Grand Traverse Herald, August 11, 1904

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, August 11, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


■ 1. I i® >’e-

OAH. AtnnJBT 11. 1004


nawsc dir State ftuk



4. T. HANMAH, CMkht.

T«7 M at Oaul Wrtn
<Mlr. TMtk 7MT at pncUec.
To» vatroMai iotkJuA. U
Nm Mom lMUiUiiS,A«te K.
at f. MV am floor wlib DockorAr^ taliMi CoIMco aad o«w

SUIin,US. *26^000

fin Insurance!

« Hjr L«Mr BaM.
•I cAaBce. la tbe (wtUebt

Plata ClMM, Slwun SoU«^ mnd >

A^cr to Una OB iBipioTCd Seal Estate Oily.
RoomSlONawStataBank BulMtav.





Money to Loan on Real Estate
NO Booiu.

We MT«r eell loancmcc*. en bomirprf ot us tmo be sore

(Heir oWIcutoBo vtll not peso IdIo





hsoOK 'if ttroBcm.

be mode UHore mBIurliy. (bus




gjWtfia-tfSSB; BSC



e««rfl« n. Jarvis
aoi f^roon*




Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
Tnlephoae 4



On IM laUBb.



terial laed, and fbUygnaianteed in every re^iocL
That are made to nae a« wdl aa icU. They are


. <u*y

tbe eye; bm are dmable, comfortaide, and neat TTie fbe^iett oo the ma^et. qaality coniidertd.
'Onee nied and yon win boy no other maka

> see BBd »« SBppIlet at
n«ak Trafle’a hardvare store. 14(
. atreot. Tranree CItr. FOr

■ 4. twit a


T.W.IIin4 DUllcUd,
Alden. Mich.

i2*$w<ftr«u. • Uictor Petertyl.
Hare yon era tried tbe

Woyml 'riEmr ’Tmaim mnd OofYmmm

J{ofa1 tiger

Canmt4 Cura
amd Salman

They are tbe beat Sold ooly by



ifi bin tbe Buie bm oat
-O roa atapM Mar ite crM
BP Road. «ad be bad aaear laamfastr. ”1 mU SML' sot -Paldi.' (balr toau bakUd bar oa
alUi br
lee oae apetagUae a weat PeaL a mas wbo wrtua poatry. ]
tbom. Look out. ibars, to poet! ftalbl
tbe old pim* caae a aad ksow." (-Good ator? lor *y dim
Aaotber JBM uadar roar ataiftoard
toalgbl.* aba tbuugbl.) "»■»•»■
Tbe eaeU <d «La?gii» aad^tar- iba lobaur*. I hardly kMiw what
tree roae ep Into bU aeatflla Tbe
MBlag of tbe aaif OB tbe oater edge
grwau. aad
■> aad Bora vebammi fary. It
Hcroa lalaad called bla like a whal be win
• (be uiila boat, aad Ufta It v
-TMI you
(. t>« Iw autde BO Blgbtr Tolcn Beote* of fBrBDttea
tbinv JooUed oae aaotber U "
awabeaed mtmorj aad gare hta ao
I It aavagnly npou tba abair
peace oata ooe dar be eald to bli up watbom botharta- you VMt U ’
-W-wd-V parbap* Ibat will be bmt.
II lead biB daws H teuu aa 1 go
“Mr-dear, fee wrtUea Marlowe
d aim Mra. Tyler ataada tbm.
oae. Ba aura aad abow Ub botb
go BP to Ibe <M plam. IW golag
t. .taring, m ooa at a play. Sat
. baad, at be
hare bla draw pibaa for a e«aa
lad*, tbe graao a>d tbe rad,
• M Ua tragedy U over m»a
perlac oaM—
jitagt there; co ron’< better be aak- yoB. Mr. DsBbatir
(Hev the ctoTcr lifted eoudi pink.
a Bp roor albd ioat wbai you .
Aad Bill prnmiaad
I rollad away
Aad so la ooerne of Uae tbere
tbe curriaga
1 have fallaa. bad hot I
pratouad ti­
up oa tbe billaide oe the Bwaap
a (tateli
inralag lt Hy wllb a
Irsce. Tbea.
Be to beraelf oa Ua bod Is S
BUI bbM bdIUeb Ibe recloe
taoa of a gra.
i-a cabin, wtU Orsany MartM
I the blsb. eel (raa* veet tbe patb
Maar aad dir
sUlag >ar rorekaad aad rubbUft bar
to bide.
leaU of tbe aelgbborbaod. at
-ni bajlgcarwd;*rrlate.
ABd Ibe lo«. wet lesTaa bung orcr;
be ihrtftr bouaewlree eo«M
Tki wblcb ayaarteua asd
-ft-bat u ur aba wblaparad CilsUy.
Bat I could not poa epoa eltbrr aUe.
-bat Mil' Trier wanted wllb a
wUh tM 'Wbara am If Whal baa bagiiaidr
For I foued mr«elt wbea I rmialy tried.
-O my lamb; - walM (ba oU woiB tbe BTBO 04 nr neadlaot lorer.
maa. "If. U' aorvow o' U' am tbal’a
ad be beld Be ibete oad be mUed
t' you Ilka U'a coma (' U' r«l 1
BooUd poiBU le tbeotogy aad pafllka
m Dou'tlkmiw nr Hala*! I Mt RT
While be cloeed Ibe patb before Be; lo dtoeuM tb* MV booae. aad. partlca.
Ai U> wbal tbe vUlaga taM wbm Iba DmY my man V my two aoM lie wwt
And be looked dowa lalo ar ere. aad larly. to woader that a maa Ilka Dave
told—wall, boat llBa you Ibta* aom'eri undm it'i gram wataraT
Tyler, with no end f monay. ah'd Iralld
lUou grwaa lob- Tbera ; There; Don't taka oe aa" aa
>w tbe leareo beat dowa tron Ibe •acb B Sne bouae outaa coaBoa Btu*
of the truth wruag tram
buiicho o'erbrad
pickad up In the paatar- Tboogh at
Mtler cry, Tbara. my
To iiiieo to all that bj loiter mid
ibU polBl they imaally tplH. aoma daiba aaBeraut gaye la
daurle! Ood
- - Ffglra
- ft. Mum_______
m; Ibe
lb. learee banglbg krwlr o'er clariag '

Id Tyler dlaUaeUy (osloagtM rt tellla' ya a^nddlall Bat
loaaaboro graalta. wlille tke pravalP trtbuted lo tbe BerrUMBi of tbe IRUe
yoo'v# ^ f
b' dear lad^
tag oplBk» maaed to be that than New EBgtaad rtllaga If ba U a baww
maay aaotber
le war
WM aotbiag batter or prattler tkaa a lanor lo bte race wbo aakm two
•fora' him T
«d Ub:
■qaare-bullt fraae
bouae, palaiad grlB* coma wbara os« grla grew ba­
mark oe you
d what I
white, with green bUada.
ton. tbaa lo bar atiraly baloagud tbe
u wbo bm aayUlbg f do
Howeear, tbe (oamaata were aot all
Could I oelr aalde bare can bla.
le tbe abape of crlUdaB. The younger
you’re ooe t h. a’ youll kaow (81
was alaon dark and tbe Bomei
Mlu PMtlgrew iBOrr exactly, the lam
Umgrova laagbad at bar way*
eidar MIm Pattlgrawl. wbo wrlim aad wordi. Aad arm la tba loag. yir dyln' day bow aallan’ wlrm V
moUen foel whmevm (bar bmv U’
And tbe eearchlag algbtwlad (ouad poetry aad wean baby-blue ribboni.
dreary wlater time tba ran mautloe
Abd. beadiBc orar.
(HODooBced (be new bouae “a parfael of bw BBBa would provoke ramteta
t *h' d
B«or«T aad toftlr d-r-ew-B.- and “qulu too t-w-caf for oral BBlIm. aad auggrat aoma good •be pramtd apoa ibe pale brow (be
kiM at fellowabtp, tbe outward glsa
aaldan ytblBgd (bo Tyler taally.
aod aeal of Miriam TytM-a adopIMs
IHow ibr pore, meet wind grew et
wbi-a they
oetaat u>
aftd grhf.
adopt at tbair own tbe vardia
la of De­
to iBugb at Mrs. Dave: or. ratbIt WM a loag time aflar thaL U«
To liites lo an that ar torer said!
Id. JDBlor. oaty bob aad balr.
It of bar ebaronyoyawai
■ tbe wblipOTlag wind aroui
-Oae whiz, Boaile; TbU U graat;" ----------aile taylnga and d—------------------ la a gatbartag of frtaadi la bar boM
ftlih the eoBlag ot tbe taally. nur- ba of Uat mUd aad ganila port wbkb la tbe toau aoma oaa aald ImpaWraanu aad guaHa. the Lougcore iub- we allow ouraelvm la Ua earn
tboaa ly:
I am II
le knew, when be beld ae
-Ob. Mn. Tylar. tal aa abaat tboaa
Bar dreu» opeeadr and from that whom wa tore, laauad of tba uftaa
Ime nnUI the and ot tbe aaum the darlalve mtrtb wtU which wo graat
uat be all UBwllllng;
Ob. i bm your pmSml” aa a ramambraara of tba iraaudy
(bal tummir
r I t:
to go. and I woul<
II ba^ wltb Mr*. Dave’* vary Br*i
r tbe TyPBBMd.
ddmiy tu ber aUad. Tt waa .
le tbrougb tbe village strael.
■ ou(la«
the Dlgtal was coming wHb lU drw
d o
<4 Ba! •--‘I ouMu to bars
To bar, ftrah fivoi ibe graadawr M _____
. tbea u David, yaalor.
at lui.
tboagblT-youag DBVa.~ aa Iba vlUagan ptrDd (be skr wllb Man were fllllng; •.•cined Maple eoough. tad In BO way
-|1 la not thaL bRogaUar.'* asU tba
•Utad U calling him. Ha took lo tbe
Uui be clapped me ckwc when I would nut of the ordlaarr. Bo( (ba blgfa, rad almple aeaahora Ufa -Ilka a duck to hoaiMa. WtU a amiu. though bm llga
t»ve fled.
wbaalad dog-ean wltb Ua taadam w^.- and waa ^ar bappM tbaa wara aulranag. *V«I lamibpw (bar
nd he made me hear bl> non .
doeY aeam fuaay to Ba asr «ma. I
mUe “Ugar- oa tba
I bU «njl esme out Iron bU
•uppoM t hero pot aaad to tba flaea
bU palefully <k>aa flt- bemme a prtau tavortu
and BBldilng Ilvary, abd bl* arm* tigbtly fold­ body, aad uarar a boat put out Mm and (ha people. It aeaaa (p «o Ibat
(How tbe itar* ere
.1 where II
ed. wa* lOBeltalng eallialy aew to that the ahora In wblcb ba wm net a wM- we batoag to aach oUar now; (bay to
white BOOB led,
part ot the world, aad aaellad tba Uva- eoma paaaangitr. It mme lo ba aa un- m*. aad I to UeoL'’
Tu linen lu all ibai
-Tm.' Itob SUIrn WM naytag la bla
It ar
lorer mid;
llp*i latere*t and curtoalty. Tba vil­ derelood tblag at Ua maaabs ea tbe
h. Ibe
lage WM tU eye* m tbe bawlldoriag Swamp Road that. If Dave didn’t •tor* aboat that vary Uaw. “Mn. Oava.
'• queer '• ever ’boat aeaM Ulav; bal
iMon fwapt by. abd all tongue* whaa "abow up- at mmIUme, ba
w* aiB’i a-laMn’ at ber ]m' ’i wa aaUr.
had paoaad from aigbl- Tbe Sr*i
flahlag or aaUUg wlU aom*
e grau. aad i:
She aeemi f bloag to Loageeve Baar.
at tba priadpul performer
At flrat bla moUer bad frattad
11 not tell.
bad acorad
a U’ kid WM drBwadbd- W«Va
Jrove la
loio badgotv
r ’doptad bm. '■ ye Bight my. As’
Umeart. fraah from i
eabY aaka fan Y ym owe ima,
and weal at plaaaara.
■111 CBtry
I BO Bareir and wbeelwrigtat'a *bop. all irleked o
am per —CbfiMtoa ■admaar
red and falaa paint. la tba abaft* w
Saptambar. loaf lo ba remambarad la World.
And Uiai no being will erer dlMorer
d gray I
•mjm regloH. I
One word ot ibe anbr that rapidly lell
p-ean-d. •pavined bay, whom



Wwor«* mftwBBft.

•a S

of//oo< W S«**

ASwlhodtmiaod Ike flceDtr far wool iaatM far ooe ol tU
hnm Iflawb wool loiiiufMtiwri. Smorntfct waa made to bnfld
Wik vimhem U tte ahore loatian.

Citinra ti. Bell IM.

Cor. Tenth flt aiM Lakt Are.

i^thfalo^ tike uSm

Bwmftmew* Wwml 4ft«Br»ft

TMWtfm Cit/, MM.


Trarerse City Manufacturing Co.




men the mger lips of mr loter.
J1 neier rviml whni • falrr-Ube
The) «ove •iK.ui a. lhal nigbt In Ibe

» oo bti board
whip a
9 proper
ifopr ra
*iylv. 1
mck. faclag tba
of tbe carl, *al I* mtia aua. Daa.
1 ihp palli through i le dew liden
ragged bat an tlotbe*. and
leg* and feet, but
• tightly
N'lir echo Ihe wbi.pi-ri M
•ed upuB hi. fa
*1 oppiwMe the Mure. In full view
I frum Ibe lip. «f ar
be u*uai crowd of kniagan. the
tandem* meL Bee * aad Mr*.
Iiaie'f. Baa ww M grave M a )udga.
hi. eye* looking Mralgbt furward h^
IWMUI hi* faor*e'a ean; but Mr*. Darg
vl.lbly penufbed. aad. wbIppUg
The Adoption of Mn. Oav*.
u|. bur leader, wm aooa out of Mght.
Proliably the fimnleM Ibioit “tbAt
Then Bee * Mdema face relazed Into a
er b«|ipvni.d- ai l^gcorv wa» Mr*.
roBprebeaaite wink, and (be Mura
IV.. T)l..r. Not Ibat (be know II;
• with delight.
i»l wee ihv funnlMil part ot dl. The
ratne Bill
Ounaetl'a lubaUr
:ch and mlghi.t dame would bare •Key
-awn brrrcll up In ■enmtul Incredu:> at any InllmBiMn lhal tbe wai rertrdod M an »iaueemeBt-prorideTlB
chief I.. the tlllagr. and ibat even ibu
Hy Btarey. when Mn. D
I d.-cltnd lhal •Mb.' Dare', more
drove up lo Ibe market.
poirary. (
' Mr Duaned,- iba mid, la the h
d bj Ihi- aei
war (hr who
mlnclBg tone* which were at ooee
aad etraage ll
and ezaaperatlon of
ul It ronUaue
village. -Mr Dunaeti. have ytm
one frieade at Nrwpoi
nice freab lalialenv'
Old Point Cumfiirt—.
dure. Dana." uaeovering Ibe box
The plac^ waa eo odd, and tbe people
ic apoke. ''bere y'arc D1l«l wotbto peculiar, aad their •peerb, manla hour. alnT coM yi-i.-aer«. drew., ererythlag. to faaar: It
Tbey are rad!*
wae aliogeibev loo quaint aad dear
- • c' And »o they went on
•Bualag . ich other. ixBgcove and
Mrs. Dure. -arh at once performer and
ind neiiber cnnaclou. i '
iri'ing a dinner loaigbl. and the mlor
dual pan*
Perbapi I'
- me 1. green, and rad lotmu-n.
alway» k>. W<- are va»Ur enlenatnt
.. the
antic* of the mookey. Po«albl
when FTcife*.
loiter’ acqualnied
wllb i
-Yea'oi.- inawered Dill d*>ctadly.
opening i box full of crawtlag live
cruataeaaaa: -hen they be "

le table daouralluni.'
^■;tb..d^y.ra .... «

SSOWN, WlmnmEmr.

<'he-«apeai.c, la aorne way f. 1 Into tbe
■ Vl-by, to mt. of eocrae
good grare. of Oaurgv Dura 1 hmd of
d DIM doubtful
Ibr Ualiim.rre lumber Arm f Durant
wbal you want:
and Ikirani Tbe old nao
. lobaura. why
agls.'d a
e youngaier acarce out <it bl.
d made bln an advaalageou.
. . dljrnt tb'
caft-r the emplu) of tba Srm.
graae vanYy. Sotbla' 'bout 'em tbal'a
Dair'a raakee .brrwdnaaa muaad
apt t' upaet than (bet ain't oaad
bln lo "lamp ai ibe offer'
'em. Now here I be. party baaltby,
ditloul Yankee way of ac
myaalf: yet, ef I .b d ml o»*
n gram follon Hgbl down. I'd be
•Icker'o a boa. lB,ao Use. Woulda'l
dare reak It Tr Aitbia'. would you.
flaaily aeeaptad with
and raatgaatloe that
^j^d Hy ibook bU bead gravely
lan vaguely tael that


When you WBBl ft «o»<or i range buy a"Jewel."
They are haadtome b design and iinistf, good
haken and ecoaomical in fuel and we guar*
aatce them to give aatisfaction. We have
them ta price irom$ABO up to $60.00. Come
. m and let t» show them to you : : : : :

Paris Brttn, Land Plaster,
Sprapers and Sifters


Our Land Plaster is Fresh, ground fine, put up in new


1^ (200 lbs to bag.) The Paris Green is of the best



quality. If you must have these things get the ben.
Price of Paris Green is 90c per 1 lb package, less by

losing p Build?

quantity. Gel our prices. Land Plaster 70c ^r bag.
Sprayers from 60c to $IJ». Discount on large orders
OB all these things. Don’t go ^past comer Front and

MdmUlworkdooeou short npttce. Give us
A ^BBce to. figure OB your wants.

vSide Cumber 0e.

