Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


mtti ®iraiiiem MimlK
and Travai






Miw Cffi* OMhn and Jiriiita Vadna
Had Chareh Wadding.


Miss Bffle Da^n, daughter of One
Dashn. US Webstar sum and JaUus
Vasina, aoa of Mr. anil Mra. P. A Vas­
ina. 1S4 North Oak .street were
Tied Wedneadag morning at
Cherta .jf Itnmaeotote Conception.
Father Sbisehan otriclatlng. The bride
wore a gowi
bridal voU and carried white flowers.
Bta was attonded bg Miss Katberlne
Panfboaeen. wbila-tbe groom wa
atoUd bg his broUter wnUam Veslna. But CIsimt That Madero Has Not
FulfllM His PremiMS to the
After tbe ceremong a wedding break
People. Another Revolu­
fast aqd raoepOon was glm tha
tion ImmlnenL
gonng people at the home at the
. D. C., Dae. 2.—With groom's parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Vasina
Mntareg. Mexico. Dec. 4.—In ad­
tba bpaNt of tha &m raguter sa* srlll reside in Trareree CMr
dition to Its other loiemal troubles
the Madero administration has e small
ttprising of Yagnl Indians on Its bands
«ka tad ramtliiad at thalr
according to dlspsicoes from tiolDir
tataM orar TtoakaglTlw dar poorad
lata tta capital ea ararr trala todar- t|llso Marg Marahsll and Uesn Caster
In tbe town of Kourio, SInalos. a
Alarried Thtirtaag Evsnlng.
Aa an tfea
plot for tbe counter revolution orga



raadi' tava baaa owplatad.
ta aa «nrk of arsaninUoa c
aa Maaday.‘ A Uttla rauUna
aar ta traaaaetpd U both hoaaaa aad
ttaa aa^adJoBruMU win ba takae as
liad daring tha raTasadar is lik^
tata daretad to rsadlag <d Praaldeat
Tacts aanaal wsasags, Aftsr«Qiat
tha laraaksn ahaaM ba abla to gat
ten ta •----*------Imma^lualr >bS
. ftp tha nan •«« or six Bsoatbs, bar. rtis tha tlaw of nemo orsr tha hoUdan, tha eooatiT caa siatch ttam
thmt aad pixtr aad latamltu
■ Is litaig to ta an
id'iaportaat om Is'

Old Misaion. Dec. l-M las Marg Marahall and Loiren E.OMter.botb of this
phtce were aalted la tnantoge at tha
home of the bride'e parenU Tbnradag
evening at 8 o'clock. Tbe b^e was
attended .bg Miss Doris HInadale ot
Traversa ^Cltg. and WUI MaisbaU,
brother ot the bride acted as beat
mam Mias Marie Dana, also «f Traverae Cltg. ptoged MeadeUsobn's wed­
ding BLsreb, and during uie earemoag
"Uearta ^ nowera" Tbe bride
was beauUhiUg dressed in whfta.
the aald of honor wore tan color.
The bonae was beanUtnUg decorated
111 white cTTsanUiemBma Ice cream
aad assorted cakes w«e served. The
of town gnests were Mr.-and Mrs.
WUlU Slman of Elk Baplds. Mrs. Rag
Duns and 'daughter Marla, and Mias
Doris Hinsdale At Traverse Cltg aad
Frank Dean. Hiss Blanche, and John
Daw of AngeL Bev. Chsss officist-

aaa’aC OUa 'isa »ata hte raaolntlea
iMtadara In Jan. aad Ba-


rj ^




Tta members of the Junior Depart«nt of the First Copgregatlobal
aping school are tappg over tbe poe■loe of ten new folding tablet. The
tables are flntobed In flemUh oak.
bg the O
tloaal BiMheihood aa
edolpment for the Magflower Onb
It. The Jdalor Department to
now fnUg equipped with ioldtag tables
aad cbaire which can easllg be put out
of the wag when the roome are need­
ed bg tbe club daring the week. The
tonaor bulky fnraishtngs were a conlotd hladranoe to tbe nee of thf
roonts for club purpoeee. taace the
ovbmenta are fully appreciate
bg dab mamb^ and brotherhood.

Diced bg ibe Registas wta dtocovered
It appears that the idot was to cake
In the entire state, for documents
were found giving nil details of (be
movemenL Several armed men were
captured and placed under arrest
pending tbe Inrestlgationi that are be­
ing carried out to aicertaln.if thpg
are the organisers of tbe oprising.
Dr. Fgandaco Vasques Gomes, who
was charged with being Implicated
In the rerolntlonarg movement of
BmlUo Vasques Comes, has ismied
BtstemMt la H^co Cltg denglng that
he to a partg to ang plot against the
govemment He aeverelj arraigns
Frealdent Madera, bowev«-, and sags
that tbe Utter has not fnlOlled his
promises to the people.

si t^mptail win Visit
Knl^rts -TaiBplara Wedm
dar Evening

Mias PetrAAndcreon Former Traveres
City Girl Wedded.

The marriage of Miss Petra Ander
son. formerly of (hto city, and Hsrry
Richardson of
«31,283,83r REDUCTION
Mantotoe Wednesday afternooB. Tbe
ceremony _^-as performed In the ^o^
wegtoo-T^tberan church at 4 o'clock
after which a reception was held
tbe home on Sixth street Onb' the INDICATIONS POINT T^ LONG
Hate family and a few very IntiDRAWN OUT SESSION
friends were present. Sir. and
Mrs. Ricbanlaon left on ibe C;41> train Tariff Sehcdules Will Require Long
(or South Lyons. .Mlclilgan. where
Oebatsa That Will Delay Adjourn(hey will remain (or a few days. They
ment Until After the Na­
will reside
tional cottvontiona.
Miss Aaderson was formerly a
nographgr in tbe office of tbe Herald
Wasblugton. Dec. 4.—Clalma of reand I(«.-cord Comiiany.
publHaD economy were forwarded
the democratic house today when the
reasury rdepariment suhmiued esti­
mates for running the govemmeut
during (be next fiscal year with an
Naval Reservaa Racelved Naeaauiy
apparent aaviag of 821.283>2I. as
Equipment Friday.
compared with ^tbe amoun approThe wlialeboat that viy be used on rised for 1S12. a total amount of 8745.the bay by the Truverse City 01*18- S31.5C3. not iorJoding frSO.OOa.raw to
iun ot the state naval reserves ar­ be expended from tbe poatoffice de
rived over tbe G. R. A I. Friday and partmeni revenues.
Irec. 4-—Tbe flrat regwill be a welcome addition to the
of »be‘ tailor boys. The ular>oD of tbe Sixty-second con­
&>at to 38 feet in lenctb and bas gress convened at noon today. Prac­
was In hto spat,
twelve oars upon which the reserves
caa oxerclaa It was taken from the and the gallerlea, aa usual, were
deiiot this afternoon and stored in the crowded. Legislative machinery Is'in
old Deltfaer fariory at ■ the docks, readiness (or a long session, Spteker
where it will Mmaln until spring Clark-^nd other leaders having pre­
when It will lie Ailed out with davits dicted that adjournment may not
until after the national conven­
Of ti;e d^sa ready for uaa
tions of the two big political parties
when tbe wewt^ warms up.
bave been held. This has not hap­
When all
dirlbloD win hkr^ Oill.oou worth of pened since 1888.
eovemment pro|>erty In Its charge.
-When you codtemptota all the matThe whaleboat was shipped direct to
d. " said Speaker
Traverse'City from the New York Clark today, "you are forced
conelusioo that eongresa will be In
navy yard. session Well into the summer, if not
until fall."
-While no definite program as to
tariff bills In the bonse has yet bee«
Mias Maribel Whiteford and Ollvsr framed." aald Demociatlc Leader I'dD. Whitson Married at Bataa
derwood, “it to certain that the dem­
ocratic caucus will unanimously apBates. Micb., Dec. 2.—Miss Maribel
VS'hIteford and Oliver D. Whitson
were quietly married at the home of
'Tbe principal scnedules to be re­
the bride's parents Thursday evening
vised or reduced will he wool, cotton.
in tbe presence of only (he Immedi­
Iron and steel, and possIWy sugar."
ate relatives of tbe rontracting part­
ies. The home was very prettily doc
orated (or the orrasloc. the color
Bcbeme being pink and white with a
background of ferns. In' one comer
ot (be parlor an arch of evergreens Attorneys (er Paeksrs Ask Bupi
Court to Review Habeas
was arranged, while crepe paper bells




•There wllh be a epecUl ooncUve of
Trarorae aty onmroanderg No. 41. KT. at their asglum on Monday even­
ing at 8 o'clock. At this time InspectGeneral Campbell will be present
ta laspect the commandery. It is ex
peeted that every 6tr Knight will re­
port promptly and help make this tbe
banner Inspection of tbe oomnUndery.
A regular detail of Slrulghu has
for the open-1
Ing- The eminent commands- desires
every Bir Knight to be present to w-et
and ttrearaers ot pink aad while
come tbe grand officer.
duced a charming effect sf color and
preti.v scene for
the hrMai party as they entered
tbe atrslDS of the wedding march
yiH ptoyta by Miss Keteu WhliDon. sister
Hold Beaaion Friday Evening.
The bride were a becoming gowa of
The regular meeting of the Con­ cream meaaallDe and <arried pink
gregational Brotherhood for the roaebads. Tbe couple was uniitendmonth ot Deceutwr wlU be held at ed.
tbe church Friday evening, the subDirectly after the ceremony a wed­
ding dinner was served, the tables
Bosiness." J. W. Patchln pres- beiug adorned with pink and white
IdeaL An etpectolly IntereatlV pro­ camatloDS.
. i
gram has been prepared and It to exMr. and Mrs. V.*htuon are both pop
pe^ that there will be a Urge at­ ular young people of the vicinity and
tendance at this meeting. These meet their many friends will, join In extend
Ings are held frequchtly by the Broth log congratutotioDs at ibis time.
erhood and are of great belp to the
la thus gettjng together and
spending an hour or so socially. Fullowlag to the program:
Controlling Intcrtst In Duck Lake
Power Company Sold.
-Mias CoreU.

thataraatan ta nsarlr an
IWilFaoBeladod aona ttaw
ttaa vas
> -MWiipw jidiiaMa or adriaabla with
a tMw to tta •natal lotoreat. manr
ac^taaaihata ot coagroas appear
I to hold the roads ra^.......... ........r of tha Ills with
- «!ii tha aaaatrr to aappoaad to sof«se*WflMCraglalaB the Ubh has not
■>it*taWl ta lot np ea tha rallroada.
Padaial saparTtaloB'or raitroads to
a malsr oaAat thaa to aow la forea
ta pregeaad ta a»ar wags. More
to tha tftew ot the Intacataie
Chiwgri Goan to a tnnrtt* atogaa
wtettatowsakara If the Ooamarca Held Meeting and Eleetsd Officers
- Ogwt itooira a dtoposlUon to gire tbs
Last Eveaing.
raHraaCi a agaara deal, abolish it.
Bat dM aaoatoa wiU not be all boaTbe business meeting of the Friend­
aanba. Thosr Is ao dearth of in- ship dass of the Friends church was
bdd In the church parlors Thursday
evening, at which time officers for tbs
year were'elected as follows: Freeltasaalg fooght Oter. in. the bouse deint, John Tremaln; rice preeidenL
thga vtu ta a alghtg contest oTer^ Ray FonnaU: eecretarg aad (jpesm
Mpal laeotporaUen of Interstate . . Arthur taldwia. Extra member
fl&irri ladastrlal corporaitoos. The; Of the exeertive committee, Mrs. H.
ineea. Teacher for the year.
an^ win wraattp wftb (he arbiupM. C. and C. U Ovtott hkve taken
ttayi troattad. aad the Unas wUI bs Cbas. HelhL
-er 13.MI0 of the IC.Ooo shares of tbe
tagcply drawn betspaen the llngotou
After the meeting tbe class deDuck take Power company which was
aad tha psacstsaltsra Than tbara ofil UgbUuUy entertained by Mias Ada L.
formerly 'owned by U. E. and Ralph
ta tha aahiaet of ooasarratlon. ^ Waters. One of the Interectlng feeWynkoop. tbe totter siill retaining the
run ehorns; Mias Helen Moore, acn of the tolls to tnres of the evening was a picture eompanlBi.
Inlng Interest.
Ufficers were
paaMng throngh historg aketch ot ea<k member of
electad cozuisting of Piesident D. E
Dean. B. H.
ol plcturee ctR
Wynkoop: vice president. Ralph WynBtacken. J. C. Petersen.
koop; secretary and treasurer, M. C.
Itatt fortolah. howsrer. wlU ta the from magaslnee proverbUlly empha­
Mgoahfset a( the Mtxre eeaelon. The' sised. AU enjoy^ a verg pleasant
Oviatt. M. C. Ortou U w eir known.
I Electlen.
At tlie election of officers held at In this locality having spent most of
•*a vootoa laiaatnr to to ta tranthe Foresters ball Friday evening tbe bis life' here working at the black■CBad-to «oa«raaa eooa after the
kmltb and millwright iradea. while C.
following were rboaee:
ipnm. aad tho board'e rapori oi
U Ovtott Is an eleculciaa of six
Conn physician—b. L. Tbirlby.
years experience, four of which were
aa gaga aix.)
Conn deputy—A^rew
Hen. A L. Dpuel Will Tell Herilcalspent in the govertiment service. Tbe
Chlef ranger—D,^.
D.%-. M
turtats About the Grand Travnew owners have tested out tbe pow­
Vice chief ranger—A F. Shepard.
erM Region.
er available at tbe plant and will de­
W. Boone.
vote ibeir entire time to fliting up the
Olad at Hla Hana Taaay /After Laag Bon. A L. Deuel of Petoakeg. re­ Taylor.
plant and building up the buainess.
sponds to tbe toast. The Grand TravTreasnrer—J.
atee RedOD" at tbehanquet to be held
Pohtaa WiekaBbarg. agod St dlad
with tbe Fortg-FIrst
Organist—E. W. Teetor.
at Ida Iwaa SSt Paric sttaet. aartg meetlac of thq Mtoblgan State HortlPtat chief rmnger-^loss Hines.
Mdag ■iraliig after asora than two eultaral aode^ at Ludlngton.
Msyfleld Couple Were United ThureBenlv woodward—Gleo Metaughraara IDaaaa. Mr. Bftckaebart bad cember 8. 8. 7. Mr. Deuel has been
han a laMCut or Traraiaa. Oltg gatbariai together .aome lacu which
Jimlor woodward—Clarence Drum.
htata • nar aad imrm batodat hds teatlfg to tbe woadertnl prodadng
Buckley' Mich., Dec. L—MUs EUle
wBa aad sae. thraa brothaps and two power of tta region and these he will
Sealortaadle—Oren Case.
Coming, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Irv­
BMwa. -A
aarrlee sraa mt forth In a wag that qpnnot fall but
Jnator bMdie—MUe Babel.
ing Coming of Mayfleld township anil
tan tha tamltg borne mtog at eonvlaee tta hearer.
Two traatees—Ross Bines. Z. W. Barney Hofmer were marriaG yesur11 watoak after which the hodg wlU
It wtU ta tememtarad ttat Jadge Teetor. day In the church panors. Rev. C. B.
ta Ihhn ia-*k( Baplde wtare
Wlwra regoi
S-& W. Ulnea. Lyford .officiating. Mr. and Mra. Hof­
Dead was tta ontor on Traverse
tor^nar^ nrrleaa were htIA tram Cltg Dag at tta Fhir groaads la Anmer will make their home In Buckley
taa taurgCIslaadaoaAaBdag aft«- guM last aad at ttat ttma he gave
where they have many (rie^ who
-taotol teek piaea ta
talk that was wsil taohM of bg
join In exttedlng-«oiigratntotlona and
taM wtohea at this time.


FBODinp mss



CHM8E ill BWieS





Washington. Dec. 4-—Attorneys for
the Chicago packers filed a metloB In
the supreme court asking the court to
review tbe bal

Definitely at srske to the
all trusf prosecutions under the 8hermso tow.

King George and Queen Mary Have
Complstsd F<r«t Stage of
Their Tour,
Bombay. India. Dec.. 2 — King Geo.
and Queen Mary landed beto today
for the first part of the CMlly and
theatrical durbar tour. Immense
ibrongs greeted them. After addressuf welcome a parade passed
through the city.
Peninsula Grange, t
Tbe Peninsula grange held the an­
nual meeting last Eaturday. with a
large number present. A rbichee pie
dinner was .served at noon. The reg­
ular grange session was held, and
the following officers elected:
Master—E. O. lodd.
Orert-eer—Mrs. C. Dana.
Lecturer-Mrs. A. M. Wlllobee.
Steward—F. W. Stone.
Assistant steward—A. M. Wlllobee
Chaplain—Mrs. G. H Jamieson.
Ttwurer—O. H. Jamieson.
Secretary—MIM Nellie Stone.
Udy aaaittant steward—Mra Rob­
ert Sweeney.
-J. C. MiQs.
Ceres—Mrs. Frank Stevens.
Pomona—Mrs. J. G, Mll^.
Flort-4lra. A. E. PoneT.
Ptotttoi—Mra. j. G. Mills.
Wiiitomaburg Rsbskaht.
Friday evening, Reljgkah lodge No.
381. 0t Williamsburg, bad elecUon
or.offlcen for the next six months,
which resulted as follost: •
N. C—Mina White.
V. G.-Orace Will.
Financial secretary-^ora 8cofl«ld.
Treasurer—Florence Avery.
Mrs. Btodgeft gave a fine report of
the asaembly. which was held at Sag­
inaw this (all
After lodge light t^ieahmcnU
were served.


Will. Be used

on Replete^ Hall


. The new igruea of spevta! registry
stamps were lUaced on sale in (be
liOBtofflre Friday. They are t»
used on registered Rtall only and
as Kper-ial deliver}' or postage stamps,
and will iw-n for 10 reuia earb.
Hie stamja ure of a variety never
Wfore used by (he postoffice deiiart
nwnl. They Irave been In use only
for sliow^two months. Tbe s'amp
besrs tM Image of an edgle with out­
spread wings jatanding upon a rock BY YIELDING WILL OCT OFF
While these, atanips are Intended
(or tbe regUt^^ mall the regular 10 John J. Will Pratosbly «M Twteto
cent stamp alV will continue to be
Ymk ImprtoMuuent—Atksnwy
good* on tbU class of mail. ,
Oarrew Fbresaw Just Btato
OuttosM at Casa. -




Loa AttBsles. Dec. S^anwa B. ■»Namara last hIbM plaadtd ftoHr I*
blowing up the Loa Anfisa TItiwa
buiWing. John J. •
guilty to conaglrany to blewtNB ap tta
Llewellyn Irea Warica. Bath ssM ta
Waa Uiwela Btaffetw a Faster la «M
Los Angetoa Das. L-A pnatttTa 4antol that Untoln J. SUfltas w a (ac-

On Wedneidsy and Thn-aday of this
week will occur tha meeting of (he
Grand Traverse District grange at the
Cass street ball, which will toe an Ine
ponant efent to the grangers of the
county. Tbe meeting will begin at
Wednesday with an old-Casbloned grange TeasL and following {hto
Isaued today by District ta
will occur (he election of officers for
tW ensuing two years. Reports will torney Frederteka Ita ftnt latlMtobe received from all tbe Mbordlnate tion of a poasibU plsa e( sMlty. ffVaBgranges In tbe dlstricL after which a ericks said, sraa mada to tta )«F
general discussion wUI be hdd upon when James wanted to plsad nBty ft
tbe subject. -Tbe Needs of the Ru­ hto brother were permlUad to «»
ecolfree. Fre
ral Schools.
In the evening the officers who Are Dtrrow. however, aaaeited taday ttat
elected In the aftentoqp will be In­ Steffens played a large part M tta
m. He said that SteSau, asttta
stalled and a program of redtaUons
the "Golden Buie' theory.
and short addresses given. On Tboraday morning delegates will be elected c^ltaUau aad Ubor tetoreata ta
to represent the county at tbe annual gather on tha agreement wBtek ta
suited In the coafeealoBa.
meeUag of the state grange to be held
Lot Angelet, Dec. 3—fhOowtag
In Katomasoo next week. These del­
of the McMhmana yeMaeegates WUI be given their iDstmcUoni
to what they are to work for at the day and their plana of gunty ta
state meeting. Another Important the two men were cloeely gnarded ia
matter to come before the district Jail today awaiUng Deoetsber Mb.
meeting will be Che formulation of tbe when Jamse wiD pTObah^rta aaBt te
legtstotire policy for the grange dur­ San QuenUn prtooa 1ft 11^ Joha
itb n taydw naning the coming year. In aU It wlit be bopee to g^ off with
very Important meeting and 'all tence. Both were doeety goardM
.all dnrtng the bML
4 it
.. wma ta
iL ta
grangers should be present
mored that one o^wth Bight
plate anlclde. A strong guard was
also thrasm abqpt tta jalL .
There is
against the
Louis Oonner Will Hsve Occasion to though b
His Slaty-Ninth
tbe brothers bad toatrayad tta teas*
Birthday Annivsrury.
of labor tad that poUtlea saterta ta
to tbe acceptance of thetr pleas ot
Maple City. Dec. 4.—An enjoyhbto guilty was quietly adtatted by both
event recently occurred at Maple sides today. ‘Hm. aAboroDta of tta
City, the occasion being the aixty- present municipal adsMRitUBtieb ta
ninth birthday anniversary of Lonls dare that tbe cbafeaaloBSMlosrlBg tta
Danner, a veteran of Ihe civil war. recent arreau (or nUagud brtbury Bn*
ils were In chargs of dealt Job Harrimaa. tta soetoltot ata
tbe Woman’s Relief corps and they union labor candltUta tor mayor, •
sere ably assisted by the veterans of bard blow. It to adm'lUod that Hatrlliie G. A. R. post, both bodies meeting
had hto oppOMBta on the ru
their ball and marching to the when the blow fell on the (rteads of
Donner residenre. An elaborate dln- Ubor. Harriman's fricbda asaert ttat
was served and the central ob- yesterday's episode was planned by
on the table wu a great birth- "big Wlness' (or effect npon tbe aleeday cake. Before^he guesU were tlun. They ^sert that the plan laid
seated. Mrs. CUvet presented book was as follows: Two aea. wha ft Is
to each lady which contained alleged, met James as ta went into
conundrums, the uawers to which tbe ink alley to ptoos tbe dynamite
coDtaJoed in-a timnar set that inder tbe Times building, appeared
were presented to tbe gentlemen. Tbe In court. McNamara aaw tham aad
conundrums and answers determined bdd a conference with hto sXtorneya.
a bo were to be'partners at the table. It is said that McNamara then realAfter dinner a short program con­ lied that the chain of evidence was
sisting of patriotic songs was given,
9te, Tben, It U allsged. Itadmany of which were original compo ericks allowed Attorney Darrow to sae
sitloas. When tbe program bad been the completeoeM of the etroBgth of
completed. Mrs. Herrington, In her tbe state’s case. It to said
usual pleasing manner, gave a sketch defense's sttorecys and FTedorteks
of the life of Mr. Donher, wtiirh call­ conferred sod decided that JaMa
ed forth much merriment, followed should pl^ guilty of mnrder. lYodby a short talk appropriate to the oc­ erlrks recommending life taptfsoBcasion. At the conrlBsIon of this talk.- ment. while John was to ^sad fftUty
Mrs Vennard. on behalf of the Relief. of dynamiting tbs Lewallyn Inn
Corps, prefonted Mr, Donner with a Works. It to I
leather upholstered rocker In a few facts would develop at Monday's trtaL
well chosen words.
when Bert FtanklU wlfl be charged
Mr. IVlu then made a few remarks with bribery,
hto Bsual jolly manner, and com­
Oarrew Fereetw Just Wtat
plimented tbe post on haviag one of
best anxiltories In the world. HIs
Los Angeles. Dec. k.—Attoney Darremarks met with the hearty approval >w of (he defense today made ft
of the todies present
Statement to the United fnaa. tail­
Commander Wllitom BIckle. In be­ ing why bs appeared as eoonsel tor
half of (be posL presented Gomrade the gnllty McKsmayas. Half aa hear
Donner with a pair of mitteni M a after tta.plea was enterod Darrow anbirtbdsy reminder, a
lying the caped from tbe office wAtita was flood­
gift Wltj|a tducblng UtUe speech.
ed wfth telegrams, and walked tbro^
Rev.. Chance gave a very approp
appropri­ the streets of the city with the Unitate talk, which was much appreciated,
Tt to beand ue event cioeed with
ter to walk than sit U tbs offlce.- Be
cheers aad ansle by tbe drum corps. explained, "When 1 want Ante tbe eaae
Much credit U due iln. Venard. tost March I could took abosd to tbto
and alao Mrs. very ead. All I waatad to ta waa ta
Ctorel for tbe able maaner in which savs the live* of tta MdMmnBN-'
tbe evsiit was planned and carried They thought ttat they wwn taktas










