Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Travarad

Bay Eas>«»



EUamar Emparor Sprang Aleak
•unk Balow the Lacka.

IS cimciu.


Tin'R.‘«UAV. Ot ToUKR 1!». IHII.

McNamara Cast Drags Aleog Slowly.




Earthquake Near Mt. Etna Brought i'
Crest Devastatlen—aelicl Sent
Fran. Rome.

Soo. Oct. J*.—PracilteiM} lilocklug
oarllgathMi tfarougb ibc ruial kickt.'
Uw .Angeles. Oct. IT.—When i-min FOREIGN CONSULS APPEAL FOR
ibe aU-apiar Kuperor luday reaik un EXRECTEO CLASH WITH FORE­
opelied today both sides In tbe MeIGNERS HAS COME. '
I be boucRu brlor the ktcka. Tba
.Vanisra trial deterrumed to pres* (be
eel apninK aleak aad aettlcd Jn*i al­
Two veniremen have alrv>adr
tar lea\1t>s iba locka.
(been eoudltlonslly arceixed. Slid they
been rpcnvpmi. Wbm survivors flr l!
■ ■ ■
'expect (o seeorp two more tods>. Thp
*witx K •ubmHtco to city
RAILROAOS-rCLOSED FROM PEKIN .dprense was dlsappolnU-d at if fail-; tePERIAL TROOPS AND RERELS,
' jute (to secure s ruUng OU the chullpog-j
| Ik- brsv.'
^--------of venlreiupn'"for vsnse." The point, i

Theucands of Foreign FantlUcs Pre­ however, Is certuin to «>me up later. •«“A“on Crow* Merc Smieus
H Win iMprwa CauMrr Beha^ by By Cantral
Report Received In-LateM Ttel tte.
vented From Leaving—-Kill the
BapR)yli« Thain With Trainpd
Last Night.
luilans Had Sulforte a Boeltos
White Oevils" is the Cry at
Taacbara- T<aa RaquiraE
Th*e friiiowirs armers uere eltcesd
Revdraa OutaMs «( TBgdW
far tha Wark.
for the Ccnirsl Uethodlat Sunday
One Huadrad Kltlad.
School St a awetlna of tbe bosrd held
Hankow. On. IT.—Tbe long-dread­
Hankow. u«-t. is—vitr piople
<Py«R Taeadbr'* Racord-Bagle.)
- Hankow. Dot liZrim Srat real tetlaat eveniiiK.
ed clash between iho rebels sud
' At tbs BweuoE «r the board ot aagreallv rxi-lu-.l over reiiv.rta of
--------In tha ChlnauB temllian andU In
Superlutendunt—I. Roscoe.
foreigners is uoa going on bi-ii-. b>‘ptfWnn ihla formooa. County Conihelwdk .... IPS* 111 tbe upnslug. Daa-'l*" '“***
victory for tte Imgartol traaga. wka
Kinti assisUBt saperiutradcdl—L.
n the cbbiest- and German mar|B«.r l» inim(u.-iii aud tvueigu counsuU'
■ -‘*»d to Cmnpiela Caunty
mtmmtr or BchopU Lae Horeaby and
hald tha ■ntrimbnmn
at. tha
Tbe sltUBtlou is critical. All SUBJECT WAS DISCUSSED BY j have trlegraplu-d for ..rwhlp. to praaittrtataBaat L. L. Tyler of tbe city
taw" agalite a vastly dugiriar farpa af
ibe eby moba are galEi>red and
■rhaU wara praaeat a&d laid before
j tect rewldents. Flgbriug between ImiPreD.
TM ™wi. —.—II,
the board • propeatUoa tor eauUlab- 1, O. iiobbs.
tsstard Imo a fury, with the erj -•Kill
--------iperbl troops agd rebi-ls at Nankin
The board ol aupervl»or» are Mill lu |** retire sflar stonning tha Imperial
Seemary—.Miss L Ibris.
ins a eoaap aortnal tiuinlat school
white dcvllfl. " Imperial troops' Proper Training of Youth
the and Klu Kiaug. b r<-|iorted.
spwsloo. wHb tbe iBtUrstlon that***»**"»
asavral bawre. Tha laaaABslatCDt secratao—Mira Jennie have arrived near, und are awaiting| Home Was Urged By Pr
la tMa eoonty tor the beneOt or the ra­
'Ume wlU rUi«P before thej- adjoura.
tethaldas «
lorremeiits Utnie aiiarking the
ni Adweh. AU tha poinu In raonec- Andenon.
Peking. D.-1 Ih-Tbe avtliig consul,a,
commiueep have mit vet made
Oct. tS-Relytos
Treuaurer—('. B. Uye.
tlm with Ita eauUlahmata verfpone
at XaiilUag. Alvlu W. GUbert. tele jtUelr rpimrtw csiierlaUy tbe rummtiiPe t the toal Dote of (be powers. Tnr- .
Ubrarian—Howard UrltBih.
over asd' tbe rote «f -ibe board wax
The DH-etlag of the City Ft.dpM.!(rapUed tbe Americun legsiloi) herelgt onsnee. wave aud mesn., who have kev bs* rvfiiM-d to be more capflcti
i. Oct. IT.—.All I
anaMaioas lb faror «f poing ahead
Saperlnteudent of Primary depL- fie bet^ven Hekin and Tlt-u Tsli> bat (kill of WoiM.-n. clnb. beid in tb.-llhai tbe (all of Nanking was lumln jiq .Large Ihe iireparuiion of tbe tat
In regard to the detoHs of brr prapa- '«Hh the arork of the aebooL Theae klru.' E. tirltftn.
su^ppudi-d l>y tbr EOverniiK'U’ club lounm ai ibe library .Monduv'ehl
jU-ry for (he coming wloier.
'»wU for luediukm. Tte poito gays i
ooiiBty aomals ten baeone a recoaSnpl.of Primary Uepi.— whiili is-uslip (bp tralus to iraustwi BttPinoiiti iiro»<’-d one of tin- luuwl In ' I’m* Tlog Fu,
Ig.-Kaf Fntis.
Yesteedav altcrtioon tbe busr.l te-vk 'be mstimum ui Turkpy'a roBraHtaas
atead factor In Ibe achool aysteoi of Mrs. I. n. HotM
iraous. Tbe «-loslii|: of the railways lercsUug wim-e the •irgimiutiu. and jibi- vapital ut H<n>OR province, tw re ;o|, (be matier of paylag (be »beriff tbe
alnwdy been slated.
the atate and are lacmatns each year.
Superiotendeut of BeglnmAs Uept. p.aas<*d s paifli-. as ihousunds of fsii'- was well stii-nded
j|K>ried to have fallen liefon> the levo-tj^^ which ha* slway* been allowed
Stronger mraaurvs for
Tbe Bm oae trss eaUbUabed in 1M3. ->1* Ida Campbell.
ilies wish U)
-------- ----- —•
dlsrU'wiou wa* klWIlk
along »Uttbr Ihi.-s 1'"‘•"’’'W*
jlor tanllor service which Is no Umger t robstautimvple are betas talM. aad prerloas to that Ume only
6&U or Cradle Roll—Airs. Cbsae.
ominous. The aivc-piau.-.- by YantiJof Istter bomi-s and a iM-uer Travenw
tV'a>blngton. Ui-i !».-Tbe Aiueri :rendered, and b> a vole of the mem ’There are Team of a rislug af (te
eapt ef tha rorai tw<±ers bad normal ESupL ol Howe Dept.—kirs. C. I
Shi Kol of ih.- \Uv rutalt; of Pns.yfCiij Supt, 1.. i„ Tyler «ns ibe fir*;
Hi ruiiBUlsle at llauko* is beiierediber* tbr imviuent wsk disctmtlBUcd.’
papubK-e against Ibe youag Turte.
traWac. bat at the p^nt time ibera Uje.
I.ta.k*. ta...
si^-aker on the iinigram laklDi: lor!u> K tuily protected agaiuM iiiob a?-. At this srsHion adh^reasr of salari
an $4 of IbaM Boraiate in tbe atate.
President or S. S. blasiuuury sottoSa. Oct >&.- Tbe coreramegt t^
blw siibivi-i Till- (’ouwervatlon »( 'a-L. (nr ball of the pentounri of T;o'«'as voted F. li.AUrvfn. ae chairman
. aad SI per out of the raral teacben! clely—Mrs, D. T. Wilson.
YfUlh." Ill- siild (be three great l >u<-i> aboard tbe tbrre Amerirau gun-;o' (be counti MIjianiitpD.Ipntt of the day n-n-lted a repreneatatlve of tho
ten had Borinat tralnlac. ao the benaSecreiap of 8. 8. Mtekinary str
8an Fralirlscu. th-i. IT.—PUiy-lirc forces uloBg Ih-sp lln^« acre ih.-jboalx. ililena. IG Cabo, and Villab*|t««r. Hpreafter hT will rpcdre ».’di Turiilsh gowrument. who wss nOBt
Bta ara. a^ erldanL
ciety—Miss ten terkey.
tliuusai'd revolutionary trou{M' liav->>homp
tht- ly-bdol.
home (he
and the Miiip Ue*bos. now at that port could be ISAdedlfpr iiwutb instead nf Ml. bis former here eupecialir to repeat tbe pSCtCr
Treasurer of 8. S. Misakmary no-, bcPti ordered Irani Wu Cbang and b,id grvjt »W
s on the fs.-t Hist ili-iuP9U any emi-rsencv. OrSclal advl^-[sslar;. The 'raUe waa granted oa ac- asaurani-e* of ihe portc lb rrBSrd (•
•diapl an borne Jointly by (be
riop—Miss Ituiti Wlhon. .
Ksi Kou* to Imon-epl Imiwriir! so'.l-! i.oim- »bo.iIil ui.islii g.Mnl teudrtu however, made no mention ot (h-jemini nf the-Increased duties ^of Ibe Ibiigsrts. Me added that tte
«MBy aad dty. tbe turmer payinc
Pianist or 8. 8;—Miss Msrie Wliittp li-rs .-n romp fixim Pekin n> tin- vniv-, u>aii<-r for 't
oa ihf BBIbuys and gltl* Rtiw-ieiss* btdwreii » mob and tieiouii Iposltloti created b> tbe be* county in truUua
■' Tprhlsh troops
»:,«N par year, while the balance Is
iur<- Ilf lloiiuii. ;ii-r>rdlng 1» a (-abb-i|p» rffkl hate muiw footl III llii-i:i ainl! sailors A trviubip
trvubip sn<^
snra us tbe slutr; Ormary.
Eaiisn frontier would rate«.
rated by tbe county and du>
8npi. «if Temperanri- soclety—Mn.
laiiKlou. «Vt 1I.-A ditesteb to t^'
gram rwt-l»-d bip loniKhi b;^ ihejthai will bavp a ii-iiil.-i.. y «■ l•r:us |dppartm< u« has exppried dpspitp i.-l-nl; 'rtfs dorenooo Jbe - tommiuee on
aioaad tl.«M each, when In opora- ,G. A Jobusuu.
leeommpndOoo the achool la under ite eontral oi
Veerrtary and tn-asurer pf TenipwI’****'"'
ies ibsi ii-n til.- iruib
NotliiUR i-«;uuiral ioi>-ikiipis
(bp att^piaure of Ibp bid of tbe Tbe Italians are reported to-bgro uafp of the state super- ones'society—Ima etl Morse.
Twpiity 'Iboiisaiid Jlsurbu iroops' bptipr Hun lllble sloil.-s but It is' AdmIlal Murdm-k
ferrd a serious reverse oulsMe TH)-’,nrKi National t«nk as <
taltedeat e^p
I pnUJe lutracdon. the
The folio* lug teu-taers and
kii.o beeu seui against tbe rt-volo- n buid ui.'m*-r to •-ouHik- tin- verage; Asiatic
(bey ndraadcS
cabled tbe navy dei.;.it.,,L.. funds of'the voumy for tbe
r and tbe rip pm autos were ate eiected:
lioiilsts frciu -I’ekUi and an eugage1} or alrl 1b Oils Ihip uloup, Ther.-|^m
___ , _
today that tbe American nava|^„^
and Vir, re|«in was idniMed. too far (tmn ibetr base and caa« ig
if^ateoels. Tavtaacbera
I>. F. U lten. Mra. U. F. Wilson. K. icBi f» expeeted.within two da,v>.
liui.ilK-ds/ot good books thst tb-. :forrp ut Huiiknw miw romprisps the|Tw. ijaek i««a : l>i |mt o-ni on daflyl.tvmiact with tbe Tatte. .who..Diva
L which ineli^ a pdad- a Kuoa-lton. Miss Dnabsr.Mra. TurnIf tbe ■vvulutfaiilsta bre successtuljmight i.iui bitb sord pR>-r:
.VIso] >liri-e Anieniain RniilMwis tfipmkined.■ balani'ps aud will bum
Pte.J.niU Ate tmdier with two bull. Miss tedle HoUlday ' Miss ^
the bc,i,i.-. iH-miii6 Itbat
Tb- ^■^mar. 1is 9A.k
JOu ._ll___
«n(|.-s' icouot>'at any liii.c'ai
:■ i- r .ent Tludr
yrH-.-dly. Irering
d^d te
mti‘- atedrlMoe. aay aeoond crade sle Cook. Miss N’etUe terdie. MIsa It ia expwiiKl ibai fahTon’will" tall I teach
.the buine wlth-Biwxl iilrliiree and »n .;furthe up lin- VstiKtse Rivw. -c bond wa* fixed at »i.-.msr. md If at;”'"
taacter or atemte who baa completed Iwls (tens. Mias Rena klonroe. Mrs. abunly afterwurds.
Sail Ftariflsi-o. Oin. IT.—News ofi:ouncl ih. .'I'ldreu «itli iimi|s-ivoni lehans. »* (ar a* a v-*.el of ihsi «nv tlm- tbe arnenni of .-ouwy lund. i
'* The adaiirefiy de*' ‘
the taoU irade U the trebUc aehools Howard. >Uss MtU Minor, Miss
upprnsili the 8ze ,oi. ban-1 warraute a Uigb.-r iuNid It will ^r<-lMui Iron Athens that an
la eUEMe to the daaa, Tbe year's IHadys Labym. Mra. McFarreu. Mrs. the 11m oogageuient ibe t'bi-!pankiiu.hii- *i;d tii.-,. »iu i,.i- «;,ndi-'»t»e
i:ese resolution aiid the imperial
■ I'Hiier pio»,
■ a town oa
torpedo L,- Bjv.-n. 1b- cBiru.-t will exi.-n-l
ooadaU of 3« wsska of fonr
Mrs. G. A Johnson. Miss lies)- forces •'sa receited here lavt eight.
,ibe l^lrus .
(boat* natkmaltty. iiot
n period of t > year*.
tean per day, aaf tbe stadaot teate- rice Clenland. G.' H. t'unb. Rev. w.
A. cable^Kam (u Jbe Clilinne' Fn.4,It. Sbtmg King .« tbe Yang T*e.
an an raqpfnd to 'teaeb Snt. third W. McKee.
Slipl. T>lei
.tw tlie ammiQt of uiuliey raised for
Fress published here gl>es au ai-ronni
Eitet popUs (or experfeiM;.
liibrnu>r\ was iu '

