Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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yfiA :

and Travaraa





riMLiimDai PAID



Cheleu Bank Was to Better CcndiUeft Than Suppeeed.
aalBC. Nor. 23.-«ut« TtMsarer
Sleeper teder unoonced the pa)-neBt
o( flftp per cent dividends ol SU5.0MI
nninercial deposlu or the defunct
SUto Serlnsi bank at Cbelsee. also a
dividend of 81H per cent, amonatlns
to |40M>8 on the aaflDS* deposits.
This final dividend shows the aSalri
of the Olaller bank to have been in

Party of Three Drought Each Two
Fine Deer From Upper Pentoaula Hunttog Trip






Explosion of Hot Air Blew Front
Glen Haven. Ml.-h , Nov. 25,—The APPOINTMENT8 OF FOFE FHH
Door From lu Hinges Into
schooner Hackk-y. loaded with ikuuWERE CONFIRMED TODAY.
went ashore on South .MutPuu
island last night. She was reloaeed
The •'Three Dutchmen" - bunting
The resldeace of C. A. Hammond by the steamer Crouse. asslsie<i by tbe
party, consisting of Louie luuier.
5 Washliigion street was juirtiallv South Manliou life saline crew,
Leopard Clapp and Cua .Veumau,
destroyed by fire about * o't-lock Moii- is leaking a little, but not ollirrwlse
have reUirned'from the L’pper Pentouday morning, tbe names surung In danuute-i.
here they had splendid success,
ihe'basemcDt from tbe furnace pipe
each seenring two deer. The Urgest
leading into tbe cfalmney-and from
Collcgt Caniists c( 1 hirty-Thrat Ital
of the kx was shot by Mr. Oapp ud PreparetiORS Under Way to March on there swcotong up tbe tuHc stair­
ans and Thmy-OM Fafalgaar%
Pekin—BorrbardMnt Began
It weighed 3C7 pounds. The uUers
way Into ibAipper wtory, and through
. WlltbaOlvMiaATMeday.WeteeeE«rty
lh« Elactian of
of IhU deer are the tpost
the paiirtitloD* to the different rooms
mr md Thwradiy, Nev. U, A,
Italian for HaaB.
large of uy ever bMUgbi to this city.
of the house.
Mr. Clapp also killed u fine black
Rome. Nor. 2T.—Ntoetasa mw «arToklo. Nov., JT.—of a
bear, wM^tog about 2W pounds. Thir
.linals were elected at tbe escret ooois the bear that chased Mr. Lautner conference of foreii^—^ploDiats in -vor tbe fire. 1
Resistad-Sheriff and Oepi^tos WHh aisiory held in the raticaa today, ra­
nnrl half acroM tbe i'pper Peninsu­ Pekin, seven imn-lreit troops will leave i-rackllug of the flamea. ,Sbe avakShot Gun and Woundad Cm
the •eleciiObs by tba pope.
■■mm «C the Tnverae City Board
la last winter. He ud Mr. Clapp fol­
in the Battle.
Will Remain Here WCtti
WCth '
The appointments are always approvcation found the ba<-k tart of the
at rmu 4m .he ilven on Toeadair.
lowed the animal on this'trip about gation and cocipilar Earnsoas.
H. Remceer in Charge.
Uisbops Falrouto. Fartey aad
Wedneaiy and Thnrsdar, Novetnber
Sbangabai. Nov. 2T.—The Tebeto hous^ ablaze and the smoke rapidly
10 days, finally acblevtog wncceaa.
Cadillac. Mich.. Nov. 2h.—A
Or-onnell are tbe tbrM Amertcaas
flllinx the fro^ rooms. Stepping to
SI. a ud W. 'ttlaM bad weather
It will be ruieabered tbet while have captured iiqrt of the city of Nan­ tile teiepbone be summoned the fire der w-lih a real wild west tetttog. and elected to membership. Tbe eoUegs
In cue at thU conUnliuniing last year several miles from kin toda*. following a desiwrate bafwhich made a quick rc^ luch on the order of a wild west of cardinals is now composed of tblrtypMbcy.lho datae vlU he extended and
camp, this bear espied Mr. Lautner in tla. Tbe town will be pra'ilcally des­ sponse and soon had- sireunis playing ;raro. took plara early Wednesday three lialtona .and Iblrty-one forolgiitbara wars bat three dlvlslont foi
troyed. The bombardment has been
arly there win be five after December the woods and Immediately entered bir
le^g at the home of Aaron Q. Buff- era.-making certain that tbe next pope
the fire.
lerriOc. Perpaniilons are under way
This ehinse was made In order obleclion to a trespasser. Mr. lAut
bam, three tnllee from Temple, Clare will be lulian. FOr tbe Aret time la
I macrh u]ion the capital.
Just a* the 0rob>en nrrlved Mrs.
to better the aervice on all the divls
ccutily. up the baiiki, of the
the United Stotea U adequaUHammond.had
Nankin. NoV. ST.—Tbe first gun of
ont hanker after more acqllaliioM and to lessen the chanM for .ae>
river and in a lonely lounir)'. Duff- Lv reiiresentCd, b
serious injury from a |,e<'Ultor cause.
•m is 1
ddents In the future. Tbe new diria' once, iberefcTTe tnk bis departure and the •bouibardraent of Nankin was fired
haul was killed and Sheriff Hogan of i■l(•luJtog t'ardtoal QlbbpoA with tbe
gave Aral aerial exhibition ever seen at Tt3« o'cloc-k yestMday. A fort She bad just atein-ol out of the iron', Aiiaiiinsa. Iowa, wax severly wound- three Just elected.
lou will be as folhxn-a:
1^ 'the lut taw smuha. win arrive
about a mile to the north oin-ned bos door vfjbn the fiorch and closing, it
liepuiy Sheriff Fred Green of
Grand Raplda-Tbe Une from Dc- ill I'pper Peninsula wooda with Druin
The conaleiory conAnned tba apbehind her-started to go ^wn the
Ittm Chlease today. Andrew Smith,
close second. After some minutes iMlilea.
Clare was with Hogan and waa not poinimcnu of AusUlary Btobop Baity
QMt to Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids
steps when an explosion oeduerc'i in
fieentaHI by r W. a Oi
The l<o
to Chifsao, Allecan to Pentwater by that seemed hours, the fleeing hunter
of Detroit and AnxlUaTy
Id by the aviator.
u without Inicmipreached camp ud the bear thoughi
Of Grand taplda. /
’ *sntvad laat BisbL The aviator. VanTbere is an unconfirmed re|>ori
terminals at Detroit Grand Rapids and discretion tbe better part of xaiqt
«la UdwlA «H)
Chleaco, car ferry at Detroit; F, Htrl- ud escaped. Mr. Lautner ca^prave that 800 imiwrlallsts have beep kill- Had she Itngi-red In front 'bf tbe dour
the cause of yesterday's tragedy.
en soperlptendent W. J. Long this U the same hear because he pick­
Tbe two officers arrived at the Duffmoment she would nave bwn struck
. Tka Board et TtBla avtaUas com-! dirltloa engineer and practicnllr the ed a broken tootb.out of the rear pan
(oigHBOi;. Nov. UT.—West river to
barn home at 2 o'clock In tbe afterami injured.
■Mu ars baay today- maktns tha:
of hfa clothing whu he got to .ramp saarming with pirates, and traffic
oparating euff.
noob and were greeted by Bulfham 8eifnce Department of
When the fln-iuen arrived and saw
I sad dlapoawhich
Club Carried Out lirtaft
pleasamly. all patties being well
Saginaw—Line from Ludlngton
MiTfl tfcUM which wfll admH tha;
seriouBly im|«riled. The ste^ship what a Stan the fire bad Chief Mur­ known to each other. Sheriff Hogan
Frogram Friday.
Toledo', Sagluw to Port Huron, ter* bear brngfat home.
cemiiules aro xruatly alarmeST ud ray had box 14 imlled to bring out tbe expUined that he had the necessary
mlnals at Saginaw. Bay Clqr. Toledo,
of the dejartmenu By fast work
( wQl be .made,
considering the susiwnsion of their
The Science Department of tho W»
papers to lake Buffbara back to toots
Plymouth Ud Baldirtny superlnteDd*
tbe firemen succeeded in coufinlng the*
a wm he ditpoeed of to the k>service*,
was ropreaeotad ,«a tba
ent A R. MerrtdL
file to the rear part of the building
I and othara In qauUpro^ent with armed <re*B.
land deals nnd for lumping Ms bail program ^iday. and tba girattlB
Buffalo—Lines eut of the Detroit
which was all ablazc*ahii the flames*
.«■-------------1,tb«r oan ba given <mt tn
Vireat indignation bas beeif aroused
b-,*nd last fall. Uuffham said be want- study <rf beallb was dtoeuwai by
coming out of tbe roof. Tbe (urviture
mUrfitiam u they aee fit All that and St Clair rivers ud the llnee In lehTgh valley steamer
by the attack by iHrnies on the UrlUsh
go to Clare and consult n law- Mrs. F. G. Dnrfee. leader of tte 4ay,
in one of tbe bedrooms up uairs
H.lMiBrit w« be ivt auagh to pay the ‘Thnmb'* .district; W. K. Tasker,
Mn. N. L. Chapman, and Or «8lf
s:oamsbip Sbiuon a few days ago.
I to tbe suffliccnry of tbe e
t with hiadqnarters
destroyed together with that In
tho Mlul mnrn eC the exhlbltlou.
Aground On West End of North when-Clile( OffUer Nicholson was the kitchen, the other damage to the dllion |>siwrs and excused himself long Chase The snbtecu ' wqra. “Iha'
tM| itfB be « two <9Ponaalty fv Port Hnron: WUliam^Maddee. dirtsmurdered, ud the people are becom­
enouito to rbpngc his clothes and went Sclrnce of Prolonging liffc'
Manitu Island In aadly Ea.
furniture was (onfined -to what was
fMJiiii Oty ud the
of Prevratlon," aad “Cwotet that
ing clamorous for lulerveiillon of
Into the kitchen.
peaed Peaitlen.
ilniie by the w-aler.
' froth Grand Ledge to
• kind lo |iul dou-n the towless ’
After ten minuU-s the sheriffs bc- Aid or Hinder Health.- Baeh tople
Ifi urthera hflchl- Big Buide ud Freeport to .Saginaw;
An Miniate of the damaite done to
was admirably bandied, aad tha
Glen Hai;e< Mich, .\ov. M,—The
J. B. Oiarcb auperintendut V. E. Uhlgh VaVey steamer Seneca
H-e house and furniture has not been
terse. pracUesl. dearty doAnod ntai
and i*c« rcd Into tlie kitchen.
I- but-It will lx- large and is cut
m that U the Dnean..dlrialon engineer.
axbore on the.west end of North ttanfor right tbloklng and right llrW
At that luoiiient a doubtobarzel aboi
Idne from Grand Rapids Itou tolud. She to out one foot for
presented In aueb term as lo
wMIber ii ut tu atorwy. exhtbithns
bold Ibe abaorbed attontkra and laiNB be ^tim ds the dnee naioed. to Petoakey ud Muskegon to Big Ka- rard ud three foot afL Tbe vessel
tereat of everyone preML
AMI tho wwfhW he bod. the datee ptda; W. H. RomoMr. anpertotendent; to resting euy at preseuL toit she is
Raynolda. dirtaton ugtneer;
Then (or. fifteen minutes there vus
■■•Bo «dlnio4 ood noverse City
badly exposed position. The SHERIFF 8HUTER BROUGHT PRIS­
Tl*e regiuar bnsinea ■earion preeodONER FROM CANADIAN
fuslllado of Khols from.bolb sides of ed the program, at whleb ttone tha
uB Iho «wro«MB« ooutry wfU not beadqnartere at Traverse City.
wind is changing to northwesL mak
R. M. Johnson wm be ing her position a critical one and
, WItOS.
hh,iUMi*«m The oonpany which
I- Wss Held at iKe'iiaitiiiun. tlic three n^..engaglng familiar Club Woman's OoUact waa
located to DetrolL W. W. Drew of very dangerous.
in the shouting an.l over a dozen shou read by Mrs. J. K. Baato, proaldaBt
L6nc Tine School House.
Pan of Joiirnsy Was Through Trackbeing
by toith sides,
Travetw aty to wit- the Petoakey divlstam. wtU come to
of the orgauirallon. and a brtaf l»
leas Forest Piloud by a
The sixty fifth convention of the
S« of o modern, uw- Grud Replds end there wifi be othen
Ocra,iuaiilly the men got glimpses icw of the General Federation BnlNative Guide.
In tbe different divisions.
Garfield and Lung I,Ake school, asso- of each oiiii-r. Hugan was shot In tbe letln was enteriatolngly given by Mrs.
whldh wlU be
the Mo^bdeo of 0 terse Infiutry in
thigh ami in the face, one eye l>qing K. U Hughes
Sheriff Sbuter returned last nliibt
IMi Mr. oM on they reonlre'te Just
Robert Lowrie Will Again Engage in from a tbousud mile trip Into the re­ house was well attended. The meet­ severely injured. Ruffhsm was shot
Tbe music for tbe afteranoa ooaShowh to pay the octnal expenses.
gion to tlie vicinity of i-ake Nipla- ing was called to order Jiy ibe presi­ through the arm. the same bullet en­ aieied of two vocal aoloe ddlgbUnl«te wm ut cxeeed filOO or |CM.
slng. Onurio. a'here l>e went to tiring dent Ruhert Barney and the folldw tering Ills chest- lllood ooied from ly rendered by Mias Btbd Glbbo,
Robert l.«wrie. who recently sold back John Donker of Mayfield town Ing i>rugram carried out;
«tem It te glolod that GadlUae -made •V APPLES PRODUCED IN WEST­
U|is. but as often « fats rnomles -Ashoo at Her' Laulce," ban tba larrayer. C. H. litotes.
his fruit farm to Dr. Carrow, will ship who to wanted here on a charge
< • liMrwt ter u letopteae exhIMUu
showed up bo shot.
dian Love atory, “On Cbelaa lUw,ERN MICHIGAN
Ilecitatkm. hldna Youker.
again engage to frnit farming. He of abandonment. The lrl|> was a
$m SUM M eu be nadily aem that
Witb MUs Jessie Bronaoa at tba ^aSong hy members of Silver Lake- Finally Uuffham staggered to a
tkte.Mr te TSfT fortanata indeed. It Fewer Varietlec Exhlbited et CWcago hu purdbued from Barney Ander long one tbrongb a wild country but
and ' A Perfect Day." by Mtoa
cuuch and fell across it. ilogan and
of land nut of tbe city ibe staeriff brought back bis man. and Sunday school.
ym emtertoute ter OadiUac that the
Era Ruaser. with Mtoa Lain Saxtoa
Than at Grand Rapids ApGreen
Address on Mission Work. Mra.
which to to be aet out To trees next this morning took him before Judge
Mr UMiUtlnn was let down by
tbe piano. ^
pliyshian. iiuffliam gave chi
pta Shew. “
I and the people
George Curtis who bound him over
fired there lini>-s more at tlie retreatAnderson hu acquired, alto
Kecitatipn, Ida Crain.
■ the circuit court
rn. It was tl.en that Ilogan was
Secretary John I. Gibson of the de
Song hy members of Silver lAke
gather, 4S0 acres of good fruit land under'(l.t'uu t>oii-l» which lie bas not
the sboi that will rutn his eye­
vekipment bureau retuned last night
which he Is clearing ud selling off furnished.
from Chicago, where he attended the
Dinner and soda] hour.
III' small tracts. He bas already sold
land show. He reports that there was
Tbe trip occuple<i nine, dbys time,
Uuffham returned to his couch, Officcre Were Elected and liMaltad
Devctlonsl s.trvices led hy C, H.
11 pieces, upon which there are
in tbe apple Une
all of which was s|>ent in iravlel. Estes.
iiuiikly lust luOM iDUsnesH. sod two

