Grand Traverse Herald, March 08, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 08, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Omts *f MM* Muy OMd.
was the tMshtes party. There
Wtn kM bMM reniTvd of tbol ■‘Uoele-- Du Wli^pi^ tho oMoc forty xnatu presaat, aanme whom
m. It. at KMBBih FMUi.]mu U ooMbcra Micldcu. probUIr
e Mias Oiaea HUM cd Qrud Rap
On. at Hlii Kvr Good, torwrir «tJtbe.<iUefi mu m tk* ctaia ut (be
ud L. Gate* of Prukfort.
SMo, «bo WMl to On«on two ynnlmoR aciiTO mu for hfi yean la tb>; crowd kept busy pliyins “Old John
api vitb a panjr from tkat Ttclnlir. [ammir. qoMKr coMrbtted hli
:mwa- tai 11:20. when refreshmeau
KlM Good vaa » mn oM ud ktmdred ud dxtb blrtbdar oa Tknn- ere served.
bar life hu boae ipeat at day. a fear Mcsda ealUoK la the aflarLeslie Reynolds expects to leave for
SMoii. wkare aba baa muy iriaada dogs.
Poona. 111. to Itelsh hU course te
«ko will ba plarad to lean ot bar *-I7Bcla- Du baaat ba«a faMles aa alchteaUaK.
taatk. taatal mrrteea awra bald oa wall an oaual tbla vfatar aad for tbai
BeadOA, Mich. rah. M —Mr*. Owle
Moadar. Pah. IB, vllh totenant ai rawm baa been IItIbk in ibo-eltr, Cue aU mite daasfater Gladys left
■ KUmath PhUa. A montb bafera bar makias bU bomr wlih Rdward aWa- Wadaasday fur a visit amony frii<n<
daatta BUaa Oood acralehed her flnter deanlat 41C Konh CtaSar atreeL In and relative* In southern HIcfalcaiL
nd blood polaoelait aet In nwalUas al the Am place bb tbeunutbn] sot the Geo. Ucsreldi of Orud Rapids wsv
laat la death, partes h«r rraldcoce la |----—
_________ in town Tnesds).
Oretea barebaariw
baariw way* •
' Etbolya Ueake eallrd u M(n. Jake
BMUty trlenda.1. wbo wlih b
Scbukle Thursday.
bare will armpatblta vKb ibo srlaf or |
M. Dcske is some beUcr ud aWbUtar, ainara ud brother*.
Slelchlnc is nearly gone ud every. one Is mshlnc te tbclr'>i«s here.
Dint JacoU was te UanlMcc last
A qatet waddes of popalar yDBas
: week on baslnesr. i
*a^ of Ub eBy took place at tb''
! lu Kenney and BeAste Jarm of
Ja^arj pazaOnaae Tbandar attenoon
(T.-eversf atv are vlsIilnR meads ud
whan Okarle* OeKbell. foraierly »f
>dime* harctlib Mty. but new
tlraad Rapids
; -Mrs. Percy iterrls and children, who
a»d HUi Luty Hansard of tbli rl(v
Imre bTCQ vIMtlax relatlvM here, reOBltad in tnai rbEC. ty the Hm .
jiuraed homo Hoaday.
auk Katmody. wbo aaod Ue beantl.
, Vr. Holmes was te town MuAday.
rtaf •errl' .• to unlie (be happy
i Cd Cox wu In Traverse City Hon«MRP*a, Tbc biM« aho wu cbannln;i-ay.
lAifOvaed in blue *l!k ud eanli'd
I , MIsi Sawyer entertained her frlond.
Hma «m attended by MU* Vlat
Frank Axtelt of Ftankfon. Satarday
tATusait. while ttaa beat man ws'
I and Sunday.
- - - adtatMy after tbc
Jake Schukel ud famltir have
r the bridal party repaired,
moved back from camp.
tba hOM of tbe brtda i parents,
•Unela* Dan Whinile.
M. Deake was te Traverse City Monr. and Mr*. Unsard. 102fi West Who Celebrated HI* l«C Birthday oa
It Uraat. where a weddlax icpper
I aaiiaA after whlcb tb* bippv
a C;t« train
better of him ud be bad to go to bad.
la vbare they have a
a at 12S Cbncy alraal After recorertes fnnn this be wed
down town to replenish his supply of
. Tbe brUe ha* for
tobacco and esu^t a severe cold.
a u attendut
a wu in Traverse City SaiWhile tbls bu not caused him to tal
I. «kUa the erpoD I* a
10 hli bed agate. It hu been nocesni urday.
tr at Grud Raptdf. Oa Wedoeaday
Lcidte HeConaIck aad Reggie Kenfor bfaa to remain te tbe hoase.
-Jt a rieuitloB wu ludared them by
oy returned from eamp bst wmde.
# «Wa tmraiiU at their home,
Wlnnlo Bridge spent Sunday at
Uncle - Du telling talcs of the
did K. Bmwood Are.
Of 181A tbe war with Mexico. ladlu borne.
Revival meetings at Inland ehurci
flfbUag ud the civil
It U bis tnclosed Sunday evening.
lonlloa. If be Is atlro u he says,
Milk la Paper Saga.
badi te the eonntry in tbe spring Thn harvesting of ice seem* in he
.After tkraa yean of osutut work
• prefers that to all other resi-; :e principal employment of fanners
y atady. wnuam a. MeCooI
I ihJ.i vletelly now days.
Mrs. Kimball of Intend died Uondar'
During the afternoon. Mrs. Dora
Roberts presented *'Cnele~ Du wltb s afternoon of dropsy and heart troabi?.
large ehoeolale cake bearing bis name Mrs. KlraUll Is one.of the old ....
denu here, a woman known, respeete.l
and age te while letters.
and lovrsl by everyuni- ud a membi-r
aodstare. la tbb tiircnUoa Ur. Ucintend Grange Nci. sat. wherv
Death of Mrs. Oliver Urdic.
Oool kai na of the moat valuable -4
rlter year* her aclivc Inletert j
Mrs. Oliver Lardle passed awa
modm Umaa ud kai aidrad a prob>
operation did moch toward halUIteu
Uu OA which lavaaton hero been ber borne te Hapleton oa Thursday,
sp tbe Grange lo It* preseni siudini:
ause of her deatb being a
.AST for aerraty year*.
Of Isto years her bealib bu been
whlcb she Uss suffered f<
Tba valM of powdered milk, which'
p(«ir and for sU months or more
U autly lOfaibla. only the addlUon of pul Ibreo moalbs. Had sbe
Friday tbe would have ceU-- d<»th hu been eipecl<-d al ant Urn.-.
vaMr bates neeeaaary to make it told
Kill' will be inueli mlsrt-il by a ter*Mate, U reeogabed evetywhere. btaled her slxly-foiirtli birthday.
addition lo a busband, Mrs. Lar- circle of friend*.
Anaia* cm the aiareh. azplorafo. In
Mrs. Bnrke received word Monday
Cast araTTu* who U obtited to traai dlo loft flve children: Hlchui Lamof
tbc doaib of her father at Toledo.
port food na* the product Ur.
Id Mr*. Burke left Tu«dav
OooTe proeeaa b aneb that tba powder of Minneapolis. Geergo Lambrlz of
attend tbc fuacral.
do*B aot take n raotftnre by expos Ashland. WU-. Lewis Lambrlx of Min
Mr. Husc ■•urchast-d Mr. i
are to tba air and will keep la uy neapolls and Mrr. Mary Tramp ol
Peats-ater. Mlcb. One son. Oeoigt, tcim last week.
Finis J, Garrett, tbc new coneri"..*
and her daughter were 1 her l<edslde
At preaaat tbare are but two c
lan from Ibo ninth Tennejwe
when the aad came.
PA^Iaa patttes out powdered n
Mrs. Ihrdle eame hero from Grand trlct. seemed to have but a forlorn
Ou el teeee pula oat a prodnei km
ho|>c when be entered the race agate-1
M dried raUk which U not aeluble Rapids te 18S8 ud la that
^0* oaothar pub out a aoluble proJ- married to Oliver Lardle te this city. Riro A. Heree. who had been te con
act Tbla leuar coacera wu made She hU resided al Mapleton eootimi- greu fourteen years. Bat bo look
imp. arrayt-d te a decided;/:
poaalbla by Dr. Bckubnrs'a dteeovery OBsly since Ibet lime ud leaves
ratty soft fo clothe*, na ibe *tegU- Irbnt experti wbo bare examined Hr. la^e circle of frtenda to tnoarti t
Mr. Pierre had bad enuiiKn
She wu a faithful and eonsten*
UeOooH product atate that n U
member of tbe Romu Catholic ehurcli and that the good things of life ►h.itil-l
parter to that eg Dr. Eedteabors.
funeral service will he held from be passed around. The voter* of tlie
.Tba proeeaa la ver.r aipiple. conslstdUlriet agreed with ihl*. (heir fvni.
IM Merely at rarcinr he: air tbroosh tbe church ut Mepteton’Monday
o'clock, her sons arriving palbles being with the seedy-I.wktei;
Ul* mOk lanr. A hlower U attubad
but evidently brainy yonth. ud Carto a dome on tbe mRk lank while on Bstevday night, Sbe will be burled
tka opposlie aide pipe* enter (be dome Mapleton by H. U Carter.
»r. Mary Walker bu still a few
baartas air wbleb pie\ioQ>]y bxi been
common lo women.
bAatod by paiUns over Meorn eolla
CRAWN.Tho*a pipes pa*j lu U,e LoOom of Qrawa. Mich.. Feb. 2S.—The ICtl ;hodgh sbe wear* men-* eJolhlng.
day* ago she went to a hospital in
th* tu
rlllage of Gnwn bu been arsuming
on. sick with bronebl'l*. She
very gay upect during the put fc
aBboapberlc |ir«->j.uic being reUeved day*, several social events havteK wu (bought lo be a matt nctll *h» ex
the air rl*r* to the top of tbe tuk aten plaee here. A grand matqucndo plained that she wore men'* clothe... -------^nlence, but. womullke. tib<
tahtes tb# molMirre with' It It lx ball wu glsen at Barf* voicr i
^wa tbrossb ike blowa- and' **• ver lake, one u done-half mile* 8‘'- refuaed to give her age on'ihe ground
am a public nun «nd do i
opea. It take* five boor* to tednec
TTiuradsy evening, Feb. -J.
be bothered." 6fao U her o
the milk to a perfectly dry atate after
Slamp enierutecd nbou Phywlcten.

x^leb It CM be hudled In faamlt or weniy of fate friends with a Waabtegpaper sacks.
oa's birthday dinner and
The coat of the opeialloa U urprU- he evening at Duck lake, which all
Shocking Cate In Court.
Udy cheap, the Roehaaleal ont bates rononneed a succcu. ud Slamp wu
William Lewis, accompuled by bis
young son. Elgin. 6 year* old.
fatn CO# eeat par poud. Another »:ed a Jolly good fellow.
mna cd tba tovention Ii that a
Stturday evening Mr. ud Mrs. 0, pearrd before Probate Judge Fred
mbk eu be oUIlted which Is a
A. Brigham Ud Mr. ud Mrs. D. W. Walker on Thnraday. Mr and X
eMuable for a food prodncl thu
15. Braineid. with the little girl.
Reynold* entertained a party of then
baUer fact Oaa hundred ponadi
Pearl A. Lewis, also appeared te co
friend* at Brigham-* ball b the
ate mUk will psodoee on u a
lage -a honor of Mr. ud Mrs. W. H. where testimony wu given which
a|e of nine pound* of dried milk aell Morris, wbo have been vtelttag for a suited te guardtenrhlp papers bring
Inc for fram 12 in IB eeats a ponnd* few da>-s at the ReynoldsJiome.
Immeltetriy given to Mr* Etta BralnTbe value of tbe IM ponnd* for the Sunday. Feb. ISIh. marked the twea- erd to rare for the titile girl whiim *hiciaaia alone would be tl.
iy-flr« mUraiune in the married life resrued from a life of torture. Mr*
A aarprlslns thtec In eoneetlon of Mr. Ud Ur*. Re,-nola*. and aeveral Bralnerd *tated fhi* afternoon iliai
with this U (hat U a baker uae* tl
when she took litiie Pearl test Junfrieiids were Inriied to ptrtak<
^ milk In hb output. It ao increase* t
wa* scarcely able lo walk
eelebraie tie
amout that (he COM of the milk
After dinner Ura. Reynold* acroc* the room, while she wu eov
•attrdy wiped out. There I* a ert
vermin and sore*. She bed
wu presented with several preur
..•lemud for powdered’ milk every pioce. of .ehlnaware. Mr. lleynolite been beaien, stan-nl, negleeii-d an-I
or the eoaccrei now la wu atro the teclpleni of a vpr) bu-l- mlsufcd by the brother* with whom
sgteiatloa havtes lisaed contracts
aomc dl.h Ud one for which be villi
fnralah «ve tnoa daily to foreicn hnd ahundut use. The presen.ailoa
tpci-ch was msde by G. a. Brigham
Mr. HoCbol I* at prenent agmrtegpn
responded to in n very f.-e!.:
organising a oampuy. bulldlag U
»<r by Mr. R*-ynolds. The;
plant aad putting the product on tbe
1 wu *pi«i with no*lc ud i
maikeu He fau aot made uy deBnlie
ib.n Ud nil kft. wishing ,hj.
ptau u yet bat ku -several imder worthy couple n ly happy teiunu of


Mr. McOool Is a mite 4(Alar and his
tavMtioa te the result of the tact that
b oiMer to tnpply hte cnstomeT*. he
liendoc. Mich.. I-eb. isi.* ,er>'
bad to have a sarplut each day. It pleuu- surprise party wa* held arow this away it be residence of C. O. Adams of intend
^ and of tba day u there wu
Toaaday evraUng in Mmor of Leslie
mariral for It. This waste set him Heyuolda. He wu Inritsd for a sleigh
Sgaring with (be ranll that he bvent-, •ride, so pat on a ruse mutache and
cu be put goatee aad wbea be heard the erow.l
«p te tablet form.
]eoatag want to the door. Uttekteg li

Kent’s Balsam

Epilepsy I

St. 'Vitus Duce
.\re nerve diseases, and .unless
checked, lead to dcsiructioii of
mind and body.
ivcak, sltattcred nerves lnlI^t
Jiave somclhinp to Mrentfilien
and build ihcni back to lu-.ilili.
Dr. Xlilcs' Kestorativc Nervine
is a rcmarkalile nerve tonic and
sttmidatjt. It sircnRlhens the
relieves the nervous
Mrain. and influences refresh­
ing body-building sleep and
wst. Tersislent use sel.lom
Jails to relieve these afflictions.

HoBtsi $t«cs ml Qascst Prices

with siia-s n o.-ii yvu are nol
suroalktijt the ijuslity. We
guarantee .-ill la-ithcr in onr

Mflem Medical Co, Elkhart. lad

u my own oamy family.

te n mtla abuty buck and down te
----------At se »jrh two (if hi* 4A. TRACY LAY. FiliMiL
eblldrra, tba tddvr Uiy>. «*{.j
14. wfaUa (be t*o yrtaager ebildron.
a girl aga t Ud a lioy agad «. hat
baan (akite oat .d p!t» by
bcw*. Mrs. BraliH-rd and Mrs. U.lngSURPLUS, S27A00
Tba small boy <i ' Illif-il tiv te-b-.b;
• hen taken test w<- k bU . -y.Sr4. t-:>l,
balag cnvi-red wlih awe* shleh «<-n A Gesen] Baaklar BuIbob Dm
thonghl i» be liefa !,
ruv.-r—l l<i U- d-4K,.- |.r.. ., ,4
■KTirtL. Vi‘ tjiiuu'uiu iun...i |,i,’
ekrthlng sn i te.tbej tli«
.arboteled way-.- which rid him ifc- per Cot allBvet M nae l>e»«als.
prv-eaFe .4 tba i .'.-Tate ud t.- b.n.-;
up at imi*-. Tl.- mother ba« i*,-,,
dead two vi-ar* ai>r1 the la'te-r U dlsirvs.tet:l>- p.ior. ming la two sknub-.
down in the «-^cld^ when- be ei*>k.-d in
one aad slept in (te other. Tb.-ehl!-;
Oran were udly nagteciad and dirt
and -venala sere more U tnld.-ncthan ekxbes and fa>d.

One afir-rnooa lut w--i-k RoIh-,-:
risrk. a Csuopuli* bariier. ft
r.-sldonl <4 Kkhart. ca-jsht rigntj-.
[three blnegills In Slone lake. In the!------------------------■inrtbwesi part of los-n. He *tata>! 09yyj. *___ ■ p__
I >hat fully tW.) fl.h *-.-re uken from the
, > aier at that point oa Washinglon'*
_________ __________
■l-Irthday. Ur ('lari- re<-.nilj- ranrh- ^
pieken-i welshing M-i.-olr.-n poundItlamund lake

202 Wilhelm Blk„ CU*. Phone 14K DR.


Rowland Douglass


Sb#e Store, opp. Whiilsg RoKI

P. J. MacNitt


a Pays t-i Buy iliat Ktod

Dt SriBOS.


eah. nmr


DR. W. J,.fllGGmS
13. E. Frm SI, Ol. nw m


pat"e*n ^

Wars. Oauty Buk Bdg- DETEOlt

Tire Insurance!

Stoox CoHssmss.

PlAtA Class, Stsi

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.
Room 310 NSW State Bank Sulldlng.

Trivsrss City.

F»u-t Vour n/IONEY In' Our
ets. Stair Work. Interior Finish. Stock or S|*-.-ini
Pailorns. Store FrouU am! Fixtnr.-a .-ro.l «,iy otli.-r kin-1 of shop
or miU work you are m n.-.*! of Dry lumU-r always in sl-Ktk.
Eatiuiates fumiahed by plioiK- or letter.




I Cipflal Stock PiU iff. IISAM










< Suooaaaor to Floyd Sm>th 1
' Iffitf Cor. Luke Ave. uu-J lOlh St, Evenini
I'honw: CilizciiB. :!2; IWI IflU.

South Side Cumber Co.
Ci., IW m. BoU m

T„,vc>«- Ci,,. Mi-h.

Bere Ole Jlre Jlaain

J! Bargain Counter
16 inch Feather Dusters---$


Monkey Wrenches............................... 25

Tea Pots................................................

If you arc going to do any

now is a good time to bs looking up your
Wo carry a complete stock of
Builders’ Hardware, an-1 we think we can in­
terest you in price-. If you want anything in
house or barn hardn-are. come in and let us
figure with you.


Dish Pans .....................................................25


AH the above named things are worth more money.
There will be something new on this counter every­
day. There will be almost everything on that counter
that we carry in stock. It is worth your attention.
Sec what we have, and don't be afraid to criiicirc.
Tell us in person, or write us 3 letter, bhowing where
we can improve and what mistakes we are making.
We will pay you for your suggestion.

stop ud ransiderr' -Am I abtc

Sold by aU dealers at asmaadfoc.

____»‘Slravasc air sot Bat
They found that tba ratfcar ns itrtog


Don't Cake

-Dr. Hllst- NcevI

I of WUltem I


(Our M.'ll.v)




tba father left her aioae for
in tbe care a tbe fntbar, wbo, bowa Uma uaiil Me wu almna
over. wm be repaired to faraMS tbam
Ud so weakened wu she
snltable homes ud elotbteg. It wa*
eo^d only reMln milk.
also atated (bat tbe children ware
•rtie «r« thing done With P«wl, ofti
week at a ticav wltb
w^cn taken by Mrs. Brateud mas to \ notblng
strip her. tmm tba ctothtet place her 1 boys cooked by wet (lag wltb
in bed after cteasslng from vermin aaj , Tbe oondiikm. which were met with
parritase u entirely new ontSL A ;>-pMentey by ShertR fharle* Johnsem
• I* now wuled for ll-Oe Bxia and Cottnty Aertit J W. Hllllker, wb->
while tbe two oMer boys will be; i.ft thU diy at noon to torwiigate





iiM I-o*l..ffice Boililinif.

Have you ever tried the

Woy«l TlK«»r "Tm* •vgcI OofVte*«

1{o^a1 tiger
They are the besL


•b4 S»Im*m

Sold rally by

P^irasrwG m%Tmrn%.



. man for the highest teortag bird


Friday evening. Feb. XL The <»
t<-e cooidcted the arrnngeraonu and
fised the dale for tbe priasrtes for


Saturday. Mafieb IT. the poUs
opoD In the various wards from 9 a. m.

Tte hlfk«*t •eorlDB breedine pra la the showtwas
by F. W. Wilson
While Plymoihh Rock ben, ecorc
■t tk« NortHen Klcbtcu PoaJirr ud
Slodc •MoeUUoB is ibe >U>c)<^ 94 >4.
Bcowm U«bam exhlWlcd br
J. A. b^tagoe offered fil In easb
WlUlaw a Ostar..tbecodu>*«l barli
for the bl^eal seorlng'coek bird la
Kn. nary nmmlific er Wnritowtoe «mm
M H"»‘ to bl« credit ud uklBs first the nbow, wbhA was woo by .W. B.
- a Lydls K. PtakhamW TtoSlnlUl
VtCBiM, wfalM A MOad pronlUB Neleon on Single Comb Buff Legboro.
apouad Mads Bar WA
sUods tor OM of the potMs and s
Id lor
for a ha
hea. The pee ssvvt ISCS-IC
e New Tcirt Tea Sloco offerrd
T of •dabtofi krrm
pounds of best coffee for tbe bigb^ is the c
•“ffty prove the claim «> have to many
est scoring eeckc^tcl which was won by times made in our eolniaas that Mia.
1. Dffllor on 81n^ Comb Drown
The eeortiie <
«*doek bat hours «f vorfc oe tb<J pan Legboro. score 94or the effieers detailed to ptace uiem
o and oBcAair pounds of bosi
«■ noord vest be fialshod before
coffee offered by New York Tea store
txaudete aeoriee and prize takers
le highest scoring ben was won
be airea to the public.

by F. W. WUaon on While Plymouth

eoDtlBoe to
*^±ldieB abesr-’ and eBj07 «>tb
The hii^t scoring pullet wo
aewed latccest the ribbons wbich
setting of eggs offered by W. B. NelBOV flaoBted npon nearir orery peo
was owned by J. W. ZImmf
<a the boUdiafi.
The show win retaali
•raaiBg and at that line the ribbons
•Bd prizes vUI be awarded. Darlas
tbs eiblbllioe; many <d the birds
ehaaptri hasds. snaio of then brioelaa
(aaey prieca
The iweatydvo silver laced Wyaadouae, vbleta represent
eoop of W. H. Cbner of HE KorUi
Oak street. Ibis city, were awarded
the premlam for the larsol aad liest
dlsfday of say one variety, and this
means that the rilver cup offered four
years ace by Ooorce G. Bates of tbe
American Poaliry iounial la acala
be awarded to a dlSi-reat puul(r>maa than tsdore. and which lu-eessl-:
tales the Blnalaa of two flrsl«lass
prises by Ibe same cnnlcsUal la order
to be awarded the prize, the wlnncm
•0 tor ead) year beioi

Single rarictles entered and drew


Tfao laipe display of Ifalricea Buff
Icffhoros of C. J. Bbner woa th-


mwEdal prize of ribboas offered by the
Aiaertcaa Buff Leebon club for the
display of the best bea ssd best cock­
erel Is tho slacto comb Ball Lcidiomi
W. B. Nelson and Calvin Scott enter­
ed Bair Leeboms also, bat no
Leffhoras are on ezhlbltion this ytar.
The show cains which staniT at jtbe
eMraaee to the balldinc arp fUled with
toner hlcb^rrad suck enpi wUeh nru
eCarad for sate, at hlph prlc^
W Laved Wyandollcs, Blaplc- Comb
Beawn Laffhoras. Buff l^sboras. Black
Mlaonas. aad Patridge Wyandotte net. ttapi are Iwdag sold at pricey varytag rresB
to |E. a aelllog of Partridte^WyaaSottea from the Wyan-

- .^Werfwedally-pandiased by W. a
. J^aon la the east scIUag yeslbrday
tor IS.
Not only arc eggs on display
to the show cases, but tbe egg fsciory
to tbe enops are being mo as u
smd the alga might rightly be set
*lBggs laM while yoe wah.” as blddy><
ora bwsy at all honrs erf the day prepnrto* Improvlsud nests In their dose
ffsartors where they may deposi
their offertag of prize eggs which ar eki.: S hen: 2 pul.; 1 |.en. 18E1-1C;
taken out aad placed la the show case Irving Murray. ! hen; 2 pul.
WheBever discovered.
Koie Ccwnb Brown ls*bonw-J. W.
Thto morBiag H was evident Ihti Zimmerman and eolk 1. J hen; J. 2.
the Mrds had become extremely Ured


-.oral sards, and ii> see to It that
eandidties for the ward tickets abould
hare their deetaralioos filed befor.the lime limit fixed. The cbaincati
and scterciary of the city ciiaimlile.
si-r>- raques’e-d ic> make
ke the
s-io it that Hi.
city candidate............ e pmperiy placci
ii|«>n ibu city ticket.
It was decided Hist Hie inelbtRl of
vniing at the pnmtric-s should I
;same as Hiai aliVh prwvalls at
I'"'' ''IccHuns. slut Hial (lie eandl
in the various wards reeeivlng
. ramies of >ui<-s. shuiild Ik- d’-emedI Ike
raDdida:ta flact-d uieiii Hu- war-l
Hrkeis. and Hie eandldates on the el'v
ticket btvlag a iilumllty of the vmt-:
irf the entln- city shuuld be the eandl
dales u|XKi the city Hcfiel.
It maa also d.eWert that the crfflcla
ward eanrusos shall Is- ez'KVted
Wrfy t
Imariea an-l
nomlcmied s
dhtes as shall nec lve
_____ _____
votes in the msrd and that the del-,
gates i-I.eTed at ihe ..ffieial raue
to Ihe eliy ccuivcmtiiin shall be

^Ji^rj Aiary Dimmick | Ivollng

isfuDynunU■ •
RcadMrs. DimmleksteUen.
Her first letter:
DmrHn.nnkhain:-i have l«.e.«ulfrtvr for tteputeixfal
ycsis with a tnsilde whi'-fa
frooi psinrul pvvid>-4far iwlrw swen.-roeiaUng. wtlh ititoinmsUm sod ulcvrsHaemflfae
fwnale organs The dnelor mys I mot have
uoperatlmcrlcannotUva. Idonutwaiit
tnmlanil lo an cfevalioo if I can piMbly
Itolt Has,lags, nveSd it. Pbaw^ help ine.e—Hia. Mary
"Immlrk, Warfuagtoo. D. C
Hcraccond letter;
DmrUnL PliAhan:ton l.ovc.S.ckI; I. J pul..
" VcNi will rwMCBhrv my eoMlllcni whm I
Imt wrote ycai, and that the i)ortne mid I
' venikra for theeaodldate* for the

Urds have attracted
every bead as they oecspy three peas
at the Ml of tbW eai
ataadtacs after seorlas wore all alai.^
iy, with the exoepihn of om hen, the
poiacorias as follows:

to-9 p. m. The ccnaml.lee fixed the
date for tbe regular rvpuMfcan official
aneases fur Mondar. March 19. and
the repuhlian city cxmvcniloz
TuesdS}', ktnreb 2U.
II was declrfed by rev)1at>on that all
Imnrlldaics fur nomlnatiniu on uar-1
city llckoU. should file thdr dee! laa'loos to iK-come such andldaur
oaorUrfon-Saiurda.v. March lu. TbI
will give Ibe andMat.-s one week I
sbtcb lo file dcclara'IuDs of eandldso
and alios a set-k for ]*rep*ring
pflntlng the various tickets.

«l the shew buslaess and beat.
fiacnnslii Red Shuffler Games—
balBg ont of their tcffuU'r line ot quiet James Dcfiiorty. 2 rkl; 1 pul.
llTlag. Thdr wina drocpnl and tbe)War Horse Oamea-Wlllard Uwson.
aat arewad de>ectod and
1. 2 hen: 1 stng.
toefc.of slerp. Daring the
The gnmea Dol being In the slaml.
Wa the rooms Uve been warm, and nrd. were put In one clans and JudgeJ
by cnmpariium.
Golden Sebright Bantams—
Wcloek wbea every bird la the ezhlbb Ncisiw, 1. 2 pnl; Uiuls Boldlag 1 hem:
ttoa was'kppi ashke..
3 eiwk.


teneed him lo pay a fine of $S»jn ovfHempbU Thursday

‘ Every
Two Minutes
Phrmaans tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart once in ev^- two
minutes. If this action be­
comes insular the whole
body suffers. Poor health
follows poor blood ; Scott's
Efiiulsion makes the blood
pure. One reason w hy

mnrringe. Mr. nnd Mrs. WMIIaei
.Grnves. old rvi^ld. m* to S'- CUlr eoon-!
|i,v. Imre passed away. Ihe di-dih toi
-Mr- Gtav.-s occurring at bis home ji:

is such a great aid is because

passes so quickly

the hlood.


It is partfv di­







stomach; quicker


direct l*nefits.

To get the greatest amount
of good with the least pos­
sible effort is the desire of
everyone in



Scon's Emulsion does just





better takes place even be­

IcU iil. C. J. Blmer.

the anendanre ycuterday passed
Pi'kln Dtieks—A.
T. Gtlmure.
tho five hondred mark, the evening ycHing drake; 2 yonng duck; J.-;W.
proriBg BO exertion to tho proeoding Wojre. 1 young duck; 2. 3 young erirae was greu'i-st lu-imeiii
h'-n a gm'hial •'
IKdglnn Ilnnw-lt H, AHyn, 1 bnek:
s .................. the
. IM>m Prlday's Becord.
e si'atlsilrii
Tbe Northern Uk-higin Poultry and Bniesi Brans. 1. 2 iha-. George Moyer
Pel Slock aseodaUon eloacd tkeir 1 pair of white rabbits
Vrtll any Ibnl the scoring wa:
(aarth anaoal peuttiy show last
llglimx nwakening
awakening U-tw
U-lwivn iheagx-s.x
lag. the atteBdaaee belai^Bcarly »0A Qaed strietty lo siandard, ani
12 and I’c. uml al*« a
bird*. In order to cnUlle them li
for the three days.
' n ill nbtrh I' was fnimd
Tbe show sras a cntnplrie tut
Breeding by tor tbe czpociatloi
Afier a i
1. N HomI.erk
,lhp offieera. Over 300 birds were on
"1,0 on Hie nuhJecT
mtolblu some ot the finest spedmrzis and third pcrialuma v well as pen. .. AHre of till- Kiimlav *rhool
which will explain vriiy in an
day Hfl-. ami Hie siilii-'i-i va­-'bandliti
•rar abowp la ibis diy. The s
Hea then- arc- no first or sucund ptt-ml.; in n v'ly able and hiti-n-'lng vn-.
or the Urds oxeoeded by far say
i-iab«<] lhal ihc- Sunday seb»il lu-l.i.
■iiriK menlloned.
wioas show, aad cuoildertag the
The scoring by Judge J. M. Knight a oni-loM purpnt.1-. thni Ix-lng ib
dala of tho boldlag «r the show,
lb.- rhiu In hi* n-lailon t
■ - he a!*o raid thio
birds were all la cscHleat eondlikm. was faighlly sallsfaclwy to all exhlbiton.
lm-.l a
Id r.-lati..n to li
There were more White Wyan:. iT- t
Y'ours truly,
doUca cxbIhItM than any other
1 nl'iiiji lb
r. w wii*
varMy. aeit being llarrcd Plymouth
licek said b<- iHlb-x-d lhal Ibe S:iuilav !
ih.- U.y* nn li
. HlfifcB.
Tb« Partridge Wyanduiii
iben <rf the aedM-laiioi
he iK-lit X ,-! 111.. ilme.»-a» nmlng wli--:' ‘
riltiBeted a grest deal uf attcnilon as
ntbk- vxiuld K- taught In Hie pul.-'
ty support and the lilK-ral
there was a Inrgv exblbti of ibeo an<l
I'botd'. and the Hm,-wa: ermilng.
beliig Ibe first time ezhtbtied In
when lu.-n would iim be rDH>(-b r«l a> ^
ednraii--l Iiii'e.-* wreed in H." Hite-.-'
city. A fine hi of Silver Wyandotles
• :i s* MlhOT nnd Slixk-.-*iH-x-i-.
oitsly dcuiniod ph-mlums which hsx-'
•wem on exbibllloo with BUrly
'• he *.-.r,| Hu- HIM., will be la-tg!" :
Irfxen awarded lo ibe cilffcrenl cxhlbatandaid varicUes.
In tkx' *.-h'*ils (he Sunilay eehooU sHII
Ihelr work to do. Tie- speak-rr
The specla! prizes were the ftritowup as r-xnmpli-* to gn-at arid:
A, A. Smllh. Jackapn. one soltltig of
. .. manhood, Abraham IJneolii an-Y'
sg» ftom his prize wlbBlug prtu of
A Its silver cup offtuwd by George
ITvsldiail Raosi-vuli. giving as n ru;-'
O. Balsa of Chicago. paUlaber ca
observe Ihe great Kf»is..\i.’
American Pmiltry Jouraat, tor the
Wm. II, Bbnev. breeder of Silver
Tbi y givx- biaul room. iHHiip mom.
«d,|ng c«g«;
tanost dUpiay of nay one variety, Wysadoiirux.
and let xour n. Ishlmr Mve-alw'"
{StMk rnom and lank room.
was woa hr WllUam H. Bbaer ca 811E. C> l,*-ml«, 22C BsM Froat street.
The XX x.-nmg
x.-ning rioecd
elosed with a qui.-.ii"n;
Tli.-r.-"ar»- no lioUom girto .
war Wyandollrs.
S« pouD^s poultry todax in charge trf iho
lo^atub your Km« or Irampj
Tbe Amerieaa Buff Ixgbom club ofAmerieaa Drug store, two gallons BPdy.




