Grand Traverse Herald, August 18, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 18, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Tiarm CUj State Bait

Dr.w.j. diaafiti
T«7 b«« ■ r Beatal a
BBlr- Teatk
To.r pMftmvt lOtleHaB.. la
New Haam balUlBK. aadcr K.
er P. halt. <■ Boor witk Dodur
ar^ Hartw Oonwa aad erar






Tire Insurance!

TO* Arnw af the Conk
mater toot ib« army ouadi
aalw erect and chma.
arrlBoa o( leeol taada
ut ifae kllli Mn

Plata CUaaa, Staam Bollar and Aoc

Meicr ta Loai «i ImiiniTCd Beat Estate Only.

le Ohoaiiaic to the flfbl;
itie opmodlag plala
«oii« la lu ailiebi.

Room 310 Now State Bank Building;.

Traveroe City.

wll Doneacea. an borrawert of j» eaa be oare



irnyveau may be made before mainrhy. tho« utlop lntm«l.

febjBgbarasc. eaa




6corge U. Jarvis



Empirajtill Leads
. ;i-


'•»<»« *




Oa HMl Batata.
4. W. MTCHM,

able, and iteaL


fully gomBteril in o-eiyfr^mcL
That are nude to Qie u well ai ten. The)-are
« flohy
faiiih to catch the eye; iRU are dontWe, eMnTort.

Tewaraa C%.


iittmtcairmt. » Ufctor Petcrtyl.

a partlCQlBriy o
Tbe Ctrl Hichtly reddeoed.
If 1 retneaber ari«hl there w
earepika aad* la your favor." tbe
-It Ibai caac," aald Jaaper. "I (blab
u to bae* a *’-Mr. Gregg.- abe ailed, ribc room
la her*. Yon giMbt as wed
> ffmag with aamke!w*n tab*
He looked up quirkly. ad harried
ay dlctatlDc aad telletc mt from tbe
• tbe wladow.
Tbe dawb’e Brat leader reey blueb— aecesaMy of ealllas MUa Bellaay from
her regular dullea.
BMldea. I eaa
Tbe factory It Ok Bre’" be rrtcd,
Tbe baillBc or tbe atora•d ran Into tbe outer oBee. Aau
give you tome lailgbl toio ay way
a pewwfm buah.
ruaalag (blnis I warn Mr dagborn beard bU clear vtMre glvlaf rapid
Tbe Army of the Corn.
lo know all about II There It aotblng structlou. la a mauent be wa a
But friendly fareetr* come aatl go
gel tbeee
rai quilc sure of that." aal
Hear*. faloUy elcbiac. oofi and low.
giri. -whea I (old you of ay ert
Tbe echo of a crouo.
Jasper bamled ber the Iniera
"KlBdly aak Mr. Raadall lo mall
ad Ml. (••reec aad hold and bnre.
irae." he aid. -That It all." AB-I
All Ibroucb the •UBBier loof
he beat over bit work
The slcomlac baanen proudly ware
1 rolled walast t
So Aaaa Veraor wu InnaJIed at Ibe
la radvDce trUb Ibe eoac.
CEtm desk la Jwper Qreix'a oOce.
Untn ihe EOldea mutuma mom
aad Jaaper apcedily louod that ber ■"-T«
ume to spoil
_ il her
-r by lha a:
Bkmahip did falm good. Il drew
if the Q
Thi- h«ip.-ful Troop of Toll.
-way from bImaeU aad 11 gave drew ber Ikrough Ibr i____
side atraaee. Tbm be
him some laiereat In life bealde bU
in back lalo Ihe itMlac f.______
wort. Aad y« hr wa quite sure bis
-Mr. Gregg!- Anna abrlehed. ad
waaa'l tl all aeglwlcd oa ber
A Now CaaaWanca.
blindly followwd bim. -Come bark."
Th.- olBrr l«> called to the man
the cried from the doorway. "Too mil
One day be
h aaid to ber: "Ulaa
tbr d>-«k. tie k-aiiod a moim'Di i
be klUed!"
nor. you oaxhl lo kaoa- all there
11 acaio. Tbr man looked op.
TbU U my place!" be almted. -fa
kaow about me. aad 1 faaey (here may
■•haf. thatr be abarpty -t»k”J
Ctrl to see you. Hr."
be deUlU that have wacaped evee the nlcklBgtoibe sblp!'
"I mamatid you to Marc berc." she
auale Mr. Clecbora.'
I-Il ber bi taJk to Ur. RamUII. '
tiled 10 btm.
"Very well. Mr. C
-You eommaad me!" be erted
pa ai tiI 1a Ike alory of
your life, li should be preserved by tbrowgh Ihe ■sob*. -fMi awslar bere.Ihu* ht-f In.- Aad the bu*y i
Tbc girt are a llllle
the lypewriier
" Ata abe leased for
eye* dropped aaaia la bti work.
"Jeaper!" aber cried.
i ' '
-Save me.
almortMd that be did i

leu seated I
Preaoiilly he alaareu up w-llk I
Uiil uutNireirhed to lake a book fn
le tup of tbr desk. He rauahl aU
the *ifl.
• Oh, ye*," he aald. "Vou iriabed
« me. l*anluB aie for keeplnn v
wallln*. How eaa 1 nerve you?"
■■ • BiHiki- hurriedly la a ertap. aei
waj. tsd the «lrl tell that
•el, looked at ber.
ou ar.- Mr. Jasper Cregjr

Havefbu ever tried the


Alden. Mich.

Royal Tla-Or -Tooo and Oofrooo

Bopal tiger
The)- arc the beet



J. J.

Canned Cnrn
and Salman

Sold only by




•a «• Cmw •/ Am# W



CIHatim *2. BHI 1«».

Tooth at and Uke Ave.

AAw I had laeaircd Cha agiucf far ooci IbM faS far cae ed tbe
a,lbe«aabaet«H made to baOd
trick vaidwMe U te abore toeatMCk


wont ariki ia tWi laeatitr the U



e*nMp ryaaf tmi Barthm itrmH.

rparafw Mj. Khk.

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.

When you waot astove^ar^range buy a"Jewcl.’’
They are baadwene in design ^ hnish. gdbd
baleen and eoooonical in fuel and we guar­
antee them to give aatisfaction. We have
them in price from $tA0 up to' $6a00. Come
inand letiisriiow them to you ; : ; : ;




hing to Build?
If ao^ die Sfwth Si6s Lumber Co. at Traverse
Qty i> the place to boy your material. Shop
and mill work done on abort notice. Give m
a chance to figure on your wanta.

$Me Cumber Co.


Clecborw’i commtsa'loa;
with BMiek (ravli
your levlly. Yoi
my simple blalory
la the a-ay yon aagRpsl. V..
No N
dooU I mu Iril It to you ao
It will toon be Indelibly Impmaed upon the tabMi of your ducThlt wa the ffrat tinse that Jaaper
had descended lo a pUyful mood. HU
va a llific Hraagr. but Aaa
fell that it would Improve rap-

— •- -‘wi Ibe ponresl kind of a boy
posliloB on our rlertral f.nt-e. W^t
an you dn?"
rapldl, doing
"I am a fair sienoerapber and
>c up and fed me and ckxbed
"An.^t-MH-rlenee In ..flee a-m-kV

TNM. B. anuON A BOB.

T. W. Nofirt, OtlileUiL


Tbe dbeapest on tbe mariteL qaaluy coomiWreil

Once tueii and ym wOt boy no other tnake.



Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc. “i,


«wW> Bitak.

oM rurila^t wWf^'irV*«2j


oHou. aad Hardy Hill
rlHO from tbr flay.
Aad nuillaa rbaou uf gladbe
The kmc boon of ibe day

Money to Loan on Real Estate
>1 paaa lato Ibe hand* <d Hraacma

me.- be aaU. -b
ytaac. Bat yew »
M (be beau iWk WM'
Ihia. Hla» Verwor.
win wot make
"Thaak ywa.- be aaM brtrily. -Toi
allcbleH dlteresee ta tbe preaeat remlwd me of aoaeiktac I mlchl bate
coffee. River dliaalera war* aMo haair
duct I •
JuH In
ihea. r.w the reaaoa that tbe go**^
aluwuoa to etawlM ‘
: chance my tystea
8- I mil call wp (be out (be rivers aad maar a h>ai that
Oecborw. QIre him the falleH par wwt aad tell Urn to add tM.OOO to
■ted frtai tbe toatT^ eoffe* tw
llrnlarm, pifaae. aad In tbe maaai
(he amouat we are earryla*.
doot foncri that yon ar* oe the :
•ask la ua auddr wniera.
« fa the Mf


Kindly (Ire c
re when you make up your
Kepori to Mr. lUadall.


•e will pay you »a a
Ih. and Ihere will l.e
e llrsi sli niunlbs

ipponlng lnd<-ppndrac<-. Hr took me
bis Workibop. and taugbi me his
craft, and 1 stood by him. helping as
I could, while be perterted bit Invew. ur<- was not all pleaaaai
III. and Ibere was a rerialn sum
must SCI aHde for tbe use of an la..............
Miw. litolac. who
Kun.pc at rerialB haihs with ber niece,
nes w.- Went hungry, but we
ilnd that. I bad cangbt bU en
n and tboac Inrenikns u

Owr day la tL.

-rmo Jews who lived In Ibe arigb*
korlKM of the aunken vcsael bOMhI
the «««• la the b„pea of nvlog aoM
before It bvga to swell. Tkuy
spread li
lied tat II

they tr—.. .............................
little g
-When the |« waa
browned Ibey bnuM It
a tmall
sold n looaA with
moch success.
After Ibey bad dlt-

process. U a abort lime
“T ♦f*«ofi_^^fartory for ihe new li
lanead of buylni
family buys lis o
aod Ibe labor and lime ivmiamalt br
Itvidusi ruaulag are aow aaed ta
tuber way.-LouUHIIe CMrisTvIour-

A Lacy Mait-s Paeadiaa.

Oa mtrfcM day lo Ibe WaH tadlaa
Ibouaaad. of pc,,,
• seen walking atoag tbt rowda
» Iowa from tbair palm-tbatAod
huU In Ibe moOBUtiu aad wcoda.
on ibeir beadi Immwa
baaaaat. oraagea. rama.nlmlaa. aad ran to ber
be mib a quick talas, brown logar or tobaaso. «a^
y. He cangbt ber at
a she staggered Plag akmg at tbe rate of Iw mEaa
blledty. wad hurried ibraDgh the «rf- an boor with Ibe gall of a prlaeaaa
Bce door lo tbe ooter ihresbold. And
ronaiaat canylag of heavy hmda
Ihea. )ul as -be crossed H. a heavy
aenlon of ihe cornier
It •was a moBtb I
fever left Jaape
Iregg. aad then .. f« a brilcr price at Ibeir bomaa. bal
Bad lb* saa shla- Ibr enjoy tbr merry company ea the
lag. aad tbe birds Haglag. aad
while ekwda drlfUag Mally aeroat
wladovred field. Somebody was tlltlag
by the bedaUe. He luraed bU
a llllle. II was Anna Veraor.



Mlaa Veraor.- Hr looked at her
hungrily. "Haro you been brre all Ihe
ever Iri Ibeir loads fall. Tbey eoald
"I bavray bera far away.'
in^ce a Jig without dropping them.
Meanwhile Ue met folk—who bare
"I saw you In
dreams.- br laM.
M even taken the (roubU lo no- »
-This Uay a drt
harvest Ibe reaps, mueb laas earty
«___ _
"No." laagbrd Abba -It'a all qalle
set. aie Sleeping
bat or lylBf 4—_ ..
''"W^uTd^^you mind toHlag me loueb
> yam paicb ouialde aad amokiag
strong native (obaoeo.
— put her band la bU and he
"Oa my esiaie. ” aald
ptaalclosed hU wasiml fingers upon II
er recently i. aa Amertoao frlaad. "I
• going lo gel well?employ about all huafired.poopte ta
tbe Iraay Hwaobs. bMktaa two hObJred W three hundred ebUdrem Tbe
wed by a t

... . S

•mine allI righl."
I be of any oaa
wurlil agBlnT'
"Of mure use I
ever, ao douM,'
jrk, aad Ibere waa alwayi ibe
iighed Ibe girl.
ui I mastay Batchance ibat the Invemlona woald be
diffrrenre la wag<a is moM uatalr, bol
T you.
rum ut. It was tod tout walling
siiperiniemlenl eimdurted tbe
regulated by an froa-lioBBd Paa"And
patenis. When they Baally
necuci lion II WB4 dlffleull to tell.
. . .. I will raise you ap to
Jaaper (ir.i
Ii«.ke<l after the (Iri
you raa tee li tbroagta the window.
ns she )ia>s>- thnmah I
»-e hare almost rebuilt It. mad (he la
il Coal Bushst
, for us. and we built ibis
sud<h-i y Stn-ek him tl
•cblae ibal can. fignratlralr
And then. Jiisl si tbe wheels auraaca waa suOkHral lo par for wvary
yet elastic way of
___ al a
g. Ik
deroar fire tons of coal
her simple frock
Slagle bile, is a derloe know! at B
was HI')
becomlae. Then he Jss|N-r pause
was bat rownUy lahU forehead. "He left all be
li-ano] I
softly slahed 8omi<. .. aald
—J Ibe girl. "I bad good
-1 did."
1. Tbe Caniegte Stcsl aompaay
bis niece, whose mother has
...___ ince nf Ibis airancer.
advUera. bad I'm i
^everytblBC it
with br-r biR Kray eyei and her «rm
ts you would U-..........
of work It to Inaon |u grsat taw Into
m etecutor And he left me In
llid the mile hunch of vlnlcu
B afnid If) dreumlag agala." he places wbrndroB raH r
ibroau bad quite upwt his com charge of tbe works. It was bU dying
are to be removed. Pbr laetaBce.
request. •Jasper.’ he sHd. yun are Ibe
fonably pn-pared
a laden
tadon auamoDi) one who raa set tbli factory go­
'■ plared akwgstde
- -le a
-IJsien. Wbal do yoo Ihlok
ship tl can gol>bie bp aad rmtaptwii
ing. 1 hate It arranged with Clccrmtapoaila
He half lu:
Uorn. tk.i)1 ,uu dcMri It. Stick by' our golag into Ibe comblaaitoaT Wall.
0 loot aa boai.
looked oat of
Bee It plared <m llrra ground. Do Il's all leliled We get ibe big end of
I some new Uboraartag
- hills, cutlna rldiH-a' It
ibe way of

ipalut^lhe blue sky beyond
.. Umli»
t off. Bui
■rblaary for haadllag BatartaJi la
girl Stand l>.> this ship. Jaaper.'
>WD. and bis eye eonRbl
•.you your place."
•Ik. This fiveyoB biter or grab bockhalf turned as he repeati '
ods that crowned ibem.
e smiled falBlly.
meatares IS feet over all wbea Its
such the
d Iwyond seemed
lyflve. a .
away from tbr- Rteai
•tl, s.
^uresiiieet. Tbry are aoBtatblag
He bit h(s lips.
Ike great pairs of claws and tbelr
iierbaaUm U to pertert
vesrs I had cbe
no business to have any fe)-lin(s aav<
•Ivmenial sbovells
•ling up
wc earned s<m>e
Ifause that were Inspired by hti work
(bey havr flaUM'utoZi^
■y This year we shall do far bet
He was a mactalne. Machines miirtii
hands, and a lie.fiM taUir aa part
llul It requires
Even before
befiwe (btae
aitm Ion nuapeosaltoe. Walt. Your olBre le
wear out. bui they never fell ilred
argeai grahta-rs were crtalod __
He picked up his pap.dw
Then h< It’s mine in iruH only, you know,
espkdis were r»
do-lb, Ihey think I’m ■ hard man. I
touched a U-ll and the bov entered.
, u are well eBoegh you are to g,
-------- - ...
n. ••).*
on thr lAke ^
water inms.
I'm only a steward here with a aeiK
■Send In Miss D.-ltamr
ahrnad to advaace ibe comblaaiton'r »ne machine unloaded CJOfl ions of
reckoning ahead
me." He paui
ore lu Ihree boors and K mtaaUa.
suddenly with a sllgbi Uugh. Tb.......... ..
---------.• was s
eyes, and wpa quiet Another bAAdled *Mf) Ions ta two nod
yuu are." he said
"All In one chap
aad she rouldn't nime down i
•r a mile while.
t<T and dreadfully lacne No beroUm,
TbPO he looked al the girl
no ibrilling cllmai
Just a dry abd
Miss Siorer "
"I bare nerer kaowa sorb happy
iiinn this
lomeats as dHee." be aaJd. -.............
CWd Megnetk Nowar.
l«y paused
real Joy to He here and took ,
-niere’s (be n,
sir. She Isn't
"Thal’a a s’raec*- aeotlmen
If IJ resIdtng'ifTta^
y l.-fore her.
'ling an,thing
aa cf acUon." laughed Abba
' u been com. iTpcwTUiy and send K
flush of red HcsILat am
Buulealrd to the Novo# V
•nily asked
Th.- girl u thr dAugbter of n wortIber died last year." Jasper
le typ.'wrP
li u Hntsd ihgt
,-plled. ’ undei-tiaad that she will.
I them cl
murmuretJ Jaaper. T don't know i
•■Vefy Oblect which abe a
sper's desk. A momem
I oely know tbu what cone
ziB, to more If abe goes
STB dramgirl
:l ei
e moat of aaythlag lu tbU w
•r with plaie. n^ ft t
you to typewrite a few
I Ibe preaeat momeat Is tbs
r Gregg.’
_ ________
dictloa. Miss—MU, Vera
o the question fm going to
to repay yon by reading
Jasper. They are important
s of itispecilon I bate
and must be carefully word)
neghora They s
will not hurry you."
leaartl forward,
1- seated herself at Ihe litUe table- dUJnlaied i
typewriter. Jaaperr*
ks ’”
and prepared her paper lo a deft aad pan three i
•'As my wife.'"
e Hri Is pertarlly btalthy. aad
huslneasllke way. And Jasper aoucml.
She took bis WAH
d le both
Inflame my -urioalty^ aald
• called tartb
bair was very pretty aad
rr plump oaea.
a smite "Prwy proceed."
her appearance. No oM can oioeatly a
He had no
-Oor momeat." sb
>u< Botia-d
-I hare pUIn Ibcm,
A' '
> girl raised (be first slip
n. alibougb
a aomber of
ibU btf<
be was a slow ob­
derelred you, Jasper
_u (he __
• urs and psrofeoaurs
of phystoal sc
’• ’I find.’ ’• sbe read aDmd. -that my
server along these Uaes aad besides
a romaotic girl witb atraage ao
task U much almplee than I aatldI Ito you remember al tbe time of
pated Everything U
U done here In an the fire 1 commaadsd you to leave ibs -y Is being collacUd lo tend Uw child
Then be bena to dlctue.
to 8i. Petanbux ta order ibnt bar
be understood buralng o«eer
Wbea tbe girl banded bIm tbe Srwt ABC way that rou
•trvelout magneUc powers may ba
Her be looked It over carefullv.
....- duties.______ ___________
'SaiBlitad by Btadlcal nutbarlttasc^
"Vou spHI well." he said.
d the right
he discipline of tbe oOce force Jasper."
Thai It an accomptlshment I fortuldny be better
The factoiT U
Dt to mesdloB." said ibe girl. Bbe
esD aad Beat, and I doubt If there U
tdnp Coal fyeoNeegi)
Id pot smile at the aald It.
Blata^Asma vSt«r*Blato«“ihe tar
The Urgest map la (be world le tlsa
Take (be ant letier." saM Jaaper.
away girt yoo never taw. tbe girl tor
ems to be Readily IncrenHng. aad I
rdntnce taivry map of Itagland. UBHe kept her btiay for an boor.
------------ pteaaod tod slaved—mak
Irterslaad U Is fnlly doable wbal II
alolng ovor IM.eee stretaA aad enaiThere." be aald. 'I ibiak tbaf
beaaUfsl for bar.
mg Il.bOO.oeea year forW yeerA Tha
lean up Ibe lot. I am pleated mib
mr WTok. Mr. Ctegtsora did aot over.
iriai from U feat to WMtahth
teb to tbe mile. The fiauUe
are ao mlant* tbal gMga horiag i
• eternally open aad
scaia o' •» s—'— —------------------- ■
tlane to give siHsfactloc I think I ewa
roUar caan. tbu
■o ihaa you had
Iselatad Ires la Gie oountry. Tbs ptagg
Thank you." agld (be girl oa tbe
o egpeel. He U Iwei
r agt only
roN^- Then abe besltaird. *1 wwal
y tbe
tbe exact
exact th^
mee knka fifty The
. be perfectly fraaP with you. Mr.
Ordlaarfly one battaoas grows oat
- a youth f(w I
Gregg," tbe said. "Mr Oegboew bad gratefn] Uct^. ...
r aantbor. bat tbe eoffeeroaottac basiber Obieci ta view Iw seadtag me
panmeni of II aad am>
sass has come by accident. Before
•- She 9obe a little barriadly
day Of course resaha coaat He bat
te cItU war all coCeca came to tbr
bai takew a ktadiy laletwH la my
UmtarOle starkM grata eod every
welfare, aad eowld bare fontd me deoe waadera. Bwt b* bm km aU (be
eajoymeats of Uto.-oad I am aCiM tamBy reaaud lu ova aeCaa. eHhtr to
work la the elty. bwl he prcteied to
It MM the capacUy lor wMdig the atfitaMoaod cylta^ laMr ar
Rad me bare. He wealed me to give
— miermmtM. Pancmajly. ba la
Um aa Idea of (be way la wbbA yoa always caaruou aad f............................... bp Ihe ase <ff large pstai ptaeol ta bM
(be tone asd ceaffnt the • " «d u Ornaa to be
Bacalltaf the dayi whs* be raewivad bta eo«ee green at ibs wborf aad
Jatper smlb
— b grwea at Us atom, a
awed up (bee
to H alght. tlba a
laakam tar Bna.'- ^ imM
That ’s all "


Summer Reading
Good Books at remarkably low prices.
The Cornell Series for eveo’body. embracing over
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The authors of this series of books are a passport as
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A carefully teleoed series of charming stories for girls,
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Pubhshei's price 75c, ours...............................