a mea who aro-te Buntactare the the show that was not distanced to 11.000 trees growing and more to be Four days were siieni on foot throusb
hi.iirs later be died.
Reading by Fred Fall.
set out His plu is to sell tbe lud.
f Smith angina, that there will be many ways by.the display
tbe trackless fore>t on the way to
clear it. ud set It out to trees ud
kedtaiton. Lena Kaviirh.
mt. as tbay hart enr Grud Rapids show. The largest
and from tbe luml>er camti in which
Address, Rev. W. J. Coates. deliver It to the buyer when tbe trees
llayai u aviator with u a
of varieties .shown in uy one ex­
Donker was working. The laM i<oint
One of tbe prize recitations given
I for akiU and dartng who. hibit at Chicago wu eleven, while at are to bearing. >lr. Anderson
in tbe vicinity of the ca\ur <l‘Xt could 1 the Bay City ronventlun was given
m to give tha axhibi- the Grud Rapids apple show the Uevea that when be has sold off all be reached liy railroad wa.« Trout
by Jessie Kilpairirk.
these Iracu. It will mean
Creek, where Sheriff Shuler disem­
Western MIcblun Devetopment buTraverse City thu a great factory
-An inspiration from tbe V'*'*
Atthoagh the time te eomewhal reu had sevuty-eeven varieties on as muy of the purchasers will bull! barked and -procured a guide w ho iiil- venilon by Mrs. Ilohbe.
oied him (luring the four days trek
The Mtcbigu trnlt was also
ghovt to adverthm in the
Uolley reraiv^ this
KeciUllon by Mable Creenoud more onto the lands ud esial>Tbtojiart of tbe trip was through one
hoaatry. poeteia wlU be eut by tail of a moefa finer qnallly thu that llsh pertnanut leaidehces.
Tbe collotlon amounted to II.SO ing another addition to bto world faV- *■
of the. roughest- iiarts of the north
Nad affwts all ateag the Unaa enter- shown ftpm the west and tbe arrange­
blch added to the t;.2S already inj-n«His-collectia| of -flags in the sh^
country and. was »ery slow on ac­ the treasury make* a tola! of 14.15. l^f the flag ofthe new Chinese resale
Ihg the eity wd malted to each town ment wne also far enperlor.
to BMtban Mlfhteu eo that thd
Tha ofily URhigu grnlt showa at
Tbe ceil (onventlon will be held
lou* “‘J
be made around rocks, through i tbe Silver Uhe chur.-h next Feb-ri«^‘and to entirely dlffvrem fruin
hlbiUou wa ho wan advertleed. This Chicago this year catne from the up­
wifU be u ogceptteail ^see for ihe per peninsula vud was not to be com­ Grand Rapids Shew Largely ExeellcO streams and along the edge* of tlfe
any other toumry. aad an atmduttTbe altendance was
i to wit- pared with that grown to this seeiionswamps which abounded In the low l.ake 12. Tree 34, How ird 2. change from Ibe original ('hloi-se flag.
Tha Expoaitlon in Chicago.
coitntry. The trip was maile from vtoifor* T.
Me bMaw oibiMtIaw ter the flret it was small to slu. poorly sorted ud
W Flora-Anna Arnold .
It haS a field of bri^.ht ycik>w—with i
toniber ramp to another until ihe
tMo aad It 1a alreaiy aaaved that pecked with no regard to system.
great dragon In the centre. This bas
Gensra] Manager Joseph R- Tsylon
» erowds wiU aoma to from the There was m Urge display of grains who had chhrge of tbe .Mirhigu Ap ^bt one w-a» reached.^
h field of red. with the union of blue
with a large white aun In the uilddl*and vegetables from above the. etraiis pie Show to Grud Rapids returned
•riie ramp tn which' Iknker «as
wtih the rays extending from
which was suiwrlor to uythtog shown
that clD' yeirterday after a ,vto;i worklnle was located <ra an Indlaa
the Lud ud Irrigation exposition reservation where tbe timlier rights
-Jsldes, The revulutiotiibla have adoptfrom the west, which goes to show
Miss Mary Marshall Wm Guast of
the red. nbifi and blue, fur they
that while for general tamlag the op­ to Chicago. Mr. Taylor is .uibual- hxve been sold by the Indians to a
Henpr at Pra-Nuptial Event
that these arc the colors of all
to aU Hgbt it cunot astic over the comparison. In an to- Inmber company and tome of tbe fin
Old Mltion, Nov, 27-Mrs. O- B. [«>« repuhlus of the world.
■Meed Aw^ FH*W «ertili»B After fuk with the lower part of the sute tervlew. pnblished to last evening's est pine on tbe continent Is located
a a poducer of fine frolL
This country abounded Riman was hostess at a most delight-' "f H-ilc! has been
Press be says;
-If the-wastern Michigan exhibit of
“As for apples and orchard
In all kinds of wUd life and Sheriff fnl event Saturday afternoon, whlchimonths trying this ami took It up dlShnter reports that he saw game that was the first of a series of pre-nopnal rt.t with the se< retary of the Young
Mn. ABce X. Gartia, wife of Justice
dneu the Mlefalgan show - here
being able to see pafiles given in honor of Mtoa Maryl' hins associaUon In New York city.
a: B. Cartia. died at her home. Ul
Grand Rapids was far ahead of any he never dreaiged
MMt Tnm etnet. at t o^Mok Friday to Chicago It would have opened the of tbe slates represented at Chicago, Of any one trip to bis life. There Marshall, whose marriage to Loren
Party'ef Traversa CRy Mon ArrWad
mavBag. Ura. Cartu had beao 01 tor eyes of the rtsltors ud put the west­ to site. Michigan sbowed more apples were all kinds of deer, moose, elk and castor Ukes place on Thanksgiving ered !.«■(-> flags to be need to a'greai
Thursday Nl^rt With Borne of tba - a leu time, bat deeplu her eolertogs ern growere at a great dlsadvutage. here than any three stales dlsplaycdiati tbe smaller anltusU *u wen
well as About twenty of Miss Marshall s deroonstrailun to that city waa held
This was not feasible, hosrever. on eewu always thearftu aod a Mead
Chicago, and on qhamy and beau rgreat number of birds of all tbe va- friends were present, aid's large,several weeks
Tbe fiagt that
Thia tearan.
■ lA with whom ehe came to coatact. ooonl of the large expense that'the bn- ly of display Michigan was fsr ahead. |rietle* common in tbe far north. There rioibee basket was filled with handy lihcy had at th^t liaw^were all a^
A party of Traverse City
m teavaa beaidee her hnsbud. throe
-wonld have had to gone to 1
so UiUe bnnitog to this aec- kitchen conveniences by the guens, and as Mr Holley wanted one toai men retnrned Tbnrsday from a bSBt*
"Indes^.^li* comment waa made by
Mara, Mtea Bamm Dorkee of SL der to make the truster. An exhibit railroad officiala and otbera wbo aaw lioo that the animals and birds were The afternoon was spent In eoclai would i;e as large as any in hto cob tug camp 80 miles aonta of MaatoUqaw
BihaB. term. Henateae Own of llanl- to Chkago la u expenaiva protect ud both ^enra that If the Land and Ap­ tame and not over anxious to get out chit-chat, each guest contributing her>etion. the secretary writes him that where they apeat a monU at asrtflaff
Hra. Aau Wetaore. who re- the reeulU are not to praporthaa to the ple show bad been taken to Cbicm- of the way of trarelera.
favorite cuUnary recipe. Mrs. Elman Ither sent him tbe one that waa car- sport They tooogbt back 18 Ana daw
fiiioa whh hw mothw at CrystaL Mrs.
nan. Tbe exhibit pot np to Chi­ go iniact Uiay would have created
There were camro nnd setOementa served a 6 C ckxU . dinner to Uie! tied at the bead of that great proeeaa report of oae et tbe b^ baat>f
Oittte ww a BMiher of the Aabory cago last year coat tha bnreaa nearly a vertlable aenaatton there and been along the way where the party so- guesta. with a special table for tbejalon. thinking that it would add
tog trips they ever enjoyed. Tbe party
MothadMMreh aad the taural eer- P.NW. wbile-the show at Grud Rap­ lb* biggest fdituro of the expeslUon.iJcured their meals and aceommoda- bride, very prettily decorated. Mra,! Intereet of the flag. This Bag to now coastoted of E. W. OraOtok. Albert
steai WON held Ma at a:aO San* ids paid tor the trouble ud expu
There were no dtoplays comparable tlous ter the night but otherwise tbe DeVol will entertain for Miss.Mar-ion exhlblUon to oae of tbe windows Novotny, Prank Kay. C M. farker.
Mr alteruua. Bev. W. J. Oaaiee offi*
cUng the InsU. ud lu value to to Otoe, rlchneaa. beamy and qnaUiy'nauntry to an t----------------------_-------- shall Tuesday afieriMan with a gran- lot the Hannah and Uty MercutUe Co. Praak Labyn. Sam lies, all at Trav*
advarttotog the r«iu wu ter greatar. with 4ba bAg nnaa dlapteya ban." |to
ttc shower.
Is Indeed a curioatty.
sceawr aad deep saowa.
Otty, mad Hal Mooch of AldM.

ma flamuE


















; •'


' .1


TlGB 1


htactaani^leaAodapwtth the
AwbUf an doeed. Verr few^
txnae aM a srabt Baajr tare so b»> atfepla at Maher prtoaRtat the
ealoca M their Boon tor the deRrarp
la tbe oaa ot taat- baBaAt ta ebaapar eoOot. wM fis
aaai bonaea. it la a sraat
ipoa tbe earner to lug beta to tbe tbe InduBirp. bat gire the e
PnkBAad TmmiMj •*4 Ttmdv at offka. a Urge «naaUip of naSL Tbe cheaper fabrics and tata to ineraaaa
oooMptloB. Itara U ao doabt
Uck ot deliretr eonreaU
tlmea doablM Mb work for tbe aeM vhtlarar tbtt both tbe ataal mde haf
dap and oanaw a BeUp that Bltat the taatlU IndoBtry tare kaan tbe
im, a.
be ratr iDoanrealesl to tbe mer-* vorat oit tbe oUU. hare tanad tbe
U W. H&ora..
er and are aow awttag foiward
Poet, liaater Frledrtdi U OMrCtag to better oowUtlooi. TwIS oncer
MindiB Are the talat ahatacM g!
ererp afcrt to gire
Tm6|L T. BATia.
verp beat poat offlee Berrice biM he ^nataML b« tbeae «» aooa cone
'UttOT antf
•tatee that If bU anggeattaia ■ are
Bp« TktM Na S.
bead^ there wfU be rarp few. If
oc8M, 'm Vrau BtiMt
wfll be mddb U anp a( tbh ataadoUi.
map. caaaee for ranpUInt.*
It U Mlp where axoaaalTe proteeiion
that abarp rou are
UkMp to be
Tbe problea pf ChrtatBai ahopplng
There U aUo a mneb better poUUI one of intereet to arerp cHiaaa., a pttotUon. A vwak beaes OonUMg batora tbU. 'dkaap aJraadp made gran wU] open and tba cooatrr neat
ibeir pUna, and maap aUo tare de­ be prepared tor ahocka from propoaed
I^Nli S, tMI. «t tb« poMMM i* cided what to bop fcs- Chrtatsiaa
The PreBideatUl
gltls. Tboaa iHw bare done w bare eattpafgn baa haea praautaralp be>
an eaap taak before them, bu;- there gtOL It U falrlp ondar vap.
.bare not deter. Uoaal Attaefca Uottvba etpacted for
mined tbe nature of tbeir |
aMcL Thar iboeld ha raanill thep bare Uspected (be storta gaidad. bewaw, with reaarra and
of (he local storaa. Tbe rerp beat rdoaUWtton of the fact that the
Ume U nata tbaae InapeeUoaa U tbe
In the
T%io atoraa of Traraiha Cttp
I OMn the dnal atmggie.
an flUed with iwa«ii
R ocoallp BpaeKa Ita aobertag
Thi TAvcra* Ctty Board gf Trado
tbe ChrUbnaa sbopper can de- tnflnence. Recent evaets
aire. Tbe local nwrebanu are opAo- wboleeose change in pnbUc opinion
dale aad Ibetr prlcea aa low aa thoae from extamne radlcgUam aad Irra­
»K^ aiid Ebirtv ot fniiu for
preralUng In the Uigar dtiu.
tional pragreeainBib. The people are
hlMA pOrpaiui. The ctau Jan aent pog laare poor Chi
tired of agitatton. aad there
nh Iwb ^+nTor#o Ctly for tho van- nnUl a few daps before that bolldap
to lent danger todap of metreme poUbtt ifqmttloiia doHog tbe last taw poo are rerp likelp to Ae dUapi
tleal action than u anp Ume for nanp
imn 'wA «ftA imMdlate popolsilti'.
Met, a few dapa before
1(*^ *4 la&orattDB in MldittaLB Cbriatmaa there U alwapa a grMtt peara. Tbla to torgdp beeaaae tbe
anU-traat cnaade has paaaml tbe erl»tBat Obro waa toore Smtr impraned roab and it to duncnlt tar tba
Tbe worat was kaom toat raw
MA otiiEi a tbe people at the people to gire the pauona tbe connmar wbeo tbe Rnprune Coon
diSSt Sapida ' AppU ebom. Blnee' ealea thep eon|d extend when
kma were leaned conomnlng
dldrticpMMoB. other towU hare tak- Btoree are not aongeated <widt
U ai
Blnee then big I
“j Tbe local dealer eaa'aaatot
alowlp roeororlng c
& ■'‘aB''se^nwait aaaodatloiu
CbrtoUiuu boper In mak
d and ditcomtft{>--MiiM,pUB. Tbe propoal
Ilf bis store to not too crowded aad fltad bp totorfereace with
(M U betic reetfred with moeb tariglre better aattofacUoa. U trading plaas and methods. All that to neeee• ofT'tt ti IMi inetbod of dlapUf that
Theratofo. tbe holiday aarp now to tor biiMneaa to adjust
ItseU U tbe clear wfll ot tbe paoInto sudi
;SMrea, but aid tbe meiebant In-glv- Mc which b to keep open the door of
vttii practl-i'
better satlsfadton bp doing tbaL* opportnnltp.
Od nouMA n la a aouroe of aaUa- . jUtmas ahopplng early.»
dMbilC UUrafon, that Tracerse atp
la ttmtA ^ boliic of tbe forwnod
krb^iCbg^cUgu to tbe aOentloa
There Is a strong current of im-


iiiiiteMk 3,n&

fc, .

owB aad aaearar a Urge a
hNt hM adta op «a Uka. Thep ta
lo*«i hU «lk «a the led. tha boat
bamk ao oeoUa phtwing tba
it haMg m thU. lad <
to tbe hole where be went
tbrangh. His dinner )all waa on the
lee aad tbe eoateau were scattered
1.' QrappMc kaeta were Md
and on tbe drat aoanpt tbe bedp was
bioBgbt np.frpn tbe bottoat.
The pokng uan «ru tbe onip aapport o( hb Bother and the bkiw wui
be a hearp dha to tak.

UIIM Tllffi PWUm

Tbe following eUppinc from a Grand
Saplda papor abewt bow the pMuaaatter to thM dtp rsRvda tln>el poetcards, which veto referred to bp Peatneter Friedrich a few daps ago:
‘A nnmbbr of Unael poneardt. nader tbe baa ot tbe poetofftce departmeat imleM eoelobed tft'enretepes.
are bang beH at tbe leeal poatogiee.
the postoffloe depart­
ment toned an order to bold np tjnsel
In enrelopee owing to the dangw to which
tbep ezpoaea tbe mailing clerks in
bandUng them.
*'As a rale this order to obeerred
bp tbe public, bnt occaslonaUp one
will maU a card wttboat aa envelope,
and in that case It to held at tbe ntl»In which it is mailed.
*Tbe tlasae paper eavelopee are not
deelmble for nslng In eonneetlon with
these cards, aa tbep tear eaallp and
In atnllng does not sdbm If pmons wishing to send
this class of cards desire to insure
tbeir Safe deilverp. tbep should onin an ordTnarp sealed
rMope stampta with a Itant stamp."

Leading Farm Paper Wants Es|
sea of Fruit Qrwwefs With
Commlaslen Hc«nes.


.a». ..

