Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





and Travaraa





ms. enuuM mm


S«nd« L«tt«r or TKanko to tha Ball
Plarora ai4 Fana of Travoroo City.
It or Uic Trav'

atone struck tbe Injured lad Just above

Crowd Expected.

RAN AT LA'rO^^HROUCH THE to (bank yoa for your kindness and
TbursaBy night there was a meeting
also the players and Una It oenainthe cseeuUvc roniumce of tbe Klks
ly was a groaiit belp (o me. and your •tete reunioD committee tn contii
Plrwnan PewEht Flame* and Oentzona kindaeat
t arrangemenu for the state
TbaDklng yon
oT^ Ji^* at Sam* Ti
to be held here tbe Tth. ktb and 9tb of
June. AH pf (be committee* reported
In the detail work.
Tb* board of trade has offered the
Of tbe publicity bungalow on Casa
:T.—Ont of Itie
street ^r the regtsfralion and hotel
committee* of the Elks, where lodging
- .______ ,____ d datneron* Brea
«f«r.a*en io Aaorlt* today at
RactM Btarm Crcatad Hsv«t m Gsr- ulgnmenu wUI be made, badge*
kaan «u of Oomy laU»d. tlie
.Iven out to delegatee, name* reglaR*M Township and Clesffsd
' mort In the
Ured afli^gcneml information
Up Omina


Tbc rorvnt cloud hunt creatad sad
<a»*a. -l»e property loas U »3,«ki,. havoc wttb tb* culvert in tbe rtctnliy
OWrOM^SaRtfred Md torty-alx animal* or O. FTanke'* fann. Tbe eahbrt
croating rudd was flooded, aitboagh
live* or I
very sertou damage was mOered,
til* animal tmlaer*. eadled.
t a great deal of inconvenience «
opoo the «ac*a. permiulns Ikma tigseed. In in: a culvert waa put
an. laaparBa «b4 twhoon* to race
tbU poltit eottsIsUng of cedar. 3
trmiUaany tlupngk the atreeu. A
feet in dlmendkxi. During a stonu
looparS mad a Saar ware abot by fireU year, tbe caliert was araabed out
■•B wfaa* IRwraiod. A milkman
d it Is slated that it was replaced
UUad a Hen apmUng Ita-taead 4ttfa an by another 21 inch** In Utemoter loaxa. A Mg t«booB. cm flr* wa* killed eMe measnromant. This prorcd loo
by a «r*a*a aOer a liard band
- upon It during
band b*UI
__ __________________ road waa again
mume* were made flooded and damaged.
B '
Emeu. Ttae Sr* auitod in __________
afurwarda. OoounjMiloners
gaia'aoeble railway, fanned Rennie and Prank Rgdert looked atVlada. Tbe origin U bellevtb* matter and promptly
boen dJM to a croenod alec[her pipe tbe same else i
pr a clgarena atamp.
other, wtaicb will
will probably ad
add <niffi
Raw Tork. Bay r.—The fiarnea
' for all future needs,
war* BnRMn bt tb* lower-end of tbc
atcd dsmago .to tbe
pi^ Ban'to ibV ocean. and spraad truck farm of Mr. I'>ank*
nvidly. ffeBsad by a atlir
drain 'Ule was dogged up wltb toll.
Fan Manm 'wan tsr^ In vlitaln a
Franke baa seven and one qnartev
1 ' In net
ter mile* of drain pipe
work tesbion In hW truck garden and
•hortlT alttrvard a flftb alarm
ned him a great
I of aaiio}-an<__ TbU
___ was
prettou to ikU. Tb* dr*le numlng
to the
U IVbaelack fann. a disteaoo of
SS rod*, van ekigged np in a ytSQar
\fblIo Mr. Franke and Mr. WbeeUraaMISBd traa tbc •eeona of the big lock «uirered, Inconvc
9 they <
IBTfes to b* aalabttabed on ibe Uland. ■Ir* to cxproa* tbelr
I with electric
lu tell low
r* for tbelr
ng tbe culrert. but tbe adri
of a drain
miaslooer U :
lUe. wbose


aora tbaa tOO feet trooi the apot
wbota tb* fra bai-atertad and U lookad M tf tba aoUr* park wa* doomad.
Flytas ambm* Bo*led orer ibe antbn Waod idSd U loMied a* U dUar
I Waa Carrted Out by
Bra Bilbt »a felBdled fay the aparka.
Weman’a Club. dd t:iS o'clock ibe blaaeva*apr*adf Iw Io adJaSOBt bolldloga Firamea
Tbe annual elecUoo of the \
^^Brk.Bgbtlnt tboa to pn>rat the club took place Friday ai
Sama from Juaping acrou the *li«et and ceenlled as (oUows:
on which tbs ark face* and licking
«P olbor proparty near^.
SMond vice I
Recording gecretery—Mrs. Georg*
. OovalL
ar Fait Am Bains
teury—Min Clwa
•at Oat Maar Cantrai Uk*.
FlnancUl eorrotery—Mm. W. II.
Tr*MSror~Mn>. Chart** Vader.
Librvlas-Ur*. J. O. Johnson.
Of tb* Oatral _
Uraetor for ibro* y«ar*—Mr*. R. U
City Prktar and reported
«ead01dneBlB7tbst ptece i
IMwte I
J. R. Basto.
AUemate-kln. I. P. Tiiiis.
BaaddBaba*B tMasi dJi tbecaUnre
*t OMR trait at Charlereta for oeoeral
rtbo.afternoon. There
par* BBd aadaraUbda tbe htmteeae
thnraably awl Ua

iw omGE?s ensa


B plaap aolo. “Nocturoc in 0
tb alBRtab to tbii •uawbcrry term.
Iket* ara-fmir oUara vbo an catog
________ _ .Ira. S. U IMwarda
Ibe-----------------ba*tee* on^ larie----------------Tbipe partla* am geUiag out tOOO. Hra.lBbe] Bales wulUms favored
>b with
wltb ttwo reading which were
4M0 «M0 and 1 ^ plauu reepecUve- tbe dub
much «
Tbe okBBlng factory la piannins tor by all f
meeting of tbc clnb d ill be
tb* l*ff**t ••awm in Its history, as
weeks ft
tbe ladtoUoBi (or • (nit crap are
will be known at
dab play U to 1
day evcMng and
__ ._____ .
d bare taken a great
lamp. vblcB Ibdlcatea that tbey wfll'
go aueb blfbar before tb* stunincr u
mncb fanfeor aSranced Prof. Orwi
of Itotn D«ma taka purchased a S7AV0
term sad vOI go mo tnilt mlateg and Mrr. and Mr*. W. H. Rslnc. Now of
Jackson, Contribute to the
Publicity Fund.




]orar* were
Tb* dtflovlbf petl
•nvn Tbmate to eery* daring tbe
*m» warn oTS* etrcoit conrt, vUA
-w.. K...
Ptenk Cnrettm*. PU* Ukc; Goorse
mtv- WBUm OnrMl. OarBeM;
Prank Smite, WUUaa Dlxim. Grant:
Wnu PmmlvioB. Prank Oonder.
Orwen Lnko: Omt Cm. WlRInm a
Uhar Amoe Melrte. Mar: Cteamn MIBor. Paradla*: Albert
», tin-

Mr. and .Mm W. U. Kalne. who fo^
merl.t live,I lu this city and enioyod
the esiveui
esteem VI
of a
a* laige
Urge cireio
circle oi
of menu*.
are now located in Jackson. Although
(bey have located clsewber*. tbey still
have s tender sim iulthelr beans for
Tmterae itty. Tbe following leitei
wiU be of inteiMt:
Jackson. Micb. May 5S. 15*11.
Editor Record-Eagle. Traverse CJu
Dear Editor; Cndosml find check
for 23.00 as our
publicity fund. M e have b« Wteh^M
the (and grow
with the giaatest Inter­
est. as we reallie that It meana much
to -our" etty,
Bostneaa U floe, boi Jackson
«k*on can
never be to us what
dear old
Queon City of tl

Sincerely, tbe Grand Travene Boom
Ur. nnd Urn W. U. Raten.

. .wwZ.


'n-WhUe . . ..
at tbe old Otl docka. Ray Drown, aged
12. was accidentally hit on tbe bead

r was called, but when. 1
cctred the folloaiiue loder rrou .
Ifmer Onbam. «Ue ot tbc aecoocl
_________ walk to tbe doctor's office.
at Uai year'B tean. who died
where neveral stitches were taken la
the wound.
Prim to b* Given for 0*<




Appl* 8K««v ghlft*d Fram gpekan* to

le supremacy <>r tbc wo-t lu (be
matter of grnwltig ' supit^ ba» been
rudely shaken aod pennsneutly under­
mined bv the .Michigan growers at tbe
apple shows that have been held In
Chicago for (he |i*M two years, and
Id order to regain tbelr prestige tb*
t has done western growerw have decided to come
with tbelr apide sd>o« for tbe
preeent an attire of beamy never wit­
nessed before In her bittory. Tbe dec- been recognised as tbe loglral place
oratlona wfll be elabomte and extea- for bolding the exhibit for many yeara.
There will be streamer* of eloc- but on account of tbc competHion
{com Ibis section of ibe counirj' the
by both of tbe elerlHc light comiwaie*. next sbow- will be bdd In Denver,
The council has made an appropria­ in ibu future the growers9 w ill coi
tion (or ibis purpose and the Elks stiU fanher oast to dUpUj
ucis. The gist of tbc sUuition is coobgv* devoted ■ sufficient amwint
makn tb* UlumlnaUoas tbe flnect
(alned in tbe folluwing disintcb (nrin
Is this city. - Tbe Elks have
awarded the9 contract for the street
S|>oknne. Wash.. May :3.—The natbe .Michigan Uecorat- Uonal apple show, which lias been held
ipeny of Haglnaw. Tbesb wlU (or the last three years In (his city,
eonflst of featoon* and slresuMi
will uot be bold here this year.
flags and Elk*' color*, together with
C, U Oliter. secreurj of the Ameremblem* of tbe order. Manager Rob- icau Apple congress, has announced
tbe company arrived jester- that the next show would be held in
especially for Deuier In November. Tbe plan Is to
day with I
tbe Trare . City convention. Tbe orgatiltc a 200.000 i-urtioratlon which
Elks' temple wUI be finely armjed. will have tbe entire handling of tbe
exhlblilon. thus doing awaj with tbe
trouble of rising money (or premiums
men of the city. Tbe private decora- every year. Sevemeen different sute*
•IH be the finest ev
e now represeniet
lied in
this city, a* many o
of the
will Tie with each other I
send exhibits to tbe «bDW.
tbelr display*. Tbe Elks will award
Harry J. Neely, ecoond vice piwsla prize of 223 for tbe b*m dm
tlem of tbe national apple sbow, said
bualnsH place, and 2IS foi lie beat, rer-cntly:
y along
"Largely on account of (ue wider
advertising to be galncTl in the cast,
lel>. <le it has lieen decided tbal llie show will
d ui>on.
K days
parade. however, will be confined Magazine writers
(hat as good apple* c
tbe east as iu the we
Tbe parade win be h splendid featre. as man}' lodges have alreadj
sady anlunoed large delegaiiona Ttaee (frasd
•• Elk* *■••
train and a delegatiOD of sevenii
aceompenled bv a band of
MuakegOD will send a spewith an Imtuense crowd, li
a band of l7 piece*. There
other bands besides Ifaere. and
both of Traverse City's bands. There
will b* special trains from Petoskey
and Cadillac also, and as 'ibnrwday,
JuM 2, a III be tbe big day and tbe
fact that the Manistee Stale league
ball team wiU pUy here on that date
with Traverae ClljT insures a siwclal
rain hod tremendous crowd from
Manistee. M'ord ht* been roeeived
tbal the upper
legation*. Saginaw lodge.
•end Urge delot
which iTotI after tbe next slat© conventloD. will come In largo toroe.
On tbe evening of the tUi a groat
Irework* display will be given, ^e
Sragory Fireworks <-om|«ny of «

I partlcipaiii
clflc uorthwi
log tbal will carry
“Spoksne will not abandon tbe na"Spoksi
Uonal aiiple show pennanenGy. We
will endesvor to show jbe east what
wc can i>roducc and wbat wo ran show
In I'utfipetiUol]. We will endeavor to
m-operate witli w-batevor city is
awarded tin. shnw.
The sbow, in any insUnce, will be
brld under the auspices of the Na­
tional Apple show truhtees"It would he my Idea to


Tl ESnAY. >IAV Ai. HUl.

and Ha* an Untqualled Arwtament of- IH*avy Gun*.
May ::..-»urPbiladelpbla.
equaUed only by
b*r own sister ship, whtcb 1* not yet
latest and
greatest warship, tbe battleship Wyo­
ming. was tennrbed todiy at tbe yards
of tbe Cramp Ship and Engine Bulld»g (dmpany at Kenslngum. There
as no untoward incident to mar tbe
sremonlea, which were wrUnessed by
dtetlnimlslwf galberiog of naval folk
and official repretieniatlves of the
state of Wyoming, in bemor of wbicb
cbmmoBwraUh tbc powerful sea flgbtt tbe Crampe have been building
big figtallng macbloes lor tbe linli• public was
No one was penulitad
Tbc entoraament o

•kyel* Ordlfianc* Must Be Ohesrved
•r Ytelaterw Wilt Land la


itdewalke after T o'clock In the ev« without bella or itghu I* gmag t.
get aevsnl people into uoabte U tbe
praetke is coetlnoed. as Ibe mm- ARMY AT JUAREZ WILL HAROM
plaints are coming Into tbe police
with aiicb regularity teat
artktn will he started
abate the nolaance. Several narrow
have been recorded and
there hi a general demand lor rite
enlureeinem )o( the ordlnanre which
the' riding upon tbe walk*
V- after 7 o'clock in tbe evetiIng and before 3 o'etoek In the moraAll rider* ■bouM......................
Rebel Lander Rake* AnwHterto* of tee ordinance If tbey expect
teen Trwte. -- .
keep out of tee clntctae* of tee
^FM*. May 22c-Bmletlr Mtdiri
ha* erderad a lueumptieii ot Uw war,
tom *t Baltm*.
El Paae. May I22.—Tha war ha*



th* treaty I* hiuk*n. . .. _ .
Juaiuz ts praparteg ta marah an Chh

Id hU ,ir*alKhate)«1. (0 tea (
Lf depuil^ tell ntteiiM
-------! of Vice Prsatdeal CanS/Sa


n ‘

Many Klliad la RMa.
Mexico City. May I
. dice l4M night ftrad on a anh ad
JJnderiate who bad ^thsrad la tea
yxKUkdn front of tea natloaal palacn.
II RsMilt In MUBh UtL
The mod waa nwiuly •oattatud by tea
ition During Many Y*aiu
abootlng. couUnuad to panda UtuteBt
to Cam*. H* Bay*.
tee Streeu. thmiting -Vtra' Madaro!*
The police fired on a mob In Craot
. vt saol nglOD. May :tt.—Aasoc iato
Imparelal tatldliv
g Aftar
U had
' '
Justice Harlan of the supreme conn of n Imparelal
aet on Art
fire. Thraa
today III ed more vigorous opinion* on born
rncing view* in the Standard killed. Following tb* dlspasual of tel*
'wing of tbe aiob tea firinnw aaaaaa^
mhig hupreme court, and apom
than he delivered orally,
[ed In
tbe big batUeabip. took up ibel lOSi- seprea Ibe other
ztices f
tlion* near (be none of tbe
»d seta forth ^
»** •*<*«» tb* aUy »n* M te*
A few minutes later there w
n t>aUoaoraoldl«*.a
benefiting bnslneas. will result in much
way, and as
Wyo­ litigation. "Tba Jtkllcial usurpation
alghL hewarar, a ranmaat
ming moved down tbe way* "■
of leglslaUve poivet, wna enacted fay
Knight hurled tbo
' of' sparkling reading InwT^^^w tbe word ~ kapt up tee daaonstnuon. pnyteE an
wine at (be prow and exclaimed to a
Twio* aotdMn
clear voice, “I cbrUien (bee Wyo-The decTstea win give H*e to harmil litigation, tbe effect* of which wUI fliwt time *l ~
^e clguntic baltletblp uUd dow-n !■ felt for year* to enme. Such action front of lb*
•gxlu to
the laHow-greaaed wajs with the llght- might well alarm ' thougbiful i
nesa of a trail Ufeboat As she ligbl- Courta have no (unction to declare
lmp*rcl*l aod I................................
ed herself fsr out in tbe atiuam and
Esttmatc* ran (Von •ee*a to *fgtp
waa taken in charge by aoteni tugs
over-Jeach tee action of
InejodUig ter
tb<' great crowd of spectator* gave congre** merely by Jadlclsl construcbit' D been braten to death I
vent to Its •nibusiaam. To the cheers
Til)' of 0
' tbe OI
o^ker* waa added tbe deaf­
nmenuvl -eyaiew and
a imparciaL white coatlnaaa te
ening noise of huudreds of whistle*
prepare for publtcnAAoB danpita tha a
(roui tbe (se tories and shop* along
tack* made
•de te'ili*
shore and tbc many river (-raft
estimate» at
i 30 daad, Maat& « ten
Tbe battleabip Wyoming U declatt-I
bate no equal afloat as a Brut class
of tbe tvyi^ng. So bug* U' the mam­
moth hulk that it completely flUed tbe
great abed built over (be cradle' an^
rendered, it Impoaalble to btuU tbe cus­
tomary steBd* about (be praw (or tbc
accommodation of tbe apectatera Prot1*i0D was made only lor tbe cbrlateuing party and a few diaUngnlsbcd


““ ‘.r--------


M^darainem. or 3,2fti tons gjuater
than the BrllUh batUesbIp Conqueror
launched a few weeka age.
Tbe dlspUcemeoi of tbe-Wyoming
is 3.000 ton* greater than that of the
DeUware, which baa been In (ommlsatOB less than a year, and nearly 13.000 tons greater than that of ibc.Ortgon. which hcanely more than a de­
code ago
known as tbe "bulMeg
of tbo navy."
eliminate exhibits that might be _
Tbe annameiil of tbe Wyoming will
creditable and .|«sslbly
j-lbly boll
hold a
- «tn*ii cunaist
of twelve iMnch and twentyshow here, then to ship to tbe ea
eaatrrn two Much guns and breadilflte of
city In which the will Lie 1hel'I." twelve iMocb and deven (.-tBcb guns
Tbe twelv e IS-Inch guns wiU be aonsted In six turrets tn the center line of


tecM by

nrmor twelve Inch** t

Wreck Was Due to Oil

aenilQg Wall atreel lateraato *
Ut finance Madero's ompaiga ti
Mad>-ro would promia* cneriMinai,
"I represent pseple.’' aaM Madam.
"They bava be*e groBBd dawn by
i!Yty. (orawriy toyte ta DIu.
(GoBtlBuad OB pa«a taw.)

