Grand Traverse Herald, December 22, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 22, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Tlli WSItfc
At Ibe SfMk a# CMAMa 4ar,
Geonla dropped tbc cloak and
Tfan^ ttrflwtr turiighi ria«(iiK.
and Cu- my.
Blaaocd at ber Catber. The iwinkk- in
Comm m mad et dblldm tlaclBK. hto eyca waa irreatotible. and abe
bom Into a nteii? peal of tonichter.
"Ob. pu»a.Jfa ao abeurdly funny!
■be cried, “to It aceeamry to be pe
. Etor CbrlM to bora.
aJMw UN )or u> Ml MM brindac: fectly prefer much lonser*"
Tbto frank appeal broke down bit
CkRlMB Cut the ^IH vinde bkir.
aravUy. WItb a quick toaa be ahook
Gnvtac atfoacer. vwceter. clearer. oat the ooDienu of ibe barrel, and.
IB the now
kneelina beeide CoorKto. mmmaaed
- Briar the happr
In tbe pile of caav<>E ckMbBnr thin rinslas.
la- A tew toya were bronabtlo llebt
•’Wiater> drasr;
Ml eotac paekacM of «w and ca.*)ilr.
Bm Cbrtol to hue.
Tbeir taek ended, faiber and dauahKlfth Bad rtodecM wIUb Higp briar ter drew a Iona breaib and alanoed i*i
ally at Mr>. Smith. She
lacked ihclr aenae of bnmer
“Nerrr OutotuM?- hear Meta nr.
and her sober, pniried face waa atUI
Aa the eaat to bmvIbc llchter:
delloaiely dnabed.
-hUr the jor cr Cbrietmai nBr*
-1 bare notbiaa to aay. AlaaarUii.
Make ymr whole' year sladder.
abaoiniely no|bln*.“ abe declared
hrtrhter!calmly. “When yon bare diapoaed of
- Jola the aiartar.
that nibblab. I will let Jane brfna In
Chriat hae fom.
Tbey tat down u the uble. allentiy
AH liDTe'emaeareB with Him brinswondertns over tbto myaterlou

Paecs 11»6
'riiAVERW cmr,




Michigan. Thursday,


you sot oara?" be naked, easeriy.
hoped Bben woaldn*i fnraet oa.~
“Ye^ we received lu' Georata eonfeeaed. “There were clotbca mad toya.'
Tbe ihouabi Itoahed upon ber that be
miabt wut to carry them borne now'
It wae Imperative to iei him away
from tbe boaae.
Do you lire far from hetvT—I mlgtii
ao arltb you.*' abe Impulafvely prod. “I am eery enrtou* to iea- whnt
auntie haa sent me."
"f'd beslad If jou wonid. liVonlya
few bkxica auay."
Oat on the aireet her apirlta mte.
Thonsb kenly conacloiu ibai abe bao
robbed tbto man. tbe bnbblMl wlili
mirth orcT ibe manner of ji anil cha'
tod brtokly to hMc her peridetlir and

-rre btwn t
I bomriit
cbaniing the wtwds:
jits lote of tbc moon, with atoriea of
toya and candy, and ahoce and atockAmong the (Wanes of tbe 4«tiy
“And here thc}- laid it in a manger the nan and aiao the wianan who aiv
Inmu—It'f lucky I romcmbcivd ib«'lr Druids ihtwe waa a su|M-raiiiirm Ibai to-cauqc- there wa* no pUer fur ihimi' said to dac’i ihrre. And tboagfe ffo-'
aiteu.—and now my money to all the houses riKMild be d
whh|a« ih.- Inn.qnraUy the mnha are nut oMiaertad
evergreens In n-cember la ewder (hat i This aej-rlce ofien laata nnill .'Iwlih the Christmas ten ton, ajmnei
"You mnt l« me Into thb." teplied i!i<- sytogn spiriis might wrtcr thci-i ;u’*slock In the muniing and is fintoh*-’ .without etcepUtm iW tcli of wnmg
Nr. SmlU).. “1 waa as aeceaamy be­ and ibua I.e k*-nf firtw- from the blast (ny a “Te IVnm" and -God Bave the A»orw. who. safely reann-ed finm i
fore Ibe fact."
.rf the cbld north wliul and thc frust , Rei.uldic," All Betblettem watrlnw this possibility
wf evil, i
Georgia ttoabni.him a ItmU of grsil- nnUfa mllder.fewwt, tvnewHl the to' Inteh*. sn.i the people—men.
women tos'lttg
- .
warning to the tempted ernes of
tu*le. "Papa, dear." shi- said, wiib ia^e .rf their woal hsunu.
i .sd children—rt-main amil day breaka eartb. And
en though they are reltragic eanetnaesa. “if you love me.
Tho Chrisunaa tree to really frxrmj tilth lighted candle* In their bands lu ics of ages atiwped In soperattriofi.
just lend a hand in this errspc and you Egypt, wherv the palm ireg puts forlb I the u*-jghburfa*x>d of tbe basilica they yet conuUn l(eir sound haan of
nc-^do? gi*.- m* any pn-scni at al
htaneb every month, and wb. r«- a ; Kteryw In-re one hear* crit<a of J*iy and : iniih. in thc words of N’c-rithaa^ Ab>
'We’ll see about Ibatt" He cloaed apnay of this tn-". with i: abqpia on It. | breath.-. »bv rrugrunce
incense. Tb«- j ism .4 Bi. Alhuna. a wite man wh i
bis desk and aros*-. “Would rou 1:
Sfas «*e.| In ^n'l’i at ib.- rime of 1b.-1 fi-siiviiu-s isetHne more and mon- ani-, lived In tin- twelfth oi-ninry
I go aboppiec with .vnur faibiirT”
«ini*-r snlsiire as a wymlml of the y.-ar i oiaied ax the bmirs wear away, aod Ji
•The rustic to Ibe Mtwtn
"Will your- she criml. aecing 1
<-*.apli-ie<l. ,
; would Iw- diaicDli to estimate the quanWbnae lumlen wifighs hlffi dowa.
diffieoltie* vanlfh! Allaarlait Smith
Whu doe* not know ib<- poem lu-eln-1 tHy of caiuiiea and bant liuilM eg^a
This chasm-lcs* tni(b retraaia:
was a c'-n*>rous man.
which ars- ■k-voured by tbe pariiripaat*
He prolix ao: wffit> ateato.”
'W'here.fireir* he queried, when
•n«- mlattot.w liiiDg In the caatlc during the Bight.—New V.wk H.-raW.
We Amrricath have no BupraatiUona
They entered a small eotuge
they barf gained the street.
of the mixm. Y.t, nmtehow. la wa.
aide street. Two little koya plav.-d
"W’c must buy some cloihea for ihThe bolly branch ahitoc on tlto <d-l
Ihe lorrh light* to the aky aoMn omrar
the ChrttMuw Mooin
aboot the kitchen aod a glri of fifteen l>nys. 1 think one of my siiiu wl
oak walU?
bright and cheery as at the happy
"If Gtirlsiinas mme* during ibwas xeiting away tllabea. Tbclr nui
Kale: it to siUI very 'good. And. patm."
Tear* ago over < \ .-ry man's <Ukh- in
Cbriatmas time. Tbe pweM miwaage
er. Imsj with ber ironlag. knked up In —she kti4(e<I up enaxlngly—"the Dupli England bung a sprig of mlatleioe at waning a»o..n we shall have a very
of peace aod good will to abroad ;.i
rni at the eight of
ca'e i» about your sUv. lurt mu tall Ihla season. Then- wiill hov.T* a mys­ good )-ear, and the nearer to the full the tend, and
moon (be to-iti-r." runs an old legend,
tic charm storai the nilatlein-. aai
What a chf-erleg outlook for (he ynar •Stw) a* Ibe evening ahades prttvaH
"Tbto to Ulu Smith, wif*-.- n>d her
"to that a hint fur tost wlnier^ o
mnn> a gin now. with a thrill *»f ggl9o5! P'09- the next full moon to due The mi»n Ukes up the wowMum
husband. “She-a the .tougbler of ih- <*tt?" he SMked, slin-wdly. "1 i
IM-ciancy. place* a Vranrh of it under
on DeeemiHT SS. Juai three rtat* lat>other Alixarton. They got our bar poM*- you learn.-d s*mietblng about the Ihe chandelier or over the door,
for. CbrtoiBiaB. And ao. eten (bough The kiars cQaar oat In their gramieat
“Could there be another Aitoarianr
be tonghed. exultantly, "ifn toll
eordieg to a lormer belief, when agirl
glory, and ibe (Christmas iroe of thtbto
Oeorfta r*snujred. doubtfully.
learned everything!’' dcclarcj to caught and kissed under the mtotk-we may still have (be aaonrance ibai world to llghied alumd ua.
Tha DwaUoata Mmflh.
Tbto odd name gave tbe family
rcHerpd. Georgia. "1 had to talk fast to keep
l«*riy must Im picked off with
Uaj- (he Cbrlstraas moon and (b.>
tbe lliilc old man to ibe moon to smil­
. Oa the aeoNd day belcwe Cbriatuai
“There!" ahe esctolmcd to,Georgia. him from asklag tor (be barrel,
each kU>. and when the Iwrrb-s hale
AHvrfaa SBlth went home early to meroua Smitba ot Winebwier: but In "Wbee ‘Zartott brought In that bos I totber amlW apprectoUvely. “The l«i- ail been iduckerf the priviltrge rsmsc*. ing .town In kindlto-'Ss upon us. And guiding Christmas atarq flood every
imtbway with their bewas i f
because the new >«-nr is (o be a lucky
eipSiir. Aa be fu np the atepe ol hit bla yotsiger days ber father bad actual­ knew In all conacleoee It wa nt oars* plicate Is a worthy man who ne*-dk
Atoup.R (lie anclq|t Britons the n.islight,
and may they briag (
erne we may Juln all the more ferridly
opened the door and ly anffered from it.
Won’t yomalt down?”
He to a mason and plasterer ile-toe that grow* on the oak ttv
111 the IrUh Miuution; ’'!A fine moon bean gladness and warmth and com
to meet him. radiaat tolth
"Ko. my child." be answered firmly.
And we thought there wu aoane liy trade. ’
the kind held In facr. Beraus.- of It*
forttog toace —ik-troii Free prows.
"There might be aa AoUtne Smiih—' mtoUke." aald Georgia, aceepting e
"I Imagine work Is stack at Cbrirt- h«ath<« urtgin It to n« oft.-n used i.. Aod may thou leave us aa aafe as thou
find us "
“Oh. papc Ant Bnld'a boa haa ardtair. “because—bccaoac. you so.
“Oh. papa!" iDdignanilyu lime.”
chnn-h decorailous. a fact which to reKrita Krinfto In Germany.
flrad!" abe cried. “We are dylar
H.>w our far-away friend reached
“Or aa Oleo, but never another Allt there were boys' clothes; and I hav•That’* Jiisi what hi- naya." Georgia fertvd to by Washiiigton Irving fu bU
with cnrtoaltyi b«t we waoldan open’t arisB!"
ao brother, at all."
flagerly aas.-med. "Y’ou know lustp!.- Ilrat-el.rldg" Hall." wbtvf he ha* the hi* pr.-*ent dwelling plan- has for
tm yen oase."
A Jolly smile at the brifeht-cyed III don’t ofie* hare a Job of pliisiering It-amed iMirson rebuke tbe unlearned oenturK-s been a can*.- for conjisntire. prevails the Ix-lkd In the ^rtot KindAfter a mottenl Georgia looked up
’Dylarr' be gata^. aioeidaK to
and many are ibi- Kiurie* about him toto. or Chriat c^lld, who rawarda wiith
mfidently, with a frrsh Idea.
tie fellows threw them into broad dMte as a Cfarislmaa present."
cierk for this v.u7 thing.
hint hta pretty and
that hati- been ^nd<-d diiwn. N>4 a gifts the toithfiH chlidran who lose
Mrs! Stniib gtonecd at herchll
“The probletti to aolved.“ ehi
Her latlier laughed. "Your frk'n.l
In Germany and ft-andanatto tb?
itowe in (tod. On
dron and paiiod their heads with a should apply in Cargill." be said, •(tor- hully or holy tr.-e Is called ('briat's few of ;hese art- assuctoted wtih the
nounoed. "I bare often ttcntlonn
•Dh, wall, ytm taow:- abe laaAed. Cbantler family to Aunt Enid, and abe ptoue.1 look. •
though <>n«- to oblige.! (Tirtoima* .
gill bas the largest contracts this a«a- thorn, iM-eauKc It puts forts tis berrlcat
«ba door aad tascins at hk bM aent the barrel for them. Our
adult that they are quite larking blew at dtonex, and arhen tbe MMdlea
Won't you bring out her preeonts. aoB. Here comeu th*- man iii>w."
Chris-mns time, and lher»-fon- to mare
faintly walcbaa
teodS. “Yoall wimdor. too, wWn prewnumrlll oome tamorrow."
‘Zarianr abe said to her busbaod.
"A word from you, napa—" Georgin ' l•erta^l.v fliii-d for church .bworailon*. in the apirii ul peace aod pood will
the shadows an the waU. for if any
He weal into tbc front mom and i
“Will these elothce Ei the Chanbegan.
With Its slom-y. dark li-ai.w and which (ni|(t to l>^ OH^i- abunda i
one abould have his or bar shadow ob­
•be horered atom him with a
tlerwr asked Mr. Bmitb.
"Well. I’ll sec wliai can l>e «l*nu-.“
bright, ns! Iicrric*. It 1« an aiirarUvw
tt little aerrloea and dully alippod
one band, and. In the other, a tiretiy
nun lu Ihe m-jon is an exile fron. scured by that of anMImr tdiJeeCthat
With a brisk nod. Cargill had ei deoorailoR for the Ismse
“Why. papa, they etnY help fining!
kto- hand into hto
bOttAon diab with ll* tonga. C*-orgia icred the cloihlnE store Just ahead of
an- (old. a victim of hto ow n to to tM- unlucky, if the chHdroa alt
The Ji-w* nsed to dccoraic at their ^'*'***'
There* are all atoee of CbaaUerar
"OoMA papal"
hovered over them detigfaicdly.
arrang-duing. hoi *o long an Imjtrl.- down In odd numbers, that la aiao onibem.
••CoocloelTa pmof that they ahou’..:
“JtoMi’t we befnwtaand with our hMtaUstt kindled the older
ooment inti*t aurely hare wrougbi lucky. and ll will not do to fill np the
the l«o)8' deparimeni. and tftilli- *
and flowem.
bare tbe harrel. We muai sorely gc
a tbto ytarr- be
•wa making ber purchases he Kieppcd
tMof lt hy Chriati
The laurel waa ttaitd at thc eariliuu 111* refonn, and we muai Itear ih’a
in mind a* *e read the foIhriHag leg- feUilve*. Dinner lieing over. Ibe chil­
of the Homans
“Need Ibey abiver two days )onE<T
dren n-ilrc Info a ilarli iwMaMd fues*
pleaaanlly. -Thai kelile to ao brlsht
:'* ail rith'," hr jmnounc.-d. ii|iou for all jo.Mu! occasion* and I* Klgnifi
“Indeed we are! Everyone to pro Beatdea.-«bM<' thlnga an- not nice and shiny! Tiani v*-n big. l»ii ji
From Cermang «mn<w tbe myth the. at (he preseni* ihcy are fb receive.
•■-li-rn. “.Mi/arlan ibi' S*?ciin.l mnv ntni oi i" i:. .• and .inor).
TMed fv. h*«n to tbe poor Cbantler cDougb for Chrtotmu." Georgia a*lded, might be handy Is s amal! family, ’spi-Kooii the poreni* opeir the door and
to-gln work n.-xl Monda.v. flav.- y-,,:!
In M.-ni- idBi-e* ll is cuslumary ;u (b.- to-ison to the moon to a man erm
l«h ■ UM'ch of ecntlment. “| css
ddMren. Too know we aent
nay- "Tbe Chrtot child bas rlsKed
ctolly if yon <lWn*t care ruiicb for i.-a’ flnlBbcl her.'? What n.-xtr'
make the d
(brow l•^a^rlle* of laun-l on (Lc •l.uum-.l (u gatherlug s;ick* on j!un>Uy.
praUE pnaeote to Anat Bald, boi ben
Georgia s eyes danct-.I. "Then- anponiont. of «h>- name cuuuiry ><m. " upon which the r^ildrM come
"There wa* sonw- u?a. jtw rei
night with a Iwndle of toys and old
rhrlMma-! fir.- ati<l aateli tor omeev
M really far
only three In our family." ahe replie.1.
n-. Coubl I add nut* sihI ratolc* anr* while Ik. |.-nvc* curt sud eracklo .a is f.amd the aiory ifaai btnli a mat (orth lo gaze upon Ibrir gift dts fce.1
"AltiMmsb we bavn't awn Uiemr
We ilottY cwre much for les."
im.—New York Worid.
fe.w orange#?*
i w-tonan w-.-re (bus inmtotosl. ib■ to- heat ail I Ram.'.
The Chantieradulu were hard-owrk
d tbe hace-wlited lawyfrWith a somewhal preocrtipleil air
iH-racae he *in-w«vl hrambh-s .n
•Tonalnly. Tb. original luim l
Til.- «■(. rur.-rn ir.-*' to a symlsil usnl
people, and by Mrs, Sndth pushed frtrwanl the Imiii
I were averted by tbc tog bm
HoHy and the Ivy.
thinc9* ito; r.'voal of itaiim-. which, a*e of hto wife at the dtola«- Cbrtotataa time (he als little CbaaUeni bon aei.
by hahi-M."
From (he earlieat llmeo griww
ironomienll.. slgnm.-a ihe rel-jm of hliMier others from attending maaa—
WOTO InvartoMy ragged and out at thr
. She wu a qniet mUe
"Those tweezers came wrapped up
"You tti\<r do." she answered hiv. i.h<- sun. Hung will] lighia an.i offer­
- w.miBii bocaus.- rbe made butter inughs have been associated aa one >4
toes. Himee this unacconnUble bar­
■tie waye and aerede
with the little dish." she cKplalno*! logiy.
Sunday. Axtd mt tm (Ttriatmas .-ve ibe ouiwanl .qpreaslon* of joy, and r."
ing*. ih>- ire<- ha* for eeniunea lawn
er which the Amllba made ”There was some candy, too." Sh.
“I am glad you have come,
iwo wore tnu>*|K>rlod lo the moon. pimiedir to the Bible do we find allii"Wc mighi put to Mometbing *ul>
of'ib. i.rinciiial ebaraei. risUca of
artoa." wu ber greeUng. “I driayed merry, brought them a wonderfni went to a ckiat-i and look down a Ihu*
ftanttol. ' bt- went on ih (Hshiritti* fTirisitta- i..'e -N.-« y,H-l, hl^rnry.
< r.- i-v^-n (o Ibis day. we may som-- fcion* to them; notably to Nehomiab.
BiMper a lllUe. Perbapa you wonld aaooBi of oomfon.
from the lop shelf, "i m real moril •There mav to- need of it. At an^
tirae* s'v- Ihm. wilh Ibnrtu (tod bill whi-re we reod. "(Jo forth onto the
Early la the
Hke to opoB the barrel at onee.
fled atx>ut that. The ehildreu got iniL rate they ran'i suspect u*. and 'heo;i
mount and feteb olive hTmim^*. and
liib on cBcli riwpecilve baric. '
Cbriatinas In 8etKichem.
“A naireir He looked over her’ moek. anxloua Mule man called at itai
bKon- wc tbuugbi."
imnunliy for a l-.oing bit «f fraud i*
'(»: ChrisUtm* eve." runs a liouse- pine branche*. and myrtle hnoebea;’
At nlghi til. ClirlMmas s.-r.
baad and tnrned to Oeorgla.- "Tm house of Aitosrian Smith, aod aske.1
really lire»»itllde."
.1 |. pend iri the Frisian*, "arben lo make borHb* theroor, aad “tbara
II>-IhlriHtn to-L-iliM at I'l ci'e!:>:: . with
) see him.
■aU a boalfew remaining tom tom*. - |i uoi-sb''
"Thiiik of their'gratitude to -Eben's a puntlflcial ttiix- c-li i.rao-d
- :?> ll t-p;rtt and tto- .'Vlt one Jjve waa gnwt gtadnaoa.
"Hapa bu JitM gone to the oBco"
“Well. air, ym wmUn'i bare me
maiter," abe said, bmtnning up h>-:*'!" exclaimed G<*.Hifto. rapnir.i-i‘
•it of u* our' eholo'. an old man !'hut be claimed aa decidedly ^IpFrsiiHscan clmreh n.-ar the Igi.iliia,
Sire away all my
aaiU Ocorgto. "Did you wish t.i Icav.coat. "Papa can get ao'aomo mon- ' ly "ton’i It a Joke, papa!"
|iMnkins of hto Cbrtxiniai. dinner, CIV-'
1" 'heir origta. The pijputor
rirhOBi v.-stoK-uiM
toaglMd. u they paawd tou the next any measager
"I’m aura you’re real kind!—Wtil
"ll i*." he repliisj. ga.vly. "Ik-Mi «.f ihi* oflir.-. tbosi- having
•..•01-urtEbboP* fine eabt«E«-..j' '‘f*»»'’o» »«•' nmcmary, imy. toaral.
'Well, I ilon‘1 know.- Tbc atrange'^ -Zarian. If Miaa Smith to going, yim'd
liniblug (he f.-nce to Ihe dim moo-i-jh<*Hy and Ivy. and to folklare we hove
lam.- .If the Fn-iicl. n-puto
*We woaderad af -li,“ aald Mn. looked away doubtfally. -You sea. I m to'ticr carry the box right up to hr. all for the oili.r pn.irl,. tho.i^to tomlssi-s the point."
many aad frequent allusions to gll^if
lic b> Man-chal MrMahoii. TliN first >'k*>i which cb»i lis .i.-<i> slisdnws
Bahh. MaMnc mally into a chair. Alixarton Bmlib. too." be .-anialm-il. house."
Aptl. lndi-v.1, I Ills frolicwomi- *ptrli ceremony i- .-nnelude.i atomi niniiiiehi., H-.- hv cm and bundbwl up oi! '•'•'•c. The hellebore, «»r Chiiatnaa,
“toM-a preaeou an» alwayo few In with a depppcaiory amll.-, -|
-Oh. I wasnY gtdng directly home!" resulted to Uberal additb.n* m ih<
I..UB i.r.Mx-NvUM. will, cau- '«>•“> »*• !«* c.w»-l «irrv. Just as hej'we. and the Cnirtotmaa thorn, whl^
•amber and carKnlly aetocted."
Chrietmu box Uy mtatake."
Georgia derenrred. "Bowldew. your purcha*. s which Otdwgia bad |.tonn.-.l, ■:i.v in hamt m....-* i.iward th- Krotii.
i*i» burden on lib. back. ih.-j®o»‘'r» about tbto Mwkm. along ,wi.<i
Tbe barrel etood on a mg at one
“Oh. tltti explains everything!” uid ppeaente have .been unpacked anduiw barrr! wc* pac.k.vl hefor'
ll-N.niviiy. Firwi rome* till-cn**,<‘>"’l’‘'flAil ro.l.-byor. hi. white !nrr-c
and arbaina. are frariy
e«id of Ibe room. Mr. Sadib glanceri Gforgto, vlvackAialy. "Won i yon ■
acatieml. There were ao many!" Sli.- yiitq>--r time and Imtni-.liaieto
Iwai.-r. r..ll..w.vl In rmn-i-cati monk’s ; carry ms gift* for ea»«! tli'-h- one.-, ii/d
'® RugUsh decontioUs. A very
M the addraaamrd ueke.1 upon li In. Mr. Smith* Wc didn't Itnow yun
Binlled rather ncrvmwl* "I will wi nd patched to 'the imuse of Allzarlan the
tt:tor*uf.;iherr.-Itol...=*i«-iieH. lull ai one.., spring the ihirf. *ald: ! lualnt pf»-m (. 11* ol the Claim* of the
and took up a hammer which toy oriated, that ta-“ chc flntahcd with
Uicin to you thi* afiernoon '
ma*on. ij»;. r on. Aliarlun the law­ Tbe patnarrb come* Ul»i. and dlra.-tlj j'Becauw ih.iii hast siolflo on lb- liol> 1 "y and holly lor precwdeoce. Popnlar
stlghl laugh.
Aa hour tou-r Gcoigla enteml Ihc yer went .itiwn lown. and. a* ns'iml.'
iM-biiii) bun. at the biw.l cf the la-'-' cf<- 'b'"i fhali 'stand in Jhe tn-wn »nd:^'*l’*"*''n Idare* ih* bolly iustde aad tb«
» aamc kwka faml11ar.“ be re~t oonldn'i believe It. either.” wa.-. tow office of Atizarian Smith. Tluwalk# ih.- Krf'peh consul with iii« ' •’c
“S • irzyoae for ever and ever.'
‘•'•Ixlde a dwelling, -^tolected.
la blundering reply. ‘lUI ^ found the eharp December wind had tinged her
hope thc dnplicau-s an- happy, aticBdam.*.
, “Tea, we are tbe <
i-kR'! ih‘-r»- liyl* will, and oa every
" —
name In a directory." lie enten-.! ih- cheeks and fluffed out her fair hair.
be remarki-d. a* she nsstot.^-i him wiib
■M the eager bIh: “Do burry.
Only ibo»e wbu-precede the pairl-L''brtoitna» eve he turn* m.ind once.”
8L Nbita{as. as 'he patron aodat at
parior and imaed respectfully i
gleam of cadlcmeni abono to her fac- bis ov.TTor.i. the humor -.f ih.
SbMM help you r
cbildreB. now termed gaaia Oaim,
“There i
AS ahe tossed some bundli-M upon
ta ttataltoiacVtoarm Mr. iBmlth
nr-. Ill hto hnixl wbb tfifltilte prccati ' totor.!.-rv of Syli wh.H .»> (Imt ifan i was (ononizMl.
according In tf«- .
all aorta of Bmlihr except XYI cable and wat down, with a brb-f gree.•I have lo thank ydu tor tlito . pt '•■-m a U-aiitlful liitle child In -wax..| men ii-r. !h lug .a ih<- idoon stole a
■paad tbe baejaTr aad then, u
' dlt^. «t Mvra. Italy,
orlih a aartan*."
lag. to aw-aii her father* totoure. '
sode ' he *ai.l. dryly, -j don’t
mher look m bto fnee. be pulled ou>
tthir-h wiib fw-vw-i -imlle s(v-m» almoMi ' *h.r-|>
hU ChriMmss <ilr.n< r, cntlc-1 buried in the cathedralcrypt, fflz bun"Isn’t tbc
Hi*'Mouth twMebed allghciy a* h - when' 1 have au.»xhtog num-.
a article and held It up for Georgia, civilly, -w.- an- quite pren.l
bent over hto paper*. This imprcwslw Now, what woukj yun like f.w a t'hrjsl- «h'h-'j.uiiii ot crying oat iu.-''t'K *'-'f ff'tn hv eorapanifto* by a I dmd years later bis body was taken to
Tbe Aret ot
of 11.“
ehiW n-.i* to a mang-r on Bilk.
tomdlc «4 rai.lmgv*. and ilat a* a coo-; Itartjtnd (bere in (be tdevemh txnsilence wa* an old trick, fttretelllng a
■a* praamt. Q.-orgtor
fully eeaicted preeagia
eushi-iii* {i.-v nnd embro;.’ j t'-q"‘*ni'c-h-and hU pals.Aid- parttw r: lur/ too irreai priory trf Ban NicnI.t
Tbe auu) dropped his hat beside ih- flood of naive confidences. He *iapp.*d
“Oh. noihtog. 101.0. amhing!" she erivl -riiii cvid. ,\t it*>What ibreadbafe oveiemL
In cril!' ere now ia the ruv.r. to lu'was bull: It to that priory that .m
chair and gave hto whole auwitlon
band around ibe docunM-m* and laid
tiwered. blitSfly, •Txcepr—and a of fine lace yud iird.-r i;.- <>c touuhi .^.ai on Chrtoimaa ev- Ano-h<-r
"Old eJotboa:- gasped Oeorgla. Out
'May X .wb year the
Huall parcel which hc them away.
little laugh ni.plej ui'-rill.v forih—-’ex- stand* a straw
of reapeot for Awi ^id abe would carrted. A h
to-1. wb.;—
wl...-- prop-riini';
pr<>i.Tiiiii': 'to>r»
'ion t.-lls hew he
h«- tintfinl- wuioww
aw to'l,
wl.-h^^Uctoda* i> l.el-l with grant rejtoringa
C.e..rgtora Is.i ei cbncolal.^. :.1 twi wuh thorns call «)
Md laugh-af lease mot yet; but abe dtocloaed. upon
i' mind ili. m-nior> .4'whveb to weave liti;.- ba-k-is for .'i!i'T>y piisrim* from all part* (ff (h.D degaatb wrought
"Oh. impa. ihereV a duidica-.'
(w. ex.’o'! " — Yoflus
P.-OI.1,•tored btoakir at bw
aitver stand.
Tbe rt.r-ge. bavthg ■ravers.-d ih.- '■>' hi. helgiil.Mvrf. who wi.hed him >i.i
“I brought one of th.. arilclea." hr
“A whatT’ he ashed, toovduloasly.
Wlib tbe
ompeeure be told aald. preaentiag It to Georgia.
traaM')>i .dnhr .bavHiea and descended "■ 'b- moon a* a wramlng to rio-v .
gt Ntohelsa to Franca,
Tfiere Is anaihcr Aljtaritn. and I’ve
The Birti of Oswmng.
Mdde tbe oreremi aad preeeeded
into ih.- gpitto of ih.- pBiriarch. wop. “* 'hto holy *ca*oo. The“Swobiar.'
Nicbola* hold* a prumtnem pna choice gifl and allogether found hlm'"
A popular EuiM-rtUliun to that on th- to from
•raw Torth eeme sure weariag ap- worthy M Aunt EnM: but Georgia'
m-ii wiier- the child ha..- ii lUi a mannikla wav eaiigf.; ,k,„o in Franee u the diapenaer of
itreat-d at onee. the lawyer
-e o( CTirtoima* the blnl of dawnim; Jesu' wa. U4u. The pairUi.-cb pMc * Meai.rj: ww»; ir.d wa* «-ri to th- gjy,,.
many place# it Is tbe
*if pleaattrh went unheeii11(111 now Mra. Smith bad looked oa riJ- Mr. Smith waa bent upun apol.> whirled hto chair about and gave close xliig.-th all qjghi long to frlebten'rff the manger and cl
to the band* of moop a-h-re or to . ..n yet ..i.llgcl to chriai chlid wbotfiurtbute. (h«g. The
iM-ed 10 her story. Hto
were all*. • any evil ibing.
te mote dtodalo. She aaemed quite
Of h.x follower* an.I to gin* -.o.rarr.- j Umd wi his imek. .Y F>er.rhtciri*lchiKfrequcnflfappe*ra(o«bl!wlib huinurou* anticipation.
from (hi* Iw-Jlcf that Shake*
for her atoter wu a
Til fMcfa around the little di*h anI
chant Ih. s;..ry ..r Ih-Nativity as tof.I i myth say* ibai fc- to Jiida* lacario .Iren a* Eanu Clau* doe* with tm M?
"And JiU! think, pajm!" she *aid: Ir peara wr-nf-;
the kettle." he volunteered, by wmy of
Hf S? Then the prriat.- takt* ! and that k- we«-(.s biuerly on .-vef. i, .tsoally aiwlsted bv *
ipony .4
«d Euid pick up tboee amenda "I’m real sorry l evened > *«ir eOBcluahtt. The barrel was their**
w *a.r'tbat «w ’gainst ibat *ea the rkii.i again and. placing it upon i ’ CbriMmav era.
anxeU In Alsace he Is raprafeateri
We’v*. — actually — pmbeazled their
aon cojiif*
tbli»r the abruptly detmndad.'
»««: ban, you tee. I was expecting wh^ vimer outfit!’'
... star, cunitouea the servic- wuh ' R»i.*lan folk lore tell* f4 a
.by a maiden to white, with a lailrar
1 glra h up." ber boMmad cheer- •umethlng myoelf Bbeo'a fpiks-bc
|tl’hcrrin ow Sariettr'a birth to cele- -aodlfiiaiioR*
This attempt m lota! exactitude V bruted,'
fulB anawerwl. tambllng out eome aa ay wife’s Idwlher^-usually sen*}
priaie t.. tb- «ca*loii and i)«c apccial' no death. At U*t after far wanei rhonvtitoerf h.-r father.
<W dBwr,tog *ms.-ih al! alght MUTviUddipEii. Aa thr prelaie aay* the* tog*. Uilnklng -bat he bad found (h -• xw.wttteat* In the other.—Selfwlcd.
-ni aak you anfew presuats almw this time. Com
•dher; Why «td Ae eegd tb^ ... lug to my aame. so, 1 didat have aa..Th* Han For the Kowr.'j
erime." im admitted, as soon as he And tb^ (her cay. no eplrit Aore-. WortU wb-eb tell bow thc Holy M.rthir | looge.1 for haven, h- lo.* iip bto ato«!e
But bMwh aa apnm tor you. tty
bruugfii into the world her flrwtUw* i In iti.- moon. Mure than a hundred! tTm; loveliewt fellow m ^Lg to
couM spe^. ~Oo on. Georgia,"
dear.nir ahru*.!.
“Oh. I aa aura we wei« equaliv to
TTrare wa* Juw*
thing to do; J The nigbu are wholesome. Then no Son he takes th*- chil.1 agato. wrap* tt i vwan. -paitMvI aad tb«n on one Chri. -! rialt me tbU Chrimmaa. He a ativ.
woMria^ toMA II for Ibe world"- blaare fur opfMng your barrri." said
I fine laev-r and rhamfj
j bias eve d.wth caikd ftrr him. A Hero* j lutHy color Mind "
toJMaod. Btnwiag ber akirta away Georgia, boauatly. Thra she ramenv had to get <4her |•r■'eeuta f.«- thc Doptaneis strike.“And h.-rc ibvff wrapped ft ta | struggle vnaimd with the BMoa. who
why be U ao-tovely
♦•■rito- “Oeoncto. I beaweb yt>a juu berea what had bomi door with Uu- plksat**. We couldn't atrip the litile No fair/ ukc*. aw oltdi hath power
, j wa* viowrious. The An was caught; -To be mtre Jual think of U M
Ctoaniier*. you ,kn*>k."
to charm.
ta put w that garwemr--Q«ww harrx4. and ber brart wank.
| «n lu thw Hty a^l bow riitor. "a* a cannot tail the
“Thai wtmid cenainly to- unktod.- *. hailowtvl anfi ao gvrioua i* ih^' Tt.-n be walk, to the taaPhlr
«w gtoctuUy Oodriablac • gW a cloak.
The caller vlalbly brigtitrned. "Iben Mr. Sttlth iKdtod droily
ger and ptow, in It tb* Image of ih*J'*tar nrmr the moon."