Delegates (o Stale 8. S. eoiiveniion of tbe dteblliig of. ibrae goverhmem j *liuuld h.ui- ."gaiiited id».
'*n.-*e j:uiiboai* *!•.• sre ai'llitnkow.
teipr the aapordsloatar the critic —MIsa Paris; alternate. Glen OHtflA
aiiaii> kind* ui ..iii duui
sun boatJsU? ibe rt-.olutlonlsi* nrar|'
.._ ... __
hoard decided to le.v aa ••xtra tax
baadbar. Tbay an ate nquirad to
YMt the raral seboola and to Inspect
Knights •( Rythias-ERjoyte AM Late
Two other boats »f (he flulillu. one
' tha «a«k that la doae by tbe rteular
ing Ihe building.
bim on 111- o«n giouiel.' .-11 all
of *h|cb earned 801 Cblug. viceroy times. The suit- sbuuM pruvidtaaetera.
anthortxed tu
Will Be Eshibiled at Grand R*F’Fs.,t
and Roeaivod Vary I
•r ihei Flu-Tep province*, escaped.
fun-U tbe
Ibt'M'. fur ir wi- do nv' pay taxes I»r
Tbe aetool It telpfid to tbs dp Kerman Kirehner, Mart W4nnie and
J-Is reported b. re today -ut ih.- tbi* we must paj lor Jsjli. and plac-*
M.I1I of (l.<i*’s> fur the |iun>o*e of furacteoli laasmaeb as the two taatben
Harry Menree Had a Thrilling
One of (be mowi dellghlfol toferaul
Over Westtra Michigan.
locsl beadguaners of the revolution- to keep III.- t. iniliiai*. . If we o.iibl
niHhlug Ihe Jnilbllng
ean ^ uapd as aapply taachers whenpantes «-ver given by (te Pythtob Bis­
Grand Kapkls, O.T
_ ___________
ary coveniawot tbui the l.M)v men itavc ■mls.geneiattvii »f w.-II trutned
•nr thar an aaadad. Tbe ^p u reters to tte aubordlasi* todgo took
Ipacked aws« in reld etoiagc lu Gruiu!
uudvr General 4'blng Hiao molted
Bblnd to (walah a non blated and
One of tbe most thrillhig exper- and Joined ibe revolutluiilKis. From children all smli evils a* intemper- KapMs I* a wonJerfuI colleitiun of I. .
pu«» Tno4s> er««iag at tlaatle halt
ITTCinffl UlltIfliC DCC
abc- and tUe dl.urcv' vr social evH gal fruit—trait that would u-min 'ibv
Malppai tor the work with appantua. tences «t tbe year was snloyod. or
of No T:. The genttoaien ted rc
Kwang Hal it is reported (hat lO.lHW
Ctetoaa. pnat aot ten less than ten Mbera-tse. by Hennsn Ktrebuer. Mart
would soon di-apIKar.
:iw-u.-d (bo annoaseeaw*( dhM (tey
ttigietite o( an laiiierial -plcuie.
troops came over lii Join U Hoang,
Bar mors thoa iwsap pupils, aad Wlnnis ud lUrn- Monroe on the bar
n selection of the .-boi..-M
Event Enjoyed By Membsre InvMte to a got-toek x
Judge YV II I'liilor'slwike on 11.1.. in
cboi..-M products of
commander of the revolutluuary arm..
vtea toa dam b tradoated they an Monday. Tte paru'. accompunled
Of. Friends Church.
[ be. glteu at >1:30 in the cvrnlbc. The
the lionic fan fcK>peiste with the |wintbwntcni Michigan uicbards
fina a oattMeaU BDOd tor thrae mn by (wo bounds. wMt to Marlon Is­
Ui-ast proved tv b- more than
flty orncerk ". bringing out ib- in.-t jvlm-yards nuule to- tin- Unslnal Fruit
aad wawahli tot dhne awn if rae- land in Mr. Kirrbner's lauuidi. Hunt­
Jui.T eienbig aU.m ru. members of ’ commonly kfowo'as a *M iu(R aupthat the law»^^*l h.- -niurivxl T:i- B«-h a»*o>-iuilen 101 u* wpleu.lld di*
iiitetf with the work. Gnduatoa ot ing was aot vpry good and they acmelnbctw
ihe menu bting bM only wholepureotv slioqjd <x>nirol th-ir owujplay ai the OrM MlcUigan laiud *'■>:
- (te caataa cob Ealah ^ Ufe certlflFrltwlsblp -is** of the iVlend>'lwome. but dainty and was beaudfally
tslsnd and Compahy at Fortcr’a View Farm Wlt- rblldreii aud so keep them <ni- 01 ih-j.tpid- Show In Grand ItapIdK, Not ^ unta laaiii la tbe state aotaial schools started to reUrn to Tiareiwe City
.|I draw iu Ihe bum- ul Mr. and|*ert-ed
After (hi gate things ted
hands or tb- taw. Tbe bom. \s ibejll ' Me- lTe»id-iit fbsriea P: Itss'e
neOMd Wteding of* Their Hast.
It ame yaor aad two somser terns
osriy In the afternoon. Altw they,
place Ut moral growib--tMcIi ibeiof Feuvllle and S.-< i-iji K A. Snytbei■I*''*** li'iess west of (be -Ityitteen disposed of. (be qvening ws<
Tte object of tte eoap nomal Is deared tbe Idand. a southeast gale
Hi-' «.-re entenalu-il at a so-fd-voted to -sni playing and aorlal
Summit City. Oct. Hi.-Tho large children tu haft- proper reepm-t lorjor beutou IIui'.k.i huM- i*t been here
to m taacten U tte nn> schooU aprng up and tbe little boat was company gathered at l*orter'* View- Ihe IBW. ir ,-oti wai.i >our dsusbter jlooUiig sfi-t il.c ol Ibe -V “*1 v'-i.'o: amt ..Id iti.i- husking [ plesMiie*
»ho an oompstSBt to lastract tte
about wreckleasly by (he farm. ooe mile south of tlii* vilbiEe. to ;o bt- pur- t.-a.U \oui son also alum; hillt.
' ,b.-v MGi pru«-*,d ;..r ihc be.t,
pleasant feature Of the event
ebUdna la tte way that they should
Tbe apruy.bood was put up, the aooual drawing contest given by be same line. This talk i-onialii.-il
Tbeaiplo 111 th. ...ib-iloii arc par- 1*"-“' ■
'lia- .dyBrie. ssJ Krockt
, surpriwe. bin noas the Vs. aphe taagkt aad not ten them to be but tbe warea dashed com'pletely Mr. Porter compUmeniarv tv bis stock
helpful -uggeKiioii. :o>
ihc tl-ulsrl> fine.
Ileouliiiil .. itac one .
»“l" pieclated ‘ ft *a* the presenutfoa Of
aRpartmaated ope* by the praduates
tbe boat. When within about a farm, were treatcl to u .uri-rise lnthc|iuuihers who «er.- pr.-.-i.*
!a.’J»-ctiv. that *e.-ii,. tu d-vribe their •
oiher gentlemeni,
hue savel to Chancellor Coni­
fnm tte Mte stepob aad other lasti- mfle of the Oval Wood Dtsb dock, the form Of tbe mortage of C. I.. Foner. 1 chjor ..f .ftolice .-has .S Johnsonibeat. The apple Ire- ol thc^raublle.! *“•'’J"*'* —*" ”»ejq„nmT «• II l iiiiur ‘Tte n*>te u'
tottote ^ do not Bake a practice of engine auddeulr (are out Thtyrijoat proprietor, (o Mrs. Jlyre .Mbrighl. also -lh>*e u>r l.K ».ibJ,-.-t. "Should ihel»» «he t-mtoi^ c»l.ia..d i.> the ong
> *"■'
P”’''!n.e gaiel was wild Iroty. sifter
uattoas thdr gradnates tor tbe work.
thrown around perlloasly in the of IbU place.
Icurtcw law II- Kiilureid. sud »tnt,‘bal !->ui( l'..|t a..<Klaiion have looc
’I** *''U»leiiieB «er- tore
erf. *„h an ebOb) teodie Th«
Tbe Uaa hae beooaw a np popo'ar beary sea and tbe ocrapania wprv
The eeremony, waw iw-rformed by ' „
11-. u m.iei lor 'h. ir eM-.-|.i.unsl pro.1•”’*
r-.uii.-d in yt,, u»f- tb- -lollowing losrrtpiton
«*e aad within a short Ume all tbe prepared to Jump out and swim to (be Rev. Ibidgcwnlcr In tlie presence
„ i.eiiei.i
J-fr.I.s the 'I-’».«■, Jim. .V.-nirl -p,e.-nt-d tu ihe K Of T b) Pith
l.eiielii ,0 tb- ui. it p^u ^ I..1? rim - tbi- rsrm.-r. of the rcoeatte la the atou win have a coua> abore. It waa a good distance, bo* of the guest*. Mr. aod Mr*. .Arfliiir;,g pn»,;^ri> T-nfo;*-.
I Gie ‘ tuk.-u up apple ..ibu.e lu
l•':Ar1or ibe Udt.s.iun .SIsteiv ISI1
Chancellor Conitj aeraial. At praaeat tbe only counor sn ordlaary swlrompr and Smith acted as best man and la.ft . «bc 1 ,.*ntKK i.-a. b a!l |m
Ihf .•'»> j. eanuM. rmplo'lng HI tbeir work ui ■
»l'‘w«'. !»«P^r -a- .ei'ed :,MOder frolor ibanhH »be ladles In
tte la this aanloB of the ctap that tbe rough sea auggeeted serious dau- wedding march being playcl U«^ ^lr».i,j,^ ssiic 11.m-, H- -'enlOd'lM-hsIf of the iwlgc tor tbeir tbot«ta(
. wbere'th.'-i”"m-fhod. -l*velo|awl b'>**■ ’'•"•k'nlten aot organised one are Grand gsr.. However, reroorae waa bad tu Dr. Te.lman.
*o appropriate .
[mothers e«n h.-Ip
In>-urubl), «„,l»cicntni. boin.ulTii;
tOppUaaod oa pugs two.)
^ Ibe mol bos and the engine waa iskThe bride wa* taeiefulb dressed lu twill And tbai the g^i-sic- amoun: of-xiisoidioary i-uoridera •Ir*. Hi i—a w-?e the r-.ipieni* Ol gift aod assUied them that H would bapsn. K -was found that the dicn- while, while the groom made a A lUoublc t* .silM-d 1.0; irmn UV U..' on!”'»»
M-b-rted for tbe land luiu.' roaipll:ii-u'* fur 'h>- Ml>- e>'U devoted 'o tbe use (or wbleb H b la
ipebrebc* to a suit of ligbi tnfor.
culty was in tbe
the stret ai-liiglit but :b- g'rl
and apple .hftw an- king* of th-lr kim’ ng made iHis-iMe )>• ib-it i>-.«pi>«fti- timdcd wiih 'he dlgntt' beSttlag (b* '
After (he tteginiulatlou* of the
.. -he
h:gti offi.e of ihe < bwBecller comluanil
with the carburHor. .it having beranip
. A il.eft JiM-n.riou followed . 0. i.

•'"‘‘•r '>"• sbaiw and fis.or
any friends and wiatare foi man>
Mopped up. After
■lalk all -Mil. the one j:i.. o' i.mkinc
............ ''‘"^'iwn •
ad^Agrteltun Apceg
in geUlng (be. machine tc«ethcr agalu.
our Cl* u M n!.,.e m n.,i.p
‘b •
Kan Bnaltency of tha ^
Gic genial lifts: to »a
the etiglue atarlMl. bur just in time
ibat YVahliiogton and luegun ha':hr ibilclren.
< isimed as tbeir 'ei v own
ites were dashlDS the bowl rlous iialatnble vlands-io <-be<-r tbeni
dangerously near the divck, WhA
* tMterial wax and to leave linger '
Uesldes apple* the Original lYult Arlsre. Oxognur'et Renmngtoe.
I, OCL J«.-rIteplu tbe i
Hell a
they tawH-d. It was with the relUia- *»* thought* In hj
.-Union will make an Impr^
0.«d Menusy.
(ion that tbe.v had gone ttaroogb n! pSemAnt boon, siwni at l*orier's Vle»
- -Iftplai tepesrw It also has 0
tea pad to tte toot *r thmetonn of opfery thrilling ekperiebce and one]**”®”
. . _
. e. and grsiw* of a qualky of which It, in-erU-ti.
tetotlte^HijliiT «( Agrtcnltare X>m- whlch tbey did Mt deuire 10 repeat. I AAwut an hour aiG-g the gueri* .le-|Mtaa Lili.c Th.ea Tendered* a right to V prood
..ced '■
I' : ..iiib* miU I* .isy*.
I aqnlrTrt.
aoR ternddad prar tte Breweru* eon"
ported, .some minds^tn -pleaiure bent
[ The aeso-iatiou has the artauge 'vugtie- uf WllU* Feonlngtof. dle-1..
E>ai|«iite. In hla addraas WOaoa ir
and seemlngLy not aaUsAed that the
in»ent of U*-xlilbli all rlannte out In I .Monday (rum a .oo.idl.
ation of wcarlef
wvarief '|by iIh l.xal sporirinen who haie seet
Rorte tea pnuat against his aooeptendre program ••» complete w-liUoui. Ml** l.llln T..i«s wa* lendrr.-d sjgedtuon to the bank, of a;-pAes tbereifexrr and dtpMbeiia Utile Arlene - it; to be eltbee a freak, or as
aaag g(tet baaotaiT inteMsaer:
old-fashioned demobstreiiou. ran- .urprlse biru.uiy psn? b* Mrs r i,Ul be targe baskets of rrai\ dispUy- *,» taken *lck on Pept -iT. It was known ►p.-.tmenofttenqulrrri P
Ottowar Wan Forgot Whare They eluded that It. should close Up lu, I- Campbei: a; her borne 6ti W*W;^ in an at.rectlve manner
,wt one vesr age Oct. IS that her .Tbe animal has d-Odedlv pink
Ware Lacatad at Auburn. Ms.
propar stylo, and as they esme with Teotl. street Monday e.-niag which. The Original FVuii ip-lt sssoSteflon:nother ws. buried A'rom the Arwi its color ta .ery sAMtlnr to itei te
guns. saws. cowbelU. Hn iwn* and djn-, proxed rer> enjoyable. Miss Thlew^tr coming to tte Michigan Ubd andida- of tb* little ones lllnes*. .be ssid red saulrrel. wiib ibe exceplfoe. that
Auburn. Me, OcL Ik—Claraoxie U- amlte. tte genial Mr. Poner was 1 was a rae*t at the fampbell borne 10-; appW show dsm-nnlbed to make wa* "going awa^ to Uv« with
n.q-b tlgbier shade; aad U
londe of Onaws,-. Mich.. cnMe here oMigeJ to come lots (be open, whk-bjiw and thru Jsifr m the -xening Injshowtng exS* better than that wgicbimamaaa ' AiVoe wa* ooe of tbe moat
dexold of a dark stripe on iU back,
. ate iMpruMi dMSiteo Actod as
yaatnrSay to locato bis wire and chil- be quickly did. and produrod the oec-jeame s company of young p-ople wbojsHrncted so mtfeh attention nt tbe Na-ftored bitle children In the commnnltv
it Brighl be cUssed m an Albino. Tbe
draa. wlwm.te fold the police ted esaarr Material for qaleOag a galber-,had also be-n invited by Mrs Csaxp-jtion*j Land Stew m Chicago laat year. ,nd\as popniar witk old nod young
anUaal Is net very acUve to tte day
preoteed him hero three weeks ago. tog of this wind.
1 bell hot unbeknoun to the guest of «nd the frah to storage here prates sllke. She is samred be an older UgM; bet makes up for lu Mfonew si
WasUagiea, Oct. i'.—As a tei m- He atoriod here rrea Lewiston to Snd
After tenkktog of tte good things; honor. Games and a social iime oc that It “tea tte goods." There are sister. Marjo-rie. aod a little bretter. nlteii Some wte bate eeea it declare
teto to JtoUae Rariaa. ofSetol Wash tlMV. b«t ted fersottn tteteme ot pteridte this compuRy
quietly de- espied Ibe evening and before depart- more tlmn a score of terietles repre- both te wMm are ill Jtb scarlet ft that It isiw aWe to see better se
ipgtoR Rtetesd tte toasn) la s body. tte straeL At tifoee tbe man uUed panad. toartog aaaay wtabes tor'tu-ring the
presented Mias Tbies seeted. with tarse qiunittles te nppltf' ter. 1^ tdowly fe«
*>Sbt (tea tbraqgk t>« dar.
Tte Jtetktf of the s«rni»c
forcntl* and tbe rotec sre p>it (•ire JiaridncM with Mr aad Mre Pw wpij' x vsinabV t/tvcn'ie b"f Sunper.*- -e-fc
And *''■ "f 'tts art •'.■ok f4r-t lorredtfr!
. Tic WT-rg’ •; es a5bS^«>c; |*
- •«etcd s* bupertfr teH Uarer.
Hr to thcjy bwwlv martit-d U>*
••Tt >u-.r. U:d tor
• .f. cL-": -v
[T^f.-xb- ‘ibK .• Iiiter* bsFber

