Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1901

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


<&raitJ> @irati^r!8e Ejeiralib*

tlMum Tmioi i i ij
We bmve jiurt re^-oived a large
line of tb« lab-ot atyl.-a of fin*Woolena for tbi' apring acaeo
IHOl. YooriDapeciioiioftbei

Traverse City SUte Bank
SURPLUS. *60.000
A Geaenl bukiae MslMU Dole
__ _ w „.i.n.-n. <w rrlj apo '~>4nai

vitb Ibe brat of vorkraaiiahip und
a perfoert fit Kw n» and W codTincecl.

nii>raatw. Lttdlot Kercbant Tailor.


O. P. carver,

Real EstatC“‘Insurance

207 E. Front Street,
lUuIXirz IWall

Opp«H H. A A Block.



Tire Insurance!





Plate Class, Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.
rmtneCflTSclMiiliiMiBlcI ftoncy
to Loan on Improved Rat Estate Only.
C E HORST. Dlrectn-.
Rooms 10 and 11 Beadle Blocir.
Iraartax^ Ma«r ua>.-l» Uj r.«.|.:i.«l


Johnson Block.Phone 73

Traverse City. M.c


Use Onlf tried »nd tested
Preparations. Our Uneohrm
ed Insect Powder and tbt
Old Keliahle Briggs' Poison
T/p Paper Will Pot Disap^

l-aTl.f »>^ran a> aw p n> •
.Ws n> .M.T^S.’aa .
la . Tli'TOl—aulU. /.O a



Kia .l<rr«allAk. >3 p. a. , Tliua^amll.
' - .. la., (itaaaaiw ■> .Vl p. la , «<k.TOah » *
, amnap al CadllUr at la »i p ai. <ia
daP* vbr I ^aapia. will InHatl.'OM-riiair
rar»Tra>-..alp.d*; tnda, ka.ixk- l>taakr..n
alla.ltia a. ata] (.avinr l^lilliv' n.alhl.«rMl
a»Sp a,.


Jas. 6. Johnson

C. A. HAMMOND, ♦ «


jsiiiM.’-.srs;jE2~ *■"

omua m orrt ophia hau. nu«x.


“to! ^

I^h "aod“l l<iii hU'uiu.'nto Y m I
"I ■>» JohnM.n.aud hn waul.-.! Ii«l
br BToaild III tivr tUlllDI,'. aud I dou'l ’ f*''1 *'*
tX'’' >'


aunt a nlu-o <ln-<Ji out of ibi. butler Ibe ntlieo. Tlien- liad la.
.......... .. Olid II wool I.' Iwmtr root, a dollar.: «<d
)..uiidI uiurli looser
I'l.i afmld Hill
Hbe .isln-d and Itn.L ui
set <i II laid. I...... Ia,i .1 ..ei... asalo. Tito Iwkios wA> d.
irtlii. tuoeb looser.; baby awmk.-«e.l. and nl

I .0.7 tbr..' burrieo
le Wlleo the
lb.M.Sl>l Ito







Carpet-Cleaning-Works kST“'

ns WaaQncPai Klp

Physician and Surgnon.




.Jl ■' =i"==

l \ 7 €••• Otraet.
OlMmsM e«^«K* Ky«
ly Fitted.
tydU aU.aaP.l k.nKb1 or dv


Via. P. M.a. m. ni. KAaiant.


A. A. fknU ta Kfwaaaw aad II
Haaw to HaalMrae mart k


wi'n d:ir',.'‘uiH’rxi; 'Z;:

Pretty Silver Novelties. Watches.
' Clocks, OiamondsI Jewelry. Large
Stock. Reasonable Prices.



iattm. tm.


trararaa yllraalalkwa:
na oraad IaiMa. haMi. Ti.Ma. Chkaco
ai., I.Wp m


50c Will Bu^

. P. HnBl.SK. Ora l. I

CMnmMt and Loo A. Commlies
IMac K-rtk SB*r Itoj Ka..t«><aa.U..


I two quart. 1 fivurijuart and i sixqiiarl han*i-»mv. fin;-'

i- W'thu >3><l

Cooking Crocks

t on’’ *

tolrSIu^^^U^VT^Itoian— iwl


Stotmer Cresceit

1»&K la.VMW.m. llraial Ua|«k.



OaU« Saaik Knry la; Kaivim Hoadv

KSKa..'-■- !S::


There is nothing so Dice to cook eaubles in as the
above named crocks. Things cooked in them will taste
better than they would if cooketlin any other kind of
a dish.. They.are acid-proof, neat looking and we can’t
sec whythe>- should not be durable. The most interest­
Don't put it off

until tomorrow but g<;t a set toJay->-ou may be l*-o
late if you delay.


-V.'U vear. aso. wbi-n le- waa livins
i Milwauke. e..sased m the whia.ii
' ttaib- llton-. Ibe Mkllis a irll wlO'.l
mi aud he detetnilli-.l lo Itarel over
- world and VI.>■ aim. ara.
alll biiu.'ll I, lull, I..I, (Ito Ntua.
nil . to r..i| krvi
lie left MtIwaB
-■• Hi I'vn l.lva-r)a<ol. liaaalus
.ToBSb 111- srral Uk-a by »ray of
ultalo aod ilto Kiteraiial to New
»r.>|to. ami f*ir un.
wa. lb- Um iMwrd
.1 lb- Nvo

winti-racBin "
•U, iinuM'iiM •
Cincham too C'd '
Slu- claiic-'d .1 hli
•I'nrf of It I. ot. . ................. _•fiool
I. I>ud tb.
til. ri'i
H'.t wa. iito-d 1hi‘
lav for you nml ll
II. mad.- ivo n pl
101-14 to ehirrop!
.. III.- hnr>'. und l.'Ciu n. turn around .
1. Ttton. ralehlu a I
i« not a IbiI !

-rs 5:rc,''.;:j

IMn’t forget the place




cnr. mcB

ni loncrr
I jrut up and alarted oat
aiifi felt the mme liilnc lmp|toalac lo
uiy feet.
Partly tianlc alrtefiae, I
n.bed into Ibe nmm al il« old H**jaan. -.-.-.Komeibinc In yoadar, "I aaid.
me Dial II waa all niibt He airnok a
Icbt and went lo Ibe maa with me
« ben I «H back b> my mom t
waa Itornltaed
walU of llie but and ma


lam. and raoulac lien, aod
aad ererywbere, waa a farfaM
army of Iiiard. of all aiaea. a(pa aad
virletH-a I told Ilto Metloau lo Imro
oto H.t llcbt. aod Ibat I wnnld oaonpy
he ro<» for
the m«bl. »odanld-.
not alrep. for I did not
liarda l.oweYte Imrmlam,
niauvU. they mlcht be, to
y face amt fcwMiead tulo a
ItoninraBde. Ttila wound apmynItotn-nre In Meatoo. aud 1 aovmpmd
over Ilto Uwiler aa anoe aa pomlble.
and ainee Hdvl lime Htowilda( ractona
tn Hie iroiuee bare bad no taarlaathm
.... ...
a-._ . ...___ -e.__t,._____

S'. 1^1 lrl.«ni


l.-iuc 41-lu I

k~l an.:

..uil. and t'eiin

bolll hr
. Ibe Nina,
r feel^brwi
n<w and the

nu. ah.-ll., roral

Iluvl |.b-bM-.t III. taiier. lie dived oy.-r
Ivmrd lo i-ulb-ei tbi-m.
Iii-rmitace■ al Mmw
remarkabb- rvixtod,
I '
and It
-Iraiic- tliBl t'eidain
Pri.-larh M.oald

re amared him. waa ao Boaipal
Tbe emtee tiaeU ta like a ittBBd'
-uvetnary.oaoopled by treanaad ll«ble.1 di-limlelr
by a aaii filfertim
H.roocl. fullace
A mmarkable aaemblace wae there that day^ ooaMHoe k£*or aamkl!r“to
iliieb Ilto birda of the forral Cara

Tito monkeyt ml In rowt opoa tha
lalreieliiBc bfwbaa of tlia
ea TItoy wen^ln (actlaa of
I- mlKaln Jaal mimxl two. Ibrae or fonr. a ibooch oaefajI. her by a few a-e bm ml alone, like a
lor. While moat of
T*. uuTieal
veaael wilbout crew
IH7, for there la tbr
line down for a few mlaalaa
-lU-aUoo of watrli.-a. Wbr. waa Coin(
in look afl.r Ilto Mu. nr Alina F. on Ilto biwnelto. bmidea dldaraal fam
Urea of ll..' lar-.b. oemalac te gtra
wli.-n lb.' I'aidaiu, '
deekbanda all r..lbr-rY-iBooMto arore raadnared
oeernii. ap|a.i
• crealeot fametety.
• *
'ty Cai
aeeioed to Itodeeply ialemm
be learned IH
,U.r:;.f aleep..
-b he HTa


. WrK-ke.1


• leep

T., a. Hi. .Ito-p-r mtcl.l deai’re
> Ilto (Wldaiti lo real rtur
nilm.. and when there wsa ur
, and to U- ■'K’tk'
rradv I. attend In dgty wl
He oaiBrally
" -Ur. t.-moae Iher
r of........... at Itolus r

me elden eoald b- aeaa raaoliic
abaat.faaamc from tree to Boa. ea Iba
loterlaemc banaeltoa. oar did tto aa" '
lima* wrldeatly
------------------------nailed aod aalolrd Ilto milire eoatrocattaav
Hto'r deiartore waa mada moat daoor-


Tltoy awoBfi from_______
.ro.-uUr aud kitoi. a
vaaa-l. li, crowded lo bfoneb. Home bone by tbelr talla
pUrea Ilk.
- ehannel b.
be de­ aad Mbert. m lllila (xMartm. land la
i bima
bimaell .btoi., and wbm be waa liand eojored tbelr mid-air frolle.
"P.liaw’'' an.w.-rj-d roara.- Jul.n
ta«l.»l<irdld aMolaop
• - a-ldoB alMilla "Tluif. tIto wmyo- »«
lUi aaybody.
at. iiirb and t|.ey;il
they'll tak.
I rood eyamlBalioD
.miy way ti


.' Iben bill
keep .......... -. roauft 'an. tf .die waj
of II. It woulda'I U"1 knuw Itolb-r.''
iltoT. when -Will an"
vmed. nod Ittofe ne.
"W.-U. rtl w-.-. mayl.' I cwti pet it; I er wa. a aumrier.
and ifj'd known I'd l.-lbt.iuie .tort I wbl-re. Aod Mill i
iiilf vou tmi!lil have coin'. Il.oncti 11 he Ima col Hi -'aur
dou'l Me ulie YOU wanlod I*. c<>: for ! money, aud Die u-i
lain'i I.-.-U tlifito nomh. .inoe von I more alie liar 'ba^ 'I' -n ih-y vebnr
w.-ol to town and ttMd lalf the afl.r- rtrd three obildr-o. lid iiH.Hinr w>v.
U.-t up. I'liafit-' " And be licTliardwnrkbrli.- H. Miurteu lltoir
o .toMtoli .mt *.l .IclH tun el..u.l
oK. you're a jtorfeei
r. that', my Dudrui."*- .. _______
And 1 t-Il yoa." i.ct.oeeded boDeat
it idle kttoW ab- mold oot.
. "if Ilto poor Ibiuc cuea <ie tbii
-b loucer. tbere‘]l b- anolhei
ad nri-d.ltaelf -mt eTyluc
Iff wibbincAn lb- ervnlle. , ctaee ov-r
an.'! wn.
lab Will WODid toe
•n..' din.-. t.t-l- Yra. joM .. they Imd at.
and wort

tnaal I. done b-fnre , it
He Itocan
te I. mb BilkaKwl Ii.b iiH.r
ilv (rHY-o
1.-. uf Ilto
e br. aad lone aro and now. and i
MCli ttml nolier.1 at aaidtor
H.' Ill IKTYI often alto lied



B. year ii.irbi nil I him d


dUtnel tbeerer-i
bimoeir poaaeamd
matae of eomm«
inc wbeo the fall ahlfi waaal wort
nd lali water, and after an I
there oocarted ab
■ana! tblafi. Tto
liuo a few td iltodi wen- b«i
air current had aa _ d defaetlaa. and
t|oe^. Ib-m waa pla*to.l |g arrier at
wmar^leaaJi tollUR amoBctto
IIO.I. aud lenafn- of
tile y.evd W.tok l/.al ran be done with
New art. or IjrMiMM.

Inuld mane more
■n.- hVai.. are St (eel orer all. V (■
. ... . draw fit) tnchea of wab
are ienitolled liy <m nto'bBRabli
fore and aft water aod air tichl.eo
iwrtetila. and ,ar.- n.ui naimuibb- a
u<oi ali.kable. Tie- fraiuea ol tbe Uml
. I. Houdua
r.Kel 10 Ibr
Itoiac U-nt like

•d rtnat.
II waa U tter Ilia. M» aat town to haate. a
iiita that ever twe|4 tk
wllie tlie aoWiinr Iwbr. an'I- inder rery i'
Ilto lake., and ll would )
moUw-r a c-nlle (ooel. be
with m.
•ic*i* of a more eomfo
lo windward.
hard day- work alnwdy, and ! a
4 ImU dnai
Mr. Hama Ivad
-b.wa. and kept bimM-If
nnd two hired m.-n Imey.................... ...... ........
He Itaa hin.tolf ami Hot.
M-h.'., Ilierw wa. .m!y tin- father, I and n*’''rad
I4< the'r and two
eibinca Imek and furti
n ctui.lei.'tlto
cbii.leintlto *d.le*l ami
and j Kulay
toda; iMinc
Yonnce.1 of tie- fire Tw--lve yeara II. while be lu ed on from
ildtat the____
toe >Ih iia.1 marned rtKad-Ba-i the wactm ’
'n^ "'waH |AtnericB|i
I'ainaiiloai a Baffalo la a
lmr.l-woilinr. ambiliuea Will! till
iimVa. 'wli)i''e;er?'.^'iTd'W
**“' ““T
e “ “*"Sf
make money,
ami tber mid, ^ao. > Mra Hama mme to «•» 0«5 aa oa-1 „„ ,^,,4.


One Pound'of Baking Powdir

ing part of this program is the prke.

rtJtoli Uade.1
lu Nevv I irleaua
lO. I..I w
from hi.
dilaiy eruia-. m-i In. lauiily. wbieb
>‘ UkUto all Ibe war fnrai i
• trei-I I
louliU of
llos bi. I»at aodael
llins doai
IVouooU. Kla.. •« the
f«to,'.'d. ol III. voease au-l .lierBU




AD.- ■
I. lb.
‘•Onward, atlll onward

voyacia* on





After--v.n 1


bullrv op nielli away.'
And Ibno bn •« IVT ■■•'1 i*“' If' aoytl.iiiK noWk- uu
tonird and walked .ailily a f. w "•?*>«•■»'''"•"k.diuK .inucb to eni
aln|>. iIk-ii inoand aod l.aAiyl aroaiid n. f« I cao 1 Iwy ia> louib not of
and ratl.-l. ' make ool a ft.l of wlial
TOO really ni.-d. Inn. "
i She aratehed I......... .
away. Iwbl
1 wi.b 1 eould bav<- »*««••" niirbed I ins Ibe |(iit can-1 ully |«iard over the
Mr. II
llarri.. loud eoousli tor her but , aacon ltod. but llir neil tnatalil alie
land I.
••<uall.v. waa in th.-I,.ai>- There wa. oaAli.s
lltoWav* U'ltat on I to dll ftir auida-t. aod |iemea I** |ilck.
tn so to lowu fur'f! aod It the labr WiOild iiiily aleep'II II uLi’ viiu nil asiidowD to ip-t Hbe anrulled the caU<-o
li Bit-di-d
ready, and llto'lnby'd a,|aall all lb e 'Ouly asbuKv to tell her Ilia! there wai
: Dot enuasb. and aln- iukui uw tin
....... . «'.ao't 1 itel evemblne '
"Oil, re., l«a|i|K>.e I kuow i (wii'l
ra. to-reo yard.,
ro; ................
to d..*!..-*.-, but I
a ealieo dr*-« i
laotod. and
»IK f.w Ih.
|wu--, (unied and «al
Mr*. IlnTTi.* tb-iu^-lit. a***re ! Sty
bu.v riioiisli B. .be haMened to the * .o dt%-|> III lit. jaa-iel. Ih

".Aipi UWiaiLtol
.1 down ut til
till- fad<->l;^be
ilial lui.l U-n
0 w.-r»' liurTT,
noe*-, lut ainrb'lutd l.-en worn ut] ' lus lurk
lltohay lo'li
witd- r nod uiiiil now -Juh M- Briy all und Hob wu. rrdius Kie rake
yiie mill'. 11 wa. n very a arm baik' i Idebed b.-r tawn.-. und luol
ms dn-.. nod lui ihi. iil|,Tioa>u kerijln- table
..I,' witou
wb.« 7b.' tueu e.
elocL niid Ibe hi>l
oiiiiirrli.vl.. and iiioi.l, leniure.
iioi ...... . loueli b- UM-O bow unc.._ ...............
fotl.ibl.' .Ill' wa.. for the il.ywa.1 "How“ald^mur ealie.: aou
Hioy Farms tor Sale in
vert wnnii. Sl.e wa.lliterTOi.led by! Kin-lia
un -o.iduilie
Craod Traverse and
WllliOUI. t.-l<
•r wik. ouite
aiUointni; ctMnties.
iwakeoM liy
III.'. toni
"Well, did von ibiBk ..'v.-n ratdi
-mme down would ra^e a drv'M for a. his Wouiai
.. ,aal am. Will '
I Tito lilre.1 B.-I. latufla-d
"MBry .Ilto
If! "1 umld BOM i-ot nioib.y m niv
C. A.HARilMONO women ar- i5.'(li?is awfol
I i.toki't. ' mid HotTT»ta»»fn«. at Trar.rv<ll.> tnaa a.«th al
eoubl have il.ui.- thm- unu- wbnl roo
lutv. >u Ibia tliiie.- be adib-d. a. .he wa. very |-aw al
kleniter. w. isbins
an, -aiO
''Vine up
ul- frvii
ftviiM the eellar willj a b.avy ' |a7lia|n a boiidi
^e«i K.-r- were
Ufser tllBIl the
Ibat li.rr W.T.utter It
uM aalarseaa I
When la the city visit
IIMI alto
t.-icl. tl lars.' tavak.-t clians*^ .mcx' at .
' had lakeo III. lot to i.-her. Klie. Iiad
• Sow wlinl do vnu ui-ed- " lie aak-1 led rb.-ek. aod Iwisbl blu- .
'I. Snllp-nue up the liiu-a. She told |and her evi-» Imd a w.wry l<
hiiu i|Uiel!y, and tlrrn n.-trouiily ' them now. "CUo'l Iw ruv fanli.
For hargains In Bazaar Goods and Notions. Now goods

ylironsli h,-r hu.lcindSi mind.'
arriving dally. Advance sale on Ladies' Fleeced Wrap­
■ I SU1-.VIher-'ll l«-i-UBEb left for' Kh.- o-rtaiuly bn4.e*l Icvdlr,
-ome eallro "
- .
pers at 8Bc all next week.
"tWheo, Did 1 ever
■* ilmi min
iw*nnnd iDrniu-iic' tlial wri- In.
Hr look tb-inilk |biI. aad
t-ni. to milk. a. wTraverse City. Mich.
221 Front SiroeL
III- wa* dr.nnrd
' IbbI. aru-r I
"A dr.-..
•Why. yon don I
to harr bl.
. *>r.-iM-d.
Tb- idru
Vat-A. AU.a
• Iiai . had |rvn>di.
n> lu tito Iwru lo twri'yi- col IV dnrA'U
" Thafll la.t a y.wr jfor tUclr •—
-nearly I ui« wb.-ti Ito canKl.t tb.-wiond of In.
nevk.'-. me OciTjrSrVuS^' 1 I bail a I own luuur.
nrard.] "Trllyou, I piiv h4-r.’'JiB- .kur.

Insure Yonr Farm Property
and Borrow Yoor Money
WltlCTEfilORTH MSTEfll R. t

d alMC «e«

.rjis:,,; “r" I Sf”-' •

Houses for Sale in
All Parts of City.


ilaiik yoo-rc cb



Real Estate.
Mortgages Bcmght and Sold.

«Mr aart fWla

"A raolmBi

iBad W draw
arttii -that It t> all
all ao. Holt,a : bat ■I waa al a Haaa vbrm my aotaw
bajiarr ma. daM. Ibot ta By
ooald not ataad a irmi dmL aad
Ir unary 1 rnt«ol yoa coolda i aboek waa no oorprlm lo mn. 1 wia d thr diahaa waabwl and
Jid tliia. and tbal it waa ant itwl I
bar hsh i
Inii«rt have yoBT handafaa is rtow.
ArT>...tb. 14*- l.aalifulaA,
live UiiBca atom ma «M« leal IUm
had tbr two liandrad raenc rliickaiw.
ria-B br ndd^y lafi bar aliua. f« i liad joarayed dowa (mo Mexlo^tc
• •■iiAn a-illi tliaa,»»i.ayQl la...
dark! and letkcra briorr th,-o ,o faad.
a liard Ihttv tor a yirood maa t« ^pnrpnaeof a^lac aoma Uma
tf„ .« tfc. .(.di,
V ; ao that it WM aftar tlirc what, al laat
Tbe tnp waa ptniy a baatuma trip,
Am asc anffarad Ik>I Irara to flow, aod parllr for aaefa plaani* aa t
ok. Ii>ar|.waary. alia (alia
«ld|rrioeio' ao Mpattrae* (a a
aa If abr aboold d<up
oatry thai waa new 10 me. I oaghi
II. fatbailwii...............
Fla- aixwa tom. aad
I alarao, l■al ba coold tr
my bera that I had aerar bnaa (a
:aaa.<hn, haviea- aaaiia.1
I bad aaan to tiuu. Tbr
.St tha
ila look III . iroptml oowtry. My Ufa tod bnaa
ttoby from Hob
Kol ao<l
I alto wooiWad liiKiw Ihr man
4kI ut down to iba ajtooi IB Hie Bortb. and wtoierar I
tha Boorrfiinjr bral
a thay all tat. Tlia knew aboai tto foam, of Ufa
al lb. J -4 in> bltt .a-. Jato.
>d of
I rbiti had niulwt I
I Iba laailiar aueod
at aecikima waa alu«elbm
_____ ! aba Utotad In and
.1. I had mareir read aboel
■ .loovianba-p Ik, b"f anna,
1 leritod. Sb>' .100,1 aUll l>y
maar of tl>e
Ilie Ihtoca.
ihtoca. toll
bat I laorvad
Irarwtol afine to I Hod la t Imatwiol a
lilt aba board Ilia
lerwarda iliai ihere wrvw many tblaca
1.«a .Blind
I tha boraaa. ao.l
I had never dreamed of eveo In mo
I ■■I'oRto no, bod erl tltoaa ibiiitra.
'Btd 'would IwrntT tneuia Wbea my mind waa toellbed to
ol calm, aod two hired (vwijare will, the horrora of aaevea
I tilto waul oo< vriib In-r btiKaV no b
J I litai. laat hla roira had awbkaln^ II
T Itell'
alrep Well. 1 foand Braelf la Mei.......... to «ioati
Ito I waa in the wild, of Mellcct, aad
t. qi.r'drar.'' _____________
-tiikii'a awful liK
thai .where oae coald find oal bai (aw
iHt. at l>a
I r am. loll ol
Aud Jo.- lobl Jubn a. IltoT went up of Ibe eocatorta known lo iba atan
od J»li.K^I,to to litol aoiiuBr Uler. Ilml he rtwlly advpiired wnra of Urine
1 atappad
did t.-liev. Will mo.i have ‘
awiM laiil aa roo aooH- bark
wHb an old Mealeaa <a>a avbt. aad
he IWI me U> a dampy iHika ream of
‘Tin B»oc lotown, Marr. "
(odriok, ni tw IvBli.l. aiur<'
llui lie Ctrl wa. forlboomiBC oeai lo lu.aeir t alejN oe Iba flow, aad It
Mr llama, and hr r.»n tmu tha
waa a dll, floor al liial
alila and aliovtat liia*ahair O'
.In' bad
on a mailreaa made of aoam Hcbt maII yon'
to or two Itorw-lf. Itowlr.l motlH-r. eut il>
tlnuff to to-iol. P.-I It r.'adv...iui*‘k, - :
Tha laiio1
lu •l.-edily (.-n-w .tr>4>c aud fat. and Ilto
DBtoihii« annmbla orat my
•toovly foil ..I .will. rvuto* aud riulle. .wui- lavck to Hra.
il Marled me a bit. bat 1
nn.lil out. audutod .11
J tb. weary
Blaudallll loaaeiril waald
•' tt.dl. f-r It r-adv, iltoU. 1 wotil.l,
to lit* tl to Ilia nacii a>
lakea t4i Irllll Thi. UilB|^ ka|K ep

T, z

Co JnsuK KtsuUs

tall tha eanar.

tbr Btnkioc at Itir clock, tihr laid It
.tllfaU frccrUi alumhar i

ct.i mmo.
Baddesly tbota
lUUar of boofa oad a moU
lu looc aarn wm qataormcTarl iu
abrfH bepy oad ftoa WBd
--------- tb* entry, toatoa^maoaa
uc afUd H. The mra lookadSf oaa
iHier. aad Ibew Ibe *------- ‘---------- of
tbe air Bored them with oe* tBpalm.
the Ulirrmib for tbe opra air. VIUi
•eare.1 faeaa ochre miaeee Joined ttom
aad. while ib«T war. woadartto wto»
It all maaol. a dall. deep endooMB
weat ramblmc Ibroagb tto hollow
jodacetomt VbraTtbe bdlra of tto
(inr poor mas wbo tod^br^hopM.^
tm^dtoTwiih SItot?
ttol of tto liiite giae omU ttot
' 'ttowantac -Ualta'a Voto-

: t;;

™„“','i' .ri'..;"'
“i eir.iJ'S'Ss.rz’.iii., ..-S":,

v.™ "? .trkto'™

.... The look .. _____ _ __
rTar.-tol, lieely, and Ih- -............... —.1.-..-----------a-..-.
Ctrl I hla face iwade
bia bewrt bmi rapidly I pare] eactoeiallr (oronnooi
dehed her arraece the oh
: rtY I uitoM ^
tKxlr knew 1 He wbk
iMon. like tli'
(be wwk
tin for her I inr a In
mrriew and Ibe
tauter and waa far-fatned for her j oocaaior. .. .
.i— ll.'-Lf .^“.iwa •» 00.07 oanoM (to •-«• la
i-rrad makine
Kal it.waa "Mollie. " {lalU. U>e. inmiar
*“*■“*"•"*" AltbeHmA—r
then, never "Marr." and very few ! ea. clancwd al him.
tired abet
eipnaHbm .tber are admirablr
-Y-rkn-w her name waa Mary Jane Hooked- He took the
' >vnB,twt>wo-nted; aadaueodanu toeipiala
It wa* ratr in the U.l few rmra.: her and ckarnl the 1
a^' ' Hie w.tok are with the exbiMla. Tbe
Miin-'-l.r bad teen Ima atvtcbtly ami : He placed both ban.
iiuiek of foot, that lie liad cwlled her | den
Mary, and ahe knew bow nearle irntm
"Motive.' be mid. loabnaky roioe.
le prmeol dtapUy U Joattfiad—The
iieni lie waa when be rmllrd lier Harr
tell Bto. bare 1 been abaamc von :• '
Sbe looked mrprtaed. and he weU,
She did oot mean to worry
liim. bat wito CMcId not gA araond aa __ __________., .
,Mi.e 701 r^au ootoarw mtor•he Btod to. while be Improved In ap.
"I beard tealcbll vm a

**bZ^"K«. madam. I karaatp^.
Sbe did not rraaan w^ UvaNtai cmmtby

Kaclaod. are
oomhan ti Mao
n. wfateb warn amd te tto foa(arattoa of mil eraa brdara ttoOtoio-

foor frai. A# rmaatly aa lOT il wod
lolaml fire faa« OBd O«oia Ito «bvoaAbfarelioaa.IaeelwHh Ito Blear
Vrarer. wblab raaa eloao hy. Tto
proparm U> to lUlto oaaoiala ni to<eU aad lore* atopa. eadar whloh hrilte Jaakri am ploeto. aod aa Ito
- amtalaml woodeo wadgoo
am iaaramd.
md. He oeeatmloly la ito
work ddaa ttot



Tto Haafi-lotoBi


I Ttarosc Hcrall


Ibaa aar erlMlul un oror triad is
Ihueoaatr- Poolar ft Satartbaallr
of Tiaronr City baro pal ap a kttoI
for tbr dofoew. ahIU tbo wort
of Pitch R. Willtaam tm Ibo m-roatian hu Wn on Ina hrilUaat. Tbo
pWa« of Ibr anorary* will br madr to
A aa thri t^ I aicbi. and Jadm Mayor will airo bU
the Urn iMrty^ehiuKototbr Joty la timr for Ibom

malBA frcaa Oraad RapUa. wbeto bt
attfSMMtba martimt ef tbo |«tiUU
Jodcra of Ihr atair
Hra. V. J. I'ufear U Tialliac b*«
daublrr. Mr*. PrcM Soeor of Uraad
' Mra. Miu -HabbrU of ftpriacftrld.
Mo . U IB Ihr rily.
Khr U rWuap
far* jmr.'Bta. Mr. aad Mr*. D


Than aia asuo M who Mteilab

fetnritt via blB«eof7 <if* T>on>
br J«bB Q. WbittiOT vbieh bu bM
blOMi uiivblUbfd. Tb» poen vw
VTitM Id (bo klban o1 B votnn «b<
M totseelod him. vboe «bi> v«<
kbMt lo ltk*o tbo toVD lu vliirli
WblUiorlUod Tbopoooi
Airll IB. nao. Mr Whituor boiBK
Om n 7«m o( mbL
Tbo peom 1< u follow*
tur •ferd
M«; (hr -t4»

B- tk

Trarerao Cltr bu aen* booa
»vo of a bum (tmlhoria* of «loi*r
of bar OBO taMutaatlaa. bat aar (
illlao for ootor^a* oaefa a bo«r.
mtbor with rftf aarroendlBpa wh
atmotaueelioa to ili» cllj aad
farilitloo affwdod for rracbiait imro
from all tart* of tlx «4a(o. ranaoBl
offon to It
Uial a<
d UOt far ei
. tbr Hrr
■anool Cbat ao ofTort br laadr to b«rr
tbr Uioblma MrllMdM eoafmaar to
tbU cUr arzi roar, nu rmr. abeet
two work* hon®, Ibr ooiiforraer will
HUkrcoo. U>r farlJiral
poiat Dortb at wbieb 11 h»» rtvr brro
TruToiar Cilf ba» lirou rroov.itr.1 u a rood oonrotiddn rllj an.

fa] Biaa my*'»«“*«• the o**o bofotr- ooan tako* a
eB*ioB*ly. j now for .Irep^
■That friiow 1 Tbr Bru Irmimooy of (hr drfraw
! wu to oalaMiMi tbr fact that tb.- dii
fu mouth. ! r«'rd nripofli-rTiioryoavhieii Hoali
Aad yrl onjwunklDabaywbrabrwuabol.hryulpU ■( trill I ioog..rt ,0
Sia tSS* uiJo-P*'J<M>kio*. who madr
UreH~doc to - >**•■ aorrry.
IrUlBrd that tbr laa.l
mloaiaost of a , wai llokrT'a
Tlir l.-ailaiany of
aplradld bmltb.
bcallbr BMhrr.
. ______. .
I Alfred Gam.who owanl tb.- farm to*
Ib. Pictm'B Faroril
i ““y y-"- wu aloaa .hr *aow U»r.
------------j ...
..... ■ S-trral wilnoaar. w. n-tbrn pot on
_____ __ __________________
ab-oj.lrmarm. Jl makratbr bmly onlbrtaldr an-I
Ib>)..-< V|PK*I rharaclrr aotl
tbr oiiad rootrot. ' II riroa pbymcal
I throw napiriiiu mi tla- eharartrr
. ikmr aad rauarsUr «laMi&y ao that Ibo
r IloL'ii. to time llokry bad
tml^'a a.lrml ia practiciBy paiokm
uid (hu to fOtabHal. Ibr »-H .li'f.'Urr tl
t>M<^. h;d KroM’^w*i5lwS5it»"Krhn co?Km
rdy. Jam.-, |l l>-roirr. Mr. ItilU
Ihr au ol I-... I w,* CSMAlu lo bcv-mir
d.wn wi l J.>~ id> I'uradia.- Irallfi.-.I
m-i.a'. aU luarrol icrobl, wilt |mlu in It
Wt of l>ml . >a tut I arh.d aU cart MSrr.
abme tb" i.ioi- of .......... ..
rlmnr(rnbat lipkry lia. stwmn amor hla
rMIdrtic-.' io lb.. riPiuity of Elk Hap

TlMirr arr in
BotmtUM. c
line! MX
Hub city al U-*
imuabm u( Ibr UrliindUl Kplanopril
;liaro>>.nan ill tlw Pint and an tn Uio
faeoad M. K. oiiBrebiw. Thoar wnold
ni lir plad to aimif.1 iu ootrrUiiilnr
tbr momlB-ra of llrr
n aluQi tin clrrp.i........ of 1
pul of III*
Itrv.-d tbit If |«i|.iT rr|.i.
niy wusid r.

