Grand Traverse Herald, July 07, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 07, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



MkTcravcrM BcraMj

Dr,W.3^ Biggins

Tire Insurance!

PI„.C,...,St«im Bori.r aM AceWant In.uraraa,.


V«T bp*t of dtuul wrrlrA
eely. T«iU« r«r at -pMcilcyTonr potronMR »olWi<sf. '
New MBMoa bolldle*. under
at r. hslL on Boor »llh Horkcr

money to Lom on Improred Real EsUle Only.
Traverse City.

Room SIONewState Bank Boilcitnfi.

a)"a tliulnew Cnifoeo and
SiDim ofllr«.

Tmetsf aty SUtt Bask




r»m»T nA»w*H.»


iimpied the drawl of the tea kM«e
don'i .
The tall. laaky ABare brttdis* orer tbe
Ritd«. hovetcr, arc the
Mwe Mmlshiecrtl Itself wlib - —“
aii>.i dlfPoasulBlc. drrarr iblniis la the
Lind, cmwiBR astnolsbi
" on a rtlh) day. They dowt alas,
inlenily llsiealni Abovi
hui ]n*i
*nilr down lu
Ihe >pluiicrlna <rf ihe ptn came the
mlacrahh- a* |.u.slbl.-.-Ncw'ound of a vblsilc—el.wr. awcet an.
'iroh*. t:nmi«akably II was Btephew:
bill SiepbcB had sot pome home wbl*
A Miniature Buffalo.
________ _
IJnd haailii
There's a new aad tiranev hcaal ai
I the oven, and peeped In ni
IV I’hlladelphta, citrcaicly ivv
hmvn cmthertnn upon the
1 any couiury hui hit own. which b
risen io|>s id her hlseotls The whls
of <'elcl.c. taasK-rn Arrhl
tllna erased, but there were f.NXsieps
c'aeo. «'»ih .>f Ihe l■hmpplnc*
alniic the Aieted i«ih. upon Ihe kiteh
Wlieo hla k.viuv pruBuUBCCS iu
am ' li mnind. like ~1 know her." Mt
It Au- lumcd
di«r her voice" ie animal 1. a male. It U an aima. a
lit utui maitcr- curious >prrlDiii >tf dwarf bntalo. al­
ibi- lamani. and It ha* IS pair*
: ;|. oh- for Ihe sryihp-* old ra«hi>u«l
the land's sake.
'"w-lth .-aSer relk-f Siepheb luro.'d to
.- like a
■ bl(
( f
pnai than
For tbe mover who VIHII a-AeM.
hands, then sed.ienly a srarlet Ausb
limal known to Atni-clc
.\rul Ihe m».^1rt sirone n» they s»
as he strode u
mpt up bis lann.d far.', d.N-pealnR
.al I* a* brown a* a l>car's ami lurry.
kbrhen lah'e and pul don
Inin an iiclv erlmson. while a da
ha* a pair of, curved kora*
That ”b.-lr
ibelr htavny
iwrkace ' li s your wrln*e
nus liRhl leniUNl Int.i hi* .-yes.
id Ibt- bead and lex* nf a ran. hlau
She stonl al Ms stde, as
le burklsx pr.>|*-li*li« .if both rpM
Whai ilioosh II r.Ntulr.-l a m.mth <»
Jil.I alMMtl te i>Telve a ne
Insitad' of a dav and a day t

CAPITAU *200,000

'• ir' r
a ralehnif etn-


applaa p


SURPLUS. *aoA>oo.


A ScMTii taanic


srer c«J !»««•••










I Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.




, stock. Special wagons nn.1 sleighs

l-'or cawi of o|)cration,
of ..inninir,
oasc of handling, closeis of skimminif,
of construeiiuii,
the Empire hasno equal
Mrs. James
James Harris
lilt: Governors (..old
Medal, for butler made
on an Empire, in Ed­
ucational Butter vontest last year.
______ ______ A,....
can be ........
seen 1
supplies secured at I
ik Trudesbardware
store. 14R F'ront street,'
Traverse City. _ For
caialm;ucs. etc., write





T.W.Honnl. mslUclW-.i


iivaile to or.let, promptly.


iKdroailc of cheap material, am! given a flashy

9ll(iy 1/9

,0 cat.* the eye; but art durable, comfwt-

able, and neaL

Thai ire made io nse as well aa aeU.

They arc

The ciieapeit on the market, quality conridwe.!.

Once taei! and you will buy no other make.

126 Slat, sirtti. w Ulctor PcfertyiMaic >oii 1-. ut Irici! the

Royal -riear Taaa and CofTaaa

Hoi/al tm ss:

Canned Cent

c Ihe i<sl.

Alden. Mich-

Only the-vsiy best ma­


terial useil, and fully pianmlee.1 tn every respecL


,‘kiU onlv by




Citixent SZ, Bell Hi

Cat. Tanth SL and Lake Avc

9, m Canmt •/ Framt


f1 T:

tbenewdippwuaofwooloothefiewfywempUn-tbaiisto paj to
every wool irikr in this kycalily the highest mannUciurer-s cash rncc.


Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
\A/. k.. BROWN, NI»n«K®r.

Baling and Bamsiing
will begin in a few days an3 you w'ill want;
some tools. We have a good stock of Scj tht^ i
Snath. Cradles. Scythe Stones. Kakes. Forks. -

Paris Breen, Cand Plaster,
Sprayers and Sifters

«c. When you want ‘ anything in this line"
come in and see us. Oar prices arc low andj
our goods arc right.

Our Lanil Blaster is Fresh, groumi iini-, pm up in new
bags CJuU'lbs to bag.l





Gel our prices.

Sprajvrs from

l••pon•lbltl«x. BttO.OOOOO
Pet cent Interest paid ifleA six nonthi.
Per cent mtereat paid if WA S mov
M0Mae-NP~?0 bOAM.


The I’aris tirecn is-itf the best

If >-oU must have ih^ things get the best.

Price of Baris Given is 2<>c per ,1 lb package, 4(^s by

Imnic of KineolAy

lat chaaec
play.-.! u|*.n Idiu. M.melblDa kepi
>->|ilaiuiiloD. V
bli.i from ann1 >li|ilaaAiloD.
r h.- lonk Ihe -...... .......


n ^Til on .«■* and hay Tl.<- h.-*i
ii.iral biclory h»<k on tbe lUliicri
• a. -'.hy and re
w r of Ibr apert
,e ua> laki^iccpilna’ lo'tlia|
-IcrlnnUloo. rtwallInK n-wdlly i
he ha* had In I'etiu bnl

> Iiaadlc.
r.- a >lchl ea.I'T
Womenfolk* oua I IO be
f Arltona. I* ksow
th.-y can-they ha- - Ill witrk
..................lira! millhnslre It
-iHuiKh aniliuw. I'll >b
His Moment of Triumph.
tM«Ydr. locume I. ai i.-ail
II* Mule wrinkle* afo
Til.- I>.rd Wno«« that 1 never hand laid hi* arm
uay.mui * y-.-ar HI* ei«d of llilli* be
e him*.'lf '•
IhrouRb hi- emir iK'lOK
.ihbo-1 Mandy ill.'' raid »r« l.lml. la
to |3<i a uxinih V.-t he U by iw.
Tlo- au<-*itiwilna site that ihc pussi
l.dl niKi h.-r Jmcic I aeilii.
i-r ihln. pUlntlv.- vulee. "bui her
, ■ nil*. r. and many sift* uf -Ibiiu
- ha.l made a bal.ii wUh b.
Mek-n- ai" eoniine tinine i.» r<-'»l for
•rf dollar* hav.- B'«'- lr>»iw him
ISKi Imffllns year* was Si.-d tt
-hai all. me lately,
iin "
drov th" lliile «ha»I eloe-T
,r mlnertand Ih.-lr *uflerlf.p fam
•fin ihei tu-rvi.u..
l«i.l l..-r .hnuhUT. and fhe el.uNl lie- a|vd»e
iiti- 111.’ vaerni, vhK.Tliie In-lbr ehlll
-xp.-r|.<nertl all Ihc
f Ihe early- niomlnc air.
pr .•p.'Ctnr * j.iv.-rly and harilshlM. un
I- nonilna
"I ealctilat.' rnu'r<- pow
the fl'Wr uf llie »!.,
Slephrti can- a lauRb
asT. ami
ful hunury." .lo- .aid. eirlli-dly ,11 he was pa>i mlHdl.K.nni," he »ald. cr'iIAv.
-rally .!«
he n.ort
... rtiaapcd
our lu’a leanibc acain-i .her Ibai
lahlla at lUInx Now su y.-ar* old
He va‘ knwlln* In the tmiK'm at
heallhl ■'

snd tn Ibr
.pyilie the Ima
drive- .•lulilnsly an
he vamui. pii«blnc aaldc .................... .
. |M> hercT"
lungaUT. rlldlnt i'
iiT In make mim under
al* -of naplarki
■-I mu tvi. hor«-*!
Ih.> |,i<kel of eCSK that hlr mniher had
. .n, a wnndrti
yo I.IBB. T.rnihand.-.! Ill', nnil «he could ntu *«• hii<
I I'eii-r*'. and li kind at
•n'h Iwoi. vlih hii
|iped SI'-phen'
Iml h-T eye* poeM«d
wuh^^a I
liiry. Il's RDI lllt'e clustei
n-malnliK; alder IdoMumi. -Sec my
II oi.r II. y*Mi know, and
UiirIkkI. tiiiKinK ml ihe
lueellntiltiK cat.e
I faiiKfy ihelr qi
UHiaht lavcadtr IwHwme >
T thin
Sle.-e." rio- (lueruaufly ramplalnol.
I- liuhdle
. Maadv bccarai ■tioKBcd In Imih arm*, a r.-d .paround il. Ihe driver'a plnre,
WOV.Wl lo*.- .IW.'"
—•aeh ihln chrt-k
rni'ped a holly i-n
■•DKru>Mi1 in her baby.
w. iiid hi. lim*. which were
. which thi- ChlBame*i uscTlBr Ihc
pill up Molly- y«,
Io have Ilic aaitw
•1-1 VI
.110.11 Ihe vhlp
-Well, ' sa
of hi* larx.- laml. »)nr varirtj
cii. IHe hurried art
d Sl.-pbci.
eulllvi'i-'t a* a vexrtal
hut with the
IO llie klieh
inx *h.>d*> i-aien
ealen like aaptrm
.dK-pben Lind turned ava.r hi*
.. **11.-1. pk-kled .
lie-, tin- Vhlie msrKa
are'* note "tki,you
h.' hard IliH' «t hl< month Ivllcbe.1. HCOU •>
ihiiil.. ' '•he
.. ashed,
.1. all
vlih an apn1.«etk, w • ».
Ar.- >..II solus all Ih<- way lo-eovit
The raplflliy of Erowth td Ihe liara
N.'io'i, '-Ihm
ihm Johnvoti win foreelioe
I- lmi>n«eqin-nily a.kinl. >peakinK IK., U. perhajBi. 11* mosi wnod.'rful
Farm an
.•r for the Ar*l time *lBCc he ha.1 di
,l„r*rtcrl*lir There are artual
n Sli'l'Io'B tlliclie.1.'
o.-n-l h>T tdeiiiliy.
i.rdi of a baml**' arowinp thn- fccl
V.-.. " aneven-d, Mandy
,n a .Inxlc darl or ai Ihr ral.- nf IH
tie ougblnT 1.1
you walk
|„.he* an b'Wr.
-•alth Ihe Iml-h-*. li.i' ' nerlalm.
- nslh- ..I a *1
•ir lull wl't'b a
!d" Jh.dr bn^lnK'’mai. rlal. bin mahr
:n i blame Jim,
-»e<'lh-ni fundunor* 111. Ir r.ipe*. mal*. klieh.n in.-ntll* tb«
.1 aller him V'-ar
imly. ' ll'' 'tori
The t. lowliia well aiiili.-n Inniimeral.le iRher aHIcl''* "n’ "f “ '''
iiiflc- bm- Pldlns
ar.- a ptseUea!
■It II " Klie toree.l
Hciilniore American.
ire in ttie iild hay-mae '
I bad to l.r.«.f of ihl* B*Mr rroa-dinc
UK ahma t
A ship was iw
>lnn nf the than: ■ -Mm'* K»ue
•I of *lcbl
I- ■■Irllire nf
o hlleh' lan.l
.1,1, Frnri-r. .m I hadii'i a I
KiidH.Wly .everal at Ihc m
Wrlilns woiililn'l c
■ alklnp the d'-ek. noHN-d
hen I«.*ln* a partteular »pol.
■* rlii-ap,
,.,»T aad It I* »ald lo Wa-cln-apfor
i-anl wlih Rr.-gi dt.Hm-in'-*. iIm
r«' al thlrly erint. a pound
• 1 n. I'lni
■•..,1 lorw
of Ih-II> rhlmlnx sweet mu*1e. as roi'ie-f "I Wlvch veni*
Tlist I*.
n and II
W'h.l kin.t .If hii*iii.—• I*
rhiHiph WIIIK run* hill a ■hurt di
Idani rwn aflord lo iwy n
ard hi* own sirain.vl voir,
— a* •ubsMijiirnllv i
me one el*<- was s|>eaklnp.
.hip attain pa»*.-'l ib*
cpiier I* Ilk.'ly lo britui more
AUclt Ihe—the moOBaSe t
-'-lum Inin o*c, since lh<- latinr I*
id In hand on the hark of the
> .lylv- Hm- .i-nlRtna i
ed rtcwpl)
cbcwpl) hy
by electric
datuilire dwa-p.
Ik, yon know Juhn.ou'
er from cUj. Th.-r. an- olbcf ^
and ••ovlv valked ap Hi
I, a*k<->l. tn-mu1i.u*ly. "They *i
ii'i l.-adlns te the kllehr
-'* -oeh a hard man. Hni he roiiMc
iirnlnx lo Ho- cua*i *rf llrarll. e
a- hard a* ili*i. 'y.uUI he lo nil
be ll.UD.r* .letemlnt-d to satisiy
I* may
. ,-il of ihmr»T '
:helr riirhn.1'). Arrordinxiy Ibey mcB
n'l fni.l
S'.-phen'r Kate wi, rivrtpd u|k« hi* ikB.-d the«laacv bi anme of
lln.-* -Thai ► Jun Ilk.- a woman'* way ■ ibeir M.-nd. In port, and w-nre la
oklnc al ihlnps." be muiien-d. "A fonne.1 Iliai ai y-arh lime when , the
Alone 111'- eouniry road the farm. hard I.eeau’-'- he lake* whai be MUiml* w.-re h.-ard, the hell* id the ea
vivon. A Plnneer In Ihe day'* traffir.
Id t»
'he loncesi f.-Rce
Ul.irod |i« trail of rtntt Stephen'* feet
ibi-lral M Si. Salvador, on Ih'- maia,
'.ably Ihat which ha* bi*-n etccfi
.liiiRI.-il acalnn ih>- da>IilKjard. and
niidlos M-lf-d.nlal
rlnplnp i.. ceh-htaie a lean
.lonx Ihe b
- 'be Rrt- ('atih- Co. alonx
I- hand. A^id '
111 iMUiiir of ope uf Ihc salnl*.
.. _,ll.-* in lea,,
•Hitw WW-WUlt, flnll T.-ar.
Their *oond. wvmiV-rful n. n-laie. fb
lartiT for it* eatirt
• ra> ran you inio delu: him ihat-'
. xnitle. »ie*dy bm-n-. had
i>'n Baliine and plolilny tor ihl>
repuhllc. of Niwlk
i> fall*.
-lllm ihai i* niy hn.lmad. Hi.-pben
dhsaare id m.wv IbtJi op.
Lind.'.rh.- Inl.TEiipfd, with a |
lie* over u.e water, and ha>l
.-aitlefrum n
Iwmixhl lu a f'wiu hy Ih- »lh
and (allinc an .-aiiv pri-y in tbe
**t*'d!dn'i' imaii I.' hnn y..ur
Ihe partteular hM-all
...lean CKmptinrber*. Alihuuxh H
Im;.-." Sieplu-B munihh-d. alu-r a
anO ridleul.;.
wnmd* were heard
1 a prewl deal of mopey, li U call,
Whe-r Mio was homeV-**. wllb
This I* tmi .HIV at *- erwl ln*ian<T-»
led that callle poougb Will be laied
khlftlc* bitvliand i" eland Ikorthy auibml
Imllar kind, t
,ipe year to more than pay for ll n
u> and> her*-Jf and
a* onc« hap
Ju.n.-' said Mandy lie* claiming that 1
J lmrh.-d wire fcBrt- with ncMiullc
I'aM.-.. p.'rIiAii sill- would look -with
pen.-d un-ler W.m.-w h
: cniionw'WHl pules, afi.l for Ibe ew«. To thI* el.
Icnpb <d ll run* a* rtralxht a* Ibe
nany »tori»
......... ra*h bud <-m»- he. would *i-u "Ul
and other
pdne to pay him hack
from l"-hin,l the maehini'. and
>d liiiere.1 and ptini
■y know that Johnson wi‘ a m--re
,ie* Whai-ver d.*i
t«,,n—itiai the luirrow,-.! money
idow. of
A Famllr ttrmwiMcry Bad.
I Ml am a.small ttnwhern- bedn h.* -w.-i l*m*ilnc. 'h.- ho
ac-mri had wa-oed ha,!.1wr-c •’arn*-H
* love i»>uad her
' -r li
b.1..s* which ha* enntlnnally Imprt>riu1. .1 lanlwri. who reri.v.-red $57t4W« la
1 .nv'd l,T the lal'or am! -hrlfl of
'I. frirtn the wreck id th- Alphoaia
oil, in fruli and plani*, each nutYww-d
I'h.-n I.Ind'
under my syMem of culikvi XII. whlib sank Hi nearly 3* lalbnoi
.A Bxfii tixalnsi all odd*. i
on' I keep the .will well eoricb.d and
. (Irand Caaarr- Not
hiRh standard
- If, we ci
Who^l Whoa, tbit- Molly •- H.
m.frc.1 tbouaaad emOd
•••e foHn w-.-rtl*
the farm, m- can x« on oi
«*' lie y-.TT .'raleht, hl.-cn-* Innii-d
_______ __ Ihal di-|>«h. iNii 1mm
a* I finish plrklnx ihe frail.
Y I know it I f'.-l I’l I'y
lo Ih-- (••f'l.'of Ihe road
ThrouKh an
.ci, Bficr eirort* epii-ndlnx oyer *lq
mow ll /Ine* cl,»e|y and rake tlm
op-tilnc am.uic the in--* In- eould .p"-h plan*: V"«
I worb ihtiiEs <»

I-B rak.- me bed ihoniilikly
ei-eh a al1fn!'*i‘- of a rntnl'h-d down
- ahip
maklnx fh.
a dllapldaiej Iioiim}. and beyond
hindrance--a drax
i*'IOK the prectiMis boxes In Ibr
He oHi'-d nearly tHjUit for
nini- lil-' farm tomorrow. With a
Inx I
h-ie.l-Ii-. he'drove on; plsnh^c >1.t|p'u< eijefal lAChe* wide. I then tbnr
ir"vem.-n'« that he -woniirtail -.
■icphcn 1.
--'lor lha> he wrniM palm the h»u
ehe,-fccd. iSi*plr llae. .uabty, but carefully, hand ciiliivai.
;c*rd. hidk.W
ralealtilr.e. In a rblnt seal* the p
re and worry; and fa th- virht iHdween these tr>w Srip*. so .
Betrothed at Birth,
plaais In tb
lo- t.r..'«
ir.-aiiir.-d mbmiin h.- -a* lemme paru U weal Africa ihc
. the siroai
Ther.had haun'e.1 1,1* ih.yaeln* al
have lone enneemenU. fm Ibe
Ih- up and f
had «hled Alone thP
liter month. —in the fln»h-ro-i
•d Ifaeir birth Ibr-T art- lirtruiked
nndside ert-w rliimp- '.f aldi-r bu*hi-*,
tin.— nf v.iiinx happlnev*. vltl
l.ahy boy a irlfi* older than themili.-lr dull while hl.vim Ilk-- dii*t ihick-j
of iwInUlnx dimple*
and ai Ih* ac.- rd So ibcr are
In *i>ot* the^ eree^ .. |.li|tiaiir> .rf
.d mIsHM-l
mIscAef-Rs-biar e
married. TV drl* know <d ae other
Til- W.U-M. In It* c»re|e»« eo.*1 nature,
war of ceulna a hnslian.l. aB>l *o Ibey
i.nt_*w'a'>lne nf an ahhr a f.-w f-c^ mixhi *p.wk at - poor Mandy." ■< It fully
k< bad vtarilcil the horviliiily rvhearw.l ,h* ml*fiHiuncline plants. When the
iiii'cen ob).'rt w-a* iiisElne a' the
her Be'er*1iewell hit*taiid. hut only
fore red live atnownl of *..
I..-M hlr~«.m Th.- real Itirtan'
II who had loved—and ha'ed—ber n.-r* bare
•ij. I Ihea rni oS all runners'a*
t;,- In..-, hi* arms rrow.lcd with fkiw.-r*,
h all-, hi* mixhi c.eiid utd.-r*tand
I.-.HI.-.! o-ii from III- hldlnx |.lac*-. and
they app.-:
keepinc tb* open a
helebl* and ibi- di-ptbi of Ih'
widl burn
la'icliir.s. *tri-*kcd aero** Ih< roa-l di:
i.-lv tiihl Ir The broken le-s
M He birth id a JapaoMe Vby a
r.-rYl. In from o' th.- rarm-wacc
ru 1. plaaiMl. which most rcmala ua
Hulcblns the )h4
* i.niai with a lahy in her arm. -pranij
ihe wafcoc.
rn-j.h-d uatll the marriasc 'd IV
l-'Un the oiber *ld.-. *nalrh<-l h.<M o4
} 'baby raib^ tbi tar witiic I *ei irtily p«fe« flowciiac
III- child'* «h«iulder. and pu!h-i him Ifi
rd a
. .
• - a waillnx safety a* ih<- waeon rat-A. the
.- blK Stephen'* feel.
le t last. SiephcD kojked lack T»d
f. d by th» younc rouple a* ibc miM
somar., wHh the baby in her arm* and
eauHfnl <d all >hv i>ream>-sts of IV
111.- .-'iiinerteT clmchln* her »kln. was




rprracM C/f/, tit*.

r. fli.-vr,'

T from the


*aN*w Sti^U.