*y Mtabushino

county nor

::,fnsT bul vmE er wab] rr”.o"srr,; CL”r:^



6 femiei;

orncBB REcra



..mpi.,. .1.. 1..I1-IU.' dqj$||tful1T EnBTMn


iitiiiBisMuiiinw Esem







lintMKIMI 1111(11


YRAVKE8E im>^^A>T>

BAT ^0^ TflTBSPAY, QCi^feR 19.1911

t^ife Lake [tej[Artment
lilHM T------ T

I Thanter *t



Mra. lUa Kimball erf DoyDe City,
la TiflUM ralattraa boRGny Walter iwtancd Friday Iron
SeatUa. Waab.
Sfiaa nUwaom Mnnia viaited Irienda
Id OadilUr. Saturrta)'.
Guitetie Quark
'blcado, for a n
1.W jooaa vent to Graud RapMa
o-rrlr— ToMdar.
Maater doba WWter wC 1 raRior

cur la TlaHlBK hla craadparwu.

and Mra. Id. 8. Walter.
Toeadar, to
O. ^C. Huichlaa va^t ToeadW
at Howell
in Travorae

'°MiM IdCda Bromer

,________ In Kal. _____ _ Monday. on bualncaa.
. j Glndya Leacti waa In Boardman
toad opoOB op to oaaler Tueaday.
ottbaridnattbralBcaeol Hr. and Hre. BaeMder of^ML
ii «Mi pad «e UtelMu.
•Mm 1» ttat potot. wlU. two deep
Manlon on


• •rbaaay andynadoltFaaprno- bnalom Monday.
• u haal an ordinary

bona from Traa-

Uoyd Walter

Iwiit aOuH rary praat dlBieuky and erw Citr <


Wonderful Praise Accorded
Porunatlie Household Remedy
Mr*. 'Marl* <it*ru, OrleaU, OfcUbum».wriu-af
“Sly haoljMsl, rhlldroD paid m»d*«
.are used
sued ywur
j-vur ncdleiBc*,
nieatleiim, and wa al>

irwun pcwllili mi™ to oU oonomod ood to
Sib oed n«™w tkot «U boial odpinoaol Odd
twiml tatorid bo wnt to Min Bowoy to b.
lioonoratod bi tko PopwlMot Wo oqada^
uk £>t ehorcboa trotonul ndotiw oad tbo
Onifo ftndib Hon. ot IworoW to Ibiir rwpoo.
tim ooiudtotloiii. Korn of loctol oYoiit. Odd on. totoamMnnomtollt. bdlf modo or ooatompUt«d, and bniiiien dtaagw, aad tmuftra in
ml «MS« in town ud ooutiy are tipecUUy
MeasUbto. Tba abort ap^ aoi oalp to tbo
coonvmagoofVlfo Uke,lmttotbei larroaadiaf
try— editor Borald.

i^ja *ita......‘.V:.vio.

ba aatalrod.

Quite a bomber went to tbe malnJand Monday, anmg them Mr.^and
Wra. ....................

CoBducUd by MIm Mac Dewey.
W« wiiit t»
UdTptwrtut .«> till

Mrs. tk-n Gray csist ts to alarl lor
Pennvalm- Wedneda. for a visit with
friends aud foi a ideusun- irl|i

vayaheep them la the bouse in
eortored to bealth by
iaa MtcdM

HnsUm: <i-i ii
of tim day nim
ntng on aettrant i>t an art-tdc-ni
loggluk Ualii
about mo Crom dlffenat ptaoae. and
UUi.- CIn.r Ku:r.!- bad a ia;iy onsarprieed that I can do ait of my honae- \Vc<lDc»-Ja> arivn»;uii. iie
work alone, and that I waa cored by the Ing hU llfU< lilithdc^ . .
doetorofehroniceatarrh. Mybaetwiid
There «a>- a' ni

Mr. aud Mra. Himrr HcyineB ot
awrlotte. ipcnt Sunday and Uonda.'
ritb bla alaier. Mra. Jai. Jonas and
^Chu. Ruunela of
rooted ttio Burkltolder lartn aud ba»
mered Usereon.
Cbaa. Roebon of tCblcaso ’ la bore
wilt tbo Intentlona of
Botber. Mra. Rorbon and aunt. Mn.
■ ivn. borne wlib
Hradamea Bdna
-jmrbe -Bryant an
In Travorae City on iMialneu
^^'ra. Oua. Colber*. accompanied by

was c-tfod of aitUima. my daugblrr of
earache and eaiarrb uf Useetomaeb.and
mysoaolesiarrbof Ibftbrual. When
IwaePleklwelgbediaopoiuxU; now 1

Olson Tl ursUay on^ nonn.
enjoyed the uneiwon


“I bare resalned my healtb again, i
cannot thank you coousb for y.
^vlee. May God B>ve you a long Ufa

Mr. llattU tnot.-d lii Ihe .-v-iripfun
catiips lor lilt- wlmvi

alM btcM your work."

TurMlay al»e;noon.



Mr. and Mrs. I’.oy Ih-finnV'w
r and. Mrs IJd Cojumlne yianday
•t. It.

a good and- prosperous family
are. but wbai la our loss Is
of S;iokaut-. Wasli..
nU'a gait)
,wbo ban been umkliic «!■ tSU-lid.-d
Basil* and Sieve TUe wer bwneivb'll witli h*-r brother. m-i«hbor
ael Hevsu atfil oilier r>-Uiiv«» and
from Traverse City, where Iboy
felelidl. In this suil inimrdlali- m-ish
going to school, to Iprnd Sundey.
borlHMidi. will n-iuni tiuim- ilil.- «><■!.
>lpb liver remained here for a
Milioii ll.-<'kwt(!i and wlu- '•t-ni i.<
time to dig tbelr potatoes and attend
i-loskey SuiunJny. after iCvJr bau-.tother business.

DouglRSS & Kellogg
Cash Shoe Store.
Comer Cass and Fiwnt Siwsta. Trwvsrat City,

Have we hbd 6c maBjr good rhx* let rMAw it
the More »s nsw.
Not high priced but good foi wear. Biieg foor.
ctiOdren to our More ud you toH k>e pleaged widi tbe
. teiuht.

Traverse City State Bank
Travene riiy. MIta.

liold cffi-<-:s. pr.'iiaraiory to Ul(lDg up
tbelr rrsidtmif iu our iii-lgbburbuud.
Mr.'and Mra. F. A. Weat^c'of FrtTrunian Losey is wlib ibt- ataredder
Mii, were tbe gneaia of tbelr daugbthis week In MlUon'a place.
r. Sira. Id. A. Otekerwon. tbe last
The aiiredding outfit elMned up on
of the week.
Ray Case •
ibflr first job of the eeason. last Sat
Hr. and Mra. Jasper Pllcber -re- chased a cow of J . II. Bysr.
urday. at Kelly Morans. •
Umed Friday noon fn»i tbelr visit
at tXrwaglac. Beoion Harbor and Law­
rence. and brought tbelr entudaon.
large In Ibis nelgbborliood and us nor
Ray Root, of Lawrence, borne With
U w-elcumc to this bit <rf Infonoat. ii
.Miss l.ueUa Haywood. aasUti'd Mi-s.
aa 10 tbelr locviikiii.
The bunch- In­
'^Ut. and Mra. J. BoiUwUer enter- Sbonrr « ltb her work during Magsto cludes one large rod cus. one Jersoy
utned tbe MUaea JnUa ElUt, "
euw and Iso other head
Trav\Vc have just learned of the suJ
nab Holly
esM City euBday evening, wbere sbi: doti doaita of Mr*.
Is solog to at-bool after spending Sat­ Mundar at 7:30 *. m.
•. Sadler
Her tllmw*
urday and Sunday ^re vUiting ber suH not ruusIdertHl dsiis<-tv<u> and ibe
It., have
kiiusledge c
Miss Creta Burllngban of Travi-rav
City, eauM- ou on the excuralou Sun­ _____ OUloti and quite a portion ochUdu. Wlsronaln,
WiK-onaln. Friday n
her firlbood vears was passed In the
day to visit Eva Oepew.
be baa accepted a position aa time
iiumedlatc iicigtiborbuod
Ceorao Lyons of tbe upper j
keeper, with the Marathon paper
nuivritgs-l nunils-rU-** eloso friend*, lij
subt *«pie out on tin- oacurstou SuuHills company ot that plarw.
whom her d--.ilh *lil be keotOe fell
io t)»>» -M<»* Olodya Depew
Mra. Nellie PoUy. formerly Of this
rtbe leave* a liui>ban<l and is>pUce. died at the Cody House bi
Her - luolli'-r
„nd t
Graud lUirtds. Sunday, and her re­ niy Saturday, to aeo her. biMih.r.
bretlicrs re




rakd'tol^'^Kete^or^ieego. vlalted at k' Cbauncey ImBar-wUrtea tor R^e

m dlBleall-ldaen
WmiAM tha

- .........
lam Banday.
i-aa Bmitb
and' family bai moved
Traeerio City.
Mr. Pkwter (on tbe Wn Wllioa
^wm» rawnrd plan. Tbe cot on each farm), died Tueaday moraine. tbo r
ew. toin.
wok .iUto. .sa
iba MDa as both aidaa pnd

I toad MiBalps

mains were shipped here for interu«m In Fife Lake oomi
Sunday arrteea at the
iSMidBttotav^alllMbridpa. Tbei l. Bnnnall baa wone na delegate to
ftgbl- tba 1. O. a F. Grand lodge at Bar Oct 22. Sabbath tehooi ai ii:*v a.
m. Epworth league at «:S0 p. m.
^ Inaw, aa anbeUtuU for D. Blue.
The Swaveriy man are potting In (Mlaalon Study Rafly Dayl "Inteni
gem Warfare.” Prov. •1:0.6 Prov. S:
n new line to Nela Fredriekeoa'a
Fred Mills has a bnlf boabel of l«S. Mra. Bditb imia, leader. Preach
Dusky Rural poutoee weighing from ing service at 7:36 p. m.. by paator.
A. W. Baksrfv Prayer meeting nt V.'
MM. ThM le one ol tbe

E. eburtb. wWneaday evening. 7:36.
•Nd aObda wnrk ta tbta


A benUnp party eempeeid at Mr.
and Mn. A. W. I>e<±. Mlea MlUar.
Dr. Rowley. tSlIUam BeUowe and Rev.
D. Oaebiin. Mt yeetarday tor tbelr
annnal axpedlUou at . Glean teke.
i«era they wlU apead aavaral weeks
la tbe eeerch of daer and othar Inbabiitanu of tbe forest. Tbie pariy
baa- for tbe pact anaber of years
taken this trip and never tail to retera whb a good bag of tbe eeason's
Friondo and pobalMy eevaral relatiree of A. K Haaur wUl bo eoBMWbat
to team that be was marriod
Mat WadaoMtai ta Uro. Carrto Tlionm^
of Kent aty. Mra. TbonpeoaHuater Is well kaowa . In Traverse
City, baviag rislied boro for a number
ot eeasoaa. Rlma Hr. Banter went to
Detroit a few days ago to tMC. his
IM that be
family bad no
woold rotnra married.
orcurrM at tbe brtda't borne, and aft*
a ebon trip they wH come here to
Abeot 20 frlende of Mr. and Mrs.
Sdweid OoF^. 7ta Haaaeb aiwoue.
sarprleed tbem at tbo borne Tuoaday
inalc and gamA



here to take up fruit farming aud ‘s
making a aoceoas of bla venture.William Dili today completed the
pnrotmae of tbe eotomer rawrt proper­
ty at Blrebwood beretotoro owned by
Ed QUbert
W. «. CmM manaper of tbe Boardlan River Kibctric Light and Power
company has




Wayne, ln«L. whore bo went to lest
tbe new gdogrator that Is to be
Installed In tbe power house of ibc
company « Keyatone..

VNU Kir inu Mmu
reoontly voted


esiabllab one at

Tbe artion of the sni>errleora set­
tles tbe mattci »o far as the county la

•mau miad
tsTstom '

W- »• ^aaaa. »l» -aaian naar
Bowen Harbor, baa preaented the’debureao with a branch ef
{Oano apples wblrii U remarkable lor
iu fitt and quality of frulL The

fiEntw ALojn:
-dOMea NiNCRENiw.
HaiitodUiiNa to totowl Ut Ik
>Mtoto|Satotodii||i. Da Jots
WiMBU>tra<I:anaptotaiato 6m

Mr. aud Mra Adam Slater vbitcvl
Traverao City Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs. >Vm. LamUc ot Trav­
erse City, visited at Jubu Tagur-s.
Samuel HoUtcaA'called on fricBdihero Monday.
Oct. 17.

the voter* of the city at tbo next gen­
eral election tor tbelr approval, oo it
wilt be soother year before tbe acbool

^'^ra Rlfbard Spopnog and Mabel
Moore retsmed I^Harrleiia. Sauir-

can be pot In operation.

*1' A. Voire made- a business trip
Tbe 5UperTlaorB voted apivroxlinataly
Travciwc Clly. BaUirday,
.Vdam Maug and family, alsu Mis^
e ameuot a* last )-rar for tbo
Jonoa. visited at Mn Kuau-s. ttuiiUo-.
Mrs. WlU. Rlluy bas D-cu uu ih<
■iek list fur the past week, but I

ut Jubu fprlisll K
and fam
S-Jiiday were K- (
ilv. F>vitk Vn-euiaa andd fauiilv and
.Ml*. A Bayers.
nil-hard dparling, and >•*
May and
.Moore's. Snuday

IMr. and Mrs. Forrest D. WblalA
will give a leewre at the Cedar Run
cbapcl. Sunday Oct. 22. at lV:3b a.
Mlllicna ef OolMra
m-. and 7:30 p, m- also at lAke Ann
An- cleared every
y car
church, Tueaday, Oct. 21. at 7:36 p/ poultry reiser* of the I nlied
m. Xlr. M*bUler baa spent B»to than A largv
live year* In Central lodia; baa also Ihl* huge profit Is
traveled-oslenalvely la all pans uf DITiON PulVDKItB. It kevps laying
tbe eastern Bmplro and baa mad^ a hens In good eotidliiun
jiidiiiun iiiukvs
inukvs youu
carefnl iludy of all ooafliilona erlsi- clHcka grow. rapidly', tvard* off dbcas
Ing there. He wlU tell yv« abooi and keeps the comb bright and ret
OndU In a different way tbaa you Kqualty as
It la Ui
have yet beard. Admlaaloa tree, bat
lot every one bring a free mU offer­
ing, la the driA of tbe paopto bece.
t-l*. iH-r |i
JAn Havsood U buying potatoes IDrus Slot
at -fO cools.
AIUo BatUer of Oviatt. ta a Cedar VMtNT80-to<S«wt gl
Run oaUer. Ibia moralag.
house* urk. Apply
etmar and Bvoretl Crata bare a
Uroa :
bean tbraaber and are buay overy
Idee day tbrasbli«.
: Mias Carrie Wavaor Atoned to
jUke Ann last evealog to her wwk
^at S. 8. BuroeU's. after a two weeks
torUfs wishing to *c<- we -prirfes
: varaUon.
aallv-* sbouM de eA in Oct. J. C
I Mr. and Mra ^lU GrtfBtb and li
ML Opiometrtst.
Hy wUl move la tbo boaae wbere Alboit Vepbn oac to llvre. for tbe wtn-




Mtotalgan to good <
e Fow^l to t.....................
I. Sbortart. atior a two

Va<-aiioii of school this week.
lalu dlgglttg 1h the main-feature of
th<-. program at iircseiii with no avail
ividr cMiA help III sight.
.'iidglng fiMDi r.-rmria Sunday..x-«.
'oral birds paid lull to the opeutng of
the senson.
IXv. 17.