Invme Benll

teny .ta the Korthwast was traasfei^
rad to Ue Domtolon oC Cauda.
. Itol^WaUam Dteler Ftelha electdd preetdent of Swarumore coil
UK-A bronse croup of .Washluin and latoyett* unveiled in Parts.
1910—Porflrto Dias was toancM'
ed prasident of Masloo for the aixhU
December A
1G&4-Mroande Oortas. Ua
trneror of Knlco, died in Of



of a to^ tfoi^W yaang peaide wbo
iteent ohengea In th^ otHctol
bad etote to iiffa a good Uma. aad MMnmeto el cSto dtrtoleil e< ■ tte
tteir avTltoa. Tbenton. otoB: tobed to,. IMa tte toaaic by tbe band
toll laveive
ter, meraDr. atefdd aot ba coa»as a treat as^ .tte. tend boye UemtemaalS teaMaa,«< Un aeUoB of the
eelvro leaked very neat In their new
blue ualforme wiu giU irlmml|igs.
asd otbera vbo mar teT«
be occupied by Ua following
This hand le quite an addition to Ue Supt. W. H. Bottoem. bis chief derit.
with tten and wbo
town aad we are nil prood«t them.
wfU doubUaat be broaiUt to jaaUee.
Mlea CeUn Bafka of Good Harbor
slott Baglneer j. R. Raynoldi aad
Is ipeodlng a few daya as «neat of
i Roblaaon. torosBaa ot bridges
Miss Bttel Cork.
and teUdlngs. These ctangeb w>U
a bUlkM doUan* vorth of Mrcbaadiae
.Miss BtlTka ailrnded tbe dabee^re mesa a dtffeeeaee of nte« flioo laDMre Uaa'<me-balt erf the domesUc
creeee per'monU on Ue Pw« MnrprodDctf esponad from the United In 14*2.^
tooTOfQrrv FROM oCvtiDPMtwr GrinneU Broe. have bistinad a fine qoettt payroll
Butaa In U« past fiscal rear. Of the
m»->P^ eoaaptoUw of to. P
new piano •= :Uo .^rme of Mr. and
hiCb-record exportatloa of I2.0U.549.- cathedral la Lopdea.
a .Winur's Trmtolee.
Mrs Peter StaMtIck. it. belgg the
d25 irerlh <rf dqmestir merchaadiae in
. Wmter 1* a s
of trou'
06-The Pre^ aadar Mtpe
the dsrol jair, 1.024,mUUou doUlrs deCealpd Ue Rinelan under Bmperor Should Prosecutions Continue, the gUt of Mrs .tteetkka faUe^ Mr bles. The' fniot-bmeo
•men tcM«
and Ang'
People Feel That Groat Oamafle
I the Talae of prodacts AlexaBdev and Ua Austrtau undw
Mr. and. Mrs. Ftenk Kirt apeni
Would M.Oona tba CHy by
dTa«n dfrecUr or IndirecUr fr<mi Uc Bmperac PraaeU at AasUrllu.
lUa But .seek irooi^'
Tbaakaglvlaff M Provemom with re- Uacklec's Araiia Salve. A trial rontm.
Obnoxious Puhlicitir.
U4d Ptedtoaad 1. abdicated Ue
lailvec '
Tlnroa Groatrst bealcr of Burns,
Of the 10 ^lef-BCTfettltBral prodacts throne of Austria in favor of hU nepb'
Mr. and Hra. Jim RoniMU awl Mr.,
eaportMl. rottoB leads vlU a total of ew. PraMie dosei*.
and Sprains Only 25c at tU
today that Ue elemeoU of coaserva- and Mrs. Edd Culver aad fajanv all seam
5t5 mauon dolUra. the next lartest
Traverse City Drug SUires.
IKi-tmtia Napoteon declared em­
ttens betax. fa tte order used, seat peror of Ue Ftench and assumed Ue tlam traded the two itvaa ot tbe Uc- took ilinner at M. A. ruker's Thanks•2, A N. A T.« ^ ^
laraa for tbe privUege of coatlnu- dUng.
tad dairy prodoets, IM mliUon; bread- title of Napoleon lU.
Ing control ot Ue cid, and consented
STATE OF MlCHIGAN-rite Pitr l.v.TteTe»teClty.... 6:201 9:1?! 2:»
Charlie BUIman hes iwturoed from
stou, 124 million mmanafactared to­ . UCS^-PInit crownd
bacco, to mnUoa: mills and nuts. 2S Omaha for Ue Union Pseifle rslirohd. to allow tbe McNamaras to live rath- Us hunting trip and •9Irs B. fe also
than take a chance ot turning the at home again.
on eaha. 20 mDlloa; cattle
1272—RlUard Onke was ale
and other live animals, 19 sHIIob; covern of Taxas.
city governiB^ over to Job HarriMr and Mrs. J. C. Vtoek drove to
Travei-t-e City Thanksgiving day and erse City. In said rounty. on the
cotton eaed oil, 17 aniUon: receubles.
and U« radical fercea.
1291-KDva Scotia. New Braaswlck
amion; and bides and sklna. 6
Loe Angetoi, Dec. 4.—Vnlees tbe bad tllaner with Mr. Viack’s |i|onle day of .November. A R. tsn.
Bd Prioee Mward lelaad disoaased
Present. Hon. Fred R.- Welki-r.
big bnrinees men tnterfero tecanee of jMf *>» attended the fooiten gars-v
>wrM>Wm Of TM OjTNA- ndOion doRan. these 10 articles alone praleet tor nnloa as oae provlaee.
Jutlge o( ProUaie.
ibewlBf a total exporttOoa-for the
fear that further unweleeM ndvortls-1
WHttmn et
Id tbe
he mclti
matter of (be eaute of Ethel
E. Critpo
ipo Iand Clarai W. rape. mlA
fm\ intmm at Jtma» a Mc- year of 990 mUtloa dollsrs. The re- 1200—Tbe Praneb nnder General log will hurt tbe city, a bribery eeanamlniss axrtenltnral products -export­
Ctes. Bahnan eotertalned Mr.
Wait having
, filed In sUd ct
atmo M tu imtneUM at ttie
oreau were defeated wiU 2reat *ose dal to llhely to develop which will j
on. praying
for license
in sotns ranctac from 1 bIIUob to
Mrs. Elmer Biliman and .Mr. and her puiilon.
mm MMkc ta Loa AagciM hr edsHUoB
St Kobenllndeii. Bavaria, by tbe Aos- eclipse the original McNamara ease.
vate sale tbe Interest of anid
d^brs laeladed. Porte Ric­
Mrs. Stowonh BlUman at dia^
mm»rn»i tmat Jokn I. WcMaiBs eoannanded by Archduke John. The bearing of Bert Pranktln. chief
In certain
real estate therein
an coffee, 6 sUlioo drtlars; (rease. S
Thankafivlnt day. •
I M-ieMavftMr to *iD«tov op Uie million; flucoaa. i% mnifoa; seeds.
day of
fense. charged wlU bribery, has been
ffiUIlon; bops, over 2 arflUonj^plotained foiBimny from Bay CHy part December. A.'^.. 7911. at ten o'riock
atpmoM 2%
lS29~Pope GrecoiT XVI. issued a post|«Bed. SUte's Attorney Preder- of this week.
In Ue forenoon, at aeld proUie office,
sane and..................................
other madieiBalreotoTlh
icks considen that be. has abeolutc
lUion; aass.
1% nlUloa; oora oU.
« laqion- 1 mniio bay. 1 Blllioe: and balr. 1855—Raliwaji commnnleatlcre ea- proof that two of Ue jurors were Mrs. Tony Swaboda'i cibldren are said pet^ion, and that all persons Jelerested 4n said eutnie apiiear before
Ibed. declaring that one was prom­ confined to (bd house with mumps.
It to m immfr at rnmmma ubor. Uttle ovar l mUUaa dollara
Ublitbed Mween Toronto and
Dec. 1.
said roun. ai said ^Ime and place, i
ised R.O00 and Ue other IfJiOO. in
a S{«as* to MU caM*
show cause why a lleenae to sell tl
MA MtP Uev to later naloai. This exportatloa of 1.024 million 1161—PWreldn envoys in Washlad- addIDon. Lockwood, (be juror whom
Interest of said estate in tiM real e
tote should not No tosnUd.
j|a«to,aa aptento(41aaner u loUart* worth of farm producu. while dn protested sxalnst |bc
it la aUeged PrankUn attempted to
U Is rnrlher orde^ that pubbr n.
tbw In the preeedy
bribe, has Identified tbe pieture of one
vwa jam
a MeXanara
CapL Wilkes in Uklnc Ue
Mce tberoQf be given by pubUeailon
toa rear, le eUH below tbe record
re. Mason and SUdell. noted figure In tbe case as Ue IsdIof a ropy ®f tbit order, for throe sneTfUao arrfv* at Tiwrwm OKp t:ai
In 1907. when 1.050 mimon dol­
vldual wiin Franklin at Ue time be IN FIRE THAT D&aTROYCD SX- cesdNe weeks previous to said day of A to. 12:11 A to. and «:4I $. to.
from Ue British steamer Trent
lars^ worth of merchandise of that
n tolKLT. O. T. A
IMt-Cbicaco Installed an auto­ a&eges that 24J>00 was passed wiU
clase left tbe counir]'. Comparing the
matic fire alarm systi
said rounty.
1911 exports with those of 1907. cotPREJP R. WALKER,
1881—Ellectric street llstata were In­ Why this man was notwrrested lends gevsro! Hundred Hernee Died In the
•as'rts ie<Tw
Mwreased from 481 tnmioo dollars
oolor ta Ue aseeriion that big busl j
Flames Befsro Help CeuW
Judgo dt Probata.
troduced in Pbltedelpbla
^ million in Ue .rear Jnsi
V 21. 28. dec 6.
^red of Ue sulfa aad '
Reneh Them,
1294—Robert Louis 8U
fended. This Increase, however.
are bringing Influence to have Uej

' leolely iaJ to higher prices prevailtor novelist, died in Samoa. Born la Bd- whole matter dropped.
bunInburgh. Nov. 12. IKO.
■at morvijj, ,,jj
Tb~. Dm MDv. D.1 tb. DC..1 '•"«■ '"■™“
““““I*! “ *“•»
December 4.
7AULT having boon mado U. M
«l InSMut workman
poimde-wero exported romper
bbnludr Hh, 7 PH ape■ of a esmin mortgage]
•”-• t“''“ a~w«i tb. UUI«1
le-' frt _wk
Eia .nUBn pood, lo DOT. j
«d, A«I8
ooD a«r.iopoe,D win 1.IW J*
rented by JowOa HMtom'.
lobee IMM At .g ,»
D tot ootun pHoo Oo. . Bod> IJl!,'*'
and Pearl Hesoem. hla wHa of Ue.“**^
the averace export'

- • '5^86.
Village of Blackwood. Grand Traverse _ •
slilon to as etroM^>ver It was
mlUlo* doUan. are be- CouDck Miebtgen. of Ue first psn.<9?*'«
I meeanc of
Irto. ,o U. Uol
Dll, It Kt,
■ wjji
Hf'rd to be lost The total loss wUl to D. )B'.
W. Reynolds and Earl Reynolds
,..r po««l. Mu U.0 PIdM .loo.'
of Ue seme pliice. of the aeeond part, it A
dated tbe Uird dey <rf June. A D.
witness in tbe federal probe Neither
10, and recorded In Ue office
o mp
• Register of Deede for the Oonniy
■lolttn IP 1»7 U, 100 mlllDP Jp Dll:
•“■ P«-«l<« “ R-WDiudP. Pol Schmidt nor Caplin. Ue fuglUve ac
of Grand Travers. Slate of Michi­
of Ue Mc.Vamaras. will bti-rof products, tram to diIIIIod to M
gan. M tbe eeveath day of Jane. A
lUoa: and butter and cheeae. from:
tede farewell ... tried or CalHbrnla labor leaden,
n. 1910, In Uber 49 of Mortgages
. mOlloo to 2H million Cattle an.,
* ’‘•wni. New whose names %re said lo be proml
150. on whlU
VlELtflNtt TO RUBird to be due
at tb<
nent In-tbe case are ^ot to be mo f
other aalmsli also rimre In tbe de- York city.
of one b
1796—Thomas Carlyle, celebrated tested, at Ue city has had enough, j
.D tl
-reastoc teadency. tbutr exporu hav­
fonr and
79-100 (8164.791 dollar
Attorney Derrow asserted that Ue .
. -u.inn
ing t^lea from 41 mllUon dollars in BnsUib writar. born. Died Fbb. 5.
'.907 to 19 mllUon In 1911. BresdstuCs.
Bwared by s
182S—Earl of UrerpooL Brltlah boi
.ID bo. «oob o, It boa i
tihow a BWked decUno. from 268 milUereof:
ICS miiiion
•nuiw.n IB
®tol»ter during
tbe war otJ812
boon expended. A suiement will bt
in 19u3
.Now. therefore, by vinne of Ue
iMued later.
1907 and to 121 mUUon In the year
Teberan. Dec. 2.—AUougb tte Ran power of sale contained in said mort­
1876—Samuel J. RandaU of Pewtayl anded. This loss ocews chiafly
UneolB J. SuBens. wbo claimed be atan troops are moving on the capital. gage and tbe natoto U «uU caae
vanla elected epeaker ot tbe House oij^wbeat and wheat flonr, since corn
brought about tbe confession, said It Persian officialdom la showing ' ne made and provided, notice ft hereby,
given that tm the BlghtaenU day at
ippports to 1911 wm 36 mllUon dol­
had nothing to do with (be election. signs of grantlag the dsmaigli (o:
January. A D. 1912. at 10 o'clock la
1882-Queen Victoria opeped
lara lo value. CMBpared wiU 85 mllSieffena said be saw a new era dawn­ pelUng Treasnrer General Bbnster. the forenoon there will be aold at
Now law Courts in LADdon.
public BDCtlon to Ibe bighestt bidder
iion in 1910, while Uoie of wheat aad
ing In Uis 'country as a result ol Ue | The oOclals
the front door of tbe Conrt House
floor as a whole abowed la 1911
from LoadoB that fbr- on WesblngtOD StreeL ta the City of
da and Ue United Sutes sul^ttW ' rompromlae reached by both tldea of' day by
' elgn Minister Grey has urged RaencTTraverae City. Mkhlgan. Usi'beUg
9 «B oter Ue ooaabry teve total of only 71 mlUion dtrflara. ro by the British covernment tO/Ue
the place where Ue ClrMlt Ceurt for
It tte LodAatetoe IW'ar pared wiu 26 mlUlon la 1910 and 122 nadian covernment.
LsM Angeles. Dee. 4 —FtoUewing Ue | to modlf) her demande.
tin tat Min’hn
- r
*3Ha newspaper has
1222—John Tyndall, famous pbyel statment of Mrs. Robert Bale. wKe j------------------the premlBro uvsewmw M saM n
AchMiheHne kite mi
of Ue first permaseoi juror la the!
A Terrible Bit
net, died la Sasland. Dora in I
McNamara trial (bat sbe
of the Ho
toad. Aag. 21, 182«.
aaM mortgage. Incladlng Interest and
2500 earnest money on a bribe gl 26.JasU
all legal costs, with an attorney's
totJtode at that news ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
COO It sbe could Infiueore her haetnacUve bowels and iirevent rlroof fifteen (916) doUara. Tbe
IsBt IndlgMtlon. laundlce or gall fee
Dheeniber 1.
band favorably to Ue defence,
ermlsed labs can
premlMs belac dveeribed to said
21—Pope L«o X. Jm
the mnnouncement that Fvedarlehi to
mortgage as follows, to-wit:
and U
bowels and build Qp your health,
la Roma. Born la IToreace, Dec.
Ixrf No. Thirty-eight (38) In Ue
Tltbboldlag Important evidenee. Mrs. Only l
Writetor whyc
11. 1476.
Village of Blackwood. Grand Trorerse
Bslu decUres •nsl she was given the Stores.
"Charge of Petoskey Olvlalen
inty. Mleblgan.
1641—Tbe Grand
money after her bosband bad quailIltcd.I October 26. A D.. 1911.
drawn ap by. Ue bouaa of
Oed. and that sbe turned It over to
preeeatad to Charles i;
#fto tto(toBBi« the deteetlre 1776-i^GaBarals Art^U and Moat- fte change In Per* Marquette of­ Fredericks. Lockwood. Ue elleged Default baring been made In tbe
tiMfk.BfiljranoaBead Ue Me CDmonr naltad tbtor forcee oa tte 8L ficials at Bonrdman went Into effect prospective juror, whom it is charged coDdltloas of a certain moi
today. W. 11. Romoeer. who was to^ that Franklin attempted to bribe, ac- made by Berton O, Belcher ---l^toWtrra to tte eause of U- Uwrwca.
Attorney (or MortgageeA
Business address-Traverae
Itolito toft of oridaDco which 1818-Oomuodora Jaahu Barney. mer trainmaatec-At this point coming rording to the pri
nov 21. 28. dec 6. 78
ville. -Michigan to William R. Smalley
pioture of Itorrow as tte man who of Traverse rity. Michigan dated Ue Mi'higsu
F«pM^ tteu prteonert dtoHacntohad American uval officer, berk SB
Oct 31. Tuee- 12-t to Jsn. 16
increased • reaponslbilMe^ joined FTODkUa lutmedleteD sUar Ue let day ol July. A U. 1910, sod re-'
' Aim teu dtoiarod cauty died. Born July 6. 1759.
corded Id the office of Ue Regirtc
•as ostaMtobod be- 1825—Nicholas 1. auccMded U Ua
ed» for the County of Grand
neer. will also be locatod here, mak­ nies any knowledge of Ue■ bribery. ' xravveree
«p^ They were throne of Russia.
■se and
__ .State
or Mb higin c
,— I6(h day of Jply. A D 1916 I
p a totoud impartial trial.
1841—Coloaaal statue of Washing­ ing an enUroly new offlro. W. W.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦>♦♦♦! 1 30 o clock p. m.. m Uber » of
9 Of paopla. aaMo from ton placed in tbe oepitol of Waablng- Drew, wbo has been trainm
4 i Mortgago uD1 page 498.
which said
the past two years, has been trans­
I. VMM tera bata clad ton.
mortgage wu duly assigned bv said
ferred to Grand Rnpids.
ianowHce ftrmb ' 1862-Gem Loncstreel-e army
WllliBiD R Siuslley to Myrtle B Wsl
Mrs. Vera VanWie hai relurnvd ker
Tbe change will mate Traverse
... of Harbor Springs. Michigan,__
treated Into Virginia after the attack
l>roiile the 2«h day of September, A I».
City a more important point tten from a momte \lsit with
touch orvndied Ubor' cen ar. Knoxvttla
1910 and-recorded In tbe office of tbe
, ns nU Ue work on tbe . Ml jneasaaL
responsible for the ae
1885-Hab*« Corpus Act
Mra II Zemke left for ber home
divlston wlU te roodoeted from tbia
iw MeNauumi; tbeir cnilt la the NorUern Sutes.
and Bute of
KIk Rapids Tuesday, after a *e*
Oat then at P. K.'t If yon wait year b«w to ley ta
dsy of .November. A
a M« etna nataa labor. Tbe . 1869—The monopoly of aovenunant. point The object la tb* change U to
)910 at oo'clock p. a, ID Uber
winter uosGia, ytm inaxt supply tbm with tte riffbt kM of
exorcised by tbe Hudson Bay Com- give better tervlee on Uie'divtoloA
Cedar City seems to have done ber|47 of Mongages
page 14-'.,
In botb tbe fr^ht and passenger
ttich u Globe Brand and White Crocs Hixtnrt. Ttete
F IsIs claimed
•haro romaros fornlsbing tbe proirte ^*’*5*'
departments Severat addiiMms wR1
the diie of this notice fei'
are well balanitod ration*, cyotaiaiiiff abont thirteen different
TD..D. C!>, ,1,. ,i,„ T1»M. : prlnrlp
IpaJ and Inn-rest, the —
tie madb to tbe force as eoon at mat­
to that tbe hen hare cbance to make eggt if ter
glriug dinners. Joe Viark from hlsl|>83i: and an suorney fee of
ters ran be erranged. as tbe new sys­
------------- ■—
-'.id 0
"factory " to warm enouffb. Pefiltry-Mwh to cenpoBed at AUtem will require several
hundred and fifty lorkevs. duck* and !

proceedings at Is* havia.: ,
other inffredienti ready to mix wttb wkter.
nn0 other empleyea on oeeoant of the rrrnc la the iaami m.rb.t ,hn,s.
'In.tliated to recover the money.!
the locwJ
local (m.rbel there
to the
-secured by said mortgage or any parti
need work that will be exproted crese
Alfalfa Pea green Meal supplies the green .feed that teGI
Pr. Fralick Is baring hlit automobDe | thertof
tram the oSlees here. •
ibonld have, and of which they are so fond.
shed moved I
et .Ward aad I Notice Is hereby glvea that by vlr |
No change has been made in the CSilrer't store
Ddfweiti W our SdTingt Dtfmntoeol
tue of tbe power of sate roeUined iu;
Other things that ibotdd be put before tka te»uh».y an.
saM mortgage and Che etatnie ■-'
iapntcbera' depertment or In any of
Mr. an.l Mrs' TVte Cbri
Pearl <kit. Mica Grit, Oyster Shell. Ofaareenl. .Iomb .Um,
sneh case made anterevlded. on
tte other officea. except (or tbe time
‘.Mde during tbe i.U fire d?v. t-t the ijt-yoth
28U day of Jaausry A O. 1912 ..
Blood Meal Heat Meal end Beef Stnps.
nine o'clock la the forenoon, the uawiD draw
Besides tbe above supplies, there is Oen, Btekwtett,
master. Aady Moore of DeunR will
Mr. aad Mrs Fred Dego are visit- <lvr,-lgned win. at the norft front doer
be tUief cler^ for BupdrtotetecM ,e .( v.«U ri„ thw^Lv
House ta (he City of
Cracked Corn and Coarse Corn Meal.
iL »

Traverae City. MtehtgaA that bring
We would be pleased to fandte tte atere aeattatoad
The Rev Bowen will give e steroop- the place where the Circuit Court for
U you baao mo uvuge necoua-. we wpt^
, ttoan lecture at the Congregational ‘he County of Grand Traverse Is beid.
feeds at the ooracr of ffrait and Caas stroeU, tlBfae Of^.
. chnreh Sunday evening, illustrated Jt?., “
s»rtlon. to Uer hlghesi
heplsaasd.te UveiTDU ojwa cit ^aieil *u
uses osaennsd in aaM
.with colored view,. There will be no
(Dueb Uersof as may
Trtovem City
{admisskm fee. everybody Is InvRed i be necessary
. .
pay Ue amoont so as
to come.
-f aforesaid due•on
on said Bwtgage with
t7 per eemt intsTOM
•t ate af! legal
QbM* a (ew of onr yonng people
211V212 WUbelm BUg.
IU. togsUer wlih
lb said attorney lee.
tended (he. ma«rjerade dance
wit: Lot V
«. D
So Ten 4)61 'ot Stock
Traverse CHy. Mh-talDBA
SbMBberg Hedneetey evening.
Iflfteen (161 of tbe original plat of
Busireas CheneeA
John Tnefcer. Wm. Cntver and Joe the CHy of Trovers* City BJ appoan
f rurt lends.
■ Farm Lands. Vlact attondte the serorimM «bi- •*
^ *te ofios of tte R«gto
Vlarr atumdod .the seroirfBM nbiCRy Property.
ter of Deods of Orate Travi
bltloa at Travors* Ctty Tnisday. _
The eevmte In the eerie* of daactof
LtoFCSCgtopcrtr txK. Rctodto
t^omer Fteot A Gas Stnota.
parties gfvea by Ue band'boys was
____ _
(stotoMMk X toc scad biRn.
heU bar* Thaakagh-tag errateg and CL^TIS D. ALWAT.
MV 224f -ru.Uin—..




mm 3,100



n»rtgaxe Stole-

. '

T?, ."S".“lm»'ljrj«,o!