After 1 had weeiwd the agency for wofri list tall f.yr one oi the
hrgaM Kaatem srmI manolacitiTefa. tbe contract was made lo buikl
a Uige brick sraickooae at tbe above location.

CsTMT Fft ^ *ar*w ffnaaft.

Aiid the latsir
-nlie's <dd





JtJLY ?• 1904

eue«* be-d hnte
nl dowh!"
e bnrd line
»Verl»- nofleBi-l nio a aria of anaw^
Seng af tftt HayteM.,
.. ,.........slvf ue the kid.' he
Tl- |,l.aNiiJii in *oo itip rortiloa* l««
utid to the «o»na. trlih an InpulM- tn
T<I Ih"
of iLe iDOlpm mnwpi;
be kind. “y«u ean eiinib up easier "
n..- suAvlns flpl.1- to <h.- liutB. k«t"
The labv In bl< iiiiamistoaed arms,
he basUly rm«sod lil< h'Es. and In nwk
Th.-lr pln»p» niid Inner* lower.
ward leaderarts «ri>-d to balaees> Ue
;uit ot; /•* the snort prtrinie pn»t.
bundle upon a bumped-ap knee. Tbe
And Ibe Aoythrt old fa«hkiB*-d robs:
Vnr .he nr.', r.rh .nH-ll of the Bmn*
hb lark Invar.:, ' Iffenlnic small sbuul
nhleh fell
.... utnll tbe paole
In lilllen-v w1ndmn-» Umitl
.IrtPkea Stephen eipeeied Ihe sinined
luw of Ibe V.N- spinal eor.i lo sni
Mavhap il»'' hhayine Is now Inn play ,
Id modern skill;
; With III.' akl
•Thaak V..II so murh." -aid a lov
tla.liap I. take* hut a day aad a day
mire at his .dlmv. -Tome to moihrt,
Th. ,f.-n:y old batti ie All;


to Sl.fHl.

on all these things.

Land Plaster 7'tc per bag.
Discount on-large orders

Don’t go pa-« comci

Cass. P. K's Grocery-.

Fr«ynt and



'avirli' irudeine na behind
iiartu I;.' drew np. -W.uitdn'' you like
-II me exacily hr>w tbinc* *laiid
|a lift*' he called to her.
nui. Stephen." six- shyly protested,
from the cload of dust, with bur-why shiuiM I tsMber you al«ut bH Sf
c. the woaaaa ratiphr, np
twaliinp wacon. Her b«ad
e rervTcntly toorhed her hand—
as she ' 4ooncd over ihc
lef hand wpb the veddinc rtnc.
a.ak.-ned bahy. but the yiMme*icT's
ra-JShi Ihc tirasVnc as tbe thin,
U splashed
k worn fihcers Uy spread protect
.*UBbur»1 nf smile*.
hucly upon tbe llitlc cap of tbe baby
"Hcitt, scMher:' far *hoalcd. on*
idy apoo a spoke i4 tbe bead pillowed on her riefit aim.
71*11 foot I
-When we were yooac ooe*.' »a«
icel: -weTc mdns ridm«:"
Sii-phcB. boskUy. 'we always ated to
Th.: line* tn hi* Icrt basd. etc|Ai
lead tbai I was rtxir Idc brotber.
.«p,ul over the *lde of the wan
any rcamm why crowanp*
: doni
;dmltc»e as weU a* rblMcca.
txht arm. with llIhe wwHt case r
do you. Mandy-cyihc paraeriae up
sbadowi mvL and
-lesred the Ktunnd of
pees Ih Ibe Uad
klubre U


Effect* ef Rain er. Anlmala—v.
•The rff.-ci. rd a rainy day apoe pnl
laU of a xno.' said a kewpor the ocber
day, “arw a* laietwsilnc to wateh 1
' lac I know in emnet-Uou with

nye Wm Paddoe a Urns SssfL
iwsull., are *eiUed Ih a aorel war
a dlipoie arise* emar
... HuUi
.JUUa- WhcB
. ..
< laad twa bole,
Ibe ownership
iff over Ibcr*- ]wl revel* In a rainy dux near lo»cibvr. aod IV two onM*y. and skip* aUrui a* say as you IDC lawyers aleelr pUoied ap to Ibclr
pk-jMAll iV wolves an- ihc *amr wains
walsu 'TV first oae le V htttea by
Ram cheer* them np. But the Hun* a fir or
arc different. They frrt aad fame and
'sTvml aod asar! tmics* yoa sire tVm
for*^ clieai
aa extra allowaare df axwi or a bl«
paa of warm milk. Tbce they will
Copper Veamv owe jd tb
eteop. bof a ratay day •eems to trate
no IV pervr* of a Hoe or hay iff IV
tally. Snake* are Vpt la J
dlaas at UM sav* ap '
la icmperaiare all the tUm
- ipertor. le as



la tbl« elty dorta* ibe race meet
Ibe Trayerae Ciir Drlrla* Park airtalkw Abe.
II aad II. Ob ar
nat of (be refaaal of ibe authorltle*
We l&e bat to oD

allow book maklns or betlUut «f
T klrx! at Waahinjctng Pari, la Cbh
ao, Ibe imre. there will he dlaeoaVJMIe txuli
fapT* In Uw ital snu.
Vbo >rrT(«) •tHbhi ib» mult.
4M hi
H«»»- tm4<l ibc- ulkMi'*

----------------:---------- r

Tier-mj. a B0«ibr ol.ihe board M roetathm tia» hi<w foquaaie emmsn;'
:,r-»irwf ef ihc Trsverae -..................
Ciir Drivlai: ID aerure a Mrlt* o# tea ef ihc«e few | ]
the IBH I IB Anaart. Tbewe raeea .
Pari. .->-t.rtailii> U>i week aad
lie the Anesl roBBln* raeea o-r h
*eek-rd to hold a three days'
the iwolfth j Ir- Tranrre Tity. Th«Te i
i> each day of Ibe meet. The 1
!a tie t e Ma«<b.f cuIcbtaiUiB here

't Wb>b* Ibitmotv hnrf.i n»)>lr
Aiut irrtl ib<-h' «*»k !hirtur«.«l.
Ar nM lb* hallHK' r<«rf»l hall
~bc ^ulub !!■»• irm> Ktumnl.
WbIM aU brontb tlx- 8Un •
Ob «kai
V«n> bmo td ib*- braTml lypr
Id tb«i Sf>rw ind fainodir frav

Id Oarereor and I'rraldrai
riana nk>' bln ti<
B Ibar ean'l «M


all rnadr arwl

Lydia H. Rnkfiam's V^;etaUe Compound. ‘
■*DBAb Mma. Pbkbab:—I nflmd with stamach compUint for
JM«. 1 r>t so bad that I ooold not otny my diildten bat flrg tnoDilu, p
tlwB would bare a miseaiTuee. The last time I became pregnanl, ny
biubaad got me to take Lydia E. Ptakliam’a Vec«tabl« Cor
After taktng the flnt bottle I was reUered uf tbe sickDeu of atomach,
ai^ Ucaa to feel better in erery way. I continued ita oae aad n-as
enabled to cany my baby to matartty. 1 now bare a nice baby pri,
and can work better than I ever could l«forc. 1 am like a new wo>
aaa”—Mba Faan Bam, SS 8..Seoond Su, Ueriden, Conn.

“ DxAb Mas. PiKsnAti:—! was married
for fire yeara and garc birtb to two premattue children. After that I look
Lydia IL PinkhAm'i Vegetable Con»>
pondt and it changed me from a weak,
nerroiu woman to a alrong, baplT sud
healthy wife within eeren months. With,
in two years a lorely little girl was bom.
who b the pride and joy of my hoo.vho!d.
If ereiy woman who b cared feeb as
giatefnl and happy as I do, yoo most
hare a hort of friends, for every day I
bless yoo for the light, health and happioea Lydia E. PinkbAtn’s Vegetable
PiRigrirl hM brought to my home. Sincerely yooza,
f. WaancT, Flat 81, ‘Ibe Norman. MBwaukce, Wb."


Aa WaaUtuctna
loa planiiA.
- Aad UB«>lD at a Uirr dar
‘ To atar« tbrlr rrr<J(« Kiaatad.
! So iknamU la lh«a dajra ot wir*
Pro* oprrcaKjnaa bea»r hanil
VIII »wal Ibe tc^ra of domala.
Aad Uhcnlo on land.

« and expeetant motbes
as4te a. ISaaiSlM.*. C*.

: TbdT hjnk to bltn In li«a Uhmu
FtoB Ibc puthleJaa'* away.
^ Vbu anrolj will he healm
Wbea Taddj- laada Uw way


Briorad by alMba pon>lr.
«-bo are boaad to hayc (heir way.
Tbere'a boCUac m drieil him
Vbni Teddr" !«•<»
Ajuibn lana lor RoaamH
k Ibc bardcB cd nj lay:
pgr ao oaa can defeat Mm
Wbag "Twldy" lead! the way.

. ________ wilder ..... ..................
t aecowary lo aoBieaie. tlelnn'i litvri »i.
l.aoiL moved ibai
pendfiil anil Ibe i
for l>r- nradler.

There wa» no i

.i}or E Nacen: of Ray City. E. H.
ftardeata- of ChebnyRan. W. H. Rwe
of Clinton rouDly and H. H. Woodruff
of HuMsxBmon county were plice<l ta
nomlaation for land cmamtalftaer A
break .tarled for Rose rraoUed in a
sanpeiulon <■( rules and hia nonlna

South Side Cumber 0oCratwrsr eily. IWcb.

E RanM«. r





The Most Ordinal, Modern

Lofty inConcoj>lK>n. Re«nl m Equipment. Honor­
ably Conducted. Truthfully Advertised. The

World’s Best Circus Talent

And we are* prepared to F‘l'.OV£ IT : TO YOU by the


io italleBiljr and loae.

a chance to figure on your wants.

Ir hole.:

c will I"
c,- day>' meetlBB
Many women are denied the happiness of' ............
n- nt iLc b»-»I rare meellae* ev.T
M In Ihe fltand Trarcrae re«loa.
children through derangement of the genera- ^ rs
li l_r aad Trarerae Cliy are work

All Uxwr *bn eUln Ibo n


If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice, (.iive us

_.......................... led that tti« BJ-y .1
.\ IK-H will be far heater lhar ;
Vuurth •• f Jiilr c<-!. lifBtiiin. The mm

Another case which proves that no other medicine
In the world' acoompliahes the aame results as
Lydia E. nnkham’s Vegetable Compound.

tbf plaa- arSviTf a
KltoBP nh-own «


Going to'Build?

; tl.koo
Proapenr ar.
a hie field of hnne< i
ha« nwelvel B"m.T:i

All lb<»r «bo aeak vitb w-IBiih ta
Tba prapl<' ■<> davpnil.
Wbn mat lha lawa lo nadr
To hixT down bOBiBI lull.

bun IbHr hairad
o lltK Iba plan.'
ly Waablarloii.



park a.-sioeialkiB wUI murk In cc:i
jrneiloTi n mak- Ihe twelfth the hie

tive organs. Mrs. B^er advises women to use

u fu<]«hi for ciTlI a<

at a medicine.

On Monday, July 18.

Maceal-e - lodKo aad the prosaasi .VB.I
•ilTe-ii-lBe eamiKliteea of ibc drlrlae

K nrsbnl DB-1 fhrll
HI* man Mood fine ibai dar.
9%-r ixwdiHl iHd tbf Hpanlnb mai
WbM "TDddjr" 1«d iLi' »a>.

Ha hallln Dd« .« iteandiil fi<-l
The ppopli'V riKbU U3 «la.
Td niaw tbc nut of t»» umnti
fd uroad and aia.

Of appetite,
sren*lMotheti»oes.«peculJ> J
to the nenti, iu actioo is that ♦

iBd she pxcewllre eommlitee cf ;Re

I'l T« MBHdKT . 'Bid Ibi- I«U«P > din
un«» o>r Ibe ren.
ii*iv»d br ill hbi fnlloven.
TV-WoK U«r Vnt.

Bbi Kd Btani' f a nrrlor
BboaM Vf bU pralMW rhiK..
Ua> a atah^Duu and a ratrwt.
Amoon am ha U a kla(!

afoodbecauaeitdtaaiaao em(Of perieci oairiiicm.
And yet » tbc matter c< reatot d

JilBueJ ind Ihc rassla* horae* a-st
ion urer'lM' c->Botr>. The Ineal i


actual test of EASE, SIMPLU ITYs -md LCONOMY
ol operation. POWER produced .lod DURABILH Y of




win certify to the above facts :::::::::

re .If eoual taxalloR
la ft.
;lnd.'-' wllhll
isi po-. .Tful eorpomilon as n-dl ns
:> bmr'.................................

MTTuptlon-ma Ndi-uM K. ro
f Frank P. Glazier of eoartiirt.- . ss tbe tsacmenl and ulll ..I
•r mate trwarcr was
in onlbunit of ratbusl.


A Continuous Display of Marvelous Preformance*
by a Mighty Conclave of Original Notables

'Gorcnior-niKIi M. VAIUdKtt

, .Ueutaaant OoreCDOf—ALBXANBSR
< MATTLAKD of NeeBeaec
State Tnaanrer—PRANK P. OUA
if BKRMCbeh.' Si^tary <d 8ute-«IK>liaB A
HU58COTT of Tawaa CllyIt. 1. B. 1
LRT of EaloD RapUf.
AHoracy Geaeral-CHARLBS'
BliAIR of JaekooB.

(irlmary rvfertn
.tn (I* eiRjii
».u- and

Mjpe :ty Report on RaselcRleoa.
Sla't ^.'nabw Bimons^ .m 1,'balf <if,
• o m.- >i«-rs of the commut.btm
•If an. CoaEnwsanm-itmltb. siibtalt
o Ibe n-s-tlnllnns

tatloa—I.. L
Laad (
H CIlBtui

h. civ.'n the rtehn.j lcei«lMHv
ccacltn'- 't lo nBminaie their party :t fi.r p.iic^or L> illcwi

.......... _» eariy aeen lliai .
Varaer bad an oraewbelmiBK ma
Jortty. au before the Aral ballot waa
1 moved that the
lotlac tK- Ropped and the----------------«Me
(be eobTeallob be irtven toAtf
VEaraor. Tbir Vaa doae.
f Me^. Glazier. I
OaAttrtwamae William Aldea BmlUi rwi. nialr _ .. ..
d MaAlaad. The s
JIM SUIe -------cenlrsl nmmiiieo was afven power to
! fill all vaeaneles (hat may dreur In the
Majority Report on RaoehAlaM.
rnf u>»i.
read tbe majortly rejlort of
Dr. J. R. RradhT of Baton Rapids,
■alrolB J Helj^id or netmlL and B. coBUn1ii«\
Ar rerre.entitlves of
A. Wilder of Paw l*aa were aomlrepublic
party of MlcUgaa wc
aaiod fee auditor reneral Oa tbe first
the worthy deeds of
party'^ bail cealory M^rxisti
In III.- further lari tbar the ffea'
orpaM'aJ.i.n which aas fiiist funned
uBdeniho ..vk. at JacfcsDn..oa Jaly 6,
ISCk has b -en vlctortons in Mlrhljmn
In eviTv natlnnal cuBlcal Irwin John C.
rtem>«i \> wilium UcKlhiev. and
we »i:i a id m:r aiore brtsbt pace to
kUebinn history ihrooft as memor
able n vl i:n Jn.ihe campalpn before
You can depend on Ayer’s
us, 1- 01. r
ban- wan la the past,
Hair Vigor to restore color lo
few .-Mr t'.rle.i lea.Icr and typical rePhblic-zn. Taroiorv tbxweraU.
..... _jfecrions and it never

fails to do this work. It stops

Hair Vigor
bUACorihehsir.also. Thoe's
great astisfinton in knowing


eaEo ace :.tinE iu deeUratlons
' panr fab i and paHy parpraes as e
pres. .VO ' Ihe prlnrlplrs to which s
bare ylvi i cordial support ta tbe part,
and ple.!i
uawareriv loyalty Inr ih.*
_________ _____ ______
. Ibat ca. r.tlon. Rwwiweli aad Fait
. banks, wr reet«nlze men wbn are not
only wtwthj JO represeat our party


on E<n

dpta aRd^vMssjed tt. rw^


The Immensity. Originality. Uniqueness and Novel­
ty of the Great Wallace Show

Not only in its Exclusive Circus Features, Zoologi­
cal Exhibitions and Horse Fair Displays,
but in i's great


Your Heart
Fails to Pump Your
Blood, Trouble

-tsIOE. <

U y-o
tans. i=tp




\V«- oliivalp only *24 deifrui s. others dei atc from :ij
411 dck'rees. The Osborne
bintliT iri the lightest draft and most complete binder on the market.

Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephants,
Baboons. Bulls. Horses. Ponies. Monkeys.
Goats. Pigs and Donkeys.

Vertical Bar mower

machinery and Farm Implements
one of their speciahirs.

Remember that we sell the

“mnier” Gasoline Enaine,
The only Gassline Engine that a child

»Jcw Hrart Cnra
tv. i;a«s' Jfew Rfort C«i»
pcTscTirlkm of • sp
whose ewat soreeas ta Irnma*
note n'rr«js Ivarl dlans. has tni
ammr i re.«tnlnmt ta tie media
aetentlf.L- world.
Tbe laoltHees wffl
wO egre yoo. We know
ySB in proto' It. If Arwt
ot beaedi. y«w dn^rlM

can start and handle without trouble in
cold weather.

Wc have sold over forty

entfines the last >-car out of


City, and they are gn-inj' the best of satis­

Before placing jtxjr order for

any make of Engines, call at our store
and see the Miller.

Wy » lew bo«l^ artcr u,i-p w,.-.-, |

tents of n xml aaltnn may invoke
nd ciaaic.
'We are (daaaed asaln to eomawnd
oar abiatora aad lepreseatnllreo In
If'tor thfdi


We have a nice assonmem of fine
e rubber and cushion tire, also top and open
buggies, which we are closing out at
bargain. Hcase call and pick out your
iggy before they are all gone. If j-ou are not satisfied with prices and goods after
oklng our large line over, we will pay. you lor your trouble, do not wait but call as
soon as possible.

Cor. Cass & State SL

Both Phones 49.

