Grand Traverse Herald, February 22, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 22, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nuvemc cmr. grand TRAvense

be wroBc. awl lald. 'Mr. Fame,
Oolr B IbA. avkvBTd BDd akr.
wianii rralcrdar..l>al IT rou have
BUIlcd la hBBdllBc borse a»d cbb. bad aaBMeBl «tltfarilon. let . .
MaMarlac IemwMcb ibat. br aad br. rrleniU.' The two becaioe aiteh atroo*
RbooM aU la duile* ireat aad hlst.- rflends after that ibat Parse wan oarTba yooUtfal WaabiBfto*.
or Ibe pam>carer3 at WaablBston'


Michigan, Thursday, rcsRUARv 22.

pot 08 Ibe sheriff three timea already. | daugbter. SeaBor Parke CaaUe.
and that he needa thia money to payl akIUed iwuTonner.
hla laaea. He ana not afraid lo duo I
TbM«i he waa eblMleai hImaeU
hla dclilore. and he It aald to bat e' more Uan
repreaentaUvra of ifae
bei-n one of the abrewdeat dealers ' c-nalne Waablas'on aioek are living,
among the plantera of bla time, ilrj
He lored aolmala and 'bU horaea
was always prearbing eeoaoay lo bla and doga were all fine blooded alock.

Pascs 1 ti«.


Tin mao'a charter waa
fei be prayed for
' freedom asd life

fairly re

A Hollow Tran Hennit.
Intarastiitg RMa
~Tbe Hermit of Wladsor." aa bo. No real Hormes. H la «
arben was called. Ihi-d fur yean la tbe bo:.; plays the game ti poker.
low of an ink in the royal forest, at '
Up to date (bet* have I
Would DO longer l^pccaaed by The! Windsor, EhiglaDd
Hla father, who statues of tbe Kaiser erected to «OtI waa bead nunieryaian al Windsor! many.
Oalr a saa od aacai beat.
Park, got t
AWl-'hh.> 1
Oeorpe WaablBgtoa waa Hiaplo li tervaota. but on the whole was notne-j
HU niiuih was Urce and be
Ibro of baiU«a foBiaii and won.
of keep>-r in ihi- iviyal forest. After his puldlshers "ior p
. translate
hla taiocx. and duriBU bis yuuib b
what leoJetii. a.s. for Inaiaace. he em-j habit of cllnrhlne bin >a«e wl
Sarreror. (koeiU, Prcatdent.
faibers Ih-aifa 1^ keeper took up bis; "Ben Hur" Into Arable.
In the Iiace of
the future shall
heart)' eaUT, but waa Dot pat ployed one man, a carpenter/maklns ' a serious mood.
A paopk^ prld*. aa boaorad aoa.
tree between^
many -------------parta-nf-----the Auxiratian
liealar aa lo wbai he sad. Wi- waste
eontracl with him for a year and;
He had jwrtralts of himself painted
Tb« pairlot WaiAlanoa.
CYanborn-'Tower and the Flemish ;r<mitopni boe-farmi^ bas bemme a
nd Ip- seen to all anaala. the foreplaia rood asd pleolr at IL DurtBs hi. |irvt1dlng ther. lu he was lo have four hy pe*le, Wright. Ramage. Trumbull,
FUim. and Uwame known to every one profliable and popular oeewpatloB.
mos'. to fame.
laat jreara be ate vtr)- flllle. Jlis break
a In which h« might get drunk : Savage. Sharplets. C. Stuart and olfaanmnd as the 'Herml’ <d Wlndaor."
! There are awpresent over 8W*.00* hives
By IM- side oi a lioffey and Tril.
Mount Vernon waa of com
ul Christmas. Waafaine.on war j • r», of which no om- can be accepted
Que<-n Vinorla used lo lake not lee In Australia, prtritadng fraa lea to
Itevtle not my sonjk for iBo wise asd
cakea. boaer and tea. with powibl)- an
oomiral. but not stlogy. He epuld | as entirely sailafnctor)'.
of the old man a- she rode ibpoogh j Bfin-n millions of powads anaailly.
and after Ibal, he aio no more
en.lur«s wnsii.- of any kind, and be I
He wa* a hearty eau+. .
ihe park, aad be always raised bis hat {
TlH-,fto<<st rtoal kaown In Aasiralta
Among Britons have nObly eonfesaed;
dinner. He kept, honever.' a bwI
It alout over bU estate doing h!.i i
I{e did.not use loUaem. alibougb be
That bis was the gh.ry, and ours was!! rvspecifully to ber. His eapboard in ’ Is ofaiatoert at White niffs. n<«r Wlltable, and oaaanr bad frlnads wlib
l to stop (be leak*
In one of hU I raised It for ex(K>ri.
' tbe tree awa kept well suppli.-d with cania. In the colony «d New Sonib
Ihe l.lood
Ha I bare a bot* wriltea bf MaeU).
c urge* Hist the gria'A Bilffatr brala. a wilt lo onduiv.
Ukn Ijiicoln. b>- was fond <
fiml by Ibe gentry. He sU^.t tosid.-j Wale*, wber- atoiut MW miBera ar«
rhicb icirea lila experlencea when In
PawloBf Bubdued, a alave lo ooae
s- uiMvl In f.-o<lloc Hie theater, and ntA-nd-d wheoevar he
the uve to wlni.-f. but to summer 1 cooManily cmiduM-d
Tbe hewl qualraa In the United Slnloa nennte at tinA aonl that was aabte. brare aad pare.
iskm b'Mise. He wrilos.
resl.-d lu-neath the l.ranrhi-s. He died liy
these sloocs realim arcatl<malt'ook. the writer of tbe poem,
enjoin upon yon lo pnrllrnlarl)'
A taltb la Ood Ibat wat held aeeure.Hr was always in •loubt as <
reremly a> tbi- ains.-v-.-niy wto- - ly a< macb as (330 an ounce.
lie a DiPed ilierary woman In
Marlt)- dined wllh Waabincton a nam- guard against Mrs. I.. Washlagloii * own nUlity aad was never sdvrrae to
tno» wai OaoTfe Waablagtoa.
No doubt many a ton thinks il woiildl Each town aad cit> In tbe state sf
ae*. and araltervd throuch ('barles and her U.y in the siaWes, ii-rvivtog aclilre from frienda.—St. England. She waa bom to Ismdou be grvwl sport to live In a huikra in-.-, j Rb.ste Island ekcls a mate (waalor.
tots 'Her fathi-r was a cMker
hla diarr are bits of pualp about i»ih of wbom
Impiirti-ni and self-11‘a'jl-Clrtir.
Ion there arc oo applicants for ib-'|nn mailer wba' Its popnlaHon Provhy trade. Her mother <lli-d when sbiWaablacton. Al two of the dlBnem be willed anti can- aot tio* .-xinviaganilyj
dead ke.-p.-rs posllton wbo ask to Is-! idence. with a (nputallon of SW>.e«o.
« time saUirrInR
ears of age. An <-arl}-deve1
deaeribra Wanhinclon aa aoiualtis
given bis bouse.—C. E. World.
has .mly one reprwuvilallrc to tbe tenand tndltii»
e for poi-iry ami Jlieralure
hlmaelf beuween the coBnwK by plav caught iIk- fkjy Hfrrra
■ lllirr
at., while mher towns of onfV SOa InI. Mr*
Inc the derll'a tattoo upon the Ul>le liiK Ms burses with hay. I a<<e no sori Mount Venion. bJut Ihr rxplralinn **f first found expresslnu in verse, and tn
babliant* have .me eweb.
welMmowa writer, rmak 0. CarpeaSnnaud Vetabrae OuL
with hla fork. At anetber iltne he Ilf nrs-esslly for fcs'dlng the hors.'( hl« term as presidi-nl. ' the tall figiir* IMT she luraroe a regular o.ntrilmior
. Bv.-r "almost anc-xe your bead off?'
tar. A larte aamber ol ble papen arc
II Is said that an animal deprived at
"The prcaident kept a fork In .-itht-r grain or bay when they are urn of Wsshlncinn was only allriitly brni,
Jamra Oiyb-. of I'awiiirki-i. R. I. has sli-ep will die more quk-kly lbaB'’tiMk.^
00 tie la Ibe aute depariiae
Id when the elolh waa taken iiseil nr any horse lhat far at lilirrl) and be was still supposed l/i jrelBh
Waahlaftoa. The Natloaal Mi
collection of her poems, under the for years t-.i-o famous as a sn.s-xer.
I UoBUhl. It waa for the por- and able to pnit^de for Ilst-H. I ran upward of two hiinilroil- pounds.
perfume which the wife of a Chi­
haa oae or Ibe laneat eotlecUc
blmof ' Melala and <Mb(T I’ls-ms.
,_____ , .............................................................
poee or pleklBC nuta. He ale nu nuta. plainly
pttrvrltr that In a Ultk- ilmr writes wmuud IVrrInr. of Tbe l.a»
Waablaatoala la axltieeee. A
M-lf. He was .wring hivakfast. wbi-a cago mirnoBalre has had dtsHllcd from
but played wllh the fork. alriklBc on Ihrre will l«- nothing elihrr for iny '’.-ars of WaihlBglon's Uf-." to Ibe was puhllsbi-d In Ixuidon. anil to the
dria la pull or oapobllabed tradldoas
; year was rcpuhlished to a crumb f^nd-lis way up tats nostril. a species of water Illy to mid to bn
the odRc or the table wllh ll."
negroes or borsrs lo t«l wlihoul buy­ Ldtlles' Home Journal. "Excepting his
ar Oeona Waabtactoo. i
At once t'.ryle'a sbouldctv fauacbed up worth |i:J a drop.
WaahiDRton, at ihia liaie. bad aome ing It. which will lU'Uber comport with gray hair and hU falsa teelb. and New- Terk. with many addllloos hy the
eoa^ or dars Iben aoae
There arc no fewer than C.iino dlsIn tkto she Issued "Elira llack .rf bis .-ars as hr jirepared for a
some iniiiMe In hearing, there waa lit­ author.
IroiiWo in keeplnc up hla eatabllih- my Imerrsi or torlliutliin. Hy i
aad tboBSh I fooad aa one llrins «bo
Journal." a w.-ekly piihliralioA noble effort. He 'urtii-d his head over itoet languagra spoken by mankind.
tle of lliii iiEiial appearanee of age in
When Ibe rev«lullonar>- war
I find hr still mnlinues
had arer aeea Wathlaroa, I r>l
bit left afaoulder. which waa lucky, .ir The number of s.-]«raie dialerfa to
ctoacd he bad plenty of land, but Hill.: horars with rorn Inslrnd of oats.-as I Ms museiilar pi-rson. his gall and hi-* wsdeh-dng. c ataeih dJ d rnif erof m
talrir toed Idea of blm from ibe
he might hare sent his head itdling enormous. There are more iban C«
He bad exbauated bla private direrieil. What iwii satMIe horses ariatorlaa eoaedralat bln which bare
IS the labR-. The sneese cam« dlaiinet rorali-uUrb-s In Braxll. asd In
gigauile struggle for tnielleciua]
fortune during |be war, add he bad
i- whirb stand to the mansion faille and merry with his beat frleniis.
bOM haaded dowa rrtn rather lo aoa.
went. It was a mighty one. but Mexico the Nalhop language baa
borrow enouch lo lake him to N.
e report? I know of none but ihi- but while he bad the true haapliallrr elevation now going on." Fbr several
Moast Ternoa M oalr alae nllee rron
- ftlalcrta. There
It was the vehicle of many vig. Coyle remained wllh hla bead over hi> hrukon up
i.-m gentleman In Invlilng
York lo be loancuraled. The rcai
Mr. Whiling used to ride."
Atansdria. Waabtoftaa pot
and began to utter Inanlr- are hundreds la DortSv.,
pros.- attleies ami new poems
[or from a distance to bis
eat quite careful of his ex- planier who ilemanded ret>orls
Iswiher ni-ckll.w nf various ib$i%
peaiiea. and would not Inlerale exiravhave been a good bnalnea.' rahltfor lo a lied over nigbi. his po from her pen.
at his vertebrae wen- out of ,
aad colon aiv now belag
liteness was generally formal. Vet if
aganee. An Inxianc* of this kind orTaan ago tba UtUe «Klee In ^bbdi he
sllgbl bl'iw w.Mild hare broket
partleiilarly enjoyed tbe eonvi-rsx'
enrrod one day when be found the
A SlloM MlaUke.
aid baMbnaa there atlll atood. dt was
Aral shad of tbe acaaoo on hU table. Whera tm Waahtoglen Family Came Hun of a guest he-would pay him the
Deacon Haley was proud, it wi
at AlaiaB^ thal WasUagton met
Ductorw were baallly sent for and
Tbe president was very fond cf "»>•
rlgbteous pride. Il was also an
Oen. Braddoek, and with blm alaried
Mtwlgbtcn.iJ him out. 'hiiT »«ta
any uiber country In tbe world.
and wbW the ahad waa brougfal
George Washington
was horn in after nine o'eloek. or even of IlgbHng creasing om-. c-speelally when be
oat as that dlaastreui campaign. Hla
would have dl.-d had bla neck nthe dining room hU noalrlU dIUted a« Virginia, aa every young American him with Ifae candle lo a bednAn fur
porch, to the r.s.1 of
laat rwTlew of troops was made
malaed out of place tbiny mtouiea.
Net Her Flispera.
night. Mr* Washington at ibis
Ihe savory odor struck them, and he knows. His father and grandfather
evening. ' and
m o( aa AlexaBdrto boicl
Oliver Wendell Holmes eajoywd
lime was a healthy. plf-aBani and unoslaked:
were Virginians too.
Ihe road at bis big pouta
a mfMAra bU death, and when
nothing so much as a clever rotort.
Queer Atfyeril
' "What flsh la tbaf
grandfather, whose nanie was John, leniBiloiia little woman, still showing- patch. R'anuT II sbownlg the iWull
bat Tlalted tbe town I waa offers
Here am a few- spccfmcea of queer
-A shad.'- repllod ihr steward, exell- waa bom to ^gland and sailed over traces of good looks and with SA-ldonof bis unreaaing toll, of hU daily bat
■abngany bed which had atood in tUi
advcrtlM-mmis coHeCed from differ-' expruar. One day. al an cniertatopdly: "a very fine atiad. 1
the ocean In Virginia altoui the year any othcrjhouitbt than of playing
He with the -pesky" bugs which were
botal aad s» which. It was aald. Washment. he waa aealed near the r^raofant papers;
excellency waa extravagantly fond of I6ST. to seek bis fortune In the New apeeiably her ride of mistress of
as thick as. hops? He tilled bis chair
togUm bad slept Baby
ment table, and observed a little giri
''Bulldog for aale. will eat anylhli
■bU flab, and was so fortunale-ma
rencomfonahly back against the rail nn-l
FluM tbe tradltlOBt
looking with lunging eyea at ihe Baad
procure IbU onef to tbe market
tury before jeton emsred the oeean. tog for the negroes, or of amustog her­ prepared to dose. The etalicr of trt» very food of eblldren.•ad from maay other aoureaa. I have
thlnsa. With bU tovaitable foadamawas the only one. air, and tbe flrat of whem tbe English Washingtons had self with her knitting. She had great
‘Wanted—A boy to be partly «
wife's Bummer iKardera on the porch
<rta4 to BMke op la my mlndY
tor eblldrea. be aald. btodly:
le aeaaon.’'
been wcarithy. King Henry VIII bail
^tsaiw a» almve blm dill not disturb blm. for
a as be
-Are you hungry, ikOa iBfir*
Widow In
given tbcm a fine Iarg<- esiau-. esilel Iwiinre.' anti on a midsummer day she tbe deacon was a “leetle deaf.- He
"But the price.
itally waa. Ito «ai a
"Tea. sir.- waa tbe rapjy.
thirty-two pairs of breeches
atano-s wishes
Sulgravc. In the munly of NortbampTbe prleeT’ dema
eltwed Ills eyes.
"Then why don't yoq lake a aaadAnnual sale
w oti; don't go else­
1 In the lliile old stone ehureh for the men working on the farm. She
Just then, down the duslrircad came
HU sternly.
where to tw cheated; come to hwe."
parish Ibe riirloiis Amerlraii had aald that she and the general
wagon had .rf a»h.-nncnk-"aummerboeu were No. 11 aad bla ordliimrr
-Because I haven'l sap fork.”
like children Just released from
"A lady wants to aell her piano as
traveler may sim see the brass (ahlet
mcred Ibe steward.
valUag aboaa Mo. it.
Ites” als..—brimming over with funi
( "Ftogers were made before f«»a.”
10 Is going alinwd tn a strong
r tbe Inmh of Ijalirenee Washing- K'hotd when hi- l.-fl I ■ prvsiilenry.
ct maaele. Duriag bla service la tbe
Take It away!
Take il
. raicblitg slglH of ihcM
■"'“Jsald the doctor, smlltogty.
le told o
saiisfaetlon In sot.
. hit wife and
i-h-ven rhildren.
said Washington, Tl shall never b-?
pn-liy girts on the upper'
vmr be weighed SDO ponndAaad
h,..! The iittu-jrirl looked al blm aad »*.
tllng down again to the 'duties of an
-Wanted—By a
ao auuag ibat be coold lift bU teat said that my table sets such an ex­
ac Mg-baiied. rithber-Isioted {
sk;,wl11tnj t takoj’’"'^'
limes came and Uiey lost their fln- old-rtshloncsl Virginia bitpst-keeper. youth, -with a-sauVy admiring glanec I
with oae band, sHbougb K nasallr re­ ample of luxury and exuavaganee!"
Angers.” — Michim
care .if children and
d a gtsid Ml
estale and bad lo move to a amaller steady as a clock, busy as.a Ik-v. and upward, sane oip liisHiy: tailed tbe suengtb of two
And so the 13 flsh was taken fnim
plaec In Brtagion, fliin-ii miles away. cheeiful as a eriekel
"I>wi —N««r MIghglic an-hway. an
place It aa Ibe camp wagoa.
"Evening, lA-wcm Haley., evcmlngIbe table, lo be devonred by the serv.
mbn-lla M-kwgtng lo a geniicraan
Hera U .another parish
ehuiirii lit
af eawM, wbMTH was Mded ap and
Mighty lljte looking lot uf Ismrders
Plenty of Tbnu Yet
The SUr of the West
Itb a lumi rib and-booe handle."
ahlrii Washingtons are burled, • On
yiiii liavc this year!"
wniipad anmbd tbe polet. WaMtlngAa the ycara went on Washington's
"A "Seh.s.l R.w.l. r " of ISIS is Ihe
A tongj^aired man walking ahxng
"Mr Rrown, Furrier, begs In an
If one of them is riii
taa (»M bold a musket with
d the tb-acon's answer went
lands Incroased In value, and whi-n he
Tune.- that he will make up gosns. the street met a little boy. ^bo sabed
s. and the faet that |- ran- I•n.-s^ssioo of a IW-trolt man. It Is
baad aad Sne U. He was a good abot died he was one of the rich-*i
tek -a strong voice had l>cwroB
ipi-s. .-te., for ladles out n< their own him the rime. T<ai ralnules to p.”
and siri|s-« across II the OMb linok of the Ranilers' .-dltion. Hali-y-'-Wal. they'd oricr ts-I I bln
•ad a good awordamaa. The pted
bla time. He owni-d lauds an
nald the man. "Wtll." aald ths tojy.
skin.”—<’lub Woman.
people to suppose thal "deslgnud as a B-ipiel to. Sand.Ts'
c( tbe fatb* aC bU epualrr mako
pickin' .bugs off'n 'em all day!':—
and hU estates araotinted
■al » o'eloek g« your hair cut." aad
Fourth Rrader." I'art flrat contains
idea of the American flag
of acres. He had bouses
be look to bis hecU and ran. Ibe ag- .
GrwaUH Coen Record.
aette. Hla fkce la dark and somber. to Alexandria and, property to Wash­ taken from the family coat of amii
griovsid after him.
Cbrrotab find. T) Times"
Tbe tretb U be had a aUo like an ington. He had valuable lands near the Waihtogtons. It Is Inicresling 1
Turning the eoraer. tbe man ran In­
English Wasblninoti.- i >'‘rirate.l hy numerous examples. ' an I
tells a story from one of its m
Irish boy. aad hU bair waa almost red.
present site of nusburg. He was
Hie Russia tmrtnj nearly one-balf
fo a jsiHceman. nearly knocking blm
irmthle Im-cxus.- they wer.-!'**"
vo""*'* «f '''l''gani exwhose veracity iperijapal Is above
Ha bad a broad cbest. but aot a full
ragbout bla life a money ranker.
le are un.l.b-tr. read-and I
tivcr. "IVbai * upT' said the poikvh
loyal tn the king in Ih,- great civil I'«> rros.' and luHSry from varlI was told -SI Alexandria lhat
el.M|urai writers, acrompanieo
\ The pcrreniagy .d lIUHra’i';. In ,
man. Tbe man. very much not of
"wfl («mes from 'he
Hu voice waa aol strong and during when he was a l••>■ he got >3 a day
Ibe G.-rmaii army l:i onlv
l.rioub. nald: "Vou sec ibn' yoang
Ington came i.. America, with many I*'"’
riplanalor. of
Iw.ntrrn j
the ChenAec S'a'ioo
hU tost days be bad a barking rough. and upwartl for Ms surveying,
liurlag I>i4 the yli'Id of
ureliln running ahmg ibera? He asked
'RoyalMs' who foanfl it im lorical or clas>lcal altoHU eyas war* cold gray, and H fa said his surplus money iiiio lartils. and an
I a rernsialk to sie
k-ranc.- ................... . u. !i2tjv:,..s« g,i1-4‘veral 1i-ssimi- coniatri "
me Ibe lime and I tolrt him |rai minpleasant
thtt he seldoB amlled. altbougb iberr advertisemeel In a Raltlmore |«per of
g-"lng along, ud
Among the iio.'lb' c-bt-Hons U one
Ih.- large-1 kti'iwn and
tites lo !>. and h>- xaid 'Al 9 o'rlocb get
to leaaoa to bellOTe ibat he bad eon• growing up fSHtte
e had »,ono acres
by Ellta
Cook. Ihcs s.'nilmfn's of double the i-rerac*- jb-bl.for the lav
“ill*’, > our hair cofaSderable bnawr abont blm. HU Done of land for sate on the Ohio river. His
' Well."
- policeman. '
grandson «>f ti<s, who was nameil
waa promlaent. He waa particular aa
I' of sight Thr.'«
n. which Is DOW kept about lisentj
George after the King, should t«- ihto hU appeareiiee and faalldloua
.tave uud..r,..,.u ... cM -he stalk
lies from Washington, in tbe safe In
his connirymeii lit driv­ an Englishwoman, flic poem Is on-; prntinc-s of He- Siamese kingd'nn. by w iHi ax-.. aiHl -ave li,. i«,- from ■ “
draaa. He wore plain cloibfe and
the uid rniirt house al Kalrlax. Va..
and l.-ior-Ier of tin- g-oernmi-tii, wblrb bps
ing King Georgi['s troops out of th. titbsl "Tbi- Star of the
s'arvaii.m. b-jfit gr-iw., *n fa.t I'hs'ways kept bimaelf well sbaven, act
gives a detailfvl stalement of eti-ry
’ lii'lii rio eiijon-d a mon»|Kdr of II.
If your old.-r hrothra or sjigi-r a.s follows;
tfc. ) < a., r ha. s In .be „me!
The Paul Jooca Cdtobratioii.
as bis own barber.
anlrlo he possessed down
in ilie
Marshal ijyams bas growa a nlsre. The Ml, 1, living tm nothing' Secretary Brauparte and Admiral
The I'lassmale you will find In There's a siar in the.west that *bail|
. Waablngtmi was an emlneaily fair ralves and sheep. Ills personal eslaitM’ver 01 down.
ifR'P bt-ar-1 whlb-'ln 1b<- field and a re- bu. raw eoro, and almadv has thrown
Idriiiit- of the "Walsh
s’‘P"ri«>l«id.-nt of Ibe asvai
toaa. He bad a quick temper, bat aa
down a.
and I
Till Ibe n-rorvlh Irf valor deeay;
>.-nl phiitograph .if blm disriosei; a .Mwta f.pK |,u.-:heU .d Cb. '
Itrlngton. and
; academy, a' a ^f.-rmce .. Wasblng, ntU be kept .It under control. Some"• this Included a vast amount
res-mlplanr.- i« Hm- la'__________________ _
. ;ioB deiernitned onn i>April.21, IMri. a*
Umes. however. It got the beat of blm.
<■ bacco. large oamtx-rs of ratilc. sheep
ThU waa tbe ease oaoe to Alexandria.1. and horses, nrarl) all of which be
CurieiN Bits.
w ith the SIOT)' of a visit which a limr'■''•'ny »>ursi in II* ray
At empis to cb.-ei, t,.,- growth -d d!of Aiimiral JoliM I’a'il Jont. This date
af tbe oonaty oClceri lold no the> willed to hla wife. This will is now
Inc wheelman made Ian summer to,®'“"
* W'ashington everjparimeoi fior«-s in Germany are (.. toa
K the annivi-twary of the capture of
atcey as we atood on the second floorr kept 111 a wnodeo box. the too of
n America, w
<1 •pecial taxes. '■
the BrlHsh manof-war “Drake" by
of tbe market bouse In AlexandriaI which is covered with glass. It was Ibl-ce q-jlet liitlr English vlll*ce*.-,J
ff>' * fireman, and thrill ncU blsj' r"ssinc w lifa He- sabs, but the el
,Gaptaln Junes. It is egpngtod that v
and looked dowa al tbe open
two some lime agn hj' “•n"'
! feci Is slight. s*i far,
tat. S.t-si „.-r-«s dltaPpear;f>..och 'sqaadbrn will be ,t .A»napolto
within It. whItU U now fllled with bun-- carriesa slgblsn-r, and since then no
Cnrpe Waahlflgtan. ,
!l* there ou-niu «if IsiRiIagp. iha’haiU | The death of Jam-s N Tyner a
r to the t atrisl Slat. - and .t ,tat ,ioe There was a desire to
dreda of boMha where tbe
le has been allos-.v) tn handle It. The
■ ■ an t-i-iato vatibsl at atoui ^
nut Hie word
.-Washington a few m-mtbs ago bav
hranl from again.
„ .,„y date, but II wax found Im'bring tbelr produeta for sale on marcount books which am kept to
As th- Ib'ihlebcm star of the west! ""'f Hh-*' 'if 'be iKlnraw men wli-.
riirawts-rri-s d-rfro
.|s)»iibl<- to eompiei,. arrangemoBta.
Itol days. "It was on that ,poi. " ealJ
kle dcpartmoni whow that Washing-{ h.. wa tbi'Brst and only presbU-ti'. .'j, V
'east the bs-noral vote of Indiana fur
tbeodoer. -WashlnglM waa kaoeked
n wa* vt-ry careful about keeping a-!rb.»ea u nnimousiv.
.M.raham Lioco-n.
' *-1d strong on-rawg,,
j'lvenlle di-flnltioi
"Iiuid to
down hy Ltevl. Payar. lUync
I record of Ms expcnaiiures.
,to n„cr made a
......................... :
'» "-le— ».-i.
Il the juice aqua.
e for tbe legislature agalnsi
Was th'- «cho that woke in bis Un.l;
The curluus thing aUiul hls ac-tM. Iraig public cor.
-b'l «>f (icewH.n King l>-s fs-rlmi-M wtifa a pfc-ui-rf;ra;,h in taking. a„i,
tow dtal't mean to
Fairfax af Tlrftola. Washington sup­ eouBti if that there wa* almost al |
ut P -wa. not bis voire ibat promoted'
He o*etcls.-d the
is.wer twicc:‘'“'
Pfumlted his,.-r as she wa- *
an-wer* to q-ue-tion.
.nd it
BI Itself. " *A (ao IK
ported PUrtag. and when he
the crj-.
I «ys a deflcleney at the end of thcito th.-eight years ..r his presid.-ncy,
dying that he would-neviT sign hi- Asked In ih-fiu-iKnanary exanloa'ion. a
a thing
thing to
x r.nish warmth off wltb ”
Payae here, be made a remark
Not bt< madness -c
thal kindled Hm-i.
I yW which be cfmld not account I ..........................
- lu. -n,
-'Sali „„
maV'-s v.eir potatoes taiie bad
Fayae coiuMarad aa toauii,
'liTHl* made no differenre.
and hU hair was a dark bruwn
1.- no dl.puii
. sft'-n f»ru don't p;P any on."."Aa paiPayae knocked him down. The story | with his storting the new year w ith n
e raised noi bis arm. be defied not i
*a*slxf..,laud.«otocbe*hlgh””"‘.”'^'"^‘'''“^-*“‘^’'"^"'^^rt^.s -ss. ________ .... .
At*'•« said.
lireila la a friend who has msef ops
went Uke ltgb,tnlag tbRmgta tbe t..sT.;f,t»h mxounb for one Hem at ihts
/ ,
-OaaOt.of.the Lacgeat Man in the
and tjowfis in ib« wt»ld "
that C«. WartUngtno waa, killed, and Ume U a. follows: "By cash, flther .
IMS farTsTow^
1^1 ,K_
MfiHv a laf of the Olive rema'ln.-d; ’

aomanf hla troop* whn ware atalloneJ I lout, stolen or ncgleeled lo charge :
-- i>r an attack cf «m II
Pf an aitm-k Cf smallpox.
at Atox^drla rttabed to aad wonld it, .^unds. * .hillings and ,1 pence.', „o
. v.-r, good boraempn-mul
kava madr abort work of Payne bad
»">><' of riding. «clng. drivteg «,d
Waahtagton oot prereated them.


''•“"P Kcelrt. known as "Indiana «'
•even.hundrs^i.pound man,' and sa.-l

Uke a hing-ltafted Hon unebatoed.

If’•ffafarat man In ihe.*.wld./1b d
recrttiy at bla borne !n'gtlk-svill-.
Th ' i-H Wl 1
' hunting.
1 He gtruck with flim
the blow f Kreigh'* weight oftec'r» acbed *
Througb bis letters now rraned hy; HU ”Fkrc«ell Addrc»." published
of the brave,
; hundred and sevcmydJvc pounds
Utai tbu was a peraonal malter and the govcnit
S^P^-nher 15. KM. Is .me of the iqo.t
But .*1gb.-.I oer i
tbmt be ttnew bow to handle IL Every
lage thalfwa* over six, fret tall. I.o' bU lex
there eorreapondcace which show*' ptiiound doivtmi
r pt'onrd byi
SM tboagbt Ibat thl* meant a dnel. that be was very hard op al times, lo ' an American.
. ,
were very small, ,'wben being mv
e indignantly trampled the yoke of!nred f.w clothes it required two |
Tbe aexi day Payne got a note from Kgs he wrote that he could get no!
He was
wa* a
a member trf the Masoair
1 no I
the stove.
mrasuremvnt., a.
Waabtofton asking blm lo come to the whMi OB credit, and that be
But wept for the
botol. Hr eapelced n duel but wem. cash to pay for H
Three yea
later: tog. If not the only
‘!/°/^”* ***^**”
»='«»rrach a


PtAatM lo bU black eye and told them

Laito. gatio to Italian,
by building a n«-*t In tfae praurbe* o'
gain to Portugueul- and Bpaalsii. hot
a bleb tree, toying fblrteeh egg. In I
Hollrt. kot* to Rtmriaa. ktal to s
and batcjilng H.irtree chirhm«.'wblc1i •
Turklab. csth -to Welsh, kaih In Oatshe broogh' safely to ibe ground with ; '

He ftu tbal be bad been

•Me mood.

»o I*r the It,no#

... ..

which he d«ref him. and aaya he

esiwetolly the harp, on which hU step-,


out a*«l«unc*-.
The h“D. skieh I* a croaa Sriw.
Lrarborn i
* Domlnlqu..

to nasqtie. and fax or kata
to Arm.-BUn.
«- TOitaB pbrateton to Bo*.
Pietoben b »»

yenn oM, but U laM to be auil
i active.

