Grand Traverse Herald, January 04, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 04, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TM F4niW rM«Mii Alt
Mr M fUM ihrooKli bit v^Imc «Ht
Hr »idr «re«p. «lo<ig la •late.
The Ufa tblokf Iobc A maar a thins.
Aad tbe nnblea BoieA on unrlac:
Tb« ainttral barpelb n^irUr.
* Tte MUor plmri the fi^lnc aea.
Tte hnaumna UUi UMliood rad deer.
And the eoldler were nitbeot • (enr.
Bnt Ml U> «wb vhat'er betUI.
Tlte tenner he matt feed them nIL

Pajcs 1 tg«

TUa wet a new rlev to Dick. -Sop- board and hated mysteries. Dick reId tbe two Immense storm ustred by pear and apple tract, to an eaaea the noe to 133 degrees dnriag the preva- of teoMM Americana. Sbe Hvod
Me aha doea sot ear the
eolred to see Hiss Stewart
Ir. Field are S.SM ea>pk>yee. To this rranlu were mote or kaa tevorabfc. leaee of a withering blast that evi-|abroad a good many yenre and waa
remarked. -Woeld yen e
aod out why Tom bad left eo predpl nomber U to be added tbe freci
ChlorotU. or bleaching of leavra, waa dently had Us origin on the prairies. [ for a loog Umethe moat houdvromaa
ewmoent dlataatotal to roo bothr* talely. aad Inddenially ftiard at
treated aaocessfulty wHb iroa tul- Santa Barbara. Cal. also wilted nader I aenlptor lo ear couhtry.
-I wonJd. aa a
any ttaderstandlnc if such extatr
phaie. as well as a dettrocllve fungns a lemperatare that aent the mercury I A strlklagiy haadtone tt in
obHaatlonf (o do no.* aald Tom.
dlsraae of the grape vine known as
ner were both silent a apace, then
soUraesaw. Fungus dlse^ of tbe
Too acaln apobe; "We wlU drink fair.
tte serriee of tbe maaey tbe apple and oak were
Beur-*' he lancbed. -We can write
elder ' neld owns, nneeaslngly en­ combated by adminis
la July. 1K7C. the mer-| manner. It to almost impoMlble to b»
our ^opoaalt and await ber majwish lo learn If potalble why Tom gaged In creating more wealth each Interaally. as It were, allewtng
enry was
too degrees for several: ileve that tbit brigbi-tecod womaa. so
estyb deeliiOD at tbe hotel, the kiaer left lbs city to early last ere^nc. aad.
hit young heir, are trains plant to dliiribule them to the dU- days In a reg^ stiwtthlag from Ptlts'^qulek In h
to retare home, and cood lock to poo.'
bore. I hoped yon could speeding across the American coail- aaed rrlli In this wa.v. ^
burg to New
New' York. There was a sne.ria her bsi
h ehoerilr the eeaid. Biek waa too nuefa coeeerned In the ns be wna
supply, tbe Information.- said Dick,
vessels plylag a hundred water­ Tbe extcmslve changes ^ibe ilssu-> eesskm of
PrteR praeebeth pare and bolj «ord.
da^s-|n Jaly. ItTg. ibai(-Anb blrthda) . She
gstcomo to take the maiier llchily, but comblalac as mneh as he readily could ways lo and from remoie lands; thou­ of old trees Into gum. as famlllariy
OncM Alice vorhetb bralderr well.
klDed 163 people in 8t. LouU ud D
suburb of Boston, to Sep­
took op with tbe ioKc«
manace In one Question.
sands of beasts of burden straining enoounlered oo cherry trees, a proceis]
Ibe eonntry.
CVrh Rlefanrd Ulet of lore eon (ell.
tember of Ibe year 1R3D aad ber borne
m^ed bis ieltsr with tbe one written
Kilty pfeked up n pencil In
under preciont burdens: conatlees known as gummosU, was effecttrelr| her. IMj. the lempenkiure
The teiMrIfe eoMi ber faemlnc beer. . by Tom.
, to now to Boston to that city's famous
small, tapertne Docers lo comply.
MDen and children In the lace treated by solutions of acetic acid,
from 100 I
Du niber anbetb In the mere.
Tbe wnltlng hones dricced to both,
Dick, rccullecllae. told ber of bln mills of Burope. ihe rug facitnles of allc aad Urtarie acids. Of grwer ud Mtosoori
And emrtlere raffle, etrnt and ablne/ ns fenra were entertnlned by Dick tbsl
From Jue k to 12. j In addttloa to her work as s arntp converse wllbout Ibti aid ul| Turkey., bat manufacturing cokmles ul klgDlAcance. however, was ibc altrapi ISTT. there u
Wblle pecan brine the Onneoe wlnel
speil during tor. MISS Whitney bas published one
be would be refused, and by Tom that
South America: fur lannerire of Alas­
combat the numerous boriito In­ which the -thermom«er touched *3 or iwn-volumes iff vraaF'Wbtefa give
Bat fell to eeeh wtanie'er betelL'
he would be aecepted.
ka and Siberia; .diamond mines of Af- sects Ural Infest orchards and forest degrees at 8u Frmnbisro. IH at Tnma proof of that tect that btd the dnaeo
The terWbe mnnt feed theyi nil.
Wban the lonced-tor answers came,
: silver and gold mlara of the
trees by poisoning them by tbe Iniro- ud 122 at Spring Valley, Cal, Dnrii
to devote herself to literature instead
they were, like tbe men lowborn they
Hob balldi bln ennilee teir eu^.
world: tllk loemt of China, a
doctloD of poisonous kolutkma Into ihU
pertod lee firaed at Cbey-1 of to art the eoald not bwl have been
sued, identlcnl. iPoltowhut
Wbnterer rirer.raBaeth br. /
"explalos wbair said Dick.
faeiorles and cmion mills of ihe north. Ibe asp. For this purpose arsenic.
lilee away, where tbe tem-| sncceatCnl oloag tbU line of effort
the tlate nnd usual faeadlnc were tbe
Oreet dtle* rlee In crerr Wd.
"Tbe reason I didn't know you." aald
Ih; wherever
«q>per sulphate, magahne and barium' peraiure fell to 33 defrees During' Now at elghty-tow sbe eu any:
Greet ehonshre nbew the' boilder't
Kitty, wllb rtslnc eolor.
lends there human hands lalm. spin,'
used, and tbe molls were quttc tbe daytime at Y’uma tbe temperature T am contrail
y Dear Slr:hud.'
"Tell me all about it,- said Dick, delve, carve or ply. and tbe trheels of satlsfartory In destroying the bark
To let the tdded yean
letter baa received my careful
Greet erdten. moeasenin, end Ure
lo txoducc. Improve, borer, apple moth and one species of
Tbei come to me
Uon aad I ask yoo to call this evenlnn
lUr pnlnoM and pleeHM bowern.
"Yoo tee. I hadn’t really Ireated beautUy a
■cate goods to be sold plant louse. With an extension of the
Roll beck IniD tbe put eo ter
Oreet work li done; teH here end for my.doelsioD. I
Tom lust rlHhi.-’ said Killy, beclontog to make proBis iin the mllUons
knowledge of plant palbol(«y and
That BteDDiy
thatdhe contenta or this note be held at the boclnnlncthere,
poured Into the lap of this little physlolog)-. tbe new method of b«
Cu only And along tbe nbore
atrtoUy conSdeoUal. and aball wish
And Veil men wofketh ererTwhera;
-Yen,- said Dick, confiimallvely.
Croreus. who already has more than
Cal Tlmt Oset HitMIng.
nourtsbiDg and stlmulAlng trees
Some p^eet .^etto and aetktaff
you ,10 eoeslder ibe presence of your
Bat work or reel, wbnte’er befall.
.The Aremen of SpringAeM have
"And I wanted to do him Justice.’' thousand boys rould speod. ollbougfa be looked for to assume propor
brother sicniflea a necatlve answer, continued tbe cirl.' It would have ■hey lived in palaces amid
The tenmr be anat feed them aU.
present.—Boston black cat which it teMritaMe for aev-jCbaflea Oodfrer Uland. bnt hto aamr will menn-yea.
been only rltht to have wdotmed him of orienul priooes.
Ulngs. It.poaaeaaas att tm
-Possibly ymra,
It to not expected tbe young heir
each foot. Ud durtag the pul .
back without more ado about it, bnt I."
A Oemadr ef Ctmofe Con
"Kitty Vauahn she besltaled. blusbini; rosy red. “I will wish to adopt the vecaiion of
has-aboni twoseoreud ten kittens,
I wtA make every day count at n«i»WtMtee ter the Herald by SHrebetb
"Of all the iaearaatc vUtnt." was didn’t want him back and 1 w
mercbanl. lie may leave the Immense
which hare all had the Miu na
ibing. If I cannot work with my
A Ttirtls Mtyad tbs Wadding.
Toma anerr comment In his room.
of dlglis.
mercantile csubllabmcsls desitnml
hands. 1 will keep my bead buy mak­
Prom Battle C^. Ulefa. comes t
-She leaves oo laapbolo for not onl­
also has become a follower ing plans for the future.
Xb tMxind liy honor lo nivc tb- for him in the baodg of the cfllrien;
The IneomlBc eera of eoealgBineeu ine and I can’t either silrk to Dick or
manage them nnlqoe story of Captd lo the role of a eff the bunting game to more ways
chance lo make op.
1 wUI do srfaat I do. welt.
(eeeed. wKh d few excepUona. after shadow him without lost of honor,
his grandfalber, and seek enjor turtle. The.miirtage of UUt Freda thu the average feline hu .napired
your lellero can» i bit upon the plan
I wlU not work too bard myaM ner
the bolldejra and the brothen
Aucan at leait civ® bim a rod sun.
It In unvef.
of tee duplicate aaswen: I knew.” tbo
to, it has an excelleei reebrd for require aay one about Ibe term to do
ehaMod inevitable oooMeecea. Tom
marker) ibo climax of eo<
ased to say la tan. and I suppose
c may siiidy flaanee and emulate
banting vgts nnd mke that ea
lirarety, with flamlai: ehcekv.
had Mnre to tboechttellr eoniem- bis note states a deflnlie hour—either
George Could, or like Jobe Jacob Asfound about the premise*; bat
"that tbo-man who really, loved
plate Olofc'a fortlinde la heartne the oarty or uacominonly late."
also a banter after the teahk
would be*the Brsi to arrive, aad that lor be may content blmself wttb the
MarllD had be<-n educated In the
radtel eheerfiiltr eff bla teir Sanee'i
Dlek read hU abeei wlib ominous Ibe Indlffeheat one would take care
mlllioos he will receive annually from
dogs. One of Ihe Aremen mohas trips
real e«»lmenia. and Dick noted hU ■bodlncs. "She means to refuse
I will do the beet I eu to make an
r as bas bm anggesied. be- noivenlii^ of Berlin, ud when he lato the neigbbortog placet for hnn; lud Olid cattle bring to the greatott
be late, and thus he would really dlsbrotberb realcned manner In learalnc me." be ihoocht. "aad srlshes to spare
Itwyer. aod endeavor lo be a came to this, country in ISCg be was tog birds, ud wfaHrerer he goes th j poaatMe ralnra. every year.
ilss binueir. and at the same lime
thnt he.had
the bald otaemat. Of coarse sbe ad Kiven him his oporiuol'y."
wtxard la the moDcy world. HYbeo air employed u a ronatrnctlng engineer
no be srirh Wm. .Whenever
will keep my bnlldlaga and SHda
the Grud Trank ralirand. Hiss be brings down any game the c
bas written Tom to call early.”
caailes are being.built for the fragile
Tes,- said Dlek. encouraiftnKly.
looktog ts trim u I raa.
isteU was a belle of the
Tbe brothen dressed for the call
there to data the qnarry.
"Well." went oo Kitty with drooplnt toa a pathetic oleoeot eniera the fell in love with Ibe budto
r will not get the blaea It it ratoa
and Tom hurried out to a dub room
thoughts of those who bold him dear.i
It Is saH that Ibe animal will fol-i right along ter n wortt at a tloto The
tece. -you were the Orsl lo tend np
Dtek had ter aome weeks been
an boar’s auMsetnent while cKriSs
His life has not the Ann tenure of
■w tbe .peraon lo qaettkm ter miles bow of promtoe wu bm in the doada
card, bnt being anxious about ibe posaware. e< the mlctalre ed bk twin DMi the adrsntase In time.
that of the normal boy. Unhappily be pledged ihrir faHrothal. ud Hanla
order lo get tbe game, and It ennbrother’a Boothern lore, and bad done
left on a two-weeks tour of inspecUon. 001 be deceived, ter aa soon aa <me of ter me. u wdl u ter Noah.
Dlek heard him co, and belos oim- olUe fallore <rf my scheme. 1 watched
weakened body
Ma hoeaat baat to remedr the mU- rored In bis Arm opiohm. alowly fol­ from the tret landing in the stairway dcred tUll more frail by so slmoet fa- In bis absence HUt Olmateod accept­
in be telr wttb my hotou. Thor
Aremrai In tbe Lottie «tans out
your method of communic
chief. XIHff. wite femtelne laconalf lowed.
ed u Inrit
taail not be overweeheA, if I ua Mp
Ul accident.
n1ih« gun the eat Is always a faithful
tener. eoidd not eepante
Uitle lake near Augoata. A turtle follower. Tbe other day one of these
At the Vaocha realdenee the famllLast year the boy waa ridli
from the aanoead orlmlaal, and for- tar malatto drt tec* bto card, not the
swam near the boat, ud Hiss Otm- trips wu token with some ssceesi
fait farher over the coontry i
the bat and cost rack and
lellver when I aay I wUL or ftva a
tenner Ambsatador Choate, near ttead caught iu 8be called atLeaiton aM the cat teemed u plaeaH u waa
d reaaoa why T •»
haM ft to ber bead, saitos. -All Tight, eosM hsar.FliUAeld. Hass., wboi he was thrown i to the diamond markings cm Tta'tlftn. the banter.—Bnhnsge:
^a EMC hd-^>B boa boat aad mama, ye' is to come la do big isu' -T»aa?“ aald Dlek, with aharp Inwin starve aallbM mr brato aor
this BUggesiM that the slip ber
bis bone. He hovered near death
la to cBy
y sftteiiUuus
■ftteiUuue aa brother­ lab."
my body.
for weeks. sUended by surgeons of lir,
Sculptor at Eigh^-Four.
1 anpposed It waa Tom," abe nil.
ly ptaceoRNttSA hot KHty rotessd
will Bot be abowe takiSf a haad to
tereatlonal fame whu
The history of sculpture to the Unit­ the poiltiral aaira of my tews, eoaaty
with face averted nntll bat one ^wwrhs or pdtmtt him to wrlta ter a ret.
from New York tra special I
ed Sutet doM not contato the nam«
«me of ihs tenser rtiatloaa. The
Uie. rememberliig that ttto Jnnt
maid to a Urce reeepiiea room, Ilttlo Ing ear was vislhlc. "aad I
On Martin’s return he wu told bf
He Anally recovered and was taken
uy women who have been re­ u tmponut to have a good pntbmaaipointed .1 wouldn’t come down..and
used, which be bad never before
home. Sboriiv after bis arTlval ibe the boat ride ud of the loss of the markably saeceesful In this wide Aeld
ter u It to to etoet u huant goveraor.
tered. He foand the apartment an cle- then yoo went away aod Tom Irnly lad suffered a oollspse and again ap'
nog Hit Jealousy
leaded—ter Tom bad so need of ea- eantly ternlshcd ud sofUy Uebted
'-mtotakably did come, but 1
! will iraot every mu lo be hoaut
aroused, ud breaking- hit betrothal.
pamal astdteaeas to diaeorer that hit room of crcaier' dimension than
she flnlsbed In’the circle of proarhed death. His grandfather has
naUl I know him to be a n«M. aad I
back to Uerfiany. All Aq-'
hratosr^ heart wu la tbe tropica seemed ponlble from tbe depth of tbo Dick’s enMdlng arms—-was colng in tened frrwn New York, whet
will try to be worthy of Uto tame eoogobc to attend^a meoilog of rollllmi- gusla beard of tbe tale; ud always!
•r thu tbe fraseeB north.
A buildlnc. He atood a momont
ly room and oooldn’i go down."
remembered IL
One of the notable aoco
This r%d seem OB the lurteoe 1^ fuaed by the dim lUhts, bU leoiples
"Let me tee that large parlor I
I -wiU love the boy* and the glrtt.
railways, ud upon his arrival
A party Sablng on tbe lake this
e horsM and toe eoira-iaa. aod
throbbln* wltta his Isle anilety and shown Into last eveolng." requested malncd at the boys l>edtlde Ibrough spring captured a ittrtlc, ,and cnelr- hu been Mist Mean’, statue of Frucca Willard, unveiled to Wubls
tee Adent of bamaa nature
every ilrtog thing—u I wooM Uko to
1. Surely he was alone Dick, with a growing susplckmlperre' sleepless nights.
ellDg its neck with a diamoed ring. It within a few enonihs. This aUtne
woald have polaUd out tbe pfayelol<«. with the fare
laUng tito brain.
be toved myself.
- •
Tbe a^bctlRg scenes of bis faiber’t
I to Miss Olmetead. and abe Mrs. Bmma CadwaUader-Ouild's por­
kSl te(9 ua the Oonway bon had. conveyed. As Ibis passed tbrotigh hb
will do Ibe beat I caa to kata my
Kitty 0ve Ibe yUenily demaoded
I^Um test iaataaoe. beinc aUneted mind be caushi slsfai of n.temiUar iken of love from ber red Ups—the death have depressed tbo boy.- Ho is ideniJAed the Jewel which «as lost trait bast of the late ^ideal Mc­ heart ud my body pure.
being givej plcasut Journeys ud ronyyeare ago. Sbe learned that Mar- Kinley. which may be aeen In the sen­
I wUi ting the taurtoat amg I tan
form at the far end of the room. The Orst nve her “
prevent bIm
had never married, .ud immedi- ate wing of the enpiioi at Wubington. Ud uy to Have the mend a BtUe bat­
e.tbao Bulq^elent and o^leoMy conducted him
from havipg u InJ
r commutilcated to him hews of
ff tbe must oouble pieces
bad come tocetber aa«
show him Tom and bis bl^ml
tVheti be Is acaln
the recovery of the ring. He toe* tb- of tbe recent work of Atnertean women ter thu I fouad IL-Fbrm temwL
. iruqnil *
A- V^toult. aooner or huor Is r
Disirnnebt with the milIseX of
It lacked Its falrj-Unil almofpbcre, of mind young 4
Ani steamer to ibis conhtry. a^n arnlptora. But yean 'feetere these
- ^oa. in the eeoood inataace a n
:. be left thee twm in the bright Hgbl of morning.
studies under private tutors who pay placed the diamond on hto aweelp ooeantef train of c
and house aad passed down u
rbile It allll seemed spacteos. it....... dally bis grandrslfaer's mu­ boart’s Anger, ud they were married. younger arttau srere at work^todeed.
before some of them bad seen the light
qnimted street, then back by a looelv reduced by half. The unosual device on at 1919 Prairie avenue.
The sky bu loag beta a ponde te
Tbr honeymoon will lie a trip to Ger- of day. one Ameriru womu bcuIf
lo his hotel. Ho bad not known
raualng the ronm lo appear twice
pbyaielstt. Tbere are two myaterlaa
Hsrahall Field, the elder, is rated la
wbere ManlD will settle hW
hi irork Ud bad already given
the depth of hto atiachmeat nntll hope
real dimeosions. aod at lie same
business tolrresls and retorn 'wiifa proof of the fart ibai her genius wu: to explain about It—Ua rwAeetkm off
time addli
light and odor. The eld view wu
Is Ibe torgesi stockboUer In two hto bride to this country.—Farm ud of the highest ofder.
Shortly after the nuinal conddeneea
Tom had left the club after a reaann- :'hlevcd by empaneled mirrors. AlI that the bloe of tbe aky vru due atm^
lines of railroad, all of the Im- FiretUde.
Dick made two imiortanl poinU
able delay ud prcoenled bis card at a
This woman was UImi Anne BTill-ipiy
a Ibe entire end «f the room was pnnut street Mlways in Chicago.
e uaygen. Oxygaa
the peBlnsalar state; the first lo i
tolerably late hour for an ardent lover.
ney- who at the age of elghiy-foar sUII | h*, , funt Mae UW. ud the Uu wu
Iposed of heavy mirrors ImlvKlded
for a clsdly fraatod rdeaae from hk
Hied bim ud ohowed in Ibe wall.
^eral mllu of tha gaa. nvea
Temperature Pipuraa.
eacacuMt: the second to eonsnlt i Urn Into Ibe stale pariorVbich Tom
some kind Sbe Is anraog tbe largelwbta dilated u It to la the air. would
Barb of ibe Conway Imys had Wn Chirago.
Illgbeat temperature ever obeerveJ
■otod ear specitllst at ito u. of H.
had never entered daring bis Informal deceived by his own vision, aided by
• o massfve squares of granite, one by goveramral weather bureau. Pboc- number of New tto^d men ud wo-. heve a bright blue coior.
Thli creel man clenrwi - the eoa
ills. He therefore scuned tbe room the roDftirioa of dim lights. This mmmen beyond fourseore yrara of age ! Bnt ibis did not oeceut for to* imud the ruber white, approximat­ nix. Ariz.. nv degrees.
tachlna Inba of awchanleU obainK with annsual Intereet. partly breaute pllcslloo bad not been forseen. much
who seem to have found tr '
a of the aky. aad of
ing I.«K>,000 fret of Aoor space. ID
Ureesi irmpenture ever given in of eleroal yoalh. The writer uw ai
Uohi and permitted him to hear the
beauty and more In tttoreb of less designed, by thi-lr bosteas.
t Tyndail’a -dual toaoey."
acres of Chin
feamaa votoe eaplain that tlkra
gathering In Bosion one day. a t
Dirk whom far hoped'lo see.
Dick was to chagrined at the simple a frontal funi. and i
s ef it. hu been
- Mlhlnc the matter srilh bis uidltorr
ago. Edward Brereit
Gtodly be disreraed him through the
of what had ncauly
railroad and streei
• tracks cornworks wtaaierer. and that for tome medium of tbe subdued light, atudlng him his
nolhlni;| prise importut lirms I the estate.
hnadreda of dellart. Bwaaurad fer tbe el the far raid
the aporiout room.
onmornwb hravy parse, be would ne- -The dear oM boy Is alt right.’’ br
more engrouing subject In; u "the prinee of the wera. ’i degree, be-ow zer^ ^
pullcto, teattog to tow
eotk.Ue Ml enetothlaa tubmen aa ihooghi: -I’ve had my answer so :
- to be ouci—be held a more I His name Is ooc to conjure with to Ihel Average of tbi
he had the righd and ha ooald go on might ns well slip out and leave him
• -wofld of Anure. ’•
-- ................ '
m of redtoetad U|te a
hto way rajolelnc.
lo hto huplness."
M.,r to Yam Fortooe.
n'l^bej ton.

WUllv-, . , Anne Whlt^, ^ho
Tbe t^tloa was auccnsafnlly cos.
not only left the room, but sc
pleted aad Dick, with the dual baodl- cured hto grip ud look train for the
sIs'lMb yearlof Uege. Belglnm. howerer. ItakmUn
«ap removed. wWefa may refer to bis inh. where be designed to toy slegv
weakens the Osier thiw^- a goo-1. that tbe dust to tbe air to net aaOletoM
««wmeat and deotaeat or iwo ears, to a pnli^ of glorions blue eyes framdl world among all the yv»ng belrs-pre-j knpwn today, u when be hegu slm- ICM degrees.
, deal, ud aio*i of th-m did their most ia amount nor Andy enough dtvMta
sumpllve la Marshall Fl^d III. grand-1 ply, u a merehanL-Grand Rapids
as yu Bke. boncbi a UdcM tor
Lowest dally average for a
to n halo of span gold.
nwable work after their AfU-ih year, to rapport this explaaaitoa. and be reMtrabsll Field, tb- merehsn't!
merehsnt ■ Herald,
recloa of parpetnal anmmer. Ho ns- Uck pul In a bad nigfat ud enlercd sou of Mtrsbsl.l
month. wmiMoo. 2.4 degrees
prince of Chicago.
. '
Auc Whitney wu bard at vrork jec, a lor this and other toaaou. He
deretood an waa off betwM iVun and fail brother’a room at u early boor
long before the Civil wir In fart. II bu gtme bock to tbe oM ogygea
Until the lereni tragic death of this i
Curing Trqu of Diaaaac.
XlUy aM. ha Mt DO eempt
tofortn him of hit Inlealloa of tak­ U-yeaivold lad’s tether. Maraballl While
wu (he sabjcci .ff uU-slavery tha' w theory, aad aeraraau ter too geaeral
- trytiic hit own -fate. A train on the ing tbe morning iralo home.
spired some iff ber Anret efforts Her' UlomtaaiUh of the sky cm' the hypoField.
■Itoeii Central at the same time was.
nrpriaod to And hto Inuolnoi of a raagutne revolvef.
bearinc Tims to the same d<
brother np. ud lUII more lo note the t-onIM „ .
"Where are yoa totoTT wrote Tom nbsenee of hit bclongtags. The mate i to tbe Field millions.
. deutty to the atmoaphera give it ton
OB a mar«la of hit
bto note toy. tergotlea. on a atud., Tbe paihetie demlw of hi. falber with curative
Tip teopoaa to Kitty.- aald Dick.
tdly,picked It op to throw It lathe hu drawn the bond between the youth from fumlgatl ud spraylag of die_ - _
Toaltalac noiblac bat the trath would He
pate, wbeo his asionlsbed eye aw ud the veaerabie foonder of the vast; eased ptonu.
Vonld do. and addtec the remit of the le tame taeasage. worded u hto owa. fortnaecloirar.
Aral gleam of light K. ud Duluth. Htoa, 26
good deal of a aenaatloB when it wu,
fSliliiilin fliwarlt*.
opotoifae boy’.- 1. Just brraVIng In ircattog diseased Average of tbe
•oral opwatloa u hto aossrer.
With q'tick steps he aoogfat the of- geaenaUfalroeu It to plui. and tree* vrtth medkameo'ts.tdav ud nleht n.
-Where are you foloir asked Dick. OS and Mked for hto brother.
ber ma^Aeeai ntsiu-r' cfalvea of Genoa are nRahla. ud there
beHeved will depend whatever provl-lsorae nniritire Ud oti
• with acaaat on tbe promeon.
-Mr. C^waywiiM hto bOI and took attas may be made ter Mr. Field's I Rnailan torewi...... k
of Samuel Adams pnrehaaed by tbe i Mams a great UhHlhood that they are.
Jnat reported j Official
TV pr^iaae terms et peace to Ktv « caSS tp
to etech the
toe qroalog
trala other grandchlMren. the' tevorito’e
le &oe> experlmtau of acvoH the border la Canada thatu are state of Mamachnaetu and placed tnjthee li bu bou determlaed that to*
’’said toe el
tbe'capltol at WasUagtoa. A copy <ff|4l*cov«y at Amerioa by Oolimhw
brother. Heary. aged 9: aM IliUe aishpta the ttllltel taraatita..
•tattoos where tbe average Mmpe.-Dlck rooked op the time table. The tor. Gweadolyi). aged « yean
B la Dod
"I tooaght you had glvoe be- ap.' train pdled oet before he had eaded The Italtleu wealth desUntd to tell
.Her very strikingthe A«ei of Colombu to saM to
aalta. M in tbe dry state ud la a greea. the frceztag poInu
MU Diek.'iUaafcly.
hto olmte walk tbe prevtou eveniog. i into hto email bands eoairoto the wellflaura Of LJef telkaoa. tbe HeteaMu |tavebeea worth atoat three thoimsid
Twu noi'at Ubevty to gtre ber ap
I’Bofflclal bwi authenue reoiwvto toU vrbo Is eappoeed to bare bad hto fantld<ffton. aad tim daeomeou.tesod In^^
to Uto htblbetog of at learn peraoas-men.
•mia aha pat la words a dewtre to be toi. Whw couM It meu7 The Con- womaa adg dUMrea of all ages u i ®taetimtata were made with
that the bottott weather ever knowa
taaertca a thoosud yean ago. may^Aleme that OMambu* uiary wn »o
Ptatora and syeaautea. whieb an-------------------------------------YU«ma.7aU«ltea.
ta Jane IT. IStt.---At Su Ftu**y te>y» were nothing U act above cosdltkma.
aeea la Cambridge. Mias Wbltney,; h«od»M doltora ff ytar.—Farm aod
tram baat, diammed whit* acadu.|ctoeo <m toot day Ihe
bu made a great muy poriraM busuinreside.



