Grand Traverse Herald, September 01, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 01, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Very b«l of O™**! iorrlc*
0BI7. Teoti yar of pr*rtli»To«r p*IroM*e lolWtfJ. Is
N*« ItowoB boIMlBC. ooOer K
of P. bsll. OB floor irltb Docker-

CAPiTAu naoojooo
SURPLUS. S26.000

?ire Insurance!
Plata Claaa. StMam Bollar and AoeWant Insuranca.

JIOIICT to Lom on Improved Real Estate Only.


--LSSMJtaSJTs Hr Ccsi aDfiret M nae DeSHlU.

FIRE and



Make h ontife to keep
yoor ntoeey about tbe
boiue or on your pertos.

plBce it in a wrong bank where it wiU be Me. etin be
(Inwn toy day without ootiec and wOI be e«nim* you






ecorge R. Jarvis



B*9t p«tf


«r fdr • . . .

Jtmtrican Drug Store?

Empire still Leads

I >0 you know who they are?

Ifno'.bettet fin.l out




hare a |retl> Wore, new. up-to-date, and a new woch, c’etfcs that
wut u> (deiie you, pricei that ate right, and OKLY THE



Come and «e ut at

219 east Tnat Sirett


nmerican Drug Company

CHtew pMM 1M. OMm 406.
HM WU»»tm Mck.
T»Mr«t Otf.

Au tKi El C.ioiiv.kv, Manigei

Traicree City, Miclt


O* HMl lAat*.
HMr WIH«hii ClMk.

Tf**ww CRj-.
made to order, promptly. Only the-vety best ma-



•. Tfrw^ay.

oied, and fully guaranteed in every resped.


Thaiaremadetooaeaa weU a* neD.


not made of cheap material, and given a fiashy


finiA 10 catch the eye; but are tlnraUe, comfort.

aUe, and neat.

They are

The cheapest on tbe market, 'laaWty coirtMereiL

OiKT usetl and you will boy no other make.
THOS. •. sniAMI A SOS.



KOI Buppim


Prsok TniJe'r berilvsn- store. HC
yvool BlreeC Trovers* Oily. For

126 State stTMt. » Uictor Petcrtyl.

ntalocuM. etf. write

T.W.Hiffirt, miilL,
Alden, Mich.


B£U. ‘PHONE laO.


Have yon ever tried the

Rey«l Tis«r

Bo^al tiger
They are the besL

Caamti Com
aod Salmoo

Sold only by


Kb aA

HrorxA SAcmmA.

«• Mt Ctfmr */ Prtmt


Ahm 1 tad reeeeed the tgener tpr wwi U« W1 for one at the
toM KMten wool aBmiCKtwtn, tbe coniact was m»At to btuhl
Mdt wwdkMe at the BbotA locatMi.

CKixena U. Bell 16b.

Cor. Tenth St. and Lake Avt

•*■7 wool tOm ia Am tocality the higbett ninafactarer’s caA |nce.


There are da>i o be lived through
l«fore forgetfulnt
>. day*
at* obI« ataerable lu.ersali
alt bei wretched olgbu. wteo Greta

liepouu and wiihdrawab can be made by mail

E.«jg!ig“gai: B5i“


‘"^rmu Hen could *ee Creu
She I* face down oa'lb* luile white
bed and ber *ob» are rboktag. V
ne ialo tnj piraew. My tUter,
> BM llTlDg asyanre; wbe
oee all her llte. She would
I ba^
«y myryb wUb ay bewe ao prood cf Max. hi* boa>e t
t be*a all that be looked for. and
- -fWnami'r o—i
to tne a wife. He would bare
bees *0 glad to come lo ber wbea tbe
Tbe icardeB U OOr at ck>ae of day.
saa over abe could aee the coxy
Sweet pear* btoOA. orei all:
lo wbicb abe would wall for hiB.
ABd a leeiler Klo* from tbe aaa'a It
Rb* would bare os a aofi. ware <
made a* be loved, lo show ber <
ihruui. and be would lake her Is bit
ma. bold ber Clowe sad tell ber hU
f wai roapleia.—BBd a* tbe years
At tbe' aeeBca tbai seBae eatlee.
OB. nod they suad haad In baod by
aay^y -lood Bl*hf wHb eoeteaied
cradle------- . Obt It U a girt * bapp.
. rtur*. but drawn op a alaie. and a
"1 have eatbered ay ayrrb with ay vpooge bad bees paawed over tt. Icsv*ptce."
Jig tbe Blaie blaBk. aad wet. *o
other picture could be draws tl
Caenme Aly__l*,rrt. with My

oy'i Boiiaew Collet* soC orv


trteer adaltsiioe cf all tee te»4*
bare doee—a atraager'a. not Max'*


TaTcrscQty state Basl(



r/wrarw C^/, PM.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
BROWIV, IVIanasar.

wsa tbe flint ttae ate ted ever
rs Us name, abd a «Bt*r Util*
look of Iriompb earn* Into tbe mab'a
-Tour castle I
for me to Use M
I want te tbe we.
cblrr.Tbe ^rt looked ap bla aad laagted.
" Love la a bat. with wbier and a
l*-Uore. forglre a
ew, dosfsbe qiuud quickly.
ryof dlgaHy.daabCd

Dart FartMaa
latlaaiad by ibe b_.
Iboae wUcb w* all sbady
It you look 4hmg a beam of UgM a
stream* Uroagb a wladow or i
lUik te lb* door, you will ecu !*■■*
erabte dost partMaa daaetag abow li
lb* itgbt. Too win be told by MM
peraoaa that tber* te laat 4* mart

se* tte tertt. Mcaasc tbe ray* do not CaD dlily spun Ibea. T«« will Iblak Itefl
> te ealBeaOy pi—bat It la
•at tte eaae.
Tte saa talUag apoa Ibe alr crwatee

1 Ivy-vorered
chureb a little gold avn heU aad re
flened the rays Of tbe aetllag sbb. A
gray-balrsd rector wral diowiy op tbe
xwalag to tsaxca Ibe doors tb*r« te more daei where ibc SMi
ilBd blB.
ee tbaa elemvbera.
are tbe kind of a girt that
rorloa* experlrsee ta a msmbm
asst always saggeat to a maa tbe tea gave proof cf tbte It waa Mtead tbal
............. Bi g asd....................
tbe light
it cd
0 a Are— there wae alwart more dnat A tte
glaaa eaaaa expomd to tbe aaUinami
tbaa oa (boa* wbicb wars aerar toaebyou accept I
ad by Ik* ray* «f tte vast erb. «ai
Ihii led to aa laquiry. wUh Ite above
Thry bad
It will geaermlly
rvmlly be foabd lb
that M
i« IB ber* WHb me aad
O rtaas lb* naay pana
a tbaa II does to alpo
e frcoi the shady

Sly wisd* wbt«t>rr*d *we*i adetc*.
happy meaorie* ifaa' will «llp i
tUi.ed.beT Up> while the rephyn frr>ffi ber a. ^and run. Ihrniiati
An 08^1111! of ayrrti aad aplr*.
V> Ibe .-in^iiu: time e.M»e»
tl* repoee, had In It a certRa
.fl <nl> iwo aonlhB >lnee Max
ih. ibe eanii-B wa> drear ooi- wild,
t. but ohl bi.v bay i» Greta! Frau uatBfual intiasity a* b.- looked dowa
hh-ak day.
I the girl ‘You kite me. OaustaBee.~
■ri *».n DBri. uui hi.w h U will
• you wander
Ibitacb t
Aad Ibe aulamB wind* bWw cbll!
r said, qalelly. '
I. aad ever) day tbe iwo erow
ade of Ibe
And the la*t pale l>k>**oa« lay c« her
There was deflaace to Ihe dark eym
(Bcfa other. She brwlnx lu
* Si. IkmIi
romfori lb her efalldn-n. plan* for Ueir uplifted lo meet bla gray ones. Then rwves. iBuw* that hare only owe
eo they bore Ler over the LUI:
■udiles color csBie toio ber face, an.l!' I Ibe dma
iiaaer an.t take* «»iDe n( ihe leood
be^ vllk tb
Over ihe fall! lb -<be ctiurrby4il lber>.
gulliy rbUd her laahe* drooped,-l.w a ^atetosh likely
r life
Not «n with Greta' there 1*
Bd a> Lean war iratfaed lb a «!»•-.
and the looked
lookc - down
at ite gruwad
lwB)s ac aebe ai her hean. a
‘ OB IB* akta of a
et 1 thanked m> Oud for tbe lore I'.l
The aao 00 Ibe lower step beM out
iKt orer ber MiBKbler
She <
Ibe moot
and to ter.
er> Irulb a widow.
tne use* ursa « toe Sousa bate
Wbei. -] xaibervc ay myrrl. wub
’ laai as IbsUbI tbe b«eltaled. B.K ac tar removed froa tbe
One day ahe t» lUilny at*ae tOtwta
0... »pice.''
Then with ad almawi paaaloBaie eaj
K»e> lo all atone now. ahe can b
drum that lla rauilaablp eaBt te tw
le par her band la hli. and
thlBk of Max)
There U a *«u
ugnlied. Ia the Geraua Bast AfrW
The Ka»leB I* fair. But Biy da) U dOBe.
they i
IS tbe ball, a ni»b. a eo
eihibli are ibe drams cf tbe Uaefc*
' - i n.y work B'UI nut remalB.
* Idea WtomaB'i b
Frau Hen. and ber Max It at her (Ide.
who lahabli tbe lerrltory «Ueb Oer1 Hi) God Will )udse wbeUter well -her Max. who wax picked up after
B) Is now conquerlag. H’Hb dram*
or III.
te mrrek by a wballBC abip. and
■In* Thrmrlng at »
MVi»-af rbylka iBihebamaa aw
I'bo cecdetb tb» droticbl Bcd Ibe
i.-d half aiouBd the world—ber Max.
To weddlag rice baa bow bero traced laui) li flru eipresard. Tte Udlaa
bo raUaed her ao. aod Bow bold* bet
I* grareat coB»eaiirnc«s.
A bride­ adds hli "kiyr ate most uvagw* ncI ibom. Ob' glartne** and
i.»e a> If he would make up for all groom who wa* made the target of
any the drum with lb* roico. It
e bad lost.
have bees a kmg time befor* tte
showers of this cereal. *o geoerally
Ami Dm
Dowem of Are and of lee.
ABd Oretaa heart—ihai leaned i
consecrated to byaeseal fcstlrUle*. to knt reed pipe was Isvenied lo ts--Oooa-oiabr asd "iiDod-by." I eo (B
Itself oBly when broken? Tt
suffering fi
from a palBfal ptotrsberaBce
my rest—
beallBg I* all done brfore the phyi
kodg-I fiatp caihered my ayrrti with a) -Ian baa u
there 1* Bo b
Irene Poaeruy Sbleld*. in Cbieaeo
except ihroogb
•'CIndm. ABhea. Oint”
ibrowlBg a
. Mn Con. cf Portteafl. Ha, la
-Here. Dewda. rome beret Don't
er wlihoni ber clay pipe
In there’
The gl
up lapaileel..
U like heaven lo GreiA. lb i qole!
Z ate^la'^^whM'if^y s(S(
adlny In froat ut
with the dear Frau Men ind all
n <H,l cf tbe («.
ihagg) little yellow
the children. Ibough you or I et
0 *pitr if her year* this remarknetiber aj
ly ibai Bolsy
nf »lx— One paw was extended very ttlflly.
by being rtruck •« Ibc bead by a
i- old woBtaa te the eaioyMeBt of
very yrscioualy.
her. and i
roDBd blark eye* atared anlcunly It
washed, dreaw-d. meuded
and sleeps soutely evsry
;iiiil taiichi. llul Greta l.ives rhildfen.
She bemsit that she can eat a
and Ihi-n lli.-re I* Ur. Max.
sited slice of beeftuak a»d drtsk
haralews aod Inoffeeslve. hot coJ- S^'sli
Mr. Max i> Frau Men * brother, a
lecilrely. wbea they engage in Ihrown cf sinwg lea ate Ibea steep
bly yelltnr-halred ylanl. broad ahoul
Iby Iblng* they are weli.vl with as oa
il.Tvd aod kind, mho frown* cA lb<
f her dangUer
would allow bm
lakable mob feeling
Tbey Ibra
. Iilldret. wbeo their -aplrll* yruw UK
. Mill
till chop
wood aad brfag 1a
orm acta that indicate ttaai reaaoa she couU
• Ileada! Why. !
>uyh. ibrvalehx lo lock them up lo hl>
abdicated hi* ibrooe leaporarlly water Iram tb* well at Ibe dour.
Tbe mas'a biy Ignre teemed tud
l.iy pre*6 aud call
to eat them;
g. abe bt* ooe tboogfal cf

who I? nner loo buey lo »el afi ea*y denly to fill up lb' whole doorway ol
ir. A handlul
chair for Greta, paas b>-r tbe kBliilny
reddlny. bewtuwed Qaleily
ibai b. alwayn ai baud, aad amooih all
might he a pleaeaot fealure. but you
inklny. at he took «
Ihe ruuyli plarea. illl afier a while
•an never »» sure how many of Ibe
hat anil tbe aanllKhi ft
l-.coBtih. ai*oni1 nalun- for Greta
Irtesda" are really "Rubes" ai heart,
of hla hair.
irim lo Mr. Max when che wanu a
■asbrns. i feel t
■ooMdlB*. ate
ind It breaks out )iiai like some farm
- Dewda b__ __ way of forcloy fnesd
tliliic aod ayain when abe yela It
- required lo be made cf clay. Tb#
It) In lust sack ciren
airaoKera—but I am wur* I
Frail Merx aallea Imi way* noibloy.
tsoB feir tbU to that ■ Moe yean ago
ling ooe*
a wedding guests be. morh Indebted to ber ibt*
c!rHa b a dear, love-worthy ylrl. ana
• I ben roier of ftorei wa* aBBoyod
.......................... rt tbnt
•111 make Max a yuid wife. It had time." replied the mao. fapwlsy 10 her
u-en a-raiiM- for <tr>ad that be mlyht
d SI cDun. aad ao deeldte i
Im-e aonio different ylrl. who would face aa ahe feb her hand wliblp hU over Ibe curtains In the Pullman car
•dihig bit counters to waar
eabUxon the bridal trank* with
and looked tip Into hi* grave,
take him away aod-bra^k up Ibe sweet
woold make it somewhat t
home lile. Gn-'B b already oue ol to put their brads ckmc
keep all Ibe labecfie* away f
im afraid ahe ibBuybl me s
iliem. aod when Stax reiuma from
cevhrr and exchange ronfldeBces.
wedding if be has a large oa
' Mlaa Adair hasleoed 10 :
.Mnerlca. there will lie a quiel
know there are iwo or tbi
-liui W you only expect lo wall
dloy. the yoime people will
Catot af AppeMkitis.
rd you
Blnut.-a lietween traJot and And
down near them and all w
...:bi wc_.
muff*.—St. Loala
•' grippe aad cicesslvc aa
bouia Inatead. ao
are tbe easses to wbicb
rlnlm to your lem Globe IleaocTal.
Kmlletbal Frau U
per, you know."
Orangaa In Old Timea.
*Desda ha- heard alt about that
t r. as be ruBx up her step* tbe day
an ntiack of grippe are very lare.
tralB,' anawt-red the man. langblny
"Orange* are so abnadaai asd
before he aall*. ............on aecurtn* bl*
I Ibai tbey are practlcnlly uakaown
be baa drawn a "Y'-ou see, we'vi- b.en wallinx for It cheap Bcnravlayi.' said Ibe preside
the .cgeiarteB district* of Fraaoe
twenty minute, already, and we'd erf Ibe RemlBlsceac* elsb,.-lbal we ao
oe not eaay
prelt) P^'uve1 .ither ecaisirlea. Tb* very few
decided tfaa'
. mloat
.predate our good forinse. Wbe*
ela may refi
huBdr.*l and eighty mlnut
a boy. Ib PeBtuylvaate. ooe
walk some
m> uBTlc* came up from Florida e«
Refuae him! refuse Mr. MaM Then i-qoal a year Shall w
■ few day's wHboal
Titli. aod tbe present be brerngbi i
the uairaieful little coauerte tball go it awayrr gkivea belweeo faally was a bag of wraogea. I bad
Tbe girl fulde.1
alKBM ter teelne«. aod tbe dear cblloerer teen BB orange before, sad it
dreo crow up duBCes!
As if tueb flhe leavea of th<aermed lo me Ibe moat besuUful obhusband* grew on erery buah for a Ut­
ile yoreroewa to pick—sod much
Jeci ray eye* bad ever enoountered. It
more, till Ibe swallows fly from the
n good lo look at tbal I didn't conned* L«ke Superior with Lake Habasdtvl him the book.
w Indowr Is lerror.
to es' It; asd I reaeaber that ron. ia Ihe BWU laportaat aitlfletel
Cameron tlippod KIplInc
They fly lack Ibe hcxt mornlny
ay moiber flaally bad to compel walerwtny le tbe world, wbna the
help way good hye to the traveler, a
. ent II I cried ao tbal 1 hardly arnuuni cf fraicbt parateg tbrtmgb- It
»ee Frau Merx with ber arm around
entered it
My father had lypboid I* con*iclerad. In IMI tbe loUl lon■ <rf Ih* cmnnl wn* JS.hOfl.WO ten*
Oreu'a waist—Greta, who b trylog to be ylaared arousd the nearly deeerted fever shorti) afterwards, asd then '
ir* then Ibre* tlaew ns aaeb a*
"This I* the kind of a pUce taw my flrsi lemon*. The torsi groe
look unhappy, like a well-regulated room
carried on Ibe floei c
maiden partlsy from ber betrothed, where <ae expect* a raren to flap in
i i» send lu Pbllteelphte for tbea—
tor there had been a baH hour In the and eraak 'NevermoreT' Great Bc«)t!
eral hundred mlW—and they co
••Wtora bl Chlte.
srhoolrootn laai tight, at ibe end of let'* nin;" he exclaimed, hoylably.
li cent* apiece.”
- Where have you beenr' Baked the
which Greta fuiiBd Max’s ring o
• Von were lueky Indeed lo have
Boidlen are despised la CM
girl, a* they w.-ni down the platform whole orange all b> yoorsetr.” com- bebmg chiefly to tbe eocrfla Masaaa.
flbyer. aod bU kias on ber tlp«loyether
And BOW Fran Men Ir promlaf
ited a llaieoer. "Wbeo I was a boy
i» Gerana ofllceri
keep Ihe Uttle bride aafi-l) till b
iges were scare* and high priced,
ne am* by tbe Chin
>. and y
, return aod claim her. and all the while
y tbe eonfeetionen kept them, and
ate Ibai Ibelr moat laportaat task
wriit away ibv oexi dnyGreta U p e aoMtert- owa
"To Eunar." -he Icremipud.
lo\e Mr. k
cb a* h
hsrt 1., Ii* flniahed. you know And you
>d that ahe will chic
leBy ml
never told me cimd-b).But I kD*w
Ihe children an ui
that lb* red rnaea were yours."
b very
. _
T Knrful
Dace aoffl- nantry cuuains. two
A Rad Wrw
"And vou'.e enm,' tisck vltbcMiI a
day* after Max'* departure, and «dt«n
era cam- lo i/.wn lo do tfaeir
I' B a fate slga wbeo yon aee a maa
Illl* and bare no mined caailer'
>a Greta In her own h<
wlLier vbopplsg
They staid at our
Ui If gruable beeauae be msM take
"Onl.v a Spanlab one. and that 1. n1 ho.:-e- a oBek. and befnre Ibv l*fl
r faersa-lf that sbt doer
i>> Ic ruin*." replied the girl, laugh­ Ibe) bought half n doren oraagea. pr»
e would l-e
ilBBtoBi. BBd oe the cMber band all
ing. at she held out before hla s alen- --Mlag each member of the faaDy
t ah. laid. awake worrylny
nlle* when be Is si
rtoglew* hand.
lilew. and w..nderlBe of
Ih half ac orange This reiara t
lai aaounl to irt
•t<er« *nd teer
to a Mwlal gte**.
-I wani^ lo tell you to at
She i
lost a nlybt's
tory and even aanlflceni. I bedance; hut I war only a stranger
la*p—not she. It s-tll te time
.> think about Max when abe marrie* and a pilgrim la your town, asd you
Mm. aa cf course she Intends to do. were *o young I ibought 1 could live
fllipattod Famine.
i>ul ycm. but I canonr—Conalaoc*."
1-ut for Ihe preaent. she U oot la love
nai*. wo arranged tbal by I
BUpvbod farming baa bad In day—
e girl looked dosn tbe tony quiet
with him. and ahe la ylad of tt.
» long a day. whose cwillgbl ailll Bovemeat of Ibe board* when irteflan
I The tele nfteroooc flooded tte
And DOW be ia coming borne, and
ngera kmg after Its aaa la sel. It m upon louBd* somelblBg like Ibe ri
town. Tb.' tbadows u( tbe lenres
the lirlde la ttalaklay little cf her basIhei
would compel a clisage. lag cf birds are eallied.
tike dim gbosit oAlenvet
l-and. and morh of ber pretty rtotfaes.
■be lom-aalng prtc* <f land wooM
end bouse IlBeh. Ftau Men has bees
tcroa* the
- expiDsirc wllb which
bring It From tbi* day (urtb Ibe farm­
more than kind; but tbe generous
e ispaneae are doing ao «neh 4amer who la lo bold up hi* bead amoag
irtfla have been given with a wonder kitien lack and
e. explode* a abelt lau two or tbreo
hi* fellowa. and ptey hi* pan In the age.
I hat ao much is said of “my hous*;- sinred curtoosiy.
tboBsaad Pisces; Ihe ordMary sbaU
-My cat’s named .Napolecm.- ttae world's affairs, must pm lalo practice
SBII so mile of -my hustend.- aod
lb* r*ry beat system erf basdllng bto binwu Into only tee or flflaan glicu.
Inal wbea the thought bat made ber iOlumeered. looking up tain Camer­
■bat a fletetob work te war!
tend, a system that wtll produce big

- dl*. on's faee
Ilona Hty la
said Cameron. ~My dog's yield* at minimum ruste sad cooserve
e wo.
. It yoB tab*
named Deademona Do you think Na­ aad Inrrteae tbe ferriliiy cf tbe aolk
a fcwty-alh
iB*. for wllbls that Uaspoleon will bun ber?” be asked, as Every other son of faming will
^ tend, with all on Ik^
tbe wor
rorM’s aetropolls ba* oaly
~esdeaoi>a put both payra


I Max



Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
White Lead, Brushes, Etc.

F*ron* •«.

6oing to Build?
If to, tbe South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City ta the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill worit done on ahort notice.' Give us
a chance to figure on yoor wantA


Side Cumber 0e.

CnwfrB« «ly. mck.

We will send color cards to any address or give j-ou
one if >-ou will call at our store. Our Faint is not com­
mon. cheat) John paint: it will stick, and stick on wood
Of plaster. It will cover 30fl square feet to the gallon,
and if yoti will buy five gallons at one time it will only
cost you $14i0 per gallon. We carry' four difiereot
priced White Leads, making a good chance to select
from them. The price bright, according to the adount
and quality. You can buy only Pure Linseed Oil of us.
As a general thing we can fill a man's order to his satbfaction. To' u* >f >0 want of anything. W'e will
please you.

-nr* and barked soUily
So! tbte U Boc tbe little widowed
They Love Rossi Monkey.
EeateBd. bas m rtbasMcbtaxIOfoM.
bride wboae aoba are ao bean rcedlag
-1 dODi know.- said tbe ebIM ‘He
Tb* savage tribe* te the Iniertor cif
II te Fran Merx. aad tte U crying ber
>u birds
1 rust* 110 a week to fete a bora*
raztl are eicMdlagly fote of rosM
Napoleoxi a bunrb of black fur aad
heart cat on Greca'a sbouMer: abe ls
Fretorla. Bomb Africa. Thera la
oakey. KBmboldt eAlmsied that c
irillny every ooe wfaal a dear bratber many ctew*. dbbed aoddesly werott
pieecy of fertlw toad lo tbe eonatry.
tbe tewe eat up a tree. Tbe fort .small
very uiue water.
IJW BoBkeys darlag a year. It
-Yea. and you,'' tbe aayi, “bar* noc ttkea. Desdemcma retreated, vaaqateb
nt of tbe 2M CMCs of SMlIpox la
id that aatll reveolly moak
abed a lev! yoa did sol love bla. ay cd
The maa turned fate eyes agalB
teat to tb* toetegign ho^ltal
poor dead brocbec.'
" year M were------------'irTI ckS-Don't you know.- ate said, tiewly. of Bio Jasieni Hr. Waltee*. when
-No. I dM not tore bla. ' tay* Greta.
> AaaxBB region, bad a mcokey c
aader steaol age ate U of Obm.
] goe* qnletly from tbe rooa. looks
tel I am goiag to marry a aen
ate m«d (or breakfast. Tbe fls
and. aod alts qaleclv dowa te
ad lire te Waahtecum? Ate we
■rwbat riMbted rabti ta flat
0 chair. Max gave ber tbe c
be very rich ate very laflacwtteL
abe anti cfiee be tired after li
■ am folBi

log. His iboogbtfulBent was always
flrvt for ber. In (betr own bomi
oagbi to be very
Ta* Catea a Day.
rernfatag that ate waaureata a day evaa," a
own boaeT Dear Hearen! there wtll
Cteaeroe did not asswer. ate after
be DO borne— She sees Max tbe day
ABerteaa writer. Is Ibtriy-alx flotlan
few BlBotes spoke acate.
yaar. ate that te tbr labe
e sailed:
sbe bears fa
-I made tbea aay that tbe «
Wttal of atx baadrad flofscot abooMat be am
f board at Newpgrt B. 1.
tecB. ao that tb* mas who raraa ten
I-ra bsea steK
esnu a flay caly. to na aaeb rteto
atetesdwoMaaataaebrated acate------- ” iJU ...........................
Toa ate
I wasted
Me aohooia. »e te tba
with Max. bU afnag atm betweea aboat tt all few swhlte. Beat* war roe
d M (tea
float tea so MMte wtefl yaata Mt

tte ter taaaMf wAte «a




a»Awn fmAvmnmm

- .Af

TgDBgPAT, OPTtOTgl 1, 1»0<>

OoKtf Md T...
Work «ai been tUa ««ak «a
Oniid E^Mi. M------------ - ^BTon for (be (nod oad timTwM tbr nteuttoe of the dty watar m
jnrM* la tb« Uattad Statao court were away rd (be pipe* bdac oe tb* p
tba TBiteui atraat* to be p
OrawB tu* anrmiw Tba ioUowtts
aat tbiua aada half «l»<a at dpt
aie dravB traai Otmd TrwTor** eeanJ be laU la tba tonovtat au<
tj for 0« cimad Jurj. Jota H. BmO.
Uaha. Baal PreuK. Haat B1
Traeer^ CUj. ood Jooepb O. Cr«*Mr.
Klacakr: (or (be U**er« Jutt. rr»«k Waot Tealh. W«-i Daraaih. Eaet
retb. Olrlalaa aad BUtfa on
mile of Idmrw Omirr. aed Cbartc*
(roai DtvUloB lo Spruee and Hadilbem of Trareme CKy. They aiw
rroo rroBi to Olrtaloii.
report Not. IS.
baa not been the reauU of tealdeot pdltkiu aa Baay woald aoppoao.
Jaatet H. OoUtae. a olenibOT of
(be OBly petliha Mac (roa Baat
Culllao CaauiruetktB eoapaar
Pmt ureet reetdeati aad a« that ara^
Cbkw. ha» b.we hi (be dty
two TMT» aao nany bare (onpd'
tbe TiaTerae City. . .. tbe, erer wotared • ooe. Eaat
PMlluiala aad OM MUoloa titc- ITont Mtael l« doobly fortuaaie
Ootllon. ae- hailoc work already bepuB oe oi
Til walk* iba oaad btdac laid lor
tbe Ural lied bMweon Hope aad BarIbe peelaaoU today to loepeet ibe
uc the aooib aMe of tbe •■treat,
pooed route. Wbeo Mr. ColUiii
and fni ) PraofcDa t<i Barloa oi
cmoleted hit letpeetioa Hr. CIbbo aonh.'
t lo uy retcardlof
•tata NoTsa.
Charieroix paper* ru*»llB« soi
rtworlen for .dmoxions arUoas dn
PaeulUr to NodMrtt WooOa.
operi house
J. H. Tuner of Trarerae City, la
The Hoyae litUea: “With our lotal
rotdnaaa'K array, toft oo Friday reporter eamploE out for a few days,
Tia tbe U. b K. B. for Cedar Roa and aod the editor Roue a eouple <if days,
rklDily to tramp orer timber land* areuiiats for aay BoUevulile lark
with the view ol parchaalaj: both toeal and een. ral newslands and Umber. Hr. Tuller nays the
Tbe vlllaye of Caiac will bmd for
nrathera woods are poruIUrly adaded IT.fMki for th. extension of h«
to the growth of a mtsceiUaeous va­ works syalem.
riety at treoa, as maay as twelve often
I lust in line with her sisler
beiOR found Ob one soil, li Is do ub- eltlea, HarqueMe fans ahollshnd the
100 slRht to see the swamp cedar vertlml wrltlai! system ia ibe
aad divply wooded iK-eeh. a piDe or schools.
with a MrantlloE while birch
The h^iaiervlDo Review U thirty
rUnked by Norway plees aad poplars years old and It Still edited by (Seorfe
I harmony In wooded aulltade.
The Upper Penlasolar Aitricutfiral



KIDNEY Backache


people Wimld ih-n drop in from (l•m‘
of habit.
la eraynn. water color or sepia. In !
any size or shape. That's wbtt we ile.
Pmvple have an Idea that In ord-r to
hare such w..rk done It Is necessary lo
send work away, but no Arm lu the
slate Is better equippv'd lo itaadle Ibis
work Ihau Smith g Ihice.- Ciilreos ;
pbode 208. 22S Unloo 8t.

