Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1901

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




(InciUllT THUOIlllKi^
We bive joat received « large
line of the lateM etylea of fine
Wooleu lor the iimog eeaM« of
lilOl. Yoar iupectionof the a
ia •amtwtl^ rrqDMted

. 2T£SU



Real Estate-Insurance

s*"-' ssr



Opposil ;B. A R EUock.





Boi|,i"r,'n idaUtnr.
J.T. nANNAn.l


CAPITAL. S 100.000
SURPLUS, seoooo

miwaiM. LttdiuSerchaBtTaUor.

k Gacnl BuUir Bnslaess Due

C E HORST, Directar.
AH tawAM «r NMr ISBCkt br mniaMI

RtBiBs 10 MMi II Badle Block.


Tire Insurance!

Plate Class. Steam Boiler artd Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
n Block, Phone 73

Traverse City. Mich.

^ Good Drug Store
out oat w.-ak aad Iniairr drai
r do mon harm than do drajr.
Mock i« roo.uatly eliaoKi
MjoMiUf i* PTiT fmh.

ud Preakfiat .»
t *ta f-m. tmi TidnL.ei
udMIaelU Wr.-(MUI

toUta^'kiuGS" *

Drugs and lUcdicinu
of (jtroi sirroirth. rority and undouhi
•ed .‘flicirocr arc tbi. kind oor imiroo:

Tb.nv-k.TaMU t> th.-a.,^> tn-^.
lad,eUBMB,UpT.-,B lhal


... . a-eomiB'T Tbol'a bi, old
(rray mare down m tha bo>l<*. "
--------ta.n-l netlwr. That
•• "TlA* 1fb^n
taft you.
yoo“ Don^pm
Im a clackui : I’d know CWle Uimiur
r'a cluck in Jrriebo "
______ ______Hun.
It a him.
o> abcMiln'. Poor old felhf. It'll nicb
about flulaU bim. I rackou He aoi a
hop br Dan'el. "
An'* Uii' Umuter.all the hoy ahe'a
.. ton. It'll ye*' bnwk Ibt liaorl "
'It'll r<me mtirtiiy luud on Heater
aO ootnr Thankawirin'."
"Sha'. wallijait of hii
eby for her tl haABi

*M'ore<I fmni th<'
in (lip hndi'. Couaidnr
lUicd Iha
Ihai w. pire yon Telnr.

I Kl

Sshnsan's Drug Store

C. A. HAMMOND, « «




-Bl Daniel aim.
"Hew canllell hlamoiber? INi,
the dooM and
lewd. oh. Lord!' be irroan.kL
hraru of bu
-ten- come a *efl foiobHnir at tbe falhar ud m.mwr. They ml
Thra. wi
loal eonoMtioo to
Ih Bolll far
tl„- dillRT
Titlaa. podlofflor
kico rnmM ti>«ki
l^al hi,> niaaier
niaaW, feel, now and I
meh oll»-r at tb.
Tbe door rattled feebly aod- tb<,
tingtud IifUngr bi, head . .
Half a_____________________
WindfiCMied liard ocainat it. Ca'rb m aaaarinc gat.
Tb- tall cloak a-dI P|,p<l throacli th» door and . .. an ancariain atap
•Jap ia
in thai
that dlriv
itpd Ih- Tiri.ty fpooe.
An o»i»- tion. lb,-o lorned and •hpgwit
at NrlSii. n. ud WrUa (iaUllar »
with a raamt shawl old mare'• lialter. Kha Uill.el
,t |into bar »-d h' n» farther wailingt. Yiui will
nmWD o.rr bar brad, haattly elntchod
rtfOibllnR ■»l«ok«iUi ma. liaeler' " mid Dan
a iwekar.' of ytaiBr* on tba coeotpr.
ieL It waa mnra an aaaertinn Uiao a
Slic CTammpdlUiaizi iolo Hi-' pockrl ofi
I. aod
open ant Mn. Urangrar
_____ ___
■■ -rr nnliealUllucly anawered. -J
' vMdarp. ln*B.«,dae, ». IM1.
with a frlcliloDod fan A ndden ran iwiaiol har aaouir
Ibe etptmigc treligrhl daiicinii
An old man lollerBl to (be doorway skirta about her trippiagi fact. <^eh raaily „ er her fair yonu* lace.
and li.lil up a bulk., blae-en.eloppd tnnied imtablr.
Sudd<«ly Ml*. Utonirer Imral int.
hdt.T 111 tlu afterDoonlllcht. -Ho Inrar. TOO yaat pt> rigrht armigthl
•kl it ov.'t and O.or and anudo doaa
boeae, Mrliuy.
-<l aroand her wiU
with -mlusklne, euRors .
Holdlnn «
ir you. nowhow."
M-to b|. dim r.i'S. be wWoliniu-d
____ Urangrer aleogllMl hat *11,
"I aa,>e.| a Ibtnkln'
|iO'l murk nnd addn-ia. It was the u«uie
flgture iM,,,
aod walki-d
eaietri ,Drmly lir tlia long; i-r. ' slie aobhed.
New Phone Ce.
y lottor ho lnul ri-eelrakl for ton row of now*, now al kisgr their bema
Ih-pnsltini.' it (awpfal!. innldr and jertlne from ri • to aid,'. imiBhi, Utloro.1 ran, ha horen-d aimlaa. tii«t for Ihrir «0|
ipper and of freah
ly aroond tha Kmop at tha window.
•n. -Sh>SI laiil h,-r amall wrinkled
‘Gil,- news arid the de*arrt '
Uhl Jarib Hant. Um- posunaslar,
1 pen-i
Templonly on lier lioatwad ■
Ishoriously mOBnt*<i a chair Imida
aleerin- lier Sneer, alingeel down
"Hy Umw. if 1 liadc ■ arnrly
hi, nwii loTliralar inrinuara. Puftin* prer U
m pt
tiulae of hi, iicuacaW wnel.
gcDltenV qootli Slaffobl gielv.
from till' tmaiiaal asartion, lia (s-arad
"What on airlh ail, ta, rol’Li Vi.o ramagpd in aa Inner gneket.
- - tbi- idiouhlars of Iha oltpTs.
halnt' i.^ a bad nni nor nothin'.
"Coo t find the teller Marl hare
alab Urmoicet,
left it al the oBlce. .tnrb.iw. If.
dei'p.afaf*l tooea, laonin*
" aU»d on Ilpdoaand peered ant
Urey (Jha*t«-'
Ilk- gartillon
"Pot ag,
/al hit arertMl face. He lookeC
-m IDIHWK. boya I>on'l lot huii pee _____ fat her with doll eyea and ebook
•• of
Stafford Mm
• luUMllu’,
bia bead dumbiT. Tbao
"^y w
heart took fncfal
op Ilial firtmn
D'el - llh. wliat lia, It I, laylliiaal. and
"It ain't Dan'
Tbe OTenemwo wirl gnilled baiTeoed
~ I'el':"
"Ii • oeruinly .romoie,
-Miiilken Block.
Ufrom her haruland fiBolieal to a acrea
TratH afTlirp jd Tjtiw (Mr tnm mia
Ihe beaming gai.-rfarallu, ollbeog,IBckaitr Ibairin.
Ualeb (Biieht iigi the ■lichl, away, inaiuile end of tlw UbIe.
Ubie. "bat Uiere
g picke>t up a torn aseia
ine Sen re aod bore tl -wiflly into the otirewaaa reUUonafai|,—a lone lima
and crtiUiP,! ii into a ball in bitwtU, oory klU-hen.
Hid Hob-, Oaniel’, agro.f sdmil.— Hal Clieater ud I hare
aivd hand,.1 Tie- postmaner •
qDOOdatii pUtiuala.'di'red in llieyiiini- traonl lock nnlll we fonnd It. If, a a
r with a UiBd and i
oar corner. IJ, wrlroined them with
fellou. Cbeetet.
I ra aiwaya
faint l«r* and g.-ullr wae of hi,
urgriaa bioi to monaae that nor
UL Caleb Uid htawifaon tlwIouDer roangt giaonla may beeome anqnalnled.
A ona aaobH
wagron, drawn
' window and boned hi* face to ib wnwtbat lib daachler wtU |Bsa
... _______ .arm boi
Ihraai.'h CbtiBita
Chtragto tomorrow
lomorrow on tlia

tha lirow ol tha hilL
way to NewYotfa. and will apeod a
rr Bl arret in tbe middle o
few day, with oi. lb my, he wiabee
Ha aaaidnooaly pllad a long;.
Mrs Ufoageer lifted bar hnitwod'*
whip ag»iD,t iBch thill in torn, enre- face with both ttemldtogc baada Har
, here', the lelUr a:
follynToidine iba old marr. By thu
firm ud elaor.
gull -on hi, agiectaclM—read
!ia aeemed to proir-l tha wbola
you tall me
'Yon cmn'l mlctoke her
■ar>.Ber Cltr.Pr
ded by a mrlallic clack We’ll tear
1 _. It
.. togrellier.
............ "
riy twodeil little gcirL la a
and tnaclianical
>1 .jatr
of Ilia relD,
___ _al
loreed hi, face
faoa away. I.ilila rray gravrn and a hat with rtay
uray frathn udMSwB
rognlar interral.
Hi, face waa by lillb lie lUminared
mor child, and,ll.'«*.ie.«aatMa M
■hrawd and waalliertuwtm: nnmaroa,
Itlad to ^e 1^ laeei your yeonff>Bk taiilH.
a '
finewrinlla* checkad tha ooraer* of ajmenbUon. gramid*.
»- «,,r,
IVtaikrr. I« p-B .«ap.B4
.« a p. B k»-i
hi, eye* and raoshb. A -hart,
fund, plaoe,! in' liia rharoe. diaoorety
A childf" j^rtBoed Kolgdi. who
B.A*™*. tnm
hi. chin.
........ beard frioeed hi,
Al- ____________
and Dlgrhl. -Ura.
Mrs. Untogeet ________
Ibongth tha wealher waa mild, a red with eUatsed attamjioB coill her haa.-omforter taaa carefnllr tied orer bi, bond pauBid.
.woolan cagi and ttoaml aroond hia
“tl'ialle. My Imy nerer did aarb
od Dick
aifatngt. oarer. I’ll gra myself and diadalafaliy.
"DoM he
Hhe row wildly and poll klodergrorteoenV"
. Molly,
grood-fnr iioihiB' old areeiar."
ed her abawl Ifrom lu oaiL
Koaa. who wo* Ihe eUeot. nailed in
Oeolly drew her
qaite Bugertnr aod di^tmwled taabJar*.
H^. be left a btler roofrxto'
e oai eoferly
booateda flooruhlogr met
aa the........
III nibbled at
He was Mndeiagc law. PUtatha, dtt,tr ______ anasitlinig from beShe Mok
limp haagi al -hie feel. ly. tbe rnb>ecl thod DO inlereal for
iiaath tlie faooe
"Oh, mr hoy,
-. my grettr
gretty bor.'
boy." ,J>e
... hlm^
Calab bearlly deeranded, -..■odrine
aiaodyi DC hiioaelf
hiioaalf 1by one -•ailed. "Sha'n't I tierar ear bierariy
hrowp. knnllcd hand on the
bmd a-bobbln'. an' hear him a whl-- ohlld!" cried
le<«dbaci. Ha.trode
llln' 'ronnd fli, hanw. >al ilka a ■Yoa ’ll CO, Kalgk.
bird? An- ulhere I, he coolfhi. on.
tte liowanc g^l
"Caa't. air. I m dolacaa article
Fu. A. A. A R. eu-OoPBuaa.
where i, hey. Oat In tba dark an' oo the arebilectera of tha leoth cooa bondJToV they a-hnntlo' of Mm.
Bnl hia tary.
ll takn a lot of leaaarch. I'll
Caleb nod- molber'll oarer fall him. Blia'll tore be all raonilnc In the Kewberry Li­
ded cbearlly to ooe and nnolber.
him )eel Um- aame, no maibr wliat brary.
oreiggHiau grlrl rolnred dmretpfuily be'a dooe.''
Henry Klafford. batre o
A Kirlieli Aonre lllitrd goat ibe wlnand aliified her wrichl from one fool
ite of
- If rimgte.
ud• Iwinklloc
to the other. Tbe old mu atcoUhily dow._ The door (WCD* open, aod Kea
wig«kt hi, re.1 eyp, on the dittgiy rem- ter Elwoo.
naol of a luindkrrrbief. Caleb oodded oiB-i her.
' - ‘ .and paaaed in Iba doirway. hii
I d abon for"Ooi affoir match oo. Cha t maki
Imrly dgrare ahaltine oal IImmood^jn ilv opa« feo^y^
■Dear, dear'
U;f3atjf-er mor
Oonre aa ert«« aa a yoanc
I reeioD,"
:h a ew-aploc Claoae
gdne. Har earoeel irrar eere KfoDced
■She'll be hack tmuntiow ofterLook, like it. >1',
calmly from ooa to ihe other. She ooao. " pet in Ml
a. Stafford. .
w her hod tael and folded her
ecliooii the tcronp Id the oCoe. with
"Bnl tbr liulr Ctrl
veu here' ia the
la serenely.
Daniel didn't do
an atac|^■n(d alforl to aiipaor al aoar.
mine. She man be met. She I,
Calba rlamnly monoied loto (he
alia annonnaed with lb- aaenr- framaanmiiaratirely aoialt town. Khe
wacm. drew np the mn, •titHr, aod
1 of a yonogr propfaeteea Her eolre
be q^le
e bew
bewildered WW tlw
labonoo-ly tnroed ihi-Trtiiclr with a . _ lowpitehed. aa wo, lu wool, aod to find liervlf alorie in Chii
proloDCad mok.
there waa do tr-mor In it
He uBt tbe cood-Iookiac , . — . .
IKvn’t naclacf yon Ha
Yod con keep it up art
Of oooiMbe didu-i. What did
Tha barefooted ardiioi dropgied ailow with the maataebe an aiqiraltogf
lenlly from tbe fenae and Upload be­ _il e,-. faiher?" Mra Ormnoer m,
it will l(K>k aa grtod
good u
an Jiew
by apidyiDt: oor
hind. The orerernwe Ctrl eirlledly enaeitalioally
. _
her faet
"I wonder oow. Roe,, if ran—'
Lt TtewdB (Mr.......
adjaated her ihawl and acodded down mioealr beared bar
Rosa laacbed l.nieoily- Voo poor.
tbe «tTr,'t. One br ocir Ibr littenen tattOD
_ ...ater'a
■Hr—dldn'i do-ii.‘
lb a aemree reiled eacarSmall BOicinDt of money tavtwted. bat H will nre
........................ tbe atartlingr new, elje- In bewildermrat.
Then a rraal In­
" mid Haary Smfford. with
many time* the suioonit and iisywajl for Ibe troublr.
where, Ti.e old mare joaed paaerfal- ward IlgAl flaabed^hreogrb hia tnjo^ A-.iCh of P lief. "Oeod:;Try a qnart, and if not eatwtiad. c*-t your money back
ly homeward. The old zone >o«gced
M Bnrr D*r Hodar
Bet ;whea tha WeatoB train diapeaoefally homeward.
Tha road
lUw a^ tailed oil slway* on hand at lowest market
rorced lu ;<Blmc maltltade tn the
wound throoeh tha wooda. here and
"1 faarr baord Bfanlagt."mld Heatav I-qiocD^ tbefoUowlnc moraJne
price. Xotbing Imt pan* oil liandlad by n*.
there ok irtinc a meadow. There were
Bon smfford. atoBdinc cloae by the
■ocoaatemai ntimpeM of farm bosare
tna grate*, found «lfa»t he had underfelled amooit the bill*
CUrb plied 'Tbeie oooldn'l be two oo 'em. Ii'a
a task of gma
PURE HEETSFOOTOO, for leather at |P*r koI. . ..$1 JO
ifaia whip and clncAed mopotoooQjlT. theoaSM- an'tbe Arm _
an- the
.... gdaee. ____ he had al the ...
____ ______
LARD OIL W. S. at per ffol......................................................
Benratalty arrar—'-*---------- Ood belpoi." Theaos ahotapon- There wo* ooeb a crash of-people.
OataaBBoik *n.rAir Bane*
Moot and thin, tall aad rborv, bic aod
ELDORADO CASTOR OIL per gal.......................................
little. There weye efaildreo-BoeeeGAS ENGIRE OIU used in rylindar* of gu onface war radflBt. I
Bat they all e
■lad and trismgihaiit
aet aboai it oo
I foUe who b
to br'
gioe*, per callon. 30c A fiolloB* for........................... 8US
Bol tain. Half war I
de It. He a
Very litOe closar price by the barrel. Owner* of go*
•tood be iiwlf ai'tb
la------- ---tee, b .-tarn ' be UDoeleL'
-y bahui. it a
_nmilfced cowi>>wed pUlotteoengine* are solicited to y.Hre ns at Lost a trial opler for
cliored be ll,e voodchempen I
oa wblosd patliellcolly. He*te*
the drem
‘ at the clmA aod nsptaood her beow^r^y Jure'
idientooD Ugtbi Ihrongrti u (look
lab drew no tbareinawiih i
the too. Ii Uckad
"The Lake 8b(W>- ttola b doe at
liM 1>W« KiwopItrtokW
Ron knew the ooodaelor «f
a-r,-n. We moat bare asppe ready for way
rubbed lier neefc rootenledly
Danii-l," rie- mlA Kb-drew off r
to him M be
(SB Pb. uad ft. tu. pdiprarv v^.b| tvt^
the tree traak.witl
b b'a oe. fwmt and tbraat tb
lima oak Icarto. CUeb of Ue- afalDiD* mlU patU iolo
drew a paper ttom hia pocket and
H-- took them obedhwily
•tweed M orer hia knea.' "Abeeead- irodiP-d te-arllT toward tb- boro,
alitlMKirl <>
fngtCImt. Bmbnale. Tea Tboaaaad
cariy feir-a hi
woow a worked ro^r. The
Dollar* of Hia Emgdoytw'r Umoj l-Meei If 1 let
aooo blaaioci the heufe nc
A li»hi breew fjinmt ap aed febM - .rUy; tb-lafak-waa agiread witli tta
aheet orer: ha a«al«fakeaed it with bolMar eloib of MOWdrop |mtaa<o;
le ebe>"
le diffienlty.
The Ufki ahiflad tfe old faahiewrd atlrec p-Oeeh-d Ifae
Dife'l <
Hcfat In link- doixHn* rays
trlgthl iilare apoa the IwadllB
Otaatter and He*are drew chain t*
lelten aloogtated and feM«.---------- the aoath viodow aod ab«Uy wmlM
••WML ni
Bal«,Bt.wr»«BtU iipin
hit ore*; the relmt iweairdand (tood wUkdo^ hoBda
x-fae ^imle
<:ta a.«„ .yr.i^
•’ u i

CMr«»<ir»n. rraaxnr-




Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Houses for Sale in
All Parts of City





iBSore Yoar Fara'troperty
uA Borrow Your Hooey

Nanr Farms lor Sale A
CranO Traverse and
adjotnlac counties.




Just received n full line of Ladies' and Men's Undcrwcar„Wrappcr4. Hosiery. Fasinators, Caps for Men.
Ladies aqd Children. 1‘riccs .ntways the low
on us whi-n in town.

Otaaaaa Bclanuricallr PIttM.


_____ TIME


S! :| S'

m- - iOlii


PACAI. BAIJl < A.. M. ImM. Mica.




red and diacaated. Kon Hlaffcrd
aploace at the Alhlellc Club.
CM himaelt Ikudc. ahranrod blmaelt
into hu erenioc cloiheu for he waa
line oal after dmocr.and went down ‘
to Ibe
gorl.. to
hud himnlf fan to
fan with tlie diTiaUr
rlncleu and He riotcl
"Ron. ray dear,
ford. "Im DC inti ...
nicahr. whom aumchow
aced to min Ihia morn Inc


For Uiey w
___ i>d. nn. ni<ybrr' " Kerlmga he
held the llllle IraadalM gcarc him a
little loocrr thu waa rrr~rniT "I
not tell you I gmt Im ta a ea
Min Clwaler laacbcL





Pretty Silver Novelties. Watches.
Clocks. Diamonds, Jewelry. Large
Stock, Reasonable Prices.







Barmss Oil

l•••l Atoffewd'
oentor. nimiac bu liair. "yoar «*»«,•aid you were a In He (irlV.’
■‘Oh. 1 shall ni-ret b, crown ap U
patiar" cried Min Chealei.
"He add.-' atainraeted tbe yOan*

■ lina'ima ibliik." qaeciM Adeta
ciieata-r. mlaofaleriooaly. "that I'm
I crew cailltly red.
reached home before
> Her faroihrra' rapt...............aiuaied her Kenr
known bow Hiey mUwd b-w!
lid ah, dream Umt amfe of tha
• joanc htginorilea waa aarlac to
ibe woo l fa bjut is anrb B harre
e aad Helen lake to eodi other."
take to each oHter. tioai
■ BOI nrnntairy loka*p tna
caneeai'nl rlnf
llml erenlnc.___
erenlnc. and. |wrmlU
ted bit fnend to eooi I.U heel* olnae
llieir Bgqwiinied nraderouc.
til Ibe goir angaoBo of their
Aad Dick wot *o anxioo* to
_______ Min fbcaler lata the art,tenea of fUehlichl ptetoreg that lie
madehima lf no end of a bore. The
ooentry jnntin of tiu Hlaffmfe did

ad to CO with
(Joe mortilac a
week after her degnrtaie Ralgili and
oat be meal atteod to trattaen la
Kaw York ud had left for Che city
oa the mldnicfat train.
Asd whan
RontMumea. ailcal bat amilinffoad
ezalmni. thee wan-DM al all fesfaword aboai leUlBC him with lr«* froteraal frmakaen their opioioo of hU

(Duled RalphI witbenacly
"I I
w all the time thaw
liar* yon '
al kind of a Ctrl"'
iodam afaerr ktadaw oa ny
6mt boy I Bat. aa i hare acrivoa
eirtoe it rrer iu
WB reward."
•■Oh. oocoe off- aotraaled DM.
Yob )aat cot Uw insHc Inefc and
yM kept It."
Kon trailed In, Ba>lacbc.
"1 aaanre foo ta Uktac my late
baaty tnp I had only ch* ba«» lalartam
of my hroiben at brart. Myntla am-


Hebe jamge'd ap.
"O. Ron’ Did yoa-did aha—’•
lia laacbed qaiuicrall.r.
!ora men aiMnce for ybo. my fear.
Bba mid ID laU yoo that yon ora to

Coinmkta and Un JL CmuMnes


iss&tsv^• lOS.OOO

O. BloLACH LAN * CO. -

Tloallied'Alr adolslfUrad. AntiBoUr aaad ter relief of fals of azttaeOiB. Chn la the aae of ADtlaenttea aU atariUmtloa of isttr«B



1 lot p. I

IS e«nts per Quart Damcas Oil

SHd'gJSu hlwSfrlgit^ ■***









Er,".,-;____ ....


Hopes and Pullefs for Gap forks


and Yarn ta tk Can Stalks wlt^.



COR. f^teirr

1 mm





And H

Hm haml of iIm- h
coirine son. soil-the
tl-y in
tlM>m laochi





207 E. Front Street,

Traverse aty SUte Bank

tdbeaal Reword OCaeed toe fait An**- train dn-w npal ifai- *iaU
The old man. lodAmly raB-rr-d fram ifar bare a^
---------------------Imt well-flUed maa««.
gw adiod^mwBid tha md: UUIbk
cfaalr. A yoot Bocm lolled afaeee
w the
............................................... bla kolanee and maple tree, and «fa<id a
HUB no Bata, .(woroona
ITwo roand-eyed efaii- <m kfemer'a tramgnll faee.
A belated ae fair caropSIbb
dran eanytow m
a hoakel
ho^ei of
anti bekoowledcvd.
_________________ etped tromaby-mth
Khe aore«ed hi, apol(«y wtlb a
last beynod. Tber lip-laed br oo tbe
tattbas- aide and ran to aOrtgtht. The .. orm the poainr* ban H
ran peered redly tlitonrb the lower •d K> tbe doer. A lemblini
red hark at
btaorha of the <Mk, A
in a Beigtfa- Uidogran beram.
She gtl
> be had If
the moiber'a
ilrerr back, holdi'ogr the
rami and rtarted al a brink n
r open.
Mra Uioa«er harried
ligrtibor. dririnc a beary
a the path and
fatioi a ewer* TOtae
me cfatteriBC pam
Ha called out.
aod drew in lit, borar Chleb ptied
him In atoey aileoac, tha old mote
barely elotnnJt tha wiewU
Tbr hud. her eyer ateodr mad abiala*
btm m .
neioiibar (aied• after
irrled aroand them, raubmg: ihaake-l him. when br «hw,rf tmreHe hod
(ether esciiedly.
Old | hnedfd
hi, ha^ uxether
naadfd no
oo tbe
tbe curbriaoa
aa the Tehitbe Dews. Cna
la by one fami
away, he reon I by-led that
landmaifaa eame in eicbt. Tbe eb
lialeard to Ihe addrwn ^
oal treee that Daniel alwara
aiwaya elalond
liail ctrrn Ihe dnrrr, ami be walked
aa bla
Waa ttml bU liillayellow
Cliarlc* llajungn^Mthdeattai clerk in off in a Ivwenac race al hit own >mgrlaamloc amonr ti
Um- gcrtol booaa of Marlow A ('« , had biaility
.. rmtnldi faoa [MT>r,l
ided a lone ooafB- of agiaenlatlaa by
Ner.r wa. there eo dhory a fey. olbogre rock where be
b, waa
wont to
infemineud (liitlit Oo lhai very thooch tl.e late Aagruat aosafaioe
wine hia fa.ber on bi, rr
le of lou fouBdiUwae into tlia oBlou Ker.r
I admits^ liad the readme <d the law amfeed
iU old pUTBala aa
to tbe firm aa jasior
anchadull ud lirroouta dradgnfy.
___ Xh iba bridi^. Tha t
■ dropiied bw, rriKirtar had I
herer before had tbe gwgm blorrad
from Oaleb'f iBtalraed tinyei
-id the two IL_____
taloa mat of maonUaclan bUtfa
oblld'amany laoeh liokMo_____ ...
easily dose. •Inoe biKh y
Bat. Ihea—before had
bool halow.
".See mr Ikwl" lu
irely noLoe
a bewitehmc yoaac tan come hi ana
nhOBli-d in Knot jtlre. it waa a neish
him and l»a hnku a tare with ndbor'a boy.
Tt.a old mare aima.1 gen nmtainad ampgr aod
dl,h cold ruicleu elauh-red
eloau-red arouad
atlBicbl for a tow. nunbtinc: farm
while fnelmul. aad Uie eret Ihe colbeoie oo the alopa of a bill. A awaet. ^l'*hont,l liate rame earfu
old face paerrd ool of the aonny kitefa
aaid Dulel lommcln
faored Ilia newrgagwr
umgrtil aAm him He coaid liaai
poule and annoy too. '
ingt figenre. He drOTeMrai^l by witli(iileb banc '-t, I'tead nnd Mrs
0,-r , face dn,pgu,l on her aod a_____ iLe deiKH for two whole boor*, and
Keaier imudplly rorered
their mfopii
uwetbar the
u^ide^lr tlliat gwilfular nb
aboolinc tb.- Iwlu


rwala-* Aaaaii
Peraa'l mn«L th« Hlmary earner •«
HarWord, Ua man frlcBdly tfem.
Tbe fortanau member, of that charmad circle boboob
_____ Stow* w»a
aUra. Mart Twain. WBO lirad aaar
bar. fed a way of rmaatar ta to earn' b
her ud ta-rfeaffblm. oftwith
lii-uly*iTto d:

aa* lan Um at the door with Ih* «>•
elaiutitid, ••Ihore. Sam!