................ he list of dead I* expected to
exceed a doteu. Tbe wreck was caned
by one train oot taking tee vJdlug a*



ml (tee
tee Buraan of ,
Tbe eeilro bsiHlIlng of the guns will
Wadhaaday la
■ » done, by elcrtili motor*
For defetue againki lurpedn beat atT^e drill mancuven. nt tbe Ragles'
of tb
tai-ka iberc will tx- provided a battery lodge Of Boyne Ctly on the atreeta
«nd lb* gr*Mdwrt t
Clilcaco. May :* —During ibn |ias1 of twenty-oi five-inch rai>ld Aro guns. here Saturday ntgbt auracted a large botud of( trade
I hoars there liave been dfieen protected b
crowd. Tbe sp<K-UI
sp<K-lal train bearing tee Woman's ctab *
mn. On Fiiday, June 9. there wUl be
memben, of tbe via.
about thirty of the met
I wa* a pla to s
cago lia - seiiiiHl into the ihinl day of
be mcblbltion drills, nnd at no
iitng lodge, who wer
•ereloe* of a (nlB«d teartty and proIbe great heat wave with tbe pittebig eompilmenury trout dinner
d of i« n
by tbe drill i«.
ilUng offl
official del<
elegate* and officer* perts iliai ihc'u-miwraturt- will rrneb
and a leader. •*» nvei by Campbell'r tectlT* worker. This parson I* a
tbe highest pulm In the history of any
and tbelr wives.
hand and after the (•aMir drtU In (roei graduat* from lb* Cbitefo steoM of
i year in the raoDlh of May. battleabip a.-c a* foHowv . Langlb
The aitractionii will draw to (he city
|o( the local Kagle» hall, tbe rlrtlora.
ay the mL-rcury resclie,! 9.', de­ load water Unt-. 331 feet; leNidte
. over
: aiarched to the nail where the InIGa------- ----------7 .1'
Ihousasds of peoiilc from tbe surroundM j ,ory work war rb.r..-. A cl*ra of thirty I
country In addition to Elks from grees. briP*>'iexK all This all. 3fir feet: beam over armof.
over tbc state, and tbc Elks them;. morning; iit stood at »<i .tegrcc-..
inebu*. trial draft.. r*
» f»t. € i,.ntered the myxienea of tee order, aod'
S.atN) sans:
— --—— waa served, ii was onaammuajy o*<*aea tm f^aaw aw
iBCbes: tnal dlaplacentenL Ziv.OUO
s a luncheon
secure this worker (or the
trial S|M>ed. 2(>(t knot!* an hour.
summer montb*. T
The main armor belt will be about
doBW by ihe buraaa
dgbt (e<-t wide and will bsvo an aver­
April U a> follow*:
age .thlckneu of ten liirbea Above this
U to be another belt of ten Inches av­
erage tbiciinera. and still higher amid
ship*. U tea raaciuesi armor pro(r< intal C
That the pisn of aJ'citisinx rxieo- lag tbc aocoodary battery and funnel
tad Tar
1 So. of women glv.
•ivfl.T io iwpers all over the counirj
................................. w mala belt
... 1
in tne interest oC the Grand Tr*ver»<- are traoM-enie armor hulkheada. Each
region as a summer reuon was a barbette la of artoor varying from four
I Athera- Entcrad Gov- psylng ir.vtwtnictit is cleariy demon} eleven inriiCK> iin tbickm
completnd ail arrangementa for the: S’> >
Mrated each dsy at the Infonnation
lnai«uraUon tomorrow of lu ikrougii' S', <»f c*»ra referred W cm
hureati. according to Secretary Holly. bandlicg i
paxaeogt-r aeriice faetwetn ChicagOj p>jor department ....................
Iries are cwmlng ^thlck and fast
and (he Pacific cwasi exienivion whk;b! . Aaaislanc* rendsred,
Jiaull Ste. Marie, Maj ST.—Word
yesterday flte rcqocats were reIwceMly compbiod at a toul: Pie, ra of c1<xhtiig distributed.,
u^ecelved here imlay from tlie jiar- «-el»^ from amonr the following
of about 21W>.bou.0t>‘.>. The ter- |>x*da el »<nd .
$n board. staUng that Governor Os placee where tbe ads bau- appeared
0 be a*. Chicago s
So of rsailtea gtrm feed
ce in each of tbe papers: (-bibMU bad decided to give Jai
famine* ^vei
Atben. tbe paroled cooMct. who
cago. Galesburg, ill.; Swartbu
irslcs paaaitig t
Cottoo «
tered the goienior s homo end was Pa. Deiroii. Mich : N'atchex, Mtas.;
!. Bl. Paul. —
I. cToesing the Miawiuri nver to the sick
•lecled by Osbprm. another chanc*. '
Reed. Okto.: Norwood, ahlo; Talla­
Milk suppUM flaOy to ana tandly.
at Mobridge. 6- D.. and after climb­
-ie act w-lU'be used against him.
dega. Ala.; .New York. Helm. Ml
Food dlouRMRod fresn Board
ing tbe great continental divide and
Atbers was arrest^ here yesterday Chattanooga. Tenn.; Aurora. III.
thtougb tee famou* t'oeur Trade banquet to seven famfllaa
charged wrHb torriug his way Into
Each letter reralves a persooal
d'Alene district eiieodlng through tee
Governor Oiborn's bon>c last Monday
virgla timber land* of Waablngtoi
S that tbe executive
•eliaved He Will Net Permit Ezpo- tee cltiea -of SeatU* and Taooma.
_______abmilote inrdon
resonv tb*
aurs of Frisnd* Who Took Pvt
threatening Governor Osborn writh them, rate*___
tn Hi* EtoOian.
physical rlolenee if tbe demand
There ara many of these that
Govaraer Xppeirna Him os Nme CknnlC
request fa«s about real estate, fruit
Judge i« 9rand RopWa.
Waalungton. D t .. JUv :T—The
Tbc governor fiatly refused to mak, Undf. all of these are referred to tb*
qnetoion in senate clrdea today .
sy promlBe* aod was finally oldlget poorer people or firm*.
' '•
Loosing. May 2». Bijir L Wykaa
whether UdUser will reaign. It it
J UM cosislderatle force to eject tbe
believed teat. R be ennnot evade as- ance* of an improvement in lb* eondF of Grand Boidd* ta naand tea new
uninvited caUer. Albers will be held
Port ■ Hur© . May
It was
Emperor Franz Joaef. grave dreult Jsdge of Kant enonty by GovpendliB an teveatlgaiton of bis actloM oouBced u • mMUag of tbe stpi* miU- otber iDTaatigHjM be wiu realgB. as
Arch ernor Oahate today. «nd*r tea net
aloe* his ratura from Jackaon about a tarj board that tbe next annual «n- he cannot allow bl* fiieod* to be ex- (ears are eatert^ned today, as A
craulng a new JndRHUp la that ea»
poeed for tee pwt they took U bU Duke Ferdlnshd. balr to tb* thro
itb ago HU borne & In Sault Ste. camtMMUt of tbe ateto milttia wlR
ba> remained wttbls llBi
gram, which will Include tbc portralta
of Governor Oslwru. •.Garry" Herr­
mann. grand exalted ruler of tbe I
of tbe Vnlted Duiea. and Major tVilThis will be tbc finest fireworks

...... ..... -....





ROea I. WTIES ipi



tnnd Travefst HenM
ulTrtvwM lifU^

Iw tte cMoioi


BeaidH euSerlnc for their own iadlepelable rrUnes. Ueree aad Walah
ooUces to other uea in poeiilou of

fcWrttid ToMdAT and TbimdAy «t
T1*WM aty. iiJcWfM. by

; that a criminal Is a.ciimiaal, retanUaee of previous aodal detree,
approflat the fioa aad

HtlbU.0 A RECOM> CO.


tha ooarlcttoe of phrMtei lastsal of ^17S«—Nathaniel Gorkam.^ete aer^
pastonetoiT ahtot of totttntfoaa.


..VlM PraaUnt


peooate. Preetdeat IbU streck oet
pcdlcy which be seems to be coostetr followtec-

While tae country, as

KSD-J rhrkliiliw My r««nly MwU ><r («wv kaS
f the
wmi IS «wrty tS»t

lit—Rivard Paaa, •overeor
a few dsje here s
masiT-rrto rm-78, dtod to 1
Mira BMtets MNfly toft (Me mw
toad. Bara there In mi.
teg for Bhmtarg. Cerraeay. win
1818-^bUb Wnid Hows bora
abe wUI speed
!«rw YmB riiy. {Bed to Newport. R. stadyteg tte Genua taaceage.
I.. Ort. ...
1883—Tbe Pederais made
• on port Hi
!8M-^ cydene wrecked a part of
_ ww ef L
Bt Ltfoto. caeatot tte toes ef aa*« ' nrra (rip lotte cUy y
beodred Kvee sad moeb property.
O. w. Hirains of S

D lor Highway Im-iCUa.
r«lrt the Wealera,0-> -““f kw«wra«ll;w^Mrfk.

terday to the city with {rteods'ra/M

amtter for recret and* elU

win Aim

Sameol Cariand. CaaMsr.

In carrying
iwlgn tbieu
“'^‘**“’fARM rOft SALE:-My Wacre Urm,
lerrilory. T
:>v miles
1 the village of Catcelto tor a rpertol tfato to amke (hr* pirc. lewlanai
aereral werirre Mh-falgan polau lfa.->t'
rlesred. gwd teecea. good irn-j____
tbe read entbuslaau may get direcily
boose, eood bare, iazge orv.-hSTd li
- tbe people.
.Mason couBly. ha-'
vote of ils tasiaycra
a •IrrlJed
t1rrl>led tto is-'
e bonds In ihr sum of
>f 8:‘."nu ici the

him far perdonlnt Meree and Wateb. eoe unreltod la Oeau's Pet*. Terenflnneess la (be mttar te eot a

a Fiord Clinch. Vico

e(^ Rapids to in

»0 acne with » im'prated.
(oun-d. no baildlBC’Prices o« sp
IrilratIuB. Mtkr MlniRSoMi. Empire
Tun. May 2 to Jaly 2'^.

it«l rcad> w all-'

t teet to battle ef tte Sea of Ja-

A. J. Haviland. AaeL Cato







A IMI. u ^ pcMtoMM at
CUT. Mkh. wder tba Act
d( Karok A mi.

Mey Jfi.
1660—King George I. Of
Tte Gread Rairidi Ik^ j>f Trade bom. Dtod June 10. 1T2T.
HM—Yirgtola miUtIa aadar Major
elty of Buf­
a hody wf Preodi
falo Is aeektot to aarnte tte disttoctroops at the Great I
ttoa ot becomint tbe fernliure center
r7«S-:-Pati1dt Henry's
of the world te wresUnt tte UUe from ■gatoer the Stamp Act passed tte VbIs ep ie erms becaese

Grand BapMs.


Dtod Feb. tt

is avMstely wektot ep and whet she
coeld net do by eaterprfoe aad modbattle, she avldeDUy seeks to do
t ot a slstar etty.
Boflteo or nay other eUy has a right

> Uiciteee Us
h BO eteeees, bef Grand Rs^plds does captorad tte eteamar "Sir
Peel." at Welles Ulaad. oa Uia
not btefova it to ethical for tte Beffafo
Ad etob te sup to and make ese of (te
1888-Tte teaboat ClnctannU auak
by tte Coofederale
Mlcbltaa dty’a
Secretary CMtoo of tte Grand Tickaburg.'
Maw Tork Ice kUiE. m>4 Walah. the
1888—Pobllc toaeral of Mr. OladftaiAds Board of Trade, to atea preelCUtMa hMker. whe'm M« aarrtot
drat of tte Amcrlcea AssoeteUon of
■CM In federai pdeoah.
1*80—British under
Tartoten deBxeceUves and te has taken the mat­
wen rteh ADd ooeapM hich auter op with tte members of that asso«[ onat aad ■aiRhariU'.
ctotlon for tte porpoae of sotifylnt
'BriUab defeated tte A
oonrteted oT freed aa* acta that
BnSalo where to bead la.
Sackett't Harbor.
1814—EmBTcas Josephtoe. divorced
The Grand SapMs Board of Trade
wffe of Ntr^n I.. died at Mtbnaisoa.
brands tte attempt of tte Buffalo orer paep)e> money and i

vUl oos

bla tor ram a nd kwa to a lane i

raatoaUoa as an act of piracy, and Sec­

har^ inaoemt lareatora. ^Tbelr

retary Cotton usee plain

TkdVmi were lent,

hto 'commuaiesUra






betr Mlth and atattoa. tbay ahoetd Chamber of Commerce, aod demaodi
Mite laaatnd ffeanr teeleaer than


In the

aoetal dcala

party to tbe attempt to staal tte

the appeala Grand Rapids fureltare todusirles. He
tte Maeda.ot tbaaa pnaoeara and deelaiet that
meat pecatlar attitade before the aeirnapectlnc commercial argaBlaaUoaa of
him. He
ta Ml d—iri teeaeaa te teUered (he United etalaa.
Oread Raplda te not to be,blamed
ttmOm aboaU be dlapHmed

■ha to tear epoa

ef wealth, poaittoa or Inle- for bdlacoSmided. and we wlU feature
aute 4hat before that city loeee its
Tte DeueU Newa la

dlacvaaliiK the

aepremacy la the furabure world, the
old-time eeergfee of her buateeea

will be pot forth la aa effort to win. In
'■J^idoit Taft haa abowa Umaeir theee day* Of ati
ta te ptmwaar than tu»% «ood

aod ladnstrial acUrlty. the mt^ code

wte wooM BDt^
of ethics, when It comes to mealcipa]
ted ha allowad-bimaelf te te moved rlralry, te tiot aHraya ricldly observed,
te the etey Itaiw Plena la Um WaUh tint In thla case, it woeld aeem that'thc
a Miaa.ia»d had frmated ibe Buffalo Ad cinb bad slraieed a point
d hnakan pardOM

H te not rad placed 'itself to a very distasteful

to aar that inany ertao
light da an aadeaver to cripple still
todtenam at the methodt esed further a city that to affUcted with
and wte telly appiesed dtoaatroas strike. BeD-respeettog oomcaa tala noibe AM ot tte one nad the
/ pttlabfo


of the


E dte has* modUed. not aa eatP prtoe have sained them enviable dto■ ■I ttedr erlmea, bot the eatlarao- tlDctUm.

Id BuitfWBatt. te purely

r te

te>h»t which tte

-------------------- M hlmteir.
I ateada tor the law.

The p
Tho corn-

a at tte ertote ^ la' hU miad.
I te te teeoled by what ADowed


1. to hU bet one or two mat-

Mtot*. aa eU


May 2& ITET—The coaveiittoii of dclesales
frtMB the SUlcs met at f>bUadel|dito


T sTbiehte bad lorded It lor
Ha toUed ta hte Wat^oo by

t noted sdmitHte fallare dieosed tot or hU day. bvn la Bastou. Pa.
And yet ........................................ 1 2». l**T


A ha alweye obeyed tte'tow, tte bataver hnea bean hlLto teht.


. Had he anecaeded to that bob toonded b} Benjamia ffnnklto,\c^'e^
wted to RiUadd^tor
1«46-Blr Jetoa Praitolto sailed
b dMChtellfe »-"*-(« of the aaiion.
p IMT tte eUtetesl dotet that to­



p haatarte as atteaetas to yoethfol

eaalara townships ^ Qeebee took
Itet Valih fare all be had to pikes, but was apeedUy repotead by
locM fercae.
ISto-Olajeuto of horea fOmided
; that ha hM kat hit health
the Oaaadten Society for the Ai
t to telaon, that a«* te rapidly tetactot meat of Uterture and Bctenee.
hte Bfe to a does, have, let U be ad1AI»—BnMIa Castator.
I. aamewhat chanted pnblle aen- once dtctotor'xof Apato. dtod.
ttawBt with recard to him. so chanted Sept 8. l«f.
>* it. to toot, that a patdoe wwaM te^
ferred tte (raatBtea
o to MT-^t it has payers.
May Sfi.
ihllan ate othanrtee.
t«M-81r wiaiem
a Petty,
Patty. e
na the Mores cate. tna. tnesc hemaa
'was one of tbe ftrat to
B Uma ta advoents todnatrlal
bore to
Died to Loo• have woricad aodlflcnUoas of the Hampshire. BnMaad.
F.tef hte dabU, that no oaa brnt by hte

Mn. Mares hetof coauteled to sell aU
B in order I
Iten toads to rapport haieeR while
ito tebored finr bar bwban(re retease.

Mas lot lo« on tte sympathise of the




hanrtil aU u> repair to_______________
toe aaeiiaoe of bis moral all, tbooth
Me serplea <tU aol to



Dac. lC,-tor.
14—Dr. Joaapk iffMoa OsIUoUn.
tew wtem th^tSlMS^



catch a

pae of tte Steel benaato tte eofter
d that rich
... e beea too font deferred to in tbeir

He seems to foal bow-

tear, that 10 or ifi years are averlonc
B te tbe callbie ot
Mane and Walah IHtIa Uma te nacear for tte dlsffiwca of

18M —Aetoe Ctarica. one of the
beet ktewa aeb uaaii of ter day; made

e at tte Boaton t
Oder of Qoabac.
__________ BoaaaveU
tbe datree of doctor Of Mwe toola
Cambridge noli


-lUi->Bari of Azipto tatou

teQy tha ftte ttoto to notob^ cesea.


I*- “ •

I gjpt£ smK FUI pgi

...... ....



Wm. Hagan left today for s
trip to the t

... 1
busioees. .
O. W. Bertiett ef East Jerdan to in
le city (or a rtoli with frieods and
''L. W. Walter arrived from Flint
«lnt tto transact bosloet
test evoolnt
Hr rlty tor th.............
W. RuiMretd
rd ef
s West Branch to
la the rlty today
Wm. •ynldar of Hari Spent fWeday ie tbe city amopc^oenda and
J. t. Raaenneri sf Detrelt arriydd
last erratag te speod some time Tot­
ing relstivee here
A. Hsiwtor at Hart to in (he cKy tw

iksRka thto niornlDg after sitendlng
past (sw days here.
U P. Sorwnson returned to Kingsley
this morning after baring iratunrtcd
8 Id the clt$ (or t
W. f
»y. Paul Jackson and
________________ _ all of ’■ ■ it
■ ..
Saturday and Sundav
be city.
■ft.. J. Sehaub
of Boyno City ..
borne thill’ morning.

____________ r.'?:

MHae Etta Miner has reternad <
a shun raraHee trip «o Aea Arbor,
where abe vtoltod frieetto aad afteed- berenn baa offered |l« le apectal
ed the aaaeal Ua>:^foestTal bald there prises' to cOBOectfon with the West
Mlcbtgaa (air at Grand Rapids and
8100 In ronneettoa with Ute «iirhlgan
State fair at Detroit
to each cdse a
from Ana Arbor, whore he wont t
$85 prtae wfll be g'ven for tbe Urgesi.
testd the aanuat'Alay testiraL
Miee Emma
Haeatovaky iwtumed best aad exost attractive exhibit of
or sohoma last sUght aftar an eauaded trip ftvlt made b.v any indlvUnal
|g any one of the 20 couniles
t.v le
la tte Boathera pert of the state, via- clet.v
makin* «|i the tenritory covered by
r. Mtoa Kike Kyeelka to I
le bprean.
A first p
d Mra. Bart Uwr; to DetzeU.
(fVoBi tetarday-a Raeotdrihtfe.l
bale ot alfkUa. cozed or graen.
L. M. Wteetor ef Cincinnati raoe* Blx doilar aiM 8< iirftra are offered for
th» day toobe elty aad wfll go te tte beet and peeead ben beshets of I
M SMdes. winter fapple,

^mn Uwday to make arrmn

WANTED—t.'omiK-t. 1 girl for
era] faotisework. Small famfly. gtmd
al. :iT Sixth

13W each,
: lS5t> fat and
April 2Stf

of Kifvgstey to
city today on buslneM
Mrs. Henry Tonnslior anrirad today
. foom
Bentoo Harbor, comThev
lug through in tbeir touring
will si*oi! some time with friends and
relnilres to the city.
■wr. and
ono Mrw.
mrv. Sprague
Pratt and UtUe,..Maugh!er, Helen,
have returned
tame after s|>eDdiBg Ule winter In the
Seat,. residing
esldlng for soc
Angeles. MUs Ueruude Spragui
weal with them last (nil, will I
Callltxreto Indefinitely.
5hna. P. Buck arrived home Satwr
day evening from Freeport
npsta n atari time with reUi
lUves and

ImKpMit BIimi Ites

n sink la. Bat t£e prealdeat had an______________ Howy.
>tbm thlat to ceastdar. to theea two
ton tte counuy eecnred. for precU- aad MWra. bam to Btedtoy. Ta. XNiA


,.o :«h a..