Wallace Circus Day Prograniine
IO a. m.—A Combined Street Parade.' a uni-|ue romb*.
atioo of Giorioos Street Cxmirak SpecUcuUr Street Fair, a Zatiopa^
DiqiUy. Hone Fair •»<! Gbttering Pageacti.
1 & 7 p. m.—Doors Opened to Pie ImacaK WainieonTTcRtt.
1: i5 & 7:15 p. m —Prof. Bronson's Concert Band
oT RcdowsoI Saida auakaant brgmi a Ci-n
jxl CODcen i
the ceBiaBkge.
2 & 8 p.m.—AH-





rhia Mb
Tb* atooaat <d
______ -Jtoa vltbM .
tb* BarkM. la taport- - ■ oa. (vbo
caa b* grraily tocrraa*«l
Id* a
________ ___________ _________
Mr. W, A. B»l« of Cola. X. T- *bo
fan It MB be grove almoM maythe nb)aci) to b* orer UC.MtAW -to
U probbUr tb« Urgat grovto la th*
bare to the iratoerate mb*.
tlBlud •tola. BiMloc tbe obtoet I bad vortb. Kov •• lb*
arrer eiportad gUtoOM to the oMaat Praa Scar** farvUbed by Mr. Bale*
- 9IA09.M9 aasMltr, U vM raadUy lb* foUoving- ibovtog bo* ae am of
. . ..M tbM tb* Bald for aa anaaMra gtoaeag caa be atartod from S.OOO dae
aad laeraUr* baatoeia la opaa to tboM averted *«ad bMriag roou plaaled to
IMlf aad Bgured fur a period of Are
year*. li more ibaa lunlAed by ibe re»B>t* of bl« garden.
glra a daaeHpUoB M fb* gar lUi aoldret.
Tbeae tOOO plaau
: bat nWbw to abo* wbat proAt
* li la lb* boMBMA )B order that ba< Dot vrt or Baddy oMta. taeb aa
Maay vbo are la igaoraae* of tola *M prarail ta hatdvood fortoU. and it M aad U Made in ibr plaat rorb fmknrlac y*ar; drat yrar WAM **ad«. »eroabl* prodaea Bay hare their eyea
oad year ittftee leada Ai it take* II
opmad (o K aad perbapa taka la avali‘todM^Mtoatb A
EatiiM U’ wtklac' I ban mob t
M lb* enltarc ef flaaeag.

■ DipwiMt of tbe
OMI mntM H«mM o( Jnc ».
t»M. I M
to «?T.
■Sato w to MM o( lM4tol bOu*.

nsr^ ar taek«C IMI; 19

»M toto dHtlM MM fcr

aa9 taa<«r. Ii took oaU oa*. Ml M wM m MrM to ■» ar ana M
^ M< «to Mltot'toBMbM.
w MM to t ban U 111 ar book: _

OaM at oa*k


I Mat tbiak aapoac la tbla eon^
^ vbo eapatto to kaap Mt«l* «aa affad
to b* *Nboal a MIo.

Afiar tbo aoaragai

I- .

I ^to*. J.*W. Ittlw. fonaarty P«ald£ toe aMar M UU MaMet. IbM 4Mlr
« oiad tb* trM addrato of tba oraalai
Anar tba OMmattoa had aw
tba Bar. U B. BItoall c

QQa For colored and black Japanese Silk
V9C 24 inches wide, a 60c seller




fiR/i for ^ >» ffuaranteed black Taffeta Silk
heavy and lustrous, worth $1.26

All colors also black and white
Lot of fancj- Ribbon, worth up to 50c
Another lot of Ribbon, worth up to 75c

--- - .

Oloel Dt^e$$ Deeds
$ On a yard for Danish Cloth in Navy, Tan
Grey and Red




a yard (or choice of all our 60c mixed
Suitings all new. this seasons purchases

75c for the $1.00 values '
93Uc for the $1.25 values


N’ard wide heavy unbleached Sheeiirg nA3
worth 7c. sjiecial...........
................. .U%
blxUO bleached conon Sheets, worth SOc. 0Q



Thu $1.60 :u.d $1.75 for...................................*Sc
The $.7.00 und $3.50 one, lor...................... $1.95
The 50c one, for............................,................. ;Hc
The 26e one, (or................................... ........... 19c



3 pairs for 26c
tjphUdren’s Hercules School Hose, the kind

P ^'*»*'*


1 Dr. McDonald

' I 2“p.7!S?5^.*»“ro(eh«i^

>. nif enaoMa*
saiafMl Ml aapartarr ItoinrMg*
kBnrMf* ««bilM btof to mm aeary eaiabl* <
dgmutaegto ItoaMei of tbe btala.

iMMlllBny aal auawaafatty
■ S---------------------.'btoMM.”M


CatonBM IMaaaa.
Ttatot hM Laag Ut*


Silk mulls
19c *

for ihe 35c quality

35c ^

^ -^*y

t'iss rlriJjtunt

Unblrachcd Crash, aall lihen. worth
tienuinc Russian Crash, worth 12«c.


Cable Cinens


Assorted lot. worth up to 12ifc,
Another lot, worth up to 25c.
^ f?r............. .....................


All Boys' two-piece Suits. $3 values. 0I..98


50c Knee pams,'choice of several lots,


75c Knee Pants, choice of several lots.


m$n*$ Pants
The "Dutchess" are favorites, all IJW $^ QQ

Another lot of 50c Shirts to dose


Boys' Ribbed 25c value, sale
Men's Underwear, several broken lines of QK
Stic goods, to close at .......................... .
Other goods at 26c. SOc and SI .00
Caps, either Men's or B-^', 25c values.
Caps, either Men's or Bo)V. 75c values,


AH $1.25. $1.60 and $I 76' Caps going $ j ^QQ
Straw Hats at one-hdf price.
^Its. Men's and Boys' mz«. 25c values,

Our 5.01) and 6.00 kind, choice



Men's Sox. 10c and 12>ie lines, sale price ^Q0

0 QQ

Fancy Embroidered Sox, values 15c.
special........................... ............................ • X V
Suit Cases $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 to $9.00 each.
You will find everything new, up-to-date snd
reliable in this store.

All better grades reduced accordingly.

Cadies’ niaitts

Voutb$' Suits , ^
All reduced to $4.60, $5.*0. $6J0 $9.00 andVi'JjJI

$6^Md^^ Fine Worst-d Fants. spe-^Q^gQ

Oti inch L.KJin Damask, pure linen, an ex- QQ
tellem '<(k- quality, sptreial ......................... •Oc?
.-\no)h«T frf) inch Loom Damask. i
heavy, all linen, gooil value ai S.5c. f.
72 inch Loom D.imask. Mexican border, QQ
1.25 quality, extra special.......................... .‘Ol/
72 inch Bleached (double Damask, good Q/I
assortment .if patierns, 1.26 values, for-.
Napkins to match.
RE-M.NANTSand Waist Patterns of white mer­
cerized goods at .V.................... half PRICE
3.6c and 4ftc Curtain MulL

COATS SAN SILK all colors, for this sale Q0

Cadies* Dr^ Skirts at Big Reductions

$3 90

A job in Pure Worsted Frock' Suits, ® O *7K
sizes 35 to 38 on!y--big baigafo •• • •
Men’s $10 Outing Suits, to close

"«"• .10




■S -wssa^^rr-rr": !®!


All our Ladies and Misses LaccGloves. the OQ

A few pairs $1.00 black.kid Gloves


All Boys'two-piece Suiis. $5 values, $3,00

FdU.ze Hone>comb Spread, worth $1.00.


An assorted lot of odds and ends including :
Leather and l>laded Indian work, worth i
up to $14)0. to dose-.

Perrins $1^ Swed^ Gloves (colors only!
1 Rn a yard for fine line of Lawns and Bastistes
all stripes-have sold up to 35c a \ard




aia$j) Dee^s
Park Place Hotel


45,30 l■illow Ca*., at ISe. 14c

Al^and $10 suits, during this
All $5 and $6 suits, during this sale.

All Boys' two-piece Suits, $4 values, $2,90

Ladies 50c Lace Hose, black and colors 00



Dand Bags

$i.l2K .(or th. $1.60 value.


All our $1,110 and $1® Cor«l,. Kovul QQ
Wortx-stcr. to close.................................. aWS/

Ladies and Childrens 25c Lace Hose ^^0

Traverse City



For. Ladies and Children at HALF PRICE


All $12^ and $14 suits, during this $Q,5Q
town to select from

Normandie, Vail and Torchons, up to'4
inches wide, to dean up, per yard . . •

fCQn a yard for 60 inch mixed Venetians, all
VvG wool and a good seller at 85c in brown,
grey and Cadet
ONE QUARTER OFF on all our black and
colored Dress Goods the $1.00, $1.25
and $1.50 kinds


That have sold up to $1X)0 a yard, divided into
8 lots to clean up. per yard :10c, 6c

tflRn a yard for 42 inch Mohair Sharkskin, a
good 75c value in Na\7, Brown and Black
^ wan Knovn Opwilaliat.
tm OOfMINO 1

■he .ppeuvaucc

Al^$U, and $18 suit*, during


26c and 85c



Cadies neckwear

nd Granites in
-colors, sold rif^t aiong for

000 a ya>^ for

etotbing Debt
Men's styilish Suits, nude from rich Cheviots
i Worsteds,
Worsteds, in
in light,^^ium and dark
color effects,
sets, and blur
blue ami
am black Serges and Unfinish^ Worsteds: beautiful
beautifully tailored an<i tmished; single and double *breaste<l sacks with
broad built shoulders, close titling collar and stadlers."

Lot of Embroidered Tab Collars and Turn- f Q
overs, worth to 35c, for............................. »X^

black Peau
is good value at $1.26

r SnStl. of Na* Torfc eUy. lb*


Up to No. 60 at.,..................................... ........... 10c

CCQ/> For 19 inch black Feau de Sole, others
make a spedal
special of this at 7«c

REMNANTS of plain and fanc>- Silks at half
price some have nice Waist patterns others short
lengths down -to about one yard Suitable for



Soft Taffeiw Ribbon tor Neck or Hair

for l^och White Habutai. Wash

39c ^ y**^*^ f^lg^di black Taffeta, all pure

- jr iStmmm tbM th. P«ipl« eUM Mrk
d ihM la aaj rttor« Borctoeat. A
paartol OOtopotoO M MIto Ora^MMl.



$ilk Department

* wdltfrto- tor the eratiUc *ai Ukt..
1, - ■ Bar. T. r. tnioa el tba Cbareb of
b# OhrlM aaOM dha obtoM of tb*


During this sale we propose to cut prices so deep that everything in the line of Sumnner Merchandise will be sold, as we cannot carry go.}ds over from one
seasoi) to another. To make this sale extremely interesting we include a great many staple lines all crisp and new at
prices which wiU mean a great saving tu you.
’ .

n. I*

; -My' rwa uoka tip------ -


Thursday, July 7th, to 18th, Inclusive

. *1 h.__^ - »m-A ^

' Starrs:



”ila wSt a 55aoTM«e»*r day par
ea» tor Mb
No*, tba
•Ira*, or. bMwr yat. aoaa eJorar bw
•ad aoaa toaa or •oaathlac rteb la
--------a ap th* yatba. ao
V (ha M* all) drI; paad a* tb* e


aaoBiebpaabaae aaBipgtotbafraaa
to tb* RavBltoa iMaaM.
I. I aa avablrd to ahov a bed «
*T>* goto to a oaaalBtoa to tbe
A BigBiliie vritB dtrlaia* ttal
by m toaO. of Bra y**r old aary eboMd be epaved vUer." aay* Crtaldeai
ntot of Harrard -to oiB---- »ly I'
bar* 1 .
Urad. -Md I kaov af eo
' 'wator oof tU
tO.OM teed for kva braid** harli .
Ibaa IP pBrBHHag lb* |
vaa tf tbe to*i. aad Wobaler
Urn* tana plaaird <<
ixm aad 190* mdw cd **vd oo hand,
I tbe OM preeedtog Rto ptMBlaad tbe J4iBi tool* yno begaa vlth daIged
of ,
,e- ri»e bwll at abor*. rti:
. _____ _ __j4i thou
ibr root voaM tire >«
rpellbODM b
iaB** Dnrar. a vavtihy laadad pro­
c: 1-: poaadt; dry root dgnrrd
prietor of Plfrahlre. Smttoad. iBa
y . aryrrtbeU’M I
per irnad *<r>M Bab* a total of f7M
«nar atlarbed to aa erperi- leea ue a lonr of ibr Vailed KalM Inor*.! Ibnoe vbo. II
ratb. MO.ow arovto* pUnii. ur aa
d to (o olTlal ibai *0 oa* aad Ibtokf that rhkvge to tbe rvBtog Ire . its rrvMie aad ma It*
acre and SOO.fkIu eerd* oo baod.
raa adord to orgieei ibto •Blt*r
Bietropotli of tbe lasd la a K«v Alt*- ibIrtyAer ynar» all rtuer* a
la Kpevfciag of Ktaeres Hr. Bateo
Tori iBierrW Mr. Devar eald; -OUcure Hall Dy*. Caba. N Y.
ia>i: -Aarme ran san la ifar
ido- akw*. an rlrh.' mi ratUtaMd.
a fity Of ireBtvdoae
xva botiq^ vbo hu ibe
M-t* hia la a
aad at the rale It to grovlag^i lib tu Yefli.
of gRraad. 1 bar* atarted qaite a
la*. by hiBielfaniaber vlib a fe*
aad root*
Edgar Olyptox. rereolly *l**lad
roBaierrtal WVIer of
Ovlag to lb* Kiaat aaitir supply (a
rmni BT aard'D. vbo are today la po- mayor of Hoaoinln. va« forBerty eve
altloa to realla*
■Bd^noatoiloo R-bal gto*a yor
iof tb* bna crlmiaal tavyen la Dre
a la th* arrt fa* year* ■
biif adraaiag* o»*r CblMpo’ to
«ug*rtog t«r vaat ot^tnoper atahipptog. Tak* IbM avay aMjirMha
By lb* roaBaay of Mr. Bai«a. vhOB rer. la IbF pan yrVT Colonda bh«

toot ito* Ttok. Me* Acaaar. IWayltbtorthaa» raala. Datowaia Maiytoad. TMtola. aprtog <d UfT: Made eC l*M atop w1

f tba.CMUd Itonb aad Soath CbtoIIm. QMrgta. prodaee plaM aptiM


SfreriMtt I

Cadies’ meei Suits* One-Daif Off

I -lilZ':

............|?5.og Suit

The place to buy your
_______ _________ hdopted tl
veblkMu aa did Ohio, iniaoli end T
aeoal cooreotlooi. held oo the w
Cta'w^l^tM'e birtbdej. ISH.
the ine n»iloB»l «oore»tloe od the repeblleu ptTtr vM held at Pliuburs.
Bad Botolaited Fraeooi aad Dartoo.
«bo carried elevea Rates. Mad TesaM be Mtlrelr uttated aith the
hMIioB o( Fred H. Vvaer br the R» arlraala aad iniaolt flren their rote*


‘, p»MW» M«tr eoareetka ten 'week.
Bhl thr eaare* tekes hr Mr. Rortoa.

akMk Or*»d T»*etw Mpponed.
the wi«Tal«r
oalted. aad the astloe made povcrfol
^ here aad elsnrhare. W. Honae bele vorld aroimd.
Ueras then tt More reaaoo for tapJteksoB. Ulch, Joir e.—Tbe Drtroli
portlBd a aood RetpaUleaa tbaa aar ipecisl bearlB* Becreurr erf State
John Har aad Benaion Pairbanki aad
DeBoent. Aad he it riahl^ Th
: he qaeethia oT the abUtVr aad eatlre Alter arriced at Jaduoe at 10:21) this
ralni. Shortlr afterward the .
; H > 4tae« at Hr. Waner tor t^e petitkw
'rj., for vhleh be Is aased. |1« Is la the
y ?■ Terr priaw erf ha acHre lUe. It esperl- of the repDbllesD partr.
Bpeirfal trains arrlred troD
«wed. eapable. a thoroaih gmil
eat parte of ibc Rale darlBB the morn. aad vin lire HidtHaa tpleoiu t«^ lat aad U vai enlaiatad from 10.000
rice as Its chief eseeaUrc. nere te
20.000 Tisitors vere la tova. Oak
a vide dllereaee of optaioe e
taeaUna ef a prlmarr electlao lav. tt _ltre and baatlat vlth vbicfa the
bolMIntt oa tbe prlaerfpal Rraets vere
, H aier iMt to BD too fast. TbpretesRr decorated and tbe pletvps
. tka lavi as the* aov stand, and ther of WasblattotL UaeolA Oraat. He'• an prettr cood tavi too. an aa erole- KlBler aad Booeerelt vere dlipUred
niader Ihe oaks’ ezereUes begaa at
. Ucai. All VBS net aeeoBpIlsbe.
to o-chKk.
‘ pear, or tvO. or three, the laa
ia ioree vsre chaaced. added
pvs; B
(Hub troaa. aaUI ve now baee a fatrtp _______________ oa » tf ,
aatWactarr atalaU oa the boota aad the pUia near tbe Olseto hotel. Ai
o'clock Janes OThnaell of Jacksoo
to praeUee. The HeraM U la
Loomis park.
■' of a pelManr etoeUfm lao. aad baa ae
- dMbt that a good alart vlll be
_____ ____________ Ollleaple. Mayor
l»r tlw Best lc«1suure. Ur. Wanter. H. Todd deHrered an address of i
aad AUeraey Ocnetal nialr and
as pieenwr. vlll Hca aar bill the ler
Watare panes. He Is not br aor
Beaat aa eeenr to the prlaurr elaetloa pelBciple. With him. as vtth
ipatnlihed toes
■aar Mbers. then are srere doatbt*
2*e eaerclies '
of the visdon of i^niWplBc H« (a
at Imaodt park, vlth E
■tail vtih. Let the l^laittre '




Paris Green ;
is hero.
Fred L. Lavanburc’s
ISc a pound. 6 lbs. $1.00.

Jrmni till, Nich.

We arc olfcrlns center dnnihl
i.r round viek Unps. acuiallf
»<.nh 1500 10. »T.W each, at
onl) IU9 to IS.00 each.
Ri'incinbor. ve will hare BO
mope at these prices.
We have ool> a lev sercea
doors left, price tl.OS. We and
fiie eseb.
US line of vblps Just rereived. Prices from Sc npsrards.
nemfBsbcr oar locaUoB. 211
Front Mreet.


eaa ha «l



Died, on the 2Tlb ulU ta Knoirllle.
enacaoee. Mra. Charles V. Fe
•raa tbe eoaatr oaareaUoo with reTbe people of Uie TlllaiiB of L. .
VvL It H a pteaaaai tatbertat plaee aad Tlcinllr were shocked aad palaed
a tdetrem aaaotmd« the death
ire BRtbbors and theadi. and
Ibaalasvi laes oat from It that lasts of Hre. PerrlA who was ihe daatbier
of Hr. aad Hr*. HarrlB ImOore. She
ibniBth tbe eampaltii and makes was one of the Arst eUMrea born In
tbst township. In her eblldbood and
yontb she tare promise of Ihe etil
tured aad oscfnl woman which she aft
ervard became, la the home or aebool
«be Herald vlll
aoclal circle she appeared as a
tbe Hv k»miag bn «ba b^tWment.
UB tf Utht aad Booroe Of comfort.
' atiee that «
H Uare. of the coeaty. aad ladeed. all
and UBtht
BSBTcaUoBS. The chaate
1 Empire aad
€om». bm It should eome tbrbufb thei ■uijussuaie
W..I. marhed sactrv»..
pacly ef SU bsR Meads, the Repob- Aboot tvelrr years ago Rie was mar
Jkaa party. Tbe KepabUeaa party has ried 10 Charles E. Fertls. and sooa
beta and vUI enallBBh In be the erlt- ■tier weol to KaoxfUlh. Tenn. 1e
KaexTllle she aooa made maoy warm
thaiar and promoter ef all treat asd
Meads who este«med her rery hlfhly.
beaetdal ebaatei la Ihe Uvs. It Is Berenl axmlhs ate her health fallod
ler, Hre. ImCore. went t»
tbe party to Rick to becaaoe il Is tbe
rtnl for her. Ihe bed
party that dees tblnts.
oBlalBahle was teeared.
Hr. Vareer's isssrihtri ea the tUk« ct add airmttb to tL rraa betlaBtai


1He^'*ha?nTed. It la BW sarprlslna
that vben she was brontht to the Til
lage Church In Empire Ks eapac
tty shoold be laied so thH many could
not tain admltlaace, i^the aliar
casket should be
vlih ■owere
towen apd memcmloes ef lore
Bbe leares to mourn, bi^
hides her hisbtnd.
o (hlldren, Mar­
aged tee yean, and Qeortta Hay.
h(4d -dader HA Oaka” la JaclooB. ated debt yrers, her tRber aad moibwhere ihr party was. ortaalxed ba
r. Mr.
-- and Mrs. Marria
the Cth of July. ItH.
,Oa lou
ibR oecaiam. ,vB
ro hreihcre. Dr. J. O. UOore.
Sore, of Elk
ibP gr^tcR aatkmal
■ llch, a:
aad Dr. ■ H.
• LaCore,
of Cross Vlllaie.
d ia IKlat the on loM srlih a sense of pesseaal beneaTc• r doee
Temowuu three vtD libealse I
aailoBal celebrities and
bemadebyBecretary at Btaie Jofca Hay, oae of the
la the aaTbe aanlrrey sriu be RtalBtpat and ibe
rbe rated for
■ml at die Am
republlcaa Ba­
il cleetkia vUI recall some Impon
taal limes ta Ibe UtUtr <rf tbe party
and tbe tatbretag vfll be not, only
pkamal but Imporlaat fnwB-hislDb
KBl Ttev.
Tbe ReMrt today repradutea a
Rmlle of tbe Ar« rapuUkae preald
ttal ttekre T«ad an Hot. «. lUC.
Am repahUcaa aatkiBal eleciioa. 1
retcteal was pseaeaUd tn tbe Rm
by Hub B 8. Walker ef Old Htealoa.
aad as a reim rrf eBriy md real Uama
II will prere of apaelal kureot. Bolk
face aad Imdi of lb
This ticket was tbi
Q tbe
It win br
Sereatb ward la DetroH.
noHcrel ibai one
. of
:t the caadMUet lor
was Chartea Oemlete
rHattre <'





‘Enough said—If these, swell Suits and this low
say or do ever will. We are giving you here the grandest
try them on. and inspect them thoroughly. We know that i!
will find this a good opportunity to do so. Them; garments you

price docs nm apiie.-il to you. nothing we can
values of mir career ami want >t)u to come in,
you comem|»late purch.asing a new suii. that you
will find displayed in our West Window.