LfiOk Oat For The Boy.
pm. bib bimta lollAloi'.
lOG «
iDuily mu

. .1^ bin M hi* nportncE B die w«U
U ttdtibg A fahbk R«HIBt
Ota DdI.
lit wiD epcB u Mootal tad we ton Ka Ata










nortipace Sale

One of e, state writers for a leadtag agriicpftnol paUleatloD with a
«d UMhers wrill Um Building nattooal dirvntttlon. Is aooariag this
r PiXlic Oathsrlnga Ourirtg
section )f\W state for InfonnaUea
Scheol Year.
Brat han^rr«jfr-4:^lt
tan^frcje-f^lt growers who
hare had deaif^ with the -oommlsTbe qneatloB of making tbe school sioD bonaes of tbe larger cItiM. Tbe
bulldlnga of ^ dtp aoetol oealers information obtained will be Incer
during the winter months baa bees porated la an article opon (be m^rktaken up bp tbe Btawood Areuae
Mothers- e ob at railons times, bot -------tog t................... . .................. ... ..
nothing dednlte hgd borne from tbeir ^bowing tbe real eondltloni ta tbe
effcrts, and to order u make tbe plan' state atong the market llv. Where
posaflris tbe dflb has *«»— «p tae it to poBible tbe names wfll be nsed
matter to earnest and tbe toUowlng but wbsa this it not practical tbe
resolution bss been ptepnied and eurp' alone will appear
sent to tbe beard of * - - Mortffflfe SrIc
There are a great many interest­
Default kavtog taen made la tbe
"We. tbe Bmwood Avpnue Hotb- ing Btoriee that could be brongtat ont
of a oerutii mortgage
ert' club. peUUoa pon. tbe board of to tbts vctloa that would sbsA Ugbt condiUou
made bp Berton - - • •
education, to behalf ot oar ponng peothe manner to which returns wsk«' Bertha S
p< and all who are totereatad in oar
diebigan to B'lliiam R. SmaUcp
de to tbe growers if tbep see At
of Trat.
veraa Cttp. HiHiigan dated tbe
commnaitp to make jbe Elmwood Av­
give them up. and already s
1st dap
p ,o( July, AU. tolO. snd re­
enue school building a aoclal center. liave placed their experiences
Hegis. .
corded in
it tbe
— ofAce
____ of'tbe
- 0 we have as plaee
ilaee far ov. pou
writing for tbe beoeAt of the oorrei- of Deeds for the County' of Grand.
people to meet la} a adctok^vap, t
Traverse sod Bute of Mlchigse
fiO at
Tbe Importance of ibis part of tbe 1:30 o'clock p. m.. to Ubar L»
laideraUon of tbe fact that ate as a fruit predaclng reglun is MortgagesI on page 49t.
ist. which said,
we have a valuable propertp which' fast being recognised all
mortgage was duly asslgued bp said
oar taxpayers keep beateo vnUnnal- conntrT, and It it an equsilp well William R. Smaller to Myrtle B. Wal
ly. out CK wtalcb Ume it Is only need known tact that Use marketing faelll- ker of Harbor- Bprlngs. Michigan, oa
the 2Uh Uf u________
of September.
A D.
•evMi boors daflp tor aebo
Um m tar St all kladt of fruit U IKIO and racorded
■ded to tbe offlee ot tbe
poees. we tvl that we are
Register Of Deeds for said County of
reasonable request in ssktog you
What is needed to bel­ OraBd Traveiae and State ot Mlcblon (be Mlb dap of November. A.
arrange the partition ao that we ter eblpplng facllKles and a wide- gan.
D. ISIO at 2:ie o'clock p. a. In Uber
map throw tba aeveatb and M^tb market for fruit in eeeaon In order IT of Hongages on page 'HS. on
grade rooms Into one, tbu prorldtog that tbe more remote rtUw can be which mortgage there Is claimed to
be due. at tbe date of this notice for
us with eeaUng capecUp
suppUed aa well ss those Hi
principal snd totereit. tbe sum of
evening meetinra.
band. Tbe tboiuandi of ae
tKSa.n and an atlorney fee of I2&.0U
"We have been Informed Uiat the :rees that wSl come into bearlag as provided for to said mortgage
eighth grade room wfll require i
wtUitn the nnt Are peart mate tbs
■ iW bi
shipping and markeUng a problem aad
seau another pear. We think
would-Ce wise to provide both rooms one that will have to be dealt with,
wftb modem movable ata'adtnat- and tbe sooner It la doM (be better.
Notice is berebp given that by vlri
able eeau. ‘
of the powi
.wwer of sale conulned
said. mortgage and tbs
tbe statute
"^'e trust this will mrat with pour
case tnsde sad provided.
pproval and that tbe improvements
28tb dep of January. A O. 1812
map be coapletod for tbe beglBning
nine o’clock to tbe forenoon, the
HunUng Fartp Free HwMr Had a flwe- derxlgned will, at the north front door
M tbe ecbool pear Jkiz.
to the City of
ceaskul Tripin UpP«v F*
"Bmwood AvMue Mothers' dub.
Traverse nip. Mlcblgsn. ibst bring
the place where (be circuH ( oort lor
Wednesday, a party of r
the foonty of Grand Traverse U held.
Honor. odnslsUng of ^ooa Cruse. F. C Mil St public auction, to the bigbeet
PMk, L. H. Btaety. B. D. Main. James bidder, the premise* described in said
Bedp «f Ossrva Gardner Waa Found Wpse and Frank Conklin reached mortgage, or so much thereof ss msy
be Decesssry to pay the amount so ss
•p Bearahtr^ Fartp Ysstarda;
Traverse City after a tnoMsaful 1
sforessld doe on sold mortgage with
lag trip to tbe upper pbi^Ia Tbep ■ per cent intereet and all legal
brongbt back alne Ane deer, all bi
CMtnl Lake. Mich.. Kov. r.—
The body ot George Gardner was
•torts Mueh Trevble.
the City of Traverae Citp as appear*
found In InteRDsdlaie LaV-e yester­
If an peqpis kMw that neglect of
raconl in tbe ofAoe of the Regieday morning bp a party that bad bees ooosUpitloa would result to severe of
ter of Deeds ot Grand Traverse
pearchliig tor bim. Gardner, who has IndigesUon. yellow Jaundice or riro- Cosutp. Mlcbtgan.
1 working to the canning factory
take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and
Assignee of Mortgagee.
. In thia Tillage, left bis tame Fridsy end It. Its tba only sate wap. Best
tnomlng for work. He Hved about
beadsebe. dpspepalA
Attorney tor Assignee.
2 mUa east of tbe vlUage and had
Oa. Si.'Tnss. to Jan. 24 lac.
ms tbe lake to ge* tn tbe tneSTATE OP MICHIGAN, tbe Probate
torp- The lake tad frotea ever aSd
H. A N. E. R. R.
Conn tor tbe Coontp of Craod
aer thought that by eroasteg on
Change In TtotA Nov. Ath, t»lL
tbe tee he wouU tare abo« fe Bile's
Bod us and Frovemoat as tolId tbe matter of tbe esute of
Trains to and Dob Spton, C '
Simon 'H Hyde, deceased.
NoUee 1* hereby given that four
Rs Ad not rwntrn homo Frtdap
from tthe Ttb d
evcBlag and his folks did not fee)
arrive 10:A0 a b.
her. A. D. JSII
wd u the factorr had bean
creditors to
Blag Bights all snomer and R wu a|
ion ecrnmace tor him to atep to'
town ah nlghu Wban he did not rereqsired tn present Ihrir drims i
torn aStiinlap howerer, frar wnf felt
said oonrt .at the probate office.
tor hit aafstr. Hto mother rafled tbt
Bp tha "KaMar' aettad I eta re
Clip of Traverae Gty to »e‘o
« or before the mh day of
toctOTT bp phone and asked aho« Mm move tboee aebtog taatk abantatoh
and was Intqrmad that he did not wttbaot paia. aad wttboM tta «M o' March A. O. tbJL ax_
clatBe wiU
iu to heard by said mart
dtotaw istaoea Haaenmewata
oome to work Friday aad did not fehta
People of MPeoea towpesaaem aad Haedar
Merck- X
nedap tbe lUb dtp •
HP on Saturday.
weak baarta vffi
vm apprpdato the
191L u tea o'etock I the toreilar" eathod at palaleaa bow
A eearchtog party started oat BunBber Clb. X D. 1111.
day moralag and found his tracks en dm
OR. W. G. UMtUll
tbe atara of tbs lake where be atan- ge Of Prabeu
ad to cnas evw. Iha party istoraad
sov. 7, iL n. tff

prarement la local bnstneu eonditlona
which pmmtsa a bearp bolldap trade
iTbts is toegelp due to good prices for
toretblp Uluatiated to tbe^rpotatoes aad other farm products and
Itoa apples
. -r^ Mrieada ot
to the fact that farmen and fruit
a«''"®'» hare
“•»» realised on
WU thelr
uimi crops.
S ooncen la winnfpeg, ■anttooa.
eoaflag aaow to atlmutotlng work
k«^,of Ti^e-a publlcltp Utora-,,^ the w^ «»d rerp map 2e bae
yto beta * fry bid to the geoer- kei factorp
pnetorp aad
aad Oral
Oral Wood
Wood Dish
Dish Co.
^Oftar«rttotogaadtbeplaayiu*^;^U„ ^
lUcontlnaed with tbeaame rl-'„.^
amonep Into active clrcntotlon. Wbat
i naa char- ,,
locally. Is tbe oondlUoB all ov*“*|er the cottntrp. According to the toat
jananctol report of Hssrp Clews of
:> • iNew Tork, a wide range survey of
WB^Y BUGG^TIONg TO POST Ute sUoaUen sbows many cfaanges
: for the better. There are. fo> Instance
to^aaotbB- coinmn, Poet Master better timde oondlttota becam stocks
MMrkb Baksa some verp valnable of merchandise are mneb below tbe
Mdu (bat should be consider-! normal aad price coneeaalons are otrtwsded b) tbe patrons of the tea acting aa a atimnlant to purchasta Citf poat office. These sug-;ers. The credit sitnation to all pans
ia'are or interest to vverp clU-;of tbe-coaatrp is better than for maap
M a remtoder that tbe post-, montba. and borrowers to good alandk to not a watklag enepdopedlaitog-tave no dlfflcnltp In securing all
‘“1 be tanuot conduct bis office I reasonable aeoommodatlon upon tavr without tbe coopersUoo of^ratito. terms. There to a deddedlp
Mr. lYledricb to prompt-■ belter outlook to tbe steel Indnstrp.
A'U'ptthitob Uieee sniggasUons be-iwblMi nmst atiU be regarded as one
Mtta at tbe tbougbUessness of pa-;of tbeW. U not tbe verp best trade
twes ot the office. The advice toibaromefera. After totlp two pears of
sMMeto!& tlmelp during tbe hoUdap' economp tbe ^Iroada are at tost
, compelled to place liberal orders for
fftara are treguentlp eomplatots i rails, ears and
prompUp- delivered; to reo^w wornout pUnL Bncb ordUat man u
aad tbeae eases It to net
tanlt of|<
r tbp post offlM
the oartipr pr
office manage-!«
manage-,* w>uMi to Imiwrt conlderable
Boat bnt ebieffp tbe fault of tbe re- acUvltp to (hrtaln brancbM ot tbe
sRinjito' -id aafl tbamaelvea. During' «twl todutrp partJcuiarlp steel pUtem
daflp imads the carriera everp|Fricee ot stwl have been verp low
to to that' the person fv wbomlasd tbe tact ot tbe recent purebasea
Ota tava lettera, to not at home.i*r<n serve to strwgibw tbe Ideas of
Thsrs being no mall boA tbe carrier [prodneera and lbns bring out orders
% ihqairad to taka tbe niail back toffrom IntMidtng |
tha post offlee and deUw It npon;b««> wmlUng to see tbe market toneb
^ not trip. The maU is. therefore.' bottom. Tbe steel trade bss already
dslayad and eomeUmes suck delay found anbstantlsl fenadstkmt and
. Wight toconvenienco and -trouble. ;r«allp reached a turn for (be bettor;
itatBaet^ Frledridi advisee every the indteattons being that in event ot
jaaidcirt to have a mall box. not on- any fnrtbek increase In aefivitp prices
Ip to suit •Ms own convenience. but^^lU show a faardpniDg tendency,
^ve extra wortkp tbe earrier. Thlsi There are also better eondfiloM to
% ApedaSp Important as to stores the textile Indnstir. which ranks next
and OffloeA A case in point to, the In Importance to steel. The great Tall
bolldap dellverr wbetP the storaa are to cotton may blve e


Report ot EoMn ortiso^ wntb oadL Nnmbor of ponUs on^
NoBbor of daja lugkL
Total sahitar of daps atteadanco,
daJlp aneodaace, IS.
Pupils oeltner ataent nor urdp gar-,
culm That Thia Move Will Ferea lo­ tng (he month were. Uto Bggll. -WBlie BgglL Alfred BggU. Lawr«n» Ao
toop. Loon Antonp. Mabel Monroe..
OonsunUnople. N<i». Si.—tt is sut- Andrww tagauom. Ettanah Bhorur.
ad todap that the gOTBnment exp
Kastle Antonp.
Italp to make good her tbrsai
Mock the- Dardanelles. The Tnrks
To •# Happp .
belUre tbU more will csum laterYou must tare good boaltb. Too
itfen bp the powers, ss Rossis can t here good heattb if pair Uror Is
datp. Slow but sure
bss Idreedr tann notiged ibst tbo
U Rotog on all tbe time
powers wosld insist en the nsstralii} poioontog
under sack tandlUona beranee Ml
at tbe Dardsnclta.'
llo«B impnrIUee ore getUng Into tbe g», A%.
bloodV-'DR. HHtRiCX'B SUOAR...icaAo
tXlATCO PIU^ pot the brer in o^
der. purKp the stooiach and bowels
A................ T??:-...... ...IMJO
' act aa a tonic on the ogUto s}»
. H. A Otoaingor A Bra. Ce..
__ Price Si da. Sold bp Americdn
•tSto Insurance <
I>mc Btore.
tosiWarning to Psapls U«lng HellH. A PL
(top Deeoratlona
STATE OF ldCHiaA.S—Tbo FroAs (be .bolldap season is approsrb- beto Court for the countp U Grand
Ing aad tbe asual number of br«s are
At a seasloB of said mun, held at
likelp to be started ihroegb caroless- tbe probsU offlre In the dtr of Trarof people to putting up denora■ riiy, In uW county, on the SOth
of Sorernber. A D.. toil.
Uons in tottseo and public buildias-'.
Insaraare r«mmlMloneR Palmer Iiuh
decided to Uke otrtngeot measurei
preveat sorb ttrsa. wbloh are too
en attended with lose of life and pro|v
Alda Wall bat ing Aled In said roai
ertp. aad has Issued (be (oUe
her petIUoA praplng for llrense I
sale the ti
_____ _ jerl
, desrHbed,
K iB'ordered that the Hifa dsv of
DereA^r. A. O.. toll, at tea o'clock
People to the tosras and dtles are In the forenoon, at said probate office,
and is hereby av
appoIntnJ for bearing
sraraed of tba dangers of great loss be end
i Dctltidn.
i>etltic|n. and tthat ell peraoiu '
of life and propertp ibrougb careton•eted to said emau
apiieap before
ness wd reckless handUng of electric said oourt;^at
wrt;^at said time and Mace, to
musd why a
s license to seQ tbe
sriring and inflammable material dur­ show causd
K of said estate
In said real ming tbe bolldap saason lu deco
sbould Ipm be granted.
Cbrisunai trcM to- homes and
It U forthw ordered that public novladBWA
. Aa a mensnre of protectton (be niarsive wMki previous to said day ot
sbal proMblU (he nse ot (iune paper,
iring, to tbe Grand Traverse Hercotton and other espectollp tnflamma- alc(. a vs'spaper primed aad rlreuopen gas Jets and toted In said cosnip.
to wrapping electric light bulbt.
Judge of Probate,
"The decoration of Cbrlstmas trees
nov 21. 2S. dsf: e.
public places with sap of Cbese bbtertoU IB considered a crime bp tbU
department and poo are reottewed to
DEFaI’LT having been made to
nrge people to refrain from Us use."
tal^ 7 pw AM.
tbe tondiUona of a certain mortgage
made and executed bp Jonas Heasem
to called to tbe danger of snd Pearl Heasem. bis wife, of tbe tix-irae itawRiBwi ibt wl
Inralldating Are inauranoe policies bp Village of Blackwood. Grand Traverse
e of known Are basards.
' Countp. Michigan, of tbe Aral pari, qmretoJWMAU.^
to D. W. Reynolds and tarl Reynolds
of the same piece, of (he second part, k. A aooBd iowtaMii mI' •
The Hen LWts the Mortgage.
dated tbe third dap of Juse. A. D.
BiaUstlci show that tbe
be bM to
IK 10. and recorded to tbe ofAce <
log Investment en
en tbe farm (be Register of Deeds tor tbe Countp ■peeotMiok.
when given proper care and attentioo. gt
of urmfuj
Grand Traverse.
j (Averse, aisie
State or
at svirvuMicblIf you want to get tbe beet resnlu
feed pour cblckeoa a lUlle nr HAJtVIU/3 COSDITIOK POWDERS ocy
eed BtuI
large package, ooiblng bi
Dd 7S-I00 ($ict,:»i dollars,
aisixsatia g.ewwB
isrs, uo
cine. Price
cu. per p
X tow having
bp American Drug Store.
r tbe BMiaeps ,



A. iknmad

Now. therefore, bp vIrtM
. }wer of eale oOBtalned to aai. ..
gage and tbe sutnte to aneb i

M iss. Si. X'Vj'uJs; »■■>«

p»«w. ~u» u ..Si,

tbe forenoon there will be rold i

Traverse Clip. Michigan, that. being
the-piece where tbe Clrcall Oonrt tor
tbe Countp of Grand Traverse to bs(d.
the premises uroiriuew fs said mortffluch thereof ss
. stary M .
said mortgage, toe]
all legal roets, u
fee of fifteen fllS) do
premises being described
irtgage as followa, to-wli;
;-ot .No- Thlrtp-elgbi |38»
... - - ___ _____ -.jvsrae
tountp, Michigan.
Dated. October SO. A. D-. 11
. -J.DS.
HARM C. Gll.aERT,.
Attoraey for Mortgagees.
addreas—Traverse City,
Oct. SI. Tuet. ]» to Jan. lb

kom md cuA Uha Ml
dm(-t InUh.^ B
Ai. for !««,.■

•bMiW« W. ad
fVES-OM lafe' -g
woAi>|je>-. mum wife
CASH pAdb U.

