Grand Traverse Herald, November 16, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 16, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




®jmna ©mtoeirijj^
.-ancl Travorso

' t' .

Bay. Eagla


lira IF
IPfvvmoM maouMi

..Yirs «f Its BOTOTt AMt-TrsE
Ms Oapw^

Sotfo »oMte Away at HI*

Wolfa, aiad 70 raara. diad at Ite boss
bora gatardar aigbL ft wUl bo roNAVY WON OVER.
sanborod Oat Mr. WoUo bod a bad
fan from bla Taaoo a tov weeko a«o
irbUo la TrawM Cftr- Bo «a
ad to aoas axtaat Inuniollr. aad
aooooat of his odnnccd aco roooi gITUATION STILL MORE CRITI­
arr vaa ImpooMbte. Mr. WoUo «a
bon la Oonaaar. He leoTca a wife
aad two daaghlaro. Mr*. Goorce dark
and Mn. WUUan' Weleb. .^eral
BorrlooB warn bMd fram the family
tien of Hogeleoansoa of



IK-Ms. 14^Th« Mis
.«a«rt. wtaMk «nt «NtlOQ ecmpur fro*
V ■ I

|«m4 • writ of o«s WAg THEME or MEETINO AT A$-tiunsttasi W
I li
iMito asd iolac Usn Oeod rrggram of Tgiko Wao Otvon by
<. fHin. no teoWoB ti tbo rssH of
«r BHCtel Oouterisd ftalood.
aai'.nte Snoo, «o aa ouiar saM
^ liaa^v O0?KMr Badior.
bnndrod wore la atto »te «p« ^w- white gboBt
taadanea. was bold Taooday eroalng
at tbo Asbary Moteodlst ^Istogol
team OB Norte gprooo otroot. fbr
tbo parpooo ot brlagiag tbo ma
tbo oomanmlty Into clooer tooeb with
oate oUsr. aad ostabUablng a w
I of Mlowsblp. A opModM
raa serrod. white mot with
at approral, otter white tee
r pregram was ctron:
-Mra W. H. SootL



SbanghJ, Nor. 14.—Wbile Yuan
6kl Knl la telUog tbe Uaochn adminIstratJon of China ot tbe hopeleuDesi
of the altaatloD. tbe rebela |Oda>- prepared to uDd tbe tbirteew veaaela of
tbe Imperial fleet which came to their
Bidg yeaterday, against Nankin.
U ImpoatlMe that Nankin will be able
wlthstnad a eonoerted attack of
the revolntknlBU’ fleet and
It la believed here tel
governmeat will be forced to
tnlate in a very tew daya^'
Shanghai. Nor. 14, (10 a. m.)—
Thlrtora reaaela of the Uaperlal fleet,
noder Admiral Sah. weot over to the
rerolntionuu this morning, bolAInc
tea wblw flte iMti
o’clbek. One of the largest crutaers
etoamed ap the river oad dispUyed
tbo white onalgn la salute
toraiga warabipa, to which none of

aiateegon Man Met TragS Dooth
While on a Hunting Expaditlen.

Muskegt<^ Mite. .Nor. 16.—Word
resebed b'ere today
the death of
LoiUa Ehicksen, who arcideouly
shot btmself while huatiog wK|] bis
brother. Ertekseo was taking ktoded
guu out of o wagon when one of
leiB aecldenUy went off. bk)»'ing off
side of Brickaon'a neck.


Mature Monday NighL
ASpeclal meeting of the couocll waa
held Monday evening at white time
’era] matters perulclag to the cUy
were taken up and dlapooed
of during tbe aeailon.

A petition was read
Id from the J. B.
Grellick Company asking
Jdng that tiey be
granted tbe neceasaiiry iiermtsalon to
move two ot their factory bulMlngi
from the south aide of Bay street
tbe north side, where tbe bulk of
present loniied.
The request was granted.
Tlte report ot tbe
I was made and
;lng care of tbe
Tbo question tl
city waa taken
up atad a resoluUon'waiLpaaaed
resoluUon'wamgoaged autborlitng the reasaeuRiea/of tbe t
provided by law.
Tbe matter or connecting the Baybank boapital with tbe Itest Front
Tbe sltoatlon in China bu abont street sewer was taken up ao
Tbe IboagfaUul
discussion waa referred to tbe board
en ot both sides of bealth for their action.
an, an Hogs for a setUemenL Tbe
and tbe Ignorant meases
ore wlRlng. even though It spells
rain. dianipUon aad wholesale slaugb
ter white appear Inevttable nnJiss
>Bs are made by
r. W. J. Ooa^
bote partlas.
Bor. BnA Koaaodr. br ao meaasw
Ottawa, Ont, Nov. I6.—The Brst
raagar ber% harlac oneo boon pas-, Pteln. Nor. 14.—Tuan Stai Kal retor lor ooraa raara, aad aMcbt woU torned from eziie and now the last toslon of Canada's neviy elected
natterod aa tbo tatbor of tbo As prop of the throne haa reached Pekin tweirtn Parltosnent opened today. The
peraooproceedings were purely fonnaL bav
tesrdh. gars a talk on *«oas Bs
ala ter Uadorablp.” la hts re- ally piteed troops as body guard and Itig reference to the election of l»r.
marka ho abowad the work* ot ui waa warmly greeted by tbe adratels- Thomas S. Sproule as speaker
other preliminary business of a
CbrisMaa team from andoat history tretloa. In honor of bis airlvoi
to tbo prooont time. Bo also made edite was tosued creuing him com­ line character.
cloar tea taot .tbat laMoad of crowing mander ot all the troops in tbe v1- chainbere and corridors of the Psrlliwoakor, tbo team la fisiwg woader- dalty or tbe capiul. .J^reei effona meiit buildings were tbe scenes of
much bustle during tbe day. tbe mem­
fol atraagth erary day. aad exproooed are being made to indue* him
eopt the premlerabtp, but be haa giv­ bers of both sides exchanginig greet
teat tbo oateastastlc
log and scouting about to get their
by tbo laigo oUond- en ao definite answer as yeu
Tlio opinion la held at the
ngi. Owing to tbe change of
aaoo was a good mea for tbe (ntore.
aad a asst las^ilag foatare ter tee teat teen are serious complications government there has been
In otore ter China and grieter suffer^ plete re-asslgrunent of room*, these
«rk ot tee teirte.
occupied by tbe Liberals
District Saporiatendent W. P. Ke(idiite teUowofl srttb a talk on *13ood projects of foreign interventton by going lo tbe fouscnative* and vice
BoDowahlp;" straaglf advoctelng this Mher powers than Russia and Japan
beginning to be discussed.
The spectacular function In ronnec
un vilb the aasembllng of tbe new
Is andv obllgaT^trllanienl baa been resected for toUda to oteor fMlowmen and most contnorraw, when bit royal Hlgbness tbe
tfibata soBo mirth or tbo like at the
Duke of Ouimaugbt win open tbe prooapoeoo of charecter aad decency. Mr.
Koa#rtte dow not moon tou-tac«l. COURT OF commerce RENDER­ ceedlngt in eute. On this occasion
there will be the customary military
foBowsblp, bat that white.ta
display—tbe cavalry escort, guard of
yet ton ot )oy and laogbtcr.
Aad bo Is ot tbo oplBlon teat this is Long and Shon Haul Clauae Paverod honor and royal salute. ‘The custom­
ary state dinner will take place In
Sy Intarotate Cemmerca Commis­
la Its blgbost term ot attbe evening and on jtSturday bla roysion Doclarsd UncenRitutional.
aly la tbe team and Its
Highness the Governor General
Washington. Nov. I4.—Tbe consti- and the Duchees of L'oBnangbt will
Joaopb Shier, who te a member of
tuUonality of tbe long and sbon hold teelr first drawing room. TbU
tio oSMal board, spoke on the genoral eeadltlMs ot the chorch; Its Mi- clauag act to regulate commerce waa function, as well aa the opening It­
eoOont growth la reeont Umos with iu oeublltbed today by ^ decision of the self. always attracts society leaders
merce conn. In tbe Spokane
dcbuuutes from many cmtalde
aomber ot mombera.
a The decision eb)Slned a re­ points. ThI* year tbe opening cere­
dad tbo orereomiag ot obauclu when
ttt footing was by BO means snbotan- duction In ratee In western ritico as monies promise to be of exeepUonal
UaL He also dweU on the past good ordered by tbe Intersute rommerre h4feancy. There la not only the add­
Bisaion. In vtelch it upheld tbo ed Interest from the advent of a new
of tbe drarch srlth tbe sincere
that be wonld see greater oc- long and abort ban! clause. The court governmenu but also the great social
made dear Its belief that cities hav­ eclst attributable to tbe presence of
lUshmeats In tbe tetnre.
ing water tref&c were entitled to
ro.vsUy. An almost unprecedented
Tbo closiBg spam was made by er reteo than Inland cities, becanse
number of applicerts has been re­
Bar. W. J. Coates, who dwelt la gen­
of the competition. This Is a severe ceived for sewta on tbe floor
eral OB tbo greeodlag sabtecu, ospoblow to Spokane. Reno and other In­ the galleries tomonow. Tbe demand
cteny antphsililng tbo work of tbe land clUea.
greatly exceeds tbe accotn
«bam aad Us fotare. Tboebombas
and, a great number will necessarll.v
earn of we oa bagd which has been
reteed tor tbe petpoee ot paying a
debt ot tl Joe. aad to this tbe proceeds"
ot tbe sapper were toroed over. A Prominent Buelneoa Man of Buckley
busineee to be presented are nt>i
soggeotloa sraa made that a tlmiUr
Died Monday Night of Apoplexy.
yet deflnicelr known. tig|* the gen­
lag be held la tbe Bear tature.
Buckler. Nor. ]4.—Joslah A. Quig­ eral belief, however, that tee sesrion
white wiu be looked terward to ana- ley, aged 68, a prominent hardware
will be brief and ruber unluteresUng.
merchant of Buckley, died
The prevatUng idea ,1* test no very
borne at U o’clock last night of apo­ cohtentloaa legistoiiob or legtoIai|on
plexy. Mr. Quigley came to Buckley of a constructive character wni
from Grand Rapids two............
years ago.
" .erongoi
brought uo«n
down m
«t \uia
tbu time,
uuie. but
uu. test



agy graaga a

I Wdftera.- a Olaa of

, m *-.......

Baaaaa. aaaUtaiit

I. fMa tefdaa. Thn Tosksr.
• o*a-o..*•••••••'

*'nm% JOIteTO gnu. REIONA
> • NgggipslHliifM Ms dart that ‘
• iTHl'gllgliMii M balag late woa '
fL ■ '< '* MteJMl paoteg lateMrj la tela <
C i
•aaplM awst not bo
E« I ipMir JgM Ms gnd OM trite
• •paMa 4a HdH M tetear te bo
oitMi Mbas M aassa S a orog
la oasMteMady, oaay to •
•'.nlaa.. ate oao Msd te^ yaar at •
■ Ng« w*a Ms temgr agtaadld ro- •


^ TBg IsHHa'ail of Ms ong bat *




a ter I. L. Cos
'• saMtete «f Napatea «a teow rs •
• aadto'Maai tea «aag aamgs teal •
• teg SMI aaM> atelag aotSa of by
•k^sis .oaai gate gotss lom
ganalor tmith Hlnioiir Eoeerted Her
to the Polio VoetoiMay.
and npballdlng of t>e community.
tdsaU of life aa he praeUced teea|<„
Parliament wiu
lAS Aagoloa. CoU Nor. IS.—When were of sueb a high standard teat hU
•>l|taagl bal
da or Ms gtes
Mra Ooorgo R. Smite, mother ot Sen- hsas will be keenly felL
•spected that it wiU i
ater wrniam Aldea Smith ot Mltel- moteer. Mrs. Steanaon of Grand Rap­
I a«ar aaaa W teat part af
again In February or March, when
gaa. registered as a voter here yester­ ids. one son. Cbas. M. of Bay City;
■ TMasteaaaaar^ff
tee new goverttmeet win be ready
day Me was accompaaiod by her ooa. txro daagbtera, Mre. F. O. Baden of
with its most important meaanr
'.-•^ftaaiiai aa"aaMa gar bimisi. • gaaatar Sadtb probaUy la the oaly Grand Rapids and Mias Maod Quig­
bm of coagreoB who «p«i0 the ley of Bocklay; a atoter. Mn. Hen»M leglalaUon.' Among these wfU
«teSM«igmiteioatemd>d* prmat time baa acoompanled bla GasUs of Grand Haven, and two pMpcwals to esubltoh a tariff mission, to create a^sstehi dlvtoioa
M Mten ter aar Wad of oMi. tmo •
brotean. MUltom H. sad Jeten F.. of of the Federal rallwsT commtoi
Gtaad Ra^ds. Short stfrices wUl and'to prorlds for goveraiBeBt i
be bald at the boa# tocoorrow
enhip and operatloa of terminal ^
tog at «;M. The nssaato wlU be
^ ^
Bank hoaplttl taforlag with taka* to Noaka ter bntol. where tee
lade the aablect
aarrleaa win be eoBttaaad at »:M <4 a geassal b«ar« to ssaaiiaBy acig'.s,)l.,0 • O')* O ■ O • • •
»Ht Bay TBHday.

Cblcago. Nov. 16.—Except tbrougb
a long reconnruction of 1^1
teloeij, the gevernmeni to appareoi
iy powerleea today to proceed te try
tbe ten indicted packers, the raeuU
ot Judge Kohlaaat.grantlnc a writ ol
habeas corpus yesterday. Couna*-!
for the packers late yesterday hrougbl
their cUeOto Into court, withdrew
their bail and sued out a writ
habeas corpiu. wbicb fudge Koblutl
granted and set tomorrow for a bear­
ing. on the quesUoD ot canstltullonalIty of a'toil eenience upder tbe prqvisloe of the Sherman lav. all withoolite to the prosecution atad
over their frantic protest.
The trial of tbe packers was set
for Monday. Today tbe
of Justice offletoto admitted that the
campaign of delay pursued by
trust's Uwyers. mar cause one year
to elapte befob the defendanU
bw made to face trial on the teAlmony white baa been growing since
July ms. ^ow tbe law will bat
the supreme court for a ruling
after whlc6 the government may
again proceed.
Dtoirlct Attorney Wilkenon and
bto aides have been conferring
day. It Is said teal a tenUUve plan
of action will be sobmllted to Attor­
ney Geoerel Wldterabam In Wasfaington by telegraph. Tbe gavernliooa to prevent the cm
from going to the anpreiM-coajt.

Miss Wioefred Baker, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baker. 4SS State
streeL and Frank P .Davies of Detroit
sere quietly married «t 8t. Thomas
-burch. Ann Arbor. Wednemlay. Bish­
op Kelley officiating. The bridesmaid
was Miss Josephine Davto of this city,
who it attending steool at Ann A^
bor, and tbe ^groom was attended by
bis brotber.^ohn Davies.
Mrs. Daries baa Ilvsd In Traverse
City tbe greater iart of her life ahd
her place in •oclsfy anwng tbe young­
er set was ao enviable one. Mr. Da­
vies to a civil engbeer In tee govi
ment serrire and 4s well «rteblto
in bote business ^d -social clrcies in
Detroit, where tha^ will aiake their
future home.