■ ■]


a»mmr. Hleiu D«. ».-B7TM> 8bi-

Hr. and
Hrs. Walter Ashley of
«.cr iseTorB
n IX
i8 Ftaakfort
«.M Up.f;r Bawse,,.
Maple City passed thnxvfa tomi Sae^
rc elsUlnt friends here
e this
this we^
tea !■ TNT sick «llb paeosio&la. ,
Oeonte. the ywoHSim
yoanclson o|
^ li^ry
urtsy. eaioate to Trsfm aty to
Prank Dyer spent Cfanstaas with
V»7 Hntar it Tnnnti CUj «e- spend CkrtstBss.
the melVIcaiiwa' puts
hJi family In Trsrerse City.
l-ny< ,
ft food OhrfBHnu daw «Mk D.
• _
the vinim
Miss Ansa Cadhsm of Snt^ Bay
The dance Saturday nlsht was weU Tbunday 'ereninit, the bm
H. Hoiter «od H. 8 JohBnti Ufflllln arrlred ipfiovs last Satanlay to apetii
•ncnrlne s po-jod of sausape
Chrtstaias vlih fiienda
htct ,aiom-in a h-i
Kate Martin spent Cbrlsimas with was mcul. IQ the fln.1 place
Om Kibble fran Bom epeni
'b'jpnr.^, Indt,^
The basaar which sras held Decea
eroilas meal at the BIsrkini
anitaMe with Htai BKft Wlw u ber l(. eBder the auspices <t ib< er parents . Ib Thoapeonrflle.
Ladles- Aid. was a pnrfnrt raocena
. -tiset markeL' ——
‘— —«vrArthor BoA of aKIluuka m h The enure preeewU were HI. Alter
Bacaall. Hleh.. Dec 2».—The Ladlei*
towB Tharaday.
f»t andsU«edfi>rhU-h...................
.n. East
the eetlre ecpenees wore taken out. rJd society met with Mrs. Kanienbcrx
__ _________
ebih streer. •-When
crosUnct«Mer .<a.A esd Philo Inm Hufi $» 43 wae left lo tkoir eredlL The Thorsdsy aflemoiA.
alley in the rear of A. J. Wllbe1m-g
oBp at Aides w/u bone orer arts- nienbera of the Aid wish lo eitend a
Mrs, Lon Hlnsos Is vlilUny ho- «d»—. disu
vppeo oni
man .
oaf jrtim
rote of thanks to all who so beartilr ter. Him. Manly Fhraswonh. this week.
K. 8. JobnwB \
Shadow of .a shi-d and halkd him lb a
_ _

Mr. and Hrs. Pled B'iDcbell alint
ronsh Jene
led by the AM.
-■ Mie. Winfred Fllna
srar.-l sad sUrHsl on a rim with the
•Arlie Oreftory
^ boutc Crom Onud
BaiMf for CbhMa»s.
Mrs. Durand Is on the sick list. Ubts
Mn. VrtB Bareh of tUlfcasks tpooc
on. lOeh.. Dec. M.-Mra. W. Helena Hoopey Is belplny < CariMBss via Kn. Ulllt Grenc.
ion eqlerulaed Mr. and Mrs. honsewoi*.
Pmaa 8tanlu tetuned Tliureday --------------- m and Hr. and Mrs. G. M.
Mr-Murphy expe;et8 to sun his mill
after meadloc ChrlsiBU vlih Hr. IHme at a pedro pany on Thursday
If JOB are in this eoiicH'i.rn,
(he oimloc week.
and Mn. WUI Cbuer of Kslksaka.
VC ?.n-cc is weak—tire
cr eninc. Kuu sad candy were serrod.
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred non spen,
tea KlabeJI from Boyae Clly epeet
Mrs. O. L. Seellr entertained Irieodi Cbiisimas with Mrs. Flino's psicnls
ft fov dan hero laet «e ekrltlUsd hl«
a Christmas dsy.
at Mesiek
brother HsrrUon.
The HIsms Boms DeUmc sod Jea
- <»fti1es Bart of K. K. K. si Chrfe
_te Aoaman aoeoapsnied. Hr. j. De
Overcome by MesU .
MS diaaer with Alfred Clark.
work rciuirctl. df){*
Honor. Mieh.. Dec. n-ilLs »>>.!.
Uwit osar from Lelaod WMnesday
Uek HsDter. srUe sad sm CbarM
JO.-I* Satenre. a younr man ip ih-cm aiulitriii*-^ ilUtress
emlnc to xitend the Htaonle bau' who has been In A. B. CsM- A Co.-.>>......................
»eat to Soatb Boaidua Thorsdsy -net.
------ tir'casc. When the tjcrves
wlih 'm stock or mllHoeryi'rv^
erealac. reteratnA Friday.
llicr heart is
, Clarence Soon la eery u| at this turned to her bnme at Wlillaiusbur*'
Dr. 1. Netbsrdt of Sooih r
trt force the iifetpvim; hli.i'l
He Cranli^ up a .ixus-n
-aopoKwr Tbnrsday atteodina
Harry AnDsirrwn and vife spent
Mr,, sierena entertained Mr,. P.
B. Ballon, also salliac on old friends
Barth and family of Omens on Ssi- Christmas with bis unrie and stral.
luBch.-oo and
Christmas time was a real yollldca
Mr^ and Mre. J. ArmsiroBR of ibU
urday «ad Sunday of this week.
Uon la Bpeneer. Ereryoee was made
Hiss JulU Hiller ealerleined the plsee.
to foel It ,was «Dod to be here. Tbs
families of Hr. W. B. Johnston. Hr. G.
Christmas -Uee at the church was a
M. name. Mrs. E. P, Dame on Christr .Ixlin-ti
eery pleasant affair. But the Chris:-MS day at dlaner and a tree.
V. He was to hlmai trees at the fiosnes was more
Mrs. H. E. GUI enicrtaihed on UnntUa,l'Ninib st.-i, t.'wb, r
than cenld be expected by anyone. day ereMnc.
.fflOsnee was rslhsl. rli.nic
There were trees at the homes of a
Hr. and Him. P. Davis ^esii Monday
5 H. Rnter wherein Marie Johnion'a
P tamlly partook, also at the home of I
p Lew Wite wiUi Archie Wa»ini and
G. M. Itee and dftBfffaler Gladys
5 family, paruinn of the pleasures of spent Tneiday at Ktessley.
. Christmas Ume. TVro sw also s
Willard Wursboia Is home from ’
■ tree Christmsa ere at Mrs. O'Brlen-s.
Rapids, eotnylnn a short vacation.
1 where all the membera of her tsmll}
Miss Bdytbe Damii arrived h<
were ptoaent except Mrs. UUle Rosfrom Traverse City lUs week.
•er of Btrriniten. The families of
^iorable programs
ptien in
Bftney Blhhley and Mrs. R P. Ua^es
brth the Uelbodlsl and ijoncresBlkmwere alto Inrltad. About |2S worth of
■I chnrcbes Saturday evcnln*.,
peeeenU were os the-liee. There were
WHIard Campbell of Traverse City
in town Tuesday,
.■ (o,j,„i.n.«Medical Co. Elkhart. Ind
ftto plesty ft candles, nuts, ai^ln
•penha \Vy«-. who has
»as In town
n.m; ‘1.
«rftB«es freely dMribsted.
Miss Maud Bt^Kv has relumed better.



Lir. ^

rrarerse aiT State ajpk

Si: jsr

A OftBLANO. CaahHr. rri “it.



c-saatry n, i.-mrt <;,-mihn.


Iran fsAioo : Kn,



lb Befflbsr.It I.,-.:.;.;

s-4:tf.-rr:.:Bs'i. n .. ,

cs!-.,s| tm-Mrlfsl ..n;'..a'e.^^^,Tinc

........ .........

3 rer Ce« Alim •« nw DcbMIs.

X:.^^p;r:r- p.r

202 U ilbtlu. Wk.. C4tr. I'hoae 11^' _

I TKAVKnsKr,TV.M,r«.


..... .






PoBWna. Mlefa:, Dee. SO.-B. S. Nor,
A Of Ahnm, Ohio, srrtred la town
Itondhy nl^t for a.few.dayr tIsi:

Hum has -I.een U.iiing
friends at Homestnid thU week.


Mr., f. Han wis called to Travi-rs,
Clly last Priday by the .death of berj

Masonic baoquci was held .1
lbs town hall mi
w*tk bis eon R B. Horrit and wife,
b is bukA pimwed with the ieoln of ■nd was the moat eojoyable occasion
Of the seaaeo. The
,oe micsu
piesu mhrei
mhrehed to
the lower hhll. where the supper
T. Beftedlet «U Obriatmaa dinner
T®ft“* Pere civen by Hentn
with frieftdi in Oopemith.
nsrki Scott. W. B. Camphen, I>r.
Oaorie Smith returned from Cadll
toe Wedaeeday niAht whore be had Plood. Jota Kennedy. Chas. Baum
berger and Rev Deet, and Mr. Donhew to spend Christmas.
CM of Sutteos Bay. Hosle was
Ths lAdlsB- Aid society of ihe H. n.
ed by Prof. Horst-e orchestra ___
ehunti met with Mrs. Ethel Lodwi(
- highly enjoyed by alt. RecluWedpseday snernooa.
At the last fanalnest nsetlhc of the llons were given by Hra. R. Flood.


^worth Imacns the ftdlowlac efBeers Due's ware rendered by Mrs. Dt^els,
w« eteeled for the oomtnx year: Mrs. Jobs Kennedy. Hrs. W. B. John­
ston and Him Peart Dame. A violin
l^«t.HtsrM.e Ph.lp.: flrrt den.
musMoit. Mrs. P. Stnan; second vice solo was giren to a very.pleaslag man' praaUeet. Mrs. Paxnle Heaaam; third n~ by Mlm Bennett of Travers city,
ate* ptnaldeBt. Hlaa Nina Duffy; •leo by Prot Moral. Mrs. Moral rea-

There was a pleaxam party glu-n ml
•ho home of Mr. and Mrr S. Smith

Some lime ago ibe couacli
ended a ihlrty^wo foot pave------------Jl. as a result of last night"*
maettog. will be t»elfliooed lr> widen

il. The Meiropollian brick will
used add a nmiblDaiiod curb ■
toorth vice presMent. Ooy Miller; aec- dared (wo pleaatog vocal -rfmirinn
A petltiod Is being tHreul.ied among
»to^. Mrs. Bernice Morris; trenaniur.
the propeity holders between -i>emh
spom by aJI.
C^boock; Dnamst. Hra Bernice
Rev. and Him. Wm. Huribut spent a and Thirteenth streets lodsy and will
presenled to tbe eonneil. The
LItUe Clyde Bbaffer U nearly re- few days of thU week la Traverse
ommendailon of the council called ,.n
• eorered from aa atuok ef facial paralpavement to the south vide of -Twelfth
Mr. M Mrs. Donian of SuU
slr«.| OHLV
onLv but
out ine
the reople
penpJe In
In the
in Iowa.
Several in tows' ars sick with the
block have the paring fever.
Ur. ml
nuw ftt mosent One or two hare
What will iH- dobe wliii Ih.- M
tog reUUres la Grand Rapfau.
^ heSB sM esonch to hare a doctor.
Hrs. Sheldon of Saull file Marie U bciweea Slxih and Ninth'will he .1 ■
Tba sham law suit ciren by toe
rilled by lU^ property holder* hi u.vlslUug friends in town.

The Rev, Kennedy went to Dsiroii


tost Friday to apMd Jbe lolidaya with
*»wen City. Mich., Dec. 30._U<
feto poroaU.
ChmnA'-ll of Bsidwin l. visiting ai
toe home to K W. Brimmer.
Mrs. M. lauiTnuy
Mulvany o,
miaiana is thj
Cedar. Hkh. Dee. *8.-M. A. Culver euesi to Mra David Hickey.
to ill with bffloebitto.
Pida Qodan] of Oram was callinK
Mist Manmret Ullum of MlHera oo friend. In .town Thursday.
HID pateed through Uiwa: op her way
Mrs. John Black and sop., Fmah
h> Traverse Oiy to spend Cbrisimas -Bd Weldo, of Wylie vfulH-d In town
with Meads.
sevcsal days this week.
A load of ysxag folkd from Solon ai
Mil. Kale KnevH. vUiling McndK
twded obxreh here last Sunday eren .1 MauUlee.

J. A. Peoalngton and tamlly spem

2 Cbrtatftus day with rnlailvcs In TravI avae aty,

. In celi-bjaihn, Priday .-veiling fd ib.birlhday.of the great Jewish r,-torm,-r.
Judas Msccsbaeii*; whone chnrltsb:toward* Women and chililr.-n
have caumsd the ririot to ih.- grei..
fyfttemsl order bearing bis name, n.-ai
iy two hnadr.-.! ef Hu- -Trm\-i
.-rse City .lent, S7J. and iheir wdvea sn-t
hive momlNUNi

with invited

The irachcTw. MU. Ida FAriato o( With such liberal donatlnnsaed for lh<
RHpItv sad Aribur Zlnlmitnnsn tladm-ii. sbowu them by all.
to VaIO'-. <'‘U. have g,«e lo the!.Ml . and Mrs. Henry Wilkin.
- hopMS for the AoUdays.
I'cdro patty an.l r.-cepil<m at Macibei^
Hies Bdiu Harringum nf Maple hall Tw-*.lay night In honor of
Xllly.pasBcd through town Iasi Wnl. Noel, wh.i Ik ........ .
I visit from
fteeday on brr way to Wllhamebuig to Big Rapid*. TIK.*.. (fflo, o„, ^
visit ber Blsler. Mm. Bantwi.
wete Mr*, csrri, nem.-n, .d Ons^s).

HU. Ratoeel Herrtagion to Solon
pammd Ibrsngh hero oa ber-------—
,, (ram-Traveree V..J,

Tire Insurance!
PlAteC1a»8. 8tMm BoHer and Accident Irisurartce.

Money lo loan on Improved Real Bute Only.
Rooi. 3I0N.W SlAto Bluo BMiiainE,

s.-»nta Ctpue is on hisjinmialcruis.- to Uwtow ipwl
tliinj»onhia tnany
If j-oo tliiiik.of uiviuj; some
of yotir nmrrii-J ciiil.lrt-a
Ibe mnterial for n hon».' as
n Cliriahnns pr.-8.-nt, pl.-op.liear uf in miml in c.
trail with thf liimU-r
. U-sl
iheforraUaiiii^miUs miDni
nl lowiwt prie.-s ciisisti-ui
with t|oaIiiy.

5»ii^ Side CBmher Co.

and Wve No, MJ, g..brr.-l
I Korevterw hall at 7:.w i„

rein. At. Interesling program a.
inged hy A. Laarns wa* given in
Mrs. Alb. Brimmer vUited friend.
It Grndt and Wexfon) several dayi which the memoralde evem* rhroni
sst week.
eled In the 1«nk. of


, Ulas Agnes M.ha. who loaches in
one to the schools la -Traverse CJty. apeadlag her. vacation wlihjber par•U. Mr. and Mr*: B. H. Maha.



Charles Mix and George Baughman .-nari.-rt, n.Hi.w ing ihl» wa« a i
isvrr SalUvaa sUried hls saw mill left Tue«lay for Frankforl, whet,: program givim by Mi »*r», Arthur r;sn
Tnoaday morplng. which his Imk-o shut they hate gone to work IhU wloier.
James Mimily an.l Sam Hetnls
Uepft-Aor about four moniha
Mr, and Mts. James Ziegler aa. evening was then lurn.-d ov.t ... pi.-,:,
Roy Haanalord spent Chrislmas ln tamlly a-Uh in thank everyone who sr
and dsiiring was i«rneiiist.-d ii,
Traverse Oly with relstlvcek
Undty and pramptly a«lsied item
I midDlghi. while a banq..,-! eon
►I'ling of bam »smdw-lrh.-s. *aladH
I>lckl.--1 rake and eolfe.- f..rm.-d n.

Tr.v.™. oi».


Smprna J{ugs
^xTOinches. , Wc will si ll .K lony a* ihcy la^ i.H..

plaoi it Ihe Trav.-r*e rjivj
Mae-ifli.-iiirini: .-.■miwiiy wdl *iari ti ^
U-e Campbell Of Usldwln. Mr and
Slvtui Jan. in afi.-r lN-ii,g ah,u down
Mr*. -Tom Jenkias. Mr. and Mr*. Alex
a ipontll. aiiring which Ume
Stnllb ami Mr. and Mm. John Smlih
of ThompiNinvIllc. Mr. -and Mrs w.|. exiensive imprDTem<-nis have been
mMe and the capaeliy of the piaai
klu» are line eBlcnalners and to
iDvIied K. a pany

to hojier room .7»xr.,
— eighteen
A few nIghU to skaiihg were m
high „ha*- been
emeted at tN- nqriherii «id of the
- Joywd by the ytniqg people last week.
mill and a new Corllas .engine snd twt,
The Christmu uwe ..d «su«rtaln.
I . Wallin. Mlek . Deb. ».-Mlss Barabolh-rs are being vei. • The addlikm
BSMI Md al the chnreh Iasi Sslarday
tine Byt- is home from Big Rapid*,
to brick and cement block*
^t was wen ftileaded and enjoyed
where she u alluding acbonl to spea f
-The ne.____ ..
mariitoe-y will deieh.p
the holMayt wl.h her parent*.

•bout Sin jKirve power'
. WJl Smith. Jr- to Traversh Clly.
r‘ which
It s .
Mr. and Mr*. Ua Hull and son Leon
of nearly I7S hone pow»-r
tnaagtted buslaaas to town l„t
to Traverse city spent Chrtslmss with
the oM enxlae. A shingle ml:i,
toelr dsugbier. Mn. w. H. Smlih.
heretoier. be ran-and togsiterl
Utito <Hri aichards to Traverne
Hls. Usxle Sutber to Lather Is vl^
■■1th Ihe toenosed capsrity of ,h*
aty to riatUac-friniiUherv.
il« ter timer. Mn Lyta Blanchard.
Ptoni preper will employ about .dozen
me Lftdlsa- AM wSI bold ihrir
Three to Albert Woiror. ebUdran
tore bonds.
monlUy bustoass meeting with Mnu
have m»rl« fever. Dr. Sterer U
HiJI. Wednewlay, Jan. a, I we.
Tie 6mt to the Improremeatt l*'
1 tending them.


Rur and ^ bars of BadyLr



2» L Fnm su CM. P»mt m


Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.

Crauer#e City mfg. go.*
CiciswnsPhon«.S3i Bail, ISP

«>i:r li.raU-;,r,. sb., l.
Pn-;|,.|ti-- Lnii-li,,.-

\vi,.„ J„,

i}„. „n
,o f„w„

yn lo e.-UI uiid
■i'lHri. re. Any |E..-k,nf.-s yoo may wiali to have will U. l.-er/,.llt..Ak-o
,.f. TAo.Ung
f„r y.,„r pat.
r-.ti.ic-- itr ihv pv.i .-,,1.1
w.. win merit il in tliu
fiHiir.-, a. -iiivil. j.,ii (,. MB- ii.;w ,d,re. “

less than the Rhk k wtml, alon. . ; la.ok in, our win­
dow/or a Uo.x of Pa,.Lr. Taliltts. l-liiv. !r ,,h:s. Pens.
Pencils, Ink, Mucilage, MumorancJtim Ho.tkv.

1 hk j*

our side lin.;: wc can show you ro..,i: valtws.

■**AraK TWUDE, 14* FroDl Sircci
"H I'-dt -rtii-i- ilQililinir.

OurgroccriL-sarcnoi ncRlcct-.I -wc hatV thc 1>cm

sswanoe of an enjoyable Ume.


_ ,j

of Butter. Chocsi-. C-.tTccs and Teas.

<3iir h.iL.-s arc

incrcasiiiR on Cha«\\-‘Sanbor*|-s OdTcfin and Teas,
which is a good indicatipii that th^y give saiisfaciioo.
if you would give us a trial order wc would appreciate It.

Have yon ever tred the

=y«i -riw... T... .r,d OofVte..

u4 CASS Sts.

an. MICH.



liavL- a luniurd ainoum i<f

small piwllptn. of iti.- ei. tilBK'.- . nji->

improvrmenit ef Thaverae C"ty Many
fsetwrlng Co.


Homestead Tnesday ere-nlng. All who
attended reponed aa en>.ysbk' time.
Will Pave WHh Briac.
The Union sireel property o.-nerK
between Nlnih and TweUili .ire.-i..
met at ihc Uakni sir,-cl whool bulldlOK
and decided ihai tbev wanted a ' ' '
pavement thtny-alx feet wide on



..... ............ ' -



_______ ___



.... --'-V-

fmm ber vacation.




Hoyal tiger
They we the beau

Cnm4 C#nr
•ad Mmtu

Sou -x^ by



Th^ Events of ^
la Brief.


~ ~ aw* IT In u.' Owes ton


S sad oBwndtnc tb« o«i»in. m betvM tb. L'slird


aportfawB*«-U-te hTKmrih.
«Mks aad nr*, StAm ud Arrt>







A Whitclaw


blown to atoms by dvnamit
Ud* feet ta the Air at OreaorUl
A < peraaas killed ii

Count Witia. .
, Andrew Carneclr Inatiilwd lord ieytor
er 81. Aadnw-a. Seoilaml.
U. ^tab court announced that Prlnca

i pallUeal dwturk.

msn and the cblcf of police
aiBonc the vlrtlmi.
A Wn Tine Fan*, former Ctaliwoe minlar tethe I'nlied States. Injured by Uw
phwlon of a bomb in I-ekta«.
L Cloae of the Lew­
is and Clark ex-


ib. SoBtajme Japan aeeepiad President
A Bdstta A’. Hoixan. form
Stala* mtalater-to Korea, appnlniad
Btalsur to Cuba, vhw Herbert O.
Soulera, malcned.
4 Jlfty-atath conxmaa op..,.M.
(. sir Henry CampbeD-Baniwnaao accytrtAhe^task of formtne a new HrltTbe poKe


A U.

iSKTiS'iS: .SS.S?

itHM-ei «Uc . anu w-

at OUrsaa al

RaebaroS, former Russian mtaof war, iiAissUialad.
'IS. Fresh outbreaks tn ttic Baltic prov.

L PIra ta Uw whaiestUe dish
bn caused a lass of »;ooj*B.
. The historic houL Battle House, aad i
other prupertlee burned ai Hobll*. >
Ala; Was. »».*».

4 U killed and M Injured In a wveel
the Port Wayne at Smawonb. Pa.
A » workmen UUed and many Irui
by Iha explosion of a buUcr la
I. Qrover company a aboa taettry

aale dlstnct or Indb
. Fir* at the Hoc
Charksiown. Mass..



WntaB everybody who reads the newsknow of the wonderful
cures ma^ by Dr.
’ ,, Kilmer-sSwairp-Reei.

A Fire alon*
lb* river Troal ta New Or-

Until you have seen

J|i!icovered alter yiar^rf
•y.'j KiBBiifie rmcirsn' ty
Dr., the cmi' iwat kidney aad blad­
der tpecAta, and fi
•. worderfalJyi SBCsesfoi In prenpity curlrij
•--c back, kidney, bladder, uric a^td trouibiesand
;andBri{h!'5 DiatAse. which la ihewcra
s not ree>u havekid-

A Josipb. Mo.

- ^„^zsf£


, L Fire destro]*^ tta' DeUware

Ae Tttakn and Santa F* iwsy Kaaaan* .

-. g?-”***** •“ “•«» ■“ bto«»to.,

Wtasd. caoma, tb, dSl^ofS:

"" “


> Btvsr. . VMK.MkIdk. bm I


' --I

There is ortly one

VVo have it in the


“Quality and Satisfaction”
Vonaak. -.\ri-tli.y Itliable, luaomical uud Dsrabkr W«I aniwcr. “Aa)i oar cnitomt-rs
usiui; “Celsmbss” EHIdw: tb.y an- our Iasi talvt-Hist-rs." '
A L-iru<-aitioaiit of S«aM will caus<- >-oa b, buy :i -Cojumbiii;’' a ■mall amount of ffMm»*
iu fut-1 will sav<- yon many .loU-ir*.

—. —Item Uatyi
Patapsco. Hd. u
A Tta Ticentleth cKiury Ltariled wreefc■srltcb St K



J 27-135 State Street

. ...

.[ who have aot already tried it, rrqr'hivt a



the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in t



] effor to ibis paper ard

«*• ^ MU^ buiidin*. with vaJuabl* ' hmaloDj N. Y.


4 Fire to Uw warehooma of tta--------1- i
fi--**® »ify irtlaake, bto lemember
Steel company. OBleaco. cauaod a lata ] £•“”*• *»»mp • Root. D. Kilswr'a


Traverse City. Mich.

.~e I ta »o many waya In hotaial work, i.t o.vate


I *■/



nancy TroBMc Mate T« Hbenlile.

Hot f

Jared ta a srreek on
railroad at 'Boutk


, f ^'lSf*£?eJU.‘-‘


This great paper is given absolutely free for one full year to every subscriber,
new and old, to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald In full to Jan. 1,15K)7.

-.._ms In 8u l-eursb-.a «,
Haitlal Uw ta fore* Uavuptwut

A lit laliwri ei
, ta Uw riixin

A Jb* acapanrs or*^uata aad Japan



Farm and Fircsltle is issued twice a month, 24 times a year, and has from 24
pages each issue. It is r>rofuscly iltustraied with half tone and color pictures.
It is the best farm and home journal in America. Thouunds of dollars*are expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the farnttr, dairyman, stock-raiser, poultryman.
fruit-grower and gardener. It has ^departments for the housewife, fashion pages.
' pattems.kood stories, puzzles. Ititios wh and humor columns and a Young Peoples'

a. Rasilaa mutineers at Bevasiopel «
after a arvere battle.

7. Tta American Cereal company-* plant (



rrpresentnUv* aascmbly

IrTxkUon tuanal

«* paace tl«a*d at PorLaeath
ay lat Baaatan and Japan*** savoys.


The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for $1.00

HlchoJas pran
to Iha paaaanu
in sadora and BoUWr* BuUnled

In llw aloop
OJiML. Baron

a or tba


. The Russian baiileiUp’Knlas Polemklne dclIvcn-B to lire Itoutnaolan .aathorltlo by livr muiloous crcir.
. Count liliuiuloff, prvfect of poljca at
Uosoon, nrsuioinatad.
. Zemstvo cuocrvaa viwiwd al Moscow.

4 Caar'Hichetas stantod Ibe da
Finland for ai
.•xisied“be“om’^ bo*.‘'°
_ ... freelux poliUeal p
era. and yicu censoraliip abollslu
. HuUny of Russian aallon at


a^r ^

L: Strike dlMnler at Odes**. Russia: lou
of t»M<a by iBccndlkry Area The
Rosalan baiUeihIp Knias rctcmfcloe.
lu llw banda at muttneenu appeared ta
the harbor and iratacd her cuna im
Uw city.

L niol^

Ibi- ee


■ «“lk»n*«rr' araKold.
irap.aud ■lunm) cuanecicd a
mactiliic A nirkcl diwppad lb Uw alu


Lord Nels(Mi.''c^b
ebrated In
BrlUab domtahuw.
L Admiral Toco
mad* a puMIc en­
try of Tokyo to
report to the mlkac
.Peel «rom tba war.
k InternaL-onsl Reel
-to make a naval de
The UOtb .am
ment of lb* J>
In America
cd tliroucboui


arr ta Uw peaea
BBMmnc*. arrieed ■ta Kew Tark.

.!». for tba nrurdar of PUby Porlar.

. General strike id I'uUwny men U Rus­
sia. niDUic In tlic rrvai cllKs.
A Tlw exar Issm-d a inanifciiu cranunp

1. Otntmaiy of Uw
ruival baiue of

Uw RasSiB fWet under At
rtaaky aad Uw Japaaeae
U Taca: a BnaUan ahlpa capw deatroyad. Romlan kws cat!at iUM Id IMSB klUed. woundad
' TasB reported iha leas A Ptuee Ctasria* « Denmark Bleet*
at wsuad
aadcaptaied. Admiral Nebosatoa aapt«r«d and AdaUU Vaalkaraam ktUad.


'9“'‘ •>«* I *“

if ■**
«*"'Tfal rvosaBi »adr to arary
; vlslu«- at bla can. by Wtllbin Van
iMlni. to U- baacad la Loutfrllla. Jan.

bb c™n.lfatb.T, Jaaae
BillIncBof|>r.rfr.w Wsmei'UasorllcS Maa__ ^
RoribumWIand. X, Y. who laf. »u
w«I. Tba cnuidfather wan acantrio «d.Tnii,ro
___*'•'Ctiwcbamlrio, n-olriH Sir' Jon-pfa
and appllad his uU-au i» tba ai
K..M laadal ranwtlt ,1
Itiion or waalib.
Itu: .rf th- Uu,.| WMH.-II, The
Aitfiisllo Ibiolt'. a veteran trainer. '!» •>,i<.,air<] amunc cIk-siImk

Ubsral rescript

L Tlw^^^^^rpor of Baku. Caucasia, aa-

. A national

tcMaSce for the
e^^falr period.
. Pttae* Louis of Baiieiiberc. bewrlnc a
racBsace from Klne Edward AH. to
Pnwldenl Roeaeveli. received at lb
While Houw,
A ReaJdenta of the tile of Ptar* Issued .
declaration of Indepaadcnce frtan Cub

kawmilpr to tbs
Vanad Suias and
BM of tta caar’a
***** WadBBtenSarlaa. anivad lo
Hew York. .
. Japaa^Mstad tar

isina to
ly Ilf ekx

ibeny (ranled. to cc
■ns by Ibe cur of Rua

A A tolal erllpoc-ot the aun. iastUs from
la-o Md one-lialf to, three; minutes, eb-


ttOB ckoaea as the i
f Uw Rnattaa bad Jt



L ivu. Tin* Fan*
Injured byabomb
In IVklna.
t The rear reward­
ed^Wilts far te


I by Fa.
iltiiuirtnl ilMdr
r to a deleand loom.

‘“f ®f IIomIb. s2k b.

a A^o**”""
Id ba
-Uwa-----------iJ of hlr bodj-cuard.
U. Remains of Paul Jonas placed ta
vavU at Anoapolla

chief of Iba <3 A.
,R. at tba oaUona^ncaatpoan

I BualaasrtpahBddaaaatiaapt tantaka UtWr toMUoiw MTU) of Uw Urer.


1. Palanburc repulsed In
I pnseai a pstlUuB lu Uw

■ iippouuea Vlca
Tba Oil'caco ttamatenr airikr. which i
1 Lord Curaea, a
becan April I. ended In the uncondlrmaneo aua,
tlonal auirendcr of Uw airlker*.
t RooseMt
Roosevslt weat down
ta tba
w^l Ptaaerr oa a pIM tup n. Arrltal of Paul Jonea- bodj ta VIr-

UfM Saak ai Hakdan.
a 0*B. KosL wllb Ike Port Arthur aol*
diers. aaapt dem from ibe ueithwaai
Bkea tka rWU dank tS tba BuMana
a* Nukdan. foacto* KibopatklB to —



arcnlary of navy, vhoseu vbalrmaa of
IA SltlklBc RuBi
Uw board of dtrect-,|
Ttnntletb Cei
Kcu- kora Crnlfal lotapleird a re
run of »M Bllaa from CUcaca ta
' W^B tiir
IA Sr “ <
Sailoa of Kuaalan worn

Bibb Root fomally qnallflad as srer*lary a( aiate. vlca Je'hn IU>'. dseaaaed.
Canfennee of Ciar N’lcboiaa and Emgrr^vuUam iwar JUorko. ta Uw Bal-

atvaand ati& sauc
saumi elir of Simlii______ .ttavast of Mukdau. on
•aak of KBropatUB-s anar.

rank la

4 » dUlleJ aad many Injured by a b
nado at Mous-Ala View. Okla. .
*-R..»n-e siona on ibe Uku: h> v<
aeh wtccl^; M Lvaa loai; 'eaiUaal

aoraan aodely; Paul Horton, former


a attack npoB
DrM «iy Osn.



iren under Adsili
rsiapuJ hi Uw t
Korea, rsaebad

*• 2?^

Ckbrtaa F. Baaaiwnc *
iVr «r navy, vks Paul MortoaT'^

ai Mukdan ISKpontUr BuNaar,

traai Madaaaaear.
L n* RiiibUb BaltK BwlnaUad Kam-

"■ ““i ■■

A John F. kiaveni.afwoinird cblaf an-*^

A ’OM—l.Llidi'Rub aupolatad to tuKOMd
BarrkaiWn da matnand of.tlw ansr
In Uawtmrla miun of tka RuMan
toaa M Pans.' rtw RuaaUn war ecusg dM^ tojgrf do.M ws

b prspany wnckrd

” —*£^rB€S=
^ S.rSS2u^
*«>• »r tba v^c^i.

*■ Sis£.'”'”“

A Ors. keraWs mimr attseferd Uw Rna(Ma Ml teok rouUwaat of Uukdrn.
A Dsvtrau flakUoc at Cba asd Ta
daaas* kamaa Uw Huailaai and Jap*
aaaaa tte Buadaaa heldlas tbalr


8-il.- hair 4o«.<M).00l* the Inckof tJltw artnind »ha worid.or aaarly
Hatwuriia. ' BlUians «h.rman, a HooaacA Palls, .V .trip. lu iV
*ad back acaln
.. nnin
... im Bail
Y.. seboni pupil, ibroucb Iba daaib rtf such Jounw» muld .............
Iw takas:

pcnwuaM I^e., prcciw^we

wlikdnw trsa Ita ualoa wllb

U. ~—— •tuck cnlbr Sha Use r*t>ula•d br Opsma-a



CrcniT'prlBCC Predrrick tPIUlata of,
poet SchlUer erirbrau
Oaraiaay taarrlad to the Uuebess Caaad Uw UotlBi States.
cUla of klacktsnburc-SUiwsttB at Oar- A Ibe Lewis aad Clark <

war^ aioaaaa

t^duoln* laklnc Uw sl-

A Yka Buaalar.i cenUsuad to dWmta .tlw
nada laadlw aortb from Mukdaa wttk
A Nukdni aceilHcd bj- Uw Japaiwaa
anty. Ik* Buaalana balnc ts full n-

-c- «,

L Tba Blaipkn -uanrL lonoal la .tba' A a Wed and B
w^. ^ratw. or tWasUnaoJ- 'SliSn^Si-5
fnai Uw «wlat and llallaa A It kUlad and i

'piwois. *ava |S lo *aeb od Iba la’^

t of .Paid Jooes, naval". A |s *Ba«as la Iba dwtn« of Calabrti.

