Grand Traverse Herald, October 27, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 27, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pages 1 to 6

TIM L«t HarvMb
looked forward with real pieaanre
Galey looked np a
fly. and said, dings at Caleside next Christmay. | dark comer In easy reach <d all. Tho
k Not Be Bteepy.
Uey bare been submlttni. any that
Uoc afier tree4««flac sad fraeslas golag. eapeeUny aa ab« had aaked nw the coming c
And then, i-i Mabel and George will be married a* | the sp<wt begins, l-'nim doer* are lbIf (here 1* any one of our aatlve an! Uese artlSelal gems bsvc tbe sama
that 1 woold come to ber early la trylag to Ude my Bushed face. I
the moralng. and begin their Journey j recipicnu of cabbages and poutoc* tnals ihai kstU slow, clumsy, -laxy."
poltoh aa
October, u sbe wanted me to aulsi my plate of cake fall aad so the circle I In life with Ibe sooDtl of happy mar. i buried by the youthful nighthawke and gccerally unfit to sunive In tbe natural rnbiet. I’nfortunaiely. i
> sad ftnt la tbc arraagemeau. But before com- was broken, for all began to talksndjriagi- beiu to r#a>eml>er; Clara anllShower* of bean* and rice raitk struggle for exlslence. It is Ue woodr may prehap* Ihl^fiyto^to
tralU or oKlMUSi.
man make myaeU iboroogbly ac> searek tor the ring. Sad I bad It.
Charles in the evening, with all tbai | agtlnti tbc window panes. NaiU chock, say* Coorjry America.
n« diarriw w>d pMchea sad plmiia. Sualaied with all the old coatmaa.
As a conaoiatlon for those who get \ an eight o’clock wedding implies; aad | maalpulated by string* from coaccalod Afti-r be has bain, or raUer escaratc-i. elallv s ben to Urge sire. Mre fauaraad tradlUoBf oMnected Done of the cake charms, a bit of the , a( high noon on
Uih ’ aball prom-1 quarters, cause weird, mystcrtoiu his homt'—which, to tell tbe trnU, be
ions and bubbles.
A MUOB •w«T iroa' ibe Muon oT with the day: aad pM^hapt. u I lived cake should be aaervod
to dream up lissi to love aad otwy the very bcsi ma::; a»>i>es on doors and window s. Bell.-i does in a rapid and bnaineas-like way M. Veraenil thinks further experimuttla
oa for three nights to succession a'; in all the world—su I think.
j ring and when rr-»poni!ed m there I* -I;- do-s nothing bni eat and iai-.-p Utioo will enable bim to avoid Ui-ve
WbM apf>)M are picked ta tko fall. dad aome artln wbo woolt] carry
the next foil of the muon—so say 111.-1 "Was yosr party a samw*. Aunt i nu one in sight up or down ibe «trwr Vet. any one wbo *lre> him np a*
more elaborately the dealgaa on
WbB tvOIcbU flow ehlUy and dai
j Galey?- I asked as I Ud her
iyit >boweni of grain from nowberenl. Is likely to get f.wled.lor
card the bad aent me for the reel of
white and traatr,
We did not attempt 'dookln' “ for; “Well, my dear, ihe signs are all on ' greet the wun-tering bouscholdrr.: i-i be is a *<»;irec of rootinual surprise*.
Boparad the ESM
Tbn eoaea Ue laat barren U the iBTluUoaa.
apples, or snapdragon, or pulling kale: the right side." she answered.—Uat-. the great grinning featutv* of a Jack
Admiral Dewey nodded towaid a ,
Wti.-n your garden Is not far from
-all;stalks, but we bad a glorious appV-1 per-* Baiar.
o’lacicra laugh at him from the gai-.~ ■he woixl*. >oa may la- awakened ih UII man wiib a mllUarr carriage.
< \
per. pencil, and a good deal of detcr-----------------------; ,kxu. Away d-rwo the m r-i ma>
-That genlkman.- hr said. Tongfa*
-the mlili|l< <4 the night l.y a eerie* at
Yea, after ibe BeM cropa are blaaeJ mlnailoa. bard at work In the Athen- hunt, which began at tun o’clock. Early ;
In Ue afteraoon Aunt Galey aad one i
M^d and Merry Pranka.
gallantly In Cuba again.1 tho Span­
most atarniiog yells and ht>wl*. uci
aad are barr^.
of ue maids had concealed in all sorU I ’’hese days, of all the year, are be*t; several of them
skuit^ liy »,i|ne bimgry wooJcbu
Tbc grain boaad la giddeaeat abeai ‘latgbt aaaln me." aa the pleaaanlof out of the way places Jimt as manv kuAed
strange. uncanny happen-; Gradually
they g»w mww aad fin that ha* iume for a nocturnal visit
figbUmt. that I am gulng to tell Ihoed little tlbrariaa remarked aa aoe apple* aa there were guesu. When togs, weirdI soperatlllous.
,o^«tm«u.. and gto-1
gto- j ,„y
’ ,w-eeiM
pari, doing no the cablage pairh and met with
yoBAbd com eai and atored la the bam adjuted Ike light to the proper dimUey were all found, we gathered In tceqiie fancier. Nature’s v.dre U domh „uchlcf while In sight of an>»n.-. warm reception Trom our iwo dog.*.
"He was quartered In a eerUia '
for the haaklogi.
aaaa and pointed oat Indexca aad ref- Ue ball, where a wood fire was humand
village., and at naess be comThe
Tkm tsm>m the *aat barreat uf ereaee books that aerer failed those
lag In a huge open fire place, and {t»ttlluwmg hare that adds a r<*-!lug •>! snd when i
u In Ibe hii-JM- giM-* pari'nily uuhanuisl. whlle the d<M*are l>laln.-d billerly evei? day about Ibe
la aearch of iofonaailoa. Nor did ih.y
wv tried our skill and lurk In BDCcrtsici} as to what she is aUnii
to the door for the secoiul
Wi 1.1 u;;r*T their *<raicbe.i u.iee^and Cuban rooking.
fall me.
paring the apples and throwing tho ua- do. Tl)'- whole aaiural world Is in a
We wltaeaa with wonder tbc great
-Sugar!' he would rnelalm: tbey
fore-paw*. The A«»lrh3ck. iu.toct
Bat before going further I mual. for brokeo akina over-Ue left shoulder, •Utc of hushed expectancy, and U is is near, but the from gate i* b ing
has plenty to cu^ge. and will aiway* sugar everyibliig! I cant atpod Uh
aw peadera' aake. deecrlbe the canU being very careful to save every eecd no wonder tba' the feeling cnlminatcd. his feel upon tbc porch.
The gTMB of the ieavea la BO Bi(
What oa<- <>r u‘ caui'it reratl 1
fight la j)r-fi»CB.*. to rnnolng away. ronrtani sugar diet.'
dealgned aad baad-palated by a far for future dlrinaUon.
wllb our ann-siorv. in a festival rf Hallowe>'}ii> at coll.-gi- when llic- ca
■Xkeg glow with the cotora ed all the
"Finally be said; qil rat mHMns
Tbnrughout the siiniiii-r, this
away eonsln. They were of hoary
••One. I tore:
Iraililious and myrtle observanves— P'lK was th.- M»-ne of bonfire*; f*-.l with w«*>dpig ' .{Hii'i* nii»t to bl* Uii
■1 boll'-d
bereafler. They cant
cream white card board. sU Incbos
Two. I loro;
Hsltowis-n. Till- iisnte All Malkiw Day. lb«- un.-ighil.v sheds and fencvv wbieh. Ih- tiriiiliy to hi* li-irTtiw. comtog out sugar lh<-u).' .
long and Sve wide; all the Initial telThree. I tovo. I say;
was given by IVp.-ltonlfacelV..i.. the_____ ____________
_ ____
"But a ytning ullinT rame in to rntwa
.early to ib- morniag lo take hi* i^tnikFour. I love with
my heart: and j first of SovemU-r to cylebratlon of the ;
bura' tht- Mnfir.- fart. niurnlng to hU n<-*t fur a mor» tt the next mesl very early, and tak­
' Tbej Saaa with the rellowa aad reda
of bonebes of Sowers, such at
Five. I cast away:
~'nverrlon of Ihe Pantheon at Rome ’ and not U- aiipry ai the ilck-Ucka f^>r Ing nap. appoarfng agaiwat at«n and ing the rail .rtt to tbc oUrtU tall
iblsUeheatber. and branches of witch
of the rmitage.
Six. be (or sbo lores;
U... . pi..... nr CbH«l,. .nn.1,1,.. On ,
to tto- aft.jrmwm tor hts dinner rrui-i he fllh-d It up with sugar.
With porple aad anber (hey gleam. ha«el. tho Bower sacred to the day.
Seven, she tor be) loves:
liar .I., nil .h.. „nu .vnranabl,. j i
"Wh'-u 11.1 older man arrlvod be
Mipper. only lo niiirn again loThe
Wllb UaltBgB oC )ewela. « aoariae aad
Eight, both love:
In »ln».
pnoMl.r..inr. t.J.,.
anuli-r snnust.
tK-ra*iraia1ly he ordered mn- eoourii. bull«l eggs. Me
hot perfectly readable; here and there
Nino, be (or she) comes:
uot licen 811 asidr. The |R>pular ’ ‘
mak- a vi*H to s<ai- neighboring or­ opt-bed ibetn wirh gkstiay cumidncency
little witch or sprite peeped
Tin an la an Orleat dream.
, Ten, he (or staei tarrlos;
■errance of the day. however,
chard or garden, lly October flr-t. and sprinkled over ibt-m plenty to tbo
from boWad a letter or Bower,
Eleven, be courts, and
preceded Its estol-lisbmeot a* - ...
Tbea down (brongb the bate of the
wbi-n he Is fai. he reitres iaiu hi* itnb doctored Millle a new moon, on others tbc da'c.
Twelve, ho marriea."
tiva! of the cbntrh. It was oi..- ..I (h.-j
the ra!i..v vrf N-w Guinea,
blue ladlaa aommer
"At tbe first mouthful be lomsd
ttiraiisati horn-- tor a long stoep. unlit
' formed of sn apple paring, and u
When Ihe Iasi apple bad told all it four griwi feiiiral «^c^a»1on^ .n ..ur'"f Great

they ditfl to Uie froat-bitlca groaad. all appeared the Inrftallon to
irt- l"->l 111 le-l!-*-. the pnm-rldal purple.
he t-veuing . I rtiiain .for .-.-nnTl.--. ihv ialand l>«* “gts-iind-hto:" day.
coQld. Uo nnt-bumlng or fortuno-tell'
Or awln. ore they fade, by the gamer-Sugared, sagarol!' be L-xrlalmed,
“Come spend wf us a happy nicli- log began. Tbl* was done by placing fore was given
*nd nisbed from Ih’r table
tag North wlad
An crack a pAe tbeglther."
two aau side by side on the glowing strange customs and |iractict-!<.
Aiw whliied iBto windrow
Merwiy Used Horae Benae.
of the tKland i« a tribe of marshlan J
Halloween to a Scotch lassie mrant coals—they should be naatedAif eoui
a time when spirits avre supi
The villagers wi-re all gatliv-nil A toe
a great deal: bnt bow It origlaatod. or —aad if Uey bam together, all will go
abruail and the pus er or witchup dwellers. Owing to the vecoliar char- aroniiil Ibe little .lure, (alkinc about
Aad eblldrea. wHb rake and wlib bav what euanectloD It bad wllb tho pagan well: if they snap apart, or do no
*1 lls liuiglil. OlTsel hy the ofloris arler of the c^mulry Ihey inhabit po Bam Jimivi' lu-<t ndt. It wa* a iwThe Lomloo and BouihweMcre 8l)N"
hM and barrow.
rites or Droidlcal ceremonies, docs burn at all. then the friendfhip Is i: of goiMl ralHe* who strove tu shield <!e.-iriaii lororDcil lun ir Blimiil imprscynwrold. and had strayed out to tk- way company have t<i*i s turomatlve.
CMm 4elre both tbc wwk aad the not In the learn tub ber pretty head danger. To discover If you will marr;
frum tbc power* of inlschicf. Ir. tirmblc. .\* usual, in iri^ical cvaii.- pasture lul (he day btotfie. Bam wor Engine shaU are Us ing s
nearly so much u the hope of flndl:m money, or be rich, or poor, or have no cuasequence all the prarfirci wi-rt trie», there Is a very uogletl und*-r
ried alxiiii It. lu-lghiNws bad all ba-n 'Very mile to (he line examined from
Aad-aUber tbrla»Tw wUbgay frolic s ring In her piste of Hi
through with ibe feeling mUe.l: »:rtiwU. while the land Is too swampy
luck at alt—which, at any rate, U bet­
looking for II. without succeti.- Isxidtra to Oarewall. but no trace to
sad kaagbur.
ding or cake. Nor will U ours hslf ao ter than bad luck—place ifarv-e saiicv.-s of Joyous anilcipallon and fear li. I^
*5*" in the widr
110 oil'- BwnieU to know where l'. the tnl*>ing engine ran be found. Una
Aa (MM they betpad bairust
much as arriving at Aunt Oalcy’s early on a Uble;' into «ae j.m clear watt*. ScoUand ana Wkles, iM.nfjres
1''r>-'cbe« trf shallow, water camK-Ing i.
poiodhU- V xplanatiun Is Uat Ue engine
Jook for It.
hvin October, with all poaribie Infonna- Into Ue other put soapy water, and lighted In every village and each mem
imiH«s! ..wtop to th- rank
Jill) stood there, looking on auil li- umy have been shunted on to some
gruwili. The result ut tbc'-.Oon. aad belag told that we were none nothing la Ue third. Now blindfold her of a family placed a marked auinv vegetable
braneb line in Cornwall or Uevoa and
Asd. eqotb. all the work of tbn world
conditlons Is that this most iMvollar tening. Jim wu a tall, lank young
estotencs forgtotea. Another
In b« (AUd-i pfaty.
fellow, regarded as balf-srtued b.>
Now Ue euro atracesa of aucb
aad lead Mr up to where Ue saacers
the coadltion of the alone foretold tribe have practically tost the use of
ibrary to that a new Bumber may
>me person* and foolish by uihera.
Wtrnartm'.-.1U-: M-barvett
If ibe touches the clear wai-.-.
future of tho iKi-sou who bad jirljJ*”;';'^Their dwelrlngs
periy la to make U as mystcrlotia as
Itren given It, had (he old nnm“I think I <-ould find your bi'r«c.“ h<
she will be rich,
soapy, she will 1 It there. II injured or Oiov'eil. the
iK-r *tfj| retained on the compiuy'i:
The rMMMe of orditN ud abad-.- possible, and although none of us tna.r
el. Tlielr Isslles’ have dcvciopi-il to. said to Sam Jon'-*.
toee money; If Ue empiy
be luperaUUous. sUlt. like Aunt Gale
I son was desltned 1
ttns bsd
"Vou? Why. Jim. how do you ihlnk ixiok*. At any me. a locomuiivc 1*
.to Ireland, the day wa.s rej,-i
* t> -c<ill*r way that Ihey bave
oreriMtoted, on aomont to
Bo ttet. no taaMBtnrwthly ru
you could find him when we have bad
but UC Ihlghs. the iNnu men in town {upklng for it* size, aad Is too Immovable to go
Ue light aide;” and to it made Aunt Aa midnight drew near, each of i:s braleJ somewhat as a ibanUgivUigfoi '
quietly told by Dame H
the fruit* of Uo field, apples belag «-s- i
•*’ «““•< •*
euily astray on lls own account. It
A bandftil to Usskbt the bade aad the Galey very happy to
hlm?Uat we might go into ihe ball, find
to all of her Invitations come to a jo
iw^lly used in Ihe festivities, “Niii: 1
•'"«>*'- »o
in flgtirv and
“WvTi,“ said Jid. ~i could trv, doi-s not appear ever to have bsp_
_ '
little stream, one after anoU<- eaadls. light ii. and*prureed to il ________
crack nightIs ar-oihiT____________
name applied
'»>0 are quite aiwlike.
pened before, altbo
To ebay.tbe beSft la the ftall.
*"*■-------- very curious races of men couWdII?’
gasst-chamber—the very one to whl-ii ’ to Ue Eve of All Saints’ D*v, one eiiThenaguns are frequently loaU—Pearsou'*
A haMftd tom psrkwsra to Yaalib In and sbe took It, as we all dW. as
-y*-*.’’ answered . Ue owner, “y>*i
good Bifn.
Oeneral George Washington made blsji.nii still prevalent throoghoiii all t.i i *“ portions of
can try. and If you find him I’ll give Weekly.
We arraaged the enlertalnment Into l^et. There on the dresser we would : the BriUsb isles is that of plaeing tw..' ««‘rieo. Mte.i of Ue people are rate you a dollar."
four principal parU, with plenty of flJd a package addretoed to each one.] r.uu side liy *lde upoo the hearth. The ■
hut iherttb- r^ iy more than
"All rigid.’ said Jim. and walko! Japanese
80. year aner ywar^ Thb the aotama'a side points. Pint, cutting Ue Hallow- We were to bring the one belunglns i name of a "iaesie” Is givtm to one and !
*he cav.-. The most e
s* bb- .(-an-b. To Ue snrprk'us away, and say nothing aboot | to Ue oUer that of ber “laddi..." Jf
**"’»• ««>rdtog
I'nllku tbc faffioas blades to Tutodo
of all. ho n-Kinied In less than half
Old fatftb to her bom reMdrae
to the room. Imagine they bur ctogribur. marriage will O.-'.
bornlag Haltoweeo nuts: and visiting
tb»i they do not an hour, leading the misting borse by
swords I
Tbli laat «r bar barreau. tbc migbty.
opening the door lo ihi-ouicome: If one hums w ithout
chamber. The night’s
pMn in ih.- sans- degree a* we do. a. rope lied round hto neck.
flexible or elastic. Th^ are nnfua was to begin wiU cutUng the cake find, tcsiead to a darkened, gfaovt- other, a uBcaided affection Is indl-!nuUlns
• Well. well. ” »ald Jootw. as he Ug-k equalcd for strengU and hardnera, aud
*t lArren of Icsraa.
haunted rotwi. one brimaally llghtc.1, cated; If cHher cracks or Jumps, Ibaii •**“•■*
the ImrM) and iiaid Jim -Ur di>nar,
*^:harte^ Buarl Prsui.
The cake, which was not too larac. and a apleadld supper uble spread. one is uninu-.
acareriy give* thmi any tm*>i n
is sai'l ui escel even Bwedlag aicel ia
Tliiy tiMr out ihe hairs oiaci'y "how in tbe world did you find him *0 purity. Manufacture to Us swords
as a ribbon cake, with rich not frost- There on Ifee old dresser were the
Bums, to hU “Halh>wecB.~ gives
quick?- .
o *li<K]ld u-ar iJiii Ihe tall of
ig. In It. carefully placed at tolc^ package* atraaged In a iliilc heap pl(iurt-uf tbe observaacc to It* many \
A HaHtwc'to ■ittartelMMntn RaauiL
Jim answered in bli long-drawn ugi ts B very riaborais praccsi. 60mvaU. was a ring, a Ulmbic. a penny, before Ue looking glatis. It was al­ cukiom* by the Scotch. A maid ga.i hnr**'. Tbix> Inferior races feel pain
■coma MMsd wi' as a happy alcbt.
ceremonials and Bupi-nttlioM prac­
most as -scary.- one to the girls said,
to a far kn* a-stent than In the case of wtTilh: "Why. I thought; 'Sow if I tice* arc IniprtBlxrd wlU the Stdratific
a key. and a button, baring been
Aa' eraeb a Joha ibegithn.’'
out akmc into Ue field, and chiriug
•civlllr.wl man Dr. Carl Lumholtx ua* a bor*e. where would I guT And operations. Tbe sword hardsoer It re
bring in tbat brigbUy lighted room
beadad la lattan of gold my lanto- ranged Uere befiyre Ue cake was
ber eye pulls a Stoll, of CMlewuri. Tbe
*0 1 went Uere, an«l he had."—Youth’
UOB to • sin of October.
garded as Ue most Impoitaat persuuCuaipankin.
The ring was of goM. wIU a Scotch enef room: and no one win ever know
the head of a sicvptog child,
or snm mgto ssrty to-be glrea at
agr remaertod wHb the manufaetore.
indicate* the dowry lo come at mm
Galcwldt. oat of Ue oMeat Reroloiloa- pebble set deep down to tbc surface. bow few to ns dared to look to the mlr- riage. Anothi-r custom In ihat c hml tio eff'-.'t m-m it at all. Tlien hII it lit* name that ts iuscrlbrd op the
The packages were- oiH-aed la ihtn"-Vi"l for Rwre. but wiihoui eHvri. A> Dog Played Part to Brave Ptreman. bin. and hi* reputatim that enbanrra
ary taokaae la the batmtry—oae of the Ue Ulmble was ebssed gold: Ue key
standing before a aimir. eating an a;
ilrvno lUidwio. a S< Itenmrd dog
few tbit hs*» BM faitea Into decay, or was also gold. 'Intended as a waicb drawing-room before gtong to supper, pie. The apparillon of the foiurc p»r; is'i. whin ZZ baL-* w»-re palled out
Is'iuBKiiig to Jukoph HalJwin. < ■be value of a sword. Those who shape
beoa ratoSewA by Uo new old-tasbIn life umy b,- Mvd la ihe l«t-.
Blooinli--:.i N. J,. i* Ulng (.•mi/'d h- Iht- idaile. *bar|w-ft aixl adorn It are to
collar bnlton wlU a pebble sotting; senlihg BomeUing penatolng to the
a llitk- atxl *h’|M
tuami fbisea of the day.
t»H- cllir.' .), to that plnri-. an<I i!.. f. i BiiiHir Iu|«n1anr*day—tiny brooms Jo’st four Inches lung
The |>-**r ani-ttg snun- «f tb<- fU
it waa Jon the piaec for such a and Ue penny was n gold doltar.
talk of el'.<-(lii;; him uq b'ltiorsrv mi u,
>h- i-rwriiet-* «
The following old rfayme will tell and perfect In dvery respect, eonfoc-;
' ni-ii-have a peculiar method of giving
party, toftb tta tow^elUag rooms, wide
Things For Braakfaat.
tlooer*- nuts, wax apples, and bunches 1
Tfo . ..ung ik-o|.
’ ■ Uvir cfiil(ln-n in pleiBe u. their cre*l- IwT <>r Ibe vf'liinii*.r fin- depart nivn*.
ttairwsy Sbd ban. odd deepen wio- you what Uey stood for:
This morning aboot .7'o'cluck I was
Laid winter an loa-ndlnry set fire !•
itort. ifi'r*! Ilf all. thk pafcnu go be
dowa bs4 Boors, sad ^nalat oM-faab- The ring for marriage srlUln a year, to while beaUer brought from tb.the
Italdwin Mthle. In the rear to th' in a grocery store near my hoitre and

bigbiands to dear old Scutlaad. Earn
lotted fttniltsre, on the back of which Tbe penny tor wealU. my dear:
.lh>i;iWerta number'to people there
Bro.[ II, ^11wu faatbsad a sard bearing the da: The tbimhic for old maid or bachelor faror was tied with oraogixolort.'d
to be walled V
wa, II.- Cr*l lo disemi r <Ji. I,|a*e
1..1 «i ht-ni.. Ih,:
«f tbc ybiU-. day. asd boor at which be
Ntade .in alaren by iiarking londir In nirbl-d a Jitlk- f^-lloq and lir-yrasb«'<*
Aftbr sapper, we alt stood np. Joto.-d i ‘»W»»iie eid *iMiiK,mng a lighted
The boUiw for swisethcorts all fordevd 1* signed by the t-rrivem-r. fol
faimw If np lo Ui- count'-r and callud
Than waa Atoo a room in which it
lowing w’lilrli ibv ,fath<T to ih«- boy
efs I..IIK Tl..rv W.-T.- iwo.talu
'f riven a eban. r ,atra„ ito- lalm of hk riidti liaml
waa tradhtoagl Ual poor Major Aatlrc The key for a Journey to make all qnleUy slipped away, thereby
“Bay. tnisttf. hurry ap add Pali on
Iwn-* 10 iho btiroiug buildlog,
tbc end to ihecvenlng the
'’’‘'h the lev-lh with- eoarse ink an-l i.lact* it ujirai 1
bad al«8t. aad ttnoUer to wblU the
wilh sihinu the d.r4 «a* friendly, and me. will yer. 'eaure m<- msdder wantslowren m>*ienitmt the um-or hamk-..
Tbl* ink 1* mud, the same
great General bad aade bit toilet be­ Asd (bto yov will see
KBgaHouK.aj.lmal wa* aJaust t*-- d»- J'ing* fur bri-»kr«?night
fore paylfig Ma napseto to tbc misWhat rank' of It? Three engage , These ami maWt tlhi r curtum.; have I the tiriniere' ink tkju is ii«-d hy 1
"Wi-il. my lltUo man." nskMl tbe
*lde hlm:RI( With eZrii.-nMlil unlit Mr.
The cake, oe lu altver dUb.
tresa cf Ub IhMM, Im whom the pr.smento. Clara 1.^00. a bewUcbtogjaime v»wn u> us ana n.-e praniced in After ito; whole to tin-hanil
till- ban ha*
kiudly Klon-k'-tiicr, “wbat du you
aai Miatow waa Bamad—Mary Gale, placed upon a datety square of jidlow bcttnty. met her late to) Ue way from-ODT own roun'ry. "Itollowvs-a’’l.rto:*, bnprlnted niuo tie- di-si the fa’het Ual'lwia bnik- ojK-n tbe <h*ir to tb*
marvttd Benhlag^ aad abc would silk. decDrated w^ fresh witch-hazel U« haunted riiamlier to Cbarlo* L/mg.: to niad r.xtnih hr;?ht!y tlgSi. i wl h ! mp-».Urongb tbc ;aci.. ireaim. ni with stable aud *urt<.-4 to n-lrase i|.*
bar of snap, a wodoeo pail aaj
gaUeriidI from the woods which prov.-d that ope Halloween tiptn fire*, gay
tell yaa. or Acint Galey. aa sbe wastaia-ugl:ur of th* role to his riehi k-d. Tb*-n tto bon»». Tbl dc-HM-rinoke als)'»t ovt-r
(>room. ”. yt^od Ue arctaln.-AUmpjr
-r<-d Mr Haldwiu a* tr- iti.ien-<l
mlUartp tmUsd by ber fricods: and
ghost had been seen; Mabel pe«|.!- a. ih'-ir f.-lnirw are told mmk.r g.^-s thncigh -h. err- tmiiij. at
ibsywaTOMany. n>r she wot oaly be
wfco afterwards ronfessed tbat she, or Ucir saece** in th<- gam<-* it **- .fc. *-nd of v.i:l- !i th.- riar-ni* r-gv-lvi
lievad to tmkiag at Ue bright side of Ue 51M of Oclobor. we cqllecled as bad oaM “Ve»" a* the nut* *be aad , ried v.!'h faitvr*-. Hat Ui- |ih*'> to:' money :i:..t-{. ijvi r *>t' r ihc riilW one of the torM-M. II took bioi lunc<-r
TM Chinese DsMUfiU.
much as pusaiblc. and used It abuii Ccorac had pot upon Ue coal* bBra«l:
life, bnt prartkod w^t sbe
..1,.. rvancre which * U-.. . nt< nailh,- . f .sonh..
Mriitrt, than u.msl to do Ibu. lK-eau*< of tbe
The la-yi-arol'l daughur of Kir
by UDroughly enjoying and belfring dandy la dworming the rooms and brightly logriher; and my own engage-; mavt
and with which *e arc' have a *.uriigi- m- tfc'.l to doing ih- ir *muk". luit b" mamgirl to ri-i<«M-. U.*
Cb"tii-W Llanr Cheng. CWassr miif
otbsra to dll Ue blesstog* of life wiU- (able*.
Jack, tkar Jack, wtowj 1 ha 1 imist fomiUsr i* that whicb omipii*Icoariing nr at t «*t tn- aomaa ha» burw- and l•-ad it out into the yard
to bar nato; and many a bappy
Just as the ciock struck nliie. AiiBi sent away ihrre mouth* l.eforv. after; ib- ati.-nthHi to ihe smali to.y. It 1*' All th. roumng tom. by the woman Thi-n I.<- w>n( nark to get its mat'. boer to tbe Cslud Biaira. Is to make
matpM tavs met. toved and told each Galey began to cut the coke, perfi-ct one of ibosr absurd dUagmm-nt* | the time to all Ume* that 1* d-ar f. - A^-ben th. ,*,ung rmipie m*n ai isasi* A* hr- rrscbi'd th" douraay h<- wa* a« IKT *i*:isi dei.-ii U. Wasbingiou dtmnx
Uo doc. stu U-r tbc romlcg winit-r BIm- will eejo)- the
other tb Bader her roof, aad to be sOrnoe must be malnialnml during ibe Uai tovms always have. We had biah him. wb<-n bis inoaie kne to mischiil I the- uaa:*'‘i lun* her
c|aia a cer- iimi*h«d to
dtotJnction to UUg Uc first high-burn
a prataRe «t Hn. Qato-Ben- cutting to the first slice. wMle all ihc anffresd. and that nteto. a* I ill my
romance find* cipr*-*»ion. Ftvr.iain memtorto the opporiiir »ex at <! dangling end ton faaK'.r In hi* moutb.
alnctork. or ebroaicied as a guen a'. company arc gaibervid about Ue Uble. candle to go tn search to my favor. 11 g,.*, before preparation, ar.- rerrrily .tben otiracl* bu attrmwn i,y daaciiw Irn'icg the H.-etmil borw re-t to Uc Cbinestf girl wbo -baa cv«w fvrmally
ent'Ttd Ami-rlcan socIHy.. That sh"
OatotMe. alwaya meant succeaa to Tbe first word spoken after the first wlUril With all my bean f*w Jack.
by members of -the gang ” Bean 1 bef.gc him. While .he doe* UU .t- Matde.
l» to be p>-rmltu-d Uu* to mak>- bra
BOMS pliaaaai way to the fonaaate sues U cut U eoBsldersd prophetic wltboto a Bssplrioa that be wa* wai’- Ukiwera are porchased and qiiaatltDi pereiMenUy keep. h*v back lokarti
This Man Makes Rubtes.
bow to the smart world to Ifae cdll'raand Dame or MoUer Halloween.
lag foe me at Ue end of tbc kmg bail of pm* and be«* arc
away for j film. This i> the rign Uat sM wiritc^
I reermt the Acadenty al raplui is due to tb« brtwd v lews ■.{
Ue cake enuer Is called, is egpected i« which led Into the haunted chambe- ore on the great ocrasloa. Cabbage-t 'him b. become bW husband. After of Sricsieos is .Farif Ibere was prt - ber father, who «as sdscaisd In ibU
tog to give a
s party, aad I make it n. if it U posalbie. so. giiU,
Aunt Galey’x doing. Sbe bad t pumpkin*, tureipt. r-xainn* asd toher tlap.-. whm tbe conning has proc*-«
srateda.papcr byA Vemc-iil. dererib- country and wbo Is dodrous that bi<
laiilr wottdsrod whose life abs was be careful what yoo say. t bappentfi
bMrt to our disagreement, and a*; vegvuUe* are eolected wlu which to [ cd a liuk- further, ehe liu do* c nt**
Its h:. prorea* in making anUciai rn ehiidrra shall profit by an Utlntato
teytog to arraaie tbli time, for abe to be tbe “wltch“ on this
JaA was a great favorite with her.t batter the boaze door, aad arouse th-.f wim *nd begin* pclllng hU l.linkv '
bin., wrighieg from U to ti cam* knueriedge to Yankee manners and
waa a t^aMoa Matcb-maker (lliiie baring eatlretytorgottea the rale, aad
aad Ue only SOB to an old atUool j tiasuspocting occupant*. Wfcen Ur-: away from him. Then abe sing, to him
by a new process to fssini,'
BrsBlhiag that U WBb my very own.) notlctog that Anal Galey bad cut the
friend. ^ drierminsd that he sbould ' evening comes, bonfires are to be seen ! U a geatie. soft volee At last the
algmicnni. Meh ruby at tbe clrac to
At -BBy rate 1 waa sore of a merry
' to one too many slices for the have hM way. aad he had It. for when Ui every quarter aad tbe pleoaaM
^ split* lo two. fonnUg; Amertcaa emets are now dririag
tlMt: for Aaat Oaley spared nslUer cottipaBy. i thoughUoHly aaked wl.o he said -Unda. dear Uada," I did aoi i amell of buraing Mvea to In the al*. ter is enllrriy seuled by Us «lri pitch
;l8g mattes at the swain, hw u be half spfaerea. which can be worked by;
tlaa. trouble bar mower to saktog all Us odd sUce was tor. to a momen: t
“f "“*«■j Supper to hurriedly dtomlsasd aad Ue throws Ue*e bock at ber It to a Mgn iapidaric* like nauttil stonm. The Paris styles to eerssta otn to *^r*—<
her Sttieruisiwais perfect, and 1 realised what I had done. f<w Aunt
and French makers bps •ending u tte
r there wUl be three wed-;amril boys stsal out to cuhre a
;tha: UCT are brirtobtd.
koior is fine, and MgMnrtes to whom uahed States for 1


■ilililfv il...