Mrs. Prsbh brar «ad tSmer Daaaa
I Mw la telstloa to the tobellac of caa- |
hoardiae aa Int.
■fcWM, Mick. FMi. It.—WIIBi •tdmad to rraaarse Cttr altar
o was seat tolThe word ■maple- eaaooi Ic arrl .• t-.fiic la an oppoatte dirernion from his
■ aad tm tare bot«« iMr bon rMt
it «ttb iVto
the aajtam from Nonfapon Dee. 9 label of sap m’xturo vd «
He gave hU inn-'as wiell a* a psM F-Dtineni
mm Wesfo)*.
Bora. to Mr. aad 1
IbOS. died there Tlutrsdar at '
large annlng^mpaay t V> am one name as FraV RursH'. pboded not t-ltogy to ptnaw ds>* wh<a dsrlpc
ngret t» we ikeo iwre BbenokB.
of heart disease at the ace
sugar lo Us product Vs been rroulied guil-y an>: will to tried Feb.
iTK-a npcD<-d npa ihvM- pithb- « 'wm*l< A TRACY LAY. F
n* teMilr «Ui Bot au*e M pn
tblrtr^re resn. Deceased e
to cake Ue maple leaf off Us lalM-1.
Tii- rl.-siiug Ilf the Mnskigim rlier and ih* ri«-ar Iwraciv jamin.-il wlili
■■Mr B. O. ftmttfA ■D«Uet IW
Bacinaw aome time ace sad bad made
A. GARLAND. taUar.
A amooth stranger In ippieal Modem -ipwaiM from Us moolfa. now being
■MfaffA PreM AuoelMleB mt Otud bar Meada at bar borne Wadawdar bis hoaie at Narthport aad Sottona attire, necored tz from Pr. Branebcaa done by the Muskegon SaMga-bm lnw« wbM w«r rot In mill* nianiBg
aeoa. The itaw was afaaaallT Bar. The remslai wlU he aU|med hr and Attoraer J. J Zimmer at Lsaiilv »apaiiT aV tbe MarJ^egno Log IJft.
■ra. Dr. a
ipaot aad a food dUmar was serred. Dadertaher Aadersoa to Chlcaco for oe the plea Uat be was a strudod lUig an-l Opcrs’lnc eumpaoy. draws atCAPITAL. BSOOiOOO
r. atn. Seott asd t«o ebUina, a after which oU left. Maar iina of barUI. where hli pareou aad other Ifpire name siudeot aad was trying m j i.-niha — till- p-is-IWllito i-f Ibis
r*v4«7>iwt week.
leBNabrabce of the oeeaskm were telaUTet reside.
get tark to college. He was arrewt.-d |
fvikw <,1111711,* Of i.fac Hu>-k.'i;,m %.,r
H. B. Ststtenuil of Ovwao U iq
|y>»«T* for .-Wiriral par|..u-. Th
Mr. aad Mrs. D. 8. Klea spnt Sobfuror at gig*>trOn«A
BbaUv Mim bwB
One of tbe jurors in .Tburadsy’B
dar at the home ol Hr. OrliiBer at
ease Ic Circuit conn ol Ceorcr Hills
bar rooac (riaedt laA PrUar evaataji Neaaea air.
Bocen VI. t. M. Winnie, wna Bamuol
«1U a aM«b ride. Thar rieltad
boM of bar aoat aaar Tama, wbare
Carulbers of Fife Lake. Colon tovaHONOR.
tbar matrad a ten beartr watema
Hoaor. MIeb.. PV^ lt.^bleS Craw, abip. who. iboocfa be Is in bts McbtrSaUekaa rafraohaanU were aerrad ford of rraakfon was la tow* ooe dtp drst >Tsr. is still bale and heerty ant
r-t u-rtir-.. Whii. nmld «D.I O-hiiiq
what It was tboucbi Vt nlcbi for a
aad aU rteraed to tbdr bniaa after lat weeh.
and apon. a* writ S7 U-auty aivni; ii
lime tVt the jury wMld remain oo’
baaMi apaat a ten bevn araaioc.
It is nerve
that runs
Dato RepBolds of Bm^re
all nlgbl, he was appr^bed as l<> hu tltc organs of your body, llie
TV Udlaa- aid aoctatr at iba Coa
■w* tost PHVp.
abilliy to Band lb« strain and he re­ siorafje battery is tlie nerve
Mr. aad Mrs. i. Crime were at Trsv- plied that he was as able to stand i:.
celts in tire brain and spinal
we atp iasi Tbarsdap. I.'b-rtvlr |.•wT-ri In the WurW. E,. n
as anp other member of ihe jarp as he
Mr. WarVaa of Thompeoarine was aever reiired when home before lo' cord, and from this battery
iiu-w. ttii* fcin-r .,f .nTr ;.*■» hoTv.nen'c force is sent out ihrouffii
Is town tost week.
o'clock aad always me at S u'dork In , tlie system of nerves. To keep
Tba Bloa rerleai aMMlaci
batac haM la tb« MalhodlK charch
Ue mominx. He abova no os-Meoee! file body healthy you must
rae Olp tost Moodap.
!arl> In
r,.„hlv. wh.rr ,b- ------- ----------------------------------------that he has elchiy yesrs chalked
tUawpak. TUs is the Iftb week aad
have plenty of nerve force; if
Wealer Smith of Wallla spesi Bob- against him sod while In privste
tel...... .. to.
you have not. the organs
origans wv
dap with bis parents at thto place.
Mill doe* bis own ptoochlnc on Ue imperfectly, the circulation
dortag tv aertea. maar aooU barlDc
m. to Hr. aad Mrs. WUI Gordon, i farm ai Fife Lake aad la fact, per­
baoa bnmeht to Christ. la maar wars Saadap. m. 11. a bop.
slnggislf. digestion bad, ap|
liiiihiv di-x-lnptnf-nt*,
—- - - ___
forms the IsVr still of a yoimc
thto is tv BOM tallsfaetorr rwlral
tile poor, kidnevs inactive,
e. and
owkMd la Bbennaa.
Th<- Jsi-k.'on
aches, pains and
TV BaMera Btan bMd
•r John IKmrIng and wif,- «f lu-troii.
the penally.
Battons Bap .MIeb. Feb. JC.—Ur.
btoMlac !■« FVldajr aftamoaB at tbe
h-> *.111 ibvlr I hrp--yrar.old rUld
You can keep
Mamtoki ball for praettoe. as all tV
11- li«*|disl fiin-nng with ),|>1«n-|
few daps la tow* vlsltlac retotjres sued to silly Boo buslneai men to si' Rtronc with Dr. Mil
sOoan arc aew. It to the air of tbe
r. and ifc. n ■h.a|.|>p*rnd.
ling nerve
It assists in Bcneraiii
and retaraed home pralerdap.
tend a moegng tooigbi to organ
dhactar to Vre the work perf<
energy: it sirengt'(hens the
F. B. Clark made a Vsiseas trip to Mric federatloii that shall ui>e a
SaaM maUla taade a
In tbe coming campaign. It Is charged
trip to New Wexford Moadar.
s.vstcm strong and vigorous.
JiTaei .a. Prapae drove to Harrletta
~l Iskv pb^ran- la rr’-amn'-ndlng
la tosh tost Baadap.
lb- ISlIra' A'^rvtnc to those sxiU-olhg
pwetarVp, nfamiac last eranliic.
from firmnis rroatrwtloB. Ia»-tiilil.t
Dr. BlepleV el LMabd was la town clans. B'bo represent eorperaie inli-r- snd
Afirr rrirrol
Jamea McOlaa and wUe aow eoa
rufterirg from *l>ov«
owe dap thto week.
etls IVt profit thereby. It has Iw-cn Imonth*
tba rooras la tbe Btwwwell booae.
iHi-d thb- mrd|r<m- '*nd found Imnrtellrf, II soothrv and strongltiMi*. Qsldep aad Mra. Carp, who JoteV tmboou la banllac togs here discorered'tVt the city pumping plant dlMs
Mini's Shcb- Ihat
mi the Incl-vre. eha*es amay lh>
tJfe Wilhelm lllk. Cits, rbone 14«
Is rannlng behind vnuslly liecauMgloom*' *h
*nd d-rr^wlng thought* sod
ware caltod hare bp tbe.death of tbeir
give* Ihe
Caron A Co. are Vvlag manp bolts an oaomous waste of water, and It
Mstor, Mrs. Biward' Catler, returned
and hojaa.
il .-til IpKsI
alleged that rvnnfactatiag eonrems •torer.
to ivir hoaea la Oewad Bapids toM dettvered In their psids these dapa.
eouiiti't* II
P. B Clark and JoV OU drove lo
stealing water. The per capita
Madiron. Wiscncrln.
want yon to
Or. ^11**’ Haset C«T» 1* asld by
Ml*. Demxe Beat. wV has beee so Letond last Frtdap.
! W*yto Cotmt kook 8U«, DRBOIX
whereas ll aboold be le
ID at tv borne ol ber so*. Dr. D. L.
ha nrlll raCuoe your manay.
than too galilloB*. Three and one-bi
BeaM paaaed awap this aomlac.
Shoe Store, opp. Wbiilng Hotel
L. E. Bahle and wife were Traverse million gnIluDS are '
Uiles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind
dally, but i
' ' d ,wV was
effort lo iDsiall mete
^ Bap. did not reach .her side belbre City vtoHors Thnrsday toat.
TV Bnfcea Heart social givee by Ing plants IVI eontnil big bunrhen of
E Beau came. Mr. and Mrs. Roae came
f tt TMt their aoo daring Ue boUdaps. Ue First LuUeiaa charch Wedaewtoy votes has been blocked for several
Interesting developmi-ni
2 Mrs. Soaa was taha* aariouslp UI aad dvMUng was a gtaH saeeeaa
V. and Mrs. Alvin Vavoover
are evpeeted at ihe meeting.
t, sut n<B Vie to tetnr*; to her home.
NerUmrrt vme ap on Ua 0. R. A J
Paul Knapp, a bilf brcci Indian t
aiv and vpeel
Beaton Harbor, has been appointed b
SowU Bonrdmnn. Htob. Feb. M.two WlU Hni.
Prasldnt Roosevelt as a cadet a
• Bw. Shslts drove to BosU Vrini
rrenu. Hr. and Mrs. J. Daetter.
West Point. HJs appointment ram
V tVedarTV logs are still being hauled Into about through hU own oBorts. assist.
MV Anna Tootbees stoited with VII yards at the rate of about 3u
e<l by those of Indian Commissioner
. frtoada In FUs Lav Baadap.
toods a dap. Maple are bought bp B. Lenpp. The young Indian 1s but lit
...^Mi*. Dr. UicSB ef Melvla. Sanitoc K. Rickard of Letond and by U B.
yvra of age. He was bnm at lbeodstp. Ttoliad Mrs. Frank Leach'
Bahle. Peterson's mill doing the sawPottawslomlcs at Hart­
Ivr daps laM waU.
lag for both parties.
Mrs. Loadu«9a was la KnlhasV Mrs. John Uinep returaod to Trav­ ford; Mich, Fob. fit. IWB. Hlsm.shvr
ilanghtrr of Pel.-r Pokagon.
erse City Hondsp sfter spending a few the serood chief of tbe IMiu«ai**mi.-.
Plate Glass, Steam Boiler and Accident Irteurance.
Bdwart DavlagbBtg vtoitad wlU daps with her hnsVad wV to baying
bear IVt name. Paul Kvpp bn.
Ms sister at Fife LaV Bondap.
logs here for B, N. RlcVrd.
lieen a resident of Benton Harls>r
Mr. aad Mrs. Roherl McTsggtrt vUI one >-fwr old .-»•
BaB srtU friends at Vm Boardman
cep! wVt lime be was absent ai'en-l
W "
A number of Ue olddime friend* Ing school. He atlendral the pulilhMrs, Kerfaert Mrptap went t
nnd nMghbom of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. sebnols In Benion Hartor until he
kaaV MoVap higbt to visit with Beadle were their gueMs last Wedi
reached Ue higher grade* when he enRoom StO New State Bank Building.
Traverse C
tnsVs a tew Vpa.
Ue occasloo of their Ibinlelh lerrd ( he Haskell Insiliuie for InBoVr McTaggait has traded hli wedding vBlversarp. at their beauti­
Here he made a good n-conl
heavp draft team to Hr. Btaddea fm ful home on Bute alrect. The roonv
Us driving team..
were fiacrwal with IV odor of rxwos
MV laex Ttaep aad Deaete Helms and violets, nnd great towls of yellow- cadet was very high. Last fall hkrole Commissioner lAUipp telling him
were ia KalhasV FHdap.
■|pa which changed winter lam about himself and hit desires, wi-li
Mrs. Wm. Dick vtoitad Ue Dr. Nle•ing. DuHag the evening a floral Ue resuU iVt be received his an
hardt tsaUp BtmBtp.
lore Btorp in the form of qaesUon
sooner lhan he ei
tout 'V'our IWIOIME'Y’ In Our
TWtottara at Ue H. B. Uurch Son» red and white heartdap aigbt bp Profeanor Oeaibart of aVped card* canned much amusement, pected.
Having nn hallurlnallon lhai InLumber. Lath, Shlnples. Doors and Windows.
Batolo. N. T. on -TV Vlldlng of and one of tbe feature* was the readRails. Spindles. Brack­
Man.-was torgalp atteaded bp an np- lag of IntereMIng items from a Grand 1 Inventive genius. August Peters
year*, of SniUb's Creek. Is t.i
ets, Stair Work, Interior Finish. si.M-k .,r
preetotlve andlcVe.
Traverse Herald of 1878. giving an aeI. Clair county jail and appllrr
Pnttrms. Siori- FronUnn.i Fixtun-s nn.l niiy otli.-r kin.l of alinp
Ml*. JoMph Barn went to Man- edont of tv wedding of Mr, and Mr*.
dor mill wort you nre in nof.1 of. Dry liiiiiU-r iilwuy* in sbkik.
oaloBa Moadap to attend the fortieth Beadle, which toiHc place at 8 a. m'. «m
wedding nuiveraaiT of Mr. nnd Mrs. Moottoy. Feb. 14. 187S.-UI* early hour Ela*rf insaae aad *cnt to an asylum
Eatiinntw funiiBliitl by phono ur h-tb r.
Prior* frequently becomes vbdem arBarea of that place.
>s Pnena. sai aau. I«B.
brtng nve neceaaarp In order
W. U Srovn, M
nights ago drove his family <hii
A Ug anpplp of lee to VIng Mored eatch Ue T:M a. m. irale. the o
In ibo ti-ro weather In ihelr nlghi
awap bp Ue aeverni mersV
train dnllp. which bronght them
rkitlK-s. Peters believes be Is a wb
Grand Vplds abont 4 p. m. of
ard. and IV things lie things be hnOil. Piionc :tOS. Beli 3H0
Tniv.-^- rity. Mil'll.
Mrs. CooMns of .Manbm visited
dap. lo those dspi this was fast invenled would make Thomas Eilisni
friends and retoUrea here a tew daps
loMc like a second
At the cooclusloa of tbe readlag. re
A new method of drying sugar
Is VIng cxvrilDeuled with al Ihe Me
ter Portland. Ore, where Uep will
nominee sugar farlorv. The l•eel* are
make tVlr Mtare borne.
CV*. Hantlep tad wife Vve mored mlBoe plet. fried cakes aad poBec. aiM placed In an air-ilgki kiln eontalninc
steam pl|ie*. but with a cold floor
modern of Ice cream la heart This comlilaallon serves lo evaporaia aad family will •
beet*, causing them to shrink In
iMwapp Ue bowse rwcaatlp Vllt bp Dr. gel's food aad fruit cake.
but at Ue name time ir. lose m>nB .B Nlebardi on his fsm.
Hr. sad Mrs. Beadle Vv* gathered of their sugar pmdaring quallllct. If
U Blevar aad av George Maned to Ueir old friends about Uem
Ihe new method luwmo* pracilrabb
Bay for Ban Fraacdne, Ckl.
oeeaskm of every fifth wedding an
I cave a great deal in freiglu
MV LbUa Bebnits Is as
nlrersaiy since their marriage at charge* aad also la fuel al the toclory.
King* reetaarant and oandy kttdi«i. tost evening Ue guesu all received
buy ' i'.ajl Al TOM.tTKV When
aay that
besides preaervlng the l>ecis through
'i;t>I ■ is the viTy b.-at ni;i- liini' iiiaih-. tec .knon
cordial lavluUoB to meet with them the freezing period.
Our <-noTmnas sales of this w;i< hine
WaUin. MV. Feb. 18.—WVer cm their UirtyState Dairy and Food CommUstoacr
iiiny p'rf<-< tly satialii-il - _ ..... ....... . ,
BVU vtolted bto paranu to Honor
. C. Bird will act with Ue fbod cum
larhiiie has !H-v<-r hail an t-ju.'il—that no other niBchino
ever Bandar
isxtnncr* of nearby states In an eu
ijule will do the work
lork *o .jiii-'kly.
.jiii- kly. ao g.*>l and*o
and to cawilr
s. _Kate Marua took la tV dance al
deavor to rtd the market of spuriou>■ Bell lli'-ni
this wiiaher, W-sell
ih.-ni oil
on 1(0
;i0 <lay
.lays’lime. If yon
maple angar and aynip. the appmacb
Wc have common everyday Lamps at very low
want H wahlier it will pay you t>> in
Obeeler Matiill vtolted hto'pareau
the mcriu
of Ihe making seaaoo Vlng proplilouprices,
Nickel. Moodap and Taeedap.
Darrow of Ue Second ward, and MV for such an undertaking. It u bellered.
Plate Lamps we have reduced the price from $L7.'t lo
Mr. aad Mrs. Oeo. Bwlft________ Grace Purklu ot Detroit, daughter of The sale of adulterated synip cannot
$1.45. There are just live left. If you want Neat's
t Vatag UMr Vogbler. Mrs. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. CVries Purklai ef V prohibited, bm the rommUslaoer
> from BtoworU.
Noiihpori. wore united la marriage. will endeavor lo enforce strictly Ue
Foot. Lard, Caster. Gas Engine, or Separator Oils wc
TVee has
The bride was atteaded by her stout.
can furnish them in any quantity. Wc draw your
Dili I'oatotEce Boikling.
I* lo Ue nebool bf vtttog op Ue Hlsa Mabel Purkis* of Korthpon. The
special attention to the separator oil. h will make
•ew plMares wUU w«r^ pntvAased brtde was neatly gowned la a light
J «1U tv proceeds
tV vtCiVla- traveling suit, wing jnM arrived from
your work easy. It only costs you 40c per gallon, al­
T Deuoll on tbe evening tVn. a wedthough we sell it in any amount. Neat's Loot Oil and
'KcBI* Bpe Is again to school after ding supper was served at Ue resi­
Lamp Black will make good harness oil. You can get
. V ahaeace of fOar weeks nos..i
ts groom's fniber, at wbiefa
both of us.
- bp saartoi fever.
only Ue I
Bare yon ever tried the
■ retojivet were
fbor«' are several seboUn Vacsl
If you want •ome of the above goods, please give
Tl«:«n -Taas and OefVda
troto school on aeokiot of bad wsaUI’am Uclr pretty home oo Ue oor
us a chance.
or and d
Bar of Spruce and Bay MneU Is comTh^
i tlxU
grads to ariUmsUc has pletod. Ue ypung eoogde will resiile
BttMtd rraeUew aad are dolag nicely lU Mr. Darrow'a parents oa Bay
AM making up for lost tJms.
TV Bttb giadstw^ar* Basp to
BoU young people Vve a heat of
•ALSUf mmtem
They ire the be*L St*: ooly by
trlaads to UU Mip and Ue bride, who
has many frlead* to Kerthgon wto
will wish them BMhtog but Vpptoee*
B*e Kama ^a>oga«
and ptoeperttp.

Tnverse aty Slate Bait




Your Nerve


Tf Vou Ulant

the Best

Rsnland Dauglass






W. J. HIGCfflS



Tire Insurance!

Roney lo Loan on ImproTcd Rea! Estate Only.


Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Cedar Shingle iTimber.

Craverse eity mig. 0o,

South Side Cumber £o.


Lamps, OiKans
and Oils

Washing Wachm


Kemp’s Balsam

Ho^al tiger pJi


C4r«Btt Court.
aldered that the witneaa need not bare
Inerlminated hlmaelf be did not
Ptmb Tbw*d«^ Roceri.
At t o'dock tea eToafec (be Jorr alder that be waa an nnprejadieed wlttit (feo Buuce COM ot Oeorte MOte
aa for ibe people but rather l^eJ
abteM the defendanl and took the
water and ie
to tho coon tbu tber vere usable to ■land na an unwllllnc witneaa for
•TTfeo at a rerdlet sad vere tberefore people. Furthermore, the court atated.
dladatBSd. Tber aood aeeea tor the he had been teformed that Brookmey.
headpIsiBtJB sad «Te (ST the defendaat asd
had stood that oa erery ballot rroto quartera for a band of robbera, wbo
bad ao teaiifled while belna tried for

■w «o Find Oat.

irk. pawlnc Ibe roSin lopay the teat tribute to the dead »o»ereten.
Heinrich Conrcld. the idol « ibe
ulira^aahlonahle. mualf-lovln* Sew

York, it a common paroled priatmer
by the autborillea with
latlOB the Sabbath by
Vtrdl> Boqnl.>m Man» In ibe SIHro-;
your hoea It ti poUiao'ibcater. for ooeey. Ia»'!
aaeened befoiv ih-j
ate. Ihnr we.-e prv=-'
§ fr4i
SutM Commlaaloner Fitch at Cbarle
Wmltack's ibeaicr nad saw
cltr was taken op at the afternoon roll recently and If no he consiilereil
•black jface" ac;, and alxi a 'nrami.
asaake ]«sterdar and a jorr aceared
place that harbored robbera or aaa 2'rbKlr.f Pri^hat the Udneyt and Uad- aci" in custume.
ihe puiforma.hcH
with bot mile trouble. Hetan. SlooKh- looked upon an a place of prutertibn
aa giv.-n as a bi'B. fli f-.r the TreaVhatle
toa. trarellliis rapreaeaiatlre. and Victm^ PalBier former aecrataty of (he

It eomfori li the knowledge «
rs-club of America. J. H. Sculltou.
eftea espresaeit that
Kilmer': Swamp- Binnager of that Iheater. Is acc-jsc.I
Rooi, Ihe great kldne;______,_____
:y remedy iuHiUs every
Ing rfaeumallsm.
umallsn. -psin
-esin >a the tr!ih;,Mr. Omreld.
o in altendaaee a
Jan KuU'Uk. the vi.dinist. bad
er aad every
eve! part
urinary pusage.
which had been taken before the o
coTTcqf: Inskiliiy
•ngagi-l to play ai A mu-ical
Nea V«i„
1 S o'clock Ihia aflemoon the jury artoeorbeer.ei
overcome: thai laialeaant
...... *■" l.-aniid
soltlac attorney the cane lieioa eared
he cape of the Mlcbinn IluRsy Co. aece»i;yo( being
for by B. 8. Pratt.
Ferrta Implemenl Ci>. retunKal
ielv li.lg.-iihj- with tl..-ir f.««l.“
8ott la beiBB proaeeoled for dam'jiliH .ll.-iitry. Kiils-lik said, would t
•dmary edect of Swai
a«aa alleced to hare been Inctlm-J
reailred. 11 rands the hi
i|M-nnii ii. 'Th'- •■nime.-m. ni was nia
deriul cures oilbe —
throocb a eaoecUalloa ot no order for
evening aeseloD was
ihrouj-li l!.-rrr.,i.ri-da'iil KiilH-lik a
ifyou aeedemed:
nereral ear loade of eutiera, vhich the
'll* hav*‘ r*-ri-lv''d $d,i*iii. fur ki-i >*<
has). Sold by driiggidj
feraer oodor eoalract. had ahippe divorces, la-o of which was gramisJ
You may have a s
to the teller, but vhlefa they refoacd llie Ibiril ihst of Cora Lovell
Unusual roldfhas kilk-d tli*- sug
lloai 1/ivell. the atnmey fur Ibe com­ and a book that leUaMM^
to aeeepL The caao binaei upo
cn,|ft- of Scviii.-. e'adlr. Malaga atidl
dUMtloa vhelher k-tnotraet ilven In plainant being Gfsuge Cnma. iN-inT more ehout It. both aenl^^MR S|ia!ii. and
ebiolutely free by mall.
■ JLil
detail in which It la expreaaly atlpol taken under mlvisraiiinl. Thomas
address far. Kilmer A
I'*-Bted that there ahall be no raaeella Giles was granted a dirorcs- fmoi i:iU Co.. Bioghamtsn. N. Y. V/nen vrhingmen- Ucouilne
•- (VHintry. pillaging faruiM
Gllca upon Ibe charge eg di-wrilon, tlOB reeding thu generous oiler la this pe;er. ]
tloa or eounlennandlOK. eaa 1>e muni'
Id |ir.»lxinn stores, ai.d

r Oo.. a

“ “ ■ --

emaaded by one party within
kBIor^talkw of the law.

the ihere being two minor children,
sixteen jx-ars and- one cloven years

SSi'S S ■s j"' ....... .

DonY make any mistake, bui rememlwr! il.r.-ai.-u 1
I1M> riili'.

he laili-r who will remain will. Sa«i!?^®iSltta^r'‘
Durtne the taomlns acailoa CSiarlca
H.Y.. cn evdy boitle
lOther. May HcOueen was alr-o
Rennie a menbiw of the Arm under
Indlclmenl waa called to the aland by granted a dlvoree from her husbaan,
the ptalDtUTa attorney and be aiauxl Nelson UcQneen whom she cbargisl work under ili<- I.wdprslilp of Itonald
habitual drankciieas and descr- E. Ilaic* of Ihe minor works, sn-l
that the order under conalder
There is one ehlld, Louise, a to every- .letail which
year old who reihalBi wlili the mother.
inirihiiii- fa tin- ronvcnieticc an-l
During yralerday afternoon's ses­ c.-jiafoTt of the deUuta'e*. I’lV-Milctii
prored nnaallafaetorr. aa had foi
ahlpaeau which had beno reccired sion. Ihc case of Leo Hornsby va Wal­ Chamberlin of Uelruli and bis fellow
the remalBlDB ahipmenta belOR can­ ler C. Renton, a replerin case was eon- officers of the Michigan uni« ar-opied for that reason. The correa- liiiied over Ihe term upon the notion busily Migag.vl in arrunging ihc lin,.
posdencc. bowerer, which waa ad- of the ailomeys, Underwood & Umlor
e plaimlir, who suted that a
ttiltad as bearina npon tbe case showed
that baalneaa waa dull and tbe firm material wliueas wai absent add
ware aaable to dUpoae of'the remalniBf fblpmenb Followins the leatlnaaay of Hr. Rennie. Vktor Palmer
waa racalled aad atated that the let­
ters baaMef upon the ant^. were
dated Oct. 7. 1W4 and Dee. e. iPOf.
tbe latter letter a coantenpand ot Ihe
order and a neaaajte by with belna
reeeitred after the
BUde. He stated that the freight bill
of the returned aM|
wRh f demurrer charge of «i for
dP^^ere where the goods could noi

w^d bo nnablwdo^eqd.
case ot “Hio Michigan Biiggy
>1 Co., was all
in at tbe close of Ihe afternoon seasioa
the arguments being msdo this morn­
ing followod by Ihe charge of Ihe eotiri
which was very brief. Judge Mayne
in bis charge sUted that the plaintiff!
«ere enilUed to damages, flrsi. wblcf
would be Ibe difference between the
market price and the eoalract price

aita.-k thi- tend iiWD*-r>. In
tel:-,- iiumU-rs of ivv.pllus-n fed by inililir siibecrij.lioii
ih<- priH.-nt lime, but the loss •>'
crops piiK.aii Mid to this Ins.dar a
ih>- greaier li’inilit-r of unforiunai'


»'>' ccncrmi

William iUrk.-fHler. the Siimlai.’
maguaii-, k>-gan an -artlun ai iau
fe'T y*»rs ago. against an old army
'e'erwn naiuMl Lamorc. for lr•■s|a^^
■KUirieeuI noe's.
at Mal.,ti.-. X. Y. T!i.' Jury tv-tiin.vd ;
a of nddresses . and conferences verdict in fai or of Mr. Kockffvib i
aeciiring speakers and lesuiers fnr and awanlnl biro Ik cvtiK daiusK--.
a. These workers arc aiiilrlpaiiug Ijniurr.'s aitomcy aj.pcab- dihe rax
Lansing; Nov. Il has taken aboct a do.-xm lerms. titn
it Is still .In Ike eouris. R.wk.-f.-ller
1.2. Sand 4 I
Michigan Christ ten Endeavor day ii Is trying to gLi his IS wnu ami 1-a
> be ohaerved by the socielles on m.iiv is iryliiE to tes-p fisttn paying li.
Unsid.-ti' H.-rs.-vel't has r.-que.t.-J
Sunday. March 11. In cummemuration:

the formatloti of the Miehteaii. the Am.Tiean Uivie auc
M.-rchaiiis' as-ix-iaiion of .N.-w
Christian Qideavor unlim nIni-iM-n
years ago. a special printed program' Yoik. Il.roMvI. ^.g-n-lary U.irl, to e .ii
ith Canadian aiiili.irilles willhaa Wa prepared Tiwe dlstrllm-'
I 111 vi.w ..r Bgr.-eing upi.n si;n:.lion in any desired quonMiles. to ih
l.•gi?U:iI* to preset*- ih<societies which apply to them by wri;
aad also they were entitled lo recover
of Niagara Falls.
Ing lo the correspondiag secretary. E3tbe accencary expenses lo which
Eda-ard H. Harrlmati. the raiiroa-1
ward T. Undsay, .f Saginaw,
company sraa put by tho failure of ibc
man. will build a b-n mile prlvale
program Includes greetings from
defendant to acrepi the consii
ed sod«y aild Michigan union officers ley line m fals new nilllUiii dollar r<-sj
lo freight and demurrage. At Forest Uke, X. Y. The linresivjtislvo readlnga and songs w-I
pereonal expenses which Ihe
wHi nra^ the Newburgh Junction
wilt make a good mmlng for pny
had incurred the court ruled
on the Erie, throagh' Tmeiio an I

aftemooB aeatloa opened wl
%bert P. Ferrla on the stand aa 1
A|wnBesa for tbe defenar. He w
«er direct
Ibe teslimoey bearing upon tboae
mitll b o'elotA arhea Chariea Rennie,
not suffirieni and of bereaay
who bad oceapied tbe witness stand
fhcrefon! noi 'admlaaahlr.
dartag tbe momlag. where be
t the oifacr hand the court held
called by tbe atlnmey for the proaco were ccrlaln damigea which
egUoa, was called by tbe aiiomcys
defendanta were enlilled to by
for the defAae.
He waa asked
on of dtffecllve malerial in tbe
Btau Ibe eondllioB of tbe abipmeni of
dgnmentt which bad l>een accept­
CBttan recelred in Korember. WM.
ed. but aa they bad boen deducted
aad alae of another ahlptnent in 1»0t.
from the Invoice price adiliilunal dam­
he staliag that both coeslgnmei
ages could not again bo awarded,
were not aa they were repreienled
summing up the various araounu
be. Be later went Into detail ai
damagea which were prcsonled before
their ftally eoasiracUon. In support
.<« hli leadnwny he bad as aa axblbl: he court for adjnstmant. the Insirocr.
on to the reilring jury
a bmkeo.'piRtlon of one of the cutters
'From the total amount which tb<vbleb was sbosm In crldcnce.
plaiotlffa claims they are en'IIled
yon win deiiuel
dosed tXTk aTtemoon.


■edtmeat o


Q There is do q>eci6c (mconsumpbon. Frt» air, ez>
erase, noanshios food and
Scor’s Emulsioo will come
preUy near oirine h. if there
is anything to buiid on. Millionsof>f
diroiighout the

worid are

faviag and in good

heahb on one lung.
9 From time immemorial tbe
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. Th^
can take


Nervous Women



WWW tiToral>>e. “While I am not dis- Chrbllan Kndeavorers of ihe xiaie the
siaiion Ihreaiened with!.n!{ Xoihi
Ihinp will rrl-eve this rtiv.rrsv-i
poaed te IM you go free." said tbe
rat fo-jr days of next November.
itioa and .prrveni mooili*
of pn
living rosiU- to rave th.-l
court, “i will conalder the matter until
The occasion is the biennial eonven- Staiino by ,hc crmsiracH.iD of a Ihirk' |r'’'^°»"‘i‘;“«eriiMr*osur.-!r
tbe adieomed term March M.
am'* Vcgrt«l.l.-r'.v~~
of nisi-aiLi i
. . ■
, b-' ■“■‘nam*\cgrlabl.-Comt-,und.
on of the Mleblgaa Chrisitea Edtbe aebaUme your enadnet from now
tavor union when the rcprejenuilww haakmenis of sand. Siream* of ten ' Avmu« tlrooklvn. K. Y.. writ«• May have sometbliig to do with l«.r the IJrOd sofletios eompodeg the! arc 11,-wiQB with coBridvratle rapld-y,- ••Iranre, exp™, th. wwvbvfoi rvii.f 1
Cbarlee Stafford, wbo bad pleaded
BBDty tbe opfnliig day of court to a
traaxacilon of buxines* and clcciion
ritdaUoo of tbe UqiKU- tew, anxwrwd
nfficrn.. and t.. ilticn to tomt
speakers and
<«gagr In .....
Jag. He waa repreaeeted by an altor- ftrcnco* 00 matters of Inivtwt aad Itn-'
of King Cbrirtten. which fur pev.-rai , "■*'“'^’'ttTeA''*^“'*F-**"*''Hw.an4
■*7.*bo aaked clemency, stating that portanee to Cbrixiian Endcavortrs
(lays i« to repos., m ibrt Itennete'-g' Lydia^.* ■iSkteS. s
•beteaumoay given which cauaed Ihe throughout (be s'-aie.
caibtvlral. lie (he roval Insignia, th"”f*-l,. ^
*»«at of the reapondeat was while he
cordial Invltailon of latislne ^
VWPHC -and T p';; ’
asrring at a wltneas Jor the pro- Eadeavorera 10 meet la their rily
Irie rob.-, outward xjaboU of men- T-amgrr.'
' “*
^ fa the case of the People vs. Jerry
very phmxlng to the griat majfrily arefcy. Id eoatrast with the familr,
Thomas, the court slated that the facts ■
(ff the member* as the capital is cisUy
la the eaae eonM have been obtalae.I and natckly aemstble from every group whka bad hiihwto gs-ivrvd' hai»'» Vtyrtahte’c^p..und*c^D*TiD-^
- the Caneasbaal is a cwer<vMlr.g »» womea of its rinor. ? Sun-lv t-r«
nom other wtiacaaea had not the wit
qi^er nod cocsequcotly a lar-ge stream of blaek-sarluid croa-di. »»i' .
■ati leatUed, to mUmteatteDy what
-gathering I* cxpccied. Tbe local cc
tog tn Hoc f.w tann- than a mtre o,.
«H the Initli, and though be bad conw^ JV.U caa teaIi*^dlr*^Ssd*ii
mlUce td ariaagemanls lx alremly
sMe tba-cbDrch, representing atj clas*-j


napeartiag to aa alarm. Wedoeaday raxoaeotarr twinkle
awful eye.
night. f.-!l dead with bean inmble.
it ha< boee noticed that Mr*. RnoaeOoe effect of Ihe erection .< MOrwav
Pi: ha* come in for but tsaU aeaio foei.r oaiinoalirt feehag ia many lioti la coBBcrHoB with the whit*
:'la.-xpecle-i dircriiunr. Junt' tu.w il- bouee wed^iiiA bat the hae had more
■-•■n and'ujiwaaon an- Uias lakco
, hi do with the |dan> than aU tbe rwit
la-k severely for ha.Ini their wx«
.of Ib.-m Uigeiher. Whxl.ver thrve U
:eil!ivh.-d by a DtoUh In-.-xd it
-uf lanpllcliy sod qiileioeM ahi.ul It lx
N.irae-ixa Ana and ther.-by >aiir:k
dubee lanite g».e p.H!1. and nod.
iag an.l nfriH-iaut;;-: >be ri-ibnc
. oi l.l.a
ti> b.m- thing.. .iboDU be
lunixh rath.-r, Her name seldom aptawra la

the Sorw**tea te

crmoeiil.m iriih ihe etetiix mia wntag
f l-l«- nHun K.iir Haak.m *
>t kingdom hat brew
a;i> r. buk.-d l-V MyiTs-on fain- i f
■i- taaMn.:,.i».
Hap.-h IJtom.,:,
and requcxL

It I,

pTvtIr- w.-;i knoan Sir |

Wilfrid lawv.'ml..l..rr.'oinlr..J
I-v.. ra-.. .< th.- Ur,MvU laritemen. H. I
a;-.-.:.r,.«t ihe .;..,i...ut r.w •'inei j.r,

.lira,.>001,'ug hi, eaemhuTy


■;-uip.- ih.-.tlt!--.,..-«:.-v Ibai Mili...,-vbowine a capu.-ii, for hard w.wL ta
jurilani. ntary lif.
i>.-> |.e.i, U.- airiw-. ai the ..Bice
■i ll... i.> .iiili-u!...!,; at h a, ui an.| elk-l.- l.. hla iSe<k imHI
WBlira an MeBlag loor <d


and tolerate it for a hag
lime. There is no wl, not
excepting butler, so casiiy
digeied and ^sorbed by the
$>'slem as cod liver oil in the
form of Scou's Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
heipfu! in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
We will send you a
-san^ free.
f Bv «« .tel .h'.
]h;:ot in .he turn, rt
a Utel.. wubc
rvT ,y
b«R> u



The FARMERS’ SUPPLY CO. can scU yon



Scott &Bo\s-ne
409 Pearl Street
New Yolk

laii- it il- ••r-.l-hatf.-d t-miK-r" w.x>1 far from correct.
Lying Ii.-xi-efijlly a.-ar H.e -ahore 01
C iliimlite. a- t'A-'iig-na. ;ihe hliam. r
t'arJr.a had h.-r bi- vi.-<d cablin. ou.
n-.-Ttroly m.»>n-d Jan. 21 :lan. Tfc-- .lav
tad -bron .d..u.Ili-sK an.l not a rlppl.'