U. M el Uw fldttlw OB ttw Sha. Iamb
naerM for Us (hrst ds>Y ensidsaHCitB. MM* giwntnr ud Jm Ja»s.



----- KS'sCssSi
KlbC Alfoase of Spain


hi. fim fpnara!.

of. Fraait Tnckar. A; -captain Patrr i. riaaat of u,.P»>* «^w>PboB««w»»wr*lBTardnig clack. IT—•
I bks laada tfea >7lowB. and
Hr*. Haiiy Ort^ Abmcila. Coaa, was circs blcblo^
ifiaare « J,«»» mllaa—ba-iwomaa. prewaotod ««ro Ma of laaratiry patlaia instead of brad-. twaas
m YoHt-and Bawiida M;
• wooHy tor,COW •••i a
acha laMats. aad <ba dri diad tn a «a^,
1. total mllngta by
»»> “* *
>» Hobok*. K.
raw hourr.
Tuchar wa* tba slri'. tan* ui
.. TSi«r) iLllr*, phicb wouM
.wi-nbasn. .
-------- --------. -----------------------------dl.uaoa abtan iwaniydiiora
nichal la tba aloi aad an-

draUw raponrd ky aa *
ouakr la
:k aSrctwl as
ad M a

S. kin. tMsala U Chadmek rmirccrd la
M^ycan U auic a prlMui at Clara-i A d» dwitba la a lorsado wUek dawtat*
Montapoe omnty. Taa.

A VIuwaloB I
atapplnc tlw
/ anr; Pi
...-------------- .0 OrriMB aohMcu at
Taavter Uw Orman.ampnor ilerlanj
tkat Uw lati«riir of Morocco weald tw

$. Tho traortrr - et I
erlMMr* eomplM' I
•d •( Port AT- I
M^oOcn ■


•rtelt laau«>


«Mt-A CUwUMi SaWmarr.

Wbu futtiiln hi tr.* Crim la ISU-SJ. haww. T>rijfiBMU McMddeK. wbo waa
was ibrewviato a burial inofU wfcil(.,tor, m Tobolak. SIbBBla. la I8S4.
kwjnd-d aflrr Itn *aiUe of-Toker' l»aa*« qtullilea of Uw noal rarWI
okyk. bot mad* a alicht Borrankl; khuL Hr-U ekMDlst. ceohvUt. lAikw
that ats koncad and was palM ouTopbar aad adorailonalbl kkUad laoaoaicklB H* diad la EssUM tba oihr^ |wr««aUty

WVB aalla bis fdton brotbardn-Uw da.r, haviai; li«.d ju« Sn }^w, afiar " John D. Hoekafellar. fbr CbHstMa*
Wd kj- a tcTMda la
r. Ala. .


•kla.. aprd im
■' dirfiia lor mborxrt liouri
lioiirr ai^
aial lom
----------- that

A KM OMsr o

PAOc a

oenam N«««.
-Kick Bud Ahev «*f* 4««Bifed for
six BOBiks and pap dUal know akrrkhtf klwHit It." cra«Mr aakodiwwd ,
Arehia Roowneli lo kb Qoakifr'aebm!
playwiaiaa In Wtsklapoit ArrtUa al

fa\silui Or»»Jj.

d duin auuiBrd Inwenryl A XUtlite lUr». a »-nlni>I.. rsij «*

: MVMt ~ HlirrlUBCoa* Affatn.


______ ^;i

T PoHtIcil* dittf Pdrional ] ',

IlMi Of PeliUnil »ii4 Pfnoul In.


|M PI*t*<i««(hcnaa>los luasdUi

■»• m LalM lopwler; 4t <



To Cure a CoM in One Day


cnaabffca jwUag

bla bulbar

'■ne bar had/bravB a bomb vbieb
h«v* m»dt miwwtd ploagbed 19 iba craoad. .Fngmesn
tatlon* t* th* fsrvlfii •fltet of boraaa *are all araond aad
>rettctl«n. Th» rtport* fr«m
blood ware Bpviiig a)oi« Ibe loranp
tht eoMiitien rm
H hM bMD pain
fk* I* rMdr to of
r afferdtns rapldlr appraaeUng ttomial. Talapmma from all earta of the empire
apov bettar condlUooa Tbe credit
for Ibe acppreailon erf (be Houow
roll U gfrea General MlaTaebeoco. Tbe
DlBlal«r of Ibe Interior haa anaaced
deport manr reroInllanUta. Arkmoff baa been appolnied oHoUter

Ufatr <e tha feralpn raaltfanU In fliwala llat in jaint aetten by tba variesa
« iwait until
pawara and la anilou«ta
plan can be arranpa^ar tha pamara
ta act in caneart
Olappow, Dae. S*>—A kt Pataraburg


part of tiia Landan Tll^ carraapendant totha aflacl that tha crkala In tha
•attic pfovlncaa haa lad la InUfnad an anchangt
Of aharp nataa betafcan SL
and Berlin. Ilutala waa anparad by
tha prapeaal a^ Oaamanr ta aai
war aMp la Ripa ta ptviaet tha



Mouth Md lyt% Omni WtA
iCmitt-Fice ftdied Moot Feor*
fitllj-HoiKls Pmnod Down to
Premit Scnrtchfnc


Beriln, Dec. 30,—8l. f
a directed
Inter of marine to proaecnie Ad-

vtaitB MWbar daew*.
bat W redd mat Wte

il Kojcaivenalcy, itku commanded
Rnaalao Oeei annlbllaied br Ui«
toeae In the balilo of the tea of

10.' ebarctng bim iHib (saafng Ihe
of tbe Beet. mcrlBelnK the live*
la men and vllb Degtlgenee and Intnalatt upon tba nacaailly of affording
efArtenlrRoJeMrenalcy deelarea be
prataeiian far bar aubjaeia in tha Bal­
be able to pabllciy clear blmaelf.
tic raptcna. •


Howard Cltr; Mkb.. Dae. tl.—An
epMemie of cplnal mealagitla la a maHgnaat form, it reponeO aonb of here
il^ eonaty line, aad two death*
bav<- rennllcd. Several otbera arc at
the polai of dealb. Phyrdetana and
turaet aro Msrce'aad (here are d<m 1
■Bongb to cope with Itie dlteane. Tht- i
at'lghboHiood [• panic etrMn-n.

day. The irant cam are atappa
meat of tha ahopa are cleead.

FM canssfinwi, cogns ua SOLOS
tin only nfricUy nnlaiUOn Loos SpMlIe In nzMnnnn.
PoslUyely snnrantned tn help nr nnany mfiindnd.

“ —

mrrrenre srfalcb may result In wiping
out (be rebate system, wsa held at thoffices of the Inti-rstate conmemSion this morning. A delega­

MwnUiws.m. 2S2*hls‘&rI*li2
■ahesagpoa sore.. 1„ think Us are mam

* took Dr. Kin^-B New DIseovetT fbr
eured mj eoo^ mud fisTed mj lift.”

Pftcess eoeandSI4W

S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Bogbee.

tion of traffic managers of tbe Great
Western road*, bnring the olive
bmcb of peace, walled upon Chair

I'hiisinus* tree In hi-r h-;aii- liuC; • n* •• .
Mart K-nn.Hl,. ag. J :•. oT WcMucoii.'
l*a., SBS shot tX'ad l.y an u*

mho fired ihr.Migli tie- s
iTSlTTn, hMcr Slavs are ^d.-r ar^-*i
‘ cifl " f»Hi--r 1-. ►uie-i!m.-iidiv«

they bad deHded to br good and wonl.I
not onlyiquU rebating but would take
tbe eommU
Piaasure In tipping off to Ibe


tawn at praaent la puM but tha altuaHan Ik unMtIafaelary. AplUtara are
warUag hard ta hHng abeut a rwvalt
aimitar to tha Meaeaw uprlaing aad
tha affleiala are mirnh worrta

got bad! on the track and might
Waraaw. Dee. ft^Tha lalaai infer. hare esased a serleua deimilment.
matlaa from Moaeew Indie
abont fire yeara old and was
path aMat are fatigued aa a
t ralnable animal Mr. Story
tha aaiwtant Sghtiag In pn
possoiaed. being worth about t»0. Il
’ a taaak. It It impaaelMa ta faratall bad U> be klUed.
which aWa will avaniMlIy win. It la
rapartad ttwt atapa are being taken
Bute Teaehafs' Aieeclatlen.
looking ta arranging .
nalag. HIch.. Dae. U.—Tbe at­
•fan areilauaa.
tendance at tbe opening senlon of the'
State Tenders' aatoelailon here yes­

MctMallr tmtihaaped.
What Hitia
dbaiiffe haa baaa for the waroa. thaw­
ing that tba aeope of the ravolatloB li
- trowing broader. At Moaeew, dvll
war conilnnei anehaeked and tbe alt'natloB ii graver than ever. One dia-j
patch hacMred that' drlag la in aWady
prngrpfa la aw?ira|a aUeet while on
.. (he mala atreata the ahopa are gpea.
< the aulbortllaa.

Plan any evil p^lct-s they might d!,-


llax.-lkirk mine*.

- - - -- - - - -

and received similar

--- --


f in.LorKwoou,o.p.«r A.

- -


trf Williamsburg. lamg
)re (ban a score.lnipped In ih.-'p^
sireou yesterday, half .rf they dying !».a».n
_ _ ___ ___
,lK.fore a veterinary surgeon could I-.imoned. AH Ite animal hospital* i }■*;;“
— ■ - • - ...................
crowded with horse*, and onl
few have any chance of recovery.
duclitd ao quietly that few except IbCMSpeaker Cannon Is an mirlaumed oi>retad with,the work have known
of ibeir existence or of their oljject
Press ro.oorier
The exjierlments will not be completed
until Ibe end of December, but they
Ibing* are tint nun- as they were
have progressed sufficlenUy to eneonrday*: tba: we aru luHvimli-g
age tbe hope that Professor Jaffa and
arlstoereilp; ifaai ,ilu-re- Is no long-t »hwIM s vnine-r ttr |.ri»-ipsltiis.iH.i
poultry dealers whb have worked
honesty hi leglidative
bodie*; Ilia:
temi •aii.uS.l-w.'-SIE. uii
under his ditwcrlon have parll.v solved
there I» no nbllliy-ai the liar; ihal wthe problem of how to Induce hcnti to,
Iteble to become a monarchy; dial
lay when they are In an unwimng
some strung man is liable to rise up


‘S^ .’•IS''

aad domliutt.. everybody. Why. I heard
(hat kind of talk when I was a boy.
when w.* used to gather at camp meet
Btenchard. Mich.. Dec. SO —The
Ings. They used to tell ua ibai ihliig*
»nd u A'Mrarj . I~- of >Uk-..B Udl**..
dm Cbristmaa box opened tn Htcblwere
not wbat they were In the ’good
terday afleriMoe waa rcry large, and
gaa was thai received by Mr. and Mrs.
old days.' You bear Ihe same things
was aagmeated by maay nr
Irvlag Orcen of Blaaefaard. Tblnklug
now; lhal the country la retrograd­
rirals today, there te etrery reason to
II eonulaed *ome happy remembrance
ing; that everybody Is comipt an I
state that a record-breaking crowd is
of ihelr tg-ycar«ld son. Earl emiiloyeJ
In attMdance. Tbe prt«Tan is long
dlsfaoncai: and that ibeve Is wholcsalh* aews agent on the Lonlsvllle £
ialurdav. the Thtrwenth day of;
Immurallty. Undoubtedly we are betad rarted. and today II was broken up
Kashville rellroad, tbe.parents post­
ler off than were our torefathi-r*. T!i •-T sectional meetlagi.
poned opening the box-until Chrlsimss
mlllenliim 1* not ben-. It Is inte. and
Yesterday aliereoon Piealdeat W. J.
day- They were horrified to discover
Ihlags will not be a M( Intercmiug
HcKona ef Albion ta hu anaual adIhelr SOB had boon killed In an acci­
rheocDlnended ttroady that the
dent at Columbus and (he l>ody creI. Tic U<i conidined hte uni
In it wa* a note pifsi.-d ••Mcn.mnld.- i




uimiiilii Sill

saying tbal 'the seuder wu a f
taetiea. Inatead of defeadlag tba barrithe young OBta.'
eddea againat the eoabload tafaatry
Ueveid. win be acted on favoraMy
and artaiery fire of nldkra. tba rabela
(he aaaoeiallon.
irioitesvlllc. Va.. Dec. 2ft.—Presare Soling from hoDaei where th-y
The prealdenl'a addresa gaa devole-1
Ruoaerelt. with hi* wife and (be
are aot ao mach ezpoted. Tbe rebels
to a htelory of (be organiatlpn of the
three younger cblldrea. are evldeniJy
wllb a few tugeajoylng themaclreu at Piae Knot, the
. Sarage dred^^vo Marked the fighigesiiona aa to (be Hue of work to be
farm of tbe president’s vir<-. as
IBs on bolh^d«B. - Women amoeg the
followed but. He remlBfied Ibe teucb
word has been rerclvcd from (be p
ralMta dlipUy the ntmou courage and
that at (his session will culmlnaK
Idem since he left North Carden yet-,
are gnlUy of aome of Iba greatea:
(he pteiu to cofflBMPmorate Ibe IVe an
lerday afternoao. To get absol
eerrlees of John D. Pleiee! the father
- -Tha caaaaUiaa ararage W» a day
and founder of Ihe Michigan system of
' ameng tba rebate.
public schools, aad |>ald a triboic
(rum his m-crvi service guard*.
( hoatea dattrayed fey the artIUery fire
Prof. DuBIM Putnam, the teacher and
Tbe president Iniends spending the
■ U tbe record for one day. Tbe total:
Inspirer of tbouiandt of the teaetaers!
belter part of lodsy rebbU buDiIng
; anmber of catualtlaa is certain to be'
^ the present day.
with Archie nn<l Kermil a* compan­
krary large.
Two papers followed by dlscuMions
ions. Delightful weather.
read yesterday aflerooaa. They
were “lastllntes." by W. H. Preoeb.
Haileion. Pa., cDc. SS—The mem­
tl<m hare ta gravem thaa
and -Teachere' Wages." by Coomls- ber* of lucal UBlOB No. 3. United Mine
*>i»»IHtlaa have tpread to the aelgbbor. >
alooer Fred Johaaou of FUaL
WoH^er* of America, have derided (•>
lag dtotrlet Tbe peaaanu are re-!
Last ulgbt Prof, M- 0. Brumimeb nf present to Miss Alice Roosevelt as a
, apoadtag to a»eali to ana.
Ihe Coiversity of PenDsylrante
wedding gift a carload u( tbe best coal
Klee.; Prance. Dee.
SS.—PMher llvered aa address before the assoclnIfcai ran be found In tbe aaibrselle re­
Oapon, the late leader otlhe ». UoB on ‘ Americanism in Porto Rio
gion. In nppreetelion
alion of her
ber fa<
Peteraharg worUng mm In th^ mat
It waa scholarly aad well received.
eoding the great strike of
ere of-Rad Sunday.-haa baaa ia re
There are a number of candidate* 1S02.
tar player at tbe gaming ubiea
for tbe presidency of the asaodBilon.
Maata Carlo for aeeeral nlgbta and
Oread Rapids fcralshtag tab. -Snpt.
Chicago Doc. 5".—The second an­
ereditnd with baring won and I
W. H. Baim UDd Prof. a. D VolteaJ. nual momnrtal sArv icc (or (be victims
It will nourish and sircngUieii
Urge auma Wbwi laterriewed ab
C. H. aome}' of the Hillsdale achoot*
the iroquol* tboator.llrc was boM
the matter Oapon Wd be pteyed only Isblso in tbe rare. Tlie elect Ion of nf- thU afx-rriocn in iho sudlinrluni
the body- when milk and en’am
with Uaowa mimey In aw
fleers win act ukr place noiil totao.-- tbe Young Men's ChiitttenAaaonaticin I fail to do it. ScOtt's Emuls-ioii
bad won. He aatd ha had gone to the
buUdlag under tic anapico* cf the; jg niwavs the same; oltvnvs
tahiea flrat cot of eartoally and all bis
wtniags would be derated to
flelwmo ta Make Hem Lay.
epure of tbe Rnsalaa worklogmen.
the body IS wasting from
Berkeley. Cal,. Dee. S8.—With a a*l.w ba* been Increased to CM. tbreej
Lindoa, Dee. SJ.-Tbe cormpoad- Tition of buusewivet paying M cenit a having died as ibe result of lujnrtes.janr couse, either iu .diil<lrvu
em of tbe' Daily Triegreph ei 8t.
done tor “miteily fvesti eggs" at this
i or adults.
Washington. Dec. 30.—Tbe ,
Pefarsbarg. as aaHnstance of the fe«»■eaaon-tif the year all beeaabe the bon
elly of the Mniggle conducted at Khar- derUae* 10 lay, Profe*«>f Jaffa, au-1 finds Uncle Sam'* rercBure tocreape-li
W# W0 aa«ff gwa A s«^ Aw.
reeonl breaking extent aad the
boB. (WlateiO as follows what be calls a trliloo expert at the aUte tralverelty.t
Besarvthat this lec­
-lypleal tncldcat
s^Ued a> hr anaouaeed aHih Skt'afa'-l ^'*7,'.
ture in the lonn 01 u
-A uulo boy was seen tppniacblnrf tlon aome reanlia of experlm^ta
«•““ »•« mmioa.
label 10 oa Ui' wnpiier I
Khoony square, where a detaehawnt Ueoadaetliig.
olet-rey buttle ul Luial- I
Thm have as ifeclr'*”'*
tv-aa'iry offirtsi* brtieve thii
of Cossacks was siaiioned. The Cos- aim Ibe ure of acteatnie mrea. to Id-!’"''”
duce tbe ben to toy eggs aeeordlag to “
program tastoad of according t,
R06C xaiy. Mich.. D«. 28.—Two cbll­
Oa arriviBg a<
drea of Mr. tad Mrs. George FBveue
swung bis rtgW

csAKHtwos a isoimiv

While Mu.nlBs Ihe face of l:<-r
•bin. sLIch eh<- hsd Jusi taken <1

man Kn^ap arTd Commissioners Clemeou and Cockrell to icjl them Ibai

experimenu w>
ay runs ihrougb bis farm, which te bis plans -made for
mile aad a half west of WlHIams- on a larger scale.

bargaad (he right of way Is fenced In.
manner the colt got or
track and was hit and knocked clear
by the mised train which did not atop.
Tba animal than again In aome




Nunfaport. HIch, Dec. ?*.—The an­
nual Uaeoeieban'qucf abd Insuilatlun
test evening held at Ibe lowa fail
* nf tbe most cocceaBfal eventii
the rittage (Or year*, plates betuj
d for over a bnndred giieetK.
arrived from'all over ihe cnaaly.

important easltva road.



; . rmilEtSJtasss:™

‘ Viste no time. b«t enro year Dltoue vlUl

Rebate Byutem Hay Ce.
Wasblngtou^Der. :s—An Impnnan'


teeorered In time, however,
aad Ibe train stopped while tbe crew
imambara chan^ their maatlng place
tbe oatortuaale animaj and
/awb time. '
got II clear of tbe track.
Waraaw. Dae. SOr-Tha
Hr. Slorr hat *lx boraea aad yester­
mrtka la grewii^ atrahpar. Tht
day atlemooD turned them loose
peattara have alrwek again at
bis pasture. Tha Pere Marqaette n


StaUiUaisnnautla «hi«m WjMr Sr<4 o'
Tbnu or but TnHiUas. are s to L

T pteyed no small part nf
I Prof, aad Mrs. Horst of 1
Oij- rendrred a dellghtfnl j.m
erf music whirh was Ihorougfaly

VaiuaMa Harac Killed.
Stnutgllog In agony wllb a broken lag
« f^ipa aUla that the and hlpATirr being airuck-by a 1

PE«E Marquette

little tirt act Are to tbe honae w
maicbe*: 8ba hat doee eb onre 1
fore, bnt tbe Are waa pat out ibea.

P. Campbell, as tnaalmasier. prov
mosi accepuble host and wit

taal apalnal auch an aetlan. Oarmany

Oantxle, Prvaala. Dac. BI^The
^ Death at Klnpflty.
atainwr Freda, chartanad by tha Bril.
Klncaley. MM.. Dee. SI —Prod Huff
lah eanaulau la eonvay BrtUah raalled at 6 o'rloek tbla MrslBg at ibe
danla from Riga, returned ta Naufah^
age of 43 ycara. bla dealb being due to
traaaar pert of thia eUy withatit a
an. He waa a well-known
pla pawenpar,
realdent of tbb village and waa nn,
Bt PaUidBvrg, Oae. 2*.~-Tr«epc
He learei a taiber and
■ur alalen and one iirolher.
The fnaeral aervlee win be Sunday
rnnii tiw Uilbemn ebiireb.

I waa bdmad to a ctUp la a bUh chair.
I mad Ibe tiuJe girl waa noUierod
death. Tba motbar had locked th­
in tbe faoaae ahiae. It ii aappoaed 1



Real Estate and Loans
I2f Frost SL. nmUfiie Bit.

Traverw atj, IBcS.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
We will gel you seven per cem per aonum lor
your money- Bod give you as fiecurity gilt edge
Traverse City real estate or gilt edge famu in
Grand Traverse County. Mich., where your
tnoney will be absolutely safe.

^bed J, like impor-___, .
erixbed blood, needs a proper |
fertiliser. A cIieDiint bj’ nnulvstng tbe soil can tell you wLat
fertilistr to use for differeut
If your -blood is impoveridbed
your docttir will telj you wbnt
y6u need to fertilize it and give'
it llie rich, ml corpuscles that
are Incluug iu it. It may be you
-...................................... X U|ioii Ulc- twenty-aii _
c.-ireer. It wns Ijoru on tl____
need a tonic, but more likei.v you
ylMMiy. l«''Laaa E.irtnigiitly. Lati-r itebanged to a Weekly
biel finally to u Monthly, in wLiHi
fonn it haa <’nj.iye<l its j^toat protfierity.
need a coneentraied fat fno<J,
Till- .-.Jitorial pbns for Thi; Cjfi:
and fut id the (.-lenu-nt'Inckiiig
iiiigfm.-iit8 are- in fur cerir.iu imiwrtant m-ries .•imrarti.:].-*-.'^in”u/^!<it^orwb'ich wiU’be
in your st-steiii.
whirb u-ill !.* ific-loih-1 in lbc’s.-ri.-a for liiOi.
Tlitre is no fat t.>o<l that is
s eanil)' tligtvted ninl n>wtiniL'jTTERS of UFCADIO BEARN
laied as

wade: oroi


Scott’s Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil

tani iiiiE

the spot he paufeit

hand vigoru'uly nal
-nn. Avlolralvutploslon

lanied aad

bamed la dreih ai Hiller’* mill mlerttey aUcraotm-a* gIri.JJ year*
Md. and filmy one year oJd.

Tbe baby



H- :- an baTiabwaa. aad

>i -xe-dliiaaa la
1 r.'.claau. raagiac
MINT Me ar


aac. WIDE*
imt .iiv, FEATEREr e

25c a Number


-rtleara «r p-niiaenc


THE CRITIC (C.rp. PUTNAM’S SONS, Publlslias)
27 and 29 West 23d St.. New York City.*

• ,7

>. TMUmeAV. JANUAftY 4. ttM.


r»mt f«lb tmfcM

I «fm»r MM li «HHy w
Mt ihMrt •nytliliv.
t MI tiy «• »t w ham w I

M far n I

I »IU try to »• Mte teMO
■Ml Uod to ovorjMA aM to
•MfT llvlhf thht*.
If I ov«r folt In byM «• «•

lac each day 4o co^ IItIBs tbtas.
At I write tbU. I ran tec. joal ootaide tbe window, a lot of llltl* Wrd».
harlDc aurb a bappy Use s^tlac Ibclr
dinner from a piece of aa« tied In tlio
braneb of a tree, every IllUe wbUo
ibey look aroand aa tboacb irylac <•>
cay •thank yoe' to the friend wto
plsiwd It there for them. lufl Ibat
nicer than drivta* the poor, bnnsry UlUe tblnft away iato tbe taow?

tMM tblHA t «t<5 yiy. tiy
there are a lot of alee leitera ihit,
■eek. amooc them one by Boy Clei>
lartnp. which aloec with lU'Cbriatlaa freetlnc.baa laetaa pretty ^eacil
drawlac of a branch of bolly that your
prraidat atanls to tbaak. bta for It,
tad celt him bow well It b dnwa..
Bedio Woolley. Waab.. I

/ '


Today Ip Wedneeday. an.d nett Friday the roqtat of tbe patdle aebool
■Ding to have a Cbrlttmaa tree, and
the tebolara are boay poppliig corn
Ctrias and decorate the treea. I
not have the fun at Chrlatmaa treea.
tor l-am a (reahmaa la Hicfa aebool
rear and often with I could co to
of the pnbUc aebool pragrama

Soeoftd Vle.>fMld«rt, Mr*.
PwiMny WiMIdA ‘
OrunM DocMnb* C 1«M.

1 tb^ have'every too moniba.
Hy atndtea are Latin. Endlsh. algebra
A Iluie bran labMt Mt oUnr* trae.
With A lltile brave
boot. ■ '
sum not tor hte


IWIo brovi

Why bn ooalUl sbl M » OB b

nd phyaieal teocraiAyWc hav,
rar leaehera in our aebool thb yen.-,
nd ticvcD In the public aebool.
Thera are aix children In onr family
and all or un are golas to aebool. Mar­
garet. the baby of our tamlly. }a>i

-Tbera'oo .lUUe rad oaiMI, Tory Ilk* started to aebool ebia year and
goliic to gel a book aa a prize for
from September till Ctarlslmas.
(Bet vKb »et7 telerior «w»),
, ,
Wbo kora 10 thotnrae^op ao quick u Bbe teets proud ot tbal for Just utart
. ,
ABd 'be jOqneBMd oat

I thank yoa; One Bmrnlax a baadaome p^ of bine banda aad swinging tfaeir small bodlev broa." Oftgn uee'Ray tee the.bay*
walking on tbe dty wollf or other
open space* eorryteg tbelr caged Wrfia
put for an airing. Locazt*. hedgehdgt
aebolaia in our aebool. IwOleloaefor fiWde and lie mMe tree.
“I do bllere. grandma. Ibat MK and,
led tonolse* are also kept aa pets
ttb time. Oood-bye.
Mtt. BIsevlag haven't forgot ifaai arc
In order is I<e •are rack small l-o- The tortolae is belU-veiS to .attain, a
cured Mr. Bleewlng'n vlnga wl b tb- la atiendinc lo bis lesanat be b ex great ij:e. and is used, witb ibV itork
I A«B U.
peeted to abnat out tbe patrace be
IS nn emblem nf loogevitr .
Itaaelloe.' cried Kraneth.
Big Bay. V. P.. HIcb. Dec. It. iMt.
learning at tbe top of bis voice The
Pew rbinese toys ore «d a durmhlr
-Chirp, ebtrp." said tbe vtaliora.
Dear preaideai-Well. It bat bera;
Grandma looked doeely. Sbe aalJ. romlonal din ranaed by ibis arrange­ nature. There are not many top sbops.
qalie a vblle Mace I l#vc vritlea. ao;
•They surely are saying. -How do yon ment ran be better imagined than d«~ but -cbei^ pUythlnga are aoM 'by aa
I will aov write a little leuer. I read
Mm. Blue-: scribed, and to p
itfnerant vender ef small wares, wboso
. dor- It mnitbeourMr. a
China one is more lUteir to suspeci tbe fipproaeb Is anaounced by the Jieatlng
of a gong, whkb rail* the cblldreo a*
There was no doubt about It. for the 1 exltteuee of Bedlam than a place
making a few pmeoia for Cbristi
quickly as tbe music of ihe plpd piper
birds settled to nestkeeping In the: learning The Importance ol study
of HamHIn is said lo bare.done,
enlarged upon, and a sentence oeei:
to tbe effect that "to edoraie witbmrt
ct genu and Idols abound
I previous a
golag to aebool right along n.
and thee 'an exiraordlnary figure
•etertty shows a teacher s Indoleare.
grandma aad Kenactfa.
tbe fourth grade. We are learning
Tbe slgbi td the Iwmboo rod. which I
pieces now for Cbriaimta We aiv|
Earileat Font Ball.
found In every schorf room • close ti fliUorVloihlBg aad Ibe stick rarrte.
going lo bave a lovely time. My papal
Probatlf very few of the football the master's band, spd m very cor Ihe hand proclalB It to be intended
baa been ta Iowa and Just got baek;J enihnatas's of tbe iwenileib ecatur>'
Slant use. Is proof that Ibis maxim u a • forvien larbartan ''
be had to walk a lliile way. aa the rail-i_____
Itnosr when the gam^ orlglnaied cr
Most Chint-se eblldrvn are {vissesee,'
road la not quite hi. It will be In-ber";
and” I
: II was drat plsye-l tbe (eoebers of the preoeai day.
of the proverblt! • sweet'looih." an'
now In just a llUle while and It will; Tbe earileat
t was
Chinese tioys are (augbi that th<-re the d.-mand for sugar ranjy and sweet
good. We are having
j„rtng the reign
are ibreu great powers—heaven, earth wwts IS most .llbe.'aliy (Applied Somweather here now. the snow U only of Bdward the SMnd.
and mas. that ihcn- are.ihrve llgh't are of various bright colors and enn
I a fool deep. Big Bay Is griildi; the sport became serr poputar wliii
—the sen. moon and stars. They arc ons iba^es. abd many contain jn.irmeT.
to. be. quite a Mg place. There are the players tad t;-ose who underinotsl
further informed Ibat
rice, mille;. of grirand nul»-r maln-jiB.T-KxcbaqgSteen ntaaies here now. R-ell. I ■iu but II was a nuisance to the major­
pulse, wheat, rye and btrlby are tb-'
have written about enough'for tbU ity of prople in London. Shopke^'rs,
six kinds or grain oo wbleb meti sub
lime, so I will close. I remala. .
laborers and clerits ufod to hoM ibcir sisi. Various other tuaiu-rs-of a slat
, The. history
Vour friend.
roateslv In the narrow, eolilde-paved liar klod arc lo-ichnl upon, flowed by a I
.Velllc PeriilDs.
streeu. The match would be started a summary of Chinese faisiory.
has lieen sftenil times lost lo EngllslIn one end of tbe street sad end to tbo
Chinese boys know somoihlng
Provrinom. Mich:. Dec. K. ISHC.
workmen since the reign of Qiieei
ari'hmHlc, and cak-olai- rapidly. I
Dear Presidcal—I thought I would
write you a fear lines to let you know ing. Ibe players would nub tbroogb they do this wlib tbelr lliile nlmciis.
.Needles were first made in Englan.
that I am well and hope ihU will find the crowded Ihorougblam. Pedes- ir co-jnilng board:
at that time-by a negro’fr.«n Sialq.
you the aame. ' 1 am at aebool today irtans were knoeked dnwn uncen
lipoks stn.lled iheclas-' who s«-I up a shop and'lor a ilm- I'rio-My sutcr k writing for me. Sbe U t; nlousl). priest, peasant, commoner
c of"P!llaI »ler>'' Is largely u».yl v» piVeil
yean old and 1 am 8 yean
an old. 1t nobleman faring alike.
1 reading Ixsik of C*bln--se life and ex­
waa ao stormy today
> my lllUe goods displayed before (he shops were emplary character. A favorile Chinese trade .lo so one and Ibe 'Ei^glich ha­
r lolr’ftrn ruined in tbe serimmages which pniverb teaches that one ^dbe hunr
brother Hermaa could aot
lo go abroatl fot-tbelr'ne«dl<-s .unii'
I look place near Ihem. Casks iw
aebool. but my brother and
dred vhvueii the chief Is filial piety.' ix<*.3' when a German artisan laiiahi •
I are at school. I am In Ibe second upset and windows .were brokro.
and no other duty is so carefullj and few merbanirs the manner of ilxsi
fact, traffic anj irtde were entirely
grade. Wc have
eunttanily Instilled InUi the eblbtren's maklni:
LondonIt Is stormy today. We hare sUly-Dve
minds as this.
Th- trade soam dl<-d-out aewin foi
sebotan In our aebool today. Wp have erw played foul ball.
syim- reason, and not until |k3u w-as I
Kile n.vlUK Is the great dellcU: ti
But the mad careers of the playerone team of horses ami
heviva-d by a fuivlgn wnrkmau. ,wh<
cbltiese Isos, (bo-tgh
ntd "I
B'c sold our cow not long ago and we were slopped. Whoi Ibe woriby elii alone, list also of their raiiiers'an.| Odidnrteal hi:- «>ik-rathtn« on so largbulrfaered (wo. I have four bruihrrs sens could stand ibe annoyance n'j granitfaibers. Aod whai fanraus
a srale that iherv w-aa no hmciv an.
and eoe staler. My youngest brn(Iu-r longer, when the tame ijecomr a meB- they bate; (no! Somu are In the form danger of the s.-civt of Ihelr raanufui
ace to life ami limb. i*ey petlllone-l
it one year oW: his name It CJarem
of beautiful Nnls and buib-rflies. with lur- l-Hng losi ■
klug lo Slop >1. Bdward accnrilHe la very cute. B'e have one mile
This was the fln.1
time that Thwings cleaving the air: others a.
ingly *1
walk to sebotd. Our iraeher'a nai
ibra was no
the sba|’>e of men. nr various animalr. mi -htKl of making
ding foot I>a1l lii the sire
Is Mr. Haaaon. He Is very klad lo i
starniided In secrecy and warn th«- man
dragtxis aud eentipedea.
Ho lives lo Sulious Bay. Please send of iuprlMinmeni.'' and co
ulaciure of nedelos became an ImisM
Occasionally a'tlny pai*-r Uni-rti
me a card and batlon. as I would like
■aot Indusiry. tbe B’hlifwhapi-I ■■•■edle
fastened fo the tall of a kite, aj
rtian for making able
I join Ibe Bunsfaine club.
Iwlng lighted, it has a pretly efiect as becoming famous over.
Lswience Donoyer
II rises, shining like n star In the twi­ . There are now several ewlers. it.
addliloD to the lymdnn quarter, whivProremonl, MIeh., Dec. IJ. I»0S.
.How CblncM Sort Live.
light. Someiimes a niimluT of
Dear Praaldeoi—Aa I have a fe
Blicn a Chinese hoy roaches bis kites are fasietied by shor lines to the the ncnlle Industry .flimrishew. Illr


1 P(4ka

um a letter tor a long time,
A Bsraw «r Buua.
write you a few lines to let you know
jB bopefuL B ebemtul; B happy.
that we are all well and hope this lat­
ter win dad you (be nme. My aluJ>» bpar of boir. B moduot of mind.
;B daraeet. B tnMful. B Ina. aad B lea are third reader, laagnage and
arithmetic and
spelling. My little
rOC aS mtsg B bavtonr B oare to .R brother Cart la getting along Sne.
wish you a merry Chrlatmaa.
Tonre truly.
B «u2^ you etomble ot wbat

. B brave to net
-O sure that trae

- D mteMel e( t

B thoughtful.




the iib of Mareb. and I will be 13 the
»lh of December. I have one brother
that would like to Join the Suntblnv
club. We have one mile to walk to
xml. I have three broihera that g-j
ariioM wllb me. I urn glad tbal
CSiriatmas Is near and New Tear's.