Good Templars Cloelioti.
Otto Kurtseh -returned oa Tburaday
■rom HuskeRuo where he atteadod a
mretlnK of the Brand )od(e I. O. G. T
as a deleimle Iram Ibis elty. He re­
ports a very dne lime and a (tood
tneetini! Three people from this re
lent of the upper peninsula or.fioo were rtected lo offices. The fol- (•erlmcol sUiiun. U aecrelarr.
.lowluR officers were elected aad
The souvimlr and ladusirlal Issue ot
le Bl. Jobus News, published la.s|
P. G. C. T.—P. J. Connell of Huske week, was a model of ibe prlnieriv
ad tbe illusirailons and descrip­
a. C. T.-Oerret Vonk at Grand tive articles couM not help but op<-n
tiet^ile's eyes to the poaslbllltles and
O CsHinHIor—Mrs. H. E. Wbitney ol advaniBBes of CUntoa couoty.
bldlpir A. II Bhafimasier. ol Ibe
r. V.^^rs.O W. Blaine of ^raad
RroBsoo Journal, has been usinf bis
typewriter extenslrely and (he result
U. BecTeiary—Ralh Curtis of BlR
iKiok. soon In l<e publlshesl. hearRapids.
I..- till-. -HunllnK lb the land of
G. Treasorer-I>. II. McMnllea of Illaanths " Th- •dliitr l> a Uim
nunrsmaii and on his many Jaimts
fiiBplln-Or. Walls of arnnil aUmi lb- touniry, be l» arcooipaiiled
by his camera, which be uses eld-ct
G. M.-Mrs. Easterly of Huske*
Thn-e lante eraos- plealcs were
helil in laabella coimiy Wtdaetda} . at

O. O.-Mrs. Hall of UuskeBoo.
pn-senl. ibi- mtwi prnsnlnenl of G
C Senilnel—OIKI Furtsch of Tt
Iwlng l>■•|l•lu Slat- Leciun-r W
rse Cl».
O. S. J T-Mm Oerril V.«ih
Thi anuiial mi-.dlnK .tf llw Sist.Graad Rapids.
soclatiiin of I'lHiniy l'ummls*b>iv<-i-> of.
I>-b«ale lo tb>- I. S. B . lo U' b
Scli<»:- am is- h-l.l'lu Ignsing 8cp
Belfast. Indaiid. P. J. Ootuiell: al
remp.T tfi. An im-tcsilng pnvCTsm 1"
mate. O W. Blalae.
-ing arrangul for the meeiiug.
Thi- next session will be h«
The r-pubHcaas of Butterfield liiwn
Graud Rapids la 1»0S.
ship, Mlssnitkee county, have started
the stale campaign with a
Lecture on India.
raislDK Aiiuroey McCall, ol liliaca.
Grawn, Mich., Aur. 24.—Dr.
arel UcKeller siwke In the church dlsriisj»>d campaign Issues ai ibc o re
here Iasi etenloB on her work as
The price of bread has Usm ralseil
»e cent in Pmoakey and the old set
inslnirtlvp and from It wo loaradd ler rises to remark that the cost of III
Is growing grealor even .'ear.
that the world's populailoR
Detroit Arm has porchaecd the
mated at 1.482.HKI.OO and of bejonf to the Greek church. dIS.aOO worth of bonds recently Issued
I94.nnn.(u>n are Roman Catholics I&l). by 8l Igniee. for the rebuilding of th.
OOfl.onn are protesuats. H&.OOQ.OW) •leclrtc light plant receolly burned.
Several berry pickers report having
are Mobamm.dans. IO,iK»,ono
Jews. 2.000.000 are nailve ChiisUans. seen a IdVce lu-ar near Olsego UkdiirlnKJJui lima ww-k A iiiinllng
while MS.000.000. or almost
has Wu fumed at Gaiiord ai>
sotmihs of tbe entire csllmaied pop­
go in search uf bim.
ulation are hsuthens.
MTiIlp bathing in Grand Klvcr. On
In spcwklni: of Great Britain aba
said that only ontsaerenlh of Klac Bdago. lli-vear-old ls>y iak<m with
cramp* and druaied.
Edward's subjbeu arc crea nomlni
.irlmonlal agency at Tekonsba
Cbrlsilao and of Ibree-fourtbt of I
kreps seren clerics busy,
remainder six-serenths are la India.
Owlaa lo the cruelly of the Hindoo
"dead beau."
rellKlon It has been n»msary
band and -several ciiurcb choirs
Rrllisb KuverniDcot to make three neat
ised lo atlrecl Three River* peo­
rommandmeau. tbd Brsl bcInB Thoo
aball am burn tbe wldoirs alive." It ple to revlvwt servlecs.
Nlneiyseven Loollllles ai reunion,
widow of a dead man with his l.od>
Just before water lank collapsed ai
The second was Thou shall oot throw
tbr lUuchU-rs lelu tbe Ganges a.s sa'- rharlulle. a gang of hobrww |>uUed oui
rlflre." In India Ibe dauglilei* aren't om uaderweatb
Hoys of a northern pmlnaiila school
eonildered to Iw of much aerount
they were given as sacridee lo Ihelr :.lislrlrl stole Mgu reading "Tannerv
Gods aad were thrown into the waters and hung It over school bouse door.
lo state pa|>er. Ho- revival
of tbe Ganges.
Third. 'Thou shslt noi bury Ibe of blcycln at Ludinglon caused al
most as much interest a* iIh- MHho
b-pers alive." tbU being
dlst revival last wlaler. ^
tine of their customs
Jackson buslnesv men are now ee
A willow Ibcn- la musldered to be
oui id favor with thi-ir gods ibi-ndure gaged In scratching ihHr bred* and
•he Is Ireaied ailb greal shame and Wondering where the benefits of a
BO Hindoo In good siaadiag will couch
any article that eve
widow has touched until H has been
Heaaaed and as moat trf tbe drls
married between th- aces of I nno
years there are lot- of young girls
whu are left Id this roBdilluD
Evcit fanner knows that
census of lk»d sbosre.1 ■ total u
•r.AOQ.noii widewa. and ibal of IMu a some plants grow better than
loui of iifiOt.OM. or Bboirt
others. S«1 may be the same
widows to every eleven womes. and and seed may seem the same
«d Iheae there were 1».48T who
but some plants arc weak and
onder Bve yenrs of age.
•jihers sti
Dr. UcKeller then tpoke of ms
the voluntary customs of tortun
sued by the naUves to please their children. Th<
'hey are tike young
gods, one being for a maa to volualeer plants. Same1ood,samehome,
to have ta Iren hook payed through saitie care but some growiT big
---------- -;|«s of hla back aad
' ' xnd strong while oAers8 istay
on a pole and ssrung artwad over
imall and weak.
crowd on eertala bolldaya
Scott’s Emulsion offers an
She apohe of many other sabjeexs,
laelndlng the burial of the dead, which -■asy way out of-the difficulty.
was rety Intenatlng: of tbe (amine Jhild weakness often means
and the plagae. tbe density of the •taiyation, not because of lack
popumtloa. the methods of mltgi
i food, but because the food
worheea. thefr triaU and dlacoi
loes not feed.'
menu as wen as their snreumsa.
Scott's Emulaon reallyfecds
After the lecture a Itherml coOeetloa



Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
THE Bear OF evcrtthino.

Telephone 4


• pleauntv potent. «Ad pemaiMBt i

r far WOMEN.


It is time for your

Rarvestina and
mowing maebinory
W'f .ilw.iys cafrv a


hlvKik on hand.

milwaukee $ Deerina
linderw. Reapers,
n/lowers. May


Doorine Vor^ioail Ul'f€ Mowor is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.
Don't forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

« Barney Jlnder^on «

:i_i_ XMi



Young Plants

ind giv'cs tbe cbiid growing
Whatever the cause of weak­
ness and failure to grow—,
Scott's Emulstoo seems to find '
it and srt Die m^r right

n;rw“;.‘A ^
WBriE. DUNHAhl SHOE CO„ Brocklon. Mnaa.


Al Gils seaeoB of the year are «
oomknl as w-eil as palatable. Gas
the siunmvr fuel aad a tender IitoIUt.'
lamb stew or mast, eltber Id Kg '
ran be cooked In half the time
i.fur Boarlv any ottp-r kind
1 liii>r—Is of the upper pt'ninsula,
. Ilroech Rrv».
make a laiBn exhibit of tbe a*rlculiiiral pnducu of tbe upper penla.1 the state fair at Pontiac. Sep-

Dr. MeKelier has Bfty magic lantn
litres of ptacTs ahe has am
India (bni abe will show neat Bab
evening In BM^am's hnlL an ndmHHdh <d Id and 2* eonta no he chnrgnd
tor (he beneO et the forwigB ml


The editor of Ibe Albloo Mirror siig
gesls Ibal i-hnrchi-s l<e imnld.-.! with

And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of


wilt certify to the above facts :::::::::




Watae Bivkm Kirtiaeka
Work vu bagsB thk wak ot
tba eiteaeloa of tba dey voter maka.
maay <d tbe fripaa bakg <m ibe groaad
at tba rartoaa atraatt lo be pipal.
l tbroa aad « baV mOaa of ptpa
vUI be teU k tbe toBovtag atikta:
Bomb Catoa. ftaal Froaa, M BlMtb.
Weal Teeth, Went ftkeanth. Bat
Blerratb. Dlrtaka nad Stxtb are««.
TMal ef coaair.......
Samurr ef 8u>u
veei from DtrUloa to Sproee and Had*01
PogalMfrom Pnmi to DUrklon. Tbk
^ IM MU l> >M* VW
hai Doi been tbe raaull of
th» UMW k
<r 4H p*r
dent peaifcma a amay vould enppote.
Jaara H. CoUtae. a raambar of iba
only petitkm taelai from Baal
tottl MiMr o( mtim k IJM.ColllBi ConairtKlloB eoapaa]
m. wl « f—•»■ 14M414
Ctilcar>. lua bara la Iba
two year* aRo many bar.' (orsoC1. Cakkrr o( taMM k*. ami tka
laailna Ibe Trararaa Clip.
th<-> erar eutered one. Sail
{•enlnoBla aiid nid Mlnloe
Froai alfvei l< doolH) furluaai
rail«V pn>Jaci. Ur. CoHlaa. aa
IDR vfir* already begun on
eoDpaakd bp Mayor FulfbuM and a»oral vaikr Ihe anad king laid for
Mayor A. V, Frtedrich. drora tbroufh
ttm InSI betvecn Hope and Bar
c( UM «hM *m
4>r Ihe aoBib «id« of the MreeL
I I.2U tba pasloanU loda) lo Inapaat the
«nt wrf vnr. Kpoaad route. Wbeo Mr. CoIIiaa
aad fro > KraakllD t<i Barloa
m (M
jiiriMiff at knHBplated hU iBapaailoB Hr. 0
Tbe editor id Ihe Albion MImH- s.ig
M Tkkfe k or* 41 par
lart- aoiDalblBe l« MP rrfaadln*
geuts that rhoiThes U- pr..tld.-.1 *llh
a mmim OkMta m4 Cnvted.
•lata Nava
tba proapaaU of lha roartrucilon
doors- In the bo|u- that s..tue
k Mtk SI »« <Ml.
(k« LM».
Charleroi! papers niasling lumin'
(bv line.
people Sfoold then dr>ui In fn.m l.•rre
tmMrmtom. Ooootomodrotoio
rcsonen for obaoikns anioas
of hahit.
«t » p» CML TW
opera bouse
■a pk VM Bvar M par ca«l an:
J. M. Tuner of Traverae City, la
TheHoyaeOiUen: -Wilh our loral
voodtnaa-. array, ten oa Friday reporter camping out for a few days.
mar. bravk. Bwaii. OhartorM.
le M. f N E. for Cedar Run and
tanaa. Caan, Dalla.
he editor gone a couple id days.
WHITE. DUNHAM SHOE CO.. Brocklo*. Mawa.
rklnlly lo tramp over timber laadi arcmiDta for nay bcMlceahle la^ .1 any sUe or shape. That's what » r .In
the view nf pafcbaain* both krai and gen.-ral neve."
? village .it Capae will laa.I lor have such work donv It is necessary to
rrwpaa lak. Wap* a»4 W*a*»4.
laadi and timber. Hr. Tuller sayi tbe
send away, but no ttm lo the
Waraa cDaatr% paraaMaca «( k
aonbero woods are perullarly adaided St.wii lor Ih.' eweneion of Its '
nuie Is beiu-r i.qiiipp>d lo iandle this
ii »J. taghaka kenaaa «aa
to Ihe growth of a mUeelUneow «- works sysicni..
work than Smith £ Pplce,. fiilreni
rleiy <if Ireea. aa many a* iweire ofteo
And lust lo be In line wllb ber
■log found OB one aoll. Ii l» no un­ clllw. Marquette bas abollsbed tbe pbonr NW. 3;t Union 81.
Noa« ot tta ircriaaii are
common sight to aae the saramp cedar vertical arltlng' sjsl.m in the city
a (a* a( tka. balac or« I.M«.
and deeply woodad l«ech. a pine or acbouls.
m the paraaMaga a( kcraaaa «mM
this agasun of Ho- ;ear ai
Kalkaaka County.
wlib a straggling white birch
Tbe hValerrlOe Review Is thirty nomtral aa well as palatable.
«• ears aaalL Ike aaaatiBa «hkh
. Iim
flanked by Sorwny pines nad popUni
*mm a iitaiaai are AkcM. Aatrtk.
Ibe aummor fuel and a tender broll.-r.' ■
to .....................
harmony In wooded nolltade.
. iarrr. Braaeh. Caaa. muo. HlDadak.
lamb Slew or roast, elibvr In leg or
F*OV^I.e IN SEASON. arbicb was orginlr.-d lo kiln, can Ik- rooked in half the time It;
■. Inl-m Lake. UnagMee.
promote the lErknjItpral ami h.Mnlol
ttkK Maaaaab. Maalataa. Marany otipr kimi ; pregh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausagesr Etc.
liiler.-.i> of Ihe uppiT |« ninsuU.
liroach ilrus.
where be attended
make a largo exhibit id tbe agriTHE BEST OF EVERYTHING.
meeting of the grand lodge I. O. 0. T. eollnral produns of the upper penlndelegate from Ibis city. H
ti the state fair at Pontiac. Sep­
pons a very ttm- line and a good tember t!'ic. Leo M. Oeismaa. super
meeting Three people from ibti
Jnleadeni of tbe upper p.-ninsuU ergloo were elected lo oBlces- ITie fol perimi-nt station, Is aecretary.
lowing offleara were elened and in­
.e souvenir and Industrial Issue of
81. Johns News, pi.l.llshed last
r. G. C. T-—P. J. Connell of Moske
was a model of the prlnier'i^
Total ............................ 1.10S 7.ISS SOD.
and the musirailirns and desertpC- C. T.-Gerret Vonk of Grand
ank-les could Pol h.-lp bin
people's ey» In Ihe poasibllUles and
CiKinrilor-Mrs. M. E. Whitney
mages of niDtOD eounly.
Grand Rapids.
• plwnit, potent, and permam hvisonter for WOMKNe
V. r—Mrs O. W. Blaine of Oran.t Rroason Juiirual. has Iwn using
Leaknau County.
typewriter extensively and the result
fbueetary-Rntb Cunls of Big
IkVd.. s.s>n in l>e puhllshnl. hearGET IT tIlOH TOCH DRUGGIST.
h.' Uib-. ' Hutillng in ■'
Trea-urer-D. H. UrMullen of mawaiha " The ertlii.r I
riwnsntaii snrl -hi hir tn
G Chapllo-nr. Watts of Grand
>Dl Ibe .-.Hjniry. h.- I. a.
hl« camera wlileli bo i
O H.-Mrs. Easterly of Muskegon. Iv'Hj.
G. I). M.~Anna Errla of Muskegon.
r.>e large grang" pleairi were
aes «f Huske
in Isabella roumy Wednesday, at
h many well knewn speakera
lit, tl- mr». prominent of Ibeae
8iati- l.<-rniriT W
G. « J T - Mrs Gi-rHi of Tayh.r.
Th. anouwl nu-i-llni: ..f |J« Slat*
Grand Rapid.
.oriatli.Ti of t'.mnt.v t'nmmlsslon.-i
U. legau- lu tbe 1 S. It Id U-
flcli.k.:- 4111 In- hi-Wii.«lng 8<-p: B.iraK(. Ireland. 1-. J. t'l.onell: ah
K An itil.-resl
............... ■"
K-rnale. U W. BUIne.
bi'liiK arranged fur the
\\V always tarry a good stock on hand.
Waideaf County.
The r.'publirans of Buuevfleld town­
Oraari Rapids la 19A&.
ship. MlskO.ikec eouBly. have siarted
Laglurt on Irtdla.
raUlTiE Ati.iraey McCall. ..r lihara.
Grown, Mlch_ Aug. 24.—Dr
garel McKeller siwke in the church d|seiis»>.l campaign Issu.-e a< the o re
hen- laat erealng on ber vnrk a>
Th.- prie.- of bread has l.c-o ralse.1
missionary doctor la India Her I
one cent In Hetoskey and the ubi sel­
tiire was rery Imeresliag as well
ler rUes to remark that Ibr eosi of lit
Is growing greater every year.
A Detroit Ann has purcha».-rt the
maicl at 1.4S2.l>W,nn and of this M,4T.m
‘sm.iuui belong I.) the Greek church, tlli.OOO worth of bonds rerently Issued
DAArine Ve*rtloAl UIF€ IVIowor is especially
44SU aorike CUy above aa keraaae of IS41
Ignace, Cor the rcbulldtog of Ibe
ISt.OOh.OWi are Roman Catholics ISO.
TJM tor the lael tear yaan. Beyne City
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.
ono-txal an- pruleslanls, ttK.IMXI.000 .-leclrle light pUnl recently hunted.
S41S ,baa probably tba lariaat pare.
Several berry plcki-rs report baring
are M.ibammedans. lo.noo.noo
m.m iM.n4
Don't forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
Jews. S.AOO.WXI are bailee ChrlstUns, seen a IXt-ge lu-sr near Glsegn lak.'
during Ih.- luod «.-.-k. A ii.mling
while 829.000,IMKI, or almost
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
sovembs of tbe entire estimated |np- party bas been f»nn<-.l ai Gaylunl lu
carloads this spring and summer.
go In s.-arch iX him.
ulatlon are hialheas.
OnIn speikiBg of Great Btluia abe
Total ........................... IP.llT U.StS said that only one-aeveath of King ondiigu. lii-yrar-uld l»> iak.-n with
Rlmard's subjecu are ev« nomlnalli cramps and drowped.
UalViffloDial agency at Tekqpsha
1904 1900 Christian abd of Ibree-fourths of
kivps aeven clerka busy.
remainder sis^eretitbi are In India
Albion pbysirlaas nunblne against
Ovlng lu the enielty of the Hindoo
41SM Boyao aiy .
0 PWle .
rullgion It has been n.-cessary for Ibe -dead beau lUC
A band and aereral ebureb choir,
Hritlsb guvernmcDI to make three new
WSSS Coalral Lake
used lo atlraet Thr»H- Rlicrs -peo­
shall not burn the widows alive.- It ple to revival serrlces.
Ninety-seven Loullllle. ai reunlun.
was their ruatorn to bam alive th.»m
* purcfaaie of tke II. F. Campbell
widow of a dead man wilh his bod>. Tekonaha.
duel More waler tank collapsed al
a Blm«.»d tovaibip. Lrrlaiiaa
The second was "Thou shall nid throw
T Tke farm U oae of Ibe betl Id tU* ihy daughters Intu tbe Ganges as sa' rbari.gie. a gang of buboes poll.-d out
njn ST4M
S pan of Ihe aiala and belBE loealed rtflee." in la.Ua the daughlen. aren't from underaealh
Iv'.ys of a northern penlnsuU schutd
* aaar ibr rliy add> addlUonll value to considecerl lo lu* of much account so
I U. Tbc price paid for 11 vai fS.OOO. they w-ett- given as sacrittce to their -lUlrlcI slob- sign reading 'Tannery '
a farm euaprUra IBI acrei aod Gods and were thrown Into the waters and bung li over school house door.
to slate pa|K-r. ibe revival
of Ibe Canges.
I wnilamr vlll BOt Uke
Third. "Tbou shall out bury Ibe of bicycles al LudlagloD caust-d aiI after Ibe eropo are barmted ttaU tall. lep.-rs allte." thU being at luie time most as much Interest a> the Melhoim
Jl*l revival last winter.
1 He ba« not detniu-ly derided to
•>ne of ilii'lr customs
1 «bal u«e be vm pul the farm
A widow then- Is nuisidered lu b<>
Jsekron buslaes. men are now <-n
.. 4im
may be derated lo elark ralelnK
.. io.m
out <d favor with ih.-ir gods ilo-n-fure gaged In serstcblng t
i.m '
tbe is tnvted wllb great sham.wvindering wh.-re tb.
Travellns Undor Omeullioa...
tuts *
bo lllndoo In good fiandlng win touch street rarnival eome 1
Mra. F. J. Urue abd lllUe •
... tu«T
um '
any article that eren the shadow of
t Cbarlea at Pobkaaeabin, OtMco roi
widow bas touebed nntll It has been,
t ty. paaaed Ihroush lova on Friday cleansed and as most <if the glHs are
.. M41I
tSMS •
l»H at her fanner bone li
... U.4ST
t»4tl ^
marrle.1 between the aces of 1 noo IH
plre. Hn Larue fire* Ibe uaheaird of yron there ar.- I.u. of >.mtg girls
.. SMM
d nf elfbl railroad ebaagra ba­ who ar.- lefl In this cindliloo. The
.. IM*»
il Jobaaaeabiirg. about Mreety eensns of lk*o sb..w<sl a twal of over
Evenr farmer knows that
.. t4M*
SS47I i
.. 4M7<
dT.Ttl I
22,000.00.. widows, and ibai of I90u a some plants grow better than
.. ttusr
ttt.m I
loul of 2S.dOO.IXMi. or about two others. Soil may be the same
.. UAiT
itm (
ws to every etereo woman, nnd and seed may seem the same
of Ihrae there were 19,417 vbo were
y hao U4tt ftklHaa|<
. lists ISOS
'jut some plants arc weak and
ndrt Bre yean of age.
SMM kaka aad SMI* t
to Ibe little tomi of Frederlek.
Dr. HeKeller tbec spoke of many of Jihcrs strong.
ooaaly hao MM takOlaa. It,- I
And thats the way with
Aaotber abort knat tn tbe Oetroll S tbe volaniary rastoms * torture par­
m malm aad ttS4l B
Cbarleeoli broagbt her to Alba aad
ty tbe natiret to pleaae ibelr children. They are like young
Okka eoBMp hai MM (aatiUae. ^
tbe old etaadby G. R. « L ron
gods, one being for a man to volanleer plants. Samelood. same nome,
ttm Mbkt aad ItM* foauka
thk again prored of abon daralloa to have an Iroe hook paaaed through iame care but some grow big
And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
• —imaramrat a( the oat
tuaclra of hla back and luspended Hid strong while orters stay
UM ISS9 “ tbe vai taft dlBcoaaolale at Wal« at a iraaaitoMp aartp dap. k
Joartlon. epradlag tbe blghL
pole and svmig around over the .mall and weak.
actual test of EASE, SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
tS for tba petrUrae of belag aa
crowd on rartaln bolldaya.
Scott’s Emulsion offers an
vtHkf Iboogb traeUbk goaal. She
Sbe apoke of many other tablmt.
y U, obd It vaa enapkUd
took op ber gHpa aad boarded
iBcludUig Ibe bwrkl of tbe dead, wbkb 2^y way out of the difficulty.
of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of
If. U UM Ifeo work vaa bagn
beaaeh read. rtuAlag Tnrene CItp
very laieraatlng;^ the famine «rhiid weakness often means
t:SS a B. PHfay. From bai
aad the plague, the droiliy td the •tan.-ation. not because of lack,
bMkra Iba aaaoaMMbl vaa aada.
construction. All users of COLUMBUS ENGINES
Ik tbe H. B N. ft tnta aad eb _
iBlko. the meiboda of mkakroatr i food, but because the food ,
lBUMtt«iaBapLM.abdla 1IT4. >
■ tiw laat time tm tba stab road vofkera thkr trlala and dkeounge- toes not feed.
•kt. M. Tvimtra par etaL kaa Ba Fraaklgrt ....
will certify to the above facts :::::::::
that kadi laio Bmpire aad wded bar «nts as veil as Ibelr aaeeaaaaa
Me SWkbk of akrfca bara baaa e
Scott's Emtiaon reallyfeeds!
troabka. barlag tpael
ivaatyAfter the lecture a Uberal svJUxWw.
MM Mo »k bvk, maf. k t
md git'es the child growing
■ for lb« fraud aad trararaa
Jorlaa la tke Ualted Kaiaa court «ere
thk taoTBlBg. Tkc loUealac
are dnva Irak Oiaad Trararaa «Matr for the craad Jarr. Soto H. BaaU.
Trararaa dtp. aad Joaepb 0. CrtKaer.
for tbr trararaa lorr. Fraak
HaBllB * Monroe Caoier. aad Cbarlra
iriB Of. Traverae CKr- Thaj
Not, U.

