —Winter aeatb-r agaii
lUnc tine, eaeb wooderfnl pla«-a Improved grounds. H<al )«rks aroaad
Mrs Ray Beeioan is vlaJUngK fii-nfls
lid pel tbe State Icafoe to ahaaic:
the main land.
i vfU anaabea. lloe ttarovB. foul
idaBls /ovctIbb the anPrank Smith, sr. h here to look
d field plare «ooId have made slghGyfoliage
R|K>is. public shore gardens, ar- after fail bualaosa for a fes- days. Cd.
and “BUBdr" aad ' Ked Band" t^lan water dlslnunled through
Is tritb Mr. Smith.
Lap aad take ooUce. Aod ft was aiaic water systciu.
While has returacd
*■1 apori. At 7 d'clock the a»en- In differeai parti
parts of the city, a <
iially locatedd 'bospllal. rhlldreu's fi
w .M:^' lit____
cr CTrtlcns si
. .
spendTtig a tew da;
orebeetra. whieh al*o jitajed
hoiisea. a civic center located
tbe aopper hour. It va« of the Otl
4iro)>erty. and iDlrnirtmn electric
.Mrs Phil Tblc! Is still very sick
T-af—" elaaa aad .fready eojoyed.
these lM‘neflts were i
le'preKeiii writing
iMMi’ Aid aoclety.aever aer^ed a I>ei
Cc-ll linran Is bepe vlsilltig his
laf aapper, c-oantMliig of rtalckcn pie.
e^^he closes
perciiw. He was ai-nt lor on account
Biabed poutoes, toe blBctiiU. pickled
of lb- irltlcal eondliion of bis father,
Mfia. JeUlaa,.bro<ro bread, toe cream.
iJdKC W.
H. t-mlur
took for bl« anb- who wc are glad to say is boprorlng
Oi|e aad coffee. {>lak caractioos ai<
iert. 'The Summer Rcsoner. and nliwly.
toaad a» each plate.
There was an entertaining
wiiai to Do With Hlfn." His remarks.
whfic brief, were right to tbe inln
|»lnt. As ball game on the lir.lh. betwe.d of. tbe prwtdeai. J. W. 7>alchi
be Is always ortlBilsiic. he
e spoke wllh mill boys nnd ^hc camp boys. The
' ling by
He seld; "We mill boys wlunin
e Ural aiieaker - -.............. ......... tbe utmost embus
) take care of the
a aabject was -The City Beanti
Id with
tdeel auodHe
spoke from tbe Idea
- many of bla points


irratlon of cities be
Interlocdien. Ml<h.. April
muat keep cnnatantly telling the ixmFrank Gannwt of Detroit arrived In
ple of our eplendld ndvaoUges. Aa town
last eremag to visli her parents.
one man eald. Why you've got tbe Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Saxton.
world light here, but (ell the ■•eople
Mr. Dewiit Uakcr ,aiid family have
of H.' We are more aad tuore drift
ing iaio the cottage* system instead of moved to Arkaiwas
Mr, and Mia. J. f. Tlltapaagh have
tbe hotels, and in that wny there are
places for hundreds more than »c soM the.r hotel and *tore prufurty
hare ever bad. So many iieople are
building cottages and renting for the
ugbter r
Mrs. Tin . .
n«ir cf freili air, aunimer. Have that firm bo|w and stiH
keep the poaiofflrv iBd live
loon aad a
themsclvi-II A Gnindy D onl of (own i
hiB. Dooiifilungdtft are
buslni^ns Dila -week,
Dr. S. S. Smith sang n baas' solo In
th lyvagi
! good and bripfol, but
uch ai pleasing manner (hat he lied
to rcs|iond......................
-Bessie and Am . Padden expect ^
a BMMt inyortant of
R. J. tiacdonald's subleci was -Prall
With Flavor," and be bi -•ught
Anna < inudrni wos the guest of
my- polnti
Tills should he tbe
Boss I’.-iilileii last Monday.
n of the
declared. In every
W. J. Baxton and am arc husy
Flavor meant- duality,
potjtuea Ibis week.
should make duality stand far the best
. be Npworlb league will
give Boc
In everything. We should bi duality Easter aervleca, wishing everyone in
fanaera. duality -workmen, duality come.
-........... U, dualltr
illtr cUixens;
cUlxens: <lo
<lo away
'WlUsrd Saxt< ) expo-ls
adbTpl^* with everything illat does, not sund playing ball sc .
highest: do quality advertisThe amiling fare of llic (rwctier^
the world for , the
• aOo
^iiBkc ‘'.Made in Traverwe City" ro missed this wock. while taking
stand for s«
Easter vaiwtion.
r^dfidra idaaaaae. It
erre CTly" si.und.............. .........
Rev. 1). Cochlin
said that Traverse
Aa Uaol fbod«ie£ly shouldd lie a place for homes.
Culaa to baal tbe bmga >Uvate the exunmunity splrii
■ It fot
making the whole a
idludU npAewaatinf .lother.
__ rciorsou Is moving Into Die
:fb)e force. Make the Imine tli'l!^
Iforoe Uiat makes life worth iiviog. Mr. bouse be recently Ismgbt of Tom
dtlln dueted man:
^trate his lulni. Traverse City homes
t of Mrs. I
fare beautiful but they can be made





the evening. M. B. Ilollev
?r.v ilmi-ly paixtr thal bail
by one of the Udic
;|he city who
has the welfare of the
|Aly at heal and was along the same

r Ford Runabout

jiilin Setirlgiu trwBMO'tcd buiduos;
Id Traverw ftl> Moiidi».».
. Oils TownscDd of
HcIlDcr >;ik
bougbi one of Mra. fhapitell's hotfiies.
Fred Hill of Traverse City has renlcsl
the house and move.1 In Monday
ny (riends of Mrs. D. K. i
be pleased to hear liiai she
Is liuproving.
Miss norcn<« KJImore of Traverse
.Mr .Jones' family.
City It
Mrs. Milton Hair, w^ trarhes at
g her Easter vatntorlocbcn is


J s

day. after alteodlng Mr. Mattbewa'
ruoersi. Mrs. Matthews sod son have
bel *^*be*"^
community In

BIG GAIN h)rwets|:::::h^::::::

j The lowoship meeting whs the
114 SALOON* AT MON-i largo-1 aad most entbuslasUc beU in
many years T1>e sentiment (or good
was oearly wnanlmoui. aod an

lit a mile of state re
I>r. Clark was In ^’raverse City Wed
on the Black road beginning
wday on professional bnatoeas.
-----nrwr ine KeDe; mill and ranatag
Ix-truii. Mich.. April fi.—Aa n result nerth.
bury practicing for Easut.
, A farewell pany was given Tuesday ’ Monda.v's elections oa the local-op-{ Mrs, Norn Domioe. who aioon las
mome so iMvateat
evenwg for .Ur. purafka aad family. tion h>inie there are bow fft conolles May has cared for her motbee-ln-Uw
at it tt DM anrnm
dry and 11 wet. .Moniralm and Iosco Mrs. C. L. Doitune. baa gon
3? maa fee a child le be
are added to the dry list, and Genem.
^ bom alBactal wRh
Jai'kaun and Calhoun counties, dry for
weak kidaeya. tftha
William Vouker of Tiaverse City Is two years, sre in the wet column. Only' thc-ugb bciplesr
n. iflbewrteeM
.loons w«rc- put out of busiuesv in : -Uri.. M Ixjwry
I this week boyliig ixMatoes.
dryy counties. D ilic counties o I, has moted on tl
lardle of-Trxv.erse t'lty was
.(■...aa.S _lak s_a ___ .
_. ... bOBli
Petee Wlikop
ikop siteni
Sunday at borne loons and six breweiii-s. mskinx a'bct
gain for the wet.
saloons. TotIn Traverse city' '
' ' | JSuy‘?13d^Diihir»d^2«
with hts |«reuis.
lowing Is s list o
voting dry |\
c going .to have a boustlfnl Mep^abould be towards tbe treatment of
Regular churdh
mut crop; the trees having bad a g«m.i thwimpomntosasA. ThisBBpImmat
and tin- majoitiics given,
evening at
rest last year alll re|*y tim fruit'trcmhknidimteadiaeaied eoo&iSrof
sing a solo.
■ growers (bis year, and the proepects tbekidnevaand bWldfr and Mt te a
Allcean ..
'Tor a good price are excellent. It win .kabit as miwt people aoppoae.
Itenzlo . . .
.mean empto.vuieni to mao. and tbno [ Women oa well as laea at* wade Brisat'san-is of dolUiw wUl-halp *11 tbe wl able wuh kidnev and hladdex trenbla.
Emniri ...
fers ..1 the liiiki imlt gro«.-iA
! a»d both need tbe wme great remedy.
Ionia ...
• .Mrs Henry K Cartlsle has moved |Tbe milJ utal the immediate effect of
.South Mlllon. Mich, Iprll fi.—Tbe
Iosco ----tc liet larni
Swamp-Root issoooreaUaed. Ituaold
long soaking twiu storm brings us to
.As it r<H|Ulres ncarlv all of kls i Inw ■ by dragypsts. ii *
believe that
ig-Uniu D mrely
Newaygo .
ccat and
___ onenldlar
here at last.
^Dlla^ ..
lUimlnc has rvnte^ his lam to Givuiti- ^bcUlcs.
You may
The sick mhare a ample hotlla
by boR (reey''a1ae a^^H
iWcHldlng iK-nW wer
• AliAna ..
KL.-Iut Wl
'arrie Bcfauellar -was ualted In mar-1 t'li.-b«yg!ii

♦ including away of Um tboiM
.iage to Mr. George Gherrlng. The
: {enen renived (rem'e . . .
upwiy w.-dded pair faav<- takes
Reisirt of the llcitner school, dis who found Swamp-Root to be
their rcsideiK-v on -Mr. Gbexring'a
1IIU1 .Vo fiH- Mlair K.«r»sblp. lor the mydyffatlA in TOtit^^. fawir
lami. MiitthtNiKi of AJden. They have
iniotitb ending April :. ISti:
botrty cougratulatiuns of many
relioo this p^xr. 'rtoin g£ g*p
Non.lirr of days taught. r‘i
il.x-rinicmleut .Morrow of the Anti
iBlaks. but rmewiba- the •Hna. Dr.
Mrs. Frank Wilson f-Dtcnalna the I Salon
<10 league intimates Hist a <onic^
Kilmer-a Swau^-RooL ami Ibe a^dniA
I will prebabty
i.baWy result fn nattlt; Creek, .
X l-'w •
. . . and Mn. Lowell ITink and I where one
MIC of the workers rciiorltsl
Average dally aHen.laace, 23 plus
baby, spent Sunday with relatives
ben\ aitendlug cbiireh M-rvic«e in the
Tivise neliheriahseni
Com .,
qwesilon aiicr in
Rye ...
The following olBccnt were elected
The lea
ir'Tem lU.vei..
Tnvgtap Okp
Sunday, to take cliarge oI tie S- S.
imteat In Jackson. Mr. Mor-lAnlia McllBrqyo. loet
Inei Shicum. Andy Wheal
the ciisutiig y«wrs;
. dc- lai
bat the wel--. >twM large ;Tban*>. AVlllIc SWi
.................. ^*1
Sapwlmcndcnt—WaPer Wilson.
li-s of I
Assistant superintcudenl—A.
U JUIIgll 1. ..
uMlilug le;l the coloDixalion of voien■«mld hate defeaied the drys In Gen- Reivin of tbe l*oticr sdiool. dOtr
lloo ..
Treasurer—Blamie Warner.
o-tN-. JaikMiu or Calhoun ivuMies
\o. 4. township «.f Ka*i Bay.
Hogs, di
IJbrarlan—Martha Itingler.
• Michigan wil) mo iw ready for jmoMh eo-llng Ajiril T. lt>UStaers .
Organist—Gladys Chubb.
siatcwidf prrrliililfon 'till its peoi>l<5! Xumber-ol <laya lauglit. m
CalvM .
CiorlRter—Harry Piilnier.
Oow» ..
Bible chist tear Uw—Mirs. R. W««d.
Bpd-ortb lj>agaers have ondiM-1 borrow. •| cannot »
il.the returns;,ueoL 23.*
ed a boll for the (hurcli.
latiMhiiiK in justify
argument for; Average daily>' attendanre.
21: perMre D. Riis.'el of Trav .
-lianglug t)ie optkm

{cctilage ol attendant
vixKrd relatives h'ere a wuph- of data
Pupils neither lardy nor abseni dur<1
las'. wedL
- Dudley Crain. Itorln Potatoea
George Pcrxiiis made a biuincsa
Bolter .................... ........................ "m
trip to Traverse city Monday.
U.uie King. Will
H. G. Wood went to Elk l^kc Sat
................................................ !.'isc
*er. Ilyma Folgcr. .Margaret Ixturks. Egg«
urday, where he experts to work fot
lA-ster Innis the coming season.
I. BUwv ..........................................................
Tbo excin-TiK-iii ervated h.w the
HMaa. For* Mfi TbRm.
|,„rh grade are: First grade. Beni
spring ebulUiii is nil o\cr. with uu
Nn. I v-urert hides........................ .fi^c
very liad effe<<i on any on<’.
No. 2 «-iire.| hides ........................ .t%c
Mr. and Mrs. Gc<>. Kirkpitrlck were
No 1 green hides .......................
ni^ighlKirhood Monday.
Lorin Crain. »«; sUfh gra<le. lla Aus- No. : green btd<
No. : curwd alt
setenlh gtadc. Du<lk
No. 1 green cwlt
Grsli'l HsiHs. April v - A wbiUcMilc
fhtn of olliiiais has l.vs-n made-by ibe
Fkliib KIkey. Teacher.
Wpol pelts. UDSOc per
Perc .Mnniuclic <luc lo Hie nn-igbiilkin
Wool ..............................
Apiil s,—Marian *Weat*it-rs
..IN Sc
moved on Mr. I.lttloand family
THE MAfll^T*.
Horse liMcs hair mile south oI
ri-iicnd.-n' >r tehciapli
- pupils
whlth adds
IramI Kaplil* Mondiiy t.C
to the school 'roll.
Tin- IJtdics- .Aid iiirl Wednesday, resume his old iwisUioD The iliangr^ Buffalo. April 10-^'afjlP—Slow, 13
has nciliiiiy^lo 4o wjih ihc rtsciit ef .,->.1,1.. lower
Hogs-I^er; heavv,
wllh Mrs J. W BmlHi
C. C. Bpeneer return^ to Ms h*me
Mrs. Dan Johnson, who has tieen torts ol lh«- road to nliakllllale llscJ!;jfi,j<jBsii. y«rkcr>. W.hatiT; pigs,
ipilte akk. is much better at this •ril­ through the loan f.con J P. Morgan * ||T V>. Sheep—laiwcr. wool. |SC3t>
Co., but Is simply iH-taskined b« tlic.f.T.'.; rllpiied. ti.wUN3.«h; yaorilnmi few daya I
reslgiiailpn of Sui-rliitendent.......................... wetbers. ......
s made a huslneas trip
Cal Ounka of
Willialii M. Mayis. ctl<) Traverwe City. Tuesday,
ir a shoil visit with fl
sii|.erliilcn.lciil, wil, go to IVuroil to;talr ti> ersHl. «D7.3n; heavy, *11i&,
■ling people met lake
lug of
Mr Knsel's posllbm as suimrin
— ......... —
c of J
Smith. Saturday.,
a while.
s engaged
general shift in the offlcei
w willilHi light refre-bnients wcis* the suis-rlntcndem
anil illvisinn. cngl-ADDED