''^t tbe preaMeat has not baedod

|teaa Unas, bet

■ if™

s city, arrived here today

• Bore
• Satoths.
- •
- . to tbe eltv to call on .(rtaoda
May xt. im.
traeeact beetoeaa.
im Bffiuimd de
Mre. Beerge Cemls ef Hart to In the
Laurie Busk has
returned to Big
writer wtm prophasled that AaeriIty as the geest of frieetto.
BapMs. where he to attending sebotri.
caes would otmgeer the woitt. bore I
Mra. C. A. Topping toft tor her h
nftsr viaiitog relaUves here; lot tbe
Naaey. mesa. Oiad Jely U. imt.
t Bancroft this emretag. after t
BAal week.
ittt-Tte Preock loveiemm de­
creed tha parpateal
haatehmeni ot
VeuU Phflippa and hto family.
t Moopof-sar Brook-

' ihUr 1a tte past. telM-baea ledpad
^ te teint tacUaed to aympathy skret


,*n.'"sr- *«*kfSi5S£tfSSiJ


j htOMi.





[ teahtory te hte esrlr etnictoes wotM


bouse." aad it to eeealiv Hgbt tu '
mrntioB tbe several •Teoemeots" in
(be bouse. Broadi.v i
Is oee dividmi into a number of aep
ante tebltiZloea. ae that many tarnilira may have tbeir dlSereai bomm la


n be waed
ueltvt 1
to of the
ill tbli 1
> to three
different pelBts which
oeld have
beeo used
d Iif we ____writers.
Plftose b«er tbb to
bersefter—(list all correepoadeBee tnteedte (or tbe Herald must haoe the
name of the writer. This appllae wUha
to regetor and ocraaleeal correepeodeats. Tbe name 1s ao( used, but ae
must' know who tbe partira are.

Rowlev .
H1GHE*T Mark<
^ilre paid
Bisma . .
wtml WEire or
a pboito. L J (Ttop.
Grayling .
itotrs. M|ri
Min Josephine
May P18.JM**
BtRtor. Hiss Anne Brinkman aad Mias
Dorothy Towne apeet tte day to tbe
city SB ttbe gsesla of Mtoa Josepbloc
K O. I A. amdel 1810. motiM
turw-f^iilpmeat No. 1000 with K.
Mrs. JJoseph BwHar and Mrs. C. £.
m.. aivd 8:48 p. m.
B e.
of Elk .Rapids ate speeding
O I A meebantom. eterco pameto
D. RIELY. C, P. A.
few days
ays ti
to tbe elty
with frieods.
granted and llreaapd. It eombtara
Mrs. Julia Parhsr returiiod
tbe higbewt rffirieocr wli* tte
governor ot Meaew
greetest durability. This marhine
•and Rap
Ms tost erening.
was admUted
Mira Arlerte Alaaaiider ef
tte UaloB.
Is in tbe city today <
good serority.
Inquire of Squire
1882—Tbe ConCederatea evacuated
r tbe
eatste of
Loomia Suttooe Bay. Mich
Corinth. Mlaa.
May 3-1B-IT-24
% 186A-^Gen. Winfield Scott died at
four,--------STATE OF' MICHIGAN. tb«‘ ProbsirWest Pelat. N. T. Bon near PeteraCourt
burfc Va. Jena 13. 178A'
a; D. I.-lt.''&a>w-Ttaen aUuwed
fo. :
18S»—Tbe Canadtoa erelaer Vigltant
redltorv (u prvMol
Ibslr ctolo;s;
single baraaei. one B_.._____ ^_____
In tbe matter of tbe
aeixed tbe Glouceaier aeboonar Mat- day in tbe city with friends.
last said deeesael to said <wrt ,
toe with top and robber tires. WM
John P. Lee left teturday evening Hiram
jiam uwy,
Gay. ucwww
tie Winahlp off Cape Nwth.
(our ; lor esanilnatloti
I. .
sell phaeton at lee* then baU price
(or hto home at Midland after spend­
Notice Is hereby give.____
1810—Glenn R Centos
montbs from the 2P(h day of May. A. 'that all rredilora of
as ! have no ese for tt.
J. W..
aeplane filgbt from Anbaay to New ing a few days here-with frieods.
present (heir cUlma lo
April *84f
ire been allowa
" red (or
' tTcdl;' "• ------'
-----i -------------lies to
W. 8, Afvdsraon ef Lcisnd spent the
1811satost said c<run. ut tbe probate oflkw. In,
pment their
day In the city Sunday.
eum' , ihv Ck; ,uf Trover»e Cli» to aauli ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------said I
A. F. Howard ef Elk Rapkto mads »
inatKio end adjustm<-i)t. abd that all
buatoeas trip to the
e city
" '
l>. toll, and that miid!
cjvdKors of said deceased an- requlr-1 Septemlwr
eister ef East JvPERSONAL MENTION.
Miss Errima E.
prewent their cialzns to said rtoims «111 be- b«-ai
ew days bere with
♦ ♦'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* dan ta
I (be Probate office In the city 1 ilouday ihe :-th
ten o clocfc In the fore(Prom Tburaday's Becord'Bagle.1
al Traverav City in uid county on or
Mr. aad Mra. J. M. OeVoc of Char- tH'lore tbe second day of Oetol«r. A.
of cleared Und.
& W. Miner ef Baginaw. la in the
room btqiKi with steel
Ito'ied May rOili. A. U. 1911.
city to speud sometime with frieods levolx are to the city aa the guusU D. 1811. and that >.ald rlalniH
of friends
good cellar, soft and bard <
od to attend to besineee nialtera.
*'HEU It tVAl.KER.
heard by said co

C- 8. 8mKb arrived from Lansing.
1. D. I9I1.T ;
t-ccond day of OetrCcr. A.
bank force is conltoed to bis boitu.rUay 23 5« June 6 15.
cvenbig i
n o'rlork III tile forv-nixjii.
w'ith the measles.
chard. Markamlib i
the city for a few days.
Dated May jSlh. A D toll.
and waNfalu-d with atiwJ roaf aad
Louis Present left Saturday for his
Mr. aad Mrs. S. C. Strickland of
|STATK OF Ull'HlUAN Ilie I’rotale
iBterloctaea. were to tbe city yeMerJod«.- of Prol«n- I
for the
County of tSraii.l aiding and on stniie wall. THBKK
burnr. a |••taI•> cellar made of atone.
day to do some shopping and visit
ebt-d rixTO eii.-Ios-d with a ateel
Mrs. E. H. W.lcoK of Old
_________________________________ . . l . . ■
At a r.-rilou1 «rf
ortaM .vMin, Iteld at
Mtoslon . . In the city todsy.
rool and on
alone wall, two tool
STATE OF Mll'HItJAS. the Probelv «be probate olfive, ^n'Xbe
hunae*. two tnrn bouaea, two faen
Or. Frith of _Ctaill^
Caditlac ^
spent Sunday
diy (or a abort vacation
county of Grand |
as tbe guest of Dr. M. Cecil.
boesea. one -pig pan and tte krat «(
friceds and relaUvos.
(armitig tools such
A. f. Haviland and
Ml I Havk
Adolph Turks of * istaygan, mads
Prod R.
wagoea. 1 buny. I feed grinder, t cotland have retoroed from a visit with
__________ trip to the cRy yesterday.
.e of Probate.
------------------ ----------- -------------------«11
Ibe mailer of^^^zeatniv uf Ed- ting box eorn abeller. 1 gasoUee eeM(«. Oeerpe Ohm'ing arrived yea- Mr. and Mra. C. tV. Asblon In Grand
rae nty in wald Coaniy. on tte anh
glue. 1 buzz saw with power to rwn
wj.d .( Wall.
ay of May' A. D. 1911.
Mra. A. F. Cameron left today for
Wlllliuu H. Taytoi; tevtog lUvd to them all. no hand work. Good stock
Hon. F>cd
Flint where she will attend tbe wed­
as follows:
BeK W. Bweet ef Detroit., to In t
ding of her nephew.
She wili altKi Judge of Probate.
city on buali
In (be matter of tbe estate of Ethel
visit In Detroit before her retnrn
r lo^souie tuber
Mrs. W. 8
E Crapo and Clara W. Crapo. .Minora, sranied
_______ __boose
. . on
.Of farm Good
Miss Louise Bock, head of the mustAlin Arbor laai eveimig after opendsiili^Mr iM-raoii.
neighbors, gota roads, or Raral Ptm
8 the past two weeks with
b frieDdx
ising mat,.
that i
Uft ffilb day
aaid conn 'hto petlGou. jiraying
_ ordered,
lirllvevy ar • ---------------------------- -----------------retoUwa. .Mrs. Kellogg ettotsied
Alda Wall or Buroo oibvr eullabk- iwrwe mmtt l>c aeen lo be apprwThis pUe
I |>n>b
(be annual May festival1 whUo in the
rtoted. it 1h a fine locaGae and wlU
MllwaJkee Mon be appotoud guardlao ut saiJ
and to beieby
iimke » snap price to a hoattor.
c after a visit wfli c»Tate.
L F. Edgariy returned last s
to ordcretl. that the tcth day vl caiO pelilluu.
r. Cameron.
bave l^n on this plate tor tte test
1 Mrs
furtta^ ordered, lhal
J “ '
toll, at leii oelock to
45 yrare aad hare made moeer. my
me prlotol . .
the foft'noon. at 'raid probatu oflire. '
thcr.-of Iv given liv puhl!
r,tafOB lor aelltog to my age. 1 nm eo
ing which1
ban made
the pest few days with frieods;
be ojid to hereby eppoinjed for bear-lot a copy of this order, for three suc- longer able to ntiend to this na it
Frank Edgerly and daufMer, went
in- »»tri pt-tiUon. ■'^1 Uiat tba next ,ces»|vc weeks prertona to raid day of ahmild be and want to move to-torn.^
Mte. E.-S. Jones and daughtsr.
to Ralteaha ) csierday to vtoh frieods
of kin of said minora and a!! w-raoiis | hvaritig. In the Grand Tre^erae Her- I>honc. write or call te patera.
(folda. have returned from a visit with
end rnstivea.
Jniercaied In aaW ciatc wear be-1"'*', a neBapai-cr P: lUled and cJreulalvriends at Daveniiorl. la.
Mlae Elisabeth Copeland returned
ird Clara of Kingsley spent Sat­ tore aaU coon, at raid time and place. I t'd I" mM
today from Laitelw where ahe spent
urday and Sunday In tbe city
with to show rouse why
»m« time with her brother.

•lujuld not be granied.
Mrs. a F. W4lson went te
May rh-Tt. June 8jmey 2,
It to funber ordered, that public i
this mgrelng. where M>« wl
notice HiereofMjo given by publi<a-.|
city Saturday, returning
I uon
>y dt tbto order, for f
three , ”
home this morning.
Fernando Smith
mKh of Crand Rapids
society of the H. E. cterch.
tveariug. iu the
e Grand
vitoBt SunOS;
day as tbe geest of Mr and
Mra. Fred Edick left this meraing
Bra. F. U. Wade. 542 East FTom street. Herald, a nevapapev priuled and ci.-for her borne to Chariotte after a three
Edward K. Doran of Crand Rapids cu1a(i-d in said count'.
wo^' visit with her sister. Mrs. Mart
Is spending a few dnya in the city
fudge of Probate
with friends.
Mrs. Frank Neeoen ef Cas% street.
May 23-30 June C
J. L. Miller retur^ to his horns

ff be beteltfef him as 'The triad

_ .Btor

<-.< I

via R A 8. I

AUhoagb (berv are Busy tmeuieots ;
under one rool. it U con-set to s|>rak

Fred. Jr., of UUwaakee are vtoltlng at
tte htene of a L. Pray of HeboL
Wm. Bartlett of Wayno Cn.. New
York, to vtoUtog. his motber. Alra. a
U Pray at UahaL



him la

h «hkd> has bean lerely aqealled in

1 H American

Tenon-enI House.'



le AToteaUat
SetT YoiA. bora
Y. Died to Coot

e test mkumt, hte tnllh «mU not have

Cedar II
l.akn Ana ....
Watte River

It Is


was pushed to

I Wa toMMihl doom by meo and instl-


Orchard dctuooMralieBn aod the dluvtraied lecture. “A Farmer for FNery
Forty." arc to be slvea al the differc-nt
lOix eoenty durlug tbe
week beglaaieg J

ttoft tHs erealeg to Jola hto wife a
little aoo. who have been
tte past three weeks i


s m CDfT. Auawn «m

iBcly bright. Tbr wcotl; , ,
r eoadttloi I licevBiHaa durias ttir •iBirr and *|iriag
ring bare been faterabU9 this (run

'illtaa A. Bod
.......... ...................... ...............street.
m to
war CDvtfsor ef Oonaactlcet. tare
H. A. Mowfton at Elk Repldi to in
Lebenoa. Conn.
Dtod to
Norrleh. Up. city today oa beslnesa.
conn.. Pab. 8. 1878.
Joe Comee arrived
1818—nm eteamboet on Lake Brie
flora lahpewtoc u> raend aosee Ume
here as the gaect of friends.

The people o( Uie


. Mrs. M. A French ef.....................
yesterday aad will vWt friends
for e short lime.
MFr-,and Mrs. Moeto at Eik R«>ids
are irtfae cKy today to visit frtaoda
and neuct bestecoa.


Tccfh Extracted AbMlotc*
ly Wtikovt PbIx
By Ihi- ■ Ka-ftor" method I mu'
Uosc aching teeth ahsultnel'
ihsultnwithout i>aio. and without tbe use nl
drugs to produce unconavlousncss.
e of nervous ttemperament and

:b6-WS Wllbelm Block, with Dr. Holdsworth. Traverse City. Michigan
apr 13-tues-Uiurs If

Pere Marquette

Sunday June 4
Tnmw3 Iteve Taeene Gty
at 6: 00 A. m Retaranr. teare
To Prtoilay..............$iM

Also Kood Fniit Land oo Uke a bay. We ocly charge *
cantmtiioa when we tad a costooer, lo ym are free lo a^ it
yoenelf at aoy bme. Let in ihow yoo our Font Tree prices

FAIR OAKS NURSERY CO, Traverse City. Mtcb.

Field and
Garden Seeds
_ Our display of field and i;arden seeds in*
eludes different varieties of Pcaa. Beans. Cora.
Carrots. Cucumbers, Beets. <;:aM)ace. Pump­
kin, Squash. Melons, Bagas, Turnip, etc. Ov
Pride of the North Corn is a yellow dent. It wfH
yield well, produce large stocks aad sive gener­
al satisfaction. To raise plenty of coni stocks
for feed or to fill your silo set our^ Fodder Corn.
You will like it.
All our seeds are fresh and sure to sennto*
ate. You will be under the Impression that It
makes no difference where you buy seeds, bat
it does. Buy your seeds at P. K’s, caniw td
Front and Cass street if you want satisfacUoa.

Cmwt Front A Caan Suerta.






aeple are TsMog Oraat IntarM in

IMaj- wdl »e AM- or
MMiortel dm tr«r bcM


r. E. Smltb. orchard expert la tbe
eaidar of ibe Wceien Mlcbl^ De----------- ------- gnre an orcbani
the MeHe Lake orih« boatMt cbard'at Lake Ann Saturday after­
to the dur. noon. at which there were abont tweaboeo pr»- ty4lre present. As this orchard conth* .citr Uini all kinds of trees, both yoang
and old. some good pointers

uawD OB tb« roan .bCPDM Uwn. '
teiy In tb« taomlog enrrlacea win
ho tn wohln* nt ttio «nm bbBM
------- U)
WoUk» the Groad Anny
Biu’t lUllcf Corpa nixl SpooMi Wnr
Vhotuu to Uto toBMtrry. wbcro Ui«
Tcd la th» noCnaoo o< Umoc who oenr<
...•wn with flow,
Ooo'o war* win be strewn
ets and n snlote fired by o deioJI rron
HnBMh C«i
At the................... ............ot the eemeiery tbOM Ukinc part wilt
retsra to the eounty sroontU. when
win be dodiroted by tbe
Spoaitb Wot VeternH with appro-

ball OBder tbe ansidces of ^mlra grange and
was attended by a*large number of
and eonntry people. In dl 13d
plctnrei were shown. illuBtratlak tbe
progress that bas been made la wwstem Michigan during the past
yeara, both in agricultural and I:
cultural Unea
Tbe lAke Ann region U fast cMsing
te tbe frobt as a fruit produclnc dis­
trict as a great many trees were set
ooi last yesr and a etUI grwter nninber this spring. Cherries are being
KlTCO eoBsIderable attention and with-


tbe exoielees f«r the forenoon.
. shipments a^ade from
At l:» tbe proeewloB wm ronn on Uoa.
street nnder tbe dirertlon
John Moore, wbo owos some high
laoil near the lake, has set out r>oo
lint Tbe gooeeberry bushes and Intends
odwot ebtldren will ferra on tbe left Inio Ibe cultore of this fmit on e Urge
tbe proceeolon. Ube line o( morcb sciW In (he future, as the coanio' I"
JI be on Weeblnctoo eireet. ibenre
ly adapted to
aortb on Boerdmnn to Bute street,
iways a ready
weot on Stale to Osaa, north on Coao that can be grown.
to Prant, west on Proni to dtr opera
Hans Yager, a traveling
bottse, where tbe^repUar eserriset will Chicago candy house, has purchased s
.. ed as follows:
lO-acre tract on lUte Ann nnd has
CaUing M order-Post Cor
built a cottage In which be will spend
U X. aeteland.
bis BUDimers. and In addition this aeaPrayer—Rct. HarberL
be will build another cottage and
also develop bis Und Into a small fruit
Bltaatisiir work—Post officers,
noln'a Oettyaburg
etCmburg 1
rads HElUker

Ir'x V^tb



kiiiuujei . *11^

thU pUce be has pUoled some rare
apple trees which he brought from
Germany at a cost of two dolUrs each,
of which be especu great things la



MkbijEai) potatoes 4dc and 4hc.
BuBalo. «ay ?♦.—Csiile—RocelpU.
S.S2i: acUve, steady.
~ ' res—Actire. steady. SSb S. -'fibeer
steady, fT.SOATJd;
and 1____
No. S. SStCOfif
steads gC.SO«CAS.