KIDNEY «Backache


;e: i








It is time lor your


f>aroe$tina and
mowing maebinery

..... ....



mnwaukee $ Deering

r?j”........i ””

linders. Reapers,







Barney Jindcrsoti «





'i^o.r =


Tilling Plants




««MMS «m ba I

Dr. MeKeDer has ttfty magic kaiwn
pictures of pUeea aha has aeaa Is
(ndia chat abe will akov naxt Balarday
1B« Btnng arm Id tbe kv k
•eevlBC la Irtgham'a hadL u ndmi^
ig aramd k aaareb ef Bl Clair m- Ik* <ff 10 and 29 e«au viu be ebargM
for the bimatti of tba farolv —tI-i

Whatew the cause of weak­
ness and failure to grow—
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
it and set the matter right




SSSSSvsT” Bular. tot T. btodi B. B, U 4 C

_________________ .aadvBPUM

VMkI. «tl«<»« MUT'

. tttwJuT«kk tX tk» Urn* U W.Ootd-

tod add: <14M.
C. WeUera. « aL. U
aon panal. aac. t, ton Tt.

HHs KMhall ef VkkelarB. Hkfe, to
IM Bocal of HM Alkc OOl.
HfB. OarM ASDU to rerr >U at thie


IPU add: t4W..
W. Batth. kt 07. Oak RHgbU; IMO.
Cbilitliia Holaea to Peta 8. Klv
■ok. e-7i feet ku C and 7. bkek L H.
U ft Oo.'t <rd add; |7M.
Hoeb Hou aad vlfe to FTaacit T.
mua lou 7 and I. b
btoek It. H, L. 4
CO.-1 lOth add: 4MD.
Jobe Wllbelm aad vlfe to Haute
Pnak Pliedrkfa. parcel, aec. 4. toi


iSrW of chkuo <

•n* OV ■MarfW •»!*•>• »«!*



Hn. IW. Ml» HUIU lUntell. Hr.
Kti. OoHW. Hi» Cb«r. him Po««• Md HiM KlUi* Ooldm plesickad
U tta JHMHmm rrtdw ud bad aa

_ _•. trot* ton Is tkH ptecc Ma­
te aad Made a Heawat eaU ai tb*
MM «f Hr. aad Hra. Joba Hint aad
■r. aM Hn. W. Oeww. TMr 4rora
MiM M x—new br IM barter nad.

"pf^Ofier’aod vlfe u Btoaboib
llaore. et al. lot 7, M

Hb laora Purti
tbe Bwel or Hra. 0. C. B
~ I Hbau Unto aad
•d JAaaa 1
left Wr4oe»Up for tbelr boa
Hra. Prod Bordean aad toa e
rer tma Ihe Haaltoat Toatdap.
HM Haad Pedi of Buttou Bap _
Ue BMW of Hn. Kelaep Hat veek.
Altoa Tdcaard. vM Uru ca Ue
OeOollar fera. !• safferlpB froa
brokw ankle.

_______ fUovB 17. raBfe If; 1100.
Audlur Onenl u TMau BannbavU
vmlle, et al. Belt of B'
:c. raagt It: tl.H.
H. K Hin aad wUe

Haode Horae and Una HelatoU of
Trnrerae Clip apeet Boadap viU Hr.
aad Hn Praak BalU aad laallp.
lb. who ^ been akk
WvaH Li&ur (d.niat It <aa^
ia^«M hi.
W UMt, It Bueb betlt
pMlar but DM



.. Vktor C.
Palmer, lotrceto; fl.
A. Vexiaa.
Oeorae Ruabo
pared*: dk&O.
Darld a. CbaBdkf U
llBC. wK of aeW. ae
raage 10.

Ollier Lardle cpeai Boadap vKb Hr.

aad M-i d. Buclere.
I 4 Up Ca. to Ikoard 8. HorHmBBab4
Hr aad.Hra. rtaah Olln apeet Ftl.
Hra. JMa Flaea e( rraafcfon la nt
....... ...........II aad IS. btoek 0. H.. U 4
Mte ralHtTM aad frltadt la lUt rU- dap vllb frteadf aad relailraa al Trar.
>'.o-s Ctb add: tlOOrae Clip.
l>ank A Ctork lo Tbo*. C. Clark,
**Hiatra. VaaVraakaa aad Bearer.
A. U Oar« of Trarene Clip l> rltit- pareeli: ll.flOO.
vtCb Ibatr UallUa. Mt Tbarada; tor
Plnpd U SmIU tr> Harp N. Haa, OadflHd. after eaaftda« bw# arrtral lag liieadt al Ibit place.
btoek 8. H.. L.
ilr. aad Hra. 0. U« Orav of Trar:nip apml Boadap vllb tbelr aoe.
LaiDurl II. SapM to Qulaep ThickOtaa. BabMt aad Mvard. a
parrel*, ler. IP. Ion SP. raaBC P:
Hr. aad Hra. BrMtt De Orav.
Hra. Joba TrotMaa bat beta akk
Radolph WIedoeft to Wmiarn W.
for a («* veoM. it aoi able to learr Ooble. ku IP and IP. l<lock Id. H.. U
^Laak Orarbr aad Hoaa Bacm of hM bed bat a abon vblle at a time.
add; fl.Ssn.
Dead Harbor made a baHaoM trip to
Tbe tareval] 'panp gtrea la Ibe
tava Balarte.
aiaboatt Hit FrUep erealBg
Wm. mt Jwepb Healer of Prorv
It u Ibere erUl be i
lortbporl vat la BUBl«r or rceonera bare pet la Ivo


veekt tbe Htt tarrvell daaee vlll be
rlreo Wadatadap eveolai. Bepl. 7.
wpm rrldap at Northport.
Haale bp Mote aad Baker d Trarertc
Hra. OaUM aad daofh
H Math Haaltoa awired hen rrtdap atp.
MB are eeeapplM Ibt Coob oonapa
b baka oa tM beaeb I

Tbe aorta«U atarted at k
atalatt tbe renteal vrillac epatca la
Ibe pebik arboolt It barlai a eoikeable etect all orcr tbe upper pealacaU aad tM tdHI oU ekai letter vlll


Of Disfigufing Humors



^tlBUotlon I

__________ _ ____ MM Ibe a
• M br Bm. Bvm aad v
■llflat. vblA vu batofi

1. aad of th

Por BBto bp •» Ant etou tovMtoia.



' 3ie*iir.!s£;.ir£j,r2
Mte Hat M via M Meadllp re—Mt m Malth aad Uat ve ehaU
H hare tM fkadore H Uataa..
Uh er« M marw to bla BeM of vorti.
Be*. CMsea
aad tiftllp_____
tawllp Mre
' vita aa lor »aap paara darlat tbe
aamaar Mtba. BoU M aad bb fa*Rp *a vM kaova Mm. Mrtai
ptad iha palpH aad ara rarp papa
a tMaa. TM Mttk tarabbad

Every chOd born Into the world
with an inherited tendency to tor*
turiftg, dbhgurinf! humors of the
Sldn and Scalp, becomes an ohjcci
of the most tender solicitude, n
only because of its sufleriniL b
because of the dreadful fca
disfiguration U to be llfekne
and mar tts future hap(4nes$ and
Hence tt becomes
duty of motli
such afflicted
diildren to acquaint
with the best, ti>r purest, and most
'effective treatment tgvailaMe, vii.:
the CUnCURA Treatment, con-

Caro dUient are aBtutlaf tbe need
of a baud of trade la that dtp for Ue
parpoee of exptoitlBB ibe tadoalrtol
adraataseo of Tuieola uoatp.


"Kov Boed dlBeattoa eralu oo appeUtc. ^ hetau oe boU.“
II doeaal. trp Bordork Bkod BK-



qu u* j








Chikt’a Norfoik Suit;, durable
goo^ aod well made. $S.6d
value, apecial



Hmm' Setoool

Men'* Pateel Coma OoluAin
Sboa, nidchef Hyle. SAOD


Wm WaaUb ep



7c CntooDB. nany tiudM*a




Ole Bid tor Vour-

...Fall Crade

Oui| new stocks are no«
'”b^ ......
lor a lively fall trade. The utmi
and we will be at the head with bargains of true merit,
rit. W« will
and give first-class values, even better than any time past.

^ boMliog
yo^ money

W'hile our stock of Summer Goods that remains is not lance, we are anzicius
to. close it out and make room for the new goods.

Extraordinary Bargains veieM si*<kt om
Dm* e»cd*

Sc LawDS to CiOK «............. 3ic
l«c Dimities to close............. Sc
lOcLlMiistocloseot,............ Sc
IScBotlstestocloseot.......... 8c
lOc Gloctuins to close al ......Sic

36 in. Cashmeres, worth from 1 Q/s
25c to 35e. to close............. A CTC
.tOc Mohairs, to close


ThMe are extraordinary value,, a,
every araisi is new. atviirh. well made
and perfect litter,.
»l SILK WAISTS, all net. and lat.
eat style,, to cltwe al

A big bunch of Remnants of Ureas *
Goods and Waisiings will be closed
at ..............................HALF PRICE

*sIJlwf*AU go at

fa.S0 Floe UWI WltstS.... *1.«

OBCBf tbe KiBf stylo.

Hie Styles are the Newest,
The Materials arc Firsl-aass,
The Fit and Workmanship are Inc Best,
The Priccs-arc keasonahlc.

Ooys Mmi ttrlt*

O Heary Ribbed SebBBi Base.
1 Sc nines, tbe
■2.5c double knee and double
sole, extra special.

TVs shews the cesstnctlei at
Ibe -THimph" ftaii.

to to rito MayoyoM dae ;vin ad ymi-bM v

rfa. tat
f. a« ta4 « ,fc« i,dta,« ,
torlom •7.BO *e •toB.oo


rsc Csnet Csrers.............................
rsc Gms.......................................
rsc Skfru.........................................

I) 44C1
SOc nines, tBdteV....
7Sc nines, w d«c v ...


Stock Mlart
Fancy 25c values, to dose

Prieomn^tan $1.96 imvik

$2.00 Floe Laws Waists......68c
$lo50 FIk Uwb Waists...... 79c
19c. 25C.39C ta-a lot ofsoUed waists,
sane TalBcs u as Urb as $2.50.



rndity* Sulto
A few last fall's $15 Suit.
A few lasts(HTng's$15Sim,

O *9R


1/ AbM a* 1* dsse SI HALF PUCE
SbeWrist Bags....;


^th fro* S5.00 to $12.00. g^ijrg

. ButoMctotoeMf

Beys’ Sebeel Soils and OIbIsIs Onc«Ci>ird OR.
Boys'aod Girls’Sdhool Shoes 10 per cent. diHHMm. 'The I
wear, and they’re wylish.

H. Pmm* VM H tan


Wc '■1AA^.‘‘.3c

'‘sSu. veli lailor./JO
e.1. K.60 valne, lor »byO

118 Front

Skiit^ *m*

llitMt’ and CbOd-t



OvcROUP. Yoong Men'i Sniu htoJ Yow« Men't Great CoHl


Sn MtataHad tbek'Mwdi h a
■MM aaaaa. V* teD aM their


Miiu*' Md Chikl’* Am Vk)
lUd Sboet. aU lolid, a good

ftamn Saha, Thtee-tueee Sniu, Tvo-ptece Soiu. Noribik Suit*,


.1. Baltte vfll eloaa Ut
war mmm at HwlkiBn. Pedat
nab tar tM leuab. Mrtat TM
•h M UaH imiatedil bp hk faa


CbeiiM School
.kMble breaHcd. tue*


ffMHlmeofbbriatwd {Httcni ever collected in Bkoner Trouier

Mr. b. n.

WQb« on M Harbor Bprlatt vu

etm. J

lU pt«cc( Svittap and Wartted*, value* up to 16c, m.

10 piee* donbla bid Dram
Geoth, sehabk far adxool

We aanomce tbe greUcH Hock eeer abon b Boyi' Nev Clothing.

Haa. a aaU of Bore iMa haali
np«-uoa. «M hu Maa-H IM w
pkp of J. H. Mitk tUa aoMter. vlU
jpaM IM aaat taa Ban UMtlaf for

A aaoM partp vw ftraa at tbe HoMBeaaMHwIWf WblhB Hr.aad


Hannah 4 Lap HanaMIto Co, dtolrtootinB BBtoMa.



BuHW BRm Smta, AmcticM Kary Sniu. Bopa' Top Ooata.


Par uto at t. B. WaH 4 Bona. AmrHcan
Drv9 e*.

, iicei from 5 to

D IBM luar ueoUa, tn-m lb*l tele «vr

Our Boys’ Clotiiiiig

aHtbak oebHtMBelda
nan wap aro HMi ___________
H aad
- '
Ikew a aordkl vakoaa h*M


M BeHoBt Corn Cwn. 10 canto.

Unle Got*’ Satin CUf Sboci,



IM loaaif aad vM Mre beoa aocb


»t Soeto«a P4Mlto« Balva. M uMa.

6ood Bye Prices on Summer Beods

all vM MOV bla. Bor. Oook fnia
mmr HIM dale vlll odMip tbe polpit
aaat BMlap. We akall aM tbeet


HM Bartofi aaurrit a

which is arriving daily, wili convince you that we are showing a
at LOWER PRICES than oyer before. SAVE TIME AND MON­
EY by calling on ue before looking elsewhere.

.. k fsnwe wOrrel. Ibu paUe- e>.Unlb
b, Mm hr r*iibmk*i sf * mir uf

fith CUTICURA Ointment, the 1
great Sldn Cure. Cures made in m-- u.
childhood ore speedy, permanent, ' Sin a*

ptar tree

a raacMd a ripe oU
« aad a praat belp H
MM virlli lilannau raaderad bp
bM are atvapa htfhip aakped. Hb

Mh» Maale Bee* e« Baiteaa Bar
j#_^AabHM^_ WI^

HM a»Ho«t Qutoh NaHoT (ItotatoM)



IM aeme
ante Bm. Oarsaa H ataflaa aad i


MiM] to E. L. Brpau bp tu foracr
>r. Terry Corliaa. vbo bu decided It bu been IM coaioai d Uia etob to
be aeed* a real truoi bU edUorlal
meet at aoaw aemberh boaae omA
pear and dlacou lopka d tmml toipof IM
formation of iM dab a
erlaa dUeaaea ol
Ibe other dap al IM toaldaaco of Hn
mlterp. “
N H. Corep. CM tbe orUtoal It mnL-on «lx an itlU llTluf. nacaclp: Hn
Tbe Onod HanI* Herald hu eo
Bldnep Ormke. Hn Clariau Algw.
red li* elerwih peu and Bd.
Ur*. Lather Blanlep. Hn Hearp
or Wood eemn lo SM no dlOeuli)
IlhimberB. Hn Rtoeia'Rept asd Hn>
In botdiDi falx ovB BKaln*! all comer*
AlannoD PaiirldBe. TMk am iB0Be|

ilBf vu
a report

• bp the
h of Ue

IBM Trmru Cftp liiMaiiiUto.
TMy ooro to PPM towB aH abtutip


L. L^-aa(w. Jato* a

atei be la atple.

PtehteHu^vM attei

- «M to M.btod

A OI.IM|toSK A-r OUi*


mm. bW*lhMra(b^'bMra carried
b tM help «f Her . C
mm mt other Blaleteri who arc
mmmm >bek raeatka bate, aad all
M that MMb pood Me beta doBc pad
tt hM baM a •raat
frlMdi witb 1
I oaaapHi tha polpli are Itor.
aM BM. Bvaat aad tbep
itabM ■ - H tM
• Mre baea
' It bat


Brova. parcel la KlMilep: (1.
Haaaab A Lap Co. to ailou W.
oraer. lot IP, block 11. H.. L. 4 Oo.’o
imb add; »DA.
aad vlfe UW.P.
retard, et al. kU C. 7. bkek M. H, L.
4 Co.-a Pad add; ttfWO.
Hamaa W. Bmllb U Wa. Witte, kt
07. Oak HeIcbU, ILOtO.
laab 4 Lap Co. to Levia OoorUde. k(i
4t aad 4( bkek 4. H.. L. 4
Ck.’itad add: MOO.
Vktor C. PaJaer to Robert SchoabCTBer, kt 1. block If. Trarene Olp;

IliBBab * Lap Co. U Robert Stteabenier. kt 20, block II. H.. L. 4 Co.'i

Wedaudap on tbe Rajah

It la ton oaa dar tbit well pet.
> U Bapidt baM ball team
Ww Ea^ of Bad Aaa arrirad iMf* played the harbor bopt Baadap aad
FHte Hit Maaj WMdt are dtfad to the Htlarvoa.
aaaber of people troM here etleaded Ibe ball ftate al Blk Rapid,
iffw’ attardar Bi MUoat Bar.
HM SIrah Vccbb. -be tpal • lati tboradap aad at tM Creeoeet sot
■Men IM« at Ibe Melaaatjeft for bMbooed they dM aet pet boeie
beat ai Brvn. lad-. I>ti Tbaradar.
Hetaaa Ortaf vat a Trarerat Otr oatll Frldap.
Hr. aad Hn. N. Oorep aad taBlIp
tHMt 1M trai of IM vatk
■ bad taMiii
taaillr. wbo bare
Dr. U Umt
I Traroer Clip aad Hr. aM Hra.

t. H-. L. 4 Oo.;a

aeodap orwtoi
BHh Beetl.
The HUtaa Hara* o'
B. i.____________________________________
vaaboal oe the taaaM oT lake HMl.
su aoe dap tbto
~ '
■ nj
«M uk«B
uk«B vWMiiir HI moot am tbe flat
pan to aoet datlerlaB
Hra. Rarrr Harrle tf Trarecae atp
__ _____ jl oiiiwo rWMd Tm»- vu tbe saeal «f Hra. W. OaapbaU



Lobertto J. J<
taaoB. pareoL i
II: «1M.

Pedthaa ot Tiareru
Baadap vilb frtoadt I



TM Aak aad MWar Pair Micrii
to pabUe aMoato Ml ban abid- ttoa. e( Hoatao cowtp. no diai
laMd hr tM beard of edacatka. abd to
d vfll acd MM a tok tbto pair.
Ml Btead tbe Meaeortoa ayatea

STEINBERG BROS. Cbe Boston Store.


anam ninn*! mtiuw rnmapir. orannn i, a«4.



a few dan al teplre ai Ibo yaeat

rdoa aad toto UllUa Plaa I

Hr*, to. r. Horcto'
tMB iMMit IBM tk* Tl9 ax ta
V Miroea A. nd 8. Lautoc of
na of WoilMd wen aaltad to toarHtoi Ada Watora
■lIM^lhc tor »M thto»B <to (ki
_ ton ««bU to MM ttoa to* itoae at tto Aabarp paraeaan by : Kenbport tbto afuraoea by Dr. O. ^
Ber. HMb Keaaedy Tbataday afUr- Chan, wto vaal to attoad aa i
Mcatr Ml fmatotiUr to««
Gtea Arbor.
Boca at I o'clock. The coople were i can tbwe tbto aoratoc.
todte Bdor to. O. CarrM BcHl to
bey Bfll beda boaacton. M. Beratoato aad aoa o
Id aad Ihta BtoalBc tor tbe «Bar~
Itotr toaay meat
tarty eervfee tetoOtbOB. He wtn rtot
Onwa befon rMaratoc oa Moaday.
a Ttot BUb bee •
I cd Cbfca«o

of tbe Dtadpiea ebarek aad Rer. L. B. I
BtoaeU aad Bit SekeSeU of tbe Praa-

a Ttol Bbh ttoir a
WHM Bopktoi aad Htoa Ate Joha- LatCloB at Carp toka.

ton. Asaet Good. a«ad dS ynn.
•hip to to tto dtp today oa badaeo.
died SaadaV tooralac at
I o-doefc

a«« aatoaua eartala baa

:rr^‘rr::T*r:: -rsL’^b. rnAw

a*t at Btalatoia^ Oraad toera I
aad «at aaad toft alchl for tto aral
itaa. Tbr eartala to naMto ttt to
atoa. It topa'orar tto ald«
tto a*aa
SSLTto^lana-oibar’. ton.
toaa root aadatottoaeaehalda aad eauomu.-oen»->^^^

byteriBB Aarcb weal t» Kalkaeka tab.
u rewBoniaUTto M tbeto
Aarebae to tbe C. B. caamtloB.
RobM Kaapp waat to N*abM;
aata mUiday for a ehert vtott with :
bta eea beto* poUs to Oraad «apMe.
Oense Hamlto ta laklaa a Taeailua
froB A V. PrtodrtA-f aboe otore aad
Bade a trip deva the bay ymtordiy
Uta. tuba Craee MarBod to Boatw
tail tooraiac after ttalliac at tbe boBe
of ton. ioba Lerta of Ml WeM PTObi

No MkttOP Whkt V
A COMPLETE reorganixation of the produdnir
department of the Company in ihh acciion affords a
chance for a few ^ood men,Eigbi vacamno on the agency force in this rkb
ttrritor> remain open lor men of tharacler a>Kl ability;
you can hnd out by writini:


yoiM* while ui mal;.- a change.





\o |>revk>u» rxprneoce.

IS DccesiGir>'.

of .to lodiac .«...o.e at Q.

^ WlH^ .rrU--

MEN $1,000
to $ 10.000 a Year.

A couTNc j»f |>r.i[«^ inMniction given frttc.

Ua tor OBeaa tbto _
Mn. Oouriadc aad taally.