From Wednesday's Re«M4«acle.)
Ust night a SHAIan peddler raportI to chief or n>»ce Johnson that
while plying hla trade ta Ki
county tost stnKk a Inmbar
cemp, and after being nnUe to dtopoee of any of bis goods to the
men In tee camp be at tbeir reqoert
waited tee return of tbe awn from
tee woods, and after abowlag bla
« waa mil enable to effect s
sale. As It waa getUng dark,
idan’a reqneM. be decided to remain
all nlibt and after supper be was
again Invited to exhibit bto stock la
irede, but no one was dl
buy. The nten than began to have
tea with him hot as he waa onabto
adartuad any EagUsb they de-



(Oeadaaafl oa gasB tMj

VADS CHINA _________

It to Said That Tea Tksusaad SsASMss
to PMtipplMs are HsM to Randb
Would Row I
Itokla. Nov. II.-AmtI
tion In China. Ureatsnad by n ^
risd mlUtory movamsat fro* ten m.
Uptons. wlU uaqnaaUoMMy sbM
grars tronbla. ft to rel^ today, ncemj
lag to Watetogtaa advkmi. tent IMW
regulars are bslns bald In fundlMte
tovad# Chian, te net flgr nB tts
ry. Ftarsign toMinb I MV. ko»
ever, tent ft weaU ba I
sand so amau aa iigillMsa, m m
rebsto aad iBSMtoltou waaU hMfe t»
slat a foreign InadlM-

-tee ou ord«" in NnaUa.
tosUnUoBa tore b«a ab
saquently tea BdUtaiy Mbi
wirelsat Btatioa and otew <
meals bars boon dhatealM.

Shaa^ Nor. u.—IB* aniMl
M boaily aagagsd la »rs|Wrt^ tm
and ammdalttea lor tha vgMtate
arlea to Naakla, whan
pected within a we^ aataaflka
r general aeenta tha OTMfllii
Price of 600,000 taaM flsr WM aM
bis aoMlara. Iho thlitan Mflnifta
which wwt oror to 4Bo ishsli WI
tbeir way to Naalda ta wnit ^ 'diT
from tha Maacte hatehon.
Haidmw RaM
hley took the peddler, tied a piece Of
Mtaaghal. Nor. t
wire around his neck aad led blm out roaewed tbair atidok't-----------ftMakSBUbtosp.Bad
where tee camp dogs were kapt tbe Mty la bstag
Ig iBilMUll
and tied him up with the anlmato. at
time aHklag him underPaUa. Nor. IflAwktto tto taylil •
■ Have Proved
stand that be woold bare to
arernment to oadMredUw In iniS
there all nlghL
.bs prostonUp OB t«B Bbf'^
Leaving him to teat predlc
China's •tatraag man.’ la bM mWto
A IJngenfelser have gone tee men then retnrned to the camp confereuoss'wlUi tea ptiBM tmmt.
fancy apple buslneea this and went through bu pack taking
tbs acting premlar, Prtaen
fall and are meeUng wiib the best number of labto dotba and other otear msmbars of tto nMdaM oto
iblngs test particularly appealed to IsaL be solntad-oM tea tnaasurtty b(
euccMS. tbeir only trouble being
secure sulllcient desirable fruit ,to them Logether wlt^ I68.UI to
teat o«lre tea rwaatlan a< wbicb ils>
fill ibeir o(der>. Tbe spplee wbicb which tee man had
panda on tea caprica of tea aattMl
purchase are carefully graded After ibi* work had
and packed In bushel boxes, i
Toan Shl Kal. If to naeaHs tto prepicked up what wu left of bto pack
each apple is carefully wrapped
at all, Saairei n toad awm«
paper which insure) lia keeping qual- and took to tee wqbds where be wan­
offlca aad ba ao atatai la tto MDMS.
and also pro(e<-u the frul( from dered around all BighL finally residi­ Bat ba mtwt obtala tela ttfuato Ms
cold which they experience at
naUonal aaaaabty, no an adlM
time ot the year ID ehlmneni making hit way to Traverse City ae oely arouss aaagdctoB.
. .
at aa possible.
All stork that It packed to guaran
It to net constdaiaS prebabla teat'
He told his story through an Inter
teed aa to name and quality and the
Yuan 8b| Kal win MilWhi tea
purchaser is absolutely sure of gel prefer, and wanted tbe men In tee gantle task ast fbr blM apMaa to a«camp arrested but wae referred
ting exactly what be buya
riders tea cl
Tbe experience of this firm ha* ibe official* oL Kalkaska county,
fng it to a a
proved roBclusIvely that there Is sn near as could ba ascertailned the stUi snotber porelUUty-to atoy to
unlimited market for faucy apple* In trouble oemrred in w._eamp located,
idarlng tea- altaranttra ef a re
tee country, and that the supply Is
public and may blmaMf riBsmmsto
equal Co meet the demand made which waa occupied by twelve men tee abdkatton of tha aMparer.
two women cooks While
for Ibis class of good*. People iu tbe
reports that tea rabsl MnStr.
evidently bad a great amount of
-Itles are taking kindly to tbe box
Geuertal U Yoen Hang, aald to wtoM
In tormenting the man. they
packed apple, and site and color go
obey bto order* If Taan weaU aoreaat
robgreat way m maklog
becoma prasldtoL bat weald ant
8«>da and money.
salable. The Grand Trsverse sppU-j^^
reoogntoa blm as a Mastea grimtsi.
to capable of Uking a high poilih.



grown in sd> otlie-,-*ectiou of th.*
country W^al
roo.i jn demand 1»
apple of the »isn<Urd *ize for tec
aaety. csretui grading and packing,
hat when the fruit Is placed upou Decision of Cowweras Court Dsstroys
raMe id the homes of (he buy­
Worta of Past Fiftoon
ers It will come up to the Ideal that
ho* been Impressed upon tbe public
mind t>> tfib fruit exhibits that have
Washtogum. Nor. 16.—The li
DO* become
pan* of tee couotry
practically shorn ot Its power to
irol railroad rates, by tbe opinion of
tee commerce court to tee Inter-monn-





Mias Wieefrml Baker and Frenk R.
Davis Woes Marrisd •«

The school officer* of Ml lbs rural
districts In Grand Trav^ac and Lee­
lanau counties will meet st tee coun
bouse lo tbu dty on Friday for teelr
annua] meeUng as provided by law
The meeUng wHJ be
Bupenoteodent of Public InsUwction
Luther 1. Wrlgbt and mocb valuable
Informailon in regard to tee district
•cbool system of tee state will be
brought o«. All director* are requir­
ed to attend or send a
and they are allowed a per dtom of
ltd an neceesary traveling
are wbicb are paid out of tee iressory of tbs eeverai dtotrieta. TIu
maatlng to esJled fbr > o'eloefc to tb*
montog and wfU coottnaa cbroafbnwt
tbs day.

Evidence Shows Ttot
Mains Waa Deatreyad by totaeiwi Manna.
Harsna. Nor. 16.—B
tee bottom of tee Mstaa eboat IIS
fed aft of tee bow rrewlad a plaSs
Idutlfied as forming a partUB at Ito
outer bull of tee ship as tea fast
side near tee krel aad Bader tte
magaslnei as hsring baaa MeWB to
ward, tee apper part boiag toldsd fe.wsrd. ThU apparsetly ceold rMBtt
only from external prsirera
Tbe engliieer Is chargs aad Ito
other ofScre* are mslntatnlBt fiMe.
bat tee dtoeovwT to stWMty
rmstory of tee tbrnwy at an an-

taln to .breed S dlx
grens at tbe coming


•■Mors’ CbAvantion.
Rochemer. N. T, Nov. 14.—Delegatea from all parts of tee cooniry
were preoeet today at tee opening
la Twtmdtalton War.
of -the eighth anamal coD.veBtlon of
the American Road Bollders' AsaodaBM. 3fer. iC^totette B •
The mmvsattoa bids fair to be by tea isssfieaa sdata bspafi
teat tea Ositad btntaa ppaw—
who will be beard during tee
days' sesslOB toclnda many n
bolMare. highway eagl
redocn aad stngt aad highway


iTngang^^t WirTMLTmgg BAT^ama. THaww. yrwBw i«.-mm^

='■^^r^sasi, ^
HdhALfi A Meom ea

«t piMk tmUtr. MW ttat tkf 1«
bu bMW >—HliA «TWr OM •( tl
«Md wtrw
W mwiwA m4 t»
tm bowAto «Mter MwtaA

a SMM............

S ptaak !»
i^nA thlt
PWPflMf U M ««w» to'tM tPPMl
ttet lb* LteMh Ml* IB tha tan
o* tb« grooid of k)«*r urts. 1«*
■taifiA br
tlM itaMllM UMBtaeUMT M*
tfoa u a MM* «< taktac tb* tarti
Ota o( poUtta*.


._ •y'Mrta^flarf

mruifMci OP



la th* taatai at Aiabaaia aal DUtailitaiW Man M AMa* MM an«Ml ffVi
M ataU tolatatlm
Maha. aal alaaat mtJh
tta aawMMan haw taU

aeoMaiT te be
napU« snat n
WbUo tt.M BbowB that la (be
aa» (be ballpt U
^ _
I la abaptaw pAUe
L«at a attti »an pount mAdtalta appHed tkmsh the po«-

b aMto aad aut* te

aa la « BtnleipaUtT a

i nm W« AalW weaM b* la^


^ tba pewer at state tadbap* wMbia their reach,
aaa ba mala a - tctt
la brfMlBC abaet pouttMt aaald aat b* aekteTsd
aUipP TV- Thl* ba* baea
W taiW’' btetea aad the tact
«|* Mato tedatathme held UUa
beea dte-

"kteTO»P •»«»» 0«» ‘Ee

li^ tb* voMb. apa woaM
1 test tb«7 weald aot do U
aad brias teelr owa
I'W ||br Oab *

' (to agte teat teb

I aad (edaiatloae

I atr a
aballdasM or aare piacee


tea sHcn. UAtetos

• whtab.badltaat
■ Ap .^rtanaM* aad pnapt aeB id JMAWMBnv aad bla a*■ at MUars-aad

dhM At Mhbs aaetlaaM
lIM Mt mUk bra a da*^ plao*

■^0m »bM It COMO la tatoet site
awtoaB latorr-%oaU be a
mm telafc n a*l tataL The fire chJe(
CbM dead Atree be re-


3aa«a Tbe 2»M U ■&


Maas ar« bidtlate

iMTip at ____At s swM aea tea* »

be teatle*. ton It'1* th* duty
A Tbi* abaeU net be merely
of tb* heart site tee dsepset


•AM* 19m» tokca It
. ^ 'a striaep. eteAy
toPiMfS. -

tase and lew tec^Mtltcralai

Alttfowr^braal* aw*. Ae^ ckesEMk Fam gm
ForAwdMeaMllMyoBgelM tdrad fbbben. Tim,

era bdllo dHd Xe bad w

end praeperrty site only

Thee* InetltMteM ef Ood eheute. eor beat day*. ** that when
lb be that comtei* whieh wiu e«r*

UM «Mtagr • tv«r ^
<imWIm ot Wt^ MktBM. BaU*
«OQB at t o'clock tram te* Dtadplo*
B-y—I aad Oap. rbapaiaa, epaai tee. .
Bov. Ooatas td te* Ateacy M.
at Carp taka. The bpr*
(aal tev did ialrif well, ter taUawias
The am saei* plswtin ef tbs saaat tea Sana bacpad;
T«a labbtte. fir* j^tridM* aad a eeaa was was den* Wodnaaday an tea cty
tonaa ud tela ataarnaon tee Mtter
walgkiBC a trtia oear ftftr
plow was Btarted'OB tea pared streeU
Tba bids o( tea 0
to order to sir* a passss* (or tb* wa­
a yard u laestb.
ter sboold a thaw take, place after te*
I Tba taaai MBoapI tea We^ra U*'
stwB ba* blown orer.
koa Talacraph oeiapany baa recalrad
There ba* beea
aoUn to tea etact teat tea dally (ra*
ins oA to te* nsnteer of dew- buter*’
dalirary o( Mieesea bae bewi extend­
teta year tor som r«aed to all te* terrhory wUbla lbs Ha­
eon. and (be (ndtaattone are teat (bis
lts o( the dty abd
ity will tall teort shoot IM Uchaise win be made (or the deUveiT
•c teta (alL Up to tee
beroad the haU mOe aad
Uin* only U1 of tbs corotod cards
■Ue tiadta as baa beea daae bentobase beu tasned to tba
MaMiiM el tMe el^ waa
Mrs. A M. Beara of Btote Mast anla CUeaM m NomobOT M
tortalned at a dlanar party Taaeday
to Medeme Baaeb. tee manaser o( a
OTotttac to booor o( bar bnebead'e
^nty pailer la (^ wtady dty. They
birthday. Ten caaeu wtjte
^ epeod teeir
te* fawlsre of tb* evawlnc tor tee
Louis, etwr wMek'-tbey wlU reti
tadlOB baton "bridtA'* while tee feoCtaleSM. «b*r* Mr- UcNlncfa wlO en­
tlemcn eniored temaelr** smoktac
ter tea aetoaoblte buetaate.
end to coBTersatioD. Tb* raone ud
Haniy Oay a( teta eHy, whe taft far
table* ware dooecatad with yMlow
tea wwt taet Jue. has ealleted to tba
United 6Utei a^ to BMte Caroltoa.
and from there Me sent to Port 8to
to CO to tba Fbm^WMB on tee »th
tele Bonte.
A. L. nebblne, section tentnan tor
te* Pto* Maicaatte raOroad.
vub a palktal accident Sudsy, vhleb
Bisht hare tomtaated sertooly
not tntelly. He Bad bau encased
toedtos dndata Into a waabott tram
a ballast car. e^ bad occasion
cot down trom tbii car and walk eloas
tide o( the track, whan the door
brake loose, (ell and strote the top
o< his head. The blow knocked him
noenaclou and
him down
Barwu sble'to go to
work Tnaeday. altboock hta' head Is
qnlto sore so teat he ta rsmlodod at
abort Interralebh
the Uaai
ear tea racHlF maettos and epedal decree wor^ Thera was a M*d
crowd present and after tbsbi

OiblUekrOle. MlcA, Nor. U.—W*
are bavtoc a storm white wfll be rw
nwBbered. As many bad * Um* ksttlni bom* Batnrday oseninc, as tea
bor«e* war* aaarly Bnasanabte.
We are eorry to beer teat Mrs.
Lotancer ta lit Bop* she will be betTb* Bbane School dtatrtct Ni
ea been Improred by paUlnp to a
*w haatin* artangeiiwBL It beats


iM.c«ddy. aT^e-T.

*r tba bleaaiaM
AlaHcMy 0*4. a* b
UfaUy sialtod apee the peepl* ef MlcMcan. i. Chea* A Cebem. pneemer
el «be btoto el MleMcaa. As sppe‘«t •»* eat aeMe Tberaday. November
tbtattalb. a* a My M
feaettef and teankeslvlni.
Qlven under fay hand and th* Geest basl of the Bteto. tWs thirtieth
day ef Aetobir, in tee year ef Our Urd. on*
aad Meesta and ef tew Cenmenwulth th* essaniyAltb.
By tb* Beearaer;
bsemaiy ef Btoto-

CpiArtBdhrCoBB» rnMMMB>ir LeeHoBBdir
ist in tne^ t
tooea <b gtow. Tb* (ot­
bare ^---fm.' to saaptw
of teelr work (or No»pgHfc>pl*trl«
So. 4. Parodtoe. Geo. fUckaan. teacb*r; District No. Id. Paradise. Eihei
Heckau. teerber; tb* McKinley
debOOl of Penlunta township. Ulltan
liorton. teeteer; and tee Coortsde
icboM of Bast'Bey. Orece Oraro*.
The InetJuetloD books mej- be sernred et either the City Book Store
or et ^e Drag Oeperaneet ot the
Mercutlle Co. The supply wss exbaosled Setanlay but e new supply
hu been ordered.
This contest ta opeo to the mtage
id rnrel acboota of Qrsod Treveree
eouty only
Pupils from tee City
BChooU era not eUglbl* U wiw tee

towlof ertoota

rarefBUy. A boy'* menUl
sot be derefapad on Alger
books end other tight Setloa
tbu hta physical power
be devefapwd u e diet of milk ud
water. Sack books ere sot paraUtei
to Steet rarefelly seleetad tlbrertaa
beuth Pwradis* Seh*^ Nets*.
S'eUle Witkop. who was obliged
hare some dea^ work doae. was abeent from scbool on 1-eeeday.
The eerenth grad* pwpUs ere study
log th* ~Lwdy ot tee- Lwka.*'
New BusUa auta cortalne with bnsi
reds bare recently been provided (or
the school room. Tbe readtoees with
which all supplie* and ecbool
parvtos here been furalsbed by tec
(.(-boot board has been mseb tpprectai
ed by bote Uwetaer ud poplk.
Bertha PHersoo bad ber eye* lit.
ted whOe In TrsTerse City Satnrdey
ECbel Ayres, whose boa* ta to ^cx(ord eouty. entered steool Monday.—
A spirited speDing conteet bu been
going on to tbe eecond and (ounb
grades daring lb* past monte. Deity
Lerell won In tbe second grade end
In the (ounb grad* there was a
between Eire Wood. Joe Lerall aftd
IJixle Orr.
Tbe papllf are enthustasttc
penmanship contest which has been
errenged by the
The Century Book of Pacts has Just
been added to tee school library This
district cu boast of ooe of the
Kbool libraries In Ibe county.
Tbe fourth ud fifth grade language
asses are writing letters to tbe comBlaioncn this WMk.