Msile uf rsteni LeAther, Mell Kid anil CoU Skin,


sh R


/ davt
“■ dorstsbvntail
dtmn dfmu.

^ A/«
* ^ ^

Slieinberg Bros.

Permanenlly locateil ScCdBi RMf SUtd BdBk BaUdllie.



Or advertise to sell at less than shoes cost us. \Vc aim
to git'e j'ou value receivetl in every shoe yoti buy of us.
We do not try to see how cheap: our mono is. How
Go'xi. Wc arc net’cr undersold, i> the quality in the
t^oel cuts any figure. The kind of shoes and make
are never found at job lot sales. We arc the oldest
exclusive shoe house in this ciiy and claim a record of
scllini; the most reliable footwear.


When such tempting bargains have been pleading so long and loud .' Can i Ih: that you are all sup|>ln-dr We
know ihat thousands and thousands from far and near have availed ifiemsclvcs of the opportunities we've offered
during the last jwo weeks, but there arc a good many who have/lot.

The Great Compulsory Sale
will close with next Saturday, (the I5th day* and goes down in hisi
history as Travei%e City’s grcateit of great sales.
If there is anything you need in our various lines you should
d make
makt every effort to come liefore this sale doses.
-perhaj; too late for you to take advantage of our
This ad will not reach you till the latter part of this week—perhaps
compulsory sale—so wc quote you some spttcials for all nextt week that arc very extraordinary.

Don’i wall any Longer If yon need a Suit



X booghl a |Oo,l many ol
urm COR aad when we sell the*
reaililf ree what yon can save.

We ofler you
Men’s good weartogSuili for....


i \

Or a Man's all
AW fa ;
wool suits that wer> A i 1 ‘
soliUshighai 7.60


j $12 Suits $7.50 :1 $10 Suits 95.00

Pore wool Cheviot, well made
anil dressy

i1 A lot of Frock S«itt worth op
| $10. wdl marie, goo.1 aerials.

$18 Suits, $7.50

1 Odd Oh*l Cssts, $1.4$
1 $6.75 hr Casts 4 Oisfs



242 FRONT 8T.

tIO Suits 94.7S, 99.S0

$12 Suits S7.S0


Made of pure wool Womcls 1
and 6ne Cassitneres.

gooil reliable mike,
wool and will wear well


Buy a Bammock


We piace on sale aliout 60
Frnrk Suit*, fine wind fal>rics aiul soM up to $lx

.Summer weight, made ofI all wvul
srool law
s, regular
for ages op to 2d t eire,
from $T.6U to $ia0U <
tjiecial jince-------

f/n of Boys 3 iiiece Suits,
sire* up to I«; years, me *nim liglil coUrrr, sold laR




biresSllCTite^ *«ne*h“



Ti. R



fr.llooaJi- Paair, Sllcblly (ad,<


'» Wf..l rs.fioirre fsilH. worth fJKl gar SUM.

2S ptr ant discount
on an Straw Bats



flay, worth LM

Mioses' KxA Sboea. light vAd sotei. fa Sunday, worth

m Shoe poJ «,te »a


(3iiUren's :< piece
all wiKil,
52 1*0

> w.irrlerf I-niiih in r|„M .t SSe.


Ui'o's SS.MI Wni>; Worsted PlBU. to ckxe St A23a
M.-a's bUck Clsv Wonted Pseu, worth »* <*•. "
rhM SI Q.S0.
$:.<« Blsek Osy Worsted Psni* to rk»e at SIOO.

..... ...............................................................................................................

traverse City, mth.

Frmn $12 Soils, fine Ameriran
CUy W.rrRerlt


Suits to close at

Right now during the warm weather.
It's a source of ^ood all around
pleasure to btr the owner of one and no
more pleasant way of spending the leisure
out of door moments.
And then it don't cost but so little to
get a good substantial one that will stand
all kinds of wear.
Wc have good ones at $1.00 and from
that to $7.rj0.




al hcesewei^ere-Tlm IMRIb
PMceOAlca.^ Otz-pbeBsAH.

wonk 3SC10 50c.
All the neves sha|cs; tbe moS Ht-iinlde entarii^ aad
chewe. nett aad usi)' effects, m>VI t>y some aiorcs as
a Itargain at 36c to 60c, here oo* at..:...............................

^ | .


By having us .h> j-out »<vk.

Don't BrMic Vour B*ck


Men’s Fine Neckwear at 19c


Pl.ATICS ......................... $4.00

BBd the UdtM te aae that Repabaaa can beartUy aapport. aad It is
Am (hat will comnaad tfar respe<

They are all this season's purchases, gathered from the very
finest $12£0, $13:50 and $15.00 Suits shown in the city, Be­
ginning tomorrow morning and continuing all next week,
you can pick >-our choice of these elegant garments for only

to the TCfT newea lasts, all sites

that are reasonable.

.. from Benator Pslrbaaki
Aenvks treat Bpeaker Caanoo aad
ban Stvalor Alter folloved. vhleh cU»e<!
Ihe formal ^relses.

Three are mf Bap^llo
Oiaad Trareiae who srenld tire op

On SttiA Tomorrow o-t 3%oinbore Bros.

Men’s Fine Shoes and Oxfords

Remember all oor work is lully i;uiTaniee.l in vriiiitR, at prices

Open TuemUy, TharvYay an.l Salorrtay P:vcningt.


Ladfa-Kid Lace Shoe^ ail foW. h*a*y enerwioa
aodpste«leaihert.pvw«rth$140.i|«ciat price....



• .7 V


««h jg^

.......... 10c

I ,40


Calf Shores worth 12, special /

T.rM, Woktog Skbes. pbia
sBd seaaleai,.wotth from 176 to $

XHo Boston



«tfW. SW. J. w.


Stole of MhtoldV to Hartey U ^
llday. aM <* Vii- mb.
town ja.

..1 abnoluiety maranii
}. tv tofaai eblM of Hr. and
Coupht. Cold*. U Grippe
Urn. F. E. Mallory of Orawn died MoaIII and all Tbroai and Lane
day awrelBC- TV rnoetal eerriee
wat beld OB Toei>day at t o'clock Tioablee. Price SOc and II .i*'
Indie* lOe ti Ja» G. Jobneon'* and F
“ftSood: «; from tie reeldeace aed InlenBcnl look
Mead* Dni* Btorr*
In tbe Mont
Montoe Ceeier cemetery.
place to
tbe fonerti.
W. Btoltb and wSe to Kri- Vadertaker AVer
OM Mtaatoe Vw Uai
Oore. pareri. bloek L P. H.-a trd
carpeplerand wltetoVna,

block S. P.
Ini U. bWeh
btoek y. Keabtowuto: tL
Old Nttlonal Bank to Uc
Retort Awn.. M IS. Mork


U A Co.'* 5fd Vd:
iward MeSamarm to Harsoa B.
i. loit tt and it. I'loek 1. P. R.Y
9d add; 11^00.
Auditor Oeneml lo Fmak W. Wll-

ir. and Mm. Hod»p !.»fl Tu~dar for
t Huron. *br^ • r«*si»IOB w«

Vnday. July 1A
Train will leare Trirerre City at
-nut raport la maOe upon WeOnea00 a. m. Se.' pnelem. nt ark aseni*
<uy or each wooK. The Herald la not
>r particular'.
tor ehanaaa in prieoa.
H F. Horller.a P A.

TrRVArM City Idnrkptn.

Monroe, w-n J-1«o feel lo( 1. bloek
£ H l> A Co t 2nd add: ISSd.
Adallne - lUt Hand (o John Houle I Settlere’Fi
9. r4 im «; wii lot Ifl.


« to the SouVi and Bouth-

tecofld.c!ui ilekeu on
block 15.
I aad third
rrlle A. ^lemaa to Arthur B.
, u> BuSalo. NlMETueedayi of each mocib.
>t awV of •
tbwick. alt of
............ ;ork CUT thfT will
for parUcnIart.
;own 2i, raace
beew in Monroe, where
Woeld'c F.
?rtle A. Ctdeti—
Mr. HodW h»» n reeponilblc pcltlon Southwlrk. ili of nw^i of ewki. tec.
DBiBE lactory.
Ilk acealt
i*er of 1
lown 2S. tan*c 12; fdM.
id full parDaniel E, Crandall and wife to Oeo.
K Aldrieh, parcel. Blackwoo^l»
■toe of Ike Central
nobert M Edyeeomb to Frank H.
week. II wa» deeh
dneeanb. parcel, eec 22. town 2t. •bc tfflk-I.rl will iK' plcf.’.l M. Wrn
Labor Day to tkli city
,h.l 1>T MeDunaM Ihr «mlo«.>
the plane Vtc oot
r«rim A Banak to Calrla 0. Giblully matured, ttlll li l»
I • and 10. blorit 7. H. L. A
d addi fUM.


r«J-" -

Ktoe-.ley, Mich., July «.-8oivoiie.

• otVrwIte. elrcnlaied

ww» Birlne of JnmaalMn. to Ue
■anttnc af Ike aapraaa akttea a( Caro

ST5i?~«5Si*llk Ihea,.

ptrlntiitr* at irat aaoarl in the qneea
•I (hat ■aeUnt.

................ .............. ........................

X 8 tt..................... ..........................
S fl X Sft...................... ..........................

ti fl

S 1.25



16 Tneb DIamtUr at Sc Each

•les that become broken in sizes, lines of which
kinds we

> many were purch.T»<'d and kinds we are
b:ir;>ain Tables
Tables and
and sold
ig. all put on onr bargain




m Our St»r« In Rdlablc

A taM and ahoe departMM hae
hew laetalUM la ike Lnwii fr«*rr
tM Cam Front amet. All Unde
•aMIcMcn-e. ladlaa- and eklldren-e
•tana *ni ha baadtad. a ^ and
htiiW ainch harlnt been pnl U.

4 fl

Straw Porch Stats

Real Bargains





Made of woven rice straw over spiral cenii r coils and
imitates a target, most desirable as a sumiit'-r cushion
for lawns, piazzas, couagew and outing use*.


early tnd troW the m-U

I These arc made from i he bark of
the Bamboo Cane and aretherrI fore very tough and durable.
All siees complete with pulley and cord.


12 fl X *l ft ................

Every Day Tinds new

Ibe ettr. teal a raloaWe »nr«
ter- »n anlMl waa wnrth or
bodmd deUan u> the owner.

raoiv^ lhta •eek’wrK

Tor the Porch

ID ft X Sft.....................


the cIlT- A»
tee* vtll be appololed a
(MilDC mndr p«bed a


wa* aPer me cm
F. A Gul|e.Ire, Ver
I a lerrllile ca*« ■>(
- tnlonr*. When tH
rtU.'l Bucklen'* Amlm 6al»e cure.!
Bqiially good for bumr and ai:
ache* and pain* Only •!*■. at Ja* i.
JotauKin'* and F H
Mead* llruc
iu..uMy." ■

Sofiday. Arty 17.
Ill leere T
See pmtei
•r jumlcnlar*.
;7 K
H. r Ma


Crtx Brass Hlatting ,
This is H fer-t wide, comes in plain and fancy color­
ings, nothing like it for hard wear; worth r»Uc yard, at
3Sc; e yards of this makes a porch rug.

6x9 In Sizt for fZ.28

at big reductions.

ewa Uttk U« Put on tb« Vraaln CaW*»i

Artkar Hoadj. faraaerlT od thin alCT.

Wemes’s Sboes
That oueht 10 bnng $2.60

(rMidc. Behnabeeaabaeatfmtkla
ettr to aoara tl»e and ,aoM «anr
etahcaa far the battaa. He vUf eon5S^«neai at the BapUM ehnroh
naai Bandar CTanlnt.


1'hai usually ■<11 at S3 00
in.l i.iarkcil #
then............... /

Sl""“ 1.89

indta i. m. OaavbaU haa aoU hte
la mmwaei (owaaklp to Hr.

Sion cloud owT Fridtif oflffiNi ottoi Joi; 41k
Weoeo's Slippers.

WAmes's Oxleras.



.-Mso Crea Rugs fringed al SOc and up

womet-s Sboes.

I<athei, (.lain lues,
in,I ciK.I, piiceil



tlBTrl tawnihlp. and did aiach la
daetoap what haa dace tamed uni to
hTw H the beat taraOBc eotoniuBl
Una to Laatoaaa eoantr. hai not re>

Vet’s $S Shsea.

Mea's $4 Sbvs

Imported Patent I .eaihert, *
belt made, raatkol


Itoita baa rellrod fron
at the Palca Deetrle
r. vhU win karaafiet be mt-


«t Old
If tor a

f as=r*£=;s^

been toada no that the to
eaat to the Tiaearaa Bar
rwa batwaaa that atoea and Mt Baptda. Tba Uw A. Catoalacf A the
aapa Uae will Uka ihaTJraaeaal'f ^
bttwaaa thU ettr aad Narthfort. The
paopto at Bk Kapidt ware anxloaa (to

Tba Hoderator tart: "Principal C.
T. Orawn at Oaalfal NaCBtol toeelwd
kta H. A. troa OoIatoWa aad the mattaf dlploBt rren the Tmcbart' Col.
|ata.Xa^ Wbaa be raaebed Ht.
Ptaaaaai be wat sat br tiadeati aad
toraUr aad wat tokte boaie In t
h^gr drawa by ttadeau."

ai Ibe Feurili of July eclebratlon. Thla
report 1. withoul foundallcm and ««•
doBldedly tro*e from Ihe (act that
Ihere are three rate* Vre at preaeoL
Time are all >lrlc*ly Quaraaitoed aad
t the tick perton* ba< lieeB-Te.
moved one balf mile toto ihe rooniry.
The dl*ea*e 1* of a very llgbl form aad
lot tVugbl lo be geBulBC tmal|.
pox until *n diaguneed by a Trarerae
CUT phyaleUD
Then all precaution*
^ and tbe memberthlp reacbea
wo tbonaand. It la tbeir Inien. in**lhle acre laken and It U Juai at
lion to make tbe relebratkw tbl* year aafe to be In Klnealey now at to Travbigger ud better (ban the ope beld
year Vforc Mat.

TVre were aaly tnaea


From July Number Ladle*' Home
to the Mat number of the Ladle*'
ome Journal »e puMlehed, In the arcle eBtlilnl
The 'PaleBl-Medlrtoe'
Curae.” an analy*l* of "Ooclor Pierce't
Farorlle Preecripllon." In wbicli that
preparation wt* repriwented a* corlainlnc. among other logredleni*.
itorture i>f dlgliallr, llncuire of opium,
and alcohol. Immediately npon pule
lieetktn of Ibe BuznbtT a *iiU for dam.
wa* lD*ilHled br The R V.
Pl.TPe Medical Corapaar. of Buffalo.
Ne* YnfL. proprietor* of the prepara­
tion In giieKilon, asatovt the Curtb
Piihluhlng Compaay. baaed u|ioB tbe
tVi none of tbe ibree togredirae eonialned la the medletoe.

Mnd a. Trkdrich

Oie^ati Give Vou
The best for tho price in

Feed, meal, Bran, middlings,
Corn and Oats
\Vc buy nothing bui ihc bpsl grain ami yon get the
pure article




nto toaaat that IV Malai win V


Sttp I* »»f iMk Oner Our Bergela C»W»
wtemver Yen JIrt In teain...1ls e Onul Wir U
Stne mernef.

e BIlBg of Ibe *011. «
mediately Uoktul Inu
It appear* i
tbi« panlcular analyal* had been
made. If made at all fully twcsty-flTr
yean ago. We,
e, ihereopoa,
inerwu(«m. empioyeo
three leadlag rbesitata to diftereat
an anal;
lyala of Ibe pre/r
aralkm from ^ImmiIc* bongfai to Ibe
open martlet. Theee aaalytea. one and
all. 'boa- Ihow to a* conclnalrely lhai
•ingle one of the Ingredient*
b} us to
nod■ bt
tbe analysl* Quole.1'
la, elibcr dlgliiH*. opium or al I ■
—' eontalned
•- •— bollle*
-—■-■ - - - _______
analjvd. We lb
iben-lhe president of
(hli company aad the wrlter-peraoBally vtollcd Tbe R. V. Pierce Hedkal
Company, ai Buffalo, and wen iberr
rtoeed that tbe offlccra of the epm
___ y were ahaolately trnthfol to tbeir
rUlm that not one of the«c tojurtoiu
tagiedtonu wta eonialned to "Doctor
Pleree'e Pnvoriie PreaertpUon." Natnrally, alnce the aoaly*U we priated
proved enoneota. IV (
1 connedIon wtih


pyboa to lUehtrt HertmcT.
pareA Teareraa OHy: *4*».
Jaa. C. Woodworth and wife to «ale
Cader tbeae ctrenraeUBce* It U now
J. Hotaea. parvL bloek 1. V
MiKily pinto to nt tvt tUt macaCity: tiS.
ST was untoieaUoMlQr. b« aever
Joha SpartMff to evy «. HUMbmM.
BbMitDi^ Aled M maktog
Btl A||fceBl. and we hereby.
>WB ■poa. make this B>.
• tv conffBallSed___________
_ ______________
of o« mMtaV to TV R T. Plate MVIal
cim|i«By aad lo ear naAmn.
Abbott. PbtoH. AhTV mtoav sran hnaanHy made.bat
««!. V llM BMP>jt|.—m




-;h Vd: II.
Smllb. lot 2> !, block F. H. 1. A Co. a
Tib add: 1275.
a. H. Edmond*.
Joba W. Miller to
oa Tatadar tar Jaetmna.^ w^^
H. block
:k S.
t. nayalde add; »S
Fred A Kneeltnd to John H
H, Cole,
STbtitbHSi topakllma party wat
elik of ewM.
eec. 23, town 3<>. rang.
o noyd L
rtart old aad who rotad tor Freiaoni,
rerae City;*..ead^toj,e^to.loa^^
II. nrodbagea to __
air T
CI and S2. block 2. Btyalde
for the « ____________
add; ItOO.
Blwood Sitnlpy and wife to '
block 11. 11. I. A
bn neeooat at the rain Hoaday T.«Bg. lot
tba mttoee raeea at the Trarerae Ctiy Kith Vd; tlAOfi.
Hannah A l«y Co. In Tho*. Yi
DitTtoi Park ataoetolloa bare '
IM 2. bloek II. H . L A CM'* lOth
pGMpgaM aaa week. They will
be beM Hoaday altoraaoe at
jyd L.
Hannab A Uy
That la. af aoarae. K Ibe weather aaa
to Mare (d a peattotoan (baa bo wai Smllb. lot* 2C and 27. block £, H .U A
Oa-'t 2nd Vd; Ku>0.
J<din 1.
Chat. M. Boer* and alfe
TV mean wiU andoaWedly at
aad C M. camming*. l« to. Old
Md Mia
l^toV^OFd and will V well w
tloa: tts.
John F. Thompto* to 8. F Baiion.
aeM. tec. 2, Iowa 2«, range S; 1600.
nVt of
Patrick Burdea haa aaU the OolaaaeK. tan,23. town 23, range II; *230.
Hattie Ptouiy to CUy of Tm»er*e
aty. Iota St aad 62. block 7.
JImS] aSorttM to ifeeir Itoe aad
am MiiitbmiT Pl«v* ihe public,
ttortoc tv yaan thal Mr. Burden
**IL R HBDcerford to CarleioD
Hammtmd. partaU Oakwood; <«W.
aatfr to aae Uto retire.