,• tag:

New and Novel;

fmwd besmitrm ribboas valued at |l Craoo dip
Plara far Primarlm.
each for tha higbest scoring SIngl:.'
Scou Veterinary Remedy Co., ten
The repuhljcaa city eximmitiee mtl
(Bmb Buff Lnitoon and was wea l.y throe pound packages poultry food.
tost .Fridav in the offie:- of Cbalrman
C. J. B>aer.
Archie MiPer, I2D From street. |*
Oae pair of trousers offeivd by Oco, pair of ictHism.
m- miler, riotbler. for tbe largcwt
Trarerue City UPIIng company. W.
for sehrllBg candldaiej for ward and
Blfobar of entries was won by J. W. Front siiwl. 2S pounds poslliy food.
city oCIlccf by dirwri vo-c. la porsnAmerican PlysMStb Sock club,
ancx- Ip InsirncUiiBs given Itm eommlt.
. tmeas to aU.
saullfnl ribons.
fee ai H.e republican mass mretlag
tea box eff rigara offered by L C.,
Lymu H. HUI. Jattoson, breeder erf beU la Strinbnj-* Craad (q«ra house.

rricps law. ijuality right, for

Wc have been talkimr quality and that is what
we want our business to stand for. But price
is what some people want, and we have goods
to compete with any house in America.
Come and st-e our $S.7.j Double Team Har­
ness. We DON'T make it.
We are selling miles of Adrian Fencing. Sec
it before you buy.



i:i5 STATE ST.

nil Samuel MelkHial'I.
elalming to e inii- from Demili.. are
White Plyniniilh Roeka. <«ie scltlng.
r-"0 ,K.r arrt-. I' Is Hi'M'gbt
under arixin t . Jarktuin uu •.iisplrlon
H':e t.T.
II<irJI'"i. Hi'-. djMviv.
John Melhmal.l. re.slaurani. hlgti- of irylo.g lo I ib Hoo. U. Shermood
k H'-rla min'-, i
n reri'i'-iil of [■"
onwnluhi. tVlilh- ih
11 aeoring pen, II cash,
-. is tnier<-sinl i
f. W. W^.e.•l.K•k. hcvcKk-r of BarTt-.! cifflo-rs were looking for the siispi-'s
'his tran msy eonialn Ilt'illm-.'
PlymouHi ItiK-ke. bigliexi scoring duel;, they wen' lo the |ki1I:v ktation an!
for Imlglng*—which they re •Tomahsmk" lad<-. said by him i« b'
scntina ey^.
iebi-r Ibnu Ihe Calumet cunglumemri
ccii-ed. but Lehind tars.
John l.udiTS, 111.- Muskegon *al‘">i<
James 1>. Hague of New York ha‘
City Sunday Sehoel Meeting.
L.-.-IKT who bmuglit the nssuuli
•bo first miwUng of the City Sun- hmit^t <jf the Sbelden s
ion* ehsrg.-s asalnst Chief «f I'oliri- Ssti
School a:-HoclaHon i.. Is- held In
Ihtti, Is 4do|>Hng a novel max lo vxiu
r V. JUST WAS calk-i] Issi Friday In
> in le-s, Judge Sessbui* »<.:i
the I’re-chyierisn ebureL to which
a few wcymmled. 0t*» rucc-ilng U-lng
preshh-d over by Ikof It. I. Nye, mho,
as the first sl<i> liims.’-rl oranlHop fn
auuJber year, aniiimne.-il a iii:miuatlog
eommlilee to pr.-|wre n list of the ofHie eii-iiilig )<-ar, mrbo

Tevas-jrer. MIsk .Ne llie Urdie.
4 I’l-lninr}- su|MTinH‘nOen:. Mrs. J. \V,
Sniu-rlntc-mlent of Tc-aehere’ train
Ing. MIkh Jemiie Ilarlon.
Home depanmeei, Mi-.s M. Ilamc-v.
Tis'- da'e of the nert mi-i-ting was
hfl lo the- Jinlgiin-nt of tin- ezi-cullve
cvMiiiiilili>o mhilv Ihe InviiailcHi <tf tho.
ev. Demac fot-liliii of the- C'ingreg!iiilia] ehiitvh m-a;. sri-eptvd lo hold
le i«mo o< UiBi ehiieeh.
The ciKmlng siiiig M-rvl.
mt-d by pmxer mlieii a short pat»-r
dywiing mi'll ihi- Itiflin-liee of the S'lli.
sriicvil In ehnrrli life mss pivuni.
V Mis* Ji-naic- Hancm mhoclK-gsn
hy :m>lnK ■.hat Ihe siali- ■■.liiral.-r for
thin life mlii!.- 'he ekureh i-diirale* for
lo ecmie. Mbs Dariim had eomiinie inic-rctlng alattoliM In tvi> the crv»''-si ages erf crime


We have some wide tire Spring Wagons,
line for sandy roads.

.‘5! a;;

WDoVI narlthubmsT

Aermotor Trussed
Tripod Tower


stomach; a double advan­

advkv. Irai

name in or.. . ____
votlnR shall la.- c:onfin.-'1 'o repiihIK
and also that poly legal voiei-* shal
IHnuiitc-d to vino at the prlmarh-«
w cas^ It was forWt*. Dimmick lo
The ehsirmsn and luwridsry pf
vrritc lo .Mrs. Ilnkham at I.vnn. Maas.., wily ecimmlll.e w.-re InKImned lo prv-and horn- little
. .It coat ..
_ l»
tu rc-tcary liotlees p-jbllea
stamp, relhowvalnablewaslhereplyl
el how valuable waslh.
tllliing In cteinil Ihe n-cpilr.As Mrs. Dimmick aa.Ts-Hsaved her life.
Mrs. Pinkliamlmaou
aaou file Ihoruands
of Joat such lelb-rs
ra aa the abuTr, and
offm nlliog women
:n helpful

to Memphis and Mr*, o. H. Ross to
Applegnie. Also giamlrhlldren. iblriy
gnBi-grandefall'Irv-n aad
four grealgreBi.grewdchlldren.

gested before it enters flic'

fore you expect it

■^'^“•;uss5'„,'rT;tsi."E r"i

morBiBc wWtB

•ewe^hlny days with Sheriff iUlnger j his wife died on Jan 21. TbedeWbuf
ca maviclkm uf viuUHng the liquor i Mr Gtuves was pnibaUy hastracd by
Uw. bin Lode.v, inso-ad of paying the an ia]ury received in April. 1902. slacw
fine and costs, has goine to }a<l
He which lime be has be<« naable to
say* hi- will save hi* fine, gel gmmi ^ walk. Eloee ISfiS Ihe couple had lived
board fur a mootb and mrin many bsHs In St. Clair and Sanilac eooBty. ccaabis fii<-nds have mml- again*' him.
i Ing to Memphis In Um- spring to IMI.
Within ihri-e mnotbs nfier e.-lebrnl-'They nrv survived by three Alldreu,
Ing the slxiy flfh unnirerKwr}- of their! Mr*. F. A DeLand. Mrs C W, DeLaad


gomtnercial Printing
Bfl Kinds

Beraid and Record £0a

The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for

Farm ami Fircsitle « issued twice a month, '2i times a year, and has from 24
lo :js Iiages each issue., It is profusely illustrated with half lone and color pictures.
It is the best farm and home journal io America. Thousands of dollars are expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the farmrr, dairyman, slock-raiscr. poultryman,
fruit-grower .im! gardener. It has departinents for the housewife, fashion pa^,
patterns, good stories, puzzles. It has wit and humor columns and a Young Peoples'

This great pajier is given absolutely free for one full year lo every subscriber,
new and old, t«. the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1. 11KI7.

1 he children’s friend—

Jayne’s Ton'icVermifuge
Drives out blood impuriiic'. Makes strong nerves and muscla
Gives tone, vitality and ^nap.
C»n i; from xoor


er^ji'ing. ev<-rla*ting. galvani____
cel .komotor. and tlic tnisstvl
ipid toim.

If TOO vfinta Minare deal, writc'l

.........._»tor lin
idBitll*, pomps, tanks, etc.

To Cure a Cold in One Day



aaa aed tkc
i eozapeteet
Bauaeto. KMu Manb S.—P. A.
Kae«-t <Mkcr hai BOred <o BmUtt auditor and go orer tbe booka of tbe
from tkukeBoa asd wUI lUrt ■ shoe board ot educatloa for B pcHod
npaltli« •Lop la tb« raon M(t to tbe ihiee.yeara more or ieaa aa ahall be
detmalBed. There vaa aomo dl*cn»IMMIM.
Tto TfUiRe caaaril bm the Sm or aioB IB regard to tfab, but It waa ear­
tbe «e*k and pRpwad and acMpted ned by a uaaBiBmia eoie.
IB aetardaace with a isotlaa paaaed
tlM aabaal reRon.
; tbe laat Boe'Jng. tbi
Tbe jw»Bi talla «d aaotr are bHa«
lact erefring made
Ukea advaotase of by tbe lombenaea
dteeatn abnuld be eadaded frua
aad a lot ot loga ttaat ware eapceled

dee* at prlmartca fer Ibe dm lime.
There wai no law reBnlrlBg them to
do *0. Tbe liekM oo nominated woa
out. aUbOBgb the detnoerai* had betoi
IB control for tbe precedlog two year*.
The demoerau' waa a eflcvenil~nnamed Uekit. The lewjlt gaee the
primary movement n etmac bcrv>amoag republican* and they are gotos
.eoDiinoe to oomlitate la that nwy. i
The demoerau peraitt in rilefcln!; fur |

to bare to aiay la the wooda are bow the ecboola The followlbs were th<' democraile k»I leader* deellne f.j
ditcatea: Bpiallpoi. ehirkenpox. •ear- eblp Into a foad to defray the expea« , !
■ betas roHiad to tbe nllli and Kver,
Hta. Zeloa McGee Ttalled reUileea let tercr. Beci1e«. roetheln. dipbUicrtt ol city prlBiariei neat month.
tosdllili. mnmpA wbooplog cough.
ta mnkfort Wedbeaday.
Don't Want Oar Stiver.
Holt rctaraed to Mltwau- pedleuioelB tWeet. ring worm, lasToronto. March I.—A aweep
bee SalBnlay to take sorertitBent ea petlgo. acablei flicb-l Tbe board also
rreommeoded that a e.jrd »toillar to Amcrleau tllrer from Canada ha* l>
aDlaaiteaa and set tbe Batblaciy
tbe freighter Topeka, of wbleb be
tbe ooe la nat la Grand Raplt<i li- gen. The Onaneo' department ht
leted amneemoatr with l!
cbW easineer. in abape tor tbe aea aeni to the panjiurwben the ehlld ;»
ease* named. This ard gave aome of
ibe symptoma of the named dlaeaae.
board to BeaaollU Wedbeaday. Fe
guJdaoee of the leaeber.
' It win be seal to Waablugioii auu ex.
Tbe dtM sIreB by tbe Lady Macc
moUoB of Mr Meads ibtt report
boee lait week Tbaraday erealbg I
Bdoplod aod auliable carde will In changed fur ge'd. The nmoval i-f the
Ameriean rllrer will be a gsoO ihleg
drawn up by Ibe bcaJih ofBeer.
tbe K. O. T. M. M. baU *aa well i
for ihc bank', and a pmSuMe ihluK
Buperinicnd'ift Gilbert reported ihal for the government. Tbe banks will
I Ibe end of January |aa: year then- lie paid threv-clgbibs of cue per eeni
for (be silver they inm in. I[ li e'tlere :.«U pDpnt In sebool and
year there were J.tWS. That there ba« mated ibal this will ]ia< about pav
them for Ihoir iroiiUlc The gi,ver;i
abuwB by the fac' raent will tear the express charge:,
. H. 8. !
part ot'th
that t^e
connected with the forwxrdlns of the,
year for (be aame tim waa >:.E1 wblle silver. II is estimated that tbe govt.-ru-i
of tbe aeadrmy.
will make about fci-T biiD-ln-dl
Tbo Free HetbodlaU wUI bold eer- bif year li waa »•.;
Tbe number
Ihaniand dollara oul of Civ silver i
' rteea la Ibe ehapel at Deolab (or three behmslbg Uat year w ■ 2.20!l and tbla ineep.
dayA bagtontor beat Batarday.
Special eerrleei were held 1b the
CoasresatlobBl ebarcb laat Saodi
..tbe dUrvlag pec^le of Japaa.



. WUUa. HMifa. Hartfe 2 —W.
SBMb la la Trarerea aty today coltaettog tasea.

Condensed Telepramk.

The atleuflancr by bundlngx waa:
KIgb tehool. ui.
Cenlrnl. 4IG.
Unloo atreet. -40.


Poll llurm. March 2.-Mrr. Mart« ^
Drrger. wife of a teacher, teli dex-t'

*Elrawo3d arena
BoooeHlIe. 2$.
Deaf bcBoo], 7.

aylrnnto reOrsad.
mile area like an

PlillaileIpblA Pa., March ---I'irv to
the Frankford artnnry today eaure
nnt exploaloB of Krmg Jourgen
exHridgrs. shells, ruser. anil other i
maaiihin. The aremen were givi-r
strenuous time b.v tbo bombanlmi

A aonaldenhle portloa oftbe board
a( oducatkm Beating laat week waa
devoted to a dtaeataloa of the crowdad emidlUDO of tho Oak Park bnlldlDg
- aad the moaaa necessary to relieve
thla. Although ho nclloD waa Uken.
the matter waa Ml to the bands of




C^ona Is a luirmlrss taibsUtnlA for Ctoatnr OB. P»f^
tpirir, INs.i,.. nml Suolhiu); S>nip«. - It to *»«-)--------- '|g
owilants in-itl.. r 0|.iim», .M.n^bu.c n»r o4hcr KarcOUe
Milvston.-.-. Itsoeoto Itoptiaramvr. U deuti^ WwrMM
uiid aJlnvs I'VvcriHiBec*. U rurt-s Dtorrha-a aud Wlud
l«dK- U rrtivvos Txwtihliijr TmuMr*. rurr. Om.UpatMm
and I laHiK-i«-.v. U Rammitot.-s tbo Fiwd, rrgubMo Ibe
Mumaob iiMd Itowcto, RlTlng bealitay aad uatunil utoea.
The CliUdreuV l>uuiacca—Tbe Muihvr's 2'nead.

>. cuanawTCEO ■

f Sears the SignakOie <tf

S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Bogbee.

The Rind
You Haye Always Bought
An Use For Over 30 Years.

j.>, York

SKIN imm


I.SIi-iux I* 111.I K. I.- vri
vilb.Iill.dini: till- IUS11 V
n. rifi-. n rvii.-t I.- .1

Malnaal. v. WOln.!

presented as a sllve* winldlug clfl
Ibe emperor. The r.-s-.iM was th a :

in today's Herald.


....... .

wliii-b .-susi'J
1 ww torred

. .....




8fl «• tto Ac«

Canadian wmimm


Friday, tna 3<^day o» Mnveh.

liivilale in rAvtlig llui lI" i'lr-.Jiiiit
iathebot NoH nx-li.-inrthiii iln-s.tfid
lusevtt knou*.” Lixfk-11 Sledge.



....... ......

pERE Marquette
sn«. II.
tre Mu-.

M. & >. E. THE CIRD

try a herald wakt ad.


Real Estate and Loans
I2r Front St. nontagoe Blk.,

Traro’se CUy, Mich.

Ely's Greats BalinS

coun’rj. areordlac lo aa In erei..her repone-l from the other aide,
the faei that . Amerlran arotnon.
BLY hiSJTLm^ U VTarisv f-va. Nre Ywi
toke mile or Bo lRte-,-vt in r-olltir
whereas when they carry Ebi-| —


■^.•imtaOC SALB-UrtaaU tovlaw tore

T«nty-fiv* BUSHELS

mnlwty. w
aekn.-wledglng the prreent. ex’irevsel
hla Joy at Ihe patriotism of ;be G.r-: ma ««»• •: e-vn-s
•-V a
What panieularly
imi.H'sre.i W:-., ssb-t;.
(Team Balm
Cralgie on her Itle.i rUli to ibU

the ktodergarten area elghty-tevea.
Hr. fbole ataled that tbe only plan
talked ef had been that of botWng a
twweoora annex whieh could be
to aorae other loenthm whenever k»rr-

I. 1007, will be gIVM •

-Alibjim Ladys

' S”:'"? ........
i STS'SitlErSW

Rhenish Prussia, aome wi-.
ago lssiie-1 an appeal Kg the h
arliix.1 glrU throiigliniii Gertotnv. a
e«'iitrlbulions inwarls In-T.
navy, tbe sum eolleetr.l lo

and old aub-

Soe of for in anothilf ^taea


agrraegt fall aa at pmem. (he nrtaool eountry mosl dangeteui bevsute -a derepwas awBBBoitottog only a pan of ibr
diatitet, Baay ot tbe tdilldren golog to
Tl II — heart disease,
the Boardamn aveaue buUdlng.
^pneumor.i^ heart
dMaH hatleve the baaeoeol abould
'lalluie Of apeplexv
•re ollen ilie teaull
naad aa beallb cMrera to varkma
eittof eonderaiiod tbla. Tbe kinderWrtaa had been divided bui even tben
. Hd iiey- p
the aelBsa were large. If all
~ bloodwtllali irk Ihe
ebUdrea to tha dtotrlec wei* allowed
. vital organs or
i (he
to go to thfdr proper neiwol.
kidney* ihamselvci
attto nmraa would be recutiM.
away cell by cell.
Bladder trouhlea most alwtt-e irroli frem
atal dWarcM pra^ikHu had
* derangement ol tbe
a cv
dtoeimneA Hr. Millar atoted lb
ebixined quickest'by a proper treatmei ...
had Haltad the hutMtog and beeome IbekIdoBys. " you are leellng badly }cu
ean make no■misiake
by Ukhij Di. Kiltnet'a
1 that BBMhlng
"* kidney, brer aid



tha Harald in full to Jan.

Flroaidar” one'«g|Br .-<»•.


aa ftopd lin In a Si. LoiiU eourt f. r
Tcfuslag to aiisat-r jjueslloas of a n-^
Biiorne). She. was proserHIr;
Phoebe McElrey. formeriy employ; ’
Dan McMullen Henered.
Balllo Creek. Mlidi.. March 1.—Ot- by her as a servan’, whom she narevT* were ctectod ai Ihc slate For- ruic-1 of ateallng a liMrel-sih. napl in«'.
■>tnow allp and loavis. II. 11. Ii>-f<
eslera meoitog a* follow*: lUderiek
niunsel fer the defi-n-se. endeavore:
MBCdoaald of Muskegon, high
ranger; Dnalel HeMulIeo t>f Travers' o gel M'S. to-onxrd to l<dl bow iho
the anleb-s. She refure.l to
City, vice high chief ranger: Wlllixn
x”iiy to his Bue,.llim. vxjlnc; "I rtou''
ICatocr of Cndtllae, high seerriary
Ocorge Sharp of Battle Creek, high iRve Iv.ecsaer a iiUKcr." JudrtTCMurer: HOeoo Springer of South Mujre IniHioed n Cue uul orslen^ h.. i

Tfie Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.


acribor who h«a paid for

Bubacriplioo to rarm and

referred (

llcorreeUtoxUUlyloholdnrliKardxealdtog ptln In passing It. and ovarooirca that
ar^easam neeexaiiv ol being
go often during (he dar. and t r
timet during the nl^l. The i
•BWaortlnaryelleci of Swamr____________
laalued. Ii tunds Ihe highest Irt lu wcuaeaaty. Mr. Gilbert said that there derful cures ef Iba non duuresaing caaes.
Svamp.Roci is cleaaant to lake and sold
had bfen aome talk of pelting up
all druggists In Idly-con; and one dsliar
tonrfwora annex on tbe M>a;b aide, rited bottles. You may
stating (bat there would alwayi
ban a cample botlle of ^■MdEwS&i
Bota children than tbe eight rocma this aronderiol newdls
eswiy and a brok ihai^*BailUMt»g
Hlb all abo'ji It. both K.«..wakCfv^
rnnltmebi-riail. Address Dr. Kl’meri Co.
Blftghamt'an.N.Y. WtoDwni.tigm
mading this ccBena* nflar.ln ihb pa|

’•are bait
lDlanl^ nnd Cbtldn^a—txpepicucc agnlBst Ei


T^e„. W

tha balldtog aod gruunda commlticc
to taperi at the next mceUng. In the
Judgaeat of aome ot tbe board
beni. a>ew sebool building la necearbrtixlv eCtoc fcherl* HU It <a-:
Haven, high coiioclllor; Wm. Ilaleu
'aary wblle others ibongfat that
of Manistee nod S. M. Aodrrson of nic pHiI. She piM.imniti*U'UlgHtal >!iannex eould be erected,
o-jH no. enswer -ilu- nigger."
Raplils. auillior*. The meetln;.: In 19i>J
Mr. Ftodc brought ep (he Balter’lk Itoel .-f.-ll. r Is
be a( Manistee.
Irst by atailtig that at leaai two
I.'SI ibal ev.-ii lii> fi. u-lsdd pa.“t.i,
wore nveexsary aud they nboi
IS-: not kn-ia *!i.-rv he 1., Wlie:
Prlmarie* Were SacccasTul.
teady before (be aext terra.
»Ki-J itie wb.-ivalKiatji of bis
SI. Jobns. MIrh, March 2 —A yexr
nrraageraenix abould bo raad
ago the ropabllrans of si. Jidius nonj- parUhloner. Ur. Chsrie- A. Itovn .1tbera. oRber a new bulMIng ererteil
Inated tbcit candidate. f.:r all city of nliM all ksowRvlge. He <vinitot:< I
or to some other way. le hlx report
•1 thtrg Rork.-fi i:. r ev.-r ditl.
Boportaleadeni QiIbcr: stoled
ser«utbeiw were 4» acbolan to Oak Park
shriovdest .MvnltTs and.rmartifi r.
and dfly-one at State atreet. raaklng
-k eant find the richest an471 ttudtmu to all. He bcHeved tha;
three or four roorat would bo neeeaH-ho-d girls ef MuettebcaC:
diaoiae prevsIKc^ in tidi

llsh fauabandt aad go abmaJ ....inY lQ'
they frequeB'iy roate - •■-—
•lertii aerring.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
Wc will u'-' yea seven per cen: r>cr annum for
your m'jntty aod give you as iccuritj gilt edge

SrBs;-:r Citf!ie-.e
railroad ri'e h
to* of Altbaa
Idaho. '■Why.' said Sehxtar IPjbel.
“It provides tha< wbr-n the comml*
Is deciding un uha. It a fair ra;e cj v«a-.;siss3T.

Travcrrc City rt.’al estate </r gth edge farms in
Grafsd-^Traverse: Coumy. Mich., where your
mcncy »i” Ig; a'-, nl'ji'.-iy safe.

n'li-ail.-* ,bxl! be psl'l ie>he Betalo-s S* wCjvataalion cf the rfork* aal bi'iifis
I the raliroBd evmpapv m c -»«'Irn. I
josly lenn ncttml valtailoa." -o
Senator Pe'.tus. 'I aee: they ex

Oaulmakt rniyralmaka. but immemn** I
(to amtloa of Ha Moitoit. i

-All Cotint.-rtVitN, Imit.-vti.iia* and •••?
Kxp,rlui<iit' tnlle with and n


Bl»k Spirtches All Over Face1Produced
louiiLcu oc.cic
Severe lu-iimg-icai
ltching-Yeaf‘8s jri

but managed tn extlogulsh the b!i
nubody bur:.


over W\P
30 ^jemrN. baa barttt> (to togwOBto e€

the only slricUy selenUflo Lung Spoclflo in ezistenoc.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refooded.

Champ Clark of M».-.>iirl r.;t.e
ing diiwn iW <s-nn r alGe cf tin h>
loeking ir.mi »idv i» ml-.-, hui

LancaritT. Pa.. Marrh 2.-<)u,
dn-d tons of powder and a large
tlly of dyitomilc expIuOed
der boBSe of a conlrmrlor oo the

—n MM

nd baa be«-a tnnde under hta per>


Donald wns ealebing herring and ih
teem>rel In Iktf-.
lee gave vrav. Richard Snnies J-umpe
i luunderi. c
I- Graud :
la and after a hard alruggb' saved tbe
1 Rrptil’lle in New Vkirk Mare an.
'ways has b--ea aeilte to pr.itii---.

that be bad beeu to (bo aebool’bt
Port Huron. MIrh.. March J.-UiilMra. PmieM«f*k kai rMuraed to twenly«too times, captured eleven
>:e sink, who lost hU right several
feer borne In BOtWorth, aRer an ex- truanta. served two notlroa. bai
days ago by tolling mi a silptiery :: b'-'feaded vlat wttb her pamu, Mr. and traanta arrested, ope un auspended
has partially regstoiv] Ifac sl-,tl.:
:. Jbm.0w.Aw4L ....
and two beftme Jadge llmlnr
le eye. He hna spent his inj;Kate Maitto apast Thurmday and
14.472.8* wot
preying for his aigbl and la fully cun
rrMBT with her pareals to Tboapaon- dered paid.
BdPttt be will regain IL
Meads brougbl up Ibe mailer of
Mrn. W. H. SBdtb Halted Mrs. Mar- typewriter reaial. saj lug that 131 *a«
Ua to ThOBpKBvUle Priday evealBg. being paid when (be machines could epened IhU momtog b.v (be lug C. II
bougbl (or too each. Mr. Gilbert Edson. wMeb elexred for Siu'st- n
loadi of frtoBdi and neighbors tmlled tboogM (be raalter should be allowed
. The opeulog wiui five vuvi.
M Mr*. Ai Wolrol. li being her birth­ lo east ubUI (he end of (he year i
earlier (ban lart year.
day. Bereml alee pmaenU were left tbe reaial Is applied on (he pureba:
wUh her a* token* e( love and enleeai, priee. OaMr. Meads’mo'lvB. (be ra*
Mrs. {lore Leonard, fashionably tb'iil.
an wlihliis bw many ba^y returns ((Y Of purcbailDg taro typewrilera wa«

Bchoci* Are Ciwv.^

Port Hunin, March 2.—Johnny M>

Oak Park, 4fo.
State alrtct. HI

oa bnvc all (heir line taken Bp wilb
Jtof FiBBciBco ipent Sunday wlib elaaaea Bnd bo time whatever to lou:
htotaBlIy bare.
the paper tf tbe acbolan nn<
Tba ladle* of Wallin gave the
acbnol. aome of them being comO. P.-t a
pleaaaat aarpriaa' laat pHled to wwk late every night,
Wedacaday nlsbu They were Biel
elaaaaa alao aio largei- than vror
tbe IMU and aceompanled to Hi«.
Tbo report of Truant OfOr^r Marvin
Nala Bye'a booie. whet* the eveBlBg ma Jan. 24 to Pcb. 27 abowod (hat he
waa apent In gaaea an^ mnalc. aner eatlmated hU Invels at eigbly-flve
wblA a bountiful anpper was wiTed' mlla. that he had Halted tblrty-'lwo
which waa greatly oajoynd by all prea- houaex wben chndreo wore at


Tbe Kind Yon Hare Alvrara Bongfat, and wUefa

Saved tiic Preacber.
Rev. 0. D. Boore of BorpersTiUe. R. Y., writes: “I
had a fearful cough for monthA which nothing would
relieve, until I took Dr. Kings New Discovery for
ConsnmpUon. it cured my cough and saved my life.”

while .eating breakfast tfaU momln„-. |

i. W. Mallory cd 8oulb FTanktort U
calltog OB rnoDda tbla week.
Mr Gilbert reported Ihal the toarhWaaley SBllh vle4ed bla pareBta
era had apeni Wasblngimi's blrlbda.v
Hoaar SBPday.
very proBulily to an inttliutc eon.
P»wk Dyer Halted Ue tamUy to dueled by Hlu Sberwood. Dec new
Ttwverw City over ganday.
teacber baa been added to the lllsii
Carl Bye at Homeetead droec
oul of the derm teach-

«f the day.


StAtlstles prove that the ehanees of your dying of
Throat or Long Troubles, are 9 to 1.
Waste no Ume, bat core your Disease with

■uapocied of having any of the dl.-

eoB'a ruB.
Tbe tral robiBa cf tbe aeaioci wc



Ceaeral Henry T. Trrcialjt, the u




JW«tf fMiy Mb «M«bM
I «M *r MMr «» «wty w.
I «r«l tiy «• ha M few •• •
•M M MM fewqw few
M tor at t MIL
I Mfe *T to fefe toW, ItobM
■M WM to avtoyW M^to
Mtor itotof thhit.

tr I avarM to trrfew to 4a
mmt thtop. I via Tiy, kr

Codar. MhA,R. P. D. Ne 1. Fab. A: dtdU. TbHr aaaaea are Plowato
Uayd peart.
DMT PreoUast-l win now write JoM. 1 bare Wta c( foa HMlai <
We will iJadiy add Ueyd to ear lUt
and toH yea that I am wHI and Hope hlU beeaaae b to so warm. I (blak my of Sonablac aaeaben and hope lo hear
ire tbe MBC. I am potap to acbool totter U patUnp leap etioaph. so pot fremblaagaia.