The ecboeta U Monrae Center. Uni:
^Street sad Bertleu. held teelr third
apoUag ceotaM tast week. Tb* oao-i
leet botwou Monro* Center end UlU
taraet wee won by Bsesle Clerk end
ilonoD o( Hill Sireec Tbs
oootwt between Hill Strew end..BeKlea was won by Celle Hortoe end
(he tree for ell conteet between tec
perenu end tee children ot tee three
d^uicte, Bessie Clerk of tee Hill
Street ecbool cerrled off tee honors
Tb* two girl* who won the three con
testa certslnly deeerre greet credu
for teelr work. Who would like
challenge HiU Street te e spelllnc
Btancbe Derta. teacher it Bartlett
and C. H. Anderson, teacher et HUI
Street hare been chosen ieeden of
Mrs. Melvin fiqulf**. 216
jwo debaUng teem* who will dlscnat
Sprue* straw, died TueMay.
lb* Question; Resolved. That
•Ofid is growing better. Bote pupHv
Meftgsff* Sal*.
and patron* will take pen in teta de
DefxoJt having been made
tete TbU question wm be used as condltlont of s ceruln mortgege
(age made
madta starting point ud ibe leading quea- by Ployd L fimiifa and Ella A Smith.
Ua wife, to The
Sartoga Bank.
Th* Dexter Sari
of tee de ywiu be debated du'r dated
July Btb. A D.
1*0S, *and record
tog tee wiMer.
ed In tb* office of the Regtatei
The Matdiett School o( Mayfield Deed*, tor te* Cousty of Grand Traverae ud Stau W Mleblgu. on th*
lownahip Is one of tbe best
tih day of July. A D. IMS. in Uber
oee-raom ecbool* of tee county,
SI of Mortgages, oa page 'S which
well provided with all ctaeru. aepr said Mortgage was duly assigned by
aod other rural school applluce*
Tbe Dexter Saving* Beak te E V
and during the past summer a ne*
Smite heeling 'ud veotllattog ptani
d ta tea office
was Installed ud s water cooler eod taler ef deeds sfoceesM Pebruery Ittb
individual drinking c»p> were added ISIl. to Uher tT <H Mortgage* oa
Tb* scbool house snd tee sebor' page Ul. 00 which mortgage there
be doe at tbe dale of
eqalpnicot in DluHct No li. Ueg
BOClce tee *upi of Five Hundred
I eke, ere a credit te the oommunUy Tweaty six i iltaf*. and Sixty-eight
Tbe bouse ta neat snd cleu ud It Cents, ud SB auorney'f
AUorney'f fee of Tmencontains sll tee necessary rural ty-five Doltan. provided for In said
ecbool epparatua A good worklei mortgage, ud no suit or prarcedingi
St law having been Instituted to relibrary and e
.-ollectlon of pi- cover tee DOBsya secured by said
also to be found In tht- mortgage, or any part thereof;
.N'ow. Therefore. By vlrtse of the
tebooL Tbe school It progTessliif
itaely wder the Instructloo of Pfed sower of sale conlslned In said mort­
gage. snd tbe itaiui* In xueb casr
-Dsdc ud provided, notice Is hereby
Teacher* and pupils always
dvea test on Setnrday tee Elghteeitu
.Sovrtnher. A D l»n. at ten
---------- --------------------------jT**. wm like doing tbelr best when tea scbool
v'clock In (be forenoon. II xl
Bel! far cash or uebsac* tor unUI uvUoanieni Is right.
Public Aucitoo, to tee blgbest
tara oatsid*. Can __________ ___
iM Door «f
owe* “X T A" ears of Grand Trav.
: Hoese. In the aty
etse Hmu.
Nor. 14-A* good practice library This may b*
In said ronaty. i
being the
if each dtatrtct will with
Court fori
drew (ram tee lownahip library, to ■< lace where tbe iCtfrt
rubty is
cu receive Us share of the Ubreo
bed ta •
la tb* MOW
of tee-eettto ot Baa- moacy each year.
. ___ .
- pay tbe amooni _
mead Wi
Books for a school library should
be choBU with great care. Many cf said mortgage, with seven per
Interest, and all local rasts. lagwbrr
- -.............. -______ .at Noraa.... A D. 1*11. ben bate eBowed tee ecKnliwl school library lists aeni with- u attorney's fee of Twewty-five
1 ter Ibereln. tbe
tor efedlww to oiwet teelr Malms oat by pnbitaher* are padded. They OeMrs. <
wibed la said BWrtlntoM Mid diewusd t* asM cwort (br are selected for tee profit of the pub
u an tbe I
^jtodostaaat. and test,
rateer thu (or the culture
vsiue to the wfadd. The Stats
a tesifiVtaeet of education has pubHshed Od Bute of Mltelgaa. to wtt;
■t te* probeto
The West Half of Lot Thirty fS«)
Oy ot Tranree Ow to saW eodbty. MM very fine library Rata' ThM
nor batar* te* tab d
aas tuy be seenred fraa the oflcr Of Btoek K. of Hsonab Lay and ConeasyY Seventh
edditioa to tb* City
gf tee Coepataeloner or from thr et Traverse City.
an oy aaie c«mr» ow -iwueay, taw
put ttarraec.
k dM at JUf^AAlSn. at tM
A good school Bbrary teoaid tevt
1 to «b* *1"?
Db^ ajooaat* of elsMatorT eMraet
hta|^. travel, agrfealtnra. and good
Tratene CXy. Udh.
^dMBM-fraoA Tbe lattar Aonid ias, U, Tkva toJIoe. U.

baoae by pnttiac to a taiMq* aad
caa tlibto.
Hr*. Andrew Jobneon ta anCerlai
wUh tbicB braksn ribs.
Mee. Dtekanau and su Warm.
ere plad to seek ebener at Berlsnd
Weller's fiatantoy erenlng.
n was MRlble tor anyooa ti
tetok ft dDtoB ten miles that al^L
Mias Delta Cady Ttaliyd frtaeda
Boate ot town Bonday.
Mri. John Norris has boas iU tor
eoapta of waeks aad
tee solte occupied siowir.
by Underwood A U^or. This ta
dee tare* room and ta weU heated,
Beport o( the
. school (or
which makaa a stotabU oftoe to which
t N#T. IPth.
to enrry <n the work vt tea boreu to tee acbool Boatl
winter u woU as sammar. Untli tea iiiL
Namber days toncM. N.
tMophoMi eu ba taatoned in tea
(Aoa. patioas era raqnbated to call. Namber MPU> enroUad. SO.
Percutag* e( rMtbtanrr kSx.
74 Cttlsoa's or 99 Ball. Undtowoed A
Avaraca daily atteoduoa. IAS.
Umior barlnc kindly oCeiod the na*
Tboee aalteer absent nor tord.«
o( tedr pbonte utn tea now ona*
dnrtoc te* toobte wore: LooU Drake.
Tba -Nalplftt Hand*” etote of tea Marlorl* Obartbm Mannertu. Pearl,
oak Park Bonday acbod will mael at Jo* and Walter Tkarp.
tea home of tedr toatear. Mtee Emily
CbepU. S» Watelagton strut on Prt^
day aftenftma || 4 e'date. Oflears
will be elected (or te* eotatof year.
d ooe-taee u>
profcrsB ba* beu prepared by
aoralcto. dank
liril. after which a pottock topper yu? Beve tee (ace. yon Bisy_______
d IL
bw sat rid o( te* nootatota. by e^
eriO be ear
Aire. AbW* Caelras.
OIL. Pineat tetoc to the world ter
away *t her Cootf on i
astato. eennlgla. cots, cramp
Senboaa. sore thnoat end ptaar
straat Toeadsy. was U year* o( as*,
Prlo* IS eta. per bottle. Sold br
and Iwree betide* a hatband, two
Aaerteu Oro< Btore.
darter* and ne soa Mr*. Sodres
expdtencM a bad taU a few weeks WANTCD-A
aompotaat CMI
beneewofk: etcody pealttan. cowl
aco and WM badly tainrad. eoffertos
ealarr. sssaU (sally. Apply at once.
pda antil ab* dted. rueni
Globe DepL Store.
nor tCrXI
•errtcea will ba baU Ttanday afterBTEAYCta-Tearltod malsy beUar,
mack. OOB ay prealaes. Bead tofonnation to me u Cedar. A P. D.
No. r Dental OaUlTan.
BOT 14-n*



« Bsaeta. TmmM OQh I





Qopolass « Kellogg

Threteneil Her LHe.


fAlMAta «t



Calinli ^ the Lunp


Trwefte 6ily State B|n|(.
Trsverm giy. lUek.


Snpla* aieMtkM

you Ctta,Bagk by Mail
oftowA we pgf FEKiodfit HImHiii I»
Yod cu todl yaw d^odl b» v Im
yoarowappMoficc, Mbtim
ItfM ud CdufilkM ^ Wiib it Ut

•ad ioMM^iadr «■ fifiedpt «l il ««
wi do M foo dewc. »■&■! fefeVM

urea —
We pwj fMcmt

yMT 4tpMito

Traverse CHy State Bank
^ ***in7ivrr* "***
M. A N. E. R. A
Chugs la Time. .Sur. tth. UlL
CU). Bodus and Bruvemoot at (olTralos to and from Soloa, Coder
No. 14 depart 7:W a. m.
-Ko IS amve tO:M a. b.
No. U depart <;0* *. b.
No. IS arrive 6:3u p. at.

By tb* "Kateiar” mstbad I aaa tw
mo** teoaa achtog toetb abaototalr
wicboot pain, and wlteoot u* one o(
Peoifi* of DWToos leiperaBet and
'Ka-otar' method of pilnleee aiUa*
tof-to* Witoela Btoek. with Dr. Hefifi*
wewth. Trarana City. Mkblgaa.

One 34*etton Iran spik* toetk tovar
One fine uiotb Ajax cultivator.
Two sets bravy work hsmeag
One heavy wagoo.
OM t-aeatod buggy.
(tee set doable driving bsrn«aa.
Several bulwe btankeu
One robe
One winter row
• lowesi rash price wub yOur

Positively th*
largest ud naoM
inteiie^og stock
of Cut Floweri
and Potted PlkfitK

QUE^ Orf


Bwb Long Dtot 1
No. 43.
Tratcree CUy. MIcR.

The little Wonder
AZ<-, n
Cylinder bore. 4 lacbee: ftrafce 4K
lacbe*. Good ieriu. best Mtorlal.
lioM-er cooled. Weight, m to*. Stoeto
easily. raM StesdUy; 1* <
reliable, darabto ntd eompiwe wUb
pelley. Mirdlai uak. baklery. eeO aad
■ wtteb. wired rasdy te nm year ■•perwtor. wood uw or pomp or do any
otbar doty witbla tbe rapacUy of (to
A a: eccuptas :i:s feet tYica |7A
Maanfarturod by



Boy lb* bw or gW a I

aiBgfa aay ou an ese Wm
StJtato.llMA 4^tWu
Kodak aatdias (ra* tor (hfi


Walt*s Dru0 Stone
--The Koclalc storey


pAsr» .f

------------ Cttr. after • ,t«o veehi' atay
on tbedr farm.
MW7 WiriiiihM' i* ■■MMlng at
Msr Whtet’s Aurt^ the ntoeea of 4h
Long Lake. Mich,. Nov. liL-Roy
— ^Tbest.

^ Conducted by Mlaa Mac Dewey.
Maele:---------laelcy ot Hodge,
-----------west to Trav- NewAead vlalied friends In Trav­
ers* City over Buntey.
We waat to Bttks tfds DepartiMBt .of Os
Sunday with her oolber,
griitut penlbU valu to all ooMtMd and te
borne from Oriatt. where she__
itUs sad request that aU itaas of peESoaaX sad
Bart Jeor and wife and aUtbr. Mr*. been tor aone'M^ «itb her sitter.
OUle Daps of Summit City went to
g«et*l tBMt be leut to IGss Dewey to be
Mrs. WDl Plebce visiied friends In'
laeonerated is the DepartBent We espedaOy
Traverae City for a few days la«
srttb Hr*. Jeer's sister.
ask£att ehvebae,
ehn *
----------*-------societies awl‘ the
Onafe furnish ttems of intemt in their respecMrs. Kenney i
for a
Flora Crawford and Mrs. TUlouaa
tirtbegaaisattaas. Hews ef sodal eventa abd easebuol entertalnmcni
Baytainwimts, fanproveuMBta being made er ceateatfield. WiMonsln. where Miu. ‘^lla^ inra.
plated, aad bustoesi diaagcs, and traufan ia
sen will apend tbe winter.
Mrs. John Adams from Traverse
real estate in town and country are cepedsity
Zina Nelson and children, spent City, drove out and spent the tey
Wedneetey In Summit city with
aooepttble. The aboire i^plicc not only to tho
with Mrs. Duryea. last Thursday
Tillage of Fife Lake, bat to theI nUTOBDdiBg
Mrs. Orvai Page underwent an op.
Fern Worm, who 'has bet
toy— Zditor HsmU.
Traverse City for mb# Ume, return­ eratloe at Traverw City last Sunday
ed borne Monday.
She is doing as well as could be
Mr*. Roe* T»ylor went to Trav. pected. Mrs. Page has been in (
Mrs. C. H. Thorne retamed
erae City last week to apend a fbh
Trarerse Cltr. Monday '
teya h’ltb reUUrea.
Kie. B. J. Baecron was In Trar-j
Mra. B. A. Stone teent a few daya
I from Tuester nntfl Batarda; nliht.
Citr. orer Simterof laat week In Traverse City.
Mrs. Dan War of Rapid PHr. i
Marion Olbba and----Ethel Craadall
ed friends tkere froD Thursdar
Ul Batorterresidence and bakery i
Last week tbe many friente
John Joan tbs in Traverse Cttr
1 bosln< I Tbarater.
Miss Ann. Meo hM faandM tn her Rev. 8. J. Hall and wife, gathered at
the dining room of the Baptist chnrrb

Fife Lake Departniejit


Every Holisewife Needs
DependaUe Flour
: "ITt nee a branil.of Hour
lllUt does not produce uni^ionn nsnhs is handicap*
rts seriously.
^ 2j;Xm never know until a
■fWb«tar h wiU b. eavtblt
not You never know
lat the cost of good
CTtJnt Flour

nicety. One eiqien-

mental baking will set the
quality pace and each suc­
ceeding baking is bound to^
Iss Vera
. .
I. vlshad relatlTea here nmrsday.
be dually as good.
confined to her boose Che rteat of . .
This is bake day pro­
sammer with poor health, was taken
suddenl)- mrae fiatorday tDanntic, be
tection that every housene Ulincbaarious and oonUneed '
G. R. A I. station <
Llcal condltloD until late on
iwife should have and to Tbnradar.
day when by the sUU of the
Jlet Asent Bobert Cates
in attendance.
get it means that you nm^
has gone
this writing Is slowly moorer' a basi/eai
j order and insist upon CraR>
. Tbe home of E. P. Newell
cent Flour, each sads
the center
altracUon In tfnlon.
which is fully guaranteed. am at Culver. catUng bird's eye Monday evening, where a farewell
I glVi
lem I rnoay, lor ”w*n’ id Can CampMI. who
Ifs the economical way,
o epeod Che wlnfor Oh!
I tbe M. B. tenrte



Kingsley Department

OM ter iMt week.
KMBtB. into U ttechIwlrri, apat
Tbece eatUier tardy nor absent nre:
Mn. r. HahMObwf.
Gordon BUM John Knqaist. snitard
rtm . MV-'HHMitir Mr Westbors. Buie BMoa. HUdtsg Bn«nM. George Btanta, MUdred U Bretotn. GaU WeaUiem. Ben Taylor, UlUaa Bnlna.
Vida J.'Waifcnp, TTacber.