' I'lililllMini iffi'


... .

4 Old friend*.
I Ot pouioot
Wl UU port tor ChUSfc^ rU th« IIUBoi*8»tBt«ar.S0bMhe)*fot>co«UH>
nCBlv BMtei and Uip print* abipant bjr tbe Ousah ft U17
at ionj-tw^
bum* wbkb ta M anaual aroM ot
tUi am'B nmabnutee u> CbiMfto
nwBbm ud pMrow., A. T. Ur. »!'
Mlcblsu arcaoe; 8. A- Sean. W. P.
HrpM ot Marabal Field ft Co. Ular«Re WlUun*. Wa. FoUcr. R. PV>yd
aiiKli. H. H. FroUilnclkaai^ Rkhard
C. & Prautaa od Manbal FieM ft Co.
balaa tft» ndptaau of eUber Hebroa
OP Rural tubm of taawni Grasd Ttarerte jrowtb a»d flaror.
Trip to OhM.
I aad Otbob Patft, with their
re ia the eltr Satordar «n
route oTWittd to Mobile Alabam.
Tb* laniUe* are trareltac la pralrfa
aeboooen, there bele« eight aMSiher*
of ihe too CaiuUle* ia the partrTb« loof >aont wUI be taken la a
laUaiely manaer, freauent (tope betag
Bade to TbU reWirea ahwg the route.
It la the tataatlM of the partr to do
aa hanrufa aad to take their tlaie aad
eaJoT the aceaaer aa route.
Tb«r hare aoBM frlenftt la Mobile
and after a rUli iber will loeata ia
the gulf ally. Their fonMr bone oaa
In AMee and they atarted fram there
yeatanlny. Too vacoaa cairr the


Died While Wericinn.
TmUarn Pike. vhIM at work 1
•eafloid oa a baUding aboot oae aad
» half mllo* from Otawa. waa taddeair ttridm wUk heart failma PMday afternoon about < o’dodi aad diad

and lamorcd the body to the hoai
contta. WilUam Saadm.
fttaernl took place Snday a
o'clock froat the cmwn chur^.
ma wu M yean oM. uamarHed

BI9 Werehaa** at Empire.
Ground oa* broken Tueaday for
lane grain aai!
be built by CoUIn ft Pry a few roJi
■ootbeasi of the £.ft B. EL depot, aayi
Uw Empire JoornaL A tide track wIU
alK> be built for the accoamodatlaa cf
the warebousa. The buildiag win be
SSzM feet, two alorle*. The ftrsi c
nructed of cement atoae wrtth a doable
wall aloe feet high. This part will
have a capaeUr of between lOMd and
ItOOO buahcU of poutoe* aad win be
»lutcly fraet proof aad a* It will
partly uadergrtMtad U will also
serve the purpose of cold storage ia
Ihe aummer time. The second story
of the same dtmensloas will be
for grain. The work will be pushed
rapUly *0 that It can soon be used for
storing potatoes.

good oce aad m of a eery high cwder.
The upportaatly.of bearing a number
like the fine the Royal iuUan Concert
Bund, dom not come eeery year. Sin.
Rcuatl. the. laadm, to a amn wbcue
musical cbMorv hat the stamp of ap­
proval of>ld world tboroaghaeaa Hei
f* not onfr a aklUful director but U a
vlnuoao on the cornet. The haad rm
tUto Of a company of young mitilclaa*
who have learned to interpret the best
of hand music *o well as to call furtb
pratoe* from the falghesc ciiika ta the
world. The other nambers 00 the-mmmm'agHognu* are euualJy merilorieus
as will be eeea from the toilowlBg proKor. Id. Rcural Italian Concert band :
Fred Bmenon Brook*.
Dec. P. Caveay. the canoaaUt.
Jaa. 1C. Harmony Concert company
E>b. M. Wbiiaey Bru«.‘ mnlegunm-i
and reader.
March IS. Colonel Ham.
Atwil 19. Oeorge R. Weadins.

From Thnndar's Record.
Una Untdon aad A. J. Duylv lv(( tkU
mrnnlag for Portland. Ore. Tltvy wlL
atop at Dnlmh. Montana. Artouna and
other potato en route.
Ur./and Mn. F. M. Hyder of Brook
tyc. X. Y.. who have been vtoliing Mrs.
Hyder’s pnrenu. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Voice of .Sorthpori. passed tbroosli
town this morning en route for 'hvtr
Mrs. C- K Hemslrvc>( of Brllalrc ti
In the city Uls week vtoKlag friends.
Tuachem' Ess
Mrs. M. Reed of Ccnirsi Lak.
Nearty Laat CywiftMThe ragnlar “apwlal " examination passed ibroagb town thls‘aftmaoo for
While napaeklag boUJed beer at B. of leMben of Oraad Traverse county
a Ttoli wfth Mrs. Bd Lake dt Istkv
M. Sailrh aakwa oa South tinloe was held Thursday and Friday In tha
•troet laat oeek ‘ Wm. Kroupa met court room with a baker's doien UkMr. snd Mrs. E'ruk Cook and twu
with aa accMeat that jutl came wlth- lag the work, only tiro. Algw Williamchlldrea an- spondlag a K-w dsjs uiib
ia a tncUon of eeadac him the tight son and Beatrice Clerelaad. of the city
trivad* lo KnJknaka.
of hU left ere. la tome manaer one taking third grad* work, the olherA
Mr. and Mrs. A. W.Tulhir rolunirO
of the bottle* bant and the unall werklng tor second grade. This reto their home in Pellstua this more
ptaat urack him in the face, one of qulro* two added studies to the twelve
lag after a shun vtoli here.
theai ledglag in hit eye «j»d catting tegulnr* of third grade work, but they
Hr*. Mary Nickerson, who has bn-n
the ball. LnckUy. the forea oa* not have a choice brtween bouny. algebra, •pending a tow days with frieods. rv
great enough to pesetrate deep general history and physics.
lamed to.her home In Kingsley iistsy,
eotragh to eaate bUadneaa The cmt
The following have taken their work
J. C. Hopkins I* In Kingsley today
U Ue «reball t* not dangunu* but ud will know nut Saturday wbethc* oa business.
the eneapa wa* certainly aarratr.
.bey will become pedagogue* or
Jerry Cartoon let! today for a wevk'F
Mr. Kroupa in not coanuU a phyBditoh dobunoa. Acme, second.
vuit In Pellstoo.
•teiaa hut coatiauad hU vortc aad a
Wm. B. CluBC. Monroe Center, see
Robert nod Ikvtitn Shurtrv»l .4
abort time afterward, another bottle ond.
BniTle. Canada, who bate been guesibtvatad In the tame manaer but laMary B. Knight. KlagMey. second.
of Mrs. K. Gibbs for a irtwk. mnmeil
fltetad no lalarlea.
Mabel Oreeno, Traverse Cily, sec- home today via ifae li. R. ft 1.
' Mrs. Bmm* Grvenway and Uaughivr
Mabel O. Fq^lar. Traveiae City. *ec- Grace of Marion relumed home today
The amnr trienaU of Dr. B. L. A*L oad.
afler speodlng six week* wiib Mrs
tan will ba rery much pleaaed to learn
BiU* 8. donee. Trav-cr*« City, sec­ Nellte YoriL
thatbcUaowahletobeatbi* ofllec ond.
W. II. Dewey, scaler for Ik'uuiafttf hariag bees cmaoed to hi* hoam
Atgsr Wllllnasoa. Traverao aiy. I Bros, of Cadillac, pussed ihroupb t»s n
Maoa Ufaor Day oa account of an un- third.
today un his return from s busltie». Mr. AthBeatrice Clyevetand. Traverse aty. irlp 10 Codsr City.
lea baa not rat a
Professor Troop of the University :
but aI ntroag
deaire to work has
Ida M. Barber, Traverse City, see- of Cblcagu. who delkered t*«lwlurt >
— brought him to hit oOce.
in this Clly. left for Big Rapids this
«bla c%eti- i
Mytel Dexter. Bandoa. eeeond.
lug before the Ferris sriraol oa thvli
Grac* Pulcipher. Bk Rapid*, set
lecture course.
Ahaa A. Bryant. Traverse city, sec­
Mn. H. B. Grvvi-r. who has nisdi amn and at taasi the sanse nunber ond.
her home with her daughter. Mrs J
f at wrmtera. bueidne aa ardent devotee
A. Salsbury of Cedar for a yi-ju
of mumaah righto aad being uaaWe
Water Main
passed tbougb town this mamiug •■a
‘ mount a irtatXorm aad talk on equal
On Aug. 29 work began in this city rouli- for her home si B<ifial», Mr. sim
; usBnge. anouwed to the world her aad doaed Oct. 11 on .the «xien*ioB«f Mrs. Salsbury accompanying bvr snee by crowing as lusUly as Ue water nmln system that has rMu.t- far as the cHy .
• any roaster ta the Bock.
ed in nearly 30.M0 feet of pipe beiag
Asa Hale U very slrk at hto b«u.<;
Thta pcataat was not regarded se.1- added 10 the already intricate system
I Seventh street.
^ coaly by Dr. Aahton ueUI after the ac- that puts Grand Traverse bay watvr
Mrv A W. Wall returned re»U'»
t eUeat. Revenge came, hemevar. der- on up In hundreds of residences itut nfu-moup from a plcusant Bvv days'
kt* toMwmaemtee
wlUout It would be obliged to nse Uc vuK at Old Mission.
. aburtJy after cnieyiag
Wl B. MlUvr left this mominB foi
bucket brigade to boanUfy their lawns.
miaaad the crowing bsa aad when he
Front street has profited by a new Comctock. where he will i^end a pan
was told that she had been the prla- line OB the east end of I.8W feet of 1ft- of tho winter wUh bU son. \V. J.
ineh pipe, r««iaclng the old ssualler Mllk-r. Mrs. Miller preceded b>m i.y
he Mt a glow of B
oae. and 2.000 feet of menslon of six- a few dsys.
^ he wa* even and a UtUe ahead.
inch pipe.
Mrs. M. Gardner and Mn. » IKu
South UnioB street has s line of Wd ham. who have been spending u..
Repiatrwtion nguraa.
(oet ot replaced iwelredKh pipe and days la Terre Haute, lad» and Rlt-k.
TVrtotal regtotiatloB on Tuesday t.uOO feet of new tea-inch pipe. Bart mono, hsve rdurned home.
and WednssBay was E444. The total Blghth street has 2,400 feet at new
Mrv. John Jauklaa and littli- mxi
ta l*M. the last prealdeaUal election
Divtolun street Peter of Sutton* Bay wi-n- in !.-»n
^ tXll. aad the total rote was 2.09L 9,000 feet. Randolph «00 feet. Bavi today.
This abows a sU^ increase but out Blevealh Mreet 1.400 feel. West.
aanrly as mneh as the lamnsed pop. EleTeaih. 2A00 feet and Bast Tenth jFfesn Friday's Beciir.1.
street l.soo fe«, repnmenting an out-i U- H. Filch and wife, nec Miiv Mi
It has bsea eoolended by tbosc who lay that will mn between tis.oon andi nlv McMullen, formi-rly a learth-r
have slodled the law that ereiy voter IlF.VOO and took about six weeks orjiho public srbooU at Bimwuud
should appear la perua before (he labor at a cost of twenty-four eeou. ■ Kui-vts Iasi evcalug of Mr. and Mt>.
rtgistry board Uls year aad hand In per lout fr^
for sIMAM.lMOi
slxtM-lnch mains, twee I II
D. IlnMla
Hobbs. «lv
Mr. ftti.t
nnd Vlif
Mrv SNi..
bin Bfta» to be regtotered. othenrtoe (y-twoc*nuper fool fur u-nnnd twelve were .married Oct. 2 at the Inimv o'
lose his vote.
Inch mains and seven ceou for ihv 'be bride's parents. Mr. and Mr> \V
It so happens ,lhat a large num^ six-iurii maias.
H. McMulien of Uare<-!iuv. nrv
«f legal voters dM not register, either
Tbey all stand a test of I80 ikMidiIs i log a ilmv week*-' trip aad will (i>- 'at
• or otber
nuure and buried alx feet "uader j home " Nov. i at Charievoix.
The o^aloa of city Attorney Gilbert the sod" where rroels can not rencli I Mr*. Henry Howell and two euil
as lo whether these men could l>c
Thirty dren of Nonhport pesFivl tlirwixl:
legally registered If they did Dot' ap­ hydraata placanl tbclr uscfulows In i ‘own lodsy for a short viidi a; Muepear In pereoa. was sougbL Mr. Gllnclee aad below, but I ton.
bert sutud that the sututM provide oerertheleM. with
BcehanUn, { Mi».- Mlnul.- CnsAs of Torch’
that after the tvro day* of regtoiralkm iweoiT-elght new 1
gates ur sbiii, I‘svm'<I (broiigh toun today tn nxii>
If It to foond that a legal voter vc^ off valves are ready fur all shut dowi
for Chicago, where sbi- will r»yun‘.soaally known as such to a member of neoded. While ilio pipes
Ihw work as nurse in W<-sh-<r h^pita*.
the registry board In hto ward has not took tea ion* of lead ta plumber's long Twenty-filth m:d |vwrls>m stnv-t:
been registered hto name may be suit) to Joint them and this has a rust' Mrs. MUlk- iawkle «t WtlitomsburE
added to the list aad Ibetofure cuillh: I»loe at *4.a per cwt. making
'► t* i«*n today,
him to vole.
an Horn la Ustdf. Niuv bkicks of' Mis Mary KUpatrick •>(
This decision wUI tnerense thr (utal Primi street and eight Uueks of Ga»i lb** F"*'*' ""'r nigbi of Mrs An-ti;"
regtotmUon very matertaUy as a great BiKhih eireet in the spring, aside | Bldred.
nuay weU known dttoens did not rng-' from all the nomerous stneto already I Mrs. J.-nnu- Silvers left tatoy tor
iltoued. will bkaaom enriy' wlthj
^tolt wi-ti her nioifaer at (Irun-;
The total figunw from the various lava hydrants and ■
ward* as shown by the records laat givvn ta the bonsewlvcn. that of ten iM Hemair>'v( ef ihdtalr.
Btghi. areas toOow*;
lag the town hose, aa the busines- wbo'ba-v 4hv9b the guest- of fn.itds In
nt»t ward. 475; Snound. Kto; Third. branch of famll.v ln-«*s genrrelly ftn;?; thv cKy fur a rlnwl tinje rviamcl
«6: Konrth. r«; PVti,. ju.
enuugli to do lo kivp llx- grnsv , ht>it.e today.
It will be shown by Ihewc llgan-s | short
' Mrs. SliEBbelh Swwrtoui ->r Ka:i.sthat the First ward u no tonger th
ka. vfau has boon vtoiliug her
banner ward In U>to reapect. There j
Might School Lecture Courac.
MUIard. tor a week returned bui::.- has tees s faUIng
faUlag off
off since
since IWO
IWO until
until jI The tlckeu lot the High tebool leothe Third leads and the eeeond 1 ture course want on sale Saiurday
? ------- ---------------- ..
awra.-. I the reservation of seats, however, net
Fine Three Story Beiidiiig.
is due to the fact that the Firrt ward [ heing”msde u^tl] laier.
new three-story
double Mort­
*•»•*««•>; wm be given in the City opera house; building which will
erveini b>
are and the seats wlu he reserved In it- Julius Campbell
Campbeli on Sooth
Celoa stm-t
•preadlag a> ic the aumbees of rort- ■ Htme manner a* laM year,
will be one of iga gnrm of |i» kisd in
I The course iJiUi year u an unui
, tin- city^ Tho suv-l drawltigs have jurt

MM. '


F. M. PAi N E.
Traverse aiy Stau Bank
7, MiXIiAM. P,

Only tfae nosier pirr* Koppunlng lb* ! «k. «..i
.01 U-I. ma,. T1,..» .i.
.-..T MK,. -. „■ W.O,
«, a
.0 d» .a. fco,
> Ur n deu. .
II,. to to n .» OK « 10 ■■■“ “• '■} '
.■r-Jh jtfciuioiw '<
carru'd on siwl b..-aat tm ccm.r
Tto.. Ito .III n». a. t»l
thus making all ih<- Ibumi ..p.n oul
unobslrurtcd In ra><‘ Ur l'in>l>b >.
ever wishes lu maki' ai:> >.i.utii.v ..

S. CARUtllp. Cashier.

A CoKrai fiA&kiQ(- BiriBos imag

ki; a’U
- i ru!.'.:


Dr.W.3. diagins

Tire Insurance!
. Plate Class, steam Boilor anti Acc.tionl Iniuranco-

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

, 5rcr CcmiUiMaJ ,n»itlK»«H!.

■;''V:th jri-M ijf pr.vfio
bui;j;r.g. -is.Jer K


i.:!*."- ..--Si::-.!;

Room 310 Now State Bank Gui!G>r;;

Travenio City.,

Che Store Chat Fills the most Prescriptions

I{mmber the Hed Cross

ftl'.'I Cs':.'
Ott- *U.'I




V *




■ r-"


- "-v.; V,,,

Wlicn you are in town tuxVc the k! 1> CE^'Ixare your pacfc3i;rs irerc anlil you ;tc .e* ’•
lake good care ol them. an.I vou arc not h .


nmericati Drug Cettipany
I.I K. Ci.oEi v--kv, 'MAn^ircr



2f9 €*st Trent Strett

CLO 6. W!LLC;:x. M c.

Ttiverie C.o . :

va. f=»ATCWirj
.tetni r.y.5.-K
OffC* 4*5.
WilRi.iT. e’ezk.
Traverse C-tf.




store Priinls-Hxlurcs. Sash. Doors, and Rcsidcnci: lokTioi Work.

I. .it .'.J

' lj< lucl k_.


ur;ut'nWBl 4: welL


All Kinds Of Building'fflaldfials



F'RANK TRODE, 14d From Slrcct.

6mg to Build f
If >(*, the.' S<iV!'lt


lii'' !'L.

.mil mill work

C«'. a;






Traverse City Mfg. Co. ‘
W. 1. B80WK. Mtr.

Ciu. riMAg 32.


f »i\ • U'


u cliam;<- lo ti-.:rc <'ii.>.■ :r 7.

South Side Cumber Co
Craoerse City, ttlicb.

• ' ; I -llrrtMj . !/US i’n;ph frnm

We Want to Set!



an4 ft-hf-ai-

ee»ehe*eeeeD»eseee>*ee-e*.»e ♦»****»»#♦♦«********»»##•

l£vt;r\ fumiK jn :li;, v


Oil or Oasolin: Cans
M.i>-1m-V..-(.-.ui't do if >

;; ,.t

iis a chance to "how \/>ii ••i:r .\i
can is ^uar.mtTi d.


not sati>Iactor>'. briOi: it






.;.i i.

lack ;tr. !

v....................t •...

There is nothing to ”**t «*tn of «r.i* r . ti--- f
measure, no puHiD.

*:i>p. dn;-«.-r

It is very xiur.iive.

riM .- u: 'T

h tv..-' >4.

it is flu; best call inti:.; world: ,
1 hey art*lMf,;a':i'.*i‘t Si.'-'

cle-. ni'eiy deconilcd. (Ji!'.-,
Meat I'latterv and Cake I'iatf


tn..i. to t-V
F,n • •

. •iwxJ'iT c.«i:,kr«rt?.

nt> Slate Street. * Uiclor Pctertyl.



We also havoa few 1 >T!iij-T St',s. pieces.

..’r .-r-


: iv-^ .tv'Li:J-•.I^Kks
ihr-vcfyli-y! tnx' il to

'■:i xi.«
■; 'r.zl X'*.- i.w ■

i.f- :;n

l-'v --.- •!.!>• nr'.


I...--! i;-:

Royol Tltjor To as ctrid O o TTo • ■



Cirrtd CjFif
snd Salmon


F*rortft Skrmmft.



Young Plants

of tlKir nlnla* Untiles hare »lret4r|
I (he il|.(aied stesnship
d ten free ktn
i^ens for tb^lOoldeB A«*. whteb aftersFard foondMr. mat Mrs. H. W.______
8««tres. of tl( {<
otifcn stmt. «hare r’----- - {
(ou aT U>e iaoiaied dlstricu. den-1 ered at sea. eaailnx inmetise lum of
tMr iiiiamfT tirrmr at Soithlaad I <***'*»«<
tboosb Uer work in-life. Ai (he (ime she brooabi y^
BMeb fGHI's Ptwt and «ete la the
depths of M«ber Earth for ibeirlcruK to the PariSe coast (be ^k-f
Ex-cry^ farmer knows thati
jld wealth
they do not neglect ibejci
engineer <d the reasel was a man wvU I
dtp Batnrdap esrootc far bosM.
ome pfants
plan grow better than
itaj tralalng
training of the families they' known
in shipping circles named Capi. some
While Mr. Sdolrea Is a mlrrnl fro
Soil may be the same!
COT Of Laaslaa his experteDces in the
----' are still residesu of San Pranelsco.
and seed may seem the same ^
WbM with his hrotber Blxbt «dl oe
valuable to Parmm.
] !-»•«>- G»*“' f<»nned tjuiu- an attach- bat some plants are weak and'
cdUldered blstorr. With hU bntber.
Tbe formula for the white wash Ibsi {
*or tbe bluff old seamaa and the ‘jihers strong.
3. H. Sdsires. tber drew Into Deseer
in m* the first stamp mill for entih- U used esehisircJy by the fnltuilc=»fT«PoodAnd thais the way with
Ing qoariz. and the feat was aecooi Sutei in the preserratlon of the Kd-leoct- extending, with oecaskmal Interyoung
CnilOren. They
1 nev are like young
ptUbad (roB tb« noucb of the PUtte dlers- barracks tfaroogbow the coontrj i rupiions. throoghoji Orant's clrU and children.
by 0«. Grant while be w«. | (Eilliarr
life fro their first mewMng. pla.its. bamc food.Same home.
rlrer, a tbooaaad nOes east, throocb
old friend os tbe Ps j << appears that the captain after the | same Care but Some groxx’ big
ntbrokea country by (weaty-Bre yoke
wreck «
of the Golden Age. beecmln.:; -nd Strong while Others Stav
of ocm. they reccirlna (be Bnalficeni eifle coaM at tbe tatter-* requML ThH ! -wk
^ wtok.
U beWered to be aboiu the fir*t in ' weary of following the sea. secured a
M of
for the awfni trip.
WbBc In thU ate and day Drarer is atanee of record where a president position on shott that brought him
Sebtt's Emulsion
offers an
lev* to
rctatkwshlp WnO
whh SIaf.
a ■vtropolis that dOM not trace back ha* condescended to honor one of hi* ■BUT.- U< IfMl
«'^y <»“ 0( ihc dlfficull v.
I to the cTUot of M-ttlug air. .i».l .1. l.rl»r. ..J
to its pioneer days. Mr. Squires says
that when his brothar entWed it. be
wa»h that wafi used h> state authority - starx-ation, not bccausc of l.ick
renalninc beblad, there
upon (he banding* ctmnected with ih.; :i f.Kxi, but because tliC food
boose, aad a ganbHss bell,
Fbilowlng is the recipe:
wharves, hi bis cxtrcaHy wrote i -'ioes not feed,
iboreb nader oae roof.
This oa teanlnt espedi
wnriifagton. Dee. 1. mi.-EriUtani' G««'.
‘hen eerring bis flmi
Scotfs Emulsion realK-feeds
•m, was iba estenalon of the Fargo
,«spr«M aad eontiaued mUI 1BC7 when
‘hr ingredient*.
bis bmbar sold otU, being tartimate. during the process to keep the steam:
\V hatCVCr thccauSC of wealhr noon aher he Ibft the Indians de- strain the liquid through n flue sieve! Gron* v™te nn autographic reply !
«hms of paper and the! ncss and failure tO gTOW—
•troyed the ox trains and eontinueil or strainer; add a perk of ulu pu-; “P°“

Utdr dapredntloBa. deatroying tbe first
railroad that was laid through tbetr three pounds of ground rice, boiled m
the use of •
matter right.
paste, qpd stir in boiling hot;
' Mr. Bgnlras not only bns an interest­ half a pound of powdered Spanish .the wbllewatfa upon the exterior of |
ing Weetera history bni recalls that wbllitti and a pound of ginr which ha* th.-exe«.tlve mansion maj cocur a,]
- ---------------------------------be mM to Perry Hannah tbe first bill beto previously dissolved over a alow nifl}- a* a vein of grim humor for - ' '
«“"• ' ho has an an.
Of gMoerles aad proriaioaB tor the fire, aad add fire gallons of hot water, .rhich he was noted. It U a wt-ll4tnow.-i! *
*”">• rreentl.
MW Store nt Trarerae City. Mr. to the mixture: stir vrll and let t>. fan that the appearance of the siruc- ]
birthday. The
Sfikires being a pioneer grocer of Lan- stand a few days: cover np from the nre was periodically brightened in thl*‘
p rt-noia- ' first thing he did was to make for ib<
dirt. II should be pn on hot. On.'j
reenililui: oOcv to be examined, lie
‘ With tbe prim of lUe yet bolding
sra* found to be In a splendid physieji
kUi U lu firm grup be. srlth bU estl- yard, properly applied. Small brashes
condiUoc. but was a title over an lnr:i
mWe wife, bare taken forty-three are best. There I* aoihlng can tomToungster broke collar bom- ahilej
too short. Later In the day tbe youn.:
actna of rich laad la tbe quiet of tbe pare with it for outside or Inside wort, playing football at Tekonshs.
man returned and asked to be n-mea-'
taoiaiad Northland Bench and with a. and It retnlu lu britttancy for manvj
nreil To hU surprlM- tbe ofllct-r four-;
traptage of elgbty-tbree rods on ibej years. Coloring matter may be put In ‘
that be Just measured the five f<-<'t a.:.!
Mamlfnl white alunwa of tbe lake they
made <ff any shade—Spanls.i
six Inches, the height require I. Th--n
MFC built tbcguelres a ranmer home. brown, yellow ochre, or common clay,
be chanced to feel of bis bead. Tb« r.V. S. Grant.
«l|ere they hare remained nany etc. Yours truly •
was a pecollar knot or bnmp (here an-:
To my dear friend, J. Bnisoa. Sau
aMntbs In tbe deilghi of running
finally tbe
young ma:tie fara and be lau^lngly remarked rruclsco.
wa» fiueeil to confess that he he •
as they spoke of their late slay hortb
P. a—1 whitewashed the While J
' bumped his head until he was ih.- r
that It was all doe to tbeir efft^
bouse all over wllh it. Yo-jr«. r. S. (I.'
! qulrv-d height.
use up an tbe fresb garden stuff they
The story of bow this secret bt*.
1 Pranlv Xr. Palmer, a Reed City tmv
bad takea neb deltgbt la growing. now become public pi-openy is no> I
^ ellng man. mast answer to a charge .>l
Jin. Sqnim remarking that they bad without lU iDterestiag details. XX-bilei
: erabexxtemeni. made by bis etnployrr.aficked the tsro toaesome cabbages yet a lleuteoant. fresh from glorious i
I Id Cleveland. Ohki. aerurdiag to a r tJey were unable to eat and would aebleremesl In the war with Mexicn.l
! cent supreme coon decision l’alm< r
enjoy then In their Lansing homo I’. 8- Giant was usigned to duty a:!
^___________ ___
• , was arrested several months
barracks. Cailfomta.
- Thsfr daughter. Htu Fknay. who !s tailed for his post from New X-ork via;esssttayc^ts.
'Governor Bliss,
Bliss, through
through hts
bis attorn
■a graduate from the bands of Mrs. the Utbldnt of £anama on July
*-Dr.F<-tinrr--iKldory sn.1 Hm ksrUe Outv Charles A. Wilhey. Judge Chliiendi-n
Treat. Grand Rapids, learee tbU week IK!, CMla. been.
.mobc ’
pataod Judgment on the rt-qiiKition. ..
for Walslugtoa. Oolo, where she mill the troops and be wa* left at Chagrt f:
gx, and pro
open ap a tree kindergarten nader tbe river In charge of tbe sick, the disease I«iroi>.oiir<-F«ni*re,o.» ; nouncedli m»d Ur Withe* ski.m.1.. i
Watem of tbe Coal and Pnel
of Trinidad. Colo. TbU company enth of hit command.
SLViTUS DANCE »>mirr. t Moula.N!Y!ai!lnDcd the decision of Judge Cbitn-i
batag In the mining of the atate. In
Lieut. Grant ud hi* UtxHM were por sale by Jas. G. Johnson and Biig-(«lP«i- Palmer must, tbetxtfore.
OPdw to bandta the growing demands Uansported to San Fyanciaee from
bee A Roxburgh.
| liD Cleveland to face bis




An almost infalHbie remedy for dheasei of the Throat and
Longs, known and used the world over for almost a century.

We can give you a BARGAIN
in a Second-Hand


:f:-- i

Ginger in '€m


The Young Man always wants a Suit that's full of "talNGER."
\\ e caicr to his wants, and he can find here a Suit that will exactly
fill his mind's eye.
Couldn't buy an out-of-date, back number Suit or Overcoat here,
even if he xranted to.
Our Suits are not only “the style" but they arc built by the

■ li



Look at “our shoulders,” for instance.
Every store claims to have broad shouldered coats, bin save the
mark—such shoulders as many of them arc.
Thai's because they don’t know how “to do the trick."
Look at the narrow and artistic hand-padded collars and lapels.
Our Suits will show how good tailoring should be done.
Our -fine show rooms, filled with the latest and best goods command
the attention of every buyer young or old.
■ Suits at

$15, $20 or $25.
lopjrright 1904 by Hart Schaffner



; lUlM Will •• fWwd.

Toeaday Hooi Fyank A. Vabd-rllp |

narsaa. Oci. S2.—Jon*** <1^ WrrttoC. who nn Jnl>» *. 1M4.
L with the
raise tbc


republic of Cuba 'o .

wreck of



Mslse and rpmore it from Harans;
tarbor. aalrod in ibis city resterda>.
In aa Iniorriew Mr. de Wyekoff Rav*-,
nurti InirreatlBg iBfomailon regard-:

the intenUons of ibo

wbleii fat' repreaeals.


Associated with'

Ike conpaBy aa eonsulilnji cnidi
are Mi*. Rimer C. Conhell. wfao aasixed ^pt. falads la his great eac>aeadng feats upon



rtrer. mnalily the Rads bridge at 8i
UmIs and the Jetties above New Or
)a*iis; ilr. Rdward A. nond fMr. BotMl
is ebairauui of itte adrisory hoard'of
etigSDeers of tfcc state of New York), ,
and Ur. W. K. DaTis. all of then non
witfa records of dhtUntnUbed acfaleve-

lallnd plan which, slrlpped of Its leefa-;
niewl tsrros ami apociAratloas. is a. |I
Tha Torwl will l*> surroamled with ;;



« mn-

fa water tight cofferdam, dr curb, cl.-ntUr lb form, rtemposed of doable j
WBiU of ilnlxr iplantc laid flail, se-

fnrmerfy assistant

It your nerves are rjbjert
aana. e-jch as Baadsebrs. NeuralcU.
PalBi. Slee|d<«snesa. etc, their Jam<«
and MncUoc can be qnlcUr ended with
a Dr. Miles- Anll-Paln nit
Dr. Miles- AotI-P*ln WIs are _____
ant nttle plak tafalals. wfalrh do not act
oo the bowsU. nor do they have any
wcakealng or hafall>fcna>
Inc effect
They are tlie rmlt of tbe Utsat_____
tide knowirdc* on Iho subJM or Pain.
and brine relief safelr and quickly to
Ihe ffreal<-<t aufferer.
Tou should alenys keep a box of Dr.
UOes- Aoti.rain J-Uls la the bouse, sines
yoq never know when pein may attack
you. and It U WTong to suffer'when your
anfferin* ran b. ao quickly relieved.
Dr. MUeo- AnU-PaJn PiUi contalo no
tpliaa. cUorul, eoeaJoe. morpbtoe. or
Btmllar drucs. and are aold by dnicyisU
linder a suarsnteo to relleva yoo. or
pay year tnoney.*a«k.
By relisvlng Pala. Dr. uaM- Aatii^eriag. and ImcUia Ufa a Ants. Kever sold in bulk.

lib or


'fc< |

the ITnltcd Siatn. if not ia ihc worbl.
made a erpcecb at 8i. Loala, in whiefa ^
he saM that the pr.-*ideatlal olcniua '
cm no fljnire in fatirlness calcatailon^^.'


(«« years, whlrti

prediniun fa.

surely would not have made faa<l far- b<lieved there was Ihe sHjcfaiesi ehaiu-e.
that deznoerat lanff J;tprl!ng war aAll these tblngs sn to show that the



ager* have iwujoajmatei..



Tli* fir«t Is


ihln.' Ma:

Ji.- alieniai.- Is a repaldlcan raa>»rli>



aajorliy l« thirty


Aronllas to eiu-.