■Biad by Gm Mlewfeff

•■B«n U oMacki
aad look at ill
u hear thU mofalac.

Taka it aot
At tfe *M or

■— aaMfera tcarMato


rnie».me:THE GRAIfP TRAV£k5E HERALD, 8fiW»giiM» 19, 1901

Near Relatives Gathered Around
the Death Bed.

doMan are MU weekInc
bo4r tb aeartk e( Ike baUoL

> Tmtim rnmm

It Monday, it wfU b
r at, hafen JaMaa
VUte U tba W|Ma


mW m


Last Momonts of Gonscioosnoss
Spent With the Wife ef the Dyine: President at His Bedside

“Good-Bye Aii, Good-Bye. it is God’s Way. His
Wiil Bo Done.”-lalt Words of President Wiliiam



Parke aiTired. BridHitly a en
uoo will be held at oacw.
Olpreiaad, Sept l.t^Seuatcir M. A.
Hatma. Ool. Themck and Um .
dent'vristceis Mr# Barber and Mia
DoBoao. drfl fnr Boffaki nna npeeial
tralaover tbe tmke Sbon atdffiOa
m. today.
Buffalo, fiepi. IS—An official boll
In at y a m. said tbe r«neideat'a co
dittoo bae som-'Wbal Imgrored dorln« tbe part few boor# ' Tbme Ua
better lespooee to etimalstioo. He U
Hone and fiwe from pain,
pulse la Its, lempemur*. W.b.
Ohio, 8ep# u—CbalOB ia
io BoanitD(c today. Fia(n are at helf
aad erepenad bunGne aiv emywbere. The rity will obaerve a ]ariod
ef thirty days mouralBir. Many eliopa
le rtly liare si

vicinity vraitinc for news, baldnad-iof Uie seasDu ooevred rt^pt. I fOi ^ | ea^^br nf the bride. Jolm Frich
incthe Inerllable roBBlt. Bolletios j the hoow of J. L Rtabtoo of Seven’S “vr'4a*.^'Wopl.ia Feicbaer of

eootlBoed to come In mod none |»ve street- which united his daupbler, : ><n*hvitle.7mBd{iarMila nf the (room,
lira. UcRinley apiean to be bear- hope Aod ns they were posted 00 i Mlse Uynh- H. Htaoloo. to Mr Mra Oeoree Brown v>d UrvAumh
ly np trell.
theReoordbulletlnboahlcrowdsfead!‘'h«l-v 3- Helm, fornwrly of this) Kenney, annla. mud Miss Gram- SUllTlie eoronen. VilBon and Bolder,
city, but DOW of Asbland. Ohio. Tbe| well, a cousin.
rly. aod
aad the poel norten examlnw* Hoyte extract n (Rain of hope; but there oeD-mooy 191a performed by Kev H : The (meau were received mt tbe
. Ullbnn I
waa no hujas. Oid soldien were there, A. Kelsey of the Fnonda rhnrrh. of ! door liy Uiaa Loreoa Pennlnfftoa aad
Mimto Mary
and tboae more than othera manUMl- which both brideand rroom are mem Farter . BennliicUm.
formally viewed the irntdent'* body.
aud.many eoold acaroely hers, in the pnwedbe of the reUtiw. UonUtooery. Etbel Thoinaa aod HaaOoroner Tilion etaloii lliat noonferkeep back Gie U*r. which would dim of the oontnciiDi.- parties and avrty'nali Benainirion nerveil the refresbheld with dictnot attoraey
few of the Intimate friend#
I menta
Penney, aad ft wae decided on bit ndalbeuntifollydecThe weilditiR pn aeuta were many,
eonridered an old comrade
vine to Boaunoa DOOOTooer'B jotr. In• orauioo. emllal anil and beaoiifol, Bltoatin« Ihe affeotioo
veleraa of tbe O. A. K. and to them
Btea<l the exmneni will hold ao infor­
e in
erl- for the bapiiy coople of a hori of
a brother, not alooe the pm-;-------- --------------------^
-------mal inqneei and deliver tlielt verdict idem of the United Stalea HtroDB '
The railiotf of the alaira down fnenoa. whe will join in the luattieat
flndinm on the |cecidenl B tieacxUied. nnd Iheec old aoldhta whirii Ih.. hndal party matoheit
oooirratolallon* and Rood wisbtw
death an eoob at the death oertiaeatee dnwded the bn-akioit of nil oarthly ! ht«oHf«tty twined with i.Teon foliace
A rrceplinu to Mr. nod Hr# Bslm
ia filled oni.
liea with Oommile and Preaideoi Uc- jand white flower., and tlie ceremony
me (riven Thnrsday • venioir at K*
Oorpner VilBOO aaid tl>e Etnley. Every It ao'e friend.
jwas performed in fmel ri a Imok of o'clock at (he Fnenda elinrrii. They
ireirtdent'* |>hyBiclan> will cive the'
•ived the aid tidinita palnii. ferae aod polled plant#
j.left Fmlay morain(( for Aililaad.
death and he will liiine the oF-tbe death of Ihe preaidi-nt ml I j-tO
o'clock Hiaa niarlotle Helm, jo),i«,
,c„in(t i.y
way of KaahHe did not know whether
of Ihe (rrooiu. itrack o|> llieiBin,.
Hn-y will vUlt
«t a
there will te
atraina of MeodelsMiliD's woddloE relatives lor a abort lime Tliey wlH
th.' preetdenl'e idiyticiann. bat wa> expected
laaprmd far aad march, and Ihe lirldal {wir dear, ‘ ‘ . ....................... their friends a
poaltive that the port mortem exam’- wide.
hy Jtia.. Klvina
; Uuid, after Kiiv 1.
ioer* of Erie'eoonly aodldnot ]vr. and Mr. Kl-1
The belli of the Uooitn«atloiial and Btnntoo. Ibe brldeai
fonn ooe.
man. - At thr
Southern Mlolii(»in hnewkeK
Kirat U. K. and 81. Francla chnrcbea
eeremony, the Iremarkiiu: on ilie aoarrity of fl
Bcffaln. U-itlia. in.-Mr*. were tolled at S:l.'i. alaoUieOratral
1 with'k-iimiu Tlie |>«ts are still toe
UeKinley fi alM>pinc aiider tbe iaflo- ecfaool ^11. lolemnlyand moorafolly bride and itroom werr
« irethlent was e*m(iral
of opiem aad d.iev not know the
pn^eidenl U dead.
One of the taort toocbinc eaene*
round Uie bedtlde of tbe dyinc |ireBi.
after hr himwlf liad (riven np hoi*',
aeoordintr to one of the ilortora. With
hie life ebbioit alowly away, be «amDoaed Dr. Kixry nod lo1d him to call
the other pliyfictaiia When tliey had
aaBCmbled he vaid : "My end fi near,
t witli icr tisak yen for wiint yon
•. bnt the deeia- of n Jnrt
providence mnat be carried out.
Anil clotinK hix eyce, Ihv
imBldeot'rocited the l.-ord'* prayer.
The pbyrieiana Mood with howed
heada The preiiidnnl'* roic igcivered
first bnt wl)rn'he Bald tJie
wotda. "Thy wjll he done." 11 Bound­
ed like u bel]
He twice rejMled the
aitnple word* of tbe prayer end Uy
with' elneed eyec for a few minutet
while tho pliytieiant tiole qalrily

Buffalo. Sept. 14.2:30a. m.-(Ea8ternTlme)-President William McKinley passed away
peacefully at 2:15 this morning. He had been unconscious since 7:50 last evening, except
between 1 1 and 12 o’clock.
The last hours of consciousness of the president were spent with Mrs. McKinley by his
bedside and his hands held tenderly in those of his sorrowing wife.
The president’s lagt words were: “Good-Bye. All. Good Bye. It is God’s Way. His
Will be Done.”
There was no clergymen present, but the president died in humble submission to God.
in whom he believed.
Theannouncementof the president's death was made by Secretary Cortelyou. It is
believed that death came shortly after 2 a. m.. but Dr. Rixey witheld his announcfement un­ Buffalo. Segit U—Tlieodcre Roose­
velt arrlred In tlil»cily thla afternoon
til he was perfectly sure that death had come.
and took the onih of offleo M ptetiIn the sick room at the time of^heiAleath of President McKinley were Private Secretary dent of tbe United Siatea
Sept. U-Kiait Edward toCortelyou. Mrs. and Miss Barber. Miss Duncan and Dr; Rixey. The members of the cabinet dayLondon.
forwarded to Arahaaador Choate
"Most truly
were admitted to the sick room one at a time before death came. These are all strong men.
1 you anil the
but when they left the death chamber tears strearhed down their cheeks.
whole Amn-ioB
Vice-President Roosevelt will arrive in Buffalo at 7 o’clock this morning. Dr. McBurn- (trelted preBtdenl."
ey arrived from New York this afternoon.
SewY'ork. Sept H—All tlie Mock
are doted today.
Buffalo, Sept. 14. 2:30 a. m.—There is no disorder on the streets, universal sorrow tfhanjtes
Loudon. Sept. Jt—The London Mock
being manifested everywhere. It is stated that early in the evening a mob was forming to exchaiutea and the Lh^rpool ontlon.
e errhauce* are closecl
lynch the assassin, but additional precautions were taken by the authorities and the guards today oat of re*|wt
to I'resldeot Hcdoubled. No serious trouble is anticipated.
Inffalo. S.m It. 2;|&-Dr. Wasdin
Buffalo. Sept. 14-The.announcement of the death to the members of the cabinet was ju.l alah-d the antopsy upon tbe preamade by Webb Hayes, who’said, “It is all over.”
id.-nl had be. n prrfonnad. bot
ballet had not been fonnd That
Mrs. McKinley last saw her husband between I I and 12 o’clock. At that time she sat tb:<
the imsnedinte cunw of th-' preaidi-nl'a
wm. toxemia in ih
by his bed holding his hand. The actual death probably occured about 2 o’clock. Jt being dominaldroUi
understood that Dr. Rixey delayed the announcement to assure himself. Through Secre­
tary Cortelyou the newspaper men were notified. When the news was imi>arted to those ri-a. Uill
down stairs a great sigh of anguish went up from those strong men assembled. Then with
mournful tr^ad they turned into the darkness.

was to
At the same time there was an intense feel ed for. HannaHooaevell
and MoSinley'a siaUx.
*ng which it was difficult to suppress and left Clervland on special tialn. BuUetia at 7 a m. said pvoidral bad ral
threats of violence to the assassin were fre­ lied eomewliat. Heart aotien ia atiU
quently heard.
Ibnt tbe doetowa are
At 7:25 p. m.—A- report came over the' At
PrMdont Hilbon uaPostal telegraph wire that the president is
outlook iadarkjmt
dead, but the report is unconfirmed, though re tblnk therrTbe
is a flffhtl^ ehanee. "
the end is believed to be at hand.
Buffalo, 5:45 p. m.—An official bulletinj^wi
MeBaiory. who
has just been received stating that the presi-iS;';:SS;'1L";::‘.::j:'S.
mutdcsit-e rolapME
dent is dying.
Buffalo. Sept IS—Dr. PbzkuiwtBraBuffalo, 5: IG p. m.—President is growing edtotbeMlIbarabousratSiU. H<
had aoeo ibe pnudecil at« e'oleek.
rapidly worse, suffering greatly. Respiration He waa slerptiiff at tbe Uma. Dooton
Rixey. Stouktoa. Hyntaa. WaMla aad
40. pulse 126.
Man wasu aU la iba hnee whn Ot.

BaSalo. 8apA
•a IB elo»d today aad trill wiMln
ao BBlll Hooday not
of the lata faaaUMi.

ItUftlaolBteljriBxelotMlpTOB. Then
wriu ftir advice U there U aoTtbinr
ahoot jva caw jraa do not wdee.. Bttra editiOBB of the Bvaal^ Recori
iM a eltocA to Tiavetw OI9; be­
Yob need Dot be a/raid to teU the
eoeU Dot explain to the
at oaly the nlcht favrioae
letter trill be Been oalr by airinff reports eaaw over the wires as-,
the peiiOQB who lee prir.. .. Alio
« tbe inbable eoaplete and ,
atelettenat b
speedy recovery of Pnridaal McElatory. at Lyon, t
ley. After the Ar*t effliloo wua Isnied
tbe Record dfflor waa bcaleced with '
people efekloir man and defiutie new*
of the eoadilion of tlie prreident.
which had beeone BO (rave duno« a .
few boor*. Another estm edlUoai ,
arail them-1
was iaeeed at 10 a. m. with fffrttaer |
selree of the I
delBlla. The cooditlea of the [reel •
ralnable res
deal ooDtlnue.! prram. hot bopefol '
cdr. Before
Bi«na were held out. When tbe r««n • |.
taking Lydk
lar afienooo rdlUon was iwinled
pink crepe de obine ininiaod with .
tbe laat diBTwIde-B iodlmml adecld-l^- ^ Woodbull of iVnIwalw; Mat­

lite a).plu)ue. sod rarrted bride'#
ed chmn«e for the better.
I tbew Moller of Kroolier.
felt TTiy bad•ea The Iridesmaid wore white orThe paper bad eearcelv reached tbe i Tl"
K~PP. Cinrlnnati.
■mdie. trimmed with white sallB.
Bobecriberv when. M 6:lu. a Btartlina
FoUowinc the cmaraay. the party
lariook of drliclouv lee cnam aad
mlanulna chance for the icone. Tliia.
appetite. P ~
oake. The dioinc room wu lUtatUy .
and the table was tntrty
____ and riirfat aide, aM ___ _________ boera the office enim
loaded with flowers.
coBld Baieely cUnd. 1 wa* Dot able
to do anythinir. Uad tharp pain* all
_______ ________
She la tiH
Unr of the |jHuant fmlurva of tbe
u offeml. ____
anr-. ' Irand Repida tuvaCled.
tbrunirb inr bodr.
evrninK was tbe reortic of a teleciu
eeuain bullellD (rave oocaeiM f« the ; «nfereoce iwest.lent of the W. P.
Bookw. U Olmoey. - ' '-------- of eoncratnlniiosu from Hie office fem
cravesi alarm, nnitl It was definitely , ■
ttraelf imomrinrimpmrinr- I eontinoet. —
of Hrver A lltos of Aahyad. Ohio,
nntlt I had taken Icmr bottle*, and
aBnouDC-d that the |weeideot wn. dy-; *» Allahahad, India, delivered
BO wrll that I did not need to take
where Ur. Helm has Im4 ernffloted
inc A special edition of tlw Record

hat B short time. Ihii wh. re be has
alliSO siMd-this news
leiuth the work of the socielv.
alteadi la-roou- Tvry iiojBilar.
mod from that boor until nearly mid- ■
Aaionc the rrUtivea from abroad
n'cbl there was u crowd ul ti.eofflco
Pt«ir Aw.mB WcABIbc.
Mrs iVfaarlos^rcwmmerof Ubi
and OB tbe atreeta io the imniedlaie i
of the preireet borne weddlnfs


Deep Meuming and Sorrow Manifestod at Buffalo.

I cumdilioo. ~ By S a m. every
utely near his end. the suspense was intense S'w^
t««. .firon failure i
and sorrow expressed iteelf upon the couhte' <>>^^« cumpieteeouapee.


U-OacdrM*B mm



Buffalo, Sept. 13—When the news was! Buffalo, sept». 7 ioam.-Ai

BaOalo. BqN.

For Tiger.

dead. Traverse City rootrlbotes
. of monraiiiR i
■orate with tlie

Univeraul sorrow prsrulled 4n Trarersf Oily Sutordsy.
ns Maroely daylight before
nf people, called from their
sloroten by the lolliiiit of the ehureh
belle. beRSii to ee«k pohlio places io
tlie city todlscnas the sad tidlofm
which came from Buffalo. Tbe death
of Fresldaol McKinley was' dlsousaed
in hnriied roioo# and tears mlBRled
freely in every home with the disraseloD of the sotrowfol new#
c‘ly daylik-fac when fls«s
St half mast tic(ran to appear ihroncliout the city, oo pnbllc ami ^raie
EvoryiBie wbo owned a
flaffldiaplayed it. and in many oaaee
white otape wib fonnd
woood in the fold, of Old Glory.
It of
voicinii tlie nhiversal seoUmont
A larire pnintloirof Prrwldeot HoKlnler was hunt orer tbe comer of
Vrout nod Casa streeU by members of
the O A. R nnd dnrinit Ihe moniin«
manv boildlnga wn» draped In black
and wbitc. Later In the day throe evideorot of aorrow beimn to be numer­
ous. onlil bUek and while Could be
discerned upon cviwv band.

was scKrt eihimated.
The early edi
tionof the Grand Kapida Herald went
cakes, evevyone sagerly
eosrehioc for evMv
•cene in Baffelo and at tbe bedside of
UiedyibR preeideot.
Poblic funeral uervioM are eumceeted aod it it believed' tliat a pUn lo
bold # poblic lofTioeal tbe auBv boor :
tbe foneral of tbe prroldeot ia held, i
will be ii
Tbe whole world moura*. bol do
people will moora more sincerely
than those of Traverse City.


total a'MBMIlTOWM'
The perfect Stove and Ran^e is
distia^uished by above trade mark.
J. A. MONTAOUC. TrAV*!-** OI«y.

fr V'tS

rasreeroee ('amlsg
eeived Saturday by the Record
from Rev. W. L Laufmati. pastor ef
tbe First U. E cfaurch <d thla city
led Che luvltstioo to bold
p fur IkWt ID tbit dry to
the state ooofeti
Kvenlnit Record,
Traverse City, ktieb.
"Tlie Geofereeee aeepied tbe levita-

Nri to hunt tigiTs with
'jinl-hliot. Jt doesn't Inirt the
liitcr any and it's au-fully risky
lor you.
Consumption is ,t tiger
.-imfing dibtases. It i> stc.-illhy
—hut once started it rapidly
"VllliamL 1
e:il.« u(> the flesK and destroj-s Both of Trarerse^lty'a
'the lifa Ko use togohundng Uafamn and Rev. "
it with ordinary Jood and med- mach elaied over tbeir
eariiut Ibe eaofereoee
irimi That's only bird-bhoL City, sa are other proa
ll still .Advances. Good heavy
'hargv« c< Scott's Emulsion
fill stojj the advance. The the midst of Its Ibreo days' labor.
I'sc-ih: feds that
Stitt's Emulsion nukes the
vly strong to dsisL It
- uihcs and toughens the Itings
■■ i: sustains the strength until
hv disease sears itsdf out.
deans aad admitted to foil roanactiim
I'k-tMl (or frec.eampfe.
A. Bates of MonloB; O. O. Ime of

Botfalo. Sept 14—Reroereli willarrire at 1 JP sod will be sworn la im­
mediately by Jedfe Haxal. of Hie
United 8catea ooort and die flnt <»binst meeclmt wiU borin.
plane are still Inambryond aubUet
to ebanca
It la probable that the
fanecal |hity wUl leaee here Moeday.
1 two days ia V, '
ibntorOaBli i.wbfntbeia
;<* -rr #
vUl WbsU.


arisoa; Cbam OeUoa of Oasam



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc.



CM 'Amsc Hcrall
Lm« Bmmmt to MeEl
■•fclo. 80PI. Ifr-Tbr Mtolu of
A* |»wi<lMt ilorMd oa iMr >o«fM7

fcy Mn. HeKUUr.
RoctoTeU. tootol-n of tte tabUMt, •Mtolon
m4 t-proMPtoUfto. teooW Kutd
W M MWia oU dMibenof the
Stoo* I o'clock Soodoj the n^olae
l« to Che clip hell. irawM bp * ipc■< itotoll of 1« aao. t»e ooo>|wi1m
•4 •^•Idttoe aad » dctoll of BMctMl
AlTrWUile monioc cj tlK
told, me ewTtod oat to the vomac
btoTto. the hood flea the SUtp-Piftfa
imtBMiL N. W Yoek Kaitcoal Ooard.
heew pUpliiK ••K.or.t ap Ood Ic
TkM."BBd tlto aatrefa to the deiwl.

The eaeen ocMtoted of oaecooipaap
of Um FoanMUi noralar iBlaaup.
tve «M|>Biac fran the SUlp-fftb
•ad BFTaBtp'foartfa MPa'York Wai
alOaardi. a eca|map of the Uaib-d
StauaHviae cor^. a detail of all
on frooi tlip latilcrtilp Ulahiffu. aaf
a eqaad
BOosM policp.
Feltowlac (be brane eaiae Ptwideat HooeeraU. anaiben of tbe cabioot diplolina. Tbe bodp of tbe tacaldeot wae
plaead la tbe imr i»r oa a iBleed OtaIblqaa. la plala riew from the oateUe.
Tbe eaeket wa* oorerMl with
aa ABotcaa Ike aad a-baaotlfal
wtaath of anren. n>e car wae haa>
I wllb wniatbt aad flow'

tbe depot. Un. KcEialep (bowed tbe
«ret ricee of weakaaliic. 8be tritovIp waptaod walked to aoeMMlHp Ibat
it WM aero aw rp fee Or. Kiicp to pot
ble am aroaod bar to hold bar ap.
Bbe wae placed on tbe tralo itnairdlalelp.

rrleBdeaad ralatlcaa liaTeiluewB
tool Un. llcRialep (be apatiXkp
wUob ebo paooUarlp aoade Mdap.
Dr.Bliap aad Hn. Barba atlaedad
Ita McKlalop Ummirboot tbe alcbt.
fear baiBff eatoHaioed that eLe ntffbt
mdiiTPtbe Mataof
todapMd toaonow. Wblleabe ral­
lied eoaawlat thia atarainc. it aeemi
acre 1^ Ufcelp that tba boar oaa
top beer ai>d at Oaalae will break bm
lown. Bod malt to ariou iltoea
Mra HoCiBlep-a aeadittoa waa aaoh
fall Boratof that aito wii not abb- to
po to lb> apluL n>e ftart from tlxwhiB- boeae waa Bade ebertlp afb-r »
Tbe bearw- airiaed at tbe
ntpllo] at lOtSS. aad tb.-n. aadrT lb>pt>«t white doae. in ib. eeat- r of tb-rotoodiL. tbe eaaket war pUml cn
daJt -hee.1 catafalqe- that had bora

yrom aoOB to clx o'clock tbe n-matoi arlll lb- to atat- at Uu- aidtoL
At ; tk- bodp wlU to- .weoned to tiePiwnaplraiik atatla. At K the trau

Tba aaeae at tbe almple fooetal wae
patbetla Tbe fanilp had tokea kaep
oftbair loredoee befor.-the otben
lira MoKlalap. tbe poor,
(rtef-oraebad widow, bad baca led in­
to Iba Obaabor bp bar phpeiotoB. Dr.
Buv. aad bad wtl a*blU alooe witb
hla wbo bad asppertod aad

ared. Bheiaaod at blaaod ftadlp
anaed hii (oa. Bbe didnot
Utaltoe (bat ha waadoito.
*a wa lad awap bp Dr. Rlup.
dad before II o'clock Pra
Booaralt atorad.
Brerp one
aod all ara woe torned toward
Be bold fataalf oroet Tbca
wbo won eoatoc toward hla faU
baeka altbar aide to tot him
Be fiaaad oaa a twla to (hake
haodi allaUp. bat (bare wu no amila
to oonaipaiip bU tmeUiiKa He appoarad to be fUeUnc hlmaU fa
took toto the (am of bla wboaa death
tod Mde bla (be rotor of Ibo flret
npBbtie of.itowoiU. Tbe aoilco
to the reoB waa iraat Tton (be
inaldoBi tamed aod at (be aae
Ha bowed bte head aad
tookad down opOB the famto tbe ana
wboa boMtoe aad nopeoalbllltp be
had taka ajt Loai be caat^ ataadlar laaMTaUa are for a Iwitohtoi
to tto aaaotoe to (be totto ai be bbored With harp breath to (oprea hla
^etlea, At laat be (topped bock.
Ttoa followed (be aaraon.
kftol waa Ilraa and tbaro wellM oot
beattohaU (be beaatUnl wcrdito
"load. Rtodlp Lifbt" foac
qoanat. It WBi Praidml HeKtotop'.
torerlto bpaa.
Kretp oac withl
aeoad to tto aaalc kaew it aad toUf

kw tto poWie to Tlaw tto bodp tnsa
Iba ttoto it arrlToK at abeet
o'oloeb. naUt 6 o'clock. Battbapeopto ware wad«to to tba atrneto for
M^a Two Itoa -wae focaad. Tbep
•mtoadad Uteiallp for atln. Vbes
o'etoak aaow fsr^ thoaaad people
had aboadp paaaad aad tbe erowdi
walttoc below to (be alraete teemed
U wae deeidad to OKtoad the tlae
oatU Bldalght. Tbeo for boon leafa tbe (imta wae doca with people
atepetotbe bread ealraam'tote
toUaad ^aal ibe bla. Vbei
doom warn ebaed at aldoUtfat it waa
artaatod (bat 80.000 people bad riewt
•d tbe wae tea, tat thoaande to lUeappototod OM wan aliU to tba

tiUVEPSfe HERALD. SEWBintBB ig, igoi


s win east llHir abadMsa bciorc.
CIWMitiil will bsHwepstihieoICb. Racket Store.