Mo-Ka OofTee


AkMlute cotamty
Beswiiii tmd Mtily «re iound in

t Ca«te,diiih^p«inCofc.
swomble Boon. .
t nS Cncm. AA for A

.‘f ? -



Christmas Pyrography

done or oratw^^ato^ sales of ml estate
In town or eoimtr^ and any other items of general-iaterest. Send all itm^ to Bfiis Edna Wall,
vriio baa charge of the.' Department.—Editor
Psreotial and Oanarai.
JackaoD of Trd
TrSverse Cliy,
Lh JackMin
■pent Sunday with her fparenu, Oeo
on of Summit aty.
Mark Klogaley of Traveise CUT.
pent Sunday with his parenu. Delos
Cingaley and family of Summit City.
ner house recently vacated by
Mr. Smith and family
lly of
.. Summit
City, accompanied by Verae Brewer
went tp^abash.
tp^abasb. IndUna.
where they
will spend tbe wlni
Jennie Neiblt. who has been visit­
ing her parenta. John Wiley, return­
ed to her home In Traverse t'lly,
Mrs. Vite ______, who has been
very ill. is galiriiig ahr
Earl Case ot'Blg Rapids, came
bohie Saturday, for a abort vUIl
Herman Saylor went to Harrieua.
Tueediy. to assist bis ftUier in bnyIng poUtoee.
Hiss Ivab Bogart spent Sundsy
witb her parents at Ualcheti
John Wall returned (■ 1 Trav*
Arthur Broa-n spent Sunday wltti
sisUves In Buckley.
SabuaI Avery's, who llvic .
iktng preparaUo
farm and moving
Trarerae City.
Isadore Hoefiln le.
borae Monday. The cause was lock

,'au] JarkaoD 'cft last Sunday for
Jackson, accompanied by Grant Duf
fey. They are now working for the
.aark Automobile Co.
The ladles of Summit City and vinlty gave

partridge pie was feeste
Every oae had a good Ume.
Mabel Cleasd. who la teachlug in

. girts Thurater afleroom.
___ which a very One Inneheon was
served by Mra. A. H. Clark.
A. S. Thurstoo spent a tew teya
of last week tn CadnUr.
Mr*. John Wall who has beco vis.
iUng in Nebraska, came bath to Dowwgtac. Mlebigan. where she
Uken UL When tbe telegram
received she was tome better.


&M «( •mTAsit ia ^npnp^ lEli aad piscBi far hnruwg
.Da« flC yw set Md com aad see the iaa*

Clt^ Book Store

MrBain. was here ) business Tbursday.
A ar load of chickens and turkeys
were atatpped from town last Thundn>'.
Claude Millard of ibe Cttltens
TeJepbone company of Traverae Cltg,
wu In town on bnslneM M’ednuday
and threo new aubscriben
ed t4 tbe OiilMns UstWealey Dunn attended the funeritl
of S. E. MrCurdy of (irand Rapids,
last week.
• Mr. aad Mrs. A E. Stinson enterUlned lut Thursdsy evening In hon­
or of Rev. Hail and wife, pastor of
Ibe Baptist eburth. who bas real
wpik In
bis position to take ai> now wGreenriUe.
Genertl vUlting
n^hUc were -t-he evening', entertain­
ment. A delicious oyster enpper
was served to'w-hich all did ample
Justice. Mr. Hall telling bis usns)
nnniber of stories w-hu-ti every one
enjoyed. At a late hour tbe guesU
bid Mr. and Mrs. Hall their Usi
goodbye wishing them a sueceaslnl
V. Moondy was In Traverse City
Arthur Sorensen and Lee Manlgold
Utted friends in Traverse City. Frldsy..
Mrs. Ensign returned from Midland
Friday, where she bas been visiting.
0 jlslted E. C. VandeWalker

Dr. E. P. Bunco reiifrncd from Do
troll and iJtcfafleld last week.
Thomas Andrews nas moved Into
t«n of Mrs. Hanaley's house.
El llamilion and wife will live on
tbe Frink farm at Kewadin this wlnAl Morrison will live li| thelf
bouse while they are gone.
Mist Myrtle Fox and Lena llalaer
visited here last Thursday on tb4r
way heme to Kewadin from Bellalre
♦ ♦♦♦♦ dd ♦♦ w »d «-♦ dd d

Summit City. Nov. 14.—John Weld!r transacted buslneas In Xlngsley
Mark Kingsley was home over Sun
Tony Wcl>cr is buylna pomtocs ai
Mrs bkirl Jeor and Mrr. Olive Day,
who have been visiting Mrs E. 8.
Nobles at Cadillac, have returned
Mrs. Roxana Bowerman. Ur, Bad
Coy and -Mrs. C. L. Porter were guest,
of Mrs Isaac .Miller Thursday
Tbe price nf i>niau>es ranget- from
' 10 sr, cent*. The local niurhet l,
sU'ong and tbe receipts are heavy
Many tuber, arc being siurol. Ilnaever, this Is i>artly' due tn the cor fa
mine, which l, already being fell with
Blight chance of relief In sight
Clark Porter shredded eorn for
aac Miller and Harrison Speer on
Thursday and for ucorge Hollenbeck
and Bud Coy on Friday.
The Udies Aid of the M E church
were entOrtnloed by Mrs. A. E. PulWifdnesday. Mr, ^Iver furDlsbcd

John Sperling at Msnton. spent
Mrs. Una Hsgar si^nl the week-end
St Keystone.
Earl Tedman of Trsverae City visit
Traverse City.
. Friday.
4d !>lii part-mu. Ur sn-i Mr. I. J Ted
Uoyd SwaaJnston tranaacted bust
«o. Sunday
ness In Traverse City Tuesday
C. V. .Moody of Klugeley made a hu,
Mrs. Bridgewater's oondtUon Is not
less trip to Summit Ci;y Satnrda).
any betier
Bridgewater assisted In i
Mrs. Isaac Miller as, the guetl o'
her last week
Mrs Bad Coy Friday
Siella -f'enstemacher of Traverse
Mis, Kibel Hackman speot S'lote)
City. Sundayed with her ne
Ada Krone and EllMbRIh Ogden of : her home in Klngwley
Traverse CUy viMted friends here
Arthur Smith and family and V'eni
last week.
Brewev started for Peru. lod. Saiur
Rev. \V E Elry of Traverse City,
visited Rot. F. li Bridgewater. Hon day.
Mrs. J P Tlllotson and Mlaa Flora
Carrie Hansen of Traverse CUy. Crawford left for Wisconsin Monday
few days last week with1 her
They will spend the winter there
L Wm F. Mason of Walton v
Nellie Belle and Hattie Koblm
to Traverse
Mr, J E. Wllaey of Traverse Oi.v
A E. Barber spent Sunday
as In town this week
borne In Traverse my
Houden. who baa been
Luclla Starr spent 'the
t . last off thei
City, tbv guest of Hiss Clara Davidson for
week with trtrads In Trat
Jerome Koepcle went to Cadllbc,
|s«rersl day>. bas returned to
Thuratey. for a short visit witb, bla^a, jp Grsad Rapids


Mapletun. Mirtk.
Mirtu 1Not. 1A—The' 8L
Joseph Seaing circle met arltb Mrs.'
Charles Lardie last Thntadey.
There were aervlcee at St. Jniapb
chnrrb Sunday.
kilm Peart Zonlek of East Jordan Is
viRiting friemU and relaUrea tor e
Wedding bells wilijnon be slBgiMMlss Uzeie ‘Zoulek spent Suaday
with Mlaa Mamie laudle.

Save It

u served
cted as
were given by Prof A. H. Clark. Dr.
Fenton. Rev. Briteewater. Rev. Hall
and Mrs. A. B 6unaon. Mrs. Hall
also spoke feelingly of her sUy with
us. Instrumental music by Miss Nel­
lie Gray and a vocal eolo by Mrs. Dr.
~ iton wece enjoyed. Mr. and Mra.
II fahave bMC with ns for over four
years, and they
. leave many friends.
Their Inew home Is In Greenville.,
ipect W see thi
Ohio, but we e*pe>
each Angusi as they have bought.
tiempUte buying, a cottage st
:us lake, and will spend their v
tioo here each summer.

i has relumed
P. a.
to OUcage to reanme hla work
inday aervlres at the ,M. E. tenr^
WILUAHteURO.«be railroad.
ism. sabbath acbool at ll;*Mm. Edna Qnackenbnab u aasut“ 1 at 8;
WlUlamsburg. Nov. -13.—On.account
Ing again at the Swaveriy Central
of Ibe severe storm last Sunday the
W* are glad to aBMunc* that MIsa
exircUee in tbe evening
BMna TiBany Is again able to be out list cure M
were postponed until further notice.
of doors, after twelveVetes illness
District 6ii|
Miss Addle Crisp vUUed here last
of typhoid fever.
^teon and family returned
week, returning' to Bates Saturtey.
Uom CaUfOnila, Friday evening, andjp. m.
George Rolfe returned to bis home
RQwrt ol the Acme echool tor Uw
In Sbiavrssaee county last Friday aft­
bobUi Wdliis Not. 10. IBl:
er a visit with bis brother. David.
Orammar Roen^
Mrs.^R D. WTilte vtelted at Grawn
last Friday and Satu
Inmtwr ot pnplia enrellod, 27.
Mra. t'. B. Hobbs was on the sick
'Arana* dailr aUaadajie*, II; parConducted by MIm Ediu Wall.
Hat last week with an atuck of pleur-

Ihe people of Kingsley nod the snrrotmiLng
eoantiy are all interested in this Department.
We shall be ^ad to have individnah, ebnrehee,
the Orange,I, ifraternal sodetlee and all other or1 in items of newt, personals.
I of meetings, uotioei of entertain-


TMs Coupon Is Money

-4 / VOIGT MimerG coRpabt

oeataa* ot attoftSant*. SC.
Tkow neither tarSr nor ahMat
Oertnide Uehtr aaS CRaSr* Brown.
Addle m, CHsp, Teacbw.
PrtaMrr lUen.
lOiBber oC teps tanght. SI.
Nnnber oC pmOa anrelled. 43.
Arenae Salir attandaoce. S6; per-

beetth ^'aosM tlai* eed bar wmaj
triers *1 this plee* beg* Mr «
speedy recovery.
Hr. and Mrs. Aukerson drove down
on tbe Penlusuia WedMeday-to vtaM


U very ill at . ..
Adolph ABiparb went to CadilUr
wKb his father W«
where he
had another
■Ir. MoMuUea.
was slmUar to our local doctor's
which is
Frank Hopkina. who has heen nin■IV n b«her •»»P^

' w!"no,* at Tr.,„« CIl,.
N Sorenaen's last week.
' beer this week.
Ellen :HadlaoB. Nela Hanigold aadl’ MUa Genevieve Eatey and Mia,
Kalkaska Margery
Clara Dnffey retorned
Speer retorned home from
Sunday, to resupye there studies — Traverse Cliy Sunday morning.
tbe Teacher,' Training a^oot. after
MIt, Roth Jackson spent the week
a -short racatioo.
E A. SmUb. who la travding agent ead with her pereoia.
for the International Harraetar Qo.,
Mrs OUve Day of Washington is vU
spent a few day* of last week with
*n up tbe arork egatn.
hU famUy. who lie* east «f Kingsley. itlng at wmians Po.iard'a.
The Ladin' Aid win meet with Mrs.
Uydla Bioirn west to Travetee
Julia lUnaen of Buckley was tp
CSty Friday, en btulaen.
Uaae Miller next Wednesday. They
town Saturday.
B«t. Haywood of Lndi was tn town
Out. lick has iwte flora the Box are making praparatiou tor a ckurdi
Monday, tor a abort vtstt wfdt trienda
lair to be beU KMML
SiIbA Gaattb, n tfsber tonkpr treat


Worth up to $1.00
II pmnicd si

Trie Bio Store
We will
d A% of the amount
back to you
paid for any
Blanket l^ght at the Big Store &om
Nov. 15 to 25 at the qjecial price,
quoted beloWl

Cotton Blankets
h StilS 6rej Mtog HukM U ...... ......................Ble
A (4x14 tnj, Tu ud WUtB Buket At................. tt.*a
A 74XN,L K lb. Hubei.
Hutet. <1.15
<U5'rxlee. SbecIH it........ tl «t

Wool Finish Blankets
A t4x» dlt mieM Huket. extn eatai it..........SI.7S
A Hxti Huket ta pleUx. crednteate, at............. SI IS
Attx;i.(re]fu«tu.hNkxMesakblaH4,14 ...SUS
A 72xN. extn ler^ fier aM tei. u..................... SU*
A MtM li wUte, (ray Aid tu. iDCb wtda, Hk

biiidto|.At.... .......................taaa
Wool Blank(ts-the Big, Heavy Kind
GtcTE wl^ tanie uatra snortmeat
of plai^

64.50 up to $10.00
The Hamah & Lay Merc.

Bl( Store

Also Ibe most
complete line of
Rubber Goods.
Leather Top*. Jaeiis,
MotormeD. Hnross,
PerleeUonr. Eries. ArOics,
RoUeU Edae Rnbbers,

Tbere’s An Advantage In
Trading At Tbe Leading Sl|oe
Store Of Traverse City and
Northern Micbigan.