MORE PiMi CHANGES; 1 ™uie iDM-Ntiiiirm s



-on farm whlHi ho piinhased some otieM. Ill llnind Raiiids
iUals.34tsc. !*..r. beans. tlJiK.
moDibs ago.
m \ Vh:s?eriv*tt^
tp .
C. H. Smallwood and wife of CJil ""
the Uiv.,-i..ii enginre-r will go to
cago. have relumed lo their farm tor troll
US ,.riv«i>,sc.r.iarv to GeuemI

the aummer.
SujH-rinu-ndeni W |i Trump
(»als. ..I-s.i j
The new ix-II for ilic. M K- <1iurcli ' 1). A. Gllison. Mcruiintant In the dl-j
whka was ordercil some time ago. vision engineer'
engineer',, office, w HI Im> nnned I The farmerji are getJlmt rid of their has arrived atid will soon be placed
K W Cari^nlcr.
iw’tatoeii as fast as ponitlik while the
child cicr...............
In the belfry“le present high w*trr
vonrher. bill and isK mil Oerk in iheri*rice tv up.
B. F. Clark Icfi Monday lor lawis- saifie office, will Immune ll•■l•mlUliU](. I
the huyers were kept
vlllo. lo work 111 slilnglc mill.• ,, .
K. K l.jiU(llM'rg. clerk io suim'MIsm <>t 'busy taking in ihc tulierw, ajid IbiAlioitl elghi 111! liqp of
ihrldgcs and tialMlngs. -will tak.- Mi ' I'ri'-c I'angc-l tnmi i- to 41> ceifis‘ I'Jf
,CariKiilcrs plaiv. Cimrlcs ot t.csh.-l
Tin- iinoiallun loda
Tlierc will iw a soi-ial at Ilic licnis Trav.-i-sc city v ill .mnc lierr frtun .'■em- ' i'h Die p'iu.|ns ( ibat V least
r Mr. .iiid Mrs Charlie SiPcs
,^at. {-.
iTianr-<- fill 1(1 ls-ioiiie H.-ik to .. . loads wilt Iw pUcol on the
unlay ev.-ning, April 13. A
A p
<h lurk
lurk,, ,,,..^,1,.^.:
iiisirkci dumg ih<- day. Ii Is not known
nr „(
Ilf bridal's u>,.i
and ll■>■l<linrv
supiier will be w-rvyd, prtsvssjs to 1k> ' V,„, ffi.s- of chief cl. Ik 1(9 lbwhcihcr or mil ilic i>resent jirb-e wtti
■pplh-d on.4hi- nilnisier'a. salary
J. r-cn'inue for iiivii-h longer, aa the
peiinirn-lcnt has n»; Ish-u lilusl
Ijiriorc lieiid. rLon ot Traverse C
.-Uisiintcnjlciil •wcaUc-r Is liable to warm up at aiiv
pridi.ylib- tliai ili
vislled at tho borne of h. r omie,
rR S<-.crul otii
x-rnl ihe
' '
will . h/ui-e his r>
K. l.eniliion. lor a ks days. I
f during the winter
changes Imvc lesh made In tbe -yt wh.n- rtvey
flee foice rwenily H S Cross, who month*.
was < hiel < l« rs lo Die iralimiasier. has
The tubers thal are being marketed
t tbU time.
't-cen lUTiii'. tm! t'l l ar distrlinitor F »' prceem are of goml qnallly and
. Fairliro', foim.-;ly chief .-l.-rk lo 'Wiwhlc of Ixinglng good J■^ic«y* on the
*4''ie iiniiiitiu-O'i a' Tiiivc'-x- Ciii bas - *'1'.' inaikl-ts.
• iHs-n hnui^lH to loitiid Itai-iH- In Hike--------- ^--------------,ihe place Vii.aiitl '
.Minnie Ziek is no lieitei a tliisier iidnor rh;iMg<- ;
writing. Itr Gregory was rwiwd roiii « lew da.v>
Trnvevsc Cny .Thursday night >
I Mra. Ned •Monroe of Elk I P'di i( Hay! per (on .
with |s|K‘n3ing n
JfrR. A
ner dm
; fiei iNciHh I
cured calf.................................. ISe {
■ Mlssea la-na
Mitaet Charlene Monroe and Shie
;ik lUi.KI.s ail- tn liie
Hannab A i.ay Co.
ni«ry .
Ibe sugar hush
»:'!i iH.-ndx am] icia
•reit a etatcnn
week rega
made in our columnI las)
1. Hanks of Empire ii
Ing J. l-elier and eons bavins
north. Tills is a
andling fare i



St Car ofjhtmAU

> the car in our window. Four already
sold this year. Here aie
some reasons why;
filUKBfi—twa seta; (a) Service bandj


by band k

. CONTROL—Three foot pedals. By pressing the Jlmt iiedal “C"
tbe (fiow apMd is applied; by releasing. It la la. the high speed. Tlie
•Mar pedal “R" la for tereralag the car. The third jiedal "B' U the
nhfi. Tbe PV>rd Model T can be enilrely
I either by
• fif tbe pedals or by the conirulllng leverr at the side of the
■r the
bcel wil
enkte tbe speed of (be car from
rom a walk to 10
II Milftlng a lever or appb'ing
g the
tbe foot p..........
WriPMENT—TbefiTourlng far. Tor|g>do Runabout. Oiien liunmu and Roadster ioclede at the fully odoipped prices, a lop. auto
natle brmas wimMiield. speedometer, two gas lamps gnd gem-niinr.
hree oil lampa, tabular bora and a kit of tools. The Town Car and
3o«pe equipment Inclade three oil lamps, inbulsr horn and tools onlv.
IQNITION—Alternating cnrrrmt magneto, but with
•rts. EnDrely enctos^ as an Integral |ian of the engine t^<l run
dng la oil. The
tnagneto always Ibsnres a tg>»erful sirark. No
r dry celU a required.
fute arcurury
eraiNOfi-Krtist and
aomiellipUcal transverwe. sfi Vana
------------------- —-----------------..._. 30x3»i Inches. Stand
Beal qu^ly. than ordiiiarlly
9 car. which means longest servic and
d greatewt
tRASS: 1IB8IOK—New design Ford spur plaoelary. balbcd In oil.
of Vagadlum steeU Mlent and smooth mnntng In actlop
inSaSL BAU^lwr....
BASK—ion inches; iroad iC Inches: an loch
trad# wbcB ordered.

: fori Motor Co., Delrnt, Mich.

^(dios Campbell Company
MstribaaiV Agents


•*I wish to
tay that I
have used
Sloan’s LiniI ment on g
------------------------TT lamclegthat
has givea me much trouble^ six
raonUis. It was so bad that 1
couldn't walk sometimea for g
d a rubber
:r bandw form
leg. and bought
good, until at last I was pi

HntTEg, of Hunter, J

Good for AAletM..
h!r. K. Gilman, inftrwcwr et


- held i

vrith great soeqaaf Tn c^-s of ex­
treme fatiguf'afterpbv'sical exectioci, when an ordina^ VubxJown
would not nuke an; mqKession.*'

Skan’s lAnhncnt

has no equal as a
remedy for Rheu­
matism, Keuralgta or any pain or
stiffness in the
itlRScles oc joints.

9r. lari ft. Stesa.


1 |s-V(h>rs .A|.ril

first vlim |ire»Mcnt.
aecond vie* president.
"Il«n: H-crct#ry
organist , Miss IaMrs, Anna 1>cc.
.Miss Alice Alwrwd «.f Travc
Owned Miss Mythic Haui'im «
A', Gilfaott the flrsi . .
gfllig lo AVtIliatusburg \\'cdno»day lor
a funhv-r vi.-ll.
IJltie ivah Brarkcit. daughter of
.Mr. atul llrw. l-cou Braikctl. Is quili
sick with tii(i.’alc> .n prcweai.
Class -Vo. 4 of the Bale* Sun-lay
S4-faool are planning an Fiistcr pro­
gram m be rcu.lercd in ihe chtirt h on
Easier evening
The third qt«;ner1y meeting of the*
ff. B. (fimfi h will t-c held April 13 ae-1
;cT, Clapp, ibf luesiiling elder.
I- present.
aad Mrs !,#<>(> Brarketi of
AnuW visttivl at Jay Bracken s Tue»Mvaa Kathrxn Bedell was called
Grend BapMs vtwtcrday by ihe i
dM daalh of ber afint.
Niebelaon Uleft this morning
F. O. Niebelwn
few .lavs' butfln
Rapids. Detroit and Tokdo.

>P0 ftaahgts Few 20 Rcraa
•aext «M the iSffs.,
era reniro from i
lav wrll'as - ther die'
■ lEWrdt.-om

IgTiiBviopr, porti.L

Thlecxccllwi! »h —miteEts.
■ -CE,ts»5TeB.r Lsd; »xhxi


Don’t Neglect
Your House
Prolecl it with a
coil of Bndk)t«i ViooDUi
Pofe P*uiL.

This is the best
pii'K mKie foe over 31
for the paiDtiag of house* nd btIB*.

Wears longest—
loob Eicol—(oa


Made of pure
Carbonate of lead, pm Ox­
ide of Zinc tod pm LlBieeJ
OI Thac are tbe best euleritls for making paint and
Br«tfie7& Viooman‘1 it (be
roost perfect paint aotd ia any

We Sell the Celebrated

The gieatot stttrt]? temotrer in the world. Il yua have
any sturops ot stones yon want to get rid o1 coroe in aad let m
teB you what tbe *‘Aj«x" Dysaintte wDl do and bow kwflanve
you money.

Old PoMomcc BalUtag


and dress accessdties play
a very important part in
dress this season.
Anticipating your
wants idongdiese lines we
ate more than ready with
4 con^dete showing ofall
the new natty things that
fashion has de-reed is
jabots, stocks, lace col­
lars. dutch adore, femhsoidered collars. Lord
Byton collars. Everydung dmt's right iii belts;
■he new things in combs,

faimts, ^

The>irit.of spring reigns supreme, even thpugh the wither man is against us. the sjmng spirit is
everywhere. With the coming of a few days of warm sunshine everything will burst forth, and Ispnng
is here,||When we breathe the refreshing spring air our energies are revived within us and we begin to
lords around us for soriiediiiig new. That’s when this store steps in. Smart suits are here ready to
wear andfihe kind vou want. Coats that speak of spring in every line. Gowns that are exceedingly
pleasing, 'daintv Waists in the new desi^s that are very alluring. Silks that are srift, lustrous and cling­
ing; In short w^tever you want, is here in varied selections at prices that are consistent.

l^asA Fabrics

*1^ UleR, noit poptiu wetvn wd iMbna’s lut
word a ikadea.

No*d ud diecitre pottemt that com*

faiae M w$ajr beaulSal fdectm il it lard to make the

»or dw t^ cKrgiag V<^

(urmiii a priee for eveqr parte.

L41XU1WU1 besuty, invite admirabon Irom all Cri«p
aod new. they ofier the most’ up-to-dtle color scheme.
Our tbowutg b eUborale eooogh to wit every tarte
and low enough in prioe to meet the needt o( every piutr.
Silkt are going to be etpeapUy got^ dm teaton, and you'll
fad the oewett and beat diingt ben at all limes.


Some cf the neweit

daagi am fated below.


ate toms tpkndid good ihbgt. ^
From now until Easier, any fancy Sdk in the . store.
teUittg at one dollar, and there are loolards wrahs messahne. aU good silks, yd «»€.

Imported Japaociei Mnmmjr waib dren patteirt.
h^ embroider^ in Japaa, Uoe embroidered n while.
«d m Uack-price $975.
Imported Maiqwelle Vode conuag m wide range of
coloa, wool with dk rt^ fd 75c.

and r«4a color, yd. $130.


Maniiiitette Sak Voilei 42 mduyd. $2.00.


Woaderiti] what heaulifd creatiMtla waib (ahrict
the detSgoert and wrevert
have tamed out lor at-no
wonder women rave over
diem. They ake endtled
to do dial.
Iran 5c u> 50c.

e diowag o( ail woghlt m betweea make
the •howmg .varied eavagh to aab all tastes and

MekageVoie; comiog in two tf>^ CopCtahegen



Black and white hah-faie or pencil rtripet coo^
fahtkwid. white rti^ and white widi black rtfipcA 50e

to $i.5a..

Never wat there a time
when motken cadd drets
ihev H||e girlt as uedy
and mexpenavdy at now
widi diS advent o( ikete
baadtomehuleaieaiet lor
little lolkt. It's to much
easier lor mother to boy
one thuto make it They
have all tbe snap and style
you'd expert in your own
They are tbe kind diat til nd
■m and water. M ages,

all prices. 29c to $150.

27 inch tub Silb in wide range d colors, son prool,
spot prool, an ideal sommer mQl. yd. 75c*


yd. 41c.
36 inch black Messabne. a very beautiful soft, cfaif
iag sak. one ol tbe very best, yd. fl.S0.
Belding Satins. 36 inches. aH shades that ^ so
much in demand, yd. $1.

to $2.50.

These ai% almcst a neceanty nerw
days and we have them that nre an
beautiful, all widths and piKea.

Dresses, Gowns

tit ID $4$.


Surprising. how gloves
either add to or maf^
looks of the outfit. If they
are correctly cut, tightly
fitted and of the right
shade they certainly
much to the looks of
womsn s appearance.
We have carefully se­
lected our gloves from the
best makers, no matter
whether they be cotton,
silk or kid, they are the
best we can buy for you
at the price they are sold.
We are especially well
pleased with our showing
this season-weean please
you too. Prices from 23c


Falhian'a neweat designs tre here, ia
many gmeefid modris. Smart and .nat­
ty elects that Ore attractive and bccomfag. yrt poaaessuig an tochviduali^ d
their own. You w?l faid that word bdmdus'ity a streag cbatacteriitic of aB
oor&is vriieayoaii/ibemoo. Tbeie
is'Aat touch el semediag that makes,
them (fifctcBl from tbe avenge Swt
l^y as ma^ as yoa Hke ride by ride
»d each <me is tfadortive. We know .
Ins wsoderfal shewing w31 mon than
meet yoor reqmrtmeato, and the price
range vril meet widi yoat approvak



50 patterns ol 10 i::ch fancy: Silks, Easter Sptdsl.




sak pophn with kH color. sUk dot. 25 inches wide


llbpleunl-to rap tao the Ooik
ran nd wMch the en'oran uyh« oo
raw Cora. Enh ora far^l out h»
■olraipoo;.Iph»b|llnk^k. I.
ora it', the loranl ofool; im oralhor «'•
Iho hug rad .raw <■> <l>o (Wira.1; dl
raedm ho. • U ol braraif dn .nnela
you to th.1 oiir; the
whole ihowing fool,
mg u .womhlige oi
choramg Cora thn
craral>od.t SS4S
to SIS.

TIk! spirit of tpring i» ceruinly to


beaotilul gowns and dreuss-n^se.' was any­
thing any mnre pltaiiog, blight and chetry than
these apriag gowns. They are not “fussy"
but possess that charm of aiople elegance that
aj^teals to the woman wh» likes to be correctly
gowned. Beautifi^<f»«dei and stylish models
io both wot I and rilk mark them as fashion's
)____ ,
The Aleclion it large and the price varied
enough ao that we are sure we can please you.

Oui display of elegant i
hu no supeiior. Wonderful-designs
bodi cUbwte and riipple etfects. Bevritchingly beautiful in their tmartness
That Easter special waist wc are
DOW showing for 96c is a wonder for

tbe price.
We are also showing some other
very attractive medeb at diSerent p-iees
sip to $8.50.

Price $12.50 to $35.00.
Some most exquisite things io new lilk waisU
that are proving very alluring to some, will you
look at them $3.00 to $10.00.