Uy tbw *TU;:wJar~ metted I ran r*
«>t« Uww atbing teeth abtohiialy
Ubout rain, and wttbv-Jt too ora of
drag* to produce uoeoascloiunoaa.
Foople of nervous toBMwraateot asd

apt- IStue* Ibvuwir


The Strongest Bant in Northern Mki^n
Ills 'life, to The [tc\te>- Savings Hank,
s.iU. A Ii. 1'hT.. :>iu1 rtvonl

l-OUT Iho iimim-ya si-.-ured hy said
pan ihcfi-.!
, Tbert-furv...
I Dvrv-iurv. By virtue
of the
of sale rontailK-d iii said
m sm-h
gum*. I
, aud
provld-d. noil.-i- la lie:.-b>
given that on rtaturday the Klghteriii.i
day of Novmber. A, t> I'lJI- ai '<-n
u'eloek 111 Ihe forentsiii, I slutll sell
at rnblie .\uei»Hi. l‘> tin- high'-'' his
dcr. »i il'c .North Fn»nt IV-or "f lliCourt llou.-^-. in the City of Traverssaid Counir. <ihat being ifae
City. Ill a
[• CirriiK
ft.plare will
• Cjiictv 1.1 holdenv
■seril* d in said mori
l^ggp. tir S'* iittP'l' ilij*r.“>f tis nisv t*e
li<-eesBUr> in lui.- <1>I- Uinoiiii' .'m --n
said'gaci', «iih sewn T*i'r
Interest, an-l all h-gal eo'is. logeth'-r
*llb an aiturno s fee of Taenly live
Itollnr*. roveiiiit'ieil <«.r tln-rein.
pri'lulses tieliig deseriUed In »-vld iii'-n
gagi: a* all the follow Irtg d'^'TllH-d
premises situated iii the Cliy of Trav
creo < il.v. I'»uiii> uf lirainl Travels-UDd Slate "f to "i:
The West n.-lf -f 1.0' Tt.l-I'
uf Blo«k K. of-|laii:is!i Uy and Com
pau«-» Se'eiiili sifditloii to -he C'Ilf Trsver-c Cl", according to th-rV(v>rdeO plat thereof
HEUWOOD A I MI/Oll. A**lBn<-e
itorn*-v» foF As»'gtiee oiiiortiuce.
Traverse Cliv. jlkli.
Aug. 71. Thura to Nov. IS.

Fruit Lands
CkMcc fnisak mi Btr
Frmt FnA Farm
al ftdMwUt ^kfg

ell ed™ leiuAiei. [•>»*,5.
b mi 7 pa cert., bought.
«4d Of exchkofcd
For sound tnrestrvenl. 1 receirrosnd the First Monpara *
Mr cent Ce'd Senda of the Cana­
dian Fu«M 8«uii* Lvimbtr Co.,
Ltd., an •roaniutien composad
ef roapors-bi* Munigsn and
Canadian iumbem>an. Trustaa:
MieMpa" Trust Ce- Grind RapMs

JA5. B. MttXCR
iis~ :


I I'j- rioyd

ed 111 the ofllit.- uf the iU-gisi
Couutv of Grand
l>-eda, for the Couutr
e and State of MIciHgan. c
6thI dap
of July. A. D. 160*. In
of Mortgage*, on page 76. whk h
Mr. and Mra. Ackerman
KBid Mortgage waa duly asaiai-ed by
ghani. and Mr. and ktra. Coro of said The Dealer Savings liiah to E. F
Traverso Cky. spent
with Chase, by- deed of asaignmein. dated
Mr*. Ferguson and family.
the 3rd day of September. A I>. IklO.
Mr and Mra.
W. Herrington. Mr.
inled in the ofUce Ot tbo
and Mr*. 8. R Cate. Mr*. Dickermaii
deeds aful
and Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. John
White, attended
at page l.M. on which liiorleaue'thi-re
C«<dar. for Mr. and Mra Jeny Sulli­ Is etsinied to be duo at tbe date of
van. who loavo Tuv-sday cveolng for this iivtii--- till- sum of Five liuudiv-d
Twenty six Ivullars. nud Siviy-eiglii
' Miss Ellen
!>■ ICeni*. and an .Vtorncy's fee of TweuTraverse
evening, i)-llve IVillar*. provided for lu-tald
leaving Mrs. T. R. Wblio convulcv- mortgage, and no suit or priH-ecdlug*
w hav'ii
Ito-en InsiU'ibtl lu r>-

force R* wfll have to be nbmlttod to

Pl|toli..l— Uh. to tow, to-


slater. Mrs. Goldvoi this week.
A. J. White andioou. A. M. While,
and baby. reAirnod to Creaceni.
*Jfe a
>*rlday, after a-weeki visit on main-

cencerned. hot before It cu be put io

~»~«l ™. a ™™

.. *.
. tiRItoatlteTOilM
. cm mii«i .1
Urt-a ,Ma«alajlai™.
■ g,,

. Neal r
ct. 17.

CEDAR. R. F. O. NO. 2.
lluntluc..««aB0ii opened Sundaygood eaniest.
ShooGug every wht-i
Both trains brought bunlera uud do{
l*lentv of foxes this way.
Mra. Frank Bujat was called
ManisiM laat week by tbe di-aib of
branch will oc placed In euld storage a frieni
nnd sbown at tbe coming Und aud CM nlng
cntcrtalntug he.
apple show. - >lr. I’eaae reoenUy came

Tbo amoool of mooey to be raised tor
A F. MIhaaail of Uw canning factory
good roads by the county next year
b harlog a very neat sango eonatrnctWlU be flCA17.6l. wblcb will amouui
e oo FlfU atreet.
vMUng bla Aangb-.a<l •
(Tll.SO on each tbougaod of valtution.


r. I
There waa a blrthda> i«:t> given by
Mr. and Mra. RoMOtn Iasi Saturday
evening Pedro and ether games w<re
■ie amuoeincnis pf the cieuinc



lueiiulci^ nil llie Nattitiial. Siiile an/ Vrivatv a«nka in
Mieliivaii. tliep- uiv tmi W- tiui lun. « eapitnJ otodtjaC..^
♦L*0tM‘i»;*G'» or luor.;-. Tvv.-my .. v • iif Uime bauka kPe
Sj;i:iiiaw anti one
-1 the r.

ii:»e is til.


ll.VNK ii. Triivers- i j'v.

Th-I'--aiv. hut 42 Hank* in lb*- slal** of
hiv-^.r tol.wniHAM.Oi) in tlr|*i.toitfc. -TWR^vv-i^^of
I *11-- ul ill-- r-1'**'....... L' W Hunk* is the TIIA\ KUSb (.ITY
sT.vri: H.WJv II. Truveps.-,rijv.





hut 42 ir.i»ks .11 lliv.wUte •<( Miebiffau liaving
.tl tii.-n- lliwti ika.lRHJ.VH'MtU Tvvenly-a.-veu of
rl-^. Ii: ;iks iii-e iji Delivii. lii-nii.l Ka|»<U simI Sairuiaw'.

I 'ri-

..f tile- :- r-n.iitiiie 1*’ I'ntiks is ih'- T15KHSI^ t iTV

w-TVn-; ‘'.WK ,n

' Ily.

Fll*y-llyg Years

iij. -'..j'll

, k >'l s'.'lkllgXHK.




One Minion DoUan m l. i ;-'■•f ..w -2.!'y--'

t iTV Si'.\TL

-■r<l of the

!. : ... i.. * laid.
. r:l>->l hUr|tttlK of
a fala of
ills iiiitt Uraourrra
Litiil and Siirfdiis
aud K.wourc-u

l.-Jlt--* 'Ts

>1 .


• .

t’e Strongedt nhJ
. ■



--I' lh-

Ginseng Root
Before selling your Gnseng Root get
our price. We are in the market for both
wild and cultivated root and are the lead­
ing shippeis of Ginseng in this section.



Let the Herald and Record Co.
do your. Job Work.


CRAND TTAVKHSE HKRAl.D, AND TRAVTn?SE B.\Y E-iCLT.. Tmit^pAT. <K.T^>I»^^{ !*>. iSlf,

|w^-five Per Cent Saved
On That Heating Stove
We iBve m tew numberaol two
: dllfercot ftyle« of

Tlut to Uean^^p bn we mike

This* Saving to You
Solid coot Iron
of medium capacity, which
will affoi^ excellent results and
lasUnc satisfacUoo.

h Complete Line of Goal Stoves
Two-tfaat you sSphnot get more for
your money anywhere.
For toft coiU or wood
for bard nwl. Hfrolvln* Are jiot. ,
fo<>l nter. T«'»Dty4v« por rrni nior
h««(lDC Mirfmro Umn •nj- ollwr.

' Art eSrinK

Mka Therwaa Prasll left this morn­
ing for Detroit, where she will lUlt
Mrs. tVsi Schuyler lor Mme time.

From bur Book Shelves
M'riebt A »tor? of big iBcUent. strong i>
splrii Of tbe we»L

Mr. anfl Mra. W. F. Calkins left this
Geergv Harr \l-< itt. heoa. A res!
uioiulng ter Itaille Creek.
freshing New Fnglaod «or'
C. L. Hedges ef Sapinaw spent yecTHK IKON WOMA\-ti;.:. MarRarin Ik-lan.l. X gretd Mvel—
terdav in tbe c>t> oo business and
the unfoMina of a wpimed strtugle amid deen bdmae etaotloBa.
teluroed home today.
N. P. Gallup Bf Maple City k epeb
-AnVKNTrRlTS OF BOBBY ORPK II .s. S K. While. Bobkr'
CVrde, eOB of the rive.inaB. I- i. ihorongh going l>o> ' BDil Ua ewpetfi
ig a tew ds>s m lowp im Uusiness.
en.e» WPI iBIerest all wt... have a waifn s|..r »u their heart* for tlw
P; M. Reach of Oetroit. is in the
manly Intle t-hnp with hi-, n.gge nindoor life
_ Mra. Emmd'^ Sell of CedilUe. is the
THE PROIHOAI. Jl licK *i:> Vsnch Hester. Tbe .heat of the
goes: of mends In tbe - iu tor s
•bolt time,
THE STOHV .Hill- II J.', I. M
TWii <S. >mP. H. Griffin ef Petoekey. is in the
iO>e<l. "Anne of tSreen.mjhles sill like thl:. .ii.e.
Hiy on biislBess
p miiotal or liif tilnc iixihl lir
M. Yander Bie of Holland is the
like this one
:es: of frieinl- in the cili for a tew
/.Mavor WIIMiii
ftfna FerlHT ,\ bright Irish atpcy tt
111* (vum-lt to Ibo r«<i that M^ipral
F. J. Botna of Grand Raptda. tvhe
Ii^dipa bad <-oiiM>Ulmsl of ibr Uvr
THK CAKFET FROM M.kClWD *l 2i. Harold McGrath. A MW
has b«vu s|>en<!iDE.a few days be'-i
norelterof Ma^burr. ibui art- croainc,
hopk in a new style
' ■on hiisiness rrlurned vesterdaj.
;ln Haenah lark, mtH-b to ib» hutmWaller e. Pwph arrived yealerday
THKFKriifrrt!.aim:x.-r.5r. Kranres umlgNiB Itar^. A,
of fwagilr who um- thr^ iilartr.
from Xonh Msnltou. to visit friends.
he;<iiTNH -lot, with nil (he <l>inn.s of {.ord F;;:intlcro>.
<-oiHM-iallT nil ib<> to««T |>ari ot iIm>
H. N Reinberg of MeBain. is spcnd■ y ■ V
, ■
I'roiiwrtv. It had bonn aussp-knI ihur No. 1 bone blden...............33.00 and up iOS j 'rw <ta>* in ihe Hl>
III* bom> !«•
ilil>. Tall in hoi>wK
C. C. Fraser arrived, yesterday from
■>f dmroUiiK them. Thi« waa l.-l
Tolfdo Ip remain a week or so wiE.i|
mirk <vmuiltii-v io liuik
C. C. Foeemire of SsB'naw, is spend­
I From Ti>.»<la*'8 Uei-ord-Ksgle i
Aldeiown Uieeti Unmalit up tlif _ Mlaa
Mlaa ing the w. i-k in the «tty as the guest
taabei Graham Bush and Mia
qtwtloii of ihc »-|iiui>l«*i> iha
of friends.
l.llllan Kubh ol lUtilc Crrck
.ttrowlBB akMtK the rishi-of wat of the ing Miss sllliii Cbaplti.
Geoff* Munn arrived yesterday
l«: R A t trerkF iwtwnnn Weetilnainii
Misa Bonnie UivinBeten left ycetsi
iJreHj. Colo. to ktok up land
and IVebNier airt^io In *ui-h a :
ds> for CatJHUo . wncrc she will t-is-iid | iiurrcsts.
US to Make tUr i-rnoolnR at that
lew weeks a sthe raest o! hvi 'is
F. k. Carter ef’ b
jilai-e a -Intipemu. one .\i. Ik »n» not
r. Mis. Ilavn itiUei.
iuismi 8g.
Hear wboM- property Hie buohpo
Mra. Suniey Holland and little
atteodleg the regular meeilBs of the-, C. W. York ef OetroH. who haa hMP~
I nothins wao ilone
Traverse Bay Tent, at whirta be r\ wpeiMUag a few day a m the dty pb hMdaiighler, lieruldtne. bax- relurued to
Ablertuan Vmlor iiald iliai be liatl their home in iinyne-t'-itv after a vlitt
Raymond R. Hilton left tliie mom. plained ihr new rate syMem mad made 'Hwn*, returned borne today. ,
uiaBe aoo'lher aiteuipt to Ktraialiien
Ahe home of Mr. an.l .Mrs Ilirh It g for lower Michigan for a few days' transfer*.
^ „ Meeten ef CMrwH it la IM
cut the laBKle uboul the -i«o liRhi
niond. ircbstcr stm t.
Sidney Aciment. advance age"* *wr Hty today
tlial ha.| lieeD on){>red insulW on the
Mra H.Au
A. Hihsn is vIsitipB friends "The Ayiaior- musical a
Mrs. H. NenMeft today for Elkhart,
Mart Wiank ieft law evening far ■
Kireei to Roomille aDil had not I
lew days.
liid.. where she will Mwnd ilie wlnicr j. PetosLev
Mir bore soon, was la the eliy >e»ier week s avaction trip IP BuSala
able (o effe< t a KetUrnieiil «lth
Mb her daughter, Mrs. F \V Johnson.
H. A. hill
iiton left this meming for >.vDr. Howe and J. C. Hawa af OM
llabiinR «>ni|iahy aDd<the qeudCton
B. W. Sweet arrived from Oetreit. ^^nnistceon huviiiesN.
Ffwd Marah ef ChartevolB k Ip the Mission lire spendlag a few daya ha
laiil over until the iieii neetlnp of ilit> lasi vveuliic <o irsiiMCt l•u«ille*s lir e
Chaa. Christianson el Cadillac is in city OB huKineas f«r i ley days.
Hu- city.
dltylife the nev. few da
ii,e rliv on hilsines*
Mies Cecil Etiie left whay fer
Mra A. E. Kaitogg hae lauwad
largaret Crar
and Eiva Blsby | O'striet Deputy C. M. Perry pf Cadii tirauil R.'ipids. to y>rfty Mra .Tutu
fittiu a .ii'ii with mends 1a OnM
♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ '♦> • e • • leftUai
lor Fiiglnaw tbi* uiomitig <
t jla. retiirtie.l borne this nMirning after Jpbnsoii

- V




'tend tbe Rebekab awsemblv a» dele­
gates of the XVIsieeta R^kak k>dge.
Miea Bertha Stewart of thia city left
this Dionilng for ••hicago to spend the
winter wlib Mr and Mgs WtU HeBdrii ks. formerly of tbU city.


the Cify Book Store


The Little Wonder
1 A
K ^ OmoIIm EhsIm
Crlioder bora, 4 Incbaa; tiroks 4\i
iBcftas. Good dotltn. beat matarlal.
Hopper cooled. WelKfat, 300 Ibt. sunt
•aallr. row eteedlly: ta ecoeoBtcel.
_ reliable, durable asd oonpleca wlib
^Uer. ptaoUae taak. baUeir. wU asd
avitcb, wired readr to run >-oor aep’atalor, wood taw. or pomp'or do aDr
other doty wttbla the eaiwettr of 2^




Get. IK—\nieat,




Where Can I Bay Cheapest & Best?