A. V. Friedrieh


. j--.-


_ .cnUrip

jfj^^^ jN^ifccT^^BArEX^ TnP:^

novesibkb i6, isJl,

0/^nd Traverse Fiegioh

folks «^a# be la »»ar vorfclns oa the a 91AM B
' lu thfwber.
9l4W te a
Mra. Joe BorkeA ate tea^tter. Ate.
ore to Trareree Cltr tetard^. ‘
Oeo. Ltteaey traiuirtad hmlnjii
rsvsree Ctty Setofiay.
MlM OarTte Wecoter rftf Lota A
kHed Mr. ate Mrs. Bbot Crate ate
u ago, teat hotng tbe wtnto aha
UarSuday-s bUaante prevto.
Vli> ftute R«nKl* went to OnwB
Tb« oiilr
. _.
__________ teu«bur 8a«le last Saodar.
^^toa. She «n tee wwAer wns
Sunday oteool Ate w0Hrmm mrHo,
PrMii7. nonlac An Mooter■tal^ ate the bewte l»dlr cterrte.
Mr. ate Mfs. Bob Parte rlafted NOM wm ba beM MM SMAap on a
fiM aB -tall. only a few little snow flsrtheir son. Ebb ate familr. of
«MO about ooon M*w Toar's day.
La« -WedMteJV. M Mr.^^terd
oovat of tee ■ quartorty msering
lesTliic I Plate viU kta swtoe
ton to snow, nte bT night the
------ te was oevnrte ate remalnte so
UlM BMto tstii «Ml w ....- be hte u aseiUte expcrieace.
. «tte Otx te Mooter.
»“ tnortii* etna fimiaire oter hero. WaHilagUte fHdar. Wo are an Hte tew daya. nwniUngngairi for teecten trefdeelp^ vhen te* aeow was tnor
Aten tWMtr at llUa VeM Bitm's
atante to leore the Hrar. when
shredder. . Tbe maebtae U at Detinls
MMte n^rte « 'to te »ot to the mouth of the rtrar he Qmndy ate dBfiren retwMd with Hoxsie's and U to be taken ovt
him te vMt reteUvao.
the Norte Bates eommualty.
UUa Play MeOanabe went to TreeNov. -M.
her "■117111 to birtbdar . DeUdotul’^^
eras CMr «e meet Mr.Jfewman ate
priwir i^nSM Ub\t. [p^ Strait ate Mr. Beebe, on al^ Mre-Orateg.
FYed Ootn. Harm Besteeaer. LouU
«Ared.namtooftoSrW ote
•oold hare
ate Mrs. O. V. Holm*)
Eennedr ate Loren Wares went to
itboosht it was two
ttfU as'»«u
weful preeenta.
well ate alofce for tbe winter.
Travene CUy yesterday.
on tbolr way hoto from town.
_________ _ enjoyte br all presenL lop stream, the war i
Wade Smith of Bast Bay vUiled hU of them repon very isteresUng exper­
Ptnnk Shorter has gone to Tmvcrse
.. . _ oot
.. they
Looks tike oar aoow ^te «ome to bat BOM tlrtBK
parenu here last Sunday.
e^BMtooas college
rsat, when le! their feet toaehed bot­ CHy to atlote thoB
iences and a iborengb wetting
star this time.
Ed MeMsnns was up from
U oa the tick
Ota Collins and family left Ust
Ooner Macr of Ms>-fleid. apeot tom ate they stood op. when to tbrtr
ist Stolay to visit bU people.
week for IteUna. where they- will
tbe late Of the veek with bis alster, sarprtse the water only reacted to list, but U some better at this writ­
SDU airs.
Mre. u.
G. C. HcMaam
their waist They dlmbed into the ing.
make tbelr home for tee tniure. We
Earl Beynolda. the Greenbrier aeboo) Mr.-bad Mrs. Tyler visited Mr. Yales'
■ sat. ate came oa to the Isiate. none
- to have them Unve oa
teacher, returned Sanday from Prank- peopU Ust Wednetesv.
>e worse tor their experience.
James SmUey l<
left Wednesday on a
John South is moring beck to’ bU inntlBg trip for C
tprt. vbere be auended the teachers'
Peter Kolinski ate Ml
decscm stanod tor mainlate *<>day^ InsUtnte.
Mrs. C. E. Mall
Vto to Trareree atp on Wedm
Mre. Morton Stephens of Treverae
Miss Adm ate MUa StavoM apent
ipU of
Friday evenlDg at Jake KMeek'n
spend the
lack Price ate Peter Milks have
lost week.
____ _
, Mm Margaret Toteians. who has
Mrs. Hammontree ate qon Nwnt a
a. A. Pike U I
e City caller gene deer hnatlDg.
few days of Ua iweek with ns while
-Ttoe was ao daaSe at the hall on h«en ontte Ul. U able " *SDow U faUlng and It looks as if imoving the remainder of tbelr boi
.....------Steidien and BssU Pike spsoi Sun- winter bad some to suy. Teeterday aid goods.
Mrs. C. E Prey of Mnbpl spent Son­
and Svaday, Nov. is. only 20 above sy at C. E. Mallory'A
t Empire on City Sntesy evening •
•rp end freexlng cold.
Mr. and Mre. Oold Dodd and daughMr. and Mrs. Mark ConkliL___
Mr. Hicks lost e horse last week.
r. lU. visited at Joe Barkens SatThe mill U mnnlng an extra qoaiv
.laughter have mov^ over Into district
Nov. 13.
ter these days, to make up lost Uma urdsy and Sunday.
No. : for tee winter. We bops no one
Lyma^ Burkert of West Almira
The train ore* also needs praise as
is contempUting leartag our
caune home to virit bis parents Sun­
. itohood. or It will toon be de­
The CDtapaor here has rhanced
We are having a oevere northwest serted.
. today.
hotea Mr. P. E. Smith retlrin* and
Akers entertained aeverel of
Hr. Davenport Ukliis charge.
:be biercury being at 22 above
hit brothers last week.
Hr. and Mrs. Pbnip Thiel hare reThose wild geese in their recent
. PrancU Oeese and bmliy have
Chicano where Mr
southward flight thowsd their retusrk- *^*^ate*Mre. Brel left Ust Monday moTod on th« Ore Collins f
he winter soppllea
ablo Instinct, ns the surprising change for Toledo. O.. where they latcud to
Nov. H.
D. O. 8h....................
He eapecu th* ataai..... ............
.r Sunday: also Mrs. Shorter's In westher etmdlUoM would Indicate. tvs') the winter.
a or Miaeoarl in port with them tbem
Little Prank Irtah U much Improved
lUebard Dumbrillo of Traveree City
Idangtluer. Urn. Will Anderaeo. of Tmvat UiU wrtUng. be having had a week's visited his mother and ocher relatives
. City.
>to of
and trieods here Ust week.
Mrs. Win SatUer of Kasaon vlsltod sige of pnenmonla.
' teaasM in our town. Mr. Beet
Msrion MerrtU etetenipUies movMrs Darwin of Port Oucids
Miss Agnes Milks of TrevifUe City
Ollle Baker and Grandma Harvey Sat­
. has jmete in the bouse vacated
log to Williamsburg aoen for at least
K Mrs. F. E.,P1sto andI family.
^ Mr.dSdaseoa. the Utter haring mav urday.
Lawrence BUchmore was in Trav­ a year's residence.
te Into tbe bouse formerly ocenpled
Louisa Wesimore, who has been
»vte kU family
by Mr. Hateb. before he tnovad Into erse City Sattutey.
Donflnte to
_ her
. . bod ...
for severe! weeks. Into tee K. Stockfish house for the
MUs Dorcas Gibbs of Traverse City
Arthur Ralston and C
able to wa
U aronad. a lluie.
Is'spendlng some Ume vritb her parn are mming their famlll
County Deputy Blrdey of Empire
The Utile son of Mr. ate Mrs. Geo. at Kaason.
r the . winter.
canUed the Glen Arbor Grange here Preeman underwent on epernUon PriMrs. Fannie Norris is visiting Mrs.
FYidsy night with tUteen members. day^ Tbe litUe fellow Is geutng along
Mary Wynkoop.
“ ' ' master. Several memMr. and Mrs. Warren Depew
■, reporu baring a good Ume,
iplpe grange attended.
Mre. John Perhall ate friend. Mrs.
staying at Mrs. Wynkoop's on aceouni
: 11^ iotereoUng polnia.
Iter supiwr. which was J. Wjj^^rd^were Trareree Ctly callBert Orsy baa been to malnUte on *' s defecUve One In their bouse.
After the business of
party near Ackerman, close
Chester Loecks nod fsmily have loin
' a bertnesa trip. HU brother-ln-Uw
] of tbe North
- .ra. Ray read a fine promoved cut of LAke Ann, where they to tL.
Mr. Eteritol^movte to Kings­
reternlng with him.
rey Intends to lucUon of her erfftTltiBt was beartlly ley for the winter.
■-vve purchased a faqn.
Mrs. F. Freeman wnd sUtor called
Fred Ooln lost s horse Sundsy with remain at the old home for a tew dsvs. tppUnded. Th^ will soon meet again
as there are seevral that Intend to on their gretemoteer, Mre. M. Milks.
Arthur Cooley and Mrs. Cooley's
paralysis. There has been quite a
______ _____ _ ______ _____ ...j number of horses dropped
cabee baH.
tbelr share of venison this week.
Janes Bnger of Elk* Rapids Is vialttoei tetchlng fire. When first notio-lhere during tbe last aU m>
I the <
The snow storm on Nov. 1st,'ac­
Slxiy-cent potato preaperlty recalls
relatlves here for a lew days,
the wisdom of the fortunate owner of cording in sn article In the Herald.
las LuelU Marsh left Ust Thors, to owlte to the bertoc efiorts toih are aiding with







S5SS1. ” hS'^. “-«


day for Cread RapMs, where she will
visit lor the winter.
J- Newmsrrh ate friete. Mrs Pot
ter. drove to Trareree City Sainrdar.
Mrs. A Beyers and little greaddaughter enUed on Mre. Bndricks
There will be a dance at .the home
of John PeriiaU tonight.
Marie Badricks had tbe
.Vov. 13.
hsd quite a rain an
Saturday ewealng. with a

Dewing atiendot teMhere’ InsainloAt
•'rankfoTt last week.
Hr*. Allen SpUtstone Halted r*Utires at Klberta and riclUty from
WednevHay (11^ PrMay of Ust wrek.

'almost s
weather. .............. ........................ arrive
In time..
brI.Hackey of Cariere SldlM «M
In towv Friday •vcmiv
Mr. Anger, Sr.. U very alek with a
stroke «t poralyeU at the bsmn of
Mart Wold ate Bert MdCkT bar*
Durry of purchased new rengis

ter being bat IS degrete above xero.
Barto A fuse have Btrivmi
in our neighborhood with tbelr bean
Mrs., Marr Rayle ate Mrs. Emma
Gray asslsite Mra. l.lltlsa Crav last
Tbiwadar «Ml her oooktng for the
phredders. HIM Minnie Bates was
also a gurei of kirn. Earl Oraj-.
Petre Baxes was raillDg on his une'ate aunL Mr. and Mra R R. Uatec
St Sunday.
MUs BelUagham went to Prenkl;fort
> attend the tj irhen* Institute last
Thuraday and Ki
Mrs. LAura Rale
'. Thompa
inday mehool here has been
dlsroniinute for tbe winter, m the
itber ami roads are very bad this

Mr. uni Mrs. Ed f
Mra Mary UleedeunlM tWM at
■reverse City Friday, ate Saterdoy.
CiUt Prey to gone north on n btolot trip.
\ .. .
cmionl Prey spent a'(few days la
Crete RspUs last week. .
WalUce Hrert to gote to vkdt bto
parenu la ItlinoU.
Mre. DeiteH vUHad-aar sstol FHMiaa DeUelle spml Saturday ate
lOdsy la ■"
Tbe l£|>
with Mrs. J
_____ _
to ontlt apd help coUbrele to hlrtbday.

3\. 19.
Mr. Rose of near Carter Siding was
InitUted Into the tnysteric* of tlie I.
O. O. P. lodge Friday evening, after
which the Udies served lunch at
home of W. H. Smith.
ProL Woodworth and Mias . Mary,

latoratetoa U iwqnwtad as to aay

llvfng legal heirs of JulU R. Mongw.
wbo died at Trevwae City oa DeL
2&0>. 1916. aid was burte* «t BaaBonU. Mtoh.
■ WM. T. MeOURtm.
.ndsfit srt.hiM.
in nounoMHome.

Make Your Home Comfortable, Attraetive
_ _ J

T V • *4-gww rar
You camgcme to the J. W. Slater Store and get just wluLyou need at a big saving in pace and
payments. Now comes the tto of the year when more time is spent in doors, and-ev^djing thoidd be
All T 1 LI Uft*
® comfortable, inviting and ple^f place. You will be surprised to see how (m
a few dollars will go at the J-W. Slrtet Store; you can tone up the home jusT as you*wito it wilKoar
going to a
expense, md, if you wish, you can pay for them a h’ttle at a time, and you’ll never miss the money. Read every word in our abnoiiiKtoeDt
today: we'ean name but a few of the many great bargains found in the enormous stock of general home fumishhigs.

At Bargain Prices
aod a line that can*t be «Ecellcd In the State of

I ig Sale of Dining Room Fixtures From Now Until Thanksgiving Day

Just Lookiat This Pine Oak


Hester for $6.75
Big i:i inch IknI.v made
of cold rulltHl airvi. bums
any kind of fuel moat
nirklp trimmuigs. screw
iVRisftT draft, large ash
|Min. nicUe awing top.
and a stove that is tuually Boltl toy other eoDcems
at 99.OQ and «10.U0, but
our price is only..| 6.n
inch aixe............ JB.7B
IT inch site............... RW
in inch site............
We ehallcage
ermeern in < xistODOS to
furnish stc-/es of the
same class at saeh low
■pric*ea. T'e wry the
largest r.ud best assort­
ment of stoves m tbe uty
and no larger or belter
stock ran be found in tbe
aUte^ We*ve ev«i7 thing
in the stove line, from
86c ri|^t along up to
' any price you foel like
paying. Whether it’s a
. stove or nage, be sure
and see our line before
you buy if yw want to save money.




To Slater’s for BSeddii^
Tins is wlial .vnii hear fruui ilnsu: who have t^ea..fiL
vantage of otir great Ba4:gHiua in Biankela, Qnilto, I*illow^
and ComforlK. Finn warm Haiineleit.- Blanketa. ehnfee of
■ obirK.' with fatiey atripeid h-irdenj, double length f«.r (he
low ('halJenge prieeK of 68e, Tl.<*a Hiry range up from tlmi
to an $8.00 lihr nil woo! Blanket for |63&.
Ill Riiiila. I'omforii and I'iIIoWk. (M-opb- tell tM we
from III '0 Lkl |M'r ■-•■Ml lower Ilian lliey esf] buy the SMM
•{iialdy elaewhere
fL- Mife and ae.. (|ii« grand Ine »f bediliiig.


*"•'•* j®** reertved a Mg

DUT^ Ai^U f,.,e of ,leda,’ea««. akia, roskt.TV, ai money nviag pri--.*. (V*me
111 aud a»«e them wb.-n in the city.


We believe you want n net of Drth<«. h new Table -'r i'liair- or ^N rlia|«s
Ituff.i. t'liip*
Ousel', or Side Board, and we’ve big uiwrink in rve-rj- one of
fiirmaliiniff. b.niirtil '.I’— ial for
those who wish to have their Dining ILmum l>H>kiiig iIn Im-hi for Tliunkogiving Dsy.
DI8HBB—In DbifaeR we've nearly evervihing in Dinner S«.ts. Tc-a S.ts, iNirl iiiKh<-«. etr.. and
can fiiraiah these ai one Ibini 1<-kk than liieir regular value. Tln-y iM-gm in |>ri<-e for h hndal Din­
ner Set. lavish deronttiotui und beauiiful d■■sicn. worth
for ilie exiremelv lowprice of ...................................................................................... .............................................................. ................


Then we Lave some sample S<-Ih jit great hargaiiu. .*>r> pi>..-e wta a. low at, 92.!*i. ](i1 pie*.sets as low as W-So. Wa have many •.there to# Diimemiia lo nn-nliou. In faei we have the lanrvst
line of Dishes, sod general Crockeiy in Northern Mi<diigan. and eballenge all retailera to me*-t our

FUBHZTUU—Beeiitiful solid Oak Buffi-bt as low as
aud up to M^.To, Bide B<mrd«
worth 825.00, for Thanksgiving only 9111.73. n>ma ri«»el». la-autlful uuart.T aaw.-d oak. rcKulwr
value $23.00 fer only 9114.30 and in TaUire we cau o|H>n yuur eye* os well. ILiond
Exteosioa Tahh-* up from............ .7.................................................................-...........................................