!• t*fj ml* U>; m-tty UBdu.o

rBnm>«l.lkrl<«l I. B>

EVyir--. iBar mdhm

TbB deb«M lb Ibo dutrin Chrin-

iailiBK drlrpatr. Tlx. Inlali
ip-lirnilty would luiilimblrdly
elmtfully naalal.
T. W'lllian lauitmau rrapoada
rut-rpy to Ibr aupBi-Pticiii of tbr
Krrald lo barr Ibr M.-IliOdl>l onofrr
«t*d hr Ko<
rarr for IIKK iu thu rtlv.' Mr. Iciofr. Pnd K Bookor thou uao hu poiniod ool v.-ry rl.«tmitaB- Bor.
far* • Tor; ioiomlina BiMnaDl of lii>
whidi bo illiutnlm] would ikrivoandjbr brorllta ibr propir wobIiI roioy iu liariDR nob*
Tbs qslol boor sorrloo Wodoiwlsj Unrr MtUirrlBR of ixudora. amonp
meniBf was soodaelsd kj K«>. Berk thnffi otoraythoh <>f whir dutiaeUcai.
Tbr ooororoo® woold afford an iutrlOD Mr MoKih- loctnal tmito momla-nof all druum
irtaiiooi. not aloor oomlmraor lb.wort la Oblaa. aad M(ai !%■
Hoihodial rharcl.
Aad for ibi. m
stals sscsMaiT, nare a 0017 hol|>fo1
(trutalk oa fsneral O. b lint*.
orallT woold l» pUaaod (o amlal in
tlortalniarut of lb* vUlior*
booa vu M br Jobs 8ooU of Ma|<li> Aaide from tbia coaaidoralioo. TravOiU. tlwufollovadbj -lUirlBUaa
> Rlly'a prOTorbial brapilalilT
IMuror la Soadar
.Id Uima •sell ail omaiuo Im drm'.
Ohanh.” br V. P. Bank of Oi
oo«tralo.l to a eraatrr diwrro (ban
aad -ObriaUSB Kadoaror io IboHoaio
Thia i* oaaratUlly tboromm
aad IbsSoeioIr’' bjr Him QramOi. tloo Goolaror Kurtbrni Micbiicaa. and
00 maltor aodrr what aotidora a cmib
rrins i^ll lir bold, Uh- pro|>b> lir
ill br wllllDA aad ready to laako
"Tb* tatpertaace of Ibo Jaalor 80 aaOeoeu. aad whoa (br rulion Ira'
eiatr aaa hov 10 Urmniio ll'
(bay will iV.jiarl oarnyli« tbr tnoal
Bst. K. & Mill! of fioaumUoroko of plrai^l n..|r.ulaoa of Ibr rity aa
"CbTlstiaB Kateror aad Homo MU- It* people. .
Hr. Ijufnuui eatU aUrailinn lo m-i
Tba srtelait miM aorrloo vu Iml tala oUUBclra wbieb It Would not t
br fUr. MtMhaB e( Obluno, follow ia (briownroribrHrlhoditioImrebr*
ad b7 aa addram 00 the work io Tor
.ho7 br MUa Hoaa. aad aa addroao oe rram Ihr ciliumiw ou.-rally. Tlir llrrIba ooUook for mlmloe work
OU^ bj Hr. HoKibbcai
trt bi.'rm'iy.-djrilb Hit
mil tl^cbarrlir*.
awlarabU aad bolpfal aaaraoUoe.
ooooeh meaibm
Tbo msatiac pboe aaUoM for eori
I Mrtl.odi«t diun-hr. lo afford
roar U Pioakfort Tba oaom aloolirerunry enlertainnu-nl fur tbr
inrsta, ttane arr
Pnaidael-Lari T. PMaiafrtoa of wbieb woold br irladly tlinwa apraTarorao Oitr.
tbamliL Tbrrr word be 00 fur .
Tiaa Praatdnl-Dr. Otwaid WbatTilt* oily hu heoB rooUr of EalkaMa.
fronird with •Imllar imblrnu Lrfon'.
Hollor of TraTwhom. Inflararr i* n*|Blroil
to brio* tbr onafrronro h
^Mlm PranoM Ralaar of aarerod (hat tbrn- will Im
irt and bpapltalliy 10 xpa

Batib sf Oomea.

m Iimi uuvoaawtr
TbalMvtac ilomoaoei----------------Varthpsn budar of last vaak :
••Tba rsTiralot tba oloenric nmd
FRdaet frcm TiartcMi OUj to Old

"1 .uffr.
outiiiB aa.)
faUlop of III.' n-.
: ..llmr f.-iij.1<>
bad "iH-lUrrori' ta.. wr.-k- tl-*I nnuM
lax frumripht I., b-o .tni-ni.-t a»u!.l
hare b. 1.-. to I.X
I alo. I.v.l Iom.1ariv- and Wkaehr
U..- Iltnr
aad .D.'b W.rioi; d..n-n prio- I roiii.l
bardlr walk o.-c->M-k1..-r-*mi at lliu"*.
(>«*-. ta-arr my tal-y cama aa* 1,= ailrr.
war,. I mAj.a alm-m Araik v«k my otker
I dortored Dearly all the tim.- f.-r
aliODt two r.-»r» awl -.--nH-.l t-. k-n-w
worro all tb" tim.- utilil l:.M !x pt. mWr
I WA-.-Mipnl to Uk.' n.v-)—I. aiel the
d<«-i..r-tlH.u.-ht an
n .v tb«
vw, luua-v
n •.. n ar. nmx,
onlT iliinp tlial iC-uM L"lp m.. but
tbi. I hav.-.I.inr
'Faroritr I’ronctiplion" makr* »-r*k
••Tbma (ri. ii.1adi;-.-llw t..trj-lhr
womra itrnnK, an.1 liek wumrc wi-IL
rinUiam tw-lirin.-. ul.i.-b I .11.1, kwl
Aixrp( an uilatilulr for t
Afl.-r u.inp Ur- Sr-t l-.llk. J
lo.proTi-. 1 t.*.k in all live...........
-1.1. -..-.l.i.T
Hr. ilAk.-T
•d u T. tl." R.m.l I.yJia E. l-iukliam’. Br.iJ I'ltrin.-r. 1 "■ ">CH Uixe* of l.r-liAlX |•;Dklulm - .Dry l-Gauiui
FonaCom;-.iio.l,llir.-.-I-ii.-, .-( I.lver
M..r**' ol Kik Kipi.l., aa.l Arrbu I'lll.aod u-r.1 Il.twpj. kx.-.r-..; >.njr ............
for orrrral yrwr* wrrr fairly |mt>-r Faxk.-r of le—. Alb-paii m.uutr. wb*
V an!
-w l»..L.-y ili.-n- l*f..r.-'w^‘
It.- ramr
ic 2^'ttai.' U.rokfid
oo, on llk'ir farm at HiMpil- (Vmli.. ku.
IK.lry .roi...
sniil lb" m-vMe tllormi of Uni.Pictrr. I ■1.1. iro. ..1.11... .1.1"
r», A
hreamr a drain upun IIh- tanulr i-i- UeorV" B1..I Ki>.nrv..d All.-paij oo'urilr.
i.-arly ift Iron
ohaijorr aad wu ro*|nu«iblr to o orr- Atao i.-.iil..-d n. I........ nr fiiib.-r-. rliar
talB rxtrul for tbr failuro to .urrrr.1 arm. a. d..l II. II Hadron of Hauor.

5?JSH{?£?r?v' '


rrolorr* IIm- aojun-alioa Ibit ab.iol.l ;
tbr caofrrrUB" bi- ai«uri-d for n.-xl j
yru tna inalnr* ooil mrmlirr, ol Ibr
.roa, i.ilHycdiorcIi"* o'liold on o]> !

I fsniiBbod bj- <
Macthpart fmople wm moit cordm
Bod tbo prattiBoi vu osoolloat

Tbr iwn atruspli'd alone Iwarrli.
howovfir, and ent alune (omrliow
Hr I'irkrrrI wu arlivr in Salnillwi
Army work wlarn a liraurh of
moTriiK-ul (lourialxid brn-au.l drrolnl
raHiii.IrrehIr linir lo forthrrine th.
rauia-. Homr nxmlb* acn IlH-y wc-r.'
inicUsI by Ihr rr|mrl, of Ihr .llriu.
wllng ol
iw.i- and aflrr
» dreidrd Uiat Mr*

fro^ faiiuiTm'

MUsUapcaaUtoaa oulr dalo wima
Iba aUMio read for Nortbera Hicbt•aa will bo btTo IO Mar. Wo berr
OatlbU dulvin bo ceesonamlad.
to soecul iliai Tnrmr
>1 it will -fanub . „
atau fu lb* aUoMo road baaiotu Oily ua Afford to exlrod Hw
fat TtmTam OllT Ibal will orootoallr dial ioritaiiou. aad ILjItete^i* larkine

mar who exprriod a Trrriirl
rullly. Other* had nminlalurd front
the ffnl tliat Itokry would br aouui
taMiflaaHoii* to or«r
;od. The aei|Qiital ii a proal ti
UMmar naort aa tbo bari
lory for Voslor
br oasily rataed Trarf**- City, who pol ipamarniSaad hkai of tfaU aalin ncioe. Tborr
>• aa "MU fraMble nrnte fot aa olr«. to proridr for all oontinKracii-a
Tbr prorocalioe
tarn irrDvrally woald Ik-triad alio So.-lr (oadeetrd br Fiirb
krto hall liao Ibaa ibncttb Loolaaae
ibr inwaitl* aacl. a fnod. aad Williaou. of Klfc Rapida
aaai9< taaoblar at Ibe Tarlou roMtUoa Iba bar aad Oarp Imko and II woeld not br larpr Uil il.r confer.
TbrTrirnilt of Mr. Dokryarro
br *rooTrd. and thr timr joyed iliat U.r joty bid dial
Olaa Imko ratotu la tbo vialon |vrt
■ it will br rii^D (bu w.- bar* diootinp wu door » arlf-drfrna-.
aftbaoeuitr. Wo bar. aiado r»p««aopb. aad to *1*1*: l.o«|nlaiiadlaqairUa from peafdo alMalod ial
Brilaire. Anf. 3w-T1ir )wim-rBU*o
rarlcu plaaai toaefaad br oloetrlr rylo*« I the moat eritiiatl and a |iro- hu noted la tbr caw- of tbr fbofdr
■aofopia pie wbt will (ally apiTK'latr ascl. a
illiam J. Dokrr for Um>
H lo bo that tfaon U jot to to CUlierlaffof meb wl.oar mimicia I* for
il* lioAli. Elba AUru trolieM
>r ralipbtraiDrDt and apirltul vrl- yratrniay lo Ibr flndinp of Ibr bidT of
I a siBcle Uao tbal bu aot
> ■aaneial aaeean
Bat nil
HukII hanpinp to tbr liay-rakr, F.niltdora aaal baro laeprr 00ceac Hill, amrthal of Blk Hapida Iraaoot. aad Ibo poopU vbo
UArd u to die MalonirnU madr by
aad Hr*. John PiekrrrI of Mod.
Dokry whra br parr hiunrlf up. aad
ro.- Oootrr loft lari wr.-k for RbicoRo,
baildlar of iBitroad* aaeM rxnoci
JaawwJ. McLaopbUn alio irMlfirda*
')«d Iboir Baaaolal aid ia tbo war of where they will join tlir
to tfar ttory dial Dokry told.
MoaaraBdMfbt of
Tlir iMtIaraoy of I'-oroarr Guntlrli
b aot far dUlaat vbee Loolaaao
udamapiop lo-lhr defendant., but
oeaatr eitixoa* will ho aa*d u to what
prrliap* Ihr n>n« daniapii
aUlbor will tiro for tbo boaoflu of
of Oharlrw J. Kroara of tbr KIk Hop
harlac a lallroad thniairti
Voprram wiio liad aa intrmrw
vaallbr fawmin. aad. aaiu
with Dokry immrdUlIy aflrr thilhUo»sat.lMwu,.do.’t
oa't hr afraid
lop. Hr. Browa (ratifi.-d timl
tatakahaU ami halpaaeh
tkAry liad told btm that *o far u br
prim with tiw tpitli of [mwrem Lro
Ml th" Wjod tn youj'body pa-net thrsurh
Ilopli wa. not annrdial tlir
111 kidnryi once every three mtaucen
lawaa eoooly aaa ataad fon-err i*>ttiorofllir
ahooliup TbU rri.b-nrx
■Thr kidi
iatad aabm itaciUaMii will take hold
IT K-ird Kl nwulwl wlirii tbr dr
Wed ruitficrt.
ofthau matwnaad h*I|. to inject
I« cut the wuir «» (caw- attrmpU to-xwtabli«h the rolf
Iir^-eiTliei tli Ihebljod. drtra-.thr€*T.
noon Ihr proarculion nwird and
the dcrcaa*- cwllrd AUtMl Gmtrw. me
.U the (emit of bemaa
tbr oripiaal owner, of llir di*|ailr<l
saUaa "paa" ia tbr watchword aad
G*lra wu oo Ibr rtaud fio^
aetry etitiiao take* ap tbr *lceaa aa.l
tbire boar*, aad at -i o'rlark Jmrpl.
pamm II eala bU mdebbor. Uh- broaiB
JrakinadH- roanty fBrrryor.wlu. .ur
ana that aatate hu prorided for with
.rryrd Ibr tract. U 00 the ilaad.
aUriafa haadwill lecoou. a rookrty
hut-., and nokei ...v
. u..^^
caw u brinp fooptn dr*;. rai"
th- y hU hmrt Uouble,Wiuse the hr«.
ly at rr*XT polal. by Filcb R. W.lDon't let the at row DoUoB la year
liam. or Kik Kaiad. for ibr
tloo. and boxer & Smarthwailr rT ,
yoa to balp baild ap yoar eaaoly mad
-rtwrCity. Tor Ihr drliwro II » |
limui tbawaalth of ttwlaad byi

Over-Work Weakens
YoMr Kidneys.
nabcMthy Xitoeyt Make lavoR


oliirrwiH" lir lit cmiSib-nt that' li.
wnebi liarr l.-rii lii.lniillr . killed
Ilf lit. hni. wrr.' nlro lu Ui*
kilclirii rradliic TItr ahork kaori.-d
tiir bm>k from Uh- liaad of our of
Uirui, and wul It Hyinp arroa. Ibr

■ up liaii iiuib- l.u»
Mr. Furl. ai..l 11.. r.-.
1I..-IW1. b-.r,

wIrU !
........ ...................I -d
UiIU. III. .Uuitl.ui n

N I* . farrw-r. wl... diwt rrrn.llrwlb>‘
■hA 1r..u1.l-l II. U.r '>ar--'irow, ‘
. Ii..Si>ullr i.„dl„-x r"Uli..ny wilt.'
■ Ur./Jn.T»-.. ali.| IU 1.1. will In-pair


I'lla- Iwld uod takiai brl.wr ihr '
1 for Hh-(
IJjiI .|f >l...a
dab-'* rnuotry ri-ndUHTl1 bu u.l-li.liBi ap* ral!—I lu a
■I" ktH.wn
ArroriiiauiiM.I l.y a
1. I. aar.1 f«p.
Ill -Jpti lai.pkapr
inl H-jacrry.ib" l•tlo-T'. <h*«uiaa-d
Arab* •b.iwcd ll.jl ilr y laiil aul. '
a lawrd aa.l mualarla-. luaik- rin- aix*-d no *ui:ii
la .HI.' iiivl.l latrly of U.I- laaid.Hi 'Ho-t bad prowi



bobl ..fa

durinp il
iHilwlH-n llo- .(..H-k came In- ; |{.-ut..„ Juror., al or
arroa* Ul.- room wiliiouf uUippinp In
nrln-at .lo-p in <1,Ptri.-r. aod d-.-idr.l Ibal lie wmld pi-t : liulHUtu.-. la . i* d.-ad
abaip wilboot any rt.-.-|rt ll.ali |o«u. Ui"M-’ acr-11*.
wbieb waa falllnp
f..r a .lo.rr ^unr.p nn l afl.i wai.r
.t.-a-l » bu I, t.rM.-d bm



■Hie l.'idifi?, 5iW« and

injp* in thr world.


mcnon. economy of furl, handwmi* ap
3.<l00,0(l0 in asc.

Famouc. for 35 yean

I. ading dealer* evrTT»-Hrf‘
trade-fiurL. and i
n teeint the ei-n
-loi.cmd tai.i■t JDX WHl. of
...iM.p rapi.lly

I-cv>l< for th

. jKwr LS.

J. A. MON*rAOUE, Trmyfmr

CM* «p» omsr tw/mm A

rl.-anly nlbocmb ly a



Int Cbira I’.-uainpron aa.l .laupbKihrl bflonibrl-JwyWoix till.
mi (ordH'irbumr at liidmtn|» ‘••"<'"ii.;ti m..
(TiMwpi-.^aflrr a 1-ui do-f.-atcr- wiii
h*. ly way of <Ti

an ounce of SCX)'lTS EMUL­
SION. ^ It is stranje. but. it often

*. Mary l.ark,

Tl..- Uirk nf
Kronia ■■Inrk wui,
«trark almrll.'
body wu burl uiiil no arr
wu ilmie to U" liuitdmp.
-uril Sl.-d-r •Bff.rr.l ,

r, F. IVula-r bu iriuriH-d from L*

Persons have been known to


: ihiM-.' KoJkbl min I'b
. .AniHoc'clcan. n
,.tl .Inaii Jit*.

iral aiiAtn.-dio *
" inrok. kcKa-Lmc 'lb.-erm k m fr.Mil «I an rtiwra. uam.
,hj. A.rsl.. c b»l„„
I." wa.‘ kilIrdl.T n.x l..•-yrlUl: Uh-wart.ii p «it. a
AOen ai-.t'. linb-1 .Ir*.-.
.1.1. b.l tlx-hair'd.".. Ibi.-w I.Maroir U-.w-.-n lor and 't,!..!.-the x.-a.ioi w.,a[..iax Ibi.
u mil. a lUKb. ■■..'•raiii ami •niMl l."f .Iri-ro -XIh ' Uh Su*" . auul *1.
,H limr
F..0II. allra.T*l l.rr all-..Imn
n riar. W11II.P.11-.I awl •!.. .-roT|.d, laii ..............wu ran AlUatir Wihii *b-n w(«" drapprd

Aflor Up-'l,clilniuL- i.wl Vrurk U..-I
biioro. till- rUlldrvi. riiul.l iiol U- 10 '
don-d to .1—,. nl bom..,
U..-y w.-r.-'
ro loiilr fru-l.t.-c-.l. ro Uo-> .w-i.l I..';,
lb.- I■■■■ur. of Ibr H> In .fa-u.l
U..-nlBhl, awl
..-dal,bom. ubai.-.
A n.-pro |aopb"l">a. r.
1.- Iipliii.ini.- <lid n..t.
ot rnnbm- tl
K. li," llmw- nf Mr ,m.l
R-r.-nl nllul' (.■lldltipa

Mi** BahTiek ..f (jumer. who by* '
Wu vi.iiioc Miu Jrunir Rorti*. I.-fi
(OiUy f.i Kfk Rapid*, iclirr.- *Jo- will '

How To
Gain Flesh

i ‘"i'

. la.*-* <d a-t-lal tadll.llow. t
'.lAliw.i .
7b.« I... w-r.-rtipll.o
"..Iroc t-uk.
win hT-a.-o f.-w *b.a* Iroca
"Cl. w.* alo'.
I b. a Inu-; ,
.* I«dlr .w..ll"U'

■" s.-*»diu,.la.. wa

J . li,.- t.H-..m<.
limn. I
iwiiwl brJaan-.


, 111.' lipblu
pircr .ii(T III" lin.firr.oii wbi.-b tbr
1-himn.y.w.i. I.ailtaud rout it dviiip
itrro.. III.- room - ov.-rtura.-d iwe

n M.i.ili .d ;'»l. a.ri W. IO
ul i.-o.I.-r. *.l ..-..a., aM.

11." wild r. ka. limuuKml
...I w«dl, «lii.-li f.wro.iTBl d^r- wa.Ik-uiiop a xrruu ..( .................
• aa* lb.' ""..ail; d.-rTi.^.-ai..!
i.» ■, bj-


hrarmpKrw Vnii. MaaMarlii
MluHaud -lFlowtl and I
nf sr.rtlaad ar- Iti" po.-at« ... . .,:,,o".
. • '
John S.-OII tj Maple I’lly i* brnaflrr all.-iidmc tl." « lirjaiian Koibav ......................
Hon. H R DariaimJ family r"
lurnr.1 laait rrmiiip fnttn ll>'ir -uiii
in-T lioin.-al Skrtrmni: Pnaiii

Mr* W A luirnf UcIwAuki-"
T..ilmpf.rr.i-l"r. Mr* 11, GroT. and
•i.(rr*. Mia* Gray and kit. S

kllchrn tlotwaruall Kirn up. tbr t>itoRifrnm ilv wall., all Ibr
whirl, wrr.- .Irawti down.wmrrlrs.i-d nud fli-w up will, a latltf. IIh-

Hlui ■> tl"-irr«wtrx . wiouan I*, nil',
1-d u. ibr
.A-*-r-pii.ti wiiliiniiwv. WiUai.IHl
G..UI.I II. t1
Ylr- ro.wrr
Uiro Naui... VuAroif i.-arK-c laI- S-bo.J wbi-hwa.,
•■•I.l. .1
!<■> ij* .aixiBBitif,

u." lo. I--. ' «,l"ll,.-lo.l and
in.iao-.-nH'i-. if ilr
>aal;’liix*py ,

i.y.v biiubl.r. Ifial.HluiM- w*'
111 ATi.l for T.wrali" bail t*-> n ;
I. of U.r p
lb" k-r.«l.-*-t e*. .»
diM-iiT.-rrd «. U.r Indiana
wa* airvek a rnib- oa*t of I*

All llir lutbl. IU tb<- boUM- wrrr pul
ml by thr .ImcL Ur Fuel. wa. |ar
ilyzod (uralitbr Imt aoou .Irork a
nuilrh and liplil.d a lamp .
Hr found dial llir tipblninp had
Uirp Ihtnp. up prnrrally almul Uhboo*r. A hole wa. I.wti In tbr roof,
tbo wire, (ir wbi.-h thr .lorrpipr had
born held uii wrr.- Imrnrd up. I In-


Will Qow ml.
l«oi.-ii.^' Meter*.
iH'wla^.' '
I"** icwiiiron-it il
"UU i.«-.,ii;

lioll. .Ml
I.l,Ik- ll..-|.,u^ll .d -ul
pt.ur im.-d No b.ui~-.
Slii.nty all.-r lb-' -Iru.-I. Ur^
Furl. .HM-oi.-ro.l Uhri> .i
rlixli, and n rour«‘li r.-i. il.c
ibal llir lipiitnil.p .lau.
■ b.-rloll..f* rlOM-t off tlo- |„ !,
tl." I.laro'.l. Ii..w<-*i-r. !*


wiih n-Ui.r.-. ra

.b" xr-rl diaplay
- Ill- float »f lllr
.iil j.-W"I.ra of Uh-

*'*^*how the ounce produces
the pound; ft seems to start the ;«>■
digestive machinery going
_ prop­
. ,
erty. SO
so that
that the
the palicAt
patient is
is able
able Mr*.