1-^;^ PiPi


raa under obUgaUoa.
and not tbe yootb wboaa bla llklag wm
befrIeediBg. He dlda'i know ibal be­
hind that calm exterior
■raise, wen beat lag fMt It
r a chance aueb M cn


-Doai look' tb’ nkm T it.- aald
Cap'n LavL
-ft-bai'a tba maUar watb IIT' gaa^
lad Ben Stover. -Party Si la waaUm
rr (bl* lima o’ year, I call It. ftbal’s
lb- way weU you cT aal kir '
. .
oye. ’a’ .
'a all fU out -bout lb' weatbor.”
ni aae.“ mU tbe old man oracarty. '*T%»r'a a atnrm cornin’, an' n
ul ’ua:
uala K. What boat’*
_ HaronrKltlywlak. I gwcaa. I aaa Aady
Stavaaa ’n’ youag Dare puabta’ at la
er a apall apu.-Wlah they waa atbon.’ mattarad
« captala
-O. pabaw; Tbey’ra all right. Ter
aervea la gltla treixM oaL Oap-a. Ta
bead aoma Hood'a BaaaypTUly.'’
-HaUB I do; bat I wlak Uat boat
WM Mbore. leg- U’ aame.” penlated
tbe old maa gloemUy.
many asiUar bafora
. .
__joat wttbout WBTBlag
broke that moralag tbe migbiy atorm
Mill talked aboui amoeg aallor folk;
aad. wbea II.wm tmit tba omat of
Maine wm Mrawa wlU wrmdi* and
lined with deeolate bomra.
oot. Andy aad Dave bad aam
'in oomlng. and had beadml for
•bora WlU bMtUy raaded aall. Oully U* mile craft
Mood up u> Ua
I WlU wind aad wave, but Ua odd*

Catodoala aad New Oalaea. bat ti tba
igo •• well — ------travalma b

a. bMag Blxad wlU watm. Ndaoad
a paau. and Iba aaad aad efbm
bard .
la Uee tji'BBd lato *
M Uleb
M (ram thia proama H
jaof drlad perk. Tba
MHiy eat amall Sgarm
4 fiBB dap, wbUb ra-

The wooma wba gam m a bMosary to ladla meat eapacS to pM sp
• Ub etraage taro. HMa MalUe Bara. a aUaMoaary Jimi retmsad Mb
that couairy. oaya;; ‘Dartag
Darlat tba Imt
year at our mar U ladto wa had bad
only oaoe. bwUcb twtoe and Sab aboat
MfbttlBaa. Cbicftgaa era ao r ■■iii
« wm (Irad cf thOB. U faoL cblAm
about (ba OBly Baal to ba bad. The
natlvM are irageUflaga aad addoB
I meat daa
our aiy oaea a weto aad bre^
g'«t mmt. Ue only kind to ba M4.
The nautrn ml altbm rtoa or broad
made from wbml or a graia paadlar
to tbe oouBtry. la Ue craIn dlMrlefa
■bey bare bread. .. .
.y couatry. Tbe rtoh pmipla Ura wall
>d here dalbUm. bat
'e on nee aad vagaublea.
ilrm bor lorha are aaed.*

bopalana (ran Ua Man. II wM evP
denilr Andy* Iniaolloo to run la onmipMio-a point, but
Ibe atraagth of tba gala —«■<iaPQMible. and drove him dowa tba
; nad It WM with a UaklBg of
lean U« Ue waubara oa tbora
bim beading for Middle Paamge.
now ebannel paarnUa at high
r. but bow. ai bail uda. brtaUlag
WlU nicki wboaa p
a owat of foam.
-ml Scud' .What'a ba dMaT
Sam Oallnp Is alann. "HeTJ be
Tbe cuUua pUbt Snt coBe to ABmup lBao»nuta«fbatilMll!*
ks fruB Aala: now tba graaim pan
■( bl maioaa.- aald Oap'a Lavl
Ibe eOBirai AaUs r.rop U gnrwa
Ha kaowa lb paaaaga '• wMl ’• any rn>a Ammioan BoUuBimd. ABetSms
la Longoova. Hut doaY ya aaa culiivauira till U» aoU. wbicft H WW
11 be c'n dor It. altbar (bet or
by ag Amenraa irrlgatioa lyagoin' oa Whaleback.
If. hi* only
Vaakue glae «laaa tba Sbrw,
CM. flumaouBda
( then Ue Tyler earrh
nd Mra Tyler apraag o
Safa ho
d balK
uybody tall Be-dom any eaa
wbMbar ay Dand la la Uai best?
cloth by meoad baad a
Quick;- aba rapml.d abarplyy Bl bo Iron an AmaHoaa eouoa (aetorp, to
ooa anawarud
Tali Bef
e Darld <»Bi<e(e abroad With AaMrUaa grtaic.

«oa lafl Cor Mn.

I* raid'd M't^‘‘stdSr’‘oL5s

-Batter try tb' rwd 'uaa.* waet oa
'’ichtrdaoa. a awcft bepm d (batdtr.
DuBbatl panuMlrafy. -TbarTe mlMer braaU,— 'my Aady!'
M an appaUto for bm MU (M »
' '
xbvMBar like. Ev'rybody
Tbaa they who aspaeud
ot m^N^^^toa^Bi^
a' lb' wmkeai atammlck
wooalag. hyatoiia, aaw wto
dallgbt. aa U' -Sootbu'
Boat a miracle. A long. M_____ ,.
Byrep AlBaaae' mya ~
B gnap. M d BBortal agoeyr^- I
%du*aMblm cf^Mfog
-1 douY know.and Mr. Tybv draw benaif ap Ilka a
Dave, erldantly
dldaY -•e.-r <* parade, aad wiu etralalag.
any diffareaea meapt
m eym .tood
aad altaotly
iual nuabm.
--m, I woaldat w
•d WlU tba red (be aamad
Abooi a waaft ^ ha ato Sd
«lek; but Ibad
out OB tbe watcra.

alngly ladlSaraut eyea omMiad tba
I of aa amblUoB wbkb bagae to
lu way nearly to acbirvammi.
Aad ao II came to pbm tbai tba Duaicl R. Boawortb weat bose le charge
be mate, aad tba young csptala
bla plaeaata dank talbaaOmof
Durmai aad DniBbL
iwursad Bm. n
Tbesoaforvard tb* tldm of Ufa rsb
OMlIy aad awlftjy. From tba dark- •b-d Ulak you'd waai a Dula ooulrmL
Tb' gram trlBBlB-a would look an
niar rr harla aoBa ocbm ealm
1 la. aaeBf (' Ba TbMt tutor'*
Miriam Datmgi. qaly daagbtar asd
Unb ai bar aftaMa’ rad ream ___
fcalraa*; U*«. at tb* daub of Mr.
j gram Imran. WeaUat laah

bei of St. aad mnmat to bd a ftaOm
be eoald aat two ftaam a
burg CtoMto.

ra* borrfble. Jam to wa
ramlobdp. BMRwa


Durau. to maaaganhlp aad prmKftUly tol* owsmiblp «d tba Immobaa
ptaat; tbsa Darld Tylar aam* to high
■aarad ftlao* la tba a-*—.-

~ a.

lewar tmmd* of tba laddm «f
•w?? “
ds« wfadi af Maw



-O, Mr. Oassour


MM »• Mctle


Ml raiartad; thm


beat, aad


Harotsiiitfl and
mowing machinery
We al«ra)-s carr)' a Ri>od stock on hand.

IDilwaukce $ Decrind

BindMrM, RoMpors,

alto tkn* rear* *d> wttb Sopcrriaor
l,i|— - ax la Fraatdxl Dm’» Haarr Waaaar. wto »M m o
M « won « • procM ta tta
laatk apto (to oahjaet that to r
rad otben aiib tto aaa* aplrtl-

IVIowMrM, Way RmKms
e Fibroid Tuniors Cur^

n. H. OM Of a>~ AfW.
« to «M oaoua to to pnaant. Bla


-to** «to

I (eel a laoonifol Maann ta n
Mr. torr.a«M U Ma»a aty. toU.^
nuadar. A«r»t n. 1*0*. itoi *t- tag two TltlU made •erenl rear*
to • Wto to tto MM dak tTMi (to laadad tto *i*t ■**«■«
to the Wetbodlat p
toito* tor* (tot ar« caaMof ta (to
naradar. Aac-t «. 1*0*. Ito* ataMdO. Tto tor* ato. aaa* *(
ttodfd be aaeoto batdBB
*a Ito MWaai toto of tfcdr ac

Tkortoar. Aofaat ». 1**4. H I* *i- cordial hotoBalitr aad biotberlr apini
peeiad that tallr #to* pao|da wOl to
I wu glad to reader bln a lUile
■tatatertal aM ato on glad to bear
la attndaaceHto. Fred M. Waner. anrdarr d (eatlaoBr to bl* heroic paUt
aaJM. Ito aoto to Mr.
•»« ■lau ato repoUleaa aobtoae (o
tto Mto dak «M alao n*7 pMoMaf
.. «IU aarair to pnatot. ato It I*
M «M Mr*. DaiM-* toat- Tto Maato
rog Ibr b
•rvere trialt. ADOog
to «tah ato*ai«« to tto pracraa
aid WBIIam Aldea ftotb irtll ilao to
as tbe death of
o bit torelr and
ntarir daagbtrr.
Ito rMPtoar to tto addioM of a>dTto MOBl apart*, aode. baaeball
d aoeb falthfol
Tbe lira and deal!
«to* wa* Mlverad Or Hanr B. Om- •asM. naa*. ato.. atutooat
aoldlera d tbe croe* are tto noet
toUl* d OM totor. 'A r*« »*- lock
vUi be '‘paM oC." riadeg prood* d tto realir d
bletnd rrilgloo wbteh Brolber C
Mito* va* tto HU* d a atoi
ato Botto apoakin wtu addra
preached and adorned.
M*adX aWiaM tfdirarad «
00*4*. It M tto latoBUoa d tto oaTo Ito folthfa) ato toloTcd e:i(c
toaar Mart* af tto Balranatr of
aad toa. ao tadir bereaved. I trader
Mkhkaa-Tto “OU toUlar* Atoiaair
nr alBceieet Chrtattaa aropalby aad



: «to MtTBroa to-’mr*. Batii* nttor.
f tbM raar *a oaui
«to toa toaa a imMmI of tto raMo be «U1 be etomd.'» mbu for ad
to aiatr raara. Bar. Fraak BM
ato fi eeat* for eUldm; tto preemd*
d CUeW ato> mM aa addraoa.
d vbkA win CO for porlM print
W. *. Aaflarato d Trarara* Cttf
aoDd 0*0* aad **oke for
While cut It to to a hatkat plaak.


0**rlnflt V*r«loml
IWlowmr is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

A distressing- case of Fibroid Tumor*
which baffled the skill of Boston doctors.
Mrs. Hayes, of Boston,
Mass., in
the following letter tells how she was
cured, after eveiything else failed, by
Lydia E Rnldiain^s V^etaUc rnm«n.«L

Don't forgot us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

« Barney Jinderson «

Mn. HByw* FM iMttar AppaBlliV to Xn. pltakkBM for Balk *
*Db*b Mn. PtmAx:—IhavabeaBijader BoUaodoebWtnate

Note tbe lesutt of Mr*. Pinkbam's advice—al«
tboush «he advised Mn. Hayes, of Boston, to take
ber medidne—which she knew would help her—
her letter contained a mass of additional instmctkMis as to treatment, all of vi^ilch fadped to bring
about the happy result


■DsAB Mas- PnnesAx:—SotneUsM ago I wrote to foa daseribD. O. K. K. MUTIN(L

SeeietaiT J. M. Btakntee ato Ror*l
rod dlaaert wfll be aerrto br tto Vtatar P. C. Gilbert d Lalla Rookb
d QMa Bar ato Hi*i
HattodM edoreh aedatr ato Lodr Tenple. D. a K. K.. have retomed
, H»T*a wmt ala
klaontoea d Norwood, at (to bod- (Ten Petoaker, where Iber wei
IB. Mia. OaoTM rraUek d note price d » ceaia (or toalu aad Ito laterena d tto proposed D. O. K.
CStr brand tto aadlwor
fO ceau itar ahUdraa. Two ttodi will K. neeUai; there ta Septentier.
be boilC neb Id feet ta width ato ITS
Petosker lodge ato tto Bombers
feM la taafth. otoer which (her will eoasBited are eager to bare ibe meei-



- The oaa of liydla E. piBkhaa-g Vafedable Cempond cnliMlr
esD^ the toiDor aad gUenfthened 117 whole ersbem. 1 can walk
--------------•xjUrdU E.
Ta* -


- Ii worth «n dot

,it a faithfid^*F. Bath, 9fiS X>n^ St, (Roz

ato la eaoe d nda. (bne lag held there. Tbere arc proepeci*
’d a large elsn d tyros and (to Petosi be and ta knpl
wvnien a* otan
key boy* assnre tneb asslstaoce as
owwd troa petUac wot. aad a
ZMkr *»< W. B. todarato aad daaskSt fbet la width ta to to ton b<
11b of women; all
Old NofdrlB. Ur. Plersoo and Cotoocl
tto two roda lor rarioaa kii
(■nifty *fwt dbbka; I
Booth, active worker* d tto lodge,
baekadte; irrepila^ anp
1 Urn
have already begua lo exercise ibeir
OB. SoietF tbe Tolume and dtanteter of i--------------------------------a o. kM. cbubiution.
can 1mt« DO rooni for doDbb
,______ „_____________ fapencanfaaTe
tafloeace la behalf d the meeting aad
The ■aattaf d (he D. O. K K.
_________ . ^ at her above addieu will gladlr aatwer anj...........
lObUsben d the Petoskey Resewteuakv topt. I wU to owe d tto
which aick women mar write for fuller inlonnat^ aboat ber fllneea.
er ato Dailr News, also active
UergraUtade to UnLtinkham and Lydia E. PtakhaB** TcfwtsMe
Hcpaat aad beat «m told Id NorthPythlaas. will exon a stroog tanuenoo
ComiwBnd b ao gamine and beartfeU that ahe tKhvW bo trooUe b too
MieiilMa. M B. HeCor. i. M.
maklag tbe aSalr a su^s If ii
great for her to take in retuni for ber health and bgpptneM.
Blaketin ato t>am C OUbert were la
Aall be deflaltelr dccided-fo bold the
Tra^bbaaid Siatit U Lydia E. Ptokban’* Tcqretalde CotoPateefcar Wedaeadtr ato taeneded
peond that b enying ao maoF women, and no other medicine; don't for­
lag. which ts pracllcallr onured
la awahaUac ao back eatboatato)
get thb trtien aome dniggbt wonte to sell too aontathing else.
Pteale d*r roOa that laateto d tto ctaat d tw«ir4re
which war aaeataarr to hold tht
•me time ago samples of Keytiutn
l*B (wthtrwlsht aaadldateb tore *1brick, made hr the Traverse City
rator baaa aaeund ta Pabtakar.
Brick eompaay were tenl lo Was
Traverse City ou Tlitirtdsy. They
ito that four IM eaadidata
- BMrltoattoniitadar, wtaatotaad
„/ d tobc tto od, (tor vara tto aav tmd tto bondof aaada d PMoaker' Uw lo be tested relative lo Its quality.
That's what the uMc nappery <h>e*
Word has been reeeirto by the
blilory of the lany, several of wl
OB (hat data.
when It come* ool of our Iiuodt*. We
paay that ibe'teat it saUdseton
have tnsdc Ihrac aauual cxrursi
mate a specialty of flat work, from
Otar tfordab. ehalibaa d the
ODUaclor has beeo aaUnrised b) a feature of itaclr summer ouitag
napkins at half a cent each lo the
rcasorr departmeal to use Key- t number of year*. Those who formed larp-st of counterpanes, two for a
- brick la Ibe aew federal bolldtag ibe party were J. A. Uoolsgue sod
quarter. Hotel work at still more rea%* lad to in BBB* iaiD tan* (odar
for the leierlor *ralU.
sniiaMe rales.
Family washing* ai
“ •
II oad tor* to laTto oompoay U msklng exeolleet Giwesou and tem of Cbirago, Zsch
five (fois per poond. Save the worry
lick aad the plaot is rwahed. T
Aldrich of New Turk cliy. Robert uf cbauglng a wauberwumaa every
k ta alto dotag
par roll for the past two *reefcs «
Price. Louis PaimoICF and neron week, and we Iron all Ihe flat otwk
ortr a paaUac a
abool 11.000. Tbe coBumay It prto<
MnrgBO of Traverse Ciiy.
wHboiit extra cliarc
Wright Bros..
be nadf to aaiartala the rUltor*.
uM*to br to old
boot SS^ a day.
Star Sleam Laundry.
Tton an aboat (our hoodrad m



And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASE, SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation. POWER produced and DURABILITY of


will certify to the above facts

, ssE.’cs.'-irsi-Js


art d Ultah Beokh Maple. wUeh la
la daBr datlM ar* Madir taka
aC la tto r«ar. to Ansoat tto oair 004 Borth d Orato Rapid*.
District lodge No. ». L O- O. T..
I b rWUac
etd its quarterly tetskm at Uemroe
____________ Aad vton la tto to>*to
Btormaa. Kalkaaka. Pedotoer. Cbaraar that u I* tot tioM «*u torota. kbatatn. Paltatse. Harbor Ceater oa Satarday. Joly SO. Tto to!towiag oSIcert ware elected for tbe
bad tooe men oad«r tton aprtast. Oaawar ato Oarterd. Dar- ■war:
dM tnaa to U* feoato d boaa- lac tto eomw d the day thaw wUl
D. C. T.. Alleo Wlchtmaa.
mm lato.. (ton
be two W( paradea. oto b tto A*r
D. eonacllor. Mrs.
S. Nelsoa.
If d aadtoaa. a
ato tto eaaUMUT Bnwarto
O. V. T., Mitt Addle HeUoIlA

tod K dawn a*. rtoaptUdht
D. E. 8.. Otto PBRsch.
. .«a to to to vtol w* blaa ao aneh ato
PoUowlac the pande. (to work
8. Oclleger.
ba«to*a*. tttitb
tttitto ..................

b* doM la the open bouae. After tbt
■n feM. vto b (ba i_ .. ..
D. treatorer M, Cba*. Dye.
tabor* an erar, a baaaaet will ba
dae* tod Mtok dar ton tal
D. H.. Wnilam Laag.
aarred at tto ArttacUa. Thta wffl to
Delegite* to grmto Itoge. Otto
OBC d tto auet elaberate aad la
Pbrseh. Alleraair. B. 8. Nelsoa.
amtm brta«a a* a ataa* d koto kai
baequau erw aerrto br (to UbOroad lodge will be beM al Huikoaa pnrloaalr thar »*nr
\H^ala UBw, oaa d tto
giB on Ang. a. S4 OBd SS.
aaeh bdlltlb at win be offtred ben
fliaiHn d tUi ematr.
'rrfeha (Sm br Maatcw Peek. A big tibe la
....bttolatur paelto ato wbea the Kalita
Tto cnilatac parly wbo have been
Mr*.* Laka* wu
laaaa doat hate wfat ther *a- eniorlBS a trip to Outer Hnd tm the
pact, then la aobethlag wneg.
BOrth shore of Ukc Soperiar la J. A.
apeetal neaUeg wUi be heU Moo- Hoalane'e yacht, the Gem. returned
tor bight to onptaM artaagaa
OM Mlastoa last week aad reu-hed



Opal, tto T-raardd daaghta. „
WUttan Vaa Lnma d bear Btlrer
wa* otnefc ato iwa brer br (be
kaa ezpreta oagoo at tto e
d State ato Uetaa atreeta at E o'clock
Tboradtr.' Her Idt ana
bnkea aM tor head broiaed.
Tto Itttle giri otarito aenoa (to
uwei with ber netber. ITber We
Sdog dlivtaallr acroad! aad tto


powder aad there are kind* lo soU ^11
taste*, such at UenBCB'*, Palmer's.
Rkktccker's and others, both sceuied
aad uMcraied. Aside from lal
powder*. Pnxsoart. La BlBBCbe
half a doxca other face powder*
b.' fouDd at Bugbee's City drug *'
tK Front St.

' alomlBum ~Danlap f
pot Is mvdlrlni' fur tbe suonach.
A* It Is aoi necessary lo use eggs In
this coBce-maklng process Ha ectmoiDIcbI value Is not to be disregarded.
Aside from lu U-lng bralihfnL mal­
lary and economical. It is oraametital
aa well aad can be used for any fane-

tloo. Oa sale at Saxton lUrdwaroCo,
Sl« Front Sl
0 raotUy due to tbe nbute of the
stomach. Give him an amber eup of
coBoe. made from our special home
> baring .
blended 33c Jmva nnd Mnrba. nnd be
will feel reluvlnated. By rvinsling our specially he offiw* an exceptionally
roffevw (rewh erery week we *i
good line of office desks and seelkmal
way* prepared to Serve the puUlc Iwiik ras>-s. Id goldea oak. qnarii'r
wHb a cuBra that I* satlMylBg ti
saweil. Huy now and you wHI nut reInner man. New York Tea Co, J3E
Proot 8L
You till find )u.i nhat yuo
nvx*l. lo luK-i ihv right place.
patient enter* a deatal o(USTEN!
fln- be or she aa the eaae may I
The malorily of peopl.- would not be
llalely Impressed with the
murh Ibe wiser If tWy n-a.1 aa Item
roondlng*. aad If the appolntmeau of on Builder's Llardwaiv
that In or­
are comfortaLle. aitranive der to reach the public «. sin be diand pleaaani a feeling id coo^deo
flnlieand say ibm.I.wks. knob*, hinge*,

Im people who man to have gooe to i the work of the dniln la al ooce (elL
^ maiwJilo taarn.logic.
Tto tolcea of Dr. C D. Miller, aulie
M7. aew State baak boIUing. are very
Bnely appointed and Ibe doctor la gfv
log Ibe besi service ibal skill aad care
Dr. Ptactt-a OoUen

slldinc-door lock*, rnpboard catebe*
and nlgbt latnbe* ate all Incloato In
the IIM. EcpccUlly bandiujae arc the
.dd copper li.L s.i* display.-d Ijy
Frank Trade, ite Front stret. The
keys all St.