-’ day aad wc hare lou of foa bje.
playing pamaa. 1 Uka my taatAar rery
Proa year torlap gaoibUrr.
ParocM Aolmal Can
Prances Ball.
i: be la very ktod to ih. HU
real peoptr, aad tbe eblldrea
In >pite of raaeh apltaiicB apoo Hk ;
WhJeb do yoo hare tbe Boat fw
a to Oscar Barik. There are Ci
plarlap annad th* doer. Woaldal
aubject M rartoaa Uae* loreru of aalars la flW cnhonlfcetB. Pleaae wub. tbe two kliitoa or the dolU?
roa all Uka to aaa treaa aa Ian
bare acrer soemded la eatab-:
me a card aad butua. (or I woolu would like to aec all of tbea. f
llxblop in ibU eosBiry a eemmery at
Uke to JolB (be Bonablae Hub.
Perrie. Cal, Feb. t. 1»C.
claUiretr a* lbo«- la rercral Rnnipcan
Prom ynur friend.
Tba fonowlap totter waa reedred
Dear Prealdent—Your Hob lx ao ti icapllBl*.
Ape tA
l•ahHI Tamle.
BB aotoa 4«a wbo torpot to BiBB tbatr
lercninp, 1 bare read, ao I will be
Thr Urpe*; and Boot beamifal anl
Wbat kind H games do you play?
aae. ir taer wUI wHU apalBB card
Desber. Pleaae aeed Be a card anil mal <t.-Brtery is Ln Necropullc i
and befUB will be aeat tbaB at oae
liadpa. Ullle Nounan. ay «talef. Iqui-. is Pa-fa. or ra'brr In ibr *abhare Iota of fun piariox Fox aad £mae
re bftier ntba of Anincro*. Hi-r-t a Urge plu* of
yoar elnb and I a
Sotaa. Mick. pah. H. IfedC.
Han and Hoomh la ibe snoo. I
In tbe paper. I lire in
T pwt'y erttund I* laid ott li.r th- lot.-nnmt
Dear Ulna BBMi-l wrote before wonder If you
Utm. loo.
coxBiry place called Oarilan. There
(f dog* and otbur animalr. and lirev
and I torpot to aak yea for a <ard aad
Codar. MM, R. P. D. Ka. 1. Feb. *. a Bine arer beyi' called Canyoa Qty. are Vroctrei munni
batloa. Will yon ptoMo aM me oae?
Deer Praaldeat—1 will aov wrilejuj ci«ier Mildred would like to
as baadaun.- a ib
and toU yen that I am wHI aad bopel^^ur Hob. i«i. Pleaiu- ueod her a
a liciag* In
are tfee aame. I pa P"lop «•» | card and bads- Bbe l» « year* old.
Trareree CUr. B. P. D. t. Jaa. SI. IfeOd.
m How. boplns l» be a meniDear Praeldem—t thoopht I woald
Sanne fxiORiK dog* have tm>lp'urv>;
write a taw llav to r«a- I led By la Oacar Barta. He la very kind lo at. | ut *-.>otk Fraa
III mark their aemorie*. ani dog krn- i
oaid aad batua. an t wlD aand a aiaaip
uHs in loartile are faruiite vnuli*. Fcr'
Pleaae aend ae a card and bai- \ ||u« nire ll U to bare three Beeifor aaethbr. Wo hare pot a
IS.j" a crat i- I? lexj-.! u>r Hirer yt-xr*.
I. I wll( tell yoa wbai I pot for loa. for 1 xrooM like to jolu ibe Stun-1 ).^r* fma far-away Calitornla. We and Ihu fev Inelude* ll.e M-rrlm. of
|are aloaya toiprr«ic-<I In the letter* a dop undertaker, uniformed aii<I
Cbriataaa. I pot a aM«f diabea, three ahlaa Hob.
ProB your frieod.
!from three and hope to bear froai all tsjunled tin a trieyO. For JliW. a
tbrfci, an apraa, a. Ilttla pane, dra
Ape IS.
Clarabell Tainle.
{ ot you attain.
ceata, a breoat pla aad two pair of
grave BBT le- leased In perpeiaili.
hair rtbbeaa. a poadl box. a pair of
and betueim ihe*e rxin-iner, may 11yo**Matre *r8un»h^e'me«irs ana i Trareree City. Mich., Jan. S6.190C.
Biuaaa aad a uMaC I like to pe
fore yea will bolb enjoy ^h.p
Dear lYoHdeat-I paeai I had bHicr found prleea to Kuli all parpoee*.
>L 1 aa la the third prade. Well,
Ty.e (CTK.-,. .y oeruple.. aa eniltr L-.I
* '"*«
tble U ell for ibU Ub*. oo pood-bya. BCBberr.
lim- and as I Iwrf two aaso lo »eaa cn.I In :h<- S.-!ne and. aiori (rum HuAge I.
Marta Oiar.
Clly, R. r D. No. t. Feb •.
cbH.lBa. and rental of grnve/i. ih<- eomiiany ^nmlnK
Ha*a yoa naatod Ibe new bone yai?
Dear Praaldent-I <bi»pb< I
New Yeira day*. I weni
to n.r the properly maki-.- a haadwmf pn«i
Tell at aboat It lha next Haw yo
write to you. »> are hartnp a pnod i
„ cj^.iBa., We bad Mr «.at Of-thi- rale of admiulna liebe write.
llBie at onr acbool. Oor »*^hff'-Vytonp . UBlIy and Hamid Wripbt at lu vlritor* ——t'hleajn* Chroairle.


Chab in Banka
Fim Menpapv Lkw oa Banl bmie
K-ot Eocate. iaclodi^ Hoe Oflkw Bafidiap.
rash rHae
to Pa^^ltoldrea. are


» hi
aB.taa M

. ass

ulHiret dor aad amed
Ki-ute doe and no-rard


4 MAin. MTO. fel
- nrat Vlaa Waaliaat Ctota Satta.
- feacaito VtM f^raaldato. Mra. lito
Mtoatay «hi*t4a.

. 1 taTt a imla aatofebor »bato I rarr
fldaa toaac
He vean a cnat ef reAdlah tor al
iMtoa aad oa tka ttreaL
Wa oftea atop to feaaa a <*at o* aaaar
artntar 4as«.
m< maiiiiar^ rety .plaatoai-fcal I

Soloa. Hloh.. Jaa. SOtb. IfM.
D«r Praddaat aad Banahlaarewoald Uka to >o>>> roar Boaablae dab.
to BCbool eroiT day t cam and
OM la tba aarealh prada. I hare
Bltoa to po to eeheol. Mr toacber-i
: U MIm Oartbe. I like bar very
Bodi. I hare baae tick for a Itille
tbaa a weak, bat I bb alBoal
well BOO. Aeoupleofweekaapo

I. Mlaa Della Archer.


had three fold ftrti and one pollyvoK.
They all died bat one. I. have a cal
call Beauty. My aludie* are arithinetlr. apelllBS. laopuace and wriitny.
Ibe third reader. I lo»i my
pin and will send yoa a *iamn for an­
other. I aa t y<«r* old.
Louie SladIHBurr


—bat tfeare! I Bait eontota
I «aaaM nMaratand a «onl. a>4 ao
1 hBfa to foaaa.
Mr aSator atodlaa Oamait afed ar
hntfear awdlaa Oraak.
■at'tboaa are aw the laacaagaa
I aboaM eare to-apaak.
Ftor aaaa et aH thalr tozicaBa
taaka H elaar to bm
Jaat what that Utile aaolrraj m
»jy “Chk!- aad -OUm^!“Chaar


dib M
Aisr II
4;.«9> M

Total LiAKUTiBi
m fas Aaaeti
aa to amniMt of leafft la ferow

IS hi tona Dec. Jl. IPOS
M iBoarwd thereby. Imladlap AddMew


$ $54,440 47
4.421.477 00
S4PAI7.m So

Total Amount PaM PolkyHoldara
aloe* OrxaaikaUon.

SU.00b.327 65

brother bad Iota of fun
p„p ^ ba„.

and making mnatr. I
merry Chrfatota* and n happy Neu
Yimr A* wHI a* 1. My brother broke
his leg Ibe &ih of Jaanary: Then, of
nourer we wen- not rery bappy for a
I will hare to tell you

What a plly that ibe pret.y «o1d
fl.b died. Perbap«,lhey do a.d likc;^ , ^
of By CDoalaa caBe to oor plare and
r cold norlhera u
bandkerefalefs in II.
I tUak ha talka about the woo4i. aad we weat eeaallap. We hare a rery
C-Uy R. F. D. No. 4. Feb. Z.
i card, i tidy, an apruo. a brii,
ant tlaw. My olden aJner
knife, an ink
led and I bare a cota Ihtle nepbHe waa born Joal (be day beforr button. I pot a drum, a boat, a bank | tray combined, iwo collars.
caady. 1 pn to hHidoI. I an. Iwo r'blioBt.
my talrtfaday. oe tbo IMh of daty. We
eaa'i tdl «hai ha aan-

IMridcBd* on dHnred oreoatams

don is Sfate-n and a halt bouni. In
New York flfir.-n bniirs. In Si. Peter*
bunt nlm-i.fb. in Turnen H-'Intandi
iwi-ntydwu. and iii. SidlHe-rgen thfii
months and a half.

! g^^Tt or MimioAX'.


(Wiy uf Uraikl

Has OpcDcd Offices Id tbe State Bank BoOdUir

irrer aHow.4




- -


M.prevnc Ttelf
ik-lr riolva
rUlva ...

had a Cbrlatuta trM aad I pot quite In tbo chart clan*.
t o-ir ehureb bad quarterly me
lew alee preeeaia We had a ChrtatTour Mead.
I mm week. I was there Saturday
awatreeatTheaehool, too. Tbla la all
Bddle SUdlebaner.
Sunday moralnp. I expeei lo l.e ihere
wiU write tble tlBe, ao pood-bye.
We arc glad to have Bddle JHn aud 1 tnmorrow niphi and Sunday norninr.
Fn>n roar Snaablae boy.
think be bad a prcity fine Chrl«taa*.| aeiival meeilflim began last Sunday
Ape M.
Rayawad PoMe.
Clay Kaa, Feb. 4. 1»6. !
Wbat fan |l woald bare boon If the
a school now. Onr li
Dear Preslden('-I a
UlUe aepbew'a birthday bad beei
.s Mis* Jons Benjamin of
aa yoar% aad yeu eeuM bare I Tiarerae Cliy. Ml»» Ella Lauiner and
‘ tIbbI""**
Allglre at* girls Ibai tBto-IUr»ljV«Jjre^.'t Uw Onmty of Graiid


tow^irdAWf-wltl. AniXo tSol iprPuUPr buttons and we arei’^**'
^bey are my
TtarerM City. Mich, Feb. 3. 1M6.
rary proad of them. Since l wrote the i
They both lire tm K. F.
Daar Pratidenl—t will write jo
other time a pair of twin alilrrs came i •'
=• Traverse 0:y. Mieh. I am
—Itaaaab 0. Ftoaaid. la Toath-t Oaa- totter. I reeelred my card and ball
They are rarr ntoe. Wa bad a Christtiamea. Vora Is -a blonde an.I |'
tree down at tba aehool bona
la Is a bruneiie. We are going to j'
WB1 taU yoB what I pot tor Chrinii
a box supper at our re-boolhou.e 1 '•‘^1* '■»
I have.
AU aerto/it alee tUan an kaiipea- I pot aa album, rase, bends, t

«hom I hope to
latchlafa. poeketbook. (wo cape Ibe 16th of Feb. We are gjlog to bate'
alee program. We are baring a nice h**e Influenre over, whom I ho,w- may
aad Mocara. aide eoaba and tooth
____ t latalr. WhJefe one ahall
■Inter here It u-a* *n itfAiji. u atwiv.-1 become one of the Master's childnm.
yoaaboattnt? 1 tUak It «nl hate to brash. It it sDowlac qatta hard
iber of our Hub. Ptease
Is all. ao gooilIt Is atawst alarea e'etoek. Oor borec
be the totter wfeteb baa
tad boitons
mad Baas. Sba Is ao peatlc. Wa
B. T. r. Snatblaa elnb tratt Mra. Oeaa
Raby Tompkins,
•ttattoa-Partar. vhoae aptoadto latter have tkraa eata. Praaea* Huabat wanla
before my letter gels too long
JHa the BoBablaa Hob. WUI yoa
a pood to bear titan oor Kansas
aboot the Urde r«> all eatored ae
Sunshine member.
kiaera again and know that tbey
Boeh a ra« eraaks apo. Mr*. BtrattoBMlnerra Palmer,
I in wMring ihelr butlonw Wbat
tatar if BM oalr a toaona tarlter. bat Her addiwM to Ptaaeaa Uaobel. Trargood ihlBci Bboin
oo must bare ukiag care ol thi
Oiy. Hkh, R. P. O. No. I. I will
a VW7 hatr vonaa. rat aba
SuntdilBr r •a Is Ihe pan when- we
eonalnp little twin slaters.
the llaia to wrMa v aad tdl at (bat
ay If we fall wc will -ir}. try Bgaln "
aM Mkaa oar Baacblaa elab aM «anu
Lake Abb. Mich.. Feb. 6. I»mt.
am glad MlBerra is try lBs. That
-----------TwoT»oQ»um l>jU*ree«
to baootoa a MaBbar. Wa «UI all be
Dear Preald»t—l bare been tbtDk-j vhat we all bare lo do.
paadjri waleatoe bar. aad a H. f. P.
lag for some lime of writing because!
■aafbtoi «ard aad Imtua bate '
bare lost my button and am torry. |
Trareree City, -R. p. D 4,
Mat Her aaabar U 4»0. Wa viti
Please send mo another button. I had ,
Dear PresldrBt—I ibougfal
alwaja vateb tor aretytUac
Trareree City. Htob: Feb. Z. IMS.
nice time Cfaristmaa and New Years' write a tew line* to let you ki
vrIMi Bbaal oar bird atoibbcra and
Dear Pretldcet—I tboupbl I would and hope you had a good time, loo i! am going to sebool now. I am lo the
«baa va taad bar anUto «a will be write yoa a few tinea. 1 did not po
Our school la out now. I am is tfa» fourth grade. My leacber'a
alad.''tbat there are over (ear iboir aehool today becaaaa J waa not teHlap third grade. I like to read tbe letter*] Miss klnion. We had a Cbrinmaa tree
aand *t ae who tore Wrdi. toe. aad very wen. We bare pot a little baby rery mat*. I win be 8 rears old nexi at our seboolhoiise. I would like
who are trrlav vltb all oar power aol boy. He wlU be oaven-Montba old the 4tb of March. 1 was up lo my cousin, join tbe Sunshlae Hub. Pkwee send
Saturday. «»»0 8^ay ol May. A. D.
aab to be Uad to tbaa oaraelraa, bat
SlelU PHleagltr*. tcwlny. I bare (our
Mb of Pabraarr. Wa
i card and builoo. 1 tbiak I will
to wake other people to*
Oeotpe. t pot ay Baaahlna batua aad pels, two eats, whose name* are k»*e BOW. *o good-bye.
ha BBod to tiMB. aa weU.
thaak you rery Boch for It. Wa bad Tummy gad Tlpe: the other pels are
From your friend.

Of Acute and CLrooic 1




Gout. Spnina. Soiatica. Mjalida. Neuritia.1
Ulcere. I*ilco. I'ric Add

Dialhfaia ami otbfT dilb^MUieCfe of

MelaboIiam,GunpraI and Lctcal InfiictioD. Skin DiaeoaM,lLirer.
Stomach ami Bowel tronbloa. Luqr troubloa. Kidney and Blad­
der difficaltit-a. Nenima Exhanation. Nenraathreiia. Diaeatea of
the Pcinulo Pelvic ()rEBna.PaniljaiB ami Cannta.

If yoa are

•uffering with any <lia<«ao and have U>en unable to get tbe de-


^ 1-?^ '
How To Save Your Strong
Tune and Team in Plowing


and a cat. I read ihe toners la the
Herald every week. I am polas to go
ne tUrd phBBaat tblac to ban>en
school next aprtap it it stortnlas
WM «alto dlBereal troa tbe ferat two.
w. Well. I pueas 1 will Hose for
bot iast aa leralr. An tbe war tooa
tbla Uioe. Good-bye.
torwC iBCoaaor. Waabtacioai. c
Prom your Snaahlae girl.
banytac a baa o( bcaaitfal lloa'ert.
Alice MoipaiL
aeat by tba preaMaat of onr taCoaaei
We are always ^ to hear from
broBcb dab. la tbe box were penatM.
>r Soaabloe plrL wbo baa been
▼toleu. waU Boware aad cHi
ember of tbe club tor a loop lime
tipped datotot. packed la wet
They aeeaed to know that tbey>ere
Riapaley. Jan. ZZ. IMS.
to keep freak aalll they lol here, pad
Dear Prealdeai—I tboopbt 1 woo
arbea the boi waa opened. ibHr briebt write to yea. I am well sad hope tbei
tocaa paapad otA aa pretty aa whea
llae* will fend yoa (be ume.
tat pfekad. They caBe tlOM Mra.
beau atonalap today. My sister
re treat la Pebraary, a

la writtap tor me. I hare foa atol
a tbey aol? rldlBp BOW. Well. 1 caat tbiak

tOM. bat by ao maana tonal. I _
tdt yea at the pretty pldare paot card
ITM Baarie aad Phaaie Cook. Bee4ra Wttotoy. Wad., ibowlac a

mHt to write, ao
me Oood-bya.

will Hose lor tbl*

FroM yoor Banihlacr.

WUna Morpae
AUea is a real Hnatdilaer whea al
■ttofeP ao
that a toatllr kad wrRaafaryoeUibeaet? BewieUae
Main tbatr boaM to tta holtowad bodr.
iMi irrtie as a totter all by yoarMot a toaUly cC aqairreU Mhar. hal

O :v"r.'adi,.!r;'rS;vA^?.;.‘dV:s:

These are waittbe reawias why
an • >Iiver plow will help yua saee Pmc.
sircnaih and yoar team.
Hot there are.-thers.
Taieib.s-Maie.,1 klirhigaa Plow.made la two sites aad called tae—

Non. 98 mml »9

). I will tell yeo wbal I po
1 pel aa albua. i
I. tear haadkenditera. a sH of
1. a cap and Mocer and plate
BOBba. II waa alormlnp all day.
la tba aaeoad prade. I like ay

all the war tooa Bpata. wlUi a pleinre
OB It. and a note ftoB a ladr «be
a Mead of the H. T. P. Bualhtoe Huh.
toeagb abe ti a atraaaer to ererj
«r aa Her aaaa la Marla PHir.
taachar rery nmch. Her aama U Mias
ahe H«ea at » Ptmdo rjet. Madrid.
. Tba Rww la qoRe deep m
■puwi U roe do Bot kaow where Ma- wilt Hose.
Md U. took U up la roar teocrai
Ape Z.
Isabel Wllw
8ba Mra abe hat read or Ibe H. T. P.
laabH and Marparet both
Suanblee clab in tbe SaacblM Balletla—wblM la priaied In New York
Htr—aad that aba takaa creai lat
Ktapalry. Jaa. ZZ.
la oar weik. «m wIU aead aa
Dear PrealdMt—I tboupbl t would
haoka aka baa wttttoa la Praaeh. it!
aar o( ev Bnnfbtatare are atadrtat writo to you. 1 am well aad hope
tbaae few Hoc* will Bad you (be aame.
rreneit. tber wBi'he paved o
Ma ii away now. We hare iwo dog*

/—•Onl, pk^ing mean* lifting a gond
Vwu van IIU aayUuBg if you
gvt ihf right "pufebM*- " ««i IL
And an Oliver Plu* coK clraa aad
drep. bill ravily, turn* tbe wal at a
pruper iinslA an.t tbnjw* it ulf *■> that It
1*11* i Ivar urer*-r it* dWn wHsht.
Tbi* is breause an Oliver How I*
shaped ssd balaavrd la keeping with
l>r*<'liral wurktag prieciples.
luvnlurma ti. aatursl lawsnf lever­
age. tm-iifinand vravitalraa.
Aad Ibis results la true -LurbtiH-u
of Dralt The Obvrr Pkre abown be>i>w Is
alwav* sharp, br.auve s» sbaped that
It sharpens la guiDK IBrnsgh tbe wal.
It* mold U«rd scinirs easilv. beiBg
extra *««*Hh. bright and imj^rviiai* lo

< ibserre the parts we bare deecribedAls.1 the braced atcel beam
N.nice lore every pan is eeatered
toward tbe pull. M..t oa uuavg ol (sreer
It Is adsptrd to Ibe heaviest workwill pl.iw Bay kiud ut *.•:! aad plow it


Trsvre- tlS^SUch.



mak. -1
tbe parta ul Ulirer Htows ta uar own
Tbe material arc worked by oor

*¥t..'i year we are pHIlag bHter
aalerial ialo Oliver Pbiws tbaa wc bare
ergr before bvea'atile togcL
^TbeirGaisbisflecr. Sot prai-tical resaUs la tbe geld are
what have giva a* our pveetigr mamtamed l.iV aeorly fifty year*.
Oliver laveatrd Ike cBilled plaw.
All other* ore

Ov«rTwo Mlilitn Olivsr P!o«m
aim BOW in use.
We ofier you more tot your
moaey than y.m rsa j;.t elsesvhercqualily aad qaaBldy prodaetiua explains It.
LuA Into tbiv It will par j-oo well.
Sec voar dealer tialay. If he haasi
(be Oliver. d.c1 Ihiak ul boeiag.watll
yoa write a* dire. L
That will give ns a chaacc tusee
that e.m are well serveA
S'hv a<.l atlead to (hr ma'trr al
caret Vou vaB'l do it loo suua. Addreaa

Oiira^ ChiBed now W<mLs

t la


^he more Magazines there are, the more
Indiaftensahle is
Review of Reviews

It I* fltted
steel staadard.
Y.m caa have year rboscc of Joiater

Q LTTE A NUMBER OF HERALD SUBSCKUtERS have asked if the premW turn offer of the Herald and Farm and Fireside cannot be extended for a
short time, and we are glad to announce that we have made satisfactory arrangcmems with the publishers oFFarm and Fireside and are therefore able to continue
this offer for the present.
Tbe time, however, will have to be somewhat limited, and we would ask those
who desire to avail themselves of this offer re make remittance at as early a date
as possible.
Please bear this in mind that every Herald-subscriber who has paid for the Her­
ald in full to Jan. 1,1907. will receive Farm and Fireside one year absolutely free.



^ Al’^olirtely’


It does not contain an atom of phos.
phatic acid (which is the product of bones
digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which is one>third sulphuric acid) sub­
stances adopted for other baking powders
because of their cheapness.

itiaa MaacL aAtu, n

back fioto Ur bos or bac aad Ue
Uireadi aad saip* are rolird up In Ur
paper and bnrat Instead of
■tren over tbe carpet
ro pick up. Tbe piece*
llkeir to Or BOlIrd In ibU var iban U
Uey are tartied out oaio tbr carpet.
apaprr locked inside Ur b
of Ue kllebm apnn srbee obllced
roncb work, like
dltbe* or eleaalnti a etorc. uill

which paper ma^be osed srotmd a
bone, bcib to prevent work a^ to
keep thing; In condition.
'The arriier once visited In a bocne
rhere Ibe baby girt threw tbe food
from ber tray down onto a mnlly
ihooith Ue aptta becoarea too atriled handsome rjg benratb (he ubie: th*Urre
whec a:
lest dirt to be retnored from Ue front
■er was opened and sprexil i:*:-'
of It and less <rear and t»r in lb» demeaih mllady^s ebair. both lu iltv]
vasbloL. Onilffirs tbls folded paper saving ol the rug and (be lessening
vlll present tbe srork apron fran bc- Of Ubpr When It c«»e t.
romlnr eollcd for s Ions time.
afierwbrd; nor was it long before U
When frrlnit haiB. nr pork, or anr folded newspaper was placed underother food that Is apt to apatter.
nealb Ihc chair of h«-r small boo wbu

ing to blacken the stove will cnich all ernpplag np all tbe time as one g»>'< j
the dost and black lead ihat U *0 apt
her daily aar. and in cvity family ,
to lodge on woodwork aod Boor, and
‘re are ways p<<ruliar to that homej
which menna an eiiia hour of work
which they may lx- used to good I
scrubbing it off. Tbese papers should advantage, and the hoiisewlle who I
lied up lightly and burned at' once uses them will readily disrovi-' |
since black bad Is a mos
just wbai them- ways may be in her j
ible thing to have laying
(>sm particular c^sc.
It is not gencraSly knosm i|ia( newsWhen cooking upon th bread shelf irapers are the best moth preventive
the pantry or upon a
one can use. Tbero ii anmei
kiteben. spread a news
Ibe odor of piiDiers- Ink
ocath the bake board, and then p'laee bogs detest, and moths In panlciilar.
several on the floor in Ibe t«th be­
winter flannels and
tween the alove and the pnniry: ihese blouses ihsi are wrappeil In si-ieral
will do away with quite a
wsc* of newspaper
cleaning up which most housewives
string will emerge the beat (all

iresd, ffbea dressings turkey, chicktn or olher fowl, plaee a folded
paper Bl band aod throw ootr>
IB Ihst are discarded, and
iK- less cleaniOB-iip <0 do
how cool Ihej can be under strain un­
the fowl I* dressed.
til (he lest comes and Ue; know
When stitching al the sowing malife and death arc in the balance. And
ehlne. spread a newspaper on the floor
10 keep cool enables one to Ihink.
at the right aide and place the waste
■SuppnBe s child bhs fallen I
Tim pa eooea in and elnn hU bands.
basket npon II: any threads or
boiling water. What would ;ou
And nya. •'Hotrah for little Tlmf
The best UIng poosible to do Is wllb- pings that are thrown
And flibl avar iia eblldren know
reach, a«d ihat Is to dash cold waste basket will fall upon the 1
That we abad bare aome fnn with
>ver tbe burning surface. This If they fall to reach the receptacle, and
when gathered on the paper one does
further burning and

And SB (he oUer daodlea 'iln.
Aod Juliet and Kale and me^
We bans opon Us rocking-chair.

CAUGHT BY THE GRIP___ released by pe:ru-na.
TT spar...eel..,
, A ealtored aad iheignoraak
tbs art*.
•wrai and tbs paaper. the —--------


to stoop lo pick up anil
When mending clothes,
dtming siorkings. plarc a sheet of
wipsper on the floor and let all
number. Reanve It la such
thni there wilt be the least posrible threads aod snipe fall upon it Instead
danger of tearing off or Injuring th.’ of allowing them to fall opon ib



(trip Is «eU aaaud. Tbs ongtnal
French term, la grippe, h.. imq

rx? ■“


n xboni Intending to do eg. s new
word baa teen coined that eaaetly
describe, ,he ea*e. A. If «me bUrou*
giant miih awful flrlp had elolcb^ us
lUUuirlasp. \
Men. women, clul^a. whole town*

spread aroand Ue
was all lo careless about removing tho I
open Ifae door vlll prerrai tbe tlay mud from his shoes before eniericg
but unslxbll}- itretse spots that sink the house.
lain the wood and am i>o vetr dlBIcult
The lies] of it U when one once l>eI retBote.
ked to tillas to emfrio) papers In the sarlug
back of the range and spread of labor, thin- are countless new ways
around on the floor before commenc­
which they may bo used which are

BCDse of preseot denser makes a su­
premo call and people never know

Tbe babr in her blfh cbalr erowe.
And atretebea out her ams lo bln.
And aoiB be Ukca beron tkie knee.