C A. thmmd

ROBE TUittfi

imit ____________



Casa piid hr

W. ML OtMbftog

MortEEfe Sale
TmntCkr. - . Mick.

Chicken SuppiKS

Stovhigs Dejposlts



•iL'. .




Redactionf in Cloak Dept,

WKl Drfesses

dene ipccul lob Mified

OM^Fourtli to One-TbM Oil
Wf tie aakiDC tb^e piiccs«torn* ipccnt lok .of cboi^^anaHti

|biii'4ni4«p«D $15 aow prieed at........... ....................... .............fS.M tofSSI


at tb* CoTM bOM on TvsUtta strM Mrs. A. Foborsl sad Htos IroM Pofor s toy daya, kartog arrlrsd yotur- boraL »ho «UI spood tb* boUdays to
Mr. and Mis. d.'H. Otortcb or QraiM i Mr. and Mr*. C. A. a^olo wont to
R&plda are tbo goeau ot Iteir. and Croftoa this aorstog to rtslt rslaMrs. W. r. KBBdrtek. Ud Bosrdinu tiru.
I 4. Wood istumod borne to BoardMr. and Mr*. Frank Keeb and chit.' ^a totoy after baring .peat Thuk.droB or Webster etreec aad Mr. and gipgg
Mrs. Bd Seyuw aad cbUdfU ot &st
MeCorsilek 0( the M. A. C, Who
Tenth street left Wedneedar
. |^
here (or the purpou of
^ 'WIuMu
Mm Moor* or MwiMm. oflor •oMhera Mlcblgu to spend Tha^: la, „ tosiycttoa u« test of the ar.vtart to ibe c^ty TUliitig. r«tair*
tom herd ot cattle, retoraed to Lac
t Cerrow
and daagbtor,
JPM hcato
Th^rea*. ot DetroiL *peK T|Mkul»-l h. C, Hefiman went to Soon* tbit
on baalneM lor a tew to..
■or ouMi «i Mtonocoon uus Morai
I Mto* CIma Hemming / taft this
$Tblr a short vMt trtta tltoato to tl
Mito Rtipley ot Otrteth apaM momltig igr Toronto, Can.
Tbaataglrln* M thp home ot »■ Car- tended yl«U to relatlru and friends.
i M A. LipelU of Detroit, who has
t tho otto Tutor.
-- --------------------j to
'****™^ buB YlslUng here for several days
pr hs^ '■assu or tor. as4 Mrs. K.
Ian atgbt (ram Manistee, where she
ur. aad Mr*. 4. A. SUtoberg. re$.
Wtaator strost
.weat WMaeeday to attend the Aader.
/toiHtia Otusuhor or ostftot Is to w«cbar«MB WMMtog.
I Mr*.
Mrs. J. •, Martin ten called *
Op <«tr tsspMMl« wssk Ttoittag wtu
•e^ Hetunib arrtoed In the city Beelah today oa accoont o( the duth
last erenJag from the M- *• «- on a other ainer. Mrs & ternard.
-«hn. -Mrashts of Msar ImIcb I* to vscatioa.
h. O. Feeler went to »e]me City te$to cMr toslUw totoaOs for s ta«
MIta Mery Kellogg Is to the city on
Atys. . V'
• *
yptotloB (ram her nudlee at the u.
Miu Cecil I
s of nudyarto
'ttsA tutasr wont to Mstostofttil*' ot M.
inrBl4W'a itow ters* bsstoon trip.
Wilbur, who ha* baen visit­ time as the goMt of her elste', Mrs.
ing here (or some time, returned ■Milton Mather of Lincoln street, re­
home this morning to. Park ralU. turned home tbU morntog.
a#wM* ■u «r*. nm*T Wls.
Mrs. A. C. Ourku of St. John, whs
jhArasiu «Bd two U^tsrs 41 MuA. J. ftpeoner wMit to >0^ City has been the guut of A. B. Cnnls ol
fcUa, vho hsto ^sw TtsKlag ta«e u this moratog (or a few days.
this dty (or the put week, retnrned
Mh gatstt at Mr. sM Mrs. John
Ed Cumminga went to Cndlllae this borne this morntogmonilog M a abort vistt with (rtends
Mlsa Margwertta OlH of Central
and relallTco.
Lake la spending a week to the city
Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
I vWttag friends.
Grud fUpMs were to the dty yes-1 Karl Umlor, who toachu sohoel at
tm'tam sMKtog hors tor s (Mr Ssys.
goests of Mr. and Mrs. A. U Joyce of, mn*
spend 11
1 huksglvliig wlib friends.
aantasum auem.
y^^a Aah laft *n ths
____1 a brief vlBftV
E. HtMton left this morning for
Hlghtond Park, a suburb ot
Mth roMvu ud trieada. wath*. upper penlmiul*. on business Chicago on bosinees.
for the South Side Lumber Co.
j*. ^ Wetmora of Cry«al reMr. and Mr*. Ed Kehl w*trt to
,bj, moratog from
. MUtord toft ypitordhy tor GiwearUlo thU moratog on a rlsit
era! days' visit to this city
guest of A. S Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeeapb Meng of KeyMr. and Mr*. Frank Bteraf
tlpirni^ Flueher and ton- Mend apebt TbankulTtog to this dty.
Olean. N- Y., who have bpeh
we gneeta
Hr*. V. FHagerald retiiniod hem* tor some time with Mr. 'and Mr*. Z.
to Fife Lake thU morning from a B. GUI of Central L*ke. pmtsed
brief Ttslt to thU city with relatives
and Meads.
The Dairy Man gay.
te hu more milk and better cream
A L HIP after apending Thanksglvll« bora., raurned to hit borne to alnie he be»a ualaa iiAr<>r...>
In itrlme shape It la a atrlcil'
by BMMlMtto lh*Mr«pRlst Meesen .^Ity thto morning.
it of RBNKrS 1>A(N4C(U.
of Detralt
'f*l ronditlonlOR powder for cow#
tC OtU H to a poweiM rw after apeadlag TbuksglvlBs here, re­
pgdftor aU totonmJ aad ax turned home this moralag aecom- bersea. work cattle, sheep, hogs toil
try. ^ce !5 rts. Sold by Amfr:
^>rik». M eta. Sou by
paaied by har naxher and dstar.
Ig Store.
Drug Store.

•r. 4.0. NafMM MM M CopMHitfi
IN* Matag on bolMW tor the 4.7
: 'lL «s|»r w«m to Urt» , Akn «)•
liMitog oa Lull
' Phi .TboiruM aaM to LaM Ami
' ifeto toomtDK to nwnd Snotor viih


cy y

“ “t

i» u» nr,-«««>»


Qiristmas Shopping?
—We’re making special preparation for
Christmas shoiqrers this year—you'll find



; -rarMoi^nvemoslsaiwoil



Ai[«Ddm. Bdta. rw C1».

this store just oyerfloWmg with njee things
{« Chfi
■tod we doD*t wiat toqr frirei towtr
tU-H yoor ChritoM M fisote* • trifle i%li juit
■ad ^ « be^ ypa ^ it down.**


Gosta, Suns, DMSSCS

F«rB»ysaBd 6lrt«
lio.vb’ and piris
Coato and Suita, giris’ "Fur
Set*” and
-Scarf*” girls"
Aviation ('apB. Gluvw and SlhteiiK. Silk Scarfs. Huaierv and
IbOti" Leggitw. r*|i* Hlovc*

co*u..—"Bam It BbR PrlM'
—(*m-.v Liiieuk. Lowria; Id#rdown Cape. Hand Bags of
feather . cordnroy and velvet
wUh l<»og cords. Silk Scarf*
jinen XuDch cloth*. Ci-uter
Piece* etc. "Table Liin-tot. Nap­
kin* Dreau-r .Scarfs in Silk v
Linen, Silk Uuar. Faaciuat-' Suila and LMercoat* Hosiery
ora ami Wool ShavrU.
and {'uderwear.


.vou Uimk .
Tfarae are only a f.-w -of
Hundresda <>f other atiraet.nAI like in ' Ueii'> Ww BtoBsr tbtefs tkat we show foi^ ive and inefni prrwenta for
► era have
’ Hoy* so.
and Girl*”

1 The Qdbe Dept


A likdbg ren^
toidi evtf7

tiusagh ta« Cttr Ult maam m\manb^ $
W non boM.
K»nv a<
1 HIM IbMi HifVm 1^ IMS an. f
F. L. Oreutt weto be RsWah today
mirn^M. I
• Mt M«v f*«HHWsBfl Part;. Cttcfo. aa * twMBW» trip.
Mf*. M. D. King 9f Thamam
atur siMBdlar TbAnk«inac bw«
Miss Oto#« Aeaton af Fnmam
wit hhar pnrewta. Mr. «pd Mrs. J-E. tamed hoia* (bit merwtog alter havMoot W Muprae straeL rmurasd tog Mwat a taw days Mar* with
home this moralag.
jdtoa totoito toMtoy WM W CMHiae
Rev. W- P. kendrieh loft this ■
this moralag to moot W atotor. Mr*. 1^ (or Maaleto* and Hveral othnr
S. V. Bftdmll of rplaidmii wH to nnrthanetera gglato «o as oiteadnd
coming bora ow as oiteaded vtoh.
latoees trip.
Mb* Inn Hegsa arrived to tba oHy
Elmer 'ft. Lymi M spending a tow
rederday from tpsnasU ae a taca days st BBpira viritWi relatlv**
Mr. had Mr*. Thamaa Malghat of
fPwo Monday's Bncord-Eaglt.)
Mtss ftlswcha -Dean ‘wf Elk Rapid*
Bata* arrived to tbs dty yesterday
who bat been rislttog at OU Htwkm
spend TbaitoagfriBg with frtoadt.
tor the pnri aeveral day* retnmnd
Mr. and Mrs. Id Hogm apt
MB* this
Thankaglrtog with Meads at Elk
Mr* W. A. U* of ftaie* arrived in
the dty this mototog oa bnsinees tor
Mr*. E- to. Miller loft bora W<
day evenlag for Medeato. CsL. to the day.
spend the wtoter.
City today os bnatoeas lor a few
Lucille OriffiB of Elk ftapMs
Mr* E. Hewbeny of 0^
left last night for har home sites who has been vWttog at Eaglww tor
speadlng Thaakagivtog as the gveto
I time, arrived to the rity yn
of it Us Bessie Haane*.
day to spend Bnnday wKh Mr* Jobs
MIm Ann* Bridonan *f OM
root* of West Ninth etreot. and
Is spending a few days to the city wUb toft today on the noon irato for her
Mr*. 4. to Crawford end eeas. Hosw
Mies M. N. Noble werM to East J*ranl and James of Ithara, Mlchignn, dan today on a vIbIl
are vuitlng Hr* L. M. Bennett.
Mr* Harry Hendiraia ratamad
hn Oreeeeer went to Reed CHy borne to Bellalro todaT fra« a brief
this moratog on budaea*
Tlatt to UUa eUr with rHaUve*
Mr* M. A. Heues went te Cadillac
Mt* E-fA. Weston wn* sailed to
this morning, wbfra she w&t spend
aftanoon on acthe winter with her eon. Jno. P. oonm of the vertons UtoM* ot her taHrttss.
John McCormick returned home te
KBntteth 1. Bm<th and wito have left
West Branch today, after several tor OUcago tor 1b* wistor.
days visit to thto city wBb relatives
Harry La Bar ryturoed heme to FKs
and friend*
Imk* this Bortitog. after apending
Wm. H. N*wmarch went to »uinmlt teroral days to ths etty aa tha gneel
City today oa buslBM.
of friend*
Kies Ooldto Chase wfm has been
Cha* Cherverdca ratitraed to OllvM
here working (or some time, return­ yesterday where be attanda acbool,
ed home to Levering this iQproIng lor alter having spent Thaakagivtog here
1 emended vUlt.
with reUUvee.
J. F. Resd ef Grand RnpM* who Is
Ed. Champagn vsent to Moureil this
spending some time to this vlclilo- morning, where he will enter n b«*buslnes* went to KtogMey Uls pital tor the treatmont of t

Rey -___ _

•osd to Beunh to- —•*— ^ RWehtod la Oaame'M^

Rldg* Marble compnay wUl tonv* to,’
the morntog tor a tenr thnmgh
FtoRar hra '#* BdhM«Uh%.
ao«h and a ririt to the
onarrite to Oeorgi* Os th* trip Mr.

iUrhmd wlU Stop oE at Memphl* a largn t^Re dpi whUk b '

A. F.
ri Rapto Cfty *p*« the
^ y .3
day to the city oa buMnoa*
” TZ, MM.
-— w!
Ptla Bce«
eff New Vartt arrived »_
to (epeew* *no aoenramsm^w. pvpn
th* city torn fight aad wtu rmato
(or a tow days looktog after hb hnsiThemes Wywrs sad BHis I
neea totersM* '
ot Chi
kllee Mary RmtscM arvtvod to Mm

city this moraljm oa heelaaae tram
Ett RspM*
McKe* TBe (Ml ring ooFriat wm
H. a Bowse CIreM to CadiHs* tMa.
need to {he e
The mairiag* af Mlaa Ada Kiom o»
Miee M. L. Weaver r
< to her
this eRr aad Antar P.
home *t CBef. Mich, thie moratog
Ktogatoy has heae aa^cA I. ,___
from SB extended visit her* with re
ptaoa ea Docfmber E at tha ^pa 'it
th* brida'a ihraat* Thp’Mtletp^
Wr* Hewmna to-apendlng a week
le a nara* at th* Tnueno (Mr «BM
riatUag at Kaaao*
haapftni aad the daigBlir af Mf.dMd
G. A. ONebriot laft this merWag tor
Mf* Chartea' Kran* af lo^mm Mto
Ladtogun aad other potato oa a
tr. whna tha I
eek's business trip.
I. tha aoea or K. ■ueeniia. <iftjHi^
H. L. Thomberg Is aperWIng th*
of th* Kingsler raOer a ***
day at Empire on bnetoea*
H. A. Ceatoa I* spendliiB the day sf
The marriage - » 4\t. r. BAMshall WM4 to Manletos thta
Saplr* OB hiutoeas.
OU Mlarioa. to Mia* M»B
iforalag on hustoea*
A K Oestnohd went to Mener today
aad ag^ •* a
ya 'bnilnees for-the week.
gnat earsria* to aU his tiUdM- Ur.
moratog on bustaaas tor the day.
G. W. Ketebell'weet to Empire to­
mhaora has bma travaUhl M Oft
Mr* C D. Towm rtdwmod hema to
day on a Week's bnatoeas trip.
and weat tor asm* tMto.'aadM
Bfc Rapid* today from a Aon hualwilt Gilbert ef Empire Is
Me krita'hi'VIMt
aeas trip to this rity.
'city (or a (*w days
Mies UanMl ls (he 'ftMflb-'
T. C. Hendrick
W. E.<#*wi»*tt ef Borne CRy.
ter of Mr* C. H.
seed, it 60
oral days her* as th* gtiest ef
lertied bom* this moratog, A
Reariia. fWuraed to hla hem* at
ipendtag Sunday her* with trie
Buckley this afternoea.
end relatives. maettog of Oraad Traveeas _ _
•shaft WMbob of Lake Ana. pneeCha* Guraney went to'Lndlngten
ed ibrough (be city today oa bis way win he held at which tiaw the sdhtoday on business (or e (ew day*
)eet tor dtocssaie* wOl be. •
to Mavaaaa. Cubs where be will spend
Wm. Bolamisr is apsndlng a COM
the wtoter eipectlng to recarn here WRh DnamU*- OEtoen tor'Me M
of dsys at Copetolsh >u husli
antog year win be alectod tad a M
spring about the Brat of ApriL
t to CadlHac this
dal program cairiad ouL YMBa ^
He will stop over to Chlcngo to riMt
morclag 00 busli
tor a (aw days
. .
wm rapraaent Che paago at «a atotf
Harry and Mies LHIton Richard of
coavadtlea to I
paoaMancelond. who have bees here visit
will be Mr. aad
fng Dan Shllaon of LAke 'Arrnn* re *d through the dty today oo her re­
boot* from aa exteaded vtsR to
turned boms todny.

Leonard Bakar ef PlfeOtae.W
ira<tata.\ata R.
Mias Bernice Bmith. who has bean Charlarolx with trieada.
H. Etowarib of Travetaa 6|tr.
dr.^ Hr* J
the guest of Mias Bees McMicEseroVs
er Sunday, retamed to her borne to
the IdT* Stock Show.
CndlUnc thU moratog.
Albert Kyasika went to Cadtoee to
& 4. Ayree left this morning ft:
ly on a ahort bostoetv trip.
Petoskey nod other northern point

toms* Cai
peased tbroui
war to Markina'
for Ibe winter.
M. i. Wyekefl la. spending a few
toys at 8uiumU City on business
Mlw Kate Faeny ratwrnsd te her
borne at Mt. Pleaaui tkU tnorning
several days visit to thto rity
as tbe gnsdl of Mr* T. C. Dbrraw.
fir* E. E. Loop ef FIfa Lak* re­
turned home today, altar a ^ort rtall
bore on busines*
F. L.
I Becker went te Boyne Falls
.^U morning
on business
Beraic Pearce returned to Jennlnge
loda.v. niter spen-llDR Thanksgiving
hero with Irirbde and retotiveu.
Mr. and Mr* C. W. Fry and Mlie
B. FVy of Kalkask* who spool
Thanksgiving bore with Mendt. r<
turned home ibis moratog.
Cc* Hamill and daughter Miss
Lontoe went to Charlevoix tfaii nftrr
noon to t|>end Bundav there «:tl
Miee Alma BreHhaupt returned tc
n’lntomeburg today, wnere she tsarbschooL alter havlag spent Thanks on a week's bnalaeaa trip.
giving to Che city with rdiktives.
Mis* Elsi* Beardsley left thU mern
Herbert P. Carvow, aacretofy of tug (or Bo>ne Clip aao Petoskey 00
the Hayes Unnufnrtaring company ot
visit with friends for n week 01
Detroit wbc has hoeu spending a few ten dnys.
Hiss doKoto Keaneoy went to H*
farm returned
lensant today to visit'CpUlive*.
Henry McKinley of Ch^ygsn. who
has been rialUng here a* thf guest oi
bis wile's pareat* Ur. and Mrs. Fran
her gn
.. Mr* O. U Hanley, retnraad home this moralB'lo^le aad daugh'tv.
Mrs. McKinley U her* aA wfll r»
Mr* Dors fteberta Is at the Bay mala for a wbUc.
Bank hospital suSertog from lung
Lwwis Merrt* WMt to Kingsley this
morning on business.
Mr* Chariette Vltka who has besn
Mr* J, Vanderwert went to MayIt] SI tbe Bay Bank bospltal with ty field today oa a short businesa trip.
phoid fever l> re<'nveiilig.
Mr* Wm.
Mr* John Aadereofi and ee* Wil­
IMbert Uxlay, from weveral days
liam. went to tt-Blum today to spsad visit here with relatives.
Sunday with her mother.
Mr* Oserge A. Fearae. who
Mr* ed Oraen went te Kingsley been rlsiOag In the dly with ralatives
this *»teraoon oo a visit
(or the pest (ew days, retorred home
Mr* Gee. Peepisr ef MnyPHA after this moratog to Levering, eccompesliaring spent Thanksgiving here with led b} her brother-l&dsw. R. E. pesirce
tier Ktoter and mother, returned home who will spend some time visiting
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
F. 4 .Zantlto ef (he T. C.
have beeh visiting here (or several Co., left this moralag for Boyn KalU
days ns the guests of Mr. sod Mrs. and Levering and other potato In that
; wmiB WItkop. returaed borne to Cad vicinity on a week's
lllar tCMtoy.
A. F. Bertnoee went to Kingsley
i N. Avery went te Keyetoa* tedey today on
'on buslorrs.
C. 0. BmRh west to Klngetoy thl*
i Mr. Bfto Mr* F. W. Wilson and eW moratog en bustoesa (or tbe day
wren went to Kingsley thU aft^
Jack Rennie Is spending the day
‘ noon to spend Sunday with tolatlves at Mayfield 00 bustoera.
'and Iriends.
Jamee Kaarne went to Kslamasee
today on huatoeas.
Mr. and Mr*. T. j.
Mr. and Mr* AW. Flper and.'
Grand SapMs and threa chlldran
have been visiting st tbe hoto* of Dr. (er. Mia* JuB* retoraed be<
Minor dnrtog tbe Tl
South Haven today from an extended
vUit here wUh (rtonds aad refaulve*
W. toftiHttcy le spending a few days
Mr. and Mr* W- M. Ufi* of Sum­
itoUing at Lal.e Ann
mit City returaed home thto moralnx
O. R. Lee retwAnod hem* te Manl- after a brief visit tere with rela•tee today, alter sctcral days vlsli Uve*.
a this cii> a* the guest of relative*
Gee- Cress went to Grand Rapids
Mim Vera Wynki
rnkeep went to Bolew today on bustoeaa
thto moratog to spend Senday with
Mr. and Hr* Ed Allis ef Hener are
'Irtrads at that placn.
Id the rity today on business.
j . W. B. Harris ef Men
Mr. and Mr* Frnrii Craker ef
'er. Mr*. E. Harris, of Bagtosw. spent Omens passed through the dty this
.Thaakagivtog wlih Ot. and Mn.
moratog 00 their way to Chicago to
K. Fairbanks of Webster street.
attend tbe stock show.
1 F. E. Kentall.
I. whs lanchaa A Cot
Mr* C. F.
Rub. returaad w that |4scn t
tapids. who has boas th* gosM tor

