Grand Traverse Herald, November 08, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 08, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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paecs 1.M6;

• ■

NO. Si..

“l>l eel up until half paM nine wall fdMuld ever want to break ber wllj on that Jane wenI over to Springflild again, an' I'll strike you! yon Matter, putting on hiT bonnet t«.g<» hack
In NffVMlMr. .
iM in’*ri*-n>iflc rayctety. '• Ti.ej mntais ■
in' tor (bat dog." abo osUI. “It be tbe ground that ahe wn'n't cumpetcni an' paid a fortnne idler of meejum you—you scoundn-i;"
: Low born tho miBres ot the re*r.
her cousin'*. shA said:
many vaiioiiiip yhereir;; pn-v^by; .
to make n will.’ I cooM give In evl- three dollars to tell ber wbcrc hci
ain't hero tb««. tH go to bed."
And dull ««eb telUnc «mber:
-The man retreated before her bla*"Now.-I tell you what Fm-aolng
antoag which kjdiqc is ih.-' Im''
At bait paat nine ahe agal
denee that would favor ;em a good dog was. an' ber without more than Ing eye* and lu-r ihreiiealng aniiude do. I'm'goin' to leave Dasdyi^MV
Bat b7 (belr ••be*. licai>ed ond wre.
IH-nani —SclcniMr Atnerican
- ■'
wc «Jt—and dar» memt dear— forth in acareh of Oamly. This itine
seven dollars n month Income at its she pointed down the read with one be toiiipsny an' prWprlloo for .•Vm
ahe veni to (be edge of a Iblek grpwih
At two o'tdoek tho ever-waichful Sa­ most. Then there her car-fare to fingre out her (rray-gloved hand,
Strange, n-raKCaupht.' ' \
little louger.-uB' 111 come out tnnn
Ah! Ttiilah<«d dty»—rm««ibcr.
of timb<T beyond her orchard, bo rah Lucas saw June sally forth again. pay."
■ Thin Jane turned and said cajoHng- row. an' see If there* anything me
Secured tn ibt iNsimN*~tVc: .-.s
OM lorea and frieDdsblpa One an< Dandy did noi come In rcaponae to lie This lime she came up the hill
lyr ,
■ WI1.1t did the mecjtim say?"
Mary P. M>'sqeiii>:'!^i,.-!;,-b' '
I esn dn for you y.v.. ve been *0 gwM
conauot calling.
Her >-cdce; had
ward'(he Lucas house. As she did no-Dandy: Here Ikindy^ hen-’ "
"Ia. I dunnn! Rut I do know that
to Dandy, h'h only fair that he ahouid ‘ came into T whgrf i-, 1; •.- .: .ti^.
Mr ghoau, they Uosw nwr ua—
troubled note in It when *he «M her turn tft at the gale, Ranih lissiene.! he or she never niateiUlired' the dog.
The Jiiu yellow dog wliirir'd around, be gooil j-i >.«i au- stay with yon when lo'Cti-orges was-one .>! ••i- .:
WUhls (bo BoniUao palo they mvot. lamp down on ifac kliehi'n (able, and to the door, and called out, sbrillr
.v v„
Some moverx an' also a couple o’ and came toward her. ttfir'ulng joyous- you n-ally msil him. Yim stay here. looktttg eaglet ever ...■•-a" in
And atm iho loaBBoa aid they Be«— said:
"Which way now. Jane?"
tramps went hy here the day the ^ ■>•■ The next motueni she wa* on her Dandy. Ma'am wilt come again lonior ciajiy. The captain wa* luu ^eiin it
The loro* tbat>tili can cheer at.
I'd give a puny to know wIi«tc tbai
"FolteTln' roy nose," retorted Jane dlsuppcan-d. an' Jane rather favors :n»-es w-fore him, with her arms
wa* an ewglc. but It had every, appwdog in. _ 1 dnnno whni ever possesre without stopjdng nr even facing hei the Idesr that mebho one of 'em toll­ .round hi« neck, an.1 he w.-t* harking
ance and ebsraeterlBtIr of the kiac ta
Fonr week* later tbe sharp voice
Ah. acre the flridt beneath our gate.
like ibiH. He o<igb( l< (fuesiiofer.
ed the dog off. although wbsi they'd; In wild delight. A toil, slender man. Rareb Luensf ut the air likes blade as birds and everyone who saiw It when
And ama barb loot tbelr apicndor, know that 1 dm't sleep In pence until
want him for la iK-yond ,me—n hig; haring the appearance of a semi-: she called lo Joel, who wa* "putter­ the vessel was made taai protMuneed
Bat BtOl. ammd tbo niaact vayn.
In ibe bounc. I'm no dead tirol
ane vouchufed no reply, luii went yallow- pile o' uselcasncss Jane go: : Invalid, was lying on u ioiingt- near the 1 ing" In his barn:
it an eagle. Ant of n speetes they tasd
The BOB—the wtallo—ot “other day*"
all ibe house«lcnnln' I done lo
nt on her w.-iy. jiiM.lpg »t Hu l>'4n'T<i1e in lam her his horse an' ois'n door «>f the hotise Ih
• Joel! Joel Lucas, do for pity's never I1K01T oe<m.
Beaunra lu loatre tender.
Uiai PJuBi won't set np a mlDutcf long­ ground s|.li<-fully with her iimhieila.
the donr leaning •«! hix-c;ine. and look- sake come in here right forthwith nn'
—Good HonaeboeplnR. er than ]<i o'clock waitin' for that dog. for. although It bad naw siopixnl rain­ liiiusy an' loiu-red 4hs> movers clear
of Ibe
<.ver to Eldervllle. .nsklu' nil along the ••d fw thi‘ scene with an uir of amuse- faster an' let me read a I.Hter l'\e had
he'll gli a good Moldin' when he ing. the sky was silli ihreat.-ninc,
mem no bla kindly face, U
w.iy ulKiui the dns."
from Jue Bond! Hi Bean brought capture of the bird.
Tho CrodMor.
doe* come Hnie** he makes it migbiy Jane carried her umbrella. The
it out froip the village. I viim if you wh.m the vessel was Ashing oa
•All (tat for a yallow dog." said rose to her feet. hMkiog
He oMM a utUo every day—
cicar ihnt his bein' «i«i this wa) was baffled Sarah Uisoovere,! later
conldn'i knock me down with a feath­ Georew. about IN) miles from Boston,
Ssrnb'R raller -contemptuouidy.
Hia vord vaa “Howdy, ain't thU
totncihlag he eouldn'i help."
"That's yo;ir -l.v, |

walked -to WIn.ll.y. ti i
light. Capi. Mcsquiia. who was atanc
er’ Come quick!"
• Yob. an' more thun thin, lor Jane
Jane coud not have k*-pt her resolu­ four mile* distant, lo ee«- whether
■'VeK. -Its. .'replied Jaa--. hioojiing
A roororett later. Joel, silting on the on d.-ck, saw a strangedooMng Mrd
seems in Ue'pinin' awiiy like Elreiny
lie loved all thlnga bn hte way—
tion to go to bed at 10: for Sarah Lu­ hy any ebanc.- the missiug Dandy
rubkitchen door aiep wilb his hands alight on Ibe bowsprit. He called th*
Re Bade ate 'better pteaacd with
Hyer did over her twins-when the
cas. wbo lived up the road a short dl«- had fared tbat war to f.-tll a vletim
oi the crew, who were Ixdow
etnsped around his knees, while he!
Lord see fit to take i-m
Vhe got
tanec from Jane’s little red house, (he dog-eateber and to l>e thniF-i
at dinner, and a* they cam* on deck
He laughed with tbooe wbo brimmed
woici of n stray dng nvor iMt'ihp Wln- ther aiKnion -GTicw' did you gei swayed gvdtiy to nnd fro. listened
said to her biisbanil at Hu- lire:ikra.<a him into the town |ioimd. But Dandy
the Idrd fli-w away, but ibey all ob­
the fnlbiwlng letter frwii Jane:
widdle form, .five miles /from here,
with mlrih
(able the next morning:
In the |>ound. and J.-toe's In­ an' she wnlLci clear ovek there an'• If yo.1 will step into the limiM- ami y “Ib-ar Sarah—I take my pen in ha
tained u good look at li That was (be . • RTth those whoee heart* were tom.
“mat do yon think? I beard Jane quiries at bouses jiJong the ruad
Ian seen of the eagle until three day*
he ertediiael:, only 10 find It wa* ndotber dog. sh down a liiilc ishlle. Ill tell you. to write vou a few line* to lei'y
Bond callin' that old yellow dog of WiBdhy elidteit no Information
later, when the schooner was
The Book of Record ahowt. t guea*.
im' not her Dandy Phe looked *0 fag­ I've been rather under the weather know that ! am well and hope you i
hers at just two o'clork this momln’ gtrding bln. Slic rettirnoii borne
Injoylng the same Blessing. 1 wrote ensi of Boston tight ship, on her way
TTie old world 'owed bia> when he
ged out when she got thisriir 00 ber for some Unie. and dim'i feel
1 got np to close n window s.-hen U worn out anti be.-ivy of heart, hoping
some lime ago that I had found Dandy mo port Then the same bird wa»
W.1J- luiel; thni 1 hart her s/uy here to;
begun to. min ao hard, an' I heard that be would come forth to greet hi
Il'hen.Jani- was seated In the little h.-fe all Veit and safe. 1 guess yon •een flying about the vosrei. It dr■upper; an' she *,-t in thatlvery chaii
—SbSbIo Kewa.
Jane plain as day. nn'the clock sintek with hit. usual heavy yawp: Imi h
house, of which the man seemed 10 be will lie'surprized enough to know •ted several timq* and then alisbted
you r mtin' In an' critsl fimm
atnick two just as I got liack Into bed. great yellow hulk was nos-hei'c visl-j
•n the foremasi Hugo SavraA Voltew Dog.
rtiaappoimmeoi. I diln't know the only occupaijt. he said;
The siorc abe sets l>y ilmi yallow dog 'ble. The sfaiill voice of Rarah Ijie.r*
"I (H*n t know where the dt«
frend .nnd henDyfacktor Mister Aaron la, one cf the ■ crew, went aloft,
It waaVlthIn a tew mlnotct ot nine
whether to pity her or give her n good
that ain't no earthly 'cQum but
had ettt the air as .lane bad i
troni. He was lying Iheie on
Bomon w-hw$blnks as much of Dandy grabbed It by ilic legs and brought
jawin' I hiile .1 fool,"
o'eteHt « Bight when Jane Bond apan’ yawp at folks n-pasain'! They her gnie.
porch wliTO 1 got up one monilDg
down to Ihc deck. It offered no
1 do. *ln fact. Sarah, it. 1*
pesiwd at her kitchen door with a
The next <lity u|>pearo<l at 1
needn't be akeered of him, for mir old
“Find your dog. Jane?"
abotn two week* ago. He was thin. nuichual Tcgarrt for Dsndy that,
resistance and appeared to be exbaasitreed claaa lamp in her band.
door of Sarah Lucas dressed for
domlnecKcr rooster sends him home
"No. I never." ie|)llcd J.-me.
:iiii;%ctei! iis if he were hnlf-siarved.
ed from Its long flight. It was fed
•w- us together.
.She held tb« lamp aloti while abe
with his tall between hia lega eVry
He showeti signs of having been
Much given to communing audibly
by the men and appcare.1 to be quite
He is ond of the nicest men 1 ahaded her eyea wilfa her other hand
time ho comes up here. He's a
with hrraetr. Jane said oloiid
abiise.1, an<l there was a rope around
I. sixiy ihreo yi-sra old. and
and called oat tn her tharp btii rctonn'ry a lookin' crttcer In the way
his neck w-iHi two or ihne feet of it
The bird is aliout 1« inciie* long
before her seaiitlly spread supper:>« J am fifly-foiir. ao our ages Is
nat >rol«:
dog as ever I see. If he was mloe.
Its ticok 10 the tip of its talk
suitable. His wife died ihnv yrara
‘“Dundy! Dandy! Dandy! Too. Ban­
■ Which w.iy now?'
I'd—listen! Wa'n'c ihat jwmeone mp- as welt us a virtue in bet
.-<1 as If he had chewed it off; nnd lYc
while It* great wings spread over four
mill In- 111‘edsSinother if ever
dy! Here. Dandy, here!"
plii' on the kitchen rtoorT'
;in Idea he's Iieeii lied up some place:
feel. It* head is crested nnd Its claw*
<lid. We are both BapiTsts. 1
can't for the life o' me Imagine
Than Jane attvped ont onlo the IKIt-iii r from my cousin Haunah Drsp<*r an' had.chewed ihj rope in 1*0. One both lo\e flowers rad Dandy, which are very long for the sire of (be bird.
The rap was repeated
where thill dog U. an' can't reel until
lie poreh, and, walking to Ita edge,
Joel Idicna opened the door, be aaw T know. I don't rare If he is just a livin’ oyer that way: un’ she says
of my neighbors over the lOii.l hack of makes our marrliige still more siili.i- It* hrensi I* pure while, while the
repented the call. The night
Jane Bond standing on the step. She bumlily old yeller dog. He's mine, nn' h.-r hiiKhand was oat ridin' In
hoi:-a- says he saw- tinee irurop*
Never did I expect lo be led Into winits are dark biiuwn. with the edge*
t atlU- that the hlate in the Utnp did
I’s coat, and a man's old and 1—1—love love him. He's iH'outl- country one d.iy lust week, ond they
V by leailing a big yellow dog at mattimoiiy by n eommon yallow dog. lipped with white;
not flleker In the leaot when Jane
felt bat was on her head. It was rain­ fill eyes, on' I've got tlrcudfttlly 'tached jtassed a bousi- where there
the end of a rope the 'il.iy before the but such is tbe e.ise. Truly bts Ibe poll
It III thought that it may be one of
held Jt oU in treat of her. Ita ray*
ing In torrenia. and the water dripped to him. I never step' none las' niglii Mg yeller dog rhalne-l up In the yard
• it» me, I have an Idea it; said.
(he species known as tbo Kinofman
went tar Inlo the dtrkneaa. builhey
ihni looked to he the livin' image of
heavily from the old bine cotton umdog. Mv own dog died a
eagle which i Is noted for li*
- T.od works In a uysierioiis way.
vofryln' aliout liitn. nn' I: ain't
dld not rereal the object for whidi
hiella Jane carried. Mnd clung to ber likely 111 steep noue tonight if h< my Dandy. You know Hannah visited month ago. m> I just took yonr dog in.;
and extraordinary flight.
His wonders to perform.'
•he . aoi«hU nor did aho bear the
only lust full. :<nd she took quite There's somelliing rent likable about
bcary sbocs and ber scuty calico don't come home. Sonx-tsidy must o
'Mo and Mister Benton will be there
aouad ot hairyfag feet and the aoti
line to D.indy.
skirts were so wei they clung to b
we-vp got to be real good to get my door key and pack up my OmI Minw Undef tbe Ooraan Floor.
stolon him. He'd never go oil nn
paatlRg abe uaaaRy beard wbea ahe
writteo. to her abom Dandy bein' gone, friends. liYienI we, old dogT
thin ankles. Her face wbre an at
perhaps when the cool sapftltM of
things some day within a short time
this iray of his oa-n accord.
etfled Dasdy at that boar of the night.
nn' she said that when she en)lod
ious lookr and her eyes IndJeaied
_Jle snapped his fingers In tho diree- from yonr frend
<■ contlnenis and island* of the
Jane Bond." .
IMt was Tiger.-my cat. I wouldnl wor. Oane «•} |!{tr.pethadteL and nbe
'Dandy!' tn tb1< dok. he leaped the ll<»n of Dandy, and the dog ran to him.
sloepICRs nlrt<—Exchange. earth are exhausted we will be able
rr Anne; for he tnkea «il.1 spidls. on'
- aleera «nii^ bandy nt exactly the
“Oood momlii'." she said. " Awful stays in the wooiIk two or three diiys
hl< close 10 the face
10 get our neede^ bitumen fton be­
nuns tloie ^h nlid>(—Svo mlnuten
if he roco'niird her. It was hegin
hard min. ain't U? You slen anyihli
iw cf the lo-mce.
neath the SCO—It Ibe world by ibai
a lime. Hut Uanily is a regular
hitoe Blua. He alcpt In a rang
Seaweed Bueninn in Norway.
1' to rain. Hannah said, so sh<
my flog Dnndy. Mr. Luras? I
Isi II a Ic; oi company for 1
time hSH not ouigrosm the coal habit.
home iKKiy. He likes to go to his IkhI
Ber at the wood-abed back of the
Along ih<- shores of joderen. on 'hr
didn't slt>p JO ask qiiestioas. tint shr
didn't come home all last night."
Cape Breloo ^en now there are
nine same ns I do,.7111' no human
rtog might he mj'Dandy tramps who tcighi have made nilschief southwest coast of Norway, the sea­ immense collieries being worked onder
•ie bcerd yon e.-illln' him at two could say. 'Good raumtu'' plainer than
“Where kin thni dog beT' said Jane
weed grows In veritable (oresi.s:. not
o’clock this roomin'." said Mrs, Lii- he says It with his lArk tin' his unions 1 been h)tiin',on roakin' Hannah a lithey'd fouml me here sick and alom
ihe ocean.
There tabmarlne mlnra
* UUln irrttsbly when Hiere was n
his fall, anyhow, an' now I'm The hmiseVeep<-r I'vt- hart for the last
ens aa sbt« icfi the (able and
cover l.CftO acre* and are being in- *
when I open the wood^lietl door
.BeQkOaac to her wDooiid aud third ealli
headi-d that w«y. If J find that rtog year was called away ihfee weeks ugo trees from five in six feet In height, creased steadily. The mlnre arc enthe door. Then she adde.1: - nut my
tbe mnrnin'. I'd nuher lose l>oih my
Than abo went oat to her email bam
with stems like ropes and Iroves as
lin'i Dandy. I'm goin to Just give
land! you'd better come In oui
rad tbe operators
canarics an' my cut thah'thnt dog.
hnd other ontbolidlngt, eaRlng almoat
tough as le.ilhi-r. It begins 10 sprout
or good, an noi look foi him no ir
doimponr. You rona( he wei to the
She wTites me tiuii they ^car the
follow the dip of the veins beneath
Sho-drew tbe back nt her brnrily Iim ni never take up with another
in March and April, and gradually
daughter is going Into cons
le water for a diainnee of more than
“Onady!. Oohdy! Where
veined iiand over her eyes, .and gulpcovers
lire through ag in what I'v
■You ain’t seen anything o' fkindyr
ihii ^11 have to got me another
mile. It mtgbi Ire (.xpected'ttaa) tbe
Dasdy. here.’'
iiirh tiki
impi'tieirable hruHh'. In the fall the
livi-d. thrnngh on Dandy's aeeouip housek»-ef»er."
beedlera of (he inweight of the ocean would force waShe -net her tamp on a ba:
IS she pusheil away Troiii h-r f«o-i I just ealle.110 leave my door-keo with
stem* iwconte tender, tho
viiatJon to go in out oi the'rein.
repled his h.ind lovingly on
into the mine*, but this has ntt
Jv the bara door And * t out Into
almost untouched.
lease ibclr suciinn-lihe grip
.voii jio that in ea~‘ of fiie you could
"No. I haven't," said Joel Lu^.
head while he talked. Jane,
happened. No waiw at all coores from
Imr ilulo orchard, beedleas of the
rocky bottom, and tho autunut winds
don't feel as snine altotii wimriglit In; !in' mr-hhe ni write
"Ilu wes over here yUildsy. an' onr
roundly grateful for tho care he had
overfaead. indeed, the bed of tbe
fbci that sbo wore very (Un-Mled
wash ><■ ashore In such great quanti­
folks' maklii’ so much o' dogs.", Ask yon to open up the bouse for
old rooater drnv him home." said
given Dandy amt naturally of a
ocean is as tiiriii as a cement cUdeni.
JUpper* and (be thick grass
ties that It looks like n huge, brown
<ibe added. "I reckon some winiinen
let It aid CHU a day l»^ore I c<
symp-itheiic naitire, raid:
son of fire clay lines tbe aubma.^beary with dew.. Then abo retnraed Sarnh with a grin. She liked (o sol with cliildren may go to real foolish
wall along the entire coast. The fall
home. The house is *0 old it gittrriuting (blags. “I guras If he wui
"I'm ever «i> much Obliged
ne roof of tbe mine, and tho acdl4d tbe boose mattering to bersedf:
crop is ot compnraiivply small vatiu
lengths with dogs; iim I oiu't «h no sm.'1'ln' mu«ty the mitmli liY-shei
for bein' so good lo Dandy; and. If
rent altore this is kHd In place and
-TYhere lo time Un that dog itc? I may dog I wonldn'i trelpae round lo ekihlren. an' I ain't evef f.-|t that I'd
I may slay a couple o' weeks.
e rain afier him."
ther.-> any.hlng I e:.n do for you. I'd
parked down by tho'water pressure
Merer knew him to act like thU liefor feriilixlng purposes, boeausn It I
dare assume the resimnslhlln
-He ain’t your dog." raid Jane
Two day* huer Jane found herself
• e 10 do It. I'm visiting a cousin
■tmiil there Is not a bole or crevice —
fore. He aUtu comes the first itror I
only in tho spring that it can be su<
adopllb' a child, cvoii if 1 hn<
drawing near a neat little white. hoQRc
mine a couple o' mile* from Mere.
ridly. “He's mine, an' I'm goln'
enll him."
eessfully bume<t. and at this tint
me.ins. which the Lord k-nnv« I ain't. With greoti hlind* so newly p.iinted
■ my time's my own. Is there any­
. Bhe panted on
dborwtep and find him If I kin." nnd she weni on her I rnn'i see no barm in a lone woman
tfacre is such a demand for It that
A Great linvMiter.
«nvT> a fioal call b#re eiQertng -the Way with the water nosing from her lovli;' and ptrttin' « <log wheu the lAid that Hii-y j-llstened In tho snnehlne. thing I can do?"
every stalk and leaf is gathered
Tbi-re was a little white poreh with
Well, if yon could fix me tip a bowl
Sir tYimam Henry Perkin, tbe in­
kitaMA. Dandy dU not appear. Then broken aboes and the wind nappii
as II It were pnre coin. The wei-dsren III to give her « huslBind green lattice work aides over the door. of nice, hot lieef broth. I think
ventor of the dye inaave and wbo ha*
•he went lafo tbe wood-shed to ime her tbin skirt*.
burning season Is the hiisiest of
rad ctiiidren. nor ctm |he means to
climbing n.istiininmB ha-I found
been called Ibe "Magician of coat tar."
d nrengthen me up a good deal,
“The Idetr of her trailin' over (1
.•betbey Dnady bad eatabHabed tbe
year, and everj- memlier of .the house­
idopi an' rear up a child or two. A their way’almost to the top of 1
New York where arrangemeots
iteef Is out In the kitchen:
mniry lookin' for an old yallnw dng
^ %nnaonl precedent of going to hU bed
hold Is drafted to assist In gaiherii
doc is all I kin afford to lie a mmiir- t>orcji. Their vivid yellow ami 1
have b(en made to bdher him by a
Item trying to imtter round
-nr bU own accord, bat bU sort neat that ain't wmh (be powder thai'd kUt
drying and biinilng. At the clow
n' it's in me lo l.c :i mnllier to
{•leasing contrast
make P myself; but Im mlgbty
'tie*, of enterisinmt-nis rad
«r bad of ahaviagB with a worn old him!" saU Sarata Lncas. as abe stood
each cl.-ar day Hu- wliob- enata sccAi’*
tomrthltig. Then ng'iii. n il«g niii'i the greet! su|>purt from which they
window and watched Jane going
Maidmt over them waa empu-.
to be afiame from the ihmi-jinds of
■ ongraieful an' a child orten i<. liung. 'The whfde doorytirrt was .iclow
Chemist* generally h*vc Itenefiited
j think one r<-js«n I don't get
down the hill, nnd a moment or two
• “Qnaar." mnUered Jane.
Iionfires that an- kept burning far In­
Hy cousin Susan Item's adopiei
' Thm abe went Into ber litUe sitting latiT aho called out to her busluind. danght'rr wji* a reg'lar serpeni's looijt with bright bW--ops. They and the right up i- foi lack of properly cook­ lo Ibe night. This is otie <if ihe many by .Sir Wtlllan.'k great discovery of .'A neatness of the place ed foot."
years ago. Stoce the day when (he IS
h-vl gone b.iek (n (be (able to finfoom. and aroond the (dd-faahloBed
natural rcroiirees that has iinexpreirdthe Bible speak-s of for oniliank- appi-aied to Jane > i.m- of flowers and
'J'ouih saw a wondrous coloi
«k>efc wi(h Its dona partly of mirror
ne Wii* a "horn cook." and she ly developed in Norwtiv. and no one
iesum-M after Susan picked her up orde.'. .
gUm and ^nly of ^aas on which
n-’ver happier than when exercis­ i.-r •Ireame.i iw-eci) .vearr. ago that sh.idc come out trf a dense black real"She's went rigtu on past her from Ibe very dunghill, as it were.
of perfumes and rouniltd*
When was still several hun­ ing her gift* in that direction; there- lis seemingly worthle»-.s u«-e<i would
there vaa a Tory <orgeetta lady la bnnse toward the village In all ihU
slaved for her. an' oven sent her
iteautitiil ecdor* have evolved from Hie
dred yaMh from the house, an evile she said:
• yellow 'dreai, a scariH coat, blue pour, an' she looked as If she'd l»een
1 11 li-w years, as rf some.- cif
to college. Dandy was graiefnl for evorigUial diieoveiy. Nearly 2b diemieal
looking trami> came nut of the wood*
.BoBOel. and green veil. She carried (rampin' the eouniry for hours. If she
'III just lay off my l•onDel nnd cape
trpnss the fisheries, wbieh lit
'rything I did for him. an' he was no
the w-urld have made
a short .Itsisnec in front of her; He
W pnrple and white poodle In her ain't a <jueer case. Hi give up."
go right to work, an' rook anyle mainstay of the petqib- of tha)
o' comp'ny (or me. I don't see
il*lve*’t.iiu*lne*s of coal lar pro
ng you want.'
. intma. and walked amid pink nme*.
luniry for ag-s. nor rival that of agwa* ne.-irly noon, when Joel Lumd in till* country alone li 1*
fti»d was followed by a cltlld In u while
i reckon yoii'il fimt things In a
culture la one of the le:..llng agciculreinraiiig from an inspection ot
>d lh;.l 11.600.000 1* invested
•ress and pnrple paniBleta. The child his flooded lower meadow, met Jane
gt»d d.-al n;
clutter in the kitchen.
r■ -Mi
iral districts of Norway Vet such is
She weniTo the kitchen door, threw had :i horror of tramps
.was awinglng a big poke bonnet in rctuminc from the village; She apMy honsek.-pprr wasn't the most or- the case today ; and tlio*.- who art- for- in Sir William b dlscoverire.
open, and called with
Ill speahilig of ;hl» discovery, Sir
fomewhM reckless nbandon. and her pe.nrcd weary to cxliuu.stion and the
When the hobo in front of.her was rieriy p.-rv>n m the worldr'Thcre'* an unale to own land iiiiii’ting the tear* in her vtricc:
William said- "i was In tbe labora­
)|alle wa* of the rartety (bat “won't careworn look had <le»-pened on her
within a few fn-T of the gate, nt the oM Iftimgi- <Kii there: s.n>l t guess I'll •bore, can rtap the
tory of the fk-rman cberaltn Hoffmann
*Dandy! Eondy! Won't you
and lie on it, and ici! yoti •roi* <-f the year.
:enrl of il.c flower-lxird-red wall: leadOwtu^» of farms
ftce. She pressed one wet hand to her
when 1 discovered nauve. I wa* then
-■ Jane ,was such a ereouire of habit hollow cbest aoM coughed dryly as slie back to—to—ma'ant? "
|lng up to the little porch, a big yt-Ilow where things ht.*."
located where the we«! hhus to have
IV. Whlli; In an experiment to find
dbat abe alwaya wound her clock the drew near. It hnd viupped raining,
Three weeks passed and Dandy wasjdog Ijing with hl« nose between-his; He noted with admiration Jane's
predilection to drill tan buiu uquinine.
i fainted and was aliout to
Wmem It bad ceased atriklog nine, luit a fine mist from which an U(nIII a wanderer. Sarah l.ucx*. rii-elai-jiutws Kuddenly lifiod his head. Then
vit. ord<*rl,v way of iloing thing*. much as n.tku. pounds a year, which
tbmw :■ certain black residue away
nd ahe Ml ptovoked in think that hrella was no protection. Mturated ed that June was actually "eaiin' hcrihe canu- running clumsily toward the! Within two hours .she had worked a sells for from IS.Si to
T.'. a pound,
Whett ! Ihonght i» mighl be interesting.
'the abaeot Dandy bad ea«se<l ber to her'garments.
hoan'oui lor an old yalh.w dog": ai«l.,0|M-n p.t.-. iMrking n bark that Jane w-oniU-rfiii iransiormaTioii iii the dis­
annum income tn N<iiw*y fi-oni
The hoiutkm of it resulted in a ktrangc
-delay this dnty fully eleven minute*.
_te!l. Jane's apiiearance wax; lecognized as surely as n tRoihec rec- orderly kitchen and pamryj and the
r-#l ashes smounts to ll.'o,—1.
Find yonr dog?" akked Joel.
|«- iH-.iiitifui color. You know ihe
Her big Maltew cat bad already been
that rf a woman trying to iwar up un-' ogmz.s the cry of her child
Jane'* kitchen was Ailed with the dppellzing Every fisherman knows ihi difference
"if 1 bad I reckon he'd be wKh
retegaud tp bla own “safe, sweet corle se.ircMng sonow. She
h<-an thr^liert wildly th< momen: o«!or of the various di»hes she was between :ilga and tang. Oalv ihe for..
she replied tartly.
•er." in (be wood abed, and Jam
till *0 wW-begone that an unsut^.Yed. *he saw th.- dog; and. when >he had tmiklng. The noon hour found Jane jier can Ih- 'i-ci as raw nu.ieri.ll, f«r|
“Where you been lookin' for hinir'
AnUeus In seek repose for berself In
chord of sympathy In the s'lel.r Saiah heard his deep, growing hark, she tn.iklng the invalid comfortable in a lb.' iodine nii.l IndoMry: i
e element ibai I* worth
-Orer (o Job Porter’s place, where Lucas seemed to have luen toiiche«l;;cbi*pert her hands logerher and raid
idbc big four-poster bedstead with Us
big rocking-chair she had drawn up 10 tang is entirely wonble-s lb>t of the its weight Ih cold,
I. gnd
and tbat
that I*
Is loyflit
anowy valance and billowy fe*lbe^ I got him when he was a slx-weeka- and she declared that she felt • down-iesgcrly:
the tal.le neatly set at one end of thi' differ'enf kinds of mca 1: is imnraterWe can't lUp ihf past, but we re
^^eks in the tliile bed -n»m just be- old puppy, t rerkoned. that m.-bbe right sorry for the pore thlng."^
; "It s Dandy: ir* Dand, "
er one makes look out fdf-rile future.
long, sunny kitchen. She had
Tond Ibe alitlng room. Sbe went to the he'd tnk a notion to go hack there.
;onc-o?:i and gsthered :•' little bouquet I ure of ihe iars«'. stioi
"But It's as Isay to her."-Sarah add-. The dog ran out Into the read,
There isl^'oihing else on canb son
•f5oortne**!“ said Joel: and when he ed to n ealler: "dogs Is plenty, an why'the tramp drew lAck. -with a
.Tiubco door again when abe bad
rhije anera. and bail put ! broad-Kaved klfiil; when the s eed 1* noilng as a procrastlnaUan In decis­
rvaehod home he said to his wif<
•ooBd (he eloek, and again she
! carefully bandk-d. one can seg-jre an ions
don't sbe git anmber one? My brotherj stick he carried raised threateniogl.v. them Into a little glass vase end
-If Jane Bond ain't sbaky In tbe np- Ram offered to give her a licautlfur Then he ran suddenly forward, and them on the tabic.
.' exceHcnt produci. If rang is biirned
It Is sn easy m&(|u>ru> h^le even
. throdyr nandr; Aio'i yon never per story. I mias my guo**. shc'* been spoiti-d pnrp di»g. -he cunnilt'est thing! dealt tho dog n eruol Wow ihal s--nt
■I like to see Bowers on the L.i)k,"!*'Hh alga the value .* drereared con- congested rontravfrsles. Were (be
;*amln'? You cons. al<mg here.
awny over to the Jol. Porter place in yon O'er see, an' lots ii.-iter breed; him baekjnto the .vard bow-ling dismal- said tbe-tnaD.
islderahly. but notwlibMandins this •piilt of the panics 1* right and hon!| want to go in l«cl!"
an this rain an' mud. Iooktn''for that than her old yallow dorg wa*: hot she' l.v. The next instant Jane wasTacIngj "So do 1." said Jan.-77 | fact tbe mixture 1* not infrequejtt,
'. She rctnrnnd in (he alMlng
mikxablo ywUbw dog o' hers.' If* a jBR: shuk her head an'*ald she wa*; the man with flashing eyes and^cetr«1 Sbe stayed'ne.iriy all the afternoon.
After the bantiog. the ashes are
■Do you suppose that, with angoglne!
.grith a frown on her fare nnd sat down goof six mile* from here to Job Por­ tilll hopin' ihnt Datidy wor.ld. come; aflame.' Her voice rose high andiseiilnc tbe neglected house to riiSiiB learefoily gathered, packed, and shiplike thiit. I coold afford to pnt aaviciiig
*hh a ropy of the Chrtsilan Worker, ter’*. If It ain't seven; an' the dog baek. Ishan't say how I fomslout. j sharp Inanger, as
she said:
land -rookhtf up" for the man who! ped to all pan* of ihe world. The lul; »nto The fioiler ibi.t t.-i-jid nal.i- rhe
^ealr paper nbc took, m her hand*. wH'n'i ihen- nuboB-. if any o' hcT kin but I got itfromtbejlHwt ofauthorif) i
'Tiiai'* my dog. sit: VonKirlke him | had licfncnded Dandy. Whrti she wsh | seqnem tfvwimeflt of dre-asbe* i* vcil- mschliK-if ntii wi'/i.