The Molnal life Insurance Company of New York

' '«»
^ ^
l.ln;^. They left oa tto lair tniB for Hodee aad faally aad Tern Oouk bhte
Ttof* iBB ao**^ to topi U, pto itoae laai at tto top.
i. U. Btaknlce weal t
tbe boBW to jibe Wm. total PtatoTBwctio«»eTeral COM to Carp lake Cor a lea dayi' oUy
k tto toU aa *itop~«tot- tuif
It to T«I7 nteatj bne aad at
tbit aftoraooe wbere be will attead a
Soloe oBder tbe dinelloe of H, L.i"'"'
MPlta at tbe Pere toar- al Harrey Canto' colta^.aoad ttot a AIM caa oparaia I
qaette depot who had twee broaAt ] B. C CoapCoa oPtbe UoM B'bRiag D O. K. K. aeeUnc aad tinwrrva
p— Ms bBto tolM M «M«t Bt Onto baa nqatrad hard wodk by tbm »aa
fruiB Cron Vlltace by Aaioo Waaka- toft lact alAt tor Hot Sprint*. AA-. Btaht be Till CO 1.. PHoekey Ic. attend
A.Uic»t:i;OKt;KT. hK\TKR. Su,-mr.'cBlcnt of Uumrotic
■tpkU tointoilK'r H, Ti* B«tol»-""»
cat It ready to ba haac. A caod
anoher He will to bkt In KalkaiA
teeUa May. wife of Irwla Lart. died too. an old Carltole pnpll of HUe In warA of reoewed beallb.
3i NaBBu Slrrrt. New \ .«k. o, tu K .K. UNK. M.itaycr.
to tto go«n«.Up BUI ffotob
deal of (to Tta* lor tto old eartala
CllbenBraak Caneeit ^ aife bate r«'
at the boae of ber pareeu. Mr. aad Ftaber'i. ttbeo »be aa* roqiieMed atih
M«nd to jOBtu 8. Bt«anB. tto
bad to to ton away to aakr roo
I tamed from a weA'* otilnc at Carp
Mn. lien aad daucbier M Onad
Mn. Joba Shaw, at Mlahtf SldUiA
Tto trM time Uto« to MCTir
IL The old eartala tUI be aaed
lUtaai II. Saiarlee. caodnetor ooilake.
iRapMA «bo bare Uea ipendtnc Ar
Soaday artentoae at tbe ace <d 2S
ndaatly btok o( ttoaatoana iBto.
yean of Aroeic bmebltta after a tbe local H. A N. E. tmla. Bbo ta tak- ' Mr. aad torrMleorpc IL BeAer aad | saBOter here, reiunied lu ibvir toiae
TM eartala to Made <d aabaMo*
the dey dancbtcT hare rAaraed to Ibe Ay .today.
llacertBS IIloe»»- Dee^aaed IItA 1r
I. ato to do tUi a«tod
Mb aad to barlaott tre pread aad
Hr«. tlarld Brink and bnwb.e In U«
tbto Mty aatU ab<4l tbrae weeke B(o laal ereninc Iron fpeadlw a few l(n>a , rtaU at Hyalalac
> aat that ibare to eery mUa daager
A. f Eidnd bai been »uB-lof <\»8yTfll». Kan . who ba»e been
Bbes Ac wae lakea to ibe bone of dan to Grand Raphto nad Bin apeod n j
(^«r SfBt pocttlToIr dBGlarlnf
r Ire apnadtoc to eaaa to startad oa
I Booed to GnA RapU* to altrad the lapendlnc
ber pareaw- Beetdee bar buebaod and re« Ayi at Carp lake.
tobU aot do «>.—«>. Btoto!
tto fUce.
Prank Hamllioa and tbe Htatoa Sra | fanenl M ber tMee. Mn. CkaHe* K ‘ pained tbruoA tbe city yeMerday
•u. Ae to aorrlTod by three Ae
Bto Bto to tbaroBcUr dlUBUto lk<
la atoUtoa to tto aabeaua aartala
ItoBUioB. Oniv Soutberlaad andipidcer.
ihHr «ay hucae. Tbe »t»pped ■■
aad one telber.
dBlitola to (to ttoU eoBTBBUoe ttol ibara are aOT tear bydraati oa tto
^aad ttoltrd Mn-E. 8. Wllltamt
le foaerat aarrlee wa* beM froa BlanAe Bnrnum are WAdtoc the day <
ttor tamd hla dara at tto lait ito
Ibreeto ttoa for torpe boa
tbe bene of the pareate at SIlAiU oa Carp take.
Proa Monday'* Record.
Mat aad anwlatito Mr. fton*. dll
of than ara eaaaaeted all tto
lantibuix Ibli afternuue ue bunlneat.
Hr>. willlaa Gill
t«-, tvrf'. t> "T a«
8Mlac WAacaday awralnc at lo
tU* t« vnlXj wMl kaoTB to H«aM tiaa Bitb boaa, ao that tbto
Ber. DeBtac.CaAllo oMclat.
Mn. John M(tarue. who bat bnrn
Bdward Oe. One krill be crieted
rtoton. bat U to aot *0 8n«tol)
to aar taw M tto tooat Arc prool
H r
A and
UndenAer Aoderm had
iTbWocloAjMrodIn* »«n>e time In Batalo. i. et
j no AU ysTM totUT ltn»i u, —41
. Ibal iber depart
kaoTB that a O-Taraar to at ibe toto tbto aUa or tto larpec clUaa
ebarce of tbe ftaeral.
Wedneeday ' pected boar luday
Bctticn’ Ft •• to tbe South at
bone. Man-'
MUa Mnrcnm McKellar of India
ProBi Tbunday'i Record.
to IM aaaw C. O. Tai» who bbi i
He way.
Mr* Georce U Miller of 4IT Baflow cfaanr Mat* Mitt De One. at Bell at j weal to KalkatU iblt afternoM
fcr»»c natdaat of Tntono City. Ow
e at all atim^ro’*tet*Md*tbird
Hr. aad Mra Joba T. Boadl
ber broiber. bare made sany friend* I «™<I ‘be C. K. cooTcnibB.
cKy. Bill be twiiacbt here froa Petoe- •trcei left for a ctali wtib Lwke Ann
■ lb. A (oraed Satarday BlKbt ,rrea New Totb
durinc their thori stay In Tn.cree i
Mi> ‘"nfrie Haafmrd treni to »«tb
key today for burial
Tbe body
City -bo wIK-extend-l.> lb.-« ibetr | Boardinnn Ihii niornuiR lor a *l»li
afur cpeodlat Aree-Boatbf IB Ba•bod Crapa torwalaad.
Mill tie takni to tbe huoie of Hr. Ren­
Wblta away they rtoltad Bscb«i
and Ibe | and T... SebuUr of tbe Hotel WblllBC
Haary Clean rertowa tto crop aad
nie. im JAecnoD mreDii
Irelaad. acMIaad. Walea. teace
)uane) to Arir dealtoailoD.
Mn. J- W. Hor»- ba> mlcned ber
.Hd thta ; hare cuoe to the butel at Ne«b-ta
hmanl MTTlce bUI be
Mn bUcKay of Torml.i, Canada, ta , poallloo a« aanap.-r of tbe mllltoery •ale at
aad other ooBbtrtaa.
eT. I. B.! BBBU for (bcMt uf tbe Mwaoe.
aftencMM at 2:3b o'clock.
They left here May 21 aad froB New
ling Hr. J. N linbnm if Franklit depneUneni ol the lluidA tUtre nad tor rale*.
■reel to Petotikey
toe Pretbyterian chareh of ; Mn. 8
lecll of U
I iffrt
' left )<wlerdny for lirnod Ka^dv. wberiToA look me of tbe AbmOcbb llae
•Bcn. tbe 81. Lotto Be1ai«la<
Delevan Arnold uf Kmlaaiaiou, wbo »b. will re«de in th- future
to tto totaartoa, ato aa tba eooalry
The pall
tbty took tbe tame llae of ctaaBtar*.
bn« Wn vtalilag Mr. nnd Mn C S I
Mrr. A J. While aiid J C
Ma bwa larorto TKb aaoibar aaak oT
W. Sattk. JaB>e« Duan. E. E.
bat tbe New YoA. They Md a aplea.Arnold, relurowl to bit bouie today .
jSolA are to the city today.
peod cte« Taatbee tto oatlook Cor tto
MUtar. Eraefl Hasltocf aad tlarrey
dU Toyan both Ban. althooch
Prof. R. U Nye. prln<d|ial of tbe [ O. Unwo ud wife uf S<tttuo< Bay
all old (rieetto of tbe (aa
of tbe paaieii«»ri wen tea elA Howby of Chlcaeo:”'*^ acbAl. relareed to the city tbto [are Tntene niy vtalliTB.
tory. Tto l
eror. Mr. Bndle wai oee of too out of Ily. Tbe body will be laid
aftenuon mad i ■"'tog after apeedlag the tummer al
Reynold 8Tan>A aud F. ii. Mi-yer tak.—at Ace 8 J. itanan. Tranrar i-tir
•tMHdto Bbaat crop, a td<MAM,Ma
oeBetery. The fuaenl ar­
Sbe baa ' Battle Creek and other MMitbern HIcb- of HaniA ark in toe eliy.
■an crop aad a
il are le rbenw of W 8
wa* able to take bta aeata ncai«an polauI
C. S GabrloD of b.Hlalre ta tai Ibe
li«.n la ibc rtiy tor a few day*'
iwatbor TUh llbaral calac la tto hay.
larly. bat Mn. Beadle waf BOt qalte
Hr« Tbomaa C. GlIlH-n and niece.'rlly a a butlsett trip.
toU aad otbar taipanaat eropa daUe
< tbto plare betas ber fomer boa
> tortBBBto.
Mtot A. F. Borhaliaii. wbo have Imwo ;
CArles Hune of t'AHw] Lake ta in
troto tto wodieade lajary to wbaat aad
■oa of Hr. aa-I: HIb Heiro Hsaaea retorned
They apeat bosi cd tbeir tuw in : Unn*. Ibc Aycar
■ummerlng at Omeni and Noribpori the city.
from^^ Ttalt la i
tto praalbtllty of lajory
UadoB TtattlBC eoBotoa aad oUer rel- i Mn. Victor Hernoldt. died Tbondny ,
■erenl week*, are guetu lAay at ibr | Joeepb Wallen uf Ruiiuat Bay 1< a
aarty traat. K to toaay yaara tiaea the
aUrea. 'than
PiA Place ra rodte for Petowkey.
i vitliur in Tb<- city.
toraan ai a ctow hara had at atucb
Tbe Mine* Unh Kouaialn. Ettella
•inacen coald Bol. They also bad ! borne Bi WllllBBtbarK HI* l«to ■!■State Cbemtal IV.illlile and Food' K H KeKniMv >d Klng>le> I. ai
pfoapartty la fifhl a* at priiiat: tor li
T.T> k)u Bitb the dlMaie al - and Hrm-dm Barry left tbta afteraoua
pISBiare of eeeiac tbe ktoc and
Oummi.>luiH-r Itame tmted In loan , tendiug the >huo' gliA b) Itw- luea:
totot to raaatobarod that aa abooaaai qnaea. Mr. Beadle dcoerlbea Bnctand I Ibe
Tbr funenl eenlce
tbta m.-inlnr •lih a e»ddy of flne ' gun elug.
Mmat to aot oely wHUa praap. bat
a* belBC a "blc little odubut.- it It a >belt
bn>ok trout •bleb Mr taonUltle will
Mr« Roy Miller uf Sb-rman ta >tati
That to eaeally laipoftaat. jroduWe
Ibeir ciUlage. IMalc.
Bant of
al. he naya ho* they lire to ae
lake Utrk to l^ntlDg wlib bim
log to Ibe dly today.
pttan aiB batac obtabwd for aaarty •Ball a country and to aany people,
Hnt. C. H. Weeton
SImeA RedUrd. bead of tbe carpen­
aB bna prodaeu.
Pearl of Sotthpwt ««
there bHac aaariy teren i
try dAortment at HaakeU InaUtute.
'AcTtoaHara to allll the baekhOM of Loadoa. He laid they raaBy wOof
M too aicamer Cummiagi tbta moro
FroB Friday # Record
pajuu-d ibrougb lAO tbta morning ea
the ceoatry. aad whlto Mwe of oor Ufa at tate u tbe AnwHeau ta aplte
W. H. Bcrkey orCasMpolta. who b^ tog They are guett* of William Wey. ruule for Lake Ann. where he will g«C
■aaatbMartat ladoatrlaa aay I
It rAditita and to feet Bar be beet caloytog tAfarin* life oo tbe ton uf fU Watblnatua ttreet.
tcyemi Indian children and rorall
pnaalat atow dlMoaHtoa tto fan
Blllui Ilf ihi- aiylnm,force re_____(ns tbe ream that they uke •teomcr Columbia for two weAt I
them lo iN-Rin »i the .■(wnlag term
an bat# ao estot lor coai^alal.
A't raralioe
turned tud»> frua s wcA't
erary&lac ao eaay.
taarn MAday tor borne.
8epi r,
Ur.HI.- II
Htaa Faaalc Wmiamtoa of
world', fair
aa alto wat the Ay of Bdto- returned borne Iblt Bocalag
. and Mr. H. Edi
aad cotoM tuartof bat torter
9 While to IreUnd It waa woa- ■bort aiay witb HI.t« Ma Wa
Ohio, who ha\e beea TlflilDg tbeir ttalues W
o. A. and II N: a. lb. balwl
aftemiM* a a tUIi to her »ltler. Mr*
deiifnUy pleataBL Be laadA at Bel
ter, Mr> John Miller. fA ibe pa-M ia »nd a large i
har*aaf aad tto naay ottor aipai
raM aad atoe TtaMed at DaMta. WbIm.
taaac T Itoy aad Otto Baloa of Fair- Will HuddlrttoB of Ueadon.
A,., rt-tumed TO their' boiqe. ye.ler.!* »*«<->»’“«■ ••
tana Thtofe twtotoa m aM da
Mn. C. J Welgand of Bingham wat
be i^plrad for Ma beanotut aamery. Baal. lad. bbre JnlnA Mn Day and
On Saturday, with a number of ,
aula froto ladalstad la darU« l<
to fan be cotaldered Bnslaad. Scot­ Mtai GertrwJc. who are vtolllaf! toe In luwn uD buttocM lodny'
.day from a tbr..................................
aaaaoea- to tto BeaUi aad SoathB.
yullut Weis*, mannger of the Aeel
land. IrrdaM and Waloa oae ilsaatlc family of C. F. Cbate ra Webster
IcoK- i>n the weal boy abore.
I friend, at Elk Rapid, and Aldro.
Bbtob aaettoao an particatorty
rork. U batos ao beeaUfaL
•treel. Heetn. Day and BnUn Bill mutic depanmcnl of Grinaell Btor. Id
Bunday. Aug. 5*. the tla
IV t-ragg of Cadillac sad ft
pndaal apoa Uie toruw. baili
Detroli It rtalilcg Mnnnger J. W.
Hr. Beadle bad wd irlaltBd hit ao- relara to Indtonn bAi BAt
. iDoelh. old ■>.« of Mr aad Mr. Lee
I. Truebkiod a|M-nl yeateeOay.i
■raapaeto are anMlaet, aad la thoa* ttre eouatry alaee be IMt it. tt yeato
‘ , HabD Tbe lunetml ■‘a. held In the
Mra. a O. Bate* of CbtAgo. aeoom- Cllffe of tbe Trtrerte City branrb
rMioto at Man tton to unto daaaw SCO. He met many oU tebool (rteadj
, H. E rborrb on Tneaday afterm.m.
paaied by Mn E. V. Falrbaaka and :‘tore.
PHer Pray p
id to bit b ne nl Rev. A. Bentall uOctaUog. Tbe be
aoB Irau troat to alitor eon or oot5 Slight*
Him Bdlto Tlmblln of Tnrene City
WHMm 6aaihaII
Tint- reaxed Amta hare tto- heartfeli tya
laa. Thd harraM to bob prop
Siding tolt morning A a
and they bads
A'l-y of the Alire rommanllr.
enjoying the lake roote 1
Ins frlmdt to the city.
rapUly. aad a Iob non dan’
taw DTor old Ume* Bbro they wc
R. W t>'t. r>-a<u and wife and M»o
MiH May Howard relumed to O
Letand today.
Ur*, iwpb WyckoB WAI lo Cbarle
ally (aaa aanre (ml bUI plan tto
ttaool icwelber.
cago A tbe Kivamer llllnolt iblt mor
HU* Jraslc LoodA left tbit BI
rola thli ofteraoA fA a ttalt witbi^y" achAl ccKii.-nlloii al k
balk c( the erope oat td mob of eeriThe trip acrooi tbe BaclUb Aannel tow to Ttalt CrioBda in MantolA.,
log after rtaillng Mn. Eil^While.
jfort Saiunlay and Sunday
at r«nUy en>>r*d and be ewwelally
W. Fau.t a
I't l.niile HucLIe A (biiiAia I
Bd Tbeb of Maatalee wbo jtaa b
Miaa Minnie Hubbell returned Mat ^
admired tbe large torblac ateaBen U TArsne City aad Elk Rapidi c
morning, reiurali
Inc Mlv> Marilia Hum tbta
eVealng from a moolb't vltii at Saull'' “
Uek are faat and nteUy.
retaroed home : »Ata
Ste Marie
eeape, by the crop oatlook. ODaltoBad
While to Bngland ftey had a )oDy
Aribnr Earl la ct
d to bta b
Herrli B. Holley ta laktag a eaca
labor KMatloa to a aertoo* a
i«y of TnTone aiy people. Mm
SiDle'kr II
llm from ibc Kaaub * Lay Mercaa« _
tboaah tbe aetaal tapoaalbUlty cd J W. Hllllkea aad eon. Mr. aad Mn.
Mltp:e* Mamie and Gertrude
Hard retnraA to Oraad Rapids today :
tile company and alll gu lo KalUtka tamed
■raaitoc Baay of tto daauade
Beadle aad Dr. Bdwie Thiriby had a
aflA a abort rtolt wlita Mm. U K. .1
ft«r the Chri.iton EadrorA
Itou to to aot Bltb toao aartoty ttoa
TtalU uwetber.
there TiH'tdar aad Wnloes
■ Iboto Halt Bif kaOBb. Mr aercral Or. TWflby BID reura la tbe city tor Glbba and ether Crleada here.
Roy 'TbOBpsA returaA tola BoraAy
II. will Mwdtd tbe real .rf the
Ttay.-r.e flly
ynn tobor ba» aaloyed lu fan abare ChrtatBiBi after cpaadlac orer a
taig from hit racallA wblA be apeat
week In P.-iuakcybaa Imea wwklng. She
af yraaperttf. aittor la tto bra of
bgtond (ndytBC.
to Daroli, Clerelaad aad other ataUb-jpr^B Saiurday * Jleeotd
Mta. fiiegfrted Logergren of Chicago »»d »"e^ «rh.».l
aborta bean or bettor pay. h aot
Our M-buol In dtairiet So 2 will com
era ptacat.
i p. c. Gilbert wUI dHlrer tbe ad- muraed borne thta inurnliM after
batb; ao tbal bob U aaat be prepared
mence ne« w«k with Mu. Qlec
OtaMet C. E. CeainntleB.
NtaB Loutaa H. Steeber. who bat drroa at the Woodmen picaic oi 8ut- tting friend* In tbr cliy.
to take Ha ahan of tto taaelfea Bbkb
Autiin of Blmwiwal lown.falp a. (each
EalkaaA. MIcb, Abc fk-Tbe aU- bm Ibe goeot of Mrs. JAn If. OU fA I ,oa* Bay looMrrow.
J. J. Wallace, brotberda ltw of C 8 ' cr
ba* alroady aet la. The Iroa trade baa
•rotb aannal eoaTeallaa of
Mr>. Win C. Orietbauber uf tbe IB- Vader. tr.. mumed to bta boatc to ' Ml*..-. AmHIa Honner and Atn.-Ila
baoa lafBtUed by tower prtooa. bat
icriA, Cbtcrngu, wbo ba. been tpend- Chicago tbta momiag after a vim la' ?*•>"''*
tbto elap oaghl boob to to c<
Mra. M. T. SampllA of RidgerUle. lOK a wcek'a TBcatlnn al Norifapurt
aatot by iBBOBed Iwifff The
Out Siutc* hy.c a tcpotatioo. nnt |U kin.! bood oa joti
aflenaoB wUb aboot forty delngiier lad., aad Mra. H. A HaMIck aad two and Tmverte City, return* iDblghL'
toatlto ctrlke to aUU oa aad eea
for tcTcral day*
Northport acato toe n.mlng year.
Today'c eeeMoa to I
cbildrca of Genera. Ind. are gweoU at
FVank Steam, and fanifly, Mr. Fred
Ur. and Mra. a->i Stig.-r
Uepuiy l\iud Cunmltdoner Dame,
Ubaty to be aetttod nUI tbe c
i-.t counicfj anti Take (alcn. *
la tbe OnagrecattoBal Aimf
Mei-rt y
toe borne of J. U StaalA aad wife. wbo ba. been a gaml at the Park
prodaettaa caa be radaeed. poeetbly
lewma Zadl tOd Oriln Steam*. Mr
**'* '
loaerTow'c tenloa BUI be beU la Ibe Tbe former ta a tUter of Mra. Slaatoa. llaoe fA two Ay*, left for Sortopoet' aad Mr* ItoSBiog ud HIb BrtatoJ ■Tday and Sunday
G.-0 Cor.
1. lakj
DIeeiple AnrA. to hoaor of tbe rtaltMtai Claire Pota « Sbermaa. wbo ,bi. a»rntog totpeod
SuaAy with r went to Omroa thta amralag to ai-nd wurb! . fair ria Chiraao
on OBBT of lb| baatooB boaa
ba* been a gumi of Mr^Jotan Haden. au family
'be day and rojuy a pl<-nlr dlnaer
Mta. Mai
Aa Kaattiap Itoaaway.
Kalkaaka an nicety dccromlA.
SH Webater atrwei. tbe pan weak, re-1 Mra. George H Verkamp and ton
Henry ItoJbagen. Jr. ba* retura.-d ' '"c f">
Paopfa aa mm atiaet al II oAiefc Aercktu are deoornlad. the Oo
Mrraed borne tola awrnlag.
i.«al of CiortoaaU are again domlcUed from Mantatee. wbere be ba* been tak.
Moaday nocalM beU ibetr bmU*
■allonal AatA betas deearaled with
to a TBBbBay tebto datoad doi
the rotlectloa of CotoIbb 8nc* owned pealed by Mlaa Mary Wale*, left tola |Mltog.
mtiory rbeumaitam. -He I. Impnojeg
atreei with a eawll boy Aaptoc Upblby M. B. Holley obd tbe DU
Botmtog fA a tert rtolt to Mr. and j
Mlaa Jeaale Wolfe reiuraed tota
-------------Ir to tto Uaaa. Wbaa ahaaat la (reel
Aareb wKb bit ■tala wad aalloa
Mra. WBlIe CtBpttail M MBiton.
„un« a.
T„«d.y. Record
0t tto WblUto betel he ara* i
E tav
Mr aod Mn. Cbarle* Smaller o< ber nMiher'* cottage at Northport.
* p
(IBB tto rif bad BBay tboocbt that he
BBC enrvly killed.
addreat of wtlcoBt dHlTered by II
E P. Wllbelm aad ItBlIy f« toepoB:,
Tbe iaa« aad bapgy wen tbe proptoday f« a two week, ttalt at btwher, Rev. U R Bl«ell
Wballey. prerideal id Ibe aaaociit
two wcwki. are to OrelllckTlIle today, j ib* | ome of Mra- G«.rge Lather.
r„ U a Btatell «k1 R.,, 8c.d!riJ
My of ftepboa Laalaor aad tto drlrer
TbU wat folloBed by a mpooae
They will return to Chicago aeM Taea- ‘ Cntoc
BBI bto It ytarold aea. Robert. Tbe
It the Prvtbnerian C
boy Bto driTtbt oaat oa Pnot eimt
Hr*. Ida Notwirk of Elk RapU* „ me dUir.rt C E. convention______
aad bear B. WIUMto'e elan tto whlfpatted Ibrougb tuan tota atteraoaa lubs today and lomurroa
■t im booaaw toon mad ibtbb ba
. „
Sutton* te. vlhr* *he will vtail
i|„. r F Heddec <4 Ch!
ortbrtMdaewetafy. Ab addreue waa Dno^Omrod.
deUrered by M B. Holley a -What
toAr that tb^ broke lato a raa
WIl of Chkago. ^ enj^g ^ bay
ur. MaliW Utaey of . Vanderbilt H. Pop. A tet Eighth mreet.
Flaf HABa.” lIlaatntA Bltb Dav
hay boU ealo tto Itoeo aad «
«" B Roben. and «. of Cblmgu
ofdUtereat uiloot.
and le Map tba boran bat wme i
Umtog tota aflerooan to their rot.!»„i, with her Aughier. Mra Cbarie. ba, feturaed borne after ri.litog Mr
Tbta erealng L. B. BtoaeO. paalgr of
aad Mta Joha«backer.
the Pratbylerlaa Aareb at TAycmc
Rememta-r if j,mi tiyy but
Rtolly the tan paMd tooae aad the
La"" Pofi****
(kta afterur, Cbaru* Gecmaln left thU mum
aty, *UI ttoUTer aa addreoa oa tbe
” bu.;_.v..r) l«dy h ihh .umnicr.
plaeky Uttlc laitow wat dnn
H tog fA a Ttalt with Mm A. B .-ieBton
I*c Wfw'b Iracil! >..j
-Pbrward MorcBcat.'' Ybta wOl be Praoca Tbartell ef Waot Nlalb oliaed. |
tbe daih board aad throwa oa
ofJacfcMm. Mr. Germain aeroapaaled
Wto**d with a recAtltai glrca to the
parmcai whlA tooke hto bold oa the
caa KM a tIckM un tb* Plelnn-.
: Hr*. Archie Abbott aad toree chU- ber ion of too way aad will gn m
room* ready for fall.
You nnrti
TUmag detasale* to Ibe parbra ef the
Baao aad altoBOd tto toaai to procM
droo retorned Uta afurwiaB ftnm a ' Port Hnrao lu attend tbe ran*
aod when you ba.e imded
A* tto hoy fan oM tbe laaa iTerr
Iwo week,’ rUli wUb ber motber. Mr*, j Ttrama* Cartmek, Mra. J. >*.— a„ri
furatobed by tbe dttaraat delagallna*.
aad otoBck a atagto bony betoacloc
H. Akey of LeetsTiOe.
itom-EMana w«iit w Hon.w^ tota
yoo cRo then get any pktore In
Tbe derothiaa] oxerdtaa thta errolag
Mra. Ooarpa Utbrop of Bd|e*oc
Rer. C T. Stout wnnt to Cbartoroli
to *,t«>d toe faBeral aerriee
Bhieb Bto blldwd la treat oT Ptaab wtti ba tod by Mn. Clark of Haa». Holliday wrot to Carp toko to apnd a tbta afteraooa to apead Saadaytbta ftBUMu eoitaetka fA only
| of Mr. Carbaefc'* bratber * gmuatb*
few day* ootlng at Hr. Oardaer-a eutTtodeli bardware atora. Tbe too fro«
Mlu Com BciiaBeU taiamTd from old buy. Breft E. Mata, aoa of Hr. and
.Me addiiluaal. «l*e now ter
Bbeto wan brokaa aad tto tbtUc
rtaitlag to BoCato aad wrol to Will
I^n Haaa
aloD. ctoatlaMac. H aif«ek Lona Pal
pkoty A TMpuo ilekeu fA aU.
lam*burg. where abe wOl teach aebool
Mr. nod Mra. W, C. Netooa retoread
taff bwy bitrhod to froat of tto
Leiaad tbta aentog after rtalUBg .
•o come right aloog. 8ni rome
WbUiai aad brake tto tbllto. lie
UL. arrlrod oa toe afteroaon tmla tor
j j, r^l went oortb on a
to Ibe city
IBM rto alruk wa« Raab i 4ray.
a ibari coll apea Mr* Arch Olkbo. rw
.m, armaea.
Amble OrtoUBest to Maatatee tota
Thoaai Uaaaea ato P. W. Radlatn
tarotog Ogata loolgbl lu Maritotd. Hr*. | h r Mull mute la ibe efty
Boralag oa a lew day*' boalaCB Lrip
Ben OB tbto aad biilk wen tbrowa.
OIbbB' borne.
j, boatoma trip to
H. 6. HaU wat lo
Hr. aad Mra. Geecge Kaelte nod 1 r,». pr EBypemr
gtre kta tgeioiw oa toe
BtooeO. Ber. Hoary McKlatoy aad
bal ito. Baaan-I rM atoaUor
Mra- O. M. BfBaa loft fm Ptoteeyjbta tota oftemoon to
loel aerTtaea. ■ Hawmilah talaada toolgbt. He waa ooB HoUcy. all of Trartne Cliy; •M. Borotog.
patofoUr latorad Tto Any toaa
A tota tity. coBbaatod by Ber. LaAmaa. wbo will
kem tartboot away noTBMe GbMtog. LUItoB Hcrtari aad
Wnitoa (Mareb of Oadar apdogm .nd M. OoMMito ■
tryiag thUr ijnulraie toe knure with toe tiereopHoy Bagtay of OM Htoatoa: Mm. L. M wbo bat bma rtolltog triooda to la*«'
ikoo. mod by Mr*. HBL wbo Trill *1ali
Babk. BauoBi tel LIbbto ObbbE. (A a wrok. I
r. BBd Mrs. J. A. BhUgntt left far
NorVipon; H«beri iobaa. Noctbpnn;
iWbrrwBa tbta aaratag. when they
Mr*. Wat PBohatd aod
H. W. NOta. Broaoato: H
te«y «BU BM le W. TIakhBB art : BiD got toe two Boalta oU lafaM A
trylag npartimiu^ laofc op toe Bwrd- bta biydbar far adnteto. tla BBtaer
mat MTor today.
dylag iMt week, toarlac fear HqIb
^koS ME



Pebe Marquette







For a limited time

^^mE\ 8 B5c



226 [.Front St.
---- i' Timrsi Cltj, McL




S3.SO Shoe for Men


*3.50 Shoe for Ledle.


*V*» Shoe for Mon

COMPOSITE *3.00 Shoe for Ladle.
NETTLETON SSanO se shoe for Men

.»c.. v..„


*3.00 shoe

G. & E.

S2.00 Shoe, for Boy.



»^l.60 ShoeforVouth.



.ew '



Olall Paper and
Olindow Shades

in »mn ol ihcK room.. Call „„
„arl,- «, ,hn, ,
can Bive yon Uic careful uiic„,i„„ re,,i,i„.J.



€ilv BooH Store


•a: e u a

Mtwjb aUBB MA

Bafari-Bttciwr e*.


I >M*v PVI7 rnv
. M4 Ml. 0«Mll WUb«r of lUi
dV- Tb» IIWIT VM • ?«T


Me—ett Miftc.1 mm File Hero.
Tbe aaaaoU aortcace at WBM.-.
aad. eor«r1v an Ue property of ut
Ck« IrilM drim; U bet dfl we Pera Haraoettc raUnad baa bcM redrten wKk Ike euefUce al the bl«e oelred aad Bled berw by Ue reftotar (d
tfitm truck mre wed M pWUag up deeM. Ue tUac fee betoc >B- Tbae
Ike arek.
•If to wHch Ue n
«r. Ml
W <■ driiiac ik« wplim tor ike dock
Ibe el tke wwket ilie a»d vill driee Tbe HeraM to totoraed by Ue aeee« rw e< tke PoUID leiptevmi
retary UA ereryUloc 1* reniy for
ear’ibed. A eUde ie« d ibeet
dae expoUUoa et Ue aarieoKorU aad
Uto atato at ftoeCiae. BepL U-ld. Bera are totrodoead..
VelaM Towi Pee-eed.
pabUc eatoa ot lire
CM M« ed Ibke Aaa eat Mock. Ure rtoek deacaMratkai la Ue
Ike keerr low d a nliwMd erMlv aad Mato craatr beoddoarof koreee bsi FHdwr.
femcbt kb ard kied of lawker JeU
____u B07 eed oUoeded k et ifce
dock boi to kttewFibt to twe ereoDd
(ke dock U» konet bcewae noik» the *a
(Ire eaUt went off the ead cd (he dodc. betorr aad tbr a
More they
r lea* expeato tl
flWld be raecaed.