Urnle Bruer. a 1: y*ST iM pirl c
■ imalia, I* mak.iic a mr.-... a- a "a.rr
WatacB of Toledo tssfato
tsyfato 1.
u U.r oirtnal tr.i. lrr
Lart ukh.
oftai Iwolhpr. Ji M
to (Sgcst and absorb l)b ordifury pu.-*!
foyW nOt do be- 'ami family .
Mr. and Mr. (a»rW, IVtrrwm of r.rol li.rro mooch, acl alroad, Im. a
1$ inC Wa> me gam . *
^ ml.-rfaia.op Mr. , Iiik- of that li take, many lar
_ Ulin*IO|di-Tw«.
.........>lo|d>-T." aad **wr* 1-. nwilrol. -Sii" declare, m-r il
'OiHHi ut a.i'ktep to Ix-r i

Tf .waprd mj A Certain amount of flesh b :A. C. Riirutofdamra nl I
puMmenp necessarvlorheAhh; if you have

ll« pabUe ealarpHnw. that br I*


a«a*a of lb« i>rw.pap.r man
tb«re I* no Bead at beiac uapfai by
*ia«tmaman. wbieb lobe caiwex- aadltiuMen
MAbat the maum af paMle ramnaia* byaUftutpsuInbfty
vbaa it i* ap lo yoa. >« aot a *km
aad it ratlUoA to bolli year ample baiile ly maU
atanl aad ABBaclal aenHmL Tbr oppuMBUy It camiac. aad wbu il
MtkM uaal «aad ia aar own


cMiilr M-al. pbei

A> ‘.' I t Ibi. ninruli.p Dofc.-y himrolf I-Iialr., COT" tb" >1tliipl-N. (roni Uh- roof
took III.- Muiud. And f.« two hour, and aa.l roailrrr.1 Ui"iu ;i1«iai tb- yard,
A liairiH- an.wrr~l .|ur.i>on>, bi. rr.
and did utli.-r Ihluj* I..' nuiir-n.U" K.
.And It
I.ik" li.iip ■..'do .Icni. VJrl llul lll.ll.lllp w.
ll. i-lu»rmi.-r, luid OKiiradirlciry 10 al
lI,-.-alrofuTi.m. a.
m.»t "i.-ry alltx’Xnn madr by ih»
Mr. Kuril .low not ro.- why lb"
ra.-. ii
trow-i anon. IKik.-y x.ird ilai on Iih iduMoncnul.l n»i lure un-arn-d uui c.muu Im.ik (ailur.wmiHjit luru nruuu.l tin- Urbl. Uupli ol dimr.. u l‘l■.■r1' wa. pb-uty ..f rocmi bll lii»]«-.m.iM--in Fraeii.
no. only drew a tvvnlo-r Imi aiturd 11 II.- «T* Uui Im ib.w npt can. ii. ba\.
.lipr-lly a. Dokry, *o lluil ia n-If ib- .orb tbloK> baH>m iuSii
f.-i.M- In- wa. firerd i-i .liinl aad about
'"’Jdor -Uil.-d Hail Ir- would wl ti
"kplo.1.- a)»ul|
’'‘-'-tk.ii.m»iitn>|ib-.oncil Ur- t.-ru

liiyi. hai'li.- |a.-n»*l.-d III ilia .imy.aud
llion- m-r.-ral w.*>l
rool.l nnl I- .liaken
Wli.-n a.krda*
Hu uani up wrrr liolb Hr. nii.l Mr,. 111 bi" lll■"r(l.'W' wilb U J. Ilriwii.
Hiri.oel lhal they rraoli.-d lo ^lu of Ibr Elk I‘n>pr.-... lu
Uh- Zimitl.-*, «n ibry aold'Ho tr fium.
calllr anil clallrl* «i..t d.-yolrd tb.
Iironwdabi Ihr .iayntrul nl tbr Itn-uiu
nNrlr<un-r<i--w. .a...l<lnl tii.i ’ii
lirsnn-* upon lltr |wp)e-rty uuiaiUi
wb*l llk-rr wax Irtl rriHilrcil lo bi-siu
life anew andrr tlir lliflurnnyt of iIm'
Tbrr lirparlml lax
• .-rk, wroBK tu Ibr Uill. tliU iIh-ii
n-anlulion nwaal fulon. li.<nlUt and
|irn,|irrlly lor bolb. • Mr. i'irk.-rel
Will ib-TOIr bit rffurUtu
work iu CbuacD aa.l Mr*, i’irkm-l
will lake a pseilieu a* cook in tinZltmcitclr.
Bulb an- firiB in tlirlr 1.-II. I in iIhdirinr imwrnllof Dowiiyuid an- liDTl..lh..upl> w.w .till liav.iDRtorui ll^irlot oador hi* lufla A riupinp Ml IliriT c-ar* from On- .-ffrr
enrr and profax-tinn.
.if tbr rbkk-call* from Uh- Jbuii.b
tiahrr Aroabi"d by j«t.
Tin- hnuH- ol Tbuma. Filrh. ?
alrurk aJamk
Brllalro. Aac. ai-l>avid J. D.A..y Vino «ir.n-l. Wa.
n* Ibi* ittomlntf |eiiamiBro.i onl uVlock.aad tb<-rwwpr ul the lurn
irailly of Ibr aiardrr of Kriir. liusli, U-r. uf llir fitiuilr from rt.-nib iaiitt
■flrr Ibr rao.1 holly roabwtrd'rrlml
•I naar .-rer Innl iu (bi* county
il.liiiE. and lln-tl
lir rrrdirl of tin- jury wu pirnt iliia
RoUHto to U.r lack of auditorioia
loraiup ahtXl. aflrr tliry had l»«i Uirnupli Uh- linun.- wraotllliea. It woold aerm that lltal
llphroincai-rnH-d K.
at atoul *rT.4i Itoun.
matter ou br TCullyarranKod. Ti.rrn
Tlir idnu of Ibr allorncy* wrrr flip from H luini on
arr arreral bDildieA*>l.ete Ibr xariladi' laal rrminc.iuid were T1T7 Unr. kiu-li.'ii ui-ar tbr cr
board* odbI.I br admirably
oorrrintr thr |uinu of tbr caar clear
And u to lb* lantr, mmlae*. ly nod forcild.T. So .eMrer wrrr all 10
Ibrrr lx tbr Oily Uprta.Uoou. wbicl. hutm U.r ca*r tliat tbr jod«r', clarmtlx- lipliu
Matlnc ®paeliyof motrtliau 10 tbr jury watbpiren at 00or It wiu
.\ hajl of
It in aadrritnod that
I .-ipIcHl" ri
•lock iliU luontwbeierer rsob a wnfiwmiir i« l.rld, inp. aad ibo-jary wrrnt to ihrir non. by tbr al.b-of Mr KilHi. wlui wa*
I mait hr (anul.ed, lo drlihmilr on thotr lerdici.
rradiap a i«prr. It-.laird Hint ili*
otliorwim. morr oratral pniat* ate
Whoa Ibo Tordiel wu rrndrrrd Ibi* (orrr nf llu- rxplo.ioii all rorun-.l lu
Boraiue it erratod «arprl*r amoiit; po lo (lie ripht.dD.1 dial If il liad l.v-u

by f...

t: I. BUak.-r. wita anil
today tor thru folurr bmiM-111 <1
Uod. Oblr. Mr Slankrt Imilo*
oat Id*
kar«a to Turn l*irra«i.
Mr*. Vnnr,., S rdn
llailin-k. ai.ny. |«ai ina.lnai" of ti.
York ficy aad Kolb Mont, a cnu.
of .'anaiU. arr tUittoc Mra Orto
I’hmon of Kmpirr
l*ro( William Sblfru* trterrr-d
Iro-lay from a Ion*- iiatl lo N.-*t % ■
alK-tr ]■*• tiUlr«l till- mavirtl mma

Elk Rapid*.


!s.-uKiaTill", Mieh

HrlWro. Aap an-Tbr-tnal of «- I :

^ —-aaa—

liBB JJIDekry fcrlhr matiirrof Pr.u
KacU I. orar lU rad. aad Uir m
will ivotatdy pa> to the jaiy tewipht !
All of lb" direct Iraimoay for tbr
ecai.plrlrd ih» afmnMxm. j
iiimoey ia robaiia] i*nowi
I.Lkdder ticubic.
bvup mfcra.


rro"'* ^

Tbr mu haa bac. fe^at baldul



GniC- Ffyaiiu

f Rock


E Motrar and


| mon.iac for F..|wi.

Wanrr of Kut Jordaa
ButicA of Vaaloa. wu
Yaa wfl IM a M M wM hi >Mr parat* of (be family Of A. 7T. IN«kdHymmihcMi^^
Cbuiri FMMk I* (atbrcilyro
. . .
■con aiuw^i. ci-u^WroB.
Bam J. ft. LeuaRrr *<««mad laa(

■ U”/'

' Stroide Jack'" FTTAfaS’r- brrao*r Jw
makraJi hi* tairiM-** lo |wml idmnft
riropb*. aa.l oU» r ,..-wv*w.i d" pla-ro. !
fell from ihr t.-tt tot. of Ihr Mj-rpir
r.(lhrr«.lK.lir«.arrhlolb" prouad.
isnfrnhrlew. If* wu Iwlufelly ia-,
jurrd bet wnit aantTr.
(brow Uac R^e ors lb* cna* oe


vs.zTSriSsisiiKf=ssirjsi ,srJi-»T=:



■ ■

Friedrich, ecttted barideS. Bomla t* aflHcU that the OaipaMsm WBa"ap
tvUtiTe I
f dc« can fiatoOBsd to tba a*- atatoet if ttom tbe sBrt. They pat
daachlB-to-law a* waU as a •tsar at
■pa Rase ArM, bowersc. art mcteoed M OK*. *»d that tlio fin ehM
voakly reporvaafle pobtle today, the elder Ooadry, art bm bo*
Tbe Boat of Ibe Bartllmi OtoditoR eelted a Ubeml toam of tbe ^iptoase.
■ : ■«iaeeAac. IB. I» Been tore ■ rermse a aephew of his father,
of wfaleh tbere was a pleaty to ro
miatod by the nayor. he aaat at tte
> killed. * woaadod, fiat
is niiriaiiilMii •-----------hlsAaat.
Baud. Tbe Aaai eecre wM IS la
expoue. to ezaBiM the La■I
Ibr ««(4 tht oAeW |«*el
Jams* CoBBiaa. bow oadsr am*t
biRb -luber wbeola.-'
L. Welch atrato ou i; meo.
eiartoe at CBteboyicaii. vbleb U
nfleo. r.SOO chstRsd srtih the amrderof bis tooth
M* or OoTMMr A. T. Rll<*
lieBasaaa Stan followed vUha
The ball at (be OttyOiiem Houe la
offered to the city for «t.S00, iDcIad> Ite otamBor of
Bva near Baldwia. art wbc
flnt intHly iriaawd art dsBwi
M ereatoR was a Awiac alone lo a
nebaotloB li m follow*:
-btUy" which was after
of Die ttra.
day of pleasare.
The maaie for (he
makhiK hi* rcfiort. Aldenaii
«Unn of the
wardfoort to Ihe read at the sa p
A-'S. Frymas. the abee SBSu h
danee was faniabed by Siesrart A
OarriMo itated that be bad aaaferted
■OeomlM Madia__________
poeed eersK of 'the BUdsr. testified at
Steffeae' orebretia. art aatil a late BaaRk. Ollbert. HaBillaeaad Kekewith ua jiodiilti. iaeUdlac all
which he drore
vlDi bla pfctty Utile boat tbe daaoers tnpped the llRht vtob.are opetattoR aRatost Ooouaart•* M d >«K«1 bolldor. dfoicndtiDK it bearteet tax}vyer* aad aaay of tba
Tbere were as many
leadiac oitiiooa of the oily, aod
aat Kemp Bear Raetsatoig. hot tore
Tbe KiBtoll Piaao Oo. taae nest eat as (be ball eoald oooifoctab
hot Are bad e>|«ea«id IhenueUe*
yet eoRORed him.
. To Uo ood khii til* ofaderrui
same |d««e uf read !'
arllb a larRe and elabomtoly trietaed
taror of the iuadlate ponhaae
Lattwon's commaado. W straoR.
■ ^ Mfall uid ooiai>l<-tr a* p
Three bosre of oato art kittens
on which wes« ptoboeart orbaa boea driven norib of (he OraaRe were sbipivd aoalh froB Cadilto Ixsi
BOl aolrc the dellTOT of Tinney. Die Raas. and a larte music bos. played
River. The siiaatlmi in
Onloey eresUR. oa the faaU t>el C o'clock
;-armed Asylam plleber Another by a Rally dreaeed maeqaiw.
U otherwise anchaaRsd"
ih.too Hcaidoy. hapt. t. A. I). iiOl,
pasaeoRer trUB. ee roate In Demilt.
H. E. Oibbs fart a party of Meads
Dial tbe Asylams ooald bit Panaell il>» plaee* vbnrr labor I* eaployTbe CBU aad kiltees were la eharre
tista far the TreMs.
InRtoB, aad did II plenty, poaadlnR
• I *.• cloaed. *0 that creiy vortljiR
of a yoDBR maa aboal Si yren of uRe.
PiiMborR. Kept 3—Ttie AoM-ricaa
bim all ahoot Dw lot. aad oooc smd.
aad Ibe Mayor annlntid I
auoaod vooiaB, aod all who are io.
X straaRer. Ihe parpoer of the abip
Tin Flale On. has saoereded la intro.
iOR the toll off toward Ferewood orer
b^ntea to their welfare, laay be free FulRham aad John Bmltfa to am
meat is not known, aalres a deBsad
daeiBR at mlditiooal skilled workmea lias hern created in Uetreil Icr l^ll
]*ny tb. Sir dih-f to •-xamiae ihc
^fenee (or Iwo faftgrs. Tbe Diird brlRfat wilh festooBS of ted.while art
to lake part lo the oemmoolro <
fraiu Philadelphia into Dir Star ptaaL
son (or the (etribir dmhluoR was blue, aad nemeroos flsRS. art sras deday.
tor rets. Tbe posumlity of such aa
Ta-ftd*<'ft IPtiM
Foot mtlls are bow mamuR at normal
Tb- matb-r of the jmrehaa of a Dul the IndependenU fielded like a enrete.1 with PtoRree A Smith poslTbe Botoal iouveot* of labor and
Mra. F. W. HeU of UhimRO. is riscapacity 'Six werr ikilhd - aad to
oafdUl are vorUiy tbe n»«l oatefol- aiooi crualv-r was tmuthi up by Ibe RauR of (wralyiir old womre. art
New* aad Etpnos.
dellrery sraRoa of Jos. j IttoR Mrm. John F. Ou.
died mra are workiOR la the
»d tnaetal particlpetlCMi lo r-ooBBi-ndalloa of* ih. board of pob- eocDd not hold tbe msirel one*. They Oambes. diaprd In red. while aad | J W Cliffe of tbe W W, KiBtoll
Uadsey MeCclcheon plant to.lay and
llc wtwis that aa Austin & W
made more errors in aeitiRh- Rame
rtrerDsed Ibe nopstoe beer
d from OhieaRO,
■ “Farni" aod Jobcaie ' mills are
purehais-d. at.
which br is nrwBmDBfiiclDrhiR here,
opentioa Fifty mscninisis who
be|ffBl to erery way.
and was loaded with boaitoR trim­
Bck tost week id (he IVnnsylraato
It looked for Die first Ihm laniaRS
For (be Reaeral Rood of mankiDd,
med cask* aad packaRea
ir P'larned toCbir works weat to work this morn.
as thooRh it were roIor to be a Rood
i« earoeelly hoped that ihU. the flnt
Tbe t^ltiseo*' Teletdiooe Co. had ao
Serrtity.five tiisrhinisu and pigir and orderiDR to hr delivered at
Uahor Day of tba iwentietb oeniory,
iiureaioBs float'on which were tel-,
■calc*, soj dxndrair.*srt thr'ua^
wee- Dial out. two meo strikbR
Bay Bart a oew era in Uie oialerial
home* where there would be Do one to
pliooe poleft with Ibe line mea at
Mts. OeoiRe Hbaree left oo Ibe
one RelDoR a hit aad one bei
A Idrnnan Hinder belsR rxruurd from
f oai'i'B of all who toll.
receive ibeoi
Hatnrdsy oirIK a me*
ork. aad 'pboore to srerklaR order. moraioR train yesterday for ORdea.
Dirowu oulai Brat The Indepi-iidrsts
and sore hands. Inc toh> rashca.
sORc directed lhal a qaaatily of rto
FoIlowinR was a caxriaRe in which
Ilchlnct. and chafliiR*. art (or al
Then Alderman Sleder bnwRlil ap
.-ene* le left .( the home of T S
aea BrtcM.
rode ihi- yoonR ladies from tbe erottal
the purpose* of (hr Killrt. bath, art
ai the ead of Ihe inninR.
the BMirr-of ilip need Of aa enRloo to
fiurseev. Al.ilhMis of ttomram
O. E. Mnmy tetaned Thorada'
Sept, n—Hall advlrre froni UrUsrry. The' family srere away, wad
Mrs. fieonre Kboop and too and
ran tbe eraeber. and luored tbal
Tinner ureek out three,
ClHIs:. RA .-dlAP In the tocB of
ftOB hh trip to Korlhpon, wbendaoRfaler. Richard and L«-tllia art Ihe orient ladieale Dial tbe Boxir ofllceri watched the plsnr. arreelrd
bslh* (or anno.tne t.n.u.,Mi...
la Ibe eemd InalnR. (he Brst tbiwe
lioree powet enRiae be parehaaed
ha vaa ai»om|ODlad by Kaltaan Kaoff
I will aooo br in fall swidr Ur. M J Van fl'oraer as she mas
slsUlBR Mr au.l Mn. ttichard Kitehidirrii-ition*.
oo (rerocoWaa.
leii ap w<-Bl down for the Asylnmt.
derman Roaod eoRimied that the ad■MB of Marqaelte and Daniel Kaoff
4»c pCfTo;ral
bottles tram bis boltUtiR works and
ShantoaR .troviner. Chins. leaviDR Ihe lurch With Die |piM-s>rii-«
lo (he form of
and in Ihe oilier lialf Tinney strack
rinability of naiaR ao electric i
• ssVv I ^ ul
lie wcakrtoan.
Ban of ChiraRO. oapitaliet*.
the other couuiaed apparatos sbowiaR
Hiseicmariea ihrooRboat that (irevinre Itot bus l.een lito oatlhe i»reb . Ih-r
Tiarerw- i'ily later.
!>• dm looked lolo, aa<t after
iwo mea. (n tbwihird FennioR.
aod t,.e i::snj Mtistivr. anUsrptlc
B. Betlieony aeorelary
ibr oii-tliodft of bolDinR.
‘mesial iheRrovinR hostility lioshaad IS aii^Riaeer and to com
Charles Itoiainie was in
purposes whkh rrsdll} BURRCst
ilipcoaalon Ihe Biailer wa« referred to
■liaiA oat (lie Aral three Dee
the U K. A L Tbe party Incpeeh'il
The -parade loilowtd the
of tbe I
the board of poblic works
aad Ihe ludepradrots were (ffren
the jeopoerd iraile for a railway from
and natise eooverfs
Tlie ThriMian. ' "i ovl'“ Jolia Saadi, » pinsi-er n-.—-ihcr*. .N'oainnuiit'nfpr--------mvch prerioasly annoanceiI to the injary.
need of a city martel
other Rooae e*R
I Induce thw who h
iDiextermiux idrat of NorDiviHc. and srell kiMun
(hie city lo Northporl llirooRh Leela
Central school cronads. where Ibe.
U. II. Kill, who has been speadiuR
twoaRht op. and il wa» propoee
Then occurred (he iracrdy of ere
iritlcra art
tlirnuRlomi Dll. iBTl of Ibe stale.
■an oooBty which va« mentiooed In
•ireehes ocenrred
lesommeral hi. Uid Hu
iiiers to use any others.
for that purpose ih« RTOoad Wilh IWO men oal. a warm irronmier
-----; MocUy, He sra* l«ra 111 Hedfonl,
the HeraU
lot w
iRe. lias rrli|Ried In hiddoli
i;('UA SOAl’cnBldaeslBONe
lylaR lonbi of Ulate airretand treat ol
rn tlM- line.
. KaaffmaB aad Methiony n-inraed lale
I'at Harden left yeelenUy for (he
il, bat only necerded in
■leadiaR to Die nrer. wiU
nmrh'siua .-sMip. the ID JiT totWedDeedaynlRhUbolUr Uortmyatay
an-AineriRan eximeitioo
'enlral sehool Rroand directly afl.K,
the l•zm>pl■aa of the lot on which A. knoekiOR it out of Boyer’s reach
n.i hxhs soap 111 (hr aorU.
ad orer to iaterview Imiloea* Ben a(
UeoTRe Nevlmrry and Albert No.
lie sto-ftU lotadc to hear Die
Pelertyra blackanltb shop now Iliea Willielm ROt an nuy Rreandrr.
Hortfapdrl. SattoBi Riy aud BIsRhatn
olny fttarted Saterday (or a month',
ids. The matter wa* refnrrtd tc rolled il aboal Du- RTOond for a lime. spe-rh-i of the day. 'While (be iSHiraUtire to the projeel
. i.
. •‘••'openeil a furiiilure storp andorter-;
i,.di.. V. V
eeau,vaeatioo. Tliey .Uyi-d in Urand Rs|<- „
en- RalheriiiR and fiodioR eeau
Ihe oommittee oo way* and intOBs
(ben threw loa- to a-coiid. TeilHam IM. been secretotr of the , ^
e.mM.Diment mid wo. a ms. - '
Tbe teeoll of the trip may briOR
|i1eo> l«dt aatil this morninfi tlien went oo
Bryant imposed to Rtro le dy Tliirlby next eonlrihaled his mlb- Ihe Hoy* Uaod Ivade
•dmlals^lloo ever ..are the InunRaDm firm nntif hi. d«0.
•Bbalantlal renite. Certain it It.
to Bnffaln to visit (be Hui-Amerli
retioa of civil rule afrer tbe war w,th 1
the elly a strip of Rrooad »l feel wide by dreiffiioR a liuje i«p fly,
Tbev will visit other places in
■ imperty oast ol
playinR with Die ball awhile, threw
east lierote p-toniiUR
RrooniU. for the porpoee of wideniBR it ten feci orcr Wilhelm's head, aad
Fox. wiin ■
les him
ware en plr*M>d with Ihe |wa*|>-cl and
Otand Kaplds they were Rurets
cskstoT eAtstamne.
while Isrdie was diRRioR il onl from
Front atre>'i lo 100 feet, i
Fred Bunoldi bus now and (or five ' memU-r of tbe MeDiodixt rhurch. ■»> the eoootrr thmoRh whi^li II la |«oled Ihe may­ Fred Brown. (orm.Tly of this place.
1 make ibe wldt
aniler Du- bleachers, two rnns came
■R joim-d in is?s
weekx lirt a pretty sbow In hii
powNI to ran the line, that they hold
iwosperoasly located in Onind
Theu an Aiylnm man smote Dm or of Die city. Hon J. W. Patchla,
atteel the same all Die way from the
Rordeu. my. a Hillsdale |*|ur It i.
Tbe quickiiem of a Byron physician
toll ricinssly for a,*ife one, and an who welooiDiHl the laborioR pooiile Rairtdft
ymperty owher* alonR the male.
AmooR the Roeat* who are expected Dir |■ru•Iarl of RrafliiiR slrswIirrTv i delectloR i.ibMUi reneatly mved him
An and their friends and ererybody else
maui-r was trfurred to the other Rallo|ad across the pbte.
Horthpnrt a namber of the
to arrive at E.lRewo*d Dii* evemtiR idsinu on raniiUrry mot*. The bush
srarmeit terms
oo streels and \ealka.
oDier fly wenl to Rertioldft. whp tax
kaowB huptyer* ami baainroii
are Arthur Lathrep, Hus Kloreno- ttrows about two thirds Die hriRht of
He also spoke of the RTSot
ST *f (hr dulcr whe trki t* srU
(oo far and failed lo Ret it. TImui anIlnanor reUtire to the, ti
rUw of r
ordinary rus|ibi-rty huDiee. but wiDi a jtakiuR
were called toRvilier to dlacnaa
oth.w Ilian mad- a rieioas hit. and meni of Uhot to Die past few ytors UUmi|,. Mn. Kaasick. Mrs K. II. heavy, thick (oliMre. and Ihe wliole '
prayeel aad lo hear the riewt of the
compered Die customs of ancient Newman and Mrs Jaiues makeiilee
alwre the atrre'u ami walk*
hits atli-rnalcd witli errors till srren
-Imiirli and h-af. as fall of
rUilore. Ifr Kailiaa Kaaffmaa atated
protohroBRht ap. aad aclion on ii deferred
xlutrp bnekerx ax a |iorcupine le uf aeonllc, by mistake
Dr. Iloorard de. to them that the |iroapeet for the line
J. Khner resiwnded briefly to the Skinner of Rsmie Cinyk.
(ill Ibe nest tnoelioR.
bly bate lir«n oomlni.- yel if Kirkwae exaeedioRly brtirtit. ptorlillaR
ess of welcome, and tntrodoccil; Mri O D. I.tihrop li enloyinR a •lullls. The frnlt I* in Diaim. color p-eiod Ihe dirtly druR to- Du- n.lnt
The naidi discoised ordinanmbride had not oonsroied to Ret oal s
apiawnuici- simwtierry. Iwi in before drinkiiiR any of the sods
. Laelaaaa townaliip. in whirli North,
Hou. WlllUm A. Norton of St Johns, jslsil from berReamlsoa, Jarit ImDiop
re lo sewer onaaertlona was ImoRhl ■•ooad time-thal innitiR.,
flavor a rospherty. and like a rax|it>-r.
port iM loeatod. woold abow lu faith
abrenoP. and Aldermaii Campbell aoi beioR
After lhal it was no aw' Tlic Aeyfrom a xtosll core in
a limited
Mr- Norton .s|ioke on Die' ••llenefit. !»' «•>*
J-iikio* Mord Jones,
present, was passed wilbont a ilissent- Inms kepi. poundioR'Die hall aliool
at of caab lo help li aloBR. Ui
(UlKWRO, detacliiTiR it from Dm- IwDi.
lot. and Rare Pi-uninRton hit of iTnipnism to Isihor and Capital ’' “f
iliR rnioc
(ihnton. on
mao stated llial if (he olbe
The board of public wwka
lioaila for sure. Errors loo uamcroai
beioR Rivi-n an anlomoMle ride with
iw alooR tbe iwopoaed nole
his lieorem by liis clen-r manner of
moled to make aa immedla
a also eollreneftl Die Rmme.
I on eillier side wi||i an
vaaU abowai
of Die chorrh. *u|>plyi^ Ihe |nil|UI
Almul riRhioen monDis sro Hr. V.
I close, the Asylams luul II intitnloeinR both Ms snbject nod biiB'
S MiuminR. of Allony. N V . wideit there w<ml<
aad ocRwiuunAllr (lIllnR it himself.
In his talk be espUined that
Iv known in circles a. Die rr|«<-.
Dll'ladi-poniienu were still wif.
He w
Mrs F N. Carroll land childtvti
o-iiUlive of Die Altony (ihiiiucal t'-o .
lookiUR around foMhsD flrnt one, bnl laliornml capital shoald be.nailed.
wenl loUana. Iiiilliuia. this morniuR
xnfferiiiR from u twulrucn-d uttark
esrefoHy corerinR this Rroand
I tbe oonncil ooald ncil find It Art tl looked to
The force and humor ol I
Bay the saBe amadnl aod
"1 tried Olnxiiitier.
for a SIX wei'k's vlftit. ,
10 be allowed lo pal np a li-fdol elec, lb- Inrincllderaiid tfneeu Cltys. who he look np aaiooliini. lelliiiR of lu
drre and liisrrlo.w
. BlsMfham afaoat Vmo. a total of AU,
Franklin Helm has relarned from mark will lie lietter apirecistj-d ;]ieii I Iain's <'*>lic.
benefiu aod why anions Dionl,l exist.
trie aiRB in front^thr seonodauny of flocked up tothi- coachloR lines
d this
I stal.-il Hat Mr*. Hixnn is ti
no for tbe maty. Tills amoBai Iron
the west, wliere he lias been fur srvhli placi' in the Oceilick blocA. This spile of Die eaniest protests of i
liktodyrar. and. Dill ahh-l
iMolaaaa coanty, toRetber with tbe
••Ril months.
H-i lias qmit moat of
beinu eontrary lo the ordii
iim|>ir<' and Die pbyers of lioDi teams,
precista ihepleasun- of n ride. art.
e*eoaiBR«Bmt Tnrerse Oily woold
his time in WaslitiiRlon ,
matter ua* refeired lo the committee aad reasUKi Die tmm that nied lo Rin
be sare to irire. wooM-asaare Ihe line.
Aliornpy Dayton of L4land is in Ihe
ilinanoea lo report
....................... I.M.
' bampa wiih sach reiblnti
; vnrinR Die disiwre which mg
yet outlived hi
Hooe of tbeee faads Will beask lo thoBRii Dir Asylums woaid hare
-VraouR Ihe anted usitnrs nt
be imid aaUI the line Is bailt.
Battle Cre.-k Bnilartan] are 1
laddeataUy II was Beotlooed Dial
Atove every IhinR else In-i
«» 4Joy
cer On. for the erection of a ware.
nuiornruishlhem aniaae- aaiona
Imoim Unusinn (llixnl. of Ldodun. Dn-:
thl* would mean maoh Bore than
adJolnlBR Die Miclilfma Btardi
onreil IhoroiiRh orRanlzalion.
... i*r, P.,, 11....
pow appran on the rarfaee. Tlie RecOle tonon uf Saltonsikay is
was RTBatcd, Buhiect to tbe
Norton, a lawyer hy
ton of New York. |ie,-*id-nt of rii- e.i.n t-e wu ..auij
art on Wedneeilay meallooed'a |mpo.
rilj visititiR old (rieodaJ
prerisions of the oiilinanrv.
fine. steady.RBmn. a
ery clever ejswker and with Ilia
BlIkB to ran <oar ferry to ktaoi•t^ue
Naliooal Anti IhRsrette IraRue, Mr*. iiZ’
Halehini Ks|>id Cily.'ii
The Welb-HlRDiaa Co. were Rrent- usnal fine trork Iwhind ihe h
iiu H. f.on*.-r and dauRhter Ann. of
frasB Martbport. to opce ap a raloable
eity 01
and pie
ed prrmiaslos to rebaild their wareie canRhl (or Die lodependr.
rhoroaRhly oaptivatml his htoiars He
tsanbuy la tbe aenhwoM. This imp
Hull n-turned last uiRbt from Ues Hoim-s. la. sister in law. of the xmi-*>«sm.,1., .cJni..s p
IM-I. Ii.osc I-..I Sll-*..| I.. i*s| .lisle. .4 aw.SMI— I .u_|. ...X
house reeratiy desiroyed by Ore.
One of the tnoel notable feat ares of closi-d hi* spewh hy annonneinR Dial
Itoited State, mliiirtur to t'-hlna. and l-nUsil.
aailioo was rconired with RTrat farm
a trip to-Toh-do
n. *11
b-ail-r - r-'
Is-*., lasmst | ■* *11 Im- i—.w
Ml. n.iu |M.->4s
E Wells asked for n rebate n tbe day arai the parade, wliieli
sssl -Sisl... m ■Uvli
*I,Ui- Ua-s.— > I.-u Usn- .u, b . JkJsi ,a,,
be had talked looR enoukh for any
by the Bortbport, Sottons Bay a^
Dr. .1. A Snyili-r and family have I'niled Stalo* Senalnr Oabhertsoa *> t-w -.SM-IIUISMI and uUiutm-sil
I ’mu’mnim., m M, U-- led at i»di
fmo of (be pmoaal property aseraaed place soon after one o'clock,
•pcafcer to talk and he wanted lo sei- retcraeil from a iittosure trip which and family of Texaa
Biwhaa people and will (to a Iodr
to bis. The matter was referred to which WIU nu anasiially fine ooe la
toll Rome anyway.
Ih. llBRh T. (hiudry of tihia and
way la attinalatlBR them lo special
included HarkiuiM- Island. Hittbqr
the eoperrbor of the Fini ward.
erery partienUt.
Min Kriore Itoki-r ol
offorB lo raise the neoeaBiy funds
SlwIaRScd'oioskey and Mt. Pleaaiim.
(>a Die nujuiwi of Die soperrisioa of
First in Die line »me Marshal of
Bhoald this plan cbitt Northport
... the Ontml school RTOueds. Die
Mrs. Heb-iix Biorr has reiaraod wen- nniled in mama_. .................. ........
he First ward. ITt.Ri las on peraoiul the Day U'm. Hproul. wliosc moonus)
Tbe TJLTx'^
voaldbethe sileof estendrt*iemit.
oresnJ Rulherrt at the Twelfth street | from-a pleasant trip to Oaliforoia. of Die liriJe Salurday
lay niRbi.
property which was twice asae
Jos. KUasen and Wm Er
Rroom's father, a abort time uro mar
• ■alfaeiliUeavhtehwQuIdmeaBrBurh'
Rraenda where a proRTam of athlaMri|,oi declar.-* Dial the HichiRun
was retBaOed to Hanpiel (Ru-land.
win. foUoweil by (he Kalkaaka Mlli cronta sras carried out. One of tbe
rted Miss Baker's aunt, and be Ibe
(at tkt fatan of the ^IlsRe.
I* Rood epouRh f« anybody-.
left Arcry made aa applioatloa toiy BaniV Thentome tbe Are depart' At Omeaa iwoBlnent pcaperiy
larRMt crowds ever wen on tlie
Editor Case of IhcBonric Hanner.
for the posHloo of city seareoRer.
hoaded br Fire Otiief Kvonle
an van alao eoesBlied. ioeladiiiR
RTDunds sras present, and th<i athletic is in Dll- city calliiiR npou hix newsTbe mullftwof the deUmiueai taxes, aad Alderman BooRhey. aad makoR ■
Mr. Toliriih ooe of the efaief o*
events were sratclied with much toler- paiwr (rieads.
laosealsid by Oity Tirasnm Wars- Ane MiewiBR. srfDi the cheminl eaa< the nsort.alsD Frank Urares.
The Boy. Bart aod the Kalkas­
Oeorse Clement of f'eilar sras in the
bnrR, was refrered to Die ciV idlorand huiiler Cflrt and sttotnka hand were preseat aod furnished city OB busiiM*. to^, ■
er In liae.
some very fine music durinR tbe Ai-ld
Mrs. Leri T. FennlORtoa is visiilDR
Beretal afs fool cemeat walks werr
FoIIowUir came earriiiRr* with Dir day events and the baae kail Rame im­
wmiaffoeae to oar their ioflaenre lo
tlw family of J. A. FenhiaRton at Ce­
ordeTMl by Ihe ooDacll.
brtecabOBi (be desired-resalu. rr*|.
mediately folloiriaRdar.
Tne board of pablto wtRks was di.
la Dm
IslBR Dial Die Uae mms Die derelopW. P. Gill of tit. JaiDfa. Braver Istof Die ereata was
reeled to expend <IP1> akdiaoe ra Dm
ma*t of tbe nworte la tbe eooiy to a
conlcsled veryhotiy, and tlMwe were aad. it in Die eitv.