All »ize\ ali sola', g'eil
wraieit, luatkcd

S-r 1.00

fro. ; and Back of Orioto*' Repabliean Tkkel.
raeea aad Maecabee celebratJon li It
thoaebt Uai there will V a peal
crowd here on iVl date at the celebralloe will toclnde all towna Borth of
Grand Rapldt.
Many lown* to tbl*
aeeUoB are fullr or*anlred aad ibe
frieeda will make a large munVr. Tbe
DBtoat la tbia city are eery alroog.


Hcb’s Sbocs.

net's Shses.
That broughtI $l.«
$2.00. cm the price

and ma aastoaa aad will do
adrtlrr wcrt.
He !• enerieUe.
WtU and wlU do a food baalnen.


■ i^‘:"3.oo

For Wood Work aad Fuimtuic which baa becooe marred
or worn, when coated with Jap.a.Lar it reeewed aad beauti-

Our AnnualJuly Clothing Sale
The Sale that puts money in your pock­
ets and good, first class clothing on your
back. We will sell all our Men’s, Youth’s
and Childrens’ Suits at Fifteen Per Cent.
Discount from our regular prices. These
are all new goods; you can tell them by
the cut of the garment. Our goods are
all marked in plain figures; > ou can see
for yourself the remarkable price we are
making. Many of the sizes are broken,
but if we have your size, this is your
chance to get the best of clothing at a
really tempting price. Mothers will do
well to see our youths’ and childrens’
Suits. They are the kind that will stand
wear and are made by the best of tailors.
Remember every suit will be sold at 15
P0 CERT. RBGOUIT. from our regular prices.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs

Ufe of wire doth, aad other cokori nae.l on the frames makes
them look as good at new, also eueDent to brighten op
WieAer-Faraitoie, Refrigerators, LiDoietmi. Oil OMbs ami

Btfdtih Prtpand Paints
For an ooMide or aside painttng.

E. mail « ^$Mi8


_______UaaHo- <b«l
____miay. FraakrkbM
D. ’wiuSU
WWobM i»

€. A- L
Ihe car



I the spot. Soddenty
frleada sad rwlatl------------- -- .
-- and Mr*. Goo. Lawr. wbo bare
'tatlre* la Charkrrolz.
. Hero'* my b
lr». Take li al
_ .'raoae. who ba«
w many yeu..---- .
better at thk wrlllag.
#uy wedding look place
r Myle. Olre me a deceai bnrlal.
the borne of the brMC*
en a tombstone over my grave
. aod Mr*. John Dago, of
t no It an approprlaie laaeripil
ouurm ujie
1, when their daiigHer.
le friead had a iquare blnefc of ■
Dago, wa* Bhlieil
ble plaecl on Ibe grave with ibete
dry k*«ber Hill------- - (lage to Albert rraue.
carb *ide; Thk k
„.HIty aiM* at the fMWkr* wa* performed at Lelao
b*<e been
her obUged to rtt tbHr hay lie- Id Mr aad Mr*. Jolla* Prance, by
Tbe Grand Rapid* Table Co. ha* deatored, to aavc It.
(ore II r
Rev. EngellKni. The brWe*m*irt w*»
_________ of Kalaauion k rl.- Ul«* Sophia Dago and Fred Dam> wv Jde<l to more It* factory to Mo*keoo. The company will employ about

•pe^''Qe nMrtb'i^ Ibclr (anllka
aad ndMdt.
'jj, grerraekrr* today wltboBt danser of
a* h k wUII raiatns.

«ar «i>riL
, Mr. aad II

>Mlat Oon Qua* at Tr»Tef*e City I*


k ^ fooc ts Tr5<.i«» City OB » »1

Hr. BWJ Hr*. W«. Cam «"«
^ OH MMoa 8*wrd»j.
Har«Br« takJoc went lo Hooroe


^ l^tM- AM toelciV «m Sl'« M
--I md«y irttbt « Mr.
Bt«t one I* iBTllod.
- Bfday


j Mm rM8l»l»f

"SUi c™.i«
(RUB BbCbIo,


N. T„ vb«re
Ht ha* beoB atteBdlnc (ckooL
aa« Rabr Carpemfr ipoBt
flMir Rnrtb Bl WBltom Ukr.
8<»aeM. •noun oa (b« F,
H B. R. 1* boe« tor a fc« dara. '
- rr mu TtaltrM frlnM. at Nonfc-


? H« U

Fgat THkoeiin
aad Ft
BBd at« Qiy.
(mM Q« Uwat«r-la
OilTfce folkiwla*
>Mk/ M.

U Iba






». M Hr.

Waltar *ai ^ fi«»
Oily aalordw._ •

HIM LUUe Wood k

HUr Ully H»l»id»d and »ktcr. Hr*
HcBalne. d Patlercna. K J . ai
rekilve* aad frieodfl here.
J Klrpham of &tiU
foaeral or ber firandmolher. Mr*.
laet Faranrortb doted ber fW-bool
at FrMty *■ the Holme* »ebool.
Mr*. Nrwell Hick* died at her bnue
iwddM>. Jub» SHfe. at fbe ace of CS.
Ur*. Hide* united vlth the neeiple
diiirch at fooneeb year* of age. She
kited by *11 wbo knew her. She
__ born IB Plerpoat. cottaly of A»htabolA Oblo. June ». 1S». Her maldame w*i Uk* Sarah A. Cole. She
married to Newell Hick* July
flh. IKlt They aaored to Uwreno*.
Van Boren county. In 186*. where ihFy
hdUI are .
(hdr homo three mlU*
_e. Bic WM the mMher cl
Alldren, two daughter* aod
tact. She learn a hutbaod.
daughter »d three
to mourn hex
In*. Fufcwl aerrke* i
I liy Ret. iniom
ot Traverae City. The remal
Ukea to Fife Lake cemetery
Many beantUol Sower* abowed
.......ateem In which abe wa* held by
the commsDlty.

bridal party rel
the bride, wh.
awaited ibm i
wa* *er>ed. T
folly dccTMted ..................- . .
vine- and llowir*. Boih young people
Our Republic.
have alway* made Ui-ir home -• —
The Traverse Cliy reader l» a
Oeelda. and 'bev have a »id
I thoroughly tnvettlgate the fo
<if friend, who wt*h ihcm mu
pine**. Many uaeful aad pretty pro*, ig Thk caa readily be done, for the
eau. alwi money, were rectlved !•} ih< g..nileman whoae riaiemeni k pub■.I l.low will only be too pleaaed
ly ■couple. Iboae from
,n*wer any commonlration mail
of lowii were Mr. and Mr* John 1
Chicago, Mr*. Mary lUhmanii
Im If 'be writer really nifferi from
of Milwaukee. Ur. aad1 Mr*.
annnvlng eonsequimce whkh alkiBiw of Kmplre, Mr. and 1
* ifl-nd tnaellve or weakened kldpia^e rf Upland. !
V nniBn of Mllcliell *treei.
prause of Empire. 1
a freight brakeman on Ihe G Rplro, Ml** Edith Atklnron
K. Cook
. running between fadlllar *:
Vera'i td O»born an.! Mr*.
of Tr*v. r*e Cliy. Mi. aad Mr*. Prause Tr»w-r*e City. **}*: -My addrea*
•ui 3«7. and I will ufwev any
.enl to me by one who really
io know If Doan's Kidney
d . p-'mlivl upon to riire kidney
pomplalin Thk L« my expi-rlfn
Ira M.dilo and wile aad •
n railroading for twenty
nf & '1I|. Arm *ponI-« few t .
always enjoyed the be*t n<
their pr.ieols. N. Pauls* and family, riiealih uiiill about two year* ago when
atlug beR' U«l Wedaeaday.
my kidn->* either weakened or w
A large bowery ba» bcon eroded overwnrk.-d I siiffeR-d from pain l
r Ihe dance Monday evening.
aeblnc ip the *mall of my back
An-blc Ledcrie. alio h*« been at­ vnrh an -iieni ihet I waa quite lame.
tending ll•J»lne^■» eollege at Mllwiu. A railnnd engineer who bad need
kee. n-i'-rne.! home this week.
Doan * Kidney Pill* advised me lo try
nthe! HlMbiiw .peai Thnr*- them. The treaimenl relieved me. I
h her hrolher. 1 Hln*baw, *topp.-,I. .11.. Ihe inible returaed.
■lurae tnJ
at ni-ich^m.
llrallv I deeideil lo lake a Ih.i
lr«i • bake" of the
.1 sis hotUe*.
'I. ISine
ihr beach U«l Thursday cren. about two mmil
and il
1 Dollred a single r
Denni* Huz*le and fat Illy of SBate*
ee of aymptom*.
are the cie*t* of W C. Neliam
male hr all dealer* Price
FOsler-Mllbura Oo.. Buffslo N.
In *g.-nl* for Ihe t’nlU^l Sl*le«.
iile-r Ihe name. Doan *, and take
City is
^'*Ja* 8-mwe‘li and wlfe.arrived Sat­
urday evening from Traverae Cily and
III * pend a few day* a llh 7. HInthaw
ud famiiv.
Mr*. D. LaDonia of Lake Ann. who
a* enll.-d here by Ihe nines* of her
itber, Napoleon Paulo*, returned
ome la*T Wedneaday.
Napoksye Paulo*.
Paulo*, who
ha* been
is able lo be out again.
Smlib and wifi- and Ml**
LIoy<l of Chicago arrivml Sunday Tur
their summer'*
a Blarkwoml and family flora Omena to East i-eland
■ dr.ive lo Glen AvUirkCnd l-aek PH-

AlHon Lederie lefi for
Travi-rsr City wheer hr will r.’malr
fnr a few weeks.
Mr*. 0 If Run and daiigblor Mamhare vtolllng
of Roynt- Palls are spending a few
Mr*. John Wood and Ur. R F. C
day* wHh Ur*. Rur* parvnU. Mr. an-l
Mr Wood win retwa TnV*^. Hr*. Mr*. Rol i-ri Brown.
Wood will remais for a Magor rklu
Hr*, linn Laird and family left
Hr. and Mr*. Peter Hath are enie Tfamsd*. for f^dlngicni, when- her
talBlag friend* froM the *ottth part of huUnd k <>mpk>yed in the V. 8 I. 8
tte ftafe.
The rooeral
oeral. aerrl
aerrlce* cd Augu»i ^of. I.yonhdTiP-r and family of Chi
•OB of- Hr.......
' and Hr*. George
cage arrired Salnrday and will oreupy
held tt the ekorch Son. tkMr collage at Ka*l U-Und.
. The
le Lotbtnn
Dtphtheria roUereil itl twenty inlr. eondnrted the *er- itM. Almnsi fflirnrulou*. Dr. Thomeburdi ^Kl
chBtrb WB* crowded wlib •’ Kcleririe Oil.. At any drug slori'.
the inai
Seir deptrt
Angu»l Weldner w*» bora
SM>t. t. mi. He Miae to
immit aiy wlih hi* poreat* when a
•all boy and grew lo maabood h—
teadlBg Gie rlllige Mhool and w


We iBie (nils ptyable
li foreitn cmntrles.
Whenever yon have occnslon to send money
ahroaa. It will pay yon
to send it thronyh this

We would be pleased to communicate with you rciyardinR
that new piano.

Woeitlnd NIgM aad Day.
bMlMt aad mlghtleai
The bMkat
thing that ever wa*
nude k ..................i* —.................
JTwac■ pUk change
New ~
weakaea* iato i
ragy. braia fag Into
power. They-r* woadeffal to building
up the health. Only »e pev boi. Sold
- • • laon aad P. H.

t«k« oaac Saturday ta ipead a tern


'at TaoBM Batnrdw. at'*
b hM Marttar. Hl*^
Htreral day*

*'E*wil«rba* bo« laaalM bk nv


■B are rttItiBg relallre* h
the «th.
Mr. aad Hte. »1UI* Pray of Tka*orec City are rlaUiag U* pareaK. Mr.
aad Mr*. A. S Pray, tor atom day*.
Robert Clow aad (amny of Cratral
• •peadleg a f«r day* with
Ha Hr:j»ad Hr». Ohaa Ham■ rlatUai relaUTet at
a Boae
Hr*. Manba Beetey
Boefcford. Mlob. to *1*1
Art ItaUarre I* bow fro* Bk lUpMl fw a few day*.

• with her par

lae la*

pMBhetS^Bf&M^k bm for
A aHH Mtt U* MbM. t^P-BbeiMa^
_ .
(i., . H

who ™ bare OB a rt*.
hto.biHber asd taony. re-

We will sell you dir«i al facion' pru es—i«-rm* liberat.

129 Front St.
vei are a terrible torment to Ibe
folk*, and to some older one*.
Eastl) cured. Doan'* Ointment never
Inalani relief, permaneai cure,
ny drag More. 50 cent*-

This year will eclipse any sale ever made in Traverse City in
money saving for you on reliable goods and new customers for
us, for we have such exceptionally large assortment to select
from that you can get just what you want at just what you
want to pay, in everything to furnish your home.



IMowor is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

,Dpn’tforget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
. carlo^ctetlds spring and summer.

BartifV Jlnddrson <*

A large aHortnent of genuine
leathered upludrtered rocker*.
A good. weU maile, high iMck.
oak rocker, i|wiQg *eal uiMKcred
io leather, for only..............5.50
ITte tame exceptionally low
jwlfj^right through out full line o(
seat radtert.

Neit, a beaulifn! genuine J townf oik. worth $M.60, lor.. 27.60

Ji Rice Elne
St Bullets
A fine Urge a-aonment of

A nice, large, i aawetl «xk
china clnaet, polithml, glats
doan,gIaMend* (worth $18),
for only................... f 1.76
it glaxt end*.

Aod *0 on right up to tome
Urge (]uarter*uwe.l oak,
hanti carved, with gUn
mirror backs,
ckt, (worth
$4C). lor
- 33XX)

ExccrHdiully Bk R**srt

Ttavmc City. MicK,

DQUivaiiHee $ Deering

"•'I.......................... 3.76


Read what our students and their employers
say of us:

Barvesfing and
mowing machinery

RscMik Chair*
Ranging right along in price from
«Rc u]i (o a beautiful, large, roomy
rocker, juK like cut, wide <|narter
aaweil oak back, Mrong, wd! made,
well pm tc^ether wiih boha, fix

A full fite. well finiahe.1 mJeboard, worth |IS, ooSjr............. I 0.76
Next price, worth $18. for only.................................................11.76
Next price, worth $W.76. only................................................ 14.76
Next, worth $27. only................................................................. 21 .60

Special AtleoUib lo Each and Every Slndent.

' fVlewors,

SIM different nyle* of

See tiH Prices
: making t t large aatortment of Sidcboaiilt mod Boffei*.
They coM you about whal a common dealer fHjri (or them.

Has no superior in preparing for business.

Tl is time for your


Our July Clearance Sale


Dear Sik—1 caaboDcstly aaythat 1 aeeoinplishetl
more in live raomh* in the Tiaverte City Rnines*
Conq!e than 1 hml in one year in any other achool.
and I heartily recomwem) this schoirf to any one
desiring a practical education.

N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

tverything in Small Insiriimcnis. Sheet Music. Talking Machines. Etc.

JI Ftoe Cine of

Sirndlwr*, n^mpers,
A Sae ahonr «

Mix >-our daily life with mtisif. but let ii Im-hiuh-grade.

W. W. Kimball Co.

Don't Oat Footogj^Cat Alton'*

First National

W'c always carry a good stock on hand. .
Saol Scott asd taaOIr of Trtraree

In any home makes it worth three homes without one.
The value of one’s life depend* uj>on one's happine**.

kaae. Wttb. He lived abool a week

*>|r. aad Hr*. Oehralt »peBt Friday bk death wa* reedred on the l*th.
•raalBi vlib Mr. aad Mr*. Wlkcn.
tiarted for SpiAaBC to
aama^ Markham Hk gfather
the body bone for bortal. bni
Oatarlo. are ftttttu *betr boa. riM
meeting another i
nduraed home. Hca
la. hen
ICBO' gt>"-sS^SilloJ^^ToMaetr-^ lag to Spokaae to briag
. _ the body
MAO Baaday ob ihf cwtatoa.
bk brother
home. Owlog lo the dk! aad hi* belag dead four day* the
UBdertakere retuaed to dlelnlcr '
y and prepare It tor Aklpmeat.
iry had In rclara home wlthool the
bo^ of hk brother. He leare* a faHr. aad Mr*. C. W. Battlac* are eaaltlere
MrtalaHA relaHtM troM Sparta.
Mr. and Hr*. Ftaak OnaOB of CadBHe are eMtlag her Utfcer. Hr. Gard-

Write us.


boar'* delay. Cholera totaatnm. dyaea
tery. diarrhoea come tuddenly. Only
safe plan k to have Dr. Fowler* F
ci of Wild Strawberry always -

Trayersc City Business College

iBilnadt la the
where he worked iBffi*^bouTh*”
Tro5, MoDia
hga He
.... be located a piece
He wai alway* ateady and ....
aaS had aceaaiulUed a ^ property.
Be waa take* aiA bad im bclag aMa

Resorting wiihotit music is like a col-

■ tage without the beach.

Whaf* the aeciet cd happy. vlgMOua
-bealib; Simply keeptog the bowel*,
the .tomach. the liver aad Udaey*
g and active. BardoiA Blood Bll


jBf. RIiW^ at Ma«*tae »M In

R^ort Hotels aod Cottagers

I.' dragglaia

aad P. 1


Ibk wTlIlaB. 1
u becB quit
A rery ‘
• ml.Mew* of Atthor Deaoeit la*i
abnol CO
torda;ly aneraaoB when abosl
(rloBd* at AlioB aad Hollle• Hc-n
• Bl. afi. roooB
•1 there for a party. Tbe
tpeol la ea»e* aod a
_ jer and lee crean *fa« icrcp'Iy
toyed by all.
A eery Bk* ibower paMed or.* i
rldalty Ikit Wedoewuy. wl
.(blBK. eopeeWly
a gTMl b
M pea*. ■ bcy were Ja*i
•. Coulter wai
1 areek aad rcthe peat* Id I I coodlUin.
wllb Mr*. W.
It choreb aid i
ixi Wcitn.
Mr*. O. A. Brlgbaio cd Or»«n rt»Ited her p*mu», Mr. aad Mr*. Wm.
Coal*. Ian wfoV In Oranl.
md church Suoday *chooI U to
baaw a pIMlc inly »4ih Is ElUworth
dpirA arwr Irdrib BrfBbaml^ AdJpHtac Soaday *ebaak bare bees IsrHed.
Mra Frank Sberitt li »ick at the
oae or her akier. Hr*. Fraak lewdl.

help talnr
etpaa** <<
: ih« parBoaajiv. They «aU»«

pertapa pevae boM a^ad. Rn
obkk of ColBa*. OaiU. wiHsa.
laAarod iMaSaeabia gala
■adam aad aatUag i»
lietred ■* tboagh I tried aveirtWag
haowa: 1 •»■* aerwa* Bbctrt
and If* tb* giMiaat mcdleiBe
fee that troable. A few bod*
letely rHIeved sad car
ai good for Uver aad Kldaey
tnoMe* aad gaeeral debiUty. Salla-


get a beautiful table
Uat you a Ufetirae al
prices we arc making
itiem now.
We carry' * fu» hne of the celebrate.1 VICTOR Kite
They carry tbeir leaves right in them; *11 y^
Ihe table out am) raise up Ihe leaf.

f»...................... 8.60
A beaulilul five-iuece Parlor Set,
all over Huffeil, worth $S« T.'i for

Several ju« tudi liargaini in U(>holslere<f guod*.

De Veu nuB
a Rcfrlatralar?



A fine. Boliil oak table, goaranleed in tuery way for 10 year*. .9.75
Several different Kyle* to select from.

e*Mtr Cahks

Next one, solid golden oak, two
revemib'e cushion*, for...........6.76
Next if * lieautiful f aaweil goklen

« as well have o
biyc.a large nod
and the price* we are inakiag
on them endilet ever) one lo
have one
Our stuck of Porch anti l.awn
Goivl* II cofn|ilete, ami SKK
A guo-l hammock chair r* ff
very comforuWe chair lo tit ».
Yob can redioe it lo any posi.
liod, gooit aoli.1 frame toid* up
dote tn carry oot camping.
Von can get a •Idtir's worth of
comfort out Of il in one day.

uw^r'oakT*^' ^

An.1 (O on right up.

marrl* Cbair*
At price* that will enable every j>ef.
*«i to have one of these moK comloriable chair*. A tolid oak Morrii
Chair, wide arms, two icvet»iblecu*h.