Brst wrapped in this paper that Is
used to Ube cracker boxes; a small
pKce of It fdacml over the up of
cream or milk will beep It from beeomlog contamloaicd by odter food, aad
these are only a few of the wiys in

grip of a terrible m
Have you the gi
the grip got ygU

( no, read the lul*

APmitMhw FarCaMaaai UOrMpa.
Mrs. M. Woodruff. SBH Cntral Ave,
Minnrapol:., Mina.. wtIIm:
"1 cannot prmls, voar

highly. inr..,,,ro,.«Jriir»Tneu

grlitpe and lor the tasi Iwoywa I havo
usisl II a. a prevrouv,
la grippe.

of Mcdtelae
Pecagnttes Orip

"As a tonic I also Iwllewe It to b* eg.
^Ilrnt. I never toti to Hwommrnd
iVruna to my friends, all of a bum bar*
used It with heoeflcui results."
Mr. tiUas H. Lsnculn. who raaidr* at
W9 1 slr«l. N.W'_ Wasbrnglon. I).c,
lias the honor of twang third coosia to
Alwabam Uneoln. Newriu,:
-I bad la grippt flvo tlnwa ticnwo
nslng your modlclBO. Pour ysara ago
i l«-gan ihr useorpornaa, sloe, which

wliboui o Itacc or moths. The boscs,
A SoMlieni Jadfe BcMntcd.
Crip Resulted At Cstmrh.
bans-ls and trunks in which winter
Judge HoratloJ.Uus*. llaHwell, (,’a., ^
1st All.-o lilelkc. Tn-asurer V«
elolbing Is packed sho;ild be lln.-l
iytuim-ii's s.>-leir of tl
wi'h several iMeknesseii of newspap<-r WrlU-s:
flee or six years ago,l Lad , ‘’•'Ut'ch. Wouislia! Wl*, «
Wore nnylMng is piii Inside: then,
lime I have not beea troubled with Uiat
slwll urgripwlii.-l. loft
after the reorpiaelc has Is-en iiacket!.
systemic caUrrli.
piece of coilon. saiiiraicd »1
"A f
frknil advised me to try y.
desk as I ever ronid In my lllr. t
penlloc. may In’ plared in each
I'eruna, wiilrb I did. and wa-'iiuim“*l • m*ctat«l ___________ have galDMl muro tbaa lea pounds la
■ pewspaiier lining and the' dlalelylioni'flu-d. The Uilrd lMltlo«.m- "“I' trouble of the lu-ad and wolghl.’’
oolBldo of the 1h>x. as a further pre­ pleled Uit) cure.”
CMIrafy ItalM ky PatM.
-My mml..-r snggrtted that I take It
Far Catarrh Mi La
Mrs. Jane Ulft. MebbardsvUJc, Obim
■ 1-ulld up iiiy strooglh and rid myself
PTsh Recipes for Lent
f till- iruul,li*o.i.i- .-aurrli.and it arwl
Mr. i-Mgar U ttonn, >
-I ihinh I woAld harp baan daad long
Even for those whoso church
mi-mU-r o' '
-I was aide t.i r—unie my work Inside ago If .1 had not hopn r*r.JontBa. Nla
aervaones do not require them to keep t'di.. wrlU's:
><-*i.ago I ImdlagTIp^ wmJ:*^-!••I Uke |.]i
.............................................. ...
inontli* and I am In •plrailid
I/eol. there Is a rational Iboughi
••The doctor earn, to *oo mo>fmy
Prrnna (or raurrh
and the la grippe.:
the idea of eating less meal at 1
day, liutl gradnally grew worse. 1 told
Ume of the year. The passing from
my hurhaad I wantod to try Prruna.
He went directly to the drag *lor* and
winter, with Its demands for warmihjiermnnoni us<- in *0 many home* Is
prodnrlng foodv.'io the days when the
that U oniains no nan-oUe, of any
could aeo tmprovemant is a
"spring (over" leaves us languid
kind, poruna U |>rrfr-cl]y barmirws.
very short Ume and was won nhir to
weary and demand a radical chanu'
It ran l» ur.^1 any length of Umr
do my own work, j oontinnid Ming l»
diet, and this Is best atilii
wiili-Kii acquintig a drag fcabli.
until I was retlrrly rtmd."
I'lTuiiB di*-s n>'I prisluro tcm|>orary
mg away with mi-ai occasionally.
Addrms irr. H. U. Hartman, lYwsIdeBi
r'-.ulis.—It rrii.-v«» pi-rmanenily.
il usins In Its place fish and r-y
of The Hartman Hanltartiua.Culamhu^

be picked up afterwards
burned skin. If need be. ent the cloth­
And erenr braaU sre Ulk to him.
ing off In loch pieces, rather than aa<- litter the work basket.
And pat hU (ace and anoolh bis rlllce a bit of the preclons Bklo«orerWhen n machine has been
■»g of the burned surface. This tear- oileil It it wise to place a folded
ing off of the rloihlng. and often tbe lUtpor iindertu-aih the inadtc lo order
And^ Bbe seta the anpper on.
to catch any drops of oil that may fall
the Grand Traverse region, with
And aan. -Do. chUdreit. M bin bet ahtn at the same Ume, has caused
would olherwiio
By l>odles
water, there Is scarce­
manyadeaU. Aod after ibe doUlng
Poor pa don’t get a nfaitrrb’e rest;
tall cutlets. Have Fooki-<l eigiii or : small, and coi.k iintil done, saving tbe
mg or carpel.
ly anyone who cannot aecuro
firo and allow Ji to come to a boll. ReHoar M bln come aod bare bU tea." la off Immerse the boreed part In eool
ore potato-*, egg size. pei-Url. boll,' I water tor ih.- aauce and
When one's home Is heated by whiieflsh. or |dckerel from ihe.emal!keep ho! move and add
nnlil the anffering period 1*
(wo chopped
•alurl water, leader, hut not Jireal;- Make a sauce out of the water, two
Bioves. every pleee.of thick wrapping er Ukes. The following recipes will
And thea are hcM him taet and tigfai. orer: -Iben dress with an appi
boiled eggs.
g. Make a white sauce of the mark- ouni-e* of butler, equal quanllly of
tJbUl be puUa and Irreake nwar.
change from the usual
6t eonal pans of lime water aoi) lin­ paper should be carefully aaved lo
Tomato Sauce-Cook oae quan of
en-1. cooking water anfl equal quan-; milk, a small t.tilon. grated .fine.
And iben we Uiaae Ua round-the seed oil. Never put flour on a
spread upon the floor luMore Ibe stove method of frying flsfa.
canned lomaiaes with one smnll nlirr
noi crt-anil. and n
whenever tbe ashes are lo be rerhiiwdor—Select a fri'th and Arm
There la anch danger of injury
of onion and eight cloven for ten Blo­
hoi srninc dlKb; lay j of
moved: then the ashes that fall are
Pa faibe gtaaieet one tor plan
III and dress carefully. Pare sulfiakin lu retsovlng It later.
40 CllflsIaleO'
cs. Melt two tablespooofuU of bo'le Ilf the laaaioe, an,
iiioiluT smallerr qiAiiiliy ,
ent potatoes to rover the bottom of
••Some day Iheae practiral thing?, caught upon the paper lositad of fallr In a frying pan and add lo It tbe
And than n» naDea. and *070. -Dear
0 ibJ sauce so a< sauee wiih hr.-a<l crumbs, Beasonol.
the carpet or rug to make Ifae steamer. Slice two onions and lay flrsi dipping <*ch
which all boys pod girls ougbl to kno*
me mrasure of Oonr; stir until
coat all well. Tl.i-n lUp
dip (wrb
itiene of kDiootb and without lumps of bread in
work, or to bum a bole
sllces over tbe potatoes. Wran
In order to equip them for the
looib and brown, add ihe (oraatocs.
Tou’ra wiMer than tbe. ehlldrcii.
maekerel Inin ihi- »auci- and Uy In
and emergencies of life, wll{ bo taught
season to taste wKh salt nnd pepper;
sired quantity of p.iunne* masheil strain, keeping bark all Ibe seeda.
in tbe public pan U replaced and the stove wiped tatoes: steam iiotli all are done. Pick
Now qatef down, and oeae and cal.
nii,'kc-r, l If pos.ll.i.-.
down, the new*|iaper can be rolled up
Ibe banes, slice iliepowhit- and fine, Serre th- codfish
And (ben ni put tlMB slralgtat 1
'■‘"uce. and
and mix with the onions1 and si"'''a bot dish, hating firs, |.ui It In i
These were but a few of the Ideas and carried away, and the work Is flnbed.A Simple Test of Drinking Water.
tn.- while marker,'; whli- sauce and laKi'ii ii «iut again.
Iltlli- chopped parsley, salt and iH-ppei
brought out by Mrs. Peny. and ye< ished.
An inquiry lie* been made an lo s
luce 10 s<Tve span.
Trim 111,- mlg.i with th- ixhbIocs tn-l
And aa. the naau it. tnlp-tmc;
they give an Idea of tbe many ways,
Many people spread n sheet of soft FiU lo n kettle a layer of hutienni
simple lest for the presence of sewage
Uak.-d Fish-Take a fer-sh
M-rt- win, Ihe two ,li.h,-s .if sauce.
Ba) pa. l« looke at Kate and me.
which mothera can post ibemaeivcs. paper over the dresser and rideboarj crackers, one of the seasoned pota­
wai. r. All drinking water sbonld
hltefish'. riean anil wlpr.ifi-y
wlpr.,rry and
And whan be looki like that, we know
be prepared for all kinds of emerg­ at night tn keep ihc cover and the ar toes, then a layer of the fish, repeali»w'<-d In lown or country fregoent>n with salt and p-iiper. I’m in*id/.j
encies. In fact, tbe need Ilea not
tides on it free from dust. In the log the order until all the Ingredient*
ThnreH be a frotto afier Ua.
as iln'r,' are other inpuritiea bo­
flaueea for Pfah.
Muffing «f fin,' rluwd craiub- wltli-j
the home, but In every wall
•morning ii is removed the first thing, are used. Moisten well w iib rich milk,
ra M-wage which are quin- aa deadSauce riquaiii—Ingn-dlcnis; Two'

vocation in life, and the subject I
and certainly all tbe articles on these
and ,-vi ly risti rti of waiir la liable
onion, a talilespoou of |>irsli-y el>u|>i.c)| cunc-j of iium-r, onf small carrot, o
prJmptIniecest girls In atnes and offices, pieces of fumliure keep clean for
be a source of blood poisoning—
*ma:i bunch of savory herb*, a Iln
and even the men would n
longer time when thU Is done. When
Kesei^ tup for
parsiey. a couple of larmilp* and
fe. nit and other peou must have
«h and Tomaloes—Shred som» and milk III teak-a stiff paMe. tu
ripping up an old gnment spread
to -take a note on'l. "
• All that's great aad good b 1
slice ,if turalp. half a hay leaf, two
ler. and many a eaae of typhoid to
baking pan
Ci-Il eh—I.
_____ _____
U>il,.d whltefish until jtM. have
sheet* of ___

Joat b; patient tiring.
fljh. three medium rlred onion*. .1 cl'.v,-*. fix iH-pm-rcncn*. one hlade of eet up by such as these talllriit lUo a
cupful: mix with li the same amount
tro-jnd the chair and then, a*
remaining there

-Phoebe Carr.
whole allspice, four tabh-layer ol larfl.y in branehes, a fn-sh
ripped and the threads re- of bread crumbs; add two eggs, a
in a d
ifiils of vinegar.
. iy>doffioved. place It on one sheet by liself. th- pepper and salt, a dash of cayenne lemon S1IC-.L *ail and pepi>er. Lav
is not the one who strives every moand lav on It Ifare- kan ham. iialf a pini of slock, one')fP'’veeoDdlllon Is very slmhalf cupful of stewed romau-s.
The bits of threads and scraps can gr>!
Ife to SCO bow much
sugar, quarter t, s !
uafalling. Drew a (wbler
Mrip* of goo.1 raw bacon. Bake In n <mall lump of
place, irimmings In another, Turn into a laking fflsh.
work she can do. but tho wise womsii
'he tap or pump at
l,ri*k Dieii ihiny mlniit-*. Strain ih, ^ qsvmrnl ciit tbe vegc-j"' •■»«"
shields, waist steel*, tnlfeta binding
[ lal h-s into small pieces and plac' in ^
put a piece of white lump angar
who seeks In every wav to save work,
butter over It and Imkv for liquid for sail,- au.t tuakc- aii..i|i.i;
Hri. Belle M. rerry. wboae Good
• the piece* of dress goods (bent
so that tbe actual amount of Ubor she
with biiii-r: ailrl (he herii,.j**
Place II on Ibe klichen awnthe herb*, and ttrain.
Cheer departmrat In the Charlotte
selves can go Into separate :beap* half an tour.
icl Bbelf. o anywhere that the teaIs obliged to perform Is made as smsil
hay hwf. spier-., and minced hamral-!’*"*
Spiced Fish-Cut up a cold. bolleJ
Tribune It eagerl; read by tbe women
afterward, each pile can be looked
writer lo Table
until the bottom \ Pefatarc will not be under AS degreea
«( aoaibem Hichlgaa. gave aoai
over aad made Into bundles and put fish in small pieces,Hod put in a jsr
Some Codfish Reeipca.
pan Is covered with a brown 1 i^t«»ht-tf. In tbo morning the water.
layer of fish and then spices as
ceUeal tdaaa la a paper at a it
away, then tbe papers can be rollel
n,..« „ki Wi-I.,.,..... 8.1,
(bis end ibe use of old
If pure, will be perfectly clear; If eonPkraera’ Inatitute. Her aubiect
np and disposed of. and none of ih.‘ per. cloves, allspiee and mace to u
papers In the saving of work U not
taminaied by sewage or other Impurt-What woBld yon do ifT' aod ib*
litter that nsnally follows the ripping do (his alternately until the jar U full
half appredalcd. for. If
Ue* tbe wat.T will hr milky. This to
then put in vinegar enough to cover
apeko of tbo andden emergencies
m-ould ace thorn used to a tor greater
a flmiile and rafe test and casny
»u- ! .................
.... r..,
Iboroiigbly. Tie a ]«pcr lightly over
whkh eoae w every woman, bringing
spoonful* huiu-r. two.if flour.c;ip-! ihrongh a sieve aii.I salt to
extent (ban rbey now arc.
ihe jar aad tpread a paste of floor an i
with tbea (be need of a coot head aud
with.-alt. s<*sonIn« w|t„;
hot. A thickly folded newspaper kept
In this article are given a few
wnler over the paper. 8e! it In the
OBlck aoUta. Her. anbleet Is one
pi'PPer aud lemon juice.
Four ih.H.irseradlsh Sauci—IVal
Ihe way* in which old nesrspapors may near the sink I* most convenient for
A Coed WhHs fleaw.
whM should raceive the tbougfalhil
be used to lighten Ubor. but even with placing underneath an Iron kettle bi-»v!i*poonfu| of gra’.-d horseradhi Jn..j|
white trap (or me it wash-he bone* will be entirely absorhed. ssid.' to Ucome cohl and firm. Then'on.-li
atteaaan of crerr oae: and should be
tore selling It down on the shelf
this list the hair hath not been to
cuiifiil cd melted batter and '«>g dishes. _
This Is a very old English recipe.
eaperially enlarged opon in borne*
the sink, keeping the hinck on (be bol
an<l it temalna for each bousowlfe
Sbat- ,n-o ctlct, ,hp |„ bra.en «g.:,he juice
jnir- of
„f „B.nue l-mon.
I-mon. Brat to ., 1: flmfin.- matifrialt.
materUls. etc.,
et^. to
I. made aa tolFish and Macaroni Scallop—Take'
where there are efaUdreti. aad ibe vakettle from smudgli
dredge with c.-ionb- and fry a p.ld.-n cr-amy whi.ene„,
. lows:
Procur..- two qurl^rf etou
sec just how they may be put to p
equal part* of cold, boiled maotrooi.l brown in hot far. Serve
rioos possIblliUea ot accident talked
For the same reason fold­
liciiUrly good use In her own domain.
loon a*
Iln-i. y Sane—CT^iip a handful of eo-am-. ua- ran of lye dimilred la
r. no that In eaae of cmergeocle*
fine, add cold boiled fish aad put.cookeil wPL tomato sa'we
In tbe early anamer morning*, when ed newspapers should be placed on
I'ar.l.-y and mix It la a saucepan win, 'one quart of cold water, (wo lal.lrlo a lurking dish in tayer*.
the eblldren will
Codfish BalU—Fmben. t
mqucis are brooght In from the gar- Ihc bottom of closet* when* keiil-j
ounci-s ,rf baiter, two ounce* of spixaifnl* of borax dtosolved In oaeicaapmeful of mlaerd onto
JttM what lo do. la (hit way
placed when they are washed and
net«und of the fl>h. Have ready hot' floor, pepper and ah. moisten »|.n balf tescupful at water
Hat tba
bc arranged, all the work of
of buuer. adding one
valaable momenta may be saved, and
picking up Uie dropped leaves anti pat yiway.
^hvd po-auK-s. n^l, seaoned an-l j half a plat of and a tahle,^. I grena Wnd wbm. I,?e^'r» p^i;^ Z
rablr*pocmTol of flour and rnie ropful
evra preclona life itadf.
beaten eery
!lg!.i. . Mix fl»h and troia-:. ful
(of of
nr vinegar
rinee** Stir
c>i. the
.i.« «ance ......
atem* will be tinnecesaary If
t rug made from several thlckness- of stewed tl
until ..
n iv..
-c- -w .u________atlrrtag*^
Hra.-f>erry B subject was divided In
r Salt and pepix-r to
paper la spread out npon the table be­
n thcproivU'.ionnfoui'ciTdi.U'f boll* anil pour „v-r iLi-fl*h or mra- Une. adding I__________ _
al newspapers laid
over the fish. Cover
to two imria : The tupreme emergfore Ihc flower* arc laid down to he ar­ other and siltehcd ttwether on the mt. tw.. .o-.: add a l-wi-iiItollandakc
Saute -Ingredleiti.; .and one cup of ammonia. 8Ur for a
rapful of
enele* in which kliow&ig bow to do the ranged.
> hind the tnlxtttfv-: »ba|i- li.'o One-half t.'a‘>K,BfTt! <d butter^ Juice good while until ai thick i
ebine. using a long nilich. Is verv mmright thing a^hc right Ume may save
• crambs moistened wlib me!:ed ........... ..............
wUh crumb* and Iry c •'
This is aKio true when preparing venlem to place before the Ironing
l-m-m, yolk* of two eggs, j Poar Into pan* or boieo lined wmT*L
a life, and tbe Icaa
T. Bake until crambs are br,.wn.
golden brown
deep hot fat.
-egetables or paring apple* or other
of the sink when
onc-hslf cuiifiil t/ ts.lline water and ■. per nnd after allowlB, m
Excellent Sinfflag (or Baked Fishwhich affori. In a more or less trying
i^lt. The newspaper, spread npon one Is obliged In stand in that posi­
d Codfish—<ki( It,- fifh ini-> !itt:c rayenne i» wsr aad one-half tea-: boon mark off Into rakes Kean thrae
Molsirn bread rrumte miib melted
»ar. the everyday life and which arc.' ^c ubic or at Ihe aide of tbe sink,
and simmer i-mlef.pu- rpoonful of sal-. Bra, the batter to a I-ewk* before using.
tion for some time wbUe at srork.
butter aod teasoa with rbopprd pickle,
alter all. the great teals of charaewr. rgtrbc* the parings and mil refuse bits,
ting on in eojd b-sut and changing cream and add the eggs, ooe at a Ume '
This rag win keep tbe floor clean Ir
lemoo Juice, a trace of powdered brrh*. ~fverel time, wtilc- cookiuc-or uuttl then lemon Juice, pepper
Two rnlea of acUim were qnoicd aad one has only to roll up the taper
frool of the sink, snvlng it from many
A word of Waswia^
pepper. Add a llitle cold
whleb apply to both kbidi of emerg- and dispose of It la the garbage. No
tbe fish it frrabnied. Th<u drain an-r pin.-., the inaj c.
spot and splatter, while the 1
lag tbe mlztuntight ccritar or neckbnad peeswria
It Is needed. FVII ibe Imdy
-Kdep cod- and -mink.*
or » to wipe off, and no used brfore the Intning hoard 1
flak.-*, rej-'cting in a (as .if boltisc sraler and brat
of the fish aad lie string* over It whIV
blood frmn flowing back aad tortk
WMb (beee roles tor (ext* tbe speaker
and skin. Pi<-par<* a «a-jc' lioootir’y uniil U begin*
pieces 10 be plckvd up aad disposed make the work of Ironing less bard
_ _
thicken la the vetaa nnd arterira of tba head
baking, which mnst be remored befoi.
of after tbe work Is done. Whenever the feet.
I*. boll,.~i.___
of buii-r. the. ,alK,o. .me minute, then add Ihe
freely ^ ,i sb^'ld"will^
-This is of eootse mneh msicr mUd______
_ „
• <rf flo-jr. one BDij one-half cup-, lug water. braUng umil
bag or pkye box is to be sortA
Salmi of Mackerel-Freshcn for tw.
than d^. To be suddenly awakened | cd In the effon’ to flnd s
When the eoM«r drives
eff milk. opcMriunh traspoonfu! *<if: cuilajd wboi It.................
e anlele Ughtly .orer a piece of cold meat will
e. Pour the blood from Ihe aartoee Itacraaaboors in water a salt, to, mackerel,
a cry «r Bre, to flad tbe baby ha* In Us depths, lay a newspaper on _
- topper and sah to seam*. Pou.- around the fish « meat, aoi'i
--T It tae. in (ha telerior
^ ut.
tollsa lain a pall of scalding water, or floor and lure Um eonienis upon It keep it from becoming dry before It to sad (hen simmer It In a little water
the flakrrl flrii, garnish,
Ea Sanee—Brat onedonrth
batter, wtld) save. Ufi out of wHfa stires <
ipfal body. and If (ha dtvmlatkm to ^
takos poiaaB. call* tor a new inicrpre- One can find (be sMgfat tor article al nwd. and any aRMe of food that is
Ilkelr to eanae an anplraamt odor tn the pan la flat onel. takeout the bpoe.
Ulkm of sctf-ccmiroi. But Uie awful!
•e very bm
a glance, the other* are aotw slipped
! flour l«
Ihe Tcrrigmator wlU not do ao U It Is remove head aad un, and eat to very,
cream and poor over thu'o^ rar^s'^.ffSi MK^^tod^ ^ ^
aot.potat ofidiiag water. Place over (be Urn head.
• «Ad la

JSsnmS th eiUu't tMt



1‘f. .







the We^oe^eac club hosae and a boat ney. all tbe membera of tbe board ot
HinlaUra El«rt OfRoera.
ti was rapposed that Ibe report of last year mode tbe alreet fund rnBi
ednestioa wbo bold over must be re­ The annual meeting of tbe Traverse tbe audilor. wbo hae been working on ebon about 36.00A. 'la a short time'
broui^t tbea back.
After aeboid tbe boys equipped nrlth elected if they expect to serve longer etty Fasiors* usoclailon was brid tbe city books alaee Jan. I. wonld be we wfl] be atougfa with tbe cxpealve
robber booca. bad goee doun
on tbe board. H. Montague, wbo baa Monday morolng. a eoasiltotiim and randy
report laat evening. He bnajpavtat” aoid Mr. Friedrteh. rand for|
bay to play <» tbe lee cakea Bear tbe served during tbe post year and wbo. by-laws bring adopted. Tbe Mtowlag completed his work but as it waa Dec-: tbe next iweaty yean tbe people will I
officers were elected for tbe ensalag eaatry to forward bis fladlnga to Grand be getting tbe beneAt at U while we '
moutb ot tbe rlrer. naally they r^t
OB oae aad verc carrlM ouu ~
Raplda and have them passed apon by have paid for It as we west along, l:'
tbii. ibey juDped to anbiber and rePreatdebl. the Rrr. H H Plearil of the borne cfAca. the report eonld not looks to me aa though we should rail
buIdIbc on tbe aecond oae a abort
tbe Presbyl<
be given laat erenlng Tbe eouneO ad- a sperial rieetloo aad pul tbe qseaitoa
ll»e. Jomped to a larger Mie. Brery
prerideat. tbe Rev. Tboouu Jonroed to meet next Monday eveningito tbe prrarerty bolden of tbe eity
time a cake o! lee strnek the oae they After a great deal of earnest solidu- Cox at the First Methodist ebnreb.
and unless a sperial meeUng Is tooner whether or not » shall bond the dtj '
cse It was caijM^ little farther
called the report will be given then. for the purpose doing our paring.'
ooi. tbe wind and tbe current belag
In looking over the books for
Two peUtlima were received from
both ngalasl ibem. They only bad ward baa aaaonneed bis candidacy
to use at tbe Bonlelpal league me
the Second ward asking that eenala
t aticlu and were naable
In Grand Rapids. Mayor A. V. Fried­ electric Ugbta be shifted so as to give
make eny prograas back, the cnrrenl lupervlaor. Mr. Cancr served a porrich was struck with the tart Ibal light ta tbe vicinity of the new Immac^
bring apeclally atraog iriiere tbey lion of a term on tbe board, having j bas Installed a syatem of mail delivery there bad been no lirmlted report of ulate ConeepiioD chnrrb. the Asburvi
bad drifted to.
t>e>*n appotmed to fill the raeaaey | wb<-reby Ibe Sunday trbool papers arc the city enginc<-r or the l>oard of public Mrtbodlst efaurcb and Ibe Second |
Just as tbe boat conlalalng the rc caused by Ibe death of 8. M. Brown delivered from a mailing departi
works. He therefore Inslruried the ward city ball Tbe petiiiniu wervBlog party came up aiongsldc. the and ia tborougbly exp
1 with Ibe cliy englDet-r to prepare a detailed referred to the llgbiiog eommluee.
which la I
cake of lee It broke and Taylur had
syatem as an I'ncle Sam posl-'
mount :
A petition (Ran F C Desmond and
IB baa been
ape from being plunged Into
oiffre wlodow. Volunteer mall
oihera noklng for an arc light at the
the varluut poldle ii
hlchlr boooiad by tbe Becood reel- tbe Icy water which at tbe place wber# Elmer Brown, son ef the late 8. M. rlefs are about to be'emplayed also, which was done and will
corner of Sixth and Wadsworth sireeis
awBl. Michtcaa brlcade. UaUorm Rank tbey were, waa about fourii
aled In Ibe annual report of the tioanl was referred to the Ilgbllng commit
rown. wbo held tbe oTBee of Justice who srill delIvtT |«p<'rs
XalcbU or PjrtblaA barlnc been
deep. Lsicklly. be managed l» get In'-i
patrons wIiTi are aliseni from seboul of public works which will he
peace fur iwrnty y<ars, Ix-lng
elected Henteoaat cotoael by a aiu
Ibe bat. almost swamping it. Luens in ofAcr at lh<- lime of his death
and Ibe system, if suecesaful.
April I.
A protest signed by tli-meniiiia
Boa> vote. Pefa. is. apecUt orden for sinyed on the cake which was so small day annnnnml bis randldary for
way may bring cheer to many of ibe
The report Is quite iDieresilpg aa it Holdswortb ajmlDst the granting nf
that the water wss up to about bia republican nomtaaihin for Justice nf younger lots wbo possibly from
lows Ibal daring IWik,
permlsaioa to lawis Imutaer to esuis
knees, until the boat could be brought
a sakxai In Ibe old EnterpriM- gro­
peace tor full term. Mr. .Brown,
around to pick btm np.
cery building on account of tbe dan
while a young man. bas bad a large: pelled to fori-go altendancc and lose $UZ3I and wfalie but Kil was •
Nriibcr one of the boys were any
of fire was received and filed.
of practical experience baring their Sunday papers. Blurdy membera pended for permaDeat bridge work
10 worse for their experience today, l«<-n employed Jn bis faihers offlee' will eompON- ibo mall carrier dlrlshm.
r<> was 19.300 exiMUded
_____abowlBi! that Mr. Heu1904. this of course Including the W<
Implement cdmimay ttatlng that In |
eboaea lleuienani colonel Taylor bring wet to bla waist but snf- and rlneely aaso(tet<-d with him fur
feriag DO ill effects. Tbey had mai'.e nurolrrr of years. If elertr-d. he gives
Front street bridge. There was 6.t
narrowing the river when tbe We-.i'
serrral apeals (or help and were Just the assurance that he wUl alwaya
lineal feet of paring done al a to:
irwi bridge-was built Ibe land
years, of Crawu, passed away a
cost of ICSJS37 in 1905. tbe repi
been equitably divided; that It
Z. Paraltnre aty Ro. S. Oraad Raplda. coBsiderlng riideavcwlDg to gel ashore found In bis offlee wh'-n wanted.
humt- at 13:20 p. m. Monday following showing even the con of rurbing. bad been referred lo a enoimlilee who
Saginaw Na ». lAaalng No. IS: La­ by leaping tbe small cakes and going
peer No. U. Alma No. 30. Uaniatee through tbe slush lee wben help cane.
that li was a question (or the
Davltl G.^Chandlcr annisinre-l his
No. 4S. Owooe No. 4S. Tmrenw Oty At tbey were a good distance from
.lecidc and that ibe company
candlda-y yesterday for the rt-puhliNo. M.
Bbore aad Ibe icc fur some dlsUnre:
rclousneu'In whlrii abc war never 333.TTI. In ]9«t. Ibe city i«ld tn.SOJ: believed It Riuld be amicably settled
nomlnaUan for member of
-cment and ibe total cost of the was received nad referred to a oommllPoineoa Orpngt.
hoard of edncalion from the Flflti able to rccognlte her only brother.
small pieces only brekeo by the north ward. Hr Chandler has many friends James Garner of Saginaw who arrived
eonatallag at Aldermen Murray.!
-til walks was I1T.663 while In
A leyful crowd oT gnegen
Friday with his srife and son. Jotm. lo
was paid for cement and Abbott and Winnie with the eity allor-.
oMy Inatalled In tbe paeaenger coach winda. It la rcry prolmUe that tbey who urged him to make the run
have made II. They
nse to a message of Ibe sister's the loial cost of the walks was (11.646
' cr tbe M. A N. R. yaierday at
s that he conI9«3 the cost per yard was .',3 cents
peiHloa from Thomas D Mr j
•:» aa tbe uala left for laland. the gotten asborc juat at dusk.
•nied to do at
> Ume a number of the boys
r death leaving
d in 1904. 68 cents. Mr. Friedrirh Manus dtclarir^ that Ibe Citlxens Tel-;
goal today oT all graagera, and eaSlated that ibi-re bad been some ques­ •Phone company s poles and wires on
padalty of tbe Foooaaltea.
eoo- bare beea playing on tbe lee In tbe
DeMh Roll.
tion in Grand Rapids on areounl of the lU lot at T33 Monrot- aUeet were a
priaed the bnneh. Among tbe tnem- bay and iht river and'll la a dangerous
Mrs. J
a of Hon* excepting' of six nrpbevs and I
price of walks. City Engineer nuisance and asking that they be rben who will auad the district meet, pastime. It is stated that boys Inttead parsed Bway on Friday after a long nivet-r. Ibougb Mrs. Hargraves I
Caldwell suied (hat Ibis was possible loved was referreil to tbe committee
lag held there today and tomonow of crossing Ibe bridges over tbe rlrer lllness Isstinr many weekA Mrs. Tom- been tbe mother of twelve children
bom were dond. her huslaud. b-rause the cement had been
n KRyts and walks.
IlDROD baai iK-cn
Ihs a resideui of Traverse
were: Mr. and Mn. Chariei Iriib, wboaever possible go orrr the Ice.
Tbe resignation of J. T. Shields from
Hr. aad Hn. Bartoa OsIHb. Hn. A. P.
all her life and many frieods Blljah Hargraves tlylng in IRItS. They -based befrirt- the cement men
were old pioneers of Ibe region, having Ibrir romblnr in working order,
tbe board of education waa scented.
Ony, Hn. A. P. Ayen, Hn. M. Slay- count of the awlfineas of the current and ralaiirea will miss her.
motion Ilf Mr. Gllletu the report
request from a eommltlee of ibe{
Ur, Hra. B. Darla, Hr. and.Hn. H. J.
The deceased leaves her bosbond arrived at Monroe Center In 1866
The fnoi-ral wHI be held Thursday refeticd lo the board at pnbllc works Church at God in Christ Jesus to ue
Ottaore «f Old Mlaolon. Mn. M. J. likely that tbey would ever be rescoed. and stepson and two araali children,
Mectnaky of Old Mlaalon. Mn. A. M.
the y-oungest having been born Cbriat- morning at H> o'clock at Ibe Heibodirt with Ibe suggestion thu Ibey Incorpor the Second ward cjty hall for about
In the FIriA
church at Orawn. IntiTmAl wl
:e it In tbelr annual report.
two monlbs far Sunday meeiinga on
Oaborae, Mr. and Mn. T. Gherii
George W. Lardie has
o side of the husband at Monroe
There was considerable paving brui­ motloa of Hr. Cllletl was granted,
railed upon by bla friends to announce
Abbte. the »-moDtbs«ld dsagtater of Center in charge of W. S. AnderaoD.
irank Truda was given permission
d Mtt. Will Gray.
ns before the council last erasing
bla wadidacy for the
kfr. and Mrs. Edward Haleb of
ThU started with a peUtlon froa H P. > erect a blaaltng powder magazine
iBaUoB Ibr alderman In the Fourth Haicbes CtTMStng. died at noon' Mon­
Wilbelm and others asktng that tbe on Rsmadell street near the county
ward. Mr. Lardie hat bad abut
day aa a retuK of an attack of whoop­ Joseph Lumley. who has been III and
wlilth of I'nloo street be tblrty-nlne
experience In municipal aSairs. har­ ing eougb. The funeral waa held
gratloally losing in sirengib and vlti feel between curbs from sereoih
The city aiuirney reported fals inter
ing aerred on ifac coancll for eight Wednesday morning at li> o'clock from
Ity. passed away on Monday at
and filed aa tbe report of Ibe commll- pretatloD of Ibe city charter wbkh
o'clock of cancer ot the liver, aged 63 tee nn street and walks recommended as adopted without debnie.
igcments In charge.
. The deceased made bis home
At 7:30 p. B. Tuetday at tbe home
The city trcaaun-r reported a bal­
8. C Darrow announces hU candi
the widths be aa follows: From
bis Ktepsoa. Harry Burr. 33o Ibe bridge lo 8evi-mh streeL forty ance of (26,931.14 on band.
of tbe bridil pareala. Mr. and Mn. daey for anperrisor of Ibe Seeonl
The funeral of HrA Oliver Loidb- West Eleventh street, bis wife passing
Andrew BbeSer. on ettawood avenue. sard today. Mr. Damiw U aln-adv
committt-e.Gn claims and a<lieiwern curbs: rnun Seventh to
V held on Monday from the Cath- away lUddcoy- last Ueeember, th-r Ninth streets. Ihiny-Jgbi feet beHerbert D. Om* and Mlea Lmiaa Shef- an cfSclent member of the board.
reported <.nis aggregating (:,Ik ebureb at Mapleioa, the services funeral occurring on Christmas day.
far were tialted In marriage, tbe eereis: from Ninth to Thirteenth 87M.83 whkh were ordered paid.
■eey bel^ performed by tbe Rev.
i-ngineer lepocted tbat the
D of the Ftflb ward, presstreets, ibinv.six feet Iieiween enrbs.
Demoa OoebUa oT the Oaagr««at
a sewer In dlMriet
T ot Ibo beard ot public
Tbe rejKirt was sreepted and adoplej
cRnreb. tbe aolema ring ceremony
ounces bis candidacy for
under tbe proper head a resoliiand Dclghbora of the deceaaed. w
balBf oaed. Tbe couple were uB^tlead.
He for many ycara wax eapeclatljr a. jlioB was passed fixing tbe widtbs
_ to] Fourteenlb and Sevemeenib ab
ed aad tbe ceremony wai witaeued Bennett of tbe Second ward also an- wna numbered among the pkmeers
Ive In lodge clrrie*. having been a Eleventh street,
'of'|],ri»ouldbe(],27C.>0. Referred lo sewer
bp only the iBmedlaie relailvea.
member of the I, O. O. F. for twenty'
nouDcea that he will be a candidate Ibe pealnsuta. The pall bearers wi
belween Seventh and
In honor ot the oceaalon ibe houte lor Ibe republkaa Bomlaatlaa. Both old neighbors, the Imrial taking pUc-' one ycara.
Alderman Ovialt noticed that there
siroet ihlrtyy;lgbt (eel wide makes tbe
the CalboUe remiery at Mapleiou.' One daugtiicr survives. Mrs. Harry street uniform and at tbe same lime was a balance In the poor fond and
was prettily decorated wiib fema aad these men would bare coatlaucd la ofebarge of H. L. Carter of this city. Buegeaa, of London, Out., and a
caraatloai and tbe bride waa ebarm- Ace bad not the rbart
saves the shade trees on both sides thought tbe aalarr of the puor auperinwhose wberrabonls Is unknown:
lagly goe^ la while pyendi town; made It neceaaary t<
teadeet sfaoaM be Increased aa It bad
(nnn dai
HUs Nellie Thompson, aged it>. xtepehildran. Harry Burr, where the Tbe city engineer presented tbe fol­ been previously reduced. Alderman
aad earrted ptak roMt. After the ecre- bwrd.
danghler of MrA Frances Thrimpson, deceased made bis home, and Hn. lowing schedule of eusis for pat
Boey a lunebeoa waa eerved.
Hurray staled that a bill from tbe
pBUed away at her huoe in Mayfield itary UcU-aii. al-o of this city, aor- i'nion stn-ei from Eleventh to Tblr- county would soon cat up the balance
Mr. and Mn. Gage are now at bomc*
lay n.s*. eonsumplloa being the Vive, while a l-rolher resides In 81. tcrtilh
to Ibelr meada at tbe Gage farm in
Supervisor Dean reported tbat Al­
lldacy as alderman of the Third
ElBwoof Both tbe young people bare
]. He lx now a member of the- canxe of her doath. Miss Tbompson Tbomas, Canada.
,Brlrk. 32 feet between curbs. $3.55 a fred Campimu bad gotten permitiM)
wsut xrell known Ul'Trarerae Cfy aa
many flWda and many good wlataes board of public workA
The funeral was li.-ld Wcdneiday f/tini font, private frontage. (5.712: to connect with the BobemU street
•die al'ended school here for three from Ibe htme at SrSii p. m.. the Rev.
nw tbelr futaie bapploeaa go
inierscctl'iOA II.I13Z0: total W-Wer which he bad done and i«H
[•■kir the pa.-i two jeara ah.- L. fi. Bissell officUling. Ralph Andef. (6«:-.r<i.
his assessment. Meanwhile the ,ew.-r
has bet-n a tery s-irecssful teacher. son having the funeral arrangc-ments.
Ilrick. 36 r<-et between curbs, per Ix-tw-t-en Ti-mh and Eleventh sincis
In Mayfield, abc endeared heraoK to which were under tbe auspices of the
B for re-elecUoa tor I
front fool. (.'-ST; prirate frontage. had Uv-n l.ulli and Mr. Dran aske.j
llh whom she came in conuri
asN-ssmeet on this be rtt5.4<>1.6<>: street InlentccUons, (1,174:
and lenrei a large number of friends
d la Olea Haven yesk-rday
mltied R,-(.rrod to « wer commiitet
total. (7,i;'2 1».
lo mourn her. The rtineral sen lee will
when Mr. aad Mn. D. K. Day
City Counril.
Mr. AIiIpoIi R-poru-d that two lerplsr
Illiullihlr. 22 (eel between curbs. •ees were rlogglog up the si-wCr lx
r the republican luiminaIt l:3fl lomorrow afternoon from From Thicsday’a Record.
trem Gmnd Raplda with the retnalna
-r fnmt foot. (2.96; private fraetage. ia*-en Fifth and Sixth streets and
cd tbelr aoa. Harry H. Day. aged 3H
rbap.1 at Mayfield, tbe Rev. W.
l:nles« Ibe people of Traverse City
yeoa, who tuceumbed yestorday morn­
at the April elertMn vote in favor of (.*-.701.60: siR-et loK-rsectloaA (1.1*4: m«.v«d that the mi'ier be R-ferred lo
Hr. Walt Is rserring his second twoing at the U. HA. boapluj tonnoperthe eity eoimell fixing salaries, tbe rily total. (7J.75.6-'>.
liatrd t,f public works and If ibej
aUoo for tbe removal of a laoor on year term on the board and allhnucb
.„ .I
I eU-rk. the eii.v ireasuR-r. the city s'lorBilullthlc. 26 feel l,elwcen curbs.
the alley to have them re
tbe llrer. death resalllog from the he baa another >-ear to serve, nndir
Ae-vlor Class Elcetien.
I aey. the health officer, the city en ,-r front foot, ( private froniage.: moved, narried
aargkBl aboek. Hr. and Mrs. Day
charter amendment his ofTlie class bnoors for the High Ktbool 16>neer; the water works superinlend- |6..:02.6»: stree t Iniersectlons. (I.-I Mayor FriMricb ap|x«nt.-I William
with tbelr little Imbc. and the ton Ace becomes vacant and a
ere delermlned Monday. MIa-Carrie jcnl-In fact all ri'y officials now roceiv. 9t6,4o; total.-fiK.-:.,,
i lU.l-,, nUh.-wteboan
the atnreh
IHrry. aceompanled by Hies Benk- will be riecu-d. Mr. Wall baa Ik-cu
Tb. teport Stas reeelvcd and Aled. I factory, a
Fuller bring (i>r the valcdlc-:‘ag a salary niu i. d-maie their rerFbrraat e< bipire. sister of Hn. Day. valoablo member of the board and-jorlan
Mias Crmee MrMIrhari *“!'■f’’* Of
by the tlay asihe' The icaolutlon that the board of]'be vacancy oa the boani of j-doea'lon
want to Grand Rapids Monday maraiag given mneb lime lo the won of that ithe ealiitaiorian. These
ladlt xIcouDcii will bsve n-. ritfti to allow public wv.rhs prepare plans for tbcioart.- by the r>-.iBDalian .rf J. T
and Immediately entered tbe U. H A. tieparuatmi.
j h,ve maimalard
ueir tfiem salaries, Tl.i-i eon-Jflion wn--| paving of rnb* street from Eleventh [Shields, he appointed E. A Evans
bonplial. where the operation was per.
VC. k II u ----------■
which are among the higbevl brought about throngh a -rider*' In the
Thlneenih strerta and tbe reiolu- The. ippotn'menti. were confirmed.
fetmed by Dr. Herlek. Tbe coadUlon
ft Ibe IliUe patient waa neriona and
as the lime ftir ihi- meeting of the
^ n-volullon was tnirodiiced
ba waa unable to nrereomo the aback. Fourth ward, la anaounced aa a candi-,
lu,distrlet, also ap- i«*rd of regtsuatiim was n'-aed an-l
The faneral will be bold at tbe fam­ date for the R-p.iblkan nomination for ;
Moaday i!
ily bOM tbli aftenooa. A large
Utele tt ftteada of tbe sirickea family
(eel tbe Aeepwl sympathy for tbe andSt.-eond Ward—Second ward city
d«a kna of Ibcdr little buy. Four efallV awarded tbe other. imnadmt-DU be sul>mltted iti tbe pe» num<
IS other Fifth BTeei nwidt-nta
drea reautiied at borne dnrlag the mbit the April electioD. The reariu- asking that the Improvli
W. O Foote of the Secon^ ward aaThird Ward—rrimary sritwil bulk*
a«Me of tbe paremu. The remains
I ^ li.-a'wna aecepied aad adopted.
- The senior class will ' get oi
street be postponed until I
i lug. I•al«n and T<-nih viR-rts.
were uken la charge of laat night by auncra hit candidacy on the repub- senior number of tbe Mcwscoccr
^ City Attorney DavU explaint-d tbat
wronid lx- Ineimvenlent for Ibem this
Fourth Ward—l^nc bouM No 2.
W. B. Andenoa, the Ihmlly airtrlag cm llran ticket for member of tbe hoard year and ti will be replete vitb valu ; it was tbe Intention of the charter R.Jyewr.
Mr. Murray-amoHr. Foote baa been
Fifth ward—Fifth ward ball
Ibe tale train and learlng for borne
-mber of tbe board tor aeven yeore. able matter. The Mesaongcr. whkh j vision eoBmlltee lo allow the council [ ik n! The hoard will be in aesakn from
tbh morning.
waa publish^ for some Ume hy the! to fizaalaries for tbe mayor, tbcalder-i Tbe report of the eJty englueer ; 8 A m. uaul X p. m
J. A. Montame anqpuncea blmaelf High school, was dlsrootioued several' men qnd the hoard of public works, j showed tbat th- Pity's share of (b*-j-----------------------------Camad Oat on los Floe.
Va a candidate (or the
months ago on account of the lack of the mayor to reeeivr not more that|proptmd paving
year Four mt-mberk of the house ce:eJack Lucas, the l4-rearold son of aatloD for tbe btmrd
lojsuwon that had been given It by the j (300 aanuMly; each alderman not' wouk be (16,409 rtt'hoat Fifth sinJ*. briiH
blrtbdern «n Thursday,
John P. Lucas cd 4tt Waablngtoo aueceed himself
tne Fourth wmrd.|»^ara and people generally. The ^ more
member of, Tbe Vnloa
_ Kabu
__ of
iniersectkwiv. laelud- Tbey were _
Boorke Cockran.
atreel and Ned Ibytor. tbe IC-year-otd Mr. Monugue w
loatespringj •«** »1U be selected from tbe mem-jtbe board of public worts not morellng the space In Front of the school.'Califoraia and Finley iid j'ohnso^
mm ef Bdwin Taylor of nS WMier and would bold overrieeted
under the old Uw. \
the elaaa of ra.
’ than
th.e $200,
tRX. The legtalailre______
---------- '••“■‘etc, would be (SitJi: for Cam street. Soufli Carolina, Finley and Kahn are
•tfrot. had a narrow escape Tne
but tbe amendment lo tbe city ebartvr; The senior class this year will eoa-| refused to coaalder this witbout
Including tbe pocteffice, would be exactly the same age and figuring on
uresing tram bring carried out Into makea it necetaair
reelect flvej'*’" about thirty graduates.
a and the c
, (2,096; Washington street. (6.97Z- Tbe difference of lime were born at ezOnnd Traverse bay. The boyt bad
ibera. trhlefa will
The class offkera are:
«»t l» 7or brick aetly tbe aame hour, one la Germany'
baa playing oecakaot Sceand were board, and Hr. HoatagiN dralres
Pnaldeot. Harold TUoi.
teratloo by tbe leglslalire committee.; ood other maieriala would not show and the other la South CanUng. Tbe
oangbl by the cnn«tt of Ibe rlrer
We preetdeai. Grace Mck
boww. waa aucb tbat aalariev must 1 muefc difference. Tbe Fifth atrrat four bad lunebeoa lofetber aad ro­
and aa oC-abore wind aad wtrr unable
tbe city (t.IM. crived the cMVRtalallaM
UgMfeacR. Tbe elarm waa gira a
Coder the ntilng <ff tbe dty attorcooDol receive IL
, Mayor Friedrich arid that the coat leolleagnea.
In RrabM* Cwrt.
JadfC r^ti B. Walker »»» bar
MoRtay »■ «M«Un« •«««*
tfutoa to O. P. carrer ai adi
traUr of tbo Hra. Clara U Jolei
Uto. rtW. ooMpriaod HWO la
' Mn. jBMe dtod about ibreo m
aco aad left her oiate to bei
daagbten. twtai but a fev dayi old.
Bli waeka later om or the babe*
aad t,«o veeka aio tbe oTber paoed
a«ar- Tbe eetate rereru nor to tbe
Two iaal bearlaga «en alao before
the court, tbe anal hearinp on elalma
la the Julia A. Bronell eauie of
aaariy «I.MO, and tbe Anal bearlax*
la tbe Jonathas Gill eauic
« «!,W0.