Clnektloii thk week 2,MO
Tke MdiieT O. Itofl «M U (ke dock*
KoiUw htodtoi toetoer for ike IWW
■kbsb cmpmf be HeOermkk of
kwe eeew. to be eiae .lemdef
Idtot WkoM koe-tt ke to Ike
« dele vbea eckool will becto. The
•tv br will be Teeeder. Sept- *Hoe. A. K. Pelser et Kalkwka. who
b Apertoiesdekl of CdtUe kl the Weei
■UUbB bir et Oroad lUfIdf
bU. ha* aivotoud Me Miller «d Ihle
-elto ae kto aHtoteat

A Bapto WM IMS Pw Uto.
k I. o. o. r. ito^
Bdtoe. to CM Br. KUr* New.DtoewMoaa. Lartc
cMoiad dratb-. acoUea troa aaUaa;
bet Ibto wuoderiel aedlclDe ca”
reltot ead eoee eared bla. He

Mkacekai Bon. P. W. Mayae. Ber. F.
C Ware aad Mr*. Ida M. BMtoy ot Uli
•n deUrered addreakee. Hoe.
RaewaO Uereit wax etoeted prealdcau
Saaial Adaa. et Bellaira aecretarr.
o Cktoc. of haw ball wrr* played
betwoea KatkaUa aad Beilalrc. aad
kaUaaad 1

M. cold, aad crip pfore lu a
aerit for all tbroai and luaf
....uka. Goaroaued boittoa SOc aad
•iPO. Trial botllr. Ibc. ai Jobawm-i
Orof Store. B. B. WUt A AM. aad F.
H. Uroda.


St Jordaa wtoator

FOMM FIrM Rac>-»


CadUtoc. HIM, AM- M.—ThooWhat la UtaT
tod. at dollan to tora property aaJ
la Ue leal aaalyeto aobody baow*.
tliniMaailr et doflarr to llaltoT ate
we do know that It I. oader nriet
belvdaatrored by Ibr foreei dm oow bet
tow. Abate tbai tow erea kllcbtly.
roctoc to Ue Haoun. Kaire. HcBalc. MiD reeulU. Irrevator lirlv aaam
borbood.. Tbew Brea bare bera bon
lac for a week or aorr aad Ue farwiaad Ue waod.a)ee bare
day aad al^( Bchl lo wrv Ue
property to (be path at the BaBtet.
^bla to Ur worn aeaeoe for dree to
Ibe wooda aad la Ua ala.hlnc* I hare
ilV to Ula aecttoe ot
a Clan Uke towoehlp tamer, ~aad ualee* aonetkiac I*
doae. aad .poedll;. (uu. tbere*. euay
a tanarr wbo will be runprlled to face
tov. cold wlBter wtu aeltber rrope
r OMoey.’ It nay be (bat tbe Clam
Lake lowaablp lamer has sntoles.
Itooally exaccerted (be omdtttoe. but
lo* tba( Ibr um ba>r
already caawd a beavy l'»u. and Ibr
Id •Igbl.

Mr. MeLyae ba* aeeer beta oa
They ba«e aot beeo
drtrtof oa the dodu aad a* hU teaai taied to Ike Ic Ml a* yet. BoperbOB. trip. H
O. Joyat to Tery i
pleaM wlU tbe pampe aad (he work
* wltaeued the that ikcy are datop.
AO averacc et i^OjOK lalkia* per
daya to beta« peaped. wbleb to aa
avctaie lacreaw et aboel 8M.0W lal
AfWHUI Fail Cawrdew
Nearly all tbe Pere MarqBeUe Pae- loB. orer each day tod yew.
lie Creek rlllreo. are ail pufled
aier troJu bare* beet crowded toar Ue topon Ual that clly to to
No buoft Ordtoanea
day owiac to toaay retwUv to the
a day ot lu own wi axlde ai tbe
I M well w nuay arrtrtoc cm ei81 Loato world-* tolr.
oa ratee. No. C. wbldi learee ewiy apMdt wid torteen brtaclDi li
(ova tbe brat puaUty ot Daebeu
cat. two eoaebei aore aaabie to nell tben. The bnyer. are
•taadint rtna wu al- taklof rery few applef aad bare aoi
ibu oeoal a
Bleai. Hod et tbew beea <• ibo city narket dace yeder
people were Chkaao bad rletoUy ex day ouea. Tbe tonoen, betoi problWi
by erdlBaaor troai peddllei their
eoraleatoto. alibovb eoaie were renrton aad Ike loeU llefcd oSee told fnilt froa booee lo boo», are con
are etoile Uekeu Ibaa It ba. to pelted to throw ibe apple* aw.j or
to teed tben to (be h(«*-—Bacle. Aop
aae Uae.
No. 1, doe here tron Ibe aeoth at 1
(•-clock, wa. orer a but boor tote Tbe Eaile I. mtoukea to IhU aal
to extra paieeoier KaBe aad It ler. There to DO rtly ordluaace wbi.
•too bad OB extra eoa^e. to eecaa- ever prohlbKIns the taraen troa aellIV tbeir produce troa bouw to baew
tbe crowd..
They are at perteet liberty to do n. a.

• ------r»

ilpattoa. bradaebe
Or. KtoC'k New L
rradjon. Ule- K'. p
cratle. yrt
.......... Mdjaata
' /Only
~nly !ISc. Al JohaaoB-t
Drag Blere. B. B. tWalt A SOBA ami F.
H. Meodk

This is a sale of more than nsual interett from the fact that it's
not-a sale of short cods and odd pieces, but it is our entire stock
of colored Taffeta Silks up to, NINETY CENTS A YARD,
lust think what this means to you. a chance to secure a silk
drcM. asilk waistorasiik petticoat land it m^ht be well to
mention right here that there are some splendid things for shirt
waist suits in the kH) si this great reduction in price. We are
determined that our stock shall be fresh and clean each season
and to do this xre have put this extraordinary price on these
splendid silks. There are all colors, also black, cream and
white, and enough for all. but a little delay may cause you the
loss of the most choice piece in just the color you may want.

. . choice
of a delnatokie(x
•OMtory tor your *arti«i ahwxyk
uke inte cocn^eratiat) aeearhy
6m, rate afterwaidk. CoatuoaUy keepir mind the kaytag:
“Ifk better lo deep on 8 pet
pe> cent, tbaa lie awake oe 6
ed eeini-ioBuIly. It if perfcrtly kafe; )t>a can get ii etben
jou want ■

trsptnt Citr Siatt

Here’S the price, your ^oice

SSe 3 Yard


MiH Carrie Ttodale Wee badljr
■rwed while prepartv breaktail al
Wantod ta Uar* Marie
iMterlel tor (ke new tedcral bnildlM her boar, »17 Wael Btotoeatli Mreet.
Two well dreeaed ladles ot tbe .on
kw aniTed.
et tke iwbO brick Baaday aiorUa*. The aoeldeai baploartot type, miitaktoc the probJCwwibb hr the Tn*«rM Clu BrM pewad to a »ery pecoltor mkaaer.
itou tot ed boar& aroead Ue
m Ttodale wa* celllat the BMroeeapw. kdof alreadr haoled
doocb llke renrat walka betoc told
toc meel teedy and wa. boldlv » eap troat ot Uc poaloSce for a old faibat bolllap water la her head. Soddeee et tke
The wee* oa tke ti
•me creaw to a ekillel popped ap
.toe iBdaitrtoualy clauberr tederU katldtoc at (ke eoraw at aad itratfc her to ber face. The pela
>sd onto (be green eenest
tbla ab Oaae atreeU
<d br to tarpet (be cap ehc waa
WO ew Tharadar Mtlof to the bleb boldlv aad abe threw her head ap lo eocloaed wllhto. A paaslv pedeeirlan
wtad dolv rvi daaaie hr dlltoc to protect ber eye*. The boUlet water
that (bey really loteaded
the aMratlaa with aand. Ikle ketac
tkrowa orer ber tace aad ckeet,
toeve Ueir foot narta eocrared a*
the MMd tlae It hat ooearred Polto
V (bea to a kitotw.
|M dwMie ww dooa
that ber aeeoM^ iben with -Wbal to Uy
ctoeed. ABbooih tbe bora, worid are yon dolvr --Wby.aoUiv.
• et Ike
( M. S. ehaib latt are pUafal aad toUe lad It to beHerad we only want lo walk on (he walk lo­
ot tbe .troet." When Beally
d a Mil that .be Will Bo( be peraaneDtly dtonorb befuddled bralae took 4d
to tketr paetor. Itor. I. W. MUler.
iudrieroukaeaa ot Ibeir sltrnpt
ram wether yew aad rvoeeted
Uey look PyesMi -leaTe.-maeb to tbe
noMbf Oder Ser. Or. Carnl to ea
Charped WlU. Fertyery.
It of the b
eore hU appMataunt by ihr Msbop at Harrey J. Doporaa ot Reed Cliy
wa* arreated at that place Friday
atleroooo by OoaaUble C. W. Aabton
coBpUlot et (be Firel Nattoaal
••ward Beywotda.
baak ot Ibto dty- The bwk oBctol. boarding booae at 4» Baal EltfiU
(dly. bU who hdi b«• to Vade B
army br the peat Ihrec year*, roeelred hare beea eearehtos dUi«eaUy lor
by as alartn of Are torsed to
for aoce than two aoatb* tron box 41 aa wen as one toned to
Ui dtoekarge Marday. hartaf eoapleUd the ttoe he eallrted lor aad ra and wbM loMted Friday CbeaUble
"600- nod by uae of Ue teletorwad to aie dty bat alibi He ha. Athtoa woe aeat to apprehead bln. pboM. The totertor of U* bouw wu
xlai thu ereatoi with hi. prto- badly burned aad pracUcslIy all tbr
haw toeatad to the aowibera
aad eerred oae yaw aa Bawba
furniture ruiaad.
m (be tocitol
aniUary MMpMy akd elaae (bat tlaa TheoBeawalb
There were Bre pevle tleeptog to I
ha* hew awaaeud with the haapMU ot aa cotry la a
Ue bouse at Ue time of the Bre aad
eaaead aa orerdtott. tbe aaoeet belai
If Braeat Bryan, a yooac nan 16 yean
bet tlSQ.
oU, had BM awakebed eome of the
DoMme wa. a reeldaM of tbto city people
bare toet Uclr Ure*. A*
At MTini la Jwe at the Itae the
wa. they all bad lo naka tbeir e«
lilted aad cape Unmgh a window and by neani
to MaaWaa. aad (ha Bra will bera worked fiw A. W. Richard. He ba. alof a ladder.
Utar be fckowi ae BtoafthwoHe * AlHow Ue Bre csogbl to sol known,
’’wv. Hr. Alway wa* tarwMrty la the
bul It wn* to the rear of Ue bouse at
t BBorlbwane A Powter
thirty yaw* ot ace.
Mek stairway wbleb cui off (be
» ter three yean, atur wUek
Deaeraa wa. takew batorc Jedee eana at eeempe. When tbe boy
•d the Oalreralty of HkMwa. Roberta Friday ereatorat I o-eloek.
twakraed he emeUed tbe ktaoke and
wbea ke walrcd exaBiaatloa kad cu" tben Bwakeaed tbe other (amber* to
to Uie nm et II.POO to appmr Ue bouee.
The brMT* to Uto Ttotoliy et Waa.Hie GalllTar. etaried to nake ber
todd we iBohly torward to a boey aad
pe and wa* *o badly frighteaed
lllltllli toOtol «•«>€ thl* wtoler.
blinded by Ibe emoke that abe
awtoi to Ike potUai la et ibe are
aUrWd back ead bad to he carried
toMMfc at the H. A K B. A ataUoe
oat of the boMw. The owner* of tbe
Md aide Mdfce hare beea told oat a
property. Mr. and Mra. Snasel Bryan,
■lie MM aad haH Wte eo«b of WeiA Caiitp Pita.
fwC aad prepwoltoae are bdat I
Harrey RaaeoB Mob a IHU* oaUac were In Cadlllae rttlttag al Uc time of
' wUh hto aolher aad ber brother, H- C Ue Bre.
WbrekKk. oo (be baak of Reuto lake Two of Ue men were ellcbtly borned
toet week. They epeu oo* alcU there I emktv UeIr eecape. Tbe Inierior
rery ptawaatly aad aftw biaaktait of Ue booee 1* pracUeally cutted but
Ibe OTUlde walls aad roed are aUIl In­
m et Hr. aad Mn. Fnak OoUoa el •et eat (o Bad eoae blue berrlM.
tact. TbebulMlaclilBkaredlsW. U.
CawBly Ltoe. woe taU Moaday after- Wbeo a ebon way ftoa ;tbr teal
Beklerh oompeay for fl.OOO and there
MM la Ormat ehortR. Tbe death et they eaw a load ot todtoai who weald
Uielr leet. Not llktoc tbe took, to lOOO on the turalteta with aaoUer
tbe ekUd wme eaaeed by a aad aeelat Ur crowd Harrey wa. wot bock lo
It uted Iwo *lr«am. of
Mre the tent aad boreee were toft
Tbataday loet. Hr. Oottoe aad kto
r. 600 t*«( ot bo*e
took after ibtacL A. be drew osar
two «ae were diawtoc tac* fn>a Ike
the caap b* *aw Ue toad of la- kal to pet out the Are. Tbe clothe* of
wood, to hi. am. The talker waaM
were ellbv buraed
IH tke iMi ready aad the DcUe key*
or eo badly aoorcbed Ual Uey an
wo«M take tbea to tbe ani AO wwt r tbe party tllll cUaMv oa^e He
( Bt to wear and eose et Uen had
w«B oatU Ike laet had. wbem the eU- To Harrey*. mirprtoe be nw ao teat
wear yeateeday.
eat *M waat to the paatare to c*t tbe kd loaad oaly a heap ot aahe. where
eawa amt MA the yoeacer to take that •e bed aad emmtdu oelBu bad beee.
Harrey eared Ue barmw which wai
ax aad tried to ure Uto pUtowa
hot Ue Uaae drore bln bock. He
TrRVMM City MairfcMA.
Bed. ‘HaBBa. ccatt qoldi.- bat
Wtar bM. WbM bb Mae to alcht et
me Httoe Mlaw. be mw bin elittoc m by Ue Uac abe cot there there wax
a lec MdbH op Ml lo(. ’Pa.*- be BoUtv to do bat keep (he Bre tron
Mm. -T ban laiikad ay le* all
b by baatlBC eel U« btoie to
Raatoc to tbe ehOd tbe tether
kaad that ble werde wa* tree, to Ue aae of MBd M Ue le«i Md b.

P*1 It oat ked are
mmm---------be MB aotUa beoeaib
tbe iBB* aad ble Bttle toe ww ea*ibed
ate a pUp troa tbe kaee down He
Mr. WheMoek. Harrey*k aiwle. Bad
bwrMly took kla to hit boae aad
MaaMii a pMoWaa. The toe wa* walkad teur Uaa Uc roH of Uc
a kat aMCtod aad bit* pally and wai MUofy oM ot bewMg
•f bark troa Ue total H«, deM toaree •ad did •« retm aatn after Ua BBkt
woe ell orer. UpM Ue antral he
MB «M *wa rv
V MW Bdwtog
bwr^ MM
JOM toroed lato tbe toe teoad iwa Mdtad paepto olU hltohaaii Md laat aad etoUtag
• kixemed aad marj aaarty exThe drd eoMbeetoBt et keUdlv


ctoeed toal war* al M


We Iwve placed on sale a table of dress trimm^ that are tbe
best things in the house at just : ; : :


You don’t get the comfort, ease and
wear that you might have in your
every day shoes.
These hand-made shoes of ours
ARE strictly hand-made—same as if
made to your own order in a custom
shop. They are shaped to fit the foot
easily and loosely, but with no big
Leathers are the best stock--the
kind that resist water and wear, and
always stay soft.
Price lower, perhaps, than you
have been paying for inferior shoes.

Sl.50,$l.75, S2.00


lUe€aii Give Vou

HALF- PRICE gt-aTS-i?...
There are some ver)- choice things among these silk and ’ac* appliques.
These Trimmings at half price and'^be silks advertised, and
you have two very strong items that the woman who is looking
•for real live values will hardly care to let them pass without
getting her share of them.

Dr^ Trlinmloe HALF PRICE

Cbdfce of Colored Taffeu Silk SSc a Yard.

Fcdet*$ Pompaiiour Brush Edge Skirt iOBilli)i: hi colors, 2c i yard.
<Don'i ask for black at this price.)






School Shoes
jor School Boys
for School Days
TIM bind of ahee that M wiidi* for eebeel to to* she* that to wMI «naAe pi atreng. AvrMIe toaUier. Bey*
will be (toy* kfto ttwy wairt • peM weeraWe efiee. Olrii will be girt*. Uel to trv*. eito (n*y waM aa awtetty
M geeg a khoe. We have U* beet ef ehee* for ell.

The best for the price in

Feed, meal. Bran, middlings.
Com and Oats
We buy nothing but the best-grain and )X>u get the
pure article.


We have a Boys' Shoe
A geavIfW uK ek.B with an eeb eele—will eUng ae mwh weaUee aa Ue aek tree iteelf—^i)g to *eheel to
hare an eheee we knew, (er after the auifr mamma the ptoy that ptoya have* with the beet ef toeUer. Thee*
•hoee eell for *2. $L2S end MAO and are werih evefy eent of It.

Got another Boys’ Shoe

Thet to ■ peed ehee. Qmm* bey* wear (hern and perOapa amma that a>to hat ea'peeg. The prtoe to peaB. tee

Ask for the Boys’ “Cmiser” Shoe
le be •• peed a ehee et wa* ever aiede fer the ateaey. II to • dendy •<

Girls’ and Misses’ Shoes

For Wood Work aad Fmitve which hu become nuned
or woro, abM CMKd with Jap-a-Lac it rcsewed and bealtti-

Meee glrte pe te edietl then beyk. then wwre ptotV eMee are eelA. Hevw ya« bwtpM yawr ptof* phMa yott
Pchael will eeea begin aad yra MwvM be prepereA. Theae Maea OM era eeUtop Mil aava yea aeaav.

Have you seen the Vici Kid
tm eWiar lipM ar hewry oetaT They are • vMatoM eMa Hr jMt arab aarvlee M to lapalmt
yU aatMap la laek MB aaty • UHle la buy. »

Widur-Foiaitare, Ke6%enun. Uaetenm. Oil I

BtfdtUs Pnpattd Paluls
F« aB «Mnd* or Mde paiatH«.

-to^S. & QIail « Sons



itta naaroaT, ttmau t, um
I of (mu aad I

Lvsrs© Rojjfton. i m,

aaSrssr*-BTutBU k> *in kM H.

Nw i«mr tbt«
Hi*. »cB»1C ••• mu* Ito H.J
b*i bWB vUiUu bw OM bos

Mra Oaea Baltar cd Ttaeeme Cfty
k vialuac ber me(b«e. Mra Bm&y

_______ 1 B*a bar* ban fa ev
atdttasala. II baa sM to b* n eU
»uay- We wni betlm H vb*a w*
Mr.' Prait ta aortas la - bta saw
boa*. wUeb sol oaly u da* loofctas

^ dtft TlelnltT $»C.’

“rarsessr?---- 1dlflaaD
fata SfSL-

sart.-ssK: ■

JtBM RotM-lt*.


at thU pure.
Hr*. Wm. Lbisbioa retars* lu ber
X- la Jotlet
Jollet ElU Ihb week, after
Tbracblaa U tb* order oT lb* day la
aaklBS a (bort rtalt wlib frlaed* bea.
■ta Mlililiiirtand at pmeat
".Tfnrbtaff Btaarani of Ken'
irt week^Mtas a very (ood audlpM Battaday aad Mday wUb
About rtrty of oar people weal lo
NtlB* &^«be baa b*«e M
BIk Rapldi lasi TBuradar to *e* tb*
ball saa*. Tbe) wn obBced u> •uy
aJI alsbt M Ibc wtod blew *a lb* boa’
wold SOI lead tbere.
rirtud at K. BtaekBaa'i Soaday atier- Hr*. Pond ot TbunpMiOTaic ta rts
las at tb* bota* el Hr. aod Mr*. Wat
" C A. Sd**co«b ta doiad acta* *“><•
la tbU dTO
Hr*. C A. •dfMoaib rtalied wlU
ter atater. Mr*. Joba Warreo. Jr. <t


,5rIhU K WM awi^'t «kl ««M
W. B. Eobloaoa 01 ABMMy.
set llTe, ta ncorartosbeea rltlUas at C A.
p*_ wbo bare
ar* plad to aee Hr*. Th«o Ix-tnntsraed beta* Balarday 0001 001 asain. a* ibe ba* been elck
tAM*riM^u*tSr MdT«"ttU writ
Tbay are Ucbly ptoa**d for aotae Urn* aad bM aide lo leave
ttr N*)M OMm*’» tfawb^
^^rT^iia E«B»r I* t» Uie •!€* Itai.
- - • ort T«T
men ta thl* kKSlIlr arc qalte

ttr. IMnrtB «( P

___ ..._________ .1__ I. k.___ ■ 1.k.« .4...



they roD* to
uralQS oat ao

»«T powtr■OCTfl OKAVT
___ _____________
B»iT. tb* ravuwt ios of Mr.
,* taller put Cl
Mn. Frssk OoUos. *bU« in lb* wood*
star* tofi nn beisc ekUded UM
rrttv ansrsece. «s* >o badlr bait Tboroday pteolebtas
<ttat b* <M r«*tardb]r mob. rsscnl
tM* tflersoos et I oetoek
‘ ‘ '^^^as 1» tba taalft boalatoa of
.^■Kb. Tb* fveau h***
‘toMTitalb win begla lo Has »«<
Hr*. UOata* M a Trsrer** City
Mn. P-fcli* U vWtlbi b«r hrotbw.
. a. MML bbd etbw frUad* bM«.
I TW Wmi DbIos Aid will MCI
'mm. ■*• Rodwv Tbndw.


I «r* eat

<d tb* 0. T. M.

lirSC^S-K.-iST',. .
o^»*b. B. i. DMinr asd J. J. Kltwr


rftai CaUna-a pbeM* laMallad tast

Mi n«t* ta Ult aacUos.
Itaat KUwr ba* hta aaw ban ea
baa*«*st eacteaad. wbleb b
to tbb faittlis eauasll7.


Ifr. asd Mr*. «*T*M ef Trstara*
«Mr ar* TtattUc tbair daoahler. Mr*.
ttaKb^ ratattr** aad frtsbd* a

.■a*, ■. a. Oaaad



f 'Stt-r

preaebed at tb* cbap.