Ml*. Hpen ie ttrj ai
aaaed deterieratioa of (be late erope.
ed bp aeeertod etoodardi of
iwjo then bae been a tbrtokcom acme i
bodicl. to the prahable
oRe to
Aetoalpkld 01 m
Hr. Bnaer hae neM«*d a port to
tto loale tollered toto mack the macUneiT fra hU relta ^mcb
to hare I
nodp fur ila
TtoOBt Sbeiipard. wbo rrae rabaeeel
froatto HicblRaaCltp pnaon after
eerrlac B aenueer to tweotp-two peon
------------ from tore took
trip to
fa aoida. baa jaat bran married at
8le.'iilBR Beu Soadap.
Selltran. IndT. to a HiaOobaecB. tto
Hilec Deoeaore and wife to Jaokdeepaonow for hie !ijaweettoan of biepoolb. When Btop- eon rleited bare laet week aad will rt
riloD Him Johntoo t^PMoeker tumarrow.retaniaR Iraac
ttoliaelp death.
rowed eto woold nera malrp ontil
New. ibenfore.
HiB Clara Daell la HntinR her
relt. ireeidoot of tbe Uoited State* of her lora wa. freed from pHran and
brother. .Vlbert Daell. tto hatter-aakAarrlaa. do appoiol Tbondap neit, hii tonoomoe Mored.
Thm toRaOj^^, the creamerr
rreamerr. Ha
Her home ie to
S.-PI. IS. tbe dap is which the IxkIi of tto iooR pcare of waiU^R. the leaifal | aiw. mar Grand kapida
tbe dead preddeet will to kid in
plea.llDR. with Roraaore. and tto
Mr. I.ihbie D- nraiore ie the
lael mrthlp raetinp place, u a dap of fiadiDR of eridrnee to prore hie InnaI-V Kimball idano
Boctninp end
ranee. Wtoa Stoppard Wlked from
K. k'. .Deatmore
urd w>
L'nitol StolM.
tlM- HirbiROD Clip irieon a free man. Trarcne Cup
Hiia (iBBi
Id all tlie pKi}.le to aaeable »D haate wae made to hare tbe ii.arriaRe
were aeRried
that dap tn their rewpeeilro plaeee of eeramcKip performe.1,
dlrine wonhip. there to how down
(buieal Apiue. of Goadeloaiw. reJohn Scott
ion to tbe will of Almiphtp poru that a coaoetelaa rortb.-.'!imp ool of AH heon> their ploitation of the iron eandeof the col- ardsT and SandsT.
of loreaod
cup liae tono Rtaate.) to Hr. K. -le lei
Glea Jones from Mil
-leads and relatiree henRTBI and Rood preaidenl. wboce dea
Roeelere. merebaot an.l lareidenl of

tb<- fostoal of tbe late pcratik-al pro*l<le for eerp alBpb- w-rrlni-e hen-.
Tba fnaeial trmic to ezpaotad to airlre
a a. Wtotoawkp. Hra. HcKtolep baa aakail (hat tbe bodp Ue to baa aaltten tto natloai witb blti
atole onip e few boon. It will then RTief.
In wiinaa whereof I hare berennto
be lakea to IbeMoKlnlep boat- where
id and raceed tto
It will temato ontU f p a Tbotwkp.
It will be neored at that boar to
Slatce to t>- anixed.
Done at tto etip to WaablnRUn. tbe
foartoeotb dap to So|tomber. A. D..
and Dine bnndnto and oor.
and of Ibe tndeiiendeoce to tbe Unit­
ed Statm tbe <ae hondred and Iwentp-aixtfa.
(Seal I
Theodore Rooeerelt.
frpa tiw Wlilie lloiue t<
tbe apltol ibroepfa a drUxitop rato. Bp tto preaidmt.
Stop Edwaed li tepaewated to lbt
John Hay.Beaetarp of Stole.
parMB of Oaard Lowtbet.
((•Bihcr mil tvrtoki.
of (b.-;BrttUh eataeap, wboa tbe

IVecldtoit HoMrell wore a bimd
b»d of erepe oo hla left ana and tbe
■rief aad eaiotiea be felt ehowed ktop apeclallp
pklalp frOB ererp line la bii oocate- UeliWle Id tbe aerrloa a hla peraooal
(bitir repBaXalo. Mept. l»-Baffelo peetardap aod topatlotii llki
Proeldeot Koueer.-ll
bacatoea clip of ataanai. Tbe par
frook cemt with a toad of;
aad IhualoK daooratlOBa of tbe Paathe h-ft arau
nere r
dtotrliwa expoaltlcB .para wdp to the
apnbol of (arrow. The black draperp
of Iba dtp'e etreeta Mesed ^neai to
■oaa tbe tolllac belle of tbe
oharobaa Bite of onpe aiveared oo
erarp ekara. Tbe aorrow wae ererp■ arbare oppamiL la tbe awralap.
pk aOTicea look place at the midaaee oa Daleaan areaaa when the
■artpiod precideet died.
A bpBB wae caop and pniper
oCerad enr tbe dead bodp. That wae
alL Tbe Itaaedlate tanilp and tbe
frlaode aad pollllBl aaMielataa of tbe
kla pnaldBi were p

Bp tbe Preaidcal cd tbe Ualted
itatao—A Tlniilariatlrai
A lonibto
barareaeol bat befaUa oar people.
Tbe {BBldont of tbe United Stotto
baa baea etrook down;
iltad not ealp avdaat the ehtof
Dhtofaaclalreto. bat epatoat aeon' ! -w«bidtop
aad llbntp-loTlDp eitiaeo.
Praeldeot HeKtotop crowned a life
I laipat tore fer bU tallow-aeo of
MteariMat cadaarafa their wel­
fare, bp a datb of AriatUB tortitote:
and botb tbe wap to whtob be llred
hie life and the wnp to whtob to tbe
boor of trial, be art hie
death, will ranato forera a preeiooa
bariape of onr people.
Illemeel lliai we ae a aatlae ((-,


to tbe oaoditioDof tbe eoaowp'i eeJeka Weaeotl bod cao to hU I______
tbe zepertiaoed bp tba
t Taaodap op to Saptoaber
Hla Proadi to Ohio ia bae rlxitiM
I. ndoeed tto mdmble yield of both
wfaai aad can. Effeete to the Jalp
drnopht were I I to (beat
t waa intoraed ttat Oari Walka
anura of the wr«t afar tbe Aopnat did not retniB with hie wife, ae to la
aioe. which oaae ue kaa to are tbe Mill la Milwnnkee oader tto doetiw'a

Cbe Racket Store
WUI set a new pace for the people of Traverse City
•andsurrotfmJmfrsby giving them better values than
have ever been known or heard of ia Grand Traverse

Cbe Racket Store
Will carry a complete line of Chinaware. Crockery.
Glassware. Tin and Graniteware. Shelf -Hardware,
Woodenware. and a complete fine of Notions and sc
and IOC goods.

'BkeH Our Ato Pop *Hb OoBrsInK Btoy.

Cbe Racket


tto ehamb<-r of ceumerra of Point* a
Pitre. TtoeoDeola-ld(:"Tto«e(ao<le
■led here but week.
■ foon.I at nianp placra alOBR (lie
Poll Winnie and Ploreara PbnitbIM In Tael belt.
Tin- qoaDtitp in I wen- mamed- U« T
at the
ralUble i. ee- '
Iwide's pan-uts.
rents, RcT,
TIu-t will
tlaalcl M aoiux bai.OOO tona. Ji ia e
ID Maple f^tv
|iBe maRnetie iron anu-1. free
Libbie Aiiril w
from Imiianliee, and piolilioi; abooi home last Uotidav
iniiR man in
c: prr cent of iron. Tbia iron it aai-l Ttarerw •'...............
lOWD to us.
to Rire a as|»ria .qoallilr of au-el.''
___ Raesis resnsteled at (he Hotel
Uua Tewie Soer. In Weal Bap Clip fra Ibe laat wr.-k areas follows: John
la .DireriDR from aoalda and bcni. to Wallera. SnttoB-Bar; H WdU. Juba
Bdab. Uli'D Artur; Mrs. Mnrri.. Clare
face aud handi aaa mail of i
eoualv; K. B. Thurlell. O. W. Ib-ujainp eoffee in a tlRhdp cloanl
mia. T»T..tM-01iv; G W VauRtia.
r. U Bent. UDwauLi-e; U. Kandall,
Hiller Hill: .H. L. Ness- ii. (Hen Ar­
id. K. DeOMuore and wif.. JackMien.; Clara Doell. Alto. Mich.;
: llalbawaT. Uilan. Midi ; U.
and hot coffee blew all
lellla. UanJon: L. On-ce. Mil.
i.-e: b'naak Dnmi. Trarerse Citt;
and fora and ran down tor
J. Uarehall. Uraad Kaplds; Paatack. Tb- ’ailendinR iihpeiciaii Bpe .
cal. Chas. Carj.-nter. Tt*Ti-nM-.Oilp:
tor inlorlea an- iiail.- (. riooe aod idie O. W. Jenkioa. Milwauke.-; I! Gromwill
diikRon-d for a lonR time.
brckiw. CbicaRO.

Krauk WriRbt anlred iulbe.eltr
Krldep with tto remaina of hia
Will, who died at Hanjoeite Wedikp motninR at ISdO o'clock at St.
Harp'i hcaplMl
I Mr. WriRhl la able u (rire more pf
tto dotalle of faU eon'e dralb than
eoolcl to oUaiued at anp time bi-tarr
I.Hier rnH. twliriMiila.
le relen. Will left liie bom.- In thie
Tbe frlendi to Mr. and Ur*. R<liul
ettp aboni ibrec tmaito. bro, emd
no. who weot lo Cellforala lunu
1 were tojared, tbouRh none worked fa a time on Maokinaw lel- lue aeo. will to plad Ic hrar Iron
the followlnR letter:
J. .
and and hae aiuce beeni ecBploped on
lut'AnR-'lee. Cat . AOR S'!. Il«l.
lartom. Sept. l7-6bartlp be­

HeluidjnetwrilUr. KdmiMm and 1 bare been tore
Iro lioae (hat be lulondod to atari for lx monthe. We Imre both iiiiprored
Tiarnree Citp on Tberadap'ot thie In bmlth aad hare enfop.-d the clioallapai.d. 8h>- le onda tbe coe
'billfornla. at Ira AnR.-lca.lieetaned aoona (Imn li. mabI of ha phraieUn thie tob-i
daricR the eamninr la not uamimfnTt
n. Tto warmeel dap wae i»
dcoied all rlelton.'
At HiebiRanune he went 10 hoard a at noon, There ha. oatp Iren three
loriut train, and fell nnder lli-- ^p. of i.l tempeentore. it averoRh
Hie Ufl leR from (be bip
Uaaiiig HldL. Sept. 1«-Oor. Blla
RTOond lo piecec. and liia
laaad (be followlnR ■•aelaBal
TlRlit foot wae aleo craKx-d . He wae
Batonkp ereatoc:
imer.'one dap ii almost
lakea lo HarqneUc at cnee.
Tto oc..............-..................—
"To tbe Poepla oT the State
Oalifornla ii wlial ll
xmTTto at « o'clock and tooH. ]
Uiobicaa': Wlllka HeKlalep. tbe
>. "A land of -ranshine
fiWW ' Wple’f^.
People from Arironia
(wcotp-dflfa iweeidani to tfae Uoited o^-d at IS*, the foRowiuR
and Mexico eom.- hen- te .pend tbe
rttati-a tier dead at RoSaln. the third
Wilt WnRht wa. a a.-aber to (to
cixM eXBOBtlre of tbe uoua
Oreaeent baud from (to time of it. or- -The ocean i. one half-bocr'. ride
etrlokra bp the bloodp bande to e
from the citp. eratini; su cenu th.
lUoD. Tbe aatloD bowa to OKOoiied RanUallon and tb.- laud p>ped tbe ronnd trii> if too top a ten tick
fnn.-ral maTcIi to llie cemel.-rr. H. Rooil tor tiiirtT dapE Traint Imit.
rrlto at Ibe aide to hit bier, wbae
Thm- are different
aUo a meaber of Traveree ererr hour.
tbe world le eendtoit triboterof inia
Oitp Tent No. BU K. <J T. M . beaobeftoRo to. Sanm Monica .Kcdanda. Lour Brach. Termiaal Island
wlitcii kdRe
alteod.4 tlie fon- At Redanda tlier liar.- aerra of earnat deroted pawlot,
enl in a bodp and ohaiRe of (lie Don. nnd.-r coltlTallnn. 11 ic a sweet
inOkat aaldla. tbe -model hsebaad
lira at the aBelorp. Tlie fon- tlRht. their fiBRiwira and color.
aad uada fatba.
Mli life rra. (be
Pasadena is eiifht mile. msi. Thenraned from the realdenoe.
pUdeatioo to tbe oardtoal rlitoee
is an ostrich farm wlieie the birds arr
ralrad. The feallicn arc wid all over
to Olirlttiao iaiountp. ^obllltp of
tbe conctrT.
ohaiaota, aad deroUhn to dotp. and
TIw cannloR ceaaoa 1. her.-. Thi4rae aa ineplrntlon to all trae AmerlTlie Baptiet choir (Brniabed Die factories an- near the rirer. Th.p'bap
Hlelap will wnte fa him coe
frail bp the ton
Ncerp kind of reRetabb. and all
to ha brixbUid aod aoet aloriooa
Torieliesof frail arc Rrown. aad aril
■■xea Ae be waa belorwk ao will hla
at a reaeooabir price.
dmtb be deplored. In tbe li(fat of hie
Imve bran m season all ibmmer.
oartprdom, raaUbm all atrirtBX. wrtain walke of lie- clip b.«aae op-s Thee raue one crop after tbe other;
Unub hae dlaiaoed tbe atirbtr brain fra tb.' nee to riib-n of blcpl. a Ae i Ibe.T are sclllnR now at 6 ranu a hot.
aad (Ulled the warm hart lo (he Raid.- lo wtoeIm.-D th.- followlnR e.e- Ycu can bare Rn«ii ruRetablec anil
froah (rail Die peat, roand.
It is s
rap iKmr* wbeo tbe natioo'e neede tleo of the Uepcl.' erdinanr.- la Riv.-n. bcantlfnl sIrIiI to roe an oraaRc rtotc
Itnmtoet. Ue hod pHotod Ihecona8.«Soe 1-Ko p-raon aluillalant in blossom aail la bearioR.
lip tbrooch porlU, tbe daakeet alaee
Ime ri.1.- anp T.-Iodp-d.-,Wcpelo,afe- trees bear all nuamer. Oae can see
tbe dapt to tbe eirll war. to the llac tpratncpelera or alonRaapeidewall. Sower* la bloom the pew roaod.
We ll,ve two blopki from tbe Stole
ooUlaincIhe wltiTpoIielBe whloh cm Kaat Front iln^l. from tto iator- Normal school. The Rroands 'are art
e aatioB Boat portae la la eatea
0 of Prool and Union eirrateto cut with flower*.
It la • pleasinR
ilRbt to sec Die children amoaR the
ae a wald-wlde power.
Erm a. be WellloRton etteet. On tbe cut
rThe arhooU and colleRc ar.waa called to demlb. tbe peoide were
Union atreel from Proni atreet '
rat. Many from oauide come
ret drtakiac in cautalp the word, of
Itb to Tenth itreel. (k Ibe weet tore 10 attend acbool.
The city is
hla laat pnbllo addrea wbeielo be (Ida to Union atreet from the north
iwl is liiilT.
Thnt Is where moei o(
(nlBled ool wtth mphettc rielgai (be boomlarp to Sixth .Uvei aoaih
imlh hie eooolip matt tnmd.Ihe path Twelfth etnrt. On Uie w.-al al.le to tbe oil wells are. The oil it hanled
tn kier tanks Ip three or (oar teams
Oaa atreet between Pmil etrerc aad to mnra be one drirer. It' Is osed In
Obb (troel toidRe. On Park etm-t to- faraora. and Die Oolae Dse it alto.
Kent is
X aaa claarip aad aempt colp
1 Prom Itreel an.l Btnle etn-to Rather for their enRiera.
blladlp tbepawidcM'a dpioewotda: On tbe tootb aide to State etmit from liiRh: there are no empty boase*. Tbe
dtp lias RTOwn and it »tlll rtowidr.
It to Ood'a wap. Hta will be dooe. " Union -atreet lo Park Place Hotel: nor There is botldiaR beioR done all orer
-be peaia be hae been at the bnub of darinR the eehool pear, on the aooth tto dtp.
Carps-aters ar.- in di-maad
and R.'t hiRh waR.-*.
Basin-tt ic
tba nalica batre been pean (treat witb '■Ida of Weal Serootb street from
R00.1: lb.-n ar.- no rompUlDlaof dullatreet to Oak etreel; oa tbe north
Hr Edmicnn haesf adp .-m
aide of Weet RiRhth atrrat from Vnloo
Earl'e UamaR- hms.-'
to Oak etrral: nor after nine
otoack a- m. CO tto dap eommonlp laR to con
Btlsfii-d bcalle.1 oa WaahitiRtoa atreet
Hri. Cliu. K.lmlsoo.
Obb (ttrat to tbe U. K. A L
rallroaiL Un all toldRes bariDc bat
(ntodeoep ia tto bande of a man wbo CDS xblewalk wh'eeU ma.l take the

I'l let Dir little ones aaffer from
u or >>tbcT tortonoR skiii.tls.
Nil ni-.wl for It.
Diiaii aOiul
cures. Oon'l liann the mn.t
At sop druR .lor

poDuc miss who is at
.-la-tn ■iiiRiT an.l an aibletr.
w uii. oraoss tb.- Hadton net
ar New York Oitp^lla (to n«dar>
nor woman. This pouuR ladp i. Mim
Idna Hard, wlioai- lortralt apjicart
nth her article
Till! Hcoopl of Ailmlral Sdilcp Is a
abject In w hich ev.-rbpodp Is IDlerst.-d. .\d admirable sammarp of Ihe
(aci in Dll. renmrkable
rrar of ,—
as RlMurd

Cbe n«a> noisy Baraam store.

Autumn Announcemenr:
Wo arc now ready for you with inducements that will warrant
your trade -Kveo’ dollar s worth of it. When you invest a dollar you want good,
sound value .nnd plenty ol it.
l)ur fall purchases have‘beren carefully conducle.l;
we own our stocks much cheaper titan over before and we can therHore sell them
cheaper. Let us show you our new goods. Don't buy unless you want to.



■All Wool Tricot Waistings
l'« yd......................... ..
All Wool Striped \Vatst Cloth
l>or yd
54 in. double
faced. iaig)'-day
............ 9X’\J\J
per yd,
5«) in line Cheviot
per yd.................................. ..
Plain colored I'affeta Silks,
different colors, per yd-----



We show the biggest selection of l.idics’
fancy neckwear ii
Irom 15c up to - -


I the SeiXcmb.
r Hark Ib-njan
- caw- of Fiulaad brsI
IS pffcdl.clT jai to Dunartwlcs lo detail llic recent
b rcsi«-ct to Pin-h Roviminent.
llRion an.l edocaTlu- LaJi-a* Homo Jonmal (ra Seil.-niUo- is tbo "Siralal .Vulamn Pasliloii Nambcr" of that excellent tasRar.iai-. Iiiffadili-ia loan BDa.nalDamber of int.-rosliuR f.-atarea. it derntes
wTon .Jiwe* lo a cnmidate aoiUnR
forth of the npies lo be in dross.w.
boditra, hato and WTnpa^
•he moat
.. "Hits
Itit.-rs which )ia
baforr braa
Tlie World'. Work for i
............... the nio.1 strikincl
itiR story of on.- of 4hc m
indastrp b
How tha (
_____ Gokl.'ik TUdac.________
Handalap. of Amenraa-imido
rial, acoorduiR to an .AiiH-nea
male- br au .Vmenean eomi*
told bp J. C. Tark,
Rtnrar la charRe of (ho eonatroclloa.
Die article li
jelp iUoattStod bp
ia lodia bp tbe

I 350 Ladies' Short Jackets liought way
under value. We have placed same on
sale at prices that will move them

We show a bigger selection -ol .Men's
Trowsers than any two storirs m the
city put together. I nail the
leading fabrics. (>Sc up to

= $6.00

Most anything you want in Boys' and
Children’s Clothing from Si-no up.

Seriboor's MaRaain.- fra Sr|tu-niber
A ra<-wto m-n aaifilbTol al yannoa.
becin. a nomble aerlra to Dirac aril- a (mail vHlaRr la Uenominar oosatr.
clfs. to ran throBRh the (all aambera.
RtdaR in a coudanrad and Rrapliie wa* )<olaonrd by eaiiaR eom Dial hod
way thehiiloTpof "Tb- I'tolod Slates bran RTOwn oa Rrooad oreraa with
-kTOp ■ o.“''iraRhIiaf “
poiaon iTf. Prompt medical aiiead
WailAnRtoB'. ...
aara BTed (btomaii
(JambndRe to the cstpR^ to ARalnalThr annouaramPDl ol UaJOT'
>1 PAnci. ••
aatbor of tln-s.- a

Our Slock is by far the largest in tin- ciiyS|iecial good values at
n AA
.kV..CO>, 7-50 and............®1U.UU

The shopping center of the city. Mvery:
thing Ainder valu(»you will lind here.
5000 yds line limbroidcries
worth up lo 25c. Basement price
75 bolts No. 40 line Silk Taney RiblMins
worth joc. Basement price jxf^
ioo bolt plain Taffeta, also fancj^Kiblion.
5'7- Basement price per gQ
5000 yds of Sundard T'anej- I’rints, 5c
and6cialu<». Basement price Qi/ra
per yd......................... ..................... O/4O

Just received
Men’s. Bo>'s'. Children’s, Ladies’ ami
Misses’ sample Shoes.
Have placed
same on sale at 50c on the dollar.
A big selection of Comforters, Duiits and
Blankets just received and plated on
Money cheerfully refunded if you ask it.



tv r -IraR Ml

"laminatap from a bard ajiell to
(to flax, idyarataryi iay« Mr. T. A.
Ptaaer. a wall known mFrehoat to
aoad. Tfdd. "I arad tme faonla
to Cliamerlaie * (toll:, Cboletm aod
Aitlima ran be earrd. cainiDR from ao Diarrhoea Kemady aad waa eorod
! ooailder At tto
wall kaowa anlhraiiT aa Dr. Radolnh withuei a doctor.
SehiffBaan, will ol be of inun.t to Iral
b« cholera medlelOF
medleti ID theworid. '
aautma anfferar* Tlie extwneara ..( Tbre- ia ao Dead of
moat AaDimaiie* '
ibrm ‘ 'lector raa paratrtbe a_totUir Bedlcisa
If BBT ratlaf lia*


■ raro-nt iiamt»-r : ra(-Ie Talk
to th- hiRh ab
maaaxiDe. and ii fall to iBTateatiae
Mclaa for hooa»krai*Ta Tholllaa
OB tlie rookiBR and
................................IT ihlnR* for the table
wilt appeal to fa err cook aod Dw
■iiaRaxiae eoateiLa article! oo oajr -«bject* of Taloe lo tbe lioaie.

... _______ jr-i'ss".*:

«r fra children ra XlT It nerer
1 aa iBcaroble TTiu (»il» “‘I 1* Plraaonl to take
u. boWFTFr. after a *toe by K.C. Thoapata.

Two <lF]<xrimFDI* bit beRon in the
S--plemlra KrerrhodT'* One i* a deptrimeal of hamor. Dw oilier a de- <>)*
Clp.le W. Ptoaele. w
lartOMDi of imelical raRRettioD farl"”
from Detroit laet eprioR and who rewoinea wbo wiali 10 make mooey bj
Braoebllia.bat I
oonllp ratnrn.-d to (hie famUp at
home wort, la ordi-r to bnax^toR^ |
wtioae case
Portland, aafe baaiacB piattori were
In teetlmoop of tto prlto of tbe
and (be * ........
■ uilpinR him and hrpi.-lded (natadpeople to tbe Mate of Hlehlcaa. 1( la
den iaimlae to ro awap
Ut expeete
H*ll . l.'*t*rrii Vua- la teki-ai im-TBallf *1
direatod.thal tto eapitoi to draped to
to rvenme work «barttr.
norel aad effectlTc
lur I
^ Ubeial aasple box of "Schlff- C
awontat and (bat thatkea npon all
Pito. Land, (be leader to tto famaa'aAathma Carr " tie,- of ctaante f
Wa boildlaca to dlapkpwl a^ half
wooii-D before,Oecrabrr Ul.
nun. on-beetn that wa. Malloocd ia
toall pWBOaa appIyiBR at S E. Watt [
maatoatil tota (be Inloraeat; that
Braden of the
tbe Temple to Muir at tbe t-ximtion
liri.(A Ei< i'URiii>i*o\m:N< k
oa tto dap to tto faBaal. all depan
ichtffaaa bel
,,, ^ RTOond* wbMi Ibe raraldcwl wae shot
mo!t eoBriDcinR. aad £
■rill be Dw n
1 tell, to an almral proplutic IncldMit
t«RM Of Die raaRoxiae are lokaa ap in fact the ooly way to oTercoi
eloBd and all
; that occarrml a tew moBonts tolole
with an illa'ttBlid taper oo"Hid rataral raejBiliraot tboasaodato Aith- I
Ileal, to aoepradod. Let tW to epeAir DieiaR Olabo. " by CleTaland : matin wbo bare bef*ttoate*oaxbl ro- j
eUl serrlo-e in tto ackoola and all
iMoffelt. who (*..]• oBlle at raae rat lief la Tala.
Petaou liTioRool to i
aya that ooly a few mraoeeti before hotel Parry D
idae>-« ol
to worabip on that
!tto top (loon of iwrnty-Mray aky- town will reeeiTa a {mcfcaR* (rea by |
Claod PalTer
Palera *r
xpaai ^ w
tto ohon taiqt ool la tto biR baildday a t
iBR. hi! orrlieatra bad »iloyed a Oer- fair lanau . Hr. 1
BlRhtp Ood that to map in the fatnre
t* to I
. SIM. and racloaioR a *0 [
BBDliiraF of BBiic entiDed. --Tbe!
„ , ,
as in (to paetfalde hi. praple. pro4 (to iaieroat s
<?ot*ed Ballet.
• jo»iBior(to Soo, ,wbr«e Ur. Sprar
uotlnR aad
w ap to (be
Gay Frab-y, a Ilyaraold boy Hr- boa a Rood posltico or bookkeeper.
lOR al Upolila. 1
who is po-weaaad { HIM Hand PalTer^^
with a roaarka
f Cato TeMMeniUMii OcdtwMtfvWW
rotary of tbe Sasiibaooiaa
ooBfort (to witkw to t
I STaamaRtoo, aod be lia*
which raable* bia
praMdem aad tto pecqde wbo aooi
Hra J. W WilM-T and H. K Cox
to hi! affection fra tto
(be RToaod on dork niRhU aad point
l«l tto IUr to tto natlv eTorpwbc
(toned (ra ladlona today to atte«d
-ws ii.-----------------------------------,
ia uoda ntrclMaa tto repre-'
It knows
001 TetD! to water, bw bara employ, tWai aal n
bln tto craoBanwaalth be at haU
ml Oa.
60.,, I
iseotatirato tto Albany Ctomieal
ed by oil eoaranie* to lorate oil
insiractioo I was nffenoR from
as a|>
a {wotneied ataaek i I
•t. (or tb. Datlow S chief 1* dead,
ileimaiu ootoiite to (to proTeo oil: Hr. and Ur* S Anatett of Ft. and aalertainmeDl. To
tried OtaOBbraI diarrhora.
"I- □.
la UatiBciap wber.«{. t hare boR-aaito DBrTfaura
strict ie Dm- BrasBral field. Tto ^
lad., are TMtttnR Hr. aod Albert BirfIow Paiae. i
da's Colta Obolramai
» set BP band amlcaoMd Ibe RTaot

boy baa olx-ndy lorated
1 to tbe Mate to be affUed. ai Unoil some diaiaBCF froa Spiodla Top
(tnR. tbk foonrantb dap to SepteahaiRhB.aDd weIbwiH ba drilled oo
' ~
laoi. and to tto Independemm to tto United Stalra the rae
hawed aad twowIp-oUtK "
oldp. to
! aa tBUnwia* Iwiaf anicla liTTto •aear laile ato B ptaorant (o (eke. , B $"*•*»
Fra rale by F. C Tboapeoa
leeUoR c _________ and tto UoDook (ra Bapeoitor 7.
8lRnto. A. T. BUm. Oorrawra.
ia tto rami-arid raRion to iB{n
> ha had battar aa>y away
mil ! w mr
Bp tto OoTciBra. Prod H. Warwr. WMi Texa*. aad otaekBeo tore eb.>ow
whole o BBDy i* It--------r (onj^^^oare Or. Fowlra'a Bx«,*t. or re* ce* wnw b>
Seep, to Stole.
UJCWWt**). O. P. A.
Blnadaa oafalliac (ondy to Wuee
PtraldFBl MtoUak?
wbra (toy octml apra hla adriee Ba
ra. bloody fox. pola U the S
oUlaa lo ha poaaaaaad of X-rey debt.
ool coouBawad tawt Hdfiy STtotto ara^

■"" ■“




Excursions Ss-'sssiFiS-tjn.'ir


TOLEDO $6.00

S Richmond $6.00
g Tuetdir. Octobei 1.1901.

aontoK fa tbe Bat time. All aiffta
toe oorpee top to tbe beaollfal
toea to tbe ext-eoUre aaa
vattoad bp a Kurd to atotat urn
Dorlnc tbe oiffat Hra HeKtotop
bacaad to be allowed to a«ato look
Bpoo ba belored'e face.
bifblp aerroae aad Dr. RUep adrleed
that tbe wlab be naaud. bellertof H
alchl ala ba.
Ito. .BItep aad ba alrm. Hra Bar.
to*. aatoaUac ce tolba aide.-tooatbt
badowB totbemalrooa Tba lid
to tto otoet waa rmerad. aad wllb
a ama to awalto. the baared
waoaa tooaad ora ha dead aad mr-



'(moqra rabaei boU


iBtWF.* ii^rwtn wrtS laoe

state Fair

Pioe Bocta 'Bp^odid AUtoctiaM.
Hfilt Fore mmI EiconaoB Bet#*.
Atk foot B. R. ogoBt. W« waid
roo t* oU«od thie je«r. Ton wiU
•ra • grofit Fair.

|L A UnOFEIA turn.