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- y.n^

•top. tarnP^wTS^^TR



N. e. T. M. OAV.

• fhu Ite MeMn M

la tt«Mrw Oty U4 the ■

.. H. Bar.
. Taltort Baaaaa. Onat
I ioto B. McElwala. Oaaaral Ortoalaar
1 W. Storaua. Oraai Uaaiaaaat
■iuadar Cbarto
. ..atj CoaaanBdar
aor, BMcaoln OobbIUm UaBban
. Loaetaea.

aad ■- J. Mrtn; Onto Ladr Cobnaadto rraaeaa fc Bonu. Oraai UauAaaa HoKha.
h (to Itosaat unr atm Is aar etV teaaat OiOBaadrr
IB BCfttor. MkUcuL Tto UTUf» Oraat
loala B. Onraa.
mmu tod toto ««a sad* aad wn
aBeaOBBUr (Bntad (to. Tto (hnat- Onal Hadkal enBlaar laaMla Hou
OB. Onat Paat
4toMlto> topi aito* a«ar. tot Ua llailar. Onat Ptek« Ada Prtn, aad
mriBlMi an tto te to daaatad kr Oraat Dvatr OoBBatoar
vlraa to aararal to tto
..................... tnattod. Thay voaM
mat oaBp van atao la carrtacaa.
aimhal Rotorti' aldea trara at hdImn;
r. O- Bamaaa. Dr. J. W.
aa la (to aaator to paopla ton
GaaaUeu. C W. Aahtoa. AUaa SaUih.
atowd.tot It latoHarad that ti
n—T~^ la tot tao tnat aa aatlBaU.
Tto am ualaa to tasa ea tha 0. B.
« I. Mlaa eoato loada tma tto
'■ad toa (M tto aorth. aad troai
Herthpoal taor addlthwal onatoiai
Hra Hartaalta tna
toaagfet aatraa erowdad edaetoi
Ina tha aorth thlitaaa can pachad
vtth paopla. Tbia vaa tto lanaal
toacB tnia load aad tto cart war

a plarad bit b

l the Central aeboot groonda IbU
Mayor B J. FtoghOB. to tto addnea
I welooBa. apoka to a cordial manaar
to tto gnat ptoantn wbleb U aSordad
hiB aad Trarena Cby to waleoaa tto

Itaaa. It voaM to iBpeaalbl
■nrapapar to gtro a datalM aoeoaa'.
to aU that traaaplrad ban todar. tot
bAo to Mate that tto ^ baa baaa
a graat aaeeaaa aad local people Bade

Maceabaa gnaau.
Udy Oraai CoBBaadar Batna waa

lag tto torge anaben to Lady H
to Hkblgaa and tto graUDinc

Mu Km Hcmuw.xa
tKrmisipoelma(d«wniimt,<i( Lesiviwsiir. s>«j
knrde ms omU <t uteftae
•sesiLrdilEPil u’sVcte:

i^mm ■
Cbarlevto* ftolowed i
riry preliy (lemoaatnlioo to the var4.
oua form- wlifa a few varUtiuoa.
It waa late when tbe drill -elosad
and Iba Judge* gave ifaeir dtrlaka


wbleb wat In farur to (he work to the
radllUr team,
n-'nlailon. lime. tone. aUack. pfaraa
tug. emenble, wilo, lempo, aelertion.

The Brat part to Major Boynlon-a re- lendann- presenl and eonalderable
uarka were right oppntle to the pro- ihuslasm shown, and twenty aons
algn>-d Ibeir names to a p
ceding apeaken.
arary aBort to Baba It ph
to the alorr la aucb a way lhal be kept tloo sinnlfying Ibrir wlllingneas
Oa rMlan.
•paakar to bU darottca to tba Haeea- Ito ball in a roar to to^i.-r. He nl.l
lailon lure. I
niirly ib-re was an organlanilon to
Oraat Fartoa.
he would not flatter ihia rlly. aa II
baa lodge.
Halor Boyaloe lotd to bla eweatyLind b-r- but for the lack of la
Tto largtot aaBtor to
1 better than aoy other, there
>1 It cradHilly dl-d onl and
B^tBi orar la Um la Tmraraa CItr.
belter people here and perhapa not
Is to tx- made lo n-urganlce and
vlawto to the lanaal emnrd vhl^
good, that the young ladtea were no
etroager aad ciroeger ai lU toy- pietller than wtora be came from; be k<w.'p the organltatloD permanenUy.
baa rWtad Trarana aty la tol Ita
m tbe fan that (be eneam
btoary that, la brW. la tto alary to ally la teeled.
tmld not indulge in aeetlDeiit. be
be here neat yebr ataould give the
Oa Maoeatoe parade IbU MotalBg.
Band CantoaL
With dadga Lorla Bobarta. aarabi
Tto ernlog-a toritnm eloaed wlib movemeni an InMWIve that will maTto bead oontael. wbleb wal toU
to tto day, aad Ui aMaa to tto raa. oa tto Ceatnl acbool gronadi Ibie
lerUlly aid »•
few rernmea by Mr. J-riedririi. n
he m.-vllng l>r. K U Minor wn.
tto panda Borad down Fnat toraat
MB toltowtag tto formal ad- lecKoa b> tbe tiaarteita and a eloalng
toaB tto polat to (oaBaUaa <a Bodrdby tto orebaotra.
at. waa ao driayad by the pnr
Ma arma at }m ll:W a. b. Tto
rnlaare to tha erenlng waa Smltb tenii^n^ aeereiary. A rum
: naBbara to tto tarma] prograB
lowtag naae tto Kalkaaka BlUtary that It waa nearly 4 o’etoek tofon Iba given over lo dancing and a Urge mlllee eonsMIng of W. F. Aodenon.
baad. wboaa aarebtog drill, glraa aa lodgea wen Apaan aad the eoDlnt crowd enjoyed thla picwure.nnill well Artliur UoTM- and Henry Johnson was
thay ptoyad. anwaad arldaat adaaln- bagna. Then ware but three eeaieet' paai mldniriiL
np|»lnti-d to an with tbe ebainnan
ttoa aloag the aatln ttoe >
and seerciary to aollrU names and lo
CadUlae. Maatoo aad Pauatoy,
Tto gaaaU to boaor folloved. to- tba token to the atoraa banda to tto
eoniplele aoma of tbe amngementa.
dtodtag all to tto great caap aad gnat dly deriding to not paitlelpata.
vote li saa decide.1
Mra odbean who are to tto city. Tto coalari waa WHsaeaed by a artn
So to. lo
ganiti to tto Norttora Mtoblgia aalhaa SAW paraoet who Ulad tto
Bintollna od tto BMben to tto lo- acbool park In a aoUd seat al
' aal aaaeatlra eoBBlttae
rode with
OB atiaat le itraaC PraetkaJIy erery

moa who Uataaad to the addmaaa
r Ito graat easp aad hire oBcan
bIM piecaded tto eoatoet. real
r tto latter, and tbeir noBbar
igBaatad by bnndredi wbo caa
■a eeataat atone. Bacaon to (to
asall niunber to banda eslartog, (bare
BhIM. aad aaoh earrylac
waa a prUa to eatoi. three caah prtu*
batotag tto toBc to a etaia.'
to'tU. UO and t» raapeetlrely. being
CadUlac wna Brgt prtoa. Mantoo aaeDd. PatoAey third.
Tto ludget wen Tic C. PslBcr.
Tbea. precadad by tto Pel
'iarane Clly; Qaerge
MBd. eama tto BeBbare to Pel
Ktogcley. W. B. CaapbtoL Northport.
. MaL Hoato teal aad WUto Baaa hire
Al S:SO p. B.. an exampUAeatk
to CbattoToto wen aazt. aoteavaatod tto new Hlnal wa* giran by tto I
M a bato froB CbartaroU. Ito hire to Tnrarea Bay bire at tba aty
Beat baarlag gnat white baanan on Open Hoaac. At t p. a. ite buxlneai
tU eldea. Uaertbad. ‘IMAM Hacca- maeitag to the aiaoelatloa waa b
ban to Hlebtgan.- Thirty tee
to MotU Star |aat to But g
pnaedad by the Baat Jordaa
tdamia and Nartbam MicblgaB aareaaa to DiTtokB 4 aa# noBpw
a waa oaa to tha wazaett
leal aad Ura wan to Dlrlalaa
aad bardcal fought orar bold bare. It
look UoalaeB Ualaga le oatUa tba
band, with
game. TboBpaoBTUIa flaally wUUng
pnaont dog^ma^ i ItMoad lb tha out by a More to S to 4.
. band aattorB, b«pd tba nazt dlrtOvlag to tba prrianrr to other

I i
■ '


Tba ManfeVma baad and


■ to tto ebUdrea to
J) retUaaU drovn tbetr
a nrrlagaa aad aaiti to
IhM AIM* ware aola«wthi- for
tbair AfctbBa. aad tto prooBiei to
tha cMin^ modi to tha pa-

:^ba lAW loyal Maccabe.-^ -i
efty Ud yoa wekeme. Tou are ihrioa
wMooaa; bet ao wordt to Blae ara
aaeeBary that you aay baow tbto.
bopa It baa baea aad wtB ba daacBllgcban to CbdillBe tent ware ta a^nlad to yon to Bore wayn Ibaa i»e
you laavt our cKy. Wa wnat yea
•SjMa. Mlewad by Boato to which boU
Ctbataat dagnataaB aad aaaban to to leal whan you taara that jm i
like to ooma agato.. ^fctoDB hire to gay ccatoBaa loda.
TVauana Taato.
TrarecM Bay teat waa precadad by
Iba HMiek tMd. tba taat bartog Bay

Mn. Rachael A. May to Onal

baadfad aad

flfto Mva BoaU la t)

OmmrlrsK VmrCloml L.IFC Mowmr Is upacially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.
Don’t forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We haye received and sold about 6
carloadfthis api ing and summer.

Bot toiwb to tba ramlta. 1 <»»Cb‘ •
bad cold dgbtacB moBtba
BMatnmUnr. and tbU <sm<) UBm :
matiaa to ^ womb aad <»og«tad ,

« Barney JInderson «
ava adriaad a wa

____ wTlbSa
Mun Bwa Nona
aa 1 waa* —Miaa
Leatog410 B. Broadway.


donor and was laken borne by
tVh-elork- lU- was recoierlng nicely
frvini tvt>huld fever until Is-.l Tuesday
morning when he hnd a hemorrhage
of tbe l.rala and died lhai night Ikeesnivl would have been II years of
age Hie Ilnd to this muolh.
D.-*ide. bl. mother. Mrs. Tlllle
Wbeciork. he leaven three hrotben

___________ to re*ior- ,
P injr appetite, to giritic oew
P strtnetb to the tinaen. especial^
■o the nerres, tu actkei is that
d a medicine.



}»*rs ago.
Tbe ItuiiTal senriee waa hi-ld Suo
day at S o'cloek from the bom«- .rf tV
A. Wheeliwt. Ill Ea«t Ninth Mnn--.
and Ibe ».sl>. wa* told lo rest In Oal.
bouse of the Flrsl Bapll.t ctaiireh oOl
dated and II 4. Carter bad rbarwe td
tbe funeral


m '

imce are comfortable, attractive
and ploasanl a fM-ltog of cunflilenc* In
lOrk of the deiiUst Is al un.o fell
omres of Hr. C. U. Miller, nullK's Stale l.aiik bullcling. are very
fluely aiii-.ltil.-d and the donor Is'gls
lag I he l.e*i sort lee (hat skill and care


And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by tha
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of


Is Ibe new power Deezer Just In
• islli-d by J. W. Jackium. Ii* lYnni
Thai Is nbat wi- don't •«*•
What we do ne<-. leiWen-r. Js the coul
In.lIIng jiarlor. fe.lunne.1 and Imnkc-l
sllh palms, whi-re line may rent anJ
-njoy a dinh to their velvet-cream in
ranllla.-sirawberry, ehoetilatc or rher
ry flavotw. AU oHmt flavors made to
Phono ,ln when euti-namlng
during Mnn-nUv Wi-ek.


SoeretatT. M. O. Oraves. Pnoskey.
Treasurer. Robert Biker. Peuiakey.
Hr. Wlastoe Is Bayur to Petonkv.
Tbe eleetloa was enrrifd BBanlmou*ly.
Tbe toDowlag were etoeted 'vice
U to the-various a

Baaxle-Mra. Wm. Hogg. TbomnsmTOIs: B. B. Bawau. Lake Ann.




Removal Sale
1 will remove to the new brick building on State
St., opposite Brodhagen's barn about September
1st. Anything purchased before that time will be
literally discounted. We have a splendid stock of
everything in our’ line, but no matter what you
want, in

you will naturailv won le.- bow
n-sulis can t>- oUaleed. 7Eer I* .(fata: The work I* taken

no other at tbe Jobnsoe Dnig C<

Wagons, Buggies,

Farm Implements,

Tbe Petoshey driegattoa tbea re­
tired aad elected oBcers.

Pint viee prealdent A. L. Deuell.
Harbor Sgrtogs.
Scctmd vice peimldeaL Mrs. Carl
Crtolerd. Petoak^.


from original nltijsgt Instead of
MereotyiH-d photo*, beore the perfe.'
Tradliiun 'asserts ihai Si.
Luke was nut only a pbysirlan but an
artist as well. Evidenity be did nut
enlarge portraits. We do
Quite ao improv.meot over ibe oil.
Jusi so with brushes; hair hnishe*.
tnHh hru»h—. Be*h brusbe.
aUxit sonpf Ullte eream skin soap ir
mUd and kindly m eSeet. r- *lorlng tbe
ain to lu oripoal eondlHon. cleans
tog and lubricating - It at the
time. Wby? Beenuse it Is a fu
well aa a elronser. Ask for |i.


Traverse City Business College
Has no superior in preparioe for business.


wiiat i


or Tools of all descriptions will be sold at a discount
until September 1st. This is the opportunity of
your life to get anything you want in our tine at
the right price.

Mudutog >ml t

July *9. i»M.
C. R D«*ERAT. PrlDClgal Traverwe City Bnslaess CoU^e, CRy.
My Dear 8lr:—We bare employed several riudeau from your rtolege In diferem departmeau to our Mere, ato have fouad them weQ
trained nnd rnnaWe They easily ^pt tbemrelvea to oar eyctem to
buatoess. showing that tbeir training ha*, bmn bnad and Uberal.
When to need to bedp. we have aJwayu fouad yoa prepared to nead
eomrooe lo All tbe piare. torn* aavtag us (be troeUe « tryteg •roaral
apgueaata btooR getUag wbM we waaM.

Fred P. Boughey
Corner Cass and State Street.

Wlahlag you enattoaad gaeena, I beg la rrauto.
I BMfliAad

m EalgM Oawge L. Loeatoia to

A ttaflto Oto tt n
I Bag* BMMtoa ta ba a


will certify to the above facts :::::::::

■be perfect purlniitn to yoor friend*
at adorn tbe wall* of the popuUr
•tudlo of Smltn A Price. ralAn s’reet,

fcey beteg tbe oily noe It was enirie-1
with a whoop.

The following were reported aa to■een by the driegales:
Praaldeat. ft. M. RTnstoa. Peuskey.

(El-I- TMI


and tbrve sUters, Fred 'Wbeejock. who
liven near lAke Ann. Henha Ke<fl.
wife of,John R«-l. whn me* n-ar Mrs
\Vlie.-loek’s, Addiaon Wb.'-bs-k. Wb»
JI.ef In tomi: Lake lown-h.p. JulU.
John and Emma RTi.wliwk. wbo r.
.Id- wllb their motb-r. Tb- dsTea-se-l
ha. lx*-n working (or Mr MrCnrr>
Blaee May *. The father died slales-o

3;S0 p. u. the new ritual wa*
beanllfully ezempllfled by ladiea of
Traverse Bay hive at the Cliy '«g>cra
AU who-are loteresiol In the t
>. Tbe exemiillBcatinn wan r
menl and are eligible an- reqoiwied -o
cessed with pleasure by a large ni
MT lliai th-lr namen ar.- banded tn
ber of tprtoalnrs.
During Ihb evening Ibr baad c
orxsniiatido U lo help ibv vitersni In
certs drew n Urge crowd down lo
Tbe streets v-cre Jauaed with people their meeilBg* and lo lake tbeir pUcThat’s what, ilu- table napi»-ry does
listening to tbe aualc sod all aecnusl aa (ar an piwaible lo making arrange wbi-n It come* out or our laundry, Wc
40 bare a pleasant iIbf.
make a »iwrlaljy of flat work, froti^
By mUnlghl all tbe exennlnoinin the ardiioiin dutlen.
napkin* at half a rent earh lo Hu
bad left tbe city. A fes- minaed the
largi-nl to counlerpaii.-t, two for i
trains bat not Bsny. Tbe crowdn at
fluaner. Hotel work al Mill mure rea
Raimcnd P Wbeelurk. oepbcw of
the depot were so great that It wax a
tile rates,
h'amlly wanhliig* a
wonder that there weren't Biwc Blx- \V A. Wliwhwk to lil ESM Ninth
ccnti par pound. Save tbe worrj
•■net. died August 10 about dll u'ckiek w-thanglng a wsnberwuman even
ups than there were
afier aa llloew of a little over
■ek. and we ln» all The flat worl
Eaaevtivs Mcetlnp.
ibout <-atra charge, Wright llro*
President rricdrich op>-ned tbe weekn. His bone was wlih bin mother
ar Strom lAungry.
meeting by aaylog an address >rf wcl In Long lAke losrnsblp, alxMii eleven
come would be out to place, bul ar miles west of the city, nnd be

Hobs apeak louder (ha^worda. Tbo
executive cosmUlee ba^g iMa mat­
ter to charge had beea lelllng wbat
Ibe city expected to do and tbe vi*liOfi irere the Judges whether the eily
did tbe work well or no) "Tbe Mac­
cabees yreleomv yon an true, loyal
Hacrabees ami tbe way you have respooded goes to nbow that yoi
eraM, tto ipoata aad gaaaa a
true Maerabees.(tieeu ware oafMted.
Pottowtog Ibe president's ad
ftaaapUan Laat Eraatafl.
Tto leceptloB held Ua alghi la Tor- tbe roll call to oScers rimwed
OMeim ball to tto Oraat HIva oBoar* only a few to tbe riee presideoin
d rIallUg laaia taxed tto capacity
lowed, abt.wlng that Iwenty-aeieo
to tto hall aad waa a rary cojo
blven and twenlywevro teats bad pai-I
tbeir per capita tax. making tns deletblM that an taklag ptoce today. A. cnles mil Hied to senln.
The matlrr to (hr place of nesi
V. Frtodrteh. praridcat to tba Nortbwn
meettog was taken ap. to behalf to
MJehigaa Maceabaa aaooelalioa.
PMoskey Ho Clay E. CaU. ea-prasi-.
alfled to Ml natal atyU.
coliw aticney and candidate for
Judge to probate, nnld (bat he exteeded ao tovltattoe to Ihnl city proalaIng mnay altracttve fentnret. Peton-

aad ooam to tba maaibart to Ktogilay
^g»' ta carttogai wan aext aad then
mib thirty BOBbara to Pifa Laka
ML followed by tba OadlUae baad.
W to tba Mrgaat to ptoat to aMbar—rjk--------------- ------------- a. Naarlyata-

Bindorm, RASipaarB,
IVIow«rs, M»y RmMmm

. Naw Ritual Ea
vHflralfajo to Ibe DC

was glvn Uat <'venlng al X o'rioek
the- riiy op<Ta hoose b.-fore a v<
Ian- rnwd, This U the flni lime that
be Mno eoertneed hit hcaren that II . lliv new ritual baa been eeoa bore aad
It rrpulred n sorreier to make him »(
ae by Iba Pc
Ua Ix-at be received oae. lie paid a tuvkoy leal degnr taam. did tbe
gtowlng tribute to the women and in floe shape aad the way It was
their work and paid a few humoront ellrited many words of pnise from tba
•ea and lo Ua audience.
ImenI wUch won tba audience. He
Cbarievoia Wan Flrat
glad that Iba ladki were maaag
o’clock the degree lean
tni tbamtolvea aa hlraa and aaked the
i» held In the City open
and (Tiarli-iula won the flrst prtie uf
bow can wa eapeci to managa TO.oMr- tie. wlih Cadillac second, who neenn-d
AAdten to Onat Lady Cammandar.
price nf Sto.
Mre. Buna, ladr gnat comaander.
told to lUtaoIng with lotemit to tbe
SONS OF VETERAM8taJIca to walcomr and reapoen-s and
A mrelinK of aomc to the no
laid II did n« need worda to tell to tbe rcterana was held Uat week in Ci
wakome that waa being axlendad the
tbe iHirpcMc to perfccilng an
orgnnluiJon under the BUBe of Sons
Vnerana There wna n good
Addmt by Major Boyi

gatoi to tto order.

Tbi Boat vUeb eaaa b(
to tk» Jeatorea to tto parade. With
Maraatoe aoton to white, rad aad
Merit an arasad tbea rode nearly
aoM to Trareaae City cblldna. an to

IDilwaukee ^ Deeiing

«bU<- aad blark kaahn ud cairrlDC

illVarrat Sinirea «

'Farorila Pnacriptiaa'
aonen atraor. rich woom ecu. nrcrnl ao aobatitutr tor tto madidDa
which worta wooden to weak womea.
Dr. Piarca'a Canamo Senna Medical
Adrtor b •ant/nr oo receipt to Ji ooeceot aUniBi tor tto pepg-CMiarad book,
or JI
to tto cMb-touid. AdiMtn Or. ft. T. Pietce. Baflalo. H. V.
l. tto malt .

Itaa to BanA vbkA oaraad ti

We aiwaj-s carr>- a

to*ibf uXS '»<•''
to MT can of Laacontoa. Fa-


than atot alghi erovdad oan
thraa caarbaa aa tto Pterai

aaiaat to tto omrA
It baa baaa a gnat dap for tto Haeaabaas aad tto aaaMrou areata
pkaaad wan iatiwdaeed aa lebadala

Ladlaa’ DrW Ceatatt.

tto baada la liaa: KaikaBca. Charlanlx. Patoakar. Baal dor

Ito Aaa Artor Hto aeto ataraa i
aa «a tto H. A N. Bu Baking aa
tiM at Oaptolab vltb tto Praakidrt
Ob tto r^lar H. A N. B. —


to i The oaataat «aa totvaaa tto Cbaraaaire a*ar attaiMd. tto imfHBsn >to ; lavolx aad Cadillac laaBa. aad tto
Ka(aa<a “
---------- ^ Udka aa tk»r Barrbad lalo tto hall la
- "

Ttona Hot*

Kortkport. Cadillac. Meakk
Traaana CHI'. Naaar balora la ikla
Baar toadi toae gatharad togatber at oea tlBe. :
btoon la a panda glraa
ttoca toaa aaeb aa abaadaai

Ramsling and
mowing machinery

Mra. CalUe Thaakar. Tiviaraa Bar hira.
Anar tto rimtap to oScan iba
Baatlag adloar^



Both ’Phones 49.


bl-O WANX.

ml itaM
• nrr Iwi*
nt wnrka w»r*
ntlu Mr M4 Mn mad tkc »d«ta7MkMn.O. Uroxcf
I SmrUi amd attred Dmr «< Dc~


Barter aaac 4 itemalms aalMtlte.
Bka amM

tkar Mra aM a
Ifcaumrnim. Tbar ara Oodk ckDtete aad aadar
kii apa«al ekarca.
« tera 10 teUtktte Ika vorld
Aka aaoka at aaat laa«tk
ttaaaad laU kav (ktr men
tkaO atteaal koaM vklla Mara kaltea.
wkaa aka« la raan aad (kat
Itrad to a rite cOd ifa.
ABar tka alaaiBB of a hrM AUrte
Dar cd Datrote. tecnurr at the But.