Try them on your door

good vaed. at (be drirer bad to
(rip dowa towa ato get iWc U
. taake tbe Elu Pere Han

Whta aboat haU war i

whaM arideattr

Removal Sale
I will remove to the new brick building on State
St., opposite Brodhagen’s barn about September
1st. Anything purchased before that time will be
literally discounted. We have a splendid stock of
everything in our line, but no matter what you
want, in

Wagons, Buggies,
Farm Implements,


•e atnat. tto notber tat go d (to
child'a head ato allowed It to go
Tto driwaaw tto daager ato
tried to atop tto bone. Ito diaiaaee
too ahort howwrer. Tto child
«ed bnrtidend ato atartto
netlr toward (to wagoa. She wm


A* well as the baby*. Is always fol­ A NOTED STOMACH SPECIAU8T
lowed by a gencrou* use of talcum

Traverse City Business College

terr. which win
laoUj tto blood
* aad cure th.

Has DO superior in preparinty for business.


SKCIIL tiiEiiiai n UH AM EVEir STwai

what om

Modett* and their «a{iiorers

aaf of m;

Jaly tt. IMH.
C R. DOCKERAT. Principal Traverwe City Bsata<s doHc«e. CH,.
My Dear Sir:.—We bare employto several students Irem yonr eolleqe ta diSeren depanmeais of our store, ato here fuuto them well
tralaed ato eaxble. They easily adapt Ihensrire. to our ayaiem of
buaUMsa. showlDc Uui thrir tiatabig has been broad ato Ifberal.
When in need « kelp, w* bare always Cooto yoo prepared to aeto
tomeoie to fUl (to place, thus earing ns tto treoMe of trylag amial
appltaaau tudore Mttag wkat wewaatad.

or Tools of all descriptions will be sold at a discount
until September 1st. This is the opportunity of
your life to get anything you want in our line at
the right price.

Fred P. Boughey.
Corner Cass and State Street.

WtablBg yoo eoattawto aaeews. i beg ta ramala.

Sec. aad Ool Maap.


Both 'Phones^



AtMM ctarr aoaauy boM la* tk*
aaad of a aat*. cooi walu aad vhai la
aaaM^ to paoa II «1th
■llir Arau * Cola. Caw atraat. vlU
alto 4o aU ktada at Ua i


^ NWgp «tfviv vUk a ta

TaM teaa t^ww tartai kart M*v. tta war ottr M jmn oM awl
• kaa^Klil la tMa rldalp

A dew weep o( the wuoo's besl Shin, al eearly hall priee.

« Or. ■aatt tt TraMrat OKr


1 ilocton aad ainr 1
itar. Pmioaatobcr
ouM ao( aat bat D01
la kaa to totreaaad tliat ate OB'
topa (oar
yaDaaa latoada to brtac ntlt acalaai
•ba doctor becaato aba ad«

U<ttU3rOOm at Iba aadddat caaw that (be
.. MrHkiB ea
RtkaM.B.|M^ Bo( Bfrtasa doeton hare tnotad b
MPt. wr. utaa ii«tiiaHa» TMr Uat «t tfca Uttto Ua^oar«U daasbtor
Mm* lala la artMlv ikaM a or T. H. toeortaaa ct Cedar Baa.
Uaa aat la. Par aati
. eroui, bd^----------I ■» a. M. IMtM af Haatlan, baadherMc. Ndfhbcn baatd «( Uit
8ot Bfrlaga doetort aad mm to Mr.
Mnnrawaii vbe vat vorUac la Uir
Md. Ha at oaoa hliebad op Ut
aad brngbi tba UtUe aoSarar
1 Tkanter br Fkto tba dtp. TWar aba mb walk, tba
lag belac atUJ eat bat tba po<» Ubla
laa beea praaaatod to the

hai aaU
lata toiUBMiap of terrible aatPbr Bra mn tba Hula girl
bad Mad an aigbt wttb tba paia. To«ar aba b aatortag tba.ptoaavei ot
dbUdbood. Old Or. Beott
ka vlU
•toalghtao and reaore tba .
ritto barlagabo.
J. RaBlU, lie Sootb Cedar
ba»« Metertag with tba Hot
8|irtoti doctara tbbtr dan ago. He
badaobItiL H*beeadociMiig(cr
tMlta nan. Book dan ba vai able
(«adBnbavaaiMK. Wbae
'to- AU oaeMr at tha Omtba beatawat.
•ad in poaada. Nov ba valght
' 'M«M(Mata<A
Ha bad atoaoeb. ibar «ed Ud«m ba oapauat aartroabla 'I vaai to uii no aotoafatowaikdova. Odag f« tba bauatt M tha ««««,.
-»-^»bM*fliba|ptba«. n,
lot Bpringi doetot* did IL- BblrMt•dbt ta ap toaorrov aad ba b veD
Hot Bpriag. doeton bare ijto

Icrajr—' ■

-3€H“ ‘ ■ ■ ■

Its. rsst^jr»*s


SjM* LObAtontn. a. ftMM

rha dodeta adu r

•wT^-------------_|(«MiM^tfrM to iba Swadtob

Our entire atoek ot Men', line

Everybody knows that Wilson Bros'. Shirts are the
tM, patterns and des^s far superior to all others.
We have pU^ on sale our entire line of new 1904
shirts, our best quality. Madras and
Zephyr cloths, the best $1.60 and $2.00 values QK/»
in the land, on sale at.................................................. 570C

•f the Marvin Smith Co's sttodc now in full blast at the

ed off with the cleanest and brightest assortment of


$1.00 SHIRTS AT 45c

The bm adected stock in the dty. has been marked
down for Clearance. The valoei are of a most ex*
cepuonal cfaaraaer.


We have had an immense Shirt business, have sup*
plied thousands of men. and few indeed bought less
than 3 or 4. We are now ready for the biggest shirt
sale on record—and the greatest by far in the matter
—' -e-pving. To dean up the season's bustoess. i

$8.00 Um-s TaOar ntode Suki.

sis'.'.”.".: 7.pj

SUM Mm’s Sdb wkb srtf
H«fc fa...............

Sud 6»ne 8dl Cms% vortb
of the most desirable colun anu paiicnu, ucany au
sires—you'll regret it it you fail to get your ARm
share of these shin bar^ins at......... ........

^97, 67-^350


Mfari. fa^ dy.' MM Mm Mt ttwi. dJttfa.!, 2 jrg

Odd stock left from our costliest suits, also fine pants from broken assortments,
pMts of fioMt worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, etc., worth $4, $6 and $6. bunched to A J r
dose quickly at........................................................................................................................................... ....

Ever Sec Suit Bargains Like Ikcsc in Your Life?

nu IttWSinti Rw. ttPUl, wmd


M.» LfcW Dtttt Rw, fcttMfa nttttfcl



Probably you have heard that we are

Going Out of the Shoe Business!
We are, and that accounts for the fact that s : are today selling new, up-to-date shoes at positively less than
wholesale values.


•150 Km’s Ml



NevlsMdstevaktt *9,^^
Ltolica- bhik cotUM
Hose, pwttoir...........dC



<5c Lsdios' ModiB Dimwil

•00 Lsdi*’ md UiM Di«« ud WslUiw flkktiL geld W Mwvta‘1.96




hotof tbia


The pain has left her stomIs to thank the H« Springs

Mi'S, r, 6€mmimr.

f*®00 HTraverso

The stream
gone away cured auu ua
else ref&nd your money.

PooidIo ^^urod

id^ life a burden for yearv. 1.800 have
Spnngs doctors do what hey agree to do or

QHipe Hotel Whiting.




Chiu »
•n,- Mr*. U O.

>-Addr«a. -Tho aau toDter
4 AMOdMS«-it* AM

Tb* M) «U<k hM calM tlM ptopl« of tM «b»™ii
—^ (rf ifTl atfll riui br M. u«
•Ul« M an bMdtai »io< fc7« l» «b*
eb«Kh « •« VMImg OoAPpe^

: eaoatp aad (ovasUp

■»* MMblp •ee«ttrt#«.

territory remhitt open for meo of character had Ability;
Wtber It
you can 6ad out ^ writioB whether
it wdl
wUl be Wtuth
previous experience
your while to make a ebaoKe.
IS necessary.
A coune of profesional instruciioo given free.
Brr. BUpb T. FJeweaiaf aad MUp to Boataa are rlatilB* Bar. Bad
Mrs. Hoeb Kenaedj.
jadee Horrp & irvell to Oread BapLa passed (broosb (be dtp todap oa
bla wap froM tbe ptebal* Jodcee' atot'IM at Obarterola to Ua cottai* U
bp Mra. Jewell aad tbUr daughter

r Cba an to pnkM

L B. H. Kobte to Cbleago la la
(to dtp todap (to gneot to Mra. H. C.
rwMot.tb* H. K—*«F. '
Dari*. 6be aill ipead aotoc tlse at
___________ _
pnoMrt. R* •:W—B*Mit» lo to darirto iron an RapM*.
- rm ntPVnjcAM pAwm nn- toM tiC tto TtaU ot tor. J. * CrbMb ■oM *«*rt to toadu *rteol wort. ProB 8ataidap-s Record.
*to B*r. ilr. tobitto *< <>•-«»• ' Joba Whit*, prttotoat Utoaaa*
Mias PmtI ater to Kalaraasoo 1*
1. N«*«b«r. IHt, to
^ hMwr <r t^cM utfri
rUlilDg her psreaU. Hr. abd Hie______ »Qto ftr* tooreb. B*
caasiotoM br preoUtoal to Wes- Jamb Rlrr to ill Bast FPont r
hi AliMta <M bo bWbMlM
Oaar Price to Lelaad waa a TrarIW firr IrtK iMMit U«t (to r» tou <C tor. to. fritoVb iMtolH
Mtool bM* wbieb ww M
ar«e Clip d*lior paaterdop.
p^mmm tor* torealM •» tb*
torh Plbo* mam *tud*.
Tbootaa Hatchett aad ertfe to KLagelep are M (to totp todap dUttiig
tmcrn aund to forfoa tb* •T*' took (to tto* be «M kb**et turn
dcr «od bbil* b* Urto 01 m E*fU*.
M «bM Mb ObUiM. Tto«
to tb* tonoto to pm *b>M. <* tb*
Joha Nolaa to Cedar Rus Made
to tb* vert to (b*
;to* b**b
Tto «
I (a U« lb* itoakto ttowad to ibU
j aad loM tor. Mr. Bobtoaoa
re, a ttotbodtot praeber. vto «hlp
rMotawd oaUI *|irlB(. Hr. Sprafo*
ttoaaiiOBal baablat ato n* a iv
^MMtoaa waaaw*. caletoaM > rv
i*Mi »* eeatorr «M tb* vBla to
hki UiWik Tto toowto VM ebtoeb. ' B* ntara«« t
N(4 bp H p«r toU. to tb*
a to ODBWM aad i* toiap opu ar a r«tr Mn* aaBbar to (baa. rarp Ml* afaoet tbia part to tb* V
haailalaatotoaa to Mr*. T. T. hah
plto to tto Uto* tato to Hi totolta.
la UM-tto (Moorall
ttn. T. T. Bataa rrrou a rarp totorroMtto
^ PMT OB tb* oarip Watotp to
• rtardi vbkh va* road bp Wat
Mtobl* BWt.
I loartad apoa la tbia papar vUeb
***** ter baak BOM* a* rapUlp vin to prtatad la telMa a M« dap*.
Hr*, d. W. HUUkaah Talk.
W rtprtlkaa la oeagiaM roMd
»6b. I. W. MlUOiea vat slr*a lb*
I Iw tto r**BMptloa to apodal pap- topM. ‘hPhat Itoobarcb ha* beta to
M aad orerp dMoarai aaalad tt:
a dtotawtlo , boaa*. M ITT. tb* IHIM Mk(.* aad rt* MU to W
M a bin lor tb* itoial to tb* to
■aat, la vUeb ab* had votkad lor
ptkhhtt. A aaltottp to lb*
aerwtaaa p*an aad vbat Ua varMi
M valad apaiMt (to wn to a
had Maaal M hAaad tb* atood
mhw perchaa* aet. aad oalp

tb* tto* CL A. Crawford
M fM alaadaid. M tbdr partp toat- a
lb* wort aad bar talk
---- Tka doMooal* dadarad lor i
__jaaMaalMM«te^ to*i( •
4 wltb Ibd Baadap aebool la
I tto oU aebool boaa* aad the eU taableaed aep la vhitoi tb« Baadap
> aror* atadUd. to tto
BitP.fcilirttIr partp tamm a* aad btoa* eoMBitwd to mtmon, tb* drat
■* tPBMta to lb* eotoUr to *•- aiMMuat to (to praaaM obaieh, to
i.«naMha AattMlaa to tb* aattoa M It* tba bU black aad rad earpto aad **
fl«B4*.haadt aad tta aaeoHala poll- tloaai bp
datloB to tba *xe*8*et wort doa* bp
M a pBoatM* that i
C Ak Oavlord sad a B. Walt tod
■ to orarp AMorteai
was beU la
I tto avBM* to a ri
I «Bh ealaBbl* eano. ttaamlag tb* tod dapa.
0. C MoAit was caltod apoa
' a kaova earreat vltb a
(, ta tamadar K to aa aa- to Ml Ua axpartoaeta to beta*
dap arteto bop la tba aarlp dapa. Be
nirptoliillp toU aboat tto uatodn
al Miklui vbae to vaat to »
Bbeol tbirtp Man a«o.
IMototC bp H. C OalatL
« otewd attaadad tbaa la
M. C (Matt, ebalTMaa to tto 4batodtottbatttoaarrlo**
eoan, waa oaUad apoa aad toM to bit
doaHoodap. Thawortto •rat rtalt to tto praaaal rtareb tod
« (to tod Hraatar* tocab W*da*a- (bathe
vat tbooebt appnprt
iiptBirl mmt to«» wltb
Md It wai
abarrt boM*

B devaM to roplaood bp a bsbd- top to tto ckaieb ha told It aaered.
■**P«*». MnCotbUa.

M Itot (to tto* to M


Itlo-Oenfereeee Isaepartoe n
rt (not pHaarp). AKr
BoTA J. W. Hlliaea.
*:00—Half How W«h toe Word.’
Bor. UOoat.
P:»0 BaalMM leporta. ala.
S:00—Addraa*. Mra. roz.
2:t0—Addtew. -PUtadatka Prlad

Rev. Hastp to Haodc. lad, veal
Bap View aad Petoskep tola afieruoM
after a rlsll la tbe dtp with bla cotula.
Jotepb Harrow.
II. K. Wiliam* to Kalkaska, who has
ten la tbe aonib pan to tto itue. U
I tbe clip.
Ur*. Chsrlea Gosiier baa gone lo
Wlaebalrr, lad., far a rlall aad to
rtalt a telailre who la III.
Mrs. O Olnl. danghler sad sister,
vbo hare beea (be guosta to Mr*. P.
Ueoegarl and Mrs. P. GlaaU have r«Inmed lo Uirlr bose u Oraad Rapida
W. U WuUas to Aaa Arbor, wbo
baa been atteadlag the taaellog to
probate lodge* U CbulerolA I* toe
gneat to Ms sister, Mrs. J. W. Paublo.
bp bla dtugbter.
Ulu Bonn*.
Newton N. Burt, vbo bas been
■peodlsg tbe past tour vetoes here, the
gnect to bis slater. Mrs. C. J. Bbnei
aad ramllp. reinrwad to bla borne I
Pontiac todap.
Mrs. C. H. Bora sad daughter to
Coldwaier will rtonm I
after a visll In the dtp vllb
Ashtna al Biiehwood.
E 8. Pratt
to Kalkaska on
H. C Oarls la
iMonIng I Carp lake aad Ptwd H.

Ulia Harp BUrsd west t
lid atomlag lor a few dapa.
Mra. J. o. BirdaUI to Cbebopgaa
la rldtUi* Mead* (a tbe dtp.
Ada WUtara weut to
■Blag to spead tbe dap.
Oeorge Stewart and laatllp vent
Dnch todap to epaod toe dap.
George OordI went to Orand RapUs
toU Moratog on a bnilaeai trlpUatlse Praaer wewt to Bdlalre
ila aflaraooB to to goae aone tiair.
E. C. Coaptoo and dangbtaP'Mand
eat ta Oraad Rapidi isM algfat
lead toe itoea.
Hanp OrehaB) to Chicane b In tbe
hlmaell tbio
dtp todap. He la spending soane da
. and Mrs. Jouipb Ssinsoa to
U Old HIstka.
beater,'Kp.. (rtio li»ve been the
Hkat Mtoll* Qalatoi to Kalaraaioo
is to Mr. and Mra. 3. U Smltb
rtetl^lierWinL Mn. Aan Hlgglo* c famllp to West Btgbth dieet. left
morning for BuBalo and poloii In
Peaaaplvaala for a diK before re­
turning to Ibeir boiBA
James Barnard went lo Bproa
Dr. J. B Bartla vast to Qcud Rap- ter this morning (or a ritol.
I* tola Motalag M atlead tto raecA
Mias Benba Betoor want to HHlaHe will be badi toMomiw.
dUe Ibis Dondng lor a dslt.
Peter Hlslaa to Graoid BapUA (a Charles H. Umpriebt aad son weal
toe eatoop to the ClUseat Telepbone lo Orand Rapid* toll moralag to eoala la (be dtp dolag wort (or ne * budngp* aad pleasure trlptoe loeu axebaage.
Ulss Cecil Jeoks to Hasting*
Mr. aad Ml*. J. A.
tnrned lo ber borne tol* mornlag sfter
ebaater. Kp. are TlilUog Mta Saia- dslUng Ur. and Hrs. C. R. Umpriebt.
eoB’i aUtor. Ur*. J. L. Snlth to *U
Hlaa Alum Orltlt rtonrned t
Watt OMi street.
lombna. Ohio, tob mwalag after vUAlbert Petertpl aad (amllp aad toe Itlng ber brother, U. C. Orlsti. lor the
Mlaaea Harp uid tena Raaslorakp
to toe Detage dub al Cup lake OrdUe Blmi
■odap to speed a wert^ekapltig out.
ig at (be borne to Kell Boiler. H
BraaM biward to-Mev Tort, tbe impaon Is emplopM bp the aaa
npaap u Mr. Bnller'i aoA Almoa.
Hr. aad Uri. W. H. Stoffeas re.
mad to l.dand this a
Bd. Tbnnell retoreed
to CMaaiiD tola tootnlag (dter rtsttlng
I ber boa* at Parvell.
bore I Ms falber. P. Tburtell.
abc 9s UiAgaaat d
A tollp pulp took tbe trip to Patotapd Mr*. P. H. Bit
kep petlerdap oa board tbe llUnols.
Bias etiani. •
Mrs. Md ObnrefaoM mt AUv Tort larger but the ralnr weather detarred
dtp la M^Bnast of Hr. aad Hrs. Joe to* rest. Those that dM p> bad
aarp pleoianl time, taking (wo me*
Mlia Asna Carsaaro to Grand Rap­ oa tbe boat aad spendlag a few hour*
id* Is toe gneat to His* Blsacbc Jopce Id Pvtoakep. Tbgae that composed
(b* partp wera: Mr. aad Mra Chaitos
t WbaUaBMh.ftpaat
Bracks. Mr. aad Mrs. L. W. Tinkham.
Mrs. O. Dial, danghler and alste
Mr. snd Ur*. J. H. Blskeslee. Hr. sad
Orand Rapids are toe guesu to
Hr*. Franklin H.'BmUb. SDnsaddangbaad Mra. P. Uanegart
Hr. sad Mrs. Ballep, Mr. and Hr*.
Mia* Pen Oore bw reUracd rran
H. Uonisgue aad aoe Ben. Ulsi Harp
a wlsK srlto trlrtda at Obmos.
Hooker. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Qsrtoad.
Prot E O. Ladd to Ana Artme
Mr. aad Mr*. Jobn P On aad son*. H
TiatUag Mrs. B. M. BesdMd. hi* alst
L. Kessen and Dr. and Mrs. Frsllek to
Mrs. Tbeodore Btoieoaiern to Ca
Hsple Clip.
Hr*. W. Lpcan to Crookstoo. bDsn..
i«M«h B^ Ot WtoebasMr. Kp. who Ms haea vtoMng b« alsier
cBaal to J. L. Smfeta aad >»m Beads, laft todap tor ber
(amllp. vent to Honor tola moralag She was accompanied bp ber motber,
Mrs. Lpons. Tbep srtll sum two weeks
r a abort ftahtag trip.
St Uacklnsc Island.
Miss Florenee Oragorp ratnraad
Rev. Jostab Peoalngtaa we
ber boaie la FUe Imke tol* esorni
altar a vlatl to toe dtp with (rtaods Klngslep Ibis morning (or a abort