No gown will h*ng pioperly over a poorly
fitting petticoat

We are scouring the petticoats

in the coirert shapes for today's gowns.

If you

are going to have a new gown gel the petticbat
fira and note how difierest
your g>wm hiogs.
Healhctbloom $1.00 to
$3XX). SOk from $3 30
to $10.00.




Paiot Paint Paint
Thai’s the cry at this
season of the year and
of course you will put
your home in order by

Painting the Oiitbuildings
Palntliiccvcnthlag tLiat nc«d« brightening up.
Tnei e are two reasons (or this: PfPst, yoU want
yo IT home surroundlor* to be Ju«t^katlractive
neanwhe else'*; secondi good paint preserves
•ni adds to Uie ilfe of UiW buildings covered.
Mind we said **Qood nint.** which means
strictly pure Ingredients properly ground and
combined. Such as

Paints, Stains and amels
You may depend on tbeir belrg as good as the
best for interior or exterior purposes from roof
^foundation. Get their c Jor «ards from thw
Big tttosO. study the effects possible froqi the
sombln«tlons**no other brand excelsr



ft Waa>herc Urad. but


,r««« .AtMnaOfi
........ ... of
Trawerae UM' Lettiee P«oJeId-i
cjicDt tSuDito}' In tbc city otu-tHwda. | wbeo Ibe wboto Tsrtd araa garbed le
W. H. Tuttle rotumM W bta home: a dart Oifm\ blue. Sbe bad looked
at Albion today after apending a few „p froaa itter 0
dayr «1ih Irienda.
tooba to dlaroTer bar alace. Snaanuab.
H. I. Van Tyle baa ratwmad to Ma aalitog radtaatly at Uarttii Wayae'a
hose at Bar City after tranaactiag
portraK ia lu
bnalneae In the cty.
boofecaaa. Ssaannab bad tbe grace to
J. t. Converae baa retumad to Ma
botse at Boyite City alter iraaeactlDg iiinab really an ber eye* cMt Asot LHOee'a dlaplrtled gtaoca.
bcalBaas here Satorda).
. .
W. A. Carllate left Saturday for, Tab't be bandaoiM. Amit LetUcer
Berkeley. Cal, arbere be et|>e<na to lo abe aaked darlogly.
WteI ••Baadaikie la aabaadaoBa* doea.’”
Caorsa Huntor want to Uland tMa «jMted UM PenSeld glooaaUy. -Bonemeralai on bulneai.
lima 1 I
Mr. and Mr-. A. It. Slarcer and n
Uairtaga te tneb a
Uonroe atreet. leli for IS
oerer tell bow ooe of
wllfwilw’ihcrr iituro home.
' I eaa la gotog to tarn out Sotoetlme* It
Ceorgt Aetertyle ia home ffom Ann j aeeaie ae 11 wbea there e tbe BMOt tr»
Arbor to e)>CDd tbe eprlng Tacatioo, eon lo espeot bapptoeaa there comm
wlih rtlaiKea and frlenda.
j the moot yiilaery. And It doeen t do for
M:.. Maude MeMl^l retorn^
to m»t bereelf to ■ men lu.t befrom Acii Aibor Saturday orcnlng lo; __ ,,,
be U beodeome.
aeok aa the sueei ol rota-'
M>cnU...a ae
•TtaeBii ai IT rd bn
tlvet V
Clk RapMa
before." SnaaDnah aaid
Mias Stallt Alpem
! acorsfolly. ".turn Letilce. rre alaay a
>eni tbe day In tbe
Glenn Cedman arrived Saturday : twUced that you bare
oreolng Ann Arbor, a-bere he I orerTtblng oo Snuday afieniooos, oerta attending school, to spend
' eaat-1 or any otber i
d tbe
a. Mr. and >
i do b

....... -

R. H. Ellsworth left this memlns
for Han. in the luieruu of tbc West­
ern .Miciil^n Development bureau.
_______ _________
^ ^ .
.. _

Linseed Oil and Turpentine
otibc loweatmarkclpHecs
Silngle Stains,
Dry Colors
ololl kla4a .
Varnisheso Bros1ies» etc*


- O. Salfi Mt fM- PBMkey S*t»id*r. wb«r« be *IU «p«»d • fe« «Ur* ^
with nUUr« ud frtenW
tec for Gbkaao. «berc be «
•erersl d«n< oo butiaeae.
IM Mar
■dKicI at----- ----------------------------------to apend ibe eprisc racatton at.bUi^

Painting the House
Painting the Barn

----------- -


lorment and so forth. Now. rm m>lng
10 pfcacribe a cure for your s>ctaDrbolla-tberer '
Utas Peofleld gasped as Banannab

.'S ,2:^ i:


^e also have Japaiac
Stains and PollsJies with which to renew
your furniture, etc.
Remembdi* you'll miss It If you buy anything
in the Paint or kindred Hnes until
after you consult us,

Tke itamuih & Lay Merc. Co.
Traverse City

TTESDAT. A) I1B:< ij,

terta* to •bead Mrersl weebe Uere UaAAAaaa
Riid to other aUchborlnc pUceo.
Alee Ctehibefi tise retiwiiW f«
lelocw trtp to Detroit.

to Us lla{eoen< were alway. a out*-j p,^.*,wnwatd Into'the glowlns grate
wet^ flLrt of bta
Tbe fiamea dickered up. aod tbe
preached to a body of eeamen In Nt-w
Tortt. ta (be coone of bta aennon be charred tiagmenia Tbe old sbeepIbe followlBg worda:
■Un btodlng aeni a btack pillar of
"Well, ny
- boyi.
- we hare a clear al
lacbt' up tbe cblmney. while It anelle making One headway over a |
aaootb tea before a ligbt breexe. and I ~go,
Beld." cried ber aunt
what mean* tbi* sudden lowcaing of j yiut book bclonpnl lo my graodfa
Ibe heavens and that dark cloud rtaing | (^r. Ton know bo* I bavrehertabed
from tbe westevo bortaon? Uarklijt. Tou nre tacUng In roapect to me
Don't yon bear tbe dtatant thunder! | and le yeor foHieara." Ulae PcnOeld
Don’t you sM tboae ttasblnga of light- aMoated ber gold eyegtaaaca on l«-f
ntagt There U a atorm gatberlug. Bmnan opae and aailed majmlraiiy
Krery aan to bla duty! How tbe I toward tbe door.
mvea rtae sod daib against tbe ship: I guaannab
innab wa* gi-unlnny pculieui
itW I
ileoed al tiw own rasU
derd. bat A
l.riiire- wfc always »»
ber beam roda! Wbat next?"
! exafpcrailns
Sniiday ofiemnon*
Tbe banda oV every niior were grip-1 and there had
ha l.eei. so roant Sundays
ping the pewa In front of tbem. and a talnce Susannah bad i-nme t.. live wnh
wild exedtaraeot was ta tbclr a.ves. ber an orphaned and penollo*. mil:
And when ibe'iwcadter mrbed ibe 1 girl.
eUtnaz of bla dntzuUc spefcb they ! "I am ao sorry. Aunt Uiilee." cried
1 In a body and Snaantiah rcmoroefully. “I wish '
could undo that mtactilevons deed.'
-1 must expert iDgraiitude from you.
Tort Ban.


Your New Suit

Whatever ideas or idea's of Dress
you have pictured in your mind
for thks spring, permit us to con­
fidently venture the opinion that
you^wiil find your'expectations
gratifyingly realized right here
and right NOW. /
This little markflf proper style,
of perfect fit and of supreme tail­
oring skill is your guide to StyleCrajt Garments, sold exclusively
Pretty Patty Dresses, at f7.M,
Ladl-s’SglU. SliloiSi.
Ladies' 0»at8. f10 lo ni.iO.
$ie,$iaM aadtlS.
Ladles* suit Presses and CosVoile Skirts, 17 5$ lo its.
lames itO lo S27 M
aolh Skirts, $3 $S lo tlf.
Ledlea* Embroidery Dresses,
While Skirts. U to $1$.
also Faney Wash Drcsscf, SS.M
Waists. 98e to $6 St.
to $15.

Steinbero Brots.
Traverse Uiy

\ vounI. afh, . uumia'j'a c
, togrtiwr 1.1
I I"* Crow That W.srs • Fs^’a Cap.
(t„( dirertion
S.-..BTPJ to l*clnrod for-| ui„rr
-Jl/atf- ttut ta. ti- tad.v j Tbe followlBg ciwvr way of karplng
Tbe my K-l’.- lis- «i<reiuied crows swsy from s grsloBeld ta urod
ir v.hiie •i.aeic-.-d vare-pure by_ the fsmer of HeUsod; He anakea
iMnk 1 had belief
better eome amall
amsli caps
esps of ,siooi psper a
,, , n-orkhig gCta’ clot, of : while. Don I y..k think
- -Inner «ddv
-'r of
beard, aod ibe choose wlni .lie f.jni.'; V«>o see. abe omears ayound• tbe
t f
u-ornliiE sbe awakened lo a new made out il.‘* Ii4
He gave inoitth of each some Wrdllme or olber
| It to
l-cfYe her hl.irrins e.ves micfc.v stuff in ibe-e be pula
At tbe rod of ibm- .lays Sutonnah
j tbe leiier* daw-eJ
u uf and down, but grains
eorn snd *ta^ ttwm al^
ts’oT kitchen ware lu busy bouse- “Uanlnr sbe «
i wives. Becaii.r Sus^nab was a born j
Be tur-red is«tanii
srwife hetwelf she found <

I cd to bta bead-a raeutar fool-a ea|>. Tbca ' which win not even allow him in oca
Trampa end Cvlf Mtuttarw.
I wbat cworoe to take If be fliea op..
Tbe most enrtou* article in tbe
e poor
tnmp'a oatllt hears an epiiroprtateiy you ever since you
It np." said Mr.’
ra aod
le coarse grass or boabea and
and Yriendless. and now you tun
tbe -mir mnazler.
dtats of tbe leg of an old aiocklng ent
U weeping
BoMunab arose and stood before brr ,
up into abort taagtlis and worn over
small eoougb. hot sent you a mcmage !■.» me:
tbe wrtat like a thick miiteu. and Its aunt, her pretty Hiwks pale a* white ! "" _____ great aoiisfacCon la tbs : IliHe girl ih.-^i I d-m i regw Ibe hook undesirable cap and evw ancrvanl
her gray cyo* dilated uulil they
ohlcct ta to Increase Ibe circumference
iboiigbi ih.1! she wn* eaniing ber own "f arrama*: 1 hs'i- h-anied a sermon
of tbe wrtat to such an extent that a : merged inir. Mack
i»c cP Rhe knew how borri- ; by lic.irt te.r..- " _
roosubta cannot easily slip a haudruff
"Aunt l-eltP-e. what are you »a.’^ ;
1. t.c.i-a..iildlwlfsbeeanhl
"'^h. d-rrr bnl? -M.tI Rusanoah.
Changing Tam Rasd-a Faea.
UBla. April 10.—HIchael _
1 ing! You exaggerate wUsi I l(nie
ebertshiil niece behind the i “fm afraid I m g»lBg to cry. Ma«^
miaa B. Reed was eoca tbe efcttoi
■ fonser IIHaota tacistator. toRoy McOarry ervivod frwm Arm An
tndesd. a pair#? “cuff muaxlerr- I done. I have been grateful for yenr
i AS for Uartin-ahe sbrosped Tve liecn so bcirSd 10 you btah. Did
1 for perlary, a»d who taroed bor, where be ta attending tbe U. of which are wrwn br none save veteran kindnesa-l have tried lo be aa e
of a priotrr’a error tbr onosoal aptIIT
Irltiee tell .'I'O all about hr
- gyldettce to tbe tiorlBier IsTMt- !M.. to speed the Raster
Dw at which, after the flrat flnab of
roadstets-make It very dlfficnlt for a I| oaugnier
daughter ro
to you. aou
and now' ,|irr-rroc«
In■ Ta* fonad dead of apoplexy I bta pereota. Ur. and Un. Odta
“llerely 'because I auggvstefl that
of Uadrllue Feap iodimrnnoe bad aobslded. BppeatM eo
and unaided to band“Merely
_____ lb tab at bta boaie at Mitob- Oany. East Front afreet. '
futura life with Martin «ayne
; tog, at .hey- «y ta tba arrongly to Lta senae of tto comic that
ramps' tools bear
IBn Udar. He bad toU bta frie&da
H. C. Welbom arrived yaetorday cuff tbelr
very .-U^, A'J ,-U. ,0,0 io' r,, 00,0.00,0 1
, _1,__
be never failed to refer to tbe matter
hlculariy cryptic might not bcroll rote color," r
from Mercol. Ore., to apead a few puallng names. Pahli
bl* way iowora her and appeared to
wttb Use keeoe*: gn*to wheoevar toMias
la “dddie." (be term fdfr nail
weebb to tbe city.
aindy ber appearance cio«-ly. Later ,
Mr. and Mr*. Wm. GMtofl. end carried by tbe -Wplke ranger" or ttiu- ptalot. “I couldn't help thiukiog about sbe sow him talking to Ibe Boor roan- with hi* osowhlie the floor mag^
mock aoMhmity. always held reit
detubter. EXta. have retnrsed
eraub-wtw goes from one casual ward
for U. Tbe tale OtanH John
at Unnlitec after vleltJng
g at the to tbe next. Sbould be (all into tbe nilcDlinn
borne of klrs. Gnsura mother. Uri. baiMl* of tbe police It
u«-d in “Oik i not tbst he need, the money, for be
bloU • smiled Susannah tbnrngb ber a. Cocfcrriira handwrillnt in tho best
wat aoiaetliDea llabta
--K. T. Price.
itm.woiTylog"-ibat ta. a
to an aimtoi IniermioalHa
!;^ora^mta-; Suronnab .n,ici,«,,ed Mis. I’mtleld-. ;
TaTnT ^
'And l' will w.l, ootatae-iuM to f(
strands of bard rope.-Bal
iFrorn .ttmntof'a BeoMddtogic.l
; dettariure hy leaving the room basUly
sbrank back *Ln, the '
ctaopany.- Shalt L
■an Nataon and son. Aithnr. of Cd- team
greatoat difficulty- On one eccaaioo to
-----! tlirougb tbe llbraty door, thus adding , ^ Susannab shrank back amoDg tba • ^..o
daik aae to tbe edty on bnaiims today.
uoderrook to aiy thai "any om enn
A Weatan** Lattar.
i instflt to the lainry abe bad Imposed i
“Ye.. ' said Bi
' Saia «anda baa rattimod from a long
rash sofiiy.
raw Tom Deed has tbe foee of no bosbuaipeaa trip la tbc sooth.
Women, It ta gvoerally admitted, upon ihai austere lady
** ’^him
i t ' “Tomorrow it"

biisr mrrralng.
we will
. ..n>e larkiii.r
caf man."
was b„rrffled
srMn ba
i> ’vn a bti . mnralnp
J..S. CaitfieUL managar of tht Grin- write much better lettrra than meu. - -Thmugh the gloomy library and tbe , “I*"”
ear of esraiie. for r »e‘ort white enau>H-eh. .l«-ar
Opem-d bl* paper-tbe foOowIng morn­
ndl mmlr iiaose in this clt>. is In M. Marcel Prevoat discorcred the ; dim ball «be went, up the