• ***•

.............................................. i«ay-

Sloeto OT*r tbta srtsbbwbood by U
tetrtbl* aeeld«at that happaaed i
n alU tart Thonday wfctab r
.ta the death ot tb* rttfilyearold (OB of Ur. aad Hr*. Cotloa. Hr.
Coturn. wtib bis two mu* boy*,
drawtas tac* from the woods U
mill (be father srtUos (be M ready
aad the boys woold take ihaa to the
mUl. All weal welt uaiJl the eldest of
cow* home
lU* ose to
load atoM. Whea Mr.
Cottaa ihMkiBs the Utto bay* bm to
Ion wsM to aaa wh«t bad baeem* of
bla. Cnad lo to Ixarar ife* Btile fel•w ta aoM taaaaer. te oboM aot
rU bow. bad sottaa aader tbe k«*:is l«s below tbe kaee wa* fniud to
polp (t-bao te taw hta father com.
,4S bd tald. "Pa. I ban tmaabad
lec ad to pleeaa.- The llUle fel
had saltte ao a Ids aad waa boM
hla Ms Tbe citofrttrleksa tol
A Hta to thr boaae aad a*ot It

Qm. T. Bahrt aad wit* Mlt lor U*t
hamm ta Chko*
~ '
Tb* ten* N. J___ _
at taater rnua UU doek <• FrtMr.
Tb* Cba* RaHt ta aa* Mac MM
M tb* r W PMabar.taUI ba hva
•taabtad oaTaaaM
Hr. aad Hi*, lb H. Mihot M .
an. m. Mr. aad Hta. Bebab aad tbrf
iSw Or«aab*M aad HabbaU at CUMB* Ml for Cbleaie FHdar attar
.. - They
Mta«W •
of bark from (be Visa
> wUeh were all wtaihed tato
. aad hswkea boat* o< the poor
eblir* tap. All wo* dose that moH
be toia* tor tbe UlUe laBstsr, bat
*- “
-'ved bta nWtatos Baaday
Tb* pamta are aeaily
I srtef. They ban the symA O. Witan et Haatate* opaat rr|.
p oatin- roumoaily la tbelr
AMi* aatabarct lataaut r«»
.M«r*d ^dasdM party 01 lb

Btab* at Haatate* ar* taapMiaa l*aibar tar Ite ters* Krtli.
Itanoa Brtte aad w«* at BiBpIn
' Btatnd ea tb* tntaeU Satardar alabt
Ira* LMtaBtaa wbar* ttep bar* baea
Tbrttaa tor tbrae waafe*.
JMa Baaeh aad H Pb«att of Oood

of Barr Jaae* ha* by a cemeal eel
lar aad (•
ukm wall, a aew porch
klicbew Tbe------- work wa*
e by Mr Ho*aUi ot KtaMtey aad
csrpeolrr work by Hesolb Jatal•oe aad Patoa el thb plae*.
Utas UlU* HataUad. Mr. aad
acBata aad efaUdrea <f Itow Tewk
ad BUtworth HataUad wne callert

Tb* teOwatad paopU dtate ■
baU) nidap: Hr*. & A. TMaa
Mtaaa* ABM aad T
' ~
»aa PMaadaa.
MU* M*ni
bad Mta* 8ai«taabt ‘’Bapi
to:- Hr.ri M
aad Ktai ~Bahaa.

e ta pros
tea* apoe ib* QIbb* pn •rty here.
Tb* lars* bara la betas
'Its week.
Hr*. Addle Olbte has |
sew bor*e. bow barl^ a


•^r.rSa'^ta .tal Hrtn

a Chaa................
iteii^ mad aoB AriSa Mjrrtta IMta. Oter^'~M
(hta. wbo bare b*aa
CM. ATtaoor *f Xaawood.
Basrr CHttndaa aad tb* He .. aad fwtaUvaa
CbtapMl or CbieasD *r* fwrtt ar


*^W* vtowtaa tb* tab* troaa tb*

Abpr aad ft


Ttte^ OMfOtTrarerae Oiry
WM rtalUas reUttni M Mtadt rhome
HoMy otlaai vradk BTBk Bapidf.
r a sorprise, U betal
Mr*. Aiebta CaatabcU aad daMtar wmic-i
birthday. They played
Allee. wbo bar* bate apesdlas a few,
'IBS ai
dayy wttb irtaoda asd rrtailTe* ta Sas. little Ika koow bow.
tsa. ate Bay aiy, retarsed to their
. .
Tbeo an early aapt
for them aad when they were all test­
ed at (be table a Bkd birthday cake
with ntae lishted candles war broosht
(o tb* lable ar aaother *prprtar for
■. O. Whltasy WB» bdr* tart wa*. them
Mr J. N Kennedy. £
.at waa called bo*B* by the tM rt hli wUa
Tba Ktaa«a May aad NrtUa
SoBlra* bare taft tbelr obcI*-*. Hta*
- to to Cntorado to teseh ta
Mra. HoQan and daoshter llatll-.Bom. to Hr. aad Mrw J. SUblu.
bare reiamed from Omen* where they
daoshter. A*s. n
been rtaltias frirads.
Tb* HUaei Mary Ibmaa ate Ulltaa hare
Ret. tad Mrs. Ikeaor Wmiams an'
Bersard were calltas os Hta* tUUa
rtaUtas their parehis *1 this place.
Brow* oB Baday.
MUe Elbe] Crandall I* vtalllae
HIM Clara Barth 1* bcase lo apead
‘iends at Orawn.
er TasUoB with bM- pareau.
Chita* Roe* bw been oot et town •
Han Harrta asd MU* MarySHd
tew dny* this wertt. Bthtas.
et« Dp from Kaaaoa ealll^
Hr. bu-lta Lnrr died at the 1
frtosto tart Bvaday.
OWea asd three otb«^ yoims ' her parents. Hr. and Hr*. John
I* of Nortlipan bad a pdcaic tap
Mto Carrie HHm h*a red
oa th* beach Soaday cvralac.
a Jolla Otaoa ta bom* from CU- (rum Proreraoni where she bu
lies ■ few days,
easD. vWttas ber paraeta aod triesd*
s. Amble Gibbs and dau
•I of Tmrerse City called a

'*Sb n*ort la tart watfe'a B«bU
ii^aatb*yd0«M istabdloas—•”

IBS uie *umBier. *■
tbriab RralA wbkh
Tb* faraier* ta tbta localliy tepeei
market for Ihrtr lost
(hta wlDier The Maolitec railroad ta
marktas out for tbelr depot and
iraek cmeMilta caal and oor-balt
of Wexford. Ttey expect
. I to be
idy to bay •top as soon as sldsblcs
.-me*. Hr. Ware ws* I* IhU b«lsb
berbood taokiBi after tbair InleretU
tbta week.
J. F. DtsoB of 1.0* Ansrle*. Cal.. Is
expected borne «ooe lo vlall hi* motb
er, Ml*. BobL DtpoB. aod other rrta
live* taOiaai.
— "----

Ftarfol Odd* AsBkM MIm.
Badrtddaa. •ataac aad dmtltota
Bock, to tartar waa tk* omdlUaa <d an
oU aaUtar by aam* af J. J. Hareaa
. . ynat* b* waa
(nabtad with kidney dlsaam a*d
City tart
sor madleiB** ^re
leasth be trtad Etoeuic
Bmer*. El p«
ebort order aad now be tertiflea -EH
the rand lo eoaplete recovery.Mrs. Marteita Tboatts cd New Toek oa
Ben on earth for liver aad knditay
It Vltlilns ber atater. Hr*. Locretta troabta*
and all forms of tlomarh and
Pray, and other retallres uf tbta place.
Only SOc GoaraaOilbcri Pray a ' "
Mr* Maltha Seeley km* aae 10 Elk ,
flapid* lo rUll ntatlre*.*
to Trave—* I
Wedaesday tasL

^be talert

Is like having the gold mine in your 'own Jossesaion. Its value is intrinsic. It is guaranteed by the
largest piano factory in the world. There Is no per­
fection without great labor, and we labor incessantly
to make our methods better, and we feel that we are
giving the greatest value for the money on the mar­
ket. Come in and convince yourself of the truth of
our statements. Factory prices and liberal terms.

paralnta ooe day tart
Loyal Skull of Trarerae Oly ta vl»- I Ibem bunx- on a buv haadlr. The hoe
lilos bta falter Istaw. 1. K. Hacrtatel
I handle is exhibited as pr»d of the
itnitb of U<- tale.
Btektaata Amta« Baivs.
world wide fame fur Barveloat
It sorpasae* any other aalre.
oleiment or balm for colt,
ns, bolls,
iHMis. sufvw.
sores, felon*,
veKsvi olr. aali rfaeum. fever t
vUltiBS her anal. Mr*. Houle, asd 1,1, ,■■,
ruar*ate«l. Onir
other retatltea.
Drns atun
The lulluwtas trustco* were eleclad Wall A Rua* aad F. H. Hradi
by the members of the M. B. ebui^: state.
W. M. Halrd. WB. Crisp. PIlBure
urk. K. n. V'blie aad A. H. Crisp.
Nearty all small boys of Oooasrd
Mrs. Ja*. EuBHil Weal 10 Ttarerae
carry iwolrers. Autburltlee end^vCity last Tueadty.
Udell of Qraad RapMs ta orlw >u briak up practice
ils paresis Ibis week.
........ _ ... ... the towB; Ihphttei-la. tore (bmi. crvwp- It.
hall a week froai fTiday eseolaii for: tiaai relief, |
ifac iKDefti of our pastor. Sapper will iTbOBias' Ecleetiic C
ume John M*hl(e wa* (our years
B'edoewlay. He bad a party:
r of Ibe evwBi. Snppcr was |
tvrelv •
er dauchier. Hi
Hr aad Mr* Hash Boyd of S
ber. Hr*. C
camp. rUllrd ber oMher.


W. W. Kimball Co.

129 FronfSt.

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.

Kverything in Small Instrumcni'i. Sln-«-i Mii»iv. Talking MacliincK. litc.


AB«.» j
Thl- Ibreaiealar: ckiads yerterdt} |
kl C. Cate railed on C. W. WllUataS
•Im. Asses Good, all* of Wm. Good.
I yeeterday momliis about 1:30.
.. and Mr* Good were born I0 Scot
Itad and cane to Ohio ta tbe tlnle*.
I'rom there they came 10 MIebIsan. |
lemc where they bare Ured fur,
rwlx year*. Mr*. Good leave* a|
rod. three noo* and two dtosb-:

a iulBl meetlns at the rusi
(tenec ut C. Berelbyrner on Saturday,
detach certain lands of Kaiaoo and
put in the Cedar school dirtrtrt.
N'ueh ISdale called ai J W. DIckep
laa's on 8uada>-.
Kachaol Herrtnsioa commenced
school In Itosi Kasaon loday.
Ulsa Cadham of Svttons Bay hat
iwB encased to teach the CIcarbtouk
school for the third lerm.
Wedoesday moralts
al 81- lavuls on tteir \ _
A|ipl<- packers are espeeltd tumor
>s or Wednesday.

reward has been oBeted (or In '
Tha people. of Beliaer wl
aitaa leadiBs to the arreft of tbej
ileoMd to laani that Rev. Mlltai
dug polsoDcr wbo ha* beea wurkins'
e thrtr partca- the cumins year
Mr*. James CraadaU bat returortl Mund here fur the past few weeki
KtilK'rt Wood ba* aeepled a p
after a few day*'rtali with ber imubor
Ibo Hannah A lay Mcrrab H
BL HaySeld.
Co , Traverse City
'he school bulldlDS Is reeclvlns 1
ceaeral cltwnlns and a new coat 0
__ Chaitrtden and Mrs. Jennie
Many of (be district schools besli
Cornwell of Wexford vtalled G_A. leir sessluni arxt Monday.
Brlsbam's family tbta week
Mr Raxey't home waa robbed of
Louis before
school a
Id a sold watch tart week.
Mist Ella Guemtey of Wexicwd
Kuih Jackson win take tbe p
lied her sltler here last week.
the Cltliens- lelepbons n
Jto, Brer* of Traverwe Cliy ■
hem last week rtalllas hU srnne
Ed KooffaUB aad wife have moved
H. E.. and sreatiCTaadacm. WbKncr
Ihoir soods to Traverse City where
they will reside.
Dr. Uarsarel UcReltar save a k>
W. Dunn is havtas a fliins room
tare cm her mUsioaarT wwk ta lodi built In his mill. He expects lu soon
Tuesday evealas of tast wi*A. atao a becin ciiiilns the beakirk.
Back- laaiero show of •ceaery ta tadta
tart estnnlay evealos. Both were w.
Bom. to Jdo Wooders and wife.
When WclMCnewn Tiwvmw City Pee'"ri'btle drlrtas borne from leterloc
pta*T*ll n to Plainly.
ea tart Saturday Dr. Boylaiv't ban
When public endoraeaeal is made
became frtchteaed at a trala ta troet
of tbe boaie of I^t Ooldea. aad started by a rcpreseauilve llxen of Traverse
to run. The animal wu almost under City, the proof ■ « putltlre. Tou mosl
this testimony Ev-ery
MHitral when one side of the thill* beUeve It........................
»uHercr. every
came kioM- asd rtarted tbe bora*
BCalB I>r Boytan soon Tooad htmaett or child, with any kidney irntihle will
Bari prnfli In the retdlns.
cnwltas not of (be sand from
T>r C. E. Clapp, of S3i E Froai;
wbnt wa* left of hta bussy. wii
ftroet. lays: -'My tmek and kldaer*
rtte badly bent and one head se
so bndly tenised tb_______________ were weak for yton aad despite all,
fer him to call oa Dr, Marsarrt Me ■ay haowledse ot medicines t was oaX cheek tbe troable Vet akiee
Keller lo dr**s the wousda. while tb*
bor*r was caasbt dewa lowo. OBhort
bat badly trtcbUaad*•O A. Brlsham eatertataed
iwealy of her lady tHeods last toad they mIsM potrtbly help me.
After irylas medictae* from other
maBuIaeturer* coaraitleed to te sore
cures of kidney compUlat. after falllas «Kh pr
aca of India. Usht
I 1 had
•I come to the coa> no help for me.!
that a k
oobM not cure myaM. It cer-l
d Ihea la
rfaeo ther brooHii about the:
dertred re.nlU-SBle by all d sol era. Price (0:
____ Foater-HUbora Oo. Bolalo. N.
asroii (or the United Suiet
e. Doan'*, and take
Mra. Heory Ctarkta bAt near Di
BeU wa. *tnmk by IHbUlas aad
A part <f the

tolly dertnyed by flre.
wrtv saved.
-fsn coalcat*

“bta. UcBtm H Okaso was here
WBrtt tetyta* early ap*taa He

Is like buying a gold mine with the average man.
but buying a late style

d couBiy I* 10 the *f

Ur* K. H Curry asd son. of Naasao.
Hr*. Bobbins
Bahama taUnds. arc vltlilns (be for■pent Bondiy v
j.-f# brother. C. J. BBarkmu.
bins of Qmwn.
Mr* Ralph Case li
Helm had quite nn/bccldent ay for Ana Arbor, w

ilm on Balarday nlsbt While
Mr*. Noah HrDowell ta aufferlns!
Iih a *<‘rm- attack of aeoralsta.
Mrs. .linchi
Hlncbman ni(t_wUb a palsful
la tbe (aee. knocklDs uol bit
accldeoi last
>Mh aod brcaklas ooc off. M.
While pourtas I
ihea to Trover** Cliy snd ■ doctor carbolic acid
lipped from ber haad and In altemi
seed them bock.
Rwr. Lemor Williams preached at QS to catch It tbr acid was tpll
ver ber band, l•oralng 11 seriously.
tbe aebool boose Sunday evealag.
Mrs. James Putnam was called to
Albert Uoaroe w*a taken very tick
vis week with pleurisy. He Is betier •He Lake Batorday ev-«ntas by tbe 111 |
esi of ber daushter. Mrs. Williams. .
I (bta writtas
Ira Burlnum. Jr. has the lypliold :
Roy Whaley and Uler Robbias took
I the ekCursloD to Grand Rapids tasl
Bora. Thursday. Ausosl is. to Ur. ^
Mr*. Lambert ntniMd to her homo nd Mrs. E. J. Case, a aon.
Durti. Moaday. Ausosl U. lo Ur. and.
to Or*ad RtpH* after a two weeks'
TtMt with ber daughtm.
Mill Hoart* (d MI. Pin
»irii sivu iiieuus SI I uui^
las bit bratbera Mw*.
A party roDsIslIns of H. C Tripp. 1
Uoyd Preattae rt Aldan ta here with
Isabel Hopkins. Adah Thayer. Howard |
iluDD and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Tripp:

a Btwtha Steward rtallfd ber
Mr*. C. D Haaka. over Soaday.
_.j. J. M. CrsadaU aad telMra of
Krystnsr hare ban apndlai a few
day* with Hr*. Ctaadall-* BOtber. Hr*
WoK. asd rtrter. Mtv HeSaasa.
Mra. Ptaak Bayer* aad Ml*. Barr
Jaaee aad oblMraa neat — '
Ith tbair aleee. Mr*. Inrla
r Baaaab
LwoBard HeBltay. HHlta Tbbbarer
•we vwmwn* pnrvy aom sere, laaad Waller Caaatasbata are Boch taMias Data BabUK of Wnuams--------I^tajmn trelalas aow. as they idodlas
bore, who went to Loaf iwte, um
w*«fc. recwracd this asoralas after a
Ktagsley tart weelu
Patoa ta aaurtiftiBs bis
Dnrtdeaa tetanCL
ertatow. Kerb Sayder, editor
lee where the has bca,
‘laeUas* Basacr. aad bl* KtUe
Hr. nd Ml*. Alhcn Skeata el Moa- Irnth* aad medical treatment for rbeoIB Otater TtaM al Ue boa* of Hr. anitam. Her rbcuaaltam ta mock betad Mra. A B. Barsaa SeMay.
IBa. Ptatt Barann was tba soert <4
DHl te terad
portr trota ~
Ml ParMtae wbkh tato ___
r. TaaRarn'* rider i_
•at op tb* ftaar
dotac (be work, at Hr. Van
I'aa Hon ta


In any of our three stores will save you a lot of money. We must clean out all samEjlc*
Ics at once, as our fall stock
is beginning to arrive. We just received a large, full car load of Heating Sioves. We must make room for Bampies of them at once.

Sample Bedroom Suits
What doI you think of getting a nice, well made, well linishctl. :j-piccc |{i-(tr<M>m Suit for only $U.7r>!' We
have them They range right alohg, $i:i.7l>. $15.75. $17.75. $IS.75 and so on up to a suit worth
for. -. $32.7R

^ n Cargt Doc
Of lample Iron Boll at values no one die could ibink of giving you.
U you w.ll neol a chiir of any dntription this yw. do not niito
ihii ch*Dcr. a* «e have anything you want and will positivdy save
e of them al away below what
Ebr '
price from (1.T6 lo $36. They go now:
A $L75 aolid oak, cue feat, high bach aewing rocker ior......... 95c
A $2.76, tobd (Bk. bi^ back, cobbler neat, ann rocker, only*. 1.9$
Same proponional cot right through, to a good, lobd, well
made, leather upboirtetetl, spring seal rocker, (worth C.60) for 4.TS
$16 and $1C leather uphoteoe.1 tfiring seat rocket*, some
with leather backs, for.................................................................I0.T5
$26 leather tocher lor.................................................... ................ 19.75
Sofoe beautiinl high gra<ie rockets at just haU price, in both nuboguy and quartet tawe-1 oak. U may be jus sriiat you wul for

A large, beautiful, well marie, well
deboatd, beantilolly shaped mirror.

Ssmt Cscrpflenally Big Bargain* hi Hogs
A large assortment lo sclcil from. Some rtyies that we have only
or*e. two. three or four of we will close <>«■ al cort « leas.

Do you ntc4 any Cstra DIstea
or taasawaie f Ii is dieagier fn buy Hun lo bnmnv al the |»ice* we
arc making on them now. We liavr all styles ud dcscripfioMol
aample sett wvl lots of aid |>ieces of all km Is for lew thu yo« cs»id
go to the neighbor* and borrow them (ur.

Bargains In a* ang BraaHs Htarc
And rvcijthing for your kitchen.

n BiMMng masMa*


............................................................................. ..........................................■......................................................................


on right op to a $60 sideboerd for....................................35.75


Don't 00 OHtbeiit
job stuff, b
couch, J8
18 heavy
coil springs, beautiful pattern velour, tor only 4 75
$7.76 couch for................................................................................. 5.75

work in washing and dne> it jotl as
g<K»l When you buy come irhere
jtni can find an amonmeni. We
have seven different styles 10 teleci
Irtim. They range from $2.76 r^t
afon:; uj. to the'very best machine
ma-le Just like coL Any child can
do a *aahiog with thia. He have
tlitrc styles to dose oat at foctory
cost. They iiiay be just (he fiyta
you like.

Bant y»n Evtr
Used Dsver
Sag Irons?
dertnptiont. V.nj will never
use any (illirr i( you oiii e use

H«r* ta a ebaact
la BM y*n a
(cheapal$4fl), (or,.
A beaulifol dn^ head davenport. («orth $22|. for

Extcuioii Cobles
Sec out beautiful solid oak, first class finish, firrf clast in ever)- way (worth $«.7kj. for only........................................................ ^.75
Same cut right through oo a large lute of sample ealensum tables.
Our Victor extenskm table is the best aod most durable table
made. They have the leaves right in1 them. All you have
s to poll them out and lift the leave*
ive* op.
id for ten )-cart

KHcbea CaMiicts
If yon had ooe in yaw booie you wouhl not have h taken ou for ten
, thnes tbe price, as it «ves
so many steps aod so much
waste. It bolds everything
you oeol to do your cooking.
We have them aJi the way
from $3.76 to $12.6(1.
Tbe $12.60 style will cort
you only U0.50 now, u.1
you can paj* fo it SUe per
week and it win save eaotigh
o pay for itaeif in a year.

Bit ilaor a Itaiur Dar el eaiiMl*
IS aad Oil doth. Lou of tannaou and ports of
raOs that we to. >akii«abigauoo to cleu up. If yoa cuaot
find what you w i 10 these rrmaats and parts of raOs we wilJ give

goce! -Sewing Madiine Bl a
IjarKsm. We have two or
three sewing machine* like
reaite by the Standard
Sewing Machine Company,
that SIC .heap at $26. Tb^
will .to ,ust as good work
arallast just as long at any
marhinc mad<. Onaraweed
fiateii )e»r» They are ow
of style $11! sriObs^ either
of them txjw.

Gvtfv One Knows
t head'iuarters for Sunes and Ranges.
tn anjr ooe else in town We liuy m such large qaanltties Uul we are able to make belter i*ves. This tall wA he ito eaeeptioiL We -will have a still larger assortment awl if anything
make still lower pnees (Ivan ever Ircfose.

Oils Cool Wertter
A hule air tigfal healer woehl .ooir m handy.
I sett you a
goo! one for UM.
A good rteel range, high ckoei. reservoir, eom(4ete. guaraotecri in
everyway, foe.............................................................................. $25.75
They range right aloog m price, $27.76, $29.76, $23, $$S, and 10
tmup. A Urge, complete assartsMiit of the Cdebratcl fJfICK'
M7:AL Sted Kai^e (the best stad range fBadey

Ot arc Ktcaing as ear KttHrtalisa
Of *«v-ing you money 00 SBythiog you need for your home.

J. W
Wholesale and Retail

Reliable Home Furnisher


itta naaroaT, ttmau t, um
I of (mu aad I

Lvsrs© Rojjfton. i m,

aaSrssr*-BTutBU k> *in kM H.

Nw i«mr tbt«
Hi*. »cB»1C ••• mu* Ito H.J
b*i bWB vUiUu bw OM bos

Mra Oaea Baltar cd Ttaeeme Cfty
k vialuac ber me(b«e. Mra Bm&y

_______ 1 B*a bar* ban fa ev
atdttasala. II baa sM to b* n eU
»uay- We wni betlm H vb*a w*
Mr.' Prait ta aortas la - bta saw
boa*. wUeb sol oaly u da* loofctas

^ dtft TlelnltT $»C.’

“rarsessr?---- 1dlflaaD
fata SfSL-

sart.-ssK: ■

JtBM RotM-lt*.


at thU pure.
Hr*. Wm. Lbisbioa retars* lu ber
X- la Jotlet
Jollet ElU Ihb week, after
Tbracblaa U tb* order oT lb* day la
aaklBS a (bort rtalt wlib frlaed* bea.
■ta Mlililiiirtand at pmeat
".Tfnrbtaff Btaarani of Ken'
irt week^Mtas a very (ood audlpM Battaday aad Mday wUb
About rtrty of oar people weal lo
NtlB* &^«be baa b*«e M
BIk Rapldi lasi TBuradar to *e* tb*
ball saa*. Tbe) wn obBced u> •uy
aJI alsbt M Ibc wtod blew *a lb* boa’
wold SOI lead tbere.
rirtud at K. BtaekBaa'i Soaday atier- Hr*. Pond ot TbunpMiOTaic ta rts
las at tb* bota* el Hr. aod Mr*. Wat
" C A. Sd**co«b ta doiad acta* *“><•
la tbU dTO
Hr*. C A. •dfMoaib rtalied wlU
ter atater. Mr*. Joba Warreo. Jr. <t


,5rIhU K WM awi^'t «kl ««M
W. B. Eobloaoa 01 ABMMy.
set llTe, ta ncorartosbeea rltlUas at C A.
p*_ wbo bare
ar* plad to aee Hr*. Th«o Ix-tnntsraed beta* Balarday 0001 001 asain. a* ibe ba* been elck
tAM*riM^u*tSr MdT«"ttU writ
Tbay are Ucbly ptoa**d for aotae Urn* aad bM aide lo leave
ttr N*)M OMm*’» tfawb^
^^rT^iia E«B»r I* t» Uie •!€* Itai.
- - • ort T«T
men ta thl* kKSlIlr arc qalte

ttr. IMnrtB «( P

___ ..._________ .1__ I. k.___ ■ 1.k.« .4...



they roD* to
uralQS oat ao

»«T powtr■OCTfl OKAVT
___ _____________
B»iT. tb* ravuwt ios of Mr.
,* taller put Cl
Mn. Frssk OoUos. *bU« in lb* wood*
star* tofi nn beisc ekUded UM
rrttv ansrsece. «s* >o badlr bait Tboroday pteolebtas
<ttat b* <M r«*tardb]r mob. rsscnl
tM* tflersoos et I oetoek
‘ ‘ '^^^as 1» tba taalft boalatoa of
.^■Kb. Tb* fveau h***
‘toMTitalb win begla lo Has »«<
Hr*. UOata* M a Trsrer** City
Mn. P-fcli* U vWtlbi b«r hrotbw.
. a. MML bbd etbw frUad* bM«.
I TW Wmi DbIos Aid will MCI
'mm. ■*• Rodwv Tbndw.


I «r* eat

<d tb* 0. T. M.

lirSC^S-K.-iST',. .
o^»*b. B. i. DMinr asd J. J. Kltwr


rftai CaUna-a pbeM* laMallad tast

Mi n«t* ta Ult aacUos.
Itaat KUwr ba* hta aaw ban ea
baa*«*st eacteaad. wbleb b
to tbb faittlis eauasll7.


Ifr. asd Mr*. «*T*M ef Trstara*
«Mr ar* TtattUc tbair daoahler. Mr*.
ttaKb^ ratattr** aad frtsbd* a

.■a*, ■. a. Oaaad



f 'Stt-r

preaebed at tb* cbap.