n'Pates 7tou


& Hunter


We’ve Been
Oothing and
for Ourselves
a little more thao a
year: sales have been
beyoDd our highest
We shall continue
to sell Koods on^iheir
meri^ giving no
prises or special fa­
vors Riore to one
than t»
coupled with the^fKt
that we
everything we sell
ought to bring us


We shall run
of cuts in our ads. sho
ing the moon's changes.
If you don't have an
almanac bandy this will
show you when the next
change occurs.


Many of Our
New Spring
Goods are in

are very critical,
yet they look
good values to
Suits a:

$10. $12. $15,
$18, $20
tbat will not be
equalled in quality of
material and work­
manship by every
' dothiog dealer, and
THEY FIT.-that's
what we want to em­


& Hunter


■ ■■■‘5


«tul Tnrcisc Hoall
riWMiB AND Rtoow oa.

_ ctrael. caat a( the Potato tmplemeBl todor, vUch oeald be oUlised tor eech aa exhIbR aad a tea
rarr etmetare mi^t be ermned
mederole oeet far tbe dIeplaT. TbU
eoold be dlrided earoa* the exhibitor,
lad ccmtrtbetod to by fte board ot
rede eo that the expeoac eoold eaallr



U thle exhibit eooU be citbs a UtUe
later la Ue eeeeon. ear la April
Mar. *keo the weeiher U warm.
Blsfal be ceattaoed for two or tbree
dare and the kxatloti would esable
to latped the exhiuu. Tbe

•Tb* M Mmi-* U«M «<>" C«M.
Mu^ 4. l»0*. *U1 S* «oW>l
Mikttg Sar IB tht klitoTT o( the
tMted StstM. u ea thit 4tr. aU (he
trttal fMatknn at the ledlaat ccaMd
SB oMC tor br act or eoairM* the
Mshen or (M to* reiMlalac
aikm aMttlas a. (Htaa (b« became
»-------b^n dtlMOk «»h the rishU ahJ
prtrilWM o< elUtoiublp. For
bdlt a cestarr. ireatles anil


toeterer*. laaemneh es *uch
bltion would draw a larse nnnber of
people CroD abroad If properly adrer■lied. Wc bcllere It could be made a
CiMt eocce*. aad we believe that the
City people would be
prleed et the eateot ot the biulBcet ot left this morolB* for a few weeks' vUU
ihe local iDdoetitos.
with her pereDie al Maneelona.
Tbe mailer should be coaddered by
le bdhrd or trade and the eartou* Prom Saiarday's Record.
vllhonl eayMis. Reoe Blcmatle «> nt to Honor
Ibis momlnc.
lac that the roenlu would be very b
Hr*. N. J. Ssneant < f *11 W«t
Front street left ihli noon lor uen
where sbe will frlmrH.
Buy at Heme.
Mr. and Mr*, jmme* Hodge left
Grand Traverse county I. now being, afternoon tor Bk Rapid, after a vUIt
• eblIJren in tl


times a year.
to- held
Thi-se prlmarlf*
ts*. nu n (ijr^ntol him Uiebari
■veral wartto a- (ollowe
Ks..t'iRo»e I'f i'sl-ttiitt, ag'-d T.t. plurr-l
Front street: ssr.1 No, “. at th- See • hratllung tn'oiUra< falum.-t aaO
ond Ward Cliv Hall on Rprur'-rtr.'ci / wa,.,irt.«mM. 11-wan d<-rp--n-Vut.
ward No. n. at the Prlroa-y Srh.M.l

____ j: mi,',-.

SMM to aiiat. Thaa oMetlr. bet
MMr. the red maa rf Aa»erlea
wirsed iDto foU dUteoablp with b^
toother white man, asd a race or peo
pie beeosees extinct as Boob.

Tbe county gains nothing.
They sell a good rnngc. al least thst
U tbe report, bin tl tbe same time
they obuln a good' prleo for It When
one of those peddlers drives op to your
doer, dumps bU range onto tbe ground
to shew you that K eannM be broken
and (ben tells you of (be marirlncry
yOB hare bou^t for yoorscif. tbe bindera. cBltlvators. hay loaders, etc., and

(Dr esksovs eesceriee. the red
toH eadeted ts the tarritorr sow em- asks you. *Whai have yon done tor
Meed Is the Dsind Btatm o( Aner mother, who spodt SfiS days of the
tofc asd thare easoot hot be eomebolting asd slewing over tbe oTd
«at-'f ol a teBtlmeetal teellos at this stove.*' ask him tbe price of the tange,
fMBdsc <t a erhoU peivle trom tbe
the spot cash price. Then
veMM hWorr: hot H U the laerluWc bow much If you give him your note
-"Wattlt ot adeasclBs driUsatloi
for a year. Tell blm to load up sgain,
Moetorih_ and torerer. the IndliM
notice carefully the style sod laske
ot Ziae^ cauB ealr be ksown
ibe range, write both price* down
aseh la Uatorr asd nnaasee.
notebook, (ell him to come bt
again If you are thinking of buy ing
then bitch up ani
Jon tor as ladnstrlal ex- Traverse City or yotrr nearast Tillage
t la thU dty. advocated yeater- and find out what a home dealer
I hr the Dally Bicle U a vary exm the same kind of a range
Uose. aad wiu doabtieus do
pay you well tor your time and

d ward olTIre* will abide by tbe
.1. w MllJ,lKl:^
Workmen exearsiliig It
■me rare lac<- ctinaln I.
store at Um-iog found
. ir-e !--r pair uji.
Id ImmedUtely had vixioas of un-' wara eaurfives aou rii* c-iwj*(*uuuii
lid weaUfa. Tbe door was hastily will be rreiilarly ralii-d for the purpc-suded open, but there was only a poie of placing In official nomln*U-a
Tnia rooort IS rntda up on Wedrtespaper bearing Ue name of B. F. Hold- the sereral ratidblater: ati-l It i* ri. lay ot each woak. Tna Herald Isnc-t^
pt-eird tbnt H-irl; ratirusf,. and i-onvTwelve years ago Hr. Holder or- tioo will crrrpi and ratify iher e«u
cupled this sure and on buying a n.-w of these primary election*.
safe was unable to dispose of thr oi l
one even for junk, so be dug a bvl ■ expected to anrn*tbe*«' nrlmary el
tlona and also the »c-v--ra1 ward eaii-j
and lolled it In.
CUSC-* to ft-<- tliat the wluhes of the r>- ■
playing soldier with bis
publican voK rt. of thl^rliy shall bmother al Ueir home, Hilton, the I fnlly expressed.
year-old ton of W, C. Pierce of Jack- By Order of the Republican City Coni
mluceson. last the right of bU right eye by
Caied 1
falling against the end of a tin gun,

Traverse City Markets

which penetrated the eyeballPhyalclsn* and surgeons were Imme.i;- -tnch :-T-I0-lI-'i:i-H-13-lC.
Stely summoned, but Hie Injury wa«
10 severe to save the fight.
trents are dlstiarlcd.

Men of the CUy Opera Honic.
ntoBthm to'that we have tbe basket
tkAaqr. urhleh would sake an csbibit
tb*B vonU corer a large amou
■M BgmM; miliam JaekM. t
ttatwen basket maklag maehlaes and
■afcllDB engines and other machine*.
wBDe Ue Traverse aty Iron Works
—ultoJtTes Kversl kinds of bricktoOdBi machine* for the Queen aty
mik MbcUm company in addition
mBhy pradneta of Ueir own; Ue W. E.
M kinds of fiooring: WlUUm BrJtoer
pTSdaeea eurtala pelm and Ue
Weed Dfih eeopuy. cIoUm pins and
amrarBl kinds of dUbes. The Fototn

waBoai aad



Victor Petertyl

pepdaees carriages, sleighs, runn
wiipBna. ele.: A. J. Petertyl BaaBc
tWBB wagons mad aMghs. There
twp fionr mUU aad the Trarerse 1
Mator Beat eempaay coeM exhibit two
or three kinds ol laanehe* and row
boato. and there arc anmeross t^er
eopeerai wbkh manalaetnre articicaof
m«rU aad which find \ ready marhM.
taflBdlDg tbe candy thetory. marble

I need of carpels 1
vlsll Uls 8

Harecllus Robert*, under arrest at
Ballle Creek for petty ttlevlng. un
fedded to Ue police n scheme by which
be said junkmen try to secure bras* by

Mootlay. April I. 1!h
qulrvd to annoiinee
tor such o

as4 Sara, twv awvw

th •

It's Easily Replaced
................... ...

Cl i--;

-l-Tt-l'iVl I


city op*r* Hom,^ eik.

trade l)ere
BylHailae ..
If it is inronveni.-nt or impoqii'rile to eomi* to otrr atore in per».ii von .-’III still linv,-.-ve ry ailvantoge ofonrwide nsaortment.
hiuh' Kriuie goods arxl Iw prices by pending to tm by mail for
anvih)!i« waoUsl
We siv.- this d.-nprlmenl onr beat attentkin
Jinil tfri-e iliore wbo Oftlur by mail he ben.-St of every bargain
offi’o-d ihoao whoenmelo the store.
ForUicr, ifot anytime
the pukls furnislitol do not entirely pIcM* yon. retam them and
wc> will n-fund tbe nioo.-y or cxelianeo the good* for nomolhing
els.', ns you niny .lin^'t.

$. €. malt $ Sons


Roconi otfire.
W. itsnncn *11:“


candid^"' 1
the primary

....TRY IT-.


Pebe Marquette


Cbe Dew
.iciuallv bfinir L'iven away in
4Pv7,sJ f O Sjiciial Discount> to Purchaser-^ at


a Bdvitia Morris returaed ibis roailnned in tbe Mnrrb number, wbicb
Moe to ber home to Bapid City
ICI itage magasine with a SO.OOO


The 'fairest work of the great
author, and NO lady should
be without a copy,

By order .if Ihe
I tbo DorUem wools. especUlly fflllll'C.
they carry you w^d you haven't
. l-atrbln. rUalrman. i colonist Rate* to the west and Seuth.
got tbe Beees*«Bry eaib and no mail where Ue snow Is deep. A returaloc
order boose on earth will dp Ibtl.
careasses on a foriy^rre trad. Some
----------------------!<-.>.i!li-l 1irk.«!
of Ibe animals merely bad
r 1.U..I .rf M.,..l-..t., j,.^• aii.i il,ir.l Tm-r-'ra- 11
Uioal* bitten. Indicating tbal tbe
Prom Friday's Record.
ran sim-lv pi. xt.i- yn:i. Hu -lito f-r |p»rilr-iil;irK.
wrolve* had killed them merely for the
J. A. Britts of Meslek. who has been dnst of slaughter,
I tbe city oa a short trip, left for
Silas Miller sued Ullwm \Miiie in
heme (his morning. hU wife rc
Jufllee Bldwell's eourl at Itatlle Cr>-<-k
Ing a short time with friends before
to recover a debt <# *tt.. alleging
retumin also.
ralftUmenl of a most iiutisual rout
Miss Hattie Chovan waa call
White owed Hiller tS. and (he latter
Ypsllanll Ibis mnmliig on acoonnl of
agreed to cancel the debt If White
serknu lllnosa of her nephew.
wonld coBsem to his marryiog ids
Jerome Cbevaiu
Miner, who wss Miller's bousekeeiier
Hr. and Mrs. Charles Powers -I
Tbey were married all right, but after
. Ilbaca arrived In Ue city last ercnlng
Ihe woidaa had remained long en-rtigh
wlU Mrs. B. U Selver. whom Uey
to "irora oof Ihe debt she went hartt
took 10 th« aiylum. Tbe patlcbt bad
to White. Miller brought suit for di­
been troubled aith demeatla
vorce and also asks that niilie t>e
OBmber ot years bat rcreally became
compelled to pay the *2S. alleging that
hi* wife bad I>een cniieed awsy from
Mrs F. Seymour at iSO ttsl Tenth
him. JasI as the case wa* reirhlrc
street has retomed from a two weeks'
Ihe most Interesting phase Miller snd
isit at Grand Rapids and Holland.
lA'blte came to an underwiandlnc.
wLicli ODilt Mnrrli ITili.
Olo Tlioncm left tor bU home to
OUn Arbor this afternoon after apesd- ronch to the dlsaopolmmmt of ibe
Daring tliis Sail-any tiiscoiinl r.-rtilicaK'iasul^l by iioy I'icrowd In the rouri room.
i few dars with hU slsier. Mrs
ano Honae. fnp to $100) will be ai-rcptcd by tu at iu face value
FYed Toorgo of CaitsopoIU went to s
O. R. Newman. <IS Bouib Oak street.
in payment for one o! oor HI makes of new I'ianoa. an.l in aJUiD. W. Stewart left UU noon for De­ dance after being laid np with blood

pMsonlng In.ooe leg. His leg became
troit dad aereland In tbe lntere« of
so swollen that he fainted and bir
Ue RTrlte steam touring car.
iroueera had to be ripped to pet Uem
Mrs. H B. Peterson, who has been
oil. The doctor ssyi hr will be erlr
rlalilng friends at Charteroix. pled for life.
guest in the elt}' todsy of Mrs. Cbartc*
Manager Seott of the Y'pKilsnt! opera
Tompkins ot Lake arenue wbl
bouse Bsanis the red bag in the face
her reium 10 her borne to Copemish.
of Ue (boater trust, which wonld to
Blephen Cltek of the carpet depar<pleased to see Ue opera bnu*e closed.
WBSk*. storeh factory, cigar ffeeurte* meni at J. W. MDIlken's. raiumed
Hr. Seett put oa bis figbilng cloibis
and oUers.
afternooB frcmi a week's trip to
and li not only going to bring tbe best
When Ue exuat at tbMe maauta
. where
he pnrehased
iDdepcndCD'. actors to Ypil. but Is
taped prodoeU U considered It wl
going to advertise hit Indepeodeal siNMUly be SMB that K woBld repBlre
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Beaulst of 8ni. iractiaiu in Drirolt.
-■ Baorspaoe
too* Bay passed through the city this
Raeoed U la hearty aoeord with *iemoon on Uelr way to Bk Rapids.
Wbeto Uey will visit ber pareeis. Mr.
ligb standard set by Ue Feb­
rijtt« to make aaU aa exhibit
Mrs Ole Brirksoe.
ruary American Ponftrr Journal Ir
B large vacant apace oe



erasers, etty’s Ctading Drag Sisrt


Inducing workmen
■ edoeailBg tba people of the drire.
ptoces to steal Ue metal and sell ii
* City aa to tbe value as
The peddler won't like Ibe delay and
the Junk doalprw. protenlon guaranI «( our Isdastriet than anything will tell yon a mighty persna
Robert* trignert an affidavit and
It U a propoaiUoa whlti
He'll give yon a lot of *Yaets~ and will
arrests will probshly be made.
be extremely loth to go. bu
Something of n "xoo" wax founfl
ir UU ahoaM take the plaM of in a hurry—Ibe old store wUl list for
1 bawd of trade baagnei. a tow days and motber won't object tbe hollow of a large elm that wa* c
l week on tbe Glad.len fa;
«r. is nlao a matter worthy of to stand it tor a while longer. espeeUInprih of Laoslog. It was-lfce winter
ly if ft means a sarlng of ttS
home of ten Hying squirrels two nwls
il is doobtfol whether eodi an esTUt advice not only applies to ibe
bee hive*, one eontainln:
hlHt eOBid be arranged la the CItv ated range peddlers hot to every other
bees. A dead skunk wa* also four..
<)|M BoBte to advantage. TbU a
of eautde firms ss well.
In Ue root* of the trre and the squir­
PaUwBixe Traverse aty and Grand
rel* had made the tree- a •
Travene county merehaal*. tbey help
ir a qoanlity of nuts.
bnlld Ihe roads, (hey help malotaln
Wolves eontlnuc to siaughier deer
the eoBBty. Tbey buy yonr ptodure
TC9asi Uadi, which wonld take o
tMiTable room to display, aad aodi
BSAQilt aboakl be gtvea the best







9taa tribee were considered th
•e^ e( the nattoo.- bet o*der th
MV order o( ihla* eech a relatiot


“I f"» I"*" ^

1300.000 cwh (Mintal vritaa

^Farmers’ InsDraaee


sMwSf ea^Ne.^^ ai*’Bngto.t
comer of Casa i>tre« and Lake av.
cuue: wafd -Vo. S. at the Fifth War-!
It*. a»Ul Snallr hot Atb laeb tilbee
WM rwocaUMi br the UDKed Statea.
steel ranges. TbU same
Farmers and Merchaoli bank at Atprimariett. the elcettop. ------------------ .-r-TfeaM ««r« the Cherokee*. Choctaw*.
jrongfaly worked neigbborIbe city on business yew j „n
cnndiift<-.r by printed ballots
to ii^i^ 0 “?-...
OtsOi, Chleksaa** and SemlDolea. al Ing eooatJet and Is now ready to do
H- Wll!------------to Baled is the lodlaa Terrltorr.
buslnee* with the people of this coun­
I the eliy yesterday a
■'’"^'at Ue n-sclareity C'leriton, Tbi-polto,
--------- -----------Is all a little orer 8C.OOO.
ty. Just how much buslnes* they will
otel WbltlDg.
' —
- (I'rliwk a. m, to;
J. «' Hll.MKKN
nm* uibaa bare la the las
do depends
Mrs. F. J. Bright of Cedar w
gi^l1r-r baeeoa tollr drilUed and
[y today.
Tbe Becerd steads for home mcrMiss Rose Tremaine, who has to
aiw van prepared to aaeome (heir sea ebanU first, taxi asd alwav. and (he V.;"- '
liMeieMtilirr" OBtli BOV (her bare esse of the range peddlers Is no execF tlslllng friends at Cedar, returned
her borne In tbU city today.
MR emiemii la their ova domala UoB. These men come Into a county
pmHitiriTf coir the llmltsUona ot thr sBd take a Urge amotiat of moBcjStoU NewB.
■Mellliltliili et the Called Siatea an<1 away with them. Tbe moacy paid to
Aloul *4.000 Is being expended <111
shsfleat to the
tbem does-the county no good, nor tbe
nprorenlisDU to Ihe
college gym
a pliiTallly »f
HllHiiin astborltr. b«t thle ao vHlMss and dtlca wlttatn tbe connty nsslam at Hillsdale. One of tbe !>.■*: _
<• sevi-ral war
KMW so* aaAe. au the lav* of (h<
Every dollar thst the farmer pays '
olllclal I
--------------- ----------- —
e ace!-p;ed al t
balhlng cages In tbe state U being
IMtod Statee *111 he
d noBlnaie.1 as
ibeM range men with the exception
of tbe cost of the keeping of themMirl.
selvea and tbeir mnicx U token away.
Mllr YlplBK «nt (>>•
ladUMB ID all paHB of the codd


as oswal
arier * rleu la the dty *Uh her eao-, edltloB. It U printed
Mock paper.
every pw.
Mra Tbomae A. Beamlsb
> «
VTver. vbicb Aows
a Mf*
pe<r of rVrtitne.
Orptoc- 1Ifc.
South OatoB attoec left tbU M*slac
cMo^ l. a work of
a wtll hold amassicoB B*bg-^«e,*^^a^»^
LBB Arbor, where she *m elelt
Issue Is deroted Isrirely
; me«lBg in Vi____ __
her buebaad. who ha. bees eoohaed in
aad eoBUlns articles and illnsualieBt >
iLe BBiveioHy boepKal for the pa*l
Dom all the best known raisers of Uls ;
tbe eoun
ml. weeks enSeriec fm cbimk
trouble. She took her yonaceet riiUd kind of chickens In ibe Itolted States. > d«d,i^a«s,.
The magaalne is pobUtbed at Its »ar
>d vUl remeia a week.
Chicago, by George C ,
«r«. Oeresee PnUer of Uherm er­
red la tbe city yesterday aad tbl«
aoralDg acoompaaled her d«er. Mr*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Every new «m«l
suDWebner. who has been a pailMt la
Porsoant to a requesi of a rvgulsrlyl
Unrphv and Pat Conroy
actiber to the Herald, who
tbe sisylBm. home.
.lied Reprtllcan
the two bunu-r* caugh'
haa paid In full to Jan. I,
UrB. Cbartet Btbbs left thU
Feb^^’»«")Sid rfTh™ aSnge ’ *b*PPlt>n r~*™ venlwm to Chicago tn
Inc for KlBCSley. where she will vUlt
1907. will recoivoa great
nia made therefor by tbe Republlr ' whisky t*nvl*. wen- sent to jail P-t
her brother. Deiter 'Sloeom.
magazine paper. Farm and
City Committee, nolle*' 1« hereby ■
(n defauii of *Hn) finMr*. W. H. Bishop left lodiy for
en that <m Saturday. Ma*rh IM
Fires de. aCmolutely free
c. a primary eleeUon sill to-held liij

Plttsburx. where she will )o1d ber bnsfor a full year. Farm and
•h of the five wards of the oily of
* Certain Cure for CMiblalns
tiuid. who preceded her t
iverse Oly for the purpose of eUr-.- abrt. into yrsir *S.~ AIbe'< P-mB—.s
Fireside is from 24 D 38
,-sndldstiH, forihe \art<.ur elly an-1 p«iw0-r li rurt* Ct. lhUl'., rypSI*'"- IHtur.
Miss ABoa Hsdiroa df the Oduinbi.
pages, twice a month. 9*

t on the EXTRA DISGOUNT CtlUPOX niuihol to thin a.lTeitiscmcnt.