» ♦ d’«‘« d d • ♦ ♦ « W‘d’d*d d d
w « d'd d'd d d d d d d d d'd d d
The gevolepmeni burMu ha* mf
afvM la vlatoHaa af
piled J. J. Kirby, geaeral paweager
Mhto Ciwmitoi A
agent of the Ann Arbor raOraad: with
tbdtoaaphlla, tlac. A-d«dw kfftMi
nnmber ef
are expected
•acted to the gigapiu Mtakes tieag tha road to wtoters KM- mite (Bet
Igan. These plriare* will be ■**< tc |_____
fader*]__ _______
lUuBtrht* the toidcre te be pnUtobed irEfriaft whe er*
are wader mfBMgBta
11 rwilBiMi
by the road In order to attract spriag Hght deUetfree
ctootfVM her* today
tolar af* fta
aad cummer traveL
— tor
* a cltaaa

’ ‘ toWlA
Mr* 4. 0. Heppe* US wm •** 1Uoa. whea. pecradtog to iBtaMW
ten or twutv* prerntom tokar
friends Wednesday evenlag at a « will h* arrestad to eosaeette’^fto
o-rloek dtoaer. Tb* gwesto bra
tbe Illegal carrftog of exyloriTH to
their tbtorides aad a .ptoaaast racial
' was aajoyed haCora dtonar. mhkIng Cbrlrtmai gUl* _ The dtonaer was BTATE OF MICHlGdN. The OMM
Coon (or th* Oediny ef OrBta TMirserved promptly at\ and greatly eaerac. la Chaacory.
joyed by all the goeet*
Karl NcUooeJd.
Mr* Feed Neteen was vary pl*«
ly surprised at har heme oa the Paninvuto Tburaday. when bar ehlMrve Kaxel McPoaaU.
aad their (amfllea came bora
In this
'pend Thaakririag and to help her Ddarii on
el McDeanid.
aid. M Bet a Hhlgtir h
celebrate her etxty-tblrd birthday
BUI* ot tr ptnons family dinner was served of Cha CKj of Ghkami. ri Mj kf OUBk
ooa aad the famalnder of the day and Bute of IIRaoM: Ow gMHcR'sC
spent In n serin] manner, to tha
evening an oyster sapper was ea
Mr*. Kelson was preseeted wHfe n
lltieii table doth as a gift (ram the
older membert of the perty. while tbe
r. m
children each had some Rule tokea anc* she ratm*
of Con (total L________
of remembrance tt preoeau
a copy (hereof te he ft
'Plalnaat-* aoUriUr wMHb Bftora
after , aervic*
- -her
been busy making ju return to
days• after,
of a
Stole of deer licenses sold dmiag (he copy of am aiE' & aris£k
fall senaon There wns a total of 1M ofthtaowler.gadtoBetotoMhmirB*
disicwed of Ibis year agalnat 24S laat
which a a lallipg OE of at. the
towest nnmber thai has been tosaad
for many years There were J7fi hlaak
licenses euppUed UU covaty aad the oLj^Travto^rtdrji
.. .
Issued wUj be retarwad to toper prthtod. IldllMlI
toilag la am Gdwray.'aM
the state together with the 1
ftaHatioa he mattoraf t>MriB-<g
Ike amount canecud tor toe*
Ig each wpeg teFrii WiHB^B ■■■hi.
G.. A. Beichcr rill praheWy be at
he bead of a new eaterprise to
named1 ^
the Travera* Ctty^iKIrrar
Works Sid will be located at HJ E
•lb atr'eet to tb* baUdlag which waa
formerly need as the Eagle houL
.Sew mirror ■« heeBpiiBtoriBipd aad'
old one* reMMersd.' Mm'

Gtafm ft Mogal




mento .ntvFieBE mjutD.aiD tbatisse bat baole,tdbsdat. December a «n

■iiiiTn. 'THmn-fn*
Bna TM Tta> CM Ui-uiM Wm
t< «* A* *DH ltol*C
•m y. w. 0.-A.



hmttU. tor

• nli. 10 ii tk* p«to4. MU-


tor tko »wt »ort
■M tOBtartM «»oo mek teo~ Bom* Uo oooatlod hM
14k aewtoiotr ud
iMb«) «oro tt Bot

Banofony Caaaad by
•roLipM ea by |rra0utar and lapnopar Foadlng a( Pavula.

Ilrar tmbla*
Mtr-M0« eiti- follov acuta ladigaatloB. TUa tadltaadaa maj »a braoftn about by t^
racutar ta^li* or botac (ad a& oaa
«o tbo bled of sntla too toot, dirt aad aoar
diBiloK Wtteh w tolr- (e^. wltb a poor aapply of srals. To
ko KMOVtod M eeBOhultro. It la to witbbold tba food a loii< tbna aad
kniid ot tba onoctaUca tbeo alloB U to orar aiaouot la ooa
M tko vorU la Mabud (or (bo ao- of tba moat froltfni aaoraea a( «l«ea.
' ollka ffteiBBL Tho oocMioB fqr Uto dlaordars.
I Jt ar««9 fhn tba «
DrtokiDK iratar vbicb baa beaa
eoBtomtoaiad with titb. or nrbScb baa


AM <«7, M CmMUm mm. to Uiu SiJ lr«‘lTSc'b!S^ ISiWC;

_ iDood eacaaaaiT

draucbr*. cold relaa. of
■ irty


rlu* iLem wbo-caaoma.
________ —

»... dally
la very t^d carea. 'cira


1 tnrth« wit
|t„j. I, ,na of the moat Im«rca«to-Tat- fortant orsna of tba body. Omriablny
Mia. one of tba priaclpal diceatiTo
Baida.. It alao aaalata in tome of tba

®“ reachgnlet of rtnbarb and aaery
V«th Wn^ay aba moat
fg ealoari. Olaa (ban
auartara, On that (aui day
,, p.,t .nj cbareofl. Char
.^^nbood oaaaoa and tba ci-jj ja , ne of the beat purlOara for
Tb^ tba
r'toer fowl, ealmal or

1 caay matter for. It to
■V Often Will Cun •Im^

dace ledlEeciloD.
IndarntLatloa of tba ttrar to qnlrkty
followad by deetb vnlaea lamadlato
blcctncb an oftaa
„a be *l«a. The aymptoira
------T^”<—“ **“>=* arc a yellow appearance of the aidB

A AA^Mmm lto<

S: '“r"" "

u •> ittoln
o« It ttt etto laltotlon ol Uila
ditorder U Umcncaa. aapedally of the
idM obattoata biceousb la reicg ,od wbed tbla abowa ttaalf
m vnan
vbaa ua
tba patirai
patlrai laia atrons
atrons by
may be pretty nr« that laflammaay 1dm banc «itb tba arma a- tloa
iba llTcr
la solns on. • The
•d —---and.graapins aoma----------beam orMUM’israi
troaimeatoi of
t oo aSectod to
.ton tiat bto (am do not ^
touch tba rroOtabla
rroBtahla ualaaa
ual. they are rary nlqWtb
the aMot^ mn^ .bj*
or aablblUoa pur“ P«**K The nmady to onwbalf to one


bnpi tbn nnad anapk «U that of tba older term
“•.toirtton glean eartontlyxea
k* *%tetayaiaknp.-' “bktop."
‘bhkeoek' and ‘blckett.’-

: by to srwlna of Bpnom aalto and
t sjalaa of bksrbenau of noda after
li houra. Naptbtbol or bnaneiapthol
nay ba slrea twioa a weak to dUtofaet tbc intaartaal cnnaL
Wban tba akk Mrd to
hnprored. s>n sraan food, tonka of
raw beef. and.aUew tba Urd fm ««c^ tn tba ^ao air. Tba diaaaBa
(a not coatogton. but tba


” r*.*” Water Tank far Urge Pnrta Baally
Cm la kada 0« af Oallato
.. ^
VagataWa Thi Can.

t nada a drlaklag fouatato far
large (oarta eat of a gallon ngetable
to be eery teTgetfvI, aad **“ <“•
«a-»allad off. and
r half tba time • tode. b, poaM la tba aW^rttbla
1 tklngi sroimd the
r la Harparb Baa tbu aebama.
I Kppar flat of a tw^
rbaaaa. aad than are inM eight
.0 ta ear flat I got a big «Wto
M-«d papm. and wrote on tt the
MK-ef the eight noma, and bekde
raanmaf e(Mh room l wrote tba
_imb at a certato keoa tn that team.
ygasMad that aecry ttma I pit aay* ■ eat ed my baada tor a mtasta I
M put tt to tba place batoda tto
ktoC that room <m tba paper,
kg paper I tacked up la a eonpplo
> ptoM to my oara room. By,
I aria uyutem I alwaya knew Jaetl
a to loak.fbr tklaga. aad after '
I *Cot eo» to
18 tba
toWt ct
B thtoga la cwtala ntoeaa and
of tba top. It wat tbea
•bmbartog vban 1 pvt them
eertad oear It and tnraad npalda
It Xaa teaser aaariad the papar.
.................. ..
— *
down. Water win flow to pan UB tt
reaeba* tba bole tn tba can. abyp a
URliii Plra Hoea by
. _
torftar tn
tba Ftem aad Home.______
Jatoot Urn Car ttotoas water * deep paa prenato gattlag It ftiU pf
m flrawxtlBssUhtns pnrpoaae to tba
oil Soon of uU balldlnss U
to Ittl tba boaa by maaaa of the paoNatlanatity of Egga. '
r or tral^ elaratora. A timpla
la It potalbla to tell tba naUaaalUy
ent by inapeettoat
ioapecuon? Tba
Mt to ptoetdad for aflUtas the of an e«
» tbe Eoar o( tba kaw^tba don to ralaad to acuta form by the aeletoted up to (ba bottm of dnea slVaa by the prtaeeeUM Wa
«to be-oakly ntoed.

- - b nent •Mantslratioa at Mem.
„ „
Tesu. nya Peputof Metbanica.. to acquittal. Tbe experta Tai:le4 aa
livul nld that <ba water'arriead at even experu will.
One oafidandy
>-^tox(b Boar'of a banding practical, pronouaced tba ess> to quaftloa ItoBV m goaa aa tbe floor wu raecbed alau nearly fire waaki oldi anetbar
Ir tod'utentor, uad tbe fln ^er of aald ibey were aecond etoai ItoMiaBa;
a third apadBad tbe aomb rf Raetia.
Ob tba other band, eapem for tba
dafoiM were equally poalilre that no­
body coald tan tba hlnbptoca o: aa
ess from external axamtoatlon. Om
wltneM aald that wbkn esg* were bad
tbelr aBtloaality wai todctrrmlnaJile.
On tbe whole, ooe-to bound to coma
tba Braban Heart.
Omaer of ess* n>y i take tbrlr artloo("n* guftr win rawrar from tUa «iity epon traxt.
' - • Mid Mayor Cru|g of Oodur,

-- - - —
—ilni of
dairy or beef tattle. Poultryman hare

tbelr balanced mtea* tor tbelr lewle.
«U to a Mm<: T They feed eapecto'ly for egg tondue*
"Tmi MVa. TOU cartaiaiy mm
farmer too oftaa
feedr m.

,-A cbofn girl

«n tbe a
I. brace tbe:
haVt Wbai do yoK Moaar
nsttiu on maay fara* ''%'aiir.y
that bo token two glfli I tbe (ptoe of Ufa* la tba pcmltrr
I to auvper every glgbl now.'
purej. weu to witb


•atoarra ghirt WaWto Capteri
Thaaa Tlwt Ware
Oanarttloo Ago.





M pa^ now giwwa up rw
r%M obUdfea a tlM wbannani>
ly all ($e Qiymstaaa ot tbelr i

dart colored ralrataao. One waawaab-'
ad abd combed and taken to achool by
waiRi of.

with cUBtard pta by a blue <


"I am a


edge of tba taacy buttona down tea !«„,
k., ______ __
front, to divert OM'a mind wbeo tba
aurm raged- flo now that tbU typo to aagar to aae what a bit dofand
well dt-,
of watot actnally
racted aplca wUI do for bw. Ha al-'
promptly racogntoed aa a belated raInearuatlon ot aa old atyto aad Identi­
cal wlib It, area to tba rary buttona
down tba-frooL Hera It U.
fortabla aad wmcaabla. ready to rapaat all lu rigorooi mornlDg axa^


r CaaAad to Cei
aad a F^a air
New Model Fwt Out tor F^
Tbare certainly ware flawa aomw
where to tba acraaM Aa Mr*. Stabte
Pbr aH«rennd coaitort and nt^Uy ten waved dtotraetadly at tba busaing
tbe tang aaperate coat to atUl much to,
In m:. tba FMT aftM *M MMV
favor to Parto. Tba
ot bar moralag-----------------mall aba ealeu- fortoad RapubUcaa mm(f had »mM»
ParialenaA alwaya aumbars oaa long Bfad fhat
tbare mrat be at least a ■ pan la lu flrat praMrigatlai Mtopaifai
■hai ibar.
coat to bar outfit and uaUa It for travId^fllas tto tba flat. And Hra with fTamont pa ka tundairi baarar.
aUog by boat, train or motor, that
a fly as sbs bates a , Tbarlow Wrad. iMf l«s toadM M (ha
to ana of tba raaaoos for tba lmac»
I Whig
lata. ~cblc" appaaraaea of tba rrenebabs (kea
(kea tbe New Tork MM » (be >•simply canaot* stand ihtof■ abs
woman—yea. aven to a railroad ata- cTlH to wrath.- So she want (0 iba I pubUcaa
pabUcaa party,
party, decided
decided tfett It «««14
pboea aad ordered sent over at
. ba a good pomiesJ toova Ui tM# «M*