the aCMB. Oae'was a Wriy fHtew
wbba aaaSy m«tache:the other sraa
smaR. spar* aod Hcaa share*.
-That's au." said my compaaUm
*7oa bare sea them and are gaardsd
a^iast tbeas.”
sasie ereelag Just before daik I,
weal oa devk. Tbe aun with (he;
aaady mustache was touaglag abMt; The Secretary of the huraaa of laaad. I
euUy coming up 10 me. asfcai'
^ '^v*^
aaawer W the
i uii
If 1 could
uU uhim- .1,
the .u,-. ™ to,
the ship, mtb thte aa aa epealag questlM ofN-whai are yon doii^*
wudge be eelered npoa a «*arersatif«
At present ihet* are tor diatrtbawith me. tuealag It npoa some cartoua tion ou t^ counters twenty different
pbcaomena of the sen. Be meattoaed
^ kinds of booklets and adrenUlag matlight la the wake ,«.r that are giveo to anv wbo call
of a ship, aa.rtng: -If* very prooouac--for theta Aa fast aa the near by re.< cd tonight. Just come back wlib aae; sorts issue an.nbiag cd tbe kind they
send a supply which U added to tbe
I'D show It to yn
. ...-------------.11 bad often aten what {Mttbey

lUlng siatu-r. that w«at to taU «( tto
adrantagm'of tbU rletoJv.
Thee* wer* 41 ealUru MumSay. 0
Tneaday. s» Wedaeaday, 4T Tharaday.
40 Friday aad to fiatarday *r tSt- a

acaoay. «- i umsuay. te
21 8atnrda.r. IfT ta alL
Tbe Inquirte* have com* frem poO
le ta AUbama. llUaota. Indiaaa. Io­
wa. Kashas. Mlchlgaa. Mli li ilML
New York. Ohio. Oklahoma, FuaasylrasU and Tennemae. Maay of thaoe
Detroit. May »"-l?beai. »lc. Com.
ask abont farm Usds aad (he dtDatuat
Bt AUm G. Limoirt
u^nstrim. In addiiloa tn th* raaari
CDtcago. 1May t».-Wbeet. CR%.c.
baslaess. Kvery inter that goes am
om, SS^c.
5SV Oats.3i%c.
U filled with tbe utmost detaU so
SS.-W-beat. 9«%c‘niledo. M.
that Interest cannot help hat be
Com, &M4c. Osta. »THc.
aroused. All of which goeu to show
I to go
that we are mere than wilUag to mem
erery ooe half way and glre them
erenlng. went below.
; j. ^
tbe very best aerrice poasthle.
It was very i»Uln to me that the wo-1
There were to Inquiries answered
Tbe Unreau Of \i
I's story wc» true. lYom thU H
Mouday wUb a personal leiir
fonrsrd 1 bad perfect ■
booklet. Turmlay lH.
io. Wedneeday
sTTflbar. bat somehow
sease told ore that fate was sgslnt ua.
.. _.
»bow any enrtoalty js « total of RS. which added to t>e
Basaah * Lay Go.
tve would be separated by an o
(Dial of IjR piece* of mall
about IL I argued ihsi If sbe was de-'first list makes Z33 pieces of ndvraWheat
J had only the preapCi-t of apaadi
Oau .
of (be dUlifetime In the serrlce of a dUi
Cora .
Bwad tbe would aooaer or later lead •
nilnlag compaay. where an uade of
me to S|>eak of it in tbe Itope itait 1
miae bad secured me an Inferior posl- would tell ber where It wsa Hut wblif
tloo. .Nelthee- Base nor I had any sbe soiight my confidem-e la other
means «r we would not hare parted, wars tbe nerer referred to the object
, ___
, I, parted. I saw no prospect , of my Journey. I told lier that 1 wss
of erwvttlng together again.
, h,<i
It for three years. T
three years.wnd tbe sympathy
She teem
fortune would fsror
ror my returning t
,ppreclate perfectly tbe feHlags
sweetheart; then suddenly »T| of . yow man deepl.r in lore. Soladreams were realised. Mr. Oldeenhiw. tereMed ws« she lu this that I told
tbe head of mie of the de(>an»eam.l
wnold hring my flancee to see
sent tat meondday and anhl tome
her after reaching port, and rtie was
“Hew would i-od like to makti a trip good enough to sssnre me lhal sbe
to America?- |
Pam; Prodaca‘*BanW| V^ ■
would be dHIgtated to know her.
I brightened''ap at once as I replied
It was after this refreshing conrersato tbe atonnaUTU. (
Uon. In order to show some apprecls-One of your At^leua mllUooalree tieo of her Interest In me. that 1 said
baa rlilled our n net and has pur.' to her:
chased one of ou largest dlamouds.| >1 fee) perfeHIy safe In taytog to
Hlde% Fura and Tallow.
Be Is ou a trip sr ind the world and ’ you that I am carrying a very raluab;e
dcatrea tbe
to ...
bis wife
Kooe oovusiue
bHonging V**
to tbe Diaotoad coia^
... *f —
- ^
..... e.vuv
Ill New York, wbme It will be |«ld for. I p,hy |„ New York and wish to
tbe reaponaiUllly for iu safety resting . you as to a asTe pUce to kem It.\
on ua antJI It Is luroed or«-r. There are
-in u^t 1 can't sdrlse yoO-STejee^!
reasons why It csnT rery well be sent
wetbods of v-onceallng ttK-h •
by tbe ordlnarr method, one of which I ’ things that do n«< pmsla to nten. I ,
w ill tell you. It lias got out (bat ajrao-t think of say safe plan- where a ‘
diamond worth a hundred Ibousaad ptao ran put such a tteasure.'*dolbir* is to go to New York. This fart j -The only safe ptace I know U eo
Kojocta ...................................................
tuu led to so higta a charge for Its ^ly |wr«oo. 1 hare It suiqiaadcd about ;
Tallow .................................................4Vto trsosportatlou that I am dMermlned to my waist day and night.’*
No. 1 boros hldaa............ tt-M aad u| send It by a special meawoger. A false ,
boy." sbe saM. -m^hat do '
atone will be sent by exprees to nit-' you mrsB hy revealing tneh a secret to
Mrs. Chariaa-Chamberiain, who baa lead those wbo luay try to «-s|iture tbe nie or to any oneV
bad ebargo of the OakwtKxl bouse for
some time in the past, leaves tomor-, _ .
. We, bare spies ,j -1 u,ce perfect oouBdence to you."raw tor Grand Rapids. The Oakwood ^gbl here ampng ua wbo kaow every-}
bouse U now under the management thing of importance'tbatrgnes on. It la
such a
of Wm. froiier.
, our porpoae to outwit ibem. Let it be 1 -j
surely tell no,one elae. If '
I known tbat you b
|aay ooe can take It away from me by
. tbe daytime
------ 1^.,
welcome to
Mrs. Ray Austin of Northport. who | i.ign your ixwlUqn and go home. per-‘f„rce la
as been ihe guest of .Mrs. Charles 1
to inierreoe beforeso. By night I an
am locked In my
ihambertoto ora fes day*, returned your dopertore. Your
Y ourexueuae.
exproaes will
will be
be 2!.^_____ ^
\ paid, and if you succeed in making a | -i beg of you to giro your aomtsio ;

■ '
■■■■— III — ;dellrery ywi will reeelre a thoomnd no one else."
jdollati and an agency u attoud to oar j The eveulng Iwfore making poet my
m* tc
Ih-New York.Ifrteod while talking to me of »*»* del-

The Barney Co.


Clearance Sale

« FkOBt atroat west to Union, aoutfa
on Vatob to State, east on Bute to
Park, aeotb on Park to Washington, SPECIJ
east oa WnMitagton to the court bouse,
where they wtU Lsten to addreaeea by
Prof. I. B. Oitben. Prof. Madderly and Ovsf Two Hundrad
ComradM Hopkins and Doboon.
Mayor thllbeliB. who was to gist an
Mraaa to tka cbUdron. bas been shift• City ©I

Special memorial senices with the
members of G. A. R.. IN'. H. C.. and
B. W. V, as guests o( honor were held
in tbe CDumb of Chiiu Sunday morn­
' An tirabange
ing. abom 200 men and wonea march­
imlag ttory 1« told* of raatcvr. ing In parade from the court bouse to
and Victor Duruy. wb* tbe cborcb. An eUborate and beau­
tiful arrangssueni of flags, bunting,
Aar U» aeeofid evpba. Tba anihor of streamers of red. white and blue
Iba -Hlatolre dca Roasylna- was a crepe paper was used to deeorate tbe
and when tbe soldiers, old
voat Meod at Paataor. Uoroocer.
and young, tbe taner tu full uniform,
tbaj veto BMr nelcbbofs. ona rasMlng the women of (be rclelf corpa togetbta tba Bae d'Chn and tba otbar la iba er with a Urge BUeadaoce of (he UMas «a MtdlMa Ona Tbanday, tbe dice AusilUry of 8. \V. V. entered rCrmUriAll, Ib Minz\ The d«y l «Hed a middle agd wo- »„cw m the w.y of cauiu* *h« had i
Agyertbaalttlngaof tbeaeadamy. the the ebureb in a I
» oigbi 1
man. well itre-sed and of ladylike a|H ,,^^1 Inriied me to
to berstaicr :
two fdaadi met at a cab ataad by tba
.peoniPC-e. drove up W tlie sl.-smrr. |
„.j ,«rtak.- .rf tl.e-ii. Slie said '
Special music had been irranged
otirg. "Are jroo going to tbs
, tibe looked U|i
uj. as she aliguiea
alighted ana
and saw
> iniproprtriy
the ser
>r aakad Uw mlalater. “Tea."
me leaning .-.v-r the rail on de.-L -in
situ-e she woiiUI bo>A the door
tba saraaL and they both

; expression of *all* that I
^ I mwpt.-d ber lu.ltalilkfo. :
of tbe best ever delivered in tbe cKy
CBtMAtbaaamaoab. Arrirad at Vmlr on a similar occasion. In bis greet­
Ferma-Lac is a nne,
l—«1 wer her f..-e.
„.ter.u«n ta.vM ou . he «toe aisle
Jaatoara »«• Daray taadaiod a Era ings to tbe soldiers and tbelr witcew.
tiaae piece to tbe cabman, wbo. of Rev. Canby said that be deemed k a
coana, bad m ctaanga Than said great honor and privilege tef stand beDaay: "Kasp tbe eola as a soeraaitr tors them'at thU lime. "A privilege
ad Ms memmable Hda Too bara that cornea to Wc mtnUtera hot few
flooto Ift swl ^OdST. Mbhei pue'
, aide tbe iaUnd of Madeira. I ate of
Mnw tba graatsst aaraat of tba «aa- tlmaa in our Uvea." be said, "and
«00„ look
cam# Paateor’a taro. Ha aboold I talk all day. I could
•nsike you understand b(
bow mucta *
pot bis haM m Us paekU and wUb- apprecUie you.” He congratulated expeSMTe blKl-WOOd
I In the m'orning 1 awoke in my own ’
drew a Era franc picoa, wUeb bt them on the noble work of their life
btnUtf to tbe •Nmcber wUb tbe ta- iwben they gave up borne and family,
aark: *Tbka cara of 1L Ton bare and ereryttriog that was dear to them
. . ..... .___ .
it r*t mio my own snieraom 1 put
Ertraa tba grtaieat mlalater of tba
tor tbe life Of tbe batlle fleld. paying crack whes wdked on.
bl«en. j
«-al»i. aad the pooch I
a beaaUful tribute to tbe brave men
aoE ato|Eia.*‘-Uad(a ttloba
who fought for tbclr Sag amt coun­
try In times of the war.
Tbe aerricee were Hosed by the
Tba Btory la told of a little bonae- singing'of "Onward Obrisilan Sol­
latd. far orar tbe saa. wbo. when aak­ diers.” (be general congregation re­
.bV" I
' T:i;2rbi'"'
ad wbetber abe realised that abr wa* maining SMted
ao^tbelr Udtea bad left
lor d m e.ajr n)oiii m itie hoMO. | diol . w. .bd ,obl wribu . joabr
In bay-way differaot after unlUag sHdlera
with tba church, from what she bad
baes before, (bought tor na tnstaat,
Id wanted tuN
klrt. Chat Alum arrtvad In The city
Ulderand tbes. sAlllag brightly. tAld: -Well Tneaday evening from Charlevoix,
When I met my Itoae after Ihe flfsl :
“"j"* prof,,.„
bii', waiib o\er transports of our meetlag I said to i
J sweep tbe comers.She could and ‘s-ni be tbe guest of Mias Ruth ^
■>L Sroirei colored-It
su*i>l(ions |ierhardly hare glraa a belter denon- Sterens on West Tenth street, for u
aoo ailempttiig to gain your confidence ber:
atraUen of bar rallgtona life.—Chrla- week. Mrs Plum bas made a number complete infonnstioo.
"And DOW you ffluat bear tbe reason
or la any way conspiring against you
of friends her* in the city on former
tloa UeraH.
ot my coming and the story ■’oaneet- j
tu wani you. There; 1 bare told you
vislu. -who win perhaps, remamber
what I bore to nay. ITuu don't need to ed wlib my Joamey. Beginning with >
ber better as Mias Addle Ripley, and
Bteeting w Itb my Udy friend. I told
Draws Haavlly an Oaygen lupply.
place auy faith lu'll; all you Med do
Traverse Clly. Midi. la. If I warn .vou agalust auy one dur­ her erery tB>idcBt—every word so far
at I could remember tbe coureraatloas
ing the voyage, to beware."
‘'One qurslioD I woald aak you." 1 that had iwsaed between me and her.
said. -Why did aiot Mr. Oldrrshaw When 1 reaebed'hbe i>art of my atory
where t bad tHd that I ke|it tbe atone
adjtoe Bte-ef bli request to you?"
“Mr. Oldersbaw-* pUn wsui for ma abent my waist Ro«- .-ould not mireutto keei> a wati li over j oti without yoiir tbe eirlnmaM.'o. N»h. how ■tnpidr'* '
And when I gnre an accooni of the !
knowing it. He did not think it would
be nrvv-^ary for me to make myself so|>per and lay being d.*nggtd my >
ttieart was so uokind as ta say I :
known to you. Bui already 1 hare obaerred (we meo (nlklag together, both bad been rightly served. I concluded j
leoktdg dlrevily at you. and 1 need to my aiorr with these words:
-And now. my darting, tbe dUmood
warn yon at oore. Later I will poUit
arlng hnu ufely ddirered. sod a
them out to yon ”
"lUd Mr. Oldersbaw Infonn yon aa eheek la payment mailed to) Sootb
Afrtra. we hare fl.OOO on wEicb to
to tbe nature of my mlasionr
-Be did BM. Tbat was not ns^- begin boueekeeping and an aatured
a*»r.- -Bnt the diamond la atoten:"*
\ <
■J Hw story appeared very idausible.
*T did not aay a«. In order to lUease"*
aad I ronfm I felt dlspoeed to mm
Uko’I«I (W., wortl op to $21W >t
ber. but I did not cara tu show toe my guardian angel, as I eailad her. I
inurb alac^iy In doing so, aad. rising, told ber wbeta I ke|>t s lomp of glaaa.
bade ber go^ moraing, thanking ber Tbe diamoDd was to nr trank, fitted
With a lot* tbtt 1 alone knew how to
for ber Interest In me.
"Ton are under no obllgatioa to aw.’*'
Uka- Stob, Wtotl, op to $35. ot SS, S7.S0, tlS.SlAStudtlSAS
e. ttantrlBg bar
abe said. -What I do U In repa.cment
of a ktndaem once doM me by Mr.
1 her from the
Oldersbaw. He bas perfect ronfiden-'*
OrroB, wont up to $20. ot
in you. but has strengthened you by
S1.1S. SLSS. M.»S, S8AS tool tlZA*
bad subsided.
giving you an assUuni.-.No. 1 didn't nspeet her at all or I
TTkat afternoon while taking my
oaual exrrvlw. walking the deck bur* wnnian't have been dragged by her."
eefl, . taka’tow Glwci, it SSC.SSC.8SC, etc.
-Explaln.aad tonb. I met tbe tedy.
•t 0 docoitot ot------- ----------- ..AW/O
*‘R'HL you eat. when sbe sytopa-Come with me.” sbe aatd. -and t
will ahow yoo the men who were talk- tbiaed *o sweetly with me ahoat you ;
Ucn.Wtod,6cto>d8cy>idol..................Sc Bm. tw Sq. ood Orii, wliite or bUA. Qa
knocked the noderfdanlag out i
lag about you. Tbey hare a stateroom
tminiimj fUnrh/t, wortli feSc
m dzoi. wont 15c • poir.»t......... wsfrem
beneath me. 1 yearned to mafia !
next mine, and I orerhe-jrd oae of
•od 7Sc pord to............. -........ ^
retnru and tbemght (bat I cooldal
them say. *.ts nnon aa It U dark l*n
try and lorlegle blm on some pretot make a better one (ban by a abew of
Ub Umm mi tmim Umm,
EA<» tokn'IToitoi, wont op to S>.75Tto
eoBfidetsee. S» I told ber about where
to the stern."
XSc, SSc. S8c, tod tlAS
! went with her to the forward dec*, i kept my treasure, cmly 1 OBtittad to
and shr iMOnred to iar<> nten standing oar that it was a false ooa. tthoaght
inat shore the curwaier lookUg out at that would do u wHL-.

For Floors

did. loo. lor roBuddof lun.ta»^ 111“ Lm



Get acquainted with|3bT!niS.“°^I'i“L‘^’.’'“^^^ iyr_‘“

instead, of coming after the 4th of'juls, .
a$ usual, will begin this year on

Next Wednesday,

May 31

and continue throughout the month of
June. Prices as low, and in many
cases even lower, than the usual semi­
annual clearance prices

;7‘." T


1-4 to 1-2 Off

Prokop Kyselka

We*ve Scored Another Hit


Witk the toM Canto, Sails and Dresses That
■ We're SeBiag at Cal Prices.

mas. SS.SS, SM, nx.n tool SIS



Clly, mcU.

Let the Herald ,
Record Co..
do your Job Work.

will be made to effect the absolute and
complete sale of assortments offered
before the 1st of July.
Ml Long Serge Coals
AU Tailored Saits
All Dress Starts
All Slk and Wool Dresses
All Voile aad Wash Dresses
Slk Colds, Undermuslisu
and Fanuslusigs

at SOc to 75c on the dollar
reran arSkt SOidl, Cmk.


Kirekasr* tsar-slses wlImbiis Ufll
faraisb Um nsHOe. trsiycui ianrHsdTb* fnw'YiMMfoa tt VBL'gseBOsrs ana Fr#a Dan war* <nr«ek br
IlChtaiac Moaaar sM


Mrs. Wa. SsaaSers •peW Safotasy
Bfcai anfi esatar wm bar tfMsr al
am CJij.
_ BMor U braaklag a da*'«»M for
a anrsr.
Aad Dwm of Trsi«as City to rw
. ifbitai bts old teratboasa. wbieb «lll
make a flue laproaeasat to the rara.
BIcwb* Bronlek of Ttatars* CItr «■
aandtas a fov ilara oiOi bar par«u.
CaMte u«0«c •( Barfear CroM Is
ipodJac a fav ««aarttb Mn. PWlhp
Mr. sad Mrs. Ftank Doaa apeat tendar avraloa arlth bar paraats. >ir. and
Mr.:. KrotOri)^.

Obt tbqr eoBel tight
m t tether>~d^dOB>«

•< «tbe nvitiat
dbhw meijrtirfgf jott
right. VUbKCROiBg
Poa^cr riw resets are
maA MTteia.
ThtnM ap gwiwTk.
with jroor dkm.. Fcr





bal».dar MBblfc dhKppev like atAglc—and what was
fomcrijr ariar ol doabt is noiwone of pleasure. K C Bakinr
Fowdar safeguards the health of roar family by insuring
light, digestible food. And the price is right—25 ounces

Spm^for thtK C Co^’s 9ook—ift FMEE.
Tkt KCtMV*
90 inkt, wn^wia^ rrn^.
**"t tt— npn rtttipi 4 tktukr*i€iw^fimkt*dtt4U2S-‘
antcMU. SemdUttday.

