Grand Traverse Herald, December 19, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 19, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Froswi to Outh

P««ia. Dec. ifi.—Great
»0ar orer
to expr.
ia Stova troB KaMa. that BiratUa
6«opa ten toraad nore Uian 4.0M
Var^w troB tbalr liomea to make
aartaaa ^ tke eaar'a eoldleri.
la aiU that MreraJ arlctod PeraUna
tera CrcMBB to teto to a atom,
yabara a< partiABt are urged to
pel’m toed to the eferl siumatom
•ad to remato toyml to Treasurer
O—aaigl nnator. The borcod feeh
tmg <#toat Great Britain U crowing.
T^jaan. Parian. Dec. !«.—W.
lla^M Bhoator atiU retalnrhis pobMap M 9einrer caneral of Per•to. The totoet eanaot dlamlai him
nawK Ite «onaeBt of tbe national
baa not been gtven.
WaaUBCton.Dee. 15.—8U(e depart...aaatti eOctola bere doubted from the
•tot the reporta from 8l
-Sbaator had been dUmlaaed.
m«r view was fcrther Strengthened
Mw:wbeD a meaaage came 1
jtfNliaii Mtolater RoeeeU at
lam tolUag cd tbe aafeto of all
lIlBfiiai thara and tnaklng no refMMa to an? ehasge to Mr. ahnater-s

U^^lilaa 'ltoo.lpto nan Oear
Ma'Half Million Marie
Bliring Yaar.
!t to g MDlotoa to know the emotfot
m deae br tbe poatoiDce
__ ^____a tha atot of Trarerse Cicr
•a tote latt oonaideruion.
SBoant U Baner handled In thta ofte - lMite Ibe postage receipts,
tor the pent pear reaches »b7S.<i00. or
itohr a half tolOtoB. while the sale of
agataga atonpraBonaU to aore than
•iMit. Ahhepgh the toenl poetonee
to Bo^ eaBBStmtod la eonaection wiu
taa drat etoaa list (an annual sale of
peaiBda ataapa te tbe amount of MO.#•» Wbc BBOSaaaiT to place it so). It
te through Poatmastar Fi-ledricb-s
tteto. rocalrod a bH of attention
"ItIm of tha immanae sum of otbar haaftiaa doaa. Itor tnstanca. ManliitoB BaidaBfoeBil to get an adding
cktoe Mattor to tha one hern, but
m to do OB.
hra TBCtotorad at tba preeaai tea la Hto loeal departBant of

a BanBlcnt abowlng when U U reBBBVWia that the laeUtotlon’s «obpotttm In thto rieinlir coniista of
thraa of the atrougeet and moat railiMa hanks in tha state. It baa beaa
dattoel that eonhdenca U placed br
te paopto of thto eommnnU;(..^ltb
tho haaha to a greater degree than
^ tha aaelngs dapartmeot of the
l»Matfl|. Oeaeaeaentlr U nmr lateD
iksasBBad that thto oondJUon is due
|Ra)p to the tottto's Infancy, or that
Ml eitotoBoe to not at ret generaUr
known. Aa a oondueloa It might be
•tatod that-the etrrloe here to oi
dpBlealoat baats srtth that of
Che'lataa .cittaa of the country, which
to cwtalhlr gratttring to tbe local

Ml SMun HtiniEo
Mlto Ida Dstley Tbvre-

; n* aarriaga of Mtoa Ida OaUer.
teghtor of Mr.Bhd Mrs. B. M. Dali
]», tm Warn Ninth street, to PblUp
■tetoer. ocenrred Thuredar afterite at the Imaa of tbe bride's parteg Mar. IftYIber W. UcKee oBiItotlBg t>e caremonr aee aitnessed
Ip eglr tha ralaUrce et t^ bride,
ihd'tho newlr married' couple toft
temdlatolr after tbe ceremon)
$ weddlst trip, kftor wbjgv
W at hose to Traveree Cit--. Eotf
dir. had Mrs. skamer are weU and
'tendhir 'kDewa amoag a large drte of frtonde who wiu loin i>
teCtof oangmtalatfcBe and boii wtoh-


Vietor Peteetyl W<!l Muip WHh New
Machinery and Msnufaetbra
Different Gooda
Victor Petorty! Is preparing to en­
large hit hualneto and branch ou
to new Unee of the Banufaetuing
b^neaa. and In order to do so liae
placed on sale all - of bto present
•tock of bugglet, wagons and .elelgbe.
He will atoo dispose of hto p^nl
outBt et aachinery and redt hto plant
coBplete with new material unless
things so shape themeelree ae to en­
able him to locate in n more ndeantageone place on a railroad siding.
The change In bnalneaf will piire a
good thing for Trarerse City, as be
wlU greatly iacreaae bto present i
ber of employee and turn ont a line
of products that are lo general de----- 1 all orer tbe connt^.

I Rifle W>ien It Wes
Discharged. Bullet Enter­
ing Hie Head.
Honor. Dec. 16.—This ^ forenoon
about 10 o'clock while &nest Menbon. aged iS. was hanliiic logs for
tbe P. C. Demond company at Car­
ter's Elding, be, met eome boys on
tbe road who were out bunting witti a
.22^calibre tiOe, and while ratoppins
Ulk with them be txMk tbe gun
from tjie hands of the boy who was
carrying It and befeun to make an
of tbe weapon. In some
le manner tbe rifle went
off while be bad the barrel pointing
In bia direction and tbe bnUet struck
blm beneath hto right' eye. taking an
upward conrae and iodgtng.'flnalG' la
hto forehead. The Inlored *"«" was
taken immediately to a nearby house
where be was glren erery atteuiiloa.
Irat the attending physician does not.
bold ont much hope for hto recorery,
ns tbe bullet evidently penetrated hto
Ueabon has lived to this aecUon all
bto life and was . a bard working
young man and hto injury is regret­
ted by all who know him. Re orig­
inally came from Homestead etatioo.
where he was bom and nJsed.

(Ftx»m Priday’s Rccord-Baglc.)
The ease of Wfllls B. Wilson TS.
prank D. Nay to sUll on trial to the
clrcnlt court and will probably oc­
cupy the nmnlador of the day. A
eaten of court-wns held last even­
ing aM .ilgonaa were granted to the
cieae ok Oran Dtogman va. Ethel
Dtogmal and Martha Kaley va. Geot
Kaley. The case of Andrew peterva. Carl Oteon. morigage f<wW
closure, was taken up and decided.
Tbe present*indleatlona are that
court will continue all of next week
as there are several more cnaes to
be beard. Tbe Jury, wbirii was eximaed from duty for (he balance of
this week, will report again Monday,
when the remainder of the Jury
oases win be taken np and dtopted
of by the court.

J. J. Ttooddle Forme Pa.rtMrehIp
WHh J. B. Bcyd.
From and after the cm of next
montb tbe new law Ann of Twaddle
aA Boyd, composed of J. J. Tweddle
and J. B. Boyd. wtU be open for bus­
iness at the officm now occupied by
J. 1. Tu eddle to We SUte bank build­
ing. which (bey .will occupy until
larger and more suitable olflM rooms
can be provided. '
Tbe new firm aneoeeda to'the bnalneae of Hr. Twaddle, who lor a num­
ber of years has enjoyed no «tenelvo and Increasing law practlej. in
this city and vicinity, and owing to
the feet of bto having to be out of the
lucb of the time on bnslneaa.
has found It neceaaary to take
partnto. ' Mr. Boyd pructlte tow tor
number of years at Central Lake,
and bto repuiaiton not anly at a goo-1
Uwyer but a: a good citizen ts well
la Antrim ' eouDty; bU time
has been occupied lor the past year
aflmtoiatenng the eatat
!the Ute PkUlp Eoack, duriag which
time be baa had hto oBlee with Mr.
Jt to predlcled for the new firm its
ahaiw of the Beitncea to be done to
their Ubc.

Repeeted ThB If Indie)
Found They Will he t
n e BUnch at Cieae of
Indlanapolto. Dec. is.—District At
tomey MUler. and court offlcikto to­
day refused to give out any loforma
tion concerning tbe recent developnients In tbe dynamiting conspiracy
probe. It was learned however, that
if any indictmenta are brought tbey
will be returned In n bunch at tbe
cloM of
inquiry about the last ot
Los Angeles, Dec. IS.—Reports that
San Pranctooo labor leader to preparconfess complicity to tbe Mc­
Namara dynamtUnge to ^rrent today.
OSiclato refnaa to dlecuas rumor. \)ut
mlnit that Important devefopments
are pending.
New York, bet 16,—Detective Wil­
liam J. Boms was in town yesterday.
He found time to repeat that be does
not approve of Samuel Gompers. VChen
asked opon what be based the opinion
that Gompers knew ot tbe guilt oi
(be tteNamaras. be replied:
be'a a man of ordinary
totelHgenee.Indlanapolto'Dec. lu.—As a dire.-t
lead Into the heart of tbe alleged dynsmlte conspiracy, District Attorney
Charles W. .Milter, while the federal
giano lory held iu initial boaring to
yesterday took up tbe ques­
tion as to whq (amiabed tbe tnoney
lor porchasiog »nd ^eytog tbe expenof carrying nboii'l the country tbe
exploalvaa by which atoro than lOb
atrvetures were blown up.
Mrs. Andrew J-'hoC. now of Kim­
ball Neb., who. as Utos Edith Winebrener wet bookkeeper for the Intemaifonal Association of .Bridge A
Btructural Iron Workers, and who was
familiar with Us money recelpu anu
dtobursementa, was closely questioned
by Mr. MUler. wbUe tow tbe grand
Jury room were taken tbe stobs of
check books and aceonnta of the asso­
ciation during the Ore years ^ring
which the explosions t^Y ptice.
An Imporunt feature of AlcMa:
I with Mrs. Hull's visit to
the district attorney's office. This was
by McManlgal that be
usually receive.! about »2i>0 for eacb
-Jeb" and that when J>e corapls^oed
that fiart of -the nMflcy was tAlng
bdd beck from him. James B. MeSmmara had admitted eeetog the ktub
of the check and said Jonn J. would
“III U up.”
Hockin it on the Reek,
Mra. Hull's ap|«aranco at the fed­
eral building followed lliat of H. &
Hockin, former Detroiter, atllng e^
retara.x«f''the iron workers' asspdl^
tlon. ,wbo ’ bad been eonferriu with
J'rank M. Ryan* the president. Hockin
now occupies the position Iu tbe union
formerly held by John J. .McNamara.
Police officials of -Indlanapolto who
ere present when records were taken
ont of the Iron workers' headquarters
and former stendgrapbera of McNama­
ras also were present.
^McJIanlgal In hto confession told of
at least ..>6.000 having been paid him
and said some peten other than John
J. McNamara dld'riie-payJng bnt af­
ter he and James B McNamara blew
up a viaduct In Cleveland June 22.
1910. be had a dispute with the man
over the amount he was to receive and
"J. J. look the matter
in hand himself all tbe *«y through"

Oval Wood Oieb Factory Began
Buelnaae With Full Force on
Monday—Saw Mill Satucdiy.


(Prom Thursday's Record-EagIq.)
Tbe Oval Wood Dish eompau) i
nouQced'-teay that the saw mill
would start up on Saturday, and on
Monday morning the enure plant
would be pla^ to operaUon. Tbit
will be good Mws to several hundred
employes of tbe company. ' Tbe ab« of snow has necesurily retard­
ed UQbdr operaUons. but the 0\-al
VrooA- Dish eompeny is prepared to
They Desire to Leave FIrid Open for'
begin work end as soon as there to
Colonel RooeeveH Shote Emer­
good sleighing there will be s rush' of
gency Arlec In Reptt^iran
work In the woeda
Getherlng in Chiugo.


Fiewera In Frefutlon Added te Plessura ef Card Party and
The.recepUon and card party given
Thursday afternoon by Urs. W. C.
Hull and Mn. Tracy H. OUlls, at tbe
home of tbe former. WM one of tbe
Onest kUd largest ever given to Travrse City.
The besnUful colonial home of Mr.
and Mra. Hull to so well adapted to eotertalMng e large company, the living
room, library..and dining room open­
ing by archways into a epecious hall.
The rooms were Ailed wkh a profu­
sion ot flowers, hnge bowls of Easter
lilies and narcissi in the living room
and library, Wklle tall box trees with
glossy green leaves were placed in
the hall an^the/recess of the living
room. ChnsanS^muQs predomlusted
In the dining Wtriunll other rooms.
Tbe ehrysantbemum idea was car­
ried out In tbe refreshmenu, also,
each Ibdlvidual ice cream being
abaped Uke a flower. The score cartes
aero hand pointed ch'rj-unihemnras.
toe beauCUd work of Mrs. Glltia
From two imill foin-thlrly toe
guests were entertained at cards to
toe baU room on tbe third floor. The
I was decorated by box trees, and
toe chandeliers covered with shades
in toe shape ot yellow cbrj'santbemums.
Those receiving the prises were
klra. Morgan Paige and Mrs. 8. CDeMires. eacn a pair of gueet towels.
Tbe ladies were then Invited dnr n
stairs, where a reccptloD was held
from four-thirty to six, many guests
arriving at that Urae.
In toe receiving line with Mrs. HuU
and Mn. Glllls were Mrs. Haynes ot
CsdUUc. Mrs. Stiekoey ot Chicago.
Mra. Meslck of Petpskey. Mrs. Towne.
Mra. Butler and Hiss Deugberty of
Elk Rapida Other ont of town guests
Mrs. Logan of Chicago. Mrs.
Tuit. ot Bellairti. Mrs. Crawford ot
Those asbtoilng were Mrs, 8. S.
Smith. Mrs. Charles E. Hale. Mra. J.
W. Palchin, Mrs. H. D. Alley. Mi.t. L.
W. TInknsm. the flve todies eacb
wearing a fragrant cluster of violets.
During the recepUon Horst's flveplcoe orchestra played In the. music
1. Mr. Robert Bdwards favoring
toe company with several line vocal
The unique feature ot combining
card party and reception made it one
of toe roost enjoyable events of tbe
season, and would only be posalble
to such a borne as that of Mrs. Hull.

Very Enjoyable Social EvcJ Given by
Mrs. C. W. Faust.

Mrs. t^as. W. Faost nre a very
plossant thlml le tarty Wednesdaj af­
ternoon In honor of Mn>. J. B. Craw­
ford, of Ithaca, who i.-. vlrltiijg her sis
Vts f. M. Bronm, During toe
afternoon Mt? A H. Holiday Isvqred
tbe corapan.t with several vocal selec­
tions accompanied b'> Mrs. W. D. C.
^ -^Sqtoe at tbe piano
te refreshmenu were served, toe
tovera being red carnations. Those
R^ectstf on Executive Cemmittee
atng Mrs. FYnst were Mra. C. M
of State Orange in Hot FigM.
s. Mra. J. H McGough and hire.
R. J. Uerte.
KaUmetoo. Dec. 16—Herbert r.
Baker, who Thureday was in danger
of being ousted from the state grange,
wes late last night reflected a mem
ber of the executive committee, get Big Annuel Baii^cet on Evening of
ling 203 voter. Bakers eleciion to t
December 27th—InstaUatcon
victory for tbe insurgents and hi-,
Work In the After4ieen.
friends claim that It will rev^uU in U*The lle/oni of Nortopon ere gtons«le:t:0B next year as master ol the
ning tor a tig Ume wC toe evening of
. ■
The ASBetmekBent ot the electioB December- 27th. toe occasion of toe
of Baker was met by an eetbvet ef annnal tekertog of the h>te lodgo
applause from the 400 delegates who A'banqnet wID be spread, preceded by
remained to boar the result of tbe
rcBKWles in t^ alter-




DECKMRKR. 1!'. 1911.

Strong Basketball Team Has Been
,,^Or9sntoed and Seheduis
Tha Mayflower club has recently
orgnnlzed a' basketball team Tor toe
purpoee ot playing outside teams. It
is expected to play Frankfort at that
place tomorrow nlghL with, the calcu-

Iloeup baa not yet been decided upon.
Negotiations are also under way to
play Tbompsonville and powibly Elk
Rapids and Reed City. The practicing
will be done In the club rooms nt the
Congregnlional church, but the games
will be played af toe garage. This
movement will be a pleasing feature
Washington. Dec. 14.—The chief Is­ to local basketball entbuslasia. (or ft
sue to tbe selection of flelegntea to tbe witness several additional games to
toe Republican national convention be played to thto city.
i« to be toe question whether toey
are to go Instructed or untosiructed.
Tbe anti-Taft Rerub^esns. ana these
Include toe men who are seeking lo
throw the nominailoti to Roosevelt
wtU bend every effort to have as many LARGE qJaNTITV SEI2ED AT
nntostructed delegations a« possible.
They realise that their only hope
Geofge , AbbM Admitted Caching
Taft to to submit
White FlshW of Season and
the fortunes oF war when Chicago is
Paid 'Sum of S100.
reached and tbey desire to-keep the
sltualloD open*as far as possible up
Deputy SUte Game and Fish War.h
> tbe tost minnte.
President Taft's irlends are fully en Q. Allen Smith of this Hty and
aware of this program and the mo­ Deiiuty J. B. Eddy of Charlevoix madetive behind it. and »-lii strive for In­ a big haul of while fisb caught «ui of
structed delmmtions. 'iBe flitot for season, at Northp^rt Thursday. They
the control of tbe conveniipw will be­ seised six boxes of fish MrireJ away
gin early to January, when the first under the fanners' Jock ai Northiwl
•icp* will be taken tp select delegates. where the fish were ronrcalc.l ia a
crib, and two boxes concealed tin
Nothing te La Felletta Boonv
TGh meeting of t'ae Republican na­ der toe Cedar JLodge dock at Nortotional (-omniltiee here. If it aevom- port Point. Tbe toul haul aggregat­
pushed nothing else iavorable to the ed IIC6 iwunds.
George Ahboit adinlliod lo a vlotopresident, effectively disclosed tbibollowncss of toe La Folletto boom. tlon toe cloaed season tow and was
The aspirations of tbe Wisconsin taken lo Charlevoix on board the gaso­
sutesnian were not even mentioned line host “Arbutus"-by Deputy Eddy.
Eddy was arralgoed to toe court of
111 toe buzx of political converaatlon
among the Republkan national lead- Judge CuIItos this monitog. He p1«sdNobofly seemed, even to eonsld ed guilty to toe charge of rarlitng
during the closed teson
c la Mime. Biwculalioo being con­
fined soleiy to Frcsident Taft and nod was fined >IO0 autf coru of >6.00.
Tbe fish were condraned and sunt
C'oL Robscvelt.
Republicans' who are urging Cb|.. > the state game wardeuY depanRoosevelt to run agat'n believe that menl to be disposed of.
Deputy Smlib states that thto Is not
toe surest way of promoting toe Roosc
veil boom is for toe former president Abbott's lint offense.
himself to remain sl'ent on toe sublect There were Indleatlotw today
that Mr. Taft's supporlers-were appreriatlng this fact. Bid that their ef­
forts Id the near tutuiV-will be direct-. Chsrics Augustine Has Craft Working
e<! toward jiutilng CoL Rteevelt to
On Bsy.
n position where be will
obliged to
^veral bundre<i persons were prob­
Buy Bomciliing. Mr. Taft sirlsada-apparently are of the opinion that the ably stanled ai isiious times ibis
quickest way to meet tbe Rooeevelt Is- week to see a queer looking craft'
wtU be to bring the colonel Into floaUng or shooting along-toe surfac*
of tbe water eltber In tbe bay or river.
the,open If possible.
Col. liarrj' S. New. chairman of the Tbe hydroplane conains of two hollow
committee on nrrangenienta for the steel tubes which not only serve as
Republiran national convention, today floats but sre also noccssary to re­
SecreUry Hllles at tbe WbUe tain crafl's equilibrium. It might be
House tost be__ would call a prelimi-' teamed aa a hydro-plane with (bi­
nary meeting of hto committee'In Chi­ planes taken off. for toe means used
to propell it Is In tbe shape of an
cago th'b second week in Jannary.
Col. .New yesterday gave out a state- aeroplane pro|>eltcr about throe feet
«nt answering ibst made by Chalr- Ic length, and driven by a four cylind­
lan Lee of toe Indiana Rfi-ubliran er motor cycle engine. Thto odd yet
ate central committee In which Mr. prartfeal u4 pleasure giving affair
Lee declared that lYeefeenl- Taft is toe work of ‘a local young man.
«>nld not carry Indiana in toe election Clisa. Augustine, who to not only the
er of toe first hydro-plane to this
year. Col- New chargtt that
Lee issued bis statement as a |>ari ot vlctolty: but it will be remembered
prearrangod plan and u> s he know s that be is tbe first one to have an
aeroplane and a motor slod in tbi*
the tofinence that were back of U.
“If Mr. Taft cannot carry Indiana. pan of the country. The boat is ca­
> other Republlrati can." said Mr. pable of tektog eight or ten knots
hour, be bavtog rode from GrettlckNew. ‘'I had Information several day*
brought to Washlngtem by way of vlUe across the bi>'-_to the mouth of
New York, that he would Issue the toe river, and up toe river to I'ark
statement that was given out yeiter- street bridge to about twenty rolnutes.
Some time ago Charlie made an ap­
d*v. A* early as last galorday I
peal to certain parties for assistance
president that it was forth.
to perfetUng bia aeroplane whpb be
ure would have succee-led in fly­
ing if be could have secured an en
gine ]>owerfur enough for this pur­
pose . failed to receive
the as.visunce for which b* asked, be
Work of Con
I ta Nov
not given up entirely be'su*e oi
A meeilnp was held Wednesday by dit-'-ouragnerni., hut I* Mill haiuujer
_ awsv- li
loo bad that Mr. Au­
the Senior* at the high school for i^e
does not rWive the eoeourpurpoee of considering ren.ato bld>
sobmlned hy printlair crm*. to publish afemenl and necetsary asslsianoe of
(be 19IM: Senior Claat Annual. Ar- wbicb he It deserving for be baa prov­
rangementii for tbe work of its com­ en by bi.-. w'ork IP. ibe pas' 'hat he is
pilation are already under way with endowed w|Th tbe fcgcnuliy of an
tbe expecuncy ol tbe best annual c«- to'ecior..





put OBI by 'the lofal high school.

uie corn and wreay crops

ance. and Is ralcOBt^ to be an excel­
lent repreeehtailon ^tbe past, an'i
present vunditiun of te *. boot and
promise of future Wrogie-sives. •The Pines' wui serve aa a
WazhibgioD. pec Is —Acrordgng to
mlr tor the Ikxvk.
work of com- 11.0 final crop rci«f1 iho noo.bcr ot
plUttOB will be entrusted io tbe able a-res ol rera zow^ <s i^ii was
tsagemect <f Edw;n J. tdell aa £dl:;e!dtof a produ:t:'-n of 1•-nrtfi<hief who has already demon-; ULt*
wmied bto ability to tots respect 'io'|ooo aer* of wii
hto fellow atnJeni*. Cha*. Sleder wfll prodniung 4:0.666.000 l.usbc-to- Tbe to­
act as htiRiness manager. It to Intend­ ul of sprinflteid winter wheat proed to have tbe annnal finished and on duettoe to J*U was 62imoi>0 baabsak about the flm of Joan.