PriaL She la «ter bever ta lb
ertfer ate ia ater 11 rearm old.
Tbe Orate Trvrene RaraH
raar-a aakacitpUao to tba talint

Soaptockaimtbeakteaf cmab
______________ Mtetahitont.

kaOtoTSiioKP of OmeURA
Pflk te cool ai^ tkaote tbe
A Hkffe Set. coftlar but Omc
Dollar, fa ohco
to om.

UM Traeam CMp UaHMaalata.
Par aau by aw Arat alaat dnppUU.



That the tearpes are exborUtaa'
ate la TleUtkn of the latmutc cobBBTce Uvs Is tbs text af the decliloa

d ho* to atadr tka Bible to
leaaos oat of It Hr. Ucpd
■ttoBa] npvuuea ate Ite talk

(kaick; Rer
m luabaaa of tbe Flrat Hetho-'
ekateh apefta al tka
I dbtech; Bar. T. P. Ollou id the
B «l Okrto apoka at tka Praabr.tarlteckarek: Bar. Ratfi Kaaaadr of
the Artavr B. B. eharte vaa to bare
teoka* at tka Bapdat tkank bat ha
Maaad AlOad Dv ta taka hk pteoai
Bar. Xtmm OaobUa of the Ceacrapatenek apaka la .the DtadpUa
; Bar. Bavr bdoKtaWr id the
a ekateh apaka at tbe Peeratreat ehanh. Bar. W. T.
aaaa at tka MpOat charek
• Mkaiaikt

In the Domestic Section

We are

This fact means some of the greatest bargains you ever

India Linons

Challit^ l>imiiics. Lawns, etc., wonh ,QQ
uTacturen|^cost. we are enabled to offer you

Y^d wide cheesecloth, worth 5c.

India Unoiu, worth 20c,


Or^ndi«, Uimities and fine Ginghams, wonh QQ


The more you know ^ut India Linons. the more you
will like these bargains.

Ladies’ Taiior-Ma Ho Ql

at less than half the
coat of making alone

ason’s best styles, in Blacks. Nav>^, Browns *Q diae
go on sale now at............................................ VOb^XV

Ladies’ Jackets, $3.95


SiS^ jackets, $1.95
A lot of ^rychoices^les, different colors and sizcB,
wbrth $S, $8.50 and $4, all new this season, 1 OK
to close at less than maker’s cost, choice.. Ab«7v
Children’s Jackets, worth $1.50 and $2,

Cravenette Rain Coats".LTSSW'9.50,13.50, $16.50SATiM*

iilsrOM 2SJ-57..S;

tatbe (ratt croveis ot Uleblpu than
aay oUwr te im«« yean. la tbe
Oraad Traveise trait belt mi veil as
tbe taore 'sontbere eomiUM of tbe
BUle. tkU camhlBBtloB bas acted u a

-----will be at----„A»a^n!itoitoc vdmd. Out tou BMt


From 7K» a. m. to 6:00 p. m.

TbkteHera of an tka loedi ebankea
. akaated palpiU Satear >-------- ; ate tedd aarTteea. Bar. B. K. Bed-

Steinberg Brot.’ adv. today gives you only an inkling of the hundrede of bargains in this great store.

ar7.js:i."s^... u....

vbea these charpet are applied la
tTaaflBrutfcB at peritbable (rriphl
BBCb latsB sbooM be pablUbte aad adherte Ui exactly as all other traBSpo^
taUoe ckarpes arc pabllsbed and obtecTsd.

hiB fivu to rot OB tbe aowte rather
Ib^B axpete hi* ivoflu for Idee la

determined lo dear out all summer goods this month.

rs orssts. Is tto lAtrta.
areschtsl Costovp.
■ - . sr V«.*.
VM.S. Ca.

earrytas nllrotet mboald be leaaUy
eonpeilte to fnnlBb Ice (or isfrlse-

ate lu ivoflU and tastaaoes are aM



fttaa CiTT. MBBoeui



tosuM MB

Hst« ros ton skh lor rosra sat IM roa

the (orawr Idap ebarpm aad ranplap
m» M to IH par eaal abore the
Ir ate of (kair beldtet ebarpea Bade br the Aj
paar Kaalf prior to lu eaetiialre coeIraeU.

vaa a Mr altaadakaa
. adteaaaaa bp Hia. 0. U
■ BhpaUard. Mim. Pa> laDnd ea *T>ri. taarr Otufunia to Prtaurr WorkapT ate Mhnnd tka talk apbrao-

Tpanaatl dalaa

ISO. Osr prtrso sr* tto to**w sr tor esrovlc

C. a. Bern, praatdaet af (ke <


Hat ateMpe cataM Cora. M aatea.

te »rlte «te k-’*- fate, ite



iMBlh aad uaar tblaa of letaraat
vara Btraa that vaa vail vortbr of
(or Ike out at Ictap and.
.Man tkeoBbt.
tUIl later; oader enHialrc
vltb the Anaoar companr exacted reHteiMka k)> Mav. CaeMh.
tnperator 4hi*ea preallr la
Bar. OBahUa apoka of tka «<

doaad vKh


tw B*e
rssrm Bbs ovb-4 « ssBUsrtBv s( test Cnr.
os nsrsvliv U. UCO. kU Mslurta BISS
BbivA tssi aruim IMmst BsUn: Bet ts
unratU Bssn to tos toatBi sssitor sst

rrss. wr AsnnM M
sUtos^ v^tospiul

ttedlr maatratad tka potBL *l»ee1* vhee Vakted and at reaeotiable
aad teV vara alio dlacaaat

Tka aaaakia

Hat tpHapi Mte BaWW jllalBiatl

velphed J7: pooBd*.
No oae called to elalB the prUea at
• tb^ Dailr Back. A. V. PHedrM's aboe
i. Deeda A Co, ctotklara.

tvslrt «C tBva n KsM -.f.------Men. vtlB

bsi toss dtoS tat srv tvs ytsrs. ssd ikw
to niBi u IBs Bsas sr aitsssr. ^ ^
faraau ba ChrtatUaa.
eaadUate for ibe aoBlattiiin bat vltb
Ba told at aoiM lasctk kov tka aaaad tbe flphi via betveea BnalikBcttr IB Ika kaaua bad ekaacte ikal btioapht br cvlahi (nilt proven
kaate ate how akUdreB.var
aad tkippan la the aomketa paK of
itotesMuM molssinsjte s 1^ 1m
tka hamm. Ha a«a aa adreeaU of the BUte apalaat tbe Amonr car llaee
•at tearlBc (ha rod U tka hmbu' aotka-Mleklpaa raUroade to coBpd
5sS*Sl‘.iBiJ}BV*v1ito to sss*^-^|tsS

-Auaataa" aad batedleUea br Bar. R.
B. nakupli at tka KraaMteal charek.

PrUta, Hat aprk^ Takleta. «L

heard of.


•tedar aeboel vorb. Ha aald t
vat hard vark vbara aS voctcr
Badkar. Ba bciaBr aaaodkoad

Ura. Carrie Happard id <td
NUlk aireu voa a pair of ploraa al
i J. W. blllllkee'a drr poote
> luTlBa the BBalleu baad. ati
Mra. Uadlll cd EHtvortb a
: Id kid ptore*


lupeetor. aad tU daephtan. Mra. W.
T. SBllk. Hra. H. C. Sialtli. Mn. B. &
SbIU). H. H. enno. Uia. H. CaaMd
I Ura. Harrer Cralae. AD tka ekUD were vllk his vkea be paaaed DO YOU WANT FVBB CON*
avar tbla Botalnp. He vaa ootr takn, AULTATION AMD CORKECT
erlaaair ID alxBt oae veek apo.
RU fuunl vlU be held Hoadar
fteteooB la Aeborr ebureb at f;».
If yvn arc poor joar tp_________
Bar. D. Coi
ii free. If too are diacounfed
Rer. Hupk Keaaedr. Ibe (oaeral araad-re can core 70a, we «m
raageaieeu vlU be
lor oar pay taitil poo are wd_
■loo or Uadertaker A
Cona and pee oa; tfaiiipymr
bpt diance.
We lire to do food, are boned
witli alL
Forte.^ yearc’ ca>
eaplto. Hick.. Anp. It.—After mat
free. lUi
aad toIr aa all-alpht aasiloB tbe repabilea
«IIOB or (be LeelaBao aad Baeale

Boatlai: Id tkli puee to Bocceed B.
teaatelteea. Ba atewd Ua r«rki
n. Reraoldt of BeacoeU ta tbe state
kr taHBat a( a wnkW wkkk
«a tfea tkeaBkt tkat ika ulcktiMi proLeeUnaob detepalloe at Bern atood
tete cf tfea iuteUatb eaatarr «u aot
l>r Baallaa oltboal chance (or tS balla tka laalalalara kal u tka eradU or
Ma aad OB the SStb (be Beaale coontr
tka CMatiaa kttea. Ahnc Ihit liar IMPOIITAKT TO FRUIT OROWCRP. delepallOB came orer to BubUbc Ib a
ka apeka of tka terttr ad Ika koatr aad
bodr. maklBK tbe aoBlnatloe luualBoua. Tbe Uat ballot vaa cbm at 2
«Kk aartklat vroac. tot
o'eloek tbb mornlap.
teter U ika-hoM be cUbb. aad Ike eonblob vlll r^Mee at tbe deeUloa of
Fred VUIaad of Fraakfort vat a

O. a BMt tbaa tednaaid tka aadBaaa ate ayiBally tkaabad tka aaoMtarr ate tka paatora of the oUr (or
Ika kalp tkar had pirai hla la the

Tbay awe »a atay aered mb tereala

veD kaowa ate Ushlr cataeBed. Bla
vtfe died toarteee raan apa.
Be learea one an. WSillaa. Ipabar I

a ma a« Itera 10 fNteh a aar
a «Mlad la taka a taat. Ska


* SSSSt!»im2‘i»BBTf51*l5S5S Rrcar«>m prta* el ■ rtmr'i amhacrl^
tioa lar beta* tbe

Be vaa Blfhl
HaBBth. Lar A Ca to
ate after U«r
hnber be
Blchtvatebmaa to the 1. K OrelODBpaar aad beu U aatfl hia
baalth (ailed aad he vaa ootatelM K
dire Bp tbe datlea tkat ba hte per
tovMd (or ao auar rear*. He vaa a
muted ate (allhful catplore ate vai

Wm. Bmrj MoKimtar « tto IWmadm
*Mk tw* tk* mertftan mad Bar.
Bwk Baumir e( tk« Amkwr M. K.
teA aOwat mjrnr- AaalaqaartM
of Or. O. A. Boulter. Barkart ate Laatar Walefe aM Dr. I.

U met <1 Onad

MsihevAtatBdw. OMoCthtm^ •
Horn MW el Trm*«nc Otf «M M ( •
* a. a. 8almr«ar mt tte ho

Vests at 18c
Ladles’ “sr Vests at 39c
Vests at 10c
at 85c
Men’s and Boys’Underwear, 19c
Men’s Dnion Suits ’22‘3 $o“at L95
Ladies’ Dnion Suits, 39c

All the desirable styles, high or low reck, long or

at 50c, now at aOc.

Choice Balbriggan Underwear, our regular 25c and
S5c grades, all go on sale at l»c.

d tag cot frota oet already lov prioea. Note the fev foUovii^

Men’s Fine Wool Dsdovear "23’’, !,"’ a ?5c

Is There a Man Around Your Place?
If so. remind him that i

selling Clothing, Fanis, Furnishings, etc., in many cases at half their worth.

A Choice Lot of Suits

$10. $12 a.O 4.06


Men’s Fine Pants Another Lot of Pants

From suits that were $12. $15 and i
and a good assortment
$18, and from our r^ular pants Good1 styles
of 1___
sires. worth,^$2.a,
stock worth $4 and ». g
S2.50 and $3. choice a

Hare to UB1.


Ibwe X wai atrlekra Xtb paralpato
at biM o'atoafc Satentor avcatog
X axax to braaix. II wa. al 1:18
tbto BoralBS that X gare a alight
gaap. aad Ibae Ua AXtooa daagbton
fcaewtXAdwaaaiXad. J. T. Haaaad ofim baton aah waa called XI Wa
bl(>to«a ^pt th. Nate
. Hoaorad br etectkio to tba

paepte eallad bla to tba blcbcM atdoe to tba gut of the eaaaaatir
Unaa aad alwar* hto boaon
boraa sodtotJr and bto duUn partonead fltb a riaw w beat aarre tboaa
be repreaaatod.
Tba lUa <d Parry li

fW IIU cf P«T7 HubA haa 1;
itk* M«pa. fur taK a onuaj
Tcmna av aad lb* Oi«b4 tnr.
ti0OB. TovB aa4 eonlrr Ar*.
c<Uachu>c•RilNIW «*'!>■—NNbRA —
4i 4e to abMtof ito Mtoto* ot
Hlftt MctlN cf (ba auu, aad toa
•mrtfe <t MtliVtoton MHUcaB to
'■4m. to toria toavon. to tta ii*
tmi mn toatboda «Qfl|itii br Mr. Buitob to tba oBatoitojto Mi
«b> aarir daja. vbaa a

aU saa Might aaetoto. TrararaeCttr
oiraa htoi Hoah. Ha <a»a to ihto ksoalltr whea a rarr roaag Haa _
troai a wUderaoto ha prodoced a boao

tba psUparltr of bto towatmm
tba buUdtof of tonaa b; the iraa wbo
bare toe ram bees a»ee»atd«
Urn to varleof wart, toaar wboae
e«MBl atoll la ilia tbap
Ha UrX to aae dar^oped a
B«ptr That to raeagatiad u dm <t
iba Boal iwaaalrt to the ptota, aad
to Ito buiMMg ba fonX tba awat
••• paiL Ba waa Msato
to bto aodaaror to beaXl hto
s dtr. bat hto todaeaea eoaotod
for BBch to lu derelopBeal. Hi
coararratira to a daigraa Ad bto toreaeabM hla loaaUiDaa'to
laXantloa vfaara Bora ndleal
a aX ava a( htotoaU. Ha kmw
•mn Btraeftb. Ha baav tbi

X BKalia. aX Iba TBit b»
'milllfr----------------- HabeUarad
Otoltoa »aa wbe «M aet booaat Md toleraato *bleb ba dIraeiX stoX
inapt to bto ladulry. totegritr
Ma to bto easTteUaBB, aaoU mt

It war e eelal. paaoafal death. Jen
M Hr. BAaah Xd oflae eipraaaX
dealer that hU X aboaM X Thera
waa abeolataly x hope after the iiara
into atfokc Satardar eight- It war
alnplr a qaeattoe of a abort Haw wbeo
death aXald elaln X
HX Mr. HAtstb llrX Util the
Ued o( Xplrmbrr br
bare to yeara of agr. FB
hr hX blBaatr rraltoX'tii
work waa oearty orrr aX br hX tol.l
hli fanny that hr wu rrXr i" X
He bX IlrX bto life aX Mt that hto
dara could eos X nxr mora. The
red canr joat x br would Xrr bad
It bX he twA pamltlX to dreidr

s ktod and ksala« aplilt.
las artopalbr. tba taedar
: Hto ova Rsr ocban that taawsad hto We.
wrtlar. who doM
I iptAd (bli aa a raaatoa ad tba Ufa
B MP. Baabto .to whai ba aaaoaMU W aa tba pataoMl trIbeta af
■SUmU ha»aad ato toaad ht. ba' -toto itoaew to do ae. baa*
br toore Ibaa foiV f«an.
to a aatorwhat eoXd«ttol po-


nciX by W. W. Snith. i
tbr flAr
Co aed IX Xi
be nXa by W.

toatoa, awd toBBT to
• toadaUaoUar.b

■Kb totareato to tba towa u hto axyaUpoa mt ftotorad

bdto to btotofa botod be a Uattoc
to. Hto esilisllihiafa to the tetora to
tba towB aX eoBBtrr warn atittos. aad
that U *M to* totoptoeX to abaedaathrtbatoWtbaadpwiapaHtr
A taid wetkar MKoalf, ha i
M wvfc to othara.' Bto patieaea
_aa« waattod to tba aceeapUahMtattobdealiwdeWact. Bto Mwsr
s tbtof waa to ba
dwa ba laalad aot aatll U waa dear.
to do the Iwpoaalbto.
ararr bu woaU do
jbato. Bto Ufa waa I.
sn of atolra aadearv.
tool 1
hto toix


iba-toUtta c
^ A Mr. *•

faan. to hto aetaal
to tba arafT-dar batoaeH «( M Wwa. haowlac that at aar
Mto Me adnea aad eeaaaal ooaM te

latlue X what baa Xcume as
o ISM IX as

WA found to X iooaoveatoal.
Ad to HUS Mr. lUoAb took charge X
Trarerae City Xatoeni, aX Ur.
Lay that to Chicago. Thb anangebA cooUnaX to the prenat
line, a periX X U yean. In ISU the
WA token from the village ptoi
a BettlcBaai ek-ared. when the
oBpkquB X the HannA. Lay A

tartar. Locally Hr. HaanA Xg

FrX Inhaine at Bowen Haibar, X
DnUy nXmee retmX toat turaX to their hone today.
Un. i. C Roudnsea Ad Ura. Hexy
Urayi-ite. asm Kay Ad AiXKar

Pelertyl. pamli II.Z»0.

caatral Bgare to XbUc again I
nal naay ywara. WXe Ue Brsi
illace orgAlrtUoa wa aCertX to
ISl X WA alenx Ha Bret preaMeat. ,
Ihr total Toti
IggJ. ISSa aX '

irae, parceiB, ere. i. town 2S. rangi

ItSt, and when IX eHy '
CtoXr W. fiunen Ad wife to J«
Ul*i be I sa boaorX by j«,e B.
■ Hanley. xr*vl. Trarerae City
eleclioo A 111 Brat m Of. Aw abort ll.«W.
» yeara he wa a
a-U fert lot It, b
artsoOl board, to ato
irt. H, U * Co- a 5lb Xd.
Aaln bU Xrice eX coanaal Are
TboDtoa Worn aX wile to Jc
often X«'o ruuibi. Ad aeTeral tinea Koeble. nwS, X nwU. aee. lo. town
he eoeld Xve beee enreraar X Mich- range II; gljx.
N. Dowi-n and wile lu Itonl HI
IgA hX X coeaeetod to allow hla
parrel. StW.
aane to A before the people. Be wa
Uennta lltllAa) to Hargan't J- I'
blAly reapecix by Btoa X -Xalra Aay. kH 13, block 13. I'Ve Lake.
Jay J. BrownaoD Ad wUe to V'alen
tbroogbout the atote. aX tX aane X
Perry HAUh waa ayaeaynoua Mhh Une Unden. parrel In Klngaley: .$»•>.
the hlgpMi degree X hoocaty. IMeg. * Haitlo A. CoUy.r lo Ihmnu UlllaXr. krt 13. block 13. me Lake; $300.
riiy Ad reltoblllty.
b-rila Schrader to WllXlm XhfXer.
I Baoetartoe X tX Hamah RHtoa.
paicel, H. U 4 Co.'a $Ih Xd; tl.SOO.
HAeats 4 1*> r.. to Lloyd U
•R-blle a vaal SUBber X people a
1 Smith, lola ;d>. bhrk 2. II.. I. 4 Uo.’a
Boure Ike doaib X Hr. HabA. ne
' Mth Xd;*g3«>.
will b> more grierx ihA ibe n«
Kloyd U Smith to PrAcla.T. OllUa.
Xn X Ibe HadA Rlllea Thla n
Ilou T-g. block 2. II.. U * CcL'a Hlh
iXd; gggO.
pAy WA orgAltX le ll»t A a
; r. O. Pratl
dependAt milUaiy eanpasy. Ad e
eaalaix by a geoeroda cssnnrlbutl


ereelA from a two wnAa* vlalt wtib
HlA BUsel SnwrthwaX at RX Park
Mlaa SiXIa Palmer west te RX Park
yeatentoy to vbll Miu Samrtbwalie
Mra A. C CXby Ad aon Heeo atml
yeXentoy at Oackenta
Dr. aX Mra a H Mllkf
MAlilee ynotevday. The dssrtur re
■ uniX toll eveahig bnl
will renrta tx asme lime.
HX Kather lUadall X Oslrtgn. aX
bA been MX Helen Ssoul'a
went to ChAlevoli yeaierda) to


frsjoi Ur i^AMto. TX eoopAy wa | ur<^
,UM-k F. H., U »
abX to hla bmx. Ad to lg»S wXn Co'a TIh Xd; gaM.
war wa draured between the I""'H “InT .x"g-So^'
Stole, and Spain. Usu cotopan, vXa- j
I’JmXr rl" toll'ton'to R
leered aX «a tokn Into the V. 8.:i.yoo, lol ». AhgoA Keaon: glMi
aavTlce u CompAy M. 34tb UIrtilgA' Annie A. Slaavll to H. E Hill, parrel

HaeaA haa brra axi ibUBalrly e>WA a mUr log bulldleg. ISaU
aoctolX. II. C. Daria, nr oC 1
to rite, siiiulX nearly upporlie wben
rertort X the Travrrai- Cliy
Ihs U. A N. E depul nuw ttonda. Ad
bAk: W. O. Holden, maaotn »I tb.i-nr «Xi to laie yeara wa fcAwo A
Park PUce hxp)'Montagx.
■e PaagXni honre. ibe old Xarding
tary Ad gaaera} Bauger X the Haa>ue wblrb WA torn dow^n a tew
Ab A lay Mercantile Cn.; C O. SX^
eara ago.
wox. Hr. HABA-a private aerreUry
The PIrX Mara in Travaree City.
Su OxlAd, aaalatont carlilcr X tbc
This buildtoi; wa etenliiall) to8tolc llAk.and B.P. Wllhrloi, (urmei
rreaaed la i-ir.s‘. ud will X rvmen

j| ja, blork SS, Inierlortaen: gi::..

I,, Manlatce

i:pisn lbi. ail.' of tiss- mill now onoX non. name A , wife X J. F. Keeney Xj
tsy Jno g'. nil A (’.I. This mill waa
lilsSil IKfP. When It naa Mtii^ly
W llaXner r
retsiilli All auppllX alih all Ihr lainil wife of
apoll.. MInr.
Mr Hannah hA token ArXnal
prish' In ilu' grnmih and developms
Trm«sT».' CUy. Iiui X> ben vs
n-iicesi and tnisds-isi regarshtsi: hie u

In nattera X pibllc bobai the Xtoa pad coneel X Parry Hahnah
rere ofira Brat aoupt. aX bto lodgeeat Xwayi reapeclX. Fhw peblle

r monenta aftn the AnounrcaK-nl for Ihv compAy. ortglAlly
coating aXut gKJKV) Xter on uiber
hto draib wbn from alnwri
Oagiuff In the city the nitlraal colon veaaela were 'arquirX, among tbem
fleaUng at XU mut. Xior In the IliiK' airaru.-r ClarIXI. which wa
the day tX XlldIng X Ihr liAcab L pul into cunimla.ion In Ih78. and laier
<.n the Btramere CUy X Grand Raplda
Uky UncAUIe Co. vat draped
and F. S..FAton.