Partor Cabk*

We have ao eaceptionally large Uoe at prieet that eanooc be dnplicsicd. Our atMrtment is to targe that you can gri a center table
at an) [wiee you want to pay, from C6c up to................... | 2.50

‘ Cxecpttenallf
Large aaHruoem of beastilul Coochea Ow regular price* are b»low others' special, to when we make a cot it eoablet yoo lo get fini
daat good* far orhai yoo would hare to pay other* far che^ HaC
See our qrecial $4.76 omch.

See onr (pedal $6 SO cooeh.

Sm ov qiecial $8.26 coodt.

See oor speoal 18.76 coach.

See oor beautifid adjuKaUe bead Davenport far...................19.60
7$ diffeceol Kyle* of DINING CHAIRS widi a big oK oo price

Folding Ijwn and Porch Settee*, large enough k* three peoiile, wdl
made of gaol maple timber, nicely puBtol red or gr.en, tol.1 op to
carry, oor price only $1 and.....................................................| 26
n of Hammock*
from 76c
------- ----...u(>io$8, Croqoet Seu
Soeen Door*, all
ami bms, frem a cheap,
common door to a door good enou^^ aoy house. AU sue* ot
Window Smeent. In bet anything you need in yow home.

BateHm Slav** and Oil StMwt
A two-bnmet Gaaolioe Stove for................................................ 2 76
They range rigKl along up to a beaMiful Gawlme Range. '
Oil Stove* fix camping from 76c right akmg up to................... 2.76

To get Carpet*. Rugs, Maniogs. iMt and TapeKry Curtaiu. We
hare a very Urge aiMRiMm and a gout many of them in part* of
roll* that we would like to dean all up; and in order to do*o al
nee we are nuking price* tbK wiD save you a lot of money by
boywgriow. AUrgeasK«memio.docifrom.


Wholesale and Retail-

Reliable Home Furnisher
. SMk







'^v^TBBSB i^la^aa;' nftn^AT, juvr 7, i«<h.


a Biav. who bM Jatt talk
e BMlh Atrtoa to take e
palpB apatait .the -ka
(be ____ ___________________
rebeninnt aohjeett. tbe Heraroe.
peart oU. Frota 1»4 to 1S>T be rootBUBdol tbe kaltrr't coiMtal foreet Is
I Africa, aad la IWC be acmai
lied Cotmt Voa Walderree to Chinx SPECIALISTS FROM THE iDRIAN
h th.' nuk of taajor pcaetal.
n nee retpeel ibe Cbamhertaln lii.i ADRIAN (' CH.
rexembtax 'be CbnrchllU. Ir matBE AT THE HOTEL
t CbaBbnialD. whe DAY. {TWO DAYS ONLY) JULY
roceBil;. married a Cacrdiac AND iTth.
-WalieT CbtrabertalB atao
tbelr aew Medtes
Pride la the dooilrbiD. while Mr* ;

aad X'BaPtuM
Chaahertala. at Dtacp

asd hitoctfsUier r«
(ar j-rt.


lowlfvda of people are leaelac

*# -»»•

M KIM nwv4 *M K«lMr WUbela
«• iwlmi- -f I------U ilw Iv M

Tber are sdIm to tbe Tomia
irj. eeTeral hoDdied mllei Iroa here
toearda -ike coa«i

M« «tll OOBP»»t» to »n>Mc


Tbere ha» U

lou at B>dd loiiad ibere dailM i
part nor. bat It take* luu at sold
Uere. Fkwr Wai a«:blsb aa
IV loMr »M lift lor Sd(Iio<^ tU a aaek Ibefe laai wtairr aad loaprtoK iberc vasa'i *19 lo
. area at (bat price, lou at



U Kuvi;

Blaer* Ured oa nbblu aad Mil for
■ereral Boalbt. Tte rtver la opai
____ j tewwii till* Pl«« ^ M fMct fcviT fce »in t»r» cut c« thv frra bare dm ibere aad lait week
mnui til OcMf>l Kunvatkl..
eteaniera M> loadM elib
lor ibal dlslrlCL

- aa Amerieaa. Tbe
nxhlp ta very droep It tbe Cham
linr. aad
with the eiceniinn «if
lit all Ibe faiDlIv fnl
Arthur Cha
the llae taken by 'h'




eordlap 10 taw here, bo oae It fcllotrcd

prolonp ywar lUeTliir aew awdical
pirn tbeia control of <

CDrrr aap «ber flap or belli any
Well, (bit fdlow pot aa AmerieaD Sag
.boot III feet hmp aad he tied
CaaadiaB Bap abuel faer iaebwi long
iiaalleet MC be
SOSG of (be Caaadl
Iber ooulde’t do aarthiiM: beepaxe h<bail tbc CasadtaB flap 00 top.
Uae pond Iblap about tbe Caaadlti
tvcrnmeal oot here ta that tbQt>eupl<

«u aoea be repalfed.
Tbere are IIMO Bailor* aad
sMIara la Ibe fortrM*. Woa

c better proteeiloB bere
Matet from peUlDp robbed

I have beard aereral .lellowx

tar that If ihep erer catch tdrb ac
a fellow aeraaa tbe Ubc.imi tt
kan tide ibai (bey inicDd to pi

Tbere i* pwatr «

la preeeix epecalsllaa. Tbe rel _
I la Ua. but (her donY dare de
aUo elated tbal awlac (o tbe )eer* of;
Ibal out here oa account <P
tb* arair lb* »**( wa* forced lo make
Bail (her are afraid o
iu lacaat dabwaMiattoa a Jana B
laoHar lo-*reaerre tbe aMrab of tbe
Potatoex arc '

faiE redx'rougli. aad sore bandi.
for habr raahcf aad ehaiiiiEti fat
the form of bath* for anoorlnE
ati^ antlieptic porpe« whkk
as for all purpoto of tbe toilet,
bath, aod ttanoY, OmCURA

Mr aad Port AnfaM le tbe bk
«a daae M aad boabarded tbe
Mttb at tbe bar M far ai Ull 8ek>

lln Ilieri. which J.1XI Iirlnr In ibe *ar |
with .Spain rrii.-ai.Hlty defltHl ibe AU■her.liex IrUfa nl Spain and the I’nlied
ixpnnInB armx and 'tip
pH- • In 111" I than palrlnlf.
Hr. Ju-tle

Caucen. lumon, aloeru and aU
lh<’i akin, blood and tcalp diaeaaet treat•I-1 cd by an entirely new method. PUea
about tbe aac of a kaUe.
wlili buxlBPtx.
murh land, etpoclallj 'hat ftr
They make a tperialtp of dUeaaet
Your friend.
the pine ilntUf ha« Invn cut, ivallablc Impailenro In the “GlaHiPiw an
peculiar luellber M
Charles Kliwar.
ihai tilll llBgcrx almui hix xpeoe
ibix purno>.ibb robokod Ihc overCxaciing qo.-x
If yon tutpecl kidney troubta.
Clare. Mich. Julv J.-A Are ot
Newberrr. Mlrh. June S0.-4b it
nnirn oriel" Ibtt xiarird in Ibe 1
.t^^ roim lrfar Urine for chemical aad ndoM^ipper pcDlaiota of Mlcblpaa (bero
nttPanlve. • Tairean t Eaxlrr't tiorc ai S o'clock
like and ni't a s.iul i- >
ran irmetR ol
il« nun-nlns
ling caiLod
cau.od a li>xx loJ.^-.
10 J.^-. Tai“
ind raloBMe
xald Sir Thomax pnini-:
Tl.dr trcatnieat piret quick relief
.r>- uf iT-A-m: ilx- Clare ItorJninfnil tinw being
replobt of ai
, cu^ Bringpreitar.
wari; ojmpary. tlP.OiiO: \V. P. Lewlx. HIIV, -I..II II I learc Ixmd« all t|,..j


)•. loo.
slrawheiriet equal li
. best are cnitiralxd on a rapidly
Incre-ulap tealc, (be aanriy Kdl bere
bBM rdaforrod k followlap op
and tbere apparcatly being paiikularIr r-Ited In the crop. The DxrTlex
OaMMl Kvropalkla reporU to 81. ripea at a Ubc when thoxe froai m
PMabatp that aot oalr bat 0«Mtal
tbera polau bate bceoaio cghai
brnkTi forward atoraBCBt la the di­
irfap a pood Biarket at I
ed Bal Cb«M aad Ta Tebe|
Tbe aartbere berry It mi
‘ '
I tbe Jap-

■aa»*«m*r?M^^a froBi i
a-lMrard Ska Dtao hare bepwa t

lace Jara-kie. wblle on a flxhlng expeillrlon, eaxi
ihcta linex In a wh.>al
eld. thinkiuc II 1 llrcim.
They Ifti here In the morning for
Cbimnqii.vqnn ercok. over a dnron
mlltw away, totlierlap by ibc waysWe,
It was dark bebiro they reached wbil
they tboupbl waa the bank .rf the
wB’er. They rlamliercd lo the *00mlL rat dowu. caxl Uielr line*, and
waned for the flxh to nibble. Some
lime passed wlihnnt a caich. Zlmtacrmaa tell asleep, ton hi* cq'ullibriam.
aad rolKnl dowu Ibc buk Into the
poxcl *lrcam. Homer, fcarlap hi*
ipaalon woald be drowned, ermwlcd
71 the cmliankmcni. where, to his
amaiomcat he faund ^mermaa rta10 hta (eel amid a (biek growth of

ibipped 10 tbc pcBlninlt
early la the teason. aad each year
•eex tbc faraer pirinp Itt euKIrailna
loir. Lad year
piored by
Inal experlmec II
■ hat boM baard prMi of troiD m
growiag ttraw.......................ft
be obtained
rM it ta «
berrlet. wblle. Ii addilioe. a sccnod
e trie, fell ftwltab, oolUH-ti-d their
crop of
- tbe
e frail wai

raltod tale la (be
Maerwtaaraof tbaRBM
aad retuniod home, rowing to
■ the cxpertmcntal farm.
k avaadna. It ta aol toopht (bat
Ibe rariout
op»,of tbe keep tbe affair a secreu bat 'he xiory
■oil. It bat been deiBoattraiM that
I. bowerer, at tbor were ai
tbere ta Doocy In dock ratalap aad In
dairy bnainosa la tbe prainxola:
with aa area prraier than that of




Tie roeeoi cleeiton •
.•ro to Ibe offlee <il presltl-tn n
the reptilille nl
has gi«en widespread |ile
ilrularl} in Judicial rirele* aad am..":
the leatllnp polltlrltni of 1
Mr. Romero. Ilk.
l*rotldrD( Porflr..
Dial, ta a*naDi of Oaxaca aad was 3
schooKeU.iw (.1 Prewldcnt DIar. l-dt,
..uaelllar xemliian of
I the cnaxiiioilon wai- was one of the slge-

■ Ing—Igaarlo Wartara!
mloliurr ol foreign rt-Iaiiuax: Jit.-imb
Pi-rnarder, mlalxler of J.ixllr.-, on.l
Senainr Benito Gome* Fariax.
The heallh of Joeepb It
HawU-y ta ma'erlaUy Intprmcd and hta
mtnd and are mt.rb xtrowr.u-. II.
bat rMcmIy leaxo.l a hoiisl^ioal e'
larger pnwrilonx than thai used laxi
year and will xpend the month of J.ily
•V the grttaler poninn thereof In Clt.apeike l«y. la'cr. If eondllltmx are fa

The ilnwagt-r tiuelt.-xx ol AtaTtHin.
1 )u»i e<tl<.|iraltHl ilie nln«u>-x.-ennd
Itiiventan .rf_lier lilrth- She ta tnie
:1ie innxi mafveintit ithMadk* la Ibe

• lake betwOTB ban aad White Horn godadacyrnff^ the kidneyt aad bladttaxbineoB. July I.-Paul llonoa, vitality. wWch^ called 'bornii
thd Ike lee bat aot poor o« e( ret
*ecoad Tier prexWt-ni of the Santa Fe | crile at botb ewU.* A woman ia
Wlisitt Da.
Then ta ccmlort la lbs knovUdga m rallfaj xyxtei
often tempted brvood her Mrength by
Md bw that raatoe tbe bwU will be
rotary of tbe navr (hi* morning xue- domefik or aoeul d^nd*. Some day
MBrad for a week or two. Tbe take
Ihix waste of atrengtii
Rm. the prmt kb^y rtmedy lulfills eesy' oreding WlllUm H. who hcI Moke of ta Lake'LaBbi««. U «*:
nofiL Sbehailwattnraey cenoral.
Moody a«andn'
kap aad tbe aiaaBer bat
hta itfw tlmie* tbta morning
•Alloraey. Generel Knox lx roto ■rf'tbe wbote leapdi of It. So roo
III tavoim fnllet! State* xima
aaa tbe ke will hare to be dear oat ■Let bad die
bdari a alcsaer eu pet to (be upper
aa^ty of
TdM rirer.
• and labor to xuee«,d Coo.
ft took pour Mier S> dart lo pel
Conel.rnu. A* *non a* be atrlvea
htn troB Trarerae Cltr. UeaBoparl
■lyou axxnmp* hi* dutle* at ebali
^ Ita w»
war hr trato mod jan war br •»««- larial eurea ot tbs meet
md 1ST kftIT wtD ttmitjfttwt jBr.Rr, tbta br ntaoe aad part of (be lloie “
<• Mtx. AUBW I! ta0Hi>e. <k US r<R Axtb
r<>* tfwuMbtye tl*

im'l b~r uroii.taon.' the
.rf Marltawii'tulii. and ihr<-t; fa

K as:!


Bofkrta tbta pare.

MHT |^^tlB|ill aad frdphi Iroa
VbHe Horae to Danoe. I hare beee
hafatap repair tb« wharf aad dean op
ia tbe ware boidet «sd wlU week for
IbOB all .suBtaer. We pot a tar oC
oatn itae beau dart to twB. Tbep par
Mad wapai. n caata aa boor, to ooe
I Bada ora tU. Tbe bar* told
Wa that aewa wa^ MM MBBer tber
at blph aa no to eaa waab aad
ba aatlook ta tbal tbta aoBMr e
pp Mttar far trdpbt. ao. tf^erartU


and true.
A record
of hcalins

-5!.;r-.iri.,.; - -« sar- -™

-:J?fVrEffT5 SHSJri'“rsi.rii.-siai

ITtih the advance that (a
ily being made in Sargery.,
r-ell known fact that to be aneceas- i
fill require* great akill, knowledge x'..
niid coiixtuat practice, which can •
niily be had by xpeeial aitenliou to *
t.bc flixcaxcx which may be relieved j


i:-fx> i.aiidi*v.n*> eUy.Nirh|i.wi<i.-ckv uirivM.



■ -^•ssarrj:




TlL emtoea. | P ‘

proved laMrumcnta are prepared to '
la ofof
perform uy and..............
nil kinda
opera- . . u .twR-twr.•* ttw
lioa*. no dlirerence how difficult or

of ’
il^rSu^ta'S. 1*... imokprl |.» I* HMl Btelcw. *M BO < - /Yot*u- <lflo^

REUEMBEK:-The free offer U

--- --

he.r..t ta-> ,-|d

.M i|U ^

. • ,i>wr M I ■'WUXB J -Bl e.
....... *i la.- rioiBU-

................. ..................
Frtaay. th# J3gl o^f Septamber

s SHiS

sSss ■

Mwl.,x*i.. .ikw M„(

...... :;SSS£HSES“"

U. & I. L liW CUB;


k-x.t*.r .rf



t-isf asiSit

‘■'-•'Jlti* 1.. IR- r>rorowl |,tal

i'tJta'ir1; l-r M..nin


’SaS P“.'5S- ESSrstE.;:..!


OfficeHoare;9A. M. toTJOP. M.
Snnday* 10 A. )i. to 4 P. M.
''^eBiraber tbe Hotel sad Dot»

'■ ‘

-n ta, .X Aueu...


-A" •4 4“ *“*ke,

I rdr-<4 Prftait.

■5n-5-4.J."{:^ 'f'..'S5Si.t: ,6«*«D RAPIOS i IRDItM RY.

YTetliTH 'IS b« ntn

■ucaaheoili.1_______ ,



I '"’ » wt>" t famine

Ud^Vr^lMl^ud^^ pl^

R«»e Hawihiirne Laihrop.
daughter of Xatbani.-I Hawthorne,
hax tlcnded h.-r life for '.toror
>ttl ■
. BOW to Hie relief of baaeer »al-



i t:r..i'.<rbildr..ii. cn-ai cran.lrlillilron an 1
; ur -:.l-cr.;al crand. ltlldreu nomta-r m.-r
p'-'biiman hrdng-.and

WOEFUL I Married lodis* not accompanic
I tbrirhubmad*wUl be refnaed

tboMb tbc MQd BBT Bot pet out of
tbcpaatoOMforwaaMllBe. There ta



mAKES _____________

Daar Prtead Bd;-I reedred jtmr
alwari veleoM* ktiar tbta wetb aad.
M I aa aot worfclap at pteaent. I will
BBian it before I ttan to work, al-

t bare beta dorMap far a eotapaar
Mtkd tbe Wbite Pbm Co. Tber htrr
aeearal itewBer* ea tbe rirer aad


m.a. k. ta- In Myta. H.iiigb
aflliC1*«Mrith weak, failinpeycrighl. ; "n tfin.mni .-- that It ta IhIH-at-n.Hl
cataract*, or (uDeilon»rblindae**Xu cxveriinentx, but text for yourw lf. Cro»x eyes xtrmlghtened before
leaving the oflice.

p- .iir"!


rent will
11 be naked of tbo*e
tbow c
ing treatment duriag thU viait for
any medicine neceawiry to effect a
o a poxitire guarantee to
cure will be given topatienu accep­
ted under tbeir xytiem of trraimeaL
ThOM having long *undiug and
compUcated diaeaaet, who have
failed to get cured Bud become diaconioged, ore ctprcially invited to
call oa thouaanda who had given np
sllbopncoii teatify to permanent

OawaoB. Mar K. ttM.

orar tbe ke JaBt aad ibea br etape
•ail apaia bj eaaoe aad Ouallr br

jiiiiN A

—^: E^Sniiri 13.^ S’lS

lit.I all Imlle.l l.y a t-mall l>ul xiitara-

wiU be required to pay. but oot one

Bhrar. «!» ta at preaeat lo Dawtoa.