Tbe mall rarrler passes by our

I you a
Boy Olen Uaitup.. KewiYi
Klngricy. R F. D. S, Dec. 18. 1905. bare my card and buiion yet. I am
Dear Prealdeul-1 thought I would
keeping bouse innlgbi. and I think I
write a few lines to yrm. I go to tchool will close my letter for this tlgie. wl
ercry day. Hy Iraeher'a namejs Miss
toe best love lo all (beSunriitaers.
am writing for my broiber Lawrence.
very tnueb.
He Is 8 .veofa old. Well, that
It It very nice
ran tbink about,
what ibe old oue was. I have five
Alice Denoyer.
miles to walk every day. Well, my le
ter.Ja getting long enongb, ao I vl
•lue'BIrtoa That OH Not Fucyet.
say good-bye.
Mr. abd Mrs. Bluewtag are at bom
Yonrs truly.
again Ibis year. They set tip baus;
Alta Prtndlekeeping three years ago in the tog
maple growlsg near to tbe soutb win-,
OdumbtavlUc. R- F. D. 3. Mich..
Age S.

.8 tow te yourralf aad B faithful to




«m-l oiodn« IS tM (Vemit CUert tor tM


We are bavl g poor Cbriatmas
weather here; oi e day it ralni
.hrqve MM.
it k ao dPid- •we get cold enough

vidwd aquhrel peeped for itaU country.
down from kb braoeb
ear the Sunsbtne dub of th«
(Drapplnc BBi-obello beoeolh kla west, aad the secretary's mother Is
Kke kcll).
(M friend ot maman's—ahe kaew I
' And be viilnd ot hit friend a* he InMleUgM).
miouies lo spare.-! thought 1 would
raid. *Bst. by choeee.
am glad tbe Herald editor is goJr YonVe foTfolwn. trtead Btbbit, my tag to send as Ibe Pana aad PlresMd drop yon a few lines to let you know
that I am well and hope you are the
'un?” ,
year. I am nre tbe aubeeribera
I am going to ucbool every day
^AM o little brova beep care a little
and I am ta tbe alztb grade. My sludI will dose for this time, beplag

brown jump.
lei are arilbmellc. language, physiolsee Uila la prial >»d wtabtag all
Ami npHttod a iiuie brawn wall,
and tpelllng. We have
merry Christmas and a happy New
■ A^ it mourafully loohed^al lu litU
a lot of fun at scfatml. 1 go to aebool
Tear, t remain.
brown atncop.
nearly every day. B'e have about
inatktaer ta the West.
I -0( eonrae. I'd (orritteB hU taU!'
pupfla in our school Just now. 0
Bessie Cook.
2—Brelrn aiorer. In CaieeU'e UiUe
leoefaer's name is Hr. Hanaoo. He
IS. Hy Mbbolmate
Keystone.-Vldk. Dec. 17. 1»CC.
Dear Piealdent—As I have not writ, Clara Brow. Sbe -will !«■ 13 y rars-oH


tUuk ft ta very pretty.

sixth blrtfadO} It' i« eonsiOired
for him to go to aebool,
Tbe occasion is looked upon ai
of such importance that a fomme
er la usually consulted, and on a 1

prioelpal eoril. aaB when flying in the mlngbam now alone- producing aair look Ilk-’ a flight of birds elos'er- many mwllvs |o a day as Ibe original
workman n^'ln bis lifetime.
iog around one oominon eeoter.
B’hen Chinese children want more eagoChronWe.

active amusements (bey play battb'dore and shuiUeeock. only the balilSome Big Felks* Miatake*.
dorc Is nsualv the thick sole of the
8»m<'timiis Illlli- (dilldren hav- Ibeii
shoe or Ihe-lnstep of the foot. They f.-ellngs huit U-eausc when tlii-y asV
manage II. so cleverly that It Is quite for help Ibe big folks (hink <bc> wuull
ronmon (o s.-e Ihe shuiUeniek struck lx- aid- to bMp tWmselves tf ib«-»
some two or th-ee hundred times could <m1y stop a moment and think
lonfc lilack queue—a •'
wlihotrt a single mlap.
But hlg folks nfi.-o do things that si.ow
ixz,” be rails It—which hangs dosin be­
-Ta ehian." or' hliTtng the ball." Is (bat they do nut always (blnk when
hind. When any of his sclitwl fellows another favorile ’ game.
Most boys (bey meet diltieultles. Not long og<
want to lurmeni blm they will ii>
mould nb douiti ennsitler It ralber m's a gejuleman found (bat be-cuuld
plr>all lo iho same apfteudage oi
nulonous. since it Is slmplv played b> open hU safto
He trt.-d again, hut
ntfaor boy's hrad. whlcli It very uu
nrlklng Hie ball to the ground wlln the key failed (o'open Ihe sate. Hfonable for (hem (mth.
ihe hand as tnanv time* as possible.
tcl.-craph.-d IP New York lo the *al';
lime the Imy sivary
"Ta-irti-lo- Is -Sihlpplng ihe top '
msnura.'lurcr, who Mint up a skllleJ
noibing upon bis bead, and It only Chinese top is made nf bamhnd With workman to examine tbe safe,
clothed In a jacket or vest of loose col­
pl.-ee'trf m-ood going through it. an
man ipok the key out and put
day. fixed upon for tbe wise man
lll-tlc Chinaman makes bis flrai appoarachool,
>ks very fresh an<1 tidy; hi:
iN-en netily shaved from hi
forebrad, and the rest of It Is pleated

or grass cloth, with small, baggy
large bole Is cut In the side,
Iters of Ibe same maierlnJ. But If which makes ii -have a floe humming
weather is coU he wrars a half
•unil a» It spins.
"Hiding from the eai " is not •tnllke
iir famIlUr -blind man's buff.'
with coiiob w-nni.. Upon hit bead be
ilM having his eyew blinded an-Llry;
ill skull <W|> Ilf Idark or
ig to ea'ch the-others. who ««rap<;
b a little scarle' twist at from him In all dlreetkms.
the top. and ^ery likely a thick tastel
Calehing shrimps is another game.
of silken threads falling down bcblo-l. In which all the Isiys have-tbelr eyes
ills shoot bate white, thick solp. covered and try to caicb each other
ilocen vests and roatn. one aliovi> atioibcr. and. some of them are pi^ed

the lock.

H-looked at the key a mum

eat after removing II-from the hx-k.
look a tUeh and removed a piece a
illrt from U. pin It back In lock,
as'l opentvl tb- safe. • There was a



W laws.

sou proeiovis lyr-wiiCwan far sberouaty
W Orwod
iw rbwacwcy, si Tvwv«vv
.Ms on vhr isah dsr ot yMi-wber. A b. IWO.
Bok-r A Uwstaio .‘ouiBisiBSBt. n Usorgw

Uu- Grw^ TrarijVW B-rwkl. s ^wmwoQ



I.MlMig W t-UBTia.

CURES ebi^nn^
It is yo-v. ahm.t impofribSe to he
*i,k whvu the lioW. is are right and
till •x-,«iblt !'• Iw uv'l wU-n tbeyarv- wr.-ug. Thnnigb Us actioa vB
tbe hizwvis.

Lane’s Family
le bndy

(-1 Ik- ll.oi'ouphlv well, gifsimms laxative tea a (rial.
SoM by all dvalerw at z$c. and soc-

Evary now and old aubacrlber to the Herald, who
has paid in full to Jan. 1,
I e07. will recoiva a groat
mavazina paper. Farm and
■ Firesda. absolutely free
for a full yoar. Farm and
Firaslde is from 24 to 38
pagos, twice a month, 24
times a year. Sea the
■''offer elsawhara in this


y.iung laily iIi.-’oih.-r day in whom a
watch ha-I Weu given by her fatiiiT.

dow In tbe Dare parlor.

Having brarhcl tl
amusement of Chines- hoys in th - folk..'.y..;. S.-.-. do not aiway's t;,l
Dec. 18. IPOS.
Grandma Dare Is very old and Ken-' boy onicrs. earrylag |a bU baud some springtime, and. Ilk- most of ihelr
B Just aad B loytuL t deUlr B «Ue.
Dear Preatdeal—I thought 1 srould
n pleasaal. B patient. B geMIe to Ml. writa you a few lines and let you neih It very young. They tit often !>.■-[ small present for the grave lor.klng, pleasure-.. It bas a lellglous oi su|>»iB beet If you caa, bat k bumble vtch- kaov Ibat I got my buiuin aad cant side the soiub window. When ibe| elderly person m ho It ii-U-his lenrh- silitoiis significatbin. The passage of
A i.-s- lii-r In n w.-sT-rn puMIr fu-ho>
all right aad I wish you would seud Bluetrings first rsme- to Dare farm.! er. and his first art !• to do ret erenee
through th­
B prompt and B dMItnI. suil B poKle. my llnle cousins a card. Tbelr names Kenneth slyly left in tbelr way eriimbs and burn lne--nse before the tablet
is of their rlMes is iM-TIf-ved to In- wsr giving her eioss ih> Qi«i I>->r->u I
cotton, straw aad which has the n
B reveraal. B quiet. B aureto B right; are Bralriee and Bdllh Austin ami
-ITeeloat In dispelling all evil In suMraellnn.
••Sow .10 ..rdei i.i mbug-i, ' «k-- e
■ B calm. B retiring. 8 ne'er yd astray. riwlr poaloffice Is Kingston. R. F. D. thread. Svoo sby little birds make furious wrlrlca iiprm It.
l••p<-^xl|y a ten-.lenev ip vs
plaine-l..'’thing, have to slwayv i..- .
friends with kind mile boys wbo he1;i
B gralefuL B rauttona of (hose who No. 1. TnsooU rounty. Hleb.
TTie fiirnifjre of the room,
with Ibe nest building and getiltg of a ntimher of ibtle desks o
the first month of the year The
Yours respectful li.
I- couldn'I 1
bread .for the hungry little nestlings.
■ B leader. B toving. B gool
hi^ sio.ds behind i
Emily U PerUos.
■< the dragon Is eumpesed id a IxrgOne summer morning Mrs. Ulu-wlns,^ nre frequcn'ly provided hy ib- parent v. nlinib‘T ol lani-rus fasteti. -l logcher
B loved aball thou R abd all rise East Jordan. Hleb.. R F. D. 3. Dec. ii. bopped close to the window, chirping] IWorc ih- master stands a laige table. and em.'!c-d with cilof.-I |ia|H-r an-l]
Dear Prealdonl-l ibougbl ! woull sadly. She plainly said, wo grandma
el.xli. It > rrequenllj thirty -r tony
write a few lines Ibis morning. Well, understood. “Iftease help me."
and paiM’rr. hut the Indlrpensil.le pip-, fe.u bmg. A- the many crea­
'Tea-h.-l. '- 'li"U’r-.i
suppose >eu are going to have
Kenneth ran lu the maple tree, an-l rpon each lUle desk, one will see one ture If earrl.d 'hrouah the sirveis,
b}-. Dec'.'lST.
good lime Cbrisimas, I would like i
saw Mr.'Bluewlog Lving lb the vMet • pen> and Ink siirh aa we u>-. hut loli- luruliig-ani) twl.tiivg In *>! dlfeelions.

New msmlwni fetotog utoew lam m- )elB the Sunsblneclnb.
sed. His haodsiHDf wings were Sp­ siboe-.. upon which the Ui>- rub th- rearing it. i’ll facered brad an"l gaidng
Susie Bewnelt.
Icake of Indian, or raiher Chinw.-ink.. mo-Jlh. It If pi.rsue-l
Burarlce and fMllb Amnin. Kltigt•Grandma
vaselino . cures'
lyldlpplnK r !•» a li'ik- walecrowds ef people. The pnwesston
toa. R-r D. I. Tuieuln. newly. Hleb.
bruised Ongers. ' calbsl Kenneih.
Fur bis IX'U he has a hrusli, not up-. coipauylng mak.-s a most utiranhly] Tie.tollowlng Iv a UnJe sehoolglrl't
Uawrewo Deaoyer.'lYovniDoai.
Bring ihe-pubr Mr >o,Mke inir large jialoi brushcii ot cam- dta. beating gongs and lelHng oil l
"The «on 1, the Hue
iUtb. Jew aad Grace B}-er. Lake ny Utile friend. Bessie Burr, today,
me." replied grandina
itl's bail. He bolds. It p<'ri~-nUieiilar:y squibs and cxacker*. lo iM- CT»-a'j pf
ww were wnodering whal lo do lof
AW. R r. D. 1.
Mr. Bloewing w^ bandied so leodei -! iti bis hand, poioilng to the evil log. as amaicme,„of.|,'f;rangerwh..f..rthr;^.
Susie BwoMt. Ust Jordaa. R r. R
write to I
ty that after bis wings were dressed, j he traces on the. thin, soft papi--r' iK- first lime looks .Iipun the flng-rlarC
yoB. I want to Join the Sanshlne cluh.and be lay In.s co'ion-lined basket -queer l-x>klng characters un jbe ropy sprotA'Ie
PMose send me a card and hulton. Few
plheed upon t
window sill where! slips.,
Tb- |rer.'tirmane»-s of the I'jnrh an-l
peU we have aliout seven rabbits, fite
iidd visit him, be I
Thfre b on al|**bei cx -ib-Chinese Judy showf are m-yeb appreeiate.! by
,, .-qune „
rats and one Iluie black dove. I wish
Ihla. to
wasnT veo' much afraid.
_ .
! language for him to learn, but instead' Chtoi-H- children, aud many p-yple ar.i |
fho Hon I* very useful
would send my little brother and
an 'will be ihrtac In (be new yt
With Keoaetb's help Mr*. Bl'uewlng j 214 radical or root words, which enkr inclined lo believe they were
; i*sfc Hay It be a happy rrar to
got her toaie able to fly
Kenneth: Into the furtaatioB of all other ehararduced
are very osclul. The
Bunablacr. and a year when yoc ___
belped the amibe- bird'flntl bread ;tcrw. The words, an-all of one sylia-; any rase, they weft--ell known In th.' |
--Detroit Free
laU try to asake every one happy. asl^“ ibeeunsblne dob. too. I love to crumb! for the hungry little. Blu'-:! ble.-and arc written down, one le-:
vmp.rv many hundft-as of years ago
iwuB as youraelvae. In doing ibia, do
*•>' Wo™ -f Uio BjiBshiuer*.
wings In tte nest.
-ccaih the oihrr. in col-amoy. Instead of.
Af tor the pc's kept by'ihe Chines, i
iBot forget (he birds and aMmals. bul ■**** '**■''
oldest 22 an-I
cblil;.-.autumn moratag all. the hero*, tb.: page, and the bettontag of bo;--*, some of ihvln are Idenllrat wluil
irttoember that our rate* Include them, ‘ *''•
^ '
^°“'j, wen' to their wtalerj tlielr tsjcks Is at tbe rad. of ouft.
I Uuwe which arv prized Ivy ehildreu Now the'barresi rjayi
|ataO The, are alwfiy. ready 4o taro I
o"*'*' **• “O
youngest ]
The first book ofall lo the studle.j here, such as*. kitten* and gold­
- th* fodder's in the bare.
id be good to us If we-arc good
-ttood-bi-e, dear bird.: I love
vf you U the "Boa-Tst-Klng." or "Trilaelrleal fish. C-rideets are also Isrgely kep!
Aad tbe ptuapklns. big aad .yellow,
itbuta. nd It wouM autely be a abame
ever ap much but I tear .you will never Claislc." ( etause. to make It m
by boys, a* well as older people.
are stabked wlibla Ibe sheds.
Age 11
:U ve, wbo know ao muA more than
rctora CO me.' aald Keanerh sadly.
exsUy remembei^. It is written
they have many favorite l.irdi, Aad^e *pple» snd ptstaioet sad (be
'they do. cannot now tbe tame lovias
Tbe warm days nme again, grand-:1We* of three words rack.teacher aasoag oibers tbe canary aad lark, an-l
pickled green tptaaum*.
iqnlKlai tbat they raa. 8o iet
Bia and Kranetb wat al the wlndov-j repeats the 6r»t few Itae*. aud the rae much prized is a ran of Ibrnab. And Ibe luscious beets aad lurblps are
wiitek tor chance* t be kind and lor- write aad tell you 1 got oy card aud
watebiog for blue birds and martins. I scbolart. bolding tbelr books ta ibeir railed tie "bird with tbe flowery eye; wRbln their winter beds.


Igoa .udiraMiiwiisa^ br^es^amd toMsia

pl.-ee of dirt In ihi- key which pn-von'
•si its filling Ibe lock, l-beard of a

After 'a coup!.- of m.mibs th.- waten
w.ould not go. tb- youiqt.lady
id often the toes are embroidered
unlike bopsetiirh. Kh<- i.sik It lO a Jcw<.-ler. who Ir.died
lilt fanelful lliite designs of flowirs Every child has a mmall st-inv nr e-qe -at It. wound It. and haud-.l It lut
• huiterflies by his proud moiher.
cash, and standing on a mtrk-sl the y.MiOE lady, who
Somclim<-s -he wears in his girdle
, tries to strike the stone wblen sshBRHHl. fibe had forgotten i>.
little'purse, which bas also l>een en
hak Iwen ihmm-n by the first Isiy.
md when sh<- round. It stopp.-':
trroldered by
Turning the liragna' is-lhe favor
courliideil 'l> Was brok-n


orpcaijfATi'vg assiisrlb*
Tbirowsta Jodwisl Umts! ta

CowmsaHTU Ac.


•ban B ihtae.—Belectod.

Hoa:st Shoes al Hniot Prices

Be 6wd to
A fair of


Shoe* for

house. W'car may giivfr a «lr>ctr>r





ftyHarear for men at Iht- right

Rswland Deuglsss
Opp. Whiting Hotel.

' ?>’•: ’



TRAvensE cnx grand travemc county. Michigan. Thursday. January «. v

OWea for Pewitry Show.
riwk M. HMllD ADd hlf Uiree All- At a meeUag of tbe Nortbeni HIAi^ PoBltrr aad Fet Stock aaaod
Srca _h«d • Mfrow «acs|M fn«
ow MJniT U not d<stl> Moodar altaf- bfdd In Prealdent C- W. Wheelock-a
Dooa tnrt taise out vllbool a aciatcn. office Prfdar nvenlng It waa decided
bald Ibe poullrr abow which baa eoi
Ur. HamllD bad dra«n a
tout tit wood from bli farm KMtb of lo be an annual event wKh tbe orgai
tbe elU to hit reUdene^on Fifth Utkw. The abow win bo held on FVb.
tnreet. Ha bad latnded (oyne It lo n-U and March 1. but jual wber«
net been decided aa yet. A «>miiiU*
ibe iw of the booae aad alarled
drao It fnuB the atrcet with Ae team.
Tbe aifiBffl ere^ iiaaaea etase to tbo
rear at tbe booae oad there la a atoe^
lacltae to Ibe water. When tbe blnf
rtnaera ot the alelcb atnidc (hla tb^ vertlalDg. Laat year tbe abuw waa r
Mewed arouBd, Upped (he load tner without aor aotlelling whaloverand
town where there are no more ft
aad partiallf liarled Hr. Hamlin Ad
tala chlldrea wider It. Altbousb'tbe dbn tbaa there are In Tvaverae City
wMcbt ot tbe load waa (hrowiy''onlo tbla la not a prbfltable andertaklag aa
there are not enough blrda to iiwell tbe
their llaba tbe aoft n
enlranee feen to anch proportkma
laio wbkb tber aaak
pay tbe prltca.
them from oerlooa lojnrr.
The abov Ibla year will protmbly ier
piaaeatit dM
tbe largeat that Trareree City baa ever
TweBtr-eerwi of tbe
aeen and Ibe blrda will bo lodged by
people wbo padBaled fr^ tbe Ttar- J. H. Knight, wbo eraclmUy Slled that
«rae CUf High achool la IMS alteoded ofSee laat neaaoD. Tbe aaaoclaitoa iv
tbe daea reoaltm at the Odd Fellowa rapidly gaining headway. One new
haU Mat eeenlag. T%e aSalr area br
her waa added lo the roll bui
tar (be BOW enjoTaMe that tte daaa evealDg and there are aeverai olben
ever held aad it waa la the awaH boura wbo want to Join In the near future.
that tbe partr baoke op.
DaaelQg waa tbe cblet feature of (be
oveolnE, tbe maale betag taniUbad bf
The Srat hotel to be placed oa
fiewmrt * Stataaa' orWieatra aad
eves betur tbaa tbetr alwaja high Binveaa plan i>pened lit doora
tbe public, Friday, when ibe "Clly
urant," formerly oa-ned by J.
Ornbam of Stratford, will be formally
tbelraimawaierreaei^. Before (he opeied by Bloodgood A Gibba of tbta
bare leaued Ibe entire Hurilgathering broke up it waa onaaliaenely eoted that anotber reAida be bold mantcl block at 131 Front atreel
wIR funiUb a len-room hotel with
next year.
I aerved on thr Buropeaa plan.
Pineapple lee and wafera wi
Begular dinner and copper will be
aervedaerved wbUe abort order break'
will mi the day-B bill.
^ Grand Tiavaraa Bar AwaclailoA.
A 'Oiaad Tiavene Bar aaaocUtlon
baa been organlaeS aad at tbe Srat or (be Arm. baa boata of triendt ln tbli
maeilBg. Wbldi waa held Ttanraday clly where bla proweea as chef ot the
eeealag. E. a Pratt waa elected prei UUle Tavern where be owned a halt
Ideal. W. P. Crotaer. vice preeldeot Intereat for nearly a.year, waa largely
C D. Alway. aecretaiy: J. W. Patdiln. reaponalble for ibe popularity ot that
ttaaaunr. A conaamee waa appolai- welthnown reaiauraat.; Mr. Bloodad *0 draft a eonatUntlon and by-lawa good altegelber Waa at tbe Tavern
three year* and fatUng health casaed
to report at the next meeting t
to aeek other aveaoea ot work.
held Feb. T. A eornnhlre wai
pointed to get Ibe portialla of the dif- Hla bealib now being fatly restored be
feiaat CIrenH jndgea -of tbta dlatrlet Snda that (be raatanrant needa ot tbe
are many and by opening IbU
aad a reaoluUon waa paaaed that (be
Man bouse a long felt want In
that Use wUI be had. He took poiaee•loa tbla moralag after arrlrlng la the
mldalgfai from braking oa tbe
Through IM taNXlaHoa tbe altorHtrqaettc. where for four mootha
aeya of
oounly ail) be brougbl
Woeer together and it ta benerad Uat he baa been employed. Mr*, BloodaomemnlfomUy la tbe waller of feet good will aerve aa eaabler. ibe main
eaa be arraagM. A banquet wH) prob­ cooking will be done persoually by Mr.
ably be held U Pabraary.
Teak Palaeit by MiMaka.
Wi-fi, NelaaB. tbe Baal Front atraM
Mar^mtib. waa rendered aeriMaly
m Friday evaning by three dam uf
medicine, tatan by mlatake, wtaleb
opatalned aconite.
Ur. Neiaon baa been Buffering with
n bnd cough nnd bad acme <eu|h mediInlan oir a abcK In bla abop which be
dOaiad la water before taking. Near
thin bottle waa another ot the <
*ape aad Wia ^leh contained I
medlritie with tbe powerful drag in It
Bridatty Bome one bad meddled ''
tbe-boUlaa aa be took (be me wbi^
be aonxmed to contain tbe cough
hslbe; pul a teaapooaful la a glaaa of
water aM. dwlag tbe afternoon, took
three donea.
Ur. NelKW attended the meeting of
tbe ponltty aaaaetaUon laat evalng
aad while tfaeuaalng tbe plana for I
comlag abow waa taken 111. 1
•tepped Into (he bafi where be teU
a apnam and li waa aome tlmS befo
be regaiand conadoaaaem and w
taken to hit home. Ur. Neiaon la
able to ha abont today i^tboogb be it
Dastn of BMC CurMa.
At 7:S» a. m. Saturday Uoa CorUa.
aged t> yaart. ot 430 West Sevfatb
atfwat.^wlm had been ItagarUg near
death for many days paaaed ttto tbe
great beymd after a year's U
from Brigbr* diaeaae, tboogh b* bad
bean coaOaad -lo bit bad tor eMy
Boos Curtis was ter h numMr d
year* a promlaeat raaldeat of'iUa
dommunuy wbera be aerved in tbe ct•ea d deputy sheriff la tbe early
TWt. Be later moved to Loral*. Ohio,
aad tram (her* toTlndUy. Ohio, where
two years affo he again retmad
Grand Travetae reshio. aettuag is
this oRrwhere death overtook hlat
He bekaged U a Urge family, of
whom aervlve today a brother. Harvey
Cnnlt of tbla «i(y. aad two Hater*.
Ura. Albert Baraea of Noribpefi. Hr*.
Mary Kewtoa of Uwaln. Obio. aad
btotlMV. HUo Cnrtla. of Cedar Bapidr.
'lows. Of (be ImmedUle family be is
aarvived by a wife. Adeline H. aad
tbe following ehUdren; Herrit Ca^
tU. nOHca. Ohio: Mr*. Alice Orabb.
peolntula; Mrs. Bertha Ha
PCBtsauU; Mr*. Mason Spaaglar. DaAhr. Ohio: Gaylord Csrti*. Baveana.
Ohio: Cbarie* L. Canla. city: Hr*.
WUUam volmer. Bacyraa. Ohio.