Whne rrerybody wa capertleg the
The Aral ttram craft ownX wa Ue
death X Hr. tUaisA the drflaltc
projK'llor Alleghany. Xught In Iggo
iDsatXl hr had paaard away were
ran'until the done of IS70. The
celrX with proroimd-gTlor thrvugXul
m.T CUy of Traverae look Ue
tX Xly and cvnatAt ralto bX
. ..r X Ihe AllegbAj In 1171. Thta
wa built In Clevetond eaHannA’a condlllm. It

' Xt iXt £e XTtea X Ur.
HabA waa Brat aAX.'U«
0 Morra X the HorcAlllr Cu.
imblr Xrr MkX hto Xrioe
will XI X rkseod on ThurXay and tX
wUb Uit
Stole Xnk will U- rluM-d
oftM qelelly gtarn.
ThurXay fortX remainder X the day.
Xlw a imbllc InrUIXlA the law
adnraHy beM for Mn tx bl<h- qolrea Xnka lo X open al leaal a i
eat rXpret Ad eatewra Ad bto
X all daya egcepl BuaXx i
<wy win X cXrtobX by hndrXa boHdart. but ai aUtX. the Xisk will
wboae Urea Xrr here arovi
X ekieX X noon.
to IX growth X Ola chy.
Xcteh X a LUe X t
he name ■>(. IlAorable Perry Kar.nut llrtog Ad taithfnl e
will X Btoard. aX the Ape X Perry xb bu been rynonymnot
UrAd lkaTMe tagkto Ad Xtb TneHabA wUI X apoken la
OHy.wXre Mr HabA haa
Mlchlgn tor
X tX denlnani forcca to
tagrlty Ad nceear galaX by IXu- grounh aX development
Cliy Ad tX eurvonadlng region,
try Ad boaect parpoeea Xwaya



To tX older reaUanta. early pio

bon HiAle eOAty. Pa_ 8eK

neetJeX aX the notXr X Pe
vanla. both batog vemXely X SeruA
dearawt They were fariaera. aX ot
death X tX Bother to IBR tX far cane to Pen Hortw aX after-da aaevX to St. Clair. wX
I to IKS. The Bon remained to

women will teX their toar heealy. real
totog that bXon ksag Uieto life
deaa. tao. neat X told down aX i

adta Ad aoatha Ko br tba taa
Ha. Peep tti^aA i» dex.
» More aad More baaWr Wt
an nd Mata wn Tranraa atr TX md tmam ox *:» e-Xock Tonday
naralag. aX waa BnrkX
pa to haww what bfr. Baaaab wi
^ lam. aad what ba did ter It. patoc peaeXaL paaatag away. «
eailr KtiXat aaJtariag ee pain X pay
-lad.Br IM aUe wan bit dAgbton. Hto.

*u AgagX

Ftum hto Itib to hto

tradelB Jk>rj HnroB. to IHC be weat
to Chicago. Ad waa le Ibeinmber bur
toiiM Ibxc tor ABC four ynrr. wbee

t|s>«k a' She IRielpIra rhurcl.

tbrouA IX aM X hto Uses employer
iacob XldX. X became eeitlar partnx to IX Br nX HAnah. Uy * Co.
«^tog X_bXw«. A. T. Xy ax
fca. MbrgiK. Xwrfakds W*. HotgA

, ,

•* 's'™' nwalba b
sl.uuJrirh •

■taU moralM
Mr Johnaon fiA a va !
hi. .•'iil.'« Ad ulH apenil'**'
,t.»fug Olfferetil iniraB.
u In a touiis h
Knim Tii.-«.ta>'« Reeor.!,
I Alb . Wall left IXa< o

Olben in lbs Oly

week.- lirli In U-.Ue an\|'‘Jack


. Ad Hn. C. A. Ilammuiid and
Dlneman w.-ni t.. Ie-la.,.d lUlmoraine for n we.'!,-. ..uilns.-

aeiic. LEWIS


SaX/. Augual.
Traveres' fll) al
Tralai a
l«wler> III a'k Bl

SunU'oriwt at C
F. Moeller. 0. I*.

For a limited time


Corset Covers,
We have Jurt raoelved a niek

Be« GrannUlcJ ^Sg^ 1>vt
Baird Salt.... / ^Chanel


Santa Claus. A






en Ladle*' Mercerixed Btoeh

e mlA tXw XrgalAt li

226 E. Front St.
TrnirsR City, Mich.

•r X northern Utchigtls.
Werid-a Fak. 8L Letiia.
RoAd trip tlckeU ai low rate
_ at all Uckel ttotlona. .
The family X Ibe tote Perry ItonAh i torrateai
It X tickeu and fall parate reeelved xny meaaagea of eon- ticniara.
dolence from friend. X Mr liAatb In
•onniry. Many
.n of Partnerahip.
regarded a. private and tbear (hi- tans
>1 rare Isi Xve pulsllahed. XI vIsaX Fvusk and namu.'! Frank. Ivvai'eswr
mid CharX


Trlbute.XA. Tracy Lay.
Chicago. IIU Au|L l€
J T. llaoMh: Much aytnpaUr tor mr*< In DrM ntam na.uu<in A Iwrimiis sr
uk-TMun." HJ Mercu. TrBtmrUty
nu. your alaiera and frieDd*. to me a
real l«a> of a life lung friend, hual
eaa aAoelate Ad eumpAli.n <g fony.ur yearv. HIb plaee In th*' com
lunlly where he bA liv.d «s long
111 br mlaaed. To aever a Xalsear
awM-iallun of an niAj yvA« l< very
ard III vip.'riencA Tracy iV

but we want more, so don'i ror,{et to sen what we have
that vou nueii. \Vc have niorc than w<^ can mcoiion in
this ad so we only call your auention to

Fruit Jars and Jelly Cups
Preserve Kettles,
Plates. Cups and Saucers.

A Help te Cengreraman Swsrth.
Grand Raplda, Mlcb.. Auguai H


aciUlils-a X life rae of ibe nXleal
men nf our eommonwralib
character, ttrong Ad Inieresllng
aonaUiy. greet l.urinewa abllKy and
d.ep iDi.'rxi In piibllr aflatr. mXe

A. V Priedrirh: Conv.-y perwocally
in Ibe betrated family X P.*riy Has
WA Asnher outgrowth X uie effovto
X thla firm. Tbla ciBspAy iranssarta aab. deeraa.-d, ns; aympaiby over the
a bAloe*. X mure Ua girts.Ooo a- great lx» iXy have Butulned. An
nsmlly. and la eapltollted at gyovjKSO. hoooeed and upright eltlaen X U alaie Ad an old frlrad bA pi-ed
At preaent tX lisiereata X Ue
_____ _ji*»y'
“«*" hrapltal'v an.: h -.
<H'P«‘f»X -HI ever n-m.h. a

Place XU'L a large nmi .-p

N. 8 te.rnstoi

men* boUdlag to CUragD, valued u
•Xn Urec BlUiOB doltora. aad oUev
ChiotCD prap.Tly. Ue Haaaab £ Lay
McrcAtX Co. Ad IX Trajprte CUy
Stole bAk.

Paaa/.ena. Ci
IT Hannah
tl branfrit

W’li yiuarantiN: thu.e lo b': ixirffect at honest pricca.

Giwat CumtaAder K (1 T M M
From Wm. Herqan In-Cairfernt*.



a, brtoi ed paruer.
Hen. Jetoi W. Rledsett
Tork HAbor. kXlne. Aug. Ifi.
JbUa T Ilaoaah: My .Incere .noAlby 10 yAr nlatera and youraeX I
rrgret tXt dUtaace prevrau my pay­
ing toll triXte to yoar e.i.iiBd
J. W. BXtgrtL
Ashley a CartM aad wtf* to Foaier
KnprtrMS. mu g»^. Oak Helgkts;

WlHtoB a Bunard aad wife .to Bale
A. Sarth.
X ew% aad •«a X







William Morgan.

IneepUcsa. Ad hA been IX gqldlng
spirit X their DiertSceol tsKCWB
.’ram Uelr begtontog. Mr. Hoaaeh
hA beea larcrty le.tntBeKal to dfr
■ elopiBg Ue ,m>mh X Traverae Cl,y
X hiB peranaal Hfona. graerant abtrfbetlDBa aad coDeervatlve JndgMl
-weXaelloae Xve hex saay. Mt
araiientufcsA Uat al Uoket tew



Repaeded Hlpkly X Great Coowwaitoar

MX year Perry HAnA waa le ih.
.tonploy X John WXU to the dry goods.



filghi aed bAurnsn night. Ad «i

aiate Ad greatly end.-arod him so the
Hla frlendabip anil' ckaRspIv
WA organlr.-d, with gloss,0.V eapilal,
have Uum nsoai Umpiring and h.-lpful
and In 1M3 UU capital wA'inrrraaeJ
to me. Mra. Smith JoIa me In atisrerr
to RM.SP0. Ad Ur preaeei elegAI
Trarerae Slate RAk bulUIncr erected aympBihy.
imitoin Aides Srnlih
to give Ue bAk larger aad

ahieb'owna the Sour mill. 1

T. C.

lake .pAl in tbs' Snn.lA iwl....l,1 \SiS’ilT*'
II t'harleroiv for a vlaH.
oiov.-nlloii to X h- ld here Aeg. 1*.
P (l...!ri. h hA gisn'' to laMilaime.
Noble Johuwn an.l nujlbx. Mra. I
1. BckeXI went l« bull Me. UtH'' j _

n to tX Serth aX Sarth-;

TX KAnah £ 1^ Hertaaille Co-

ilAiiah. tX father a native X
ly X tXee p
loag yeara tide
by aide with bX. a to apoA. Ad the
happleaea Ad proaprrUy X each Xre
beea the totBceeto X alL DouX by
Uta which only bardahlp Ad long ti

Tin' sawmill Ad lumXrtog iDtereett
sif Ue company wen- mM io John Tor­
rent X Muakegon In lgl(7, Ad the
rvupany r.iBnned Ua etorla to Ue
Xnking and
merranlUe Xatoeaa.
which ba. gradually
raenae propsirilnu. The HaoA 4
Lay Co. eaiabllahed ibU bulneta evly
ID ibelr hliiory. Ad iranaacied the en
lire bAkitsg burines- X Uli newUon.
In liar Ue Traverae' CUy SiUe tiAk

----Ml. OlVsens* V

boae X her Arenla. Itorker Overt.
i«raf.w«v uuyd X EvArtx. Ill I '";*;

1 way, eecond-clau ilekela
kt all atalkma oo Sral Ad tl

ownX by the romAny Xing ihv brig
J. V. ScaiBiBA, eviminally wreekX
HAitou lalAda
Xior Ue
I> given til puhllah ton*
eumAby ecqulrX Ue Ahooeer Trtcs Diee In public
graph. both veeseia Xleg engagX In
toniber irXe Xiween thia place
and Chicago. Xier on the compAy HAoah in ibe pAt
■he tteamer Sao} Side, which
nonhern pswtlon X Ue
opcraled for four AgaoA A.1 alao from
finally wrerkX In IhCT at Pine River.

trmaarer X the HerCAtlle Co.
cenlly rellred.

Xpbla. TeiarnX

lA diure. 1. toklna her v«-lXs .1 .he


lerli'.l I

aX Xppat Adeapor. Of erXItoble Inpnlaea. bla M
ood.wan BAy. bit hto oxb
glrlA otlM Ahaewa. Pablle apIrilX
aX paaixle. X Boopt'to do th
which wobU beal.beaXl bto boo
d9/4x atau. bX W-hto wtiMh I
m* totkh fx Use lallaf of bla teUo
am aX Uw opXUdtoc et tbto I

J. H. OVoaex. wiieaX dAAter X

s Ooiena

(,sr a wra-k'n vlall nlih Mra. Ih-n|*re». ! j, g y
MX Kaiberine IMekeray. lemk |
keeper .1 J, W Slater'. Is-.lhe furoU!

aldm..|l 4 IsoudA aa a carriage

VeoMla Operated by tX CompanyThe prXurti X the company were
ablppX by veaael, Ue Aral veaacl


hire UA.e Ad MX OAne ra«

brxhera. O. P. Ad F. W. Carver
Velgter X Grand Rap
H* >* BX Grace Poborel a gueaL
Mr Ad Mra. inlng Clark. Mra.
Addia CUrk and Ura. U. E. RoXrUon
X KalkAka an- > lalllg Mr. Ad Mr>
O. O. Siroog of .-.IM South I’nlon .m,'s

abop waa xe X the fine alonw X the tiderabl.. area on I'nlon alnwl Ad Ihe '
usniiaB}. A were alsso Ue old ware river Xnk. wbleb Ur city accei.iX ;
hDUf.-s which have been lAdmarX.
near Ibe above at IX fool X Unkm
marriage lo Ultt Ada Flint wX dIX i
In. ISM aiisslbpr Mwmlll wa hulli in ms. leaving two Angblrn Ad a I

a BourtoR mill, for whkb
|.uriN".e II waa uaX nnli
preaenl pilemlre
II mill, lo
IX year lgS».

I vUiilisg le Ur city,


Urn. C. L Rugerr ami ilasigpier IasIsi
Nor.l. lonaevly X X Owoeao rrluraX home ihia niorn
been ivquIrX Ur. ItoaeX'i xrae
would bare beea openX wide for the tbbs rtly.
Ing afliw vl.llieg rHallv.y. In th" ri<y
beot'Bi or IX Xyt whom he lovX aX ,
H..a O, Caicf. a pronin-nl buali
reapeclX. After IX rclurn'X Ihejnan ot AnA>“. IX.. Ad ramlly,
company from the wa ihe ledepend- vlalllng to the cit) with Ur. Carv.-r'-

aed iseiit lumXr manufarturlng ma
rhinery. TliH mill prXucX f« niA.i
•« aUsul
feel of plus'
haXnuuJ lumXr Anully

Ibis. Awnlng fx a vlall with brt«M^ _L>s>d rtavidaoii X Sunadt aqr.lg

Mr. an.l Mra T M IIaI.ii aX .^..s
From L'riday'a RensX
Mn. F. W. Johnaon of Elkhart. Ind., Ral|di ItAim went to la-tond ililU rlaittog ber parenia. Hr. Ad Hn. morning lu a|iend a f.-w da.».«

dliloii I

enl eompAy wa reorgAlaX and atlll
dsswTs lu give place lo the etc- eaUto. Xartog the une name. In bonnew tsank bBildlng. conifletX or ot UeIr benefartx.
Mr. Hannah bA given much to aid
iblss aprlng. In 1U» more coDmXlMt
public esierprtoea. and bit XI gift X
X Use gronili iif bualoeat X Ue a public cXrAler k-A Ue property
company The Isclldlng now ocruplX upon which Ue ransegle library i.


lUd are eamplA as Cans toka.
lire. ABilI Nerllngcr weisl to Haa- <>A tola BMvalag <e atund a mddlnx.
Miw. Dave fta weol to OMHuria

Arthur Oagn.. wlA and d.«htor


Snsi rtore uccnpled by iX eon

R to ctraa a mb to tool
!«M baal aad Mato there to to a toMt
to ktotw aoMaihtos ot tba toto ad awA A aaaotdaitoa to

toraatlgatleg tX Innbat
re to Ibto arrtkm. After tbto tovraiigaUX. Hr. HapA. Xib bto raeoAtoad fotvaigbi aX kaaaaeM.
woedtftul poaalbllttlea fx wealth Ad
luatrlal drreloptoAl to tX OeaX
Tiarerx rrcloa. aX X bought
CapL BoasrdnA the old nlll A the
creek to the weatera part of wXt
new Trarcrar City, ugethx with aona
»M> aert-a X toad. tX' atlpeUlX prtea
Xing >SAOO. With tbto bsilBaaa Use
Bm X HAUb. Lay A Co. told

Ur. Ad Mrs. «. H. KrtAum X
GraX Raplda wX bare hem AAdwlth Ur. Ad m.

The pall breren hare been arlamnl

i atob a tto aa ibto to btekea br
, the baaft to aOrtad to Ita rarr
a. A btoiflm, aaOra battoaaa

IT a toaa. aitwaaafifl la
to a laatoiii war. mw ih
MMli the ttoalr aaatot
tfrif Uto wtoab ■


.utlana wa dlrldX Xiwa
HaAA aX Ur. Lay. each renaUtog
Mr. Ileanah bX oftre eipmaX the
Xa BoniX Ad tba changlA
lab that tala faeoral
plncer with tX other, wX bX charge
Ad Xtboai dtoiday.
L- coBipAy'i Xssleeaa In Cbicagu.
will X carrlX out.
where the lumber wa BarkxX
The foerral pll taka place from the the IsualBou gnw to nagaltudi

kaxr aad totatrUr. ba axpaoad arerj
w Xtbtohoto bahad daal
Aato aaaadlU. or aaptoraa. to appto
■m hto m taaatoaaa, m- dattoa, tba
Mm at 4-dBat ha hto
If mialA to tba hard
m aacb boor
sat. anrrdajr work. Ad.
al toolatha to as atosott

la tX apriag of Uil Mr. Ba
me to Trarerae. CUr. x lathM tX
pot apoto'wfalA Tiarecae CUy la wow
BiU. Ba cane ban to tX Wtlc
Hwera Veeoa. a erXI cf aboM M
uaa bardao. HafOAd ben Mr.Biaaee
o bX aaubltobX a nwBin. aX with bX waa Mr. Wltdiar.



*TMK OkO S«Bk4iih»t.K




VUboot wains Uw Utnsl n
a tta« hill lato hli dwalUasJoM Uae to sM OB the tnoT <
vatar nahad In. Tba vatar

Tba Ifleu^ Staid Coaaaar
B. tknsbart7 of AatriB «aa aa- BBantietiirtBC a para am food. ■ _
laeud ehalraian aad J. U. narrla ot estlretp trom com. aad hava a soaiaalaad aaalrtla of
Cbartaroin u aaeraUirM par eaiM. Pfotain.
Tbr fonoviBs an the nairitilloaa;
a par oaM. FaL
(Saa aoalral* Htehlsaa hsrlanhoral
~ " i. Maitfa 17. 1PM.)
Tbe delesatea troa the laTeral
roUoains taatlBonlal troa
i rooDilea. repraaaatlag the nth aaaa-i •

■o ha va OB W « Ua dvamas

gi a mere aeratcb. IsalKolBa poar boUa bare paid tba
daaib paealv. It to vlaa to hare
Bocklae* Anica Salrc arer baadf.
H'a ifaa beat aalre oa earth aad trill
prrreBt Catalltr vbao bo
can and pilea ihraataa.' OdIj tse. at
Jobaaoo'a Dans Store aad P. K



' In Tsararaa CTlj-. thia Itth day of An- j
Baalara MtebtsBB toBBi
snal. 1PM. accept allh snlafol pleav GeoUeman:—Thli la to cartlfp that
oditloo* polllieal and lnda»-{l am oilns poor stolen feed for fead- onen are eoaptalnlBs of
diilM la baalBOM tbto waaoi

haU Tbaradar aad Pridar la the
booaa br Coaaip School OobbU- SladBou ibc iBfluraca upon
Ml. vhleb tbto feed eoetalai hai t
Blaaor Oaorca Crbp and Mn. Addle llUotu. aulaled and n
I ibe flow aad rlctaBeu of the milk
tbrOBsh ibe poller of iba r
OIbha. TvenC/aU aivlloaBti triad
I drrfully, aad tke actual reanlic derirel
bird frada papan, alx for l>anr aad throoeh Ua adhi
>o ; from botler ipeak rary well, ai 1
awarded tba GorerBor
taraaiy for third srade.
iradlllooi. o
Thap «cra aj follova:
t oor
ot «nr »no
Baeoad Orada-Uoti Cdiw of Bk have beci^ •riacicd I
: four sloian teed which I am ml
Tba prop0 phea Ibr BMsax bib
RapUa. Bdith ^ohOMB of Waxford.
.. J. Harrto.
. a aaic bank - where jwj are tme
MprUe DaHer of Baodoo, Oraee Polluid recoBBeno tbto feed foi
yw can gel it when you want it,
of Bik Bapida, Uarsarp Spear the Imponnsl t
1 Bilk cow*, a* U« feed will
111 CUp. eada iooet of TiarWe pay 3 per cent coopooiKl
the Bow of Bilk 15 par caat
erae Citr.
For ule by Ibe leading feed dealers
intem*, anpuuaileil «emi-an>
I) eodono ibe acUos of In Grand Trarene eoaly.
t of Old
noally, on aarniga depotha.
4- aamples
an aalloBal eonyaetloB.
Mtoaloa. B. P. WManaaB ot TfBraiaa '
rite to
b the dealrv of the sreal
aty. Jobe. C. RuBk of Qrawa. BUiIys ‘
The Mlcblgao Starch Co..
Trareiee CHv. MIc

TraTme Clly. Eunice^ '
'naTiree City,
Inalkm of Theodore RouteHaaUlloii of Fife Lafcr. Lurenel"
Siicn-ed falmtelf a* protldent
SBiryar. Jaanto Row. IfabrI Eldred.l"'“
Siam. Our coeOdeocr
Bla terta. Bra Tbsriall d Travane tor ibe Culled
Clly. Blaaabe Bmee. kimry Unhonicy'Pr«Waiit Booncydl to the graMer
cf Bk RapM>. Unbal K. Wktl. Cura E. *
*'*" **
“f ‘■iB
r la*t tbm^.yean b*
llaraoB. Asaea Taylor. U Beairlce
pretldenilal chair. ii
darriand aad Nona Oarto of Tnema
Oty. Bootea Btbbili and Mary Seotba Ueber tradlllOBa of
Sald of —
and la the ordinary of-

Ok Plaet Ur

All our 25c. 35c. up lo 45c wash coods ire Jiare put out at your choice for 15c
per yard, This is the greatest bargain of the season in wash goods, and it behooves
Ihe woman who would have a handsome summer dress or evening gown—(as many
of these are very pretty for evening wear)to HURRvif she would.have'dhe most choice
things. An opportunity like this does not come every season. There arc beautiful
imported novelties; these will last but a short time at these prices.


15c per yard

trapmt dff Stat*

OreaMiM Ms ««k 2,840

For Iba Herald.

Any cotton shirt waist for $1.00. That means everything in cotton waists. We
have not taken out a single waist. Do not expect a complete line of siies however
in ail of the waists. There is not a waist in the lot worth leas than a dolUr and
some are worth $4.00.
$3.00 to $4.50 black and white Jap silk waists—just a few of these left, if your
size is bere you can secure a bargain.
j-' _
50c novelties in wash goods, »c. This includes nil colored wash goods, also tbe
choice things in black lace stripe lawns and tbe fine novelties.