In fact, every pracucal labor-saving tool made. We
sell no goods made by a trust, and will
alLiP., our
power to aid the farmer to get better prices for Im^i^
duce. Call in: we have something that will interest
you in thi^lini-. For spring trade we have the finest
ROAD WAGONS AM) SURREYS shown in town.
Look at our own m.nkc ‘•Square Deal" Team Harness
before buying.

..'clock in Uu* afK-rr.ooii.iheiv cam.- ..
tvporf llke the iMomlng of a amal'
cannon sml Hio vcxM-iy. hia-»v

snapped in two. A'
sanie inutani
ihence to Arden and the mfuiiualnrater m.e and fell Id huge swi lb.
iivi- Ureenmood I Jke,. Tli.- road I' imperiling Hie ship, but aTilcb qoirk
Cenaral NswA
li.-iM- liui tw» iiasM-uge.- eai>. on* ly xubtidod. - AU .vhlj.iung had H.McDonald Hall and
his wife of
a ittiJiir ear.
Chamialgn county. Ill, claim the bon.
C.'iigreK.>nian 8laiile>- of K-mucky.
er flgbiing l.nij y.-a:,<.
or of being the nWi ni.uhle. supportin .u-liailiig the whipping
era of President Hrxjscvelfs anil-rar«
Districi of ColiimbiA made an enem;.
suicide doctrine.
Mrs. Hall, says a
-ery rod-haired wumaii In bis dlilluomlngioa, ill., dlsiiaieh has Juv.
wlKire opjsivMim for <ierilon In
preremed her ppniid husband
exii.-cl lo ub.-n ti­
llielr thirlietli child. The latest
ls for tes'l.x lion.- H-; sai.l It b,
girl an.l was name.1 Margaret.
a man lea'ing his wife, an.l Hiu:
■nts Iimuir.-.i gritei eharacters in
wire was nsl-btwded. be would uiit in
eeiee.iun of names for some of
tvrfen-. 'nie . inulgnaili.n mhlch I.athirty. Among them are George
swf-pi^.iver Hie .lisirin as a r.--iili in
Washlnglfm. Tbirmas JefT.-rson. !*a'i.j ihai Ihe M.ngn'ssman's i-Hl
rlek Henry. Vtetorla Regina. Abraliam

.Ineiiln. Lticrelia Rorgte. laiianthe amouni which the defend- iipt. Susan' a Anmmr. Uiyss.-s Gram,
An erenlag aeasloB was also behl
oughl to have paid and
the William T. Sh.-rman. rhllij. Sli.-Mlan,
la which tesliraony and decrees were
riiafiwiek. Grv.v.-r C!.-v.!aniI
ainoum which they did jixy. Iho differ.
rendered Ib two dirorce eases. Janies
liy any claims nhe teller subseqtiemly rhanc-.l to
heir Sufferings Are Usually
MeOatr obUlalag a dlveree from
which the defendants have, and you flenjamln Harrison fur ii..lHi<-aI n-:^
Due to Feiaele Disorders
bin wife, Cor* UcCrary. and «r*.
will make the mmputatlaa upon this ‘Oiisl. Wllliala MrKliiI. y. H.-u.-y WarT
Bmalla Adatai. formerly nf Solon, was
Roeeh.-r and Shlel.l. Iltelne.
liasis and return a verdict for il
also glren a dseree rt divorce frot.i
Tlie belivllial of HrlneetR.^ ot A MEDICINC THAT CURES
plalnUff and It remains with y.>u
WnUaai Adams. - wbo she charged
ItallenlK-rg nad
King AW.mso has
"how much."
. with being an babllual drunkard. She;
made ihi- worst of inii.ressbme In G.’rbaa not known of bit whereabon
matiy, “Tli.-rv i.s only one reason. ..iiAntlBaloon League Mectinga
^ yenrt. Ur*. Adorns was formcrly
There will Ik> o nuintu>r of uoImI excuse, for rhatiu-liiu ..n.-'s
tbe wife of WIIUbbi Laulaer. wbo was
speakers in Ihe city Sunday, Fi-b, r-, says (he high Cait.oli,-' K.M^nl.-<-t,o'
feand dead in-bed and she later mar­
X'olksZelrimg. the Ic-a-.ling or-jan ofwhich will be observed as Anil .Sab
ried WlUlam Adamn
Sunday. There will be nine In all an.l Hie Catholic chtirrh in G*Tinaiiy- -.-tnd I
lhat Is inward |K'rs<»naI ranviclb.n, I
among them will be G. W. Mornwr
vo-js, itM-rnivav if
Vtom Friday's Record.
Thetv can !«• no other excuse. n-.1 i
Detmli. stale suiierinicndent of
I shiwld flv;' «rJoamh ■orowskL who waa placed
even alu-n a crown Is the earthly re-^
•'Dun'l >.|»-uk u>
Anti-Saloon longue: H.m. Granl
BUder a t!00 bond at the teat acaslon
-nr." LiHIv things
Hudson ef ilie stale leglstetun-. aiillior war.1. It a |irinr< may .In siirb
ot the Circuit court to report for
thing, so may an ordinary per«r«i w ■ jtnakr yon irriublv
il opihm
tesee at (bit term of conrt for selling
Is a IVniestaiil l»r<mie a Caih.dlr - ] TOO
nr.- unublc b. qulvtly ami .-uiinly
»per of <;
Uquor to miDort. appeared
Professor Goodrieh of Albion rollege. order to marry a rich man. An.l it a i I» rf-rm tout daily
Jadge Hayuc during (he eloalng
Hie Rev. H. K Speer of Bcldnii an-I may do this. ti,. revers.ot cmir( today where be waa brought
The r.-;aii..n of the ncr
four ol hen.
|iroce*s with a Cclliollc is aI..o allow­ Crativr ..rguns in svninan
by Prosecuting Atiomoy Cross.
These gentlemen will occupy the able. What an example for the tK-.w that nim-i.-nt'.is of tl.r n
In reiAy (o queailons Ur. Morowakl
Ides of England and Spain;
Bui-r,. trmti..n, nrrv.,os dvl-llitv.
srious pulplls of the city In the mor
atated that he waa employed
an.l nvrvout
showing their pevy.le thai they cat,____
log and In the aflemoon. reveral
Oval Wood Diafa company ai
them will hold meetings in ihe v
Ihelr religl.m off lll.e a garm.-tu j organlun i. makmTvr'. .
been in a talooQ but twice ai
Isges of the rniiniy while ihe ^i »•
Kordly a.ivanlag.-: The runs.--'
of dcpr.-v-.-on or i>-»Hi-*sni
arrest and both tlmea 00 buiiaeaa. He
quenn-v will te> evii:”
i i^tabiliu-; spirits easily aff.-. ted. so
remain over f.w ihe union lenijwraiic
hswtght out the fact from the prose.
meeting here In the ev.mlng.
\-esuvfus is fpoitting meitei-m“uw w”‘j;.?'pate'ii\“fe‘‘ate^^^^^
«M«r that the respondeni had aever
la such qnattl!f,-v a- to alarm: r.-(ri.m and between the sh..ul.‘.-r.:
faiAtre been under arrest ai
Stete C. e. Cor
c-Hinirv, Th- i W of voice: nervous _dyspepsia : a
aa tbe court bad inquired be stated
Lansing, the cairttoi city .,r Mirhl- funicular railroad track has Iw.o rtam-j
ll these 'po-tet t.
tba( all repmtt for the respoud.-nt gaa. will Iw the rendervous of the

he haa rtakud bix|iiiura haaded by a Btaia
Kfe bwniSied* at
act and earut-d a i np<«kc-r. wbo readi them a
'rvpuiBiloB all on
the eouotej'. Chief ] 1
Wiiltea T Cheawvtl of Bofi.m. wbib jibca pay*

l:i.j STATE ST.


Tk Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for


i arm and Eirusidc is issuetJ iwicc a momli. 24 time-, a year, and has from 24
to "S jiages each issue. It is profusely illustrated with half tone and color pictures.
It is the bes: farm and home journal in America. Thousands of dollars arc expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the farm*r. dairyman, stock-raiser. poultryman,
fruit-grower ami gardener. It has departm-mts for the housewife, fashion pages,
patterns, good stories, puzzles. Ii has wit and humor columns »nd a Young I'cople#'
This great paper is given absolutely free for one full year lo every subscriber,
new and old. to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1, 1‘J07.

fiUndard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a


CorvciucDI 10 carry wiih v'«.
U •eSoul .L A»i yMrrtraKctAI4(*S*f rk,t anw..!, I. I---------

To Core a Cold in One Day





TIib Cflugh Habit


Is jnere (Un^rens to Toar life thf.n the drink, cocaine
or morphine habiu, for it soon ends In Consumption.
Psenmonia and Death. Save yonrself tnm these
awfnl resolu of Coughs and CoJds, by taking

Booght. and whM hue be«
ymr*, h*.
mw lur
fur o«r
otw 30 y«o«,
-tuTietrn eg




•1 been mode andcr h« pw
------ ----------------rt«ooalnroim,ftiery.
All Coiiatrrl<-ils Imitutums iu>d ** JonUM^Buod^im boS



Caistam Is u____---------------- —,„r vMor vu, nr^
fur C>«t«o on. Pure.
IP.rir. l»ru|is and
X Suotbluff
U 1> PbuMBt. U
csHiliiiwa iii-itber Opium.
nor mbrr X.r<«Ue

«Slttlnff by ny WUte'm Bed”

au^^ce. it* ngpB
arc U it* guonuitre. St
Itgewtroys qbBf
MHt ailaja PrverisUnewa. U cures DiorrlxEm wild Wlwd


ehronie coughTwhich iSii
After taking two botUee she vu perfecUy cured, and
today she UweU and strong.’-


0mD8» Birn%m

1 Bem the Blsmtnre at

S.E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Byghee. i
laticjr f.,r 7S yi’srs.- ti«- ssjv, -an.l- wliilrr «l
Bi Kill run .1. Wli. u H >.*n- «.U i , V..
a farmer I;

»;iilr,t f,-.,iii I'n. KLyn,

The Kind
You Haye Always BonAht
In Use For Over 30 Years.

-.iu. u-.- I.,.,
u »lo.:i; Ibr u,,
irifitiiui i.>->
mairi.-:L Tlien eh.- wani"d Iw-r
sgahi. 'lloi hr.- bin! .l.-sio>>—| to.,
ords and no i-te- of luiu emihl
;r>M;ii.T. f%ir f..r.v-n..-yejis Mr- ||r
lakes, making
well. Onl, For

Home al

•e liiaii for
master ,rf shipt, Iwih Mi-ami-r.’

and snuaie-riR>:>-il, under the llriii.h
Bdmlialiy.- Elnhieen y.wrs ucu fat>- hi. feoer iiar.-iil. had gti.n hUn rom
lain fVisier eam.-m ! i.uU. taicel ro!i.e data whi.-h .Un.-alh-d
tlM-,steanier» MiVflamer nnd fii,.Kllal, hulh «if mhlrh be ha» run »lnei
a buCet Inacheoa wu served.
■hat time, ills lalf. ,
CondcRsed Telegrams. .
foitud „y Ms hietPer. Sh- r.,ld.
Sixty special yaeais partook
Biblical ex]K>slil.nis
Film. Mich., K.-b i:..-A rural mall
N,‘t. i.obiIou. <'u[iii,. and ili- iw.,
breakfast in Ibe privste dialog n
delivery wasoa. Manly DotU ririver. source .if i.lcasure
~U.II haie a r.-»-.l..u.
where Ibe bride cut Ibe wedding cake coalaluin* n <li;».eo i^chiiol cbildri-n, friend.
with Us TarioBS emblems of girls'
struck by a I'erv Marquette _____
Thomas Mat-k. a w.-li-i.i-d.i famie;
turesUle. Tbe dlplomalic corps w
freight this inoruing at Grand Illane living near North Braiieh. Iwll.-v.-.
all In tall dress uniform. Michigan
sevc-ral mere seriously Injure I,
he bas Uc-n found by Tils ftmber
was feprwntod by Bentlor and Mrs.
aff-r fony in.- ysn.. Acc.riliug tu
Alger. Mrs. McMillan. Miss Amy Meof its- iiue^iigaHUIaa, Mm. Load and Assistant Sccre•tato Newt.
he K«i Ilf Z.-ac. Krani..»
Utt TnimsB nnd wife,
The Ter



ir bat It wm w belt beat. Uto■ tba eawU boma to orrlre. codvltb « mth tbmt almoti inaipfld
(bom WKbta the Mtin rope «■•

e atooC UiBavorth. bU mother
I Ibe Coonten De CbomberuD.

aril the ctodt iiniefc 12. to the
- stieiM ct Ibe llartDe bud pUriac
mbabbucr. Mlm ftooeerplt. radlimUr
Btery dcuill of the wedding
robei, carried out with InSoKc care. 1.
- edcpad Ihte ibe *Mt eed of the earrl' II o'clock not an lokllng of tbe dcstltit leaaUs oo the ana of the preir aallcn of the brldtl coaple leaked out.
dfat aad took vp ibe
All oiUs of the while bouse were folly
the weddlas party
rthebM the plaitona the pmldeat
took bi* daashter-i baad and ove ber
^ the care of Hr. UaiSTortb.

Every netw and eld *ubscrlber who hie paid for
the Herald in full to Jan.
1. 1907, w'lU »a |rivMi a
subscription-^ Pa^jlljd


Fireside one



See offer in another place
In today's Herald.

■ AI.a-n.4ssl> hasWi b


of Baginaw. cumpoM-,l of female mem­
bers of Ibe Ot-naanls society. , in n
game m-iih the flaali Cl.-rks' team,
mhleh U a ivimlar jiienih.-r nf ih" City
Doskclhall hague. . »uUo|»-d the


guarded aod It was flaslly stated
fairly. squari-Iy and roundly by
they would remala In tbe white bouse
acoTO of IS to 12. 11 m-as no matter
till after dark la order to prevent (belr of courtesy rn Ibe |ari of the lisnkors.,
daUlaattoB being known.
eUber, they an- good player* and Oie.i
e^e itepped to where Bishop S*lThe following estimates tai conneeplayed to win. hut were . imply ■
ttfiee stood aad-t» betroihal ecrrlce
OB wllh the Wedding are given; stripped in agility and skill by tbe
tameduutr begaa abd was followed Preteals. »SO0,OOO: ttasseau. Iii.ofto:
leu. Sllsa WrKenna-ond Mis,. Grigg.
the taarrlafo mnlce ot tae Proiew gowns of Ibe gueil*. *200.000; deeortere Ihe stars of the Tutu, r lie..
teat Bpiseopa) ebureb.
lloaa. *10.000.
The fart that lie l,a.s reii!.-.! dowi.
,-ne maeious nxm had beea iraat-;
to a life uf rural p.-aee and slp-.plicu,'
ftbtaed lato a florbl bower and ite
will mu siiare Henry Go.ldlug .if Uul
fUUraad Aateaament it%iaed.
k*P77 pair «ere oniled oader a masHe Creek punlshmeut as a erimlnnl.
Lansing. MIcb. Feb. 1C.—The e
dSeeat weddbv beU of rare flowen.
lu April. Itt":. Gml.tlng. In Ibe cusl.-ly
^aila Bthcl BooMwell. bait sMer of reeled railroad tax atsessmrat *
«d ail ofTIrer, lir..i.e away aad was iett
leled by the slate Ux commis
tbe bride acted as maid of boaer. The
i.-ea until a f. w ,lsr.< a-.-.i, ,
CCMB’I beat ma was Thomas Neteon alon ahonly before midnight
was Working la a
night- .
shop at roldwaler. It di'velop
Whne ihe aisetsmeni has not
"I had an eruption nppnar no me
..The bridal, pariy stood on a raised
he Imd MTUsl (iRi.- at Jolkl
cliiW and body and oxieod upuariu
board baa practically
pl^onB wbieh. Kke ihe res
last iw.i year-, had refcirm.-d an.l
and downwanb, «o that my om* and
NOOh was baodsoniely decorated. The Ignored the Oalbralih Uw, pCnaliilng earning an.Mdi-.-o lliing. Now hi-wlll
fare uwe all bntoj out; also my ante
equallxatlun between ibe.^general
tbr kiwwr limb. w> far » the knees.
White hosse botboasee haiiax congo hank III Jail.
I St fitat Uiouglrt it wo* iwicUv brat.'
MbaM their cboleest blossoma With- propenica and Ihe railroads and
Knowing Hint the end was lo-ar.
Jliit soiin scab-* nr cruris formed wlicro
net caeepUoo It was the most briinsm fixed Ibe rale at Ibe amount wbicb U
Mrs. tr. L. Wis.Jr.iw <rf Film ratl.-.i
wsddiBc ever wlutetsed la the na­
BUie. thus Inereatiag railroad laxes her husliaad and slr.ters to her l--.;tural eapUaL
slde and Infcirm.'d them of the iilsp.
w^ I hiul great faith, mtd ^ w» I
Tbe presents were msap aad wide
for her funeral shedeatiaa«wrTi(>ds.Bi.
If raa*«. From her fatber, the bride
She named Ihe mlni.«ter. st't tip- hour
roads o
rmelrad a dlsinaad neckUee. Breu
fan. IS IB gn.OM.Mm. '
pope iwmenbcred her.
for lilt- lexi
ll:i- filn.Tjl *
enl aaseasmeni the ta
.Tbe weddlag (owa at tbe bride was t3.S34.n2l.<3.
"Sill- Kmh n..n.' AVhai
at bcoTy wbtle satlo broeade. made
Oould.” ami 111.- liitniiN • My
0 that the a
pOacosi wKh a laree coart train. Tbe of the rate of laxallon found lo have Co lo Tbpc." "Marin'' aud Bvenlld.
Cutirura l<>-*»]vrni. and do not know
rIA designs of tbe princess slyle and been paid on the general propenici A few ntlnuieii later she iiarsod away.
how mu* of tb- Soap nr Oii.tmet.t, as ;________
riab desiua of the broeade were ua Ibe last yrar the railroads will be ar
There was no wtsldlng on the stage;
1 always keep Uicm with luc; piulaUy | '
marred by trimlnss. Tbe yoke was ol sessed appraxlmatc-ly *600.0nn m»n after the l.ical prodnrlhai ..f "a fit. . r-1 one lialf d-icn of each.
m potat ta» tolsbed with a fall polnl than It was proposed tn l^y under the f'g Liai" at KalnmaT.cKj, a* had ir.u
•' I d«-iJ«l to give I b- Cul irura Rem•'Id«iJ«llOgiv.......................................
edif* a trial after I lu.1 acvii tlw- rrMilu
laee. srttV short puS elbow sleeve* Osihralih law. The lnrr,-ased assess- -*="* Waujg. r Char!. -. JtcTi'iiof their lieatiiK-ot of ccicina on an
eedtat la two talli of point laee. The menu therefore, wipet out the *300,000 !*'■"
mol.h.-1 by the hlg
infant Woriging to our of our neighbride carried a weddlac booqoei
lam. Tlw l-oient look the rhtld lo the
reduction in railroad laxn provided;
'»"nieni Mrr.
Itttle 0rehlds. Itartas tbe ceremony for by the original assessment ami I *•' *' Tb-mipson earned off her .lauKh- ntaiwl phydcian.lim hi * ireatmci.i ilid
DO good. SSoilicypns-un'd tlii-AXili'-ura
M held by HUs Bibel.
adds J200.000 more Ui the loul.
•'•'t* *»“ «“ «• 1
RemeJira and ctin-d iivr with them.
The railroadmwlll pay lin.ler this 1
'he niaoau. r
When ibfv began u.iiig rulirora Hemf%a eolac away cowa of tbe bride
edira her'face
her face wrw terribly
temlilv figured
diflgutsd |
am* of Ua
astessmenl ISOO.non more In laxe« i
“I- "'e Pro-'. eJ.. of

tions Appeared on Chest, and
and Neck Were All Broken
Out—Scales and Crusts Formed
— iowa Lady Has Great Fahh
in Cuticura Remedies for Skin





Id irUamed in a e



Marquette c.».

Real Estate and Loans
12? Front SI., Plontatue Blk_

and Exchange

t Ibe eatt aad tbe wwat can
Draaa*% IMraaala aad choM
h la eolm. Brary artirie eg.the

VVe will L''-t you seven per cent per annum for


your money and give you as security gill edge


Tr.-verse City real estate or gilt edge farms in




Tra.erse aij. MlclL

iiT,i Properly of All Kinds for Sale


.»■ «.a,

^ herald wart ad.


for I *aw ibe s.niiccluUi at the agT^ i
rootlirr icdd
tedd roe tbe ^yfSB
fii-e yeaiv, and br motlsir
the I _______ ____ ______ bn-k.-a out .ini*. I ,'
mtasloa. and *200.noo more than the.v!“'’ '* I''*''I'icked.iip
.W.cri have
-------, moreTaith in Cuticura Rrmedica '
Paid last year. The railroads will now;“f J»<'k»««n .iml gii.-n
Ass Al
dijraws than anytijng I know '
I* trautataa eg tbe bride la mid to
__ ___ wni. r»i«!ctfullv voura. Kmma E. :
valnalloo of all tbe other pniprriy .ifj''"'^'’' enn.lltion with Mister.-.! f-v^l Wibtm.
Wibon. Lbcomb. Joto, (M. 1, 1804."
r *11.000. It wai
claim to live m Toli-n.- wUhj „
> pmfael. baMtiful and axpeatlTe be aUtc *t fixod by the l^l
jtbrir mother, the father being In Cold-! ■;
ifUa kind. Tba.matertalt are riebeii

fMH IP the ahMd dining room where aoa It located la Trarerde Qly.

JUrHini, sia


a or chlf- than they would have paid under ihe,'‘'*‘ »h«'» »»h the brid.-lo-he.
figures first given out by the tax mm ' •!«'<;-' »m> I.<-aaarJ Ikiyle.

OovefDor Warner b much pleased’
I jbe findjng.
-lo . visit him. promising to
'________ _
'faro ba* lo T<.W->. Wbentheyw.
. ready u»,slart Immo he rrfuat-j to q
raaiWera of lore, or
Fire at Rapid City.
tkn U.js n.-icoy mad tho' started
dmiratlOB of ifae giver,
Rapid City. Hicb, Feb. 15.-Thc res walk home, but weS ofl the roa e c
ssloa of the ceremony Menee of Leanidat Hubbard, between UlderaU.v. The eoanty offiee.-w fo-j
|e hlabop withdrew aad Mr. aad Mrs.
here nnd Aldcn was dcatittyed
fire | tbe sicry to Lt eorrect and aeni i
la iB lu sue*.
I lurned to the. assembled last night He furaluut In the lower boys iq Toledo.
QMS and cweelred congratnlallnu.
part of the bouse was saved but that ■
Ravld Foster cf Peaton own.- a..,. .... .
PMdeal and Hra Roorereli were ifae
ta the upper poelloo was wiUrely dr- captain of the IKtIe steamer MavIM (e great Ibm and Hra. Lee. Ue
strayed, tbe raaldence being a toul!fioirer. which, during the somm.-.-ISLi
•rimdmoibar. teUewed. Ibcn came
tom. II i. supposed that tbe fire oris-;monlhf piles the water, of iake.i .-ni
iMgwarth fnarf|y. the beat n
.----------detective fine.
; rtalm* to be the t-ldca doiive enpiaio, T«ht>_
Mben aad tbe •aacmUed'gueau.
tbhard 1. the father of In the
gr yrars t.f
mvriag man than an hour tt pdasing
the uanldas fbrbbard who lost his llfejye; be appear* a* young as many men awaawsB4snitro3«n. i
IkB yoang caopic and iknmgh tbe rad VbUe eaptortac ta Ubrador. Another | at M. He cxpccu to handle his owni»*F^"««----------------------------------------- --



Grand Traverse

County. Mich.,

where your

money will be absolutely safe.


Oly f-r Noriby-r.



r hed e tar ttM to HMtoi leto Mr
eta f ta tajortoc the SoBihloe einb
I am tappr «* tappr «m be an£
audree e» sofas to
Mmol sea fMota todlaa echo
doee to BO to oebool eo I Ilk
here e foot taU Buee la Khool
we tare sane foe to with the
tan ud «e pier thlt aftenune
we BM beat M to )t1 Aod eee
tmr to took la eehoDl mod ao l
. . rbero I OB wort el the b^
tWieertlta- t SB to adiool to afl<
Ota BO I will etose tortUt Meee. Prom
'<Ase IBI.
Meerr Ceoipbril.
t weaM'ltoe to ee* roar foot tall
iaee. Tber noto be foie e< fen.

W« Um m
l»<laki»HcMtHL. WewMkftkcM
rt «lic
•< OM- BMUafA I k>v*
• ffVHr ptoM «s4 teas to ftas M fbe
___ » bor» ■»
B apcsk PtooM. toe- Ve «re »oo)
m YB bekMK » tM ftnAtee
ja«B. Wo hire « lorgo ecBoot tker
Uro OM knoml otstp drit Md bo)»
«M IM «• MW)
W oebort. We tare l«6
•Mrp RvlPf <Ma»
H. AL 1
oee tee boTB eta tw
JL mITi -TSy £ liWelettaSmteetadoe Our
>'T» *7 ■ i,oeb« >• m« eta k« to ot mn. i
,0BJr?et at
et hone. I taVe •
pel taoilTel
pet ibbbH at bone. loo. Sone tinea write lo TOO to let roa kaow hi
It rtoa ep here.
teUtOB toenc. I betas m b
Tour Itttto BuBBblae sirt
sMne chib ta. t an le (ta
Brade. There arc nlae alrto at
It weoM betohe If oil tbe Souhla- bon lo oar etoas. We are
cra eeoia attend roar neettoBa and MHoes todar. We have prettr acbool
raurrtaltatlearaBdaoas*. 'AM roam- la the window we tare preiir
: wMt a crowd MM of n*
plaau tber are nol all la bkmm ret.
i! What aotoe* bava job Blren II has been ralaloB bard here for
roar rabbit ApdaqatrrolT
loa< time aad ererTtblOB la preit>
Hoopa Valler Iodlaa Sebool.
ficee. You woald like ti
- ' Hoopa.
iaa a. I»M.
■a. It Is a beaallfUl place.
Otar Preaidem-I beltaB to tbe
mer BdlMlBa dab aad
htopa VUIer IndtoB sebool. I bare
two eisteta In school. We bc bone
Oeseatoed PbBwatar 1,«
verycRea. We hare a Hide donker know lhat 'once 1 bad a Sdulrrel
we Tide ererr line
a awar wbea ebe window was
far'a Ttolt.' We lie ropn
aeck aad lead bln arooad Ibe 0e(d.
Your lorlng Snasfalac giri.
Wad; We hare
(Age B.l
Btoncbe Martin
k preltr little poppr too. 1 waab (bc How SOTTT rpa moal bare iell wh
' fcow T?teita
dies aad Hdp m«na wbeo I am
tbe preur squirrel ran awar. B
I ridee hlsb mod the.
an aad t am leattaes to do maar perhaps It to happier now. plarlnu
a wbllo.
Ids -of work at aebool. I like to tio with tta other eqnlrrcls. (bon when
Aad the olr to fiMtr eod ehIB.
acbool. 1 am Mac rear* old
ras all alooc.
Tbere'e maDr a Irtreler out et tUcbt
wedi. t am U (be second rnder.
Hospa. CatirofcU. Jsn. i». 1»C.
three bor* and nlae cirts
Where do tber eoen Moit ’wWhet tot
Dear Presidat—I bad a good t><
nr daaa. There are ttalnr-tbree cbilMektOB trecke ta t^ ^delshl toww. dioa la the nonhiB sebool and thn
I Uke to eolor the Sannblni.
There'e e peth tliet toed* to Ue eqali^ atoea. - ' . '
einb TCTT moeb. and an Saiurdar
Year little Bnthlae Efrl.
rtlY-lmato. ■ • •
lUar we go alter apples about t
QlSord Bennett.
At the edse «r iM Beteiotat dmnt:
Aad hCTe If the track of e bold, browd
It toPiee that ^ con go borne so neotb afler nummer. tber are
gatberod up and awar. (HI about i
That U ooe o( tbe middle of tbe year. I didn't go bomr
n Ibe same I had a good time
a good Christmas prcaenl.
You maM hare lou of fan wKh the
had a week's rammer alter Christ
the roller bora went bom
k ta (ta eeewtaTUoepa Taller fMtoa Sebool.
Monday aneraomi.
Hoopa. Calir4 ion tt. IttM.
(Age 11.1
Willie Blodgett.
Otar ProaHeM—I an to the BoaAre ran near the ocean, and
id »«« to the toon id « df red ita abide dnb. We are writlaB'tettefd In' where j«u go swtmmlag. TrereniWhere e pdrlrtdselild th the drUt; Tbk Ehliisbiacdabtodar. Ibareihrde' Cllr to cm a big bay and lot* of tbr
Maar a liatedr eoama. r trow.
•ore and foor bIHs In mr dau. Now
Wtaa the red (ta prowl* ee tta odd
am la tta a fourth BTOde. We are
Blfbl taOW.
«*tat a good lime la our School. We
read, apell. write, aad do nice namber
Many Curious Customs.
Tine oed Baaia la tta naralOB liBbt. ♦to*; we »e reafflfls y&rr wwi bow.
Waar Ohtteac glHs bare' bright,
-Wbwrtta alt- to froair ead am.
.10 tare a band hi
traellre (aces and all hare black
1 Ota where a trateier** beta at BiBhi
lie while. We bo home ererr month. rerr dark eye*. Tbej- wear toolr ra<
•- A-JOBrM)tac orer the Bint
be rery good because I belaiiB lodn dreabed In dlSereol way*,
Ahd t wtader why ta heppeaed
to the Baashtae dab and I must close cordlta to the prorlnee la which (bey
Oat dlnUof the hlU oe the toldblctal mr letter bow.
lire. la most parts the hair
Tour tuashhie bor
back end twisted Imo one brovy
(A«e 11.)
Lafarelle Darto.
Mrand. wbkh bangs dnwn (be hack
I am Bind rou are IrrloB lo bc good •and is tied sdlh trarirl c<Hd.
Prtdar. Peb. i«.
The taeelot treat wc apMn of Ibr because roa arc a Soeshloe membe.-. qtMbtir toe from hslr I* cut
thto week cane |e the ahepe of a biB. I am aura rm Itr to be kind aot) lor- friage. BoBKttaee Iwo plaits are made
(at letter aboot twu aeeka tab. all the JOB to animals aad birds as wdl a* lo and bonebed tip at either side of Ihe
(oaebers and plarmate*.
war tran oar lodloa ftmabloe dob ai
head, betag decorated with gay AouAt other time*, especially
Hoopa Toller ladlah Snriiol.
to tores ttoUhmla. Perbapaoer
Hoopa. Oaiir.. Jab. ts. i»oe. wloler season, they wear a strange lit
artoiatotii do SM-haew thet ato
I bdoOB_ lo Ore tie headdras*. consisMng of a silken
oie two braoa SeoAloe data
JoBlor Bunsbliie dob. We
wtoa (oraed at tta Ibdiaa ediool
one btndred member* Id all. We slog silk fringe boaglBg down - over tor
Utar, called the Senior aad Jonlor
forehead and
bongs »d apMk pltaCs at our
tooataea; ne for ibe elder Ixv* aad
Ings. We have aome nice gremi ptanU When a gtrl It abooi I3 jtars of
Bfrtoand tta ether for the tttllertaet.. in sebod. We hare ereiTtBIbg niee age her hair I* pot up ta womanly
Rw- non tine a eanbeT of tta bor*
iwtoted anwind ritriou*
ceaW oot make «p their nlodf to Join here. We hare Uiroe bor* and nine wire flames of rarioa* shaite*. 8«
girt* in mr elaa*. ftome of the plri*
. tataofe tber knew it tber -««rt nca
)olB the Sunsblae dab. Oar sebool. are tike butteriltea' wtagt. other*
b«n tber oeiAi not to kin bfnto or
btrraed down ana we nare ae. setthle a teapot handle. Agtan. girls
ototonto. bai at ia*i tber decided that
other admokboase. t am gdog tn wear eoormeu* ofalgnons. and Manrhn
tber wwld Talker be Snetaiae netopieces at oor ateetlag*. r girts hare tt-clr hair lied In a large
ha«. Tbwe are aeoHr a headrod
1* rerr alee aad warm here aad the bow npM Ihe top or thHr bead*.
SHtobern. and tbe ouperlBiendeBi et
ttalll toelr marriage most girls
(ta ataool. Prank Kr*etka. a fonoer. iec ♦em tag ago. The Hoopa girls Ibe hair in rrenl dressed round, keep,
Saturdar. We bare fonr
TroTeroe Olr bor. write* tiiai ttari
llitio klutoa at home and. a lltile tag the natural appearaft-e <>( the (nrebidd neetlnn ererr iwo week*.
After Ibe wedding
Batndar erealas, aad tta presroia*
. This appearance 1* 'obtained
ekare for this lime.
•re orraoKed larsHr frea' the (toru*
by pulHng oul (he halt* round t>e foreTour toeing SunKhine girl.
and pocn* to tar demnemi.
■head, making it hmk broad and high,
(Age g».
Hynle Sldlr.
Men ore prtnied )a«t a* tbe chtMreti
Brea llule girls froqueotly wear heavy
wtaio then, and roe will all oBree Were you rery mneh frightened ORTinim, bracrieu mad ring* if tber
tint (or little bw* am «m* who when the school bouse horned down?
rich family,
ctaM aee apeak BkBlIah wbea tber I Wtader tr the klilens and puppy are
age of clghl or
->l loacsomc while you are aws)-.
besta eolBs lo Kbooi. tber
daughters or the wealthier elatses are
deiTBllr welt wrtiin. We are an
Hoopa Valley Iodlaa School.
kept wHhtn tbe wstl« of
towod to our Honpa Taller Bantalarr*
Hoopa. Cal. Jan. 2l. im borne. It Is tooughi Improper for
•ad tape tber win wrRe OBkla.
ttoar PresMeni—I u In the tun tbem to bc seta n
«^l to be e*prHanr Cbaakrul to tbe >lae ddb. Wc are going to tare i
They bare taw
htod leatacr*. H«adU»M «*aa* u taad la school now. aad wc stag smg! (bough tber base not in endure
HlllU. wba take chaise or ttair one
bore a good ilme. We hare piseli hard, grinding poreny i
Iki* and prepare tta prosTam*.
la seboo) and preuy pictures. WV elntse*. tbeir lives are
Uaeb boards cm (Ire wsllt. We crampeil, and they have llille variety
. Hoopa Valter iodlaa Seboo).
tare deMis to write upoe. We have ta them. Some giris are taught
Hoop*. Cal. Jan. a. laat iwudonhers
play on mnsieal tastrameati and
■ftaw Proaldcei-i baloBB lo tta
Mag songs or selections from tbt
Ji^lor toinahlta club. I an la ibe
lAge la.l
Ciarnre Carter.
lassie* ta B high, tmnalural key. by
hl^oit eton la nr roon.
0 means altraetlvo to oar ear*.
Kind tine la acHoot vrtrr d*r. We
us bow (be bend Is gettiag They spend mart llme ta wort
anke ^eU at bone. And we tare,
abrolderr. Tbe paper patterns
•ood ttote at bonk. We arc totos
wonderful Mrtl*. flower* and flgwort thto artenmocu We are Bolac
Hoopa. Calif. Jan. IP. ipog.
rbnp wood lodar. We wort hard la
Dear Pfcsldeai—I am a mue girl
c BoiBB 7 yars oH-I like to go lo sebooL Wc
to Ptor a fttotball game todar. . Aad
Bice time (3irtoUBdf. b had
r orlglnaie i
•ta* of (be bor* are ge|BB to pl^ la •tail for a proseat. I tare a good time
tba bead. We bare a good ttoe In Bdc. I KB learning bow to sew nod design;.
Many women have helped to make
the dob. to mr daaa I bare four dam ttoeklKBS. We like the Sunsblt
the Mnory of Cbtaa. aiM Mork*
SUI* aad three bar*.
related of toe varioos vlriaes posToo mue Soashlue bor.
Toot friend.
sooted by berotae* of past ages.
(Age le.t
Ororer Smith.
PYanees Lewis.
-1 hare rdad In the
TtaatM sends ta wall wrliico a icthe beauiltal basket* mads by the tor OS many Hleblgaa Santblaers wbo
Hoopa VUIsr ladlaot. Do rou help are moeb oMcr.
of toe «T wbo eoted to lay on _
table tbe wn eMaUtahliig ibe wfalp.'
to make total Wbea yon are borne?
Hoavo. cottf.. Jba. llPto. me.
ping poovto toe Dtotrict ct OolumMi'^
Hoepa ToSer ladtea SetoM.
(toar PiMH«at-l ibmiBbt 1 wouM
Hoopa. Calif, laa. 2L |ta«. write Tta a letter ibis anenheM so i (to.wMe bealna. "I am too near mat-!
Dear PreMdent-l betag to tbe will tell yiM I geiilag along In Hoops. riaitmy JnM now w vote for aav snefa ■
measure." he declared.