ODd bit oet
t Maatty wltt dadga
lavrod bUi to he a Ordeal
bit pteeeaoatoltMBt no­
PbUowiw te tta MMtela «ah
te aatf, to CO Into the Aeld
Tbe Peoptevo Oeo. Mppet. h
r. Be hod bad ao bUIMt from dwalltofi to the day Um
yet be wot kaowa to be
B. Ptott for the ptoaeeactea.
iBd. toea ofootte
VlUiaa HeKlnWjr Om Good. faM
He wot flary. Pite H. Prott for toe prnoteatt« bote'lla* o( twtiilr lU*

larrlac feebl>d hla Ur> tn«nw>e of
der OoItaeJ Vood. Tbe btitte of Baa
MW K> fnactat wtU* Roble netlrc* Joai. Hill will live lb AtDerioOB hlt*M kl* BMD« aiMI »rw ninkln
tory at oae of the boldaat feata ol
ot »I1 lfa>t t> wtwUtj Id Ibr war; aad ii wot Theodore Roonveh
or nuktsd.
wbo led hit bud of brave Roecb BidBnn. with K 00DnMC*tMt «■>!
on iDio ihr very Ja»r of dealb. Bader
TbePecyikTt. PiadHoaa. lareaBy
. »U otW fsnu of voter, he hee
I fire of Bpoalih onlllery fra— dwelltoc to the day ttou. Fted
OofioBd nmaoD* wUl> o no
aod iBlBDBy; oad Ibe^ore Ronavelt a ProU for toe proMoattea.
trluph oa hit Ilpo Hp diod. ot b»
to froDt or bit Biao ODd reatateed
John r. Oil oad Prederlok W. Belt
^.)n« UTod. OD oteaploi to IhooP
there ODtil tbe rleuwy wot
VO Kelley Shiacte Oo.. amaa
MM otill tece tlw ttlob oT cortb and
Bade aooloaelor tbe rt«lBeBt
W. H. Feteer fer ptolnUS. Pottela A
hurt joi to iMor lb* Oaol tuauiiost.
Oolooel Vood woe aarobotd ..
Orotear for dafaadoaM.
“bteOod't WO.T. Hit win be <kM>A.' be brlfadler eeetrol. oad be di^nvrd
n# Tiaverat Oily Om Oa to. toe
Ibaoo. hit drlod wordt, oiprea oad tbe iroatottoB.
Ueyor oad OoaacxU of the Oily of
Mooppoti the Bouiv of tlM- noB.
Here wat- oa osusple for YoBafi
Trovene City, -ondoiaat Oeac*e E.
Ther wen tpc^aB Dot to the aoi
ABweleo to etaalale, oad a noble tooad H. A. Kieliote aad Pratt A Davit
Ite pablte,
hUe. to loeet on>W. or
eplrotiea wot fornlabed by the maa
for tot pUleUSt. OeoifeH. Oraat
•Ola the .
itioe or Ibeaoltl- wbo it aow twetident. At to hU obhe detfiadaats.
, bat Ihuo. Id the dortoaisc liily at a ttatmaa; aooe •toottlea
Joaate Oheney to. Wllhon
(team. wfailD he wot projfoc for Ur. Rooaevelt hot abown io every i
Stemter. divvoe.
POtofalo A Orel•*TlwEiBdlrLlcht.--wilb tb« hood otbii brIlUaBtcareer Uaabe uoB
eer for tbe encnplolMiit. H. 0. Botua
bo had held MBdmot. lo. tbM Dioor of eooad ledjrtaenl. a imn who "dfor
the defeateoL
yean, elotpod lo bU foillDC irioti<, thtotn -whea they ahoold be doa.-.
Uaio Lyle, diaadlotbeeororiboonehe lotod the
he took the oath ot
Moe. Prolt A Davit for tlie
feMeaeofth. '-aod'i will be dooe.
ofDee todlcale tbe calibre oad parpeae
pteiaoBt. Oilbert A Wlddtfield for tot
Wbw the Ohntt drooped cm tl
He ■> eoiable of dotof
nath oroot of Cbiror;. He ooaM M cveot thtoRO. 'He i> worthy
Iro O-M. TO Kilo Belle Obaee.
aewto. -TVwmbtdoBO."
eoafidoBoe of Ibe Asericaa people,
OTte. Potohla A Orataerfor ec
OooU there be a voeter. aore mb- oad ot Ue- atttotoaee of thcwe bixli to
toii-BL A. F. Baaliac fer datendIlMir oooiprohaDdTe aewie to ou oa^ty.
Hit la a
William K. Uaa
bllltoqatel tUlo.
Qeorse a Croat
try today have expteiaed toe «n
for ompUliaBL
leoce ID both tbeebiliry.wtadom
Edo-ord A. Dolieliro Floienee DolMt. Tbe poblle't patateot are re- aad jadf—«Dl of Preeident RDoievelt.
ieU. dlvoraa
irotoa rtott
Prott A uovu
DovU tor
for earncntaad.
It. Oilbort
A WiddlAeUYor tbe
d tbe faol barot
OcbMlt lloaor MvKIahw.
. wbioh for anoiBeal
Id view of the toot that the city
EUxoi B. Anderac— to Wllltea 8.'
rated toe ittoeral atiDd. aad the nal
ciM-d all '
aderooB. dtvorea OUbart A Widdiat toe aattea it tewed to the aiier
day..tbe eierltei
field for eomptolMaV C. O. Toraer
MBtiMi Of a acred nrlef.
late Preatdeat UcKtotey were
oad PoteAln A Oratt— tw Ibe defeadAt toit aoaeol toeie it do impalte
daeled to the vorloat
WWDrde venfauoe acalntt the pDlly
iboolt yeelerday.
Id toe Hi«h eebooUtbe exereteee oeeaied ia toe oorntok- A fioe jnfcm—
eatriod oat. wbicb. while ha-ity
Harriet A. DalteU vo neamt Honprepared, woa ooe bf toe beat
ty Doteell. dlvoraa O. Q. Taraerfor
(re«otod UitbeHikh eeboot i
tolaaat, Oilbert A WiddifieM
iben. toe two (evcwlle
bvatoi of Ibe let. laeeldeat, eaac by
tha hariwd voiea of the eerth atereUro Uayina, were aaoaaaUy bcaotl»aatto| toon -dyta« wordt: "It it
Qod'iway. BtewUlbedoao."—Reoeeaipteie prew— wae at lol- Ttaatn—a. dlvoraa. Para O^bM

5^ tte

UcKlatey-t Early Uf.. aad Szperlint at a Boldter-Borl B-unlt
«Uh toa paatlac away of Iteetedeat
l>Bblle Cbreet to Caaftett t
Ite adaitatioD of Ibe worid.aad wboee Oba-i-ey.
tefQr aharaotar faraUbM tbe bi«teet
a Uaa-Utet Nato. ''
l^hitlnr fm til Aaatcaaa. toeaa«aa talero opoa a now era to ile hitPrelioirt Abraad-Ur. Ledeth-.
Bad U thie tline, while toe
Mytao. "Lead Kladly
dtoariae paopte ere bowed to jro- Llcbt-'-ReOd ty Ui- DowdIbc.
Ibteit aerrow. aad toe aatloat of the by Uro DayMo.
Death Bed 8aeee flaperiaba
Mof tytaiaI. t>re«id
t>re«ideBt Theodore Roooe- B«a.
tty to at.
e^tokea theec
le caatre ot the world't' "Ktarer, Uy God. to Thee' -Urm.
. With eae boaad Ur. Booavelt Ooytoi
hae heocae toe foreaoil Amerlaa. ' Ibol
oUtoeKradesof theeabool
aai to a otrtato eatoal the detttoieo eteltee were held to the oflenMon.
at the Halted Blatoe few the aett
•ave a talk embractoc
tttee year* teel to hte teado .
the followl—t nbteoM. niAKeeWplwhte -ad.
KoStoiool TliaraJay.
Kxpteto Pab-ABk-rtoan.
Tell Abeat Ucktotey't Vltil to Ibe
tta towbart of toe caUaet. white
«cte abclckaD with firtef. itote otteraan to the toltewtof
'■la tola boar of deep aad Mteeal
htnaveaMat. I with
Tell ehildrea la wtet ^ril MeKtt
le ataeatote tey Ml death.
If aad wttooat vortaaoe toe policy
Wbo it DOW prealdcat;
FMUtel UeSUtey for the paeae e,
jaa^wlty aad boaerof oar beloved
daiee for oU bet two of toe altiaeThil itolfiat eatllaae tbe parptae
lloat «a toe Hlcb Behool U-toaio aad
at tte pweldrat. to a otateane
Uaaie peatoe for ihlt yw. The aaaUavrrdo at each a ttae will iatpire
a«emaatl-ve beaat—oed to make a
ebaaiteto oae of tbe aambero cm the
Pitk Jabilee Btoten
fttoldi—I Beoaevall atoaadi to the
aad tlia Uttann Male Vaartel have
iwiiiltoiy aleUw wfaiea aaetor
bat a week eaol> to UlcAl«aa.aDd it te
hMd li nqtttod at the hela of tbe
• > Miae week, w one ot tbe- had to'
ihdpaf —alo II eaaaot be ekpertte
dropped troa toe eoaroe here, oad
I Ur. nectovih will <
for the Ptek JaUtee Biacero.
Bosun Btori ore o very liikh eten
MM atoawMare ootloe the poaloo—pony, eo—poeed of o mole ha^tMaafpealdoBtofthe Halted Btatea.
Ito-eolotet. o copnao eololtoTo tedy
aad toke op the irork of itet hlyfa
vieltoito aad o imdcr.
They ore reimrded ot one of the iSeaceM matical
namban foraitbed by tbe Oatrol ly■yttatPi
The datot for the atttaetitoit will
OuBoen>-Tbe Btovetuoa QaartetKov. 1*.
it ate
Leetare, -‘Ltqoid
■ to elMoly MtaUftad
Otork-Dee. to.
ITMCf toe Mtloa.
«aat. "The Work of Ibe Boynar -are Ur. Rooeevelt teeocerortcte-'-Slbtot Habbaid-Daie not
ted 0 f-e-oat place to toe pablle buA
•fa. Be hae fniB hU boyhood beca e
Ooaoert-HMta-a Hate l^aartetateee atato—l of blttery. aad bit |ea Date Dot fixed.
hMoOBlrlbated -aeh of world-wide
•raoBDtlM. •novld
to to toe htetory of toe Halted
field' -Letead T. Powero-Jaa. ».
L Be hae beea ateo a dUlceat
OoBoert—’-Levetl'a B<-w« 8toia—
>1 of palltteol ecoaocoy ■
Uoroh 10.
teaal fioverameat. and b
Leetoro. ••Pylbea Bmor The AmfOte to life tee been to Hcfal e
rteaa Bey-'-Joha .B. OeU<
WTOBCt wbtrelo hewat abteW

n-odote Baotevell wat tottra.IOC by toe
l to abliUeottog taaeh of tbe
I oo to.' roof ot toe millla-y
BM wbleh erlMed to ttel city.
ttore of Him A. T. Dohoaey. o^^
» white
tiie toe Boeton tiora It wot fooad
tool to.- trooble wot oooted by
eleotrie 'likbl wlrea
ood tool tbe
River Ca olraody
meo oo toe kraaad to eaio
toe oMTteee of tbe fire departmea
Be Mraek ot»l«hl fi—a to- were aot nviolred.
It U elolmcd by the departmeoi
oad oterayt ctroiA bo^
ow—. that tbe wire wae a—- aife
• bit btewt wee diieob-d acokoti
r of toe tiah-at bVw i »telettalto that there ora nvoral etbTork tote mme policy brooebt oon>o the city wber.- the
• to bit tM-Ka If meh hi.
1*«“>“ «htt reod- them very
>e tolled, j •tenk-ao*. aot only lo property, tat
,^|oteotollfe. n-a—bervof toe fire
MU Ur. Beoaevalt b.—
^.Idep-tmeol claim ttel' they boye tre•y called toe oltoallon of th.-

itof to.'I


Ttovane OUy wHl do heaor to the
Mtoo-e dlmlacoteM dead tote Toftnoon oil o-ctoefc. too bearottoe of tbe UatverUW «f Ba&te. tee be—

net— in Dty mead—. *«

deal doriac toe te- week of mylar
■at the City Op—a Boaaa
toan la Balfote, Dr. Uaaa te toe
tided over by Hay— Pottola
dma of toe teoalv of toe amdlcal d»Ber. O.T. Stoat r-vM*lvoly.
terimait of toe coib«e aad te wll
Mltofio'otecAtoebelltar the kaowa to Dr. Erana who iMdted anaity *tU bt toUad. aad otea boa
d-hlm. Dr. U— wTt^.peveoaal
e'el eek.
to Or. Bvaaa ea toe irth. Ian
TbomaotealtoeCilyOpiaD Boaie
trill te to
of Utet Allot Rob- IwealdMii It doUk jwewy wdL toookh
wfalte Ufa C. B. B— will
hove cAaqa of the aostea! pwcviam
ot Butobtrk't Otaad.
both opera booaee UoKtohy'o
It wat Dr. ! Iona wbo ipwtnr—ed toe
foTorlte bymaa "Lead Kladly Ll*bf firm op—otic I apea toe pcealMBi.
oad - Bearer my Ood l» TW wUI whteke
of the Boel

Hew Fall 6ood$
are arriping daily. See tbe

new Dress Doods, Skills^ Cloaks, etc

of tte kind to tarclcal hieury.
e laactom for the two -pen
boBM wlU be ot foltowo:
Bev. a T. Steal. pceaidtoK.
InveMteB-Rev. U A. Eatery.
Bcriptaie Beadlofioad Piay—-Rev.
Wiley K.Wriehk
Addreem by Rev. W. T. Woodbooea Rev. U D. OortaB, Boo L—
i Roberta Hon. Tboa Saonht
Hoy— Polehln taTeidto)i
BeUfloat servloat to cliante of Rev.
T. P. HUo- and Rev. Ur. Both.
Addraoeee by Bev. Deaot CocMln.
ev. W. L ImofoMD. Rev. A. i. Kldred. P. a Oilbert
The foUewloc oombero will b
dered by Stewart A Stofliru’ a
whtelf will alto 0000-1-0

HotrU ood Ftewero-ToboaL
Co—poor U. ood oil Cobon ood
PhUIppiae loldiert to the eity. o
— 01 Oioniie
1^1, with tbe Sew Thaver— Ctly
UePhereon Pool Ka 1)1. G A
&. will meet ot tbe —e place ot tbe
mine boor with tl>e Boyt bond. Tbe
G A. R. will oceopy toe ttafe >■> toe
City Opera Hoaee. and the Oaboa and
'.-n will take the tlDke

iM a— V
Chief of Poll- Kaaoie.E J. Falkl'Oio
aad J. L Smllb. tor eomailiee tipointed bytbeooBBCtl to vnli Cbe
bnyroB aad examiae toe eoklDr off—
ed f— mie u the city. Who were areo-paated by Uoo. J. W. Uillikvn.
prvoideat cf too water board, have
tetarard. bot they did not boy a file
MCioF. It did DM teke Ui.-m look u>
decide toot too nyle it nut tomcieoily Bp-to-dale f— Travenv- Cit.v’.

and Ibe

^ new c:iotbitig it
; nttractioe Prices on €ocrytbinfl at

Word wat received by Pat Burdro
of toe Hotel Colombia Pridtv thti
Bordta. hi. .ou. ht- leeo
Married to Utet Jolu Kioury. ihookh
Mated where tor —loooy
Mr. Bordro S-c-Iied llw
letter from hte toa who u
tt BoOtlo. wberr h.- weot UoudtT.



valut- rc-o-ivitl wh«*ii >oii

trade «itb us, nt-w ^onds arritv'daily.
Thu prices are rijfht. so are the tfotnls.
u-r are placini: on sate sei-eral oew linn
arc never iimlersotj if the tjuality cuts
any li^ure, ve refund >‘our money if
gucidsare aoi as we represent them.
We are as ever the leader in Reliable

1. 1.

Reliable Dr>’ Gooils. arpel
and ClotUof House.

this fall and want your inspection we,

Uai R. TDtmon. f— HUU.' ihu.- own'Chaua. Sept 18-Tbe preoid.-ni'i
r an.1 manacer of iIk- Lyo-om t)omi Toto arrived here atll ih.
dy Co., aad oae of it* teat aclora hat
After Uro H^ioley. Pn-nA-ol
told toe eomt-oy (o two ol lliemrtn.
bera aod it at ile- irearDi iio>.- ia the
city f— a few davt
.tmaa 1.^ ac
■DtCDtlOD. f— the futore. l-ol will
|* l.-uvr f- th.- t<«th to a few

S__ ______ _____________ I

For men and Boys


by toy of the a»o who exaoila.'d i
at one that toe «ly wooid .1—ir.- i
own. So It will DM be rvoommeode.
f— parrliate to the city ooaucil

reUllvet of bolh )nrti--> in ihii
r. where both of the riuitnu-liui:
portlet on well Luowd. Th-' Indr i>
o dtocliter ot Coptum Kinn- .v, f.-r «
la Sleinbetfi-i G<
kiDk liair one of the olitlil )«lire of
tUrfa mots will be told at 8k FroaBit eborah to boo— ot th-- -an.vred
IcealiteBt otv o'clock; te which oH
It I—re. been re—ivrd

Oor nn-t oad boaoed Preeideot. WtUtom UcKiotey. hot toddeoly
bceo oolle.1 fra- hte Ufe't work- by toot Alt Vim Provideoce wklcb
ordert toe denioice of DOtteaa A oBlvetml torvow prevodit tlie beorta
<rf the Ikviple oad every bo—e in oor broad load it a hoo*- of inoomtoit

rtaewiaa It Mtetw BMay.

■ Footwear.


Ur. U. U UaiulUoo ul Sh.-i.aDJoMi.
Pa. will local., ie Ihi. ril. ate.Dt
Oet. l, lie ■> t lAytlrteD of vil.-n.ixe
expetie— ddiI much nirc-M.

tel SM

.W.* «

242 Fin! St

Perry Htynloo luul Ui.y B.-..i.
Courtade, bolh of Katl Hay, wer.
married WedDeotev al .<I Prai
-horch. Ret. hV. Riaet ottrittioi:

________ ptoceo of the eity o> well ot oor f-blic *el.<x»te I- cl—.-d dorioK
toe mire day i toot all toe p-aple oo toot day eoile to op-opri»t.- i*bSoar haadtonie aew fatoiturr lii to
lic mem—tol aerrteea and toot f— one boor immedtob-ly —veedm* eorh
be added tolhe.ffic«-.f .he Wcleru
•NTtee ood one boat immedtoteiy followinjc Ibem toe te-Ili of tte- ntr
AUDDOI vl,u> Exrartion via U. A K
I'olon Telegraph fo. Tui* will iiib.. tolled.
K. xniLk A H H Wodnetday. Oct S,
ciade. am—ik other ihiiiE-.. a fine new
i'-;;»a'tii..thruBclc InploToledo WitoUoy—
oooBter, lo con over »li«i. which >• ool rfisDc.'
TU'krte U U> to Toledo
aow brink uiade.and a btadimue roll au.l reloro aorl oo>-(an- Ivy—id to
tminlt III Ufaio on tliv W. A L K.. O.
top deck.
b. II. V. C. li. *1) U S. A M8.
Reotevell and mamtert of tbe family
Anhor Wilnox tafferr.1 au accident ao.l IVtnuI .SouUieni Kailwavt Kehad l.-rt toe train, to.- body
tani llmil Bi .litya
lo lb.- ooort booae. where U will lie wbicli r.'toU><d in a badly laci-nited
Tickrtt for Ihu train oo mtr Toe.t omr .arlv
k--. Borrit VO Tliomot Boirla dl- io Hate till 6 p. la, then be reraov.-d flDker He wat w—kiok at a mw in .Ltv. .let U?
V A Milenell, G. P. A*t
grew. Lorio Bobertel- oomptolaabk to toe booae. The UcEiotey home the oval ditli ractory wln-u |.it flak.-r
II V. Caumokimni. Agt.
Lewlt Btetobert va Babeaol Suto- bore BO oiko of moorai—i wbco Ura
beiK. dlvor—. ItetrUo A OroU— f— UeEiab-y r toiaed ot it wot .tetired
lo tpme b— feelioka
Pfttbootk.Sepk 1»— three b.-oT7
(tetorday moi^uik.while makuik h»'
awtiCBa of-to" fooerot
—1 ecbedole tlma Gnat tlir—ifit way alook I-rtmt nrmt wito iM aid itet~ t.. lav i,. aiieod an ladias yrbo '
of two CfolclK-t. a maawholm.1 a|.,m..ek U»-r.-. aod u|.>o iavettikatUm
toe troint ot —
ready tuffereda fractareof DDF of ihe’f.mud il to bFam>e..t ctnall|vx.
ptee>', ooxlooc to r l a kUmpm of
Ok At Piiauta. a -notion loit boDFt of hit If*, wat thrown tear.Iy 'Bate, i.abuoi ihrev mlUi fr..m here. '
One of l.i. Tbe number exiawed it onkn..wu
of Pittboarji. while iIm> eiikta.-t by a defective walk;
—aldiet went through a walk on tin
crewo weiT beiak rhoak.-d. ibooaofKca— by Jodee Ubyae.Inp-i B-Kioto tide ,of Ibe tti—t, an.l lie i
maa Uaaa coerlcted of toe etim.' ot OBdj wito hared limda oleod beoid"
thrown wito knat violen—. and
baTfloiT. Arttaor W. Uoroe wbo ptead tbe train aad mak. "K.orer. My God
lured, tbookh DM very ceiric^Iy.
koftiy to toe atmr olfeote and Ueore toTbee." Vito learr etraoaUBk from
Uopeawtao ptead foUiy to tbe ohartc b- eym Ura UeKlnley iQ^cwn-d <
-TM Hrewate. It Palrvtead. '
toe window of ber cor and lUWned
of lararny from a dwelliokY'-n-rday at S .:k> )>
In toe oaae of Hetmoo Moat. Jodk# nuimeet. ibeo a friend drew ber gta* m ID llH-Co>uirv
tly awoyJoyae qotttlgoDd toe irteODer li
ntiaoal cboreh.
yard to bit pati lifa bit erimlnol
UalroiD Dookla.. nii"
eaeotd. wbleh It qoite oxiaotlva oad hit
of tte eom|ov-r. of
lohoolifikte-"y wot finally ma■'Tte- Browiiw ju
eoUaam te aoi tar away. Deqdte Dr
Ibe tiou rat—0 TCI
FairyUnd, wat h.-Id
teaio f- a t— of IS moetoa toe Rlxay’adaateL peretelruc ramort are
e-h-eir-al of
afloat here tbai Mr mlud it waaderjadfe omarlBk him that thle tel
«>prc«acle. Ur. UookUt ht. eoinr
iiig, aod the it Mking " Wbrii will
ndaood tlx m
liavee— Cut
t|Ct Ihoi be did aot driak la- Ibe May— retarol''

^Bazaar Department




!. Ibe ooart ^
oliacd to iMteacy. Eanl
that toe Jodkc wished to do fv toetoe reij beel toiaf Hmt be eoald. He
save cosh a kladly bot very canui
leetare oa tbe err— ot tlmlr waya.oad
f- boyt ot lABriv till eaoh ttell
toe OCT of
Ibe eow olIFnd Baaaefaorted with
leolinc eotae woubaa ho. oeeapted
tbe oiteatioa of Ibe oooii all day yewterdoy. Tbe teeitmOBy wat mb
lolly tbe mtae a. toot klvca la Jodfe ;
Bobertt- eoark The oote weal te the
jory at S JO o'oleok tote ofteraooa.

t Baptete. Sept 1»-Klk Kapldt
wlUdo bon-to tbe oalioo't dittioraitote dead tom—raw afteraooo ia t
pobbe amm ateoUac at tbe open
boat- lo odditlea to toe ben of toe
local epe-k.-ra Hca. V H. Pooler of
Traveree City willdeliv.-t a ojem—lal

.Not haking sold this department as we anticipated
^ doing after the tire, we will proc«*eti to stock it up and
S mak£ it

l>C5t bazaars in the city.

We will, aa

j beft>re. make a spcdaJty of

5f and lOt Boods
V and we carry a line of novdles and holiday goods rang*
g ing in-price from ic lo $■ .00

.eily Book Store.
Ijobarl-Bttcbtr Ce. Praps.

la CWralsBdrad okb-eilim preimrteaatarv belM made r« the ciOxtmt to wear a rad can—MD ua Tbora.

ebildrea of tUe viltekc
will atteod ID a body, oad no expeate I—lied f— toe
« lab— wiU be eparrd lo make toe faad of the Cookreniioiml chcrchailc''
and ci> cent*. ' r
exereteee worthy of ll« md oocatioa the poplar >cd1.' ot T4.
tiial —lit Gmm fort!..


First Rational Bank nf
i Traverse CItr NTS 3 per
~ u»: ; cail.MSavliitsDep«lt5

<tey. toe day of Pi
fanreal. - Tbe red
Bower, which
ate iVMi'l—rt
iveU'lvBl't fmWite
u- almoet iavarubly a



Below te a ttek wt toe bariac amd
rlliak —to— sfyiniiday fee marim. provtebat oM twm tMAa-a

At MeKI^
pqmtweler 0«a

hnpiirtant Notice r
Fameri are reuu.wt>^ u> rara
ti»«r call aad aa'iaerebanUbie po-


toe helkbt of hamaa putico and
of liamaa det^ir. u .^li

A pretty weddink tocA pteee ol too
8hlteM Boom at a o'oteto WedaveBev.
irttee were Him KlAlomo F. Hopkiat of Oraat. reeeatly
of Uoy«.-ld towaehlK aad Hairy le«r-tk Tbe brlAwamld wm Him Barite
But of HnateMe. oad toe rnm
Walter IMe of Otoak
TV- bride
wae laettily dromed la btae, with

*Citp Book Store at.

will be paxl for them by tbe

mmu sjim twm.