' iliii-riiv lowird ber aoA
ing and foand Ibst tbe lypw made him
UAUlatee tof a few daya on bualneMi. ______
....... fur tbla .aiwrloriiy, --The ou ‘--rTtaiea to her own
wb.ra :
of racogal- rwdtani wlih l.’usli--.
say that “iny ooe rao aee Tom Reed
Mrs. Habba of MayRsitf la the guaat I _|_ nAnlna Is never tbe <
' fbe locked tbe. door ao<l sank breaili- j wllboiil I 1- sllghtcAi
did you know I wa* her. '"
has a faro like a taiTtM mono."
ni ber daugbtar. Mrs. Henry BparUng, 1
a womgn’a letter, j leasly loco a chair before her writtog !
-Uy rtcectlre-dldn'i you see Urn
__ .... ofl biulnu.
m Wadewurtb atrwL
^ nera ta always
a veiled meaning.! desk. Her face was atill while, end j
prowling around awhile ag..! I wns
Ua Kehoe laft this roarning far
Tba Fast of Cho
*» • PWr walling oci»|ile for bi’ reps’’! "

WMb*! rtatl with bisa timrMU nt“
Bast B-oomn makes use olBa totter )n« aa | her eyes wore a new look of lynuWe.
aa 00 dooM naden aro
the empJoya a gtanc* or a smile, to a I Befora ihU Susannab bad
"" "i*
■aginaw ta in thi Tarn
"I sec And. Marin just as < was straro. atl lielaoiE to tbr oU world, nod
i .
n,. ^^.c,
— ...---------1 vtattIt with friends.
Cbrigtopfwraan of MoMatoo ta in wayllitta<taSn^lbongh|'oul'aDll\ru*b-d her Irm.Wes aside
beglnaiuc to en:A> riy tsdetwndeoca panlcnlariy (0 Africa, la ibeir tongue,
wltoM eye to effect. A^toflcr all. they wera ta...y enough Rhe. loo.
’’t* ^
iwL t- tpMkflr leR for Grand Rapida iba clir tor a tew daya on baalnota.
|5 K ended," *h' A ghed. a llrile re- ibdir feet and tbelr eyas they differ re­
^^Mormtog tor ■ tew days’ rialt with
tpalman of Cadiliae la In tba daea a woman’a bat aerve to cover ber bad observed her lover wl.b M-deUua ,
city tor A abort Uom among trienda.
hMdt Does a womau's nanant keep FeartoA but uoill Aunt l.euire'a la ^
a.-d, e-oameled ware of ■ “lao'i There *<vai"!i;>ug swetabr (hu markably from ottoe Hard* Tbe»r
lire toe*, aro
NdtaM Nabta
Elk Ra^' 0. A. Cotatoan rwtnmid to i
bad never eoierOff tba auf Why. then, sbould
ibal—uejwndeore i;poa me?" whto divided Into tvograaptoggroops.-look
... ..----- ^ Bailiiaw this mottoag afi
taloed I
pared Msrrin c* b- slipped (be ring tog like a tend to minea.. and only by
acting buatoeaa to tho.dtf.
Now ber bonest heart was aflame with ;
Morrtoan of Rapid City, { Mtaa KtthroM OalEan
M Old I
rkaa cxsiBlnatiao you perceive riie
jA- lAiA. w.

■ike the lettara of _ _ . .
days 1
“Tro. i-vl«T.i • And tbta <&M Ibm praaooee of Hie .two or lie- tbrve opP"*
who writes. ‘1 tend yon Bve pounds of ] Awui l-ettire’s taunt.
wat rio r-irei It. Rosaaaab's rotas.
tog rcapactivelr. but *» H -e wgethef
' -1. T. Bfiladgatt
- • rotuiiwd to Elk Rap coffee." becauae be really does send ; Pen and |oper were at hand, and It | --------aa to appear tike one
Ibe pMUad aota. «r ,.lm* of Ibaae
Apace snd Tim
; t,™. A«. .. u-m,. a™.s„»^ tM i
. I
graaptog limbs r»i rao tsH
; „C. Eahaub rotomad to Pro---------------------------------n„n.-A, -A,
ito amall-may «..e say-l-lTk wtlc*
jday after s|iogdlng a few days to t
L«, _____
tttable ibem -o gra.p so Brm') itot it
_________ . ,
Another note ! abe was ilw model sgleawooMn. brisk j
la dlScott to d-iach a ,-iiame^ from
Cadifito it to tba city
iM wlib Ibe Inf-tranUi* ; to Aunt J-etUce aonoutavd ♦bat hence- j
if Mertla R-.vne
lta foothold These dinging frot losritblrtanda.
■ huagi
. itai%l to Emglro tbla
e kfad. To ha getber win. .peir
mondflg alter apebdtog Friday to tba
able tbem «■» sustrin ibem*«*ea oot
wise! We must took aad ibtok
I ®‘»*'
It EU t»o»
lo her to cbaaglnc cef place at a faoadrvd ellaa Ito branche* 'o i> siroogvat gala.
•Jo Her anni. ouaapnau rorocioi aer i« atraosc »l>*t Mania toonid
Hugh Soyd a-toarryto’."
an beur nor maktag of atuffa a Cbooi ptaluest last year-, siroet suit, gatlmr- j
^ kitchen ware <
H* Wa* Parslyaad.
lafi. and Whatn. Biay 1 aakP*
aaud yard* a mtaata wUI make oa
I ..I - ,...
------------1— Tn»n e eS,«K- » _ e
e a? .Brand Rapida it ta toad tbe taaeral of tbolr atatar,
Tba moo tUl iSuiacioat to tbe Kik} «E "
«•*«- aecessariee into a ahabTbe bell rang, snd wbeo "be went
one wbR atroagtr. happier or wiser.
t Barry Btaka.
! by i-aiber l-g. slipprt her owa »
_ n arrlvad last evan- - Samiee RoaaaI atrlwod tMia to-.
Thera i^s ataraya mvra to the world o tto door .be foor-1 a OOd Cncoff woeai»<clai
taplda to apoRd a taw day tram Aaa Aibor. to anand tbe
“Bat What la .bta
tluii me* c«oU Boe. wsikrd they ever
U|..le away to tbe dost of ibai Runday
"Wbai would you (boose':" be re­ so tlswly: they srill *oe li do better
I tba gutot of Baatar vacttloe wttb hta aamta mad
-Plrose. mamf9 R»*P «>•
1 g^ tax cfaiidrtnftr me bsto
; Mra. j. O. Paai
TTbat! TauTa aaraiy'Mt engafsi rreotog Jett at the time wbeo aba peated. and Butancah picked out a for gotog fast And tbev will at lari,
I. John RoMdfeaaRor and atraat.
ta a maa wlmaa name jm do aet might bare beau expecilog Martin to grew aeameled fcttita hecaose In tto tod aooii. toe. find ouutot their grand bsod is’tortiy*^"
rivad toat aaaalag tram; Frank Btauman ta baaw frnai Aan. kaowr
flbe tod left tbe tatters
booao tbsi they tod hnllt In faecy torcoiloM for condoerinc laa they
. for ae axtaadod atay Arbor to gpead tba torlac vi
ib«e was to be nothing but white
“No| eatMad. MTlady. M bo's fcn
Bra tom to seek tor they would b
roogurr botbtog. for space aod 1
„V«r^ Frod Matin *f East;
^«U*^to3^'to«By fraM. tong tookill' at ma. aa* 1 think BaTl
' he fefeated lo i
-to Jslii Wby. «b« ta be to Jan
b atfdU iatl laat evening tor Po-' Aaa Arbor abd win a*tRd tba aprina- noon ba apaakte’.'-Bonaakaoper.
' " Ko by tbb Bortoaa lU- vacatloa wttb bta panaU. Mr.
aWt aad. besides, did not want any
. "It wear* weil." said Fusaanab ia * coodnrrteg—they sraoted nalng. A fool
Coning Hunt.
a tootbor.
Mrs. c. K. Been. Blatb etroet.
hetlneaallke looe. "Now. here are gisrayt sraat* to abonen space aad
r «ao aoltad la
Miss Mimta vitrabi. whs ta atother keritaa to match to tbe aatto UMe: a wlie mas srama to wogtben
) Arbor U borne
^k^awntegtew toiaitan*^
cotar-i»ta and MHpaao aad"both. A tool sraslt to UU apocr
'aMtortB’tm'MTMHTM. awT FM*Ceai£lfSa r
T aaota a« yeor ndrlre." to aaU
BMli n Task.
Mr. ftaarUags aotog lo Ban rraactaA-o tor aaytbtoff,ln ettwetat uatsM it waa aaberiy atid laM uit H<4 Uf.:r* Reaao- kin time; a wlae' maa. flrat to .
:o eaaaao w'to a I
Md Portland. Or*, wbero ..e will rialt I to make a hope_for some tcaltaoi tmh—(he rerr (tat-tbev bad compltat ttwm. Itou IS animate ttHAm.-Jol.B
reau left thU noon for PetoMicy.
where ne will dellrer bta lUuatratod
lecture tbU evening.
Judge Amil F. Nertinger left thta
coon for Elk Rapida, u> attend to
»me legal basloeta.
Mra. R. E. Weavm- wae celled to





lAiS’is: iTss-rkisir


The Hoflwable
Ci*yri^ im kr iMt «

• tb« *tU-U %
---------- ------------ • «Urp t—pttttet

TU^toa GaotiT*!
nonorabla aanaiar took It oat
at Toar bandi. dM bal Ton’ll mittaland tbat l don't naan anr dltraopaet
wbaa 1 aag It’a Jnat Ufca his. K bo
baa aiatad roa, Ton art boekad
aad It ba maa jev goB’U ba ^actad.
Tbaw art tvo of tba iblaga that aar
la tba Sagabrwb Staia.'
Blonat waa ladtgunt-**jaatlr Indig­
nant.*' ba caUad IL
“U that U tba caae. Dick. It la high
amt tbat aasa ana aboald braak tba
Cham. 1 baraat aald tbat 1 woaM
aceapt tba aomlaation. aad I as not
that 1 ahau aag to. And It
1 don't ng aa tbat aattloi ILGaatrg waa plalalg obocbad.
don't-Bean to aag that goo'ra got
nerre cwoogb to bock tba old n-goor
totbar. 1 mean! Wbg,
£nia. goa don't know wbet ttoit
ataada for to tba

ni WfMad
keoftag tor Pa
far k« tiaar aickMl roam^t.
irklek. ht fait rara. vnold go atnlgbt
to tW keart of tb« taagia.
U waa Ukat tbongiit «t PaMda ud
kla Mad (cr bar that aada bla diatralt.a»d abaasmtodad at tba Warttoto Hall dtonor ubU tbat amfng.
aad tba fatbar. ioektog oe. aotpactad
IMt Kraa’a taaltaTBlt; vaa aa axirilll I of bla iMjadlca agalnat tba
watoaa wba had Ukaa bla aMXbar-a pmrat nonwt i an a fm noral
gteca. and wbaa tba acn. plaadlag ageoL 1 bareat aomodcred aag right
-----*---- . ratTMtad aarlg to bla roon or dadaloa to aag oat ao tor to I an
ToB'U Mat to be ptOtttt with tba
bag. Uttla •SHn.” aald Uta aaaaur of
. Wartwo wton Bran bad dlianicand.
“I aMoldat wonder U Baaioa had pnt
wtoo tigbt tiaoar aadoM Into bla band.”
Tba Uttla ladg lookad ap fron bar
MbtaMtog thuM with a whinalcal
bag.- adbaoM. -and be to tigtw a
tallg bard to hate no. Bat I aba
. dTATTBS n.
nil TB wCTo or oocaams.
tba tine It waa banldcd
. W la the BaamMh Kcw Taar’a
f adidaa of the rtolanna aa
-tba aawnt. tba dMot aad tba
t.toTTtotia boatolig '
ABto tba noUd cooUlnan ot War.
CMoBanaod tbelblrtg tnlla apia la a
Ngh powand rondrtar. wbirb vaa antg
OM of tba tbrno high (wind notor
entilagM la tba Wartnee gancr. Bran
Btonad wan na(nui«laad to dad Wa
aafbrtwod la paraaaaenn tor
aw ad tba grtrata dtalac non eaKn
nijbo laiMlloaiuala.
tTbSTaarg erldeot that Iba olm(ria
Bto WbM had ban tba rata or tba
«kc)a Wm raneh boaaahoy bad ba«HM B Mtog Ot tba paat. and. tboogb
'bo libanad tba new and anraragaat
aaito ad tbtoga to the anbitm ad bb
BBhaPb arlta. ba cooU not aarll at It,
.atoat ba vaa blnaett a aharar la ha
‘■tirii aad laxtotoo.
far tta dnt tow dagt ba vaa Ml
bMiW wboBg to bla own dartoea. Bapond BMag bin a good saag tttra■ darawi a tba oppowaattlto tor IbMi
to tba oanlpabUe Itto ad tba bottl Ma laibar anda tow desaada npn
. hM, aad tbto toot oMg at Inaeban
.-’./Wd dtoWE, tba •(« ad vbl^ wan
awattg aatrad to tbair rah. whOa tor
tba totttr tbag want to tba eato. Bat





■•Akara^ to unch via tba bug.
tbe dig and waa cz>
a or bandabakiBgi wltb
tbta ba bad arar known
*TMttg good Uttla ou town, toat
Itr laagbad Oaatrg ana dag vbn ha
had aallad Bteoat avag tom tba lavttb bln to tba Ballwag dab.
vllb aar
-It m not It toat goar taalt, DM.
r tba toait ad gowthaoda. Katualig

<9ba gaapli wttb vbon It cota tba
ItcaMt dgraa wUl nerar M goa knew
riTlWM aboat It. Jnat tba mat. ira
ctottog a good bit oMn. 1 ban not
II nn. note or toaa. wltbla tba
gaat-dag or ae who bare dtoeorered
, toat goa an tba btatolnt thtog that
•far anapad tnm tba tow oeboaL-Ubatoet. and ttarg an pfwbaag*
toBaHastt«totamntorgoii.- Aad
•Vto Obatrglianoe waa bfwdlg alg..
ntoa wbatr aeogad tba ItottBv.
-WaB. Mr OM tbiag. tbtg are ng>'
tog that gap an pnug aan to lu tor
■dWiaag gnsal tbii'tolL lt*a aU
•for town. Braf7taodg*a talktag aboat
to>toadag a lot aad gisalwa food
•itoa «r M^ni gton aad trovnlag
■fctotottfdy Jl waa Iba dnt Uttla
a braaeb at caoldnn. WRbaat oea. bto totbar bad eonnlt.** wan tba wag ba pbraaad IL
Wto, wlU gag battora na tt 1 ng

Ganora rgca dropped to tala plate,
and bla laloladar waa not altogathar
trao fron gwlle.
tba talk aa I «rar be naked qoMlg.
BJaont waa atUI warm raongb go be
paremptorg. ~T*a; goo mag roDiradki IL I'oa map Mg tbat It li vbollg
aaaatbortaed." Then be
bbectolnaofMeodablp. -rubefraak
with goa. Oaatrg. This thtog baa been
neottoned to me once, bat Botblag wna
daetdad. abaolatatg nothing. 1 dldn l
I prmntoa to taka It ander adriM
Anoog tboM vbo knew blm txttrnallg Hr. aicbatd Oanlrg had ibc repntatioa of owalng a Ioom toogoe. Bat
arae knew better than tbe ml Rk-bard Oantrg vbea to nake the iooee
toogoe wag awag from tbe Mbjeet
whieb luu rearbed to alecir adjneied

rata MrCWibbla tbaa Mr, Afltr
a Utile TaRber talk, la vhlcb tba ac­
cepted polM of MOV of tba ootookar
vaa nada attll mat* patatoUg aridenL
tbe gaoager od.tba two nan apaka of
an eogaganaat aad tbeg both vent
oat togetber.
One clear tM«bt aad onlg one.
cant to Sfaa aot of tbe aonowfal
Kot for ang
that COOM be offered vonld be aov
lend blawelf to tbe fariberanct of bit
fether'e ptonn.
Begnad tbto be did aot go to tbe mtombte bear vraagfat oat to tbe aatot
of tba rlab tniofctog raoia.
Bal when be rooe to go anotbet
prompttra vae forcing lu vag to tbe
tront-a peomptlag to tbrov blnaelt
boMlr tow tbe Bcate agalnet graft and
ebteanerg. to redeem b; wbetaorrer
BcnBe night offer tbe good oM nama
tbat bad bacD ae ebanefollg dragged
to tba mire.
Be did not knov Jort bow it waa to
ba doae...bat be voold Ond a Wbg.
Tbat It vuoJil ba fall of tborai ba
coaid not doabt. eince cveir aiep to U
woaid opeo aoU widen tbe breach betwaaa bla and bto faiber. Boi. iboagb
It aboald lead bln to tbe bar of joatlc*
aa tbat falber'e arcuicr. be luuit walk
to It Re aaU to blmarlf Id a fmh
tbat. 'though
ba nlgbl bare to bluab fur bto father.
Patrteto iboukl not bo made aabaned
for her loTcr.'
Upon ieoTtog tbe elab be bailtated
long enoogb/OD tbe etepe to renenber
ibai be WM In ao fli frame ot mind to
rtok ao immediate meeting wltb bli fa­
ther. To arold the ebanre be rrotecd
the etreet,.and, pawlog tbroagb the
ra(dtOl graaW- atrolled almlemlg oat
one of tbe rretdeaec etreete aotU be
came to tbe open cMairr.
It was ~aolfe law In Tbe aftenoon
when be rv-entered tbe ritg by another
•treat end boarded e iroller
Ibe downtown eenier. Tbe long afiernooo tramp and Ibe concloslou It bad
bred made It ImperailTe for him to aee
GantTT before, tba traBr manager
ahoMd bato left bto oSro for tbe dag.

nag tffoMad.
U Gsntrr'a aaiwen
wei* What be feared tbeg woaM be be
would eetoi bto >aiber and come et
onc« to a plain aadersundlng vlib

Bomber oa

tbe medalUon.

ad brane platform railing*
A car iafpecier to gieaig orenlto
aad lunper wsi tapping tbe wbeeto
wttb bli long handled hamaiM.