Etvry instrument uarkcil in jilnin figun-n—look


are all

for the Twl taire!

FtiU irorticnlara uui<k- known at

our store, or tnail.'l to any address.

GOOD FOR .........................


$10 Cfgdit oa any new Piano boueht of them 00 or before March
IT, 190G. If preaentod at time of purchase.
Only one (1) coupoii aceepted on any cne uk.

Are you going to paper
this season.'
If so. wc want to show you
a line of the newest and pret­
tiest patterns any one could
q wish to r-ee.
A'nd the prices are so rea­
sonable that satisfaction is a
Suitable designs for every
bind of room are here.


0i(y Book Store
JJfilwrf C#.


Mr*. Co»Ml» Wiedoeft of Omwo.
•ho U ta«t tereetr xe«ii of aCA
ttlned o DOTorF fnetare of the left hip
Fridop erenlac w s reeolt of a fell in
tSM.OOO the rnnl. She bad Just Mepped out of
ibe bouic vben the neeldciu occurred.
dancbiM-. bin. Clu» T^lmer, of
OrnwB. Is altcsdlas her. vhlJe nnoiher
douebUr, Mrs. Majt Wood at Cbfacorfj^ TTiHiit; a«u«
nrrlred Sander afierDoon In re‘^oSotOW-A. TW7 W. RspoHM to A mesAARe of (be mother's
CBM*. Mf*. JbBm *■ HmmK fcMil <Nr InlaiT. Mm. WMueft Is tbe tnotber
hiA. H. a
f>rrr fcll»T». o~. W.
of A. WIcdocfi al this ciiy-



a« ftDnrci M tine Dc»Hit>

Prom Saturday's Record.
Mrs. Grace Clar* left ibis monilns
for Soluo. where abc will visit relalivre.
Mrs. Mode Rich and Mr*.
this morni
left for Manistee
in take
tb^hall hath)
(hey win
Mrs. C. C. Feeder of Grand
paased ihronsb the dly
city this mornlnc'
CrvUr, where she will



u Island yesterday <
IS inp.
O. Holbr

litlt olb9 rdatlva bMore rennlnci Chaj. ICIael of Bnttons Bv wa* ta<
to bis northern home.
J tovrn today with a load of RristMrs. Prank Cook. ateomi»nled by! M'»
her son Julius. Idi for Chlcaco ujsitpendln*
moroln*. They will be ceesu of her!i“S frtent
leaves tocii^t for
sister. Mrs. Krink Hltchpoek. while •■'- C- 1
Mrs. Cock will talc special medicsU |Chiea*i> and Hllwaokee to
jbU spriny s^k of yooda.
and Mr*. Gilbert Pray of WIU;s.»
IlunebuiTpasM-d Ibrousk (he cliy this. The n msrkabk- recovery of Keti
'•aeth Mclver. of Vaare-boro, Me., is (lie
i> tho moda Ui-re M r. Fra>leal frateroliy aud a wide
the Ben Brown a
frleatU- He *ava of hi* cas<- TIwiuk
-to *.-rere Inflammaiton of the thrust
reiQcatlun of thr lunia. three dor
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Snyder and their and
tors nave me up to .lie, wh. n. a* a ta»i
son and wife. Hr. and Mrs. WIlUam rf*.m. I was iadueed to try Ur. Kin* s
Snyder, all of Central lAke. were In
UlBpoverv and 1 am happy to ss).
the dly today, while on ihdr way lo.llysaiwd m> life." Cures Ihe wur'l
Aiuyhs and eold*. brunchliU. uiHsIUiIs.
iDIeHoebep, where tln-y wlU be
west: lunys. Iioarseness and U piippe.
ployrsl the romlna summer In the mill
nson Dt-b Co 's. K
Mr*. J. Vamleti Bcry of Al- H Mesds ai*l (' .. BlirbeP l>rilB Co.'s
nd »!.»«. Trial l«tW00.1 arrived la tbe city this morti-i
ley and left at 4;»rorCadUlac, where;
tbey will visit friends.
Stale Highway Commissioner Eark
Ua* recelve-j appUratluDs for stale aid
Fkom Tuesday's Record
In building good roads ngtfreisUng
Ulis Grace Juhnsun ha* relumed K7.S00. Tbe (nad avallahh- is ITO.Oh.' Grand Rapid*.
and Ibe receliMs from amumobile IIE. J. TlKAapson and wife of KiflU

rtsit reUllre*.
Oscar Slmpbrn went to Klnysley this
on a sborl buslccsirtrlp.
Pi II IS H.H;Hter_Ue8»MdhrS> mamlny
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorye Trimble of
t a few day* In the
dly wtlb tbelr son. LL. E. Trimble, and
returned home this mornlny.

A Livriy Tussle
No. 4 fur Btilfain and Fair Iisv<m. Ki-w
With thatt oti)
otil'enm:.- of the n
Y<-rk. 10 visit reia'Ites and frlendt.
stipallon. uften end* In. apiK-ndlcItl*.
Pred Lehman of Bozeman. Moni.. To avoid all serious trouble with stom­
who ha* been making an eziended ach. liver and bowels; take Dr. King'*
Lifemils. They perfectly reieuvtall in Ifal* city, left Ibis murnlng fur New
Islf thi-se nretius without |■atD or di<a return tu tfa» we*L
eotrfoN. tfSc ai Johnson Ilrug Co.'s,
H- Mea.1*. C. A. Il'irbee Drug Co..
Mrs. A. Kux and two ohllUiTn
_s M. Whlulmoro left l
lia noon (or Cliirc. where she bar
mornlDX for BAldwIn. whore
boeo called on acrouai of the lUaess of
father. W. LanRironby. is III.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Daraloa and her mother. Mrs. A. W. McIntyre.
daafhler Mir, who biro been spoadr» r. C.lllKrt i« I'lioadlnK a few j
Eyery new and old aubIBR ibo wlator la CblcARo. returned
day* Id Charltwola. wliero hi Ik called
boms yeslcrdar.
acrlbar to tho He'a'd, who
Bmvn of TAaner ia la on buslncj.
has paid In full to Jan. 1.
tbe Rsesi c< Mrti Cpdlke of
Mr*. A. Sacketl of Grawn arrived as
1907, will racaive a great
Ibe guest this afternoon of her *lner
magazine paper. Farm and
m iaw. Mr*. E. i\. Sacketl of Weft
Prom Uoedar's n#«irt.
Seventh street.
Fireside, absolutely free
J. W. SUter wcnl to Elk Rapidi to­ D. H. J^MulIeo relttrnrd this after­
(or a full year. Farm and
day on baelnoss In ooaaortlon with his
noon from a two weeks' trip lo Uaid?
Fireside Is from 24 to 38
Crrei-l: and Chicago,
pages, twice a month, 24
s. lAtwell McCormick of Thoao
timee a year. See the
the clip Satnrdar erenlae from
offer elsewhere In this
Grand Rapida. While here the.* will Rpoadlny a day cr so a* the guest ol
Mr*. Harry Perrine.
Tlalt at the homo of Mrs. Helnirre's
Mr. and Mr*, C. Clark left ibis mompareaii. Mr. and Mrs. John H. PUher
of «Sh Bail. ElRblb. street They will Ing for Cadillac, where they will sped I
some time.
also visit other relatives in Ibe city,
Mayor A. V. Friedrich left over tbr i
leturalns Wednesday (o Ihelr boi
Fi're Marqueiie Uil* morning to attend
Grand Rapids.
Hiss Bdlib Ecotl. who has been vis- the executive m<<vilnB nf the Marrabevc
which convenin al I'on Huron.
lllns rcIaUves and friends In tbe elly.
Later he expect* lo visit friends at
Arc the tiro important things
Ana Arbor and returned Friday. *
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Day. accomto consider to aclDciine a
panled by MIm Bessie Rsrtant ofOIea
biiik. Mom y is such a himl
Arbor, pasred throoyb the city today
thing to get tind s«i haitl to
plr way to Gond Rapids, where
keep, tliat it is folly to place
they will visit friewds.
I bavo at my farm ti Double
it where it is not
Dnane left this mornlot; for SlaDilanI, PoIIikI Durham bull.
Cbattanooya. Tenn, where he will be K^iahTTod in both the- Pollwl Dur­
fore. tlic flnani'iid institution
employed la (he South Pmsbory Liim ham and JyhoiUiiirn Hunt Ituokti.
which oombiiii* safety and
bor Ca aa a flier. Mr*. Duane will rc- 1 wish to SCO the stock improve!
.priillt is a ilesinible deposi­
lain hare la all probabitlly until fall. throuifboat the country so I will
tory. Soch is offered by tbe
Mrs. W. 8. Reed left tbl* roontlnc cbnree only $1.50 for Ft-cs. Any
tor 61. lynare. where she will spcn.I polled calf is wurtb $3 extra, tivl
two weeks vlsHInK friends and rloa 8ayiD){ aiiytliini.' about the thorTraverse Cily State Bank
oui^hbrtd ciualitics.
Mrs. C. Richards returned thl» moritJ. W. SLATER.
Iny from spending Sunday al Bingham,
where Mr. Richards is employed.
Kn. Sarah B. Graham of Lake avanc rMurned borne this moralny after
spending Sunday with bik rotslives ai
Master Brace and his alster, ItcMle
QrlSin of Kortbpwt, are spending the
1 tbe city vrtth their father. Full
Master Don Cbampney spenl Sunsy at Acme with bis ancle, Gay
Mr*. P. Hiller aad three children,
Spring ?nd Summer goods are pouring in aod demand
who have been vtaltiny friend* in the
city, reloned lo tbeir home In Nossen
roam. Remaining sizes of all odd lines at prices below
City this morning.
and Mrs. W. Knaggs left this
cost to get the room they occupy for spring goods.
morning to attend the -funeral today
of Mrs. Hatlie Tomllaron of Honor.
The deceased was the wife of Josepl.
Tomlinson and died PHdny night, li*.n husband and two childre-a :.i
iro her loss. •
r*. Oscar Barvlbeau of Thompson• relumed home this morning afUT |
spending a short time In (he clly on


Chailatlon this WMk 2,775
i. W. Slaier wMt to Elk Rapids yosUiiUrsM boslBOH in eonaoetloe
hla baiaeb bonaa fandikhis store
«e ninth ualvoraary of the Sam^RttdeieoB Oab of tvelee old fenilrMb.oetrTed laat Banday. There wore
atlB three. Hr. HoMfPorth. 90 years
obi Mr. Broekway. tt yean and Hr.
StswaHl. to. Tio death bu occurred
•tsee a year aco last Janaary.

with the tOJiDO toktere which (be
diaa Camp Meettnc aasodatlon
Raw. Tbe foidere will be ready a
lira Ales HcKercber of Lelaitd eras
Inlnrai last Thnroday by belnc thrown
oT«r the daabboard of the cotter
alwa«ay. While bar fajnrtoe are not
W^liirrd aerioaa tbe inVert from
aoM ^laal Injury which hu not yel

ebottld, before hayloc from acents.

Jt thRtr name dptlm and they will
I iDiicb by the visit.

Bnotber Cime of.....
6mt Shoe Bargains
Better Be Quick....

ttra David Chandler, who at thrown
fltM tbe cotter Saturday efienooB
vlilo drfvins srtib Hr. Chandler
Harisborn of Duluth, who hs*
Mia eemSBed to the boose. Hr. and
a guest of his slsler. Mrs. A H.
Kb. Chandler were JoH reinrnlns Tyrer of Old MUrlon, arrived In the
(reta a drive down toem and by the clly this moralny on the «lwc and l.-fi
diRppInx of a bolt which allowed the
the Fere Maraiiette for Uusk.thtta to fall on the bone's feet, a
gon and Benton Hartor. where he win
away naabed in wblA boib ocrupanis
vnte thrown obI. Mr. Chandler escaptacunhort.
i happy marrued wai eon
Justice Georce
Oatis ta his bridal ebamben In
aiala baafc. the CoaltacUng parties
belBc Un lalla Laatner and Prank
Sotbardt. botb of Solon. They were
atlaaM by Wan Lydia Laatner and
Ptaak W. LaaUer. Hr. aad Mrs
Rnthardt left ovw the G. R. a I. for
an extendad trip to Grand Daplds. Cbi
.^cafo and other pointa.
Chariea Jeffriss, pouto bayer, hst
recolrsd n eltimtng from aa ladiaaa
nwwspapw wUdi states that tbe Ho^
taarCle Gas and Exploring compa^.
an oil well which tbe oxperts proaomica td ba lbs bmi U tbe Indiana
Md. ,Ths wen is locgted In the HurtnavlOe S« and at tbe tide of it*
•bMlag eU apontsd bl^ over (be dsrrkS and U flowed tram aeveniy to
aoetmty-flve barrels a day. Tbe ex
potU brilrve that -It wU) pmnp
bamls dally.


Ask Your
If be leUi you to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectorsl for your
•erere cough or broocbial
trouble, dieu take h. If he has
asydiifigbcfter, Aen take that.
But ve koovuiiatbe wlU say;
for doctors bare used this
C4u^ mediciAe over 60 yors.


Olomtn's Shoes
$1.19 »Palr

men’s $hoes
$1.5» a Pair

11 .;A) will eet vou no Ixriter
shoes at somo stores than

Made of *oli.l Sstin C.-df
Letithcr. in laco or congr< sj.
tip or plain toe.

StvlUb. Stnilctabic

Patent Ceatber

Well fitting sbo-s. regular $3
ones, cut to

Shoe* for meo—not apt to
crack, styles tin- new.sL at

$1.99 a Pair
Extra flood One*

$2.50 a Pair
ehildren’s Shoe*

LruHos'patent h nther or kid
shoe*. SSev.raliiiffi'rentsl.vlfS
of $2.50 and t2 To line* for

All oilds au-1 ends of oliildren'e sIkm.-* haw b<-cn pi’t in
two lots nml v.iry in uualilv
from 75c to $12.5 shoe*.

$1.98 a Pair

58c andt9c a Pair

Cb»c arc only a ten ol Uttm
eonu and sec lor yoursell


The following items arc very special values and cannot be duplicated when
sold out. We earnestly recommend early buying if you are interested in these goods.

69c yard for Velvet Carpet, the regular $ 1.00 quality
$1.00 yard for extra heavy Velvet Carpets, worth $1.25 yd
65c for Brussels Carpet with border, worth 90c yard
38c yard for extra heavy Rag Carpet, regular 45c kind
50c for Ingrain Carpet, many patterns to choose from
25c for Granite Carpets that sell in any city at 30c
$ 1.35 each for Brussels Rugs, size 27x54 inches
$ 1.48 each for Sanjo Rugs. Japanese make, size 36x72 in.
$ 12 00 for 9x 12 Kaba Rug. best rug made at the price
$13.95 for 9x12 Brussels Rugs, selling regularly at $17.00
$17.00 for 9x12 Brussels Rugs, beautiful patterns
15c and 25c each for 36x36 Ingrain samples
35c pair for Lace Curtains, in white only
$1.00 pair for large size Lace Curtains, worth $I .25
49c pair for Ruffled Mull Curtains

Wc carry tbe Best aad Lars:c$t Stock of CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS
Nortli of Grand Rapids.

The very best that is sold in the city. There are so many dainty way>
of preparing these fish; can be served at either breakfaht. dinner or

White Fish
Salmon .
Smoked Halibut
, Finnin Haddie
Coiumbia River Salmon
Halibut Chunks
Whole Codfish
Boneless Codfish
Codfish Tablets
Canned Salmon
Canned Lobsters
Canned Sardines
Scaled Herring
Monarch Shrimp
Kippered Herring
Alaska Red Salmon


Grand Traverse Region.

I>ob Id CruTon. hs* returned borne.
Nrr. Jerome Rtddiio* of Traverse! The SaglBaw enmen roaaell b
r of! M. A. Reaa rp-.-m Salardav and San--Ci>y called on triead* In ihU place < ^ay Bight Milftoj the maklag o< a
AnfaDT ZiameniULB touk chat^e
tbe BardlcLellle school <r
ling.'day at h|* borne lu Trareiae Cli>.
i last week.
- mand as to the gallt ol two of il
Oefore«t ToUea nt >3esi ttaaaoB aes i ihe junior A

Torture Vy Bawagat.
"SpedUag of the loruaru to wWch
acme of the mvage irlbW la the ttO>-

i CraadtH.
' d<
Ctrlmi 0*i« aad
lUkab WO
to lot tbe kldBcyC sa>' W M Sbemaa.
eat; Mtt- Lina Hager of laieiiocbec j
of Caablag. Me. - Nothing helped me
E»efy NMk carTMpwtdtflc* i» ra- von aueoded the p»nr «l Mr. RepTopic for nest Sunday monflni:« j frj= rchool
oi the
ihc ra« fe» days
SMyieire at Isliod'Itit TfaunHU) even: unlit 1 lii.-d raecirir llTlcra. three hot.kkr.c«.
. ,:VUHben L. Skatt of Mu,keg«. .
•eltles of wbkb completely cured me.•nee must rtach the Herald
icripturv retaraed from Crefllrer cuetplalat.
dytpa •

tSl' *°S!<lBe7 Bate; aill eaapMe bis Inman ardent Ouwlelte and for >«a.iF a.B- Cures
later than Tueaday noon 0f c
Mire Ethel Miller, a trained aonw'-ien Igs- werk.
. i
>oh tbte
and if earraapenOenU fail to tt
from Trarerse City. Is here caring ferj Mr*, neasteadi U the gae« of hei i
Wb.. Sfclltlday
t* coafleed to hi* bed
,v.- n-tri.- all iheir
hey may be anurad that
Mr*. T. IK-ben. who is ten 111 at tbu ! daughter. Mrs. E. A. Moorv. of WII-; F; -r:
•lib •.pinal meolasttls. We are aotry writing.
e sawing wood.
^ pc: i:p
j h>tr of thlir.
Is uearly compk-s.,-! ii
Last Friday ercclag at the home of > Brick Slaau of Crefton spent Sun-,
that the Dowklie* bate been gkoiou- ^druKkists. Price toe.
Jlrr. ■
a Becker a very qmei wedding i day In Atair
took p’atv wfat her SOD. George Berk- ■ Get*. Yack bad the mlsfontnIt Ooped.

»-iB. E’iiHna.on while dnwlBfi
John Vasik was stabbed la the tore
•T. and UUs .
wood for Mr. WTioat Injorod bis borae
unbed In marriage. Their
aa-1 arm dartag a Eghi at a tormerb
by niantoa a soa» In hr- low.
Ifamii a Ion; and
SlOO Reward. SIOO.
' .lance, near Auburn.
Tbe aaaallaat
J. Bai&'e folk.r hart- moved back on one day lin weeh.
1* cntenatalugl Sberift Cbaric* W. Johnson and J.ioa for ,
Willie Prar and -wife ot Trarerr—
Mr*. C.*-o. CH
thrir ftTB^ebalf mllv eati of lUc 'e
it "»url,-ss
her mother and
r.Ur are tlattlag reUilvea here
ha» tM-n s‘.k- to eurf 1*
TeaHier waailasa fcboel. cotamenr- wiH-k.
-••.wir-. awt th»r t*
lUt;-. >
The laditx of thl* nlare siimriaed
Ur*. A. S. Pray la*t Krtduy. It being'
k Sc.enlille Wonder.
-• rMinir».
■ Wm. .-urv .. rex.r* m
____ ____________
F. ». i|»o.
Scbeol Disirlci No. s.
lm.1 a dHIrhil
liUIr ui^lp.Mr. FiepiTiie mad- b^I]i'4o Masco
lira. KorannT and two aone. 'Wall■Old lanore I'
rr and Praoccr. rlj't!<il with Mr*. Kt-ri: In Bk Rapids Sai S.tfki, I
A. & l*ra>
•leicT's alsKir. Urr. lidtifa narcTJl^,
F. lv •
an-.- J. «arrB..n .'t Jai-k-m
W. A. Worden add a horse Satort.
5^r'!*Uoad l^rai'artod bis aaCI to do
]dl.-l f n iujiiri.-« cnux-l by
Mr. Kri-ni-t h<iiJKht a yoke of yienr*
allcldc.1 a car.
’Man* 3.
f l>«ll iUckerd
ni Morriron of Elk Rapid*:
to. krei.
hat ih‘- car star..-I i-JIlec
acsiag at Wm. CaVs toOVIATT.
past wiMik.
hero TM
BMorr. Haneu and ad
Bay Cowlc* war a Trawrse Ciry
■unto- He
tniBfd fiem <1
<1 LIs delirrry horst rlflt./r Friday.
wID drier Mr. Warner'*
Mr. and Mrr. Churl, s Eaioa uf WllMr. Warner bas reiurued to Travilamvl-iirg Tlsli.-d at Wai. Curry"* hTP

'.'iSC”"' ______ K.'.'-.sjn.T.H.,




”>lr.^lHiTman trf rhV-aeii will jin-arl.
***11 U. Winnie was In Rapid Cil.t- a
bwt' earfi aUcmale Sntultj. HI* fr
fRicmiaa Drasguo and Ross Bnuiyt* niiipii- of llay* laM wre-k,
moo Inri .‘Jimda.v waa a«aily coJoji-O
Ibiil.t Wtwirii of Souib Miliort I* rte. Ibirl-ca I
■1rore lo Solon on bavineiis Tu<-«day
. iir tliirw letwonl.
bi* l.n.ib.-r. Jolm W.wl.-h
The shallow social at W I. Allen'r
.1 family,
•• .rf
<rf \ng.-Ii.
Hentv CSM' of Wesi Almira aw* a
latt W'-dni-sday rvenlna aeltud the
Ur. and Mr.-'. H. K. Cnwle* to.* KU|r
Cedar Kuii calKr WMnendav.
Btmday schotil about |I0.
h Mr. and Mrs. H O. WInni.’
Dacar Money and family hav*
Mr. BtirRevii « lAkr Ann liaa eom-i
Mr.-, f'renk Uaai;; and ratiily ar.iast
.v.-iiinu, and whll.-'almored Into the J. Norris boaw.
to draw log.- for HlTsm HallrtL
Shmasn nraggoo was a Traverne n-ol abont forty .>f il.i-ir fri.u
B. T. Urook*' traia bad a narrow
n<-lEh>*>r* took i.psv.-m hm <if tb
Cliy caller Friday.
b.-ulili i> v-ryj
icimed ih'-in on thHr
- IhaTVwa a hIIL’^'allarhM*ro a load
a (Vilar R'ui caller a few days lavi
of lojt*. when satachoi
M-y. J.-I-i. IK-deparuil for home
kisl ihrir fooin
afc-aii!. They
a ph-ai
Glen Pike of Keodalville. lad., rc- boar.
aldn. Tbr Inn
an.l l.aiin
ctmpp- of dayss forG.ei
for G.ei. Uarili
inu Mr. Oiwi-sa nice chair In11 ctmp'
tbe bin and axalnst tlir aide of a shod, UlRlisI
of his forty
yrisih birtli- City.
Will Oriffiih
- Ca-rle Wat- rcDH'lubra:
The team cacaned with a fw Lnlses.
iir*. AU.1.' CuiV wa* aealler in Bur-,
nor called on Kverett Crain
win and wife day.
March S.
111 dlckvllt.- Tii-jrsdBv of last avs*.
The* Matx'1 C.iwl.
and Ml-.................................
lit* ix-srle C-aIn last Tuiisdoy
- Cirty and Mra
Mr^ Mal*-I
Mal*-I Hlpl.^ <1 Vi-1
Ur. an.l Ur->. Waller K.-l1.>Rg .<r llnrdlckvllh- ealled oa big faiher i-Yl.iav ,J
horarI'l"’rii from Traverae Cliy andiait.
Mr. and )drr H. C. last wii-k.
surprise o
N. P. Nelson of Tmverpe. City Is
Iter working for the pa*i two munlhr
RinH.iB Os*-*
trlMdag with blr. dingbler. Mr*. Viola
I Billon fo- Tbger flrof.
In ab-v
Labe. He ha* Itrrn llriag'ln the senih
Frank Harvey, Will Ortffilh
oah Marsh were engaged In putties
r. aad Mr*. C. J. Bales drove lo
p Ice for F. H. Iaw.vit last week,
IDlaad B'-ndav.
a J. llurkeri and son Earl.
Siller Rro*. returned
... Green
Mtsa Uada l-Ywiiu I* able lo t.11 op Mrs. Chas. Klnesit-r,
remain ber
after a two veekt' slckneiw.
Horace Prail'* Iioiiki was burned
Hopper r-'i’iry.’il home from
to lb* ground Sunday cvealng. They into the house vaeaieil by I. M.mey.
Sat’ir.lay . v.-nim;.
tasted all ibe fumli
SiaJilr, -who ha.l J lumbering ! Ing her .-'--i

H. S. H,ill


may be made on cdiccking account, savinf^ ac*
count or certificate of

Step'jon hautm-r
l-r. H. 15. earner

allowed on savings ac
counts and certificates.

.1.0. CWr
•>. M- IIu. llin:inU-l

Until the repairs on our store building are completed we will give a bona fide

ON ALL STAPLE HOUSE FURNISHINGS. To offer a discount out of season to close out goods is nothing unusual, but to do as we are doing, right in the face
of the coming spring demand, JUST WHEN YOU WANT THE GOODS, to offer this liberal discount is so^fnething worth your serious consideration.


WE are: rorceid to reduoe: stook

In order to make room for workmen. You Don’t Used Ibe Hloiiey«Your Eredlt is Good. REMEMBER. TWENTY PER CENT ON ALL STAPLES.

$tom» Ranges

aiC mould Rather

Wo are especially desirous of iltsposing of as
much ^ these heavy goods as possible, and our
discount on these is a little more liberal thin we
have ever offered before.


Sarrilice prolit to the people now than be forced to make i ven a greater sacrilicc on a lot of liamaged gooffs later. By failing to take advantage of this cxc-ptional c-ffor you will be missing an
opportunity that does not present itself ver)' often.

flo.00 StwlfiiiBgo .... ...r........................... $36.60
•40.00 «u«l Eango...............*........ ................ 33.00
•35.00 Steel EaBRO......................................... 29.75
•aaoo Steel Range............ ........................ .
.•25.00 Steel Range.................... ...............................



Extra, hcovy. largo cast Cook Stoves, $2:5, $25. $28 an.l $:»
r»hm,from.......................... ...................... .. ................... $17.60 up

l)utidred$ of Rockers
To go during this sale, inaiuding .Sewing Rockers
of all kinds. Arm Rockers in plain and polished
woods. Spring and Swing Rcckers. Upholstered
and Mission goods.

Reed Rockers
Just like cut. only ....S-.70
Regular $3i0 values.

Seating Stoves

S5.C0 Reetl Rockers. .$3.75
$4.25niecd Rockers. .$3.25

pretty well advanced, coupled with the fact that
we must have the room, makes us willing to sacri­
fice heavily on everything in heaters. Buy now
fpr next season, even if )*ou tion’t ne^d it now.

Hundreds of others to
chcose from. If you miss
ihi-i you miss something.

that were’ taken in exchange toward new stoves,
iadudmg both cook and heaters. AT YOUR
Everything in laundr>’. and kitchen utensib cut
ju) I price in proportion with the stoves and range«


Regular $35 Suites..........................................$28JiO
Regular $:k! Suites.......................................$23.00
Regular $25. $20 and $15 values at a proportion­
ate reduction.

eome In and Investigate for Vourself


Jl Tew Second iiand Stoves


From S4 “5 up.
line to choose from r.inl
tlie prices .-ire the most
aljractive festtuv.

Dining £bair$

Commodes. Odd
Iron Beds

We have always prided ourselves on ouT line of)
rom................................................................$2.75 up
Diners and the prices wc asked for them, but dur­
ing this sale we arc going much dccjicr in ours
Regular S'2.) sets at.......................................... S2ii.0*|
Regular S23.5'* sets at.....................................$18.50| S->7:,
Regular $S.$1U. $11 and $12 values from $-5.75 upi Sl.OO values at...........................
Cheaper grades at same discount.
So-./> values at...........................


B Few Broken Sets

Carpets and Rugs

Containing all the way from one to five chairs, at | Granite. Ingrains, Tapestry VclvcU and Axminless than actual cost.
\ ster Carpets at a big bargain. A good he^
all wool Ingrain.,

One'Fourtb Off

Rrt Sduares and Rugs

On all Si.leboard., Duvets. Bcokca-.n., Cupboards.! I" “H surs,n"d all grades. Bis
»t »"»ll
Writing Desks. Kilehen Cabinet,. Easels. Screens,
P"“=- Smaller Rugs at smaller pnees.
Parlor Stands. In lact..NOTHlNG KESEKVEDJ

Extension cahies

J- w.
TKmsm ^ric

Odd Dressers
^ Wc have a lot of these on band, including all styles
of bases an«l loilcis. from...................... $(i.50 up

3E OrrV 8^0V9K OIMIreV


A big line of these, and on account of the big polished top the>' will damage easily when tbe repair
work is going on. Then we will make prices on
wy one of them that you cannot resist.


<%UL Famcr It gtfOat bmA M
lOT aad M «o b* valk> oat ■«»>.
Tb* Bill tM M
. few «W« u4 tbe B« ««

ns tx TnTene CiiT.

of Ibu plmce. ftre huatlBC

• M all virl*
bu boacbt • tram

BIc Rapids Frtday alchl to tisli Mra.
Frank Ho^claa.
Doan’s mill started oaemi
day after a temporary abut dowa. F.
from an attack of grlpf
K. oust It lererta* there now.
Frank Danford hat moted bis fam- ela*.