6- _• ..i-w,.......

d wito Prealdeal UeEialey.


itBih vt»Mi

iSrS-'niS "s^' sr,s, s “c.*.;-

the ——- .f no Mall dept of kratltade

-■aUpox. aad te BOW aeriiraily jlL
; mrae- and worthy raadeMak of tii.
Ob.'^ Ur. ViatoB'e ttoilfireB who i crcol play, aad f—toe Bdegoal--aad !-.>* .aix<
a. bm« ill wito toe dteean. f« mme
la addillea to
Ur. 'S?«"'li‘e£^
Pattoi haieotaaeed
ema te fettlak alBBk amely. —
ttarae. Ibe btide’t
It —HI t—ioatly IIL
( . W. a PaiHa't
Uro ShlleOB mA< op toe weddlak
'work of
r deep

—____iera ■ill be’*f^
It wot Tbeodcre Booerndi wbo eat-1
DoaUe-va who i
heUata o'elDckp. m- Thanbay. ailtheea
UMfilheMTo] poUeyef toeoooalryi
QrawB. Ber. A. L TWr—on ef Kiak- barn—
attbebeclaalBcoftoelatowor with
oatbarn of
d ladikBaiice
Mey. wilf toltv— tor aidraix
Sfata; aad It wat toa hrala of Room-1 iy oi .oouoed today at tot ttote deearn, are bold and
matea—ot Margo
—fal toa
Mlbaiemmp him at
mt tool Preeidtal Koonveli hot ed. llte mid that
that Oeane still cal
•ialed meh ao-mber of toe mhi. tltUe frimittblp ftr Ohtef
_ eey memb- of ihte h— iMdacfiaat la UoBllo bay by Dewey. At
toe pmitiea he aow holda Md
ttoataebBaa-ltoOed wito tte- atmon
PoUee Reaate aad Oeateeur DeWi«tM. wbta BMe w-ofegaired____________________
mra aad ao expeate hat beta at—ed
te. bat U be cerrtew bl-nlf prep—Uia^ t 8<m" ant
*• Sa thlaca and do toom sbtek. i op|iolatmeBt t- toe faU
ty be will a- MB- eay taaeavetfiM Boaoevalt |aered ogaal to I RocoovcH'. ■dmlalttrailM.

'Trav—-Cily, Micb.

> First Rational Bank aTI
J Traiersc Qty pays 3 per
IceBLoDSailstsDeptstts £



; state Bank i

®- *> tte-—

too rate or

1 ta vv>mr—u. te an k>



WUl»at«f>k (wMbBuit 8M-



FMerery pal|dt ia tbo eity Baabid vfdbjr. OM(t* OdCMT m»tnd •
hM baa doU tef. E. lalva *
word, weee ^lakea of beaor
T«7 (nv* lB)«r <bai drill 1*7 hlB loa aad vUl b* ocahcbdil M «b* old
0 aatioa'i aartynd iweeidtat. H
■ad MMlM
kesM «f (b* Q. B.
Hi. Jaataaee rettneftoB tbe artef tor tbe aatioa-. Iob aad of ry.-j
riBiiirlad aapty bamU frea tbe loft i Iwrliiaer oa aeeeaat (d bia
*L mUob ■•mt at Sisfd^r
latfaT far (bear who were
ecmaaix tb* aria* af Intan ia^iearod tbe eta* of.will takaaloaf enatiiB fioB aay drexeettothe ia» peeidBt. Wtwda
Beldoa A Jnbainri. wbaa <b* of tbe klad of work aad
of raartatle loyalty to the aatioa aad
which be wa* hidb.altfa.
to tbe dew praidcal wen- aleo ipok
dsabt bat Ual HoaM «bM
wortiac .brake aad he teU baokwanf Hr. Lafaya. aba u weU kaowa
•a. bat rrief f* tbe loee itet ABeri.
tbd bMn, ihd doe* cd vUeb t
tb*«ioaBd. BitU^aa hidAool- «Ttr tbe ei^.wlU bow l»ra ais tea
a faae eaffeced wa* tla raliac wad.
loekad. Bat It ^VMiad tet b* i
dw aad rtliVaartad It.
at the dlapoBl ad tbe pabUe aad wiU Met la each of tbe efaarehre a* tbe
TTT7 Boob aadd* tb* UfliMW
Dr. Eaeelaad eat lb* dWeoatlea. he ready to r^o^ to all eaUa rery atioeal ealaBity wae leterred to.
Uqaei. aad il did acN anaar il
anUted fay Dr. WUhelB. aad tba |m- proaptly.
Tbe blow to tbe
(bM wa« aar erlBiml tofaaltaB. ae Ueetwlllbeoat a*
jBkeo of at bwctii ia aay of tbf
a repair the iajoty. bat be trill be
Bltbt ban .le- ebareb.-*, ewiac to lb.. BOBcwial
for Ibr
Telaped lato a aartoa* fire atarted Hoarred laeeMleai. by tbepeetoreof
day laoralifi U tbe eeooed fioor of tbe
Tbe Kalchtd «d PrtUai hi
lafeit u> LaBM
City Diatac Hall TIm blaae wae la a tbe Tarim, ehenbn la tt^ o.iy.
iac Attorwey A- P. Beatlat
I adloialBtr the rooB of the alfbt
A Nietit Of Terree.
H Ireelaiian oaeatyatrieod ia tla city
^ler Dofal, aa l iMonciai*a>
"Awfal aaxieiy wa* feb for tbe
CliaTi.roit. oa fait royiteiy h bad beea •Boohleria*](be
brarr Oeoeral llanilaraMOW of (be tare
B of Haehta*.
The e»lUD«* •( aUthe i
oaaibcUia tbe eioect jhaB
Haehiae. Me.,
Hr., w-faeo
w-bco tbe idoc.
re laid ebe wmld die froa Pneai
eloeed tbe trial of tbr aao-1 wbeo it wae .1


iBelaaao aad Charleroix be-1 defer
pattaia. Tbe Uire.- ftoot rooBa fere Jedee Haya*. aad tbe oaB ha. |aa.l l
-loorr tliaaoace Bred her life, aad
by .he]«
of tbe lodf* an teecaled to tbe celd ber
her of Coneaaieloe'
Cmeaaieloe Aitfr'tak
After takat «»Td
an of the order, blae. yellow aod red.
U taadeOBe oak ofaaln bare beea
la place for tbe oOoer* of tbe or- bored, ate for tbe parTacat of eoaM of ; etarl to tbe row of woodm beilOtaga. ItDediciar lit cearaateed tc
‘ all
Tliaae were aade to order aad tbe old Haallm mooty boad* thal 1 there. It wmld bare beea a eery emiim.
wen eappmed to to mtlawcd *ad : ooe fire.aod oar Ubt wmld hare torn ; S'*’
wen DM weamed by L.-elanaa mad rery hard to bmdle. .
Watt A Son e dra«7SJ!J
Oharieroii ooobiim when Haaitm
—-----------------------------------Farm (or 8alo.
Xbe WoiBia-e Haia* aad Petelm
A farm of 80 aerva. kariait al.Bt 10
HtBlcaaiy Sooletira of tbe tiyaod of
_____ ______
»e* ckaied. rood borne and larti.
HidUiaa will bold Ibalraa^
lac la tbe Preebytariaa diaroh of tbl.
Wedaee^ aad Thareday-Oot.
Banyc-d ireeideol.ha. br-a act with , lomtcd in aeruoo ai. Uart»ld townceacroof s-eponee* and boeiaen mra . abip. fir.- aille**« of Trarerar t'nr.
bad aod fird. It le aa iBportaal etale tbe ooutie* for tbeir [ari___
Vtbertac. at tAlafa It le arpeotod Kaae. Fileh ft Fitoh an tbe‘attarhare decided :
that abmt cae baadrad delt«at.e will aeyi for tbe relaton. A. F. Baetlnc
for tbe day. The lactanee
Or. Jao U-vaon.
t down the enure day.
be pceeaal fron dlfiareat farte
far the board of aoditon aad Uic two
^'-adiUar, Uirh
exceplioa. Tbe
Hr, Baaliac
tioa trill be OB the fa^reia. i
defmtlac mcai of tbeoUleti tofote ‘““'J'eloee down in tbeafter-'
Wormn* Nirst ana 0*».
ethere the Aer. Oooiteaay H. Feaa of tbe beard, lo tlal If (be cam 1* I
*'■ *'■ Vella of tbe Veil*- Tbr boaliei aad alchtnt IIUUCblaa. who eo offeottrely
loot, there will to Irne than a third of;
«o . ital«l ibu aoralox '
"'F ~ m«A >.
tbe ortetcai elaimi tor the li


----- ------------^

Circulation this week 2,250.

: Maadar will b« the H*br*w Dey-of
Atedaeat. aad the eUrM of tbe

Mra Bell* Plata liaa errlTed froai
Otaad Rapldd to taka abarn* of bar
Blllla*<7 -en. tomtit
tnmUn.U. 6. WrUhb
H. B. OId> t«d aold bVi .lon> balld
In* aad Mook of aoode at Hendoo to
Aftliar AllaBOf Harrielta. had will
totnor H.OUI. while the
ri*** “ liaad harloc toco de-, aieaul power. Tbry're wned.-rfol to
MlM froB aetlTe baataaaa
total BOV I* between SI.SOO and '
"^Btly. The factory
»r fhc hmftl. Only t.v pri
Mra J. W. Dic*f«*Ba aad aea War
tea of Soloo. taaod Uirnffa the elty
Dartd Wanar. me of tbe mrpmtorm
today oa Ibelr way to Boafflo to at OBlcved at tbe aeylam. loot a terri­
lowercr. Hi. Well* uate*
lead the Paa-Anarleaa avoutloa.
M. K. omlcreaee la *ea*iae at
ble fall Hoaday afUraooB.bat etraafe
ipaay will x.-i oat only
He*k«gaD taai made ibe a]
' aay. camped witbeel aay Tory
thai which II atoolatcly aiemmiy
for tbe wmteni lialf of Ibe iBto. in- aad th- plaal wilt be elomd aaybov I
j lo'aroa He wm oa a
wiU le to OeB'ral Lake Wedaaatey of
aaxl warit to play a «aB* vilb KaM tlac oa a ooraiee wbaa be laet hu otadiac tbe Otand TiBrerm Di*triel. 10 tbe aftcniooo.
Mayor Fateliin bacappoiatcd a iba-'
Jfltdaa at the atreal tmlt at Oealial toottac and wa* preotptlatod to tbe
ebarob of thli city aad Rct. Rraaedy f miim.
CToaad SO feel balew.
la hU HU be elroefc apoa twohmry of tb>- Seomd ehureb arc returned.' I
ouplcto lilt of anwiotmcBto j Uag,;
plaake that had hwa aaed a* lAid. In
baamr etete la tbe OerBalao belldlap call ap aoBM of the bmry nwtarial U ai tollllowp.
Oroto-r. 10 ao>oprrii« with the eletxy*P CtpUfiL
oa Fieat etnet. tbe-Baohet''i
Oraad Trarrrw- Diitriei—H. D. m. aof Ihioity io arranirtax »or th.seed io boUdlnc. aad tboach be
ha* latBtaed fms Ohloaco, where be rery badly ahakaa: ap. ao boeoe t
<Hirel. traudlnx elder. Jiete Burdcr. nemonil -rrirm to take plaoc in the *“*’*“*•
hae parohaaal a laiie tteok of coode. trokea. and aride frote aaaw ear.n Alaaioe: O. E. LxwU. Alto; U. W. aftemooB.
All die protectant
larxe. Aldio; & K. Yon, Bear take; eborebe will ioio to tnUic inrioci
nirtol the worio.
Tha Bebefceiit wlli oaHbtate tbe fif- raleaa. he was aololBred.
tletb aBalTareary of Ibelr order with He wa* earrd for at tbe AiyluB till K K WhltBBn.BelUirc; B. U Hood.
the City Opera Hmie ami l»t«loBmioaU; A. R. Rrillcr. Boyar City:;
a epoolal fwofiiBB at tbalr Ml Friday ycetrtday. orbea be rotoraed
OuT Sariars Department
1* a (HrpeoKr. Boyn- Falla aa<l | ,i,
hOBM, 811 Bael Hlale elnet
Will bold
CUrioa; J. D. Doiu. Oeotral bake;!,,-.,., ^,1* .
ba. firea aad loa
m la the '
KaxUr. Gliarlcroix •
Hantafolleeewiwoiectmted Hoo
Vlllace; E. K. 8[mcui- Km« Jordm,;!„
daylernakOraBptmaad Hla KUlr
iBlMt, belb of Aeaa; Haary Fttapal- emaiy. by whieb Uaptaan tbal there J. V. Hart. BIX Rapidi; H. V. Wade.
Katplir: Hamocl Trewia. Fife Inke;
rW aad HIb Ret? Albricbt. betb of li aaiolaatlm lo iai» tbu
tUa (rity, aod Fred T. Hlaor of Old T.«7 BatortaUy abort lb.- rataaUoa A K. Wyun. Ffunkfort; W. T. HtU,
Fncaoil aad nomd Blmion; daino
Hiealm aad HIb Liule A. Arc
at Nortbport.



I Woel
•y tbe ladlei of the Ooaadaddad maeaea, Tbe ladiee wlU b11 any.
tUacfiOBa paekaceof aeedlo* to a
Dalbert Hoxie of Orawn aad Hln
Hariwy Taatphlaa at ttali edty ware
llriid Wadanaday. 8opt. II. at tbe
terideaoa of Rer. H- A. Salary, wbo
They wUl rerida at
Tbotapenarillo. wbeta Hr. Boxl* will
mjita U the laaadiy baalaaaa
Urge qaABtlClM of trait
biawa tnm Ibt Bee* by tbe bi(li
triad Saaday alcfafi aad Kmday aad
the eeaeagaeaea wae a rarii to the local
BMfkal ftaehoe eeffared hearily aod
gtowe wire foroad to hriof than to
BBfcat mrllor tbaa they lateedad.
iaiH* Iierto Baberte faae
aecaftaetfertb* ealeaf bit laUreM
to WUtlaa B. Bead City,
trtw laamtly pawifwtoil lb* laaitor
bariaam of J. V. Ttorii ft 80a. Tbe
plaat wiu to eatarfed ia tbe amr faIan aad the bariaeei xrmkly estead-

•d «xkiailTely throofib tbe Abuki
•Hd fieldf aad toi toet kbm nemm
Be «

Haw Fnak HaBlllm reeelred

lower la -proportlm M iu raloattm tbaa any ether towaiblp ia tbe
mb Talai beiac
Tbe city'*
peroentic* U T8.
Aomrdlac to the ficarei oml to Hr.
iBdd. II U prepeied to taiac tbe ralsatimof (be ooaaty tren about r.W0.000 to orer 810,sa0,000. Hr. ladd
WlU CO to Tan line acala Hoaday to
■meat acainat tbe ralm la Taluatlm.
He Byi that ibaie If ap aad of dlmUUfitolim with the work of tbe tax
iBlmen tbroochml the eatite
Work of tirewt-Oowt.

CHrmii oourt eoarmed Monday after00m wlBi Jadf* Haya* 00 tbe bmMi.
At tbe lafotaal eall of the'mleodar.
me aew mn wai added la Bhaacwiy.
P. 0. Oilhen pKIUtBlwr for tba diitolatlm of the Tntrma Bay HilUag
Vben the oriBlaal oaM* were eall'*d.on* Idea of guilty wu* mHred. me
IwiMBM wood Buta aad
eol gnUly wa* onlered
lb eoart.
tad two plaod not guilty. /
Ueergi Hapiw. the'TBTtAio 4. ae»aed of lareeay from a dwaUlag, en­
ured no plea, aad me of not gailcy
wai todered by tbe oourt. aad at
UapM' leqaaM Laraager ft Lmuiger
war* ifpalBaed to defead biia.
Hermaa Haae ph»d not guilty.
iBtedtbat be w«* unable to eaploy
eonstoL HI. father alB doolared bt.
laabiUly to tnuare emaeel for
0. OUbert
polaMd attorney ter tlw defmee.
Artav «. Horw, whe t* aatBBd of
burglary ^tb KeiBaa Haaa plead
wmy- Bmtetwn jriU to



iMTerlng; O W. Howe.
01tr;A- I I HoConib. Hat]
lABartb.1 lanlilee; C. A. Bale*. Uaa-



Nenh|,on teeoad mialm
L. D. Yon
Fnakfert: I* E. HoIdm. SUi
-A. K. Henan. ThompeoarilKlake to beiupplied; TTuren Otty.
Pint ebarob. W.' 1* InafBaa Uagh
Keanady, Trareree Olty.
ebarob; O. V. Banw. Wmfot
lard Hmtb, wmiaBMburx-

of Hr and Htu Aariia
BrowB.diedTI>unday moralaxat tbeir
boB*. 63V Slat* etiml. of bowel
Tbe fBBeial wa* held
froa Ibe hooae Friday aftenoao at
__ ____
Ualbarine Stoll**, axed ;c
year*, died Tbaraday .t tbe boinc
of ber daagbter. Uru Veoeel Fifarek,
Sll Seomd .ttml. The eaaae of dmtb
w* d<l age.
The fuaeral wai held Saturday
BomlagteaSI FraaeU diurea at v
o'oleek. Mn .Stollae faae b«B a TMldml of tba o-ty abmt 1& ye

Hn. Jaae HoOany, me of tb- ear­
Fnd Haa* plead not galllytolbc ly piOBM-n of tbr Oraad Tmrme rebarge of laremy. He liai retained Xlm. aad wife of Jsine. HeOany.
t tiala. iet bli old Loraagwft UwiBgaraB hi* attoraeya died Thobday at tbeir botur in Long
Mae. Bam. HHai. TbU
Dak* toonuldp. ugm W. yean. Be.
,WU1 prmmt Hr. HaBiltoB fram
ride* be* huaband *hr Imre* three
fimdlaclhe iatotaMuml good rmdi
efibn of tbe attccney* few tbe ■08* aad three daaghlen aod a bnet
• to to held ia Bafolo t
of friebdi thal will be adiTT to tear
CUT Oa. Oo. the
death, a* .be wae a won
eaM agalBU Uie-dCy wa. eet tor To**taew but to lore. She
day awralax of mxt w,wk.
Tbe ODUt tbm took ap the trial of wayi rmdy aad wilhog to do any.
B cae* agutaet Henaaa Haas A thing for beraegbibon tbal
Ju^ wai leeared ia a roy abort tiBe. rrmUa. Hr. and Hru MeOany harr
. .
wboni Ibe aaea «■* hwo la the Oraad Tnrenc region
The faoeral wu*
tried iiMfoUowt;
«uh.PMir Aaaa, Ftmak He held Saaday at 3 Ad. froB St. Fianeii
F.Haadbaa of IhU dty. ■ xradaato of HttUen. t. U BbMitm. B«iy
ehareb under tbe dinetioai of
tbeetty tobooU.lotor a xtsdato* of the Olaade Warner. B. B. Barrows John
atote HoTBal aad aaw a xTsdant* of Hexle. Ollntm Haetaead. J. K. Hpp- Syiria lime, three weeki* old
toa OUary Biilai OoUexe. Ur. filB. TboBp^B NewBarob. John daagfater of Hr. aad Him. E Barber.
■todbaB 1* well ktwwu bar. sod bU Bayatoa.
• Friday at tbeir l,oBe. »ll
Hearim will dmbti«a be xaamlly Hnton Maai waa ooonetod of lha
lagtm atoael. Tbe foaeial wm*
oriBP ft burglary Tu.wday kftonoen.
Tta OUB wmt to the' jury abmt four
TIm BBtria«e of Hr. Bmry Fliaput- Feloek aad ia IbH an boar UhArehle J. Whtle. tbe tbre<- year old
rM aad Hi« Buby K. Altolxht wu* ad bam rwutied.
- aafaaabed at < 00 Betui^ ermlac
The pleai cd the attoruayi aod the em of Hr. aad Hn T. R. Vbitr.
at tbeir hoBe la Solm Turatoy
at the boar of the trlde i Bother. murfudBrga to lha July ware
Mta H. E. Altoitht. ltoR.HlaUi pletMl ul 4 o-oloek aad the eaae
Holan BMrbaa The fuB-nl
■Mai, Bar. D. O
held at tbeir beae at 3 p ai.
Pu toto agulatt Oeorge Ui^tee yeaterday. wader tbe tUrvetlea of H.
rea dloalBed. Lewti rnu efaargrd U Carter.
•the wrftdiac looi pla» toamth o Am- wlUi Uromy fretu the prnm of HerHn
iBan L. Alien died Taeeday
tort L. Dwiia. tbe latter totog Ibe at ber bOaw ui Taba at (be age of »>.
' TW bridr were a pretty gowa of uQBplalaiax wltaeas bat tbe praeamSbehaa beea >a taUiag bnllb for
White B.U with laoH aad riMmu ilm bme not bem able to iwodaae
eoaw tlBe. aad ber death wae not BB.
deaae to fix tbe erlae m LewU. and •xpeewd. Sbe wuaeaeof the early
baea dteefaarxud by the mmt
Idmien of the regim. eoBlag here
aamapMi eam of John F. On
ftaiaty upper wmi vrred the gacata. •ad Fiedtrlefc W. Bah ra The Ealley la isu. aad ha* hiwi* of frieod.
wbteh laaladed mty ibe bom taU- BbiagU Oo..faa* bmaaetUedmi of throQghmt tbe aatire ngton. who
Will regret to liars of ber dwth.
. wale Meada aa« rcladrkt.
of the Old Set.Hr. aad Mrs Fltx|»iriak will to at
waw* to ihMrftdmda at tat B. Hiaih

'A c can furnish ihe professional or amateur photographer with a.complete outfit. We have werylhing
in.the photograph line—Cameras, I’lates. I’apcr, Cards.
Chemicals. Tripotls, Burnishers, etc. Prices right. It
will pay any one lo look over our line. \o trouble
to show gootk at


The honest, well made kind that will
stand all kinds of wear and weather.




Oil graio. aeal igTaiii aad
■alin pal! uppera, tdored

Shoe* that wiH keep onl
the 'wti and aUy auft and





Made of aprcialljr UDeed
water ^>1001 caffskio, cloaed
tontruaa. heavy lole*

Made of long wearing calfakin nppera, goo,l aolid aolea,
neat aliapee



. abaoloteiyaoUd leather: here


.All pBt tngriber by hand,
■ame ai if made in a abop U>
youronlrr. We are tbe only
Oder in (own tbataelt tben.

Uery Special
Coder we Mace m metal sab two Cole Cadbs' ilndcrsldits.
A# Otl^ i* *
Moreen SIttrt. made with the patem adjustable yoke.
WliV finished at bottom with three ruffles set on to a deep flounce, will
give good wear; they are an odd lot and va|d in stock at $4.50 and $5 00.

Uery Special at $2.98
Mercerired Saline wiihsatin«ripeeflect.dcepflounce. ?
■aiVi WWV well corded, and iNJund at bottom, and sold at S4;
small lot left fodose at............ ..............................................

Orcss Goods Remnants at l)alf Price
We have again pulled out about one hundred short lengths of wool dress goods
from the stock and place thc-m on Special sale at Jl'ST H.M.F PRICK. This will
move them quickly. It's your chance to^t a waist, child s dress skirt, and in some
cases a whole dress lew than it cost lo make the goods.

Job Underwear
SmalMot l,adi« Summer Combination Suits thal solll at^'|8ft;«j^-iuit.

Sttidll Pftt

* heavy Cotton Ve«s and l*ants, sires yS. .to, ,>y and
.14. that sold at ycc. .IOC and 3<;c. It's an odd lol and a l.argam for >*ou. If you want any of these bargains you'll have to come and get them
now. They won't last long at the way we have priced them.

Cadies’ Fleece Cined
Jersey Ribbed Uests and Pants
This fall we show the best line ol 2^c L nderwear we have ever oflered. Come
and see the goods and you will agree with us.
Your money back if the goods are not as represented.








I^aUr stoe Houe |

The OU stand

Cadies’ Underskirts

^ ^ Mercantile Co.



ITertmi War m n» Oma.





aim Sap* m Wa woIbom Mi^lumi
family hmo and h^ be will mam
loiniitlmt Borarleaditoa





Our Fall Stock Now Riadi! yaiiucc.

Daar Sln-1 ii*Bd yen tae fnUewb«i
■qajak metimd of tyia« «p |
oom tfaooka A snai deal of________ ,


• of .Tloc



ralcyabkaSklr: Uw afferti mAs b;
P^piU Um»ey w«a aqaeteli; »p- the bead amla for tbe year. We hope
ttat OBT aetol will analo (be mae
deiPW Of aBOcom thU year tMl it did
..j adaevaef tto 4«Mb of ov andar bar •cperrUloc Mm year.
trlorad tCMUHlt «MM u • aboek to
Mr* W. J. Jarrett of Trormae City
(he nopfo of Oadw mad roaae ud
old fmX (hot «e hovo. M
• IaoUia. Uat the bomoet 0.0. Keeoey for
bar Infoal aeo
foSMod OB BBopookoble loM.
The l^jwpoaeof bartas
. the mn of Dr. W. J. SUlliday.
IMt 01
I Am flooU »t hot/ ■••(
OBd the
m»rcriasta^i|. “----------' i> dioped U> blaek
B* OB of oor


e fertbrrror to


yoor 4>ook >■ rmdy to .......................' tope aronsd the ebock.
pot tbe end ifaroosb tbe pnlb-y aad
diawaa -tlRht a* yuo wish, then tir
with year iwiae. one or two Inadr 1
alway. nw two.
Wm. Uraat.