You'll FIb4 Ike ^yAMHcral Stetaberf Brea. '


Corn. Tie, Oaie. It't^e.
WM. MCttSON. Trewroa CHr. Mkh.

jT' ^PLAINre

td for tbe locaitoQ of a bath
The leave carries tbe right for
the city to consiruH liie baib house
and to malnuiD a park on the proiiert.v without anu cost durlns the time
that afaall


Buffalo. Oct. Ik.-Cat,ie-Re.t.lnts.;
Skra. Btead.v.
Ive: Handel, -r... Wgber.
No, 2.
Hog*-ActUe. |... high
e,.ffi.!«Hi:. clo*lngar»fifl6,l3

Wfiere a cor
oE Fird-CtM MerchandiK coupled hjilh Traiy- Saving Prices
w3 make your Fall purchase manry go much-further than youiplai»ed-A few iimi
here .kini *t tome of ihr opponuubet now al hand.

U, «o;ib


worth III* and

•< «.M.

ami 42 Inches wide, in red. grc'anA two shade^ <>i navy . aluo hla< k
UR-I hsv> serge with white hairline
Mt:|ie. t', iRa-CKs woriii .'.iii' u
yard, •iv-cisl .it 3Pfc

ui $7.40.

Broadcloth at 50c.
Fifty-Four liKh Breadelolhs In
eicv. brow and two >lurt-,« «f
B.-iiy. riMHlal at. the yard Mk. '


JS s.-:


nil i>ite>, w

Ladia' Boae at 25c.
Ladies' and Miaaas tWeol Host in
i-yira line Or heavy weights, nt-veral
_ lots oUlhe he*' ever offered at iIhprill. ►iMH-isI [v-i

aty Clerk omit read a lease which
.iMd heea prepared by tbe Q, R. * I
InOraad company covering the pn>i>WV •« af-the depot whioh the cUy
M MWiiaee that haring rembr
ad oan Detroit ta bk par-»w^.
haaw near Trararse <nir. he
at Dr. Cba., . ____


thnlu hla practice to
the era and ear. Thaae
ha has taught for manr
1R tha ValaanMr of Mlehlgaa.

—yonll find ttiat most stores' 8PEC1A1E won't even compare with these:;

"-the bast tiseec linafi garmeit
mad# S(^ ths greatest underwear value you ever aaw. Shirts
*"d drawtra In ail akee up t*


Price 40c.

DinoK smis-ji
kind that have quality, fit and
wprkmanahip. Fashiened akevc
and ribbed cuff. They'ra lust
what thair name implies—SU­
PERIOR—in every detail.
Priced upwards fr«m $1.

U4 Eul Frrat StrcH

welt made, heavy and durable.
Sewed ee they won't rip. Full
stock of sites. Our pnee. SOe.

ing the rtew style wite the high
•eft collar that eonCs cloec to­
gether in front and look* right,
in gray, brown and all colors.
Big line priced upwards from

gloves, ete.. that could
r lines and von 'll i


EARTH AT SOe-lfs umon
made, nn full, na* five nandy
poekeu. made of ertra durable
denim, compare* witn others at
75e. Our price o^ly SOc.


ANO ALL COLORS for you to
choose from
F»il .Cap* or
heavy winter Cap* with warm
fur earbrand*—choice at Ofi'y



They cifler from (he ordinary
pant because they>c wen-made
and TIT. Of good, heavy ma­
terial and in practically all
*'M*. our 41.S0

HC'C'S a 'me of Mat* for 42
that arc great big value* fer
the money Stiff Hat in eeveral shape*. Soft Hsu i




SMrto ^- _




Three mg va'uaa. cams In
navy. Ufcht and dark gray,
rth 31.24 a garmont. apaclai

Omv^ ml a Kn'<

paid 47 for ouaiitiet net es
good. Here in several sty'es
and eelors—Sweater Coat*, too.
Our price. SOc

ef strong mixed yernt or plain
bicek—gi-cat big value at tOe a
pair—ycA 4 PAIRS FOR 2Se.


Good oreighi mid full alai
rvtrs heavy ftoMc. Wcl) ma*
Nearly all sa-a. apaclai. Me.

S8b«l (hrrauls.

Some Plaiix Facts For You Men Who Are Looking For Bar­
gain Values in Clothing and Furnishings:

A aomplalnt wna a
the Qoean City
and Power c
paw to the edert that
hraWlBC iba ^bea ot tha electric
atraet Umpa. elthw hr ahaodni;
UiMdac-Atoaaa. RriM was asked
tha aoaadl from thU irnble. Tbe
■Btlw waa ralerrad to tbe «^ef of poWea to uka wltat maanrea be finds
WM"nrT In wder to stop the deatrur-


Coma in 9ua' ptiilai>id
plain colors. Prteticany fh »fl
•—t; easily worth SOe aaoh.

Childi^BoM at »c.
ink tot ofis^- and (

Ladies ‘ Sweaters__S3 4S

HeanflTA ^y Co.

City l-'hiKlneer Caldwell i^ated to the
connrll that Mrs. I.«derie. who reside*
- Traverse City Milling Co.
near the old city stone crasher, had
that the old bins that had
been abandoned ww a public nul
asnee. as they furaisned a biding plate
for antaU boys who made a praciiie ot
Farm Produce—Selling Price.
' getting Inside the li'.ns and throwing Dntler
Slones Bl .armera. dogs and rhildren
when they passed by on ibf street. It
was referred
TW «r« eooplalat was irram Harvtr
MreeU and walks In order -i find If
Awri who otileeled to tbe niaoixr In
vW* WerdM Unad tha carba of the
WUROW wtewta. naklax K iBtpoaailde
M thtaa for a peraaa'to drlee near
•aodik the aldewalk to aei out of a
III wlthodt faiUni over aereral
wbiUi ThW trouble haa bean
> dead hafera and tha manner in whlrh
It «K^ he leaomed or done away with
is Ml Id* dear to the aMennen. Tbe
hlithadi k Kotlcad panlruUiiy «'n
Wiiaiilay and Batnrflay eranincs. at
wUM tlmaa there la almoat na nnhrohan tiae ot theae
. .
qnestion to which eteiy nan and young man wants an answer is •'Where can I buv the 1
alaa« tha
nwkini It even a dlftbe leBft money?- We answered this question when we opened "THE MEN'S PASmON SB
Scafi matter far a pedaatrian to
We stocky It with the hesl clothi^. the itest underwear, the best cvershirtj. tbe best hats. caps, hosiery,
arraai the atraet. Tha quesiioo
ABd don't think for a minute that hy BEST we mean highest price. Come and l^k <
iwfSRod to the ordinance cemml
QBEATn V^VE-^t^ for dollar than you ever witiessed btfore. We ll mention here a few of oni

far thair eonsiaetutaa.

Heavy., fall and wlntor
weight^fuU lsnghta.^11 Mtat.


K. K Cooper, who has taken over
t«e manaRemeni ot the l.eelanau Aotel. made appHcailon for a raomlng
house llcenae and .uimi the recnni- La»l«.................................................4eS(
inendatlon of' the committee It was

The commlltee on sireeis and walks
reponed In favor iif cearlnc up the
dangerous board wa^k on Peninsula,
recommended that not
0 by o! R. * I. to exoeetl lion he es|iende>l In improv­
ing Hrosch street. The refnrt was

hr Elem aai Buyt

Next DoorToA.V. Fclcdrich's ffho€ Store
Traverse Chy.





Qr£id Tr^veriBlPlie^oh
for tbe paat two 1 »(bf and a half.

_ n^mr ^ Tnircrw Cttf.-mrI mt rranlsc to t»wa * r«»

___ aiAool D baring tncniion for
ponto dlgMM.
MIm Nbrnia Swnrtoat of Seotb
Mil ««H0 or
K. D.. nJ mtfftay from *Ww»nko«. JI|]ton.'baa been rtelting NIaa Una
tt -k* ’»»Bt to •uend th«. Mnual Briiom of Acaw. for a few dart.
W «r 4k« Aaterlan Bosrd on
Miaa DIoaaoBi 8nttb ban been cirk
for tbe pan three weeki. but it aomc
C.-Warebnrc v<*tt«d better at thla wrltlng.
The dance at Acme ^tardav nlabt
in TravcTM Vttj and
waa well attended. There were quite
Mli'D. aVott tifl rridtr for ■ a few from Tmverae City out.
Ifrt. Bmllr BoM rtiltod at Mr*.
rwlt 19 Oiienao. MUwnnk*
-BrtBU. owr SuntUv.
_ J iwmu dB^rtnua*.
Oct K*
A (ootbtll fine I»eiwo« Ch»rli>Id N. H. 8. 8«»rd*f nftef^n
I In n tie. A Ut«e------ «*—
e m*d
A lltUe daughter waa bom to Mr.
Widn^y and Mr*. Oda Killogx. Friday.
JnlU iTorMn left W<
(fend ta* ».-----George Jobnaon of Empire, alaa
of Cleo Arbor, rialted
'ataon left Ttanndir Mm Pearl
> bAo Mil nu * ■■
at tbe borne of Jamea Dnnn. Tueaday.
of Woana’e
Mr. and Mr*. Ralph AtkJiMon did
Ntopplog in Tlnverae City. WcdneaT5ii wrtiBfoHh


dbn^er. Mfe. Cba*. Sactatlebeo and deplaned, w^ng
wuuua. hjer B^y^
cbDdiWn and Mr. and Mr* McNohy harpy birthday*. Many iiaefal\ and
and ehlldrM took dinner at r. K. Mai- pretty preaenta were reoeired.
de Nenfei
danee at Cedar laat l^eeday
s pflro
Bora to Mr. and Mr*. EUl* Pay, on
r*. Bdwi
Tliuraday iaat. a giri.
iaine* Sieveab la worUng at Geonte
icbtlebea'a ftilB weeV.
A number of young people in thi* ioalltv attended the dani-e *i Anebrne* i«n-ln.v.
Saturday ntghl. Thei all reiM'n » tire
The t.huiiaw noclar given lor the
icnerit of the baakeiball leani *a>
Oct Ifi.
><>)! attended. Deicing About >;;t.
.Mrs. Have tsiQlth eateruLOed about
twenty li'tle folk* for Miat> ...l.uc'ile.
J?1io received many pretty |ire«ent*
Special Correspondenre.
Clare .Veiifer waa hOM
Mr. and Nra- .Ceo. Thlrlbj hat
lie frienf
turaeil home after an ei'ended .............. ..
with Mra. Thlrlbi's lorenis. .Mi and!tiring Uii- fourthh hirthde
I Mit. itaniHiii! gave a lori.t for her
f-nn. liiiaut. at which aitoiit iZ little
RoBC Cray left Thuntdat
folUe made nierrt Alici eii|>i-er ihrt
SprlngAcId, Pelui. io tieii (rlelide.
. »-l-Hiia Hi-nm Ciant !
.Mr* Edward Olson was tnsch stsrpHseil Thoraday uhen alifiut twenty
'IT. and .Mr* Carniain
friends arrived to remin-l her of her
flfiy-ihird birthday. A ;ol 1
.Mr*. .Manford Brown i
Kcrted. alt' ahlHi I

^Rodger Plant and wife went to
Glen Arbor Sunday. In their launch.
The Miaee* Bunn nitended the
. JL E. CuBpbell returned Tbun_tr«n Clcvelud. Detroit end abower in Glen Arbor. Fliday night
r of MUa Nellie Larancc.
Reberuoa mnraed
_____: Wllaon and wife of Trareme
from Chnileeolx. wk^ Cltr. paaaed througb onr town Wedthe Repabllenn imnqnet. nendar.
-Tit a Bogm left ‘tlmrddnr neraMr*. «U Cook of Traverae. City,
rlnKlaf relatiree and friend* in
iiiFttt WevlM Water. Neb. wbe
^»tU be onpiored In pMkiaK a
nomce' Kelderiwuac of Port Onei­
Mlot A. A. Ueeh.
Km Kettle WMbo Ml Wed»
da. ia rlBltlng with her .atmi. Mra.
Ralph AtUnaon.
Tbe farmer* arc bnay hauling potaof Klagaler. v rlaiUng toe* bore at prAent.
Bdd Deanr of Empire, waa In town
t-)atii and famllr_ N. Benr baa accepted a Friday.
vltb tbe Weatem Union TeleJamee Coleman and wife of Osbom.
laifod with hi* alMer. Mr*. George
In aicaao.
mn'a dob met at ibe borne >lant, Sunday.
A. Voice, on Tnaaday afterAlbert Welch baa bought tbe John
After tbe nanal pioctnm. «oa- IMila farm, near Maple City, and eten Van Drha. Mn. Banaem poeu to ao
■ ere in a few daya.
artMe oa SOeet B|>oa Utar^
Oct. IE
Paaee of an AUlance BeTUtad fitMea and BMinsd. A
Naa bp lira. A. Baatall on
W. -MaMa. ftroae vritor. was Tbwbday for Chicago, to apend a few
Kra- W. f. Aobertnoa. - Tbe teyabofpm golag
to Cpland. CaliMaat-wMb Mm. C. B. Krbt
M. Oct IT. '
Mr. and Mra. R. R. Bates drove up
-■-TW Beou retnroed Mon- to Traverae City Satarday. returning
from Mamies wbere Sunday, mod aielr dangtater, Hn.
ir aon Sanlord and tarn-




crtnido {Bake ai
Mra. Ubbiv y
iting relative* i>
........... j
_ '____
TVturned «_

to t'ort-

T.entt-flve Of >ilE Sn-dcr, tn-tsh

‘’lira. Joh.n Uclgl thelM-


General t b%v Rrarllrc. lecrluctlna CollccUona
411 5<«fc E«>A SwTtoit. Tnum* litf
Ward B. ConniBc
Matt N.Conntn«

, 'i




-* AtOuM «ete in

frani. Huttlacll.