SguriDg by the n-|ialdlran tnanau- r.-.
n-qultes nuihiag !e«* than a la.iJ
ill- to gi-i them dowa Im-Iow isr.-ixy.!
le upw-t figure of thlny-yit. Is pr- |

0;l. ;o - It,

This will be acmau,iirf«.d hy welgl.i



iwu wtirknc-ti


lajiirci. . >n-




b-ail ar- John Stn-IpH no:] <-J:arli-.'

erf the itaio

Oih, .unac ni8-..ii.-.

tiy the ^iresjure elf the aaioT during
the prao-ss of p-jnipiag OBidhecaiii.


Tiomu.; Huy.-s,

tgcrl 4K. was Siijuri-;l nU>::l the


To guard agaloit possible lenkagi j Ing Ia.'i night itiey w<-


la cTi-

M tl-..- tiis-k uud b-K...

HM cs/udiitbiu U

andcr the dam. tfaV area about tfae}fleoec.
baser of the oaler wall will Iw filled |
- with rlaj' and rand en.aMHi In sacks.

Ti»- op.-aing addrvw

eruen .by Dog.

| h) H.m. l‘lin. T. <'<ilgru>

Alter the dam has betro eoni|ile'|e<. | wliii K <>in. ,rf iln- xts
and Kiuik, the s-aler within will la-1 tiiigul.-.lit-d




large. ri«irirueal ’ made an <-|,K)uej:i xpiWh. and tits elrV

^ pamps. iwfaich will U' capable of jtol! qnenrv

was rewnbliied



* only usnieiing the dam but of suck | argumeiiiI llpaa
iipaa state and saiionat Is
ing «ut Ihe soft mud from wilbln tad ' sues which ennid 901 l«- r.gc.-c<tsfa<l>
aroaod the nwl. thus nKposlag the' tnei by tb<- o|iix>sltiiiu.
aatlro bull to rh-w.
nefa hnnaa rrtaaina and personal rf-

rlacing that after 4be nu-MIng Im- was





weighty aad Taluahtc arilcliw. such a? |
., will be care-1

asbip pro-;

be mady for rwpalr.
for r.-glKUT of dee.1.

As anon as Ihe onfferdam is dry. vl

Mr. WlHon is dr

itors win be admitted lain It for a fee.. senedly potmlar In Kingsley and all
I tliai sertloQ. U-cause he has lived
If the coBdIlitm of the rcsaci
found 10 be such that tt eau be patch. ihers al) his life. And being a favor
ed and floated on lu own boltum. this lie the aodlence was gtad to greet him
will be done;


If the hull aad frame,

. whieb in a ship



hf-r and


backbone and rlhs le a humaa bolag., inipi,-n^i niH-slkinsaU-isuc and msd.
are no brokea aad damaged as lo be.


baytmd lemporary repatr, a falae hullI

publican shtmld vole hts lirketrtralghi

nrgmaenu why

every re

e coming eleeilon. And both gave

will he hoJli about the damaged pan.

the yessel being

ffaaied .10 a dry dock for

lucid arguments upon primar}

reform, no called, that maay la Ihe au­

dience norwards expressed themr«9*ln■r Che hull has been repaired wa- “IrD as satisfied that the republican
ter will he let lato the eacloture and

At the close of the meeting the aurtl-

The wolght win then be removed i mrc was lnvlt«-d to siep-lo the platiiom the dam aad the aacks of ma- i

v:o Mieci |>nrtrgiu of Rocnevclt

terial from about the outer wall, whe.-i |
by its own buoyaney-tfae dam will Host 1

F-alrbanks. Wanu-r. Itartaeb and
^naiy and legislative candidates

and be ranoved piece by piece aa It! There was a ruth In response and bnla bum.

I tona were In great demand.

it U figiured that it wiM take from ’
.« to Cfi days to complete the eoffvr- i
dam and pump it out.

noilccabk- thai many whi
hoirlorore been open In cxpmstng

It will then be their

to admit TUItors


It wa^



the gubema

andlt°rt«t Queatlon asked for Warner but

Th* cUmat* of Havana is that t®*** ■ad placed them upnn their eoau.
good meeting and gave ib<

dTperpetoai *ummer. and the tourist

' people of Kingsley ,an op]«rtunlty o

aenaon lasu nnUI May.

'Hr. de Wyekoff tuied that he would hearing the argument* they have rcac
tmmedlitoiy adrmtiie for bid* to aup- In the newspapers In favor of the re
ply the lamber needed for'the coa- publican candidate*.
MrocHoii of the eotbrdam.

He addM

..n the riy.hi arm.

lad Ml -J

.X cmradlw t-ntm,

*•»«*"'« *■

above the waHT. Is aa ohjoct of cun- |

' '""-I «'■"

managers and umm.T* ofThertem

•lam iBk-tefl to tb.- islanders a* well 'eamnMga
* lo fbe.Uiort4t. who come heru in

•aubb. wbo with a eon.ftaul.m fn.::;

News From Cedar.

Mich., tkt.


saay yi-.-vienlBy


Rng.-I got


wrist.«r.d al the sam- lamaat. r.-eelv

vrOH Jerkj'.l ov.-n.iar.l ai.d .Irsw t

ariet there with her when she dropi>e>l
It Is a heavy loss lo Mr*. New

....... I as she Is a widow «lih four ebll
Ir.-n and riepi-ndi d on ii.-r owe f«i

isqulros a*



'« '^■*i>tap'»a. tarily.

a* his' ’' «>-i..:M-c*csc ih.-p- wi-re mi :'UBd;

stcamrr eoieni HtTsaa harbor.

h»nd and psrliy becaaie there
Steimahlp companies running to Cu- (awirod n rhaacy i;f c’l-ei.'Rg a death
Tuesday mnralug iM

support of family.

■ suiiporlen-.



.>p..r.t;-.' In a hihg






Klcp.»ey. Mich..

State NesM.
Already they ojv is-ginning


s thai inrticys will be scarce thh
Mrs. Henry Gimd of Sanl-ae eoasty

saed fe.r divorce.

H.-r hushani

was erldently too Good to be tn-e.




rieeiric lighting plan; will be ready
for opcrwloa (he early pin of IX-sem
Srbooleraft eounly is already aRiia:
Ins the organlzaihm of an agriculiutnl






been awne Kerris seoiime.-i

Klagyley Ud

may »tlil Lr

w. re


was M-veral

-V1..rtU.r.i«UB0*«lh.-T;-«t l,W.t.4l -.-Ul


’siBrtlng .-.

who lean tows-

the “iK-rfect ♦UK .'' but after the tr.--i

|blBV«ty D I ILtie-VrtKeB <rf IWld e. BIT

iliuue druwu,

Th. y.veki .-r.-w was fi.-.

ii:y al l.- o, lower a l.-oo, iron.

a-;d '

Ibr le-

'ut,W :etv

ttMcl j


i-.a ti>

ID -»ij FBi*i.'. BTT naaotrod

;; a.-.':;;


leniv.n to u.' • rj-jglloR ti.a

ty ibU tuuans he was hauled it. w’lhi
his wrist sUlI al .ore t-nf of tpi- >lne'the muskalimge at

t!o- nibor.''

I r-.: GST K-a -.Itr
fer Ihs

Branch-county wtm-i liav,- to vote
local optitm in the spring.

/ «.a{.-'.iw.T ••.wrv!’.., C'.lvBr.laolUi.
flr-.-'..d!.-ih •: e.-j.j4.,„r<K-s«nU.
weigh c-.l.p: ii.'viv-'ij.i.ji: Tr'..-ir»'.: , V-F.'.r r XV.- .1-1 l.-i h'.flvib^
'f r:t BBiiLvALi&ry, money ratBi
8i;K- Cr.'4k is agala in ditsraee'n* C= B-x eru-.r iv.r f. I.-PC-tBcri -_-i wltlprejiwy
‘salt of the Rmaloxts t'p!de-n!e. Tti
:>«'bfiuM- ha* Lcea overemwiicd and


ite'cow placed In t-vit.-'.

■l-rreii up ;he p-4btlc Si:-T 'l!n- :iy.-aaway.

visetrs decided that tbe pelitions were

r weaibt# is not



. .

M. r^l.'r-malBlliBBl.
I. r-malBliiBBl. VT AbH J.

-t»p;.p..l Bia.-t, ttp. Bi f
.pb.uIbii.p4 .4 Ijpl. .St»lT

“TSia-:"..-} .’iri'ir, S-yd.
IiDt liii urtH-nabuBUBtr
itiuBU arr c

'Up-fe-ii.1.UII.I.-<-..-y.h..B_ .4 -j;p I st-laiur.

warm, by ntv


ne dlFesno there wUhin.ihc la ",

PARKER-S .-BliTht. ai]«wr*BM>tt tkl.cHwcB
-i.(.p-. Ov n..poih. fn-Bt >b* d»*F <4 lUa

I.. (bv.-RtibdBy . ;|T;ppk*x. A I> hot

iI _

!' 1*1*1 i\e

"*L ’("pT^^WMawlB

r. v.lK-«at aW2l:etlBg Iherify; filiy

One of the candidate* on a ’county
hi a



Mo has thlrtoon eh.l

Tlic Cennan-Amcriran sugar faei.r.-y

i;e c-ittlsofa pc-,!hoi:M-. l»r \V. It.
vhey. elly l-ejl(h omrer,'hv* JoileJdtm


chance-, anil



iwiieve* niei! iiani;i'!-

RUallrvx ■niild' . 1j- li-anrt-J |-i

He la



i'p.-l K !

plavHATe^ t.ltl.EH-;Sl»t.

* ei-Uv.p

:f Him-

Tt-i'k ai:d ha* iurov-:l
' of sugar.



K..'t i.



rjj haj 1.- -4 Ospd.r r:. Ti-i


.i-rBi«n A A. 4


I - 'le




deal to yo-j. Fo!:i;.v y
docfor's'advTte an-J i:
Ayer's Cherry Pertora!.
heals, strengihe-i . rrrvr

I .'Jtrtl »tedl.;
.-BUOO b-O'-

i:s iiis,.

-T»i»}p r twut (My ,»d pr<,.. i...pBi Itwv* M


Take cjltJ cayily'r 'I'liroat
(cavJer? LunfiS '«c:’a? ' Any.
relatives have d.'r.-u'ipiic::?
Then a ccu^h

1 r«-,. T.i
; A !*.LfcS.ibU<


aoipdB*-. -'f.;




“ Iu«n-J .4Ut«i>dTr«vr> ■
A' B —.i-B ol tfe. In.Awp. . ;
■ -P^v. 1-nld.t tWv.44.t. .JCro


t}.- .
tbe r.V


MsJdssn. TV"
•rimsai W*i

. I Din «mv~ T. , r. . >•». TtlBrf ibbvb bar tnlwi


,r.. - P.-. t

. rutco.r.


1Tb:i<« f.» Pep-nh

r L. LOCKWOOD. O. p: A T. A.

Weak Lua.^s

To Core a Cold in One Day
Tdtt) Laxative ftxMno Qii^me Tablets.

tel Ml'


event-n( : Dot.-aeici-'!: fir--

i.fiis 1-



ils wvok. s;id the day for the

r. tur the e.-n-p;»n4»nt,u I. ArPU((«-^>er
'..pi. ..p-D..t. 1
MpMes.■I'.xeUte-.-u, . l-BP-.f-.-PT'

• xt!er..t

U r.

Thi' lnot.-ie..ii men tif Oivwagia -. *i-


I .,r—Pipx * ' lA iTaT*^ . lt»'


ng Jr. QB cir.-. r.-ui U sdi-hiK an avr
ige .rf i'-o tt«v per day.

n. - in epp/t.-tc ...


The faclorj

armuglac fia- a JublbN-



-4.. tiupeui
In vipe rip^ti.

-t'llay Cliy jv i.;nair.l>' g.ilag sone.

t«-r tbe


**TS» Coaal* ri«.» i;;

. Thi-fc have ts-en »iVer,3<> raae-

lot legally signed by a suSlclent num!-er of people and refused to call au

SmaKjiie; ix g di-oave re

__ ■ssras‘Bi.3:

r-Ji.r :*.p-;n-sl that thTtr
too til ^-phr

A^an. Mteh.

Tie: l..t. waraiti. and a tern <lgri&g’Ov--



%..L*r- rT^t,, r.diS.vl iliB-.
iIib: ih.ix v
T 4. t- :

I.iar u-<-t ara! seven l.irhj-,; ;'o:b e.a>\ ■


The supri-


frblchi bn.lteiar sreorsd..wa* found

. al'p*


■ .'Vh <


^ -iSX



plain rr^ the InicHlgrui raancer in


•loa ‘for a now pe/Thou-o J'si! ulixul

’oriety to hold a (aJr next fall.

. fn,—An hour


. . ____
HWBll IllBF til__________ ______
III i-r>wt*x-rerdenJ. U.D-wiii.:n lu.e I
John A U.r*u«tr.. JodSB
a* ntAwS*.
• ■ thr .*,1,1 K.i^p •I-.Bi.; ebOT .. ,..,un..u J >B tbe malur >4 Ihi- •nal* erf (IUtiw IL
->,.'ri..l>-|.,‘rt4.*Brdtii lo. 1 iTaBii Tmv Ow-i'.

B .B.V a .'ell IB lie
W-vl .(OlrVlT. :i I"
■ :-..rS..d Hevi- MVl
.•'ntOklSu-'.:. -ullh./.-..

taiAis with the loathrortK. .i;-eaM

Vforv- tie t:

BtudylnB the prfiiteai


-.tan w'.e anythlns witliin rea.'ii..and I

“Uihrei- nvk* from l.sUy the p>v>-: 111 kinds of pr.siuce fKm; the larm.
; plr Brfi: hav. di-eld. 'l who wilt !>.' ih-nr
H.-re's an .-lampli' »f li..w .. Lie wi
i.h" repub[i.<«L.t
rch-oK-v - Mr. Kv.v. vcli .M- Jadg.- parkrr. have tnfne.
a nai,. „ h-.t-.-sif
rally h.-rr la. t nlghi a hanl rain set in
le other day wt nl lo a u.-iglib..r:r.
^d the, pra.ip>-cts of a large enrwd
•Ti) iTieai tpilie fn-nkty. th.-r. d.n-*
.wii^aai liq-jghi a dflhir'i. w.,rlh .
WTrc very dihlous. a* manv farmers'
n<a m>[sar>. f» for much nrrgi>r. iMYallse il i' eenild g--t a it-lo
from lci*g di nance* wu-jld duuhih-s..
eerJaiuiy as iw i|„.
ITT.- ft'r 'the tr-ary -ban r.i t‘t.- ■ •i;
b«- de crml frjw-aiieadlag iq aceoiwi
'll M-ents Bimo.i a i.nvg.m,-'
«rf the aiorro. Km the raVn dU uu:
ihai Mr. lloUM-vell wt« t,.- e'..-nle[l:
dim the iiidltleal tmihuslaxm of ib>, >io:. |«crhan*. Is-can.-e ihv p.-opk- hav
ParadliuitowarhipyK-upie. By 8 oVlork
e'.saPik-arv in him am! la hu eonc-T
there wg* a larc:- andh-nec abd ihtwv
thvn uf iwridcniial f-meilons, l.m b.-.
.-utklbc, gpeitid and har.| o
were not seats enough In (hi< hall t»
CWtlse the wsanlrv Is (.m.iK-ro-tt.. and
I.l.i'.u rpnii'.l ia ih. r..4:»
e all who were ih«-r«-.
thus the Tifci-.,1i;.a tliattr ti..;
J’a:ronI-C ho.-4.'*;.-ui;iDtr:'
II was a rri>n'.CBfitli
very pr.x
Kingsley bariness men. n.irking nu-c
Kos-.' I sr..1 .Stre.-r-. a. r;,^r
aad (anfcr.'. aud that th.i y liB .e bee;;


*r .in.-- ll,«l #nbl«BmBer I*.
0440..IO ,. LiU • ' .-..lai'luni <e UpK| tit^
tty Mil

.*r.ol en nud • • In
At B M^uci
Ihn iv^wte'caor
■ »
t d*. joBut; ..rur*B.._T»«.vc»..tK^t. M
kI t. II. *a.l
r bale «ifllB.-. Id Uif «Vtt <4 TriTarw City, aw

-mir, w'5;o cxaghi It. av s drowslttg ;

iFcMy-fivc etarier memi er».

lirtilar. and prlrty stift hi- awsr-.iv--- i-


5*h. His efforts to di-eagi.-v his wr;-

formed ihc O-dar Aihletic chih wiih

m-: pairing, whieb will b.- eom-.’.-t
. (Ilf J = dKc

■s rb;- Ij r*-«dy for inrir-ctli*. .

rapldl;.' away from tin- Ixiat.-by Hi
from till- line
:nd.r water,

osd* iKClav. eveiavivv ,.r jt-.t.-.- .-lO

“Wbvrv- 1* the Maincf- the lo-xrUi I

aroond M

rrlngiag the unlninl home and goi a!


:! .f !l..--4ate.ta1
»l l^lrida. U. ,t«rq
.1 .'.4-rB0.....aLB.«l.-« ef ABUlP.

a mu I cl'ieg,-."

»iw yett.-rtiay evening. Tlii' Isv* w'-rt

~lvlcg M'er.* C-. the rau- of ?Si> wag.v


a ^air-Mieb'

: Nu-

ijpled lola^tea Hie Ko< m .-i ek-at




It api>,-ar* that .\M,-|.a->gh. t-

Sand, toi*

the arm

Mrs. H, J. N.-w*led lost her Is-sl

great namhors «a non as Urn cold!
'*“y* “p-’
ireatbor'sota In la tbe Borthrm an 11f‘"^Ef*»Flo3alrnimsalRu com.
rt,.pp,v. wori.


Jttdp <4 Pnilwl*atlii.

ind wrist.

Ur. Fralle


wmhg tires! of l.oWing'llie line lo III.

right arm hrokt-n heiw.-en iho cllsiw

eattera ttaiea.

■ ciUO-c practically

l-BM-lq 1-) »B enw <4
i'...irvrier ttlF l'.,BBl« el UTnlld

-UTiile ru­

Tbe faciiTv tva» only heea

j.faeUeaP.y qclli

wid-rnoeodltu! that It i< «t

“ , rl!!.’},
iv>b1> <ax A.
rust TiBvww.lVia

tkVW«. .k .
thiril .Py

paign arsument.

h*l«‘S prr«-attMl

■»"'™ W"



tvlaies lojhe adventpra of;
rim- noatl ^tillemaB

Iren, and is using that tta as a cam­


IXU.T cof^ or wRAPf>cn.

_Heh‘-rin,.o, 04c .rf iM- incld«-JU

roanty Is ruBStng on aa oinl race si:l-

The wreck li only incompletely sobmerged.
It lies In 30 fet-i of water

>e,l l..,J. uvl rwvcnlw.. WIBM«4 1b

‘il'lu'lds 1

Th' j*-'

.-.he (own. It Is.aJlt’Rcd.

■ride platform.



'f«y «n

>n the Wt arm and in «l..- race.


ttai work would Ivegla U-fort^ Dec. 8
,« required hy the terms of the eon-

Friday. towSS h day ol Octobar.
A. O. 1004. .

Fac :iin^ brtinalurc u

I tie

Platfcrm was right,

the kalne will once more be afloaL

1.1X. ib>rr win b. w4d *1 imuar nwAu.. U.

Wontr. .Conviilswtv; .Fcwrisli
fu-iss and Loss of Slekk

---------- ^ I


log hat: bliipn Hire.- oili,-r chtWnn


Mr. Wilson

played a ilutrougli knowledg-- of the


whlc#^ will perron

Use .4,. .-£'.'2!7,r
For Over i;:::r:sfi,issu;ivrsv:sj'S5;
Thirty Years

, "Daa* Mas. PimtHAw:-

Ivan . Hall's .1..;-. y.-stenla;.

ling lup! for Ihe IKwey 8uv<- mm

Hr. t'olgruvc- was foilowe

tiisuty U Onad Tmv

•nir4i.,.-inc tmrar. r>« UeraoB
JmlsvU r-rutwlB.
:.hht«,e. I'-OBt, Cbtk.uu* CMwtyT

n fnviit of the yard when tli<- animal j

Intelligent •■xporlHuu irf the Isr^ii

Tho resM-; will then


v<ar-<il.t child <d'Oli- liclil uas bsir.<
Htt.m b>

feeU as may-l»e found, after which al! \ eompUtaenied by men In th.- ball up
aasinunilian. arms, cannon, rnal. d<> I whh'h arc of interest to all ih<-|snp

./ *»-rUii. <S*ri»rol.. liTwad
levlssss smi WnfevU:
.- -•X.OW IB Itv St..r l.,4dB.D»v

,H is said, that Jhc tiilld was )dayip,'l

His |i!r-a fa:

| Ihe au|i|x>rt lif ihi- whole n-pulillcae

The aext step win be to maorei aatlnnai aad xute tickets a-as ■>» caa-


j !ict

l> Vi i-tUhld.Kli,
Cr«,4 Tr.t.r,.-

aerk mesliua] advice. Tb.t
thut I bad ovarian troubl.- .
tios. and advised an o-> -itioa.
1 dvi-ttl
----------------------- ------------ Vei-vuuK.- Culuiwuud. I Moo:, f. -uad tb:.t
my Judfroo-ut wa. oa-n-ct. an t tliat all
the jfood tliliujs .aid aUiut Uii-s mi cii- :
cic- wen- true, cud Oav In .Uv 1 f, :i
has pain and -aerea^l aj.rl -i-tr. '1;,.
ulu rullon mkju healed. Cii l tbv- ..:i. r
ccmpliL-atlons dSsappi-ar<sl, tn-1 i 1
eleven weeks I was once ns.rc strung •
and vigorous and perfectly welt
*'My bcartlest thanks ate sent to
you for the great good >„n heve done
au —Sincen5lyyourvMis.-M*i;.i*.(i,r.
MkusLET. 271 l-blrd St., .Milv at-L.-v.'

fall ..f -

lB«hv.l I. diaih antllbiN-^'oih- r. u-ru

bfdng a»Uind by sucking iJi.- uofi ma­
terial from Mod-T the


IVoiMies DigrsliaaClHMfulnessandRes^
----- —

losa of ktgength and avrv f
llcttd upon lb«.-..-v.'Ii »ln-i,gth polUuK j m.- aonji-lhiui,' wa* rswllr;.!;
I I;a>] hcnuw
ilinmpli ruWKn-vl.k-tal lirk,-t.« in .joiil,-.

it Susii and S*-nt-ca

urns of ballast, the- sinking pn>ce*s

rally uken

’The letter of"wi .tteildey,
whose fiOmt is printed sbo>e,
proves beyond quesiioa that
tbousaods of cases of iaBarsaiatioD of tbe ovaries and womb
are ammaliy cured by the use of
i-ydta E. Piokham’s Vegetable

In regard to th-

moipalKu for the cuatrol of ibi hoan

, l.-.-etiiMp ll-lri- arM. UBXsM
(t-urt for tbe l.«w M
; nerly-sr.'. 1$:'.

Bears the


■iccllon Is over tfarw- weeks before

fifl dl-trtrts.

lag the.dam im tigt wicii aboni 2,on


/^etaUc IVepBraUo:t for.^s
sifflOa lin^ (he find oTifi Ik'S ula
tug te ShiKKte and Bewek of

elvcliooday! so far as the preeldcaifa!
r.<i u concerned.

Forlnfantg and

Kind You Have
wsToin* TheAlways

Inesi progivM than Itltas made in ih-

tnrUI isifll an Impervl'XK sti


(900 Drops

and predicted that wltfala the nett ten ■
y«ar* this cuaatry wlH make more hus-

and ihea sank throogfa (he sofi ma



roost powecful gronp of ftamhclm i.< |

Can ba Cured with
Dr. Miles’ AntiPain Pills.

This simrtare will


trtasnry. and now cnnsceint trIJh ifa.

-xi-. -T”.";..

Cures Crip
fa Two Days.

on every I
;v- >.^*|in;i<.su J..

.i,. -x'



PERE Marquette
, For 5>TBB l

r-aiSir rizysassS > ‘■rSTr-

w.4*.|jpn»A»' l-.teA-Vay.rfbte iDrf-taiMui


'5'Srt -ri


F.v^ay. Iffp p.B, Bad



>AV. ocroBCft zr. im.

1 .»r ibn-i- liatf ri-n l»cd ihv ramc nanr
firn 1> mu >.-,wav.-J.



,uC hcahh;

Slcpisix lu tfc. C4.i:ut U ifav tvoiB 1

llhc li-ader r^pla-na;

( boy's eyn> and •■art for. (f not 1-^

(■ ii os Uiv diccka to gw ber the Bu»i
pon«- vt tbt- (nut harkr arr aelectc
f„, tbe drvac. a few of

r Sunahine club.

It *8» played iK-.'ore,

1 card and buttoB.


• WoUhT
(Htall. Mich.. Oct

voulil make,

licet now.

I Mrilf fry to be Ievin9, helpful
•very iMnp thing.

*« k.


And he *en('-r-

ins out the :6ib of tbit tnonUi anP

If t ever fall in trying to do
theM thiftgt, I

A «r«vD Uy irv«i.

• bca ! vUI have luu of foe.

"Try, try

.'04 aad the Sunbi-ama au reroir.

appeannev of t

From your Suntliloc plrt.

: littleJlrt In tfcc curm? to bark aaJ

Ape IS.

thru goes on wnh--

l>ula Ayvra.

The La-^u- war*;, which U*LeUe

TIk ..Usi-rs-Bnei- of Hallowetai datt.-,

man* came to Rriulo they found

Flmt Vice PrttMant. Mabel Bates.

Iicr the Dniltls held a prmi autumt

Becomi Vice President. Clara Bata*.

fvstlral. and they lielH-yeri that on tli<.


Tfumbar of mfmbet* belonging Oct.



tr. tPM, SMB
The LoA Temper.

Lust yuor tetaper. did >i

Wbll: my dmr.'l srooid not mind i


It la not aneb a dreadful kww—


tiH- M. iBit*?",

ills I*..' bond cloM.'ly an.


where ^bis cnatom *U kept up till
terj iTCtmily.
HaHowcvn *as formely known
more words whs*

to repre-cBi



»‘'b '*>'■ »-raw-col

while a l<asd of busk bruugbi r

will Ik- iU-liKhi<d

d makes a gind AnUh Tbe l-tt hand'

ho.Tv, or even the grown loll.s. piiirj'

%bl>lng for apple* Is still s

Then do, m> dear.

; Uakc It your beat Mdeavor

by tbv.'-

And 1^' It—oerer, Berec.

bunh-ls; *uo
ami when ..J.
ihe tottf.a
.-<<st caoM^.'.ibe poUlu.had i.i-TV;. I‘
Mii to

being a.iitJv a-ipvk' mintiis

. -Sb-.’,-'

j:;,... Wc-,
. amount t'-ali-.v! wWs^pMp^Hfa w
sr-njuau-d from ih.-j *l»'l
.• in-asur:-- of ih"

Ici db’l

'iill» Uiys V

Their eyT-- <ti»nl oat a'li ihi-. amli
-t) .father,

.'--rt-' >11

••a-giit taiS^.

One who Is nut willing b

ley a Age; . .



.y-r ,r'lisWie-!. the |

alloo lea:


the iricnd a
th" >ma‘l tyij '





The birds ar>t-ussibnrisg la gnmiK. I-*

year, and certainly to suoceed
Friday. Oclobre 11.
Your prmldoBt U sorry that abe
md jet soil onoogh to write you the
meMge she hoped lu tbU week. S^^msts yqur vice preaideai iu tell
that uuv"T


gruaint pleasures'!-

’’the «oa^ of the postman with th.Iniiers from her Snnsblnr boys an l

She ties In U<d wbere she caj

*4^ a«y down ihu un-ei. and


waiehra etery nurnlng and afternoon
gp are the gray unlfonn of ibe post

'Bhun she lUtens to hear him


Second Vice


if Ihcro are no SunshlBe tellers your
prealdeni is sorry Indeed.

So write

The boys
a-I a

imples played a part, was this:




- .iailii.-r






' ir.v..ri,

tutkeis were supposi'd In I'-sp up aad
catch the apple with the







ir ‘

will be easily »een. they are quite

. ha.c ir I'n.;..
aon.' jol .-at.

ressun to think tboaselves lucky it

they escaped with uothlng -worse than

Tcil It. we'l! S.W9 U. tiaying sBuw:
And s-ftTy- ''lie. in Nature's choir.

'll .ifs .l*H.

At.- yb^'li: il;e »hs«>T
1 -r '.f^ihiri.- > '•'hsde on


•r In the ew'^sbrsUem of tbe »ld-llui<

TAkv llu.‘. b ;

T!-i iiult sdu of an css.U-m irwrHoa
ia-hh>T'kit.-s- >*. pisce
Ibe dsolng
li'v l.iT



aero./ tb







lk.4'1 >-n

Always rmiv. nevt* fllea, headloa*Wlngless, wiib four eye*.

Ana. Mls>

^ «**iPPl
What M Mgber whea the bead is



A pillow.

a* a



. y-o-xr hair.


A flailroa.

Havlng gun.-


I have not wriilen be-

i fed ll UO.I.T


burned side by side, it was rogardeil

t would Ilfcr to Join your Run

rUiip club, ao iilMue rend toe a car.
and buUu^

ary lu the Hallwwren bili.of larv.
la In-iand and

t like tacr pretty well'

Oar ds.e a vIritiT asli'

tf P’-'- «f t^

d. h.T homo wa- di-!
r-hk.Th .!

pa*s.-.d on. ;

.'■skiing .. ........................... ........ ................


well," nU the yiMtor.


• s-i- ..
u«ltg diffen-ul coltintg matt.-T:

V goat varitu.


muy be *

.d .lolls an.i ilnmiwwhole familie.* of la

'u« ofotbef*. 'iiil. 'chlldr.-n.-sal'


'."fB-J ■

A gCT-a bay lf.*e.

..kfiiT th.- wpruax wuiri, win mi ih.

•Hein ng :

and gypsy s.ri* cat I-- mac;--


I.r Ir-.V.

was .r«.W.


th- k-.' Roi-i.i- 11-

all lrvmb!.-»onu- to manage;—Th





a am-

i.wce lb which ihi tMtn bfuk-aiiawgv

lij.hU moaiti and ntnr .iff to it.


!i»;; with if.

•he -trvi-i b.vl Is

to /priiiB into iH-iBg almirfi like magi-.,
lor.lbi-.liu-k* are very pUuhlc and ii-'

ToarhiT-"VVillii-. give

b r kviiU.bixn a .joliar. wlilrb h.



k a.«.'t!iai

Hiway* paya ^i» uwu tax

tr-mi: .. .Hrie.

luu Jue d14Bl.

tW" amiwn-tip man for a paieci-

"P rilek* ar-sjml the n-st. whl< .il B‘t. and a-, he said. “When, do you
. . -;c.gnt to gH ..ffr- -rhlcago.----------- *
' n mainml utidururticd. v _
.•■ply-M riglri. " raid Jo.-, Thts 1*
J war hatrhol and flusyi.

In H'Umicgtmi. lA-U 1»,

made -d

“tl IHHe

- H'r--." tc said, "tbia b a train of

VYilli.- ---M.- an' ua wcul nrbla'.
-Amv'.-l tfi-r , lu- bart.i* j
. t-vid n
!' bah t ' book an' 1
l.-aw- I



-*hlcb : h.- tak


y. ar.-. -.|.l tm; hit! pCobab!.' r

-3-1.- .n-sivil* -hau any chilil .if 1
irr. tr. the city.


blank you may 5,1.!, u v„n evu tni:-.


“Number One."
".Vlld I ws-' i'i--4 \-Vi‘


,1» I .«:.ld'.|.-'.-

, MUKltllletb’-1-. ^■'>.■lUiy


tin hu b".«ok'. iu.l-s-l. !».' w..iid rai'i-


»xrt> ..f Sc^Hand tb« principal dUb m

Amusement 1

Osr tparher's name 1*^

Mrs. Manl^U

fiatssul. .also

! h'-Jsli.

Ami It w-'-sl'-

t'viiliDd csbbage lirutb tsl ciai->ldi-rt->:


the tiM •.

And I. i.-vaA-d MULL

K-rallar dlrjiet are rctst.led n- nest,

l»raf Mm 'Uauw-I Ihbugbt .1 would
write ti» you.


“I ha-1 a imioaserie

If the nuts

:>-. ■ '

spouiis III rb->rit-'<i. the followtiig.

for whom U stood would nut be confor. .ibe 'two

Tin^ glH U | S.rtig-iuinvlii!

nami-s glvMi. the ejtiiie compxhj

X nut popped and rolled away ftum its

IS a Dign that ihe> wo'uld he married.