PRU8II8 “IRSlOE cncir
Men^Hlglier Up’ Wi'l Include Leadtfig BptriU Among Strvetoirai
Bridge end Iren Werkera In
•everM ClUee.
Indlanapolto. Dec. 14.—Worktog on
(be ibeon that John McNaBara to the
conuct point between toe "toalde Hrele~ and the corpe of ^ynaBHera. the
government began its preaentatlon ot
cvMenee before tbe grand jury today.
Strict secrecy and extreme preennI are taken. No one to allowed to
approech near (Am jury nwB.
No federal grand Jury that ever mot
to this city attracted tbe aBoimt ot
public attenUon that to displayed In
tbe body that began Iu aesslon today.
The McNamara conspiracy to to be
probed^ to the bottoto by the grand
Jury. Srecificslly toe federal todnlry
Is as to whether or not tbe etatote
goreralng inuraute transporUtlon «C
imtte has been TloUud. bnt 4t Is
the general belief that Utoted 8Utsa
Districi Attorney Miller will Intradnee
evidence tending to tbow the cmnection of many persons to the dynamRIng operations of tbe McNaaaras.
Rumor* are freely circulated today
(hat this evidence, gathered under tbe
dlrwiloo of Detective Tlimam 3.
Hunt*, is of a most startling toaracler. No attempt to being made by the
autoorttles lo eoDceel their purpose
to' bring toe men "higher up" ten
toe McNamara brothera to JuUce fay
revealing toe eatotehce ef e eyndtonto
of dvnsmlifra naUoe-wlde to ecope.
The principal eSlteY*- tbrmer oClcials Mild agents ot the Internattonal
AssoclaUoo of Bridge and Btntctniml
Iron Workers, whose naaee are UkeI flgnre te the federal toqnlry are
Prealdent Frank-M. Ryan ot Indian­
apolis. former Vice President E A.
Clancy of Ban Pranetoec, M. J. ToOBg
of Boston, P. A. Oobley of New Oiv
leans, M. B. Hockin of DetrolL E- 3.
Hendricks of Lot Angeles. James R.
Ray of Peoria, J. T. Bnttor -qf Niagara
PnlU. J. B. Mansey oC^t C*ke City.
W. ReddlD ot Ullwaokee.' Jamae
Coughlin of CblcngD, Richard W.
Smith of Ban FYanetoca, Wfniam
Bbnpe of Chicago, F. 3. 8mUh of
aevelaad, F. E. Thomas ot Chicago,
H. W. PoUman ot eaattle, D. F.-Dwyer
of Oakland, and FTed Bheman of ladlanapolls.

Claim That "Fork BarraT Msossfi
Would Effect Economy
aehtoginn. Dec. ^6.—Tbe democra­
tic bouse leaders today oxwted aP
their cnergr to an effort to block te
public buildings and gnmuU oomoUtee to reporting the public boUdlng
posk barrel" bill, wbicb they dodBrod
would serloasly effect their econoBy
j.rogram. Chairman Sheppard of tbe
comniluee said that tost year’s' fallUoD-dollar seMlon would be mtoerly
compared to this if the committee In­
sists on reporting the bUL


o'clock. At 7 o'clock there will be a
• iquei given nt toe Park PUce boin hi* benor. to wfakh an tovMatoto II extended to all tbe alumni aito
their Wives, and aluBnae and their
busbanda. Tbora who expect to- be
present are requeeted to notify eltbqi*
A. 8. Hobart. pretidenL Of Dr. Kara
fbsse. set-tHary of toe loeal aluanl
a^auelatlun, *u .tor
number of <wiera ii
......- Hy after 1bo dinner 6e
about R o'clock, s ree«Rt»B wiU be
he'd wht-.fc the phMto to gchersl O
wrdtaUy Invited to auesfi. Wxny In.
^ ^
■eoqaentty it l> teped .
will he to aUendlina win be at Mss:

st^htob ptoto



Inveue Benl4S£r’.rr"^'rr

u4 TnierM t<; U(h

THOa, T. lATCa.
WmrnaM Mmmm.
BMfe TboM No. tt.

Mw* t IMS, •! *e poMiM* <
.fbvrarw Cttr. Hloh, o^er tbe A
m Owdrm •( Motek t un.

•MMiiltmk 3,100
I to the epIeMM r»I «d the Male at MtcMgaa for
rt—and homo btoMer. ae
ed to the moch adrerttoed t
g Md aeothmn otaiea There have
a toom thto eeettoa who have
j hwed by altrwtlee Uteratare
a ether etatee and hare learmeff
■OBS. We have eoaghl
Iw to toe attwtoa m theee who
■MMtltfb t» anracttre atgn• mm the WHt aad aoath the
tHtttoa right here

»«.To. . Bom in Wotmcnfatad,
^ 1^32.
IWt NMb Porter, noted l«lcpgnphv OAd preeldent of Tole eotlece. bom Is Formtecum. Oonn. Died
in Now Homn. Moich i l»2.
n inT^^ aCaltted to tbo
wt the U>nd« sad
OrMOwfch tmJlwoy. the ftwt nOway
oat of Umdoa.

Tlie eoirfitioDt oaniBented ore pHnaiT to the pracrcMtre tferetopmont
tbot i» wMkiat MIchlcoD om or tlie
gTMteM tUtoe iB the onion. Added
to tb«M we here on edncetionel er*...... eeewd to aone. 'iDo Uolrei^ty
pr Utd4su ot Ann Arbor te reeacnlt•d M oae (rf tb'e beet ooUe<ee la
America. Hear of fU eloiimed ore ttow
«rat«d im
ocvTtW >ofV PooUton* o< Uwt
snolblUty oil orer Ibe conairr- Beleoa Mont
lS»l-Slr OUeea Mowat. premier of
of ow noUoaol eyKem of prt>»reo». •Ontorlo, Unwd oa addrem decloriag
Oar Mota aMmol scbotdo odor oscep- rtaopoiulr 0«aU»t American ooelinfUonol
1~* that eaoble the oa- dtea.
im—The Meilreti caremmeBt obltloae yoBtb to secare on edacotlon
by a modoote exenOM of, thrift ond dopted MTcre meoouree ocoLoet duel_r. whUo the MleUcu Acrtcabaral ceUepe U beoo^ng one of the
mmt potM laflomcao of tmr hoctllise—Catheriae of Arragon. first
coUaral o^ a»r
wife of Heary Vin. of Enfftond. bom.
Not the lea« ornoa* the coadlUoae Died IM6.
which Bohe Mlclu*aa a deebahto
m»—The first dreetoting Uteary
to Uve to. are oar greet taduo-; was esuhllsbed to Salem. Moea
'iho laetorteo of
17»e—Geo. Aalhooj Wayne died to
thie etate offer enudoyaiem to Brnny Preaqoe tole. Fa. Bara to Easttown.
of totelllgeot and oldUed Pa, Jan.1. 174B.
working people end their producu
;h0»—OtTorce of tho Emperor Na­
end profftthle marketo aB orer the poleon aiMi the Kmproee dOMphto
woriA ABd beeidee an........................
40—Eemalaa of NapUeoa 1. con9Kinj«, Michigan to the home
reyed tram Cherboegt to Paris and
r-PlA A.
w<9inM nt the told to the tomb of the Inralidee.
I men i
11164—Oen. Thomas attacked Gen.
» Ugh 1
Mood'i army near NeehriDa.
]ga»—Oalrin & Brtoa. American
are doing tnach toward* maUag thl* financier, died. Bora Sept. T. 1S4&.
belter and more proepemo* conunetT
im—Brlttoh ander Gen. Boiler de­
feated by the Boers at Cotanao.
leofr—The aew> law
Band of Michigan people, there 1* no
» why Mlchlgmn men ahonU m*
remain to Michigan.

1742-Harahal Efint^. who pomWARNING TO FRUIT OROWERA manded the German allies at WaterWtoter M»i«f o< trait tree* to the too. Kara. Olod Sept 12. UlO.
more northera latitodee to not
1778—Destruction ot cargo of uxad
r ittir Msaarted by thoM whs hA«s ,_...................
altmea iM found them ^mon. and Prof. R. Edward Tnimble.
tea in Boston harbor by clUteas dleWMSM W omaanred with Mkhlgan.' wril-known agriculturist and hortl
lisMt as indi#
Indisns, known as the "Bostmn tm UM^ riaiani why MtoU- cnlturtst says the Gmad Rapids Her-.
Mb patci* thmiA awake to the oppor-'aM. has'eant o« a wwalyt^e ap,„j_^bott Imwreaoe, founder of
«8ritetfth*tohD»eMat0.aBdtlHSt.'p3e-grawera to prepare oreimrds tor Lawrence Sdentifle Schort. bora.
so powBtol that they the wIntM-. fti aU the northern suua Died Aug. 13, 18S6.
«* the wbotoaome-he says there to a considerable per
134*—Park theater. New Torit city,
Igrapat naff iwMlirrr'— of tha sen-!«ent of kws ot trees by wtour klUtog. destroyed by fire.
[ MMs MM whs asoka to better hto 'which be ascribes to tote growing aad
18S»—Wilhelm Carl Grim. Mtol au­
^ topHdi^ aad MCtol
jiate InlgaUoa. Tbe tree that grows
thor with bis bratov Jacob ot toe
Mswto hors shown dutog toe tost Mto to toe tall arrives at the wtot- famous 'TsliT Tale^ died. Bora
_I that
n with
Irultt ^
can------------- too
----------- sap to the wood Feb. 34, 17S6.
with the worU as to ouallly “'1
Cold weather freeses this
1370—Tho CDlorod Methodist gplsBbdle n-ntiurr to
ev-'*aP- vrhlch resolts In Injury to the
oopal Church of America organised in
Apple!*”*- **••
depending on
hMd to Grand Rapids devstoped,*^* amount of sap and tbe degree of
1390—Oon. Alfred Howe Terry,
wm proersto to fnilt ototamIcolA If oUy tliw of Mmh. are frosen
—P-|T-|1 “r
"*«»"»• I the danger win be slight but when noted dvU war officer, died. Bora to
trasD otov


apidM to c
Mto H great tares as

to peatosa.
spared to too
atatua. to# mcr
toft |or MMilgaa predaett to aastm
BHihL aad wHh totslMgcat regard
nrvMag^ tadclag, Mldriganena
o«HMi Biy otoer state to toe naiaa.

y’WM to traa o( fruK to eeuallr trae
d( vlMnl tana prodneta. Than are
Matoi to tot aatoa which can
ami UleUga la toe prodaettee «r
■Mb had e^eUMes of tbe aoU.
a for toe eamU or estoaMs Miser or frnH grower and
tome are alUl many tooMaade
I a( Mad aatoatoed that oRar ap^
■■Waullln for wealth and pnapsrlty
' at prleea withto the reach ot the
t Gamble home aoehw. Batter
M-OO to 31M per acre than aar: that can be offered tram the
. toadsd WMt at S9M
#f9M per acre. This btaU does not
a toe dlcMg oNirrlgnttog dUMototare tor the aoU to abond
provided hr Us thottaands of
aad etreanu ihrougbont the
1» additMt Is tto todoBrtal advant•to. whsn to toa.whoia uakm caa
e toaad a tmm with m many hraaHm MNhral attraotioMt Also*
«toa daw.el ewy «Rjr there to i
aesi m raaan where eummB ro
■t hMtofwl coadUiaat

tmmhton and ander bark are trattoe danger to serlons Bid resaRa to
_ greariy deereaaod vitality » the
whoto traa. thto 11 preveaiaUe by
t«a*Tlaff toe causes, by
tote grewtt and sumdag late lirtgatlon.
The trees that kept growing have
not had time to shed their leavee to
fart, have been forced out of season
to retalB thorn wban they should have
id is ehaaee to abed tham aad hard) the wood for tbe winter.
Frofaaaor Trumbto says youag trees
re the most misoepUble to winter
l»ii|iPE, and orchardtoto should see
that, they do art. go Into the wtotor
■hlU l«avea ms. Leaves at the opeatag of toe wtoter-on trees are a eure
slga of the growth and tholr proeeaoi
helps to coUtoua thto gr-->wto.,
To get rid of toavee FrotsMor TramUe says youag trees ahould be spray­
ed with douMe streagto Bordeaux
mUtnra. This bums off the toavea
and lorosa toe tree into tbe proper
ahould there be any
ftmgUB disease 'to toe orchard tola
apraytog will hrtp remwe IL After
trees are wtoter trosee they should
be CBMctoUy pni^ Orchard men
are also cautioned that trees chouM
not go toto the wlntor with the eoil
rooto too ary. After growing
has stopped and wood bardsoed :
advlaabte to dig tou the ground to
see whether the soil to BolsL U not
a aav«r« wtotor will produoe
what 1 skaown as dry freoatog. RbouVl
toe ground be too dry. moisture la
way should be appltod to Itmited

a. Mtah'tou to
'm mm haaRh aad geod haattk
tJ ^ Mai sswttol to pfesetwltP aad


8. Campbell. ot-leilMSo county.
Mias Oampbuj took an ncUre part
Rnport c< toe Acaoe senool for too
to the —Ufa of the pioneer days ■ooth ending Nov. 6, lyii.
of thto regioiv and was well known
Grammar room. Nomber of days
and loTed by a Urge circle of friends; taught. 18; number of pupils enroll­
Falltog health of later years restrict­ ed. 30: average daily aitondaace. 24i
ed h*r actirltiea. ton her lateraet la percoatage of attendance. M.
life nerer failed, end her fseultles
Those neliber tard.v nor sbseip are:
onlmpaired to the last She was Marietta Elites, uertra.le Knieper,
riaUy food of children, and “Ann- Gertrude Liobtr, Oaribcl Green. MIC
Ue GampheU" wag iored and rersred bani'SUtae. Frank Buloa, and Martin
by a hoH of Uttto onee.
Mtos CampbeQ became idemilAed with
- Addle E. Crisp. Teacher.
the Congregatloiigl church soon after
Primary Room.
her arrival to Trgrerse City, aad bet 'Number of days Ungbt. 17: number
greatest Joy aad solace was her reli­ ot pupils enrolled. 4A average dally
gion. W-bwi she became a “ahut to" attendance. 31; percentago of at
throngh laUiag benltb. she Jotoed the iradanck 73.
Congragatkmal Snaday School Home
Those tMdtlicr tardy nor absent are
Department and so retained an intl- May Stites. George SuaK, Ren Tar
r.ratoUonsblp^th her church lor and IJIIIan Bolus
which was of rital Importance in her
Vida J. Warku.^. Tearber.
Four brothers tarrlre her: T1
Re|<ort ot tbe Gunton school lor iho
as. of Chorals: iosepS and Joba ot
moato wdtog Den-mbte Mh.
Binrgeoa Bay. Wisransla; and .ti
Number of pupRi ennftled, 32.
EL, of thto ptoca Other retoUvei bere
Number day s taught. 18.
1 aaptaew, Jo^B.: two nleoea. Mrs.' Average dally attendance, 27.
Margaret TIUeyTand Miss Benba
Pen-entage ot atiendance. -SO.
CuopbeU: a grand nopbew. Harry,
Those nfeltoer lardy nor absent dlrand two grand nieces. Inex Campbell
Ing the month were L«ola Drake, ftoaad Virginia TUey.
dle Cotmer. Harry Shaw. LoUk.
Tbe ruaeral will be bUd W’edneeFrattke, EYeddic Douglas. lYtuU Mai
day afternoon at 1:30. trom Judge
gucriM and Walter Tiiarp.
Campbell's bQtne In Leelanau county.
Flossie M.Camplxdl. teacher. '
the west bay abore. R«t. D. Coeb11a offietottog. and tba Intermmit will
Notice for RsoHivsysnoe.
be tg Oakwood.
the owner or owners of any and
all Inieresi to tba land hereto-dcMrib
ed. im,l tocuhe mortcasi-e
tgagi- oi Tnorigsffcs finroi<
fmroi< to all undlsrh
undlsrharti-d t»-<vit‘led mertages against rai'f laud, or at.:assignee thereof of record
Ike nolke that mD has be:
, tiiailr of liic lOllowiiiK drsrrioed
land fer un|iaid taxes then on. and that
tbe ondendgned has title tberrtuntjdct
tox deed Issued iherertw,*and that you
aro entitled to a reoom c-.vanre thereof
aa> tiiKv witolB slx-muoibs a(t,>i
. .riiiem to tbo nndt-rstgned.
regjster in rtarrery o| tht.- roici.ty
wlih'h Hie lauds lie. of ail sums p

H Pasuengsra >* Tmw Roar Sleepsrs
Either Killed or Injurad-s-Fira
Added to Horror of Cataatrepl


Odesao. Minn.,
were killed and
the fat silk indu on
I. Milwaukre A Et. Ibiul
Into Ibe Columbian, the crack train
Of the system.; Eleven bodies have
already been removed fmin tbe
wreckage. lY»r some us yet iinkilown
reason ihe Columipun came lo 'a stop
18»7—Alphoaa DaudeL
Frchch after passing tots station. The sec­
BQvellat. died. Bora May II, IMA
ond section of the silk train was com­
Oeeember 17.
ing at high .speed and crashed Into
11707—Rev Gordon SaltowtalL of the rear end. - All toe occupants of
New Leadoa, aleoted foranor «f the twoTesr sleeiwrs were killed or
Injured. Fire broke out and added
X7fi4—Goveraor of New Hamp*
horror to toe afcldenL
toauod a proclanmUw declartaff toe
ctolats d New York to toe tertUory STATE OF SIICHIOAN. tbe Probate
Court lor the County of Grand Trav­
of Vennont were obedrte.
erse. to ibe matter ot the l:b<uie of
>3—The am parliament oA Low­
Thomas Raw-lines, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that four
er Canada met at Quebec
1307-Joba Gresiitoaf Whittier, toe Mills from the IHh day of UeeemCamoas poet, bora to Bsat HavutoHlUkac Hied to Hamptaa Palid, N.
, SapL 7. ittA
IMl—Tbe Raman CsiboUe dloeeee
of Toronto was establtohed.
R>—South Afrleaa republic esUbUsbed. with Paul Kruger as president.
llPt—Dedication ot the Drexel lo-'
suuite of An. Bdeace and ladustry.
to PkUsdatphla.
13>h-.-Praal4aol Cleveland seat

-imT i

for credlU
scalast said deceased i
for essenlnatlon and i
that air creditors of said deceaaad are
roqolred lo pre-ent their claims b'
said court, at the probate office, in
tbe CIrv of Traverse City, to said
county, on or belors the gttth 4^ of
April. A D, IfU. and that rtalia* will
be beard by aald c*>urt on Satur.lay.
the-20th day of April. A D.. 1912 at
tea o'rtock to the foreamm.
L%ted Omsomher iKti.. a
Judgi- ui Trotiste.
Hoc. iy2« Jsii. 2-:'.

DU scJved bjr tboee
tobo piiirgl Bdhk Books
Boob (or
Cbnatnus with





s upon (wrsoiiai
I of suit, and 1
U iwy mi-ni as aforejsud is not made,
the uudirrigm-.l will iiirrituio. pru>i.vJing^ lor iioara-siou of lue land,
___ ___ hetl OI itie Bontn wrat
touarior of s«H-ilnn rlx i*i) town iweo
ity six (2'".| north range uipc
II tbe r.mnly of Gn
11; ux for I9"s.
I3.K3: lax for l5u:'. *.!7'i. tax :or
ll'lu. 23-'iS.
AtnoniR required for re'^mvcyahic.
333.44 pies Sbevlir* f«e».
Place of ftostoegs. Film. 2lirh.
___ t of RegtHercd Letter Serviee.
Grand Traveree
I heicby ceriHy and return
•orved a lictl'c. of wfalrlii the wlihib
Is an exact diiptlraie i-pfin0 7<i(sle Hillevy by seeding Ihe ramet to nko hv
rasflslered letter ,lirveled to Jasie
llcry at Toi,*l'J. to th« Mate \<i;
liu. the postage 12c on whiiA letl
t fully projiald. And ! furtl-cr c<-rti
f return that berevnili sttac-.lird
this duptb-ste noOra r* the reimiuc
itiial L received lor aid letter fl.:i:<
Ibe povtoffice aotborillcK to the.‘tar
'son tn whom It «a« ad<lre«eed. and
aid letter was retorefri nficlatmsd.
I further .rac.iry aad retur'n that af•r <)lllg<-nt imiuiry aud exaPil.iation
: Ihe records in ai-l 'otto’y r-l»i;nc
fbe land dlerrtlH-d to said nolitc
e:.tii>fl«d that Ihe add-eeS *wwtbeooFsl nhK-li -ai>
Jpaie Hlfb
rlP ry wa Inosl likely lo rr
rolvo said U-tiiT.
" o4 the IHh day of Oct, 19K
11.12. •
FRANK 1- Sin TKk.

ir.rtMi. Irt.. D.C.