ly and ttbiJefoe beyrica a»d—and Ota
, .
newbofu efittd, 1
rotwuy. to fact. hn«ilrmM- U foil of hoUy.'*—TrwhT







Rev. Hecrr Marsh Warrea M b>
Kmaattalf ol GooA
„aa tteuholdlnr
.religlona aetelcos
I led by 3. r. WlirieK .
ago. bat tbU did aot seem out
la New York faotels every Boaday aad
I___1 j
f the ordlaarr natH the tnUtaooy
U meeting with great swceewi.' H-'i
J. T. 'hannAh. FrotWaM.
rot mtdred of her la regard to U.-tbe dining rooms, which «m all |
'aushteVs mmemeat* and she swore
ooearioDS are erovded. -Having .
a. OARLANO, Caah4e..
blm aad vbOperad that be vaa bur Mt Mr*. Henf-ricli*. at whose hoase inm vomber and li u aw2cl!<4Lol .tai* sbovn that Ms. idea Is featlUi- ar'l(
•rll! be one of the best au-«dw; and popular, be U ahuut to arrant a re i:
aod fell be vaa coias to die. T^ea- he marriage took iiUec fiii*. H, came
fBosi iatcpnsting
ting ever held In'T^ie i>ar ular sehidufr yf services among ihCAPITA<..B2O0j0OO
»«b tba o*t baco MUM In vere Us laai voril*. tbawh bla llp^ •p to Leeurille. tbeir borne, cm a rlMi
rewdlal luyiierPia 1; bolH*;
bolHs^ Vr. Warren at .me
-me urn.- **« .,
moved aa UuMipi be rtabed to talk foi a iuguxt and that oa her return.
lb* MM- OMT K.
H<vpaa-liir i>r .I,.- Filth Av-m»- Bat*il't
Tb* t«o M hoM bM MtewM tab- iber aod vb^ ibe aad proceaalw
Wcks. the daughter vJHit tbt=n- <r
-Inr. h.
tax to uy snat oiMt b«t both mv mMad bone death bad
Ukuwn by oonipMka. Uuly u>ey rn'b vaa prMtbly due to Ibe abnl ite KneeMad farm) aad i+main«vi
A Geaem BuUbc BttlBeu Dw
Kgfal or ten vbriis. returnlog just a
hoTO bMo Miof Mtf tbif toorrtlK r loteraal lolorlee as there la aot
' tferr aurutf oai u anal to attciHl
ark on hb body.
tMr art*. What baPMborl to ntm
Veaeel Sledcr was bora «e KlMtor. lime to gel Milr. Tltla vas ptaasible.
but the Beat vitoew. Mr H<-ti<lr1c^s
Unr Mtb will probably oner be Bohemia. fl(o-»uor ycare ago and
Tboro *a» a lo* oo Ibi- bay Btarricd In the bone laod to KaUiMvc B>Uoa-ed her stateim ni liy a direct re
1 per Ceaniimb ea n HK
on. n« UM. WbU llttl<- Jaoda. buy ZJ. 1«T9. Two year* laiei radiation aod iswinrvly swore tba:
Plate Glass. 8t«am Boiler and Accident Insurance.
V.ri .l.ost of denial serrlee
«nu blovtBK waa fro* 0» M*ib the yooM coopl" embarked for Aaror Ibe daiiebtrr war wily there- July i
t.:.iy Tenth year of prariiM.,
aa the boy vaa rwy aUll, the t
take Dp life in ibe oev vorM and then fi.'p't. 2C. when -ihe v*s mar
Mi bar* ben upaet by a i
Y.._-r jiaironige aotleftrd. lb
They came dlrecllr to Trarerae City, rliid. The n«t1 vltattrs. Mrs. H*Btnt oMB or aay diaaater vaa
New M'inson hulldlag. under K.
vbere for foarteen y»a« Mr. fileder Irtcks. also ct.aflrmed tbe t. Mimony j
(d V bi!I. on (Irvif vltb Ikw-ken
Mitoc U.
employed at P«erty1'a Waek,
wibboot waa naMoerea by ToMy amlib Bb<«Ji)ItRstnc-s College and over
Singer crfRee
dU. It* waa OBI «e lb* bay aad
Traversa Clly.
Later he veal Ulo tba aaloao hvsl tecicri to tbe iikmI sl•^e^e c-rues eiaml
Room 310 New State Bank Building.
U MUaa fall of M*r aboat
•as. vbteb be retained aaill Iasi Hay latioa hr llie court and tii« prtu.ecu
[e at «M came la aM vben be retired aad slare tbee ba' In 40 regard ti> the alleged visit cf.
he daughter and throughout thej
th* alarm. At praant ibet* are ilred qnieily vUta bis family, aiieod
. __________ MOIHKV TO (Lo.kN
•earebUv portleo out. t»« lag only to bis real eeute bualoem teaibing examlnatiofi she Omlr main' |
aa4 oa* ro» boat. 8.C.Da^ vbleb be caoiloued la aa eBOBtaata ained that tbe visit vli made to
On Real Estate.
P o-| i7|}REy*^'»iM
'** laeoM U oat aod the otfee.* ilous vay. The family coosIbu of tht rrevenie City at least and ibai she
are Tooer SoUakl, Mo vUemd four cbltdren. Levis. Joaepb iHiughi tbe Uekei at tbe Bag siaihKi
Mew Wilhelm Block. Trsvere* City. ' KW
—. CbariM WiaortoW. a brother Andrev and Margaret, all anmarrled. if Willard, a merchaaL aad personal­
ly put ber on the train with her tehs«M «r Urn aravaml awa. mak
a taali.
^ntak. a aaa-la-bn. §m4 Fraak fie- boapltable^r. Sledn- gaUtered aroun'l mope cd etotblag abd for the period
him a large ctrde oT friends, and onl} Mated recelred weekly eplniles front
• f ToM aariu lb* opeoia« of tb* lam Mar tbey eelebreted tbeir aHrei
absent r.
Those sh;:
Mun fiablar antn aad tbo two aee vaddlag and a fev veeka ago tht rialmed were buniea.
Don’t wait until Saturday and rtten liod no Assortment
Wm «at ta Hr. HyaM^a boat, vblea happy borne vas the acene «f a vvd
Id view of tbe Deexpected turn of
of Christmas presents. Come now aad while there is
H aM Habuoa roH loec- Thnl«n dlBC, Mr. mod Mra. BMar takiat Ic aSairt the pmeculloo aiov^ that tbe
Mvon 1:M asfi* o-elaek ao4 aboaM baeaoae of the borne to far avar. a
agaiatt the respondeat be nolle
still a fair assortment
IMM ban hadi akeof sora.
straager. MIsa Margaret Hueas. and proesed mad in eKplaaatlon of the at­
Faol WIODowtakl vaa 60 pear* o( glTiag her as deitgbirul • veddtng a> titude of tbe people Stated 'bai tbe
aa* ami Mara* t vife aotf uo cbir iboogb abe bad bsea a daughter, yei ease bad been Ipgun ihrougb InformaMa. Ha o«M M* borne at <07 Bay Bbe vaa a atraager, and today in tbr tloo furaiBbed by tbe eomplalnsni. the
atraai. toe^ Rabat vaa 47 year* nr •rimo of life, vblle oa an act of merer father, vbo brought vriiien copies al­
M aoO Mem a «»»* aad aarea ebll be gar* op bis life. Mrs. fileder b< leged to have boeo Ukea from the
Ai-XEKtE. Globckskv, ManagF.r
Tmixrxe Qty. Mich.
«m. Ha ala* oi*w< bit born
coQpletriy proairated by ibe avfal original at borne, that gave ibe danghBay atraat. Bol|t v
tev's age as U. and in regard to the
mm mfi aatad Mr aMway. Tbair
svoni resideae* of the respemdem Hr.
a ate pra4>**oi> by tha OlaaaeifCtiH CMirL
Cross stated that through tbe tetti ;
From ntmaday's Record.
mony of Mr. aod Miv Headrirks. vbo
Tbe Jury la tbe ease of the Poop'-’ claimed tbe rOMndent as a sod. bi:
re. Harry 1. Donorao brou^t Id
realdenee vas e«ubliabed la Grand
verdict of aeaulital yesterday after- Traverse county. Bni MKor* the co^r |
at 4 o'clock after about aa boar’: vas nolle proued Mr. Oross stated I
deilbarailoa aad vas diMtbarged.
that be considered the girl'ii age still'
The caw of the People rs. Elmer as bolov 1C. for he coeaidered that the |
VlnwlaU but
Sip^e vas thea ukea up. Thb
mother. In her suteaients of tbe glri'r
pled the aueatkw of the coon thraugh vberevboots had eommliicd corrupt
NoUtiog b nica fee the wife at Christmas than a nidect
Tba aeu of tba drovaed maa
tbe Bamleg aeMiaa aod tbe
and vtiful perjury and in vU-v of this
{dated cof^ Tea or CoiTee Pol Thb ware is earner to
HnH a abart Httaaca at OredUek'a all la at 1:34 p. m, vbea the proeocutact the respondent was inaorcni of
bad bdnaet tor black M tin begaa their argoment, so hoor
keep ckan than riluer. vebrs just as long and does not cost,
any charge.
----------------------- ----------- Ataaeend
oue-hdf as mucli. We also have a v^ry canplete line of
belag alloited to mOt tide.
The Jnrors la the Lyman Ctam ease
df tbe bet. a pa|Ually fiaiahed kooi
Daring tbe moralng eessfoc. the retntuo! a verdlc' , at iiJ5 of “aot
Chafing Didtet, Baking Uisbes, Crumb Trays, Oreail Traj-s,
vas fasmd la tb^ Bae to vhlA the ease of Joha MeOomM vs. Robert W.
gtillty." Court adjouroed until l:3C
Sugar Bowls. Spoon Htdders, Butter Dishes, Creamers,-rtc,
Imt ia mebed, iTbIs la the oaly ei- Hum vai nolle phoned by PrnseIfiaaaikm <t the apeidnt. One rtf the cuilng Atumey Cruas. Immediately p. m. Mcrnday. unless Judge Mayue at
from which to select This ware is ni.vie tif 14 oz. co;^«er,
teods • habeas eorpas eane In Anirttai
:ifm vaa Mhahly InaUg over
after the discharge of the reqmodenl eoiiaiy. when a Ibi<t adjoiirnmeiii will
k^vily nickel (>taleil both inside and oul. polished on the
mmm** tbto kMl ud Hibee fell out
IS Issncrl by Jusllroutside ami guaranteed not to peel oil
It will last a lileWIIJ. I'.W niClli.ST MAKKl-:r I’RICl'S
l^rwaalibe beaL*Tbe boat vaa quite Jofea Verier aad be vUved examlnelime. Come in and let us snow it to you.
gad vaa corered vllb Ice.
UoB aad la defanU of.baU vas r«fba bady of Mr. Myaat vas U abooi uaadad U tbe care ttf fiberfS Chaad
Farmers' Institute.
n M tt ivaiar. doba Bump aad ter where he vUI spend hU lime until
M Fnbart wen vorklag the patni
Tbr followiag Is the program fonbe'
Is agaia called, probably a'
nks at Ibe time and tbe body vas UilB lent of court.
farnHTs' oatMlay inriltulv ai Elk Ra|>Kin ap vttboat mM dlflUolty. From Friday's Record. town hall Orr. S3:
Pkn tbe body of Mr. WlMwItkl was From Friday'* Rocord. «
luBiltiiir open a! Ill s. m., rita«rniS->
ngbt. b .eaau part vay to the ivrCorner Lake ave. aad lOlb ft.
la tbe Ciroalt oourt the ease of -Ute Andre* La Forge.
n aad tbn vaa loat.
Addrrsa of wrirome.-J J. Mnlare.i
PoDpiq VS. Bmer Steele vas ckmed
•a-.' . -, III
ycaterday aficroonn and aftw a dv
Vapaal fittdar Killed,
llberatkm of an boar aod a half the
fbr tba iMrd urn* vUbla fony- Jury brought la a verdM of guilty.
The Fartnrr’s Orebar.!. R. J. Oiaw
dlgbt bears death through aeeldnt
vbo waa out on ball for.1.
bad'.batmsd a West Bide bocae aad gave up hla bond and in la Jail availDisenXWoo IM by Andrew ijiForge..
tahibavap tha head of a tamUy. tag Btateace.
ReneSt of Ibr Oratnery to the 1
VemM HMst. oae of tl^ bast kaovn
The next caae (b be taken up was Fanser. 8. M. Hewitt.
tdUBM «d Traretae City, aad a lead- the People va Lyman Crane. Crons for
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
INscuBakm led by W. MitliMr.
lac Mldaet of the Weet side, vas the people aad Prod Pratt for ibe de­
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
hHM Baurday by Mag throva from fease. ■ This case veat lo the Jury
mill work done on short notice. Give us
hla dattar oa Ute aorth side of f :4S p. m. today mad tbey were still c
Caro and Fredlag Dairy •row. R. J
ibdt .aghU stiaat fast oppoMu A. J.. os the Record vent to preoa.
a chance to figure on your wants.
Wllhaln's aura oa the eoraer of Ualoa
Diietusloa led by John Car.i.b. li. tr.
The perjury «*ae of John P. McDooaat,fltbtfa straats. Ha siraek a
The Coro Crop. 8. H. Saylor.
aid vs. Robert W. Hurat vas thou
aad daaUi falloved la a fev mlaates. takee up. Fred Pratt atinroey for the
Discnaslon led by C O. Wriwi.-r.
FHIovlag the drovnlng of Paul defense.
WlaavUU and Joaeph Ryant aad the From Saturday's Record.
Music aad local program.
atarah ttr ibelr bodlaa revardad viih
.\ot the old shoddy, but fresh from
In the caae of John F. McDonald va
tmfmtat of the body of Jose^ Robert W. Hurst. ProsocuUag Atlorfactor}’. Standard make 5-.A and
’ lato Friday aftaroooB. the bey Cross and Fred Pratt, which ws'.
*aU «f Mr. filador. vbo. through h>tt taken up at the afternoba session of
Chase, 'j'hcy arc strong and cheapaatara aad kindnan
yesterday, a verdict of -not
to aid tbe bereaved family. guilty" vas iasirueted by ibelcoart
after unexpected developments com­
relatlea or o
pelled tbe pueacutiou to ask that the
ease be nolle proased. ne complainIf yon cannot, it is due to an
- Mfi hoaS* Portly before anL J«hn F. McDonald, who allegea
irritated or congested state of
< a ta oa fiMardart la his cauer. that his daughter vaa only 14 y^
the brain, which will soon dc«Mh him via Joaeph Ryut. aged of age vbea Robert W. Hum married
velQpe into nervous prostration,
aboet to. a tea «f oae cf the mea ber. although be swore she vas 15, \ .
demands sleep, and
firavaed Thunday. Mr. fileder vas was the ftrst vUaess for
!' “ ** imj^rtant as food: it
the people
antefi dovn aireei to amke arraagt- and aa all records of hit marriage aod
IS •
building and
amati for the burial of Ua friend aad
process. This period
the birth of Ibe daughter. Myrtle Hay.
nock special vagofu in'! sleighs
feUov member of tbe c. fi. P. s. While
Ever}'day. They are beautiful and cheap and will
which he supposed wree rosy of ae- Of unowisciousness relaxes the
at the otnsr of Ualoa and East
mental and physical strain, and
make handsome Christmas presents. Our giass assort­
ecaa. vere loai, or at least lost to him.
aVith Btreeta. making paaaage tor bis testlmoay on all teebakal points
allows nature to restore ex­
hilly guaranteerl la every respect
aaother rig. hli borae stopped suddeuhausted viulity.
That are made to use ai veil u sell. They are
valurieas. He became Udiy
composed of Bon Bons. Creamers, Sherbets. Pickle
ly hhd thee fomped forward with aorii nriied and spent a part of bla
Dr. Miles’ Kervine brings
not made of cheap material, and given a Mai^
, refreshing sleep, because it
aMes atomeatam that Mr. filodet
Dishes, 10c each, are beauties. Our Water Sets
hni ue Aut»\A«. confortIn a futile attempt lo uaiangle hl«
•aa ibrowa out of tbe rig and struck
of one pitcher and six glasses. Heriy Sets, one large
hazy memoo-. Wbeo.queaUoned aboui
xble, sad neat The chespM .on the market, qaaliiy considered.
moves the congestion.
«a hU left aide agalnai the trunk of
hit lack of memory ibe witness said
and six small dishes, and our Table St.ts. one sugar,
Once used and you will bay no other make.
It is also a nerve builder: it
abode tree, the hone ahying veil la
tbaf about alx years afo be -got a i
nourishes and strengthens evone creamer, one spoon holder, one butter dish, at
toward the curb.
on his head viih a slab aad aart of eiy nerve in your bo.Iv. and
Jumped from tbe cotter and eeeaped
Irom 75c to Sl.2.5 are handsome. If you come and see
hi* hrain vaa out" and the imJaful sub­ creates energv' In all the organs.
tajaty aad the horse made a wild run
them and find the prices, you will buy whether you in­
ject closed hi* testlmoay, He didn't
to the Oral Wood Dlsb company,
to know much about the respond- and vitality as stirelv and
tended to buy or not. they are so nice and compara­
whore a teamster caugtat him. Tbeoerot's whereaboou or revldeace. a* he <]cickly as Dr. ifilc.s’ Xervine.
tively cheap. VVe will show you a thousand an<T’ one
ddeai happened about «:16.

1 fm Wiwvltfu m4 umfk Sn«i
to 0»**5 Tntfmt€ bay
wfetx MttlBC UM4r DM*.
At mu fbV !■ Um npiinltiOB •«
ij Mr mt «u fMnd rUa moo tfITt
!lv ,'tog Mr M**Ma*o brick yort fan of

to the mMttaw ^ pboaa call vat
•an to bl> boam. lU Vioa atraat. aar:
hla aaa, AaOiav.
Oova tomeet the nd p

Tire Insurance!

Dr.W.3- diggins

Money to Loan on Improvci Real Estate Only.

Cb* gters Chat FIIU th* IBost Prsscrlptlens

tbe East Week
Cbe Hta CnsfoZI9 & Tmf St.

JinKrican Drug eompany





Custom Sawing and Planing Dona

KRANK TRUDB, 146 Fnut Street

6oing to Build?

Traversie City




South Side Cumber €oCrawrsc eilv. lUleb.

You Must


Olt arc Rccciving'a Uaritty ol

Useful things


126 suit sv«ti. V Uictor Pelertyl.