Rauiigll (Illy. Mich . <>ct.

a tinj- buiuu .A One evn-asitni;
li.i-.vcrf, whil.' the right on.' grasp* r-

ptelOou it'todleated that Hu- person


tlieiai* aUnit

l<s<ktng It uptlii-

In dHferent jiart* «*f Orest Urltain


kind of a nolV- a tm>iikey. li .'lei'l.snt
or an sttigatur msk. *.

of tb« gralo, each one being namto. If

Uaiti in bis aSectlnns.

bc«r, throe

IX li mo’ibli riddle or I'll pnll

1 .,-4.0*-. 1. ,.
,1 > txs
i;-go*.ip- cfci-ad. ao

.heir bndns and

Heed placing nuu In pairs on the bar-

n«-ld mil-

day. th.- lu.'L

.id'f - Tbci;, I... asur'• 'I'Jl I'T- * psov-nger.’

i.u'jr l.-.ji.


yviubg men. and women, also,

rbelr lA {■'’"t” chair* In a tong line and plS'


- j • ifwin of car./'

race gR};!"^!'
-A« they r-A

'oa. fc-qaataiiv '»«'ei,. the, met!

miw .he r.>s4

ire and the thrower watched very
they biased up brightly it was evnsM:

Whai li It thai unilM by dividing

Ides* of Lime Fstk.

’!”• OiBKrfCTHo«ail«. e

fird who

ecc *lde ib'A 1-: <iutl;'«vvn Uu Olii

Nats were also a very Impuriaitt far

lYams J)S w<- will vmn bC nts-dIBg a

ihe.|,r.'Uiesi .ncnktsis .d Hi

tVfcvr.- Othi-r '

ii.« -iibliiin'-t w'iitruit cSwl,

‘ ‘irike a ngh'.
move arvam

carefully to see ho* ihe.v burned.

a«d dIvMp* by aBlUng?

.\nd itai- ehilly hnwriw that c

-And It Was War Time.

•«?a.; if the .,|i-

;.iu: lari OI.I-'', sri cjal.-j


The gngh'ww
to the roauodmm* prod a sign that be would be prosper:
given Iasi week by U. Winnie UMter mis during the romlog year, while Uiu
-•'an-he fuBtres;
omen was Just the oppuvile if t^e

!iB ».
wa- |•:lttiug ih>in r> lo «H wiib nuls.

j in ttlm' jerr. " -N. V gTibnnv...

TIh-l-ravi ! *

d*:B'I..T’it. nn;!..' Crw iiUes. Ku '




-Wiiy.': -iil «»!■• s'vatirer, • ! coshln"
; iiti-ltrrtand ii<>« coiiM g>-< iu> dirt*

Success of Life. Doys.
II .rt-H V.-;.'.!

likely lo bite at the randle. and brn!


, The H4.iirTrls arc making t^rir lUHe.

IT. what I
I iblnk I
,. i«l.< n by ,
i more than nine» oh'T'

been centing you all the weuk* and, Halloween. Often they were thrown In
years rinor oar society

Armi-sag lo-lly from ihe etaange in
the weather.


When ihe stick w«-

gsae It BO luoger popular

^ck acae of the sunshine Ate ha*

i!;- p-;la>


placed at one end and a llfibud mndlc
Ihe other.

-Y-. ion.'

AT;.-r a time

string from the relllng. an apple being

her what you an*

Y<n «tn tn that way be ^rin:

. .w


-Mar- heywlk-1 *• Am I i Ju»i

nine y.-wrs ..uiT^ '

stick was suspended borlsouully by-

as well that this rough and danfoour

- days-


•en mauy a

Ar.uibiT HmUoveea eaoiesi in w-hteb

Jjrr noiae nice letters soon, and tcil
doing, these fa '

-A.', Jialf*2) h-«-!
*** “


• -aiibwji ii-kVti "



iltaWa rusuvs harrying In wl.ta II. and


the pluck and perslatencc

wbfrh aro oaenilal lo aodlMB-of crery

.'tgah) the dour and throw down the


Is neceasary for them to exhibit

romr of

his grain

cni't hay.:

Aud larm «lil 1e pulling his apples'

v«-ars oMr I thiflk-lfaetv nmsi i*. ;i>aii

■i I.

uwt would have good lock thnmgh the


_ i__ ____________ _


• An-™i, Bh,

were surcuaeful in this Halloween coa-

somiaUng eisy-^

Ih.- cause, liter.--

The lanni-r has (ailowetJ

Witt, gravi-irervilBlliy.-he wa--say

l«Bei op, 421I !-.



ami p <viEv.7 t wuehi be quite a Urge sum gaihtml.''

Tiatf' bei.! hii- -

or.e ••{ t-j- .-ais^a-r ho;> ei-

| ary Ilk.- you to every boos.- and each

iw-lliag lonniuae go: a p^ialo.

t’'binet}-.-:-t lOe

jlaiBieil.-'Av,’ ui^-' .iiH- (la* hV- from


that those vb.-


IV 111-.* ib«- aj|-i:


lle>o H.! ti.K u lf a b*

•' At 'itaj

l» «>oldly. emerging with UHnded eyes aod sirmmlng hair,
used Co be tbonghl

cah-ilBitog mtw to a «a> that *bo*el be was gild io .-sraiw frwui the Ito's

BJ- I! tplf elilei .. loVw-

aii.T a miijn-ii l’M? ohU-si oz- .ai-^ '

likely to OMd'ure the coveted priie.

To qnlekly find a bciW cne.


aged farmer ev
ty.|nnj..a _*eh'«-!
«-.••. rre . Sb.- is ho-. ' ljud
' '
<rid anf wll! new take a (.-x. clam<-<i
e'lfued to th**, an'l'.
- r.l-aiouth htgk '
"Why. I diil u.n ^■■.-l that donaikm te
' - y.-ar
Vaid. •■Hoy*. I aru •t'xy-sorry-,
- -lof
i C.e li-w^i’ And. Harry- l'‘e U-i-n think.
jas Just ii^ ttv
' i ingthai :( Ih^- were a lliil.- aUsatoii'
JuM th-

The onlooker who bka never


In ms-,1

"QrandiaHau If .vou do piH in laK-r

So*-and then tber>- l» fuunfi

- mfli !ut--r ..tia* ut-oV,,.,^^^
haw a..lUil- ci-.rc ;b*Bj .{,,p

- o^ighf

lay ulals to prndam a very iUfleiv&.

It fruald i»rilr| in brinslBE.

rhi!>!n-n fir.- {.aalivl


sn ouy task, but It dotis

And ctoads upon a atatnlag tky



: nr the old plan, wl’b nnusuai recal.r-. I-m-^ton
soeb .-h
G--<-ri;.- ll
.- ;
and it ri ll,
Pnd.'G-R-ri;;it Marks,
Mara*, ol th
Harry waquti
nlaqud a point...

4S-I ’-•t'l.-ed

ba< bt! hail o<yi ha^ a blN- to pat. and

I’le cfciD. hides the rongh i-d^i

5ati. but Ic: the iT.pU'. big iirts

made ihe capurlmoni may think thl>

The lughtor and tlw alagtng.


bU ne an.Bf g. t-laifi a- if be ; nine year* wiih-u: 'oriag a »iiicl'-day,

Che :ux-l. ar.ii lied in a flaring traw «i

'ue bcb-whiie* or r.ibln.s. «ir crowi
ms. <u
Is an*

feature ol most Hallooeen itatbvrlngs

game mast uke ifaua out


was (bi-reply. I

,J«,3 I stv-V ay h.wJ
'.ir.-. d.sw. an.i Jif w- lng me.

The aiHiles are set fltmUng In a tub ol




*' f ’*t'* 1* faiu-ned -ceuiviy ai
tp ..a.. foDt. sn* viifc t-j
Mai.haireouBlv. lit.!,, scnbol.. l.-H* .<i«A»d.-d him Ihr first yiwr b! produfthe cerl..
A «»«*“«>
cuacbmati V
binv»--*f -'a girt Who h« «aia-.i iwo and a had
’‘••I"'- ihe fol^wing simsoli..
» cape with ; ammllng and lrounded corner* cover* the rhtiu'lJrt-*.
bi-T.-*- Jaagaage h- ‘ n-lv; w ictMatl every sch;w.-i .U> lu-- l"•'■an’‘■ * iw-ek, the neat, seven abd a

T..-tbcren m'tVoac„ ghv *hea=;
malb «jr btrds whme R.) «£«• . iHiy.

Nui«Tack or Bcnpapple night, virich



Ue ..Id

^ the msblc enu-e
tr»vn hi* :mhililnB_ r>-lauve. At ia t..


Walked i» Bcheoi Nfoe Years.

•| ted him al-.ii; half an h-wr ago"; matkabi.- la-ian-.'- of 4 e

You will ta- R-iTuriA'i at the .ti.Ter!‘^ **»**'' 1‘k** a poke with ..f the!

water, and those who take put In ifac

To oat>—well, simply hurrW.
It pat tg flight ihe cheery wordi.

And now If* gone!

into sbapety

lutii'.vi f-i.vwring a!I -I'cfectF

Ihfs acta

eai sound*


This may be

glue or ll.'d tightly wUb a thread, i.l:
mulii tb<rg being t» hdie it sec-are. th'

sloa by hutidlsg great' buhflru. an i


And crinkled lyi your forubcad.

Aad eluiaced a pretty, sailing face




were the fsvurlte nmusroeots of the

U cbtsol Ibf <ltnpk-s all asmy.


there are some parts of Greet Rriiain

tells wllboui

.. ■ Pf»y. fdo HOC try to flad It.


sou ka.i*

lb opinios hi- never gets a* mucc] .-rh'Ril in cariragnB ai the iiubiic
ci.4-ciidat' J t
*‘••'““11 boat i.
>ai> ns a borir i-f hU ucuriiiy out^t le I ih-om. as Is ih.' <*
’ wlU roa glT.- a potaioT"
Bv g.--cuougli to make
TbouMBdi' ar>- Satilto
"A poiato!" fiaRulaied
. vly ruu'it a< a b-.t b . am! plvrap asI'i;• steam bruled,cat* with
ksikiag up r.-v>a.hi* iiaptr.
at a> a butti r huii. t.-xi -til’ Joe aT-j andVi'vtric llghir. A, voiinx wluuui.Vn
~Ye>. rir. gbd Mod .•nougli t
lay* bi4K I'T not- tiaU'.
1 ilitB-u- raJher ikau 'haw b'r tr\nfceri
and wfaal It lUVMluced t<
Oneeveolcg I was kite r iming hum- ' auj *t.-ter «a|k- u>’*rtiuel !»ua.-j them j
-by way I f ;i,n a raOwayv.-Vjriocdcasd iw'-. tbt-m':
rej'lii-d tb>- unsn»JwfUE.S
he bam 1 »ai.; •.' a voor.s trieml *h.>j
the tu*tghborlc:g city *-vvry day 'of'
gmtuhmrvnLt.'’Hag bis glav.iw ob'1U>
vac rtnppiitg Wi'li inliuvi- jmi fflirchi»l .vi*r-

yasl.iucd on to the bead for faaii

A grje.u toy tre--

Organlaed Oeeemher «. Idtt


and uaM lh« I had helped to , wy .varU earning** i tell >\m 1 c
a ll»r-l'u*l
"Well. I think you did. myreff." *»-;

But Harry was wx';i posU'd In «'.•
sitman' !>iieilu:<.-ac«k and da.r afivw-Aav
^’ad} to help io'

Nil*. Joe is very land id.oat*, and tt-!;


A Uonch <»r dry *

*b!U- iti- iroBt Is cat

I fed them sadtr

oo the flrai of Nevem

made of thi

ih'- lack fallleg loosely t>< the waisi

And they pifcutd a

whore pranleca are very igierpaUau
to re-ad aboiii.

U<w. is

»lee»v« hive wide. tarned-barV cuff*

. “J bad eum'e gua'K.

hirange aort of itrleatw called Truldk.
Preaiicnh Mr*. M. £. C. Bates.

w.ib'. a

lam-.-. Da golf, .ir hen-, or ii”araik* -ed«i-.! wiib pink.

You «1H retneab.T that aheo ibe IL» change year rbvmv aueordioglr-


,j^.y ^nui hai»iijooliOu*e»

ard sir < (o to apep.1

- .-amir as an.'I
• girt you i-ir'rtv..

.•t pici. aad »ir»w coJor^ombinn!,. tk>

If .»uB have giv.-n s

t*ack huiKlrcds and huadrvds ol years..

The hUi was ctnercl:

tah. e ami tpriakW them ondiT *h. i

.iraniDiorivI hnrk 'with a pmk v.-*
..;se4 .-a-'b -Ide wllh nam™

As I could b»-


-bu; the J'tmc iKulbt-u.'he retited

In with a nrip '-I jbe h-4<k and fa-

"An-4 1 was plcxrod




ihl* •»ay." a= f

)el* sxTT tend .»! I--v:ns rhUdirm pa- »>■'
Keep ih'at uja DobU- thing
Jim. e*p-ciai:v If i'h. v .rins a lum;
Robbie, for
If fjsnr aloBs. lor J.s- ha* a wrcvi i w'H'.even a poor. dumi. au.aial

At 1 eft"ld 1-. '
The imiiaser pauaet Wtir -.Ind b.
j wept—" ia« ions rBiMiali fertie ib.

“Why. it w ju>t

- a very popular hor«- with the ehU. ‘•'r
.rrc. He does cet kSrk nor bUe. an.!. I"'?

ina tbepin threegh the middle, jrltln;

A»i!l I «a* pl«n>vd

Well, a; |

I manat think uf any wore. I *lll wuj


lather, in p»tne zsrprter.


•here ln> l.'.;

liiul aud one of tbe pink, and irtlcl.

• ;Lo neh fttmicr. ti Ih-b

iagalri'd fclniaeekr nranthJh. *aj pnered aied l:i

eith tre and the borae was f^Pbins.
t'i atvur.'!. I«ui l'oeni and po'■

he Ktiairi T tim.- wr have
•.bite fwrse that' *, call

!«riis a tiny ditr of the etra«.ctilan

flrri i
com }


; the cam- of .oir^ioar. Harr}. hi*

The Horse Y^.'-o TpM a Lie.
«“»•'"» ''•‘i- •»< •«
' h^arbee.?- exriaJa.;*!
Cp In the
N. ■
It*mi«hiiv hill- i-'l' of Utr Kli. The dnver vbanl^,,^,,.

th. plss. tiaiv tre made

1 led bim under

Thle le the

Uy auntie and ancle are

"I taii'i aOunJ said JuLo flak'

a Knd of cuel

“Ho* did you do thasT'

ala the i^bcr nevec-veai-j

Harry'* Mtcsieiwry PeUte.

exarslun. "I..

heeomfor.-of hv.- rwKir Ic ntU-i."—
^oaihs E\aasri;*!.

rott- ui the plali bn»V e« io ir.asvs tt

Ami hf ireawJ ujv.

We an harins a vacation;

no* of two ereefct.


coren th-

■lykcdi-that It. agaare

"I bad'a lit K'dus

u-a la a loaf time, t *111 write a *e*|

at far M I con.
and kind to aveiybedy and to


M>uud *-hk-u the rraature frunt and eWe*: the edge* are rax


laar daDt>euB»—At I barv not *r:! i

CM and tnakc cvorybody iMpfry


bocm- that

d Iwya. and ’i-’ srjaderxher eajor **cr«l Robbie

join *ad puff beiop laataoed trith pin.
wj,!rh arr Ui-lJcn under the folili.


triad tu sec you ; kt li .-d a bnrae puli

n'dtiiis'Kustl-trOx'.'.Letter run cMii

Tro fsU vldlha of bnik

i eaatc siren to any of .volt .Tua art (a fg,|^>ropO(i apron

&pn« about anytMng.
^*^rllt try to b« M happy •• t

I rhall «ch.- a

I Verae »d >tij and wbeu J meaUJO t>.

Vuur liuk- friend.

~!‘ai>a.'' »aid floblde. wbeo tilt (« 1

wbai is suitutltLrr

aaket you forpe- a'! thlnct e»crj«’

j M OP* bj playicg ii brfur than eti '; arc tu«d fer dTapw> la the bach, th-

1^ I will try atvcr Is worry «r


ond ol bc-jk!:: b>i! a a ppwty atorj; the hill nula;-.“

liit« bela-

The same wv hate here ttmlghi :<,»iaiB*«J -ailb a plak anaUne dy«- fo

j a bandred yean oH. Inii y<iu can make; irirntninf.

■cep faiiB potiod
•a around hlmT. l

A .l.d, l:iB


'Little Feih.

-;i.l Hntc play. bed-.that is waring

Clothcraft Overcoats/

msiO 4-s: fora bo- <d>e«>«i.'


rvnaU.!'. ~ ><»nirn.-1

ll |«r.-iilpk aiashnl togelher s


t n't to Stinday •rbtwl nearly- everButiday.
. •

If 1 go fuurSunda}* B»n- I

wiii^*t a lintierfiy.

Well, i gue** i

l^'''.«il| not# (br. ibis Hue.


Ihii. Mich.. t)ci

iv-vr ;


Rhuds Hutrii.

1^ you,tor a

18. Itwi

1 have ni>.

time I

l^ijtht I wiiii’d 'wMIc again, ihankln-^
yuB for th^ cant and Imiloa.

I go

■aic rfasi Ibe


who retvivea 1

wiH tie marrSvtl whblu's year.
'nicri''Bri- Ml iimiiy quaint and
i-o. ,Ji Mx-ms a pliy ihai lU <

■v .am.

For pots 1 have

He^ name Is Dewvy.

I lIKc l-v

‘'t take the llprald. I have pan sitter and
throe tolvibert 'rh<'li i,anK» aril i.eni.
'ftotert. iUrrj ami 1.<>r.-n.
fhr baby

laHwa I*

| He ran m-sriy walk nui

~ - 'Tills I* all ] can tbiak of. su gouddiy

R'»,' k'^gge.
r«l*r. Ml^h. Ort II. iwt.


Mrt., Bgli»-I. *111

mrii* joii la few Mnr*



and Irt yon

'ISBw that I am wall, and tu>p'- run ate
^ ate -aamr
1 » to adioo! e» .t> dav
' W...S .
t 1 ata in ibo tenrib grade
i 'to go lo scko'il.

My teachcc's name

■ -la Mr. RL^trggur.

1 have three sU-

ym' pad t«.> hratoera.
: an-



; ttha'rl.-. O*;.;

lex^ deairablv


Thirir namv«

Ruml Isai.ell and
I miBlA !;ke I.I j<nr

l.l-e. if tl-« III,I ■

a 4'.

. rilR-AU-k'n-M;.-;
n . havi-lye. ,hi«tgh 1


«;rr ^

• v'.-r. l.t.p-j, aod « .l-U. iU»r 1

-..hi-a-t.,he!,. V.


T*«*'**’lo»* C001.I i>*w
h-s* spirit wh^lch Indulge* imaii kiu.'..|^
soft eaougti i-j
vC rccklew* and tll-natiirciJ prank*. Js' * ,
A cam colrii th
a. miKihout.otorder.on Hallowocn .*
ai any other ita» of th- vest
Rwfcm a..-.


m »,

ty, and »*;

In-ul!,' .11.11.- 3 w'..-k ..l.ari. *. r-ar,~ stdwm.l fSPl. John.

lakvn their plsre so larg.-iy.


Yoar gugablncT.


The-;.n-4a ib- b.y t-«kci! ii;-

ff|.Hi.-('.ial-on' rich- ir»ch.-t m:!. hap,.; _
,!sf.m.;i. dA;/.-d in l-w. ;crc

.iig iPii'Himr which Is long i-. llallow-|^|^.

Mt {cachers same t* Mr. «wr

iidy Jn ih< ian.l.

RumewhiT.- lu the bon1 is

ariinot ovvir day and am- ID the slslb

, ; Toad the Buushtsc iiticr*.' Wc do not



A.ld ring, which J* /'apirnK-d .0 Indi-


-I like h.iu terj well.


tnd Ik i.rvuglit on the isblt- in

r..;i:r.l.-Tr n






yo.a-; h^r' aslA-1 gran-lni.rt:-.-r. f. A-

-f;:- Ii-4-:j Rfc.jW : Jpb ,gTJder..-;_..
a-heti dlu.‘, twin

AViiv. 1’. .• 4‘rni' • r «-4v- ti-p- him.' I.
d irni-'- le’r.
';r,. i;,» ,..,.3

.-•-ri tMt-jh.- dr. ;

• i-b-. »h«-B A

. .....
W iV ‘ ’
Tatr* »r<- v


F-A -y*. r« i; tiirislJ: etJ vq’i ba.1 1





ih- I.-:.
klMl *«>--.

SV w-.wk,. -



ope who want* to




Tbe one ia chaigc of tbe affair go.-.

Ti> the

■ Yoij

tt oCe »hv toy.-, - yon

-an elephant.'

Ti. the thtru. “Vou ‘

They accomplish that purpose
admirably b*»cause the fabrics tore
all wool, and at the same tissue tiaey
hawe a style, grace and iodiwidtanlM
ity that aro dtotinctly ineiiu.
Look at the illustration of ttoe
srward and______
and Yale______________
will see how Clothcraft Owercoats
are tailored.

.• I'll a VT>- gr.l

the coi
B. giwin



.criyt tifre-y -j-i yr.’-j-i-'rrs-^si. pj- fj./. bivt 'n-ai Is tbs room, an: k-l
;Uu'.A T.1 t;' i l.'.T, P’*'.pb- rjin op Dcd w^wa e'.a.r

advJflng him nut to tell hiS oew namt-'

Their first purpose is to protect
the body from exposure.

-. ■’’1'iJ ■Mi'-fs'-Tttec* lewa blind nor dcjr.
for Ann/, tftrr.hiri?:? r-..a^- .a J-r. •*. m-’ ;.*m vrey wiash tBueed tov. -u--

I '"acb person la the rocm. and after;

That’s just where
Owercosl* are different.

-rkrtST.' r. ;.’lnj t'“--'p. Ad.n. iklii.n*

merry i-teiflug fur ifec chOditm try the
foliovisg gnaw:


minority mt

It •••ms •• if the m^<
ow«r«o«t» **•*• msMs slmpl
cower she bod), without tony
thought of HOW they cower it.

see how g:
from the ehoulde
room at the Knee.


Th- Menagerie,

V«1 (5v< Vb. *h‘i. h-i8k. -;h'
fi-r the k;-ai- ;l:gj.Ab* It; 5 wi-4 *. y}'
• Nolsjay tolcf
slblr: ihh iT.torex.-d
.wHh • • :;i*r7 • smi norto r jb ob

V o b.-n. • ami si> 03 .iriil »he ba-<r ,3,..
v.-oa«wm toi ar-fc one. Keen M s* .,


We will supply you at glOtog35.

'hiivk Apd th.- wji-*;. Jut iv-.-.
a p.--


irswi t'cc:


|. -


I'-hu ' -n-;.s;




Good Health
to the
Children especially are fond of dakries,
and die housekeeper must look carefully
to their food.
As good cake can be made only with
good eggs, so also a cake that is healthful as well as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food. It imparts that peculiar light­
ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young

The Bneit ct all hulba ihr wtater
blouan bM BWieCBa Utm with in
i rkbsets. TrwBBfw jwr matettow. il flowcriai U the Bemnda my- Tfati
I tb«re II B TBcBDt ;dBec Id yoai h«Bfl bulb retjBlrei a treauaent aoaiewhal ^
t home, it rc^ilrea i
dlBmat from that adriaed for tb» ■
Bsd IK*, er «B)Bt«c
All Of the feature* of faahloas. carother bolbi of which I hare mad* nea-, ^
rm aad to cone dariag the nest aea^ ^
Let me but lire Bj life fititt jTBBr 1 Uoa. UU*. hare two aets of tool*«« tn,o U.. I»« °l >k. Wt..
> .:■ “•
jr ^
late thioe iBart farveata.
with forvBrd face mad nnrcloctBa 03C frr.iB the .talk which they eend up. ]
ThU »akc* it BtKMiry fot ns to pat I
. IcBoa. or «la«w; '
r tnnilBi tran. the bulb well dowa ta ibe pot la order jail Bay be houffbt at any grooer}-.I
Kui hBSteDisi to.
RcBOTe. the aUn from foor h»aru
to give the rtalk root* a chanoe to ^ |
drop. U I Bake haate j
the BOBI:
I Of ripe tOBtaioea and allce. Cut ai«
Not auKiralBg for.the thli)«« that dJ2- t the BOll. Pot la about three inrttw to apread >elly oa them, fit I
enp of
In the <Ub past, aor holdlof back la
Bi!k. or racoa. You would aut be­
It. but iki not rarer them- Put ibeB lieve bow good two ordinary wafen ralstas. Put the tomaioe*, raUlns aad
From wbBt the fBlore Telia: bat: away In eoM storage, after waterlag are with a layer of currant felly be­ letaoBs into a pnwrring kettle, la
layer*. alteraaUeg with foot pounds
well. Look tbeB over frotn tlBc t«> tween tbeB.
' with a whole
And happy heart that pay* lu toll ] time. an(l as aoon as you set Indir*If yon are caprctlnc a little



I I,.11. ot .............. tor ,»riw
>« --.I
j get Ibe Isigesi. li<-avie*t oni-*. Those
decorated wKh rut Beats, caadiod.
It. aad a j bgring lo«»»o. Oabby eca'os arc rpbct- cbcrrlc*. or rtinw.
ail) worttalesr.For Inwaaec, bH half of your whiii
Ab>I* and Orange Jelly.
1 shalkgruw old. but nen r tost life's !
icing with ebupped aut i
a»mW of apple* and
Por HaLcwe'en Night
i a thick layer of tbU bclwet-a ginger
Uccausc ibe road's lam turn will boj, Ou Hallowe'en nlghl the Kh'ot's : wafer*, lee tbe outside with the whlie orange*. Wash the appkv. slice and
, ; wlirtH-s. wlaardK. etc., are kUppoM^ ■ j Icing and i>lare half a but ivat on the erwe |b*m. put them mei- tin- Are lu
-Hoary Van Dyke, la the Outlook. ^
prarilelog alt manaer .. ‘ middle of each side. The brown wafer Ibe prvvervlng heiile with unuugn
irteka on tbe belated traveler. It ■ I and while Icing' Bake a very pretty coM water to cover them and stmaer
Plewcn fer Winter Daya.
b yon can use choc- thea unitl they are reduced to a pulp.
| c Uc Icing and have them all one eol- Pour the apple pulp Into a p-lly lag
Elicn Itcsfonl, an aekaowledgcd s
to Btraiu out the Juice. Measure tb<
ihority on plant mliing. gives the (ol ' geiher and tried the trick** as
i banOi-^l 11 If you wish.
Juice, and to i«eh pint of apple Jul-rloving tlmel) talk on preparing bulbs , down for generations. The bmi^-[ Half of a candield eberry on trink
add one «d boiled orange Juice and a
should be dark as i>oKslbli-, the purrh ; while Icing make* a |•recty cake, or
fer wimor bloomini:
pound of sugar, and liull them togeth­
lighfed by lack o' Untems made eberry rut Bne and spriukled
No outdoor gardi'D Is eomplcie viih
out bulbs. It It equally iruo that no from'mammoth pumiAIn*. boltowrd Icing while il is soft. Coeoanui may er. removing tbe scum ihnt rise*, tinitl
winter garden i* what It ought to U out. eye*, moiilb. m»*e rut Into the U- used in the Oiling or sprinkled over a Illtle. cooled upon a saucer, forms a
Jelly. Then take the kritle off tbt
without them. They are. In many rind*. BUd inilde a burning candle. In. Ibe lop. and citron make* a variety.
ways, mure aailsfactury than ih. Ibe hall the busiess should sun l i You perceive that the comblaallun* store, let the Jelly partly cool aad
idanta we usually grow there, as wc draped in a abeet like a ghost, the hall ■ are InOnlie. and I leave it to your In- pour it intn gUsacs, Wtien raid seal
can forte them Into bloom with case, belng perfectly dark, direct the guests | genoity to devise pretty cakes. If It U it up like any oU|er prtverve.
and eerUInty If we giro them’ proper iilctiUy (o the dressing rooms aadjs girls' party they would en>oy nothtreatment. Tbit consists in imitating, th>-n to tbe darkened parlor*. All j ing better than transforming the
Ripe tomato preserves arc well
as far as poMllilv, the processes of na should lie dri Asci as fantastic as pus i wafer* themselvc*. It is work that
iiin-. If wc ixit the bulbs and p-it;sil>Ic. When all have arrived th. | may be dime on the |K>rch or under a worth the trouble of making. They
tlicm away in a dark, cool place for sis gamw begin. Tbe witches'cauldron I-1 tree. Don’t U- anxloui to have the are -Impossible to buy. and are tbfrrweeks or two months they will form a good one. Three girls attired as | wafers crisp. TTrey are better for this fure une of the few aweets that <weu
Ibe eliy housewife must make at
strong rootA, precisely as tbe hutba *-e witches, with their hair banging duwn j purpoee to have Boflened a bit.
plant In tbe garden do. If wc hriur Their backs.and draped In ihoeta. lak''! Here are my reelinv for icing: Th" bumv. Allow pound for pound of sug­
them lu the ilghi and warmth*of the an old kettle fur the "cauldron." the | white of an egg fur vanilla and ruse. ar. IVei the toraatoe*. eo\er with
Itches sundlng around the ket'k- re-; the yolk of th^egg for lemon ur ebot- sugar and let stand over night. In the
living room when this ruot-growtfa
morning |Mur off the syrup which has
complfied, they will make a vigorous pealing Shapospeare's verse fromjoitte.
asd healthy top-growth, aad produce Macbeth. The pUyers should eUs|i{ Keep the while aad yulk aapamte formed and boll It, skimming off rverv
flowers In, every way as fine as those bands and go about in a ring. Every! and sUr each thick with coafectloner-s particle of foam. Pul In the tomatoes
we get from tbe bulbs in the garden. time the elicic is completed tbe witch-1 sugar tpowifpred will do). Divide each and boll twenty mlnujes. Ufi theto
But U we pot them and place them Im-1 ce bid them stop and select some one.: in balf. In one half of the while put out one by one with a skimmer and
Echo ef a bong.
in the window, they will bt- | who must ramo forward, reach Inioj six or eight drops of vaailU; In the spmkd on a d|sh. Boll the syrup until
To ay fancy, Idly ronalhg. cornea a
thickeus/^^Tur generously wlUi
have very much at those In tbe gar- i the cauldnm with the ladle and spoon, other half
a drops ol tincture of
picture of the gloaBing.
stick cinnamon and green ginger ruui.
There It a btwutlful ami unsclBth tien do which were planted so Isle In and lift out one of tbe many packages cocbineal.
Cbbkm a fmgnnen from tbe MovIboagtil In tbe following
the leason that they did not have lime. It contains. The parcel is then opened
Id one half of the yellow put four Put back the tomatoes, boll for a quar
aoBs ot the lilac and tbe loae;
ter of an hour, and seal In bot Jars.
With the yellow laapllght auwaming ellpplBg. which will be a help and to complete ruoi-growih before colOiaEd is regardi^l as emblematic of th? drops of vanilla and half a cup of
blesslag to all who try to Uve up to wonther came. In other words, they I futureapousc uT the plnycr eoneerne 1. grated Baker's chocolate ImeP H b-I wn altliof here and dreaalng
Cucumbers in OH.
will try to grow roots and tr>i)s at the | At a baaaar one cun procure th< j fore putting li In), in the other half
Of a baU^orgotten iwlllghl wheac.; Us ndvlce:
A cucumber pickle in oil soundt
“Not to TOb the living nor defraud ramc time, and the result will be any- j trickcu: a toy soldier, sailor. pt:n. an, put tbe grsied yellow rind and the
a Bdlow nsoBory flowa:
«i-ry alluring. Tak«,lwo dozen large
To wf Ustealng oan come winging the dead, for love never dies and ‘thui thing but satlsfacloo'. Therefore, do | engine, a box of candy pills for a ph.v-; Juice of one lemon. If the lemon tn cucumbers, six largo onions, pared
ragraal aoiea of wuman'i aing- which the fountain sends forth, re- no; negieet to put your potted bulbs i.i I slclan. a mortar and pestle for the; very Juicy leave out some of tbe Juice; and sliced v>Ty ibln. ih<-u place ifaem
uinu again to the fountain.' But is epid atorage for a period of several | drugglu. a saucepana bicycle, a hat. a one Ublesi-A-n is flpougb
In layers In a dtsh. aprinkUng each
there a wealth of your heart's love weeks, if you want good flowers from' fan, violin, pocketbool:. will suggest
Now you are ready to ice the wafer*.
I>r^a tenae of awed
layer wlifa salt. After standing six
sealed with a beloved one in some s - thiffl. It used to be ransldered nece*-| the heiress, the good cook, the bicycle This amount of Icing will flit and eov
aa the hoenda arc borne along:
hours drain well and pour over tbi*
lent tomb? Il It for that treasure un- aary to pal ibea where they would j girl, the miuOcal maiden, de.
-.T several dozen If some are filled
Tts a Bother who la toning her fomi
One-half cupful each <d
fold, imnccded now. chat I speak.
frecie, after potting. Dui we bati j These trinket* may be eu. out. of with Jelly, or eburso you ne«A make
tore and crooning
•• 'For those who seek His face
but one kind of icing If you with; the olive oil, while musurd seed and
To her laddie anch a
black mustard seed, one tablespooafbl
in n covered dish In the refrigeraUir. celery seed and one quart of vinogar.
Who drink tbe rivers of HU match- should be cool and dark because tbe».-1 to pare an apple: this must be dune all
Creepy little.
After the pickle has stood In (be dress­
less grace,
condition* tre favtuable to routilevcl-j In one strip, then whirl it about Ihc;
ing for iweniy-four hour* add cnoogn
Fall sanctlAcd,
opment and not to toivgrowih. A eel | bhad three timet., and e*i}t It upon the