wayi bM tall that the ahould bare
bean bean a boy. you know. 8o come;
It waa wlib Umld obadlaoec le bar
Thera are many new touebaa that
parenu' urganc dlracUnni that Do>^ our deatgnara to tba greet caBiar of « quBOdty of sticky, fly paper Vban I ramainad of tba Md
othy. “■*“
aged (our. wwn
forward two
two latbioB bare added to new medeln, It came sba bated to apoll tbc looks of ' party wttk tbs
f'xi Mjir MUnrhMr r.n.Farlmi _»il..h **“**•
*“* 'OrWBTO
tba place, but daapenidtoieasnres were ’ pUaaed to mat
For to’atanea, the mook'a hood, which
to Ha turn Will probably ba aguelly
work of tba
to tba large drcnlpr or equara collar
______ body waa toBamtaata«i»«MM4wa
couvanad to a pointed and taaaelad
_ ar>uM Judges and two or thraa toteor itat*
Anotoar ancient
rt all bned at tba back, to one of tbe addl- ciuatlng tba flr« unwary virtlnu -and oacora.
the rather dreaaj atlS bkmto
tloM to loag barge, ratine, cheviot or rejoicing aa she charkeJ ibemcfl
i Thara.wara'b fPOd Many MpoMM
Eagltab snltlng cloaki. TbiR caa reelJTrseaity aba got dressed and want ! e*it» wbo fait that tt wouM ba K tflUi
^ TV.. .Mllw
n,MI_lT b, .b. ly ba aaad aa a hood,
luncheon tad Al-apping with ' mistake lor tba new party (a aflir It*
vara butloulng ovnr and tba capuebto a friend. When sbe caow back sbs s^r to any way wbatao
fully proiecif&s tlM bead.
the ralvataena.
ho|ied tbai tbe last of tbe Invaders 1 Know Notblogs. and I
Buttona In large motbar-of-paarU would bare buued out hU final pro- ' backwa^tn ^
tbaaa watou admit of touebaa of turnto
lonolBe^ataall or braaa fbrm a decided testt on Ua sticky fly piper.
stUl, Uey bed to admit t
faaiure to trimming tba eape(*to
coata Urald li used largely ip almn.ioa. ine maia, soma noura latar h
«u, bb. j ,b. bo.„,,b. .,Ap».
t "S'’"
Bbot Bilk to another popular mataulaie buttonbolat and to gtvn a borr an armrat of fratbly ironed sbeeu | s
rial for watoU. Soma of tbaaa modato Doroiby Just what It was that Har­ Jaunty, mlllury'aBect.
and towels as aba (rauiwd boavlly to prevent lu c
old meant by hU boyiah actiona:
deal largely to fine locka. '
Triple capes, double capda and down the ^ to Ihe llaan rloaei fhen
But -ibe brat UId plans ef Mao
Striped allfca conilnua to tie pa.
targe pockeia are In vogue, while tba aba dropi^ ber bujuen with a thump
r*iii iT>er<' was 80 apddaa lummooB linlngB of these favoiiie* are aarvlee- OB 4 ronvenleot, table When to the and mao gang aft aglaa ~ Tba oUy of
•earf atyla, with a ttolag of plain
:be eitic Two hours later they abla. aad decidedly attractive. They course of punJog them a«ay sbe came Auburn seat to tba coovaotioa a yonag
color and a gtrdla fled to a good
of Iba name ot Tbaodera M.
•s-rt upvta'rs to cell tbe rblldrra
atoed bow. alfber back, troni or alda.
are auppllqd with many ample pock­ to fbajast abegl socjetblng seemed
Dct-aon and eo note Dorothya prog- ed. and the wearer can rejoice to a wrong wttb IL Hilda tovesUgated and Pomeroy. At (be proper nooMt tn
The very good looking, plain, pock­
■ of (ba
then sbe aiM: “Vy land;- One of tba wbaa tba matter of ti
eted ebirt ot Fraocb flannel again Yete
delightful wartntb aa well.
Haro 4 waa directing cperatloaa with
pwa tkto yaar-a roU can. It to
Sutue modela abow a (aatanlng at pieces of fly paper was Immovably under way—to tact, aboot to ba «M>
glued to the underside of the sheet.
qntta aa cspeaalva aa far more alabo- ■be air of a gedbra] Dorothy aai Bear
summated—Pomeroy got (be ora 'Bf
rate allfc bteuaea. berauea. 10 be pow
bar angelic wyaa blaring with ex-Ulebne prelets to button
With mifturinite of disgust. Hilda
Few know AM
Mbto at all. It auat ba moa(^caUent- flT^**,.®***;^
to tbe left and tbe modlstaa bqva rn- peeled off (be sbee* and tried lo wash persoaally. not many kaaw
lyUIlorad. Tbla rtyla to alwaya jmaab»to About her toy aevaral garded ber choice.
It out to (be batb'tub. Her efforts luma Thera was ooMidaraMa MM
proved ;o her bow rary uselc
Contrasting collara and cofti
bub about bins. Ho waitod aadl tM
tn tba babit of taking kmg irampa out
get away when eoavention bad become aitoM. MM
while on colors or bright colora
once hi' got stuck to the sticky stuff. ba said to a eoleo that oHTtad t*
Into tba country, in faoj. one of tbeaa
- f** neutral sbadas are the mode.
onghi never to be left behind when gobaada.
Tbe fly repar she removed from Its every pan of tba ball;
Some wrapt or coata are cut
tog out of town for week enda. For
’•“* •'*ht that made ber ■traigbt lines ai:d otfaara have odd dangerous position on ibe table. Md
"Mr Cbalrmaa. V ttlr Mbotf
tbe great flrnplacea and furnacea to *®'*‘*^
forward with a cry of little seaira and ^SerlatloBt from tba aficr almleuly lonk^g arenad for upton baa oot yet bean c
»iry bouaea are run by peraona
™'®>> “P bar child to a fa- •traigbt mndela UtHa iianala are ia- an rut of (be way place, deposited
than, to tbe aamo of Hoavai and of
«eU uaed to (be cold-who prefer It,
amaiemraL Dorotby-i curia •ai. ihe line of (be walat la clearly upon tbe lopmoat sufa plUsw on tba the Republlega party. I stand bora )■
to faet-and wbo won t undarataod M. bad evidently been tbe flrat to fall tuggested on some and belu are vpr library court.
forbid tba banna ‘
to avoid BDddan deaib from Men- ’"'T toy totarmlnglad wltb
Linda Stoblaton. aged IS. anisad
touch to cvldenn.
With that (ba youM Md alnsoM Ito
.. front school _
monlA tba city rlaltor kaapa baraalf
>0“ opo“ the floor.
a ......
Nttle »,v..
Uter. brtog
Large revera are tbe (eatnra. .and ---------uUy tinknosm' lawyer took bla MM.
weU wrapped to bar awaater.
"Heb bara.t^tog me to play. tbe pointed-or round ataaped eoUaraat tog with ber three girls They burst
raothar." ertadfDort^y aa abe atrug- the back premise to decorate auoeaae- la with , a gust of chatter and dto But wkai ba bad said waa sufllcMM to
rlirry the conveaaon eompIMaly—
in^uted themselves tfarougb . two fusion with the Know (
fuhy tba (avorlla garmeoL
Heavy dooble-fsiced clotbs are wide­ rooms recklessly. Thereupon slaialuiba dolls' hair.
I they had ly used. Tbit means that folded- aenusly arose wild shrieks. Guest No. thrown out: and Tbeodor* M. FteasCiy
found bimaatf (aarana In OMtini Nav
back bam, rever. cuff or lab wfll trim 1 bad planivd ber elbow on erne sheet York. Tba next ysar b* wna •!••(»«
Dortag luDcbaoD both children srero tba coat by lu eoalraaitog pattern. Of fly. paper aad ber endeavors to rw
tbe New York
Just a few buttona added to tbla, and move it gided it firmly' to bar other served ib that body so wall—wMra M
to a mgrkad degree they prootoed madame to reedy.
band. Guest No. : had loaned back made an-aspectatly (to* racord ffljK
It baa been a k<ig “»• ■»*<!• »be solenuily^ot to uie tbe actaaori aad
in cloalng our little chat on cemta.
librilaffleiiutlan—that Mn after iba
■pence wblu blouaa waa aa popular not to Urow anything—Harold baring
faarsh:g over (be »uge u( a boukcaaa. nose of the cTfti war h< waa teuatt
an BOW. Parto waa making them by .uggaMad « Imitation of ao apan- let the qq^ion of aleevea be not dis­ Kcur puffs seemed Inexirtcably
regarded. For very wide material tbe
luted acd elected io onngraaa tnm
Iba Mndrada to September, and tba ment bofldtog Are that ba liad wittaclied to iia surface. Guest No. t waa
^ertean bouaea have follow^ ault. neasad where all tba furaltora bad vogue for tbe kimono sleeve Is silll irMng «o remove a aheci from Unda'a William H Seward's borne dtMrttti,
ampbasitad. Raglan sleevat are al­
{toward baring take* a faney to tbfl
Wu arapo^ly-UradeftbecbU- b,en thrown from tba upper floera.
ao used on atonb coata. Tba eomfevO back.
J young lawyer after Us Syraoua^
tm and eatto bteoM. which mtmt ba Further, tbav
they oromised
promised t.«t
not .«
to pound of these types to to be regarded and '' After Ibe cxrUemant bad cooled speech aiad standing badb of bla *•■
eo many torn without belag anything, aad not to paint anytblog
•earns to promise a decided contlnw down a trifle Linda gated upon the fly HtlteJIy.
Such blogaae don't
tbelr own paint booka.
paper with bosiUe ayes. 'Moiber most
etlon of tbe favor of tbe last
Pomeroy was atUl a Buabar uC tb^
woman can afford to
yten with a elgb from Dorotbyi
hare put that borrtd atoll around!" tower boose of ooMruus wbM.' ttf
bava them clranad after every few-Bother and a lander amootb to Dorshe said. “1 suppoae abe saw a fly! npeaker. Cuyler Colfax. raUgned V
Hunk that
»rs» nn. flv wa. .
t-u/ivi aaviawa. iwiaoww
U toe maiertato would otby'a aborn bead, tba cblldran were
You'd think
at^ It—which they woa'L
altowad to aeek tbelr owa amuae™ *c put (hr awful slnlir ■ » MJi* «»1*1 of o»« *• viewpraMdaBd
Tree, there are some anlts worn at BMnt oaea more.
where can
at tbs United Stuea.
k Tb#
7>a bouse wai(
omtaln time* that demand a blouaa “HaroW
. _
mean to be deetrurThey prowled around with Ihe atlcky to session and li wu ne^Nsary Unfl
u aa^ry Ua^
«lo^ u. tl,4n U >. «...
paper gingerly held between Ibair there be a new apeaker^--^Hi.
„ „„ -A,, b. dM. Ob...
thumbs and Anger* and flnany ar- the bnaineBS of tile b
~ "■>
"»• ■■■■' 14-1 “•»
conducted properly le
oor resirIciloBa to go by. it It bis
the} devoted ao hour to soap and alc6- final Bdjounimeci at noon ub Hnreb
. ,
Invrailve ganlut for aometbing oew
bol to nn endeavor to rid tbamaalvaa
TheodDre M l■Dma^oy bad oartted
won U
b... not b«o ^on.^ to „
cf the general iilcklnesa.
srtto aim 10 wasbingtM Ha craat
T In ' '•« I” U. «'• " IO0.1 to.. b«„
•Tod" Sicblcion. aged eight, iolned ,u,, « , parllamenuSal mat, JmM
•urfaoa oovered with lace, embroidery b*<*Baa bli father bad bis hair
the procession when he. rtmbgd to and „ adeantage to bebatr ct blTpirty. tty
aad varioua other kinds of bandl verk
wh i. 1 *m bStog w mI
"■ ' " "
exproMlM oC
that bad i1!d Into a chair. His ebjsc- oplutoa be wu r«»"rt by Ibe bMte
mp^ ber bte^
extravagant willow
(ions were vIoleDi and acrid and It ncan. of tbe bouse u tbelr ctN^aff
t are of U-late. , ima and a few gold rca- bnda—~
Hb. Htf
mnrqutoatta and flne mualln of any
'But Fueb sn lnva«tmeiu. dear!
m.'irr thro- girls combtoed to calm tern as speaker was very brtet endteff
lilm. Toklbg tbe fly paper to no gen- qd wirch 4- but be wu u trwe^
(le hand. Tod borled It out of his way. speaker of toe bouu u Mr fkws-d
Sirbleton hlmaelf arrived home be- ' nad teen before Mb or u JnBUa O.'
fore hU wife. "What # this? Whafa m,i«e
(m'Brauieiy . after. TMT
tolar he demanded in hla nervou
as you will Tbrougb moet lUU
ua put to an elongated tbouldar that
say. plsrlng an Inrestlgating Anger o
Soma hours later, bacausa of tba
of the speaker* of toe bouae Irom tn*
droopi a little over tbe arm and la
Alienee to tba attfe. ibey went to
fouDdatlon of iba government
rnment sod
and yroM
r the eTbow to fit tbe
will not flad to* nsme n
to tbc wrltt. where It la flnlabad srarcb of tbe cbereha They were not
too. when be hastily endeavored to get Pomeroy Included therein
hurrery nor
It off KIs aon and daughter hastened
tion- T'* '?
room. Bji there ibey
Mr. Potoeroys lorty-elgbl
-eight benra
tc hti rescue, explaining lhai dvubt- toe cDsIr ol tor ■■•esker utMflad eoMft
bcM LaUop. .... Ai.l.b t. ih“X5:
-n»i,b., ...t
1«»B mother had tten waging war pictely all bl. amblftoas lor MMM
t Irish Pleat edge’
tnotbera' bearta and sal
'»»dly for tbelr darflee bolding And when bM tena te
'togs Dorothy bad rifled bar mother's
congress was coded be gave op publM
This la a smart way o( making
» Id. tired. life and devoted blBUif W (be pra»'
i hat box Tbe Marne paper covarlngi
Pi' tb' Ivx lid were strewn about, yells might I* u»ed lor it Three one(Ice nt inw. becoming OM of (be boM
trouble to apply.
she tossed
hut tbe bat war gpne
sorcebsfiii lawyers to cratni New
Ibcb tbol. .«d . M.. M.H ... m.d. I'r'i.',",',-?,'"glov«2 and
coat -'I'm York Stele.
across front, while the b*ck bss two
Fron. the goevi room tba ebaniba :ucks each sMc continued from tbe simply dead!" abe eftded. 'I'Te just
rest a few m'ltuies before I
answered eagerly and innocratly.
shoulderB. The collar dress (or dinner!" Then she threw
"We'r* playing mtlllner'a shop.’
cuffs are edged with a narrow 1««7 ii^i/'^ong toe Pillows .
caned Dorothy's btgb treble, an eerie and
or a material frill If preferred.
Ranfla ef Vlalaa.
gtoam to ber uanally soft ayaa. "Her
Materials rerilred
T«o and w j But not for long. From Mr. F-eblec'd know* such lot*, of plays and I'm
Data have baas gatoarad la Oa^
bait yard.
Inches wide, one and ,o„-, „pt.r*nc“a. .he „rwmbPd
earning like yon said to And we'r* ona-lialf yard lace edging.
many witb refereac* 10 toe dlataaca ai
may ba rraogntoad by
■< '-g to ei'iff -r:"e dolls' plHowt with
ttaot It aesmed. tlat Und» .nd bar
,^^0* add figures If one baa
New enampagna Color.
three friend*. Tod and S’ehlcton aU -^od eyes toe German* ciaim am
On the bed tay tbe two beta tborn
One of the que.tihni that few are had followed Hildas examMe tti cbooa-. ,*anot recognise a paraaa -Wbom ba.
‘ all that bad made them model, of
but onra bafora at a gftattt
be season'* most perfect deslgos I'p- able to aniwer 1*. tt'hat win f>am« tog tbe M>fa iillo*. on that coucb aa
right on each stood a stogie wiry stick FaiUon Tblck of nexif The lateai a Mfe piare to .tow th« eiuky sheets dhuance than U metera (It feet). If
la weU known to om om
from which all the fiber* of a ooc« Idea 1* to have tbe gloY^-s in a dsiniy pf fl.' i-aper on' > f -hv way. Evety last
ioraly pltmia bad bean stripped. On champagne color -n-ce, m case on* one of tbrth ».1 flasiered on Mr*. „„ r,rognlse Urn si from M to IM
meter*, and it It to a maflbor of oua-a
'be white counterpane, lay a heaped be In mode, sre worn with the Utest^Sieb.tiLn.
gowiu of purv white lace
•ip mass of green and hose. , or tailored. ,
^ ^ ^
‘ (•O'lly. evA at m metara
l.-ie »r»rl t«« '
On tne Nidwary Menu,
ie« or the eyes may ba saaa at
"Itla aome like excelsior, only soft- as the rs'C-rrey
which rl"-'*'*® lYTiiorlati' pm ir the
1.1 ' * rlrkr.esrai due to oowlsu from 17 to 3* metars, and iba apal
present co»ti:me is of ;h« time .had* f-edlns som-tlme* develop Into trou
,, uvier*
will be fine.'
psrts of the body aad tbu
Tbea. BuaiBg tbu tragedy tbai lay to
bat. too. CRD be of ib. .lade, or to *»''h d..ring the autumn eapaciai- ,„^htest movement, are dlsttogvMbbla Botbur's ura*. be acramblad to her The
It* jrlmmlog* c*o Rhow toe fashion hv ly, ibat inl'idlcioas 'rettmeDi does able at , meters Th*
_ ..
limfau show m
side, uaylag aMerly: ''ft'a dldg'i cut tbelr oolof rnished rofie. In 'the nc e"» riFe to sioTiRch cr.mpllraU"tii
in; meter* At Md meisr* a BOrlw
cr throw or pound or paint, mother-" champagne itoi ate very pretty on a to 'h* <■*** of young children
Con- reaa appear* only's* an MdifinHs
Tba rart waa drowned to toe ajam- bai of toe same pale tone
tr*r» <'■ the general Idea, too much form, aad at 7W metara, tj«u faat,
mlag doer m tbe ratlrtog flguraa of
milk 1* tim grmd. and 'should not be th* movemeats of tba body ara ne
Dorothy and Dorothy's mother.
'«nen nromiscuoualy: toet* arw many loag'er ri.ihl*.—flHratJfle ABerlena. •
Lace Jabeta.
ts to he
Lace jabot*, which ar* very wide occasion, upon which *
•tmpta Enough.
at toe top and oRtr-iw at tbe boKom, preferred, but cold water must not be
Tha Old HnWL
T don't know how t« make con-: va Bade ot IrUb lace i.l tualine lace Mv-a lo an overheated ebUd A Hill*
-craaUon when to aoclaiy "
{ „a oI lnimil.ll- V.,„ii.. p„,,. b.r», ..1.1 I. mllli .111 ...
"How dM Cot
*1t*a nlmpia raougb. When you're
Iiely *0 toey tsay dlgosiioa atalmlUie l( more MsUy and quit hisaaU to tka congnaMoul bait
with utoBobllc people you talk auto^*7uib blow awl.
BOhOa. «&d wboe you'ro wlib bridfft
•Ora^ * ben U goes to toe Uaadr> |
tea*** *piMtt ^
,>bec!te you jnlk brMfa.*







: Iff




A 4 the #stobe4 that mxhes 1



Travcnc Cllj’, Mlclilg» .

Announce Pomplete Readiness


For The Greatest








Of Their Business Career!
M BaHday Sale wtUbeal all record! lor Nlarkaa Hondred Eleven. Kol only Mill
aHartac aalk bandreda aod.lhoqiaada of tlianewcat. preitic!i iblrg! lor nar.- .
lal and praedeal Holiday Gilla at special prices, bat ikerc wUI be mi
Buch lh«l Is needed la
wrurinp apparel lor men. women and chlldren-ibat Is siticlly new and de»lrable>*tha
wtSpo at pooillvaiy ibe lo west prices ol the year.

Sale scheduled ro start Thursday, Dec. 7-ConHnUes until New Years 1912

lAdlcsT Dressd, Coats, Suite, ett, SSS‘S.^Srsrv*i;:.a

l^M’ OrtMw ot «Uk, doth ud rdret, BOU
--------------------- -------------

Homewnei-Here$ Good Nswi


Ov Llnca Sale Prices Cob*
tlm'<01 New Yeats
Fine BIsaehtd Double Satin Damaak, 72 In. .
wide, worth $2 00 a yard at ...................... flXSPint Bleached Satin Oamaek, soreral vorr

Fron tlicse:

Dress Skirls
One lot ef about F|lty
8k<m in both ladles and
from lines that were tS.SU.
55.UO. IT.r.0. $10. etc., have
been divided Info three lots
and win be closed out doiinc
this llultday Sale si $1X0,
$2X0 and $3.50.
All of our newest and" best
stylet sf Dress Skirts. maif>'
,of tht>9 rci-ived witiiin ih.pubt funr days, piiced at $5.
$C. ITT-O. »S..'VO, IIO. 112. |l.i
and 4IS wilt bo sold daring
this llultday Sale
at ................ 10 per cent Oft.

Pretty CtorUlmas Hnndkerchiefs. BaDdb«0«, Cloven.
Plnr. Jewelry,
^.Packed in Chrlslmns Boxes

Knit Mufflers In the Phtienix. t* Mode and
Ways styles, all rotors dod eiz<>« at.' ........ 60c
Vrotty Dresaer Searfa. Oeillta, Center Pieces,
and Fancy Unena oK go In this lIolMsy^

BOlaca, In two yard lengths fpr...
•tik tearfa and Hoadthrewa, I

Eatra largo Turklah Towels, worth Sue
W ...... ................................................................ 19c
^8les«|wd TowoUns. good quality. 17 inchoi

Fasbioneble Watete

C1itMr.n's Coals
Baby Coata smrth «p to
$6.50' In' this Holiday Sale
at ..$1.65, $2X0. $2X0 and
Miatoa' and
Coats worth up to $1X0. la
this Holldsy Bsle at SSJO,

ef the season

' the, prettiest silk waUta

all Iinclndod
alines, .Taftolas UDd Foulards In all colors and black.

$5.90. $4X0 and $$xa.
black, In soft. One Batiste, inohal .
ton tr..i.t or back, price ...............................$2X0

LmAUr Wrspptrp

LsdiN- Shirts with tlio tH>fi, tlBh I'nrn over
cTiila.-b and tuiii-ba.h cuff.. |i, n.;... ' .lift,.,
out style
Ics, makes as ezroMent gift. Ho
Hie prlc


One let of New Waists and Blouses -IncladInc ttbopherd rhorks. btrl|>os and i>Bro irtsh
fiuon gannciiiB. worth $1.21 and ot tSc.



era Wrappers mad;s ofp^fiu>|os, naonobdioj. 'tU'.. la
gcMMl nudiun and dark soturs-aud nearly all .‘OiB«k
• oro ii.flu. ii.rr. and |ixe,
wUl go at .........................r$c

Blankets nd OllKr Ilem!

We're Be*dqnarlcrs tor

GLOVts And hosiery
G od EBOogb tor Gills


Fie..,. Bleekra, ■ple-lel for thl. llotl!.]'

" h„”.t

What Is more acceptable as a Christmas
remembranee than a dainty handkerchief?
Here yoo'll And llicm In aluiost cncless varie­
ty. Ill neat picasing
leasing sed novel aiylis.
aiyli,. jil.iln
hemstitched. embrolJt
liillialcd, elv.. rvnndertul V
l 3e. 5c, 10c, 12'.ic. 15c. 2Se, 35c.
Silk Mufflers snd Head Thrown at SOe, 7Sc
- - $1X5
- - and
d $1X0.'

Scarfs and Scatitegs

HoltdRy GlftS

And It's bore that yen'll find tbo prettiest and most prarUcal stylM. Para that arc strictly ralUblo and aptodatc. Purs of brown and black Coney. tnbeUa and Rod Fos. Plucked Bcavor. Mink. RoaaUn Martin. laabclla Oppofcuro, Blue WoU. etc. Fur places In. Shawls. Scarfs, etc, at 9$e. $1X0, $2X3. $2X0. $4X0. WXO, eta.
up to gCSXe. FUr Muffs In all sizes. pUin. pillow or fancy shapes, at $125. $1X0, $2.00. $2.50. $1X0. $4.50 up 4»
$75.00. Pur Sets al $2.50. $3.75. $1X0, $0X0, etc. up to^20Xa Misses' and'OilIdreo's 5'ur Seta at $te to $10.

Christmas Qfis

Ladloa Now Long CoaU I
«M «w law Ihta'twwldBt ot all HoUdar 8al«t
olty and glato moterlala, all wtUi the largo
•bawl or Uncy oollara, (O'lea that havo
n~->\................................fiinoi oifAo. titiOo and ri-u said
roadlty at tU OO. 120.00 aod tZB.Pn -9
to tbU Holiday Salo at
*11^, |I4,
E1630 anl $21X0.
Ladtoo* CarwiI Costs, apleodld warm
eanmbta with tbo large shawl coUarf,
alealy lined and-tallorcdahrougbout. wopb
r.‘ Uladles’ Snits al M, m, (If and ll(
from tt;.50 to $25.00 I* this Holiday Siie
at.............. $LB0. $10. $12X0, $14 and flESO
' .UdlM' Mta in tlw newMt Palt and~Wintdr «iyM U aavr
Udlco' Plugh Coats, Velour Costs, ot-..
, wm aBd-bitma, noretty mUtnros, etc., aijltar our
‘hlgbost grade garmeois, bilk or aatio
hood,-all with tbO'large sbanl or fancy cot•lar#, garmenu worth up to I60.M go tn
thU groat Holiday Salo at ..$1BX0. $24.tC,
$S8X0 and $sa.50.
LUrfc Coals lor Large Women
A few Ladieo' Pluah Garmenta that we-o
be- i tosod out to Ursi eonuTb
* Id Kortheni Mlcbieao can abow yon' the nomber
I tale at.................................. $9X0
______ Oat v« eaa. W* can fit yoo wltb black or dark
•PM-tf-yw (oeato M.« or W taieh but nMaure. Wo
Olio LM of l^loa' and Miideo’ Coata In
black andnovelty
withthe col
U'falP Hd KU OIovoa ntEE to any lady who eomM
that were
115.00, to bo closedduring
this salo
...................... $6.«



Select Vonr

Long Conis oi Every

Ladies'Newest Dr

.... '.H

ir.on al ............................................................... $1X9
--------------b »K-‘>o at..........: : mm

-silk Pettleclata. all oe^n and hkdcVSS

Misses- Woo! Hose, best 25c


Black Mercerised
and I
coats worth up to $8.«l and $3X9 at 49c. 9Bb,


$1.45 and $?.3g,
Wi'eol Knit Petticaata at 60c. $IXg.ga4-J$lX|
Cowna for Ladlea. priced «poelal at

■'W„r«^,- L.„.n. SS„ .uiiSr ini ■„ “t

Sweaters aad Toques For All

49c, 5»c. 75c. and 98c.
iiutlng Gowns I'tor mlasoa and Chjldraa a(
45c. 49c and S9e.
Men’s Outing Night Shirto at 45c. 99e tM

Vor warmth snd cnmfoiv tb>>rt-'z nothing
•ac-reptaUC I
swchtcr, l■•'|ur. lionnrt. aviiiiu'n <ir ski ni|i.
We have c;ft th. price on alt Ladles Swosiers
s«rth from $2 »n to $i:.oo. dosi, to $1.40.
$2.40, $2-40. $4.40, $5-4a IMO and $8-40.
Ladies' Auto Boiwieu snd Awistion. Ceps
...................... 95e, $1X0. $1.40 1 I J1-75. ,

Oefimark Robe and other htovy Asoeod
terlals In InaiullfUl .Icslgtu and CDtorlafo for
••aih robes, worth IKc to 22c a yard, aale
■ prif-c

Tills Clotliing Salfe Will Rpove a Revelation to Many Men!
Ovary man who haa any eaaaldaratlon at ail for economical buying
WfH take Urns to corns to this Clothing oaU of ours and buy every bit of
dodhlng he needs for preeent and future use, both for blmeelf and all the

Extra Special for ihU HoUilay Sale t

4 Big Utiderwear Bargains

■ r»mv ■ FFV ..wwiivn mn v«m .fmo

tfvaly tha biggeet bargain feast ef the
|M many ef the lou are iimHed and oariy buying le'caMntlal.

45e VaiBca at 28c

If buys u $20 Suit or Overcoat
Jll buys an $18 Suit or Overcoat
4S buys u $15 Suit or Overcoat
f7 buys a .$12 Suit or Overcoat

WtSl^evc Ven From

mto 30%

mrnt of oearl;ly halt
we coul
made i
Ich we
simply couldn't tun down.
.............. THL
BALANCE OF OCR MEN'S CIJOTHINO—AT 20. 25 and 3o i>er cent VNDER REAL YALCE Come and seel

and Children’s Clothing

Id This

-Dolls snd Sleds For The Clilldpen
Chairs and other Premiums---- FREE
Onr rui-tvmcrfi receive a ri-cmiua TIckai with ciery
50c purihsw. They are givesr la cvrrv dci-sttmen'. of
the note and on wbalevor mcn:bsii>li»r you buy With
of (brae-tiokeis «r ghT » iMiidy nx^iUx chair. utnbrH'
al, petticoat, doll or Fled, ar.d to.the.first party of children
bringing in 300 tickets wc will gi«e

Pair ot Coasting Bobs Free
It's a dahdv 'lig''bo!' uml ciacity like Ibe pifiare
shown here Other dandy sleds and dolls rlvm wi'h '
2". 30.
.'fO.-fe ,Bd lew f.riJu. «4c, also s lew behy and
loll cutlers lo be given assy with tlrkeU
Beautiful Sets ef D>shes. Recking -Choirs, etc., gitea
4ith loL 125. KA 200 and up <o 5i>» Uckeu. Ask to see
our jiremiams—glnd to s)k>>v Th<‘;u to yvi ai stl^ rime

Men's Heavy Fleece
and Drawers, all
sIhkibI for this I


All <1.25 ValoPB alMe

SI ValDC al 79c
Men's Wed Underwear.
drawer,, regular 41,v*l>»e.
■|MH-la] for ibis KSb- a'
. .




FlaBDcl Shirts, Sox,
Sweaters, etc.