Caunh CaniiM Be Cared


K,,.,. Kia,.. -a,.
toj ." Iiu de..lop.d
a. . I—.-fv
raeult of Injuries received yesterda.i, .
wrack op e Bahtmora A Ohio
‘ ' ....... . ^
train near Converse. phy-lcUns hold
OBt lllUe 'hope for his recovery.
lie Few.
killed oi
In 190s
l*eople 1a. th^y-^hole csuairy.
'hBBc«>i.aif dSatjbtop
..... b'
in The ebanre
in a milUiin
sch trouble U vgstly.grraier.
if Kircirir Hitter* he used, as Kopen
l•ro^Madsen, of..................
- .................
doctors l
P sfler
eight BUpahs of suSrriag from viru
lent liver trouble and yeHo^Jaundi.e
He wav tfceh eoinrltu-ly rurad by Klee
trie IPtiere. . They re tbe bew sront
aih. Hrer. nerve and kidney remedy
and blood purifier on ••arth
.‘.'V- pi alt Tra-erse Ct;y Krug Stores

n for tl................
’. ir. Cba»e«T
Earl M< r>onald. •

In this <
Qdavlt 0
el Mclkmald. It not a NUldeM of the
Elate o( Michigan, but la a resident
of-tLr Oily of Chicago. Cocniy of Cook
and EUte of llUnol*: On motiea of
I’aTU- C. Cllber. solicitor for compIsinaDt. li Is ORnXRED that tbe ap
................................, HasH
withto four RuiDihs
order, and ihai
bor eppeerriortsaK« Sate
- she cause
lo toe Bin
DEFAVLT baring bewa made to
to be Bled
Tlhe condlttoas of a certain mortgage
ropy ihcrcof to be served • 4k^'
made and executed by Jonas Hessem
iiiplotoam's soliriier wttole toteew
and Piwrl Hessen, bis wife, of toe
>s aficr s*'r»lco on her af 4
Village of niHckwood. Grand Travenw
i>v of said
mu ei^ aetlak
Cuuiu>. Mirhlgaa. of the first part,
this order, and lo defaelt tberagf it
to n. W. Reytiolds and Earl Reynolds
CRiiKRRD t!:af raid Rfll of fW
ef the agnie place, of the second part,
ofaaMd by aald
dated the third jbij of Jiree. A. D. plalm Iw taken a* ran
1;m«, and reroMed to the office . non-resldeat defeu-lani.
It U (nrtber OKIlERt
the Register of Deeds lor the County
of Grand Traverse. Flalc of Mkhl- iwciitv days coiniiiatoaai Mkese a aoI»r this ordcT to be pgbllHwd to
en Ihe sevcnih Hay of June. A
ihn ttoand
Herald, a l. .
!>.. ieio,
1910, In ijber 4!* ef Mungamw on:................
.. Travc
lUshed and clrcoihat aald
be conllfiaed thereto oBce
notice the aem of one .hnndred eltiyIn
luwdira weeks.
four and 79-ieo <3164.7^1 dollar*, and
liriKfddlncr'et law bsvtog
toto de­
my days befoew
fcudaui at kast
- said
lime sbove'p
(bed fer bar apNow. therelore, by virtue of tbe
power of sale.eoiitalned to said mort;
csgc Slid the statute to such case
Grsnd Traverse County. Mlehlgu.
made and provided, uolice I* hereby
ited neoember 4th. 1911.
} the
• ■ Eighteenth
“ ■
h day of
I>ec. :-iM»-2a Jaa.,2-9-ii.
i clsck In
' sold at
M. e R. £. TIME CARO.
public BUitluD to tbe highrwl bldder
thc front door of the Court House
Wasbtorioti Stre-t, to the Ctiy of
Traverse City. Mtiblusn. that being
tbc^lsre where tbe Circuit t'ourt for
the Ctmtit) of Grand Traverse Is held,
the premtoee wraeeitwuj to said mortgace, or so much th-rcof as may be
eneerary t . .
'oiint - .
said tni-rtgagc. toclii-liuc inlerost aud
.al - r-«itK. ui'li nilI altorne)
Bttptrw jeara
liars. The
laetn* rtfWiribed to aid
iiKiitaue as (ullows. to-wit:


“mTl * X I

lied. I>rl<i».'f
A «. 1911.
. 1> u- Ki:V\fHJW.*
lAllL ItKYNtiLIlB.
toreey lor Mortgaaeee.
add rca—Traverse City,
0« It, Tws. 12-7 to Jan. 1C



Sa’' -


Teeth Extracted Ahctolalee
ly WItbetol Palto
By Ibe ••Ka-i tor' nettmd I ran ra
live those aching tetfh absolalely
wllhuiit>. aud without tne use of
driius to produce unconiclousi
____ ,
Bcrvoos temperameM and
'TTO weak heart* will api>reclgte the
'Ka-olar" method of painlea extrae

Do Yon Want
aa abicJu!^ gafe, 7 per ecff^

^ Traverse City
Bnsfoess £xelia»i|C
"toxts-wiiheiiR nua

tax free nTeSacBt that vi fpqnre no Watcblnc? I caa l«nM
a. A aoowl iowotam, Bto ■

TYsi-rse nty. MldilBMt
Bwatoem Cfisncra,
Dscamber 1A
Fr««t t-snda
Fsrin Langs.
1T«»—Empires Elbabeto of Russia
Mortcafe Sale
City Property.
bora. Died Jan. C. 1762.
Default having bran made in t
Return^ef Unable to Aseeriain WhereLwl your {woperiy Eicre. Regdsi
abeet* or Poxtefflce Address.
1T9»—Remaliujsr Georce Washing- conditions of a certain uiortga
Horton U. Bektoor
STATE OF MICHICA.N, (-ouit.^ v\ commimmi i( we tend buyer.
« depoalted'la toe family vault at B»nh»> by
M. BelcbM,
Or-.i»f Tra>cr*e--s*
no* 26-IM*
Mont Veraom
me. Michigan to WtUiara R. dmato-y
I herohy s-erlirv and rtewro iii>« S'
Oty. Michigan
. .
13U—Horace'B. Clafiln. eminent of Traverse nty.
r A
A D.
D 1!>10:
I'm.. and re- lor rarefol Inquiry. I u-to- uhsM*- :<■
IM day of July.
New York merchaaL bora to MUlord. curdsd to tbe office of the Kewtsi- asc-enaln t.bc whcrealsnila or port- : j
L Died to Fbnlham. N. V, Nov. Of Itoeds fo.' the County of-Grand See adrirras of Jrasto Millcfv or
hefr*. Of U -- whfTca?--Ms 'vr
f-.' csvu^fWS-Mato
14. ISSS.
7'raver»e and State i
Muhimin on a'Mreiw ol 1'. c .-seciruv. .-wlmti,;str«
u:y. .V:'D i;-io at
1812—Bonaparto arrived at Paris the 15th day of Ju:y,
or of ssi-! Jc—-ii».jv
hU Rimslatt eaBipalga
iMoriRBAM on page 493. which aid
Ilat^ ttr nih .i»» Ilf fvt. I••I1
mo-Pbillp Freneau, toe poet
mortgage was duly assigned by aid
le revolutJoa. died n«r Freehold. N. William k. Smalley to Myrtle U. Wal
ker of Harbor Spriuiv. Mkhlgsa.
Dora to New York cUy to 17*2,
Return cf Registered Letter &eev,CF
ISC^Hwmas Codwln. Qbio states
STATE OF \;ic-MIi:aV,
man. died. Bora July- 39. ^94.
I hen-'-f '-eviify and fetnffi tbs* I
1877—Tbe Protestant Episcopal dieserved a mcce. ol wn;rh »hv Witt ,:
M« of Springfield. illlnoU. was orlobn Cra'*-lock p. m, to Liber 1« sn exs -1 i.iplfrate
|4T of MurniBBM'm page 143. on by si*i,|;i:3 l‘c satre i> ly t-til­
1899—liOrd Roberts ap|«lmrd
lered I'-’cf .l:r»vled B> .•'■t-n CmiIwblc-h nioitCBS'- there Is chilnicl
T.AsvI'i. If* Ihe *tj.te o' '•*•** Cs
niander-ia-cblef of the Britk-h li>rtc>- ibe due, at the date "f this
lira for
Ciu sto.k ill Ctansliiint (ood* displxYed in the wiadowt,
was lul,
ipriiic.psl aud taluiai. the
Soulh AfrU-a.
13933 12 .vnd an attorney fee of {33 00 preiimiil AnJ I lurlln-r xerl.Ij oud
ud tbrafifh'yiit the itore iacludet edibles racb ai dtiidj,
;ss pmn-tded tor la aid mortgage. And turn that hi-rcwith suschc-l to ilildoi-llrate
;no ault nr ppoeeedlna at law bevtog
Birii. rnirini. bnimnni. applet, cranberries, and bandradt of
rcorlvfri for ralil hi'or frqni Ibbeea tusiltuti-d U> reeotrr ih- _..w...
kiif part t*.su,aew ooti-orjtira
the pMiwa u
Jacur.-I bj .ujJ morisapo
other thfn^i that ve cannot describe in Uiit ^ttle ad. .A
Mia EllaaiMth Ann Campbell Paaa Ih.rvtf.
Notice 1* hneby given that by vir­
gnat loany alttacMYe and detirsUa thhifg for ddldm,
Awmy Bunday Night Anar Lei« - tu* of toe power ef soto ceatatoed to
aald mortgage aad the slsteee ‘to -r dIHgeet letnlry asd eaannnetloa
fstbm, laothm, grandfatbm and frandawtbera—sosnettitnf
such come made ud provided, oa Ike ' tNe re<a>rd« to sa'd <oeovy refaMli;,^
MUs RlUabHh Campbell, a phmser 23th day Of Januar.v. A D. 79i: at > tbe land dl*<-rlt*<-.l in aalJ noli"
for ereiTbodT. A good pocket knife, dranu baiU or a wUetle;
I l>er»:nc
ihai tli- a.ldi.of toto region, dtod Ule Sunday alghf. alee o'l k>rlr
above given v. .v u,af vP.. h , ,.i:
I the aonh front g
!um1 a vase, cup ami saucer, or a box of toilet soap waald
hi her elgbo-an.1 >ear. Mias Csmp- |of too 4-oiirt iLuaw to tha CHy el J.ibU 4'ra'cv *a« loo-t Pkel« lo
c.-lv* »al.I 1*-II-T.
boil bad been In taiUng braitb Tor ITraverse I'liy. .Muhigan...............
make a very acceptable Christmas present.
•ted like Util day of Ort.. t»11
place where the CirvK»me montha, but was able to be drees('oiiiii* i:f Grind Tra’irprac'ts beld. Fera. »M2
Call at Corner ef Front and Cans ftreet.
ed atrd about toe taouaa until yester­
OahIP ss'-thi*. .
day. Ucato wai, caused by aciuc di bridcr Ibe pratoMvi 4*9 ^
■ SStd PheVfg
lauUoa of tbe boart. the end came Wmrttxic.
Retnni «f Atscriera When
sbenU 4IV Fostewic* Addrees.
pearetully and without pain, m a dsep be ««>•..
0 pa;.- *h* a’Ti'''int r> i
STATE or VlCHlC.J.N. Cuumy of
steep, serreonded by thee* w'hew sbe
orairt Trtv«r»c —ti
tMts. tototw wRh rata etawwer lee.
I braeav ramry sa t set-ura that af
Eltubeto Ana Caombfll wu bora to-wii;_ fx>i N«-. Ton om of nio< k ,i‘-v'-srrfni ie-iuin. 1 »« uas*-V- la a*
in 1331 to Fon Covlngion. WanMla fiftaeu tla» of tha erigiual Hat nfit'-najo ito- -op. ri-jK-uis or ;caloflii.'

is-ldri-w of J.iTic
or hi* tieir*. ocounty. N. Y. toe oMeot of a large
111,' wliciralii.ut. or t»>;--->ffice stores*
lamlly of ciiUuren. Her pareUs imiv
tar of Detoe of Crato Traverse hf taw emnrtor. sdiwinleutoer . oo (tonada wbrnt she was a thIM. Ceaaty. iDehlgen.
teustaa er gnsrdtao »f aald Jbim
ffbe raam to Mlrblgan to IBot. and
MTRTl.^ n. WALK&S,
C'tTosr Kroot A Caa Hlfeeta.
Amdsnee *ff llorttosee.. Dated tbd J7fb day <rt
ived to Tnvaree City to the tan oi
im *Etnce Oat ttca tog hmas ha* CPRTW ». ALfTAT.
Sbariff.Atteraev for Assignee.
been with hra brrtber, Jbdge Jaaee OcL 31, TnaA to Jan. 34 ^ ^
.Dec U-19 td. Jan. 3.

C. A. Hammond
Wilhelm Block -

Is Almost Here


m —Mil cwdiMd tfawds whichtUr wtib to b*y
W« Gp« ShMB(
" ' /
«r M« itod m9 htod ^ ^ boob to yw lor
' r 1^perk or mi Arad to ibe ttdtiam

Itloaal ilierrfi
of Ibe fWlT !■





OwMtatf WlM* Wmr CxMaM M Mfait.



M. am.



Tk Cheapest Is IhtJest'

fddraaaad to Iba Board ol
Sbansakl. Dec................. ...............
........ ra at OraiHt Trawaa Comof the imperlaueu ead reheti taid
Ur. ha«a baaa raealrad by tha ctorfe
aad dtocanaed a.
fiamtt, »K, i1p-4w. Dater. u«d at aay eaaaty. tad Ued to kU office, «Arr EXEKCIM* rRKMOOATIVE
Cenftoed te Eueewtiwe CemavitProeIN RUSSIAN TROUSkS.
praylaf that aa aiacOon ba KaM to
tM of Iren WorMca.
and to* aaM ootaty of Grand Tra*kowerer.
provtotoBs of Act. No
tta t«NM «( ^ ttzplgdaB of »a
dtonapoUa Dec.' IE—That Ibe-e
prorad Jpaa ». IM--------------------fa Mill
baoy at tha
TUI be no wbotaBsle todlctmenu et
Art itter tb« PaMlc Acu of lt»a,
latUamar aaoartdfn tka will of Uie. qaaUftod OCCCMBER SI. ISIS, FIXCO tO END
labor leaders as tbe reMlt ot theJnl

■ taaOsc the i>aar.
alaetoia of aaid ooaBty. wk(tkar or
era] probe of the allagad dinnwlilai;
akafaMara of •■-»ra
conspiracy, is the crsertlea of Ur
irafflr abonW be prohlbHtenive Bum*. The federal grand jarr
•d aritolD ke UoJU of tka aald couBhas eoattoned the laying of the foerty ; and
datloa ot McManlgal's story to to
Wb«aaa, at a aesalon of the aald
Beard of Baitenltora of aald county
Dll^hUTlC NEOOTATtONS heard next week. It leaked oat to
WaahlBStOB. Dec. IS.—Taft formally
duly called for that parpoa^and bald notlOed Knaala that the treaty of ltu.2
day that tbe Investigation and Indict
a: tie d(y of Trayerae Ctty. to aald undo- whlck Rat-ia lias eac.oded Je»toh-Amertraa dUaeoe Bill be abro^In thin uaa....
...^ uiatier out
of the btadf of <\>ayrei(* ajid foresialaad declared.' by led eesMte action c
SaUer rmty JEWISH
reaoIuUoB adopted by the laW board lutlon. which pracls
that iinch election haa bean prayed excltlnt riiuation to oSK-UI rln-les
lor by the requiaite ouinber oX elec-tyeara 71>e acton foltoMed a contcrChlfaso,
tom. to wit: by not leas than one-icnce of
Com. GJMr. Oats. 47Hc.a
third of all the qoaUfled eleciora of'
Detroit. Dec. IS—When
Wheal. MHc.
■aid county, aa shown by ref^ce
Com. CSc. Osta. Sic.
to the returns and county cao*ass ol
News of the pretest ciMtcd
Toledo, live. 18.—Wheat. »T8ic.
the last preeedlac •eoeial election a decided sensation Batunlay. Ttie
Com. CSiic. Oet*. 60c.
lor state officers, held In aald <
senate waa not In session, but there
WashlnptOB. Dec. ic —That the Eul­
ty. nml (he atfldarlta aecompan
were a number of hurried called toa■aid petUiona;
ferences at which the situailoa was er reaotollon abrtasaitoc tbe treaty
•Sow. tberefore. It to.orderMl anO fully expressed. Chairman BuUer of of 1S32 wlU be coulderml an -Insult
directed by the Board of Snpervlaora the home comir.htee on foreign rela­
Russia- if enacted into Uw u the
tions declared there was nocblnp In
of tbe aaU county of Grand Tra'
bU rosoluitua which couM be fam- substance of meMsce conreyml b.'
that asB election
electlo be
' and tbt
hereby cplled to the setacai town- Btrued as an Insult to "sensstUe Kus- President Taft today by Secretary
l/w. Al«.
ahipa, rllUcee.____ ||tA
Knox, following a i-onference between lve,4:> S0f?8. dosing «t IS 7S.
tiieta In aald count;
nty. n
Knox and (be Rnaman amhasasdor.
Itrovialona of tbe aforenamed act, to
_________________ ^••tl'tortcff. All diplomatic negoiaascertain, the will of' Itbe electors of
e proiiosed uetton of the AwerTtan j•*«>»» for a settlemnn of tbe Jewish
■aid county, whether or
or not (he manufact!
nure of- liquors ami the -liquor trsf‘peasport question are broken off as
Silver HeUl Ware in
Olovea aad Mitten. Big
. . . _____ ns with that country the readlt of tbe bouse adopting the
fle. abould
be luoUhlted within tbe
and that iniematlonal cuiuplitaiivtu
llmlta of anid cpcaiyi
Knim.-'Roria. Spooni. etc.
might eliiisue was soon foUuwe.1 b> an Baiter resolution, it Is claimed tbe
And It la further ordered that said other.
6 teupoens, 60c; 3 deurt
» hen kU nii-.niw-rb ul the cab stranR terms of tbe tesolntioo. charg­
election, as aboTe directed,
ing Kuiato with bad faitfi. is reM-nied
Bade ooBte,
w table fpooas, 50c; 3 table
lield at tbe next seneral election,
lip officerm to said several lotrn- house late to the atienmon Ufflt-lsil) by the (^'s guverumenl. The |.resiknivea, 50c; 3 table forki, Bamtta, brueebei. bead*,
Msled (hat ItiL- <sblnel liad
Villacee, clilse and election die
iticd in (-ijuncll (u )iaiu> (iDall.' deut loday tout. sle|w to have the re50c.
ptu, ate.
be Ittof
reHdent Taft a niewugc on .leTHE FIRS
fn-.25 years ^ear.
1tl2i that aald eloUon shall be bv lanniontal affairs, to go to congress fenslve to Ruisla.
t Thuiaday. Tb
Warn Dnkn gntts, Bed
ballot, and that the ballou shall
llattnah°<ri!iLv <k>.
two • forma.
one _of
Fancy Chbia and Dinner Blankets, Unen
Senatorii and members ot tbe bouse,
Data .
whl^ Shalt eoutato tbe words: “ajui
apprised of what many of them «-bar» Wni ■
- Com .
Napkins,' Ddliet, Drawn
acterited as a veiled ibtoet bv Russia
10 rut off all friendly retollons with
Handkerchieia. Fine em- WoriL Shirts, Necktias. SaI’nlied Btatea, dtorusaed the matMAVNE CAVE iNTI
s nuuracture of tha freely.
broidered-one* at 10c to 36c. Vet^an, CoUan, Laee Cel­
liquors sad (Be liquor trpKle be proepubllrun leader^ In the house
Initi^ handkerchiefs, 6c to
‘•I’-.-' —-he county ?-NO:- that were
inclined » criUclu the Demo.....................................................1.
which the word ' Ybo" cruu tar
« oUat Raving te '
10c and varions other kinds. lars, JaboU.
aao|>: shall be connied 1
I and-Merms Manj
Hand Sleds, Ohildnn’a
Kidney Itoau ...................................$2.3
> of aald propcnIUon. and lloa of tbe SuUer rewlntton. Tbc.r
Headscarfs, assorted colevery ballot oa wblcb (be word -N^ had endeavored, they said, to have tiu•M on hand pickec
Cnttera, Dolls, DoU Ckbt,
resolutions smeiiiltd. When tliat el
lora, 60c and cp.
- ' U be counted la the na­ fort
(Prom Monday's
fulled (bey voted tor It to its ori­
tive ot'sald prcpoaltlon; that
Dolls Brias Beds, Piotare
CuTttU court ooovenea mu a.targinal terma The reeoluUon was car­
tbe prortoiona of the atoroaaid
Hoisery. Waik stocldngt
noon and the sealed verdict In the
pWuons aatlUed under the tows of ried. 300 to 1. tbe only negaUve vote rase of Wltoon vs Nay was readd -byv
Books, Chairs,
for every one.
w .................................................... 8H
this State to vote tor supecrlsor shall being cast by Repreaentatlve Malby ot the clerk. The Jury «ive a verdl
York, a Republican. Tbe OemoNursery
Chain, Feeket
be deemed qnaUOed to vote at nld New
ofr r--|6»3AS..wlUl IntereBt
crau were quick to defend their
Ir^gings, for ladies find Kaivaa, Hanao&icas aad a
election: that the reglttratlon of the Billon
. which amoUDiad to
and Cbalrman Snlxer Satui
children, 60c to‘$1.00 pair.
qnaUOed electore. the bonrs for opesfine aasertoeBt of jrorld^
Ing and ckmlng the polls, the manner night toaued a autemant In which be original auU was brought (or $1,000
declared that every thing reciud lu
of voting and ot.......................
Sweaters at special pirees Best 10c OandlSA
’ boMlv and <
ue and that the toll .toe Jury allowed sererwl offsets
eald elecUon under the provis­
V<iB renenber your ftrst dacUng
ions of tbs Etoreeald net, and the
above Bgures,
powers and dntiea of boarda of regisWuich.
Tbe letter to the exar. abrogating 'Previous 10 the beginning of the
tbe treaty to said to have bean iluc to eessioD. Judge Mayne gave those Id Umb skin. ............................ 20c to 40C
Wkb Etwr Dolar or ^
a -mlsnoderaundlng in tbe Inlerpre. the court room an Inieresllng talk
Utlon- of the old treat y. A
on the manner In which toe probaUon
PflNkstBTOR csRobuiR a G
approviag the act ot the p
working out In litv United
sane to evety respect as to c
stated that
iasWsidiforOWLr 59 CENTS. annual township elections, ot
Uon of members
Na 1 horse hides
l^ldo'^ up
Stau Wiad sod SMBSet Cosnii. ervlsora, so far a
: 40 to 6u
are sent back to the InitUeaUe; un­
md fsi CM fsar.
Secretary Hollay of the ^^ard oi
sUtutlous (or crimes commlued after
to aald acL
DnltVd State.they
edi and
sent to toe reformi
^halnaaa of tbe Board of Buperzaap which measures «i7 febCTrETJh
per cent are sent back (or conUnuing arrived with the enmpllmetu of Ben^CEO PLOT DIBI
vlaon ot the County ot Grand Tiavene.
along toe path of crime, while ol the
WilUan JUden Smith Mat even
total number of those who
Tbe asap to one of the lateet edi
OllllBsntly Gaarching for
Clerk of aald Board.
of InsurreetionlMt.
Uon. that of iMfi. and to one of the
Otpad Traverse—sa.
complete ever published by tbe
1. Elmer . B. WhUa Cou«>- Clerk
-rbeae figures prove thaf-the probaMexico City. Dec. 18.—Mexico today Uonao- avsiem is working out prop
of the County of Grand TraToraa. aad
ces another revolution
and it U
Clerk of the Board- of Smwrriaors of
erly and to not vioakening tor protec­
.lartlal Uw
law will be pro- tion of our criminal laws. Of those
aald oounty. do hereby certlfj that petned ilmt martial
the above and foregoing Is a true and risimed throughout the r
who are released on probaUon are
Tbe government to searching mtootAy only the young and better class, and
correct transcHpu compared by
lor General Reyes, the lender ot tbe In 93 i>vr cent of toe
from the origtoal record of
- the
-- order
toned by tbe Board
Bupervtoors d revdutiontoU. An alleged plot to as- find* that confidcoce
inty calllnf an ElecUon on
oa the
' ^talnate .Madero waa tliecorered to- itoplaccd.
propcaltioB of the question of Coun"^
So fur as this court ts concerned.
ktodsre WritM 0>at te Return.
ty ProhlblUon. apd of the whole of
Mex.. Dec, Ih-—Accord- Jndge Mayne uid that he would
sneh origlnnl as entered to the ioa^
I to the
1Pueblo Vasco, a news­ release a probationer anleas be could
nal of Uie procwdtngi of said Board,
irabllshed ...
paper irablljhed
In San FehaKilai rely vipoc him to refrain from the i
at Us meeUng of Oclbocr It. A. D.. .-per
Slialn. itonnvrt-ilrio Dias hss been ask of intoxicating liquor, and to all va
Isfun bas Been enfuri-ud
IN TESTIMONY WHERE­ eil b.v^TTealdeql Madero to return to
OF. I have herounto sub bto native land and assured thm he tbu circoii. .At ibe preernt time
scribed niy namu and affix­ will iwVIve every pisvihlc cuorujilce there are fewer persons out on pro­
ed the Beal of tbe drcult ■ the command of the country. The bation than at any time ainee the aysat Into effeet.
('onrt of said Coonty. at the ■lefsage to the aged ruler, it U aaldu sent b.v lormer President l>c La
_ .. lyne stated taai the
city of Traverse City, in
Vkbo is now a|iecial aiubassador eat trouble that he mvi wlib id pro­
Mid County, this 2Mh dsy to lira.
Know ol Anylblng Better than a
bation work to ibq,«ecurtog ol proper
of October. A. II, 1911.
If the proiier ofELMER K'WHITE.
raa brother, who to to charge of toe Seers could be secured, men who
County Clerk.
MV n. dee S, 12. I»
message in iK-rson to Oon Diaz mao wards and who would see that (hey
Ifritting the desire* of Madero to see received continued and HiliaMe enihtffi oivee mere In his native land.
I'lu.vmeot (here would Ik- a greater
percentage of reform* effected and
tlie nysiem would prove of grekl beneBoth In Vibrator and Rolary Shnttlcs