Hr. fileder was oeee in be badly hurt
aad Tbomas fimurthwahe and J. J.
to be passing.
While bis la-

thought that he van married lAuaud the daughter va* hot bora for a
fear or a >-ear and a half after. Said,
too, that if he bad told anyone ibai
be was 16 had iMd It ns a Joke.
Mrs. Mcnuoald. ibc mother, was the i
-'•*! vltneiw calleil oai: she l«<niifle(t;
aad luoanlBg vtih pain be rroltceU it., ,b,.) w.-re married at W.hasb i
ea^ to exprevn a wish to be ttkec (ind.. m IKS7 and Myrtle May MeDouald '
hesbe. aad was placed oa rthe. oa m. •.* Imrr Aag. 36.18SS. but the rt«rd, i
egM drar. fbai bring the most avail- j were all burned In IMC or tSSt vfa«-n i
baroed., fihe traced the


things when you come to our store. We wish you a
Mcrr>' Christmas and a l*ros|.ermis an,I Happ\ \c%v

Have you ever tried the

TIk*** T«»s fiRntf CofV««»s
aHo- Ciiiatd Cm
tail Safatra

Bo^al tiger
The) arc tlic best



SoJr'. '»'.ly by




. . J





(he atate caanuaers hare
aawajccd the TOrtiit or (he clecthn It
can be aew that Frad H. Warner dM
aot Mke aaeb a poor race a(icr alL
ihotab t( to trae he ran ICTAie b^ad
Booatadt. The creat ditorewe to du.*
to the tauaenae pwaonat popolerBlre, Oee. W. Boob.
«T <d BoaacTeU than to the onpopiiMonitor. WRI Probnt.
toiitr of .Warner, (bongb U to irae’the
Bcrtbe. 3. H. LaataoB.
hard Bgid wade oa Wanier cat hto
cnaiawtker. wte mde bcr BaalMr. A. B. Cartla.
Howtaw «(tk li« 4u«ktcr. Him. mrnu MarVal. Alfred Welt.
erer. it to aot IBcMr over POAM or <0.
AwlsUBi towabal. rtaacia Troatler. 000 repaUleaw roted tor hto oppo» CMMta w«a «•“'
*" toner caard. C. H. Oarpaeler.
aeat. while U U trae that 71.«i0« deswOlder ipard. Bar Bnldrt.
crata voted for Roosevelt and Fwrto
Cta ««• dtakta ta MfTtata to W. M.
nraieton. one rear. Dr. E. B. Mtoor.
stored at bone aad did not vou at
taM oet. ti mt.
Board of maaecen. wtc rears. U D.
to Pitito>*r. M7«. ttar *»
CartU: two jaara. DarM Hoaab; three
Tbt followtog table ebowa the total
Omta «»»«»
raara. Wb. lagerooU.
vote cast for the repabUcM aad deaitm ««•■<
BU«a ^ tbe
oerat caadldatee for prefldeal. gorvtaKV or WlUawtars. wtar* tber.
lJUlT BCfThUtaB.
croor and secretary of flaie to IFrt.
ta>V«**'•tow Mta (Mr taw.
Qoeea CUr Herd, No. IT. U O. A. IL.
ttal and IMl:
9b Uto tttoa'vw bom i« •(*» rteeted the fodowtac;
*|M tv» tatabtm. *n or wbo« ac« Mater. Mabelle Wbtte.
Ilrtoc «mpt OM taaghlw vto Monitor. Marr lacaftoHL
.3MAU riiJCl 2>3.7*t
vrwtata b«r I* the tatur toad Ata. Beeretao' and •«lbe. laariac UbU. 1«M.
Mn. Btord ww «M*ertta to » r» Banker. Ebbb apae.
elnl MtawMd hr the Be*. W. He».b M. R. F.. Margaret XawML
to jMWwr. WW. •»< beww » wn- M. L. F.. Ethel Skott
tar «r the H. B. etoircb to »hteh fbf Inart gnard, Sarah Rasaell.
ta> tow • tathtol «>d MTWt worker Ontar gaard. Jnlto Tronilee.
Oraod Bialer. Cathertoe 8. Dirt.
Mom two yw» afo »he ■bowed Ptonlat. Cora Dell; awtottat ptoatot.
toCM or tolitos health cautod hr ngar Mrs. Lansoa.
toetatw. mad atoee UuTtlae taa srad- Phraielaai. Dr. Mooo and Dr. Roaen- Repnblleu gfla-I»04-i4A7..
DrtBocrai loee-I«H-77.U4.
, Mtataellaed oatli Mowdar. ttoe. S. ai ibalTbaBpWB-

t.-ld a. to. whea ahe pawed (o her


Board of Banageta. oaa raara. Mary
•iwMl Mward
two rearm. Abbto Oltord;
•ta toarw to tooara her low a ta*- three raata. Olive Nash.
hata, Bto totoi. we datwhwr.
The ■■«»—I elecUan of the U C. D
ratoUeaaaad waorfrleBde.
Tta toseral ww held to the M. K. A . was hrtd toat wedi at the Bl
ball, the foltowiaf
towNb at wiiitotoBm. Dec. 7 at n
obtoek, the eerwoo btoM prwcbed b> 4einc elected:
Peal peaMdent. Mrs. Marr Banr.
Bw. W. Heath.
eateen . to which Hr*. Preeldtat, Mn. Rose Sleder.
Btfrd vw held waa atteated hr the First Tice prealdeat. Mrs. Ptonoe*
tovwded tome, (he mU9 mi face« HoRBOtb.
H Mn. Marr
•to the heatotfol floral ttoretoce.
OrMla Telia fltery.
Recorder, Mrs. Soaaa Drer.
WllMe Drltoa. the tt-mredd bo>
Atstotaat recorder. Mlw Aaae Nem-

i8a waa anaelad hwt wMi at Otawa
tad toTMfhtto thto cMr before Juatlee
Tarter, charted with hertoarr. waa ap
tafota toaUee rmn ca FrUtor
Ur prrtltotoarr eaatotoattco and toU
dta aA etorr erw to detail arbiefa
ta toM iBtt weta to eoort The etor;


. ‘'Wett to a drae atore here where
tart three oontaskwa aad we all went
•B to BoWawtaT. Waatod ne
la hwt did aot waat to. Weti. ttar all
«Mt to aad hre aad hre 1 loofced to
«aw two hora. Oae took sooer aad
Itaa OM eaate out aad haaded nw $1.
He aald hla naoie waa Hebert Teeleb.
Wh aU aatao dowa lowa. i aot off ai
Btoto aad UaMi aueeta aad weat
.toe ww hMhtog tor ac aad I went
Bata here to Oiawa aad thea a
melab, WWnr Dali. baU Bite fron
, 4ba datto. Utartochen. Caw haoh tj
Ttareraa air hr tettlat a rtde wKh a


New Ftotilng Tup.
The Cedi W. of Northport. WItooe ft
Soee. owam. the Brfl eteas tUhlng
.raeht-to Babe her
placid water of Qraad Traverse bay.
made port on^riday at 1 o'clock
her BiaMeD trip, the occasloo of the
Ttolt belBE the ofldal toepection whicL
the law reqtdrea. laspeeton Van Llew
and Stewart of Port Huron arrived ta'.i
niebt tad the little boat, with bi-r
twelre-boree power ntartae engine
paseed the Inspec.lon with btgh 'errii:.
Her dimeniteoa are: Fony-oaelect
over all. M feet keel and a speed of
ten adlea froni a WilUrd Bros, eagioc
carrying ISO poonde of steaai. Aalde
Ftoanctol aeoRtarr. Mn. toabetla from thto, ooe yawl, ooe life raft ami
a notor fog
to her Wfetr. A crew of Bv* nai
TMflirer. Mn. The
boat; Cape Jake Van Natter, a geanIne oM eea dog. will have hto weather
Meraball. Mlw Minnie Bbantto.
ere ont, while Staaley Wlliun will con­
Gnard. Mn. Mag^ Oagaoa.
Trnstoee. Mesdataca Banr. Dr**-. trol the lever of the eagtoe. Hto three
HoeUnaaiel. DerflirBler aad Pnnraa- SOBS. Walton, aietoa and Fean eoastiluie the Itohlng crew, who will handle
the 11s gill neu that eooKiiule hrt
•hemiafl Man la Mtoalnp.
Sbenaaa. Mich.. Dec. 17.—No trww
The craft waa built at Northport by
(unher than that be flopped at Ktoga- Christ Telgard in ate wedu Ume.aa-J
ler has Wen fooad of V. A. Wash- was lann^ed a week atpo Saturday,
bora who- Bratericmslr Mt bto hoato and naaod Cedi W. after Htoa Cecil
at Sbeman. WedaeMlar night. Nor. S. Wilson, a dan^ter of the owner. StaaJYita>n..-8ba la SUNM).
They made their departure thto
a and JuaipnieiIng after the iai
ly dropped the ifarce-mlli- itrlnp of nit*
off as they paned Marion island an-!
(.ce'e bay, as tbeee points are consid­
ered enra good Bvhing gniuads.
Whea oueationed by a Record re
pMter as to her propelling power,
whether a gaairiine or fleam
the captain low quietly stepped'upon
ea appareally bartnlesi looking ropr
at hand aad the most uneartb'y
screech aioee that eeoaied to dad
j lodglBg place in all the foothme of the
bay^thai waa the answer.


tv vto tave »e 8. Bald he
■tar to QiMto BtaUa aad I asked
ertortr>«weaeu. WeottoHaa^ B Lar.MereaatUe ootopear aad
btaiht tetawo ata clgata thea wwt
.ta wtare dohaaea waa aad rode back
it Orawe aad want to
aw tr t coatd t« a job aad to aec what
■ hM of a place u waa. TbUwaeahoui
(he Uae the flora'cloaed. Weat to
. tae pert rooM thea ceae oat aad weat
'the hack door aad tt wae opea.
Wmt la. crabbed a haadfal at cradt' era. the UH of the aafe wae open aad
- I uob the peaatee aad pat them all 1l
W9 pockeL Wtaa 1 cawe out the door
W. A. Waaahura.
hpHd aowetktoc tatL I went to later,
depot aad wet a ataa aad rode KiagBiey. where he r^flired at the
down two aad oMhalf allw aad thea hrte) the night of Nov. 10. He left Unwalked toward the Onwa d^ot- hotel nl nn early hour the next Boraing and from that point tt It Impossi­
_____eiedow to aad want la. Noth
ble to iiaee hhn farther.
iac wae to the tlU. Then I wwt home
Mr. Washburn Is a ataa ahovt sK j
ata thoee fellows treeked aie toward feet tall, weight about 170 pound*. {
WHbv DeU'a place aad I owned np dark hair, ptrtclng dark eysa and car- j
the trato.
rice bto bead a little lo one side. Rlien i
' aaae toeta arcre deretoped. Yoaas be teft home be wore an astraehaa j
d hr A J. Twed coat aad reet which garmenu he still f
a»d was boaad over tor t^ <
wore when at Ktagsley and bis pktar-was at once IdeaUfled by a hotel man |
to that place.
He was a member to SberBao todge.
No. 33C. L.O. O. F. Any
will be tbankfullv received. Anyone,
oognlasat of hto
telephone or trtegraph to Bngene
Palmer. Sbermaa. Wexford coaaty.
MIebigaa. who will pay the etqiease.

n of 10«4 Web­
ster street was the victim of a tcrrlMe
accMeni Tbntaday afternoon at 4
o'riodi and aa a reanlt he lost his left
■nrttoT tCBOtn.
Theaaaael rteettaa of oOeera of the
Saadap #91100) ire*
taM ton Tboiedajr to the chaieh parlire aad the toiiowiw etecied:
; Bapwlatendeai. J. W. MUIlkw.
. Awiweat eaperteteadent. Georcr

Mr. Steadman, who to a machinist at

hammrttoe on steel whea a piece flew
ata'TShMded'ilstor to the eyeballII. cutting deep Into the slgbl dtrecd^ across
(he comee. The piece, which was
about half an inch long aad oaeUtlrd
Inch wide, remained in tbr eye
I of the priaaiT de. and Dr. Julias Wllbelm. the Pere MarU Nia. i. tfr. MIRlVea.
qtwtte sargeoB, removed the eye yewarjr. hitoa Htoaie WeH.
terday ararnlag at 10 o'clock. Mr
the Btght before the operaUua and for aoine tlaw ftrilowtag. bin
today to rarting ear.^
: fe the iweatrweeoad eoaweoilre ttarc
' which Mr. Holler hai beea clertad UTwo haadred hew bouses have beea
,bom the peat year la Battle CTeefc.


The Kansas legJslatorc thto winter (Kwotae the hi-a.1 of the rlecrrlral on-lha* pifl died In Hartford. Coaa.
wOl be CMipoaed of flfty tomm. rteeerieg deparim-fl ai Ucton.l Stan-: l«h wHi l»- Inicrrrtl to (to V
s di-«w rtudent
tUry^'IgU bnslntws Ben. iwewj- lord. Jr, BBtvefsiiy. Hi- will assaB*-]‘»l grooieto.
translfled toto Bagitaa a graalowee lawyers, nlaetcea baaharr. ten bto dutlea Aag. I. to«
’ qaanltly id Frraeh idays ami poemt.
doctors. Are editors, two enphaltots.
Ri-v. Ur. Aageatus I. GrsetoMV. prw-|
, 1 bnidea doteg CuatOdrraWe woift.
two owttoaales. one ecboal teacher, oov foflw of dtainh btsiorj bd<1 *«nieHrv ,
■laer sad oat- suriloaetir. The tom I in the (ttanm-ticai (.aihi-TWD ('.nranito
Rn. Iv. WlUiaB 8. RaiMfMd. the
erv are stroog in ibi- h-»-ww. t»»^r'»tuiosry, at 8s. Uwito. who ban Jufl (si4i ku»s.i Ni • Fork, ciivgytaan. has
flf»y-flre iwo»l»r». but-«hr-y an- weak • ti, j rh that chy. gave lartrortions j gne<- al>rue l (or aa t-atcadod rwfl. bis
la the pcaato. bavtog only foar. 8.*tai-' :},ii flin- hh dnaih a post, SBuni-m I phi&dDal roadiUua havloa alw*
to the bankers la the sniaie an.- also |
to- hi4d la the IMtgwnt to. hmase to orcrwach It was graattr
tartaers, «•. rather, agrtcnltariau. hat (,toreee a*'V- tK-lli-vnl hU dlm-ase war j egntosi his wtstiei Iha^ he obeyed the
haaktog Is their chief hnslaess. ■
Bnder.i**Td by the spreialtols wto»; orders of his |
■ be druppivl an wnrk
Prof. Harris J. Ryan to the deport-1 aueodod hit*
,» one,- ho wuBlil sum be part ineailBeat of ekwirlcal etigtoierlag si Cur-1
|„ i>. nn. raid 1

haa k«Ded that oook
mtng reqniivCBr diBercot aoS tfan «^era;
diScrcotbandl^ thasotberg.
He known that ■

BeH uBlvtoalty ba*;aec*i»Sod a rail i-'.l lines! di-rerc-toii

plntita «t the nfbt
ttfne, and tltat the aoa
not be kept enriched.
No uae of CO
in aummer about anns>
in the iprmcDecide before the aced
Qebeattimetorenie. dr waatBic conditiona in
• • ia
• be•
__ buman
toe tbe evil it too deep
rooted. At the firat evi­
dence of loaa of fleth


rt Wllllsm|‘"«-

T^lSiTaCoW in One Day


Spott’s Emulskwi
ttKwiM be taken imme­
diately. There is nothtiiat win repair
wasted tissue more
qoicUy or replace ket
flesh more abundantly
than Scott's Emulsion.
It nburishea and builds
up the body when ordi­
nary foods absolatdy

taL -

tw .are t>-«t <kU


CiltiNISTS 409 Pearl Street

AnewB ^mb;r bmioo-holed Spiflki*
fe« days ago aad talkei.
moil earaerti) to the lUintoa sutet
man. The tot:er gaied after the nrv
Bember as In- walked away and tbei:
said: "He's oiu- of the 'proper recor
nitlob' nten. He comes from a dtotrio:
which went repuliHraa last Ncvi-mlw:
fnr the flrfl tliui'. and now be to -.ur
tUa: If be can gvi l)roi>er rocognlilor
to the htoise he can kc-p hto bslllwie’.
to the £.'ld. What be radana Is .that hROOii

caaaMeee. and lhafs one to ih.
pruuiems 1 am ttp scsInM."
Cpocnswanii Fml I.Jui-lis ’nt liuli
os was rhatilcg with n Crieeil at »
Washington wbci
eame tong and. Ignoring the e*®
gressama's pud. passed by with lit-,
nose to the air. "(Md thing bow ibefellow woirica over trifle*." sabt Iab
dls. "Would }-oa belleie It. be aciiisl
ly refuti-s to notice me l>*-ein*e In \
political spceeh lest fell I said be was
so ovoked you coulda t back him into
a rauadhoase: Now. what do you
ihliik to thair
Tbr &-year*iUi l(aoghi-r to William
Mr. Soda Johnson has been armt~! Eagelman to Algiers, ill., was buru-vi
at Maraortte charged with aelllni: lo dcaib. She was fiandius in front
to aa open grate when her dn-.-t
liquor, n'tatoky and soda: that isn't
raugbt fire.
bad conblnailon.


and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S
COATS. Let us show you these before
you buy.

127>i3l State Street

Traverse City. Mich.

Jayne’s 1905


=== Books. Art WMW
of PobUcatioo. PrtnSort tn
MIMR OirrB.R.R.WT ttoUf*
. Tirtw Oiwrt Wootbow

■otlrteww.«rwphlc Meenli^t
Otw«r»ase estrt cKoico UfVo*
trwtloow. to which ts ortrtort u
complex* CATAW04uR OT niSb.A|WF.S, With rtli ril-ins how to trwwt thorn, fllvon to
pcrfMels- ptuin,
wbeotut-*l9- cle-wn 1 n e\ t(«* * <« . Vosir DroCglet or »ooloe will e«p«
plw it to TOO rrkEb. I- )■>-. 0> M I ’ b. . I-wwl I~I-.
U M. »■ tkN. • M..S (BUrtUtu. >fl hta e o to FRCC,




What are you going to get him for Christmas?
Nearly everyb^y has a "him” or two to buy for.
We cater only to "hims.!' Perhaps our su^estions
will aid you to-get him just what he needs and just
what will please hit
if vou can't find something suitable for his Christ­
mas here where in the world m*ould >*00 expect to
Dress Vests'


SmokiK Js^ets
Balk Ro»es
Shirt Prolcctors





RiCht Robes


fcc.. fcc.

Every article fairly .and rightly priced. No fancy
figures. We’ll put aside anything you select and keep
pe^ctly “mum" about it until Santa Claus time.

Hamiltoii Clothing Co.

It will pay you to give us a call, as we have a fine line of Cutters, Robes, blankets
and Sleigh Bells. If you anticipate buying a Buggy next spring, now is the lime to
get one reasonable, as We have a compiete line on the door. '
Call in and get one of our IbCi-'i Calendars.





eateeed the bow oT
IbaOlp. wb«w H'pnieeeM lo wreck
Ckc fciiaieB. P«» aad paae weat Irlax. Jtfa nf laeaerrei were brokaa aa^
nw epDaterad late kMllaa
4#r a Nn. J
Tbo deer was Trijcklewed aot I17
Maw -Tor fke jmbvom of 4KrMdJw
.lir«tt«r, kawtar « ttw ttoe ak« «w tkebarktarctf twDdo0. OBearthew:
a (<««■ «W«»**t“ TWrt«a ai»r cwea il ripped opeo with lie aetlm. kHUas
. aad tke Mker U
a>n far <t*r4 I* erWwec fcf tke prvarMr. and Mn. F. Ikamikiilr of Veal
ml^. Tkc maK of th<- IrttI will <k^
abakcr «r >m IMTaiau vlll Nile* hare doae tkeir akare toward
rnmmmi IbP rcf>«RHfllttM of akerie eatcwtalBlas Ute atork. Twlea wUkia
Ike past 14 BooUu kas tke BMglc Ur4
' JM 1
spread iu wto|» orer the
daatkdlc. cack (law karlac a pair <4
The Chatfwich CMa
«|pTelata. Hec. i?.-Mn. Qtade U iwias. Four cklldree la {ouneea
CMvWi, Ike Baled ihaader. Proci- aoBibs prettr aearir kreaks the recs
ord. Mr. and Hn. Betaeceic arc Uic.
OialwUi ead OnMer Bpear
rMDMiiwwwnrrifisIke Okaite iMk. «fc eiwaaiwi hr- panaia of 10 cklldrea.
Mlaa Cnee Gilbert. tk« celdntcd
fere/adia mer tU«
MnnSjf MflfcrnI
Htehd><l BM «vUt7. ancr vhkk Un. boanied lady, wku reaUea witk ker
C^twtek w mtitraed to Jail. Beck- aped talker a few lallcs oonb of Kaloo the tana, has Jaal rctaracd
vkk aad akBar are ail iw kali.
Tia- ikfwry of lb* tmaaorr ‘•«claU (n» a snoccordl eeasoa wlib Uaraum
—----- —------------^-dSr.Sv’a
M WadUkRtea ie that Mm Cbadaicfc 4 BallfT's Dreua. Min Gilbert la a le. ______ AftarOkfavf)Mr
tea tana-BiaBKnidaRtaaslar. Kbf par- Baad yooDK wuauiB aad ramabip
•rtwaurl tawkM wortk of dlaai«odt Is fcaowa U her odabliurlKioil. 8be bafclad aad 1nrb« diapaiilkui. Bhe
Barapa aad thr o«e<aU beUrve I1«Mk fir Itaw *< rr kMilcii to her Ini- has a keary rcti beard aboat tea lackre
lonx aad a aiatiaebe. the prenttb covla all IlkAtbind arttna will
criac aearty Ike satire fkce.
D. Tliaa. a
: Pk'VilMid. O.. l>ec. It-“Hew i(o iltlDx la Maple
RM*r Icrwasblp. Is a
pee do Mr», U-»c*t-r TbU sraeUcK halcjMBity and athletic old gewleauu
VM kddraaMd to an. Cladviek la of 71 j-cara of age. Mr, Tllus is nerT
Itatea Si»Mderc of
IMT del) al Ue ooeatr JaO ihU BKiralBa teg on tke Alpena cireull eourt Inry
kp Mre. U M. KMaarr of CMambae, I the preaeat terra and walks to town,
tanaertr » anplojre or ika Ohio padistance of tweire nilea. erery nrarnTHIS
* Joofs\ille man recently bougbi
kfcMarr who waa well
tng la time tor kis datlea «» tke panel.
'» ^ »»»*
«Mk Udta Dererr wbea Ike wonai
Lore or eaerrise and onidoor life REMEDY
Ifaem Unne (o lalteD tor (be caitcrc
MM a prlaaoer tbere. A look of hIo
pntapu tke old geoUcBaa to do ibes';
Over one hundred of ibem
^ reaosBiUeB and terror flatbed

pedestrian atunta. as be has bD the
died In trensportaiioc.
tke teee of tke piiacwer and bthoraea and noeosary coaTcyaoees u Sfltlflfsction
ske eorered ker faee witk kar
,aaywberv. Mr. Titos baa bcf> EYiemiUa
•I win take mr oatk on h.”
a jonw on oae case •loc-.Mn. Kfatlnger, "iko baa kardlr
tattrf at *yeteal ntmday. aad says tkaHila dally
al all atooe ake WM a prtatala OOre. la lha Utr ef Tnrwm Uty. ca
nraralDR walk only aerre* to ouke him
Ik Ik* lietilloaUanr.''
toore keea lo andcraUodteg Ike wi-rite
«r lb« case oo trial.
Many U«a* Lem.
i^^^»5^’hHEAD|rg.g^„ .. ........
lae. 16.-A
It h rather teie la the nenaoa
**a HMWitet bridge 0 ar Ike Bk gailHT a crop ot hooey, bat that
•kakr doa- whai J. P. flebraiB of Burtoo U doing
at Ike preaeat time. Three years ago
aone Mmc. eoliajiaed
Bwarm of buea hired belweca ibc
Masle HIsflnboUoM. a|ed
pHBMpbtwT.a«odlt.aekool eMleg ead the abeetiog of bla homo,
entering throogh knot bede. They
drowned. Ir* Wood,
hare nince been al work there storiO£
MMk#ar kata kar* baa* raond hoacy. Tbey-arere pot moleMed tinill
. o* tke ewtfeM o( Ike water
few days ago when Mr. Sebram detewed otkera hare been eldwl to realdc Id bis dwelling and be
OiUe GlblM, a ackool clri. BBS taJdag off the oM weatkerbouda
iwtaltd and ctoklBallr iBjared.
Up to tbit time be baa Ukeo oot over
MW pooada of heeey and expccti to
flod oceriy u nnai more. As be does
YorkL, Dec. H.-lt 4a flOBcrel WH desire ibe boneyuken to amke o
I* Wall Birred testsy that eenaia lire OBI of bla bouse ko Is dealnoinc
orikd...«H)an10nooai- all the faeoa tbal can be Xoond. bet eay»
•» idaaalafl' to jneaed agalaat there wni l>e coough k-fi In the creek*
W. UiwdHi oa duwBea tkat aad In the roof 10 form a colour 'Uic
Iwlt. adtev Hi tto <>tr >4 frev,w <*Ht. ii,. f % hin*alU elmilaicd falae rwaors ooming spring.
'Tte«te~ in modcre Bngllah Is now
te «ta imwii ortoBBimiey ctaim^'
rega.' For iHlance It used to
Oly. NteCuw l(.-Mre. K. -glad
Altbongk few people te their borae
be aid that a yomg maa -looked
or the oideat mi- hanghiy
struiilag about In new attire loana are aware of it. Use name uf as* HoaMd lo ib4I M rrtr»l* laUr, for thr
»et a
puipaw«r lurnWaMK. till- whok-or asTssn
Now It te asM by Ypsilanli is known lo all pans uf the aflkemtlaMlB
■wlH nlour. srewdlsc to
0 flawk tan Wigkt br karate*
coonlfT as the place where they mak* teyutwtonjwrf «Tto.
stuul. .rSTL^
riotklaK wblek c*ashi the grece-cyed. '*tb' yonnA ffossoou girls-gymnasium anils. Davis 4 Klsbwndc a ibroekagger bit srfth the girif
MM ante.
tbniwing them ocw gted ngi around.'
airrh aneema wiUs the gymnasluir
Dac.:U.—It tai^Mtml
they madcTor th? normal co-edi...
ritMen we blow* lo 1^0 rose that ameUa tbo swoeteat s salts
that Ibo) have graduaQy exteaded
kMtaioBikebatllaahip the flnt of an to fade. The boy wbo tbeir iradc in this line 10 girls' board­
•I LMfloc Ulaad Utl«
a tbe fastest U lb* one to eoaoest
ing schools. coltegeB and T. W. C. A
A qualm Irish ei-sion was mslnbat the ghnmlcst of dai
The more Matfoxioes diere are, the more
. BpMuiM. MexKo. Ore. tk-Wnas wbo buy tbe biggcii yante must etii Utecd te the bme of MIriiael jeffer?.
MuilM’ kaad «l toy Yageia aitaefced the blcsest lawns. Tbe aonp thai Saginaw^ deceased millionaire. Every
Indispenaable is The Review of Reviewg
daring all the years of his rL-si- ihTM asraaiWre wbiSb | i»iimu te asld day of '
dhtereni nw*. wnad
looka Ike clearest 1s tbe fret to ahow
blc.--Tbeoo< msgaslaelfcd I •nsst ttke.--7bc
tbe flies. Tbe frilow who would seU denee In iliai cUy lie kept a ligbtt-l g-y
s fieUnW- -An cdiicmiioe te pohUe affairs sad
Ibc goods Boal pay to adrertlse. Tbt candle In the window of his room. The
current literature."—dicR arc mow
af ite |hr—.
P*«» «« be—. I'— asM
d fctllad flftefB aad eaptored ben tbai teya ike tergtwt «gg U lb* eandloaUck that bHil ihe candle wa. QTATI or MlcaiUXKpcs^ wbo read tke Revitw «f Rmrwv The taWra ■
iBorr BeccMWj N ibr Rrriew <f Hni
flni of an to act. Tbo things we alIrt-land.
B idt (kc MS Bl
I banker tor are Ike Iasi of a» w*
»**fcl)*. N. V.. Doc. lT.~Fr«derick
KulNihlemsI by Hit- ehuteg of HitIcbewalng Rcrlew.
wilk it Bto IFBd dir RninrU Krvirwv
1.« kv taorc
-Tbird Nutice." EretT i-dlbir has hunting scasou. a line, large <k<-r Ib Ikxraattwut the
«f KkhacliU;.!
Mag dead ta a raeaat lot here
c taon licBrly end sipectsal snicln prsBed ■ anj BMktr.
Kireyed lolo the residence y .rtiuo ul
IS tM tai
Reset bevtae
ta mM-ouarl .
^ itaglifl. Hia borw waa ataodlag reecived Ihom. Tbe postmaster sends Lake Linden the day after the »ea~r
PraUUrlke uM iwM wsIb. <d MI ii Dr. AKwnhlww'i
niBJil Bad hh. erii I
\l eld.- wten pokte eiTBU wd mwt .re Mkoriutody taul | .-wl.
I orar. kit body.
Whether ibam to ibe editor. Tbe posimaater l.i
'•rev- thr-n^S BBrf fi.r I
The animal walked leliorel}
erplwB-rl ia ew-rj- i-w*. ___
Mi^a lubwriUr
rr wrte,.
w^te,. “Ttet
“Tks ATwrtBMiS
4-p.rttanS iUiw- b
c4 IbBTi^Idu.
tobteme. For toaunee tbere la
:tt ana aiardared or kUled hiamala street srttb nppimiiiv
weidi nore dun ite piira e(
.* 11.-'-teurcsnoondrpi-.. ...
I by the name -.—.I,», Ti» ly”
"'ir’V'atand. Ibat the a
laa MK been dctenstead. A bul'
f.,r>nta. The lerirw *|
Skortreff—who seat
— ur» M.i».'r
It u.

JM hole waa tomd te hte head..
I>- BBd t> brre
. allewluc ■ '
Stop bla paper. He did no. treat 1.1, *
»any tougcr. We wondered what was p**'* '*® *
•tat* Newg.
Lto")* whieu were feeding on bis cs'.
oaMnaaa la nurlag bla the mailer, lipoo 1
' Iwgc. and took ihem into co-an as *tifonnd Tim was
iwbtf bat ractory tn» Dlnnlaihan
duoee of the bovine tresiaus.
short VS.&9. H* had never paM a cc«t.
IS Astor Place. Kew York
The Katematoo Teltyrepb preseau
-ThdlWB to a aewapaper bflioe boar a yet he aiopped bla paper, as a maitu IIB readers with a'completc account o!
■ood iMy atraofle Iklagi If tkey eur
ingk. Brery oae hat beard, of ago ac nepped Into ebutth and Tlm'- ptanl. with attractive iiiiistretbmg a
of the priBler'a' -derll’- and melodlous voice rang oat loud amt ^
ta* wrctTikiB* that goes wraag is a™. I. II.. M ™i ..iMu M.ii.l*'
Aaoo* the ’-je;us l4ld It Alir Wc Bight have
mlatakcn. lint bla eareesioeiis
mod Is *'klir|
Impruarod ua. The next day we bpbi
or artkde



Cpir?*!T aUB^ 5u

fiyrt YbbT EWgii

Tdr Itete aad CUdm.

The Kiid Yn Rave
Always Bnqht


Bears the


pvflk^ «w«d Md te had BO thm


For Over
Thirty Years

S.E.Wait & Sons anifJelingen Drug Go.