eity pari, at UasI Bay.
OoOTRo E. llaw..hw>nd wHe of
Terr pretty struRRlea
member of ihe •
Ilia lobar tin reMmllaa.
chief wiuer was W. R. Henold of Lake Aon vvre at Die WiilUBR vreler-.
Tbe Srst elaborate eel'-batloa of
Thompsonrille. olio scored W,points day.
(slior Day erer attempted in this eity
V H. Slre-Ie of Northport was a
who liad pitched in Dir
Sclibol RTOBOds. art one of Die speakpcofswiUoo to faaod (be townsfaip for ucenmil Uomby. and tl was a
la the . torenoon was Traverse Citv vltllor ydatedav.
Tlir secoad carriaRe oootauied
#10,000 was rmired with faror by
la erery partieubr. The Ibatral
- J Cordet of Letoad is la Dm
hi l-S iniats. The result
Hoa. W. A. Norton, of St. Johns. L
may. At Biarham Mr. Marrar re Ubor ttaion. whioii planaed and
of Dll' various evrau was as (ollows.- city.
wired iHjaal eneeoiaRement aad Ibe
K c
(waapaet I* that then- will be special cooRtatabted on the anqaaUBeil sac- and Oea Hoyt, secretary aad IteaiarDie «
> enjoy Ubnr
;plMtl(Ba called in thnae thm lown- ms of the day. Istrye crowds wenDay.
Tlie Masons' enica sras oat la force,
aUps to rote b|mo fbe irntMuDoo. (iresent (torn oatsldi- ol the city, aad
K. N;tfl returned l<
Hr. aad Met.
rrr fifty sItobr. Ihe mra all dreoaed
VUle there may be some oppoallion ch- clnlnR of Dw stores and facday from a week's visit ia Petoxkey.
8eooDd-U Welch.
lo boodlair. it is bellered tbal it will lories-thronRi-i thestreels witii pleuThird—PeanioRtoa art Friedrich.
Mra Chaa Newman of Oeattal lake
• seekers.
Ibe Roest Of Mrs M. LaValley.
rerml c^tnn that a lallrmd wanld
rbe Aral mdller to which the
Seuood mad third. split-RerDOlds
J. Baker art family left toda^
trioR rieb limeBis to the retire tetriiwib tamed their attaoDon was the
of its members, aBd'FenntoRUe.
for Die Fan-Ameritma rapesilioa
taiy eormd. in aildiilon* lo beeeSls bicycle nor. which eras called at fli» who were preceded bran eliborate
Fresident Woodford cf the C.. H. A
W be ffaiaed by the whole mntr.
k. There were acTM: startm,
1* a carpenter's
Secort-L. Welch.
D. tailread. was lo tbe city today.
RiRhH of way hsrralready hi-en sehard foBRlit tare' was cspocled. bench, with Die m«a srortu-R at their
wide, per yd..........................................
A vC. .
Mis* Helen Camph-ll of Manlsli-ine.
oarad for a pnrioiis |m>ec(. ami it u The start was at the comer of FrtBI trade.
Id seoood. splll-Meaold art fcrmerly of this city, is in lown. tbe
balterr^ tlml nny of thoB will be
Tolon streets, and the race was
Roesi of Hts* Edna Wilhelm
Tbe ftiaiers' aaloe followedherted
nBewed, and that there will be llnir ftOeih to Hlzieeath. esmt to -Com aad by a decorated fieoi oa which were
Tbiril. splil-L. Welch and -FriedMto* ImoRese Oaaterni ol Cealrml
dineolty In cettInR all (be war
rtb to tbe finish at Die comer of mea srilh the emblems of Ibetr reaft.
take ia here to spend
wiaior with
IS and State.
her auBh Mra O- C. Maffatt. and aiin Die shape of paiDts, brntSes, etc.
Tranne City will be asked to faris soon as the start eras made Die
Next eame the Boys Band, aad fpllead sehooL
iwdtoBteaed to Ihe finish.
Thro lowlaR them was a Iwr Uae of mem­
Mra Q. O, Sales reioned to Chloaaiah the tiRhl of way oat of tbe tdty^
and aaslitaitoe from the city will ^
• raeen came Into sras seen bers of the Retail Cietke' anim. Die
RO yesterday afternooo after a mooth's
mffhi la aecariiiR (be rlRhl of way iliat three of them ware banehod. As ladies oomiiiR first to eatTtoReiir and
riait to the city.
SeooDd-H. Welch
. betwerw the ally line and Hateb's the three oamc desra Die last three
-followiBR. tire hr tsro, oo
tiloeka, one .kept .poIlioR away from
Die Roest of Mr. and lb* O. C- MufFirst-Mcaold.
eeranit y*q>aeU bare been eamr- he banch. and one dioppii« baek.
falt for soBe dava reianed to brr
The Typo xpliieal anioawas.repacad fer-a rat tread throoRh Leelanao RckM llssbed across Die fibrti line a rsoented by a UtRe float. Rally trimborne la Brninrrt. Mtoa.. today.
OOTBly. bat thus far Booe hare mate-, winner by a
» yards. J^itb Kcimie aec- me<i in red. white -aad blue baarlBR.
Prtu Hiller of FItoa wbo baa been
riallsed; bat this rerma to he aoir and by an -qaal lead orer «eraa. with Ibe aaioa label alooR Ibe side*
elsilltiR his aaat. Mra A. F. CaaietSr^-Gtaysea.
aoeoaiaRlBR than say prerlous effort. •tokos sras (be last of Dh- three at In tbe float were erated Die members
oo. at iVoKol Isike. was tbe Rural of
Aadllor Hetbcaay of the ‘u. R & ]. BiRfatli atnel. bat woo by a maaMO. C Moffaii aad family today «e bis
of the oaiea. aad perched abore them
was rery .encouraeiaR la hit state- wBl tpriaf at Die finish.way home
twuter'i deril.' boras aad
awata and stated that he lwll<-red the
FollowlnR thU the atrret Ramesoe- all. stored to fierr red
Mr. aad Mrs. Jaa IL Moofoe retiaa Is new ripe far the latrodactflk
irred oo Fraal street benrsea Cbss
tanrad tost aiRfal from tbe Paa-AmerTbrOiRBr Makers tioica folltnred
of a tiae IhreaRh the ooBaty. prorld. Old 1‘ari.
Them (aiBiibad mneb wlDi a loiiR Uae of white coated mem­
ieaa While away they eiriled rebIBR the people waated It bidly
tlrrato Steabeo eoBBiy. K. Y . art
for the crowd, had reeoU- ber*. preceded by a maa oarrytoR aa
made a trip iaio PeBasTlraDia to *UeBooRh to luslal la lu eesatnetion la rt as follows:
iauiense ci«ar aloft.
it Mra Monroe's ancle.
Hack rnoo-First. CMl LanRworthy;
.'e aaioa also Rare theta all a Rood ran (or ibeit
seoesid. K. rtntrea: third. Win Imbr- tamed oal in larRc aambrn art a
1, bat was AaaUy ran down and
captured by a maa named MeCram.
fiae showliiR.
r rann-r-SIX- tn*-c > J --ueisr ■>'n .
[iie eounell meeiiuR Meoday aichl
Wberlharmw Raoe—First. Fbtok
wbo hocRsd tbe plR to his saaly
Tbe Bxrbere'aaioa to . their n
^uwUrec—m tb- I'ltr *r T-erb-. iiwssr
a Iwlef and lo the polnL la Ima Kooks; sreoad. Cal iMBRWorthy : third salts, followed, beaded by a ptel
xMiu*t-s>ie-«*l.*Bd ikasraid arm winmr
tb- su .S >iKR fit'KI«Bl laHJ.xlB* (>v
a two hours the aldenaw dlspoaad Win LaoRworthy.
Tbe tose tall Rase botvsea tie
trimmed son rtrantstoR "Oefl
WTtral matiars of buDnrm (hat
Clerks aad Cbrpmiters ealled oat one
I cams the Qimbi Clt^ band,
follosred by a float wUb tbe dswrre iatide Die TsrelfDi soret park. Tbt
leaa of Trareao^ City Teat Ko. UTI. Welch BcoUwos were the batuoy fas
K. O. T. M. to (aU CtotBBe. bsadtoR (be UlarkA aad Clyde Ely art W. J.
a low praesaslea of Breabm of the Bptoal for Dw OoipaaM Ito room
teat, aotable bbobr whom IciBBri ap
tba toll Acoiaad *"ttimiVi A. T.

TnTCRC Hcnll

fed*. 3. V. PMciiU neriTod IlK

twees Ibeeapobt of tbeOl^ Open
Ho** block and tb-top «ff the Haa
nabAlMyMeraaatUeOe'sBton. The
tflmec dnrlnR tbe peritou {Wetoraaan- was drathUke. bol wbe* tb- ad
was on-r. tb yooBR bbb wm rnoadly
Tb- baw ball Rame betweua tbe
Asylams Art Die ladrpnidrsta tec Ibe
eity oeeurod at
10:90 art
Ibe TwrUtb street park
fee lo alL
•Wd RBtb3U of last


one or'whi'crwss filled wiDi tacks of


J*;-: -r'.rrirz-T;,:

One Month Free!






Some of tiK marvelous Barsains
Offered on Our Basement Floor.

You tilways find i;c>od<>'h(Te at under-prices l>ut values that a
] worth doutile or more what we ask. A few moments spent in iookinK over our !»;
K3in tables in this department

Is Cfmc Olcll Spent, and may be the means Of
Savina You Several Dollars*

» » Rere's a Few el Cbem: « *

j 46 in^ all wool Black Suiiinir. QR/kl ■ Bar of Castile Soap

peryd .......... ....... .


out**! onjy...................

10 pieces of I'incj' Dress (roods in neat 1 I spool of Machine TKn-ad
checks and plaids, per yard 1 O * ‘ only............. ................
iXc (me Zephyr Ginphams. extra 1

01c £


Shoes. Shoes, Shoes!
. <*'»'«; - 98c

[ 500 yards of Red Table Cloth, i Q\/f%
\ difTereat patterns, per yd . \ Remnants of fine \'al and Torchon Lace
in all widths, h-om 3 to s )'<l^
1 O/h
a piece, pric'f per remnant
i Soc strong, durable, well made
I Corsets, price now......... '.........
I AH our Rcrcale Wrappers to close out at
48c. 5pc and St: worth double.
3 cakes of Turkish Bath Soap

Youths' Satin Calf School Shoes,
screwed soles, for.............. ...
< tlC/
len's Kai
Kangaroo Calf Shoes. 1 OQ
lace. Bui
Bull Dog toe. all solid - JLadies' Cajfskin Shoes, every 1 QQ
pair warranted, for---- -----. .
Indies' KidShoes.patent leather QQ/k
;tips. lace or button, for............
Indies' fine French Kid. up-to-date shoes,
every pair solid, equal to any 1 QQ
S5 shoe in the city, our price.
Children's Dongola Shoes, extension soles,
spring heel, sizes 5 to X. price

I cast* III . Toil dc Nord Dre«
(singhanis, jiCr yard
An excellent quality of 7c Apron
Gingham, per yard..................
I 1 >ard wi^ Unbleached Sheeting. QQ

CZaCAC slii<«TsnaiuiailnHr 6»«ls arrived
I (Ms UKSk. Ols Olant Vsur Crada e«miNirlBflrtl« wifli valua rar
i prtets win lead flHn sR. make eur sfers your btsdqiurtera

Cbe Boston Store

I Oboksalt fend Ktlafl

Cr«v«ff« eity« IBieli.


p. a outact •

aljortiw IbMMina.
At h«Mi Oto
> PmakMtc*
.PiwtiiaitaT Raff baa eom^eted tta
Well Ailed hanisn «•» blMtiileat.
Baamd to ttaoe who wen lotaiac
ThtaaaofCtonaadltoT. ■.]:
ilaCiTca aad frlMdaTaaoday <
AcacM akowiac Ita rwaipta of tta kh
r AlU ot the tarann'
lac that Ibne ware aacaraiana on aU;
of Akrea, Ohio, am U Ita i
la the
read* yaitaritoy from all paita ot
eltyte attead tta wcddlacof U
^Kood thlapilo'eat <
tl.*l8.n trettar. Jota Tatmaa M Hla Jo
1.4M.M Oilmcce BaaocTow.
pecrad lato tta city ftOB
tl>e aoBlh eerr ihe O. R A L.tta Pere
Dr. J. D. MaaaoB and taBlIy tave K
•wUta VHfto «f TanrM our.
and tta H. ft K. E. Other
B Oarp take, where they >
«ta tta i—»»itr»tlcn vwa
boadrediai .
Thi* U a cala ever the «aaMpliuulaBr
lo Mtar pnlBU Dorth aod areet.
ttta wtt the PM for
al hall, where Prraideal Oeorv* Robod of laat jmr of bMwrew •>:£ aad
Hra H.ik Wilktaaaad daaxbterof J
ortMB of the Parmeia' laettlaU iwe- eladtac Petookey. Haiftlaaw. HaaUflKL
Pnakfoct and oibei polnta
Baatiap are visitinc Ohaa Uiuiriobl i
•d ital tka <
tabgrdv elded, and alter lielenliif to aose hoe
and family.
Tbe H. ft M. B. bniBcbl la KO iMt
vUl be BE BBBsa^ flxtata Is Tnrane
naeie br the Arable orabeetra. tbe?
lUe Clark of Utaad Rapid*. I
Ollr. tad • tar whlcb vUI be l«ekMl were addrraeed br O. U Wtaitner. erenlnc. The Pme Hanioette broacht
week witi.:!
•tewerd of Ibe Konbeta HichlmD la liaodiedf lo tbU eity. aad look
aerlssi. HU eohlecl «a< "The Prob- abool l.ani 00 te point* farther aorth
Baailloo. will re ;
balldiacof tta
tan boBC u
R. ft L Icaach broaclil In
letM ot the Panoer" and be drall
.umimny oo Bay

■ oradll to tke wa
with naar oab)mta that now eatfioat
will ta
orew Uai mala lion.
■W tad M tta oltr. While U«he«ed ihetlllare of the aoll la a aa
of Hra P Yeader and family.
the rMsUe of aallr ubooc the vart ooee iatereatiacaod iBwelleaL
from Oread Rapid, ye*
Ur. aad Hra Olma Lltotinrhl an- ]l
aat olaaee ot labvlnK people aad the
He arced the need ot
charp of th- wnrt The planv which ,
,gh ol I
qdm, ipoke a cood word Jor
Inoldiar nuino feel ia viaa.
Cryatal tmke.
lUaettalad bj the aeseroae diepleee xallno* each aa the Delrrsea'a aaeo
wn hv Palrcbllft & Ulds.
ot the---------------- Uuu (here ia a pleae- rUlioe.. the Kralt Orower*’ aaaocia
Hra J W aanatl.'ll a. euteriaia.
Ocaod Ksi><d. arrhitecta. aa.l Che
inj! hcc sUler.Mra Wm. Halhvr. and |
bamoer exlnlDc be|«M (hr
and cthere of lUe r.liameter,
faoildiB£ will evwt..^nccordi^
.licw aodisned the
theit ea>|4«ran.
wi'li Ibr limre in the Baltrr of teleV
htek..^ the railro^
BaaidM Ibaee Iblajre the dleftaj i*e ponee. eJeriric nadr and other mat­
..Meet, to allow a drice«y tn b.,-n veirine the
Mledaa Idea ot theexlMUot (be. ter. of TWapma (pokr of the nteeBlA nim-foot Uaromen: -ill ta
u„B„ell. have p«
labor eaplorad la thii oUf >a rarioee ly td tta farmer rotioc for mi n wfe
' ander Ita entiiv .trnelarv. and ll will
ladatartea aad Ulealraled the faeallh would repreaenl hie loternala. and U
be three riori.-. i.iyh above that.
aad CTOvtbot UwM
a, twn chll-


rd 1

tar OMwiM.

Mmtv «M • f>M tar te tta

IP to overlook an opportunity like this, on choice, stylish goods,
desirable ip every way. but assortment of sizes is badly broken
up. hence the prices, for we must close them out at once.

tta fcUd Md it Bar B


-"f "7"r' ajOK r

IhoM wbe tad Ibe drtalU la cdiarae
an astltlnltD Boeh eredlt f<w ibe
Baaaw la wfaloh their plaaa wer
Had oat. Thalr lalUal effBla for Ihe
obearraaee of tabor Der were
applied aad aa aoaaal boli.U
oaUbralloa mtj batmfter im Imihed
apoBMaaura thlac. (taeb a oeUbtmUiB br the wortiaac see doee tnaeli
to-oeneat the coo^> feellac and bar
soar betwaaa the bbg* orcanlaatioaa
aad tfaa amloren of labor, aad ■
oMona br both worklac pet^e mad
aaplerm to eoatlnae the pleanat relataaa whitdi bow exlai will ta an

lur.lsMsa Haling
KollowiDC blm Prof. aO Biallh of
the Acncoltnrel Oollece care aa ad
Soil and .Plant
Hi. talkwa.allaloocthe:
linn of |worram.and hn nrped that the
man who ilei ended on the meilKid of
t'l yntre aco In bit farminc onolil
en-d no mar- than lb- maa
woald oondnot hU faarln-B withnnt
the b-Uphoo.-. th.- B-w*pa|>.r a
BM>d.« tm-Uiodt of adrrrlUInc.
Hr. HBidi epoke r.-ry .-knmtalr
tarer of tin- faraw-r bt-inc np to Un■lB.t In all matl.T* p-rtaiolnc to bit
He care maor rncilotl II
Than U aa eloBMil of eUbltilr
of the rroj»r "wid.tilwar Ha*' lo
• forth.- farrmrlo manlHenhpett which e
H fall to
Maoh hae ben aatd aad a cood
ha* baas doM. to icoaole a llae from
UU ellr thieoch taalanaa eooatr
bat prerloai proleeu bare act bone
Thle llBe Ita

> aritaatir >
Ttair iwenadiac laat
Back Uta It. aad the etaiHiInc of the
BBB who taro tabM bold of the inat
tar, aad Ita aenraaoe. tber tare

laatae noa a> Ita pnllBloair da
talban lookad after. Oteoarntta
I ot theei

me.1 taelanaa county railroad |ci.
yest-rday by tta .ppearaoee
h.-re or Daulrl Kant.,..n ot New York
andK. K Mi-Ibwnr. aadilor and
y of tta U. k' a I rallrtrid 0.o.

tTa(er.< eUr tahlWI.
The tuuy people who enjoyed look
Inc at the tine diaplay of water nolori
work done by Prof. W. ?<. Hold.wortli
of the Acricallaral CoIb«e la.t
willlwcUd to know ttat hi* lialnitBc.
will be on ezhibitioo Thareday and
Pridny nflnmoon* of Ihi* week nt tbe
reatilence of J. W. HlUiken. *Oi Waahlaclon atrent. A puntal iorilallnn l>
ezieadnd tonll to call mod no-tlu^.
aod thow wlm do ao are reqanMnJ not
to knoek or rinc.bat to walk ricUt la.
Hr. Holdawortb waa a Tiarerm Oily
boy aod bU fneod. here am prood.
deed of tta Aae artl.tic ability .bowa
Ji bi. paiBUnp. He ha. been Hond.
kic the .amrner at hi. oottacn •
iwnio.nla. and a larcn aanit»r of ^br
tdeurn. are tdetorn^nr bit. of tlndnl
Trarnrw. Ray wenery.

mnst k..p ap tb<- f.TlilliT c
aoll, ac It U from thU that In- mart
CI-I hU UrineHe atal.-d that llH-rwae bat oo.- war to do Ihia mod ttal
waa br tb. P-taraiiic to tb.- aoll of th.nlaaMwU ttat ah' takeo from it br the
ntleinc of eroja, elth.-r hj «h’»»
lie animalf or by
plowlac anihr reip'labl.' crowth. Hr.
Bmllh'a addoM waa Uab-aed to cIm< Ir. and hla willy masnnr of aiMtkiac
made tbe addreaa a tdeaaare aa well a.
malbw of |woAt.
Afteraaothtr w.loetioo by tbo oreheatta. - Dr. O. J. Kanelaad of the
Mwth ILdl.
Fralt Qrowon' aaaoclatloa epoke a
OB* J.-Brook* died at In* I.
few worda, dlroet aad to the point, on
Aemn Friday aboat nicl" o'e
aabjeel oa whioh he ta tMereatad
Hr. Brook* wak bom In I
Uie aake of the frail erowlac indnain IMU. moTlDC to Canada a
try of thia aeolilm. ' Hr alaled that
*■ eiclitenn ywr* of acA.
Uiii eoaaty doea oot want n tlW.lui
iniac faottwy, bat ttal a banitar
of amall ooea an- aeeded. aod aliOBld Urand Rapida Hicb.. la Ibr naily
bn pat In at onee. He arced ttal by •evenile*. and tare lired on tta farm
neat jmx tta farmnn la eaeli liltli' eaU ot Aeme for the laot twenly.
Hrooki wa* a man of
iK factory to handle the pimlacl i
lepliy and .ioonra etaneinr . Hi­
tJiai iBoMiate anelau. aadMhnv la
lo tlin Kpiiooiwl chorah
iDdepnodelil •

dh-o. of Clet- land ar. lUmnc Uiw
Oolluon. ood will ata.i....

at ra.lm,
K Stronit canie aplriun Urand



• in Had .<
tar (latiwal tin J


_________________________ $3.98:::,;



$6.50 sk;“


Bargain Prices
in Jill Summer Goods at
Dry Goods. Carpet
sxe:inbef^G’s Reliable
aod CloihiDS House.

take di-Aailc ' p|>. ii.wanls tite ealatli.l.met.1 of
irt^xwed railway
'*• ^ **•'*’'
cooniy from this 1*,^ mother.
throuEh Uu-li
Mr. Ueibwpy ar H«‘'W
rlvcl Tur-hlav and topltar w Ith C.' ■*'*■ *
I. K. undo.
S Murray, tawl agent of tin- U. K. ^
E. W'iltalni and family ticoi tn tfbi- fM-’Trsroet»*'ci'y:**'
lyonlhc M, A N K
local bualaew mi-u. relaliVe ... ^.e :
- .
bbl. n.-w
Wedn,-wUv Hr Kanfman
Moon uf Uctroii

.TV dr...T

i newGeods

arrived aod an..-. with wv.ral «orai of Mr and Mra
city nffictai. and« men' wa. .
taldin tta ..nice of-Tbo. T. Balw,-'‘«'"'''''»*‘«““*'"k.-rr.sL
■nv.Nl Kre Finer. H I. A «'.> V
who i* l»e.lil.-i.t of th.- Traverw cfity ;
»• Alwttnl td amv..!
IP iuu
I>- ■' A t'-f Seal .
IV. the Traverwr ,«j,y i la»t •'Sfoiiiy l« join hi. wif.-,
Feed. H L fttlo tb-«l .
bemorh Of the O. K A. 1.
The fna». F"™*
»»» E|or«
ibilitv of ao onllei from Ita cilv waa '»«*d for aiomi-time.
Mr. aud Mt. Otulfirti |. r IIlb. mibject dt«r'nia.Nl, tom-lber wllL « «Wyaadoiv- ul,-. ^ i-t lb
o,. r~.|er. .1
n"I- -u-»n~iu. „| ....................



I Our store it rariiHv lining up with Iht


Bouflbtfor spot cash since tbe firs.