■> the oountrj. With projlb ctuirge of toe probat lo:
v. d 'that ihv popolation of tbe
“The best machine made, regardless of price.”
Elmwood Ave.
priiuriit codld lie reduced from h I-h
In a written s|>elllng i-otuest held
. r*> |N'r relil and Ifaerel.v reruil in
Ask anyone who has used one for thirty years or more, and (bey will
lu the Thirvl grade. Kenneth Alltaad.
gitat saving to the u»i>a.ver«. ami
tell you like the lady told her friend the other day: “I have used my
Ullton While. Mary Melbser and Ati- ' society ui targe.
Ib-njamin Phelps, who was placevl
White Sewing Machine over thirty years, and It does as eood work today
drey Kalkstlne bad iwrfeci imiFers.
I piolatien lost March, was brought
Tbe fourth grade are working on
aa my neighbor’s new Diachine (of som$: other make) which they paid a
by ProseruUDg .kuorney Prati.'whu
their Christmas play. 'The Old and
ali-d that be had kepi Ms |>aru!e
fancy price for.” .
you ««n get an Inreetment
New Santa CUus.and is now c
where you are sure of seven
Tou should have seen the children v
per cent, with a good chance ol
face* beam Thursday morning when
making from 25 to JO per cent.
1 his resolve
|i was announced that seboo) would be I lead a iM'tter life, he «
diemimed (or the tortnoon because it Mlll.v dl
At the
was necessary to repair tbe furnace.
You can buy one at the Big; Store. A reasonable payment
During theee bright days our boys case <
the men behind tbto deal are
down and monthly payments thereafter.
are again enUmatosUc over baaketbalL Wood Dish <
not a bunch of ptomoters. but
le Jury empanelled. TUt M a rase
played between tbe sev- >r dareagea which the complainant
bare been to business to tbl«
aoth and eighth grudee ’K'ednemtoy claims to have received whfie workcounty for *5 or 40 years, and
toe plant of. toe cni^aoy last
evening, and aa aeveral of tbe eighth
thetr bonemy and totwrity are
grader*, who raltad cnetr marks suf- March.
abore reproach, aad they are
Oclent to play aatto. they deleaied
coottog the fuEkat Invemiga
tho aevaatb gmden by a aeoru of 2S
tkML There .ls'g8.200 of the
Report ot the Boyston ecbool tor
> 19.
lie,kM worth not yet aobeerlbterlag tha sraueat yw 97 paidto Bonto eadtai Dw.ff.lfU:
Number of fcys tingki. 20.
have been neltber*abaaet or tardy.
ICnmber of popUa ewoBed. 22.
Onr Mathers' aab mat Friday at
Average nanndaaee. il.
2:M wHh Mra. (took as iMder. Aa
Pe^iage of attendance. 82.
toteresttag progrmm was givon oa.
Those neltoer abeeat nor tard^ dur­
Tbo Tna Heaaing of ChrUtmaa.We are glad to have Mtos Kilmer ing toe mento arc: Roel Boypwn.
wMh na iMla and atoo to know that Martha Boynton, Walter Middangh
ber mover’s Malth- la aneta tatoovmad m^wd Gbmtng.
M. AlMQ^Teafknr ,

1B.BE uRDura HI k raw


Get That
Boy A
With Your


We ani*l have le prove it.
Ike ew»l—err aeatl II. - Soto tvuyuiMri




Practical Christmas








Make That Boy


ANOTHER REVOiT the Herald and Record Ck>
do voiir Job Work.


The. Leading
SSioe Store
eTraveree Cty
Largest Stock

WlYy IVot
. Get Her a WoMh WhUe




Xmas Footwear
^ Displayed In




The White Sewing Machine Stands the Racket

A Present that will pal Money in Your Pocket.
The Big Store will be Open Evening5 All This Week

DmH Fait To See
OftBoBM UBt of
SBppm 50c to $1.

Santa aaus ^Headquarters HERE.



Power Co,

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

■ -■ 'I"-"-'-






Christmas Day, Is not—Have I gifts. T<7 laadc-.,K«ia»d. MUla girl and Hra. C B. Taykr. rqgB^ to bm trip to Peuwkey. and went to Cadli tiM gnest of Un. A. Mdhrantt. vouraed to her toioe this luotuuslac {his afterntea.
home this moralag.
I bestow, bat have 1 h>v« lo Impan.’
■ ber-laad].
W. e. Williams wtent to Grayling
ipauMing wrant to KInffsIer
lowing Its meaning again from ihi
O. C. %oora^ went t« KingMey to­
Once you^e crossed Its bordet
Uts moni^ on a few days huatnass
lag on a batiBg trip fur tbe day on biMtnMa.
beavenly meBMce. ChrisimaA da a Aay:
ran ema entm' ne'er again."
Paxr Rmu) Before Elmwood Ave. Motben’ Club by
and good-wIlL This was s
So. we wtfuld make the day brigbl flay.
Mra. M. L. M«m«e went to Walter
Mn. Jobo R. Santo.
message of peruUar slgnlflcnnce to and JoyoBS. with qtl tHe cb^r of tbe
Normal) HfH left today on the neon Ibis aftertiaoit. where she will apead
mankind in all Us vailed conditiom Christmas seaiton. but we would not train for laming on biuioeas.
< Sunday with Ura.' Oliver Williams iie ilay'
Miss Margaret
Holden. daugMw of
h« lliilr mor« thu an ex- of life. Th* coming of tbe Prince oi forget that it Is a time wiicn {lie deepIt 1ms been a tlme-boiwred custom
Uim Hay fiomerviRo «t Midland,
Mrs. W. L. Wataon U' visHing
^ Mr*, w. o. Hohlen «fio has
has been her* rislHnc'ror tbe friends and reiaiivew for a few days
Peace, sfa* *o “>• -voung-and oM, ic
mgtt-wuntrles of Uie^w^
> K|>endlng some time la tbs east
the rlch\tnd
*\tnd tbe poor, the sick an-l ronng minds regardlhc iI-.l- t.uib con last week as tbe guest of Mrs. L. Ilal
M'oertaln «ari%ot; the punose o(
has returned borne.
: t'odiUac this weel;.
Mita Haxei Hoyt of Monioe It ^ndthe well, tbe afflicted and the lecied wlih ibe real sU.nifi<-ance of iht sell, mnrfled to ber home this mont•^g^ating the Important events .t-oDj
John F. Paul returned to hM hem*
ng Ihe hclldayc with Mr. and Mr*.
yirlrf with tuUoStal blvtnr}- or rellglo<i end aiwva ail ^ilaptabllil]- (o a Ions ed. tbe snccessful and tbe unlortcnie. day. Moreover. U is a day whenmoth; Mesirk today, from a irief visit A'. A. Glimon of We« Nlmfi streoL
strangpn. fHends and foea,
gWfhailTlrir the same dir feasts and lilt ot lAdlvIdnal requirements, and
erbood and rhil-lbood sboold be In (hr
M. S. Grepe^ is spknding the here on business.
Mlaa Ixctha Weed of fiowih Board(^txnlf or religious hies and cere the ifnliatloDi of an Inadequate pune. alike the rc^sage was-Peace. Peace rioseat sympsHiy. for both were hon­ day at Xessen City on buslncsi.
1* visiiiiig her eUter. Ura. 0ua
Mrs. Harley Smith of Bellsire. ar
aaekd, peesllar to tbe eoonU} and Thus, a seoKOB wblcli aboold be aaered at borne and abrond. at ilie faniltr ored and annifit-d w ith tbe coming of
Mlaa pearl CsInfleU «*ent to Manis- rive.l In Ihe tity this morning oo bull- Crain of l-iast Elevemli etroiK.
Mr*. N. Albright is apending a few '
fireside or, in the Mreet and on 'thr ibe Cbrimvblld. ihereJore, motbera. in ■e this mornl^ng to visit friends for
tb* times, but. when Ood sent his Ondays
•viBitins friend* and relatiro*
Ir BebBlten Son to thU earth .Iweause red >■)' a spirit of btrlfe and nnresf. highway, in ^ly, town or ccnnirj ;bc sweet cominnlonsblp and quiet ol few- days.
. Kingsley.
Misst Regyna Klinkcr
ipirlt "PMce'on earth—good will to meu* the Children's Hour, "suffer ihe liltle
B« “go lo*ed tbe woeW.” It mtrked
Mr*. F. H.~.«Mttijlc(t thla morn­
Mrs, M. C. fihafler and smi, J. H, Ka|>td«s this ahrtttoua g
Cl.b-aM'cma^^i^.tasls amt central event U the world s of that flnt CbrUinaa morning long and tbli Is tbe measage which tills an
ue unlo Him." Igjvinglj Rw-ing. went to Ciwemisb this nw
a few days.
Malnrr. Ac erem which has fixed m:o. when the angeli proclaimed— niversary once more reiieals.
lure them away from Hie iMd-ol.Make
Mrs. Aima Clark of Chicago, whe
g on basinets for Ihe. day.
C. H.'seett went te Bumnilt City
the date «{ all er«iu In tbe bMoo' •1‘ence on oanh.".
It is true that the .dawn of Chrisl llelieve, that favqrile realm of Clirist
Arthur Hooker of Honor, who hac aa-v l>een here visiting friends for thf thl* iiiuriiinx on buslnraa tor tbe
«r OWT nailoBr tribe and longoe from
Tbe real slgnlflcance. loo, of Christ­ as has never yet fooad the world at mas lime by tMlng them the siorv been In Ihe city for several days oi past week, returne,! borne teday.
tte Tcrr beglnDlof of the vori.l nntll mas da>- oelebrailOD l« well High
lace. an<I it would seem ibai there P more wonderful than any ever invent but inesa, went to Solon this morning . Mrs. Mary Crittenden of Mesick re
ed ibrougti the city thl* moraiag on
Itoa .ntall ead.
burled <1B an aocumulailon o( tradl- ‘tnore unrest and disconteat at the pi • ed by hnman imaginaUon or genins
J. F. Martin of Cadillac passed ivrnedTo ber home this a(iernoon. af her way to Carson City lo vlalt b^
> An tbe grmtf and important events tloas, legends and lolklore. and. a Vm lime than ever lieforc. Imt ih.
tbrongh the city today on his way to ter several daj* vUll to tbU cUy on rothor. Hai’kl Baker.
remalas the same—God wants which fc-e celebrate nt Christmas
B. F. fianen want to Big RapMo tbia
have ever taken place have i'.' mystical observance of the day. Itr
.Horning on .-«veral daye bustnana.
when we bring birthday offer­
their data acknowledged that this wan which there Is a strange Intenning- ib, to have iieace. the Saviour of InanMr. and Mr*. Collins are spending
Mr*. Matilda Pfeifer ot Big Rapidt
(From Saturday’s Record-^gle)
« erwter one. Bvdrr book, or paper. llbg of ssrrod symbols, mythical gin,! came to earth that we i.ilgk: ings of love. In honor of God’s gres:
iiwni Sunday m the Uty with trlenda.
few- days at Baplre. this week on
-Miss Agnvi Yonqulst icit tooay i
tbe jffiAi on that CLrlBiDia-<
Lewis Moirls went to Kingalay thla
her borne in Sparta after completing morning on tuslDesa for a few days.
habit, almost mecbanicaily performjubcl soui d* Day. Tell them of the wondsrful lietu
fob.s rj ohairver el|eract«r—bean
Mr*. John Quigly is spending aaw*r*l
'Jie millinery seaiuia with the Han(ifnl star and its Isadlog to the iiabcwitness in the date d lu pub- ed with eat-b recurring ii«at«n. thus,
Tbe blersed -angels sing." .
has lieen spending some lime at Be
Lay Mercantile company's lavs ai Conway, tiaiting rolallvsa.
IbsUea to tbe fact of this event Xv- parvertlag the real meaning—fun hat
••Glory to Ood In the liighot, and 6J Belhlebem. the long Journey nf the
Frank Wilson went to Manta* thla
for happiness—revelry
wise-men and tbe signlQc-ancr of their inakey. iiassM through tbe chy today store.
irr letter ever penned has borrowed
I. earth |•es^e, gocd-wlit to men."
•Doming on iiUBinen* for tbe dA>.
on ber return borne (u spend the laollglfsi.
L. D. Miller left thie noo* far Oa«g *te from tbU eJrcotni'cance. as bat
To give God tbe blthesi |>lsce. to
olt to epend the bolidaya
ooon train for PIUsborE. Pa., on an
•Iw ^ .poetmarks wbicb register iu in tbe Inn must tern again from taetris make bis glor.r ibe highest aim in life, and the night visit of the shepherds, dayA
Mre. Frank Kafka left this merRUm
extended business trip.
dtoputan and receipt AU tbe bail- pieoccupied. and year afler year amid U to have a rounterrar*. in ihnt heav­ tell them how H was all foretold lone
Ft. Worth. Trxas at which ptaoe
ages ago: why He w-bo was liorn that Port Hurop. wbere he has accepted c
Hr*. C. fihrestte urent to Frank­ tbe will Join her hu*liati<l.
«Ma Wansg-'— that bare ever been the glare of glltierlug tinsel, and
enly message, and (o touch the
moerfW OT legal ddenments executed, eonfored n^ley of llnkllng sleigbapring of all <rne Christmas bap day was. called Jesus, and who gave posUloa in tbe * Pere Uarquelte fort today to sgrad the holidays.
ao miter what ibelr import or what beBe and Ciirletmas hymns. la.vlng ho- ...-css; and Hs meaning «iU unfold, Him the name, how- .Mary was c-hoseii freight office.
Mr*. H. 0.,(Pattls went to Bswlsh
H. H. Godfray of Grand R^ldA who this morning on several day* vlsiL
.gglwa ther were Intended to repre- msge to a Hctltidus saini—on the and er.Iarge. and deepen and moliipl) . fo'be His mother ber-ause she was
lornJng al
bow He llvud In a common home has been spending the past^rew days
HBt. «ra-utterly worthless unless birthday of the King: AihemhAhi.h
Min Helen Menf) of Hersle, who er spending several day* bare vlF
ii is Riven outward expression In
and went through all the varied exper­ w'lib friends in the cliy. returned has been here visiling a* the guru
' |h«e Is a dale affixed which corres- on that,Christmas mernlng kmg ago niaoifolil minitcrations of love i
friebdi and relatlvaa.
iences of childhood and youib and home this moriing.
-s.aH. CovrtriMit w**t M Lola*
pgadg td thU one..