» 'tta^lCs Badiin^ U iUll io
UBnda^>^UwyFr of IleeiiM
Mr rUlaity.
He my*; "My brother w<
Mr aod Mr* Oha* Draper of Oomna Hemyi;
that ew pro
uoni Satarday aad Sanday tritli Mr* with malarial freer anitt laandire
•d to eoot a
him to try Krlectric Hii
Oridier'* parrat* Mr -and U* '
___ -_>d
wa* moa belter, bet
up( ond tM
teon sued
Sited ere*.
eree. WlUon of till. pUea.
linaed their an antil U- wa* wholly
HU loTliis .wife iioi U>e iTBpothp of
Wm. Oon asd aon Jsliaa atarted oared.
I am aan Eclectrio Bitten
til mortilBS for Raffalo,
mrod bU life." ThU immedUle n-m.
feellac hen U *e I............_
edy expeli malaria, kill* din**>r It woold be qetle aiuafe for
Mr. and Hr* Waller Been', baby i. irerm* aad pcritli.* ihcblooit; aul* di
______ tnhUi loalrhli emUnMiU IB r^ ill, boi U *omewliBt better at Se«Iioa. reRBlate* lirer khlaer. and
oor huU (owe.
Mar » fonrer be
bowel* rareioonatirnnon. dyaiieiiaia.
*taBk|ied »i
Mim Sadie Shogari eprai Sanday aerroui lUi mee*. kldaer ttoabli*. feTlie liearT wlad for the laei few with Him Kellie l^wrie.
'oS|^--------- alBl: RtTN lerfeol health
Dly .'lOc al Ja* U. ' JoliaaoD'*aii.l S
dor* U naklo* the apple* tali. ■*:—
Mn Oiaase Head, of Trarene City
Walt & ISon * dr*R *1
rw^ltM~M^~lert roMerdar with epeat a frw dar. laat week with her
Ir. PeeeeadM asd f^llr for Ofaltw- (Uasbier, Ur* 'Robert Lowrte, darioR
------------------------ .L
not buy-understand that.
Max Kar ha* goDe to Ohieafco t^a
Him Mary Trade and her friend. AKK ARBUK RAILROAD MAKKd
. Ml.
Him AOBle Asle of TtaTerae City, are
"Mr’W^rSloS'wnbmkkr i^o
Saiordar aiahl. Abosl twaatr doUan
In Bon*r. nraral boM of eifan aad
U*i Tneeday eveniap toatiet______
<’<'B0ly farruenmay lem
Lewi*'who Uy ill at hU lioaie.
Buipielon peeled *o ittooclr '<•»■
7.taii.drumt.‘irr^nmia^: kU Ha- U'BrHl <>f Hint ide l-outo rrop
Hr aad Mn. John Sorre iJ Sciion*
iBdMBal (bat he relDtned a part of Bay. alio Ur and Mr* Frank Clooae W.Jneedh.T and Frida.r v ixi * m. .h at oocoit.M oa Ha-|mmiee* of A.
allerall. TIh' Ule beaiTmla. amt '
' proDitea to retoro of nrar TimTer*' City, •pent Scaday.
A. Tafft. of Plytaoolh
Two Rrouad
hot w.«|lK-r hate oaaae.1 liu- toU-n to
the real
8^1 bih. with
with their iileiet. Ur* Kate
Golag.w.1 .learner leavta Menonii<•«*“
Mr. and Mr* Praak PUher. Mr.
Sieber of thi* plaee
ae>-mme iUt* n .UI gv m., Stanreno 'io nnc trap meetlDR at lliat Voa m iimrr.1 or aa* lora .4 Ii,h*c
Mr. nor * toother OBd I
ThrooRb tbe effort* of Prof. A. R
■ ~
avd 10 be
It 1. o-bxIIt
Kilmer then ha* been a chaape luadc Bar l:»ie. m. and arrive. Frankt.ri ,»>di jn.l In time.
Pleher a verr pleanat eall on Batar- In tbe amBRlnR of the nau of oor
Hr. Dot *eom* reir prood of achool room, for ilie ooDrenieooeof
of rt... jirti. ,«,*
A Shockinir Calamity.
liU aolher.
He aa well be. *1* ■be aeliolan.
look* a* ir lime tied dealt rery kindly
"LAtcIy befell a railroad UU
Him Pearl Wiane of Gill'. Piet
wrltea Dr. A Kellet. of Will...-..,
The eoocen aiTen bp tbe Mown with her; In faol we nldooKie '
rUillBR her friend* at lliU planUm' agierinl
of re raft of ac.-, who retain* i
taken hU
facBltin better iliaa Mr*. Day.
ncaanorerib* win*
MWMdtad. itaean-

VERY old m>Thn dccUrcs Uut it itn't coonony to pick pint: the time is worth mart
then the pint. SimlUrly it is not true earn_____ omy to do without Ivory Soap; your heakh
requires the dally removal of the bodily excretiont
whiefa arc diachar^ ihroi^ the pores of the sldn.
These tiny moutb must be kept open, and they
should be opened only with a pure soap..

Best Work stlrts siiO Overalls In Uk
world, only...'............... ........ 48c


S. BENDA & CQe oome w md looiu


r DON'T Sf ■ "-Sirl ‘S CS Z&sT.-Ti.'IZ

Grand Traverse Region.

OoRMpeadooU ete re^oiwled
Mko MM of the fael thol oo eooii__
aldOtlMM wlU he o<od to (be Henid
______________M of tl
loAoontalo. Tbe_____ ...
Tbete woe o rerr loixe oUesdoBee oad
' OOlOM douiod, Hll B<
the ecoeert woe o rora noelool (not.
OMOtleo wiU be oad obIm* tbe
ThesMBbenof tbe qooTtette on oil


^ oiaplr booBM the BBtpe of the
wrtlof U oel kac

iMit SBBday belaa the aoneal
lion of ofSoen for ta* OoBsn«at
SBBdar Kdml. the feUowi^.et
«-«r* elooted:

E a StOM U< n (be loorlr o

Loo WtODlioemb »pcot a few dap* at
& r Hodan loft IBM HoBdar for
hoiBo ihU week.
Hm PaB-AnvieoB.
Hl» LttoIi OroBkhile eoaona
Sobool opaed bwa with Pnd Tober eMiooI Id Dlitrtol Ko. 14 SepL
Ur a* horfer. Sept. ».
O. <S. KlokennD rUHed
. Kn.
w U on tbe ilek iut.
XtDinler SnoilaT Dftenooo.
Hra. KUrU HoDjtbton Tielted at her
<m' ^^thLn
B Hyi.lB«. 80Dd07.
Mt. BdMoU bo* o BsnbMof friood*
:iek YoobkIoi* Iiu been qalu
trtMtlBf falM ftoB WMtben Hiehtpon.
w the post few da.e*. wboeoaw op so the ezoanioo loM
L. Slooe
testate Hood

KIm Mood Bnch ntomoti_____
Sbpk 11. afior OB esIOBded rieit wl(h
h« aUUr bM okhw leUliTo* 1b lad)oao.
She woe ooMpoaled br bnr
•OMta. a roue eonlUMui of Udl

---- ---

Mto. OaaBte. who hoi |mb tUUIiik
fewdMCbHrHriL HblUeMeweted.lDHmSi to ntm to her bento IB Oimad

^ SS‘b,

Mr. and Mr*. J. S. WiBtan ipeet
Haadap with Mr*. Wialen' bnxbr,

• _i._Ib
of-Bar ---View, who
aeHoBKlr ill.

Tbe lafant child of Mr.
■ lladwivk.
H..a*eola* died
___ ___
Mr. aaS
Mn ______
FrankUlhln hare
Kankak>.<. HI..,to *i*it frii-ixl*
and ri'laim-*.
Tlie ktm* Bert
MartoD Olbk.........
tlar at their home* here.
B^t-ralof our people alh-advd tlie
with Mr. Roy Kotawan
re of
weddlnc of Mi*> Luis Pi-m- and
bBTt a* ;riseipal and Min Mlata Kagme Knight a weok ago U*l W.-<l
Miner of thii plaoe ae prioiary teaehor.
Mim MaiU.- Holib* ae
Mr*. John Kraaxlln ha* bom rety K. A. SmiHi of Sc IvM<

Min bM a.

E Qillt-



_Mwi aay UnoBthe l}hatlo*oU for

TheradarI bornhool



I A. nmekar l•a(BOTed c
■A O. Hathaway farm.


--------------------- .- lau Friday aWtht. »•
tmnlM Sanday Bhthi.Wobaraliad amae beary raiei tor
(h» pMt wata aad U>e weather Uoeol-


?IbbU Mat Friday.
Frank MbMi and Delon Me<pner
are teabd 8 R. Bstka * hall for
danelBS danns Ihr fair.
.-.Iiraeau retriUered at the Hw...
Arhori J. W. Zlmmemaa. Ttarenr
Oity: John Beekar. Maple <2ity; Wm.
Drake. Oraad Bapide: M. RaailalL

tle|'< X
itaBler Oox of IhU plaoe U&
mine for petreit..wben
____ _ _____ ___
join bU reRimest. Tbe W. C. T. U. aooietr m<
Mr* Bryant'* OD Tnetasy IbM.
Htf M. B. WeiiBta.' aad ehil
an ritUlBR at Uracd Rapid*


Bo Bor. Otooa
. MBon of Ua oc
■ay ha tack fta ai
Hr. and Hr* Albert Atkin* «
a *0^1 of week* rUlltat
la. ua. W. OoMm. i
Thoata* Ootdoa and Him


and (amtir of Ttar: a few day* ia town

Gi-o. Hapletofi aad family of R-ar.
• '
• •
mored to ltd- ploee.
. not Sad the rllmMe;
to and tare at
d water of ihr
r liland
Ifland rerr oondo.
■he wa* leoB
re to tbeir health, a* Mr. Hapletofi
for Ilia nact tefaeel year.
I* Ktricken wlUi tpyhoid frv. r from
WIlHam OarUoo-f Uctla ttrl I*,
whleli be 1* bow slowly reourertoR.
what hatter.
. rataoB diera to Btt Rapid*
ImnemibUto forome aa
Not impomlble to be pen* d for IL
Dr. Tbomaa' KdeetrieOII U Monarch
C Pray_____ ______ _________ ___
SatanUy retoniat hone Sanday.
J. E H(welBnd and family went to
Trarene Oity PHday.
Mr. Q
Qlty Thoroday.
food re fwtara boIH Korei____ _____
Olaad Warner U loadtaf a «w with
will be i«ld to all .laUoo* 0l llhio
potatoe* thi* weak.
OB Hie Lake Shore & Mleblgaa
A. & Palrtank* wa* home from em By. Wheeling A imke Kne Ry.,
Trarotaa Oity
~ ty Sanday whan b* in*
ha* Hocking VmlUy Ky.. Oble C-ntral,
been pnttliutt down anotliar B
' owIbk Line* OiarinoaH.Hamilton A Dayioo
wall for E S Pratt.
By. and the Detroit Soatliem Ry.
Mr. and Mn. W. U. Boofca* of Bar- BpeoW trala ltaTm^^wmUh^ls jv 1
ker Onwk, wen rlaUora at K T
Play'* Suday.
.................................... » aad to tioinu'oul
railroad* named abore it will U- half
Mr. And Mn. ObarUa H
rUlttac nixtirea at Ceotral Inke ibU fare from Toledo to ileettaatloa added ]
to the tare named above to Toledo. '
BaRRage will be cheeked iode.tlba-1
H. Eai
of .Bataa WB* a caller Uoo. Tor farther {uriicoUn agqilvi
ibe 181
to nearoct Agent Ann Arbor K. R.. or .
The md sew* of__________ ________
J. J Kirby.
Uy-edmth mala ahadow orar tbU
G. F. A . ToleAo, l>.
-i._ J-—„ mwbUo.
aa* takiaii li a* a peiaunal Ion.
Tom Brows, the ex pwHiri of Ma­
tVhiU your mind and body rest Caxbel. ntarned bare fraa Otaad K^di
careU Candy Cathartic repair t oor
disettiMh-vour livrr, your bowel*

Th^ WoriiWhBe You Seep.

Ur. Taldo aad Fiaak Ln
here Monday Bamiap for fii
rUit tbe PaB ABwrima.
Mr* OolbpwiueB !• abh- to be oat
The family of A. Wi
IrmWB b>et week.
We BBdentoad Moaara Oanneit *
PwBiBCtoo, who an In boulsem here.
bare dlqioaedof their atonat Qrawn.
_ Mr. andI Mn
Mn. Baker
Siieonna laet week, when they 1
been TiritlBR Mn. tek.-r «
* fatb
Mr. Doyh- of thU place haa beat
•..................................... S. E R. R. p

A. B. OartU of Tiaroree (

Pere Marquette ;

Mr* T. O. W«dm of O
tbe «a*l of ber am. U B
Will D. OariMokm 1
from as attack ^ aoarlet fern.
Sahday. Sept. ». will he the lari
Him MaifoiM RameU ratamed jhoBoe ta rUlt Grand Rapideor Sag-'
Bb^ trw B taro menth*' actlora iDaw at EietirtiaB fare* .tnoeial trata
will leoTF Tramwe City i
J. H. BtaiUlMW U Cbepomemor of a
DFW Kareka wtodaOU. anetad Uat
week by Ben Kalian of Worterd.
qaette will t_.. __________ _______
Mr. and Mra. KiaboU. rtto bar* TWdo. tor train leariag Tr*v«
broo rUlttBR bU taoUim and wife. A. City at 6 * m. at rate of Si.OO for the I
U Klmbaa Ml tbl* BMninc for rooM trip Aak aceaU-fox panlcn-l
their home la AU*«oa. orer tbe Pwt lat*
H. F- Moeller. G. T A. .
Un. Baiab Eenney al
WeddlBR of ber nepbew, C
of Trarerae City, to Him
city. ■
Cfaicago taoD
.im K<
Detroit Skon
LoBiii»e. 4hr pael
SagiMW «k<»
Uarld Dooslaa U
Good to relan aatil October
aa attmft of lypbr‘^
tavtom City at v *>
' If on a rtiit to' bU old borne al Tpoa will leave Ttaor lee bill* for fall


. . .X a* it ____ __ ______
of Hie affeetioo. aod Imriog the |nri.
; in n Mrone and IiealthT eooriiiion
eri.'rtmenul nuHlicine. bui
liu atood the teat of year* gitiag ml
'i.fartioii 111 erery nan.-, which lu rap
; idle lomwwins mli- <-Trrr wnaoii ron
I. Two niillioii Uitil.w auhl ai>
Ir. Koerhe*.'* German 811
ill Hie I'nltM "
eii rt town
ib.l world.




Hammock Bargains!
$1.00 Hammocks for 50c


ssisgr= AT BEADLE’S
159 Front Street.

We Do Not Advertise for a Bluff
We buy goods in such large quantities that tAte can advertise them cheap. AND CAN AF­
you have quoted you. and can discount most of them. Do not send outside for any furni­
ture until you come in and look over our mammoth stock. If you have any prices from
any place we will meet or discount them.

We are still selling a good Iron Bed .in any size
for $i.v7. and Springs and Mattresses in.proportion.
\Vc just reecivcil
m-vv Couches thal wc
intm-st you in. They begin at .n couch full spring,
spring edge, covered in a goinl graile velour;
have put a price of jlj.iro on this coi|ch.
'I'he noJiT is a fine couch, covered in line velour,
with ihc guaranteed construclion springs, for S7.75
These couches are no cheap, homely things. I>ut
are a nice style, well maile ami covered with beauti­
ful velour. Wc have a large assortment of colors.
We have the iinest couch for
that 1 ever sat
the m.irKet.

you a beautiful Sid)
will just fill in that vacant space in ychir dining room,
and oh. how handy,and convenient!


W'e h.Yve a fine line of Sunds and Parlor Tables.
A fine little stand, just like cut. 3SC.
Nice quarter sawed P.irlor Table. 2 ft. square,
nic^ French legs, for ?i ,73.
.V good K.ud oik Stand, i',.!, inch lop. .ilh
shelf underneath and niCe turned legs, for 950.


Dcoe. The foBOtal wa*
------------ lOta* and b* wa* beriad
The talk Atrea aa bi

■ CMetmy.
wUI be
' a maMaJ a
aamt Siren by the Lad
. im'A
Aid at tbe
taM of Mr. Bad Mr* OoU
H. F-Moelter.
^ Bisbt. Hr. am- **
FredLi*k. formoriy of tbU plaea.
.. .
..imoa Bfowa'e eold-atorase
O. P- A.
- a* la town lad____
............................ faml* tbe
baildlas on E Firm Mieel. aad wOl
soodi hwdy to *lilp to---------------------be completed la time for fall Mrfcet- STATE FAIR AT PONTIAC.
The fanmb an aboot thieufa ptok- trim moaty, wtarr they eqioM to toe of potatoeo. BcMon U '
Oo aooooat of the State mr at Pea-1
Ibf tbakr AlataBdm apnlaa Thcy^
Pere MarMr. Boiler U in Trarorm OUy m■ta «f a rarr caed qBaJiiy ibu year.
Lm Loaglam U bat* to work at the qaetta raitamd will fall HotMe oa
above date* good for paemge dav of
“Mi* Headmn of Trarene City.
taO^PilKBCDMCmad Mp^u
B. B. Oida *oU hU xtore OB th* hm- ~



l!=- ■Sil'-.K.'-.-.'iV;' 'SS,;s “■"d'siiiS'i.-.r'.xr:'

>. Baker,
inn, Olm

Veatoall aaeoralac for oar imlSm B aaama aa tt aooaetiitBC taleht ,

TV ^a^ for hU
MoaiSly aoL


Jack NeUou of Slli^u U in town
Modee. and IIIH
dangbter. Genera of Ktari.Micb.. at
TUltlDR rwlaMr.o and friendi at Hit
Kenrr Sarr-al arid family of Ya|.
deal*, ila.. bare been vUiliuii at He-.
botni- of hU *i*ter, Mr* J. U UiU.
Mr* Frank Derby of Hiia plan- -w.-ht
to. Baffalo a few day*
^y* XRO. Sh.- will I
make quite so .-xleeetrr rUI .
roUtlree*od friend*, after whirU *1
win rUit the Pan-Amerie.
W. Ulbt*. wlio ha* t>-- h
me ul >
relatlr--* hen-, rrtamed to lit*
ink* and wmu Pray Kankak-e. III.
EvA. 8iaiHi retard to Ml imaej
-B a Well for llaaiy
atSI. U»i* Ho.. OB Friday |

toe iBMUn' Aid woODOidar oftonoon.
(be tollowlBS oSloon won eloeted for


John Johnaon and fa Illy of Uilli
lOther. Mn
iPiar. anTwiilnR Ui*

U. DeVoL
Urtastet—Htn Olara Miner.
Heentary—Axel Hobart.
TreaiBier—Marry Tompklna
It wa* deelded by a rota of the peo­
ple 01 tbe OoBgretational cboreh laet
Sanday Borchir a menorial larriee
woold be b-ld la the Maooabee Hall
next Bnnday at II a bl. Id boniH' of

Mro Iraoe Kblelileof MooraeOsBtn drore liirowh ber>> hb her w*r to
__________________ ______ wifi- hare
I lie Tlllotte at ElOC*Ier rUteidop.
toored In WillU EIbibb-* boiue.
Hr. OBBUBlBftU nafclnt qalle
mi.Tl'ih <-KhlW
lot of ImprorBSMBU oo tbe property
IlMBl.l Omawndmr.'
Ar> It
which he boothl of Hr. l>asbleto(i.
Mr. OBd Un. V. L. Prisk. oeoomArchie aad. (Sbaanoey Oarroll from
the eoBtlieni |«n of the Mate, an rleBelle, epeat Sotardar nUbl oad 8db- iiiai tbeir ajtal. Hr* J. OBrnninta
do7 wlili (heir daoKhter. Mr*. Will
Aetta Tompkini' folk* hare a Sm
Uoe. of Elk Lake.
new lorrey oairlate.
Mt*i HloBle Uobbell of Tian«Be
Throoth tile klDdaeoeof Mr*. Trwn.
Oltr. U rUltlBtal tbebeaeof b.t
bell in tneoriot Uw autorlal. obi
BDole, W N. HabbelL
lltUe Minicli wai raitably dnpi^ In
n OampbeU troB eoBUMn Hlehl- boner of oor dead iraldut laM Aon. le TUUlBjt ber oleeo. ttra Art

_______________ 1. (Tdi

Or* Gamer A Swanion.
eye* treated
Baby Kaleeline i* Mill oa the *irk

Extension Tables--the largest and best selection
• shown in this city; 4S dilTercnt styles from S5.75
up to $15. We handle the \'ictor patent Extension
Table. U has the leaves enclosed in top and is liked
by every one who is using it.

CHILDREN’S GOODS--A good, strong Jligh
Chairjwith table that raises over baby's bead, and
high back for $ij3o. Tlt^ the Wheel High Chair,
that can be used for a Go Cart. Wc have them in
all styles. Little Rocken from 35c up; Cribs and
Cradles of all kinds.
A solid oak, 3-piece B<
I Suite, dresser, cornmode and bed. Tbe dresser has 3 drawers and
bevel French plate mirror; the commode has one
drawer and two doom, for.......................................$13.7.'*
Solid Oak Dresser. 3 drawers, bevel French

Cotton Top MattretMs.jinysizc .........................

Oor aim ia to f^raar oar raat«aeis oad giro tboM tba rvj boat gooda tor their mooey. If yoa get ao arttde i
w awl am not p.>rf. dly aatia&rd wbm }»a grt it boaa, pUaae rdva it and wa wfU

•me F-roraE S**-m«.




9Mt>tohrfrMa«l«Cntolht t»f.
AfcM<ioani <tab'«wtt«M,UM.ta

tw. Hn. JoMi* Klac of AIUcb asd
ro MH. CtariM >Bd OeU LenJor. the l>Mn (na> Mtla. teTloc

H. OallM, al Baioa •

lUt. Hr. Colin onolBlod tte folI .-iw oMllMtt: B. A.»a
ofOodmoe; J. W. tor tt Olu;
E. Oiol.olPanHk.oodO. K.
Howwd Oily.
O. P. Roblonj of RMd Oily, i
•Uetad •lalUUiol •ronnry a
pololMl ibf. follewln
A. <fMBl: Btc RapU, iinHet-D. 1).
Baod. O. W. Haxvall: Oraad Rapidi
dMriat-W. a. Phapl... Walllacloo
JbrI; Oraad Tiarena diatriel—liaah
Baoaady. R B. Ynt; Kalaiaaao.
»IM-T. K. Ubob. R R Ho
Laaalac dlitttet-4. O. Kaveom
Brart. war aada

Tba aaw. of Itir iBivorad eoedllloo
at Pnoidnl HoEialay war made Iba
naaaad aaeb rajohdacaad aeeoio>l|.
taawwapoolatad » rood a eoocnlalatoty Wl««raa to Hr. HoKialry
•odte diaftaaallabla
I tbr niDBlaaof Ibr
Borad Bod Blabop Varna offerol op
a naelol ptayn aaklaf UbI Uie klac
•fall nlara look kiadly apoo tba
•trtakao baBlot tba nUeo. eoi
hlBaadtafOod tlBa raalan bin to


Tbv left bore for BoMoo >ad
■AMrino. n»r»«»»U4*vllh tba bnotlfal b»rRe- are amr la ber «ay. Bot obta tbe
weoBBly beahb tailr. aad U«rc ir a «B-


tm «ku^'» OxuM.
W. a HoUMltr of loko Aon li la
the city oo boriarw,
•naadr «dl by tbr w of
Dr. Bevdn of Homid City. ■
yooac ptkyaiein wbo nmd a* mbIm. cHtMobra
aal (ancMo dartac Um Spaatih Aaer.
•r. and a cradaalr of Yal« eolw art iatited h
!•••. U la Itie oily aMiklB)| a perannlyt^
AddRB Dr. R V. Pirm. Boflalo. N. y!
Rot. J. 3 Haakatad of Battcau Bay.
I la Ibr city.
Prat a T. Orawa aad aoa Carl retanod today from a tlalt at Lelaad.
Vb. JafaaacB. a dnllM of Wbiiohall. Hleb-.lrtbltiac blriUlar, Hn
J. U Heitay. whom br hat aot aore
Hn BtrilTtf AlUee. who iBt beaa
ttelUac Hn B. Oammtmd aad IbbIly, weal to Petoakry today.
D. R Baraott, ««aetml acat for AL
V. HanlD't "Oaelr Tcn't Cabta"
Oo. U io Um eity.
A. Olbba ot 'Hayflold wu la Um
eity oo baaloaaa today.
F. a NaA aad F. A. Harry, loiar.
HoUac tbe Hodol ArtHladloof DotrolA an la Um eity for a few day*.
Hr. aod Hn V. Oriaida Irfl today
Hn «MW of Otaod Ra|ddt it the
faaat of HIb Allea Jeacor.
HlB Aaaie Hlt^MocA of Hart, it
rlallBC HIb Abaa Pateraoa.
Hn Wileoa retaraad co iMalla to­
day after a rlalt wlU> bn
. A. V. Wall aod Hn R <5. Ho-

Bano pnaldlBC aldera pnvatad
Ibairaaaaal raportr dorlac Um I
lai aad at Iba eloaa tba blabop •
. V. 3. SUlUday of Irtta Aea
tbot ba bBt OBrar bafota baard <
-bitlat today.
•a lae raporB at tba opnlaf raaaieo
■an of Oadi
"I alo^ Iballaa
IBMpBlIy aod fB
Hn R. U BrookA an aod daacta.
Eat. UtI Haalar of Um Blc Raidda Ur of Baaparia, an rialUac Hr. aad
diaMat Bar. P.J. Haraaty'. of tba Hn 3. O. Blrdnll, fiia Vobiur
AlMn OlatrlM; Rat. J. 0. Floyd, of •tmt.
Boo. E. V. llaatlBCt ob3 family
Oaftoll at tba Oraad Tiatana diatriet
are ntaroed frem ibair mauB-r
aod Eat. Joho Qiabaa af tba Oraad caaidBc pbme at Loot UkA Hn
BapUa dluriet. all told of dabta (old Haalioti ti very maeh laiprored la
of. of ahaebat bolll aad addad bob- bnlUi.
barUUiH. Or.
of tba Hlaanp• r. Dr. ThoBpiClbaSabbaUi Laacaa
«f ABaHca. Dr. M. R Umbla. of tba
ofOhrlaMDiaelideolatFlfe Imko
tM Babtatb aod Dr. 3. Kraou. caaar.
Hr. aad Hn HeOalman hare n> of Iba HataodUt
iRMd to Frotoo after a rlrli with'
>. of Raw York i
Hn V. Q. lakwnoee ha* ntareed
fltaa Olerelaad. whan ahe bat t««a
fotad to Um lataraM of Um aapBaa.
after ber tell aod wioUr atbek of mil•aM pnoHiBt' aid aaUaty. Rat. A.
3. Bdiad. of Trataaaa Oltr. eoa at
Ooaqce W. ataatfty of Klacatoy waa
d la U» cxBfw.
la Um eity thti ewnlot.
A dalirafad a apfiltad addraaa aad

'Fateriir Pmciiptiob- hat tbe to
By of tboutaatl* of rnooMo to its co
ia iu plan.