•arv rlKhu of wav. Ttarolhet with bo«*o«*a Hay.
Cli.i-w t*-r ll.
tbe city olHciata Hon. Ferry Hanoal.
Frvil Boo«li.-y t. i onjoj ins a OuU j.-t taiii.-w)
tart othera the viaitor, drove oo tbf
'’f ^
Oot ja-r I v (old)
. ..
we«.i.le to look over Ita yround, ll' «.» kiatvll- ta-vey >«•
^ <™ « M-'t l~

Ell tbe latest and best miscellaneous

..proiraed to tun tta track, down from a
v.rit in Kit K.,rtd. BriL\.er lon
Ibenorth side of Hay HTnvl lo the Mra, A J Jiuaoo and Miae Mary lb- Hark wheat Ploor ^ bbl
^ Travroae
Iwelanaa conmy line, tbeoe.. tliron|rl, , Vern.-.v went lo Elk Raptda la.t .wn
Klnjwoo.1 towtndiip iBrallel with thei'"F'
Wheat |a-r Im (oldl....... .
M A N, K m.d to Itingham. theoro
«t-Boa.ll.; ot IVtro.t .1 ti -........ ... .....................
(Hu Nu I l- r 1« <n.
to Rollon. Hav and aluiur Ihe t.y of Mr and Mra K K M.I.r
Ciwn iR-t ba liild) .
riior. toOtn.-iuiaudNorthi«H
i Mra Wallet tiordoii and IMr. l
I'lriat.N-R. |.-r bo ineu
Kvr j.r liB .
The ll.•rald of last w.N-k menIhdro.t aiv t
'Kullrr r*T lb
liaoed lltc fact llutl lliis project ia not i'
Kirgs |v-v dcix. strictly
ned to a nmd to Nofkli|iort.
I^ngan extenaivr car terry plan t
•Vmiual Ktror
renrlvMaiiiatique wa* the moot ii
K Niid A A ll U W. Iiiredav. tv-i Jn
elrmenl to Hie rnli-ririae.
II . ll.Total., will.
r.itorai.ul this mort’iine l.y Mr. ; «»>'■*“« Mr. W...llin-. artalH r, Mr.’
........... and Mr. KaalTman.- fhr.^
Wnolftll, and Mr iai.d Mra ,.,,,1
Uller statod that pUii. arr now tain.! jKlmruian au.l daurhter.ol flilmi Hap P'lti
l> 1. R A M.R..
drawn and euliniat.-s aermrcl for two j
>] Itailway.
Hilarsr car f.-rrv Inara Hr autal tliat.
"f •lo4''f >■ «*•>'
(urn limii -ki ,la>«.
Ti.-k.'fc Ihis I omfui mle tnc.wtan llm ear f.-rrr avslrm sliall ta rs ;»"«
Mra W M. K.-lliate
toi.. •wrlv
in.-ra MVS.
h.-.l the tnial investment woald
Mra. Ilo^ and danghl.-rJ
Mr. ra-d •Uv. >••-> Isl
IC eaerts o
rxnv-d oar million dullara Tta Itatu lev, of Ih-IrDit ar.

t Books and Bibles,
School Books Stationerp l

Tnram Ol^ aad taelaoBa coaotr
taka bold at It And tram ineni toAkalhai It lookt a> ibeacb It U ap to
Trantaa Uttr. Thl> oitr U a>k
fin An Ukoeiaad dollar, and faralidi
Ita rtcta ot war oat ot Ita eUj.
Tta towatalp* of Leelaaaa and Kat
IBM Bar are aakad AiaOdOnch aad
tta lowaabl;. ot Blactam A^Ooa
to taalahac towaidil|i. there I.
qaawica. aad II li aiatod that the pro>aeMn are ntUAnl ttat Ibeie will he
BO dlBealtr abeat laiilnc Ita aeoeaalone woald cost nt leasi a .,oartcr of a j ^■‘•■r*on and family
a recrired the m
aatr faata la tta other lewDahtia. eoadltloa of the fralt makreL
Uin ohatoh from tta rector of Uracn million dollars eaeli.
j Mr. and Mra KoIrwI Hatrott ol
Aftor a few woida by W. a Hitler
•ll at Trarnrw City,
Mail'd alaolhat jnxl i
ot Mir» Rick.-r
and Often, the ateetlac adjoan '
faneral am. larfd lo thi
aa tta small________ _________
.V >ie,ifS.V-WAV V.-ClcVr'-i''.
ebatidi at Armn Sanday afienraoB tta company is talMd ataal Sin ,
•’ «■’"«►>
-ftakwH. i. vis- . llroJlrosMU .ArtNta- HoSp nfa
«aat wlU mot ta wlthtald.
VuuBWl->rt> Il"er..roa1 Wi
fraoo'nioek. Rer. C T. Stoat ofll woald ta pat al work layiai; the j "‘xc h'-r lirollier. Kal|4i il^>lell, and
Tta baaoAli la ba deHrod br Trar.
Al hicb noon yealerday tta oereiaoar eUtloc.
Bprial am. In th.- oemn Ritulrsand Irark..aiid thaiat irart; »“•"
»“»'"-«•»-' .
N..I.-S llrac M.w.'-.
OBM Ollr are ebtrloaa. aad aboald
•me performed at tta Itome of the lory tn Trareiae City.
HW,«n woobl Ik-cxivniled thia fall; Brower oMSl.-doOia i. vUi.
Y.'-sf. f-1-iv iiioruinga Urge
praaipt iaaadlau aotics to iworlde
ride-, pateat. ia Oadillae. whieb
iuc John ^trickier.
■ atihoded i.i Wnil A Suds, lira
What U reqalied br tbe ooapanr- enlled ia morrUce Ur. C. Rarmoad
line through ta-laiinu eoiinty woold
Mra. Shacb-k imr ivlunf.-.l Iroma whieh wtaii .,|« iinl was fouiu.______
ITtaaa AiasaiU«a.lf ttar na be called Walt of thU city nad Him Mary Ben
isiu Ihi Iwadh-i- ar.d arml.-se l«ty i4 , ►,
. *lorm Tboraday prerniled
ta not lea* Ihan (sniMkki
Aa aUtM I
■ Ih-troit.
nab, oat of Ihe war. we are aaaared cerof CtaUnae.
a 1-.-.-iu(i(al loung Ip-ly
'1‘le- mrsti-rv .
larcn atlendanoe at Ibe larelinc called io Ihe lietald a f.-w day. ac«. LerU- ' '‘'Hmm Ffooty of Deiroii
.....I—1_1 h
wtan a roim- '
> expbu»l
that at laa« two faai
rmad by Her. Pr. Pt
in Hmplelon town tall to irotnet
towoiJilp will tajiMied for
Numuial Va|-ori.
ptaoadalwtab aaaooaaaUie pceperi la tta tarneoee of a aamber of the acainri Che railroad iwnpnaiiion nn<l
Snitona Raya likeunKKint and' Miu Hrinkeroff rotarnii-d in KIk I'o airrvvd with. th.III.’ uiikyiog
mil '
nrrart are Bade aad rlchi of war
friead. aad rabUree of the ennlrnet. Ihnboudljcor tbe loamahip for that Bingham
In addition to Ahi. ■
•“! c.-uing afi.-t a wilh and ■‘•“'•'d '^i Ita lady vra. a jarl ot
anad. TbU anai to ItaU eltr a creal lac pmlco. Hr. Vait'e father, a K porpoan.
There wc«e abonl thirty
Trawn-Olly is asked
and '*<'
muking n, il.M .to^'ill ita. week io
taaL It aMaaa that at leaal Aiko.uoo Walt, aad alirtrr. Him Hiimie Wait
preeeot aad oftceta aad eomta
of way OBI of the nlvlnttaj Mrs Mritre. u ta tia> tmen ’••riting
tli. Nbiloo*! Vaj"'r>"r for
will ta pat talc elmlatloa tan ta
from here to attead the weddiac- were clioaocL
r lioe
Wh.-n throe eouditioos ^
daughters tare, iuu r- larned lo I (hr
-f ealarrli il.-ajnero.
dan aail t^rtaf. TbUteaa iBporIb|
aad Hra. Wall reuratd to
Aa oqcanlaatian was
bien met there will not ta a I
lAsthm*. Iinv tn. r und lung,
A brsa amoaa\ IbU eity In the ereoinc. and will make
--h.Bald alao be o
resideare on Wehatnr cireel.
aaonrer,' and coumiti
aeiion. aod trninswill br ron-1'“lieare vi.mng llu-ir>ea. hoj.i, c .,h-. v«|»iriser an.l U-w. nml
•bat taa Tupaaed Uaa at tta road Id where tbry will be at hose to llieir
eolleel eal«eri|«iao>
ntegthr ooming winter, tfhilr thi.-H . Horn
^ ;
,>mt1roat thr iM—rsta m ita most
taabaaa ooaair thnacfa the lataorinc frelade ia Ita near falera. Hr. Wail
defray Dec
ary ezpen*ea,io oireal
project 1. ri-palmle ffrom Ihe Urand ^ Mra. L K lUinlairil IWiro.l i- the «-fn«l maiiurr^__________
aaa amdaradaad br reaM ed tta line a boot of frleada who will ekiead a yotiiloo
tbe midral* of tta Kapldi A tediana Railway IV, i,!*ae.lof Mr-. W A. Hanjj of '‘“toul
>■"*»»■ of tin aad other auuerUU thnir taartieat eoacmtaUlioat. and townataip, mad to draw ap a iwoleal
will be (nclicatly an eyienslan of
iw.uiderfol thbii.ita iiisirouinn which
cAlab coa tapaeoand la ttarletnilr. bU bride, wlm U one of ibe mvl aabmil to the town board.
and a i»rt of th.- gn-at ;
' ' '
- —
[n adveriiM
It baa beaa aonbadad that thU b
■dm III lak-,. niedieatai
>lar yeoiic ladiea oUHdflUp. will Boaey aras talwd at tta meetiac aad
■taaca etolaecrio lailwara. ThU U reoeire ao <md of lienrly cood wiatae
ll. i-r any oilier drug la
U mid that all ttat le rr—i—r K
Jod Oam.-roii h-w reniovv-d ii
n. ra.iiirris il ielo a va|u>r
•raa. aad tta iwapaaad obetrle llae to for tar tapplaeea
debt the bend itean will be fortbeomlll.d BPI-Il . It i« all Hu- .liH-aMhl sarOU HlBhB wUI ealablbb. wbn It I.
Ray'a" fHeodc tried to do their
needed, bol come of tta op- l^raiot would he run direct from ootfsers of
I-' air (URsag... uren Ibr
tanpUbl Ita ralae at mub rapid •hate ta cirltqc him a lappy welI-' and liiaeerBihlr. Bsaa
3 the iwoject do not tallare Md- point. 1 Ihis citT andNorthporl. rmno-to tta Hoiel Whituig. Fiiirsi
-h abeirte Uaa Ibroacb Leeuk-ibiug abd lK>aling drrosoo hit reioni boar, aad bU ie«- any raoaey will be needed for ttat'
,e car ferrv scheme j,

Michigan, with com-; j
roaM alaotaatalaaUe Ideaee oa Wetater airrel waa eorered
ronld ta ran from plr»-»«th ou.Al,
eei.-nlihe method of
Bal tta {npoailin
Itvaliiig eatarvh and all On-disunl--rt
Ueaik IMI.
■ ■era- MasuaMle rsewesloas.
whirli follow in IM Iraiu.
It com
BcIbeB bnlncwaabtoaeklac tribp<-ain*ula and tlirnra- Ihroogii the;
vWeh aaald aet ta derired froa aa
IVb Kewated. who ha* be
the next few. weeks. Th.-r-- w ill
ae ibeee. * Keep off;" "Wiio'a
ataelriollaa tl U tta pannae cd tta
virnrsiooists in lie-ooieeuKl area*;" "Donli dent of thi* part of tta italc almoet
It look* Down* though thr natter | pjly from I
nlh both over Ih.- U ; tx-u. Wall A Sona the eld atei TeliaallhU life, died Saturday afternoon
aeatpaar ta ataahlbb a car fatrr froa Mwloar laaramowt*:" "Wodlda

droggi.I^'troaimnlrr ii to ) give
- up lo Traverse City, aii Mr. Marray K. A I. bB'a the IVro H^iv.-lt.- Sarbpeat to MaabUqae. la tbe ann ihbk be-d do il. baibn dlA dK at 4 o'clock at fai* hmoe in tiriali.

Otri big rieursio?^ ih. 1! K -a'l-fM-ti™* <~.«.ev Leelanan ooonXy, after a lone illnew U twaclirally assara-d thal U«-lanaa A ^‘’0
. fataanla. Itanbr opeaiac dtreot did'-- ".Boak apau riwi tmalcbi:
come over th.- Michigan at Ihnr riora-.-vi^ HrI a
> and ertcolars
I br way of TrarMne "TimBpa taarare:" "Yoo can't loce ^ eaneiT'of tta tbroal. for which
e Fere j^o^tl^irs^d
k TOM, rick aad ]
me. boaey;" "Boy wauled, locpili
rhe Dell
. ImpOTaatc of ita jrojeet
■‘from ■'"**............
.a roalo iborier by___ wood;-' "W>'H ta al borne aeat week He learea a widow aad throe imaU
id will IT
reach taro Tl.ora
this cilv and IioeUniln eonnly U obvi- Rl*^
koktaad BUaa thaa any loale bow ea- al S o'clock;" aad oltar mottor
eblldron. beridea one airier. Hra. Henaa Tta wage* pal.l tta army Of hbtablfakad.
TkU rmllnad Woald be Baaeree* lo taealiaB.
Kwea. and all brotben, John. Jamra,
. .LM..UwFransv1>-anialliM-sahnlh
woo hi ta sjiei in Travers.- City e.cargjna will reoeh here Se|.eojW :
inettaally aa aueadoa of tbe O. K.
Charlea. Darid. William and Mania.
.-..VDl. .l-.w••Nl
VJJ yj •/JJ.y ^
, y t f J/y uJi
and along the lioe of tta roa.1. while One will ranMoonw froiu
frmu vt«>nt* talw-.-ii ; H'./I'T,!”**
• n. owitingsiulaiiur ta t-sitbsi.diilt •-V1 .
* Load a part ot Ita peal Pmuuyl
Tbe faneral oeeurted from tbe Ori.
ft~] uT W'.lU.n.. • Kiwetavie-.
*>W ler»------Wavoe on the ' ....n-i Tr>,.-r- i.vlI aad l..u . ,s.
at least fdn.OOO woald ta laid out for Boe.1 Ollv and Kurt »
ie«, lus ll.*t a ,-TS«,b IMTune-Sl '
taaia ayataat. Mo oUetrio llae eonld
Al tta meeUnc of tbe board of ten*
ct charcdi Hooday meroinc at 10
lOifa. and nnoili
nnilH-r frami th- Fi-nnsyl-;
tk II, Ili.-.UUM. /CTW-mm. U‘ Ue- ■
■taOBpUtb Ihla. aad ealy a eombUm. Urw of Ita Pirat Hrthodur eharoh Toe* o'clocl in ebatee of Rev. Wade of
vania Jinea oo tl
U-1 R ll) RR-t .etlseeNi. >J -NNr-TC-TWUe]. -TO. ,
>■ wu.,iii..iiN.Zwi-', sN-1 iUni mnO «<we
will Imve nii - M
ra,? .'.T
Tta F.-n- Ma ..
. «Mb •aok aa ihU oeald' hrtac aaob le- day'nicht it was deAnitely decided to Empire, and the intemienl was lo tht- whiHi coald be a-enrod along the 1ioe '“ta“F,fn-”M*taioefie
■ Therrfora- It la cxcarsioo on S-pi S troni .
s- ser r-vu>rad T) lb. .Ulsse
parahaae Ita raaideace {voperty cb tta Lenc take oemetery.
Delroli 10 Bay Oiiy aad I
,« .U.4. es* ■■s.l- s»l peuWi*Ml
» R 11 -•
abothweB corner of Wetater nad
Harou lo tSaginaw and
and Fort Aukjlu.
John S. Webber, for a lone,
Praaklia atrael* for a
Seidrmtar 10 oor w
laOrosae to White 4i|o
lime a leadlnc phyoieian of Evan,
n U Al.Ano. which I* c.
died Monday at Ihe axylaB
CMd aarbat. weald ta breachi aldered a low fwlee fer the propertfarrarca along thr line aad in I
Rer. Tn
wUkla <ao ablppiac dUtaaoe for tta which I* rmy dealrable.
Ebie U .Ohambarlain. .Urn Infant
-*BiHaad TacotabUtof tbU te
' Miaan. pwtarorUleebaroh.l•Bcr
1-s.tami'ta^ -s
»iJl ht*«r Ihem l,y ihe of tvronty cilizrou^ot
K. F. .Lindley and family of Neraaagfalcr of Mr aad Mra 8am (Tbam•ad amy (atBar aad fnU powte
a|yinc Ihe dwellinc. »obm mm
rursD.«Ded-ra<I, itai
v-uu.sevr<ra •- .
U-es aptninlod. aad ■>*. Ma. who have b-eo apeuding tta
aaa nadlly aw tta adrantap
ey wiu be rpeni upon 11 and tta tarlaia. died Smadoy evening'o.' eau work |ge|Briiig the •ammer al Stmarl t'-ottage, F. liamillOTOolitia i-'BBMcl was held yeavlUkriw
poand* wilt be aiGBetlTely
tries, -aecarlng tea's iretty sommer ootiagu on ib.tordav
. TWa U a Me pto)eel. aad cae which laored. Al It* lacl meelinc the ta^ica
leut-l U^rrulstro ls^rode.«
R|nee acroel.
»( OTT. depot rile, and a
WUU bafora ll U ooBpleted. aa
aid aoolely offered te aaaame Ita obll.
Lindley is enthaaia
lagfor lhvs]>-ciBl eleclioa le'vo
tata tta laraalmaal of more
. ptloa aad Uwlr offer baa been aoomdami lavdii
Eta oevao mootiia- old aim of James hoada for »i<uipii
! tin of tta penuia
^Utaa Aollaia; ttarafore erery imadgm-k Ibrough
Otaae of Oartald. died Hooday of
Hr, Heihroay left yralerday for [ that if Ita electric
M eacBrapiacai aboald be prw
tartalameal of tta Hetbodiet
Bt one ol Itueholera intaatam. Pooetal from St. Piitsbnra.bat will ret urn here Pri.lay. j‘to- |waii salawUI I
» la thU eity aext year
PraacU obareh al Sp. m yesterday.
Mr. Horrav and Hr Kvutanui drove i ***0101
to brtac aboat tta ohPeta eaaa.
10 Sallan. Bay, wiiroe itay will make
Allgaicr. Ita
cald Mke tlfi. Itair .i
month*, eld child rrf Ur. aad Hr*.
Allgaicr of Ynba. dia.1 of cholera iaTW pooada of Ita TrmTera. City
Tbe leport of Ita oneen of the
faalnm al S o'cloek Saaday mOTiag
Drlrlac Park ABeeiattoa. fotBerly
isr u^~TL‘'l2s'^.u ra4
otaareh abowed ao azeelleat Anaarta
and Ita laaeral was'held from the 8l
ms. I- •Uu.ittorl U- praitro. smi ,
tkafatr poaada. wacatta meoe of i
oondiitan. Ita charch beinc Miuralwwyaa>i7abU catbriac yecterday. few from debt. Tta oeadliioa U eery Praneis church Hoaday afieraoco ander the direcliOB-af H. L. Cartro.
DMltylBc lo all tta memtar* aad the
. ptaale. flraa aadm tta aac|dcw .
be cefirebut—an
ooainc jrar prec ptwniw of
Fraaklin, ibe Bve month* old chilli
- j-teasaul
kta paaca. Ita Parmer*' Inmtatr. the
aed pnd work by tta Bemb
of Ur. aad Hra Prank Spcalmaa.died
4JJW-V—Ml -tav^-wta
Piwit Orower.- aamaelaBB aad Dairy
Hra w7 A. AIslmch aad rblldcea of
and |B*tar.
Hoaday morniag
Tta fam-ial cr—kn.iw» whit diS.-rem
M parMBOCe whioh the .............. eairad Taesday afkaraoca at Ita real- ToledA Ohio are visiting st tar fstb
bratasr -Bee. la ta wl; >4 Tiuiw- - y
•nbingv’Okar tlunber'.;'Ford Panning, al"TtaFu>es"
baa aoHired u the Sr*l ere* ewoed
, SS< Uoiaa 4nwl. Bev. W K.
mg am] dualing to
by Ita obareh.

al lawest price* in this pan ol the slate.


.City Book Store. I
dobart-Btechtr Co. Preps.
. .




'I hat'sthff kiml ihe MHVI'IK SHUKS art*, madt? in
the WTM' WHATHKK which retjuirc no rubbrrs;
matJe in thcHUX CALI' and K AN(i.\KOO CAM',
a shiH- that will nol rip. It's solid as money will
make it. anti low in price. You get them of thi- OLD


242 Front Street




National Bank «f i
Traverse City pays 3 per ®
rz; '' «“»•»“ Savings DdpaslU S

Important Notice!





.... ..




Tra^ers^ aty pa^p^ |.
\ cenuonSavlnrsDepnstts s;

\ State Bank |


Ita ome yw old aoa of Charlro U
. It -aaetiac of Utaad Trar- Soltca died Hoaday of ctalera taDUmim^On^. Ko.
faaloB. Paaoial waa bold at 1 p ^
Taroftay afwwo— at tta laaidaapa oa
%. & Oiay,

..T'-r.ia.'sitrriarm* j

OD Coffee

dctaiuut ftaior.

S3 PEG car PHI IHI*;

-kiffttSSL jta



i. R. MoOaU.atolB OBlty fa


M.8nilhhB.oa.pi.h-------------- ------------------------------- -------------------ide Hn. TU. lbeocdtooloeoto.ertberityaBd«Bte WM ia the oily Monday.
tbe redteee of U D. 0«.
»Mto of Bboot 100 o*to iBMlmaywitta John V. MUlar. iBealdrat
luiacSfMt. I0<, iwhM
Mr. Vi»Mrld& Ma Wllluae me (or»erl7 •
The total nanber 1. AMO. the of tbe Ormad Ttareeae Daliynm-.
reeitail of KelUekm. Md w lajored flRBreeoftbewanl.hBiaRBorBlk>wa;|Aateeiatieo. Mr. MoOall baa beeo
Uslle eeriovel? iB ■ ruevm; e
MwrUw II feet, ftsd be .
<*> naklaR an laqitotMa of the teiriea i«
wild itTM neeatlr whiefa wm* n feel tlw ___ _
ns the rlclBity of Ttmetoto Oiwy oad reSiolport. iban fOOreaUr ia rety Rood
t iB tbe M. S. Third ward
WlooDdUloo. bat be eemly cHttoiMe
Hmtt KBeei^d MdBMTT P»rber *»>■"*»» Otmm oext B*t«pdw •od reuthword
Plftb word
tRtjcbeeaoditkia of eene of tbe ataMoB
reol to iBMrtoebeD Teetohy «, 18»dv
------------------------------and earrooBdiBRi ia Ibe city.
>.to. LorefewtSaB>of tbeepeatoR
*.» Oilyntolth OBoer WlU be oolifled
e Botyeir ' aad who tbe iaepeetor lieCw
deye iB iw«tb. They I'eee _______
• I hopoa to flad aa iniaoteMi la then
to kill' Bad took their BAtB* tBolle
A eortlBl iBTiMitoB ii .xNcoodlllooa Mr MoCkdl a(*oka ia tb.
with tbeoi to tbBt If they ooeld nolJ *«■*«» » *lt________________
Bboot them, they Bi«ht «B«
At L III I pf homoy.
ir n. iitotoMa.iOiBBd TrarrcBe Oairynea'B Anoeia.
with B book.
FWd Hbb «r& BTiMted Bt Mik BbivBO to btndiBR [ tioa aod it. oOoera.
> Oolly OiUtoD of id« ftoodBy iDonilac by O W. Aafatoo
A tewnahip e I becoaee that*
A NiRhl of Tenor.
low*. Hire
Bad farooRbt totbUoily to moewer to


Awfal aaxiely waa fell for ibe
a chafRe of lareeey fTfem-d by M.
... am- vidow
widow of (be
tbe laave Oeem
Oeertal Bora
ArU.who reei’lei is tbe KTOopa block
.tract Ibe |aopoaed el.-ctrir railway baa of Maehia. Me., wb<« (be d
wood Are
---------- _ ,--------------------Hau U rherced wtlli eMaliDR two line. -L'alll tbe bond, were roled il 'om mid the would die from t^enniocity tobooli. Hie* A<Ibbm watcbee aad wine luOBey. Uae of tbe
faefore OMinunR,'- wHtot Mra S
hae beeo ooodacliod a ywirale kinder- , watchei tiial be U aocatod of •teallBC
«arOa tfaU Banner in Cenlen ille i hu been brooRhl tn«k from another
Selh C. Adam.. 0^ of Ibe p-p-1 KiOR'a New Diao
Dlacoverr. which had
with Rnwt oBoerto.
I rilv, wbm he >i <aid to have iBWoed.
' her Ille. aad
omtraay. ,how.!^^‘^^
I Afler
Wallie I’cny, a retenu of the StnnKnrt
Joevk /letweenae Weara.llBed.
h-Anorioa . and the PhtUppinr
■ hat iIm- laoiaeliiao loboed ihe
_ . _ ____
>8 aooBBt of a that he took
an, aad kaown to ererybcaly ia tbe
lUawaborR Toeoday Jotoph /.In- .hip bail carried, and Kyiday morniiis T**!™’.eity. hai ordered a ftoe new delirery
rlKaodwlIl Btort to tbe teo »ai de-:nexnaa ha. nee. iarited to Keep at Hr. Ulbta p-oeired a lelier from Ur.
ladna'. aad'^'K
Adam. .i.iitMt lhat Ur Medbory. nue
* son'. ilrasVtomw
limy boiiiMto a. koo at the riR Ret. hone for a abort
............................... of Ibe
Wallie ha. an end of friend, nuu took diaaerat tbe
oa hi. TBsaiicw. bvi woald n
who will hon' for bln tbe he.t of , Violoa.
liRbt aliark of amallpot. aad
n lo Ibe folare.
aUhooRh Mr. /.innenaab dhl
Mr. ViotoB. Dr. Aabloa. the hwilib to •i.y Belli plan, to Ret mallen la ,ud .mall fniu <d ranoo. kuida
|wo|WT Hiape to .tart baaineM were kwai.-d la toclioo ai. Garfield towuIhOBRhl it adrinble
'bin keep at hone aad Iba. aroid all perr.<cle.t -Hie tenor of tbe eomJani- .Nioik 0'.- mii» .« ol Traverae I'liy.
ou^er. '
T'" “ •■***»"*-•► fo. city |ao|-ny
I. Hint (be comfoar oovi

PH4,, .-.C i ik„';7SS,

.•ut. U.,

Circulation this week '2,250.

Ooe W. Clyde ba. beeo I

Ob aoooeat of tbe lodffo rooi
faelBR tnUiied the KnlRbte of Byibta.
will not hold o moeUn« looiRtaL
The ladie. of the Ural M B. oborch
are idaaaliiR to hold a nimmaR.. n
bmaataR the Brat areek in Uetober.
Tbe Willard W. C
will eeear ihl. alt
will bea Irible roadl
Mra Kly.
Laalar Ball baa raalRnr.1 till ,oBitiOB with Ibe KolerrrtBo Orooery to
aaeepCa roalUao a. bootkre|wr for
Ibe UetHemana BiewiaR Oa
PotAtor. la tbe loeal market booRbt
aBblRbaBVS.hoalaymtorday. Thle wbb
tint hlRlier Itaaa the pn'rutliof
wbicfa rtoRed Iron Hi

the hondiaR of the tonHiip tbe
ewwiee. ra b.MlamMr.,
(tep and that (bey are prepared to do
Depniy Sheriff Tbaekerof WiUi
bars >dni word lo ihU eiiy Thnroday whal (bey lure promitod reRardiac
WorkloR NiRI’t ami Day.
e oomiileHoo of (be liar.
■hat Kiank .Vinton of ihai plae.. TIa- ba.lral aod nilRbleel
nilRHeet llllle
elrickeu wllb whal U hollered to be
eeioM AerWewt to A. I>. cootw.
. ihinR t*........................
Mina OafTle Jobnton. who hat been Maalipnx
Mr. Viaten arrired
w Lif- ihll.
I> Goofwr who lire* oa the wen ; *^*'’' *
h. lie!
raRBRxd for the pam eeren yetra in drora aa obi of town trip Houday
.Bffercd .very wHoa, aecidnt
. omiai.R in...
ehlldrea'. work. Iiolb in Uraad Rap- nlffa, imd rra> .drireo home
ihl- plaatoR mill of Browa A nii-atal iiower Thi^'te wonderfol in
idaand (%Iobro. tvopoaos oiieainR a{neor«Mwy .lep. to care for Ibe paiieor Smith Nxtardar moniac.a. a reaall of hBildias op (he luwitli. imlr y.V |wr
nl . box. Solil br J.a G Jiiiiatoa aad S. half of hita left for.
K, Wail A, Sooa
I the dlimaee r
becooM■ lock I
Orand RaiiidA and alao
Hie idaaer. aii.l in ao etfori (o Iwll
apeal eomo lime in a ChioaRii orphan- line iBerailcd in a liRht form
ll OQI. Cooper'• fool alipped into (hr
BRC makioR a {mKloBlar alady of Ihia
aarbioe aad the lower irart of HkAoMbM »~irr liMil.
line of
coBideb-y sroand lo pirae*
Kraak K Goodrich elom-.! a d(*I
Tbntaday which luake. him the liy the knirea ,
-y of LaaalBR. a
Ucnpi-r Rare aa rihlbilioe of won>r
aoeooBlaai. wax In the oily Tharaday
when >he aeeldeol octORfalBiriRalar eiamlnatioo of ibe
While hi. fellow workiaeo
hookBand amooBiiof the North.-ra
loo fruthU-B.-d and alineke.) to
of av feel. Inoated on Hu tray ahm
Mr. Hanphrey
In exoelleat
at opadi nortli of the imperiy of Mra j' J
lion aad Hie urelon prefeel.
lie dc MeHanaa
ed him, laoomli-d coolly beii|Bickly'S>lf7l<lSUr Goo-lrieh will In-Rin ■
Clare, (hat If ihe .one oaodliieo
Draft, maned
i.h.d In all olher .tale la«llaiioa. bare the piece plalb-il to tell off fer io bind It aboot hi. leR. Iheo .looped
part of
reeort Iota The coo.ideration rraa over, picked Bp a Ulek aad .li|.]ied il |
Uichican would hare rreitoti
He thQ. made n lor-.
WrtW Orand Rapid* lanie. havealmii'"'**'' *'»• wpc
beoB lookluR for InU in that locality. nntael 'l>y laeona of wliicli hr «top,.-d ‘
PTleadaor Hn Borali Hill will be
Hie now of blami, whirl, wonlrl hare ;
b-en faial in a abort lime.
The fntirmlor Clyde Gibb. ocrarre<l
nephew. J Woeley AllUcm
-nie jmGamer A Swantoa atb-mlcd
per etaUHi ttnl Mr. Am.oa will repre from hi. Ute
andfoBWl I
lu in a hnndml


Onr Savinrs D^artmeot

I.e In.lep

bediardto beat

foar aad a half day^

ba laid ap fv.teretal woeka

CMrde are oat annoaneioR llto apprarliinR roarrlaRe of Hr. Oiarlee i.
lleltn aad Uln Urrtlo Ptaaton. which
It to oecar at the bone of the taide t
father. 3. L.
Staaloo on Sorenth
•t, oa tbe erealBR of Soptcmhrr
Hr. Hein, who fwmerly reaided
herr. ii now oocupylnR a rreiwotihle
pmtionlo Aablaod. Ohio, aod -hi.
bHde-to-be Uoneof the nom popnlar
yonuR ladle* la Ibr oily.

Vllllaa Lore ha. nalRBod 1. po.1
Ueo at rapennleodeBl of Ibe Board■na Hirer Kleolle LtRhi & Howfr
CT factory waa thlaao.
OiLWROcnthenndforlbe RelUble alarm wa. teat 1a oror the CMih
Bltotrte Bappir Oa. of OhloaRa
'{dwor. flora the IVre Uantarlle
JasM tnwrrooe of Ke.wiek wad. nnod hoate. The Bremen ■■aetoiied
tbe Barmld Mate mnplo. of PoadaitMi to tbe factory, only Vi Bad that the
. toaninni which are the laiReM iami Jilane war in a tnxh heap met of the
tbi. MOtoO. eOBc of them meaeariOR factoiy. The new alarm hall oonneei
od reoeally by Hie aiUaci a’ cDmraay
ted auil worked to perfecHoo
Himu lllaetB of one
Hondar erralDR HlhaUlarima Cielook
of thIa cliy aad Mr. Jay DeVli.« of
Grand ftapidh were inarried at Ibe
Iwnie of the bride'a parent., Hr. aad
•ed for Kriday ereBiaf of thia Week.
Mra. WllUam Oeloek.on the comet.
.datotler hVl- State aod i^iuiklln aerto.' It wa.
doy fran fata wife, wbo ii tUIHbr ai (jolet home weddlDR, on^ a few In
BdRewatw. itollBR that ah.- wa. Jnd- mediate relallTe. idifl~ffieBd. Iiein
ly hart la a ranwar. Her mother,
It. The pereiBoay rra. perfom
Who wa. ridlBR with her, wu alto a > ed by Her. Wiley K. WriRht.
raialy lajared.
eoBplf will make their fatnre home
Utaa.l Kapid..