|was too great for an.v save a CrtesUil merer—consolat^n and sympaitay.
ol Mr. sn<] Mra. H.i A. Musselman. re­
(Tty today, where she win
when )g>u have flnlebed. it Is your iiri-, J. H. Gredson of Oetralt has re- lumed to her hom^ (his morning.
Sooto wltboot nnmber have been
'hvmc *hlch ca1k-l forth.
Hean offerings to the Prince
Hid* visiting relatives.
turned home after a short business
Harry White of Medford. Ore,
^ mrinaa. nrfniing the truth of this oc-iOtory to God In the highest, measure. Peace, good-will offerings to mankind, vUege to tell ihei
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith want ta
lu mlraculons for heaven has that day seni Us best
It Is nlm<
hundred year* since!visit to the city.
In Ibe ciiy-viBljing »mnei T. Holmci
Christmas Is also a Joyful day. tbe
Detroit today on an extndad riill
hain«-ned. *tm- -Tlie| Mias Vora Parkhill mf ML Plaaaan: of East Eighth streetT
'«kln t«t ™ IS, UU. IU,
,v li'i 1, ~nh-» rtJmi , 10.1 oorW. message was good tidings ol/great ail these tl
I relatives and friends.
Albert Cerailia an^ daughter, Mias
Mr*. Dora Da Ruitar of Big Rapidt
«gaaad^' he foand. anderneatb limj To those most intererted in Cbrln Joy, a message which was world-em­ heavens decUred the glon Af OcmJ"—J i, the guest of Traverse City friend*
Alice, whn hare beer, visiting In Hevr Bpem Btindar In the city witli triasda.
gMbor’s name.,a oartain date, to which mas reform, tbe growing roaviciiorl bracing. tor it was to all people, and kHII the quest of Jesus Is Ihe wi>-c*t}thi| week
B. Stricklin went to KalamaMO this
A. V. "in tbe upon the pnblic mind that something tbe angel gave tbe reaeon:—"FOr unto search that anyone can nijkc and »till![ jj. Avery went to Kiogaley thie af- land. O.. for the ii.vst ten days have
to risit friends (or a few
rd.“ I
U wrong with its present tbtcrvancc, ^ou Is born this day in the city of —“There is Joy in Heaven among ihcj|,,r„ooQ ©n business,
7«r of 0«r' Lord-weeks.
Thomas Doran e'f~ Empire, petetd
Hawley went to Battle Creek
- Th^ the world in IU way. ac >s a ray of hoiw which lllt.mines
lUvid. a Saviour, which is Cfarisl tbe angela ' wlien He is lound.
Bwedlah Court In Days *f Dpi
Ixird." It will Uke all eternity to
each one of uv-ihat we iiave seen HIj<
r. portner ia apending a few daya rehitn home from Chlcngo. s( which
If Lady Kilmsrao^ *er« lo stmt
up tbe benetiu that came i«
o worabip lihir.
sur. and are c
a' Buckley this week on buHlnes*.
H'»'c he has l>et-a lor ik-:ijc iluir
BroHlsh dress when rbe arrtree ta
nianity with that glad Udings Of greal
e. Smrth left this afternoon for « 'Uit and busiu-ss lW|. icrmbhie.l Stockholm she would be Uke th* wtt*
joy—from it ail true Joys eminaic. It
j.Vaiquctie on huslucss.
Phillip Payment is spending a tew and family of our ambaomdor <Mr*
MU ai«i«i,in» 1, , ton noiM. I, U»'1I1M, ,M l«™»ltol» « «>“. M' I i-B a Joy borne np by faith and hope, a
fO year* ago. who were afterward tOM
■j Mrs. Jeee. Allen -of Eeet . Joi^n, dgys at Empire on business.
Joy that U not estimated by the abun­
<a» um 01, HoOwoor. Tltol Illrlo, " >toiU.B,Dr. »n«n ,nd lU,
;jpasBe.l tUroilgh the city today on her
Geo. Jewett returned here lest night by tbe maid* of honor that they mis­
•-tUtoto blnl rtKS itmioa aowo
"•'S, M-. to nitooh ol ,h, dance of things one poasessei. biit
took tbe tartan for a Uvery ad tbe
In sharing them with others. A Joy O. a C. Ladies ^terialned for Oe-Jivcay to Maoton to *i>cnd tbe hoUdaya. »«*«" *n extended bUMnes# Irlp
..Uto ood mO Uoditol Sooaoll, . tort- ™
«' ^rUmu. ,od
aen-aiita and wondered when tb* Japerting ^emlmi*.
>i Mr*. H. Beneon went te CMlitlac HolL
we are
dlea would appear. Court drea* wl^e*
•fc, U OO. Itodred ,U to. Ootloo. ol M
—‘ today on business.
\Mrs. O. V. Pohl of filight*. arrived Uernadotte was king was sotneflmee
■ tt. Ml,; ud Clrl.lto„. to, totolw., ton ol CUrtol.^ oMv.o,, ,111 Sod than what we have, a Joy that gives
black and sometimes gray nr whit*,
on ol toot ,oOd„ wcrklM WTto.l.y ■ '■•PW' ~totloo. u.d „ ,111 Be ooo meaning to tbe Christmas greetings
J. Z. Logie and wife returrved
but It always Included a partMdMr
dtoold btod IB, wBol. ,odd UtodBor.!'"' W tood.r o.lo O—i >"• ^10*. and remembrances, a Joy that trans- well banquet at the bnme of Mrs. 1. i:aficrnoon for Chlengo. wbere she will
'to ooo mot Bood ot .OtoOnB,. todlUtol « C«.r, ton oolo Ood JB, forms cold duty into pleasure, and F. Perkett, 12C East Kigbib Mrw. h iwnd aeveriit days visiung relailves tbelr home at Smiiinii CTly (o-ley. slaabed ateeve. and the master o< oerp
from a brief business trip to this monies fetched tbe mialtler to cMrt
ototod Oil ootoHnd noood oo, rom-ilBloto lB.t n, Ood , For CBH.tmni makes a cheerful giver, insuring a re Saturday evening in honor of Mrs.iaud fiieod*.
in a glass coacb. In winter both the
Frank Kafka, 'Miss Gayle Grisw-old t Mra. Emma Elliott is visiting for a city.
3LoH, U»r, to o.„ tort. ;i. , otototol I„n, or 1. I. »«
tun of bleasedness. a Joy that finds
and Mlaa Mar^ret Ward. The usual.|,,.„.
,, Keystone this week.
Mr*. L. Storra of Summit City, re- king and the queen bad a babK of
ilOto of to,, ud momtoo. to Booor,““‘P* »' • Il,dt,B,r ,U to. toldll. utterance In eongs and praises, that
turning nlgbi into day. Bba went e«t
CM first Chrtttmai *Oitl ' wblqh “«•“
■ proaiUe made to bnmanity beams in tbe conntenance and scat
driving after dark sod dined after
It-ral tlays here on buslnew.
(be play, and lis undermined tb*
toOuBt p~to, ,od too,, ,,d Jo, to .. 1“ “• <tord," ol Ito.o-tornold W ni
sunshine all around.'brightenlns conformed tn the hc.lidav idea of H«>duy on imslness.
Wright, of Detroit, werft'te
werft te
Geo. Hickey went
bully and Christmas gr<-<-iis. .Mrs.
J. W. WrIghL
Grand Rapid* i h,.uitb cif bl« mlnlttor* by engaging
Jiffm S^ilthe hob- pTopbeU of the succeeding and bleaslng other llves............
....... ............... ........
ih. liritomto.f iBtoi.r.i,
Kafka. w-HI
for ...........f>i
Kurt Wdnh.;jx:rand *toA«rlodaj'.,r«toto‘
alter spending tbla,^......toi...
morning lo ,.i,i
visit frlrud* and
....... .. them all through iLe nlf^ or autt*1
ages and |irefl;'.ures by religlout eltcr
Cbristmas is preeminently a Child ..................
J?l» I'er hutobaiid. while
,„|u rity on im-lness.
moning them at S la thie morning. And
^ Bof atrangs to say. among all the
.arrlflclnl types in tbe most holy
lativcs for a week.
Miss Griswold, who has rosigned her
Floyd E. Peck went to KalkaMca •ometimes (be king remained In bed
tetaMvwtormaof tbetwMitlKb-eeD-;,,..
ccfemonies. Is It of less ren'a Hay. All holidays appeal <o poslUdb as one of the offlc-e force ofl
children, but this 'one differs from
rafP^ii claims lu ,a,portaiice to tboae who teU of lU
the Hannah A Lay Merewntfle com '.‘her home at Reed City this aftamoon thl* morning on e^veial day* basloes* for week* at a tims (earing potoon.'
and sustaining blmsalt largely on ap­
liof atUoboB and wfth each to- fuimimeni, than ft was to thoee who the others for tbe central figure of pav’B store, will go lo Caditlsc loijafter visiting hct« for s few- day* as trip.
ple* In consequence.
Chrietmas Day is a little child—and. Uk« a position in the Cumm.-r ol-jihe Rutwt of her brother,
eenofi wa bear from nU
Ml*. Harriett Helland of Gian Ar­
this was the sign by which ibe Savl- fires. Mia* Ward will go to i’oru-rs 1
a ifiaa for" a saner Obristbor. i«ased (brougb Ihe city ihU'
Tbe day whpi God came to dwell
of the world was first made vllle. Calif.
Simplified Bpeliing.
tm Bwre It keeping with tbe
Heed City, who have l>ee'h viKlting morning on her way to Doyne City to
"We find la the telLera we rMiTev”
«( tbe «er.' How far we bare wlih us. which anniversary we cele­ known:—"Ye shaU And a babe, wrair
Here for the |ia*( week, re'twcued to i«ii relatives and friends for sonu,1.) the
,Kto correipondenc* clo^’-ol
tram tbe trae spirit, may be brate. was tbe great gift-day of love, ped In swaddling clolbes. lying In
their home today.
example* of sUbplRad ■]
manger" was tbe directions given to
by the iAraniioas and perMra. E. U Covey and Miaa Ida Blue
Dr. J. M. Wilhelm went to Alden
e^ H ie coking to redeem Joy. and hope;- the contemplation of the shepherds by the aagel-r"i
of Honor, who have been here vl»1k- Inc.
which ebonld make our hearts over­ when they bad seen It tbe^^'made (From Thursday's Record Eagle.)
log for (be past week os the guests
Th* theatrical troupe prctenllng
flow with praise and gratitnde—that known abraail the sajlng which was
(From Friday's Record Bagle.)
of Mr*. O. W. Rice, returned to their tbelr purpo** wonderfully, Torg* on
:r' ^^tay It Is alwaji a holy sea- prartkul craUfude which honors the told them concerning the child." The •The Girl Prom Rector'*" IMt ibi*
Mrs. Ada Hardy and daughter, Rut^ borne this morning.
the comic. For Insunce, wa reoolrod
^ vbaa in qaiet coatemplatlon. lllte day by reaching out and touching oth- wise-men went In search of a little mortilng for pteboygan.
Ml*. R. fiarahall went to Bolon thla yesierday a lelier from a Bag drho
MBr'«f oU. they ponder all tbeie •r Mves—with glfu of love, or deeds child, their inquiry of tbe men ol
etarta off In this way:
morning to visit ber sister.
. IblBia la tbelr bMrU, and get a doa-i of kindness and words of comfort; Jenunlem was "where Is He that is play at the City opera house thl*
"'What lx would
and oo
; Hardy was proprietor of the P. M.
evening aa a number on tbe
C. .eating bouse for some years.
^ eikai of tbe King In HU Beauty. with aeU^Ivlng, which counts no coot born-King of (be Jews."
today Ob business.
Ifir Car too larga a daw ot peo- too great In unselfish serriee for oth­
"Of cour*o. Use meaning of that wmi
In honor of (he Child-King Chrisi- Lecture course, arrived in tbe city
Mrs. Anna Malln of PMoskey Is
Mr*. A. M. Sheridan of Glen Arbor perfectly plain, but tbe bookkeeper and
it a season of tumaltow Joy. ers, it may be in the sacrifice for oth­ mss shonld be made Hie hapidest dar ttris morning.
spending a few week* wlib fiiend* lasted through the city ibis mornlnc
1 bod to^mlle over It tor a BonmnL
•at afiUdpatlob of material Meedng. er In the performance of some duly In all tbe year for tbe children
John N. Feote i. spending the ds>
traverse City. lt-i. possib'e Oni
her way to Boyne aty to vlsU re­ and when we showed it to the s^MOff,
Uttle tboagbt bestowed upon where a personal toneb U needed would not deny them the.tpoofm
Mr*.,Malln may locale here latives «nd friends
rapber be esld that tbe man wbd
Mat a iRiriboBa' d«Qry: ebove all which' no one else can* give. Belter ■poru and pasUraes so dear to ehlW
O. T. Smith went to Boyne City this permanently daring th-> win’er.
E.'Elssnheimer went te ATOadis thla coidd write word* like tbet oegbt net
b Cbi^tmas gin, or what moUre' Often times than tbe jitt. is tbe booi^i we would be cantloue in re- morning on a few day*' business.
to otop at simplified epeWng. beoogbt
Mrs. J. B. Crawfert and chiWran. morning on businexa for tbe day.
prompt It-tbe custom of gift tbougbifulneas it expresses, or tbe indMlbg (heir exuberant apirits.
O. P. Burgess of West Eleventh 1 ,,^0 has been visiting Mrs. L, .M,
j: W. Lavender went to Orison thto
■mldfit-tack* tbe spirit ot
senUment which goeslwltti IL 8ym- cuittog their childish delight and Jo.v street left this morning for .Marquette
Qrand Rni-l.t today. morning to 'vibli (ritnd* and'rcistive*
H wap Intended to symbolise, and be- psthy and love are more needed In in tbe newl> acquired posseasion ol
„ . ,<«■. BBMBn. toll..
;|,B,to ,B,r ,111 mM .'F. CrrttotoJ
comw.merely perfunctory, or. so per this weary world than we imagine, things eesenilal„Flo their happiness,
Mrs. P. R. U Can of Manistat. who L. .v.,. J., ____ _
the city this morning on hi* way i
mnateid wHb that spirit of commerrial- and in these things the poorest n
knowing tt^-«^l tbe truth of tbe lit ties been here TislUng fm- the i>ast;|
____ told' that year new play In
Mayfield on busluess.
Um liftilcb exacts measure for mea be generous. "The vital question
He couplet'—
' •dverai days a. (be guest o^Mr,
Roy Ingertoll went to Fife Lake drawing crowded booses and that yon
hundreds of i>eople away every
this morninr, .where he will *i*oU
------------------- Ramala.
several days visiting with reUttve* Bight."
I Mr. and Mra. A. Petaeder h«.e
"That Is merely newspaper mlarepand friends.
'turned from a visit to Nort'ifKut.
resenUtloD. sir. W* don’t tnra any­
J. M. Sqweil o'f Ff* Lake, who ha* body swag. We tell them la tb* fetndMitt Marcda Heige* left teday for
«>» Our?', teturn eit possible manoer that every neat
Crand Rapids ..u«
.and vjv.iv.i
Detroit vu ... rv ,I®
tn the house is-Mid. and they turn
tended visit to ralotive* and friends j«3 '®
Mra. R. D. WhiU is spending a few
J®'*" went to Umler this away tberaseire*. Tbea* lytBE Jew
oalisla mskn me (Iradf"'
rtavs visiting friends *t Gtawn t..K
hurines* lor the d->.
, to
, Mis* Laura Potter is -epending the
Motbera Migfht Laarn AntMetaa.
■iv at Kingsley, visiting'friend*
H. A. Moore went te Ludingten this
A young mother, during Ibe tnffinry
Mrs, E.. C. Nolton left thi* mommorning
spend tbe holiday
of ber firai bora, set herself tb* task
... . „ to .......
' ' .
' inc lor Wi-slern Wls.-onsin. i« iic-r,- r
Mies Lena Revolt wont M
of eommlulDg to momorr gnUdote*
.'will s|Knd the hoHdais wiiti rv-l-m
tor tbe commonest ^isons known, es­
tills morning to visit• friends a fe "
; True Oaftoi) arrive'd from Charlevoix pecially those that It might be pos­
l evening and Frank iJalloii
sible for cbllilren to com* Into eontaet
Mr*. M. L,
•'’iMt. ricasant. They left lli.s slicrnoon j
this. l________
(he noon -rain for De.ruli. where sl.e;,^^
visit-Lriwd method, of aiding drowning
*11. spend Slime time vi.itlng fiU-uds
r. o and injured persona. In (att. learned
ami relailveb.
aid to lb* rajared" set
John Luts of Mancelona
J W Dlckertnan 'of Bolen > of nilce. Woidd not tbU bo an cxcol•Tto bU borne this morning aifer
u,e citj today oa her
eral days' Vlrit-Uere on business.
Kalamaxoo where *be at
M. H. Brown of Maneelona was in ,„,dt^ ,pc State grange meeting
Toot for Diamond.
the city tor the past week on busi-1
Brinkman will Idav* Monday
To teat diamonds tb« follewlsg U
jtDornlng for Saginaw. Bay City an^j giren; "Mako a bole In a card with
The grandest asMuriMica Louise Rollo went to KingoRapids where she wtll s|>cnd a needle and look at Ibe xard tbrongh
Sale ot
Nothing bener for a'
menu la the city, beauti­
dlamood or Imliatloo. If It I* a
real gift. Here at from
ful silks, knllled ties. ei'-..
<2.00 to <1240.
I Misses Helen Wilhelm. Nino Wii- geeuiae sicue you wU! •** bat one
in pretty Cbrisimas boxes
E. Stoora, formerly of this eity. but, Hams and Ina Hogan arrived last bole; If It Is aalmlUtloo you win eeo
now of Calgary-. Alberta. Can., b here ioipht from Y'psIlaDtl to spend Cbrbt- two bole*. Or. pla,'« tbe object to be
2:c. J5e and 50c.
lined on yoor finger and with s
spend tbe boUdavs with relatives tnas vacation.
V^uet fron $12 to
^\Kv s HOSE
o. J. 0-R.IIIJ.
H.. «.totodm
Man's Bhirtt. 50c. <im
- .
' ~,t t, ctotoito
I gwuloe yoo ran not see th* grain of
Men's Gtevea. 25. 50c. ate.
al to.-, ijf
ling in tbe inieresi of the .Va- |tbe city today on tmsiness.
j ^ finger; If tmitatlon yoe can see
and SSCi raaliineie llcse
(lonal Cash Register corapM'y.
1 Mr*. Wm. Baxter of Manistee was
^raio perfectly;"
S9* SltSle
at 2Ss auj
RlkBig December Bale bar­
Earl Carmleo is apending thrday'in (he cit.v trday to visfi her aister.
Uoae. all rJ-td.t. ct
•1S.75 aad $16,S9 gains in Cnderwear. Over!*t Manion.ob business. _
i Mra. Ben-Word
a pair.
Piawwr* In LH*.
ehlrts. Bo*. Paula, etc
i W. J. Brown wont to Klngoley thit j
------ •
Tbe Ufe of o good mss U hot hk




:“T, ,’b, sr,Vto,“B,^orr.:i

«- »b,,.,



THE MEN’S FASHION SHOP—Bvtorythiag for Men and Young Men*,

The Christmas .Store For Men
Evetylhing in this store is suitable for a man's presenl; thousands of useful and acceptable articles in
Fumithing Goods, Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts,
^spenden. Ties, Caps, Handkerchi^s, Jewelry, etc.
Ours are lasting gifu that will bring the giver most
often to one’s mind.

The Men*s Fashion Shop
Next 0o»t '0 /n«drfck'a 5#i*e irgtw.




Sfifiwratr Mbnr ^ uaf
panimt *1 fl 9t oaer.

Siighu Uds morning on bsslneas for
the day.
A. P. Croaker, otatc cetnmawdor nf
lb# Maecabeeo ot toe World, returnad here ibU Doming iroa ^haalnent

Thompsonrille this
ooDDt of the death of a rrlatlve.
O. J. O’Reilly wont U Cadillac this
Doming on bualnoea for Jbe day.
Mra. M. 8. Doherty of Bherman who
bu W here for ibe post Iroek ns

ail in want of pleasur*. aa a oortall
appendage, tat contains piaeanro Ir
ItaeU; lor be to U(A a good man wh>
doe* not rejoice In boeatlfnl
and actions according to virtu* *01
bt in


i . .

BtTMt ev condneton lo S«qml. J*pu. Mk* u CMU a d>r.
CSdeapo Bldctrica] Worit*r«' TTnlon
kaa a Mldlas rnnd ot
•Mr ptr o*t.. o{ tiMi Uboren H>
Kaaaaa Blaaa ar« Baropaans.
atataa hafe aat n
koan tar a workiiv w«eli for cbildm. - '.
Balhnif aratMaa, viUi a
at■Mfattat 47.M0. tore laercaMd .Uw
«a««.% aautoraa dortac Uie Uat
raar 4.1T parget, orar MlO.
Tha mMU^a of Borullir of the
taua tatiji#! U 3 1-3 Unes that of
tkoiiapar. Eoaptratoiy dtaaaaoi. parBt for Uw

oro ott^rod in tbo boot aad ahoo ladoaiiT doTlag tbo roar waa 1MA37
in 13M and 1N.3M la 1»04. la laoT 33.M3 or 34 por ooaL Tboir
wagoo iaeroaaod tron t73.on.OM to
3>3.«g3AK«. or 3S per «*nt
Tbe Brotborbood of fUllwar aorin
baa appotetod a oommutoo to aoloct
a oolUMo alto aoar Cterriand tor a
largo bmtbarteod tana, wboro tbo anand tbo
tbe brotbeibood aiar bare a boma
aad at tbo aaato Ume oam tb^r Urine
by farm work.
one year CM atoa wore kfliod
by aecidonta of omplonnent In dUagbray txHUty, Pa., aloao lOC otaol workva. 13C rallraadon. 71 Blaora ai^
136 ntecoUanaooo worfcera. Gt tboao
nearly baU w« Aaprlean bort

^the WUcooalD
0 flfita aaaaal bmoUoc of
I akow that 331
dcaa AioBftetteB for l^bor LoclaLtattaeddoDt
II I or doai
I Sod
Bod otaco
Btaco tbo
tbe worfcntn'o tetloB wlU bo bold te -Waitalactoa. a
3«. S, and 30. Loading
act wool iBio
a aoartar of tb« nomborofalp Betela. will dIacuM ‘Tbe RelaUon of
OtHMBoa in Hew Tork wero Idle Slate to Fodoral Workaion'K Compea
tetaV'lbs fim ais moatba of U»e aatiM aad Inaarance.- and many oib.moiflt 7oar. .aeo^taf to tho teat ■ qnaotlona of conalderablr laiporfMO.
.....................a of tho atale dopartUlndow glaoa workera bare agreed
^ Tbo, nrmte umbor of irago <
to accept an 18 per cent, rodoctlc
wagoa. In all 3ve tbonaaad ao
Oblo. Kanias, Ponnorlranla. Want Vi^
ginia and Toua are aSactad. Tbo
new-contract bolds until May 1^1812.
Eaptoyeri aaitod tbat tbo Wo(<eri
eopt ^ 37 par cant. rodocUon in all
aalarW Tbo workera' eonmittoe bHd
oat for a 10 par cant redaction and an
13 per cent reduction waa Snail}'
agraod upon aa a oompronUe.

Is ll.^
type of


0 ta got scorrs*'«t*o3

New Tork. Dec. 1C.—Tbe prosraaa
In tbe eelenoe of avUthm daitag tbo
year now drawing tu^a clooo bga beaa
oosUy In buBtaa life. Beginning wltb
tbo dea(b ot Ucui. l-boraai £.480]fridge, tbo Srat person kUled In an
aeroplane In ]»03, tbe llet of tatalttiea baa rapidly Inerwaed. etpeetelly
In tbe preaent year, when tbe dentbt
more than donbled tba conblned num­
ber for tbe tbrno preceding yean. In
1*03 one man loot bU life. In IMS
four. In 1310 tblrty-two, and to dote
for tbe prosent year aerentyworon
pereont bare been kUled.
in 1311. no In preeeding yearo.
France has oanlribntad by far the
largeat pnnbcr of rirtlaa. ber list
totaling 36. Inelndlog one woman.
Mme. Dente Moore, who fell at
Bumpes on July 31 teat



Oenann airmen who lost ^Ir' Tbe com^te Uat of Amerlcna eta- ad at U« Angeloa an tbe same day nnta. l Ura right bralde tbe railrond
Uraa this year nnmber 14. Bntflsli rim« for
year la u foUona:
that bis trtend Motsnnt met dontb crack right) by tha red bam. I am since be bemts natag HAR\'KLLB
7. Bnaaten 4. Ilaltea. Anstrten and] April ^HUItem O. PurrU died
New Orleane.
3 yaaraeW.
Japaneee 3 each. Barrla.'Spafn. Bet'at 3atoa,..^longo. Ip., aa.a rranU of
Dantet Kau.
en A prime akapa. It te a otrMir
!------------... ^
and is •
gtnm. BraaU. Pan aad Cuba eontrib- faU on'liarrdi S.
P. a. t want* name ice akates aad
nud oM each to tbe dantb roll of tbe
May lO-Ueot Oectge B. M. Kelly.
.Dear Santa. I want a wagon with a
a Sold by Ame^
U. 8. A.. klUed by tah at Baa An­
tin borne, aad a tin dog and a really
WbeiWM in the eartter dayn of tbe tonio.
P. Kaltegg Cataftaliwd ‘
aaQ boat aad tou of candy and onto,
scieoM nr nrteUon only tbe «
May 17—A. V. Handa. an aamteor.
Fridvf Uva a mile west from Grown and
ted. MtnUy an^
pbyateally. dared killed by taU at Lot Awoloa.
going to bang up my ttoekiag. I
Sigbta. nowadaya cr*at numbero of
Joiy n.-p. a. KrOnmar kflted by
Over one hundred tedtea were eery am < yaara old and bare bran a sood
amatoon do to: Aa a -eonsoqnoboo tall In btplaao at «bka^
tbo do^ for tbo prooent year ta-J Ang. IS-WOUnma. Badger anobod pleaaantlr ontartalnM In the Park boy.
John Sanadera.
eindod a nnmber of ariation popAi. to death by bte miteblac at Chicago Place parlora Friday altornoon by
Mra. H. A. Mosaelman and Mrs. B.'
DooUo fatalitMn, In which rider and
Daar Santa J want a atory book,
paiMger were IdUed, alao were eoab
akatea. a.^ a doQ cab and Iota of
Tbe rooms were effectively deem candy aod.W. 1 Urn n mite aad k
laon'. white on Jane 18 test three feet at Cbkago avIaitoD meet
rated with chrlatmaa grerat. eontb- half from tbe school boose. I am 7
Cnpt Prtneetnu. T. Le
Sept 13-John W. Roaenbnnn
ern amllax. holly wreaths aod rope* yeero old.
Martin, and M. Landron were burned ed while making a (rial flight al
ground pine betag used In profato death la midair aa a resnlt of theiwitt Iowa,
Bata Tharp:
explosion of the aeroplane motor.
gept »—mnk W. MOIer burned
Dear Santa i want a Ua born n tte. i
Mias Helen Moran of Grand
tS'hlle ariation bas been earned on 'to death In midair at Troy. Ohio, as
ball game aad randy and nou.
Imoat as extensively in Canada as 'a reauH of exploakn of gaaoUoe tank, Ida gave two
live‘at CrondaUvIlle SeUtUe tartbw'
Bd tbe MoHso- ai
•teewhere It U InleresUng to note | Sept 33--Dare -Deril" Canellane “The Lton
than the Rore.
that no fataltiy was retoi^ .In that ^ killed by fall from height of three- -Chrlatmas Dnyr In the Morning.
Ooatey Ay«n.
w hat a business man thinks of e
pragmm ot ifinalcal numbers
in that rity since the p-------anintry
tbe pt
In , quarters of »
a mile at MaosSeM. Pa.
Dear Santa I waa^ a doU and a dollI lions
7 .daring iJUV
LiPbMa year.
is at rimy enforced and tba d
Otrlklog contrnat is the record of the
S^t. 36-^. J. C. Cterfce. aa ama- from MaedoweU. «rhnm«i> and Qrelg rob. a ring, a band sled and some. law
driven out ct existooce. Tbe I
United Statea flndudlQg Poru Rleoi. Uenr. kllled^y
ring stuff, rondy and nnta. 1 live
efa.m.w the
rhlch a total of I6 aviators have al ariation
on Lon, Uln/oL
across tbe rollroad from Mr. tkey'> (bat It Itas been a good thlnt ...__
a 3 years old.
,aas rtly. Kansas, to abotfab tbe ^
Ori 3—Cromwell Dtxon killed b.r , .* Venetian Barcarolle.'' by Godard,
met death ln-1811.
be punch bowl was in charge of
100-foot fall at Spokane, after baTlng
. Cbrystal Canfield
made nocteasfal flight acroa tbr MUs Margaret Holden, and after the
were served.
Rocky monntalns.
,___ J fit »_ _
__ _ _ B.
_ _
_ ^
_ _
were assisted daring
« | and An s the closing of tbs .
Oct. 13—Bugene
BU'. one
foremoM of African avlato™’’klK *'*'
‘>7 «"•
O. Holden. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦OOOwOOOOOoj twenty-one nouihs e^ I M
!ed by 50-foot fall at Macon. Oa.
^ **
E. U
Mr. and Mra. 1. Hlckln, Mr. -"d
OlhtaKhy udneyi Make tflvtn Blond. I Nov. l-Prof. John Montgomery.
.Mrs. Fronv 'Mitson. Miss Gladys),he
during tbe seveolean
Chubb. Mlsn Rlaocbe Warner, and I that I bare ih ed aad boon «
I onbealtby kidseya art te-1 «»led as tbe Inventor of an aeroplane
Mist W. Hesle> a|f went to the imurej in «>>« Itankiax huslness bwp.
mn^sickaeessndsaSeriag. I glider, hilled by fall near Krtcnvllle.
therefore, if fctdney ; p,.
couiee at IHk RSnlds Tm-eday even ;
lias been a twenty-one n
'rttV-h the I«i.k deposHa have
“P*.'J)*c. 3-Tod Schrlver. well koown
lag and reiiort a.veo fine lUtertaln
donbltd; twefitv-ons moatba «t
salts are most likelv Amaylcan avtelor. kll'ed in an cihlWutrot.
|(ho Ureroi a^iltliv In bonding evsv
to follow. Yoor other tion flight at Ponce. Porto RIcn,
A buneb of our.nKMt prominent la-1 known In «h^ blriory of this city
dies gathered at the borne of Miss twriiitoiie itioDiha In whirb it ban
irrtiosslbrl to bad S va________
" "““J: Tbe following letters • 10 Santa Gtedya Cbubb'a Timpday and crganlr- turn iln.
>m on ii«- bosiaeos airaeta
nwy. »~.^^n.cjcan avtaton were killed this year „*„'*.„* wrluen-by tbe Puuite el
ed a Larkin club ^lih Mrs. Waltei in whiih to Icirate a bosineaa, twend__
abonld have attentkui
of the tergmt growth
first. Therefore, wbra
ulstton that tbe city baa aver
Mr. aad >lrs. F. B. Fll«r and family
ricUms nnnfbercd only e1x. They
Iwn able I rei-oia ror Ibe asm*
of Traverse City are visiting friends l•■nRlh «f time; tweniv-one montba
were Lieut. Selfrldge. killed at l-'On
we body te oflacted and bow every organ Myer. Va. Sept. 27, 1308; Bo|»ue
car neighborhood IbU week.
till-least rriiK-: iwent)-one maathfi
Mrs. Henry 3'ox and Miss Gladys ui tbe largest leoarews made in tl^
Bpeyor, a l7-yrareld boy. killed at
* *•*“ * ^oy bow and
Chubb went ot Traverse City Monday bulldtuK ui srhool buiMlagt and alt
Ban -fynnolseo, June J7. 1810: Ralph
torreasr <i( srl:<ci| fai-llltlea; twoaiyyyrn daring of
•“** •
> ll»* Tight after tor a few days abopplnj.
pne tnonihs of the latgeat addHloafi
rineo yon of hi great merit.
Tbe lovely rammer weaiber we are
Hesses and a swamp Is right by it.
Ihe mild and immediate cScct of ariatora, killed at Denver. Nov. ir. im 7 years old.
enloytng Is tempting oui tbe autos and
itbsof Ibe grdaiaat nb
131fl; OaeU Graoe. of New York, lost
Utaitlon atnuna oar retail bnalfidi
teuacbes once' more.
William- Anderson.
a flight across the
nen; above all. jwonty-oae moatba
Wm. Parks Is having a telephone In- tbe
I<urest rity govenmoU wa ha
JohnDear fi^ia. 1 want soins roller
ataUed this weak, to' bow bo can soon ever bad and twentywM mgMm
Nevr' orlea'ns.
tbe bmi mtitml atmospboro this cM
**** sbeUand ponita Iron cow and. boiler beDo with tbe rest ot ns.
HoxM- tba
Dec. 31. 1310,
Tbo famtaro are dmproriag the
Iota of candy aod nou. I live aenas
taaou Wright
CMntha during
from tbe drug store. I am 4 years old? nice wMtbrr by getting a good stroke
jmmittad tt
I Wore vlclf
■ I
George Dowd,
__ ___a. Von may
n who Is tied np --------------_____
double' Dear Santa. I want ______
a rocking
A Terrible Sluitesr.
• «*»
te' and who wW
to neglect liver trouble. Never do It tbo probibitory tew
a pay tnat for a qoldt ^Ay nbd nuts. I am 6 years old Take Ur. King's New Ufe PUli oa tbr all of tbeir Influi
___________ of their time and 1____
of eoi
bladder tronble. llestioa this caper reUsf. Tet be can get what be wants and I live back of the aawdost pile
te keep tba city clean aad Iroa In
when writinf to Dr. Kilmer B Co..
tba bvewon aad 4
lent iDdlgeetlM.
BmghamtniV. V. Doa*t make any mis.
tillers as tt is free now.
B*"** > *“* a sail boat 9 stones. They regola
take, bat remember tbe nanm. Swamp- JNQ MAGIC OIU It U a powerful re-'
Root. and den-t let a dealtf sell .yoa Having remedy for all Internal and ex- ahelland pony a Uve goal a flying and boweU and build u
told by machine for 1 want to take my teach­
Cashier Commercial Nat'l te
er for a ride and lots of candy and