Tba problblHoB eoeyantloa for tbe
at Cedar aty, Uelanai couiy. oa
Ear. A. C Jaefcaen. paator ot
riBB Btroet CharaS of Chrlat. DairoU. Aus- It.
WliltoiB A. TouBS of BentoaU rebaa letatMd boM attar coodoei
deed Utounanlfflom eole of tbe cooBiSBaatlwat
■aa hatw baaa drawa
Towns to cma of Beorie couBly’a toreaoBl baalaew sas. barlns flUed eO
W. SbarMB. aditar of the .Port daally iha oSea of pratldant ot tbe
naat aad tr«Marer of tba Beaiia Oouaty Trlepbone company
a PrlatlBS Oo., I. & Banja tinea lu orsaslntJon. A* a public
s tba BmMBla-DUoo ipliltad man. eiu lataiealed In tbe
weBaia of hto falBw non. Mr. T<
Pitaiias Cto. of Pwt Bona, aad 1
«S bdlerad tbnl the Interettt of
iail«n at a
tba Datndt JowaaL aitaadad tba Maewhole demaadf tbe aw,__________
tloB of Ue
SIM aril, tbe lesalUad llgoor trafle.
baa aMDatad with tbe
r. sirias to tbe parly
work tba m
4 tbat to e
BhOa at carp bake. Ha *aa aaMMHe to at preaott fllllns
Bs Mr. Brisn
Oriatsse C. Moffatt
■ paltlBS • Iba reef la pedUou of eoaaly cbalraan and
•Bber ot tba alale ooaBittae.
It will be aa boeor to the paoide of
BBaalw wllb tba aborw raaalt.
tbe Mlb dtoirlel In ha repretani
tbe Tnrehly-teTcnlb dltlrld Friday.
Maatara MaearybadoMaadarllliwtba lastolalBie by a man d
iBg podUoo In our nation a* a prime
citizen, a* a legtolator, a* aa execotlTe
officer, and a* a aoldicr. defeadleg bla
flag upon the field d bwUla.
Tba dly DOW nol oely baa a place
The yean to come In hto career we
aealh W Wk Eaptdi naraday. Aag. for iBallpoi paUenta aad other* *uf.
beHere can Ik- known as lo reaslto fay
m. km aaaiB»l peviaB baa baea tertas wHb
PNMaiad. tmm iboM appaailaf deoaad toolatlow, bot a onna for the Ibe yean gone by, and this expecta­
tion we gladly pledge ounelres a* IBbatwE. M Wlat. pattlacUrarKaaa wea At tba DaeUns d
saa Bala ABIaaea. aad T. A Nalaoa ot tba dty ombcU on Moaday tbe tpe- dirldual repnbllcan* and u represeni» of tbe aerernl eousUet ot ihe
JMaaalMM. Eraajtddj la larltod. Prae ela) eoBBlttoe that bad
nth tentiortol dtotricl, lo glre loyal
- daM will ba aarrad.
ad by Hang B. J. FnlsboB to larattli eotbulasUc *errlce to aa effort
propotiUoB that had bno areiBcrease tbe najorttle* la nil tbe
oMtod to Oa eouacll. reported n
eooBlle. d oor dtotrid for Theodore
Tba Bitart at TiaTaiea aty___ Bsandlas Ibai the dty eeter li
Rnowvelt for prewUeot. and Ibe
' 'saBj. Ha. H. O. E. K. of F.. Itfi Bunilract wlU Mn. Kralocbvll;
worthy ftatoamin aad repubHeao
day adlBacew oa (ba a a-doA a
Moatred a tbreenoB additii
npoa the Heket wlib blm.'
E. E L tala tor LoMsTlUa to attawd
home oa which the dly i
Charles Fslrtaoks, d Indiana, tor vie.
ta aalbBal aaeaBpBaat The party
a a flre-year ieata, itaa asredns to presldeai.'
aa ewe aaiallpox patient for tlAM
We cprdWIy eadorse Use platfonaal
OBBata. BtokaaMa. OtdIMk.
rook.Mt than ooo for t7A0
adopted by tbe republican naUonnl I
aowt tbat;were not Ul
taiaed for beUs okpooed. $U4 a weak. eonvenJoa. aad by the republkani
Tbeoa prteea todiide board and care d
paUaBta. The propoted addlUon


ad to Cbariat B. Dya. cmBUaa Pbalpi Laas. a alaer.
*a addltloa tor t per


Sample Shoe Sale
no sSii-WMii't SiM II Irn tin WMiuli Prlcn

We aaiie a fortunate purdiise of three bundled pain of sample
Shoes, As there are but ooe to three pxin of each style, we secured
them al low prices.
These shoes are made by one of ibe most famous mskers of
women's fine shoes in tbe couatr?.
This firm depended oo these shoes to secure for them thousands
of doUsrs worth of business__and they did it.
Isn't il reasoeable lo suppose that ihese samples are Just the
bea Btoes H is passible for this factory to produce? Of course it is.
son have it, the best shoe made at price* way below
>u should surely see them.

Tba SlasBlay Owa dab baa Ita eyaa
Ob the Impbr adfarod by tba nwmae
eErEiadaBdOBBdBbatlbeMs toa^
BNI ABB-» aad tl. -Tba dab win
•a wrar la a body aaat Friday aaJ
I Mho part la tbe rasalar abeet of tbe
Tbararta Oty Eod aad Oaa dab la
ar to sat foBHIar with tbe
■ aad oeeaaMemaa d tbe toetl
tap. Tbe tap baa reoMily beta le- ' When be anw Mrs. Bckler roBhig he
d O. C. Moffatt wu
pafewd aad H to axpadod ibai ao
drew stalsbt ahead with Ue Idea d
leciiaff bar keep na tbe eUe d Ihe presentod by Hon. Pott F. Powers of
M bnahd arm ba Bwda.
of him i
*ho sptike tn high ternts of
Tba anBbart.flf tbe dab ar
caaalad to ba praaaal at l:W Friday
tkmnoem laataad of 4 okteeh.
toBpted to so around tbe horse when |
she wa* Mrack. The doctor tried w
^11 bl* ben* ap bnt wa* not able to
sndl too late. The UUI eaugbt her te
.. . - iBta of day wntshlBs niment
e Wt sUe aad besUee Ue shock ti
IbiBSlil pstadsloB IB Chdta I
fata to leU al preaeat Jnst lb* aa
TEanday at Ewwtima. Hto
«are d tbe iBjartea. Oae ani wa* atoo
sma fractawd aad hto hsdi lajw
unite badly bjarod.
boUlasthe bone wp be saeceed
IsMB to aa iBptoyi d the TrarI SetUag hto loot Uronsb tbe UD1
I Oty todek campnr aad to a B
St M ynan d assL AbaM taS
1 eoraer and was dulte badly
hnr peiriaaa lo the mbUmL tbe
task bad bass btortii lata Bta dpa- Tbto to the flnt aeddeal that Dr.
lien erar bad taoi drtrlas ad
be (aato rar'badEr or« IL Mn.
IcFh woaade wen diamed ai
taka la tbe OBbalaaec U

We are going through the dress goods stock and taking out all short ends and
marking them at above prices. This is pankularty timely just now as it is almost
school (ime and you will find these remnants just what you need for.dresses for the

Yon hiTe not had treater bartalos offered yon Utb seasna, wU foi take advaniafc of them?


To every prospective piano purchaser. Linen! We
can save you money on every piano bought of os.
Why? Because we buy directly from the fanory. thus
saving the middleman’s profit, and we sell directly to
you. ihus saving the additional agent or traveling
man's salary, all of which gr^-s to your credit, and our
prices are correspondingly It s*, you are therefore get­
ting all these protus. These iiatemenis are proved by
every one of our many pleased customers. We should
be pleased to see you in our I'iano Room at the front
_r Furniture Department at any time, to try our beautiful pianos and learn our
it reasonable terms '

Iree bf Ibe prlrtlege d supportar euidldate for gorensor. Hon.
Fred H. Wnraer. sod fato bmocUIcs

nport d the c(
In perfonnlns tbe dniles wbicb hate
r. Bladsam aiored
brought US logelber here today aa del
tbat Ibe dty I
t froa Ibe fTlb scaatortal dto­
tricl. il sire* us plemure not only to
desk eater loto a eowtaet with J. H fBlIy pDdorse tbe record aide by onr
Wlltoe a* ioea a* a leaae eae be eaI to eowttrod the building. AD eenale. Hon. Orlando O. MoffaiL but
Site lurtber expression bere today
la wora (wirlad.
B desire existing ammig the repobsns d our enllre dtolriet that SenSTRUCK BY CARRIAGE.
Moffatt shall asaln be our csodlMrs. W. r; Bckler d Uic eoraer of
le. la mailPTs pertaining to tbe dieFrowt atrsat aad BoarAian arenuc
wa* stack by a ris driven by Dr. J, I trui and to the affairs d tute. SeaInlor
HoBaU has well porfonned hto
W. OaimUett on Moadny nt like
o'dodc while ruins her wheel on Ure duties, and we believe iterc will be
eiwaer d Prcpri nnd Cass streets. Hr*. added value to our dtoirtet. to tbe
Bcklbr was ruins weal on the Idl state and to Ue repoUkan party In
side d the psremeni fast as Uie bis niimninallon bere today, and In
certain elecUon by an
doctor left bis oflke nod started to >
W« tbe eoraer to go east on Front ^
ing election la NovcBber.

Onc-Fourth to One-Half Off

Ole ean Give Vou

I he ftillowing letter from the great Creatore. the most succesifol band master
and leader now before the public;

The best for the price in

Feed, meal. Bran, middlinas.
Corn and Oafs
We buy nothinfy but the bent cniin and you get the
pure anicle.




OKNTLEMEN: I desire to offer my words of praise and thanks for the pleas­
ure 1 have denved from the use of one of your Upright Pianta. The tone is reT
5'"'- T''
“""'o™ '•olum. o(to«,
which I ihmk IS rounder and more beautiful tban any other Upright Funo I ever
u«d. The touch is particularly even and its light repetition makes it an instrument
of exceptional quality. \A ith renewed thanks, believe me.
\’ours sincerely
________________________________________ GIUSEPl'E CKEATORE.


For Wood Work asd Furaiiore whm£ hu
« TOB. when coaled with Jipa.Lac is renewed ad beauti­
fied. F<» sereas—BriUiat BlM^ Jsp-s-Lae pedoon the
doth, and other colorsaedoo the fiW^e.
good a new, atoo exccUeBt to brightn up
Wate-Funuture. Refi^eraton, LiooleaB. Oil

BofUtUa Prtpartd Paints
€. matt « Sons

BgRv' ?ipo'
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs


davM to boot. IM tto ■telwair Mte
of tteae rahadp Imdir amokaa waa
than IT a tkoaaaad. Jnat
tgare U OOL Ttora'a 03 proAt oa
at that pokererr LAW aoU. Talk aboat tto Btoad. likely. At
moaopoly and
taklra: gite m^ tto pit«l of reMUag i
B^etriTSuat^ tThHaTarSt
auuaar dear and FU retire wUb-iioak aad Merlat wUl atreagltoa the
oa tto other (enow's
Howard Oly Record.
Coidwaur ttni etolms aUasOon. Alpuruued by Jokaactoa Drag Blora
Id F. H. Head*. DragBaU.
ciitoea there wa* reeeotly ftaod n tor I aad
amoklag a elgaratte. ao tto atorr goea.
Tke Bl. John* New* will toaoe tbto
week a aoatenlr editloD lauding tto
Ttotuea and artrortloa* of CUatow

Don’t BrMk Your Back


Again of the merit* of the *plendid
late style, high-grade ; ; ; : ; r

Kimball Pianos

These instruments five perfect satisfaciioo wheret-cr used,., and are* eodoned
by leading musidans cver>-Hhere. I he following is cme of tthe many letters of ,
praise we receive from the leading artists of the world:


atecoMfy to pat dowa Mterel weltol -ek.u.a.drett. r—toby B r.r-rw.

»• ***rr§

W. CMaad M • nrr «M bMM
Hr. aad Mn. Mw NMMn± rv
mill taa* tm Tt«rwi* citr.
«kM tkar had WMt a f*w dmri vUfe
W. «. UMUm tot hto lac oa^t b«IMM t*o km wkU* vorkUu ' r -— mtw M tatsimr.
. vu KmucA to oa tk« (Id Urt.
. UHto laaae ito—ttlir to (toittoc
«Uk kto snat. Hr*. Barak Baatoe. for a

MkssKs. W. W. KimiulL Co:
1 can only repeat of your instruments What I
said ofthcooe 1 have in my London home, that the
longer 1 use it the better I like it. ITie two Kimballs
purchased for relatives give the same satisfaction, and
whether in arias or songs tbe piano supports the voice
splendidly. I can cordially congratulate the Kimball
Very truly
Luj-UN Nokiuim Do'll..
' If you wanuhe best, call and'examine the line of late style Kimball
Pianos. We know you will be pleasi'd both in quality and price.

This will Iplarwet Motttoea
Htoa Uule llanaer nf Deirel!
CaMa Carpaatar toOnt Buordar
I. ^JttrtS^e womto^l bargain of
toOBlas and SoBda)' mtk Irtnda la lUac relatlrea aad friend* ta I.
Fred Date apeat a few day*

Orw mam wMOMpMat* at
week with blend* la Iowa.
aaferaAdt aadkaaito aui
Bxcareloas were cltra fn
Bkoda l£ad BBtardar Wntofr
plaea Snadar In the ramp cmun.l* kj
The Page Feore Oo, of Adrian, hae,
Mr. aad Hla. U. A. Manoi
a.—^ and Jack KanoB nil! (i
■add II* Urge boffalo and a buRnk) calf.
t* on EiH te M AIL
Arthor Sailtb tia* returned
to the eilr of Toledo for Ihe part.-1
fraa Albaqnerque, Krw Uulen.
M waU oftilmu cornea a
0 palB from ot
Hlea Robbia*, nf lAwreare. Kaneaa itarra. Tbe ronsldmiiloa
baa been aulcaed here br Uir eotern
ly lazed organ*. Dtozlaeu.
A Coldtraicr yosag woi
IBa U A. S. Bceu witk Un.
taeat ladtoa eoBBtoakm to (fax at tk
iptolot and----------via Tkoradtp ofteneon.
DSCTted. rolled dougbanu
Dr King**
New Ule Pllto
Tto'W. C. T. U. aaeaa «1lk ton.
:»t>-ail of pulrertoed aagar. And (ic they pm I
Hatirto Wodaaadar atlerBoon.
ii*-al lUper waa mean eaouch to te>b- geaile
e bullbocuugb.
lie. Guantnie..d by Jubtunn'* Drug
Mra. Bnll Hiller aad dauRhi.e JuOi
relertalaed at a faiallr reunloD Bator
A blusBiag maMea who appeved Store and F. II. Mt«d*. drugglsU.
Hra. U Orobbaa aad Htoa Haod. dar afternoon. About iweais Aer
• lib biT iBleaded at tto Kalantaiou
pmeal. conatotinc of Hr*. K. F.
vha tore bem vtoiUac W. N<'
coutiiy liaiuug to bare Ibc nnpilai
Making Prtand* Evory O
piwai wlib the exeepllon of Mr. C
kaoi liiH. giRsled a IHlIe
e and asked
asi:ca j
inukhdlymU •* IlH
M name, who wa* aaable to cel kuae
uralat to ttoir b
eoantj eirra -oere the faoudotr i »
ttortk HaotloB It I* ifae drat tlate la maay rear* iha
V>. BadUar <
The rterk recovered •lib Ihe aid ;
tbe faallr hate all lieen topper. aU
(Bitod bora ob Tonaariiimulanu and Ibe cireuli Judge ^
it tw arun* ren t wiptlw<«
a very ploaaani afiernooa wa* apeat
Hr. BkioBi aad 'faaitu. mu»
apSit aareial artoka at tto IMaua. a boaBteaoa etteer wa* *erved aad
tbe erealoc wa* ipeal la muil
tbe young lady changed
aortal ruatereaiioa
Hra. C. n. Kehl took a trip to Trar and she appeared a tew mlanie* tol^
tk. Retford and w«e of Aaderaoa.
rae Cllr Friday.
In her wedding gowm
lad., are
at Ban tolaad.
The l.adle*' Aid anrlrtr cate
Tbe Great Laka laundry Cu.. <d
Mlaa Beu Loop apal a tew daja at
Ic dlaaer at Porier'a eotiape Tbura
toai Letaad. tto saaat of Htoa Uranto
ay aflenioon. After dlaaer war Saolc Bte. Marie, claim* tbe recoW tor
f*Ki work la the martae disiriri of tbe
“Sd*' LaM aad *Ue of Aao Arbor ■erted the afirraooB wa* apeat ta asa
north. Ia»i j.wr * record wa.* ihe fin
re tto (ueau of Hn. C. T. Orawa aad ale. rerttatlooi and a aortal (la
pleaaani day wa* *pcnl by all.
tobing of l.OH piece* for the CHy of
Hre. Wiman Unrtow and a
'win Joale Cfltoaa ealM on i
Trareree CTly are tlaJiinc reUlhei Hackiaar la (7 minute*. Juee 11.
t Batloni Bay Ihti week.
>iend* In town.
A auBber of
« R. B. Campbell ai>est Friday
Tntcrae City.
Dr. HcPhall and wife are oecapylai Many a Travws* CHy HMmdtoM Will |
Find Tham a*.
,e room* above R. E. Campbeiri
Til hav.' the pain* and acbvs of a I
erdar for Chleaco.
B. Job
lotaniton apeat Frida; bad bark niiiovi.<l; to bv vnlin-ly free'
fniBi aanoylng, itancvrun* urinary dl> |
• aiy.
rrtday tor Rad
order* I* viKiagh i» make any kidfivy |
Bar to loiB bto Botbc
•uffvrer gniicful. T.. trti bo. ihl* i
Ibal plare.
great change
bfwutht •'■O'” !
Bern ‘Pktord^^ureed Batardar
Oeear .
will protc
nae Oiy.
dfT<d> of Trererac City
Win. H. lurrau-c.
Tb* Miaaee Blreaia Tbaaa* and
UbMe Ouaiaff and Cbarlaa Berry look
a Irip to Traterae aiLWedaeaday.
HIM Ira Greene apeat Sunday la Pill* an- I pool and rclUlilc kiduvy ;
It. aad Hra. McOoaaba and <eWt
n-miHly. F.T y.wr* I wa* aanoyed
I of Traretae «tr apeai Buadax
D. W. Kan
e left Toet* wfib a wcaktiMU* of the kidney*. 1 did
- ->Bato’« ptttoU "
ant have murti backache, but (be ac-|
oad Hra. I. BWrer.
tIoD Ilf ifar kldnvy wcreiliin* wa* Ir
Tbr Toor coaTealloB held tf 1
regular and ................. greatly ilKiurb-1
topel Batardar ara* rerr rood and
tng oy ri«ia night*
toon-* Kidacyl
■Ite well altenilad. qatte a aanber
HIM Dorm Cobea arrlred borne Wed pail banlahi-d Ibla trouble
Ic iand If I can !
tli« preaeat frao a dtotaaee. All
•Otoad to bare a food aoetoble time. neadar from a rtotl to Petoakey and tay anylbiag to help convince oUictk. |
I am glad io do *o, for I know I woald 1
Him. Btella Ckaae to diille akk
• Cbarletolx.
I. Senborr apeat a few daya
■"kc 10 b»vc any one advl»v me aboui ‘
aenrallto of Ika ateotoiA.
mcdicliu- .hlch doe* *o much p**!.
Tbe Bnaiptirinrr laetnre d*ea br
a. Ikiaii'K Kidney I’lll* did me.”
Rer. Lanfmaa of Trarerto air Pridar
Doan'. Kidney Pill* are tor Mic hy'
erealBK wu qalte iBlemllnc. alno
all d--aler». Price ilic ja-r Imx. MalU*l;
may not be peaerally kaowa that bv Koaler Mllbiirn Co . Iluffalo,
Roa* V. W
Sl.MID :4-piece
suit, for.......................................................................S1U.75
Howard CUy ba* aiirh an
lie ageiils lor the III Rian
(or a vlill 1....................
«.17-lW3-pivce Suits, for------UeuicnilHT ihc nan -. Doan'i
Tnab efijb, but auch to
lUtivee la New York itate.
ike no other.
OatM- Sklrer and fanllr apeai E
tWd roa ever amok.
Baiamer Reaort rtparr qneried Den
Half tbe m« that mao I
reccai mectlnc. Only
ome from InfllgeMInn. Bard
' asaenl la the parly, but all edgad llitcrg rirengthcna and
_.i. lamar retOTBad booie la*l
D (be apeaker when he nuiilpued
Tboredar from TtatUai bar fiaadail tbe rlletieaa cbno«e not th>

W. W. Kimball Co.


129 Front St.

■ 4

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.

Everything in Small Instrumenis. Shftel Music. Talking Machines. Etc.

■tar Oatooa mi HiM Oakota d
. VHtort eallad oa trtoada mn reMr■

O. Bdar tMi «augb(«r Ha
■fm ratara to (Mr Mae at Pi_
Mw afur tararal 4an‘ rtoU at O. B.
; Hra A. Ttajar aa< Hrnto ara (to;Mh la Trarana Ov.
■Sfelart *ar Imgm a«ct Boa4ar
■HU to. tUMaini AtoM tor Oad.'
Htoa B(U Mndtn fa
- dito BU^whe ya to

__ ________________ BoBdar.
aad Htoa Uaaa Uslar ot D»mltod Baadar. tka latou et
- Hfi. H.
^ ^
a. mmumt.
a mi LarUa
_..J lha

lar wl......................... ................. ..
CRr. «kar« tbar «UI raaite
et ttoir toaar frtoadf

^:^?aa«HraJ. W. Hi


IB ot TraTUr «1(k a

' I Mr. M Mn. 0. B. BeeBaM o( Trar.
iJJ^Sar wjlfa Hr. aad



is the ambition of every one. and by the plan of your old Reliable Home Furnisher (the originator of the easy
payment plan in Northern Michigan) you can have a nicely furnished home and pay for it out of the money you
would pay for board or furnished rooms, and enjoy it while you are paying for ii.


samplf, B>d Ream Suits f» ei»»« Out

win l»T« UHtor

and so on right through.

---- -----

Kiwort cigar,
«fe» Baa Mb atiwMIai tfaa atoM
‘Mrtofl^'r.,^SS^*(P«i Bandar
MBl aehM «arla«tha aotatoar.
my tororlir brand al>
-IthHr. Hooroiu'A
a. r. TUetaeB |H Manad tra
Mra. Ltiaar. Hra Norrte aad------- day of my vacailoa and Dcrti>n*i> I ap......................... Ttott Vltk kto aea m_ - Oauider eallad ob Mra. Chaie Soedar
led tbe rtgar ease at B'anderer'a
M Wa war
Re*t and lnqolre.1 (nr a gnrvi leneen'
.. -aafca ««k hla
— Cravtord. at Bvamoke. About half a doien tarltk*
cbapel teal al«bt 1
TIUMaaa to rcrr aiaeb
or racalaa paalor. Ret. Oauadcr.
Ihroan over (or my ln*p<«lun
' to wall plaaaad
Hr. aad Hra. Fred Gorlaca ealled i
tnlljr lookinc II
I. D. wniubre'i Sandar iftereoon.
a Boei harmk I IooUbc
Ibe lol. aad teote
dollar, upu-i

Don't ao nUbottt aSMUboard

Accliicnt* come .Ufa dlitnwKlng (re .
qoimry on the farm. Col*. hrol*e»..
gilng*. »iir*ln». Dr. Tbnma*' E.-loc>11 rellcvi. tbr pain bwiatiily.
" -Ttehlag hemorrhoid*
were llie,
pUgtic of my life. Wa* aJn»i*i wild
Doan'* Olnlmeni cnivd me quickly and
P-TinaiienUy. aRcr dorton had failed." :
C. F. Cornwell, Valley atreet, SaugerII.-., N, V.

haaded ten “Shady
Lady-a. Holy atitterins; bm I pliy th..
rte spectre* that threaten baby'a !
. WUU Oaorga Bart vaa akooUaf
MI. PtoM omr tbit fellow who amoked (he other
Chnh'ra Infantum. dy»enit.fy.
: ipiirava vtlb a aaull rtflc Uat TkaraIher J«n.1*
diarrhoea. Dr. t^wlcr'a Rxiran ig
MM. tha kreacfa Bev partlr Mt altoae- rtelaltr
leb^. On
(tire aa lee rrenai U the oae I aelecled waa tbe
Wild SlrawbcTvy never fail* to con
l^'te^ba Aall (o karat. Oaorar'a arn
atarti of Blue* a mUe falM
IM ril tak.
aootol Batardar

^^*T?a»*toa a?to ^
•avaaiatiat. bat ka to tattiac alor -—

^UaViadoan kto kar aov tto

M haia teal Batardar anaiac

iWm. KitMH to Btoatoftac kto I
a. Makato la eartalato mioriat
m Baa lamak oa BUrtr toka. to «atl
BBtooBf otkliMaBda.