Brti-r t-tM
Waihlactoo, Sept. la-Tbeof lagatiy
eoDdeot of AdBliet Sebley durloft Uie
Weal loAiae eampaico. eoereaed here
UiU aftenmoa. tlpltn the prealdaoi *
eoodllioo ahoald beeose rerr nnfararable tbr ooart will irooeed wlUi lu
wot* wllbool latertapcloa till tbe
ean >• nded.
Erea if tbe ooon declare Admiral
SetOay cailty of hprinic rlolaled tbe
there tDU be ne court
laaitial. a* to locb
of Uioltation taker effeel afurewo
yean Hon Uiao two yean from tbe
date of the la« all<«ed offeem elapiMd
before Adailnl Schley a>ked fora
irt of taqalry.
■ ■
Sept IS—Tbe
eoort of laqairy opeoed ei I o'clock.
Adailnl Dewey irealdiap. Hoar Ad
mini Bohley

Admlnl llewii
wriueo ataMseail la reply
etideoce acalnal him rclaUre to i
ipeteaoe to ail on tbe coaR of i

At Ana Arbor Bee of the aanea in

a prlnci•I tbe rnliac* of the
pal. wbo obllip-a the norm* to «w
hale withoul cui^A banc*
pawcawAAnd iaaint on them carryti
tboBualraa aa liemun little maida.
Hlm Oraea BUIIwell
•paakiac only ia wbUi-in and beiag
<ba Mab at Iba aarly Hetbediat miataroad today to Kaabrille. Hieh.. afaitra qaaktruh in i-rery way. Oaan
laroTUltwlUitbataBnyof Ptaak
Blnadala my* Uiair will bo ao trouble
UM addramaa by laodli
Ua Helm oo SaraaUi atr«-U
la BUinc UMlr plao-A
Jadfa Qraatef tba
Him Kota DlpUy Ima retanod fraa
Hn Hoyt, aa old roaidcot pf Par
pnma baoSk. aoda a aUrrtac addnn a two weeka' rUtl at Knwfek
ry. waa aaiard wiUi a Bt while mry
Him Jalta VUtoomh. wbo tmabOBi
lap a lamp Bbe fell to tba floor aad
OoUaw) Dmm aod faally Mra TlaitiBC Hn Dt. Beoti for two weaka Um Ubq> arploted. When abe
•tend UMir ooUoce aad ntaned to retain to bar borne at HiUadale UiU oorarad bar ana wa* tarribiy boinad.
thaUbNB la Aaa Arbor
Bbe will lira.
llB teodly af T. <X Tovfaao attar
Aeeordlnc U Ibe weakly crop bollepteanoi MBBar at Old HUatn. toft
tin the warm, dry weatber aad abanaaoabioe ef Ua- imal weak ha*
Hn H. Ohi
Dr. O. K. Krteter at SrriacftalA
craatly haalancd tbe amtnrity of Ibe
hn nrprlMd hU famUy by eaBlat
eon. backwbent aad broa* aad c
Hr. and Hr. John TalBaa tmea re­
aadwlU alay two weaka.
taoenlly forwiMcd flald work,
Hn Ohaa. Olaik of Paola. I
bean Mo dry tor paitana. which
anrealdlacat tie Imke anaaA
ten ter tba BNOth ef PtntwabOT
laUMT abort,
Hla Hity WUnaeoyef Elm<
Baoe of Um Bpclaclald pMipb
arad r>-ty niddlr aod a larce pMl
rtaaa U eeMrtalalac her eooala.
of Um crop ha* bm polb-d aod *rHim
at]b itey aodaae
enrad. Tb.- yield* br- fair in men
Him Pnrl Hlaabawaad bar bi
Cora retUac baa camrally beart. nlanod yaMarday la Xiyaa. lad.
pm la all coanttoaod lOdayimon
Tha tenlUn ef loaU H. Hiaor nd aftara rlalt wtUi UMtoeadala. HIb wUI *aa BMBt of the Hichigaa crop in
' Qiani PteSold. Jr., left «■ Taaotey
Kxoi-p ia a rery few eoanliea
llaafiBlUi. tonaecly af tbia city.
laM far bona la Sptlaifftald. III.
Um yield* will be rery pood.
UlBtbealtycabitWByliaokto HarTha Rnlmri boaae It atlll
HcOaeiy lapert*
qaatte. aftar attaadiac ibe fanenl at
Umt b<- fooad aaptd-r web ia hi*
wbe dlad reewUy la Oiaad
Bao. J. a Danath, wbo n faaao oo
yaid Tuaeday maniac which b
___ _____
a TiUt to bu paattr faama for two Bap*te.
waakA ratannd to Obbiofo ao the.
Umt llconld beplalBlynmd. A photoProf, aad Hn C T. Orawa. with
iteawir OBriarolA
Hn Domeb
ptapb wtu. tak.« of it belt
iaa a«ola tofcao mow atUMPoodao- UwU teaebter. Hildecanl aad acc
oU. Hia Kothlon la eUll ia Chlea- Carl, tatanad today to Ml. PlmnaA
Knrly 100 b.
when Hr. Otawa wUl raaume hU daof Abb Arbor
tlte la Um Uannl Brnia Konml
.meat to aarre on joriM when
bor. an aUll aojoylac life at the Bob tobool. of whin ba li priaeipal.
1 apoo.
Tbi* U a more to kill
John A. Lemaa baa retaraad from
brae waeka' rlali do Oaaada. Detroit
nttaaBOUeocoBod OtaelBaBU p
Tbe thlny-BCtii aaneaj reani.
and the n«-ABarieae.
pteanatTba Plaao UIdHUaloal
tba Twaaty-tbird racimrat. Mlrfaicaa
Rar. J. P. BThlla of Haple City waa
konorowdad wlU auoaar -board
Voloatoar lateacry. will be bald at
naptaied by hi.
ftWB oariy Jaaa aad oea aad a
Daraed Fridar. Seal »
etdad UUi
• UU
h tteeatoapew) tbe
TheaBOBAl nmaionof the Secood
Htchipn Oarmlrr will be held at tba
I. A. R ball. Oraad Ledpe. We.laaaay, Uetnbar u. teaun.-neinc at 10
e of in Biddy Ola
■clock A m. Tbe W. R. C will mire
had pteaoad a tarmnU aapper for two Um haa baae rUlilUac for thna w
dtaoer and aappar.
Comrade* need
of Unix anahOA Him HeUa Hoen.
naiad by bar fa
<Tamlndod Uiat tberaukaatr be.^
wbo krfl Salordoy for Obarilor
ieeiamted and at tba baat bot a
wbara Um will take a eoone la me- day* U tbia dty.
oora rvaalen of the old n*rl■U. aad Him AatMtu BataaB. wb<
F. A. CUiy'a family bare ratanad
(WB ba bald, aad lotl arr nread
wUlraaan to YpdUaU (bU week. to tbalr borne ia Oiaad Rapdte after
«ot tbeelab
Um rammn bare. Hr. Olaiy
Ealaae Haa Taadarhook. the two
t Um nay-al-b
On a abort Ume to look aftar
mr old daoKfatat of Hr. and Hn
Um pmrh crop ca hia fara.
Harry Taadaroook'or Maaoo. baa aa
Jaama J. Bakar aad tihnily rararnad
laal araalac fran BaCalo wbara they
Bbe ha* foor preat
tba hotao of Him OUn pDoad. ta rUlMd tbe Paa-AmfrlcBB. Hr. Baker
bona af tba an^tna wbo ratoeli
WM to front of Um Ptaa* eOoe when
Hn S. P. Kior of
Tbe followtac BOOB
of Piaaideol HeSialey
Hn Oeo. Bblpum of Wayae aad Mn
be woald
A. McKiaatry of Detroit; two creat
naadfatbaia I. H. Vaadaiccok aad
lowad far 0100.
A. HcKi
A. R BaUlwar ami daaxbm at
aad two I
-Mr. aadMn
laple City wen at Um WblUac to-

fanaWy ailad.


BR 19. 1901

aoytea aadi
• met ta tba BarhaaltB bod ^ eoold obnlB oa talUf aattl' I
Vlii-a WIWA Hanltelr* effaeu
B offaad bald naef Um Wc
VbaaUM lopalrv
Wait * 8
looarwed Iba brokco port tbr apriag
It U odd toaotetbal while
nlaoaad aod Iba batoe U
Victnia Bohlered emt of tbe loacaal
Ukr to tba* eaoaad by a beallfay
nlcaaia blalory. ber eldeai daacbboiler rxraoaieo.
Tbe ancbl
wae eoe of tbe ebertm errr
ahtkllarod to ac^ Balal. aad tba
■a. The leceatly deeraaed Emideeea t«-Bl flyiiw araoad
prem Fndariek. a|iboa«b aa lapcnbat larkllt bob- of iboB ba)>|<rBrd to
aol ficare at Ibe Geimaa eoart far
oirikr Um akaa wbo waa worfclac oo
forty yaan war aapnaa r<»
Iba nBebiaa.
banly IO) claya
Shelly B RalchiBHB. wbo atariad
la life a teaciac Mater at YroUaatl.
[^lln. .oil Howard .t. Pert
, Hich. wniaa: "1 Mn triad
faaUdiac <a tbe old Chaapien
.maar pll.
1li aad
laaailTee bat De«li '
tbot city, o Baaaleo to
Lit.le*Kari: Elaer« an tar I ha k—
coot ttO.OOO. tbit latte
talli I here erer aeed.
Tbey aenr
belnc mada pomible by tbe lauaeaB
: Walt A S
fortaae Hr. Halrtaiam bar mde la
tbe tradlap cbb'p l•■loeaa
a eery
Hr Halcliiai
Halcbiaroe a* rolr
Uit^ride to tak. lb.- laitiailt.
Mich . wlUi Hr
-- lolni aeUoo by tbr Ohrialiaa pow
|co|iriFlDr. cleit^aad
> acaiaal aaarcAiio.
H-U wrltlac
boaiacB hat norbed aacb tuacollade
Ibr aablodar tlMl there'ary orer a* braarbet
>rct. whicli
1 b>- pobliabeal te-tt
m ibe ITnited Sum aad reiveaeau-


s:c‘ rs

ttbmiU. lera
ATt«Tb*m^io« wAptmM
«h* IMM atfTia* MraM «{ Hn. Loa

lUt. H

grand traverse

PorTwfbwf «Bd fSilWr-att

The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the

liiea la Bwly erery foreica coantry.
.knaed wifli a ibolr>a. delarioc he
aoatd aboot the firal penoa who at
tempCe.1 to ioterfm. a faraMi Based
Loptoo.llTiBcoearGeTajfaak. Bcbool
craft (OBBtr. held at toy a ersad el
oelfhhoniabiletheirTeatbolkof hli
pro[wrtT « -Dl ep la aaiofci-.
baoled ex-rytbiac
Uiaed aboota
MB. of hay. brkidei vrbiclea aad
Um lltr. aad. after tb.- Iioraee aad
eenie -were locked
ia. applied a
maicb. ueat aeltloc fire to hi. dnellioc booae- When the ban aad iiCMiae
Imd boen {racuoally eooaonied, LoptaoAol totbe woodA aad wa« later
fooad by a warebin^ parf.r concealed
Kiat Kil<e, oo the farai forurrly
owned by Um Ute Ira Smith. tU>"0
baa been toaad io ao old wacon in a
crib. When SmlUi waa killed by
llchtninc eome taonlba aa
>a-n Uiat aboot PS.COn waa hid.I.w
aboot Uie place, aa lie ftared banka
A aeatrch mraled aolhiai: and the
waa aeci'denully found by
wbo waa ahor<-Uoir poni ool of
Aacorcbwill be made for i
-mainder of the money.

Oce'l wait until you baeome ieally naati|iau<d bat take De
Little Early Riaen now and
They will knp your liter and I

Ur. aad Hr.. Jaetjoe. IVlliw.
rielini. ofa eroaMoc arrnlmt oatiie
Hirhunn Ceatnl. were imneil
ilay .ill.- by uiU- In tli. mm- inat- In
Um e-mi'l.'ty Of Amamidicn ehurcb.
teo-lwieb. Tbia ii
•.cbhI liBH- to
• that a man ami 1
burieil it
yard. Tbi- fun.-ial waa
o.-arly HOO p-opl--.
Konh Birailord.
H.; .1 1MI
,-------------- a iMltle of Ooe Mi.
.. Conch Core when aaffenac from
_ couch doetora told me waa iocar.
able. Ilai- Iiotlle n-lierd me, the aeccod aad third almoit cured.
Todar I
amawellmaa." B. EWait A

Clifford Ward cl Hilladal.-, w
the World • Fait.i'liinpo. at the time
Oanar Harriaoo wa* *bot. Ih
mp tbe PBn*e*po*itioD wjit
attempt waa made apoo tbe life of tbe
limb of PenlA. and be war |we*ent at
Ibe abroilapof Pmal'lenl McKloley
CmBaaa Kordney of Hichirau M Buffalo mat Friday. *



Til Urf Yu Hm Ahnjs ButM

dapaRment of
Pare Harquelie nilroa-1. IcMwh-d
SnplBaw. will thi- yror haadl.- i
:ean p.ono.noo and*' woRh
Tlien- are branch (tore*
Ionia and Haskepoo. Tliera are aiTMOfl. k. kMAOUfl A keN,
ac etiiall enpplr depot* at Pori Harea.
aod Ladiaptoe. It wn» deai.led a few
day* apo
Vayaa Omaly Bank BMp.. OBTBOIE
Qmad Rapid* tor Ibe dUuibolloo of
ibe importaal Ime* of
• Wd l.tlUe niihta
a millioo belnp' llalderame i»mI Hr-. kH.ui
boupi.1 neb year Car tpike. are
..r Sahhurc. im..blp item of a railroad'
ui.'iduie >rm> oc.n aiK>
The Pen Marqaette ha* boupht tbi.
jrmt forty carloade'of them.


Prof. Cimrlea Wl.ilner Carman.
;laa« of HI, .UoiTenltr of Hicl.ipu
bae iBTeoMd a new mapic tanieni

-el h> * «lr.-

aiMetulini: tbe tuM-inn
Urped. on a wfaite aereec
Erery coliraleb.-. Ibe llnmi; i«rti-er h.v i
»D. tlie moat 4el>tele. and Uie or
CJ.I m the d.-~vrit
mlaulaat detaib of tbe aobject objrot. ATieir In tb.- Iialloii. !• Ulh-.l
n. tialla.«.

Hoapfatoo .Vlphcm- Bormeiie. *
liaemaa la Um emplore of the Miohi
T-lethone (■«..
t hold of aHrewlre eairyiaf

Catarrh____________________ ________ _
i*ea>e Uiat a peneo eoUrely fire from
cmapUiBt i* *ebloB met
ilb. It >• nmooMre to *mk of Caunb
a DDihinp mure •erica* than a bad cold,
----------------of Um Burn aad
thruaL It t*. ia fa
compUcated and
if oMat£i«.lt
rery daaceroB* di*(

_.._\ __

Tbe Uood i* quickir
the (6o1 ■eeietKmv .nd'tbe ponoa Ihi
Se prarrai eirculaticio ia carried w eu
*n»o< tbe rrsern.
sure*, paibe* and xpnn at* qaiottp

Dar.rt Wolf HWiop of N«w York. !
M Ueeald AMee
who M Ihe M.llKmalrr. au-l WljdllJ iBmatllRS It Hinld OffiCt
-xelaalre elotw. wiu Incked
cell for three hear* -oo

Weal Ooe Han.ln.lan.1 Twenty liflh
•fleet police atali.m Tie yoanp
.TPoduceA ore* •3l.0f» io caidi. Imt
r.fD»rl qn.l Ur llialiop
wa. taken ti> a cell
Prof.‘**or Starr, the nou-.) auilio^tr
n aaihai-ilnpy. went anuinp iIm trn
quoi* In-liao* a year api. fer the |wcof aln<lyu)c th. inS , Toe red
ml0|4e.l hima> one of lht-m*rlr-*
ami cure him tlie name of lial t.- mtwliicii I*
'The wi,ie*l •{•wker
ProfcMOr Stan fcraeil a atronp atant to the tatelllcent .leaceadof a tribe tanie.1 for their
.trenplli. brarer.r auil |«<>w.iw. *
A MippMtian i. tlirowa not in-the
teraliredefmnmenl. at «a*im>plne
lal It would tn- |a.i|.-r tor the Amrtiraa people 10 do Mnaell.iiiC to the
eclureO man i'arkrr, wliow iwaia|il
1 po-iible ured 111.- laVwidrar.
Tbe would U- aMM.>D himp-lf


lATK.WIdat-eTifO.W MI.-MitlAK .eiliwM Tr...e_ >


-Ah JTler-Ul.hV'n-

IA I pmiHATK.iKUPB-eraTaHrinrHMAa.
few day.apo two Hebrew, mad a de

the Jewel*.

tbT !?w '



They txmld not


!ud ^^‘’.hem,^TB;d\w kn«
wbea the owner .roold fi.uod. Mr.

id Hbicb
a.-he.l to

BbIUi rcoenlleda Inwrerand de.-i.led
b. -eii, o.,
to bold the,Jewel* until «omeooe^ e.»i .i ... ... b. 4 lu'ia.» *t «i-l Mni'l-iwr r-n^eX ^ib.' *
could [iroee owa.-rbhip
1. *_br>i-d f-e l»«ne« -wu

ih.- s-sub

'the uallooal Bol-, 4’?i"
•b*> •
‘hdiet*'borne at Manoo Iml .
der arrwet in tire pnar.l hou*p to hae. cuhtllia in wel ~eu.1v -/l.rnM Trave
-xpnWMSl .ymiathr with CcolpoM ' l*“0
■•art.- Wlia k—m
in. l.Mur- lia. levs. .irded In the
Tako the C. R. A 1. to Grand 1
at V tiM-eiin.-.. ebere |uiR
l-uri. .'i|>KiiiMi *■> li.-IA 111 wblvb Rflpida.
le-n-iili.i. may .tnd} allj aniuala la
aamaiu.liiii;. n-^emldloc a. nearly aa
ile-,r name bauuta Tbe
Iib-nakeu liy U.r
> .-.m.tliuled 1.


i* »any .la

.UTi.'lyd. lie- aintual. tak.-u frutu the
.'UM dca I'bilKn. eill Im reile« e>l lu
%Uwee>hm. au-1 tle-ir ><-0
He- |*.-Ulet.R> .d


^^CASTORIIt iffflw

;.Th”““S '

Ui.-^U b.^'

aUiir lb. I.vm.m.dalj e«

At Aaron. II!
time apo foeud
Bomber ef diamnedi
ao.- > xamioed and fnund


IMwmrd Oonleb la daad at Lawton.
Kor fiflfea you* be ha> tawn |woof
Umt one may lire after haTlnp l.le
book broken.
Early la I««. while,
eattinp down aa apple tie*, he wa. ao
by the fallinp tree that bit
raa brokea.
Vatll rrceatly.
altboepb moremm of bi* limb* ha.
ible. be haa oUa-rwiac.l
traded mnob atteatian ia medkwl
Ooniab wa. tS year. old.


JoilD R Se>IC0.| .if the bnnrd
of healll. au-l a fneo I .d Kiciiar.1
Mr. Serbm cbarpe-l Mr.
Biahoji with dnruic an
faaler than ■Ixteea milea an hour. '
eauUnp a bor»e to tun away with the'
Oeo. W. Imae.
"Your Kodo! Dy*i
utCure earriape in which Mr. an-l Mr*.' S-x-;
rere tidutc Mr. ilulinp wa* ar- '
the tr*t remedy for iodlpeition aod
omadl. troo».le that I eier o*ed. Kor rclcl after an excilinc ebap-.if Iwlf
from dy«pe^w
mile U|I S-reolh arenOe. au-l. with

loo baeanae of lmr«ry diiplayad ta
CiBcklac aad ihootiDt oae of tba Irrc
a«l Booniaio lieoa arer killed ia the
limber belt. It baoama known x-rml
day* apo that a mouatain lion'had
eortied away a p-i-mi from Ibe lopalway*
camp wbetr be and lil* fneod* wIm> *ntTer from iairipmioo. -1 alwa:
offer to |WT for It if It faiU
•tayinp. Fordney lieadad a party fail Imve never I«..l. " S E. Wall
b *tartcd out with dope and tzerd
tbe animal after a wiinu eha'c.
lioo Wnui bnl *hnl in the ebonl.ter and
Ibr lieml by Ibe Mirtilpan
prmuBmn. H.- will lake the pi-U borne
For lufaiiU aad Ckildren.
a* a trophy.

W rrodoelap (lanopliooo
Obieci* lanpiap from
a lipblad iarmndeecrot

For 0ver|g||15l?&s.
Thirty Years

r.-«anl.-.l i..r li.e.r tirVal-h
.1 .-vp
by .d«.r.eii.
.j, U„i,.. i.a.r.
l-luiiib.. ui.wk.-y-. d-«> an.) ..ala
|tLiu*.», u..>r.k.-y«, dn.'- ar-i *.wla


a.- ,.*v*li.- maa wteew Be

Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itanillcialiydicc'Uihcfoud aod Aid*
Hawn la ■irenptbeimig and
■tnaiog tbe exhaun^ dice*
-eirv Ibe.
ffiBA Illilbelii'>ldKtmrt<l
otlierprep-----eaa approach It in eniceocy. It

teiSi K

PitBiae aedfk ban


tkSbw 1.



-1. ^•u*ea.

The eften
* d.>«D aii.1 rvfle.'t«
l*a't n.v-e.«r:lr 'li


-M *111 .4 B. «*. (tedUM

•a. u I.ue » .4

■ '«»• h-^i-r hk'oini'Hiao » widow^
.k |M|.I broded m*a I. Xlw.y. CeUlar
yea hew iw bml a ferer and k-l Hi*

----------el MeueVe* la lae tv-Beiw. f B*b wtAato 1
pet b- aU taa.a. lu dB. .4 lu bu- awmO.

a Bataa TfaarWUr aflaroon. aad llauoad to nry ao>7abla readlapi

- - -

otolSparta.wlaleifE;^,;r..t::r*.! ^
newapatwi aeeooit
b* wa* iMtdlap a aewapaiwi
amubi »
> n
-- lu* twt *e«r»4 a
of Um Btoir. He ww or e«an old.and ^
wiU bo taoiiml aoder Uawmie aa*- '
whh 1. tile .wrrtace
It I* OB BBBiaal tfaiap. to my Ifae
k b tbe only fwoely «*. ..a— .
■ -uble blood poito fimnu. r
■at. to a ■ewlap BaehUM to eomown, and Um pea*-1
---------kate. bM Umt li JaM wlmt one did
ll. .-arTy a
■ eif all »c~vd —tk. :
A whetiie I* 01
n Obtaan WM oiao Um caan of Hn
ata..rA for all af wbleb ba el
at HmAupoa tbe oUmr day. aad Um
ht-ria Kail,
•nmitear. TWaW8tBk .\frew. an.! three buBilred a
rtM waa repoiiiap it at Um Itae
prtacdpally la IIhte ally darla« Um
■» dree aatrd and chwaie. but be­
be- >K4th, S b.*e ro-t i-uUMT m
:o*KB Um roe of S. S. S-. Bid mod aaiil to await detekotUMOL
wot paapattaUd «o J. Balaaot ..
m of 18p;.8 aad an
timotnl Uat the .wal traOe
VahMB ateate »rttey oraoia^ wbmi
aad write o«rfhy*ki.n*

And twaote4No af hte Mate 1

Wb-u Be.™

r JooephSbaacioA'S^SSi^'rrS

Kaw YoA. SapA 11-Walkar WhltoAataaU I Kara Kopwa." fay Hn J.
ilda, aator aod former Umtrlnl manA. HaoBcaa. aftar wbleh a aappar
wboraaWaaat Baattaca-aa-UMwaa atrraA Tba etob bad tba plnatM apaUttoo lahank.
«• cf smtlBC two af tbaU fer«wr
rbarAWilh UaUUtlaa of »II,
■autiiA Hn a T. Onwa ef Ht
aad DO araUaMa amala. Babaiapold
'jHnaaoA aad Hn R A. Ualn of
tead RapIdA Hn|H R KobU wateb rained at ISO. clothlacPllO aad

aWa«y to ntoteA ptentec. «a,n-

|Sm-4u»4.U«1. ■i.Tb- rruM b. IM
' W. liyB- IW eu. e*Le Mdutfr peew-



bM awroro u

1.41.w. i«






SEPTEMBER 19, 1991
with ooU
peas UinebeC.
ad oat and tbe frateba o«.
an awfal tetefal. don't yea think an?

to__ Amh la sWoac brine for two'


- tol wMI. 1...

U wnd. «IK« • »tai» M to »k

to*T KtoiticB. ud to toU toto

11 teoaU loss my money

iwanda at aaten aad eeofe two boon:
IbM add <Bs tabkaoDcmtai whole aU-1

aninc they m

!!?«” rStoS rViHT U.--iSi

ted always b-en
maml1 motby'a bofme them.
alltol tbe black aad white one
and lb.
lb- m*T
rnnj «?«• Toote. and

1 my Mead tlie little b

,to« to.„
■ptoi. to ton t

omiaely: tie aU tbeae la a mnilla I _______onid lone my a
tec. Add a IcTal teblcnpoonfal of!
mil and a ptal at atranc otda* rtne- p Twy dUbealt to aaleel mr. bUl down antil ■aootb and
Frets my friend, the Jrnry eon.
Ihlok; tbea when eoU bottle and cork
U I sirtald tem no dinna
And that perhaps may fe
Cold Oakmp-Foar tiaarte ed toM-1 1 would bry a tec of dm
frirnd tl

^j^AMNO fioWDOl

____ compleiso
rrd on tbe eih
blaek coeotm

_____. - _______
rtlilM wanted wtlhont
a liai

ij kiiHf

Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls and muffins.


_________ tabor
borarar UtetaT*
tn tbe ttifrijtymioy ns
drain pipe from
a dlBcclt
eo( of doonc Tt
and II rtswUp
«aU> is
la niBors____
________ _________ tnm Uio alad

As stoofaWy poie. <«asi ol tattor pc- '

' * - BII a

S3i S‘.u~to''S«1l‘l


! "isss

old m> to Ibe wiM eea tl
id aak f« a»'src

rteraufuEaP ol

ter of a |ioand of wbite'whoU mas- {Tbfwr Eoud frieods would all



. as eroto as two
as hn.1 tot >s the
.1 bll tl
• tope off from
r bill <
'oeir 'hin's lem^
in-l i'uek

per lb.

Nellie s
dmeat aftaid to
. . eboRied ooiooi: one
teoh of mfiwnd dorrs ai
ifol eaol
False KleOetos.
, Ilk' momm*. but wr wen- *o sin
1 leapeDcnfuls cronna dn
The softest little BaS of fi
.wehtoi toro-ond Nellie eomicup of brown anitar and a
Tbe Fi-ntleat. njoet imreiiakirr- pan'
• I'Dde Toni's lap and tis—<1 him
otTons cider rineear. Hi:
• •
told me that
I his nose and ou ins er--s, jio.l in I
mtbrr; cover with a cL.
I want to qteak a word for tbe dend Uie aay.
1 for three dajA siirrlnir
..■tolne errs. So when du-o« 11.e Ubie sp
airability of caamaled or tils parm
! terv aw.-- 1- St at
lly, ilien bottle
for tetfaroem ud kitch-n walla Tbe
■Of voire. •
frieod who leoommanded it t^mc la
atm enjoyiiiA her kitobeo fnp»r >» 1“
inth year of n-rrioi-, and mine it la • Tb- freqneneycf the n
erery year T le amn t it this: wl
this an Important aubjert
it la fital pot I 1 ham a coat of iti
. »to
raniuh laid o- w it. ThU will ren^ "
■ am ■many -.1..
who d.. not tealixe;..
>' .kud-kuni ll.'Isy
Iblsyitook off lu-r sis-ci
ilm d'mstroos dfrett ibul may follow ;
and wij. d lur -ves.b




Ob seaetbisft on tbe labbv
Aad I'll (

knowlo^ l»

' 1 ^e^ap Un and aanoar ''





• '


from ourcom^tors when we cut the price of salt from
$i.iStoqoc. This week we arc going to sell it at 85c,

I at Ibrrn t
bet chm-e. an-l mi-l ki»l of low^to
jt'Bcls Tom. "Well, really no<


wooUnot ban beeo touts df^


SometimcBl'm faint and wmrr.
llo knovi UmI 1 am w«ak.
And an bp bid! mr Inn on Kin.
Ilia l<«lp 1 itlBdlr »<k;
i|p^l.<ad< nu lu tbe ^Uia of llttbl.
____olhaasonp i*y.
-And *o arc walk lofretM-r.
Hr Lord aad L
—DM Ilaxnniot Mrnn.

ahowB went
malobed aad wl
witbooi this hlL ---------------------bow." In
waahlnc nn- warm water and___
tnd soap,
.. or
a little soda, if tbe
ibi. wallsarc
walls arc had'badly
anil a soft flannel. Clean,
epolai a time, qoickly and lltrfally
and wipe dry b foh- imo-dinft.
not wn a larg- anifaoe and learn
aoakisK and exiirct mcid resniu. The
doon. so that
• atrn«tb for original expenns and the outlay ol
atraoptb mod
aod palienoe in care.are coocon: A WKBiaa ti apt to think, and with
nwMMi. that when abe haa ttnUhod her
work PiM haa had all the exeroiM she iac tapered, fast Laleon
. - irood theorr
ncocemry, antil aome cce
'xeniM to the nuuiinam. applies to bumanlty tbe 1
.. Itboa leal
» dealrc for non- boors Joyed by Bua.for k-rpinc----------- --|at^.


tabb still.