Parcs 7 to 14

>na aad tbelr gnenj^derMed tbetr
atientlon to (be teoptbig faanqtiet
served fa (he dining rpom tbe follow­
ing being the meno;
O/ater Codttall.
Eaeallbped Pouioet.
• turkey.
Rye Bread,
White Bread.
Icc Cream. Aaaorled Cakea.
Prerlona to ibe public InatallaUOn
of Ibo bine lodge tbe following Inatallatlooa were beld In private:
T. 1. U- F. C. Heamann.
D. U-. Aaa Hale.
P. C..W.. Wm. Motberall.
Recorder. M E. Haakclf.
C. of D-. J. U. iBgrlg
C. of a. B. w: Round.
Sentinel, A. C. Deapres..
TWArBsas.cirT uonai Ku kb. k. a. u
H. P., John F, Oil
K.. A. a Cook.
S.. H. O. Joynl.
C ot H, F. C. Heuman.
a A. C. 0. E. Ball.
H. 3 V.. H. Tobter.
U. 2 V. Geo. FtiU.
U. » V-. C. O. Erlcknon.
had Parting fnr Children.
Mrs. Oora Munaugh of Wbeeler Irft
ir her bome Monday with two non*
Aged twelve and fourteen wbo were
taken from ihoir father, one DDllaway,
rather airenoous efforts eaturvUy
. Ura. HurUugb waa fonmorty Un.
^Ilairey but some time ago waa di­
vorced and married Ibe man whoa?
Nile now beare*. Dollaway bad
children a girl and two lx>y<.
tbe girt wa* living wlili her nioibrr
Wbeeler and the boya with him
but tbe latter waa not aaflsffed and ob­
tained an order permitting her to take
tbe boya from their-fatbi-r who baa ,a
farm near the "hogaback" aoutb
#**t eg tbo cliy.8be arrived In town Salimlay after­
noon and, accompaoied by Sheriff
ion. drove to her former hus­
band'* home. When the boys fotmd
out her Inteoilona of taking them to a
new bome and providing all (be com­
forts Of aneb tber didn't agree with
Neither did DoUaway. A arene
6t for the climax of a ‘'mellerdramer'
ensued bnl tbe order from the Probate
court and tbe aberiff u> enfurre It were
rnneh for the father and. deapHe
Ibe efforts of Ibe boys to stay withfaiai
they were bruuglii to tbla rliy and will
become a Axinre iu ibc Hiiriaugb

Death of J. DeCendetf.
M. E. HaskHI. adexvtary of TVaverse
City lodge. No. 222, F and A. h
orived a triegram <m Saiurdar atai
and rtoklng more of a hlaae or of luraing ih«» Jullns Uerendorf bad died
■rf a: cbcmical tank
Ballard. Wash. Tb'e mrwsagw gore
detailN. simply inqulrtug bis Maaoiilr Inlo tbe chimney.
Hr. Murray d<-serrea a great d«sJ of The Rev. Hr. W.'rud.'lB to-halftif Ibe
aiaudtiig. be bring a member of tbe
credit fur bl* efforts atonglfav Him- of gu.-»<». pnwnted In ' Ihe boi
(oral lodge.
Julio* Oeveadorf had many friends better Are proieriloo as Ihe regular bONlt-N* a i•eanIIPul gnM-Uned
driUa of this kind are eatlrriy oew la cake basket mK-rlbed with (be dale of
In Ibis riiy lo v^om the news t
Travrvse City and nfler a shun time ■be marriage and the
death was very a^. He came
le date of the pre«Aglrtlog HAclency of Ibe de- em .Keaslon. this b.-l
originally A* lumt^ scaler fur J. J.
le-lng but a~sllghi
panturut will b>i 'greally Improved.
token Id regaril. Tbv-n- aaa also-a
Fay A Co., and later entered Ibe
itra firemen Is-gan duiy uffnill-kulver
ploy of the Kelly bc'mber and Shingle
eomiiany. For a lime he ran tbe mlll^ yiwb-nlay. In ivallty Iberc are ibrtv
A bouoimuN supf«r was spnwd and
In Ihe'departmfat aa Chari<-s panakvn of with appieriaiioa. Wim
at Bast Bay. but toter went west wlih
J. E. Maban and took up a limber Jiibosdn baa been AUlivg Frank L'm- the good b)e came many expreasions
having bad a good time and wtobe*
^im. bi* claim bring one of ibe best lur's place as driver i>( tbe rinrtnlcal
Ur. L'mlor having recently reslgne-1. j of good will and
in Wastalogtun. -

ecived by Bleeds in tU* city of Ibe
wedding *1 Btos Estelle Briraelder
and Cliff.wd Vance llrnwn. which took
at the home «f tbe bride', pneenlK.-Mr abd Mr*. Henry Schneider, la
Grand Rapid* no Cbrtotmai ilay. Hra.
Brown aa* for a namtM-r of year* a'
CTK- nty girl. but baa engagad
for Nome lime lately as troebev to the
t. Pleasant normal and her baaboad
In charge of the sebooU al Ora»
lAke. Hlclj Her many mends here
will exu-nd sincere coagratBlalioas
bv-si wlataes.
Waa a Bad Oim.
That Bdawrd Martin, the anppoasel.
lok. who look out a marriage Ilc««ae
I wed a Traverse CKy youog lady
auJ iben look leg baU <m Ibc aftenioan
of the wedding da), aas nut only a de, eriver but aiaudr charged with a more

leal and Mr. Johnson and KovFather Was Arrested.
John Turner, .whose former home Shyder. the other new man. will siiend
aa-at Mldtoad. lbouKh IiIk (wo Utile to oriMT duties about tbe hon»-. Ten ^
^ ^
^ore the l|ev. Hurt Kennedy of the
children have been boarded al ftagl- men will slev-p at the engine bous<'.
Asbary Hetbodlsi rburcb
for Ibe past year; bas vspent three
; He applied to wtuiam Bloodgood fnr
Showed Coed Neeve.
IPM were said-
days lo the county Jail (or the lack ut
Edward Basscil uf Glen Arbor gave by Mis* Uerolee Fuwler <if MapIrioTI
remarkable ejl Udilun td nerve In a and Franklin T. Smith of Solon. They .
bin which baa accumulated to i
oiM-ned Its door* and from bto own expbyslrtau-N
borne In Saginaw where bU eblldi
kepL According lo hi* story He WAN having a Anger amputated aod Mabel Fiiaier.
, b)- Mr. Bloodgood who, bowerer.
take any anaesiheHe. Tbe pain
the afternoon train r.w Solon. wbm- ,^-„ hr ropre^iH blmm-lf as he has found It anything bni easy to
■Ike care of Utile belpicsa girls and was inU-bse. boi wlibool vrinring. Bav- a (ew days will lie spent after whirii' ci ther too good a man to be looking
' to a sawyer by trade and Ihi-y will take up Ibeir resMeace at
tbougfa out of work since November
for Nuefa a posltlua.
angemt-m* lo begin keep­ coosequently knuws ail Abbut that ar­ Honor, where the «niom Ik eoesged
For ihrve dpys be bidd Ibe paslUoB
ing bouse at Wiley wiifa bl* children ticle. unconcH-tti.vlIy told , the doctor In lumbering. Tbebride to (be daugb but heprofpd at once ibal he was not
alsirr, France* Torncrot Midland, be woald have to bavc bl« saw Ab-d ler of Curds KOwler of HaplMoo. whii a cook and g|piea ushsp ap^sed of
is prominent to the rouuly, bavins tbe dedcieneg that heStoA.A'arailer
whes Ibe summ^ was served Saiur-! or M>( as it arsiN not rutiing jvrnperly.
Mr. ito'wil is (-ftiployrd at Flshei't served at one time at probate judg->,
ay (or abandonmcnl of the rhildrer..
and NO be was put Iu tbe dtolng roora
and Initf bride and groom have a large'
Ten years ago John Turner aad MInv mill at Glen Arimr. Yesterday'
he waa working as usual, wbcu circle of acquainiances lo wish Ibriu Monday murnlcg be disappeared and
Anna Vim of Raglbaw were married
II was soon found (hat a llnvn coal and
ladies tmiered tbe mill. He d
h happlbes*.
and iwo IllUe girla bleoaed ihe family
1*0 aprons belonging lo Prank John
but «!x years ago the moihri wa*
iron, employed,to tbe realaurant. were
Grand Traveraa Grange.
taken away and -Mr Tnraer took the turaliig. bis left band cootacmtoalns
along with a ahunag* of at
Tb« following .arc tte ofAcciw of Irast 13 which Is alleged lo have dis­
chlldtyn to bla mother Abu, too, died wlib the knives,of ite edgn. In a
». lie then board.-d second, a garb bad been rut aloont Grand TraverNc grange. No. 379/
appeared wtib Ibe linen. He pur­
Woriby masU-r. George Roberl<«tothem among strangers, lui year plac­ around the Arsi Anger In a g|iiralform.
a Ucket to Grand Rapids ani
ing ibt-m In Ibw family who are nuw the second Anger was cut off a litiK" Wonby ovi-rst-er. Charies Irish.
so (a*r to evidaiilr to Ihal city where
Nuring him. That be had paid ibeir below (he middle Joiot and the other' Worthy l.-riurer. Adelt* Irish.
be can make use of Ibe lull wdiicta he
Worthy *n-wani. Mrv. Cba*.- Etner- providi-d himiMir with before leaving.
board regularly 1^ piwven by Ihe slalcv two Angers were also cot.
Bfent of Mr fisher, tmokkeeperoftbe
Mr Bloodgood cnnHdera blmaelf fortoWiley Cooperage company, wbo avenf BtU’Ulion and it waa found necesiary
Dale la being rid of fats services, as
perform an ampuuUoo to »mao(h
(bat he sent a check for $12 regvilarir
be served during the aigbt and bad
ever)-two weeks to the family at Sagl- u|i Ibe Auger. When the donor Nlarlevery
opporinnll'y to making aby oa
, It was cashed by Mr eO to o'ork.lbc naw healed (be bema
tbe Pigtat trade.
Wil^'. bead of the 6rra. wliosc bome I and did not run fmoolbly.
He might bavo mnatoed for a teg
-Better have her Aled or sri. doc,"
la In Saginaw. After tbe Ann sbu'
of Ume ud tjM^abonage aroold
Pomona. MiA. An llla Gardner.
Ar»t of Novembur. be was raid BaKsrit. -the iani thing don't
never have bero dlacoverad for tba
Flor*. Mrs. B. Colvin.
■brown out of work and found It dit- woik good." Aside from d som ban-l
night trade.
CrivN. Mrs. Rose Day.
Acnlt to raise Ihe amount. Two weeks be Ik as cheerful as* ever today.
began culling logs but ban
unable to draw bl* pay until the
Job was completed, and so he was ap­
prehended . an<l uken to ibU rity
* here Sheriff Burgess uf Saginaw will
rakf him bark l<Hlay.
Mr. Turner slaleJ Monday lottn- Her­
ald Kia< he bad had many a rhi

City Beehs te be AiMItMb
Mayor A. V. Friedrich has made tr­
ibe Pedaral Audit
company of Grand Rapids to audit the
books .of Travt-rse City. This was
done in accordance with a motion
pavsed at the last meeting ot the clt)'

lAdy asNlNlanL Mr*. R. Dempticd.
Inturance director, Gaorgn Robert0(1.

Harry Coopw. a >oWlg ■ a whoa*

Asristant Necretory. Will B. Gray.

paralywls Thursday to tbe aontbaro
part of Ibe stale. Tbe remains wor*
BrIdeprMm Falltd to Coma.
With Iwenty-Ave gne^s and a mln- Uken to Rliiiamatatg and tbe fimeraldv to Ilie parlurs of a south side beld there Sunday afternoon to charge
>me Monday night and the br«e pa- of Bati-b Anderson.
Uenily waJiisg fur Hie lardy tirldeHra. E U Hubbard of InlerUebM
groum. the evvnlng for the family wore
died ivtddeoly of heart trouble at her
December 27ib.wltaeosed oee of th<<
iroe fathei's love for them Is evldriit romfiany and the work will tie done by on until fearing foul play nr linmrihing
worse, a mv**ritger was sent to the homo Saturday night. She waa 45
Buainsaa College* Combine,
moat enioyable nodal events of -ihe
as be carrii-s a unique pot-kri knife
old and kwvcw a husband and
of Edward Marvin, the proaiierideal baa lieen effected today
year lo (he Masonic parlor* and lodge
Ibe handle of eiesr ivllukil (
fiom other systems of bookkeeping
ridegroom. only tu And that be Are diildren. Tte foBCral look plaCW
The oecasloo-waa the public wbereby the Grand Traverae Boalaeta
which peer the preiiy (ares of and while not cumpileated. it would
token bis l>aggace Monday aud
matalUtlon of (be recently elected of- ittlveralty and Ibe Traverae City 'Bua- (bp IllUe ones, whose care lias caused
be city wilbooi exense or word
fteera of Traverse Qty lodge. No. 22^ neaa college bare been combined and
fpeod his New Year behind the lime to become 'expi-rta-oeed i-oougb
Tbe funeral of Mr*. Bobert Carote
<- young girl to whom bo had
F. aad A. H. Fully lU-pe<wle en- rill taetvafler be ajteraied as one In- bars. One side of the knife
make a proper audit.
plighted NlBcero betrothal vows er. whose death at her beme la Bas­
>oy^ tbe impressive ceremonies and litnlloa. Tbe new college will be photo of his dt^
te. a few days ago shocked tbe ••(he dellcioua banquet floely serv ed In .nown as ibe Nvedbsm Business col­ rterblhe*. too. vrlih
, oecarred Ttanraday at
the dining room. In addition to tbe lege and wlU occupy the second Boor
Mr*. Turner was tbe daughter of tbe
10 a. m. at (be Hetbodist
Installing eeremoolen. a very en)oyable of tbe new Munson block, where the hermit. Sam Vtol of this clt)-. who left
o iDsugara^ the practice
g brtdedo- at Inland, which, however, wa* entire­
, _
vas rendered by well-kaowa Traverse City Buslni** college b*v hlH family over twenty year* ago. a good lime
bold tbe large oto'
local talenl. Past Grand Master F. K. been located mani^yeara.
while Ibe daagbier. Aiiua Turner, was
Ibere l*:a change to ofAclals or
There baa been a roareded driiire
Tntrell of Charlevoix tfdclaled -aa ind u- an honor • course of friend* wbo came U> pay a
j every year. Tt:<--elly ba* bad excellent
laat "tribute to the departed dead. Ttae
StalUng omcer. aaaisled by Pa« Mas­ >r tome time to combine Ibe two recolb-ctlon of the father who
pall bearers were ala aemben of the
ter H. O. Joynt of Ttaverae City lodge. eoUegas or for one to purabase (be
known In this city. Hr. 1
_^,;raro d lock,ng,the barn before the.
and;!:** beeMn this city
W. C- T. U.. of which o
No. 222.
staled that be bad not communicated
-year, wbery- be was coOKldored tbor-; deceased
for eight years Its prealIt la only at lufreqaeal Inlervala (bat
with bto taiher-to-law since arrtvtog
.i— -................ ougbly
vesii.;a .g«tot1eman.
seiMK-uisu. That
<B01beBe *SS B,»~- Tbe following ofAelaVedr Mrs.
the frieadt of the member* of the Ma-.
n closed by I Ib the city, though be u:
books annually lo having an «pe“ .euuadrel and a flt *nb>vd:jur-acalh- George Barton. Mr*. Lraa MeUan.
aenle ftatoralty are permitted to witthem and many cities are fo.j,_,. bu„||. jj„. fio„ MrLean. Mrs. Ororge Bowneaa any of (be eeremoolet of tbe
puslil'jii in whirl! he placed bto | man. ~Mrs. 3. E. Horton and MU* Uzaasoetoled with him in tbe
lodge; therefore, (be aanoai InilaJlabetrutbed la'i evening ns n«l known, zie Hanse. Tbe remains were Interred
Hoe marks a very pleasant event tor Grand TraverNC Bakln<-$s university. for the winter and If so the chances _______ _
. betroth.
,j„. p^aietery under direette at V..
The direct management trf the reor­
tbe friends oTtbe Masons.
hermit would And : great and th- beneAi to greai.
will follow him in ib- <»reer!8- Anderaon.
ne cMcera Installed were as tol- ganized college will be to tbe band* of; tome with her.
present .orktog on id" hooks of
---------------------Mr. Keedbam. wbo ha* made a groat;
W. M, Elmer K. Wblte.auceera of the university since it surt- • New Work for FIra DepartmenL
---------- Petoskey. Grand Rapids
,ho tro.lH In hla.
8. W.. C. C. Laagler.
ed to Ibe McNamara block early to the Fire CbUf Murray began ibi- new
and Cbeboycan
J. W„ Wm. Motberall.
Josepb W. Martlndlll, who ha^ year by esiabllshtog regular hftcbitK
•ri him from tbe bouse becaaae' of
Mayur Fn*-.lrich stopiM-d to Grand
Treaanier. A. ,B- Oooke.
aerved as principal of the Traverse ynctlce which like place ihiee llm.-s
Th<- marriage mill at S'. Jusepbjhls lAhlts. and twnllowed a doM of
Rapids on hi- way back from Pun
Seeretaiy. H. E. Haskell.
Clly Bnatoeas coll.-ge ~.jv.
idoce that
col- oaiiy.
qajiy. ai
at 7■ a m.. 12
and 7. p. m. |i„__
.4>ei v-u.ii noon ana
cruuml <iu> 1.54: HoeOM--. in l!sc, an,!-*morphlna is her p^aence. A doctor
& Deacon. Frank H. SaUlvaa.
lege wa* purchased by 'Mariindill Ajilesidea Ihe practice with the leamaj
Coant) riotl: Miuer experis a bigger: pump'd him out and be atlO eats at
J. Deacon. Geo. FrKx
buEloess in.ltioe.
iihe same old place.
Rose from C- R. Itekeray, will Con-, there »-ill be regular drill with laddera
Pleasant Burp'l**.
Btewarda! D. L JesAina. Carl O. ltoMforatlmeaaoneofthetoslroc<-{and hose although tbe work with the • Summit Cits. Mich . Jan. 2.—SomSriekaon.'
. ..
ora dt (be new college atad Ihe teach-1 former will be bandlcapiied by lack of whai to tie- surprise of Mr. and Mr.
Marabal. Alien Bmltb.
log forces of both will be cumbUied >iong ladders. Ibe teg-bi iu tbe dt- A. K Pulver a few of Ibeir most iuiiTyler. Arthur Deeprea.
for (he present.
ipanmenl being forty-Ave fts i.
fneiid* stepped In 'o their pU-asU Roaco*. wbo was elected chapTbe college will atirt the winter | Heretofore the men at the house Ibbi home on Jan 1 to .pend
Uln. waa detained at bome owing
term with 121. students and (he out- have had every third evening off but ,ng. the ocrarion being U
mnesa and will be installed Utq^ la
^thto plan will be changed aad the)-will) gf,a anniverwary of Mr rtd Mr>. IMI
------ lime tbe Rev. C. T. Stout wlli
bare even' Aftb'ev. nine off and later'wedding. wMch occurred at
611 the capacli y of ebaplkln tegif
they will have gn afierouon off every: vi-|||iamsburg to l»7l. Those prevetit
Tbe student* of both .colleges will lew day* to which their time will be'
tbemai-lvet fonunaft- to.
Following tbe Installation cei
1^ work at their respecuve Htoools taken wp with building iuMvecUou.
included among the forty. but it
ales In ibe lodge room, a pleasant pr» Tuesday morntot and arrangemenu; This is a new thing entlreif (or shej,,,! have to be admitted that a* Mr
. waa rendered, moalc being
will be made next week for ihe com-; local d.-iwrimeat hut Is practiced on a j
Polvcr are noted for ih.'r
Biabed by Su-wart « Siefen*' orehe*- htoed wiudcot roll* to oocupy ih.- teger scaMn larger cUl. s. I'servetj p„p„uniy and hospltalltr. the few ;
A Illation >-oa will God it oh;
proGtaUe to keep will
tra. tbe niuabers being aa folio**:
rooms to ibc t
Q block at' u
bf tbe ducisiou to let tu aoppl; yonr drug gtore oeedg daring
about de-| could not be compreaseJ to forty but
-Joat at tbe Break ot Day.- vocal
poiitltia easily i
aicmlj--------had ic exfiand to near the slxilc*.
190o. Tbere u evi-^ fffMpo tor makioi! socL a rewolntion. Oar
aole by E. E. Wbite. rendered in Mr.
WbUe both colleges have been s'
to dangertsis places and will also ac-; roiil alsyot 10 o'clock Mr*. Putv. r
gtocic is the iaiceat in tbe city, oor'goods are s« fine u moDe.v
While's usual pleasing manner.
cesafully opetaied since tbe establish- Duaint f^en with the larger buiM-; ent.-natoed the ladies In the resWenecaa bay. wo give prompt otmrtaons and reHunaUe gerrice aad
Wm. MotheaU. wbo to a taleoiedi
tbe university It has teg been togs, thus making wort: in-xteai:
»nd Mr. Pujver the gentlemen.
our prices are right every tiibe.
•locutlonisr, preaenied In a very cf-'
dered by (hose generally Interest­ smoke much easier. They will alrolia ,he part oreupled by his general
thcUve manner. -C—ry at Ibe Bai.~
ed to buatoewi college work that one recharge the small chemical maebtoes ; meecaatUe store. However, he M«n
P. C. Gilbert drilvered a abort i
large college would be better for Ihe ’ wbirti
e Btaltired (broUrt<tot (he I
sterner guests
4it*t npon -Haaoary.’' wbleb waa re
lad receive the united support of'
:ed to i^e (or tbe society of ibv
catertatBlBg aod appropriate to (
(be friends of tioC. In such a manner
Mr. Murray has practically, solved gentler and fairer sex. Knowing tbai <
) cans# tbe esubllsbiiiesl at on thd problem of rtecklsg a chimney the rooms were not spaciona be wsn'
extensive college. Tbla It true and Are abd bad a chance to awccewtully dorely perplexed where to pnt them
Ibcrv to no betu-r point In this aectte try it this Donaitg wbea tbe cfelmney but soon ibl* obsueje was ovetvooie ‘
of (he Alaie for a large bustoeaa colaad the groUeoen catoe up StoUing
Tbe pfogram was elarod by a rsrr
and happy. Tbefi tbe real pleasure of i

n Good new Vear


Crt Sf *< r»»r BrutaltU is tiot

$. e. iUait $ Sons

Crastrat CHy's Ccading Drug Sl»r«


rAB* ii

«»■»— cu

C. B. Herrin ud vtte ot tU« citr
left for HijrfieU tkU
Hn. Besdrr of BIbsUn Mt)
(hi. moralnf tor .
ehoptJXV. L. FUher of ElaghMi. ehme (Mo
the ettr tbi* adndo« for »

Hra. B. W. Payne of Oder Ban re- Hsrrtett* are apeadlng a tew da.-'w wii!i
tsraed to her'borne thl* morning after Mrs. Doty's pareats. Hr. and Mr*..
tptmdlng e .hart time with retoiire. 1. Cuter of this place.
Ktegstoy tort Sunday were toed la'al^^
tkU dtp.
HanenGrtiver earner to os the sick ^tkelr praises of the sermoa Mlrered; rwaeoni
' list at to present time.
I ibt- age of nlaetrNESSCN C4TY.
Nema Cftr. Hieh. Jan. t.—L«e
Ctoautoea toft Monday for Boybe City.
Mrs. David Hickey and Hn. Mnlrancy
vMied frteod* la Ibumpm
Ithe bull of the
day and Saturday.
I iloaa to the bssi
Hn. John illeker
ticker en
entertalced her
woodertM meoiUmlly. A
ter. Ur*. Hike D-yer of Tbompion
fcnernl sexmiia deUver-i

For Gash Bijfire

ftt IbA be« Granulated .
• emPiRE.'’
Empire. Htch.. Jan. 3.-H. F. Horen
went to Tnverm City Wedaeeday to
rlrtt hi. mothv and al.ter from West
□mn*. who are vltlltag there at the
borne of soother daughter.
Hr. and Mn. C. H Baker visited
over Sunder at Lake Ann. Hr*. Baker
reuracd home B'l-doeKtoy. hocom
ptnied by Hn. John Qigwald at that
RiMoerou. AmMiC.
0*:i an>l mt prices.
Samael Wlw of'Kcawtck paaud Mace.
«*ted m tbe -rttuU o( throngh the diy today oa hto way to
OuhM been *t.led
Loul. Lallea. dr., I. home from Minll^nii fifure. uid ettinote. that Reed City.
NemsoCityrR. F.0.NO.1.
'i Horsid to off.r a pr.alum w salmcrtb iSVdTr*
rnpulla. where be ha* beeu workiag
mIm aU mUUoD dollar, la cemparaN. P. Daily and wlfa of Empire were aliice Hay.
Ur* amaU Moaejr order. bar« beed la (be diy yesterday and teinned
Chri.lms. box va. sent to the Inpublishers
Mrs. W. H. UUon' .tovughi
P-Wtoben bsve
have bad of isecuring .
a^dortax thi. BMOib or Deeenber
Is DOruing.
mates at the county, borne that bad Thursday aft.-muou when
«.■.<.» she
..t... In-srd
•....Ml i* •Plrndid
solroiliil magsrinc-paper
mmvin/khanM. fne
Ov the
••.. thru
rLpi. '_
to KUllre. aod frfeiidi at their oU
Mrs. Irah Adas nod Hto. Hnode
pm>ared Ii>- the children of t
aeroH the Ma br the meh t
rap and iipeoed the d.»,r and und-famll). has indtin-d «h.-m to make JJuU
lllse of Ueltolre are regtotered at the piece.
«£m and bojr. aod MH. «bo 1
KOO.I facini about thlr.ynve lAd;, .p..
.^Ich will be found on ^
WhlUng today.
Hiss Florence B'ym is vtoitlng
bOTond to sake do* boa
Cad Wilma, A'rthnr Peltoe sad Bari the home of Junes Wyne at Honor.
d Ibis Issue of the Her ' rSf;
tbeir husbanil*. They awlked In sad • ”
L There are tboae «
Romo of
arc la the city to­
Mn. William Brooder wan q.lte 11 tixik iKMseestuo of the hu'U--e which
all ibeir lire, in tUi (a- day on bBUaea..
wveral day* last week.
Mrs. Dixon willingly surrendered Id As wHl Is- s.vo, tbe lleiild nod .”T2ns»-i RM.
I eoonrr »ho .
Hlu Hargarel Boodreaa left tbl*
Ev^ry new and old subHangen and N. NHmo wrnl ti
e Betbed. and pollde. noon for Orasd Rapid, to spend ■
them. Tossy sbe «s compU-.l.-ly «r, Farm and t-treslde. tbe greatest publh
Fmakfort Tueeday on btiKloeu.
BCribor to the HoraM. wrtT
.<< otW eatlou aboeld be ubMitatM week with frtendii.
Jolfa I.nDbklD rrtarocrl Iburtia- was fairly ami
has pakJ In full to Jan. I.
. ’far '"our o*a U all other proiaoia
Irving Hnrrsy (eft this bocbJd
speot lo a itorlal vlsll with ram
. ACiiMt a«eb baektmrd ehanje. .hoaW B Pam. Teu*. He wUI atoo
1007. will rocsivo a groat
wedding of his, brother and sister..
w^bave ..hi i. full foe .be HeraH.'
baiiDeoeed thew Bllllona. of dollars
music by .Mrs. John Bigger,
masazlno papar. Farm and
other Teias polnia.
Hory Collin .-m. lo Tfmvenw City which-basket aftc-r basket full i
it Booer order.. prorMrt oat of the
lo J«,. 1. mt. Tbl. give. Farm «.d;„0N-^- Tt> ijJAN on rest e,,alr
Ura. Bhel Robert^ aocompaated by mveral day. Ian week.
Flrosido. aPnolutoiy fro#
licloas sweets wen.- brmghi Ln i
Bealab and H. P. Doaglaa., Mt for Mn. Eugene Sloyke to vtolilhg bet
for a full yaar. Farm and
CM^e. tbete. would appeal too ab- Klngiley thl. morning.
bout-tlful «up|i<-r served At tbtin advance ml^crile-r to tl,.. HeraM. ‘ ««& NrW Wlliu-lm Buildiug. :i I'
hiwband-a family at Kingsley.
Firooldo la front 24 to 36
Fasl CommaedtT Retta li-wnrii prv
. «oei|U7 to be denied.—Record,
Hn. L. Chamber, reinr
I. toasidrPd.,1 -dl.-r, sod w doubt
_____________ _________
Albert Anderaco 1. visiting hi. i
pagan, twica a' month, 94
M-nted Mrs. Dlxuu with a Juvi-ly albuir.' ot will be v.-fy pleasing b. Hcrall

......... ■ :
borne In South Haven this
-r. Hn. Loul. Jacobs of this place.
Civil SoRa..
timae a yaar. 8aa tha
Ur*. Hos-srd Kenney 1. much fnt J lid Inr kmiw'lhat hrt nuulns as subw-M!--.r.
<|rtl anlia are on the docket ot t: a vlilt with f. A:-CKms. offar alsotphara in this
Tbomn. Sher^ and Cbaa. Spladle proved In health at this wrltlcg.
JoSoe CDoru to tbe tsoe of ten
commander of -Marane.'blve. M2.
Mlh. and while never made public, of Empire were In the city yerterdar' Mn. Bristol and Nunnaa GUberi
iwlKco she has held the ofAce Av-|
LAke Ann visited last week At I
4W0,UUU enali cs(iital, write*
■ifininillnr BBder the name of -Mrll and returwed (hU morning.
■ni^ they are reellr anythin* hot
Hra. Doney of Gleo Lake to rlsltlnc Ihbir bomes dhtnking they had bad a
wM the name ImpUet. a» ithey are
her sister. Hn. LaVou. at PraPkforl.
brORibt Into eooit throngh debit to- time with friend, la the city.
W. C. Drew of Chicago, promoter of The mile daughter of Hr.' and Mn Am- lime cud that thal surprbu-
oViwd. Caaaa are evea tried In eon
ccmiiloio sucervA'