Qaiia a aniabar traa here aJ
(to eklekmtlai at Trarnae atr lut
Hfan Lamella Baker to eatertalal
Htoa Roee Treomlaa troiB Klac*'

thto veto.

Hra. R. T. Carpeeter reinreed I
ar trran rtolUac IB Ike aoath.
Mn. Olio Klatler of Ohio aad Un.
Tboaw UiBler of WaahiBCtoB Ttolied
Uat we
___ -... ________
-Itea Um«
Baker are tto deUBatto to the a B.
eoarealioB at Krewick o the IWh aad
» tebooi eeeaaa to betac Ukea
Perraull ku bouckt a (ani oror
Bear Saltotit Bar aad experta to more
(here to tke aaar fotara.
HIM ktonaret MaQnaar retnnied
thto Week fres rtoWaf la Charterolx
aad Bora# Qtr.

----------------- - .Aaraed tron Bun Bat.
BMv. wtoora fca kaa kaaa vortdBc Bv

: Bkharde teat

Tbr BuBdar aebool wUl hold
anoal plealr Aa«. 18 te Norwalk'a
Tore ce Oarp UkA Brerr .one to la-


FOR f ALL 1904



Sf. inch Imported MabuuiL Wa.h Silks 59q



Ikaraato <»r Friday.

m. C. Jafem *. 8. tM

gtojBt^Tiamaa City on tba «•
l^BM'Waa^aBd totoUp dma u

M out Prar want

Ato a


■d Dorto MaaakA of Harter
Walter Arnold Ion a valuble
Hdtr aaonlBji.
Raw. t. K. Bodlaa aad wUe aad Hr.
aad Hra. riartoa Thaeker drere to
Boatk Boardmaa laat Taaadar to rtolt
tto Ret. Polmateer of (kai ptoee. Tke
orote to nrauer Tkareda;
the B. B. otoraaBoa.
Bet. ate Hra. Bodlae
frteada troM Tetoaker IMt


Exclusive Suit patlems



wktoadar. a
lac her anar frteada
The polee for oar-----------ae are art aad we expert tto..............
will be pot la la a few tort.
Mr. tod Hia. Wto. Olbaoa. Mr. and

fir,.09Sideboard for...........$10.75
«-l«5 (10 Sideboard for.......... $11.75
and so on right up to a
$:)C.OOSideboard for.. .....$27.t»0
$.5n.«l0 Sideboard for...............
Same big cut right through on our
entire large slock.



Comer Front
/at UnioA.

n BI0 nssortmont of Sompit
Odd Drtssors
$9.«n values for..................
$Ui.0nvalues for .............................$7.75
and so on right up to a beautiful
dresser for..............
A beautiful $.30.00 dresser for....$22.76


R lara* as*«rtni<nt el Samplt Iren BMir

$«« our orleos on Steel Ranges

Some at less than acloryi '

AU-autiful$\S.ODlw..lfor................................................ :.$12.7$
A beautiful SIS.7.5 Uef for. .. . ......................... $l8v00

.-\ gc^ line of the
MEAL Steel Ranges.-

that an- oui

Ole can please you on Baby Barhafles
and 6o-earts
.\ large as'ortment to select from.
.A good $y.llO Hal.y Carriage, like oil................... $7.75
A $liMki Ikaby Carriage
Some high priced Baby
Carriages ai away below
facior>' cos:.
for. .$1.> 7.')
ig Go-Carts
Go-Carts. S'lSi
and right
along up.
S12.UD reclining Go-Carts
and so on up to
$•>^.50 value for. --S-22..'i(i
S46.0Vvalue for...$:)150
$53.00 value for...$35.75




H Fin*. BMPVe Ouk Bed
furnishes a l»-droiiiit.






gra.Ie fxids. nit.-ly rarvetl.




Sill. $11.. $tJ.. $14 . and $IIU we will
at just half |>rice.


of these beds


fine high



close these


I'hey will make you a hnc twd for a

liiili- money.

H lara* Hn* el Samplt eenefap*

SC.75 couch. like c



and «o on right through
$25.<if> drop heail. Hav(:n|«>ri



Cjie«ptloiially Ms palucs.ln Ckairs

Sle can please you

Over seventy styi-s to select from. Some we have
only 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 of a style; these we will dose
. . out
at belowbelow first cost. Gthers we have 6. S, b, 10 and 11
of a style, these will go ai wholesale prices. A big cut
every chair in the iii

in ourCarpetfiuid Rug Department. Our ficlection is
la^e and every ddlar's worth we put out of this de­
partment is a big saving to you and a standing adver­
tisement for our store. Don't miss seeing this depart­
ment antf looking over our large line of rugs, and see
the prices we are making on them.

we can make you happy, as we have nearly 300 stylM
to select from. All grades and prices, with exception*
ally big cuts from our already low prices. It nu^es tt
a chance of a lifetime for you to get some nice rockers.

J. w
rCholera Cure

EXCEl’TIONAU.Y big values in our Crockety.
t;i.-issware.Tin .nnd Granitewarr.department. A loC
of odd pieces and odd sets in d'l’hcs lo close out at
verj- low prices.
A beautifully shaped, Ifbi-piece. white seu for $4.75,
A beautifully shaped, 100-piecc dinner set, for $9.75,
And so on right through. Sttveral big bargains inhigh
grade dinnerware.

A good steel range, just
like cut. high she'
reservoir, guaramced .
every way, for the price
of a cook stove, tonly
$2.5.7.>.l Nexi price
$27. 7.5; next.$2y.7.5; next
$33J)0; $:<5.50 and
so on right thvough.

tiasolinc Stoves and
Ranges ai factory cost.

M kaaaaMd Boada tor Ototrat Uka.



the advantage of our mid-summer clearance sale you will be surprised at what little it will cost you to furnish
your home complete. We have everything you need, and a little money down will do.

.................... s«.t5

^^MHu^ftottHai Uw p<




Wholesale and Retail

On R*ck«r*

Reliable Home Furnisher^

(auaDTUTSBaXHlBAIX^ THCMPA*. AljaiHt li, iWt.~

™ Not Fatal

jteal iteew « Kalfeenn wa
btrtb ft tow kakr Umi. the iaotb«r
: Vtoorla. a wtedntawl beaet.
Cte to the Pteari brotkerm.
(atbw it Bvobb. aaotbar tn
Uoa. wUk tke atBe troape. The ta­
lker broke Ibtoacb tke ban that tapamed blD froa the BMkar aad tried
to kill the cube, bat wae peaa«
li Mi Norik wi kwXkv crakM' aaoibtr eace afler a ridout Bcbt. The
Mrar« toak nt^ !■ the kwm KIM Ch<7« kfur Ik* kutle lie Ike laat of the >
■Mte kl tkt MUIBM «f (k*
toal dtlaei of Kala
|M> lo aMpc tnm Port At
COdfeiber. One of ih
IT Mi k koMMal ■kin •
war wltk the place of Ibeir birth.
per 11. Fllai baa been oSered
rooBa la tke aew Oeoeoee m
coan boate to be oat4 for poUee o


trwk auU m P«l Arfk«f Mi
MMriv rICM »k«e.
«M» tki k«luta( if of tto
tow iWMMi iftan h4
kin lallM la kaUto. Hlarirtli
oBnn aai MM ma kare
aoaaiii. Tki loUl Ja» caaaaUM.
«M —aasMr, ii twaJae Ikoa-

pathr B the pewaral pteile to
Brm to tkle ter Ckaaaev Depew
li loaehr at the aentloa of a harateae
Joke wblek wae perpetiaied at kl
peace sasr reare ac»- At that tlBe
be wae a lad. ekeehlac trrisht oa tke
wharf for CoBBOdorc VanderMIl aad
la hit tpare aoBMaii wu fond at
Bebloc la tke rlrer. One dtr. karlac
eed hli line, be weal Into the otee
br to roBiBe kle dntlei. The
U>r* palled K la, attacked a nit Backnal and relied to hla that Ikerc wae
■bloc on Us book. He hurried
f ooarnc. ODir lo Bnd that he kad
been fooled. The >ok» I* a aort point
wltk Ike eeoator eren aowadnra.

to be Med to M reare. prorldlac the
dir will iiaad the etpeaie of anlebbwwdor CbMte la br all odd*
lar aM rorelibtBc tbea. -li le now
10*1 popular American la London,
eorilac tke dtr dad* fco per Boetb
an unuinltr brllllMl caarenato tbilr preaeat qaartenikmallil. belnc CiRed alto with M
Addlaoa people are Scidne oa
readj aad punccai wit. It wu
rw tIMOO hick idkod bulldlncnoticed ai a recent embaur dinner.
Inc and queen belnc preaeat. that
Oaklaad eonair ipeii »<.«• for
dralae tet rte and Ike Boat a
ber maleetr lauchrd more beartllr aad
work ti ke doee tkle rear will be


eurceeWnl at
Mldu Aac. 1*.-Tk« opernUon to
■alkwlac if lailaat to raan


la tki lew pMlinM Mna kora
o ae BTpraae of
toiif. II If Iki tiBi to Ike iBBoal
aaaa Barilai of tki raie uder tke il- conplelBU acBlaet oee or two of the
loeal drua etore* there. aHecInc that
«UI be emral hudrei
illcr tiitltuUoae arc i«<tloa the
IIOB'i ibarc of the Ulntr people'*
ttoi tki MBBllMi kae tkejr wUi
kei* Mflf aid eUf hue. Tbeei t
la tke.oace at the Jackioa ehlri or
alee ke larte aaBbin ci white people poller, there bana* a dock Ibit It the
pr^e of Ike deparlaieet. h wu aol
it anr prUe drill or asrlklni
UMf to thtotjr la oac putf fnaa Ceo like that, bei the coppen ckewnl uv
tral Lake aai like re«MMe bate beee baceo rcilgloiulr aad ured Ike lac*
had tRM ithw Maeee
Tbd neon
The buckh-berrj editor of tke How
pMdti an JaM kedaalac lo raallee ard atf Reconl It la trouble wllb half
that tkBi an latfi eppwtaahlea to
roaee la the eoualr bceaue be
a aMiM M Beatal. eplrtlaa] kad phreIke apeelBea* tubmltled to hlir
h»l eafwekBMt to ke bad alleadlng
each rang aa “abaolntelr the
tkte aalb«tei m caa be had al ear of iarceri aad beet I hare erer aeen.’'
Bereral Adrian elllxeat are radearorlM to tecure the releaee of a felloe

tel a law owwd frcB Qraad Rapld<
wto kaec bltkme aUaaded eae ef the
mail froB Ihe eialc prltoo, but
MaiBltlie ranker dowa tke etate at*
uid tbul on aeeounl of bit bard
MMlat tkle war to ihte paar.
. tbeir etTurU will be In ralp
kMl aad rallnad Ubm are pbi
Bloee iatbe coorirl referred In
lar a iarft baelaeM. Tba Tiarene
ar tboou" are quite the proper
ter Uae if boati are ptaaBlac u> ms IhiBC down at Roetaceler. Somebodr
acaraleae InMB the towae « tke eatt
owne a bear and iber keep him
lied up at a prlie and the bail maiit*'
Oa teadar the Ker. Thaw J.
Ikaaaa. kMwa awa« kle ewe peo- ■br bear. Tbey ab.
a po*t. howrer, not al Bruin.
ioUaae aad eae <f Ike aoet

Tke akerUt of Kent coanty gel* 4S
ml* per dnr to boardlni prleonrrs
■d rela 'll cenu per day for bnardlnc
itaae Inmatee nr Inmate* walilnc lu
r pronnnoerd Inaane. Now eetenil
rud Rapid* pMvIe. who are not up
> modern political eUilca, after looktnc orer Ike iberiS * moatbly report,
^nt liiriBi powwow Mi otte faumake ihe remark Ibai all tbe people
U Mil leefn to be Ineane.
tewi kekte beio to^
, farBi uutk of Union Clly aRer a aeTki tarpMt (alkirliC ap to tke rere Tula *torm. It I* not al all likely
priiiBt ttee aloac the Hae M the B. that aacA of ttofnict wu Impelled by
talddri iBleni to meel dealb by }ump•- MW wat brid at teawer ea'
Inc upon tbe fence, and tbe only other
ter. tete thM a hwdred «bp
---------------- j, jjj,,
Md ri the iTMlat eeteoa the I
Ibr cloud*.
wae Bowdad la oferkitriad.

teUaai ladtee ta the maUT. wiu
peMM OMa cr twtoa. He epeaka la
brik tki ladlM tad Badlefc taacaace.
, Tki ■Mriii iMUaBM OTM MtU Moi
ter. Ike ted. Whei tber elqae wllb •
mm buaraauac tMriee. Thit eloaloa

At OrawB abMt thlnr wertnre


lalM. Altiad Dar M DitroR. ecati
teU teadar wteol Mnetarr. kteid
Ike tow panr at ihle poiat aad hU
iMlp aad fwaaMI adted anr Hli le tki

While enciced In land sln^ec four
pritonm tawed a bole la tbe floor of
the Urlncelon eouety MU at Howell
and made their eacape. They kept up
bowllDc to drown tbe nolee of (he
tiwtac- All foer were belnc bold on
ebarce of boru and critic eieallnc
mav Mtlle bare been kUled In
fleldt by Ucblnins Ikl* eeaeoo In
tbe ricinlly of Unloo Clly Ihal the Infarmer policy bolder* to place cround
wim on Ibrir wire feocc*. Hundred*
iiUe and olber ihe dock bare
killed by the rieelric fluid follow-

desee with iboee pretty girl* " Oravety
bowlag. youac WUiOD aald: ~
. the Elerenth bnaear* do
s- Tbe terbeu Bubed eUgblly
aad moved away. Supper wu served
iMalgM aad tbe aAcer* made
tbeir way toward ibe lemptiag bnfln*.
They were eoafnmied at tbe ealianev
je duebeu. who arid la delermlaed Iochw: -NHtber do tfaelQeTeEib
bu*aar* eup." And aellber did they
m of blmeeir 1* a matter of groerri knowledge. SoBeilmee ti appears
Ibougb hr acinally thinks ibe ooly
pKmte of Ibe Han of Isle ate Ihe cber
> la bi* book*. When tbe king
and qneen visited tbe qnrint Islai
cenUy Mr. Caine wu uked to
them In order to point ou
obMcu of iotere*!
He did so
only regaled Ibeir majeslie* «l'l

ir a* weal.
ridi phrelelMt hare orfM!
KMo Oo*. «a< la a tedlf iaaacM acalnri tke "dead bMU,' and
mMnhTi m lk« raaall of tki aiTtl berettor let then die K Iber do
laiUi WiiaMiar.
eule bilk
The free u
k erntna ka* keen
Tki CBtvriUk, vkaa ab*

boaoe. Amooc Ike W wu Gay
WllKm. who led M Ibeir geaeru :
ri what they r«garded u dlgrifled actIrity. norily tbe duekeet tmUIngly

TteTBfcBto mmS OJUmm.

tin Kind You Have
Always Bou^

beee *b*olotrty eund by IW
New Heart Cur*.
PUMte «rte« have ae Idee tl

Bears the



For Over
Thirty Years

MU md Lossor Slebr

Mmwy tars If nrst bWllAfsi


A* well u Ibe Uby'*. 1* always foliwed by a ceucruus use of talcum


piWiiday Iferi Hf*. Haybrtek. lacaatly
raliBil (rum a British
tea* Jriy » to ABWtia. BBkIag etmmmUm vKb a tsateAtMatk steB
Hb bOBlO. whUe easy poor. M mM
B baito ihM at Ant ngerM.

Hair Vigor
r«v, flBd tbe scsip vm be
eteea aad beebhy. Thy be
aadflledviib poorhtiririiea
yod GBR teflke it rtdi?

lasd* sad leonM. ass*- v kwrhy (I'M Bel


m M e'ekax IS IW tsrrswsa. I BaU vail el
. sunk

Ms^ul IM

I Sib .'S3 ‘£;s!?2:bi-3




- -........


BiSS Si’,

wllb napkins lo match.

Device* In kllcben fconomy. la
folding step ladder' chair that can
to (be oecaskm every Hoe When the
tired booeewlte need* test she
Every family use* te« of one brand
to '>1 down the bars" Md she
r another. We wUl give a beautiful Bads a comfortable chair at her
bandy wall pex^et. tn English vlolci
These, with a large a>
dMlen. regdlarly sold to tweniy-flvc mem of seeond'faand fumllurv you (rill
e, with a boaa-flde HRy-ecal lea.
a Pnnk Raob's. 408 E Prom St
or pan dried, any variety
pound and one wall packet, and save
per ceni. on ibe purchase. New
Bd some Bre bathing lighu, but
York Tea Co.
whichever they are. Ibere's a lot of
alt siyle*. sixes and prices
nsging from lOc. the lighiesi weight
tlgbl. to I2.U). the all wool bathing
These are excfuslrely for men
end boys, but we tiso have a full line
of tranks and iravellng bags to
Knbeck A Hoyi. I’nlon S(.

* hMBt teiaeu. aot <Blr U Chleart. rectly from Tokyo circular* from tbe
OuBjia Itoku Klugoglkwal. which
kM M wto tbi UaM BtMea.
trantlaled lato BngUeb mean* tbe Soldhn- Famine* Relief MiorlalioB. lOiklilng amirtbutloo* to ibe iwllcf of
■be famine* of Japaneee soldier* who
hare been killed la tbe war with Rn«Ptertob
a bnrUr daaMad li
*U. Tbe elrealar contalu tbe follow. Ibe'W
I ef Auc
your pocket through which your In- ]
appeal; ■n^ei the Japanese
le of ber
cbme 1* camsiantly leaking? If so. (be ,
youth* have been summoned to tbe
SrSTlAL cut price* on ISO pairs of' wise thing to do Is to deposit
bnrr BMt « 11 dtobM. Tb* Ritefleld pirdcinc IbeIr own death that the
a bll aetiCBl ibaee U a
(S.on, SSiS. (4.M ahoe* pie'* Savings bank, where your funds
nation may llee. They being Imbued
(2 45.
BMMII m UM rarte. iMBe lo bare
>'. Friedrirb.
vm m nfe and steadily Increasing by
MWlllill tbi Vtotto la]nrr. The
compound Imerest and wheoee It can
tliBipi MMid M tbi RanlM Crale
be drawn any day you need It.

This ftlilac of your btlrl
Swp h, or you vtU booh be
bflM. Gtre your htir some
Ayer's Htir Vlfor. TbefiUlat v01 fltOD, Ibe bflir vUl


aew as Up^nd'oewn suire with ease.

Ing and refreshing.
be convinced.

CUe it s (rial and

Ate expedite, but narringlon Hril


lain* the harmful Ingredlem.
acid, and leav<-s the granulated roSo
In shape to get the mosi pei^ea
Mend of roffee cut pUred
mtrkei, Try a parkage.
Sllckney's. 411 Union St li's a r<-> **' I .dTrar.m- iHy.uii lb* diUi day uf Jglt.Ui, ad laid auamlj. ibra* anrni nay. »m*a ir*
10 tbe palate.

*«teb looked Into.

We Make and Fit
srtll knosm Rottod Oak Storr.
EMOOdiy td (ud-ducaUttrtretDcsdout beating power—
Afr/frt gffWrW of th* fin—
ptAta work.


Most of them Senists taad W Douglas. Ul E. Prom St.

DocubcsU of this aalure ar* treladtose Clrcaxtlan walem cm*.
qaeaily tucked away la aeae hook or
et coudRlon. In both
drawer, whsm to a xarnll aom tbrir terka. urte (2»: lastly, a ataadard
owaer can reui a box la tbe raalu <ff
; SuiBWay. In good ortfee, ri SIM.
tbe Pint NaUoMl haak. TUa box cam JisR oe* eoudltloo Impoued la
be rltead a* oflau m tested. Md tos. but you weriteT
wteM* If jA tod .MOM
aMbB Urn beri teltvmrd ateari MB

allnaaaua. aa



cardully and good atmedoOte

Ae katwes thai




plan tbcfam you qrhfa faggad
apum-o, cab oa
Rouad Oak Fnacc
A^ aad lean ab about <L Our iunaee book



Is BFirt rrt>. U. HM.
Trsis Uara Trsirm Utr <ds a m_ a»
M Usr si WtUsB ruv


'“f »«* *■ m. to

-istri-f the

Round Oak

|MB Drew Selbr*- A. V. Prledtieh

ITate* you wUb lo save m
e have three pianos, each a bargria.
Many m ealaie has dragged om seldaa (ound la a mualc boat*, that
yran of expensive delay la probate
ate offering at price* that speak
cooru slaply because the paper* that
iwoold bare expiriaed MUan could
atyle It. Na IlXJts. used M
•t (2T5: a mellow-toned Kaabe.



tbe Rouad Oak Furnace kot *s

Tbe Joy of outdoor life It made eom .
I day* a* (he lap robe Is to tbe driver. |
: In addllloB to tbe (all line of fly sms pleie by wearing a pair of comfortably,
;Md Up robe* that the Votnba Har<t.*« (V
win And tranks of.