..s K.-r5iK3.

areylBcIhatB nvSais imuwbmi wawasSta
taitwd to sretala. oBd Ihai «ti^ tmtera*

- ta sstoB-




------- -----------------


SSToL____ ,

sJSra,v-i” s-D-AESS'.^iar.-

•t-..-i ‘TTSica;..



p*s?- ssnrss£..i






:«^aj5-».“.S5J3ririirss.; i



r KiSta

hsTtaS AM I

^^iTta 'orttowd ttas Ita

tare^tomrej^SpSl iHisgaWef



K iTTirte



thte srord caaie very aeeu- gettteg I
knowing that be bad made
Ika Oaevd airettod for murder
lurder the Ar*>«tinMnt of hte Itablliilea 10 the |
Lord.—Ortonrillc Hustler.
day. An affrcrtlseiaefli
derad drnidwd temporarily and the
Tlior* are p!c eaten at Adrian, ami
ap aloag the lino -TCI): >4he employes of tbe dlSetml abopt
f.'H.' Tbe answer came fa*ek tea- have ironblc Id keeping tbal looit.‘«>'f }
■edtaiely. “F. M. has baa* klUrd.' A aome delteacy Is their dinner
la the o»cc grow pale at the One young man insUinted n deleeilve
(kMgh ot aneh unheard of wholesale agency to see how the plos go away.
liar and rurtoa to noUfy Unde Hmctrcrnily opened the pie in hU dinrhn eapteniiona became te or­ m-r pail one day and (Uted the Interior
der.—Tale Reeord.
of the m^«|lb glnc. A dash tor the
Nr. and Mrr. Carl Rnnel, tlvlag ate water ttbeet by one of bis companies,
ite* reuib rf coidwater. are the par­ with pie hanging from hi* face as-J
as td a chUd that hat uroire grand etickte* to hia hands, revealed the
flarents. Mr. RntsHl's father aad MeiiUiy of the thief, and It Is aafe i*
awlber and their own father and say that be will not be so tond of pie
arc all Ilvtcg aad Mn. Rnssel's hereafter.
Pdrenu and tbeir parretta are all llvnr. aad daring the part year
Ibe The >«MagMer thna baa tsru bare ahoppod orders to Callforels.
crandtothers. two greadmotbers, two Kansas. Rhode Istend. Virginia. New
Steal graadteibm and iw<i great' York and harp Jnat sent a bunch ot CO
aeihcn db hs faiher'a aid* and suite to a UQlvefsIiy te MUaoari. Tbev
d two great •Ita fanilirb many Mlefalgan clilM. ami
< o* lu molbor a tiid*.; bare a Aouritbiog lad^ury.

Serial Novnia by MRS. HUMPHRY WARD

Yom fcflD hflrdly find fl hotne
without Its Ayer’s Cherry
Pecrorfll. PsreDis know whtt
it does for children: breiks

"Mr*. Wins of the Cahbafl* Patch "

Anthony Hope
Marion Cnwtord
Jack London
Owen Viater
Eliubetb Roluiia
Myra Kelly

up fl cold io a sineie nieht,
wards olF bronchitis, prevents
pneuDoniau Physicians ad­
vise pa ren» to keep iton hand,

Ksie Dou^s Wip>in
Eden PbiDpoOs
Julian Hawtborne
John Lather Long
Gonrernenr Morris
Mirtam Michelaoo

BKkk uawOc rvv, K. M .4 Tb,



Priss. 94.00 a ysnr
V»-B »aarr S™ V-li

Hertran O. Ward
Ellkm Flower
E. W. Townsend
Will N. jjarbeo
Booth Tartingron
and many others

d by Their

Ite .W-llraU. i-i ,K,4p.Wc,..aj.W
•nta.\fc IiekM.r.h«ir. I limte
JJeetrx 1(sa<-.», to t nrl
.\isto«iuin« uMis. €« lU 1.


b fldrei UoiBlBy Hepi S. tms
T»v>r- oir"tanatVsIiiBi inih n-rth
Ki 4. to.
Tram bavr. -TraTi-np- <->m-'•■•a'rclas St Walina oiil. i>..viliae4 iBiiiik. < Jip. bk
Tnli. 1-wviB Trsr.n* tvty lur nvrtkrevt U

FOR 190S

t I'tcfica*.

Throat, Lungs _

rrelita for ntear C3ty Bed Fi

Tram sr^T-.
K..rtanMn bISSSb. ai.
Trmui arriTia fruta euuMtias «*a«a hjw mba
____ „
. .



•KOmeB nitliiai r->W h- ‘U-x
wr, Jores SB 114. SamwL. Is4.

m __




Prelxra^ Xistat«an si WaUas fw saste

uvocKfnxB.Q.t.m%j,. .


pERE Marquette
ras o
Fm- d'
r«r Ml-.

^'EaaS—. S^slre Ctarto.


W s MrJlt gl--HUtaillWAcM.


-iM -


Iflw to «M tMi IB
lBBi>yB. Tro* )war hnioc meo^
Mlek. Boe. 4. im.
«vr liiB. BMoo-l tkoagkt l «wM
!■(» to m. I tkiBk mt cord bb4
mm «M **tt bk*. I *»'t «" »
yM aov. M [ BMM I «in. «
mm im mm. I win mrns tor tfc
Use. w W»od*ire.
AUee Motet*.

he saltod. ba( thw won owriooked.
We au tori rarr aorty that ran an
aM, 1 know the daya bm
toM ate toanrmT tar «o«l I had the
sMiito (h!« (an ate
to atef !«
bad terw or (bar dare aed U eoetocd
aaeb a toag (Itoe. After I gw bet­
ter. tor MtUe biathen aneaato tewa
with h at toe cftoo rise. Papa to la
bftnoi. »tr atoter Low to ont
MOO. Ur alMer Sdrtoe to la Cblgoiag to the aagltob high Mhool.
Next aartar we are *U koIm i« toore
iwtotagton Gfaadae and gnteata
fron Port Oaeida mmt Thaakagiriag
with Of. Ii wee a pteaaare to bare
ear gratetoa with aa. a> ebe hae bocn
aM ftr a taag use and nnahlo to he
oat. I wfU eloac.boalBgrw“ wOlaae
Is well aatee.
Toor (Head.
Waller Cmke.

BMUe. MMh, Be*, i. 190*.
DMr Un. Batee-I kaoe reed * few
ieUen tiul I UwsM tku I woold
write ms. too. I *o w eekool **4 mb
la tte foortfc er»d#. I as alse rean
oM. For peu I haw a teg mad * eai.
caieh (he cat. He to afraM
finewdall FlgWa AmW Ftowen.
(F toe. Ur ter* aato* to ’Hoc.' asd
BaowbaOlag to CtUfocwto excegt la
I an gDlac to teaek his to draw oe toe BOonulDi to a rare ihtog. Bach
00 tor aM thta winter. I woeM like
eeme. bowner. was wUaened last
Join raw Smahlse elob. to pMam
toWr. Of relay leaaoo. to Baa Jose.
tote toe * earn and batuw.
Oae of W alage drtnr* to ate (Tdb
Vtera (nlr.
MOOBL HaBlItoa brought fitm there
Harold Itowtore.
bartU eanrafly paOM with
_»d prcMted It to toe paplto of the
WnttoMhwg. meb. Dae. I. ihM.
Daar Mn. Batea-rit to a loeeir dar. Orsai ateool to the ptrdea elty. Thea
1 as a unit glri atac rear acM. I the fuB begaa. Moat of the ttolMree
haae few.flaun ate (htte hraUtora. had MX M*a aaow beftxc eaeeM
the BeraU ate I Uke the dlriaat Boaatoki aaaBHa. Thar
to ftod the DaadMte Htosa. I waM waated to teowha^ ton «d*H know
to foda Ibe BaaakiM etab. to bow. ate agpraachte the probieB tew
. . to dead toe a earl ate btotoa. I uUvaly. Aafi^ere to the enwatog
aboardHIty of ibe alositoa-aoBe of
rasata, raw Httle iDdnahiaa glri.
Mir icaebera dWal know bow
laaeh thoB: altboogh tber i
•mtllisdliari Xtoh. Dae. X. Itel
teatt*. aenr belbre bad they cbbo la
Daar Ura. Baiai 1 thooghi I woaU
ODOtoR with aaow.
Hke to yxe the ftnaUte eta'
gone of toe ttttle ebapa. after caa.
plaaaa sate toe a card ate htotga. I
tp-. toreatlgatka. daolared that the
aa Uevw rw* oM ate as fas toaraatraage. white scat baraed their fiaiag to aew. Ur atoter Ms to wriltag
gan. It was so cold, ate others, who
aow. toa I hare gva alatan aad three
had read or been udd aboni ft. fearad
hraihara. ate oae Itttto bahr hoy died
tost ibair baada woato be irotea by
the last dar te Aagast Ur tatter to.
'the first eOBUoi with it. The eagerl.
htog eaoagh. I weald Khe to be
Mttle Baatolae glri.
aad tb«B tbe fsa was fast and ferloas.
It was sack eewsey a. eattera ch»draa kaow. with (be
of aonhy
Xlaguar. Dae. S. IPM.
Dwr Ura. B«ea 1 toongkt that I added to ft. For a brief Use aebonl
oaM write rea a letter. I as aerfr trteiUoas ate ibe proprtottoa wen?
that roo an toek. I go to school. toiown to Ibe winds, aad tbere
Ve had oar pletoraa takea lart week. Mieoo high or ao low that a aaowball
WaU I thUk wlatar has eotoe agate. ilgbt aoc batter bln when least egI kava two goto: tber an cats. I had Bled.
tegbathegotkiltod. rwRXetoroo
The white nilrslefi whined toroagh
BM befon. 1 hte a rahhK b«
bosbee Uden with rose* orcUppel
died. I ban ooe brother. We had ftesB aa a knife Bleb*, ban doae.
fua todar rldlag oa ateda. Mr ti
touob mt arlDter totrodaoed i
wtoe to l4^ Croakhtte. J Mte a gardea of biooB aad beaaty. ate. ah.
aMermlwen. latolatoene- b« the hoy*, big ate lltttot eaiorc
lyod It.
rerefahlse to ltt>. I hoaght a ptetoro of
Bight be doae to tbo Monot Hamthe aeheol. I hare oae rabbit lef'. Htaa etage drirer—who had not ftw
I like to go to arbooL wki.We I bare gottea that be was oaee a lK>y.—OhlwrUtca w>to* a toag letter. I wffl eloae
tor toU UaK.'
Age 11.
Bar Taylor.
That Agoto Pit.

yar a whMi

Baman Bay. MM. Dec. S. I»M.
Dear tort Batee:->After readiai
iha man to toe Henid. I teedded to
a toMhar of the BaaaUae
(dab. Pleaat eete an a card ate hat.

a r.

That than to acrioaa .danger of'
DWiflBai betog too ffsay to

repared to base a anaber of good
aa to toa foanh grade. 1 go to BM.
“1 bare one," Andereoa aald.
■eteol aaariy erery tey. Myteaitoer-*
‘'What to nr queried the rest.
aatoa U MM Iraar Mortito. Oaratod‘■Wkea la u apple p^r
lat annadlag. artuunette. gaogxaghy.
He stopped, ate escry aae looked at
toagaageatedgtlUM. We ban tone
aa (hat «* aae to aehool. There hlB.>rt aaM aoibtog.
*^ell.'’ asked a i
three grates to oae raon. They
00. What did yoo alop forr
an tha tkM. Ktorto ate fifth gradci. room,
“Oo on? When? What ftn-T" bo
Jtar* aid Uwae toachera.
Ve hfenW linai Mg cm. RU asked.
“Why. go oa srito
■aMhiToto. TDtok taS aad can are
Xdifew ate hto body ite fa« an white. Wkaa Is an ande pir wbatr
“Ihst-a stoat I said.* he replied.
Wk ban a teas gad a yoaM eoit; we
"Well, we kaow: bat wbu to the
raa tollktBg ^awt. ate (oar
•aMto. My hrotben hatohet^
“Wbea to an tpMe pier
iad aae of oar oU COM toe other day
mm rwir analdea^ wtokn t toast Mae. •• k ' to gentag hit
.*Tken toat nay aeaae to ibat." pat
kpa toto of roa the vary ner Ooddhy*. ProB
la anotbar. “Wbat'a.the rest, of nr
tMlkw Ohftottoaa you Isre
**Thera toat uy nat.“ peratoted AaAge t.
Mery PmIl
ta to. jteaahiM dedanon. “Whu to u apple pler
M la oraf ate tan toe Travena Cfly. Mkh. Cor. Waraa and
**Wbra to aa apple pie wbatr yellad
What r«a did ate alee
Oae. «. IdM.
“Wbo aald any apple pie wbatr
Dear Ura. Baiee-My aaatto told ac
"TOO did.“
to wiHa ate ao I wtB. 1 woaM Uke to
'' Madra. Ktah, Dae. 1
“I didn't I dldat say uyUtlng aboni
BMP IHlh ■alia Ithaadhtl waald tea toe fiaaahlae ciah. FMne send m apfite pie."
a card and botioa. I ban two ato
Wta tea • Mlar. Ite naead Dos
Toa dld.Itotets wM I ato Mm la «ten ten. Oae of the* goes to oBhool with •1 dldaX"
Ber aame to Agaea ate she to
tev. I M amm to mom aow aad I
“Too d1d.“
WHt tato toa kkiat raadcr Mt weak, fin yaara old. Otxr teatoen“I dldat.**
•te 1 tod tor Htete «*WT day. las are Mlaa L. BtoaeU ate MM B. Has­ Ate tbee the white asactobly rose
« iaio the laarih nader aatt
gaiaat Aaderaoa ate atoea the pe_
t. Thm la a aann laka calM Un aheat tfir aebolar* to «
lee came Ha and nseued hi* It toe*
W iakt ate I «ap ahaia aa it My Wall. I wui kan to close, u ay al*. half an boar to nptoia that u apple
m H eeakiag at ^rtog WtJm mi »r waati to write to yoo too. Ootepie wbea ft was cloaed np with
a tor krothw Hariw. MX tothar hye.
sugar Ud emst and things. Ilko any
etnawmw night Therg Age :. Natalie M. C WeMoeft. pastry.
hahlte toe
Trarane City. Uloh. Oor. Wane aad
Uoaroe fits.
An Cm Shell Raoa.
Dec. «. INK.
Draw with chalk tW Hna abou fif­
Mn. Bate*—1 go to eto^ teen Ineha aimr*. down cuh side of
enry day ate ao does sy Mater Nertenafu table. At oae rad of aeb
uito. We hotk go to Ike Btawood track ptooe u eapty egg abell.- Pro' aehool I SB ta the hlatM side two of the g-'esis wfth fan^ with
•aitea. Uy meher to nty Mad to wbtcb they are to toa toe egg sbHU
■e. 1 wm.ieil yon what boetoeaa nr from oae end of the coaiae to the oth­
He to a tallknaa. I hare er wHbom ciaaslng the boaadary
Mer: ber aaate to Mlaaeita. Itoa. At a gtsen signal toe race
She to throe yean oU. We alway* cg>i
aMwees. Sbonld u egg shell cross the
her the baby or the toBQy tneaeae abe chalk Itoe.-a thing It Is rery dlBeali
to oar haky. | will doae now. tMpiag
to precvai lu dotBg.-(i stut be re­
to sec ihto la artot aaoa. Qooddty*.
lumed to toe atartteg poliit again.
Ate S.
Agaea C. WelteWi.
Bach rutcatut is timed, and. when
Taverae Qiy. Dae. *. |»M.
all has* tried. a'amnU priae to gi<
Dear Ma Buea-lt baa beea a toag to the one who reached toe gul to
Use Btoec ym hare bad a toucr tnan toe tburtmt leagto Of Use.


I StaiM Fna IficU^ muaty

ierJOmimeOOn Mbmy f» dWU>»aii ^bys ateCWs.** TVu«M
off Mr tep. ate ^ tote nte dMeJd fair ftei
tor&caf£ates,atelteawteitettr& £Mteter- Asfhrmtdm*
BOgoas. M«» «» nsnws froSi toeal to *0** on jww Msas. ate ri wte
mtf*mfytotUfmrrr». JtAt sUdm mrt mm cf fht
rwr»»ton»*tejerap-*ooM,ftoyee®«atesgeteW«nis/arrr/»rmortelrr fir stordn aie aff prtWnf.
WT WAS toe year of onr
I lord i«lB. The weaun
Mprorld drscosernl by Otr
hiBtom more ihU' one
hundred yura hrtore was
a aew worid ailJI-a world
of wfld ftiretts. tonely In
tote' seas, grrai risers
asreeptog oa In sllcsiee V:
toe jwnn. ud. wilder
than all. fierce Indian
_ trlbee. waadcrers oser .too
fa^ of toe eonh. waging
star iBOieaisntly smoag
There were


ebqrteet Ud bury Mreets
beaMe toe ntshlag risers:

M- mue'sHtoget Matted

gewa anwag green hills
along quiet. ehBded. grasslined roads: no farm bo-j*ei Mere little children
, played, aad-alepi at night
soothed by a,mother's lor
tog luUaMes and goardel
by a faltoftil atotberi:
pray^ alood penearally
amid flseir broad fields td
wbeat aad cere. |i was a
Worid of wild awR ud
wild beasts who huaied
naeh other to the foreats ,
gte Bloag iho aUona of ;
tor oeeaas, lakes Md risCeuricr gii Beta. '
In toe Bonih -the Spultrds were.aearcWag for gold abd
........ B the shoeea of toe Otilf of Uertco ud of toe
Attontic. A cruel people, ihoay Spulartl*. as those night srell be
who sought for wealth aloae. ud toe pn->r Indtons of that land
. JamcMown In Virginia.
the first EbgUah redlcment la America, had Just been ftranded
and stoiW, a little, mde setllemMH la a tone rlrariag aaiM a
great, nnbrolmi forest.
*ne Dureh were plunins to enter and occapy>be toad at
the Booth of toe Hadsoa rim-, and. In fact, did fnar yean toicy.
balM on the Uland of UaAiaiUa toe tosra of K«w Amnerdam.
• aww-tongraal <d<y of New Tork. Nm engUad was StUI a wfM
and lunely land, fnr it wniiM be ten yttars yet before i)ie Pilgrims
sbonbl toad on Plymmilb Rock.
JTbe Proseh had. eighty years or so ago. disrnvensi Ibe 81.
Lnarrcnee rii'or. but bad made no attempt at coloBizailun al Ikal
lime. In IGOS a solitary ship aallcri np toe great wide riser. lu
(SMBBUdes- was Samuel ChaapUia. and be n-as the leader In
the proeesaioc that should soon begto to eater la by that risi-rUIC nart take possession of the enrtheni land. A few works
later a dosier of mde boildtogs Mood oa Ibe buks t4 tbo 8t.
lAsrrcpee. aad Quebec was founded.
All Prance was sUmd bv the newa toat wont bark, a.^
ship after ship ame ud went between toe Bnropow eonniry
and the new lud of wbicb It bad eome into posoestlon.' Ttowe
grat. nakBoara regiona srhare the mighty rivem swept dosra out
of myalcrioua solliuder. sight WBtsin all the wonders and walih
the old world soutet to the new. Perbaa tbU way wa toe
■‘rad that, after CMuBbus.«U the teseni&ters aad dlicovorors.
SanUh. Preseh. a Englioh. bad hoped to And—the sbori way.
that should lad to Chiu and the Indies, where wen; rieba nntold tor all wbo could rach them.
There sras one sure thing all.there vast regtons wea
. awarming wtib far bariag aalsnls. basa and mink and lurito.
and maay otoers, and the ladtoaa were ager to barter tbae
raJable tors for such irlflea na gtoas badA sarlei eloto. iron
.fconiet. and muy other totogs of little raluo to the civilized
wArid. but new to them ud aueb to be dalred. There were
tortnna to be autte in this trading, aad many tercntvrou aonU
over to oM Franco were filled not only with dcclrc for gain, but
atirred with the dcUgbi of srild ndveaiur^
ant lada, glad to aape from 'ihe tyruny of toe old
’ the new. or the yonager Bcmben of noble ftmillei. wte Bust carve ont ibclr own fortnaes. came to New
Fruee. ns ft was called, by scores ud bandrods. They scon
^formed a ctaas peeaitar to toe country ud toe time and wore
\nowii as ‘•'courlera do hols." the roaners cf the woofls.'or at
'-voyagenra.'* beeatire nil travel to that northern recloa was
rather by tirer ways to birch canoes, than by the rhM ud lafreqaeni Indton trolls which were (be only paths (a toe oiherwine.
But there was a far rtttiuWT uwifve thsb the purs»li of
wealth or toe love of adTeatnre or discovery -that tiged aa the
esplomtJu of (bore wcMera srlMs.
France wu a land of eoarents and monasteries and to
them monks and priests devoted their llres to pcuace ud
proyer. while ta every city stood beautiful chortoes ud caihe
^ dials where dally Incense roae from msnifl^mi aUsrr. nnri the
sound of ebaatlng mlagled with tbr chime of swee- voiced bem
that swacg In turret ud tower. The wwld war foil td a religious
ferver onknown to ibe same fashion to-day. aad as <bc esploim
sighed for new usds to diseover. or the fonnae Hsriters for the
wealth they Doped to find, no the Mack robe 1 pr1e,u terired
bratoen naHons to coorert to toeir own faith.
And here they wire. A grett late, tu ea torn (bort-a
ircaiea by the waves of the Attontic. Its wt-jtera boundaries lost
in dim distince sed to be msebed. no one laew how or where,
was filled with wild races of cupper ertered men wbo worsbipe'f
radety car^ stone Idol# or vsid their praym to toe Uulioe.v.
€)T spiriiB. Sr Ibe wind ate the wave, the tomder aad the Mom.
Tho£e wbc shonbl come i9 tell the story- of toe croct came in
Hr*» of hardship ud rufferlng. and often to draih at the temlt
trf the nvagea. wbo would torture to'-nj beftwe ibey kiiv-d thfira
in letTlUlc way* such at the w.-wtd hte lu rer heard <g btdon-.
Itui the aoldSers of the faith wUh -havea heate. ca.voefe. of
hrcwiu or Mack, or white roedallod le--t. ud •wfth PK.arv ud
ercro at side acd tu-eviary lu hste- toft ibrtr quiet r~nariTrr
homes ud with cagt-r beans took ibe'.r way across ibc eerol
to meet whatever mighi befall.
Froto Quolws. ate totrr from Montreal, ate ftem tb* oat- ■

IKMWC u toera war# fbr these aame wwrriora a» they ume nnd
went u the wpr paU. ih*T,»atoad toe eroas' aad loM Ito story in
wteerer'woold Itawa. If after amutb* of safiertu hr wlBter*a
oolfita frosew. snow enured camp*, or safanMc texa of loilsooM
travel torongb tauied twamw where 4bs««u t»**ag ate teld
teuta tortntcpfd. they were-tM?rBmte to huMUe nune Orim^'
■ . babe, aad so. as thay beUeved. secsnr lu miyuhm. they hdi
amifir repaid ate went u tbair way| relMetog.' Here ate ihm '
Ibey estaMIshed mtoatons. wbM they trietl to make the eratiw
(rum whkh tooald i»dMe the Hgkt of tbetr faith.
Of tooso (wrltoK itaTa. as Ite u oar «»wa Mate Msury U
rouermed. toe rraorda are few aod fatal. It tavbanabt that In
ICIO oae of these ratastan was ortabllshed near what la now
Fort OralhX. Dm oue thing aerana sure. Atnui this time some
adrentoroto FTratomm. H lalgbt ban- bmw ptmu prs-.l or bold
vc^wgcur. coning out dean the wOdernras m the i-artward, new
ilH? waters of D(vro<( river fiatoiag la (be saa—eaw beyond. riiM
In the purple mtaU of dtstaacc. a fair toad with green bhons.
and grovea of MMriy tree* doiflng grassy p(ato<. the samke etirb
lug UP (nan Indiu wigwams thai ctnaHr-d on tbr w«s:ron Imahs.
sod; aoilag ariiat emairy that mlgbl be. wan told.
“ifa Htachtganeno. toa Late of the Qrsat Lakaa.**
How ta Fill tha gtacklng*
' If poasible have new MOekings lor
toe orcaskia. -Tbe cMUrra will prabaMy prefer as targe ones as caa lie
fbnad. Sew a strong lonp of Upe to
the back of each one to hug it up by.
and screw inb> the andae aide of ih»
muiel. » it be of wood, toe sBaltea*
slie of btUi aerew eye botes. They
do not BBke a not.erable bole often
If tola h objected to. ptac* the
eiatri aear toe Ore plaea or chimney
nad lie toe atocklngD thnogh the
toops to the bnek of the chain. The
aiai will serve to hold the oveefiow.
o rueb handles as are ton large to get
Isiu the storking.
Be sure to wrap everythlag la paper,
as Boeh ot the eajayiBMi to ta fetalag
the pateages. lornlag theta orer. and
wondering about the contents while
they are,betsg udone.
tVltfte paper to much more attras*.-,
Ire knktag than brown, and muy of
the (lores will use It for your pu,'ehascs If requestc-1 to do ao. Luge
toeecs of It mar be bougbi fur on*
cent each, ud tkeuaie stae in liMoe
paper for one cent cub or lest In
Ribbon to nnoiber deenrotlre feslurr
<6t buBdftss. as the dalatiaeiie of a gift
to nfion enhanced by the outside omerlag Baby ribbon is prettiest for Ibis
.Pltfpose. It corner lo all Uata, ud may
be purcbSM.-d In twelve yait! pltw
from lea to twealy-Bvo cents each.
In niltag Iho Btoektag be aura BM to
leave any spaces between ibe bnadlev;
ebUdren roporlally dHhtbt In a fai
(ookiag Binriilng wliboui any bOlkiwt
or depreaalus. If ibrro ta nototag uf
toe right star 10 fill ool Iho toe. * eo.hiABut cake wrapped In lUsne pu-r
will l.e ftKmd aboni the right shape.
Small parcels of nacar itinmA pepniUs, Bitgared p>>l*cnni. He_ sbuold nM
li.‘ furgolira ta filllog the stnrklags.


rocking chairs, stndrai tamps, brate
ate milk aeis. pktitres. doiro ewahVnis
ate the Uke an- higiily apgreetatot
A fi<Hirral HhymC,
Tl-a Httle aqnimtoa(pndlag ta a line: .
wf«i to gatoor Mis. Ibcai Ihmo
were alae
Nine pretty sqalrrtas UHtag MlairiUghi;
Om acarriad ap a «**. than tkego
. weir right.
aighi aqniraate ta • row wwite .y
atand ovewt
r was erofs and ran awnx. tbMI
there were sevra
Sis (risky aqnirreis rory Much nitre:
Oae anw n dog ud ««a. iIhm tosn
were five.
Fire aqalrrMi. red ate btaek. wOfi as
eoata be:
One fell nnd brote Hn teg. than (Wro
were thiwe.
Only three aqolrreta now, «y. b^
they Oew'
Da. when the race was o’cf^.harii
cgaie b*n two.

Two tqwiirrit—Inst a patrrfiNrii wlUl
hta glia
Aimfd.and ataa! be Ml; Isfton^aM
One aqatoreL' aU alone, hadn’t mmO
Into n brie fte ercpl; tbew iMaw w«w

Tha HapytaM LNUa Day.
*'OooM who was tbe harH»r ebU4 .
t aaw today r- steed papa. tnUag bta
own iwo Utile boya on bis knecA
“We«.- mM Jim. stawty. "I KUM*
be wna n vertawteb tiuta boy. wU toia
ate M>tr of taiulT and lakt^.**
-No.' said paiM. -He wbn'i rich:
he bad M eaady ud no cakes. WfBt
On yoB goeas, doer
* '
I gnros be was a ymUy Mg boy,“
laid doe. wbo was always wtahtngCbM
be was not aaeb n liitta boy: *tate I gMss be was ridlnq n Mg. high W-'
ejTle.••.No.*' snU paw. “Ho wnsn*! Wg
Id of nomae be wnta*t riding a Meycle. V<m have Ic.a ymtr ga(nn(is.|ao
will have ta lel} yoa. There Om fi
of sheep eroi dtig ibe cUy tndte:
and they must have come a long wn*.
ao dasty and ilred ate Ihlruy ibry
ware The drover took them np. Mam- *
leg and lotung oat their toagMa, to
the great pomp in Hsnlllbs eoifrt lu
water Ike*, ftirl oae prior rid «w«
was loo ured to get to tbe OM0i ate
(ell down oo too hot. finny sUBm.
Then 1 saw my Iluta mu. rnggafi nhd
dirty ud unaled. spring out from tbe
crowd of orehlttt wbo were wntebtag
too firore, tfd bis bat ud carry it—
one. two ihrce-qh, as otany as air
limn! to toe poor, ssffertng ■wlmiL
until the crontore was able to gnt «p
ate goon with (be rmt.
-Old the nbeep wy. Tut yo*;' '
papa?" asked liti* Jim gravely.
-I didn't baar It.- uswerte papa.
“But tbe little boTs taea was ahtning
like the ana. ate I'm aura he knows
whsc n'Moated (blag it Is to beip wbsl
ne«sls brtidng '-ChrisUan Obsarvat.