Mfc. C«^ CkteM*



9 .
. ^
, Mabel May 2L—Vr. and Mra. Oeorgr
Pray of TraVerw CKy vtitted rrieftdt
aud retetlvua at this place over Sneday. Mr>d^‘s nMtbar, Men. Btrpboa
l*my. retarded with tbaae tor s week's
„ ::
Austin Pray to working for fCm.
Mra. James Stoope OM dbopptog la
mverae City yesterday.
Mra. BEIe Praj- «u a TiiiA CKy
visitor Thufida;-. '
Preatoe ScoU wut to Tritvor^ ciiy

Mrs. Nell Biowa will enlert^ the
Helping Hud eoctety -Tbunday.
Jake Hogalaad to a note better____
Mr. end Mn. Orta Unsay dtpre to
Onndpa Sudd__________________
towB Bnrarday.
tofSk too of bto riba white ptowlag.
Mr. aad Mra. George Pray, Mra.
S! Slrkbot of Cbkago to rlaltiag
Mrs. Frank Adame to very poorly Stspbee Pray end Hr. Ud Mra. A. A
bto taaally at the Pmi« bouse. Pray, atee Warru Pray,
at tkto wfltlng.
Hr. and Mrs. WttM aad chlldrsh
Uttto Mrry Wltooe to alek with tang at Jim Wataoa's Sonday.
MaftlBc ia BeUtoro aad Rapid troubte. 'Hope be may be bettec eoon.
Ham Wataoa to stlU imj
improvlag alowAbraham Howarn has an attack of
r Draw Is trtoittog tab mothar.
grippe. Dr. Shank of Empire to atL Mtosa Boberu and graadaob. tending him.
I CkemoaU. hare arrived at
Mrs. OteB »ugh to no better at this
'OHM to took after hto rritlng.
Mike Horen of Empire was an Or ♦
kRobarg has ratarnad frem Ben- om cuUar Wedeeaday torenooa. '
iubtf. where ibe has been tor
Frank Payment cnllad on friends at
waski eartag for bar daughter.
Maydaid. Mlcb« May BL-Tha
Mrs. W. H. Beeama aad Mrs. Fred twenlftb r: May marked tbe ualverBeemae and daughter of Oebon were aary of ttia.fomding of the Maylteid
'anlghi •
onatt cmltota Sonday.
Agnee Kanis was the geast of Mar
Jutor Bpnortb baagoa.
gle Doran Sudsy.
. ^
giran of
< ' the
' ' work of (be Bp44949999999999999
Qertto Hart man ud Marie Wlggtaa was givan
h League
for the two yaara. Bensrere the.gaeeta of Mrs. Frank Adams wonh
QoodseU. ^Victor VaiWler>ort.
onm, MM.. May
Hr. und
JUM raeelrad
■•a. F. -U Btrd eurlved bore Batn^
SItveR LAKE. .*

& dim Ottocfete. WmIl. wbeea 9
reoMred whUe
bavaevent the past ulae noel
Ihona. both riUoas repraeui
The tarmera ta thto vlriaHy are all the laaralBg of various imporauA paaaad Hia. W. Sateoer rtol
pUatlng com.
agea of acrlptuia. Tbe chntvii was
____ Veit of ESI RapMs. _
Mrs. Frank Letman to verj- ill at beautiralty daoorated wKb wild cherry
wrnmv her atew. Hra. (Dr.) OutL tUe wrtUag.
bteesoms and both the Rev. Mr. HaU
». Marne
Trenraa CKy to visitMrs. Domtolc Duu of Chicago, who aad the Rer. Mr. Bridgewater were
tat bH ttai^Mer. Mea. ItolBMr.
has been vtoltlag her pareetA retuiwod
». and Mia, Artbnr Oartond of boat- ftoday.
MramS Otyr^We the guests of
paraeca Sunday. May
.J^OaMsedb paresto. Mr. aad Mra.
Mr. Wood or Mhriae oily delivered
a lempetuea address and the ebali
Tjsk HUl oi Sellston cnlted toe
fumtohad apeeial moslc.
.jMsaSt this moralng, on hto
An otganluUon kooara as the Bar
retamed boane Aloaday.
Dum Cemetery aasocUtlon has be«a
KUa Hammoolt spent Sonday with formed to take cherte of and Improve
the cemetery at once. Tke oflloers
^''^hSK^wffl bea danee at Sllrer lAke elected were G. W. Wtoa, preetdent
itosort Saturday erenlag,- May 27. aad W. F. Jehnaoe .seerotary ud
trunauror. ta whomuy busleeas amy
be directed.
Mtea Marten UlMa aad HmroM
OILha attended tba dwru* ooncert at
KlngMey. Friday evanlng. where both
took pare la the program.
Mra. Bheman Bays ud two tittle
glrla rewrrted to Troverme CKy Mon­
day. afier spending two weeks here
h mtottves.
be -Mtonsa ■Marioa Slbka and Ooldie HaUMay nad HaroM GIbba attewded the lawn eodal at Ktegslev. fiatupday evaalag.
J. RtegSD of Chicago uant three
days tot week lookUtg'op aiid maklna
HtMkfiti froa oat
It^pyg to go to “the beat“
a plat of .Mf resort propeny oa Ar.


I °rrf^^---*^-Tnpy»yy«resik>wed

SUMMER SCHOoir'"^^^^^ swDPy umvESMTY

batu tebn - >

log several of
past weekdiy v__________ ___________
bar. Oorts James and BdUh HaUMay
Him Ka^ Wotfor rife Imkp. spent
onday with Mr. sod Mra. Fred Tab-

Use A New Perfeetton
Blue flame ^Sove
No kitobee appUanca givak Wb tJmi ^ aatiafactioe
horoa eemfon as tba Naw Parfaetloo


aad ran!

Flame Oil Store. This

wondarfal store wiU do tba work better and ^ataper thna wiead.

Wlil Uckert. who has bees lU uM
agrendlento. to aMa to -walk nWr
W. and Mra. KBPatrfck «i« keoe
from Fife LUe.
Vlnor Cnlrer TStnrnad thto work
to hto work la FUot. _
Morten otUa nni Hanil
tha-baocplanrcnta eaarctoaa at Riaaiiay______
Tim Mggaat antdi-ol thn
beea made by Mr. Vabdarveort,—a
a uoat weighing two ud a uarter


weed to e#ni: m mattog over a hot stove; peer htoeben'Is elwaLys
coal and eomlertaUa: they hake pMtactly: there jto ao'samka eor
edor aad w poaaibte Uance or an azpleMen.
Per aeuomy aad pteaaaio a New ItoKectlen has

no egaal In

kUebaa labor.
Ooma la aad see (hU move lo operatkm.



is pnrrically mdtotnKhbH.
Froeci cannot bcuak it—au.
wind and stetm cannet niai
or rot it. Ytan aftn Isyina.

it to se good coadlitoa et m ibe dsy
tbelmt esd ws* diitea. Mon ikn
tbsw ii b Us to aMsermw, Mdeiaw
to cost, gfs snd bgfamiBg proot aad
never boUi mo*. WhsivrM roat
roadag ycabbm, Reyealdi Flnibto
Arpl^t SteH U tk7k7sMsUa.
Went at o<v«a for has haakteL
roedag to talk, with asili sad ram.
to toyiag. pai ay ImMs ib* ralb.

ruud. hgtepg«RHW«a

. The raguiar wwaMitS nf Oeand Travarae graiwv wn» bald totnrday Htotnoan -at-wbicb time tbe umcMti
proAiani wae carried oni and plans
mads for CblHtoen'a Dap wUrb te U
evfdi at vast liagoTtaari te toe
graages of tba .cwUcry. AX iHa Haw
the .all U approprtaiaiy decorated
witb Bower* sud a program to qprried out te wbkk the ehUdree are the

of a flgbt bO-.
twaen Turkomans aU Kmds te Pee-I
ala. a traveler says: -The TartoMU j
vrbe always agbt an toa. wwa altl- {
maiely dHaaitd wito bwry teaa. and'
many prtaeasn waiw takaa. and ecM
duee eapHvaa wera talsasad. Aaseu'
tbe Torkamu prtoooata was ae old'
maa of niiwty. who oaM ibat be had'
MdMd tbe aspedlttea te order la aw
core a new wife. Tba damsai te quad
(tea ram# ap daring tba laierruaiary
sad brained bar captor witb a Bona.
Iteatag tbeae laida. past aad prweak.
tbs I'ortomu sppwrrtl to bare to-1 .
Joyed a grant aad permasm adraa-^
laga te tbat aricber Knrd aor Petatoa,
ever carried uff ihetr wowm or ehU-1
dru owing to tbelr oglteaaa. Tba
Tarkamans. oa the other band, pra-;.
twrad I'orateD te ihatr own
aad tkna had a keen Incuava. aput i


I'yvtofnoct baking aitowu___
Thto Wud bu aoAoed the bwtf d—y

nxxto. bat wbhta tbe «Umhw
words aoBoancins the event were
loved by slteMe. The dwwttea se
ed awed toy abet bad taku place.
Aviator Had ThrillteB EaparId tbe etreeta hterk wKh.,pea
I UK sews that DUa was aa biaiii
Ipraatdaai was toe stganl lor i
-Fleetii^Chtea f<w;ab<»uing ud




w^. -Cblcaga Mewa.
uora arrived here today. Before leev■
: te* Vu Den Bora wys be was comThe Trads Winds.
ipelted lo bum bto big aerc^tene te the
of a tenre crowd ^
of fbaarlcs.
fbaarlc. of irada wtede to daa ...........
to tbe pwMnema of tto eudittonil^ ChlueM- general, who Ulked with
Btghi*. way
wbteta rate them. Aa the hat tad sir at the arUior after one n( uis —.
____________ .killed by a moh. Van
Vu Iten
Hen Som KSld.
Iberau.:,-ii we------"•'“SUcred liiat w.
be u...
and. nnlttag. kbona hliUM-lf U. leaKue with -the
I dew oC In I whllf devil."



In Mlchlgu. Ohio ud Indtena^nd to I

rnico.. They go to^ManMantea and then oouth through
lirongl Scott
and Xluskegon to the southern
part of tbe state, whe they wtU make
several stops. Tbe route Is over what
are snppoaed to be the heat aaiomoblle
roads In western .Michigan.
The Weatom MIehigen Oevatepmeat horanu to teklag u active Interla the good rou* question and baa
Joined forces with the Natloaal AsBOdailon for Highway Improvemeou
A spectol coume of tectnres by a
w ill be
given throughout western Jdlcbicao
In the ewriy tall In order te awsken
interest ia the
Artlelas of Association have been
died wKb the couTy eterk by the
(Xtemea d McOragor compnfo of
Honor. Tbe compuy 1* catotstlmd
at JIV.OOO with ICJteO paid ia.
Jaeaph Mn^uec, jr, egad 11 yeero.
eon of Mr. aad Mrs. Joe. Naxbauer
Itreet. while playing
WB(«nll with playmates yesterday atsoosi. was hit IB the throat by »
ted ball, anetelnlng u tejury of
carUUge of tbe larynx At Brst >t
was Choo^ that u opemtloa would
le neceamry. bat the IHtte feltew is
dolBg no well at present Uiat no sen-- s effect* are uticipated.
W. M. Oerden. tha teeaJ mail eai«
Her. has been spending the past live
weeks setting ont treru ud gettln*
hto term la Acme township ready of
the eeaaon's work. He ae* out X.OOd
Iteea. which are now making him an
orchard of n acrw of cberrtea. penchud aqtelew The farm coBtotes ilo
rea. which to loeaird te one of tbe
best ptores te the rogloa for frultgrowlng.
About 40 friomla and neighbora of
................... Wm. C VaaLsJvea.
1.10: South Vnlu BtroM. made a
prise vtoU Frida.v evening as a f
wen. Mr. and Mr*. VinLuven
shoot to leave tor their bone
term. /The evanlng was mut enj>.-v
M>ly spent te ganm and eoeial ch’:
ice cream and rake were eerv

~ ^ ^'STXt


Or^ Rapids. May XP.-Tbe hearing,u'uttaJ’u'iSS

on tbe temporary lajuactton sruted'
the tomltnre employes restmteing tbe,
workem from picketing the pUnuwa*
began today . Tbe owners Imported I'money

which wet


> bare beea p

ja? jr

lewad urbodr.
aaybodyte taM.
toad. *r.“
Mr.“ ^
-ir 1 fsltovid
-------- —
' M^d"’d'lnTvTnn^'br
tbe sovtee bettr. “to
then began.
talnly wonUnt bs yonte.' ^
• Tbe arrests toltewsd what to boHto partnar anofted and eaheMsd.
(CooUimed from pnga ooe.)
ilieveilI to hare been u e
effoitby maito
lera —for or-,
oen of the
,be ClentlSeo
Cl^deo party to
Bnt to the next hand ba throw down ^tly
- telegrapbiiS
. .
_ ----------- ,be„.
hto cards 1a dsmumlon.
(threw .Hadera. Ite vntiefe and I___
.May Xk-cThe news
sews of «he]to"^**i
the!tor the tost ten dara. b to alligal
-Iteok ^ra- be c^; -EitoT TO. j
BM ms esK Cm .
B* 111^^ai ws* received w uh ' have I>m
°^ 'r*** rejolr^te tbe pehel camp atlOeneral Beniamte Vilyoea. u Amsrt^v- .
_____ _ .V
“ •«"«*“
« MhEfro-lcan Mtlsea. who to chief UBtarTaJ
Tsa. I have, retoi^ the novteo, ■ wlm was sboai* to nfhrch oa fhlhua-1 vl*or to Madcro. and General FaaeuI
with warmth. •3ut I'm ketpUg It far hna Madera expected Mnie jrlck os Orosoo to dsoM Uadn?# ttuAird.
yoor tnneraL"
l»lsi'« part. Concerning Diax s roslg-; lastaod Of yteldtea. the two chtete
----------------------- .nation. Hadera said:
i w.ii also re-<imve aociretlr
fteotor ef th. Earth.
I«ora untR s "
ft nTl *MeV*7JMU.n. .«
■ uuarter'io niakr'iCi^arwiB.
er nof sceniurv. belong* lo the people "
telegram, t^n was ai
-1*' *.“* *°
, Ut.r.1. M... N. Cm,..n,a.,.
b. ort.r ofIf Hndero. Dun ten
a mirtag bateoce were
gao IHego. .\la> zc-Tbc ideal
' inei
jbere throe daya ago
___ wtththnMkiaat
tewnred down tbe ehaft the wMgbt of publ:
.^eslean IJb- parpoae. of obtaining
Ualng fuds toTS
the object, as lodlcatad by tha dial of cral ^rarty. Is ahead.' oiwrail
rrailng te Tte ' Maderb
Ms' ‘ mllKaty cMefs.
*»'Juana. Tlie i
the tatenca. woold
at firat
If made that Ii 1___
Both men wore In —riteal teto
obJe« appranebed
the!I T>-. . * U- . Kirk, ..
wuo ..freed
General |......................
....................with J_____ —

.______ ..
icaa . Osryo Gaton of C. P. Olax who to mW
deeper end denser strata, After p
' one of t1tbe tenders of the Ctew
' to be
teg a certalB depth. however tba
wo'kMftot »f Wax. Ml 1 tiBco party
------ te Coahulla.
Wright won'll hegte to, KiiS: aS
Vllitera aad Dam. ta their
It would contteae to dlaitetob to tbe',„„.
______ __ _____
Indicated today when i talk wiib VlUoen and Oram. anM
of Ibe earth, where Us value Magoo
head of
of the
the law
law Angeles
— the
.... —Id
.that (hey had procui
rarod the eowpernwoold be wre. boeauaa the o^act junis. Mid: -1110 Mexhan U berate 11 ton of Ceoer^ngueraa. tbe robot
would there be equally attracted to hair no rompramise to Offer Dtex
overy dlrecOoa.
.Madrro. The iirojoi'c.l peace sill i
I *toi) cur activities "
.force* te Hoatere.v. had promised aaRejolcinQ in Mexico.
slstsuce when tbe new revolt begaa.
ight Child
.. - "vjolcing
Mexico• nty. Mt>
—Preeldcnt; lo meeeage* from Sener Oaten M C.
"How long has■ your dangbtar boas' Pomrk>
a letter read by (he | P Oter lo both De Vte,er* and Dnnn.
atudyteg anr
I pn eident wf -tbe ebambnr
drptlEe* ;tbe existence of a pioc on tbe Ufe of
•Ire yearn, aed she baa made groat_________________ _ _

,_______ of Mexira.
and atfflospbeto and aacb things to o rl»ck the aereptanc-e of the rcstgnaway Bf to nuke you think she tmn of the deputies wu announced rao* I
___ _________________
Vnier, and
kaows partetly w-aU wbtt she menu.'* TJre Praaldeni Raotou Corrsl's reeig-' meet w..
her ......
-«lcaao Trtbnnx
! “«i<» ’va* also accepted and Minis-. ibe.v will start tor n two months' trip
ter of Focel*n Affairs Ft*bcI*co l.eon tbruuxb tbe weetl
'oetora etataa. vtoKlag
previuonalifrleM at Los Angatoi. BoaUte aad
Tha Celtets Baiual Exatelaa
I prvsldcoi I
■ until a general Ut \eraee and Other potott.
"I braatbe my vow* from a sc ■ elevUon r*
Wilite Fsiteiagto,.. mmimr of the
ehwged bean." atid ibe young «
ipecied an nprear Hotel Interioebea. u la < > dty on
le.'' asM tbe eoltefft when the unenunraunemt ^oald be I bnrinwH toMty.
A mcrteage;>»aeiwe was teaued Amurdxv to Ralph l.«o Kern and l*ite daMri. "Tra dost breathe from yoor,
Pay Dunscih both of Old Mteatea.
heart- Ten breathe from yo«r dieRay DrUe and Mtoe OertrudB Done. ptKgm."—Kansas Qty JevrohL.
tba both of AWen were qufteiy mar­
ried la JO«e BmVir-a oElto BaurJaalaut Thiegl
•Eay. Justice A. B. Curito performios
Mtos PtolMrigO-flae m.
the eeruMBy. Tbe youg eoapte was
gadBmeei ring? Don’t you
naatteaded. only the
acaoea beted presenu They will make inace abewed excellent ui
thetr beoto at Aldea.
_ yoe-te tbe adect
The Waa*M MkhiBan Devel^ rtnm-Baann Traaaerlpt.
meat toarenn to reeelrlng « ter^ anm-'
ber of rapitef te rbspoBae to the ad-1
rortimac that kaa been pteeed 1a tbe
MactoeOotehiy iMUed.
farm papers of the coos try, Peo- i ta u English opers cemmay. form?***
>«>“«« to ' «d tor Ibe summer months.
. secttad u the Meal tecatteo tor
that the tenor* were too light
frolt raialac and geaerni (arming.
(or the rest of the chreua. The mans
At the rominea«en>eni inarriass « •w pretested that there were voices
(Hlvet adlego to be held on -Jane XI.
aaongh. aad tbv leading teoor ws*
-.. .. __________ Oeenr ________ qaemiooed why be did aot slv with
baechler. Elbe R Johneoa. sutd Bdltt
iUXer Edward L. RaMoo and >•»>—>><
—MS O. ttoasaas of Noctopovt ud ' am paid soauier wages, sad 1 refaae
Foter Morrteoo of ESk RapUs willlto ring aarthlag bnt my summer


EMI:lS'ON •^•TKsr



a Pnao. May XT.—Madaro today
a a bMlra. vtoory ia the bntUa
tor ibe
theeelecttea efra'-'
the vartoos auiaa wbu~t^iu^
— la tbe atom of CUhnHn.^toM
refuMd to east tbe DtenmvmoriS
mu la a MUm un
B Aodar
.today —-----atoectad
Seu^tteTTnair Meton^s^tocTu
■awwwa ewem mr
iveroor. Madam to coagrmtatotad u
,n Kldm. The cHy of B Iftno «fH
lender him a bdMp...............
___ _______ «y,
Vera Crut.. May
... XXT—Weakand shat­
ten from
.,i»e Barth's tavolntloo
irom aaat ta{
• .u, swsm no***-. tered. iNst todsy Ten Merlraa
sail IL.
rtraa soil
99994 9.'4j99-9 99 9 9’9 9\
weak te nmeb greater at tbe equtor
cruise ctosn (lie cnaiK op (be Unto
^ < then nr tba
the petes,
nalm wind
w1i.n blowtng along ‘
Wi iwaw
Yidraan Me win mum T*-*—
99999999999999999 m nrtbea to the eqoatar to eowtutiy
te nail for ftpate. steppInR i
Dfka da­
etrtvtog at placea which have a higher upreme Court Alflrttm ConatliutteAparted from the, eapbid city aa
mariy eparued liy John Brban. and voteelty tbu itself; hence u'to lattidye«ierday. De ?i ffarriRtMtor «
win cutlBue to serve (he irUe lo a ad and mast Ug btoted. and udw the
restortag peace to the rctotoit-1
todnaaea of two eppartag toecae U to
em Mexico ti............................
satlaipcionr mnuer.
V tranquil, nad the capitol
taka u tntodmadteto dl- which will gret..., ,___ ______
The Lndtea’ Aid saetety of Artotle
beU iU last maeting yesterday at tbs
regalsilB* cue emptoyawDt of railroad, ^
home of >(ra. W. B. Gray. A very enwind to lidirtiid add daws men was rendered today by the su-' ^
lie afternoon was spent vlsUing, aeothwaet white wbat afartad as a 'preme court. Tbe entice art was U- belltvea there b
daring which time
fine Mi
Mrs. W. F. Wnson nmh wind taeeomaa nerthwasL From ffo«*ed .conMltotlouL
;^en Mexjma t.......................... ..............
ud Mrs. R. O. Wbicyaker seng i«t.mrvic.rtteytov.rudemdi
wWrb were enjoyed bralL The____
^ to navfgBHoD tbaaa rHlabte wtoto ate
tegs of tbe pest yenr have beu eepeoteUy Interning'and tlw membara re- i
gret' that
the busy sni
will stop '
'meet be made today. Madate aaM
these meetings tor s t
KOwnara Have imnertu (lee -____ ^
CenerMs VlUJaw and OmsM. to
Mr. end Mra. H. A Hull. Hr. ud Mrs.! Be was not a ga^ m^pisrar.
^ to
•»>«*«. *« «i gOegea. rewardaw^ftteto open up UM Ones Futofy.
^ ihe^ agatest Mndofos^
W. D. C. Germaine ud their chauffeur ’ admittad IL Htonme wucUmwaa.