,*boe* at S2.IL


First class repair-

cot aa i-ipense. but aa i-cotHimy t
keep your warcb rlesn. i
Ibe ceaseless grind of a

. fly net I* Just as IndlqieBSIWc lei
the comfort of a hone these Augasl

all (Ufa aad prtcea. lo *ri( both m
heel, or to
eiperiTNleace and pocketbook. Come acj »
eaced buyer will tax
tank them over.
Oxford to eomtart.~
I OM) StEBS of KM. $tU. tt.dO


or good marksmanship
uek. not a dieuy one. Time to lu-gli

Saxton hay a complet* line .d cu
imunitian sod Jiumur'y cloihinc.
tWSMrr sitjuncts, leisil
From faciory. to flrexlde—ihat'r'
' sr-ason U-cIns. O pun the iloor
whsl we keep, and ecpielally notleeabl* ate ib* leather uphulsierad.
spring seat, leather-backed rocking
^'ibi.^TwbMh* 'i
chairs tn golden oak. quarter sawed,
i>siiiuD.« X.uU SMi w rrsuied
offered at speeial prices this week. |
AM II I- tutxb.r oedjmd. lli»i id [--uli.m
Tbe Modern Macealree la not fraic,-.
Can't (all to l>e suited In rockers, a*
they range In price from Tie to 135.00. nilly BI home wllb blmsa-lf or his
BBd Dunn. They come In all elxee
neighbors nnless be wears
J. W. Slater
stylet In both pateel and vld Ud.
pin nr ebarm. These can Iv obta
mllltUT or Cuban beelL He also carA HOLE IN THE POCKET?
'hi* week at Ihe Jewelry store of
good line of comfort tllppere to
Doe* It seem a* If you had a hole lo n»m A EarL While there bav*


Sid Ta:.,r'riiss

MusMaiffete MrMa

poRder and there are kinds to .of all
Keep Ihu fact In mind, that 1 mriie taste*, surb u .Menocb's. Palmer's.
a bulness of loaning money lo Urge Ricfcsecker'i aad olber*. bulb scented
onsceuled. Aside from talcum
- amail amouDi* oa clly or country
era. Pounol's, La Blanche and
real estate Md charge you but a rena tojKUnuTMK'U
a dos(« Mber face powders r
sonaUo rate of Interest. Pay It baek
retumed. In conrludhic bli leeiure
be found si Dogbee's Clly drug ilo:
^uutWsrsk Kasua*.
■be apcak(r confeDed Ihai br wa
232 Front St.
SuUr* u b*r>4.<' sitm. Usl is istviinri
auibor In que-sUoa.
asdi.y nnB-<dss .nW ttasl.d I. IB. us
dnsuranl s> sdiuuiKIratur <4 ili* *stsl* -d
wU Hsrsk hiMlB*.«l by tb* Hua
a. lsnBC.v.Judp-u<l>*lasBdf.e nrs^^lst.-^ TrsTora- IMy.u «slr.«sly.
Wonld l« u happy u the June JBs
aud ruosli. >«i Ih.. auk imj -d dsa.- A It
ride. If ber friends would only select
\>und in the nr* fall baU is beeomtown, arid In a rorenl tnterriew
to all. and while you are looking' udr gIRa from Ibe beaullful usurt- fSlirt
Court 'Hoaa;,'i«'ihTotT2i
Hoaa;, is >b- tXI< of Trsr. ra- ill) , iii
tkal about ICO InUaton of Elite bare
lent of cut glass. Rerllng ware, band
Juii the style to suit you. InspetT
Friday, the
nuhed Into prlnl with elorlee
beaullful ueonment of dainty palmed ebloa and rbaflug dishes, to
maUinlBR elmllar dlwleoire*. Moat
loibing of Ihe faney elncks that
flowers and Irlmmings. going at any
of Iheee author* are retired and embll« display ai Raslall's Jewelry
price, at Miss Heck's. HI Prom 81.
[*d ml tks> mday. U*
uffleen: many of them mend
■>. ISM. BSIl, *1 M
Store. 234 Prom SlmanuicHpu to him and all of
erprcl lo cel fabuloual) ric
go to HollMd to
UvanrtkooaiqBsn.vid (b* trurtbsM
ww. Isestywa aetb.
That's what lb* Llltic Weaver's are. rsBs* twT.|t. wa.1. I.rsn.1 rnmr-. ■'■«*<.'., hJZa is lbs Pnilal* iiBi*, Is tb* elty «l
Almost every country home flnds tbe
s Ihev are made of stock wholly dif
of a deep, cool vrrtl. aad what I*
The leeib. An Ideal food 10 cut.
r lo pump It with than a windd*-->asrd
I ABdItwravtbnerd*rnl.Uiblmldt>MIUuBn
•prlng broiler*.
Il*tcfaed rIgbL fed mini Arms A Cole. Cau street, will
PsledAumull.I.a. 1> lUM.
XI H 1 (I,* pdUs. W tb* psrsua*
bred ri^L dressed right Md sold pul In one at a reasonable price. They
righi, by Ihe right markcL to tbe righl
do all kind* of tin cork. Try
family, on the right day., A special
male of kellle rendered lard stlU oa to
Id cesu. Uros(4 Brae.
To expect patrons to carry dellrale
(■tor a safe Investtncm Is offered ihls
todies like wafers, caramels and Inn week by MilUr A Horse. 330 l-'Tom
Thai If you keep a Ibtng for seren bon*. In yellow paper bags, so we have
...., MUU
lb* issuer td Ihr MSI* .
. who have as excep:
years, you will -find some one for IL
large Invoice of dainty boxes, in all
sideboards an
Tbi* Is not nppilealifc lo haf*. espe­ aUes/rum IPe sixes lu (1.00. Buy but Through the appr.vlatloB
sallrDed I lss.cL.m- did iBbl* lif-dls.--. levU.oa lb*
Xlst day id aurast. A P l-n. duly *t. cially oow«-daya A1I the lace, fancy
dime's worsb and you gel a flUrJ
mers Ibry are agalu enabled
sada-^reft-.Kid Ib-I.nk l> Turt s **
strawa. trimmed and unirimmed hats
a, lust tbe righi else to put la an
dlenilon lo ihelr guaranitvd gar raairsrt la wrma* u> ros*r> t.. said IM
tt Tur*™rtsili real .wlstc Ua-rrlo desaReroooo wiih, balf a pound. ImOretil den hose. Every lawn should Ik- well opKilb* tariu. and ■tuidlll.ui- Ibema
Candy Co
Buy your,hose of (hem
Haul ■■rtlliutu-r lurthrr slhirM lhal -aul
this week, to make some one happy,
Imar l.uv* died an .K abpail. tb* Bab day .d
IVUuayy. A l>. ISK, witliuul taabiar tb.-e-«
a* well aa lo make rooa tor tall stoek.
r<-anr* r-vslr-d l.y -a.-h dotrsel. aad Uial
Haiuvl P lawn a a. duly ainMaied udwuilt
Don't mis* Ihr opportunity.
your pocket to give ui the conRETAIN YOUR YOU'TH
inct to that new wlndmllie yon need.
Nareh. A P ISiSL odd Ahrahaiu I lor*. W
By taking adiamtgc of Ibc facial
d a windmill, iben look al nur
ri.*t.d t*. Hiab* uad et**ate «xrtay*r anre.d lb* an InasroMU In vnunx. SMsaid all A
i-aimi-ni l.y elwlrlcsl massage that xs»ilOfem>.ulnBald ..ntrsi-t lo said IMu. n^lI^aM...—naam.
tn Brisfa, all linen. noR aad plUUe, gaaoltne raglare. bolh portable and
Mrs- E. 1. Ilonner. TJ" R Prom St.. U
full UeachPd. 7Z Iticben wide, lhal I*
mary, wlib either water ur air
uiher aad royther t.r.**adlB(* way br
whri this new Job lot of Oerman dam- cooler. We ate’ offering the biggest giving her paindi*. It idx-ns Ihe pores, •uch
had m th.' iKitui*** a* may b* rtwulml l-r lb*
(hcrehy xlUislnK the digged skin to alalul* 1B MU-t. oa* mad* aad apTTld.d
uk U. Hade to retail at tIAd
of Induceaeota to you. Barney
Jo lis duty, and afler a ireatinent
yard, but by
Au “i.iTa^>. iW
e ^1 lot of Anderson. State BL
skin will in- ejesr and soft as vol- u'cLcb lu tb* r-munia. b. a-Bcsad l-w
piece* vre arc enabled lo
to retail for
tb* himnas u< imul |*-uuua. aad that tb*
b-tr. al la* uf aaid ilrtia. ud and all other
No other trvmmem
tifid. All the newest dealRU. broad

Tbe qiriC to tbe turtle to eonp
makloc bu been waced to rlcorouily
Well served. Is brif tbe eriing
•mutt MAY BPRtAa
be Inland lakti all about Ibe re- In Hselt I* reepoulble for Arif the
CHtete IIU. Aac.. U.—PrealdMt
don of Unkin Clly are beeomlac turDtewOr if tki bitebwB- worbaiea..
lleliwt, and cnoeequenily rery touL
teriatad tear that tke refatal of the
The turtle I* a flnKla** aearencer.
Ihll la
patere la ttatoi u aar pUa of mtitand It le belnc urged lhal tome meau
II. They are always open,
en. altete toaao Chat tki etrikn wDI be
be taken to prevent Ihe total eMe^
ready lo serve the public, and
out lo the laet dliek. He aori
mMalloB of the uieful enapper.
to short order work can't be beat. Try
Iho tot wUl Bake ao rectoloa tnm
’ F»rmod Organ Ca and other ihbB on Haeeabee day and get a ftne
te BMd tber bare tahea Md thri
tbi iiriha win hi oneoded to corer IMttwIl flrme who hare bualoeu oM- dlBDer to 2£e.
«e In Japan, bare recelred di­
mmn mm of hter hMdHac ptelii

tea 0Ti WKb to a bur at Pelirbol.
tbi MBBit koto ef tbi rorml teatljb
tUi teraiac. Tke betr lo tbi IlMBm teoM WtU be awed Alexli. It
•oa ■■aaned that the Becker aid
tend WM.dteg ahMir. Tkle U tba



oa oo* Sldw PslBttM SpclM. Srmum
CMte. BwsDlni « Pert end AukUs.
PsItasB o( Far* and Ups. PslpIbU
KIgbtmsiw. tiTvWBlar Pulee.
-I hsr* grvwt rslta In IV. MIUW N*w
Heart Car*, sad spMX d its ta*nt*

r be Is bolhted I.

rina recenUr delUered an addrae be­
fore tbe Sorieir to Pbrileal Reeearob
at Milan, in vklrb be mlautelr
ecrIU-d ibe case of an auibor nbo
rear* acu compivteir loat bla men
Unciiice and namn. while oiber-

lac the wire feacee.

■L telMtewfx. ABC- Ue-Tki


The royal vUitoe* u

pi-rati-ly l>ured and Anally i
sled lhal they drive hac

Kinc Bdward.
Iiailan norellel Salralon


No Mattor What Doc­
tor* Si^—We Know
Thot Heort Troublo In Many
Cases Can Be


iRERE Marquette

>ai?B8DAY, .rimrBT 1W>4.
••n ca tWavkM. imiwoUmpto- th* tear «te aa 4


Td Kbo to look at bob* stMtp calko to Bake Bp diril a anaa.” tba lit-

Ttet MaMwtn.
Tbe Matte M n graedp bIrt; I cAca
watch biB te.
When cTOBte ore tealiarod from oar
door be aaoiebea all tbe treat.
Re drirea Ibe OBaller birds awap. Ua
aana-'n are ao rode—
Irk quite a aborklag thing to .are bUn
gobble down bU food!

Cnbmia Jalbr.

Crabappla }aUr li caa <d tba laaat
Pxpaoaira JaRtaa Ual oaa «»a aaka.
Ttea la mila waata. tad tba ]a|jp la
altaoR alwapa taa. Tbka a ball pack
ta tepaaeottea
a< cimb applea. ■» •«* aftar tbay ana
law tba Borkat aa ponlbla. aad waak
l-tacc la <aa
•. atoo. tba irwiparaaca laflo
large kelllee ate cover
I'b am pome. I
ter. Boll fa two boon a tanger. tm
bear bp Boter Bp.
III aU the Juke CoOtoa freely froa tbe
(roB a famar or bmm other peraoo
fnili. Strain ate stand the Juke -Why. now. 1 see a Utile
who Btkaa II for alia. Ibera are
uoing blnete wapr
away. Jelly Bade fttwa Juke that bar
■uaber d alapla wars of BaUas It
■lood away t.w iweat)' four houn will
boBa. I barr fooad li verr HU
be much elterer and flner than If made ! The sparrows are a aoiap aet ^
troebla. It ruaU Bothln*, and ron kao
aa soou aa the Jake Is pound from |
wbat poB are aalag. tlair-KOltoa troH
the fruit. Uakaa the weather la very
Jan are bailer Cbaa sioar Joca
hot. Ibe Jake Bap stand esA looger
make It ia. aa a taroer aartacr la
wiiboui injorp. When readp u. Bake!Th-> -'Id aad flcbi about-the
poacd lo the llcbl and air. and bp
all cblrping -Me! Me! Ke!Ibe JHIp boll the Joke iwaalp Blnabaklag oftea. oxntafialtoB. aourtap. b.
ute< ileadlly. Heat the sn^r. a pound And subi-iLb'-s wbeu we cbllJmi are
baaleaed. A «Mh aboaU. cd
incllaed to
to a pint of Juice, add to Ibe botUns
be tied orer the top W keep
AUi'ii Ibe
Ibe sbarlng
sbarlng of
of a
a trroi.
treat, qiy
qip BugbJuice and stir Iboroughly till dMohed AU".i
aarta ate don. . Tba Jan ab<
er atya. -Why, you
i ;
when 1
w-l la Ibr aun. and whraerer ibe fluid
Ate oellDg -bun the verp wap Ibe silly
boa worked clear, alnlo oB aad^l'
sparrows do!"
aflac «
II Id a warm plare until It la aa al
------------Jtlw )i>Tly llitlc Chkkadees anteerfsciaa deBred. When Bolber foraa.
a tba oaa Id cldar.

• mr mliM laan:
4aA»rfiniatf ■

i ter »• KM MiMte te:
VM teten « w ml I tkrra

tltelikm«r Am-:
»m. mUM. taka tae tood I lai.
TM tet af ao* aad tea.

I teak mr MTla MS-1 lar
AaMa Ika taUtac oar;
Tte aHil aoncht ■> tar a«v

iniBf tkr taablar aad aaaalx
te. nvaiar'a ete* aad caod
ter. we. ao Mka aar-
Bdt aa *a)I aaoaBh. tbeesk. Wte I
I tedacliB a cap at atm« ua b
a. fte aa a tea at oMMaa;
te-l kaoa-f I GoaM rx tteack Uaa
dar wKboBi Br atealB' cap i
AU tka wblk LadMr bad
ac Jaaa Bowaua bad beae drlaUac.
atelr. bw ai ir ararr alp Kara bar
aUdbctloe. Wbae tba gUM
waa teplr aba dtlad it agala. aad
taShod aad alppad aain tbal waa
-Baaoia W taa raa drtak araier
r rTter." uarttr aaetarad. aa
baaaa to 111 bar glaaa tba (bird
-Alai r«i afraid roall briaa ca
marT ITa hoard tall tbai wo naah
drlak atapa dltaalXa.-Ob, aa I'ai a airbt battar aloee

becaa W drtak wairr.- JaDab uncaa
waa kwaad. aad bar twvara vtra tba
aloaaal allaoiloa wbUa aba aapatlatad Tlnepar can be made br alaplr addliui
a Iba beaeflt aha dartrad
awerleaed water. Alwapa um- soft wa

Iinowroc them
sour oS at oace. iben tbe Inalde of ibr )
■iToaio will aa be betted but the akin

ter. but U It U BOI arallabl.-. boll 1
they n«er. nes.v fight. •
-A r<Br a|D 1 bad rbaoBaUiB
water ate ael II la the aun a dap
Th.y hidd rtie cTUBbs duuB dalBiUy
ir jOl tka tlaa; tm la B/ anai
with Udta tbelj little f«e1.
Tat ttel the Maaayad sawUaa kok' ta te kca. aad taallr all or.
Ibe foUowlon are aome rxrellrai
TbroBXb trtapad Uda le baarae.
hodp. I waa ao wrok I coald 1
raelpA that aaa be te
Aad the pak aalar it the brook
Ul te bead to mr baad. lawk
toi locaUHaa ate ataoi
bi-n B): sister's good
KhaD taa Ha Imca slveA
Hikes and arnage In toyen in n crak-''
Bli aoetht aa> tala woald bare
B) Btabef says. -|
Tlaete IroB Apple
cry or agnie dish both deep and large. ^ ^
V little gh-i wbu's eating lUe n darllag
igi—Fill a Jar hall full of parlnp..
Tba wood! tbafi wear their rote
spilnkb- each layer with sail. pepp.-r;
Hortbp aad
' cfalckfldre!
dd coe-baU taarup BoUioct. aa.l All
and a llitle augar. and am In Ibe lev
p wlib .water. Sot la the aun i
Tba aoMh vtad aedtlr alKh.
rhest for fruB two bonn to half n
iralB fur uae In alMnjt two weei.!.
Ahd awaat. cal* dte it taMaa hi
da- Iwfon- aervttig: they will be d.b tba tear o(
tram te rtaaHan with
Cora TMesar—Pul owe Iroeup of
Matt dewa tba aaWer okr.
llrkHiKl) Barinaled. The anperflttou* i
aa atkiaw.
ahelled core and one teacup of brown
liquid should be drained oB Ufa - ; ^
-Water has dear It'- i
IM Ite tell taBBir dead aad wart
usar or noUaaea la a Jar. Fill up dlhblng hw the table, mbere they ean
latad -walar aad anreUa!
ritb water and iri In the aun. Tbia
. •abaktaaataelwTCM:
Ik further s.wxwrd arcurdlag lo ta
Tba fiBreo towara that wraotba tba
■boa Ibrer weafca to moke but
rldoal ta'ie with .more sugar—ta i:
f the verp beat rinegan.
etaip. aloBS with tba raa| al mr
dn'i Iwro fa flee Preu
Maka aot tba Mada laat otnoc.
ToaoW Mnegar—Masb one quart
ripe lumaiorw to a pulp. Strolu the
LoeladT aad Manhr bcMb baateead
■M arttte baadt ahaD tera W beal.
Juke and pul In a Jar wUb nor u
to ecpoaulala; bat Jaaa bad -Boaot1b band at to daMrsr:
ar or Bolaaaeir. Pill the Jar
A Good flubatitirlt for Fcatnera.
ad bar blah borae. aad there waa ao
Itar Mat v baart lor otban faal
WBlfw ate tri la the aun fa
.wboatac bet.” aa Ladadr expreaaad
That t tba Bora a«k9Feulhen. and down are expensive, ing thoughts have i:oii<' out li> you all
tt wbaa ralatlBC Iba ladtet
but If you know a trank wb<-r>' thi- cm- tie- saBe evi-ry day. Only,
Yeuat Vlaegar—tbaaulve on<
AS at Oad wilM. wbe wlialr baada
aaicklar tba aaxt dar.
tall >iMi can have down pllbiw nbls|s-r iMuaeihltiK le you iliat will be
Tb Mra or w wltbbeU.
-I had baart aad read a ate deal teacup lirowa augar la oae piai warm galore fur the mere making. You a aeeret between us. Your preaUeBt
waier, add one amall peart coke. Fill
M kaowath aora of aO W aaadt
must know Ibat the men- fluS of Ih- has Is.-n despr-iat.-ly loae~iBe fa her
tbe Jar witb water. This will bo readp
Tkat all BT ptBpati hart WhL
arelaa for rtaaaaatlai
rtls- eat tail, whkb may
gallu-rrsl |mn.- l.-ii. r wrtl.-rs these last
fw naa la two neafca.
I,” Jaae
In Jul) or August, makes a pillow ibrs-e weeks. Sbe listens Iwlee
parlfc aor heed to what bar frIaeOa
Blackberry o lUapberTp VlneBur— equaled bp down Itself. So be prove for the pirsiman lo none and Iben asks
Bara awrked BT arrlag track;
arias. “I hotel a bird book
.Mnt Ibis y.-ar. and If you live near i
That wtaiao'ar te >aet bare awarrad.
naa«ar. Let aland two wr^a. Tbeo take or pnuil gel you a harvest of cat­
aad pa opara«Uaa. aod .
■ Hta teataalaa toraad te bock;
lb tba barrlaa and atnio tbe whole tails for future us.-. Yon will And
tba wtei and BaUi. It rtWR (etac
r oae quart fresh berrios. I4-1 stand them Hie most lne>p.-nsive and sail.'hnap ool ot doora. jt>o-»e cot t^
Tte Bore aad Bora a ProrMaoea
hare aa obfael. or roull cat rery litleek. thea Blab and airaia agabi. >aelur>’ material .vou eaa tfDpIo) fur
Onora la •aderataod.
Tbere'e nothlaa To furb quatt ot rlnegar, add one this purpose. If it shuul^ Ih. your fal<Haktac the aplr>9 of tiBc aad oem
I aufBr. bring to tbe baltli|g
like itealns birta to keep ooa li
necilmi of ibe cuunir)
Bwtat wttb otaroai ste:
akin, aad boiile while ha, aal
4. Attar reo'ra dlnbad orar
where cnl-talb. do Du) groa, Iben suhtwBlIa aad faecaa aod cot Birad in toned new corks. ThU (urnUbre
stllule the silk from milkweed puds
Tte dootb aaaoB hat a eorarrt wai
iraap teas w And a blaekbirt'. grateful add on bM daps, dlluu-d with r.alher the puds In tbe fall of the year
WU* opaai law ilfht.
t; reo'ra torBOltee that pM krt • water and poured orer crocked Ic
hang thi'u aarav bi MP-f bags to dry.
Wbtreda ao bUodad ehSM caa attar
reCrcahIng iM-rerage
J boA wbaa ron aurted ooL
Bariad Iba Paibarb aigbC:
Ibr tick.
Tbot an the Jarrlac aetae ot lUe
•aBa ueadlu U a pealB.
ted an the aagato ot tu atrlle
Stow reasdlBC law cals.

lag Bator lo eaullBower^btege. ru
-lid Ilka to hear aore about tba <oM. euabers. and manp salads. It Is made
Fur <«ch gallon of gan.1
Bi^ ate peer rboiBaili'. U poo'rc
Voii s-alii lo kisqi your skin nh-e all
vinegar, slice ais amaJI garlld. sis on- sumnoTf Well. then, here ats- s»mwimn'.” Luelter maatoed l
ted «> Iba abadowi tall apart
paaa paoart a Benaat to breathe, aad tons, two boraendlsb
rules fa you:
Aad ao the weal wladi plar:
Balab ber third K>ar- of wt
tirataed gtnger ns
Don't balbe In hard natif: sufi-n ii
ted an the aailae ot lU abtte
“qartaMIp. eanalDiI- Tb Riad poo «adi black pepper and allkpice.
sllb a few drupe of ammudli or a Hi
1 opaa w tha dar.
four ouiictw mustard s<s-.|. (I.- buraa.
uMdad ato. li t a habit ol Bine
—J. G. WbttUar. Bp dS at a taasaol. Well, poo tea. Put all in a atone Jar nsd set .
Diin'i Iwlhe pour face whlk” It l«

* ”Hopa oo. dear tore, for arar.
• Wa waad tha atom, tba atood. tba


flat trait Bar oeaM al Mat.
• H Iba ate ba ticbUr ctetabad.