A subseriplioB to a good berindleal
for the yoimg. or n good book, ar*o»eellenl gifts for a Iwy. Most boys ujoy games—harkgammoa mte eboekerbnardt. go-bang. (Ttelsota. tiddIHvwtak-s ud maay others will be approelaiH. An iney|UTalve camera, wllb
a simple pbciiographle onfit. will he a
wetlspring of pleasan? to muy
Tools always please ibrai. There
are boy's tool ebesu of dlVarcni alsea
sold at the i>>r sbopa which are worthftwa loi uy good work. Separate tools
of good make‘win afford mneb BMre
A rubber stamp artto a boy's name
aad address to not expeBsIve. and a
folding pocket tamp will always Uk'
the tucy of boys.
A foiiatata pra la u excelleai gtfi if
toe boy is old aaoogh to use it care
ftilly. Also a rert line and other fish­
ing uckic.
A stamp album with a few rare
(tamps, a serop bote with a pair of
shears and a IkmiIc of aiascitafie. »
pair of akaies with a skate bag for
earrying them ta. and a good bat aad
ball, arc articles that aerer come
A watch or a clock for his room, will
ploasc a boy. If he to mustcal. a baajo.
gultu or mudolta will while awaj
When taking g lang rid* on n oo!-t
Buy plesaui boara.
day. buticiB a aewspapar taside yonr
Host boys Hke tbeir oam tadlridual coat. If facing a cold wind, hold re
possossloBs la uy line, and desks. opu uBbrells before too.




90U, «< civiiUatton_h«e ate toere. they haaeted jata toe teltev*


$2.00 A YEAR

ADVISED c«<y*(8g^ cuiilE.
dated hr
sw. bM to r«T aBar N
Mho. TBkeapleeeoCt ..........

whitudfoarfMa: tom with tbe aM.
rttwia d a ««T Btto Bow la» i
Btoaof adknrpaaei.^
itbe; toy am to a Oaltow hak­ tbe toOewiag rale. ‘Th* umouat girea
(tbe prevateat
pan. betog eardd Oat they da
rib foaeal. dtoverdbta wta a tot-;
■I aa avesuge family ail water.
tlee toorfc of aamw rabeB.Md Sla* not tsneh. urtakle wHb gratad coma- Take aree tmaade d lean bed aad
tew each tfbboa to the buk of tbe Bto aad hake ekidr bbHI dry aad CDwhair poaad d eaet Cook tbeee
oardhoanL Where tbe rlbtona
togetber, w«dl eeaaooed wta eaif aad
they eboeid
or. ua tf yoa ware gndug to make
TM Cweiwttoa d the Mtou Fto.
I d tlmm. Cook natU ae water
tt baa kaaa well uM Oat wa eaaao
aer of tbe deaf pand la ready tor tte
Mwty the ovotatbm d aay d war cam they are ranked-to to'redneed toabou!
pietqreq lo be dipped oader tbe rib
a capful d brdh. When tbe BMUt to
i. Tke *«*ct to verr ^
toerwtog mock ktotorv. Thto remark edd chop ft and tbe and togetber
very fine. To this mtoeed mrat add
room. Ordinary aneda nay be boMi Me ia fwtarri to aome d
five pooBda d eeeded ratotoa. Chop
ae^ lasteed cf edk. aa wbae tbe bold­ Mt highly prtoed dtokee. Take, for
lamaM. mtoce pto. oar amt raioed half d tbe ratoiaa and aM tbe sUber;
er to tiled wia plctaru lUOe bat ae
Cbrtotatoa dfaaert. We kaow H oaly belf whole. Tbea PM ta tiree powade
WsoBS ebow; ibte CkJaa dlk. bow
M a rerr rick daaeert. bot lu begto d curraaU. Be sure that tttae are
rcw. caa be boaght very ebeapibosoogbly waiOed aad free
Aim Unnf poMrden «re sqnricRB.
A gUt Oat eervea two parpoaei at atoga were bnmbto emottgk. Go back
■one two hnadred yeare or eo aad we every panicle d grit. Cat one pound
le aame tine Is a pbotoenpk d yoato
eome to ae day* wbea each bead d d dtnm fine. HoMea aU ibis with
aelf. Tbto may be tacaeed la a dalsiy
a faiafiy bad aet oaly hie own batcher, the iako d tea Irmoaa and o( elx or­
white liaea t
anges. Orate the pad d two lea
bat bto own cold-oWrace warehoai
your m deft dagera. a toct which
wen. Wbea ae ox wu. killed tor and add tbo grated prd d thrae arwill add greatly
winter aee tbe beet parte were lalted aag«. Now stir la yoar spke and be
If yoa e»ed la maktag delldou down ia brine or laiud and amekeft. sare ibu (be aplcra are fraeb and
••fqdgee* aad awertmeats. which are
beef baaa being to iboae dayaA< «M atroatg.. You must bare a large balftbe delight of yoar Meade. 1111 a faney BM upork haaa. Wbea all ibe ben cup d daasmoB, <me labkapoonf
box WHb Uteae. tie wia baby ribbon pan d Ibe aaeai wu ana aeeure; dove*, aad the aame amouai of all­
and a rprig of boUr. aad it wUI be
there etlU reaulaed a goodly portion spice. Then add five quarts d ae
recettne a wt
of Jeas. ratbef eirtogr. taatdeM meai apples chopped flao. This quaaihy
MM. M.S.C. MTCB,«mts«.
aaid man he ured aad aud aome ealaoeateat calls for five pounds d
lacimau Menda. |^le ton'd toilet bow. It to a aad oreraicbi aai bUtory augar. Do no: put lajmar sugar dry.
cream are alwaya very aecep
bu aegiacted 'to band down to poater Make It lato a thkk boiled syrup uad
Nciklu hat tbe taair ot bto oM bead ae erwam In ae email white JaA with iiy tbe aame d tbe good boaai
stir H la. Add. tost d all. ooe qaart
aa< beard left; the Kraeiotii mile, tbe meal c»veri. wfaleb may be owadned wbo Ard had the bright Idea d bcdllac of boiled elder and oae plat d brandy
vaihtliic: ere. tbe rMr «hMh of tbe two for a qurter at asy drug atore. aia teen mrat. and then, after efid*- If toiled' elder Miinot be procured
ChHetnae we fcitev—where are ther* Any favorite redpo yon have for mak- pli« It ap. Biakiag tt am* larHtog by land It la not aa rasy thing to gd la a
iag cream win do. but tbe "Almoad adding apicca, and. to toaare lu keep­ cliyl ase a qaan d cooking aheny
A troop or eMMrm ooaae
loto tbe raeoi. Uttle toiwuee.raa faM. Oum" to escdleal.
ing. ooveriog It wia brandy. Tbaa be Insirad. Your mlacerarat to dot raady
tittle ereo cpaiWe. and mile lor*permaoeti. five onaeea: white wat. gaa ae Briace ptd It la Bcariy a ban- to be, oooked doa-n. It eboald cook
Us ae the world—are ebowered all
ouaee: almcmd oil. fire
dred yearn later that the edd recipe over a moderate, etead'r fire for not
about, now like ae old CbrtotJ
... ’water, oae ounce.’ Melt aad etir booka abow lu that 'coriaiba* (car- IcM ihaif two hours, gad perhaps Ions
hfar be be to Boi coee after' am May nnUI COM and had: while attniag. ranU) aad chopped applea were added. or akouM ae applei be very JaicTbe here i* ae araciouB mile, ac add twenty dropa d violet
Perbapa aomw boaaenother found her Keep to a erol place, but do not let It
■parkUac eye. tbe rosy ebaek w« bav<
family getttog tired d the "mli
freeze.—iiairev's Bear.
If you are ae happy pea
ed. Tbe erowB-op people of the camera or kodak, it la in your power meat poMy" aad iried |o coax the'/
aaitb BBurp eo nubr of Ood'e clfi.' to make me d tbe
appetUea by toaoraitoat! Some efiy
QuKe an auractIVe i
ibat It nar be that rather Cbrtotaiai. gtfa. ooc wbieb wlH be eepectoUy ap­ yeara later engar was added, sad Ike
beat apoa tfrlac ibe lUUe oaea.tbelr preciated by "oni d town" retatlvea mince pie begaa to appear aa we
pins U la toe form d a book. Tne
faat eoatpeaMtlfiB. baa leeeired blm- aad frienda. A eerap book d a doaen kaow It. except that it wan ailll pre- ouiside rarer to a piece d tbe bandtU tor aeai ahae. aad m eaa took pagcf can be procured tor fifieea mlneaUy a meal pie. the proportion
new MSb ribboaa
a aad eaior bin la naatory
ceata. or ybo can ine plain white card­ cf frolt to the meat being very a
M Bot at tbejlltle ea« eoate wHb board aad U« together witt ribbon. komo criitca aiak that the preaeni
i ^rtUft^ tkroQCb their talea of Cbrietnae. we. tm oaieb
I IllUe Ume for <
On each page paate a earafaily cbomsa day mlaoc pie la too mneta a fruit p|r.
aoawthla< of Oe old-Une Cbrtotnas; ptotnre. u owe d ae ouaide d your bat It aulU the atolorliy. and that The Inside Is a plato silk and' ae two
:m j«ar bMit do Cba aparUe aad the slow otaao bask
la to aeltle tbe qoeetioa.—Her- pieces arc neatly overcast over a foncboate; aa interior view d yoar aUtlid
datloB of heavv Unea canvas. A num­
aad woBderfai to relata. ae old
1. wia tbe family praeeat; one of per’a Baiar.v
loM U«lr rotee beber d toaves d white felt or fiBbael
(tana, ^toe aad powetel. wia Ibe baby, oae d ymr own prctlr
are cm for tl(e book, aad tbe edge cf
bto peace oe eara. bla seed wlH to all -girt’a room." etc. Undcraeaa each
It la an aagralefnl task to strike
eaiib leaf battoabded with gold ralor
dad. la wia oa oaee asala. aad pietDT* write a brief
Me d waraing In a timo d, general stile. Tbe fatteniaga are tows d rtboaee more do we reallte that unless an apt qeouUno will taHp
rejoklag. The nBfortuaate meato’
to mstrb to color, aad Urited (u
we beeoaie aa little ^Idren. we caa
toeU that, no nstier how good may be the liook «n one side. At toe other a
>eot know, Bot oaly tbe Joy of haavea.
Now. glrta, Juai a word, abow tbe
at cvea tbe bisbeei foya of earth.
and B-allk eyelet
wnpploga for yoar gitta. It akea a her adfirc. she will be mcatally class­ book Is sewed
Md. bo! Cbrlatauu la aM soae. I
mile more lime and trouble to do ed with the disagreeable but Inwlin- Worked ou the cover to fasten when
blM Ibe fray old beard, tll^ to rot
them np dalnUly. but tont Itwtnb the blc death's bead d tbe Egyptian l«a- not to use. Earb leaf filled wUb ibiqueta aad shored to oae side aa
dlSereai color
(br tbe TitaUtr of old. but we iBBBt i
wblto when you tbtak what a dlfiereat
mar be! Nereraeleaa. ae writer. bcpda, forms a very datnty aad aecepiaere. We maat aalnate t^ dead Imprearioa It mdcea? A qaantfty of
lavtfdtsvMan. Itboeea;
we nut sHre it Itfe aad belna. while Uttne paper caa be bought tqr eadeairorlBg to Inrely do Her duty, able gift.
Ike CbrlaUBU apirit—Ml:e all good
•mall miffl, aad tbia tied arlib baby calls tbe aiteatloa td tbe carefal
eonea Iran ariatn. It to aUH berr ribbon U aimpie bat tattefaL It to bocBCWlfe and moiiicr to ae dangeri
Eagltob Plinn Pudding.
of ae Chriaimaa tree. Btoch year this
One pound of raisioa. one pound of
!|yi ten that dm- —tr we hare It wltbla u.—finbaase. quite a fad itaU yea..
bcaatltot seaaoa hu been atarred by
suet, chopped fine: throe qimrtera d a
aome acrtoui accldeq* canted by <
Oiria Far Olri FHenda.
etalr bread ernmbe. one-quar­
Mrtbdva flnt
Oerman Ckrtotmae Cakee.
leasanaa to the lighting d ao giftOae to oftea la a qasadary wbea aeter d a pound ot brawn sugar, ae
ffeflcmuaae—Pound to a paste In
bearing tree. Sometimes It baa been
leetlac slfte for onek slrl tiieada. aad
grated rind of one lemon, one-quarter
tt le ladeed perplexlas to naka deeid a pound of flonr. one pound d carone toMeopooa d oraage peel, near Ibe uncovered eaadles In bla In­
tlMu wtm oaek paru to linHed aad
raata bae-batf d a aataiog grated,
half a teaapenn d groaad clovea. one flammable cloaea, baa been the victim.
Meadi lesioB..
flve eggs, oae-hair plot of orange Juku.
Now. let ne eaaaat that Ola year teaepoca d grated nnUDeg aad aree Again, a caadte totecarely fasteoed
nne-haU pound of minced candled oiyou try • few bone-nade preaeeU. flga; iben add one caall cent d pow­ baa fallen on tbe light dress d tome
a^e iml. Clean, wash and dry ao
little aiM. whose consequent enfferwhich wlU pleaee yoar Maoda laorc
curraaia. Store the raisins. Mix a!l
tbaa tbe cheap quarter book wbldi beaten cm. and a pound d Hour. Mis iaga have darkened the dey for all.
the dry togrodlcnTs togetber. Drat the
yea partbaied sria ae alawet eye- to a fiito. alls paste. Oavortag wia'a Not Oeee ihlaga need not be aiM
eggs, add' to Ibetn tbe oraage Juice
bltadlBS prlat. aad the nach embroid­ few dratto of almoad extract and sUr- should not be. They mar be arolded
and'thea pour them over ae dry in
ered baadkercblef. wbieb roa dlaeor- rtag to a tiny piach d powdered ban- la rariout ways. The absolutely safe
abora. Shape into Jilile mouadahaped way Is to bare (b« tree lighted by gredienis. and mix tborougbly. Tbi>
too late to be cottoo.
will naka about tlx pounds. Parkin
«. u, u. .»■■■.. ...w wd
I moderate e
A aanber of dalaty little bo«*i caa
clcclric llgbu Where electric wirc<
small grcnseil buwia or moulds, ao<l
are tnmiabed. pot la ptoce. and rebe made for a nere triHa For ar
boil for six bonra at >be time of mtk
awved later at very smaH expense.
rdorlBg siri aia booklet to awai
lag. and six hours wbea. wanted f<»
nrtate. Take a foara of a quite lag bowl half a cap d batter, adding IVbeiw Ibis method la id practicable
of tleied note paper, aad taake taro a cup d graaalated augar; beti'aknr- candles can be used U only caro
belee in tbe tide of It at ae tap and ly to a cream, mdatcalng from time caongta la exerctoed to aeelag that
bottoBL Tbu
a BbcM of bea%T to time wia half a cup of etrong black aey are aeeurely fasteeed oa and ihui
rmlor paper or cardboard ae ccSec; ibea atir In one wH' beaten they are placed where they caaaoi v’
d niilitariaaa. D'herc money to'aoi
abade of tbe noie paper, obtaloable at
two ubiespoona of creaak half a Are to anv decoraUoo even when they
aay booh More for a few ceata, aad cako d com pressed yeast dtoaolred to bqn down. If "Santo Ctoaa" to com Hcatlful. II to appropriate in bang opare pleoea aboat a qokrter of aa a lliile srara water and snaeteac flear UM with the ire* be aboaM not be oa the Cbristaas tree a aew .cap foi
Jtobnie and a pair of skales for Jamk
iacb farser tbaa ae note paper for
fm a slack dough: allow ibla ti> allowed to go too near It. noirss anmr To Ibe rettoed a bti of senUmmi
the cover of tbe book. Bore bolea la
over Bight, and in the BMntlag sabsllttne to foand tor eounn-sriHd adorns erea the offer at a pair of
the aanc plaee aa la ae pete paper, tarn out on the fioured bread bnarri -aaow."
shoes. Aboitt'|tbe atori prosaic gift*
aad tie toeeaer wia a boar-noi of aad kacod as ynu would bread, adding
Ctfta esaiiy Made.
IS wrap a llitle d ear sweetest
baby rtbboa. On the froat aUc <d tbe a cap d targe seeded ralilaa cm In
A com husk aad llnca wotk baskr: solve*. \sia grmtdmamma's si*rta
cover palst or petal la lak. '-Sweau
one teaspoon d arrack ndriU is by no means so uaattraetlve aa It do case iaelose an origiaal verse
W flMM tjw IBWM* he teachM hli
c Sareet." and a nneepan aad a
and a laUeapoon d caraway sMBda. BraM the busks and Join tbe amoag brother's taaadicercble(s~lnscn
MO^MW. H wc take Hlto Inu oor
apooa or a pair of aealea aad kettle, seeds: plaee la square cake pans aad
.llllftaMaMdKtgebMk uthei
Inaida. abaplng Into a wide haaket. a a^l faaey pleiare or a book of
la ae book-write yynr ferorlte and let U rise again, aaill atoMwi doable to
Make a eorer and Join h to tbe baakc
.'|H One Mm tte Ckrieuaumme to
!■-. l.ei as eberith toe beantlful
beet recipei for caady. or tbeee Buy rite, baktog for three-quarters d aa
by a knot d baaka. IJae ae toald^ tbe useful sakas rare d ttaelf.
'Mnr. tm mma «o ea to«rmN tbe
be co^ fron aay reliable took-book. boor in a alow oven.
with coante cotton pads tor boa at
■' M«. kUMtid tue. vkM bM He rwte
A book for tbe aoetoty edri atay be
tm ptnh. ket Momim U keevnu
boiiom and aides d tbe haahei. Over
cm Far An invalid.
made la tbe eane way. oaly print oa
this placo a
Baall pads made d silk or aoft
the cover -Bagasataenta for the Tear nmil rerr light aad foamr: tkn add
lialag. curefally fitted, supplied with ebeesralolh some five or six inehm
^ WsH «M. «Dsa oU Ckrtouui)
INS." iDcide copy a reliable catoodar. gradualty halt a ponad d atdai. 11^
amf Nolhlw bm the IMr «f hU
poriieta. and caught to the basket n> aquare arc. a great comfort to invalid:
leartas ample epaee for tbe rccardlas aagar. a saiupnm d groand aUapice.
used. «mr «M kmd ud beard Ictl!
hair a teaspoon d powdered gtagtr. that tt can be removed to be toua- wbo are obliged lo be for a loag ilmr
«t datce ai^ boara.
dered. Into tbe botiom set a heavy in bed. Oae placed Jusi>iBd<v :h<
Win. t «rffl kaea tbai. eeeiac Otat I
Fcr*T0br booktob frtead nake a the Juke d oae letooo and Uree^uar
«n aM kaeaWM td htB!"
pin and needle casbkm. alao eoveri-.l ear on Ibe neck will be apprceian-d
Mk Oe aame way as ducrtbel aad trrs d a pwind of pastry flour. Fm
•e aafca tbe old Ckrieiaaa play.
with a washable linen cover. The tomeiifflcs U to mere areeaaaiy Just
on ae eorer pm ‘'Booka
be­ with flceired hand into small NIU.
. vrlttea aad apafcM. v^tle ret Ckriet'
basket, odd and eo easily kept clean, betweea the kaees. or wader one hip.
neath which draw a idle of books. Tie ptoctag to the center d each a tiny
If a paUani lies long on one side; U>m<
d erystallUed gtoger. Ptoce to win he a boon to aay boasewlfe.
Oe bow-kaot la tbe apper ooner
Sommhlag oae btlct to aihke for agalB It may be aeeesaaiy undernraH:
la a groaned faaklag pan abd
of the cover a quarter of a yard ot
bene^ ud wbieb to always desirable Ibe elbow, or somewhere dae-if it u.
baby rtbboa. to which attack a. amail hake twenty nBaeiea in a qnkk ovm.
to a dealm toaadry bag. A cloaa dour t band tbe patieai will to- sure lo tad
pendL Aaotber atefal stfi for the
ahoe bag U nsefal. Atomat nay trifla
good nae for It.
nierary glri la a book^aark. Take
"V- j for ae coaventeoce of tbe wardrobe U
foor tdeeea of narrow ribbon a haV a epoooa d butler, add o
• of; aceepUfale.
Amoasr Cbriauaat gibs one d ilw
ymrd hns. «f bamoairtas catara tor• I Shoe bags, oae for caeb aboe. tbe daiaiiest and moM usdni to a veil
>nsa. white, bine and old roee look teuspooB d gronad auspice, ewe
•*P: two esmaactad by a tape or ribbou. rail. A smaU rvxmd stick was tbe
wall tositkto). aad de at aae end la a d sour mwam. cue evea teaspoa I d I g,
fovatlatloc. This, wousal aeteial Ummbow. Print la lak wa tbe flrat rtbboa. baking Mda dUeotred to half a
.i Slipper bags caa be made d aay wasb- w«b perfumed oMtoa and eoveml
"It'a far He to TeU;" oa ae aeecnd. d bo< water, and two cap. d graham
mmebtog the
wia aUk d a prmty color, eitber em
tbe Book be doad:" oe tbr UM.
Mi* ikotvmg^^rbrwmlria^rtppm which they wfU bold. It will beoMerwd or togMed. has ireen vert
t rn.Keep My Ptoce;- fouO. ‘Ae
uaefoi as well as a pretiy sigfet wbfrt
leader BbaM." Crocket over four layer cuke pans and pat togetber wiib
to flad wUck pair d aHypere to eon the drawer to opeaM. ff a Midi be ikx
brew rtasa tbe ample chain otteh. UM oraage frasttog. ppread between
hand, the siUr rardloard la whkb
alUt of tbe tone eakw u the Hb- eua layer aufi aovertog tbe top.
no muet Mtraedve polfi abor.
Ules «0M eackaed will aaswa-.

Pe-re-aa, Oaad u a Hast ■asnrt, Cared Her el
a Savera Attaek oi Catarrh ot the Laaga.

i. '-'v %vei Ifealtb
Powder is
Hie IK
_____J to the'heahhfu&ess of the


Rojd Bakkg Powder saves health.



Mra. Ida CsldwwU, tos iVari street,
pioag Oily, la., Vler-lTratdeBt Order of from gratefal wraaea,with permtoelaa
Waabtogura. wrltoa:
to ase UwuB la paUic print, wbisfi.aari
“1 sUVerrd with ratarrb d tbs reslie ased far want d epdba.
plrawry organs oS sad on (nr Lbs last I
area years onUl I tboaght It was!
chroak. hly
hi chest and lungs were fr-ijj
4 I lL>d to use the grralesi. traM
rxpose myself to chilly air I Igf la
I as It inrroaMvJ my trouble*. 1 If yoa aufisT tram catarrh, bay fb»>
to f^d ranateMuy. for a 4ay galaefl aa Mg


, u 11^^ gfj—WWW. ’ teeorety.
--**** *!^ ftor—. /| . Wc bare aa file atogy tonwraM toari-

---- ------ ..

....................... --rTrTTrmrfrtii ■■mu
thorn aa whteh oarag pm. f wm> tvllovcdwiaiBtfareedsy-h and after two
mnaihs and a half tbe irriteUcm was
gone, tny lungs perteeity kaaled and ray
baailb nwtorsd.x-ldaCaldwcU.

of (he vast array uf aasollelMgewfiBM^
meotswrearereeelring. Woatbevgbyrielati iu tbe world baa reeeirariM-k a
. ..-c
TulBiB«deaHiB*laMiMeneiedtbMbg '
. *
M Or. Hartman top ftotBM.

Ask Yosr Drirrtst far Free Peniu Alsnmc br I90S
Wlafibent Cakes.
gmaU. hcan-ebapod
diiiwd to cfaorolaie. Deftpe the letog
dries, mako an Imprestfais un top d
with a wishbone-. ]bea with cof
fe.' nst.irt-d foiitlaii: pl|r rsfrltilly llie
vrishboae on top d raeh cake. These
cakaa wmM be appfWprislv tor aa ca-

Cbaodate Jn^
> two cups d tolling araOr add
oi>e-bair cup d miame tapbica. two
lablecpooBs d grated ehoetilaie, two
toblespoimt d augar, a plaeb ot sail,
end toil oBlircleor. Add half-poaod of
waahod. stoned aad chopped date-.
Bat cold with cn-au)^
Anatrian coffee It Oe latest ibing to
serve afiar a club mesdlag with cake
Mndwkbes. Cold raffee. <yoami-J

aad augarad. to poarad toto utt gtoaw
ra and • latatonpooBfal d vaaHto ka
ercam to ptoaod oa tup bdore aorVllK
•pragt Cake.
Three t-gz*. one cup t
tobleipooB atiU or water, oae cap d
floar, «»e teaapaoa
paou baktog gowflll^/Tbto also makra
a aa aira JeUr rak*#^ .
hakiag ia taycra.
TM fmTi
aging graham toateai d wbha BatigT^'
If yigi never did, try it aad yoa wW tk ^
rare to reinu tbe a
Alnys keep a small board agrtolOai ’
with salt aad waier at baaS wbag
ironlag. If tbe iraw be ggaaai tww to
Owe ilmea over the auttgw tba baard.


Z -^-nr






^rfnAI riAllv

S££K The Ahsweh-Ih The STans.
A smallfiaymcnt down will send onC'Of our su­
perior Pianos to >-our home (or Chrismas. Pay the
baiance a little at a time. Call and ingpect our maj?'
nifjcent holiday stock. Sixteen diffcrcm world renowned
makes are dls|)la> ed side by side in our warerooms;
no sucb selection elsewhere.

BnSvmttn. BUl

Wv^0vsiit J|jmiU».
TJuviMi errv.





thurwav. obccmrui


at im.