! kvMy pobry MM by the-VaroB Oij- u
the Boalb Hanitoa .ummrtThomas ShCnnan was rery III lam
whwo the anoont lavelv^ i. only
vptvunM by tbe P«at> <ir Sowik Itokrts.
Mrs. Sarah Dwyer and Hn. Alllej
the city today.
tlBSMWrtMbUc depoOIM le ot dvU Billa
Hra. C. H. HerrtU
A. F. Bunting and family'are vtolt
tnai II to tm foMaHlee cOBTta. He:h friends at Pellstoif.
■pend New Tean wHh their parent. In* at Pilot.
•eafly two atteraen went to a am
Hr. snd Hn. B. D. Merritt of Bommll
Mr. aod Mr*. N. P; Qtlk-y wire lu train hen- -Monday for Traverse t
YlUiB04n the couBty and appeared
TRAvntui i-m. Mics.
i| Aliies-i wsaisUI, kasvrf Ibsie^aj
Traverse aiy ^Iday and Saturday.
Jnadee court In a drtl cate where t
Hn. Ann. Dell, retnra* laM night
Dayton Belby. editor of the Empir.anjuat of tlM debt bem* ened for war
Chrto'Journal, wa* in Traverse aty FYldai
». nrtr feet atone were |W
sleighoa boslceo.
ooatt BBonatlB* to many dollar.
tog to Ane the lambermea arebnsillng.;
Every new end old subMr*. Huy A. Gould weot to Alai
Mdid to thla. There to nolhlii* Uke and Mn. George Dalto.
Hto. Grace Johnioa will leave the last Saturday to remain during
Hrs. Fi'wletts, who bs* been very ill}
tho leeltn* of' coontoUaD ot the pWikacrlber who h.e paid for
a mma. when the dedMon Ant of the week tor Grand Rapid, an-l winter with her daughter, Mrs. Oeorg-.the Heratd in full to Jan.
IHere ore iwo mn-* of scarier fever 1
mUe. annoBBoes that at other point, to rqtlenlih her stock <if Thompson.
1907. will ke given a
fancy work.
Mn. UcNeal returned to Hactotec
eubscrlption tp Farm and
Mn. A. HcOtomoit. who spent the banday after an exteaded May here
Earl Ely of Butler to VlMtlng hto I
hMMayt la tbe dty the gaetc of C R. with her daughter. Mn. N. P. Dailey.
Fireside one' year -free.
cousin. N. Ely. at Ihto place.
W. S.Rubbtoun and foully I
See offer in another place
Oio InteieMiBS tact in eoanecUon Prosty nad (amlly. retamed to her Hn. J(Ad Frebse was in Beulah last
BUmbe dril eaaeB «f ib. towor eooil. home to MBtkBgea today.
.reek to care for her sister. Ur*. Ames, rec spending the holidays ' wltti i
In today’s Herald.
fiieods and rclniives at Kslam.go'i.j
Hr*. A. Fox and two children left who has been rery HI.
to t^ BBBber ot adtoornBeato wUca
pOa Bp hiMuhl m eaoer--ereeli after thto.noea for Oalre. where n vtolt.wlll
Hoam Piau and tamfiy of Honor rdumnl to their home tost Ssriirito.v. j
Richard Ely ad foiily rpeut Sun-1
veA they are adjoarahd. BrM one
to her mother, Hn. A. -W. tent the holidays here with Hn.
Pntt's parents. Mr. ud Hn. Harrlwo lay with hto brother. N.Ely. ad fam-,
tbw the other parly or the attemey Helntyie.
r st this dlare.
U eat or the other tide to ahtMt and
Mn. Uray Bowman ot Cedar
Adojpb Belike and wife, wbo bivMartin Doran of Bast ^tpire had
Springs to apeadlng the boUday. with
her pareaiA Hr. and Hn. Angust the misfortune lo got one of hto bandi beeu rlrttlng reUilret at Wexfont
eOBit wbaro two yean n*o a roBS* Bowman et Randolph Mrmt.
cauMtt towefs the cogs and frame­ county, returned to their home I
woaan broocht ralt acainat a pnaiwork of hto windmill while be was oil­ Sniurday.
Hr. and Hra. Wm. Horan retun
Ml*. John Lundy and children
nent merdiaBi of this dty for lacse to Ludlngton this noon afUr a v
ing It. badly lujarlag tbe member.
dhBBcea. owing lo tbe aBeged cIbIbi with Hr. and Hrn. Cbarlm bnen
8. & Burke of Chicago, wbo Is oone City are vlsliing her pareniA
thM a do* -wbtob aho bad nmit to and her mother. Mm. BSe Cooke.
bsUdlDg a large summer resort faolll ir. ned Hr. Chude. Ph*.
Mmr Tork'inr alteraUoe throngh hto
on Oton lake, sras Ui town Inat Tues­
Mn. B. J. Rehertaoa of BeOaiie
norence Wyne. wbo hu beeo vtoliIbilsaBa hoRu had been eiebaaged
day. He expects lo have the -buUding
fenfore belnr ratmed and aha then Hrad ta the dW-thto aftamoan
eompk'ted in time for resort business g her node and sum. Hr.
Wyse. at ihp place, relumed lo her
feioaigbt agalnet the toon] hooaa for the apead a few day. with ArdUe Miller
)Oto at Empire tost Frid.y.
fall aaoiBt of the etoak. Whether aadtamUy.
Hr. and Mrs. L. H. Roebriek reMr. Couturier ad tainllr left
tbe aolt will ever be resuMi
Great variety of all kinds as usual—leather
tamed tfcto
tied to a BnUb will be pro!
Sbensaa. Mich.. Jan. 2 -Mis* Rhoda suurd.y to visit frieitds and rdrtlres
and cloth bound, side and cad fold. .Mod­
jteaU debts, wages, wniblngh Mtl. being gaen* of a bratba. N. j. Roe- Stunerant of Owoaso is speoding her I Traverw Ciiv.
Wpald. GoatraM aale. broken, wood brick.
vaesUoa with relatives and friends of
Henry Hebert. fOmerly of Ki
Merkley w.-iv at Tratersv Clly la>
and an eadlea. array of undvli

things make up the laieraMlQg pru-'
Hto. Ota Hooper of Battle Creek ts
re wss a pleaat^t stirprise jiari
Ofedlngi of the Ttarerae City tower
spending a few dan witIPrelatIvcK of
at the home of Mr ond Mrs. N
0*rts and keep eepedaU)- Joitloe rwlnrn boioe
thto place.
N'o better lime of year ibaa right oow to
R&ey Sween of the Hlebigan Starch
qnoW W. Cortl. bnty .U dey.
Hr. LAisen of Uaalstec .pent a few Tbnmas last Thursday evening in
honor of Mr. Tbomn*' birthday, by
linefc. He appear, to be the favorite earapaay arrivnd In the diy yeMemar days of Ihto week in town.
. start a new set of bbokn. Nolhifitf lackios’
from New Tork to aastot In tnklng an
llMtee to bring the undrtl
which they i>ix.»-ated him a Ane twkCbrtotma. dinner vaa
in the as&ortment here.
' the day before for Uwful .untangle- Invoice and looUng after tbe bui
er and the evening was spem playing
the CoBgregailooal Sunday
Meat, and it hto dMam*.WM« Inter- of tbe local concern.
Chrirtmas day In U-.e K. O. T. M. balk games ad liglu relreshmenis were
Mrs. K. 0. Btoadl and two dangtn
pfMed BO doubt laundry bl
ssrvi-d. all w>o atleuU>-d reiurt'evl.ait
large crosd parilelpBted of a vc
enjoyable time.
tW lag with tbe tost cord, of wood ten. Merlon and Etoanor. fro
od dinner. A Cbrtotma. tree i
Bbleh he ha. oa dlKerent oecadoaa nagar. lodla. who are Ur America on lotred by . rtiurt program helped
William Marchim and soa-iii-la*.
A few genuioe Japanese Gold Fish left
Thomas lUaii. wbo sianed for Mo;:
called upon to cauutUy ___
ake the day more- enjoyable.
which we are dosing out at 15c each. An
VoBon eipedally are preuliar client,
Several young iieople went to tb. tana Inst Tuesday. tviiim«l home
gr.- to bring Blit a* they DO penchant city.the guests of tbe Rev. and Hn. dancing party Monday evening
SaiurdAv' to sp.n.1 New V«ir- sul.
ornament for any home. Better hurr)-.
. a BtsselL
£ fn- dtte. and will stlempt to orilect
iheir familb-s.
Hiss Anna Csdham. wbo b«
board bill wHbout tbooghl that anyHiss Lelto Caster was a HarriMla
spending a week's vacation
. thing further than the fact that t
visitor for Cbrt.imas. returning Tuesschool duties with her parents In this daj- eveotog with Miss Ids Fellows. Tsk. LAXSTirS HauMO yslnlsr TsbM
know It to doc. I* needed. Ualee
city rvlnrwed to pier's school ihit
the toad of their ttoable. entil
to spending m few days with
band at inaltce to teached and t
Mr. and Hrs. Bamod WillAag of
oftlen no .yuraa ha. been kept of uitII. a Blurtei-.Dl of Owosso Is spenJH.&EARNER. Prav.
lancduiia are la the clly. the gueets iug . ft'B dsys with friends in town.
lieleat fael to baae a dalai ui>ue.
of Hr. UIds and family of Ninth street.
Ussier Russ Hooper of Bsttle Cre. k
Me. and Mrs. Ben Hurray returned Is the guest .If hto sister. Ur*. Rose,
Proa FrtdayY Batard.
today to Itoltoy after a vtolt with Mr present.
Mrs U Hoath.
Hn. Ella Jahtaus IHi bw lihara thl.
informal party wa* held
at His* Gladys Klsewand
Dr. a F. Pautooe ha. leinrned from
Uoaday-s Record.
tort Monday evening Games and codCadlltoe.
Hr*. J. Shaw went lo Slights this versatton n-err tbe cblef amiisemetitv
W. C. Broen of HMliteh was In ih« ooo to B^d New rear's with reto- Fruit* were served for refresImieDis.
ally yesterday.The Ladies' aid of tbe C.mgrega
Hra Bltoa Krauae of Elngdey wa.
Utw 1. 8. Farnsworth rel
_ ______________
rid . special meetleg
Thfst- goods arv mc-i-- (r-.m
In the city yeeierday.
e Lake ihto mooilag after vUlltng at the boal ct Mr*. Clarence Plerr
sp>-clsl --clertcd day possessing
Roy Uamn of Cedar was a guest at in the city.
tost Tburad
certain h“«l . r-“ti-i!mg pn-ji-r.
the Whiting yederday.
Merton Wilson rolurai-d to ht* boibe*
Mr. and Mr*. Kinsev and' baby of
>k-« no; found in the -rJItoirv
Ralph Hayward of KalkasU to « ; Blngbui after sprading Sututov Tbompsonvllle were the gtm.vis Sf Mr
cheap Slone a-l e*rth- n»ar<-.
^ fim tort by -Ttrios of to.- s„w- T
Traretm Clly caller today.
Id the city.
atoia-d la mat ■aortasg,. sod tn
Kluney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. W
C. W. pant went down the C. R. A
HISS Pbens Prnyne ot Sbennu re­ Kinney, for Chrlsims*.
dJshv-s oD Uit- marki't. having u
Kf Ai-uU- And CLroiiic Rh
I. OB a balnea* trip thta motnlag.
■ a- (hr htcs-oi OSU.T. OC
Arthriu-t lA-fomuoiA
lumed to her borne thl* momtog nfter Hiss Wields of ThompsonvUle w«Dice uhlte glarlog lo<i-Ii- and aly. uvn SOij^aa, ef March,
vtoiiing Irinuto la the city.
GouL -S|
also n gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Klani beamlful terra cutia bntoti
Pmm BaiurtUy'. BMcr^
st Wa o'clork m tor
rg ttot toy st
Mr. uid Urv C. M. Dame of North- forChrlrtma.
glailng ouiWde.
port are to the diy where they will st- j The nanunl dinner of tbe Coagrega
MeUboHsm, fimx-nl nod 1
i.-.Skin DineuM, Liver.
We are now showtns.tlK-m in a
lend the Bk*' st
uca.1 Aid society will be held at thHn. Uary biekmn went to HttoK-y^ Hr*. T. Wllwm of thto
Stomncli anti Bowel tmoUos. Luie tn>ublt«, Kidney nod'WadTsrifi.T of shai-rs and ,tr- s st
dty and iira. home <X Mrs. Rmta Roger* next Thnr»
thv“small price of
der diStcnliitw, Xervonn Eghaantion. Kinmntbf&ia. IXacMc* of
I a O. Chadwick and dnughier of Sher- day for the beoeAi of the memben u-l
I tors dar, isclsdia, ik, *no<-Ip^ lat>r-« ud MU* Hmiha LevemsM ot ^t Jori I ma left for Bherma thto momtog
tbe Fenutle IVlvit- OiKuth, Panlynis au'I (-^anoer*. If yoa are
tbflr families.
4wi to to the city.
I Mrs. 8. KeiIcKg at thi, dty wn.
Mra Edward CuiUer'. 'coadlikm l«
•nffering witit buy dierase aotl bavi- bw-u imabk; to get tbe deB. J. FUlghum want
called to Ml. Phaant this momtog very much Improved sad to bow able
•ire<l reeultn )>>' drtiif
jby the eerioa. ninea. ot her fsiher. io sit bp a pan of the time.
sulutioD Fru-.
JUH« Wilson ot Bingham to doing
Mrs W, Campbell retomed to
; baslnem in the dty todsdr.
homo to 1
Hto* A. Peart retamed thto am
e lime with rdailve* I be out of doorsA
Pm • vtolt to But jordu.
Hn. Leaa Do-dr and ehUdrwn'ot
| u* I


«M»y rniRcaftiTim.



G. Lewis.

12bE.rrastSt. MISA.0RHR


Besire lo Ttaok Our

Farmers’ insurance F'SViit£—*" “IT


for their kind and
ti))eral favors'dur­

ing the closing


which^ has

been a prosperous

one, and


them that we have

good thingsln store
for them for 1906.

Hoping: we may
merit old patron­

IWd-WJnter topics


age in the future

as well as much

Blank Boiks

new. we wish all a .

Happy New Year


0itv Bo«k Store




Cp»ent Off, lOit^.


Has Opened Offices in tbe SUte Bank BaOdlBC



SDinf 403 UD. 404 STflE BUI BOUK



oaava ClaM 10 tbe vboloalc Iradt.
ebera be landed
wceka *so «itb
1100 ChriatiBaa iraea. all prawa la lb*
upper rrirton at the apper peBlaiala.
Mr. Peck apeol ChriaUnaa at Detroit
•1th bla aoB. Edwin. Ibla belns the
drat Chrlrtiaai la aU reara wbVh he
haa had the opponunJty «d rpeadins
With W neinbar of the faiaUy. ae be
aanaallr nakea thoXbrlaUDai tree
trip 10 Ohio and ta nnabla to reach
bBBC ttU4be hoHdaya are orcr.

■ «2r^



Paraanahi. ;
Pnm Mondara Beeord.
F- C ABoltfT of Btogbatn la ta lie
.A. W. Overboil and. wife at Klncatfy and Mlaa Hollle Sardrr of KalaaaAco are the lueni erf Dr. J. A.^nyder
of tbU CUT.
Hr. and Mra. Sannal Poner erf
Korthport arrived In the city today
tbeir way to Crwid RapWs oa a ab

birfldar trip...

Clrcylttlofi thli week 2j675
Oult* ■ nwmhar ^ Hi
•r* have aaM Jf the premltm^f of
tha Harold asd Frrw and
Ctnim ba aatandad tor a abort tltoa,
•fid «>e^ ora |tad la onoeui
with tha publiaharo of Farm and Flraalda and ara tlwratora abla ta eonttova IhU affar far tha praaaiit.
Tlw tlma. hawavar. wtti hava ta be
aemawhat limited, and w wavid
theca who daalm ta avail thww
of thic oftor to maha aomlttanoa i
•arty a dau at poaalbta^

waaaa bear In wind th« avanr
M aabaertbar who haa paW for
Herald In fiHI la *m». 1. «W. wi« ~aalva raran and FtraaWar oiw year abaHutaly free.



Mlaa Apaa Bardeabaeea erf Snuoafi
Bay paaaed tbtaufh the city thli noon
ea her way |o ■KalkaakA, where ahe
will vlrlt friaeda.
Id Mra. Bert Soow left Ibla
anerooos for Barker Creek, where a
be apcnl with bU hlhther.
UUa Hlccrva Herr of Acme, who
apont Snnday Is the city with frienda.
ratnnied home ibla afiemooa.
a. D. Uwaard of PclUlOfc wbo
la neat of Hr. and Mra. Raj
dailDi <be hdidajh. relumod l«
borne thla afUnoon.
Uwreaee CroUer of Klnxalcy I* vUlUnc Ulaa Ven Wynkoop.
Qreeoman and family, who haw
apcndlhi; the bolldaya In Kalkaaka, returned borne loday.
rriniton of Teoib ilrcel bail
ratumed from Hanlatea. where ahe
•ttebdrd Ihe funeral of bar brother.

tfhr Tmday Botalac two bif alad
toad! of lufa. each bearla* apprtal■■taly OAOO feet, dame into the oiD. From Tuesday's Reetird.
Thcaa ware the Brat erf the aauon and
Hra. T. Leddy returned to her homo
ebovod that winter had came at iaaL
in Fife Lake this noon.
Chariet Atmea irf Empire returned
, An order waa laiucd from Probate ) bU borne thla raornlnp.
coin OB Batnrday appolnUiii Hyron
A. A. Sklnaer tcluncd to his home
K. CBUtnibam u cuardlan erf Che la Cedar Run this moralas.
MUte of Walier^and UU CannlnsUrs. Frank Dyer of ihls dtyjoft tbU
non for KlnioUey. where she will visit
Hn. Haurie* of Bolon. who
Hra. J. Priest of Suttona Bay arriveii
noHber erf wceka remained In thla
In the city today on a day'‘a trip
dgr where ebe raeelved medical treatwcet. hM baas tehee to her 'fcomp.
C. J. Smith left Ibis monilnc tor
where nbe Una in a prectriojU eondlOtaad Raplda. wheye he will tranaacl
m^Syen trfthto cKy a termer Mrs. Jse SMmal of Baltani Bay
tMchnr in the Lelsnd aeheoln haa ae- ime lo this city loday on a da>':<
e^iod tbe poalUoB In Uin Acme abopplBB trip.
Joseph Hanaeabeteer of Blnsbam
Mbeol mhda vacant by ttn taal«nallon
Hlaa Ida Johnaon two waeki aco. rrived In Iho dty today for a day's
bnalaeaa trip.
Ulas TUIle Pritnean of Northport
arrived lo the city thla monilns on a
Jamea Kilbride haa aold lUtymlne sboH visit to friends.
Mrs. Oeiave Prineau and liltle
•tfM of hla Sne tfOwere farm In Elmwood towaahlp. Co Chicacd partlen wbo dangler <rf Northport are In (be eiiy
poatattloa of the renldenee wbich loday on a abopplnp trip.
Hr. and Hra. Gus Ulna of Ionia
wt with that portlM of tbe farm
yeatarday. Hr. Klldae wUI ceallaae to tamed to their borne tbit noon atiur
rtmaln oa the porOon which re ro- vislUnt frienda in the diy.
Sort Cranem, who baa been vlalilns
leads In Ibla dty relumed U
Tbe worthy pend patron nnd worthy homo In Cbleafo last erenlnn.
•tend mdtron of the nute of Htehican.
Ulan StelU Brooks of Cedar Ruu
a*1e. t. vrill be in Travema Qty Jan. passed throucb (be dty this monlnx
Rh oa ihdr way to Acme, where they on her way to Twin Hocntaln,
will inatltnta a new Aap^er. Travet
Hra. A. S. Inpoham erf Lansln
Oty chapter li Invited lo>te pteaent
turned to her borne IbU coon after
aaempUly the work. Aa nmny Invited Epcndlnx the holidays In this diy.
Miss Cells Vasasr of Klnpaley
Inmed to her homo this Ofxm a
Frank Trade doaad a iaaaa oa the apendlni; a short time In tbe city.
Tooma tormarly occupied by the poetR. R. Banncn of Arcadia, wbo bar
flCiee OB Thuraday and Immediately been spendlni! aomc lime In the cll.>
bccaa movinf hU eiock of bard- returned to bla borne ibu moralng.
U. Porey and wife of North Pareturned Ibla noon after aiiendo ba ta abapj) to do buslnnt lag aome lime with friends In the cliy.
tt ibe I ■w stand wKhIn a short lime.
Mra. Rolh and eon Fred, wbo have
apept Ibe bolldaya la the city will
Attar elcbteen yaara at filthlal ser- rdatlvea will return tomorrow to l-c
vtoe Bdwsrd Walla has tenderm
ratlcnatloa as aaliwnin ^ the
The Mlaaca tmopeac and Margarr
ware dap^ment of tha HaSnnh * Lay Cametoo rclnraed to Ml. Pleasan: tc
Harx»ntD«l^ company. Hr. VelU has day after tpendlnp their racatlun li
aacepiad an aaceUent poaltioa as trsvibo city.
aBni aalaaman with tha F0ater«l.
Mra. F. J. Sheiden of ihe Soo rr
hardware boMC of Oiand Raplto.
inrned to ber bone ibis morning afii

__ _ \

atata vriib bend«mriert i
The Jaauaty awMtat at thf board ol
ttporrinore wbleh «rat called for *
h, ai. today, wiu wdjouraed al tbai
^ by Chairman Moaroo and UiA
^ Mtoben wbo met lor that por-j
PBM. Owing to tbe unexpoeted arlilag at ooTortl important mstiera
w^lrh will lake up a week's Une. it
wax eooiMcred advWalilr to adjemrn
oatli Monday, when a full week ean
IM bad la wbkb to care for ibe matton Which wUI Uieh coaw before them.
' A petltten waa BMd la Ptabate eouri
Taeeday.Bereiaf by D. E. Wjrakoop lu
tompel Ike epwJBo perfonnanee of,tland eoctract catered Inio with
Ckariet Gage, dereaaod. bat wU^ wax
formed during the Itfr of tbe aald
CkarieeCagc. Tbe peilUoo Is peculiar
^ that it li bn last.--=esi Uinod lo^
compel the oartylng out of a eoalract;
by tbe egwutoraf a deewted. wbo lefl i
awtll aad aeoniraa raanlng with the'
WM lormi a> during liie. charlnl
D. Paar U the osacBtor who appean
for (he «Ma(a of the doomed.

My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your htir; nourish ii;
give It loinethiac to live on.
Then it will stop ftlling, tnd
wIU grow long sod heiv)-.
Ayer’s Htlr Vigor it the only
hsir-food you can buy. For
60 years it hu been doing
just what we claim it will do.
It wQl not disappoint you.

spendlnc a abor. time with friends In! .Chariea W. Gordon <rf PanUsc. bit I
tbe dty.
; wife aad aon, were saved from ayahyi- ;|
• Max Stanley and ^nusl Storres re- j laUcm by a milVmaa. wbo found them I
(nmod from Klncsley tbU monUng. ■ im-onsdous fivm gas from a euat
where they have been pending par. stove.':
of tbdr vaeaUva.
- ■ ■ ----- ----------Mrs- H. R Hill of Ardik teiarnell .
home loday after sprang, the boll-1
^ i^u, claims, la rneta one,
days with ber son. Harry Hilland wUe uuribtr vicilm of eoesuaotii>n »r
of Grand Rapids.
IpnemnonU. But wlen coughs at I
le trag***lv
Frank Kelley rdnmed to IJma, Ind.. "***
i. Honiley <rf UakI
where be k aUeodlng school this “eci I
'w rites-' • -•Mv wife bad
after spending the hoUdaya with tts | et n.-uimptioa. and Uirre djc'jjr.- gair
pamta In thla dty.
;, ;
i ^r up^^ noally she look Pr King '
James Kilbride left today for Grand |;
visit bit daughter and t>:htr relative'. [ mu ih- girmi of alt
He will be gone tep day.
Haael Ferris to F'
Eiward. K. T., lo reanme ber studk's gu-afrer spending her Chrinatas racatlun
with ber pareats la ibis rlty.
We vlsli to exlntd our thanks lo ib.Tbe Misses Udia and Georgia Me
Glllls returned to their borne In Cadil­ a-.ighLi-ra and friends who so kindly
the Ulneas an.!
lac (hla noon, alter .fpc'citng a abort
iJexih of our Uloved faihnr. and aleo
time with friends la the city.
B. Stlgaer. formerly foreman r.f ;o express our thanks f<-r the profatbe Herald and Reeurd romi>aoy. left si<« of boauUful Howers wtiich se'c
today for Cadllliar (o take a situation
ith tbe News and Express.
Thomsf J. Smurtfawaiie left yester­
day for Cave Creek, Art*., to look after
Greatly in DCs
InKresta of ibe Grand Travprs*'
Noiblnc Is mm' in d
and ArUona Mining company.
'edicinr which
Gee. 8. Goddard has moved from
surk a
Xwen City. R. K. U. 1. lo tbU city In They
order lo give hla cblldrca ,lho lli:<;
school advantages lo be found here. I At Johnson Drug rtiorif "
drug j
Mr. and Mrs. Guorgp VanRlaricom of iiores. 2ic.. suaraateod.
All>a. who haio l-ocn spending Ibe hc;lidays with relatives pi Honor, iiasst-.]
through'the city (bis morning on their
way bniB''.
Every new and old sub­
. Laverne licighes and Rolwd ron.eil
scribe r wbo has paid for
have Just TWtureed from Wexford,
the Herald in full to Jan.
where they have teen spi-ndlng iln-r
I. 1907. will ba given a
tlkin bunting and visiting rvlii|v..s
subscription to Farm and
and frienda.
Fireside one >*ar free.
N<dUe aad Lyman Ku.rsel of Ell.
Rapids relumed to iheir home this I
See offer In another place
teraooo after a visit Id ihe rity.wliiil
In today's Herald.
Hr aunt. Mrs. B. Ruaaell of hhi .■
irieventfa sirecl.
Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Hoover leftI yr'.r ••
^rday afiernnon for their home
Kansas Cllv after Ending Ihe hoi;ays with Mrs. Uoover'a parents. Mr.
nd Mrs. H. MoniagncL:
A O- Halllwllt of Lclghlon left IliU
oon on n trlji to BalilwlD. (Vdemstt.
and later home, after spending a feu
days In the ell}- where he lias l>een vl*
Hlng his daughter al the asylum.
It does n.At lake many lii-.ndred.'i
to bet-time a ibousand. »-Ui-h lis. ami Mrs. Nichols spt-n: New
ure U a very rewpivlable n*i-.
Year's with Mr. U-Ii'-r anti fanilly a'
ficus for a- Imsine's eaptlal or
Rales. A' IlDe oysler ttlouer Was s<ti. -I
as a u.--I egg for oM age. sU-kand Ice rirwm anil eake In (he afiriiess. btsK of enndtiymrvil, nr
A dellg-b'ful Itnio wa.s-etijtiye.:
by alb'
geodes that all are suliji-ei to.
Wlib ouly one'dollar you caa
Annual Mvetlng.
Mart a Stavlnes arrount n-tih ns-.
The anpual meeting of tlie Eat i Pay
Wo |iay Ibrxe per cent interest,
LumlH-r Companv will be lit-lil In iVe
dtnipoiinili-tl twice a y.yar. nr II
office of William MUrbeil.
deslri'.l, we will issue iniert-ti
Ingloo etreel. Traverse O
bearing certlBcaies at the same
gan. at ten o'clock, on Moi
ary 1st. l»t;.
......... E. Hahan. President.
D Mllchell.-Svctctary.



minter meatber
Is very ranch harder on leather than any other season
of the yea?. Water is always bad on* shoes, but is no
comparison to snow, especially wet snow.

Be Careful
In selecting your shoes to see. that the quality is in
them—TO see that the leather has been properly tan­
ned; to see that every' little detail about them has
been considered in the construction, in order that they
will stand the winter wear. Our winter shoesare made
to stand any weather.

OMnler Shoes


Made oi genuine cslfskin. for Mrn.
ttt'omnn and Chililivii. will -keep
onl the wcL



A Splendid Start for 1906 Buyers
This is a pre-inventorj-clean-up on all odd lots, short ends, broken tines,
etc., throughout the store. Everything under these heads have been marked at
a price that makes the buying of good soasonahle merchandise tempting enough
to suit the most exacting bargain hunter.

All Dress Goods and Silks ^
One-Third to One-Half Off
in short lengths and odd pieces are marked at

This means in many cases that you can buy whole dress paticms and in
nearly every case Waist Patterns and Children's Dress Patterns ai.a fraction of
t their worth.
There arc splendid bargains in short lengths of Table Linen, odd Napkins;
broken lots and discontinued lines of underwear. In fact evcryibhig'MMi.^o not
want to inventory or carry another season is being ctoseit out at very mailed
price reductions. A little delay on your pao may mean that another has se­
cured the bargain that would have suited you best.

The Woman with $r to $15
Can secure the best Cloak Bargain she has seen for many a day. Should her
price limit be higher than that the reductions arc even greater; but in every
case they arc the greatest values, we ever ofTcred. The most convincing argu­
ment is the garments themselves.
SS.50 and SD coats for................. $6 75 > $15 and $1650 coats for..........7 $13.00
$1-2 »nd S15coais tor..........
| $is a„d
$15 to $18 coats for.................... SPl <0
f f $25 to $28 coats for............ $20.00 $:«) to $37.50 coats for................ $26X10
AU Suiis.........ONE-THIRD OjpF $50 coats for................................ $'27.50
$10 coats/ black and mixtures, ^
j Some exceptional ofteriDgi in Colored
for,../..................................... -$7,501

This Siic Beean Last Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, and will Last Two Weeks.

...TO TRY OUR...

lYory Wood Fibre Plaster
The newest. latest, easiest to handle and best plaster
that is on the market. Does not require the old way
of preparing. It is put up in eighty pound sacks and
therefore is easier handled. If you have a three or
twelve room house to plaster it Is just the thing. If
you have only a small patch to put on- It Is just the


Fill and Tell Cliitl
Shoos Are the ideal winter foot­
wear. Sju-x-iol prici-8 now,

6eod Rubbers
Pt-nplc hare udd US tbut wo
acll tbi- Inrit Hnl.Wrs ii.
Tftivrrse City. Ciio tLinit
sure, wv bnv t!io Ix-pl liraii-!a
to be had. '

Caatbar Cana, SI.9SlaS3.S0
.Wt Bm a Tm Baiualaa fa Baibtr TiHaiar

I ^irnKmumHi

Use tight clean box about 3x7. raised about six inch­
es at one end. Dump plaster in raised end and water
in lower end. Hoe plaster gradually into water, al­
lowing It to thoroughly to absorb same for about ten
minutes. Guage to proper consistency, apply in usual
way, using trowel rod and darby.

Do not rotemper mortar after It has once been set.
Give It a trial and be convinced of its superior mei<it8.




G. RaroB and rastHy spent Cbri«i
Be.ri McPherson Is out fto*
n and sifo aiicndsd the d
mas In Traverse City.
(or the tcHua.v*.
I urda.v- eveglng a; Slate-'s
I'l in
Ura. H. MeCuatbs and ber father did
II -I Traverse City
ged mnrned
Mr. and
M-*. Ctaode Hammood-I
cKurned 'St
ibHr CfarlsGBU shopping in Traverae spenl .Ghrislmas vrith
Mr*. 1->a»cN'
Hr. and Mrs Ralph Knapp of Trav
WUiam* of Mestok.
;• irrye City are tpendlBp Now Yrar
Mr and Mrs N. We.t<* o' Grand
Hr. aod Ura BItteluw went to £l4egj with Gv«rge io>x aodTam^.'
Id-Jgc have tywa vlsltlag her parent
Bigelows fof Ctarlt-ma*.
] Jan. l.
' .
Mr. and Mrs. K. DavU. Mr. WHls w«
The -ilorkor and Miller tamdief bad
borne last Thursday, but Mrs. Wei
will remain n-ml after New Yrar'a
Hertile Davis •< homo from UUm
r. and Mrs. Goo-.irieb and Ur.
xa. when- he spent thi- summer. B
- .MeClnn apoet Chnstraas,
ko* the cniiatry there. '* ‘
«D;ley and wife'easi of Shun
Mrs. Robertson vlriied her daatft
■ \an Bpp oiftdri* were
trs Emma aod Celia last week.
' "dToty moeh please- Guonn- Drake rje-nt a f<-w da.ra last
e Saoti
«-k slHi iU coiisms here. '
Mr. and Mrs. Haines are vUHIng-ro<Livra lu Midland.
Mr, Shlillcr and C. CAnulc have or®,
-arli-d over ihrve ibodNand bushels u'
|H«s for the Lvotxard Seed C«>: Mr.
Bblndler. has gono l» Eli: Rarilds to
cnnl'raet then- and Mr tlsniiie will
oversee the nehiodlog of the car.:; lh!<
we<* at New WeutfortI and KhrUu
P. ClereUnd win buy jniUloer
Karlin this week.
E. Davis hae a I-uniWrliic Job of
M. Ward of ManlDio-. K. Kllnknei
doing (t:a KkMdIsg.
T!ur.-wa*n».i> >,.fet-«.Xul aurpri
Ortle Howard purebared a'ni-Vt
ter ln*i seekn. b. mak
Mrs. rhampioo hi> n new rang-'.-ir talU al
F. HoiranI and family tisifed
Mrr. JiihBsunv" >o»Ie.-i'ry.
Ire. Clismplon. had
-r from tfi*-ir sou |i
rdny iiirhi and n
tarn in I'sHforcia for

Grand Traverse Region.

ttafcMlng.Vhlv«rii« nti
Of agBo asd malaria can be reUer^
md eored with Oectric BlRen. This
. lode medkloe

(amUr. reiorn
MM tM l«U to UM. .
Ura, Oeorcr Doner and Ititte daosh•BC* fMNt meh um
« Harstd
o«ko net ter of Gles Lake perprbere Tbondar
lat«r thM TMadty a*^ or otth *
calllag oa frieada,
Ur. aad lira. Pred Flaber apenl thHr
Chrinnas is Empire with the parenu
of Mrs, Plsber, Ur, aod Ura, Uowrfe
aod eamUr.
UKIc Verlan SleveoB, who atleodii
school Is Traeene Cliy. is berv risliMr, moo jcra. rrra atvtj hbtc su
tSK bln moibcr, grandparcau aod oth­
■ ShcrtOiD to *p«ia New Tcer’e.
er relative*.
Will OevMD hM cone
TbMefO of the aehoot chlldreo «arIlMT lake
prlred ibeir teaebera. Mr. and Mrs.
lira, YooBC aod Bert weet'V Tn
linmhriilo, Cbrldmas night aod |irt«e Cltr 8M»rt*r,
aenled ibent with a verr e'ro china
Hrteo WWm bos ratunied fn
cracker dl*h and ebcese plate,- and
Traverat <BV, where cbe iw» Mta t
spent tie csening wlib mtislc and
MnBlnR, Tbr>- were treat<-d wbh pr>le
corn and thanked for Ibelr dellgbiftil

J, U Reddr'* failier I* here for a vlswllb bis non and famllv.
Arther While narted for Laatlo
The old whoolburM- Im-II t
thi* monilM.
placfd In the jitr* eehoolbotiiu
P. A-DMoMdirifej
hot wa* made itseful frtim ibc
a ladr Mnd’froo Nortliport.
pest until iBsl Friilsy, wIh.-ii the iy-ho»l
~ Ic for Ben 5noday iroi
oinceni liniKtPd s nice iii-w fOii pminrt
n at the C
to it* plaee in Ibu U-lfry. whicli
There wa* a very targe atiendanet;
OhrUlBae Iti Northpon. Tb<7 are noo
I (be pOTcnr l>all lii Haj'K ball laiti
catertaiaBx her bruiher, Mr, Purklu. night and a grand -good lime was ettThe W, if-HkfoHol)'or^ioir or ttc-ConcT! Joyo«l by ovoTone. A majority
of the
Last Thursday ar Mr* W. ft nigim
ladles were
, ifreM
Ireued aocordias ti< the
nilc. and looked
lonkiil fine In their nratl.v ws* Ivlng on the sofa .sU- ber.rd tl:-.
nfoliRrs; PrmUpi,
made calico dVussvs and ablic ajiruns. MtOIlJ irf ta'JI« aiet |ri|l.i-<l -1.UI Iil'-I
AIUagtDD;'r1oe presJdeoI, Utr. PIsfaer.
• weT>- si* rim- tlte-»* and a era*-I
1- i™
>Uy Lady Maeeabee frii-ods wb->
H .Wheal k^italtipe
planned this surprise for her. A
A. happy New Year to the rdllor knd very plra-uini time «-ns enJoye-1 by ai'. atit;n.-.l
She *a» jtrt-M.-elcd v.ith (".me loveiv
4~...l .n.-.l— I. «.ftl (,

all Herald readers.
' I Tfii' sH W.-.-VS- .-l.l clill.l . f Mr nrd
liken ef ime and appn-Cbitstmas, with alL Its fesilvltles,: lirusenls *» a Uikwas enjoyed hy all. The exerrlses a-; elation In whirh
Ansi.- radium nod ElKv.-i-rt1.
home from the town hall Chrisims* .-ve wennillm:.u ..1 tV-lar «t-ii(-.i ai'Farr*nr>
•pend Ihe brrildara.
very good. The sUr drill and noilon
Joeal ebnreb bi-ld lt> Bong were espedaUr enjuyed by all.
i'e“^ F.
eetlne at the ebureb
lil with ap
gaiitv 'I
Clyde Canute acted as Santa'CIbu.«
Hamosjr and t
and caused• a roar of laughter as be canaol be ennuch said in _ .
Jan..j. •
fliled the
>w of slookines. ou the
'S're"ud for
fW aa foBowa; Clerk asd (reaaerer.
as a pretty Chrlmmaii ax^k
WillHe. a OUe; dMcona, R. plBbcr. P. H.
e hofae o' Mr. and Mrs: K
pttd I.t-n'.l'mlor Santi
. fiarta a a Cate; Iniitoea. X. W. liar- ocloek, when thi-lr sou
Tf«*toq. a Plaher. P. Hh Of Til,
le PUTTisge to GerPaigi.
. aemm. •^e. Forward
ilr daugbicr of Mr.
15 ;<■'•
pastor IM Ip in laprcaMvo
a Mrs Monde*. Hov. Holme* pet•d the ceremony. They wer *fv7sUH
d hy Miss Ada Wilson and Clvd~
le. Mrs. BIggar pla.vod ibe aei.. raareb. After congraiulalhnis the
company sat down to a l>oiinllful din.
ner constsUng of roast-turkr-.- and all
Laneard Brlekson
weal to South Its aeconuianlmcnU a-d all klnd-< of
Vaollog last week to visit bis moiber. wedding dainties. I>3uls and Gertie'
avide’^frl’K ’**' Vog'^k a*^d‘'uife'Jd'jw'Wu..-.t-.L-S;-. '’•‘’'-“'‘''-’’'•V
Mr*, OU-son. after a tisie of ala.
wishes of a host of;
here with her aon Charles and;


• onra ■W'TO aooui ngmocti Boonle .