The tHMhMs «t t)w TnrerM Citr
pcboeto ud tA«*
pupil* «<
tke Hlcb acbool «ere l«nd«rc4 a TfiT
pMuuit neepdoa *t tbc CoBimtE*(inul chBKh pyuuy nlsbi- Tlw aEa!-wu B Hallowe’en panr and w«* onr
« Uie wwt plMBUK and beat arranced enr held here.
The PBJrlart reaeaablad an
I with ■boekj Of
ptaeed la arUatk poaiUeBa. fat r<Hlov
rbere emi ia the
pteeca. while iho
Ump* bore red ahadc*. The uuotia
were leertrod In a rtry dim iwlliKhi
and a aeiwhslmil abort wa* at the door
tdIcnUjr poInUajt iho ^direction to Iv*
taken. Awwntflnc the Ktairwar. <be
Kneat waamet br anotbPr while roloal
abon who aiiempM ta abake handa
the I^ioatlr hand brtiir eold and damp
and the
e K^dnir
KHhnimii nl*o tielne damp a*
riMaitb Juat from tha (trare. ThU
Ante alm> allenilr pointed and the
itneata ware ihua ahopa that' their
wrap* aboald be left In the

wa*‘eoMnr and clammier than
In one oomer of the parlor. wlU*es
held »nH away ^lle in another, the
preaent nad fature wna reronrtd
wUhont hemtaUon. In MIU other
plncea. the rlslton bibbed for npplM
whfla athera attempted to obtoln
Mta from tboae mwponded by wire*.
Tboae who were dealroua of knowlaR
how tone they
blew ent cnsdlen to decide. All doInK
’ Ihe enBlnc. there was meTTlaent and
no one thera rearetted barlBic come.
Dnriac tba opealnc. a abort pro­
cram war gtren aa Mlowa;
- Voml Mio. Mia* Ora Brorett.
voeti 8(Bo. Mina Beaale Hooker.
RaatUas. Merriu B. Holley.
Vmml tmio. Mia* Beaale Hooker.
Plan) nolo. Boy Bborabacker.
Mmkmallow* were roaated orer
amaO aaadlaa, the eandles hclas eet
In ea«le aUcka made of applet.
fraAaoBta of pmicora aad apple*
wen mn*i. the receptacle* bHaa

Womans 'Oob.
' Tiw iMTlInr or the Woman’a dab
Md'rirtday aftaruooo waa om
etnptkmU Inumat. The aftemocm
uraa in duu(a of the Uterarr depart
aant aad Mlaa aara Bates waa the
' ieater et tba aeeUac.


e of the oDuatry and prored
(o an to be of icroai Inienat. Mias
Balaa dMlrarad the flnt on the North
limnlilin espeeUDy upon Michigan
wriMRi Mn. W. E. Hariia dealt with
the Soath and told aomc very loterosi
lac pamaal experience* with tht
■ iiBlllii vUto*: Mm. C. B. Taylor’*
prpar on the Baatom aTliera was very
j aa rras the last, by Mr*.
Mta. E. C. OarJa on the We«.
MMa OonMla Morriaoa roBderod,a
Maao BOlo aad Mia* Helen Hannon
fwmd the dab with a rioUn aclerUOB. both of which were very well

attoa made fay the eieetion of Mrs.
•mmt Chamhorlain who wn* recent­
ly Maeted eorreapoadlng serctntr.

The Cat Wat Reaaued.
After two daya and two nights of
t ta a tree Um. a amall
tigar cu was releaaod fram li* nneom
foctaUa poaittim by Ofdcer Wllltam
The anlatal bad perched near the
top of a Mive oak In front of Ed
BWVa naMnee. 43* Washington
ntreat. and nothing coald he &»t> by
tba paaple of tbo vicinity to nloaae
CUM of Pallce Aahtoo wa* nolU^d this noon. Mr. Aahum knew
that tbo« waa an otSeial deg cateher
but tboo^t that he would hardly be
the maa to aend to the
OfUcer Jenaiag*
• with a pair of climber* and
la the am
Aftar a «llmb of a nUlUon feei—
amra or leas—Jenalng* reaebod the
(Ooat of tba felloe and relenaed her.
Puia abowed flghi. however, and be
waa forced to drop her to the ground
where ahe ran fasu-r than iho old
won ont bine attcak. alio simply evapoialad. Tiw ireo climbing feat
watMied by a ' large and admiring
crowd of WaMilngton street fTsidents
Rmr. C. T. Etawt Will Laav*.
- Tba Bar. C. T. Uoui. recior
Oraet Bplacopal church, tendered hi*
Tfaltnallon to the vetiry Priday nigbl
aaddhe raaignatio'n was accepted. Mr.
ttOBt w(U leave hi* charge here in
r to take the
Paal-B ebarch In Key West. Florida
Hta ntlcaatloB will take effect Nor.

U was atmoai aloe years abn thni
Mr. Stoat aad bl* family moved to this
: rtty aad it U doubtfal If aajwae In
Trarerna City ha* any more friend*
thaa 'they. Mr. 8toM. w ith Ibe able
awlatiarr of bit wife, haa bnllt up tbo
rftarch unUl Ihe
largely iacmaned and is •
* with Ihe sincere regret
of a large number that Mr. Stout and
famDy wUl leave.
The nwtry lain ovonlng anpoinied
C of U F- Tliti*.
H. C. Darte aad E. U Sptagne to draft
aattable rcMutlon* on Ur. 'stiwr*
Aemeet In the cl^.

Mr. atMf* aew ebarce it nae of
M MM aooth aa.1
Will be able H> aoHla lotlM- to Otf
Toairr aakta* to 1^ allowed to raaiBB
wa* a« follow*:
•Traverae diy. MIcb- Nor. S. !9«.
To the Warden* and \*iratry of
Graec Church:
“OoBiiciiwn;—I bee loare to tender
ro'i mr real*aatioo a* rector of Grace
eburrh and part.h. in order that I mar
nrcopi a call to Bi. Paul ehnreh. KejWrait, Florida, aa rrcior.
“ThI* Invitation cornea to me unKolleiied and unaousthl. 8t. PanV*
irbih la the aeennd tarpeat paridi In
Routbem Florida, wlih a fine pUm
of ehurdt InilMln*. rcelorr and parish
hoiiae. In the eenlraJ pnn of the city.
The eiir lt«-» »* of drrt Importanee
aa a nural nnd mllUtarr rtnlloo. nn<l
re I* of KTOai
maAnllude in respect to Cuba and the
Panama eanm. Henro the atraiegkvnlno of ihic point In ihe extenaloa Of
Chrint s klncdom.
"in taklnp Imre of Cmee rdiiirch I
ratefnliy bear tesilmoay to Ihe uoltbrm eourimy of youraeirm In the
ofdclaJ iMtdy of ihr and of the
klndaesK and affmilon In ihe rrtaUona
lyaelf and family to ihe mvmben
of the furlxh. To the eiilr.m* of
Tmverae Cliy in Renrral I would contoy hennfcti appreciation of numberIce* dead* of klodnesf of which my
family and myself li.-ive been the repIpient* In Ihe nmrty nine year* of my
mlnlsiry In thl* cliy.
"I re«iue.‘^t that iny rea-ienallon lake
r-Reci Ihe last Sundnv In November,
Hum 1 may enier upon my duties In
K<-y Wrci Ihe first Fundny in Deeem-

ve produced i laree number of unique
lor uicu,
men, women
jL ano mccicKuig enevm
a in uoto
Gold ono
and ouvci,
Silm,•, lui
and cbilditn. Thm wtiatk pieces lepment the fines creatiom
of the des«ner’a an and the hirhcK tj-pe of skilled cnftvnaittbip.
They iadude ^ the difierent artides of jewchy, and ofier an
exceptional oppenunitF to combioe Ottalky and -Economy. We
will be pleased to send cacaloeue and dner^ioBS on reque«.

A Hwrting Fnr^.
The Grafina bnnting party, of wbicdi
C. E. Murray 1* a member, tcfi Ban'day afterneoa for ibe , nortbetn
peninaala. where they will *pe«d
wct-ks fatinilng (or der. The party
I* an •nninil affair, and M>me nf thimembrrii have been toeeUte.* for Ib<-

A TRACY lay, P


». ttARLANDb eaahiM

Tire Instiratieel


Plat* CiRSSi Staam Bollar and Accld«nt ln«Mranc«.

luroaTcas-DisHOun uxacHSKTs-coLOisi iTHt-su-vtasuiriif
DETROIT: 140-144 Woodward .Ate. PARIS: 24-2C Rm d«. Petii*IIo(rb

Birtba and OaaUia.
Daring the month of October, there
woro twonty-slx deaths roporiod and
sevcaiecB hirih*. the hlrths as fol­
Girt. Mr. aad Mr*. Ezra Kaipe. 485
E. Elgbih slrcci. Oet. I.
Darmhy I.Mie, girl.. Mr. and Mrs.
WllllBfD H. Farohaw. MO Second
Mroc*. Oet. 7.
Donald Gikbrisi. boy. Mr. and Mra.
Edwaril A. Seymour. 8.1« RSBt Tenth
street. August. 1C.
The party is ronipusr-.] of W, Mr C.
Bvelyiy girl, Mr. and Mr*. Willlanl
Orafioo: s’.iperinienileni of signals of Kliaknrr, CIP K. P.ighih street. Sept
renem Hm-s of the Pennsjlvtinla
Aherham. boy. Mr. and Mi*. Jacob
nysietn. F’Vnnk l.loyd and F'rank Ilui:
both of iiiishiirg. r. E. Murray and KUhman. TU E. FTont sireN. Oet. 8.
EsieUe May. girIB Mr. ^nd Mrs.
I), Miller of this city, this IVs
Ing Ihe tlocior’s first trip with Ibis par­ Cbarics Edward Lake. 714.^ast Eighth
ly alihoush no; his (Inn to the uorib. ureei. Oct 17.
Mary Elirabcib. girl. M and Mrs.
Tbe ear will arrive In the dty Sunb
ila.r inornin: and will lie dnly pwvls- CbarlPs P. Buck, 335 W^ Eight
Inned for tbe cruise, the start norili strcei, Oct. 81.
Rnxa. girl. Mr. and
Ising made on Siindny nfiernoon. The
float dostinnilon-will be 8cmt* Siding,
Itaymend Francis, boy,
>. Sy. and Mrs.
north of tihlnglcian. tbrv>e week* in
nil Ipciiig coibaime<t In making the trip Allwrt Wolf, IIK K-nst Twrifih Kire4‘i.
Oe:. 10.
end hunting.
The <-qnlpm<m will be farther InBtiekley. Midi, Nor. S—One of tbo
Cinerhanwnshy. 511 Flflh
iflh str\l. Oci.
ploBsani *oelal huriness g.nhorings In ,rrr.ase<t liy n small gasoline trank
the history of Jlurkley occurred last This Is it “hand car" wHh a motor
Girl. Mr. and Mr*. Edwin Ernest
eaiuthie of a speed
evenlag when ibe first anniversary of
thirty ulllcs an hnnr. With this, the Garomi. 685 Fifth street. Sept l«.
the oponing.of Ihe Wnllon house
Rose, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Ro­
eelebtmi«?d, Mr. and Mr*. 8. I). Wnlum l«r:y ran run up and down the track man, :ifi9 South spmee *lreet. Oet. IS.
wherever ib«- liiintlng fs gnofl without
were host find hostess and they
Rath EHrabeth. Mr. nod Mr*. Jay
derod a fine banquet to the business biking long tramps. In net. the par­ It. JdnNonieb. 335 West TwelPh street.
men of ibe toa-n, the bill of fare ron- ty will he equipped with every leliorj Oet. 3.
alEtlng of roa*t duck end nil the good saving derieo known to modem hum
M.-irgiiercu Alltertina Ann. girl Mr.
iblngK native to the fertile noil of the rr* and will extract the maxlmnia
Mr*. Frank Green. «21
regtoo and Iben more roast duck. enjoyment with the miniminn of
.TVeirtih street. Oet. lo.
Plates wore laid for thirty-four.
Neal Edwnrd. boy. Mr. and Mr*.
The even was
Edwnrd A. Ktidee. \yest Ninth street.
ago. when Mr. nnd Mrs.
Om. 7.
Staamar Kanaa'a.
Walton aeivod Iboir first meal In their From rriday'B Heoord.
.Marion H.-len, girl. Mr. and Mrs.
onc-Rlory house. 14x86. which
The sieamsblp Kansas, which has, lames Moron. ::sr, W«-vi Tenth sired,
lighted laniely by openings In
bien lutd up *1 Manistee tdnee the Oct. 84.
walls. The present sire .if the Wnl­ Inner pan of Si'pieniber. started out ' Hr»y. -Mr. and .Mrs. Jar-oli ,M. tl.-iis*.
lon house is 46xk0.
oguiii Mils noon for Chicago, where she 880 Tw.dfih sir.-tjt. Oct 53ToantK were freely responded to and will lake- dp a rail from Chlrogo (o
these limught forth Ihe rapid develop- NorlhiKm and n-nirn. making tbe trip
Fifty Car Sidetrack,
irn-m of the town to the romplele sai- twice a week. This move i« necessary
necmisc of the extra freight handled
Ixfaciion of all. Postmaster FTanl: from the iiiereaclng freight
by the ear feivy. the local G. R. £ I.
Wightman told bow the posloffiec was of Ihe Northern Mieblfmn Tranaporta-1 yard,; h.-tve |KV>n very- mueh erowde.1
opened for the first time May H. iMiC. lino eomp-my and will relieve the two
^erv prolwble that within
For the flr« thrt>e mouth*, the dally other Inals of the fleer so that they M,„ri time a fifty ear sid-iraek will
mall *erviee shewed sn average of Si can devote more allenlloo to the l«y
eonsirorie.1 in the soiiibi-m part of
pieces sent and IMi plectm
port* and those farther north.
the city. The ear* are handled now
daPy. Fttr tbe last month, tbe average
The Missouri left FVunkfort for Chi-i d„*-n o|n„,. ipt- bay front iind lnlerDinety-thToe ploee* sent and 82t eago this morning with flfty-five «r-:f^res with the mhking tip of pissenpieces received,
Insd* of freight aboanl and the Illinois
FV>r the ixmeOi of the public and to was iu this port thl* afternoon, wllhi There Is nl>o a strong rumor that
merahalfltiadrrfCilcago freight.
: the ferry will goon daily trip*. Trip*
to the M. * N. E. railroad company
The imats will stop running almif .
ManiMiqiie are being mad>
wa* drculalcl and signed by every the mi-idle of December.
, other dav at presem.
on present. This itetiiiOB asked
that Ibe name of the station he ehangOavia4Cemp.
from Wexford to Bnekley so thin
Gone t» Ctireo*.
Miss Liiclna Ikivi* and C. A. Kem|i j A. Petaader loft Tbursdey for New
Ibe name of the M.-itldn nnd the posiof PellKlon. were iiniied in marriage | York city, where he will take pa*offiee would lie the name.
In response to a cote of thanks ai 12 o’clock Satutday. at the home of; sage lo-Uverpool and tbence la
td liest wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Walton the bride’s p.-items on R Ninth street, rope, where he will vIMi several of the
responded as follows: "Yon are here­ the Hev. T. P. Hllom officiating. On-|Huropoan countries hefore
rrind*i lie will be cono about two months.
by Invitod to a necond meeting Nor, 1y the rel.Plive* and Immediate fii
w«-re present. 'I'he liride was gowned j Mr. Petander U a native df Finland
8. IWT. and » will l»e roast duck.”
in while 1‘erslsn lawn and wa*
and will return to bia country where
tended by her eouslii. Miss Mildred' ho has a brother and a alster beft
His bicycle bnslneaa
Honor. Mich, Nov. 8—A quiet home MoKe*. who was also dressed in white
has been left in competent hands.
wedding was solemnlred At the home
of Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Chapin W.vlnes- groom, was best min.
day evening, when their daughter. weddinfl dinner wts serred after the
IVtrn M, was united In marriage
Walter W. Armstrong. Ibe Rev. Mr.
niirdge officiniiug.
Tbe bride wax beautifully arrayed Id
while Dbd carried white eernaiioni
8be waa attended liy Miss Ethel Arm­
strong, sister of the groom.
Prank Chapin, brother of the bride,
acted as i>es: man. The gnexis .
as follows: Win, Armstrong, M^an.l
Mr*. Joe ArniKtnmg. Mr. and Mr:, rnd Mis* Kuiilcng C.vue.
The hrble was formeriy el. i-k in tii.imsiofllre h<-re and the groom
viiluol clerk In the .A. Tl. Case CoV
store. The nwiny friend* 'i<iln in wl- h
Ing them n happy Journey ihnuigh life.
Immediately after the reremenj
Ihe Guelph F.-iient Cask Co. kjw hrig
pde. Gns Heldenuan eomniandtag. and
Ibe Honor IJght arilllery. captained by
Geo. Weaver, headed by the FSy dnini
corps, assembled on the lawn nronnd
tbe housi- and lendered mnsic fining
,for the occasion until the bride and
groom appeared on the froai porch,
each armcil with a box of cbolo'
whieh seemed to have a very
soothing eff.-ci on ibe crowd.
After giving three chdr* for
britfe. tbe soren.'ide/s deyiaried
their homes.