• ***•

.............................................. i«ay-

Sloeto OT*r tbta srtsbbwbood by U
tetrtbl* aeeld«at that happaaed i
n alU tart Thonday wfctab r
.ta the death ot tb* rttfilyearold (OB of Ur. aad Hr*. Cotloa. Hr.
Coturn. wtib bis two mu* boy*,
drawtas tac* from the woods U
mill (be father srtUos (be M ready
aad the boys woold take ihaa to the
mUl. All weal welt uaiJl the eldest of
cow* home
lU* ose to
load atoM. Whea Mr.
Cottaa ihMkiBs the Utto bay* bm to
Ion wsM to aaa wh«t bad baeem* of
bla. Cnad lo to Ixarar ife* Btile fel•w ta aoM taaaaer. te oboM aot
rU bow. bad sottaa aader tbe k«*:is l«s below tbe kaee wa* fniud to
polp (t-bao te taw hta father com.
,4S bd tald. "Pa. I ban tmaabad
lec ad to pleeaa.- The llUle fel
had saltte ao a Ids aad waa boM
hla Ms Tbe citofrttrleksa tol
A Hta to thr boaae aad a*ot It

Qm. T. Bahrt aad wit* Mlt lor U*t
hamm ta Chko*
~ '
Tb* ten* N. J___ _
at taater rnua UU doek <• FrtMr.
Tb* Cba* RaHt ta aa* Mac MM
M tb* r W PMabar.taUI ba hva
•taabtad oaTaaaM
Hr. aad Hi*, lb H. Mihot M .
an. m. Mr. aad Hta. Bebab aad tbrf
iSw Or«aab*M aad HabbaU at CUMB* Ml for Cbleaie FHdar attar
.. - They
Mta«W •
of bark from (be Visa
> wUeh were all wtaihed tato
. aad hswkea boat* o< the poor
eblir* tap. All wo* dose that moH
be toia* tor tbe UlUe laBstsr, bat
*- “
-'ved bta nWtatos Baaday
Tb* pamta are aeaily
I srtef. They ban the symA O. Witan et Haatate* opaat rr|.
p oatin- roumoaily la tbelr
AMi* aatabarct lataaut r«»
.M«r*d ^dasdM party 01 lb

Btab* at Haatate* ar* taapMiaa l*aibar tar Ite ters* Krtli.
Itanoa Brtte aad w«* at BiBpIn
' Btatnd ea tb* tntaeU Satardar alabt
Ira* LMtaBtaa wbar* ttep bar* baea
Tbrttaa tor tbrae waafe*.
JMa Baaeh aad H Pb«att of Oood

of Barr Jaae* ha* by a cemeal eel
lar aad (•
ukm wall, a aew porch
klicbew Tbe------- work wa*
e by Mr Ho*aUi ot KtaMtey aad
csrpeolrr work by Hesolb Jatal•oe aad Patoa el thb plae*.
Utas UlU* HataUad. Mr. aad
acBata aad efaUdrea <f Itow Tewk
ad BUtworth HataUad wne callert

Tb* teOwatad paopU dtate ■
baU) nidap: Hr*. & A. TMaa
Mtaaa* ABM aad T
' ~
»aa PMaadaa.
MU* M*ni
bad Mta* 8ai«taabt ‘’Bapi
to:- Hr.ri M
aad Ktai ~Bahaa.

e ta pros
tea* apoe ib* QIbb* pn •rty here.
Tb* lars* bara la betas
'Its week.
Hr*. Addle Olbte has |
sew bor*e. bow barl^ a


•^r.rSa'^ta .tal Hrtn

a Chaa................
iteii^ mad aoB AriSa Mjrrtta IMta. Oter^'~M
(hta. wbo bare b*aa
CM. ATtaoor *f Xaawood.
Basrr CHttndaa aad tb* He .. aad fwtaUvaa
CbtapMl or CbieasD *r* fwrtt ar


*^W* vtowtaa tb* tab* troaa tb*

Abpr aad ft


Ttte^ OMfOtTrarerae Oiry
WM rtalUas reUttni M Mtadt rhome
HoMy otlaai vradk BTBk Bapidf.
r a sorprise, U betal
Mr*. Aiebta CaatabcU aad daMtar wmic-i
birthday. They played
Allee. wbo bar* bate apesdlas a few,
'IBS ai
dayy wttb irtaoda asd rrtailTe* ta Sas. little Ika koow bow.
tsa. ate Bay aiy, retarsed to their
. .
Tbeo an early aapt
for them aad when they were all test­
ed at (be table a Bkd birthday cake
with ntae lishted candles war broosht
(o tb* lable ar aaother *prprtar for
■. O. Whltasy WB» bdr* tart wa*. them
Mr J. N Kennedy. £
.at waa called bo*B* by the tM rt hli wUa
Tba Ktaa«a May aad NrtUa
SoBlra* bare taft tbelr obcI*-*. Hta*
- to to Cntorado to teseh ta
Mra. HoQan and daoshter llatll-.Bom. to Hr. aad Mrw J. SUblu.
bare reiamed from Omen* where they
daoshter. A*s. n
been rtaltias frirads.
Tb* HUaei Mary Ibmaa ate Ulltaa hare
Ret. tad Mrs. Ikeaor Wmiams an'
Bersard were calltas os Hta* tUUa
rtaUtas their parehis *1 this place.
Brow* oB Baday.
MUe Elbe] Crandall I* vtalllae
HIM Clara Barth 1* bcase lo apead
‘iends at Orawn.
er TasUoB with bM- pareau.
Chita* Roe* bw been oot et town •
Han Harrta asd MU* MarySHd
tew dny* this wertt. Bthtas.
et« Dp from Kaaaoa ealll^
Hr. bu-lta Lnrr died at the 1
frtosto tart Bvaday.
OWea asd three otb«^ yoims ' her parents. Hr. and Hr*. John
I* of Nortlipan bad a pdcaic tap
Mto Carrie HHm h*a red
oa th* beach Soaday cvralac.
a Jolla Otaoa ta bom* from CU- (rum Proreraoni where she bu
lies ■ few days,
easD. vWttas ber paraeta aod triesd*
s. Amble Gibbs and dau
•I of Tmrerse City called a

'*Sb n*ort la tart watfe'a B«bU
ii^aatb*yd0«M istabdloas—•”

IBS uie *umBier. *■
tbriab RralA wbkh
Tb* faraier* ta tbta localliy tepeei
market for Ihrtr lost
(hta wlDier The Maolitec railroad ta
marktas out for tbelr depot and
iraek cmeMilta caal and oor-balt
of Wexford. Ttey expect
. I to be
idy to bay •top as soon as sldsblcs
.-me*. Hr. Ware ws* I* IhU b«lsb
berbood taokiBi after tbair InleretU
tbta week.
J. F. DtsoB of 1.0* Ansrle*. Cal.. Is
expected borne «ooe lo vlall hi* motb
er, Ml*. BobL DtpoB. aod other rrta
live* taOiaai.
— "----

Ftarfol Odd* AsBkM MIm.
Badrtddaa. •ataac aad dmtltota
Bock, to tartar waa tk* omdlUaa <d an
oU aaUtar by aam* af J. J. Hareaa
. . ynat* b* waa
(nabtad with kidney dlsaam a*d
City tart
sor madleiB** ^re
leasth be trtad Etoeuic
Bmer*. El p«
ebort order aad now be tertiflea -EH
the rand lo eoaplete recovery.Mrs. Marteita Tboatts cd New Toek oa
Ben on earth for liver aad knditay
It Vltlilns ber atater. Hr*. Locretta troabta*
and all forms of tlomarh and
Pray, and other retallres uf tbta place.
Only SOc GoaraaOilbcri Pray a ' "
Mr* Maltha Seeley km* aae 10 Elk ,
flapid* lo rUll ntatlre*.*
to Trave—* I
Wedaesday tasL

^be talert

Is like having the gold mine in your 'own Jossesaion. Its value is intrinsic. It is guaranteed by the
largest piano factory in the world. There Is no per­
fection without great labor, and we labor incessantly
to make our methods better, and we feel that we are
giving the greatest value for the money on the mar­
ket. Come in and convince yourself of the truth of
our statements. Factory prices and liberal terms.

paralnta ooe day tart
Loyal Skull of Trarerae Oly ta vl»- I Ibem bunx- on a buv haadlr. The hoe
lilos bta falter Istaw. 1. K. Hacrtatel
I handle is exhibited as pr»d of the
itnitb of U<- tale.
Btektaata Amta« Baivs.
world wide fame fur Barveloat
It sorpasae* any other aalre.
oleiment or balm for colt,
ns, bolls,
iHMis. sufvw.
sores, felon*,
veKsvi olr. aali rfaeum. fever t
vUltiBS her anal. Mr*. Houle, asd 1,1, ,■■,
ruar*ate«l. Onir
other retatltea.
Drns atun
The lulluwtas trustco* were eleclad Wall A Rua* aad F. H. Hradi
by the members of the M. B. ebui^: state.
W. M. Halrd. WB. Crisp. PIlBure
urk. K. n. V'blie aad A. H. Crisp.
Nearty all small boys of Oooasrd
Mrs. Ja*. EuBHil Weal 10 Ttarerae
carry iwolrers. Autburltlee end^vCity last Tueadty.
Udell of Qraad RapMs ta orlw >u briak up practice
ils paresis Ibis week.
........ _ ... ... the towB; Ihphttei-la. tore (bmi. crvwp- It.
hall a week froai fTiday eseolaii for: tiaai relief, |
ifac iKDefti of our pastor. Sapper will iTbOBias' Ecleetiic C
ume John M*hl(e wa* (our years
B'edoewlay. He bad a party:
r of Ibe evwBi. Snppcr was |
tvrelv •
er dauchier. Hi
Hr aad Mr* Hash Boyd of S
ber. Hr*. C
camp. rUllrd ber oMher.


W. W. Kimball Co.

129 FronfSt.

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.

Kverything in Small Instrumcni'i. Sln-«-i Mii»iv. Talking MacliincK. litc.


AB«.» j
Thl- Ibreaiealar: ckiads yerterdt} |
kl C. Cate railed on C. W. WllUataS
•Im. Asses Good, all* of Wm. Good.
I yeeterday momliis about 1:30.
.. and Mr* Good were born I0 Scot
Itad and cane to Ohio ta tbe tlnle*.
I'rom there they came 10 MIebIsan. |
lemc where they bare Ured fur,
rwlx year*. Mr*. Good leave* a|
rod. three noo* and two dtosb-:

a iulBl meetlns at the rusi
(tenec ut C. Berelbyrner on Saturday,
detach certain lands of Kaiaoo and
put in the Cedar school dirtrtrt.
N'ueh ISdale called ai J W. DIckep
laa's on 8uada>-.
Kachaol Herrtnsioa commenced
school In Itosi Kasaon loday.
Ulsa Cadham of Svttons Bay hat
iwB encased to teach the CIcarbtouk
school for the third lerm.
Wedoesday moralts
al 81- lavuls on tteir \ _
A|ipl<- packers are espeeltd tumor
>s or Wednesday.

reward has been oBeted (or In '
Tha people. of Beliaer wl
aitaa leadiBs to the arreft of tbej
ileoMd to laani that Rev. Mlltai
dug polsoDcr wbo ha* beea wurkins'
e thrtr partca- the cumins year
Mr*. James CraadaU bat returortl Mund here fur the past few weeki
KtilK'rt Wood ba* aeepled a p
after a few day*'rtali with ber imubor
Ibo Hannah A lay Mcrrab H
BL HaySeld.
Co , Traverse City
'he school bulldlDS Is reeclvlns 1
ceaeral cltwnlns and a new coat 0
__ Chaitrtden and Mrs. Jennie
Many of (be district schools besli
Cornwell of Wexford vtalled G_A. leir sessluni arxt Monday.
Brlsbam's family tbta week
Mr Raxey't home waa robbed of
Louis before
school a
Id a sold watch tart week.
Mist Ella Guemtey of Wexicwd
Kuih Jackson win take tbe p
lied her sltler here last week.
the Cltliens- lelepbons n
Jto, Brer* of Traverwe Cliy ■
hem last week rtalllas hU srnne
Ed KooffaUB aad wife have moved
H. E.. and sreatiCTaadacm. WbKncr
Ihoir soods to Traverse City where
they will reside.
Dr. Uarsarel UcReltar save a k>
W. Dunn is havtas a fliins room
tare cm her mUsioaarT wwk ta lodi built In his mill. He expects lu soon
Tuesday evealas of tast wi*A. atao a becin ciiiilns the beakirk.
Back- laaiero show of •ceaery ta tadta
tart estnnlay evealos. Both were w.
Bom. to Jdo Wooders and wife.
When WclMCnewn Tiwvmw City Pee'"ri'btle drlrtas borne from leterloc
pta*T*ll n to Plainly.
ea tart Saturday Dr. Boylaiv't ban
When public endoraeaeal is made
became frtchteaed at a trala ta troet
of tbe boaie of I^t Ooldea. aad started by a rcpreseauilve llxen of Traverse
to run. The animal wu almost under City, the proof ■ « putltlre. Tou mosl
this testimony Ev-ery
MHitral when one side of the thill* beUeve It........................
»uHercr. every
came kioM- asd rtarted tbe bora*
BCalB I>r Boytan soon Tooad htmaett or child, with any kidney irntihle will
Bari prnfli In the retdlns.
cnwltas not of (be sand from
T>r C. E. Clapp, of S3i E Froai;
wbnt wa* left of hta bussy. wii
ftroet. lays: -'My tmek and kldaer*
rtte badly bent and one head se
so bndly tenised tb_______________ were weak for yton aad despite all,
fer him to call oa Dr, Marsarrt Me ■ay haowledse ot medicines t was oaX cheek tbe troable Vet akiee
Keller lo dr**s the wousda. while tb*
bor*r was caasbt dewa lowo. OBhort
bat badly trtcbUaad*•O A. Brlsham eatertataed
iwealy of her lady tHeods last toad they mIsM potrtbly help me.
After irylas medictae* from other
maBuIaeturer* coaraitleed to te sore
cures of kidney compUlat. after falllas «Kh pr
aca of India. Usht
I 1 had
•I come to the coa> no help for me.!
that a k
oobM not cure myaM. It cer-l
d Ihea la
rfaeo ther brooHii about the:
dertred re.nlU-SBle by all d sol era. Price (0:
____ Foater-HUbora Oo. Bolalo. N.
asroii (or the United Suiet
e. Doan'*, and take
Mra. Heory Ctarkta bAt near Di
BeU wa. *tnmk by IHbUlas aad
A part <f the

tolly dertnyed by flre.
wrtv saved.
-fsn coalcat*

“bta. UcBtm H Okaso was here
WBrtt tetyta* early ap*taa He

Is like buying a gold mine with the average man.
but buying a late style

d couBiy I* 10 the *f

Ur* K. H Curry asd son. of Naasao.
Hr*. Bobbins
Bahama taUnds. arc vltlilns (be for■pent Bondiy v
j.-f# brother. C. J. BBarkmu.
bins of Qmwn.
Mr* Ralph Case li
Helm had quite nn/bccldent ay for Ana Arbor, w

ilm on Balarday nlsbt While
Mr*. Noah HrDowell ta aufferlns!
Iih a *<‘rm- attack of aeoralsta.
Mrs. .linchi
Hlncbman ni(t_wUb a palsful
la tbe (aee. knocklDs uol bit
accldeoi last
>Mh aod brcaklas ooc off. M.
While pourtas I
ihea to Trover** Cliy snd ■ doctor carbolic acid
lipped from ber haad and In altemi
seed them bock.
Rwr. Lemor Williams preached at QS to catch It tbr acid was tpll
ver ber band, l•oralng 11 seriously.
tbe aebool boose Sunday evealag.
Mrs. James Putnam was called to
Albert Uoaroe w*a taken very tick
vis week with pleurisy. He Is betier •He Lake Batorday ev-«ntas by tbe 111 |
esi of ber daushter. Mrs. Williams. .
I (bta writtas
Ira Burlnum. Jr. has the lypliold :
Roy Whaley and Uler Robbias took
I the ekCursloD to Grand Rapids tasl
Bora. Thursday. Ausosl is. to Ur. ^
Mr*. Lambert ntniMd to her homo nd Mrs. E. J. Case, a aon.
Durti. Moaday. Ausosl U. lo Ur. and.
to Or*ad RtpH* after a two weeks'
TtMt with ber daughtm.
Mill Hoart* (d MI. Pin
»irii sivu iiieuus SI I uui^
las bit bratbera Mw*.
A party roDsIslIns of H. C Tripp. 1
Uoyd Preattae rt Aldan ta here with
Isabel Hopkins. Adah Thayer. Howard |
iluDD and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Tripp:

a Btwtha Steward rtallfd ber
Mr*. C. D Haaka. over Soaday.
_.j. J. M. CrsadaU aad telMra of
Krystnsr hare ban apndlai a few
day* with Hr*. Ctaadall-* BOtber. Hr*
WoK. asd rtrter. Mtv HeSaasa.
Mra. Ptaak Bayer* aad Ml*. Barr
Jaaee aad oblMraa neat — '
Ith tbair aleee. Mr*. Inrla
r Baaaab
LwoBard HeBltay. HHlta Tbbbarer
•we vwmwn* pnrvy aom sere, laaad Waller Caaatasbata are Boch taMias Data BabUK of Wnuams--------I^tajmn trelalas aow. as they idodlas
bore, who went to Loaf iwte, um
w*«fc. recwracd this asoralas after a
Ktagsley tart weelu
Patoa ta aaurtiftiBs bis
Dnrtdeaa tetanCL
ertatow. Kerb Sayder, editor
lee where the has bca,
‘laeUas* Basacr. aad bl* KtUe
Hr. nd Ml*. Alhcn Skeata el Moa- Irnth* aad medical treatment for rbeoIB Otater TtaM al Ue boa* of Hr. anitam. Her rbcuaaltam ta mock betad Mra. A B. Barsaa SeMay.
IBa. Ptatt Barann was tba soert <4
DHl te terad
portr trota ~
Ml ParMtae wbkh tato ___
r. TaaRarn'* rider i_
•at op tb* ftaar
dotac (be work, at Hr. Van
I'aa Hon ta


In any of our three stores will save you a lot of money. We must clean out all samEjlc*
Ics at once, as our fall stock
is beginning to arrive. We just received a large, full car load of Heating Sioves. We must make room for Bampies of them at once.

Sample Bedroom Suits
What doI you think of getting a nice, well made, well linishctl. :j-piccc |{i-(tr<M>m Suit for only $U.7r>!' We
have them They range right alohg, $i:i.7l>. $15.75. $17.75. $IS.75 and so on up to a suit worth
for. -. $32.7R

^ n Cargt Doc
Of lample Iron Boll at values no one die could ibink of giving you.
U you w.ll neol a chiir of any dntription this yw. do not niito
ihii ch*Dcr. a* «e have anything you want and will positivdy save
e of them al away below what
Ebr '
price from (1.T6 lo $36. They go now:
A $L75 aolid oak, cue feat, high bach aewing rocker ior......... 95c
A $2.76, tobd (Bk. bi^ back, cobbler neat, ann rocker, only*. 1.9$
Same proponional cot right through, to a good, lobd, well
made, leather upboirtetetl, spring seal rocker, (worth C.60) for 4.TS
$16 and $1C leather uphoteoe.1 tfiring seat rocket*, some
with leather backs, for.................................................................I0.T5
$26 leather tocher lor.................................................... ................ 19.75
Sofoe beautiinl high gra<ie rockets at just haU price, in both nuboguy and quartet tawe-1 oak. U may be jus sriiat you wul for

A large, beautiful, well marie, well
deboatd, beantilolly shaped mirror.

Ssmt Cscrpflenally Big Bargain* hi Hogs
A large assortment lo sclcil from. Some rtyies that we have only
or*e. two. three or four of we will close <>«■ al cort « leas.

Do you ntc4 any Cstra DIstea
or taasawaie f Ii is dieagier fn buy Hun lo bnmnv al the |»ice* we
arc making on them now. We liavr all styles ud dcscripfioMol
aample sett wvl lots of aid |>ieces of all km Is for lew thu yo« cs»id
go to the neighbor* and borrow them (ur.

Bargains In a* ang BraaHs Htarc
And rvcijthing for your kitchen.

n BiMMng masMa*


............................................................................. ..........................................■......................................................................


on right op to a $60 sideboerd for....................................35.75


Don't 00 OHtbeiit
job stuff, b
couch, J8
18 heavy
coil springs, beautiful pattern velour, tor only 4 75
$7.76 couch for................................................................................. 5.75

work in washing and dne> it jotl as
g<K»l When you buy come irhere
jtni can find an amonmeni. We
have seven different styles 10 teleci
Irtim. They range from $2.76 r^t
afon:; uj. to the'very best machine
ma-le Just like coL Any child can
do a *aahiog with thia. He have
tlitrc styles to dose oat at foctory
cost. They iiiay be just (he fiyta
you like.

Bant y»n Evtr
Used Dsver
Sag Irons?
dertnptiont. V.nj will never
use any (illirr i( you oiii e use

H«r* ta a ebaact
la BM y*n a
(cheapal$4fl), (or,.
A beaulifol dn^ head davenport. («orth $22|. for

Extcuioii Cobles
Sec out beautiful solid oak, first class finish, firrf clast in ever)- way (worth $«.7kj. for only........................................................ ^.75
Same cut right through oo a large lute of sample ealensum tables.
Our Victor extenskm table is the best aod most durable table
made. They have the leaves right in1 them. All you have
s to poll them out and lift the leave*
ive* op.
id for ten )-cart

KHcbea CaMiicts
If yon had ooe in yaw booie you wouhl not have h taken ou for ten
, thnes tbe price, as it «ves
so many steps aod so much
waste. It bolds everything
you oeol to do your cooking.
We have them aJi the way
from $3.76 to $12.6(1.
Tbe $12.60 style will cort
you only U0.50 now, u.1
you can paj* fo it SUe per
week and it win save eaotigh
o pay for itaeif in a year.

Bit ilaor a Itaiur Dar el eaiiMl*
IS aad Oil doth. Lou of tannaou and ports of
raOs that we to. >akii«abigauoo to cleu up. If yoa cuaot
find what you w i 10 these rrmaats and parts of raOs we wilJ give

goce! -Sewing Madiine Bl a
IjarKsm. We have two or
three sewing machine* like
reaite by the Standard
Sewing Machine Company,
that SIC .heap at $26. Tb^
will .to ,ust as good work
arallast just as long at any
marhinc mad<. Onaraweed
fiateii )e»r» They are ow
of style $11! sriObs^ either
of them txjw.

Gvtfv One Knows
t head'iuarters for Sunes and Ranges.
tn anjr ooe else in town We liuy m such large qaanltties Uul we are able to make belter i*ves. This tall wA he ito eaeeptioiL We -will have a still larger assortment awl if anything
make still lower pnees (Ivan ever Ircfose.

Oils Cool Wertter
A hule air tigfal healer woehl .ooir m handy.
I sett you a
goo! one for UM.
A good rteel range, high ckoei. reservoir, eom(4ete. guaraotecri in
everyway, foe.............................................................................. $25.75
They range right aloog m price, $27.76, $29.76, $23, $$S, and 10
tmup. A Urge, complete assartsMiit of the Cdebratcl fJfICK'
M7:AL Sted Kai^e (the best stad range fBadey

Ot arc Ktcaing as ear KttHrtalisa
Of *«v-ing you money 00 SBythiog you need for your home.

J. W
Wholesale and Retail

Reliable Home Furnisher



win tnra IP bar iiiaililig HtUr

gnertar to rary hot gran

garden and ow Ut- tbe porpoac to aeettog tbeir dcannd*
We bare U taaa m bto far noartobamt. aad ttan abe !
gH aD tba aggf maH.gto.r«ew*emmt*forbH'

iar: edrbi
tken akia asato ato beS bard ta

cm rat. We ceB the nioeter '3oba-

ateoua. Drop a IHtle to lee waterlena take U at tbe

tm.- b« we tarmT eaaad tbe bem
Then we all bfce rat* aad we oelp

•le aad poor into bet glaaea


Mre eight. Tbtor eiaae are Weeda.
Ptoky. SpMtle. Trouer. Brare. Blt.'>«t to ber brag ^ peraereHeg pur
KIggrr ead OohaaL Cokael to a big i *»« She eereraed It with ereep aaal
yellow rat end Hr. Hehord baa bad frataHou to aaieraal toudara* and de, bla Hghi prate and be to tike a baby. Ugb'. M It. and then, anrh to tbe
(Wen. ay Irtttr to getting ao bag t - aurprW to the tody to ibe boeay. louh

u aad tbce aana
doeuT do It ta tbni wnp.


1 fartolle. Hartog ozplorad 1
weatorn to all tba nem nrlghhora. •
U kaga antered Ibr toal boeae in I

He i

bbdp eea drtre a ben
pirktag np a atlck to wm>d. hnria ft at
1 will bare to ten ym Plant ay udpotoe ber depanurr. toeriag the Ultra betbe otending biped, and pelU: -Oe« to
land our gardraaeittiae. ml win ray-bind. She we* npl. bowerer hagab
there, you tbitor Tbe ben taaedlIsuod-by.
» f" taura ►h- retureta.
atHp luieu her reewa. and daeber to Ou and make the dark e
Frna yonr IliUe friend.
i bringing owe to ber toto-r kitten* ta
aad peacbea. wa*b and lake oot tbe
'her-Booth. wWeb *be pieced on IW
And then >he bee
taMu. cot er with ult water and M plonge* after btw. She ooaee beA i
wtib ber brad down, ber wing* out.!«!!. O, what a rooeert i
nra.luck. Hlcb.. Ang. S2. Itat.
-*»wm ttand orer night, la
<> 1 ua lo bare the
Onr Hr* Baiw-Aa I tara
ig «ll Ibe eenler with graled borm- ,and followed hp
w to! Tboafh picfa aar wtdchl
iT orarteeed
They homed wuh dHigbi.
written to yoa fto aoaae ttae
radUh. Blaed with a IKUe celery *e*-d
‘ npuear* Tbi*. bowerrr. ea* not the
They cblrraiTd all night,
H ud pewxM. tbowb
□u a few laea. I aa eeetaialy
and a email pleee to ginger root. Tie
ginylni!. -Tbrar np! cheer up! *!-{’
Uilrellra to the rat fur after rhreu
grad Mier wrilee. a* all
Mteh peeH. wirb a Mrtng and pack .a
1 brought r.w a
01.1 Itoar Crickei.
t ton H. sad t tore tbe tonlb id
friend* irill teattfy. bat 1 will do tbe
Iktwe in Ibe ihlck<-i.
Cnenmber 8we« PIH Ira-Mck the the boaae hack to the coop amlo; all
be*t I «nn. Several to m Ury* hnre n
-Cbe« ep! Tboecb poa are
Sal Brake I'lll dawn to bear.
Aad batoad aaeae atoUtla
folbrae. We had our dinner there the ^
Of labor pH poaT ata tba C
.Slce ^hUdPeo.- Hie uld.
otbra day
The HIchlgaa Central ji »be bad tu e.^oge tor
poor enough boiling wauw lo| lowed by tUugi eunTralrtil for IbrowAad boaailtal freiUaa.
U «and tweotyfoto.boura. ing.andhyaaa«wf^eoaitom^]^
' R . which ran* In Trrat to our home.
-Cbaar op! The time to brief, at b
draa o« water aad repem the preema I MW-buck. wboM-hat to on the gimnd,
I. being doublecrackmL and about 4J
Where T«« Fauud Hi. Haunraw.
P» £Je*«a*» Smat
Beera doebltoc aad daapalrtoc!
SM tbere-. •
land wbote perupiralloo 1* UaJilra*
: lultam are wiwklcg oc II near here.; One day. wbra Tom am pfanag to
Mtfuawbaa. M-fa. t
The battle to the Baal ten:
1 «nw tbea cooktox aararrai tbe the yard, he *nw a BT •tandiua l» tbe
cnaben mate -*aJty.* Then drain odiBy ihU time tbetober ben* bare eoae
The Tfcdora are the daria*.m Hke roe look tbe nncr
tom. If I(bad Biaiart
■ iray- acfdam.
Is a katle put three ptou {out to ake a hand to Ibe debate and
I, ti*. 111.j
H.... TO-... .i-vj-iitalbearaA. aad
«M dcefda’ to tbe «
(or ■ rery »tron* cider Tlu-' help dodge aUille*: the aan row/
i bread doogfa. rack about the .lie of bat wm i.wt., and ht. f-et werw har.-,
bad Bbeppid H vtib tbe ertaVT teD
onecfalrd wnleri. lour cupe libai .-very hen oo tbe place (ball
Wtat Be Wind* Brifi«.
knitting needle. That 1* .boat aH But be bad a idea-ant lac
to rae / (rdrd fww fnmdict 1
tbaib oalT to« becaa.
bl* hat and cual.
h,ad he earned a paO half full to mad wmt dfxworaged wba
bag ot Bu*lin
- Tito with pteatp to pillow*'
/be Am dbar. hart a*y ma
rertecarriOA phnue to tbe llteralofe
>g a taUrapoon u
It atot tbe eMU €( ponded ane
rararawH fa fea* (bad (w
1X11. goe. right to work and ba*
to tbe hoae.- tald a trleod aa ahe told
xrae lo a boil and pour o
Proa your Sun«htoer
1. Freddy: and all the
elaaoaoa ead dore
one of ibuae hen* bon*ed and
pteUs*. Reprat two ur ihre*
Leon W HUP
■bad ■lamia ttefed wUb noMetd
d Itulde to two BlDUie*.
itob aad aa emphatic tbnap which bo
ityfmr taun apart. Pack 1
d Ibe *beep a
, HIch.. Ang ZZ.
eead enoofeto' oe ibe aterr
- Plea*e g
TM blee etaeot tbo elr M« tMlee V lokeoed aoae Irrtoatloa. "but
; - Dear Hr*. Bale*-I am very
Qraiara Brand.
do tbep tbtek oee I* to tot
";you are no) well, and that you have
At night dUaulve a cake of eoa-;
Him- III- a drop to water ~
b^ Mbw pm ktod of fad aa If rMf
{not reewited more iMier* Indeed. I do
pre«*ed yea.t In a enp to lukewarm i ’

oUtod for tweatp-aer
VagatabI* Dtobraga.
I not Iblnk you a good furorahtog pee*
traier . aemture out to a atglug bowl i
ea^ bet after a fbw waeka daeob**
A norel enterprire. that to ralalog . quart god a pint to Oraban. B-ur.,
■toae woeM be eofl to o
dlibragr, 1* being exploited by a num­ aud .ilr tbi. to a .Booth, thick t*J<er !