I Mrv. .A-lais




ijl j.uUiTlI


Tliorv is a ndonn movemeat oa foot


that aedby I
ktased him MBoe
F.-bruary may derive same eoBSOlatinn.—i'rqia-aler New*.
Her Beaitay.
xl, -of IMK W. 3fUi 8t_
Ime bad her boaalr. wdl.-d with skin
tiwobk-. She wrticf
wf- '
rheum or eciema for y'cara.
,----- .........g aould cur.- It. UBIII I used
noj .Burki.-n-r-iAnilca Salve." A quick and
ran- lieak-r fur culs, burn* and aorca.
JSC at Jiduoui. Drug Sion- Co •*, F. HMrads and S. E Wait A Sons’ drug



It-ha* Wn (Hsrovrrrd that tobacco
cas he sai-Cssf.iliy rals^ laMArseDtl
uhveh is foimd In the viotainy of bis

tJeriha Ran.
IJItiaii II->nao. Tvarhee.




Te*_ widtos: 'My brother was vety
: Hiw wiin malarial fever a
Ji1< be took Oe^ 8111^ which ■
d hU life. At Jobnsoa Drug store
Travfw Clty.on bustnes* TBrcds.v. Co.s.-h.......................................
1. F. H. Mrads and _ E. Walt A
(•'V Sues- drug tiorea; price SOc. guaran-


I « I «««•*«««< 4 t t I I I If I < f f f • • r




^ '(tv>mpooiit!(al muii


aunnaltf) iillowcd

1,. .







t I t I I t t t f tt t f I t t t » I tl • I I t I I I •

We are now right in the middle of our annual inventory and by next issue of this paper wo will have UNHEARD OF FURNITURE BARGAINS to offer to
the people. Inventory always brings to our notice hundreds of dollars’worth of merchandise that we are desirous of closing out.

has made such a reputation for itself that hundreds^of people are waiting ready to take advantage of the low prices. Watch this space next week.



• F..r a

Foe ft larKeRm roll­

bt uvy

er joMt like eat; yon




dujpr oftae or

oan^ hftve



I Sideboards, up from..................$15.00

full six*.-, w.-ll nia.le ,(’o»u-L.


ill «.H«l .L'fti'Ji- .vokmr,

Buliil frailty anti .trooj

<-liiilMt[;. <-v;ory


. infrom

ebt-aja-st lo the vcr.v la-gi.


We are

■horiftg hnndreds ^


olb» style nckera ai

Fitt a K»od solid


Chair, lock n.1jasbible t« any

t wo


piecv- ciisbioo,





to$i r..r. Our assort.

Uio marki-i's bt*

mont »f 'lam|«s om-





Music Cabinets, up from.......


Dining Tables, up from.........



braecs I-vi-ry t Ii i n s



Parlor Stands.................................


Odd Dressers, up from .........



17 .->0. iiicImlinK



Parlor Cabinets, mahogany.
up from -..................................

Dining Chairs, up from..........

a lauip as oih.-r di-al-

Ih-nriiij: cjiatois,

Ladles* Desks, up from-....... .j.

lor I.amp. jlisi sui-ii

tnonuKv] on IkiII

m^oftad braced, high embossed bm k,
cobbler softt

will buy a iti.-f

Comb. Desks, up from-v--...-.. 12.00


.nial;i-:in c-liTl-iiil prificiit.
It will U*
a plrasiifi- in aboB- you the liitc.


Buffets, up from............. ........... 12.00


nUii-rs up to

30x72 inch Rugs, up frbrh........


Carpet Sweepers, up from......


tin- ' .•|ii-a|t«-*t

L^bl iaiiip UI>.'



Sleds, Shooflies. iDolI Cabs and Toys


Wifi biiyom of these t-1. -

Fhr ft bosntifol Ur^ Rc«d Borkcr,

BAnt S.-btMii Rtv-kv-rs. seat

just like ent, well mode awl fin.

and base entirely St-pintU'

ishod in sfadlap.

f»m eai-h olb.-r. i.'usran.

Wo hare a laise

of these Red rodm
to ebooso frao.

lewl steel spriujre.


will make ati-e-ecdut t-ift
an-1 is aonieibinp that will
Iw- apinecialevl for'years. •



For Q


i|C£;;!r -


ijdarti-r Eaw<-1. luuid
p-lish.dAre, K-r kc-r.
hbais-d roil ^at. nil



-tri-t.lier-' turned,
lini'l-cl ill the latest
pj'..K-a oik.

A chair

that .wiiriasialife-

i' ^ 1^^"

vitb every porcb^- of
Wc will (pvc ftway
giiiit $:j.00 combina­
tion game board. Get
yoon before they arc
ftll cone.



J. AA/w



which it betos oWpped by the Thomat
MoeBrldeLomberCo. Tbe Blatn Lumber Oo.'* Ins*, t
e~ «f Mr nJD*. towtei
freely morUur fro mUelr TM H >ob.
Tbe Thomat HacBrlde Lomber eo
ptMM UtoaoUee.
paay't mill to nearly ready for aawtos.
Their head sawyer. Hr. Adam*, ba*
tost arrired from MtandfotA
Mr. Otooe ef CadOtee to the naM
company baa orer four million feet of
Mr. Md Mi*. Ch«i. Netoon Md fMil . hardwood enimscd. muck of which
Wllltom 'Ptdce >p«Bl m few day* of BOW skidded and acHed to tbe woo
tkU wMk wlUi retailTci Md frtoadilii Oeorte Tuttle |t a buar man and
Tnrorae CUy.
way* hat a acHe rule within bit reach.
Vatek Jneetlu wu taM at tb* I
Ander*an A Bwantton. lomberi
dtoa cboirk oo Saaday eeeiitas.
have boosbl tbe.Daniel Dake mRl
Ctor«M» Soeti. wbo bM bM* lU.
timber and a beaey stock of loss
be put In for next aarnmef* cut. The**lZr’M?Mra. Fred najto of tm
mill will not tUrt until aprins at It
aiy tpeoi a few day* of thla
win nadersD enenalve repair*.
Froapeclt for Ibe town are 0
beat. A dry «ood* atom with a beary
stock I* needed; alto a sood fumUurc

NoimtMirr ovAitTMCNT.


Next woek It tic week of prayer,
tbe T. P. B. C. B. wUI sive aa <
toerteaioe aodal free of eharce •>
Ooopecatlotta] cbarck oa
•taalag. Jaa. Mb. All are cordially
wited to attead. A procraa will
Mren aad a plaaouti eeealac It
**Mtoi^AMle Netooa
frteadi at btoAotae ea Boaday e»ea-

Roy Tbwaa, aceniaiiMled by 1
Hater. Breata. are bomf from Olii

o Ibelr borne
with relatlye*

«f H?

llton Humpteh la tbe foeti
d Hra. Pred Dar> of HmIo

Hlae Haito Bardie has returned
tram a eUlt at bar borne at FUe Lake.
MUa«odUe Radford It on the ak
**%r.'aad Ur*. John Banbore ai
tally of TVaTeree Clir are TtalUns
«taadi in town. Hr. and Hrt. Baohraa are well known here, bartne reHded In ibto plaee tor a number nt
Mias Hand Prebit baa mused to
ker boar in ihk tdaee
Rae. Hurlbnt aad Jrifa apeet a few
days of tbit week in TrsTerae City.
A aerprlne party waa ilvea la bon­
er of«r. and Hr*. U R. Peck on Batsrday-weontti. BafmlimaiU were

Hr. and Hra. Q. H. Dame apent Honday In Tr*Ter*e City,
Ur. aad Ur*. C. a KeU ipeni Mon­
day la TtBTatne City.
Peter Wurtburi ^eel Moadai
Traveraa (Jliy.

Hr*. Kmtdaoo. aeeaopaatad by ber
Hater and niece, toe* a trip to Tisverao aiy tbit week. .
BenicM will be held both me
aad erealm In the fntnre in tht H. S.
Hra Buihnell to Ike cueat of ber
dnstkaer. Hr*. WUItom Tbomaa
A New Year's dance will bo siren
U (be town ball oa Monday vrenlae.
. Bnppcr win be tarred.
Hlaa Brama Baitb bat ehiaed ber
acbool at Btoiwood and to enjoyln* her
_._or of f-,
. New Tisrb <
■- frtenda A pi

II eroninf! waa apeel.

The aaw mUl besaa the wiater's rnn
today and there
hauling log* now.
Harry Cray bad the misfortune U>
rut taU hand quite badly at his ahtagle
rain. He completed cntllog the Umber
on hand Monday.

l«h woi.
jrreo Fo»uT bax-e
removed to the Hodge neigbborbood
> siH-nd Ihe winter with Mr*. Puelcf's
unher. Mr*. Paul Sayers.
Mr. Davis from the Nickerson neigh­
Mr. Bert Mimroe to on tbe *lck
borhood bat recently, moved Into ilk
filM Bbel William* relumed l>
ho-j»e lately xraemled by Thu». Vi'bah-'
A00I Salurday, after a week’s
iert Hopkins and other rel.
rnyoytog a visit from ber sli
Hr. and Mnl. t
ter. Mrs. Johnson and family, irf Kals■Ssoo.
_(loed Mr. and k.
The Christmas tree wa* bearlly
their dauskter Bln
.Will Prenike at No
den as iwual and a gxiodly ailtuidLottie Mrtarpt »
xer etaii'ied the program, eun.i.ling
of aualf, rertlailon. and n caninu by
Carrie.______ __
FrMay afternoon.
urr James and fnmlly niid Mrx.
- Charles Cederttene bat reticned bto
nk Snyer* npeol neveral dtys at
poalikn at poatmaster here. Hr*. Copi-mlxh wllb the ladles' sister. Mrs.
Henry Rose, al whose home ihere wa*
a family reonian Chrisima* day:

Jeaale Roamaa
tbe cue*! of Hr*, mak Itorlt Wedbeadar aad Thorvday.
, HIM noreaee Bfaaldoe of BaalL 814
Marie, wbo It well knowa aad
■aay friendt la ttaU place. U a«
nett of Hr. aad Hrt. W. Steele aad
Jotie DaLoas aad
________ « fMaU of^^elr Hfter.
. P. DarK tbU week and aOeodwl
MaaoBle baaattec Tboy were ar MUt RoBBM ef Leland.
• Woolaey
— •
•la Tltlilna at
Hlaa PnaeU
ker old boaae. Oolden Rod fana.
ly to a
Dr. Mctf^I of Tr*»e»«a City
Ut wife, wbo la
vtoitUs relaUve* and^..
to thla teen___
*c atj
Mia* Uaiy Olaoa «( '
Ben WUtoQ told Charley
IB tbli
Cbrlflmaa at ber
aptei■ CbrUiraaa
- •
wHh rHallTM '
Hra. Mllllk
IHac reUtiTC
Hr*, i. Bteeeni It III at tbU wrllinf.
Hr*. Chat. Pwier called on Hr*: Ray
Mr*. Worden to apebdUS her racaLewla Tburvday afiernnon.
tloB at Lake Ann.
Harolcl Bontisa nf Empire lx tI*Ii.
Hi*. Hooie. wbo baa beaa III.
ta^ at U. C. PellenslU-t and U T.


If aajime comes oat asJ.
aaeagb to took areasd aad
get BcqoUn'ed wKh the place, they
will not be toelloM to raiure, but If
they come hare IhiafciBg that evasybody to gotog to tot dm toe ttai
and that they can pick (old oE the
siieett. tfaey wfU be badly mUtaken.
ri everywhere we• go. tbe m
and thto p
^Mre. John Roberu It eatartatolai
her niece nf Tmversa City this wee; ao earepUoa. bat wage* are better and
Prank Wtlioa was down frato Tt*v the people tueo to be more tattoAed
with themselves and everyone x-toe.
me City yesterday, enjoins a bool.
Mias Anas Johnson.
Bntiaid. Vast.. Box C14.

for the sW cf one «rbo proUcted them
as has aa ttreas>b wonid permit. We
abHI mto* Fred, aad If anyoae da­
re* a reward tor has. patient
log and ibonjriUtolneas for Mb
will receive It. Tbe fuaeiAl
d from tbe Oerman Lntbemn
eburcb Snnday aad was largely attend-


lUes of L K. and Arch
I. of Trai erae Clly and Fmnk Glbli. <if ihiv
ptoee al Chrixima* dinner.
Miss Marian Gibb* to at home trou
Olivet collece for Ibe bullilay raeailoii.
Mrs. Jennie Holliday has returned
to ber poslilon al Tmversi- City, after
rinillng relative* here and at other
Mr. and Hr*. John Seely and time
daughter of Wexford xdslted Mr*.
yyanrU Thomiiiao and family a few
(laj * at Christmas.
Hr. and Mrs. George Pepler attend,
ed tbe wedding of Tom Pepler to Mlx<
Tbe LadiM' Aid abcicty. wUI have filbert to the Chandler nrigbUorhood
their qnlli drawtne and brown mipper
-lay nlabt. Jan. lit. I»M. u tbe

e to Trave
Ur- and Mr*. Joseph Forum Were
d At the family circle New Year'*
The acbool in the
ere, they hxwrd .sbpnilnR anrl jlngllug
trim It elated far one
Tbe leacber, Mr*. Rou Armtlrons. to of bells. It was a large sleigh load,
the Bdranre gnard of a surprise parl.v.
Soon from all directions they came.
hen all arrired they found tbe sur. Ise party ninstolied of over Bfty
Hush Lalondr waa to Tnrvne Cli> neighbor* and friends from Traverse
CItx-. singing and tripping Ihe light
fautasilc toe wen- IwtuIgiNl in and '
fine spread was given the guest*.
- 1 they did ample JusOec. . Tht
the flrw eve of I9M *p.-ni
Louto ManliroM wa* a builne** eall-

mll city tetni^y.
Lerey Haxam west to Fife Lake
faortday noon. He bt* a poaltlon a*
iHiler to Ibe new bank there.
HIn Alice Abboit left Baturday tor
Grand RapUt, where the expecu :o
•pnad tereral montbs to a buttoea
J. AiupBck wax In Bonih Boardmai
0 bnatoaaa Thumday.
MIta Edna Schell baa realsoed ber
.potlllnB 00 Che Ktostley Echo aufl
and win retieee Ihe local tel«.h«ie
Sirt. Hla* Ruth Jackeoo. durlns a
three pa-ek*' vacailoa.
Mr. and Mm. W. S. Rtrbpw of mpemlRh were to town yesterday
iDi: frieod*.
Jobn Spidle wa* down from Tmrr»e CllT la»l week.
Hr. Campbell was
from Haalon Frida?.
Wesley Cole of Benrton wa* callins
1 Klnssiey friend* lazi week.
Hm. J. AnapaCb wa* Is Uaninn Sat­
Cka*. W00.I 1* enlerlatolsc hi.
brother Oeinre of Blanchard.
Howard Weheler relumed ymterdn;
from aa cztendtxl rialt to eoutheri
Im Matebett returned to school a
Big Rapid* yesierday.
John Huff arrired
Ohio, called here by tbe death of bto
brother Fred.
Mr. and Mrs. Sage Ryan were here
om Tmrerse Clly tn attend Ihe
ittoml of Ihe toiler'* brother, Fred

to town.
Tbe followliiA officer* were Heclod
. tor tbe yuar to the Coiifrc«altontl
Bandky aehool;
Beerotarr. Har«toi>
JdAnaon; Iraaauer, Eoyal {Uselow;
tfbtsrtoa. Cbule* Deny; orfanltl.
Bdaa Bramen; cborUier. Hra. B.
Cha*. Bmith. cashier of tbe Bank of
mnsaley, spent
Willard Wwraburs retimed to Bis
Rapidt Monday.
Many from Summit City
Qatar Olaon retnmtd to hit
tbe dance given hy J. H. t
H OadUtoc Monday.
evening. Slily-foiir
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell aW dausb- hi* hall,
ter LMoro left Monday for a Hiort tk-kets were sold and all report a good
D. E. Wynkoop calle.
*^Hr. aad Mm. I. L. Dame entenatoid
Mm. B. Daiae. Mm. Wumburi and Tmveree City yoatentoy.
RUe Bell. Grant RoUo and Orville
tally. Hr. L eoBt. Mr. and Hrt. D
Mm. Oacar Uami- and Ml** ^rl Rouse were esllert al the coui
Hr. and Mrs.. A. W. Orerboll
Tmv.w City Sunday to vii

Martin’s a' Itost Heed New Vear'n
ere. Thi-re. was a largo ailendanec
enjoyable Ume vm* bad.
Mr*. Louto Aibsllc hagone ID Ann Arbor. Mr. Atnslfe we
there for treatment.
Bdsrto Black, our supervisor, to artlog as township treasurer tlurini '
sbM-nce of Ural* Alnstli-.
Henry Counade, who U -spending
Ihe winter In Texas, writes home '
they hare a' dWIghifuI rllmale i
and (Cvory day he enjoys dally walks,
enjoying the balmy Air (bat 'would
mean summer lo n* In this reg)<>n
sey A
A nomine have sold Ihe I .
the 40 ailier n-eently pur-tnde. 10 Ibe ba».- . ..
.jnve ihree'gnnr
of an»-y<T*. One gang. Frt-d Walke
an<. Henry Rtvlihaiipl. on New Year
morning rut an elm iivx- that had 5
log* In It that «ale.i uver (.iwxi fi*They, faavv over JOii.uou fe.-t 00 ih
nkld^ and a* *<iun ** s’f Itiive good
Klelghiag they will employ a Isrpe
number of team* on ihe haul. Th.-y
have a good road. whlrhAnt'ank a gxssJ
deal for the haulers
John N. Counade Is going In gel wit
ime hardwood loge; also Priry Boy


While (he merry Cbrfalmns bellx!
were- rtogtag their glad tiding* of great I
Joy a quiet rempany gathered at the
home of J. H Rank, one mile cast of;
lirawD. to surprise and bid farewell to
Chauneev B Roiigh
Mr. EuBk, who came from Indtooji
Iwcnty-ooe moatfas ago, -bad Cbauscey :
bid good-bye to bto bum« friend* and 1
romo to the nurlbland to aid him la
hi* aeinma work. He fame to Sej-!
iMDber and set Chrisima* as hi* bmli |
of stay.
Chauiio-y wa* eailly'eoaied 10 rtoll {
at the home tif Mr M'sr-en In the;
sr-ernooii. and during ' hi* nbx-nc.’:
twenty of liU frit-nd* gathered at ll
home to surprise him on bit return
Well, be wa* rtmlly surprlsmade a quirk aseeor npMalr*
mrb aod drilxmaniie
h ; wo-king -garb

There to* story of *a old tody wbo asdeapshateb of mince sad apple ptoa.
Wtsfaiat to be able todisu^uh oec kind from the other she marked-tb*
mince pws T M <»r " t>. ib'ik» " and -the app>a
pimT m for " taint mince,Tbe bsker'i mark* oa tbe Oritinnry taa H
bakerr pruducU arc of liale more valne lot jme
piwcxof idrnUMatkm than the mack* oa theuU
tody', J,


tmlHZ*Z Uaa»dtma>* ihsi rraUy ideatto
fin—that enibln xoa to distinguish the wetid't
best hskiog—dm Bucah. Crackers and M'tfct*
msdcl'xxbeNATION^.filkCUn' COMPANYThis tnde pisrk appennog in red and white eta
each end of a pscfcagcgwanicrxibecnnlcdtsu he

Ihe company reilrrd
«lii-re the rouag folk* gaitured ixiund
'be (irgan.‘wltb Mis* Margaret MeIniosh as mustrlan. smi sang fur half
Caiqo, lutl, h»«A
Pnsssaitig the rich.
ao hour. Before adJiHirnlg. Ihe taxsritlMhcfia.oi.dlhe
tor. Rev. Brnanrll. read a rbapler
to imuh tavoi wah
auiit llsrer ri
from the Bible and leid In prayer.
irfimhing lntvo*i. A
ihokcwrho want
Everyone w-etned 10 ,<wjx!y llu-ir
any gnhsm rufisn
selves and apprxs-iate every effort of
the family to make the evening a*
pleasant a* possible. ,
CbauDcey. during bit. three myatito
may In Michigan, ha* - won by bto
pleasant smiles and agreeable sssoclailun*. many friends who will into<
him to ebureh. Iregue. aad Sunday
whiKil *-rvlre».
Those present at lh<- evening gtlhering wen- Rex. Hniwoell and wife.
Mtose* Margaret and Hay Melatush.
Henry Sark.ti, Hiram Warren and
wife. H. Sheehan aad wife. J. StVan-tii Kalamaxno. charged with Ibe
id >-11 1
Banklny CommUtlonv-r Moore sn-;.
e bride:
antl wife, Wni. Wine and wife. PremIre
of a largi- turkey from the Maximil?.ln«iii1e.Hl that diiH"u ihe dx-*1
Wine. Baloma Wnrrew, b>«i Warren
J H. Sheehan, James llodrrlck and
gruevry siwe. The turkey had
Muh; '
Blekler aod famllx. laid.-Itneu drum'
U'slle Vaaee
gone liut Afteeo nilnule* when ll
elibi-r of a siat<-ur aa'liutal t'aiik
Mr. and Mr>- Bouche. b -auUfiil (r
was mtomxl. and Mr. Maxwell went lo
The y«Er ba* I
I'exl spread from Mr an
Rtal Eatatc Teanttore.
MUben. china sugar Isiwl
ptMS|.-rou* to rhe htoiorj 'tii tbe louix- ; Maiv.-l*'* home. Ho (ouad the lorkey
Willard II iQdrod and wife lo Chss. frxan Mr, and Mr*. Jamb
Inc liustoess- The male bank* In Midi alnmiiy dressed and to a Urge wash
. Turner. ** ■, of seto. sec. J«. town
range A.,
L Counad... .me oak nsrker fr-un J. :
Mr*. fSTIu nitmore
1. C. CJI- rid. MIIlKK^ and Gixirve •Engltnd.-r,. a! banks «. a toial of 373 and a gala j but sal^ he bad b«>pod to fa»re the
•en. K.hl acre* of uS oC
shrx-t* and piliuw c-axe* from Mr. andju,
„rganli'-d during Ihe year. The • bird *<• far cuoked before tbe officers
oww 2T. range is
«f 'he»e bABkx'ri* or.T j arrived that ll ctwild out be idcUlfied.
Mr*. F- E. Wyatt <1 Goo. E. Cole­
ie*"^«m* frum .'dr!'aaril^!',^ *.M ^
hlgbwaymaa balled Mrs
ad wife to IrvlDg Trow- Pulie.-. eraeker Jar from IHrx. lag the year. TIk-dafktoli* aggregsie 1
A 1). C'lril* aad
'ridke. wto
seU, sec. 31. luirh Ifi.
" »:’.M.3ii.«H.'.
her raliiables.
ange II.
- ,
Julios T. Ilahnnh. ei «J. to Fkiyd U Uil Mrs. I*ni \V<-n*. cak^.plate from j
horse she wa* driving bereme frlHil1-1
d.-po»ltor» ll
imlih. iMs.l and
bktek *. P. H.'- Carrie AakrrM.n. gls»* wat.-r *el
en. knocked the desperedo doan, and
tray trotn Mr anil Mr*. Waller
r F.-l- Iyenr.
bimaelr the lady
ter. china ei-l.-ry di*h.
ullfullv ilri-j
: ■nira
ElOMT Maiv.ds. clury.', »•« arri-*.- wa* tafe out of hit reach.
uraietl. from Mr. and.............................
1 Mr*. F. fiulur;'
I -.
Iwauilful trull jUalv fium
fJmel-ergiT. a niee tors I- liedvprMiil
e Sbiig. imn-els. 1 ' ^1 ®i
> -xatoti
itige S.
Jno, Mnier. el *1.
etal . .
Icr. parcel*.
Mr*. Paul Klee, sllrer
Ijab Ponkr. ei al to CalrJn O. G|ii bui'er kni
son. lot* tl Bhd II, block 3. r. II X CJi
Floyd 1. Smith and wifo lo Wm.
Msri'ia'.'Shorii-r, * linen ' i*iw**-|.
routs lax-, lot
Muck C. H., L. A
Mix* Nellie Itodcllffe.
.!•' Irom Mr.. Han--x and dsugliWm A Alcook and wife to Frank
•Id Mr. Ed Kr..ui-b. t*nr> ola'. l Smjm
. Schulte. UX4, M-c. Art, town IT. rang.-Mb* Maggk- Fur'oo. chlDB b-rry I



Butter tlun





*' ”™“

■' ““

Start ihe New Tear


See the World
As Others See it

Birney J. Morgan anil wlf.- lo Whi.Im-I 'f7i'm*Thef.ll..^""K.u^
. Alco.*. Jto *.-e- .Tfi. town IT, ranc-i y.-j-.-r, ,.-I iff .liver mix.-, ai.d lurk, i
'from John and Juxeph Hufai.-i', bea-i j
IHii! la*.- Iruni, Mix* Bi-rtha Sieward.f
to-d > from Mix* Wa »3key. gtax. [
. C^ix. J. xauri- iji.ii fri.m .(fthur S"-ward. natail |
to.wl IriKn KipA and T.inv Tn-malne
U-auitlul Scih Tlii.iua. Hm-k from
Henry aad I..*- Canu-m. r. tVilllam:
RadcllfTe and Will Uriel, frail dlxh.
Trivm Mie* E.IIH1 vrik.x, *aUd Im.sI'
Hojaehold Will from Mr. and Ur-* l'::ilip Felgi r. lean .
lifiil purkir lamp from Ctiarl.-* Rlk.-i.
tan, ? ehlua from U.xi *inl Vma Van
ib rllp, eliln*

Are Yoq Color to Nerlect Yonr Eyes Aaotber Year?

It li.-v* ailoweii your wuak eyt* to grow

we^er; thnoii r®.

peat.xl lii-atlacbe* continue lo wreck your oerrooa gyitem:
crmik, treaker, wi«k«st baa bem the story.

feel of hemlock li«s 10 the KriBjr |jim xofferi-r |rinli'vrCo.
ffri-ai change
•r"“‘|Geo. I’eppli-r ln>ni Wayn-W
Nniban Luenx Is gx-iiing out retlar wlirpn.w- romtnOlng
I . Thittna* IVppl.-r to
known ®n.l;
1(1 pine for tbe Traverse Clly Lum- to'.!"
Trkv.-r*.- City riader*.
has a tim' o| fri.-ud* In ihi. xiHuiix.
. A. Merrill, of «3l _\v.-l
The lul.le Is also well k' anil :ox'’d
t, **?>• "I xoffiTrid from ailacK* ...
of Urkarhe for *lxt.-en*. and Ju.i 1
pr.'vloii* lo laking fkaa's Kidney Pill..
i'lara-"uiT ilfT^'d wMu
Ihe imiilil.'
irmilil.- Itu'came
Ballartl. Wash,. Dee. Sfi. fti.