Traverse at; Slate Bank


la ear t^ra

which fs really a boit-l tm wboels, I'used, the car lieing run up to the huniIng groumlR and the party ilving and
sleeping aboard. *l'tvo eolored lioys
coniod. a cook and helper, so
that the hunter* have nothing
but hunt and tell hunting siorle* while
Ihe black men do the wort: of split
Ung the Wiuxl. tmlldlBk' the fires, car
rylBR the a-aior and other camp laeldcfiials that do not ndd to the pleo*ure of the mr:>> who goes lA the woods

The happy eoiipie left on the 4:35
train for Prilston this afiemoon,
where they will make their futuiv
Peary Rctwrna.
New York. Nor. 3—Mrs. Robert’ E
I’rory iwived word that Commander
Peary w-as reiuroin: safe. He reach­
ed F7 degrees, sis minutes north, thir­
ty-five miles nearer ihe ptfie-ilisn the
dtike of Abruzzl In 19W, .Mr*, jv.iry
wus overpoyed on recetiiiig-iln10 her which she ws* nwjik.-'Bi-d
• •
this morning.
The luimpkiu jiie supper held at tlte
tome of Kil mack lit I-Iasi Bay town­
ship Fridny night was n decided «ueee-s hoih finaneimiy and soelnlb’Then- w^* n largo aircodanee and the
fine program prepared was well renden-d. Ihimpkin pic. of course,
the chief article of
roir.-c and fried eakc*
PestmacUr Wehbad.
G. \V Foul*. i>o,imaMcr at Riveriiui, Iu.. n-arty lost hi* life and was
mliUd »tf ail comfort, aecordiog lo
bL U-tu-r. which Ka)-,.: -Por 80 vror*
1 bad chntnjc liver Atmiilaini. which
led to such a wvcti- ease nf J.-tundlce
that even niy linger nail* turned yelli»»: «b. n m> aVu.or preacrilied Hee
trie III-I.V-; *hi< h cured me and have
l.ei« me s-Hi fm c’evi-n vrorv." Sure
citio lor llltio i-iics. Neuralcta. Weaku<-» and a(l ^lonmeh. Uvec. KIAne.r
au4 lUadder alcrojiitCDicuis. A woodets
ful Tonic. At Hannah Drag Store, r

The Pain

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estaic Only.

sad rrt laslrmwi mav wty ansa rasAma

Room aiONowStato Bank BuHdlnB.

3 rtr Celt »Bm4 « TlaeDMt^

Yon w’ill noon be ready to tmUli yonr booac
tninineiBatockii»Ure*in8hap. t

Get our prioea.


~r find Dr. UDm* Afttl-Poin PIS* an
xi-vUrni tvaoTOy for ovrrrotniog b«4------------wlgt* airt dUtrMinc
». 1 hove u*ro
for VSr
VY-»ra la Ibl* easaetty
IVru, InA

Uilf» HaUed Co. EWiart, Iiid


We <-arry a

ont aperial >ork in a
f .Jry Inmlier in Mtaek.

Wlien in a hurry, apid yonr onl-r to ui.

riioncs. IJell

Cilz. 3CH.

r.iri Idike Avenne

Have yon ever tried the

Mexal Tl«»i-


Cswntd Con

They a« the best



Sold only by

MK««GsrT»U.ClI* gibrorgm.


,0«. F. J. atseHsTT

Death of Oera Evan*.
Folluwlng Ih.-^donih of bei sister.
Grace, ihri-.- w.*ks ano, Mi*s Dora
Evan* pasM*.! away nl the horn.- nf he
father. Elw.vrrt A Evans. 8<«9 Wa*blncBLABBRa MTTB*
ton street, si <: o’clock-Thurwlay evep:
Ing after :i long siniEcle with typhoid
Dora w-n* K years of na>’ au‘> «.i*
in Ihe sophomore <-la« of the
High who
school whf-r.- she was c*in«id<-re<l
vl The l.riglii'-si iiiiplls .'*he had
exci-pi!on:iI iul>-ii< nnd an arii*'
Ooatr Bank Bldf, DBTBOIZ
IM-cUilly ill ]Mn
i— •• —............-r” • -• • • Of the Tiolln. mccilnS; wUh much
cesR along that line. Dora wa* taken
eick shortly nftet- her sister liecamc
lit but after the latter’s death scemt-d
to rally and It wa* Ihonehi that she
would recover, imifl » ri-lajuve fullnwed lle«ldoMhf ni.’iny inilmnie friends
she had it Jjost of s< h<><d frietiil- who
Before you buy vour Steel Ranjic. Cook Stove or
will roonra Iter ^o.i^ with the Mrickro
Heating Stove come in and let us show you oiir line.

-1-0 R iST;^^ErETr:rCo.x


The Farmer’s Store
We have



complete with reservoir and wanning closet from $22
up. We have hearing stoves from bOc up. Our line of
stoves is complete and our


Cnu NrtB I. plMvd laie |I«
OTcr me Bolmnr *nd iistworiKd. Kel>c<itiBaatiMe*«l*ciirernl>nn. It liM O'ylnE-d'.w
satimdaeceiiMSlni;. lomSIv.mceBauDn;-

We are agents for the Maleabte Steel Range, the
greatest range on earth. ‘ Come in ind get a cook
book and let us !

Show You Our StOTcs
F"ranlc TrLici«,
Old mesW Offle*


Rewlanil Osugla**

Toledo Pulp Plaster

You know them: they are
numerous, and make their
presence felt everyvi’hcre. The
names orkhe family arc Head*
Backache, Stomach ache, Xcuralpa, etc. 'ITicy are semimjs
that warn you of any derange­
ment of your system. When
the brain nerves become ex­
hausted or irriuted, Headache
makes you miserable; if the
stomach nerves are weak, in-'
digestion results, and you
dcmble up with pain, and if the
more prominent ncr\*es are af­
fected, Neuralgia simply make*
life unendurable. .The way to
stop pain is to soothe and
strCTgthen the nerves.
Miles* Anti-Pain Pills do this.
The whole Pain family yield
their influence. Ilarmlcs-s
uken as directed.

A GfiMril Bukl« BMtacM DMe

Will not Freeze

Will Hold on Metal,
Wood or Brick.
r--\FerS^'i■rB -I .


The Beauty
of our hantlinatlc shoes for
men ia the way they .ire
ma>lr> Gool solid Iv:itlier
•oleo arc put on oai-li piir by
skilled workmen.

The Result

Will not crumble or crack.

Wc have sold several carloads of it. ^ee tbe walls in
the Wm. Hoolihan building on Stat^ StrecL They
are plastered with ToledoJPulp.

is yonr work shoos are eomforlahip nnd more tltirabk-. .

$2 and $2.50
Sbae StM-e 0pp. WUti« H«tei




RMrpanUiUgn Ccmpletstf. ^

Chwk.-rj, n.


ilivM* Inl-cli08^. Tbi- lU-AI lU'icIlii^ nf

liry CkkU. K. K. WilltdiU.

e. Bro»u. ...t THfiu. «Olli.* «fv=iuii..l

CI«U!lB8.r.:A. Kafta.

ittM-nsK Rtyxl n-sdlDi;

H'jK-. (U)BS:KuCDi«.

and a. conuDltt>*<- Is workins oat a li.-i

tl»l» iBonilas.

JMiieiMiiv. M- I)

Mi . llrt.*n U a Olri-Ptor,


«HTOT«U<m dolrie a t>uaitUM of

J. U. McAvor.-

SfcUWi.wai aunitr!!}’Jind U ndiulraUy]

.Ilaiia.l, & Laj M- rc.

t^uippiHl for IbLIlb <iu

hookv by Its-


maoasvtntii’ ,

Vf lb<r lirBM
I" »>»■ nonb- M'* j
Bim-n ba» charsp of one
i.ruiciic« In Tinin and nnt!l ■ l»reo*j. of tb.* Uak PaiH i*h«d biiild-


ijsrynis. and' aresuw

follow our <>ffort».'’ '

niBtitH Mcrt i.y

ihii was not ouly ** U rondcr«-d bin


ole ai.1 Mr. flrowi. hu» aiaays bei.„j

WBi; v..iy



Mrs. John Bally fmw nn

of ..ryanitinn a u.oBw rV r!-jb waj

rf. 1 <llsnif«iil.

Tbi.s W.rdn««l»»

ajrtly clio»rti.

ciiiil sv-o n:,‘ svmiim- Silrf at II-


U.-xll< y

Mild in opcnlns iba> iho itreat nHn <il

fair*. He Is a mi-mbrr of Ihe Iward oft“*«■ ”««•» •'
*'“• «•*'<»! bnlWInie.
trade aad U «ll.r>rtor anil-%-| wt.i.ty bilns i.r-.H-n*.

tbi- world had ercat mothen'. and lb<

jliat of a

mniiiia was in tb<> mao wim worKs.

unnit.iT of oiKaiilraUm.dl,


Mn-ii^|i of iht- nation and i-wry coin wijKn-is->‘

Till- fidlDwlUB iitlici-rs wt-rr v|r.v.<,|i:

^uitdi rrorhcr

Vic- Pres-Mrs. tVm. MKTnnl.




President—Mrs. &imu»-l Elirr

Mrs. Win. MrC.K.l I'end a

'.-ry [iil.T.-stiuu
ou -TIu- K.'i-.i
»r Moi1u-i>' nii'.tiiivi

. .BWdeni miHlnsU and ilu- imieucy of

S.-c, arid Trvas—Miss

plarv. tts-y


H'*- ^u*qu<-liajinii





If U i^8l:i »*l I'r hMseW.

eilnu bis UMirnins mail.

- 11'1>0II rwo V a.-h'-rs lia\«\lu-d wbi ■ 'Ih' ve;sifim-j» i.-mark ilji.t -•he liau.

NOVEMBER a riiratTnall .-arrUT. al J.dd.>- caiiiaa.s ai i.isbl lo drive to some Jiv-


coiiiuiiiuvd sujeid.- by

ls'<-<- this tuornlDfl to >nin ihvir com





ins. ihiukinu that


fat- was ot> di>|iOMsl.

Th.-, wt-upou us.-p

ien-lK>r.- niiiski-i

■ Ifthe
1 oficnril^wWi iue i«ald«
hen ihcchUd
hrchUi rcwchcvai.
................... _-j!d Iw-ablciocon Iirol tlie
sSme cui'jousir a|>p:u|i,iui
iBssnEc. « C. . r afflicted with Ijc.1s of tiii-4. dn-endari nH-thvrawsvqt 'iia
to be found nmoPB the
tr.ubic. :and tbc ii
Nl.atlvilh.Be..nCapt-Cod TheJ.«d
,mOwr .I.-.1.-S 1. ................... ...
.s. qep should IwlmarrU IM
ml l.umtH-n. .he .’t,Xr"m.:;,ant
Ms-Jhss \„ri-'..

H.sirite E. .Chllils. a


biodilcr .21x1 not
Fhinmy. the inlnlM.-i thv tlMv"
baUiBS m-ssl
pssl p. I>pl
av-wr 1 .2
julr mill knlni
};real rctiml>.
Chl-f C.nbil.-I Godfny. Hu Iasi :.f iiel Isdli ncol
■diatc effect of
the Miami IrnUuns. has Just b.-om- a riu- •uild ,.nd
soonrvalired. ilissol.l,
-nib.-r of III. lIors4- Tbli> l>.-l.v«lve b> ,liuctis2
i«K-i.-"ti.ui- 11.' is 71 .vi-ars old. While .-Till anil ■
iKKlll-v. "N o
Kukoniu, lu.. reccDlly he iiuderlouk
tm-rcbanl is Mi


d.-ali-r Is Mr. Bacon.

hu-aic the Brave iif ibi- Miami chief
Koliomo in order that the residents



-I th.-city lnii:lii eroct a inuniimenl in nm-lri.linE lunny
Id.-nuiry «f

nixed chief for whom|''-»'*‘n*l Icllrrs

the lowii^a n.2teed

or rollcK.

K<-o>r« snl
rr-slew ssi'cisai . WB NAVR A

rni.d. Il-si,,.-



<■■1 w.Ts Ismi ill >Tlni and I,»d ,a1wa«s u-n lalMs'

an association will Is- h.-ni |u Kal.i

liw'd :.i niul. b-iii-s .iiua^'-d In il;,-

to IK—.About 3'"'


l.usfm-iis for

the Iasi

. -_____

Bb.u.-. tioi


ibis taper.
I> n't make any mtsLvkc.
Ur. .veal* old that wai>-woni by Ftan-'liot rnnrtnber ...---------- ------------,---------.'is SUkuiu. who wax el..b-u whmi
Kilmer s S^mp-Root. and Ihe ad-

In Asking

Lumber and
Materia s
befoiu* artiug tolioiU or
ruitair 1i a tlouUc one.

Ibe Film Pnlon lUiu s, orualii/.-d in meets every requirement.
iy;j; bii.l was <a),12-11 of :h.- conipauy ‘alwayt used.

Shmiiin. nf Ih-trolt. u dirlotmlc to iU<-


purity, Btrength. color and uniformil
Once tried

Nuliuial IWvorts- ronfortnes- at I’hili
Norcffitu-r ]:!.

Lake all oib-r

> oT this character Hu- apon from llie. slut..
ami lliid'

llarv.-y K. Slpir, ii sludvul in Ho

"Siiiiewhcre ”
"Kei en-ause Voui Hair U Cuily. '

juuhir duniBl rjan:;. sit thu V. of M.
Muiidiiy iiiphl of lyidioid f.-ver
.2* a iu.-intH-r irf Hic

Wo aliull be glatl to tr>- any of Ibo dow eckx-Uond you nmy
wiehtohear. Oome in any time. Mail oiOit* promptly fillul.
OnVof-town parties will 1k> supplied witb new .B«.-<-on!s on

I»sl Ph!

His rx-mains

Ritet—]l'a more biinnusa for ii».
.. ..
- U’s Ix.'ttur Luuiiipr, Ldtli, F ooriiig, Stiiog)«a.
ilill Work anti BniUline
iildme HatoriaU for
>'eoot only gliOly oivx; yon our ligo va, but abov you
Uif quality of fact anide included in our .at male.

Cedar. Wood. $1.25 a ri>ad

IDEAL blended flour la a winner •




s.d U-siifrom sullcins


ehlld from Sosqm-liunna. Pa . and *us(^^ UioKhau^ion.


i-lfT.ati-s art- *'Xpi-0t«-d.
Wanicr has Adolph

He wus a cliui'i.-r nu inber i'


l i- p'liH.-liiaii-ili-Wi.llliij; beitip In a

f ihv .Micbiiian Yoims Woman s Cbiir.a/iH) .Nfiv.'mls r


which Is sabl lo hut.- Iss-n .-nnvil‘c.^ii|cm <d a Biiieb-

VID-S, I livi fill- ..,1.,


Ihalfn-y bad -i''®'*'’*

iucludliiE a

hi» maikeil f-.iiures by has luxailalil!

isis-iii Hehiii. l.if Hi.-dls.-as.. ha.l pi..- 'tours ol

State Newt.
iwviil.v-iiist annual tsmv.niloii


currlvT was urn liadly bnit

and uilx^sl with Ibe crowd, til spite u

• sluokii:):.
WIrt ii thv trouble be-; I'riui-.- H.-iiiy aeroiiipanlL-d him. lb
.-anio uiBnivott d lu- eoiisullcl >js.-eiBT^':tn|a*ror sullius f.iiili on the-.- nlclii



. ->• nlWHl Ilu-iiiiuJ.
'iRor iiml eherrtiilncM- soon Jiujiio-ar
t.lirn tfarkidocvaTC
’ <nil M or.lor »i dis*
• KpIdc' ttuuMr has
I l-fCUlK- to prcTalciil
that it is IKE noerwu^'
' inon lOT a child lo he

With a quail of soll.valrkj |s-aeh pr.-

Miss Hatpo tnim» left for Manin- ons BfUieiion which firsl muiiifesiciT j moils and
liiK-ir on liiv Ifp abiHil a year ap>. un-t
■>.' Ix-st dealt with. WlHi the > -

Miss f. Post Is ristUtig at ft-dar


IncilltiHe lh«- arrival ef itu- hut.-r* II

I’-i- Ibis nMiniiii):.

Music, Sour, Story.
Opera. Vanievllle,

••»i».iii. Kina Sit

an who

W. Gtvy rwurfnnl .to lu-r tary-cin-b's,' is ^ead at lh<- nse of -ii'daW.T plalr for over an luiiil- to stmlj
.'ears. His- li.-iiilh wiis«lii- ti, u csne.-i
i-n-aiis and hu ihods whereby itu- eno
Fiiiii'h Ibis niorulua-



I y.M

whl.-ly • sc*|hs1 d.-l.-cHon.
.\ ^ew wc.:ks apo
ariv-inoun mut rosid.'Di of Film,
known IhnmzhiiiM .Mirhlaaii lir ndli-. M >-t<Xsl .tionc in The corn.-r of Pots-



Corner Lake Ave. and Tenth St.
Citizens pKb^c :i-J
;Bcll phone I6S
W. L. BROWN, Manager.

Mothers Shoelii Watch the Deielopment of Thoir Dou{htei5—
Interestlne Eiperiences of Hisses Boraiao mil Mills.

IriHiu- «»r his ]<ar.-nls ill Muse

N. Y
NoHces hale iH-.-n I.Ss-.usI in.iii
dtipsiriniuni of the sup.'rlntcml<-ut ow
public instrui-iUm-in Isauslus lu ttWs
-h.Kd lilsiriclK Jlim uiile


Ul.' taimls. as r.qiiiiv.1 l.v law.

•loiiblc the onimmi of lii,; moneys
h:iiii!i.-l diirinii the y.-ar, by luiduialil,
their dUrlclV idi.-ire in ii„.

Traverse City Store. 159 E. Front St.

ai.iK.nlounKut of Bris.primary sehisd
lutul will 1:.- forfe ited.'IkTipiy \v
Fnn«-li staid

Coucks! Couches!
Couches !


oiT*. niiil that some counilcs



For you to join the procession

i'futiiui is not lakini.

Then- w.-n- MT lalleiils on ihe wailIns list of -the Home for th.- ri-.-iil,a :•

luHf of Hu- irastii-s .>f that InsiliuHiin

Rti-ry tu
Wllleh Uol

. s'te. an-I B'I ba-s l>r*r t
. b-ipfiil a-l> i-r 1- eiriv n, nier,
• ..ntinsy-*! -MyrTkMtil.:.<i

for th.- Miimlal fn-riod .-ndihe Jmu
.10 last,

which Iras

with G.IV. W«vii-r.

Just lir.-n lo ••Biarwe the huildiiiKs nud a.M

Hh- -late whose ■••>aii\.-s'are .laiuot:
liii: fpr ib-ir •■linlsxion


<-illa.2ls xpiMral 1.. the sm,i2uw :o

i.ruijr Ifirl Hiruui'K her
mystrrioux and
-•ndcrioi iB"»an'l pt-nal
l.-rlv' .Mrr-vr-»-d;iT,-nrsvan,l tn-Hr.''
,-o piirxie their m-th.-rw aud i.afflr
.icyiiiv. as tl„ y ~i often withhold
-nfiilepee. frruo tb-ir m-th.-rw
-al U>
t-M Pi
criKv-al]* rUsj.

sisf tli-iii la E> tHni: a plac-.- t»r uii;--

Better see us at once, as this offer only lasts a few
days, and the sooner yoircome the better variety you
will have to select from.
If it’s the money you arc thinking of, don't let that
slop you. You can pa.^ later.

tuiiHi,- i«-rstdis iu the hom-. :,nd ;|u■l.nian,! tor more room |» tmin-rativ.-.
Til- biiajit will iisk tip- h-sislaluiv. f. r
r-i .,sTman.2it intprov-nu-ntv'
-V' <1k- close .if the year .tullus Juiu
.T" there wore Sh2 inntai.-i! and !i i- reimrted lhai (he annual cist, of tuaii,

Your Credit Is Always Good
at Your Reliable Furniture Store,

’eiiatiee was SI^ per capita.
Muskvsoii ccimi'y roll ry cn>p larji-i
Saslnaw !,::llr

mlli-s .vuicnt side

walk dmiUR loKt seaoon.

3™ f;3


Tim lupinl ..f con

iiTiI is sHn askinj: for h.rtc .-mpruiwiato Hu- eapaeit; ot ih- IuvtUuUou

25 per cent Off

Now is the Time



I stands to low- M.u;:o H tin- proi>er pi.-

Miade.1 Sit UiH-.-r. eccnnliu}:

We have in slock an iinmcnst: line of Couchcb, Parlor
. ___ pici
in order to make room for our fall good^.
to do this we arc goioK lo place them
before the public ■■for a
short time at
a sh


Hu- i,-Hrhcrs’ cmi-

lUlion in BaitV Cus-k ihal imt one
coiiiily In III.- slat.- lias a js rf.-ct r«
j il.-Uiiqucnis.


Maiiii- I'iij schooU rhsscl laa-ans'
.11 j«-purie.i diphtheria epidemic

•‘"iaLlTT.IdiX; hlL’d-niZ’f<ynK-'‘*V^
r-wsnl I- a:v .
"Wt.lMeior.. isji th-,
l;i.l..rvl»',| t-.v
iu:.l I .hi u-.l r,..
»•!.' Ins-Til fr-hitis-irus-auismi. I f.-I--,
k I.'-lia y:. I'.ukl,air>
VsMabh• .., ___ and aa o"" b-»hh'
_ .
MM w
and all tlv diMirainc utD|<T<*> .
-rhs-b I bod a; ttwt iimshatedUBPlcorv-l
Vl'rtb.M,ll., 'spiaaka.
.spiaaka. IIti.
Sisy M;,'ilda IP.rtBau wnt,
I'iukuani a.. f<.ii.u.s;

aisii. with hcuOaih,
fs,viiu>u to sleep, painv in ba,'k or l-.«er
^ BrI-rfv taXin.' l.yiiaE Piukham'
liiuKv. rv,-s .lim. dmire selirod. : ‘r’’"!.!.,'*"**^"^ “‘•S
hen idle is.
-frii-crt'. iirr luutber vlunild oine le
Eat u-Re te£c: chs rnmiscifsi roe te
aid. and r«-Buinlar ri:ui l.\-rfia E. I'
-tS' iia',' entirety V-fl tte-. luv i-ri-vl. arham's V.-ssx-tal.le <'»ia}siii;>d
-puUr. slid I ail. j-puic»lr->n} sisl osi:. I
this tins- i-npwn! lUv vy-J.-ui flir th.- luo u-HinEall ID. c>ri fnefsl. wbal l.y du L
s Tr- 'ucr
s Vea-ul-s-f'uoq.-uAd bas-e-:-- If
comitix' oiiautr.-. iyn<l star:
Ufc witiuJl »^'^-M«^ t*o.^Farwau«v,a,^
peri..l a. a y-unc , '
,pam or irrrjjularitiela sieW
•k ar,-l nrods
moitu-rlv *nei,-e. as,.
nondnvivof :eti<-rv fn>iii--^iinyr rir!
»oa.ldrv-sv .Mrs. I'inkhan, ai l.iur.
ftful frriin mothers. eTpi, vv;ii— Tiiei
Maw . and leil her ererv deta;! of h. Braliludo fnr what Lydia II Piokliarn
vymnpans and in krcp'notlilnp bs. Ve^talde
rFetalde C
CompiTaDdJta.v a.s-Dmp:;>iic hv the
vroeiee Mivuvabs-ruteiy free.
for them, hav.- Iseen r

that is headed for the Wm. Hoolihan Co ,
tobuy Carriages, Harness, Hardware and
Our stock of carriages is the largest ii the city and
the best assortment to make your seleciio; I from. We
have no SPE.N’UrHRll T VtHlCLKS. That is the
name for some makes, spend most of thei; days in ihe
repair shop costing more in the end dtan a good Slylish dependable carriage would cost. Oi r goods are
at prices that arc fair,to you and 10 us.