V tto badUiae vltboat
Tto oecaalob
MM •« aalp to look forward b« back- vUrt VH toU la aa (dd lot boeaa. to
tb* Tiall ot a aalalater bare erarp two
waeka.^ MrhaiBOTr of toitoc A Ml
Id ua to tta hMurp.
aad BOt btoas aWa to tore a Blalator.
to eo rellroada, mo posudke aad (br
«. C. WaMh WtotortM.
to tto van (ortai^.
•. a. WUt. who ha* b*to aki
atMoat alae* tba orpaaliiltei
Ctaaint (MaMta bp He*, tor. Oatodifk
tat* waa caBad apoa hp ]
Coebna toU beVOp to U*
birtlla aai took* oa foUowM
»e tor |to paat I
'^1 to Bks toaiaa a titoad to bar*
1 Is aaat to lb» h
' a aU ehoreb po. aad pet It baa
paatorato la HleUpaa.
i««t tta tM. aad wa vID an teM
aadtoavaevooa. Batttotod
■at ThMtoJ»(tbatha
, . .
AatotoW Abba^to
BOt beOB aarlp aaafldilad vHb tt.
M _<n Mr.
«*. HBtoa
Bom* coatideted the oU ebaich sreUS Md to la UPt aad we
p. He toM to
• had Ml itsr It bp tto back
doaatloa to tto peva bp Mr. Goodrich,
whlcb were aov oaad la tba OU MliE tRka MitofiV
tba aaedatp aiee chnreb. to tto etbar thlaei tial
M a laatotok ban la tto ackool
NiRer.JI,lHt. RwaaUpreb- aaed was to* taUa aad a aofa Praak Mtoar, wUo aad dandoer
• to taureat to PM M kaov tto vUeh b* aaaa la bis atadp. B<
tnrned to Cbraon CKp toU mornlag
after a Ttall la toe dtp.
li to tboaa vto alpaad tto artidaa to tba Wip alBlitan ware «ok
aad toetr wort aad aapedallp i
Mrs. J. W. Noble and daagbtar Bra
itotoMk. TbtpwMasM
was laid apoa toe dedkahap aa
■ Btort, Fettp Haaaab. Boraea
■4, J«aaa Cbaa. B B. (Mrtar. to tot preeeat oboreb aa Hraa bp Brr.
Ur. Hateb. Mr. Hurt praetkallp
a T. BaaiK B. B Wait. •
ttraaa. B. B Btaward. Lorta Bob- tto ckneb hlaiaeH aad It It claliMd
U «r«T titober fcaev Um. Be UM
A W. BBUa,
Oadba*. D. C.
tba staadp provtb to toe d
a*. C M. Mtoto, Baobaa OoodA U W. BabbaU. B C rwUar. C. A. toi pear, to (be cUMrea vto attaadSaadap Kkool. to aarrlaiea. to toe
A J. W. HUBbaa. i. B (MetI. Baialaal. Brart Baa
atteadlag toe tcamber*' toeUtnt*
M«r. MhaMthegatoftobuanat

lag friends to tbe dtp.
John Hapdeo veat to Mi
swrntog on a bnatoes* trip.
E P. Uoper to Wlartester. lad. re(araed borne Uili moralag after eisltiag at Hoorae Ceatto.
Hiss Karel mrwea rt c
tnrned borne tbt* mor&g i
lag at A. E Palver-s at OM
Barton BsTM to Ddrap. prtodpal
to (be Mortep aeboola. airlvcd la tbe
dtp tbta afteraoMi and will be naltod
Mona SbleUs to
this dtp
B. J. Neoanand CMa Arber Is la tbe
wa HMBdtBr EMdep M bnal- eKpei.-G. W. Onrdea to Ldaad la to (he dip
L O. E WpakDop ratal as f to todap

Hlaa Bopbto Deratwdii^to thatr bames to OUirtaBtog tor


» Trartrae Cttp


tato.«ed toy, nm., W w.mse. 5

TBHlM Ut binm ClWim 4 Bt Tut

Addreia GEORGE T. DEXTER. SaparinteBdeat of Donettk
AmdcA n Itamn StracA New York, or to E. A UNN, Maaager.
Grand RafndA Uxto

Thf best is whai wc
and our prices

toradlek ChvrcK.
retnrwed boot* (bis Baralag after a
verts' dell ta toe dtp with tbdr
SOB. Hearp Badlb.
Mrs. E A. Allee to Caaada letnmed dap at 10:M a. m. Rev. A. HarUe to
nae tbit aorUag after dtoUeg Chp- Rtogilep. pastor,
dtollp tooted.
tUa MuBselle aad vlfe.
. C. L. Ooaaer rHwwed (ila
uoralog (roa Wlaehwter, lad.. wiMre




(Me Boralag trom BnakegoD on a bi
—. aad Mrs. WUUua UcKIIUp.
pretalnent realdeaU to MutfittM.
In toe dtp todap rUltlag oU (desde
whlcb tbep bare Ma<
lllp resided la (bis plaee v
Traverse Clip vas a mere bamlet.
Rer. R. T. fVwelllnA wife and
alMren left this afteraocm tor On
dtle aad Detroit for a risli before
retomlag to totor boae la Bo
Prat. A. J. Udd and Blip to Ann
Arbor, vbo have bee*
dtp aad at Old Mlsilun for toe past
rc weeks, returned
lit morning.
Leo BolonHin went
ornlng on business.
MU* Aebsab BUrk left (bU taorMni
V • ivo weeks vtslt *1 Morris.
Rer. Hugh ^enaedp of the Asburp
M. E chureb veni to Raniscp ludap
(omomiw will go to Orawn
rests to the ftuedap school tourlag
Mrs. Hugh Kena*dp loft tbU a(Ie^
»o (or Oram tosnablti. near Wex­
ford. (or a few daps' visit. 8be will
be.iolned (omorraw bp ber husband.
A. J Knapp of Ypsllsntl Is tbe guest
’ bis eon. It. J. Kaaou.
Ur*. R. A lUIre arHred
« and will reeuln aome Ume with
w famllp to ber betober.
Geo. O. Bates to Chicago arrived
last night (or a (rv daps' visit with hU
pareniA Ur. aad Hrs. The*. T.
and to attend a meeilag to toe
to dlrenon to tbe Herald and Record
rompaap. of whlcb be U rice pteai
tad will remain some tli
Miss Billings snd Miss lUrllaad reloraed todap from Carp lakA where
tbep have t>e>-B tbe guesU to Mrs. W.
}. Hobbs at the Oclonarp' dob
Dlrtsion No. t at tbe Congn
Aid aocletp will serve lunrhes on Uactbee dap In Uie rooms of Ur. If
keo's store. They s ill also check i
snlclea or bundles fur s small turn
Ur*. Wsltoee to Battk- Creek
ved St BdgevDod ibis aftoreoao
visit to a d»ple to weeks.
Csrltun Nunh to Elkhart, lad.
ved last evenlag fur a visit with blv
lister. Mrs. B. Hammond, and famllp.
J. R. Itoueki to fVe Lhke to In (be
clip todap on bostooai
Henry- Polsomc aad wife of Lake
BB are TravCTse Clip vtallors todap.
Edward Loatoer aad sons
lade a boslaeee trip to (be eltp (edap.
Mrs. Mike DavloB to lAbe Ann
vtolitog to tbe eUp todap.
Mrs. WlllUm Farrant and Mils B
Is E. Farrant to Oith Bavee are
Tareise dtp visitors
C. A. Brigham to Grawa M lo (be
Hip on basinesf.



Bnabenfeet al Grand

Tieketj are good to return (tir 11
daps troan dale to sale. Pur rates aad
tieulari see local agenU.
H. F. Moeller. O- P. A.
lU will be eold at all
Round trip (IckeU
atathma and via different roeltta, as
11. 13 and
desired. Dale of tale. Aug- U._____
11: good for re rn trip until Aug. 30,
wltb ezlenston • ■■ ■ If desired, '
■IIMU M-llWli.


For a limited time
Bot Granalaimt


Bar* of



226 E. Front St.

Banner Patterns
It's a pleasure to sell Itoaae*
I'slieras. Unec irM pun vIB
use DO oiberv We have m dissatlsSed eestiewn. Rverp ladp
Is >le(lghied_wlili (bem and raeSet niupltcaleil like WtoBT
otber pailevM and pet poaaeas.
Ing all the graeefnl line* and
to (be asosl retoed male. Tbe
simplltolp to Uanner PsUvraa
In dressmaking Is like ibe A. E
rtmtiin-liensbu. Imdtoe abould
retnemlH-r Ibal Ibe Itonaer Patleret an- new osea la Ibe mar­
ket and the oalp oae* (bat are
ahsnluiHp gsaraaleed hp Ike
menufertorers. If pour gDode
ere spoiled bp their use (hep
Sgree to pap for Ibem. Wbat
Mlur evIdcBOr can we glre to
IheIr absnlnte prrfiwlhmf
Priees are nnip inr and lie
All sraus allowed
Fashion th.-els free.

Timm City, Wet.


tlons appip to loeal u
C. BrtitoD, D. P. A.. Saglaev; H. J
____ Rapids, or H, F
Orap. D. P. A. Grand
Moeller, O. P. A. DHroiL
•etUara' Farsa to
Oae war. ■aeODd-elaas UrteU on
ale at an atathaa oa Brat and third
lb. Aak agaata
WorWY Pair, M. Lawlt.
Roand trip Urteti aa low ralaa, «
la at all Urtat Btotkma. Aak agasti
r rate*, limit of tlrteu a*d (oil par

Wood Cutting
t have a new wood cuttins machine and am prepared lo make rcason.-ibte price* for *tich work. 1 will

at reasonable price* or lake my pay out ia wood.
I have several farms lu sell or trade fpr city


S3-BO Sho. foi Mm


S3.SO Sbos for Ladin


»•♦-<» Sho# for M.n


COMPOSITE S3-00 Sho# for Ladlss
MeUer Is beesb] gtrn tost Is mapUsast
with tor uruWsOm <g toe set I< ( os(rvw w
Juitr a in.«wtm>d -as set >ur tol eto
■lailee Usds la Ihr BasM ig CUlfsrais. Ore


(watrer UrirtTtstwss.Bumd Mlclutmii.

ssr sad slTesvws etotmlst edreraelT Ihi

NETTLETON SSandSaSho# for M#n


*3,00 Shoe for
*2.00 Shoes for Bars
$ 1.60 Shoe for Youth*

Oor Short have a rqvatalion, naf the kind faoRd «
k>t counters an.) fake talet.




miiiiG cogpim.


242 FRONT 8T.

Reports from our lupcrtalradeat of
iseasmeni work ebow the dlacoverr
Bop Tweivs vasf* Old Has Been
to other large aad rteh ore i.^lee*
Dumb far *evcn Vesrs But Is P
cot to Pboeolz, Arli.. recently
Iced our workings to ascertain
wbelber he wonid recufnmeed
erection to a smelter si ibl* time
Jolp IMb be wrote as Mkrvs:
-I weat to tbe bottom of erarp bole
and rut on (be properip except (be
shaft where (be long tunnel l
could not get to ibv bouuo to that as
there vas loo much water. I am inrprlsed to Bad so mart wort dot
poo get bark bp Octrter 1st. snd put
00 the force pon mrailoa pot
aooa have a big mine.
After golag all over Ibe works I frel
sore I am not anptog (oo much
1 anp that pou can ran a (onp a
too smeNer for gftp pewr* w
asking another opening. If pou cnrrp
oot tbe deveiopmeot work pou have
punned pou won't have tbe fortpdea
ler rnnelag three mooih* before
pou will need oaw to iW or too tons i
take care to tbe ore*. Ton can wot
BO Utile sarelterMi (be eorfare on
fler poo get rte big one np. ee pc
■OB-I lose aeptbtog bp balldlag h."
The BUrt vlU be vttbdrsva (ns
>e Brtketaa ooon at baBdtat to told
> pot to tbe power ptoat and tBBdter.
It vtn not rewdra Bare than half,the
ttock altoted for the porpoM. ft Is
; fnaL Appitratkmi for large

. Ziegler of i.
victim to epUepep. When be vas five
pears oU the auarkt began soil dar­
ing tost Ume Ibe Uiy hss bees unable
to speak. He bsUffrequeot fits and In
roonecilon wltb his otber aairllun. be
suffered (errtblp with rslarrh. Now
toe bop has Improvol and Is irplag
to learn to talk.
Mrs. Ziegler, their posloace address
It E P. D. No. I, was la the cHp Balnrdtp to porebase tome more Hot
Bprtoga reiaedp. Mrs. Ziegler Ms m(
slept la a bed for ffve peart at Ihe
bop’s fits would come oo si nigbl and
■e would vatrt him.
Mrs- ZIeider conflnned toe (rath to j
report (bat tbe bop was mart ;
benefltad bp toe amdlctoa Sbe said I
aba had token him to toe Hot Bprlags I
doctors but tbep had refased tbe raac |
Sbe toea asked toe docue bow hag
■be wtobed to!
porebase a apcclnl treataesL Bbc was I
Ibe Botcl Whktog ntU Btadap. Ang.
It. Sbe was to tbe ogtotoa Ibal aat (he imttaB of lbs treaW*
tbe streeL Tbe
was marked. The diartarge from Ua
hand IHPHE (h* tmOltog to bla kag
- - tka Ua vara Iw (raaosat

Summer Reading
Good Books at remarkably low price*.
1 he Comelt Series for everybody, embracing over
title* of standard works, Ixiund in greea doth
with gilt tops. I'ublisher'ti price 75c. Our*
for a rfion lime - . .......................................... ^ 7V

Oh niflcr Series lor Boys
The authors of this scrie* of books are a passport as
every boy knows to hour* of the keenest delight to
scenes of stirring life and adventure.
Publishers pricp $l.<».oors....... ..

Cb« lUclKsIcp StrKstorBMs


A carefully selected serie* of charming stories for girls,
written by popular authon. well told aod full of iatere*t, iheir simplicity, tenderness, healthyand imerestmg
motives will (dease all girl readers. W titles,
Publisher's price 76c, oun............................... 3^

0ity Boctk Store

1^ b^

u • tatnm sad Ured oa
Dli lua aboM tvo alia

Ik ft Lar Co. U> Lorea 0. 1
I. H. U ft
»tb: aiM.
t atxtr Vtotnra OtooUed. Ber. L. R
j CwpwUr. wto had ekarse of the Salth. toots. Oak Rel^U: SUtM.
KUdM to Omrge W. Hedoalac
Wcthr. parcel. H_ 1. ft Oo-'e *tb: |SS0.

n*. ai. Ok mr, to
. U» «Se at Itot tiM tolw
: ton UiBi to toi b

Coeaoo report

cwaiiwatlfai aad



Bade tor Chriet.

Moadar aotalas tto Tour partr
sunod troo Etaceler for tto aeatbaaad to take U* o«&.IKa
Mtara part s< ito (saair. vtora
The PoiBBto-e rerdlei «ae that to areattoo wUi to bkd at tto SaaaaUovad etirrkalae wUk aaleldal la- 7 eiiBn:h tedarDEATH ROU-

ft tor CIO. to WUUaiB ncedriefca. Mi {1 and St block 1. H. U ft
Co.*f 141b: «SM.
Ftoate 1. Harrloao to Bartor Ancreoa. eeti of tw%. eee. IS. town ».
range IL
DaaM Wearer to 1^ PerrT, M
I. block t. N. rife Lake.
Wimaa K. Taricr to Paaale Harrtaon. die. liber dCAtl.
Wilbela ft Bartto lo Frank O. Piau.
- bWoek f. p. H.'r 2nd
part lot 1. M t.
add: ll.MO.
R. He