cold vinegar to cover and i>ui away in
Rainy DayCaatumas.
Ah, how well do ! eBrmbcr when by Xrod naught of earthlyIt^'c tofcol i Ur U an excellent plarx' for them. So ' llocr. The shape it takes U supposed '
ull wide-moutb
itbod1 bottles.
moregUd. j la the attic, if you cover them with pc
: to be a letter which Is the InllUl ct '. While the pesilmlstlc may bewail
cTweUlng tpgrtt and ember
contnri. li; this a* an era of exeeprional,oxt/avaexcept^
The otd-faafaloBod oaken roekrr ,Ahd here are loveless sodIb on uartli.'per or old carpeting—anything tba. your tnture matrimonial contnri.
Cewa Milked By Electricity..
Alone nnd and.'
|wM1 exclude tbe iigbl. They should. the paring breaks before the entire I ganc«- in dress—InD wv^an's dress e*-|
aorad with rhythmic a*«*P “"'1
There it a unique farm near Paris,
^'Soiils whose hungry hearU would j bo watered well et potting time, it apple is peeled It Is a sign that yo-j j peclally-tocre are still a few who can
which Is known a* the electric farm.
WRh her feet upon the fender. In b feast aad be refreshed by your love! will not be necessary to water them
Cor the reason (hat nearly all tbe work
ifctTod. Pas* ft on. O, grieving: again fora forinighi or mrwe. but they
l^ls ic \ agance Is rnendy a cleverly contrived
c^CBce low and tender.
la done by electricliy.'
| Imprcuslon. a will o' the wisp, ao lu
rienied fortfa that slinnber antfaesa one, who think yoq have lost. This 1*! should never be alluvu-d to got dry. a test our gramlmoihcrs used.
Tbeowner of tbe farm keeflt a largv
the raaclnston I have come to a* a re-; Examine them from ilmt to time.
To tell whuNier you are to marr)' a | *|K-ak: and that ibis sooalled exiravof a ehlldbood long ago..
number of cows, and they arc'fed by,
make sure of the eondillun of the aoll. hlond. a brunette or red hair or; *«*»''*'l^ reany a true nraoomy mas
There were gubllna in the gluamlm: anic of a htwn uxixrieoce.
an electric machine, wblrti throw* th."A short lime agii. a dear, unmar-! The aoll for pedted bulbs ought to be | none at all. take three 1>«»WU. 1111 one • queraillng under suother guise. There
and the hair-claew] eyes wen;
grxiper amount «< food Into the Rn-d
rtej friend passed swiftly, suddenly, slrollar to that given those In the gar-1 with soap suds, one with inky water i*- r.bfulinely noililng. not one Item In
ing box. They are also milked tiy an
Thioi^ the twilight for the gbos*.- away l>eyi>D<l the veil. We had always i den—Iigbl. rich and melkiw. TuHiis lo; and one with clear water, then set a ' 'l>f wardrobe of iiKlay that will offer a electric milking marhlne. Invenied by
lovt<d her. Blie valuetl our affeeliuiisl ptus need only be covered to the dep.ii' fourth one empty. Every iierson Is j IK-Iler means uf cunfuling this aceusa
ly shapes of iMigahaue along:
an Kugliah mechanic. The machine
Now the sandman's slyly eteeplag and and rviumni (hem fourfold, so mui-njzK an inch, ilyarliiihs stimild simply ! biiodfolded. then dl|>s bis or her hands' '<<>» 'ban the w>«alled raincoat,
can milk 4u cow* at once, and require*
so. that when new*came of the sud-j be crowded half their depth into ihej into one of them, iht-ii rob them overl Starting on It* rareiT as an adjunct
a tlrad Ud half sleeping
only two persons to operate it Th
' When aha sing* to him that
FretM-h milkmaid will now have To
fell over all the members of the fam- same covering as the tulip. 1 have | visage with a sort of symbolic photo «u' I gradually widened the bounds of li*j
, ,,
Sleepy Illtle.
ij do.—Answer*.
ily—and the universal feeling wa*:^ found It most saUffactory lo put from i hi* future partner in life.
I usefulness until today there b abso]
Creepy little.
Song. •Wc shall never find another frlen l| four h> six bu1l«. acrordlng to site, inj To tell the sitq uf the pi-rson you; 'utely no chink In the sartorial pr- ] - like her; no one can ever take her, a seven-inch s>»t K they touch each i will many, uke thrtk-chairs, dlffereri i gtam that It will not OH. and tlin )
place.' So time iiasBod on. and oar oihiT no harm will be done. The ef-.{ ulxo-, blindfold each person and tell! wHbout a hint of lilzam- or the uii
longing, yearulng love was atm lucked feci U much finer when they air | them lu *lt In one of the ohairs, whicii-j "■■Habb- eiiher.
masseil in this way then where they j over you bit ui>on will fit the size i.t
The l>e»t of the season's *11);* an I
Through tbe tine embowered win­ In a voloeleu grave.
"One day a awcei-facod. quiet. Mule are potieyl singly.
j your future s|h>u»o. Then then- Ik the' *atlu«, the *muotbeM and sheerest nr
dow'in a yellow foliage;
The beat tulliw for foiYlng are thc!teiIlDg tS ghost stories. Another I thi-- chiffon bruadclolhs. t(p- Ullore<!
Ob the fragrant air come winging vs- woman fromwner the sea. with daimy
and serges and chevintK, i
grant notes of woman's singing;
Dolhlnc of the niohalf* and the tin
Tis the oJuraber cong of chlMboo-l niw .!iirickeu family and 'put her win­ byacinlfa* an- the tingle ones, though I should be partly filled with w
ing hands and skill ip heal a great a few- double one* should be Used, for | balanced on the small end of three Ueunes, all of ibese, and. |>crha|>thgl U BBnnoalBg to me.
And aonc subtle fancy creeping InH* Botrew. and carry a burden. She ful- tbe sake of variety. These bkiom as I funnels, place «.n the floor, about two Bore. have been oubmiUcvl to lh<
fllied-hcT duty, finishing her (ask. aad well ns the single sorts, but they arc: f„.t apart. Over ibese. one after an- eraveneUlng prircess—for eravrnellt
a has to sleeping
An- the delight 'of musIcUn*
I not as graeeful, because ihetr flosera ! other, each member of the i«rty must | Is a procees. mit a ctoihAa the misly ahapM ef bugaboos go departed.
ami music lover*, and our new
"She came again at
riritor ami crowfl each other to. such an extern ] Uap. Whoever succeeds k ■•nping ali! suit that they take «m oven a fluer fin
dfnagiUy aloBg.
fail Kiock is (be most cuBplote
All By sorrow disappearing, as a ilrv.i our grateful hearts received her Joy­ that all Individuality it lost sight of. three cups without kno.-^i^ any oi! kh than before, and are thoroiigbb
and atiracilvc we have ever
fully. as we remeBbeivd her former You will make a sad mistake if you ! them off. will make an larly marriage. I «au-iT>rc->f a» well. Talk of tiu- pn>
Ud I'm baarUg
sliowB. The seeker after qaalmiisioa. We B«ation«l tomeihlng of do not have at least a dozen Roman ; The iK-rson who knock* over one will! vt-rbta? duck's backfor; shedding wu
Once Again my Bother's
liy and ehaiaclcr in a Plano wr.ii
IhU to her one day. and said how gU-1 hyaelnlhx. These are far more grace not marry young. Knocking over twg'«er; Well. It I* hardly to be ci.n.
Sleeky lltUe,
we wew to And auch a friend. To ourlful than the Holland variety, and earn means marrying late in IKe. while h.-Umred with the new craW-n. iied silkU- best sstlfflod here, for our
. _ Crw^y little.
8one. utter Burprise, she said, with a tovlxs j bulb send* up from three to bait .a or she w ho leap* none »alely. win n-ii and eloihs. Not only d(X'» th<- water
line embmees ibi- most famoia
viBhrare. *Do you know how i long,] dozen stalks, while the others seldom marr> at all.: not sink through or |M.-neirau-. but >mal.n in tbe world-1‘ianu* o'.
>«» long, for friendship. 1 fee! tbe ndotl! havy but one. Among the narcissuses j Thi-htwtcss may take busks of cor.i i‘•Hde* off. leaving aUsoluu-ly not *
Kuefa artistic and meebanicsl
of It Inmy life, f have no family tic*. Paper White I* most rellablf, though i ripened, as many a* Ihe ex|«ie.l'l trace, not a drop u. indlcat. where i.
perfection that thinir proeanl
and I do enjoy eomtng here so'much. not one in SW faU with Tnimpei Major : guests, in.n them out -wUh a warm; fell upon the B*nn--i»c.
uence U unlveraally achnov
• oae’aman Nfe in God's great
I hope I don't intrude.'
and the Van Sion v arirtiea.
If the *n flatiron, sketch or paint some famarWhat'wonder thai ih.- fashlonah'
"Well, talk of himps ip a body's sinictlona glvctp altoye are carcfuily.tic shape upon each, lie them with : woman has taken IP them for all sorir

How tatlle It seems aa the aens
(hfwat—I had
‘M*ao cilor. These will make appro- and descriptions of purposi-s. And
• • ton.
onelnmlce.and ODe'lplwtheyps.ioo.
Sometimes a hyacinth will show a priate ‘•souvenir* ''
! ably Uve the manufacturers secrndc I
• Do whgt It may or atrive-bow It
"After telHng our folk* of this IHtlo dl^poeUton u. *ulk. fn other words. 1:
Toe refreshment* should U- scrv.-l. her. The multitude and variety td dv,


and old.

Xnaadti! Eiittr’t taiU.


• To alBsr tfao'awccp la tbe laAmte
• A alagte aUt^ U an endless web,
• A drop la tha ocean's Sow and


• Bvt th« pauem U rent where the

elltch I* lost
• Or aurred when ihe iang;ed
• And eanb lUe
It fails of Us true

• Mar* the perfect plan that the

Heater meanb
-Suaa Coolidge.


episode, the Brighiy of the family ; will form buds, but these will remats in ibc aitlc. decorate with autumn. signs (hat the sbop* •xhlbll—even the
BCemed (o volet the general wilmeot j a!»o*i hidden among the nest ..f leave*, sinnss of red peppers, sbeavot small rbo|>K of the *ma)l towns havi
when he aaU:
She6 >on^. Un* leaves, insioad of putliug up to ihe;<K grain. Jack lantern* made frt>:n iheir goodly elock of ralncoa'x—make
Just hitch on to her and uke her in. light, a* they ought t
There seem* ' pumpkins. e*r Brown l>read. baked it dlOteiiJi to choose the right one: and
Let's make her one of
to be a anspended development of th-;' beans, apple sauee. doughnuts, eoffee. the temptation is not lo have a ral.-iwldca the circle and sque«e her tn.'
prompt measure* win bo a fine BK-DU.
munu. or Just popcorn raat. but tn make one. or at the mo»;
Let's ptay she Js Mivs —" and the must he resorted to In order to rem-.and apple* and swet elder.
iw-p an your needs,
name of the beloved one was uttered edy mailcrt, before tbe bud* are
Your invluilon oa brown paper may
Tbe very newesi and bvM prod jv«orUy. 'Maybe ire shall not feel «o ruined. Make a
u thick
iBKK brown
oruwn pa- read
reao Thus:
tton*. those that bare been prtpand
badly.' said anciher phiolscmher.
per. and invert ii
T the plant, after-Old witrh. young sprite.
tn anUcIpatloD of the chill days of ihr"So. there it is in a nutshell. Let o* cniUng off an inch or two of lu apex.' Oa Hallowe'en nlghl.
tate autamn and winter, simply can
look around us in thU tmay. old. bus- ThU will compel the bods to get their WIU Join in revelry:—.
not be told from tbe ulster of tbe ex
(ling world for the htaely llrlag onm' aapplf of light from above, and in ! Come, and engraft this mystic craft
Tt—Joat oavtng what wo can all give—I their effort* to get nearer tbe aonree Upon Fate * frulile** tree.
' elotlu are
a little corner «r oar heart's friend--of supply they will be roaxed oM of! Eight n'clnek.
1 fiL the trimmings are In every way uj
ship. Plant aVeciioa where it w«! | Hivlr reUromeni.
jgaiy K. H. CoTlHe-j lo the Bom exacting reqairomeoit


i- - k ‘Li


logion, 1<. r.. wri
an MfBcaKr
• «S «• .«XH

nrgwfjftoa »t • nrrW-4^ 0Mrrfl fa
tlrmif esiah/isAed by my Mends, w *o
ftave area btutHie^ by fia i>se. aad
fbe imbl/c aJiould *aaw Itt /rtwf cwra.
tht ^uMlIHea. '’.-/saae Sharp.
t'onciostutn H. Ilrnry Ikiwer* wriMa
f.-i-in ^1or^^.vll1c.’^■t.:
•■l*cruua 1 h-'eUM-din my family with
SUC--OS. I >an rr-eomiuend It a* an execlli-iii fsiiiily rsmiHly."
If you do not dvrlvr prompt and sst^
fariury r<->ulls from the use of IVrflii!^

Rummage Fkklea.
ThU depertmeni has been asked lo
reprint the recipe for rumsage pick­
les given last fall, and takes pleasure
In doing so. Every one who tried the
reei|K- last year was pleased with it.
These plokka take two quaita ol
green tomatoCa. one quart of red to­
matoes, three small buBchc* of celery,
three large onions, three rod aweet*
peppers, three green tweet peppers,
one small farad of cabbage, one largn
ripe eueumber, one-half coffee enp uf
salt. Chop the vegi-iabifs. cover with
tbe salt and let sUnd over night.
Drain well in the morning. Add threrr
pints of vinegar, two pounds of dark
brosra sugar, one tnaspoun of mnatard. one tqaspoon of pepper. Cook
tin rUar. (about an hour), then seaL
Ih-lirlout and pTetty to locA aL
tmirtg DaMlaa.
As soon as the lops of your dabUas
are Injured by tnrsi take np th*
rlomp*. allowing th* tsanh about the
roots to adberv. If the gruand I* wtt
at time of lifting It It all tbe better,
as It w ill cling more lenaelously to lies
roots MYien tlfted rut off the topi
alsiut >lx tnrtie* above the point wbem
the tubers afe atiachod, and place the
clumiis in a. Bunny, airy place during
warm days untii ihorougbly .dried,
then store them on open sbHvta near
thi- Ci-IIIng. The adhering soil protecta
the nv-ck ot the tulH-rs from injury,
ami pri-venta cx|>o*nit; to the aUnos[ihcre.





Our new fall sock of Pianos Is tbe largem. most (-uDiple;i and a:-

when you are passing and look them o

159 E, Front St


Traverse City,

Ceoenl Officet, CetniL



Chirv9« ta Rwl E«tM*.
iaaiM r. OU)fl«i>l* Mu bouhl Ue
•uuhi t>onloa of tk« Toueti«r Moek
OB But ProBt «tre«. the
iMtBC t»,0M. The portle* Blfectod by
the tniutfer b ooeopled by (be City
book Btore U4 B. B. MUIere dntx
Mr. Ollleepte. It t>

SMBpMfl Wood to b
B J. MdrsBB U ohlpplBK foor4ooi
«00d frmn Sovth MbMUm totood
BCroM tho take to Oraen Bay. WU.
Abon lAieo cords In oil bore bea
Ur. UorsBB't tnnbMtBc loteresU
«• the 1Ubb4 BTC <nit« extensire. Dorlac the seam pMt the mUI tnmed oot
•boot 1AW0.0I» feet of bsrdwood aad
eodar and U te expected that next seaBoa t0M,0M feel of hardwood and
bOBlod wUI be toraed oot. A crcat
deal of bark and lelephoae poles bare
also beet) taken fron the tslaad.
Moreau malataiBs a crew of forty aen
dnrtac the season. The operaUoni
ceased Aoc-1 and will be retamed as
soon as snow filet.
Profrafli for OW People.
A rerr beantlfnl oerrtce was i
senred Sonday mcwnlac at the Bri
cellcal chareb and moat beDUlnc
, tUt Uae of year, for with the fast falllac leares and rlpentnc fmlt on erery
band U beeonet synbolleal of the
fmlUon of Itfe. the theme Rer. Ur.
Holiapio toedi nr hit mominc nermon.
The ebaaeel was tM«ntified with fall
lesres artistically arraafad and atalkf
of eon with the rtpeoed
bkmatlcal of the day’s obserranec.
•YHd People’s Day.”
Tbe sarrleea opened by a pretty pn>
easaloBal ebera by a.'cholr of litUe
gMi, who were In atrUdne contrast ai
they 0lhered‘ In the chanoel to tb^'
allrerr hatred aodlonee, eittinc In soft
cartkmed chain that bad been
thoBCbtfBlly placed there for Ibt-lr



the road, i
last ran on tbe 'local'’ns be expected
to CO on tbe Grand Rapids ran today.
He waa a yonag map of exentplarT
habits, true Christian character and
was engaged to Ulss LUlas rord. who
Is almost prostrated orer ibo sbock of
bU sodden death. HU father. J. H.
DenaU. arrired eariy Friday ereoinc
from Doblln. and me mother came
se Monday.
Ur. Dennis carried a number of ptrtldes. Ad accident poUry of Cf.OOO and
also \\»o. 175 and >100. being a U(3Sber of the O. R. T. snd tbe Eagles.
Tbe funeral serrlces were held Hutday aflenmon at 2 o'clock from the
home of bU foster-mother. Mrs. Oeo.
FUrd. 206 West Serenth street.
Hr. Dennis was a young man whose
charaetCT attracted many friends tr>
him. He was a member of tbe Ftaiernal Order cf Eagles and tbU lodgn.
besides teading doraJ tributes. Attend­
ed tbe funeral In a
by tbe ’mrenc City band. There
were also a Urge number of his feik)*- employes present tmsldes brother
of tbe Order of Railway
Trainmen. 7%e room In which the
casket was placed conuined a weabii
of flowers, tributes from sorrowfal
The serrlces were in charge of R>v.
Hugh Kennedy of tbe Aebury M.-R.
church. Hr. Dennis wns a young man
of CtarUtUn habits and Ured a clean
life. The minister touched briefly
upon bis tralu and bis address caused
tears In many eyes.
HU mother arrired from Milwaukee.
WU.. on Monday josi in time to attend
tbe funeral.

Cbariea Merrill, a farmer realdiag five
miles west of town, ran away at the
M. A N. E. depot on Monday, throw
ing Ur. Merritt out and completely
the wagon, besides prac.
Ueally destroying the boggy of Henry
Tbe team became frliAtened near
tbe U. A N. C. depot, rushed across
tbe bridge south on Union street.
^arttiee waa in eeaskm kere ‘Riursday
tbe wagon and cuntinulug
te soanaetloa with tbe board of tnui- their wild ran with one front whe«'
Ma of the Northern Mkhlcan Asylotn and axle until they reached Ed. Lauiper. tbe InaBae. Tboee preaent i
ner’a shoe store, where H. Hyman wa*
altUng In Mr. Brodhageo’a buggy. Mr.
hoara of iiITjipHnii mil cbaHlIos. 8ec- Hyman fortunatclr Jumped out before
M^(r Stofrs, Dr. H. P. Wyman and the colllslun look place.
Or. 8. P^Unrara, membarn of thi
At Riddle caught the team at the
baaid. aSa O^BMSl Hart, H. C. Daris corner of State and Union stroet and
and ‘n>oh. T.' Balea of the board of they were pat In Tom Shane's bom.
much tbe worse for their wild
The members flf the two boards were, eapade. Mr. Mwritt escaping with
iaapeetiag tk* Bsadt of tbe lasUtu-1 nothing more aeriotu than a brulsM
Uos, and maUttg bp a aebedole of the 1 tight leg.
for the com
lag year, to be praaiated at tbe next
City Sunday Seheel Con
term ta leglMalarB. mile no sew
The Sunday schoo: conreniion of the
cottafM wtll be aakad for, the mmorat Traverse City association was held Is
and rqmlrs the rouriecnib Strtset H. E. church
wa toot Bp about I40AI00.
Friday crcnlng under tbe leadorsbip of
Roy Tbompsos. The efa^r opened tho
erening's aerrlee with a song, after
A terrible McidMl oocnrred Friday i wbkb Rev. R. N. Holsapte vfferc j
at Beltaire «hl^ muHed In Andrew
Dennis. tOd Weal Seventh street, this
The talk on "Our Primary Unlun"
city. freldK brakecnaa on tbe Peru
was not given. Mrs. Mllson being ua
aroldnbly detained but Mist Mabel
tsro plaeca.
Greeno nmd the paper which Mrs. Wll
Mr. Deahli was standing betyeen son had prepared. Her talk dealt wUfa
two flat cars boMlag oa 4o both, when tbe Intention of the primary union
by some aAkaowa reason be lost hU which eras organised In August at the
teM. tslIlBk bKwsea thorn on to tbe oounty convention by state sopertctreaael of tbe bridge they were pass­ tendent of primary work, Mrs. Fox.
ing over and two cars passed com- The object, as Mrs. Wilson stated in
plstely orer bis limbs dlsgoaaUy. tbo, her paper, being to gel tbe primary
rl^t Umb boing cut nwr the hip and leacben «f all the eburuhos foot sec­
tbe left B«ar the kna*. and with tbe tarian as many would
sadden tbtW^t of awUng the terrible getber for mutnai belpfnlneat and
Of Mess of methods. The
to pttll bUBaatt oat of danger, when be onion bolds a meeting In which the
oBly maditafl to pantallr pnl! away
and the best taro can passed compietely 0vsr hia aaklea. Charles ptepared mutually and systematically
Dayo. abothm brsksnao. who wk- to present the lessoo to tbe llttK' ones,
neased the asrtui acddeni from about ‘ Wilbur M. Obnien gave a ver?- help
two car tengtbi away aocceded in stop \ ful Ulk on which ways may the con
pUv the train and tbe Buffering man I vemloni be made more belpfnl.
was removed and Dr. Evans of Bellalre '■ The report on the aurplns funds
aemmoned. who pet temporary dress-j from tbe state canventloo amounting
Ittgx on to prevent tanber loss ofjto about >50 was made, end the
blood and a special uatn left for this | amount ordered tatnod over for tbe
city ns soon As possible. In the mean-1 county pledges.
Ua>e a wire was sent to Dr. Jnltus. Rev. D Uochlln bad charge of tbe
Wilhelm, offietal surgeon of tbe road, question box nnd advised asking and
srbo. with UK aMlstance of Dr. Hold^- answering enough questions to the
worth, took charge of their patient oo restless boys and girls In Snnday
tbe arrival ta the train and be was school as to keep them busy.
to bU
Mr. Scott. In fals talk on ibr relaUou
Beventb atreet by tbe amlniUaoe. Dr. of the parents to tbe Snndey school,
Brans of Bellalre aeobmpanylng him nrged'ihat tbe parents take more care
of tbe cbildivn and to aueod
Mr. Deaals 8M as Uie mult of Urn school instead of so many chibs and
aboA at 11 p.'& Friday. An ampnu
thm wa» barfbfflmd but Ihe man wa.
To tbe questim "Hew would yna
la s«eb a Baali ets^from loss of bhxrt loach, would yon ask qoesiluns or vir
that ft was tmgnafllble to bare bis Ule. toally preach to them?” Mr. Oorhiin
Aadrow Dsn It was 15 yean tdd and said that he did his preaebtag in the
! bora in Caaler. Mtasstiltee county. | pulplj< but be ndrlscd the asking and
IS and to urge the
Seven years ago be came to this city ansverlsg of v
and made hU home with Mrs. Ocorgle children u ask also.
Ford, where bk has Uved conUanoosly.
Tbe cronlng’s mtuic
For three yaars be has been cooaected fine ia the nathem auag by the choir
with the Fm Marqnecu road, the taken from the beantlfal tten^t U
'Srst year betag spent at the round tbe nlneuetb psalm.
The attendance was very good.
tease, aad the last two yeare being fm