Always Glad lo Show Them and Explain Their
Good Parts
We arc making special prices on
:Il cles
th s
time to reduce our large sto'.k. If you art thinking < f
buyin|T give us a call and we will save you moni-y.

Remember the Place



Orwnd Rapids pniiro ud<i,H «e;!i.s:

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

•If idinuf.wap

Mr. Bti.l Mix. N



Rk-c, «•!


land. c<-!tbrai.2l lUtiidb aoniversai:-: -ii

P27 South Union Street


Bride ■w.-.s. roramj

rn'ld ill P..rtL.n.l



Sl.-; .-ro'-i


JoTTinr leiu-rs lo Mrs. Pinkuam. .vlucb ,
Lydia K Piokham's VetreUbi, f .nowill Iwrewd with^
, pou'od hnWs tlicrecord f.n-tlic-realcst
DtwrMn Pinkbami—
-rien Icnsr.i 'nnmhiT of enres <rf femal- ills of ani
■•.Ia!iiUitnft-eii\-w--orac-.aii,-t-icvvaed, nu-du-pne tiiat the sinrld h»' erer
fc»la>!iraed tacc- luumu. B hr dun I tou i>2 '

hate iter wRc’-i ■


ill « In be life
If l!iiiq''iiii

sliowiliB him -qipni.s! spur, wbt-r.- lu- bus aliBlii.-d

the liPnil.




iKikii.s- uiubi oerve wlHioul rotniuHisa-




Ul rffay a‘ iwo nichta' i-nfurK'-nn-ui



l•aIll•-d by Aliss IJIIir McClitiiis. Mrs

M if

'IVin't 'lam tbc

EO out. win >2 iT*

r.iiiiu-e, leti. i carrier on

This evtd.miscvf pub- based in .1.-1

.y - Oiviaion Manag.rra..
Orocery. K, A. Ib’uti.
HardwaiT. W. H. Scott.
' Pnrnlturc. Goo. Blue.


W, II .

Clscq. Ti-xiis. whlk- ell-

it U

tVillard Mack aud «it" won! u> Mdu

tm-n iy ntorusl a* h.- *
e up.


route Nn. Z .

itiBl dirrina the pei-bKl rovercil by i lir spiri! calls from a cnnlemporaiT



Kwlc? H-Irf-n. .slitoi ol.a mus-r

tsHiiains a pb-a foi.lBnii sulmrics to-1 Hiawatha. K;Ln..,Mi|ipi>rls a braw band
ii-h. rs at 1U»- Ins'ltntioii.


wbk-b Tr»s
lienor Carose. the pr.-ai

I;.iHy iu^imisliQ twhevrins that thoi.

tb-, K"ir>, I'a./'ai- th.'lr father did iN-fcn.' i.e som,thine in art for rcwiinr onl.
dva." 1>- rat j, M,w to bc >rtilns|tlittr-: TbvVwss.‘UK. i» l*> ihi-rcsubir Lat.-ly h.atvay-b.-ratis,- «n ilu- !..»s of its Hiutfi j far,. chBi».v.\ai)d a.ld B'-Uorally
s into a plimiooraidi. ITc-',
Thi-4'ap>rt *if Xlii-'sup<-Hiit':mIcOI ./lorou* Up In Vcciqmli D Of the pftick to ihiu II,Ul- h.- hM roUeci.-.l{
ibe Sratc ^urt flir «tc l*L-af
'h- ypniiK wvini. n
in ruyaltles u




WTlfc ol»Cx‘ codcovoi



IPO., l-fl Hic i'tlsHliiUuU Iw-Ca.Us. lou. twini.v fit,- iiu-niiM-tv ul,o play
Slo' ^t1mu!ll
his mnibers ol tinPioaraiii -tviBimiltss,^—Alra, Btiu.M.
.nial! salarl.-s. Gn-a' Uit.firiil'y wMl ihai sonu- of Hie ............ can
risht «i]i Hie lart'tiiBi l> Is .a itiysi privi Mts. HiiiiuaU'iil. Mrs; LuwiiiK.

•n ■ xis rh-iict-d .111 JillinF .Hu h Biosi sina.i s Ik- it-coanlzc«l'.puoslhllitv to «U«‘e,,..fnlli
and lef them knva' that bis siuro liiii
Social comniiruii—Mr>. Hardy. Mr.-. Idaes-s. Tile itu-iifitii.u will ask the .. II. II 0.*rvi». heir to ,aii e.iHdoiu. in
4he cuods. Hf does nut l>cll.-ve In I X-! *"'■ ^ rlvild. anj! the inwlnts noti! tin
l-:iu!aiul. idvl.Ts Ul. I.n- uii Aniene.ili
EuKBtruni. Mri. MctcaK.
*!Tt-.37:, fur eurrvui ex
aiDcernilD); In udvi-rtlsin:.' uurl alaavK
it-li-s K-aity .leal
Aftt-r Ihi; 4-liTtiou of iifCc<Ta, voTI«.<-. p»-ii-u-s Pii Hi- oti.-^iiiiit; <n<> ycaiv and | ciH,.«-ii and a
Jiri by ntm-iiiiR i
Mieka (o Uie iniib. For'tbo past four
and l aki* war con t-d aud ii.taK-ial linu'
p-eUi1 1lB|inM<-nb-dl». lii. I
aud. sp-jiii.
wiiielr is his fm
tihv liemilly •'Oili’r^.il t
r<«ni ho has piTsoiuiMy arliuo all p.'tller,
111 whirlj till- mi'mlH-rs Ih-csuh- nr diiduii; $;.iM."<i t.n an ans.-Dibly hall.
ills ta'li.-r ris.-*'iiH> d
the adreilMui; tor Uu- TlfQo store filsr
ipoiimod with nioHlc.-K iilid t(-ach<i>, »a.V“-. for a e.-'binii simp and »2.:—e lull !••• says Huiliiii- cotil.l indue- I
Sitpl, I. It. UUin>ii Kdbnr.i!
oanles ada in aU in(Mr>.
(dllna<-d. Thv sathoriDf; was tcry pbaK for a'l.-iusidrs.
Td^- aycruite aii<-tid- lu fllte ■ AUurirun eil^r.-nshlp.
Mr. Biovn ha» « mifo and a C yeaf r,n not iiiil) the value intl «if.Uie nt»< an' and Hucccmfiil nnd tbo mootln^K auec has is-i-u .H::->!-ii!n: ihe-lasi i»o wile Is an Ai|iciieaii «uii. Mr <'a
ton and wlH move lu tills city as oen-ssjly of yiirli meetlliRs to' bind will linii-ly K-very bonoliclsl.
y.-ars. an.) lIu- m i capii.a cost of tuaii'- wav ul »tu' lime a MlchinBn sl.-ib- :
Ui<' hoine ntid U>>- school Iob,.:llK-r.“l..
•otvaa hr duds,a bouse.
teli.iiir-1- I231.VI. A Inrc.i-i'-jncuUaiic^ TUe’cbaiiBe In tN- IlBniuli & \^y mate UUIK elTl'CltW tile ’v» fom-s
H.-Ui> Uilclu-Il ol Uostuii lias
Ai .-iKlit uVlock Friday uIrIiI In ita- duiiii}: il;<. ui-xi IWo u-ars isj-KiH-eted.
Mcmntile comtmoy's allairs is gtv- that liiive a <oiiiim>ii Him. tlie uolra'ti liiy»fnp«- of « fvs rriciidy. Fr-d M.
onesblorl: in Klnama/si and lUii I Tor r<>iy> .Tears inala-r >if ibe dyi s for
of Uie ••blli)i> n. -,>>111081 b.ii ' he said,
W In tbr
Hu- Klain]h-.i <iiteI<i|H-s issiiist bj Huk's lime. ••'11 kild'-s'
CowUn of Traverbf City, and SlUa
B'c^lsb U) adriae the putiHr i^nt -way mole Ibaii the preparation of a Plor-nc# Burras of l»B r-ll. wcr.-unifl d
cov.-niiiu-ni, with a brief ini'Tniisslon.
id-i-k in on South
‘ bare cointdeted ui
mUa- child It. i»«Mnic'n doliar-i'aiDyiit ina in inarrlni:'' at tilt- parsonaso In tb- lu-ail' of 'be fas|iimi:>lil.ArsHu- time a ehaum •>! mlmimstra
chine: while this noHlifirBliiiu la n>*ces
iHon resulb-d In Ills bi-fnp r.-IleVed
Ri-v. W. H. Irw in. iiaHor of ihc A»liury
sBiy. the Ik»j must Is- iraiQist Id In
mad.V Bui be was not «n' Iioir—only a t«w
• Ann AiIhii- V. tp
Moibodtst clinrrb.
teiltm-fii nisuliiMMi and the strl in «-<>
jia>m'-m of JI.'J* Tlmrvda' j mouths—foi it -wax hoimi dlscoven-i!
tjunihissl first. Tii.Te aiv niany.ii>;tlBs
fc. Phjjrd (
oil Ilu- hl>nie M-Icrted.
The assocl::-; that iiuImhIv but MlU-liell t^ilil propRcrsonala.
W. S. SaSdcra. et^ntary and ircas- laiiRbl In a school. Mich as- lli.Hanmlion
' • Hy ninke th- •li-.-s by Hu- not
hlsloiv. art. cleanliiiesii.
oti.-diene-- From Saturday's Itccord.
Mi.i.-marriaae His-ns.-s *1.-issu.-.r t cnmerii.
Rvtt Wilhi-lm
and fiiintlj
niid respoctl Uiai "seek to do this f«
on nnoli.-r .than lu iiny Vl.irrioii.. ■ . Ouri.His Moiies m Hu- kuis*^V weakrliiiiireii. S<i tcsi iieraries brtnB alsiui II10V.-.I to ISoy ni- City.
Hnrvcy Morrison, credit tnao.
Willisni VoKClnipR. of Cadillac, l^ in nionih ill th- hislory -f t'4illu>«^ cjuii- j„..s for siudtini: Hu- urobb ms of Ins
till:; r.eiili. Tills It- Hie real i.miwisty. Hu- imralu r iM-itip sisiysm.-.
•■apiliri am! Us ihsi|iI.-. after ibe I'asli
.anil Ulan of Hic Sh.ry Jn>ui. ie; «Mre Hu- city to s{>«id Smiday. Mr. Vop II'har^ Uiowii. win. irav.Hcd fot ’bm of ilaromi .il Ilas.-liW. lh.- Bamlad
Brown. Supi.
ate an Inlet.-»i and haldi in toiul r»*ml- soil}.' Is a member of ibi- Cadlllai- flu.Moriey*nros. «it Saainaw.
f.»nrl.s-ii;ta!lph. aie itolnc the round of couii
f Bl
Blue, musistant >
liiK. thai mtsHs here In the l■llildillK di-parlmctu.
It is sl.iU-d lhai lii or.
Mt>. E. Stiiiiuvr 1.1 viaitiHi; ai t'ojH- y.Tirs. and is well hnnwn itroilKboB' ■ rfrcli-s now.
on Wediie«iUy and l^ldB)' olshts. Not
Hu- slate dl.-d Wciinc sd.T} nlitlH ai d. r l.» olilaiii im|iarti:it vi. ws of th.
only Ihes.' t»|>le>: hui the diseatu-s, mWi.
' iP-.-liu.-rs conci-niiiip iii»n» innnva.
Mrs. J. F. J.'Dks and .lalljUi'w Ml his luinu- ill Mayvlll.-,
l>a«l. cloihliiB nnd slee'i'i of cTiiUken
Hie kalsi-t
nitslii very iiroflialOy ^ dlscnssi-d In for ManUiis- liiis nnirnlng wben- ib> y
»ill visit fri»-iids. Tlicy w«i\- Bcniiii. ISJ1-. IIHV III the Wst <rf spirllh. Jaliu-s has .K-p.H>bma'’l» uiaih- ns.. ..f private
Mti-.-rtiainB. nod .Kays tbai

Rrintipld (u treat

tbc LODdoD

eaten, an exact dupllcaic of the ol-ljatrlrol

f«lh-t1ti.' aad Mantle Suyder. aB<-.l
-it’-l 1'i tvsp.vti'v!v, ran iho ferry

nrt cat. owuivj-a-.thv ;

Wariu-i Wednesday:!

t»vihn lo do rrJUi ihe elly-B advanc.-!^
BMWi. Mels ala. an ..luh.mlartlc 1 “»-iiO^iam airti a d'liRbtftil eoi»K of
Mr. Ufowo bdli»ve^

11} ibe will of ttov latf Eduwnl Wll


sou Jamot iM Norfolk. Va.. the fni

Ui IlSiil

'••riiui jmti No. 2 Ccniral ptac. .

iUA i^-yuliiiy. ■ .tn Older tor a I’iciun-."



hu country

ihniuj|li «ti advi-rUMmctit in a Gnuid

Jan. 1, »l!l .Ilvlite bis Uim- l>rtw«ui>Hlf 1«»> motnh a rompiliuv vas ai>proBrani
a»l8 clly and Tlf«n.
f ix.intod to pr. i«rp
' •
.abloli tSe sniv
‘ tUfo U a c«7 of about 15.«wi b.--j
vf'b' rtiiu

tnd. has

A,- ul Hu- aff<-ciS<n sbovn for

of ipacht-rs. li. oiH- aiiiuial iiy aisKht-r

> White IfaMc of Uw

naotej ZiBUnuster. a we^hy mi-Iknpwa a*
.Ceacral Maws.

wcil-know« acior bnck
Abraham Unrola botui-.
The. cabin; Ins
vcndiy «|f Vlrjlnia *HI rnepe li.-'
Tr>-c nfcet«t<il th.'
bouses a htrim trumbi-r of Indian aud
ibst cUUdnii can now rci at ilu- Ulna Kapids iMtivT
as h>- was
Some days osu sunc •MSI. wtib that for flltwti
iiu-r r.dics .••ousj by Mr, ZlDlaaian-; man in bU d
ry. ap'l mlicm wlildi f-uutd N- biui^ht on- sioK a t»rri.-f >.uji from M:>. yvais to tBUuc thi- osiTcitiity shall turn <r. who U a lankvr
How mocli w.i-rtd yoiiBi-veral thatch-aUiakins up.
Cbrisuna.-! elf's. Tllt^ club could iloiro Nbvkauitu-'i. Moniluy hI-l- scni
back to me?" Inqulml
•«i bulldiniss of FHIpino style are al-’ waul to coi
take this or soioo oihf-r equally ralun- an od to ihv |iar>i-rs .which read as fol cuiifi|.{a<i' 'oidUis' bozn". Klcbmoad. so in il,c crraiiul's •Icvtiw. Mr. Tns. bu -y with hlw palbl p»t».
Good chUJrw will
■d .2B cxorbiuti........ ^
■1> .lows:
If the ia:«aiu wtm bUd,- thv
i.tuiv about a prelt-nHous modern rw-|Theothe


la th«- H. H. GriBS' compaiiv. an CMiJu

Aiipur -Srlli^.-nf Portland

laniwtKH] Arc. Hotben- dub is to brausl niiu-iy-fiix binhduy anuitcr>.
for chlMn-u,

1 or Uj«tite poElUoa of «
haBDoli Ic Uv MrreQJiiHe «.mp«L> |



roll E. riHOaa-s VCECUMC C(««sn(l nites sics Wtacn Well.

Carriages. Wagons. Harness, Hai
and Implements.


I ell Fuihi ]«^

TffuWaWtT. f
. . f ^ HM* «• M«td Tjr»twl4- .
Tke Cftudlui 800 hu M »4 c*i>«
•( tmoU fwcr iMeatU ud ot tUi
MBbtr but tim*l^ orttfuicd !■
ite «4(r. tte cMbcn terlv
braucbt Is. Tko Bask Sur of Than-

Vtercbr (be dlMSw w be woMmI
a»4 M tber are slMple. *• <«aUr
• Idled s-Wh MUS St (be'ote tlM 1
faeUvo. «e bwrwUb publUb ibc« for
Ibe beMfli of (be resJon of the BrcoUwRecolB.
"Trvlistt ferer ta OMM*4; Is «be
TMb.saiiritj’ of esses. » ittuK-mu
or fODd beiac pefsoMd br tbo notSM
otsbrsTiesidsatofthU Mibmi.
*^ater sad vtBc -Sfr tbe tvo
«toa aoM ssrticalartr Isfaetcd vUb
VPiwU*Hcat bflta tb« trabald boiaoo.
tberafore. If ^'r.drlsMbk wMr k
set frus s
bo8 IL for iwctfr-lrc or tblrtjr alavies.

Tratod yvor aUk trtMS cwWalnittaa bgr ASM sod 8lea.or tanaubait.
ibst Is. bMt (o lU Fibr. «rT*«euUgndr. ICorp It st ibl* lempetaow
Mtaia adsvtcasad ibm anal ngMly.
*1Xf(r baadaaar alwesray trvbeU
csrvfBttr before alknria* tbeb
Mae ta toBlsM tritb food sibBs of
-Ttood beeoae. Mertad b> Mea
ersdllBc over It or by dwd free tbe
•-^sab tbartmeUy aN reiata
. CbU bfp aaaled to be cawe raw.
«a* lv.««lcr .4< kaMni verity,
■vater vblcb bM been boded 1
*1to«.«l^avrs|'Ua.lMMae as aoeb
MvassMe by aetscalac all doan and
atedeara aad by tbe see of fly »si
**ODearsH feed sappliaa so tbat-fll«B
asd dtat Bay sat barcaeceas to tbea.
.rOeaaUaaas la ono of the sreotcM

h ■'

‘‘fba aamrd fBa a oM 'af tbe
viaataat braedbw vrendd fbr fltea. It
la. therefore, laipoitsat that tBaasre
beaM sOovad to aeeuaalato or Ue ubeovarad.
^OMnltoeoe of the peraon. and ta
every detail of hoaeab^od. claanUseas la eTerylbln* to be eaten and
diwk. eloasllaaa of back yards, and
^ aoat rigid riaanUsaae In the care of
those elek vlUt dlaeaac cannot be too

_____ ____•»


At tbe (flaidenec of A. O. Caatir.
43* awt Klbtb atreet. a wy pretty
maddlsg oeevred at 9 eVledt flstnrday
sreBOlag. tbe bride being tbe only
dsvbter. Mtos Ads htond amd tbe
gnoa. Cbarica B. Scott Tbe eeteliBvy arts perfonsad by tbe Bcv.
Joseph DotbM. pastor of tbe Frat
Mtitlinillit ^rrA and was vitAssecd
by abool tblrty goeata.
Miss Mary Rector aeted aa bridesavde sad the brides brother.. U D.
Castle, aa beat nan. Vereoa Hard
pajod tho aredilag asioh. la bemor
of the happy occsskMi. (ha hoae wms
pcattUy decorated and after tbe eeteaa«y, the goeaU enjoyed a treddiss
BoU yonag people bare a Urge
avaber « trieada tn tbo city to irUh
(baa bapplaai. They wm make tbeir
h«M-lB IMsMt..........

Joel Cbssdler Harris of Uoele Be- brtp snu needed, and he woold ri»w|
mil tame to called "the nsclnseof Al.lthi- *a> Wh.ri osc of the party
-> tHpbtbeiis taaabceb fep^fd
«m. Ux auea Mrib of Uskss. aa« Bbu." Apvdtroiiy he prefm toismtoi icirard tn.. dog, h<- wSeeiod
to setftMe
retlmneat. |ood madedTibrnoyH ifa<-wnd* Hbe
tbe Mole board af beaJtb bsa orden<'
WbBi Mrs. Rooscvetl was Id Atlaaa !a shoif Tbe »oodt>rDea foll-med him
(bk taolsttoB of tte paUaats
geqaary ehuawby of tbe atste tbe wonted to see him aad be was j|ad the indltv's ileH lorty. trill warn,
beard of bealtb. vsa eaflod ts Bn^ kidneed toopprorai B reeeptljn |rtr«l^avt« fdim.1. The thx had lleWed IV
for her. He made his aueood pabtlc |Vso<l sway tooi^ hts msiricr'a veand.
efcaBaa rrtdsr to detembie tbe
Id tbe <iypbaM outbroah Id tbet vll- atpetranev the olbt-r day at a lariic-jSRd ahefi. the pttty resehed
: kidlan't sMe. the <lo): vss.eirertic.i'
Cbtef of Potke BcbrvDdt of Lbb-! Dr. Jobe msiNua (Ian Ma^tomil^sidy jie!;tDg bte fae<-.
-----------------------atav baa taeel*i<d a IcUcr froa Na&- has a Beotrti aecent whirb «n ocea-;
A Hew Sawree Of Paper,
Idpsa. Tna.. autlnx that McibCar).. ■tog toll* 111.- letter “r" Hke the ratUe [
Importsat c-f «■faraerty of Lawlag. bad died there of a drmn. TV genial author. Utoe-' «ne of tV
|. Ui.- rimlins of a
asbtrai tcrer vMIe In:
ddiM uIbcT peoplc-s proounctoUou. .\ way ro
stalk* In th.
tbe o*a*or (d » ctKiu (Mpaar.
forte-are btdsr'^bdr to loeste Ma Oosten rrleort wV wa» Iming taken to. pomtanure of i«.p.-r. ft to aaid tk:,t ;
even to the llnesT ■
tamta Vbo^ fiysiwij Ured st Uo- task taiber severely Tv eertatn utter-! pavr of all
nwces'm«ed Dr. Watson a-hai V pavr lo*- made from Hn«. ran tn l
else. . .
■ , ■
IMrer Artbor amaa. «te Ws« » sbODiddo. "Well." JB^Iaa.-IV most manuVt.frrd from this msierial. a!
darm of tbe Battle Creek 8re ft» ehrtotlan fblag to to n-friy. fv If yon (oB of stalkn to Mi VMnd fv < rer> |
pariaost trvcK wbea U aaarted ato dent your erlilea are likely W Vie of eoiton ifast to latVred. and.
the bamrsf Harold Ooma. Tbvradar. beerrat." Abbot the anmu time Ur.;all this has hitherto btwn pnie»lcaU>.i
••ntaon rislted Bar Hariwe. On re-; waste maieritl. The nc»- prueess Is
rsHerad of tbe ribboss
Ibroe borons Frtday SMminit. Nelson toiralng to Xea- York V said: -Jam| thwfVe a rteelded ewlchiuem of the
Uleke. (be dritcr vboa Bitsbs re- think of It: Artoallr tVrr ate people wofbl, anil espeetany of the Suatbem
Boatou abu pranounn- Karrrr Staiea.
paoedi bHBfttasiorod to Ibe trsek.
Tbd Coro Kxebaace bank of Chkspo Hmiiitowrii tlahHlka:- M was Dr. : gprwee pine to the eblvf maiertol
jeevotly •eesmd s jadcaest wainid Watson who ssaH: "In fleotlaud (be MOW nsed (o)' the maklug of paper, aad
li is rapMly grynklng sruree, with a
span to liennsy hunting."
tbe LiB««ley.Baoaaa coapony. one (ff
airivupnudlnelv r.xib! udvane*- in Be
brarieot taeratora a etW atfd
pries- ot imivr-r. Xn» we can save our
HOW Water Rvcivaa lU Tlnto.
to the
Pure water Is blue, and in>i wbliv. plus- frrr o'lry -ise-. aisti || to gnatly
and SherlS Nenbawer. of
ly. baa
leried oa Tbh: was lesraed king ago. >Ylini nee-rlfsi Ftfm '-ii i<> twehe uiilUeu
flttra. derolliBK liAaea eaiues the gn?dntoh and yellowish uws is'ess-loii s'alks.wlll In- available
and aber vrdverty^ saall vUtage. at tlnif of waur has bevn much dis- wry year, wtik b will
ti hss been dlseoh-ered re- oar yivsont home
AAfrad. osd serawl thosand aerea dt
■I Bomi- of these tints, tfj
tlsMr.^ Tka flm vas toraerly fcnovfl
Uaslcy Bios. Co.«sd baa pot bad Mt all, are cansed by esmuieoiis snb- j TV Hungarian
atsncee held In solution. Tlie brown
■sioath MUtng lor 1*0 years
acx-(KSioii>. by She
Scao aoattat ago ddr. Banaia^-vt and yellow colors are dne ib Iron Halts.
as klitgs of lluugnrr
MlBWOpolU. Inreatad aoocy la th^ They- dllsappcnr for ilbme rtwtan when oue made for Ktepli.-a
prostMCia avvearef CAlelam alu are added to the wau-r.
eorenalion over son y
brighter. Tbe properV wm be atdd The caleJuin aatix alone hnve bo efleet
wV!e to of puto-, gold.
VnUle aneihni Dee. I7. Tbe asacta on the eolnr of the water, bat when
(Ingv. and weighs, nine
of-tbe company grcMly exeaed Its lla- the yellow Iron salts are added the oanees. almost exactly 11
bilttlaa. asd it to tboogtat ibe dincDb prccipltailiig ucUon of the calcium ae(( aborv alltHk-d to
Wtadilli^ an eoulllbriani and the
ttoe »m be only tea
X saphtre*. o» rubles,
be gtadj Mtdalsh
Xto tiearlH. II will V ootl
to Var of tbe iwcord of wa fapHy In tradesman.
there ale no dlumuads aniuM ihfwe
Saturday a child was born
proclous adommcnis. This lAeoounrA Oog'a Faithfuivaa.
to Mr. and Mrs. »pred Helv of Chiph1 fer hr (be of(-quuted story
While bunting ducks Sam Croenaky-. pli(-«'s aversion to siirh gems berau-Aestreet. ' Mr. Hetoe U 42 yean old
WMl hhT wile #1. and the »Ue one an Indian recently emplnycd p.k hclpcj- hi eottsidcroil them "nnlorky."
which »—»«> toto the family Saturday at the summer camp of Cbas. S. Os___ _ I______ ___
U^tho twenlfim
born to them, la Vm. aceUcntally shot and killed hlmA MounUIn of Geld
euiilil tint bring as imicli lutpplu<->
all that taatty elrato there hm» been vif.
Mrs. l.ueia Wllk.-. of Carolinv. Wis..
Friends of Grrenskv .were h-i
pair of twlna. - Thirteen of
as did oue 2.V- box of ItucklenV Arnica
the ^lUren tarrlra Mr. and Mas. where the body toy by a faithful old
were-lKini la Oeraany. aa were dog that had been bto-eompanlMi.
■r li-p, whieh liad (or
aerenl of their children. They Vtc «Tb« dog boimdod into cump grenil; turvd her 2.1 long years. Greatest an'lwplie heah-r of i’ib-s, Wiuncto.
Ured la Ihto country sUteeo year*. Fscited and Vgan Vrfclng and wheel­ Sort'!-.
HI llanmih Dnig Store.
Mr. Helse 1a an Indnstrloua. Vrd- ing towards the woods', giving every « -B Walt A Sons. Bugbe*-V City DruR
workfaig an aad anrii inspected. sign be could without speaklas. (but Store.
Bvery other aaa In Owoaao tas to
lake off hto Vi to Mr. HcIhc wl
matter of the al»e of family to np for
One hundred and ninety-live acbool
dtotrieU will not share in the appor>
tiottment MW la prngreaa of tV pri­
mary acboOl aiouey lecelvcil from
tedc lallrond Uaea. W. H. rronch.
depoty lupcrtaleodenl of public V
atrocrioa. anya many troaaurcn negtoeted. to face of ample warntog. 1
State Oaae aad «ah Warden CV
man teporta that during. OctoVr I
iDTcatigated IM adtoplatata ef rloiattona of the gaadland flab lawi. Foriyresult­
ing In thlrt.r:rix coarlctkaiB and two Amtwij.
Fines and coaU aggrega'lafl leSSJll ware ertlk-«d aad four
teen scteurcs of property made, to; eluding about aeventy-llre Urge glU
WU foaad ta prohibited waters.