Ti.tb« ctr. ■
nvv 21. W, dre !;, It




Thanksgiving toy
We have about everjrthini; in the line <rf
staple' and fancy Croceiies which you Will
nero for Thanligiviiig day. or to set an
appetizing meal iac any day. The asioit'
ment of Bananas. Grapes. Cranbeniea
Raisins. Apples. Oranges. Lemons,
Candies, Nuts, Prunes, Fi^ Gtroo, Lemon
and Orange Peel Sweet Oder iu|d
Oysters are complete at our store
, '
Get what you want at P. K.’s, coiDtf
of Front and Cass streets.


I 'oTB«r Prtet ft Ohah Streeti



Buy Your
35c a quart

Winter Coats-Many Economies

Thera wilt ba a meeting of tNe adalUve eommmaa of the W’aalarti Ulcb-


tn tte offices

tbla dty on Tneaday forenoou De­

cember B, at S o’clock.


be mapped oat and otter boslaeaS of
Importance ditpoaed of.
Mary, the three mantha oM daugh­
ter of; Ur. and Mrs. Vaacel ilennan.

morning at £ o'cloek.


Pnneral aer-

rices were beld from tte Cbnrtt of

Hie best kind; Iresb every day

CooeepUoD -


morning « 9 o’clock, Faiber Sheehao


Grover WlHa, bttkeman an the a

noon near tte stauon at tte foot of
Park street.


The steamer llllneit strived in port
Friday and left tte same aiterooon
about one o’clock witt a cargo of 12.sba*
otir I

OOO sacks of poUtoea. 1.000 aarks of
and aeven lona of lead b-esldcaa
Hint of n

The Cheapest Is the Best

aa it la the largeet load tbla aieamer
view of the Met that sbe dare> DM


a hunitre.)

I*ur t'oata—ho wanted

a <iulck ouOei, knew we cwld aefl
them qul<|tly. dhd made os price






turn down—AND WITU.









flitTHI.Vt;. AT 20 jwr cent.and
:-i invr rent rSUEII KKAI. VAle
VK-Come an.1 see.

quetong ditt bpnsa.
. were. Initiated Into
Delbert Jamee, the tan mentha old
Peter Zimmer- tte toystertes of the order. Tbc pflnaa of EMt Bay died Wednesday from cljial question up for discussion waa
enlargement of tte heart.
Funeral that V exteniling an invliatlon to the


servlcea ware held





2t. £•££££«

Number of I’Uidli enrolled. 13.
Number of boya euroUed, B.

meeting next year in Ttsvwtm niy.

Pert-eniage of aiteodanrA 9*.

which is now tte logical center of tbe
The davslopment


....... .
Ina ireoluUon;


has re­

ceived a request from Wiaconsln lar- caret


alive of said *|•ropcslllea.
moetlng held In tbe Urengc haii Bab• ilru a
• Hot on ahleh t
rord *
affernqon aj)i-p)( I tuo leitow- evriy l«
'!-• found shall *’*'
be «>»"'«
^ *
the a
live t

' urday
- Lfc.

Avuyage dally aifen

grvat fruit belt of western Ml^htgan.

In tile^

«w»£££££ shall 1>e:
-Shall the manufarture of
£ IlNiii r* abil lae liquor traffic be twohll'iii'.l wtlbin the rouniy7_.NO;- mat
ev. rv ballot on which the word "YeaI.' l.rang^
Itranei^a at
thA ,,
brand Traverse’
,h,„ ^ ,ountrt In the af’ Is loi
QRANGEf cI----------


.Number ot days uught. 21.

■tats bortlcnltural society to bold Itx


10 o'clock from 6L Francl^ cburcb.


Ibll. *9.

Wilbur Blaflord., 1.



p<rron< •sullied under the lawa of ,
, fruit groslng section of the eute. be <IhU 8isl-- > vole (nr sopervlaor abatt

.lies for iitformatlon as to where they
afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Fatter Bbeehan !f»" Purchase three of aiudes.

Alta Powell. Mary Powell.

Otm LoM by Grevsr WItUrd Return, offldaUng. Last.evenlag a large re-(“'' “.*» understood that there was a
capUonwastendered tte young eotfple '‘urge rrop In this ,«rt of the state
ed to Kim ■/ JbAw Bailey of
at tte home of tbe groom'a parent*.!''’'*
tlitf G. R. A I. Rafiread.
and tomorrow evening
wedding‘he |«v.|>lc there would
dance wUl be given In ttelr honor at:
tow da>-s


The G. R. A I. road haa |ust Rtiiah-

ids and Fred H. GarUnd. eon of Mr.




e, of
>e of aa-

and Mra. Robt. Garland pf the penln-



to strstwtben tte tresUe near tte We-


eorly buying


Another Itirlunte |i-jr<-hsM- enshleF
ttv to fOtitlnue liirse remarknhie l.,*-*
prlre. in CrM-ctar* rorai-ul i'oa!., rvIts values at SS.9S, ItlAO and SU.50.

kirfrta ihan .-ver bofere


Mlea Annla Mulrboney of Clk Rap­



ed a seratwi days’ )ofa of spile driving




Ovci'eoata onR Salto
$$Rocafkc work of $1$
iiiaoco^ pti^tifis
fl4 Roes tke


v-firit-lles an,I

m of Mr. a^fl Mrs.

Jf m binds of R.«8di
AHwrtr <x ttto «itr. t>at

Itmlied and


from bere, makliig but one stop to

WcSMiTfeavc loproiwIL


unJrrkUnd many of tte. lots are

Caracal Coals

r the l>e»l values • B have eved high-grade ;pluab.
•. well Iline<l bnd tailor<-d. ,
eclal at £19.75 and »26A0.

drop passengers at Soutb Manllou fa

for economleml bHylag-

frwH of the srwson—of rourae you

This la Fur Time.


steamer wflj proceed direct to Cbli



it (oalifvely

Baby Coats for ai.e>. 1 to K at fall sale |>rii'ea
A aa«<iig r»f from 11 (*> 13 on .-k.-b
Misses’ and Children'
ages 6 to H. aiieclal at £1.45. £4.90 and-M.40.


make any addition to her loadI

tk> at

,XbI«-sale of orereeau and anlu

Coat, lor Mlooc*. CbUdrrn and lol.ala

ThJa is declared to be her banner trip
baa ever been bnowa to carry.

er>' tnan who has aay'-rfmstdcew-

Pretty lg>ng <’0BI» wllh the larae an-1 rnractive sbasl colUra madein ilrcidedly new dorlgna in tweeda, wi.lewaU- cnevolU. S«x;tc b mlcture*.
• Inter serge*, broadclothe*. iliiellnei. etc. gartsem* that repr«-,ent dc
rldrd money aas .nga at our sale price of BIIAO. »1tA0 and MttOO.

lose a diamond rlug Tborsday after­

large a

should arrest the attention Of dV-

$11.50, $16.50, $22

R. A 1. mliroad bad tte mtiforniae to



Tbe ivalaes we i


in. tte Cn^c


The Big Store

Now is the Tine fa

IiBcNM lhal
IkckMvywrfeBtcrweailicrlB ■
_ tkl«
_ esleBa
4M-koiM«yMlcalct. 11 mmcm Ikat New CmIb* New
Salt*, New WrIbIs, New Far*. New AcceB«orlcs may
w> lMH«r l»e post^BMcG. Aa4 pMlpoacav at U uaf ecesnry M yMi be«4 tke cull ol ihc piwy ilBYly ccoao^
alcB obwlMMc «l ni« store RIGHT NOW ta mcrehsoRise ot conmemOlsfl velar.

ing plans for tka •winter campaign wUl

of Elmwood tovaakip

Men! Look!

ago Grover Willard,

Archle bnlL

Mr. and


MUdred I>ref<ber.

logical |.Uce for the I"., meeilng of
elec tor., the houra for opM-.
the Mirhlgan' Stale Hortlcullurai so lag rtid eloI'ing the |«I1>, thi
lof vu(lm
and of l>uldlng
’diinfng •
The Grange alA> look action u

lleiort of primary de|«riiiieni of
bj the -suut oommls Jiwere anil do’rtni”of“ba*rda of” re^
hold of some of tte far- CiawD arhovd for m<M>tt ending No-/ Sion working upon the subject of tau- traiion. of 'lns|ae>tora of
Hon. L
that the tax on'aaloous ‘'.“nshlii land common coenvember 2J. 1911:

Mrs. Garland I*c»lern Michigan fnili.




Acme'left FriBOW '"xn bmkei&n on the O. R. L pile driver recalvad many beautlfnl and useful!
No- of ^-s uught. 20.
‘he * si/amtV
worklnif for AiiUnr WUoox. loct a gifU. Fifty-seven gucsu were present i*'“>
ITie obji^t to ttu advaDM- were so
<.»,rv r<-r|uv‘i aa In <
• m bMrcdt.
|S»“lh -'lanitou lJ(and)«Uh a <-re* of
Tbo gem at tbe reception, a
numerous and iioslilve that the or- annual township eleetlona. or eioo
Kiris elilullod. 2<i.
v*’Wkaa two aacroas (a man and a diamond valnod at >1M.
about liricen
' lleelf- n|«n reoord l:an of
of UH-nil>ers
uH-ml«enI of
of the
the Board
Board of
ot Bup-,
.No of 1«v-a enrolled. 22.
*iMBii) aborad ravedren In front «t
The frisnd. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
t-rvlsorv, *o far aa the same ahall be '
Pen-entage of auemlanrc. TS.
tobrnt^ Bcbombariar, »7
Jafaracm tor Chariee Hungerfocd n.tbe G
U. Lyon will be pleased to bear that
Uberwiae provMUr. Bailey* wired Ur. wnUard Harold Lyon has been.aucTessfully oi>- the island thU wiiR^, the product
Hallyf average
of attendam-e. 32.
na. on Wayne atraat. Wadnaaday A 1.
of which will be vedsr shingles and
Thot-e neither atisem nor tardy 4ur- t'-iai was vigorously aiiplanded.
the bbock proYod too%i«d> for at Cadillac Satunlay nigbt tbat ifae erated on In Ann Arbor.
ing tbe month are the following:
Five grangers had the flaal niystcrChairman of the Moan! of BeporWhen be i
The Country Genttemen in iu iaeue
Vlrors of ihe County of UraBd ^»,■ sou, rioyd triough, Ver- l*> of tt© ord.* explaltMid no them A ^___
' November 18 bad an extensive arti­
w .bla empty poekat.
t.le Tliarp. tussel Powellrising vole •.! Ihatil.> sa* vitenrierl lr», ei>t|.;|{ WIIITK,
Btiehan are RrabibHad.
cle on tbe subject of inarkcling fruil*.
. .. J beaide bla and be
Mepori of .\UMield 4-’i-h»i.l. Itisirl.l
.Mrs K. K. Duiiia klHi s>i,Dotily lie-1
(1< rk-oi aabl Hcsid
It la deemed advtaable. bacanaa of and one of the lUusiralionK used was
Ah 9M inorar.
Baaidas tbla otun.
.No. Cr'i'ara'dise ToVnshli’.
be approattlng boUdaya. to call tte o' tbe Hawley A Bnydi-r orchard
M tor fSW nod oltar
•w Issm- of
Re<-o:d-KAgie '
Tba woman waa
Omena. The artlrlo also gives a gr
I, i:iL*i -i; VVh!t,-. Conwy CT^
Uayk laukl.t. 3". No. v.f U.. .
deal of eredlt to\thc Western Mlrhl6ba gave bar nama aa BarGrand Trevene. a
j enroll
>r gill- earcllod. is, tho moDih eti'ling .November 24:
tnacee wtTn bpis>IWiv.I n .oiimkltee to.of the lloani ot Bupervlaora of
that are aeot;gan Development
•nt bureau for
auaint. Tatopae and i
r tdaatiflad bar na «d» of tbrongb tbe mall. The praetice of put­ paign that il la waging for Iwtler niarNun.her of days taught. 20.
.Ntim- make arraiigcrueiitc for the Gniertain , said rouiiiy.--to h«reby rertlfy tbal
Average dally ailemlanrt-. i->:; |K-r(he alwve and fuiegolng is a
ting three Btickera on tbe face of en- keUng and packing of frull wittfo the
Tba otter aMapad.**
piil'ils-cnrolled. boya. !•: giris.
<orii~-i iran*ril|ii. ivyrniiared by ma.
coniage of altendanec s<i.
velopee end'i>aekages on which sfBe twenty cnunilea Uht It rovers.
ing in b
Total IT.
fivni (lie ericioal r*x»rd of the order
Thi'iuv iieliber alnvrnt
™ City,
the addreea end pottage apprere In-by
8. A. McSwaln. U B. peet oRIcc in‘ff*ii<d h> th.- Iioar.t or Hui>ervtaora of
.Average dally i
nro HI ^ |»rrluiid i-ouniv •-ailing an KlorUoaontbe
HO meant oncommon, and Inaamueb as apeotor ha. lomn liwn.fered from tblK!^"''"«
III of ailciirianee. IM.
a close dlvUlon 40 one in Grand Rapid.. HI*;'*"]'
Ni-iiher abKCDt w»r taii|v lor
ty. I’r.
roaembllnoe to poaugo sipjnpa. Ii la family will remain here for the win- ;“•*
traih f-nxlniil ar (ntc-rod t
inomli MrKiUley Wll»on. IJliii- ’
Mal*e1 L. \t alter,
atricQy problMled by tte law. There­ or. and move there In
nhl of the |r|(X ■■•■•iKig* of
Kvelyn \ViI>oii.'I lari.e
al IIS siveeittig of thiboer H. Ak U..
fore. if you must use eUckern be sure
Iviiiy Jli-KInlev. |»,.*nv Kaurdl
.‘•.UT Hiiituikr,' ami lnr Pexh.
to place them on the bark of the en­
Tha Grand^'Tc^veree grange held i
idlllaii ilorio'iy
s regular
Saiiiiriay tind’
lufi.h). 1 y, U
' hereunto i
,«;ra»n sc hool:
H.-II Ihioo.- 2K<>
DtvV Meal of thn OreWt

^ck wr^lng fe



oH on


Thanksgiving disepmt Sale

fone fifth <ilf)..............$3.18

•6.97 Lodie*.’ Black CoaU (d> tutu- fifili off). .1. .H78
•6.48 Ladiea’ Black and Mix'
ixturc CaibU, (n

Ladies* Coats,
Suits and
Olber Big Discounts
—Men’s Gloves -

—“One-lourlh oB”-on


To rodiiee •»ur cni»niii»UK'-g|«M-k of «v.-n'<.Hi*i.-~«e
•3J7 Ledjea) BUek OmU

T" a'l •Iifiiti II nia' •iiti--erii:
Wlx rt-as. \\TlM>-n a-;ton and
I’-itioph, arldrecMvl to'the Board •>!
Sill-* IV isoi> of tirand Tiaver»e Couo-

We'll do eiir part” lemake you “thankful” if you come to the “Globe
Dept Store” this w.iek for—Overcoate—Ladies’ CoaU, Suits and Dresses,
CMdren's Gats—Men’s Gloves^Underwear—Table Linens—Napkins
Towels—Dresses Scarfs—Centdr Pieces, Doilies, etc.
Note the reduced prices for “Oar Thanksgiaihg Discount Sale.”

oir on Ladles’
Ctoaks, Soils and Dresses

Ml-:;’). I.'.I- )|||.-«1 )ili"i-|iH (il-.v.-x


offer all this we*-k—till SatnnlBy ttijrlil. n<T. Tiuil. nil
»’h»Hl .vouiig m.-n’» OvvreuatK at 25 per cent. DM-






M.n's Al.'st riiliiri.l M.m-Ii;, ti|.,v.-» .:...................

use Lutin' Uixturra. only, no
Bl.?8 Lodk.- Polo Cool. <„ , om- ailL oir i......... $9.58
♦USO Fuior
(,.no twih „iri, .,,0.00.
*9.67 UdH,- Solo. Lbrk wO N.-y. or (oo. Ilflh

•«) ....... -......... ........... . ......... sr.rt

6U.98 Lodin’ Soilin color., (IV. tifih

Our .*2:l.r*0 Kirt>>’Miauin Oven-natK oi

off) ..................... ..........................
Oiir $in.ttK' KirM’bitauiu OvercoaU in
off). .