Edltor Grand Trax.-rse Hereld1
r Xiiller.d mi I- my'life a- 1 di.i:
would like lo give xou a few xlmple
lUTxoiisne.., ma-iacni-x.
hia-lachi-x. and uti.
ml. '
............ ..
tori* about Ibe rlty of naJIard. where
I make my borne.
Ballard I* a city of slxtex-n Ihousaii-I
people, situated on Salmon baj. and strengthened me and romoved ihe dlxtxmnericd with Seaitle wllb iwo siivol
Inc glimeni*.
I conilaued ihu
r Hues and two railroad*
mem itaiil I ihnughl It unnee.-.
di-smed alley e
ooly fix m'les from Ballard, and a
to U«- more of th.-ra, I could not
leu minute*' walk brto’git you to tbe
lor a to-'ler o- more effecUn- and rrlitcally il
beach of Puget Sound.
r. all .Ivaler*. priri- Sn Fiaak .Slierwln. a
Thlneea year* agx' 'he land on.
llax.'li Fn-I
hich Ballard now stand* wn» pri­ ecnis. K>*xUTMm.urn Co.. Buffalo.
meval f(tre«i. the alaplng hill* IK-Icig New York, sole ageuix
uix fiir
fur III.III.' I'ollcd
Merle Croiser _... Roy Case n-; covered with ttnmense Ar. cedar and
SI- o: I all-!
o1 duilet at Big hemlock trees.
• Ihe nami—T>>an *;

M. Hamburger. Hisnry HoeRIn and
k U EdsIro are In Tmxerse City lo- .btork*. ehurche*. t-cbool*. public bulb)tog! nod tiiimt-s.
Jao.l. IMC.
About ihlrij of the friend* and
Ballard ha* Afte.-n «hlngle mill*.
gathered at Ibe hdmCof Mr.
Ith a dully caoacltx of three milllun
Mew,Wexford. Mich- Jan.'S.-OBe
andAfi*. Ernest Nickerson, it being
.................................cedar shingle*, and
toot o Ww and botlnma t* mabtos. Ibefr alxieenUi wedding annlrotabn
latge maoulnciuring n
B*1with Mb tiftoork tor mm andtmma.
^ eotomMe =UiDe was bid hy aU
has the unique diiamri
rot to Wll before the gueels left the?- pn-sei
tie manul
id airkne** Mr. BUd Mrs. NlrVer*.>n with a
recking chair and a heauiifui w
baa that far
make ; from sixty to
Howem. hit (Miner
(alber aai.iat
hat,taken t
eighty dull*-* a monih.
pntnry eharse of hU bondlos
rreweni ofj u»li*r.r» tocailon between the
ibia ptoce. died Friday momi
anon bare It ready for butioei
wing *11 he; pip
Ca*c*de -ange. give* an liiNick Anna hat momd Into bU new
,*f* IxIgoTaling aad sali-iaden *ino*pht-re.
gr*-* '
II. K. Slickaey bat hi* reeldencx'
coldest wreiher of ih
eompleted aad bat fone tn Orand RapP«r :wlm.T
and t
— — baring moved here twenW Jour; bent In sum^r feldom reaehex eightytdi for hit tamUy.
» *so
Mr. KuD was a tale
W. w- Banleu and D. 8. Hall are
ir bnsHpif
bnti 1 nie ,i.vp .111,
abefrlns the store bnlldtos for Wllllt painter, many of Ihi- sign* at our
w!ndi>«* opeo*the
Wlshtmaa A Son of Sherman, and a ness boi^ string nmpto erideace of!?„, rmind
There a-e nerer any *eHe was also an ’
tapltte line of hatdwqre will aooa hi. exMlent wtyk.
storm* here aad OiordxT
bn a rmllty of the town.
«xpen *1 shtH-^ktog an<J wa* alsrty.
A nine bnodred bnabel car <rf wheat able lo command tbe
tb* hlgbwi
ta nh^ Balarday.
a man be was kind and obllgtog.
I made my borne al l.ake A—' for
W Man I* on* of the buttodi men
onl}’ to bis fellow-mea. but wen Bine ysara. Iben wecame oui.wret and
a^be town, in addlilea to warHioaee
amalleat of crasiures were reelp- have been here four yrer* ll seems
be If eotuMerably totnetted to
- bto kindness. In Hr.
as ihoucb life to the wrei to aliogetbvr
yard are aererel well partlUoaed. well
than that of tbe east.
>i and neaUy built blid housew of
Some people seem to have tbe tore
coBsiniction. which are fillet that Ballard and Snltle are the same
with feathered lahabftaou -who give
Beattie tried very hard
evldnoe the vear
■r round
- ’ ____ ___________ _______________
■X a »twn lime ago. but
aad chatter of ibrif brerUeli thanks j wc ttrosgly uppoted.



make a Kew V<«ni 1

««rblT Eumintd Free!

OH P. k WOlfE, Pro|l. DR. B. LTIUIlSIII,ltslstari
Tbe Trnv. m-City Kyi? SpecialiaU.



New wexFORo.


d wiUii.iii f.. |
!- piK-iiiieini I.

bulta AI3-AI4 WllholmBlock


appari-ii'l.v li

Pepplsr-Milbprt WsMIng.
Thoma* Peppier and Min I
Mlllu-ri were unlK-d in'marriage
le p.uTnan--n'1} ' day, IV-e i.lth at the parsonage, in•I'. Mayor. Glrar
C.'remnn? Ix lng periorm^ by tbe Rev.
Ji~eoh lU'i.-r
■ ' '
The brideiniald *a> Miss E»ii-II*|
-A Han girl who know all al—'
Miltw-rt. a .i.ler of the bride, an 11 maiHT'ixa?. that i—lnc m love i« we





JAN. 3,1906

'“-toe h..m“i.-k. only n
-tde‘'jiK.k«I. tfttrmtog to a 1'
'•“'‘rely .lifTerx-nt and a milu.
atari grev votie with
white sllk.and tori.-, wh
bridesmaid iookdd .-quilly a. niee In
Harsh phy.i.-.
-.wei, wx-aVen '!
«* for Ihe opcasH.o
lx.wv.-ls. eaw-e rhr. n.r riki.'ii x'ii
the ceremonr the? drove lorHuan’s R.-gulet* ..p.-rete eaxil>- i- :
the home of the bride where a alee ihe stomach, run- coitoijpailoa. 3..
dinner was avalttog them, an.! as to Axk ytnir .lr:gglM for ihem
vltatloa* were sent throughout iju-.
coiinir? the e-owd
c-owd of
o« ci»*l wixh-r.
.Icclilento vlll fcappea I
k.-n! eom'ng
IS all te-e
te-e afte-nnon and regulated families krep Dr, Thom*.'
■venlng until
.11 k o'clock,
when a boimil-, Ecleclrlc Oil for *uch emergful SU|
ipper analied
------large. suTriBa the oein and heal. •
fairly gruaacd
large crowd toughed aad aie
Accused of streling m<.n.-> fr.-m ht-

and alnglng. , .
pUced a sbotgus at tU breast am'
preaenu: paUed
Many areourul
brenWul and-useful
mid -usefU preaenu;
priltsl the (rtggw.
(rigger. The
Tbe gun .sltpi
One set chtoa dtotre.from Mr. an.!;’'
Mrs Adam Hilbert, {aitaer and mother,•

shattered ^1*1. a
tdly that 1

Trnvorao CItr, Hlch.

Will) a carluAiI ot Sae

I w»iili] ndrim-fiirni' r* or in

ncvl of a yorstt to

lit nii i ii^y noF- as Dorsi-a iirt.-acaRt.- an.] will lig Lij^lutr than
■r 11 lillluliOcruii.

Tliia-will bit ilx-6ofSt lot Ihavc «

r broBgfil bent, aod


inx it<- i>fopI.- to come- an.] toe Iheni.

L-eo Solomon


hntui out In th*
•f H«fr Rtotktrdl'* f«et»fY md
••Wdr wnad to ^ aMto ainietaro.
Ror tN* hovr* th* ,ti«mOA fought th>
•miM ^ wtro «in»bi# ts bring thorn
ondM-Miiffoi. Tholoooofthlofootory
jMtfBjil oailalro’* HBOnd largoot Inbuotry M «rill ttroor botm
fIvoMd thifty non OMt of a___ . .
laoo«M ta boM^ MM9 Md |Mr

flhtfle cooiin fiBiBB- usmuTE

I bacB

\t. B. MelatlsR.




F. W. Ciillale « IX. of te|^aw|aBd beaa. Wl»ew«vna tfty hives of | Jaha W. Btacer. ftrmer mlalstar at
hw last completed Improvements aad, bees nnd suR>oria htawelf by (he tn-; aaihavllla. Ionia conaiy. la wintad M

havc|dna«,y. Tbe old mmi u always .clowad Sapid, on ehargaa of maUag
% PnsMnt t 0. mm mm ^a«tothelrthane,T.*hleb
b«« in proerea. tor tbe pant yew and eompanled by a crest tom <ni that l. 'falwordersMbookmlaeaadonaapa half aad make the plant capable M.aaTemarUbloa. W» matter. Tbit eat Ins board MRa
mi, jumt is.
oalpnt twice that of a year ago.! ha. been trained Ilk. a doc and U a! ; An unknown Imap was UlM by
Several new bulldlnct fa*n> been built ^

. Jan. 1.—Tka
«1auB'« beds. At limes the!ralllac between two enra to the Whnew year reeepuon n( ibe while boote
and (be e apany has now the •nor [o(d ■
« be does: bash yards at Adrton.
today was OM gf the most brilUu
Boor space of tdOJM tqoare fee-, ifac eat Bnda tbe prh soa w s
erer held. Tbe pnaMoat sad wUa
whirh totags lis
Dr bis wife or motber-to-towT
vloo presldaat aag wife aad the cnbl

, ,,, j,,,,, tvmm
net meiDbCD greeted tboBsanda Hlaa
at Fort Hq.
Mich, live. Henry Wltom. 10 years' The Bad Axe chicory Wtnry hasinm have decided______ __________
Alice Reoeerell *a* tbe center of aa
iBlereated Utronc and wps ebowerei
menlnth 1^',.!^.'^.?“!?'’““"
»»AO« to (armw, .bU sea, aeWnst Dempster Cowlem keeper of
men In the i nlted States. He live. ,u «m and maantoctured :,sSTJpo pound, the
e without foonTlio Ino bn*e ost at U:U. Joit with cnnsrntalatknia on her eocace... A.«. Cnic.' Acriealtiral Odlet^ atone with the exception of a oat. fats of ^leoiy.
eo ConcreasmaJ
tvatr Blaaieo after tb« aten had,
•oaa to dtaaer. The e{telh«of eaae
Albany, Jan.
Tbe rtalcoail'
bae* aad dhunrer^ the'ftn bat It haJ
galaad oucb boadwar .la\thc ,oatf»o
i«o«. i^Mre II ouitad. thadbawaa lu- called for by a resoinUea Intm
l:h^ne Apple Orchard and Its Cue.........
aMo to CM to the «bUu/lo j^ro the by Seoater Brsekm. Tbe leooi
atarK. Tbe oalr available alam vero, aaya the people of tbe sute and nation
the cfeveb boUf bet the dopartaieat bare been etaccored by tbe reUtloa
to hare cxlated for year* be­
■Bi aoda oo the teenc.
The tactao room to ^ addlUoa to tween the Equitable and Depew and It
Lmi Saturday night wc finished the work ^ven us to do by 1903. While there
tbe <a«tor7. Clow beaMe tUi «u U reengnloed that iheee dtecloenre*
a tpaolory dry kiln aeparatod trom canaed a loul lack cd donSdenee In
are some things we might have done better, and some wc shouldn't have done at all,
tbo Bwin factory by a brtok On valL the ability W the eeeaior named
we look back uponthe year’s progress with coowderaMe satisfaction. We’ve oonproperly represeat the p^e In the.
The tMory proper «ao aboi
duty to which he waa Mected.'
tmued to improve-we’ve kept on growing-energy undiminished-ihe same object­
dioclaa in betctt and alw bad
-,...HoKlaley School
ive point lo strive for—no rating on the oaiS. When Steinberg Bros, stand first and
•Mt Up to (be top of the Ural doo-.
•tau Ne«
tbo vatli *ere atz-loch ptanlc laid dat
foremost as one of the largest and busiest stores in the country, we'll take a breath«bd ^ed together. Tbo opper story
iiV spell. Now. goodbye to 1905.
bride, Fred Kefslen. of Marine CUy.
a compelled to return to tha
Today we put into practice the New Year’s resolution that Steinberg BrewTjahJU the sooth ead (rf the tactwy.
obtain the required lnb>nnaUon
the aaepad fioor. tte Bre jamped froai
uary s^e of Cloaks. Linens and Muslin Underwear for 1901! will eclipse all former
the aa^e room Into the mie balld- henw he applied lor a lleeuie i
r.r pi, iw. ud ................................
years in values and in business volume. I^w prices the year before—lower prices
lac. The Broaan had alx atradtos oe oeunty clerk's once In Port Hura
last year—lowest prices this.
,Mb« blase and foucht bard and at Haws returned qo the okki car aad car
at Mary CobreAnd her a.
H iaayl aa tboogh their eSofta
«Diitd be onecearfol. In the north ao4 M. He,to M years oM.
«l the tactory oe (bo aecood Boor,
Horace nelaber dt Venice. Italy, la I0:»-C«« sod lU Culture........................... ..........J. W. Hutchins. lUnover
tbera «aa anefa stock and tbit prerented tbem from geuinc at the blaie Baule Creek, and. is reeetvtnc marked
.................................................... .«.B,c,nuo„
fM tha windows.
Llw. Mr. Fleteber Is -the” auAboat l;30 the Oanwa cm In bofalnO iborily on -Mastication." and U
lt:15-Boelo«is meeting of Ooonly InsUtute Society; clecHon of edocen fur
the bridt IrewsU and were bcyonl author of seveisl books on that sub' e&Btrol gad at 2;SQ .tbo valla of Uw ieot. He aaya that It people would
Sale of Broken Assortments, Odds and Knds and all classes of Winter'tibods
Brat story weia atfll atandlag bot tbe
roperty <
that we do not wish to inventory, have been cut so deep- -26. 30, 40 and 60 per ant
1:00—Qureiloa box.i................
......................... In charge of J. W. Ilutcbinr
Mod bad tallea in aai Ue interior was
Id not re<
from original prices—that they arc bound to be closed out at once.
aetblac. bot n maai of aaoUnc rah oae-han wbai they coasame now. and
1:S0—The Dairy Cow nod Her Care .,
Mah, .
a td rarlous klnda
vent a great many Ills. As Dr. J. ll. *:»*-ProBtahlo Pork Prodnetloo..............
d oat by Urn factory wbkh i
Keltogg-s Mass about diet are akin to StOO-DtaCBSSlOD.
tlraaa of Hr. Flstcber. the doctor InWOMEN'S SECTION.
ly. At times. H was tbs only mm in vUed bln to Bsllle Creek, and be
At Orange Hall. 8
Prices have attracted a great deal of atiention to that department. The trade on
BMIslre runalag ud thto
imeall.tbe way (rum Italy to b
1, Traverse CUy. Cbslm
Suits and Overcoats has been phenomenal. We have still a good assortment to pick
pasUr DsUs^'s fwst salonble ladns. rquaintod wtlta Dr. Eeltogg.
Mrs. B. J. Dtekenuan. Solon. I
try. altbeoik (ha Ot p.'potter aiu am
from, at prices tifat ought to tempt every man and every parent of bo]^, to investi­
Devoiton to her sister .cause
ployed more men. Tke prodi
destb of Mias Htoale Harris, aged IP
gate. Cloaks and Furs go at ridiculous prices. Come in and see for yourself—it'll
the Bsetscy dM nol raqnire ao mnch yean, of diphtheria, at her moUier's
pay you. and pay you big.
Umber, tbe valos betog to tbe work
‘ near Port Haioa. While the
Reading by Mrs. E. A. Bvana
imt ee IL This also makes the tow mother. .Mrs. George Hants, was vl]*2:00-^oasework ss a PirMcsslon...............
. :Mrs. P. D. Saunderx
heavier aa It wooH have run for many lltag srith trlsnds at Browu Clly. her
2;(S—DIaciMBlon. led by Mrs. E. 8. Gray.
lest child beeaaie 111 of
Tbs pleat bad eMBch stock on teatl Utotto at the hoote. Rnganllou of tbs dtOO-Hnile.
Rccltotlea by Mrs. A. darflner.
to ,rsB two year* and Mr. Siehardl
rr to bimself Minnie carefully
BleeMoh of affleen.
<7»ad more Umbar. Already aome nureed her, until she conlmMed '
Tbe Tound-np Inttilnle win be b.'ld at Ibe Agrlniltiinii rollr-ge. k'oh
maAlnery had beae pot to to lum out dtoesM herself. 'After ga lllaesa o
railroads offer one fare for the round trip, plus 2S rents whrr.Uw man valnoble aad smaller prod- weak (he gtrl passed away and the
Is over H.
«Ks tbe Bsitoire Woodenware com- tie- sister, for whom she sscriflelDgly
P*hy which was bnnsd aseeimi weaka labored. Is sUll llrtoc. and may recovA feature of the lakUtDte will he an exhibit of work being done to Hie
•BO. R BOW appears almost certain
The father. Georgs MarrU. w rural .mgraded aebool dlilticu la the county. Suitable prises for tbe best
that anothar teetory of seme kind wUi killed a few monUts ago. by a bunding eSoru along certain itoes are Ming offered by buiinesas men aad others In
be bnllt beta.
teresled In the weihre of tbe eouatry schools h detailed annoiaeament ot
(alltog open bim.
Avche Ume of the Woode
which win be made later.
tacy flr% tbe Usgrtaee was %UA09 lalUala engraved on a wedding ring
Tbia exhibit la Intended to stlmnlate the Interest to the schools among
oa; the Rlehardl factory and It Is foand In tbe diotog room of tbe HotH tha parents; create new and healthy enthusiasm among pnpUs; Inspire
vBsntood that this has been latsaehen with a spirit of love tor th*lr profesaton and to
flsge of BHward S. WIHbsnk, a elerit halloa on tbe part of all concerned to make (be country
(he hotel, to Miss Marie Grout,
water works wtse hxmted to the
ingeat dau^ter ' of Gardner K.
m»toe room of (be Ekhardl toetory
»d were destiayed. leavtog the vlllsge Onmi. nUrml mllltahalre Inmbei
A UITE A NUMBER OF HERALD SUBSCRIBERS have asked if the prem4l|iaedeht on the water power for Are ef Saginaw. Tbe wedding took ptoce which they had itorod away for thClr Mrcam; there being no fricHtKi, jt nbanquet.
Itorpoeee. This has baea pretty well October U. it U lonreed. They
quire DU power to upermle. This pumji
W ium offer of the Herald and Farm and Fireside cannot be extended for a
ADMher elk la our city park hertl will b# attorhed lo all of their 19i> :
4awb oC la order to streagthen tbo oariy In (he summer, when Miss Grout
came to tbe hotel with her aunt. The U dead, but this time disease was not three-port Talrete.ii engtae..
short time, and we are glad to announce that we have made satisfactory arrange­
for the electric IIMit plant.
two bad dtned together, and as they Ibe cause. The large botflt elk got bis
,«ti atreama of water tn oss w<
Mr. ana Mr*. H. OrUwoW of n*ments with the publishers of Farm and Fireside and are therefore able to continue
Ike water works .ooeld staad.__
Clly are eelebratlng the flfly ntoib lu.
this offer for the'present.
•edge of tbe U 0. Smith Dredgttg ding ring tied In tbe corner of a hanJ- and simply gored him U> death. When nlvervary of tbelr wedding. Mr. Grt?
■iiilAii/ ef Msakegem. Whlcb to work- kcfehlet. It was taken to the desk, he left hi. victim there were nln.- wold i. K1 years or age and hi. wif.The time, however, will have to be sometrtiat limited, and we would ask those
when asolher clerk examined li. and places where his great horns bad peu. *0. and both are still lively. Mr. Crb
. 4* OB the ehoBhel of the river,
discovered the tHItalc Initials. Mrs. eirated the body.eloavlng large, ugly wold erected Vhc first brick rcsldenrtannid down to Uie Bra aad a boa
who desire to avail themselves of this offer to make remittance at as early a date
wmbank Is a sister of Mrs, Arthur wounds wbkb would have soon eaused in Bay Clly. .
fpebed to tbe pomp on Umt.
HUl wUe of the senatorial candidate. the death of (be smaller animal bad

the attendsut cbloroformrel him.
Please bear this in mind that every Herald subscriber who has paid for (he Her­
W girls tn Sag­ Some one has suggested that the lust hA*0«r*-**^ ■
>8t Pelerstong. ian. l.—The rerolo1-M « tb.
ald in full to Jan. 1. 1907. will receive Farm and Fireside one year absolutely free.
inaw. and has been a leader of the si>. ptmisbmeDt for the murderer would be'Oojaty,
qponry societies have leaned n i
get on hl.l
hi.' iw..,

MHO slaling that owtog to Ute fail- dety OM. Bbe Is well edixaled an-1 to have the game warden
n gel
Hmi. Tred B-Wmlkw. Jedre ot
kllltog elk .
«pa« tbe Psemit spristogs U has been has imveled. She mode a trip to lls-,
4PeIded to rcfmlb from ordering n
Battle Creek will
•veral tosamethm ni the beginning not long ago. She left Ssglnsw la'c
>l:te Uli>s*l reroa.t M *sudl.n et Mid
lyre.l'- Mto hl» retlOon prmyliit Inr ire mJ
If tbe hew yaar. Saefa a revolt. It l this (all for a visit with her broker, natutwl hisiory museum in Mlrhlgaii.'iS'.l^i/n^
doctor In New York,
outside of the one at the alalo univer
e tbe Ignoi
college, j jMrt tMtaW <Aw, re wS bsrebj
Twetily years ago Edward Morris
Ismktog to deoUag with aay revo
itoc high sriiuol. at the Pack residence Brigham, the well-known tiwveler
Iiv reMM«*rcgbMnME.u U» Orwto ■KiiTr!.
Newt from Hoaeow eonUrms the
Pine like. Willis Pack aad Hunt that clly. made three trips to Souih
matoptag out of the rcbellkio there
II. two boys, were dlscorored and America to collect speejmena for
Vtib heavy slangbier aad blood
Incliidtog Ihe mnscum to
on S issic of aa Impromptu li
Oie of th# meat latrepld of (be
Ueo Ibst they did not reUsb. The boys
imioMiT leaders was aa ip-yearold lennied of tbe sorority's plans and
Ifri mekanmod Josm D'Are.
durto* tbe aftonioon hid In Uie house.
Jtisi now our Onc-Fourih Off Sale is the talk of, the town, for every shrewd
The glris arrived some twenty strong x™
and obs^ed that thlags did nol
devoio tbe ba*ement of Hi# newt*rfJS,
Fret a Wtokre. .t«a«. «t
shopper realizes whai a saving ii means when The Globe Store offers a One-F'ourth
exactly safe enough to perform the sa. Charle.wm.rt librmy lo a museum
Off S.-tk cti top of our usual low prices.
itory alsismeat aUritarisd to Allmlral ered ritsa. Invesllgatioa dlseloued Ihc
l(D}ss(veaBky. wbo commnnde^' f hoys' hiding place on the third Boor
Boaslan fleet wbkb was destroy^
aad tbe girls tostmwd them in by !;>
The N.tuH. elul. I. toterrelts,
tbe battle of tbe sen ef impoa.
If memlKT, «iii devote iheltog a piece of rope from one door knob
«>hto Bojestveasky says: “At Ibe
aabUier. The preparation for'the Iciuire lime the coming year lu i-i n■•^dJrSiiSj'Srmrh *.y of j.eo.rr.
IptUe ef TW Shlma. tbe Brlttob sqoadlectto.
from -hat couniy
m went on. all
>«■ at Wer-Hal-WM bad ordm |o ab
‘ boys could not BdwartT Benueti. whohaeforiw.. 'Tt^tSire?^SSd. ik*> p--“___ _
tMk Ue Rusetoh feet in evrmi oi
mm. Tbe beantirul year* lieen out on parole from JaeK.on *h»w<^re etrre^ re
Mwaaese dereM."
Pftoon. ba. 1«-a- given an uncooH
Bsrtta. Jan. l-A Bl. Petersburg iBaycd Important parts, and others ilohal panlon, the Bre; par<ton given'
Btepoleb says Professor Migullir.
yBgpa,WAl.aga .
were attired In tbe deadly white shec;i by Govenor Waiocr. Ho was fbUB lj
welkhaewn Bnaactol experc oBers ibe of the ghosts. The alur was put In guUty four year, ago of raabslaughier
Ulewtog esttmste ef tbe losses snf place and the Brtl candidate was
eoDBectlou with the deaib
tWsd by Russto as tbe resull of tbe marched slowly np the steps In tbe Ague* Ebcnteto of Battle Creak, who icSSTreit
iVofits are forgotten; costs are not considered. It's a case of too many suits aad
l»vi)totloo: direct loss IITS.OOO.WO; In- mysterious strains of "What Win tie aicd to a local bottH from a erimlaal
overcoats for this time of the year. Whether in need of a suit or overcoat for your­
«p»« losses spprcBlmately Han-eal Ber' when Ibe two boys sud­ operattou. Beonet. wa. renteneed “ jlgre.,- h«v rred a w.lkre, J.dc self or the boy, right now is time to' buy.
denly anxmred in the room. Tbero
were doings right away. Tpe sandlov »«th. Of work on -be. part of his
w^ out'and iwemy gtrls.pouncod uix friend, aa. paroled Ly Gowraor Dlire
manlag: "Allheugb many rovoluiioii' db Ibe boys who bad taken their lltos
T. Bruno A Sobs of Saginaw, build
Mto"# pvarngtoc ire.u-»Ikts have been arrested aad tbs
to (heir bands by daring to pry upon *s of martoe gas engines, are the It uredmto tret ik- mih d.y of iuiury
fetols are ptoclalatog that thqy bav*; tbe nwftil rites of tie xotorliy. With luveniot* of and appileanu tor a
. many Isaden to custody. I kaow par- indignant temhitoe screams they patent oa an eaUrr(y new «aure Ic
flsMlly.tbst only eoe Imponant revo- struggled unU! they flied the boys to- the way of a circulaHng pump Mr gaX'Ww^ re ciTre h,
lltttaelst was csptnred. Tbo others (o outer darkntws. much disheveled.: engtoea. It U atBpiMty luoK, havia, <
asraped and are rreimrJag new pUns Then ibc glHs baplired them with no eoceniric plunge.-or gearing; Is ate 'redrSetotad to
Inr ^espiag up the revoluikm." Other
two quarts of whipped cream solutely oolseleas and throws a steady J ,
F®*** 9;

i,I.CuwtBocla5tef. CndMB.

.............. ....

Another Mile Post Passed-on to the Next!





»“r Going Out of the Clothing Business




One-Fourth Off



One-Fearfb Off


Never were Prices So Ruthlessly Cut.
Never was an Effort More Determined.

1 irtitiBl SU, trivene City.


-^i>9'-p,y y:x-.y. _-:>•;■ ' ^



•••■,-- i— v .; "■'.' ■y-'''''' 'T'


' cmmo Twvewc FlEiwu). THirtnonT. jjufditih't 'woi; ■





M? .



We will offer Dry Goods, Cloaks, Skirts, Furs. Rugs, Lace Curtains, Dress Goods, and Ciothing at prices to make
them move fast. We must reduce our stock before invoicing, and to do it we make the following prices. Every­
thing will be strictly as advertised, and it will be a rare chance to buy the best merchandise the market affords.
This sale will be for CASH ONLY. Do not ask for credit. Bring this bill to compare prices.

Dr^ 6ood$



... ;-29


All 75c goods for..............................
AU$1«) good. foe...............................................Me

lilJlSl:;;;;;:;;;::;;:;":;:;:;:;: :,S



... .





; - .09

All $2X10 good. for.......... .................
The* price, apply to black and colored goods.
.One Alt of dress goods worth irom$l to 1.60to
close at 69c yard.




. 'l.lgl

All CWldi;en-s Cloaks, new goods,


Napkins....................................10 per cent off

... -04


All Fur Scarb and MuEb at one-fourth «H.
One-fourth off on all Lace Curtains and Tap­
estry Curtains.

12}ic Flannelettes


18c Flannelettes

60c Vests. Pants and Suits

10 per cent off on Dre« Linings during this sale

75c Vests, Pants and Union Suits


76c Hciciy


for.............................. -.............

All Udiei' W»iits oae*founh off.

S5c H.sfc,y

................... ..............................
.................................. ;..................
Mackinaws at........................
DuckCoatsat................... .................4..,;.
Duck Coats ..............................................


Three odd size Rugs, made from Velvet and Body
Brussels Carpet, at prices to close them out.
A few small size Moquette Rugs


...... 09

Buckskin \'esls and Pants, wonh 1

1. .66

2Si Union Soil.


Suits worth $12.0<t—$I3.fiO

0 QQ

.............. 12.00
............. 16.00


I'ut a tape measure under your arms around the
chest and see if you measure 3.5 inches or 37 inch­
es. It you do, and need a suit, then com*- here
and get a suit at less than cost. We have too
many sizes 35 and 37. and we must sell them.



One lot of heavy fleeced Vests and Pams.
small sizes, worth 50c, to close out at...


.A few small sizes Cut-away Suits, 35, 3fi. 37 and 3S,
at abou half price.

7 «l Union Siiili

Suits worth $10X)0—$12.<iO.


... .e...;.. 1.76


closeout. They consist of heavy weights, bro­
ken lots—one or two of a kind. .

Wc have two Prince Albert Suits,
sizes :t5 and ^0. worth $22.CNt.

$1.00 Vests, Pants and Suits


- 'H


worth $2i>. to close at.....................
8-3xlO-0 Axminstcr Rug. worth S2.5.

eiotbing Dept
'11'!“.".'''".".............i........ .08 , WeTnhaveOur
about 2o0 Men’s Suits that we want to

25c Flanoeleitts

• J

l.eather Coits at ................................................ $4.50
I'ur Lined Dock-Coats................
Fur Lined Corduroy Coats........................... 5.50




Cined goats and mackinaws

Black I'cau de Soie at Taffeta prices.

The larger size

ird .


75c and S5c Taffeu, 19 in. wide, all col­
ors, at................... ................ ..
3C in. Black Taffet'a. wear guaranteed. '
worth 1.75, at.........................................
27 in. Black Taffeta. 7.*>c nuality,
22 inch Black Taffeta, worth .“5c, guar­
anteed, at................................y....

.... -89
S1.75U.„,^k. ,

l-iliy pair Dkk,ys K.raay al Sl.DP an.l SI.75.
We also have on hand 200 p.nirs of McMillan’s
Pants at $2.75 and $’(25. They arc worth more
money. We have all sizes, 32 to 48 waist. '

OOc Jn,,*Silk

Cable Ciacu

10 Ptr Cult Dlonmil on all our Pants
abOM SO.00

Taney Belted Ouercoats
.................... 10.00
Liberal reduction on all 0%-ercoats.
Also Youths' Overcoats at reduced prices.

Sweaters worth $:t.00 at...................................$2ii0
Sweaters worth' $2.00 at
......................... 1 66
Sweaters wonh $1..50 at.................................... 1.16
A lot of Bo)s’ Sweaters to close out.

Two lots of Boys’ Suits, wonh $S.fX). cow... .$(i.00
One lot worth $10. now---- ............................... SOO
One lot worth $12. now..................................... 10.00

ebildren’s Suits
We still have the McMilkn Suits, worth J5. at
3.75 and S4. Thr>e the bo>s can t wear out.
The whole line of B..y’s Suits will be sold at re­
duced prices.

£biidren’s Reefers
r.AKJkibd at--.-................................................ $:{.76
4.0okindat........................................................... 3.00

Cona Belled Overcoats
■The t;..>0kind at
......... '............................... $5ff0
The 5 00 kind at..........................................
The LOO kind .-it.................................................. tl.LO

€bildreti'$ Underwear
At Reduced Prices.
Other Bargains will be given that we cannot
mention here for want of room.
W<- also have a good assorimeni of

Fur 0oats
coats. One Coon Skin at TiJ/).

Come and seejis. You will find a nice, clean stock to select from, and goods are the kind that give people

F>ERF-ec-r SA-risp-Ac-rioN


^ODtti Side Store

A- J. \A/IL.IHELIVI The Best Place In Town


America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,

•ABSOLUTELY FfiEE to every subscriber to the GRAND TRAVERSE HERALD
whose subscripion is paid one year in advance, to January 1, 1907.

This is the Finest Premium Offer Ever Made by a Michigan Paper r





, -......................................................-

FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, 11 by 16, each and every issue, contain­
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles fr®m the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by ,
The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have b^en made whereby both the

will be sent during the entire year 1906 for the price of the Herald alone—

pNIJY $1.00
The only condition is that $ I be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
the price of the Herald alone. This offer is limited in time, and all subscriptions should be received
during the present month.
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
paid to January 1, 1906, send $1.00 this month and you will receive credit for both the Herald and
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 1907.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $1 .OO in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $1.00 in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.

This is a Great Offer-lt is Good Anywhore io the United States.


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