MNmO. Ml r^mtaj ciwlM Bnior) was non taken op. this baM «d to work aad hu Mr kla a
hafraaar mow dwwm tfeateM
Mr MtlMl 1M. Ml*. CMrtM KMCfe. Iba CrttdrQ caw oa tba dochu to kelaoralMwtnld hare keen aoketf. Mr. kaou tba paU of Hamaa W Smith. thla piaae. ka looad a naa b
of Mato and dsMaw Rat tka opgsMU
hnrtod la Ike akow o« Ua traek.
a*da of the maehtoa Uramsd. asomMs. luir pMiT kM AMrcd StetaN. irMd aad grows oot of a dispotad ac- i Haannaatu laggastH thU tka poor gaaecBl cowtraetor aad prildsr.
aour. The jarr was anpaaUad at j raasnlaMoaer be glwn aatkorKr «a ptoeed tba affaire ta Ua hands «ff W. Wka Ulve aad brought to iatertai
retodaad lackBL They bare a aapaa.
the Mnlir.
P. Crotoar. Mr. Crotaar ealMd a a
-----------------where ka now lias varr Ul attM
Mt HUwaMm fer iXM S:U aad tka trial ’
My of M acroa par «Ry. it to mmnUr
Mr. Ui«U oormkoratad Mr. Hnatt- lag of an tba cradliari U • o'dodi ha has beau glvea the ban madlca
Bl • o'dMi t* Atuad rnm WadaaUarY Racoed.
aa toga sight to waieh tka ilsam plow.
«1M tBMn] Mrrio*, bat owing W t*r
w« are piawiM aw. Weaareatog
ter'e oSee and twaaiy-foor renoth twUnear thu waa of a
A pteca of wood foaad Ik hto pookU ••korea powar inmiaa oaglaa to ptol^
wmtw M« Nam (Aa boat
had tba aame of John Boiler wrtuoa the plowa. atoo Ua harreauv. Wa
aWa «0 mka a laaOttg at LMIactoa UeUag aatnra Ue cm of Peter oadar bln aad ba tawad Mn hoaast
and ladttUitoini He aMd. kowevar. all the
Mseu at
apoa IL Ha was uagMa to gtoo hto kttek kaktod Uto atoam OBdaotar ihtm
aa« (Aar *«ra takoa baek to MIhraakaa aa« ika ant Movtadc* of tbelr tag out ef a dioinitad oocount la the that after Ua fknUr maned fmn SmlU were road. Umw aoRotoUng of same bat aaU be was tkou Tftaarae •mg ptowB of are Mdam pMnre aadi
aelgkhortwod of lie oeenpfed the U- Baropa tber bm Uead la CkUago. uniitoa about halt aaeumkatM wlU City aad tour aaM ba waa from CkdO- sad two greto driUa aad aaoy wa as
lan Bicbt at • orckicA aa tfcer «ai* taatioa . of CIrcait aoart naterdor aaulng from there bare. Tbe nuioa eoilatanl. Mr. Crotoar atreagly ad- lae. Tbe man to avMawtly a farMpMr at tka rate of W to 4* acroa per dfey*
I this atoning buO 11 of Mr. LardU prmlled tkat Ua poor- rUed Ibose present to appoint a inn- akoat 41 yaarn af age aad
o'doek. wbaa tbe fair aftar dellbar- naater ba n«Baated to uaa Ua clir toe. or haadto It tkamtolrre oa be, akoat lU panda TiMmgk be to vary
Wa are loeaWd la wkft to gtoM
toad tor tkUr -ralUf oatli Uar
atlag for half on bow reodcred a
Ul be may Uve. Dr. Baytoa of Orawa tka riekoot tenriag •oatoiT M
abU to kelp UansalTes aad aUo Uai
for tbe conplala
to uteadlng him.
etraan Caort.
atata, tka tertemad «aa iBagaM vi#
tka OOBBir
Wg to Ike airtimiai
were. UU aotbCag would ka toft for
lay. ' A taTM panioa of aaw IhM |8
a of tweire « ■ Mauhavr given proper aoUeo.
after all legal tana war*
what to tormed pme fttoretyrtoR
a at iba Feopta n. Albatt
Hr. OIbba brooght op a eerr Inpor^ token onn of. Claranea B. OretlMc
Beadoa. Dre. U—Speacor Ooroy, aad prodoetlre, hot Awtog tka diy
baaa obcalaad br adding tbe rana of
«aa takes up yaaterAQr
w of tbe oldest ptoaaert of this vL
wo dlmtBd aeeoaata and dlrid- taat aabioet. thu of guUag ready for atoo autad tbu Uelr drm bad m eav■ml ba watetoad etoas# Jar
A. a WUaoa o( tbla Ntr tig tkuwon br two. tkoogh tbu does
apring paring of the ti
Ar*. aa U will bore Ilka wood.
babw tba ant vtuan calM. Aa
aat dRUe brtag tka rcanK. Howaw. etraata. On bU nottoo. tba board of eeru naUllag In Ula way aad tku S A m. Saniiriay vkOe u the woU
Ibat oa Snaaar. Jalr
pnbtU wOikf was naocMod to aecore they bad found It far more progtaWe watering his bone. He called kft oa tba plow aagtoa. They pay H kkd
a«a U aatUad after Ui
IT. «we bravtas water froa tka
Uds oa aiUerial for paring wen Prooi
three kgaret
a Uwatae. realising In n toir wife and daagkier who carried klm baafd per day daring ptowlaff bad
laataa watt hwO at Norotay'a aalooB
streot to Oak and oa Mr. InrdU's
lalo tbe bow.
wny tkroagh till aicdlnm.
•2.M aad board doriog Wvool h Ig
oe Valoa. Bear Mat EIgbUt atreat, be
tiM Uc board wka requeued to dO: Tbe lotol itoblliilre arc ISjUd; tUal atmom from the irat aad died u mid- a good Job. aa Uey bore erada oR Mr
Jl P.
aaw nea cotiw M aa« la tka Aoo?.
(Pntt A DaTit) va. Aal ItkewUe for Bau Trinl urm to Web
wau. Ifi.m. or Uto. bowerer, kigM. Mr. Carey waa bom in
foal. I Ilka narii wortc rery wali;
bat weuia act aklar paaltiTaIr tkat ii. Slader and Frank Sladar (P. C. Oil-; llagtaa.
MM <r VWNI Mr.
wfclM oensUta U aqalltoa. tS.OW to
Hy. Mlchlcan. C7 years ago this Mre tom griUag $M par moaUk aaJ
tka aatooa i»rtloB tkai thar «a- barl) Involrlaf tba oailaeUM of a gMM
Mr. OIbbe MtMigkt np Ua BUtor of pteAged aa ooltolorel, learing
moaib. Came to Qraad Trwverae
fooad since oar arrifaL OafkpR Jmrtarad, Satd ha waa akoai arr«etr4vc
aue was before ua asoniag sasskn. piautag treea in the park anoad ike It.oeg as Ue araUaUe SMeis. Out of ItU. He leaven to moani tor him
rent I Mrt $2 pm dv- akd Bm# t
»JkMM «t <U <MHt tfl teat froat tka door el tka koUdlai;.
la Ue caw of Albert Narotar Ue Canegle libnry. atr Attomay OH- ikto abont isto ta
wUe. three sons aad a dboghtar. Will­ ma baaltog wahi (Mre tka RdM 9
Ue BKt Jarr. after aa bowW * "
bm stated ibu be bad three imn Those will be taken care of Sm. No iam of Trevma City, Lawla of Wexaklpplag potau; thay caU tt oa$ M
taou• i« o* c. a P. & ioim. <<
that he u-ould dconto Ua dtr if It
«kad taatraetloaa ot tka c«an on
will la any way affect tka fard. Jaanw and Rona u bame. ]
’Uaektng aafta.- Tk* ptnitn Mat
» m innwl »M ■» IM( mar Bawelr dealt with a tetapkoai* daeulon of fnd. whaUor Ike back woald renore tkem. On Mr. OfbM' tabor aermta. Aeiloa must be takoo botes was aa kOAM. laKnstrio
la which be aaid be eatiad bi>
i WNhOT. Ai l:M a
roan was oaod as a mtt of Ua aaloan. taoUoa |»W WiU ba expanded oa Uls aa early as possible as Interest oa ChrisUaa amn.
tto lolf* art At the NliratiVa oakwa aad notiked then in aad aa the ooort ooaM not aaewer
park tor trees nodar tka sapen
mortgages la severU eases to
Tbe foaerel Mrvlre trill ba u
iq. il>. «. haa «• Oalaa atraM aad
wiesUon which Uer were to determine <d the perk eomntttee.
due. aad aaleM paid tba nortgages eVtoek toorofrew ’fraa OreeabrUr
e 4d tka Ban' bean aoUKad tkat tber w(** opaa.
for far
WlU t« ftwetdused and tka assets re- school bousa.
Ptokiy of worit aad ared WM# ff#wa
CkM of Mica Baaala followed Mr.
. — _____ aa, wfcara the
g In a TMdIct
dueed according. Out of this. Mr.,
Widow Critically ML
wail reutoiad wttk aw akrewm
laai hr Aalaa PraaU. HednoghUa oe tba wltaaea ataed aad
fi:l0 4daetgu|ltr.
Mrs. Pool WlBowUkl of CdT Bay Crotaer atalcd tkat one lot, on Tenth
Dtatk RaA.
tora. I axport to ro m work dAffba
k 9a taanal aartaca tbaa be awora tkat report waa atade to kin
aUau. whose rtabaad’s aboditag aad Ureet. porekaaod from Perry.Haniiab
tor tnda to (ka WNteB.
ia«y, whan
i i \•way Bandar aftre^ moat cleaa ter Uto Urea
ia«MiBa<f W. taleoa waa opeau NotOej Odker
prootnud her. Has for alnce. bm ao dead
Ue home of bar daoMtar.
Aftar baiag hoM op Urec neatlags.
Toare (rely.
Aa kiM ««a aatlrelr Oraar. Mr. Baaala alae aaM tkat be
eriUaallr Ml at her Mwm aad is acarce- Vblla Ua lot la qaoaUoa was worU Mre- 1. Naiko of Boyna City after
' W. a. OrkRt.
«e baM «ba laisa Banker waa fbera akoat • o’eioek balOn.aar- Health OOew Uwtaa’a bill tor Itir:
$400 It was covered wlU a mortgage tweire ctonf liiaaaa of kaan dtomse.
waa Ulowed br the ly coaackus «1 the great grief wblek
, „
Who were gatk- tMag had boae aaid about tka aakno
befallen her. Mrs. WlnowlUL of $aoo. the oonimct ealling for the Tbe deccaaed arrived In Ula coostry
« 9 SAT tkaB laat ttfbata to one baiag opee. Waa dHrlag aad Mft kla citr eoaaeii on Mondar. Tbe
to tka Land gl Flareire.
was III oe Ue CaUi BMnlag. tmUdlag of a bonne by Mr. BmIU. altbi moaths a^ from Riga. Rtmto.
■ aant «t waa aM e( ktadBoa* borva br the allar aad oaw a naa go eft Togardad the bill as too high aad
Jock ttuvor gat tea wBg, wBk^Mt
needed tbe aarrices of a physician aad NoUIng bat tba fHmdatkm aad ccUar •ad leavaa a hnakaad. laaac Sbowl«Ifca iBoa aaatataad hr la a kadi door. Beard talklBg laatde. OBlr allowed It 1^ laaninrtha
Ipew UU Ue knskand had gone had as yet been bafh. aad Hr. BmlU maa. and tbrea oWMrao. Mrs. I. Naiko Trererea City Dam yth.aiiligdM Wiki
Special Pollee OOoar Oreet tbOB was praetkaUr nreed to do so.
lat0wB«KkhB«aadtoad. Oal, tereday boml Urn SL ^
to enidar one and the shock ot Us naked that the cradliora releasa' tba
t Wta BOt maUj be filed. gave hM taatMcnr aod ka awwa Ikaf
IBa eonnUtu oe clUms aad
of Bayaa City. Mn. Hagor of OHoaga ware deuiaad toy kaare kaCaaa |are.
frighifol deaU saenad to baniinb hw lot in quaatlan. Tka mortgage to held and Isadora Showtmaa of Ptttabwg.
ITBMt aMi base wtU Maa ba wait to Ike rear, after laaWag Mr. emua reported billi aggregsUag
fov since then abe by Howard J- Hall aad the bond Is
Raonla oa Bghtk atraat aad kaoeked, llAflAI, the kealih ofieer's bill belag
Tbe ftmerei party arrived ta this
tried tka door aat tsaad It ktekol laeladad la UU. Tbare was a ran worries aboat bis kwg absence. Ban- covered by Julius CampbeU.
clly this aftarBooQ ui:» and wore
vmklag gp aaw Oimha
board tslklag laaida, latw want roaaa deelded UUaoa for a few nonaou aad day ber daughter. Mrs. X U SuUIke depM by Dadaitafc.
tog. where tka 8Mb wire aa MOM M
40 tka doer «e the ponk aide aad lhaa Aldamaa angkon asked Ue
tiur goelal Maaipa.
dreooo, akd brief otrrleoa were brid *a soar, aad ahtolit hk tka
rtwkwmge merely-------------- The Elks are makiBg f
IP which tkara waa ao re- eltr ationar u Ua oonnoll had to alu the Xawish eepaury. where the
Thor* wan ureda dflMMi
tor a aoetol saaskm tor tka Mlaa tm kortol took place.
caUle, wfth b$em
that. ' wliklB reasonabU llmiis, the lo tdtiriil tbaas told the daughter of Ueorenlng'of Jan. t AtUaneetlBB
a IK Mat N HanOUn kKhad or boned.
Thonday Uar paoS
Prad Prut, utonier for tbe defenae, board of bealih has tbe right to bind Ua unexplained absenec of the faUer. SUDCday avMlng Ua fonowlkg aoaWaller V.. son of Mr. aad Mre. John
a al|»r two ooUMoo. had
omtag. wkere tkaX «8#.r
tiM atatad to tka imy tku it woold tba dtr. Mr. Lardle aaked the city aaylng Uu be had gone out u call in mltteea ware appolntad:
nuhey of 8U Baadolpk atreat. died WlU gnat birds of gto$k.«teF ylMnA
physleton -for her aevarU days ago
euilva-A. L. Joyce. Robert MoBday at J a. m. of typtorid
aMMadattka ba praeas br tka dalensa tku ike ationar if tba eltr has. tbo ^;dgbt to
orer Salt Uka at kU#t. RN thPRigl
»d had aot yet monied. Her Price. F. H. Omis.
fever. He waa la kto '
I tkM tka ditaar balckara were naUag aaonge la ibU! caUblMb a price for fuinlgatiaR. Tbe
the Tougbeat part ef the Miuutog I*
was tku It bad the right tf physieal condlUon to
Eatertalnmcni—Bam Banda. Okarku •ad leawea baaMoa hto faUer and
A rate okd at Ike part «( tka btOMlag that daj aad that
the algkL aad by Bmtnf
t^odc to her weak heart being Ue Broadfool. c. A. Skridiar.
^ttsathoMedba gartlM of the koOdlag wu aot med dm notlca was given.
tootbar, thiM braUen aad Urea alaover toyond tka reaatkKMi wBare tkay
Tba quaaUan .ms raised as to worst feuure. Pr. BanooaU of toaBa^oei—P. J. Beektel. H. O. Lar­ urs. The fttnaral aervkse waa at
Mr. Praatr waa lhaa eallad fer tk> wkathkr Ua paring <rf UU bill would dare arrived Monday on Ue aarly son. c. W. Fkuat, Fred Dunn. 8. L. o-doek.Wadaeaday mratog from 8i. aaose Into tka toad of 8si^ md w>
angaa. Tka8$ldB wanaagremM Ik ' "
Niaaa, HU teatlnnr waa oaed to aouMUh n precedent nnd Uc rep!> morning train and
•Yaaela ckorrii. R«r. Fr. Baa
tost saeramanis or Ue CaUoUc
T%W olate tha tripld
epeach tku ot A. B. WOaoa. wk-> wu tkU It wonM nu blnd.Ue ct
RaeapUtn-c. E. HaM Oaorga K. ilelaUng. He waa boriod to tka Caikagood akapo. aad Mr
atatad that ka «M aot oaoraMa with
PAT othora at Ua same nte.
AnriUla. Henry W. Bmltk, Ji
Uc cematery. Cndmaker Carter to he to (aaltog aiKk
Lardte Uc« atatad tku aone people
■ MftgakdlBa
triptkayaam gware
awafitthat m tku dar ka waa baek of bad dona tkelr own funl^Ung aad
rtUUoo-Joha O. StraUi. Ba
af ntortta aad «**siUsgtHr wafvam,
WAMafa More, aaw A. B. WUm who waaiad to know it Uaaa were Inelodad water dnd aimrly lost kto Ufa as
aartaad. pmrteo T. Vadar.
rtaa Btanok Kroopa. aged 71
F. J. BUinr.
^ At tka HallOMa aaM ka would glira tka wltaaea tl if In tka bill. Mr. Dockamr-auted UU conaeqnaaee, but waa raacuad from
Oecoreiloa-Heary ToaneUa^-W. O.; yqpra paaaad away.Monday eight at
ba woald go taito tka aalooe aod get Or. Lawton had toM Mm that avarr the ovennread bosL being found wiu C Oermalaa. Willard Campbell. K. C«:U at Ue home of ber bob. Freak,
htn aoow Hvior. Aabad Mr. WUaon caae far whUk be charged, be bat barely anoogh sirengU lo bold oa. Bmiags.
Will Via Hdipt
of K»akto.waala aftar a ttogertog til« be waa dry. Bapiiad tku ba was done tka work hlnaetr. Mr. Lardle still that did not dator him from amaslmaater. Jaa R. Banta.
nom extODdlag over aevetal MgoUs.
la aaotkar oniam trill ba laaM aa
K btt had aeea a»ea golog U there. then asked for tka reading ot Ue bill.
Tbe dectosed laarea Urre daughters aaaaaat at tba red aaaMttaa M the
Mr. frpu. a earpantar aad folaar, Tbe Mil, whiek waa iteaUad. ahowed In the ftiuag ptmuit as he wm very
•eeial ffvoM U Lotond.
and pan son to mom ber loss. Mri.
fOUowad aad ka aware that oa that lie ciasn. Urea of whIU wan ammll- food of the ukrt and want ont tkat
LUaad. Mich.. Dec.
One of the Kata OorbeU and Mn. Anns Leoo- waa saddanly takaa Wore (hare hy
dar ba aaw A. B. WBaok taaalag ap pox. Mr. ClbbamoTadtkatUeblUbe day to proride flak for tba next day,
BOU lotareaUng faUurea of Ue ata- yard. bpU of Oadar Ran. and Miao drowning last Tbiraday. Tka body
agateu tka boIUlBg ga Uahn atreu aUowad along wiU tka oUara nport- iku belBg Friday.
■» took plaee at tka H. 8. ehutek U Mary Kroupa and Freak Knmpa ot baa aot yet bean fared, aad U to
aad tka alOreaald Wllaoo atdeed kiai to ad is the connlUea. TkU wns n
Maaire. Freni Satlek. Joaapb
Lctaad auuTday evening wkmi tbe NeoUto-waata. basMas a bn
deubttel aow tr u wiU
ba ramrh
go Mto tka aaloen aad get kl» a boi- tied. Hoverar. la occordutee with
Brief. Anton Shaleak! and
giris of Ua BpworU League mint- Joaapb Stanft of Trawsa aty aad read. Mre. WtoowtoU Ore at tke polBl
Ue. Bald la tMlr that ba dMa\ think
WinowlsUwere oat Sonday vatnlx Uiaad tka isrse nndleaoD tor aAoai
one Bister to Europe. Mre. Kitmpa et daaU from tba amdt bad (tan in
or the «H- ha cooM gat la bat woald go to a drag
chargee la tbe future wlU nU exceed •aarektng tor the lost body, but t
ikrea boors wiu imnunime aad
Ub country ihirtrffre years su small ckUdren. top areaU to bo
« kkPwa noMMaoC thu ■tore for IL Aakadrf folka ware eick
Od Mr. Lardle's moUon. anabla to accomplish anyUlng. oi
ago wiU ber huibaad, who died to brand wiBaarn. bretdre (bar aWar
I dead ta bad aboat aad M oald tkar w«* oot bat waUed
the UU will be puUlshad la Ue U to Uc stona, and as ttooM tote was
served ta the-league parlors. Aiuog 1»2. and the coople settled at U«- dangfcian. two of wham are rewrtad.
euag br hh
m iMoor oot et the aolocn.
against tkelr effOru they lost ibelr
rial ptwcoedlngs of Ue coondl.
i BiaiBwl, wttk wkoB
the very best acta was that ot Mtai towe at Bowers Harbor, wkere they Tke moibw aad tke litto oaaa are okProd Uapke. Vbo baa boon taearThe brst comnaaicatloB receivM bearings in tka dark and ware ceilrel)
EUel Hinsbaw acUng Ue part of a have sinco retodad. Tke foaeral aer- able to help tbamselno, aad reaaay
BaatBoUaaaBar.Mr. aeratod oadar the third rlolaliao of
was one atgned hr C. J. Und aald^ kM as lo Uc dlraetkM of Ue city, and cranky nniac taking care of a haliy.
vice* will be beM Tlkiradar atore'tog and proviBloas are aailad (MMdtoddBpaatHraanedagr. tka draak aad dlaordarlj tdoaaa atoes
for ITS tor daaagea ncelved oa a flnUly dlarorered tkat the lights Uu
Him Datoy Ilryaai acted to perfee- at Un borne of Freak Kroopa and al
■ tH«dartihMUIaaB« the tru of KoTOaber. appeared to
Tbe Bvaatog Record tff Uto oRy
SerenU and Vnloe Uey aiippoaed were Treveree «ty beOmit oeort for aeoteaee. Tbougb kr •reels; He aUd ha was Injnrad Nov. •ooged to Bingham. They did not Uon tbe dtoappototed telepbona gtrl. 10 o'clock from Ua chtorek at Mapla- koa ataitad a faad for Umlr roHct aai
^ OUST very good peffonaancea
ton aad Ue burial wUI be at tbe
reptlaa to tbe way of eaoh kora baaa
plaadod guUtr tka coort anda as cf- ti aad mi nnabla to work elare Ihui. rcacb home nnUl « o'clock.
greittytog Mlaa tadarta kps
Can to aaea bln a penU aestence Tbe muter was referred to Ue «
retartainlng ber bean, tricking and Aftderson Imrtog charge of tbe ar* atoo tmn oetlre la dbUartag elotkthrough tka IntarmtUoa ad fricodi mlftee oa datms and aeeoonu.
Joaapb Ryanfa PoMraL
eating aour cbarrles. ritornlng. akat' aad provtotoaa. W ihare
aad aaked thu If a war waa darlaed
A plUtol caaa of denhuton a
The foBcml aerricaa of j
lag, tbe marriage oeremoDy acted to
■Dotka to faa# aad njo^
hr the court aad proaoNKloa to atar brought to Ue uttotloo of tbe eo
Ryant was held Sunday aftoraeon perfeetloo, drossmaktog aad sawing
hard wiaier to beOwa (km. UwedlJ
Latter Frepi CaHternia.
B WDBld ka hare trunaa. UI by 3. M. Haelinaaial. John Aiea
at i o'cloek from tbo realdence M2 wood. Tbe chnrcb was nicely di
mall Utog tor a lureor; dMvttw
HoH. Cal.. Dec. u. mi.
to earrr it ikroogh. Tka re- Uvea wlU his wWe aad tour UUdree
Day stiect. Tbe burial was read bv aied to Ue league colare whiU added
opoadeu auied that he bad worinJ oa tka sooth aide. He bad baeo a
To Oar Frlondk to Saow-Covarad tote tba cUy, to stop at tka itttto hoare
Antoa Prealt. who was a fellow
iocb lo Uc attrertlveBMs.
d07 Bay street aad Imira a oiek Of
for (USercat eoatraetore, bard wafting man but was severely
!«• Of Uc C. 8. P. a. todga. aad U.
Mias Oeorgio Psuius eloeod the for the west law April, wc ware naked
Mr. n ptoea af portt ar
MS a alagle asaa. bu had hnnhar« injured <n ope of the raciories tonr
drecesed was tong a asembar. The
ef tka TMtkkire Fhtoa ffaU tku if ha was girea tklrtr anatks ago aad since tbu lime has
by ao many to write aad tall Uew
Bays' band led Ua md eortece to Oak tomime Soft of Ages. aai« by tka
dare ttat ka night abstain for that beto pncitoally hripleu so far as sapaboat the caiauy. so we wfll taka Uto n tka term erilar. It woMd be a
wood cematcry where the borta) took girls.
laaglh of Una aad eoBUnua to do .
war of dotog IL treuiag It will provw Bale Utog tor klm tato.katttwredd
porting hit familr to coBcei
auek to Ibe temUy. gnu yoo do
retMactory ta all.
^a pourt stated that it was not dc- Ibe tanlly bodoT a ceaL Mr. HoeU Ptoce. Tbe pall bearers were Mesam.
Irwin. JoMph Pitorek, Albert Potertyl.
It* Ooi
MMMe to tan looae opes Uu
s of todkw me ■
m-ell. we arrivad to CalUonria
nanial mated Uxt he andemood tbsi Angosi Uaomaa and Victor PetertyU
Aa tmporum real e
I who woaldCalr
Saiarday. April It. atom 6:» a. m.. tor bow oamlL may ka Mfi ar oaat ta
the fanlty was fed by BUebbore. They
AlMdiMlii I. aHo« aspe
oapekM to tka cotmir. but if tbanwas Moetoded yeotentay when Mrs. after a kwg aad tlreoone ride Uroagk Ue Reeard oMc*. aad'addad to ik*
la amart tor tbUr rent and It to
Laaaed Elk Rapids Galtory.
. «Bt dirtaa 9 Btel- ww
Clare A. Ramadell aaU tba farm Ike alkali platoa of Nevada. At aboat (aad wkkh wBI be gp igdJy aoadad
oolf tknagb tbe kiadneas of their
be aaM he wooM allow acwicnce to be taadlard that they have a Mace to: EL N. Moblo of UU eliy has Kmaed p«p»riy lying Jtm wm of tka etiy 6 a. m. wo paased a spot called Cape before spring to pay tka asenmarr Ifvat Elk RmiMs aad known aa the Ramsdell fndi term,
•re Ml and oeraa groat defarred. prorldtag Bona one tottr
Hon. Tbe acaaery was aiaspty keaiui- tag eipmaes of tbe teaily.
shetter Uem. Aptriicatiok had keen
• Ha aiae leaves
to JBIIBS T. Hannah for a
Md«d la behalf of the mptndcot. Bade to Pur Conntoaiami
iwas ao gram aad sUtl
Lackey. Mr. Moblo wtll operate Ue ikm of $p.oaa. Tbe Ramadeli Indt
mea aad BsaaH. of Bu- Brad Pkau (kea atoted to Ue com
w« WlU Ue algku'dew. We arrlre-l
aad Oooaiy Saperisleadent O
A Bowty maiflaf ed4i^l«|RiUdh(■
thU be had talked wttk a bmUer of owing to which proklUti giv­ Elk BapMs gallery to eonaaettoa wlU teem has kwg been ewe of the
la StoefcUm abom wwa of Ue
gan Osatral into (MWiMi liriraaa .
■pnkm wan u k Unpke aad
dcairoas of dolag ing iBilitiwei to nay but legal reti- his Mnesa la this eltr. Ha wOl give aoud frett teima of
day. We were met by our retoUvea.
bad ima reraaUy dlswork kto own paraonal attmtion
wu ba oaoM far Ue bnb.
deata. they were powerioss to do any­ and wUl maptoy «*«patent help tor^ Tba tote Jndge Ramadan was an
tnrbad by Ua rrmaifeg of 9a other
ta CBroli coort (he Noratay
ardaai atadaat ot hortleainire aad dathing. they baring oUy been here
paaamgara. Tba brllk
hto galtoft here io take care tf Uc vsted amay yean to tka coHnre et escorted to oar pimiat addnas.
le Paople rs. Albert ftorotay. wi
tormteP ttom, bat
the Mr ui:M Uls aftamoou
■may vailetlea ef fnrito apoa acleaWkUr the tontlr baa au bean here
Hr. Moblo bas ben to tomtom la taie priariMoA Hto work to Uto «• of lAM mam. et «l»kb my tootkmla AaoUy the tottor. a atiiMbttreaaiaw
two kom bad baaa spent la argo- a roar, they are aU Urengers nor
tow to toremaL
atoo. hitua
brake Oft
to tkijiaeflac tore
this elty far Ue psM hfiean yrers and rectum broagkt Jodgo Bamsdall to»
UMBleau. They had prerioo
This to a .tna etbkata. Oar woaM
>: "Taa.fta
Adddari^ that time baa always gtvea antPraak Bnoknayer was i________
aadktotwmwaa Utok K wooM be vary drywkd aapreg the# own hoan aad par­ l^crioa to his tojge
awriad. Wawp&MlMM*
wide# kaawa tor tka inwllarfc aad daalva on aocewat of no nia teOtog
I lor Uaiatloa at tba IMoorMw hr kaep- ing taxes bu a aunkcr of years aga
w and are friag te mm aa tka
' Mg hi. aoM. opto on etoulaa Mr tbe-htolU of the wife toiled aad aha
dwrtog Uammmar. tort aseb m aot tka
■ ftlMaai
Of wtak to Elk Ruiid.
wm WDaad pitodai goHty.
«aaa. far evaryUdag loalts mm and
aad the cblMrea want badi to tka old
Tteoaaa of Pater CaaOtett rs..WRI- eouatrr. Her brelu inprorea. bow- •onHetir be aoceemtol £e. also.
Man Hcariy Fraoaa.
gnwB right akmg. Wa hare vary
a Htonttan. arnaltd tixto Janw
Iktortoekea. Mick, Dee. U»Jto < hmvy dawn wblek aaawor the pnrto Maisda af CeaMtora
I tom ftatt A tnrlB. ItaUiinnid *
Ma of nik may akely.
Daabte to laager boar Ike bordaa M
a tka M
K. K.
tt to a great-aigto to ana (ka crew





• I'":

IM oofi ala I
ehwfly aantoOB
hdadio tM l*wl*t wW* la la preomi. FM»M
we way eapeet to ow food raUiood
ooMtoM Oor «M«t trade la alto
mi; Ibr. whOo we wOt Mre UMU
er tow to m<*. «• «tn hare
jOaoty «r enioo. eers. oeU aad other
eota «• both toad aod era. At beau
trade to mo emudlnt. Md there U
good dmaad for ararir UI
faeiarod arodaeta The Iroa aad ateel
mtr i*(mU tmrt tradca are agala oa ewe of Ibeir
rfflnadi are owatag la aa Mary btijrt mi. era of awderiui. ihto aetfrlty prowl
w WK fw a eoaaMetahto parted.
wtmm m whole
denlaad to
HdH7 woM mlievtou
eaUr the aew rear wadw my
4o awhr w«h mnA
mmmm. «o««4e---------- M eoadHteoa aad to enjoy a farthot
a* • tBrti»r'*oori he DW pwted of proeperfiy. ThM haa ben
to a
teat la Wall atmt. aad ralnks oa.iho
itnrk nfhinir It abooU he reata^
bend, are apaa a eery high level. So
da ao rarorable. there la mtid
Uwarr e( way eenoua rearllon; pro« aad laaec oT orw ee
lAr »«Mir tfeM • eew •« lo tto earitiea nra heitt wHhla rcaaot
TMfla. The Ug haaklag laiweati
Mfll affardtag their aapport. hanaqoliM ndaiteaa pmall awaog the lanK
wd eorpanUoat, aad prieoi ahow