It Johnaem of HaaUtoe, the balld
■*f. laat work and tbeoloek will b.
AOtopleled a. aooe a. paealble.
l(lbr Herald la.t we..k the opri
naasa for partrl.lRe. .laall. qimte her
-IB. IntCR reporU from the faaae war
doa'aolRee. bawerer, .how the dale
•haoRad to Oct. 10 to Nor, 10.
tl.-ly aflor I < cloae of hi.
apeech at lb.' farraera' pleolr Ihl. afl
otMOO, Prof. C. D. Hmllh of the Ar
ricaltoral Ooll(«elefi for old Hla.toitoacanlae tome of .the otvluurlaaacl
aae it there ia any yelloara there.
Amialake waanadnialhe date ol
Ibe Bwediali eonoHt. Doled In la.i
wbab'. Herald.
Tbe eoM»t In ibU
elly will hi- held on Satnrday ereniny
Bapl. lUh. and Hm- eoacert ai Anbi.
ealBR followlllR. Bepc
HarrtaRe llcrntea were iaroed Taea'
day by JOoonty Clerk Waller to
a Baynaad Wail of IliU city and
Him Loalee BMfcr of IWdllUc. Alan
to Adelton Seyamor of KtoRaly and
Mra Bmna Hare* of Banoftt Olily.
Tom Coaloo reiBrn--d to Detroit
HcB'lay afternoon. Hr. Ooalon, wh<aal Ufr loan^
naoa Oa of New York, haa wriUrn op
• Aae line of tnaaroao. (or hU
paay. wbile bate <m hit aammer 1 ntea oe

Hie IVre Ukr

Artbar Ooofiet. wliff^llrea In the
eily.had lh« mndortaoe to krtwk lath
booea of hit leR helwiwo tbe knee aad
Ibe aakle while loadlriR Rtnln fiatar
Hawoa brooRht to the oily
’ and Or. HolUdoy aumadod him.


Tbe (me on (k»th lUaitoo ial
and waa atarted abonl two rreeka ORO.
mad both are eipeeled to be in bd.llby Norember lit.


fttoel Co. Ltd., whieh will |xit
at ColllDR.wood.
Hr AillBon ■•at beeo cloeely
nI with Ihf TaaderhilU for a namlrr
of yrort-

■ whicli It will

H. H. Hill, who ha. jo.t relamed
I the city afier-anvxteailMl at
Old Hiaioa, re|ior1.that ao far ihta
8,40-1 barrel! of early applet
have been etaipped from the iv
la. 1.000 of which tauaed orer Hie OH
Aimlon dock. Within a dlalanoe of
two mMe. from the dock
tmahel cralea of aarall ftaiu hare alao
beeo ablpiieil. Them- irate broasht on
(heareniRe $1.IV a orate, and a|iplei
«J (Vn hxrreL




Jldvance Tur Sale!
new Tall and Olinter Furs.

^be manufacturers shipped our Furs Rug.
1st; they were ordered shipped Sept ISIh;
that was not according to agreement; they made
us some concessions; lhat gioes us tbe adoan*
tage; now we propose to let you in on the deal.
R oery liberal discount will be given during the
two weeks’ sale. Oie want the room, now lor
other goods»il will pay you to help us make the
room. With perfect confidence we tell you this
is the finest lot and the largest lot of Furs ever
put in slock by any de^er in western michigah

Fur Scarls dSc up Iq $100.
Fur Collarettes 0$c tip to $30.
Fur mutts $1.0$ UP to $35.
Seal Jackets, otter Jackets, Beaver Jackets,
Persian Camb Jackets, Rstrachan Jackets,
Electric Seal Jackets, near Seal
Jackets at $19.50 lo
Rstrakhan Eapes, near Seal Eapes,
mink Capes at $17.50 to

$175 [-

Vou can pay a deposit and bam a Tur laid atldt and make
ip«My paynunta. Conu In and stt Hx lint, eiad lo abotp you

Wrieht. aod a laive
toldlera of Hu lal« war followed Hie
mmaini to their laat realins placi- iu
akwoo-l cet^CtorrTb^ juxe OW aA-toim.


. Qoremor Yalea of lllinoli. wlioae
children bare been at Old Utaiioo for
wriiea Ura Raainuorc
ia ap well ph-otoo
the oblldtea to p-main with her dor
iigcSepIciiit.-r and part of lielol>-r.

- ■■___ .____■




nola. who ha. been apendinR tbe aomin Karopc. fe.-I. that (he imiunu
would not tier|alte complete wlHioul
ul at Old Uimiao.and .he
at Ihe KBtlituore Hobm (or a
abort time. Her aiator. Gertnide, will
in Kuropn for anme time coollaaiDR her ua.ioal aladle*.

\Vc can furnish the jitoftissional or amati-dr pholourapher wiih a complete outiii.

(.-'hemicals. Tri|>ods.

ill and di
Utm Galht-rinc Mlliimort-. aad h*
broHur of Hu lato Mn.ll Voorbea*
of Hilt ally.
«Mo M'bal II. (lorn A Hit.

Rev. William L. traalman. fonarr
|ra.tor of Hu UnHiodi.i oharrh In
Oadillac aad now |«.ur of thp Fif-i
Hotbodi.l chorch nl Travnrx' City,
will axtoBdoB toviullon to Hie UlrbiRBB eooferrooo-, wliirh will ImHu It.
nnnnal M‘..ioa nt Ho.kpRtm Ihl.
I. to iiiiut in Tnroriu City in
Till, confntrnoo -I. allondod by
41V minl.tor. and a> many li^nn,
The Ladtea LIbmry Aimminliion will
nnorlv a
deeorale the
It thr propio ot H
Rrarr. of the decnatod
•ember, next
Aalardar al 4 o'elook.
8lionld Tra
Travof the
Olly unt tonro thr -roafotoaco
for IWW ll will bn H.rOBRh no fnall of
Klowert are aoUeiled. aad a* (here anaboBI IN nicmbera. all who
whal ho Roo« aftor.—Undlllaf
liar. W. A.~kalm <0 fan...
and l(«Te them at the Lilnry
Hot. U.
Kolary Sun.Uy momioR
parlen beirrera 1 and 3 o'cloek Sntarnnoaocod hit inli-nllfo to aen-pl
lUy p. m.
Hu call to Hip paatonto of tbo
John Bowden of Sommll Oily, had Kriond. chDTch of Hwanwo. Haaa
iHderiBR thia
imrow emwpe froy beinR killed Rev. Krl*-y ha. b>
fata oonald*!
iBU. aad baa
hy llRhialnR Tharaday alsbt. He
had been IDliias nad jact relarwB aad Riven it Terr p ayorfi
land other neiRhwhile lylns hit liorar in (be atabie. He Tlaitod t
IlRbtDleR atrark Ihe ham, killiBR tbe borlnR jmlnu roeeatly and la fully dehome inatantly and knorkliiR Hr cldtNl that It la the rlRhl IhtBR (or
Rowdea down. He waa teoielrae for him to do.
Mr. Kelaey aad hi. family havr been
I tloK. Hr. Bowdep'. two litHe lioya were in the liable with him. here tomewliat lean Hiaaayeor la Ihli
en- not iajnred.
No damaRe pi-riod of hit tixatotale. ihooRh he
(or ».-Teral yeora (ollowias
jeaa dnae lo the Iran
n etoefil irorinR
tbe Vrionda work
off a few boorda
Trav,-rte City. It la very laTRetr
Uox'e mo-l •aeeemfal Chll- IbrooRh hit efforta that the ehnreb
rtiwo.' puy. - Tbe tlrawolr. la Kairyat oTRaataed Bsd the chareh
land. "I- to he preeealed liere thl»
ia npwTnu of debt.
nioaih neder Ihe aa.|ilee. of Djr No
Mr. Kelaey Bad hU family 4rave
I of Ihe (VmcrmtaUceal eJiareh Jl I. amay bnndreda of frtmulB wbb will
to be by far tbe moat elahniatr UiIbr dtoply roffTPI tbeir depattare tram the
kind UiU cllr haa errr w«-b.1p. elly. The new fteld offer, to them.
eludiBR aa ll will orer »* ehll.lran
.portsDilte* (« troadrr
and broallfal coatnaMW ana aarfBOlM.. aa Uuy b-llere. and
alilea hariaf a fall ondieetra aacomiw
leare lo Bfaoal three
olmeat. a thins nerer before ntlrBi|H
w<«ka tor Hwi
ed here. Mr Malrelai DoBRiaa and
Ber. Kela>r-i loeeeaaor aa |ma
tbe Krimid. ehareb tatta Na* »

Humishers. etc.

Prices rijihl.

(lay any One to look os’cr oiiT line.



No trouble

to show ^foods at


Umiknril. O. MIHimwe-.
Word baa beoH reeclved of the dcuHi
r |). I). Mlllimore of Lcm pneelea,
OaliforaiB. who ia well known in
Tiavctae 'City. tbronRh liU olive
RTOTC iwopetty In CUIfomla.
ber from lhi> rily Inretti.l n tln-ni'
aerrml year. br>i and moved
ity of Ixa -\nRrlr.
d U-cn qwodlnR th* «

have everything

in the phoxoiiraph line -Cameras, I’lates. I’.iper, Cards.-




IA Plow that will do the work
I A PlowforwhichyoB canget repairs |
A Plow that is light draft
A Plow that will last
A Plow that will handle easy;
All this yod get when you buy

I )iB your potatoes in a | air of our shoes.
1 hey are all solid, scrvicealilc. $!uarantet-(l to j;ive en­
tirely satisfactor)' wear, and sold way iK-lowtisiial prices.

Men's Oil Grain I’low Shoes,oilKrainupi>ers.heavy
soles, absoliilely all leather; seamless; t ur price

Men's Hiah Cut Shoes, mad- of satin calf and oil
grain uppers; tap soles
,Sj-50. our price



usual price


Our annually increasingl^iHcs' of this plow prove I
, its (lopiilarity and worth.
We t.arrj-

No. 10. One Horse
No. 40. Wood Beam
No. 14 A. Iron Beam
No. 3o A, Steel Beam
No. 99. Reversible Shear



.We have a few Toji and Open Kuggiesthat we wish
to close out; also a iin« I'haeloa.
We need the
room and if you want a Buggy cheat
leap call and look
these over.

You can afford to buy a pair of our hand
made shoes.

1 he best work

shtx-s ever sold

in . this

They are strictly hand made. See them.


Popular Shoe Boose

|Thc Hannah & Lay Mere. Co.





1.ABO. oma

Grosser Ausverkauf

IWtit tohegdume b»U M Mr.

SKIS:' «!;."■

'■ "“•■«—'


A* rato«ri<B of limit to roMra
I^CIeTFtu>d BDiilOca>bR’8tlicui t»>

of AldxB 1* n*. I BdMoI utll factrie ibfiM Moedv
1. fi H. Miliar jiB SentoUBbor.

aiok Hat ICBoatiof Uta C. P. Hatra Thondty.

ml city Baplambrr »U) ■! t
Tiria« in OlrTrtud mma .







£. J. Koble aod Him Aaatp

s-rzu-usS'K. srii'ss iJA';


I Rpcaoar bii fatlo^ panUhixl 1
Ibp {waaent.
lOaono- Ilnll, of l'<>! I .V
I KrlliP Palmar haa bMB riaiui
down OB tbp HopAioc ^•*llpy Ir
O. U Oa«p of TraToraa City, i* with Ur. and ] Ira. Cd Brooka
■poBdlns a fPW day* at hU farm Kmlb ooo|da of wppkr.
and Ipi a train run otpt him ll<
NplliP W.
s baa tupo ; Uh- aon of a laborar.
d»ya with bar Ota
oa.unuy. woarp anp la aBirm
Stood'Oaatn Oft.
laach Uw fall and wiDler aclinol.
■ wpU attoDdod at Ur.
ly.'a lAwypt irf lioonriUla* luata Priadripli and Ulai
ta, Tax , imop 1r<>i>lmrii"|
ttaUb of TraTarap City, wpto iba
Toliina Rolhm-b and dancbiPr drarr
ItBPat^r Hra. K. WoodworUi a tow jTPr B. llordleLtlllP ttonday t» hU
ikblor a. Mra Am H, Palon r. ;|•■mudpd biB to Im KcWlrip llii.
■iPTi. and bp wu aooo bptt.-r, l.oi nui.
Ihirtojt in* (bBB<W alarm lut Pri.
,tiUB<d Ihairiua aollMM-wa*»I.,.llr
day hijrfal liffbuilnff acnmk Jolm [low.
I pommI.
j am *orp Edit-tnr Hiii. r*
;«at«l hlr llfr.'' ThU imniadiM.. rp.„.
ally pxiwl* malaru.
kill. di«w..
Ur. llawdon waa atyisjt
<b-mi*and inrlflp* tJipbbn.1; aid* di
l>lf borax Inthajatabla and atuilios
m-allon. raRoUt.w Iirar. kldupt. ami
cloaeio ihpmanBpr wb«ii the llcl»P Prldar afl.-r• a
n fpw WP»*a trial) laiwpla, IjBraa rooitigrlnn. dt.j-.pai.i.
npkHiPluni. Hl<
I ibelr iM. C. ••
K ol TornnialppompUinti'Rivp. i>-rlarl lipa'llb
Only .'<« at Ja*. U. JoLiikqn'i ami S
Wail A 8oD > dms
atorday rpiamln



TiitignlficAnnhAt in homes (rfweailh where
AB^ the very best 1$ demanded. Ivory Soap is
|a. used in the nursery. At the tame time, in
hundreds ol families where economy drridrs
I the choice. Ivory Soap is selected. Thus hs purity
attracts the rich; Its economy attracts the poor. High
I qualltyandloweo*t:isthereanybe»ercomfainatioo?

--- -


Wplliy lua

Grand Traverse Region.

Mr. ud Mrs.

Fiop'* lotaat ebtld

WolMr B«b>iiwn .

Will JekBBoa ii luMrulBlBS !■
Jnp Hlainliaacb nerahaoed « iipw
•iMar. Mr*. J. UIbb* of OlubeyRBB.
acoD iB Kiiiailpy ImI woek. ,
Mr. Bad MtB. AOorkUH) of Tr*Ti«aP
Mta.- noBPlh took bar babr to Trap
CM^.^ eallod
Ballad oa
on Robart Uarlanrt'a anw City fortraatmaet Uat Thanday.
D and luiatoN arr lookinc flai
Jroal ooly hold* off twq waet,

-hapwwtadalca la t

Ur. ‘uidTkht^tar Ui^Ip.’^wIiIIp
Bastaala Mowktnd dW at bla boina
Old Mlmicm Hnmliv. Imd
mr (Mau Balnrday aTiialDR of oao

' d tonal In tbp laUR luntry. akimmlns' the
milk and **mal'
------------------^ Iblaanornooo nndar las tlipbraad tnibpr «•»»>. Ke o?b*r
eirnBUoua of Undartakpr Unrtla of damajta waa dona.
. Tb* aanloea wera oonHiiTP waa a Rood orowd aapnitod
*»B*^ B» oSau ohBr^'lw
Dbacefa by Bar?
Bor^ WdWil­ ibp iild Ulaalon danea tram Uaplplon
Friday niRbt


Befconl bairiM lomcKTaw in tba Arm.
It BBhooI........................
wUb Ula ■
Ip Cad-

:Adia*- Aid wllln
!• «■ Friday aflarn<

121 Friinl

. Tb.. At.ipp. atp R..|ti,ic
Ilxndilaaitaokpd a .la^. nmr.llinir. m.uld.. i. f.tir.d. ov.t .••! ludAn.


Salllran of Tianra
Uiaa Ktbel Willi____ ___
ibe RIack iialubliorborBl
Uajotlo UeUarTT uviel„.a th. Itounlo
iohool- Ban wUliaa ro with
yon^ trachor* from tliPlr

■ft". U. Pi.rryinnii
asaln after arreral wpaki
typhoid fpvpt.


itinc tvUHvp* lipr.. tbp ]«ai Hippo'
. {
Mrw Dora Cnini ndBrnad from I
A RPBarBl inriMIlan 1* Ptt<«i<lp<l to UanoPlena ttelurday.
*11 to atumd thf nolon rwkypr'BPPt
harp bps! Runday cvtuiop am many

lieu HiiuIp attemlpil tthp play •
irrrpp Friday .‘VPiiiriR
............................ retamivl Iii.iiip
la^ lAir
froiD llnip* Katnrday.

MM.Ttib leami
An.. Ill
Ur. and Ura. Jolin Waalnli and Mr.
I), -m- throat.
Rod Wraloli warn Ilia RBaaw nf Ur
and Ura. taater linllouUwk tbp mrir .jiiii blipr. jaTiniiiiPiii
Tbninn.'. fCi-Jpptrip Oil
At any dniir |
lairt of the work.

aloD rs yaara. Thi< boraa'i mate. Ib<'li)lr*a' Ur. Hawait ha*
r mTaial yiku* pa*l. for
— Rood
'Pttmrp tloea; boiIiIbr
woBld lure ludui
idupod him io>uri
uri wlUi
Ibam. atcbonRli
atUwnRli tliay liara (HillirnI
tlipir aaafohipia.
Untie*’ Aid
HollPotieck Wi
Joe. UnCIlai
I, ffom Barrt

M ■ ■■ M ■
O 1 — il 1

■■ MM



«l Ibp aS.^ctn.i.. and bwiiiiB lb'-I'lri.
in n amaie and Imaltbr
■* H"'.
lui* .t.kxt il... i,,t of r.-at,. ris mx ui

I’nrs. Alnuiiap.



■ I Contain Mhpp


latcM CI.PPW II, Hip world >.
in Ibp |■al■.A<l■rnaul rxhil.itinn
waleht* Uli* |■ont■d>c, t. s.; inph.-v
IiLrIi. sn iiiclieii ill dtaiupl-r. ami w.i.
Imnlp oat of S.Siii qnari* of luilk
I* not for mip.


1; -tSSwsH;

Hammock Bargains!
$1.00 Hammocks for 50c

159 Front Street.

from Havrp Haiarday for Npw York,
on bar niaidan trip AmonR bar joa
Ura W. L. Frink aad ilanRhterB.
twalra F”!
All latiicai.
lllte and BpIIp, yiiiipd Ura Will
Ura. Dlok Darla and-fainily eatlad Ora of Elk luke Uomtay. Ula* Ul- rriwpaamiaR H»a Trm|i*. JmirBal il.w
od^Mr. and -Mra Oliarloa Dari* San. He did DM ratarti homa natll Thi
Debate. |■.•I,t Joatnal, FiRaro. Kateir.
Uatin. Joarnnl. Uil Uiaa. Iluitrniion.
Vh- lIJnMrpi' and CiinMidp.
Roiitlamna will in*ppet all tbp iwtncl.
J. D. KI1W7 la on tbo-Alek lint.
Ur. and Un Joaap Hall rUlted
Onr fall and winter b>nii of tebool tlialr daBRbter. Ura J. C. ShaaTPr, ful Anaciaae upwagaixr puteblubmi'ola.
b^ Ibia monloR. with Ulaa r
orar Handny.
Uorton a* teoofaar.
Ula* Hay Bordffp. who bu been
Daa<l to fi«r anddan Bllark>of
Uiaa Clara UanR,
IlioR bare, retomu.«. „„
_____ . aaiunu'r aomnla
Donrar, Col.. Ia*l Thonday,
boma Tnaaday.
Uiaa Uando Jlntdca lf;yoo bay.- Dr. Fowl ar - Flxu-iri of
The 8. K. W, 8. Oo. ha*a tltelr ~>tnni* to Cadillac Uaidny.wbprr alia ttlld 8tn*rb<-rTy lu
Hu- tni-dipinialllBR^Uill
dll at tba out mid of Ttartil ranma lur dotla* u inubpr.
and pxprot
Ura Daa Wialan of Tiararaa City,
in a fpw daya
■ flrr itr rncins in i
la TliltinR bar daashter. Ur*. Joa
H. J. Tliiaa wan a eallnr hpra'a law Bodthof Kowadla.
Ui*. Plorpoeo. lower workitiR* of tba Old Dominion
daya aso.
«V>P|iar Co’* mlnp.. ArixonB. Tim orlFar^ ur all RPtlloR nW to pnl
Rlii of Ihp Hra la aoppoaad to l>a from
•ntndla Juft lii tbF worklnR*.
If Saak Proif will not pal in an ip-. SwnkKVmei.kxkwp..
K-|.i ;
a* too aooti. com will br tba
crop ,iti tbii aaolioB tbii aea
i ttTien j-oii a.k for Cjsrjrgt. be




ohioa r«ady to Ihraah elotrr-iard.

. I bay,- l-atiiniit-il T. i f|i
t-it-,.1. t. ontiitit t.f «. v..rai<1iffpr. iil fa. b.ri,w.antj itiuet
,.f ,i„. emal* amt in -r
dor lx i|m llint I liMK j.iit 1,1, I
ll. p naat li.-low i-tiii.,h lilii,n
J will .jin.teall thafirii-,-* li. r- that
will imniiit Iml
trill M-ll ■•w-rylliinu in lUi li.ii:
..fur...p1,.....l.,,..nt,.r..,x.r,i,.na.lyl,.. ,.n.^. 1 i,V„.l ti. .1., lim VornilutP'^1 L.::'
.ii-imwa..f Trat r- < ’ll, Kil l vi- itiily,• ,..........rill rtiaxim, a,y
||,,, y„„ j,,,.,. .|„„i ,1 j,,„ j„
I. CliifaiiO or any utln r jilai'

A Enmi. solid, WrII miidi- Iron Hfil, )ust,]i(:<-1
r«-Eul.Yr iiritf §1:5, inir prirr.............


,A Eood solid oak (Mil Dresser. F'rench bevel •
A nice st.Iii) oak SideUiartl. nice larse j-rcni h
mirror.................................................................................. ........................j j.yE<>o*l wilid F:*tcnsion I'.Yblefor.,.................. ? ,..!$:i7.’.
Kiichen Ctipboanis up from.......................................... ...........

antertaibed by Urn. J. L. UIbb. a few »»re you r.-i Hic pcnuinc Casearcte
Candy Calh.-irtic'
Hanr HbrIw* from Olbb.' miTI i> in fraudiilriit »ul»titule*. iniitali.m, oi
town at fwoMOt.
cuuntfrfcils! r.riiuinc labirls siaiiijimi C. C. (
Never sold in bulk.
raranpCiiy lui waak.
All dniggii
ylillinR rrUtiyra.

; Kitchen Cabinet .with tirawers for Hour,
knives, forks.
l-arEesi line of Couches shown ihis'siilcofChithis
(rood full sprinE couch foi si
A beauI ihinE. EUffranteedf steel ctmsirm
conch others would sell
ill for $12. for........................ $11.7.',


;h for




]n*t up from
from a hard *|ip|iaf
»®Toral from brra atteBdad Hw C. K.
ooTOBtten at Kortbport lut w<«k.
»«'<!« "<i “tB*
' a'w^Tl“k'^t._ 'merrhanl
________ _____
lllanclia Krllay want toFrioakay Sunmd. Ti-nn. "I u*ad mi.> IoiiIp.
' i'« tJolir. CholPin and
8. a Barfce la baildiDR ■
UU* Fannie ThompKm left lut Diarrhoro Rpmp.ty and wa» rnrod
Un. Bditk Uldlaw aad U|aa Sana on bin avwf balldiBR. Tba lower pnrt
Tbnr*day for Fifa tmka. wlipro *ba without a ilocinr
I c<in*ldpr it Hm
will br nai.d in oaonaouon with hia
best elinlern Brdlrinp in liip world "
—.......tehar doiipe u ” *rh<
elora. while tbe Mambraa wl'Tharr 1* nn naad oi pinjilatitiR a ibip. <
leinap of tba np|Br imb'- for a
r when this ramody i* ow-d. for no '
UU* Emma KobbUiA wbo
elor can pn-*anl<- a britpr meilirlnv'
yUlUns at Un. J. U Oibh
cd DatmU. aiaixMd by tbe
- botn-l rompUlul In anr form pIiIi.
naat few wo
'bu reW^*’*'
mmoTBd an orarian to. bar boma at Cbeboy»n F-all*. Win
for cbildrvD or adolia
It npt-pr
of Uood aubor
I, ami U p|po*nnl to takr.
Ufa Ida Baxti
- Jion and danRfater I
pby F.C. Thonipun
la. reluniMl to ihrir hotnaat Foina
Bfirr a ylsit wilb friend* and ralattt
Sobool Will oommaaoe onr waak
today with unite Steffai u
Ura J. T-Whyl
- . ehll_.........
tunad to thalr
at OUdMODt...
WU., after a vlsll with their rrlailTM
paoted ..
run ban ■*h«t time*'
Smith of 81 Lonla
nla Ho.,
• spandiaR a two weak*'
Mr. and Hra
ontloo at
hr hodte of J. W. llqbba
war* hate lau w
Ttnii'i will Irotp Ttnyarte Cite at
laaklac up tbe a|
Winnla hu mor^
;(k' a a. Rptorninr Ic arr liar \ low
►^^^booaa. Ruipfi.m
:m sw
-pT ~ ^
indlioM aatr
W. Oibha of Kankakaa. III. U tUIiiBR rplatitM at rtiU plaee.
bride tomorrow.
Clpvplud. Ohio.
Mr. and Ur*. Frank Hat
Hayar*. who
Her FanoT KlUolt
h»ve bau ylMilBR
ylMiiaR in Newt
New Vork
vUil her homr In lodi
rnsk Fuber i« bayins aad «
mar point* of t-bteteal, retarnad
Ura 8, K. Darka and hiw
ome lut 8aiord*y.
piac BftplM aad potaloaa.
Faro Uarqapite BRont* in Ulnhicu :
«^oy‘.......... ....................
Born, to Mr. and Mr*. Oao. Kobal. at auiioo* from wbich i**a* will ap- >
Mra Kaaay ii oatertaininc bar
* un: to Ur. and Mra Ha-enitia • ply will aoll Spptember Mb to trih. :
wottir.^wbo arrired froni Maaiatpa
Katorn lim- i
•oo. aad to Mr. and Ura Harr Jamea taclBsiTP. at atiCTP roto
ilHplUamb-T I.Mb
1.unit will l-p ax
Mew tbe obareb In idaatarod tba tet ihclr ««nterTe.^^"TS!^-^ a daoRliter.
^A jileaaun nrprUe wu Rlru by Ipodait to Uriubpr Mb ooilar mrteio
Imdtea' Aid aoeiaty are iryioR to miw'
(ndatotunuh^ AilU?te.S*tu
booorof the Itev O.FL conilinoea
Delroil ud >
MMaa oad mka tooial wbteh wu cmebarRPOf tba iopi
dado all roll roaiaa and tU Dalroll I
tm ap with only a faw boon notlre.
Mrr loaliaed or* nta* dollara. ~
dpooratad with tanflowan and bont«dtei deaarra <*Bdlt few wbai
IBPte of Mliet BOwpte.
Thp nraal
BfFF-AU). N. T.
Sara alnady desa for tbe obsral
.rocrom wu follewort by n-ftrUw
Pw Amrriran
Van I
Charlas A. Flaber and aoo Find
low raiae with varinu limite. F.tpyy :
Taaeday OOP m-nl prr Blip romI In roby all.
Foar or Bvp ri.tion wore
ton laorinR UbVsIu followias
pppsent uri two new bpbI

Rocker, cane
seal, niEfi bock, solid oak............................................................

Ba^ ehotart 1* on tba ilek Hat.

j^JS=rSlij£3:£i.”Ss Df-oair






Latlies'Rocker, line carvrti liark. brace arm
tiphoUiered seat, for..................... .................................$I.K7

Cotton Top iMattfrss, (uir<- cotton


l.irEc solid oak .\rm Kocker. cane seat, qtiar-

Common W’ovc-n Wire .S|,riiiE


-.-.Jl 111
Wov«-ji Wire S|>rinE. lim; sted

weave, loconis........................................................................,...$1,117
6 KOiwI. solid. \Voott Seat Chairs lor................................-ri
<1 solid oak. hiEh. < ntbossed hack. Cane' .Seat
• ouil Cloth Window Shailes, ?oc each.
dow shades m.ide to order,

.Ml si/e wir

Lace Curtains per ,«ir. 11,1 fiom 50c .iml


Solid oak j-piEcF lU-ilroom Suite, bevel I’rench
^ plate mirror................... .....................................................................Sill.7:
S(*lid oak. .vpiece Hetiroom Stiiu-, more fancy,. $14 7-'.
tine solid oak Ikdrocitn Suite, nice larEe licv
el French plme. swell top drawees ‘
fancy o]>en Joilct, for.................................

^ Iba UayBa'd

.ttaBily ar* w....


%,"s,r’rs: Jzsr.jj'srasir’-s'

T. HoihRelkRofn* &ua ud daaefa
ter Ooldia ■w»m- tba Raa*te.?1C.
F. Sance and wUa. .OhlroR^U j' ud Ura^. P. Raiaa but Bonday.
Smror, Utasd Hapld*; T. Hnnalas
Mtm Sarah Barron hu noa to


Willow Rock.