The Greatest Sale of High Grade
Pianos Ever Held by Any House

IMZ5 Actually Given Away
In Special Discounts to Purcliasers During the Next 30 Days
Grinnell Bros., Michigan’s Leading Music House of Detroit,
with Branch Stores at Traverse City, Petoskey and twelve,
other cities of Michigan, haye decided to inaugurate A STU­
PENDOUS CLEARING SALE at the Traverse City and Petoskey

Commencing Monday, February 12, and
CoDtlnuing 30 Days ' 7‘
Our cotirc llnoof dfgani HEW.PlANOB win bo nscrifirc-J at price* Ihal will stagger c«mp.-tiilon. THE
BARCAINa«WILL BE BIMPLV IRRESISTIBLE! Ever) plan., marked lo pisin flgures. I«»k for (ho *p.y.|al sak

During: ihis sale anil discoimt coupon or certificate—up to jlOO Dollars—issued by any Piarro
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There are n:i • rlrliigs" nor (vmdiilon.s t.. iliU ofler—iinihltig, i
s- III. (.n.lileni lo W.lvo, All,:.
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yiiii are nul roMrtclcd to «»np make of risno. but g« jour tludoc of
Illre^lno. Incluillug the world nrouwaod
STEINWAV, the magoiSrent CRINNELL B^OS. (our own make). Ihe woiul'eriut PIANOLA PIANO.
other*—IC make* lo alt.
No maiiiu- whar you may have K*n offered elsewhere.

Do Not Buy a Piano Until You Have Investigated this Remarkable
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ther iliwount of Siam If you present the speelal eoupon printed below.
We make iIiIk stusatUmal offer simply aud wilely lo silmnlaie l.n«ltie>s a
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REMEMBER: Ttiis great offer is made by n toME CONCERN. W. are nol a lorrign <v,r|.iralion: our talere*ls are all ta Miebigan. Wo are PIANO MANUFACTURERS Bh well a* dialers. (Iiir tariorr U ta Holroli Bird
we haveIS spIosdIdanO. rompleie Mores lorat.d in ibrlvtag MIebigan riii.T, If von buy of u« j-our mooey
hlaj * here to help build up vnur o*-n rtly. |i I,.
1101 s.-nl K. Ke* York. Ohiesgo. or womi. other dlKiaM potat. Our
' .1 in Mb-hlgau an- many limes Isrcr ibsn auy ..Iher Irons.; and err reiuiiaibio for bonormbb' and
litreral busiuess
Mioiilf euu<
intending I uytr ilial ibU I- il:- plaee to be absolutely lure of—

Best Value for Ibe Money, Digit Trealmcnt, and Satisfaclion in Every Way.
-Our Miwv> III Trovers.' fiiy and ridoskv} are ,reruiau..ul luMiriiibm-. ..jK-iaied by people who,.- borne* are
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>r quesllonable d.alinjts.

Does It not sund to reason Hut we are In a poslUoa to do mwe for yon lo erery way tbai any
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This Coupon will bc accepted by GRINNELL BROS.,
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on any new Piano bsutlK of thsm during (he thirty (W)
-daya. eommenetag Mentay, Fubrusty 12th. ms. If prtsrolsd at (imo of purohosa.
Only on* e( there Coupent on any one sale. Ototr
Coupon, or creda mils are aapuinad nbova.

Grinnell Bros.
Piano Manufacturers and Dealers
159 East Front SlraL TRAVERSE aiY, MICH.
1st Door East of Postoffee, FEIOSKEY. MICH.




Absolutely Pure

A Cream of Tartar Powder
free from alum or phoephatic acid

oroUUtoJ. sod ao one bu to tell beck
ra esxB. ullk, trull Bad nu-si-slocfc.
Rice Soap—Take oar plal tk good
iKCt or Din.', n Mock, add nurtoonk
ot a cuptal at well wasbe-l rtcc. ae.l
If) sloUBS' i-jiia the rice U sice and
leader, tteai the yidks nt taro e«;n
lOKetber. ad.I oaetuH enpfil of
or cresai sad lUr In'o the sonii.
Season, aud itenre In a prstty cup
Ciapain Oruei—Pul one plot ot
•r in a double boiler, and wbea I
fas sllr In one lablesrooBtol ot s-aam meal biceded wllb a llltle wali-r.
ouk tor one bour. and seanne vlib a
iBcb of sail. Pat In a dalmy cup
Itb ISO tablcqioQaroU of croam. and
•rrc hot.
Grape Blanc Maage—Take onr hslf
ropful ot grape Juice wbicb has Ih^p
sweeirned to laste. %-hqn holllDe.Ktif
starch blended wlib one Ublospoonfui
of water. Ix'i
I> boll aiKKit five minutes,
then pour li
pretty moldnlcely. The n
rteBOd lo roM water,
ilalaly saucer, and place whipped
rreara around It. Any Mad of frull
Juice oaa be used Insicsd of the grape
Tapioca Soup—S<wk Iwe ponces
tapioca In a llllle cold uator; add this
to nne quart of good
simmer until It to seft and tender.
Id a llillfc pepper


over night. Next morning mix with It
sail, pepper, sad plenty of rich, sweet
cream and beat uaUI smooth,
(bough this to^ oM recipe i
buusevtre who lira to Ihe co
there are many city cooks who will appseetaie It.
Made Coffee—Ooc cupful of
corn meal, two of graham, mix to a
paste with one cupful of syrup; spread
baking dish and carefully brown
lany. but srould Just suJi rhildrcn.
who arc un :aily wa»lrf.I in thi
dr sngar' lo e<iffei'. Chicory. adU< .1
coffee, gives it sireogifa. and' to
cd by man;. A Swedish a
s beets Into small, thin Bllces,
browns and grinds them, using I
of oBv-lbIrd wllb her cnllrc.
wiilch Ik ••xcollenl.
Baked roialocs-potatocs bak
no bo< an oven arc heavy and waxy
becauee tbe skin hardens at once ;
the water can not escape from ibei
Pol them lo a moderate oven, and as
soon as the potatoes an- folt ii]
slight pressure, take tbem out
with the band protected with a towel,
work the iioteloes as though you a
mashing them, but be careful not
break the slTin. t^'faeo they arc i
and mealy, pot tbem bark lo the <v
Had they will keep hot and mtwly

Rear-Admiral Hlchborn’^^”';f^"TT^
Praises Pe ru



Breakfast Hash—A delicate break­
fast dish to made with bread rnimbs.
browned and rolletl, as a substiinte for
jKHalo In bash. Uli half as
broad ernmbs as mloectl meal. Heat
tablespoonful of butter, or
drippings, add ooc minced onion,
browning: add the meat and I
mixture, a piece of hntler the sire -of
id sufficient' rich milk
molHien well, seasoning wHh sail and
pcpiier. Cook slowly, letting a brown
rust form at Ibe last.
East Indian Boiled Rlee.-Wash
half pint of rice through several cold
tiers: drain nnd alloa' It tu sinnd
o bouni. then have a quart of watei
boiling rapidly and put tbe rice Into
eonlinulng the rajdd cooking. The
e must be tossed, with a wooden
•k for ten minutes., At tbc end of
It lime push It lo ^he back of thstove where li can steam without dan­
ger of scorching. Toss occasionally
until It Is sicami
steamed dry. then turn Into
a bol dish for s'
preparing boiled rice Is more
Bcnll. but more sallsfactoij than Ihu
usual American way.

, “I was Iron hied with catarrh of the thrimt pantentor.w.
. and suffered eanslderably as a rrsull thereid for a petted of
about five yrara, and my general health was sffecM.

Bgg Soup-To one plnl of slock
teicht as It goes out Into Ihe world.
I two well-beaicn eggs lo which onWhat he says la echoed by many other naval idBcws ot
lablespooDful of cream baa been addhigh slaoding.
Three years ago I was for^ b> 0ve up busUtra. and
Heat lo Ihe boiling point, stirring
look up my rralileBee In the Western coontry, Icmklng for
j that the eggs
relief In ehsageof climate as wall as a Chang* la (ha msthsd
cardie or get l<imp>. Serve lo
Philip illcbborn. Rear-Admiral Vnliod Sutra Navy, of irratmebi fnr my allmeoC
itb a few crackers,
writes from Washington, follows:
on Tgast—An uncooked egg Is
open the Door.
TiB licilcryu mile if we can.
•‘After the ate of Peruam for « short period. I
Open (be doer. Jet lo Ibe son;
IntheWwM.lwaalftbean has tu burden of sorrow.
ema now cheerfulfy recomtaead your velusbie
■d by • friend to try Pernna. I eustelnned the useot ti
He halb a smile tor exerj one:
Baeb soul has lu sbaitow ot doubt one. and a nice way lo serve it Is
reaiody to aay oae who It /a aeed of ma lavlgorfor sboui Ire weeks, al the end of w hteh lime 1 returnsd to
He hath BWdo ot the raindrops pri-1 TIs auasbloe we're yearning lo bor toast. Cut a slice of stele bread 'tery
atlag toak."—PhWp Miehbora.
New York, both well and happy.”—W& H. Bwllaer, U E.
thin, and cut out a piece with
Be mar chame our toara lo dladcmaTroo stinshlne within and without. cako cutter: brown nicely i
sides, and dip lo hot milk, ^proad
Open the door!
The soldier and Ibe sailor are especially subjeei to
Then let ns wear faces of pleasure.
caurrh in some form or phase.
with the white ot the egg beaten atlff.
Tbe world shall be happy to scan.
**I hive used Peniiia In my temlly wllh very saUsfatHoiy
Open the door of tbc aoul; lol in
Exposed as they amoeonstant rhangra, subject as i hey rraults for (be tost two yean. Braldra 1 hara reeommeadMl
iving In the center a place In which
Aad add to ^ weajth'or Us traa
Btroos. pare Iboughta wbich will buare to various vlcissltiutes. and all kinds of ellmste. wet It to all wh.«n I think ate In arad of it.
slip the ycrik whole. Sprinkle with
and dry. night and day, they find catarrh to betbrir most
■ah ala:
"I urge all who are afflicted to Ix^ a bottle aad Iwgln it
salt, place In the oven a few mtaaiee,
TIs better to smile If .we can.”
Insidious and •vtwprraenl foe.
They will r«w and Moom with
use at once. I have never beard of aST Vhto^tve a
lad serve hoi.
In the taarraclu and cm Ibe field, Peruna Is equally bedlsnsiisfied with t^ rMulu.''-Frank W. fi•race dlrlne.
Egg Tca-aTbIs to a good , way (o
Basle City. Va^ m
meaWr A. r.A
And their tealt shall be kweeler
Takan at once after sgposnre, ll tbould prevent eatehling
Wriltee for Home Cheer by Flora C. serve a raw egg. Boat the white to a
t^otthevlBe— 1
atlff froth, and stir Into It ibe yolk
Finley. Ann Artior.
Open tbedoort
SeatlmcBlal? Well, maybe ac. How- wall beaten: season with a llltle sugar
Mr. 1. H. Giltealib, an Wrat Heeoad Ava, OeloBbta, '
Ohio, writes;
rcr a lUUc teotinenl spread gloBg and a tiny pinch of salt. While sllrOpaa the doer of the heart; let in
After a eold has b
"t have been a tuffewer of catarrh of theatoarab sad kid*
taBBthr sweet tor straacer mad kle; on the proealc things of ererydsy life rlng. pour very slowly Into th
ne.vs for seven yean. Do- tors did mrnegood, anduter tak­
Is like a drop of perfume on a cheap half cupful of hoc milk. Grate a little
V wta Bake the halls of Um heart
le organ of ing Perana for tlx moDtlis. at Intervals. I believe I am eiired.
nutmeg over the top. or sprinkle over
baodkerebief. It dresses U up. so
l>vdy. Pernna can he relied npon to promptly dispel li. My appetite returned. I sleep well and work every day. f
little clnnainon
siknk. sad does no one any barm.
'runs will relieve catarrh, whether aente or ehronlc. always have it in thi- lu-asr.”
Lemon Whey-To one pint of milk
Moat old shosB arc like most
Some Celery Roelpea.
but a tew dosus taken In the first stage* ot tbe disease vrltl
No remedy ever yn devised has received each nnatlBted
friends, easy to get on with and If or- Id one lablespoonful of lemon Juice.
rffccUve than when the disease has lieeome enl^ from co manv renowned sUtesaaen and mlUUry men
There is nu vegetable wblcii l« said
salty ifaere la a prick fnim a bltb- When the whey leparnlcit. stniln off. to be mciiv whob-somc In Its effeci <ip- ehronlc.
If y.w suffer from ealsrrh In any form, do not negicci li.
• *-A wtmdeifa] Iblac Is a aced—
W. hive on flie thousands of iratiiaonlato Uke tbi-e given
noauspocied nail. It only shows and sene as a drink.
thh nerves than celery. Indeed. It
stmve. M .-ran give ..uf readers unl.v a glimpse of the vast
• nw cee thiBt deathless torevcH
(hat yoo bare trodden a Utile
ufirn reeiimmendeil to nervous pa-:
array ul eodoraenunu 1-r. Uarlman to reeeivUig.
4 The one Udag cbaaielesB—otierly
heavily In one place, and even
0(0 by doelors. Few bouseke<'pers,:
Prunes nnO boarding bouBcs have
triends will someUmes resent a
long been associated with each other
tenillar loach.
the comic papers that many ixoplc ways lo which 11 may be prepared. Ing sallnl wai>T, then cool; make t {band, wlih the other sllr briskly unlit
M so many old sboes thrown oai
Celery slewed or raw appear day afier Itailcr. Using one cup of slfu-d flour,
think they are a "last resort."
. ... wcjl ___
.. _do
. _____
I : ,you have them
e road. This It oricoest la ibe
day uoUl noi only Ibe Invalid, but tbc scant cup of waier. iw<a/olks of eggs, j any lum|is remaiPi or Ihe pouMleo will low.-l itiai have bean banging outoide
r cook tbem. TYterc to oo
tin- basin and you will And ll easy to
• ‘Ttaat Mesalngt sad blessings
coanuy where "while wings" (If (hem
delicious sauce, when properly cooked, emirc family rel>el. The followli a leasponnful of olive dll. sail, pepper, i not do its work effonually. Tbeac can wring ll wlihoui pulllog your bands

wui hiooai:
aay) do no! sloop to gather such
recipes will be fiiunil delicious and and a sprinkh- of eele*- nail, or a tea-: l>u avoided by'puitlng the water flnH
Inio the M-aldlBB water. Shake It out
• Plsat hate, and bate will grow;
refase from ihe highway. -triety of appetizing forms If a llllle there Is so much variety in them ihal Kpoonful of crBie<l crii-o'. Stand tbc-iolo Ihe l-asin, and by silrrlng In tbc an.I apply It wllh a ptnec of wslerThese old. thrown away shoes
celery can be served two or ihree
.(udy is glren to Ihe matter. Ii
lialler aside for ao hour. Ibeo fold In i m>-al with a larg>' knife or spalula
prts.f shr«-tlpg over It. to reUlo tbe

than bring
always paibcUc id me. It seems
Irsi place, prunes are usually cooked times a week throughoui the winter.
a: 8|>re«d ihe linseed meal
beat and to iireveni the patient rrotn
• The biossom (hat prores what sort
rel some way after one has been
If desired, without tiring
ailtr froili: dip the idcces of colery lilu : iln-^II alr>-ady prepared, and
gefllng WUI.

. cf a thlBg
iradda for so long, lo be at last
lOM faslidiouF appctHe,
longh and taslejess. Try washing i
• U the seed, (he seed that yoo aow."
Escallopod Celery an.I Eggs— Kmcik-ing hoi tei; dratir on soft pa|>er, M-'iigih and bna-lih. Ihaii tlo- site
and pHlUng them to soak
GAruen un a Sponge.
night before they are wanted.. In the Scrape, wash and cut in Incli l-ugihs ►prinkle wllh grated en-K-K'-and serve, (want to make your pouliiete when
H.T.- easy way to bring a bit
itng pul Ibfffl on the stove In the twp beads of Welt Idaiicbed ndcTy.
Celery l.far Wilii l«*i>ier Saure—-rpnwil. turn ihe edg.- -vi r n<«Iiy on • Kumm. r liit-. llie winlur tiouL-hold:
I a (bougbl m the part of c»e'a forbulling sain'd
same water in wbich they have aoake.l
b|i1--k. an-l. .if pro|n-ilj ma-le. yon
a v.ry, large and riwree
The snow U blowlog fartoosly by.
^ owner of (he maey mllus over
nr until lender. Hard l.dl •r and llonr aulll l•u(■l.llllg and rejuld ihroB-It up to the e<liing and n
s|»nSV. an.I luvaj^lt b) a curd In ih')att eotalde the window, and the bay which he has (raveled, pfoteeted from and lei Ibem cook vt-ry hIowIv all day dvr eggs, remove the Hhelto i
lAIe In the aficrnnon add sugar ir
tn<ni>h. u-til a rupful of cri-nm, a sea-iwteil-I nm piece*.
ItiKi.i.. of the wind.iw at the toi>.
pears as oily Grand Trsvrrae bay can
irm by Ibis old shoe. At least It
Uake a wbiie sauce with iwi
FprioM- ll ibonwgtaly wllb dovpr.
When whipped by winter galea,
might rcecivc decent Inlennem in a
before acnlng. Prepared in this way milk, two lablcspoms of fl
■pinch" of powdered man-; cook lo a.Inch In Ihickniws. onl--K» Kpieially oi flax or musiard. M'.'>I, and very noun
wledesrs are'emstod with Ice. and tag bag.
•ommon. cheap variely arc as tablespoons, of butter, one-l
hick rnam, then ad-1 a cupful of -lercvl ihlrker liy ih-d-rior. and mus; )v.u w'lll have a'pr^iy nniod mass of
aammer ssemi to hare forgotten
One seldom If ever secs a baby's
alt and n dash of pepiu-r. Onely Ch-.pi- d cold rooked game, on" !“• large s-o-eiKh lo < ..v. r Ihe wtorie «d,
the wlndo
window open ocraworld. Yet Ibe Bm snaiw and rnck- shoe so (reared. The IIUIencM of It plump and sweei and Juicy as the
expouKlro Muds, and inially an
cupful of ehopiM-’l ennked ri-lery. and 'he Innatni-il i-sri. ]i shiHiltl In- mad--' Kionslly. an.I i
lea cheerily and ibe air Is full of
speaks lot* cloqiicnUy of the Irlpplng
sliced eggs In layi-rs In a buiiervd
well iM-aii-o eggs: turn Into a bui- v.-ry qiiirkly. an-l rare should Ih- laM-n Sh.H>ld there lx- any bare spate when
grAdsB glow which wontd rteat ai
Just starGng oo Ihe Journey of like the prune nuce generally served. flreprnnr serving dtoh. having Ibe last
Prone Pudding—Boil and sweeten
m-d.l or t«wl. s..| In a pan eon- ibai ito wind shuul-l Mow- u|*>ii H. or ih.‘ s.H-d* iH-gtn to s|Woui. sprinkle Ihu
one Into thiahing (hal the Angntl anntYbo ran tell bow hMU Ihe way
(he prunes nod remove tbe ptis. Pul layer of saue<'. cover Ibe ioi> wlih bui taluing hi'i water lo the depth «»f two; tbe nvull will In' almoKi a odd fsHi* Kfsmg.- again. m> Ihki H may be altolight la sifting In throagb the curiahi*.
the prunes through a sieve, add to two lered rrumlis. and l>ake iweniy min
aii'l plao- in a innd-rai-' ov.-ii tire, whlrb may d'> m»r<- harm Hum y .b. r biiM.'B when th- crowih is comIt all came from a big poi of yellow pair of shoes may it<
■n Id Ibe cupfuls of Ihe |Mjl|i Ihe well l>ealen les In a nuKlerale iiren.
liirty mmnie' l.-'i K'and a few g-sid. aud in csk-s M lUie.nnimia. In pl.'i.'d. Anoiber DtoMiy to a msi .it
dafodllB. which hare Jnst opened ihelr end of the Journey?
Celery Tlml<ali-s—T<> <me pliil -d
whites of (l»e eggs, |Hmr the mlxlure
I'm-, nfi- r r.-m-iving from ili.- Oammailon'if the lungs, pleurtoy and gnoK iuait.;..l>y mtUng a |.l"<.' of nan
goldea heans and are blosaomlm;
many a motber's bureau siands
cooked celery pulp add a dusting ol
. ih-'n Invi ri ov.-r a eli-ip ptoin-r. p-'rirardUto. the resnli may Ig- inosi n.| tbe hUo Id a Iarg.; d.vp ptoi.-,
away as happily as (bough la their
tile old shoe, glided maybe and
pepper, and salt to lasie; r.mi garnish with r-.-l'-ry iduin-'ii and serve dtoasiro-is.
Serve with whipped rream. ' llatei arc
placing ll fherelB. covering H wlili waBsed lo bold balrptos. a oolewortby
well Isalen eggs^uid half a eupful of IrnnK-dtoieiy,
■ On (he top of 'h- imultlre Khouhl' "V. and aprinkllng ll in tbc name
Home Cheer wishes It night pass Insiaoee of making both ends meet delicious epoked In iMe same way.
J»rtines In Syriiii.—A delirious ksiicc ream. Mix (faorougbly.
mak--' l.iii'er -mure. m--H one cup-. M- laid a large >h----' of alisnrt>en< rot manner as the' Keep It Is a
aloeg Ihelr beauty lo every "shhivln •
Mc.-^ In a drawer which no Is mailc by rooking prunes In maiile ■r.-d midds. Fianil them In a panful
f l.iiMer ov.-r hot water, add the I'm w.s.l, «'h-ti ih" p.ullh-.; Is ri' nanny window, m.itoi.-n frequently,
or anhappy rwader of this department.
III roMher eier npons, wrapped syrup lasteail of water. These prune
r bol WBier andjcts.k in a moderaie J.ile.' of two l.-m'HiK and a gcn-'roii'- moved alway-» wi|K- the I'kln. th*-u and you win i.sve a )ir«ny piuec .jf .
There Is deep In ihelr beans a Mgbi
ri paper to a pair of slippers,
ven unill firm In ihu center.
dUKiIng of iMiwika.
rover ihe pan wllh a pher.uf dry and gret® lo II )>wr eye*.
which anms almost dlrlne, and never srarrely worn, for tbe llitle fert for may be served with whipped eream If
Celery a to Poulelic-kcui celery In
Mold of t'el.ny wllh Noo.lli-,—Fol--uarni roti.m w.i..l.
An«lh'-r i.r.tiv bit of gnwnury, and
were there more beauUfol symbols of rhich they were so proudly bought i prefemvi.
Prone Mamaladt—Take six large inch lengtha and simmer in Mited, k.w Ih-'r.-eH*-for tn'lery hiaf, omli'lngj Bread poiiHlc«'> are m'tro weMoto one (taai 1 seiy bousebold nan try to (o
God's Bbondsnl Ucaslng. Late in Ihu found the end of the road before they
uqtil lender. Make a pint
The atoo-.* rnl*-* shnuld lie lake a rarro* >.r lurnlp, rut off a bHcv
tall the dall brown bulbs were plaoial ere auro ouL
ricb. while uoev. using a pini
Illy «>f ch-uip*'d r.-l.'iy When couke.ladopted .>-xrn>i that wh.-ti Mwlij.-d an-l frmi 'll.' toiteom aad scoop out a cupdeep In a pol of earth, sod as thongh
l-oor ol.l sboes! thm'i throw them
tabluspooofuls .wrh
from '!.e m-.i.l i>n>.. a IM i.ft mixed, the w-airv mun Is-drain-.-d off. •d>sp<"< b..)., Fa.i.« airings to the
that were not enough to discourage It In the mod. They have been pol- Juice of ti 1 b-rouos and half a pound
noclles. and junr oi. r all an .rzg do not pres* the hre-ad. hul ttke 1’
j veg.-tsMi- and i;.- It In a sunny win­
(hem. they were put In a dark cup­ ihheil and admired once, have walh^ of sugar. When stewed, qillt and bulter and fl<sir S'-asoo to taste m i
sail, grate Id a llille nulmeg and a
' IlghiJy and spread It.
dow, filling the cop wllb water. 8tnn .
board In the darkest pari of (he ctdiar. sedately to ebureh. gooe gladly to stone t no and a half pounds of prune.'-,
■ ry l•lIff>.•^^•.>.>lc In Kalle.1 water, VesK' poul'lce* are made by boiling fho gr.-«-ii I-Wve» -will wart from 'h-:
Weeks later, when the leav» were friends' bouses, run tellhfal imoU soak tbem for sewral hours and
oarse n.ii.-r >lalkK of crisp, weil; flour and ycasi terg*-tb-r. one (Hiace.of, iinib r pari, curling up and around
peeping Uitougb Ihe soU. they were wllhoni number. II to entel to throw Btew With the apIcK. taking care fnr len mlnuies; remove from tbe bre
that there Is suSiden' waTer*io keep bile addins iw-o well btaiti) eggs
he*! cel.'iy , Wb*-n soft, drain. yraKt to a pound <rf fl.«r. laying r« cup. wbirb muM. I« waiebud lo see
brought out nod allowed to .grow at
Into the gutter
fin- and |.re»« through a eolan- hnen and applyli
iht' ihcT.; to water constanUy In It
th«r own sweet will ntll the buds ap­ and stepped on by horses and groand Ihem from burning. When iboroiighly and two leasinonfuls of lemon Jiiire.
eonkod. beat through a nrsiner and Return to the stove. Mmmer getniy for
peared. Now they ail tbc whole room
shtpeleas pulp while t
momcnl and serve In a heated dtoh.
loro loin Jars- for use.
ire useful
with their glory. It really doesn'i rossors creak proudly by on
•■ipfnl of cr.-atn! OSK O'litovl.! and are
f<im-nteiloo» A;
Iron Holders.
mai’er very much whether we are pur walk In all the glory of a "free shlnc."
t melte-d bu'i-v. a sal'- •
shonM Ik- made of llii'n Or llaiii.. I
lb-fore J«nl>falng the old kid is«.'
California i>roaes are said In be as de- t celery die.' in sailed waier. drain
and two well luu'eu 'be kIz.- r.qutred. the in-an put IookcIt • ■o off Ihe ' as torge as ir. -l'- -.
to airiroomeots ahJeb sCem tevonng.
Scnilmeaul? Well, msybe
r In flour vuRleleot io 'h- 'h.- n|»-B cud run up, and to.ilio.:' >und or aeuare befween in- J"-':- •.( ,
The one thing Is wbefber we try to do'
In the same way by removing the pl'». over a cupful and a ball of
make "doip" listei r. ad.l aJei.-I I.s w’a'.r fhra'ibl lx- |xiuii-d iii»jO |i .is'.l ' ilM- cl.iTh. hind the edg. • of all wlHi
our best, wherever wc are placed. Nu Dainty Oiabca for tbe Skit
c made aRer the rrelp- in c-lery spo-mrrjl
lAking powd.-r and drop >' 1' thoPrvcbly m-d*'. th.-n K ik t-i i.. - Hnp of cloth or hr*..,’. Th.- makes
ohe Is so lU. ao unhappily sliuated. or One of the bardtui things to combat Blllng the canty with nuis or manbpoulelte, rover wllh a cupful of by lh.‘ 'sprxU:Cul
ao toeklag la this world's stores ihst I a long Illness Is the caprirlcus ap­ malloss and rolling them In sugar.
smoking bM fa'; »rung ou' in a
tow.-i and ap-- n cxcr'llent Iron I...'l-r and as. Ihu
bread rromhs satnraied aiih iwncrisp brown
as dlror-.s!.
they caneoi at least try to bring tto petite of (he Inralld. Nonriablag foods' I'.wrhur-leas It
For the Cook.
thlrds of a rupful of mepi-d biiner;
Bowshlne Ip Ihelr Mule comer of tbV
u•.•fni i n'-ed t........
provided, or the paileni't
Savory Tuasi—Lay IHtle nrundv of
: and bad recourse to In,-of ibu-cloth alone.
world, aad (be trying brings Its own sirengifa win arasu, and ooc thing crisp (oast fn a d-ep dtoh. On these Id bake, in a moderate ..vea for #f■eu minutes.
Many pr-ons have ver,'Bol'u, utmo»i Imponanc- Uiat ihc> Ktoxibli
'•scoeding great reward, for with U nfter another to Irled. and languidly
place slices of broiled bacon cut Ibis
Scalloped Celery—Butter a haklnc
making and applying jxn! lx- properly appM.-l. -I have, seen prec,
«OBOi fo^tfnlnets of self, and forget- refnsed. Pann and nretlde 0vbs
To Repair Tern Loavst.
as wafers, and over all heap spoonfuls
Cook some celery tender Ic
-> to' glB'l of a few falnta pie. who should hare known beiter.l i:-e e*n U- made of almost wveryfatoees <a self bringa.a peace and joy I number of recipes wbich are a tic
’ -scramblod eggs. The dtob must {salted water-make
rl<*. whiiv
•I. cays an exchange.
Bring ihe fomeniarion with, the naked i tbliig Torii leavr-s of books. —
«hleh Bothtog Ob earth can take awa.v .out cd the canal, and wbidi w=H i
>roe in smoking
sauce. well seasoned
seasoned. In the Imklng
ptoC' It to of th.' uimrai hand, tbervrby only half dolttg II and; zln.-s
i found as delicious as they are n-t?
Baked Coro and Beans-Bake beans dtoh put a layer of cooked celery, ih-n im^r'anc. tha' pinilticea nhould to- k.-ning the pniienr's noUiea. a thing ib.' ■ ir,. can be nea'ly racodud with
-.!ge» of pottace stAmpe.
1 the usual way and abont half an a layer of sauce with a spriokilng of
mad. anri property applied. Un- whlrh vfaoold never he done. AlwayH firing the
*Tbe mtuleat aktoa are the fairest, I iBcaaes Of fever, after the fever has
edgej fogs-iber careful.
nir before ihey are to be served re­ grated cheese. Repea* the proc<s.
TTir happiest houre are best:
ruo Ito course, ihe euro depends al move Ihe pork and stir In a canful of until tbe dish to full. Cover the top
V.« D
- CSW-, out of ten. do much o
Of all life's high blaisliigs (be rarest moft cnUrely upon the food served
pap<'T, press iiaUi dry.
Bake a wbtle longer and serve with bultered. dnel) rolled bread
quite rrady. Ihougb ai-;i rovered'l n than good.'
Are fullest of comfon and nm.
tbe pallent. Often a allgh: mistake
This to ao unusual dtoh aad very crumbs. Place ib the ovra unill ihor.
ire' have yroir
^Mir kettle u.tlfng:
u.tffng: th-n
Tbougb FWe to our porpoae denying. proves tetr.1. and is always aeriout delicious oo a cold night.
lib no unns^ary ex^ure.
oughly heated and the crumbs
Ud your basin, by^urfng a UO- take a• piece of flannel fold«l
folded m four
If cracker, become limp from long
Let each bear bto part Ilka a man:
VTsat to iroe « ; fever to also -ve
wWur brewned.
boiling water Inio it. Then pour auffb ihickouaae*. the size you want the fo- keeping pui sfaem to a raoer iIt!
Nor aaddaa Ihe world «iih hto sigh.
in ;he ramc into thick aour milk: tnro ll into a
Celery Prtnera a to Imperialo-Cook clem bulling water in'o the basin, and mentaiioa to be. Place________
degree, in ft-ver c
lo a towel, warm 'or.® for a fewmJnuira. i iood Ujdteesecloth bag and allow K to dralnjlbe iarg* white amnis tender In holl- shake the llnaeed li^tly in ;wiU> cmei and that la a haaln; pour your
onr botllngilhey
will be quite cri^Tfata.