wUI Ur warm and sunshiny. Oah
Banner Petsts Crop.
Injured By Celt.
surface and set all ihraries at reel.
will Ik] ih< tseoty^ourtl a storm wlU form* .F- J. Stover ba> iwe of the boaner
Ralph Hawley, axed 1C years, whi• Partlee who last raw the thiw mi.n. their Ihlle on»■ ■
OVT lU-gult of MrideoandjourBey up'potato fields of Ui coucy ifa& (all.
attempUng to br«a a coll, was throwi 1 ai Rapid Cliy sbile they acre on their
The fnm-rtl .d J.din Scriinan'. wt-i, n,.. AtlanUr'cMst arompaaled bj ’ »om four acres he «-cor.-d a crop of
under the borse, which also fell, and I way to g« Into titelr boai. tay (he two
. ratnfallR and snowfalls over iht lover l.OOO busheH, ronrUUUg ot Carwas sererely Injured. The accident oc. J lost men srere imoxlcaieJ and qoar- ■lif - at bis Mick- In Acme uo Wntaes-‘
state*. Tbit ] men No. S and Daw!.}*. The most Incnrntd at 8 o'ctock Monday morning s' J rcUttg and thc..lhtnl. Jamtts S-jtlivau. Jaj, was b'-id from tb<-Acme Charon I
„ .m t„. f.rfh>ard b> another co« i urostlag point In coaneetkm with this
tbe eorser of State and Union streets ; was between them and ait<-tn|i:ing to FH.isy at 1 oV’ork, K.dcr Hceih .of !
i«u tli, -i»vnt.v-s«-»cnih. twvmr-j l!«w In ibv fart that a few years ago
Tbe cut is the property of Miles fpscHy them and that Isut on iditMiu <j’.l MiSitlon. an old ini-ad of i1:«
.j.j i«4-niy-hlnth.
Aaubcr]ihv 8sm>> ground would oaly >1clil
Kagle, who U tbe bratber-ln-lsw and of • help" wen- b»anl to come from th .- ily. a>si»tlnc K<\. Csrpcut.-r in the
0ft) V sixty bushels per sen*. After
e iJblrtJcth
•Btu father as well of the young lad. I s|k>i where the Inidy was foond lloa'.- vx rvlcer. Tfs- chitrch ws* fl'|.- l. ntan; 'st.-mj-wHl '"eia the
Uir.c abb- i.> gtia aliuicuijKv.a' Ml.nwipyi ■ alley. Joampying we»'x a drrvuOng of ataoure he got
Tbe colt, with young Hawley, rushed j log yesterda/.
out from tbe city martlet lot oo Union I i( Is also curTcnlly reported that h" na» a resident v>f Arm'- Si'r ta-eM) aaiA allit tl,c month will close wl-.h biuhei* an acrr: This mas followed
street and In stlempting to tarn tbe|serera1 bontisrios W'cre committed in ytars aad ptvunln.wt ««is:>y. -He cegl-rat cr.iti-r*. roln suU suow.' ThH by oats one s«ai**». the crop iif these
Irnnum as abnuuoced by Mr : b- lng fifty-sew-n bu.-di.-ls i«v arre. He
corner, slipped snd foil, throwing bit;the ncighhothoui prtAious to the di:- bates frtoods ihrougboui ti.
The burial aas a> Jh-; A>si!.l nodvr its provtshnik Trav* 'jheo seevUnl It iom grass tor flw
rider under him. and the momentum i appi-araiic.-«.f (lie mm and those. tu>.
ter... fndertaltl-r. Aud.-r.oo
ty and this sectli>a of Miebigas I years, maaurad It last winter, and
carried botb across tbe street to the, have suddenly stupix-d.
I ly lu U' roverM with snow f-«r ■ this year bad the fine yield ot. poiaioeo
oppoalie ebrb. Bj^tanders picked uj.; The two men were chums snd tbi-|
i mar.' dsl^ in November. Accordlsi i above mrsilonvd. This is a good li>ad and he was Uken into Dr. Get- third parly met them there su-l
Amia Lads. v:. y.*r*'.vj-l, oiuth-r I'f
j, Wv (he November election day! stanre ot what iaielllgent rulilvating
s office and a pni'slcian. who was seemed (o Iw an entire stronger,
Jno. Ladrt <d-tsjng Lake, du-d Jluudsy
avil slnimv
; Will do on Grand Traverse 1
pasting, tras called in and found him . Mr. Curtis emlialmed the bitdy an;
olsati. at S» ir'cloc-k at ih.-' r.-'i-l.-uiy- nf i
precarious condliion from ih-- U'D H in cbar«<- of JusUm I*ray cl
r dsnshter. Mrs. Joia W. S5ij!th. I!:Cashed Segtis Cheeks. Raid on Slot Machitve*.
shock. The ambulance was called and • Wllllamsoury to await twsUiie Idenii' North Cedar vtreet. 'Her lnt-l.'ut.'d dlv I ' y_.
. MrKvoy. wrhu kei-p* g Bro-; A rslil was ojsiK- by police Tnesdav
be waa taken toCampbell's resuwant.j Ocsiiun by bis supposed pan-nts
fo'ir yt'spi ago. aad (!;•■)■ WIT'-i>i'*ce<VH e^y
.r> - it tVf'M -Frout street, wsl^ vtvniag on thi- skit raarbine -derkwv
er of 81^ and Union streets.! ClcveUnd. HowmtT. thus far lu«l thlr. n-Slon. ■
'Ibevic ttl:m i'i-B t'lever fivrgrr, wlu> vi<c >n tarlutfs parts of the city, six seareh
where, owing to tbe severe physical HdentifleatloB U not rompkio. tb-----------.
iud l-.-r
tliorti} U-litrI warranu -whleh b«d prevksisly been
Pbork. an examination was deferrel | arms bath being tsitois-d and hr Iia<
StIas Whinnety . wbo ma-'i hl> l>'>;ti Mbti'iay night and pafeJ ^ ehryi ! made oot landing ouly one. that at tfliuntil Uier In tbo day.
ia p»ld tooth, both of whUJi an aol wUh his daughter. Mrs.
her mile son Karl la pe:^ Frank A RobiOMMi wboiamK. UQUi>r
n in the ariertumD at 5 ' ntentlonod in the description sent by Thorsib«Tg “f .Maple CU>. la S-^l awaj
o’clock be was found -(o be sorerely; (be psix-iHs at CKreland. but as they this nwrnlag at 5 o’clock of lnro.1 ns- r.i I'lr a dollar's wur^ »if iirbacFu.' honre, evideatiy tbe other five haring
the rbange fi» the value rtjlieen pul mil to. the eoniemplatel
bruised and iniiired externally but »>; bad known noibing of ibcir eon for tri-uij.V: and dlMp-.' . Pour c-tdMr.’n are] ^rlvinv
• : i^d.'
bones were found fractured as at flr,tt over a year these might have ,bct!i
lej.tomcnira.ih.:,..ssuTa.iear.lmibR4 rite eb--k wae drown
the i?istb ; The- raid is tbe reault of tbe artion
supposed, but It wUl be some U(t‘-.! done In that ilnif.
father. Ttorrmss J. Whinc-ry Trsveefe :
,h., luannh * ’ id I'n.-rTnilnx Ait.irney Cross »»
The b«!y was buriiil on Tuesdni
lime brfore he recovers from the
City, wmisrn C. Whmn.Tv. H.-;lsir.'.
ron.pany by F. li.' ke-|. the clty.nm • taw abiding basis
shock of being thrown ou the hard at 2:30. Rev. Mr. Carivnicr •■ffiriattng. (’yUhia Tbottibura. Naple Cin. cud ,
vs. iedOTM J bv the llsti-; a* all device* tei.*rb.
The body was placed In -the two 1c;'.
Jennie K. J.^toe. Satilt H!r Marie. i,
(.^mpany arid fl.e ItamllioBi rarie gambUng arc raUeTaTlhBlsdAand qnite
Hr. Wcintiivy w-x>- bom In 1M*. ciuthltkt crunpany. r.rgwrlcJ. but; m««<tr ofider the state Uw and the
One Man's Body Found.
| Tbe inquest was held fmmediau-t:
at IHootaiurKpors. Ind,. gc 1 eam by the imrty whf> niartilw* are conflKwted
WlUlsmsburg. Mich-. Oct. ;t.—| aftersrard and the vordlci was aeti- irvnoriiicrn Mlrblgsn la 1s'7S. He-med.
Tbe summupa to luailr roiBmsble
Standing upright 'with tbe top nf bis. denial death by ilruwulns, .
Iti> tcj|oe at Ce/lsr H«o-uii!l-i»» yuar,; ’ ,
alli-rai’t' d i>> pB- ^ It nartler .■touiritay moniiAg- at 1" o'clortt iu
bead Just projecting aluve ih<' siirfi<i-|—
avr>. when- hie wi/o dt<-,| amj «in<-- ..............._>
at Howvat grm-<-ry sturq. Judge RotifflS* eoBriof (he water the Urdy of Jami-e Siilli .
Death Roll. .
has ntad- Wa bowe with hi* rta-- j„..,
,^81 ws* refos-ri.'
van, one ta tbe tbree unfortunau- me^i. Jimiab A. hmston. ruRst IZ'ytars. Ulc l dr< n. He t>a;- 9 life !i’i:g ci'tmber anil
Sunday Sehaol Con
at Ihlil lime Ihero being Do Indorsing,
who aUempied to cross Rnmul lake In; at bis borne. 1175 Hast Kichib ■ir’-cT. ai'iiti- wfa-k.T of the
but be r-v jdenHy went »way jo indor>e
an boat two. weeks ago yi-stenlay.i on VViilay at 1:7>> of tubcmikr-hi.
Till- fiia-:-al »r-Tslii-s v t'l Ti-. b> ifound laif yesterday ariernouo j He l>av<w a wife an ] t^ro- rhlidren Th'irxlay. itie l-relj r-vnain':;e at tlr
by James Stevens, who was comiu?! (ojunura his I<'Ks. He
n mi'ml|er diWiAiter’s unllf !'• r/rloCl. Itt lie
AFTRiuion« gnaioK. i r. H
• vrhfl.- vho was bu»j K«Htlag bupiht uid
from Rapid at}'.
i of tbe Woodm.-a luid ka'ver a >:,"•>
.':8 rh,., “t,"
IVvuiiunal aervices M by Rev. J. F.
-rti.r®, Ir.,, »M.-h
ll XS-blie.
.1,1 ,.-or
: .t.IM
Hong............ .............. .. ..Oviatlrtwlr .
r Is.iir'lat
Mocking-1- th.-ir Paiwr.......... .................... Mfw. T. G. Kuy
«U Iwv- :h!
, ,1^, „
Palh-r, ’I'll* aud MlsHl*"..........
..........................Rev. A. Alliagtua
),.|\j,bonv ni.'.-age wiiv rt-relv.d
Jar* Konnli- T^-rxIuy ev<-nU>g from Song.......................... test Kasson choir
Jraveroe Criy Had Attraction* .
mtyrii* that a young Papsr. "TTie Teacher'* Doty to
licit, r.-rtiii:? !*■> ladb-; -rf I'hol^v.- man bad pa*sAA forged cbivk on
Miw. K- H. Rykar
■wA a f
iti t'l 4. ita .-Bi;-- «>n th- 't-jrtnor ig.- .I-art} Ih.rr- duriOR the day fur >C6. Paper...............................................
-it b.,' n trip (■> t’ldiGgn tind < I- nrtr. l«»>. w;<» mdiirw-d by th-- Mt-rracCooxTcgaiioual H. H , Maple City
A telegram was received yeiUrday afternoon from the Repub- Dlwtnsidun on xeneral S. S. wont.
lican Stale Cemmlttee. announcing that Hen. Fred M. Warner, repub- |
Ulr A-ompah - wid wnik- Mr. Itranh
lican candidate for governor, would come to Traverwe City by special ]
was imabH- i» rol<-b the bbibv of th< .Ml are Invited to take part.
»u.J U...
.amiri™ Ih. .t..,.
Sdbe...................................... Orlau choir
train, roaching here at 3:15 and leaving at 4:45. Wedne*day. Nov. 2nd. •
.1:11. 1» l«l oih. .
h>n. »
This vHM allsw for sn afternoon meeting of one hour Bid a
h,.r .OT,h''
BVBKiftio foswios. r«rr M.'
The meeting will be held In Sternberg’s Crsnd Opera Home. Mr. • ,,..',,■5
Ik-.utlonal servirv* led by Rev. D.
.-IT .N-ir
I-r i:-y
Warner will be accompanied by otHer prominent speakers.
f :'B : :if«!
;-' p »■ 1. .
.. Fniri ihe d>M-rriiUii»u givi-n of htm .M'lhr. •
The train beating the distingjished party wtll step for five mu- $
Hast Kasron Male Quartet
tli.utM at Kingsley, reaching there at 2:30 p. m. After leaving Traverce J
ir.r Miro M-!
>»*Hlng ;
th.- Brvw.-n xro Recitation,..;............Mrs, O. W. Frailck
City the train will atop at Williamsburg for five minute*, reaching ^
jjrKroy parilt-s who ea< Souc. ...................................... Ovlau choir
there at s:05.
A ili'tanro .t r-chalifig.
.\ddres*....................Bcf, L. E. Holmes
Wrio'crng I’i.-.r b«d* vui ll,- vrret . ,j„.
^whidlrr bur.- t*u- uight
This wll! enable the people of Traverse City. Kingsley and J
Hell............... ..Mr. Wesley Ruegatgsvr
Willismsbwrg and vicinity to get a glimpse of the nest governor and to • i-f hytivritsi,o Si.'iv-* rank^M
hear brief addresae*. in Traverse City the meeting be sufficienUv ♦ k-nei*. on Uur <l.*-V. ra!s<.l l!;.Hr
r I', IPniEh-y and the Hamilloo
toward In-atca ami pray
long fer .an extended address. Every one interested in state issues
Cii'iMns: vvnntiaiiy knuw ttoiblDg-of th,Within a few days the ai-w depot at
roro-,1 ri-i k. Mr! 'Boughej' alwa;.-- Nashville will be opened, and the-i
Should make it a point to be pretent at the Traverce City meeting if } f-r iki- Irvrd to illo-rt lli-il- wl-i’
tiir their •«■'> bagcagi v-eisi-U'
.the fiiH name of Fr«*l P. Nashviili- folk* wont bavi- to baa;:
the v'stvnmm 1.ail ll'.- rent
B-u'-rl.'V iirrli-A-i of F. P. Boueh-y a> their h<«d* %'h<-o depot Is mcaUoue-J.
v'v.ifely IcMi.-d up lu iL
th- order 1, Minjed and the llamlUon a* f-)r yewTh past. The sirvclurc bat
Im-Iiw*- leaving f>
V'-'-' Mimpany always using a oor.t about S:ti.<i(N>. and Is one of Ui</
Tlii-ir praver^1-rtisniri' for, ilu' IndoTKo- l*-M on that dlviAion of the Michigan
h-tii-flclnr} for liii- h
Mr. Stevens was alone and li-Ing s
prartical way 1..- s hvi-lBiJil-r who a<V
traded by the uncanny .ihject irnly
vised Ih'.-m lu hire,a r;g aii 1 di ; •• ltrifle above the surface of the wau-r.i The infant ot Mr. and Mr*- Fr .1
Graham «d Ea*i Hsy .iU-d last w.vk, Ntirtbport. fit 111- nv-atitlme
madq ao Invesilgailon anil at
alirad for the lokl lii wait foc th- ".
ported Ms find to Up*all fox. oni^t’d 2*
1 Krtilay from •bill when Ihey f.-a.-hf-l SnTi-in*-Ha>
I TlMf funeral oreiirt'-il
whose farm Campbell bad worki-d.lTluf
r- 'urn niesHseeawait-ii thi-ni from il-.
Segeral boats at once wvoi out to the botp
captain.' adve-his ■•Iu:ni -l-i Vuati::
bring (be body in bni were unable to
Wwil wa* r<^e*-lv<.»l iti thi.* eiij Fri their Journey to .t;;*n Artvir n-« 1i<
locate It. On tbelr return Steven*
da <if. The d.-sih of Sii-lJs. th- IJ. rtnild n-A |K»y*iliIy wu| at Non; i--ri
went out with (liem and proceedeO ■!'Tki- driver r-'r.:»i-rt lo w-jvi ‘ I-;yvar*>M dauxhler of Gi.-Tusn Conic*
rcctly to th* spot. The liody *a*
of Leianil. She vat taken ill at l!:e t'om liy c-'niimiiig ’'i*- rsce agi'ln'brought ashore and aside from the
iinie. Ml a fresh i-ani »*' pr- ^ -.■.•1 in'.,
swelling of tbe face was found to*- niil a racy iraih for ri-. joKtaken ti
In good CDBdlGoo. It sraa Ideated
I'-rt *o far dou;i fti i-Vtri-. '■ i then
dlsoaM! di'iv uii vi iuio a caxe ul
ibout forty rods from the shore on the
Ih- rr niioii toi-k tiler- and
j fn-i;
lignani *rari>-i fv-ver. Iut d<ptb n
uonbeast aide of the lake amt was just
r-lM ill It. i.A
..yil.i,rlug Fri.ia.- niornitiK.
about in itai- plare from whence
Mali.-roiun; i!;. i-xiH-r
at Snltb's landing bad beard cries fo-"
. ,
Wn on
m, the
,h. day
dsv that
.ha, tbe
.h* three
.hnv- were
w.-re I
Fr-h.T of l.opg Lake d.v4 etj*ilns them *il. and
-wbai an aiiracinii,
I Saturday at ihi' a=«- ol sx. The fonera!
was !nld from tli- (kruian eluireh a; liu>i!i-.-U boi!M-v ni::.,i
A letter wa* found on Campbeir*
Sllv.r Lake-ai 11 orloek M-nda.v wan-s with to not iiul.v d-sf-n !l. , o
person aad alihoagh It was badly
muruieg. (he burial taking p-ave ’*' • •f Uiai passoeg^p to the ,-:i-m- r
blnrred from its kmg immerrion in the
idast of to hgsiiFS whisiTe as th- I '
nitfs can nyiil out' a* w'.-;i a* i-i 1 'it
helrg >1
' H. 1.- tUTt'.T
dn-saed to J. F. Campbell, o that that!
th.-fc to-il,-' jii.*
,-f n.'l Kn'hbis real name. An examination'
was made by a physician and ti wps
™- '■ ' ' .hkioB,
rej ,1.1 .1.. tol,
.1 ;
Weather Fareeast *cr Ntvem

•. V ;

besr of thv lurs nf



Will Arrive in Traverse City Wedneslay Afternoon.
Nov. 2na, for Afternoon Meetine.







.-.t u,.



Otio.Haninan, of above firm
invites you to be present at their
Fur Uisplay to be held at \V.
1-1. BrowndVs. "The Kconomy
Store” on


cbalge of Uaflertaker Carter. !a await­
. .
.' ''7 t*-:'
^ ■'
ing his disposition. A |Kut DuirU.!nrbarta! was »■ t>ai.i»ii»Tiiu i-ibe'third
it: the taaiily;'Ia-'- I'rt-sr
vs..,i"y a.will be held la the morning. face | ^
vinte Ju!;- 3'i. it- m-ithM-. Mn.. Eivirt! jwJrt-:-' aort!.-i»-'ear.:..'pr!r;iu-li,r.i'''
u ttlll be readily iveugeized.
Easton, dyinc at -hst llaii-. rtwn fi; .’-raik- r;;d
' Ttb '..!-!‘b- fRonad Lake la so roush unlay that
>>we.l by a aei.btw. Ja.jvT Exrt'jr.' htwad I';-'a e*bI'W-'.«
.--, further searrh can bt maiK- <<ut a
.s.i. i,.
1. i.etih^ 1-<T s ►vwm m-->'
: laid avia:.
Ceni.;--i'*’'»Jmr.'r-'tslacttur beat.' fai;
Thi"t-’.;;ic::-.ii «*!;■ t'vv.Gv-u- aad'tiiJ, wlai* <«• r tr*. Mi,?;,.. ..
L. D. Curtis, who roiurned Muwto.v
K.v.P.B-WMliB*lialT-!.T.:!- .i ,r.‘
asi Mrtins t
night from taking care of the body of . iiarlor Spring*, was kaildoely s'r.-k«-L; ^-4.,w and vitLt. }*b • ruw. * , i
tbemma. Jama* SuUitan. who wa* sop. wi'h that drasd dlsca.'e. eh'iR.-a
fo'l.>n<-d 1,> a udlf*»:T ..r, or ;..>.i
posed to bare been accidvcraliy. f^nitan. .rriUav.r.t;; .1*claicieJ
the fLv»mib or tw. Hic; -iay. Tkrdrowned In Rooad Lake two week* tn iwer'y.:* b'»r.n-. Tbe Krrovf jdayr. the ihlrivwcit, k.jrtt-taih ar,

ago Sunday, tayw ia an intvrvlesr tn-i itart-ui* pavMwi tbrousS
'MondaT I«».fifteen'ib.
,»’!l U- wa.-i:,!,
day that the regwri la the vtdaii} of j uoon v.'ijj (be . rv-inxln* v&roale fvr .\crtRiA- SUMIU S' .: form •«; t»:
tbe aeddvnt mould tend to make tbe| Hear Lxk-. Mrs. Whhsur. .* fanner eliu»uh oyar ibc.
,.Mi*-.i*Mp.-aceidmt theory rather dublou* and ihe^ home, wt-.-re tbt- borial will taU- plac* ral-'.-y. msv-fng curthsar-f. su'i! agai-.
belief Is galDtag credence that ll tomorrjw.
'.tire will I*-' b<-*vy raSna fubowei! by
ulgU have teen otherwhK. but that -!a
Mr. and Mrs. MTiltniac have tr.anr srt.-w aed *!•-*.-!. Auo'icr cold v av­
the course of two or three days at the ^ friends here as well a* at Nwihptirt. is on the sch-dule tor tUf Bit>t'-“'''a'.n
tatesL if the other bodies are stiUj where b« terred as pastor ot Ihe M. aatl iwestirth. Thtro da->. lh<- ■c-ajy.
below they will positively come to thel E, ebarrb for sMcral .rears, and all! first.' (weely-seeaBui.agd itt- iwcctji ■

Friday, Saturday and Monday,
wi’.cro there will be on sale and at prii
suit all. a
iiiisiim: of
complete r.bsortinent to select from, consisti
Sacque*. Boa«. Scarfs. Neck Pieces. Misses’ and
_ . Chfl. ..
dren'sSeti. Estimates will be uiven on all kinds of
repairs' or remodeling of Furs to UP-TO-DATE
STYLES. Ever>- lady will b* interested in these
jfoods. Kein*;tnber our location.

City, Micb.

241 From Street





lAND nuvciwe I«CRAU). t«uji»o*v, OCttWER ». H04.

TlvncM CM7



fBin r. ouiBB. (Mmo.
VarSwnwytf Baala


«fawe otUoUan hod the neeUns woe! The life M'tuK «fe* loi* toaii*:-;
Ten iiirn-------- ererr wet.
itiiKs In Hnilend Uirbor »od toufi.t a
*Tth of l» fe^t in .UK- «b»i.
mate Newe.
mm tndiri: Inrni
Uhe oai loi.-;
OooBlerfcH drtlar* dnroIhUss ta L»k,.aichic«r- This U thtU-rt »h««' Jny Holland hart>w ha* nm-le in >e»r».
«aestkai of Incot-:
m ehret »■»»“*•
The apple mva tK-ar -Wbiie Plpt-wn
Sume ptie aagsMed for hoboes at j
.ni: fruit. nKicb ••f abirl! ■
; pdnc u, wane. WbiV pmuy
CIUWM UlchHeld anned to prole« , ut ctdcr’.have been nuuuirae•.u:e^ ►u
bco roosii.
the anrand nnder Ux- ir\x-» i. ont r. :
Farmer n«ar Mcaoniihco nin ortr
whk* arc rouivK for ear;:
by load of cabhagr.
. rt a market. - The t«t l'-»r t»nr- '•a'l
Hliladalc ooUosc glrU lonMEd retwh-' u- had fur V n-ntf a i»»l»: <-> f-r
Ueae club.
' »-n>i who cat*- m e« to tb- fetui' an '
Moohon illc man maihetcd wagoir' pi^k n. in tb< k-cat n.a:k.-i ?nK> i
load of honey in Jackson.
i ^..-u apple, at nl».e« i‘> »»;£•■ ‘ims
UoiW. ooM winter pmdicied. Nn-»{ tusfel.
are abundant thU fall.
. a Br^tford. Uui‘. w*-u!a:.
Alcausee dog cau^l In fence oil j iQg ^er mother ti(-ar t'ar.-'oii t'li> -lur
master who tried to release him.
1 jng the rere'ni electrical *P>nn TiiCrowd pushed Somerset man oOt ),oa«e
»tm-k l-y lishmlnij on on<
train He turned somersault and broke I «,ecaslon and the l-«di jias«-d itnd. r
ncatb «1k daugMcr's i»>i. rlppmp th
NSW York Obw Up.
May as wdl call U off now and make j lUrresUng cucumber crop elves en. i ,(,u- trom Ikt sIumiarge nnmbcr men aul* w.Mnsn ■■latied fir*- niih kcro-teThe New York Hbrald. •
: Lanriat D-Mor sawd lit.-.
Burvmn ^
.o 1» « ««rk ». p„,w„ j.j... B., .Tr
Stalea and the powerful aupporter of
proposed extension of the Mani> , ji,«,q,rovsi hasty w«.->l>2ings.
Judge Parker, anaonacet that the
* Otand Rapids railway, which re-1 Mm etalKIng i» b>--J-'x!. ar*'l-dumias well awake to tbe
cenjly changed owners, from Wghlon.; charged with bor-^ -->;.c6 a* JSM un.-uis f-r
faa that Preddett Boosereli will be
eleclod. Thta. coming from the New
Tort Herald. U slgnlBcanL

lutMd or • blukft boDot for oil vui
Boi wholly prevcBt <l«»oef«U fro*
voUar for repBbMcoa condMatn
rioc T«m. bat It wll) cnotly
tb« pracUcw BKh tow win he
pelled to indkole to the elecOon
hMH the faolM he deetree m4 wtH
thoc nb)ect himtelf U> ehslleiise.
"Aaotber eBeodmest to the atatiac
local law which we bellere will 'je
shown to be very desirable before
Not. 8 ta one placing the *rtmarios s'
SB eartler date, thus gliitig a longer
period between the time of nomiixatloa
and the time of the regular elecOcm.“
A few more primaries before rice.
Uoa -wtmld lewrc the argnmenti of the
repabllcass for conserraUsm In action
in thU direction practically wlthoni
oppotiUim. PracUcal iJwaonstrattoB-!
have ehowB'thu far this fill that the
iwpuhlitta plaUom Is righb An thli

CfadH Where Credit aalenffsJudge Cahin is Btni bammerij
away at tbe oensns Uw which be aayi
"puu tbe ^wbole machinery in the
hands of the secretary of elate."
anllmrUes him to appotni "betwegp
to and three ihoosand enumerators.*
Tbafs right, keep It before the people
that the crwdll for aaring »40.00i
fran the coat of tbe last census, aa-1
*50.000 of the appropriation for tbi.
one. bchmgi entirely to Pred Warner.


For Wot*'- WiKk an-i KurtiituTe which has lirowse nurtc'.
.. l3]>.a.lju: . renewe*! and beauti■r wvm. wliei)
tied. k>ir scrcccr- Braiiaiit Black Jap-a-I>c jnAaegp tlw
«>tbe: colob
wilob usri! on the frames make*
Irfe of wrirc cloth/ aa.l.1 tithe:
the*ulcd.a* got.? » new. aho eiccllcol to biiiihtra
Wkkct-kumitiiic, Kcin^eraUKs, l.W.cim. tU CU.;

Bpfdells Pnpartd Paints
Kot 1*1

to a recent suggestloa. that may some
day rcmch across the state to Alpena
some other caslom lake short- dt;.

Pred Parcels. Adrisn, secured *li
from Choice Parcel* No little
Parcels to be affected by deert-e.
The muskrau have noi yW begui,

■OB.,, u,-,

6l^k S .c«.

Use Herald Want Ads-


for pariicrilars.

’ i-

me ^an Give Vou



- «.;m I.


Card ot Thanka
V\V wivh t.. thank ,r ma.i> Irlvo-f

Feed, IDeal, Bran, Itnddlings,
Corn and Oats




;'v ■


Good RepMbllcan Rally.

Illil jx-jiuls
Cxkc Meal.
jtest Oran-j'a'e-11-ancl

Tf Anything

TIib Casli Grocer

Elgin C. Lewis, j

ill i!i«- lo!lmviii;i v.iri. ;y «»f
i-1iop|/tiin ii<i. you c.m purt.h.iM: il



;it tjit? City Hook

Store-will, ilic a-suran.:tt of obtamink'ihu b—i quality
at a mod'-rau: i.ricc.

'11.0 ri-taJb-ciioii ’of quality re­

mains lout: alii-r [.riey is forjiqUoii-'

Ulan Paper
Tine Ebinj
tUIndovo Sbadts
Picture Frames
Souvenir 6oods


Sporting Boods
Earihenivare Camps
Barnes and Coys

0itV Book Store
fyebari.-Beecher £<►., Props.


Zraotrse dip, WUh-




Tor Dtsrlp 50 Ytsrs




tiurladjcv’ S2.50 Shtit.
of klylc.

SI --h'’.' I'T .'l.D.

It l-a» lsi-n our |i1e*K.,r.- i..



217 E. FRONT ST.

Wc .-sl.i-m »i.r
a« ■•U-ulical w Kli •■‘ir ->i* '

r-fS'"''" "■
troptrse dtp State



A b\(t srid'. $5 aeJ H sbte
hr men.



SELZ $}.50

Srhcul Shoe, fur Buy>. $1 4f'.
Sl.75. S2.YJ0.

S3 5J Sh c. S:vfr*! n.»





RiBJee mtke—cu-ium ini-lc.

W. -:tl the BOSTONS irJ


Travorso City Markets.

Old Mlialua. Mich.. Oct.
The re
publican meeting held here last even
tng was very sueccssfvl. the ball being
well filled. There Is a llliie Ftrrib
aemiment la this dlatrlei but the able
dUenastao of republican prIneIpK-t an-1
Issue* lari erealng dispelled i
little ot this. The speakers lari
tng were tbe liuo. Ueorgv ti. Cuvcll.
Colled States dlstiiel atturney fur
WestCTB Michigan, and Judge Lurie
Roberts. Judge of Recorder* court.
Travene Cliy.
Mr. Robm .orBroi M. ou™ »|
topics of national Impurtanec. tu-jcb ;artaVat*i>> Iri.iHM.wr-' rw.rwM' .i ih- .>U
, log apon tbe qneatioa that afft-ct thr!
' laiBar partlee Instsad of devoting kmg welfare of tbe nation, while Mr. Coveil ^,!CD«i,.r. rt>B eALB-ma. riii Im- r-blank columns to them, at was done, : spoke on^ssne. in the state of «‘chl-; W ^uOB tbs balM* or ih4a wssb.
13m.^i*ad»ai«rwo« tW<v««y rivud-.
*To proride a baUoi lor etch party , Theaddres«-.w,«UFraed,,...Uh|5j!S;£^S^ira‘*"‘’‘''“~”£^^^^




’ S-.-^ar
$/ :

Not Sold Dot

that ward. <ff whom Mr. Ferris U one?
Of courae. If they do aa Mf. rcrris cocfesses be bM done for iweaty years,
stay away and leave It to any manager
wbo wants to rap tt. (bat might very
Ukcly happen. And then It might very
well baM>en. as It did happen In Oraml
Rapids, that tbe resulting delegatloni.
lo the state coaventlona sent as thconBdlng voters suppoaed to vote fo:
the man of tbclr ebtriee. Mr. Sltarns.
or whoever It might be, would prove
to be plastic clay in tbe hands of thmachine potter, to be maalpulated into
voting for Mr. Kerri*, or rbuever tin
machine-candidate might be. Hr. Fer
rls ought to explain this.

Iv-st yrr.-iin .nui you lict Hie



At tlie Old Stand

\V«- buy ruilltii'.:: InH I’n

For-v short I’nic you


anminee for the mayoralty, lu activity
by no means aeeounU tor tbe whole of
Us ramaricable showing ot strength
Doabtlaos tbe democratic manager*
eouMar It a rare Jest, but "he Unghs
beat Wbo Uaghs laat,’' and there 1*
more tbm a probability that tbe repobttoaaa. acapUag tbe remit In good
folib. aav turn In and manipulate thr
'joke to tbrir own advantage by put
ting up tbe kind of campaign that wll
land the young alderaan from tht
Firm ward In the mayor-* chair."
liie DetroH Journal say*:
‘The raautt of ihb week's primary
b Wt to weaken our couBdeoce In thr
prfocW* governing direct numlna
tte, hat to show bow detail* and
mafood* abooM be ebanged lu brim
tbflB more In accord with that pric
elpil, how tbe axlating Uw may u
ImBfvvad to commend it more thoraulMr to the Judgment of tbe people.
•instead of WM^ket balMs for ail
parties at the priamriet, we bellere
tbpn abould be a blanket ballot for
calk party. Tto would not result In
greatar compHottlMi. By cooperaUon
batween the rity and county election
commUaloaa. repuhUcan candidate*
for both cliy aad county oOce* could
be printed on one baUot aad democraOe candidate* on another. A small

'-t ot iiisiuc

6. Olaii ft Sons


mild winter. The nut crop is etc<-|> ^
,surm= tli«- Eluriw au
tionally heary. an t<io>ny sure sign ot t ^
«uk rather .tl: •
UrtMMM L. WmOBT. <f uaawoad
a long, cold wlntt-r. You pay yoar i„r rho n:any h--s'ii;lul flower* s<-ni
ler and take your choice.
lo «.ur l- r.-a.. m«:i,
Seedtsas Apples.
Sin- J. A-.Ka- n xn>: fsidit.v.
Vermonlvllle-s village council ha*
Pter years fruit growers hare been
Elrirlng to raise a seedieat apple,
scrap on Us hands. The atrect con-. ■
a strip of land which . AH Puma
far without any great aucecss. Mts.
Uougbi 'o belong to the viUs«t-1
BcddlF P. Smith of Northport haa an
apple tree which is as near portectlon for slfort purposes, and a man ba
in ihU regard as any erer reported. bobbed up and claims title to the lam. <
The apples, while not large, aj
The matter will be M-tilcd ia the.*
good Baror. colored » clem- yrtlow. courts.
Some one iif the Lexington Ni-ws e«l-:
with pink shading, and only one wipli
Itor'* fanny frieud* »poni elghi ct.-nl.-i
on the entire tree had any seeds.
in pustage to send Kevt-(- a piece of
•tatmnent Is FalM.
1'mburger cheese by mall. "We hi'
"There 1* no relation whaievar be- the udor from It with unr malb-t.' say*
reen direct UgaUon and the primary the edllur. In telling about U. "to kin-p
acbool money."—Lawton T. Hemans. It frum plelng our fora*, and then'
Ingham connty Kerris speaker.
threw the irfece out back of the coal
The** Isn’t «h? K In^iam county shed."
bad not reedved from the eute tbU
U Is tiialtvl that the work on iti year *»«*.«! primary acbool money, pivponed t>i- Tour-Soo niiruad. fn.i:i
o pay expenaes of her public adiools
to IK- Tour, will be rlartel
hrougbonl the county, would not thi early in the sprlus. aii<: that otlirlal*
taxpayer* in tbe acbool dtiirict of of the cotuitany- are now in New Y-ns.
making the tiecvto-arj arrangemen'ito ndd. that amount to tbdr direct
A digger fatnUe In Montcalm couiiiy
taxM? U looks as tbougb there
and with a bumper crop dlMurb* tb>tame rctaUoa betwMO direct uxatitm fanners gnaity. Thtrrc are ihoiisaaii'
and tbe primary school money.
of potatoes that are nut iK-Ing
dug a* yet and helpcannoi beohlaln■^;
PwOnril Chari OesaisM
-Yelleur Omwer *»•*"get them into the cellars, liesvy
Tbe latest news from China t* to the raUs preveoied tht4r digging wti!
effect that the danger there is no*
tuany potato growexjt will be caiiiih'
: grave than before the "Boxer
by the winter before tbrir poUloe* ar- :
cKrtbreak” of 1»00. Secret aocldUcj
put out of danger. It Is eaUmated ilia
bare been at work and under their mn- l.ono men are needed for tbret- w«-.-k*^
nipolaUon. tbe mlods of tbe nailvm
In that county a1i«e. Many of tiu ,
bare been InBamed against tbe for
farmoju have ihU year built onun:
eignera. That b tbe report at proseni cellars on their farau. for storing thcr ,
Dotaats In Law.
but since U Is a sort of oontinuation of
The pelmary rdorm Uw In force in prerioBs reports of tbe same nature crop, a* they make more mom-.v l y ;
Mnh baa lu defeeu in a^te of tbi that have amounted to noiblng. It lose* bdtdlng the polaux-s until aprinc
Baateni btiycn are located In ever.otruanems aignmenU at tbe Detroit
i of Us significance. But still, i:
1 H.-Wl. -...... Tribaat. Hewn nad Free Pn« ibai would bo wise to be prepared, the eiri- Btatioo buying tor eastern idilpoK-r.t
and paying S5 cent* per bushel, w hirl,
Used world wanu no more relief expe­
____ -r Whole aUte, The pri- ditions fur the release of inmates of mcsuis 40 to SO cents as nmn as ib'soow comes. One farmer near Howa'd
r eUetlons held this week furaUh the legations.
cltT raised and pul in bU own ce'Ur
euMlnilv* proof that the state should
Uat fall t.:'*" bushels from IS aen*•e«Uw before pradpUatUg a geaeral
Mr. FerrU Should explain.
It ha.- 1,^-1. . .I.'-O'ii-:. fiK-r:
whlch brought him *1.10 a imshel IIUlawte ramedy tM ovils of the emneus
The next liaxt Ur. Ferri* declaii
e<l ilist I iuiv .lir-|Si»-l of ii;'
ante, ne raauRs la Drttoli shaw about tbe maetaUe bousing tbe enu Fpriug. The average yield this v--ar
busiuos. Till- 16 not tru-. oi.
tbit tboaaaadt of demociau voted Cttsea and conventlooa, be ought tu, about :h>o bushels per acre, and w ith a
th-' cen’rar;. I an. t>!a!iiiiiig '
teU bow tbe machine can do that «[!»“****> fsHureln
tba ragablMaa primary Uekeu.
Increase n.y fu.-:Uii-> for
*1 potatore next spring in ththe voters object. How can any ma
ferr^ to ibis tbe News sayt:
larg-T rt'Kk.
‘’While It is evdeat from returns cblnc boas the democratic caucus In village of Howard City an ojnplu.u- of
tbit (Kr yecelred that tbe demoemUe the First ward of Big Rapids, for In­ tbe furniture factory bail a gar-I--n *:*:
organUatlon assisted materially
stance. wUfaout tbe permissloo of a Icet square which yb-KI<il l.-', burhi-o
making Alderman Codd tbe republican majmity of tbe Bfiy-ulne democrats of trf selected potatoes.


Ti»i» report Is tcan.• m-<»r- Weiines*
Ouy of eaci, week. T><e HervIO >m not
rttaportslOl* for c'lsraes If, pricos.


Midt by ihb Ftccfif c«-. fi.SO




N;v.;r uadC'-scld.iI ihc guali^t
cuts any urort T**.Y

PnoHry ,





® CO.



' ■ .-fefiiiTi1iibt7nii.i.r-



A O'.w line.