Of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Dishes and America’s Greatest
Hewing Stoves and Ranges included^—the Universals.
If you want an odd piece or two, or if you want to turnip your whole house, now is
the time and this is the store where you can get just whit you want at the price you
wish to pay. Our lines are the largest and most complete in Northern Michigan and
our prices are positively the lowest when quality is taken into consideration. ^ We’ve
special inducements now, during our Fall Sale, in most every line of housefumishings.

bad (nmUr bare mor- 4i going to mori to ElweH..Miehlgaii.
ovaad br Mm. A.
Dan Pratt of Trarerae City. D In
■ Mill atTMC
onr rielnlty for a few day*.
JjTrf tbe M. B. dmrch
Henry Bate* waa to Tr*Ter*e Clty
tka M. B. pnnoB- :ob bBMaeaa Saturday.
Sidney and Lloyd will drive
I. X M. M theb
11* Traverwr' Clw. Monday.
«mtng Maad of Friday.
Mrn. N. T.
to ^le________
» to be up
toiMMa aa«M a l^ty'ud around. Herbnaband came borne
I Hrvai by Mn. P. C Wnrt- from tbe Rapidt, atoo her
B WlUic
IBibtW. H. Mtur.
from Beaton Harbor.
U«n gtoa a Ko. • aooial
Mr*. Leona Hyaell of Henry, came

BWT eighth to aee her tnotber and to apend a few
dtya with ber etoter. Mr*: Viola Lake.
Cora bulking and pouio digging
re tbd^ order of the day.
eci- 1«.

lt*s Impossible lor yoo to come to
onr store* melt ns year order. We
flnsrsalee sailsteclloD.


k tolen 90 Friday
of *r. Lmdto. -who

Some o( tbe fartnera have their pojgloea all dra. ud aome have not
dig tbelr potatoea.
■Mra Middaaa
Rdned (he Cleaner* tom
A luncb

-. Porter and -Mr*. Myra Albright

i Be to BOM tbe worM tor r

•BAMBW emtruL

--------- Mr. Byerto. last Itoasday.
-- '

neighbor*. We wiab them eucceaa
ia every way.
- ir einWTlaor. Ralph Hieki, who
been in Traverae Cltr for tbe peat
I, came boam -Samrday evening,
and nturned to Traverae City to finlA ap hi* work for a while.
Mra. Walker and Mra. f^ler *-ere
out tor a ride la«t Sunday.
Jimmy Ban* to worUng for
O. V. HolD
Mr. and
Uke. rteliL_.........
bad aupper there.
Mra Ti'iSr Mlied on Mra. John
QauS last Sunday afteraoon.
We are baring aooM - beantifol
eather here.
Tbe farmer* are getting tSc
nahel for poutoea.
Ocu IT.

eSt *rte

Ar tnndiw
iBOit powemu, aonioto i®i“.
economical wood htttar
. made. It is abaolotdy birand the body ia of the
best quality cold rolled boil­
er steel, lined inside with s
hes.vy perforated cast liniag
u-Ub air chambers between.
:> a Irrgc ash pan and two mafaced, icrew gegnlet
d r * i I «.
heuter is positively without an
Come in and we it Funiished
three sires and with the btadiSf

We've s number cf Extension Tables used as
samples at the big Furniture exhibit, which we
bought below the cost o* making, and if you
want a good Table at a bargain price, come
now* A round top Table, square pedestal,
American .quartered golden oak finish, seats

........ $8.65

Then we’ve many others as lo^^ $4 75 and
as high as $12.


nith la In Saginaw thla
ling the I. O. O. F. grand

This Hagnificent Rangfe
we believe, will gne you the best'o) !crv^cp for forty yc.Tr?.;
at least. It is, strictly speaking, a gray iroii rarge .tnd buii?
so stronglv it seems there is no nut to it. If voii w.-n't .i,
range, come m and look our big Into over They nuisi be 've"''
to be appreciated
Every Universal range_covered -Aiih
binding guar tr.tee Titty range in pnee
~ ~

^,j*jDewlag boaSbt.a aew team of

JMMMt. OI.OCDUU1 Harbor, are
riititlng with tbelr parenta. Air. and
pmier. Kattocrk sale waa well at- Ml*. Wm. Kill**
^ Allen Splltatonr. who baa been in
BrBah for the pari five week* build-d home Sondny.
Mr. and Mra. &4>hbr. a danghter.
Tbe pie KKial riven nt tbe M. X
larch Uat Saturday n:ght waa a euc•^botb aorlalty ud SnuotoUr. ^

The New

Big Bargains in Sample

la tbelr now bamai
trott Moon Jaw. Can­
al Mr. Byeria



We emphat
particnlariy tbe im­
portance of your buying your stove or
range ironi ottr guaranteed Universals.
They have no comparison and yet are
i:n Ijicher priced than ordinary Uakee.
We fannnt docrl>e ihrtn. big want you to
«»• ihrin For youncll.


migt^M be halC M

-^.Mln FtoSTSSn
lamftowwt btBn.



tbelr pptatoea.
. Hammbntr.o \m» aold bla fana,
and hai inurhstvd e^ncar Klngaley.
He iatendi to .uove in a abort time.
We regret ver. mnrii to have them
legee and wi> j ibein aucceas In tbelr

Itoi laMWi to tbto pert of
taw* an
peuaeaa They
pntM •ggrsa thetr mtor* and
aa tlib Was mam Sewa to n o

Mr. ud Xtn. C X Mallory. Adrilne
Mallory ud Robert SaebUebu aitend•d a party at Traverae Ou' Wednraday eveaiac.

Popet *
nwetob M dbemmt of pmme dla...^ laat week.
•We Mn bear Be wbtoUe of tbe
« 6mUey*a
They are nrenmd
Mis* JdeilDe Manotv. Bobret Sachi,.
ben. Mia* UlUan Gearing and Steven
Rbrb were entertained at Cbarto*
anektleben's Sunday evening.
SteveMlU vtoUln
— • ■
vtotllag at Uabri this week.
to Mr. and Mr*. Fred Sebmidi
I aeraevhai^
ibetter at tbto ’_____ _
Hr. aad Mt*. ReOto Cola
>r. Ml



■; Wfsr

Ur. WlaeUln's pec^e bare tbrir
new heme aearly <completed. 7%cy
ba*e • lovely (arm borne.
Oariea Bonewiu eipecu to begin
work on Mr. iWeiMhe*B new bonae to-


Big Rocker Snap
Wfl were fortunate in aecnring a lot of Rockers
%t enr own price, as one of the Mg rtUaUe Rock­
er aaufaOBprs needed some ready casta and
aco^tod nn muunally low price offer. Rodter
Uke cut, solid* strong and sobstutial, tuts just
r^ to Re cmertntale, wortta t3
aad $4,for Oily..........................
A kcavlltal Bcw line 01 Iroa
Beds, Sprloa« and Mat­
tresses imt arrived, ai barOataprlees.

We ve some surprising big bargains in co-.ifhes of most
aU kinds We can sell yon a nice Boston leather couch worth
S15 for the low price of SiO 85 Then wc have others at S4 75.
S7 60. $9 and right along up to £25


Compuc oar Dlafay Chain
ri *8.S« per m **Uli .rihen
■1 *12 p« Ml ri oOicr
■torn. OanucbcMtr.


imtAffl, A%-il TKAViyt: BAT fttCl^ TinTISbAY. OrTnnEB l!l. 1»11

ionii Coats
The Military or
Combination Over­
coat is the most
popular Overcoat
that’s made, sold
or worn.


When ihe chilly winds
begin to whistle, button the
high collar actoK the neck
and you're protected from
your chin, to your shoe
tops. In moderate weather
ndl back the crdlar and you
" -have as stylish an Over­
coat as you could wish.


Come and see our great
variety of styles in Over­
coats. This is only one style.

We were never so well
Aodeed with Overcoats as
N today.

' Smik Dtaorte Values
ftioK trf you who are looklnK for values will find
them here. They are timely as well as
extraordinary. In some cases lots
Iare limited, others are not
Vortb ap to 66c.'tor.r.




Fo, Ihe bdaece of the weth, 2000
• 6' k Ctaghaiu
- ■
■ H,ht
colon, worth up to 15c
per y«d....................


• M^l^ Uihliwro Ulapcr

by the

pSjljM l»r Milt,, ft, irtiiuiM. UK

s>c “iittftt

ua'SuS!: I.t8


" 75c
All tiutm Usmask Tovels. worth y|i to 9JSa
S8r. for ...... ....................... .............. kwW



s la short iMigUis.

tb., lui.........
« «aaHir-vUla they



is Ihe IM «tti be fouid B. D. r.tS. H,
K, L. K. R. 8. W.


CondBcted by MIm Edna Wall.


..... '5c


the Miller Shoe
Mis Claude
CUude iloore 1
Ilea ttal____
Foster of Hodge died
Sunday at SiSn p ni He had snaerer>-d a great deal of pain the ftasi
few weefc. and hi
It U t
wife ami three ehlldten. many rclaL-ca and a boat of friends to mount
lose. .Mr. Fester and wife moted
" New
v„.. Yoi
I'ork bere. about s i y ears
M'llUaiu Wiigbt of .trradla. was In
w-B bet Tueadav.
Mrs. .\ellle Bell and Mias Haiii
Koelmer. were in Traverse Cli'
Karl Vaiidervori of Traverse fit',
.ue In lo.i. Ust Wednesday. .
Miss Mabel Moure and Mrs. Rlcb
ard Spurting, made
lar Run. last Toeaday.
Goo. Cly de
le or Traverse CU:
City, e
Sunday with
Saw ;

Tbe ,Itome ................. ............. .......... ...... ......
Mi-s. Geo. FitrrbijrtoD is assisting ai
the Anapach store.
>ti»e SiolUt FenstcnmiclUT U worktiig In Traverse City.
t Sebool cammeneed Monday, wfter a
weeks v.ieaiion. duniig potato tinr-

.Muidelcii. 0<-' !».—The St Jum-|iIi
M.»iue rin-le met wliu .Mrs. John J;
l.sinJlo Thursday.
Miss IJizle Zouick IS wuru'iig for
Mm Arthur Lyon

the feclio
e Faldny cveulitg.
Vie Sundeeu Is working for Josetib
Mra. Ads Ttiaycr-Jiier of
City. Is vistUng ti<T-i>ar«.Dls. .Mr.
Mrs. W. li. Thayer. Ada la prepar­
Mr. I'lersuii of Traverse City s|ieiit,
ing to keep buuiMi In Traverse Cliv
few days wtih his BougWer. Mm.
soon- She lias the best wlshi-s of
her many Klnptley frienda
, Hatley.
workiug for
Bov is



Ite; i


Oolhc. Pias,
h An,




1 bittle................... 4e


Special o^omething Qood to Eat
PrmiWtmu.......... .......... .. HffeC


CiEfofiH Hams....
Premium Baepa
LoinB«oo.......... ..
Oorer Bbcon




It Jlgesn’t Take MiiiilLAT

The Leading Shoe Store


^^gdl•n^llurg, 0<-i. Ife-Tln- Ijidle-'
tra^ife have moved Aid .-tM-l(-ly will im-i-t this »i-«-k Wt-l
They will be gri-ativ
liesduy aflernoim ulili Mis.
Kingsley peoph'.
and wife have liouglit tcpiiui. .
lioiue and cxpcii to
Mrs. Niiru Guruell ui •Ann Aclair.
fortuerly of TraterM* Aitv, is viMiliig
f'lends nboul here.
Mi-i]c''Tolii|>klUs left Saiiirtby for
I'lg Rapids lu atiftnl silmol this «iu
Atnv tteegmiller <
The Rayal Net
W i^il.ien lel< Saturday for a
ago Saturday.
Rev. S. J. Hall rciurn<-d Tuesds'. w.vks vi-ll with her sister, .Mm J.
front-a trip through soulheru Mlcbi W lih hermsti. of Solon
gaii and northern Ohio.
>1is- Urnvkrnliui > leli Sathnlay for
Miss bans Won, the Citizens oper­
ator. an* taken suddenly ill at her l ei .'K,i»e in Sonlh Itouidliiau lo s|M'tnl
uncle *. Frank-aiadltmu. of Traverse hei '.Kailoii.
City, on Saturday last. She war ob
W. r Kendrick disii id su».riiul, 0.1
her any to visit her mother. Mrs. ent. will U- at the Ogdensburg uhureh
Chas Irish. Her' Illness is due to Fri.lav utteriHieii and etenlug aud'wllt
• over work.
' 8. K. iiayvs of Slatidish visited bis hold Muaneilv meeting
Giurv Tompsliir s|H-lit tfiiiiday
Mil B<-ii Hay-i-s. our editor, a few day*
wlHi her folks here.
.le», Car;ienier will »pencl hit laraliou with friends outside.
The UiarrUtge ol hlnrt-nre .Crotsei
took her tuiny Kingsley frtendr

Baskelhall has is-, ii «hi»p«Ted
Ostiom. On IT —James Peentig a'l-!
among ihe young lulks. Wi.t. h out
Zclgler .Ir, w, liotne i^ni,
A H. Clart., *110 and dausht.-r
speni the past week with Mr Clirk'.brniher of Nortbporl.
M 111 l.aii-hain c
The teachers returni-ii Saiuiday. al­ ’>'rt Kttse
ter a weeks vacailott. They n-ppru-u
I'aiiiicm III this iiiliui; are inn.'
a good time, hut wore gisd u> resumu
tbeir duties
Iiiiuiing tlieir tuckwbeai
Wn Wtarsbunt and
Mr sm! V.-- James CaJvn,i.ii of tiswent Qsning at Hotsbsik lake last
Tti were UurillckvilU- caliti-» Ifui'dey
Tbnraday. They arenz lelliug ho*
.A 3»-rv nmel wedding took place at
many fish ttn-y mugbi.
liouis Moonis of Tfwvcrte City U the Calholir ebureh Ibis uorniug wtieii
B frequent iwller in Kingsh-y.
Mhhaol Karns and Mis. ixiUm La
R. A. AVlIsnn has bongUl uui .T
M. lieasitp. Ibi' WaikJu- loan
and vame Wer.- made bushaad aud wife
Mr. Heaslip goes We «i»b liceiu happint-M. itiraugh life.
with MTIbod nmil^^lug be doing
h'rank Faymeni. Jf.. is hauling his
-------------------- .je seiUng. apples to Kmidre ibis week
ifFs. M.
U. H. ~
. •
.Ml*s no'eme Keldrrhousv of Furl
tied borne Wednesday.
Oram, returned
with sVlatlvCfe «
weeks visit with the;- •cinrdj
daogfauk. Mrs. w w. Hall.
Hm iiiLvIlU. Kuiiin aud Oaborn ihti!
Maaduaea rm aud W. H BeoBas
VI-.- Cmpirt- .kII.-.- W.Jn.-;!v\
Or. ttavidsuii
lo KIk Rapids
missed by the
Ranee Olddls
the DdWdson


'Vllllamsburg, Oet. ,C.-Mr. and Mr.
F.ank SlaffoM and two iblldrvti ol
C.rawii e|*eui Sunday with rclaiive>


ealM ,m ,


Mrs, Agersuit uihl groitueun. hTo.vd.
Mteni Sunday at the Clinrlie .Agerson
home, relumlui; to Kitlkuxka Monday.
Cliitide WariiiT loll Satniday and
Kdgnr Hill .Monday fur Su«iwaw a"■SSlpr..
deWgaiee t.. Hie gitin.l lodge 1. O. O.
gate trum i
F. Mrs. Dsiti Illoalgeii atSD went as
delegate to the ilebekaU assemhly.
>lrs. .Mnilie llauiilion U uuder ibv
insou spent KstiirdB.v
doeloi'j <are,
. Stinson and-daughter
Mrs. hhiiiiui tieoUcld left Muuda.v for
libea. V
•radonte City callers Frla t bit with her daugLier at Old Misfelon.
'**kitri Puffy went to Manuin
Thuretiay. fir treatment.
• .tli>. Fred Situs luu iKftyvn the slek
Mrs- IhT Fenton Is lu Grand Rbp- IM. Her liHJther. Mrs. MeKec. ot Bar
Id*. |>urciiasliig a stork of be Hday
goods. She expeets to Visit .Mri J. her f'recK. Is here w;Jtli tier.
.Mr. and Mrs. Freeoiaii Oremi hate
V. Murfrue uf Ktilaiiiaroo anil .Mrs.
Dr. WiUiaiUB of I'eulwaler. befori' her uiiitcil iiiln the M<-4'uuv next <u
the ratlnwjl truck.
I Mr>. Union and daiigbteiw. Mrs. t
Sujd.- I'erry is selling suBMiti Uc-ketfe
I Mairhell and I'ornolla Hoeflin wen.for o ii-elur<- l■oII^se jo be lield liorv
iTrivem- City <dler> Frl'la.v Ism
Ralitli 4'aM- Is In Arcadia on busi- this uimer. vun'Istlitg of t«<> l•■elu^es
ilif* wiek.
and a Uiiusicul nuiiiiier. The first lei'
Kthel craiidalAus breii vlaiitug;, •
I friends in KrtuTsloy Hie poM «eek.|^“«'
,Wbel is improving t»pldly in beallh !
Btruice Slin.<s«ii spent Sui
Monday with friend., and

and Snnda.v She ft
Itcuto vscaiRm.
Ray liarknintt
Is tbe baggage r
the <O. H. & I dei>o( in Tniu


To Make Laundry Day ;
Easier for You

........ ...18, •

1‘'bHiTe ^


Saturday Specials

meBti, bataKOi dMBfOi, poblie
batacUene or eootamidatad, nlcs real eatato
in town or eoantry, and any other hems of meral iaterert. Send all heou to Kn Edna Wall,
who hai charge of the Departmeav—Editor

sir. Stoops

« Bni
Mts« AUre Bulsmer tana beeo sprsci- melt tor Mr. f
Ins • rm days at Trawnw City
The Help!
Ufu Ruib Sirrens of Trsvorse ^*tt) Mrs. Oftn L_____ _______ _
The Swastica club ssrprtwd Mm.
AIra Doebery last
erse Chy callers i

Tbe paopb of KiacB^ and the njroBBdiar
conrtry art aD iatsrwtad in ttdi Departaait.
We duU> flad to have iodiTidaalA charcbee.
the Onnge, fraternal aodctiei and aU other ord in ttaas of

Arthur Uri.wn of lIucHley Is assist
ing at Hip f oiitler oflliT
Will .Nixon left for Ueiruit
Ueiroi' ’last'
A. II. SOn-atn is oattlug In
line or basacir goods.
Mrs. J. Uruwn b> iMi tin' gal
Miss Lydbi ilmwii insde ___
business trips to Traverse City.

at MlLLffiEN’S
O^aU^wtera^ InI ,4aHs: worthapiefi.vo. lOT.’!*....' 09C

Kingsley Department

I Mrs. Jlirs .Mbrljd>l end Mr r. 1.
■ Poncr were united to tnarriace last
iTbundny cvealntt at tbe sroom's
‘home. Rev. r. Bridgewateroffitlated.
i Mr. and .Mrs.
S. amiUi were In
'atiendaiire. About one hundred and
I Oily gnesui were pieseoi. Usht refresbiueoM mere served. They have
the best w ishes of tbeir assy friends.
. Tile Cemetery aasoelstlob bud their
quarterly meeilog st tbe cemetery.
The atieaduBce wws siusll. due to
ralpy weather.
Kdwia Ctasufty made a Uuisess trip
to ilacklcy Friday last.
Mrs. A. n. Sli^n asd dauittatar
RUeu. Bl>o Mrs. Sam Nickerson and
daughter Pauline rUiied the grave of
Mrs. C. G. Niekersou at tbe Dowo
cemetery tsunday.
Mr». Crunk Ncisuii leti Baturdny
for Aun .\rtwr io bt
be treated at the
I'alverslty boaplul.. Her bruthcr. V.
tv. \Vll«)n. of Travel
iverse t'iiy. accotiipanl<-d her.
Kniiua Meiigel and Krod Artl were
liied In uarri’.igc -Siindsy noon, at
e borne of K<lw^
K<lward Flirlier. lUv.
SiulUi of lioaard '
' kmn.
jTlie relalivea and iiuniciHaK
ere the only guoste. II. t»i.y
,wife of Raatcr. witneeaed the .. .