h wind.Kntj.
Here are a tew to tba
applai rad sa artito.
ber to Boetbera CaWoniU bortlenltur- with a pint of lukewarm water to
lo ftoll In hi* band.
laazpeoalTr wapt to tUlas pllloei
bad fiapaa all f«a at pofpt
tou. wbo tecelred Ibe Imptratlue for ahtrh a IMilrapoonrul of *alt ba* been j
-J Iblnk I *ltl get Mate bin
ft—aa tbe daa.
which tbe wlae voaaa who heard
tbe acbeae Irua Chariei. RlrhardMJe. dlmulvi-d. 1.-.I in half a cup to inola.
the eoutb begin.
'■l«..»ud Tom
lo u.n.-....
Llmn-Ifnutblnx like
i..m lo
bad abantart bScb-rr anU au
BboTc raeuuk loaraHed
wbo*e gari)<«> to PuMdena arc lieroBi- *e* and Ibe dUsoUed yea*l. »nd u ,
(oaewtat lediou* aail
agrmrla' ee tbe atopra.
rhi^ rare in the Herald. ' <»“'
! '» J'*
«We to
tog taaeu* tor u
neceurar} to adtl more aaier. d.. «>. | wiiU-ii 1- lh<- wluB rh»i Iwlns' the
Moaa. but oer which
dnetlou Air. Rlchardaon bat »ucce»»- bill Ibe Ultra ehould be m ihl' k a* r .
Iteelf to euoaUT lead­
folly ratoed aan^ growth* pew to ean be eaally Hlrred, Cover elo*eiy in ; ' The eau wind, Arty;
He ttaxigh. be
en. wbo arc aoppoaed to hare
ABCrtcao *oU. and tbi* rear 1* exceed­
.over It very
He gave a
Maura tbaa tbe rlltoct aad dtp wo- ing UI hi* prerioo* irluaito* by ratogaxl deal to It. She.
, I Hamaa tbiska
tbe next morning turn cat raio a i That cow* roae ihlvering op the
and a big Jump. The dlteb was wider :
aaaa. whh ber leaptalloaa to aqi
tog tbou*aad( to dtobrag*. Imt year floured board and mould toto four
tvhem the .»« lieeto. to Idow. virse* Inclosed about ibe than W ttaragbi. and to**ead
dcr tlar. Whra toae or fowl*
illlc girl* nrr* wslrblM Uw ■
Hr. aicfanrdaop'* elring bran*, ubicb Inavra. gdiltog as lllllc flour a* |*»*!.
i«ar* I kn o* a llltle Mur>- only ore ovra II be r*me down In Ibe middle
belBC prepared lor the table, pul all mra>arcd toriy-Ibree torlu-e to length,
ear Ibe Ixirlroa uu a lumBar
Ide. lhai I*, hntln* the d.iuxb n* ~)fi | tVblrli 1- Ibe wind that Urine- the of mnay itling* a little cli) girl did to II
- Ijb. aboeha. I eoolda i tell roe I
The mud wa. ibiek and nidl.{,.,
tbe Mnall. Boffp feather* lalo a larce crraied a eilr. but dUbrag vln>-*.
wbra oae eictalaed. *'0, naw
a* can br ronmlcotly liandh-d. Let 1
when *he u ra> a little girl If you M-e
•aaat Mad of rh]na.
and Torn »snk down In ii lo hU wsiM
bac. aad the torfer feather*
a Ugbidtog!" Shortly nftarwhich, with their pendant dtobragm— liK- lodoul*- the *lie and bake ibie,- '
II you may. I will rail It
■M halt Iba tblan tbaC totofla la tbe paa. Amad with a larce aai
He us* v«-ry Bueh frighlenej. aad | ^
rre wtt a smaller flash frea
twine »bout orange trera, palim. erer- quarter* of an hour Id a moderate
cir ank the Mice
| lAura'* I’oclr
aaran a( idcUto- tlse.
•creamed H>r help oniil be was llred. j
tdaaore aad a caaaUlp to tatoora ttae.
-r cinod. and Ibe Mbar NUfa
andpeektoat oven. If Ihl* U -tbe oten to a ga* 'The idrdb- *tog to the «uaBer hour*.; Lnura’a uncle
HudHr began to IbUk be would have toj^
taka Ibcaa Utter op ooe bp one aad tbe twoMory wtodow*. bid fair to win
which riiy Imam bad
range, or use p'.ared over ga*. *H the
spi-nd Ibe Dlgbt in (be ditch, when be
aalp oM tha atddlc rib, Utilas ibe
c Ugbtotog!*
lived Tbi* time she wa* visiting ber
bread on tbe vpper grating Ibe moheard »l>i>* ra tbe grass InuUag np.
fmtherp part tall taio a be*. Too will
vegcullte m>i<l the burner* an- lighted; redue>>
unele Bd and aunt Maria ra Ihe farm
be «aw Ihe ragged bo) be had dritr* ran you pui ibr kernH hack ta tbi
*pooge<, a* they are (oBHlne* called,
Her un>-W'n<lurned home frna stiup.-na heart that
' from th*- gale.
la thie wap aoeh fuler lhaa pm are laUgenous to Africa, but note It
ping nlira her sunt and she had Bn
and the bread i II r»s(ulre no funber
'i'li-ux- help m<- •Ml.' aaU Ibr Tom'
ilr the Iwoken n
wcoM tare toppoaed poadble. Cure ba* been dtraon.lraled that they will
bad faala aa U«bt aa It H I
l*bi-d tbeir .up|*r
Her unele wa*
. -1 will give ytdi a dtow "
tkaroocUp to tbe aeh.
when Laura
A wmua wbo ha* a brood to
1 crib wlh a ne*t to llltle
U>): and lytog d wn flat, be beta out
eblWrea lo prorlde triib aao*eaenl gracHul. wHMollaged vine* are not
Ibe SH Ibem down by blB
pick ffllCF.
If any to our young oo.*. And irou
Tom. and drew hIB
ai well a* food and retaeot. and wbo
but they bear to pratable elolh an*t of course
hie to keeping out the lump* wbeu
.Ml to Ibe dllrb
Hr ns> covered
atoo pooueate* a patour PWd. atari*
•ponge that 1* eal■bowed very plainly, lie inraed
mgklng cream*, nifi i.ud.llog*. naun-*.
alb BUd. hi* bai wa* gone and rae
Ibea OBI (orh Doratac «llh little
batblng a* rn-HI a*
(•ale and said to hi* »li<lra, "Tske
*b*w wa* Pol In Ho- dli*-b lie hnAi-d
beto. toto Chicb Ihep pul (be feathen tor fcouring pan* nnd kettle*. langine .-ic . I nail a»»ure th.-tn all *ueli
■vusy. MariadlK.-iill) nia> l«- a«oiil-l b> iboni.igb
that hare been dropped. Theae
mlio-tnhkplcktog dlthrag* to on. '. gar.I.« Ju*l
■.aura crle.1 and wanl*-d them
’l> mixing Ibe c.rii-torch, or fU-or
alwBpa to Ibe aaall. atol kind, aa
-U'bo !• •liny nowr- asked ib>- l»y
■e would pick blaeklHTcle*. iir
■oil *lir never found Ibea ugain.
miwe i-SK-eUily. mllb the *ucar; then
tbe poulirp ram are thm kepi oral, aglne bating vine* nll/lh.len *
This 1* a troe ntury. I can l... . ,
mid lo the Ualen esc-. Ilf i-ug-. are lo
three Mnto are hilled eith oee
■cb fra helping me <«
diabrag* rlaaberlDg over one'* k|i
lu.1 » rm«. „ 1
rat plana aad biamork pUlow* tbe
■I me ask another uue:
.111 ,1~. ,™ ... I.
I—I l-.—>
fiimpouB.: Into the hoi milk or waira•bon cram clipped br the town
a lia»i» w.ird .-vra hr n
Di.k,- .o. laueh
II..-e.1.(baae bw bare whtm oae aead
ir .iiilv Ibe yelk, of ecs< an- u*.-d.
er Bake*, wbea eared, rery *we
- a *bo>H unhlu^ un*bBr
I ^ lUi. i..r,™ .„.e.iir. I T».
- -i.r .Tu.
oaeboertoatr to set tbroaib the I
add a llltle eolil milk- a. I' make* ibi'
iBc. mod If renewed creep toai
luHi eaaler than gtong u. the ragbag

»... .. b.a
.IH,. i!'">
'■> ->•
e “"e
that aaaa bardlr leac eeoQSb tor
whole laxh-r lo mix «in<«>ih with Ibe
*toi ooe m wHL
IS labMi*. a
I. *bow<*l h
> to be booe. The vrller rrto
boi milk. A point brae: Ttae dllfc
U poo lire la Ibe rleluUp to a ptor
u tal* pohy.
Tbrae curkiu*
vegetable* aaaume
receive*! luo iirriiy
pIcturM frua
her ItiUe aap la tbe Par* Joaraal
.ho'ild he as nearly l-illlng a> p«mIrned to Smdxy ri
wood*, poo thoold bare aore lb*
"Vou bave guM Bsna
Ibe fora and appearance uf cuenaAunt Faiiv. TbU U all I rati write
halda forth tbv:
pUlo* ailed wtib tbe punceel plBe beru. and hang on tbe vine, until lhe!r ble Wlibonl doing K>, ibai l». » ao»i
now. Hoping you ran read ibis, a* my
'll to mid that ■» (bd PHaad
begin lo «bow llltle bubbirj around,
ix-m telling n«
oeedlea. Tbep ere bterp. and
-I found Ibem to •o-hi*i( tearlxT bad
green cunt* bacoae brown and dry
writing ha* been rulna-d by vertical
otlae rlea to Beettoi
the edge of the dl*b
Many fall to
alMiii faulls, and I did n« nitderausd
not be Bade too torge- Tbeir ado
parebment. At Ibit uiage they
(tore Ibeaa word*. Tto thp beat aad
making a smooth, velvety cn-am by
shat abe ssranl. So « h. n >hr aotd to
ofteo dre rHUt la aatbaa. and I
are ready to harvert. After Ih.-y arc
laar* tbe ra*L- That wa* all at U*
*lo-n 'Hive .yon any Isnli*. I esT' I
■Idea, nallp eleep todoclns
pk-hed Ibe luown enal I* reinoxHl and
milk i. far from belqg boi; ilo-n. tired
pHlow *tuffe<l
extremely atroog and compact
nin-em*- i •
. bOar tbe delac It ti the toariwen fere apeak* to tbe Tore*! bp flbroni npooge I* rerealed. Through to walling for It to Ihlrker., leave II
Ali-r )*M have enb-yed
feulu tra it .
at ftraa paaea. Too naar bear
Klogal.-y. MIrb.. Ang. II. 1M4.
while mime Other duly Ir Wing at
atraaa er.pebhlp •prlnc." and U
center to the apooge. In lbre«
aJ aad tha taaI>rar Mr*. Bat*-*—I Ihougbt I would to. wttb the result thai li iblrk
dad owe. Not oelr todarh wetcht ef
wriir anil tell you ihsi I go lo sebool.
jen* at tbe bottom.
-dreU. Oatber oelp tbe
eara. bet rmtardarh aad loaarrow’t
.1 SID cb'ieD y*-srx obi
1 hmv*> thre\*
to oear wttb bla*. Tbaj an
Their nsme. nre NHlle. LuU
*-n«lng ».« on a young tree.
!an*l Vida sn.l I have three broiher. ’•
|-hSB IVipUy—Agtot*
I One to tbe^moM useful nulssm-ra in
T aad rati to tbe a*
w,mM like to he a Sunshine girl i
«* ”'P^
Ibe world Is soot—tbe kind tbtl clog*
nam<-. Fr*-d. rblnlng out li
aaae. that to* top dar U. ao ahaJi
buiioorherr 1* al*o wlM ihpap. larender Phri HIntrtaa- Talk WHh th« Family. the store, the stovepipe and the chlni■otraMtb ba.wn.
sUilearet, nroH brier, tone cerenhun and
Hoibraa. do not M your boy* an1 cey aad falls ou the floor when
-Th»ra la oar aatibbor. 8ba to
. j
Jofdaa ntol n*>renr. fmm WII- w*-ll. I will ekisr; wib love in all I
leaoo rerbeea learn, mt forceUing

gtri«, ye*, and hosband*. And a more chimney is being cleaned.,
seek* l*toi>re. >be bs*l cm the Inter* '
bowed dowB with a wetohl <d ber! lism-JiufE Rlia. you muai be .urr aad j iiiu.. R*ia*hlfirr*.
to all—wild rooea—wbkb congenial place then borne.
Thrown on ihe ground to “--------- '
!oui to psp*-r, aad iie«i*-«l them uo ib(wwad titMbla. WrIshMd aad craptisiui your todpoh-* sn.l yrar j
I ix-maln. your Utile friend,
nainre IIU«t orer corUln taetimt
splendid frnlUier-U-lter
lappl--. Tlx- *un*bttii- ha*l rtoored ib -.
hatred batora bar tlBe. abe to to a
can't be l*ought for garden *lufl. Sifted
n«r.-nc-. your, Swalnsu.n.
Ibe emotry wtib aeeb a lartob bni
bui unifer the p*|*er it uu* whii*-.!
—Ilnnl ptohito about tbia. that or
II of rh.-*-r and the ,
■parinc aettber color nor fragrance.
cm potato
p«-a vine*," tumaio ''"''r
*1.1... A., u. le,
1„. „ „„„ . .„.,„.i .................... ....
of tbe fularv.
Or eorera for tbeae pillow* no men'
Dear Mr*. Bate*—I have n*ii wrtuen ;
Fhihert and motben. be eonk*alon* vine*, flfiser plaai* anil bran plant*,
to aara to br a dliaatroo* oae. If bar
on wa* Bade, but I will dre
1 your lioy* abd glrla Boya feto more
r i*f ai*uUi-lne any '
le latter pillow, which waa made bp
nie. f bave nut lo*t my <mr*
manly If father* .enter Into their plan*
Mncikcy and Perrot M •rmgil.
friend la CaUtorala aad aeni
U paraslle* on roses aad n.**- bush-1 ■>•!■•
I am uHl. and hope you
conv»r*ath>a*. Girl* make na, or tbe can
ab<) pnrrot* bare.
to Ibe
with neaiaras
aad dl.pslch•
u<B'r will hnvc scbiBil
Adaale* to tauber* that show an Inna orer hlB. ]e*t at Iboobb a
Uir*we*r* 111 conioiun
Vle-y nof only :
« pnio* lllled with the
■opiwd on am hill* ll Is x *nre ex-;
, I Hoodsy
u.- bad a luDg VBcsikm.
•PMI ta all to tbeir aflalrs.
toatr paan fsatoat be tnMed to take
agraat pHala to
rmlnaiur Wnier bug* de>- Inim it.:
<* h*-sr that Hr Msiiusb <•
mtedbtoewa ocek. ba for ber three
Holbers. be neat and cnrtoul In your
a ber uec garI* dralh to pUm lice sad ulh*T>
Isuriug my vm-atlna I picked
re«*. It U the *lim to »elf re*pecl,
AIMree. tbep bar*
U poaaible In tew place*
II ulll kill flea*
ll ra*i*l>-rT>*-> ad borkleM-m**>r.
Hrar What onr mother sniil:
kMad to death, booked hp tbe eowa.
ouUlde to Callforato. The core
.It should tx- i*Uce*l to an Inseci
-Tvr bad my day. and now I go
tontod to tbe abeep.
to pink organdie. vHk a wide rafle to
a Suolu-sm j m“‘’‘,'^Ih?^”UTra.*^u*rTwraT'io ili*-m bera- sllouiUK Ibem in dr*m and j
without that my daughter may hare der puffhox and used dry, Jii*l a
tteaa ta Ibair tootberh ailed, bet tbep
,ibry fmi ll* the ground Kplllllug Ifaen*
worked with a deHcale llltle
rend. Ihe-e | charl-vto. I Iblnk li i* a >

e. I bH to Ibe ktirben wearing
an otil allre aad well. U oee baa
I Thru Ibr Dionl*-)'*' i*-ar the crnck<-t
<- children * *iorfr*
Tine done In Iwler alleblag
Well a* my Imter I* geiiivig
old dresara and give up tbe oibra
e tbnat abe
>• a*sn*1er. gnlber Ibr nut* ntui dl
upper rtgbl-band corner wa* a
n to Loey and bey young people. I
dole ber a Piece A dlphtberta. aad U
them with Ihe parrot* HomrtiOHM
end* to tbe tame aatcHal
Y..ur Son.hloe hiy
* .should k k carefully . ^
r dreiiae* like thi*.- dUplaytog an
worked la Ibe «aae Banner. Brerp• Nacba/et
the month [,
car. aelaettoc Ibe eadertaker aad plaacalico *rrapper. une-half to ibe niter their laimdfy
|> the blgbeet limbs ! uunlna'.-d f**r ftoveroor uu ||e Dmmothing about II wai wataable aid
to sprinkle ; ,
re gone: while the rest of the to Augusi. ]i 1* lu
atoc the foaeiel. wbea the rhOd apitotfarl.
I ihrin drop aqato !
crailr Tei'-t. I'r.-sldral to Perris
Here sre Ibe nn.wer- m the riddle* ■
dres* wa* pitched is mnny plaec*. It clbihe* for Ironing
paan to the Boratos aa well aa erer.
*1 ef.>., ihelr bar.;
Wu ItopM*. tlenkiw«ad
to it* cblH rharaa.
hour* beforehand at any time during
Mary Uruun aikrd some ume ago We
wa* unfli (or a beggar!
There to oae cmaotoltoa to each a life,
p. woBder bow BM) Sun*hin--r* grirused
tohea abe laactoaa Iba worae. It to
t<^ ber Ibal ber rblldn-n would this mimib. as there 1* so murb damp
acmatblac tar batter that raallp bapbare no respect, no thanks for her. nees ic the air iliey nil] mildew qulrk,, ..'ib»m eorreetljf
A Nsoraserr Psyiuent.
fmC. F*vr.. i^nraes to fta very
to aoeb a Mr! Wa bow to I
^tla’ vlnklgr r*4.
Aa« I t0M tht amM OM olaUs
tnm M oUHtaw poaj bed.
•Cbeer epl The world to hrtoW
here* ao ttae (or repiBlaa
at tbomh tbe dap be «aA aa




... »u. .oeZ~ i r.i-Tite.rriirrei.

.. .K . .

Fr.^Vriribd.'y N. Aunt Knt*-|-'‘’


pam. ftot laMaad of batai bappp aad
ttetotel tor thla. aba aom cmtorea ep
a ber Utot la tbe p

w tba Uraa of otbeis.

leatM Jeat to be wHb ber.


tieto cm aUd. bor Ufa baa beet
Marmp. bitter
aad dtoappotoUac.
tad cat trial, tbla p

a it waa bet a beppp ebaage
d abe BOM ba
hpcwt to atrancib to thnoe toft behind.
VmittaaaetolltosT Uke
■■ta eta cooM rwrael to c
tad afde to Ola alaa. aad wa* tbe BiM
latbea deelb ■

““ •»»_'•'■"•■ tat


after awhile woold beeome *elfl*h
one Iralu* the n*it..i 'h- other
quraii.m* faml ranvlared me '‘taho-T
iram* Ibe "-OrtoaeM Brog.■Lap the peeehe*
mia*l* the train
iLgi uiy (bird reader cla*s bail btn
msuirfsclured In Drindi by the
with ereryihlng.
Ti bile rbe book." *aid Pnnklr
■an water for two dap*, then U
TbU woman, always ladylike and clothe* after b^lag ironed i

Heat, for )..U ran es.y ralch uegl.grm In Ibeir dulle*. and. desiring e-niio.un Mcrxlr Hoqra to OrinpHI
ihOB oat and wipe thta dry. Take oat Intelloeiual. had worked hard to e^ OQitoly dry bHur.- pniitng Ih*IJitle Bv.-) rar-ol.1
rbarlie bad : ruld
lo itbpr~> up« ih- io the lmp<jrTaaci
Af'*-r girlng lIxHr I'lano a Ibortba auaea. and Bit Mth tbe following
negteet to ihe*c pr.-c*uli.
piano lor ber daughter.
Aren lurk.-y. sben lx-1
-tog taii*mrd ' * Tb. > are Iraniitg
go si.*»
.d diligence m ,.xith. I asked ibrin If
" •' I" «•»! tawlr l>-punia.-H at
Btanre: Ulomd garlic, boraeri
word about lhe(.*‘P<»ll the rh*tb«-*.
■be repaid!
•luflol by iiuiling ihe r<»■n.1 into their. *
B-esu-* Ae app-sr* m prim
the, na*1 to pay anyvblng to Irarn. •'*■•'uic, nr.' Perri*
wrote tta
bcd*ed annard iced, aad tlieet
‘ CkUhlDg often galbef* •Uniptie** iu muolb* sod pMhlng ii
hoy, her so
Some tboughi nut.
One said.
"Our Brni u* rtolowtro«. celery
wa* brought np to kmnr that bli
B-blle at dinner
parent* bave lo pay ux»
e day be
Itapt-l*. Midi. inne 2. |M(.
tbe pea^e* rouad with thread, aad mother wa* afraid to him. beraiue h* even when put nwny dry. It should 4«k<to bli
A Good CM Mery.
imma r*w tbe si
Vex.-- I snid. ix,i d„
fJrtnn-ll Hrm*. HstniK.
’ orer tbea Horea. Iirakcn ctona- had ao bad a temper. Hi* mother be shaken out freqoenily. ami bung In <if |
A cl*wgrman bad s rai wh
which wa* yoi^setf have to guy to learnr They
fJemlemen: Imgt
and tnraeric. Beaam cold rlna great fsvorli*- I
e fsnillf sn*l ra all thought not. But I saw one bright F'"fTl. lasliiitic purrhased i
ecar with made aiutard. ginger, aad
dowed u
le qBalltie* uoi u«uaUy j boy who evidently wa* not saililed; '‘c®*- fprUbl Maso i
do nothing with B’mie-tta«« aad •onr. Pour the rinegar tben three yenrs old—'be ha*
credited to her bumble *
; Before il was all ««h-n b*- looked i
Puss so I *ald. -Hans, do you hare to pay »*Tf. Thi* Piano ha* been
rar the paochaa. and aet the Jar to a
at one iltn*- had a very toirrratlag Uo leararam afraid be will t
>Med a rug. mndr of I*»rruwruUy . thim lurnlng lo h
I have Just
»l place for Ihrm aoaih*.
famlly to mtl«*liira* They were all to pay ailraikm before we can
knife acme.'
Dnring ■ * time a targe number to
pry shabby ingrain rarp*t.
Crab Apple Sweet PWkle — rou
Lafw on the
bright and active, but one of them ,
I can't eat any mori- "
ll ptanUt* hare bad <Ma1 Ibe bm* and doubled
■art* to frail wataed aad wiped dry;
was observed to have a greater re
Hr Could florll Cet
and dW throw a knife al ber. ron- wblrti are
Pueblo. f..Iora.1o, Aug. JJgri**.
• ibh> lastruineci and «rmy
oaa qoan to riaacar and tonr poeadi eequeotly Us laaguag* and maaaert
Dear Mr*. Bale*—1 am a Utile girl [*'-mblaore in 11* mtober than (be ivM. ,-'Can you spell kliira. ny Ulib
p than *teUchl*d. We
wide, slightly imib*-red i
piaaoire the aagar to rla
nw match his inmper.
ihlrtera year* old aad I and my mam-' “0 »“ Indeed ibe preiUrat khien to <
I saM to Jack, flry year* fM:
j ‘‘••r already p
(«ar. alao me aplea* Petlntbecnba
The daughter for a t<mg Ume ecwiee- and frlBgcd Ibe edc^a llltle: I made ma ar>- living with a lady and her bn*whole. aa*1 tbe inoiber showed a ; Aad behind hi* back Jerk gat botii ■"11 Uf«. Plano f>* the KladmnfUta
a boll anlll tmdar. Ir apuke to tar aolher. nod. agatoot
border of tdack. green and ted wool,
all are eooked boll that avotber-s wiabee. married
And tossed bis lock, to guU.
I We eonslder If a privilege to ra»ta
nd a fringe to ibe carpel, cut on the tvames are Hr wad Mrs. J. J Hetmrd *****>*««*•• to them, and being allowed
ita tynp down nntU tbkk: pom It
•tralgbi and raveled fur tbe ends: il ' am always glad when the HeraU'^ choice selected tbe favortic andlToo bardr 1 asked, itaa hta face : ■
orer theeraba When eoU It wUl fera mored. she U about to Irave.
. jIt. carried It home, AU this oeeorted la
grew grave.
because.l like
will be s Joy forevrr. on my bedroom
TM-btos to tbe/lano eaanto aSWt ta
These are Ita chU^m that put pary,la i the absence to the feline mtober. wbo.; And be said. "-It In I that to step on cold mornlngx. a* it ta •le Mien, and I would like
HmmJo Ignorant to the exeeltanl faab
Pina «bd Omen Orne JeOp—Plaaa «nm Into the poorbount, UpiB wtan
tbe Sunshine etah. I go to
bool I on her rMnni. nridenUy obeerred , But I'm too oU (or kRtctk yon know wreo to Ihl* taHrnmral- The Pqrrto
Bited wttb green grapo* make the do» Ibe blame r^t.lf not s
C40 f
coom the ntaenee to ber pH.: Kesw Just try me on M!~
laMUMe buye no other mita.
s. and «oet aothlng bni
an tart Jelltoa. SaaU
read and wriie prHly good. 1 kwe to' Bta Immedtalely enameDeMl seartta-i
lime and s spool at
Very atnorHy yoiira.
ptotow plna* are the beat. Wwh.
read sioriee and dartag vacation I; »* tta boos* aad oatboUdlagn, taeMTeacher: -Beaefa. naaw oae Mr
W. IT. PBKKU. Proa.
Pkfc aad aeeld tbea with tbeir
two books every week, oee from j
tavlag tta dogra opened tar taev Umt I* now oxtlaa.*
Haaldan* and tbe Brntatavlng pnbcrapaa plehcd traa tba ovagralac ta tara. Aho«« bB. give
Tta Bae aHUtag er
my Sueday setaool aad one from tlvejHlHtaatoe to all tbe rooms ta the
Uule Bnarie; -Ofak.'
ile are corglnliy lavltad to laaport fb*
MMt BCtela eto tbe Jtoee. M H aettle ttaa as toe aa edaenUoa a* yov water ta tta tsak'ttle ean ta p
vd IIaad
aoas*. aad w
pubUc UhraiT. I have Jasi flatabod
whaa mitaSed tkat It wa<
Ttactar; 1Mch< What mri to i
Ita Btotom. thm powr Itcartoellr oS
do OM Mb poor chU
A.|aet oe tta p

ta iiBlamL PM to a Bbaltow tatu*
wer a «tock Ifg. tataatof
tarn I

U «r merdy br balltac rintafat ta
igahame, Tta Hm cm ta MB


I win be ^ n

*tMBBen BMtair ptaan tta fatal'

■1^ J"^^tataayr. Ttaf

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