Alnort batore be kMW It Eran
Bloaat van goaalptag wltb bli taUc
rice' prlstdlqt ar tbe c
ig." said
a nodal tonctloo
daga old. A mtU later tbe waUer
broogbt tba dgara and tbe dangrr Bloant taraed avag. aagliig aomepoint. U ang tbei* vm. waa aafelg tblng vhlcb tbe hammer mao mistook
for a srord of ttaanki. So tbe rice
waa wbaa toa two goong man preeldoat bad come, baatealiig apon
> oa tbair wag to tto dob amok- tba wing ot oecnolone. it aeemad. end
tag room tbat tomt one atopped Oan­ to tbe light of Ibe orerbaord coovemtrg to talk boatoam with htaL
tkm to tba cinb smoUiig room It waa
Blooat atroDad oo bg blnaalt and. onlg too enag to goeai hto errand In
flpdtog tba anoktag room. Vent to
capluL Ba bad
toaaga to a lav chair, vboaa chler at- to make onefa tarma aa bo eoald with
tracdoo waa tbat it atood batf Uddoa tbo man wba -vnim®*eg to bold
to a Uttla aleora Uaad wltb bookcaaea. blm np.
Ba rrifcd aoUtada aad a dmaea to
tbtok tbtaga orar talrlr and idtboat
A tov ntontaa later Oantrr looked
a and. apparwtlg nlnlag tbe bait
fraatod aaag cbato aad to ocrntaat

aeamlg goM before two
eatmd. conlag deva tbe eorrt-

dor Don tbe gtfll toon.
Btoaat aav nan. aad be nade aare

bad takaa ^ato aa the otb«
tba toon bo vm aaddenig awed tbat
tbag bad not aaaai bin. Tb^ vwa
talktog ^ troclg <rf bln and of bit
WaB. tba SaaOtoMa
McVIcfcar dead

labraeb bae

fighta tbto
ttora*' mM tba oMar of tba tv*, a toU
facad naa. to Mon Bant bad been
to bto gnt dag to tbe eaWtaL bat vboaa aaaM aad atadoa be
cooM not raeaU. ‘Tbto acbeme of patttog bto Mb ap for attorncg general to
tbe foxleat thing tbe aeMior bae erer
pat Bcron. !Toa can bet tbe air vaa
Uae to tbe l
aOcea vbco tbe a«w* got there.

A bAngA or L'orrnAiiCK.


,LOtTNT bad been batting be­
tween two optaloDA Tbe fight­
ing blood to blm promptod blm

•ug and aot op tbe otnndnrd of booaotg and fair deollng in tbo
Bloant nnmn. to geiber t Mw man ot
Uka conrletlona oiwand blm -and to aolar Ibe potttlenl coMlct at tba band of
•d at once and forever to i
to bto antira atnte.
. BuL on tbo other hand, tba clnlma of
blood eooM hot be nllogeiber Ignored.
Tbe campaign for poUOcel
would tneritablg Inrolre bto Mtberwould. If eoeceoafiU. defeat am} dtograce him. CTcarly it was tbe part of
flitol dntg to bealtoie before be aboald
set bto band to this perUcular plow of
Would It not be better rfor
bla to drra oat qaletig. Icnting^ tbe
poUtlcnl '
who woaid
eoatlg price
Tbaa tbe
eeeb for Its

not have to peg tmeb :
for tbe leederatalpJ
beerlof. Bat. after nU. it

-Wbet do goa aappooo Mcrickar
vfU dor* otofd tbe other.
was ebaace and tba awlft cnrtmii of
-He will do aagttatog tbe emalor
tbe ocenalon ibai deckled for Idm and
vana bln to do. Bioant to land baaswept blm Blowg Into iba. vortex of
gig. and 1 gocM be’U take a few more
•ecttoo* of tbe taliraed ann-land onBafot^ ba bad gone ten ntepa toward
der the Clearwater diteh. Tbat vae
vbat be did tvo gean ago. when He- OanOT'a office eoma owe In tba throng
VIckar vaai«d tbe right of wag tor of dabarklng creriand pnsaeagen enUCd
bi|Anma. Wbon ba turard ba wm
^ braaeb tbroogb Catwdtoe coaaa wblla 1u>rea oU franemiXi
with a acbotorig Mce and no traaclble
-Don't gon brUere bee goira to
to bto ibln llpi. a man and a
take aar Uttle Chrtotnaa gift tbto
ntralgfat Ogorad maldea with level egee
wtk-^ tbe iuberited trails were soft

eeb tbe raUtoed eonethlag and Uke
good bard nooeg for It: Ifo a
Tbe lallroad can't agord to here tbo
«wrt» agalBBt If. and McTicfcar viU
be made to event blood. Ton vateb
tbe vbeeto go toniid wbea UcTMar
cornea oat berc.*

teofd tolo lines of
ibongbtful Arm
ness and serenltg.
-Wbg. biiwe mg
sooL of all tba
ioefcg iblngt!-

Bran Bloont fooad blneelt taralag
tack at heart. Coold It be bto totber
vbon tb<7 were ihu calnlg accMtaa
of graft and tneketr and toacknaUtogmeltodat

ejec ala t ad tbe
gonng man. who
but no inacant before bad been
halting ' between
two optoto*a..Ton

Hto drat inptoae vae to tore tbe
tvo sen. to demand prooto. to do aad
mg vbet a logal aon ehoalA Bat tba
atokentog caarletlan tbar tbag
•**------------------------- weu
____ and vtol
kaovn.facta cratoed tain back tow
Mi chair, aad after tbat ba vaa taxtoOB tor onig one-thtog-tbat (beg



don't nsenn to tell

Jims . me that this to tba
jrr wa« to wblcb goa


M>Ck.OI ALL Tax Hid got
Awvr ramoar coming. Patrtetar

■napped tba man to .map toned roiee rambUag like tbe
tba ebalr bg tba wtodow. -Tbe ptmb- , bar of grtadiag wbeeto. Tbera'i onlg
or that gam oftaa W tba wali to sara oae wag goo coaW do ir*a ba briBra at laaL Ton're get a The etce preeldeat stood op aM pat
Jetat to grar amor now. BieaaL on hto baL -And gou ll uka peaeWaa
TaaVo alwaga beew able
able lo
w toagb at good care tbat 1 don't get a chome to
pabUcKg before. can
Can gon
goo ■ and it irg that wag. got wen gotog to tag.
All right
right Dorid.
Dsrid. Ton
Ton mu_______
ma ma to do

bene agato-aadanandl StK Mow
M to tbe beat hotel la this moabrwMB
ellx of goari. anA^ U qnlrklg.Barliw a dednTte IVfigTb «b~
ftoget bto problem aad beottmd blnaelf beaidtabig.
Tboagb It woi eolr three eqaarea la
main, be ehirtered the
rank, pat hto ebargea law It and
wmt wltb than to do the baoon at
Iba batoL tbnobg ntoatog tvn ttatoga
vbkh nlgbl baea bad aa tnportaat
baartof on tbo totoporarfig Mrgoam

Tto neh a BUI a

e iM gwaff iUal

raierliM coaid do no tom tbaa fa r»epood bMitflg.
-tva nneOkT lot it.' was tba gtkk
repIg. b«t after that be added: -I tnl

that I oagbt w ntke aatot azptoantloea. tboagb. Ere bean gtiag abewt
[VUb car egeo and ean apon. aad I
.moat eoafeoa tbsi tba poUtteti laid
\ baa boe* made W appmr OMt anat: tractlre to me.
From wbet 1 ean
' toon tbe TwliUral attneUm to tbto
T reckon m hare to stand It U mg wocst sad I'll band IMI Mck ..
euie iiCBto to be rerg frabUg eoegoa bog ap a Mw newspapera. os gua goo Wo. Yoo do me aame. aad well
' trolled npoo Ibe prtnrlple ot bargata
omuUg do.” woe the baU xjoUxk-sl re-. aee who come* oat abaad."
and Hto. I eoolda't go law anglMag
ptg. ttiea for an ad^d dick of the
It was ooov Ore mlnatea later when
--Itoe tbat andI keep mg mo»t------------aalf n .
whip.-Too and goor foiks can't pilot tbe rW pnaldent kad made hto Msara-No. of roone goa eonldaX ora. m
me mneb bUcker than goo have al- Ig wag down to tbe lobbg. The eiacgoa lost wok t place where got conU
waga palmed me. Hardwick-'
. | me Ugbis Idaaed eat and tbe gr«*t
earn good eleaa moneg la fmt pmMm
. 'hlagbe aot bat tbto time we're go- gatbering place was begiantog w Uke
lag to gire gou s cliance lo start aVoa lu eveelng air of stir and aeilritg. **1lUuBte^M^awl7'periB«»d. Ha
Mw libel eulU-ir gon tbink goa ran Mr. McVkksr posbed bto wsg w tbe ct-uld not help tceting that hto taUer
afford to eppeer lo the roam
tVVre desk, and a row of toteig arrired gorats SOS keeping something back.
You Ibiak there will be-noev CT
got all tbe erhlence Iff black sod waited when be asked bto aoeetton.
o4 lea. istlll
liomicai eorfc Id mg Rib with Ibe
vhli* Wo night fiegplUg make goar
-n'bere will 1 be newt Ukeig to find
^ ifcilrtied*' be askedAeternOaed togel
D ante toe bot t>
gou. Hare Ur. Erse Bloant a tbto time
acts, ir there were
tbe qoeeOoD be wtobrd w'bare anIbe la- swered. and tbe obliging cleet made
-Oh. I don't knew. McYlcfca' bm
tbe tine trail 'till longer while be snmhired
towgerb erork. aad
la tbe mooed a bellbog.aad sent him ecarryi goe« that to wbai be wDl
ig seron to one^of tbe wriclag tabla*
gou to do. toa't lir
-Tbto to Mr. Eran BWant.- ba aald
Ur. ucitickft^ bad aot deflaed iM
dniics of ^ oew amtonol coaaoatoblff
rerg cleerig. Rut ibece a
-Ur. Bloani. tbto to Mr. Bardken goo'll be looked npoo as a crimi
* roDBlng ibrougb aft-fbai. «••
k UcVb-kar. drat rkv president ot
nak la our Iasi talk together goo bad
aald to (be affect ibai tba baadablp at
loeaul RaUwtg comaoraetblog to sag w me abom oar not
tbe le^ department woaid carry with
pan.T.keeriloc ap wltb tbe ebaage la liublic
'political r
Tbere vaa ao trace of tba racant bat*
amtlmeoL It bae rbaaged-ebaoged so
Mr ibai It to coming w demand ibe tW lo Ur. UcVtckar's toica or manner
when ba turned aod shook haoda corpantobment
liibmeat of tbe ^eet offrmlen
diallg wllb Ibe snn of ibe nao who
well as the Jailing of tbe Uule onm.
rarg lb
_ .
had daded blm.
If w« wnai W push tbto dgb> bard
company's ceataeitoa-lMI
"Vour fallirr and I ware Just bolding
enoagta It to not Impoestble tbst gou
tbe lawn of Iba aisle. It.rigidtg affmina llula cooferM'-e over jour fuiura
meg dod gourseir a broken maa at ibe
biarrd. amoanted
anted n
to a fwarilcal coodaproiippi-u. .tlt. Bloaat.' ba said, goliig
end of it. lurld.catlea of the c
itratobt lo bto pulaL 'rSuppoea gou
'I'm ukiog all ibecbances.-was tbe
Wblto Ur! Mcnekar-'aou tn(l(^
cren toned rejoinder,
Bloeet had rather bopad tfctt-to|ajaw
'Bat there l« one cbance I sm sure
position would glre blm o
r*n haven't constdered-tbis sou of
“ -------------'a po|f-«
goura: l know aa much alwai him ai
T*- -ft..
Yon do-m«re. perhaiis. fur I, bare
gua arc pretty well ap ta corporaULcn more pains to keep mb oa blm

If ba bad goM dlractlg to tba oBca
of me tnBc manager oa tbe eeeoad
flow at tbe atatlon balldlag be coold
berdlgbare mtoeed meectog e tan. foU
faced nan coning oat of Oantiyb priTtta room and be night have ortft
board tbe rtoltor'a paitlat weed to
.Oaatrg: -Ob. get; be MU foe It aU
righL If goo d aacB.bto ,fac*^wbaa ; coolc renponse.
Lamnar aad T.cama awag goa*d hare > 'Hat tbai isn't all.~ tbe
mid Ibeea weOe battle, nordcr and I window ebalr went on renorwleeslg.
•nddea death ta It for aonwbodg.*'
-Tear fellaw rUlsens here know gon
-Bot. ace befe. Bradbnrg.- Oaotrr
bald bto rtoltpr W mg. “it waen'i to
tbe game that goa were to dll blm'np
with a lot of Itoc. I won't eUod for
tbtL gon know. He to too good a Mllow aad too good a friend o( mlna,"
It was at this coojaartnre that
Bloant. If ba-bad been pment and
lariBlbie. wonid bare aeon s aoor amila
wrinkle upon tbe fuU Mce of tbe club
-It wasn't aeceaMrg. If be or tbe
aenawr wanted W one us for libel we
could prore ererr word tbst was aald.
And It got blm-got him righi la tbe