Jpwmi m etuw’t ttUt


.... . .....



Paces 7t«l4



oUalfol. Jl
Wlaeooala, tbe a
eaaoed reclalTT- To arutd aay pOMlblllly or error. Mr, (lardner at
dered a relent oT fony-elabi boon aakiOK Ibat aa additkicial roan be ket» and
Ibat Ibe con be cnDataoily in viev of
------or Ibe lao men duHnjt Ibe-----------Clarence Waliera eajne^sm Lanxliia
and vltb Mr, Bird coadueted Ifao releai. coadnnlas Ibe leai made. Bub
of each mllkInR
twraly-Toor timta in all and reported
' le astfie ror anirtrral and record,

ibean admitted tbe AdraneeJ Rueiaier
Ku. 102. Laundry Clrl, ieitl>l<-r«Nl
Nil. &a8M. care S'n.l Iba. of milk iu
Ibe Mven daya vbicb cualnined
17.C2S7 IbA. of butler fat cquivaleni to
22.04 lbs. of bimer. Her arerase In
milk va* *1.2 lb*, per day and'her bulI.T lbs. Kbe vaa bora Jaii, !■;.
I!>02. aud was i-lKht day* U-ra iliau
four year* add ai ibe lime of ibe !«•.
When at ibe aee of Cbaa|b.dliia (die
ahoBld do Isetifu- ibaa lhal cow.

Anolher Rtiod n-cord waa thai of Nn.
Atlenlkm ii called to Dame ilemt of k. Tratenw Kaaatra Iblb-. r«a:i"ier<-d
lie reporf. Tbe total milk for ihc Na 6HCI. Khi- was tin' jenra old ,
ren days vaa GC7.5 Ibe. or s:,U Ibn,
IteC, ftloee rhe dro|>pi-d her '
leb day. The aremge o( buvet fat Crsi calf tbe. It. I!M>2. ihlx cov baa !
vaa SASt Iba. per day. equlraleni to:
I been dry. but mllki-d ecntlnu
4.17 Iba. of 80 per ccai butter, or 28.1k
ihe lime of drappiiiy her laal ulf
tba. e< butler for tbe letreD dayi. Tbe on Jan .12 Ual. Her taat period of
arotaie per cent or hotter fat vaa lacUUoB vaa 4*0 daya In vfalcb abe

WM« H«rt •! HeM*b»#r

*Ctai»»dlnr Hm Dom.
8t»M tbe fonowlBg wai pot la trp*.
teU jaatardar aftarnoon, a latagraH
vat raealvad by tba aaylam aatboritlea Pram P. W. Flald of Bradetoa.
Mbam. aoe or tba moat aolad b^
o( Holatalat fa tba DaKad fltataa. aakIT
tba raeord-breaUac
C%ib«allat. vaa tor ale. tad at what

Ider of Beal City a. deuon. tendauv. Durin* tbe nooo boar an
Tbe B«. Jrt.a 2. Sbeeban. vbo vOi
h-r KOI would yield 6»4S Ibe of to jaiid Ib.
Ib.- It.
It. V.
« »r, Slodor of Cfaeaaniix elaborale dinner vaa aerred to vhkh hnye ebarae of tbe nev ebunb hni
per cent biUiiT.
j hr autodevn
Che Kei. Pr. Alhin of Ihe eiHire aaibering vaa Invited. The mored Into bia r.vW.roee .. «i2 Tbitd
File ci>w a u( Ibe li<-rd gave an aver I Alpi*na and
H«. rr Rowaman of ! varloua ruoma tinroaboui tbe academy jairoet.
The realdeuee la . madera
Ibe <d niltk In an ai<
............ .
'“'"'J-' l-f '-ni wlw and were prcaaed Into wrvire and In each U-V.V room collage roceoily complrtof 341 itoya. <.
.lak.iii! lart In Ib.- tovutlful ceromo , stood dainty wl.lie labU-d ecrvlce j od by Frank K.*o* nnd to oanpletady
Ob-a wtilHi t.»* pure Lefofo n bun-1 around vblch w. fe K.vied famHlei and | furnl.he.1, |i l. within a *loivw ibruv
T«i C«m>; icavr an averasn ot 14.2S2
dnJfri.-n.lNandr.-toiiv.>oribey<Hingigae*ia of Ihe iD*lliiiil.«. A specUl i .Jl.h.-cliuivb oP Immaculaie 4’oaeeptIba. each in an avervae of 23C.C daya la.rh'*.
iKdd the UNimp and vtolilar; Ion.
ur 42.4 Iba. p. r day for tbo ilmc.
No eeren.iiny of ihU kind baa Uk> 1 prl.ait*.

Tveroty mtiure cova gave an av<
puev In Iliis rii| fur fifietm yeai
The folkrwing yewng ladle* vere re.| Every reiHiblican iethecHyitwvage of IS.I I2C of milk each In an av.
Ib<7 l>-lni btid at flrand Rapida. II
; celled into Ibe NvvIiUic.
; ed to attend the . meat maellRg bi
ago of :s;.s days or 4'i Iba. per .toy.
Ix-ad of Ibe order. IhiI Ihe Iropoftan H
Romr Bnl. Grand Rapids, named I >ie<>>b*r8P Grand Friday Bt«M to «*•'
Fifty cows and l>i-lf.-n<, all tlic be
lif 4hl* a.a.i.uny l.a* U.yy«ui- a
|l■.■^e•nrr aa Rlal.-r M. Martina; ; tomine wtvether K to wMs to fwaki
milkinc over cigbr m-roiha. .v 2
day*, gave an av.-ruge of Jo.siC II

Thi* herd ba* to-cume auiues bat I
duced In DunilH-n>. Iiivlng made Dial
tale* Kino. Jidy I. laid.' Tlilrij-flre day nei In any ,wsy thinning their SUler M. Hilda: IViyle, Mus­
head have been *ii]d i.i go lo .S'rv ranks bin tiiaking .......... for Ibe cun- kegon. SIsier M. Itoirlcla; Itorliara
York. U-tonnialn uut varlou* iron* .if '-<ani filling of ihe a|>oslulati'S rank.
Deunert. Weave. Slater M. Frunei*;
The altar of the;ro*y chapel vas KvB Aure. AliM-na. Staler M. Kulalto
lany locaiiii.-N, Inquirle* from
maile fragrant wiili fiower> and trail­ Joaephlne KeeW. Maple Grove. SU'er
Ja. Kow V.irk, Wlaconxin. Indiana. ing vl»,,.wblle.b,- pre..
of viro-iM. Pauline; Margan-i Stallman,
eral.le IPs|„i!> lUi-bidr lu
Mtosonrl an.l oilier ptoev* are <t.u
sanctu-tt.aia lUy. Slater M. Am.mto: Pa.-anor
In. 'TlK.y saiii }iMiiig stark fmm
y leni di-Zllil>
I .-deiuuhy to Ih-J UrCvuney. Ueiroll. tUsIer M. Winifred

s—ii a;. Ibe oi.-nlng . s.TvkBeard of Trade Banquet
a 1V.. IV.. yoiinu ladle* robed to
II vas decldeil at the ju.T-iIug .4 the bride. .4 II... .■bur.-!, will, ebiwr town,
board of dlreiiora of'the-Isisrd af endal rob. . ,
,u,,e veil.
trade Monday afi> moon, lo Gold nn
other banquFi at Jbe uf ib.
nueling the toiler psn <m
March al the Itork I’torv lioirl. A
special nii-E-iliii: was In the <■,'

bmar or ao laler a talegraB arat raoatrad fron Hr. PleU atailoK ibat be
waald tab* ibe aaimal aa(f tbai a draft
had beea aeet tor |IK«. TbU ta aa
hlgb a eaab price, tr eot ibe hicbeat.
o*ar paid tor a eovla HiebliaB.

flee of Ibe pn-Tld. Ill, i: W HaxTtna,
‘ coeskl.y tin- mnUer sod if va ''
lolmously voi.-d t.i give an->ti •,
board of irwile lungini.

Last year’s banuii.-; va.-. <u..- >f
floest ever held lu tbis H'v and

Ob* of the moat aotevorlhr berdi
at BMaCelnTraaalaB cattle in botb
Ibe Dnltad Staiea aad Canada li
MAiatalned at tbe Nortbere Mlcblpan
Aayloa for tbe Inaane Id tbU city.
There are alatyroerea cova and

brought lueellier the ni.isl |.l.■r^tT■W.■
buslneas men and working

It Hotototo Oov Sold by Asylum Monday
tor tlSOO.

yvaai atoetk, and ao vMeap^ i
rapataiioa of tbe herd that node

2.48 per coil.



It vlll be t

aim large record vonld bo continued.
Tw In Ibe htvrd fruiii vhum <>qually
Tha latl fov days of the l<-*t wen- gwid or IM-Iler rerorda may U- ex|ieciextremely raid and Ihe pr<»|K-ri was
’ *.......... la vh.-n they lM<robie
good for a continnanra tif tb.i rvil.t. Dial urv.
Then Ibc eov slipped one day In going
No- H. Ibm'iar Kanstra. No. f.iisCO.
as testi-d, having giviro uiilk »i<
mimlb* She gav.- Ssx.I Iks. of milk in
•en days. 42.6 lbs. per day. yielding

taadeat of adeanced regiury.
*Tbe apeelal point of Intereat tn
tbli toaue la tbe remarkable record of
Ibe eov Cbaagellng; tiSSS Ita. .fat.
Bom i«3> Iba. milk la aenen days, and

ood her record.
8.i>28: III*, of belier fat good for 1
Tbto cow vaa bred and bora upon
bolK-r. a gind abuwlug
the asylum farm: vaa never o» from
t-r lullkllig oror sou day*.
aja Iba. fat tram 14UA Iba. milk In
She will wvlKb atmnl I.CM lbs. the
foarteea day*. Fhr far1y«Lgbl hi
average vcighi of ihe mature rows nf
vbUe nnder teat, tbit eov vai
BUatly vaUAed algtat and day by apo­ tho htnl. The result «t this lu*t of 124.1 Mk. milk. 41^6 Jba. |H-r day for
abova that Ifac Nunbini MIcliigan seven days, vhirti Mnl in.mos
dal BBperrtaen. during vbieb
Itoe did hot vary 2 per cent fracn the asylum own* tbe best cow in lh<- stai.-, of butter fal cqiiival.-nl in lI.r.iiT
as abosru by ofneisi records. OfBclai of buuer. A IMb. iwo-y.vr-obl heifer
aToage. Her beet day’s milk
Iba, eoatatolag SJ88 lb*, tat; and records also show that there arc only
three belter cows In the Vnltvd
her bad day’s fat vaa 8AC8 lbs. from
*T.« iba. milk. Her bed milking vaa Slatce and Canada and amuber year
e C|ii glean s.
MJ Iba; vhh« abova that tbe tboald Ibis cow may pan two of ih.-M- and

to the herd amptytog vlih milk tbe
Ncrtben Mlebigan asylum. 8bo bad
no eapeatolly prepared stall a
.eoaatry ptoee «t acne veallby
bd like tba mry day vorktog eov
aba stood to bar usual plaee to the
bara. atieadtog atrtetly to butlaeas.
With a datir average of neatly 47
quarts of adtk. averagtog SA2 per
tat. tor a cot At a pubtte toaUtu
to It aay PtotoH that tbe cburilable^
tosUtutloea to many of tbe atatm
tofutog to (ha R. r. eov to aoire the
milk pteuemr Hr. Wbitoap has ktodly
tbe toDovtog tram the offlctol report
ct Uie herd. Ibr tbe ase
tbe Reeoid;
Ob tba HM Aar of January. L. F.
Baird. *a«t >A Ir tbe Mteblgan
perimeat tobtkto, tmetaded a very
UreatlBg otleial test ef aeverul oova

Of the HuUleln-Prlcston cow. Chang.-ling. II. a No .Weis.
Owned by Ihe Kortfaern Mlrblgaii a^lum. born June 18. issT.
Dropped Ifiat calf IK-ccnibiT 3.i. 18..5; for the sev.-u day* fr.mi Jan-.iary
SI. 1»6 lo January 27. IPIC. hoib inclusive.


Dedication of N. V Church,

4;.Y.r,;e ,\ek..r.

■•nllrlng Gie twelve a|N>s1Ies whu «
rh«s.-n hy J.-sus and gave a most Im-

RnpMs wbk-b will orciqiy proUabo
ihr.-e uuartt^* of an hour, .afier wblvb
FonilUrial High Mass. willTollo
eidehraiii being the id. Riy. Rlshiip
Hrory Jostyili Ktehi.-r. assixird by ihc
very Rev, J..s.-ph Sebremb* V.
Si. Mary’s Grand Rapid*. Ihe aeslitan;
deocuos M ing Ihe Rev. Thinuu

ler R. G of SI. Jame*. Bay City, and
Ihe Rev. Ruliuri W. iiruvn tr
tened lo h« all. In it he tnatk- referJami-s. Grand Rapids: tbe dtvronx of
til Ihe iluii.'S befon- Ibe
lew In Ih-lr i-huiX-ii lUi.- of work, plac­ the mass being the R.-v, l->lward !,"•
f.-ver* of Cadillac, with ihe 1
ing sm-eial .-upbasls upon ihe good
James Golden of N.-*Kea CTiy. as
vhlrh ibey .mdov Ibe order w
Ihe inanier of ceremonies be­
Hie «.*>d
which tbe Older
ing tbe Rev. M. J. Gsllagber. rhancH
plishr-.- their diilie,; r.-nrbing I
lor Of Ibe dloe.-«e of Grgnd Rapid*.
earing for orplian-s and Instroci
as*i«iuiii mtoliT of e.-rvmuales U-lng'
In i-lo-tnjt bis Icctmv- Ihe
Hie Rev. John J, Klm-tian of Hie
hisb.ip laid i-*|in-i«l sln-»s
iii.Kiv.wbi'-b rt.arai-:iy)
•iirlxe the grea
Wbl-'b they
■ "n/-rlog. «hvr

Side -diurrh.

OHi.-f, olfiro* vl

islUng Hergy and Hie
boys of the Irouiacutote Conm-pllon.
The rer. mony at Ihe iHu.ilfiruil high
n iiioiv .111.1 i:M-»l.y perfeClion
lass will be preached by Ihe Rl. R.-v,
wliii-li nu* .->er a-hve and malHog the
nn.l Ibe bigli-i en,l of ifaeir us.- Bishop Henry Jom-pli Richter,
mar* lirelf being a harmonizi-d
fiiln. ss huili upward and ouwvrd.
sn.n uf Ihe Plain Cbani GregoHin
The aposiulai<» then r. ilred and i4 the Second. Tune* nuder ihe
Twelve NevIttotet Received.
tiiriK-d . with randies ax I
of AHhur Givurd, Ray Hag
From W.-diiA-N.lay 's Record.
.'Ut-ivd Ihe eliaiN-l thi-y adVtonn-d
being the urgnutot.
Holy Angt-U' Acadi-niy. condiielcd
In- saiie'uary au'l iVrb la t
Ibe closing ot tbe max* Ihe Lisby Skstera .4 St. Dominic, will. Sisl.-r arke.1 .4 He- vem-rahle ......... .
will Imparl 4be rontlfical ben^
Kl.vlior a-i sisi.T su|N-rtiir. wa> ihII take msill IheUM'lveS He-'
............... bto rooniliig of a most Impn-s
Of Ihe noviilaie. ihe candles Ix-lhg the dicilou and ihe unuxual reremony will
use w-lih Ihe Poullflclal hh-Miug.
No SH-rvim. wUl M- held after Ibis
until 7::;ii when the very Her. Joseph
Sebrembs. V. G-. vlll dHlver A lecture
od tbe M-nv^ of ih«t blewni



Day* and Date

Many vixiting pri-xis are ei|n-ctiH|
> he pr.-seni a< ihi- sul.-mn aud
sacred ei-r. in«»ay.

• this aprinp by Ifte «rael

Gomedyof Errors

Of Plano Selling
For rich, rare aad racy
nly ihe real slde-splltung kind,
one hu uety to visit tbe sliding
srale. gelvll you-cva-plan ptstn
*ior.- "Tbe price of tlV# plan.
Is B4cm. BI T UlfING IT’S VOt
I'll 1.4 yon have it for B30n'
Tbto Is only one i4 Ihe sioci
argumenis <4 the slldlngwcale
I'tom. house, but li Is sundenl
til Indicate the mirth praduriag
efr.wl ol the oolUlc ttpera ptoDo

mimi WE MioE Pin
We do noi ovenlBle ihe Utilb
When ve say lhal ve an
bouse lo America, ve an
sure now Ibat tbeni are any oibers. Anyway, uur plan and guar
You gut al qiir store* tbe ewac
piano value that you pay for
All pianos marked In plain flg
urr* based on oust of factory
production and not on the vbal
we-might-gct plae.


Kariory- distributor* of Kim01 i'tonoi »|ih iDlertor Ptoy
cm. KiBitiall Cabinet Plauo-Ptoy
aq-l KlmUll Pipe and Reed
Organs for eburob'and hunn-.

iPiin BqM( Etq









Ktril TOOTH ha. a
O perf-zrm. Ju»t a* each1 flng.-r
dfw-s. It’s tropiH-Nible i.i
the il.cay Ibsi will .K-xlroy the - ............................ ... _
many, benee the lmp..rtance uf a rar-ful ImA
hy trusty •-xp.-rlene-. If )«-ri| all'iw ire lo lixA
yrjllf I«l4h.
yo'i will gbin Mime Inferms'lon ibai you
will never liave cause
lo regr. 1
Jl will save ifae |i.-v, .donmore, lethapi mauy
teeth. "P
-Price* that don't provoke."


' ■767-'2H.a; 4.Sl.3il2y.JI.l^ ; .41,.>:,74-S8.B3.I«S1

Total yield for tbe «-ven days vaa C67 S
lbs. fal.


. milk, cavniilnlng


Oirea under my hand tbto 28th day of January. 19«6.
I, F furxl
TTie velgbli^leaU and calcntotlona lo (he above table vere made by me.
and the same are true and correct to the be*i of my knrniWge and beth-f.

at tbe avtom. We append a part of ^
bto report npou eae eov to abov tbe
care and mtouteueaa of tbeae testa and
equal or excel the third.
tbHr etoim to eometaets.
This sraa aabeertbed aad svoru to by
r ct tbe torn betora

III.- dlnellon of SI. Frsiiris «-1kuyIi,
wlili-b for over flruiq years has hail
th>' hi-l.I Ibe Rev. Jusuph Itou.T. mh<»e
Ilf.' has been d.'vou-d lo bla church
and school and c«v.-nt vlK-r.domlnlrao life I* doing good.

All iireparailoos foi the fonnal d"
dirall.ui of tbe W<->
Side School
Ihe rhnrrb of
Will Wv-toler.. cliurrh In Is* known i
I- ('uDr.-pit.)D a
.. ... Frank Itori rw.Jotopbi'**" "
■ the flrsi servile will beghi. Ibis l*-log
!j • 1. V-y-i
tie--all. ndanis at
■far V..,-.. IVurk N-I~.ii aud Wsll«-r Hie hlessing i4 tbe rburrli by the Rev
Ui«bi>p Henry Jo»>-ph Rk-bi.-r <4 Grsn J
■-lug the high mass whlc
the dlsrnKsian of laiwmant liuliisirlal enpiii] wo hour, a c-nnon va*
and uumrliial topic*, it l* pi.u..s.y|
d by lilshup Ith-bter i>|s>n lb«-.lM-aulo si-cure from idber i«*n* «if ihe siai
' of Hie spiritual 1lf<- wlilcb
pramlnttol »|«-akeni lo dlsfusa lm|Me
young ImlM-s Is-f.irc Mm were al
aubleeie of Inler.-M lu the |h-.
iler. II.- jHiInled In Ih.-ni as I

gave IS.T:S lbs. of milk vbirh at !
yield per cent of IiUIIa^t fat vss low eai I'M iifnclal lest would yield ekl>i
pie generally, aod Ibe niavnr a»'
tba coatary, vblle inqulrfei rcfardloc
at the morning or .4 a. m. milking, of butler. In her recent icni In
tbe sale of ■uek come from all over
aad tOgbrnt at 12 m.. or noon, milking unprnmrod rondlUuo. this eov t
tbe United Stslea. The cattle a
and ibc per cent at the 8 p. m. raUklog t2T-S lbs of milk. ybdiUng IC.4::i lbs.
ngt^gred. aad tbdr record i
lower than the noon milking but blgh- of butler fat or 2U.5I lbs. of k» per ceut
whole la scawthlag far abore tbe
er tbsn that of tbe muniing milking. butley.
Ihe numbi-r In atleudsuee al iLai jmihboth aa milk and batter
IVliy tbto should be so to I
No. !i|. Asylum Queen. reglAereO as ering,
daeart. vblle arnoac tbd indlyUiwl
for dairy expeHs.
No. U4B2. vaa next on the Hat. She
Atnas'Mnssidman of Grand Rapid*
«e*B WbM kaee a vldeapread t
When tbe ndeet vaa concluded, wly was eve yevrw and one monib old.
are acreral vblefa ntaad veil at
le more day va* neeU.vl lo
her ael-e-a days vrfarlal leal she gave
who has large ini. n--ls in
ki^ a'ldutua .Jn particular vtaicta
test fur fourteen days or two week*. CIA4 lbs. of milk tesUng IGdilSl lb*. cily. will Is- invlKil in ,;ive an addres..
raaka totndb to tbe Halted Siatra and
'SS m.'nd.'d and at the end »r butler fat. t-quivali-nt lo iii.Ci lt<s
e banquet. Mr. MciY-.-lman wa i
CaMda vilh % food proepeet of
of fourteen day* Hhc had I
last year tun wa« iiualde lo b>toe aeecaed aaetber yw. The berd to
of milk, an average uf »:.25 IIik. |«-r others, equally goods row* ii-sKvI nHe aasureil the n.mmUl.-o ai
caivd for la tbe moct aclenUBc maalime, bow.-vi-r. Iba' lie wuntd en­
■er and la tbe careful feedlaf and day. TTito milk ninlaln.-d il.tlTk Ib- roatly and glvinj; over 20 lbs. of biiiof iliitler fat or 3.i:i4 Mis. |ier .lay
in tin- «-ven diy* test, are deavor lu Is- her.- ut Ibe n.-xl lamiu--'
palBfUkiBg ueattaest of tbe ani
dauglilers ■< I'uniJsc MiUU-r lloy.r.No,
This will he an im|s>naiii ro.i-tinr
liaa tbe eecral of ibe caceeae vbieb equivalent In HiiAil Iba. of Imii.-r
of butler piT day. %V.- v
UlSi. six yearo at the b.vd of the
ad <louhtl.-ss Is- .4 gr-iierai lien'-fil
baa met tbe eftorU ct Slevard i
> extend tbe lest to Ibirly asylum berd.
Ihe rotunii-n-tol aud indusirial ini'
Whitaey at tbe aaytum end bto ■
days or one month when no ibiubi Uir
Thnru arc forty utbers ot bto dangb- r.sis i4 tb.'city.

bare beea milked tour timm per day
tautead of three llmec. Tbto
pteMlag to •aely. to almplr one

I* fain- in Ibe Eiaie u* aU aca.i-j Jo.ephlcu. ('lacy*. HaH. Slator M. 8.'^
eniy .4 l.-aniiiic |i in tbe;ba.iton; Mary Mazurka. Iradur. 8i*. 1 ayetom.
bad. T..toy ii,.-ir v.,rk I. r.-rognUrd^t,-r M. Ctorisaa;: Adelaide Krunni-r., •
aiHoJutoies aiv h.dng received^
/null all iKiriJiiu;
ilhier. I'rovetnuui. Sister M. 4'bi.i
■Welle tiitiTlU); Imu tlo- novlttoie to­ lllda: Einllto Iblkifer, Maple Grove.

■If milk In an arcrase of 3u» day* >
" IU*. pi-f <Ni« per ilay for the herd.

’Travcrac rily Ix-rd.

pilea. A raplr vaa at oan amt aiattag that aba vaa bold at lltw. Aa

Tbe ronovlnx regardlac Cbaacdlnc.
tbe eov vbtcb bae made tbe greai
neard, to taken frau tbe ofActal reeart of HidMeta-Preealans. laaued tbto
moatb by Makolm Gardner, superie.

NO. a.

It: daya or 414 Iba. p.T day. vbieb at

,.U lo

The Rev. Joseph Better.

«-F. Bird. Supervisor of Twl.
»lvp ceremony vhi-n. ivehe y.xing embli-nj.-; .4 sneb a dei-ire. Their n-:
ladies who have s.-rved vh.-lr iir.ibaiimi' qoext M ing oecedr-d to by Ihe btohoii:
After eight; imeresitog Information


aiartag qnallUea.
»e year, or 365 days of her UM
Appended to Ibe above were atBdavlta period ol lacutieo, this cow gave
^ (be hsiAlMaii or maaagto ef the lOO lbs. ot milk, or 45.4 lbs. of milk
herd and the fender nod the milker of per day. Similar letos were made of
the eov. eacb ssrlng ’TO my beat ten cove ta tbe herd, iwo being re^
kaovleda* and belier the above rapon leaia of cows that bad been mnked
to carraet ta tol tvepeela.'
nine and ten months: throe were of
When tbto teat bad been coaUooed lvo-ye«usold betfera. All these lexis
tbe pereu Aay*. a praUmlaary report were offlcUI and tbe eov* were by

For elereni** •*"*’“'*“’*
(rerv were received

in Its racn-d

retired and ebanged ihelri
rank* ] hHdal r..!** for the haUt « the order!

every row in
Ihe herd,'‘“’J’
forrake which ronxlmed ot white serge belted'
I. ,L.
vmcn records oro all filed In tbe stew-i
‘»e years’ with full length surpUeed front and!
arj's efflee^
jxerviro again enier liiio the deeper i while veil,
Cow No.