.................... .........................................-■............................... USiB

*198 UOico’ SbrrScM Chock Ur,o.»(oi,r SPh

AS cfaDdrsn’t Enr Set^/0 per cent Oigeonnt

ffM cfop ten cent pa>



Ixadf*.' ♦I t'D


um.- founli "ff'


(nne fi.urth off


Men's-ami Vouup M«-ii's Overcoats ui'



....................................................... ..


t«ie fourth off)


- Qct'Fotir Overcoat now.



e--Dt. is a l•i^: snv.

ing on an Overcoat in Noveuiber..----------




v. ry sjK-rwl >.......... .................. 69c

fan.-y Knit S«.«t-T- ...’.......................

a s6->sion of the eaidl?
Ib.ard of SUJ.T hlMin. br aal<r ■ouiit} I f
rl Itn that pur|.oae aud'b«-1dl--






M-t.’s heavy WO..I K.-n«y Tat.u


7" HhI.-s (.111-.- Hatting t'.rtitf..ri<-r'

*he affi-'.-v-l


Ve , en-l .l.M.ori
i„.rLuaoi |„

•'.Ml Till*!- ami Nai’kiti-. a straight 10 per cent.


htT.Ji- •;( aaw couwv;








! l-i-

.......................... ...............$1.79

......................................... 89c



ilfm !•
- M.',;ifd
IL-.-1JI1.: .'..Him
‘iraiid Tia.--*-!-i-| jj, u




m ill

■“,sr".. ..
------- ;s;i;;;.....
............. y.


M«-uV rn'v






Nov. zn. Dec. I.

srvatums ftta at Nsea far lha fiwetm

;ic i')3i at) «rl<-«Moii 1..- Ill-Id In
itii'i t«,r said i^.u’iiv or Grand Ttav
• r./-, iin'lir ihiot A'-i .No raraHbad EsctamT^ far ih* :
WABWat*. UracMI>l (IK- A'-fk ol Iksn. ap
.tune T’.
a* amend>->] I.v
A't rv3 of Die lAiblii- AitfcOf Ih'-!’, n.
rerih* iBoateat ••rM.BT. 1*11
a:h-prt:iiTv:i: of
Ihe qiiBlin»-«l
i:. ol saM county, wliriher oi
he iimniifariurp ol Iniuiirs and
liipior iraPli shouM be |ut>lilldtilhin tl
the ]inill> of the said



Oiir 4ir* oMeu■« OverciaU (g

Men's OvereoaU fo



.2.-'*" Hiickskin iinviiu; tH.iv^-s



.M*-ii's W-V* Mivi-lui Jiml

..^ur ♦"Jit) Men s and Young .Men's tv-ri\siau («

|7J>8 Ladia’ Wool Serse Drernttis. (otieHrUi off) £f).9S


M'-li i« <:l,l*t DiS-ss Kifl .Milt>-Ji>h.

................... $17.13
I- f.vortli


fhir $\1.W Meit’K Ovreoats pe f.mrlh'$18A2


Lidiii'-'iiuulwi .MixlliV's\lit«'(o7ic'«rtl.*^’°*

I- fiilirtli

«-lly of 1'ravrrae City,
saw Ccuniy, this 20(h d
of Ortohir, A, D-. 1911.
Kt.MKU K. wniTK.


Boilaess Fxetiaage
210-212 AVilheltn Bldg,

The Globe


DolU-D»th«- Cfocl*Rocken. Morrii Cbain,
UbrarF TaUcaandSewriog
Matbiaes as praranDa.

tQ«ti»!.:|. Otli. r/s ig «aid M -<ral to»n
•Silt., vil
nne, and 'le-.t-r.
tT-i* -e sari- «-»onf on WONOAY.
*9t3: '-hat raid
-9 . hr 11 I* f.
l-a’let and tha*
• bi'u nhall
:all n'.si
'!>♦ verdi,
.. liquors
________ ___
manufaslure of
liquor treS^
ba frotibiied
*tttln the
couatyt—TEE;- asd tta otbar lorm

tra'erae CiiMi- hlgaa.
Buclnct- Chances,
Fruit Lands.

Farm Lands.

c*t> PreregiyLad .y«* mopef^ here.



TBATiBi!sKTjwm).'jLW'FinvMBrBirieAa,e. wssait; sovwmaf», i»n.
to tejr taeka M lb« MM. The
Ust «u made on in IMS by
donailttae of five tantben SMOtntc4 Wr OauaMoMr Crisp:

tbe COM weatoer has had some disicoUy in getttog tbe rood graded hot
the weather vlB permit
win bare a large fucce of ^ovelers
> loito tto grading
The MiBar boys. Jobs and Nick,
are at Bryaa, MIrh. Jetan Is. cookee
in ooe of the camps, mod Nick is a
deek In (be'Bscasaba Lumbar com
pauy toore;

^ary readers—Joocf Bead-

__ 'SCS-^iifvrJs

A KdOCK. O0«
joctarSlStr will atrwr ba witboat
II sr« Mm. Mb JobBMe. Mtrtotu. MliL,
M. H.

<J^phr-Tb« Naum.

I at u. &—Peter( of Mkblsan—M(
SpriUnc-^Rwira Word Lwni,
interieehen Noua.
Jobn E. Darrab. the .sute fire in•i>eeur. Titlud oer aohool last «aak.
Mrs. Harr, tcaeber or the
room, had tbe mUfortane to fall and
sprain-ber ankle.
The pupils of both rooms are learn­
ing serenl new songs and yells.
Non Fetkato. oue of oar 'ninth
knden, left school this week.
' Tbe ninth gnden are having condaror osBatardar and inspect the exOllowiac schools bare now an- blbtt
U9d the coDtaA:
Seltoel Books.
ftradiaa—IMstrtctB. 1. t. S. 4, fi, 30.
Wbr are wa compeUed to use so
cut Bap—DisMcu 3. 3 and 7.
many kinds t>f scbool books in- ibe
GardsM tbstflcta >. 4. 6 and «.
oonnty? There are now' ten dflTereni
WBlUwater—Districts 4 and 7.
kinds or readers. fo«r or Are
Oraea laka-Dlatrict 1.
and stoat u many <litfereat TarleOes of crammars. srlihPaalnaala—DWricu 6 and S.
metica and epetlers in eae in this coun­
Utrlcta 1. 4 and h.
ty. This resnha in aracb confusion
dram—District 1.
to paplis and t^Mers. hinders the
Xmc laka-^XstrlctB l. 4 and S.
wntnlMloner In' hisVr^-to render
Wa Lake—District 4,
'usisuac* to taaefaers. knd In many
Old JliaMoB ochonL
' leases It is an annaceasary expense
This uahei tauty-six schools and
la there not tome remedy for
UMl tear hnndrMi papib that )mTe tkls
apterod tbs nontsst. The time of m-1 Seme years aim them was an effort
tty has been extended to December to sstablisb a uniform book system lu
1st to Eire all schools a <Aan« to take this county nnd It succeeded in most
part U the nee
‘districts . Testoers and boards should
ry' shut entered must be wHt- 'make an effort to keep m uniform tystra In Ink Md It most hare the name ten'. In many rases teachers from
or the popO.• the
dis- other
and from
other auuna
•— number of the
» --V. connUes »"'■
ti»»4u wiinii
trtot ^ nnme of the tosnishlp at the rotne Into this county to teach, and of
tan oflhe page All samples sent in. connss they Hke the hooks that tbev
teUt hare the reQnlsIts amonnt of are best
a. and they ask
ja'dtdffa. !« esato an onnen, affixed, (be ^lidren to boy books whldi are
- Tbs patera from Lone Tree. Walton, not'on the uniform list. and*a great
laurtscba*. WOUmaHlnuc and Maple- ronfusloo of texu Is tbe natural re
ton desem special mention ter neat- suit. No tonrd has tbe right to change
Mto aid sped terA.
any book, onre-adopted, within a i>er (•■ rtod of Arc yean, without a rote of ttic
enitod ton hanging on tbe walls of tbe district, and teneben sboul.l have in
«r’s office, ud ail penons their
I list of the books
d are InTlted to-call on Mon- adopted by the board and aboeld arge

i' ii.
• :T


-&07 mother should be careful
^ die dlifldrcfD take^cir^tbi
in a warm room. The chill of a
cold room k dangeroui after com*
ing out of the bc^-wattf.
SmUmO!) Henitobnir
bsihroom to bedrm
toyaa-ifi^ai^df wai^yoa%nat»6totoieiimiQulcs. All vou
Tim Psifettetf Hcnler tmru nme boors
JmoRoo CM U&iff and ii
always res^ fo uk. Yea
'Voo caa more
men it anjnvhWe k is nealed.
TUm » no wade
(nd and beat
beat yen waal. when and where you want k.
<Ntpre«cnta dtewick bemg tamed
enoot^ to sa^ aad is
to remewe end drop back whto deamg.
Diwss faiW toto k naqstooddto esuad cr pbi. Sed ; Id* tod «m-'
Msml. yw aa»( «to dsobk-^tob for say no. k wy toms.

■ <



Fnhk Viatoe. the tmant officer, vis­
ited oar school Friday.
In spite of the severe storm rery
few were abaeni Friday.
The priaiary room Is rery prettify
work of the chart and
Arst .grade classes.
Sanitary drlaklag caps are used in
betb rooms of the Ittterlocfaen school.
Tto O
All tesefaen should be (boroughly
ac^nalnted with this law and. they
should obtorre it in a degree com

ises of absence should be reported to
the commissioner eteo' two weeks arid
frequently where children are
wilfolly truant. Teachm may secure
blanks for these reports ^oi the com­
missioner's office.
^ *
"MtcbipaiV My MlcMpan."
How,much do yon know about hticbigan? Tt'hal would yon like to know
nt-out Mfrblgan? Nest week's issue
will be n Uirbigan number. I.*t us
have your-questloDs early. How dots
Mlcfalgao rank with other states,
area, population, wealth and products? ty I4ne scbool went to .Tnvetse C|t)
^^'bat does Michigan lead in?
An ' specialist from Traverse
City has becjtu ill the neighborhood
♦ thU week.
♦ ♦ t ♦ A ♦/'♦♦♦♦ B ♦♦♦« ♦ Isaac MU
I family
i vUiiMn. Una Hogar spent Satorday in -s at Bud
Mn. Bud
B .Monday for
CharlM Wood went to Traverse
Marion, Ind. Sh^ wUl make an exCity .00 busioess.'Saturday.
tended Visit.
[ returning until nf
Xing contest between Eric
ter t'bri^io
Monroe and Frank Sargent. Monroe
Opnl follnrd has beep m for sc^
on oMily in the tbe ArA round.
eral day s.
Clareace peas, director of the coun­
No^•. S3.
ty Line adwol. George Aastetl of the
Dell school and C U Porter of the
Bnmmlt sriwo) attend the school offlMAYFIELD.
cen meeting at Traverse City. PridsrMrs. Barren Buys and two daugh­
Mrs. Jobn Wiedoer aad children arc
ter* went u> KingKlo Suiunlay.
guest! of friends at Ludington. and Mn. Sargent. Mn. J. U
Al Witelyn is building a new house.
Mm. George Jaqkson vent to Jack- Gibbs s|H>m tbe week end in Trason Friday on account of the serious •rse City. .
Mis..; Ethel Cruudall visited her parinneas of her son. Paul.
■U. in Keystane otor Suiidai.
The Grange dance wa/ postpone
Mr. anil Mrs. WiiiUm Mur-an u(
fndeBnltety on account of^tlrejUtplea-'
{aldington have been tlie gueris of
;nt weather laA Friday nlfft.
Don Dean sulwtllutcd for tbe re: Mr. utul Mrs. I.eonard Hollids.v.
Fred Tabberer returned from
gular carrier on Route’ I. Friday.
.arbor a week ago Wednesday..
Harrison 'Speer drove to Kiogsicy
.Mrs, John Seeley of Uui-kley return­
IJxxle Qrr was .eonSned to her ed to her home Saturday alter vislthome all of last wck on account of Ing'frlcnilb about SlayOtl^ for a few
Mrs. Hoxana Bowerman Is stayins
with her diiualitcr. Mrs. Jo© Kiplow.
Mr*. Jeanie .NesbM of TraverseRTUy
is the guest of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Johti Wiley.
Mrs. Isaac Miller and Mn nilford
I*orter were entertained at ihcJTo.v
Utinie Monday.
Polly Howell is home for a few
Kilt:r Bai
Bare Cooper and .her
father of Tratene City IsS^d her
sIster.'-Mrs Joe Wyckoff Tuesday.
Dr. U J. Tedman was in Tratersj
City Saturday.
School In the GnV dUtrirt is dos1 on account of scarlet feyto.
Sir. and Mm. Joe Jear dined with
their daugbitT, Mn. B'iil Pollard
a. Miss Ethel Hackman of the Conn-




SoMbngllia «a k>c

ID iW. Com ia md

let u iliBw ve. rlv HM..
Mtkokiac Md boi «BM.
ilnidicd rasse made todgy.