At tba moarect Btoui
ntbar glad that aneb wm

eelar ptexae.
If goo don't ■<« some.
dreworks within tbe next few dags 1 '
miss mg gneei and lose mg iotc."
On the other Land. If Eran bad lln-'
gered a few miootes loager oa tbe sta- ]
lion platform be voold bare narted
Vice I'resideni UcVlckar crossing to '
tba cirrtn’ge eUnd. filowed by "iha j Mr tbe past few yenra tbaa yon bare.
priraw car porter bearing Imped! ' He to claaa and stralgbL Blooni-a
At (be carriage.rank tbe rice { son for aag maa to be prutMl of.
' Climbed Leertig Into Ibe ' <bat Is ibet real reasuo wlig we a
eenitor-s roadaier. which seemed wjafrald to have him loitrucilng the
bate been irraiiged for lo advance,
and was whiried siormDy np to ibe
Inter-UoantslD. where be traced bto
Illegible name lo the great guesi book
two mlnoles after Bloant. still anxlone for tbe comfort of Professor Aa-

Tba troUeg car dropped bln within
a^ure of tba tallweg eutloo. oa tba
nera and tbe eerene eyed maid, bad
eacood door of vhlcb Gaatrg bad bla gone np In Ibe eJerator wltb them to
offlee. Tbeeborte« wag w iha'Blerraaao that tbe rooam lo which tbeg had
areane.aad of tba auUoo boUdJag vaa been assigned were
tbat tbeg
tMoogb the great Into abed.
aboald be.
Halfvag np tbo btack-loag platform
Mw mloptea later lo
Coming down
Bloaat a»et the tacoaUng orerland give 1tbe acTcraMoggnge cbccka to Iba
eteanfliig la from tbe eaet
At tbe bold
porter. Bloant missed oootbff
Sierra areooe croaaing ifae gard crew Inridant wbicb might
_ _______________
wee catting off a priraie car. Bloaat back suddenly

>M.a Ik. M MOf MM-EUM
M I»
gratoa alvag* bam Ilka' tba paaanip aanator took tbe two atriiM naMfai to
tbnt offend » conaJowa aat of tba , place him b^Wa the maa to tbarMir.
traa It tba maa woal&t abom.. -ru fcean gra

torn maid. Tt goa'ee beta taUtog ma
flba aboat tboM nepaJpaaaxIdM.vbtob
gaa aald coaid be dog oat of goar aagabraab bOla goa-U png oar fare back

■ half
Erna Bloaat gUnred at bto wateb
rairicls bad lold blm that sbe and ber
Miber woaid
dlne.liL lUe
ibe ceM
ceM at
at T.

fwud Jartee of ibis stale It to atoo
goar ben nneoa for keeping tbe past
daceoily ander rorer. iVbat will goa
ei-^wr woaid ao far boner ■
«*r to blm when tbe nawtpepers opm
«»«‘rae pcofcaoor. Tbeie was aa
oP oq you? And what will be Mg fu "“"f io_apnre. aod If tba rice prealdeat
'goo? Had .rou Iboofbt of iLatr
*“• TranaconilneDttl cooipang wera

For tbe flrat time since tba begin- '
nlag of tbe one sided confarenc* (be
acnator told bto ciger aside god lai

moment whan
tbe butterfly doon of tba lobbg ea-

I moauebao.
-You'd iat tba bonio aflre «
j bead,
eroahl you.


• *»«•»
toriUOon was to soma

trance were winging to tbdr cloMng
M’ betatnd Mr. McVldbar and hto quarry
tbat tba boom ulopbona called tba
‘ te^ltg clerk.
A Hd Meed louriai
toil U
who was waiting.
banA for bto
r defli n


onadtlcd coodltlon.

a^- rtmg“o^n hesvTg^

waa baralg Uma ta drm far It

flgbt air. Uardwk-k.


Sag ongtLing :


rax qcxrt'a oanatr.
BB\ tbe news went oat lo

foartb floor.
In tbe Hnator's altttog
room McVIriiar dragged a ebalr orer

ug gneaaes u lo what goong ' or atoewber*
I. Ibe principal dally
and tbe ludlog orgaii of tbe f*Mrmera. waa tbe first to-find ao attarior
mocire In Eran Rlunora appolaimeot
aad Its accapunce. Ibe editor rook
a half colomo lo wblcb lo point ont
to emphatic and vtgunu '

"I BBppow wa mag cot out the prolimlntrleo and coma lo tbe pcint ai
once.- be began. "Ackarion wlrad oia
that you bad dcflnlielg annoanced goor
OB u a caadidate for tbe ittoniar
eaenUhlp. Hare you?Tba senator waa opening a box of

danger tbat ihrMtened tbe commooWHltli la this Torg eridrat coaUtton of
tbe taUrud and the machine.
Tbe Lost Rlrer Miner, oo tbe other
band, wu uawllllag to tieUeve that tba
younger Blount wu acting altogether
lo hto Mtber'a Interest In taking tM
place provided Mr blm bg ibe railway.
Klata there were la tbto editor's commeot of m dtoacreelncnt Loiweea faibcr and sod. of difference* of oplokm
w hich might tater od lesd lo a plicbed

cigar* and bto reply Hvored of good
narered irony.
-Tba prlmartet do tbe
iMt state, liardvlck. Didn’t goa know :
tbatr be asked mildly.
-See here. Bloom, I've eoma SgKU <
lUet 10 ihrub this thing oat with
In ibe bumor to spar <
Ik> gou mean to run '
That to a plain quc»- '
a pUln answer.-

T told gou two weeks agu what I
gaa like sbuuc me, but if ILat b«r bat
anything lo bto past Hut 1 duD'tknow
abouL tbat be wuuklu t wsm to ace
pubitobed. g»u let It aioue and keep

of tboae wbo rvgslu f.|uauiiultg lu expr^wrtlon a» ;m uppoueui l.isee li.
o«sliri to; ibe i>oy a n^-oM
irooble you. " br owmsi
-U . *.
clean m a buuud * luuib. Thnt w one
<,f ibr thiu^ I'lu baokio; wu. Da>kl.
I'm jolag lo baw tbat jonng fellow
side before we ra

Court frr Cran-l Tratcf'c
10 Chan.rrfharW l> IJi.o rAn.ptoinani.

Tbe Dally Capital, bowerer—the rail
road organ—eorenlg Inainaated that
Oulblog for notblox wu ibe accepted
rule la (loliacs; ibal If tbe railroad
bad nude a place for ibe sod It wu
oulg a dedovtlou tbat ibc
.JgJher wss iiol as Inialral to (be rail­
road Interest as ibe opposition preu
was wllllug to Lave ibe public bellcvw
Etoewbere In the stale preta cotp.
mem’wss dlvUW at tbe tuuMert of
public oploiun happened to road i«ng
bias or gsln lu ibe ains.lnimrm of the
dhw legal dcpartmeoi bead.
Bat oa
tbe wbuic tbv crMtor's son wu gireo
iM beoeOt of ibe doubt and a rhanco
lu [inpve.Dp lime would leii.
,<>r Ibe luimlew between the fstber
aud sun. lu w-bL'b Ersn had aanuonced bto latenlioa of accepUng s

».*od reauo ibst o > reporter sras prea-

tbe past.




,i„vc named de- to tbe ereulog of Ibe dsv



low, ne can t let ,r»a reodani. AnxuMa Rite. ha» left her Vickar-s |>maie car wat aiiacbeO —
have got
for Bitoroeg general. 'ia« known t-Iave of reeldeoce in tbto eaatboaod train No. iCrj, and the place
Tbat’a uut of the question
1 Ihai her p'
your kon to u putiUc praaecoi
. prlvaie i JL
Bioow bad rneoDt to

Wc^^ r^-. “

caoec her .H-aranor lo be entered

« •vmwMry end to the ailorne,


..M t-c-w. . e„„w
eraisUp acbeme
But when tbe time
#Tr ^
rarore a onmiwe |„>iiei,or within three roonihs from ibf came and be bad brosqoeig deeUred
or times andla aDumber
ofdiffereai gate of tbto oi.ter and In defauli tSer* bto porTwae of accepttox ibe railroad
wa*IbernlKI cooaier
soggew of that tbe bill of romplalm filed hero- sppotouneni be dM not Ond It enUrelg
ID nag be ukeo at coafeued against „,y
„y ttt uiber ibtaga.
“I aban'i ug it many more Omaa.'«- r-t-Bs-io

VoB're iMisblng me toa far."
f^,Si ?oiL?«.i«Le'^’^rr.»d
will goo ug ibenr
wm. You'ro . ran grown, and ;
'Joat ihto-lf goo wont
* reckoa yoo know b««t what yoo i
btlfwng. If .vrm insfsi npon a flgbi. m
SoUrtlor (or Cximplalnnst
want to do. If It pnta ne ae oppeatta
fight goa wllb ang wupoos I caa gec
address. Trarene City. nUu of tbe pollilcel crert wa srra't
bold of.let that rod tbe water nog more rb»s
H, npi L 11. II. ». mng :,9

to «ttv

tow oOea poattton to to be pnttg torfftIg aemlmU. I goeaa. aad Oanttyb
ci«|rd to to aar to It tbat be doeraT
get to know too ma^ wbleb mHoa
that tbe bribarg to aat lo be doM by
tbe legal deparimrat to tbto rampalgn.-Bat they east beep him from dadtog oat about iL' abe ptviHted.
They are gotog ta try mighty boifl
1 anyway. Eran waau lo baUara tbat
i ererytblng to on. tbe high moral plaaa.
i and when a amn wants to beiiara a
; thing irs prmtg aug ta fool blm. iril
• ba a wlBBlag card u tbam U tbag can
Bead tbe bog a
' aboat (be ciuollnau of tbe eempadg'd
campaign. Tbat sort of talk, baodad
oot as Eran can da IL If ba to cwarlaeed of tba Irutb of what ba to uging. will captnra tba boaeM nacbmea eeerg lime."
“tVe most get him back.' eba uld.

"iuVa goa iboegbi of aag ptoa'r
Sbe sipltod. -I hire a plan. Re mag
have to UL« a regular courar of irestmeui, aod ll mag make bim «erj UJ.
Would jwo mlDd tbsir
Usild Bloom leaursl back la bto
chslr and regarded ber ibrougb half
elated egellda.
"1 don't want lo see (be bog uffer
■ was Ibe qub k agreeBO apparo
. • Wbat do^twu tblak of Mlu
Tbe aesaior wt np. and tbe slow
smile wrinkled b

• ttoe to a gooag woman with a *aey
brlgbl miod and a rerg Ugb pnrpoen.wBs Ibe Uttle lady's summlag np at
-Bui sbe tou t allogetbu n
Busioa k-cbrrg. BU thioU sAto to
love wllb bqg career; baL trallg. I
thick sbe to very mneb to loee with
If we ivald-vto bar trot it
our slde"To IS rooilaned i

-Tio MvVk-kar ulied goo orerT was


to. flBd.gtgatJLA blUB£..gqsmg -rx«r*t,

“.•«ot rrty mneb.
MeWfcar tea
flxte (binge to aolt Mmutf.

bu ejro. -I hareo'l Ibaocbt
luui.h about ber. Site's Ibe Uad gra
• ta t xci uear caoogb to tblak abooL
isn't sber

changed It to a leu offensive form-

^ to

maota Aa waa bar eoatam. bto vfM,
wat walttog ap for talBL

ling ombrotdarg frama arbleb oramad-

lo one of tbe windows wblcb com­
manded a new of tbe lost Rlrer
and dropped into

"We"—UcVlckar wss gulag lo ng.
we boughl yoo
before." b-Jt be

lobbg to tbo Mdrib floor and mate bto
wag to tba door of bla own agott-

'Did gob find oatyaagtbtog morar
aba aakad wliboat looking op (i*m Iba

tbelr way when their car reached tbe

-Ye* and I told yon ing price, if
'00 happed 1, remember."
-1 know.
ion Hid goo warned no
evergiblog over to tbe rrfono.
era and uka our rbancea on a clean
admlntolraUon. Katnrallg ve are not
gotog to do ang such utopian thing,
What l.want lo know now U whsi U

Now. tbto WM aot at aU tba pataraal
aitliada which tbo goang maa bad
preflgnrod. But bafWe aagtbtag mor*

It wu lata that nlgbl. eoreral baorfi
oftor tbo torormal Uttla <1 n«- Mr fit*

tiro oppo'tlog field <


-or ceatM goa do: gon*Ta g« to ba
boMst wltb goatHir-and with MeVlekar. 1 don't mtod taUtog gra aeto
tItoT I am aquartog oa tbe otbar oMa
tbto ttose. and I bad bopad gra wma
giflV to ba. Bat if gon'ra net. vbg.
tbat'a tba rad of 1l Wa wnT qaarrol
abont It?

ta tbe lateftMaanUto ea>
wbaa tba
ornaier bad blmMlf llftac '-hb tba

And together they entered an elerator. ‘

want to io. UeVk-ktr. but von
wocldu't believe me. I'll ug li a;ria
If goa want lo bear II."
^nd I told you too weeks ago (i

-I am to be chief of tbe togal
irtmeni oa tbto dlvtolu*, «od m sv*
t wBl. of Foopw. be n
ta defaod mg client in roott aad out
af coon.- be uU fiHilg -Abd 1 maob
ta do IL-

ncra and bla daogbter apd tbat tbora


wblcb. aa ebaace would hava it. para I
ad. la Moendlag (be car In wbUb tba !
ounger Bloont was coming down.

gon. andd-m not
n opening.
wo or Botl
lion, and I'd Ilka


eoald ba uld Mn. Bloaat eama to to
raalad tbaa both tbat tbag ted a dlb-

dmk It wa. to abnke band, petfonc- ' «•
Y«> *»oo t have all the fan. 1 ,
lortly with tba owner of tbo fad road- 1“-t gou mlcbtu'i turn bla ,

—....... „

(0 do 5bis be ka V fl-v ba sroolfl
ta evier tba rsu>puiga *• a poUt>
verrar. ffarrig bto MtMr moat
tbto, and ba want baidig apo*
I that hto MtMr ffifl

ti,bu to. will war__ __

Ctedteu me tt you ebaosa—I d*
tbnt fflgsatf. but cMdemn me. nod oM
tbe pntb I nm foDowtog
• ft
I kuw tba rMdbamn.nndlflgonlaac
■Idn. dou tbnt prora tbnt tbe rand to






.. ...................... ....
^ Elaie bod It as a rift.—.
HmM Vmmi Polk* I
8*d am I to state It.—
W But o-ith one eosutir look.'
I ortU try n«**r* to worry
Speedily she ate itl
fr«l aboM aitythlfls.*
-Emma C. itoad,
I will try to bo u taflpy n I ♦
to* ood

Enter Ltlioo.
W f*r^ I Mn.
■ .^11 M «a ta toyiita. K.liiful ♦
<hUdron. >00 ,hav«. aero


T ovtry IM09 thli.*.
If I **or foil I* trying to do «

-Tn-. try ♦
♦ •foin.*'


„ «







s of graceful mien.
«>»<'»«■»* •r«*roii
•bildren dear.
Be 0 Caaior lllie* wbite.
far and near.
Oarrylns ereryabere dellshi.