63. CUdlllac

Qneea. No ’
ax accepted;

xi,.- .. rv ices ciuwd wlib Ibe giving

«20I. eight yrar. Of age.
the Hi,
•bp. <4
- milk ta SSI day* an avenge of > sate all worldly ratlings
jRer, BUhop H.-nr, Juoeph Bleblev mel
Tbe sacred cer.vionle* were enn- xtox-d by the R. v. ZogeH.-r to devron i
4SJ lbs. per day. which by bee rocord*
of butler fat wooM yl.-ld A8 lbs. ot
9 o’clock before tbe Rt. Bev. Henry; The vtolttag xlstervi of 8t Oomlnic
M per ceni better.
Joseim Bkhter ot Gland Rapids, as- number many from Pravemoni, Grand
AnoHu-r row. Na 8A Pontiac Hclkje.
*isted by tbe Rev. Joseph Bauer ax. Rapid*. Mt. Pbaaant. Hart. Weir aad
No. S76S;. gave 15.132 |b*. ,4 xallk ta
ceMnal of high maas and tbe Bev.jsnnons Bay. fsUy Afty batag ta at-

Cradc I^erc
By mail..
If itia iDctxireniftnl or imposaiUe to coib'- lo our fltora in per8i»n you can atill Lav.- ••rco’ wlvtoitigc of our wi^ aaaortnwBt,
biuL (frudi- Rooija ami low prioes by •coding to qb )ijr mail for
anylbiiiR wanted,
Wc give thia ib^rtioent our b«at attentioo
nod ffiro tlioae wbo order by mail the benefit of ererr fanrostn
y«k rotnni th«n »d
we wiL n-liiml tbe money or exchange tlie guoda for uometLiiiE
cbf. aa you may direct

$. €. lUait ^ Sons
Crawrsr (aiy's Crsdlnfl Dra^ Bt»r«


&ad Tnrcrse Herald

wa* takae ill and wa* taaorad to the
bocpital for treaUMmi. gbe bad ImMMM •TC*r *l«nMr M Cam* OV prored tery mneh aM tbl* atonlac
It wa* planned 4bat *b* aboHI b*
. An th* walls and eaUton
taken bodie. O* aaneuat ot R beiac <« tbe fear tkm will
cold, however, the trip bese wa* paatlb* woodwwk reracpotted unUI after dinner. Ur*. Oa«e sbbed and eateailve Improvraut
wa* **17 aheertul and wanted to p*. will be Btode In every department. Ur
borne badly, the barlox made plan* to Riaier bai tbe lareett boose furalahlBi: ^
lb*t end for aome tiiite. Her death for
Oraad Rapid*, aad
a It all tbe more
got ibroucb wtih
.( k'Uel ittmiirrow.
te wa* a undent at tbe onl- will have one of tbe flueat. Tbe )ob 1«!
verity of UlchlKaa and while there let aad repalrioc will comneore il>e|
abe met her hu*band wbo era* In tbe Brat day of Uarob In order for Ur. I
tment. The aebootday
Slater to get ready for hi* h-avy
lacbmeot proved liailor aad In un KpriBK busloras.
they were married. ImmedUlely reaovlae to thla city, where they have
RoU t Hinrb. iil<«..-j
lived aince. wtlb the exeylon of tbe
d«eld«d br ibc republiclime apeni In Hmwnodnownahlp.
• botlneai in ibis riiv undi-r ht» di-d fr
M vi^mDiBltm Id
mponxi tu
Ure. Gacn waa a eocaiatent and
I to the Smith Realty enmpan-. tuHiiiK fb>m a r«vai fall «r-ire
■■fciiiuu* pvtIUaiii tnm all pan* or
faithful member of Ue Coneregailon- vltJi a capllal to (SO.Oun. »f wbirh Hi- »a;i t-.s-MiUii- soil llv.-t aliinr
tto «r to call a >a** mMlac of re- al ebureb aad when ahe lived
SI.31& has been paid lb cash af)d tr.CiiM
la OtelBberc'i Qraad ojjera
la propeny. which loHudea two dwell I
TO Ciini; a Colo in ons oav
a a eonUani allendam.
Ma* tor mtar omfor ai* «Mk. wa* alao one of the flm membe
toga, one at f.ot Weel Tenth ureet.
;jA aeUoB li takea la napeosc to a
tbe Udirt- l.lbrary a«aociatlon
other at the comer of Founecnlb and;*^ own eii««n«iB>vi.«i.*.c, Un
^iaUfMt dmire from rcpuMIcaa* a«i»he leave* a larro nnmber of friends Rennie eireei* and n farm.
an^ for direct aemlnattaa* tor Uw In tbe diy. to addltloo to
Tbe toflrers of ihc new eomneit' are
band abe leavea two chlldr
as follows;
^frafa bare beea reir te« If aap
Qase and Mrt. Bert Oanaell.
Prealdeni. Ella A, Soillh. •'
, Wwaloo* la oppodltioa to ihl* plaa
Vice prealdeni, l.«ren lluwiiey
»q»bab|b Ike pnmaiT lav enacted by
Secretary. Ireasun-r and mam
^tlfa ia« leglUatBre *01 not (o l»to ef
Buttoae Bay. Ulek.. Feb.
Satur­ Floyd Smith.
tMl BBtU after tbl* eleetloa. It 1* beThe office* will be alth tlieTtoverse
inU iriii .-irnri.ii>:i
liaaad that at the poUlc neetlnf plan* day aveoing Prank Kin. aged 27. who
Uanotanurlog rompany.
llred at OIII* Pier, left Bulton* Bay to
■or be preamted vberebr dlreci i
mllh la one of the most rttenHrr
IKiit.-,l ill rrliirh
rompany with Jobs Bendicki
IrtVai* lar vard and city offleert
Meli’in Stowe at about 7 ockiek. builder* In the city. Iiavtog liren .1
boaaaA*. Umabr **001101 an aeea
M.. II.
buslnees lim- for the i««t sii j.-ars.
aOM«*»n) «f the elUxs* of the repub- Frank Klrt ,wai living with hia brother
Jorepb Kin and when the
Bibhs at the dtr M to «ho ahall
iloikar.l flt>
Poultry Skew.
borne without him Joseph Kin startul
tMr candidate*. Similar ptaa* i
Th* fourth annual show of Hr ac-'-l li:. was Ins-leiHly ktllifl tty :
look for blm and found tbe
b^aS adopted fn rarloa* other dtln.
.Norihcrn Michigan I'oiiltr} nnd Pi-i falliiiR linber. ho wns -.rauir.
body near the bom* of John Bgelcr
Stock arsoctoilon will L»- fcc-ld Fi-ii. fLT a !-w lani ou fal.s roIlM-rV plai-.
It sia mile* from Suitona Bay. He
:7tb. 28tb and March in. al Frank
erldenily fallen ot and bad Ix-en
pai eOtoat ahall be beld la tbU maeTrudf* old More. It* Front slr.n
A Certain Cure for Chtiblalnii
MT, and n It too often the caae. that enubed under the bob aleigh and from
iroapoc-to for a morn exre-Hi-nt oxmarks on the road, It Is appan>nt.
etacoaea are ao oondaetad ai ..
hiUtloo to pouli'fy are very good and
t tbe body was dragged abooi two
HMt la the aaleetlon ot candidate*
to hoped iliBi the farmcTK ihn.ue!!
mile* before being Ilberaled frooi the
Ihmtable to a few of ibe-moet
1 thi* M'rtlon uf the Male sill i*k>•Me pntIUcal wneliw* rather than tbe sleigh.
B deop Interen In ihl* inatter. and a-^He had gone about half a mile afier
Mae cd tbe people fwaeraiiy.
k'aci- valtii- 3I--I i.-n (in'Tsr*
sUt all they can to the tieiii-mi-m .if
Is oompanlont lefi him wht-n the ac
•l::i- l>lll^ al i;-l:iiii-i| Hn-..'
The obiaet at the prtmeir law it to
I»-.-I;ry nock Id nonheni Michigan.
fiT* the paeple an opportnttUy to tar eldent oeeurred and the place when
Mew th*r dealre tor candidate*
Every republican it
I city is urpome being near John Bgeler'e farm.
Itefeer than to bat* Micta oeoaMalee
•d to attend the maas meclinfl
Saturday morning, tbe yonng mat Steinbers'a Cmnd Friday nishi to
MMDMed by a tow pontldani. It h*i
smplalned that he wa* not feelliiB termln* whelltor it Ic wire to make
tan beea the dertr* tor nwh a plan
•• bla bean glrtog blm troublc.
to STarara* Oty and It 1* the saneral
linatiena Ihia totrlng by the direct '/
eMaiOB et repaUleaiu that a aacees*- It to thought that be was setoed with
M plah may be Sevlaad tor tbe com- an attack while driving and





-r iVRi..r-x.r
T'*.!* Jatawl ijk-u'i. .




f:-rri.-rly ownr r c-{ ;!i“ t.iiil.- ; i-., ^


lias I-

131 E. Front Sired


wluTft hi- will

be pl.-asfi! to

mi-fi his u-d

frein.U .md

l•.l(^<>ilR and w.-Ic<jnn- m.-iv on. s.



. X,;






'Bnwerar. to aecora a tow expret
to«* to opildon and to -dlacnii the
Mttar thttoflieirtly and tolly, it will be
twoieiaij that the r^mbHoau
«*ty atlaed the ■euiac Friday
Ah e^mnalty will be iflven for tbe

snltod to blm falling and being eanght
Tbe body was found belwi
11 o-ctoek. The Una* were Ued *0
that tbe borsea nevor knew chat tbeir
The charred remainK nf F. E Sk i.
driver had fallea from the *Ied. Prank
■s were found lo the ruins of hi
Koch, wbo bad ridden a abort dluance home, which wa* .‘estreveii l.y firwith the young man after be left
near Caanorla. He wa.s an ngi-d mat
companion*, said that Kin *lated that and lived alone.
a* not r<-ellog noli, lie bad ibr
Many Cmiaren .
line* lied then.

D. Sleplcha. of U4aod, cortntor of
Uetonau coanty. held an ImiHeat y<
tarday afternoon and ptonoanced I
dent^ due to a fractcre of the bra
T%* Oladnln Coeaty Record latned
M**d by being uraek by the al
A 0»cdal aebool adlUon on Friday,
rtto. *th. to honor to the formal openHe leavea aa aged mother, tv
tot to the hhndaome new two atory
brolbere and three alatera. The fa
AM beaement hrlek aebonlbouae
Qtodwta. Tbe edition U printed
Me book papw and eontalna nan

erei aervieet vritl be beld at « o'clock

be held at StcintKTg'a opera buUMFrtday evening. Feb.
to take acii..;.
regarding tbe bolding to primarU-K i..

a and all tbe prinHpa}* from the
Cencemlnp Candidate*,
Mtbe Cladwia
ll to a little early yet to talk county
tot to Hie Bvloctloa «.f eanaidnl--..
Btoto. a* Wtol as
polltk*. Inasmoeh aa the election does
city and vrard ocarea ai tbe apriuK
wHtaap to the anhoolA past aad p
not take place until next fell. In apitr elnclion. '
of the remote dale. howe\-cr. there to
Every citUeo belioilng in Hie i.rinalready aome dUeuaalon as to posal- viplea uf tbe republican pany ninl i!.te candidates,
In knk Perea.
' Ing to act wllb ibat parly In r:.y
grawu to biuii
Tbe Sm deflnlte annoum
Hr* I* most rami-atly requested lo
fltot NMonal hank, a tihaate to be made are relative to tbe
picaent at and taka part la tbe
darieal tore* hu become neeesregtoter to deed*. pmceeding* to Ibto meeUng; by onler
Frank W. wilion, the present regtoter. of the republican city commiure.
^Tbe eOce to aadttor has beea added who to closing hU second term In the.
l» th* HM and BUwerth Hale
oMee. ha* annonneed hla ctndldac.
ba aelad a* payiag taller tor the laat
He will birr
ttoe* yewa. has been appointed to the
aam paalUcm and tbe followlag pm- derman Amo* E Blngbam to the S.v
■nie Prre Marquette rallrouJ ■atlon* and ebaaga* ^ve been made
lo waa a raodldalc
la tbe elerleto toree; B. P. Allen. maror laat spring.



Xofcfcaeper. lakai tbe poaiuon of pay.
Both m.ea are well kaown, Mr. Bint
lEg tellari H. B. Perrin, formerly In ham baring been to public life for
oharge to the savlnca deparimret la many years ud closely Idectlflod with
Ptoaaoied to that to todlridnal b^kwhile Ur. WUheepar; Chrroll Rale from the coll.,
ba* given aaitofactorr ocrvlcc _
a»* to that to aavtog. and collection reglater to deeds doting tbe past four
Gapartment. aad Ben Chureh. formerly years. Jast what the outcome will
to tbe offiee of J. W, NUlIken. u,,
ila nomination Is still a mailer
Ito datlet to measanger. The oncer* apeeulsiion.
to active charge remain the same.
«*ng Leon P. Tltna. cashier: W. u!
UloB. aaflatant c**Mer. and CaMU» L. SUbedm fln* tbe posHloa to


JJU-l-M- s -wuir u™.Tbe Fiiwt Natloiul will aooo «eie-


All rdiil.iu miivt Ih- in -ibmv nK.m l.y 12 ..Vlook, irotu,. Kcb.
2.. 'i !i<.si-.dv’. Iiuiiii .' < \liilp;ii..ii <-..i|,a
s!in» I- --.III

Aermoior Trussed
Tripod Tofer

Kivire....'.: '

A. S. Hoh.irt

i|„. f„nji- nl

11. V. Hobail

R. H. Hobart

J ust bix yrars ajm this week
lint Hnliari iniercwts bc-


‘yX'Rc .a I»art -nf the City
Hnok Stori*. and fhirini? that

ig£IE.... ■

Jimi* w<: have iveun very
'■it..i-«s(^l in srrvinir ihn

Every now and old suit.


RCriber to the Horaltl. wiio
has paid in full to Jan. I,
1007, will rccoivaa evoat
maBazina paper. Farm and


forafull year.


Farm and

Firaaldo is from 24 to 3B
PAges. twice a month. 24
<lmea a year.





PiiMic. .





In the years to come jfft
inist thai toii will^fcel the
same conlidrnc^ in buyinK
anyihin}; in our line as has
h.-'f-n -hown in the jiast.



\V'- biiorociatft wli:ii tAm
h;u.- thiUfi for 11«.


of 126,000,900: ibey got |:7.1M,.
The Uuoley^dams valuation was
Tbe Mu'blgan c-titraJ.
Itoed 110.000.000 by thCooley-Attams flgurei", it decrease-,
1600.000 and the Wabarh. which
Cooley and Adams lowered |sort,n..«, |
lowered only $201>,(K». The WI.eon

any •in «, Mlcblgan was ratted a larg
the run for amount by Cooley and - Adams, an.l
■ for alder. also by Ibto new astessmem. Ttm to the Frat ward. Mr. Palmer .. flrat as*.-sament was only
able young man with a large numone le R.loo.ouo. The tlran.l
her to frlttod* who lirilevc that be win Trunk secures a roduciinn to

roads. The flgur.-* tend te
al tbe board proceeded prae
llrallv wttbout loBuenre from'Ibe
Ooa W. Oegner. the dsb dealer of Coeley-Adamt flgnpes presented by
the Second ward <« Hooday deflniiely Attoraey General Bird.
meed hit candidacy for the r.>an nomlnatloB' for aldermaa, lo
suceoBd AWerman Blngbam from thaf
wnvd Hr Oegner nates tb


to«e Kb tweniy^m aimtvereary and
nrged by bis many friends
iftowa. trtoy. r
that ward to make tbe race aad
>r right year*.
bre la tbe Arid to stay
la tt>7 I
allooi are over, and he believe*
Id in l»«i they wrw ISTS.Tft. Today with good prospects to sueeeas
thay Mand at iusiw. Total asaeia
are more thaa gTOTJOB.
Frank H. Hamlin to Blair lownahlp,;y^^'^^if“^V^’^'^^
'“>PJ»rod to tbe -onouMw. bl. candWMT for the
Pint Malional for nearly mx yreri.
WMlctu. Bomtoatton for regtcire of,
lo Micceed F. W. Wll«n.
Knmlln was an oppooeut of Mr.


Sh3w Room Op:n for Reception of ExhiblU Feb. 26

at I28.WIU.000: they

Tbe need to auch a change has been
MBamt to tbe tolcers for some time
ftm. The tocrcaalBg bottoesa de1 able represratailve. For that
■Mad It aad at ju i*« «eeu,
reason, be will seek the oomtoallao.
Tkl* poto the worUng force
to a btoler poaltloa to handle, even
■« aattofaetorily than is ibe part.

.... '



The r

tkavkhsU: uity. wich

« ItK-l. -i'-s. JJ. l-i.iii II;,-.s. .Stur.iin Oiith.

A meeting of the republican v«tw<
of Traverse aiy la h. roby called


1:1; FiMxr sTui-;i:r.

Feb. 2T, 28, March S ’


tio EXTRA ON PIANOS fSi: - '
IW value an,I t.-n .h.ilur. .-Kira
1C bills nt t5rinn. il Hro.s,'


Mre^ l_ H. Gape Dead.
*ca. I.. H. Cage patM^d away ahorUy
*«ire Beta-today at the Oraad Trevnomination. 5
towe boiiplU]. her death being due
In tbr*.,.
••ft trouble. She was u vaAn
« y-r. to Stod. Amo. t Btoghma haring sm-j d^ySSl^rS,


•bounced bl. cmidbiacy for the tofieef lysDW^p . t
* Mr*. Gegc^aereral days age.
I.. . AtWwvwymto,..........
>BaAwA4S>wa.T>sTsrwOty. Kick. *»

City Book Store

roD Cin't Miss Tlicm

Cfie Bfibirf Ce.

If YOU tr;iJi-nt iho E.-jm;;i,v

Cwerst cup, tOkb.
1 '.t\ .'Ui i D-l’ ’Jvpi-ls



We l^»e BarUisi Ivery



Silver. Af.-toJ. Tea. Ta!.!.- ai..!
IXwiTi Spoons i*(T*et 50c


L^Ii.wMJintrhiiin Aprons 10c
Koce Pant* 2V to
Blw-kamiUis W an.l •.•|jsi.vl
rivetins U.imm.-re.
only 25c
DooU.- llilU-J Axi-N. tMii-li.
pattern 1 only fiJe
14 iiivli leifsc ftitpi, lliis -ot.
enclt 35e
Ilf'l.iiisoii* U-st

"f A -.i-


y r;
for i}.
•iiiL'. i'V.-rhslin-_-, cuU:ii.-/c.l
SI.-.-1 A.-rmolf/r.
the U;.s8.’J
lrip.«i tower.
If vrtu want a s-iovn- -IvaL wnu^.\S. Wfht.

I i-.'-rs.

1. ric .A- l-i




IJutriwia mi.! ..ilu-r .iieinrijQiKy-* of

M.,-b.iKp!;sm. U-.i-ral .mmI Tsncal Ii.f-s-ii,,.,. .skin IHsffiac*. Liv.-r.
Sb.i:i-o-l, nn.l IV.w.-l irouIAie. Luu:: iroahl.d. Kidney- and LLwl.i- r -Hrfi.-nlt:..*. X,.r>-,«a ExUuitlon. ,X.-nr<ist*j.«ia, iJiemee. of
she 1-. truJe P,-!-. i- t irKans. J' .rdybis ,-uttl U.-wirefe.

If yon tare

»uff.-i,t;L'vithi.„*,.,}.*v.. Urn onnUo to jjrttbeele.
•trv-1 n-suh* l.y <?ruL'ir.
•suliaiioit Fn.f.

aii.l u..«j the lAjctor.




Ayuiit for tL- Aennotor lin. of
vimluriMs. ptiin|R>. tanka, . tc;


U-.UI. S],ro,tiS. s-ar.ii.-:.. MyttL'W.,K„riii.e. N-.-urr-lLH-i.' Vorioote.

Tli. n- nn- e<> iioTioin t-irts'. /
l.niivs to sUjK y/.t;r t. .-a..Ih'...}.

Di-tuiiBon's Ufi-jR- p-iiw-r. .-.11
.oiohi. 8C per reU
lVDui»<ma fttiii-_v .}. i-o.-iiti.]
cft‘p.r pi|«-r. iifu

Has Opened Offices in He Stale Bank Bnlldlnr

New and Novel

tins. !-■* K-;iniiful p-iiu-ms.
jR'r.iw-n 5c

IT PA'vra TO


Tii.-y k r-*,m ;ju.l t,..ik nuaji.

p.j.-r iiiip.

' ■

sssSi'S-SW? yi~r ““ ~-




In the Mly. In addition to the apeak-1 Ura. Henry Hyman <d Kalamazoo
lUoaad a few daya ago.’there I ditcovered ber aklrti on dre
Ibe Rot. William L. Hunger. | waa'riding m a nmi car. IlMie waa,
Held reeretary <d tbe lengue. Dr. 8>o-;a lJ\Tly ttmefor a few monieata. wbih-:
eztlngulfbed the ffamc*. Thcj
Alezsnder Cooper of Cteenrille an.l i fire Vas tianed by a ipark from ibe|

Th« remklai 'oC Hn. Fmak FMMt,
lie 4IM et ber beaw oa Ri
M flf OTBUle heart trooblr. rm
id to rest Id the CeiboUe ’eemeiery
Saterder. Feb. i;. She erlll be eadlr
. becee br ber tainfcand and
elebt eUIdrea aad aim br ber meUter
city it urgwbe baa beee a tallbfal vateber at ber
auie wide and grentcr rrikutailon. wUI ied 10 attend the maaa macting
■Me darlet her lllmn.
n-A Ti»j w. B■ a daoBbler of H. 8. D^r. occupy Ibe different pulpiu of the city j fiwinberg'i Grend Frldey night to de­
CM-*. Wn. JpM T. Will, ■—Mt Qmrwho
ta tnake
ML a-a :
the doaa «f the war and recelred aa
Ibeir denomlnaUca. can bear I nemlnalioiit thla apring by the direst
die^rxe. He afwnrard
by Buesding Ibeir own churrb.
3 9Cr ttH ill*w<4 M nsK ftepwtis entered the police force Is the dtF-of ITie men who will come hero are the
Will Add Creecfy Deeartment.
Detrcdt aad waa one of Detroit's
in tbMr line of work that rooU
Arthur Roaentfaal of tbe Globe- alor.-.
poaalbly aeeured and every one etznis
who win remote to the Boston Siorr
death while on duty dtd waa earrlc
bead. Each one baa nume
; buibitng In ihrtjo weeks, anneunetf
borne Ilfdeaa to bit wife and foe icallmonlalt and many favorable
,*hst he will place a department ememail cblUren. Urt. Forton belns tb flaiicrlng pren noilret.
:ecry stock in the rear of the bulldine.'
. The youmtaat. who la now tb
Flehcnnan Fell In.
|»bd devote much anemloa and spaev
of Wm. C. Dobaoe of Gru
Frank Weathers of East H.nd I to it. He ezpecia to place s ptmrtlca:
aireet. waa then two yetn old. Tb
family etninled alooB aloni undertook to uke bis firb coop onto ryt>ryT in charge who will do the purdghtlns their own bntilea rather than the Blufh lec on 'east bay. He r>' ii ■ *»'~B •”<* *ttend to It peraonillt
apply for a peatkm. althougb they out an right until he came to' twelve : l>- 'lvery wageo* will be placed on lb.'
and tllll hare their fatber'a dlt- feet of water when the ice M him 1 t^^t* »"*' »» up-io-daie grocery wagon
and the eo<m drop through, lie mmn-, "">
eonnectlon with tte dry goo.!«e paper* la the bouac.
ClnalillM (W« WMk 2.850
aged to right the coop but was unable!
idr c»abead facutiy It
--------------------Tthe Md that Ibe two boya, J. J. DeFcr to gel out.
Oaear una aii« Baoaoia BWtoa.
and H. 8. DcFer. hrolhcra of Mr*. Forbath at the peataraU. vm married
too. went to Wlseontln a few yoira
eecortng n lOke pole, fished
h. l. Staul.-y, of 8 o'etaek p. m. oa Pridaj- br JuHlee am with hardly enonyh money to p
Weithera nlu. Wcalbeiw then g.ot hl>, iHe nd:lurau»n of my wife's Ij.-alil.
Oaotfe W. CsKla.
roop togciher and eelected a flrm.-r
0‘'' I*'*''* “f r»pHnuous cnigtithdr fare, but today U a person w«
p off tbe train at Sazon. Ir
VhraMTt and all iniereated Jo poolirr
Ms elolh.-a he g... busy fishing and - sceates
sowtcsi n.-dlr-liu-. Dr. King;; New,
aad ecc ralslac aboald make it a point eouDly. Wlaconaia. be would aec
for Ccnsnmpi
to .attend the naasal pooltry abow to
.e weighing twcniyetpertecce »win
be Md In Trarerae CHr. Feb. 2Tlb. larm wareboeae on the railroad
ipU.ti It taken
large nwmtil turning out rough aod
n-veJ win.
»tb aad Han* let.
drafted lumber, beading*, ablngles.
U>’l!i-s completed
the «nr*i roughs oa-i eoins «r m<
no new Homaoe aodetjr la auUng mining limber, etc., about one ibouTheta 8>ff Deaths.
I n-luniled. At Johnson Drug Vo.. V
•and nerea of faming and timber land
*«tr mod procreaa . A larm nnm
Meads. V A. Iltii-:.-- l)rug Co.. «l
IVnih has again cn-ered lb- I
Md from forty^lgbl to any boract all
0"c and
Trial betHc
owned and ke^ buay in tbo diachnrgc of Charles Jui<-n. when Ihe lai
Ibe laaoMoe oC Ibe eoeletr bat
Every republican in the city is urg
of tbclr lambcrlng buaisma. J. J. tie- 'he little Iwiff dstisblers. Is>m i
readr been felt la the dtjr, No <m
cd te attend the mass meeting in
Ter la niao abetiff of Iron county si trine we-eks age. died Thursday t
of croelir bare been aollced for a
Steinberg's Grand Friday night tb ds
preeent after bolding eeveral townahlp Jon at 5 o'clock ai Ue home of
ei« daya.
annab Peleraon. SIS Uneotn aireei. teimlnc whether it ta vvite te make
oncot oaltfaeiorlly.
Mr. Julen baa been greally arfllei<v1. neminatlona this spring by the dtrttt
Bay 8bos of WUHamabsrs. who bat
One Bad feature at the funeral was
lott a aamber <rf eovi recently from le (act that the boya were called death having analcbed away his wife system.
pettoalBC wlfbet it Mated that they ick borne and had to leave the and lliilc lain daughter* within the
«em not poieoaed Ibroash tte Imldac ehuTch and m to the depot to calcb ' past nine weeks.
The funeral was held Friday after­
of a can o( TMatMae, bat Mmply by he train end, w*re unable to m to the
noon at 2;30 o'elork from 913 Uncoln
IhUac the ootalde of the oan which eometerr.
Mrecl. the Rev. John Forsherg tifbad not been opeaed.
ficlating. and the Inicnuent was la
Child<a Love It Pathetic.
Gakw-ond cemetery beside tho ynune
Jndm F. R. Kayn 9 Of CbarlevoD
Living in daily dread that he la
ar A. m. Hnador- be given sway lilUe 6-ycar-oId ChcMer mother and twin oislt-r. The arrang.-Boa of Cidinae nrrlvad in the city Bna- Amidoa. youngcat son of Cbarlea Ami- meiil were In charge of Dndi-rtnker
finy, ianvlag oa «bn anrty tenia Mon- don of Ibis aty.-wbo loai bit wife five Carter.
'Any momlDf tor lialand where they be- weeks ago, literally bang*
$!0 EXTRA ON fims
gan tbe Frtmnrr term or court Hon- fatber'a coattalla aad keeps tuch cloac
4ay momlag. Pam C. onbert and tob on the totber that he b;
nominee by Rttbert Cramer and L-wit i yu’^MIl<“at" G*rinne'ir
i' "
Ptnd Prntt neczmipanled ihnm.
anaUo to carry out tbe pm
toon after the mother's deal* to give
no fam bouae la Cedar
Every new end old sub­
nned by Mr. and Uio. T. C. Sbugart. Ibe mtle child away.
Hr. Amldon lefi here with bit fo-ir
441 Bay atroM, and occupied by tbe
scriber to the Herald, who
IMBlIy of r. B. Hotman. waa burned eblldrtm three weeks ago tor CbesanFARMERS, ATTEWnoNI
has paid in full to Jan. I,
about 11 e-cloek Ttauradny morning lag where be bad reUUves wbo hod
I hnCD at ni.v farm a Donbte!
1907, will receive a great
with n lorn of b«ws«B UOO ud tm.
Sto^nl. Pollih! Dnrliam biill.j
masazlne paper. Farm and
nmm wna no lunmnec. Hr. Hot- Cbestor and two other of the moll
ileral in Iwtli tho PolM Ditr’l
Fireside, absolutely free
man M abont hnU of bit bennebold
and iSborthnm Ilenl liooks.'
arrangement for bis dltposal and hav­
for a full year. Farm and
I whh to •« the *to<-k iir.itrovi-d
ing loM hit motber had an awful fear
throuchont the country ao I will
Fireside is from 24 to 38
bU childish benrf that he was about ohargeonly $1,50 for Feca. Anyi
pages, twice a month, 24
lose the only parent left, and
polled calf is worth 32 extra, not'
day after day be has Mood by Ibtl layioe anythin; nbout the thortimes a year. See the
•M nndor Ibe name of tba West parent gripping fait hands or elt
offor elsewhere In this
and crying out In fear at every
Vmcm Metbodlat ^riaeopal atureb
toward a aeperallon traUl Mr. Amldon
Ornat towaAlp. It was organized
tte tnaUenee of Ooorge Herron Jan. fonnd It practically ImposalMe to give
tbe lender IJitle child Into other bands.
tt nnd otnru life with a charter me
Uat week Hr. Amidoa
bitttlp of neariy a dozen member*.
the idea of leaving tbe IllUe abaver
A olg-lagh tbaft nt tbe Oral Wood whom be would have to literally put
CM wompeay broke PVMay. er
away from him by forre and
ttntlng ihuUJnf down the oval e
returned to this city with the chll.l
dM depnrtmant and'-lbe wtto end
fnrtmeni tor a vMi or ten day*. The again begin booeekeeplng by having
atolbea ^ dmmitmeat was pnt on atoter come and caro for the child.
^ oemmlaalee for a abort time but <
He left on Saturday for Thomp
ww to ntanlnx order. The Ante .o aoevllle. where he apeol enada.
tte bmnk la betlered to have been : with ihe child aod rc-nmra tbdWeet In tbe shaft.
early 4«rt of the week and opfn «|.
Ite bumble borne again. At tbo depoi
' Imcglle Rozy. tbe IMayold babe
Cmwler clung to the overeoal worn b..
Mr. Md Mrs. Tla^y Ooodaell
Ibe father and never tor one momei.:
Miytald, died ySonday. Tbe ba
loM hU vigilant watch that the father
ttd naffered tercml attacks
might not anddcnly play aome trtel.
tonzBU. death betog dee to ralrular aad desert him. Hr. Amldon left thtiMble. Tbe fanemi wmt
babe a few weeks old and the llttb
Tneeday at tbe borne at 8 o'clock. Cap- daughter Alice. 9 years old. with re:
Uto Bouteri of tbe SMmifam Army save# wWlc the eon George has als.,
tfletoUag. Tbe babe tredgbed b« two been given into other hands. Tbcr
pnoads at blrlb and bad ndlher man, the I«.ycars>W boy. wbo Is .m
•Mnad or kw dnrtog He brief life.
able to walk, was put In llw borne at
Lapeer for the feeble minded.
KegoUaikms are now poadlnj
tvwen tbe mao wbo are tmek of Ibe
AntbSalnen League Meeting.
- prapeaed paper mill for Traverae City
The union Aoll«aloon lengne mee'
aad the Queen aiy Light nnd iHjwcr ig, which will be held In Hie City
eaeapany which waa granted a fronopera bouse Sunday evening, promise"
tttoe a abort Ume ago to bolld
be one of Ibe largest. If not the
Will remind you that wc haVQ-Q jiic a stock of warm
IM meeting of its kind ever held
a few daya an tmporttil aasosne.
shoes, slippers. Icitginijs and nibhcrs. which must be
■ant wtn be made bnl anffieo It to ta
closed oul for spring goods. They run like this;
tor tbe piTft that Ibe paper mill I


T.'i1".- y

rnTai r..r




attady eiceied _
ftttd with tot. Tbe cottage r
t«< with pgrab OB thraa aide
wtt ba potoitd rad. wblU aad ___
TMa Will be tbe Am bafldlag to he
■wiH apem tba lake, tratt faavtog alvan beet need by ibotc who vUltivj
ltd Maty ptoee*.

Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
owo hair? Can’t do It?
Hsveo’teBoathhiir? Iinust
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here's an tatroductionl May the tcqatlot•ace resnk In t heary growth
oriich,thick,gloBsyhair1 And
we know you 11 never be grty.


Important Showing of

New Dress Goods and Silks

Ilfginniog Mond;
and Silk sal
in Nonherf

________ _______ _______ w. «« ..
ponance as our Wliite Sales and have put forth ever>' effort to make ihi.s
one a success.^
Dress Goods this season are especially ricli and pretty, and our showing of
medium priced as well as the tine grades is exceptionally strong. Probably no house
north of Grand Rapids carries such an extensive line of dress goods in all crades as
does MiUikcn.
This, together with the superb showing of splendid silks that wc will offer for
your inspection,
nspcaion. will 1be well worth your time to como and ace them. To make your
part as easy as
as possible the tables in the center of the store will be given to par­
lially displayinj
ing these goods. There will be many special prices during this sale ihal
you could1 not kget at another time; in fact everything is priced verk- low and the
.^ains in addition make it doubly attractive, so if you would take advantage of this sale
’ 2 and buy while evciything is at its best and save some money on *ev*-v
eral things. We invite you to come and set- this splcnilid selection,
selection. Below will be
found a few prices on silks that arc especially worthy of niemion.
27 in MIssalinofi, SOc yard
19 In. Louisiana Chacks and Plaids, 60c
21 ln.Peau ds Cygo Ina beautiful ssisetion of colors—about twonly—50c
27 imChiffon,Taffeta and invisible-checke, 7Sc and SI.OO: this la an dxcsptionally strong lino.
36 in. Black Taffeta, an unusually good number and will bo found to alvo
satisfaction $1.00 yd.
36 In. Black Taf fota. best we know of. and wo usually got the best ffom
maknriv. * 1.1 A vrt

sale we have on safe our first assortment
. . ^ ^
of new Suits. We expect you will agree with us that.
It IS the best selection wc ever had. They are especially pretty at this season. !n
the light tones; the light colors with tiicir elaborate trimming mak.- them aur.tctive
enough 10 suit anyone. Prices will be very moderate. $10 to SiO.


n string on
Voiir Finger

IhrlBg te tba navtre storm tbe Jubltod entotoas rrbteh were to have bora
tfiM at the Onwa H. & Anreh. have
^ imntpoeed nnlll tb* evening of
fl*. St. A special Invitation Is exlaMed te tbe trienda of the Grawa
cbOTcb ned to tbeir frleadt wbo live in
Tarerae City. A fosewed Invltmtlon
to tfrea to oil ttNa who were «»,
Ptolallr tarited Mbra. A f>«:‘
iMcbeoa eiil be served. Admlatloa^


Women’s Dress Shoes, light and heavy J
Women's Fur Trimmed Juliuites that
were $1.25, at.........................................



Good Things to Eat
Capture everybody. If you sit down to a table filled with all manner of good
things to eat. you forget all seeming troubles and arc just happy. We do our
best to aid this happiness in our groceiy 4ic|>jirtment.



Poued veal, bashed chicken, pressed
pigs' feet. Vienna sausagc.corned bc-ef,
lunch tongue, potted ham. hamberger
steak, frankfurters, chicken loaf.
These arc the finest canned goods
ever put up.

Force. Kom Krisp.Cerea N'ui Flakes
Malta Vita. Grape Nuts. Tiy-a-Bita.
Creani of Wheat. IJriiile Bits. Ralston
Brc.-ikfast Foods. N'cutriia. ttlsbiiry
Vitos. Bpnner Oats. Rolled Oats, Uncoin Oats. Shredded Wheat Biscuit.

.( Crackers. Uneeda Bisrtiit, Sponge Lady Fingers. Animal Cookies,
i bampagne Wafers. Broni’s Water Cr.ackers, Athena Wafers, Nabisco. Or­
ange (iems. Frosted Creams, java Coffee Cakes, Sultana Fruit Biscuits.
Fig Newton. Elgin Cream Biscuits. Zu Zu. linger Wafers, Butler Thin!
Cheese Sandwich, Cheese Straws, Vanilla Wafers. Mary Aon, Ginger Gems.
Pretzels, Iced Coffee Cakes. Sugar Square-, Cream Crisps. Cracknels.



Olives. Snider’s Salad Dressing. Dev­
iled Olives, Oyster Cocktail Sauce.
Soi'ler's Catsup. .Mixed Pickles. Can­
ned Salmon. Pure Horseradish, Mint
Sauce. King Osotr Sardines. Clam
Chowder. Pork and B'lans, .ill kinds
of prepared soups.

B,iked fn-vh every morning; Whole
Wheat, Graliam or Rye. Order with
your groceries and save all irauble.
What about flour if you do your own
baking.^ Wc sell the veiy best, the
Supreme, the Marvel and M. L. Co's

"'omen's AVa^m Shoes, leather, foxed,


Women’s Eavy Leather Slippers



L^hild^’s Fine Shoes, wonh from Sl.i>l


FZver iritd our panicular blend of Breakfast Coffee. Mocha and Java? 'Vou
don't know what gowi coffee is until you do. Then we have the Fcmrifll
Brand-three gradts; each one the best, for the money >-Dti ever bought.
The "Park Place Special" nas made us many customers. We also carry ten
other brands—in fact wc are the coffee headquarters of the city.