E. E. VTMglM iganw cs.

laeaums An,trmt bmto m

In abom gS.M. 8at;irday evanlng
June 3rd.
www www
w w w w w itsD<« at <
ttx-lr quill. Ham sabdwlcb<w
I wvman are all basy alnca ibe rain
iltMag la (hair croiai. Help to scarce.
Ibe RnoMeeb mads a apectol trip City csller Tuesday.
ttesday. brlatfog Una tor J. C.j Mrs. O. A. Jdhbaao and Mtoa 1.. _
Hows of Rldgoveod IsraL Hr.l.ardlr
Uklakt be ^\rab s«ary day new as PeteraoD went to Traverse <3ty Settbara la so afisb M«bL
Osrali rraakUa ratnnod from Trae- summer raeaiton aad Mr. Ryan, the
teacher wfH more to lotabd.
Wltkop iraatected baatoess In
iTMae CKy, Tueeday.
. eutas of desM to xMttog bis

toa of OU Mtoatoa, retaraad (o aar
boota bora Bandar.
Mr. sad Un. Beksi:
day sitb Mr.- aad Mia.
Tba Mlssat Vra SM
Maon «aat tv' (Mvd RapMt Ust
Saab to assist to rartoiR for ibelr uacja. Mr. St*, who to aarlMsIr 111.
Ur. and Mrs. Oaear Lyoa aatarulaad compatix from Tiarrrse fli)- ovpr
Mrs. Sarah Ptnrti of Traram/atr
siMt Sabday wilh Mtos Webber.
Mr. Baaenaat la suffariag from a av
vara aitsrtc of concotakw of tba brain.
I.aat Baaday one of tala horses got'
dowa and the axdtamaat «f irylac to
trylat to aara the horse brought oe
the disease. Hb reeorar> seamed
doobUal for a tine.
Stony Uaarh school doasd tost Frir. wbirh was

moat baanUtol Emal.dtepiaia ba^la.
Ute white the iiiBatttm other Weasoni la tba yard maua Iba toate* ohe
of (ha real haaatr npoto «a M toand

sss -T—ir*;.

Wednesday aKernoon at J:3* with i^. .
Mrx H. C. Dnvte, 4IS Waahtegton Ifrainsiion.________


no Btan. {
Quick Curtoin!
to Hstry (tolUday eg Kings
_ 1 She was a eery pretty girl and tartor
Mtos iva Mar Newcomer of Hay- ' rfMy eaihoatesti:.
When the yotmg
aaey oBccr was teirodneed to her
tntereri. 'I de so tore the uvy.lag the pretty tetne o( Dr. aad Mra ehe ctouted to him fsrvoaUy. hraaxhh Oah street. A l«g her ocotatk eaottu. "Where to

antotte <fau the______________

' ■'


’V‘‘- ’

n moLfCTjTt A?n> nArmm

MUCH 0«TAIL^^^*|0 cues- COH-


L C. LMe MM*r.

T. Wuttih. »r*. 3. B. Uaio.
*. ThMBp***. Wj». »l. Rich. Ml*.
u. BhMwn. Br*. V. a c. *-—rrt-ti.
»lr«. W. R, C*ld**U, Bra A. H. 3MBdv. Mn. A. J. Slnoto. ilra. A.-«. Bovl«r. Hl>*. G«]r BoUe^ Mr*.. a p.
8urM. Mr*. H. O. Joym. Urp. JilotlB O.

EUBW1E smob. M. .c w; fhwe.

rmewontt*. A«am

and cpeeiAL rCATUMB

««rk. nutkc-ta. p
cteUr tnM M (o iheUBiMl ra

Si* K.......


r bps ..p^W-TTb-BM vMto

WOT ins ■ ■


•tf tir ilw aOcet* of th« Mue woci*Un tkat UU wfll b«-tb« b«R tute

Vlslloi* «it1 be
niowr beat trtpa. badibalC etc.
. diaiildy or «!«■
PTMIBM ibft proapact ud ha** pnBB«d u met tb*
Brvrthat the Wka aoeer let traptod la tbaatata. The dUpU* wm
aarthlw M> aaban* a> aebtae* aoc- be rtewed fm RaoMh
naimh phrfc. on
w« tbc

l«alK. MBl. Jtmi O.—A baiihaaa
Itftftl the craotMaad la tte Otaaba
toroed It
car. IIL. bawbail PKkk aad
over oa more Utaa S
ernooB. N__ . __
van injiii**, Be*er*i acrlotialr. Bldoey
Mkasoe. eon of lormer Uajor HaaSM.
of Groutte Cltr. was lateroalli laiotod and wfll die. Moat of ibe tafiirad
peiWM bdiaocad to Millar BMtbarr
haU team of 8C UwU aad tb* CbUd*
and ABderaoa teaia ol utoail* City.
When tbe atorm broke the aM<a
into Brtd aad the ban ptarera dbdc
radi«» to tbe diiaalaa room baaao
tba Etobdataad. Wbao tbe wiad
awayed It they Oed asaia. Aa tbv
eaersed tbe wlad lifted tha Stoadatasff M feet rroni lu tonadatioas aad
Uadoil it apBlda dowa npoa tb* baaebaU playets aad otban who were pla-


» ^




effania apprer saiwacenad. Ttoffv
kr ffM « ma toto 1* POE 4aana M


totoe-nt aad he Wew hit oaae. wiffo to paroad bar bU'lMo-VoMd
to aa rod OS a iwbay rork.
r JMto BiMliM . wbn ato

-...TlsBto Mtoff toff tosMB


W*dn*ater, J«»* 7.
R«*I»Uo« IB a rtou«r* Bad

d UpaaUng Tr*_
•maaca r<Wt of CHr Had ,
Narrow Caeap*.




ladles at (be Elks- toniAb. •
Medina of Mlchltaa Kfks aad del*ntaa at lO a. as.
Alleraoeo to be de*M«d I* abUKaMIBB. autoiDobUe rWe.. aiotor boat trip*.
rataehan—Tneerae ttty n. Maalatea. MtaUaaa StUe MbM
Tbaradapt Am* a
ll:«0 a. a.—Grand pande of aU
todxes or tubs la Mlebisaa. This vtU
be a*e of the ftaieet f^tiro e*er ir||.

mn Hm
Cfty*. O

IKtE iftUBlI

tttoat. tjtat m. wt:

Haiw-w aaabrlafe poro foato wtoa
baalttk sad tonwio twda wtfb <Naai»
Mffk aad mOb ar^tocts fraw Me aoMT* c< ibtor aaorn aad tto «Beto‘U*
aua-aJa«ary aM

ao We way oiib iff* mim
■to. Oaiwaalaff ttoffwjwM


baefc btiT. iMi ihis sWwid
ed a* fbarraiiitorau Re *■
tbe poM
tha* to
*• that.
a yeoac
s nr* faaey tana ta Itoo b* a
rblW the rmoitblp era* ffra■ totkancUc Efomito ffaely. Whan Mr. TlftoMr '
CtotHMsiTbH Vadr Will BAios* strl become* frirolous
woof toto tb* toet ytod to *a«M
M Vawaa Pa*ol*>i OrnatoiNan*. I
Raddlastow «w May I tocead seiaa tbe limb of a tree sadptol Mto
' late ooe of a hlerk of bsoaea fraailnc arif ap by bla aata.. tu abr>r «
Tbe roaae peepta of Ulibisaa «U «o a amall part. Groe* B»ddlact<
atrenetb to tbe Mri pest duet, vbav' Ik
^ fivaa aa opporaaliy of toariat wwtrtod from
iBa *NlcaaetortM Naeto
aatoa af to* aaemry-a heat aad m
woodea beach. t*kkM
»W“TPheibro iMtf bnn bitoded ai,a Brorofai iMtottoh .Aff the *______
“• lbea*mett»ei*aalto»owa.b«anU lw*, walttas for *a ippaetaoHy pi
llltolsn CbikUat Badromr Palo*.
-------- tbtt/bum a Moaaatoisbow bU ctoMfft to tbr strl (af
af BdscftkrtBU a fkUl bkWa flo««r.
tdWtoM a DaooR.'jaa* M-Stob.
Grar* bad cs^M # EUaiMe af
The coaveaiton wtir'tbl* year em­
Id maa wba Brad oeit dear. I
_ _
Cbriatiaa Tenar P^
Btaaten or tNntf; while *b* was la (be boek yard. wfeDa b(* ffi^ woa
PH'i argaaltatletB la toe kodlas Tn-' paeeoten aad a tolT bate* rarr par- to tbe haaat*. to heard iwthm
tesuat deMBlaarine* of toe atata. aad tknUr Owf the ba« itimM ba itot aa Ucbtly atrib* Ito apnad btotoi bMa
to. <U. ™u» It I. nuuut, ibu tb. ^ ^ U.^U UUH.U1 Tb. lu, Tarelar be saw a UlUe paay- 1 ndriN
op at tb* aett dear wiadav*. to asw

.................. .


nurtera tor MB*
-dtaa^ totoiado I
Uaoraac* of tbaa* facts bat oiaasd
a 9*01 deal of ha SMC aafferias to4
the lea* af moto bamaa Ufa.
Marb ha* beep said aad irriitn
iwsardias (be pfwjaeUoa el «ieaa i^£
Tba dlSamt ptuaea of' «.iV safa>.'<’
10:00 a. ifc!^^ttduJo*driU e
bare been tMsff: aaff* widely ilffer*
tor prise* oT IlUffO.
Tided attawlon to tb* woHl Tb* otoaa
12:«0 n.
eat aeu of rfrtM have teen laid Sown
for tbe dalrrmaa (e Mlow. Seme aC
-ibotr ladiM.
ttaaoe nlas tore bee* torravafaai aad
try. Tbe eomadtiee
■ni* ■ledn
■' especU^ auartala tha
eomndtiro beHeraa
beltmaa that Udi boowTwbaae eMbeevrorTm by tto Bn M knew.
w '
twonctkai; if act alrnffaibii iap*». baa
baea accempllfbed
-— eaStod roJar. tb* Hon, Aiuraat
Aad where was rereacuT b, ,rt*
I correettot patten and whose wbUBible. Maay of tbam. bmrevee. ban
HemnMB, 6t ClocianaU. and tbe lloa.
Masan* wa* OranHe Otyl b««a aaae aad faaMbU; all have baaw
raffs always protiwded aucUy two Mtpramely happy. Wbyt Jit bufatoa
Chaaa B. Oaboro, forernor of HlcbiBroast RoUnooa aofferwd aciMed by a wbotsMae datoro to im.
to mlU< throw bock tbk lima hms.
----- a of tbe brain, ile It tiiu uaInstead of tktog aa be ptR It to Wa
eodtotooa-'aad may die. Oib«ra aeri- prt5Ve our food product* and thro prX
excited a protouad latermt la tb* botfrotok aad kobed op at toS p
oaaly laiarad. an Han? '
Mtrtoaaa, who will oddresa toe meet- ymmg l»d.v* baart. They wer* to Ore. doses windows, from one of whtcb to
eon of II ............
MaaaarlBs. aad
I lag on tbe sirt-jeci af ~&oo* OUistowas BUI* tbe pw.c had toffp tosaad.
AllUaa APMluas.
_ 'i. be St. Looli plu •
^ of the **a--M.i rwOT* In t!*'rtto.- Oowrw^Oabera aoada no
Janie* McCaVert.v aod prodnetioa nf riaaa milk to (be dairy-}'
They might becometoaom friends, paa- ill* face wore n rmfic wblcH.I^ la“■ taken in maa hlatsdL He atoold by aaisre b*.'
alMy like brniber and *Mer. poMbiy tanded to an erprevistire and tand«»
Bui latroded smile* arc atw*;*
nosL tidy and cleaa. A aioro* may
tbnm .rwnpk •ml eu •• be pbaea-'
pleaaaaiar tp coaiimpUte than “aUgbt, Mb*
lIrr .U a>lace. amT maay a poUro]
— • *t,-m.lyt»d .Netenheksw R ^
tore btto.-' Tbe Srat to tto btW. tbej e»»P*e.L
kera aad Prank Woodlo', bo*a. break- Witt iu eUboraie enolpiaeBi la tmk
WIATOR WON PRIZE*. lB( both laca of-LouU Schaerer, and wtne oflea Umet tb* bcnhle rotttce
U WBMak e. H. Bn
age wbea-rtkce are no aad aameriw: Baddircirffi. «'
daawAlBc WKh . proparty. The dty with ft*' altople. altaot^ pritthtre, apmeoetinq
Kererihek*s~Tonth la peeaBar. One »'• toe
tu^rr vt-rnn.^uiecHltn
puwplBs atpUen was
poiatmeata Is InmacaUte.
The atorm then jumped acioaa tba- Tbe matter or claanKneas Is a rowl
would aon«ne that, barboriag snob <•>■» «“d t.;vc« lom-a. I'r.^ it*w
^ C BKte
J. w. Hu.
linaola rIVer and wrccko<r (be plut
rainbow bncic*. Ulto BodAegtonl ^w****’"'^' I'.'.nn^Tc laxynd w*
of tbe Boley Ice Co.’ Treei wer* op- ded af a poroOBa] factor. SM atow’.
woold act to a way enkutoted to bring'**^~*^''‘*”
»cief-on aiffi^
rcoted. raoCi btown from bonaoi aad beulthy pMoie me a erceasiir ta tba
them aheot: that abn wonld kok fer-:>>«hds and then have vriprd *ui Ito
PUU SUM windows staasbed In the prodnetka of ekaa milk. ....
ward to a conTcotkoat meetiu wlibi •*“** *»7 * pm.r.
boslDeaa onarter of l>ekin. ‘me storm
A ckao. baaltoy cow la a cfao*.
her nMxbbor wbieb wottld grew total This tor* affair lutd | ;s»-.t ;be agleUowed tbe river, aad tbe naMeoc* wrtMlfbted. waU v«nri>aied sMMe aro