Have You a
House to
If yo(i are alwnt <0
star!' come
Ml sod get our price*,
and talk tb< malter over
aiili us
We arv the
•ddewi. Iargi«t and bsst
lioiin Outdn-n in North,
ern Michigan and can
MV. you from $25 to-


•ou.mi wfl yoar whole oufe

J. W.
Your Old, Rdidife Homefeftehet.






hrterqi^ IpionM

. vV .IT'

■V'- i'--.'



m m km



W» My the IIKbnt Jtterket Price
for Hand Picked Beane.

ppwli Oysters 40C and 50c per


Fangi Ribbons
For m fm»g
CaBapm yoar mind tbe pretSesl
band bags, T»ork bags and other
dabfy^^s made of sdi that you
ever saw and possil^ you may ga
an idea of the riebness of tbe color
tones btiOeae dbbons.
TIm) fo;ytRWUe-krlfo(«eiee«Sle7iKk.
11m M tfow hie-en do eo(|9 beycnl Ike rah win
»»WM «**■»■» worth «l lyerd. Priced ot a
A Ic. d n|»^Ucw«,Mw.lM«
MhM>M-Ai°^>°'>w>i»liwo<MkdMo«lyd 5c


Thiead Hose S9c

Mtik Back Iw tnaer Work

Oak Park.
The Oak Park latketbaa MB.
«atk aad *itMt rUe popUa. played
Kiiwood Arenoe elcktk grade Satorday. No*. II. Oak ^k woa. 13-S.
BoS^. N4
The seTeotb and eUcbtb grade Uier- Mi. slow, a
ary aoeiety bad a debate F«day. <«
tbe qoesUoB. ‘'Reaoived. Tbat WaabIngtoD ladoeiKW blatory awre
ateady. bCiotrCJ.;. clos
LiiKola dU.* The Begatiie side
ing at f6.
!Tboae oD the aBlmiatl*e were Theo
; Moore, capt^n; Loren ZImBiensan.
IVarl Errant. Charloiie EreretL Tbe
n^Ire: 1^1 WbUfcop. eapi^; Har­
old Hatch. Harry RuaWll. Mallory Gor­

'tst- ■


Iboardi in their room. Tbe border Is
'ouite artisUr. being comiiosed ot vcgeUbles and pnmpklna Hasel 8tJie« has
drawn an
e of pumpUtu and cornsuiks .

Q^mna Division

Ma'c S«^ Cox SI SO






Chicago.'Nov. 15.—UTioW. 94 ; corn,
«H; oala. 47%.
Detroit. N«»v, 15.—Wheat. «: corn.
K%; oats. 50.
Mortgage Sale
DEFAtll.T having been
the condictoas of a certain mortgage
made by Foster Kilpatrick and Mary
a jqjpairick bU Wife. to
.. Mary B.
-od, dated April 1. A. D. li
H recorded in tbe office of the
Ister of Deeds.. for tb^ County
Grand Travwrae and State of MtchP
» the second day of April A. D.
. In Liber U of Mortgages, on
page .23 on which mortgage there U
claimed to be doe at the date of ibu
notice the aum of Four Hnndred
Seventy-nine Dollars and Ninety-Two
'' -s. and an Attorney s fee of fifDollsrs provided for In said
Boriwfe. and no suit or proceedings 1
at Uw having been InsUtuted to r^ ;
cover tbe moneys secured
ed by said
».w». lueretore. oy■ virtue of ihe
power of sale contained
4 In said mongage. and the statute in suefa — f
Mde and provided. noUoe is hereby
given tbat on Friday the Ninth day
of Pebruary A. D. 1*12. at ten eVldck
U tbe forenoon. 1 shall sell at Pub­
lic Aaction. to the blgbeA bidder, at
the North from door of the- Court
House in 4he City cf Traverse flly.
MJchlgsn. Cthat being the place
wbeve the Ctrenit roort for Grand
Truverae County Is boldenl. the
imUes described Id said mortgage,
an much thereof as may be neressary to pay the amount
it due on said
mortgage, with WMen per rent Inlecwat. end all trt!*l corn, together
with an atu>rr.e; » l«i> cf Cnc-B d?l
tars, eonrenauiited for ihcrciu. the
prMDisef being deaertbed
_ _ In __
imortgage as an tbe fonowtng deserthland sitaated In the eitr of Trav
e nty. County of Grand Traverse
I Suie of -Michigan, vis: The
We« Half of lot Thirty of Block
'TT of Haaaab Lay ft Cb's Seventh
AddHion lo tbe City of-Traverwe City.
UJeftigan. according to tbe recorded
put thereof.
meys 1.
for Ito
Business address,’^Trsverse


aov l«-Hlran to tob


-WUliaB Pitt, Kart fl( Ctktr
an. Olad Hay II. ItTE

Ms & N. ^ Time Chisf* .


few young mrn—and othev men.

Wc'rv proud cd ov aaerl-

M and*values becaine Aey tal^ al see ibem. TWs
w*y we are anxiow for EVERYONE to g« a ^aigne ol
: toe EARLY.

EWt wait «id U d-sppamwd.

now you must luve one.

Tito -lotcEwovcn* fttt govNlec^

You know

be tlto belt web lude foir ibc


; > mooejr — no we«)[ «pott t» cMne
LADIES^ full toe of those UmitW wlUe Swetorr
CoabiiBln -aDwecaagetlhkjvtar fectotysoU'up.



Tbe nev winter WC^
j act in.


HUNTER Tic “Daylight”Store

Just Look—Steinberg Bros, Are Selling $2,00
Winter Blankets at $1.39 a Pair—
They bought dghly pair of them direct from th« iitSUi a big piice coorftMtoa siid ire putlog dies kto ihtir GREAT FALL
They’re gieil big bUnketi U extm heavy woghl nod lo^ n^t, in tu o^y with Wiped KceS^

Sale price, $I 39 a pair.

You’ll 6od the Fall Sale BUed with the very thiogt you want the moct, and youH bid then in tbe beat, noto e^pirtr nnd Ml
6eifiu the fact that pritos ate («moudy low ai compared widi any odtf More where qsali^ SHi d^endft>
biHty are etienlial featu'ea.
More and mwe people are conung here for tbvir clothing needs, nnd more and more ther are b_____ ________________
r with tbe Tviety
oi ear good tnodundue at low pices. We teO yea whu we can in these limited newspaper annoancm^ bol it nmit ndml'tUg
on your own part to realize the full extent oi what service we can be to you.

Ladies* G)ats, Suits and Furs


Blanket Bargains

In this sals y«u-|| find Coau of latest style end
design. i-ust» nisiJc uf plain and n.orlt.v
viotbs with allrsitlic lars.- rape and khasl
$:(■ <w.
M-90. Sn.S0. I14.S0 and SlS.30
One lot ot about 20 Cicth CoMs at'a saving
of fruiu S5 lu IT on es< b ' gartuanl Ixing
Hath roalH sllb the uilljiary and <v<at eul
Uf>. that were rwilar SIjr.u and ||5.n,.
extra sixiUI cl .............................................. ^745
Ladles’ Caracul Coats.. They look> like
highest priced
garmenl.. Mile
and $19.50
Ladlaa' Pfosh Coals. Iieuulirully tailored car
iiieau*lii UiU sale at ITt'.'.ij. J:i;'Ji, tn;-Hi.
See our special auuite-r.
i-l. ties
»> ........................................
Entire stoeV of Ladies' Fall Stots at S9»
SI4J0 and HftOO. AII1' of our h.ghgra.te
Suits leverpt a fewnoveltie.i, worth
l::..00. OB sale at..............$9.50. $14J0 and $18.00

liun'l ifaink Uiat tbe bUnket Hem
abme is a he-Sdllner- H’s merely typica'i of tbo voy
)uu ran buy bUukelx ^re during oar FaU «ses.
Spcclii Value *t SBc—lArKe size cotum flnriil
bUnkets In gray, tan and white, cioae Aap.
to-i hlioddy Of uaste in Us makeup.-priced
-P«-«-lal. per pair...................................... .......... goo
Other SpeeUi Valuaa at 45c. Ote. Tic, $l.tft
$1.35. $lia $100. $1.9$, tSOft Oto.
Several Wool BUnkeu at Oroat
Ira tarze and ■.<■.. wool blankela. otoy OD*

e-so. «« M.«

Outing Clcth. 4 k, 6c. 9c
great tarleu uf ligbl and dark patterns of
'mtin» III ibe reguUir mahdard utulltiea.
rt~-' i»l foi our Fall Sate, per >ard d'.'aC,


Cerume BuFaio Flaenel. tbe b.-a. lart and best
.-,11 *...i flannel f..r Men. r-Mn., I.adies’
l^•ln• ..:.r., ri. al. t-r ya^. 35c. 45c pnd $0e

Outing Night Gowns

Baby and Children’s Coats



li« Im- ot

sale ' prie..

nes Karnielila Unit *re eaulli




Boys’ Clothing
We hate sei.ral loO. of Kunid OverrualB.|ir1red fnim |l ■«. 10
SJ-irti lower luan you'd ez|v-i-t
findt them.
ip •'
tlie suit 1
■ tnd $
e CoHar
Coilar Oyer
eoata at $4ftO—Not a une but vhal'..
worth $«.0ti. some of- them were
even lh.». Will i.t boys ate t to
I.- They eouie In tans, l.roia.
grays and fancT DiiKtuira The» re
22J*“>7. big value at Ibb- prlie.
Boys* Wool tonkkee Pants, .11
size,. a|ie.-Ul at 2$c '
Uya’ FI
___________ __
K. to and ». betk ablns aad draw
or*, special at 22c.

Underwear for Men and Women
Ladies ard Mitaes* Ifnder.
50c and $1i».
One 1. t of 14ISset and Children's
Riboed Csrme
Ladies' Catra Large Union Suits.

Nielli Gou.

•'1.-. and —ri.< .-able mauu
1 pcK-ed very at.i ii>. l> tor . UI Fall Sale
Cown, for Ladies- at 4fc, 59c. 75c, 9$e and flftS
Chridrcrt’a Co-ns. special values at 45e. S9e and Tte Stolls for IMen and Boys, all nzea la full -.
l-ii-tli, T..•l!^. Kailneiit.. at uni)................ .4$a

i-, for.

Big Let of Girls' Coats for ag.w r.

...... -....................tuo

Bis line (bat were H T.'.. i«,« at 1150; a*,
o-lu-r line Has tl.'aj at ft 35 Others
M-"iai «| ......................................,$1J$ aad SBC

Imlud-d ;.re Voiles. I'*uanias, .Ser*..
ami Novell' floih-i, mad- in al)
Klyles. Not one that xjid 1,.
J-'-WI. line.! of iKnu Here Hi .,0. J
and-fITf.o, riioi.-e for

Baby Coau in ablle anj


. --m

Union Street.

The tollcwing children bare not
been abaent from kindergarten ainrv
BdMOl began; Ho|>e Hauer. Delbert
McConnlck. Ratpb, Shannon. Alfred
Sbroeder. MarionpMuraa. Reginald >EIdred. Rldiard Ueuas, 1a>uIs Dobsun.
Clark Stewart tans been promoted
from tbe third grade to tbe funnli
grade. Gerald Siocnm baa left our
third and U now attending tbe Oak
PsVk aehnni.
In m mt given to tbe eighth grade
last week tbe foUowlng bad lOi) per
:' Victor HtU. JuUe Burr. George I
Tbirlby and Ivah Wilkins. Only one
out' Of tweoD-two fell below 80 i«r
Ttw average standing ef ib<
class was' 92.T per cent.
BeatHee Adslt of tbe third gradi
spelled down tbe room on Friday.
lira. KnowKon was a rlfitor in the
third grade room Friday.
Bather Haraeta spoiled down Jtuf
sixth grade Friday afiernooi^'
While the pupita were gobc at the
noon bonr some one left a' Bag deca
ration—a mneh appreciated oraamem.
Okadya Johnaoo entered scbool Mon­
day after a month* absence.
Several of tbe rooms'have new win­
dow boxes, made by tbe seventh and
el^tb grade boym. under tbe direction
Ur. Berg. Instructor in maooal
The aeventh grade baakeiball teams
bad a very enthusiastic practice Pridaf afternoon. Lottie Kyselka ■«ling


Tbe eighth grade baa an average of
K.S3 In the spelling contest with
poardman Avenue.. Tbe winning aide
wlU be announced later.


■iVriM. :


9M & -

1SS|-Pltam>. vlUi a amall ram or wreck of tbe skip L‘Awnalr -«
•oUieea. aailed <roB PanaBa lor-tbe Mast at Gape' Bmso. ■
'conm of Pent.
ilO-Haadb aad Dim anlead ft«B
Ensiaad lo surmy Uw fniiiijlii^
I i«»-ne mows ea^istmi
and Haryland boundary.
|ii V.tV..‘. ;;.','.V.r.'|L^ AJ»crl.a,.^*^*.t hojnl lAnwpoHs,
ls3:-.-nilladelpbia and Haiilakiit
were c awertf^ by tpUmd.
lans—jiSiiA^Bas ckartar.
1TU>-Re*. John .CHmU sppolaud
1&8» Re*elnlloa at Ib^laMltBUd
arst Roctosn Catkaiic bistop Is .tbe
rerubUr >
t'niu-d States.
............JMIMi-Gertmy aM tbe TlnlMd
lT»fr-»egianlsg at the baUle of Ar- Staiea algMd an arfaltratkia troaty.
• ula lo wbicb Bonaparte defeated tbe
»I0-Iir PHcar K. Banitb ekoaak
•Hldea. Fur* and Tallew.
Austrian* aud wade c£) lYwncb Oias- lirovost bf tbe I'MvenMy of PasosytNo I c-ored bides
n of Italy.
mi-^OargeWlIbelB Flredcicb He
1 green hides .
cel. celebraM Gennan pbilOMpber
dlc-d Horn Aog. K. 1770
V9S5 iterUa derUred wnr a^dn'l
rbaage ef
oa M. if
\ K to Cedar t'My
IM3- I'rieie t-bsrles of Deotnark
.. .S-X' U> toe
take eftect Noieal
November 8;
HioM-n king of Norway.
\u. 14 will leave Travsm City M
a m. aad Train So- ft wtli-amvs
iL'io John LAeSrre. noted nrilrt.
TravMwe ftty at 10 «. m. Ttoftl
died IN I'rtiiideni-e. It. t boru in Aew
o 1C will leave at 2 p. m. and TtojB '
borse bides...
::»^w.iidL Vork. Jliir.;i :i, Ihi'.
u 15 will arrive ti\ Travetna CM?

In the tonrth gra.le Verwm Toby
■pelted «ioWD bit clasamaies of (urtv
ISM Prtday.
Janie Dykman aiieiled down the fifth
last PHday.

♦ ♦♦

The Big Store


Traveroe Oty Hilling O.

The a«ib>eet of "Correni Rvenu” la
Ukeo ap raguUrly In the sizib.
entb aad eigbib grades. The ‘Ctirretat
Erenis" vbkb comeG weekly. Is used
as a basis fyr this work. Fbrty tlx
copies come to the building each week,
tbe cbUdren bailug iinid (or their own



llo iMl


Hsaasi G Lay Cc.


IM- • '
■ •. ..I .

Men’s Clothing

U"d*n*ear. flee,.

K; £X. $1« and

Special A Fie«e L.ned Undkr- ,

....... .........