For In&nts aad ChUdrea.

SprexHhpWlj ®w Wl-IJ”*'
aal Anas M to Be BaoilaexI
■ and Scalp looked Dfeadfol- i
SuBered Uotold Misery Ibr Three
Yeen-Belter In Tw Montln

AN^UfePrcparatkalrAs -

-On Tttosav otaOac at the bnoM
«t the bride’s aaelo and aunt. Ur. aad
Kn. C & Sbenr* at Owoaao uccurred
OwinnlaaB «f tkdt nleee. Mia BOa
ftoau of Tmverso City to Frank

grva. Mrs. Foster Va bad years of
phibuitbruplc work and. thercfarc. to
peenUarty flUod for tbe mission sbe
has amtertakea.
Brennae of kor dceoUim fv bvr cblldren Ike prlaecH of Wales If called
an 'toW taahkAed" anther to dtsUagulsh her fiom'iV saart vi mothers
who tpgard their att^ag aa a bom.
\Vb«M*er II Is posslbkt she taken bur
foongatera with her. TVy are on tV
Bceno at many publie fnnctlous when
the prtoews flgnres and. bring unabkto taV them to tV conrts at UnektogUm ^toce. ahe torariably vislto ihclr
hioaM before, starting.

d st I o'dnrk by the Rev. C.
M. KwtovN
Only It
ailn-asad friends
yrato pnMril. ’
Tbe brMe wotw a gowa of dove
saved sflk sad carried white roaoa.
Shs was atevdsd by her consto. Adah
THE NEW MIU. ftoya aff Undt a
OotnelL tad B'UUaa E. Hart acted
grain, bsana. hay and atma.. Baaa j
beat aaa.
Xra. D. 8. Tbomaa and daughter grinding a 'apadalty. Bc« ftovr.
«tnv. natkaraad atoter of tV bride. and mill predweta in the cHy.


.. flpkttoal UMUfgy.
The aaollag of the Paatotal gisoetottoa Tnenday bronght forth' tka
tan that Traverse citr In splritsal
aatters to a a nwHiws aute >
to apeak. Tbcin la a leibargr that is
Men heid that the oaly^way to o
g gruital awakening aM.cwmeg
koBcfft was by a great gcscTai rerival.
Bwlval aerrlces have bean cuaUnBtng fv aome ttoa at the ^urtoaath
BIrnet Melbodlat ehureb bat wtfl Uheld this week v tV BvaageUcal
Churcb. the mlnlctors of the city
apmuing la ibe aartoea. Tbe Rev.
Joaph Dutton of tV Ftrri eMtkodtot
ehareb will .apeak tmUgkt.
Mm taiy. to there a aoral and aplrHna capcltoaiaa oatoMe the c^arrit.
say tv alBbddea luff to 1V ekanVa
u w«.

Bears the

i\l \Mb

bU I IbUfln nC.mtoUiCO '

(nsffndltest.CooUHts notfB^
OpwmtWofp^ iwr >Soetol.

•My son. who i»'now tweniy-two
, ran ef age. sVu U- nas fuur iismtha
old brmui to ba\u ectt-iiu on bta fa<c.
ip?rsduM qmiF niwlly mitd Iw *as
uearly covenri. We had all the «kxt css
around us and innie ft«n largef plar<^
IhU DO one liclpcd tuui a partirle.
Tbe ecaeoB was *mrthiiig lemUe,
and the doctor* mid it wav the wont
ease tVyerer saw. At timeshi* wbpto
bo^ ami face w'treenvwRvI, all but bo
feet: 1 had (o ban^ bis UmV and
anna; hL» »e»1p ws« yi»t divadful. 1
used many kind* of patent luediruio
before tryuif the Culicuta Kemedim.—
all to 00 a\u.
“A Iricnd irssedme tn try Ctrl ic-ira.
.At last 1 eonsated. when my boy
wsa three yexri and lour months
old. having had rvaenta all that time,
and suffering untold mbery. Ibe^to
use ad (farce of the Cuiicuru RAnedie;
the Cutieiini Soap helped as well as
the OuuiDCiii. lie was b^icr in two
montfas; in riv monllis V was well;
but I pve liini tltc <\itirura Resolvent
one year, —Using twelve botibw. 1
think' —and alna.vs u-eil the Cuiinira
Scan lot bathing, and do now a r>od
deaf. He was four years <Jd before
be was well, and bh ridu Ijee-ame periertlv fair when cured. I giv c vtki permism to puUirii thb letter tor I am
aiwsv* gW to do good when 1 r
think ! Vve lri-1 >vni all I tote is
sar>- to tdl.”
tdl." M«. It L. Risley.
Ort. 24, 1903.

f KILintl N


For Over
thirty Yeers

AprifrclBcmedy forCoftsli^
tion. Soar StogHCh.DiarrkDea.
Worms .Convuba>DS.reverishwss tni LossorStXEP.
TacSiok Sitntou^ of




Pere Marquette







rtsrwkl. Hl»
i. '.'^An«o r * o.
T L\ iVn' AiJ-

—- miipss'

M. 4 aU IBff CW .

Clothes for
All Weathers

_Hi2’ .


u CLOracitfT I

a^rnent enr hu

. . ........... .

.... .

km the gmlittn-th*
wemciifitod dMda«i
Tka Sooth «Ma I
' -«hidtbrtad>wi>Bdntbatprlaed Hr. and Mn. PaMcO last
ail-woal is
Satorday eteatag at ibrkaae of Mn.
* Oantrri New*.
Oarior on nrth atreet. The ladto
Mn. J;.Sltoii Fbater of WasbUiglun. »* mi tk* sscrttk
nta4 UiHr bnabaads aad all eajeyed a by dlrccttonwff Um pttsideni. bus Ven
catum, ds
right Urely 1|bc. A poUnck apper :daUlied flm.(ke department of Jui«aa adrred.’ to which all dM Jaatloe. Uec to InTealigate the coadlUuo of skMcb.JW sarUdsd k«t
Stack aaiseacot was easaad by the women and eli6l. ribriimii tbrvm^ioat VNOU U CLOTHCUFT.
geaUeaan ariecting thalr partarrt for tka couBUy. Umtolation apim this
tv mken dsn'i wuit
Ike Bcana <d canto
subject is now pending btdorc eonvWeh was written part of a «ooiatlou
trea Sbakespeerc. the other part
beiag oa tbe tody's card. Some bad
tmltc a aeriops Uao getUng oiahid.

The Kind Yon Have
Alviraj^s Bongln

tot mrr dstsU -*f m..




Tr.n*r»ir«.*v Tr*r«(»ill7 huatoj osty
'' frl,r JrnT.Vw't'tircvw < xj hWKjsi -sly

- asks ta ap U Ike
-mrtkr sT Uw



The, chUdren’t fhtiul-*-v r .

s « .

Drives out blood impurilic*. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.

FIsnU Die From Thirst. Net Frost. .
With In., ciiiiniis ul
rctulDtKvl that pbiiiu .!<• mu
i<..k-aib III Ibl- •iirly

Tn itil till- Ui rst
;ii'. >atr’ri.'U
M piian lt*v*l.
Uiatir t<w>|s .-iii-l I.-;t<-vt
Hta.l worU :i-Jl i;,.v sin ■ t

A. W. RI KE8D. Traverse riiy

.i-.n— SVwverwC'tr. UK*

i.’i' i- ‘

toll iroui.lbu-i. TlK-'iirii-i -.' 1- •
|iU-. Thv et»hl taii-c- ili.j
al crib- watai I'rviii ili'-rvli* -i ii- ,
plant. tonuliK. toe t-i.'tfaU <»ut ■ -'i,
The fne-tj ciiolii.v
ccntracilng tb<- eurtatvl. set*

piKiip anti as toxrti «« ihv ci-l t.-UI>Sit-,l (if it* Ilfe-Civln: toit l. 'b> ^
Ham (!i<-r.
Th. truth of ild' tmvr} .
Iiii» ln-. u |•^ov^•^l (inriUK th»
lull bv nuiiKTOu* rtuwui
'Itmn'Gn-ai varbitiiiL war fiiuud ni '!>'
i.lipitinl of rvil'l ne*-T.;-»sr}- t« rau«« i!.'
• ■■■alb •( vo^iuilioi! S>rtn.- plabt- 'In
|c3t •pitoklv and art killc! b.4-jre th'
frevtilif I-Jini*’ la rvucbed
Ham* will survhe zero m-aVoii. ao-1
.wime ouly- die at (weii'y depn-r- belew. c-.-rtuln vi.guist.l-- erv*i5:» nev­
er firtizi-. There urv'toniis of hari«ria that ev«o when immerecd in li
anid air. the lalensew cold avsllaid-.
comf- out of tbrir bln.-r lath s* rhlp|w(r ami Hv»Iv

There is No Magic
' in ihi: uccompliwbnients of our

"Best” Floiir
illy s«. .
tiramJ Traverse wheat, in a yodtl
mill by a yoofT'ininer. livery
sack yuaranteed.



Ldy Co.

tire in the afterwoN. Davy Rrmlaed
hU «j«8 tor a Rimpse of that white
.tire uR ihoae aktalag enrU anmng
tbe brtghi October uadatsrowth. Tbe
read was pretty dusty- Ba kicked up


It was now ^ite dark except (or the
ammi. bot .that lighted the ofgn
vpaeca quite brightly. Ue had bad a
ptan of lafclDg a eireoit ihroogh the
woeds and <^ng out Into a point
further down oo the road. He knew
there was a path, but somehow be bad
mlsMd it. and did not come nm. al­
though he wns coasiatnly expeetine

damp efothea aad roUed him in hot Ivy's littie dsaM> hsod Nvl^. 'To
I toOMtror
Mankefs. then he aai out by the klteh- ! think (if rnele Davy's going om lo
Wa hm had thraa wpafca’
SI stove with his feet la the ores Bod Carllae and aiayta' mt till ml*,
raaatioa. ao.the achatars aould aaRR
and drank a.grem bowl of glng^ let •iehi!" she aaUl imrfnlly. "Btolcrti
la aaearlag the pmaio crop-1 Ilka my
and ate a plate «f mUk toa«. of which hever (orRve bo^lf tf nay thiag 'luul
taaebae vary nutch. Ber aaaa Is
be waa especially food. Everybody |ha|»pene4 to him.
Mile Mabel ClRaad. Wa hare onr pa- hare
Blood around him and petted him.
I’nrle Djry looked up at her mddenerpm
imp Ik
tatoea all dag aiR bad Are baadrud'
-They didn't have the party to­ ly. hi* honest fare gtnamod oat of
iMMt bushrtA
an Mwp
1 was^Mtiag my graadnight." said hi* mother, --they was no . the folds of the hbmket. “Too mnsia't.
mow froM SMk baadtlBc. Tbore parenta tbtee days UR week. Them
great deal of time for everytUng.
< about you. Tbey'rv goto' to have
««r* «U UK1«> Brotkwk KftMl boolu^ U nearly anew enough on the grouad
feel so iwd. SarRj." Mild he. -I mi­
Whoa bo pMcbed tbs Brtgpi bousAi last he sai down on a rock In an It tomorrow night, so yon wool kxie
fMr preaMcM tboa^t om of today Uw tha chUdrm ta ride dawn,
lled rnillo.'-’—Mar? n. Wlltlas la
(here was still ao sign of CaroUae. open space to re« a minute, "rre thu.’
U« nioMi «u
hlU. Tha birds hare aearty Rl gone He went around to the sidi- door and jest Boi to.’’ he told Wms.-lf. Mis legs
flarah leaned over aad sttoked Oa- Kxelianee
Ua PMMW PtUnr ud Vlrat Step
south hot the rablns. We espoet to found It open and Mrs. Brlg^ eliOag insnbted under him and he was paoiUustaE. CanteBr AmasM oa K«« spend our HaUoweWo at a chicken pie
tng for hresuh.
there mending
Maple aed lacaraUat rptartplw.’' Ii wmUI.'
largo woman and she seeoted to qune
in a few miaiiies he called again:
ao Hear ptetarae ta k. vltk
”Car1inel carllne: Herr's t’nele Dnfill up (be doorway. .
mile «ii1> la IMW
Cana Uonoo.
"iiare you seen anything of Car
iMlae. Md Me
Voor leuor was so beautlfslly wrti- liuo." sskl-d Oary. stonding before could scureely speak. Osvy was a
lookap Me Utile aiee. vHk leap troaeMort people know that if they have
slender boy. and. besidoa, be was
tea ibqt it waa a plearare to read It. her.
eta. and "leoad-akocte" with
worn by anxleiy aotl agitated, ton. by
■ Car-Uae?" repoaud Mrs. Brtggs.
What a pleamni vUlt yon man have
been dek they need Sceft's Bmxih
ths froat aad (hair bats
"V<«. Carniae. Sanh's little girl. s eocirt irmorse.
had^« your gtaad-parwus.
^ion te farinf bade beeltb end fltrenftk.
were tha qneerest af all Aaother
Ube's run away an' I'm gola' to Sad . He iiui his hund down oa bis kp.vs
beak she liked was “The ToutkW t>rher."
and gnwnol. He had Gomphtely for(lack Davy.
althRogy" Nat told all aboat birds
But tbe fftrongert. point about Scott*s
•oueo the psny. even the hlnrkeneil
•Wheel did she gor
Where’s VaRa Dary?" asked Sar­
aad a boRc callad "A OaUery e
shoes, the be«i clothes, and the ber"1 dest'i kaow—« mile while ago.'*
‘Emuisfon k that yoo don’t have te be
Beasts" was flaa beeauee of the lion, ah Cobb of her aiother. She had ran
ed and came hastily la
•ick to get reflates from k.
ea tkeeoeer. that had a Sowing mane
the north door; her hands were all "1 -duo kaow bni 1 did see ber. There home w ltnntii her. anyhow.' be Kal<l.
aad a
a Uttie mite of a thing run by a but hi« Toiee waS linle more ihan a
ap Id tha Mr. Then there was "Cobb's purRe with grape jutcc; she had been
It keeps op the athlete’s atrnfdvfi^ fflA
little while ago U a white tire, an' 1 whisper. The aharp noieH of (be aie
making grape }eHr.
Ofl thm people, makes a fretfal^M^laip^'
waaden<d who she was. I d fust comr tumn insects ran together in bis <wra
stage coach and a canal boat; a
"He's MR imtler the buttenui tree.
em here with this old eoai of Mr. fnele Ikivy had noi frxmd rarolln.-,
fariofs color to a pale gnfs cheeks, and ire*
"The Oaad -Child’s SoUlouay." all in Whyr
Briggs' to miwd. I dMn'i want to get but hfi.«as so worn o;ii Ite fell
verse. Tlwre wore more than twmity
•KBi. Car’Iloe's mn sway npUa. I any din-aiVMind In the aittlb’ room. I tsleep.
oealfl cooftefl, colds and consumption.
hooka Ui the trank, that had all he- tied her up Just as strong as I know
It war u long time aitoRihai when e
gue*.s 'iwa* her. fa*( euougb.'
toaged to LJUIe Brother, aad a queer bow to the front gate with a piece of
Food in cenceniratod fonn for akk and
••Which' Wfty was she going?" Asked •wld DOM- and a sharp lurk awskeni-.!
. iraita gkbe, yRlow with age. There was
e, and gave her two cookies Davy, eagerly.
hini. li wns Towser. who for one.woB, yonnf and oU, rick and poor.
Rate, a boi of erater colors, and cu aad her doll, te keep her amused
"Oh. she was polo' down ike road. meked folks insiead of wood,
aaUor ooUata that be seed to wcor. while I made the grape kll) ■ J don't
eliiiek'g. Davy Mt up straight and cvShe nouldti't have gnUn lio^ '<
A»diCeoBtamsnodragsand no aleohoL
But Ibere was ooe ooraer la the iruok soe bow In the world she' untied ibai
I’ve been alula' here every (nloute. an" «)-thiTig came lurk lo him. He heard
tlva belonged to Utile Brother’s sls- knoL Davy's got to go and hum her
tuilses and saw listhis moving ihrougli
should have seen her. !
the trees. “Thr..’re^fter t’ar’Ilne." hr
In (he house hut note to get
Also held a Uny wooden chars, a paw"He-U go." said Mrs. Whitman; "be tbrewd. an’ then 1 wan'i I rwe ioog Ihmighi
with |unc. "ihey ain’t foiin.l
■ .........
tor gOI cap. a oampklna lamp. aad. ’moR cried cause you tied her up the ‘BCugti for a mouse to p
• '-r-rpast. Vo..'her yt».“
yOH. a rasl doll! A woodeital wood- odutr day. He told me be thought Sar­
[ -Davy singgere.! to f.-et. ih.'t
kMSp right 00 an' you’ll
The BW OiiMdoH. with eurls as blank aad eyes ah waa too had. fin fnai sets his eyes
Ufiek. Dsi-y was out of i^e yard be-, was a rrash ihrmigh the'>li.
1 have BO aiaap'tbl^ to do,
as blao aad ehaeka as pink, as when by Car'llaa. Dat?, Davy!"
fore the last words were
of Mn nii<l hU father took, him by the
I doat kaow wbm I aha» ha tbroosh.
Rie was flrs( kissed, mom »*■»!» aWy
iih. lie burned
MrA Whitman stood la the door and
ywars aw>. Mar
TodiV 1 had to waiteh (be’raia
a gisd shoirt in l>•*ponI‘«'
eatlad kodiy, but ahe had to call sev-' lotting more hopefully
OMpe aBdtac dowa the wladow pane: aOer tha yoaag aad lovely queen of
ah’s hUKliand and Mr. llrlgg*
era] times before Davy beard. He was tie while tiro—It aramusl
Aigland. aad right rojRly
"Ain’t you found her yeiT' isinnsl
to mutt' see it. Mauy
................. .
iM I
hnnmlBp ad the time.
don. Vkloria tmwood. She
Davy. h.-iJf stddiing.
Araead mp bead, a Mad o( rtyne;
drags of ablmmertng taSeu silk, and
"Found who?" eiled his failier.
wortiing aH the afiornoon. and had slie bad run away,, and bad always
ABd Wowthp aaftlr ea (ha plan
shaklug him.
aatbsvod two buabels and waa wpll on found her eaRlIy.
with haad emhraidered lace; a real
To aee the dlmeae eoaie apd pan.
Caroline, although al
toward n third.
His ' brown eyes
tome sad
"Car liue—*h.' w;.* found all right
wUh a steady radUaee under tiiresiune spirit, never ran very for
I made a pletare wUh mjr breath
wave ber draae the proper style.
She wasn't loxi. She didn't run far.
his old uraw bat; hts Bngrre leu. Bui innighi It began to seem
Eobbed oet to ihow the aodamaath.
Do yaa wonder thu yonr presldoni
The providooi iasiinws of the squU- Mbehad. Her l.'nRe Davy reached the She went lack to ihehOiiKC whilst her
liked to pisy ap auk oo'a ralay day'
I baUt a citr on the floor
rc| aad bee were upon blm; he was Smith house and went, to the door in mother was gone and Siiiah found iier
Inquir.'. Bui ilie door wo* lorked
eailn' grajic jell) t^hcii *he got luicl.
Aad then I went and wu a War.
‘Thoce are a number of nleo letters Uying la bU lUUe winter store like
She'd <-<■( It wodie tumbler, hut I g(ie*,<
them, and took n genuine thrifty de. all the enruin* were drawn;
Aad^ eaeapod from eqnare to admr*, this weak, aad a new name fbr memit won’t hurt hep any. If* you wore
tlRit In it. Then, too. I>e had another Smiths were evidently all twny.
lip. B’e are glad, armit we, Sub“ Tlmth fltneocat ofl the carpet there.
Davy kept on to the Wheelo.-! buntin' for. If* i; o'clock ai rtlgh'
Object la wortOng fast: lie warned
get the butiomnts all gaibeml by house: that was a quarter nf a mile Whni dhl you rome in li.-rc forr
Oatn at laat I name to Ce;
Bat H «taa eary daaamooa
S o’ckek. becaiue he was going to a farther: there was still no sign
"I wa* buntin’ for Carllne." Davy
Id one R ihe Iwtors e Sunshtner
parly'tbat ercaing. It was bis firm (hat little whUe tire. He ran though was so timi and Itewilderod now that
True hnneony. ought clw unknown to me
says be has been thinklag abcnit us.
Baeaaai it 1 had Rapped eatalde.
me weedy yard to the door aad knock he wns crying like a baity, although
Henr ma but once j-ou'll bi? tn etabic^; j
sad haaplag hU eyes opeo-to see evening party and he was full of dr
t mada«oUm I eboeld haradiedi
cd. Nobody anaweiwd. altbongh
Ugbtful. vague aotlcipailoas. lie
be wa* 12 year* old. His father grasp
|vrj}' itote oorroct, ami tone nn pure.
tUag to tell ttB.-Tbal’t iuR spleagoing to wear hU best clothes, sad be could aee
ed Ills lliile cold hand fagt and pulle.1
And ^ I bare the boat to mend.
didl Yoar pMSIdwt hopes that her
Kings uihI f^ne<-tin no Kdter can pmesre.
of a rocking chair beyond the Idicbon od blm al/mg. "Well, tbore's no
mediiatod asking bU mother for
Aad an war tapper to pretaad.
Sunboams wiU alt do like Raynand.
I ttre 3TOU not, no pntii-nec iricil.
wind^ aa^Jjaew there was. i
tic of her hRr oU with
aiandln 'lalMn'." said he. "Vou'il ItclMerely nrtinu hy mo oxpm|jlif>o<1.
^ am » baiiy. erair day.
It lo put on bis hair; he was also go- body at home.
mr get home. Mmbef* g*ii some RTfjrKlagejoy. M(eh..-OM. IS. •«!,
Boi *Uonli any "riayer” with me
I havaat aay time te play.
He hnocyvl sgnlu. louder, imisvl? per wallin' for 3500. Mr. Ilrigg*'
t.lackoD bis Rboes very' imrtieDear PreaidRit:
All will lind me the most complete,
came, llo aould *illl «ee (be tall Iwek Is down luTo :i little piece. *o hswvm'l
olariy. Davy had planned to go I
I thought I would write to you. Ii
_ .raiKl;
ol the cocking ebuir *»■«>-. FlnaDy be take long, anil you wrm't have
bonne before S o’clock and It
ie oold today. I goto achoo) erery day.
If I Only Knaw.
Liki' H hlonslng to Iiumniiity.
about a quarter before flve when lie we,)i boldly to tha witukiw and pound
Vtr t kaew a b
RBlIaewere, 1 aai la tha ioarih grade. My eludiee beard bis motber’a rolce calling him. nl on ill a startled fhec'fvrntri' to
flavy roiilil not have walked
P*Tchan<^ yoo Imvo not he.-inl me pluy.
era reading. Uagaage. mwUiDg. aad
He obeyed mtber. hesluUngty. "I w.ird him froRi the CnHeo iMck-af
lot nothing stop you on j*our way—
8.*irsih'* husband ttmk hold of hi* other
arUhmetlo. WalU I gaaae I wUl ekwe
No mattar how Urge the key.
shan't gel tte hm'iml* picked before lockiaff-rhalr: then Rnmeboily'-a
Attest) tlie c<>n<-qri*. which arc free to sll-hand and he ati<l Ills father nearly car­
for thU time, so goodby.
Or atiaac the bolt, t woaid ir.
.icrotBi the floor, and the door wO*
lt'8 time to Uack my
Ton’ll oDjoT tbo treat at KimliiUl Mnsie House,
ried him beiwty-n them HI Mr. Ilrigg-.'
VvGD thongli you do not incest
Ibooght. as be went over the dry Oe- opened. "Who is li?" asked n gentlo. m-agnn, which »a* tied under aa oat
Alice Morgan
■ight wriJ you'll l.ftm that f’m th'- lionl.
"If* itM-ky he ain't no'older.
I am glad to hear rmn you. Alice. toborfnwsaio the bouse. Davy was oo-.
ly 12 years okhaad small for his age. very,uil and p.->le. with pale sweep* ^Id-Mr. Biigc*. a* ltd got In. ."or he'd
Write agafa, eoaia Uaw.
of IRir over her our*, and a mildly he
although he wns an uncle.
Fd aegttar the amilee to play;
wlldtTed spectacled fare.
Summit aty. Mkh„ Oet, SI. 'M
If there *lde of that ss-amp "
His mother and hIs-married sister.
That the ahlldrea'a faoce might boM
'124 Front Strti-i.
Traverns City, Mich,
"It's Ihivy'Whitman." reiiiied iJuv?
Sarah, liuie CaroUne-s mother, were
DiltV fell a■lU's^p nt-iln a* *oo
I hareat writum to you for a kng waiting for him at the door. '•Von "Hnve you seen OnrUne?"
the sagtm wn* under wa>.»He neteiktor'ttay aad many a day.
time, but I have kept my eyea opoa must go right off and hnnt up Car'-Whair Mrs. Wheelock wa* tiei knr* how he got home oi how hK
to see what I coqld aee and trtl you line; she's ran away." his mother deof, but she was ns slow of enmpr,' If I knew a box that was Urge an
fniher l.Wird nir hi* little damp JackaboDt this fall. My biWther Sidney called out. as he came In Rghi. -Don't hensloB w a hraw sleeper.
'To heH an ibe Bawu I naat.
and wrapped him in bis own eoel.
UwaoU *w to gatbar thm. every Is alek this week. The fltat place we stop a minwe." Satnh was almost cry
"My Msier Sarah’* mile girl hak
1 the flash of IIRil* In hi* face and
weal to was Fife Lake. We. and
-Here tU almow S e’eloek." she away. Have you seen her go hy AereT bis' ntoihri'* voire awnkenivi
aoiae of our aeighhoni went. The trees axclaiamd. "au' that mUe hit
Fm anaery. aoboel and atreet.
- "So. 1 dun know as I have." cepe.-ii thoroughi?- wh«n hr goi home, fi.-irah
Thctt. Mdiac aad beidlag. I'd pack were eo bcanlUid, and we eaw many (hiag! Oo right off. Davy."
til Mrs. Wbeelork. slowly. «hil<- her
over at her mother’s wal(iug.dind
kinds of birds flyliig {h the air.
Dsvy looked startled, then Inquired, look of tte.wililermeni dec|>onfyI. "1 Car'tinr hail lireu put lo Issl on the *1'-'
nil had a good iCme. fan i got siek on
ABl tarstag the monRer key.
rtiom lounge. S;irah tingged him
"which way do you s'pose she wentr ain't been soitin' to the window *
the lake, aad J had no fun when I got
rd *ldfa a gUat to drop tha boa
and rried. but hi* mother hnsiled him
"Ob. dear. I don’t know! I wns out dinner, When did—" But 'na>7
skk. I was out on the Uke with my
TO the daptha of the daap. tiaN>
gone, and she stood staring after fllm. into the hed .rrinm and tonli nH hK
In the kitchen making gmpe Jelly,
-annisr ToUettaa. nneJe. and my coosln, and roy brother dldnt see her. I doBl kaow bow long She stood there quite a while before
Ridpc}-, and papa and mamma were
te want l>sck to her rocking chair.
she's been gone. Oh. fleor!"
over on the other shore, papa aad
I>^iday. No*. S. INC
The Wheelock bouse wns the Iasi
•Til trti yon what to do." ssi.l Mrs.
New BMmban Ntalag ataoe but re- some of the other men were in that direction for a mile. Davy
mlng srAind the pRat where the ws- (Thltman. with the air nf a msuaglng walked on nlioiit hSif n mile, then he
.Ooimthn HUlar. OootRodt. MIeh.
ter waeVoi vety deep, but It was deep general. She was not a very old wo­
pnrdim* TK.\VI:r.";K CITY PROPKRTV
■lopped before a narrow lane that let]
farther auL Myrtle, my siser. was in. man, although her hair was gray and
wiihio U..U..'_following
following l«tm.l;.ri.-s. (i.-UtPIKLI) AVBNllK on
over through the.fields to the woods.
Wbea tha aoU. faU days eaiac. and too. wading and paddling ta the water. and she eorered It with a high black
"I'm II goln- up the lane." V said.
ti niaa oat of deora. whu do you Uke Papa eonid not get »dn^.loto(be wa­ rap and a severe bi.ick front piece. "I'm Trald she went into the woods."
A\'l-^Nl*E on ilic-woni /mil ron»n,i<- limits cn
te do bcR. floabaama?.
ter at all. Then Sidney and my oarJe She always wore a large. Mlflly starch
Ihc nonth. property ranging in value from FIVE HU.VDRBD
The dnsk wa* Inereaulng (q*i; howand I will
-WhM your ptaaldeot was a UiUe —
aad my eousla
into the
boat aau
and ed
II. went ui<u
inr uoai
, apron.
. _ "Sarah
- go up ler. Ihe full moon was rising, and It
DULL.VKS up. nn'l w-ill au'o- l'> take to tlic amoiiht of TWO
tiMt craaot b« ewed
girt. Ria oaad to ^ la tha.atUe. and
MU.LlnN DilLLAK*^ m its .-ictiial cadi valnc,u<1 will pay
oqfcer wdletee.
^ '
ihl be Mill light enough lb see the
down, an' fkwil you take Towser.
aha (bought the atorar days ^
they saw many mial turtles and crabs
ftr Uii- a/itne on tlic (oilowtiig icnns
white titr a long wav ahead. Dsry
M te Rtemra the
atcBR at aU. whaa the wind bowled, crawling oo the botiara of ihe lake. euuse ihat last time Carllne run,
coRfh core. Y<m
I{<-giil:ir kluiri form coi.irai t. inli nwt at nix p-r cent pt-r
trudged on. He emerged from il^e
•BotR to tehc <
aad 'the dry Naves few aboat. ahe TVb (hey got iaio a bigger boat and away, an' you too-k him to track her,
iwyjiUe ;miinally. priacipol on or before two ycon from
blue Into a rart path 'through ifie.
•ay «(her hto«.
asoB to go Uptodag ap the nUk atalra
across ihe Uke wHh me. -We he tracked a woodchuck liisieatl and
.'ill iiirooii ricnvi*! from prr.periy lo Iwappliodon coatnet.
*. It was darker iheiir.MIe cRIisi
aad over to a coner undei- Ihc eaves, bad a big boat kud of pebplA Thm
■II the nine at short lniervaU:-rar'hours.
where there stood a lUUe aid iraak. were *ev«i of us lu the boul. and tmly
line! Cafllne; Here'* Uo^’^VK
- set of oars, an^ to it made a iraRcs folk.r. an’ I don't waul you t: Capline!"
lose any line foolin’with him. If* get
with brass aaUs. and ha^ a hraM ban* Ug load for only one to row.
1 does set nBRtnte nicen IT there was no *oiind In r
We have ft>r «.’il<- lboin.'in<ls of /trrf-« of (b<- rliuietwl wj«tin' dark. Ton shut Towser up In the
From your lovliq;
dk.oa tap. She woold Rt dowa ao
i. oplsm. ranqyhlnc. or
l.-iti'l* in CodrIo. rongihg in prii-e frfjiii scvmi an>] onc-baU do
y eOMT MU-Mtlc. seteomthe fluar besMa ii sad open tha ild.
lare per acre to tliirtj-iivc ilollara p<T a>-r,U'c will sdl a
aad ihsa aba would quite forgm
TTo have all enjoyed your -nice kmg
.'tod sixty acres, will uccepi r»c-<|uarter down, bnlnm
ask If they're seen any thing of h
e la the wond. la the letter. Whai » good time you i
in c>|ial annnat paymeuta fonr yauk. W« nlwayn Jiitc obnii
line, an' )-ou stop at His’ Bmlihs' an'
«rR plaee. the t
bevo had on the Uke?
Imnniins in City Property. Idubtiflwm Prop, rty and Fnnni i
Mis’ Whtdioeks'. an- If the? haven't
She used to spell out the
Grand Travcric Region.
OMBRoek, MIeb.. OcL N. T»fi.
:?«u keep on ilH yon find her. oo matUg wordA "New Rampshlre Specta­
bow far yon have to go. Don't
tor. Jaa. a. >t».” aad theo took at
U Dorothea Huff, but 1 yon eoBK-'tia^ wllboui her."
tha same written aema it in peoeU
-r eani see bow abe untied that
by a e^life haad. "Edwin M. Cram.' rail It Dorathea Miller heeanie I am
Htw pretty Ue.?
8b« alwaya.callgd him Uule Broth- living with Hr. Miller's folks. My knot." said Sarah.
K the
(liA time
f4mn to
re» think
(lilnlr of geiting your fences,
all streaked with lenrs and grape
«r." beenaaa that wan how ahe bad mother h not living now. so I am llvbams, house and floors fixed up for wir.ter. You
Her mother took a cornel
Vard her Bothor «eah of him. She
u-ill want
knew that he had died when he was I Hke to rmd the MienyiBd fbe stor­ her apron aad wiped U ■arelliiy
aaly eight years aM. nuay. Bmay ies u the Bunsbine comer, too. I go they maned up the road. "You keep
years ago. when ber authcr was a to school every day. The sNool Is calm." said she. "Shell be found."
orwaU^eiflh, varaish or stain-Perhaps only a
ttay girl. Bn. aom^ow. ahe thought
Focle Da\T shot Towser in th.' lorD
]tiUe"-ihAt.iff-whurff we cui hei|> you—no maucr
aboat him a great deal aad liked te are a few cMes of dlphlberU. I like to Tbou he walked .briskly down ibo
bow iitUe you warn we cao scU it you—you know
I will have to Rose mad. There was not a bouM' for some
. took at the bonks and toyd la ble
that when you get paint H»r varnish ofVis it
fortklr time
Maak. .Tlwrc were nmre books tbaa
«H*ts»ec. but be peered carefully over
VERY BEST. We have sold it for twenty years
taya. and aaeb guaer booke as they
the stone walls across the flcMs. Caraod