« tth» oottfWM «(. H«r
m to tMi eoOTt]
■ ttvanla MOM
Bow MM? 4W» AW tnwi
■fTBowM^ «e P«l oo>
.«» «B* h*N thn ore lEMT How


MW «nwM hr |he

4o4M»*Mi)r load W wn or
~ OhiMritotf MooontrT Am


• horn who lo
thw the Mm Itii^
had • ho-

Mmw la iho M w^ m


mr Mtw am n* war

.immm mmta dUft* m-mi
>«^to am MW •

1 llWMil-ad

M MW ooowa MOM » aoKiMr.
«n oood It oMlI M
« M OMamMi w-aoewa. Mt U,
IMiImi- M' '. • WM'-Whal
■iMWhM'tMrMr thOM that cM'i

oB htodo rowoto omac aod aodro.
"M aaHw or rooMlm Uw atook warkot oMm aa IwocorM dadeeteoe.
Mlot the aoottww worn
irteothd wwkoaoui.aad
tt» aatote or the woltat ho> bm

^nrSeaaM ptlea. lavwaion ««ly
will get 1«%* per aftaam. Bttolaetdewe thnn«b fllWOilOO tntoTMmpaar.
ftor dctaito and tor roltoble Itfarwattee
waMeratog the Mtaiate. eafl. pmtieUoat. people, Uwa. toad tltlct o^
tanltlet for AiBecteaas to freU gto«lag. guttoalag, becltaephtg or etoci:
Mg: tor prtoe. of toad ia tonte o.It to rwB ia oppoeUtoa to the SevenU: aaiaU oocla. and tor ti
Day Adreaitota. aod to eoaiinaed of
the laeMbert of the toner eect-wbo do
BOt beltore to an the tcochlagi <d Mn.
Mien a. WbMe.
PeaiiMula Tem.
Monroe epartewen arr- havtag a
/> get eaoagh mueliTato tor . I will be ready to reeelre ta«e« for
.eatoiato townehlp at the followtog
the Mg wraper they hare ptoaeed for,
pjohnioo Jr.'a.
Detroit aad TMedo nwriiwi

cal* It. when he tost hto fooUag,
. rather, hto heart went toiek on
aad M fMl dead on (he track. The
docten ctolw that hto bean wag la bad
Bhape. allboagh he wma a powerfatty
btUU wan. A aad feature of hto death
was that hto wife was la fit. Louis
aad she conM not be found, at (hey did
noi.«W-her addrera.
The Boaioa Farntiaiwaad UadOuk-

ma m awrlnt mmu-to be
I Mow tom bonaa warred iM
I MUtodl tf^cbotfctoic mum
aad tnaim
hooMha dtototoa of ooiakw. AMer a
hoMtoof I M H aotoU la the acUrc •CTTLCM* FAMtS TO THE SOUTH
oMeha «h«» fa Mtarally wore wr lew
MMiflhw. hot ommiea have hooa
Reduced 'rate lidiets <n aale Ah:
•Mat ha* tola atroaiar haada atala. and turd Tueaday* of each month nntu
teas ,
«ad mUfti la hi* mrtora baa
Bee apMta for rootea mad rales.
BM h«B toitMhat la aay deem by
Dec n,Mah I
H. P. Moeller
a or Iho taetleo or



wUi. la the aei
«a tM altaa- fWure a* the Im Moanuia c«ra•fmoay.aa cn tor a toucriee tp cnaatmn and
tor » operate e »ae cr
ta the dty. Aa ptoaned the Uee to lo
be a pan of a oaotimone Uae craraeeitog Niagara. Qalaaeane. Norway. Val-



Them to both gucHl leMc asd rood will In gtoiag gifld that comline uadolness and bCMly. Oureiock abonadi to aenslble |$(tB.
Hair, Oath. Hat aad other ktoahw.
a little flaer grade t(iaa we legdMfty
carry. Prices lo» ter lha paalUy.
la a variety of
salt you tm'ihli Meat. A good, aenaible line.
The kind ihal to fright. No Gtonp
John stuir. but flm etora gmd»..M
fancy pnekagea and bulk.
PooIk4 nooks and Purses. h>r hniB
todkd and gr-allewai—Card Oaaaa,
BUI Madia, ttbopping nags. etc. al
rt«aoiial.l<- prttvw.

t have a large aafl attnMve
ate* of Chitotma preoeota

But reeelradc







e DeckMim S
ee'of tbe^en
tbe%on in
i ray Kitiro m
iheen to a tvport clreutoled (hat I oe
dncied fraw the natory of Bn) Bnu
Idle atari who drivni my teowl a pen
of a dar'e pay for the atieaUon b"
fare the law Hr. Sloder. Dee. 17.
)i don* MH neeni powIMe to me tbai
there cohWI Ite any Much report
toied. ir eo. II to a iioae erre
wse. as ny bonks win jibnw.

Jdlehlm HMory for Wtehlm Bo/t
tad OMa.- which I* begno la Ihlt i>HM or iM Herald, will be ol toteraet
to yooag aad old ehke. Mra. Bator
wtay woaiba of hard aad totthfal
work OB theae akelfMa. a few yean
ago. apeadiag orach Uwe io the State
library at Laaatag aad the Detroit
City imary. eaawlalBg OMiee
w hlaiory Md oapubUshed t
Kate A. Hockery.
I or t^dfCereat pwiode la the
htotory oC the ataW, aad whDe iheae
hae aw called "Storlee Ftaai
MleUm ftMon." they really terw a
nooa whole. The work
Nettoe of A
orlfftaally lateaded tor youag audeeu.
The annual ran
bat dareiepad lato a aerlas cd aketehra
Maittal PIre Ini'_____
___ ___ _ ...
that wUl latereot an olaaea of read- tirand
Traverte. Antrim and Leelanen
en.-aad wUl be or epedto ralae in the
I be held to Crai
**doti of the aCaie. TM’wnggeetlotf
IX. Jannary Kkh.
o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of
ide that ibe oketeber be read la
deettog a aeeretary and three dircetIMrahooto each week. MiMyagfear
aad the tranaettoa of other Wislla tlw Herwld. We beBere that thir
I or InparlhDOc that wilt come bewoeid aM to awakoalM to ibe adada
ft the popila a deeper aad mre direct
iteiMt la the htotory of Michlgae
we U aow bMwb.
Tilt valaable aertet ed rketehee ui
be or aereral good feouirea the Her­
ald haa ia now tor It* mdon daring
the cotolat year.
riot ,HelMay liRtieit.
The haadpoweat holiday odtllow rceclred at t|to aStoe (hit maoe to that
or ihe Maatottm Ptnaer-Tribaae. li
' ' - «r twea^artocr pagea. prtdted
OB the daew emwMa kook pyifr^
with hoDr botdeta oa erwy page.Tbo
paper to replete with Meetol Rluairaied holiday tootowa, aad overflowIw with adrerUMag, aad cxwtalae la
BdditiM to the regalar aewa o( the
of haUeeaa awa cT Maatodgne. *th
half toa> lUoBtratlona.

Tim airw to plaa tor


nae-hair da:
liinud to (he store artth ihe tean.
He retaraed to the atmv with ih>
inaw aad gave then to charge of aa
other wan abatt S o'etoek; then he.
Meat awv and did not return
«tor« natJI about 4 (.'dock and wf:.
p«M for thr full day.
Anyone who ban hoard or who
daki that I did charge him for
time that day to at Uberty to eaamiae
my bookn and aak my oOoe help.
J. W. Blater.
Ur. Bol Scott was ant ehaneed for
•gy «r bto Utae that day. but recotvfd
hto pay for ton weekb work to full
tpl oae-hair (toy's time that be |os;

wMMiMWHaM ho told. «• waot
Daata af J. F. MeTappart.
MiMmi Mil, for
H homi to
«ar ho WhoMd
The tettewtog letter haa been
ok ho ■« wuwoc ealvod toon Menda of iM late J. F.
h wMiiia. M
40 hk data wt McTnggan. gtrlng wora complete do
lalto «r hit death.
1 mM awm to mad. omita to
Staatop. Wla.. Dec to. IMt.
Herald. Travem Oty. Mich.:
totodh of'omMa-wni. tt wocoaTM aad death of J. p. McTBgmt
ta «m awMt howm
at fteveas Potat, Wla.. nito off a won
IMT «MI M to today.lUe man. He had outlcd with
' MMd Voor Ahood.
• fhd WMhIr renew « Heair Clew*
mr mUfytat nMWok. aod
Witio W the moot attoek la the

hr aa osweet aad it to raw
anaaoed to be a wad of floe qaalHy,
tor the waautoelere <d the
beweeraeet. Thww are reoMoe to heItove that the depoeli etteode to a
depth of 1» to mieet. A larM oe
raem plaat will Ukely be baUi near the
lake at oaea. TM dm dtooom
the aaot bed waa laade toat wtater by
lee enttere. .

Good Uwe te l

Are You Aware
That You Can



oa Cake Meal |«er 100 lb $1.6b

Will Ite belter Utta ever.

Wc buy nothing but the best grain and you get tbe
pure article.


blugraiihy would aaturally ..
long In thx muiit loteteMiBg ll(cra.‘

Travprsp City MhrkPts.

•harKip pill nyiiirally
of dtoltocUoBlnAhe
mlDda of all nadcn. and ne pnbliraiion of her aewiatory in Seribaer'a neat year will be an .ereot of
ver/ anuanal Importaaoe In tbe
fleld of nriisazlDC lIliFraiiirf.

r.C.OtaBm»d. Aieoto.

Bosteii filililiiis

electloDh. cdDcailon. rcIlKto
Mc». etc.. «c.. tclilag pf I..V
who are nbaplag evenu. of meas;
urt» aow under active dtocnosioit.
and of lantlvea wblch arc ntnrlfls
tuinle* and forming forriga |«ll-




2S eto. a oepy. flUO a year.
1SS Fifth Ave. New York.



=OUR =

We also have Mcn^« Slippers of all kincLs. going at
this Cut Price Sale. Your friend. Mr.------. needs a
pair. Buy him a pair few his Christmas Gift. We also
have a large line of


Ur George Bancroft, htotorian.

ZM B. Ftont St

We are makioe .special reduction on Ladies’
Warm suppers, the kind that makes a nice gift for
your wife, daughter or sweetheart.

Feed, mcau Bran, IBM«inRflo
i Corn and Oafs




The best for the ^Sce in

FOR 1905

B«vET0u cnems

if to, $176 bays a26Ib ptB In.
(emaxkwal Poahry Food.

Cut Price Sale

Ole ean ei«e Vwi

217 E. FRONT ST.

Fine Fend U $1.30 per
Street cm feed at $1.30I per
Coane com meal at $1.30 |ier
lUO lbs
Best firta. H. At U Cos. $1.10
<per lUO Ibt
Budewluat MitUlhisi $1.10 Iter
100 lU
I abo carry Oats, Com and


suaflsnu susnanu


fumtuk. eh.


Bbkh wrr GIVEN FREE wUh orrierj
for Snap and ToilM Oonda. Tlie aavlne
...........- ■•'iftomere of rpiririi,rinen'H pn.fODAY,

Ttt Hone Soap Co., DotroH.


»"roR saja-Emw.
f"-. to"* ■Utou tfv

down the chimney .ire hc#c in abundance.
slock of

dr,»B.J.Mnraaa.TtaT«t» city. MIA.




For Men, Women and Children. Call and g«t
prices. ‘ Remember we make j-oor feet glad.

Alfred GrciUcjtij^

. tecossw to Fnuk Friedrich a Co, Trarerse aiy.


In our vast

Books, China,
Coilei Casss, Jllbums,
Barnes, Coys,
Pictures and JIrt


Leggings and Overgaiters


W^- m m.1
Write f(.r rii-scriplJvc catointut* of 200
Uaeful Artlelea, cnn«i'tto|; of

You cu'find suitable gifts for all at prices you can af*)
ford to pay. Be sure to do your Christmas sboppiiy
at the

City Book

The Popular Place to Trade

MtH-Bncttrg*., Pnpt. tnmt Otf,mkk.


Mlw Hetoa pray retsiaed loCBlea•» thie neralag afttr a tkne maUtf*
Wm U A. CUwWl hM SMM to toay km.
Mn. Oeorge W. MUIcr aad Uttle
Mr. MMAmm, peAM Mmk M the daagkter Beaaor left tkto amatag
ML A V. B, to m M« OhHtoo It. Itoa- ter 8abright. Teda.. vkm they wi:i
be tbe gaatoo to bar tetker, Tkom*
fwur to Mktac ifc* n» teter.
Mn. 1. Akm •( Biackm to ta tho Ikylor. aatfl after tte kpUdaye.
Ooauaeior George J. OTotoe to Tocttr toftv M to AIM HIM Bnk *'-*
tote wko kaa teeala Ode city to
CMtoa Blnwtk. wto> kM kon
ten tar kto hone tkla noraMfetac eo tko IMN eottM* ^
•MM ot 0*M tor Mr, MtCtoot of tngoTertkea.R.8t Wocfcwinaow
be at a toaadttiu aaUl. ■rewtootilr
not kOM Uto I
weaUtw pemiu aaoU la tbe ep
totrcaocootof ktoMfflMr. OTpoto oe kto retan wl» krtag
hta tearilr aad occapy a cottage
#IM fWtoj*t iMrt
B. OHtff to Ctom Uke iwoMa Bdgewood darlag Jaly. Aegato.^
, «kw« ko to MlM «
Mn. 8. r. HotoMb «Mt tom tke
M. k N. B. Um CO K buiSM.m* Uto

iMirm vm rmn tkto motog oo
kv koUtor TocsUoo.
Mn. Oertnto* Hoace ud
MtM liuto Ham*, mi Mn. IMH
Boww to BMdoA are to tko totjr Uto
tounnoA on A koUdar abokpiac trip.
Cortto and
•to aad MIm FUato Netoeo wool to
KcrMMthto naralag.
Mn. Ckrto B. X«kl aad cWldreA to
Nertbpori an Tnrene OU
Pam- W. Wanter* to Nortkport U
it tke city today oa kwlaoM.
Mn. Howard B. om to Nortkport to
mktog a baMam trip to Tnrenc
Oty today. Ntarmlag UtooreatosMn. Udto Ortowoid to Hatckce
Crontog wee ta the dty tkto mratog.
PkUUp Baeor to tol Beeoad Btreet.
who kaa kOM AertooBty iU ter a BMotk
Mr. aad Mn. WIDIaa BatoUad to
Ckeboygaa. who kare kaea tke cant*
to tktor panata. Mr. and Mto. OAorgv
Browa. reUraod kotoe UU
Mn. t. Bnddock aad ti
««-« tonta. toUOMd. to. tteir
koaniA Ckebeyte* Uto mratng after

Mtoe BtkeV OIMa, who has ^
taklag a eoane (a rnele at Cbk^.
retaiaed ter Ue koUdays lato eveatag
acoon pasted by ker fatker, H. U
Mr. aad Mn. D. B. Carter left Ui>
taoratog tar New Ortoaao. where they
will epead tbe wtatar.
Mr. aad-Nn. Wilber B. Caatpbtol of
the ttei«tem Uer fkm an ki tkr
toty today oa oStoto kaalaoea.
Mr. aad Mn. BgH. Hotoieod. who
have keea tko gaeois t(«4toailvc« te
Kagban ter » ' week mimed tkto

it towa tkto aamiBg
Albert WUdBaa to to Oedar Bn to-;
day oa katoaeaa.
N. B. Fteatot. oae to tke taadtod
Mtoew am to Kalgaak;.. to.Ue
gaea t to U D. Oartto.
W. M. Dwnaa. who bar beea .totob
tag kto atoter. Mra. W. H. Upvtoaa<
g» Bbat FtMt tti^aad Mtoi Laar>
Demaa. maned to kto bone .U
LceterUle Batarday atokL
PIgM WUi ge gmer.
M .Who Wio peratoi la tooeiag
aaal red:

Um. It pot ended earlier by fatal tar.
SM vhai T. &. Beall to
Beall. Mlat. tea to asy: *Xaat toll
my wife had everr WBipten to ooaaaaiptiOB. She look Dr. Biagk New
Dtocovery after ereryUlog '
‘ '
foor boulea eetitwly eared ker.** Gaar*
aoteed by Johaaea Drag Oo. 8. C.
Well A Bom aad F. H. Meadu Dnigglau. Price SM aad fl.OO. Trial kolUea.toee.
Port HoroD awai dealen am tevteg
a rate war. wbtek was kdgaa by the
aatoo W a eoopic of tb«a la oattlag
tte aeaal prteet.

price to a ntotake. bni yenll aever
wrong If yoa Uke Dr. Ktegh New Ufe
Pill# for dyapepato. dlntseBa. bead:
ache. Urer or bowel tiodtoca. They
are gentle yet thorough. |ie. at teka
' Mr- aid Mia. L Narko ted tatter, aoa Drag Oo.'a. & E. Wdlt ft 6
(eaac Skowlma to Boyae GHy. wko
■noaipaaled the reatalae
Bother to Uto toty yetoerdar ter Ue
tertot. retaraed tkto auralag. i. BUveretnln aad & Bdetoirala. wtoi atoo
foroMd a pan to tke fte^ party,
retnmd Uto nontag oo Ue eeriy
inlB aad M. nuto to BBplre. wko
atteoded Ue obaeqalet, reuirsed
Keep your nwsi*y aboat Ue
bonae. but put M la onr teak
Mra. A. C. Bder toft tkto aMralay
whorv you can get tt wbea you
for a teort ritot wtU Meado U Maawant It We pay 3 per cent totena.
lerepi la oar aartaga' departMb. .WilllaiB Leo to Sedou Bay ar-!
neat. coDpoaaded twice a year.
rived Uto aMralag oa a akopplag tov.
Oar tMlldiag and vaults an.
Mr. aad Mra. Edward Ftoker aad
HrtcUy Are proof.. Your BMiey
childrea to Bingkaa are ie tbe toty
oU«r valaal'lea gngeiteci.
aafr with oa.
Mra. Jten Bead to Buttou Bay to Is’
Ue toty today.
rtolUag B. Brittto.
Mrs. WUUaB Bebauw, wko was lii
Dr. a Dl MUtor kae fwtermd from
Ue toty today oa a btdlday sboppiaz
Toledo., wbm ke kao
e^yiedlUoa ^taraed to her boaie to
Sottou Bay UnlgkL
J. 8. nietoter. katoa
Ue Ikeware to Mea" oomaay. wa*
la the city toot ereolagoa bortneee,
prto. daooky wao la dke toty today
oa Me war to BbeUaad ter a tra day»’



tnw3t Qtf SMt


eight to opead tke boUdayo wtU B. A.
BryaMpf ColoaetrwL
PVMt Batvtoyk Beeord.
Oailea Ktoaoa to Morthport arrind
tUe aaralag oa a b^aen trip to Ue
Mr. aad Mm. ftod Aalwm
<Mma are la Ue aity today oa a basl^
aeao trip.
Rokert A. Otoapkelt to Petoekar.
wte hM koea tka gaeK to kto ao
B. Caaukell. aad tenllr to NorUporL
pBMad Uipagk towB tkto* mnlag oa


TU AOAtoas me
aad to addhtoo
• atot owy aittoto tkey ted
Atoattog akoto »M. Aa onUt
wm aenad aad dntof
toOad hf totoa HtoM Baaaea aad
toMi Mtoc ky Mr. BoMan.
^ etolgk taadi wm oto tnm Uto ettr
fM akoM IM wm to aitoadwMA

\ter. aad Mn. M U BAfwk
^JtoArtottei to! a Vecy toMwaat iwi
Altei WM Mtp to tetekto vnk tke
•WtotoiMi ttee Mat amtog. a tonp
to tteto Btoato wMOwi ai tktor

aad tke ttee maai
JlpMMk iM aalr teat to tke toty A
^MtoR^Ma 'kat has alrady mi

M far M tkto city by kto m.
Mlaa Btoasa Ctocrfla to BUgkan b
iB town today.
Mn. P. C. OoMmlU aad two daaghlen. AUee and Inwa. are la Ue toty
today for a ekort vtolL
Mr. and Mn. Wward Maywd to
OrawB arrived Uto afiaraoea to ro>
i over Boaday ae tbe gaen to Mn.,
A. ft ktayaard.
Mra tatoea MctaaeiB, wko has ken
at Satoad ter aereni weeka attea
laagbler. Mra. Heaiy Btodtew. retamed Uto afterwooa.
Mn. Ckartoe KrwM aad Mtoe Baa
ate Uvti to Grawa arrived Uto afteroa a abort bariaaM trig.

teaader Pack to NoRkpon to to tte
diy taday oa koMaeaa. ‘
Mtoe Ma MeyaoMa to BeUau Bay
paaaed tkroagh tte toty tkto mralag
oa her way to PtoaUay. wbm ahe
wtn Bpcad aa b
Mn. Mary FOtoar wt BtotoM Bay
ikriNgk tte ator ttto aawatte
qi her way to Detiett wbm tea wfU
Ue wiater.
> Myna Jtea aad tttUe el
lUan. to Konkpon aretattetotytoteyoa a koUday akopplag trip.
rood Taaaeetor o. M. Dam to
Nottkga«r|iteed thfoagh towa
oa kto way U Qnad Raplda oa fei­
nt ta ngaid u> tbe depanneat.
Mn. Ctortna Yorka to ktagatoy.
wko baa kMB Ike gaeet to ker daagkiw. Mra. Janea Bordea. the paa
wotk. retaraed bum Uto morale.
Hr. aad Mra. Wklta^ staau aad
n eoaa. iote aad George, of Acn^
peeote thioate town tkto awralag oa
a ato weeks' trip to tbe WeeL They
Rrashtagtoa. to]
vwt Mr. staata' mtter. whan tetea
yean, aad arm
I bar. aad lator
gwato to Loot Aagetoa, CaL. ktom t*.

Wamt Mam toft ttto nuratog ter
Bay. wtera k* wm mmi
Ua nngikito to tta wtttar.

FMweir Fw Grulna

Vppera are atode of tooth,
hand woven. lined wtU eatra
heavy wool Beece. The wanaeal
foot eoverlng made, aad aCorda
relief to eugeroi from rkeamaturn.
•te lifts, gifts.

Pan aad Beaver House 8Uppera, tots to eomfon. SOe.
PelL far trimmed Jaiteu. TSa.
Pelt Jallets. ter irtauaed, the



Velvet BmbroUered BUppen,

UaUer SHppera. alee etylea.
tea. gtftft glftft
Ueatter SQpgen. taeet : kid

Pelt SKppert. Ma. dSc. Tte
Pelt JaUeta. very warm aal
•rat atytaa. 8140.

Bad Ftoi aippm felt aolea.
Mtona' Bed PMt .Wlppers.
Sta. SOa.
ChlWreak Bed JafleU. fur
trtemed.. leaUer aolea,' very


Mtona* Bte JuHcta. nme
•tytoa aa ckUdrea'a. TSe. ftto.

CkUdrea'a Wool Jeraey Leggfaga. knee teagU. dke. Ha.
Mlsaea' Wool Jeraey Leggtaga. knee lengU. die. TSe.
Voom'B Wool Jeraey Legglagt. kaee toagtk. Tie, 8140.
Womea-a Wool Jeraey Leg
glaga. estn leagtk. 8140.
Wemra'a Ite BuUoo Beaver
Ovevgatoera. SSc. BOa.
Mea% Tea Btittoa Braver
Ovcrsaltora. son. TSe.
Mean eztn teagth. toe Metton. Haed OvargaUen. TBc. 8140
MM'a Gaavas Lrggtaga. BOa.

’FILLER OF good shoes


A Nan Ukes a Book

8a mam fine booka—ateoel evi-ry prumieeai aaibor
tea Wftura a book Uto year. Many mea like a book
t poema or a aei to auadard worka. a good htotor/
r a book to aoecdotoa. We tew a Bae Unc to all

A Wemu Likes Fucy Qiu
dtobM. bread aad batter ptalaa. eppe ate aaoem,
bramifto hate palalte telaa ate terap vam.

A Man Ukes a Morris (Mr

A Woman Ukes Cil Class

They are ao raey. •» comfortable, ao coay. ted ao
cea ptaeae ell from oar great atock. AH klada to
wooda. all paucras to ralom ate Ue euahleaa are
warraaled hair. Priera tram STM to tIftM.

ft at a IBM aiwaya bay ttera keaatlM goete never
had ante a woatoeffal dtoglay. Berry diabra. eagari
ate mum. oUve dtobra. mu. tamkton. water
kouka, teteen. aatary ttjpe. akerkeU

A Min Likes Neckwear
Ate a tody can lad la tkto ft
aovelUea. Tbcrc are Eagliak 8
Aoeou. aamra PDurte-Haada. Midget Ilea.
grrat'ebow cam telL

A Wtnon Likes Fancy Sliiaiciy

writtagpapra. Aiadrneraaloaaletapraorataacr
tok aute. paper by Ue pnwte. a bra to taritaataov

A hraae lamp or aa Irm Bte. a piece to auiaary or aa
Oriental image, aa rabtoetered chair, or a new couch
. eover. a sow atcla. a pipe nek. a ateviag rat. aa
caay tealr. a tetey pUtow. aom new dragertoa ter
kto door.

▼« wrar. Tera^vU- ctoiars. fancy neck riMuwa. pair
to gtevu. ailL hose, braided opera tegs, wrist kag<.
tefiigbia bara. a alee ambridla. a toco ctotoraac-,
table ttoea. state cotm. a aka drnas paiura.

A flan Ukes'‘ben Fixins’”
A flu Likes C^rs
Por aa after dlaaer amoka. Wotod a bra to cigars er
a ftae pipe pirara him* Sate an a—ortmrat to ootoetfrom. Perhaps a aetetca poote or a elgar koMtr.
Get ttera goods ta tke granary depenmraL

A Womu Likes Nardtics

A Wamu Likes Poftme

AbuUieto eaUaawrseii mahra tbe moM acewputoe
preamft Thcar am got up la rate braatgw bean.



la Tksnra* OHjr Mtac>

Mn. mafc taaciaata-.i
Mia. Jtaa MantaBaS b


, Tbc Ik
on Softib Jtaftl»*i. ftl
_______ _ _______
»o-y MtarJthfWRh 12 niln ftftV. ««n be italBlr aUr
After tbe base* were CHibcftjil ben. li bft* bMsft ktvl tk.- jutrdaffair.the
tadlea boacbi Miben
Ilnar lodftr «• tbr ftlaoM
aed taachis wta iadita«>d b IH a late
'bilodlss taWiiena •« an baeioc{ CftrlWftfterbbt^ftJMofttbecIck
UnrcMe Cbmii ha* owtaftota i
aew cviter.
Mr PoUftck ftftd Mr. StckMd ftrc ) Mn. I^ntftr veot ab\-«T«} tan ftsc
rnd Hawkna folaad tbe ledfC bc.-<
lo ace- b«r *Oft Altaic, vtan ilftM- *e*r
efttUftft wntd for CMoMr Bonor.. .
_Wm tftrtar U taoUftf lac* to
Mr. BrftMcr baa aeftrty rftpoTcnd t
or hUBbotiac ma beicc bnrt hr IWIht* fw ‘K j
. ftiM b kaul- top or tbe »M« aftdilae le bb aiu. I
fttrikbR » tbe ceroer «t ft wb«t:
I Hort b fttao Mta at tbu
tu tbft loo (o L. K. OtMN « BMJdB. Be va* taM ftp acmal dara. ;<wruaw. ■
Min. •

' .
Mn. Prmak ntacr cane o«vr traa
The BOW bell 1r beta* pat la tbe
me teftOM* or tbft Mftlebeu and
tUU. She CMfowcatbiaal ta irta. Thft w«lcbi «C
tMii*in*ii Kbooli ftrc aiakiBs prepatsUofto to ftcMraic ChrUtnas om Fn- marned last Tuetaar'te the esait tin beU b l.OM peoata w^tboftt the
dftr eroftlac. DK. n.
Alfred HKUnsMB bft* * Job of b*iMr.-firMtofti oT Onn *«■ in Bovtli
MftiCMf <*e tar bM ireek oa mui- Uftc oftt h«» ea Piantt HUI for D. H.
par. He ftow ha* a torte of tea *ca
*^iui* jiam b hftiMBS wood to:
________ ____

* ptbi$9 tt ttit mmet m pnvu
or ft CbriftiftiM ttte ftii« ftft MterwL NM Oftrt ftft6 riMftf

««• TnWM cur rMun •««^.
' UK Mn . C.OftMtn«»4 ttn.
flT <Mw
•( Mr. Oft*

OiffV?* Mio



nac CMl taaae V tbftp oaaM MMB 1
•tata Oaac mw tad taBaw wa tan
taft M Mn. ObaMta'b a
M Twwta CltT wdl al
Gao. StebarirSr. ««a uMi dead la ■e tad to tbe taber.
bod SBbtar ■oralac at ale boM <ff
U* ftaa. Ctea. SiebMt Mr. gtelwH
had beta la apoartai •Dod'bwMb aae
taftthwaadtatooMaca. Hr. Sttaael
caMft wata
•M paat M reacft «( ace ftad baa beta aad bla awa cnadlta il ind. ata It a
iwUtat of tbto plaoe for aasr
rear*. Far naar nan ba ba* baea
aeatta of tb* Catbotte taarta. Be
learaa three aoaa aad aaa taaebte.aad aererat nodtaUdm to Koara 1 bad a rata_«___
hla loK. m* v«b ba* baea dead fgr avlta Salettata^
near rear*.
lublac lastaatlr aad


Tbe Ladles’ Aid a>ni Mei-arttb Mr*. Rb tbe Uttle eoM* that star Mta
lAate McCiBsfcr Wedaeadar. tbe Xlab He COM.; tbe Wc kM* tbS^ U
la tbe forenooB
Htaita aad dtalb. Watta tta ta
bad tail etaae «er aae wtak. taa
ataa. Or. Mtadb Sorwv Stai
nr. MU* Daoiet*. edas U> bap

jijm't ^


■ny OM of ihcmuyMtblied homes that wcliavcfumishKlM proof cooclmive tbit expr limeotiiig in furniluro buying uninnccoasary. Wc tan gisc you the benefit of taenty years'’oninlemipted caper................
• That aoJ that alone ia our line. We do not dabble a little in everything, but devote all onr attention to thb partieolar branch, and hose gathered together the finoal
SrWOTdf^fnl holiday ^^cwoJeied to the people of tbU vicinity, and our enormous buying enables us. for these last few days of Chiiitntas shopping, to oScr some record-brenking bargains. Wn
thing in profit by underselling other dealers, ns buying in car load lots means car load priens anti car load freight rates.