Hra. Tboaae Brodertd <d W Wtot
Maplatoe. Htok. Ao*. S—Tto pretlr Tmtk (treel dM Bondar uonlag
ORM o( Hr. aad Hra Prank Baltk ot about » o-ctoek of Brlghfa diieaae at
age of aboot n reara. Bealdn
» paataaaU wat tto neaac of a eerr
Ideaaaal caoeptloa Batartar etealnt. ber buband Ito doeeaead toaea too
tto tocaifoB tolac tto btrtbdar of
Ttarerae, Coapaalo
toa fkaak. Qalfo a large
d roaag people erere ta attead- aad held borial aad d>
and tke erealag me vet7 pleaerwten 0. Ihiver of Cadi
aatlr epeat.
le bnt wae able to be arooad.
TeHimoer ta Rapard
Tto dlBlag rooB vae taMefnllr dec­
rbe foaeral lerrlee vaa told T
orated vUli erergreea aad eat floven
r Boraiac at » o'clock froia
«U>a tto partor *aa prettllr Uti
realdeace op Watt Teetb etreet
•Ilk aaUuc. palai learea and tUu tbe bodr waa laid to ten ta
arooBd agalB after i
poad UUaa. VtoUa aad
Dovsi ceoMtacT aoor Ifoarm Oeater.
•ae (aralatoB br Proleaaor and ICn. Ber. T. P. UUoa od (to Cboreh of euaplete 1
e Uuit he
Earl HerM «d Trararae CNrCbrtat coadoeted tbe terrfee
Hot S^Dgi docton.
rotol aotoe el Ulea Hand
r AftdetM bad ehaige cd
boat tfawe weefci.age Mr. Bkl<
ta addltloe to Cbe tbe foaeral.
le 10 foil dtr. He bad to be e_
Biaale. gaaai aad o
to and fron (he train aad vai
ahUed awar Ito boon.
■re. Canllae Hafoawar died Taw carried Into foe H« Bprtl.. _____
r br tbe chief of pollre. The doc­
froB a*ar
IT of old age. Bto woeld
aad ktn. Kart Horel aad MM Maad ran a ynn at age tto flfUi od aexl tor* czaainrd him and lold him
rared Hr. Skiver
Horn. Trarerae Qlr: MUa Beter Ut- Boatb. Tbe boabaad baa been dead ikcpucal. beleOaBBatorr
ta terrible lUflering aad be had tried
Bapldi; Hlat TheBanr reaedlei He lecked fnllfa but
InaUr eeauaalcd to try foe treat:
ma Patataea. TraeBaa Qtr:
dra. A- S. Crater od 203 Park
ta two vecfci mad Are day* b<
la. Xlagalv: Mr. Dalar. Jr. Btreat. Kormaa Rotbawar od M
•He to'tay atide bta emebea and ei
MM Haaila and Ootnide Coaler. Jaaea Halbawar M Aabon. oept for a alight illBneu, ta
toabrti. HlaaaapoUA Mian.: MoaUe WoitalBgloe. Hlat Carrie Hottowar et well aa ever. Mr. Bklrer waa accoapanled to foe Record oSee by a O
PrMt nk Raplda At IS o'doek
Abora. Waablagtaa. Hra W. H. PoUer Sborter. 104S State nraet. from whom
booBUfol anpper «aa aorrad. Moor
to raatt bta farm. Hr.
Harrr. tto IRtla «7nar-old aoa (d C
bta daughter are both Bi
Sprlagi catarrh cure.
: W. Fbaat. attfpad Batardar aad Ml.
. braaklBg Ua lag at tto lUgb. Tbe
Hr. Bklrer uied the Hot Sprtagi oil
3d atao a ipeclal treataent He at
■lifiin r- i doablr bard aa to boa
tall. Tto foneral aerrlee vUl to wtlkf arooad ai freely ai ever. .
i air
tto pak tkree waakt COBbald
codiwi in bta coadltloa vben
mmeet to walk aala aHar balas raa- eooalrvaabrlaglngBartJaaea of Han
he Am eWe here. a*, after be had
tale eltr Tueedar ta place l>M In the
ftwad atopat toiplaaa br a Mig olage
the docton' oBce he wni neA. & Crater H 203 Park itraet reached
airiBB »bea be Juaped oat td the
nhle to more froa bta chair and had
earwtadov pUle tto tnta was going end tto bodr i{lll to takM to Lake lo be carried la nad alMi e
tor burial. H. L. Oartar bat dowo Btalre
aboot tveatr^re mlM per boar
docton will remaia uoill AusSberU Oeddtagi bad beea toM br tbe charge of foe tooernlI4lh
maa'i fother that Joaoe voold B
Tbe foneral aerrlee of tto late WillR araa Job grarlag doak aad tto palb ataog an rtgbt aad ibat be waaU
tea Brova vai held laM veek
to to etoaelr vatebad aad on
wm a HtUa dUeall to Ibito* aad ta
aetdar at I o'clock at foe Catbolle
: td tbif Ito ataeriS reland
weme arar tt >• Iboagbt that tto Hfoorcb of Proreaaot. Maar beaotlfol
arM taw •bleb to tod oa kle vhaal
m were wl aa ttoeoa of foe eaanw oeotad lalo Ito tasat wtoal
Md thraa tto rMcr. Tto tpol
ftn which bn-tray anlTCnallr held
a large eoBcoarae of frteBdi aad
tto traat trbaal ware takaa oi
were ta tbe rear caacb al
aelgbbare aeaeabled to par ibeir tail
tto ftdae «Bi laaded la a toap. Tto Ctaae aad tto tnta. rtleb ta dae
“1------ - ta eae td bta anaa wen
tto Pare Margoeite at 1 e'cMta.
taea kwe vhM aatoa a varr bad ta■ jBBt ihta aUa od Onva vbeo
IWTJoftoa Jaapad. Tbe brakawa
to to oa tto plattona at tto
. e MleUgaa Btarek Oompaa]
Bftd aa« tto mae Jaap aad
a pare cow food, i
had tto train Hopped. Joaea L_. aanafoetartag
-itlralr fnai com. and bare a gn
I tto vtadow la tbe taratorr aad 'ed analrita ot
a per cent. Preteln.
fe aad tto paver ta faratatod br
■ peremLFM.
(Sec anktyata HIcbigaa Agricol
College. March 17. 1P04.)
MW tto wad b Bra Bliaa aa aad toaad Joaea walktag dora
Tto following
tto beat
baDt ta ae- trW lo aeet tbea. He taaded
--------- U iubmitted
■MMUa kita ranw. it win bta toad and abooMor Tbeo '
•pdi^kPtoW SW elk. b ta eo Hgbt Jaapad lalo a aa^ pita, and It ta bH
itoB II aa to V«eC ap aa tto 1
ttaagbt that to vaa rarr badir la- OeeURnea;—Tbta ta to eenlfr font
: Bto^
toat aad tap aw tva lift Jarad.'Bllboagb oae ibeoMar vat aa BBlng jror gluten feed for
i II tola ft viBto to rworal aarvtora. feadlr aktawd abd bta tape vat black tag ar aneb eowi and
ttaoBlr atate that “taed'lSrS
tad btaa froa tto faU. Joaea baa neellrat retulu.
bw ta ttoftirtaB bcdlore. aboai lea
targe perocatage ot protelo
: Tto wag IttaBde of Atooft B. Bid« ago. Ha it a aorrled ana aad which fota feed cealatat haa helped
' tar, aaa ad HeO BaH« cC thta ciir. vBI
.. Sow aad riebnw of foa milk woeaae cfeDd and ta aboot 41 rcon derfollr.
to wM tatawtad ta taarmtaB that e«
and tto aetU reanlla derlred
Half foe eejoyaenl of haring
J*^^**““ ' Bltai
B*krdod tto
money it lo know it ii entirely
• ftCtowraMBtadr.MtaellaP
- Gold Medal fa tto beK teH '
tafe. Pot it ia oar bank and
a U fttoft. to Ida toUe. Tto vadbetter. I lar part of ar^iM
tvnaaaw at tto tow «( tor Bwra. awBd tto taadtag otoefttoU- row glatea feed wblck I aa ariag.
yOB need hare do fitnber worry
Toon Terr tralr.
about it. It it (here wfaen yoa
Btldi oowaar of
B«e tata tall Bto aav aaaagi
vau it, esraag iaterm an.) ii
fota Cllr. Vta to badir tajared u tto
■artM HraH brick faelorr fok
W that aat cd Hi arw vm fa
ta tore la Ptah Ito topft- to wpatitil
twtru atf Stait
Tto alaawe of bta coat tamgu. ta tto
■aaitag of a brick aaeUna nad tto
, rAmtRr ahhual pwmic.
aia vaa radoeed to n JaUr. Hit bow
fta a ptaaMM tetoaftB of tto 0
ta la Traveraa Oftrlag mmmU ptaata et tto Wm
fktaadlr aiBditlna ti dtavood
A. H. Brown ta a
AMto Sth. vfctak aabraoet all tbe af Tnrarea CItr. barteg reaUed ben
■ raara. He ta a brother et Jaft
ttaa of tto Paa« 8- M. Bnrva aad cd
W. U Brown et foe Ttarerae CItr
ifactartag conpoar. Hehai
; bwftaHna, imr Whkk wm adaiit atooetatad with foa Bar^ Brick
r SI <ae of Itt prtodpal ttodfooUj Wtafow ta an tto priritaga* of tto
■oraral rton and hae gfree caai TaaPril ana
tUanble attentloa to tto cob
The best for the price in
il iBTRattaa tft tto forw
Tbich hat beta pwparoan.
i Oraftd Ttaraw eoaftir. itad aU ofoan
Ba boa ter Bunr roan boea oae id
i lataram. ta eow aad aajor ibaa- le awt proalaeat aeabart of foe
^■Wra H'MBrvBCd oa foftt darOdd FeUowt trntarahr to MtaUgaa
aad ta now pan grna# aaater of tto
(to aaatnM tar vattlag foa *aw ■rand fodge cf tto atate. Be baa for
a M to A. *anr reara bean ckaelr UeatUed
a MoPdar. Tto prtea wtfo tto local lodge aad hit eSorti
talneaee ban largelr aUed bta
. Ttoa vara Bra oltor
Mftft Ha baa hoadredi of
Webuynothinekut the b„t graili and you p:i the
trtaada la fota^tr who will to griered
to taara <d bta trtghtfol atafortaae.
pure article.
Mn. Brvva toft lor Qraad Raplda
(>■ aearfotag mbiIWi Tto bU
F dw tot taeotoa tto bWtafr
^ aalM
tntahtas- ft la
liMw. HVk, Aag. l—TMrnrd
tbto Uid total bm ef tto a
-ttoa vfU to batwaaa ftLiW aad tSt- araatag. .AagaH I. tto Boday ukool
OBBatatlBg ef aboH twenty
aoa. airitad at PWa take,
Mr. WSmm vaa aBavad tto ato
ay iBBftAlatilf M aboot aaklag
I ttaarab ««b tto atowHiB at tto tar-

nr SFMBS Ncims



OaPeaLOft. __ ______
Badr tbongkt w foae bad evw. su
a taH rsaan I triad Sr. Ktagta Kev
Otaawerr for Oiaaawprtaa. Tto baa-'
ell I reerired vaa atitktag aad I vaa
oa ar feet ta n few dnra. Nov lYe eatlrrir regHaad ar bealfo.' ft coa«uen all Coogbi. CoUt and TbroH
and t-Mf UeabM. Onanate ' '
' ' oe'i Drag Store aad P. H. I
tau. Price S»e and flftt.

t Peck.__
etoraa leader, who for Boar jean bai
been at (to bead
toad ot
< tto rocaJ eleoKet
of Wetfead' aad1 rtcinttr.
baa Uadered
aalraBB of the anota
reelgaatlaa u Wraa
or et foe Pin! M. E. cboreb
We caa give eo rcuoa for tto aaexpmed Bore oa tbe part
Peek. Imt o
e grentlr
> lU kU
w caa III bta place
The Death PanaRr1 llUle tl
death. Thu a avre aeraich. lulgalAcaat euu or puny bolta hare paid ftto
death peaaliy. It U wtae to tore
Ducklee'e Aralcn Salve ever handy.
Itb foe be« ealre oa unb and will
prereot fatality when bum. toree, alcert aad pllee Ihreatea. Only 25c. u
JabutwY lYwg Store and F. Il


at Greatly
Our Inventory takeo
August 1st. revealed to us
that we have a great deai
too much summer foot*
To sell the slippers
quickly, we have cut
- -■ cs a quarter to a third
he greater portion of
our summer goods now
while there are weeks of
warm weather to come.


Fall Showing
Dress Goods, Suits, Coats, Skirts
We are always first to show the new styles and not only first
but we have the largest and best showing. We are better
equipped than ever this fall as our Increased facilities give
us more room for display and more selling space. Our lines
are particularly attractive Just now as everything is fresh
and new from the market. Store is bright and clean, plenty
of light.
The dress goods are very rich and fthowy to the soft i
tones, in the
mixtures, while the plain weaves, arc ext
, „
We have never had
u pretty a line of DOc goods as we are showing this (all. Ocher goods range from

25c to $3.00 a yard
NEW SUITS arc coming every day. and they are certainly beauties, a
good many are in the mixtures with the Tourist coat—loose full coat M to 86
inches Itwg. others have the luted coat about 24 to 27 inches long. Prices wiU
range from

$T.50 to $35.00
We have the s«rellest line of Skirts ever shown in the city in both walk­
ing and dress Skirts, every conceivable style that's good is here in all manner
of fabrics

$2.75, $3.75, $5, $8.50, $10, $12, $15. '
The line at $8.75. $5.00. and $8.50 is a very strong one the bat we have
ever had.
Tourist coats are the newest thing in coats for eariy (all wear, they are
adapted to all figures, being loose and long. The most popular fabric it the
mixtures in tbe two and three tone effects

$8.50 to $25.00




Woa«i'. 12.25 aa.l S2.ft0 or• rcduccd^t^
oarn'f Sm oxlordf redneed

trdac«d (rota I

» romfori. IcBihw Bllp-


Feed, meal. Bran, IDiddlinas,
eem and Oats


lEN’ft ftHOES.



WoBec'i I2A0 thiM^ reduced (

WoBon’. $2i0 and I2.M ibocr
redoced to

Wwoi-t Also toon rodeoed lo

tet Wood Work aad Fwaitse whidi bai ----------aanal
renewed aod bennti-

MENe ftNOEft.
MtoY A5.M tow redeeto to
HcB’a A4 wnlk^terB. aoav
stytai radaeed »
Hanb A2AI wfakweera. anan
Mriaa radaeed to

BetOah R/tfitna Ptlab
Fw oa guide or wide ffttabM.

E. OlaU « Sena

You Know the White 1

The sewing machine
that has so many
pleased owners: the
sewing machine that
makes sewing a pleas­
ure. The sewing ma­
chine that has been
crowned “King.” A
king has many suitors,
so “King White” has
many attachments,
each one doing the
best of work, j enabling
you to do any kind of
sewing iM fautof pp ml
If you don’t Own a sewing machine, we
want you to see the White at once. It is posi­
tively the easiest running sewing machine on
the market We sell you either kind the new
patent Drop Head, or the Stationary Head,
and with either Vibrator or Rotary shuttle. If
you can not come to the store, telephone to us
or drop us a postal and the machine will come
to you. Our terms are most liberal

We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs


■ta'a A2JA tatta rair tooto ralaeadto

Sdler of Qood ShOM.



with bla trtoada. Then It ao aMd to *
tar that we ai« aU iciad to baar Hr. t
HIntr vna^ asala.
Btn. to Hr. aad Hn. Bd k
WedBcadar. Ana. t. a bar.
Vn. Oooptr of SUrer Lake______ __
her tltUT-lB-law. Hra. ftaak ToUea. i
laat Taetdar aad Wedaeadar aad aHe «
atteaded Ibe OU SetUera' pkale at a
Hr. and Hn. R. FUher and Andrew
___________________________ alir at Jit.
ptoMUt urtrai nnndar ud an and Donitbr went to Leoc Lake Hat
aeeapylac (btor aoBBCr bone.
week to pick bnckleherrlea. Tber '■
Bin tViJaii mu a Trarerae CRr
w latt at (be wMk.
______ Uniu Rcfto Md
a rerr mach i
TkM ««■ Intoiwat Motfrerw
ODnHtM of Orwd RapUi arrived
■I rale we had alacw (be Foertb of
(B«^uray’«eww< ltoaOei.r.r a
Prtdar asd will raauli '
ir aad ererTtbias waa nttlec drywe^ at ibe Bbaweaali.
dra. Darid UeUactalia la qatte tick
vait to AtktamM Mi
MUt dowpUae HaaaOB of SatUaa
)r. aad Hra. Ftallck atarted for DeBar waa the ruat of tb Um PwU- troil Batardar. Tbey toede tbc boat
it Olea Harea tad win n by war of
loa Iars« asd the takiOrdlnan boaaefaold aeddeeu bare
Joaata ... .
W. C- Aablar, al
u' Eeieeulc OU U tl
Thera wi
Heal> baraa.
Cer'a hall I
a- iBiiant rrtlcf.
a a a^tor of old antlow atthe Old aetllen' edealc at BorHra. Patttnar of Bbetbr la tialtlaa
tor brMtor. Re*. L. 8. Otrpeaiar.
A crierouf wall ofti
>ea aa a
nod time. Joha Homaa of
rmsie polo froD orarraarlr of Kaaeon. waa at (he
oi?’total baeaball lenra wMt to
DtBlBOat. balkaebe.
■Bawiaa oU anaaieuaea of to
John HaUaoa at Ladlnctoe baa beee
be fraa. aaaMiB af lea craa« .aad Ttoauaoanito laat mdar aad ptor*d
' ted aartnaa No. ‘ al Ibe Suotb lirer Rxaplalai aad coatllpalloe. Bet
eaka. LaMa are ««a«M to Mag tba ttoi imm tton Oar tana wb
w lire aarlag autioe aad will
tar a aoxa of I to I. wtinfi-iri
they pot aa ead to It all. Tbey are
Bar Fridar ancraooe aad Saiardari aerrlee today.
alwara baa a gooi ball iraa.
Un. J. W. Dtckermaa eaUed ee
Banee r. Doran aad aua Jack
Clara Winiaaa at Kaaaoa Saadar.
arrlred oe the llllaola Wedaraday aad
ftaak Baca} la belpla* Pred Weal will apead wnae Uate ai -Idlew-whlle." Slore and F. H. Me^A dnSala”™


^ ^TmTeditor k
! . ‘
I'rr :

Wooki yoQ like to lebrn how inach profit a retailei* makes on a
firtt-claas piano? It's simple. Come and get our fanory aelSini
price OD the KIMBALL and subtract it from the retailer's acUioff
price. It will show just how much you will save for yourself when
you buy here.

Don't buy a €beap Plano
On the grounds that you cannot afford 3
e. Michigan is
nally favored.
Her citizens can buy the high-grade Kimball
directt from the makers. No jobber s. nor retailer’s profits to pay.
Terms always liberal. Better call ami see u


W. W. Kimball Co.

sse!''*<^^to3*b yv***^'

tobn balU aa addlUoa to bla ban.
Dr. a W. Prallrk and wUe of Maple
Ian* aad Tboaaa Good have ■ City dlat-d al H. W. Parrant'a Sainrarw blader wbicb data nod wort
day ereelat aad took ike lUlBcrfa
Hra. Koali Bdale rlelled her Doth,
onhera reearti.
"aartle 'oatrad «< OUar. to apendito
r oae dar Ian week.
aneec baa rMorwed hose
a law weeka wHk kto aaela and aaat.
Hn. Barak Edale la ai K. W Kar
Her a abort atay wlih hla parenia al
Hr. aad Hn. J. I. CaBalati. af chit
leir axitaaier borne.
Rer r. HertSeld.
Dalbart Hinuoa la at wort tor W.
0. IMckerBao.
I ouUac al Ipocoa
K W. HerrlBCtoB aad J. W. aad E. oalM la inf-n Salarday ereataf.
d Hra. RaalBcloii aad . ._
I^ torn 1. tNckarmaa aileiul poat and eaap
oortb oB Ibe boat Baiar.
day aad will rUit Pefoakey for a few
folka OB Boadar.
daya liefore raturala* lo llielr sgmiaer
Hra. Wm Good walked froia borne
love to Janet Oeod'a coe dv tet
Cbaa. Kiac of Keewood
a B. Cate and W.
Balurdffy evealac.
the Maeeakee lodea Beluttor
Mn. & A. Ftoaeadea aad family a
Hlehlaad Park. lU.. are at their aoma PraakUa
a ufiiun aad alchc at Maple Clly.
W. a aad Albert Hlller'e
ler hotae oa Glee
oadahed boUt’oe Ua bene.
railed OB M. C. Cate nUic to il
ScM lAdd fell off • haoa _
Capl. M. H. WlUt
Wake one ef baraiBa a few dan an taltlar'a pkwle.
N. Y.. aad Capt. Reed af Pan Huroa.
paeaed ihroagb here laet week ra
for SkuiIi Uanltoii where (be*
WatoOmiii I Inn
n«dltlnn of Ihr at____
Haet of Ibe IMeri of tku aalch**‘''*' *“
or^^ Ihre^ hartac and
rapt Jacob Vaa Wcldi
bla father (be pan monl
^Tb* wbinto*tbra*tK BAWe aaUrlpate belac al
Aln na be bend ta thia ndtltp.
------------eb needed rals raine Mn- Nonh MaaJlou over the
^ algbt end Saadny Boralac. It a few dari. The cable baa been laU.
will Ineara the Ute mxnto eiwp.
pot« are an, aad ail ibai reBaina
JiAn Jahanon ban bU left bawl eompleie the line la talablap 1
qalie badly oa the edger aaw la Flab- abore line no Nonb Maalio-' ••
•r a Boas' Bill laat week and bSi
toje (o bla borne at OUli Pier.
o the illlDota
• Jtra. Hyera and litUe girl visited Saturday from Maalalee.
bn ftoier te Traverae CWy a few daya
1. II. h'aiilkaer did baa
Har Wait «r I

■iMBto a
laa PtoRM ef BlaptoB, Wto.
• ban rtottlac ratoiM bna
^r&bwd^ ratmad to bla
Ato Hratoidra. itocBdB ML

hn . .

ptoiH toa M wen, bat to abto to
DaBotoa of 8L Jofabt,


ffaM to Hr. Md Hra. Ketooa. A*^

EV^'^'niMai to rlHUbk
pA ^ frinto la tbto netotor.

a IfabM Wdh* <d PMdHHff to
Iff at LawHl Bans'.
ABn Bant sM lito Oatir
toMa* batoaw aibnato I
to TraTwaa Cftp flatarde*
KJto. GUral wm pmab

“ **•
aai to OMta at

K'toM of poag ptepta of 1
- Wtot,eaapta Wadaaaday

129 Front St.

ton wk


Warebim of
- -> Old Setttom- p:
to^aad happy Ufs
nailed frieada here.
Hra AJ Baany to «■ the tide UtL
tetUac rtpe- North- In Cbarlerolx last week.
bad a larger crop
TbeSrd _


is I he ambiiion of every one. and by the
of your old Reliable Home Furnisher (the oripnator of the ea^f
payment plan in Northern Michigan) you can have a nicely furnished home and pay for it out of the money you
would pay for board or furnished rooms, and enjoy it while you are pa>ing for it.