_JS from the grain



An Ideal
fi}]..1. . PrvseaE



Tbe Mli^hes Mary^Ld Winona Cnndall am'iit a few daya in Maytleld
hist VMOk.
I.aat week' thii iaxiii-s Aid mm iciy
ii-l with Mrs. lA-unard I'uiiiunRlutiii
at ber fann home
l<i<>old t;|ots visited III IVutwau-r
Imm week.
- Mry. Sirii-klaud of Inlorlo.hen is
vlsinc ber iiareDts, Mr. and Mrs.
Itharies Cnmdcr.
.Mn. Snyder and Mrs. Karick were
in KlcgsTey Tuesday.
.Mrs. Howard Manly of Keystone
la tto guesi of Mrs. Charie* Mac}.
Mn. Guy Tlppen oC'Ccdar Run waI town Tuesdaj>
Mr. auil Mr>. Sargent relumed
Tuesday to Valdosta. Georgia for thiwinter. Mrs. J. I.. Gibli!- going wna
them for an exteodc-d \i-li.
3Ir. and Mrs. George Payne of
Travene City an- staying,
bb.-i' 1
. L. Gl'bb.v'
Nov. 23.


you know
^ you are
getting tbe
one prepa­
ration that
has stood
the test for
over thirtyfive years
and ^ femams the Stamdami
used and .recommended
'^.Ube medical profes
sion the world over.

way a-Utile.
OtoL PtosaiM ato temily hare mseoi
to Alden tor tto winter.
Leslie Dams of Rapid CRT #Sot
SatMlay wish bM Bratton
Tto^ River.
^Vaak WUMB pwctoaat S toa ' '
of toung cidta of Mr. M. Uadsay^Bat- lurday.
___ .
f Mr. aad Mrs. Dickie ^ aatartsla■ tiiy their grand daughter and hushtod
'Hr. and Mn. Barr of Empire this

last June in Us
East Bay Flyers told the farmers to
give their potato crop' good csrv. as
pointed to good prlcec
His' predictioip have been rerlOodTbe happy -tonlle on the bewmins
tenasce of the.'surceastul potato
Tsiser can be seeo when he comes to
a large load of tubera that
Passed Away « noma e( Her Ptoaats
■e not, far from the dollar .mark.
8. E. West has had the phiml
doinc a lot of plumbing work in
moden hpuse.
1 has started making I
Caned. 3lfi B'ast nfuenEh stteet.
r to laying tile in!
died Batvrday after mam- than a
tbe spring. Mr. A
year's macos. Miss Gevard snffwed
ing into the dairy bnstneaa.
stroke of |•araIrsU la Septentect.
Ocuve Domlbe while feeding bu'
from which uto aavar tolly vaeoworad
is the embodiment of
9w’i was struck In tbe eye by ooe'
and vWch was tto direct <«aaa a( tor
elements that make (or
r tbe cows horns It was tboagbt st j
death. 8to was a young Woman of
the time that he would loae tbe sight'
good health and
Irharmlag prroonalU). and though tor
but be was fortnnste and tbe eye j
will be saved.
xnttf aha aavar monaarad a
Mrs. C. I.. Domine wha^assed the’
j plaint and was betorad by all Oto
sumnwr on the farm is with ber niece |
One of tbe otrlUng e'
Mrs. E. R. Beach. 310 Bast'Twelfth
----- lartarlsiln of Miss Gerard’s Ufa 4
street. She is stlR btlnd and belp-j they have Just Anlsbed Axing ....
jjr.iher devotion to ber nwthor and'I
lees and
tlm« suffen grrsi pain. [Thomas Uearings wetL he hat not
Ikalde* tto paranu aad aa qoly
The two watering troughs placed >0 bad the uae of It sLneo last spring.!
toe. aha leaves a boat of
__ ___ _______ ____
_ .1..
the wwo. one on the Black road »d|,,.^„ ,be.t«l. were dropped down in friends, who will extend sympathy to
at this time. Aa oldar aisthe other on Jhe Uach road ars.vtoy ,j,e well, and it was with dIffIctiMy
ronvenleot to quench the. thlnt of I—I
,^.1 Mr^l
Mr^iichel Axed it. it took him ter; Mao . preraded her to daaih ahsut
horses thst may be going orr fomlngjnver
coining L,.er rate
,»€ wec«a
weeks ■to gel them oat and aavaa yaara aan.
from t
norence Grace Gerard was bars la
DOW (bi-y have it pumping aa good as
Weslard. March t. ttn. olmra gto
W-. [ever.
resided until aboat eeven yaan ago.
y •
Nor. 33.
when she came here to live with tor
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦oooooo.oo
A short prayer sarvloa «ns toM
irO' to heir of tto tiincu
from tbe tome Monday abratof at
of Mr* Guy Chase. 'hjBO of Mr*. John ]
Craft Cauflto S:30 o'ckwk. after whlck tto romatea
were takan to UVxford aad eanicaa
I, po i
held in tto t-burch then.
sitlou near Cadillac.
u a new graft that is being
Miss Bthrt Obrisn of Good|
i,y a man with a smooth unvlslted friends here last week.
.to-boucsi apjwiranca upon tkc
Miss Irene Brelghoupt was hou>e',,„,„^ „„
last week as she wasnH needed at thcj,.b,|, he has not rtnirk thto psi
factory- where she ft employed.
jihc aute It might be wp|| for
Patraas a( tto lacal pitomil aa^
latloos to Mr. and Mrs. Ualdcv
manutoewrer* to be on their inmrd
„l,nd o„, h,.nv
„p u.« .111 i *7,
llon*.to Mr. and Mrs. David Wiinsky be .familiar with bU game. ThU i,
»*rarve.a tsw
Bi thft the
toglnnlng of their happy (he dcscrtpliou of tbe man and bis
13M.1IPUUU 01 lae niui boo ui» ■ .
metal mira ato. MOl
May all their year* Ik> as happy UJUe wbii
which *a» seat to Somtary ^*”..**
..f Tnde. wv
•••' •nratopas aa^ pM to tel-.
and bright as tbe Arst day.
liollcy of the Board of
tor poaU0«,2 canto par atSMn.
Nov. -2.
1^-lus E. tVilsoD. eerreUry of the
Objectionabla pa« wrto ara arttto
lietroil Board of Commem:
drawn from tto mshw
-A few days ago g mao came Into 1
| eaat

this office reprcseoUns blmaelf as « imamp, if any writtog to to nms.
Thtg loiioih ha»t been a very stonjiy .Mr. Wolf 'of Fhliadelpbta. and saying] fuglster yeur valuaWa tolltn tod
Itliat be wiMjod b> lnu«t lu a .local pyrosis.
month ^ fxr und the tild m-tilers suy
imauufau^uritig f.i!.rern. t:ii«-cu' t»
pestmaMsr wtoa you
they never saw anything like it for
iwenty-bve thousand dtliars; that he
addrara; ffhra toth .4M
yean. .Seme 34 yean ago the snow
had bcto la tbs hotel busloau in and naw 1
PbilBdetphia. had aold ont hU intergo off until April with very little
eats (here, and wlshdd to locale heiv- draas «Mnet to tgwen BtoP «W Mto
'■We did not recommend bln In any
Fnnk and Win Derrny of Bast
Empire arc hauling straw from Tbo- way. but referred him U> three locM
luanuiaeturen who had stated to us street and nuintor.
Tto pemmastor Is fertidtoa u' fto
The burr of the gaMilInc engines: (hat lix-y w-ero in need of addittobal
of patrona d tto Mam
is hcrF'wtiMing us this week they are. rnpluL lie met one of these men
PrampUy rapart i
hiwy shredding <vjcn in this neighbor-over to ihc fariory., drew
.[up's tenlsUve sgreemenl liy which
aud Mr* Frank t^lggins 'of
« *>slf intereai in lbs
West Kasson .ailed on Nfln. George!■»»d afterward, tbe mann- in tto aeralca and «
toigler Sunday’at Osborn. - ------ --Ifsrturef Imrodwred him to a friend.
earning tto dellvafy «4 Mit -gteRBya
Corm-lios Itorani and wife wmi to
Traverse Hty last week with butter.totereat iu bU business, ""a;' accompany same with tto toVdldBO. ar
and beaus and buckwheat and *«>'»» <>" Sslurday allemoon. and Ur. newspapar.
Provida mall tons «s vai^ moll
they never saw finer sleigning
»" ‘•■e «“<> *»»» ‘n
Hugh MUrhel and Klsuble reiuntcd
l^at ifaP banks were St your hovsss or placa of toitlngsB
to their home at Frankfort Sunday, rft"’”!. tod ha -saa uaable to gel
money from tbe hank on which in
liavc a good tlm« over Sunday.
."On Uu> strcngtii of this, be managwofiM |i
iHimtw L2'>.»'> from (be friend,
rked t
iitid 'our local niiinufar-taror. having
mill R
Rndtwobd. MIrh. I
;lulnidu<-nd him. fools blms4'ir ro- powerWa before sturks of Kidaey
siniusihlc for the amount. The man unulde. "Dixtur'> oould not Mp
at last ws Bpra
; appear* U) lie alroni Ally yearn ol
and bs improssd
age, and ktoks like an honest Ger wonderrully from taking 4g taOlsS.
'man. He told (be ninnurac(nrer thq’ Its I hr 10-*! Kidney medictos I over
l«en Inieceslod in tbe Crand!““ ' .B*.kacbe. Tlrsd fosling. HafIbe had
Sloan’s Liniment Is a ^cat
1. ■.»i,.drf„hu., ,b., h. h.d
:a* £
remedy for backache. It
lout bis interetta. and was loratlog drijMit. dtabataa or BrighCa llrtara
penetrates and
;h,TCIp-sare: Take Electric
iiluers and bo
tbe pain instantly—no nib­
I "After gening this mon(->.
bing necessary—just lay
all Travenw City Drug Suras.
. "Jumped" Ais bill' at Ih.e boli-l. i
it 00 lightly.
’hai not been lorated since"





itos a btoto4 tto teiM BttAiiVtal
“as thouto things vtoa camli« tiMir

Ed. Domine who was recently Bur­
ned to Mis* BenUa.W}gact of Boyne
City received, the ,-congrat-jIatious pt
ibeir.ihany friends in Traverse t'lt>
while on tbclr booeymoon. Ed. U
working in White Bros, big mtU at
Boyne City.
Mike Uyan is working (09 Ed. LowEd. Cor who had a Urge crop of
winter apples h«* not sold all: but has
resentd some lor a higher price
near the btdida.vV
John N. Comhde and Bm: F Eikey are to do a Hide lumbering UO*
. o.'tsve Domine has the ronirart
fc.r graveling the mile of state roaj
Gym the.Keil}. null runuiug nonh on
tto Black road. Perry Baylngton our
highway rwnwltatoner on amuhl of


•i Ttaverte air pmi

Here'S ProeC


-n us Si. Wet Sun » >l»- Sew Vw
sa4 1 -wft
:» . ywt m<> 1
W > tl-«t tar us Ou use Uan.
I oscS to kJsds «
«(« 1 H«

best remed;
3y iot
ihetimatism, nettri'algiA
Bore throat and ^raiu.-

WTiUs:-SlDffi‘s lliaitBcst 1> tVt
f-trhs—WtiC. Ihsvtustouil
tks <4 ta sad it b rxsd."



r-' =

------------ —---------——

rviu. SIM (I., • --~T‘ir‘-—Ti pjwTviawul.

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ who hid iM^n test In a swann. at Kink
B Uke. ot-ar .N'estoris tm tto Onjfth
branch of the Sooth Sbaro raagfny.
I.lnle .Marion .t*;ir;ir-eKgcr i- «ifi (he since PrUay, wav found by a *
_ _
sick lint. *ln- IS
utteiid-U by Ih-. party headed by hi* brother. Strvble
F {«. Il04g of Ai(P-n
was aearly dead frmu i
Mr ami Mr*.»An IPrkm rpent Sun etpUMirc.
da.' with Ibr MI<-: s parciiu, Mr. and
Mr*. !?. HouiK-r.
Saved Man/ From Ototh.
Ml* IlifsisKi'of...........-.....................
Kowadin Is msh-1
L-Hutk. of Mock. Arlu tollovea
II. our neighborhood thftlftc *>»■
n^oy live* In bU 3C
„ ^lyear* of eipmle<K« ts tto drag toal!neu. "What 1 alwaya Hks (a do.''ha
, Kliiii-r U'Nid made a biisloeea tri.i|wr1tea. "Is to reronimend Dr. Ktes's
i-> Trfcx-r.^-nt.vrSktu/vU'
jNew Dftcorwy tor wsak. sara loao.
F.Tiitk Wilson entertain* the ;»•('*
4s g
; Udies Aid this week on Thurwday.
I (' l*help*. Mr. Mason. Mr. Smith and;,uyp
a eumtor of my «
;Mr Peek of Kalkaska speot teveraljare alive stig well today BBMM
;ds>* at Hotel Watson last week whltelthey t.«k nfy adrke to aaa tt. I too-

guest at tiolej Wuiiun a few days uf:frw. or regular poc or IIJW baule.
iasi week.
iGuarai.tned by sQ Tnvoraa City
W, U WaisoB rotorned Wedtieaday
________ - '
nlgbi from hi. hunilng irtp to upper —
[Mich. -He did OOl <09ie wHhopt bftin* ft rl* EeTIOK
(tropbr and reports that bis whole | ''

•party were-to suctessful as to m
Changa ^ time scheJulsd<m M.te
. Cedar ri>,
City „«
a,... Urti
W take effeet Novembor •:
Fred AetiilsseitgW etiiertalned »
No. 14 win tease Tlwrerpe CKiLSt
panV (rum Beliaire nod Rapid City. 7 a. a. and Train No. U twtD pnlF*
in Traver
Ctty at le a. ^ “__'
1« wlU leave at 3 A B-'oto TMio
WtibSpotaioea above sqwdffiy centa ^
'IS wui arrive Is Tnveree ft^-.
d toau a Uttle better than two dol- St S:M A e. __________


■ww ^.;wffiiiWN

1 :


-M [*


nd w bow to«0 dM> Wa to «nm AfOQg.
f^gnm Md


'Yob Caa Bay.



SU. iuBr «i4i>4





ceoAR. It p. 0. Na X.

Orwe at lilMij Tha»*OB)r BBS rrita*t MBk.A. J. Waitt Ud W. Thlrlby mad*
a talnea trip .tkn>a«t 'Sotoa WcdwiAy..,
tlln Rocbel HeaoostitoD I* tpend'
inc pan o( bar vacatioB at boma. >
' Piuk Btitbt baa bM taM «p a
lew da]« «iib lurabaio.
■^Mra. Jobn ABittbaebler eatBitalaadNiar tnoibar a tea dara «t tan
WUUam Wrirb and lanllr baa
e< in «Uh Mra. W«U. /
Hr. ChMo. «bn U •olldlos a inUl at
the ataUon is llvlns In Joe
hmaa hut vaniiM] -b)- tbem. A BeH
iBlopboM «IH be tastalM lAxlay.
E. B. Caia ap««l Tliimdar rvealn*
at Tnrreraa Cltr.
W. Ckod sawed wood with his
emelBe ud marhtne two days of last
week for O. ClaypooL
.^r. and Mrs. Jobs Paaea expert
leave this week for VlrOaia. Mrs.
l-saes will Epeod some iIbm ht visit
Inc in Traverse City.
Mias AaddraDB. tbe Clear Broc^
icaebu la piaalac a box aoctal for
Twaaday aveptna tor tbe beaeflc of
»lr. Haywood and famllr.
HIBS Esther Oood vUited at T. R.
tVhUaa Satsrday aad Bwiday.
Small |)0S b&s been raponed in
(be family lirlns on wbat is
iho Jim Cotamaa fann. A visiiina
frlaad Ayouw lady frooi Alma is Hie
sick. Tbe h«ltb officer White
will do all be can io conffpe it to tbv
0 bouse
Mra. LHckerson and Warren vUii«^
C. W, WUUaniB yaMerdsy. They
rnund Mrs. WltliaBs very feeble. Tbey
urs still on tbeir fann/
Tbe Penant bouse belonsinc to .Mi>
Jobs White «as consumod by llrr
Bbeni MOO Frblay toceuier with all
lU coataDts balonalna lo Oaorga Fenwood. Hr. Feawood and dancfaier were
from borne leavlnc two boya 9 and
14 at home.. Tbe lire aiarted in the
from room dowa stairs undoubtedly
from ibe beatlnc stove. Ratbar un
for tbe famllj^as tbey bad
tbeir winter’s supplies In tbe bouse
and cellar. Nelsbbors bere; Cedar and
Cedar Run are ffivinc unsoUdted aid
which Is Hbcepted. gratefully by the
family. As Mr. Feiiwood bad rented
the farm for a term of yean and bavwhich, was of good size U being prel>ared for a temporary borne, laaured
In Fanners Mutlal.
Nov. 27.

‘T1^ PforUa Lltplted’’

;V;.V ■

wltb drairtBff 1

'aloeper dirset io Jar^sonvlllei-l&vos IviroU
4aUy §t.10:45 p m.. beclnnlng November S6.

yoTtocal Ucket aBrnt. or ivrt'tc to II. P. Moeller^ C I'.