Wool U.zcd Undeneear. T:.. .al


man who bcAgbt a'siM
Ml l-rre last week, aad rwD
n liow suntb money we cm
I wn >our Bloier rlotbes.

aJ|J g'j'JS]' “
MonU Ot
t at exe^
'••Oi heavy faliries aad man UOored. worth 111 and $1$. Pall Itoto
pritw* SltiXI and $1400.
ft -c«lUr. priced M Miy B4JG


ta th* alaakaL Woe« aleoM. vkk* la ta- ukae w» mUtan. Haat oMiai aaa.aM kalf aa Susa* M
> A. WMtsM «r tu Wtiny tto
a «kli. aiaaaalu. vS aaav* «br tUa par aa« Mlar bMm aa4 bottoa. Taq^ yoar flat v^aiara Ma tha att tM
I passraBi. «b4, snatar i
IHak Acrtcohml OoU«c% .<
la atitm. apnaP araaly. ftaaa aa PM * aaa^’iket watar laa M at
la *ood aanartloaa aad aalW oai briaslac ttoto' tote teaek *ttk tka' paia.
~ cma
«oak mnwu,
atovly, or yaa cbi
««i aaaa
trm paar
pao- aaaa
%awt mi
to) w
to Oa
oaa oTvtba Boat
aineaBtoat anat watMBaraipaati of <ka a«a.
. ■
"■•i <v wui
or tba oMl 8ba awBflwd Um avar
Tba aCaet of CM T. W. c. A. Bark ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ oaataaalir (anlac tka paa tbat oboI- alBc as Taa.wsi aUk to aaka ap
ago fan wHb fta aaBBoat alto to oa too clila of tba raral toaBaalUet ♦
• at Bay broaa ovMly. WbM aroQ yoar toaaA Oevto yov pttcMr aM
asrtenltu*. MpoeUlIp tbtoa ' vUrt *toto«agkt MtT MIm tool Rtotejr. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦#♦•« >atto- bad toUeatolp brovaod
to too-tea. Nan toy btoaia.-^ '
■ave ibo work of aany haato aad of DaaTor. Oalorado. 8orraca}y of (b#
«aad by Mloo
Haoan of
doTMato, placo paa oo ctotar fta^
tog. «tlr aroi^ aad
’ raaaam boto
Ubo, ttraogto aad Waat Ootral Tamtorlal Conahtao.
Agricainral Oallaga ubar
of eroa'tp daub cookiag iha lop
to ctotraat to (bU. aba gara aad aa 'a dtOng eolBlnatloo to
tola daBoaairatloo of “Vartaty la Para Tba oBalbt'’la eookad U it la tra to addlag i||gk,tol Bblar.
• ^
too Uat of labor oarlog artiaas to fatal daya pregtoB devotad to
tba eboklag."
(Coattaaad froB
laat Iba toaeb »b« ptooaid by tba dagor,
Bagto thte atot^^adi^'dratp
ba feood to tba aaaa fra boaao, bigbar aabtal aad toMnal ptaaaaa of
If it diaga to .tbo flagar Ilka tba tmw «aaka. h la aaealtoat tar htotto
............A Littli Ikoteh.
aad odocatloB to aetoatlBc manage- tba eaaa -ratoa balag to arary eaaa tarn Ufa. ftaa. Warrao H. Witooi^
Obaaaa Padding—T«o acto.
oaa baaiea abU# of agg. It oaato loagar ealma aad mafw wg u glroa f«#
Whnt -Ibto mmbtod ^ ««rid naoda otot of work.It alm> looka too pmontoa of laB ttou «m «m of tbo taratoaat apoatlaa of
ra- aad ooa half capa Bilk, aait aad euklag. Ftdd. aad tarn oa hot
MaeaH a Ugkt apew toato.
If thto
tba^battarBoot of tba nrml acfcaol dollar to dra. wtto toa batoaeo to Ugloaa advance aad Ubany. daaerlb- pappar to laata, baking aoto atoo .>f tar,, and poor arodd oaa aad om- umet ptoc«m to toUowad. qm «ffl
9tmtr ««to «ad batter daoto.
ayatoB. toa proabtloa of a amre aat- favor.of tba Ban. 8ba aald that tola ad toa coBiag colour cbnrcb aa an paa, lev tlleaa of broad aUgbUy ba> bair cvp* tola wbii^iMM. toOk ia oarv taU da htocalt aad viB bard "
totactory cbareb ayttam to aparaaly to oae of toe groetoat raaaoai why laatfMttoa wbicb wU do away with toted.- two-tolrda eapa gratad tbaaar. acattaUmaa oted'-CjOaca of bot wabay bto >w«t. |
aaltlad ragtona. and tba general ad: t]|«re to aa esodo* of young people toa aamwnaoa of craeda dateUdav Baatpcgi allgbtly aad Bto wlto Bilk tar. bat b« watar aakda a Beta tarn--------raaeainent of ddHal iUa.
bom tbo farm. Olria will a« work lag ralbar than acaltartog tba ckarcta and aoda. Soak toteaa in tola uatll dor onmlec A taw gratoa Mklbg
That tbaaa are'not torm-boota prob- under too aanw (rylng coadlitoma CorceiL
be a aodal cantor for aoTl bto not k> aa to tooaa ahapa. PM. powdar are need by bobo eooka B
VtrtoM to •'■Ma dM wM to MrIdBO alona to erUcncad from toetact which tbtor naotoara aadoM. dbo tba uiiiitoMlty; taaebtog a new amral- Uyv ot aoakadbroad 1a bottom of bold up ■
tag a -^dteoa kaok- aMd.. tba kda^
that Iba attandaaea of cKy woBon gate a Itot of too laborterlng and Ity tbitBgb toa dtolberaie ima of tec- botterad baktag pan. Ooragwltb
Pogy OBatM-Ptor
oMb . K dOow
toroogbont the enOte «oagrea», aad airength conavrlag appitoaeea wbbto nattea^ md ^ taach a doctriaa of krated cbewm. iben mora sltote of oae-tovib <
dd of ctedd kail coda. |
If thick wMtd aaaMa.
toftotet ataairaaied by lara woman aboold bava. at fast aa biatbetkeod k raligton for tba work- bread aad poar rMiatoUg Hqald orar bmI tei m
r«f durllp oaraiod. «
toy. add wbMd Wtoto. * ptoca of arary 4
tbarn. was one of tba aotleeablafea- toelr ftnancea pennit among them be- v. not tba MaMlal. to will plead for
mliture.BakeIn a modantaeran
uil aad pepper;told
Inwhite of Mg.!«. Muimx ta. d.i .a.,
Uim of toe mei/Ung. ft I* a reeog- lag a waablng marhine. flreleet aad the fdnner^ wife .who to an nopaM until cnaurd to aet aad cheese malt- beaten until ttlff. Turn Into a b«'
i. Ta!
nlsed tact toai the farm bomea of aieam cooker*, aa akoboi Inn. cold worker la toe borne, k will teapect ed.
bnglag pan aa^ fa»ke la Boder.
-- ~ Tn rtZ^Lt-^ «a!
tbe wortd are aa’a rale far adranced nmngle. refrigerator, and bread ml*- tba taraCm^ dsagbtar- aad aon. as
Baked Macaroni and Chaeaa.—Pat ate orao until brawn apd »et Sarra
la all that goat to tbo making of a ar and alto urged that fann btnMs pannar'a In hla boaJneai.
a layer of boiled macaranl la batter- at once.
aatlsfaetory borne life, aad the la- be equipped wlto a watv and aaw- ,Aa Btadtteted aiHteM oo Good ed imking dish, sprinkle wito'gteted
Note-rtaiiped meats or grated ^rTitru wm*
ataat raspoosa to tbo plan ofjmldlbg ago. syatoD. While It to not poaalbla Rcadi. betora a folnt saaalon of tba ebeeee: repeat, pour joter
over Wbtte
wbtte <rbesne
b. mlded betore tbe ^
Ibis gatbertag of farm women, ibowi torhave all these Cblngs at once, aba p>rm WoBao'a Oongrtes and toa Dry. Bnee. corar wltb buttered
erad erwaba. 1wblte of egg.
that toe woman lif toe rural dtolricta doctored that farm woman can and Pvaing Coagteta by Mrs. Prank Da- and tmke until
cnintaa ate braw«.
intll cruBba
-------- '
•te allte and wMa awake, and ana- aboald bate dn Ideal to work
work toward.
toward. QaniB of
^ a.
w. Saperinuod.... —,.J
___ ... ... one
. '
iwwTa aeiicBuoiip 1
8l Umto. Mo..
rlto' Cbeeae—etaam
A Draea
loiia to advaace to very Poa^Me » <to>r in
*m they arm- at- aatSrf Good Roads for Child WeHar*
rice, —allowtog one
one ublespoeci hU;
.................U to no naiuaM Mparleoce to Bad
1 Uln too things which mesD a ■noeb In tba Sailoaal CoogTeaa of Motbara, cover bottom of baiuiM pnddtag- want <
An Irwnlng
way. When toe Ci
there wete nearly



;^JrEr:5: riZ. r
1UU~1 of ... .uorui .Id.

u.- .... ......

r== “ s gg;~“£ ■;


Th„ c. ...II, >. liuli^ “*


*“ ’♦*'

u,,..uu. ..d »o.l«_ I. Ik.
... t...
,|th bomJVkk-;
of orgaatoatloas
- ow®. ptoit la plan by pn^bc tba
farm women, rbec
been 8sed by tlma, a&k tte arttola ta
erdi bMUag at tbo TW7 olita of toa
Oklahoma and Mlaaouri 1 ) far along
Poiatoeo and Che
eoM a weak mlotloD of oxalic add m Mil
nMo 'kbd idibtoar aboM taMiny.
______ _________ ____
laatuuies and tolled potatoes Arrange layer -ta the spot over tba tamaa of tatabBr:
4 Mi that taoy ba onderoteod.
raorerences aad local clubs, aad oth- bottom of buuered -baklac dtoh. Iron-mat wiib salt aad totnom JtaCA Vtm iroal^ rmb tn«0 wbrty tap.
Naabk ta Agmrte«» taothvThe
of ....
tba gatoarcr atetoa are
line. Canada. opi...»•«
Sprinkle »d«u
with (WOTi
gtMed CTOPsa
cbwaa M*
and lait
a»lt **•
v fu»
tbe p(ei«rauoa
prapatetloa m
ot sann
aaha 01
of saotiB
... marked laatara ...
.1. ■ .
w' .
----------------- falling to **•"Mtligi gad gite a
lag was tba fw toat ahnoat wUbout
been woeUu along toe aame and pepper. Repeat unUI dlab la taund at tea dni^'a. After rkw- . . .
aicoptloo too delagaua pnaaat ware ^toa bis ovary^movamant. to alim- eouma. B^ub'and, Soutbarn Africa fnlL Pour over a tbli white aana* to« tootengbly p« toas to Mk In

aetaally. not ttaaoralicaUr oMagad m
^ owacBaary bdUmis. and havp alrMdy tbrawp out llnm tor and covv with buharad ««Bl».,Baka lakawarB water to wblrb ebtorU. v
• Nwt IgMga •».»ant of toa many mry
the ine of toe (ana.
that ta toa BaaagaBont
ynry c«^-------cosplaw---oi-----------------V^Uom-----At-----------tba to modarata oven aaitt/ dtoiterto llBe baa bean dlmolvad. Vaa aboat
waarT- tagrtly tea oa ■
conservation coming nailoaai tMl^Mba
fconMfabia to Spok- maiud.
two taUeaDoonhito
to a ~n..- . ar
kotwgtar kottla tMt kaa ll
. , of. tba
^ boma. this waaarvation

BaaptolloBt ware paaaad adrocat- duUaa
of time tad atrangth to aa abaolutaly ana, toa boma Ufa
toe farm wm
dtaetadad cBaaiaaat
tog toe vocalkmal aebool bill, toe am_______
xyyytmmm Cbaaaa—i.
vuwv—1. Add
MW dMbla
wBiHe tba
teo *<
wewi. Soak an hour or twa tbta..................
“-“iVl— of a
tba amount ot bolltog water to tba ao«r rtoia to elaar water. aM it «m ba
tab to ta
trbttobBaat of a dapartmaat of boBM
^ \
k 8. Wabb, editor of Tbe vary aama ebanaeto of 'boogbiI ...
oeoaonlea to toa
of _
fol- ______
milk aad keep ..
to _
a warm Man aaUI _tow>d ,.-r,
that Iba Uat teatlgaa of tba *f* ”
Atrlealttite at Waahtogton aad toa
Wife. St Paul. Mian., gam lowad by t^e latammtlonal Congress
grass dnrd
dord aeparatas. Then
Than atteta
aOkta UmMgk
tbroogb wan
oan dainty atrtpaa aad Sguraa
Sguroa kata “* ***•
^ **
greater promoUoa of laaUUtte aiteo- ^ haarera moeb natorial for of Pnnn Woman, a talngram was thing mualto or cbeen doth.
aaUiMy diaappoaiwi. Tba diwaan *
Uon work to aoaaecUon wlto aute
She urged tborangb farm received from Prealdent Taft, to
II. Sat aov milk oa hMk v naga oaa tbaa ba wan «hUo- or oaa ba
agrtcnitoral ooltagn.
naUatlon as a
of wblcB he expreaaad bis hearty aym- until curd aaparateq. «Ur Mtata
ootered wma light ghada
It was voted to bold toe next ana- 8<>«aa. a pianUtnl -supply of pure patby with toa cb)ecta of tba Interin. ruca sour milk tadonblo coloiwd draaa-Uaau that bate

of tba Coagrans to Utobrldga
iMVMlorr aad klicfaan. naUooal Congrets of Farm Women.
boiler and aUr often uatli corM W >>dad by axpoaote ta Mote wi^dbwa
. ■_____
.W..—A.. Alberta, at tba tlma of tba boMlag » te»*ia ayatom saluble for toa
As a result of toa flrst annual In-arsies.
dan be boogbt tety dkaap. aM thaah *** laaipaatafa ta
^amta baM ml Matoo
'““t^***** Dry^krmtai fwta.^^of which aba doctor^, ^^1 (Rational Coograas of Farm Women .Sow:—Tba curd of oeuagm obaaaa may ba wbKaoed b tba aama kay.
> thalr own expanaa to ' added the delegates bava ratnraed to Ibair should be mealy and aoft. t«o long
«r partaoitan,
waU Manaed
bspirm- cooking or aUowIng u to baeoB# too
itatara'kBd Bora to our ebureb•“
I-I--. ,W,_
______ .
. .

i» MSLto wi. to

M. bodl- or .ym
«.o ... B-1.- d«d««l i.., th. ,.io. .....
working tor tfaa; aama objacta aa to telly to tbe aatlra household cannot
and ba aatlmated. If tbe
which km ba I
___________ ___

las *“
to lu work.

Hrrc Er’rS r

a very pektty
polnaetUB ao
ai...... ts.
____ ___ ..v,_______ - a____ ____ a
teblaapooo; bauar. aacb will make a tab add. Thto to
****** ^*.^^**_.“ *** **f.!!**l*5f
oat at toe Congraas. The wvk Is ooa tebleapoon Sour. OM cup milk, dooa by ^laily cnttlag tba Sewv
*.****y^._^ ^
Tba eecoed
aecond afiarnoon of toe Conb« begun, and the coming year one-half teespooa aalt. oab^TS^ fmm tba aapkta aad allowtac U ta !?**• .y.?:***?^*g**' J?*
rma waa devoted to a uJk by Mtot Promlea to ba a fruitful ooe tor tarn teaapoon pepper, flvo allaaa toast, fall down aa a
Sblrr tbo white
fVrtoca Stendlsb of Bethel Hoaplul, »wnrn varywhare,—(Kxiracta from parsley. Make a thin whiteoaooawith portion aUgbUy and aUt® to • toa
* oamoMto «ia.
simple ------home p„irt«
People'! s>r.«.kk
^ular Mombly and from butter, flour, milk and ■aaeonlngs. frame. Uba wltb red crepe paper.