V tha toll ba kapi wHh eara. >
a Ow Qod win ate hk aaa aad

Te Mke the harraat Ur.”



tea tttewate Padt.
1 weadar what tad aba'll taka op
' ate! Latt roar te waa traapi
•rar oraailaa, butlas for aU ae
arawte aad oaairiBB'crfUaea. Bp at
otertaa aad la bad at alsht o'ciock.
•aid the doctor WU bar W tat ool
deen and etap there WelLebedU:

while I wai sMtiai; ocooelBted vtib teck «.f tbe twve where U wll
the birtt 1 waa alto'drinklBS w<
for alsini ten hours. Then
fraair- Tbaedora Joeet' aprias Ii rfcbl and bottle tor nae or aet swap In the
dowa aear oer poMorr. aad
1 waa tolBf to drtok water. It Blsbl
Celerp Vln«5ar—TbU U aa eaeelleni
wdl be tbe beeL Two oaaitt
flavor to soaps, gravies, etc. Put four
what i aet 001 w drtok erarp dar. and ouneea of celerp seed la a quart bottle
toaod tbal Bade jaet alchi copfoli aad All U|> with good strong ijaegar.
Too ipoka of dpapapala M coonactloa
read) lor nae la a few dapa—
with wo Boeh llqold a while aco.- te
aaU. Ktaadag at Harthp. of tet ir poo don't drink

Rutaa fa Ha Waatocr.

-Wan. pou «

t was qnlie potBg.

Ote bleB pna'

MRH. L. K.osimrB.
II pou du n-tf (Mwa peaBpa wte
aatlsfarMW) newlts from Iba Oae •(
IVrons. wn t* al oiee ID Dr. Uattoun
glvlBg a full siaiswwal «f pour am
ate bs wlO ba

'two drenaea. but Agars flnatlp bougbl
part uf while, with Hap pink n
buds acaiteeed over it. and another of '
dark Mae. with cttob roaebuda. T>eu.
bidding the sBlIIng clerk good-by. abe

orola'. dear.- was the reply -Flae,


ibis. I'm liyln' to gvf a little ei-;
ercise. Flnlabed alt ay qnlil pieces
yetterdo). and i dunno what It- do
vitb aysetf BOW.- Sbe nlgbed. and;
toofcr.1 dowa at ber poor hands. cHp-:
pled with rheoBatlsB. and able s.nly
1 bold a needle and -pi.-cv' qullu
Agnes walked slowly along beside,
kbe laid lady, very nilenl. She knew ail'
about aranilBa Bruwn. for was sbe
tun ber nesidoa neighhorT Hrandms
I eomforiable borne wbb bif wm's
IbBlIy. tet her groadcblidrvD w.-re not i

A TOMS Aflorners UTTOL
Mrs. W. McBobots. write, to l»r.
Ilansaa from Delano. Mus- ibv
following I
H-lsne. Miss.
I>r.<lt.nar«ssn. c.dumte.. Obb.:

ihmigbtfuU and ofiro spoke iBpaikni !
ly to ber.
Poa grateava!'' Agnes


and bs.k IVrvna and Manalln. Tbthird ol March I gave Urlb to a M
ysBte Isibp girl and wearetsHh w - II.
and happy. I am very thankful b>'
}>to and I'enua saved my life. I'
rvwBUicnd II bi everyoor aiul can't

-I-B wo sorry fa her.” And then abe
remembered the parrel ta ber baad
and held it tightly.
Rrotema Drown'i baiting tdouteps;
were stow and uneenata. but they;
nbebed ber gale al lasL oad. as rbv
sald guud-liy Agnes slipped t^ paper

-I arte you By own ate my teby’s
pletar*. »be U S.1 sweet aad g.s J.ahe Is a IVrnaa !«!•>, I .u--b
g.vud bsalih Bow. Iii-.allrnyhsauewak ate take rare .d my lal.y and
1,-mt rogoad.
••Tt.ere are three ot tissr of Biy

parrel laio the wrlakkd baad.
-'«l<-rr an- Mime pieces fa you. I
grandBB. ' she said "I hope yiwll Hki-;
them.* And off she ran.
Several days later Agnes was pass
Ing Ibe hoqss-. when sbe bewrt the old
lady calling, nnd saw In her bands mile qqllt Imaginablr—all

t were

blue and while, with nisi-i'uds neatTrred everywhere over It. an.l .-lactly
Ibr rigbi size fa Hariaa's ta-d!
-I made ll for you. dear.- llrandma

; hr r. piled lo a frirstd.
." said iIm- •

Hui I <b.n'< ..-e the point.' aOld lb*
. lii.-sA
Ih. wviuld have aime
so aftsT I had catlel
... was Iherv-. They'd
ami run

Brows was saying, “ate I hope youll
enjoy nsin' It n< well as I did the mak
In'. I nev.-f bad pnAM.-r gmuli to
plec.- up. ami It's a long time since I

bad any but scrn|»- I've bad a obv,
time plannih' and mnklo' It. and I
t'a a liU
thaak you fa ihi- pleasure.''
“Oh. grandma'- Agnes etelnimid. Wi-h a big v.ilce.” add.^l Marv
eUpplog her bands uHb di-llgbl. "I McCtaiy sadl.v. -hirl fa '*io-i as h- Ip
The I’btaan , .hpke. hl.O(Btttel
never, never saw sorb a dear, pretiv less as a hab.v'
InsKwd of yis
Hajr an hour lai-r Usth dasbe.1 in
mile quill! Oh, thank poo. thank you.
Hr ki.-ps out id step wh
to lb*' kileh.-n at h-nuwVb you
"V--S." >be said Iitvalbh-sBy. ':Mra.
clasped ber arms around Hratema
lie put. '.a bU hat in a
Brown's whbi-red nerk. and kisM-d ber ; MHiiniy 1, .mdBg K. let me fend b.-r
Hr ublleu U. bools
btiicketiliM; than
AH Ibis liAppeflea many yean agu.
' He Tide, with his bswi. ta tbe
lhal the ben. will
and UrnDdnui Brown kmg sinre pawned sc-tal". ul nesi.
raid Insirad of HI.
lu the in-uer Laad. but Agnes silH lav " Tl>-i. s|„ caa- ctoac i-. 11,ns the mile rosebud quill, and <v«ik and a.M.-l. “I thank yiw .-vrv' sv.

Ltateh ChlekafB.
•'Well, " said UiMe IJcey.
Iblnk it's.hiwrlble to live ta the rotmIry all spring and sumai-r and biM
keep rhick<-n>; and mamma always
pBimise<i m<- that when we moved Into ,

wash Stand ewer, or In tbe l«lb tab.
They win.soften and perfume the wa.
H-r deUgtaledly.

|da»H>. wilteat -I OB Htttf ■

peon oUsnd never had aapdoMBBI I
tel atnee Is elBBiag pour Brtitea I 8
gsTctdMhtoalibfsBteliabjrglrl. l"

barlw a aale uf priata Uk wm*. ate
all Ibeae are oulp Ihioo reaU a pord.8be polBiad to a pik (d preUp J
ered aad dated calkoea.
-Threo renla!- aaM Agnes, with
epee ahlalpg. 'TYbp. Ill bare eu
fa two.” Sbe Mid down Ibe three
plecM. “Ill have a light ate a dark
ooe. W’anl that be tovelpr’
a toag tlBe to select tboae

Ona av Hia Folh
The twelvi-year-oM Mm <d a %'Od
street |«rem two-oHy te■ be proud IUS.S. SS.W Ilf Hune
i pigs
A day or two afi.v Ibe


nfien be ihh>%> away- the froM a
He laugts on c.eelllw bte «
■ this I. lo dtab-tve erfl apMs.)
III. bfi band ..........

puce at ^mar

He tUuk. ll p»M.' I- avA your


the country. I aav lo f.vd the chlck-

sHoi- of lemon lied at a corn and
ri'iiewed every night will'soften HI so

J whP-h cuimw idgs {day i
Bt part, nii-y -MBns4 t,

ID b<-ealhaelet).
Pun- leroun Julee and

• noise o' chickens - •

id caught him
, fasi and bard
He fi ll s« hail Blasut it Ibal fa­
te In turn lo •sell " sore- uoe -d
happy vicaiiiin lintoul.I'CBS hero- y.Hj'd v-t. tired fi-ed'big them father was rbi- vhsitn.
'2;*:jPU.»*>teteully ni«r_,.,
-'Ud you kutw. pspu. that
n-si Jpnny wun. Mias Uzzle; yon'r“
Tdem—If .uBM- of you eoi
hold a KUlnea pig t>T >!>•■ (ail II
and i.oiKigh like your ataBBa fa thai.“
Iril what you are doing i
will drop uoirr
-I doni gel tired -rf dulng tbiass.'
days. Uui o.w.-r mind If you ra«'u
Jllr totb-r taugbte oulricht.
sorh a plqce ii. ,
ted Idade.
Three benw a'doy will offset In i By aad by we wHI b.- having s
' Why. Ptai in w-iort-r Itd.| you »oH,
«ks oa ihnngb ki
Th-u tho cook and the bottsrBald
iwr. ime bnm-l td flour, flfiy imunds vistiing lime again, we are sure.
sioir. Ueiis—

. ••ssl'enough lo salBut Ih.- utb-r day Ibire did a tittle talked tu each oifav-r ta low voices.
r .lugar.lweai) imnnds ot rorn surA.
The teys all say ihat." air*wi r-< i T>,. v “re lieil ir, iteyevaMte 11 tee.
lauchiBg a great di-al, aod then the
*0 pound, of macaroni, ten quarts id
a- a Judge, "ate P's so. ^
..In.I.-aJ,nice.' '
1 lib' btur g
ran., four iwehe-pooBd hams,
! Aad leaflet after l.-atet vaataM M a
j Irddy would like ti> up.'
bu.bel of Hwi-el Jaitaloes. tw.-Ive busb.l'* '•
-Oh. mmsoise.-.aid te fatber.stmi
"Try what" asked IJttle.
«, ten pounds
"We was taiklB' about vou snd wa
' Bates—I thought
•Wei; J.,.1 po tu Ih.-ra;-e'aii.| bold!
tb- sboTsT
s of nUlBs.
few linos to h-t y,-, know '
-sCMiDte the cook “It's
pounvls cf rlcv. twenty
tip and yu..-|[ ..s jTI-v- wkro fte tounsro bw-wteru

be taken In the springtime, i
“If I were called npon.” nalii a vetskin and iHirifl.w the c
aa pbyvklan. “lo lay douy three
glass of hot lemon i
iM ta observance la hut wealher. lato-n bifore going li


heat as we are Ilk-iHy to bave at any
tiBe BOW. I have foond that sevaal

oil ahd bopt' that joa are '
bore was a picnic ymt Sun-I**
Id all reported a flno i intI staye.1 Btay gron-l

We did na ...

»be do l»- Hvta' dowp
“taama'. lam-.and

say tag ' IwokA,^ ta

Ju>l to ti.e b.,1 the

ws- toe'ltowal

w.-t.t .,11
Ii. a retnu-nt b- •utne l*cl. :iai.. ii il... eroMtiri s weal -ssow H
luukllig S.-;;. |.sAiLC JU-' Ilk- a Biaq*
lu Il-sn,



! fiuir Wg ImrTvls heai.-d up. and iti|*“> Pta.-e ihe Fonnb of July Iguessj®^^
- luliuic of tbe last tiarrel. a purse I »HI <'h»i-fa this time. Ooudtiie.
lb a flee dollar gold piece, marke I
JattHw (! Honon.

of my patleaia ►are been ptvpnrltg In
' ' ’
more or lews traailc fashton fa their -A Drrus fa MuHkv": and a ten dol
or Ibr— iblog. that: ' «k>be I would." said IJtale. her
coming tHp to tbe country or seaside. lar bill. Tu Buy Shots'for the Chil . Tha. an- I
a mil.- One 1. 'bat ■
tt'bkbr—Farm Jourtial.
latw worr.vtag
By the lime tbeir ctotbes are ready for
I tkvsv an. afilt
ny requ-vis ma-l- fa
‘“m McOlniy do be a trlflg ero^."
these iri|w they will l»- more fit ta a
Ik ttruear-a Talk an Vhwsar.
August Raul.
: meats-t^hlp
Is ai.l hulb.D* III. •***'* '*"■ riKA. "bui then, you bsi a
nib In a rest cure than anyihiag
-iny doll younake you) own vtn
We have cuae lo the but Bunlh cd ' sprtag that b
lH«" ‘"'•'JF-'
•flarT-oaked ay {racer, oa I gave bte
~.m ir. Is- able to . '
' M- rro.. if 1 offer to
wtortof knaek
tbea like water oS a duck's lark August. Ibe time wbea bvifa ibe nlgbK edged, ton «>
a Oder la a goltoo of hU bob
fete ber chickens.- said IJrzP•Ml days are hot. ll is ilmv- for ib.\ send tofih -x
-Ob. ft's too BBch botba. and be- Hnaph! My owa wife's as bad as aay
good fama and bis wife to lake a vaAnuibt-r Is
M veral ul uur mem•" • ft'* alaoies the little girl bod
a ate to Mr mit all alfln 1 don't know bow." I ans<
For many of ns. howevt-. bers who haw- iis.i ih-jr buncins have! ttod her h<»to und-r b-r chin and had
t snea wstckla' for putllag tor teef reaaoB Mat.
will be as Buch vacoli-in s> •■••tu slamiic la aaoth.v one.- S.unc'*«»" «P—ling down the Int- ta h*r
aaaa tbara'a
For SwaM Charity. .
-WelL It's toe almpleat thing M (be
asBUI) is. w hich Is none a: all wa; Ibe If«t uf names ha< been lost.l*‘'’'TF fag-ttia| to pui on b-r Jacket
a boa InbaHted aeae' world.- be replied, -ate b an Bacb
•to eslerptteag women have As
Asyway. while nature ted business while Other |>eople bave te n keeping ! '
. Haraabe bealtoler tool oae can aSort to take
• shame!- rrite tbe co<*. with
covered an artflna] method uf rotolag
tu Ungntsb, we may Uve son tbeSunshlnrylekk inorda. Ii I. lobej*
oomm ap th' atrwal tola teaoie!
"f >*agbi<r. ' Mary Mewhu UtUe irouhle tt to.*
' fa a charttaMe organliattoD in I'ot some rest uui of life darice bnpt'd I' may be found nsnlc. but it |<Het> will he equal to scarta' the child
A ate to call bar M ate aaa wbai te
wbito they are latrrewite.
Iheboi days by mak'ng H.-.!Bpleted may
VOS. It any who bav.- sent | ‘Mu flu. ate I'm am- saailB' to sabaa to nr aboat Iba water te'a awU- Jed of food odaltaratlou. aad I bod
They tiiute that there is a marke!
as pvissvble
There Is need -g Waa
M* down.” te oaM. halt rfalat Inb proflled to BBCh by bU
builoBs and na reexved;^ maaiBa tben"
w all old arUctos ihal have even a
tmalshtag the Imps,. Hurry anf !(hen will-write again, they shall sure-:
te chrtr. -tf I tbotet It wooM batp,
While tbe- fouUtb boniu-maid WM '
gladly Uateaed to what be bad
BP ibiiBilli' rd ba tempted te irr to *7 oa Ibe tubjeei of vinegar
Worry, ate taklag li naj.Sar tho bot ly receive tbi ir huttous and
' " tangblng. UsMe Grey knoefcte at
weaibvT Is llkHy (o stay
II BTBtf. Hr Ite te awfal Mma toib'lr .lamp retornte to them
Tour ]
"f “*»T McClatrs ttlHe
ta tobatanee that Bach of tbe
all -defnDCtrutfbrr
•ap. Woted poa (oD te M. Honkpr vinegar oa toe marha to ate
presid. ni dues hope that yon will sure j
ly .lo Ibis right away.
‘Who's iberer dematete a eonrse
Manhr tewsht tt woaU ba a pood tewtog a Ttep poa aolotliB of nlco! volee.
Ha. ao Ladadr sot op ate hobbMd bnl aver beoeb ahartaa a Mrch twlgi
lat hate heretofore hero reljsaied
j Sot. ihif I, n kiuger lUtlsg u b
that base hero soakrt I. Moag via
• too aabbeup caa now be made %
! desk than pofir praideat has bad I
. -tt-bo's mer taqotrte tbe rntae.
egor. aaaaUy addlag bydracblaclr'ate
e kept naiU n- ;m»nv weeks, ghr to very tired, a
-Ltazie Grey.- answered Ibf teild
aatpburir ocUa. Now tbaae acMs ta
Tbe women wbo aurted this aovel
e again To d-> so I sc- jmuM say gtoid-bye. and God Ue>s y«
-I live on Ibe hill.*
toteaelvea are bad enewsb, but when ■ebeae ask tbeir acqualcitaacea lo
V and sllCF
-tt'by doo'i yon uae ta r deteadkbep come a ea«art with ooppor. mn Ml arUMct of this dcacHpitoa
toin. sprinkle
Harp McCiaiy.
braan Ua or Mac. a potloi ot Umoe CM a autrt day eon a mouto tbe ac
Ibem stand two bom
Tbe UttM Raatete QwilL
Utee went !«: ate. beteue tbe dap
cuaataUons are ennte away and sold ibeu drota ud put la Jan wlib a fI -Tbete.- aald Agbeu. tying n aernp was cold, sbe dote tbe door canfMlp
an pfdanaowa. h win
One beaXam about asking ime's whole Busurt aetes aad abme wb>
truk Jars. If weed fa
behind bee. Aa oU womb was atard sprta* watar W Iba toga
toe torete-bore qnesibm:
ttaestr. and U-j-Sow,
plokMa. oBiii
Ing bard at ber.
PftBX po. anke »e a te. la ou, torr sealing ted a dduamspoon of to buy you
ate (oai otlcky to tbe touch
wMtor aakte the Mg
■uteh Biimar M4 -Wool poa olive Ml.—
Sbe beta out two aOva ttow^ecni
pMkMa gut OCA ate auah;
eoae date* a bll of laao work fa
ptaeew. Wbirb 'Cnele Ted bad Jnai
Hao ate ottaa Mae oil ao*
I toltepaareU(heBa.~teU.
n- ebarttp lalrr Bat wbea one roe
Wben travettos M hot wentber. given her- Hartu's Mar eyes stared
oMo oatj iba sMm oa aha
■ap. -Woal you tot oae dlapo*
cntTpatoagn aaMi hMUe ot root of tbea. ate Agnaa. barrpMg to get
■ oM Marp McOtatp ta a'
poor oM ntobev aboru.
tor your
Plata vBiagne and a aaA cMlh. tobe ba owa hot. took tbe teO by the bate
ttiag^ gate UbacmafaM,,. two the too acteataBMip wttb
ta nod pan
■Art site MtrtteSibpto: ttetoaMaabtos CBO. M puu .to -mtiii iMiitoiJ
tettp aa pMtr ag to ttato tfri wtoj
Uteadr Wtear dropped her kaiuias ptB raapooaa.—Ladlaa' World.

ultx. U M. CRJTTITg, ABB»|

l very good

betlBes tells lo anaber little A«- Burh. y<« and Kano, for iHllnc rae
■H-s tills very stiirp. wbicb Is all true. aUwi Mr.. MrCiniy.“

try nann. and never use very col-1
Place a r.-. slices of lemon in Ibe

wblla pai are mUbs- I drtol
of wairr la the Bwrmlap. a
or Bare before breaklial. ate two be­
fore. I so in bad; tbit 1 Bwal alwapa
d eaperially by women, these wnufil
take bot. I think It maket we alaap
the iBree: Don't worTj', ‘led hurbauar. The raat I drink at odd
dorl^ tba dar. but nerar Mat I
or PM after eatiac or darMg a i
Haro Jana aeddealr sMiirad i
eloek aad laid te moat ba (oinc.
n>are waa aa ot» birt arrr la the selves into a frenzy of
wooda. aboat a mile ap the road, and Maalr aad Johnnie
te bad aal out W boat fur ita oral.
wbouptag'fuUKb nl orbool. He awake
-I dadara. l-re a aMte W trp U. nights nervously
Manhr.'‘rLBdter apld aa Jaaa'a Bsorc
.r if the kitchen
dkappaarfd aronod a turn otte road.
crackers, iii
-Tba water, not the birta.- abe added:
-I'm ‘Boat tod oM to besla dlBbla'
three Iw.dve-puund turkeys, five quarts •
and feaeae. 1 kaow daar aaad to
rranlsTTles. tea buncbiu of m-lerv.' '>»>
“fleet of Bind ma aatu-r.
hare rbauaiBUa- awful bad.”
1 piuindf of prunes, f.nir dozen or-;*®''
•elves to Afnuzle, a froglie frwtge*. K-n pounds id mized nuts, mak-!'
wcnl coal aortblas W trp It
KH cwlcuUted to wllbsland such

da' ttr aa hew at a Ubo on a ctoap
a« la oar ottert. wmitea'a pair o(
tebaai Mrda boM tbair aaet; aod.
«C foaV btera aa. eba waa wauttla'
Mb throte tbas little Walk eprt-------- Ttt Aaa teee ealU 'aB
tearTSMaaaa—hot whatarar tbap be.
te Wrte dlda'l Bind 'aa a bli. bet
kapI oa werkta' aa' alacta' for all tkap
waft walk. Ate aow tep cap ebe'e water'a rbaap ate ao'a azerrlaa. Ba
bad rbauBalla- as ted at root.
tteto- to drtoklB’ watea-a saltoo a
U I abonldBl aiperl aapbodr'a
ttarl Wdl 1 Ulak tba bm ba a III
fadi' WDUM iiBbar me ap,- i
tia a«!~

Writes Mn. W. McBstierts.

tie girt ted. aeutas Haflab.nte the




I SunsDine, I:

».f»s jiigeii rrol (d.asnre sj..'
• iii.i^iaintnent you arc mi.tag to Bvi owBifag a VICTfrK
TAUOW; MAflllSE- Pro!,
•hly nm. a pun
procor-d cme -X/cg arn.
Ju« rvm.i.ier f.g a muicco'
erv. Players bd'! fip-alvr- .
«<r riwttal at anp limr. This
VHT<»tt RW'/.RIiR. rt*.
of difl.ero,
Ikmgc. Krdre uti any Itcrou-n' Itaml
Orrhs-rlrm ptonro. Doalt.
<h>artd. Ifunwirnu- Firoev,
TM- ''Rte l.rWfi .d Vr-ue R«xgq,
lertl-m. by .he wai.y. lete'ms Elrger.^ Vwdtolsta
appear lu i-ii.l>c ooli a; '
iDvnrUUy tu crawdad
Vccj may have a
‘-rery day far a whole yea aad uf
pent a (ihgiV ttecod. su.sreol is
repotmer fur the VICTOR. Ate
one ron never tire at ‘b- TlTli
every w»e-k_

yiCTOtt rrproduettate me ao trd. to .
•tars- (bai if to dlMcwM to
dtotltgnisb Utween them ate Ibe orlMnal
•"tea. 'Tbl. M wh, toe
TICTOR Is H. ima
•a foa Billbm omUrs ,*01
e soU taa yeiu ate urdrov s
r«Hvte from Ml pans of to
We Oto a CBnptot. Wtetor Oteftt fa OMv >«

----------------------- Vteattte.nate,

If you prefa a

tt ttp to
wb-ber roT^LZXtJ'ii^. ’



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