Mlaara Carolyn Kellie aad Ida t

•' •***

Dr. Bh^k''^ Etopire waa la to
SatiirdayMr. aad Hra. I>. C Smith of PHnee-

the advantage of our mid-summer clearance sale you will be surprised at what little it will cost you tt> fumtdi
j^ur home complete. We have everything you need, and.a little money down will do.

a very sacWllUam ...«.v
mi ta Grant daogbler, former raaideni
tertalned a few rnenda Tbundar
Charlevoly to' maet
aaet .oM frieada.
Eratytody to gotaff to Travane Cllr
Oraadma Bollard.
n J. Hiller apeni laai Sunday afier
- wafk to the Haeratoe
aleJc alace ibe
toa al Alkiaavn. reaori on Trav,
gala BOW.
Mr. Darwta of Port Oaelda, who ba*
Geo. T. Baker and wife of
bran m for a k*g time, 1< gradnally 'Oaala- apeal a fern daya of latt w.-ek
lib relatlvet In Shellaad at tUlea
Waa Uly Behrau of Port OaeUa
lere eottage.
rame up laai Friday to lake the boat
Ju. Kettle baa accepted a poaliios
to Priakfort aad learMd ttot foe
I Day'a atoi*.
boata did Dot rail there. She weal up
Cbaa. Mjckula.'Wbo bat
At JCnw^ ito waabb anlnla tae Mofday Witt Pred Puher.
Hute oa foe ialand forwe of life
^.^drwee ap with a bom aad ^
ivera, baa been aent to Muakegon
(d will go tain foe aerrlee there.
and wife aad brotter
The Hluea Farranl eaienalned
Hlaa Kellie and Meura. Dewey.
— and fitode cd p Davit one
aad vWied ftleada oa HlUcr-a
leoing laai weeg.
Aama Smifo U vialtlas relauve.
Tto toeing party foe evenin* of
eulah over Suaday.
lbe»« waa well attended aad a
U r. Hiller aad wUv apeei Sunday
•tJ^le party It reported-


‘^ri" r“h, STi

$amrk B«d Room StiH* to Oom Out
of odd piec« and odd sets in dishes'^ ,6"Si out S
very low pnees.
A beaatifullj; .ha|^. lOO-picce, white «I. lor $4.76,

(Hr. Harert. Mta. aoa

B. Dye. a

toJgs^wBB to Dnr to ttoUlag at,
^^SShnamWjBlnd diwoA-j
-toHBtaR^'M bato a

and so on right through.

Dan'l «e vilbaul a Sldaboard'

srer-mjejs “c “■ Irt**airriSi“^^ tto ptarifOT'tte

$15.00 Sideboard


$19 00 Sideboard

lor............... .•. $11.75

and so on right up to a
$36.00 Sideboard


$50.tl0 Sideboard




_ .
atttodad c»M at^tlto

_____iC l£towto£r“
s Onlar c( LcBg Laba wfli uto
----------* •
■ MoattoBaA

I'"'"' wore a week
mieroay waa weU
weU attended. The Golden'r raurtalnim
I Saturday
- Mr. Beba wa, evenlag.
^TJeee (ad Na
ilfred RemelD and C V. Bmiib af
^'’'wae whH aD «oal
n Ray were In (own Tueaday.
* “<> So® "bleb ^“mlrti
The ataglag waa very good.
------------------ Hr. Bober. Radlatlaoa
around ti
Day laai Hoaday.
Hou lMCh aad a qaeatloe game
Mia. Utrle McC.i
f^ed cal a Boat eojoyable
viriiing her brother, P. J. MeCaufey.
(he life uring nallon.
Frank .Smllh and wife were In Trav■ae Clly laat week.
Eptaeopal aerTlrea ai
gory reaon every Suaday morning aad
----------CUy today.
a unicHi eervlce U bold In l»<stt grove
down from even- SuBilay aflernoun al
' .■ry <uie InvUed (o attend.
Dayton S.-ll.y of Empire *1
Mtaa IrwlB (ff Hartiegoe
tolmd and II to «M «(Ito alotB barai
.<• Vent and
oa the paalasato. Aa to« ynr a
le -rf Chin
»bw Of Twy Olea ba»a IBW baa.
Ibe leUnd.

tim., ^%£“".S"..s

la briaa(,
Mr. uff Hn. TboBaa Hoaltoa mat
day. wKk Hr. .to HiTw.
Htv Chaadler to vay foebta.




to Travwae

bMto^dtJtomto aij
ty hto

Mo. TrelBOB baa boa. Mttn a

wroe Ceatnr Friday.
Hn. Maratoa. who boa bee. anen

■leaty nf Thera In Traverae CRy. eaO
Geod Reaann For it.
Woiildn l an.v woman be happv
«ler yean of baekacbe augering.
Baota. of mtaery, nlghu of unreal.
Born, Tuentay. Ang J, lo
The dlatreaa of unnarv traubb..
She flada reUef and cure'
111 Tburaday
' any Tra.erw Oily


-a Si.'s.-r.''SKs;

A. Merrill, of «1 tVebaior
fro» eliacka
foe trouble became rrry revere
never auSered ae In my life from nerv1^“?“'
^aad other dlt

iSi liS'ii.'Lt™* ^

nt talllea of H. A. Calm aad

issr iK

_____ _

In. . Mn MUm ttM etrareb TO

Same big cut right through on our
entire large stock.


Htotbr.aew’^p^ •vtaliig la for

borne Sat,mT^
ba. ^
for “

ra's; vSUTiS'lS.-” “


laay urer maka a laxy maau Bv- »
®'""* *» ““ Bwaral aeter talltag remedy for a laay lira

R Bio RasartniaBt ol Sample
OiM Drtuara
$9.00 values for............. ....................«« 76

*'»® f»r............... :;.s
and so on right up to a beautiful
$22.00 dresser for....................... $17^
A beautiful $30.00 dresser for... .$22,76








Some at less than actory


reservoir, guaranteed
every way. for


R large aaaartmcnt M Sample Tran Bade





$8abcdfor......... $0.76


$27. 75: neri.$29.75: „ex,

$35.50 and



R Flna, Btaoy. Oak Bad



M E .A L

that are i

Steel Ranges.'



bedroom. «c I,,,.. ^
1 ol brdroom ,ui„. Thfy arc fine blub


Ranges at faciory cost.

lOt can plcaso v»u on Baby Carriaacs
and Bo-earts
A large assortment to select from.
A good $9.00 Baby Carriage, tike cut....................$7.75
A SlO.iJO Baby Carriage

$111.. $11. $12.. $11.. and $16.1 we will clowr ihcw: onl
at |a>. hall pncc. 1 hey will make yoo a fine bed for a
litilc money.

H lar«« Hna al Sampit eouelwa


and so on right through
$25.00 drop head, davenport couch, for............. $18.60

eaeaptloBall, big paluaa la ONHra

It- w. nnn *M m I
Bn Baiardny- Wa were 1


grade dinnerware.

Set-our prices on Stetl Ranflcs
A good steel
like cut. high

ap aad my
* waa ectutaauy weak
and arbiD
Doin'. Kldaey Pm.
tirengtl •neti me and removed the dleAilmeBia.
I ooBtlnaed tte
-----------1 ttougbt It —rn
aary to are
5 ibem. I could not
wlah for a belter
whtab waa very remedy."
For tale by all dealera
Prioe M
0«»" La- raata. Fomt^MUbui Co.. toffalo, N
bong Satntday- T- aole agenu for t
■ Uni

■lehlag pilea; Never mind If everything elae failed
Olnimeai. ...
». ai aay drag aun.

N. E. STRONG, Mrjgr.

Everything in Small Instruments. Sheet Music. Talking Machines. Etc.


Ijitoa Into Wiliiiltr U tae bar «
beadM. vlw to awr Htt and not i
.ipaeui to-Iha. Bra paadf
Bwaito Hltitoa. to keiWiid t
Bar wbito aba to avar.
«he vaatbar to «aa cool
J^taarv now aHtai to '
fXmr ^ *a* to vart ta Q


Cttr i/eWt
of Hr. aad Hra. B. J

0« can plcaao yon
in our Carpet and Rug Department. Our selection is
large and evenf dollars worth we put out of this depanroent IS a big saving to you and a standiae advertisemcnt for our store. Don't miss seeing this depart­
ment and looking over our large line of rugs, and see
the pnees we arc making on them.

J. W
Wholesale and Retail

On Rocfctft



oamp TgAvmsE hbkuj), igqiiaDtT/i&i^^ wi.

H No*ve fag.
If You Waate Tmir
Awhile Yoa WiU
Suffer -

A Btraage atorr lan
town of QroveUad. near Cent

mmm u >e wmJ u> —leiti M*
- pMHtM M Um Tms. Ow MMr r*- III* DroTcn Ink eoattoBed to a nod|.
^ «r« tkt Banin foi«M ««I
Bad fsna tlili Mralv. bM MO 4*owkMBMi atwr (ka entlaaal A^ltsf Iton Mlac la llaa.
BarfM tte ^ wm mrt (tei nr

Ae Kta« Ttn Hm« AtanoB Be^W, aad whitk IM bM

4a an tbe mer M ream, haa bacaR 4ba Mcaattm aft

T.. bat It k Touebed tor br n
ble people aad there k ao do*

un aka and ber baabaad cam to tbit H k abooloieli' true A taallr
eokaUT aad aelllad la Warn eontr Free lived la (hat lowa acor the Look ] Caadu ai
caployrd I
(am bear Flat Rock. The
a tf Un
trr at that (im voaeotklag bat a vUTaM la iaenalU*. ThcJafanar
Ckarloua baTtaf tmUe «tik water
oa. She bas kaea a mUeot ot hnd aad hk wile a* a bouae termt.;
japanaB la U aaarareas oa Uao
Warae eooBtr lor 71 raan. Bke baa Tber are (be paionta of a llltle girl!
Taag (m (km aun aad a<* aimdr •orkaplaat.
MtM old. A dar or iwo ago Hra j
imb crop «e eM rMd tkreethe tnother oT IS ckUdrea. alee
eirtaf to tk* Bnarlaa oetpeata.
ter* or loni karraat.
U wheB ai« liriac. Bbe li kale aed Free took ber child to (be H'llUrd'
and TtgerSaitar aad an barna lam aa
baanr. emtldertec ber ace- Fbar oT bom. allowiBg ber to pUy around:
' *be worked. Afirr a while ibr'
bar m* aervad le the ctni «ak aed
dectai* (haagbt tb^ woo
all reianad bom allra. She baa
that It k teOir Um etaadavd awdletaa
ibroogh (be booae aad yard failed >o, >a B*er thnn»«t»d* ef Ametieaa beowa
large BUBil«r ol graadebUdm ai
tad nlalfUr of tb* laBad ber. Ju« outalde tbe bouae k a, _ «» by h?ti* k gwtraatred i. bHp
B Ik* lat* H. Plkare.
«, -ikh .i,
Ike Raafln eapUol a
«ojm tokdgt JO
Uagskba* In Jan (or
fret deep aad to ibl* tbe child wa» f gf
It will aurprtie mat loader* to found. Tbr remarkable pan ,d ihe U-1 g^aoffjr^atk^^^
■tnllag ctx boNM* oT bnaa.
ramd k Batlkr le that «( kla ptadeITS Imm a ncenl Japuae writer
Saeiun rootk llgbtad dgar U bad.
girl, guldrd * ‘..........
■t Iber* wa a nalrernlir to Sapau
probahir by nlmal InUect.
tbn dept. Karrew eeeapethe elgtalb eenlur). with acfaook at
ally ■wiBBlag oa tbe top of
loaae Lml* died at Jeduoa wltbla
jlCB, BBihriDatla aad hktorr. and
u«lag a •irukr elBlUr
three Boetki of cntorr nark.
that l*xt book* were enplorod dak
Plarfel Dnrllle bom dltageted
by dog*. Her fitber w
lae* aad kMbed ool leetb of owaer.
mcHuHl by the inotober nd db
Whllp UMlH Bilk ratpherte a<
for hk child. Hr. HlllUrd j
named ElUoii •

eaplodpd, Uladlag Howard Qlj mi
D. Anlboor'a Ktfi to the
the fatbrr'* fe« and be aelied
Benall bor peer UubBald bailt be
library a Waablngtoe
wa* drawn out with ber.
•ra ea.baia atair*. Paracn' Hull
irllere tram
The lapaaaai. the Utegraaa
not koowe bow long *be wa* la
a o( tbe laal ball the rlatern. but It Bunt bare been
■ad* a naoroa attack n tb* e*alar
Horn race nd Hr* atoek ealilUt
at Ik* Baakaa poaltka. Tb* <
about ten minute*.
A Bp net la Jnat a* ladkpeaalble
wUI b* featam or (air (or iMpItal la
tree** mkad te a nttahk posltlee
ibe comfort of a bone ibew Auguat
» Haitar.
aad laUMad gml Ion ea tb* JapuMACCABEEr ATTENTION.
dtj* aa the top robe I* to tte driver
Bag* *dt lor lieiWt




taSm.*eTk-t^ TeOTajArtT- I

aaa br baarr artUInr.
t iBlIwar.
Tb* dlnatek pkm tb* Japaa*** deep now bn
km M 1M*I kilM aad weoaded aad
Bead or Hncr eoapowtd o( cfaUdrea
«b« <1 tb* BoaalaM a* mtgalta
10 b* orgaalied la tmalng
Oaleaborg eemeil tHowa aaba
FMn. Oato, Aog. I.—Ulaaoeri Pa- oee boar leewar dariag'alreei <
eie trWa No. U, lb* W. I
aim. Teap*me* tollu ladlganl
wmtn eir ar*r vhleb Ml Dear**
II k (aar«d that (be p*acb oop di
•nr the Bk> Otaad* ralhrar Saadar
adBoi will b* a (allare tbk rnr.
at I •’dock k lb* afteraoea aad «aa
4ae at Paable at ?:M loadar alghi.
> tr«e* oaghi to adraeee Id mu*.
•nt aen la Dry cr**k. a trtbaUrr at A HtlliMl* Bra hntootrocted to purdftr me at alipperr *>B bark
4 OM haadnd aad iveairBn (or ahlpBCOt to n eaatera eooem.
ar* *MHa*tad to ban leat their line.
emiae* la to have a iww aai
Dariag tb* alutaoaa md earir la ner r«asn. CUeago panka baring do
tb* enataf a etoad bom
_____ to derkop tb* Haakon k
Piaaaiala roller la tb* rldaltr at
aerenf ^Uaa ep tb* rtrer fiOB lb*
•man to a roartag termL Tb*
•aian »nkiail Ik* hrUg* lhai
nan lb* enak. Than «a* ao •Igaal
le vara tb* eaglanr of tb* dkaaur
thaiawalM. Tb* toeemUn pinged
Ian lb* and carnal. Thm ceann
aad the baggage ear Mhned (he ngin late the ragtag lead.
Tb* heUn or tb* rtMm ar* batag
naetorMi lopldlr aad . .
kariaL While ao oeemU eetimte
«** be Bad* U h b*H*T*d that lb*
Math thd wlU r*an at kart em hea-

ta who boarded the tral*

«*n to Matt la tb* erewdad PM***-

Cbiago-St^Loul* Iton bare Joal
dlacoremd that caBdiietor* cc rarlooa
corlale aealpen of CUeago
ok have beea eagaged la a
to defaad tb* railraaik
of expat
Uoo ticket*. It b ruined tbal Inatead
at taking up r.-turn coupon* aad tnrn-


Ike date



Bbtn tba Sfiutaxt' of


Tlie Kind Ton Harn Always Bought
In Uae For Over 30 Years.

Tbe Hodrrn Haccabce k not fralc. Id addition to the fall llae of fly
Billy at borne with htmacir or hi* and top rnlie* that tbe Votniha Ha^
ni'lghbore uBiru he wear* an cBbleo Best Co. carry, you will Bad truaka
plB or charm. Tbne caa br nlitalDed all atoea aad priee*. to null Uoik ei
week at tke Jeweliy atore of Bai
ok.j Come a
A earl. While there have yon look them o
watch looked Into. Plral cUas repali
lag done U reaaonabir price*. || k
**K.2St?u'b3K,' rvei.___ _
Are good la warm meaiher. but the awaiO^niir^w
keep root watch cleaa. a* there k nat
»gc earner I* better pleiaed tc
IcuJer Jolcy lamb, pgi l»>rk, at

ma la to the eonnar, coadoct-'
teat for hi* midday meal, when tired
ire twea *ell1ag them to *ca
or hungry. Aalde (tom Ibe general
Are expeaiJve, bat Berrtngion
nr to*tuce* whra llekeu to SL
trade (bat they know bow well to >
Lnol* nd relnip were prc**oled. cxnf Steel Cot Coffee to pA. Thia proeea*
I. Broach Hroa.. *|t FViini at
dociort are xald to have taken up the retnoree the entire chaff, which
are aiaklng a api-ctoliy o(:k..<tie
the harmfnl Ingmlieni. Uank
whole littet. gtvtog the paaaeoger
return. MBpoo that had alreadr bet
to ahape to gel the nuui perfect ECONOMICAU POWEHFttU RELI­
u**d. It I* e«tlDBIed ihal to thU ma
blend of coffee erer placed upon tbe
CbIragoBi, l.oul* raada have bet
power (teeter Jual
et. Try a parkag.-.
Pbe adlla at tfae'utrbflaM OairUc defrauded oat rd tSM.IWO.
SOetttey *. «ti I nloD 8-. If* a reveto- *tall.*l by 4. W. Jackaon,' im: rroai
tektog (erttble ttuce*. lU' baa:
Look Adketaa. a rottag an t
Tbal to whal
agreal to act aa lodge at a \mby abow. Wakekid. Ha**., baa becoaei lotallr
c dn »ee. howei'cr.jli the cool
Tbna will b* a paper (or ule la
a* tbr reeull at balhlag while
Inviting parlor. fcaioaDcl Sad Imaked
UtttBeW aeiB.
palmr, where one may reel and
Keep (bl* tact to talnd. that
Tber* prael*** to be « enlnr ex.
1 a bualneu onasalng uoscy la Urge 1 eiiio> 1 di.b of iliclr velvet ervam in
ode* from UHurd. Tb* citr (aiher*
country vanilla. Mraoberr). choootote
hare eooiraeted the auxt* (erer ud hit fight began to tall BpecUIUU who
tb* Bioutba at all dogi to tb* rlllagr bare bora treatlag him uy tbe cave real otule nd charge yoa bul a rea O' flawir*. All other flardra made to
aoBOhlc rale of latereet. Pay It beck order. Plioui' to when ^nlertalnlag
are to be eaged.
r aad the loai of eight la due to
youraeU. A few during Haccaluv week.
H**el Carer. Ifrtnkold daughter 0( penlysk of lb»' opUr nerve, cauaed by
eboloe oBieet u reoL alogle or la
Wb. Car*r at ChurehUl. noarir died
ertraiod conditloB at tbe lliue'
aaUe. B. McNamara. McNamara Bloek
troB the eteet* at ealtog u ear o(
And aomc arc batting jtlgbu. but
hard eon. A doeta barelr nred be*
On tbe arrival of a ntoeral (rala at
Whlcbevcr they arc. (berd'a a lot of
lit* after araral boora' work.
Oroala. Ehgtoad. a btoekblrd'a neeU
them in all atylc*. alaea an-I price*
. Lapeer an who k irarelliic to containing tear egg*, waa found on
grelli Cndy Ou. and Bad tbe most raaginc fr»m Kic. (be llghiesi weight
wild* or Oregoe wrote book;
tte brukea haadle of one of tbe wag- perfect appolatmenla on every bud. tight, in srsil. the all wool bathing
golag famlag. H ! get a bear, I oo*. Tbe wagon bad beret atndlag at
Tbcae are cxclaaivifly for men
AHde from everything looking good full
win. telegrapb rou;% a bear gcia B*. KertiM hill for three wettt, doitag
but we Uao have * full Mac
they laate good, too, and -for wby- aad
ir wile will do the tetegTOphlng
wbicb line (he aeet uuat hare beoo aa tte eoateraer aoya? Deeauae they of trunk* and traveling tag* to suit
■llL—Imdon, Bag, Dally Newa.
BacMarr WUUaa Darcr baa kaaed
are bom made, the candh-c. the all- Knbcck A Hnyl. I'niijn St
the call tor the ttirg-eereoib
Robert J. Durdelle received a few cream, even the ffavor*. They