PX0E 3, ^


lamllton Clothing Co.


Traverse City and Northern.Michigan To Shoe Up For Winter
Men’s $3.00 and $230 Slwei in
All Le%lhcn »nd aeveral sttW.
Wooea*i $3.00 Pre^ God Metal
QoAtop Quttoi
iittoB Shoes, newtii]
style tZ-iO
MeD's$2 50Ktog»ron C.» BetlowsToegtfC Woik Sboe.fl.97
Barnin *TBb1e^o. I. 33 pkin
Wooefi’s Shoe., were $400.
$3 30,$3«o4$2.30.Dowfl.4$
Btrtuo fabie No. 2. 48 ptirt
Missa'$2 end $1.73 Shoes »8C
CMdtea’sCood Rubhetf4iC
Misses* Co^ Rubbers SfC
Women's R<^ $200 Shoes.
Vid Kid. Bt^. PBieai Tiw,

Come In and see a BeanHtal
Line of High Cnt Work Shoes.
See our Near Water-Prool
Shoes. $2.50 to 17.09.



UaaiaaSShoe SiM El Tnvcnc CHy



Matbar Vslsaa
• to Moa tbo Moo of MBg,



♦ *On VOUA ENTCfITAiNMCNT ♦,!•# Ifcbtr -*—««. «T «atH Uw
dMT tram tho vu. &lr mad
Th« ImS erealagi or Fall hare r**** otter «Ula
FoV >■» Perhaps «oMaaktad wn aom bo
eoao. mad «ltk ibrm tbo dcaln Mr Mn or tnaiWrn
abio to larMt boamahoM^MacMawr,
ittUa caibertast Tbo toUo«Qalaor
couxi but aba c*n oeeoara^ work aloac
a of aa
—« partr U iromimi of tfataroa aad appio. ro« tbim Uae br bolag niUag to aecapt
I for olibcT a ap'ntbout partag.NMVlBg ebr atotua aod bm Ubor aatora. aara tbo Cbl0 boat, or war orrvo aa aad Bow eada. and oook la aator rago Rrcord-Hemld.
a }anr foatoro of a wdal BwUag M Co last oorer. aatll teador. Proas
Wetaoa vbo ar« oonpeUed to «wk
Mga. dab or ebareb sodotr.
tbronb a Moto^ add a poaad of aa»r tbo bardoat are tbo Uat to aoo tbo
lanodiatoir apoa tbo arrlral of tbo to a pint and a half of pulp, and sot prartteal aMo of awdora laroaUoaa.
Mid* deoolp albbled naadoor grass gnaata, a allp of papor eoatalalng tbo la tbo oroo oo cook dooa tiaUl tblc*.
otoetrlc traabor baa como to our
8bo opted a dalaf stUl uacropped; mgM ,»f tome aaUoaJ vaa piDAod
Coo oltber tbo «bote
Tbooo a-ater or bmiot

!«»• u«. I« OM
Tte wmsm wW> cUav to tb* oUMaMoaad hmbtt or -teoplac tUa»*u aaro to bavo a abavi Mmarberr
aaiooc bor poaroa.toha, aajm a boaooboM aacazlor. . Sbavto vrat to tbo
atUe mad
atororaon rnomal 4ocado* ago. ibrlr rareor of faabjoo eadrd
t\^ro caabmoroa moro la taak-kra
rtioir coat ranged tro» four or ive
buadrod tiollara to tbtoo or (nr
tliaoa aj aiuch. A goauloo rasbntero.
or Kambulr. meant the siradr work

.«n a. ar, ■
. urtlln Mtt
luM beTM* WiltiSC « «n7 M • MMhptxMf bag or box for Uw SaaiMcr. or
K ti u to bo )*tt oa tho ran. aa orcaaloBal mprartag tritb a aoaatalalag. Botb-4ostrorlag Uouid nil. *r*P
It nta.
FaahJoaod an daO#.
aolaaMa oookloa (bra^ “** e»wnow aa> for using soar
Add oao and tbreo (oortba MO•P®‘*fnta of aoda to oi» cupful of
^*** iboroughly; tboa

______ _________ _______
_____ ....... - »l»t boast bo.’oma roproooBllag. At ooobaK of tbo enroa of tbo Utter
^ . niiagle a woman be^ibr. and -oooo- panoraa. and lor »o lu «»*■•. «o teaapooatula Of gta»
Tbo toacb of color oa the
bill j tbo aae Umo. also, small booklets of fJoror nth wtlor and Mi until per
be bin
ipocislUo U a Utile borne la- bord.-r iho abswl bad aquarw and
Proa aatana karea br (roai Up» wfilto paper wore dlatrlbntod. tbo fortlr aqft. atrala tluoogb a doth, add
^ w*,wng bedding aad tat rocunglm of doth la white, black,^
fovora being decorated with a Teddy aa equal amoaot of sugar, aad boll
bermelf doing very little red, green ami blue. <«ch exqulaltdr
“«■ rtgbi «*•
Doslda Ibo way a IrIcUlog *1H.
Uor U a very fetching position.
Pour Into tumblera.• bard Ubor.
„ema better'ewbwWrred In allk.
1® diopj^atl#-f^ a ^wou.
-T - _It leUleo.
l,«t Bland in a toM plgco uaill tberP®"'
melted para(« rub out her life on the
Tlo.c bai only meHowed aod aoRcaUpon the door or ■a aide room bung
The old. awM ,
one baU .the

dablni of bard tlnuo ed the iM-auiiful Mora of a casbmere
j ibt oni- *“ I® ®®^wasbboard. tomidauing
i cote po*er i
mUture at a Uate oa a aUgklly tour- '
mala, 1»®
two by two. Marchltfk
idarchltfk into
Into the
Quince Haney—Pare and care
core roar
tear rather Ibaa give a little thought to
lo .abawl
u, Z--W ____ ________
Its artlMlc value Ucreaeea
ed board, and roU UgbUy to one
ew^ ^
A „
oirmUlng la large Utteim Urge autooee. irate them or ran them helping heraeU out of bor dlfAeoklca., every year, like that of a really goo^
paat-the dear, dead ^ oreaten Show on Earth.- Into through the food chopper. Make a
„ ^ ^
mg. Tb-, depth and rtchoam of lU (ounh «r
‘ an tneb in rblckMaa. Shape
.lui «•«.he.fc ,«
•«*“ ‘be gneaia were admitted la ayrup of one cup of water aad «ie
^ard when abe can work leas color make it espedally desirable as . , ,
lot oer ana oar rctocm back to me groupe. to flbd.rowe.
____ ______
Mcb lor
the add
_. the
"®®^ •
alNM •®BCi cMb
of amall
open cup of
.^d aocompUah
boxea standiag on end and atrang fniU and Ml for half an hour. Seal
wjuipped wRb tbit maehln*" anuilc a
Sronuh Crtapa ■ Beet one egg onwith eotd ■*®
to imitate
bar^ while
may —
be —•
bollw.llianglng «4
a io»«-r
hi wifcA > ' •

hHnn '
>“'*»“ the
“V Iron "CA
-•"<« hot The
•— paringa —.^^ would not be beneetb any wo- ,h,.i
i« ■
, .
- .
-------- -...........................................................
o( a (Age. In
in each box some
«>me animal Pd U a mUe
lllUe water until son.
aoft. and
aod the ^
®“ a____ i.i
J add
^ »or
for the lop of an
m. uprtgbl
um. ' pUuo. Be „BlS^ot^^
The foltowing U a Juice added WMbe boney white It I. to her
her income
manner for
for the
** ““
In thl. manner,
of a tai^nl
Uat of tbe animals used:
—Chrlauan Advocate.
ipor MM rM*N
% swptt aUfort fiwa ti^e ak
( tb^ Ina MMta) nlsa.

■iSrTiSiS' ...............................

uae. of tecki
tecka In a ii^IpTw^i^caiJ taHc.lM^dSS
oAe or two barMrr busboa In sour *®»>- «• <>«« <• ■®»»l
but- pUoe tbe fruit In a saucepan In alter.
J___ _ ___
Ing without the use.
Tbe morv proaperoua housewife Is
with a celUng of average .height,
almost aa loath to ac^i a new re- .„4 , w>UUag pUc«d at tbe uanal dU
«Mh® hoM® *»< tte • ®iNr untold treaaur* to you tor wUter
dm*-. If *te keens
serrani she
. -v!^vo'®® «»“' ^®Ht«®lr browned.
1Z::.S\SZ 'aLir'i^r'if •« «»«>• 1®«be letter E and to etand oVer nUbt. In the moming
^*^”*“** * •*“*’
move from the pan with a
of Ms
«4fe|»MMr’Md' «
awifc’bedge^^^oonnwrt^al^ a irteiui* of a aea-gullt.

pUce the saucepan over tbe Brv and
.n .h
J v^»d .1^, o U this «a> win reach amooibly down ^
as taken from tbe oven. Tlwm.**te imdge b, tbe country mml *de.
at^ct in be oew wa^
» to the piano, nnd be long mmurt tq
wAyySf bMbUd.^1 ^ at- • puaud Ung ago and left to grow
will take too much time to nee that
the top with the border Imag-'
bqtoo dwiwnls *
Home Cheor recalls one eoeb t®
ftWSSr upea iN «Ue. if Cba * bodge which grew by tbe road, la
TNtfiiN Abd-ckadraA lore tba ' f«“t of aa old, --------- - '— -----iZTMBr -«-w -tT u lti1^«« • MIMonnga and rrlinaoa barrlaa.
M •
t® O*^® the ebardi part
I uSr^te^ were «mSd Uto

P®r»» gueaxlng tbe moat correctly
«• PMeaM d.rUg Ibe evening
with a eoy noSed pig. which squeak•< U a mo* realUtJc ta*.Um

ple quinces. JXelgh aad put Into the
prtoerrlng kettle. Cover with water
and cook until tender. Take the tame bitcheu cabinets
qoin.hy oi . ncld pumpkin, which «~“®*

and e en

^ n, ^
proitcr ways a plain piece of red or black
®^ ’ bite cashmere, an . Ivory-Mted
. ^

^ awiU
dustleas floor mops and dusters and tran
or an etching
uJiabte. but a colored pittold'Su Md*Yral!?*’Now’*^d ‘b®
bnrsbm that ao thorough- be equally aultabte^ut
ot •
ly clean tbe comcni that bonseclcas- tnre mnai o,
tnstaaoe. nabearable. bnrdea-bearer. to ihe quince Its weight in sugar, and
lug U a dally, not a ycarty. task?
wben tbe sue of^c roodi
I pumpkin.
barMy; and so forth.,.. To tbe person , tbo wH
annoyed by -forsoiteo*'
the piano isI freqiiraiiy aet
a out from
^ «®«M present the tongret list In Jolco of ih.. akins and cores o. m.l------------------------—-------- ---------w^-tho Mle and
U* tcoree of fifteen mlnutee » small quInreA. wi.lro h»vo been w. li cook- have you thought fbat a bulletin board the wall ao that tbe back U risible,
iiilght lessen
the friction of .the
house- A shawl. .may
be used to cover the
Teddy bear was given.
ed aad aimln«J, cook slowly
l, .......................
After an exciting attempt, with the thick.
''*»nld It uot be easier \tu exposed bock. The piano back la
reqolre so UtUe.enie that tbere Ir bo
ret bkadtoiaed. to pin Ibe goafs Uil
An old housekeepor tells Home
“ '*•* Uioimj.u- thought In thus then a charming b.ckgrour.d for a
exceoe tor tboirw* being as
eurtanta. Laad- on In tbe proper place, ewry one was
,b,. »hci. rx-ripes call tor .dd‘be machlnm of the bouae- eeuoe. a low uble or a music cabia B.M
gardenme have diMorered tbeir t®l®
“- original limerick re- ing the «u«ar ih-fore twoking. the bold tb»o to con«anQ.v follow up the net.
--------- —t® »ri‘®
---------------------- ^and they
bbA „p. boBBBWlfe ahould avoid this aud cook "o'’bei» to see that tbo Usks are not
m a library a divan SUs tbe aU
nre growtag to- Mtlng
y- ppart of the even- ,he quluees Ore; in water until ih-y f‘
feet of spece between IiTd bookcases.
4ay la a nomber of yards In Traveroe iMsnted In tbe oarly
__________ _______
e rend
do get tender, otherwise the
®"'f> department of tbe bouse- and a shawl is bung against the wall
City.' tbo AdalratlM
of all________
paasers I**- TbuM were
read during tbo parW-’"ndre~Ai« -KT-T excellent ways'lbtifBB ®f ibe refreshments, which quinces wlU be very bard and tough, bold eliiuioaic all unnecessary Uklu behind the emch. The upper e^c of
I ndiAf. familiar to ^ p.»p«rt»y ^Im^b for tbe dining «®MMd of (tea. animal cracAera. jbls bint la. worth remembering.
and hlnipllfy the reiualnlng one^. To the shawl baa a eirip of canvas tx-wed
DAT obUdbood. Wbick tableand «udy In the abagV of bornea and
be sure your pictures. pUtca. bric-a- to it. and t^cks are driven through
I m to point A morel and
otbar anlmaU.
Every win-a Favorite Daaaart.
brir and furnlahlBgs are aitracUvr. this, bolding it -weeurely. Covering
*®**®* •'moo nnArnrs os oaroemes
• ..i«<»ra.i
of photofuaurd u.i.
eggv. twtriblrj. i_..
but >...
has ycur snmhome a
cluttered ••<.<
and the
the sihb
strip of
of esnvss
cgnvss is
Is aa row
***!??' a»d tie thorn la dainty duotoro to
WMb tbo Qwifico.
cupful of'ougwr. one pim of milk, a crowded aspect? A man could not graphs of famous sutooa
• ot onana w anr nraa. ,^Botb bfto of wood about tbo length
w -X
.E .....o.
Oglneoo.-Take ripe qulncea. aahspimnfol of salt, a dash of grau-d ronduci business la an office clat^e^
A shawl ns-d Mapsmiere baa
0» tkt down, and
harder usage than one hung flat
•irlB A nVt 'We WMVO a ^
**” pack
’•'* them
‘®*“ In
*" nutmeg.
““‘“e*- Ik-wt
»b-wt the eggs witu
with the s.i
su od as vomc homes arc.