M<»b CLABA BATCS, Editor.
E im.
Pmidont-llln Clara Eatoa
Pin* yio* Pmidoni-Mra. MabaL ^
*M* Wnilanu.
\ ”bee upon a tkme. aben your HmiEnbitd Vin ProsMont-Mfs. Irsn\~;;
"Voii sJiall bate an Kasinr
Pamoray EMolda
^ ^ l_
■’Ob. fnudy! fourly!" ibe IJllh*
Olii erbsL akippins np and down,
"wbsl is an .Easter parly?" For you
,g April aee. sbe had nerer beanl of imeh a
1, 1#1t,E,BW.
Number fi name* on tba Cradle
-Vonhoy afirr
(tojl April 1. 1111, bSE
.Easter." her mamma implied, ’and
Ibe rest of it la d aecrei. You nra.v
wbMu you
wisb to Invite.’’
l{aMen SUvor. Cedar Run. Itlch.
So the IJitle Girl aat down on a
Aagan Vlnguea. Buttons Bay. Mieta.
Frederlek Arisirom.. Sthomberg. wee criekei in the earner. atiA propIH-d her faro to ter banda whib- nbe
eoi/..idered the matter gravely.
Firit and forvosne was ber most
MiriL. R F. D. Xa t
Kdriiivlar frimid. Mianie. of couraaJeaa* Mltrbeil. Wfa lAke, Mkh, R Then there wot anoiber Mlooie who
F. D. So. 1. Bo* I.

iir^ around the comer, a roiy-etaeekAmsadb Bondta." Trorarae Clir. eE mriy-halred girlie, wbo danced
Ukh., R F. U. .*<a 1. Bo* SI.
ibtougb the days Uke e fairy. There
Otady* irasa BmllE Dwroli. Mich. »«f® The Two AHiea. aoch luaeptf
Numb oent by Noltlo Olendoiiliii.

fc, K,-,. *«»» B.r.»«.- R. ir'n:'

Wlih .hrit4u «?
tfeo cMMrcB
UU ODt tbeir liaBdB vUI* Miami*
lirtod tfa* dnsVOTorinc. Ttero-tm
a Itttlo anilMal attt for oarh giri and
bor. flllod vlib oaadr eggo. "food
oacPBtb to m." you hw)> bo wire.
Uttl* Girl s mwma braafht la* loo
oroaai in the form lof tiny rabbits, and
onall frooted eccafaaped cokog:
Don’t you *l*h you bad ben at Gist
Uule Clrl’s l-^arusr party? 8Be/an
reroly wishes you bad.
W’lm tbr cbIMren a-ew all gone
fh* Idttio Girt ellmbed up la ber tutumab lap and hisaed ber. "U baa been
beautiful." tAe mM. "PIrwae. mamma,
bow nan 1 Uuok you?"
And her mamma oaawt red. "Bv be­
ing a happy Uule Girl, and keeping
the boaoUfuI Easter Sunshine In your
h^n tbrougb jjui the yobr." Then
she taugbL her these saeet teraes of
I-U« y lArcom. Suppoae you all learn
If I were a sutiba-atii.
- I know wbat r«l do;
I would seek while UHes.
Roaming woodland* thro*.
I would steal among iliem.
Soften iUht I'd ahed.
TnllPevery Illy
Ral^ its drooping head.

I know where I’d go:
Into lowKewi iKiveU.
•Itort with want a1>d w.w.
Till oad hearts looked upward.
I woaM nhlno and shines
Ttirn they'd think of heaven.
Tbeir sweet boia<- and mine.
Art tboo not :

Oh. as God bath bieasetj thee.
Scatter taya divine!
For there Is no auobeam
But' most die or abtof.


Eva and tiny Grace.
P. D. Sft E Samo aoht by Emma
C’onalB Frank must pome to the
Baater par-f. and Bii. Mlnnle'a brwltQPSW Holaud. Butiona Bay. Mich. er. who
was great fun to play with
R r. 0. N8.«E Name seat by 1-aura
Abd Will, ind
Bonj. and llavry and Uen.
ligtel Hayvood. Trarrrao rit.v.
-Do you think them are too manyr
Midi.. R. ‘F. O. No, 8. Nano aeni the UtGc Girl asked onxioualy. Brit
by Nora Haywood.
ber mamma smiled and shook her
Harrey Boaney aad Rao Brown. hcaE
, Mleb. .Naaea sent
"It's a secret, my Easter potty!" Pankev.
tbe l-ittie Girl tbM each child as she
Mary Davidaon and Dao Hlgglna. »»" the ’ Intluilon. ’’P^tfi*
Traraf*# Ctiy. MJeb. .Nameg seat by ,«po>*!“
Bof Q. barMaoL
anawered. "Wc a

«mrd and bmicm. aad IIblak tboa you win be! I oboaM Ufe* to wm youttottoM Ua». Ukb- ILF. D. ?<o. r.
fie aad I win fire then to their
Terr alee.
enh weartos a Uttlo rad butan. .
Mar. E mi. era. I weau Uka to her* ar i
Your loTinc Suaahlaer.

Dmt Preoideat—
«a the Cnfrupaudoaii UiC I hara
Sarah Zae.
Smtotw Bay. Mich.. E P. a So. E
A* I hare a few mlaau* ia school a alee baby laochar who was
rm *0 fiad that Udu Haaae seat
, ju,. g. |*n. I wU] write you^ Uule lotter. I » tb* 27th «t Pabraary. I taro two
year naiae and tboae of Boy and Iva oear Piwaldeai—^ to
» arhoo! every day. l am tan years alaters and hr* broebere. My Other
to tba E^lne Club.
As 1 have time l%«I writ* a loner
now. I am In the third crade. I olmer la a fitaobinor but *o hai
to the Snaabloe pag*. 1 got au* card Ifi* <V aindle* very marb. 1 would never written to lb* Snn^a* paf*.'
B'lUlaffloburg. Mich.. R.' F. D. Na I. nnd button, and was fiad to «et tham. Uko to fila the SunAlo* Ciab. and i think 4 woald be nic* G ibe PiaalMnrch 2.I«llI go to acbool every day 1 can. I am *» »P»id my two aiaiers. Their deofa pictar* would b* oe top of.
Dear PTMidem—
In tbe fouttb grade, ily atndlca are “«e* are Barbel Borgeraon. .and the Sunahlne page WeU I mtmt ctoae.
A* 1 have never wriuen to the Bon- reading, arilbinetlc. penmanablp. g«o- Ugvr Borgeepoo. Ra.bel la my amaU- bopin* to bear from you aooa.
alsler. Bbe
Bbe Is
Is Bve ycarh
ufalne aob since 1 >olned I tlwugbt I «vapby. and ipelUDg. We have two »•»It •»««■.
lease send vs earfa a card and Lot-'
Albert Itefeop.
would Writ. no*. J bare a name t«r ®''« «» ■» «>
> «ho my
o I mnai rioae la- this time.
Yoor alto lliti* lenar hto haea anthe Sonablne Qub. It la Gladys fearher rery well
ilia name If
fVtetaoo. 1 have two ««.•
rootIrene Smith, tie *m be ala .ear. Nicholas Pvtefaon.
►*«>» >‘'“r Sunahlimv.
uwered. and tbe «rta «ad batttou
«ho would Uke to }oln (he «»"•
Bunold Mar ITth. St. Patrick’, dav. She Ins **o
wolt you.
live, to Uetroi.
Sbe cannot play
Ae ‘•"J*
«r .‘«>ir-Uier,
like «Lr little firi* of her age. for
«>“““• «» ««• Tbeir na^ are l‘ wiij be nice to have you an Sun-Iwkewood Ave,<E|i.^ 111.
she baa been elckly all her life. I go
°«»r Kaiey. I abtoers..
. Dear PreaMeot—
-to srboel every day :bat I e
I live also have a nvpi^rw who would like
I join Ibe f
Sebomlwrg. Ml<h.
U baa beM vary warm today. EachJust half a mile from tbe arbool bouse.
Mai \ tots, viine. Ileieaaad I wer* out of daara.
I am In the ftftli grade. For sludiet aeod Ibe rard and bniion t>
e bad Iota of ton Playtog bouae la
atlthmeil,-. pbysloloc}. spell- name I* Arihnr K. Kaiey. For peia Itosr I
oae dog. Thip
I auuU like to join the Sunshine a>-H<s>l today a cwt walked to
tog. granimar. n-adlag. writing, and ' '
> U Jack. He la a v«try t'lnb. Will >«m pleaw- arad uie a ruutii We bad more fan laaghtog »i
geogrqih}. My learhcr'a name «a ***"
I am glad winter willMuon esnd ami .bwtun? I am eleven ytwrs him. He was vary <«He. 1 bate two
Miss Kbih 3le«*ns. I like her very »»
I liave three alsiera and one uld and |ui tbe prtb grade at sthiul namew for yon wbicb are
Cbrlstnias I re»-elved ten
Is gelling brng I go to wcbuul eveiy day 1 eon
Will KatWlue Hngan. aad Hoien Heegan.
IsuMiurds. four handkerrhlefs. «.«- >'W"»«’r
you plea-e piu uy hntbera name tm
l-ikewood Ave.. Chkago.
ribbotw.-two » •“* riose boplug
•• eurab*. t
iw Cr.<lle H.II1' Hi- 1,1111. ta NIh *l1)l-y live up watr* In tbe MMBe bulMa small
It. Arfr luni. Also tur eoiisto's name. Ing I live ta; They «ao..9l*ttow. Bend
take of soap, a perfume bag. sewing
Alter Kaiey.
whitb is IHIda Jubnaoii
the <ardt and buttons to ate and f
S4-. pencil and tablM. I think I
8nih a iiite letter. AUe«-. I hope
Your Sunshiner.
will gite tbMi to ib# firia. 'They
fan-d rtJl Veil, don't t-ou? I have
with two Uny f®" 'HI.write again
Frederick Arisitom. -’"Ton't take the paper. b«t lhay can
apots.- I rail her .Nigger. Al night
.Yva Indeed. .I will add tbe two aeo ibvir iettora in our pa^. Haptog
when 1 ail down to read she will .-ome
Fife take. Ml.*,
«■»»• •" «kv t-Tadle B.dl. and .^nd to «*e this in print. 1 win Hoae.
and Jump itp lu^my lap. then she gets

Mar. 7. toll. y®“
vstd and button
Votirs truly.
on luy shoulder and sits aUll until I Hear ITesldeiu—
BemUa Boegminer.
up. and iben she Junipa dowiy
' thought I wouM write a few Uiies Sutiona Bay. Mh-b.. R. F. II No 2
have my eard but bave H>«t
Mar 10. inn ■«« kb*a togwher; E’bera-do ^
She is only a half grown kitten.
play bouae?
fall the -was thrown by lb* roadalde »>)' Imihoh. If you have any to *i»are Hear Fresldcni—.
by aonw people, and we picked her will you please send t)ie another ont?
«y «’*rd and button and
—, otmd AVe ."tt^agb. 111.
up and took her home. .«he was .-o I have three bioiheiw and my father litank y’lsTTen' mrfrtt for ih.m I go iit* t-akewood
small that she couW not even drink left. M.v mother died Keb. 2Jrd. I to acbool every day I lau. I like toy
Mar. 14. toll,
milk, bu; she soon leanietlM> Ictit-r like to read the Sunabloa irttcra
very teacher verj .much, lib
uaoie b Ibwr Presidont—
ia gMilng lung, m I will < lose.
nmch. My graudma U .with us today Nkbolas IVieraon. 1 bave a brother
1 am very fiad tboi1 am tblag to
Ever your tnie SunGilner.
. as «iy papa had to go to Traverse who would Uke to Join the Sunahlne betoug to tbr B«a«blM ClaE I wU
Age IV. .NrlUe OlrndcifiDg.
<1i.v. on liustness.
t’Jub. His name U Uoy Kaiey. Please be ten tbe twaaty-alatb «f Maech. I
How cniel It Is to leave poor fellVour BuiiKblocr.send him a card and btrtton I also so to 81 lia’t aobool. It la eorr near
tens to starve a'nd the by the road
Asa UmnM Pglmer. have & school mate wbo would 'like oar bouse 1 bare a Util* sisur. Her
side! We are all glad that Nlggcf
I am glad that too ar* a Baiifilner. to have umber eard and button be- name U Helaa.' fibe la also gotag to
ioitnd such a happy borne.
Asa..and know that your cbtor Is a cause the has tost hers.
Her name be a Utile *—*■*«—
1 am In Cbe

comfoi! to your papa.
I.' Bertha Sharp. Fleaae send them third grade. . Oar toachor la oirh. but
Su'iiniii t^ V Mich
m me and I will fivo them to her. is cmufng hath 10 loach u* intoarroa.
Vlgr e
Kuiions BaylMIrii.
">»• “y U-Her is gHiliig long so I I am very gUd I win ctoe. boplng
Dear piraldcni
H»v- «•
hoping >0 see this In prtip.. to aeo this letter In print.
Prealdeiii»^''v>w >«uv loving
I thougtai 1 wcmld write a few- lines Dear Preaiaet.i—u.
„„,u* Bunfiitoe girl.
Youra traly.
Emma Kaivy.
Kalhcrine I
for I have m>mr oamea for thr Run
to you *i
to go to school. Emma?
Wbat are ]
Tt.,.,- ar.u<».<>in' •*' “'F Hiile arbool friends bave a


There are three Sunahhiers who
•**»» «>vlv
o® «>*• Correapondl-*« The addreaaee arc: Nellie
<>ocker. Snilotw Bay. Mich.; Oram
Holmes. IUri Hudson St.. Elkhart.
I»d.; Bohen F. Muneell. tsir. N. Wlo
cheaur Ava. <%l<ago. HI.
‘ •
Sunahlne poaiala have hern recelved chla week from Minerva and Margoret 'Boper. Inca Rooaa. and Zellu Smtib. >kir pets I have two.kliies.
A* I raniioi think of anything more.
I will rkue fo rrbls time.
Your Sunabliier, .
.Nora Sargent.
24 W'fiwter, roun. Manistee. AHch.
Wbat giadc arc you' In at school.
Mar. 1. toll.
HalM'Li.'ml^m, Bather lAracw. and
Non? Are the Diends >mi ineuilon
On Easter Monda)- ^e bouae was Dear PreaMt-nt—
iJBIaMtaaoE i
gay with ^ring fktwera. daffodils and
There are.lour of us girts wbo have
neat byjdaris fleymoar.
tnlipi. and wweei with hyacinth loti odr pins, and we will oMd atanipa
RnUi Helae. Oanle WIImb, and ^
.____ _
» *»•»■»•
for new ones bur name/are Thora
AmaM KNtoim. cuater. *"7.. h.
^.^^^hed IJttie Girl, with Hanaoa. Oudrun NeUoa, UlUe Han-

rrtfi '*'

Kaiharla* Deegan a'ad Helea Deogaa.
L^wood Are.. Chicago.
IIL Naaea aaat by Baasle Beegnrtlier.
lopor BofEaraon and Rachel Borgeipoa. Buucaa Bay. Mkh.. R F. ».
XE E NaSMa aaai by Norwfid Borgeraoo.
Kaiey, Arthur E. Kafey.-'gnd
Ouar Kaiey. Buttoaa Bay. Mtcb.. R.
F. O. No. E NtoOM aem by Alice

boas, met ber friends at the door.'
-n,^ ^,4 ajj p„t on ifaeir company
Bumom wjtb tbeir beat oloibea. and
d^prcpalug until Ed si*6ped on tbe cat.