:Oliee Was Are years old. Sbe.was verj^>«e. If yaa ooold see them, you
I am glad yoo acp InuraaM in
■ ewatda't help Uagblag at the pictorea.
“d ebnWij. wiih carefally bruahThe "Pettsr Parley." books were her ——e do have i
ed rwddisb curls, and a little Mne rib­
Md times leffwher.
' favorlies. H>ere were flee of «*»*«
bon to keep them out of her eyes.:
.and ibey had bees oovceed with pa­
Monroe Center. Mich. OR. Sfl. ’OA
She always wore a alee Uttie white



The Kimball Piano Player


Real Estate and Loans
Traverse City. Mich.
127 Front St.
Cit. phone 1219



Right Nowl-



12/ Front St.
Triverse City, Jllch.
Citizens phone 1219.

Commercial PiinBnfl

Wait’s Drug' Store


Bcrald awd Record Co.





site add or diloride <t Ume. Rinse la with liny and imperceptible hand

milk, and flour to make a very soft

dough, using a «eU rcnnAed teaapoooibortmgbly In aeveral waten. These stltebea..
To get ibia (he dreas must carefully ful of baklni; powder to emy level
chemicals sbould be used
be held down all around to tbe Boor cup of sifted flour. Tbei- should be
white gm>ds.
Taro the nozzle of tho garden hose and a thread aoetiratriy ba«ed at tbe relied out a Ilitlc pk«e at a (lipe. as
to a fine spray and
sprinkle tbe' line where it touche*. Then the depth they mum be so very soft that they
(be hem is raeaznred and anothoi
tbe line.
ThU is a very quick and good method. threap is placed this distance—what
All plain ideces may then he tolled ever U Is—above the flfwl. The tuck

clotbcs while they are On
tbe sen of thing that has been <

If M«th«p Would LlttM.
If noihor vooM linen to me. Amen,
8b« mid rmbon that faded Ronm;
SbD wo«M »oranlinea lake an bour’.i

With Ibo paUoot droop oo



And (be moUior hat bad her day."
Tmo motbor baa bad her day. depra.
When yon «oro taor bablaa, chroe;
And the Mopped about the torni and
tbe booae
At buay as CFpr a bee.
Wb«i the RWkedToa all to aleepdlears.

And sent yon all to school.
And wore beranU ont. and did nlihoat
And lived by the Ooldea Rale.
And ao yow tarn baa oonK, dears.
Hor hair is BTOalBf; wblte.
Airt ber ayes an galalac



away look
Tbal powB beyond tbe nlgbi.
One of tbeae daya In the momina
Molbor will not be bore;
8be will fade away into tflence.
Tbe laotbor ao tmd and dear.
‘nee what wU|. yon do In (be dmyllebl.
And wbai Id tbe ^nlny din?
dM nitber Ured and lonetorae then.
fmy wbat will yon do for bin!
If ytM want to keep your motber.
f Ton nnsi make ber rest today;
liiM «tro ber v-riiare la the troUe.
'And draw her into the play.
And If mother would listen



She'd buy her a gown of silk.
WNb honona of royal velvet,
And rnnics as white aa nlHt.
Awi abe’d let you do the troUlne.
' .

While abe sat sillt in (be chair;
ThK mother should have U bard aQ
- tbransb,

y- lUtrtkcs me lint hir.


—Margaret B. fiangster.

"A'boose is halli of. brick


•r OCAins. aad posts, and piers;
Bat A home la bailt of



mothers from


Btch mtlc saint the mother loves



And when across ber garden plot
8ho walks, with Ihongbirul heed.
Each garment for a bead.
'A stranger, passing. I snluic.

^ The Mhiwing



•r Mare te ms Attamfft I# Cm
NUatyTrasRIs. DcTaakFc-re-M

quantity was handled at oae time
Roll a quarter of an lot* thick, cut,

IIPM « masHrs Affvlac amt It

In tbo basket as they

under tick l» a good plan to them a twist as you drop them inu>
The^o scenus in
In the morning squeeze follow In making a skirt smaller the smoking fat.
. (he mother ani1 rinse them until clean, then dip ■round. For Instance, a fold alreadt iiutkiiig this roeipe a sd^ss are to,
them In a solution of a h.Hf-ieaspoon sUtebed down maj- l>e brought iip ic U*e just as little shortrnhg as posst^
hie. ,tnd to have (hem so soft -that H :
Ihe liaek hy Uylng an in
should lake It as a pan of ber.rellg- of gum arable In a pint of water
will seem almosl Impossible to handle
100 and should eonseienilnusly Insist lUgliUy blued. Squeeze well, anil poll­ visible tuck underneath. With .n cer
thein. •
for (bat Ump on being away from the ing all scallops c.trefully in shape. tain kind of '-ihoroutdi" sewer, as ilil>
An <-zperieneed rook gives an '-n 1
marbUloved ones who are so precious and
Very would have to be ripped and laid ovc-i lirely ditfeivm recipe, as follows:
yet so burdensono.
Were the moib- iltb—no Ironing Is necessary.
•TIu- esseollnl difference liiptwevn a
that Hie good line
'anatebed from her darlings and fine lace Is best washed by shaking in
already given it would be lost. In thr- cmller and a doughnut He* In th<Jar half full of
1 10 rest under the spring vloiels.
absenn- of nil shortening—ihV .lough
tbe children would be obliged to live clean, rinsing in a similar way. Lace, qulcker way Is the real skill by taking
rrsemldiag a sponge rake mizuire—
ge of the w-ork already done.
on without her tneeasant care ani' when pressed on glass should hsv
A silk l*MiU^. loose for the w-earei- and the emtlag or shaping ■**>''
le right aide up.
Sour milk. If applied at once to at and large nlmasi to shajM-Iessness knife *inly. Good, riiii. sweet cream'
'Homes rise before me in iboiighi
"taken in" simply hy running is use.1. taking on*- luhlespoonfiil nt
In whkh a fe^ brief monlfas ngo tbr Ink stain, will remove It. ftdlnrati
granulat.'d sugar to an .-gg. adding
iljer was af once chief niler anc' with the milk and mb h.nrd on the three nurrhtne iiirks straight ihrmigl
mall half leaspooQful of soda tdls.
shoulder seams, ending them at
servant In chlof.
She Is gone. Tbi
in from and proponioniuely little grated imtmi-g and salt.
If linen or cotton becomes scorched
of a sudden alekncss
,- tender with flour. R<dl thin
low in the hack. The effect was all
a swift death has wrecked tbo.ior of In Ironing, place it in sour milk
le better for not rlpfdng nr eliadging as cookies, cutting off small oldnnc
the place where tbe mother's smile Kh It temitth for twemv-foiir hours,
pieo's. and th.-n euitliig each pli-c*
IP shnulder
then wash In the usual way.
was tbe constant benediction. In i
In sending a gown to lie elenned l>art way with a knife into two «:
Uoen. muslin.' or any whlilp wash
than one inauinee mothers who
r dyofi, the moie tlioroiiglinets the three slashes. Fry very carefully 10
their families may have faltric. from (be dalmlest lace handbelter. For instance, in a w-ool gown keep the color of a ladyfingi-i. Susur
kefeblcf to the heaviest
been Mved bad their Thaiily not
he cnilh-rs in piiUvrizeil sug:ii. Each
linen UkI sheet, chat have yellowed lei the hem down nnd siltth liefore
sapped by tot^Mrennous and too
•gg will make ah*»ii one doten. ThCMcleaning.
It can tc rebtfl on u
romltilnj; toil and oversight, part of through age or hy haring qoi been
tre uyuolly mnile in stnall quftnitiies
ohrink an ineh ami a lu/f. an.t if li
which night have boen shifled to oth­ properly laundereil. to look ns whlie
>* they are best whMi freshly made.'
the tidy housewife would Ilk
er abonlders,
Mr*. Riotii's Fried
made later. The reason Air leifing It
have them. wUI 1k- wboderfnUy
"This talk Is a plea for the mother's
sho have li.-en so fonunate as to t*
prov-tKl after having gone through the down first Is tha* the siijryik Invariaoecasicnal leave of absence. It is less
ihoWB with the liesilnf work. U '■ire any of Mrs. C. T. Sioul's cake, at
following directions: If the article*
plea for the mrufaer than with her.
Heaned when turned u|>./ Even nfiei ihe Nnlimtiy markets held hy
to be whitened are clean It Is
Ebe hersolf Is usually Ute mala obsUessary-io wash them: merely wring Icttlng-U om. If It Is i-xtrh ikiiw. this episcopal Uilies' Guild ran vouch for
cle In tbe way of her own vacaiiopB.
rephlrer lakes a precauiloX to get per­ ;lie excellency of lu-r leclpe, s-hich
She plans bdidsys for others and them out of clean wi
fect results without dange) of having
Iskes none herself. Mothers in gen­ place them In an earthen Jar. or large
10 send bsek. She simply Vmi-nn. th
gnmiie pan and rover them with
eral are much too unselfish.
milk: have them remain In this alxait soHeiT streak In common lafiL Tlii<
■heir heantlful weakants to be strong
:er. Hem ih*‘K«- five minutes. Pre.
ly*. ran be done with V-rfi-cl
forty-elgbt hmirs—no harm done If
for olheta and,'salnlly 10 tho end of
they- remain In a llttte longer—then safety, even for .any honie eji-sning pare two cniifiils of sifted flour, iw<<
their days. Yet a weakness it Is. and
tbal is to he done In naptha 01 gasp.
remove and wash
Iboae who honor and
hang oot to dry. The result will Inshould do thch- bcsi to cure them of it
Another point whioti h'-lps the done-, half of Ihly^nlo the preparaliim. Add
line of clothes of snotry whiteness.
il tor (bell
on*- teacupful of milk, heat ihoron
-er coat to look fn^sh is in send li
A clothespin apron is much handier
own well-being."
than n hag or hssket. Hros-n denim is the cleaner with the old lining riiiped then mid ih*- r*>si of the prepsr*Nl
' Roll ns soft .-IS is- handled
lui. It Is bard on the new one to go
vi-ry necc for this purpose. l»ii
Washing Day.
hrougb tbe procMi, and ibis and till
desired material will do. Measure a
The clothes Mnl- is a Rosary
:he little things put on new aficrw.irds
Magie Washing Fluid.
piece onedialf Aard long aifd ahont

1 should not wonder U she told

Mnmtim Uh*r*»takU

and laid

The bousebold In Us wear.

Wbfe aa common calico; take another
piece of tbe same width,


iiT what give it freshness.

For in-

mixed wool suit trimmed
fbrec- ttanee. a
with light blue eollars and cuffs, hart

clrfta of a yard wide. Turn a hi m of

tbr sleeves remade, and wtis then scni

on UM>^ end of same apd
around on lower yarl of Jlrst piece

to the cleaners—without lining or eol

A wrilei in the New- lilea Woman*

She says;


or three equal divisions.

they would have cli-aned. it was th<

methods of jiertormlii^ilits hrsnrh


liiitisehold work.

Dorn the pea of Margaret Sangster.
one of




And smile to think bow near of kin
Are love, and loll and prayer.'

Tf desired- the brown

would show.

8u. the slight expense of

Tiler sr<- D->t serious enough t» detain'
Ibe pan* nt from hi* regular work.

Cstsrrn I* sometimes so very grsdust
In luapprosTtiaad tu*wrli<-r syuipiums
esuae •u<-)i Might discomfurt thsl 11 is
noi nnui-eil.
Itowev* r.wbenti Isonee firmly sealed
In Ihe 4ifineya,^.htssimr« s diBi<uIk
ln^?^urah^^?^^ys£s mar*
sdrlousU'sn eslsfrh ..-m- of
Uieother urgansof ibr Wy.
Id Ihe kldneys.llislisbletotermiDsta
In Itriglii's DHeawor dtsbeles, hoU> of
which are recognised as Very serious
s>lmeDt>,.if nocfaisl.
The liiiag to »*e done, when cslSRh *-f
Ute kidarya i« dlscorersd. Is to lake
.David L.Jsyeox. ChspUIn Clsr- •ome internal,* jMemlcesisrrh rsmedy.
Inda 1.0.
T. and r'liapUiQC. a. K„ oae tbsi reaches Ihe very soarre uf Ihe
i«i-i Brosdwsv, Oiklsnd,
jcststrli sad removes lbs cwo*e of th*
.Such s remedy has boen toitnd
iVrnns. Ii resehe. estarrh, no malt
where It may he

‘1 tsAB oldmrTaurAA. I ees'
tiActad severe bladdar and kidfier
1 fpefit bandreds of doUtn aad

IsMy-whelher lA

emunltad a boat of doctors, bnt
neitbOT did me aay food.
-FlDBlly some of my
who hsd-becD enrsd by Psrnoi
riasd db to iry It.
't at ooM bought a bottlo and
.foand II helped me so much thail
kept using II tor nearly tour monih-.


wbelher i I the remotest part t
That rernns is at once the ssfe*l and
must re1(s<-le Temedy tor estarrh of the'
kidneys u proven hy the many leeiiroonisls written l^y Itiiuie wh'> have eaperleneisl Its tM-D<ifll«.