SS-kS-s ,g'„«rrTi.r., f-.adggfi.tii.rv.-ja'j.di;

each lndlr5du.r«Wlbe

‘T*«em itthorougldy cleM.sSniieBa
ta Ihc
ih- ! cd of Ihediteate in a natural and
tnoix ix
lui- *••.
m-xe amhaxadnr
amhaxiadnr in
In Pari-.. Hi. !;•
direct manner and Improremcnl ia
r I- Jnxily proud ol him. f-.r b.- I
-noticed at oncc;eren tbc wort! cate*
e lellnw nl aecompItahm-'DIx uR.
arc treated without any inconveokpowti icnecto Ihejcileiit or tbe puruuing
dtaiinBiitabcJ prosen
Only :■ of hitdailyrocalion. IfyouarelmR» “the Chteese wni
proring under your family phytici;s
r. yean old, he apcal
and ba>.2.MW Chin. Hie rbaraeiere al '
np their
valuable time. They- wtah to give
•’BenlUXtH". -eltl
each one plenty Of time, bat caiiBot
listen to long storicx not pmaiiiuig
lx own and
Goweethe Occuliat who with bia
he*e rharanei I* the mark ol a bUh
remarkablediecovery cure* all llioee

^ falhMrtat Misr hat be* reaatral br Mela Thtat traoi Cbtifat

R waa earrM on the backt ef

' wle. Mild rnutyuiltxi. I ri».r-

.Htnlt! nni Iteg. he -tia.l the el-v x elea
tn Ihta mile talan. .
rapWir*'b“ ring 11 atatte blxL
r mark, tl (he totiraad-a-haU .-.-.-Hi, *i.1«UoUitwi»rm,*.l«i*.r.wt»d^^iiM |
."ixly wrencd from
;he "falher of the uaierx" Ibe rliy of
.«t. Paul now malnlaliix wlihln caxy
r.-a-I. at a majorll} nl lit populalUiD 1
ehtl.Ir.'n’* playgnmnd. a tmall •
a ''aiVITi'u lurtber^wSTf^l^.l
tert-ialtli- gmrtlen ll«> wippori ibe fnri)
.it,il.irm<Hl ail-BteBlx.i imbllc l-'b-.
cl'h moik-rn xieriltalna ptanit far ibe
wl U 1^
''ta''T*' I
tRililng xullx, n dar niir«-ry, a^l«>y’»


leric Hi foreign lo


Al. I tl M fona-x ..r.lxr.<l. tbxi aMd |------------f

n mlnuti-x'
-tiring pnt-


(Mk M TbUb Paae. it retiriu <
ward aM Oaa. Oomit Hollar wbo

z;: a.'-

‘.2-‘ rolSS" ,!r’’7r^!'. -T

• IHATVOkltm -eTAIWorMb-HMlAa.
tVMAl, ol<>r*ua1>x>rrw.«

. London fn<
X varh'lnc r.lowed 10 Inif

»l,rm.; Mr--. \V. Tl. MrKrnrI.-. IIJOO;
' Hw Ibe BtaB dexlriap a
flBrec I'taxbr. fumUiirc. I>. F. Flxh.
bp tbe Roaalaa rtbeBa
alinedaDce of wiwd aad
tbe lapanaae ware dr
ter In plenir and an nin
any. S1.O00.
bMrr IcMM bat (he
treat tonteal properUet.
male potlfarced to iwOre trooi
Sac Bhao. Tbe Japaainpar becta wnt
tbalr adraace BMid
much atlenllen,
tlllOB aad th .maltt
Md preeaid tbe attach.
acre turprltlep.
- ■

niou oit ODiy
After aereral fiwlllau aannlU oe ibrirliig well tip| rlcldlap a pereeatrtid. ■■* Maa (be Japaaeae eoia- tgp of naechnriae mauer at tbc rerr
lai mayaH>
I Mnms eotana ahms o^ The taetorr at btenotalnec..
J x:xta«I X
(I road froD Dalaer la Port readr lo take all becu offered.
Itb tbe oldeet of toretag (be
Altiwr vUb--------------------; experlmratal tuHon at
n-l.'Xxc her
Putxy. ro­
taariaa'a kft. fordap tbe Raetiaaf >0
- ’robin all
ll rlgbl
Iful Irarti-il
CD of
reUn. The RaoUae loat
Ib.lfi Ciewia'x hand. Sffc iianU
haia<-< tii-ly nw.-lM IIP and grow *0
painfc Ibal a rhyxIrlBD hid to ta-'
tbe bailie ‘
ibowa what eaa be <binc by
a vbteb the
e Rmalaai
inrceaffallr letMll'jtrat dJtectloo. Gralnt. roots,
rcgciablet aad mHli of a alto and
tualiiy ^lot^ excelled anywhere
[here. aM ;
LiWidnar Jolr t.-A tatepTWia Imn prow
Lfa Tamp aart tbe Japaaaee purdr dtrWea. wbleb ewi eopaped la Ibe at-




window ••rtreated". I

a dollar S>r xev

I pooiidi aad wc par a daltar f<ir I

PIM Tao Bldvap betveea Port Dal-

FacStiiih Sigoaluir of

la all its Taficd forma cared to it
will aercr return. If yoo bareweak
lungu orontumpUoo do not fail lo
ibc) be examined.

iponada of aiuBT. to reu toe nucar I
Hteaper (baa potatoex.
•baa aner arrer* Iobm* oa botb aide*.
Tbd Japaaeae beet approaebed Blao

: fwss and Loss or Suxt>.

meat of tbe Nerrout Syxtem, Heart,
Stoiaacb. Lonpt, Kidaey t, Rbcnmatitm.Kennl{ria. Hale aad Female
WeakscMnand other ebroaiediaeaten, Upraving a blcsaiap to aalferinp humaoity, at marrelloat
core* are effected wherever tbit tyttemi> bring introduced. Tboutaadt
wbo hare giren ap all hope of bring
1 |.r»
bn* nmeh obliged I am m bl
cared, now bare au opportaaity to
i«hlukinx .dj. .ad t..cimxiin:
!!L7bv\hix'Xt‘r™"r..-.r “d'a.-.-.n-i- I Titil to them cotta you ootbing and
jarro i
«f «ny •F.ny-oac Ver-1.. 1 may tare your life.
Ic lia- Believe me. your* v- ry xln I
They treat deafnett by an entire­
r ii Rnin-ris K»q. ly new method and bearing in many
1 ctxi i)or.«. vi
Mtctik retlorcd at once. Catarrb

Soap aod OmeURA Ointmeol .
ate pricdcB.

For Over
Thirty Years


other* do uot.po*xeu and their treata

u>^------- flap ualoM tbe Caaadtaa flap ta oo top

Bean the


Tber treat aU klada of ehioaic
. ropardlB* tbi- Oertaaa eoiiM ror '
It lx declare-I tha' b- vt*lt‘ 1‘nri*
■ diffrreai lilb


r **T<
lat tb<
w eaulau of II
hnrlBf shiti* la i d esadKIaa: Tbc
CnrarHeh. Kertkaa. Pobledla. PerearM. ToKara. AakM. Dlau. Bapaa.
Norik aad tweoir torvato crall aad
aMLOre boat*. Tbe lerpMo (rtoiport
Abw if daowced aad (be batUeiblp

I ANtcdaiikfttWn&sJbrto-

BtaCtro-Medfaal TtMtabal. Ibeae
pire to those

>0 experiBentlap or puea* wort.
You will be told wbetber joa cao be
cured or aot. If pour cate it enrable, tbep treat yoo; If lacaiabk they
will pire yoo each adrioe at may

*^Blghl refagMi wke left ISal Artbar
bl • CUassc Juak vers flekcd a» T«<-


The Kind You Have
Always Bought

wbo o 11OD tbe shore dstea, e
(atioD, eoaaiiBation, adrke aad all
BMdiciiK Tcqeired to coaplete a

TbU*. J.M. *I--|I !• 0«eliUl7 •»•
■mmM ttol » RaMlaa TMcif
bener ererr dap, bd ! duet waat u>
I. Kanm.
flrfaf I»
MrM Om Baa.
loDp. 1 doa-t Ske tbe
■balla l«U> tfcr »o*»Caaadtaa dap' a* wril at 1 do (be Starr
aad sirlpct. Tbe uber dar I MW a
that bad a Jap 00 rarrrlDPja tarp>
Cklam JBM M.—A ■poctal is Ibc
Dallr Nm fnia Cb« Fob
rtcaa Sap through Ih.- tireeu. Ar



aW for tbe reaana
awl.-y et>-els lu *|.ei
I' hta Urn.- i.n taard t
loD laxi xnminer
ta-n-llelal t.i Ux
that after*
*h tar .4


Obxs-ned by ratalag
thl* rharilahle wark.


f^Tto uae In
Wemk and ack woaen are invited tn
coiusilt Dr. Picree. ^ letter,
Oeneral V.m Trotba, eommaadcr t« viT-rR.V. Pien
ihe Sinereth infantn' divtaloB ot the;
'« Pellet* c

iicju i.-. I’A:-n or Beast. Cures
hurts snd pains anywhere in tbe
body or on the surface.

inwi i.;ok
r I-Slteg * eeriain foiwl t
.-'i-anilx of IvtlsT* from
ror the world l«itglag
Napoleon (kifiapsrie llri
rnorel.-Hi of nortda. ta a

*ad ar

Tiarrrw <Uy , a, a m. U,




e recipe

-neam tog Thw


Penetrates as no other linimeiii. can penetrate.
Sinks right into the fevered skin and tatma oot
pain. Good for everting that walks.


UtM p.m


45 per I
i» »TJ0.. making the dectwaae

Keep It In yoor house.
Keep it in your shop.
Keep ft In your office.


PI5E Marquette

Miustan^ Lainiment

em BT rboaldera.


knrir oa
t wen aad Ue taaDr ale
that lt»4taald aha acrar r^tratted
the audit faorihee afae had to (sake ar cooMeg with a rcllxb: bat wbee
•BlBCW «B«- cam around I
ta d*a *><■•
<d faraltore.
Wee aad dixmraged that
aarvsBt to ea)or the Itnl?
ULegIriagsp. Oaedar wheat
mil oriiber read e--r ^rrile. aloaklag eooktex I fell to wmderthOB^ ti c could ‘ahadLcp
Oa Ikat •weeCJoae Bndaj'.
HtCak to boat the bead.' ax la eenals lag whr wo alwari atade Ibea roaad.
A plxic of rookie! wax alwari Jail a
Mall BaM of all work axed Ip o*pn
CM ta fretoat tarairaU. ««* »»»
plate of conklei. with nerer a>r »xrlaThor.' wmt ao aoed.of eaierto*
la tu t>aae»;
Bll whew ther were ocw. I
lllerarr aebltremeota la Mm deak. CtaTMt d«* had Mriy vadml <
r. bat the latter bad kaatrd up a square. Ua spM box. cel
tboxc cuAlc* br a aew pattc
the faeoHi of eztraailac eotolort
ChairtaTU lc«<hed awdaat—
wax attoslxhiag. Tboxe
rocker la iparc Botneali:"
The xeieetloB It all xacdatlre aad mkici were pralxad above- all that I
Bat ibej- paaaed aaMcA
worlb the readliu! and taUay to heart.
■aitf a aasar ploai,
bM the IblBg all rf fcarti to know 1*.
Dartnit awtW SndaTU br magle. That experiwho lx Traeetae Cllrix beat'

-Tnit. tret, tret;
Thafs the way the genUemea ride.
O-er tbe bonr-s bock astride.
Trot. tret. ITOC
° Biding after fox and boimd- '
^ Leaping o-ev
, Trotting Ihrangh the stoods la spring.
Thai’s the way the genUeBea ride.
O'er (he hone's bari: astride;
Tret. trot, trot

er? Aad ret we prohaUjr tnwidtl be oace gave ate a doc to fatBro-dlfflcnltTwt Appetlxlng Olahea.
Srary mOe vaatj had a »d»« hood,
lex in tbe eatlag line. I learned to cut
Aal Ml ap d«Mar^. }a« aa efalMna happr tf we we« toM.
Tbe Brit It nude of a caa id ulmoo
Br potaioc* lo different abape* to I17.
ad Kooie crark<Tt. Put a layer of lalla squarei.
Oatie wax Aware fhe beatdMal Baa
mn la a paa. and oa this ipriakle
faaec talli. aad 00c thlag would
Fer I- fait la with the OaaiwMal plaa geet anniher. oatll 1 Mcppcd «itlivly lar-er id brtAicn rrackora. arraaglag In
layers aitereairly uaUI all ibe aali
That tbe wortd i not br! rte’d heeer
of (be old rot of always dniog
UM-rt, BalihtW! with crmcki-ra. Place
(blags iB eiacllr IB the xaaie wa
PklBlr dreaaed far S
If la hariB- fUae Ood woahl mead rala.
blit of lioltcv on lop. lel in a moderate
r It li xoBC trouble, but '
AUax loeik CT-rrthlOB Jexi aa U«
anil brawn alrelr. It will be exear imdettake* the Job of keepiag
: Dm old flraadBa awaM m wan.
Nreer fer«obodr kad aar Mam:
boaic. It ought to be with the nnddr- eellrnl for luneb or tapper, and
Ud> Bobcait:
Vmi ter re-ark wMk a aal
be eaten hot or rolil.
Kauilag that h U a« all plxr. aad
la'lhe pew baane her. pepfdea toak
u- ■■ murh cold rnait or biriled
. aap:
laareM to make xqnarc oncAlea."— beef as will he required for a 1
Madam ttoac. the wealihr. drcaaad
wo or three spoonfuli of the drip! Ladle* WorU.
with Banr a frill.
; .

Merer for owe Botaeal
fleeaeea xUa


Saawr-rextared UU—


IM dM other Ifllea. haek


t> apotlod lurbaai. bright

Worahldag oa BenuUr.
Me; not
pu ther haea a aerBoo
pre-dird la wordx,
. BM liter had the aerriee chanled br
tbeMrdx: ,
' Bad a thririag Blnhai Boaiki^
ir tbe rodca,
Tallow-baUed dalatoi ta their deaa,


Taa^l hr btaeUrda Saadir.
DU ther hare in affertegf

T-: the

Bma the diBerant Bawert lo «
That the peer aad aeedr. all the
wialer tbroagb.
Might go oerer haagrr. bat
Then chorch daaed ca Boadar-

• Ha nretb hag who Ilretfa weO:
. •
Ali.alae la life bet flong awar• He Breli bageat who «aa tell
f •
Of U«e Ihtagx irair deae each

him very much.
aad two sisters.

That's Ihe way Ibe ■allor'f ride.
Reek aad reel from side 10 sld«
Rock. reek. reek.
Jack Tar Ibiakx he x oa the sens.


have one brother
Their Bimn

Martin. LIule aad Katie,
10 Im- a Snasbiae luiy.
card and a builnn.

i wonI>

Please send me

Thlakx that he muR veer and larit.
VITieB he Bouats a bone's back;

Hr. Oeo. A. Hughes. W Mas*.
Are, ladlaaapolU, lad, w riUv:

Youra troly.
Joe Kolank.
Onis Pier. Mich.. May IS. l»M.
Dear Mrs. Itatex—i will write and

Roek. rock. roek.

II you that I am wril. hoping (bis
will And you ihe name. I am a lltilo

Sleep, sleep, sleep;
That * the way boy Ned will rU«

boy. age 10 years.

I bare ooe l>rn(her

and two staters. Tbelr name* are Joe,

. X ^ Ufa ahora. whea thli It pait.

II the ripe frail of life below.



Tbe prinripal feotare la their
button on posldbiiard cards
ratkiB U Che careful brillag of the with a bright relor
tndt pulp until tbe doslrfd eenrist- beauty of awch a cnlertloa.
rtoriied. which, by tbe sray. re­

boDIng polnl In a dewbk- boiler.


tbe egg. well and xllr Into the milk

rary own." Tb«e abooid be a «
fM eaipri. maUlag or rag oa tbe

crarkrd Ire. pour on (he hot
aad aiTvc witli block sugar aod
tbta slices of lemon for those who like

Ibrir maautac-

D the htodi of a

hie la *haeplaf help.'The b—t huusaktopor 1a Traverae
eat mex la: who. ob. dear Tradasktoa. pi—se Ml to who U Ibe 1
«oe good steed wladewx ta the maid t

•qaare CooUee.
aU iKUBoksepen wbea ibrir

MfUag raoB and aeresx tbe earner be get -adneey' about ihelr eat
■HgBmoB thm riw ptaead a pretty little it area that (here is aothlag
Bi^ This was pot there dc* the eoa sritfa which to U
to toe tMBh iMBporon palate or eraose aa apprUte.
toe *faa to gat mar venation with a frtsad wbc

Prateu the LIMic Ones,




**^ *0

to have trull wUrii a If

very Ihia and na tonra, bat
Penaa acted iast right fa mj ease.
/ am acarpeateraad aoam
amn aaed a took.
Peemaa H the medicine tar a poor am.
tjeo. A. Hagbee.
u out of Ua tsdaeioa
• Pe-ro-m to mating it
irrhxl eanditlo
Ihvuax elsjtixsx the —0—00
It, Ueuits-r -f
1. Tbos: J. II
ex and eores the eotafril
CiBgr—a from Illiaols. and I.
In the faloo Army for eigbi yesrs,
no reBodtes fat eataTfk JoM ,
VTtMgmmtbe t*-n>on tuuldiiig. M'x-hax good as reroaa. Aeeept n
tagtoa, D. C, as tollows:
"Pirmme hea beta mtad la my faafUjoadoeetderiTx prompt ai
^a>«* Ihe rery heu mutt*
. txrtory rrsnIM from Ibe U
^aaM**——re my A*Bfa‘asa;wrik'*«“^“•'*••**
tootoaadaaeflbcriiwe—wfsecsurrt." fullstsiemeolotyaoreBse.atuS he wfU
pleaeed to give you
^Fkao. J. Menderv^a.
j be pleased
hts vwluxhlx ad>
vir-e gratis.
AddreN l>r. llartraxB. ITorideni at

a momb. aod then

My wadies ore readlag. aflih^rtlc, physiology, spelling, taaguago.

I» id cream «f tartar.

ge<«raphy pad writiiu; I Hki- lo go lx
BCbncd. I saw a niUin rrd-lirrasi aa

Flavor with extrsi-' of lem—i.
Flour to toll nlc-l>
Rake In a owAcrati' oven.
Your hiving Bunl~am.
' NellB Ddl Keerh.

(be :ilh uf April and some spring flow-

Traverse City, Rout- No. 2. June

April, the laitwt II haa bees tor tbe
last liru-.->i Mars. We added to owr

tbe fore port uf Hoy.


Age 12.

Ik-ar Mrs. Dates—1 thought 1 wou
wrlie.Bs 1 havi- mu wrii'eu l»-f.ite. My
n. Ruth Hanniar. wWi> and I--M

nock a Jerw-> *visi. tuo mile pigt asfl
I coif and imr ben wHb t-kwaa lUtl*.

would like to Jilin Ibe Rubsliini

-hk-ki-Bs. Meat lime I arito I WUI teU

1 bale my eard aad buiiim.

ncir.' about the
and Ibe sbem.


to n-sit the Rnnshlne letters In
tbe. Herald W.- do not take the Hiv<111 my unric- dm-s. and I rrad ihi
letters somellaM«.

Age 12.

, Sbowinc a mure kindly spirit lhaa
n people d.i. orheo It eomea lo—Bt^.
». The Idrd bad bora caught I* g
I of trap (nRD.-d Id the Hue of •

OU. Mission. June E, lUnt.

iHd will send « iwort-Dl slamii (or

B—riena Ida* MrmU-Agt. eny year.

another, and will try hard not to

Dear Mrs Rates—Our


To flav* a flpanow.

A pn lly 'lltlle story Is KM of a aoDor. wbo In Washlaglna square, mim
dnipbla. Rskwl hi* life to save 1

' whieh had caught lit Ihe brnackop
a tall sjTBinure. and from tbora

la I

ti and i am having.(cits (if (an Ml**
laer ws* »ur (larber and we
i-r very mucii.

ligbthoaar grnsmds


fltir sebool Is out

Fki^cc E. raimer.

lyaverse City. Mich.. May 21. 1«M.
Dm Mrs. Rates—I thought I would

!>*• to aiuitlicr Uiv.
Bstti-n-d bidpletsly.

W-- have e>i

Here U- tdrfl

A crowd of poo-

>ad gaO'W-ed to-watch (be airag-

cJih-kens and 1 feed (hem every
tfamiglil 1 would like lo Is- <1

It bun* me ID Mi-p on It. *0 I will have

rsonil. nlmhly ytliiilsvl tbe 1

in slay in llli II Is well. The flrst birds

cartftilly . en-pi oin

I saw were roldo* and i.tueblrds

loegt to ns girls.


Kingsley. Mlcta.. May », 1»(H.

We had a lovely Mrs. Bales-1 tbougbi that


be lamp In the losn-r the 2Mb of'

i will lu- niui- years, old am

write a few lines to you. a* I have no:
wrlUCT lo a Jong time. I lust my bul-

Spring Mrd* .

and flHwers were late Jhis yiar.

h. A* my letter )• getiiat! long. I
Try It. II Is veo’ alee.
will eJo*c for this time. ho|dug to set
Well, as my letter Is gelling no ioag.
Ihi* In' print.
will .draw II to a elose fur this ilnH-.
From your llllle Dunbeaoi.
Slncen-ly, your Sucshlaer, •

n IVn lA (t'O.. June E. 1»<>4
Diar Mr*. Rait-s—I gm gotag

'in the


uhlch caughi (he siring, aad balaaeto*
lbcr<-. 72 (••<■( shove (he pavi—eaL roh-B*<Kl (be iparrnw. Tbe speOAUin
rhsvn-'l Ihr- young man. and a parne ef
esidbq w to ndlectod (or 1
also rawxrded by the Peanaylranta «•■
city for the Prevenlloa of Crorilp to
Sam* OlncwH flawtop.
tramp jlopped at a lady's boosa
and ask<-d to have apmc seoiag daae,
and she ta^d. “Wbat xaviDg wooM pow
Itkc to have me do*'' Me —M. “I hare
a button l»Ti-. and if you would pboax
sxw X shirt fa il I would be marii
btathar'a •aby.
Jial>y Mai«i|. iM- pM ‘if the tasaily,
was •-olerlBg blT torther'* rocBL


sifter s<-l*<-d b'-r and kbU. “HabaL I
tus' wiirsiap you::' and MaU-i. pWlltog
b<r arms aroMod b<v neck. aald. “81s-


. morning to answer your kind and wel-

To restore a

of prafesskiaal pianist* have bbd occasion to aae thb ta-

k-nn- wbieb.l received some Mairtieti


strameot aad ev*ry our- has* bK-n more tban dellffatod.

time agu. ihanktag you for -,Ibe
• card^p,.^,
.. .
c bad'qulta'a
UU uBiie a goou
aod bditoB. I am la the fourth grade. [Well, this I. all I caa think of. .0 goodI go to school every day. My trader's ; bye- Prom
aamels Mis. UlU Halara. I like her ‘
ever *0 much. My stndlet are reading.'