WnlNtl t! Dn-IaL





Just Purchased from the Traverse Cily Chair Co.

. " To be sold right now, belore Christmas, at tbe cost ol makiiig. An anei^cted hot very important occasion lor Christmas shoppers to hoy Just the right Und of
a present for sixty cents on the didlar. There are &boot forty dilfereot sapies here to make yonr sdectioo from, and as they are a real Traverse Citypodoct.
fit Ihctory prices, they wlDTast bnt & lew get yoor order in qokk.
Among these sampes ore Tnridsh Ch^ TorUsh Rockqrs, Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers aod many others of the best styles el Chairs and Rockers made.
Boot hoy & Christmas pesent tor anybody imtn yon soo this be&etilol line oi Traverse City Chair Company’s samples now on exhibition.
Rememtaer, Vou’ll l^av^e to Get Vour Order in Quick.
Only Examples A $12 Monis Chair,
Tbii idvertiteaient merdf mcDli.'M a
few ot the man? great hergaiet amoeg
thew ucnple chain. Come a^ aee th- tn
ad. Travetae City cfaaiio are mw lameut
in neatly every rtile ia the unioc a« bebg
wiikrtit livab lor ihe price, aod now yew
have a chance to buy them at tbe coal of
nukiog. Chances are it w3I be veari be*
lore this oppoituuty prcacete iteeli again.

Sempk Sale Price, $7 73
Thin ia an extra Urge Mania Chair,
mani^ deoigft, chaae Ualber covered, extn
bi|^ back, wkb akepf bbibw ^w.
carved freat poMa and a vew kronglr buili
diair. Ftaflaeia aB aoiid oak, and j-n can
•ppredtte k caly wben too aee and iry it

Vjm Bf€ ml •ft»m k mS pv ymt0
fakt m dfi^a#m4 <tm I* aw ik'W a*f»«.

ilnst Look at This
A fine Solid Oak Rockra. ckaae laatbar 1
•ad boek; aguings cushion slip seat; a very strong aad oomtactabte ro^r. Ptelak. raiiy CngUsb. Regslar null vatii#
iflJ^-Bample Christmas otSa prlM oaly lifil. x
Toa <

I appawetete tbU fin* rodtra latll you a



Am $8.00 Rocker tor
_ My 4 7S



Thai Rocker if mphehtefed it Tick red
ebmw bmlbar back awl sett. wfaiU the
tracBB is a large Baky grain. Anencan
qnarteffvd oak.' It bka yaat eooath to be
cowioitaUe aod womld be an ideal fkt lor
a^ peffm ms a OeiMBaa pteaeaL Aak
le ace lliii partiadar Rocker.

Tbis Morris Qialr
aeU oak bane. {gH reebaiog mdjiataUe back, npdag onbue oeat, carved
beet pcMti, exceslijealT 3tr«aeand
dnraUe. aH expowd eak.&fioiWrkb
golden c lor. Weil worth $10. asm.
pie OMitea. »U |ric«

I'm cMka’c find « (krilmm wmnH
tkot wmU he awre ecevpdeMe ihm me
tt these mmfU ekein.


II You Want One
Of thew aa^ Qian, aod yon aerdy
do, yoo taort jott drop ever^-ng and
comae pack it ooL There arc ooty fwty
aad ^ eeorae tbe
come the £r«
aerved." We a» aUo ahowiag tbe latBCrt
aad hoeat liae of Ovtatmaf Derchaadne io
other kiadi olbsiinire that we have ever
ahowB before. See nr aad get on pi:ea
belore buying yoqg Xmaa piiueab

Vow OM K«iuaic Bometanlsher


Turkish Rocker
k liuUid
liaiitt<iit Tirtlik X«Sfr,
UI ever ftillM, c»en4 wilt ^nlM
ctu. luttv; wM^ nemj tM u «cntlN.IIrc»BlorUM.I«lttr.
IMK. cured dew feet, mhedtay Iriae.
Ante <iltt Uil. Staple sue |> Cii
prt»iof am-iBu.............. 14.3U
A l»WIU TwIiA, Owr. .a n-d. >1,^


^ € M

fa 1912
You Wffl ElectyPre«ideiit

r**rtilt*****:Tba Faraar’a Sm’s
Iraat 8f iartPiH]


OCNBRAL BTftlKB Of» POBTQPper aad^asetioa sale gHoa b; tba ^
Ladles' AU at tbe ban last Batarda;
-was vaO ' HUaded aad aearir $M
tdall ladmBiired by 0»
da ad MMB Uadao
Mlse nereaos PUbrae of Trsrarse Cttf was tbs gss« of Mis. A. U.
)oSna£bd5ni«»d 1^ to-*»«-»r »*»—> "«• 1»
tore, cm; «■ Chat
Jdaas tbe flrst of tbe wwek.
Dec. IB.—Sni^ <• «*Dr. aad Mra. C. A. dark were Trsvdied today over tbe threat cf a gen­ da;.
The mean eonaisud of toaat amm,
ene CIt; oUers WMaeeday.
eral strike of posioffles ompteya*
Miaa nacdb WBHams M rUdw
Ibrongbost Great Brttsln. which win ^mm podding. wMb aB thw. asmfriends la -Traaerse CIt;.
tie up Cbrlstout msn. Six nnlona paving vnrtatiea. iliwtly tnffa^
ed to Mra. PMMt■Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert fSIMrt Wt
lo.Ooe members.
ter Florida Memds;. wbere tbe; ex­
.-—xotfw « aoUd'front to the gov-,17 berseW.
pect to make tbeir faisre resldesce.
>rtimem.d^Sanahig larger wages aaO
Tbeir maar friends presented them
better beers. Preatier AaunUb re- AM were iwsSeateBt^'
with a trmb and a psrae of M as «
fiised to recelvp (be emtdoyes. The
Uttle tnkaa ^ eeteem. Mr. aad Mn.
men Insist that (bey will walk oat.
Gilbert wU be greatl; missed b; all.
Tbe German Ramed; coapan;. wbo
are baring eatertslasMnts in Dr.
Clark's baU ererY aighc this week,
are well apiweelated. being tbe best j
Social DiiMisr Was Berved at Psrasn' ege te Ten Caem.
show ercr Mid bore. Tbe popslar eon- j
ResasveH Alas teeres Labor LanBoa
tests are ereatlng a lot of exdirment. |
Alden. Dec. 14—A ptoaaant sodal
Mrs. T&fvt is on tbe sick list.
dinner ews sened at tbe M.' K pnF
Evil Bervtoe to Unisn Caosm
DnnUI Kata, wbo has been III wiib,
voob ms she Me*t Modod ml tbe Trmv♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
scarlet fever, is grwail; Isaprored.
-walk about tbe entire buildlu.with nonage on Tuesday. December lA by
se Cli; Chair ta'ctor;.


Rev. Mr. Priestly and wife to a lew
New York. Dae.
WQber Btadord had the bandage* comparstUe
We extend onr homn; caocrmimla;•«•••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•
McNamaras aa -dMwavad crlmW« axlMid oar boortf^ oympatny tioBS to Mr. and Mrm. Artbnr Borson remored from bU leg toda; aad we Uken on a new Mnae of Ufa.

OitfP«ur *lur u kbMRee
ten and tboee presvot were Mr. and inalx.'' Taeodore Rooeeveh, la aa ed­
% II fMii 18 BeMhn Mlctii^ U lo Mr. Norrta mad rmnllr Im tMr boor at tbe faectnlai! of tbeir wedded life. hope be trUl eooa be aMe to lie ont. . t'Vtll Jaanar; 1 tbe Inertnarr srltl
Mn. Hergnt of Kewadln. Mr. aad Mre. itorial entitled. "Merdcr la Harder,*
jfailtlw m«o8i 884 nUUvM IMK
Doe. II.
are tiaUlng friends la Trsrerae City. same pdaa as has been la «o|Pie. tbe Joseph Parade of South Mllioa. Mr. glTte hb views ew the dramitfv
«ii u Tra««rM aty.
QU4 to vcltOBe Mr. Norrtm'a teO(b.y pa}tec tor ibe board of um»' and Mrs. tyntaa Bearr^ nad Mr. sad case m the Oadaok. Re daerlas wr
Mr. and Mra. Arebu Stnan of Mon­
iilr. Kfcl Mr*. Al« D. Hmtl 1»»t« i«r, Mra-'AlBi* mad tminllr U onr rUroe Center bare located In tbe Oil- 'IniuatM. but after tbe Amt of the )war Mra. O.. B^/Svlau of J
tor tli8 wlsur u» TnMrae lace for tbe vtour.
amlters and bHterl; $
.« bert bowe here and srill be wHceme ,aU tbe snppUan vUl be fomiebed b;
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• in oar mUst Mr. Stnan will aonn ;tbe county, tbe keeper gad bis wife
CbrfatiaM procrwB In tbo ocAool
am M tiw BleUbtic
>. -aa tbo; 4M M«var
Tbe whistle of tbe steam tnreshar Is otmaeoee bis duties on tbe tmail being paU a regular taUrr the same
mi. mt 3:90
dettr* DemlM wlB------------;•» “w other count}
p. m. slo« Ume. AU mre oordmar la- beard a*aia la tbU rlciaU; aad Mr. rooie.
Ilk tbo ttllo ot'atmto ward rood mir
e absent from town readavsd etll asrvUe to tbe i
* card from Mr. Brackea. wbo re-1 » tbe aprlng and subsmt man; of
Jamee Sweet la tbreablns bacfcwbost
Tlud to oomo.
8k| Bortb from tk* oXUr mtU on tbo
Mrs. Pom Oar# ontorUlaod Mrs. for tbo tarmara that did aot tbreafa oentJ; left (or PVtrida. annoonresPsopW at tbo InUrmar; vlU be on Chrtsunas. tbe reterend gentle-.canac.
amck rood.
Ooorgo Novnma Sasdmy.
v badoro tba aaow eama oa last moath. Jane weaUmr. However, we are not
i«r. mad Mrm. HoA Pmur b»*<a hmd
‘•‘Ich mlU famish them
Mr. aad Mra Oaorta Eele^ of Os- far behlad. as a gr«>t many tamers |«“ >»»
Mias Nina Nrtsoa mimet 8mtor.lnr
Mir lack tor tbo pmat yomr. orarr <»«■eep thUr
exercise and alio keep_
bora risllod with roiaUtod at Gian are plowUg Uls week.
and Bondar In Tmaotoo Cti;.
' bir (d tbo bolir were Uld up Mtb
thing beMfau M. Mclntoaa was a* Traverse roindt <M-«-a|itod i(itli xomethl
MUo Alice Btaer Tialtod bar oou-< Haron Toeoda;.
gtikaaoi mt aumm time or otbor.
sides tbeir aOmeota. Many of
Mrs. Prank Wigsinf aad ebfldron CIt; caller Thumda;sin. Marnrot Clark. Banda}-.
;'lirm. I^aiitr'bma b«aa in bed for
are able to do a pood deal arwood tbe
) Miss DoUn C*d; apent last woo^ In wara tbe guest of Un. Uoorgo SalgMra KcUie HID aa^ danghtw Mfi
.rnrtm vooks toUowioc » mmpao (ram
house and garden which wUI («««• a
ler Meeds;.
for Grand BapldB laet nlgki.
TtOToroa Cttr.
Om dm; roeeotl; wboa
great aaviag to tbe eoenty la the
Tbo rain mad Baamhlao has emoaod
Mrs. Bobort Oatr sad chUdroa of
C. Mamwd of Traverse Ctt; is elstboir dmi^tor «oat o» to bar room
loog nut.
tbe pooida to |ot can tboir vboolod Oabom went to Tmeerse CIt; Tsee- IUi« bU father.
jga^ tMwd hw motboYs.bod pa firm.
rips. After ridInf <m manors tor oome ds; to visit bar slater Mrs. Adolbort
Peter Wltkop of Trsverda CU;
^ a»oodUy Pit oat tbo flmoNa mad
time. '
OaiT of East Stb street for a few spent Tbnrsda; forenoon la Onwa.
Miss iroM BrMhMPt i* bomo this dsya
Mrs. O. A. Johnson was a Trsvernv
It b tbe bi
Mrs. SUia Boraoldt aad awtber of :it; caller Wedasoda;.
Recent OceMon of Boprstne Court'
West Kassoa wore Lake Joaettoa cal­
Tbe tebool
«.i tfaabers are bus;
Would beem U Be a Bad Blew
lers Honda; at Iho borne of Mrs. Art training tbe seriate for tbe Christte Cider Makma In Dry
CrtKkett. Waxwu, MMb. oar awrweOd
held at the
Dec. iA
m Ibe benas Ur lust
-------------rhurcb next
Ura. Mathc<■im
wuuid. i.xxxt«t imc. 14.—Tbe deedaton by «ar«ni ef Its bsalib caa--------------------rlslted Mre. Batey 'tbe Ust of ltd tbe Boareau Oonrt In aStrmiag tbe a fomtar. .B-t tbe
W w^
oonvletlon of tbe officials of tbe Bb♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦#♦♦♦♦♦
Mrs. Wm. Krumm and Mra. Fred eiie Brewing Co., of Jackson f«r vto
The Ladiea’ Aid aodetr met Thnrs- Hill wem Tnrerae City, visitors Wed­ ikuag the local opMon Uw seem
The k«( winter evof
da; with tbe Mlaaea Marlon Gibba. nesday.
have an effect more far reaching than
tim give • wenibB • yh»
Btbel Craadan and Mable -WaUer.
Mm Jbba'HInget wax a Tnvarxe la ieaerall; aai>poaed. Under this dw
work being famished b; tbe ronng Isdid dam for aewing er
clalon. the manntactore and male
Itr'tnUer Tburaday.
M^widwy; bat far era
Mra. tgn-ejoy went to BeltnerTbere- wine aad elder .from home growo
Mrs. mn Uckert and boo spent Satnaer from the atnin itnVui
tmiu to pweons ootslde a locnl option
day to visit friends.
orda; In KingUe;.
eoimt; which was allowed ooder tbe
da U« toed light
Mrs. TliDotb; GoodseD went to Tralocal option act. seems to be problbRHie ReTD M the beat
rerse City Saturday.
♦ L
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Isaac spent Sat­
lamp T^srtf I
Tbe result Bt this decuma to giv­
urday shopping In Traverse City.
Monroe Ceoter. Dec. IB.—Rev. Dotig- ing tbe manuractverx of cider .la the
Edwin Gobi went to Travorse City tax of Rapid City vUlied Rev. Dougdry ccuaties of Micblgan peat
Baturdsy to rlalt frlenda
Oroat and family tbU week.
cem, aad If tbe law is entofced great
Mr. and Mn. TbMaaa Peppier have
Center lodge No. 380 held Ihclr bardablp lx expected upon tb^ wbo
moved to Klagaley where Mr. Pepider nlwnnual eleettoa of officers last
I boretotore believed ibk^t cider
baa a poelttoo as tall«aw;cr injtfff. Batnrday evening. Tbe following were
and home grown wlnex. mxnuaficuj-^
Doan's mllL
elected: Nobie grand, John Anderdry county, could be sold wltho
Tbe heavy rains of Sunday raised
- tokm^wA*wsMkii^bdR<e.^iw«<Mfw<
Boo; vice grand, Oliver Moyer; xec- renrtctlon outside that county. The
tbe water la tbe pond to xueb a helgbt
retam. Byroa Crain; tredsorer. Cbaa.
r maaotbctaiing boMnsaa In MtcITthat an aeeideDt to the riecuAc light
Stmad^Ofl CcMnpBiv
CtHdaad: financial SMretary. Wamn
ia extensive, and D tbto declaioo
plant wax only narrowl; eeenped. As
Horton; trustee, three years. D>ron bolds, makers -of the beverages men
H wsa. men.with scrapers repaired tbe
Pocket KniTCB, tbean, ftehaor*, I
tlooed allege -that they will be subdamage lo a few bonrs.
Uadi, SkatM. Ikam. Ohafliu XUakfifi. BaUaf M
Wallace CBplaaA who bos been lected to as aawamnted hardship
eoUton. Tm KettUfi, Br«ad Maktn, Oarrtag Mata, sura
very aick wtlh appendldtia. Is me- that would pmctlcaHy put them out
Ksira aad FotIol Tea Spooas. TaUe Opoott, Air Biflm,
of buxlnesa.
what better at tbto writing.
Ofirpentar Tooli. Oarpit Bampan WaihiBf MaAHaL ^
Hr. and Mra. Archie J. Stnan have
moved to Orawn.
We hsTt aa extra toe amortmeot of 8fe aad Kk
t>r the
Mrs. Walson. Mr. and Mr* Darts.
Boben Smith of Dettwh was a guesl
Iwf^the F. H. Ylnlon home over Sun­ Mr. and Mra. Spangler and Mr. and Alex T.
Oconfi ia find let M help yon make yonr atiwtkoi.
ITra. Moyer attended Pomona grange
Hr. and Mra. Carl Bunce and two la Tmveree City Ust week.