Boyl’ Rubbers. 50c
Children s Rubbers, 30c

seue/^ o/^ GOOD snoes ^


Foot teama haolloc lopa for tbe
cano LoeelBs Oo. at tbto place ....
boaorably diaeharsed Wednenday
moralBB. All rctorned to ihrtr
appcrire bomea Dear Smiooa Bay.
Ur. and Hra. Prank
pteaaaoily earprlaed Balnrdny nlpht
by aboot flfly at their trifauU. Danein* and card pasKs arere ibe prORrani
a for tcreral Bioatba. baa rciaracd for the ercnles- All bad a Jolty time.
^ac in thla idace.

Grand Traverses Region.
4 tee Ut« to UM. At^eefmpeod«iee BMM nach the
IMw than TuMMr noM er eiBh «Mik.
and K cerraencndanti tell ta teid
thalra In. tbay >ay be aaaaratf «

Mr. and Hra. Ike BumcardOCT wi
to Bear LBkesOa aa extended eiait.
Oeerse Box It_
l( on U>c fSck llfl.
Erad Fbataat vent lo Trareree City
Btae Loee^eraa
Ace^eru ooo the sick IW a
te* days, bni 1< beUrr bo«.
Aaaw Box to cximlcd bone I
John BtiinEardnrr retorned borne
Gaa Uac baa rvtnrnol borne fr
ainrday Irom Bear Lake, wbent he
waa vlalltaE bto aick motber.
*'^ta8WO Roaec mod temlly wfllte
Uiaa Aliro Day. Besale Fbrrant and
on tbe
foniterlr oeespM by 0
Mra. W. Ftarrmot were 1b town Saturn
Mra. Van Oatrand baa t>cca rtoltInE
ber dausbJcr. Mra. 8- Barke. of Maple


Bora. Feb. 14. to Mr. and Mra. Char,
Kewman. alaoa.
Mr. and
nlBEbam an
ipmy and
preparatory to
ring for « S Mission, where tbry
expert I
k (hr coming summer
ro EO ID Alabama next fall.
F. J. KoBer*
•r* and 800 of
speat last week with her sIMer
J. D. BriEbt.
Rev. C. A. H
W. Rinehart spent a few da>>
Chief with hto brolhiv, B. T. Rinehart
and family.
A anbacrIptloB was circulated to
Ibe beaelll of Frank Harvey and fam
ily. wbo were burned out last Honda;
night. Quite a llille rabt-untial al<

have returand bome after a vtoli wltb
her paienti at Crawn.

Mtot Anna
r. Mrs. Frank
brer Olsoe of Kortbport to drivInp John Kraberr's team oa the tember haul.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Svoboda of Cedar
ere tb.- poesu of Ur. and Mra. Frank
Rpy 8Bd Alma l.en:e(( and HUs Sbalda yesterday.
tAlimn of Traverse Qiy visited over
There will be a masdoerade dance
Sunday at P. l.<TKetrs.
la Joe^tda's ball Mooday nlEhi.
Mrs. J. Stadlebaner
’eh. SCUi
Hr. and Hrr. Baird i
at C. H. Monroes yemerday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Decker vtolied i
Mr. WatkoB's yesterday.
Feb- IS.
Uk Waon has returned from T^v
erae City.
Cook’s baby is ray nick al ifali
Cwnte Rians Is «i tbe sick list.
Mr. Uobcl vtolied al Mr. susri's Uit
L.-C Ramsay and MJm Susie Youngs
were marri.vl Saturday. Feb. 17- Their
many friends wish Item a long and
happy me. '
rtiarley Coii.m reluraed borne Saluntoy from ramp.
Mr. Scherrai-rborn reinrneil bome
Saturday • r a long

■ rf Ihe stml

A Haniina tewM.

He to able to be a
Ttm Ladles’ Aid v
with Mra.
CoMra Wednesday.
Tbe caiertalnaM
Elvra at Ibe
ebureb was weU attended
■wd aad It was
1. Ija.ks was Heated.
Mrs. iioppra and daugbler Knibryn
made a couple of days' vtoii at tbe
bome of Mrs John HHfricb.
Myrtle Helfrleh sprat Sunday with
Feb. 1>.
her paresis. She has bees at Traverae
Herbert FPwIra brooEbt a l&fEu kwd
Mr and Mrs. J.. W. aelattd wer fram Mapletcm Friday
«o Bitrad
Kingsley callers on. _______.1...___
Isaac N'.'wmarrb and William Sax­ Mrs, Chandler Is very feeble; n.
ton drov to btest Bay Sonday. calltog slek .Iml Just BO feeble Ae raanoi i
up half tbe time
on Wad.- Stnltb.
Mrs. Henry
Iran. Sm
Smith was railed to
Oiy. by the death
Jh of ber an ratertalnmeni Ir
near future.
Mr*. Wa. CbHslf ,.^.. .
Mrs. A. U Pringle of Wexford nnd
Miss Clara of Trav.-rse City bouse dHng tight work, ,
ytolK-d Mr. I. J. Nvwmarch Saturday.
The sIHgbing to very nod on Ibe
Ml« I'raue.-s Campbell to sertourly
shore rood, but on tbe middle nmd It
ill wlib typhoid pneumoDli.
W. 8. Saxton bas a very lame horse. Is bard to g« to town. Our barvesl
Alonro Sparling was driving to of tee we are aftaW will not eooe out
Kingsley with bto raoibt-r wbi-D tb.cutler linped over and Ihe horse rau
■y. bruakli
K..wm«eeh-. s.n.
“ —-togo llerase blown away with
....................... ........ Mi>. Rafierr. O.j'*'*'
‘rf « prrachera house

Tbo Rev. J. C Warraa. paalar at
Shutm Baptist Asnb. Belalr. <la^
sayacfRteHrteBitien; 'ICa a OoA
•sad to maabted- It e«red aoof teas
back. SUE Jtdats. and compMo pkysIral coitapoe. I was so weak ft took
me half OB boor to walk a arils. Tw
buttlra of Electric Bitten have made
me so strong 1 have JssI walked thivr
miles la 60 mlaales aad feH like walklac-tbnc w>re. It’s made a bow ama
of me.” Orraiest remedy for weak' Mver aad fcMaar
coiopumu- SHd a
Drag Co/s. r.

^bee Drug Cd. s draf atorea. Pries
Tbe Hay A Todd MaaaCactvteg
company has eoesoUdated tU TptetoaU
and ADu Arbor ptaais al Ana Arbor '
and Ibe last ef Ibe mteblnn of cbo
Ypsllanti tertory bare been awrad
ibere. This means an taercade ta tbo
Ann Arbor plant of about IM haada.

Hoaa Sclivindi Is very stek at i
Chas. W Mrara. a m
Jord Otty. Pa., had bto t
FBb «“■
John Lot-re to EotllDC out iumbtfully burned In an Heelrk
DIM a balD In tbe aprioK.
He appik-d Hurklra s At_________
naopaon and J. J. KUvy vein
with Ue usual result, -a quick and
Tiarwaa City eallera one day latt
Bora, to Mr. and Mra. Gro. Bunker,
PraoeU C'leea and BTIIle ColemaB
perfect cure.” Greatest (ralcr oa earib
Feb. 18. a son.
workinc al TaEcr’a mill.
for burns, wounds sov^ fnfmi and
WIB Kropp droTc lo Traverao City areMr*
CIlEurd E. Pray of Grand Rnplds
Foot anil Mra. Clees arc oa tb
.1 ^Bsoa Drug Co, F, H.
tbU teotUos OB Inislaeaa.
^"iK’ id; Adam ..
y wif
Irk llBt.
Tbe print of poiatoca ia ooeUns
. ...s. A
I>ctrf Umlor waa home over Sunday.
bun her fiw>r quite bsUlv.
doam the ladder tenter tbtn the tern----- --------- - ---- tos been quite
John Fall
» Traverae
Dr. LawioR made a profcaalonal'call
Clare Ramray. John Ramsay and sick,
era voeid like to bare li.
to able I.. Ik- around aiaii
City todny.
t KuETne {Tiolor'u Friday.
toyd ShtciH r..iurn<y| bome f
Haneatln( iec la the order'of tbr
John and Henry Siarllng bat
Pray of Traverse City vlw
Frank Roltaardt visited al A Laatday.
to Canada for the winter.
lied relatives
res hf—
e Iasi
■■ • wochrr'a Sunday.

H. Wiebern baa eeld hto aaw aiUl to
k., G. Falrlmnks of Traverse City U.n“;.f"c i East’s this....... .
Mra, Annie Pal|*l to workiBB for
ABawt Bekiacar of PiaTcaoBL
as down here over Sunday.
[ra. Rntbardl.
r. Murphy wilt ilntoh up hU Job of
FTrd Brown droro to Traverst
Bertha Tbiel vlaltcd Ibo aebool PriSenalor J. %V. Bailey ..f Teias bas
purrliaM-.! "u4 acres n<l>>lnliig hi*
John lATcll wool to Spencer F
Feb. It.
fann <m lt<- Vensalll.-s pike, in KcnLorao 7’ordrn made a trip' b
Mr. Wllrox pare a candy aoclal at
Rapids last week and bousbt a
inrky. for }40JMO. and sill-engage In • a few iBMUbs ago said >*1 am tbrosKh canTing aj nmwy witli *
tbo K. O. T. H. ball Friday ercBlne for
of sleipbs.
tbe breeflt of tbe C. E. acrtlety.
the breeding of iroulng hrmees on an . me. and my trife tlonH want it about tbe boose. I am Roiog |o *
Ibe w
Frank ”
- pare a hr^^^brolber. FraoL Sbalda,
aad Louii
Lov’ee ~
bmut party at tbe home of ibo laiter
»leave it with j-ou and ^ve cbocka wbea I want to
au. Z
iweaiy-fivp of ihrtr
Saturday eronlnx. Aboot Afly pneala
(JeoTBr SrhmIdI made a bnslB<
aiul She evnBribing," HclikwJtbo plan to well ho hu rantinnci) it'mm
Hr. Osborn of I
Rapids called friends •
wmo brriled. Tbe roonu wi re pm- trip lo Cedar City laat Friday.
tlly deeorated with paper beana. Tbr
Martin Baacb and Albert Prnuo ate
• aincH-. Many otheia are doing tlie aamo.

Dainty refresli.
.. w.-rr served at
In ){atlm.*ka
time waa pteaaantly apeot Is danclcx uiilDE DP foe from Sebool lake tbU
Idiilghi. Till- gu.-*i fl. |arii-.l lu the
and playlap camca. Mr. Cummins wk.
have not done 80 bePeloforc. give the pUn a trial and •
tall hoiiru of ihimilae. all f.-.-l li«-al tTwioli—. SBri hr ,r.«u.lsiillr
ternlahed moalr for lb«>dancliis- Ice
Mto* Aana Kin Is vtolUne rotatlvcs
e that they faa.I ^ most .'n>)yabk-dofa^jm you will find it much aafer and mofe convenient «*■—
cream and aaaorlod cakca were served. oar Cedar City.
AHbooieta (be Ice to not very tblrk
Mr. and Mrs. Mono RoEcrs of Good
lubii Ktic-ra ili.l linrin.-.^K
- iKiltuii. n.I iTTsira.Tii.
tbe younp people, and Bome that arc. larbor vtolied with J. Prauao and
Cliy <a Saturday lant.
E adrantape of UDily Tuesday last
Julie a
a uuuuK-r ur isnuers an.nnil.
__ I ^
> filled wltb
Mr. and Hra. Ole Olaoci were tbr
aBBiera umar.
Eucato of Mr. and Mrs. Kellie of tbe
mkal’s I.
Hra. Boae Wilaon of Traverae Qty Glen Haven life nring alnllon Friday
Archie Stuart U getting belter. II
Our KCht
la TlalUBE al the borne ot bar parent*. sod Snlardny.
brother Dob Is here from Frankfu
•bur. Miss
MISK .N’ellle
Doran, r.-lng slsb.,' A.Sdr—
uis^ssu iraowr ^
Hr. and Mrs. S. a Tompklna.
Anthony Sbtlda drove lo Glen Ar- helping rare for him.
.veciiinl I
O. » I I I » I $ $ • | $ f
Or. Martin of Trarerae City ^ras bor today lo sell hto fa
. |I tI t> a. aI aI a,
II * •. iI . , , ,, ,, 7
Hru. Gayle liargraves and )-oD0g w
Cbai. Hanna of Grand Raplda aponl
a few
berr os buslsesa and irigas'


‘‘eoJ'le’s savings bank :


l^ourKoont Outfit
“W“ $75.00

Cbe Little Cbings

T^is outfit is all up to date goods and consists of
tbe following anicles:

For housekeeping a
es arc as diligently
and tbe prices on same are correspondingly low.
9x 12 in. Dripping: Pans..........................


Sittina Room

9x14 in. Dripping: Pans..........................


One Cbnch upholstered in velour, one 24x24 oak
P«1or Stand, one cobbicx seat Arm Rocker, one
cape seat Ann Rocker, one cobbler seat Sewing
Rseker, Carpet to cover floor and one pair Lace

10x14 in. Dripping Pans*....................


Loaf Tins................*..................................


Dining Room
One 6 fL Extension Tabic, 6 golden oak Dining
Chain. 100 piece Set Dishes. 6 Knives and Forks,
6 Tea^wons, 3 Tablespoons and one art square
Rag for floor.

Cookie Cutters............................................ 2c
Fried Cake Cutters......... .......................


Pint Dippers-.-*...........................................


Heavy Galvanized Dippers..................... 6c


Meat Forks............................. ,...................


One Golden Oak Suite complete, con^tiog of
full sire Bed, one Dresser, one Commode, one
Mattress, one pair Springs, one 6 piece Toilet Set,
and one bedroom Chair.

Basting Spoons...........................................


Double Bladed Chopping Knives --••• 6c

One Cook Stove, one Kitchen Table, 18 pieces of
kitchen utensils, consisting 'pf the following: one
tub, 1 boiler, 1 washboard. 1 imop. 1 l»room, 1 dust- :
pan. 1 teakettle, 1 teapot. 1 coffee pot. 1 fry pan
1 stew.kettle.1 water pail. 1 dipper. ! dish pan. i
pie tins, 2 cake tins.

imat OttlRtr wttb Send Oak $Mckoardr SMsOO.

$4.h0 per month

lO qt. Dish Pans



14qt. Dish Pans.........................................


Bracket Lamps....... ..................................


rOxI4 Mirror, Framed............................


Salt and Pepper Shakes........................


Dust Pans.......................................................
Nutmeg Craters.............. ..........................

You can pay for this at the rale of

Our Credit System

We arc the originators of the easy payment plan
looked after by us as the larger pieces of furniture.
in Northern Michigan.—the plan whereby half the
homes in your vicinity have been furnished. There
is CO red tape about our method of doing busi­
Milk Strainers............................................. I2c ness, no security asked other than the' goods you
purchase. The whole proposition summed up in
I lb. Butter Prints....... ..........................
lOc a nutshell is this:



to qt. Pails................................................


Fire Shovels...................................... ;...


Picture Tramiud

J. w. si_ate:r

Our main Store

In Traverse City consiste of four large floore, «»tirh
Towel Rollers................................................
sc floor crowded
• full of the market’s choicest hourefumishing goods. From'such an assewtment at
Sewing Machine OH, per bottle.........
we carry it is impossible to fail in finding just
what you want. We handle everything to furnish
the bome complete.

Bnng us >-our keepsakes in the way of pictures, photographs, marriage certificates, diplomas, etc.
let us fiut them in a nice, neat frame, where they will be protected, from damage by din or wear.
You will find they will enliven the appearance of the home far in excess of the small cost Our
frames are made by an expert. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.


(Ue Crust Vou
The necessity of doing without until you can save'
the money is done away iriUi here. Our liberal
easy terms place a comforuble bome within tbe
reach of all.


Our Salesmen
arc polite and courteous, and will uke as much
pains with you if you are not a buyer as though
you were, and will enjoy showing you through the
entire store.

(Ue Tnvite Inspection
We will pay car fare for Ootfit Buyers.


It U OBtke >lek lift.
• U » n« bea Uat Tbu*Thf gfll—d UiabOT Co. will a
tMlr taBMr bMHac tUt VMk.
«niMB U oi IM B«l»-

acUDK »«• ilD
Boch pnUfc caaixn
DoBbrtUe. Mn. fUy
tbea Id raakh
iteK tbe «BienalB
Moi a Brw4 f:


ficu for cetiiBc lec oa the bar
tblf wlBler are Terr poor lO far. SOBie
ar^cetUac ibeir lee (reei Bk Rapidi

Chu. PalBfr If ea lb« fide UfC or
tatter te cab* tcit mu- BeetiBS
vlili a B«rer« BecMest vbllc baallBg
Ion Ha CM (ucbl baiwaaa a flump
ate'tte'biBdtac pola aod aJaoat broke
a Uaib. *r*a doctor Btr> be will ooi
ba able te work
oortt agalB ler
«er abeM tbree

Blefc. We t
Tba Allee _ _
dolsc euitom work.
Hr. aad Hrs. B. B. Aisold were «hililsc al A. H. Bmlih'a ooe dap laat
Chaa. Garr and Bd Martladale
worklac In ibe mill.
Bm BaacroR If baBlIBc lofi for _ A. H. Smith drove
to Bk RatMt one
Irovc to
Ifr. Hatbawar.
• bif^Bdii
_ Iter Veil
Iklac KtroBdr of ralr
to bw BtBl'f. Hra. Albffi

. HioTBburc.
____ ^ _
vberotee vtO atar aMaltaa
altaod BcboDi tory thU rear. ‘Htai is ftood. b
at Hapta aijr.
railroad will be a cood tbiac.
t4>dBa UakMtar et rraakfon it
Thera U oo aebool lodC?. The
. workloc (or " “
tcaehar telepbODad from Travana Cllr
Bait Basel
Bereft lott a Bke heifer.
that be waa tick and could not
rob. 1».

ret i».

Cbas. Naalrand. aeed 7« rears, died
-I Ibe borne of bl> son, Avery N<>»
tread, one mile toutb of Orlail. Feb
Bdai Hewlett of Peloeker
14th. Valvular disease of ibe heart
Ibe oaase of death. Tbe toneral
l)a^ Beae and /. U
bald Batnrdav afieraoea at »•.
Oenr, who bare bece worklac at aebool houae. ImermeDt at Westt_ AtBooor aad :oe4ar Qlr. came borne mire eenetny. j, ft Brer oBtrlai
flalardar eicbt.
Oha». Foster snd wife spen’"
Roai Currj- of Rk Rapid! vlalled el dsr and Sonctey at tbe borne
.WB..CBrtT-a orer 8usd».
^er-B parcels la Traverse aiy. Mr*.
Tlie eedal at Iba Oiaeiee ball flatwdap aveDlBc waa wall attesded. a while Mr. htuter Is on Jury*a^ Lelamr
eellaedkia ef
bchac uken.
OIca Bruch and family speui SteiiirMra. O. A. Wrlcht aBd her SaBda)- day alchi and Sunday wlih the islte^daai. with a few otfcen froiii ter s mother. Hrs. Theo. Brooks.
Bk BapldA drere out aad apeot FdHarry Peltlnclll and famllv aad H.
^ tete^jLt IbeJioiBa of mil
. Peitlncill aad wife spent Sunday
relatives at Hapie Oily.
E. H. Lewli
th^^^for borne at a late boor.
wls and family. A. G. Wsr.
per and Ilea
leary Dewlap took <
sriib N. IRay Lewis Sunday.
Kerr and family visited
Hr. Trwmaln of Hapie Cltr asade . L Burr's Bunday.
b^eaa tHp to Oood Harbor Salur- r-v.^”g Polllaclll and family a
famllv and M
Hlaa THea OrtaattMa___
Jella^ TboreaoB.


Eatwblar. Mrs. 1

Mrs Hopkins and her ilauLiiH'i
tetblyn of Traverse City spent a few
ays teat week with Mrs. Johnle
lelfrtch and allemlnd the entertainleat at the cborcb Tuesday eranlntc,
USB Kalblyn taklac i>trt In the pro

Zl. _

over Bandar.
Hr. and Hrs. PedertMaataea called
OB Mr. ate His. ftaasoa Fridar.
Ban Nolaoa te busr feuiac timber
fsadr lOr a aew^—
Robert Sheiiherd has telnrnnl from
The roods war
Chicaco. where he has IsHm worklocd man did not eome - Tony ZoBlek Is Ifac proud tMusesMor
tbiOBcta. the first time this rear.
r a fine new crapbapboae.
t>. Petmsoe U busr locdscHr. and Mrs. Ackerman of Traverse
City spent a few days last week tbe
sweats of John N. Smith and family.
mi|C te Bat tbe liunber roadr for tbe
The borne ot Georye Hazel came
ear Mac destroyed by fire list

tec was (be ma
Oiarles Ncstreadl died at bis son's Ibe seam A I
>me. :
I. H. I9e«. SI S o'clock la the I served, after ableb tbe fidloaii
;c years. S moath
lavea;. Selection>by
•oulhcsit of tbe Bteckman
ttejs old. Hr
e l<a\e* a son and
an< j ira; a. lo>i»e. by
S«'Uc; siv
■ehout bouse, beinul to the enrend. erendebi.
blMren to Bouru hU
U hiss
loss Tbe
Tbv------------I ler.............................
readlnc by Mr.
Mrs. Rodls went oei to do (be Un' bereaved have Ibe symr aiby
- tlH-.ICltss.
' ICl_______ _______________
iiion ...
hv *
Stores, leavlae her two ll-ile boys In UilchboTs. Rev
’ OvlalilflstBpb
itupbell; nmarLs by Dr. rayne
...I VI. I
the bouse aloae. tbe eddesi three and pteacbed Ibe funerel sen
lection by orciiestre: otisi
- *-Jf Ttara and tbe yooncest elcbi Ball coadaet<
Dete<l tbe funeral. The ebtdr
C. H. Dame. L. R
ihs old. It Is DM kaosn bow the I ^wt^of
Hoy. Mrs. R^ j C^l*e_ll
. ell and Miss Peart Usme: duct.
fire started. When
Hrs, Rodls re- l.ewli
Harry Feutacin. Vivian Dame sad Ctertssa Johnston:
fire Inside. The
I Tbe pallbe
C. P. Bates '
— - -- ...............—-j door sbejKsrve SpsKord. t
saw her iwoyear«td child lylnc on Petiiaclll. Hews
the Root under tbe flames. Bbe rtnbed We«f
i ie.i» c
A Almire
In for the liute one and saved I
rs. tVaiier
« was caltod to tbe
Ihouch II 1s tmraed verv badly and I
mother. Mrs Ben
Potatoes Sic sad amvlng frevly
Is feared (f be rscovers he will s
Fooeh, last Saturday.
ways '
Had. Tbe other two lltu
Wbluuack leaves here for I Farmer! are making good oec of Ibe
found and due out of lb Canada Wedueaday. where he will ! sleighlpg. hanllag wood aad kVs.
finisbed Ihii week the

ske un a b
defiveringof Imelve faiuidred thousand
Feb 19.
(••ei of hardwood which he ludd lo the
and tboucbi be co-.M

jTfaos MeBrtdc Lnmtver Co. ThU comdoor had been dosed
and be coaM aot opcb
They were]
recocniilou. > The'
H. Hiirlbiit
Maaipire. wbe
where lie
leal irearmeni.
I mill In early snrlOR.
by James KrhI.
lodis hwi.all


soda crackers rightly
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
lastand all the time.


JEC ha Jiut



SUuz, '

of Life

SStl^lt oa fire and burni
Hllion Core is suffertas from a lame


The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Unsods
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,

daitghler Hattie of'
Ploliler « Co.'s
Mr. Joynt an
' In money which
Omens n'cni iiiinday
ud will be
make a payment
Mrs. J. Kedford rei
his team. T
k by March
Its have
the e -I»aiby of every. dja. after spetiilliiS
- .................
... .......... ................
one aiul the pe-iple are irvius to help Trevrrre City.
'building seteral reeldenrvs. also au
liorn. (bis week. It
them in even' way possible.
j op-t.Mlate oBlrv few the Th.«. Mr
Downer a sor
Bride Luml»r Co. Den I. a burtler'
Mrs. KoudsoD took
. . be iKx.-sat care «
my lhi« week.
There are no fresh..........
Sydney Purkles returned borne (ram
.. u n
received a,
and liancs »ui
11 bU shill .
ihU ptec me:
e -Sal- :
Is 1ST bare
Hr. Edward Darnny
Cbarlus Seofielil. wti'> bsa U
Major X
MaeRride if c-ni
kei-plns liiture her s.m Hiumeit
le-.slne»s eaMer Iwo
iIk week. 'Hie mntr
Fellsioa. rriuroed home last Mwndsy.
lies a-1- well known here
•srm-r of Elk Utpid
Mrs; «;.-M-g,- Rnrtck was out for a
..p..|,li,g duo.-,«*VFIELD.
mauy friends >.ln In •ijendli.g cm
;in li:- i-,-w I,all Feb ri
ll-'fAdlcv AM -o<-iv!v «.-!
■ KlHTi drtv.- Sunjlav. H.T frleads «4tl
Mr. and Mr«. I>zrn>w
Mw. F. M. IMbty went to T™\«'1'.« graloltileUK.
(rot:-. fraiikf.Tl in allendaoee
. h.uii-- of Mis. Frank .savns u
be glad to know .d some Imptvvetaest
City last Ksliirday to viiili Rev. Uvaib will iK- at borne al Trevenie
.In her ro"dlib>n
H.s n> 'si I
Hocon'of Traverve Cliv was •“■iiih of lown Thur~lay
the butse ■
and wKc.
tur.nis. Mr.jip
Hon.iay wliii his usual
Sayers entenalm-.! ililie la.Ib-s de- j
There Is mi gnwi change la the con
•. Harrow,
Hiss Blanche Carpenter wool
iri-d smile ami lobe
' llghifiilly. si-nlng .laltiiv t,i-fteshments!dli<na (f Mr. A. & Uaraom.
Trsverse City last Salufdav.
>y Wahoa. ih.- t;-y.-ar-..ld son of!'*“''*"F
r btime on Tiietdty evenR<! Morrison and T J. ronklln. v
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Perry of La/ Waliiin, L. imd.-r ihi- dorior'si,
Tu'^r, ai......................... ..
lave been working In a
held 1
a "cno-ss .-aw of blood
• 'termitn wen- at Travers.- City Tburs ],„.r rel.-braled ibeIr gtldca vcddlog
Lake, relumed home lai .1 Monday.
tea me
—11- sorltl given at I
«" V
im..- «
Yiday afieri
the I/udii'S'
Aid sorlcly
I oa. W.-.-K »Hlo^! Ii.-r
Mrs tT.v. IVj.bT,I 'h.-y niv
and rj( yaan of age
fheClK vislbUWord lias iK'ca rveeiv* I nf (Sc dmnh
lie.ilay evening. Feb. Hlh.
• oicr Ruuday.
i sp.t1|k-Ij, have llv.vl la tepeer cun^)'—'
A shot progrem
I Kmv
given an<l refn-shipenls were serveil
in North Draoch lowaronslsilng
* 8.111 baniwiii
II: .V
N Plrkard
Pickard of l.elaii.1
Lelaiid .uri
aud Mb..-*
pirt.-.] ib<- liullillug will be .'.iizIHI of Grand Rapids wt
Mr. an.l
TIo-r.-- are no le-iier farming lands !
solliy Goodw-ll lost,
1-be rapllal of the First Nallnaal
. In marrtam- last seek nl I
in Ui. lilgaii .and no Iwii,- fanii.T'.
h.uar Ilf the bride. Tbe ei-n-mioiy w
e 1 O. O F. lodge wvin in
III.- heart art
We tu..e 111.- grain
Wh-i wi;i bK-al.Rapids In visit their Iislge laM Mon­ HTfemcI by^ R-v. MrUviigJiliu in t
lioniiy. Till- ral fif tl
nli;, a g.Ksl gilM mill:
................. — -------------------- Telattvex and
day eveB'tiB.
uke plan-' Tae»Ia> aft.
tllatoe While, who Is fireman on
vho jidn in exi.-u.Ung liest wishBIk Rapids Bigbt run. was borne I
Mi>. nays and
ird ef Thanks,
.. their fniiirv happlnesa. .Mr. and
City ari- at tbe borne
o thank our fi b'nds and
Mrs. Plrkard «rlll make their borne at
Mrs. Marsh spent a few days
for a few davs.
: , Traverse Cltielast week.
lllnei aud -ilenll
- Willie (Iren has dev
Mrs- Gwirge
-jorgp ..............
Id fan
■ain.-d ai ib.-lr home oo M.
ind rheiimaiiviii.
■b-lgh Ir>ad jrf
lamllles or M-rsn,.
Mrs. Henry Wilkupand Children.
fiscar II
n-tiime.1 home
K.-ffiT vlslteil bln
TraverM- I

No Ooe Can be Strong With a We

society met wttb Has. Bble
Hr. and Mrs. Bea Gfaerlnc spent
test Wedaeoday. A very pleasant
‘naday at Neahlawanu. the cucsl of
meefiac was held aad t^v^eats
ert Kroupa.
Uule Georela
Kroupa relumed
•coding five
weeks with his gi
r. Mrs, Nel7r*i OB ibo procrem was son. of Archie.
I maale irbleb was floo,
A Bumlier from here expect to rlil
a Itvlac Ptelure, -Nearer

TM0R80AV. reBRUAKV *2. 1

Oas of the a
. srrad la (hU u.
laat Tbnreday «

Siooiach—S. E. wait A Sene T
Hew it Maybe Strengthened.
The Btomatdi is the malusprtag
fe. When H I. strong nor. ads p.
fcetly. theo the whole e.vwotn is rigl
aMimllatInn Is iK-rfcci, and isuly ai
rain are thoroughly nourls-lu-d.
One mny |>erbai» gel iemi«rec>- i
ef finm sliimach iruiibleb liv oslas
peiHln. or some other dlgertant. bin
this tri-atmenl has no cuniilre elleet
does not

MJbte and
e the cause.

Bome hustling. We hear they exi>ocl t
<rf that hymn, enlarge their lent by twenty-flTe nv
. .
fiinrllnes of the
picture, Blaadlnc
digestive BysU-ai. u-vlves fiagerect wllb BplKted --------cradually
glcg nittrliloo. aud aids In the assimltef«Bc tmUl It Btek
ac at the
latloa (f food.
foot of tbe ereo. waa
Mi-o-na is a plearept remedy to hht.

-are a cnaiest for getTtea foUaaad aaacs aad llVinc piel flag aew laemben and to beeefll their
Id benefit Is seen fn.m almost the
grange In dllfercnt ways.
•St day's irralmrnt.
it ru»
riwlores lb-at. It
.. . stimulates
M aad all raeetved hearty clause.
dlgesllve secreUons. 1
Tte .waad. tbe dombtell aad tbe '
soothes Inflammalloo, s
The Booday school was well allended last Sunday. We are glad to wel■ our young men Imck agalu.
............... ........... ...
Ill Taylor returned lo bis home erel debmiy, which are caused by
last Wedneada;
perfect dlgi-stlon.
been working.
It Is the only remedy Ibai is so
lies- Aid will med wllh Mrs (ormly sueressful in the run- of si
oaad.- Bunc dad acted by
h a darky
eomfori s
aeh diseases Ihni S K Wait £ S
ide up by ope of Hr. Ncassui's cletkA Mrs. Rodla.. who lost everything by
atv willing to glee a giiaraniiv w-lib
IS almost side apinilBc. The almost
every Cii ,-eni I>ox of MNsua tablets
afenlas applause broucbl him
dlnloD Brtlt is on the sick )
that the remedy win cost nothing un­
Bln. sad after tbe secoad aoai
Mrs. Lutz of Wexfniil vlsli
less It eiire.s. Thi-y have so much falih
r. and Mrs. J. Ilalletl, last In Ml-ona ihal they are willing lo lake


Miss Malu-I i’u'rkiss arrivivl Immei
ltiv,„-,,.r General Chmel A. W«-'van IhTVort kdi Mohday tii,
Irom Trav.rsv city this Wisk.
n has rbmsl a <b-al 11
ilh Ihe iuleiiiign uf i-OIlsUni;
The'Trtp Around the World" given I- ...
by the Y, p. s,'C E. was a ,„rcess '
necessary .-xaminall
and highly .-uji^-irt. The sitrt was I ^''*'**''‘1'° bcaeh. Just no
Lit GlldM and family visited his (amade from ihe depot, the home orMr.l city limits, suitable for the
1 ’ Iher. E. II. (Ui.i.s, uf Uairheit's iielghd by the s
I, 8iiiid»
tamllles of Frank
■Mrs. Chas. Brameo. which wa« taste- ““““O' board.
; l-rvvl Mailiday a
Duly decorated for the .vecasl.m and*
jand ebildn-ti vli
|.ea soup and crackers were served by |
. Sunday.
wallers In cuetumc. Jamn was lh<

Sro. .rFra’,!e...%.:-\"'.;:r-'‘[.f Vi';’f“rTrr™"“‘'"’ “

Mop-made m lb» bome of Mr
Irs. A
A. Bartleii.

r.TPive.1 by Mrs. Schrvs-.l...........
neso costume and M-aied on nishi.m*
alHiul the mom
wher.- Iliev w-.-re
MTved w-llh rtc- by little .la|aiiei»Iris. The home w-as lasi.-fullv .l.-cs
ilwl .vnd Biisle by .Mr.-..
8rhro<-iler. The gucsis ih.-n
at tieniiany, the home
bom. of Mr at
Krill, whi
ler kraui, eoflis-,
■Bil anil ea
•• sem-d by IlitiA
German girls.
ieiimis of music
on lilt- plionocRiph,
................Rii.-»ts for
ifrlea, Ihe homo of
Miss Fannie
jiti-U-. when- hoceake waij serve.1 by
Ihe darkles and a program given
Vocal selectJnus. Mr. N. MiTgati: ns
cal selectinns in <-tw.|iitne. Hie .Mi..w-.
Vivian Dsme and Clarissa Johnsitui.
areompanied by Miss Glailvs Hum,
on the gnlfar. ADer spt-nding a pli-H>
ani hone Uii- guests vreni lo the New
lurk, the ehutili pallors, wtuTc le>
erram and cake were eentvl ard ih.
follosrtng program given: Seleeib*.
by «irclMS»ti a; rediailon. Mrs. Ftaod:
vocal lU-le -Hons. Vivian Ihirae ami
Clarlsva J ■biisi..n, In cosfiime. A
plessaal ev enlug was s|«-.i' aiol Hie
. . -.Ired alHtui ti:.
KdwanI Ratisoni eni.-ilaiiic,j filends
on Monday evening.