This give* a fine frelly flavor,
>0 DM boll Jelly a Blaae after It which they do not *e.'B to have wbni
nphy. Sebool 1jB clooe by tujs
ba* brsue to Jell. If yon do you will the Juice Is poured off tbe trail and re­ aammer. We live on Mr. Sam Hodge's
for other purposes. .
have a gummr ayrup tafiead of a Jelly.
farm- Papa la aroritlag tor Hr. Hodge
Try a IHOe of your ragar to Bake a
II* summer Puna takes the Herald
We ought DM only to be ready
lyrep l-rime eoBiDeBe'l<« the eaanlux
~lo, -Ul,
s™i.l„ I.,,.,
Jk to and advise rtilldreo. bni to
process. If a blalsh-gray team gatbers
«T«I, I win
,m cloac by
b> bM
u somedrocs when they talk, as po­
un lop after the boiling. *eafl tbe aogar
ding you good-bye.
litely ks we would to un boaored
bock to (be
Iltte Boashtae ^1.
them out ta eipnaa
for a brttev quality. The. b—t sugar
obtaloaMe is a ate—aity for treit pre- their Ueas well, as oae con who knows
flOU Pier. Hleh. Hay to. IPflt.
that be has a symtothetic Uhm

waeka laler ha« to be bciM oT—oa
haavlly rrsworiaaed to. taflaoa tt «

at iO.

bonqurt 00 our dinner tal.l.- today,
• a few lines today. Wc ai
write gnolher h-tter lo you. I recetvijl
Fannle. RahJ bUU-l Juat bona^
d needs praise and sympathy
sbamrork. geranium leaves and Hay
Just at much as be needs bis food and
1 hope you are
y card and Indton. I have liecti going • hire r
flnw<-rs. Onr bouse planls look very
eloihlng. Rc he ever so tmall. so that
10 acbool every day but 01
fresh ihU spring Tbe road* were xo
hr b old coough lo eomiwebend at all,
;stnrm.v one aad today It Is raining aad
could not go to the Sunday)
be it eatitled to praise (or whatever
! blowing We did aot pick moay of the
scbnil today. Wc have two miles '
be doe* that is done as well ai be
apple* off ooe of our apple
flip Rapids. Mich, June 3. IflW.
go. As my lener Is gel ting long. I wl
knows bow. A little praise ofu-a does
^ibai Ian snow storm we bad about
close lor this Um».
more toward fonnlng a desirable chaf■ twoBly robins staid In Ibe
Your Sunshlbe girl.
GenUenwn:—Last Bepiemlsr the F<-rris laslitulepwracter than many words of blame. Tbis
days and ate all tbe apple*.
LIulc Wtncbcomb.
chased a OriiHtall Bras. Upright f
doc . not refer to open flattery, but to
jxebool we go Id Mr. Knapp's fallow
honest praise where it Is deserved.
Klng^’. May 16. Itoi.
land gsiHbr Bowers, f went to a pony
pariment. This piano hai- l>c»ai in rubliownis use ever
I Dear Auatlc Bnes—I will
stare it was purchased
isuriag iJil* time a targe nu—ber

rhido kettle af frelt.

It la maeh bMter econo—y to be geaeroas with the augar al


U ills liiue. My paim takea the Herald yoltr RiiDsbine girl*. *0 will yon ph-as<‘
I like to nad the ieilcrs in it. For send me a card and liuuoo. I,wl
pets I have a cal and (wo imie kitu-ns.
close ■>} sending m> nami- aod age.
The kliu-Bs are black aad white,
Ace a,
CteralH-1 Herbsci,
Don't despair if yoar bread or
bat e nice fun Ashing. The Aral day I
we have two cows. Tbelr nam<Shoulil l■erome seorebed. Crate off caught twenty-two aod papa caught
ercup and Desa. Our *ck»d let
WllUamtliurg. June i. H
scorched part with the grater flfieeo and Willie aaiicht six. We all
the IJil) of May and dlnmr
Di-ar SuDslilne Ediior—t have
when the «ake is cold. I nerer t
rancht fimy-ihree
My letter Is geiserved and «e played gamc-s. 1
Sunshine girl for al(ni»i ihn- y-ora
iper In cake pans when laktag.
tlag long, so I will elo*i
brother and slater. Their names arc
r,- aen( lo Wllllami>luirg eem-ie
Just grease the pan. tben dost it with
From ynnr line Sunshiner.
Clifford and Dtildle. My l>rother
ly. I do not go to kcImsiI now.
flour, and have ao trouble in get
Johnny Riley.
lord will Ik- fight ytars olrt the 7th of Just gelling oier the measles. I
cakeom without breaking.
Angusi aiid he would like to Join the nol la-n to Sunday seh.»d for a
Moaroc Ceater. April 17. 19«i
PS your eake ever rise uaevenly?
H> teaele
_..pev Milloe-I will write and tel! Sunshine club. an<l w<iuM you pl-a<iI. to eoverlog il with any
-nd him a card and butlnaT
Anni Pally the first flower* yrc saw
Itlaoehe rarpi'bier. Ii U ralDliic
b will Ct ite cake paa. Just a*
l.^gues* 1 will close with u verse. (•■night. My majamg an<1 imia a
this year was on Ihe Oral day of April,
>ui it iBIbeovi-c Du BOI remove
I like (o ri-ail the
and here are some we found Ibe tourlid until Ibe rake has risen as
Be kind and Ik- gentle
leealb. We dug roots up and set them
shine h-11-r*
I «*• one of ihe
high as possible. ■ Then let It remain
To iliiwc who are old.
out in the flower bo* Is the bouse My
chine girls today
nvcB Just bug enough lo allow
For kindness is dearer
sitter and I Joined the Suaxhiac rlub
her letK-r la
RItler I wa* gla
the tcqi to brown In tbis way a cake
And b.dter than gold.
a long lime ago. Our last teacher's
Ihe H<-(ald a few w<H-k* ago Well,
:riae- il.swiy. Having a‘lid on allows
aamo was Ullle DIrdsail. We liked
my l••I■er I* m-ilteg long I
the cake to rite s'venly and keep*
her rery much and we art- sorry to shiners, and you also,
linafrom loking too quiekly on the it
From your RuosbInW,
hear that she Is not coming l>ack. i
Frrnn your Sunshine glri,
which makes a cake heavy.—Ladles
riorcaee Wam-a.
Papa take* the Herald and we tell I Age in.
Age9y««r* .
Clgdys A Rhog.
Cakt Bekinp.

ta Fruit Ttam.
iken out of uirir o’^Ma
Work qiilriily aad keep a Ready
wrapptaga aad given a warn ttetb tor
h.iu^ before they are rqady for the waleh on tbe kettle ot boiling (rulL It
boUa, up very quickly, and seeded
lor makiag
OBd balow*. a deonpll
fruits, if left BBRIrTed. burn readily. If
A pretty pkenre or two ahould adorn other (lerrena. |
As has leee saM tbe iroaerratlOB watching tbe preserve kettle it an Imtbe PMlIy papered or «a
FruR Fer Pixa. •
pDastbilKy. keep an asbeslo* mat un
reprefer the ferarer evea If
I.. This win prevent burning.
When potung ap fruit for winter
BirkaUe. aad aa tbe cost of Ihe flahy ihi- ••aanliarylahed tooinci 1* very Dodnate. theee
Nerer toorii cooking fruit with a use. I prepart- a good deal eapecUlly
trull “solid*- will doabUca looa spoon or fo-k wbich Is of any material (or pie* For this 1 flU the cans albe foua.1 TO aale is bigb-elas* groeer- except silver, wood ontranlie. A tin moxl solid with tbe treit. adding only
mo may rein (he rtdor aad flavor of aa nnefa Jolec as will be needed for the
a* they are now found
H eear. boek-Btttac iwAiag Chair aod


I am foriyflre;

yean oU ovw, and feel ae

Flour enough for a baiter.

stand for six minutts to infuae.
bat do BUI boll. Fill glasses twutfairds

with (be other tagredlenU. adding (be
Thrifty New Eaglaad hoasrwi^ of viar—r ^he last Ihlag. Deal (be whole
waat tor the kllckea porch.
*T*rfaaia you amllc al the Idea of “ye oldea Um~ used to Bake a sim­ tafxlurc iboroughly together with the
girtag blrrd help a baBBoefc. Vhy ilar detkary which they daDed plum egg bcei.'r to prevent curdling When
BOI* la a wrD kept bom doexaT tkr aod rktwry “eheexe*.' and which, be­ cold, p; t In a glam preservlog Jar and
fore flaal approval at the domcxl|e as­ set awe.,-. It will keep a long time.
BMd'e haek seed rcMtag
dhaa lhatcf tbe-mlsnxr Ifthetoi- sise. wree as stiff as the ^oday
Fruit Salad—Cut up st-vi-ra\rani
ur woBaa appreriaieo ibe drtlgbt of Ma-tram of the preuldtog Judge, al- and drrln off the Julre^: sprinkle o■neh more frivolous anpmritig
taettag her
tbcm three Icospomfuls of sugar. A
•Ir, bow BaM onre can xbe cojoy
m.-.-is of various k-tuds eui Dae. it
otlhli eaxeoo do— the roogh. heavy
g«..-1 plan to run them through a
•toh of toe hoaaabrid. Umte imir ttal qaallly ef atiffaeat diat caused
It 'e-:itrr. Bagltab walaota and sl­
ooBtoru were tiBWlsbed the paid toll­ the oft-repcated faUnrM d oar Callid* make a god mliture. Cover
foruia etperii
er la tbe bOBse the
with maj-onoolxe flresslag aad set
waaM the Ureal Domeatlc muern be flaall.v. (hat It cswid be obtained oaly sway for several boun.' tf it It to be
by pualng ibo fruit (brongb a flae
aMved aad solvrd xaUstartorily
at nnm. It is better made early
e In its preparalloB ftr tbe Are.
portw* meenied. In every boo
la tbe morelng. and
that Ihe boiling ooi nnst be coaleft bk-Bdlng even longer. - ttedles
Unoed lo the exact potat| where the
Boalat let* nor
kmriwB bat alto a raoa. ao
bow tlay. that abe can. feri Is “bar bmger.

ta CaUfcrnlB. where
tnre. wbi-.b baa


• ever takea.

My iioeber'e name I* Hlsa Len
I .leaspooBfuI soda.

covered pour onto twiee the amount of tea al­
lowed for tlic usual table iK-ve

quire! a rcfT
ThM vary excMlcBl paper. Tbe Mleh■agar aod ante.
Salad and Salad Di^ag.
igu Tradesman, which ibe editor of
Tbe boc ihtek pRoerve Is tha
Salad Drcaaiiig—One plat of mOk.
Ihta dmrtsHai has oflea taken occooared late large pans where it b
of raus' Moo to qoMe. has a Wt ta oa article
tor lealbonn.
tard. Iwo u
BolBly on trade Balten tbat star be
which. If it has “Jenied- pnmeriy,
■1 of core Btareb. ooe-balf
. of taumat 10 Traroroe booiewlvea.
caa he cot like ebecee. Its making teaspoonful of sale two ubinpona
The aittrie ta quee
o “bricks* aad discs afithls petal falx cd l-nitcr and ooe.cupfnl «rf vlne^
BlMu br dassed oader tbe bead of
Mix the Bastard, sugar, corn
pure fan. so cosy aad fanrinstlag lx Rgreh and knit logeibcr. Melt (be
Backs Wtadtag ap a drerriptioa ef
port of the process,
a dish set on tbe store to
rioeely basin of water. Heat (be milk to the

tOac has Btted ep J«st aorii a
far her ooe Bald, aad she has o(


1 al Chi

breakfast tea. or the orange pekoe. I.etag fsvurlles. Others like ibe green
teas lee<l. la either case here is a rec­
I have waved fra^ ebUdbood ipe which prrailses to produce a drink
i-drop, sad.
days has grows Into a beautiful collcc- far superior ta flavor in the lievcrage.
bring coDpeued taiBriy of sugar, hold
made from tea that Is tmiled or stale.
liuitOB*. I have, added
the dcUcaie Osvnn of pedt^
Rlnsi- the teakettle, fill with fresh
each year. *0 that II hrids several
harry, pear or plna marveloafly wen.
ater. and as aorm as it iM-glng to boll
btmdred now. : Sewing e^ kind of
SBP paper.
Theee gelaltaoBi cub—- bare ibe

••Ptninm ttmt Mom ine morw
fMrf thaa aoyihlag I

Rocking east and reeking weM.
Tar ride*, dressed In hix best:

, raoknl Into a frying paa. and let

made of goldea aad ruby itatrd Jrillm.
eaidi one wrapped dalallly ta oiled tls-

te Uie McAlBliie ft
tbe Pbm-Mbo."

Thi< it a

Tusslag lo.a aorthen breexe;

Kale and LUxle. Pur pet* I have a
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Kemak— far the ChiWr-i.
hot. Dtp tbe slices of me
1 go 10 school most every day.
Out upoa the drowsy sea.
.w Maar Bother*. wb«i having flour, aod cover the bottom of (be fry- Where the tweid dream blostoom be. My learher's naato lx Mr. Marvin. He
IWST to Sleepy Isle*
Dd aad good to me. I llk.ehUdreax pboiogiaphi Mken. tag psa wllb tbe slleex. turatag when
Like alt tbe reel of ax dM: aa'die’d
(ide has lieeoMe lirnxrn. Hie me
moeb. Oar arbool will l«- out the
Balls my Ned. “flood olght.'
ever (blxk of giving ooe
flrxl of June. I nw lots of blue birds,
for bs very own. to keep throngh life* will be rrlsp and tenderer than
: rioodi novfei* farther
irmcit In aay other way. the eniat— Staking down ta pUlows deep.
robtas aad cmaarkw. I would like to
I exo reran me lot of pictures
Ullle Ned is fsR arieep:
JolB the Bnaablae elub. Plrase scad
ut xhower^, past. I gam; thoogfat cr had lakm of me whea 1 wax
'x Home Companion.
Sleep, sleep, sleqi
me a eaid aad a buttoe I will rkwe.
tweli-e joar* of age. aad bow I ihoold
with best regards to all Sansblaers
I war ha' terive at 1 (ovc to poxse— one of tboxc picture*
Friday. Jaly 1. IMH.
and Mr*. Bate*, ton
now. I wax drexxed
u a word of “bow«iedo.- s
Tours truly.
BtiU,' he would add. with lili brpaaad
good' today, and
then tbe Si
Mania Koiarik
wrealh and veil. wKh my hair hanging Mroki'. Wbiui tbe face Is pale, the skin
licam‘1 will ny their little say. There
rlammy, (here Is pain lo Ihe head and
a ini rata, aujbe. after awhDe!" in rUigIctx nearly to my waitl—xtich
RlrbBeM Center. Genesee Co, HIrli
will Ik- more from tbem aod from Ib
?a, and proatratloo. loosen
plnure, la fart, as recalli (he most xi
May 2*. 1PM.
obler ones next we<-k. Some way i
n.bit alMcB r<
ekiiblag. lay the paiieBi down and give
cred ocraikm of my young life. Du
“After awhile;
Dear Bdlior—1 take peat pleasure
other this has been “our busy week
1 la the
ds Boi poxxexx one lo tho* ta
small doses of whisky or brandy:
Hope never V
la writing a few llaes la
but we love v.
ehlldren, because inulhcr fullowed (I
sponge the body with alcohol and wadark.
welcome which Ihe
I Brea when aoiit wax a-panta’ aw«r.
and give the paUcol plenty of air
receive every week from you. Mamma
all among the relations eicepi
resi. When Ibe fare Is very red,
Bafferia' agoay day after 4tT.
lx getting lietler. Wednesday
Klngslei. May IS, 19«i.
DB(3r he’d all by her bedride aa' hear
te one she bcrarif retalm-d.
tbe rklo dry and bot. xll the iiailenl
Dear Mrs Dales—I*lh»ngbl I wouM went for a drive over east of our place
eyy: “Now.
«lica making the childriui'B cleihcs. upright and send for a physician. write, as It has luv-n a long time since abirat two mili-s and a gitarter.
thes, dear.
tve a xBull piece of each garment, Meanwhile, bathe bead and face with
have wriltep. Our school wa* out ■ bought I would write for another i
Try V sleep tom.- whllq Uie laar*
el aa many imall bold ax you have cold uater. pouring It over the pallroi. May 20. I gtd au orange and some
a, ax 1 hive lost mine and I will send
choked hU taille.
aad give a leaspnonful of aromatic
ebndrea—shoe boxes win do—wrlie
two-rent stamp for aaotber.
peanuts and caadv for the last day. I
"One— you reel eaaler-«ner awhile." cblldx name on (he outside of earti I spirits of ammonia In a tumbler of wahave a little fdner thns- montba and school was out yesterday. W<
-Boy ParreU Dreeae. la Tooih'x (3omPan the face and keep away a
. and wh.'B making a garmei
.lays oU I hav.- a sort- toot and speaking, slaglag. flag drill, muslr and
rd: Ihe pailcDi needs air and
of (he children, drop a lample of
ice eream and eake. I am going over
It is also.well to ponr cold wamaicriaJ ta that eblld'i box.
to my aunt's 10 stay fouror flvr weeks.
tiver the sufferer's wrists. Almvc
•rkh Prascevaa.
the girls make qidIU of them for :
Oar garden is oesrly all up no*-. Pa.
things keep the sun-glare and hrjit
la oae <d Calltotala-i green-girt val- privrs. The boyi ran hive Ihelr wivex
went to RIebfleM Ci-nter this foreBoon.
fritm hlm.-La.lle* World.
alilrrr make qiiiH* for them
leya there tires a dever haiitewlle
I will xi-od Aunt I-aiiy a cream rake
who, after many faHurex.~fcas peri­ rhlldrro. i-ven the bo.vs. (o»o (•
recipe. It ia as fotknrs:
Tbe Way To Prepare Iced Tea.
ler ibilr quill picee* on rainy da}>.
od a new way ef prcferrtag trnlL
I egg.
When preparing iced lea do not use
She barfM U In a brick. Nol a Biniy.
Another excellent plahi lx to Ici ihe lea tliai has lK.-eo slanilliig In ibe tea­
red bunding brick, of course, but da gtrlx acrnmnlale dishes and gtaxsware pot for hnura, bni make it fresh. Many
Isetable Iool|gg Bouara aad dltai
prefer blaek tea. some kind of English

IT With what wOl
' a Thaa flil'

BarapthaBaaeotf ailherBO.


I am a bny C yi-ar* ri<l
xcboid every day.

leoeher-s asm lx Mr. Manin.


with Baar a


Unea to yoo.
aad I «n to

Rodi. rack, roeto

noaUog m the slumber tide.

ked har Bree whea cmm
U the ehBreh oe Boadar.
Daria HI aeecr


Oliver Torh.
Her. Mich . May £2. Itol.
pear Mrs. Baieo-I wUI write ;

Vbere Uic little wIM birds ting.


loea Barratt.

We bare already purchase aaoibsr flrtanelt Dniu. Ptaoa
(or Ibe Sladcr—rtoo department
Wc eoaslder It a prlvlleip- to recsraimaDd (bis supe­
rior Bake of plsnu

Tesebera el the piano eaanig afford

to rvBaln IgDorasl of the cxceDent I


Tbe Ferris ieRHule bay* an other make.

“ *•*
>'*“■ ** '
fa a kmg
time. 1< OB at my alster'a
sitter's beaae
l““*sister all

Very pineatwly yetira.
W. N. FERRIfl, PraaL

"> K“"» ■ lltUe
chlckea for my tdrtbday. Hy little
brother'* Mrtbday ta tbe Hat of June

aad lay slater’s ta Ihe 23rd itf Juae and
Biae to the flm c« July, Loxt Bonday
oae of
Dear Hn. Bates—I will drop a few
Hy ehlckea-s na-e
Uaeu to you. I am wHL hopteg you to Jeanta. 1 dm aa glad sumBer has
are tbe aoBe. I woald like to be a coBe. Tbe flhwen are so preuy. With

am water and rah wllb a heavy
hfaer. Plaa— tend -e a card love aad fcladaa— to all th
doth wet] wrong oat, aa iboogh aereb- andabotua. IwOdoacaow.
, t wOl etaae.
btag. no. will ateo KMra wbltaTotoftfa^
Here ta a inefpe far Aaat Potty.

. LUeraUrc malM u aav addrou aa rtqo*-.










Bra*.- Ptanoa.) Adrtaa. Jackaan. Lanatag. Poottac. Port ,
Horaa. Bay aiy. Saglaaw.


Baali Bta. Harie and Hantattqoa.




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