“Panma ha« ppOTOA tbo boot mod-

I TheteeUm*nitkIjglven here i> only a
' iqieeim* n of Uie many te*iimonisis im
our reeords.peristning It* the relief atforded hv I'l-r
seofkidp*-y It WbIc.
"I feel well end would not bo
For tree medlesll sdvioc, sddrese Dt.
; withont A bottle in ttu of seed fer
. R. U. Ilsnmsu, Pretideni of ibe UscA*
;UB timMiti cost."
man si»****eeiuw>^ tli^iwftibttti (Jhio*
idM 1 over uod.

My poias are

fona And 1 beliavo

to be





I have

small tongues, partleularlr the laBba'.

on t-r



There arc tiny checkf or m*>re <l*'.-|f








are pickle*!. ,C*jok
longu'-s. Uav,- li.-m

wairi- a|xl

Che small. fr«s<h/
waahtul. put lA

lor tour hmire and n half,
S*.m.. of 111. cat-; ar-v*t> h.avy—

a fri*'n(V'iold me of her magic w-asfalpg


They ||rc

ili*-n .klnilti-d anil sprinkled g.'ix-riMr*ly with sail,

wiidi rol*l they are cut

rann emmgh 'tor 1ilizzar*lH.
getting new blue clulh matching cx: fluid, given to her H>- a person who veighis *1o for <-*dd nimraisin nights Into thin Klkes!nn*1 ganilsbcd <Htb
had pal*l twenty dollars for the soeret
cress or |«ar*l*-y.
with acily was taken and the ci
md S5eplenih*-r-trips ahrreul.
see mixed
cloth 1 received It with my iisnal hick 01
Try this, anl duplicated. “You
riirth collars t.ifa new- feature this
•wnd moat tboiigbtfnl writers on botiteFor Your Next Party.
House cleaning time comes
you will find it much bolter to have cleans perfectly,'- was i-xplalned. “an. enthusiasm.
s*>ss«n—plain grei-n. brown or some
-boid sabJeetH. U Home Cbeer could
Finger Cakes—Beat four <«* very
twice a year in most families, but tho clothes pins free from dirt in such It Is having these little trimmings
Whi-n. however,
saw the eaae with shade rep*-3t*Kl In tiie.iw-eed Itself.
add any^tng i» make the ploa strong:hi; add two imspoonfuls of vanilla',
washing day" wc have with n
which large washings were turned off, I'eU-ei anil liifrequ.-nils. hrairt roine
a bag ami very handy when hnneing and touches new Jhai count
it wonM ^adly do ao. for there Is
A good riili- is to rip anil l.K>s.-n the snowiness of ih>- linen, and ■hr m oih*‘i>.
iiraci an*t two cupfuls of grannIMways.
Every bousekoeper who does ckMbes np on 0 line.
ao saWeet which appeals more strenggathers ai^ uliy place Ih.-it the shap<- nufflm'ss and sofines-. o( th<- >
■: two cupfuU of boar.
I send ber washing out of the house
Perspiration stains are dlfBcuU
Ekfrts tor toll e**n'i- in rhartuing -.1 sugar.
Ir lotbewdlior. The problem Is one
la of btkbe done bas some favorite method remove. Some times by rubbing tbe haa to In- changed b.-fore Muidiiii
uu*l fiannels—altot-e all >rh*-n I bad
had.-. *.l Sjrav,
Sot dull iinrt tllsmal. j’•‘f''*'' »'•>'
of diring the work, which sb<- thinks spots with snail and laying ihe gar- For instance, a black voile wnist is t
tried It—I quickly liee.-iinp eoovinceit •HI .1 light shart*. Tor
ih<- *‘.irllcr ‘
■*"" and a loaspoonful of all,
for bareett, evmt tboogb sbo Is assured
make a stiff dofigb.'
Is a liitle easier and l.-eitiT than the
that here was an Idea worth .-ipproprl- uniiihi. all*! a diirkt-r tint fur e»n>in
In the hot sun they will dlKiis
ar tbo hearty ee«peraUon of ibe
girdle and cuffs. This is ripfied loose
Hcili Into a thin ishe«i. sprinkle wBb
plan pnniacd l>>- her neighboi-. yet.
tire Ibmil/, aad It is s matter which
matter hos- experienced she may be.
Her- h. ih.- recipe:
Spots of paint on colored muslin at the botfhm of tbe waist .ind the o
Plaid. Si^ein to r<m liol liirnugb (be sugar, .md cm 0(11 with a •finger’'
ibore is sisal's someihlng ne
iugr*'<l|enis: Two and a half pounils whole ii-alm of rxmtng toll fuahiMis— r>iit*u'. Ilak<- 111 i quick oven. This
• cambric dresses should be rubbed cuffs taken off. Then the tucks a
'erstion 0# every reader of Ibis departamount
makes nljoiii forty little cakes'
learn in Ibis, as in every other pari of thorougbi}' with good laundry soap, put In to Khorien sh-eves and the ixof'sodH; two iionnds of iKwax
and *he flanix-I watottnes hsv*. given
gMOt. Rtys Mrs. Saagstcr:
(riroroings pm on nfier it is cleaned.
the housework.
The following hlnti and then pul to soak for IS hours
pounil of powd*-r*ul resin; two ni
Ih*. libs'sman toicn>r*<»tion.
1'h<- which are *.*cel1^t wilb frott or ic*
“BvarTcae knows bow exacting the
Made to go with a tirown skirl wi
of coDcentratcd ammoiiis'. two oiinei-s plalds arc Itirg.-. vivid or n.-« In rnarn.
(be paint will come 08 rosily and the ,
ctook and houMOBald arc al>oui their
a small hrown velvn Bion made from Oi KBits of I.
Nut Cracks—ktehe n dongh by miicfljor. Iiiit. not • loiiil. ' Can you ralrdi
dresses will be as good
' Budhprtsed itrlvOcco of an a
winter velv.-l shirt waist
Home Cheer re.vders. In Ihli
To make the fluid: Ihit on*- gallon
iron nist spots can lie
Thoc «r.- checks. Ir.s log*-th*-r *Hte.)ialf cutrfql of Imran
OBL VeiT few luBMhotd «sm
ol Ur*1. one-halt
tlon. HotCh Cbeer would he veiy- glad covering the spots *ith lemon and had br<-n nwde with plait, and thes.- of cold wai<T in th«- boiler: i*d*l sod:
IngiiciiMy ol .iwo or
Bcm to them of nneient Im
receive helpful suggesttons along salt, moistening with a little water: were left in and the whide thipg shap- borax ati.l re*lD:*ei over a slow fire with il larg.- otcrplaid *-mbroid.‘r*ul lo cujifu! of cnTKrailk, oo<- copful of *r>to mtUfy the s
Ibis br any other line, from Its read- then pm iu the sun and redampen i-d off bun the smalt bolero.
until nit ar*-. dlssotini, Take from ih< a contraKiiog color. Tb*- eff*«i mak*-i> lass*-s, one ii^>|iaonfQl of ginger, sise
.far aa this pkasai* of tbeln Is coawhite K.nin edge 011 wbi
ir you have sonx- method of j-our the spow until they
in- nnd add the ammonia
(W.- iwsjtively long f«.r a esd *h.y to |ev«-l toaspoo^l of MXU dissolvedeemed. Uanss in tbe lamib' or afBic
sewed gold braid and tiny gold hut- if tartar.
in a little cold milk, and tmongh flosr
os-n. have worked out the solution may take set-cral days.
Una Asidam imerfenw with the regn.
e i-ffeetive tilmmlngs
talking luit niod- to keep the dough from sticking to
To use; Cm up a bar of anV good
When washing black lawi
larity at the mnid'h vltiUng her own
the l«oard. Tenr *iff pieces the six*-of a
pnzzled yoti. dnip
tashiog-soa|i ifnr :i hniicrful of whilr els from
cocs. make the bluing water almost
people on the day that heloags to her.
hk-kery- r
mmi. telling of yi
lid a
OeughnuU and Crullers.
black with bluing as It renews any
-loihesi In oii*> gallon of water ani in whiitaad It is a very hlgMiaaded and lodetiak*While boi.
may seem to you almost too simple of the lhai may have eome om
The making of do-jghnuts and rriill- w-beii dissolved, add h.vlf a pint of th* simplr ! I v*-ry i-manK tiimnie*l In grenstvl pani
pMidMU mistress who veniiircs
be worth repealing, it may lie Just in tbe washing.
Ts. atibougb ibesa'areamDnglhc most
•loibes In cold water brlglii
■nan plald
.•»aih.-*l put two «ogiuh*-r. roll III maple irfnt
and that In suggeai a ebnage in
the help that some one el«- needa.
around 1 e crown and ti.-d in a bow 1h*-ii In eh<>pp*‘d
When washing a white dros.« ^bat common articles iu <-trr>- liousewif.-'t soaping the most soIK-d *poiK.
program of the people below atalrs.
a chang*,
Macarooni Fros :
Tho worhl is full of inexperienced liecone yellow, pm a few dropt pantry, is an an which few acquire wriag out. placing in the boiler, which h*-ld by I hiicki*-. Oih*T in^d*'!* in
Indeed one eaimcit blame'Kom for Inhousekeepers, who are struggling with of turproilne into the water, and
perfection. A p«-rfeci doughnnt
IS Iteen flllc*! iwolhlolB full of cold
t.- an- irimm*-*! in brown v*-l- try this S' roti. 11 lly froMlag. aad
alsUaig on her vested righU In tbU
l«ik*-d. II i- flnlab.
»b*-D y«*ur
work which Is new to them.
Give then lay in the sun to dry.
• which may ts- eaten without
sier; set over th*- fire and boll fif
hnd.winge or ih hrown and whit'
amrar. tor there la tmdoobied moaotOne hair pound <ff
them the licneBi of your years of eg.
hurki*-. of tor- '-d- Icing a
en miniitesalterthey cometoa
To make wash silk look like'new. soilhig the fingers or * ven a dainty
■or ta^ltcheci atwk and AomesUca get
*.f th- modish! eh«*ioed
alniMx *,
simpler srays of doing put a icMpoon of wood alcohol to glove, yet whlrti is crisp, light and
Take the riotbes oqi wUb a
- shell «
Buie (^pcnanliy fm fresh air and sun. a small cupDil
whites of
ill branches of the housework,
Many things conirlluiie i< and lay in a tiih of clean water; wrinc
every pint of water when rinsing, .and under.
abiwe, c«im «nt« they are allowed
Mix tbe almonds ih
they will rise up and call yon Mossed. Iron when damp.
Ibis desired result, among them lie through two waters and a third o
pnod giA: el ireediMO In Ibe evening
and spread on any
;ng the two of perfectly fresh egg«
lalning blnlng. Wash.the cullcoee ui
d DriicieiM.
If the silky lustre Is desired, do not
whco'fbe <lsy '« work is over.
cr II Is put In the
his Itelng fully as csseniini as In cakPew p*K.pb- know that th-y •
in which the white
Deaasmaking Problems Solved.
• "Then- ;> srt aiqwm of borne life far starch mercerized materials. Slany- a1fuin an*l is foie
is baked.
leady know iHls. but it may prove of
The art of making over is a combi- making. Another secret 1* in having clothes were iMil* d. but make 11 clean
too itUIv cimNdcrcd In the numer­
To Sen*- WHl
t If. U- f<riind m thf
fn-.b fluid tor the flaim* ls; most .lelirloi
natloD 01 gifts Inheriictl from mother* the fat smoking hot. Nothing nssurrous hO'L'ehoM wbne tbe pnalding (niorest to tbe young housewife,
g* fher one cupful ot piilrerlted sugar. .
ter souk for half an hour le
mcrecrizeili who were given over to prctiy clothe*, a Buggy, tet soaked cake tike fat
gwelos. Is a weaSB whose tastes lu- ani-e also -sben linying
of cboppe*1 nuts.
flq'-foiirih cii|,fi
goods to get those in which the tht^d and from tethers who have thriven
cUne (ter in stay mneh indoors a
me-toiich c ipfnl of
i-am. Iasi
ar»- £.1! sold very ch*ai
smokes him-, and then try a pii-et
is moreerized bi-rore It is woven. The off mathematical aud mechanlcai pur-,
Vtbase id<si t f doty compels ber
Of an eflC wbIcK
-wed they make a savor
of the dough. It shoulH ris*- qiiirk’^• xc.'pi that which Iteked f.
Bllky lustre is tboii permanent.
suits—it's much (he same thing,
feel itaait who>.-ver Is abeent. she ni
spread a
rl;.l dl-h.
The 'largo
>0 siirfae*' ,inrt i*egin 10 iiirn
adding' the. fluid
To prevent silk bandkerebiefs froip marked a wardrolte repairer the othi-r
alwaya he •« band. When ib? c
the Middle of thin (Odd
h<-a(i-. W-—w- i*r.tor-te.I.::..
Unfo©.il..lely. Too iixirh’- sb
to wash bi.-inK'-ti
turning yellow when washed, do not day. Tliat she l.< doing a good Utisidrea |p> t<> scbool. the moibcr Is
ers and brown In a quick *iv>-ii.
Calves' he.iiie are. >.,.1 s—
Pr*'i>.ire a hirfbI or :-jk<-wartn a:
aiid Uirnisg out pretty aimstai enlng Is the most eorimion «-nii«e
tbe tlpor t'l w (bem oS and to wntch mb sMp on the silk; no soda sbmUd
t racker* miiii i>e d-iitt*'*.- and <*f.
smaihr. 1.11: on*- kill .is- .u.-urii t<
It soak-e*l rokes.
w« luilre; pour :
lie used in the water, and the handker- from worse than noihlng. wiihoiu evei
them as ib> y uinm morrlly and start variety. obtetnat
Ti- .-hcdnnke's iu a Urgi- >iib and thr<-e or (our iK'tkot...
On*- Traverse City lieiisi k-eper
cblcfs should nA b,- iKilb-d.
A hot. hating taken a dressmaking lesson,
(Mly dbKii ih- *u^. When they rush
atxl pigs' Istotis ar*- .t iT -mail*-' I
arts (bat she finds h'-r liesr rake<
warm »vat*-r 1 a cover 1
la at im- m'u.t r>obn eager ter loach- thick, soapy- UUf.T made with floHy seems lo prove her theory to be inie.
Bak« d eeact.
. '
wlcc'llic h*ruris etioo.*- (I;—- -htilj't
h-ni stand lor half au
those which art- made with -i.iir milk
shredded soap should be ubmI lor
eon. aio-.hc-r i« i«B the spot and her
is:.i|s III nb«dut<- (.erfee-’
1 Ih- .1 s-iiie-r- O-IT in
sritlch Ingan elsboraie skin.the longiraincd and aoda. and put in iht- ic*- Ik>x over
preeegre nv4k>'« die noon berar tbe cleansing Ih.- handkeichlefs.
. a.-on (he
try the foiojiing.
Soak the.
<T. |sr thro'ich !lir- cli up w.*t
sboiilil afterward lie thoroughly freed kind covered In all dilutions with night. In warm wrathej-. or mixe*l soft;
br1j*ie; p,r ber begr* and glris. When
|,iKi,|«r, Fill thcibeait:
! U.--4I
from all mp by rinsing in plenty of Iriming. on.e of which almost eveiy. sad left over night ia a mid place, in
Ihe' hail^ir? Kwev tor business (be
;; ‘n 111 coM watw.
i !u-ad Muffing and s*-w ;draln and w;
body.hs* for a making over problem. the winter. Tb*y inquire less flour,
wk.'.w1rr>'.s A cheery band at him cold water, and when most of Ibe
grwnlic aaneepan’
op- mngs tosptb* r. Roll the heart pulling th* tn
and are more tender than ihos<- which
lias iH-en pressed ««jt they shoulij
Uvu >h.t VtipUiis iUid when be turns
m-alsod jwrtt. 81mki flr.u; !.ud Uf*.wn ?n sweet drippings ’wltli n p-.riiu
be dried. If possildc. in tho san.
black siR; Insenions running horizon­ are cooked as toon ss ma*lc
-i f uav^ hp> i,i night and she bears
III in
deep dish an*! cover wllb m-r slnv.Iy
1 iH-fnre the final Titl.e wiwishes to save time iliej car
reason why fruit and many otb- tally and close to the waist, making
i'» rlU-k sin
v'wdy to receive him
w;,tor aad fill into:
brown gravy. Bake or stew slowly , acasn drain c
ig in .-1 gursl suDuy place or
ny altcrariOBs near the top ImpoMi- ed. rolled and cm out in the evening,
V WI1 B Mulif Bad a sreMing. Her po- er stains becume fixed in a fabric la
u pot*, btirilag in
. i lb- iii4iwd.ui
k wind. Rvcb i-«.niforla!)lc« for C-.-- hours.'
and wili he nil 'ready to fry 'he fin-de.
ebfim h. asii ut a moMirh who canI a Ht of tbe salt'
iambs', and plla’jthe e- xr* . r.
. iind saii.toctoiii.v wash*-l
thlng in the morning.
icalB down Into the top of the rtrcnli
f>») jiUllcav who may not leave quickly any stain is rontoved tbe bet
i aashnd into ’Ins •
always chi-ap. j fsirk w;il' 'h
m-tbol. The e*ssi *.f five tongues are T»-arlv
Cinllers are much m*>r<- crisp an*l
but all Mains sNbnId be aken out flounce, ronning into it .n different
o? Vis realm. In anoth.
Id 10 one pint
Bf.vq'f. tongues are st-n-rany high : s'* .N'
■ Ibis liquid i- *lgh*v e-ni..
-'(ompanyAod" than liougfanuts. a
er i4i.-ud- ; K l!6(- that of the soldier before the artirle is pat In soapsuds. lenpbs and making this
c'f X*-w Or)c;«s
prlc.-d. The Ann. plump ones are good • ls.i!:nv w .-'-'
off. Of nMxfest depth in from if served with coffee or sweet cjdPienty of hoillfig water will remove
aGo ^‘irn • (escit his poet for ev
flr.l.l.y, lean ks.klng ««n*-s s.i-e ^

a sal spoonful of Frt-nch
Autumn'Patbien Hinta.
and lllile squares of crrsiDi cheese
wo a •' lie
siingeni pen:
-iXi-jarM. two
:irid fopitac bav.- bound are th<- moat dif&cnli; to remove ibem in tiM- back and yei couM not he ts
libera! piDch of
iJork. dry tnokinj; on*-, ere ifeoH- 10 c.ptsup an
leg. Th.- following is a g*K>d cruller
mother with feUers .rf spirod tbeMalncd parts ovir a t^owl off at the hem. t>«caase of another lit­
irh pt»ni-* of b*
Coals vary In length from just *k>wn that have boen corned and amoke*: ’ikirecipe;
Take bolter <i>e size of
i-vrorg as Iron. Nobody‘^bd pour boiling water ibreugb the tle <>i>en work trimming woven In Just
this -iKflatton.
They meat be snaked in ihoronghly ■
n *be bllK to almul ihlriy-sli Inrtves lUcc hams.
above the hem. A blind tuck, deep in wuhtur. and cream h thornucbly wii
pe^ jut' pM^iru^.jir MifiBaaa or vie- |Cjoib. if this does not remove ihei
French poplin-and poplins promlae
<tp' iq'iht’ iiMN-t-w Aevatloo. since
tor a few mimites in weak ja- Ibe hack and sloping off to uo'hlag in a seam half cup of sugar. Stir in iw
o h<- to-diyincblc ThU *ea«i«—come
lit .Til?’ wht; U . xpeeted of her nnd -'Mle water or a weak Hriution of 01-

' poem oGleh beads ttaU coiumn.

for an apron.

blur that Ihe cli-aning priices


I Eves when he dl.corers Ihsi tl.e kvt.'
I ners are affeeled, lie iliie- BOI reeo,;nixs
-the dimeulljr s< :belttg eanse*] l.> v«-

in all the. new autumn colors.

cloth trimmed in braid, and although



Tbe slight lACksrbes, Ihe (sMlngs .<T
»«iiad*', sud other wsnm»gj;.vmpb4bs
of Llclney disease are uvrriouked.

Washing always seemed to 1

rows of verileal stitching nnill
first piece with hands and strings


is all she claims tor it. is cerciloly

first and last hard work.

Divide by mean



.M.igarine. has a recipe, which. If I
wurili trying.

Izr and cuffs. These were blue liro.nd.

form a pouch.

Prsvsff tka

ye»ATAKKH of tb* kldBcys Is s vary
much negleeud dlsesM.
Jtuaol until the.dues** ha* affna
bold upon the kidneys (bat tbe psuwt
hegins lor.-aHxetbstthera is some.deingemeBt of these urgans,

and collars, soak them over night
warm sa*ls.

Xbat atand a tSouaand years."

wviuld iBcvltably «Urti to tbe board

Is thro taken from fbe top thn«d to in three Inch squares, and cut isn
taken down, while starch**! articles the top of the hem. and the result is long sUsbes. with an old-fashioDifl
"There are ibonsands of women need but a little further band sprink­ an even hanging skin wUb no trim- •jlggering Iron" if you are *0 fortun-.
loaiDg: ling on portions not exposed.
lings sacrificed and the least possilib- lie ss to possess one. If nm. nse 1.
knife Pick the orullera up and gi\healtb. beauty and Maatldiy because
For the preserraildn of floe Itces work.

A&d WMMCimea a trip to town.
And It aboatdnt bo all for the cblldren. ibey almost never have any ndasstlon
TbetmaBdtbetdreer and the pta>-:

Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys
But Do Hot Recognize It.

donim may be stiicbeil wlih

clothes-pin outlined

red on each division.







Paces 71i ! 4


miigrs puiMun Mm




Iwilliam Randolph Hears! Was Downed By'People
of New fork.

.MajpuficentEffllarseinent By the People of the||{[^(|[J3 |H|

,V . ”"*‘**'‘*''
SKID deuhhon to



Deindcrats Sent to Legislature, Johnny DARRA6H S
Wiiglit Among Number.
n^miMiiiOpMig Gtanil ttayUs on Sirailniis lespitt
, Bsims eMprip to Closo TI»ni,-Co« PiobaOl,


•peMU to T»\4 EMotlAB Raedrt
• -..iMrelt. MWi, Nov. r.—1 I
■nif'bf Mi«h.

- Fr*4 M. Werner'* plur.llty for gever»Ud B*ln .«f tw«n^*«iet>t vote* in every
t ef art able and conaeientleat adrnlnia-

5?’: . , .
Tie great cNbitB* of oaiitlment Jn regard t* the governor it ahown by
^ ■ "T". tt» ewottt .n OfMM Raglda
year* ago. w. N. Rerria. Mr, Warner-, op.
i '•* gonom, «*. gliren p oiaJeHty of fcOOOin the oHy. At thia hour, the return.
alre* thM>red ^gwornor ha. been given a majority of 6.500.


For Gori.-njoi^

bEAD WAS 8i3

JSr. .7.;
■tT::. V.:::::

Fur Consresti-

Green Lakh.
toiaa-<uuFor Oovi-mur-Wanj.r.......................... 37

„ Was Not Nearly So Large in Creit^New, Yoric
As Was Expected.


Shenrr Chaa. B. Johnaon Led the Coun­
ty MaJoHtiea With 972 and Fred
Pratt waa Only Eight Votaa Be­
hind—Townahip Rcaulta.


.For Hi-ne Feostur—
Wnuiuie ........
• :rtFni lU-iiri-ib-nlaitt'e
Crjiii.I Traverse Ul*<licl-

:ed by handaome maJoritleA
the following being the reaulta from
the county with the exception of Grant
Rt-SlMCT Of Deeds—
-ong Lake townahip*, the returaa
from vUiich, when they are received,
ubtedly swell the majerltica:
For Cevemor—
Fred M. Warner .................... . .756
For Cengreaa-




SZ::.,;;;,:.;:::: 1


,.......................... ;


net known whether
It to believad that when the returns sre <
Jerity Will be 6OM0 in the eute.

■ •


rHwtums she*


mere than three times triat number was expected.
In greater New York the Hearst vote was net curly ao large ae was
. The plurality being held dew i to much ^pas thMt
100.000, where 150A00 was looked for. Hum early
the day claimed that
plurality in the city and 20OAI00 in the state. The F lughce pebpic were lOM
sanguine Of a large plurality but eenRdcntly cxpacta ; the victory which ha*
been achieved, although larger figurea were hoped
.WMle the reiarM
te midnight Indicated at least forty theuund piursit y : ia believed tJwt
the figures wil resehc nearer sixty UieuMod for k ughss.
Bulletins on General Results,
Otme^i itic Lsadaiide..
fipetlal to the Evouiiig JUsurd.
> todidlanapirfia. Nov.
Ri rulU liidi
cate that the rrinibllrpu rU'c. tjckci i»
elected by front tj.'.Wi to OO.ih’j
Cook < etnrty Rotorna.
Buehui Elected.
Uenter. Nov. 7.—Rcpublicuui Cbsit
man Vivian ataiOK that lliicbul wilt plnraili) 1ji Cb C9#D of <6>mvi.
7—GsttlKbl for staiu*
be elected by about Su.wR'
blkhB. uill mxclve a
Ohio Gee* Republican.
t'cdiniibaK. Ubiu. Not. 7.—The l••pul•Vote.
HcoSB claim a vicnory uf not !•■«« tbau
, Npv. 7.—It .1* rislmed bf
D'.eJOO to thU state .
stic|cballfeaB that MkHOuri
Lengworih Elected,
rinciunail, Ohio. Nov. 7.—Slchdla* will send fruB Iwelve to sixteen dnao*
l-ongwortb. aun-lo-law <rf I’n-uidcal: cratic ruBgrvw^en lo Waahlngtoo.