Une oflro hears,
attackI of rhe
rioKihat it
To these 1 wish to my Uiai
lance imponiuu of eua-s leave
(ante affecliQB as lie, msutl.


idi- tliiil kilim ram.
-Hariaii t>»osUs.


10 bkTs Leuox S«sp
A tool cmUw Rsblfi. per lb ... ...... 08c
A (wd BfiUic Pffwder. per lb .
1 dLftonieBifictac...............
5 Cklteas............................. . . 45c
CfiOtt. per P.B14 . ............
18 poaids Sicfir................ -: $ 1 .OO

We make no idle lioast uln-n Ae tell yon that ■
I groceries che.a}>er any Uorc in the t ii
ve no losses and no book-ki-t-ii^rs to pav.


ciisin. end she .lied’I
I li-as boru. and sW w
,raxlTied in n li'llr wb

I onlv am tlie o
For in tin- dave
Aud la]>pi-d ll

Hbc Cat. per


IS Front S!. Wuraliori: IMk.

ml Iteerv's shoulder, unrl said real
I like.- lUo t rry. dear, n won t
Idnp DOW faefon- we shall n-e I.. r. "
.\tid Ibm Im-took op On-Cliroelrb
lufind OBI
oc falhns
he Kiid


WAY TO BEGGARY." BE wisfc in time anu usb

out the
"If yoa woio n» ad«a»—
Each attack of rla-omaiism rndan-'
irm the heart. Ibrn-iori-, at IIS Iiidp I
T... i.iitn-tiepiiae « si..
Im|k rats in
lency. be aute to seek mediotl advire. I It was socli a dreadful nirmi thiiur - M'S ram<om: jun then 40-1 i
. and Fiioiv lin.l .-irt
fratun- of childhood.lliat
seems iio dn.bol 1 sup|>n»o sou. Wv drnpt»-d siiifTrd at Ti
*Sr Viu^n
hen and pautrr. rnncb
to bo unA-ntmid <«ly i
illv. Is that those two luilrmts in Aunt ll-lei-i's Tum.-dviil:need, if we only lei onr
of "(trowinne pniaiw
llrreiofotrjvard.'for whr-ii N'lli.-aod I wmi 01


'hy the |m1
to do onr \r<
r adjunct t» tin- devrlupmi-nl whieJi had to le wat.-ti-il rtrty da;
often haU/ilm baltlo: it faeil
Dt the cfalld.and as such hnyr n-oein-d ht-caoM- It liadii't raiot-d nuy, as
ttble to UtboBu
It U alwayi
lin*lr- Did yon erer taw and knowint! on
lu June,
we hteril
....... ...............
Tlier frisked
iskrd round h.-r and i-hii • d
•■U’a hard to pl*lc lor.-r
ones always m«m Ultlr or u« aU>-olioii bi-yood syuijB srortally <lot-s
etart to
.title "nn-eo n' ci.ojiiicwiili bi-r'lxiland a« an on h-r [xt
Apataoaa.-----------------> lliey wore ajiroail all orer the
iiu nndi llx lilix Ixslii-si-liair. an.1 sis- went off hr hi-n. If on
At the irtmnt da^ Ibrsr T^*- An-1 fmuj
lan^nT^anb^'orc-'-why oil Uelen Ulile. jart of tbem on Uic
ll-so kitty'" cn.-.l Nellie, tf.. wo.-1Idx and sulked.
ry alielreii
alielree and in
to the aink.
sink, >and
i1rop)>-d »ur wot.-riUA |vMe. ,
«In-u Nelli--and I pot up stairs
with tbs |.-D<lenry loam rx- jand v
Are Hwoo-two for a |muit. "
looe Ilf Ihi-Bi Kcrappd or {iiled up?
to... ....'-d under till- buslies. and each we aiid our leavers, just us We ulTo get Tea. Coffee. Sugar. Spices and all
lach ilioo with ■all. pile them tomth- Irosinii towards an attark of
llow^^many false molious die tuak
**rd H- Jnih-dtiemed of aaefa
|cf o«.ll.-woutalmle driAflh-d cut. wi.ys did, aud 'ult-r we had AO
rr. and allow to ataml for two boors,
iponiFoAt thiUAs' they looked as if they ilirouAh we mid. " Fltase. I-1 Fansy kindsof Groceries. Quality high, prices low.
or c»rn Uirm or foot Wbea'rendy le
elepe aUe ... ._. Star wUl must
Me nld. -I'm «n-niB(
Ihev ' wrre tiulf slarte.1, aad they Wi-re iiml TooU eofl--n t'nrle Tom's limn.
•me. riu.« well and toll in flour aendrop the knife,

the plait-, tlicn n-jwai the
-----------mard by liehl
ifUDJioer time it awful wet. aud Ibey li.vt-1 and unfe- liiiA-n>«l lr> l»u
1 w.-re •friAhleued .luilt to death, and iIihi 11 is awful m-au to drown
______ r IfWni of pal
pUni will be aift, loiciootasd cook
'll mar
lx mi
ilirir liiwrfe. Is-al sotasi. luid their i«k« 'lull- rr|iliai
-I with, and whirli
248 Front 8tr««t
BrMCh Block
may burry, *aho is ed thrcBKh.
C- I blue
.. strui out Invalid rdoiid iii.CT-me 10 v.FUBBd Wl
imatism. it thal whir
kinjt at aueh i dieadrautam that
healloped With Oheem^Out tUees
tht irincipnlly. and 1
.... small 1x1
r oTta'irith
eyra with niohM
nisbM Ritet><B^.
no wxudi-r
[ cold fried rp: plant into quarters
•m-d to tlie knee
Neilu 's was a I
....jr for her
Uiiany «f or oik'liUipnt a layer
la.ver in a baklnn '
a hu hemi and
Time will ulon
r*a aM to joBi diaplaya of wit."
uocxa«er. moiUc-n with aome white
> |■r(‘'d rivhl tu ami w.-oi tu slixp Melt. ih--r>- was a
aba bowed. "I an enaUc:
way anolbcr woman bv thirkenlnL- slii.'htly sol
made hiai have dn-a-ltul liuie.dbat uiAh( In t ori,
la* tefUtaat ntad. an- tnly flt
ill impair
laopaiv yir her e_____
' Mie' olears
..r rock will bott.-r and flour
lillle <urehead 'T(.m's boBse.
Tofian- a layal table.
Uic ■lOk,
elDk. sera
Ksn pea
. _______.__________
and pllMOBcb k^d loBeUi.-r. auc
with mil and
ly A1
Aive thr
I'urle Tom said he was awakeiH rt
inper, so will simply
lij UiemaelTea,
her '
■Irea, brr'toweU,
priq»-r.. and
bravy sprinkline of
iCtTiy, wifb.hlscL i.l,,iit twi-Ite o'eloek hr. tho»- 1w.'
-« that any pain. refected i«
BM Jatt to |dw ^on I w^ll try;
thcnj.are elfwn and a
, and eoDtloue Uiese
rh.v<ur I f.TaI
rijs-s -lown fill .lidx ami tinv" ■•' kill-ns* Th. y l•■0|•••l on hi. le d, and
or joints darine
rine eliildhoud.
hot aoBiiy water in ll
dia is abouT fnll.
........ .................
ll all
au.'iiiioii iwr
lark nnind his tail.s
full white med hill.-rlv. und |■oIh•d and scrateii
lid roorire
l«n. and clear, hot wnler lu ll
hioK layer of bread ly, or
«i it,-- l.-drlotln-s And then Imir tbe diild may liare to nsdrrAo sl.xkiiiAs on all his h
-iKIwn. and the drainer clear to re- crnD
in melnd I
Uh. tiuy were si. |«Hiy, and we
>'d ■>■ |xsh tlii-iii nw-ayrTtelt bit hi­
a life of eUfTertmt.
>IV.1 the rleaii •Ueliea, which m|oirr Bake
Baki anlit browned. If the fla
nd. ew-r so i-asy. bill as it In- menui
If tbrrr «vmi to l-e a tr-u.lmey to brqxl .\uut ib'lis'y would l.'l us keep
•ry little dryinir after f heir two
eajoved. aUAhlly moiirtan the
• im-.s. ami lli-ci I'lirlr Tom roos>-<l
ihrnmalism. llie diet tlmnlcl lu- reAn•aeire liol latba I'lret. the Kh
■I fried ecK plant in onino Juier
iluol II. tor
she lead two up.' an-l h- smelltol -moke.
bUed no thal then- will t>- nn lax up mivlit fel l uluol
are wained. rinaeil and wljieil a
eni; alri-adv.
T..m, Ihi-: Aii-I lie iumis-d uul of Is-d and run
»o tlx dlAeatlve orAans
Stoffed-Boil the en; planl
tbe eilTcr aoaka in the enda. then
irv of Ih- iiiui llie ]ciaaav',and is-was almost
Hllk seems to L. the .me loci llial M-U-r-uhl f.-lluw who
onr—or until tetliier; remove from
killer, each relay bciuft wi(a<d aj
uv- ..nn- a suHrs-at-d.. And tb-n Purl- Tom mid
lie water and eaiefollv out io two, combine' nutrillou and llu- les-'iiinA turn, aud ruin.- >nfu 1
and dreiiiML while the
Cloihins aay, sui.-lhiiA “1 Ibe I
iH'D aoDop oat tlx imlp wilhoui of tlx seventy of airacka
diahpan. Tbe waters
-reokinc the ekin.
Uuh this palp ihoaU be warm and reculaled aeenrd- Ills milk and wAh.-d
reqocutly, aa are tlir tot
thesluv.-; ood M.-v. Ihi- lovi-ly lor tu lliiovs.
iDA to tb<; jvevsilnc w.atlirr.
flue I iw imt it throBAb a potato - ' ' land ne
aad in way dtabwaahlng hen
41c-n^-'d .lowTi stairs, and riAhl
Water in quantity is a very imi«n , tills-'sli'-ll. and slm sl..).i iiilhe|splty
add half its balk of soft bread •
pleaaanter wort, and the nnasol ftetnre of home treatment, and chintx cushioned mekinc el«ir. muM <- |iind Ih-- kttrh--n - stovo. the flsiu.-.
ahiolne ftlaaa. ailrer aud china „ - mols>ened|ln emm (or milkj; smsoo rery esseotinl. as it helps 10 .olimi- of the lime.and never ciiil unv wcwk ni w- re'ridlinA up as hiAb as year bmd.
well with salt, pepjxr and a little
dcilcbttotbeeye.;|voTinAihal there
fl-|c4'T fonmt a luouto- and in bic- inimiies more Ih- old
can ue a aatiafaction eren ^ diah- caion jniee: refill into tbe sfcina cov­ . The final word i-. seek tdediewl ndand A-Il np in a rhuir tioiiu
t.oiiu would hsv-hsv- been |sisi
|rii.i help
Vaab’i Ht la atraaded aafe
waaliuiff. and it ia done in miich leaa
Tl- cliituii-'V had ranAlil tire some
sice SMTly. and avoid b.-an eon.plitaand with far leai rlTon than in n
ii,.,e ll-rooAh the -lay aud smould-r- d
tions by inmipl trealm.-iil
rs-r said M-v was too old imiil tl-; wo»l work had aoI m"
itooiBA. did

Brrml keo|M moPt laOAcr >f T(
la ttair plaeaa dt the dolla
yon urrer see a woman walk oomia
ruts in th.- c-ni house

or sciuniiv ll.\nd Auut 11 Isy. mid iJie always ex
iw one tablesneanfol of sliotti
Ob Mb^ a iwlolod amlle
> aAO Hiss Haud «
Itie kitchen floor orety time she hanm
—her froiil t.s-rh
:hinv of tlx kind to lisp
Aalbay WMderwhyntaamalomrh cupofli-ioid 'M'lxn niakiOA wo-xls for squim-t.—lie:
lie. ftaAile (^ol
piece nionthe home:' .Vnd likely
t MIX-- tlxv ls-B»i l-i hum
'■read in cold weather first warm llx
tM*aa tbaa aaeh a looit. Ua« _> not ahe will have her twakel of Orleans, was till
h tor sis-re. if 'nu^-l.
. wood. Anut H-lsy
Wblla. '
her father. wmid |sm. the floor and the kneadlnA ,rontd tx gv-rsuaded In w^n-c
by the .
folded eknbra aa far away from her
fon-sisinvalid mother 10 take care
Hokbar Oaoaa ii on tbe abelf.
For a enturd. French omelet, vari- , tn have to
bya llHleforethoBtffit ahe ooald nwel: of. she <
np busin-'ss b
tnd Vnrh-Tom mid b-Many Wamar and Bopeep;.
both. In hap­ >us mnws and puddinAS. oaa« u«
both from where she aUnda. thna «t uamlnA
pier days she oaed to manufixtnre r
mly sliAbliy bmten. Aboat iwelre 01
in tin-world liave you Aol i nlBlil. and*l?i-old terknr'r.
which atiokadiv^ dolls. latnl tbalr facaa. sew knittii
k1 Aunt H-te-y. takiuv lier 1 vroorxd. and if it rrwlis-d tlisi ev-ty.
irrm tbeir beada^*ud ri e bandM illAhtly braicn.
.. . jReal mivorrmmt over the didof
d.-peodi-il on V- llnl he |«t the
■•an da
s southern
faahiooed bom-, which miMt--b^rpt
and imshicA bark h--r - fir--out. an-I Nellie an I Mi--r kn- w a
If larre bubbles appM on the Icp
state SL near Union, Traverao City. Mich.
oat of tlx kilcheo.broufrtil in mid imi
I see U'lirr. ''kilM-iis, 1 Uiiiic ahool it 111! nexi iiiTrniiiiA
of a vnddle tekr as anon as it U peno
-vway ev«FT time it it nerd.
Mlxre did Ih-'V ooiue
And Anni H- isy mid six mnsidsr--d
white uprcini and kerker
If a man should fco ubuut faU
Vb« wo darllac oosea froa aobool
it wnsa sgs-ctal ^I’rOTId-CCe llxl wDt
she used to Aire t< "
in shop or factory the war aome ■
VMTSw llUle SMA of Ion
Id hi-r how Wl- luid found iliose cals to tlx- henx. anil Nellie
t-n do tbeir boosewotk, he not only she ihouAhl that jn
In nslDA Ivor milk the fwop
he lilac bndN-B. ai '
iteU t «bU* bw flblliUah wat.
Aa 1-re often done befere
Id aecomplish very htlle. bet he
for Afnverbrted. btacoils. cake
tdow-i his nowshet^rroBcbed
iqiproaelM^ to^
took bw eni
lid stand small chance of Retliuc
any donvh or bolter is o«
akUlM I hard
bar eoaned
., .. for yon »-e the
b the okUlM
tboT were, so's li> in
... at her own jalce. Tafu! of tekinv seda to two
0'«bbdo'cw lore'a pdden rale:
Ib-ni. ati.l she let us w to them on an
awfbh and he toW ns
-- ttason why women work co
»l Mi.-y niiAlit
'ettUeinloa--------- —
old s|iron of t>--rs.and
mn as solemi................
as could b.'. (hat
hard and waste so many steps U that
have llx milk iliai
ss left of the
-• two little orphan
In makicA a recipe whldi mllj
they have not had sumclrnt tntlnli
•r I.-.I1 - - ■ - • - inln* samdies several extesisiTe
onstard. a
mm of tartar and soda, if yon was Thomas .leff,
ciToom- and mth.
use bakinv powder, remember two :find tlxir owu.TS
their~owiieT had hwi himw !f
And Wl- look I
as|»Qiis of tekinv soda ar- eqnal to
. toaam tbeir lirinxin.
w- iiev-7
iii'l- tem. ami lohl Ihent all alioat it. anil
roe tesxpounfnls of bakiin; powder.
way.or\helr moilim have
to they Jinm-d and s-4-ior.] jnst as liekl---l
them rroperl]
Whee a cake cosunlos
mlnlut too
loo mach
much flout
flnnt desi>rl cats .................
n I se muld Is-. <.'h. 1 t-Jl yon. rats Luow
We will give a handsome Child's Chair.'either
1 reornlly. when w. ~l|aeraof her TilUAe to foseco
or 1X1 teked to fast it will sink from pel hip arid Itoloiic
the edges or rise np slaiTply wlio a' wi-i, iliy loug
painted red or varnished natural *wood with
afuVI ^s;
.1 Tools are sueb nice
• •
Home Obeor
rwck tn Ibe middle.
If oike bos a
l oo'.I oev^r mistru.Mlial only
____ was
for him.
the following purchases:
already any otbi-r bualha I. II seems to teve
nurse grain ll was nol h-aten econgh . .--rybody ilml drogi eat
ago they were lull-pauMbBlaitftbe-otWh
At koiAth. bdariuR that she had
. most peoili' that AUietd the day. and Ifaat be had fm r the oven was loo slow.
yarda s-ee if 1 dout "
Bo motlxr 10 wash ilxni
I lb -Sl.s-lia ao.1 Java <^lT.x,«ul<l (or X'--. ul..................................... 25
befine. be.-n thooKhl by
b«B aMt In a da^ or
raeli work was ni
natural to a woman, eome little time been a total ateminNellie, »ho^l. Ixlgnng me
-I tram tlxm up a. tixy slioald be
1 Ih T-w. Ssxr Mono.............................................................................................50
full of e
BattbUBonln: '
Dd tlial ahe ooold do it '
sm-r-l. uil Nellie on-l I are trying
er. ahe ealUvl on Mn. moAAa
•£, Jbs Sleeiiy Kye Flour............: .....................................................................60
Masd anxiety.
ion reqnire.1 without a.
rtS^lhe iwoperway towru- > siorr i»
lisr-l to Ito fathers an-l mothers tu
iOA that idx hojad ha was all th
1$* ibu firuDbOii^ Hugur...............................................................:... $1.00
10 stick nghi to yoBT i-it
Neill.- Is
-m, Ml • ih<-y'll Drrrrn«lixr that
araty fe» motile -------- traiolujf.
How mistaken ihU idea U too muny
two yasin older than I am. and knows
ii-y or-' orpJmns
Oor^ood laealdent
Mre. BiofA*. who was runnInA orer
disorderly, eomfonlest homes and dUrrer so many big worda
ith mtlsfaation at llx AlmoAe in her
Amount of poreliUAe^r^VrT............................................... $2.35
djin*. One diapatcb
oooraeetl womeo attest
Ob, yoo onglii to hav. s--eii
.................................. -O. y.a'm; that be
-11 vour neiglibor lo think of any
relieity.-L. Aimer Mar- two cats eat thot mill' Ifoiil)
- Biyb: ••
lace be took Ibe
il.-r he IiLes. bnt not to tell yoo
naxt may tbouibtSlnc__________________
lie. th*' cow that gave mat
a-ll ut loug M they U
lx's beeo I
,t It IS Then tell him lo dnnhis
could only have understood ah
nsion, and
any "Ha U daad. ’*or«yie baa imlUed brioIts order out of eonfnsi
be has done that, let him
-I.‘10 ■ shea
makes home a reotfol piaoe
.w hitsa,
an even oomber lo it. whieh yon
bbd mar Uaa.# Bata^bwheaa from tend, cfaildreh and Ihi- stranAer
■DAerwithrself mast give him ; afler doing
.SMI MauF making those gioor little Lit
Abahato Ihe^Wt*:'
Hexioo. from
this b- mast halve
nia recipe has two dittiilotlre fea•leetric wire*
Hblaa to
sway the numtores: the potatoes must be baked aod
Tbe aoothing infleeBce of relief
lii^e Upcml Ih-disli all out cU-aa.
V, [l’*
firry ourWhen be steli
they mast be eocAed in an
after sofferteg from Itcblcg Fltaa. and then iliey wasl.ed tbeir fares, and f* '
_____ .f his ealraUmU. tbawn^t^jaeMiw of
ol dally t

When the spider Iswarmp^iif from Eexema or any lichtham of tlx brnshed up tlxir whiskers w lib th-lr •'»"
fo-eo mad-- oonyetiy.
■ry to clsau^aAuiD. so wiTlc'lxr
enp of___
skin makes one feel grateful to the front iBws. and lorred. an.l looked
better. As soon as lomedy. Dteo's Oletmenl has NOoibed
was Cleon, it was a comfortless
bundreda Here's what n
Hare than aU.^ro^b^l]
Blnda of mtl- |dsce—never in order. It is Onuodoce
.teked pomtoea. chopped. Which I
•ary (.< asy liiat she never triml
City cIHu-n -ays:
tlBMlorBahlM ool into tbe meat save
. . steps.
been nrerioualv mixed with one
B. D.*Hender»oa
and poweafel (bouirtat world ran
tugs to a tin peddler, and made him
It aaves steps to liarea box in kitcli •poonfni of float. Salt aad
1 or dinioA room, where teo be kept
give Ixt half a n-nt a round more
Tmeherat oaiked aad nnredfnl iliotgtbi.
"In the summer <
I minutes.
Before turniOA ii
ihan lx wanted to. and llxa ;sbe had
Small papllia a lima to keep eer'e Inner poises s suply of lisodkerchiers for tUe.fsmi
cbildrea bad the ms
•inA dish.
-----It, instead of runniDA upstairs
, Tbcar of tu lUme s Cleon oiu- u wanted, and
. bollow oat." Tearixr
cb(!pped parsley with potato.
Now form a sratetiee in

...tod toto tois.

-to Jtou™, .to


Cbe Best Place tt








Victor Petertyl,

Sr S'.’

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.






Rc-Painting and Upholstering.




;f.l ■



Aieenf m ejUor’s CiUt.





thaaelU foaodattnaa of the nation'a,
adaaad to ahake end
taak. >Bi«^ber bew frlmda
- maat with tbe atronc band clasp, and
with tain of tean aay. "God still
Utm!*' Uaaawhitr It U hard to wriir
et Mkm Ihite^^dmrd-impemiblru
Vu tea cmly a
Dtelac the |mit weak this little bit
«d Vtese OBM to Rome Cheer's editor
tram amoQA the 4aily news imihrr.


Beh^BxMth^teader lore.
Be term so fatthfally;
1 aoaM aet tire apart nom
I ten te faal Him alAh,


vice. Anoilier sxivmver is 10 carry
eoU ^dasielml. in ibe ajatm poekr

split and seed
Frradi Bel
.. .aonmben. Let
rad with mlt for
(or some perpom, it iakra bul a*^^ twroty-foor boon, then wipe them off
and set In the sun to dry. Whan they
are shriveled aad dry. wash them ia
and tl.wi if the rcAUbir "AolnA orer"
gar and nok tbem in a layr* la a
Vt eoBu- tDM*niie‘~ed. Orer them pot' a thin layer of
----------jicliea rixt 1 know of. amlnsi uhltdded bosaetadUh. Aarlic. button
■ lx wall-ata oceTeniem IxlAln and onions and mustard and.
Boil two
plan- Is %>ial llx motlier teUe n qaaru of viar«Br, two onnoes of ria-liandy hoard. ' ll is a ulxlf with a A«c root, [one oance of allspice ber­
back below it. Ua the . ulxlf is Ibr ries. and one oanee of turau-rla Al­
(1 BlAht lamii
On fix fa
low Ihu to oool and pour orer the eafatiteed a mairh-box wti
Uorer llAblly. OoDotase
place 10 scratch the usu-has on
Hire-niueths old.
boltom, and by it. side, mepimhTiusttur—WaHi and wipe
fcntl.^ tiiMii. and titen a pineasUnumber of
„ _
Hm Below i-a row of l.mka frtnn
whicli depend ociusors, baliooUnok But |■rillg. slice
jan. mixing
keys. Whl'k broom, eta.
A lilth- bap girrarrve
' ll of
haiiAoaoDe Ixiok eonixint itemble
bulloos. tlxeadand was.
wax. Ill, aaodles
er with aealdiag hat vihs«ar s
In llx casbiau.
Thu is
n eold
Baths.UxB sMln and bUMmidatPW
xff ttx elsu^ Tiareou^. s knife rart:. with n doable
la bottles er Jura
row of slots (or differvat sued fciilree.
llx blades
bUdes dropiiins bHiind
ree-Choose fine.
Km are knlrvs lor sotapUiA
_Ou» Bwuy aU the
tut veaetables. car^M




more than one docto daring Ux,
graaier pan of the sommer. be was
nwUr worse in Ux ft
- * ib- year.
Tbe i«n-s split
misery that he
eonld out sleep
dall day
■ndueed lo try
at nighi.
We s
Poan's Ulntmeot.
The first applica-----------—inlng that the child
light. As we enotint Ibe eropticos gmdi nalil fleally t'

s;‘ tr. - u.»-




by way of ‘h,4,,„,h,
and the linleenls got in the tesket
and enddlfd up so lovingly toc-ther,
aud their sleepy hlae ryra rlos-d, and ,
tber imt their paw. over their noww
and* >ang each other to sleep.
■•Poor little wrebchesr" .Bid Vnele
Tom, when be came in from hsrre.iiog potato bogs, and mixed socne mo

yt moaslea,
'»r«- no
“ trn
gore trlief.
When I foend Doan's
Ointmewt to sncoessfal for onr grandchild, letossed the street, sg-i-iied n
and fer tlx first night le
slept sonndlr and betore se
sen mornlag her maiber
drug store tor u box
baby tn u fcF dsya Doan
isosx pcv-paratian which
Ux rr;mwi-Btattaos mad-' f<
dsalera Price
____a Oa. Baffalo.
N. T.. sole t
a. Bsteoi


■“^ell.e garo
aqusexe. and 1 lo^ed et Cnete Tom.
and for the first time Maer I'vs beer
artiasioled wilb him. I nolinM lhai
tx was l»ld.bea-ted. »d that bis
tboogbl hr w
Cnete ^oa
rarwm. and giv--. us sueh splendid •
ndes in llx bay ean.
Nellie aad 1
hre in ihe eirr. and we ep-nd imr vuicss Ml tbe farm and bare glarioas
te. running and pUyiag and geiItnnnud up .btowm mulit

'A \

L.SCR088E 89.00

tor Pxntcutert.

P. A.

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