BxmrfJBcala tMxt trlBe ortth B


Friday, the ^Ott oa^f Beotemi
at um a rUirh l* th' rrevwaou <d uud du. all
awl preuiunw uiuMl in tk> i r-riutiiii ef

AoMiaatreior -U Um SMak M Hunk

iumium. ;

pOOlUTa OBDS>l-«ra'

‘‘SoSi- A jgttAXOPt^

Ml* cMUM la wnuac •“ ~uiev to

mM j

■m ■ ■ ■*

Orr eraak k Bftr (*M wide, ifun
M d**p Witt a *t**p teak on HU*
a o( tb* Tweatrooeoad Hlebl- Meodi at Snaay Greet, Paaadreuiflaat mokea apeclalty of borne
■Mb at mtaa. II *mtka late tb*
na rolimteer latntrr. which will b* Saturday erenlng oa
late*. Brery one of (be
MiiliR Ian ttn a haV Bile below
held tbk rear at Harta* Otr.
fat* alxtletb birthday.
Aa «xlnalrc pcogram bat been (he day chaeli
Ittg down weed*, ud la poatog for
IW dttw OBB a
ciure declared be waa tte ortgiaal
tt* RoaebM ctolat. H. Benley.
n Witt tte boe. When naked bon
A. R. a*«. baTiBg received newa
(eeli to be CO yean tid tbe h
«w IW wena at tira land to tb* \ tot raid;
Ta add le Um honor e tb* ahaa-Well, my boy, It ■
Um. gbeak bnu roMn the hodke
ratter etowded. There ore ao
el tb* merarad daad bedor* MrUgbt.
more pe<q<le to Ue world ttn there
OtMn wan gtm to the oBeora aad
iMigllTii n the ***** loaboet
Mr an negbt la tt* a*t.

took op my bommtao!
claim. When I luded tm thto plooet
there won't a anal to loa Aagetot
It i u

a Improvi'meni over ibe oU
bait bruabes.
Ptroalog lo ihr taste, qolollng to tooth bruahe*. Oeab bruahe*
le nerve*, aujn hy you moralas. about aoap? Ollie cream skin aoap
.t to all la. 1 pick not the
noon and Bight, but never obtrude*. mild and kindly la eScvi, restoring the
eoaleat to get out at.~
to It?
•tr. Tb* •
the Frescb astn
Smoker, made from bekt
lobarcn. lag aad lui.ricailog
all tb* attoek la the aa
TB* MUIe Creek aldaaa have
rolled and Ingglcd into share till It
Why: Ib'caure It I* a f««l
Un btoag prant Qeli* a u
**dd*nlyjl*ewY«eed that the city to teceolly mode an Iniereattog expert- cobT be heal. They bear Inreallgawell a* a chin.or. A»k lof li. Take;
at* bar* tnm Traram Qlr. TW*
Bent, by which hot wcalber rlettmi
tloB. too. a* they arc ualnn made. Bother at the Juhaaoo Drug To
•a* a laHn ibk Beralag. na ttk boned to tte city, and an egort l^o abould be able in preBi
He placed
afUraee* aad aaotbar win b* bald be ane
(bennoBcier*. one of ordinary
reaMenU wbo have b
Wimambatg. Hitt, Aag. d.-T%* tklpped by the eoameraton to m
•m«( the Beetlaga at tte **fiM at U the paper oHcaa. Then Ucee w
ftndar Btteoi bnra Whitt voi be bHd wUI be added ta tk oSelol figiua nd
to tUa ooaety, k batag baU bm tofsto g ttoutud or (WO

a-r a,«u, u>] wbo an-- evubskomevisihvniy
*n a.y

lag tbe water* of igtoa*. tbe ether patoled black, to Ibe
Baaibag. Hka, An- B.-Tb*
la Ihe white gloa* ibe merenry
Oma BV. expert* ban decided that
day J Awcm! A.iT'ii^m
r aM werhtr* at tt* aerttto Ml (Cl.
Usder tbe block
lb* city of Heoomtoee ceuiiot better
yoar pnckei to give ua Ihe cot riindDunn. They o«nc In all .Ue,
a pan •( tb* eontr gattaed
It went up to 1ST. H. FIOBm-' {ract for that a** wladmllle yon aeed. nd atylc* la both pat.-al and Ud kM.
eoam at water tapply.
iggected that 1 flltnUoa Hou* tterefure cooclBdre that people H not a windmill, tbee look at our military or futian
He also rer
who were
foaollae engtoc*. both ponablc aad rtc* a good line of comlurt illpp,>ra for
with either water nr air tired (eeL
dree* la white. In other word*, cooler. We are offering the biggc.i ,
boea atatted al
•tMU .* llM p-Mb«ry Mto UHRM. aad to*
two at
Beoloa Harbor by Ueut. C. K. Farm. mao. greimUy (peoktog, are greater kind o< todueemeats to you. Itoraey
I thlnrauterei* from tbe beat thn womes. Andcruoa. Slate Bt
1 Are 'hr new felt bat* that have ]u*i
_ tbe foonb dlrtotoe o(
fur the beneti of vlcUmi wbo
arrived aad l-cea pm oa dtopliy at
lb* oam rnervM at ttit Uty, by
md to top bata. H. FTammartoo
Woo.1 Slater*' mlllln.17
which It to propoan to erect a IIOJMM
telto (hoi putting OB a allk hat had
ralea ymi wish to save mosej. aa ireni aireet. They arc la ibe new fall
•TBory. A site *« the B*to itrett of
Mahm nd HMhedM.
aindtog la the July eua tor n hoar
e have three ptoaoe. each a bargain, shade* of dclleate grcec. aad brown*,
the elly aad abutting on the rtrer l«
T»a dar wm crowded fan oT good
aku'l leldom foBMl In a music hnasc. ttat with wbHc *IiII mucb la eildeace. If
tbton wall nkakM le UR tb* riaad- to be porebaaad for (he new bolldtog beaeoih Ihe hat n;m reglater from
price* that apeak j you can't be anited to fell ity ihc cjid
Ueut. Formr wmm <«llt( over 100
aa* at BeMay tttaU wrefe. AaiM
for ihemtelvc*. A Kimball,
tnat tt* tony awailan tUka aad
Oeoeral HUe* boa been. I
cose. Btyle K. No. lUAtt. naed Cuj trimmed
to (he rank* of tte dWaloo. trader tt.
days, at tns; a mellowdoocd Koabe.;
tow ■Dveratag on oidlthaal gnott. gaa Seld* la tadlu trerhory and •





tore to II4X

taa odtoenavd ok* daUvated bg Ber.

As Yoo Like It

;wovU. price iro.: lastly

r. r. cBm.

0|<<tntoarwMh*UattlMlaita far to tt* 0(01* board cd bnltt. which
to tor* ca(arred H bock to tte board
of bnitt or ■cklerd lowaaUp. to
>■1(11 wtB be beld B rtf* Leku.
wbtoh towoehlp tte take la Mtoaled.
The mailer wm be lakae ap by the
*«ort mt weM. BM K to ttoogbi
(kot (be coRasm wbo hove ben up.
tos tor *0 Boar jean to have the


The great Round Oak Ftmocc

. ---------- la pro*.
J. W. mitor. Rev. a Oottlto nd Ber,
pact, ttrada foe the new anaorr t
fer'eulij socared.
n* teemn ptwrIMd by «ke
r atm lime tt* wa4rt at Broea
•wnM ■cbBUa aad tt* tocoi totoel
lok* bare bean very |»« otriog h
«n greatly MMtutotad nd tt*
tore that aott* of tte load owoen

VMay at l ohMtt tt* aeeon met-


Hard «aoh coal, coke or WOO.L

sM Witt a poTBeal of tl« per y
a .raadard

boRM tfmiB oil

SleiBway. la good oedev. at giso.''
Jon ooe coodllhm
(be barage. but yoa wouldn't
rw If you bad ny
OrlnHl Bm.

Feed your btir; aonrtsfa it;
-Ire it tometliUic to Uve oa.
Itea It sin stop fsllist, sod
iO rov long sod hetry.
ytr*s Hsir Vigor b the oaly

hBirfood>'oticsa^y. Fbreo
yesiB it hss been doing hut
arc dsia it trU do.
vm m dtappoUt you.

Short Hair

..................been **ta.a.m


to sdM* y.e u. ■■


It b air tight aad

bold* tU( lire, p*od«>eine g (Mody

’siiiirsvisirsrsjL**"*’ —

onlfanB heat fraa a great deal
losiodthaaii I

WtraccL Th*r
week by Millar A More*. CM
atreet. who have n excepdooaUy toe
U«e of
tideboordt nd

Round Oak


Through tbe appveclatlao at tatlnSed
r BgMu enabled
coB BtteaikB to (heir goamteed g_
Mo boar. Every town abould be weU
jbept, 8«j mtr base at ttem
W* have tost placed cm ale 1_____
Me pain H aaaple thoea. atoea. j. *4.
L «b. t: whkba AA. A.


and Maecna.

------- *--------------to tl-lS a *r.


A. V.


b the bcM sad fBoct eofchdly
world. If yoa WaiM s perfaedy kattd
wrte t« see Ac RoS^ SgeM-

ttsJCMesuessa-- <


_____________ fte.ivqtj.

Pies Marquette






t» Jirtw MPte

Mr l»i «M fWMr Adw ttk.
tMt M Mtrw Uf k>Wv (Mt-

ib«T7. pna* aa« A«Tr fM,
Mwk. r<sa •><

ktad vaaa eon k to rarr aac-


IMI II iboold ba traak tad
War It hu pMMd Ike altar
a Unb vatcr foor laUetpoaorub core
to ao leokM dt for uMa an.
etarch. vltb aa added pleeta M nil
At Mrtr M ponlUa ta tka aacatac.
SOr tato tbr aaaee aad cook tea rolB■Ita aad Ufa Ike aa;
wu*. PM tato a Bold aad eerre eold
M ek. !»• uvt* u<
tkaa ta eold vaia or pM
vlib fosar aad ema.
ta orda
Bnrriae b faalltar vltb fried optmk aad taadar utu li
pbA bat K U vaU kaovn bav aocb
■ack «Ut M dr«
bMtcr tt U vbcB tee applee are allced
Hka Umm:
ta a batirred puddlas dUk, a brer of
la at* liM btta e( cka«M
awbt aad aexi |BU a Bla of Boar,
Aad all tka rtoau la (ka akr.
tdaBt aaout cf aUfhtlr aatlad waflusar aad blu of bnlia. CoeilaAad lUla atari, at* taaekau »tat
0 tka kc(M( poiBU Braak tka
Oar kaaita la ilidaf to Haiairai
aan la katraa. drap ikas ta tka toOcooka avaj pnatlr). aoa oaae i
la aatiac tkraa(k tka aalatna!
alar aa« boll far dra artaataa
aa boar, harlos tee dUh coteted
M. eat akeiM aarar erttldia
ua an imU. aid aot nan tki
: aearir don. Serred oa a
^»kaaob«ri«ila*koieoCa: lai«a. U>ai baUlnc nakaa
a aC ftaa kta tek aai (pack aad taatalaaa. Dtak la a plat- table vtUi aents. It b aoet an
lar. Baiddlr kattar «ack pMe
Mr tkar tiara a^ sack ptafarbM!
ak aad pappar orar It. aad lar
Odm kaM a UkM. aat it kl^l
teas a aoBc ef tetoa-a etoaec deep
^ BM ar Bar Wka rint Hada na."
Prtad ODfa-Botd aa aar or
tBMierto. tiaiwt nfeMva.

T«t k 4«Mr» m rMUT Uu«*A.
Mr vkw U gkm rrUkt •• •»



Ma iwaatal llTdaaw tkaaaiP
Vkdia daadi. kolk raac aad


^T,-« Tka «arld aar aaaad aa ti
pMa. fkw M kMa;

Taotardar vai fan cd pals aad
mm. aad ao tta vodd «aa fiar. M
dar t aa banar, aad ar <aa kraal
atak ta tkat 1 aliM soraa aoa<
aaaltkail kart baaa. ItawaMkao*
dtaMir bov la piaet tka pUtoai. aad
tka kad akaaM ba aada ap ai aaootk
m aalla. aa Ikat aa taan vrlaUa
^ald ka aacBltirlai itaatt lata a niO
^ adawaat te toitaa a naaittra kaek.
n kaarara van Met la kr torlad
IHiadi. I M HIM vaaM hara i
aHOkk te Man tka aU vUta baa
«l tka ban aleacaMa c( tka im tkat
VM aaartngaat te tka alM ra
vtMU pliM «ate OM patteet bio
or tvo. aad thoM tbonU ba of
ar Nd or brtkkt r«av or btaa.
Wktt ttew for BoartibBMat eai

aartkaa kevl. aad.
tka kiUa
11 ipcot tka giBlaa la hatt. eat
dsn tka laaflh <d tka eeb. Aflar
SAtaaad la tkla anaaar. i
oat tka aofl. mlUo put. CM

Malt a leap cd buUar tka


part of tee coaaoo labor of il
Her cbIMres. erra vhlle the) a
rerr rouna. are trataed io aaab
nrraU. Of tab eoamualDr of eloaelj

mulaal eodearor aod acblereaeot.the
moiber U lodeed <hi- aoliaaitas ipirit
le deepMt aeaie «be order*, ar- {
nasiv and decide*.
Whaierer Mac
rdtuv of tbU paper no ihai n
tarn algfai be. lacklas her. u ' «aa kuov tbe pood vorit the card* d
klodl) aeel ar.
ver tee cblWrec'* coli
V to,Be Ibal perhnp* •.
Uke lu kno* al
Rovi aad rova of
aide br aUe:
Tbe follovlns recipe baa becB twcd
Ic addllino i<> (I 1- boaplial
Wkee tee door la 0
fi* ataar reara and found ten nc
11- of onr imllrou
ceptable. It I* tbe beet tblop M It* ,o
Ih an eruiiilcm no brr face
Ualair •btataf er
One palloB tlnoBor. thren- pinle j................... hate lepruK)
If *ae Dot In
vbUe aad gold.
one-half pound alna. three
oonia««u. form, aud
the other
Pfkaterer b ceallr good Barer kOn salluB* valer. Tfab aakea enoosh for I ^urau were oot afraid <>r her vp let
sbe learned to
eolie tato dIMaror aad dbuac. Tbe ooetaalf barrel raraaber*. The, need j b«.
aklns: Juat rtaae and peit te tin
became aa earneei Cbn«ilan.
T capboird. vhicb cobadal boate*

tin Id aa tkk ta a aklUti or (rrtac
pH. aad poor ta tka
apeoafal id mH aad a doat id papar.
aad atlr coaataatlr oaUI the vhola la boaated aa oae of teeir chief oraaa< vanted for uue.
DM! broVB. Taa bIboIm la has anu. vaa acfbcted afirr aaall aldetalended for raramben. ti
aaoBcb tar thta «aaatitr to coM.
keep daadcUone irteas aa If poo
boarda came tala me. bat for a doieo
Can TrtUafo-Cat
■ in cook), atrtas beaa.. .helled
non pan tbeee coBreolrol enplnord*
Mpdota Id oora^to
leaded sbn doore bare beea re bean>. rora. iteavr a lev bulk, on
terfbad la radpa tar triad flora. Add a
car. JuU eoMisb to cot er tbe ker
satnlBg farar. A cmer cupboard oripooBtBl fld nil aad lUr
, cauIlOover, beete, bed sreea*.
niplet oo apace aralbble for otbeatftad door to ^tae a a.iS batter. Mb
r lumatoe. and aeed encumber*
b decontire lit llarU. aad pnlid Bot b« Bon tku ooadDBttb
not rradf to plrkle. Tbe
BIU tbe beet dbplar of cbotar-chtaa
doaaUtr et core. Drop aBatl
■ llil I hate levied, aod I tetrad
ood klau.
a flff ibfl aad Id tbfl ataloc ipooe
' srerc peae Id tbe pod* Ibl* fear
The seoatae cAer capboard hat
a pu «( bot lard, aad frr a dallboded Siam doore aad the pattm of Waib In auda vatrr If fuu n^t to
brovB Ok both aldfla. Sflrrfloaa
Ibefbai aakn a Voadrrtul dlffpreacc
lar koratabfld vtth panler or tatrt the rlaegar larte of tbe pickle
e COM. A capboard vltb plaU
ton leam. Wkn Mrefallr ataed aad
a noallag rater and a velgbl 0
doora b better tkaa dooc and ta
br Uh toelpfl. addtas Bflttbflr
eaar Ihr tovrr copboard b cor- keep all nader piekle.
Bilk nr ana. tban triltan
reoteot for auriog exlra plaiea aad
aaiUitas itaa triad eraan.
Country Cooking. ,
a a« to orsaaental. iv for cbobe
Stavad Oon—Cot aad toopa tkm
datatbi. Braaa rap hooka aad a rod
folk sning to a farmbi>u«e fur
ipfMi Id eon. Malt bad a eapdul ot
BBUT enii'l panicularlj ibe d>
bottat ta a trrtas paa. poor ta tka
vegeiaMve vMrb arv offered to
eon aad add a eoptal of aveat alta.
cfaaace to di»ptaf iheln.teoi. A part of ibeir e.cell.-nee Itaatfl aad atlr oactaBallr aatll
tmatao ta tbe ebelf « U11
oo douW. to ib.-lr d.ilck trnoilK tklekaaa to tka oootMaoer of boa(upport. I r,um sanli'D to table, but a g<ud pan '
tar or porridsc- Sam aa peoa or
Hale lor a
ratae*. Inii, fnun Ihe ereain aunbod of '
rllb three triangular |
vhlrh farmer*’ vlti-. ■
ad Oon—Cut tad aermpa lluofl
abeltM fflGed Into the raraer of tbi .
ln*iead of bui :
npfab Id eon. Break tvo «bi ta
Tbe kivevt ebelf .boutd be Jusi |i,i,io*poooful» of cream _
bovl aad bnt aotu Ught. Add a taa
Ibe chair rail and If fltted vUh ]
impanlog a delletou. flavor
apooafol of aan. halt a eoptul id ai
teeeeibelvn vlll be uaeful aad|Th,-*e oounirt c*. let iheir tre*h
Bilk, had a eoptul id bolter, aod
Tker thoold be reacn..>llv..setable* boll In a .er* little valer
artctly lor enpa. aaocere aod plauj*. ] ,hat 1* put oa cold aod l> luoallf ei
bottand puddtag dbb

tUH aov. daar.- 1 voald tt a
auta hit M oowUlH oa a rotr ittUa
tear, aad ikM I vooU aarrr n to agr
pkUaat 1a m Mturor-teet a var m I brevs.
«paM kaad bar a ditak or vatar ar