Report for tbe Lone 'Tree acbool fi
the mooth emdlag March
Nomber of dart uugbt. Jo
N::mbOT days altendaws*. &S..TS.
» dally
— -homel
Per rso: <f at-endi__ ,
days') Number enrolled. 33.
‘ Those nanding tinbest « esamitm-j
Mrmreil eiaploymect; floor were: Bighib grade. Elijah!
>il Jaekton. leavlngi Ransom: tetenih grade. Bertha Ran-|
i som; fifth grade. Harold Gran;fourth ■


Inc Mra. Edwin Lambkin.
ID Yorks fef for Kewbnrgh.

Hcmu PnuM. «bo bw b««B niltInc reUtlreo nna frtecdi in Good Hnr, for the paai ^Mlsa^^M Faael retnmej Fiddst
bor nad
> hla boBM at from a tUli wlib reUtltea la Grand

Tbs. only fena of food made
from wheat that is aU nabdment is the soda cracker, and
yet—the only soda cracker of
sdiich this is reaRy tree is

Caivd Brown. Th-«:
> and friend* In t<
*Mix Mabel Wller of Bommlt City
Willie Ransom.-:
Scott ha-s mum
at la town Saturday.
tb Raaettm, norDon Cameron « Ttarerie City wat spending the winter in K
«he*"cn.n- IlarobI Grant. Gertraue
the cueal uf J. 0. Crolter aad famllr Mher eltlet
to Hanioa Grant
•s, W. Porter took a t,
during the ^
**M?nSd‘Un^^C^iiott* »P«>t SonN. GMat had the mUfortane
the pier“'L.‘.
one of bit work boraei last week
CbnrU. WU.Ilian Ho.t<B. Ttwcher. . |
Ift Bmma Moan reivrred from
i» held cm Tuesday
...................................... IvninvuU TowatMp
eek vlaltlai hi* aoa. J. A. PeanlnaScorer SnndW wKb bli dmncbter.
t: President.;SclKiol Atsmilim will be held at
E Clil; tierk. 11. E- CampWll: I C«dentbnrc M. E thuieh. Marcl. 17.]
d his bnrse
Cbas. Ropers has
Hra. Brtcbt did sbopplDSato Trar“Mn^jlor. BeM» Bo* and Myrtle
irta'ur.T. F. II IMvi-: a«»e»j*)-. ................
Frank Kelson.
UK City today.
iruMeet, >1. Gagnon,
I Mt«. imaald Milk* nr«
Min RiiM* Tremaln of SIMhrs Bid
Spannie. S- WIlMin; t'v.t,s-^ In I
rooms in Michael >ij
lac hat boea viaUIng Miat UhmHU
vacancy. Mr»«rv. Grs«me Voice ai
BrownsoD avenue.
Mra. Cook la rltltiac friends oot of
iteeirniion. I.
a- IlelferbA.
latter's parents at Summit CUy * Mra' ^ a Kehl spent kTlday
I•llnlar} -Work and Cra.l!- Kell, Mt«
Traverse Cily.
past week.
Mr. aad Mra. A Hall were TraTCno♦iiwea
Tnrerac CUy
,k. J. Ikiyle.
Mr*. F It nav‘« an.1 Mi** Mau
list Esther Kasnell of iviMb
City rlMtora Friday and Saturday.
VedoewMr o.
M>|s->lDtineni of r.tmml
Bapiltt eiiurch Tbnrv Biirdge «|>ent Thiirwlay in Smtoc*l
Mr. Bmedley of Travrrae City «
John an
Mitt Kasneil is fleld
day erenlne.
I oer burp laai week.
tie Cavety cleb htld a danelnej
l;3i>—Soug ».rvice. Mtpleinn Baptarad fan
Cedar It about to pot the nid"
Bllll after mate.
V at the lUWB ball on Wednesday I tin Sni '
loo Oar deputy ahertff melted bit Hejme!*HI*th>n Boelety
Mr. Bonne b*» eold eighty at
MbsDavid Hoefiln Mt -v«ilng. TT.e todies *e:-ve.l a boun.l
InatraeUeni italt week.
.■oiLt eupiier In th.- upper hall at llltheS-a
Wm. Campbrtl and family leatr- Thoredw'«*o^~f°r Hanover. Canatla d'tiiick II. the K-nilenii-n a* an appre-,
where they will re.l.|e, A pany wat
.Tneiday moraine for their new
U. J. Gilmore
given Id Ibelr honor M'ednesday even­ 'tolltrti irf ihHr kindness |«r the pie*'- a* a C.’i
flreii a nurprlse la Buyae City.
.VMi.w*. Ret. It. .N. Holraple,
Hn. Wra. Johneton It under the ing. a< which a number of the yniine table* awe inKteiuIiv deeoraied aR'Ij
It bel
party on Wedoeaday ereelBK,

people of KliigaliT were |•Iv*••ot. Date
doctor's efiroAll bad
-bU flwiy-eUih blrtbda’
with goo.1 Ihliics,
lings, and *■
aevrtiljwat preiu-nletl wllh a nice wulrli rnaf)
There was a Iravellne dealial
Rep>in> auil el*-.-ii.« id ofllrire*.
\ highly^njoyali
from the liwal lodge K. O T. M.. <U
WrtU retnned from Cedar U«>
A M \Vm..his'. I>r-*ldfnt.
-veiling was spent l.y ail.
which he tt 8 member.
erraial. Tbe eoEtaand.Monday. accoDpaaled by bte daugfater.
Mrs. TliO'. Ghv-rinc. S.-rretary,
. .
liy the Indian .
Harrh G.
uf ber houoek
J. W, IHrkennaa. AdJuUnt.
Mra. Charlen Cook and ehlldreo. She
Mr*. X<>m|*ins of Traverse
City left
goodA at ab waatt .
r ber home Saturday after nurvlng
Mrs. Atehl • King, formerly o
r rsther-ln-la*. John Kehl. who ha*
William Voice, of the Hon-atn-l poi
plaee It baci on a vltli.
hvd forrlgner w
in plani. took a trip to Travetwe t'i
The tute mill
.«• • ••
; »hown through the rapliol In WartiKumluT of day-, taughl. t
tbit week ‘n the lntr-.-st ..I b‘t l.ii
days while tome machiaerr It belt
; r.-miii.s'.
sdeJ an.l ; Ingum i.v an Atneriran friii '
net* and attended the i*Mliry *liow.
lilailoo* »ore
MM Lanra Knapo 1* TUIttoc her
bav ing spent
MaltB-. Mra. Bd Bawllocf.
[> Kelly LnmiK-r Co.'a nrilwayt.
at the Beach hotel on Tburulay ai
H. .kml-jii ,1,0 gallify loumod Ibrmsgb the
Hr: SUake baa bit Dill eoDpleted oMho
FrlSy rirul
A J. Bulllvan enierlalneil coi
enjoy a nimir dinner.
and Martad to cat Inmber Mat Friday.
.Ich a eoctol
I at. l<*t'r. where Ihe portrait* <rf tb«
Hr. and Mrs. Price and famllr <>l
___from out of town Mat week.
HMa BeaMe InciaD and Mr. IMtI*
other Ik...T, John Gruudv.
Daolel Webster
Rome Oiy are eueji* of Mr*. I' ‘
Fred DeMara ha* been one of ll
were Barrled
■I r»dre»bn«-ni».inTvvral.
' and Henry Clay hang ..|d»*lte to esi*
lick ones for the pafl week.
rtotev, Mr*. C. B. Ke^l.
Trarana City
Iki.;*, Fiovd'lliodirll. Fl'ivd Mull.-n
Clarence Scott >eiiiriie.l Hi>»
Mr. Richard* it the name of tl
The guide polBled oal that*
the Ualn tor
aii-l >1.-3'.■ S'.irion.
they will vlall
o M.irrav |<md j palnllng*. saying: ' And here yoa *«v
I.'.'a E liagar.
faiiuly havf p
Mr. Joynt an.l .laugliter Ilati
- laMtrali* of some of our great
St. ION. Ihpl
omens spent Sutidav In town.
Cbw. BlUman purchased the Cam
Mra. Jt*B HBlIeit weal to O
Its Healing Balaamt Kill all Catarrhal
Charle* Ranaom of Manlon *ii
IM W WglM^ to Tlalt ber dancb- ben bon
• .•omrabr. Ji»hn l>or^->-.
Cerma—Sold Under Guarantee by
few days of thto week at bU home In
' remark.A Ihe illnlngtitobed .forrlgaer.
ibi* plaee.
**M^RSSaB of Wa*ford rialled friends1 with
S. E.
'admiring Welwter’s solemn llk.wess.
Olio Barth has reitirned to bU hom<
Aar daachiar, Mra. Heary Halieit. a pboDogtaph Saturday evening.
There i« no morv evimmon disease
.. Turning around to H. ury Clay, be exUrt. Bert McLaugblin of Maple Cily at ihi* place for a vl»U with relniives
few dan last weak.
lan catarrh, ami uone that to mor?
TliUed Mra. A. McQtieer last week.
and friend*
wilh artuntohm.yii
in bto
A sleigh load ftom here drore out
Mr. and Mrt. B. N. Pickard p tiirn".l dangerous. H wi-aken* and deblliiaie*
voire: "But bow do ^
whole system, if It is ailuwed to
to the home of Ray Owens Saturday tii their liiieie In l.etond
'; lur.- of this cigar otan h.-reV
Imds to M-riiius, and KtnseUme.'
Mra W. B, Johnston 1
Hta. Ob Booae of Oiand Rapids It etenlng. where they bad a Jolly lime.
crlng from a seriouii operat:
I with Mn. 'C. Barratt. Mr.
wartilac la New Weaford.
______ j
im.-ntf I
ay mevlielnr*
of Traverae
March A
whleii t
irrh. there 1* only
under, t
fall A Sni
Charles Earl made bit parents n '^The'^P. 8. C. E held their regtiUr
short Ttoli la« week.
.jooihly buWnes* meeting nt the positive giiarau:.-e -to refund the
money If It ilo.-s not cure.—Myoniei,
Walter Moore of Chicago was In chnreh parlor* on Monday evenliis.
■wn Thuraday. He formerly lived
Her. Hurlbul returned home this
NaahtawaaM Mat Bimday.
week from MtnUlee. where be re­ tarrh.
Mrt. BtnaB aad
Mary Maraball
.S'o dangeroa* drug* are Bto
Mn. Sleartu went to South Manitou ceived medical treatment, and is eonaunt Bnaday wHb Datid S------Iho slranach when Hyom.-I I* used
yednnday to visit her fsiher.
BrvwlhvHl through the *mal! |iocl:-1 in­
James Uagriek. who'was here for
Topic for J,C. E- Sunday. March
HeCloakey aaiarUlaed Mrs.
.................................................... 'e. has reHow God Looks at People." LeaJ>-r, haler Ibat come* wllh every Hyoin.-i
nuifll, its healing balsam* penetrate
Opal Bigelow.
Mra. saile was called to Trever«y ptoni are being made for (be to the most remote cells of the thnml.
k-MlIaaaUDore-a family
and lungs, kllllug the germs of
aereni day* ago hr the lllnevs
campmeeting, which will make
mother. Mra. Tnimbull
great succesa this season. Polder* catarrh. bcaHog Ihe Irriinid mheoti*
membrane, end .making eoniple't and
The Aid eocleiy met at Mra.
Mra. Nesbeing arranged and Jlev. rv-ei.«
____________ A full at'
potting forth every elTori to wreui
The cotuplele Ityumei outfit, coll
pleasant meeting, and all good sneaker* to make these me<
tasUy MNDt Boaday with YHIl Dot
vlsilng of an inhaler (bat ran Ik- <-artreated to a fine supper.
Inc* a decided seccesa.
ck.’-. a I
e literary club met Friday even­
Mrs. Mnrpfcy and danghier Oltdw rivHl in the piinie nr vest pock.’-.
r droiipcr. and a I
ing. Tbe Question. "Reaolved. That of Traverae Cily are viRltIng relatives
bogs are more useful than sheep." Mr. and friend* in town.
-a tudiU-* ol
Brook* sod
Mrs. Rav aStnnative.
Mr*. 0. M. Dame enteruined friends
Charie* Eble. Ma*
Ray and Mr»- at a flinch party on Saturday even Hjomei can tu- (>rt«-ured. whent-ver
Dumbrllle, ns«stlve. There were good ing. Refreahmcnt* were served and a u.-edral, (.,r <."1: 3" e.-uto.
I'wttl be a Bandar tekoal eonS. E Wall A Ron* are selling a
on both aides. *blch
'' ' caused pleasant evening epcni l.y al
Bt the Ogd
- '
good many Hyom.-I omflts this *eaM>n,
- .. Winifred Schroeder.
ardar. March 7ih. A good aUanddnee
and they have so much confde
III. is craivaleseeni.
(be remedy ibai ih.-y guaramra’
Hr*. Bd BteoiT was
ran on that questloa until I beard Ibt from a iri.n lo
the past srMk.
debate." The Judges gave it to ih«
Charles lira
Hrary Ira k a trip to Trav­
Mra HwBy Dohm. 8r, apeat a few
Itegallve (the sheep side). The ques­
. . .ill* week is the inlercsl of
days this week with her daughter.
tion for nett Friday night. "Resolved.
. poultry pisni and attended
Hn. Hlnale teory. Ti-e West Ktiio-i Im.Ke*' Aid soci.-ty
That eenirallsallon of capital is netr IMulio' show
Bart Lanaln hat returned home
m.-i with Mr*. Owiry- Gray tost Thurs­
The J. - “
afttf wwklBg In AMeo all winter.
About fltiv were pre.vni and
lar monil
While Hr. andrllra. Jeaa Christopher
Grandma Fisher was eighty years home of
att«4ed prayer meeilog last Thun•vening. The dinner *a< sc-vc-d 1' was tou- it; il
«ty serening aheat thirty of their old last Friday. While busy gettlnr _____ ___________ MraiL_.
afternoon wb<’ii they .h-nart.vl. h.iiili
tllnner for herself and Frankie. *hc J. C. E meeting* at.- behl In
frimilr aad aelghhora took 'rnoont: Ibai the Aid might meet with Mi
_____________ m and were making merry beard the noisy-stamping................... church (larlors on Riimlay afierr
rordiallv’Grav- u-.-ain.
thinking It
at 3 o'clock to which all arc ravn
wbea they reiuraed, it being Mr.
■ '
C!tr.-aec W.dkinaii an.l Shi
e bhonl
inkle, she lliorrl'
ivltral to attend.
tartotopbor'a and son Perry's birth­ cblldrm to ne. . .....................
tu the door to see that they
The T. P. E C- E will glv-e a gpecL., i..r ttii-riiral the danc- at W.-xfo
day. Befrethtfenu of lee erram and
the snow olt their fret, when
rogram In the churrh itarlwwan Sun-; rn.iay night.
aaaerted cakes'were served dnrlng the
led by four vole
IT evening at the usual hour. Spraialr
Isadure Ih
wrealng. and It was In the-wee a
- for ^nd^ma. " and In wpikt
•Uwtloo* of mesic have K-.- ar- ] Suurtay,
hoars of tbe montlag when they
s wllh well fillmgral and an entertaining and help-.' R>l T.iofl
Urnod hoate. all dedarlng they
il program will b.- given, to wbicht haiurvlay.
bad a good time and wtohing them
ner: our mother* will be here i
!l are eo-rilallv InvUi-d lo attend.
Match a.
omay more happy mania.
Ur*. I.. Seeilg eniertiloed a iiuntler
-BniM Kitchen waa down from (Sickness kept one sway.) Eacl
nenied her with useful pre.aents
of friend* at her t>cme on
TtheetM Ctty and attewdad the party
afternoon. A idearant time
at jeas ChUatopherts last Thuraday also several from friend* were
Tt> nay Ihar grandma was pleased does
not half express H they sav, as could
be told by Ihe happy tear* that filled
her eye* at the thougliifel and tent
exprensions of their lore. It made I
iehl. who has lievn acriously'
Tbcr.-', nmhkic
feel that sbe would like many mui
. Uiriuii a< Hr Th-imas’
of tbe day. ami she may have. She
of the da.
l.-w hours. Il.-:ii-ve* any
ing.*! Ibelr
The Od.I Fellows have cltai
Htaa Ruth Mills saag a very a
talus her fai-ullie*
quite well, i
time .1 nieering lo Moii.iay evening.
aok>. ‘Abide ATth Me.- Buoday ev
thread her needle and r-ew wllboul the
aid of glasses and is able and prefer*
lag at church.
Mra. Bfeary Duane. 8r., to ependli
doing her own housework and sewing
a few daya with h« daughter. Mra. 1
Mra Fisher is the only person tiring
of the grown up people Ibai lived here
in 1834 and ran lell much alHun the
trials and bardstaipr. and also what
abe proter* to remember, the pie
The saw mill it not nanlng lor
urea, which were many and the d<
ItU Thii:
tew day*. Something broke, which friend* that were
.... her in her plie
mused the drtay. There are bat a
ntc, making many brlgfal spots tor
When JOB Uihe mevlicimmemory
tor Hv'aiiaches or Poor
- **^Mi?Heaiw* to'rte
Mrs. Kn
tin. but to
erae City.
rlBIn baa
}-ou are treating
h A had tooth. HU face to «i)Jte
tadlj awoUeo.
The iMdtoa' AM wtU aieel wUh Mra
When' v'oB come to as
Geo. JameeoB Wedaeadty. The Aid
Mra Wolgasi went to Ctdillae t
Tuesday of tost week.
’ anti wc examine joar vvos
Mrs. T. P. Crookhlie sras railed
with onr inalnmionta. w<agalA They ihlak it to nice to
legm their defecta anil
erind lenses that will make
KlttJd Hoteaa to back at the tanlMrs. J. A. Tripp and Mra Ida
them normal. We arc rtBrooks vlaited Mrs. Frank Danford at
Tie Urmera hare (heir wood rn Mayfield Toeaday,
moving the CAl'SE.
rod tea put up aad tww they arc at a
Hcrvey Tripp
was a Traverse City
aUnilaUll u> know what nest to do.
Hr. Oeldm fell on the frtitea groaod
Kingsley sportmen held a
and atmoat broke bis knee. He baa a
evening to determine
very bad fcne*. but It to a Uttje better
Ton could atop the sound
siiiotbering the child. Tmc. you
go where to nlan
than H has been.
which will be shipped be
might cause death, but you would also core the syciploius. A
Mra. Kater Herbert. Mr* May Ml
UtUe invesiigat-ou might reroal the catise of tbe distress, which
aad Hr*. Bdlth Leicbtoa will all
village moms
whim obv-iat^ would also atop tbe crying. TUs tt «Br in:iliod.
tertaln the Lodlea' Aid of the Coogre- held last Thursday
______ evening at the on
gstkaal church at
It the home-of Hr*. ClM ho
D. •L. Ensign aras unani
- president
CbArBe Bits can use
■ehlthihd alK| the*jllti«e. while 1
Ue brtter. hut it will never be as
re and elert the nominees were F
as It was.
Hopkins. A. W.
^ ^
March t.
noSuM for a m!^*rer^.’'^TV
traaleoa lor two years oomluated wer.'
- - DeFranCP. Louis F. Manlpdd
Suite 41H-414 Wilhelm Blk.
Traret«e City. Mich.


Mr. aad Mra. Albert Pranae rlalied
A. BUTT nnd ortfe TloUed OHn L»C«
with H. IMaeh and family Soaday.
j eeenlnc.
- nod wife iMt BMnnUy
'• a of Trarerae City la
Hrm. A. Mnriett.
Son. to Mr. *bJ Mrm.

Uneeda Biscuit
Tlw [o^ BodA cncker sdentiScaS^
soda cracker efiectsaHy
soda craclor erer freah,
crisp and clean,
soda cracker good at all



»«., c.

r ,r„'"



me are (Settiiid
Ready to move.


"*». ia!rMn. Haary OotaD, Jr, a

It’s only matter of a slion ’.ime and wc will be in our new store,
now busy repiodding the former Boston Store
The carpenuTs and painteri
building which wce wilt
will ssoon occupy.


now while
ibllc tbe
t Remodeling is Roing on Ole Intend, lo
Keep Busy Disposing of Our Stock.

Wc arc more determined than ever not to mow; .a dollar's worth of our present
stock. E\'1':RY IJOU.AKS WORTH OI- GOOD- MUST GO! I'ormcr pricci
and cost arc not considered.

Buy while (bo opportunity affords ROtV





Don’t Smother Tour Child


If Toot Child Should Cry

Wt lemm tkt C
. tlw Sym^tamt


DR. P. i W01F£. Pnpr. DR. B. L PAQLSQX, lissisttiit

M wad all enjoyed a good ti


Htoa 1

■.j -



14 a .Tpon
Mr. BaM.____
(bdr cbalma. Mr.
Mr. Monroe caBari Mr. Dr«
cdalr *b»e be took part la tbe
tb* bopki bf tb» radeol Aadit Co»- ae OB cose of the edalsa Inaeuco
I tbe report.
vmr at t» bMt {watiu* umt.
Moved by Mr. Hooroe. and aopport
I by Ifr. Browa, (feat tbe report be
referred back to (be ■
fanher coedderaUaa.
Teae-Hoaale, Moon«e.-Oye. Brt»*a.
Marad tr Hr- Saiead asd
•a br Mr. ladd. that tba beard taJu OIbba. Ladd. Darroe. tUraba. Clere
a rae^^
g^lO^toworrow monUei

od bjr Hr. BadI Uua'Uie coma


.BqkMt B. Valttr.
Hmttj, r*fc. U A,



Kaye—onus. Daaa. BaSord—3.


ortciaal report, with the eace*
(he Mils of E. C. MUIer and of
C. BUiap. Base vardee. which
It Incloded io tbe report.
WodaeaW. W>- 1*. *• D, 1*0*.
T%» soaav dark aabatuad U
8:W o'dodc a- m.
Board caned to order by cbalnaea.
BMitlea ot ». Heaale. eapportad
Bon call. Abeeat—Heaera. Oayla.
hr Mr. Tedaaa. the raiwrt «- —
Hlaatei err*e«erdar'e prooeedlnce

e alao wTdl pleaceo ■ repm a' the Best eenka S the
I b(»rd.
■ ChJTkd
P. Haieha.
lie foiloetct pey roll eas itreant<h Ladd.
ed by ihc eaminlr:ce oe daa>ee. wa>a
P. Orrer.
5:ate «f Hlrbl^tu Cr-iBty of Craad
a-d of Sept
cMred aad piaeed oa die.
tee Conoty

»«h (h^araiea.



L. K. Oavalaad

Clalmaitt aad ChaiaeUr of Oaln.
dais Ho.
Brea., oae rts to peat bouae ....................
. BroB
t Aserksa
Broc Co.. BedMae la oaaraailac case...



ed. Allowed.
00 I

J. B. k
J. J. B


end adopted.

lute Asib.
Astk. <of Bnperrtaore
10 W. W. Oaao. aiteDdaacc Bute
11 H. L. Carter, burial of soldier .................
U a. O. Udd. Berrlcee eo coBinltiea. coo
U W. P. Haraba. teertcea oa connlttce. c
14 C A. Bofbae Dni« Co, Ltd.. loedlcl
j. B. Martin, eiamlnatloo or loeaae ....................................
, Doubltday Broa. A Co., olflcc supplies, re*, of d^
• Doubleday Bros. A Co., office supplies, re«. of dmda

s. Dirt;;. Itaha. dereiud. Baf-


t appeared aad took




^ata of Oraad Trarene Coanly, Mleb-

SSMenee:—Toar eoMdUee oa
raaie and hrMsaa. to when wai re-


P. H. Meads. Dcdlctoe f<
^bleday_BiDs^ A


fbllna Brea. A^eraid. oBtoe

supplies, onarsni

2 s t'aag

gjw the TraTiiaa CSty. aad Hi>a»tboB

S i r-vSirtnlS,.:'.“s:™


1> J. IbdHia,

by Mr. Udd aad totf
r. Dearii that (he report b


Sew. Amoa. serrlcoi as <
S Wa?«T^iSftiiiforbodyofB.H. Bacon...
44 Oraad TraTarae Hartal, care of John Waadert..


BihOti ta eewtratA a dan aaar
«»MUae o< tha ali of the Dwli ot I
Seal, ton M.aorthof ratuR » w

...................... I 94IAS

W. W. Deaa,
B. B. Oibbe.
J. M. Safford.

Wxt Oraad Ttaverae Omtaty. Mich-

I by Mr. Clerelaad and sup______ jy Mr. Ladd tbat the report be


T. H. Onue.
Bdarla BMek.

Mlller for tZU:
Beecbam and
Dcan that tbe bill be al-

Mored by hi

Bcaioa Uartor. March £.—One heB
died dollars was raised ban for the

l-anHe Valet.
It Is wiirtb r<msli:rTal.'le tn aay dllwn of Tmten-c City lo know how to
be csrrd of palhfel. aaimytiw aad
(leblBi! piles. Kaov ihea ibal DaoBk
Olatsea;- Is a poslUte renedy lor mU
lirbiaess of the shin, for piles, ewaa.
eppUntlon relleses tad
•ouhs-s. Read the intta

ilecp at alfhi Wc werc
ixan's Oimmcni. Tki> iry I
exceed any. The ptu|
Brsi appllratic*
irailoa was so noothlne i
exceed »l.<Ks'.‘ ft0 aad huadreds of Tan- the child slept 1...
the eatlre Btxhi.^
arv Uomi-li'ss. All tlie aim are
x«u....-.i<-d 'hr ircaimmi the reap
n« trnduallj disspiwared until finaldowo and news is rert-iiird at Mm

............... ..........

» U PICBlDf. irtp for body of H. B Bacoa. looad d
S Co.,
la quaraallne a
erkaa Dnis
C nadicliie
' '

ttorad hr Mr. Heole aad *

OB Haieh 1.

j the death list' In tbe cjrloae which
struck MerWIin. Teaa. list nlebt will

To Ibe HoDorahIc. the S


ttat «aM »«i-

U J. TadMh.


baad ese

SOS w.R. n Header**.
HescBth sttre’. •«»
"la “
mer of »** oar srraadchlldrea I
Deasles. After retwertaa. oa*
child, throe years *»W. broke
-rally coreniptloas ubirb llu-rall:
into Lake leco by tbe tnddea ci
...................... ............. ..... I node* t
imp of tbe iTK-ks. The rnerlaa
Oespbe tbe use of sslres and r^lalarmed the labablianis and all but nu DU sod BcdldBe from no-e thaa
eoi- diicu-f durlB* the preeter pen i/f
the- summer, he wss mlly wtne lu
any <rher part of Ihc
Meap!!l *, Tens. Slsrch 3.—Adriecs


aw ika Hoaanbla Board cf Bapa^liK nortoK case aad amallpo* eaee. aded
Yoor coSBiltcc on claims and :
era a( Oraad Trararae Ceaatr. MJeh- npoa bj the board at the laat eeaekn. oMinU e-oold reepectfully sul.mli t
aad aol alloead la full.
feHovliiff aa their report, and d
recomsead tbat
reads aad bddsca
a be
asounls echednled herein
I allowed.
dtliai^U»^Cpa aM eU
Aleo. that the clerk c
i a daa adar il
to drae orders
(reasnrer for (ho sase.
tl. uwB M. raage 10 aaat; veaM t»


tbe Keeaboys

playlac on tbe epper deck, flat*
flytac aad wheleas ■wte«et are re
eetred fioa the sleaBer everr thirty
Btaaies. Tbe flmi boat la ItM left

starrlas Jepaaeae. It tras aagB
Moved by Mr. BeBerd aad eapported
I. do cerilfy tbat tbe Called Slalee eead a ear^
by Hr QllUs tbat tfac eoammee on
asd educate the Jape to ate cora
BJoaitde and balldlBB. and ibe chairS’'tba'
for food.
mdrtU of tbe p=t»
saa of ihc sapertntendi
be aniborixed to tecare plana and eltr~ —-------------------------------eoeaty hooee. and ' the eoanty irearurer for Ibe cane.

iLtSmSSmm rmM aad brldvaa
fbre (he board reiaUre «o a bl


pbl.s by riders. The cliy w
dart:tic-<s list nlatal. Many
fullowlns Ibe eyebme. Imrtili
res and msklBc a panic.
Part*. March

S.-Ab teU»e

paisn Is bclag cirrle.1 on by
men faeic lo put a 4>IIt IbroaRh thr lea slrw'fw a bo^ P cured her baby In
IsUture whlrtl will make the declsra- a few devB, Dosn's Oinimcnt is one
pr.-*mmUon which arts up to the tepmcnlatauBs tnad<' for H
movemen: 1. beaded Iry Doctors Ilrousale !•} all dewi •rs. Price 50
K4«ter Hllbum Co.. Bulfaln.
TluUti^K. Wei -r.
Chairman ardrt and Chanlea!<-sse. At Ihi- Ust
or (be rnlied
me»-ilns <■( the acAdemy of mi-dletnc. Kew Yors, (Ole ecenu
Si tales.
nr. Corall objected that a di-claratloo
R.-memlK-r the namt
of the evil would d.. no p>od i
ikc DO other.
betas field sectwiaTT for yo-jn* peo^
followed by a tborouab
pleV work: the f.rilnwins mUslonarte: the pn-ml«es upon
W7llUm P. Penfield. a yonn« Ann
r-.<arx.«l i-r at home on farloneh. Dr. which tbe coBsnmpilves lived. This. Arbor merebanl, and Miss Gertrude

this moralDt:. lie was as
r. II. Wr;eh;, of Italy: the Her. W. C snpposiDK there are at least ».«»>
man of YpsllaDil mere prirately
yesterday. Ua]«r Hupklns was depart- Swcirri-.or Korea; the Rev.D. B.Sp*.
Iptires In Parts whose naUdy
led on Feb. C In Detroit, and the
Ihc <5.
R. •
of Jspen: t>r. II. I.. E. Lcuriag, hadreached
the Infocllous
state, secret has Just leaked oul.
1*05 and prleato eccrciary to Governor of UalHjsrs: the Rev. N. L. Rockey. would cnull one million dlslnfec
Basley and CmstwcU, prtialc scer,’ of ludls; >hc Rvv. R. C. Bcelw. U. D..
lary to R. A. Alter when secretary of nf China: ibe R.-r. 3 I., McUiishlln. only once a week. The municlpsl
ar. sssistani L’niicd Slates manhal.
health board could not' possibly cope
memher cif the li-nUlst-irc and licUl GiDfewrll. of Chloa. Other learllac with such a problem.
other po^llions of honor and iniul. lie s. |N-akvrs will Ik- Ur. J. H. Polls, editor
A receiver has-Lcen
speaker pro letn of ihc Iioui
of Tbe Ml-hlss.) CbrisUan Advocate:
Real Estate Tronefetn.
the Marquellc Coa^
represeetttues in 1883. Ua>ir Ho]> Ur. Krank Mason North, of New York,
TrucUnn Co., in Ibe p<
kins was a bachelor.
and Dr. Georye Kmml. of Deiroll.
Finch. Ita eecn-tary. There a
nlli-n i« iiii.icr the man
O.S) id bonds ouutandint. ami a local
Ur. J. C. PIo}-.!,
Indebtedness of cume »4n.<«l.
licM eecrt'lary «•( tlic laliuiionary
3*8.«1 laid to have a resl-invajiioa of Ami-rl
ellman'cl and w‘f<- i
cl-.-iy of the
leans. In 1R»6 Icrs ibsn #ttr home­
T.-nitrtns ecxema spreads iU tota('has. Wilhelm, ci el. lets 13 aud I
<-;.-jn-b. assisted by a competsu an
lux sn-s every day. Doan's Olnimeat
steads were sniiiicd to them. In
bltck 1*. H.. I, A Co.'s 1st.
anlre esccuilve eonnniitec. The co:
quickly stops Its spreadtat. Instantly
Arthur F. Wilson and wife to Ante
1**7 the number Jumped in l.noo. and
Utter the iicblDX. cures II permaveuUon srill be a dclesaied body.
W. Bartak. parcel. P. H.’s 4th.
2C,<v»n. In 1*00 A row
Thomns A. MeUanns and wife i
si>eclal fostitre ul Ihe convention w1
and Issi jvwr ronre ibsn 50.
Mary McManus, parcel, sec. 2S. uu
be an r'hburalc nisrlonary esblbll.
000 AmcflcsBa, nn army ten limes ar
Tlte pel bull
V. wion l*wlt <4
I The mlMlonan- sock-ty of Ihc MfbIsrse as that which Zenophen led “i ..
near Ann Arbor went mad and rammoa
Canrtacc C G«o f
Epiacopsl church, under whoso
lo the sea. came over
l,ew-ls acalDil thn lenec. braafelas hta
auspices thU ronvenilon Is to be held.
Canada tad are now here besleginf
and spralnlnt h!»
I..WII 36, lansc
pod oT prasperily.
year of Hr Llsiory the teceliils
wris-. I>twls Is ta au Ann Arbor hos­
piremmem nlfirUU
pital ta a eerhit-s cundllion.
*833. as cimpored with ll.-US. "'t'H
liaro so.ono ri e Americans Ibis year
wr, th.- lo-nl riK-elpts (or l*ui.