Arnica Salve, and my foot
completely cored."
Heals Burn)
Rolls. Sores. BrulsM. likxema. Vln
pies. Corns. Surest I»lle cure 25c s
all Traverse Cily Drug Slorea



... in 4 ..

"Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
NOVEMBER 28, ?9,30
The Celebrated Aviator


m-H Ns-.c* i.-*’ ••V.'l'i.-.

The Barney Co.

Vandie Ludwig


of Chicago

oi Ladies’

Who has been giving professional exhibU
tions throughout the country for two
years with a Curtis Biplane

M Oiks, Suits


J iirn

i .:


Weather permitting
Oar g^lest demonstration of clothing economics
■ ■ for the welt'gbwhed. woman

C?9ttnucs Unt^



W-88«n«*S16 50

Tickets to witness start and fini$li,
Twcnly-tlve Cents

bM-riU valMS rrgalarly ttsas to Its.

Uflies’, OKesses.
Furs tor MoUday Gifts
MAM-scas«apft(cB. Bsve "yosfrs’^latt Av^aiw.


... .


Uf( «UM pUU€ witk trmit oite
♦ uid pctind cBta mad Mcen bf pr«♦ SMT«d pwin. sp(ej; wJU «lac«r fron
tfc* CutoB CblM fiB<er Jar Great
♦ UscU SalDDci. the m« eaptalii.
♦ broofbt bonw vhM b*
<be MM
^ *>•****«*«**«»*»*• „„ .-------iu.ujTonm
-------------------------- --' 4 OK tb« HudBoe river kept a day tbey
* CUU P.U..- .U .. II 11-, ,1- -BV- ■1“



♦; atWT HvMe tbinf.

■be^ Mb* lo kaew «be oar Rroa^ fiaeorod vUb aqoaab |de- boaac, vberd a Und. rod cbeabod wmIM fi/iead to. Tbort va* ao loto Iwr laattb. and awbad It Ttoor- ar raeeirad W. aad ktooad bM «war
• olsaaf to tbe alea totter.
TbM dreeplag both pawa' to aad owr affla. wbOo aba toartaQr
a eoBiical attItadR aba lookod a«aara- Itowad to iokars atorr of bo» aba
ir to tbe taea of Mr. ParMotar, aa If aotat tata BtMid that draadfal^IT”------------------ .
“> •*»: "H« 1 »*. eaagbt to tbe act Sara.
It appeared torse, roaad aad gotdea of ateaUas ptoe tor aiy eaba. Toe ar*
a a
a f*«
fc« -»—«>«
Btoataa aba was noa*«
- aad woodroualr todeed. aad was
adlBS across tbe bard treaaa road
by quarter aaUl It
t-o faat w.
wtU Jabs
aad tbea.


i ^i^£ZZZ

I ooL
erar November brooMK
* little
MU aad
bro^ ber
B ooL
aad w
arav November bronabt

• «baaa tbto«A I

rjr, 07 ^
*i^n •' sobUe aUr In
« booMbold way., wbich Increased day
lAaaaaAaaa««aaaa.a byday.lUla(oaceihemlrbe«an>erall
^ Mtad ei_aBA BATgA_____
«< "^y
blown far from Ceyi;_l»MeLAMA EATEt, Editor.
Ufiaiillid nirimti'E 1«p.

Eroildawt ■ Mtoa Clara EMaa.
f^^rSdf f^TlinSivlS-MS
' “."I"
IIW r-d, lor Tl».ll«l,l.t «, B
the IlitU >lrl trotieU around alter oer
of Jt^ S! iS side «
. .
•“ Su^er SieS lb? gtSf

*'*“*'o*^'wa^^* *
girl.’ B,ediutlvelr.
she o«»i
o*n way?

tand—that Is for ezcelleiii*. .Nutoerl«Hy. »« *as oie of aU baked
th* aftemooD of the day before
Thanksgiving by Jlrs. Samuel PartnenNov. 14. IHI.
who lived In a ^ownablp to northem Maine, surrounded by pine woods

«b. cblldMn. Them -ere Jack.
Tb- ,|„ ™
dd; B-bb, bbd
---- ^..
.■««.• --b..
lu..^ bbba >11..................
*b.« .-A--.
«Waobby. toeuwlns. wbo -ere .1. year,
of age; and dear lUtle two-year<.ld
The lake will ij,elto Adeline Amelto. Pine
auaaMiaa .wTrraa


. .

iMcber-s name is MIm
•amahM. bttoaping !!!‘S:bb "* STfS-.f
' »»^
ber wbite
much . I will say good-bye now.
toneblDg ber thick borne knit woolen
alorklnga and tbe tow tops of ber
Anns Miller.
Nutabar of i oaiaa on the Cradle stout iMitber shoes, there slweys came
Tea. tnmmer ba« quite gone, but
aMlNeninbat I, ltll, 1.1M.
time when sbe saM. “TeU me ^
. there are ao many Intereatlng winter
^keidvtog -Wbett you -eMdCTIUl* ,p^„,
^nopy toat we do
BartiM (topa. Lgwmd Caae and Alto
So year after year tbe story was
OBM. BMdM. Mjeb. Names emt by

told till the Utile girl. Michigan bom
SiMrr Canwntar.
Nortbport. MIcb.
^Salpb DarMeim. Mayaard DavMaon.
Nov. 1C, toil,

aeem bardly
M abont to
laerclet rei—
celved, to kill a creatdre tor
bite of what baa been provided. I
goesa when tbe Oovemor appointed
Thanksgiving Day for tolka. ibcrb
nothing said In the ■roctomailon a
it» being a toat-day tor beara, Jaeby.
T» *o»ng to spare tb» old creatore.j.,u
. p.e-c. plate and all„ .J.
Of tbe window totbe bear, who tell u,»n It Joy^
' "Jack, my son. are
ar* ym.
you craay-'
crasy?"' •
-No. fstber: bat that nie was a ...

tie bunt on one side, and-and .S
poor Old bear bsdn t bad any. rSf
make, tbree |de. for the bears, and
leave, three pie. for toe Parmenters.

*" tomorrow. Aod It den t
- rlftt. wbeo we at* la

even "down East": no tag or Ucmm
u required to order to name . little
girl 1-ueIlB Adeline Amelto any more
than plain Polly. It might cost more
to engrave II on a sliver cup; but
men Luelto bad only a Un dip^;
and sbe had not been sddreMed by
«or* than two eynable. of It at a
^ ntoisteV bad baptUed

iUNiHINC tTORiEdTbankaplvlns at the I
ber by It.
"We's going to grandpa's at MlljaUt and Benny and Bobby and I.oly
had watched their mother make that, ford." was the reply. “We're golBg*
noble squash pie and Its feltows. They •• spend Thanksgiving, and

tod fcl.d-r-d
allM--It b-H• “■>
—------------------------------------------bed tost night to a funny UiUe
ing ber-whlle .be made the pastry.
she bad pared and sliced and boiled
“j!f SrS^e
__ ber Rft
,be _________
squash, and ________
Jack helped
J '-Ilf
u, „d Bobby stirred In the mnk while
qolver-“how l came here or
.he beat the eggs, and Benny auggett•« •»
«i „ .«ra spooiful n't sugar to each Utoh the floodgsto.-ere brok«.. and
pi*, gnd 1-uly. In ber high the
*‘««P ^
uble. looked on. toughing with ptoae- choking raba
nre-*hlch wa. tbe beet help
The big hraseman was touched, aad
of all. By twilight th. plea w^re sat down beside ber to the seat Ha
baked, and set away to the little pan- put one arm about ber atenlder*. and
try to cool. ^\1wn Mr. -------------Parmenier
Iter---Hs greaiAl voice ammiod J«i .a.
came borne from/f^ woods, with bit sofUy aa k woman's "Never mtod.
told Hitk one." he aald; “we'll get yt«
him. item Luly
bon».U^,lrttthe pies looked (f^i^toahly good.
These tqonsh pies 4er|^not todeed tbe
'Edsonr be said to bimsaif; "and
only pravlslona
ready for you're going to Milford* You most he
Thanksgiving Day. but tbelr aubse- some relation to old Mr. Edaon oa the
them famous, bin, aren't jeu, iittie on#r he ashad
The klichei
8 smalL and the fire st last, aloud.

"S « ins

laeftad to Mr. Wmmr» ««»■
jiulfrii iri «
toMT-id wortt aa tba
-----j—r^-- •*** cat to
»» ^
oat. toari« tba raltow rtod aboat aa

-* - —^

„„ «a. b. - ,u. --b.

» tba bUto. aad
bt sraw wtder
tbey drew op befMa
tbe old reJ barm, teraad tbe abort
«nier at tbe tone, and arrtead ^
ctoinathjaa and
athe Joyi
-1 reckon tbe best plye for ber to
djwn at the statkm at fbe Centre to
me« ber mother “ aald tbe old Mn.
-| was
harneeatog up 10^0 and
f«ch themMhe .XtlUto .Sg.S
b,|, „ bBr.half an boor.And tbu. it happened that a. poor
Mrs. Ed«,n. still pale «>d trembling.
*« helped down the Rep. to tbe ptot-


wa. emt tba

aad pat lata tba aiiMiill
part ar tba dlrtded paatofeto (tba
aanrl. tor« Imdlft Tbea Mto bepa
ofiftlitoto^aaf theto

diT Ob
« a MH IB
»orfc «• Mil tO» dip
tba barn a row ed a)

The aert ton. dsya ■
teU you. lor to. p
Urbey-d to. ••tato,a.^-ort«y Md
jB-b BdW abB
.. Tbnkce

»•*»'• •*««• Mhd. two nto pin. M
aaM.—too. UE H- ‘ -*

douMuiM. aad caett
“*■ Grncle. -togged out.««t.“ a.
•• Mr.
Mr Dooley
•»Pre.^ It.
It. to
in two
two or
or three
three ttoHng
flaHng *«. e( -goodtor tor too 1
Aad oa Tha
»«veral heavy sbawU.
wrapped up beside, that to a great « ^
fnr robe, waving a very coldtooking • tortodlght
..... ------bevSread. and aboailiig_Jnet
arreae toe n
from Mr. ^sij’s
«hai tbe Auile had been blowing ham. aad along too tone that tot U
all night.-sad whSt Mr. Dooley'a tele- Widow Cray's cMtag* at toe otoer
gram bad proclaimed;
end of tbe village. And this waa too
-I'e all right, a^ma; I'a all rl^i!' pragma;
So It bappeomhtbat 'nmakaglvtog
Two boya with Chlaeae taatam:
day at toe ISdaon farm had a double two into Chtoamea haartog aa a pola
meaning to aU of tbOM wbo «t abotu between them a raal > ~
tabio anS^wattoed grandpa chrat tiled with lea aad a^r.
dRtly mrve the l.tbrowa torkey. Out- wbeeUmnow. altnraately wboatod hr
Joe Bawr' and WUl SDSDOrtw- Oa,
'»>“««• •«« fo had. toitragh tbe each Md. of tbe ban.* two PW
fraoted oindow they eoald aee down bfw onetalnliig plea, dongbinia. ote.
■Theyll be raaattoa tomorrow " f.
aai^Hiry. ^nd^fX-.^TaL
. got a atod ^ ^
And llltle-Oracle saM that night
Tn!^ m
^ ^

olden days,
B,. and
Bd to
„ know every d.B.1
II U . Ion, tin. ---------.1— 1 yrot.
- ..
of tooee Thankaglving dinners which
smoked on those ancient ubles of tbe you I am »lni to do ao nrfw. I am
going to achool every day and I atq to
tbe flflb grade. 1 have eevi._________
Win Nawa]U
rife Uke. Mich. '"®*
:en studlra.
always They are arithmetic, physiology, tonaa«t by mry
planned to have the same as near as gotg,. geogmpby. reading, writing and
mlghtheforherownfeaUlfeMLand .poi„n^ l Wce my teacher well. Her
A Soat Of ton Thankfol.TIme.
*o the present was an object toeson name is Miss Bnib McCarty. Sbe Is
^ Wolr.noagoftoetoankfnlG^;
t^t fa««md the meibory of the etofy
,ood te«ber. r hav. a .tot cat
Ojlaar, HUto ebOd In toe light.
of iha Pbsi.
BMUty. Every time ! alt down
Tm tba imry of growing thlnga.
1*> the ell tl^ toe «iher ^^.
Up and commences
WWtJ nad gtodasas beneato
my tN*y »aJe
which waa also a » pan- eorUy. Sbe is a year old. We
^ pleaeurc. to have on tbe UMe on ehOdren have lots of fun ptoylog to
mamma-dolly mrd I- ^ S^ielS^t^STST^ti^rl:
g dqy something of every- na ,aow. We snowball and play
tired of waking up nnd not kaewto
’•« Gray.Oray.^
' n «lag fOB a oong of toe thankful- tWug raised on farm or In garden m ev«7 day. Therf- are twenty-three
where we to.“ Aad Mra.

vtNblr token, at tor ns
be. of papu.
Today. Out teacher
papu, to ecbool
itaa. D«r enway. and bear »y things to be thankful tor. So when pioy. * nmreb for ua when we go out
toe daye and weeke of preparation of tbe school room. Sue Is rrading us
_ Grade has never
I aaa As totry of warnth aad U^t: were passed and the day of days had * iptondH story. Ever eo many of
walked from that ^7 to tola.
.;>1 aa toa fairy of tala:
«w~ at last—when all but the busy the children ore •Uylng hone becanse
,j,a knew enctly where abo
fJHi too aplrit wbo watobec tne
,pj_ ^nd waa very wideawake I
girU wbo had come home to Thanks phono to our house^now. and I talk almlag or shadow or bud or dew,
o rturd.
Non. i.'.V;■.V-o'Vri-m W. Vh.™,;;; -Y-.-,nil,«- BbbM .0. BIB.
K-Bro I. a» Bbb-OB «•»»
. ^ too BMddowa grow ripe again;
than to toe mattar of wctal n
f, IMag ioravar. to every dime.
*»d retnraed with a babel of merry Holton. She llVes cIcm to us. There tbe liiile pantt^ which Viened irom "fiui I a-ant* mamma.'
A wrttar IB HeCaO'a Maguta*. ta
Mr aoag of hope tor toe thankful- “lb, all blown fresh with to* crisp at* twelve on the line beaidet central, tbe kitchen needed a current of freeb Then It crossed the braSeman’i mind
Tlmnltful LHtie Indiana.
UP toU aaaertloa. tea «aM
November air. and “onng^ro^^W I will cloee.