"”*..** »» aaithcn baking dish. Add one.aa the Halt. Sllgl>il) warm
Wspooscss yourself of tbe Idea that ■««'“« ">® *»>'•
t* MR 4ay. and It harwiaa
with two parti*?”
of sugar
half cty> of water, aad bake In a mod- ,i,h milk and stir,an logethir. l-oiir all tbo anirtes one mrsi-iB.-i most aircngtheoed before it Is pul op. Time
1 a rich cruKi. u- on (onitani exhibition. Begin at ®®d ««*»»
r with grnied nutmeg. pUi-c lincc to put uws' M>tne of the furn- »-® frwKH*- that they need to be pracII and remove uMuga xnS wb.n the hyme has aa<® *
~____ ^
---------------------------------------------------------aa aoon aa uic me i. set. 1X> iwt Id suiited a .pacluus air begin to be sat- "i®
• Mklng. but
Jtoi^ naxi uay.
oprtakling'tbom liberally wKb cogar ,hR cuaiaid bor
Ite cntkal ot what 1. left; • “™cotton, abrnoken. will be
I « aikt tbroagb
-- r”
pour Ih. 10«
„jo, . I... tud.™.
'“'“■•W ’JMnathm of meat and >jeHy i^lefa la
so perfectly deUctoue aa 1
I mad wild
duMi or qwaii or PArtrMge. Strange
a to sny. this la n Mule known fruit
Bl-a ^ boshas are so «a*ty grown, and.

_ ______ ______
^7k^nd meft*'lMrtb'is7p'7uh toe bu»in”'M,--\7u''7ni'hr vwr'vi’siuTo
cf«s and augar. add the K*t and toe various hom.-s m>d .hops, find wroic
rroi of tbe mflk allgbtly warmed. pi« ,bat win m Just your m-e-lr and
.. .
n.«.r «U. . ,„,|»oniul <» .Mill..
I?™ ?
ti« m« tot. It. „„ „ tootor totoi trutoto. to,, .dd
u,„ .
,r„.d .itb .
To omke aaio toot too oMp la In ^ aynip. Pour
a rich cua7nd tAhr'toe Mme as” cusiar.l rally'll''!7r,7eXM "d^T
........../- too riebt oobdltom. dip.a Mt of wood lard made WUb
wUb tbe
toe yolka
,o.m. of
o. tore*
mree or „h-. when
When ro!d
cold cover with a mrrinmerln- ^e^h
the off. .-, o
ot dme^at
dlffereut roors
rolors. OnL?"y *T.**^^?-***,****“. into too boOlog Mrup od tooa
mm tofMgb o Maw of
» tbe tores cups of milk, and onctoalf
Lemon lle^Tbe Jutee ot one lemo"..
S).r^.urviases ..o rug. c-plum
«LlMy W.lNt A beeoled sugar abouW
““ bo bard aad aAappy. Ba- spoon of altnood extrnct. Ix-t
-ar^te^.lv all” nilV
Ml oAtekM'A ny of uAB- tors IN atrap gate qulta'coM aUr It very cold, tben-heapon top a merln- one large eSpluI of Mgar, hutter.hrsiae of a walnut two tabte-poonfuls
..itod,.Ai ,or»ihrr ..i*A H®ry 4000 -doAdAff
too aldo of too paa with .goo made of tbe wbl.ea of two egg. of flour, two eggs, one cupful of h«
por^ thet give the rtf.-c. of a
PArapooo tm
-........................................................... woter. 0-0 Mtspoonfu. of oaiL Mix ZJ'Z.Tn.' .UU .:! ronvenday
- rZ »?’*** ^ am Dip In toe fruit, torso or four powdered ougaj
sugar. Garnlob
‘°P toe flour with salt and sugar and udd
,„j, owdi thr K--.„to
vi-h the butler
* bABcbaA atattme.oAddrylDaolew wtib preaervod Cbetries and aciwe.
^Maniy \m o«as maa
Mailmntea asniin nil wtth
wftb Quia
CO Taploco—Cook
n cup of up iMrttiv and whh the Juice of the
NMN .kMtoB vtaga.;
whh of
furnish^ n with curtain
I give a
a tARboga toco In water ubiM ctear. and thick ,emoa'and a liute of toc-graied piel.
ftr-fM-at—- -1..-___ ^
vmmMwm «•> Mieiina.w. k oRtoalgltlty.
aa Jtffly. Add a-gtt to UBie. aod together with a capful of hot water pote-t. as the vhopa arrange the.r
Barbony Ja«y-«ek
the bar- «aw wlto Butmeg and temon Jolee. .nd a ptnch of aalf. add to toe be«en wardrolH-s. eacu
,, garment on a «-par
Mly-PIdt over

bantaa. BAd woah than, imt
TbaA place it la layera In a b-tterad ^ TbU can be baked with two f '

/ ^.*y ***"**^ *^
ketUe. ABd to every b®M®f ®Ub with chopped preaerved
or wl.b one with a meringue ^'‘77 .^7 ?“r *IiI hot
^!«C tolBM M aa saaBy oe«Blrad
allow three Vtineta. Cover wlto a mertaguc. ^ j^p
plBta of water. OBd OBo doaen mnir brow« aUghUrin toe oven, aad nne
appIc He-Sl* .art apples, one cup'.’It .*r*"
toctlro «lb Ite deb o^r «d aporkl- then ndd tbo qnlncdi. pared. roretL
L wNa nJ!^l^ to
*«“ »“ • *1®"
^ R*W*«W ^ *-SWJ alruB that baa tOAClMa tbe crwrkllwa^ .l«>b ••
lAvm~- _t>s
-«M1. MUM U
*•“' “ •>“™“ !*>'"

**“•* oaia may be maed:
the cun may be BlUd with AredA Jelly roil Is being broagbt to Ibe
f**™ of OblU'lon. Heal tbe yolks at tour «
vntU thick and lemoo coloied. and
add gradually, while beating conaUn*.one twpful of fine grassUied auBad ocei
beet two miaoice:
mlnoica: men
Ibea aas
,h,„ tabteapoontola .of cold ^tsr.
Bnd tme half MbteapBoAtole
©f rorn ajarc
aiarcb in a cup. aod SU Ibe'
flour oncq Mfied.
.nd Boar
coe and one fourth teaapoow^,1,
baking powder mM oat (oertk
. teespoonful of salu Add to Ibe
njlxture. tboi add ibe'whlM •(
eggs beaten until stiff and AM
,^Bpo(,„{ul or Igmon extract. BpreuB
,,eiil} in a whallow pan wbJeb baa
bouetud and flourud. and bake
jb a gmerate even
Roamvo from
the pab to n cloth drodgad wftb «oafeetloneTa- augnr. SproaT^ltb enr^at Jelly 'which baa Iwau beaten
w1Ux.a fork uiiiU it wOl oproad avsAjly) or raspberry Jam. Mm oC tbo
sides and ends of tbe cake with a
gn,fB ,tor tbo cruMy penioos
would eaoae tbe roll to brook), ond
,^ii „ quickly ao poaaiblo. CW la


a this way.
il of butter la the c
it Is to b.- uaod m a door csruln. duh. add ooe-tourth cup of
0*® tonifying foundation mn« be con- pulp, one-.'ourib toaopOM d oalt aad
‘•J’ “ "®‘®*
®» • »“•«>
P®PM- Whon Ul* bo..x.o.
mII hraaalahOog
eauvs's in
in .I
browAlabWed nr
or olive gins to Ml add too eboeoe and aUr
The rotor cboaen »«t be’ateadll, untU M I. iBMUd
subdued and nearly neutral.
amooto. Add toroofourtbo of a cup
'«•*» ‘*®‘« -“1* »•• ®«»• The tvlorlng l> richer ov.-r loaalAl bread, -nvero may be
«“® <*««® ®f
*®'®«® ®«1 «•«
topannlng. It is usually wiser to add
«"«» ooe^blrd teaspoonfol of ooda dlaoolv.
-llllcd iwlbie' made sltould previ-w any sepacatlng.
In ircotUnd in iyiltetloB of wbmetes
The Geuaifte Anlcio-Wo are subThe finer urban.ica say. a comribotor to tor
grades reprpdu.t
. i-anre-re and Ludifs' « orld, and durtt« toe raPbtt
pattern* .0 .ell .hat on.j ,..,*on ate genorously nppllod wtth
an eaix-rt
exiH-rt can
cwn det^*.
dei^rt ibe difference, bunnies. Uy boaboad always Ufced
. but no; so chef i
»‘"'P > '"r '«»">• u"til l cocteed them
'* ‘'= ’=' "tor being clcanacd and

! tcaapoonfal of clanamoa nr
™,™ one ublcspoonful of
.1 water.
’ C ' :
-Vo-.i.a iw-i. . Xi-I-lUniu., .l.n, i.
aoft. um.
then u™
luni ino
Into .
a Ml,
J*ly h..
bag aad ,WPPX
vhipged o-n.
r wiih avl-ai»l«-' paTlefo. fresh «-cld -a-.t-r sr.d placo o»or toe
■ H drip, belag very (Arotul act to
‘W»<* Pte.—Une a deep Ptote wtth
,pp,„ god place
plcm-jr*- am) i..iivtnk-ncv
flpcnd'9 Is foar-d
V fUj.l !:k. lu-> U beat fire Just hTlvrt- ir fL-acbea toe Mll.tla tot ■ototrs aod boom aquatM It or the JHly wOl not be P«« P«tr- Proae through a colander
I plate lined
; 'Itrlr .
_ over the cupful of sugar
___ aod
kept a- .iR an:tl.- of Uns*. thoogit a Ing
*dd a good pineb of boUne
rtgaa wato aaakaa to^ eteur.
B*1 the Juice twenty ____
minutes. ®d® cup of qutoce pulp, add one^iolf Spriekte
mm toMBMBAa pRi abut la. aklm aad'luoanrorTo'ev'^ rop’of cup of augar. the wcllboateo yolk, of i^'ue'ab^te with'toe boitc7iddln?
c^v^yed u. great ad Kwto. and af.. a few minotea droi-.
wm mm «. aou to Jalc
«oo geaoroua cup augar. two ogg^ and one enp of milk. Fill
diimmon or oatmeg and 'h,
* r n *

■Mft tNT ago atolto Boll uifl It JMMaa. which will aong- toe plate wlto too mixture, aad bake. t,Me.pocBful of water last, mver 7*‘
®f » r.hbi: again *nd put ou with .freb
--------- fMakI and aaakoa It Umoa take thirty minaiea. Four late '^tiP toe ot tbe eggs to a
cram aad bake in a mod” ,.7. . 771.7 7
umffted onioo two
M la oUMC rNotag Pretty twmblorw. and oRor throe or (our days stiff froth with two- uMeapooms of ^rato or«i from twemj-fl.c to toiny "7 7: .J 7" 17
TT- .7L7Komsn .fr^p-whawls once bad great .q-.,.’,.,* leave, and a teaspoonfa:
JffM^kt’cover whh paiwaugar. M»*< ®»‘®r toe pte and browacir in the bumoros of hourekeepin
ti»-j .cte not cuaily s* ,;
dto:n,.-r fill gun# lender, rv\5. •

Prrbrt^ OAd »-<-«- PreMrvrit- Ugbtlv*.
the dJfO- rompaicl votb. a ewahmerr. and bo* mot. tb'-^i<-a>. roll In egg and cracker
yHitoir Bad a bgggy way
There are many iblnga that can bo
Mtuifed Qoloeoo.—Pare aad core tbo
gavteg FitloaeCaats.
many of .hem have been ptmctt.^ .
and fr^ in bet botiar. Browra
■^doNff ATOiy giMr thing.
, -added to barberries to tatproro Ibelr frolt obote. aad j»Uee In a deep dish
pUk,w<a>es of pillo*
■*-4,’"=“"-' ‘
f'sht a; rror. the dtepm. TIi.t arc *» and » urge .,n;..<pooi.fBt of flour la toe
/ffana-, but act^ more aaUafactorv with oao cap each of woier aad oagar..
iBbln,. mc. New York woman *“®‘’
strtotnx in rolonns and some of tocn.
mid the sir*u-d ateek
9^ ibadAM ■oAltBl doodicto thaa-ateo laywr fwteisa.
These awy POl too corftteo wilb chopped nutabegin to gvt thiu tn tbr
Siri'.- ?o make the houchoid
a arc geouimly beouiKol
^Roman ;or gravy
U added acoordhig tr U*e. Toe "N ralaUis. rover, dhd hake nniU ten- njggjB. i rip tbe closed end and lew «v>mplc«* l-uslnra* systent-oaca dc- stripe shawl may be used to * por- ,
l-gkdB. a bit of Maa.
aoro mlalas toe tltoer wlU be tbe dar. S« oa tee to cbllL tboo aene ,^1., obanging them so tbe creased partmen; complete in iuclf
n Mr n-;i
All udd tdiaw la are entirely too d. It-----------------------m mar •*
preaervo. No augar toouM ^ alM- wMh wblw^d cream beopol <m lop of
^ ,hB pmo*<a,e will now br
women er, c.rver rboagb and
A Good Forottufa Roliah.
■agNo AT too sky.
rd IW too nJoino. A very alee cs«- earh.
the mhldte of nbe flat side. This sboald pe:^lMrotly hu-jt labor savers cafr 10 be used aa oouto covers.
though many of them bare come w
A good tuniltsre poUab. wblcb
Bad*, taaffaaa twin ao- eoetloa U oryrirad by allowing a ylpt
Q-lace Mold.—faro toe qulacea aad
,b« tbit plaeoa to toe outer o»i« the bousework iv reduced to
of atfipped barberffto to a pound of eook until tender, prew through a
*6*,, tbero M Mute or no mlDlmam
Taro tbe servant cteii toetr umlmriy end through such gives a soft olb flnlsb to fhratturr
would br the one to get worried. Just oaage. Tbey arc Uw rarv and bear- and woodwork la made of one aeant
- f \
rslalBB. Be not opoU tbe burberries eolaader. and add eugu end any flav.
__________ ____
os toe Iwbcriv mu is bactentag fo «fol tor rough handling- They wn»t dunce of linseed oU. oAo (uD OABce
1 apAA too ipboroo by too mtteb eaoktag; It (oadera them oriog doalrod.
then Into tbe hot pulp
Prevent Foitt en Collar ttanw.
get anxious about toe machine tak- be looked over occostonally u a pre- of torpenOue and toree-founba of an
AA Mof ABd Wada: saody. If yc« waat toe very boat boot tooroAghly oat eav-ekipo of minIf yii6"baTea dark cellar, pointthe lug the pUce of bla haada la
tbe rautlos agalaat motoa.
ocnce of elder vtnagnr 6baka it no■aaay wlag.
reouha otroto tbo berries ac* cook- ute gtooUae. aad pour lam a mold
Set la o eoM place last of tbo ateps loading to It white. bustaoBa world
If a moth, or a fjace of a moth is til tbo.-v»ughJr mixed. Thou rwb tbe
A( ffgbt nad ahada M aad Add too Juice onl.v to tbe w«t la ooM
Ktoc mixiBre. allow It
BhBwj should be t
Tbe time will come U we will let U i - .•i------ AA MaI aad pUa: iwlalaa wUto toonW bo aOewed to to boidsA. and aerra wlto whipped. Thia win
might prove aertoM.
If you prefer, when aaodern devices aad eoBTaelen dowa. eatrted out-of-doora. brushed, to stand a abort. Umo aad P®Uto ft
bouae- and soaked for a few salontes la go-- w*l with a io«. dry flon»**o»b.
too bartaarlaa a UCUo a ottaa tor «Meo JML—Paro tbo quinces aad an ol^ pteeo of ewrpot. double thldk- arrungameat will make the
crater, 'add acaa. may be placed here to dtedn- keeper ladependeiw at too eervabt eilae. U must not be wrong o« ocr This Is exerileat oMo for wlgtog A?
iMid to ton pa* wdlaary oaaeo. This poMarra wlO caau tom on
torna-fowtoc oj g pound * xbc» W r-iilb toe lo-.w jtep
t»« ctocr. pr bta
:«wl. tr. hsn.: ;sreto to dry- !« u rrtotoaJ
IIIII9 llM. Nto toMMIM*




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