M»e all II
Le>vie DMebaa.
Pervaa vlll be foaa
Tta fvUovlai lecar b froa Ike ertta
mediate aad lanlas e
ofbU Uurrraor aad BOV C. a BniH*.
cotarrb. T
P. P_ Warmof WpoiBlBs;
bcoeScfallr oa the dl.ra«d Baru«>
“lAa ennuiUytmbbdvHkoalte.
aeabnaeA and vita braltar mv-uu
tbrase* tee catarrh caa ao Uagrr cunsh. etc., bot thaaka to poor peed
W vaa napinrfr evaketp infMB
aedlclBa, Mraaa, I alvapa Bad a
evre.--Jdra. 1. B. Wanna.
1 Miu Uab. Matt. 19V V*a Bam Ku. proap.
Itruodu aoidertrv pennp. ead eeflv
tar riee trees., aod aa glad m o«r teat'''cbirasu.HU vniea:
.................... ..
< vuiej revBla from U>« an vf Peeoaa,
f aa caaptrcrtr nelavd to MtmHt.
IvrtleMuarc U IK. liartmao, klMai a
nolohaa. ta a Utter from
*■ 1 ra&efvd an loos v ita iadietoUna :
wau-aral of juar eon aad be vS
the Comtnofclal Motel. HlDorapolb. and dfaprpeta. and trod maaf tbtac* be pteoMd to glr* Toa bla WlBaUa pte
] to rare »r. viilnml rt-ltof. I flually j »*re pratla.
-roetvumuntaamTphteirlaarxprrl-1 I■nl4;ht a l•'■tJe of i'vTUoa aad In

meatodvltb me trflas to cure a hard el. »r*.'ke I vaa roi.r<-I> rid u
If j The llw
coldvbich aclUed la-iPf »tooto«ai. cue-- atoatacb truuMc."-Umn Matt.

btn »6eh bM- boataod h-arn.-d that ■un-If It Ir tbeee leper*. Who will
,he had lepttvr be wtil her vord that bclp them to bevi- tbe koovledce and
ehv could DIM reiun borne to etar
peon- of God to coafort tbemr Wb>>
vaa a rvfliHsI voman aod It >euaed
hard to arad her out ii. be*, m after ^
(her koo* ledge Ibaa to
planniDR a vhllr a..m.- frlt-nda bellied | set up ta
raoraluf aod ao out and
a leper vH- bepT Their :face* arr alnad) brlsbiolder ODIV have viutiel hing
rvo ! I., look f<irvard ii> in ih.- fnturv. for if
-te;ib.j- arv -nie ih<
ln';ieprou».. No. o..,
■ a I tba! of D*of a 1

Sam t

the poddtak dtah.-

«Mt bar tim. tick hnla vaa la ae
iHtdlttop to avMd eatto ta ihtaktai
«)a vko k«t Urad ot rbvtak tka
M IB appMIta tar MBttkIac vbM kar
aetearr ararr noaoe at tba nMOMCk vaa kotak to datlr onti^tat ■orta wban tear ova teatr aoaaar
obrtala teat dlBtr I van rai7 Haair akool bar. I ealtr hr perbapB dtapoatag at thalr
«mM avaltav kml k«tpa M tfcta air.
tas ta a poftaUa eoUaoe. vbkh aar
allov taan to eiv9 laio
dltanul apot each ananlatr Mo mr eoHtaaai
■ OooBliT Ufa ta
I a ktoat adraatai* at
tea pertabi* hoae teat tea taaltr aar
I voMd koap Mtaaoa. Oa tka otkar
a efaaasa of aeaae asd nrlroekakd. t voaU act «■
eretr mr- Bacardtas tee ereekM kr a tipput dv
teat too an oaa pot ap a portable
la a rev boon. vlte-Ue on of
-w-drirer. a aaoker
iM. Aa ta tbe aoai
*. tela writer aan:
vbatkM tlv van kt la nidra 4 Boat
nht ooat cd a port^b hcaae rariei
<C r^Ueca, aad act pot tka OMa id d» tioa lU to ptOd. aJ b aboot eo»
ddMoe opM tka Btafc OM baaMt, ta third lea II
teat of a bom Of tki
tkda Bttla coHbr wn. vhm peopla
t br a carpnwr.
MV aet r«
naian oottagaA terr ant tee a
la that than an u • vkMtkin;
to ipnd tbi I
am that. I voeU Uat voik a teltb
ou*. aad oaan bar to kma ap.
If Ha van aot aadar dMet phni-

air la tee eoualrr. boi vbo ««»■■»
tart to «vn a boon aad tot. nr
od aliM tkH ta rtetoea rtaittas. It.
tpeaaire cooslrr hoae It b ai
iwvvnr. tar daar dM vaa at that
Batter to hire i laall phd id
rvuteebaatcd kreoad. Mtber M tee aenken or ta

Bataee Whoat Btadea ftipiA
A mile, bnt old vomaa out la
vbeal kald BOteerUig tee ema ba
cf tee fullf farmed but i

MABlk Lt'ClLk-AgeMcfci semta*.

children aod wh.-n given ■ England .«■ America.
happr h
>B a lierean leaf rlusta
May God help you and them,
roll a* t priu I It’ll you Uiey werr
Again, many tbaok* for ib<- ear-l

aod t> vonh trylog ta city kllcheOL
ccaearelac tee oae of te* greco vheal
head* It va. found that bar basket
CDotatoed barka, and during tbe laeiaoce, peas, striog bean*, asparagus
chat that MIoved tee little old voaao aod ri-lei7—nre tee water in vhicb
Impaned acme ralnataU koovledgi
tbe) arr boiled, and set aside. Is lb>'
case of caoned goods, dralo off the

JuBlird 0«- Mrs. Bngetbart * bad aad
c rant* nf tbe serairbed b«v fare till abs avobe.
In a aonem tee aoteer of tta
WUb oa.- bio* id ble pa* hr bHIrd booarbold pereri.rd Ibe atais of Ofbis small fyiend irvrr. pUcad bU grt«i
fiiig cm Ibe mils- d<<s cbewl. and beta Tbe sUwatka was lerrlfylag lanokb
He .tbe train rushed by. •o fhake the «erraliy (rf tee mb com|s>sad. Tbs HMIrr tower Boor «ff the
KIkl. 1
p<-r<<-nly *1111. Wb*-n the
last car bod passed, old Ha>ir re (viseturr boiUlBg vbcw they Ueaff
at* abtaxe. ta ihal U was lagiirilli
IO esraps by Ibe mslrvay' The targnssl nbirb said as plainly as spiyb:
rifled rhiWrra raa vMly fnai rnoa to
•There, yon little fcsiH Cant yon
•e*rn anytbtagr and Klkle twt up asd
•em-d alswl i-gnally at a Ion.
rulh.wrvl MaJiT b.unr vbh bis tail be
PbnnaaiHy there «as one raoi head
.0 Ibe. house. ClIxahMb. the kruare:
.i-vold daacblsr. reaeabmd tea a
•' du'ixbi
l.-dire ra* fna, tbe vtaAov of the «k
gleharts- dvHUag to Um- a*'*Mry tallstart, bat Ma-ot tivars caagbl blRi or abnp adjotalag. Cravltag ant H
l•e(ufv tb.-crossing vns r.vcbsd. alva>* knocked bla oier and beid him Ibis vas tbe am praettaal vi
'town 'III tbr whole train vat aaf.Hy rap*, aad retnraed to leU ber
Kikte never learned wisdom, bsf parealA
i-ot MaJiV aever gave bla np as “lasi
By tels iha* a koSesaaa bad
i»tra>A Kiku- viihin


_ A

l.ived io lioll avar and

be drained
off. The sraaootag. vltb ib.- cream. U
added, and tbe vbole heated ihnnigli
before betas sent to tee table TbIs
proeiai make* a sev dUh of peas.
Ltaa beaaa, sgoaib. or oev potatoes,

mural princlplv lb Major's gait- Hr'ffrt' vhlrb destroyed teeir boo**. It
d->ubled btaself up and In biBss-lf on-1 *as Ibe.rat vblrb g*'* tbe oUra. Il

aoraeted to tbe seen*, aad be aided
Rlliabsifa. TW pioeky kin aend *•
Ihi- roid id the tailor shop aad r»

ad boko ta

oatU a ilfki

nut ibi-r.- .
ciascdoos reetttade
an/I stern nvolve. and ibe forre <jf a ' they owe ibeIr lives, for. ta a ronal

hapiiy. Som<- of the vom.-n bad bera : Tnu <uoi
taarolsg almi and flu- applied tor bapVuur* f.r the bclpleas.
11*01 and .ft-r talking vltb ibem we
Eflen M I.ijd
hat tbf--e veri- ready. Now tb.-»e
people in Ihe leper >illagvs areMis Brothei'e Kaepee.
helped to about half wbat they need ;
Two dog* ar.- still held In pleasas
Juice. The ne.t day add an egual
to eat by the govenuneni. Ibe mi reronectlou ta Melrose. Man. On
pnaue iprnta or .tiaia or opeo tore.
fluantliy of milk. To each cupful of
was a tbagey. lumU-rlog. elepbamtne
ilalnud that beat of all tee
good old aalreo. "betla teaa all tee ooe of butter, birad.-d, aad brlog to a went ta a deirvailos Dii-i us and xsked N'e*r->uadiand named Major, Ibe other
for a cbapi-1 aad regular prvarbmc. * sleek, irirr little black aod tan called
dortur*' oNdlclne* for .Ud«lDg paloi
boll. This make* a delletoas emm saying. '•Other illlage* have It that "Klkle'
Divh Major asd Klkle have
and acbeA- Is tee -vhrat nltc.- for
•oiip. to vhkh aoy 'leftoi.r- eegc- arv not leper. Wby ran ».« wv have . tang dare passed to Ihelf reward, but
vhicb abe vaa gatbertag Ibe grvra ubles may be added, and vhicb Is free
an opportunny of learning -t,v Go*- lbl» »ti>rr of tbvir frlradsbip Is still
vbeat brada. Jnt vbf she sbonid caQ from the objectloc raised rvgardtag
pel as veil as they
'■•'-I l-y those who knew tbenj.
ft -vbcot ealte- (vbra tbe prepara- .moM varmed-over foods—that they
Cbri*t never
bnn.lred jxnl* from tbe bom.’
tka U ooapoeed
largely of barta j t,,, „
..f .V= wonian *bt> owned tee dog*
tban vbrali U not kaovn. Tbit 1* her |
,tMJrf'releo- may
lb* leper off nod v.- pondered
railroad crusting. KiU* bad the
recipe for preparing the excelleot and
---------, bad babli of nitbiag dose
reaowned ta _________
. Io this criMslng vbraever be beard
tee utu* Tillage vbere the aalve
• mooew
ilbc vhleU* of an appnmrbthe train.
aaka Urn:
-----------------------------i*o ve becao to ask our American
He would teen dash along braid#
Green Pee kouprrirad* for tbe mene; One T W. C
ktrip tee grera taaide hark from tee
car* and hart fnDoos:). Many a t
When pees beeuoe loo old to serve A. took the xnppon uf the !rp<r voelder aad take a ouari ef this
he had been pnnt^ed for !-. but
bark aod mix It vltb tee nae gnan- as a Tegeiable. they can be eooverted man, aad HlUe by little bat the money
rear of a train vas always 'oo m
Uly of tee bark of bluervveet roota.
for bU gnrsd rratuotloo*
tbe bate* a generous baadfsl ■belled peas ta three pints of i-uito^ for tbr teacher. We hate procured a
On* day—(be pitcher that goee
greeci vbeat blade* aad oee gnart ’ water, add a leaapoonfnl of salt half i rile lust ooUbSe the village and tee
o«ra to the veil, you kn.,w-»
thick tweet <nom. Stew all to- > bay leaf, a email blade of mace and a ’ «*>«« tor tee building Is let. beiierporttoe of tee ffytag irata struck him.
getberorer teeflrensUI yon caa poor I fl'BM'-r i
He fen tato tee ditch beside tee track.
off tbe clear ofl. vhkh ebonld be kept:
After tveoiy atlanua taau oe“ ' nd to fnraixb

Here I* X pr.-l!f IHtl- u.rri for yuu.
1 «s. Fitting beside ocr allbsn bust
'ta> otbiT evening xfl-T Ira. wx'cMcg
an am that s»->-med very b'lsy, rollm
tag bocey I sappose, down in the nerl.
of one of the vide open flovera I
thought I soutd blip bim 1a blovreh. •«> 1 sprinkled a few grain,* of
•ngar on tbe p.-*U, and vnteh-d lu,
*•-«' what be would do. It vas srarrMy

bera areumulattag* tee cbOd'e
fl-ver e„p Iheo aoolber tbd
Xnuib-r iiLtl . lo.klng at the branch
» a f-icuixr prociVFlon uf them
was bta-k wtUi them. Very
flrst coasTv s4-<-med to bare
Ibsy Vtaisd. aod ih-o s*rh
'--Ik a grata ta bla ewnrib aod siartj-d
bom.Il was very fanny to *.-# tb...
IVO prurusslons. .me (xrmtag up ib<
l-raaeb eapij. and Ibe otb-r g.>tar
bark Iradsd I wm rare they bad nsvsr
Ir llv.* before

■ Hr Art tba oManta a( Ota Nil.

IsvuJ Uiiwlles. lu.tbe d
■ u th- l.-wplial.
pF>-suiit l.xis>vla. vbo

I I*. 1... sT*« blnbday ber aaj•
with bet ova baadt a
- ras.
<b.!Ura, picture butAs aH
r- dish... - xii In X mate of (air
tcrTnii.*- xad bad tbea seat off
be llii;. .uSercTA



ny. ta tea kra to. y»M. tZTZ
otear boad. vn hnvy BU,
«Mt. ad began ha VM oateMl

ten. By tes time KHiabeih t abare of
-be rescue was dnlrbr-d. the trealarm
bad bc-B turned la. aad tea (alba *M
A'pitsr vers uhra from tes vtadov
:» a Udder..

d pcomr..! iiie.n H
H- ..emed tej
A Pratty Cwua.
I and <vi until h.- oiuld <«i no at.*r.
Tbsr. is a pretty custom la
d then he i»A a grain In bu nw/uib
-I ffiarrl;-*! iiusD Ibe braoi'b utx>D l- rlal family of G.-rm*u7 wtk
iirt the (b<*ef b'jag. I (li.-d to ke.p fn>ai lime Imi
aorial Uh the bMe
•Uj .d racb of Ibv rujai children, aiya
ae sxcbaoge. ibempn-ss pioi
Ihfoogt ",e st.wk .i toys Vblrb bn

at. M a lev coat, aad
as a real provldsor.; to i
lOBBtr ta owe of teen
Aboib.-r time I pul som
ooat of
Sower vbere there vas n
.d ,r
hr tlMtei b aot kraal, tar tear
ta large mooteed bolGaA ThU bm- caslonally. and remoie tbe ouee aad • beacbes f
I ail. aad ta about ii
tadt oot of ontrUtak-1 veoU at liaa be katetd tato a rerr laaU tt
tagealTc will keep tadeflaltaly. and u | bay leaf as toon as ibdr flanw* beliUe feipjv maCv b>. aiv-nraoc. died .hr had to su
a ka-tka aearatal ptaatBo ef ui- nek part betat tat Tker are ac
beUevad by tee oM midrau of t
—vhetber by amdvot
drslgn I
o ber own Bother aad brip tad aa-!
Uat bar ajMpWi or tka parll
Ptata aa ooe altkt aappoae. for a
dressed, and
be bad
< bar taM bM tais.' teaa bare pbnai. or vtan. vbleh
frame tarsed back to bealth. Oorlag
: and gnos xnoifi. r ,
aar ka added b datend.
his cravalraretK* Major was tlvay*
the flower vas Uark
a Cbristiaa n
•a t vooM Mt aMrtata «anan vtiJi . 1 keov of tote a hoBM_____
vltb blm. aad doobUeis ones xald- ~t as before, aad there were f
- : aaaooBU ad oar tanlid't iaailr of fcor Ian apeai teatr
loM you
and -I hope this vlil
,Uet r
.Atton go ns It pleaae*
an. nr tea thtafa tee alkht
at tka M^an for tvmal
leacb yon a IcsaoB."
caattoa aboni fans
Doo l *ad yoe raaata overdo U a* yon try to
kata Md ta kn AaUrteoa taoaaBia. BO
Mon b dfrUed tato kn R
BaapBerty ahrob la ratrcablag.
But, alas for Major's bopnf Wki*
taa ao Ttgoroosly that you pot yonreelf: pinurr tbras poor people la th-slr alar taaavi
oae ond u a Urtap raea. tern
lay be made ta gnoatltle* dnriag tbe tau a beat by tee exertton. Never fan ery and dltflgBrearat and yet ai
-oot of door* tgata teaa
_ d ba: Mr voted I rotate
Mkan M badnoaa. aad cae
aaoa. aealiag ta gat* JaiA tee back of your friend's arak If you. ten pretty, cnakUc Utile to
e must bare dooc ao: b« tbe
Ota oterr o( ar ^ tadfM aad
gaan Jar with tmb rM
atttiag behind hw. Pu with a I with as yet ao alga cf the disras*
M» aad systota of tee** Uay
** a la tel laaetai
poor ora tent
fcou* MoMi aotfca. to uai vam of
Tray ««d*rfnl to
How aaay of yoo vaat to
tan. aad pbycleal fern
aatU tea jor ta tall, kcrev tee air strike yoor ova taev. hot nM ao
I euppoae they took teeir ti
brtkbteo te* Itm ef teon people by fltoyed.
■ tMa.kMHM I voted —- lid. nd iher par tee taM ovateal yoo send try tUren dovo
acoding tardi aad ptetore rolls to
a «M a rate tor the priribki of pM- keaW aad dcMa ta a }*Uy bog. A
ttaD* KlUe ttartod tor tba
td It np for teeir vtatra prevtaki^
ibea. aad bare uy of yoor olda eranlag Major fnltovad. The IRtta
OM ptaad loot ongw to on^ ptat
■ <«>7 taa* te* am heavy rata
fricadi vbo vobM Uke to sead n
dog was a*bt aad gakJpnoOoHd. BM
Bau tmpUly tvnty alaatoA
caaaad trait ibooM be kH( ta a
"kM tato bit stride.- at tee--------------Mdat. aad saal eanfoUy la glan Jam. aoeLdatepfacA
A UUli of M obteb la a krtat addlPlcklm oMU atvayn be kwt a i

Itak sp tee boon m tbi------TWdttdBtaote

reived ber yevager broiben aad sta^
r.-rs a. ha panpu passed tbea denra.
I'sssicg HhB tn turn in tbe big podtaa

-ta-i* »« dm

Hatai Bn •
^ataan, ta Me. Trail

k rbJldrev arv always tota
tbe (
a resulisd ta the nrtag

vbleb aansM] the eblldbood of tea
tdd Kalare William bate lara taved
froa tee wrack

C ChrtMtao Uegfara preHiAtbe foltovtac. apon vbtafe raa
practice dUifraily 1a prtvau bi^j
ren.nrfrar oa a pnldlc pagoraaae*. I
Ask a psrwoA -Wba, ktod <ff a aatae
annoys aatiysterr Aftar tea rfola
bat gives op. be b told. -A notay aoto
anaoj-s aa oyntra.ehadi. If a
’ Me voMd ebate M

CMh Par KlokBa
When ay bratear vm
•u. ve bad koeaw chtai I



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