Swf Wt,., TravEiw City Ctlxcn. Oy I r.mnc iE^fri,.nrt«

........... ■ ""

""S"; '

>l„, 1...
c.-ille.l 1

........"'rV”"'-' "Mkri,".'-,,,™?!™,.-..


the sloniIfti llyomel Is ustsl. Un«lb(rt
through the inbahr, the balaamle
healing of liyueii-l penturales to the
most leroote erlls ,rf tbe anne aad
ihniai. and thus kllU Ihe caiarrhal
gi-rms. heals the Irrltaied
membreae. and gli-ew rumideie and
in-rmanmil cute.
llyomel Is the slmplewt. mtiel ph-asam and the only giiarantiwd cure for
raiarrh that has Ix-eo dlsenren^
Complete imlfil.; czira biMIlc. W

For sale by 8. K. Walt A Sons.

Moniis- Morse, of TS.1 W, 7th St.. '---------------- ------------------------ J


■ o inske. bill I am wimiig till- public

J, '


Kidn.-V Idlts. was so weak that I had!
U. t~- 1.SI aeros. Hie tl-.r. A lumber-]

lowid up Ibe m-MmVn'^i.'^Bnd'^^i-1-u'’il
lloiisly sav Ikian's Kblm y Pills cmrrt '

If You arc Suffering with
er»ss Eyts, or
Dtltefiec Uisien,
We have piil.I,~!i-l l•■sllmonials from
aii> who have
eimil i.y wearing
ir ,.|htJsI ground b uses.

1( Oihen, Whr itoi Yon? EXAMINATION FREE
Dr. P. A. WOtre, Prop. Dr. B. L. PAUtSOIf, Ass't
413-414 WiiheimBlk. Tnvtneatr. aiz.rbite3S4


n jia

«« w/r»

Snitfi that


Right How is fbe Cime!

Mrr tvm
Odd lot or Bo^'
Bcbool 8niU, .dbL
bpfiMted s^ks remoTBl price, •


----------------- - - —^
»• ■

So pleased was «ve^^rgain ^ker that it has been a case ef Come. «0 and Come Jfgaln. Have you been one among the thousands to attend this great event? If not. there are a hundred and one reasons why you should.

ft-ioova] prior.


R chaaes m a IHsHns te cto^ ^ the tetelt tamity for less than it would usually take to clothe one. Ole art toe busy to quote you
manyprices, butwe will justquoto you afewto letyou know whafsdoinghere.

CUldna^ Ofeek.
worth U. rattonl

ctur/is BLons



and light pattena.
aold hf competiton for 25c. aak-

Arctic worth IJiO
to 1.75.




118 Front St.

Womi-n'a flcci-e
lined Veata and
Panta, worth 25c.

Slfh'e heavy twill.
«d C^vos lilovva,
lOc iioality. for

OK UKO moe
AH 1.50 and 100
Mcn'fi and Ladies'
Warm Shoes kod
81ippcn for



L a (I i o a’
Wrappera for leoa
tliaii coat of i-lotb,
n-iiH.v-al prii-v.

#fr« oEEneoiTt


I>ark ]>atb>rna. lOr
.jualiiy, for

L a >1 i e a'
(’on I a. fnrmi-rly

Ouo l«le..f tie Vn.
bkmcbi-d Sheeting

^'oor rhoioo ol nil
oor $15 Overcoata

Mefi’a Black and
Blue Bearer Overcoata, worth $0.00,
remora} jwioe,



Traverse City


y toe (ev Mesde-t
t <a^, MMu.fab.
- ............................
. -- 1
, » pH»U*«M I
t>w hotiw f <m|ih mm*. Hum Mi mw. AttntMi
«M»*atr m>lM
«f UM vlt-j* mur bow
M|B «m b«iF«« to «n
U ikc U aW
antf two chlUftot cr«MU<
trill be wtoetrfd
rMito amt the edtor «*lr • tad toMkal tna

ICBALD, TWUlrtOAV. FtMWAWV «t HM_________


BertJeOray. HI* ring to one ] Slaglag.
S. H- U * Co.'s lOlh.
Sdgar K. (Haas, lou 1 art X. bioA T.
! short on at.
: ~Wbat will Tboo have __ _t* do to; tote of Hlehlgaa
to <a»a T. Dew'coodrieh'said.

I. U Tburaton ts out again toe Suaday sebnoir'
R. K. F
bis. seVi of Bwii. sec. IS. luwa 2S. Wm. M. Fcneriy to Harvey A. Ua«after s short dnraOca of slclmesa.
R- Case was la Traverae aiy Thurs-1 Roeg by Miss Bessie Halhewwm.
parrels, sec. 22. Iowa tt. resige tl.
| Triaagto Land On. to Oaatwe Rrms.
Hn. At Deebaiaie bat awe Co Al
county eeat Tbutmla.v.
UeB. called by toe aertoai lUscae of
loto tl and ts. blork i Ferewood
ArtHor Gemeral to Triangle
’ Mn Wesley Dunn rciuracd Tbure_
Maud it A. Kaanskv to Earl D- C«L oeli of seK. see. LMm id.
day from a ueveral weeks' visit to Cbl- j L. B. Carpenter.
’. Tbora baa cone to eLetarlUe. <msD with her sister. Hn Lydia Hob- -.......
«• —thee taw engetad In Mag
tad Hre. G. D. Pareoae risltcd arts.
towtn In the bam. WhM aht dto
la Trarcne City toe utter put
of lact week.
.MtPtoed the lira the baildif*
Doan's Itog^s'^ra^m toVrmltsi
F.’d -n
<" Rmnw and aha ftMh
Hn. U Merrie rialted Mesda to desired. They act mildly art regalab-1 Grace Wltocy. Seci
le *m dlaeini the aMOar Kalkaaka Tberaday.
Qie - bowels perfecUy.'—George 8.'
the hatM# and entered the
Krause, 304 Walnut Are.. Altoona, h.!
■a aha fawad ane ef the cfiltdean.
Hra. Dolben aaiartatoed

of ten. «
a«ad 2 yattt. with Ma. faea hadly aenta ariu be aade for toe eiafrae- boaie Wedaaaday eroDlBK wito pro•undsy fcboM Conveniton.
j ntenl ever drvlsrdT A houuehoid rem-!
1 eoBresiloD to toe erest of 41- grcaalTe pedro and ffieeh. «U lablea
h«md. bhe wragpid the child In her
« rsAtoIderrenfirmlnV^aeU^cv ie —
DCtotoalioBa net betot dedded trere played. Hn. Henia woe
BMi«taeiln« and aaraiad K auttlde.
^ grtMx tT7^.
M. town a, range U.
, Brie Jobam art wife to Lorvmlae
««•' ^e Traimfara.
Edward B Gibbs, admr. to a. B. K Olbh*. ael* of miV. are. It. town
priM for pedra mad Mrt. Campbril tar .*
2C range 10
dtoeh. Oellelou
... .-jgq 11.
Afternoon Seaston.
'.hru* Co 'Srf
I WIB.Meet.
served, cooflsUng of oyster etew. an­
by I:S0.
Hiss Nina '?
David J. Springer snd wife . * FIot.1
Dysaepsla U a uHasal all_____
A aeeilog of tba acTryeyon of ton gel food, frail cake aad eoffec.
Ik E. Beark.?y
d wife lol U Bmltb. lot ID and II. block 4. HU-,iIock Blond Btder*
* U Ibe
Chs*. Irish, parcel*. H.
t Co.'* 1*1 i helm'* add.
mm tomied ta the fraand with tl
Mbera coaatiea baa been called, ton
B. HIHs ba* been quite ill toe past
•inwgtbee* s
sub. dlv. of H.
H_ U
* Co.'s
I Floyd L Smith to Wm. R Hiller. - hrmnrs rranwt
meettag to ba held to th)i dty Feb. M ttk.
MMto anea.
promote* Dow of digwitivw
Ferdinand1 Lauiner
Lauiner and wife to lot* 1« and Jl. block «. Wtlbelm'* add : juice*. ,£rtdJ*
It to net knawn hew the the artgl- bt toe court beeee at ItM p. a. TU
build* you
Miss Mamie Raftery calkftalnnj de­
Hawley and wife, lob, s»i Harvey A. Laogwonby art wife to, up
ibe eccoBd meeting to ba held by lightfully Wednesday evening with a
atmt but R le betlevad that thi
turn had been plarlng with the bra aunayere. Uia firet maeilng bartog TeleaUae party nt tbe borne ot Mr*.
la «ha ateve. Dr. .Tadtoae waa called beea held laat yaar at wbleb lima it
and draaaad the bbrw ef the ItWe ene
eoneldered tWit Ibe followtocyear
k E. H. Hall received quite
that waa aaved, but It la aa badly Inanaanent orgnaUalion would be palafoIwouDdoeeday tost week. Sbe
JtoBd that Ite recevery ie daepalred ef. perfected. Topic* of lolemt to eur- eangbt her finger In Cbe cog wheels of
The Maend the nildmti will be MM
• aad eogtoeen aecb ae tow the wringer, nesriy severing 11.
praatlee win ba dUneeed aad maay
Bom. Tbursday. Feb. IS. to Mr. and
reepensee hare already beeo reedred Hn Lyman Shippey. a daugbler.
by County Sarreyor B. H. Allyo, who
Hr. and Mrs. Rowland Harr
baa Ibe metier la charge.
were pleasantly surprised Tbiirsda}
Obartoa. TMa marfUnp. the two
evening by tweniy-four ef ibclr friends
badlat. terribly eharrad were i
dropping Id sad sboa-erlag them with
end fraai the ruHia of what had anee From Toeaday^ Record.
all aewta ot kitehea uieasna. Delicious
To-morrow we place on sale all of our
bean a eendertable lag dwelling but
all were brought by the
Hr*. W. H. Sblvertoa left tola mem.
wWah U tww nethtog bat a heap i
ig oo a iibort trip to Big RaMdi.
d all enjoyed a very pleasaahaa.
The bedUe wan harrlH
Hlei Btoel SUlea left toto momlns
bamad. the haada being nethtog but tor KaafavlUe, where aba wiU riot
tort* Waak cindtn while the little Meada
Cortewaad Telegrama
lintoa won burned off the bedlaa.
Copenhagen, Feb. 17.—Tomorrow
Captain Bouter weal to Hayflcl’l
Dhartoa, the bey who waa aaved, to toll moralng. where be will eoadbei toe presence of eevcral rutere. King
anffprtog wtth a badly Wtatarad faea. toe taaenl of tbe lllllc babe of Hr. Christian will be buried at.
Onttoar to alee badly burned while tta aad Hr*. Tlmplby Qoodaell Uili afterind years
am »an alee Injured. The ehIM. ah
Danish ruler/bare been told.
MD at t o-doek.
thaa» the ehancee an gmatly agalnat
Hn Amy HcHlcbael. wbo has been
bim, may raeever.
apaadlag a monto la tbe dty with ra{Hr. Radto haa a bnther. Taney, end
ntlrea retntwM to her home la Grand
always placed a great
a aUtar, Hrt. dahn Marlin to Tnv- Rapid* today.
mfideoce In articles pu'
araaaty. They ftoe an beoend atn
Htoi Qraee Dowd left Ibto aftenuxm
Herald but have found
and arrivbd bon todUy to inpeiiie
record breaker. Don't know who i
for a visit .al Aldan aiib Mead*.
a talaphana call. The aecMcot hap­
ise, tbe editor of ihe Herald •
Hn G. L. TboTutoe of Ccatrai Luke;
H. U Gibb*. If It 1* * nremedUal.
pened aert« etoledc.
•pent k portloe of toe day la tbe dty. one of toe editor I w
iSw methar dad father an h
borne tale Ibto aftaraocm. to stop too paper: II
brMiia and aha fariiwi pnair
Hn William Nelaon re- Mr. OIbbs. wc hope fa
They'haeo the qMphthy -af all
toelr borne this anameoo
frtdtoddM «MtM«toh and to* be gltwi after apeDdleg lira weak* with reto- *?f they grow apple*
Inebea to diameter or four feet In clr.......... ..
nllaf ad Mr aa can ha dana, Um at Caledeoi*.
eumfereaee It would be tolly tor Grand
tmdir too dtotraaaing cinumatane
*■ to try to grow apples: ihcv
Aldarmeo Hureble. Wli
MEN'S PANTS, .bout 60 pair,..moMl
Iter Import. "Large s* a man's
bolt, etty Treasurer Haakell and Cliy bad bette
sizes -only, irere $2.50. to close out
dium and large waist measuresi were
Harkat Netaa.
What kind of men have they
and $2.50, to close out at..........................
Ttoa only lee oa toe bay where ebnr Bagloaer Caldwell left for Otaad Rap- there*
Would like to see soeh men In oitr
Ctof caa be akfeiy eaitled oa at piea- di orer toe Para Marcoolta this noon,
ate legitltture. tbai hrt beads big
wt to at Bowen Harbor,
loogh to tonnulate .a primary Ian
ly ^ oaly flahtog to Ormnd Trarerae!
that the people winl.
Would like lo sec aft good riilnens
haf'at pnaeai U at that port where Blllett will leave tomorrow momtiig.
W. R FlJllcr.
HaBktaaw trout -are haded tcateely Tbey wilt attend toe MIebIgaa League Ignore
Fife Lake. Feb. 20.
untdpamie* wbleb convenes lola Mttetoat oaaatlty totaeet toe leeal
'or a torae days' aeadoa. Alder.
taking advantage of this great offer, at
daawad. No aUpaieBti ere aude and
mao Wlanlb. wbo is a Sbrincr, will
toe lab market la at a ataadaUll.
at Ibis writingTba wUtor aaaaoa to eootoeni datl also aueod tbat meeting Thursday.
Hn A. BnoU TMcraed boaw this
eaetoa la etfll at ita bel^l, mothrooDi
eboolbouse laat Saturday.
ai «l a peahd dadtog ateay token attemooD from a trip to Kalkaska aad
Mrs. Shank virlled with Grandma
day last week.
The local market wbare toe delidoiu Boardmaa. where abe visitod retotives.
O. W. Hoffman of Chicago arrived
anakiwom haa baa* fcaod oo mie
la toe dty toll altenoon on a visit to
« Rev. A. T. FatgnaoB.
Blabap Rletatar of Oraod Rapida
Wllmer Trsversls visited with ber
iler. Mrs. C. Wllltams. one day
Wbtefc Pater Heaagarl. toe Craft Im rived Id toe dty Ibis anemooo. wben: week
wfll be tbe gMat of Fr. Joseph
garter. Ml^u M for prlrau sea to
Wheal and brother bare gone
W. H. Wheat
toe dried matoroom wbicb he Imporu Bauer tor a day or uo. He has
to Bingham to vUli bis daughter. Mrs.
la Ibe
G. Gore
Mr bii owe family aee aad Urii after
Chester Williams ha* finished
toe aoftealag prooem to aa palatable monies of the west side Catbolic lumbering
Job oo Ibe Leonard
tor table aac a* tbe freab foagoi.
Ur. and Mr*. W. H. Hall and son.
Warren Is doing some cari»cnli>r
Odaty^ latuea at praaaat
ertto aad plealy. tba ctdeiy being Carroll. Hfft today on a sbort trip to work oo Mr. Knnk's bouse.
Feb. IS.
■bigped tram Zadaad and tba lettnea
Mrs. Prank Freeman reiuraod to
fNM tba Graad Rapida r^eUble
her borne to Htyfleld today after a
Miss Marimrei McGiny.u'c In r
rueabouaiii wbleb abound to
-bool a valeoilnc 1k>x WodneKds;
sli wito Mrs. Rkbanl MBk*.
afieranon. which was vi-ry much ni
Mr*. R A. Mask rrlnrard «o her Joyed
by ihr acbolar* and ali» vjsllnr*
liuta atta*MioB to paid to toe ralaing of home to Cadillac today aflor vlslling of the ecboid. The valcnilnes won
mnElly made by toe school and som<
«ll^ aad eeariy toe entire eoaaump- here a sborf lime.
them showed great taste and toieii
MMafaeutoenBrowto. Sweet poHits Bmau Wamn weal to her of
lor drawing. Songs srerc simg by ib.
tataea are to the market to ptoaCy. imc to Cedar Springs today, bdng Kfaool and a few selerilon* wer.
bekg toa kfta dried from Nortb Caro. eallcd there by tbe lltocas of
played on the grepbaphonv by Mrs.
Will ITcnllcc. The sehool iiresenH-.!
Itob at they keep la better abape than brother.
tbrir teaeber with a Iwaullful vnleii
tba caber rtlpped direct Petoekay
Ur. and Mrs. F. lUebter of Suit
be and Imk -which showed Ihi-lr a;i
hWama trade la tbU dty. toe Bcbc Bay srrivad-ta tbe dty thk momtog. ■eeUllon of ber.
■PMobeoea nialBg bot-bowe regeu- 'bore they were called on aevou
Ulsa Carrie Holms H to Travrne
bMl wbleb reach tba loeal market tba death of Ibeir grandsea. John City havtog her ryes Irralnl.
Mr. and Mr*. Yoaman* of Cedar an:
oebrywMk. Tbe brut aklpMit cd pie Travla
toelr daugbler. Mrs^obii Ruller. i-r
gbtol reached tba local maikeu Satnr
were gorsis of their son Em
Mr. and Mr*. Prior Imcroae of Ibis and wife
*t Mar.Meaegarl reedriag a i
ity iriuraed boare today after opeadMr. and Mr*. August Rmwer i
ahIgmeBt wbtoh looked tempt
lag two weeks la Pravemoni, wbera Mr. and Mrs Will Pmillee «|>rni S
day with Mearv Heim* and wll.-.
bey vtoited reiaUves.
Mrs. James Creadali and Mrs Bn<
Mrs. Florence K. Moore relnmed to
TIM Wave In Sauto Atharlea.
called on Mr*, itoion las:
hmama. gieh. M.-ab aarlbquake ter home la Howard City this morn­
M#awed by a gnat tidal ware de- ing after a vMl with b«r atm. A.
Any shin llehlng Is a lempcrteste:.
«ugM tally CBC huadred llrat along Hoore of Nortbport.
'be nuire you *ereteh toe worse li
toa warn eoaal of Colembto and BqaaH. D. Codell of WhUeball. an officer Che*. Doan's Otolmeni tpre* pile*
der. Newa of toe dtoaater to eomlag 1 Ibe First National book. Is to the esemt-any skin Itching. At all drag
city on a short buttocs* trip.
to Mowly but ahoura that arary <
Mtoi Agnes Hureble left Uls a
a TanwoaBd B
ng tor Graad Rapids where abe

CaroHne Geiger of Traver*'enter tbe employ of Cori. Knott A Oo.. Clly
vtotled frieada here last week.
■ale mllltoery boose, aad work
WhOa aatoaatle tuperta bare baaa
Mrs. Hlncbman and ' Mrs (Thadatofbd to a great eMemt to arrtrlag dartog tbe spring season.
HoefllD were la TrevCrae City Tue*bun. It to baliend tbd 'toe origtoai
todlmata ef tbe dead U tor too low
fto (bat tbe bumber win greatly eaFife Lake. Mlcb, Feb.
Mr. and
D. L. Snsiga retnraod from Man
iwdlM. Tba tidal ware teltowud toa rs. Bhiriey Hlnm and diUdren ot
Mrtbgwha wltboat warwtog aad toa Traverse aty arc guests of Mrs. E. C. •-0 Friday.
Min Abble Sregmillcr I* rocoserin;
tobaWtthU of toa ctrkbea coaat towat
wly from her iwm Illn
hbd ao epportuafty to Bee.
W. tXian closed Ills mill Salurdav
: a woek
itom to Vary lit
.. get his wood cut of Ihe wisyd.
O. A. Clark, for s short lime
before toe sanw goe*.
mat Hay Oallack. a gradualc nur*e her wsy to Detroit aad CblregoMrs. John Sleffes and vSiree ebU
tl«m Herey beapttal. Big Baptda. Ua*
Miss Orpha Gardner spent several •en returned Thursday evening firon
■rtonaty 111 at tM borne tf her par- day* wiik ber sister Grace aLCadUlae. an exteaded stay to Dorr Center. Tbe
amu. Mr. aad Hn John Hauoa. ns John Bener has returned tram a rere aerompanled by Mrs. gieffet' toBmwood arawBU. balr Utoaua butag visit at Lutbar art BaMwln. .
Hervey Tripp and Mlsa Blanebe Laemmad to Briket dleaaea. Mar eoaMr. Prank of Traverae City was toe loade were guesu ol Hr. and Mr^
dllloo at pnaaat ba* denlopad toto guest of U Morris ever Suaday.
Krill at r,le' Lake. Mondav.
le Chaa. Edbert Grsni eti
MUdbaat art though betayuwaggtri
Ufa. Leoa May to risHlng ber parla toe
with tba brtobteat ot fataraa bafere aato. Mr. art Hre. j. M. Camidiea.
____ a mtn .
bar la bar rhoaee llee of work eb*
H. W. Prim- of Hortey was the gu«;
days Saiurday I
Man her mtofortuae with ibe gnuira: ot tbe W. U Broekway family a few quaBlIiy of wood oin of the wu,sl*.
Tbe Cbttms Telepbooe <ompa
ItotUada aad atUI ratalaa a cheery day*.
have laatalled a phone at Um r<
Wilbar Detrey cf Cadlltoe wu a baetoeae ealtor la loam tola neek.
Hr. and Un. Cbn. Lnaeaaier of retoakay


"s:^ H.







SM.tVco”: s:



Orercot's fcr unit Fenows




S.Se$I.50 H“.-?.‘$2.50 'BSSgSIllS98c


GOME AND SAVE S2.25 TO SI2.50 “i: T ^air^o^^anuT



Come While They Last!

SlOana Si2Suits............ ............$ 7.50
$i5ao<l $16Snlls.......................... 10.50
$7 and $r.50 Salts......................... 5.50

Children’s Suits

Several lines left. One or two of
each kind. Ontafioitilb to One>Ratl OR
tbt r«0tilar price.

Rnv.s’ Suits. $'-50, $2.15. $2^0
Have sold from $2.50 to $4

Closing out all Men’s and
Boys' Sweaters............

At r^ctV
Al tOM I

This Month the Sale Ends!

Mea’s 0?ercoats, |I0 lo $12. now.........$7.50
Men’s For Coats. 25 Ptf Celt DiscouL Only a
few left,
> AU Heavy Overcoats 25 Per Cent Discount

Children’s Overcoats

Closing many at 25 per cent discount.

Men’s Suits

Some of the greatest bargains we
have had at 97.BO. Sold from



■ -!

8. Otisl. whtb be wto «b opptoi
be wlUooi poronol. Herr
w bad eoaeloded certain noSMNUrr Tift eoMUBOW Um iUtot ot tbo Wsuimboaoe pluL AlfO
Boeker f. VaUlngtoa b la New
fot bb saao is Uo popert. He b
wglwi prMvlMd tor Iho onro M
goUatloBs with Spain regoidliig nnne
SowU Boa lalaadt and Uo roaoR gore Tork eltr urglBC epoa aegroei Ue ao-|
XmimeT to uko m MiHito
road Uo dbphr boedUsro to the
ttoob iM Mth tbo boot tooono
t MUcfhctioa to Ue kabor. who ceaslir of wotkiBg for^.prmettaal aad'
iBagtaarr aoeda la Uat citr
oewspopm. Me become oamaiioi
tfc b loiiag flOBb. but it ur« 1
BMIfied br telepbaoo at Uo palaoe In f>etsdaa. sixteen miles awaj. there are W.OOO nagroea aad Pndesaor
llM Uo ojn OK «t«D«r aad bis sL:a OBd Boolir oali.
nre miootes Istsr Ibe oflieial to WasfalBgton b detotlng Us tUm la
IMO 0 Boro booltbr look. Vbr o d
7%e oiUre of Coi
whom Ue aaereurj bad aent srord Ue line otVldenlag ibelr field of emof Hr Tiftb toBdoBcr <• ml <» <><
It Hlosoorl does a
ptormcBi. "Slop talking pollttas aad
(bo eoblBOt Is bot lb« bool pooKloi
eased hiB open Ue wire and aald:
appronl «f Uo b
work" la Ue bartea of bb adrlew to
bmh. Tboro ore s ecrtoln ouBbor
staada c-tard art Ue (dlrato oOer an onterad to Infonn roar oxoalleacr bb colored .bretbiea.
hb Bajostr eoalwa apoa reo ibe
«bDoro Uo ooerotarr tout <
Uo first t
vboUor bo vooU or SOL Ho eo
eraL Hr. Hlteboeek. When Horphr
t Maine paper rooeotlr atlrtbated
be." Thb ta bellesed to be
HBpir 4osdlo with hb toed eroo
came to Wasbiacioa tram Ue Otarfes
Oeaeral MDes Ue familiar M|lBg
<*ot wore hU toellBotfaB. Hr 111
we o bcsespim salt. He ts still Uo fiost aad onlr
Uat Ibe oefr good indba b a dead
Uo pioooaiws at Uo ubio osd r
veering it. oae dor be bod some of aobllUr was praetleallj eoarened Indian. Oeperal Miles, wbo knows
toapuuoa ooutaotlr before Um bis
lOta sriU Mr. Hllchcoek. "Hcri' br talepboae.
Indbni better ibaa moat people wbo
tat it oeHoloIr not o htppr ose.
oos. Dobedr but eoBcress et
Seaalor Pellni, the oldest
speak III <g Urm. prtaipilr witXe that
r,- Mid tbe aetoenger ao Motpbr of (bo otnatc, b grtarod oroi
os "never the anibur of anj sneh
Ooorfe #eallsfboboe, Jr. who Is
OtrlTiiK 10 loom ifce Brotortst of ibc proceeded to eiplolo. bat U* Mgro poit that bb IHbom Ue otber dar waa iahumaa. breui and tniifalea tiaie-i
ioterrupted. "Ab fcout help U." he de­
nuotacluro o( Ur sir brokeo
an attack of sertigo.
clared. "Den's mr obdors." Murphr vooldat bare Blodod IL” hr remarked
Ubobs br hb toiher. orrlred 1
Prtaldeni Cblnqullb, a Chrrenne.
Ms piece at work Id Htuborf twicr obowed bb card and walked la. leas­
friend, "if tber bad mid ikai I who bad been educaied in the leanlne
tail week. Be woe -docked" on boor-i ing Ue negro apotogblng. "He doat
atolen a abeep or It
of Ue paleface and bod worn rl»llli"d
time ooch dor ood lost M eoau to bb
ta. beeatmo anbodr voold bare ilnent for rear*. Ibe olhor day throw
tbbiL" was the aegro's eomattau
week's pop. Oooue Wect
bolletrad UaL but when ii is reported civlUiailaa to the winds nl Brno, Nev.,:
It WBB while ODimt Ton Botaw was Uat a Bsa t«0 poara old hod aa attack tmk to tbe blanket again’
otTOlatr of state for foralgn aSolri of rertlgo Uete are a lot of pMple out among iho Pinien. "l am aa lavho would betlere It. But It Isn't so. " dbn. " she sold, "ami I luv<- all InBratlor Peltns is 86 and U a eandt Ibmt."

Dress Goods
TH£ new iprisg goods are bow on sale and ready
I lor your'iMpection. We are certainly proud of
the line. Poddvely bewtldering is the number of
totally dilferent types of dress goods that are not
only worn, but are really fashionable. The order in
which the colors are ^opted is as follows: Blue,
frod tbe Alice to Navy; Old Rose; In Green Reseda
tak^ first place; Gray in all the beautiful tones;
Whhe and Black are very strong; Hilo Red; giving
Bcoirn last place on the card.
Wfart gUd to notice the c.«ntinued popularity of
Ottin and Black and all colors of Batiste.
This material has been a favorite since last
July when it was adopted as the keynote in
dress fabrics.
Per yard.


PantniM are aln ahown ia Black, Cream and a
VMiepf ol colM. We endorie tbU tahric. not
oifly for present nre, bnt for

... - 50c to $2.00
75c to $1.50

fibw to Save Time and Labor In Plowind
---------------------------------- gg«~!SS=.'



bear Two HlUlan Are iw Dao

fW Ha. 40 flow Baa

^ B^bssov m. OBvr, -M « --------


Dress is to a Woman what Petals are to the Rose

A Two Weeks’ Sale of

New Dress Goods and Silks
Beginning Monday, February 19
T HE newest ideas in spring slyies of Silks and Dress Fabrics.
representing the best ideas of the leading looms of the country will be offered for your inspection Monday morning.
The early showing represents months of preparation and has its culmination
in a degree of originality and exclusiveness which has alwa>'s been a characterisUc
of this store. The showing is broader and more comprehensive than ever before
and BO season has ever brought forth such a multitude of beautiful Silks and Fabrics
as the prwent one. and no other store offers such a wide selection to choose from as
does Milliken’f. Those who have always aitcndeti these sales of ours need ho ufg.
ing, but will hail with delight this opportunity to secure materials for spring Ind
summer gowns while stocks are at their best. Special efforts will make these two of
the best Silk and Dress Goods weeks in the history of our business. Special prices
will also be made.

Colored Silks
to the fact that the Princess effects ia dr«».
are everywhere looked upon to furnish the
keynote for spring and summer costumes. Taffetas
are great favorite*. They are eminently suited to
bringing out the styles now favored by fashion
Pcaux de Cvgne are selling well and Meisallnes are
strong fa%orites.—DKv Goops Eiokomisi.


Taf«a. slM chiBoa T*B-

M la. CI.Tff..n TalTws la a r.M linn of rolun.- b.rfl>

' gfs!»7!:.7rr:.7.^.~'r.;rr:

PopUnt are again active and quite a favorite with

----------------------- ,-------------------_e.


“Other, at II. 11.0 aad |l w.

panmentt. Per yard..

.....39c. 1.00

“vsjtr-"':.......................... 1.00

Shndow Check. Md PInid. are among the most
attractive fanciefi offered. They are primarily a


fty7h'e%^nX*MrA4'’“'‘“ ^

.........68c to SI.50

“'VT'.'Sn'. 76c, 85c, 1.00
2C la. Black TaffMs. extra beary sad aori: aoeie atoms

Ctea(m Storm Serges are among the most attract­
ive offerings, and in our judgment there will not be




*"“• *'■

“ 1.15

Blsek-ralTrts: raanot UtBBttbnd


Storm Serges ia tell-colored stripes and pUid« are

TX. In XX Monrvt«k nitrk TbITws. new flalldi; If* the
blark »llk In lfa« Halted State* today, at per


2€ In XXX Mnnevksk (Uaek TsItMs.
r% /W
JTr yard ..................................................................... ^.VXJ

Gray Suitings In hair line checks and stripes, some
ID colors and some, in the invisible colorings.

50c,to $3

BIG purchase of Silks at ics. than can be boupht for in an ordinary tray enablr.
n. to place on sale the biggest Silk bargain that wiU be offered tbi. reason.

IS ia. plalo TaPeia SUk.'. a full III..- c,f rnlora. The Mine
nualiiy a* wu ha.l »t Chrl.fDta. iline. l•eryart,-..



Xid.ssi' pJXd'!! 50c to $1.50



alM) Psrr>' Hosejl.ak Ubrfc Silk, la Sl-Siet la-h I’esn <1. Sol".
I'•■aux (Ir- OdBp. Meuallnf atul Tsfiets. each carry ilie .anie
xaarantee—yo-jr nvoaey hark If not ■atlflaef'irv.

A ^uiiful line of plain Mohairs. These will be a

Mohbir with an invisible check in
,Bloe. ,Gre» and Black. Tnis is a beautiful fabric


IS la Co!o-ed Taffeta* S full llae cf eolora. This H
our reciibr line and .vuu ran alwty* find (bf color
' you are luoklas for ..................................................

> alsees 27 in. Pesioi d« CyB' in s eosd line
win as surs ts like.
Thb snMrw line of salsadld si stage at Me priee—

QC f\

?T In Black Jap filllt. *;«i. .Itut, rain or per*plratloa proof. Ton
will like thin rumlicattfia <X oualiilei- In a hlark wsib MRl
ivr rard—

snd ehildien'g di
eoleiw and ssmethlng you

Per Yard

A Woinofl’s Charm is Her Ovo- Sbo Looks to.her Gown for Distinction

50c, 75c and 1.00





America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,

whose subscripion is paid one year in advance, to January 1, 1907.

This is the Finest Premium Offer Ever tVtade hy a Michigan Paper!
FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, I 1 by 16, each and every issue, contain­
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it Is taken^t- »

The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made whereby both the

will be sent during a full year for the price of the Herald alone— •

OIML-Y $1.00
The only condition is that $ 1 -be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
the price of the Herald alone.
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
p^d to January I, 1906, send $J.OO and you will receive credit for both the Herald and Farm and
Fireside in full to January 1, 1907.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $ I .OO in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.

Hb Is a GimI Offir-tt is Gml Ajiulna la lla IkiM Slalaa.


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