B Cbantap* Mtr
Kitdm>Osliin«,saIidosk.t,cs,nifslntsinismIdc^,.jimUkccsl.onlr*l 1.75
J !W, tl~, th« fa • Oeianns gilt

Open €v(Siin^
EilcaiimuWe.irBltaSl ita pec|de.
lliawack........ .On»y $5.75

Gwaioc black «Urlr1iti£lcithcr, adected quano nwed oak frwae. loa| coiled hair iH.

Nfeic«l8^«|fttaMttaaid^ltamta taAMwdcnckniteMkkUe Mn*
fipWa mliiaHttiMtaataL Don't lilluiMk thtn«*«r. WohatratiKM

ini. bat Meet ■!*»(
at^RftnKtioB made.
Thi^week................ .•:..' -only $33.00


BofWna kesemd, €oeryfl>ina at a Bifl
$educfion this Week

- Cta Stala

B«ek easts









We ask.


Drtssiaa Cafek*



A tase line
b^ pade aAria|
otadiiDe. everjr one fHnued.
>*«»........ ...........$12.50 up


Slotna al Tratgro City, tlk Ranltla and The





KUiar VMfli Mm kto oklMtac •«

■Miir eM UMk IMMa. Vtafo M
tea feM llilwi —>»■ t«e yoM. H«



(OMt tf -HMApoK. Mr. •pooBcrk. ai

, ml wuF^MM TmMv at ia:M at
tko Oraaa teka alaMi tooar; Bar..
' ka ■Dteklrr oMaiatlaK.

40 Tnvcfw

Ura. Qikoni ta vary IH agala.
~e B. Tiya BaOa a kaaiMaa trip lo
Tramae Ci<r today.
BflMal vlll cloaa pyuajr tor a
Mak-a rarotkia.
, I Tima vm be a Chriatatta tree at
. iBM« arhteh erorTtady U «D^
MMiy laaltad.
makBarttk iaatW oa tba Mdi Hat.
Oar BpaorUi teaaae aabject aext
aatay aigtM la. **Aa Marlaa to
Ardrte Btaart. iaadar. BvaryOtr: body U iarlted.
L A. IaaMB. who mat to Vlmlaia
baa rctnnwd to Mlcblna aad
la BaUairMa haaw at
U Mr; Bamard-i.
Oao. Boraard aad H<
Henry Blla aia
drawiaa lc«i to Kelalek'
ek>BilU at Baas
Tbm to to be a CbrltiMta
oaatatt at oor -aebooi by tba aebool
a eorDor.
M« lo Oaeaa today.

IV oadar sBI baa Mat dova
W.-A. om Vf W to eottlaw a


Inm BMIaaw. wtaare

; 11M aiaoroo Maa»

to obov

will Ul SV



^“a wbv

va^-im m te-

to my kick.


»V Hami aa____

■rVrtaRy: ly. tv IMUa mm.
artkto arVMH. Bam Ulace
jn at ua iMih wortb vm oMd
Mfhen bidiM-. nm eaaotv
' . tVMaitbbi^ IV eMMreau




And srntle anolntinn
Ohitaxnt, the great Skin
Core, and pureat and
sweetest at emollients.'
Itmeaainstant nOel and
far torand burning bal
rest , lor tired,, {retted
mothen, when all dse.

WlOtai Oiay aad wtfa ta Dean B
Oenid. ato ta 11 Moeb 1 R. U A
Co.-a Mb aM: IMft.
Naitoaal Loaa A tar. Oo. to W. •.
Brown, pantaa. H.. t. A Sad
Haaaab A Iny Co. to. Ptoyd U
Siallb. has It aad M. block 4. R1 A
Oo.'a 14tb Vd; ISM.
Calrla O. Glbm lo Allle P.
kao S aV C. Mock 4. P. H.'a 4U add;
Laura H. Howard to John C. tlpdeegrare.'vreelB. aoeo, 1*1 town SI
raago S: 97m.
Honaaa W. Bwhh t» Howard k
A Prightcoed Homo
amer. |iaroeto. H.. U A fto.'* Mk aitd:,, 'SbUBloc like mail down tbe vtn>-«i.
'iTaataag the ocrjipanu. or a bnmlr>-d
P. H.'a 3rd add; SIJM.
r<rr day oerur
Aalrai BUuer to Aaioa W. Vrtak.
« 85-n. ta 1 Mock 5. II. U A 0O.V a iwUable mire Waady. and iliereV
aoae aa good a» Bnrklen'a Aralcj
Mb Md; tSM.
Bute May Crandall to Addic A. Salve. BaiWa. cuik. nnrew. ><etema ami
pfiea dlaappear qatrUr
GIMuto aeto. aec. S7. lowa SC. range RoolMac <-ircel, 25e at Jid
10; SljOOO.
8. B. Wail « Stair
Paradtoe Towaoblp Board to J. J. Meada' Drag Storca.
Browaaen, parcel: 9500.
TV Cbrtatama cdlitoa <d t V MnnU
A Mtalgaa odlior wV grew tired «f lag nepubltaa appeared ipto wtvd.
wielding ibe wbhewaiih brwafa In Ike prinl.-d oa:“talcherto BlHe“ . pak-.
fa the new mill in iVl towa
rr of oMhiarta decided to r«aad lefl the iniih JgM for oaee. It la a very creditable Ml of ewitTiWl'e'
He eommeatci an foitoww mwia 1Bte-pi^.**^OPtal»
ebtof Hjannry
death of a well kanwa clllaea: "Dtaf
aged DC yearn C maatVaad-SI
The Good OW tay.
da>w. DOeeVed


tV Bisbl wrttb abnihiir
MV ft. Bakfcm molbera in ihtK ax-the HNr WVHta tw do the aeemimn rntri.
and Mined tV eharrk at ~tbe
.,^1^ reanlred tu gire a g«<«t oirl-fashlomsil
He owed ui
MBMIf taatmoni noeb ak would k-)
for the paper, a larze mem «p
W.taF _______
IlillllilLJ hy Ibeir gr^bdmeibcm
ewil4 bear bln pray aix. MoAa.'
*' ‘
' ' d V Bmehoc-N Oertaaa Byrap.
He died Malta. Jeoaa Paid
wtt or ae14 or aa-R. wee. H low« Sd.
ata wc think V to ligbi. aa
paid aatata Waoetf. He w«a M^eA _______________ —, kitan remedy.
Wn. H. Vam to WWta Blackn> axllMaf Haed eaakei and bi<i W 4rea wiibont the appHbatta -tW
bnraL acM <d «w fr. to. aee. si. Iowa
aids German Syntp
auiny frleodi threw pahn Ic
win care a aererc ooM in guick titae.
U will cure cdMa In chlldrea or grown
WbockT to Mary J. Drew,
tbe coageeted or
pareal. aw. SB, towa SO, raate iO: Hr
I. altoys Ute irrltattai. aA eSec<
r mopa tv eongb. Any akUd wilt
a k laralaatda la a hoaaen. WUllan Seou to HtHIto tbbbenr.
-to or awto. ace. 1. towa ^ tbaar. }»:


wiitac. aica..
A. WoKe la Cadillac.
Mich.. .tnawoi
Jasaory 10th. itM. fOr tV teaeblag aad
practice of V actace of Opiomtoti
TO-DAY it if ibedargTwt and beat eaaioM laUUntloB nf ha klal

My practice bai growa V.raftd my
come rr«m aU pana or KorGtrra Mtebig
onaMe to retnala a autatai time in hi e their varh properly de«c.
1 Vre therefore dctcradaed to open
____ _________
oficc* la anmc of the largeM clHni ta my tern'orj' where I can atee:
theM> people aearer kiaie and will he able l< ntalaiaia my preoiitt Mgh
laodard <d work


DR. P. A. WOLFE. OiMometiisL
VHt 01S414 Wilhelm Btk.


Corea all Chronk
tABO Traverae City taeRmial
For eala by all drat claaa dfw
TVy cure te sUy cured all <
Prlcea, HeUBprines TVieta, It.
Het Bpetopa Quick
Het B^nga caUrrb ettre,
HetSprtaa«Mp.iBoegla.Hot Sprtn0a,Heallrtg Bake, t
Hot Bprinv Cent Cure, tb w

Fv ante at *. c. Walt A Voa. Amertan SMli^Btora. Mmaaa
Drug Ce. Hanrith A Lay Mercantile Co.. WMribiAiR^nta.


Aba B. AVmon ta Fraak H. Mat
oraalMc, tmt ovlat to aeartet ferrr
ia TmvaiM Cky.
tholr maanT aWovod to atait. aad ihr ta pad wire, part of aeto of acto. aw.
. raibecvMemora^v^MMBB uao aisRtoea aa 'mti\
1 ioara SC. raatte U; IlM.
«ro« Oty cfthM.
TeaMMta waailr laveoUtaV^., :
iotaa E. Aadersoe. adnla.. to l4aiii:
oroM MclotoM to '
Tbe atroaoM ondoraemoM of merit.
H. Mollen and wUe. pan <d acto ot
Vt V la woftclaa f<_ ...___ _
TVbbat aCsawaf. Road ». ; .
» atatlad with aoto. aec. S. town SB. ranae II; tioo.
Mra. Almlfb A. Saekooa.Ml|LA|aBi
^ jbereloBdiaK
Wn. T. Mtaou lo Ctoreaoc Ilraa, Bireci. beyond Harlow nreec. aay*:
__________ ________ Stflea aad ia tbo
"Hard work broke me dowa. aV fcr
tan Boek baa toadad » caia at wood parevl. lewa SS. raiUH- 10; fSM.
DelUab Brock to 6. B Van Etta., twenty years I never had a day*a giii
aad baa aboat IMjbM ie«t or Inmber
Brery phynieiaa coaauUM
la^ ta^ a* oaia.
lot U. blopk 7. Onilua Bcack; ft.
said J bad llrer iroable. bat I mlRbi
baa aboat ibtaaate baaV
Hermaa W. Saiib aad wife to How­ aa well Vre oaed aa maeb cold wat*
tBgVdk«M4aBi ioiVR.IL yardn
MW. Jam bmere I comtoteraaaaaay
DoVs Ktdaer. «ms i
n. B fiaraer aad wife to Alreao L.
Laad. lou IT aad a. block 1 Oak wma alBOCt paralysed. Had a knKc
been thnat into my kidacyp the via
Park: HAMNow^THtar
could not We been amre latease.
wmia» wnaey to J. MalilaV Sleep to me was more IIV a trance in
:Stoa8rSf££y>rea^ V Mootc.
nwto of aeto. aec. 11. town ST. which 1 eaw dUtorted Egutea. A
mlgbi V cypected. aancfylog diacnlrant* .10; $St.
wkk.iV kidney leareitaos eikto!
Senate E. Sobaaea to J. Malitoad
I fjg^amaaUy M torumOV
Moore. BWto Of aeto. aec. 11. town S7.
mate !•; lUO.
Hiram N. Stone to iealpe Laioar.
Maaww. wtmi
TV btailnx which perslatcnil,
parwl: $7S0.
clnag to me for tweniy years gradoalU. 1 Montan and wife to Addle A. ly dkappoared. untU T wrtgbcd i«0
pnnaV Kwa. uaiil coaid alcep
Glbba,'pareeto: li.
.Henry P. HaaodbrlaK to John Mo- child. -uaUl 1 could read 4«r -fBt&
boora every evealag: aa nuo' IbwobAWimama. w BOB. V 11 UoM 7. H. Miky ,befl3C« I eoMMeaebd tV tmf
Baal ta^ TrwaaMiA
L. A Oc.-a9ih addi tSBA.'
meat. I wfn gladly glre MtadUr yv
Maiy C Pear to Oral Wood Oiah
Edward KlMn- to Geo- W. MeWetky. Itatora of my estirtacc and opiotaiv
Oa, llnber oa avl4 ot aeR. aec. 3.
STB 161 5. bWta S. H.. I. A Oob SU> of Donato Kidney Pilla lo oaf -m-ty:
calta OB ate pctanally. If aV reoi»va «. raaie W; Sl.tM.
add; S9M.
ty aoEcra from kfalaey ntaptolp
Cbaa. t. Bbm to W. W. Deaa. kda
Daa E. C^er and wife lo Theodore Wkhes to know srhat ceuiwe to p
SI aad SI. bhwk t Oak Krk: flSAS.
A. Moaroe, pan of loU 3 aad 1 bloek fo bring relief.'"
PertT Haaaah io W. W.'Oaaa. V S. t. P. H.-B in add: «»no.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
-au. Pootcr-MUbun
hloek fi. P. R*a lat Vd; SlU.
Andlior Ocneral to Prank W. Bos- Y_ sole agewu tor ih
Warm T. Roirtaav to W. W. Itooa.
tm. aeto «d awto and »e« of awto. PPBwmber the aaau-. Doaato. aad uko
lou 31 aad 31 htek S. Oak Park. '
an mher.
BOc.«.ii>wBSC.raa«e»; SIMS.
BKtabeth TiwtcU to Robm B
Enato of Perry Hannah to Tboau'
Cook aad vK» oH or vH or a«H. aec,' BeaaiUfc. loia 7 and *, Mock 1. P. H.'a
II l> mid tVi a Saglatw patmlid
n, lova SI raate IS; tm.
has roomso'vcra aalDoa. Rcadlag V
tth.Vd: Ssae.
AmHior Oeaeral V Javt B. Hard- *Tbapas A. Beamlak to Mra. Caih- tween the llaea. H seems to V a ease
na. awU of aw fr. U. aec. T. towa ertoe Birthertad. lota 7 aad S. t^k I of getting yopr palm rrad np stairs
St. raaco
and yoor nose red down auini.
,P. H.b tth add: 91,100.
Scou K. Curdy ud vUa to AaVim
B P. Saylor to Earl J. Caar. lot ».
a Sttaada. pareeto; tspw.
ToCwro aCoM In Ctao Doy
block S. Paradiac: Si.
Otoo A. Brlshaai to SbvM W. CbaaH. W. Smitb and wire lo Marrla
laa. aatraia. mv. ii. toww ts. mtac
MRIer. lot 83. Oak Hi-lpbla: fCM.
, Mm. BBe PillBtom to P. C. GOben,
Laara iCtvek to Haute U AlIcB. aa^
.» SI acres at ato of ato. toad ooairaet.
cell, ton tt, raate it; so.
aoii. 21 towa S7« mate 11
V AUea to Hait^ Alta, par.Wb. A. Rktacyerui Wllllm Wotf.
cda.aee.».to«B 10: SMd. •
weto of aeto. aec. 55. tobto J5, ranjte Mmach: makes indIgesUoa impnuiHearr A. Uederie to JoV W. Patch' •: 9400.
ta. Mt. 1-t of vH er M U. hlaek K P.
Kotoan and Praak Wileaa to Ariptta
Thieres eaierrd tV Danish Lutbeo
H.'i V4 add; tlCIl
WlW aeto of aeto. aw. 51. lowa SI aa ebarch at Maatotee tV other algbi
AVIior ttaeral to Darfd w. Caai- mate 10; St. ^ .
and.euie SIC betaigftig in a Saaday
iac. aaren.aec.lltovB SI laace ii:
Artetu WIiccBi to Chat. H. Vrm. seboM claaa.
aeto of aeto. aec. at. town S3, masc
Grorgo Moir to Roactaa M. Vatrw. 10: SSOO.
Aertdeau come whb dtstmsiag fr*iBto 314131 htoek 1 Vyaide: ttso.
Henaaa W. Sialtb obd wife to J. K. Cnoney oa the farm. Cuts, brakew.
sUnga. spralaa. Dr. ThoMaa' Ectairie
Uaa E. Bwaat to B B. W^koop
OroBta Qo^ lot ?l. Oak UetaU: nm on rdieres the piia laataaliy, Nev«^
V 1 Oak HeiVu: Sssi
taka w. MOer aad wtfe to J. B safe wkbtMil It.
Mocaeo O. VH W OMa U Ptiidy.
Graniek Oo, *, ,owa S7.
aoto or awU. aec. V. lowa SI raa«e
vrbage iraat baa beep totmad by
raa«all:9«01 V
Bditb B Vaahall to WUHant Core-. BaiHe CM«k pcoaie. three tram Wteg
Hocaoe O. Bari to Galrla & Purdy.
merged tatb otw
torn 15 and 10. block 7. P. H.’a Sad
ucSi «r acH. aec. «l towa IS. mam Md; SIAM.
Aagan Ketoew and wife to Jewapb
Mary WBbaV V Warrck mi Hat
Knrupa. ato. ta 1 aec. 81
e Spaaldlas. jaraaL aec. ii tova g:'
tale 10: S700.
Win. Sebabt id Loala
Baba, ta
i. i. I
I to C H. .Bamtt.
•n.-MaotoSbOaUarVaM: SI. •


I Chrbtai

In Warm Baths with

*TV ChtMrwAto Waa."
The Mlektaa Trwat Company of
Graad BapIV baa Vita Itt onaua!
tana tetombraaeo to lu pat-,
. aad tbto ynar ^ Vre ooidor- >
aH pretrlota aScata. na giwoctag la bi I
tV barm of a dainty VUlc book oa !
Cbildma-a Gardoa.*:
awry of IV ekUdrea'a oedea U lohl;
ta a bHgbi aad «w«ettatalag.miaaner ‘
by Etawr WItbey WIlHard. all iIk' ,
«Hd4lme bowera. wlM aV of tV gar­
den. no dearly tored by ctatblrce. av- >
ta a place la iV tale. The I
prcTaaely lltiunraied with taeautitai
VK towfw of cbDdrco and bnwrerk,
from pbotograpba by Fmlora R- I>
Brown, aad ibt- Inok km wt.rk of ar<
frma «on<r page tn gnlib

' Ought to be in to-rn before Cbiimigkind aiR
on the new firm—ire want to ic^ juju: Here

Neit pliid in colon. -25c. 60c, Ttc -fine »itk,
black, white and colors. $1.00—Knit all wool
60c. 75c.


MWrSiiiip Ball I
CA.BiEl)cel)nir Co.
Many Traverae City poopl..'
betag cared by VITONA. Ik.wnadccfal Blood and Siomact.
remedy. C A. Bugbee Drag
will refand ibr tnuaey u> an
ooe not ar.ifified afit-r iuIiia

I-ancy Scotch woola, imported. 7.V—Ami rkan
made. 25c. 50c t;ood variety ccdoni.

Wool or silk lined. $1 and $li»-Both Mocha
and Cape Kid -Beat values we ever saw—a
cheaper kid ijlot e. exlra value, «lc pair.

All ilie newest shapes and patterns. 25c. 50c—
New goods coming daily in this department.

Put up io bandsome boxes. 60c, 75c, $1.00—
others 25c. 35c.

pvcbaeed-feom........ thk Vy
.......... bottka of VITONA tor
tatleh........ .
Te V t

Underwear. Working Shirts and Paou, Caps.
Handkerchiefs. Hosiery. Sweaters and all
Men's Furnishings at prices that make them
good values.


If purchaser talk ue VI­
TONA has failed to benefit
him we hereby agree to to-

2U esal Fran Street. Tnrerseaiy. Midt

tom tv monar VM ua.

C- A. Dagbee Drug Co. wUl
exptoia tv aorlu at VITOna
to any one who comet to ibeir
•tore. VrrONA bM cored more
pMRde than any ocher aimilar
'remedy. TYy it today. -Tm.
take no eVnee wVtevor. Aii'
for bookta
For aalc by '





: ■ y m r-


___________ _ - ■ II
Ua toar kanta aad thaoM tber vooH
trj the ro^ Mat. Armed arttb
>MfeMc tber ctoand tto at«kk-tl
> M ton rather and teased a croacL,
1 AM to» At tto kBisk;M man tod
• kjaah in tto tacand tto ottor tod a
thraat 1^ tto knee from tto tM at
(to cketar 'and netttor Jmd mefc
etakiae on. When ttor cat aroond
atola Mr lamd to pnaemta tke
^ for aaainit and hmvr.

_______ ti «to MM wr ki»t>f»Ai(j
M4M. M MM k(H lo« Ui UI».J
PiM« «MM »Mr bkh.
Cak ar M MM aofM krfcMa ewr
■iiv » Mk wMik «r oiBe
khM kr M HMs Mft ih« MMr
JV. na MMk >Mtt«d kto SM
IM «Mb«4 tM *t tha
oCakM m eMoniaA ba
M HiiMK Mtirta* be tod bc«B lAlag. Ato tha >vr ampeto Ua <>aae aad actalttad blai.

Mat toa alwapa aapfioaad lo have
toan «lar te Pam- Pav lato.'oaa BU«
aertb of Cokm. has prorad to to
a rfeb karnab of aari. asd a bed of
k too toea lotod oorerUac an area c
m ama nd U <d Bokaow.


'^'***b2JSh*A?D*?t8S ^ **

. f ■
W.—A —^— ~~
- M«4c»r «BM<M0OTMiMM■1 Ik «MM«« •« tkr ■aariM IdKM
: tattkjkpt^te •

A certaiB Btaadlik tamllir ton* box.
He-a bojr. tot dan^ idkd v*.T
TOU. Tbe ottor daj bin amttor atari'
«d to «bjp blat. Be ran «nt nn.!
riad' ondar tto bonne. 8to ««nl
ont and tried to max bto to ooete am.
t come. Sto told bei
H. He want ont and
eravled nnder tto bo'iwe to ret the
bor to ooBie out. Tto bojf iooked at
bla (etber and eaMi '■knutt'a tto malt
ter. papa, la manima after ran too?~—
AraM fndetieadtw.
A tarse toher. m aBiUl nenrlr exiaet, that recetma ita name toenus..-

Oblpuwa trtea tf Mteaa, Urlac at
Batanlitac near SiaafMh. are -dxM
a* aeft* ttobUr. Ibte ««iM weatber
baUf capaeteUj' bard apoa tbeat. a-<
they are pDorfy eted and expoMte
anrilto* aboed^ «ifMtor. and tto: Mora Ok paeamokla and ooaakaip
to etoplr bnilda Ut bnu hl« to (tot tke>. They atill atiek lo tbe prttotire
to . tan tore a bi«k and drr plaoa of
rrfBto when tbe aprins ftnatot comet
klartia Coorm*. saperintdadant oC
tto Hamer ematetan^t Barasa- barreeted darter the pM waarni <■
netenty acres of imoad. i,1U boabett
of potatoea. m bosbeu or
boabeU of carrots. »1 baabetemf wrDips. 1.7R busbms of okU, U boos at
oat strav. JO urns of bap.
Tbe doalera te voodea aboea at Boitead report an extraordlcmrT demand
for ■‘Uompan'' vltb tbe approaeb at
vlBcer. The entaatactmra M» hardtr
able to (U1 tto orden.
la amkter "klompea'' te tto aearettpof toraa-nnd la ibte aeetiok. Maef
tireat diq>l^ of thw
AJaertM people la tto v^aitp of'
Hellaad are now wcarter them oa ar-'
Goo,).—\aliic hemolore
eooai of Ueir nnaib.

5c to $1.00


an oil boom. aa.apToral men tore
booebt a tract <# tend in iba( rfetahy
land «ai praapect for oil. Farmers
abort (hero are pteaalar on vbal itoy
ill dn trnb all the nosey.
An Adrian bu.«ineas aann recHted
bia bank book tbe other day and ao-.
Uood te the balance a ralhn- anmtaal,
conblsaUin of Qimrca. IS.M9.M. it
strwdc him that If he onl)- tod one
more com ibe flsaret arcmld all he
rhaiired and be atniM tore aerea lo
stead of ate. Moat pco^. arouM tei
ite klib tto W
i> of Hatton. In the
te'dolBr iu beat:to'
__________ kple of terser citlea.

telaAltee. «.-nw bttpto «m
aonupr m a tbtaar MMHtt MSoath Mtotb
Ttoaa Urea
itf HdPMM VM more or leaa
. fto Mi an;. AiM Re.^
I ni 'Mtm AUca «■
mi Mmtar,ared

Onrl&r the past year there hare been
a inarder. a aulcide. ttro aeeldenUI
deaths and many -almom prored
fatal" aeddeots. On one-oeeasloa i:
BciuaUy received two
apace to the Net.- York

Whiskey kills over lOOjiOO persons every year in
the United States. The Keele^ tfeaimom as adminis­
tered at the Grand Rapids Institute is a safe and pain­
less cure (or the drink habit and dnic addicrioos. Rt.
Rev. John Shanley, Bishop ol North Dakota, says: *'h
is because I know it does cure them, because I know it
is God’s truth, that I take the deepest interest in tbe
KkIc^ Treatment and so long as I li\ e I shall ra'ise my
voice m advocating its cflicac}’.”
Tor information address'

Tbe finest display of
e w shown by us.



kteiled frre in |,bin envHofie. booklrt;
trterr\.r I.. ihv Ktttev- Core.

-^bKwlioii* and .

HamiltonCtolilagCo. h

Tomorrow, Saturday and All Noxt Wook Spociais

mm, m —-------

Mk and Ckddkiter
to (bn OniM
te her BUU
^iNMtodsM n Ond
_ tbto tto KorUt
I'Okk wmM
wna to aiMlteg Wflm am im muwr.


aam mu oa oaitb'
. Bt ttren In Bay city.
I kin b* pat u adrorI tutted thni
•llBod n Mendte a .
- -ny and ter mn^ dtyw
... . M frtend *m butesed
fWila* <ate and
b pill I vtoa tbter cate wtcaiw-

^RIH il2.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 AND $22.00. EXTRA SPECIAL


$9.50 and $13.75

aanru: bma, into it."

iliip.alwr to.Mteitmtet« —
'•'iiPltfPa. Ttor «ar« ttetea fima

K^riSr^bmito^ to^ 2^1

worui jiaao, $12.00, $is.oo, $18.00, $20.00 m $22.00,

r .'.iSMttto'to had born M

extra speqai

200 L^cUes’ and Misses’ New Nobby SkirtSa^
Worth $3.50. $4.00, $5.00 AND $6.00. EXTRA SPECIAL

9a.SO. .Sa.3S,

93.9S /






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