r- ttavtoffAffan
M tb* city
y eacapei
Kin* Adfenu Joined In Ovatleo to part...................
alas aaaentlals.. The' I'cbi aad vaarpand to sots aoe of (to channeto that! W«m all i
there waa a bisk, wlad Uika are not m abaoiutn^- 'twsent'al.
Pierra Vendrin* at Closa af
■ tbai blew dowa }
had been dog for Hbf torlmagtaatka. i
_I «• tto ------------Race—M. Gilbert pio.
b« both aro closef' ••••liriated wlm
aad daniasad a larse
8bc did tbe Tcvy opposite.
m>t « all tblagi are *o>ayabto Ma
e & BehU^ltoSl
Miad Cleaa Bacand.
tbe bealih of ibe eatOe. Tbep. too. a
TVUIe she was wstrktog tb* narues entUbroto. to toiiad deUgbt to lb*
FTMlk Bardar.
dark vabk k very apt to be din*,
Madrid. May
J tba park baiting tbeir bal^ cf. [ eery UDbapplnaas-that bad matted «*
aod aa nareatllMed ooe uonallv eouSCHOOL REPORT.
woa tbc PaHariages for a brief HI of chat. thaifcWonln* Tbe
Tl till who at ^ toidUa
Report of tba Black acboel dktrict taUi a aatWu of odors tajarioat ut
gUalng bad tooad
■e nee aad prlaes asidioaora to pour­
feuntala sparkle la tto sun. wbUa lO*
S.*A. R Swkr*!
y. Out
$30«I0. wade a new Xa Z. Baal Bay townablp, lor tbc unk.
n w. Raff, Tberon
IWentd ta tb* chirp «f bird* aad . ing ntar npan tbe H ifiitoauu wWcN
------- bent KlB( 'AUboio looto atoUn« May IC. toll:
It I* surprisfait to im bow. msat
dlatsal roafaanl aolsr .of maay ve> tto yowsg Mao-i»* esrtato bM* «to
partlcfiMPd In tbe orattoa ffron Venfarmer*
rar* ptnaac* t*
Noiubee of day* ta**bL ». bklc* on a street beyond, fb* dam* ad
drtoo Nbaa be arrlTod aner TSLwUe*
lb* next bat^ epraad. aad Ito yoHg atunct lb* fwaali bad put gp iff
Total errollmeat. 43. Boys enraUod. tbeir row*, a curr'- ccinh and b:ii-:i
W air Elsbt. The lime for the wbole
gentkamn of jrbom abc was damm- pkaae her. punuod the eva* tener aff
toce waa u taova and W mlaaiM. 1: cUb-earotlcd. 3Xi averago dally
dotog tor
lag came out oalbe. stoop. HU tooia.
Garlaod. ebalnaui; WIBard Tbe beat time for toJtraod iraffta be- itaadaTc.81..
apactaWe; her mUk will awlfet i-ti-rw
twweo Parto aad Madrid ia *« boor*.
a sOrkpIn
tic kwror and bis abarr to tto Inre maUog ou ftontobm
Tbcae win arcro acltbar tardy nor less coniamSnatlcit. aixt the win b« a;
.M. QUbert arrived abortiy after V«nthat or* aa fhr
eitk hat all ctmenwil la tto
Oladrtae and had to to lifted trow bia
roorcc of pride an.l astlsUotno to her;
In faU band. I ^Mtoa from men aa undUceverad aairtngl
rood swtngiag
bto e
belk Sternauian. Harold Bteruman.
Pvnklag out on
_____________ ___ ,I ursl kwB. Waa bar Srut c
OUrlae Mariiacaa, Martha Carikle.
A raUIo with asTooih walla c«d re.. esp*ci*l ictro-lcrticn to ary fv-rscit In fore him avidaalliy irfty wed mTItSmt 1^*'”
* alNk* Of
___ _____
laa BUck.
lag fsrolrbcs mo-h ;os >ipoortas!-r Ukhlgaa. nc.ihcr ;* au> comm.01
romrj.Bi ac
at - vrlib hlmaait. Th^
natlciag ___
Mown that M
of do.- aad nt-j *yl ‘*s*r’- on U:» views oT io<-d rl;l;cn- gnue aaougb of ^ cuffs sbowed. be- rieni way af *nartog Mm7 Jta* to
bUfaest avariwe ataadlu: Wm for tbc li
ada. Walter Lawk. M; .eoaad frada. tl tnneb cnxier ti n-sii sod d's!n.'er . »R*P- Slace rc h.-;* to»n [q o1i.-e he low bk akevre. he,adjuted Srst oaa (base step* which men caA ratoto.
but msn;
msnj very ordlnsM
*isb)c< n--< *>**
Bii.-i>rrou< opponnrlT!oi of aod (beu tto ether. BiR io dotng so Sb* eboM b«r way tnsttoettMy.
Hauk Csrlisk. >J: third srada. I
ckon Cm-pi forrv are B'-- P««Uk Jrot where h- atanls hi ib«-e* be noticed a spot «n<M* right cuff
Raviag Arm made tbe youag toM
Blatto. S3: foortb erode. Olivia* Har- BBBliaer than trorden one* sari c «- «■»«*, lo Mew of this Ucr the cot. sod. takloc out a •mowy camb^ btnd- suffer and tbea gtvea Urn a app^ ito
J. W. Hanaea. <
s •mpwy cambric
Stlh trad*. Harry DaiBlDe. also anaier to deaa. (Mable* wte.o Witte* trbicb bad ihkvso:iar In charge kMvWef. < ‘eavorv/t««
young kdr proceeded to (to nout al*p.
‘eavorwl to obiltam
ffotre RaHahed While BaUdoff Wbll* kl; sixth grada. Galber Lewis. ST; aevCommon
uatye would bar* •uggmKE
BuddingThre* Other* War* Thrown '
enth mde. KdSar Ta.vior. ?7,
bora to
to epea
epea BToBventlea
a ^venilon of
of Chrlsiiaa
Cbrlsiiaa ieo
loo was
was watrbtag
watebtag him
bim from
lowed toaccumaUte on tto alda walk torn
tto winUNO Wotar*.
Niffbesi averasD Bumliog for y
ofiaa remliiga latc'ceuing cruet’ trero, T«««g People. While he ba* held hi* dew aoine doxen feet sbore him and jdlngt^. aa baa baao
year to year, are entirely unaniied fori
7or only a short time be Is wide- two or three fret to one aide. TThDe
Detroit. Hay n.—Bevcu ...
FUa* ffrade. Walter Lewis. K8; xe
' ly known for hit sbilliT In perfortninx be waa fwbuiialiii to riimi 11 tto Wa* K bacaua* iff* acted
wUbhi tbe State waa too lut o
grode. IMUe Carlisle. »|; third grade. prodadag a clean milk
The uider* ai ever artlve wUb Ibe dolies which ooufnmt btm. Net spot from bk enff aim Ihippminl rifOe tbal atolce fruft k '
—- ------------------------ Detroit: fYaak. Bdaa Blaek. M; Wesley ttoflik. W:
only ts he well knewn in this slate, hut
few iaem*to» and when she ro- ' did ato cooMder seen
«ad Zkranao Selbel. iMJudnp. were fopnb grade. OBvlne Martlaaau. »5; tbair web*, and freourto:
tbrVNigiioqt the rounuy his name l< hiroed beM in tor banPa pCicber af pHdty
tetter suited to
^waad while baUiinc.
Sclfil.lp- Charley UUler. »1; flitb grode, Nok sweritlhn are nerearery 1* ordej^ ; becomtag W (sml!kr ooe.
wai«r. Rxieodiu bm artob she held 'Only a weaoa ca
las in Kaiil: t'nek. .-. voip'ri Carilak. Si; aixtb grode .Bstlier Uwii, prwvcnt Ibeae wehp (mm
Oa.Bainrday evaniag.
June SMb,. t, the plicbcr dfrordy orcr tbc r
riem. and petoape
d Ooteinan of
Mfchibicoteii. »Sr-ievetrtb gradts. Jacob MJIkr. S3; duk laden and
Urge popular meeting will be bald In atre*k of sonllgb* craatUg tbe top of •
both drowned wbn caaoea ovorOf dirt and nanas.
tha largeri audliorlam obtainable for bis silk bat.
A Ceona JakowUk. MI trow Bdgar Taylor. 91; eighUi grode, Vera
Many TsIiaMr o'ensfU are on tbc tto porpoaa, at wbicb Hon J. Prank
Rut alie rrfralafd.. Wbatbar thk ’time tbatbaraAtobtoabtoU^SfliP
tu Mo the cold water of too rivet Bmltli. 9^
Haaly. ux-geveraor of ladiMo. wilt was on account of pangs of mtoMM '(biu
. la tto wv of cowttolik a* too
Ina D. %bd, itoeber. '
itryman U kaeplag his catU*. ht« speak. HU aubteri win be aaotber or a dpal'e to roRr the aUnatfcm to waited.
»*Re4- Tto
The yoeu
MM toAUtowE
a ato bk milk rieaa <iad whtd*. pbaoe of Cbriatiaa ClOxcaablp- like fBulooging tto ctlmax or from a dtood *to wtorutbtiBU
Kt. ntxfftraM of Dayton, O, I* in
o. Tb* »ory beat e«ilptoent. to«-j Corevnsr Osbmw. «t-Ooe*tw HasD
making an enemy
af a H*ro«l that U v ___________ . ____
tbs dtr as the gticat ot frienda for a
r, wta not furolsb rison milk wi<>>-; need* no Utrodoctlep to Mietal^n pem friend of ber hamaroUte ffwigfcw bl* own batag la a Uka poalrise Is KM
la to Hava a Paatai Sav- abort itoto.
aa IntelUgwi. vigorunt operator, pie As a piwt of bU popuUriiv Dc- there I* no record. Tbe aeoMlirowat
borne. A window la soeh rneto
Inaa Rank.
1*0 W. A. SMIy and writ seA'aablaston,. May a,-Plfiy
coapanlad by Master Paul aad Mia* to nae It. While a very good grode iroit people, at bis last vkU there, certainl.v dciicioo*. Bat thb most del- (adJoU>»«l He caotrtvH to gat a aoto
M banks were
?re dMlEoated
bH kdy lav* by tyiag a aUtog to
—------- today
Mario left UU* taoraiac for Ptua- <d mnk roa be produced wilt \er..-, filled tbe large armory to in capaHiv b-afetT Carored win* must be «w*t-1
General HItcfaooto. In
bars where they will vkll their dMgb- mdlnary utensil*. enStclent painsros.- at a Suaday afiernoon mee-lp*. »ad lowed at Uai. aod prcaeoily. UppIng | tb* and of tto case and tto nato •
Ulch, tolBB amoDc tl
ter and otber reUttvee (or a few tag erne must to exerrtaed.
| theiT are promi-rs of i reconf-br-ak *be pMctor. toe poured s atemradows | tto cud of tto atring. wkUfftog ibff
____ _____
I miaaica into ber open wlodow. TMp
■tide fr ri fjf* factorss Bdmed.
asmod. the'
•(’**» eoBrenUcB _ ...
-Wtoa Mr. Tlpptar-tbaL was tto|M t» aa.todlaaa atring baunap tto
ttarjcif -ia agtimil* It Seats win be rusarred for all r*«i»lerad oot-of4own delegate*, so ibw yottag mas's nasw. T. rmatiriiw Tto j
wlodbwa. aver wbkb PRUSC U»
a of milk
_ (boa* who have not yn had a* opeor- pl«r-/rU (be water rcaooadiag as «• of notklaga. grU«»l>r riSAtoff m
‘ .hettm^hktojMAtbeyJai^wartb-W
maad “Cleaa op" when the seat of
bessiB* him wui te surs to —
tto inflculro u not a matte" of etean-l
maeiiag Cevartor and b-------------^ ..nntala-^ gll orffr; <toe mafftooff Mb*. DaMbiMlL. .lito
Rrat impuke was ta stato : ** nanRublag totoa pl«Bls to ffU
Itneaa.-' but a lack of proper manege-'
kAd esJtorrroor Haaly ata him..»*
r. tba aeeand to kiafc up t* I tock yard. tonSsE from to*^ bs«e
mtot aftac betag drawn Jf mltic ■* •
^"7" P«Pul*r at pUtform spaaklam«fftot*(.r nertoto tod ea^ to a
wIR atieod tbe courba, u aa^Bope tbaa tto Pitcher sod a | domkile.
•bffiialy .wxiat dJiaiMmariog wttbla ths.,‘ k» as eodMaa. atiMg r
tod befor* won tto i*7*- Ike on* ttrcTlo
oae ma* know that If dlricaiila* arire
had recently came ‘ ef tto nltosmg tooai
ibay are probably nai dae to tem- tbraugboui ,(b( eoantr? to'
lime ta time uken acllte 'Dihree: In
^M'af .oof af (er .daa.
mattera i-eroJnIns lo good ciilraoWl-.. ’ got op wMb a
n- n* toffy feapt tor's
aad a Cbria<Un Eadearor coitreAtf.-, , arif chat abe oUgbl
af tbc nrotBituile of ihr DeiroH ftmJjllM- l-oro' acodaed Isnu to.toto
TenilOB wodU rtos- focomple'e wi-». 1 «fr. TUffter toviag,. copM uU .M »«
out lie above aprakerv. or stomooe Of
bavDw beep U*ffU4
b* coosldcred It. cootemunaiply. to
tonal menu.
It U BOW That a little
recislercd noalifled drie-mt'-i wa* ffsKc snre. by tb* glri Mgt daac,
will arold much troui^
a great oath of reeaagff
with aore atroulder*.
A few days later Mr. TTppMr wbK*
ride, a free hcroi iidf aad. free
«m toughto tbe bt^‘
fledglae ard b-eak au- w*1hlfig borne a*w Ufm BoMtagtan
aad remove all the taU
upoa preacntaHea of tto ow-wstt rumidff from- >b« atber dtrarttao. Va
tweat rroa the hair’ur _.
driegate's rrcdeatlaii Tri'se er derhkpotoffte
abooldero .Adjua! the rollar
tltls can be wacwe l bv addrea.iB- eoddepiy riowad «p.
MM Mn. •aSMS^an lU
and baao* orien. a* the barres
MIM Mary F Phlinr,.' |*T Toi'n*, Tight aad to tto left aad up at toe Uc,
wia fall In Saab with tfee-eprinx
wood Are. I^ualr. I»:e/a‘*« m*» The
- ' work bad leave them tooae.
thraa ' reden-lsi.> praperly wer* aide by aid* or. rafW. ttore waa
tb* boreea feel tbe rtfreto^iff
.but <»e stoop witb'a,*too* dlririffd.
rest of betag free from tbe barAt flrvt Ur 'Hppier wlabad to ifffet
»•** w*l*e eouag. Work ragMka BuddlnroB at (ba Imtam «Etto
vtar beat* eo a aat amewai. each
stir* (tot to might show btraRpi
da.v, sad the fprUg work will to
MUlKcoro ra tor by mndng Ur 1
aocompHtbad with hmt hardship
ber. Tbon to «*s sftaM to
to both man aad hero**. Parwonld
hap* tator off win e* our p eag>
near <r cat
kcTTbief aad Mew bi* aaae.., l|p.-«ffraoaae ia b ward *f pa,
lag bt. steam or gaaollae trie.
ried a sHh Msbreda la bk M.a#d
**«ar kiU* 4to kxy k
* ^ tbea we wtt aot ntoi
wbik iryiag i« Vrott wHb tlUkj
e ttoa.faeavar.
be fo rwreni Purtnt ibv atren.
Is a prinaaiy w*
.ft ,m. bitfelllafroaiaf;
ri faroaa it has al





It ssjrrsiu

U-, jjj

S«r^ MSertoH^^

,uu.rt«1 SS.2T J

76Mn£Sir^D HUE



_5 w. oJSt^



IF rrs co^oirr

Ai s pfficettiatwIU not he buriieit■somg,fcy all means see onr iiw*> of


Cool SiiiiiiiiOT Dressi^

isis, $«w, $ Etc.

gar »c »egt lor vajue. lit sn
ewnioH. in fte cM^.


apv« S7HMBERC Bttomm

Eor Job lloft Goliie to the Iteraltl antf tecini fef

***» biiaAtod miito al ad*.



r: -




t «•

> rvcMe Mtm from *or of tko d
» Oood«)r to m


W tt «• by Cattaf tkM.
W« terwl frcMH •»««
ihtrlnc tim ■unwr. bat ex
briBs it sp tomorrow m cMb. Wa
aad tbo abOdfM
to. The €«]y Ibtb* *m be tbe
paraobr' cbaMOt. and I abooM tbtnk
^ vliU^

PUem Mn. Bacpo aaya:
ni«' »*»» Batm:
v«.r klad and aagnatlre Imier
reached me mw tlma afo. Tbe
dlrtt are ail re^ (ratatol to yoa for
(be Midt and 'buttoaa Bii of tbe
__ ____ __
i.^ ....
.h. ..

before, bet J aoppom tbailt ibe wt,
we foal arety ipriag. Tba sMO k ao
pretty! Tbe ebildrco bare bRmgkt >a
*0 many Bower*. Then It a BeM
ararky wberc^tbc liuia iJoe rlolet*.
..... I. a—, -ta— .n-r ».i


a af tba
Rvlm *f4 I
t HarnM Yaaaf FaOm StwaMna
X C>^
. mUI try «a*ar »a marry tw


M I ♦
“ '
, *

aU ibe »Wa and boya waat to
-do aomathtar'Of oourm a Soaritto Ciat U diSarCM tbaa aay other Had. baeame It
♦ frat
dom Dot bare to ba formal, or pUaI miM my ta ba aa h
- . . ---------aad anar aay cartala taabloB. Ittai
♦ can and r
be bappT levin* abd kiad la all
^ at far aa t aan.
4 that cme baa u do to ba a mambtw.
I ».ll try M ba lovittg. haipful 4
It want to
------------ - ------ and kind ) aeerybedy and ta 4

Abotbar latter baa
L Mra.


Wttttk. Mkb enamor. imaTiiby. bhjii^p.
A«ru t«. i>ii. aiinht- i fern in biabm oad
D«or PimMoM—
foor maan. I am o>mea faon oM
I Uro aboot • oaanor of a alia aad win aooa be Ivalra. At ocbeol
from tba rirar. ao« (ba *eo4 la JaR I att «itb State Bmaarak. «bo baa
bock of oar bar*. 1 aotorad tba baaa my aaammta far two yoora. W*
com eoateat Urta yaar. I Jaat baUb- al*«y« bar* gnat tarn. My Mar
ad pUatia* tbe corn to teat ibM afiar- Hamt «uu to Jef* tba SoaMaa
aooa. My Madim aro raadta*. arMb- CM. Sba M eight yr«n oM. I vtU

iMt ,he-.rtawbcMlful* It teem#
it o^ wma ao baa*Ufal * *»

**• "
Taw leria* Saaahlaa gtrt.
Mary Saabor*.
tMty- and tbe So«at» an Moomaag.
tbet we lar* ow cowa
Do >*■ aad State S*a 1
” la
" ao
* warm
e. Wc play ball aad otbar? Tm a
____ ...____
school. Qor
___ ______
AOM is oae bsK mile from WaHta. 8««»* ■bT* Mkk. S. r. D,. Sa. f.
Tbe grass k



’ J yotl. tad If yo* wMb to bava a ehib ** htve two oaw member*.
» yoo may «ae loeae If yoo waat to do Warwr aad nofw* Lamaby.
We bare ilrrlded to place a «uUt. we toond tbti wKb tbe beat of
we oMar ooea to do tbe cuuIdc and they would It keep. They arc brlnsConatnoflon.
Itelp wKb tbe sewlog. tbeo wbca Ss lag BweM William new aad aaotber
Artlole L
Isbad. emek oar *111 have a a*lU. and .Bower, which at oear at I cao get tbe
a Oar* SaUa.
*D1 call It tbo Soatblac oiiilt. '
protnaelnkm It ctUlrdtbe-nowwIii*
. rirat Vlat Pratidtfit-lfr*. Mabtl
flec. 1. This oertety thall be a

hire aay llteratwe at any Almond." J havenT been abla to Bod
brtneb aoclaty of tbe Herald Tmag
,htt wooM beorfll u. we would eat }wt wbai It U. but it la very prriSaeaim Vlca Pratldtnt-Mrt. Ir*»#
noorecltlr it rny mock Tbaakbig ty, tbe Bowert looklog something lUie
Sbmarty ShleMt.
See. 3. Ibo name ahaU be tbe
bppiiij; tlay^k
past favors
Ira. A. k. (*rtle la tbe name of yoor oim».|
hear from yo* as often as
-Oor bird hoosr lo ibe grove Is lea•
Article li.
conTwAeni. 1 remain.
panted, but whether by tdrds or aqolr.
^ ^ ®""' reb I baven'i been nWe to dad o*t.

T«mr taav «m Tory dHiUtr *rtiro. l «i«m laio is eopy tt lor«bt
SoMbtao maa*
Walim. MWt.
April 91. mx
I Sot my card aad botM aai maa
vary glad to get ibrm. Pape baalad
“* ““
and me Ibm ba wooM ««a
at a baM a deter far eoiUw tbam
'op. Jack Anger aad papa took aam*
last to Ntoaeo City to SM akmad lafor Mr MtGotdrtak.
___ ,_j girts ataylag wiu w Chia
■math Thair aamn wma Maodt


aad I bar* lota of playmatas «bo
I taat my card aad
tattoo, aad ao vooM Kko lo bate aarikar card aad bouem. I go to school
every day. oad *e Uka oor uoeber
‘•■*** ***’• '
l8e airtb gr*dc.
“ "*“
olA There are
two boyt aad gtria la my rlas%. I am
'**•* arttboMtlr aad lo the
tecood part. I am b tba EngNab
graBunar. Wa bare iwetiiy-ane eebo^
0^. ......

aara mad wrlu n

ilia Mirh
Dear FrerideatWOI yoo plea#«‘ iwid t a bMUm*
1 agi biae yeora old. I
every day 1
r mbbiu
Tbcre arc leu
Laat year Letter Kieg was bare. We
.... .. .0 0,.