To the Baaklne Cominfsslonerr
At tbe regular mating of tbe
children left ter their borne at Spargrange held Tuesday evenlof; the fol­
December Stta* 1911
afler a weak's visit
The case of the Herrick Planu ct-ii.
lowing officers were elected lor tbe paay 's. Aleiandsr P. HueIJmaiitel
the C.
Hcnrc home.
year; Master. Archie J.'wx, ftaisbe-l la the rtn-iMi
Mrs. Emma ScolSeld U preparing
gfteroooo when Judge Mainego to Gld^llasion to siienU tbe aimer Smart; over*^. Esrl Moyer; loc
Mrs. Spangler; steward. Joan directed tbe Jury to urlng In a veiUl.i
with her daughter. She has rented
OOBlaianL steward. Harold
b«r borne to GUben Pray.
favor of the i>lalnillT for tbe sun.
. lady aaslsunt steward. Calls o: either I.'-::: or
the former b<Mrs. R- L. Clow and daughter. Mar­
Hortofi: dopMla. -S'r*. Da«lr: treaslirk-r at which the iBstninit-ni
cella apent Sunday at Charlevois.
Calvin ^mngier; secrqiary. bad been offered, snd the totter *hat
Charlea ^lon was cnDad to Jaeb>n lo attend a meeting
Mr*. Wataoa; gatekeeper. Peter (he'origiaal selling price was. The
of the R. 1. C. aa- gMt; Ofwa. Laura Bluyer; Pomona. jury brought In s verdict lor the le..UABIUTieS
aorttiien of wbleh be is
MarguorHn Spongier;
Flora. Mrs. ser amotinl The decision of the court
was ma.le u|ion a irilnt ef to* Intol
Tbe Btem family bav£.ipoved away,
in (be case, The verdict »a»
and aiB ffi^ col ef ih« iMak-fackMc ^ WiffiBi, SU|^
pan of them going to Indiana and the
____ -wbai o( a surprise ss it was the
oibor to Tarktua parts of souiber
general uplnlou of tboee wbo tkcanl (he
case that a different outconie would
Micbigaa. Ben will remain here tor
For ikii reuoo I la toart “ nlocal laild, |na>
MMy Charfsa Ms«« Bra Moved be the resulL
To tbs Now Cwmt; laflrwwr;
I Tbo new aide track to tbe iiotato
Tba case of WUIto K. WUsen vt
.D ar ttock d
‘•••'^maaao is praelieaUy completed.
f'lauk U. .'tot baa ukwi U|. tbe time
of the court during today and 'will
Dec. 11.
probably be completed tonight
Inc been movod from tbe boUdlag oa
At tbe session held last evenlog two
Untoti street to their aew ansrter*. divorces were granted. Sarah A. Barr

The experience to an entirely new was given a decree from Elisha K
There ween services at St. Joseph
Barr, and both parties were forbidden
md »R aatofU aad racliiDety pnti^ to
baring tbeir troubles In leaning <o to remarry within a year from the
chorcb nunday.
I Mias Uule Zoalek Is worbtog tor conform to tbe new order of thlnga time of their separation. Martha T
Some of them aoem tost la tbo arw MuBsey .waa trued from Leander E'Mra Bmley.
1 vfndito ifa pBtre—|e ef ay aasy facadt al ma
I County OommUsloner Loe Homsb; home whito tbs ebaage appAr* u Mimsey aad a thirty d«>- restriction
have pat new life iato otbars. One of
ibe Ctood Trircae Regioa ■ tbe past I m wear
Tfaitiini.W|MtudM|at urim n,r
Ttailed tbs school Friday.
I Tbe Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. W the principal troubles that to being exyoB iplewHd bwigaw oa tbe |oodi I bfive ■rarftdtoed.a
perieBcod at (be bouse at preaem
E. DeQraw WodBMday.
Saved Hie Wife'# Llfa
lU pnpnljr
tbis cie«fr>ap sale.
“My wife would have been In her
I Tbe Panmts meeting was bold at tba laabUtty of tbe> lamatea to taaru
grave to-day." writes O. H. Brown, of
off tbe wafer after oataT
Feetyifaif is &e w«y ef ■ffi^Mlffi MidwMWfl
[tbe school boose PUday.
Moscadlaa Ala.. Tf It had net been
toouI UlBaa aad Loretta Lardle are on
for Dr King's Se« Otocovery. Ms
«tbe mecliBeqr BMd ■ tbesr ceoMradieB
my Mfflyfff
talas in tba balto. Tba; havaalways
the oteb UsL
down ic her bed. not able to get
BOB ffBdraod Stock wl be fifiU.
aatnmad oslag paaonaaddlp- had 4 severe
pan ao long that tba aaw way to tawTSd"' help ^ b
Enda WUrate Truablm.
1 got her a borle of Dr. Klng'i
' To mnay. wtatarAs a aoMon of troo- strange to tbam and as a rwslt tbe
New Dtocovery. aad she soon began lo
,bl«B. Tba traat-Wttaa toes and fing­ water to left-rundag ^ tba time
er*. ehappsd bands aad Upa. rbllNalaa IMS a coastaat round to made b; the letmL and wss weO In a short time."
UklalbWe (or coughs and colds, tu tbe
cnId-aoruB rwd aad roeeb aUaa, prove
retlable remedy on earth tor
this. Bat sock troabtao fiy before beepef aad tbe taoerta. tanked off.
I Backimib Arnica Balra A trial con j One of Ua oto men wbo has be.
lagrippa aetbma. bay (ever,
e». croup aad
vlnesa Greawat baator of Bona.'* Mbto to Itove Us soaai ter tbd pa
Tlrnwese CUr
Sfic. Sl-W. Trial
BtdU. PDaa. Goto, Bona. Brnloaa. Beneed by all Travgaaia and Sprmlaa. Only ffte at all
UwwtaaBw tUd ha-Uaow aUa to
Twvwm Off; Bear amm.



PUTffI OtaiTilKD



A ReiAedy No, Family
Should Do











From the Hardware


Condensed Statement
75th Report ;



WDj—...... ........ ......


esewTB IN naroanrs




Buggies, Wagons,

Dec. 51b, 1911, - $l,948.0e8.82





V« pay Tface per craf Itfemf

TraotrsaGty State Bank


"i;. 3j;.5fjf',

QftA*m tBirata HmAtp.ACTtS^t.~msDAr, i^rsiBra m. uii.'

Bros. Great
Win solve yonr gi^-givlng problems for yon. Come bere for
newest amid best Holiday Goods. Only fivt shopping days to Christinas.


BtUm. «««•,
rnm^m camri,


•■r PrcBiiaai


mIc go d fiittt. Hmsagnad

•ehciio..4acli»’ b^adkereWtf. cbiWt
ktnrk-rrhieU. meo’c haodki^cbieU—priers-

ar« Sr« fte, 10c. 1««. f$t, SSc. 50c
!•> pieti; Xmu bezel.

Every kud ond ityk for mra. vrameB
i^dtildrea Wo I glovea. ki>k fdowi^
(nribed^oTm. SJk bmr. wool bM,
coHoe hot, *U price*.

3bc*fl owttv oppieciote recoriag i pretty

H^re they aie in tealher, »o're>

velvet, etc, in ail the aewe t it.lea at any

price f»iht Me to H.50.

Entire stock of ladles’ and misses' coals, suits, skirts and furs at HOLIDAY SALE PRICES.
OjOTB coats dot Im kU m $iJ, $20
ail $2; me* id. am m 19ai.IlLU,111,

CARACUL COATS worth from $1250 to Ui
n>« .1 $8 M. MB, SUM. $14 and IU.S0.


made of alk and cloth, wotiblron $10

to$15,atM.M.$6.Mad$9M. ^

Men*s Fnr Coats and For UbM Coals at 2$ per cent to $• per cent Saving


Blankets and Comforts
Urgt CamfaHaft, tbo reen­
ter tlJt vatean. la thia nto
If JO eomrarta « .


Il,n Cmafartn at .


•2JM Cornfarti at'.


•Ml ^Raba Blaitkate, special ’

ThereT not be rnueb chenoe of you geltiog ia on dm Fur Coat opp^rtueity after Chriitoai. B«y Now,
a Good Coat tad uve N^aoy D^lan. Come and be coLvinerd!





Otepteta-Kata HiUt.
OnMe-Unte OUtatt.
SenUiiel—A|dla PrtaaL

1 \.Mm._________

aAf^tM aannl eteetten
l-Trivene.loasa Mo. 74$ «f the

Clothing for Men and Boys.
Hen’s $20 fttiiu at .

■^k A fXL •sTORtdk .WAT

**BUBBLE** Sonvcnlr free wlUievery $1 pnrehase or ovcK


FURS! PURi! HWayomebmet In
b>jy dieaply. ail t&e desirable wietarfait, •euti.anfa
and aeti tk a big rodacbao-io price. Soae cxdniva mH
marked at lew a* 25 and $$ per cent nndar vdna.

CMy AitxlUary.
Traverse City Aaxlttery
ft U.
W. V. bald Uietr
ol oincera
Prea.—Mlnnte Shretla.
Tnesday evmlas. The Wtowlnt were
-•tat Vlea Praa.—Mteate Veitaa.
Second line prea.—Aaioar iMdlmPreeldeot—Mtw. M. I. Knapp.
Reoorder—Mar BrnclMa. .
Senior vleo-pretldent—Ura. Irving
AsalBtaat Becorder—Wlnnle UoUl' Cook.

Man's fit Suita at .................. Ill


Berr ovMCMta at ism itJa,
and SIJO tharare Teanter valne
at 14, IS. i« M irsa.
nayr Suita—T«ro lota of -|SJa

Men^ lift SutU at ................... -Ift
Man’tliz Inite at ............


Man'* Ovarenauat «, 111 and IM
VVonh troin'llUO to

to IS.oa valaas in thli aate '
at liny and


Biua''Santa Salt, auaraatMd
art pnr j •oeX -weU unored.
our spectel at


of the left band wbl^ot. work on i prinriiial feature uf the aodat bonr'bU Travorae City friend* will I« tn ibe^Uure of tkte mMter vartaty at
Jointer at the Orelllck miir^he fln-. and - the prtto wae csirried away by terested In bU eucceee In hie ebysen
Th« tcoWe can be laaaaltad at
(era were aapuUted aiVhe ftrat l^lm fMI*. .Maratba Joh.ieon. Mies Mamie line of work.
Vi,»'? ‘“.“fSt
Mtaa Addle McMullen «.«. a thlm-, Moblo ee<-urct flrai ,.rlre In tbc pea-, o« Saturday. January ftTthe elvil «:atJ
ble party at he/ home at CSC Wwn nut contcat. Oamea. music and tw- ^rtice commlwlon will hold an cx
‘x'«> *44*^.
Ninth aireet Monday nliiht The freahmett* occupied the remainder of
In Traverse City for the ““
«'■« Of* vartettes that ham '
iraesu were served with tancheon to ,tbe evening and a very pleasant time poTpose
p,«o*e of
..f fllllng
nillnr the
the vacancy
v.«nev in
t« the j '
tn Ou anthe dlnlnB roon> at to o'clock, after »a» enjoyed
Mis* - Hueincaatera ,poeimaHership at Grown. L«tt year ' tato market at the ir'enem
att went faoinc, hsvlaz bad
this office paid the present locum- to the bad condtUnn of the roadi ani
verj- enwable tinw:.
Mr*. U W. Smith was tendered • !«.« $337! The usual rules governduDnesa of the holiday Martd^
e. ing
thi. class
.)... will
,r.n The .buyeiw are atm paying 71 owte
birthday surprl»e party at her home,
'examinations of this
. the receipts an »
went home from the Dayl^suk bospi 734 Stale street. Haturday l>y a preTail.
jceedlagly light.
Ul Thlirsday. where be bad been tor'scoiW of relatives. A very pleasant
KennMk. tha ywinp aen of Mr. and
At tht mattes dt the aut* framaa
aeveral weeks suffering wlib typboia j afternoon was spent by the ladles and

I Finaactel Secretary—Atar^aertta Bitmateea, three btecker.
’ Trcasvrar- Victoria Deaoniler.
sis- her gum*
guest* with a., much grace as
resutui and
*ed today
ind.v i'»"
booUeu were dte
ChapUlo-Mrs. Joale Novotny.
aPDonnclng il.-.- death ol hi* ris,„y deOnlte results
Marshal-^lt&rsaret Vacaon.
trom the
Cocdoctor-Mra. Wmiam
Brelth- ter, Mr*. .\Jer> Fionehouse of Btratfi-,though *he had expected them. Re- ryr uvIngsioM a *i«elallst from Do
Quard—Mary fUarefc.
Jjipy. ('acaila. He left 0"
on the early tasl ment* were served.
troll and a bother of Mr. Uvlng- «ed by'liV
Trusteet—for two yaam—Mary 8aAaatatast oondnetor—Mrs. Da^ L*/ualn to attend (be faocral ablcb will
charg* or tbein^O- »*re a|w> |*»sed oic
1 RavSkci ehatims. Hotrard bte. Anna Tbi^ Anna Boplaa.
■oecurred Friday.
the death of bis uncle. EiBll r. HetioHr^^
| About thirty-n« of' the
' friendi
' ■
B of ■■
It Is Intarestifig to know that one of (he old rerident* of DeirolL]
MyMic Workers eidetloA
Assltum Guard—Mrs. Albert Xysel- 'lltC.Sl saa cleared on ihc eeieiiain ‘ Mr. Besoli was bom In PYnnre and
an CHy Lodge Na Iftft4 Mystic
!menl given by the city *choohi m the : came to Detroit when he wae 33 year*
Worken of tbe WorM elected oStcers ka.
Historian—L. W. Case.
City opera hou*c. This entertahi-, of age and together with hi* ihrce |
The and mualc. A**l»untUal
at thetr reenter meeling prarsdsy
c held from Uw served and the company
Plnaist-Mra. Ed. .S'owton.
gUen lor the' tijneflt broOjers eeubllsbcd a machine shop SI
erenlaca as teUmrs;
?dne*day morn- ■ most pteasant oventeg with the hnW
InsulUng officer—Mrs. Bert Gage, of the i>ta}sli«l iralnlm: dcj«rt which did a large business
; o'clock. Katbcr
•rsfeet—Oren Casa.
offl- and lionese The oeosskoB Was Mr.
'ib«Bt fund and ncltcd the largcsi re- early day*
Jjvutner'B 73nd birthday.
Moaliw—Byrde GlBClalr.
Frank 8. Osnnett eon of Mr. and

turn* of any event previously given
Secretary—Jrairie C. Umprlc’-t.
'-ullection of books, “The Apbli_

Banker—Dette Oervey.
'^The Drawback.
of .S'c« Torlc," one of the most com• ♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦: Miae Ruby Huellmantel, 136 Cast *eon awarded Am prlie In a window Idtfte works cm ibo falKtary of tbc apTbe aage who remarked that “ererT
Hsrshat-Addle M. Wllkte.
*lng conpciftlon for the best dec l-h- ■•slant The f I la Ira
ctoud bae a allver UclAg" might bar*
Andrsw thstter sT 44> Nertk Elm- Moth street enierUlned the V. S. A.
oarlie*! lurm dnun to (he |>r<tseiil gone on to explain that the lining ta't
Hie regular club mpcilng Wed- orated pbarmac) window |i

. .
tirtw an.i
an.l nimii
fiinil*h«-p a mine or-inforuia- nsibie from tba paettlmi wkicb tbe
I’rogrcssive pedro
Mr. Gannett Is located In Detroit and
lor tho*«
are linerested In majority of ea h»ve te view tbe lieadi.


f v;:jp|


6Itx O tok<%tr:r-o

Ready-to-Wear for Christmas Giving
‘‘Ladia’ fur sets'* of-Brown pt Black Oppossum with
lar^ scarf and pillow muff $12.00, now $9.60.
La^'$11.50 Grey China Dog set. The scarf and
mi^ are boffi large and of laleit s^le (noW)............... $9.20
ua.' S7 98G«t Fi* •*.. ip»J niK u.................... ......... .......... »« «
Sk|k Midi (m ILSS n> u......... ................... I1S.S* ud *M.**
bnU SaA (no MM n> to..................... .t*M. tt.W. tlX.SS nd M7 M
Ud»'«IMiw,'TJknatilillNltov»l>ic<Ina«aM>pl>*M**.Ai7 *A.
toqrcA».*MUwtoton4.: Wa.fatdmJitt................. MpcrccBtoB

20 Per Cent DiMouat on oU
Ladlee' and CUMru'o
Mata, SnUa, Ore«cs


..SI «. 1*7$, ta« >p to ST M
..S*S5, M.2S, S*SS up to S8 48 -

Yon C8B take yoor ckoitc oi any
TnPBed Hat at

$2.00, $3 00 and


Ladies' Dresses" of Silk, Voiles, Panamas or serges in good vari­
ety of colors and sizes for Christmas Selling at 20% DiSCOOnt
“Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats,” nothing better for Christ­
mas giving—they represent service, style and comfort —and we
ate offeiing a special discount of 20%
Get it for “her” for Cfaristmasl



•V •-.,.

OBAMD I^TEBSEJS&ALD.ANBTBATBBSBBAT EACOjB, T0S8DAT. DRTKMRKtt iP, mS.«»«*. I fciT« l-o iteUfi ttd o»* grUttteBrM*oo1UlMrmlU«»«M
brather iwottger thsa I ala. I Uk« catlr^ 'T'* PV Tupe." 4t l> • piMir
lo M« U!« MOW <mc. K> «w eu i4M«j TMra v« fear b> the eiebtS
ccuL I ]akt lora to go ooaatiac aa4 rradc. Howd lUuef. G«rtru4«'JaB>
aM<h ridlnc. Bu 1 do Uka aanoMr klaa. (Mlva OoMao and airaatf. UTIl
baat. i »Mt doae tor tbia Uaa. boi>- yoa ptaaaa pM Oaitmdii-a bom ob
iMtohaar tnmyooaooB. I would tba Boablaa paca aad aaod ber d
* arer
„„ toM
um wa*
waa lived
llrcd la
la (be
(be lU*
lU* of
of (be
tbe V
'.Uka to axebaaca poet carda witb (be card and battoa? Howard ia tba only

Ur addraaa
Bear large boy eoalag to aebool (hla
, C««™CMd.
Mieb, R. r. D. NO. 1. Box ».
Urti. Oar achool U la the raadlag
Oaca apoa a time tbera
circle. \1 bare read tea hooka. ^ !
a happy Prlaee, a Pme* who
Baari M. BUiard.
am M a very Caat reader. I «aa
bad Kara tor ^aytblaca, and do wlah
► left wigTaUded. Bat be kaew that la
Ham aare the Baabaaaa wffl be ooaatlag the other day. We coast
‘ i eotntJT ptllfd -The World- there
•»* I *» d®»» • H'H * oearter of a mlU loag.
' were nea aad vomea nah^ppy. aad PUee yaor aame on the Oorreepoad- My! It la a alee (aat ride! U la a
[ unit chlMrea who wara aad.
j eaca iJat
Bile aad a half to my bouae. UwOl
“They do not love each othar
be glad when l get ay akeea 1 like
’ll'l 'tw Ml'la trymt «e de • Oaoegh.- the prince aald. “I will go Soetb Boardana. Mk . R. P. D. No. l. to go Ueetag. and think tt great fua.
dost you? Wen. dear Prealdaat. I
Dec. g. isn.
INiP dMiiBA I Bin -Tf», Mjr ♦ and tall tbea.'
hope yoa win have a hapy Ohriataaa

But If he came as a Prince, with »
. _
J wlU ha » to write end
thaT Baau Claua will not forget
d en bji pomp
he knew that
I. think
^##Hd4ddddd'd4«dd4 the peo^ would aay, "U Is eear for tell you and the SoBahlnera what we «• of the Snaehlaera.
-you to love aad be happy. But wa are going to. have for Chrtataaa. We
' '4fkiM^MeaB*w I, WM. ’
are cold, a^ hungry, and Ip pain.- are going to have a Chrlstaaa tiM.
Minerva Soper.
' nilWini mill Clara Batea.
And thea they would go oa burtlag aad 1 am la two dialoguea. 1 am goGeorgU McKaage’e sddrees la Baat
Pint Viao Traaldin mn Mahal e»c»' other, aad cBarrellag. aad being lag to be old SanU In both of tbom. Jordan. Hava you 'the
Mao WIRlaoM.
- md.
'I think the two dialoguea are jntt Mabel Aad Bchel?
. ««W9d Vtea PraMiiat Mia. IMa
so this Prince laid aalde bla ahln- fine. My taaebor'a name la Mlaa Boa.
MawM MMia
' tag gamenta of pralaa. and his treas-- trice Halvereon. We did not have any
Maple City. MIeb.
■ tmmrn Braedaathia Mra. A. U area of Joy. aad came as a Uay baby, aebool Ust wcek.becauae the teaeher
Dec. ». wn.
(ao little and ao tral1)..lnto tb«^eona* was sick. We boys slide down hlR

try called “The World.*’
and aaow btll these days. Hugh Jef1 auppoM It to Uma for me (o wrtte

Ha loved his Brother dearly, and be fen atade a pair of bobsleds from again to tbe Sunsblhe Club. I have
I barrel atsves. Some of tbe boys got a name to pot on the Crad’e Roll. It
ri. 1MI.MB6.
caid. "ETerybody betonga
e we all tove on »rA»y aad rode down, but they
great family. Bo of c
en tbs Cradle ^ otha.“
1, 1*11. 1.141.
Bvan wbea he t
be grew up. People Itot^ to what the track. Well. 1 must (Me,
____lost mj pin. and wish you
he had to say haeaaaa ho'rTu ao wide.
Pram '
send me soother one. 1 tm In tbe
- Ogrtrada Jaakfaa, Kalkaska. Mich., pnd ha grew In favor with evoryhodr
Albert Pankop.
third grade. I go to school every



• m.



.' law tun, Mapto City. Mieb, B.
r. tk Ma..i Mama aaat by Bdlth
•to ... ________
Traverra Cltv
to*-*? PT?!? .

1 yy

■ « &


• •


kw^Lifki ■<*“



'"lu .S ‘ *“■

tlm morr each oaa tolU'

wood wool 0. ,-d. ... n„ nwidO.
.t'S..’".,' uroiLr." • “»•

a, oTOTOo' —



7-.'* ‘'“y.'3"S,''z:i„..,.

w*—. ciitou. nbova aa. Imea as tad *•"**“'
ci.Hr*. ir»n* Rrtwh
Thank you for the good vlehes. and
^ 2TL^
lovad them an much. (That to atraagW
. .
Tm Le
wra m,
|_^ ,,,
j! ,
_ ^iTOi 1^10
I know the school bouae will look may yon also have a happy boUday.
■taw ovary
on this day trf
uia beautiful with tbe Cbrtounas decora.
Traverae CUy. MIcb, R. F. D. No. L
to tbe people who eared meat for Tratorw Glly.* Mich, n. F. D> No. l. De»r Presldenir^New and fararor. to haavaa aa4 Um. aad told them that iova eoutd
^ 18. Dec. ;. 1911.
1 will have my sister write for me
never din
t)ear President—
becaose I cannot writevery well, f
Bo you see. Christmas Day to fI bave Jott Joined tbe
Snnsblae go to school every day.I am to
oalabrata the Great Gift.'
' ^®b ao I thought I would write to Srst grade. I have a number of
Aad that to why tbe beotpraaeni J*®®- • »■ thirteen yearn old. aad am frieads to seboM I gi^ to tbe MeTAMI, BUNBMIME -PRESIDENT'S
make anybody, to the Gift «(
aav«ntb grade. I wfll be four^ Ktoley school. 7V*» are going to have
' teen on April iltb. | am four feet a Christmas tree at school. I am
eighl laches tall. My card aad pin gUd 1 am a Shotfalotr. and will try
hr* ao pretty, and I will try very bard and follow tbe rules. . I hope u> see
i the
Bear lAkc'. MIcb.
to keep all the fnies. -1 am welling this to tpe paper.
■EMMa. and merry UwiighU.
wov. ». iMi. thia letter-In sriMoJ,.and as I have
Vour loving Sunshlner. ‘
Jglft-ptaialaga, aca woadarlaL Dear Awsldeot—
aot mneh time to wrlu I wUl ctoee
Evelyn Wilson.
1 ,111 ™. 1, ,M ,H„
tor til, u»«.
H„ ,l« II 1. f«- roar ,w,r to
; an mdgxrag. an whtopa^ imes to thank you tor the card, and
From janr friend,
wa vota* l am sure you are both
SMMariensIr! How ascHtog the button. 1 go to a vonntry arboel. MV
Joeepbtoe Br<»ehe.
traa Saasbloe girls.
»ra name to Mlaa las Sprague.
am always
glsd > berrme acMtakSM with hofly berries, and and 1 like her very mm-h. 1 am sto- qualnird with thenew Spnsbtoert. Tr«verto« Citr Uicih B F 1) Vo
»cl TO.
„ ,1,
.ij i„, „„ .r, to,|„ „ K a

='^ 'ssrttT-


aTrolto - Batoratlr,;.' 1““

TOtoTTO. I. tomta. lo <la TOMor'.
Jap <B( Chriatmas Itoy. Hroll.
-WSas YOU wahaa M the ^k of the
• V**'*^If. what a mtdoo. brMthtoaa
tato aaroctoa.