1, Ofbbe. Udd. DaiTOw.
Kaye—Oilll*. Dceo—2.
e traa;
allowed *2.00 per dey for bl«
end *1.00 per day for boree
wbea fumtsbed by him. and bis Iceii>te expeimes. and tbat only one day
ebat«ed lor durtni twcntylour

Fnrelcn missloiisrics are wurklng
BIfl Mleaionary Meeting.
tndcf Ihc w*ic'y lit y.fiica. Honico.
o.'s 5il.
John McIntosh.
slate ralsslotiary convontl'ui lo l'<- ticb'. Sial.-r, InJls. data, Japan. Ifcrea. MhJ.
'. Swan, parci
at Flint. The purpose of the conven .CO, rhilipptai- UlBDis ^nd South
hane. ne frli
The home ralssloo work
(kin Is to brins toeviher confereart- .Mttcrtca.
and dlFtrlci oOlcers of Ihe different o- done ta every state end Icnitury of
to Chns.
rtur Vllre imsn
tanlzaiiODE of the church, the lasturs the utitaa, Itcsld.-s ta Porto Rico and
Creenman. lot in. 1111^1. 1, E. Barn
and reprcscnuilvcs from ibc local Hawaii. Inrlndcv ihal amuirg ilu- folpL-rnwond adil.
rbiirrbes and >imng |ienp|i- s >ocl(-il.-» losiiiK lUKipIcs: ^yc|’sll. Sw.-llth. Kflt..hit n. Crc.-nman to J'has.
within Ihe tsjiinds of ibe Ik-iroli and w<Kisu«. Ih-nisli. Germans, Fn-nch. Grccnman. lots 7, 8 a»l •->. Iitack I.
Fern wood
Hiebican psnfcrcnees. tor tbe cuoslrt S|iaitli-h. Portuxticw. Ualisns, DoFlint. HIrh, March 5.—Mcthuallst:
of Michlsan arc plannlnn an Itrporian'.

present votlnt I
-nilaiis. Hiingnrlstis. Flnnbih, Japaerallon of some of ih<- problems fimda
_ I of
nlChlncec, »
menial' to the Cl
j^ipMoaroc. Dye. Browa. Oltllk fees in Inquoii of 1
iRCllK-d nations, and also | Indlsns. lK>bic« he nejtrocs'and naMr. Dean,
s presented by
----------the coounlti
itec on claims and te- for pra>x-r. fellowship and (llrcusjlmi; ll«<-white pwj.le :•( the Italted Slates,
gded that It be
p-nats. who
methods and the bcU helps avail-1 .SiK-ort'ta)! to Ihc latesl rompilvd ste­
ablo for fulfllllng Ihc treat mlsiisuiary : ilftlcs, there are in the forclen fi>-M
Carried by yea
yes ;and uay
Mnnroc. aped 9* yrarw. In her sill Just
by Hr. Beoeham. h
preecot voK
ling yet.
|irnl«ted tefi her featticr U-d t>
Mond ta Mr. Beechon asM
Mored by Mr. dUla and nopponed
iaitad hr Mr. Hahha that the <
datixliter, Mrs Esth.-r Klnliey Ilayi-s
Mored by dr. onus, sui
ba acovtcd aad adopted.
that Drw. 1
Mr. OcrelaBL.. —......................
rblcasn. ami to her wm James o(
aad Arthw HoIUdaT be allowed ».«» ccBimlticc be accepted and adopted.
Antrim Inwiishlp. she l.-fi h«T 8«
Tpae M^roe. BMek. Bacll. Dye. each, that briai the amount not ml
Carrh-<l by yea and nay vote, all
farm and IH"i
rreeot vuttat yes—K.
deuBhH-r will ronicsl ihe will
MbT SaStOanS'e^BMd""''
Tbe committee appoinU-d lu rODsId
esefa (or partial poat
claims (hat the son t».-d tin-l-i
plans and specJflcelaBord Carried.
read from
Teaa—Hoaalc. Bye. Ladd. Clllls.
Ikiwlng report:
K for me. as s poo.- Dsmw. usaa. Haraba. Oet eUad. 8afo the Honnmblc Hoard of SopertisJm Bear tbe Ooaferd. Beecham-io.
ors of Ormnd Traverse County
oe. Browa. OIbbs-3.
mack I
loilBtvd to consider Ibe anflier of plaiu
a the rtr«
end speclfirottons for a poor tonse
and farm would submit the foHowing
l:» p.’m.
Board eaBad to order by cbalrtua. ? Mr. A. H. Hall lor a barn tor ebarUI
Oa Jao. 24lb we visited the |wor
Ban eML All preaeat wlih the ex- be accepted.
Carried by yes and nay vote, fill house and fr m a( Bellaire ta Antrim
eapUaa of MOHti. Darts. Braas. Tedcounty. A (arm of !»■ acres Is loraled
present Toileg y«e.
about one mile oast of Bellaire. Abpu



...................... farm and Imil
T?Uw*b4^SluparriBata. Couaiy betm procealod to the committee on
J herd of a dosen Jerwe:
claims and aanunais. bnt not allowed woU filled. A
of Oiaad TikTetae:
cstwa tnipitly milk and buiier for (h
...................Tbe (arm
also auppllee meat
Mr. Vlnlcm, the Irnani oOeer.
ta Ibe earn of .
flour, etc. to tbe home
ird defrvTad ^ •esenls an llemised bill, but the com- TOtetsbles.
1. he bc-sides eclllnx (arm produce to th
mtlUM almdy bavins reported,
dealrod that some nelkm be taken by amount of t«nn to *Soii each year,


nnteaute that saeh an oraanlsallon
HgBHB .pecfseled and a charter proANtnhRlfed ataie. Aad that we now


banhlp ta as Mar Bra handled as
CM MbiB tha MBt few aoDihs.
Tbe toe of mtohhtdbtp ii at follawa: Oeatleaea. fl.Oi per year;
MMs. IM per year and all peteoai
BMplhe n^ MxtaM pdare. <J».
Wh iWwMly
that tbto a^

Ibe board, aa be bad advanced his eskeeper is employed at a salary e
ponec money, etc., end did not like to |S«> a year' an
and tfeere Is a charte o
wall for It iinUl the next nicctlnt of from »r«o to *
(he board.
the boost- and about 820*
. tr hir
loved by Mr. f
help <m II
the (arm.
.. Mr. Harxba. t
(erred lo the com*
Moved by Mr. Clevetand. eupporto
by Mr. Brown, that the board take
a unUl 1:3* p m. for commute

RafSaSodety of Oraad Ttamsc
M. W. Uaderwood, Pres.
B. L. Btwardi. BeeT. aad Tress.
Morad by Nr. BaCotd aad atwpot
al by Ito. Haraba tbat tbe amter I
tail «var aatU the neat lamtac of the

oatataiuse on taaaee. «ai. .
asoaaa, aade a rertal report relatlTe
t* (he werkliic of the aew Horaer

and on the other side fur women.
Thetw were isreaiy-three Inmates at
(be lime wc were there, which U about
all the bouse could aceummodaie.
' Rooms ami balls sre rather small, thr


to. •

Comedyof Errors

Of Piano Selling
r-ir rich, rare and racy eomIbe real sldowpIltUnt kind,
ime ha* only lo visit (be slidtac
-The price ol Ibis piano
I'll Icl you have U tor |3*»."
This Ii only occ of tbe stock
S'-.:k..:I.^ .If the sUdlnt"»ta
-..-.-in h.' ••<•. i.'ti l: is eufficleol
to indicate the mirih prodnelng
effi-ri of the comic opera piano

xiHMii Old rwet PU«
We do not .overriale the Irulb
when wc say lhal we are the
house In Amwira. wc are not
rurr now lhal iberc ire any uihrrs Anyway, our plan and r“ranu-e Is jour best •safeguard.
You trt St our s ores (bc cjxcl
piano value that jou pay
All pianos marked in plsta flf
■irei bard im cost ul factory
produrllon and not' on the whatwe mlgbl'gcl plan. '


Mrler r-cprce H. Kepktas Who Di'd In Oetrelt Tuesday.

thtriy-thn-c conic-uc. • uml olr-tionp:trpu.4c of the churth.
Abftol—Momm. Bavrs.l^
Bnell. Brans. Todman and Clcretanil.!
Tbo people ol Antrim county are
Moved by Mr. Hbnte and supported
prt«tam are lOib-.crr. 3l^.t"3 cknnJi member
well pleased with the sy-vent. The ►‘W"'
by Ito. Black tbat t
.ndrewa. H. W. Wam-a. J-ltri Sumlsj ech-io! scholarx.
aupertnieafienu ui
of ujc
the uuur
poor rv-wi-w,
rceelrod.op* ^
. an approprtukm last year of *3»oo. H. nneenl. W. F. McDowell
__________ ... —. ... _ beta for
land they esUraaie that without tnelHarlaeU: Dr. A. B. Lccmari. of .New
Carried by yna and aay vote.
■•|Tertt, correspondtag secretary of th*

Ifr Dmn aa e&rmita
the com-' same plan as at Bellaire, bnt Is a I secretaries of the name aoclc-y.
mluae on elaima and ae«*nu. report-(newer end tarter stnioinre and not lowa; Dr. J. C. Boyd, trf Clw
ed out the bUl sf K. a TtaWB. dtoMF rr-«fe»*h*«- Boome are »al* tort and ,
cr q o
Letan of
sheriff, tor eerrieee ae truant olScS.! hails ere aUo tantrr. Thta bulUta* 1«

»1W.K. reeommendtat lhal It Ik- a1 lel-uitrovidml with neetn h.alint. Tie-;"i**-- 't"*
iMU 81M 17.
f bolldUtc* aside front the honse are mK , well, of rba'isnavta. Tetm . - •fjlt
Hotsle and
• - bc
-------------------compered- —wUh those
-------------at Bellaire. js.
■ - Bari Taylcr. uf .\cw Ycyk. the tart
Hared by Hr. Dartm and support-] Moved by Mr.-----------------

“SuTS R?*'E.”*UI»r (ISLIS) for
dnwa (nsiihed. preimed aad read
to Hr. (Bevetaad, who aaired that li

ted in the same smy after n.«ales
itcalnieBt nave relirf.
Whea I
iBd Duen's (Hntmem eo •uccessfiit
nur trandcfalld. I epplled It end
- the first ntxhi In meny she elei>t
.indly and bcl..rc s.-n-t o rloek nast

anylnthelrhlrtary. There Is no bore
po»t;anierit I'-’Icf.

^tvl-r CPy ef pelr.-l’ leavtat f..r
^ Ole.vtaci a h c'cloek wl b 105 y

Vttre ever aWta ao Uaoti{ul u tbe new

ftYlea we art'now tHa^njini; in
our windowsV The choioral of

J30D aoH $3.50

Factory lUstrlb-ulurs of Kim­
ball. Pisn-js with Iniorlor Plsyors. Klmbsll Cabtart Ptano-Plsy<-r>. and Kimball Pipe nod Heed
Orgsor fur church and t'rme.

On SsillPatsnl nn ittn
PUil Iqlil Eiq

SB HARKliemfr.

enfliicertoc and iMmafbly two
Lrtttr Pnm A H. Caylw.
lj» ABseto. C«L, feb- K, 1*0*. yean in the AeM oader aame taod eBcmaer and tbea I wbbi bim to get to
QrudTrarcneHefvM: U aijr torawork on the eanal. He may be tb»
w MlM 10 roa oboat Lot Anceleo aod
CottfonU IB ceBBnL I dM oot h»T»
tk« wut MCB of aarlDi BartbiBc tka'
VMM "Mir op <be •aliBBlt.'- t
Anna Howard Shaw, wbo recently
waa' re«lweted prtMdeni of Ihe Wiv
tbo tOBder opal br tpooltlnc of ctl man'a HallOBal SuSrage aatoclailon,
mato. TbBt WB» Bbost the lirtt tfclog
•b noted for yeara aa an earneat
I fODBd eat Bbool ihe peopM bore.
is tbe CBuae of woman attfUBt lhar wm csir«B«lr mb«UIv« frace. Sbe wsa bom la EMdand. waa
BBteCllBBtBBBd I tbODlkl I iroUld bC brouxbt to tbU eoantry In her tfih
tCBder vUb tbem oo tbot nib>eot. bol ytar and waa reared.among Ibe wilds
( BOBl bare DBd« a talw «tep
Wlehigan. She got her prtmarr edu­
vbere. Aod aeel«« I bare not my cation In n bvkwooda aebool. rabactoot IB It. I mar a» wdi iro oo and
qoently recelrlng a Iborough trainlaK
' 4«ak more fredr o» lb* aobjoel Ibaii
BoMos. Hlta Shaw la an onUlned
IbBTedoao. WhrahcmMB-l IT Why
nIMer of tbe Hetliodlat Proteatanl
abeald BM aaybody, U Iber *Bnt toT eboreb. hat loeelred Ibe degree of D.
That U
D. and alno U a homeopathic pbyalbmv an«r. They aarely don’t eomf clan. Sbe bat lectured la atmoat every
bmv tor Tlotualt It they do, they
and terrliory^B tbe union and
vUI aeon had ttey hare "loat
bat traveled In Europe, the West In­
irmlr' iBdglBs by Uw a»era«c catln*
dira and South America.
feonae or reotaaroBt. Bot I am not
Hmo. Patti bellCTca that the pleaagolBit to find fault «llb my BTub.
urca of the table are oot for the slnRer.
am boldiBc my vatsbt pr«tiy well nod
Sbe ftdlowa a aererc regimen of pUlnl oBB’t laa at my abadow It Biwlnp
ly cooked me*l and toast. W’bcn ahe
nay ieai, tboosb for tbrcc wccfct Ibubaa to Mug at wigbt sbe dines off beet.
ami dMa't tblna cnoasb to mako i
poUloca nnd baked apples in Ihe nflerIft Ibe climate I’m after Jiaw. 1
iwn. fnriing after Ibat until she hat
Iv^ia U’t the climate that give#
mmrtahmeat more tbae the food.
Bmncit Caylom, aged l(i years, and
ilia slater Lottie, two years his Junior,
o be wondered at.
the eaal eumber of oalalden poarlng ehlldrcn living not far from George­
la to be red here, aald to be three or town. CoL a few days ago mn dowi>
large gmy wolf wliboul
toer tbonaand a day now alnoe apeeUI
Tbe youngatera
low ratea bare been cstabllahed asaln
Ftflr tboaaaad tooriaU bare when I trapa for the peau. One waa cangb'.
ebain and atarted off
came. It U barely poaalble that nam'
with the irafi oa one foot. Hie cbH. I bare
o aiiapaet they are. becanao In dien followed and billed the wolf wllh
iwealy-two caliber rtllc.
Ibe car I arrived here on there waa
No member of the Brliiab parlUir beMde myaelf when
I got her*. They atimnted oa two as OTt la renamed to any binnily and
a ear lot. maybe, or about aevonty-Dve directly that anolber la drank, but he
to a hundred perfona. But we two may hint at tbe fact In paraphrase, aa
enn't do tbe enUng for Ibal many, bot when Hr. Oladatone. replying
ntionti speech ef DlsraeU’s.
tbey—tbe proaender vender—would
•The right honorable genIS evidoouy bad access lu
oa ap for that aombeV.
f InspIratloD tbal are not
Bat to Ibe climate. Tbe papers here
|lT« weather atalnmeato dally, aad >f open to me."
ay own bodily aenaalkma
Major Syltester. chief of poliee In
guide. I ^ooM anapeet the atataaeats Waabingtoo, la required by law lo
abonl umpmatore are aboot aa tmat- moke BBnaal-repoit to congreu show­
wortby aa tbey are About aumbera. 1< ing bow emdeat bla force la This
la erldeat. at all eveata. that a certain year, as usual, he gives sUUatIcs aa
effect la desiredr and It la eaay lo arrests and In tbit deparlmeni of bis
geen what It la Here are aome facta report two lines attrael altcnUon. Tbe
Oa arrivtag la Lot Angeles l waa persona arrested are closalfled aa gam-1
aomewbat aarpriaed to «ee ladlea on biers, plekimkela, etc., but It is said'
tbe Mreet wcartag heavy fora on thHr 4bat among (be Hat were "one United
aboaUen and they have not UId Stales senator" and “two represenutbem aalde. wUb other dotblag to tlvei in congress." Hsjor Sylvester
™n»sii Tou aee plenty of men wear- dlserectly refuses to revesl Hie Identi­
tag overaonts on tbe alreeic, Ton ty of these distinguished Iswbrcakere.
hear on all aldaa that one aeeda the
locb persuatton Sir John Aal,tm« heavy clottalag here that he
iey allowed bimscif to be put foraard.
voBi to vtor where be came from,
aad I bare moMly adhpted to tbe ruM.
t from UneolnTon aee BO tadlee oa tbe itreet bnrehe ki
btoded In white dretaea In abort sboul polities, but entered Into tl
aleevea. It U only warm a while la campaign as rare sport. One ds>- I
the BMdle of tbe day when the nn
meeting of electors st
^Inea. nad alghta ate cool. Another vlllsge In tbe Isle of Axbolme and,
fact—Reiw to tbe aoribwnrd
when he bad ffnlahed. boldly chal­
aoBBtalai la sigbt, of tbe Biem lenged his hearers to fire questions at
Hadroa. eorer^ with eaow.
him. Presently there came IIk- query:
Mp ttem' BOW nay day wbea tbe air la "tUbBt do you think of Sir Unifrid
ctaar; and eaaiward. atretchlag from LAwaoD’a liquor blllT" For
the bordera of Heako non
Sir Jdin was aonplascd. bnl only for
the polar regloaa. are vaat eleraied
Pulling btmsetf together
plalaa and maaauiB raagea. where he replied: "I cannot aaawer for Sir
winter ralat lor aeveral monlha
Wilfrid Lawson’s liqi
my great aurprlse. wbea I <
throogb New Hcaleo aad Attaoea.
where I eapeeted to Bad It ao wi
that m^ wlater elotblog woald In
the leader la H
bawdea. It waa aeerly aa wintry
hOofelgaa. Our irala Mt^ipod in Aricr. acting %can of Ibe corps,
nwa for breaUaal. Juat one day’a ride
e ranking wooao la the foreign
«BK of Loa Abgelca, and tbe tbermome^ was ffve degr«<ea below »ru. contingent In point of realdenee In Ibe
and persnnally she Is Ihe
Tbe qinatloo comes naturally, how Is
lioKcr In determining the aoelsl
It poaalble to have wbat they call
sabiTopIcal ellmato on tbe PaelSe prcMIge of all women In tbe dlplumalic corps. Mtua Van Hengelmnll
can claim two titles, but because her
Bear them on the north, esat
aontbenat. the broad PaclBc with lia husband, to wbum she Is devotedly 1
Bliaehed. it not of lllled rank she
ehaagetasa temperainro antwer
simply as madam. She inherlluoeaikia. same aa LAke Hlcblgaa afm her father Ihe tillfaeU our west lUcUoa dimale.
as. He was tbe last of the line
preralllng winds from the westward In
Unnln-Boriowskl, famoua
botb eaaea. Loe Angeles is oo tbe
MM imiBlIel wllh Oolumbta. South in Hungary. All her Matlooery
bear Ibe roronel of
Oarallaa. Carolina ewaaot raise impIcnl trails na they do here but U pre- her hnnse.
Senator W A. aark
valllag winds oo both coasts a^
would have made an arilsl If he had
Id Ihe luck lo be a ceatimitlluu
the twohiquitoa
srould be r
two M
-I am fond 6f an and artists,"
d plaina account for said the senator. "I sometimes wish
bad studied ari." "What wi
th^ dOlt qualityr and chilly airmika
yonr line, acnatorr' he
la IM aiBtoaf^. while the mild Pa"Oh. 1 srould have rhosen
clffc bloBgids apreada Ibe skirt of ’’ great aubjecia. I would
af^lyft mantle outward orer
Imek the froel and al- painted sheep or cattle or |waasnt<
igM ^Toraago tree to Bouriah. should bare chosen to paint Jlons.''
Gen; JMa M. Tbayer. brigade r»m
iShMri of Callfonila la a coualry
* fti^lWrich. ibo voiT rich. In tbe maodrr In the civil war. eswena
tram and cx-goveraor of Nebraska,
- xAjwb I bellcvo tbe
^1^ go to tbe wall hero. Tbe only cenily eelebraled the rtgbty-slatfa an
^^^1^ will hare him will be tbe nlversary of bla birth. The general
lives la Uncoln. Neb. Tbongb towble
^ There la piMly more that coaM be la body. Ua mind U at III ch-ar.
remlBlaceneea ol Uncoln and Ornai
,* raU bot Ibto la enough for
8. 11. Sayler. and of the border htoiory of his
Oaneral Nmm.
A Buwtie
friend ot Senator G
w. CBlled upon Ua to Waablnron »
w» >days ago. bariag with him bis bright
little son. ‘Tou should try lo gel yonr
.> . boy appointed to West Point ot
aapoUa," aaM ibn aMalor. -Ok. no."
BHd bla friend, “we bare got i
tblag better ibaa that tor bim.
B^ttoa is to build the Panama cai^.
Ha will bare two yean more lo the
praparalory ndiool. then four years

M. a Conway, a indley ear eondue
lor in Denver, la making quite a aam.for htmaetr as a tracer of deserterfrom tbe Called States army. AH inlti
he has captured abool llfty,men whhad taken French toave cf army life
At one lime Conway was a soldier
the eleventh Vailed Sutea cavalry
He has made ayreata all over the w««i
fetllnc $M tor each captme he i
Me eerved la .Cuba. Chlaa af

_those lively little fellows that you heard so much about last year and the year before—are here
again, livelier than ever. They’re moving mighty quick and it’s very evident you'll want to see
them befpre they are all gone. Lots in almost every case are small—if you come, early you'll be
well rewarded, so don’t delay and take a chance of being disappointed.
Sale started last Saturday. March 3rd. and will positively end on Saturday evening. March
17th. Make it a point to see these bargains:
Fleeced Wrappers
imd $U0.' AQp
UarcatQ Beckooers at........
Calico Remnante
Remnants of 5c and 6c CalJll/b
ico, bargain beckontTsat.. ^
Children’s Toeques
Children's all wool choice 1 Qa
Small sizes. IS and 19 only—Chicago
Waists and otiier $1 makes, to close
out, bargain bcckoners
All sizes, from the best 50c
1 O
^ and 7.’)c styles, at.................
Kid Mittens
• Ladies' and Children's kid mittens,
worth 50c and 75c, bargain QRa
Wool Mittens
double knit, for boys and 1
girts, worth 25c, at only....
Wool Mittens
Ladies’ fine wool mittens, double
knit, very choice. 50c qual- 9Qa
ity. bargain bcckoners at.. .
Kid Cloves
worth $l.2o and $1.50. at AQn
9Sc. worth 75c and $1, at..
Kid Cloves
One lot of damaged gloves, were $1
and $1.25, bargain beckon- ‘I Qa
ers at..............................>•
Jersey and Golf Gloves
for ladies and misses,worth OQa
S5cand45c. at.....................
Infants' Black Wool Mittens
and children’s white Golf
Gloves, worth 15c and 19c,at

Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose

for boys and misses, large and small
sizes only, no medium sizes, were
45c and 50c, bargain beck- 1 Qp
oners at................................
Men's Fine Kid Cloves
Silk and warm lined, were ’ytifs
$1 and $1.2.5, at...................

Men’s Golf Cloves
worth 25c and 35c, bargain 1 Q|.»
Wool Wristlets, worth 25c,
Way's Knit Mufflers
the hnest grades, black and all colors,
worth 50c, 75c, and $1.
bargain beckoners at..........
Silk Mulllers. worth $1.50,
Men's Silk Suspenders
swell for gifts, worth 75c.
bargain beckoners at......... wv,*
50c Neckwear
a very choice lot, to close
outat.only»5cand.............. fCytOuting Flannel Gowns
for Ladies and Gentlemen,
worth $1 and $1.25, at........ <
Ladies’ Underwear
Ladies’ very heavy fleeced under­
wear. was 50c a garment to close
out. bargain bcckoners


Colton Batting, worth I Ic a
roll, at......................................
Double Fold Sheeting
bleached and unbleached, i Qp
small quantity to close outRealty to use Pillow Cases.
bargain beckoners at............. ^2^
A good Unbleached Cotton,
worth 7c. at............................. 02^
Bed Spreads, three special values, bar­
gain bcckoners at 69c, 9Sc J 33
Boj’s'^ Wool Sweaters,

worth 00C

A very choice and complete line of
India Lipons at Sc. 10c, lie, I2c, Vic.
15c, 16c. 18c, 20c and 25c. etc., also
complete lines of very pretty White
Gomls. Embroideries, Laces, Allovers, Headings, Trimmings, etc.,
. Allat lOPer Cent DitCffUtDHrlagTUsSffU
A Boon to Busy Mothers
Children’s Muslin Undergarments at
about the cost ot the material. Draw­
ers, Waists, Skirts, etc., at
Others, including aprons, at !2><c.
15c, 20c. and 25c.

Ladles’ White Shirt Waists
all sizes, a bargain beckoner 03^
Black Mercerized Underskirts
worth $1 and $1.2.5.
Ladles’ White Muslin Fetticoats
worth $1.25 and $1.50, bar- QQa
gain beckoners at.................
Dress Goods
The greatest values in new Spring
Dress Goods we have ever shown.
All 60c and 65c Dress Goods at 50c
a yard
One lot of choice New Dollar Goods
One lot of Dress Goods carried over
from last season, was 1.50 per yard,
and all this season's new spring
goods, worth 1.25 per yard, marked
down, special for this sale. QQa
only-....................................... A/S-FV/
Black Silk
Yard wide, can’t be beat at 1.25,
is a bargain beckoner
^ .QO
Black and all leading colors of taf­
feta silks, worth 75c and S-5c RQa
/ a yard, at only...................... OOC
Ladies’ Union Suits
that were 2.0ft, 2.50. ami 3.00, small
sizes only, are bargain
1 ^Q
beckonersat....................... ^.‘±57
Ladies’ Union Suits
size 4 only, worth 50c and QQo
60c. at...................................... UCFv.
Ladies’ Heavy Wool Underwear
natural grey or scarlet, worth 76 C
Childrens’ Wool Underwear
at 2.5c for sizes 20 and ’22. 33c for
sire-24 . 39c for size 26. 41c lor si/e
2'^, etc.

Lace Curtains

worth 5.00 a pair, are bar- Q KQ
gain beckoners at...............

Lace Curtains

Buffalo Flannel
heavy all wool, worth 50c to

worth 3.0" a pair, at 1.9s. worth 1.51»
a pair, at 97c, worth ttSc a 00C

WhiteVable oVl’ciolh
ricmy of white Tabic Oil 1 Ql/p
Cloth, special price per yd
White Shaker Flannel
worth 6c to 7c. a bargain
bcckoners at...........................

A lot of lace curtains worth 50c and
a pair, will be sold single 1 Q^
Men'sHeavy Wool Mackinaws,


Boys’ Hcai-y Wool Knee pants.
worth :i5c. at............................
Bo>-s' Hcav)’ Home Made Mitts.
worth 45c, at............................
Men’s Caps
worth $1. $I.'25 and $1.50,
worth 50c and 65c, bargain

at 75c;

Buys’ Caps
worth TiOc at 35c; worth
1 Qq
bargain beckoners at........... *
Good Heavy Wool Sox
worth 35c. at
only......................................... «OC
Men’s Odd Vests

Medium and small sizes worth $1,
$1.25 and $1.50, at 49c; worth 1 Qr
50c, 75c.bargain bcckoners at -aw'^'
Table Linen, ao extraordinar>’ bargain in
fine Satin Damask Remnants. 2, 2>i
and 3 yards long, at,
per yard............. .................
64 inch Bleached Damask, worth 40c per
yard, a bargain beckoner
Men’s and Boys' Sweaters.
60c, are bargain beckooers

S0c,and ,
QQa ;

Men’s fine AH Wool Sweaters, 1 QR
worth $2 60 to $3. at......... A»l70
Hats, the equal of the best $3, $4 and $5
hats, bargain beckoners. Q AR
Hats worth $2.00 at $1.35.
Ladles’ Long Winter Coats
were $1U, $12.50 and $1.5. now go as
bargain beckoners

Ladies’. Misses and Chil­
dren’s Long Cloaks
u-ere $5. $6. $7 and $8. now go as
bargain beckoners
' Fur Scarfs
in Black Hare, Blended Coney,
Brook Mink, Chinchilla, Im. Ermine.
Isabella Coney, and Gray Kimmer,
Scarfs that were $1..50, $2. $2.25 and
$2.50, choice of all, bargain QQa
beckonersat................. .
Ladies’$ 10 and $ 12 Skirts
arc bargain beckoners
0 00
Ladies’ $4.50 and%5 Skirts
are bargain beckoners
0 46
Men’s Overcoats and Ulsters
all sizes, were $5. $6, $7 and $8. now
go as bargain beckoners
Boys’ Reefers
for little fellows, 4, 5 and 6 yean,
worth $2.00, $2.50 and $:f.00 00q
Young Men’s Overcoats
ages 12 to 16 yrs. worth $4 50 to $5,
are bargain bcdconers
0 gQ
Men's Suits
worth $6to$18.arcbargain Q OR
beckonersat 11.2.5,895 and
Youths’ Suits

... 2-95
Men's Pants
about fifty pairs, medium and targe
size waist measures, were $2iX)and
$2.50. are bargain beckon- 00Q
Knee Pant Suits
Bargain beckoners at $1.95. 1 IQ
$1.75, $1.4.5and................... X.XO

M Dn1 Foml tU k UiliM It )IIH BHiiiK Yn Renin OUi Tickite itlt Emi 58c PrUkc.


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