•oar MV ta ov dally Uaea)
,----- Springs,
-- - • on
- --------Mabel
> yolks from whites of eggs. This makM i
to Ft-w Cheer by PrwMla
byglea# and emergency nursing to
I oaad to tba
OM of • Mtobtaaa'a
«»»• of aeddeot or Illness to toe ««ltoina.)
the aauce. Cot four allcaa of toast same manner, but the big red flow*i^R*'* Mitatotag. ««'
sMApar woBaa, and
tara boma. Her ulk waa Illustrated
• —lo halves lengthwise. Amnge on ers are prettieal for tba purpoaa.
*#m' Itatar a^d aay ktad w ■alfla
a to Rav Maitba C.
by means ot toe aaatoUace •#•♦♦♦
Picked Up Hare ♦ platter, and pour over too aaace.
aoap.. tataat tba.artkla^A^
• af the nita Cbarch
of t little ohlld fmo toe boaplul.
and Them.
♦ Force the yolks-througb a Potato
Frapdea for CtiHauaaa.
rtaaa ta>U aat'abaka ■M^'taKh-tha
The ReOrganlsatloo of toe Counif ♦
ta DatmiL
School was the aubject Of a valuable ♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ricer t. ..^-----.. SoceMaW ----------------------------------suatner.- aprinkltag orar toa
Says Mra. Walter*, ta
b^ tbaa pta oa • Mg JpiSla ^ .a
iBMory of yonrataf;
■idraaa by Aaaiataat Secretaty ot
To remove lea sulns from dlahes. top Garnish with parslay aad roBato- Farming:
MSoa'It iB' a kMfW BfW
iifrSta. bSt oft^ »M'oataat
Mtoa Irma'r llatoawA O
Not only at tba
AgitealUm. W. M. Hays, of Washing- rab wKh baking aoda. then waab to tog toast, cut in palate
1 know yoa am
to think to'dry, oceaaloaaUy pbaktaS l| V.M
9km yov toatlags am arewad Suta Saperlauadebt
"hard- of CbrtatBaa glfla. Boma pao»la am tototaf U arowA W|^ ';tbqroi|W
r «ita bigter tblnga bat toa for Fbm Woawn |et a blM> ataadaid ton. D. C. Mr. Hays deacribed tba aoapy water aad rinse wltb hot waconaolWated
^ bajtkg M« aai
oagraat wbaa
aba add that Ptaa
iijrSa 7^ toda yotr UBpar. atop ter tba coagraat
To camaai broken gltsa or china, ter. ooe and onebalf laHtoPtoBf » Holiday eaaaoo. To bm aotbtag not at all e«t of ahagp.-^ mj^mZiUtrr
tba toambers of toa Oongreea ware *<bool. axplatotog Ite benaflta
ovBct of gum acacia flour, one cup milk. oaa-fO*«b toa- Is a»re predoua tbaa ChriatOMa tab'
MM yoamoU Irnb doing worMag alda.
aide, and band to, tba »M ayatom. where oae teacher dtoolv*
•thtborlty on
OB every
every ani^ject
anbject. In a winegUaatnl of* boiling water, apoon saH. few gralat cayaniia. Aa- ana, Mpeclally if they am made bg
UfM Bluaita.' ■■■■ tr-JSytag yoa am as good aa band, for mutnal tnereaae to know- to *« •ahtoority
of conaoltadtioi
coaaoltdAttoa Add ptaeur of pdris eooogh to make ckory aaaence. Make a ikto white the giver
Kneadtag rgtadd 'kiddSH ftdt bfdaca
What otbart am or what todgm with toe tametoviag
Tkroogb tbe
tbe plan
plan of
like 4. PM Mthtag M'do arito yoa oalty sad oo«p*r*tioa which *ta*U *b*cia] tdocbeni-caB be no a thick paste, aad apply with
be Joined together.
aonings; add eggs finely chopped, practical. Inexpensive preeenta, and difflcalt to iMJ tkta PMOgb' to «ift
WViaa rMHta: yoo am to do yoar between mother and daughter to tot Miar ooUay. far tba county thanto toe pans
pattlag baby down for a and season wltb Aacbovy essence.
give them with kiva aad pood wlsbea ooL It aboold be lUtai PBt <d IM
Tgqr kMt ta poor own dicumaUacea home.
She loM of gbe aplendld work mdar tba old
and the children
When put
Tomato for a bright.'p
yav. pan gently wKh IOi. u*. lud, di
aM MTlrnamiiiT gail yoo am to to the' Oktoboma laatitates and aw (ftan iostActloa lo .. practical loag nap or for tbe nigbt. be will rest
I ata what that boat to.
grhtmlr of domeatlc sdence. where'
agrieullura. In domvtlc science,
better aad sleep looger It be is turnSance—Sixeggs, one and three- Here are a few glfu saw oM can
*1lprar iH-k or
aaytbtog toe farm girls are trained to do their
boBoebold and farm economlca. and
ed apoa hi* right side than to any
fourth cupstomatoea, two leupooat maka, aad aato gtlt' will co« only
ypi in aot Wtoh to baeoma a part of work with toe leant axpanditum of manual tratolng. and Bttad (or an all other posiUoo. A corner of the cov sugar, four ubieapooos butter, one a few eenti.
goaUy from alda to alda wM
tata. By
that which to stnagth and 'ttaw to aacum tba bast amnnd pmcUcal faryi life. Oora vlat laid ovv bis exposed ear to slice onion, one-bair caaspooa salt.
The datoiy collv to made of am- tts-Mm
Mli^aMa yoo bavoM a rapaiiaat roaaUa. ratnmlng to tbalr hntnar to Clab conteata among toe boys and deaden toa aouada of moving about ooe-eigbtb teaspoon pepper. 81m- broidery Insertloa. Measure tbe neck
' '
^ , •mSm. a rapaUaat magaet forces abate and lighten tbe work of toe Tomato Clnb conteata for toe gtrla will often enable him to sleep for mer tomatoes sad angar five minutes, band of
your abin walaL alloF
Alasandria StaitfMlilHL
Vbl® to daatmMa-away fram BOtoera.
can be tostltuled. ap^d among the an hour longer to the morning
fry butter snd onion three minutes: enough to ftnitb on each end. Tba
Ponad fov oopaaa afataSs «taii^
Ml'lt'ltonta ttaalt; It
charges' Mtoa Mvy Snow, of toa Depart- other advantages of conaolldation are
If you can not /eep. wet a doth remove onloo. and add tomatoes, aaa- tab will need to be fram six to tea B. treed from il^ b^ajj^-yftata:
t^M iitmafl A wtto
meat of Honaebotd .Aru of toa Chi- tba coming together In a soda! way In cold water and toy It on the back aoalng and eggs aUghily haateo. toebes to lancib.' Fiatob it aoMly at
8**- *8d tor^ jilks'il Mta
I auy ba mry wail la- engn pohllc aebooU daacribad aa Meal of
famars and tbeir fammes. tba of toa aeck, foMlag a towel sOMotbly Cook same a» Srrsnblad Bgga. Barra tba bottom. Wrap in wblte tlsoM
tetL 1 farm home, .Its exterior brtgbteBed proBotioa of farmer's clubs, women's over II Very often It will quiet the with eoUre wheat bread or brown paper aad toy It away uotll Cbrtot____________________
am to with flower*, aad lu interior aot I*"b etaha. toaUtutes. aad other adu- nen-ea Bore eSectIvely than an bread toast
tota taota that i bava acgalrod from verflowlng with oaeleaa and Ubor oatlonal and aodal organUaUong all opiate. It is parUentorly helpful In
Stuffed Eggs—Cut bard boiled eggs
Tbe lliUe handy pin case may ba___ _
BaMta bOB llaateta. or to varioaa making artldae, nor decorated to taadtag toward a blgbv plane of Ur- ease
a (toll beadacbe.
to halves ctosswIm. remove yolks, made from cretonne or fancy ribbon. Work'lBto a ginnml poate tito
taflya. bat oatll 1 fill tkaao otroctam oadi brllUant colora that unconsdoos- taSWhen baking white poutoes. se- Masb. add dry left overs of meot or Ten Inches of ribbon four toebas toroagb a tom Cat tkta attess
- |4|y
to toe nerves of toe.boaaemotoer are
Hra. Marie T. Harray. who has lect them as OBrly as can be of even bam put tbrough meat grioder. Sao-'wide will make a good Xlxed bag. Om wblla broad, bo^ .tkm sMoad
kept atralnad to toe breaking poioL charge of. to* Rural Hodto School site. Wash and dry them, caning aon miib salL peppar. vtoagsr sad a yard of number 1*0 ribbon of soae
i^tatatatatatatatata ♦♦ ♦ 9 99 9 PM
niped qoletness to the ralorlita*.
>Ad of School Extension Work to
out anyblemishes See that tbe oven
atnonnc of manurd.Add
shade will lnlab
the end
d eauaraa^
4ta ilirCllltalTIONAL CON♦ bbA
slmpUcUy to the ontamBte, and
cooaactloe w|ib tbe SUteNormal Is hot,and Just before putting tbe enough
melted baiter to bold miitnr*
enough totie. The little bog may
MBSS OF FARM WOMCN. ♦ always a bannony* ta toe boose and Stoool of Kltksvllle. Mg, told of tbe poutoca In. grease each one with a together Refill eggs sad serve cold- bsve a white or cream lining, or of a
4tata0ta0000000000*0 lu aotttog.
pneUoal working out of tbU pUo. bit of butter or dripping This preBaked Eggs witu Tomato Sauoa— abade to maicb the ribbon. This to
_ ®F^_
Oaa aad OMbalf aafla

'.itaa.Mlrlt ot pfOgiBi which baa Tbataiarm women ar* onxloas
to aad advocated bilU to provide for vents toe skin from hardeniu. and Butter murflu pons and earatul'y a most convenient way to Bra for
aocar. ibiMdeaitkt
•||i« Mt to avory dapartBaat of taara food vatoB. and are coming to to* medical tospecUoo
of country when th* pctalo to opened very little break an egg Into each Season with bandy ptns or
aad will
nr neb
IHa daring tba last taw yBr* realise the Importance of balanced achooto. to moke wemen tolgible to of It adheres to tbe tides.
ash and pepper. Sat in 4 noodarote make s most arrepuU* gift.
VMiSaTodM itaU
IflaM Ita aMBtaattea
ibatbird weak
rations for-toe family as wall as for
hx* on school
quaaUons andto
deilcloas and healthful
way to
uatll eggs are flrn.Ramove ^This sunsh
4S Oetabta. ta tbo organttatow of toe tbefarm itock was evidneed by aerva aa acbooI dlrectora.
prepare veal Is to pure two small platter and pour tomato toisce around new One came to me ton Cterist- tried tt cMd water; boat aaOl rBdr
I OopgroB of Pnnn Wo- thedeep tolBeot token to a nacea
lb an eniertalntog talk on "Nature sUoa* of salt porl^ In a frying-pan them. Serve very bot.
mas snd bas been so oaerul (bat t tastaBd.
iM TMt OpagiwBI Bat at OoR
Ooiorndo ,grtly lecbnlBl paper by Mra. Mary and Ufg" Enos Mill*, Nature Writer and try oat tbe faL Then pot to the
Eggs DeimoBlco-Cui hard boiled pass the Idea on to you. My bag Is
■ '
lag toe iSixth pierce Van ZU* of toa Kansas Agri- and atodent ot out-door lore. loM of vbL aeaaoa aad cover cloeely, and egga to halve* Rtoeox corefuUy ta mode of Engitob cretoniw. covered
Cioantog Bob ate ta.
HigtaSB. Oaten^ during
Akaial WMittng of to*I IntarW
Interw^tooM culUtral voBcga- Mts. Van £11* aoid the great value of our naUve Mnis to cook over a very tiow Are for half well seasoned creampauce.
pauce.Servewith dsinty pink
roaea. U to boundA bondM«d «aK Md a
wrt taaa»ti»M1
CkBiroB Whll* of- In conctadlag bte addreaa. tost high tba farmer and osotber practical talk an boar, tnrntog occukiaally- -Inta
MaBf raeegntaad as aa «uxUtory of {Kiied attJdB of lOod have no giwat- was /tost of Prof. Q. G. Clllatte. of
before toe
hour toomelata
stiect largo strinr of to* braid. It to verr oBy
wMl With very hot wMaroamalSM
. allowtog one agg^for each p*^ to make and ha* kept
^ tatter. H to dtottaet to ll* Ptao* ar nntriUve valne than do toa cbBp tba Colorado Akricuharal Oonag*. and fry over a tax 8r« till toe
aa^ *• rOBav# on BOB m mb
SM totabafl* aad to devoted to toa or ooaa Tbe great point to ba con- «be pointed out to* dangB* arlslM to browned 'and tbe Jttlc* all baorba
and ooetoblBpooaliquid
for sunfbapo^freafl and free fram dBt
t gaaaral coadjitans ot sUered to proper care and right com- trom too dose an aeqnatoiance with ed. each egg. Keep anoeelal pan **- during tbewintermontos.
n to* Twraldistricu MaaUon to
tbe preparation of the tbo doBosUc fly. naing slides furnishTb autos on yoar napkins and 'Pedall}- tor oBeleta. and tea that it
t th* aattowelrfUsad World., lood.
ad by to* Depanment of Agrtenltare ubla ctotbs may ba removafl
by U kept cIsm and amnoUi. A frying
to ablaato aa Mated to lu eoaaUtd- Tba anOra aftemooo. followtog tba at Washtogtoo.
ploagiag ibem into fairly aitong am- pan may be aaad in place of an otnelllfR, ara th* ItasmyriBt Saaadally. addrtBW jf tba montog. was gie*a> Tb* dedrabillty ot a gieoter aodal aonto wnter.
at pan.
one qoari of■ floor,
Oaa mMM bMiiiitataltW WboalCn
• and• sift:
- —
' r M aMritnally of to a demonstratioa at eooMng by Mtoa Ufa (or tbe farad- and bto taaUy ; In order to rMwvw to* coke from
Plato OmelM—Ftatr egga. oneAalt Wvel toaspoonful Of aoIC oo*
— toq^gMMkMdC-i. add aM or t«* baataa ktm.
u A Boro cQBptote Margaret'^laggard «t to* Cotorodo was toacbod opoa by Mlu J«nletoe pan smoothly, plaoo.tbe pan for taaspoofi salt, few grato* pepper, toar uoapoonfal of obkJog-powdoc.
«< tb*
of Agrtenltnrifi OeliMnBoeU. Suw
Orange Lecturer of a fBs mtoate* on « cloto wet to bot ublBpoona hot water. 00* uW- leveluespooafol
ot soda and olx As oMi *M ba StaptaM Mta-M aieaaaary. ASfl.a Bl^.SP^-Bak
ta tba me o< the aattaa. and
took toe eoBBoa artldB ot Mleblgsa. wbo to her fine talk 00 wuer.
spoon batter, one tad oneAaU cape wlto tard lb* stoa of ao s
ot tbe ta(B woaaa m co- food to be foend to every tarsn Uteb- OrongB aad Former's Clubs showed Pub tor trying slmald always he thto wbtte nance. Separate
Now here to wliera toe e
graaUM of aUloaai «e. gpd peaparad tbaa to a gram that they bar* bean ot toaatlBable dried tooroogbly and dredged' toito- from wbRB. Beat yolk* oatit tbtok cobb to: Pm on* qeart of
Of *•- anabor a*dainty way* wbkb took ao bMaSt to farm women, matertally. ly with Soar betore being brwabad and lemon^lored: add salt, p^kperatfk into a larga eortbera
Inter- Bor* Uae tbaa lb* old ttyto.
bodnUy. BBUtty and physically, over wUh ogg aad bread-enaba. aad bot watar
Boat wbRaa
antU Us* to* aaonat of Bilk, reqolrsd to i, —,y,
aragpMtat aaa ko Hi
mo. rm- -Ubor Savtag OavtoB lar «ho brtagtag tbaa Mo umto wlto toa Bta* guta*. WbB toaaad by hmua-gUfl aad dry. oauing aad totdlv tham osak* ap yov btoeali. After ymi haw tala taapSpMtaM ta paUgp ta b
at taaflam afpBaaeB, Fit^ asMA” kp Mra WkHaaob wfla taMkeSa oC atbB votaaa. aUlM thota boU ktatai, aar ko laMmi* «Mb tata Snt tatttan aata Chap |ave aoda 9 yemr btacatt. drop a ntea to kuna
w^mi «« sK.rB«.
tbo prat ,oay "waa.given .p u> tna
ratloa of tbe farm borne and Ita remoiwmanta. Dr.
ur W.
w m
worai. bead
H.. Worot.
of tba North THbcta Agrlcnltaral Oollam and BTtelAMt of tbe InternaDry-PannlBi Coagreaa walUoaal A^w-ee.w.»e
corned toe MW .organlxatUm. aad to
bto Ulk described toe model firm
booaa of tba latnre. with lu labor
Bvtog aachlaM. a» rwa. aa tar aa
poaalMa by gaaollaa motor power,
Unit mtolmlatag toe work of toe

m* tbar will receive to the echooi or to


raak aortoy avto miy
ta Wo ora belag tOM today
■fA Mt bow to' dta The
iao eaSad besi. ^

5“!S Sf MM SSETSit

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