Glovra. Hose. Melllrrs
It. ai.aetmeui make g:fi
<h"o:.iu;f ki;

Men's Heavy Blue Fisnotl Sh:rts
snd olher good color,, hig a,*«rinii'ji
o; regular 31 2i vsiuee at . . . XSc

Tne pretttest Neckwear for
ii. F «.l .-iery Fitle,
so l deslgu,
r^.act of sbK-i, ,«oie iui<kdcrd ta la
(iMd'irl r'l.n-tDis, bozos, big cboxe
ranee at 19c,. $5e. 35c. 50c. 76c* and

eed Silk Hcee In
idsck aod ctiwnctil dark rhadca. t».
line «r Knleker Pants ynu
.50c, 7Sc.S1.00 and $1.50

’■•W Coiwertihle ColUr Cvwwcats
wartk ^ to $2X8 la this aale j£JtUO.


75eV«lnea al 48c

UbIob Salts-Spcclal at 95c. $1.44. $2 50 aod f$40a

lets. thM te made to
> that fHs well, that

wetl-^ Mpnah. tM la priced

Mcn'e Heavy Wool Ribbed Under­
wear. n j:. .aluv. aud AI.L our $1.35
I n« . n; w^niif tarmr-ui*. sliirta and
dt««-'-. Ill itit« uie ul








dork >ou--uim u; $:A5, $1X5 4&3
Men's Swcs4rs at Special Heltd^
Pr.ees. 48c, 9$c, $1.50. $2X0. $5.40, $4.50
and $exa

New Kirtt M^icrq, znaay styles al I

Fur Caps in $2X0. $2X0, $$4%





MAnxroN.'. ■

Ito-lrba OAtfg

KaptMoa. Nor. W. •ora,
aM Mra. WOUam OamO.


Friday akbt
Travel^ Oty <
M, and.Tmveraa
B. # 6. M, ware

Mfs. Je£a VlaiHa. ».. «UM i^dar W keep bowe ter Uvnue 6^
Mr. «5d Mra. Badara «ad Caal^
r. aM Mfa. Aa«rav CarreO aad
tonDr aid atetl>a« Zoalak apaat 8nsday with' Mr. aad Mra. Joba i. Lar-


T. X M.—Han* Tohlar.
D. M.—J. M. Hawley,
p; c. W.—V. A. pairtct
Treaaarar—B. Kale.
(tocordar-B. L. Bdwailis.
C. <J.—waller Ttavto.
a. SUckney.

died ta Utacada, OragnR NoTMbca
I. mi at tU Bga 'of tl yean. '7
SoatU 24 dari.
When atghmaa
SutU oM dU was btetkht ta Mbb^
aa. Maite 26. IMS aU was uattft
la marriage »» Bar A. k partoj.
thea a youag Mathodtot peUteav, roe
avte ‘fifiy yean they
fot> jiut of toU sad hhfdaUpa mluglad u«k mahj houra of MWhIPo
bleaiigg 'aid much Jo/. TU gteatar
fUte Of tU half caata^ wat apaat


Zoutok. vbo kas been
arartctH ^Kra. Aftkar Uoa. baa
KtUM te bar
Give diacBA
MMa'ftoraace Warm le 'worfciac
as ■mtoalpaartaO to the new laha aad
diis atresgtlft'e
for Mra. VOUaai <MnaU.
1 ttW town <rf Manistee wfaara tbara
Peter CarreO aad Hutt >«rabbar.
meJkaoe evefy
TJm’ho eboite.^
wbc aava baan rialtlBc retatlaae (or
bte if you have kidaev. Urcr B-m. Abbotc X. R. Stlten^.
tea past eaak. hare retaraad to tbatr everyteiac
or hLdd? trouble, it wUl be fouad i«t
Tmateea—M. E HaskaU. C. E Hate. praatear eadurpd U>e baeu eetobrat
borne la Jac^aoa.
ad m song sad atory but lU hard
F. 0. Hounmnn.^
, ,
Freddie DaOrav bad bia thumb
^Ips lUi tee praacber's wife mftdur
Ghaptae^fa. gt. V A. M.
mmad rery bii^ batvaae the
U are not fto familiar to the people.
H. p.-H. ttobWr.
•wiactav door* at the
»e did not ihee ao many storms nor
K-—V. A. iWtcfo
rtda ao umu miles terouu forests
Tbara vlll be a VbaakaclTlax pronor did ftU^va ao mute of the esC
ibm at the a^lbeaM Wadaeaday
ciiament 'of fcattU. but she did faee
P. E^k tUteneyaflarbooB.
tee problj^ of the Um and the laa A. C.-Oao. E BaU
mlly; bow l« make Ibe'mmger aalaiT
Jrd V.-Frad U Johuspu.
meet the needs M a growing fan^,
ctr. Mrs. DarUag uiet aueb prtelaUftft
lat V.—Jno. Pfeiday.
agd Uew wUl Urdvhlia were Ut
Tfaasntar-C. E'Ha>«- ,
' Oabam. Nor. JO —Aaotber ha«—■
she was uev^ known to eobipUl^
atviM by
Secrettry—E U Edwards. «
atrete our town ywaterday gad i
Her life waa'iuied with tb^^graca'^
Tjlei-^A C. Deapraa.
of tbe east and west road* are full but tmnembef the name. Swamp-Root
Bweetnam and genilgness. Of cMtu^
to tbe top of tee board fenoea ao tbe
a woman would make trlands
teama have to bare) through
wt^var 1^ lot at* oMt- Cod
Toah. A-a Cbak. Wm. T llgilii
flelda. Norembar haa baaa a vary
*-- «• tee ftUra
ftUrp she had iin tbe good
Tmstoas-r. O. 'nFl^^g, Wm
rough monte from tea «rat e tea last aortaltots aad otbera. The aorialists
uM teat her kusUnd d
did and Ha
ftlapbooa compaay to pnttlag tevc tong reeogntoed that they must HoteeralU. A. 8. Bowlcy.
wfB not fortat-4er wbao IHe rvwarda
In a telepbooe for Tboma* Daartng. ■eparate irom ykdently orgaalied la
tvana C- —
They have tee pole* all baulad and
If today's resuti lead* organ6be was Ehe Qother of seven teild9y (U aute
ft hto oCtee.
toad labor to tee performance of fls
hava begun setting them.
and Ur bean «w« Mg smougb to
Mr. and Mra. w. H. Beaman of Oa- maalteat duu. namely expuUloa from eeginnliig Monday MaM WW Be Aant Uke a uuto bemet^-os. mothcrleas
bom vlsltad with their daughter and lu mnka of towbreakari. dynamiters,
chlhl Into her home aal love and give
under tbe proviaiOBs of Ai
Sawih an < Cciaek P. M.
family at Burdtekville Boaday.
murderers, tee greatest posalble good
her a her ow^ Fonr of tbe 207. of tee Public Act* of IM*. ap­
proved Jane 29. 11*9. a* amaodad by
Ur..aud Mra. Jamaa Oateman hava will have been done for lawPtey or
A great Improvanafil {». tV foaq emht ebndren are bylgg.
Art 113 of tea Pataic Aau d(
moved to Almira Comera. wb^
gaatied labor.
. rM aftcecteln teg.
service out of Travem plte to tRfl . ^ dUUhpoJ
of. tS; .JjftWtod
Cbleman win work for Nate Dailey
"The Times centendon for sS years momlng was Ins'iigsraU^ ‘bn Mon­ slifor but in later life she tost W ricctors of Hfto eouMy. whailar or
teto winter.
has bean tor freedom In Indsstrtas day. Postmaster Fra^ Frledrtfb_ Ur- voice from throat trouble.
not tbe manufactare of Uuaors aad
ne funeral aarrteo* ware held to
Tboma* Doran, rr.. to banttag lum­ aad tee lawful md act of organized tng received notice £^y lio ptaea
ber to his form to bang a bouae and labor. U'e have not condemned law- pouch of msii on tea Pate Vid^Sati tbs Uethadlitt ?bnrch la .Esiacgda and
ly: and
wi. told to rest la tea paw
ham next tprlag. It to the Brooder ful labor orgaatoattoa. but only the train tut leaves faara ^ « a'ctoc^ to b^ b^y was
Wheraaa. at a aaatem of tU ft
l^etery amoag
anmag tbe hills wberg thJ
farm white he bought te tee eastern towlesfoaat. Crimea against lodua- the momlng oa weak dayswatte over he^ Her'Opal
part of Empire townahip. Wa
irial liberty have been ateadUy. strunPto<» to typical of tee life she aidU city of Traveraa City, la ^
glad to aca tee Impmrement It will nously oppoaed. '
county. CM tU tote day of OctaUr.
la new lOar^.
make Ip tee town.
MeManl^l Overjoyad.
^ U, 1^ teapaUtiOBs «r«u
In general tUt this train biaa al)^^
Loe Aaxeles. Dec. J.—Ortle UclUn- carrlad maH. but auen has aot haU
KIs Wrfa's LH«.
Igal. wbo «m plcad^Uy. and whose
tSTiercaa. I'tion sute asambatlofi k
fo> a tong Umb. and all'tea
would have been In ber t-aa determined and gaclamd. U
Baport of Imke View school. District oonresaloa aaalsteiFtbk state's mate- maU tut was pUetd In teejio^lM
■iwelathNi adopted by tU UU beaA
No. X. Long Lake tgFDshlp. for school Tlall}'. wa* ovcrloied ihl» momlng
e evening «-as 'attear'^t jortn
BMUte ending Nor. 21. IfU:
when the ioiformailM/sa* l>rtmrti
fta evanlng train Ui Petoftkay.
bad. not able t» get tor*, to wit: by |
Numhar puHto esrollad. JO.
him that WMrict Atjorn^r-Fvederick*
white potni It was 'eant aoute ta
had a severe third Of aU the .«
Number boyi enrolled. 10.
Biaiod that be would
the momlng or else It remained to tee
a Mreadful sajd county, c* *L_._
Number girts onratlsd. 10.
give btm be llshteet aeotenre posat- postotice ui^l taken but ra tea 10:40 rough. I got ber a bottle of-Dr. Ktog'd
the raturas and enaly a________
Numhar days taught 20.
soon Ugao to
... UcUanigal decUred that thU in- train on the'c. R. A I.
It last preceding g«^ iliLlkm
Number daye attan^. 213.
r aule oEkacA AgU fa 'aald 4M»
(urmallon to the first Intimation he
The commercial travetori dlsqiyv^r- InfalUblc.for toughs and coMs. Its
. aiui the affldavtto aocomBa|Dlfig '
Average dally attendanoe 17 S-20.
has reretoed that he might ezpect any
! some time ago tUt tU mail they moot reltoUa remedy'on garth
Jd petUtona;
'f^A V
Immunity wbaurer.
supposed bsif^efi here aarty to tbs dtdpmate l|iag trouble, beaorrU
.\cw. tesrefora. U to or 4*^ RM
Pupils nalteer tardy aor abaut dur­
C. W. Peat Exprataaa Opinion.
tuomlng did not gel oat until tote In )agrtu>e. asibnia. bay fever, croop
directed by -the Board of BaiiiirHgfta
wbaoptoc wugh- ^Oc, 4100. ^rtoi Of tha aaM i-omitv of Orsad Travagao
ing monte: Barry Cpa. Oaraaca
BalUe t-reek. Dec. 2-—C. SV. Post, i tbs forenoon, and they took tee mat­
Uarig. Edith Cox. Oam Pfaru Gladys ftnspieuoBB fighter agalnM tee mill ter op with SocraUry Holley Of tbe iMito .10c Ouarauioed by all Trav­
erse City Oragglsta
Bast Alva Oox.
tant methods of tbe labor nnlous. In Board of Trade, udio In t^ took It
Rhip*. village*, rttto* aad olacttak <l»
Ura. M. B. Kenny. Teatear.
commhBtiBg on tee UcNai
with postmaster Friedrich, wbo
tricts in aald roaaty. *ur*«aM to lU
Trna critictoa does not cmaalai. a* provtoioBB ol tee alopaaamad oat to
made the TotlowiBg statement to tec laid the uueUlon SOforv tU'pootOViee
to think. In de- ascetuio. tbe will of tU elacton of
Uifited Preas today; "It is an injus6- Ideiwrtment and In a short Uma ha re- Ml 4^ <Viyt1!
said coUty. whethv or pot tU maam
r^ly. aad today proclatlon.i. but In approcUilon—Ilug^ fartnre of liquors and tee IT
tice that the working men who deet>1y
'celve.1 a favorable r^l:
deitreclate act* of rioleore should be | received orders • pat ik the antra Black.
ft one.)
. course left to win the fight forced to ranirlbute to the delense of 'service,
’UrhlnliCe KIlW Fev
la Los A^aa. Ibey figured them- tee crimlDaUy Inclined. There is p . This change will mean a feraai deal
aelvet as aoMiers In war between cap^ leasnn in the ontcorae of ihi-» rasc 'ltri the business Interests of Oie city people in this whole cenmrx. One's
Uld at tee next gaperal aa
lul and tbe eommoa people. . Tb^ir •uffis Will Hunt Down Aeeaaasrtoa. tas it will save Irom five jo righteSn chansra.o(.dgatk by lightning arw lass towartilp osieera to raid a
were not murderers at baart. Jim
Chicago, Dec. 2.-A detennlnatiob j hour* In getting malMtlo Chtoaffp aad lUa^o la a jpmite TU <'
ipa ^Dagsw. rittos^
McNamara didn't Intend to kill any­ to bunt dosT. other men cofioemed In other eoulltem point*, which In ipaay
traSUa to.yaaHy crcaier. but aot
body. His dynamite broke the gas tee TVnee dynamiting case was e»-dlffatenea In .. JectHc'BUifn U used, as Robert TH8 FIRST OAT t_. ____ _
tfij; limt aald alaet^ aUB
1. -t>
mains. Tbto to bow 1 took tee only pressed today by
Madaaa. of Vaat Bdrlbigten. la., proz- ulloL and lUt tea haMta____
‘ ‘ “business tranaactlOA
sd. FUr doctorg gave him ap after be
possible' chance of saving tee Me- am very glad to be vindicated in tee j
eight montU tf snSering ftpn vli
wbkh shall cugUlB tea «r«rdgi “BUM
Namarai Uvea today'■
eyes of tee public, U said.
ton! liver tron& w>d yellow ImipIk
Oovamae Ma'shall's Actlen to Case
He was then «wipl«elr cured by Bee ilqoor'lraSk*^prahlbltS%r£&'Sa
trie Bitura. Th^:re;lhe best sigg) amntyl-m;’' and JU a(bar
(ConUnaad from pagg m)
Report of City Library for moute cotton will follow prabably within a acb. liver, nerve and kidney remedy abaU be: ‘Bball tU ^Setft
IndianapoUs, Dec. J.—Federal offi­
few weeks. Baaidea the wool and cot­ and blood purtfipi oo nsrtb. Only
cials and District Attorney Miller, In pi N'ovetnbrr:
iOc al all Traverac City l>nig Stores.
ton M-bedutoa. 'a h&i 'or bfCer prbeicharge of tee government probe of
Juvinlle Fiction. tl<7.
sions of ibe'urtt tow^ tactudtg^ prptee dynamiting chargea against tee
Seveoty-Ihrae aaloose uera known
rbllo»|ihy. 9
noAals to reduce the duitos te Steal to U opao la Uetroli last Sunday. firmstlve of ,sald f>fnpoal|tbgi ‘faad
HeNamaraa. conferred today. Miller
and Imn. cotton matetnery. ebamleato Tills BtaiecMat is vouched (ot by tee everv ballot cm wblc^teaw^ “No-*
slated this morning that the Investlpolice
departmeou TUt t^ere were to found aball be ceuniad to tea h4gaSCK-Ulogy,
bllamlBgatloo wni be continued tee same as
iiva of aald praimsiikw. teat fadOT
Natorai Science. 38.
*nus <xval aerda* tbr Canaillu her^, teany time* tUt number of oalotes the prortoioM of tee afocaaaU^MciS
If tbe men had not pleaded guilty, it
open lo sections of Ibr city not vtollUseful Arts,
will figure In tbe tariff discus- ed by lU poUtjp wouW iirabably not prrwons entitled iia-lc-r tbs MBUfil
to believed that' more Indictments are
y-ine Artr, z:-.
be questioned bv the officer*. U-bolc- this State to vote rtlr tuparMaar Ml
ilkoly to-be returned or eiae the InUterature. 39.
Id viotaiioa ol to*
All Und* are agreed that "ftome- sale disregard aad
veetlgmUim will be-dropped.
under the very « vet o( tee Brewers'
Htolorj’ 46tlilng Is to t<e lioae" In tec way of
Oovernoi* Marshait to greatly re­
Association that to seocilag out dr- aaattped .11*10
Travel. IT.
vialoB uad recision •vowVwanl.
oilars and tnarkad newspgpar artic­ log and < losiol
lieved by tbe eonfesston. His friends
, ----- ------Blogra|ih>, ;:<•
some of the Impoaant schedules
les urging that ienw. oi>llon be voted of votiiic and _
any these vindicate hi* action In tbe
doc ilug KSI.I elertJoD uador tU provtoGeneral Works. 30.
tbe tariff act
Even tbs President
loo* o( tba ifare*a1d-%«, gad tea
Total 2.TI3.
win be eziiected to toll Into line to
BllD-l twwrrs aM dullas of bau^.of Ugte
abor unionists Oamand 'baath Ban>
when the saloons
Arermge number th reading room. make the woHi bf cdfgfM'effective pigs
are born and
108 plus Men In readlag room. ^7; by rtgnlug a hill.
greatest where saloon* are thi<ke>t
et. Joseph. Vo., bee. 2.—At a meet­
aromen. I4<; tendreo.««8: total. 1131.
PrwtMant Tatf's posithm is under- Uloon vloUtlbn of to* evisU no
ing of tea Ceuiral Labor eowncti of
CbUdrm at main library during story atood to be thgt
to In favor of re- where in teto stole or In aoy ote<-r lo aama to av«*r roat^ p* to
aaaiib. rapraaaatlBg gaarty all the boor. 2t>:-. Oak Park. 261. Average
a more disgraceful extent than in >»•
durtfon of tbe tortff wfierever it
territory' dlrecllv siirToutidlPK tbe
labor unions of tee eiiy. refto-uUeus
be done sod still give ft living mea- Uadguarier* of tee Muhtgan Btesr adopted last ntgbt ujianlmoutly'
ariiam. ao far aa
|sure of prolertlon of thAe indust:
Industrie err.' Ashoctotlon
untows ctecyraise prwldftndlng tee death paaalty for tbe
The death of Otto Coftn ol JackIt.'' but'tttac'\l>c -Tariff
son. a farmer *hd •*» dragged to
NeSamaias. ladlgoattoa to at a high
should not be ehaMad'*aU'ho^
dUth by a teaci al Urses when be
diwurbed eic-ept 'l^wn momisi
fefl out of hf‘ ric while drunk, may
my ot Grand Travu’hirb shall enable os lo ‘'blurbs cans* sulla to be l.ruuglct against sa«baalosM least " He ha* aliaady de­ era! Jackson saloonkorj^-ra. it la de- rlmcr e vnnTE
riared true that ibe nan's death was
New York. Dec. a—"I am astound
clared tbai the ialfnra of the w'ool bill a dlreci reault of bis aaloaa privllegea
etf. 1 am aatounged; mj credulity Us
at te* extra*session 'stiould hot be re- and salOMi ext-ssse* A more tkaa or STATE OF XJCHiGA.V. CoUBtr Ct
been Imposed upon. It to a bolt out
Grimt Travome—*» ,
! carded as taktag *:«a>
only dinarilv (aibetlr turn to glvan lo the
1. Elmer K White Codaty C3ite
(bante (or redued^ b> ^Es ton (Hgic Incident through tee fapt tbal
of tee Couoty'of Grand Travers*, a
Bamuel Gotoper*, presideei of tee
Amarteao Foderatloa of Labor, when
klndl) and hatptBl at homo. Ills wife the sIkjvp and fc/regoing U
A Ciria Can
advtogd tost Bight of tU pleas of
rorrec4 W*a*cri}-t, ftocniim
A nttle girl wrou tea fokwigg as- 'u>. teat life had haeo a living
from tbe crlcringl .'T'ete d
gnilly la tee McHamam caaaa.
men teat tor bar throucti maay year* boc
say oa boys: “Boys
iKSOfci l-> ih* Board of U|
of hi* drinking. But tUi tee
eThara to a God in Israal,'* gay* Otia
Uve not got-Ms big
r gpl>
yaara of local option gave to teeir said <-ount)
Lo* ABgrtaa- Dec. A—mOe bun111 be
and girts are womee
home a Ume of reUef which she w.U |■IO]■OSttiOD
reds of Bewaboya ware crytag Hea«t*r torgai.
dioa hy-aad-by. n-he«‘(Sll looked
b orlgix
Maman'e guUt on tee streets. Daeeral
Adam He said to
well. I
oa) of the iirocwedlags of
Otto was bedtegad with Iriands offer.tetek I caa do boUar^M I'try again.'
Its maeUng of
Ite coogmolatlooft at The great out­
and He made Eva. Boya are a trout^A
• II.
come of tbe kmg battle and uumerons
They swear oat averytetng but soap..
frtmdlj ielegium* are arriving ln»C
If I had my way the world would U
many dtotaat potato. Oenerml Otto
'glris and teo rgM doDs. >y papa'iti
!*o nle« teat I thlak U madt harg
boon a lltda giri whga U «aa a UtOa
-There to a Ood to Israel. I knew
Ur. Man was a^. add oe tea
tea cootaaslau wara oomiag and that
laeTaste iAr
reafad. Vamag wiia
tU UotUrs must plead guOty. TretUa mada. aU
&s u^^?utS
■aadoni 'priiwart Us baan brou^t to
hear m tkaai a^actally tost waU by


fr mvSIik'*

t la «: race
A aMd OH .(roa Oarmaay.
ft great abortaga of the pog that ooonlry aad the reIt b ^ great qaaotHle* of the to-^'-1 Bara te be laportad durtag
. RDllaad la the oounfty that
1 thia aheiuga.

the maainpallUat took a haad aad
averyvbere bron^t about a drop o(
> to 60 per cent la prteea.
*TbU Mtuatkn illuatratea an.admirabla Phan of O '
- ■
ft. Oty couBcat are autborUad to do almoat unytblag which
they may regard a* neeeaaaTT for the
wall-balag of tec people, and they
ottaa make an of each anteorHy.
They may and often do open parketa
boy and alautSter
atoek. eatahUah dah markeU. operate
bakarle^ deal la milk. ate., aad aatl
direct to tea coaenmar either at coa^

alder rigbL Such action !• latarlanst ha of tea daaat ahly to prevent tec unnatural tailing
a««r to gat a aalUMa ^ prices ^ foodRuBft through eom*
blnatloaft dl dealcru. or to maintain
• aearelty la tea crop has lad tea reanuaMe pricM when
a of tea Magdom to take
r ta head abd aaU tea to- tea regular dealara in auCb product*.
City oouacllora are profeaMoaal ad____ _____ of tMa
li tnlaliitralora,-wite pr^eally Ufa tenn'fo tea eBhdtilir repot! by Ooa- ura of oBloa. and are' neit engaged In
IJMbHt P. Mkteaer of Uamborg:
private huilsyi.
B ekr caBBella of Nuremberg and
'*Tbe Importance of the potato In
te-are bbytag patataea by tea tee'food aad fodder Moaomics of
lipAhd rMaBtw th« to tea pao- Aarma&y to readily aaan In the tget
■ ia4b aH >•»
•* «>«• that S.OOO.OOO to g.OOO.MO acres,
I gdtoa at which tea laat lot wai abmt ikH per cent oi tee total area
la Miremharg being g5 of arable land la tee empire, are anN powftda. The coeadla ouaDy planted to poutoea and that an
I of dtlea all.Otar Oar- average good crop totals ebmething
9 *9 datag tea eama. Tbe pouta over 5v,0».000 wu About 60 per
~Mt Important food staple In cent of this crop to need for food and
g.;bat teM yaarb ci^ wae tee tee greater part of tee other half to
MU, aearoely couvartad into alcohol, the dUUlIery
^..a normal <tup. and slop being a much prtoed and mto-ble
w crop waft OB tee
a to adtaaoe.frben 1

eiiroiiic X^onstlpatloii
wttbeat grlplBc and wUbmt Mtoek te
the antem. it acetelm tsato mger.
U«a that stnegtean lie etiinft aad
bowel muadMoa that la time
af an blade eaa be dliiuwead
re ta acala aeleUr
nr the- • - — -




puiiQwan awruKs


tusT senai a tumt


Pere Marquette to Fltorlda


'XMle mote preparalion to roqoliod tor a trip .to f'lurtda than for
■ jwur gaual sammar ontlag. and the cohi to sarprlsingly law.