/-.toto. to



Si!,^fir. TOmm.'r.
K,H«rta. Nirl ’ « V O. No i
speUing I have iw© peu: s shepherd
Dee 7. i»n
dog. and a coli^ We have great times Weir PreHdeni ««aaUag here, and wtoh you con^ be1 haven't written to such
a long
wRh an. 1 must Mom for thU Uma. time that 1 win do so now. | have’

toTOa. to Iro TO. rto.


— T
oo ^;TOto’'^l'^'toai.‘:a':


like them very much. I will try and
follow too niles. 1 ns- eleven years
eM tbe flrat of December, t go to
and bave lots of fun




a-s.-r.S5-.rrjs^iT: L“TrS”'a“E^

-WV: .1
■ .
Boardotoa. Sto to ., aaai. caaala.
V»<>*»_«WTO TOtoI. da, to
Of. MBIT tMiMmaa nocahu. *:C»9d
Mhr Lake. Mieb.
*t«>. ug i i,»ve a niece to sneak
•fwal M Mwul- the sons rings to
Nor. a. mi. calied "Cbrlstmas Mtto • We ate^
do. -ITO la .1th or! -La,. Dror PmldeOila< air, .uthto Ito aa., aad 1 lo,,
TOa.tMld W Wl.-ua isro EatodTOan. ataa to.
acr. "Marry Christmas!" and yoa
M« Famr papas amd —*ad
MiMri SAdtiston. yen caa aet aafl
. tail Mi kamr that the Odauaaa
I m Tear bearta to really true.
' ^Taa, ino atortaa an tha baat a*m

-M 'lM'IMMhdIaf)-

TIU IMr to, UUU to»I. to.
A gaaetou. aW of grain;

in to toik. w to top.n toto
They Mraa to the very toaet
To save uil the cold Decomber.
For the btr^' Cbrtotmaa featt
And then through the front-locked
There happeoa a wonderful thing':
The birds Sock aonh,* south, mat
For tbe eblldrea'a offering.
Of a sudden, the day before ChristaasA
Tbe twitjeriag crowds arrive.
And the bitter, wintry air at one*
. WUb their chirping .to all alive.
They perch upon roof aad gable,
On ppreb and fence aad tree.
They Suiter about tbe windows.
Aad'peer In cnrionsly.


erring la their

It to

* ***"•• Weed at school who
’**' .

1 toll in to.d «l, TO. a to. II «U b, alroaa.ll COrttooto,. doai "i,"-,* “".■"V
Haro u tlial laa tor the card aad iraif Dror Prr-id,-i. -iro . vaar
I” •“
" 1“' 1“
tattea. I go to the country aebool Uir-hdty? Mine u December :tih t
Uy teachers came Is Mlaa taa will he
1 v*n- to write
tovtcg iuashtoc*
Sprasaa. 1 ilka her very much, lam Mabel rtah aad StoMHa4dtoBtoa.fto
LUllaa WUsoa.
la the math grado. aad am Urirtaaa 1 havaaV aaawered their cards. WRl
I tUik year baby atotcr shoaM be
years 'blA For my pets, I have ^e yoa ptoase eead me GeocMa Me- a Cr%dle Roll meauee. D yoa wlB
dog aad thrae eau. Tba
dim ta htal*. I
... ...................................
lUhaCa porra- send toe her aaao had age aba MuO

am m$ m u wMto. «M «w eMmt tmg <


be- Meaa^ CbrMMkMra vary vagaa.
^ aaa^ial ooD^^a Pta paddtog
that ■<
saltor's laaUtale; but of thb

totoUto to .itoto M
.kto .u l.lctobtoto. un. Ut. Cbtoito 111. to tow tohUi Mw
11. whlu .kin. toll totltoU loSpire thea with the otmoat' wafldeoce. They seem to -uadersuad
that boys, oblto aeanlng wcU at the
same time era devoured witk Ui« pu
sloD of Bbaolate possession aad are
rooeeouenUy to be truatod only beyond arm's reach.
Bui they have, bo ■neh fear of lit­
tle girls. In whose haads the) ere mlmost ai trarisbie aa kltteas. le a
coy and most engaging way. They
are a never ending delight to babies
in ibelr carrlagea. Into which they
win jften sprlag aad allow themselves to be wheeled <p>ite a dtotaaee
while frisk^ shoot merrily. •
since the Santa CUua bousee have
been pot id aad Sued with all the
comforts of home there ’ have been
some excttlag times over soch c

>>.^ "k. .to kwil tot «. to. lo
(rieads gifta oa ptS. «py.
hecasse Ood. OB that day, »vo as the .
awat preetoaa gift cd aU.
»«^t woald you llko tor CbMft
mae^ AUoar gaaBtiaaell Nan, as (Mp
aat aewlng that meralag aftor her tatbefe
r-s departara.
I thiak." was IM lapIr.ShatT.
aid Ilike to have a father tDu
youra.••Qractoos me! what a tSMF «•*
ewer! i should Uke to have a Ptotker. but oae eanaol gel tbom as ChiiaS.
mas treca. Dtdal yea avsr hang up
your aiocklag. or heap Cbrtotm« Is
any way beforer cueetioaad Naa.
ailra slowly abook bar bM< “I
never-had aayl^Jag maeh lo kaap,"'
she answered. "Last year a lady
gave me an oranga. but I ata Rj -I

™ li, TO H '.

r «


Through aU the toad the cblldrea.
la the goMaa Balds retoaia

tore a day bad paaaad-aot a alagta ala. 6ba aharad bar traaiTaa «tt
"To 4kr alga w-aa to be atam.
AUc« aad Uasbt bar 1» aav. 1W*
or roorae (bU park woodUad doea ppn bo Bora laari; boura. wbaa thv
aoi yield tuBlffaest food tor the |^rc stisi ia by tog or rough a
army of eouirrels that iahablt It. The-' The captala grew vary toad ot Mt«rk eflclals have a regular ayatea tie AUce. aad nirir ftllH to brtag
of tsedlH them, which Is •BKdeaea^ them both sum UtUe gUl vUt tp- ■
ed by the eoastaat daUy doBatJo^jf .torn from the aatalaad. Where he
babHaaa and occastoaal visitora. Thta went tor aamtlM.
anrre of food eapply atone to alaoet
One day Captala Brent toBAo aa
safletoat. tor K la Indeed a atony- early start for the.asalalaal; tt ww
bMTted struttor who caa raatot the aaar Chrtsuaaa Uae aad than ««i*
etigagiag appMis of tbe^ ooaSdlag aany pnrehaaea to be aeAe. Be hoi
aad .playful lluto creMaras to pny arranged with his dasgtoar
deoa eosaetblag (hat (heir sharp teeth Alice e surprise od Chrtotaaa day. to
css nibble st.
the shape of a Cbrtstaus tiaa. aa dhe .

Uat be might be a-great ruler. wUb
„.’w »
name la Pudgy, and the dog’s name to
all Aha world for hto kingdom, that Travarse City. Mich,
D. No. 1.
he need never be poor, aad need never
Dec. 7. mi.
^ n»re I will close
■«««( palu. But be aaW. no, that hto Dear President—
vonr Snashliw
WlU, d,,U.Uiu Uoon, lUn ito. J’"
wto WM to rto.r to. tol otI kkr. kot wrtlKk . I.U.r 1. qai,
ill,'L. MUto
And greet them

***” •“* •’? stotare, and had one great, loriag Fa- room. 1 will be glad when Christ-.
WP Mitgfap.
cornea, l like to heve It enow.
; laeBa Bragh. Travaw CKy. Mkh,
utg. -[f
remember that for I have fun sliding down hilL Maple City. Mich., a P. D. No. t.
to B.' r. Ik No. I. Mhae sent by Oar- yj^Fsiber to a king, than yon know Mamma Is going to get me a aled for
0«- l«. UHtap BWM mti0k
' , that you are royal children, and you ChriaUnsa. I hare a iittle kitten at Dear Preeldeat—
'■ ' 'LT'' ~~~
awtat aver do aaythlng that to home, it is gray and wbll*. and has
| received my rard and was very
• ■: .IBMlIINK fcflAOLl ROLt«ijn«b, or weak, or moan.a black spot on lu aoae. 1 have a glad to gel JtS.The girl who got the
>Bd^ C UbeMy. age one year,
xad ha ioU. -tt yoa try to be good, dodt and drake. One of our neigh- en,g for ato
the buttoa. so wlU
IMirtpM* ***4^ Warns aaat by Alloa
Kathar will help yon ao matter .bora gave oft the duck, and 1 bought you please ^end' me anoUey one? I
tf| n^. '
bow difficult thlage teem to be. So the drake myaelf. Laet summer some am twelve re&VJlid. t live on a
to . , -- ------------aeednt ever worry about your- Httto graand birds built their nesu farm, aad go'^at^l^l almost every
• SVrfSrilftf POEMS.
patch, and one bird built day. I am glad to be a member of
' ■•
CMtaUiaa Belto.
he said. "II tent right to •»« •»« 1®
»»>l box. It will aoon (be Sunshine Club. WiU you please
TM dtotatam beUa. ao soft aad low.
your brothera ** **“•
»F tlxUo slater Lncy a card and
and alatera. elthar
Yoor pathw *® •*®»
Good bye.
button? sbe to elgbi years old. It
with Iholr anvtT chime
(bey need, and
^ night, and I must go to bed. ao
MpiJtaMaai. ra«u la every cilme. b« win care for them. too. But ba
APod hrer
TMMMbMm bMla. ao soft and low. ™ uan yoa love them all. even the
Chrtatmaa wlU Indeed soon be here.
elW a worid of eaow.
eaee',oa ^t aadaaUaA aad-who *
have a happy
Bdlih Hart
may periiapa hart yon In some way." **“••
1 am glad that you like in be s Sunbelto, 00 BWoot a»l
that" he said, "to raaUy what
/ shinar. and yod shall have a new
J came to teU you. Love your To- Traverae aty. Mich. R. R. D. No. 1. button,
W lie, tor and aaar.
thar, aad love
other." ^
Box 137. Dec. 7, ISll.

4^ tara^ twHUy
Wouldnt yon like to heve ae*a hto Itohr Prealdent—.
Buttons Bay. Mich, R. F. D. No. 3.
twe whai ha aald that Snashlaarat
I JtW wrote a letter to yon the
Dec. ift lilt'
---------------------------UnM - «. that sta«a with Oh^-n doeeat ----matter---------------whether yon aid
other day. bat one of the-----.rirts. whoee De«- President—
^ ‘ ^Ushf;
. rtoh
rtob or poor.'
poor." ha
be told tbe people.
people, »*»*
name I1 ««waaied
eeot you. wanted to write, and
j ^
belto, ao sweet aad
aU. only one thlag •»
*<1> •'•'He together, l here leacberto name Is Emma Babto. We
that to worth giving, and that la, your tota of ptoymatea at pebo^' My all like her very well. 1 -vffuld like to
iw Oi lu ood Old,.
very own self. If you tore aaob oth- taaebef# name to Miss Morton, l like have
a card and button as I have loft
or yoa wUl give yoar thoughts, your ber real well. My Ilttl^ alstor Lurile “ other ones. Wa
„ are havliig nice
words, your daoda. to help aaeh «th- «• «« raara old. and wanu to Jola ^
IV is elmoet Ml
«. So .every mmito rich or poor ta U*. BnoMUn. a«b. win „u
yo» (be name of
proporttoa aa to how much 'aalf be
b«r ««d and huiton to me? 1 J®
has to give."
^be g.rls afl
buitopi Bdred An-

- *3?

einatwaa »a t»e«»ap.
>n <ba larwfl taad «rf r4>r«ay.
Where the elefer IISf>M ai<«.
And loag torlb#.«M>bgA«rda aaC
The mtle ehltdreh waH.
When at last (be taatoer npeaa.
■Aad the harvetl la gathered la.
Aad food for the btoek, Arear day# W
The tolhng people win.

On the Joyous Cbristmss morelagr
But with tbes^few ®*«.pwuo. n »
It In,M ol mr, door.
o r.r,
<V«to to
very »oIH.r«l
well-bred. pcoetU. ood To..
i toll polo. TOOood win olonorloi ,„a,„ <„o.oioolt,- fi, Ootiwl
wrootO. of
Park seulrrels. There a e as yet oo _
and.a tot
0100. 10.1 foiolllo. dwollloi lo 10. ■
And vbicb are tbe bappleet. traty
It would be bard to tcU;
Tbe birds who share la the Cbriatr
mss cheer.
Or tbe cblldrea who love (ham

loeMS wry


^ traa utaad bo-

;,w”,T.,.,rr.?"r iZ-.-■ " «"■— •«« «.

«»™- "troog to loag loopa. apd flay
caadlaa. At iu base were pfisd eeaw .
pretty and varied parcMa, the reaMt
Chriatmas on^ray -Ladpt.
Nan aiocd on tbe cliff.' her gown of the GiptalB'a shopplag. ;
Wora oat with no n
Suttorlng to the wind, as ebe gated
now sweet thst they should remem- ncrosa the ba>. watching for her to- Nannie slept aouadly that
ther-s ;oat. Cape Brent was beeper U«>u*h lb# wind aad the aaa1aRto«
witb fall nod sure.
of tbe Gray Ledge tigbthonse. Six at their tondrat. for tbera waegAis^
That the chlldren-i bounty swelled moolhs prevlouwl) be bad lo»t fata '“wm brewing. Toward mOrMNrMM
tnera \
wKe by death, and while Nancy, s ••s asakenod by Alice calitog her
Tbe whole wide country oerl ^ daughter of twelve years, was left u »«> g«* «*Pcomfort him: and on her yoang shoal"Boom,, boom. booBk** abe was gfH
When this pretty story was told ms dera feU the bnrdea of tba work. She of bed la aa tastoab 'BoosC MS%t
By one who bad helped to rear
avept. meadad and baked as her yes. atae knew that aoand; tbarp «M
Tbe rustUng grain (or tbe merry mother bad done before ber. To- a ship to traahls not tor oC. Qaltl^
gather they polished the bnrner o? they dreaeed and WaWaaad bataw. ^
tn Norway, manyi a year.
tbe great laaut; and kept IU windows Captain's bunk was empty; 1
. bright eo that night after night a gone; but a'tomp bujss^
I tbongfat that our little (^bUdraa
clear, steady flame shed lu rays over the ground Soor.
Would like to know N.\^.
. tbe waters of the gulf.
Nan worked rapidly: aho mods a
Nan had apaat a basy day, 1a her good Are. pat oa (he koKla. tiua
So blesaed a thing to do.
tothar’i abeenoe. 'After the bousv placed a Ughtod lamp la aaeh vlaSoM.
work was dooe. she bad made and put At length aha epeaod tba oatar Mar
To make God's lanocrat erwtaraa up tome aew red enrutos to the oval aad gasod oat tato the btoek alght
windom-1 of their kitchen, aad deem Tbe wind bad lultod a Uttla. bat Me
In every child a friead,
rated toe walto with'boughs of maple eoald hear ao awtad save (ha raar df
And on our faithful klndnaas
toavee. g*y In toeir oMt of auny odl- the breekera. J(ast aha cUmhad Sp
So fraiicaaly depead.
ora. There had been vUltors, toa to to tbe ligkt. It was barnlag as dtodr
Thaxter. tba early afuraoon; tourtota from aad atsady as evar^ so fhare «M

the mainland, whom she eacorted op wtblng more the ooald do.
- The Squl'TOto- Chriatmaa.
Ike winding aulrway. and agato up
About aa hov Utar they loakad
Probably iba merriest Cbrtotmu a strop Iron ladder, to the topmost out aal®- aM were rujotasi to *ae
season thst bss corns rouad to tbe to- room, of glass, wbere the groat lamp toe llghl of aevprat toatoras swvlag
hablunU of New York to now being -swung, and where one could gase far about on tba shara. Naa knew at
enjoyed by the hundreds of chatter uui at sea,
once that tha craw from the Wa
lag. scampering •qulrTeJs>that dwell
When depsrtlnc. those visitors gave tog station had coma to her ^fkarta,
to Central Park. Il to OM long' Christ, her • sllier half dcrtlsr. which she aid. PreeeaUy someof (ha mOT.*4W
surprise party, tbe best these hsd scoured to a wrondroni briUtoncy seen tolUng up the pa*h to tM HsM
famouE squirrels ever bad.
with brick dust before pntUng It away bouse. Nannie at OMO pit mt MomThese tamest and most eonflding lit- with ber few- iraasnres.
keu. while Allea maM eeffM wfetoh
tie ercaturei to a wild suie—which
1‘resenily Captain Brent's boat came to a boll Jn« as the eular dMT
do aot fear to invesUgate the pock- came Into view; Sen always knew opened, and la rana B party at ma*
eu of habitual ramblers along thh the browfi patched sail of her father's csirylag a aaltor. Water peurad tram
park walks, and will even take pea- host- She scrambled down from her blT clotbas aad ha shewed ae aigas at
nuts out of toe hands of sirangera look-ont and bsTteped borne to pre- life. BuC. experteasel hands
• who appear to then above sueplcloa P«re hU supper; there would be am- him ia btobkau. pemad hat thtagi
-were 'Ulted by Senu Claue early, plc time, for ibe wind told her thst dowo hto IhroaU worked .Uf ar^
Bt Nicholas came to them in the he would have to lack arroai tbe rolled him over aad oven. Mala bM
gvisc Of dorene of women and cbll- bay.
agato. uatU at lata Wa am epaaat
dren, who do not let a day pas* withShe bad finished all l.ej prejara for a second.
out visiting toeir bnsby-taned frleode.
tioos end wus.down .t the Undlng. as "You are afl
rigWaaw. Mato.
As a result more lhaa a hundred be rounded Into the imc
shouted one of tba maa: pm aa dli .
trees hold gtviv decorsted squirrel
“Ho. I'otnmodore Nso«>!''be cried, nri seem to bean
bouses festooned will, sirlngs of w.lletting down ito; sail Bbe was about Huddenly Allea MrtMfor«|rd aad
nuts and peanuts, while beside Ibelr to reply, llo r.insiu Itod.;- as was threw berself beside tha pratoraW
doors hanc bah} siockingi filled wjrh ber cusIod,. hut stopped with her form
■ li's my fatkar, my tathar.
tbe food the little croeturea love best, mouth op^r; for ibete. to toe aienn she aohtwd. Again the e^m apa^
In the de-t.rail»e scheme are wfalfe of ber father ^ is>at.,aal a timid look and wandered aretrad nniH tkeJ raMand pink -andy dolla aad candy ani Inc little girl with anrh }Hlow hair, rt <o. yi.e, ber hair abtolBg
Dials pervbsd on the roofa of toe ms- the wind had blown ber hat of. and ni.hed aoM. in tba greUght. aad Us ■'.j
Hr «,u.rrel bousea bnlldH by friends losaed ber hair about 'Who la 1'. tips moied ' My little glrt._ k» m;^
of Santa ctotts
DedT' whispered Nan. with round mured All at pace ha saw taa carwOn the porches of aomc aia candy eyes of astonlshmeni
mas tree, and a smOa Wto^_aal>a
puddings garnlahed with w.touts. and
This, my dear.' said he a* h* liff pale lips “Merry ChiWmSN^faa,
other disbea which might grace a bu- ad tha ebUd out. - w Alloe Fain, abe be faltierod. to a fa^*M ^
man b^quat board. Mra. RaaoaU baa come to make ,ou and ma a v laic
So Christmaa mm^ Sawpad at
Sage to one of the Cantral Park sqnlr- I called ai tbe life, saving station to- Gray L«ige; (he wlaSimB|nttlM
rels- friends wbo baa flgnred u their day. and Mrs Mincbis told me ibis atreamad to at tha wlilgai M
Santo Claus. Thereto hardly a aqol'r. little girl waa to be sent to toe poor chaaed a*ay aB tha_ eka^
rel to the park that doea not reoog- bouae, A )ear ego her father left gloom of the
EaM aa,TM
nlta her at a distance, and coma her with Mra. Mtochln. as he was go- of rbriitmas cUmas^fka maWsM
wrampertog to Invemlgaie the coo- tog of on a cruise, bo( wonld return could be board ia Joyoro 'Umu.
tenu of toe alluiinE paper Ug tha InsMe of two months aad be paid hei
When Alicei lather raeovarad, ka
alwa)-a carries wbea on swb vialis Imard for that litne only Well, you decKtoA to give up his rovtog.
Tbeaa Santo Ctoos squirrel bousaa know. Mir Mto<bin .has plenty of life, nbd w«a engaged as asaMast
«-!6 tteir de-.orattoa of raatobto cbiWraa of
te- own.
.be l.aei»r vt the light to the lammcv
gU'. aid a v-er- pratfv to«b i» the tatao? ule
boarder.. ei^eLiinrcaa
CAP'-fto Brset tghaa the two.
hane*j The;- uam- wio'donx pa.' rerttor ao. ramemtar- UvJe girU over -x toa matoU^ taa
ad to BU a kmg Mt want, (nr whale laghowiangthedaysarotoryon boat every meratoc, wkara ikaF ah
aqnlml tomniea Immadtetoly mawad when I am away. I JaM ioriied tbto tend schcol. So Alice aad »aaal|a
out of cramped q^rtsn to (dd tree Wtle gW over bere ta stay daring are not aeparatad. aad atS; ^aaU
tnmka to take advaataga at throe good bahavter."
cmany hapy daya togaUar OP Ofy


iriMWliITjg’ill 1, mtit wan ^ .TBMa aWk m/^




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