The cwiBlas fmrtorr Will «blp 2.0W «lme bert vlfitlpe hl^ cbJMrea.
'■ While tUwwln* bin Id wood*. E«r;
CUM of core oe the IlUnots TbundAr j Mr*. W. R. Tbomu of Bellalre. who Kins, of Homer. Uck»d is bewd.
to Oreen B«r
i bw bee* ipeadloK * few <Ur* wich her
The •operriaor of Iroo mTer has r*' dauahw. Mr*, i. HoUeobeck. rcfaraed tosed lo ^n»d the achoo] tax era the
hiimc today.
; roll, tottrhtorine the ertlasaic trf lbPeiwonala.
S*S,0B01 _
Mrs. Haryaret Thomptoo. who ba* boarJ of edu«*tl«* extravaaani.
l>eco u>e
the BB«nn
(meat m
of triruu*
friend* wwi
and rrJatlre '*
E. IxwVwoeii. ........
ilelnis —
on tfce
' ^?”*.r**u****^ * ****®^‘ .
J. T. Haacaii left Sanirda.v ereoln*
Leouvllle. ha* rciMrried tide. Bay rit>. La* rer.orird (<
omcns-J. 'T. BnaA PtoMmI;
owltad.! for Chhasu on a Innlneai uip.
Tnertar. Tkr
iborAltw Ifce loss of a veloaiiie c
la* H C. UBTi*.!
.retwntd Satar-- j,p
^ ^
froa the s-arcts of .e-atltiK
j T ____ _ BuB^OtfUad.’
from « ten tlar*’ eUH »9 !
jn ,cw,
buslpera. reeuralnj; {Tcor.d Rla« adailainered by «‘m* of
j. T.Ibuab.I Riehmoad and other Indian, potat*. ; ,^,v.
^heistbor*. The affair I. belns It:
____ __ I
•*• ^
Ml. rieaaant > j
Spencer hooae. ecsliwiod. -Hi fw liiw over palltics :* ,
80erCei!llltwe0OtTllBeIWtltS.lBntw borjUu*bwr. Blaac^
CbeboyiaB.. who bu been apeadlnf: a ; aald to be
U-v'kv..«i i, <
in Oak Park acfaool. a
. pleaxini
„. ....
parentB. retomisj horae abtlo* of l.r-epicp a plrtHfe <-l
aatiwa *11 OQO*eii<«* aad 0«m» ; prise oh fYlday by as oaexpecttx!
In bis window.
M«. E. A. Trask Of lonu raado a
«*«“ '»
•' “>•
b«ln«. mp here yeatwrday, ratont:------------- --------------of Ihe WocaaB-s Home MUsItraary — '
t to Clarion
Ibis montiai;j asd Hay View On cbarrh bu»in«-s* w
Mlu Etniaa Warner left today for ‘! day Mid will mura tomorrow after
famil 'f
I viaH with her rtaier. Mra. E. W. lUItcu of Lake Ann.
Ueputy Food Inspector Hatae was tn
; Mr ..1 »n. «. A. Mire, e< Hopar
t .ere pu»«jee. on Ihe n,mlni imle.;
^ ^ Re,„„ „j
MlM. Miner .h. IM Ukln, n;
i aonih'. iin.ib.eni. In*., Uken bom.,
^ W bee bn.btnd. She 1. In vere teebln ■




. bonlUl.
Oeormi SmHhoin, rcurncd borne ibl.
W. c. Nelson of the Leelanau En' .cn.rt.Mi M . lorn vl.libr lodny.
. ,
,.r, r„
; I* IJ. Curtis wns railed lo VTIIllmf. n^m^ane, wben, she «s railed bvihi
bni, on bdiln...
eobdltlon ot ber nnele. 11. 1'
; Kor. C, K- Cool... oeenpled ibe pdl „„raw„, ,ho «. In)d«nl In m. br
.nil of ihe ConfreniloMl cbmrh ■ ebbmi on Ibe Perv Mernaene. of nliieh
Soribport Snndu..
| „„ p., „ .
h> »u InMr. bed Mr*. V. H. Herbert of Ben-:
nmln prased ibrt.nnh io«n indsy ter:R„„„„„n b„p„m,
• a short rUli wlib Hr. and Un. RusUW. U Ftsber of illnBham i* In to
e of Old Mlaaioo.
Mra. Clara Lee of LeUnd passed ^
ibroQsb town t^ay for Boyne City to
mornlnft tor Grand Rap..l* t
I vlaii bef non. Walter, for two weeks,
attend the wnldlDt; of Joeepb 11. Marj Mra. H. H. Coat of Portland, who. Uni and Miss Jllnnle Cavaenara, whlra
< has been tbe Eneat of Loren Pnller an-l; will Uke place tomorrow morning
j bis lister, Mrs. Ywnisb.Teturnfd bomc from
Andrew’s raihcdral. Mr. 1).
Martini lx the po]>ular <li*pcti«<T o:
Mra, Bit* Pearl of this city left this
____________________________________ ] mornlne for a abort vlsli with her pat- circle of fricods.



To wear a. k'““1 xh'“-' s,< il.
rich.-Fi >n >S- 1at-J.
Hc.A? Wliv, It’s m.
.M.II.l-;* ofvr.mi.n ku..w IDs:

Mrs. B. W. Chase ot Grand Rapid.,
who has been tbe gnest uf Kt.'.
: J “ "*•'“>
today for ia short vUit Tho„a, cox and wife for a few days
. i with their pareau. Mr. and .Mr*. Swan- j
,^1* morning for a short visit to
; son. at Fife Lake.
, geo„vjr:c U-fore returalng home
m, '
•®" Andrew
1. bm .a.
the weiisJKeMu
Well^Hlgraap *
ft TCo.
town tofi O, V. Vavang of NortLrr.irt paue)
*; through town to-Jar for l.udlni^on.
at fhetory.
“ Brt-IT IMl- "M blbun. I Mbrter U II. Smlll. o. W.llep
______ _______ _
• •I"
; rifed ibl, noon on > in bl, nrapd.
" “"■'™’!m»lbee.Mrt. lrt.I.nll,734 «-o. . lUon.

Circulltion this week 2,900 ^ M» C H. Rnnnlm; and sister. Mr<.


ung raetory Thuraday.

jl„ l. C, Sbinnee of Catawba. N.;
' C. who has been vlalUng her sifter.
Saves Two From Death.
A crate of vplei of the Wolf River : Mrs. Frank Schermorhorn and other ^
Q almost
TaHety. i
th.r --------------fiiendA
left -i ~—— .... ... --------- lA'AJ Iblbai'n ut wi

-----------------crate, base been on exhibition at tb<’, ids. where abe will be lof^ by her! bnsneltitls." writes
MeraM o«ce, They a« from the fruit; hnsband and together they will vlsli j ‘“J o< Arnionk. N. Y.. “but. when al!
!olbtr ri-medles fall<
&m of F. M. JewetL .

fold at

^a pair. A t.w HM-riat (-lyi--- j


O;- sail .1- «i- lij' -i

Blankets for everybody, of every kind, whether it be
wool or cotton you want, you will find it here. This depart­
ment is In the rear of the ncwjpart. where there is plenty
of room and plenty of light.
Our stock this year is especially fine. We have some
most excellent numbers in cotlon blankets--the high price
of cotton last fall very materially affected cotton^blankets,
but by placing our order early we secured some good hiJVnbers at very low prices, On these, of course, you will get
the benefit of the low price, as we have marked them cor- ^ *
respondingly low.
Our stock is large--almost too large—but here again
you are benefitted as you get a greaterassorlment to choose
from, making your selection an easy thing, in either cotton
or wool. No other store does show you the variety; no oth­
er stf^e will give you such satisfactory prices. Some cotton
blankets are small size; when they are we tell you. When
we say FULL size, we mean that, too.

Colton Blankclsal "59c, T5c, 85£. $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50,
$1.85, $2, $2.25, $2.50.

Speaking of Books
Here are Some you Should Read at Once
by C.edrec Bait McCtil hcon—Those wl.,0 have read rhe laicinaitng “(frauslark” will toidy waul
lo fia.! out what bf!.ii>ii5 Ol I’rince Gabriel ao-1 the tplen ’i.l Aineiican GrenfoU I.wty and hi*
rhartaip}: I’rincess wile - I’lirc................................................................................. ...................................^85

•yili-. li Qj2iil-." is" ill..

by Hallic Kmilie -The boMest j. ecc of hiMotical-biographical novel writing ol tKc yev.
Miss Kiies uses the actual names an<l most exciting incideoU in the last tao yean of I.ord
Byron’s lile. '‘The Casiiway" takes its title from a solilo.-juy I/srd Byron made a few mwilhs belore his untimtly death. “Three men ruined in a year, Booeparie, Beau lirnmmel and I. A
King,ACadand a Castaway."—Price.................................................................................................$1.35


h.,,- :l:ni <-i.i I..; -id aa.i i1.W, Il you:... .;o l-rrsVir.2 i

by Maurice Hewlett—-An intensely inIcreFing Story’Ot six years of. English bistory during the
most exciting pcrioJ, and deals with doingsof tour i^ueens; The (joeen-Mother of France, f.iuegnMaid of EfigisR'L The Fair «.»aeen i>! Scots and naecn Venus. Be sure and read it. Price $1,35

by Thrmas Nulsoa Pa^c—The last and best collection ol Rories of Typical Southern Life, toll
m Mr. Race's most c'aarming minner. Th- storict ate all founded on traits of character wli'ch
have appeared to tl-.e .Vathar. as truly' bred in the bone”—Price............................................ $1.35


ttma Bay OB bis way to Chicago tlai» Traverae visitor today.
tUrt^Urnwab, pubUmuui. a s c.;,y o:
the imnoU that alght. Mr. Marshall) Mrs. A. II. Srariony of Buttons Bxy
who fomerty lived In Southern Mlchl-.
,hr«ugh town tgdav for a shon
ph. tms been at the Bay three weeks ,
JitHN a.
looUnc ovpr froli faraas with
A. A. Sessions of Sutiont Bav nass<-d
«f toeating tbeve and found no ma!
through town today f..r a Uu.luo. P®‘^
T5«f ____
* imra
KMrai or
et tb* pintail
P<t>l>Al«- crari
nw t<>r th*
4os1rahlc ones ihai he has taken s trip to Bellalrr.
' At V
BBBber nader ctraaidcratlaa and exprank Nay was In ib«- cHy todny en



S--- --------Ctm\S-----------(3

, «.“S5'.saK,'s,ls,’S^s

draMloD ul mov. kn. .1.1.
MS lasnuy.
Mr*. Wllllam Hawkins
av’s bay * " ......... '
k.., of
«, I1^'.
„„ ‘=S'S3Strt«wm.,rt.,„..rt„ rtrt
—----------------potted thiough
tOJay en route t-< S.O.r{KttO.-H lA-miA. |.rA<in.- Ill*:
. Wlliain H. Loveland, an edgetoan In TuUn in mpo
:o a tetegram ane Illness of ho“
riding at «« Bait Front aireet, auf- daughter. Mr*. Sylvester, nee Sarah Tbrrraput, it i» uniA.r<t. tut JikS**, thtored ibe loss of the little Bngor of hid Cnmworth. formerly of Lee s lav,
ynl^‘ Bainrday morning
Job. cm .bl m vb(nnm. lira,' £jt!;rt':^SS'',jSiiS!S.S
o’ctoch by' having It casghi
tbn and Elsie, ot Bingham are on thdr swsra# tatwratait* mu) onu. at. miurvU
•- —---------- - —-IB «C mti ronrt, thi-n i.i
sprocket ot the trimming mschint way today to Hudtoa. Ind.. where Mr.
----------------- While there Is a lever to throw th<- Cruse will place UIs two girls lo
th. snow e<>h»prauuBgTd»
■soring off for any attention that th- care of ihilr grandparenu. Mr. and s^yA
mebiae my need. Mr. Loveland has Mrr. W. W. Cruse, befurc entering th-: w pr"
■ridom uBed It and has always been U UUe school of the Chrhttlan Natio:..
the habit of oiling the iprockct whei-1 Erangell^l osociation at CK-nnont .thacgl^vbBpmb^LB ttetTrai '
■ ■
nd nrwMIe in tnotiOB. However, bis finger' Ohio.
B6laMm^taraamr7*ar^TlAitaeuuay u< Ora
was ena^i this time and crushed * »: R, A. Bymer left today tor his home
wm»rronra»«D .aaI d*y
ftftOjr that ampuiailoo was nmistnry.iln IredeJU T«»». Aft*» speading some.


Wool Blankets $3, $3.50, $(. $1.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 $$.O0

J ,nu »l»c. Edna Carris. who will spend i adranced stage, also u,ed ihU wo.:Hod..
winter with
e school bonse
,i derful. medicine and loday fIh- Is pi-i■haM la Uie
Boom Lt Bates .......
I.!j feclly well.” Itesperato throat and larj:
Frans:' Miss Rosenthal of Tbompsoiiraic
'‘•*iy wraalng. J. W.. Patchin,
s yle:d to I>r. K^tir-'s New Bi
tUUB and P. W. Wilson being the | »n» tbe guest ot her shier. Mra. Dr. ,„.‘very a* to no other m. .ilrim

! Rosenibal-Tboranson. over Sunday.
i earth. lt!fnilili‘e for cnuchr and col.t>.
•iShr and tl.'Ml bollli.t guarame<-il IA
sarara BWe, .b. 1. . iranlnn ^ MMlr.
A .hbrt vl.1,1„ ber bn.ibev
IrtS toita w;" '
'Hftder coiftraei for laaac Winnie, had
------------------------Vs right iSft brokn between the ankle ; Mrs. W. H. Anderson and niece
Falllcg many times in aeeumpliKh
■ «nd knee Friday. Tbe aeeldeni wu' Mr*. C. G Barnes of Kowiulln spett men.t. the tnorrhants of I'uhin c;'>
casaed by a log rotling on him.
Sonday here the guests ot Basica N. har<- at Ian agr<<e.'l npon an var'i.:

: Johason. East Front sirecl.
i closing hour.
J. A. Pattwaon. srife and two chllMr. and Mrs. Pray of Mabel were
------------------------ftm of Cftlcago paaaod throogh town gnssts over Suadiy of Oeotge E Pray |
Broke Into Mis House.
e Quinn of Cavcndlth. Vi.. was
; S. I^e
Friday for BOt RapMa. where Mr. Pai-' “il
bU eoslomary health tiv nr.
terson will open up a new tlnsbop In' Mrs. Eliiabotb C. Crittenden aiH
1. Wlu -i
ooanectkra with Brett ft While, ^d- Miss Coro June Cady of Grand Rapldr, i Jjr "Kl'ngY Kiw”Llf« '"
wart meitbants. Mr. Patterson Is t< *bo have been enjoying tbe fall tints bis bouse, his troiiblc was am-.AiL'l
IrsKlass workman.
bf the srooded shores of Ne«h-in-: and now he's entirely cured. Th y'r'
wranta. returned li> their h<»me« i|,u BUarnWeetl to cart'. 2Sc al
-----------------------' «wb*-.lrb-i...lJ
< r
S. E- Wait ft Sont aud f.
Business Interests are preparing for
«"• Crittenden is a we I „ jiemir Drug Stor.-s.
a greater prosperity than even that
ItErAftTKEST ivr Ttif'i
Which we taara exjrarteeed daring tbe ^
sketching In the
tsiiOrrii-i: AT JlA»i/i'i^r..^SD.
MSI aix years; Indnstrics. loo. iro
*«-ld. no Sold of work - seeking rascTdeflraWriot^onr The
• broader scope of arUsUc doboard of trade ol Oils dty has received •‘gniog than lllustnied
• nereral Innuirtet from various Indus
MrouBwi scope,
tries «-»— c4 them very derirsbie eHbodah her work in water colors and
wih4 wia be braagbt ap for ihJ
!• wWHy known also.
-aoDrideradU cf lha beard whea moroi »*r. and Mra wmia-n Gilbert ot
fteftnite lolomailon can be secured.

: the fnneral services of Mr*, ailberf8rl l t<
' Sixteen himdrtd feet of old wooden'
Al B*«ob. returned i ■ their
THOMftJ-: tk-ADUE.’:. B
waler mains on South Unloii street
gTAT^«>»^ W^OAX-Tl^^ro'KATk
that have been In nearly twenty yean
Al sf 1^oT^ Oran
• takra ont tast week by Snperin-lFron, Tuesday’s Record,
!•>* Other, ta UiA etty <S Trmv.-rM il:,. in
raadrat iormaad *be connections ‘J^Tcrand Rapids
^ rputives..
Bride with the new main that was arvt „ ,n
Bon. Joho A. Lonu«rV. Ju:'.sr >
irid. no Uere was no break in th„ BIk Rapirtt. hi*
of tbe ««Ale <J AarjJ
wauw nerrice. The wooden
lortner home.
bare been eold to F. C. Dewmood at 1C
John Grosser of Knswlcl; v
tb<-aUuvadcm-thniMif AM I.'!
««8U a foot and win be wed, by him rtved this moraing for a short tb*
_ smirnneei
_prayiag forsnddtMtn'titiiiS
\-f th. r. .t.lui
at us cbarewal plant at Honor.
.^th Mrs. Ed Taylor.
_ urdcn«l lAst ibr I>tn<tATC{ Xut.u-..
A.. U ia>i, ai t.« octo-k in Ui- to*,.
Mias Gertrude IHrlerson of Suttouss bn. a
Robert Marshall of I>« Moines. Bay u In to*-n today.

Noe-WH^rn ISRioKiK*ra's


by t leorgc B .rr McCatebeon— Eveiy one who likes a good Rovy of a good dog, will nuely eiijo)’
ths latest book Iron s-,ch a writer as Mr. McCutchcou. Von i«it the book down only when you
ha.x finished th; last jiage of the laR chapter—Price.-’.’i’.. .................................................. $1.25

by Gertrude .Atherton - -\ Romance of the Twentieth Century, in which is pictured the confl rt
betwefcn the ta-o great iVees of the world-^American weJth ud European royalty-A daring
am! origiail no.x! of American Commerical supremacy—bnUiutly written. 1‘ricc............$L35

by David Graham Phillips—A story with a plot well tolil: Ju« as tnimsiirg w ibe AuiU.i’s
previous books-The Goldeo Fleece" and “The Marter Rogue." Price...............................$1,35

J.;’-'-' ="'*

Alfred V. Friedrich
Seller of Good Sboes.





Grand Traverse Region.

j l)}



A. n.

kPhTo! K«t» a ro.'^el fietur.;!)
Till- l’f>;s
libd !i
p Rirf:. i«»l n>i- i:aa<
.in-3 •f'p

lit U» 0»aarP»f»il<i«i»l
: lU“V!-.ion«f in»rKJi<»4>ir..SarvU (IwTMmMo*
- •
............... J<l».
Utna. h
Hp!clitv Keiardm'-. whprr
rtiniu «
flukn hPr JmraP.
<rf OW*» ArWtir «
UKv Idi
.HwiBProy lv-:-aty bai I-pp.! spoudn a
■ fp# tlsys l.<fp «iT*rtfi« fip*. »••«>« tot tlji*
6 ••
• o horw-1351 •P.-I.
a:. 15. i;-rr>- r-:.Tmi-d Trooi AUbWIm■ SBiuriny.
UrJ and Mr#
«< Klk R»n!it* h.r tlx Jffl
teTP n>«iVPd I)PJ».
l‘ PUtftiPrr Ii.' :
thp *irk*»»rd
Mr. aniJ^r-.' OWi t-vti.- Pall..H .. .
friw.<l; tiPr • Kat.d*T * - I .

kiurr Iti-mf M

d»«a ttrtn

... .1.,.... ■
-1 ;*il Hjop
M.- a^u Ur
FA* uaall.- *p~ .>t fi.
naAjJwiaw} 3(
.-..'-y.-mr ta ry- tu,-.
i.- '




tf V





■B-K laKS
B<nld CaraandcitP..

. r.«rl. t-raf-id nf SHtrj lAt- rs*;. \

v b ur

r. aart «Tii. Iv-ilNa*.!., 1
■rtf/ wm mal.p
Thi. rbrirllpn 'Rixlravor pib-Imj- «* ■: Hari>.n».
orxanifM In o6r rburclif* ypKipn'ay..
• Mra. C. IL BpfT.) t3 <,n ihp ntck >1.'
•Mr "Iand Mr». iJlartliur.i smi «•! il-; i...i wppkr'»
arp vlfJiJnir »i«r
»r. s;;'
-Mn. Wil^'p
finrltp. autl iiibcT r.ilaU


« m.v.-rr.;

a I*-'w pf
r Ilia •
A i;lt H Ci ■

<-nt> riBinlui; p.iaRrai>',
aoil a «jat.:tfK.a-pniif



A fcMT« cnv»<t.«.. WKBIR i?-.xd- a. e;



» •!...., .r..: >i.-si

r.'C-rr...r.i*r -p


V.-.i.r .#-.h r

la-.iv mtii.ip.':--






i II.tXH7U!M.:>>t..-.a !




..' T:. .^rt..r

>. U.I

Wnilall -


’‘wii; «K» »«:.! ;»jhR. 'S-wdn'.

Vf. 3aai- U'iiM'^ay t^'. i.- j
.1-.' at>--V.inrpt:. .i. •
:jiv>'Msr> K;:leVi ad.;

t »r^. Wn

-n Vl-i-ir.p I i. ■.:* :>fA ?.
..;: lln i:-\ !V..- .-I •! . ••

I Smu.ay tn-.miBs' .;

Special Attention.

Mail Orders Receive

®RE IS Nra


in your home but what we can show you, and our assortment is so large that you can find just what you want at
just the price you want to pay. : . .
7S Dilt«r«nt StvU* o5 Iron Beds
- J '

■ —^

To se-leet from




! Some cxccplional liar;ilns m oM Hi \iri. oaK-d'or y of a

Oner 300 Dltferent Styles of Rockers



Next. $27 75.

you $45 foi 1.

ju« *hai
yon want lo piy that cinnot

All stjlc«, all fioislics all si«J. anil a
; (Itip'icaicil.


A large,
roomv, veil i

w., <™,h 5..,



roi-:ker, Uke cot.

.............. ..... .

We haw a fall hoe otf this ssiie ei rorle:.
aicrrd leather scats and some in




> sanred oik tests.

,\ larffr. tomny. hiyh back, arm rocker, with

price fi<m a large

cut shonii.

Twelve styles

1, ’ert from, rsngii^ f.ot« a



\yie travr thicT «tile'. ol

have mer

vJbI id

for...................... .................. ................................;. 1.25

J’iOsuit for......................... 18 76

Tlx;n they rrmpe r^M-aW^.W that

*22 suit tor................... . .17.50

Th« on stiows one -.i the liest ami

And so on r^bt up to a '

most «on<imical air ! pht Stoves, made.

*83 loitfor.............2«60

It IS made of heavy, piVsn-.l l.-iilet stc.v),

These we will cJoie out at
.A nice line of rrguler

lined with hi.vvy sheet steel, cast draft

auks to select from

do.-.peiiv lavt skirt

base. hea.o-«M top and cover. nieVIe um. 2iu,Uc f.Kil ia.L«.
win take a Urge chunk of wo>l an-l keep

lir.- 4ti hours.


the ptice is only.............................................................................................. ..
We have this stove in three Myles.

ft. ■ .1

The same stove without

the skill Utse and nicklc rad*, idr................................................................4 75
This same stove, with skill base and


UMi OK t «»OK


with a Peniftsul-r Cook lor ................... ...


To select


large, beaulifvl
drawers cwcU

tineaic, gianilcaraie

low pr;re».

the slot.--

mt V. iJT|ili* honi-

iritdiiDg machine': that we do no)

r.-. 1

lalior saving

A Irtr^'c h::?. an

a; very







' '

One of Die largest


nnre .•



hand’ie two of


best and oVJevt Oiker.


The -.New Royal ’ »?»ing ntachipv has been
the o’dcs: of !U i-in nthembur.


ll w.iv


.Ibhti *'


Oil eiotb

ev er shoxii in Trivet c City, at jiiii ev lliji dcly c


merly called the -Royr


nmsl < ODij>!ele lines of

Wt an Sap: You

inventi<io< i-m

they range from 1.75 tip

and .


Sou lictd a Plaet


in. 'v-vral
< lot inor boihi, writinj: n.ateiial. bri*-a-

Hicklc loot rails

slvlc?, fviiiiiitni 111;! mill :i goo-’
l*roj. llea-i.highgra.le nu-ivine,

They aro ccitninly three nl ihe best medium juiced stoves
the market.


tiilel'oard, 3 <!ratri-rs. 2

V lirac, etc.

One of

5 Book t.'ases and




is a

ujr .......................................................17.75

3 beautif'i! jiiece of faraitorc and a con-

audrai/tig T'.;ht along ujvt'ia

/ venietit j-lsce l« all-lbese artn-ies.

lir.iUtiiul Lab..n7l

( writiii;



front, 1* drawer lineil for

that liixkei

24x14 beiel plate minor, nicely carved,

Q]'. a

beauitiul inusii- cabitii'.

well finished, for only ................................12 7ft

ard center faille.

One other samjiSe sidtlxurd, (worth *10;7r,j, for...................... 15 7*.


when shut

t atv;

mbtenal is .always ili ;iu jdare


( Wked up behir 'glass doors oin .ot


5 a tu" line c-'f


lodmd aip.

ar.-I 'iVurr




the ••suhiliit." tewini; toicli-ne,

^ «i tl'.vse, the suite as on^v.erything else,

M Earat Cint of Estsnslon Cables

tiiivhas been inanufac-.urtnl fjr

• ire un jn-itiotialile.



Tl.c c-mipahy n


■■ - '

Wc- liivea iirg- line and ,our

They range right along m price up to ............................................ *50.00



st-ucral m.lii'in -lyar* in 1 tney

Comraencing withalaige, heavy table,


inch, square top


heavy moulded rim«, will seal ten j>eop'.c, only................................ti.75


^chin-.s l->r


It s





Thev range in

it guaranieeil




from $1150 to



a ectap-v.. i-:-t


Bisbes and Crockery

U ; . sa>mpi%_..

-r. she anf-jiic—jk waii 'n-.i.k;' T|iey arc ^15 ji> rhine*. ’-;i f

Write fci desaipiion
• •
ol these Vycior tables.

ol Shcit lic-e,2 in I'hm ai.ii-i'je •w/...lw.'rk
2.1 dliTricni «vle* d


sto’.-es. comrocneir;

•thenf- d-.-irawer jnachTc for.$!': 5-1 rawer



Jt Cara* and eomplet* Cine »l


They range tight along up from that lo our fatnout NTCTOK
table, that carnet
ilsown leave*, and
way far ten year*.


J< Rilcbcn Eabinet
Is one of tU- mo t ni«i!l

ervovaiuril coo', ••oiv nn/i-j, t.i:............................................................ 1K7.5

aitverware, 1 long <'rarer, 2 doors, dutet.



.......................................1; .5l>

.t'-rny up to .v c * ►! Kee’. caok st«v.-e iihe most

large feed door, fiir............................................................................

J7 C»rgt Cine cf SidtbMrds


l atu- in *i<*'k at; ’. «l;i rVjsc them oat e: Jess than ctat

air ught. cast sacw diaf: artd Vgs

*18 tvit for..........................15 76


2*1 different pncml Meet range*.

2.1 duicrimt i-iccd air 1 ^ .t^ to.

of 8-plece

Bedroom Smtt to dose out.



oak stoves arut hat.l coaling iminers.

tor only......................................... 8 flO

high clnjei. rewriOT, *11 n « tied on ster’.

ilislier thai we v.-" **jivate or ) .11 in wtih

.\i! km-'.4 <‘i' SIOV1-S, linm 3

hlllc Oil Itca-.i-r !.ir T.'if up to t!,.-


the woik in

• u! liny ch?;' .'*n dll n wa'liini;'With ltd*).

Mtai, «.il.

There are several piii-’es'iii Ill-wren rhese, as we

WK H .\VF. r •. MR I rili N't 1 in

Stevis and Ranses

A brastiful, large tlretter,
)ust like cut, well made, well

i:iro--. ^ laiieiv of

hayesriieralji snl Mvle. to i.e;«-t

fur............................... .................................................................................i: 45-W

Km- .,r

Right along up to ... »5.00

Sa-v-es a w.iinxn


k'u ck

-in 1 mylnj

On-.- of tiic bt.;rt; .m l most c.-mp’o:e

ror, ftir................... .. .................. »> 75

bevel iitaie

gcmiinc ii aihxr

w'UJ last a lifetime.

$275 rl^ht al-n.-i^ up t-i llic very liett machine mailr, (list

m tipho -

sprir;; seat, for only..................................................................................................

ilirtfer With t.'vel plate mir­

n Been IL'asbina maebint


any one who wayts the licsl steel* aangi- 'inade wif will t, li a •

I think this is tlie hett rotikcr on the market, for the money.
itylea of odd

dir serf <0 select from, rao{>

iipto agool.

UUT price «

The vI rjK MI.M. Mce’.


27 different

next, $2;* 75, aiH so on ri<ht

iarce, keiAV, elilio sply nirklrd lan^e, c.hii others wotiM ask

a^l stres,

colors, all prices • ena-

OF 5U.I. liMSCKIJ-'i-ItiNS.

tiu'.nmt. Vi*r hk.!

luit like cat. nicklc lost lai!*, nt-kle screw drat: <


■kior. nick’e soew draft on


feed d«v.r, T.ickle





1-eautitoi ltf0-picc« H;n3er Sel, light ;>■>:. c:-iii




•. Uj tieclose-i oat at It.s than cxijf.

vonl or cOal. conuneocing
at $5 25 and Bp.
We can eetiamly |■>ave
you on any kind c-t Koves.
U> b?ught two ratload*,
'.md liy gelt'rig
prices wc

the be?’

c:n sc'.I



large and





lire- of Slcel Ktr.gcs. convlacrcing.whh, a wse'd inr-V
Mf-.-'. range, juvt

IJiv <1:!.

cni-a*^l CfjijVr t<-.i;rkO i.'
A large 4nd .-wnrAie line ol DIMM!

ClIAl KS. icnu

arm ngciosei,burrs

tight along up :o a gooil. well mail*-, srell ftnisho’. h / 1 luck
din ng ch ur, with cobWi r seal, for oni>..

tatlier w<v»J br
b coal.

.... .$<; ftu for rx ;

J. w.
mim mnsi MmtmlJ

.......................... ■’.........................

■ .V !oi «ifl/;i.e Knjrlirii ware in


Stores at Travel'•••• Cdy. tik Rfipidi* .1*1 5 TlOmpf-oriv die. Mich.


ware for


i-i;.,,'i-.-eis, plattf, «tt,




Mr. Braekm lia«
of B. W. Porti-r a f*'» ri»v,
Mrs. Jaaiea Nevmarcb. vbo broke
arlth a line u( ekKhtog.
■red atnut iU< her arm aboat a veek ago. It not
6. W. Porter «a> lajar
bead and arms ca Wednenua, night
such be'ter
Mlu Lnelta Suir U vorking tor!
He had been raUlri;
e and the bearr ( a oBdtrnsinc'i Hra. Jaae< Ne<ratarch.
It lo •Htir. w-sr. i
W, S- Saaton, IMa Pratt and »Yank I
lllnp brick. *irtiek I Saxton went to Trarerw Oif on bu»i-»
ittRit a ga>b ihreetnea* tme da.r tail week.
* (onnd la Uk 1

ttunatoned and
Real EataU Trarwfefw


• KriM «< I'
.1 cteatu-' ,


*hM« ther »«t oe

tie, <»“«**


< rer> fair croj.-

iaoa. lot*

dS-et'I^r.C. blucL

Z. OaL

Par*; tl


Fraak Maduoe aad «U« to CharleHaster
U-ei &0-M. hlo(A 3. Oak
C't • Ha.« and wl/e to r. U Ha^.
pnreeL aee 3fe. town
raage«: t3?o
South Side Lumbef Vo to Ckrrte M
^ j

Curet an Chronic Otaaasea.

RirbnoQiJ eacurtton.
Mr* B. E. Riaeban Md b»by »peut,_
■03»BO« <*■»«,
Charle* BUekniai. to Ralph R Ha. )*co.* let add; Hzv-'.
.^TtT,! a»« with Mn J. W. |On«- .................................... in
0<n.M ,
deewid at the last roi«cili“'tf
han reewiriy.
Bom. to Mr and Mf». .\lUffl Th*?-;
order ronr atrevt llrJita »o-j
; a.^.t C. Mock 3. Kins.
I). M. Bright U able to be arwaxJ' "• «>«
‘ '—
a KoliiV c
. glail to learn tLai Ce-urg>*
Karmers are oearl) doac diggtBg |i» ■ Bli
'i geulcg beUiT
Robert .S Saeil and wife to Giiber
■ to bosk re’
Btbi'l Williaaie and Was.
Tberr la much
The trouble tHXwem the tbwt TehThe cnu-rutnmeni given br Prut
of “'W. soc. 33. to«n
off a* a larg.; i >;A«8 en»ed
lluikUig I* being I
uhone Co. and t!i< I'nion at 0««., .
Mare on Tuwtdaj etvalng (ta».' rallre ranc.- I".
I itiv c<im
•n (»
i» nnft to keep la a day.
ha« ridKbud a llv.iy btagf. an-i .i
aad Wr». M. H. Gilbert reinnutl
piayeil to a lar^
3ame& K. UMlopie to Hear? R Tor
. front Saturday night.
The retotpt. ol the ereolng
teniU even to th,’ young lady .'j>-

tJOO Traverac City tastNnemaU.
Fcr u'c by all Prst class dn>B«Wta.
They oire lo Stay cured all chronic
discasesPricea. He* Springs Tablets, SI.
Hot Sprirtgs Relief (liniment)
2S cents.


L %tr^Jss,vr ^




** '^''■'3^*5.**?? *"
"'^'*•.0. o'. F.

Tbreahlng nrma.all Bntobed up

«... '

.r. „„ I

year. Frank Sheriff rafied 831 Utuhvi.l
«n 3% aoma of gntond, and *5 pota ) awaMCocrurrat bi


r.;:: i:::^vsr,;; ';,m.:S!

“**.■ oT'i; .
1 tar and he -in auend Bible sch.s>l at
;Tr«aoni City. Ohio: thU winter.
J. UlblB fanilly hare all been voryj
of Kiankfort la at bU
-Cook Isa «on ,b* sick «...
Elder G
rtatad by Craageliri
. ... 1 Lake, will begin a
aerkw of mnnUngs ta
the Canada

^ Broan aad wm- to tto.vd „
' ^th. wb lot SS. Bdaa Park: »l’
; two Uttar young njea


t.w wdghad 81 pooad*. They wer* ,
^rr. Suwaa o| Trarerae Oty
of the Canaea rariciy.
Mr. Chaatplon'a rural poiatoea
'. Wyakoop.
tumlag oni svu btubeli per acre.
There U oafideraWe bulldlag
“! koop boi)«« that has been repaired and
repairing of houses at preaenl.
tan addition built to lately
E. UavU Is bnllitlng a kHchcn.
Nn. Altman spent (be day «'lib Mr^


Gatutder and



tt’ir. In the tivu oB>Cr..