Jot of them, iipArom
.A ye^-line lai^sWr'iii.holstered and |wdtied back—this rocker is large, solid oak. and
has seven [wient constructed sled S|irings ii

Oak St.ifid for....................................................
2 ft. square Fable..............................................

Ur*. Eddie Loka'a siaur and bo*.
bud fram Outral laUa hare baae
l^dlasa faw day* bon ta th* vietee umnd.

AM 4»ute for f.H toftS^

................................. __

V\ e have an extra, large line of Hook Cases in
all sizes, also an,extra large lineof (Combina­
tion Desks and Hook Cases, solid nak, up from $.'.,7

A nice square steel range. Just the thing lor
_ small lamily, for................................................



Sted Range with highVarminE clos»-l____
Stfid Range with high'cJoset and reservoir, all
comiilcte. for................................. ......................................................
We have the brgest lineof stoves'and
shown in the ciiy.
c square E.vtension r.ilile. soli<l o.ak, just like cot
iilar price $.,75, our price $.',.iai.
This table is
nice cnouRH
JUR.t for
most any dinirtE room, and cannot


be duplicated

town for less than $.S,oo.

. .

steel ranges

Those American Bench Wringdks ihatyou-pay
agents from
’01 $5
$5 to
to $)) for
for, we are. selling for
so and............................
Gooil Fub Wringers, up from
Carpet Sweepers, up from...

iloo-Hoo Cooraolioe.
-refarrnond tnp
Sell Hp|«p
b Bod Mb. Ratnn ISth.
,AUB Arbe*. natron. Grand ..
Alamaw ttednaw. Travarro
______ w City.


/\ line quarter sawed oak. French h;g. Parlor
table for...................... ............................................................................$| 7;,

4 know Uiotp pri'-ea l annol be dupliral»l for the aanm .(.ml
Ityofitood*, and will Kivp yoa ppopmifjoally

r low
rii;lil llirougfa on our maiaiiioth stui-k of (oro
atuve* Bod Bttwl ratgro.



sawetl oak. and high back for._____
.A EOt
lootl large.

in. Curtain l’olcs‘.4 ft Iode, with trimminES.

ai^^a In' Jp U01^I«TBfSrtar*tJ‘

■UMl sum Mssthay pmiafid.



n» ain of late » aUo baljiioR po
taua aloas, wbieb ll wm feamd aonw
tlBM aso WMld ba lam tbao hnU a

___ - -




D 'I Acnpla SubsUtute I


' .le:,

Tbe new *1


Sain ttla aaaacB


Moon. ti.ii.Ml hit«tat.-rat Yu-

i| tii'.M.k.

I* qoUa

Ham Ntpknaon >• bBlIdiaca

Cily, Mieh.

ham.irooN. V.-andiliar...*. aR.-n. ar..„.b.-rPd mwr H.r. rboimi. bX
etnl battle that dteponnlid tnany ‘lui„,Ht di«-*«ti.e tfro ranP-.
Hat affair, tn Hip far «P«.. Tlndrif
^ .ammif -________ - .
C Witlli WPOI to KIk luirtda .‘teinr. pt wa.nrniPd and . xrl.anit.Ml a •
in-aehi-d Ida fart
v t.. w
day tn work.
hdp with lim rol.Uy*.and H.PI1 p*mi..I ti.m, S..it1.T« are f.-plii.c timw.t at '‘"'r ^ m.,.,’wir”.!:^
Sabool liPRiii. imUy with Uiu Uay- b.r whip,dns 0,1 biximr,..
saDooDDO-im-aU w.» l. fi for Uk'
ih- annaal ia and UU« Barl-r *• tparlara
A Stioi kina Calamilr.
a RTBpnnt at thp »»i«t
,crra. am
>'d at HanOku. whn bn* Ufii III for
aoma tiim-. db-d. ni 1,1* bnmp Friday
IPIT »«.fellam,lnu,IUhorPr..a

aad waa liurip.1 a) Tnv>.n>- Saeday.
• Mi.ipp Of. A- Kidli.t, Ilf Willilor.t
Bertha Hox«ii. vUilml frirnd* at /
.■n laal wp<-k.
Wa!fbdd^b'-n-^'u^y Ud

Oa>TMpeod<ai> on mqan>M
K. H.
Mi-rop arrirpd hero laal
■Bka MM o( Um fut Hut BO ooni
II be B»<lii>iba H«. .. Tharadar from a rliort rUlc to lili old
SrtotBdulM. dmorod.
will uppuda abort lima wllh raU.
•MMtan will bo B«>d uilm
«MAb •a»d«rl> fcBovB to thr BdKor
r.^and MraJ^tOuaphall tUK•f <Ab IlMlA
Krpry wm-1 noanit.
tlMtlwi btb moil IB whish un> not
Mad. Blmply bMUSM Hip iumup of ihP
wHUr 1> M I


Koiviivi-r zuiivi




TBE OBaND fBAVtiftSE IlER^ti: SttitBUBEfc «. iMI
____ _ of yoor mrth Ufc
,.m^ look terward to a
•mo. roo^
uni luiW
roBrlounxT- T
fur •
_ dartWM now. bot Ibco we iha:
rkwrir. We cma Uke a clauce In flu
Blmw nf Uw |«iit bim] oolVre that wa
ban often takes tbe wnme fialb.
IKiwent U tianllT elasev.] at. lar
mime <>r Ike fwlun- so rje ran eaie In.
BO ha»S nn •nqi. but tbe baixl of
lie alulM' boMa Ike kej tbat will
: lb.- .kur. Ufoowklle fPO
He falik. Inwiln* that your. .
inaib- llabl la Ike <lay of
Ilia ap|>««rt«
rhHMlaa C

. wblle plaeiiu the rlnainr aUulna
.4 the ••Ceedo- at Ibe late
.W U.wku ebolrh, be«aa« soeosmma tbe aoleian maalc esderl

aty the mffered » fmn with
andoould <ddaU BO nllef antll DeWitf. Witch HaaelSalre effeetod a

“I bdire* thty are

Walt * Sen'"

______________________ Ibe tea ctaairOB.
h) the am Thai il.M MOD empty. bawlm.iuiy <d

who tbosgbl rtw knew Ufa.
-1 beUere they arv abaelaMy haMqr
and hare eteai wif romrot' aaJd tte
rirt wkn tboukla .be did lu*.
-I Iwllere they are aa rxlremrty or­
dinary rooNr wbo at Ha- battom of
I. d
do lore cork otfcer and
tbetr bran,
way*-mrakinK row.—like eteiybody
rlw-.- aal.l Ibe (M wbo rratly dM.
Tb.-, arrr apcaklns of kir. and Mie.
f'an.tiaw. known amene tbetr oc
• ____ _
why they were
an ralb-l-oc. mlker. n<d«ly temefnlud urtclnaUy beea

>W fell la a MtBdtac aheek t
FBoa Oatmndo. Tharaday
LS* talTwtlf'm^e^iSlau* ,<d wae fdkrwad by a aereee hall-Mi
iaieraal r-n-ooe at Waakii«t.u (or per
Btd Oarlliu. .01* Howard m.. Pan
miwkw k auBofataw Im eignmiea In
TV- appllmnt wm kJd that Hama. ktkh. wniee: "I Utie triad
■y pill, and Uxaliee. bat Dehm'e
• wb BiBirafiietBrr be mnet
lie Early KlaM* are far the bmt
ih the Uw g.wen>iB|r tbe
' .-*«
- i..biw<»etip. f.« kihacv.
r^umr. triee held and .
iUmi theeiiranrttw. when mad
i|wr krd. namr**)- UnuM no
lezanl, aalbe kibane..eikaixtra ledian


awwal fnen Ibe farmey t.r mle.
pliima.d Ibe Ira «a*|wiBt<< liolllHwbevn

Far In^ta Ettd OhOdTen.

The Kind Yoo Have
Always Bought


1 watt BBtil JOB b
Whaliiwtod bat I
Early Kitei







Cdjy 1"^
. Inr.' and l>lemli«. I


OaawJlwiOhir gof MutaL

i, wmie little mleh phram
*, ibe ehan. .dgm.rf tbe Im
aal and
aiHl .hllver. from nunH-r..u« I
ihl.noe.rf- Jodee and Jury.
,be pap.T in all duretnau.
at b>-r Horn Orel IIU. Tl.u. viewed t
ou k
He- lury. y>ou
knoo ^lenUy
ud BwkT tbe rtga:
Oere- prha' ViHTti)* Ilf ■‘tery b.*neet el
Ha »
r E Walt*A*^^
Hut be iBinelnei
• n mie n wbltri *b<iiil.l rlieh
htal kouorrtuuie i
.ml in •"fjww **''"T”i2rki-'ib.'tea lake.
dos ren-|moa a
a pUwy Wl.1.1, diouM
g.4-< ll•<'<'^4ll of It.
. . ' Bad.' <d gn< u Im wlii.-h bu 1.QI liltl
k an rvpot uf tb
rliaraeier anil a tnwanrv
i.el Id* Wife, b
T1-- JO.U.- .leariy
f®* 'dort. beim:<\mi|.opd.< unlmAni
•teiuU vnriek eti-ry life. Trealiy
pop in "B|i|ii
111 Lki own uliHl ! and .UIUI.-.1. iiiwfully.
b- n.-t-r t.d.1 lo-r i.
Itmofully. )inun
Jinu e..uith to and erel
au4 Bobooaa tlriu.t, a«ed la and It.
Iw liaJ ak-r.-ed tkai
.«.« K. be uundb
atanrled alter
Cod aad Oonr Ule, .
rwol till
walklue orer W mtlea The jonna
ne Wlio iH'vm
s Uml Hr. mad Hr., la-kr aeol out
ApnCert KefWfdy forrogrtipa
r of luivliic luid In-r. lbe|B]errTlmd.r.
BMiple eloped frouWllliDOfe t«l4-I
le irplri..
all, life iiwia. ihMI.Iiik ..f
(tun. Sdiir ShvoHh. Diantuea
wl’^'r” while thedaiu|iuem' Hrw
William K. Vasdetl.ill, Jr.,
durlnr hi.. . U
. B.4 «ni.-i.-ul to .imu llw ikiler. Tb.■ Inaloo. where they applied fora but
.1 mennius ami pee. <.f Ilf. ledl.lni:
breaght a hall doten. and all tlie dog.
.-UM-nl, In- dij love k.-r. and
an.l :
utv- laid a«ul.- f.r a few lUyt
f lie- mini, atheu! l«thn.-.- v
ru«e Heel..Wot harlnir the f.e
nrs« md Loss or Sleep
ml at lakle.wbere a .(erlal menu wa.
lot: made le-r kl. wife-all , ^
,eady to h-ion-A-vl
tie- e>nl
E'-«tle. t.ntlur wore tefoae.1. an.l walked ic llln nin> W rteliire.1: uf tliem.
Fae&Bik S.«BMurv of
r Katley
^ Tliefi.l:M:of a k-a ckwMleintleriaakfort. where Uiey were married
w M.-M-d no
uliar. Ibe ivie utetw.
Nnrrt. Silver. Nortli Siralfiwd, K• Idumcmal.!- ..miBht le aan—d, Iml H : i imrehaMd a lot......... lone Win
wn BBO rme cij^ ue.
[tut .be bail no e
der fn1le-rle~il; of tlethe .tf.Vt . U tbe tyn. uaa-n-.-'<lliwk- lie Cutigk lUre irt-o .uff..riiig lr..m
m in the world !■ l^ni; ■
. .
.......................... ■ ki-ol and a di>|>aiti.« to .onagli duoton
tto- tiH't.- faet .4 a k.vln* word «wa lit- :
i„.i.i , f p«.<<buig ur *il dnw ii. If ,ble. tine Imltl- ivlievd me. Ike
wiu, alletly defyina^e a
Today I
wn. an ot»olule pkwmre; <
111. in. Hull w ill.. .1, . jed and third ala 10.1 ruri'd.
^lil of man ty»^p % T1
l.iit. moB-irer. rto- ptii.d If that word !
,..4 tn l.-a eitan in " «:»itk If. am a well man. "
or rare...were tnew tliat all U-r world
,, r, ilw wu.doT .n. .l-.wn audirk*
Un a ■ iwe. Tw «•»
'a„ liMd V oeew .w
1 Mrt
A faraxw liviug not far from I'ort
ahnui.l 0.- ail'd limr It. It wa. a a|«- :»».,bkI ri|.*antte. inkaliiiK •' de-iily.
juln foreea with the^rafitmdier. To
I.-..1W4.0I. iV,iin-ll. Very nun- . ib,.„ ,|„- tin, ienii.g f.. lliw paw.-, and land. He., tell, a fuany rei«ue*t that
morrow tiie nalwr will .till l« .pill
,.rie only know IT. I.. uniat |, «,ree.dr.n.y ,.ie . f Inn n--etbiUmwoin<« made of him But loegago.
^ Aed K.W.O »el U
lirii-n dW .he tell U-r ftk-nda
ym,> .iiuiul.Iid until Hr my* Ikal they called at hi. hiinH<wr etlk a ««r. Hveaa t ellh
ludtf.- wmild Blinod Umire tliei»n.*erl.ek. hkeflyiiit. Jiirt dam-ami Baked kirn to reniore hi. cw.
biy In front i4 |«-»ple. tint wL.ti In- gut ; igp m il.diift wJuHliiiiB ■ Iw eulitvly ,isi
Ike ireJew and
from the paMure *0 limt tliey could
Ind.vvl .be kad Uid auaw
c< Ibe nuiiimui wa, fliu
Tliu Mag.
Maim Ud. a.
now <5*ihen4.iiL«iwaj
Jolm MrjiPlikdle.1 trylny to mr. n-.i
Wirt, of Ao.iralia are liecomlBE .pK..ti*-i>i.
pick l.laebmie.
tlw ,l.a«a. the Minke .vmtiuu.*..
amtlh'Bolf aliRrnd «real berolam.
lively rival, to Itenada amt the I'mt
! until He-nwei.M-.d ll-M..iiiarli —I. In.

rlld.<^et i. In tbe llciR_____ IVwaroo, Mieh ,
od StaU-. 10 Ho- Kurnimuiatiple Vaile. j ei lA
uiig.T fri.-iid. l.Mdii-d at bee
iln-lliuil eO.ct.
otir Kodol l>.r*|wp.ia ITore
e JXmU iraot.
‘nio .woll
Willi greni w.Nider, al bieei'lf „
..Ji-ig-antte- Tti.-ag..iyid Ibe
ike iie.I re^v
■y for indigeMion
inrtig ‘ ' aad
bahmc■ ^||^iU<«tlno-ll«aamoal
y. aail tie- Jury. nollng ihlA i.f.lanieMHli.a rturt.ra-r.i of tin.
1 upi'l.- rui.iiig conniry.
mack trouble Hint 1 ever o-st. For
n—tl.r -I tk- .MM. J AO* llrik
.. .. et.n«A kH.-*Jm., k.a-*. .v*e
Oil Oompatiy.
. luiMiy- KUe ...uld move'aiaUM-alidilelituid lie-l.-aiiguMle. ll
ir. I « from iWaiwi-la al
lb a .mile on her Hi-, cl
ir. rau.iiig It— to .ray In Iwd and
•will U- Ihh.w Uf.iv r-..l.-mi l-l...k.vl
r haa Kiafled Ibe
A Vale .
all Iking,
mualug m.' untold agony. 1 am eonito IM l-llef
tall imd of a ripor oo the head half of
- really liad k
.wp^'Va An h?wr*
a rattle make, aad ll
ir. tn hi. eye. W
tb.-1 rav IIIB f- r Ike t. a rigaretu-.—Cmrhii aaffer from lii.lig.-MInn. 1 glway.
alire and reody for hoalneaa
ff.w to |oy for it If ll falU. Tl.u.
Ki^-.Veot SQiwrior.
In re
kandv for. tl.niEh „• Jinlg.- did
u-I liaveoever j—id " S. K Wait
II, an.1^ ivu .1
■pooae to a foollah dan- from Joae|il.

\y hr Over

Thirty Years



___ ..




|TK'.«I«K .TATK.irBk-MlHAg.
*1. .4>lr*j>IT.*.ie_ —


Hantau. a lelr«raph n|iemlor. Lnol>
lUwera. dieoktoe' eletk lor the
Uar^lt-Well • Hardware tloaiiany.
iamiA into he m. Umii rtrer and
aUMBpul in • rim in nlmre and hwl
wn were eom|wnlOai
oa the ateamer lltoomer (ilrl OB a trl|
ap Hie rtrer and it wmi oo a bel of «I0
that Ko«er>)amped la.
Foliowinc the paiaoelas of *»>•
aont throoKh eoUnjt


will make tin- I.
0ll.|llue. ll wll
- onr lnlrtv>m n

.nl offering i.i Ike I.-.I KiiLIbt. Hie
iTtwt l-'rleml, ntnl ll will aimuiv u.
.-lur In .-V.-T, ................ life tbi- ole
kind, i.-n.-lsnl iwro -Jekii
kn <d

other Ohl«a«oan. were Unsfihi in
d(B(k‘< door by tbe mine aneney Men
Theeffeol wwre.1 to .|wead alarm
Ihraoxhool the north elde and
the Uke abore. wliere the drodi
iai>millile Ibal Ue ahnui.l ihIm
raa RTOWf in iwofaiion. Tbe offlcUU
leiwiBWl ua or Judge lu lurtBy*
are taking alepa to warn Inrer*
maalinmma by roatlnc alpm aloa« the liar*lily. it 1. when our iiilml. are in>
m-rturU.I Hut ... ...............
lu .|U
when, the
-i-l vxlik III. .lealltigA ami itnui Ilf
aprlBii op after erary ahower


Oera. Hoaday oiirht. and the mini,
tan and the memkeraor the e«m«irtiaOon who had (rtthned were in a

1 ni-t n. tU-y bad 1,
e e.-reaiil. be al- |
hie etraiune faab- 1

tm*h bMku.a le c.aior* ••
DerMoB the « ...ity.
irly yiureirf II—HtK* ulhe»ul.f.r. Ui. fliM lial.k f.B
dat fa).-T.«vii. ISuiugalUad

nl.-k- of Irvlli la I
In.. Kaii.I.aWe roiuam.-,
A- I Imie kcf.w.- -hi. her ynungj^"'
rk-n.1. .-n.le.1, k.-r cni.4iip.wai1.-.
allied, ami ........... imgde -.1^ rahl.
I'.-.r Ibliigr
nud Hey a-riud.vl Ike
;jll.r.f-r;4.4al hnieVlnulo - lliel.viii.'iiiialMrin. f Itaignmnd
Uv l.-1u.e«.H- r.-»o.| and Ik.- p
dui»i>-i. d Hieir d.e.ri* ami tlin*. <hHie woy ,J H-ir a
n- and BiAbiag to
Tley.lul lill

Far Inbnlt and ChiUrta.

v.;o™^rVL‘',d.!'.‘ .-Tul-'tyi'i-i.r. ij..

I Hi km Yh Hni llvip Bupl

Fruit Trees.


H.-nd.vl. A
lt.T« III Heir el.m wagon. ia».-d
leBleadwnr.lfr..iii I'aj.
ny toUM
.'lU Bin] I'nnoria
qiUl. Wielv M.m'U
BOW Mandjwt 11
.M O thaV Itai ld
.vvllineigb linii,_________ to Ike Vi.4.c.a fall, of tba
2ai*)..u and to the Alluulni noM at
I LiaBila; u-4 till 1»ku ikai tie- vaM ter< ni.on* wlil.-li lie l• l»..4■ H- Traua-

TMOt. fe. aFKAeui * tOM,

nvlA'IK HAIg l«rAI'I.T IIAVIfft/


Salordoy Hi* I BIh day ol Novam-

Wayaa UaMly Saak Udg.. VETBOIi:



'ai—itii iA"i»£lrw^iiTS


|4.a.*4x All It—.- farun-t., .wpUwcr.
aiuliniliing iui*i.v-t.4* rum. up ov.-i
] Un-falgl. fnui. He-exin im- oKilh-HM;. .wnuhl you kkl
goodby imiuewl . ml .d Ain,-a .li-vk.d-fcMo
y..,i h>v.d mer the luvalld 'tine- n. Huh- by He- warlike iialivr
wueapi-iuled I*
'iril.Alml .Iniwn .ui by hieliug oivryll. rai. -I*. •>
0- a r.4iiiliyiii Kuni*-niia
rr. f.-«M,r W II lon. k..f M..UDI
I.I liv.iuiil tlnivis while Up- Ikutu.
new Bud fi-vv-e
iH.ii ma.I.-m, i* ITi->llt.d w
>ould not olh.4"

"I tklnk-luy dear," llw Judge cc|ieat- , imlae .d diovo. ry ami e..
rt. rtalugfrani bleehair pri-paratoiy to ; neuethunmainiavn H-ir
,inglkerv«'m.-,.iii lui.' l-iter’—
In-M.'uiiil nll.m.vl ev.4i

enuglil le.lil of her I they h-l .wtaldl-levral.aip be.>Air-v.d| elae~-, f..i I.-a.-lilugeurri-ai UMor, a
.w.y.-l*tvej ge-wrapk,.
anil'e ban.11 .
nyn-ay. I>lek.“ el— laki In a .liilll- trwwJanira iiiy.-.-. H. K. lu t^eulury. I
i.Mii,, Klelt- of Ib-llevllk-. Ill
•} Hull, her went wa. In .|wak In,
tmly^ f.w iw-uiy
k.1.1 by I well \ A-t.ii y
. H- Jielp- n«.le an 1
A i^ipita! .
but tb.
SI tialr .vmalj
I. .........A—. I...H V.... I known 1.1*1—). .v.iavniiiig
Ibeikiard of tel
a i-ridi .d Wii,.-J, I,.- w a. furm.Tly
Tlii<K.'uH.'Uiau kadalumd oby.-.iiiai I Ivilee
.*1 of Ite.t I'rovI
lo hie le w U-iiig luvaikd. ami njeni ««« 1
-.•.v.lie.1 a gox-ru
rrraenai. al the na— >d a -TTViv. I deu.*-. |i
>a* Awarded him
Rut tbe Judge did tint
• f.w lu-roUtu lu
plaint agaiuM a MrajigiT wb...unim ■l*d, j
a&d preeesHy h-fl He- rie.i
aroaad In fronl of tlie chstofa.
Id hew
Til.' tini ni.wnlng the .1 nor looked
.... .u.**- ...V.. ......
. .»baliwa..laige.oMfmd.r.4i.d.«)aarel
kU family in. aad in a
a burraD of iBfoniuniTak« ll
! «rw.nar.-. .-i-ble.d|T wna tpaedlag np the alreel to lil
ii n.ald In wall li.-r want..''
ibrougk It all .He wa. having
O--join, mid Un- imrmliug vlall.
The Oaafftecatloiuil chan
, lu rumburg.
mall,. -Iidk-e are eiuvllall, liiv lnd
imI lii.'ivmiptiiy
ataU tlwuiM'lve. id llo-a etnii.-n
- nr iHil.’' Wbat
Sdt vnd..nH,
He .ally 1 omld :
10 *gj he hived b«4
dowMb|mn*t.4r*w*l..Ml.mblal»t.- ;
-ntlaad when be d
• Afi.TiuUm. ami tb
liileii- b 11 |..r,l,.vl H-lr H,r.-i. t
iilne wirtked lih
And IhU be did. niiarvllee. of irarae
nr* National park w
eo.-k'ail evlriii Hmt l!.*.|.-r-i.nirb.:i a. ni.. willing kanda or d..iiw.
.1.- ae far a* 11- a.vjul'
Ike bull.mi: Ibe lell w». aa*w.4«i ll.
ill 1-l.ln.l aiHl dragged
Hay aftiw day tbe Jmy grew wo*»e
.v4H-m.e<l ll Will eW
a €va..r..t I.-III...V wbuiu He, llo|H-r
c aiiti.or. I.iond ami and m.4*--. ami feotii .k-llrlniii abe aauk
ne afi«w anotker Into uiKv.n--li.ii.mwe and from uiiroiilaady ta aatartaln aa maay Tlalioe. a> :ai»d^bln
lie kad tent Iw.
. Satire U> ceoir.’
ll In I.l4«k fa-h tbcng.,
Jmlge'wra. h-fl abioe.
.1 JTlellll...
Imi—en.k- .Iv.lTuycd
-I lort- y.m 1
Saeretary of Suie Jamra A. Boae.
.w awit-y it wa.
of lllinniA tell, a atrange alory of a kit .one rtwlng p.« in aftiT
Se»am hr had o-veral VMU« ago ii .uiiitv uieui hi* ear* until he fa
Eracm. hemmed by miarolkumo. la
I. empty.-Kree Lancd
vhlah ha mw the wreok of the pImU
Ibe Uood coming ia cwBUct with Ibe
imif .41 111* own . >1
.kiB and povloring gveM tedneu aad inig aty of CJolnonda at Padoeali
:bee-lo-law I* «e*r BHtate.
«a |.Ui-ard pl«m.lnB
llml tiaw the ataamar had not avar
Ueturried wlUi
- Ulaud* or Nek Krttaln a tnaa ^ dtarhaiB a ihia. .
baaa bollt
A few day* ago before
not .|•■al■ l» bl*'uiulkeeio-Uir. diw*andoff:—
ora the tk
- m.l Mr H.ff»
Uier re*.i 11.4 uf imperfeel diffetuoii.
tbe rmmi aartdrut the
Illy 1. .|**v-h fartil.hhw to thU bard. .Irv and fimui^ Ermm. in any 1-r.^-y
—re^* IB 1 nan—'
alhU ^eon arl.iiaad
iln*l-tler kn..wn
r .-ham*-- H- lady 1. .... — ,
tUd to are the boat that anoweied the
.1 ,|ei .abl If dll
le k-rt
k-ri VII4IU..
I muAi hid.- hluuelf or roew
daaortpUon of one am in hi. dreaiU: -Oattn Ibi.Ua. .lie
uold e I em U|
SuiekV of boHi partle. la tba
Jm, wa>he« aor Ml.bcv cxtcTiribenik-labrafcA
■ ml *lv vewe. 'Uler .-no. • nii.ler ib>- |
notice of lliwdoa. wlm aiHutiited blm !
AltUpe HayP«lnt,
rg-nileman of _ h will kerp the .kio irtiuwd.
WT moat interoal which will 1
ire 111 big New mmm raBffff OF FfTTClI.
(I- Aral-." nwlor To kte^ny
•bertly - will ha ilia nurriagi

qoaadiT »«• *»w inlertor of tlie obansl.
wna dark and eheerleat One of the
dmen»n anoMtad that erery ■<
»l of Ike iuiiul Id
. of the oaa<TV«Blion tro home
brUff tBuk a keroaene Ump and ll«>><
the diarrti In Uie old-faebtooed way.
At tbla Hme Fredertek a Beaidi. e>li
I Hit molU'i'B h.v- lliid. 1
tor of the SolelnlBo Amertean. who i>
aptmdiiic the nmmnr la Stratford.
■n- Btlll In m.-raikiu l>
It tie douHi-d. Mien, llial
wtifa hit family.
He wai infotmed tec ua>-Ur. John llalL
tWt there wn. no eleotrtcity tor ItKbi
lag tbe ahonb. "I think we ean S
Itat." replied Baaah. He tlum tan
faU aato aroond to the rear of IIh
enrir»f-rt:-y ai
m gel U|> V
. eharoli, baekml It op to a window.
oOMaetnd tbe atomire hattaolea to Ibe
Ammii-au Bnn i
taed wire, nn.1 In two mlnntea '
«Wfcanad laterior of the eboinh ww and ido.-. ba< 01.
and Invltra ladhhrlHUatly lllaminalod. At the eon- nnnuh-ally a. a
froia boliw.eleaioD of tbe eerrloe. Deaeh oohltoli- fke p«...ilMw are
""”ki I "Ihen- U I
ad hU Bsto from the feed wire, i

m. .r AiM.-e.l-v
*.••> mrnMnxiaeik- mBoec a> •*— 1>4>



md. duriiu; wldrh
u. Kandiaw;;
U Bn-I il..-;u-t,w ikduBkl It would
a ellglii ai'uek. T1- Jury keraeif
1. ».I iiMth.UA aad Hie bulge, a. nau•afcl iiidlmig
■|>lei."eaid .lie tn kiln wlu4> nlu- bad
.4. HI n f.-w daye, "If 1 nv4v gi.lffg In
>. and }ou knew U. wkai Would yon
“Von an- ».| g.Juc to dl
aakl tbe
Jodg.- dryly.
“lint It I wi-tv, Iik^r pi-luk
Tl- Jury Wl HI
• i .-allied iMuigIne. n.y .leaf. *u<
UUlapi., elnl.- of tkltigw IWl
Ibluk y.n. liml l-ller go to .hvi>



I ..uri I.e llraful TVe.rV—*



troMisrotnvRE. fHyei* -i

UH —,

m miid me.^VX.’4.y^n>!5

lirmf'—I r.—^Tel. .gib* **44 ami M —o4

■I-,-:.;; :a.,


A.e.n lb- cvion H-u—je im enr rf




.m rf Mv»


‘.iSg-O t.1
iw-i.m*' •■•M'l “I tho
u.4iaa.e .>..«ua b, Am— I. Hv- aB

Dyspepsia Cure

.4 .*1. ..-IM-O
■■ vTSUS


ijs ifr£'m


Diaests whAt you eat. ibi;

' -1

■n**e |o«-,-4ewno4 UO..UI. — ta* Bra

----------------------------! N


Tboma. IlllUard. Hfl yaar.
Uide Kale., aged IB
Roth are 1
her. of 11- -wiety of Frlmid.
tba time UnKWed eerrcnony of Jaiup
ingeeer the hroomattek will ligob'
ameed by the cnapie.