Mtaa Hotowger. I wlU bare lo close
came down and *e vtrnt vp t
my letur for ibla Ume.
Tl»«w«l or U.U .OOW thou I,
‘ ienj n.oml« > r.. ..rt. w. ' woods and got sooie ror* aad
M~. Alo.
I wfll ITT never to worry or firt- .
I Ibotubl 1 «w ono Irndde. I bavenl ^
Hall, May 1. 1111. 1.»1.
8U11 annher braacb Swtablae latter seen any biidt aboot ll.
Waan't U fan to have ao many
S . i... UI
I wm try to be a* happy aa I cap M come fiwD WlUaa Bake of-PIfe
n» chll^ are workln, bard pa
Sunahlaero fa arbool* What do yoo


»•TrlHrirr'r'-Z ^2:^; r

Toer neb a brny IKUe tMpg.
I wonder yoa bai^

If 1 ever fall la trylag to do Ibeaa
Clob very mneb, aad 1 think all the
tbfve. I will “try. iiy ■
Ton eafry, all tbe winged a
rvai «n me oun»..»e.. w,
.. Sy-Lewc
uloe onfttdoor. mm and tbe ««>• 1.
Aritlcle I.
ell poae.Thiwrd a robin rtatin*
ataginx this
Akd idiot yow gardesa freeh
momlag. « Bo «<»
every .day.
Sec. 1. Tbe offleen of Ue Socl«y My taachpr's name la MMa Tbereea
tbe Toatelde erarywbee.
•ball be a Prealdeai. \nce-PreMdeil. Wolf. I like ker very mart. AlUbe
and Tmaturer.
sirii In my school Orion* to tie Bun‘
iw tbe little pale, irtc* boy.
Sec II. Kew ofSocra shall be elert- sblae Clob. ebd some of tbe boya sl­

pnriie tbe email leivee dasoe for ed evwy low weeks.
so. We are going to atan a braacb
XrtMe II
•O’'- •• » i* SriUag •priag. and
IS'pIgy teMae. brisUlkg .harp
If we eaa do anything to help jw..
Oatlea of onoer*.
a aefl aeelian harp.
pleaoe let ns know. Tmst summer we
Ms tbe little rieoda to
.tEMdr jdanayf over lead and Uke:
.ni Kcb tbe ortote'e Met aad keep
C ifr «0wsy bteioe fsH asleep.

.-.d. jr:jxT. dTdL'rr;..::

8.*. 1.

Th. Vto. PiMMMit .bdll



s einy


bear from me. bet I tbooght I woald
• “»•*

ihousmid aoaa of
^ .1

!!"|[!!S'miilT^/Z "Ttave'e^lU
yoTtei iVtab

*® *'’■

^ “*“*


w. .w . .


ct*. I «• I"



^ ^ hS
1 am ta the aeveaib
win paet la aU aty
grade. I hope
Wallis. MM. ,
I be in tbe eighth
April lA 1M1.
vacation. We have three
more'weeks of Kbool. Inclndlng tbto
----------------wriueo a lewer
atneei I »,ek.
»,ek. We
to have a ptcDlc ibc'

u, rm. o. bn »rd. ud .o. th.t JI

yon pefag 10 eater tbe
e ebon It.

I might have ea.m. the roMlod com
aad poutoea.

Them aie sU postals lo
ledge this week. Tbe grectlags from
Uebel Hollaad. Helee Hlft..

WotlU. Mtrb.
April Si. l»ll.
Debr rrmliitvii I rmolvod my card dad leiter is u» psper. Wa plw Ml hem
aos. Tbe spriag beaatiea are la
Moem. Kaamtb Prium-and I bars
la oor cerailaallu
bo*. 1 bate * pood time M oehool.
Ws pUy bell aad borw. My b
.mr.0.00m«Uo.<.M.».lug wood for paps. W. bad a ftooabloe party a week *». Thera mere
elgbt««|k eat of (be toeatyMr therm

a.,. „iZ. r», a.

lag for baa i
Mias Sprague also scat
jjaare Of tbe acbool boose, wiin uie
^hoU« « ptay odt of doo,^ It made
yoor p,.,*weat
PreaWwit slab
slab she
she were
were aa mu«
HtO« -.a
,,^1 ^
wadj at tba Oatk
,^4^ ____________ teaeber and be
^^bor’ of'tba dark"ibool Saa•“«

MlMred HoSar.
You aad DouM aiw certsioly boay
Saasblaara. 1 w«a torprlacd that yoa
cooM sa* (ha tags

.u,. 1 »u. m -d dll Id. «.►

She *... obi

teA k-Dumy Hulv

*«« k bright dr<» mltb
tiay black polkadou all OTwr It aad aha
sever spoke one word to naybody. altbengb she etayed a wbola kmg woMl
She was evidently very toad of *»leblag tbe people aa (bey pbaaed up and
tor eba Mayad gear^

tbe wintow all dgy. RIgbl amoRg«
the Brib grade. My stodlee are read- rtinera could come.
I have two
(be bright greea learea ^ gr*adma'a
Inc. arlthmetlr, langnage. geography. pnHber* and a alner. My oldest
twlatof ivy. She
rbvMology. writing, and epelllng I
Btepben. e»d the
^ ^

imr nice long leUer In tbe Buaahlae

to make her UtUa riMt and
.IWliTgM wy dmtagfbg her*.

.ad elmll eead a monlbly report to.^ *^100. Will yon pleaee oead
ibe Prealdeai of the Herrid' Tooag Roaebel aad Btbel QUmore eadi a
polka 6«M1m aub
Bnaablne botioa. aa they hare Ml
WB w Utaasamntrbreeae
see. A Tbe dntlea of the Treasurer ti,eir*» And I am eorry to toy ihet 1
i|kB:^'sacii MWBl tWogs aa these,
sban be to receive all nwaey bekmgioet my button alw. Please
ttiifs isnlr WOri be. eoamtUng. too. |b« to tbe society, and all the nnidea
to me and we wUl be
,fipltar a UUle boy » do.
made for dMlrtbtrtlon by tbe eodety.
<*Mul siib the new oofa. Our
*«tb Howland.
Article m.
trtll let o« on tbe ninth of
birthday was the
Dutle* of Members.
The dutie* of tie meMera Ohan be 0f )iarcb. and t got eleven pwt cardk.
M^Mdr new dmop and fade;
^ iga-tbe pledge card, asS try every and la tbe atveiaoon at school .my
Stoott aad «* .Ibelr own awed ^
«4eery and loving. Their tmmber celobrated my birthday. 6be
dnet tor tbo ooclety shall conslat of trmted ua all to candy and we trio
Abd kbow not where Uelr fragrance p„ g^d g« , g*,. gad they eball ba «ortet end we Imd a big Ume. WUl
.apeeted to help In whatever way
pteaee write nnd tril ns what to
nonueg. Soaung. day te day.
they tan at the moeUnn of the eorte- «« u, our CM? It would it very
kind in yoo. and wo will all try to
twtbotool-ai e tmvriler*.
Article IV.
be real Said
fiMtbtog in Ibe deny air;
ennablDcn and onr dear President. 1
They mteb Ibe oter of tbe Bowera.
a...,, •n...«.u»«ru..»cw, am as ever.
Abd blew the gmcfol perinme
tow to.8w
there. V*
_ ttuo-EtMto.
]saeh ow Itvw: awoel word* of kind

o. .0...

«b the

eleoe. e^ be wanu to o
Our Sunshloe leitera this week are •
Your inily.
totiD glad spring I '
»«■« the membera of 1*0 school
Josepbloe Nlebolas.
10 ua'-wgalD.
and wc <
riobs, cne at WaUln and the Other at
Tbe SuoshlDe ppny sns delightful,
prdit^nU slag and sec
them I am sure. Sonbeams always .have 4,^ gomers bloouL I hope
"• togoiber. leaer *U1 Bod yoo and alt the ten•bluer* well end Aapp.v. and that J
-w... eee tbe lettei'In print.
Sottona, Bey. MIA, R. F. D. No. A ,bgH
Sniioea Bay. Mich- B. P. D.. No. 3.
Bo» 55.
Tour Banablnm-.
April 18. ISIl.
I have lost my card and botioa abd
Amalia L. KoaurriL
Dear PrealdeM—
would like to bare new oaea. I am
«« might all have attended
Aa onr teacher sanu ui to Join gribg to a^ori every dajI am j^ar laat-day esercto^ A pknle Is
the Sunshine Clnb I em now writing In tbe tonrth reader, end In tbe trbl gsgr « Bfce,) ibtak.
to you and asking for a enrd aad but- laaguage book, and .teat book of

ton. 1 go to nebori awat evbry day arithmetic. My teacher’a name la
Wallin. Mk-b.
....................................... .........
“-------------~ *
April :i. I»ll.
two brotbera and ono staler, klv
Oner PrealdcnlOscar
I wonid like to he a member of tbo
brother Stephen would like to )rio.







™“ !L"“ "V"™”'v... i«.

i~ to*. «


,80* nr;,'“r“ro'2 s

"'"y^-'we Mtow not
™ I. Mbs Pearl Knoee«cr.
Uka the fnsranee of tbe
of rtwrt « teat meetlu
’ lnto'r1.^en. Mich, May A l»ll.
tor beyoal «tr kea.
b, ScciMrr.

PreridentMBW MRMBRftto
RedUow Of Sonshlae Pledge by all
• reorived the wrda mad pins and
teymoad ^ ^wrm aty. tbe^erS^.
we. very gled toV .hem. I -in
•end yoo mate mofw names for wc
abort progrtm.
are baring a Uttlo rinb by oumrives.
Paultee Ketm end Marie Morrow.
and we have tea paritaa with It M'e
Snnablnc games.
WolUa. Mkb.
sBd .tanid te«wB

Met togetber BaUrday arteruoonj
WaBbi MM ' Mama* eoBt W Bdaa
Whet do yoo think would be a nleo »• bare *nod Umco among ourr^Tri?i?-|-^^
a^naS^to^nV CM? «'vna. The acmes of the cblldr,.n
tese Waim# and Plorenoe
Your Prealdonl woald Uke to have a •«: Baaliloe Tonng», Madgv Penhr Inmn Btorii Cel. Namee nent by ttat of them, and she wUI gtvo e little nl««M. May Parmlcr.George ParmW.
■fiwL Bwn
prtec to^ eunahliier aending In tbo Blebard Sklleier. Clyte TmBcrcd
AMe Anwuimg.ebd ■ela Ana- beet one. tbe contoel will rioec July; Cberies
Cbarlea .Sosbel.
.Soabel. Cmn'
Cmn Null. Cemjd
mraML Owwdab. Mick; Jennie HH. 1st. nad nU lieu must be in her bands Dailey. MlHon Cbmpton.
tempton. BMward
. suckles and Benny Albert*. I will
STlSwA. R. P* D. No. 1. hr Upt Uma. Any Bonbean mny

i .......


1 will!decidedly, “for sbe'a wortk her welgbi
That morning i
Ibe day
fnnny util#
Uuia boardar
before she
been la tbe sHUag mom half ao boor
“Ob! oh! ob!~ aba exotalmed. dap­
ping her hands nllh dcllgbl "Here's
e reel, lire ladybog on one of yonr
gmodma!" Then abe took
gmadma's boarder Id her chubby right
band, and sbnt It as tlgbt sa she canU.
-Ind) bug. Udybne. By away beam."
abe sold gleerrily. ' 'eamw yoa bena*
b on Bro. no' yonr eUMrea win ban'"

rrot «•»“

ririocr and aoeniiut. My teaober's
w^i^er bad ua write a let- Same la
Peek- There are
... l«o. to U., n»n. to oor .oOooL moI .or 8».8.
gunebloe Deparimeal.
Mil. I FID 0.1 JO. "

Mary Sanborn ta my aeaimate. and
has been for l*o year*. We alwys
hare the most fun togethor.
noon we wen. plritlng maytewers.
Wc got s large bemqnct and had a doUgtaUri (lto«- Aa ray letter I* gcUing
king 1 must close tor this lime, boptng to eee H la print.
Prom your Snuablno girl,
Stella Kosaarck.
„g, pretty .the Majllodcm were
,hb year. 1 have a few clumpa In my

gpiujoj ,u.

: ,ri t;. s

- .—..m ...... .d.

My.F8.uKoatarek. 6tete Keoaiv
A. Btophen Koaxamk. Aanle Scbnfci.
Manal Baabora. Mary teabom and
Oecnr Sanborn. Sottou Bay. Mic*,
• B.P. D No. A
Romloe Wewsgv Ma^ rtmitacltm
May Pnrmler. George Pnrmler, Richard
teUater, Oyde TraSwod. (Mrtoa Noobri. Cran Ifurt. OmnM Bailey. MOtoa

think that-a. a good name?
«om week, of-ebori. My toeebeP.

A nice long l«ter baa reached .vour
|$ Mta* Pbari RaegM«ger. I
We Aeve a letter today from toe PrwMlewt from Mlmi Ina Sproagw.
jor my toacber. I am in Uie
“Laagblng Bonabloe CWb“ of BnpM toacber of tbe dark acbool. wb^-,(^ pads now.
_ seedI
Cfly. Mta>. Tils ta what Dora Hyatt, tbere hae been such a eplendld
DTII yoo pleaee
)tary writes:
SuMblne Oob all ^ wlotor. BeVbri'tot
Ibe a
Rarid City. Mleb, May lA IPU- Hiss epmgue writes atmut toe aeed*
Dear prealdeaitbet were owl to the member, of the
Annie Schuitt.
n Sunablae Club erimot dtto, abd myn:
l .m so gtad that Mlto Ruaec*.
call It the “Laagblng SonTbank you very mnrii tor tbe aevd.


t ““
that '1 ever had

- •*.


—* *"
agalD.8o( she never did-—
la Youth’s Companion.
a Wise Deg.
prilterrier anmed
u owned by Mr. Hbl O
notchH*. of Toioka. Kaatoa. bM one
of bta bind Ir*- hraUm. aMWiaflf hr
g, ,„,oomblta- He wna tokte to tbe
ogice of I>r Otto Ktoan, who akrtlfnlly
Um Ibbe



Sottona Bar. MIt*- R. P^®:. No. *. •!•*«« year* rid
AP«I !«/>»»•
n.«iios Keim.
would like
like to
to lolo
lolo your
your Son^iiH—. *• *» ••••
■I «(>ald
Club. 1 would like to have a cod and oicfflhcf at the Sonsbine ^b. Alwt
hatloo. I am thirteen yearn rid and »I1
Snaablnem. arenl
am' In tbe Bttb and sixth gmdek si !••> '
u-.iH. uk.h
Hallla. Mkb.
’teacher's i
April ».1*P.




'o^irr. ■ -

j, y,,
g,, ,
-- arbool. I am In (be 8fb grade. I
tbineen )wars old. Our school
j,on„ I, qgng geor tbo bay. Our
teacher leit ua go after mayBowtra.
la jaur farm aaar tbe oehori boose?
They are In bloom now. Ow tewb- What are yaa Bring to do. tbrwe
efa name Irtlba Pearl Ruegvoggw Ptoaaant aoaner dayn
We have tweniyono seboUra

,rl,ool. Wert. Ibta win be ell for Ibta

time, ao gbod-bj . '
\ _____
April _.
Dour PreaMcot- .
MU* . it
«. P
P. l> . No
No. *3.
Prom r>ar
year Sanshlner.
_ ________,
' April lA 1*11
Albert Aagnri Homan.
I would Jlke to bo a mcm^ ^e



^ ^
ptocn. Tobe at onoe bobMed w
P'at tbe door »"■
ui tbe doctor reunmd.
pot oe
os bis
and a new east was p«
^ t*iorwM-l
^ ^
Motcbklan bo
made bta way atml^
“•«• at about two mllea.-Oor
_______________ _

seat hy Oasn Pary.
taoutee Brow*. WalBn. Mkb. Name
sent hy BdM Peail DeWertitiii.
Bwtrit tembaiB. OopemM. Mleb.
Name cast hg Bertte Bombard.
AMean McKte. a«e tea yearn,
Wallla. NIoh. Name aiat kg Jennie
Katberlne Moatacne and Ftoak
. Keteg. Ttnvoree Oly. Mich. Mamea
asm by HalM Briley.

ebaage IL Onr o«oers are; Preal- a fg^ ewert peas and
deau Cryetal lane:; Vke-Pr«*ldent tbe ecbooi boose, bowever. and they
V..., JMJ.
Dora MyOl: Bdcrriair. Hrima Wood: are gtowtng very to*. Tl, ,w.Ft D.« IF-81C.1We bad a
Treasurer. Marian Myatt; Ooma. ps.a' we plantod by tbe wind mill and
yon were taut weak an of o
pending Sri»*ary. Itom Mr»»L We tbe nuinrtlooa b.v tbe flag pole. Mn. h*d a very good time. I was dad
when >w letter
Ptav were la tbe p^er. I Itoe to read all
have seventeen mee^ 1 nm nead- BoMoeon atoo sent some phka and when 1 got tbe card and tbe pin. We ^ui In sebori.but now you can
of ibem. I know two more Mttle childing in some nema to tbe Sanahlnr Beg. Mo* of the etalMren report that ore gotag to make doll hats Friday. o«t of doomtbeoe ak«days.—
Club. They am as follow* Edna TanUjalr 9owers,..effe giawtog oloriy. I go to eriiori erery day. We Snd
oer. Btoel Tnnner. Mnrgle Buckle.
I have'some namea tor tbe Son- flowers bare now, I will be dad
April lA mi. n can] aad a gin?
ulna, wbea-----------stnntner---ti bare. 1 do n* Uke
Leoda tackle aad Vida Lane. Helm* shlae ClnU My two Ultie-------------------Harold Brawn are tbelr aames. There
Wood end Cryetal Imne warid sack Abie and Brie Armatrang ri Oe*e- tbe winter. I bare my card and pla Dear
ue BfU. to one for tbe Cradle Rril. bar a
like a new card. I will send Bveoeau mlsh. Mich, would Hks to join. AM a yet. We made a llUle ritkkea tor
es very long srtth. and seventh graders to writ* taLontaeBroww WelL spring ta he.-e
Ttot SUNSHINC PRRSIDCNrS to brip pay for posts**. Will you
toriaer podl. Jennie Wll.Bear Uke. Easter. This will not be
. torZ.^ to tbv Snnabtoe CM. w ar# ttua,. now. we have bem. baring rntae nice
ptoaae ecM tbe cords and buUoaa to
Mtob_ R. P. O. leUer. I bad foor egg*
get bta
bta pin.
to aak tor
TW. tatb* ttma of y«r wb«m. me and I wtU give tb«* to the rtgblTbe ckMre. elected me PrMdM Gordoe Priion dM not get
pin. to w
____a card aad bouoa. weather. Tbe roWos ^ other blrdv
emto born to e-me to yoor Ptool. rni owner*? Do yon or any of the Ban- tbe lent lime. I didnt Intend to take .
P«m your Sanaktoer.
1 go to_ acberi n^ evwyw. ^
am tor holp Is imnliHir bmneb shlnere Rno* of any Bntdns to ^em any oCk*. bat their rieettog me al
Agnes .Somvlck.
teoeber *
«“ ^
Mbtot adba Tbe inw»y eommer we cooM eiM cord.? We will gladly titar last eleetton made me think that
I bay, sent a pta to Cordon, and eagyr. X am tn tbg tob^ a^
** *^^ ^1?
am lo lau at oottem Saaebliia. eceegi any names. « e wdaM Ubetvpahasa I odoW taote them u moeb tea gtad pea orrou taooi tt. .
BoAea. My atodlae are nrtlbi^.
Bte Peart



B.J, >«a, « r 0-. N- :





--«■ •“«*
twice the slsc from Up to Op. It la a
busy muc wmver (

^,^,1^ JISJT

icaTcs iato sbrods bp Ka tooth. Tbta
little aesi ta elseri Bke a gtohe la
shape and tba «
^ creature


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