""rt l- =s»ltb lo o^n:.

■ ivK'

Wdge mad U<i»; are Invitej
Baomberger ace•mpacie.! b?

add; »l.Ti->
Maadr J

So"^ ^nd.

■tnt- »*Vt of •«»,
^ ^




week at Mantua
She «a» acctNB-. H<hi.
iled home hy Mr. H«>wel1
Nellie S


.the ex|Hp».w v»i
Adam* If Karl U


n« ’< of »c\» and w’« of s—L aad i<>,
K-Wilhelm of Tra\.T«-Cll.. will Uat OHIV Hurt Or . ilth with a line of

t.ito.-. Ik, (.xru 3k. rasge Hi; »3«i
»Uanab R l.ay t... to Tills Xena

• lots 1C aiu! IT. btock 3. H- L. fc Cu ,
Mr*. B. Middivluu relurt:»l lu tor jfUi add; #3m>'
The Ladles' Aid Mu-ielv met at ib -'
rimo «d Mr*, Rosa Kohl ua Thursday
• M;rhiRan Trust C. .. iru«ui'. to \Vt






Uxxle Hitler of Trgvertc City were, dlnlm- stand and d.illv as a token of
the gueets of Mr. and Mrs JeromeI evteem and all joined In wishing her
Furtun over Sunday.
Jonph Forton. of
Unwood. Bev; g-ji
« _
Edna Bramen.


nol been li.mhleJ *inc<- I u.,J Domn's!
Michael M. Me,, r t,.-Wt;u,i„ 11 S .
• lev, or‘, ot ne«,.
C. town 3.-. ru,:.,
Tina John, IJbl.I,. Gu*inB. p^^i'Dnie Kldn,-y Pill*."
Fcr sale by all d.-sk-r.,
HrlriUna Voice and Mr*. SVbIUt Bram.-u.
A party consisiiag of Ml** JewWi"“'", ■ “
Rosamaa. Messrs. A. l-K^dt-h- F O
noia's. an,; >«l. • =•'**
A- ^
Ukt, 8l»C b,
Rooman and Prof R«aji .trow ovrl
W,.;-’,;,'-. K,.n.-Isn Mt>.-t<,:iarv
from l.,eland Tueioiai ev«-niug and ai-1 "
tended the Mnm enitvtainmeni.
!Mr*. George UaaH> and daiigbier nturned from a tew week*' vltii in

! Ofhod Rapid* and Traverao City Men
Traverse; day evening


*y./*",***l.2M«aday of|
Mrs. C. B. Keht. vrho has b*-vn lil,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rusho.
11* cwnvalescinv.
Dwlie a few wunW-be purchaaen of,
His* Mamie Burrow* i* the guest ot
farms were In this rtcialiy recenlly, her aUier. Mr*. Joseph Taylor
ani vra look for tome good deato to tr.'' -Amoa Harilett spent
Tuiwdav in
closed ahorii.
, TraveraC City.
^n C^lc Is on the sick lilt.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M Hyder leftThu.*TOUIp ThW U digging potatoes tor, dav lor their heme In Brooklyn.
Re,-, coulter of Traverwe Cliv
- I.
cu|ded the pulpit In the Congregallun; al Church Sunday morning na<) eu-n



hupv. ax death was alarasi imuantaatmns. The fun. ntl was held Bundav
from the home iX Wm. Saunders. bl.«
ooualn. at 13 nuua, and at the chiirc'j
RW Hllllker came ovw- from l>troll last week to hetp hi* father In
the botai aad UW17 business.
Rala and snow- have ntoppii] the
farmers from digging aad msrkeiin.:
ihrir potatoes.
Wm. Hews ha* been vvry sick tor the
last few days.
J<». MimliL Jr- commenced wurl:iBg on the gravel train ynterdat
Jno. R«ay. who hat been working
tor Dr. Boytaa and M. E. Balnl fw ihI two yesra. x^Xtipcls to go to
cago in a few dar* to make his h
will, 111* M.|j there.
Mr* Cht*.
relailies. si Traverse
Jm. Sawyer ha* moved off the Craa
dall farm and U now ilvlcg In the Jn...
Iirackea boose
Albert Rubbtai of Keyvtune 1. mov­
ing Into Mr. CrandUI't farm house.
Old Uttie Isn't wnrklng on ihe K.
B. BOW. He rxp<-?tt to go to Ohio in
a law day*.
■•rr. W. T HIH r.n.nied yesterday
from ^roi- i'.-i;i.r alter ehwtug the
I Sunday

Braic erom Cite or Toiai»,,

,!s; ch'X"’.; "L';?p,‘',r

..........................ritmiUiBST, I•lv-la.-nl iiv.l P...I



TVwTmeCli. Ir.a, tV..*

iBtsrest Paid on Deposits. AU Deposits ParaMc on Demand.

Mr. J. H. Slcinbef}; 1i.ts just returned from Cleveland where he secure
amonjr many other nood thmjjs.



that was ever placed before the publie - They hate just arrived and opened up to
the . 3en*s taste.


to $b.OO.

Slwrl leiiL'ihs ft,r the yirls, jtisi the U n-ih. jiM ih.'style, and made of ^ood
materials--ilic ver\ kind ihe\ have wanted.

LADIES’ SKIRTS AT $4.95 '^.rs"*la°
Made of the very clioicest plain ami novelty cloths, in : li^du and medium colors .ib
lavy and brown, til the ver\-st\le you wanted but couldn't
couldn't find.
find. W.
V. the make and lit are perfect, styles arffn.-ally beauiifiit. right up to
the minute, andd are trul> better than skirts sold by most stores at

....... prices
,*.ices and
and all
all up-to-date.
at higher or lower
.\o matter what' your, good taste or
sire may be or what price you wis
ish to pay, wc are confident we caaiin and please you.



Store.' Jchfu.-i

Hannah R Lay Mercantile Co- drstributmg agents.

’"^1 *“

:i> opwafoB. to Ivkhitpplug


riu.I.'ci* ir

r rtirae-

A Love Letter
tl •.>.
for a j:iaratit.~i mH
Iiurpr or, |.;W
iKfi I»,.'l
toai si. ...u=t, ..fh,-rfc b.- ijdapei.ied.
_______ _
.. _
-fviltrT^ .
M ii\<- m Marshaii. and -.hi mims an ugri «iT. fto-a vuar. bu.fa'hni « ■
:;:e fta't.i- 4're. k Rtfi.Td n> r->iv that Huc'M.'B * Arakat Sal.e rcreii lar h .
C-U i. M*: a -r'uiD.i loto Btoi
«h* 1--1 -snf *» ««rib.' r>r at inha

.............. ... .............. ..



The need Old Wav.



Tin' 'Msirhali





F. H

tb«-j had rath'.- gi • llbuyt i.ohl.r.pap
that U- l.irryiy • . ^ve «i th.


IWt by

a v.«d old
rvliabie treatmeet <tinh as S;Hilil
Bdwi»li,*er>d Iv) i;ii':r . sraa.tmothtif
liacked bi Boirh.-i « GrtTaa J Syfap
shleb was always hi.'c-ralh n--d .t>
onsaeelloa tsitli the ireatm.-rr
of colds and
m.11 la grunier'rt faver ifcao aa.r knewa rmt-]'

at ctWv pui-

lony .
Ti.« . yaniior of Ikv emn Rous*KfV. Jno
write* "For t:’ ivwr* I sulIertM rrom MiegsB WS.V <tp agains.1 a pr^km )a>.
•eck ut» monttag a plump pgrtndge
v.'lkiw jauedf.-t! cuoaultiid a nun.
Ik r .»? pl.y*ician< and tried all «urt*;.>r tW* agaih't iMc of thy wtpdowa'cd the
imvilrtci^. bet pol no nU-t
Ttu-v: I cirun , hmise wm *iarb fore* eg lu
l.rcan tbi- uim- i.f V;i.Tlr!c Hitter* .mad
feel that I am nnw r:;rek»Vf a sliieg.-• hreak ihf vln/tiiw and ktl! Ii«ff. A A»
ll wilt eur.- coJdt ta ehltor.-a i; gn*
ih* acgioa bav noi >ef opened, n (*a '
li r ;tcv.-« ibe raagoK-) .»■ that had mr It it> craip f>ir iw.-nv
g*n«. a'laj* the trrlr(rii..n. and eff.;'. >*-ar»." -If »oi waiii a ivluW ai-'-li . ikRlawftil In .tasH^ parindge In om '-'
‘cine ^ r lit>>rsnd kldnef tmeUe. »x->u,
|K*M«iii...’. and yet the turd Puked t-a.
arh dlM.i*-v tir gfo.Ta: dcbtlHy. g. *
K-Ripllns a nr r^l m throw away. The
Kiectrh* liiiurr.
tl> c'*aranlM^[ i\
.IK.* noK Ik should b<- hnw .au.i'.>«. Drug C,. S K Wall R S<n:i
rnd F. H MieiI-. iftl?;-' ' tfi. ur 0013

CMiiilly uivc tmich ihtm;;ht lo iln; s^ock of ;iii
iiluira! littplcmcm Siorc
l.u: IS.XRM• ^ ,^M)I•:kSnN lus ji.- i a«Mcl a l..r-r line of

Cooking and Heating Stoves
iliat will itilrr.'..t iin- 1 IiiUKt-.vjf.-.

,\!si, ;i full iin<


.\;;ii, uiiiiral lm|>icin<'ntK, l arri.i-- > ;mit W.4*i>nN.
Ladies arc invited to call.



Buy Good (^lotbe$
o Steinbcrj;

Suits and
Overcoats at

ar,.; vcc tla- woo'icrful


I hev'rt the ei|.;Tl of .i;iy .T.
to SI-'*,
siiown elsewhere. S o,j mij-ht juit as well
save this diflereiicc. Style, l-il. Workfnanship. M.-iieriat. •
. is excellent.
Snhs come in
and double breast*-«l.
^Avercoats in dilf-.r-m leiiifths. with or
without belts. U'*-kmm you'll bt: inon:
than pleased v.i:!i the styl>.-s and the
talu'rs are irrcsistib'e. Come and take
a look at our lari^e line. We have plenty
of others at lower and higher prices. >o
yr.a si-rt j;:*: wii.xt yo^i want.

, ™ ‘“"‘"T'wrS.Ax-'
UaJi sVstBdj nr.. srrtbrUsU.


uv.,, h.«,r.-..j’liii'.Ar

ni..- a hr-.-. »ti. > • i:, ;- y.rc r
ihf lu-Her "uur tl.s-tvv trx-

ervlK-r, l.atsi-r.



For sale at S. F.. Wail. R Sent. Amcr.can

(IBM W. l.AaidK WooltK.1.-liG.lo.K-,

UwwMOwrvTfdfsrii Ort-M ,
'“mir. Graham spent Saiurday In Trav.
__ _______
M'. J. Kublaton started to drive back i,

.r~-- y


Drug Co.

M. •*

EWeo J, Xdams to Earl»0. Adam.,

Putsto digging b the order
the Way.
.Kellogg, lot* 18and IT. bWek c; P. ir
day, aaj everybody b hustling to gel
Krubner. F. Km
the tobera dug. Some SeMa
elda n
There ean lie m. j»i»i rvetoa wbj , rad add; I3.0W.
■irtd big. <ri«ix and
d several o"b«r you. * iron >
......................... _..
worth the digging.
pva-cl* E lle’Eirii'li i» WU) in. ■
place llstenml to Hon. P. C. Gll I any reader of ihl* »ill coullnnc to aut '
Thme was an Increase In acreage ut 3
I fe. the torture
an acl.iag taek, th '
| ««riak. pyrecl. ler U f.wn 3h, ra:>|ier cent, and the bard carl/ froci ha*
.. l. Oct 31,
radneed the yMdal least 3V per cent.,
There will be_______ __________________
and the farmer may yet get a boticr hall at North Unity Saturday night.
' »*>en rvllef ii >o m-ar at band
Emil AmJiTsna. adm. tn Ch
prioe for bU pcAatoes tbu was first
The partridge itasnn ba-i onen.>! most positive proof given iha; tho • Cvdei>ten.
Jiary.-!. tt-c
r.' tov
but very few of our crack shots ban ■ *■“
cured. Read whmi a Traver*.
lange 11. 835*.'.
Wm. M. Stiles of .Aeme made a L. thus far been able to enfoy ibemsehc* Crity rilixen rays
^*»A« Wllhelni. «-l al. t.. We.
‘ oilng the rapid'fl.vtng bird on nc
James l^ughray
Many fiom faerw aitouded the mbml of the rainy wtmtber.
' rtreet, bo.s
and Alesmnder Cuxaid. hit* tl a
kIusi held at 8i. Francis rhnrcb. Trav■Oval Wood Dish Co sa>».
“For Bve :
. p, yj'» ;;
•■r*« City, and apeak highly of the mbXOBTHPORT OEPAimtgJfT
___________ _______ B-.r., 1...
Adam Miner had the mbfortane to
Mrs, A. J. .McPhail was i.lewsauilj
a laluablc cow.

surprised by six .vuiiBs lady friends on/V”'”'
Th.- Kelkpy Lumber company hav-^ Friday eveolng. ihcoMselon being her

shutdown for oucewiary repairs and cigbiratb Wrthdav. The t-venlng wav
may ^ atan up again before iheUpeni 4n playing Kilncb and lit. after
--------- ---which refreshments
aerved, .Mr*.
(II,| .MU:.i..u, R;,. .
Forton and Mr* , McHhall w*. |.ivs.'uled
with a Wt- sior... 1 US.-J ,Lvm w ill, tl,.- imi.i >ai:i-, r..

„ ..
Mn. John Schloaaer

Hct Springs Com Cure. ID ceats.

.good. Mi.r^..
. u J their II.;
^ phone* uai cotainsy ba. i.oeo payliu

amc oT Rcr. IXw oa Friday t?ca i->i
»•: *»>"•
TiKw Verreau to F. F. Greer.
mill was I
lUs Juntc -MUl. r has been cunnif- ! im ic, block 3. If.. L R Co * I lib add
Mr. Martin waa klckad by a hor-,-:
■ «»P'p of days ibly wriek. saeins
1 his leg Ubt ^oar lumber tor Mr. Douric. alto aunt
rules Verriwu to Je'iwuK H. Hawlv.
MoBda: __
is geitlBg Slung
( Ganhe H-turord ua Sunday from ...............
a (rip.
Map!.- City drove ^
He b Uarliig
ni» at
* Hr. Harvey's.
> CfalAgo.
i kit IT and lot 18. except
t< . blue..
met with Mrs. Uavis 'o'"' neighborhood Saturday.
The -Halp Bam
-' 2- H R Co.'* I«Ui add: |3W.
I getting names of the resddenu for the: are o»wr fn.m'Fjx isb^ '
Iasi week.
J. E Grellich Co. to Mr* Mary Jlach
. pnrpaae of havlag a rural mail ruute ‘
I through berr.

aril, pam 1.
:. I«. town 37, raage
John Kunra ba* six nioa
hired l
. .....

ouunly. formerly of Bast Bay. after a,
rreMmce of four years Iti iAnwwii re-'
tuTMAo Baal Bay to make It hte home
a^la. He aays It is too muddy around i
Linwood to suit him. It's the old Biory.,
Go where you wUl. you ean'i beat our i
ttowUnil Oraad Traverse region,
Jlarmk- Shaw of Blight* visited his;
siaHff. Mrs. Fred Uomlne. laai Wed-|

Hot Spring* Heating Salve, 2S cents.

hare notlur^

_ •' talr-pjUieg mairti la the near fa
AU ! '«'■ i‘ » ptoinabiluy
dlace the I’r.

.ct, oi



Hct Spr nga Soap. tO cents.


Mrs. F U Cutter .rf Chicago i* the
Bapnblieaa rally at Grant town bal>
FrhUy araalng of tbU week. Speak«n will be Geo G. Corel] and U Rob-

Hot Springs catarrh cure. SO cents. '

Hip gii i. re

^ » e -win u,,- ,n-|. „ in. „ii^ ,u

Kaau»kr to Earl U


dn; (X M. E CLu-reb u> fYuL .Mj :

. J



11 oaclaJ tBlora*it<w to tUt sbonir
^ Hicr mldBlihi-Friday ibe Rni»l*»
■QUBdron f*ll IB vitb the Hnli tshl-tc
. fleet te the North *«*. The «r»t por-



D drove l



w to Mill fK* to iBce with OeaerM
trowler Crole w»t t for the wlnwr bm! *111 loBber.
KoropBUclB-B forwt The
iMr. Bad Mre- Sbix. UrerB drove to
are OB oae tide of the Shahke Hvod i
1 Lake Ain Sonday to partake of a
.«| th* RnaiBiu OD the other Uea- •Ww*''
broa*ti ] boooiroM dlaaer. a» li w*» Sam M>Hull. The boauwaln and other,
wth birthday.
; Geaeral Sakharo#
, „._b_ ^f the erew who are OBder-i Mr». Eddie Lake mother. Mrr Etxti.
ooBceatratlax at Lin-; ■



.n, „ «





-T board a mltaloB ahip. The only ali*ht.
Lake to iilll
tilll on the bb
T%e Rasatoiui capurad t*o gw
Bber of the crew haa a -j, The
i.e party at Ed Brook-.
Bro^;i Mot
MonduIBM Btoht. Oeoeral KoropaUtla, la an , 'r
' ereolns was well aueoded. It *a»
fffBetoi dltpateh roeelvad ai Bi. Peter*••
held ie honor of Mtos Lottie Brook,
D other reporu the af birthday. All bad a pood time.,
io^oB spam Hea l
There will he a dance at Mr and i
Hra Bmw Wares’ 6alurda>- evealai.
rain, have chocked operation. In U s
^ob**, oci. S4.-Afier a eonlcreooe Oct- S*th.
Bald. A* BOOB ai the roada arc diycr !
,^1. ^^roooB
a reanmpth* of the haute to probab^. j
l^„wbc aeni a Mfon^y word
Sunday Bchoel Convenllan.
The Japaacae appear to bt alowly , ^-----..^ u, sir C 8. Scott, the Bm
Program of the quanerty eonvi-;.
falltiic back. A glare Men above Uielr
t 8l. PrtM-sbtirf for lion of the Long Lake and OarBel.l
Sunday School aMlclatUw. to bo held j
idellverr to the Rb.m>4i
htumlBf the noro. prior u. vrithdiawtl. |
.rorctary then conlerroJ at the BrangeUcal chaiieb at Silver j
Lake. Nov 8. mt.
London. Oel-TJ^^S^lteral Sakharolf! -**•»

Beautiful patterns, the latest fabrics: tailored right up to the top notch, some ol the
best tailors in the country make them. Our house is one o( the oldest, they have
been making good Suits and Overcoats ior over «0 years. When you get'into one
ol our Suits or Overcoats you will be surprised at the lit. One ol our customers
made these remarks: -1 have worn some o( the best makes ol clothing but these
beats them all. " Another one said: 'This suit fits me better than my uilor made
suit. " The biggest surprise is the low prices lor such up toslatc clothes

Mcatinira swiok. » orux.*

OB the lllh dMachaoBU of Rn^,------9 under the Bte of the
n dtotance the groateat >
and aayloi "we appeal to the govern­
of WO pace* and ml Khe Ooaaaeka were
ment to lake the qieedte.1 and .tningkilled or vonsded.
est measure* to eimiirv fnll redreai
Unrinr a recent dghi near Mukden
and complete s<«nriiy ajcala.1 farther
Bve Japaneae oacers and forty-BTC
men were aurroondcd la a CblneA* Ruudan i>utraRca,“
A high RUMlan official hare .tal<-d
hotwe by RotMan aoldlen. Fhrtydlve
'. Including the othcerm. com- tbto afternoon that the Knmlan gov-

rrayerritev. E J. CaunUer
Song MTvlce. W by Attee Dnell.
Welcome. Rllf) Crain.
Wm. Grant

$10.00, $12.00, $13.00, $14.00,
$15.00, $16.00. $ir.00, $18Mc_,

Devotional Mjn-ice. Rev. E J G»un

mittod .ulcMe and the balaaee
The Japaneae left army enptorod
near »-««g Toachteeb Mx arnmnnlilon
caru. fi.OW rtfla., 6.000 round, of ammnnlUoD. beeldea cloUilng, tent, aad
other war material.

The Bible In th.- Puhlk School; Yes ;
ramllle. of dead flebermen, offer ample
and uitofartory apology and the Inci­ w No?" MIm Sadie Klngdon.
Rt-porl. and cullecilon.
dent probably will he rhtoed.
•OltmpMW of Trip to Jerusalem
Lord Lanadowne'. memce to Count
lAtnsdorff. It to learned, laid .paclal
"BenoOu of Memoriring 8crtpinr«.-[
ftrcM on the carelOMncw of the war­
ships In falling to offer aaMMaace tc When Vonng. " Kev. J. A. Zimmerman.'
Hiulc and recUithms by members '
Bt P«er»harg. Oct. tl.—A dl.patch : the UMitng fleet after the dlaeorery ol
the aaMelaUoo
rvortved this morning report* that I the mlMakc. Immediate redreai U
P7«.U™iOtmeral Knropatkln reaumod the of-j demanded,
Itord Fanning. Secreury.
featlre ibi. morning. Yerterday he I
------------ •
tooh an Important poMUon to the right 1 London. Oct. Jf.—U to uadersiotri
Chario. E Johnwn. citll war v<->^
of Oeaemi KurokP. army and cap-! that England's a&U> to RuuU rcUtlreturad two guna. ItO .belli and Bfiy-1 to the Bring on the Brittoh AMilng ve«- Sraa. atrack by train and killed while'
ffve men. The Rnnlan Knwa were <
contained throe demand*, namely; A-Biking on railroad track near Her
MO killed and wounded. The bad ; pirsi -Apulugy tiy the Kniilan govMthar ooaUnoe. at Uie front but j ernment
Oenaml KnropatWn to determined to I second—Adequate compcimaUon for
To Ciira a Cold tr> On* Day
pentot Ik the forward moremant In {damages inflicted.
Uc ntec of aU dlflkmlUaa. It Is report ; TWrd-Puntohment of the ffnllly of«d that the JapaneM are prepared to | Ac«ri.
retire along the whole front. They ] it wa. Mated ihU afienioon that the
A “»hlogIlng bee" allrartion at Deido act reply to U>e Raaalan tee proh- sitnatlon had already been adimtod to
ton. Member* eongn-gatlon put roof
ably for the ptirpoaa eff coDceallag principle. RomU ha* agreed to make
their poaltloaa or on aconnt of a short- i every amond within reawHi. The ma.n on Metbudtoi panonage.
age of ammuBniim. The geeeral Maff danger at present Uc* Id the poulblld Cura for Plla.
ary. iba Ranlait )o*.n la the recooi | jty of 8i. Potermburg aiithorltloa faliAghtlag wUl Bzeeed SO.MO.
(ng to. fully realise the red brat df
Bngltoh opinkm and traortlng to Ulla:u. i; .mr enigctx
•Tbe Japaneae
ovul^e taciks In adjustlns
U^doo. Oct
(IsainsudU will l>- Inr
;r.rd.d^^t pMd t l-an> MMlWtac
hava mwelpllatcly evacuated the vil- the details,
tag* of Bhapke. near Hakden. oa Oct.
The esar of Ru**la today teK-.'
SO. Aeorffliig to a report reeetved In . gnphod to King Edward expr«»lng! Cure* citwp. tM
( from Lleoienajit Oej-j
regret at what had occurred and troubles.—Mimarch.over pain o
era] aakbmroe the Romlau found io' oxtra4lng hi. aympaihle. -with the Bort. Dr. Tbumaa’ Bcteeiric U
the abatkdased Tillage anppttea.and^faainc. of tbora klUed and wounded,
Ur. Zolpha G. Walker, only lady phy­
war matarial.
j Admiral Voalkerakam commandwl sician BeotoD Harbor, will Uk«- |kisiThe ontaklrt* of tk. great armies ‘ u,p Rnaslan ship, that Bred oo the graduste coun»c in-Chicago.
are in oonUrt and a reauapUon of \ SshcrmeiL The Russian embassy to
Urn batUe to expratod as ««a ns the ;iill guarded by the police to prereni
"A dose in time save* live* " Dr
wrather Improves.
; any praslble violettce by the enragBd Wood's Norway Pine Syrup: nsuire'e
remed.v for coughs, colds, pulmonary
B has been isaaed In Britons.
of every sort.
the RuBston capttol for the moWUsaUoo of the rraervas tn the dlstrtets of
IJiUc ron'col*J. P. Kirk. TpidlaBll.
Fairbanks In Mlchips"liosoow. Warasw, KleS and Vllna.
loll from wapin while nutting, gulv
Detroit. Mich- OCL Z6.-Scustor|
Bl. Peter.bor*. OeC H.-Oenersl | Fairbanks began hto campatgn tour cf | »wiouMr inj n.,
Btownel bomBmadlng at Port Arthar. { Michigan today. A .pedal brarin.:
Bcald head to an ecn-ma of the sca^i
wtoas ander data of OcL *0. that the 1 the vice preMdenitol candidate and very severe sometimes, but It can b<Raaslan aoldlers ar« Mecring moMIv. party arrived at Monroe at 6 o'clock CiirCd. Doan's Oiuimeni. quick and
tram lack of clothing. There to Mill ■ tbto morntug there. FalrlianVs .poke permanent in Us results. At any drug
store. 5P cenisan immcaac quanUty of fliwr but only , to Sn> perrons. He arfpf hto UMeDcm
a Mute hone meat. Oenoral Storasei ^ to vote for the contlnnsnw of prospei-1
iw or mcmuA.N-c«o»iy «t o»rod
eoMladra: ‘T'be garrlsoB to deler-:lty and the-re|>iiUlcaii prtnelpira "by |
mined to Bgfal to the last man and the j wbteh the country hail lncrva.ed Its '
test drop of blood."
| power si home and ffBoDg the natle
An official aUlcBwat aay. IT.SSS - uf the rartb."
' Imnd tor orvdiiorw in pr-*»ot thtor *—
of AUD BsllM
yw. W111.I I. Ilw 1»U1. .1: «r. rWrIwnk.
IniW I
- -- wounded.
...A tele-, crowd
owd at Adrian. The day’s trip »II', erraitcrirf -dd C"ww-d
Bhahke and »,0«>
gram tram Tofclu aayt the Japanese i end with a meoUne
fooBd UJ03 Rasalan troops on the | this evening.
No one would i-vor bo bolhorwl with
i>. iaii. *wf w w«ii>»wto.v: th»
lion If cveryooo knew how ' a^b Csy M Feurury. a U ian.M wau'elaek
ioedon. Oct. iS.—The Express «
luiokly Burdock
kmI i a sheT«-sroBU ut_;sra M
naturally ami qatekly
Burdock BI.
Vrih, *.D isw.
t at Toklo is a mall tetter Bitter, rogul.te.
dated Bqpt. 18. ray.: *'U ha* Iran.-! bowels.
pirod that the teas of dbe traaspirt j
Pitachbtard by the Vis
rat la which nrariy Jap. pe;labrd. waa ewlag to infonimUon gives
to the cnainy by a Japanrae admiral
on the gcoeral Maff here. The traitor
___________ _ m.rVet a pur* cor.
was taught and brateu to drath by hto
fly from com. snd having a guaranteed an.lysis of S2
oonradca. Tbc price recolvi-d from
p«r cent protein and fat (Se« Mtenigan Agricultural College aoaiyus.
the Russians for the Inrormailun wvs
March 17. 1804).
Preteln it that oart of th* feed which makes and gives the
weight and power to carry btlKar tsL Protein earrlw mere butter.
Protein it the base ef sl> muscle srtd blood. Protein fed to hogs, steer*,
Weibai Wei. Oct. W.—The Briu-sh
thcep. poultry, make* heavier mvKic. richer bloed. and they can be
Bteamcr Kashteg has been damaged by
induced to put on more fat. Protein i. the fuel of life, snd horse* »nd
all working animals will work better and longer if fed high per cent,
Mriklag a Boating mloc near Alcesiv
bland. Her bow. were mnasbed. ten
Remember ear Gluten Feed contain* « per cent, protein and fat.
of the craw kilted and lour ln)urvd.
and i. guaranteed to he absolutely pure snd free from all aduli


And light dressings of C^us-A
the great Skin Cure and sweefest
of emolienis.
This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales. ar>d
dandruff, destroys hiir panics.
soothes BTUaicd. «ch^ surfaces,
stimulaies the hatr roibcies. loosens
ih. SeJp dda «ippfa che rooo
- . —
makes^tel^ grow tffson a sweet
wholesome, heaithy fciip. when afl

Stop anywhere in our range of prices and your selection will be a good one. livery
one is a prize winner.

Cor. Union
and Sib St.


Peteraburs. Oct.
reports there
gsneral •ngagement* yesterday,
twporu two minor reverses to the |
Russinn aim*. He raya: "Yestorday
evening, while a hravy
g a force of Rns

Dniiax* another
B Haoulha"
HnU. Eng,, Oct. 2t.—A. H. Jaekron
ft Co, rollcltur. for the owner, ol
Arty Hull fitting boat*, have notlfl.'d
the foreign office and admiralty of an
ntueft on the Hull Ashing fleet by the
Brasten ItoelBc BeeL commsaded te

mined to the d

n of this region:

■|«r tfvdlng my tnilrh rows, aod can c
baa given cxnllrnl tnsuUs.
The 1*1

Our stocks arc so oomolete now ihsl we are in positioD to
give )-ou almost aajthiag jron may want, and at saving prices.

n honeMly recommend this feed for dairy and mTleh e
• the teed will irtcreaae the
• flow

ef• milk
ffS p
per cent.
feed dealer* in Grand Traverac County.
For rale by all the leading
Carteli tel
a raeeialty.
loA quotetioRs
Fer prieee. umplev and further information addrera.


Fall use 10-4 gray eoUon
J-leeced BUftkett..............
Full six* arhKe. tan anq gray
fleeced aad neatly striped.

Heavy Colton ruder-

(^oovl fleece lined ribbed
I’nderwear, 25c and.

Red at.......................................... 3.80

Heavy flat fleece Ribbed
I'nderwear and wool
tnisetl, shaped gar­
ments....................... 80c
F'ine. soft, pure wool
. gBimenls in reds, and
browns at............... 1.00
Wool camels Itair at... 80c



Coltoa Fleece I'nderwear... 29c
A good Icavy cotton fleecetl.
an cxcellcnl talue lor---- -50c
Pure all wool 1 nderwear in
. red and natural, for......... l.OO



75c boy* » f“l
95'C boys a fine silkoUne covered,
hand lied coaMbtter, filled with
dean white Ismmaled cotton.

Boys' aad ChUdreo's Wool Underweat..........................


Th, lOTtr RHibefu...........................................................




Grays at......................................


\re more and mare
poi'olar every y«r.
We show a large toaricty ranging in price
from............50ctO 3.00


hpaifi h.......... ..............................
Kea>7 German Krjitiing, ...
Columbia I-Tott..........................

Wbhe np to...............................

A’e are showing tbe laifOt aad beat
line we ever had


Cco.l heaty outing flannel
Night Gowhf, choice pat.
terns. TSc. $l ................. 1 .25

I 5C
1 OC
1 8C
1 5C

Olhers. according to 8ue,cov.

bg.eic... 1.25, 1.60, 1.75

Flannelette WaiiU.............................................48c and 79c
Wool Waisu in aU tbe new styles, prettily
trimmed, new dolorings.......................... ..-98c tO 3.50
SilkW'aisu............................ .............................. 3.75 to 7.00

For winter wear, 2:ic to ---- 2.50

Sis k,. of s,ill Bo-om Shi.,.,

ilu drrivpri from the butter sprak very well, a* I have Imra awar
ed the Govrroor Bllw State Gold MrdsI for the best lest in but'<-r.
• leh I am using
y part, o


Are you ready for winter? Bear in mind the warm goods are
cheaper than doctor bills. We are offering extra good values in Winter Goods that
will interest you.
_____________ _

] contains Ii.t.-


Cbc Cold lUindsBowl ♦



A. J. Wlelm IS

Street Haw 25c to..............
Trimmetl Hals T-k to----Caps, Tains, Houdr. Fascinatoiv, Bxrties, etc.


tour name and ad<lress and we will tend you a
Easiiion plate.

On December 2Cih. next, we are goin;; to give sway three ralnsWe pritra.



bABrf^soit'wonhw5.i». xh,.^ «■

Parlor Suir, upholstered i^Mlk tapestry, wMih $80, and the third, a beatrtKol large I’artoi Lamp, debated wiih
valued at S'J.Ob. With everv- doHit’s purchase or doftar paid on account, we will give you a cottpon enUlltng you Io a
American beauty
cliacce on ib The holder of three or more coupons ha* a chance ol drawing all three prises.

The Michigan Starch Co.


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