Kitty KaiKinu bad never spoken
to Ed atnee be bad colored h\r red
aad green and blue aad yellow, a
cactla aummer day. Bi|i this lime abe
“hvn by aurprlae.
8® everybody lajigbed. and when
I*®*" P““'®
comforted, tbr

onr ***^
Dleods would like to Join tfa*
Glnb. Tbeir names are: Helm 1-umbom. &tber Uraon. and Lillie John*00. W* hope that we w ill all receive
our pins aooii. You may send them
MarvI* Seymour,
Your piB* have been aeni. MayD.
and 1 am gUd you are ao totere*i<-d
la cur Mg Buiuihlne riub.
- •
■Traverse City. Mich, H. F. D No 2.

moS^ Bi««
M»r- 1- !«!
Km»b out Hhb Names sent b»
* *•'** b**kvi. tthai -do you Dear Prraldmi—
I.wto Tinilieto
stlJ|poee ww* to It? A real Bnonlc!
l ibougbl 1 would write a few Uoea.
OE he wa*
cunnto*. all white, with I am going to acbool even da>. My
tDbhli:" Ibe children will be ao gied when epring come*
WBraitb. ButotoU ni). Name* *eni
Bunnie was very tame, and Ukrd f.fth grade. My studies are readlns.
by Nor* Eai^BL
«mkcd,.*i»d wrlgglrd bis funny sprlltn*. geography: language,
rieo Boaner, Uurd Vanderbiook. none 1n the nfia: delightful faablbn. pramanibtp. I have lour alMera and
Vsspar Bod)-. Arthur Ely, Norval
gj, ,he/,i,iklien m.wded lound two UroJher*. My Mater H**c^ wsnia
SaSerty. Fay iUEerty. MeredHb Raf- tlm.
to Join tbr Sunahlne (1ub._ Please
larty. Fife Lako, Mkh, R R U. Na 1. x-snnnte'e eye* dam-ed. for she had send her a card and biiitcm.' 1 must
Nanea aeiU by Jeaa* MUchrll.
AcenNtakea'Into tb.- srcrct. "it there close, hoping i» see ihia lu prim.
NorwaM Vlagana*. Balmt Vlngnc*. is an^N*i«er rabhit." she said. "I
Not* VtaEBSOE Qaorge Rude. EngralE think there roust be Easter egg*!"
Age 18.
Nora Haywood.
lAlOM, MfiUe Beuerbo. and lUrbcl
Kg Slater auggemed. • l-ook and
V««. «c will all be . glad when
Hanerho. BnUons Bay. Mkh. Name#' see!"
spring come«. 1i will noon be here,
sou by Augan Vli«*iie*.
Then surii a ncrambllng as there
was and what an exemng taunt! Tbe
'igfi were hidden to tbe m«i uaea>Jar. 1. 19)1.
Mandlc HaSclBnfer. Newten nty. pected places, under chair*, behind bear Prealdent—
Mkh. Nsto* aeall by i-nlu TUnllcE books, and . even awung b> ribbons
1 got my rard and button and UVe
NIU R Arfetrom' and HUda John- from the window curtato*. Some ofthem very much. 1 am twelve year*
. MIeh. Name* went the- bardeat to Bod were tbe least old and go to arbool eveo' day
concealrd. and wbat pcmlk of Unfit- Mudlea ara bisiorr. ariihmrik. gramby Fraderiek Ariatram.
ler greeted jrarh new diacovery!
mar. geography, physiology.
Tht Miatorjr *f An Esatoe Epg.
They were piled In a rainbow tinted spelltog. I gness my letter ia getting
heap Oh the center i*hto. and Bunnle long for this lime.'so good-bye.
Biddy letkeni owned it Sni;
aai on bl» bind iem beside them and
HIsiN** Capen found it
. looked Juw lOte an Easier card.
Ivo Zne.
In a aka warn neat of hay.
All of « audden there was a ehrlH
Wbai a nice llitto flm kiivr. I
WUh aom* oibera round N. '
"focka-doodto-do!'? Lorn .be nexj..-Aope you will writ* 10 the Sunahlne
loom, nnd tbe children scampered to pag« agntn.
After Jt va* packed with rare
y sWi they could aee.
By hi* danghtor Kttiy,
There, lied by long yellow ribbon*
rnmer Capan tarried k.
a sballow box cohered with crepe
When he drove to fity.
paper aad comalntog real straw (Or fWr Pfasident—
a neat were Mr. aad Mrs. Bantam.
, gfi a Rule bo.v ten years old. I
Oraeor Olbaeo bad It oext.
tent for the octaalon by Minnie.
bar* a toille to go to acbool. I like
YTtth oioraa otbora
And to the neii more egg* mafveU my teacher very well. My atudle* are
F« it laa popor ’irag '
For aoae bonay brothor*.
were to be fonnd^, one for each child, roading. artibinetk. grammar, phywld‘■FW^yobow *gg»," the older rtrtldren logy, and apclllng 1 am to the «fiS
Jim aad Jacky arudded honir
called them, and abowed tbe Uule grade I guess my letter la tong
Fut as they war* able:
one* bow to took Into the center enough to I will eloae.
Caratully thay pUcad tbo eggs
where some toierr>:ing pltiure was
Your bunshiner.
On th* kiuhen ubto
to be seen.
Roy Zur
Dear me! what a .wawing ot^s
4 |*
m hear lyom U>e new
egg— there was. until all bad "gone to fairy Sunahleers, and mya- (eel well ac
rohe aonid hiAo opM h.
".V.In M* eoat or na/ ptok.'
Aftor noofhar dyad it! '
•nbey took good enough to eat.’
Itotkley. Mlth.said Bert wbo waa growing fast, aad
Mar. 1.- toll,
VeiTjpraod waa Jack? boy
nlwnys seemed hungry.
Dear PraaldeM—
Of,bis Raster tohra.
"Cooka-ddodtoolo!" cried Btnile.
| km a lltile fiil eight years oM.
Tmmlng It and rolling It—
11* nay* took under tbe airaw." Min- I go to whool every day. My atudle.
Onaer h waani brokea!
veto imerproied
are raading aad ariibmecto. I got my



Xorwald Vlnganes. Satou Ttaganra.
.Nora Vlnganes. George Rude. Engrald
i,araon. MolUe Beuerho. and Rachel
BetrerLo. You can send the rarde
aiHi buttons to me. and I will five
to my friends. I hope I will
card and buiion. I am going
to school every day I <aa. Our teacher-^ name ia Mr. Peterson
I Uke
him very mu.h. ’•
From «
Dear PrealdmlAugan Vtognnra
1 would like to Wn the Sunshine
m4ee4 >-ou shall bave tb* «rd and
Club. Please send' me a card and huiion, (or I know yem are going to be
button I am nine year* old. I go .
bool every day. M.v leacbrr'a
name la Mr. Bcldtng. a nive
i'uaiei. Mi.h . II. F D. .No I.
teat her. I have three lirutheri.. I
Mar. h. Hill,
bave two pels. I am to (be third Dear President.—
grade. I can't think of any mure.
. *m now write you a letter lor It
Hoping to see this in piint I will
baa li^ a long lime since I bave
written to you I will send you oomc
names for tbe Runshloe CluE They
Ataanda Sundlii. '
Huib Hdse. Oanle B'llaoa.
i wonder If (here aic any Siinshinand Amanda Kleizman. Piaaae send
erj In your :.!io*i2.
the cards and btiiioiii to me. Will
>-00 please aend me anosbor pin? I
-..II, ,___
-.III p,
»_ ,ud
X.-«-u t’liy. Mich.
,> an,
Mar. n. toll.
,iprtof «ome* Ttan w# wUI
Dear Prcaldmi—
Bimvhln* entertainment,
1 thought, 1 V.oul.1 write a toiler to Don't >o7 think It will be olre? I
ibe-SnnMitoe Olul. and aend In the «{n Hose
name* oi sonje member* lor the Onb
prom >(«ir loving Bnuahtoer.
and for the fradto Uoll. Ille oam-w
14* rnel
for the riob are laiiKe HeRelBoger. 1 do think It will be fim’.
Georfie Itolle
and ,tid I only w|.|i
Piean.put ,h». mit.-naiiinient
Maudto lleffelBiiget’r name
t-radto Rtdl. S> giiud-bye.
I'edar Run. Mich
'^■Mar. ». toll.
lotto Timilik.
Drar I'resl.tont v__
Tbe new cards and buttons have
I (bought that 1 would write a totlieen 'sent }ou. Joilu. Do the girb- co ter in the Suusfaino (lub. 1^ eight
to your pchobi?
years old. ami go to seboVt about

4U W-bib St. Traverae City, Mlcb.
Mar. 12. 1911.
Dear PraaldemI was gtod to gn the Grand Trarerse Herald h found mv letter in
tb.- paper, I hkve two mines for the
Buiuhlnc c'lub. They are Man David
ooa and Leo Ui^na Piaaae nend
tbe tanU and l^itona to me. i gaesa
an KngUab epariow I. trying to bulM
. uni o, ou nod ->.d n»[ Tbo,
ii a Uule plan bMweea two roof*.
My letter la getting rather long,- m>
I will doee.
Fmm yOnr’aonahtoef.
Roto> G ItovidsAn.
How cunning the ll;tle bre-wn «»rtows arr! Hav >«u se.*n a,' yet
«b'- npriug?

Dear Prealdeiii—
It baa been a long lime nine*
wrote to you. but not ao tong a time
iboogbt M
atnet I have thought
of >ou.
you. I bave
lots of fun at school.'but have bad
._ .
I.— ..
think It would bo nlco to have the
President * picture on tbe page, don't
>ou BiimJjtoers? I bave a piece for
the 8ui^^e^y,«| mAThe iblag Him goe* (be farthest
Toward making life worth sbllc. /




Dear PrMiden—
> tboufiit 1 would writ* yoa a few
Hnea and tell you tbat we *H gat ear
varda aad buitoni etcept Alice SmMb.
Halatead a card and l«i* thank you arar 10 aaSc* tor
^ hatton you aaht to*. MB -fil tog
friend* wera fiad to get tbfir*. TbI*
- •" '".o. U.K. o, lor Uk Ua..'
‘ ■»*'*
Tooi a truly.
Your IKtle letter* are always blCE
' *’®‘“
^ *** ■®**®
>«® *'‘te agala.
»k Baplda, MMto R P. D. No. 1.
Mar. IE Ull.
Dear Preoldgat—
I thought that 1 woald writ* to 7*
Bunabiiw pat*. It Is very atovtoy
tbit t
^"^rt«od"tM* morning bat I did not
..Iv. —* -c-oi-w
b®' * ""

toy 0«"*yw
when I get tlao. My Iliila alater has soma alippon with high heel*.
FrtKii your Bunshiner.
Mellasn Newcomb
Tlirre was a had otora Mar. Iltk.'
Isn’t )t nke to have 1< plraaant and

wk ,up,4», airb, R. F. D. Na 1.
Mar. id. toll
lienr ITnideni—
jost been reading tbe BnnThe rmlle that Imbbles from the heart ^m.. p,^
That love* I's fellos men.
„„ ,„oihcr bntion? My slater inei
Win drive sway the cloud of giootji.
|,iiyit.g with her doll I *B to tbe
And coo» th- -im agnin.
fourth pad*. I an etovan ^aara fid.
every day
I have two bratbJffwTBd
j|, mudka ara reading. nrRhmetk.
Rapid CITV. R F D. So. \.
„ne siMcr
Please send me a card If* full of mirth ai-d aoodne.., i.«. geography. language, and apellinc I
. March C. toli .,n4 button
With maUlj klmlne%H btont;
didn’t go tp school yeeterdny for I
' Protu lot
If* worth a milljon dolUri.
wns.Bo aiormy and cold My slater
are von and tbe Sunsbiner-*
And it dm >11 •b.' a D-tit
Russell Bklver.
luet wama another button, olso. We
ell. I am gpltig to school
Su.'h a ciinnlag llMto Icner* Yo.i
hud our school picture laketL I read
have ouly mlsaed six days of school wnite II verv ( toariy.
1 here U no room fur sadof a.
Dullie BiwEBsh's totter and ibongbt.
aince It aiaited. 1 **>• picking' up
abe bad a nit« trip Gouddre
*• cheer? suilto:
potatoes then
I have four rerilO'
Souh Uoaidniin. Mich
It aUa - b*» >!«• w»e m-to hs*rates this year. I have •■nougb 10 gei
Ir-ne NewtOtobMar
r. iiovr mu of ..)to
a Ug one. 1 will be glad when spring Dear pTwldentTht. week yon win read poor on
«oroe* «o we can play out doors. Well
00 the RunahliM page. I *■
lan'l itai. lovely apring weather ll nrr.- - u. on to try ugiin.
I guea* ibU Is all lor ii u all t ran now! We will soon see the llltk Whei, tallure make, ns blue:
glad to print li. ihlnk of
robin. Urtt again and bear tbeir mer Bu. U dimple, of enVourageiueni
Fr^ yo
4lir. N tvincbeater Are- CMeago. lit
r? iblrp It will indeed seem sunAn good (or me and »ou
Itoton lllri.
Jtor. IE itlL
ihiny to have all the tiiito Urds back
You always write nl«* toiter.ttrar Prsaldenl —
again. I bave never sVtitec (o' ihe So smile aaa'y! Folk* und.rwatid
wo an- glad to hear from you.
As 1 b'av* not Writua ta « lahg
Sunshine Club but oore before Tba:
WUji by a amlle 1- meant
time I win do ao BOW. J kgp* ke**
,- ' *
waa.ln October Will you plea*e send It', worth a millicm tlollais.
Fife iJtke. Mich. R F D So I
me anoiber button? 1 ba»* been u;i
Aad it doewn't cum a cent.
- -Dai E
(ortBoaie enough to lose mine T)ur From
Mar C. toll, erbool tot. out th* Sth of May That
’ Ruth Connlagbam
It U aomwbtoi Kk* hJNfir Untera
Dear PresidentU a month earlier than ft tot out
That I. cdhainly a Bunsbto* po> m. only It about poswar^^Md all kinds
1 would like to Jrtn tbe Sunshine Ust year. ! am in tbe fifth and stotb and wHI do us aUjSgnd o reed
. of pUture* 1 wpoU Iflto'io kara yoa
flub I am ten "real* old. and wUI grade*. Mv studies are geograitoy.
add my r.anfi to tho CMianiHwdaaea
soon be to tbe fifth grade. My'ieaeh- ariihmetk. blwor?. grammar, reading.
South Roardman. Mkh.
I bar* baaa raadlag a awry
er'. name 1* Vianie Van Pelt. 1 like clvU goTerameni. and phyalolofi. VJ'e
S. F D. No. I
caiW Cnfll tb* Last Shoe" It la
ber very well I have some chum* ara rradlng ' Evangellnr" at achdbl
Mar 13. toll about Oobby Ot«t. Th* hfibor Is
Abo would like to Join tbe Sunahlne now Well 1 am afraid that mr latDear Prerldeni— Stewart Edward Vhha I IBto all of
flab. too. Their name* are t^ Bon- ;^r 1* getting toogthy. *0 1 wUI say
A. I haven’t beard from you for Mss* loiataa M. Atoon'a book!, too. I
ner. Uure) Vandebrook. Va»per ^d>; good-bye to yoti. dear PreLdeot. and' qnite a while I win write and aee if shall bop* 49 as* yon tbla'eumwrr
Arthur Ely. Nona! Raffer.y. Fay Raf- to al! the Sumtolnera.
you arc well Hugh Jeffers said that when I tamo to Trarerto City,
forty, and Meredith Rafferty. Pleaiw
Your Sunabltier.
he got a tottef from you. I ha**
Ttmr uaa Baaaklper.
tend' the card, and bttuou* to me
Ada Hall
some name* lor th* Bunahlm* Club. •
Robert F. Maaafit,
When Ada write* aiieb pood letter* They ara Harvey Booney aad Reo
Ye*, t wUt lank forward to raentog
JesM. MiKhWt.
wc will want to bear from bor often. BroffB, twb of South Boardomn. Yoa yoa. Rohen. .for I was an aorry to
Vhat a crowd or oKTry Sunbcaips won't we. Sunbeam.? ’
.may *end tbe cards and bmeoaa to mimi yon last year.


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