“The F^Iorlda Limited”
firRIc. leavee Detroit
s sleeper direct to i
(Dulsa Depot) dally at Ifi:i6 p. m.. beginning November 2«. Ulh

m FMllERS’


iPkrtsiBHis SoMesttiMIS

M tfifi ABd Cptfeu Pok EkUil Di^ M
Crei RttLfffc Safw fcwk^Sput*
nifi. BbBm OMiftn.
me c
Ic. NicUe pUki Conm Ww is
.iwefine^^ii^G^i* nadcttOM lo


V - CowilHftieeai KHT
“i nH*
yli tfa ldiof 'ititbMcriliftiftwftnniloa at Chiut-

""fhank trvde

Why Rnrtl Fhrm

. k*



gH« llJlt



‘‘ '•yM *'' ■






UHie WRNr BteCort oM via •
err Miow
vide pltrac «
•cMoi flO* W th*
IHte•d bta «r um fofO. ifMkBMr tu
-1Mb la (VO PUOM wd rnoorlw bU


m bm tUk Om
PMI vMk U T«ry laaa b«n«b.
t Arctil* Stuart received bt« apa»l»«mpat to nafl «airtcr 'or Grawn R. F.
D. No. I Thankacim« dor aad *0
b*CKi bla thitios Doccaiher ICtk.
C. W. Barnard of Sbopbard. Mieb,.
U tb« fueat of bU dauabior, Ura.

Not a Coal Resorved


*i6» aotw ..nan

t)2b0 cMbr ..*«J*
«l»Mikr ..«au

*1000 cMiibt ..HIM
*22M oiuific ..*M.87
*2500 eMUfor ..na7f

Baring Decembn;

bin. Howard Abderaon vat a Tra«ra* City caller Weduetday.
Mat Latra RouDdli« of Traverae
marqueiu itoae Sunday.
i.<,uioes, per
!ity I* vaiU^ Anb'ur Rounding and week. Dr. DoaUn ot Sk RapWa U the
Mr: and bln. Harrlvta Harr and non
Jatnet apent Tbankagltvaa In Trarerae smiling relative* here Ibl* week.
Marnaette vbirh went Into eftect stra»-, IKT
City Ibe Kveatf of MUloo Harr and ,Mrs. SwatbmoiwVbo reoeatiy mov­
Btnday. Tbe (rain for the north to
ed from here to I^Ikaaka. came down
, Demda Oandall fanuacted* buti- M»d„.» Trnvene City Wedaeaday.
and wMle ber* received
pbone ;
u nercteiore.
bereiefore. Wbat

wnat waa lor- con
Mina eta XcManu leit Wmlnemlay ________
to apend tbe Tbanktclrinc bcdiiiny
I will arrive at 1:10 aad leave at l;3u.
vllb her parent! cm the Penlnaala.
Mr. and Mn. J. L. Rjding of Gilbert
Mr. Paaeai Klaibet of Beys* City
Mldt,. are rialctac Dr. Claiii and fmMrw Etta Kirby
Klrbv of tbe Boo la a'*V*='®
^ the J>ortb at «;40
, Mia Beaite lAddeo -of Inteclochen guest tt the home of her parents. Mr. I will arrive at «: 40 and leave at 7:U0
, p. m. The < o'cloefc train in tbe mom.
Is at Mr. Cmn^ir'a attentMng ber and Mrs. Alva Goodman.
name time aw formotlnr vbo baa been aick tbe past
Mrs. II. U. Goodman returaad from
I nerly. The . train from the north
ChleagD Saturday.
.Mr. aad .Mra. Ara'HcDoaeld were
Mra. A. Inia ot Elk Imke 1* vlalt- .that formerly- arrived at 1I;10 wiU *y
toeMa or WlUlem YenVer and fantly Ing ber aister. Sft*. Wood i_.j w-di ,rlve at 10:50 and leave nt 11 o'clock,
Tbe aad nca-s rea'dies os tuii,-'<i -and the evening train for tbe auulh
•« 5:« and leave
Mr. nad Mra. rrmiik SoiMti are tbe of tbe death of Mr. Kara Hawley, v .o ■
•"'*« ** 6 '* »»d leave
proud parrata oT a baby hoy vhM moved from Ibm OPlBhborbood to Uo-i»‘ “
bile, Ala, about eigM years ago. Ho*“* =
^hl* schedule is a radirni
arrived at tbejr borne Friday.
nnn w-»« mnA [-H—■ *— | t'hanie ftom tbc totmer schedule and
.Mr. and Mn. „n,mr-.F
BriMmt lUrr
nrrivod from Barker to bit heavenly home .Kov. 23 he leevee ;‘h* traveling public »IU do well to
r 14,
Creek Tbursdey for
a *»# in Ala, three brothers. Cai«.;P®« “P
WUllam Hogl* waa a Travetw Cky Joaepb Hawley, and Norumn Hawley , |
caller Tbaradey.
at Elk Rapids. Ptiineas Hawley of Ah I
John Seebrlgbt went to Travnree den who is lying critically ill. and,
three slaters, Mra. J. I. Carae* of TraCity on bnnlneaa Wednaeday.
.Mias Once Hand who ba^ beeajverae aiy. Mrs. A. inis of Elk Jaike. U«s Lake School Held btweeseful''
speadlng some Ume In Traverae aiy and Mra. TL Wood of Souib Mllion.
Bex Seelat.
' ""
ha* returned borne.
He has been a greet sufferer fur the
One of the most sucresaful boa so-1
Ur. and Mrs. J. SUddletaanr ef Uoa- ;la*C few years from Brim^ dUewse.
given-Hn this vldnity was'^S
roe Center were guesu ef Rev. Jenee which waa eventuaUy tbd^se of hi* held at the town ball rarenily by dlanad famUy TbankaglvU,**
.death. Many friends nJwelt a* other trl« No. 5. Long Lake lowatnlp.
Mrs. Abe Sounders and cbttdrea relative* will receive lAi^ew* wilb .bleb U Uugbt by Mra M B Kenere Traverae City cnllera Wedne*.«ta^__
f ^
!„e.v. Tbe program w*. well gHen
Wliaon purchased a-GBIy »<«.,and proved to be one of tbe Importban at BUver Lake farm of J. M. Faren of Rapid city
of tbe occastoiT
«mun..nn a-unu,. U U- ».
1 tk,
mles from Rapid at}.
^,t,i,,i,,hiiu« a Kbrary lB^be
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Beebe of Kalkas- | ,^001
Tbe boxes were very prettily
e time at Big Ra^to baa ra- ka spmt Thank«lTl^ day at Cherry
I trimmed and wer#** rrodli to ibote
turned bom
« T^h Hl.« «.h Mr. ««1 «u 1. !
MIlM 8t«Sord traniacted .
I T^verM Cl^.Wedaead^.
,-------wUI b,
Mtnb Rot^ Braylon of Traverae'I Allen ...------and Ho
luing their vaoa
l*«>ple who rontribuled
grand parenu at Bass I«ke.
llUlr OT1,., 1.UM-. .Mr
•- “
Miss Addle Crisp of Batra la visit- w>d Mrs A. E. Warn.'r..
ing Mr. Buffoird and tomlly.
: Mlw W. Healey teacher In our |.ri
Mrs. O. A. Johnson and children r«- mary srboed baa gone to l4>sg loke
Your Part.
inraed bomerirom CaJlltnc Sntnrdnr to spend bee vacation with her uld
•Never mind if you tatmoi db all
I________ . . _ _
time friends, Mrs. U E. Ueldlug and
, things just as well as you uould tike
" - - •
............. .
« Mr*. Lull* Holmes.
to. It Is only Dt-cessary 10 do I hinge
*^*♦♦•***♦*♦*♦♦** Jnst as well as you can.—I’atrii k ,
« Flynn.

Malbh Df if you can


Herald and Record
do yo:ir Job Work.

Barney Co.


Week of Oar Animal

Of Ladles’

tes, Qoaks, Saits

Extra A< tractions of New Holiday Selections.

Wolsis. Skirts, Dresses, Bagv,
Combs, Wofd Shirts

At price* tbat will tempt die purses of the shrewdest huyen.



S7.59,19.S0, il2.S9,115.00

....................19.88 Bod 510 59

Ise aU vatan icamarlv SISM IS SIS.

lailMO’ DressES, > - -


T»..r» Ciu- h

...... bushel


HhfM, Fun Md




H.,. fiS",

Your ^»wn Bi« yo« can

UK.., o,


The Cheapest Is the BesI
nksHAU ft LAY ca*fi



BiDrs^Overetals % and */» Off




Wetf6B*tbave lo prove V.
Tbe cnatomcni atfaitill. Sa!d rver>«vb«rcr

The weather, or season, cut* no
fignie. We’ie
to clean
up aar Oatrcoati




Tb ori|^;pric« marked » plain figures
on mzf, Overcoat,
Ya.awplj-, get % off on that price. See!

*1100 can far
*i6(»..aaki> ..mat

Hr. iM
ffiU ot 3A
arrtTMi W(4&e*««
’KtvtM %Mk UM.



Madmen, aanr Ktnotey.


Mr.n^ Mrs TttoAJ^ Racer*
Rec<r* »^i
v^t ♦♦•♦ ♦♦«♦ <!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
I* CRy nfa
b of Mr. ReadTuaUn TbankacUrnf'day.
MMa Aadt* tnyior of han Fbtu
> rmiuni bar aants Mra Snyder and
Mn. Rnrtck.
Dec. 4-Wb«t H\c.
Mr*. Oeorge Peppier and Mra Dyke
Dae. 1. veat to Trarerne City WedMoSay tor
to* tfaya !
evns. «Hr Oat*. «%*. .
Mr. and Mr*. Newnon inmlaec ea«
. • tertalned
_______ __
Mr. and Ur< Prank Stoyre*
♦ ♦oaaaoaoaaaaaaaaini diaaer Tuakaciviaa day.
BnSaio. Dee. 4.—cmttle—Receipts.
Leva Hiekls a la Dk Rapldi aad a
MPa. FrH! Tabbmr rMuraed
6b.<»a; mroac.
nek at tbe bone of bl* motber-ln-av,
Arbor la Om* to apend Tb^^ ly actlre,
Sheep Actlrs,
Mra. Smaltz. and unata t« tav MatM Klrinc vlth ber fatmlt
*c,&ue,4i6: No. V.S4. itoca-aneedy.
Mn. Janie Holiday vaa tbe gue«t Wjsaic 40. ehalag et |5
The thrceblac nacb>a* la at.Mr. « Mr. and Mta lioMrd Hollidav at
H. Aemlaaecser*. and vUl reel tbere dlai»«natU after tbe atom.
Walter Wileoa drove to Gooe* Creek
Saturday ni(ht afur tbe Woods bunt­
ing party, brinaing fbem borne Moa-|

- S9.85 and $1150

Furs for Holldav Gifts

■ HlafidrM aeasiw prtecs. •Bm'-yaata- laiaeway esiv


These English Chrilm

Ls*- Hornsby, tbe touiiiy commis-

Arc all tkc go, a^
grow ia PRpola
day. Doa’I yoo.
bad btfltrgeiJa,
bUa, nn*.7. Oi
Eagllsh modcU arc Ubc aolv
bleat gBroiCBM ever inracd

WonbSiS. SiaM^^S

Have Yon Veen Onr Window Dliplsv?.

j college u
l prayer:
buslD<9 -dve us an pure hearts; give_____
A whole wi..dow rilh-l with the prelticSI and niftiest style* 0
trip to Traverae City,
brave bean*; give us all clean hearts;
the sort of tic. -Kwoir a r. likes to wear NewHn foar-fn-band
Mr*. Tone Macey aud eon. Glen,
^ve ns all sw^t beerts!" To which
nr C,'..-. 3'<-,
Tic. ........, f!M), »:.:,n j,i,d g3.<H., Ytmni Rave ‘I,
made a abort visit to Kingsley Pri- tbe (
lraM*l far to lii:rt any flnef aBTOrtBui-.l than we re Khowlne RIGHT
le congregation jeeponded; -Amen."
iJa.v. »
NOW. Ties Ilk.- the*.- tiiai.- arccpiabl,- holiday ^ifl*.
May-field is glad to welcome Wk
the family of Mr. Dean wiw moved to
Reed City laat spring. Mrs. Uewn
1 e«wt l-owikTsfutCLIkUrli.
Frldar to move the goods Into
tbe bouse and Mr. Dean and Elvin arrlsed Saturday.
Nett rVrtf lo A. V. FriedritJt-i Shoe Stole.
Miss Ethel Slocum and Mlai Neal
of Ktngsley *i<eDi Sunday ben with
Mr* Charles O Conner of KIngsle.v
leturned to her home Tuesday, after
spending a few days with her sister.
.Mrs Tom Peppier, and her parents.
Mr. and Mr*. Adam MflberL
Mr. Anbirr Blddleromb spent Sun­
day with his parents In the EUiol
neighborhood noir Fife t.ake
and Mra. Macy. Mr and Mr*
Thomas Peppier, and Mr*
O'Conner attended a reception at the
Grange ball Monday night given In
honor df Mias Clara Milbert who wa<
married Monday mornlug to Joe Pher*
Tbe wedding took place at St
A most exeelle&t stowing td itese pieee>-in the tmiller onei to sell d (roto.29c to 69c,
Franela ebnn-b In Traverse City, .Mias
there *re aome Y«y ipladid valoes AH thete lioeoi are on Ublei where ihejr. can be aecc
Ceihle Milbert acting as bride* tiiahf
and a eooalng of Nr. Pbertl as best
and handled. We know you wiU be pleased wi h the ihowing.
in. Abont fifty gnewta wev |>rr-*eni
the reeepUoo fo wish Mr. and Mrs
Pberll a long and prosperen* Ufa
On Thankabivieg tog.'
Guy Vandervon spem (be day with
frienda bef«.
Mrs. Chariai Watsb end beby took
This line with ut thi* scjimi it b*Uer ihtti ever—much more compiete and moge
hankagivmg dbuwr with bar nmther,
^tractive—not'm^ but wb*t i* practical ac^ uselal and aD afe vefy modergtely pii^,
Mra. Brackenbarg at ttooth
Mrs. R. A. Jackson leR Wadneetoy
apend a few day* with ber sister.
Mr*. 1. K. atbba of Traverse City.
Mia. GoMW HolUday broogbt Miss
The majority cf these goods me under $1.00
Bdltb EMierday a* a gurat from Trarera* etty.
Tbe Mliaes Opal and Edith Holiday
spent tbe day with Mrs. Eaaterday
of Traverae City.
Miss Jeeale F. Browaaon was a
fw**l of br. nad Iks. Will F. Jack-


; Men’s Fashion

We Are Featuring Christmas Linens
Such as

Center Pieces, Scarfs, Tray Cloths, Towels, DoiUes
To sell under $1.50
The Kmd That Everybody Appreciates

eJ. w. iuil.l.ikb:n;


Mis* UaWb Walter spMt Ber
Tbankaglviag la Traverae City."'
Mr. and Mrs Wayae MarrlgtM end

Mr. bto Mn. SnrM MartaaM ««ra

The Btore with th| CbrietmcB Spirit
Slipp early or late wbeo It ralte yon hert




o' U>«a arond bwe. Ve ha«« 8«»
I aotac to tato A. 1
d«r actowl «nrj Sufaj. I «o atorto aTwjt «nd«r. ««t I did not a» tott «p«k.
tima tocaaM It «m uo wtarmj. WWb- «n la
to« rto aad »u tto Soatotam a UtfWra Ham.
Tto *a«a «( oar ocr.■aorapto aad toaUlac. 1^ aaa^.'
tow-Thmaki«iTla*. I rwali.
wtooolto tto Ooato^ aetooL ttoorgU
torto to Br^ «aet I a* la tto .. . _ .
------- -------------- Aad BtHfa aad bUiar pala.
Tov IotIdx eaaiaiaar,
Booa to rtoltlac aetoto wdar. 1< »a* IIU srada' Ttoro m tear to ar «4to
toi^MfHat tod aa•Itoia I riou* to ttow
cooaaetad to Uaa tto etoads altli (oldaa toaaa
OUvt Wtoator.
•torar toa Satartoj. i atorad with atoat. It w^wsar^ Hat I ooDida't griar, «at at «tan» tto aaia too
« «Kk tto rm'-toT- Ootog w tto toet
Aa|i ttog a glad rctiaia.
I ililak tto aaov toa eoaa locator ar toad atod Satardar. 1 waat to aoaa to
laat Kridajr. Ttora blaaad ito aora tto paofla
DOW. dost TOO?
Jia Laaeool’d Paada/. Wa tora a ara tvoatr-Btoa papOa' to actool to- «toa ttor tookad at tor.

pair et toto at atoeel. aad drat tto dar. We to?a a Ttoter to atoool toPlaallr thtoga got to aato a pm
trw'a'to^ tom-M i * P- Ciaaa aad hla aaatnaata. Bvarp
all laal laellaad a tattle «p tto
ci» MIoIl
tort pall tto bota aitiaad tto aeto^- dap. It u a IHtla tor. Wa tore fun ttot tto paoAa told a ee«a<U aad datod aoto otofTtodr ImOP ♦ tt«orr wIB ran dap aad sight, aad atAtoe aftar raadtog that eoaalag
„ „„ toaaa. aad t^ tto giria.
ptojrtog to tto aaow at aooa wlto oar cidad ttoi tto «a)r var to arc thalr
tan a»s torts of tolp wUl to stoItosr PraaidestF>r««
I tolp Biaama wbaa.l get Mesa waa to klU tto Haa. l*a toto
I««Wp to to toalito tolptol I plorad orertliaa. Mra. Saau Oaiis
* ^
I have ooc writtas far a toag tlM.
hoM froiB acbooL I tore a UtUe Uoa wsa bow to do b. t tod Itod to ovorytoto tod to ^ toraett wlU tato charge of tto caadr-Wapie Qtr. Mirb.
I go to school aaartr even dap. Oar
Thahtagivlag brother aad a iUUe alator. Mp brothgfur a whUt ttop Itaradd ihahtto
I .toPVBviWttlito.
♦ mahlBg. '
Nov. u. iPil. teaeheri oam u Hiaa Cotomaa. I **«»•’ Are poa la a dtologaa or da or u aiae. aad Bp alitar It thraa. 1 toa atoppad av«p algbt at tto Waaa
^ ,tf. I toW.^ to «ytop to da «
Santa CUsa awae aaasia to to la Dear PreaWent—
have foor hrottora aad ooa aUier. Wa rw
**“■ '
• «i«‘ of her daogbtor to root badera aha
to •••• thtopfc I tidP "Try, try ♦ sisal good apIrUa. aad wlahea K pobI have dm wrUieo for a losg while, have one cat, two boraet. aod om
aad-a'^ Mp brother belooga to roae la tto Borslag to atari w tor
♦ (inly auted that so Bcnber of tto We have eor poutoea dog. sod pin cow. There sre fosrteao acbolara la
NoMas dtp. Mkh.
t»c^>‘hiiie dob. bst to haa bat hla opuj ebdraa; '^^X.^MAto did set
” ■
♦. H. Y. P. toaahJp* dub aead foal Of aor corn bulked. We have beaked Mr echaol. t am writing thla letter
Nov. *0, iPil.
blue whea ito waa iiiipi. aad aa the
alaraed. aa glfta for everp Bember about foor baodred buabala aad bava Is acfaool.^l have about two quarts of Dw Praaidest—
people r^ooghl that thlo «asU hO a
. . mm eUMUk BArm, IdMar. ^
c< that orgsaUstloB ware BsUbed aboot me hundred aboefca to huak beaeboata. 1 have ay card and but
i an . girl twelve rears oM. and 1
good chaoce to kfll hat.
OigMdaad Baiaasthar A IMB
Booths ago. aod itorad safeir la ooa roL It la aaowlog todar. There la too rat. I gseaa 1 arill close.
attead aehool avarp dap. 1 live la the
< *IU Mad pour brother a aew bui
So thep west to tho TStttosMko
topaldito Mlaa-cisrs Bstos.
of the ustoorbed wsrebouaca.
aaew oB the groaod I was aMgh rMProB poar tossoiiier.
couBtrp sear Backlar. { like the wa. Have pou pourh pet *
1 hlB to go to tto
d aa lag laat algbt after I e
A apodal toiervlew waa a
e boae from
WUIBb htanrlce Shalda.
coutory. but I Uke the dtp Bueb bet*
hooae of the Bu i daaghtar aad Mta
bp Saata CUaa who aiade the fot|e«' school. 1 was down to Mr.. BwBead'a
Area't tto beeehaou alee! ; used tar. I sB verp, toad of a»aic. aad
Nesses Citp. klleh.
bill her. Th« niHssBihi
I leg BtaUBeat:
Place od Suadap. It waa very cdd.
I like to gather them
wouM like to to a Bualc teacher wbea
Nov gu ign weal wlUlagip eaoa^. bat to mde
"1 aid «n lb rhe Uaat dUinrbed
Were were Urge wavee rolUag la
1 grow ap. We have a sloa teacher 1b Dear preildeni—
a BUtaka la tto dark aad bU fto
• over what Biap seem, a Praaeot taUa- M Lake lOeblgaa. We bad a aaow
Maple Clip. Mk-b. Mr aehool. HU aaBO U Orover PulI go to ecbool. I have a very alee daagh^ lasUad of tto Baa. Tto roIty. 1 oevor worry or fiat about aay- •*"*■ tb# Brat dap of Novataber.
Nov. Id. 1911.
1^’* ■» Ilk* kiB. I »<B aoar the teacher, HU ume U Orover Fuller
toaa. haarqvor. aa (to
thing, tocauae J trp to to aa bappp aa Tiiere were abob) aU ibchea of snow. Dear
. arboelbouse. Mp brother \od 1 go I like blm very much. I tato aaair
eupod at boBi Boaratag for har
ike everpbodp else ha'ppp. School win be out a few dapi after
j have Dot vritieB lor
Ubc. koBe for our diaaor wverp dap. I leaaoaa every week. I aa siae paars toughter aad tto paapW htosB Ip '
aaatoP«r lt11,I.W.
too. if thU affair had occarred betors ChrUtmaa. I an is tbe alnh-grada. toe go u» aehool___ .. _____
dap. I^ve Sre broibars hot as aiaten. I old. Mp binbdap U the Mtb o^NoMt tb# ooBaeoaoMoa Of thoir oe>

tbore was a Herald Young Polka SoB- **P atadlea are arltbmalic. reading, our teacher's
u Mlaa CoUbbi. I^e school verp aach. aad woold tike veBbor. I win be tea pears eld ^eA
•Wowhar of oaiMa oa tto CradU ablae Club I Blgbt ladoed lave atop- «r>tlBg- Uaguage, gcograpbr and gbe uagbt here taat spring I aa '<> go through high school U I caa. i have Mves itodles; thep are road- Wep leaped, aad thep had to »ap fto
mm Bmwhir I. 1W1, 1,14a.
pad aamog for a few aoeieata. HowThere are three otben la wp
.^d in tho ttUrd »’•
“«>» «» 0* r»«d aow. lag. arUbBetlc. Uaguaga. gaogmphp.
of ttotr haata.