Baa dooaty Agrieultuml anrie
thorn of nmiBubhal aeplratlom who
dmita to Mttimd the fait Saptaatlur
OBd ; Tbe mMy I* adrerttalag that
Itaete .will be iBarriaga. on Ibi
gnumd. erery da«. The local magi,
trala. hare to [umumBce tb.
Mttiage roW. gemis and oBa haa re
In * who, having beard ol
the offer.hare derided to come to Hr.
aawlaee <m one
the day. and gei
laatri.d. The manage, will .hr prr•
• la the umblthmla. m- an Ihr

- --

mu. jWiiht huiitiMi a «.i« ^

irira T’StM- 0^1

7*T. iii.-riY.XWJSL'ira..

tb.- m.hffl.
n-ni -that
I tui IVC.. wlieh. In ~vrel aid
the aulkorllle. at I'Mrm SUHa



xcHw »— mir'i ll
19 ni' Ok



THE flfeAhll THAVJillitB HERALD, SErirKwnng 5. isol
Xo Oioea pteklaw-Tba tidm aad
jottom at fcattla ta whU the ptekiee
am amktodam Uaad wltb eSpa .






•loUed OBloaa Beaectra obtak..
aa tr» a mlbw o' omU wWu ■taff, Omrtml Baacn. tomther
Ooror with a bclae attw
A bolM qti thnld b« •llbw toti
tnlM er l>ud «a0O<h lot tfae jolk lo
enaUe to be Mell^ diiraelbd- An
Miiberir; ai>ea ent eooklBjt nB^e Ihet
boUed ««r> u> be et Ibelr beet rbnold
DAI be belled at all tf dectred herd
lb*r rixmld be kept la water leei be
lo* the boillOK paiel for Itawt; lale
etee: for eofl ««*. pal I lien to cold
water, aad vlie* tlie water reae'
Ibe bolliax |^l Ute ecK ebrald
takes eet^ it will be nioad ereaaiy
Wbes paaehlb|t«cin to make them
.loa~l>llehai*. bat ooe enteboald
^ cooked at a time. After tfae
MTiot to boll raaidlr ettr It »
eUlaemall oirole !• formed i
water, drop tbe rfot into Ute a
aod the moiioo of ibe botUoc
will form A elrcolar ooreni
wfane aroaod the aalwokeo jolk.
bollf^ baked as<l jaached eoce bf '
tier, tomatoee.
. herbe. mi
and catBB|<e ae lleroriniti. thne tn___
formlnc Ibnm en Uial eaetealwari
noeiriac an anceeable nrfWiae.
PUoe a fryltui |ian n»er the #te and
panlr All u willi-rin««ar. Wbeo the
rliMffBi it hoilloft crack the emre ojwo
aad drop Ibrir ooaleau iaio Ike pan.
takmc oare ooi to break Ibe ToUa
WiUi a fork lldhtip toee tlie bollinff
TinefEar orer the e« lo cook the ta|i.
at eow ae the while >< eel like ool
Ibe fwK> With a ekimmer aad plaoe

euu, or loBC
0 mrli. aod
• iikeu from


atoate lore ta Uren three laehea deep:
apriakle each lam with foltowliic




. She tod bran of ..............______
Impeaared me tbe moat aad whleb 1
leUhoaara Wa* It a tat. aad weald
harealwara remambared eearredla
,be climb es Ito bed aad MIe bra
Ofaicam JOM after tbe Me cftbcrmjB^U^
gnaJ> fmlito. at hmabtaa alme.
Sbe obUm
I. "Oiai
baUiea. I wasi to tb*
|« |


“■ IISes,


an coldea aod

BcWiiWiiei ever


.. -aalll iioiaek a m* jet w
^^tod ae^tto tom ci tele.

bamed ia. fra
,, ^------- ----------- .. —.M be aiek. She
• >»P- »<> looked atoci the

from our com^Ktiron when we cut the price of skit fro
5>i.JS to Qoc. This week we arc uoing to sell it at 8|

Bhwlook t
tobrv ewa
room, aad• II
Ito am BMmtDc.
«. atohad
_ waa m
bed that
rarried t^n
dmn a«al
aaalraaad tara-



Awav dtiwB to cae eotaer hid.—
What dn voc i
mceale uUt wi
the atnw.
“t,**."**^ aa evra a ctrlle aUml-l ^ The i«ior III le IMac waa aa it
•tr had leet.
aad raa MT to .
Aad after atU
, With a abnal BBit a rail
craodma wta-d h.v aaii held


Ucuctl. 'aBdSallie. joa

peppan. ---------llcfal brown
eacar to wte saHoo
riaecar boil hard aad poor at oaoe
Ibe oaiaaa.
Tie ap wbeo cold,
few white mnalard teeda mar to
•d to ihia tdokle.

Pefqiir*-Uae tlie


It ai»lled heai

tot ato didn't

riaecar. replaoe tbe
liclttlr in place: pack h
■r with cold apleed riat

A roH omklBC Rabit. per Ifa ., ....... 08c
A c«k4 Bakiae Pqwder, per ifa
• . 07c

the Iraal, alopit

aieu with a alCe’^tto pepm: take
oat the aeeda. bedac oarefai not to
break the peppan. Make a twiae that
will final aa eat and aoak tbe pepper*
la tbta for two dara, ehaac»c twice
10 Uial lime Dimln and All wi
f choppfd
in til
aa oolooa caeambera a
1 mdt. tw|>l>er. alliilr m


IB fairs LeiMx Sant. .

Chewiic WBf,



aatfal m

fiat .lie conlu take care of
The andienev applaaded aod
bat tber did not take itoir
the aiaeeor act aa thoech
ahtthiDcoDBaaal' had happened


d when In-r ea
ne dav ib*T*' t

Are faal aaloep-earh early I.ead
U ofamall. creea cnci
Ke\er w
Taekoil aanclr io hit downv b<--I—
Ihoroochlr. rnl ihem I
low the R
°vme children liviiic far awav
tlouelar: diaaolve a ptai ol mil
f B|i aod cal uf c| nl plav
foarijaaru ol water: poor uvm —
...........- with a wle DAT
cneainbera and lei ataad for three
the onlllnrof Uie
..„ h.-Ti' la dll
dara. 'Diaio from the triae aad oorpencil cluae inider
ev the : Itot down to Cniaa aod Japan
er with boillnc bot rtamcar; lei ataad inced with
'T.I ahiae a- bncbtly a> to can.
roundinc edge
orar the are. oorered with crape i
:hat pinchlet Ibe ' -So wbeu I He duwti to my Teat
oabbaae Iraraa. Cootatae to do (h:
'^Nevetwrar a ahoe
Aadja-hei, at morn my iway, r. .ov
hiv-1 IhkI Uie fo.u uii
I place.
rh callon foor amall rwl iiej
.Sevw wear a .1 4>- mat nat <lr|wea The^ii^ Cirla are miiw W »'-l
.ioo> In anr pin of the anie to drop
anv Juini (•> buai ine tolnw the level
alUpior and a tabh
jied bon

5 chUou


- lOc



Cfalfcc per ppiud


foot of Ihe eum-obuck.. ' .!i
•the romh aofily ataiti and a«
Utroach IViuue'a hair, .motic


1 qt. BMtk Blaeinc

HeaUirfal Oil. per nl...............
File Chi. per

"Unaie l> Imie •lear.
aaid .
■"aad me will j.Uv ibe lani:!-. lu v.
“ ^^"e luiee, ari.I ihe l.-.-<h uf

"Wr-ll eh.M- Ito naCRhtr tuKV.
That .-at epatl the r..rn.
be II .i.iil .tie-ir lift]. n*-.u...
And make itom f-<d tnthm’ ^


18 pqQBds Shear....................

i’***: 1*0"hen
sell urtK-eries chca|>rr than ;in>- sti
have no loss« and im< U»ok-kwi«


• $ 1 -OO

I you that we
titf city We

ENTERPRISE CASH GROCERY,11« Fr..t.i S'. Wntxl-nri: Wk.

•’"■bv th.mcht

kOWNSO-S t HAMUN. Props.

17 kijTTn

'“'h h"' i-'hwa'


Pot a ceaeraoe Ublnenooa of botier
T<>i*r 1 D
io aa oarlbea pie plale aad idace it
WAY TO BEGGARY.•• be wi^«» time ano use
fWli Maactwa-Take perf>«l. larm
orer a raoderaie Are; add lo ibe boi­
•a. I did
ler a leaepoaafnl nrcho|>|>-d oalooe. freeai._. ..........................
loot to cDMirucL
■ he eaiBC aaioaai of diopped imreelr. from ooe aide la onler
aaliibborm aeem kmc aiilee aad Ubleeiioaaral of <diopie>a — - - itcNie: place Ute |irachoa in larera it
that pr.wraa ap Now for tchocl ai
after U.e top,w
a atone Jar: aad aiwinkh-rarh larei into the hollow c
bUm awar
4 laoelr i> Ibe nmd Ihtl Urn be
witli aall: cover with water and let
Kev-r have th
What nice leiiere we are come lo
lu,ooeel a Moie. keeplnc the tolk* ilud ti hoar*: then waah Iho iieaebr*. licbl. aa it inlere r«-« with tiieactinc
are abonl thr annimet and Ila dome.
ofitoniir moM:l . niakea one walk
whole. When t hep are rooked opoo Iboreaci'lr to cold water and let tit
Tier a little,

Sto raid.
badlr. und «pml.
-• .ha|v of Ihe an
iBta iliem orer carefallr. to
Wii» thtWi Jiorfe
break thi'r«ika aad bribe lor ton mlnntea.
And h<-re ar>- two nlre <me« to U-eIn
It drr ami a|wiakle tbe inaide
what ato did^
rat* peaich with
' “
vi'.'.','™'., ™' '
s..d.,ll, ...1.
dean-. Serre a> eooa aa p
. ............. .....................
Nevi-r wear ou>- |air of tlioi-aall the ' Timverte Citv. Midi.. AuC‘ lirr are oooked
Si, Louia llepl
war vill U- fooad xaixe.1 wtUi an eqnal qaaamr of Hoe
□le. onl^-obliced to do
two. Drar
Tha wlrita mildew with coalUhl
maaiatd aeed. a little chopped cwcer
lu I lira.ini: iVnuc r.. will, ein...l. e-.l.l .
--'t aad a
whole clove fpr valcb
11.^.01^170*^!^.“^^^ id'S!;!
"Ur |.rim..........................................
Bjil Ur doxea ««ca for lea
tlb. *aw tW elxdm aad IlfM the
ch. I’oar toilinc water orer ibi
luidi more hmlthfal
Kev.-t w<»r i •*»*■* • P'ralv the iih of July
aim. tbea droi> <hem iaio wale lit I li-a.iiii; Wrioipm, ailln.iit t.iaixl .,
aiaid aee.1: add mil. a traapoonful
A^d^fettM Ibe drlivdac world
■vri7 two taUeapoonfnU 'of ared, Whim
fryiac ma with two ooaoee of bi
on drijllBC or liueti 1. inoch .„he-fa.i.lUea Then-wa* It.r.-B<tl.
alh.l r.ialb
r.iUi: hod.
loch p.-v- lixik. III.. (■■•.el Wiiojera f..r............................
Birl> 'ev
V t• altol
better and more hrallhfol.
Pla» Ibe pan over the Are aad . .. ___ let ataad for It mlnntea. Diaiti
-Imna 0< a rei'i-r i.tiny with a h.d.v in ih.*
.Ml cimtaute'vl liv An..
Never think that the font will «•
amil the ooloa It lookni, bei aoi eol
Iranu •.tomld l-oi anvtlimc
ored: iben add two leainoobfaU of
“'■'"■x wMeli ...»u aUmt .1 t.mdi a. a d..ll
Aoaraad mix well before addioc C^- to nioUlen. . When all tbe l>rachea are I’lnchlBK mid diapiriinc makea t
to kr.'|. at dry. Mv frieiidSuid i went .of Am. riiwii iiioner. too
ilri 1ia
r iini.only UrmUrm-hat
hat anaicbllf
eallroaepinl uf tailk. Simeon wi~‘ Ailed, replace Ute pleee from raeli. i
over to the itiaiid Ih po in tolbmc- ■<> ■'•k'' hf- huiidi.'.l ,wi
Broach Block
Ihem op tichtir or eeqpre the piece
24H Front Sir*
are of all ibe ma
aealttpocofol of mil and oar-qaart
The mm took p, ..ter K<:Uh. i.l.nd tfr"'- and vno "I'uld i.f cUd r.i
place with wooden ——..v.
very cloeely la Jara
In half a Aoeea elioee crot
oicbl we came horn. . W,.;i,a.e a i-alf .t,-ad of j-nit lairli I to.-k - ,s. h
.rikoeiuk... Tbi
r with
the con ^olo tbe mnee. at
- team, amose or roach, it eweepe bj ------------ae ther are heated tbrona-.
toil and lh>-n pour
A atorr whidi
iliuoat iuered.
ibie eoii.ea fmai
iniai rariK
A artoitd it.fallof teMeaad boip wort la a tboaapoctot
a >1011110! a cirl'e hich ;
- mad raiTlBK waja. ahialac to t^ na
Utse ptnvinclnl cilv.
Freneb ihckle—Slice one iturk ol
er dactaaloc U tbe atora»-«mb a bettered loaet.
r>radeut> of (he
A Terr daintr and tmlatable war of
memmaiBf tfalacetbme letlie drift eerrmcecci >i thne; Bolter the in- Kveen tomatora. alx larce onioua
f lismiua.l ecca rcntauied and
aiwinkle a cap of mit over them aac
•-.I the coiiAdi-ul aud correct reof It all do Bot cot a aicbl of.
if t«eU7
Indletdal bakinc
Niirocenooa ■■
Another |wpil
«. pet in tbe bottom pf t
lb>( It law of tfaeai. OaUicie the crmt
of while MOe and >p&kl
dllea aad tbelarc* rnu«ee where
mod vinecar. /Drain acain. To fonr
dkateb ^drm pedal heareaward aad
qaaru of rineeax add two poanda of
Then the ii»|¥>elnr aakeil anoll
ibatoh haUt mil with mellow matij.
; cover 1
biowii aocar, half a poond of maatard
pa|>ll how louBa"aoli-boiI.4"
Ida and
IB tba qaiac eoaatrr wart, hlddea
aewd, two mbleapoonfata clovea. two
ahonla be eooki-d. The sirl l.laali.^
Ubirepobofala of clacer. two table aad tiiullv
diidr fccM aooka or etaadloc
Of bater oa tbe top a^ plaoe tbe
■ 'a creand maatanl aa>l a
iildi CTtiiu wllb enm or telle
The maiaeior
dlehea la a baklac |mn In a hot oven ■poonfol of
oarvnae. Boil for It mi
roni.-d to U.e next cfri; who
rlib wheal, are Ibe little eoBat
lor a few mlnatee or Icmc oneacb ntor. with Ito tOBtatoea and ooio
mboiri hoame whleb are the omdieeol • If the white of the ««r to •---------



Big Reduction in Wringers!
J. J

Jtnmmitht editor’s UbU.







Victor Petertyl, '

Carriages, Cutters, Sleigjis, Etc.






oar aaUoa-t crealaam aad preeperiir.
Oat it U DM of the dar aeboole wr
ow, lB>|e tbooch llielr Im
bit tbe failhfalmolt

work mama little lo them, mabrebat from tbe "Utbtr Bide"
craadlr beaatital It It! Ulxtbemrd
mwlac Itel ahaU hrioc a barraat br
aad br tbar aarar dnaowd of.
rlcbl baiw^Bome Cbmr mrmoae. bet
«a will
rea a toot, laelead. jaet
la clra jea ooarace aad help joo sa,
dmr wortan, la the lUater'e verr
: nantaaat Aatd. It U afracawetarr bii
d( rmm Hml baa driflad la to Hoaw
Oboar from aaaw forcoueo aoeroa. It
aoaaa 10 tall of a cood old man. wlm
hae toot to bla rewaid. bat wliea joe
mad it, yoe to whom heart it oomm
<itb a awaot elear maaaaca. roe will:
lailaralaad Take it all to roarmlree,
aad hare freah ooarace aa r<m caUiet
orooad rea tbe teatlem little aato at
try to toll them tba "old. old atorr.
old bat arar BOW.

Kaawa oa ite "Soier Berea."
••I wnilii Ubotemomba.
Bow matktm wo amd to


”I wi* I doaU toll tbe ttarj

OoM to BWtbeoQch
rmreBitboe whMh eepoMd to mlecle.
Bb OWB with tbe Barlor'e leara.
"1 Mtoa wiofa I eoald lell blmwe moaed falm eo aioe
Uba?ne ao^ ral^
-l-a Ilka to teU bow Hairr.
Tba mmrlml oae of all.
P.e a tbe blnodr Arid of Bhiloh
Weal Boam to Ibe Maitet'e mIL
■I'd UU to toll blm bow Btepbea.
Bo Waimlac with mirth aad foa.
:iow lalU tbe baaibea of Uhlaa
Tbe tale af tfae OmelAed Uae.
"I'd like to toll blm how
Tbe forwat mea of tbeir day.
"I'd like, rm I'd like to tell him
tfiml bti lemoae did fee me.
tad bow I'm trytac to follow
That Ofartet

'K-.W moar baiudm I kaowa aot
Will isibar al lad 18 bmrem.
tbe fnilt of that falibtal eowlac.
Bet tbe ebmrm will earrir be eev

“■3 3.-1?

mat iemad)
- " - -tlaa. a two-cali.
Umi lOowlr wl
m water. Ibee pal ia two p
qaarte et rlaecer.

—*------ lUl


Another ^dtoi^ dleh u em chop
Uood Tbltw* from mter Milk.
To make them boil Are en* hard, re­
Drop Cakea—Doe cap war cream,
mote tbe cb«ll».nifa the rolka thioach
a aleve and chop the whilea. not amk- erne cap near, ooe ecs. two and oneCibem tooAne.
Pot in a doahle half oapa of floor, ooe tearpoooCal
rrram tartar, oue-balf taaapoonfnia
aoda. Brat ecca very lichtlv Mcel*
fnl of baiter with two of Aonr, add a er. add ntCar. then cream and ao
itod Umther. and Hoar wi
bmtea ecK and lult h lllllc of thr
■iftod io. Drop
warm milk with ihii mlzlore befote
I aballow batterto
batten ' ptuia and |>al
dtltrl.ic it into Ibv boillnc milk, eraiBlain oa top of raoh
qoiek or<
from the Are aod wbea the mixtare i«
Brown K
almoat cold atlr la Ibe twepartd volka
aad wfaitee, and a varr little onioo
loloe If tbe Bavor U liked. Wbep tol‘‘ivali lomatoea, caii.eivd frain llw
Id eeooch to handle mold io theabase
■lue to frae the anti ia ou thein.are oxofobopa. mine a tin mold, or ther ______________________
wtleBIfor Tlwy aboald
diaaolred id w
_____________ toMmar be formed w^th Ibe handa. Koll oachlr.
le eaten wilbuol aAuoiiiDc. or.
rhlv. iI Oar
the Choi • to beaten •«!; and then la hahda to mix brown toead. ____ _______
to^ eramta and frr them a delieate watot to nmke a thin totter aod toke
otto hoar tn tin caaa Be aare to toke
In amall eana: tbe little roond ilioea
Frail fake ia more often hear,
w downtfae-e^tm- of a look appetialac and taale likt
Ihe frait ia nut pro|wriIy iren while mnee anmnl. brown l.rrad of brtrk oreo fame.
led. A cz
nM orer them; or Preach pme
aa liithi tr ra ama or camuita ar>- u
mar *» arraaced opoo Uie platter Uriddie dakra-One-half oap
Waali them and rob
----------------with Ute ebi^ii aad tbe mom mrred milk, oae-half cap awoet milk.
itooBfal ooor ot awrel eteam. one corronta with a coara<- towel to
with them frtm a aepaiate dieliKitchen Kacaxine.
ouchly dry them UiTh Leave Ihem In a
plnev iwentr-loiw hoara, to Ihal
" to no uniatavv: then atore
Dotch Cbraee—Two qaarte ic
S^ore froil
• • It can*
milk, brat alowiy orer modenie t..
k.. in a tin Ikix or atcce Jar. bo□t dc
till It wheya off a litie, art from the
t wra]i it ill either riolh nr japiT.
Are and lei aland a few mlaaiea. then
r*nr- ■"aod I am eore that the newa
lie <Ho|.|ed IIU I'aaer.
oachlr: doowaqae.-................ ... ........
rr' exrUinieil tlie oldeal ritiaen.
to itrepaie ihe recetable. Ko«it Aat. - Ined lam iaio a duh aad add ooe- aa
walked into the hnaiaeM cfNcr
di of aoda dad nf
ler mraeU that Ido;know. for ibe half cap of eream.a piacOi
........... daily par**. "J are m voar
Mix tboroaclilr aad ■licet todav, air. aa article to which.l
•wart pouio U aa k|>twt>riate<l rrcri- mit to laaie.
BKild into amall toUa
-D the tooth aad the
take FxcriiHona. and ! want mv paper
oooklac II Itaa not bera oa
■topped, air!
And wbea Ja'me* F.
aidereO. I hare
(■are of Lompa.
Anderaon aava atop, an
pomtomln anr
It ia aot raoBomr to tan down the
laalod them Al«t
■■ wearily m
wick of a ooal oil Uaip If a dim
'(TO op aa
iCt ia dealred. it ia boat to place Ito
era. wbo. ladmd.
the ireaa ah' It
iork i
inae to rat: lamp in aaolher mom or abode IL Bob'! •lop
them to darlac^^^M^
their livra When tamed down, the oil feeda the
tnderaOD haa quit oa
Tbe ratatara ehoald be pwlrd
wiok taaier titan if la connmed. aad
bound natil ther are ihoroochlr.
a dtmcrerable odor renlu.. There la
NmuTAak Wblle Ea
wiae and placed In a tin hakiac taut.
Batter and aacar eiioald be idaeed
cm Ute imiatoe. abaadaotlr Wfor.
ther are pot In llw oren to Imke ilowIr- After a whUe, thr boiler and aocar. mlacinc w» Ute Jalce of the po
totora. fcinn a deliraie cntal tlmt
aboald be spoked aolil II Ima almrat
led th# poial al which It U ran.
bnder tbiacraatita ihla. rtch

la bamiac freely.
the hm" U
extiemlatod. tan the wick____
k beh
top of the tabr; when liebted. _
opcradaallr. then the oil will not
work an the wtok and ran over, nor.
he efaimner break from ico anddan
•ximaaloa.—TheOolUitrr "

Afew rcekaatroa little alip of
Etrl who wai vtailiair at oar heat
taaifht ide how to make a delicioat
mliaAed with aar other war of ieisE for cake, withoal rnta. aad we
^inc Uiem. The princlnU method all liked it M well. Idiall aever oae
Itea. of eoaree. in havinc them ihoroagblr oooknl. The Are maai be alow
bcilod ielBE wiUioo‘l’J«t^bof t
a coed deal of trenblr.
Uto^ m!r"fCTw!*
laeoae ewEdtUadol of milk, aad
..........',«bl» nnwiUlncoeaa too____ ■Ur la CBMEh powdered aacar to
Ihioea Icmc raoach that latorferea make it thick cwoogh to apread nicely
with U
oa the cake. Flaror with anv extr^
Tbke a boiled ham for tn- liked. Thia ictoE ret* Atm verv a
e. Pew of I lie toiled hama in
■a not aticky. bat it doea not beKa* York are cooked Ther ate era.
V aa hard aa r«ir icln» ofren doe*.

-eet poutora lo Uiia war will aeier


^ redd, maihed pi

\oct had for r«wr* a repauUon f<»
the ham aerved al ila free Unch. It melted batter, two eo* bralea verv
waa mod. tol aaerel.v IwcJBae it ' ' liEhllT. and a liltle nU. Mixlbe|0
been aaBieieBtly cooked.
rale, aad Ihe oae Ihal la foUowe, ...
r. la ui
Ihe enolb todar.
to bull a ham owe
half hoar for
‘ —

In Ito re^r
■eat the
nau a tomato and bake for Iftran
iw«aty mtaaMa Bertr* bo*.



i tordle .
My mottoy. aiater and Iw. i.f ""dl«k..f . wcuUt....,


lon.-d h;rur...
.From roar ft
.ftieultr with II..- kiriirer
Nellie J. Bralcllff
ii>I'-.|.-ai.d I wn. aeiuaUy
HmiKb' Cecfer, Aokroai i'x. iw
iTi'p- I'.ir tn r.-ad
ib-ar Freaident—I weald like to
uredrev. n tot.-e
n.p to Ihe SanUiine (^01.
Tl... hlraiinc
right y.*r. oh|. today
1 imd
ule>- rak<
>•.. ualil
lam ai •■odiug my varaiion aalit 1 Weigh
1 eoul.l aln.p like a rlilM.
wiUi my crand. la. Mra Batev. her.- eiiuld r.-.ol for tfir.z- hour* .-v.
My home .• in Maatalre. arel I have itig. an uM-r imp.rai'l.ility
aaniber homo i .1 Koanoke. Viiviiiia
I will
.ui. r |. .HraIar< of n.y
Uet aomuier t went WllhjuT aui.tle
.■pillion* of
K..b...y Fill
anr J.-dy wliri ralla on
1‘oele to ll Ponietvr ami Aam Inn
If ►h- nwllr .nffrr«
id W1.I.. . lo
ithpi>ed lu Milwaakreaa.l w.-ul reiiiu k!Irtuey et^nplalt

Rc-Painting and Upholstering.
■ State St. near Union, TravortxiCity.



7li* i^rei°i^

re u.-w library aadriuaay |.lac.-.
aomiuer la-fore laat I i|a-BI lo ]Ih'
moaataina in at (be a.-aaiicre. If yoa would Ilk-- In have lue
bout Bonie of the Ih.uci I raw at
UId Holni Ccmfhrt aad other |.lare,. I
aritl. A'lth love.
Irroe Kiiev.


tl... riiii.vl
am- and take

Ka.x'. Hire n

raid af
of ahoa
*hoata.tra her
_.ib« bait aerra led tor
itmra olcrie*. and hail told her there
IO|B of luave. of Iwrad ware BO acch Uiiac: ao.l K,.lyalw*y,
laatead ut cuttiiul off tbe tohevt-l wbai mamam
barai pome
B*i wbal eoald ii be
■e the b
mrre I Bbe *ai aad lialcaed.
uid; Scratch, acralch.
r 'the top. of tto't^“7nu
la bra rwom.
ilcald (3arlo or pamy
> tRwag vrar dry fnn vai
have cone U. She qtake (ofUj. bat ttore waa coiy

We will Rive a handsome Child's Chair, either
painted red or varnished natural wood with
the following purchases:
1 11. M.uUaa.1 Java(Wrto.a..i.l f..r ;:.V, B1 ...
\ IhT-a. X-* Moon..............................................................................................50
i"> Ilia SUw|»y Ky.- Flour...................
•Vni.itiat of FiirrbaM-............................................


Alw> liave a few gcuai ) tralliMi Mamin Jara wl.i- b «e will
toll a* loiw a* ikey laai at “'5c.

Sorely we would to clad to hrar all
Irene ran hare to tell .aa.
It i> a
iwc.niiae, remrmbi'r. dear, aa<l yno
aorely writo.

Li.)aida at mraU if taken
Katyiraa mallOEa
or UM oareWIv. are lUl.le to dilute
Itaeiraalric jaio-t
Take no Iniaid ol
For the Aral time
any kind when food la m the uoatb.
thoel I
Take aa little aa ivmaible till the clora room to her
ol thejm.-ol.
Tbe diEralivr atnwu is
It oireoed
wndma'a and wa>
Umtna. lv,-a toiop flalda it la traaoa.
ooiD, for the wall
able tp aapiuMw Uial- au exceaa 7>i
liqaida taken with tbe food will have
■bile window coriaii
iBlaa wire looia-d
leadeaey to ilitate and ibereby
lith blor ribbona.
.wkeo the dieraiive ;aiee* —Lodie*'
Tlie carpel waa Cray, aad
tbe iwlchwork qaili
■ bine an.l
while diamooda.
Katyeoold look from tbe window
Uave yea ever tried botliaR potatoea with a cblckeo>
fowl loam clw by. aod all aroaod were
a neifhlnrly Arid, aod wood, aud hill*
It waa a IctiR nde to Rtaadaia'a.aad
meat deal.
Ther ore ' ?'tto*totter thalBlRhl Maty weal lo tod early,
for it 'When aerrni bn wilt, a fowl. ireny tired.
and If
After hnmkfaat ahr fad Ohrlo. aad
loiaio raUd ur aae Itom pnaiy aod Ihe rl.ickaba
:h chick.
rblekeii au<ck lor aca|>
too will
—n^ abrai the farm al^he
mp yoa
rvf U
. tote
.a ..................
Aav.w lary
la no Mtot way —Ooud
After tra lb< drar old lady ioid.ato
rtea. wblle they walchcd (to ana ret
lias in Rirat wave, of ciimaon and
Rold aad psrpli—a alRbi Maly .lid u<a
remedy to d.
in her city home.
Aad (ton the
Hire object to camphor m>
twtaklecat. ato went
.aatrood plan toapnnkle i
ibeir hauotjc In tbe aiRhl Mie awoke aad hrqnl <
I- drawer
atvaaRe noire
Kaly waa friRbleBad. (Jeald it b.
rent il irem
■inoea ex|nred to the bpec
paaleboaro aa ther


n'therela.. Sunday
' ,
think my letter !■ fettioc Imn;. ra ;

On I



)M the'new brick block

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc.

Telepb""*^ 4






OFFICE tm snp, 321 ur st.
OppCMtu Mteb. Smreh Ca

Mich TH- No. a

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