air. and Mrs. Parmenter sent Benny' bow the poor nuiher would worry ^^Shortly mfter Thinksglvtag #ay
«•! » bw.- aa they avowed, tbejFrom your loytag SunsWner.
raise the window, and keep It open when abe awoke aod tonnd the UttJa feW yeara ago. Ibe tittle pnpUs of the
to toa orchard were red, lit- *««“M toe long able spread aad ready
Mary Anderson.
by picking a nail Into tbe woodwork one was gone. He took «g bli thick Indian ladnstrtol School w Gbrltee, '
tov Ikd
crowning feksL
i (bliik It It great fun to snowball, of lit frame. When the family went cost and threw It abont Oradn's Penn., were asked to write on tbelr
lAdy^ THtedrA
.■":<te Madnws w gold with tbe
A* tbe table'e head to lordly rate The aaow packs nicety now. doesn't nj.iairs to their bedrooms under tbe trembling little sbodiaer^ nnd darted slates rame of tbe things they were
•* Pm*»cal AdvMa M Toang
lay tbe noble •nianksglvlug tnrkey. It!
root the wlndtiw was forgotten.
out at tbe autlon, {where they were thankful for. Here are some of tbe
"■ *Nelr oataetag tM Ua
ton Mag pammnr I aauted tonm >»»»a “d «rtap from neck to drum.
Tbe twins were wn asleep Js. k naktog up the iraln.V
DoUeo of Ufe After QMtUag Itonil"
stick, exuding lusdous Jnleos and ssvFife Lake. Mleft.
Isy awake. for the golden orb of the
"I ran catch her w (Mburn,'’ h«
"1 am thankful fqr eat"
^ eaerdtoe twratoiuaaded
iHagtog tow sladMaa to ways 1
«t »Me. thyme and pepper,
Noy. 1«, nnl. .November nlghi-ihe moon l mean said to hlmielf. "That's toe next sU'1 am thsakful Thaaksgivtog ramee “rMf*
ftonw by bo*U toll of rich brown Deal'Tlweldept—
ibis time, not the squssb |iie—cast s tlon before Milford, and they Will get every- year; for the clothing we get •*"
aetonlthtaily ^tL aad
«n make them Boat perfectly sweet Evavy. In toe center waa a veal
I have not written to the hnnshlM beam t f light ncroei his pillow.
there Jusi about daybreak. I rUkon." here In thi. school: for npront."
coaid oaly be ladnlgnd «'wite-PWMa« tow an yaan, UtUe child. lllUe. chicken pie. wtih llsky crust and hold- club alnce 1 Joined, l have aolne
-Hoi.e I sha n’t be moonMiurk.' he
With that he ran In. eiplalnWl the ’"I am very ibankful God aaved the
"W nrraagemenU worn ^adb
«*««»'« It*
the sum- oames for the Clnb, and aoipt for tbe thought to himself- Then he hear.! a situation In a few word, to the'opera^glrls' quaners when tboes gtrU trtod'
Wlto tbMf OTBShtoai, tonlr goodness, «n*v'a brooda At toe foot Uy a aplcy cradle Roll. Ralph Dasldaon. May noise oniot-Uoora on the turf, some toi behind tbe Ucklng Insirumenu. to eM it on die; for grus; tor^ry: bopla -wlto saaall had U#d hate (a
. I
thalr nverytotog.
the choicest “pig i«rk“ urd Dnridson and Ida Newell want to tblngjlk^ tbe heavy ateps of a siout apd tbe result was tbe rcMsurtog teto- for bed."
suit tbelr HUle banda," bittladara.
Thda «M aty part df tbe tbaaktal- ttftoC Rs hot to rival the aristocratic join toe Club, and 1 wish you aronl.I person walking with cinmay rubber gram that told .Mrs. Edson her darling ' “I am thankful 1 Irani Ulk EngHto; “the graera." aad. of all gaasr tMi^
''■heraver there wa; p)*„,
kierle Newell's name on boots. Jack was ont of bed in a.min- was safe: but where or bow It did not for dreas; for sleep; for aboeo; for qoolle. Yon might walk. to*. M FiB
■ l.ataglL aad go BV way.
»P«» came dalntHy cooked Wreens of the Cradle Roll U yon will send the ote. and ai (he little gable ^elndow.
say. beallb; for money ; for ribbons; for walked with aa dhfect—(a atady bstOtar littla Droway, before you sleep. *R. tbe vegetables that tbe farm aad cards and buitoas to me I wHl see putting forth bis bead, be could see
Bark to the car came John Dooley, stockings: for fruit; for tcatoer; for any or adnenlogy. Oaa irnajiri
Mat* 'Where toa abadawi are warm garden graw; mounds of snowy
that the children .get them. I have a Urge bUck figure, that resembcid a
and with him rame two or threeothercbkkeiia."
-why toU amUUe tarffUiUW wa«M
aad date.
maabed |>ototoet. oblons. globes of aa- two doga. Tbelr names are Nig and (at man In a fur coat, peeping to at
kind men. with mufflers aroungtheir■;] am tbnSbful God made me to live have thoi^t of ear baateC tell aad
lAOk oat to your stato aad any:
vorlaeaa in cream nauce. crimson Caesar. I am eleven yeara old aod In. the window of tbe pnntry. which was tbroau and brass bnttons dtfvn ttelr oa the world; and bow to walk; be- gymnadlum glrik Oa tbp aottgr at
-*1 am ^ad for borne, I am glad for l^U. and even tbe plebUn turnip,tM fourth grade at school My stud-'direotly beneath tbd stridow where bine coau.. Grade had gotten overrauae 1 am iraratog tew to read aad ladoor tiVTTW I
* bm toU
, Iota. '
•***» “•* toqtbaome.
Ira are reading. nrtlhmeUc. Unguage., Jack wu watching. He looked be- being frightened by this time, and abe write.'".
tlngular seateoenJW glad tor toe Wide, Mad iky above.- Tbeae'were days .long before toe ^stoiogy. spelling and geography, yond; a few yards away from the answered all tbe questions (ram tbe
"1 am thankful I «em bere ao f
-Maktoa a bod* la-onto verr »od
lam glad tot too ^ly to aay clime, U»«* of canned thlnga. The good As my letter is geltlng long. 1 wlH bouse %ere two smaller personage*
r>o*d about her quite composedly. could see this school; (or Clutstiias: exercise of toe whole taodr tout K U
laaay bwrt to toe spirit of thnnkfol- tblaga of earth miAi needs be taken close, boplng to **e It in prlnL Good similar in sliape to tbe Intruder at tbe
“I dess I walked In my sleep here," for winter to come; lor. spring to of,«, araarrtM bv chraMsM to
«dok to toe r turn, 'lomatoea were a
bye. paniry. Tbe visitor leaned ta at the
she said.
_ come, to we could aee ^ pretty Toon* todlra in hite Ilfs who are oaf-Miriam a Ctartt. to Touto'. Com- toing unkaown. except at they were
^ window, then took ont the best of
Tbe men looked at one another 1n (lower*.ee in aipi me no are p«
fertng for want of bodily <
• Jtetoa'
•" garden* as a floral curiosity, Henry Brigham.
those pies, and dropped It upon tbe astonisbmew; (be idea o( thU (rail lit"I am tbank(ol alt are well."
and many n tIUed lady has tete COB.____ ___________ ____________________ “tore apples," juid_ popularly
Yon hkve written a nice flrst-lettor. ground, where it broke in piece*. Now tie thing crossing ihet plattorm with
-----------------------sbare ths labor* at IteTHE
RREtlOENTt supimaed to be potoonoEi. There were and I tepp you will have a visit with the amaller creatures came running, the wind hluwing half a gale, and openFompkiiw WHh Handfoa
ID order w brtog b
pnisnlps In these, days, but they most the innthtoera often.
and each iiosseEsed himself o( a log the heavy door of the last ear. as
"Say. BUI. wsnt a pumpkin lark.
color to her faded cheek ate BMCVve
Wbaa roar Prestdant sraa a little b^eft In tbe ground, under toe snow
ehare of tbe pie. It was a black bear, she must have done, they could not Tbankadvlng ere?"
fue play of ber lute-" is tba te<gM torn* was nototog that abe en- nntU aprjng. or they. too. would iwlBradon, Mich.
with her two little cub*. '
"Yet. If It'e anytktng
making cure atUl riBfialilT By
JvM more toaa a ntoiy abont wteiT son the eaters. Celery and raullflowNov. 17. l»ll.
Bears in northern,>tolne are raihei
“Ever done it before Utile mlssT’ Jolly."
, toe way. even too nittod Udlea" wte
'ter wawHiw waa a ebUd. And of all er were yet to be "invented." ’
Dear Presldent—
neighbors. They have n one Inquired
"Well. I'm ante ftif
Ite atoatoa toarn waa bom BMie faaelOn toe table were cabbage, crisp l thought I would write once more: way, It iy true, of borrowing ears ol
"Once I walked up down the mad foras it will he Jolly to' some folks
•BttBg toaa toat M bnr mamma’s and adnr. great dill pickles aod piles olhoping yon have not forgotten me. 1 com and bonej comb and fruit, and almost at old Cncle Peter't, ” sbe aald; S poae we fellows give Widow Gray of this hook bad to tenow bow to ap­
_ IMy. Sbe bad to teU It
sweot little gherkins, ysirrant JeUy don't live at Grawn any more. We they are forgetful at to repayment of "they dog* they woke me np. but I's a reguUr enrprise party, Thanksglv- ply leechea to toat ago of blood IM
Umaa that M|« wrote It out
Uke quivering rubles and quince dSd have moved near Beitoon. I went to tbe loan: but every ooff has known
not afraid of dog* " tog eve. I beard thane Maitland boys (tog. and IT toer did not Kka them
I It to Home Cfaeer. and crabappte like amber, barberrlea the Bendon achool for;'a while, but did- that tori of neighbor upon twe feet
-Well, I swum”' said one of the braggtog to little Tom Gray wbsi s they were extertod to ramambof (bat
"alttengb toeir otiea U aa tePMaapaar Praaldeat thtokt that yon boys suwed to molaasea great bowls of not Uke It. and now l 'km-golng to the instead of (our. These bear.
>ars Varely
Varely men -| reckon abe's
t afraid of tpieDdid TLbubm.»b«
^ ant one to our fmagtoatJoa. K U
ate ^rto aranU Ilk* U road tbe story, cranberry aaiK* and apple butter, and Inland achool, and like h very much. 1 attack anv penon unless provoked; arytbins; "
tog to have, aod Tom said
- too. ate nmemter that your dear more nad yet agnln more of which am proud of my pin and wear It every and wbo would tbink any better of a
-I’ll tell yo> ■ what T <
ao." nald
to ..B.Nhave ••
s, good •a time a.
---------— « used
.!■ I ,< *V
Vlrat Prqaldant lovnd to bear toe ato- time faila to allow mention.
. day. . Some of my acboolma^es would bear who wobid see bis wife ebot and John Doolev
; the group, anybody when (aibe,r was alive;
ftoa that ter motoor told, eo many.
And did tony oat* Need tbe quee- like to Join the Sunshine club, and 1 his babies carried into rapUviiy with- "We get to' West Milford
before toe
toe mother
.-o.he, says
sav. wb ext*
d before
we musin
mav. many yaara ago.
Uon be asked? Tbe good mothei- was wish yon woold send them pins and out using bis natural weapons of de other train gets to Milford Centra, aad g,,. or mince pie thl* year ■ I Uy to not refoatog dtabra, whoCbar pon
Tbor* was a UtUa girt once (npote the exception. Oler time waa fully cards, too. They are Harold Caae. (ense?
them or noL Brfor* dJaaar in
I ran hire a tram and drive ber aw
night ever w> long, and Uke
tte nm Preeidantl—aome aixtj’^dd uken up lir urging her Jar* upon her age twelve; Lymond Case, age eleven;
But Mrs. Bear ought i have asked
_____at pUnned it all out You aad I wiu
old Flint's In time to catch
drawtng raom. wbkU paa
«va euilon. The old woun
—___ __
... tog K
paanagn, who was aa ouly child and guesu .nnd when tbelr Umli was Alu .Case, sm eight. I have a little leave of Mr* Parmenter before bor- the
"with era^ i
toUute eM>P«atoa of her reached she called
Mr further rein- celt, and bis name Is Duke.1 *111 roulng Uiora pies. 6o thought Jack;
her np. I reckon. Ye ain't afraid w
!! "a --hpd. a pfotare,
aa aalmal.
Mtoar. ,wboae
teUdbnod to turn forcemenuof
off'o'Phelp. “Do
“Do yon
I'on want
•«>« to
to close
close with
with love
love to
to you.
and he
he hastened
hastened to
to awake
awake bis
bis Uiher.
Uiher. come
come with
vrito me
mel miss"
mis." be
be said
raid, romf—
to^g “1* has s!, big b sn-and I abouldnl ■ *orUi ottoman, a ho^ el Bow- ‘
o. BB—. « IB emr, UU B. »oU»rr rtB .11 BU. .b
b»,d «. ..or,. »», ,o
LT.J » «
■“» '■'"■I «W» l» —
last telakad aad doM wtu. Tout uooo|.udl>,rl,.PW-UU>.0'doUB<
I™* W- Muom *«. PI. Bt. UO, .. |I .1,. .... .
M,. "t,,!,..- H...

•Ha girt ttera wera no
o ab- waa good to hear.
Indeed, 1 have apt forgotten you. followed by the boy. s t notoelesaly -’111 uke you to your grandpa's." .
,^sV and th^e
kitrh-B By
-I--------------------..... _______;
<hlng of
gw-u rou don't die until I kill you. you" Emery, and 1 am gUd you have not down the suirs Into the kitchen.
want mamma," said
tbe wee voice
tend. teSBad aamng ton' old Now will all live to rlral
- Sunshine —

Uefa.” she fotgoitne
Atira's Ttenkfwieask
npsblra bUlq which had bena ber jmid. -xiomt and help me. girls !"
I’d love to know wbp tola la w:
■atbar's ate grandaolber's, yes. and
Then cane to each guest a plau Trarenc City. Mich.. R. F. D, No. 6.
|^•graadBotow■s boiM to turn, filled with sekmenu of ple.''iymmetrt.
,ur i»e Then,
nrai for
Box- IM.
IPS. Nov. 17. i*i„
1*11. steps
the ........................
kitchen floor,.„«u
and made
tbe x/ras«
first Ume. Oracle
teoal. Jra?
yea rlMK Ba»*.
With father. John, and M_____ _____
P»“P>^«p Dear Prertdentwith one paw an odd signal to the seemed to be con.dou. of ber bare
on aa nnnsnal apple and cranberry urt, with a grrat
1 tooutet 1 would write to toe Sun- cobs: and tbe ehubVy little fellow. iitu« feet that were sticking out tow ®".
Jrat think! tew co^ | terdly tear
tataaaat, and that was Thaahsglvtog tike ol.savory sage cheese to the cea- shtoera.
_________ ___
----- 1 celebrated my birthday and toddled and tumbled away as last as ibe aisle, and that her don and ber- .
* hit cd H-tere comae In tte if i-fi' pora born
*'"• *
“"'♦f ®» *"«“*»
F«mh Of
together.! have missed they were ibl7 The moVher bear'dld Zlt w7rV Mt” dr^'for““trav7lto7 to (“-these 'surprise, pumpkins' wUI wty of; perteps •tram aarto'a tot
-V the dtog nude from the r«;ipe which had one day ao Ur to R-booI this tern. I not follow them Immediately, There dsy coaches. Sbe crouchrfl under toe
pumpkto. as yon’-ve never
________ Chrtetmaa ww bnt been to the family for 2.. yeara and sit with my (rland. Neva Shngart. 1 '
chance of danger, she knew; thick overcost, and hid the doll under •**®hoy. to all your life. Yon -Mong folks with ottet ktoda of akla;
One ol the men ^
op to our ten u-slaht. at i m thankful thtogs teva iwaod Ogl aa
4. te ten#
as am to the sixth
tliih gr^e. My teacher's but there was also a chance of more the wide sleeve
days, nave*■Is~pMr. Garwood.
are |uc.
pii. When Bue
she MB
sew wf.
Mr. ruruvBinr
Parmenter brought
her some candy, and to a few ••«*» «
and bring your pocket That I can live with fotta I kpow.
AN -.- - - - —A .
. Is to these
- - - - tater
- - —■—
-vB~. .My
b; b
.bb^ Bta
oroQgni nei
--------- ----------- -------------------------U..' 11 mu !“»••
.m Bd IHTteT
-Nr. ld« W«B.'. lUB—.
moratog over aritomeUc. history. wriUng. spelUng. and bto son, she began to tntok rteslt- momenu ,1,
-*f!. (y^hefs^RM the fit* to (he Ug Idteben firepUte ud geography. My brother Ray goes uaUantertona She..........................dropped upon ___________
all strange_ and
even Unghed whan OM
what I nman bp -aurpriae pump
Inmber- .■■■-.
.. ___
-------------- —te to to tbe *lgLto grad*. 1 fours nnd moved off. wlii her lumber- c( toe men said something about land(Xw^-hre; seven o’ctack toarp.

Wtet H Waa.. .

.1! ..


" ®
!!r’' *.'’*^.*

hi. rubber boou. She even rnmewber."
*«hool today.

The «»w to pecee


There toe psused. stood np went to sleep agnto. and awakened to

B.1. "■». P.' tad IBN Bd U.n« a. ™. or Nr, I»»l.,. B ..

tevc ,teen ter np m tte froat dopTr «< • *»***•

A toacbm Mfowed bu aiaaO pteOa

*»» •»*’*« otM Jtet November a sebra, saylag. “Now what la IWaF
1. . BOW BN.- Nb
fo aaa. col- tlia prampt rap^.

.|*a loma B Ndl, Bd IWB * Bll


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