ever. I na confldenl that the dap will
«“•- I
elereo peara oM. Pbr grade. 1 have three brothers aad
hr •k®®* • ^®*r daap. aad tbs snow pbpsiologp. spelling and wHUng
to aavod, and not a bop cr girl wlH
I !*■*•
• cat. a chlckeg one stater. There are fourteea Id
faUbig today As ibU it ap Irat sra in IM flfib grade. When I go *®ob got toe csildr Bvorptt^
s calf. The calU name la Tool- , r school. One of ap brotfaera
aap Wb**. If I boae ol^u ap slater and I gs akse- *r*>7bodp ftnoo; aad atlO tto Baa
a CUP, Mich, to withont cease for Up 9P Cbrtatocp.
thU la pritt I wflt-eoBe agalA
log When
« Wo ooraar.
wotplto lar tor
works la Tiaverae City, We have
MW. Naasaa atp. UWh. aas.'
chlckea's ------three--------------cows and
two boraei.
-------------------- Lulu
Haaas. Btp seboolmaie. toot with *»“lhwr.
to '
toOria WUm ato ebtrlep WUaoA
-We then —..,w
naked Mr. CUBS ..if —
wo>M 1. .miu U. ,1.. U» r—>
I"I" l> ,« PI,., .pd in, ™u. Ii I. np noplp,
«PP TppI. p.. ,tp Udim k« ««!„. ..d
fiP.I'l’ '»• tmi, ddMdp, IIU ita,
ting long M I will clooe.
there Is Ice nine feel from
kope you win coao agaig slide down hJIJ. Saiardep we aUd al
daaghtar toto tttm
•XaiT Katahtt. Spaaeor, Nebraaka. for bU atUtnde of optimism.
May. The SuBahlne Utlors are al- most all dap and had ao much fua. We uaderwarid where ato had goaa.
I be shore.
X. r. n No. a. box n.
“Ceruinly.- ihe Jolly aalni rap'lod.
waps Interesiiiig.
Milford BaHtp.
Proa poor Subthlner,
There U a large bill back of Ito e® Wep a
MPBor AnoM. BgtM. Mich. Naaa
e,pecr the efftcleat ah) of everp
Whal a fUBsp nsBe ^r a little
dap wa Hide Tke I
I har an rtiM
Bdward Bhalda.
a«Bt y WefogBa Twlsa
aember of tto Suoanine Club. WkeaDo you live near the ,»cbootboaae?
Kenan OHp^JUeh.
<®*n «i- »« u ««• for recaaa now. 1 and put har la a baa to bftoff hgr
——:------------- ? .
ever thep ara not aura ibat a child chJekea] Do you apeak all tto spiteblea when you (all it?
f»« ao“a «>ore aaotber
*» Wa apparwortd, aad avarp-/
wlU roeolve aome gift I know ttop,
grade you are.
Dear Prealdenttime.
thing would have goto hmoUfaflp hod
A'Biotoa af Bontoioa.
ttooBelvas. will geo that a Ckrtot,

1 am a siudeot at Canto's school. I
fTo» T®" SuBtolner.
not one of thoB poaBvd tola tto box
atopooMor gaagaohBBs "dooe ap" Bas praaont U preparod. Many of
Msnle aty. Mich.
hsve one Bile to walk avery Bomiog.
Vtrgliite Margaartta Apar.
when ate^ totoa to io#
ly'a htBdiA
tbea wlU dob together, aad with
Daar President,g
aad I like to go to atoeoL Mp teach'
roa Boat all have happy ‘®®kto like. Of cearaa toa law oot
It la aaowlng out doom today. 1
rr'a nama is Graver rnUer. I aB Ig times at Mr. pwlte^'a stooaL
at oaeo and had la go bato to (to towrote a letter to the
I thought I would write a letter to We flftb grade. I live on a atoek
***** to stay tor goad
dub. but I did not eoe It In the SuMblac dub. It U aaowlng fern near Buckler. I like tto eounBales. MIto. Utto Bos g
trikhtnoB win will make dfu. Nb one wlU ba aac- Wo papar. It rained hard taat Stlur- here ibU morning. ThU u the see- ‘ry. b« I like the dtp boat 1 have
Nov. hi. mi.
"to maskaiim wont to tto Bto
IB aoiw.
Wa were patting In our earroU ond snow stonn we have tod this fall •«'» of fun- We rida'dowm hDI aad Dear Preeldent—
ihaiaynatoP tod *7*** y
BaaU Cteoa waa than aakod It ho
‘**'*‘- There waa a M storm last Saturday P>«> iHdeand-aeek. hllnd Baa't hot;
^ have a aame for the enaabiae
Way tod dsto. OPd toBjto ato
________________X It. tot too ttol ^ wuua, ^ ua oUtoment
■«« P*W®d «*®wuncle gave me night. My UiheV waa in Traverse «»r®P
handkereWef. and Banp anh. It u Hasar ArnoU. vm pm
to* te *hy hto
to pobUahed In tto Orand Travoma * “**** ***■ ** •*'“ ***
We nlghl olie storm. He case ®“>er games. There ara a few paplU Incase send hla otad ahd hattOB to ’
fcd«t*d M W
dap tto pae«to aaw (to Bto
Suashlae Club ui we?
me? Bapmoad Cteppoo) nad Bva ’
frxk two mio tarn ood a pair at smld. '
Ba oats tear ears of eora a dap. Mp back MoniUp ^bt. I am going to who belong to> the Sunahlae
toflaM as Ito
r school. Tbere are thirty pnpfU Griffin have lost tbelr I
-Too hare mpa«boHty to do wktMve all tto I
«• U on Booth Haaltou let est brother U working la Traverse g*ther. TbU Is atll can think Of for ecbooIaalM at Baled: 1 hava Bovod foreot Baa froB that of
pate aad
the Uke
*>■»«. I would like to Join the from Whllln to Betee.
hardly wanaad tlMB op •* ■«■
of Deeembei
be time' Sunahine Hub.
Your Suathiner,
Dap bp day. tooeur, .«to'<W*
arlatmas win be here, i will sap to skate od the ice As It .. gening
Welcome Twtee.
Polar Baar.
g^-bpa. hoping to see thU letter In o^ my <1asastlme I will dose.
NeilU BusUw.
toowa Beal.
Do you end Mep
~fVoa pour Bunshlner,
U’hlte Wlaga QalL
dape tod aoaaa
other? It U Pleaeant to have toUars Bates?
PiwB poor Bunahlner.
gonU Bhalda.
Dot. atet aad atottolhP)
from .-ou both.
Leslie Wheeler.
°® F»“ Mhe to akatfT I wonder
aantveraarp of har daiffl
Tour ProaldaBt faoU that ato has
I never received your teat letter. r®» ''fd* down bill, foo.
Klagilep. Mteh.. R. P. D. No. h.
only to pubUah tto hbove letter to Losllc. but am glad you wrote t
Neeaea Clip. Mlrh.


» ♦ B»Mt Uw MMhlM «p. i9 4^:

tdtoM Wtopw tor ntor-.
♦ Carry ttooagkdt« a —Oto» fac*.

A*d tot y»«r bMit tom.
♦ Ttora'a rtaato ol tom>« . to tto


BOX m.

No*, hs. mt.

Traverse Chp. Mich. R. F D- No 6
Nov. h». 1911. Dear PresUeat—
NOv I?, laii
f^MT President—
As I bava aet written you la a loog
i* w hat waatoBeto______ -haa alwaya baen a good friend of tto
Maple City. Mich.
Dear PresMeni«« to» been a very long tllae sinee I time.' I thooght 1 would write aad too Zamr a dJ Ii thi TieUf
, Saneblne Oah, and now we are abte
And Btoo ttoaa aott rtaglot
t^w our apprectelkm for the SrM Dea^ PreMdentthat were galng lo tbe south for the
day. I like to go to a^ool. I getting sIoda In® b* school every
I SB writing ibU letter for my ten- winter. Last night I went on the hill "he my teacher; be U verp nUe. HU day. and am In the aerenth grade. ^
Too will notlco that the letur troa guago
lees on. 1I am
aa In the
the, ^Ih
Wlxih akeetng. It was ao
so stormy that I
*• Orover Puller. I tore seven Mp^ studlM are reading.
. .
reaning. krHhBetic,
____ wlaar
Mnrtb Poia U bp no aeaH Ito giada Mp studies are rfadlnff. arilb- couldn't go to school today. I love to »‘udle*
They are reading «llh- wrltiag. grammar, gooffrapbp, orthor
^ . ,,^1^
rooatved thte
_ We___
- „ j.

** aailc, teaguage, geography, writing, ____________________________
go to aehool. I go to Sunday_______
Ungoage. wrltint foogriphy, rephy. butorp and epelUng.
Ii Brlovlhg MfT
■foar Pnsddaat lo bear tm and epalHag. There are two pupils too. We have two little kltu'na. They PhTMology and melHag. 1 have two taken u» tto writing contest so It
00 Bsny cd har tonbeaBs. 8«H of Is tto dret geade; two puplU In tto are •wfully cute. 1 helped mamma P«“ « borne.
One U n litUe kitty, kept us busy. Oar teeebarU aame la
. , ,
tto letuire have ladesd nae froB a soooad grade; three puplU in
the a lot thU morning. I reed the Sun- »»d (to other U a dog. W’ton I got MUs Sditb Oerter, We at] Uke her.
1^. maa,' TOO kaoo, lov* to‘ gio« dUtan^ A poatal haa ateo arrivad third grada; two poplU in the dsth shine page all through Ust week, borne nlghu my brother aad I go sitd- Dear President. I na very aorrp to
Travatera «y that , ttop iBd toOXl
Bm mrtliB
froB-fVasu, Waanlngton. oa -whlob grade; In tto aeventb grade there are Wall. I goeas
TlrglnU Ayer ooaea tore tost By ^anshlns batton, and
goeas I I win
will have-to
have-40 closeclose '<>1 down am.
dren pteplag aaaaa of tto a
' Wa
two OOP dtaplw then tea- Bhlriep WUeon writee and ackt to be three poplla. I have a mlU and a ' Tour tovtatg
loving Sunshine girl.
t® ®ur bouae very oftao. aad »mM to very thankful If pan woold y, whatovar Bmirirr Ihcr on. It to
mWr WooB
tmosforrod froa-tha Cradle Itoii to haU to walk to schooL in tbe winter
Rosma Curtiss.
bringt her skees. We both go o« aod send me another one. We have had
fto' lareMato liliteai^. soplak aad *b« -Boneblne anb. and to hava a they Uke u* to tchool. My brother
fun you must have with your b*®? VlrglnU Uvea only a lltOe ways quite stormy wsattor for the last four
chOdritt to ptop HR, aal (toff
r -aa tovir, '
oar^and bntton.. Other poataU bavq. wtK toon to home from the life sating ekees!
house. VIrgtaU alts with daPA but today tt U JoA dne. wa
I have never tried to
me in «-hool. We sit on tto back awt. have god aMghlng here now. Wo
,Tto NTOdfeto Bto hl4te«^weatlk bean received from Roeto Moeaoa, BUtioa. Tbere were lots of beechtbea.*
- m mfitei'
Aaaa Miner. Ines Rnoae. and OUve nuu thU year. we have twenty-nine In our schooL alwaya have great fun aleigb-rlding. f ^^ler Mra*
Ooltoa. OeorgU McKaaga. wboee ad^ Tour Bunshlner.
Bast Jordan. Ulch.
There are three In mp eteas... Rose
Roao *« thirteen year*
pears of age. My
Mp broth________ ‘^
----- A
HM'tMe Id BP hoane of aanaklne. <>«“ «•
4«rton. wUhe* to boWesley WbeeUr.
Nov lO, |91I Komerska. Clen
Glen Lcmeool
Lemeool and
aad myeelf. era, Lockwood aad FVanklln, have eeeUnTadto^pteyad tytwafW'
We have fun pteplng lo tbe snow aad lost tbelr badges, too. and we do o
- • * . Tto ttoeio .
«®** • member of the CorreepondHave yon ever seen the life saving Dear Presldentaosi. procUolp Uto ^poa^^B(toao^
I oaa hor-Mt, (iateo. tbea. hara to «®m
*® 0*®r- ugtion oa SMth Uanitou? It mtot
We bkve moved from Birmley to , sUdlng down bill We pUy with tto feel that we are SoDthiner. without [ner.' ThU Is a asUve sna, not aia
. tto “why:"
very ^tereeilng.
Ekst Jordan. I would Uke to corre bobs, and (lUll them aronad the school- our badge*. Villi you send u
WtoBOOto J*0 hrtagi to her amtlL
—ipoad with the Snosblners. Will you
. toWy praaenea.
. Meple City. Mlcb.
please put my name on the Corre
‘f* l*®-*^* »»d then the gIrU.
Truly your loving Bunahlner.
, UN arm the ghoet of n clood itoVeata. Washlnffion
l’- 19" epondence list? I am In the sixth
kad three sletghridee so far.
whether the kaowtodffi of It waa toMary Pitsgerald.
Nov, 10. 19U. IMar Prealdeni—
grada If l lived as close to you as
heriied bp both (roB aadaat eo»
I Ibink yon and your brottor muH
Dear PreaMsot—
1 MB writs yoa a tew liaea aa it aome of tbe Bunablners do. I would
Lulu Haase
TtothB iiroly eeae toaglc abowt her;
j .m elmoet aloe yeere old. I go hat been a tong time since i wrote come end see you. I would like very
' ■»
fm have JoUy times i
to toatter
a mile and a half to adiodL I taant to yon. Wo are havlag very atormy aocb to have tbe PresWeni's picture
•' «hool Are there any good TM atoll ell have new buttons.
cradU.' which U Bsda with a
^'ppv ilqotoy tto sky, how tbe to get out of tto Saneblne Cradle weather here bow, and It u quite on the Sunahloe page.
*° ‘'‘*** <l®wur
paaaed"freB one pair of
WdPttorwttt voere.
Roll and have a pledge card and but- eolA Ttore are foarteen puplU prosYour loving Snnbeam.
Old Mission. Mich.
aaotber. preclMlj at ——g tolldrah
f|0 aB r^t theaaalves. or else are toa. l have *aoi boon absen^ from ^ at echool today, l am In the eevOeoigU McKeage.
Nessen City. Mich.
Nov ». 1911 in Aae^ aad Europe- ha tto CMClirpi^ttaa.
eriioel nor tardy in two months.
oath grade. Mp consin Olive and
I wUb you could come sod see me.
Jtov. )0, 1911. Dear president—
naoe call it 'aawlmg -rr'~*' to retor*
. Wtotovor thto ba*^ of euaahlae
Your Sunbeam,
brother Julius at* In mp eUss. We GeorgU We would have a nice chat Dear President—
I tbooght t woold jolB the Sonshlae eaca to tto Anal act In the iiato^
JessU wiiaon.
hive six stodles. There are nine po•
• har* wanted to wrlu poo for S Clob. 1 am nine years old. I am la aace
Polifp 0»F*Too are certainly a true Sanahlnet PiU coming from our way. We tore
Northport. Mich.
long time, but have been m beep, tto third grade. I like to go to
-a guie Uroiving aneh BttMotoP
■■ ■
aow. and I am very gUd te send you a mile and a half to go to school. It
Sov ». isil. Then our teacher said we should
Oood-bpe From
exercise U called tto
RKBBIDRMT'B a pledge card aad batton.
wilt soon be Thankaglvhig dap: I Dear Pr«sidenl—
write a letter to yon, so 1 am wrltiag
Leslie Jamiaoo.
It u ptayed bp jomptog oa SRO loot
tope p«n will here ,
e good time (ton. My
todayUUtoto >( itnow
now ] igogot to ecbool t am to tto
Are ttore auny la yoar eteaaaa at between ehoes thet have toeo ilirtrf
Wm MlowtoR tottar haa Jaat haen
R. F b. .No. 3.
1 waa la Traverse Clip two weeks ago write a Utter, to I wID write to you. fMnb grade
w* slide aehool* I aonder what your nodlea scron a road at UBorvaM of aboet
i^«i«oi to Ito Bonahtaa Preatotat:
Box 88.
Nov, 81, 19U. today. I tod a very nice time when My studies are reading, xrtihmeilc, down bill and we have fun. Whan are
loche*. When tto aod Of tto Uae
■ '
■^todtt tola, AfOe Regloha,
Dear President—
I wee there. A* my letter U getting wrltiag. grammar, paytlology gMg- acbooi leu out for aooa we go oat-----.
f shoe* It roaebed (to toat shM to
Dm. 1. UlL
1 woold like to Join the Bansblns loog. and It wib scon be time for my raphy aad apeUlag. I'm sorry
have doom to pUy. aod have sock gtwd
_ by tto ‘toma’
the line
It kicked away
' HXi Ctolh BoMa
• • Club., I SB fourteen pear* old. Papa elan. I wUl close. Wishing yon and not written In auefa a Ung
There are tweatp-alaa to *" '"dUa Le«aed Abewt Hew Win- foot, and then It U picked ap ^ car*
tt K T- r. Boaahtoa OM. takes tto HermM and ! like to read all the Sunehtoer* I happy'Ttonk*- eappose you have almost forgotten school. The snow u falling new.
tor Came.
ried back over tto roota lo the 0
V- X AT ‘
touiahlae page. We naed to live slvtog. I reBato.
that I aa a Sunshlner. When the Uke the ■ummer time tto birds ting to
Years and year* ago ttore was per- end of tto Itoe. whet a eeeeaB -l
to Mleklgan. aboot Are mnes aortbYour true SunahlIner,
freexes I will have a good ilmc with nicely aod we went te tbe wood* tnpetual aummer in the land.
Flowers may be tikawlse kiriwd awRy
mmmm m toOa«>t toro to W*ei of Odar. We case oot her*
my brother * ice booL snd with my pUy SomeUmet oar teacher weat bloomed ail tbe year around, the earth picked up before retuntia*.
ItoMato BUlioa. tlrtek roladeor). aaarty four years ago. We Uke It
‘Thank yon tor your Suoahlne wUh. skateA
with ta It U ale* today We ere yielded abundant harre.W; and no
'Only oa* foot aay tOMh tto
OlW* ttol ••* of tto great maBufac- here very maefa. It has snowed twlca I aa sure tbe Sonbeaaa appreciate lu
Torn truly,

Fomg to -bav* a pro«raB oa tbe t*tb one was ever cold or buncry When ground, aad t
loooh tt eoto
XB&lfiAaa *■*•« to X <tosa. bq.. tbU lalL but the soow did aot teat
Oti* Putaam.
of .November to the aftaraooA The people died tbelr friends could go to ooc* In each
N» ahoa
ditorapil eany thte moro- toag oUtoe tlma. and It U so ntea outMaple C-ity. Mkh
ladced. I had oot forgotten >ou. bop* bring itoir ateda to aebool and (be underworld and bring their iplritir map be tonehed aMopt tto ma which
Ik ' fto oaan Aar tto Brc te dnor* aow. Mp brottor LmU has
Nov is. I9II Otte. it U nice that poo haven't tor we ride oa them, l wui tore to close beck in a box and they woold live end tho Itna, aoB tto ahaaa **ew-a
ID M aa ttarolp northera taaiood a Nm lor Thankafflrtog Dear ProaldentCMtea the Sanahiae Club
my letter, ao good-bye.
again. Tto only reatrtcUon was that away mutt be pMtoff «p «Btoot pto
l^rW eaam* oo tto Pole Btar. Etep. aadlwlUaeBdktopaolorito
lam wriitog ihi* letur la school.

the fnends must not look at them ting tbe teme' foot 19*0 tto greaad.
<IMi|BlAlHM tto ■sedan etoctric Basslhac page.
We toro aboot four Inchea of simw
S'e.wn City, Mkh.
Rose Komerake.
uoOl thep were home again If thep Whee tto chlekott
asp of
lM»JPM«ittp iMMDad to Nr. Bottle tto aaaabtaie up. mp dear*.
on Uo greOiid aad It U caowlag now.
.Nov. to. I9ii.
You have not wTtttoe in a Icog did tto spirit would Ay away aod thwa rotes bt mo
B gfea
qMJttfa.'MT AMtertsa.
And Up tt Mfe a^;
Than art fourteen echotert la ecbool Deer PresidentokUe. Rom U U aloe to baar troa «xmU oot rotors,
T ***?•
^ Miinww the cork
bo ^c# to
1 am potag to aebooL W* bavo lou Pm oace more
So e-.erptbiag weat happily oniU
“Tbe sbonar the Uaa Ito Mr* «»




g to Ifea teaUJae e<

■toto AM Rto iipitodl

rfiptoedto to to-to-

Aad aanh will locA drear ato aad; are three pepite to the eeveath grade «hug«
Than ttog tha bhaarp rope araom

Ato.mato 0* oW «o(M gtodl

! am to tto foortb reader Dear Presideat—

aaoiat wbenertr thep looked at aer. Tto wtoaer to tto n^te to ^

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