Re-elected by a Pl-jrality of 100-000.
Moody .
K .Viiunu-y—
mtt ..
Alway............ .................
arcull Court Commlsalom-r-

^Hrtd"worih . ..
. =s
Martin ............................. u

JT^ :

RooBc-vcIt, ia rc-electcd by u rate maJoriiy.
California CeU Republlban Govemer.
8au FrenclKCo. Nov 7.—The republl
c6dk buvr reelcmcxl Gllleiu- porerodr.
a Is All RlghL
i. Nov 7.—I'nlled State
Senator Penrose stated last night that
a republican Bovertwr Is elected
IW.OOb pluralli).
Nebraska Repwbtccan.
Umahii. Nov. 7.—Induratiooi. are that
Nebraska^ has gone n.-publlcau by
from 7.0(s) to IK.iXW'. TTji' Irglslatim«1II eiect a rcpublloin Viilted States

- l^tUrtlxter erf Deeds—
Fr>;iLfuiiDg Atluruc-.'-'

"r'-“77 7: 7 =^

a- ^

Fite.Lake. .
Total vote.




.7 ■

PrusecniiUE Atic-rne.v-



roremer- '


' “£

Tbr .-o.inly <Met*a were nU

‘ msE m K Kmucai


For Hepreaentativn
Bute Senator Twenty-Seventh DTtt|-|ct
Grand Trarerao DlsuiclMoww


Hallowe'en Pranks /teiultcd in CrackHig of Big Piece of Gtaea in Fried- i
ri^'a Shoe Store.

As a result i>C a Hullowe'eu mwp |
EM a Good MgJaHty af, ln«. A. V. Fricndlcb's diapUy window
was cracked and will hive to be
Aaamtag Baggert ta
piaoed. Tt..- big pane of slasa is innred. but Hr. PrlcdrlHt will be

Pm^-cutlng Atiomef— .
fU worth of leUertnK which
at pr’ «*ni.

...L. - iafcfhin-fi-“wf?iiffi i'

splendid fMoHs
fylBg Is iU tendency to .
ikm tu be beullfsl in
lien a wemwa gets -a
sklng HolllHer'B Roekr
.Hbn Is all right. Jo.
evnu. Joboson Dm;

Lieutenant Governor of Michigan.

R.-SiM<T 01 l)e..d.*—

s:r 7

Bulletin* on New York Return*.
Now York. Sot. 6.—At 1 a. m. tba
itrpubUcans art eoafldenl that HuglM
will be Dlectt^ by about 40.060. asd'
this Is probi My oomet.
Hewrsi's tnaiuj«ers say Ibe reeeh fa
still In chnibl.
The- -We - d s'-c toat witb the c
ik»i uf Hea
,lck..-t In Nr » Vortt Is olrcted.


l*illrii.l.'T.................... ..


Meran i ■
DosUia. Mas .. Nor. 7the Clodion of Mann.
guTenor. by a bmMIty which Is gr iliryiog lo the repubMcommlltee

Iowa Rc-electa Cummins.
DenMoines, lows. Nov. 7 -Th.- slat.,
republican comniitte.- •-siiuia<'-s tl>.
One of the
repuhllcau plutall'y at abuui 2>i.6U0.
physical beaut
Wlscensln'a Republiean Piuralitycraftic an
Milwaukne. Nov 7—Th- utory.way.
from the latest returns «r.!-tb*i U.ej Bhod fc'art by
republican ticket is e-i«s-t--t by al.Vuui.fahi Te«
a, :r-ieer
I'luralliy <rf 4S.<MS> Ihivd-sifl bar
cc.-!vc-d a large-, plursli'y

Ftor suite Senator—
WetmoreFor Bcpreaonuillre
Grand Trav.-rsc IMsinrt- :


that Hughes' mafrom up elate hut later -

Hearet ehewed perm
big piureiitles they were’held down firmly by Hvghe > until thegh

n Tickat Waa ElceUd
By Aboat 260 Majority, Warner
Receiving About .40a

' ' <R«r<vh.r lu tbc 'Sfaaiu RMord.

SpecisI to the Evening Record.

the independent candidate was reduced te itns th^

Grand Travorae
theaters'remain open.
James H. Monroe
a bitter fight waged o
in Grand'ltapMa for waaka t
Charles S. Johnaon
iliiiliv mrcMere. The thaatart urill remain open seven daya In the vreek,
For Clerk—
~;iygd9r. luivhtgf.wan out by 'ahotrt 600 majority.
Robert E. Walter .
For Treaturer—
Francis E. Brown
Ill the legiMatur^ the domocrato will have four rapreaentativea againal
For Raglaui
(tywi. repeWtasiw ManMae. Emmett. Livingaton and Monrpe countlei
Prank W. Wilton ...........................616
For Proaecuting Attorney—
Frad M. Pratt .............................. 664
Emmett tawity, Jahnny Wright of Liar 4sme. « I victerieus ever
For Ciroiit Court Commiaaioner—
George W. Curtis .......................... 697
For CoronerWOriwr-a MaJortO UMOG.
palcfaM fram a Braaior nunber of
Prank Holdaworth ,
state, up to ten o'eloek lonlKbt *bo.
that rcpubileauie have clvciud 114 con.
Luoiua J. Tedman ........................
BroasBum and the democrats 71.. Tbo
domocret's fisureK Include AlaUstun
4)oma6PBt Mayor at Part Huron;
and Arkantts. 7. St. Louis. 7. Geonda.
11; Mississippi. P: Texan. 17: Florida. ships;
S; Virginia 9. Tlio democrats have
gained one dlstiiel In Maryland.
In imnoU. ono In New Jersey and one
la Kentacky.

S|KK-ial lu Uu,. ISrcnlng Uccurd.
Frankfort. Hleh.; Nov. 6-Fivd M.
W'aracr earrinl Qciixic county by
alout <60. tbGcstlnialc bclRR basod on
reports from seven uf the twelve town,
sbips in the eouaiy. The rntire
publlcsn county ticket was elected
py about 250 majorit.v. A. F. liuniins
txcelved a majority of about 223. Mc­
Laughlin ran well tip with the bead of
tbe ticket.


new given at 40.000.

^-.-JRYhN Qrty. the otactlow oP Codd i* cencoMed a* a probability but Che De^ Unitad RaHMiyY fnnehiaa vwa voted down. The real of the county
>* atm Hi dooM and llkoly to ha bo for tome time.

wsw wi wr

----------------------- MVB:

lelinri Hughes' iajoiitr Will Heach SO.IHH .-Cngnss Stom
a Good Republican Mujontii.-GenuralltKnlts n the
Variuus States.
New York. Nov. 7. 1 a. m.—Hughe*' meiority'ier
»lor g rveitmer ef New York M ^
The balance of the ticket
let Is Lull
:lll H> detigt aad H M



I ,


2;:=, 7
1 For Geivtruor—
• y-‘nifr . .
Klmanrle- ...

Total rote.


-,77: “7

ttad Raprnaentative ef Grand. Shcriffre
le^tlnued e>ii Puce T«v4tc.I
Traveree County!

RCtumsd to Congrnaa from the Elcvcnti


Cnnd Tratost licndd



8r liiiMwiiM.

la iBlIi aUn yeaterday warnW«d»e»- Ing.

An InhiAcdon wt«



City MarkBts

Mr. Retop waa fattnerty station

lamiat Wllignriiorg aad has a num-


tb« Ciir fron) pa?lB« J«kA MtiarM Air Lci «r tHiv>dn then. -He leaves a wife



moulb of


Bcnrdman and fonr cblldrw at Owosso.


the fewR

■ihiB Uk«D by the John K. CKl
»««ib<T wMpMty
TH09. T. MTM.

ibreonh tlwlr

w-y*. gnartfewBltc A Al«*r. and t*


XtfttDrwd lUniWBi


RooaweK will ha the Aral chM eaee- Rye floor. H. U A Cora Beat.


tax-d on tbn OTtfnttoo thnt tho tHj otlTe of fha Called Stsica to set foot
ydnUjiu soil and to be the guest of
has no right to mtakt no tntomAl
mler at dlaaer.

|m»vp»n«it ud fnrtJwriBPre. H bn* iw

Thilin ihinKs win bappaa when the

right 10 UM mooeyi

for ihtt


preshlenl go« K |p the Isthmus of l*auTbe

nad ni'ver aolbori»i<a by the people to


ButUT. per pound..

Uoulslana. (he batileshlp


The city oT Ihut Is 10 ehnr 'the party, will bi- put
Tnrrraa City aad'ioha Mooioe are through her jfcm bV 1
be Kpeut la that mhitiwr.


a Co.'s 1st.
Hurt P. Rlaer to Wra
.dk. t, O. B. R.
•fclumi^ei «
'Iberesa Hod
’ llocklsim. uta of
■ U. ll.iWl.
Saiah HodaMUi 10 Sarah Alio- J<diii-v9 parcels, sec. fc. T 2t. R 11.
Martini A Ctiril. . t si. lo Wlanlto-d
Coortadf. loi 7 bik- T. Coodrlrii’»


Auditor (-.encral to B. J. Morgan,
Urt T. bIk.
Goodrich a. Ild.lfl.
South Ship IjimtaT Co. to Wm. N.
1 While, lot S«. Oak Helghi-. BSSfl.
.Auditor General lo Prank W. WitI K>ti. wii.jn of sc*4 of-n< ’« wc. 14
R 9.,
.Herbert ‘j. Ibnichv.e and
Floy.i Smith, lot 4. blk. 5.

18. |>er bnsbet........... ...............
'Ha*tip H. K.t ney pi 11! to Clailbrl
Mr. Mooroi- mchlps. the .qaadren ct
j II. Uardni't. laixcU. tl.ffi.
show what a splendid flgbtini; ni.-ictjini
Clartb.-! H. Ganln.-r et .0 to Hank-.
H. k«<-np*-. laarcelR. ll.Up.
granied trlUi she Is.
HpI- ti A. Wllhp'm to Munt E. S|s-n
Presidt-ni noosevrtl sails on Tlmrsfowui I9 th* nil
the proriso anovlDK the defcndaiiU
1 o r. lots 24 imd 2.7. blk. 2. I'. H-'s Suit.
vnUM- oont le taiirifif hy HMitti Of- ootiteM It by girlDR aotice and appear■ IMlo• u shon one. Rut fonr days ai
Aeor Mortrn, according -«• a rnpcrt
tnc before (he eoari at a time sutsd.
Smith KcBlty
.cMliy i\y to Otri<t<a>
llajumond. HP*.. of n» U .s
Ulvod hr Mm jUMrEly frarif ’ BUtn
Thl* salt urosfi mt of the acUoti lotletl. and lliey will bi- busy ones. Two ......c. .vvM ........................................
Buylnfl Rata*
Travaraa CRy Osalera j |( jo. Sf:*
speoebes will be madp. one a rest
'Analyst Floyd E
C WsBiaan.
of the city eoancllln removlna a
eWer uiiplca. i«.-r c*l................
Ihe welcome of Prcsldriit Atnadbr
_Thit«l>. saaipiaasrii^
sawplaa taWMi wars atn)
atnt,te ilou of the John F. Oti Umtlicr
lots 4.
Wheat .....................................
d Ihe other at a tvcepflou t
by Or. Ma(«a wara M
pany'a (laoi and tvenhtf a free
' .
' i
Orlando C. .Moffaii J.ud wife ut Fredfor aewaie and aaior-eraft. The given at l*ler II. In getUng \n the
X varima waM m OM <
ipilck L- !.*»>•. s!» of n't’ Id acnw of 1
papers were aenrod upon City ClcrV palace of Pre^dcni Amador the preidw4iam-.tiihe«a »«a baan Vpbald. 1
I »'ly 30 aCTPs. loi 4. s. .- 2^ T. 2h. H II
•ns sWs »w Tram ths hyriflM In cmia fhls aricrnoon shortly nfler 5 deni of Ihe United States will travel

thi- riefmdanla.

tM-liiR the coiMraetor.

-He «vid«nec of-coMunlMtiM


{ujDDCilcm vaa


ttri dacfter^ otAcn.
frdfti'ths walls

ilip Cbagree ri*-pr In a casco, or

Tbs fiva aaniplss o’clock by Sheriff Johnson.

unlive river craft.

The Inproreineiit which Is ^eld

Ukan'fram Mnws

•hlckpik. spring..........................

Wtwrs the
>e typbiUtaiti wav ths maat Is the splllug of Ihe moaih of the riser

a which would renun-o tlih snndbar and

I thr atMa dairy and foad

make a channel which would allow

t and laparu «i iiis

free psstage of all refuse-

Xongrcgational Convention.
BuckUy, Mich.. Nov. k.~Tho forty


AASthsr Cat Saved.

th« *is ew^'

“Hill ”


oos ef ff fpM iheMt




hma. Ain leleidioaf polf and Uherstod

.W««M M evtBaaao af «

n big fai. wlitif cal of the Thomas

sie «an asaM jfWi any farther in



wbon IS.'SKi is pivbaUiy
•'Andj ’ Homiuth.

on iis way

Sermon by tbe Rev. F. Kiilkoi-


RoedarsH carried the state by about

turn tfoM Rbat Baaber. Mr. War(iaii 11 was
lag of the John Uillls

,*nnodi,n<i that carrM Warghr Uupupii

TUt year Is Urolherbood of the UapHat
year" had a very light vote Tuesday cvoblng the feasIMlity of the
-was cdBi. UM te apH* of that «aot brotherhood taking up the discussion
sn< h 'n'lnlclinl (oph-s as parka aod
00mm yftow mm op with
Plmttty of morw UiM SMMW, a vie- (heir s'jelolugleal t-ffccU the work of
<0 Aa’«aee*i>lre ^htr.

tofT that fc lijsalBeaBt,







act M ipfsiifyiBS aad



the cii; cii-iiicll In outline and other
iilioritioa on (huso points from Unto
to ilaip

Ma aduInlattwlcB haa baes



Inrited lit to read

^rdtt'lo hlmaeif and to the ataXti of papers. Some of the evenings will ImSteS^pan. T|i« raacll M a TtadUadon given K'l.r '•> llteniry topIcK. kucIi
WTfdeaoe rHiaii-ii ii'Dktig (he poets, or tbe study

Ih^^^^ pa^a

r^' ****'^^

Ct cret-ti. (ii-d < reeded rcllgiona.



:. bavw btwn choewb thwa wIB be noth- th< rtiicch and congregation. Anotber
tPE that will tafee the poRetse of meetli'p wfR be held soon. A eommii
n> program eonalallng of H. W

JeMs ’ and Id opening be said. ”I
subject as great na this Is" and he
rat on to speak of tbe theory (bat
aa’s education Is begun thouaanda

e. Act of dpdlcatlou. K-,1

that that the grcetiicss of Jesua bogsu

t*realdatt Baopprslt U a nan that long before his appimrance on earth.
-SkepUcs say- that Jesua was a



Potato Markch'
liuying price of pulaloes 01


Ihe local market slippr'd down lu 2'

The Ooatb Roll.
IaiuU Jerald Smith, tbu 25Mfliy.uhl
n of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith of
Boyd avenue, tiled Monday.

Stule Crt>re..*-ifp

Core of

of W


MattpiPltp died Sunday

cancer tC the age of S8 years.


■ore than a remarkable man'but If wo body waa sbipped to this riiy and (he
throw away tbe remarkable faatareo funeral held from the immacuUte
«obM not
to na(» party poUUes
Tuesday nl S:.7i> in
oonneeted with bla Urib and death,
■ar uAd ptot to a oanpalgt tor nont;
charge of H. L. Cnrier
a parir otetoir, aad ths people of New tbe qucaiiun only becomes more <
pHchted than beforo.
The only
Torii did won to follow him and Meet
planaliOD (bat emu bp offered is that
tho 8>aa or hto avosnd cboies.
he Is Hie non of <fod.

ht personal

' UmiUaw Mew TM Ina ahewn that Canb.r. -a maa who baa had such an
nflnoiKo on so many great things iu
this world Is worthy of your varucsl


You lian; tbe 1

trom the pulpit and stress laid upon
iWt work as a teacher. Ms simple but

« l !ch hOBU Xaaday
cooda Atoartnaai.



and anlburtly.




rasBaiNMi empraas iraat grbUBoa-

ami largest hank


Blniplanl of iolCf
was dealt

with in conelaaion.

I la wait OR tbo

round dead in




Biirvs .Ktfvly to iu


bed this

BWmlng. the eatne not being aseer-

Trarerse Qly
SUtc Rank

T%ere were a few flttipB of

ftrowBbaatbt Uood on the pfllow biit whether tbft
ato ti kaatl* AB»hM idea u to had anrtUhg to do wtth hto death
tba aaada aad kaop the atore BOtyls unknown.


ito ronserthlivc OiBiint-r of|

Houur. MJch- Nov. 5.—A. B. Kimp.
here, was


willc mtibue to adheiwto;

Uoa at tha rasalt of the Arst Ug mOe. aiation agent of the Pero Marqnette
The nah was so gnat ^ Mr tbe


There'll be Bren Joinusal Slemterf Bros.-litBBCi' Stocks, greater variely.
Special Fall Sale Prices in every deparlmem, and llic most heaulilul Dolls liec
for the Little Ones.
Same as list t ear ami ihc year before, wu'll give a Doll coupon tviih every
fifty cent purchase. The Uttl.: Girl who l-riii^is in the greatest number of ihcs*:
coupons at Chrisimas time will receive the largest UoU. worth $15. The little,
girl with the next largest number will receive a Tivelve Dollar Doll. The next
a Nine DoUar one. The next ilirec each a Six Dollar one. The next six each
a Three and a haU dollar one. The next twelve each a Two and^a half dollar
one. And every li li-j girl brintiing in forty coupons will receive a $1 .50 doll, or
with twenty coupons a doll not as o.xpcnsive as above, but still a nice one.
The boys can have SU-ds or Coasters with twenty, thirty, forty or fifty
Those not wnliing cither! I >olIs or Sleds, can have Sets of Dishes, White
Lnamcl Bedstead.-^. Wovvn Wire Bed Springs. Cotton Top Matlrcsses or Suit
Cases, (or enough of the coujjons. This offer holds good until Januasy 1, 1W7.
Two years ago we gate away more than Five Htiodrcd Dolls, last year we
gave away over a Tiiousaml. and this year wc want to make many more little
ones happy.
The iniercsi that Mmidrcd!) and Tliousamis of our customers have taken in
Jt thl
these valuable gifts shows jiroof positive 'that
they are worthy of your every

Our Great F^II Sale Begins^hisComme Saturday.

this bonk has
For oO years this

than (he effort.

iwpers. aad the eewrii bggaa'Wtotdag
morstes aad cMUaaafl toW-

of dealing with the oldest!

elasacd his subject for work greater
HU greatnhat In death

la the kw4

and Doll Contest


prorotuid spirit, fait



In taking up the greainesa of the
Master In a gcnenl way. the speaker

Boweaar. ha has a way of boVbtnx op efaararter and aPder this brad took up
ssswnntr after hIs dstsala aad N la hA influence or Jlteratnre. nrt. mnslc
aad arctaltHlon-.
very Plrithatoa that he will b< heard
VYoBDg im and woaaen." Mid Hr.
from afftotathaaaarfuttrs. lathe

' Tcaja the Haaaah A Lay


this spcilon:

Uaiair* or 4lM«eUr.'be Is a nan who

1 <7 the trot tine la a great naay


V J M.n-can i- K-n r K Cv.itkins.
,«,ri of 1- sMvJo' 1. III!.. Id. H. L. A
fn.'i. loth.

Piti'.T of conhcrrutlon by tbu !>:■«
W. H. Hnribul.

Iiefora his birth Implying from

does BOt rnmnUr so wrong in bis es-


The Hobart Co.. Prop.

Traverse City “ -

if church buUdlhg.

Ii. iX-livcry- of ki-rs.

only able to toueb upon the border of

pt woith to <

City Book Store

1. SerinoD by 8upf- J-' W. SulbcrIsud.

the Onit time Sunday evening to a
aa for souA as Gn'enrille ib<
large audieuee.
the same, Tiavetwo
The topic that Mt- Canby cIioih- for |ii^ ri'inaiBa
la sermon was "The Greaiaess of City is paying the liighest prices

As tor tha litoatid caadUat

‘ Ask for Particulars. |

„ „;;r tri-iK

Milti-r. VI Wllhpltn. and the puslor wus
n-nii. Tin-iMlayjirter huhlliiK at 3n r«-ni
for nlukist a mouth
^hcro are sev
-V- .
The RaaaR in New York.
wus pioiwsod that In Uie
♦Tjii r>-n>v>ns for Ilk- Kliimn. Jnckiiiiiig
^•fV 'Tbddat.trt eC WUUam Raulolph future (lie bruiburbood have a IMU(he Aliiuidaiil supply .nikl (lie »<-ar«-lir.
for losgiPM' «f New Torh by qu«n to be served by Ibe ladles of (be
cf .-ar-.
Not only is tlie latter feh
. -rChcftea S. HaBbaa M aMirthotory 10 .-barHi. All mu. wilt be cordially tn.
liuie but it is preiallilig tbrouglnnii
«:'ja-Wiu Bi$mkr et Uw people In thU tiled to (bpse gaibertnga
Hie stale r.tid. onipg to the big imp.
isstitr Wj* kM or a
iiie biiy.Ts do not care to store r
;• :.w«U have BBida. It Is of eoan
Mr. Canby’s Fir« Sermon.
.high a figure aa 3<kcents.
OMutd. bat jBdgfoK
Tlie Her. J. A. Canby spoke from hf*
All along l^e G. R. A 1. rullroad
IP codgreaa, be would new pulpit at the Church of Ch-dsi tui
the price Is fram 22 cents to 2.5 cenls

hai>e waa Dwoaaatly caproausd that

Givci twice the iitfht ot any other kiod
qf lamp—One ^Hiot;
for four
evenings making it an inexpensive ligln-j-abiolutely
no danger—no odoF nor trouble.
;\n intense white light at a low
thirty days trial.


| ii.| «r (he brothCrhand 14

Tbs reaull all alaac the llae la gial- Vl to n.ake the ocganlaalion Ihe
ttyimg. and «Mla E>ar Mae democrau K-'a PI ibe BoeUI life of tbe me

ispa\«b Mboci^ a third party,

Appi-oved by all Insurance
Companies ^

X. » Yoik, KOlP aguutu for the UalHil
lam-1-l. lot 1. M-.-. .7. T. 27. H 1-.
, .
,„r .
a,„ ,
II v.rii
aivlio, JobKMMi til John S. Horton
,, jl,:.,,.
llTiiieiulM-r Hip uame~-thnn’s
M-ti of nwU see IS. T Si R 11. *40.'.
a™ ^i,„ny
nli'1 take no ulhi-r.
L.llinj> VI
— (•••nj ,
Jennie S.-ab»rs to-Gust K.. . ' ^dinlta^
lilunUtii: ,.f
Ilf llhibs siut hnUe.«.
Tueaday Morning.
any iiilii-i ii-iit oi ih<- tm.iy.
F:2ii-- Orgauimllon and bnolunis.
K in.
delav a niltiuli-. Ik-piii laUiit: Oxin's
OriD GiH-ph was Isyra In Trarerve
lU;is(—IVvoliitnal. the Iter. Leroy
ta .
Aiilnii Smiili to Aiis.111 n, Hannu- Klitm-y I’ln. pii.l I..-.-II u,i iii.- ifci!
t’iu. Match 5", !«5p. ainl illcd In ChlReal Eetate Tnnriera.
! ford lots 3. 4. ' n. 7.blk u.
tVam-n el Uld Mission.
nieilt niiiil Hu- l.klllejs n-e m-ll. h-|ii-:i
ra-Nov. I, Itvifi. agi-d 47 ypopi. 7 '
MImilp Turrell to John Sjairllng.
, „u| |ni ti. p>j blk. 2. 2nd Fcniww
-Sunday school
your alH tlui> bi-allli uiiJ
liiihs and two da>«. Tfap duceam-ii
’i of ss«i nee. 14. T 23. R in. $MW.
y j,
ii-ltmi. f'ln-K hi Travi-r»i- <’ iv pnn'^
lies III Mlcbigim." the Rev. MHUam
^ hillM bv a train wbllo cnMwUiy
John Sparling to rtw A Cron
Haunab A I-®.'
till- .-ffi-:-llv«-.i(-i»
yk-ai Kidupy .traek.
, «if ^ki_
'He wa> :i son of Mrs. Mat- Rwlng. I.aBsing.
. 2. it.
wV of swU sPr. 14. T 2.7. R 1<'.
Mini On-Pli. ami ncMkW of <Tiari«» '
HprlH-rt J. Ullman and wife to J. O., nth. »2n.i.
llMHt—-Xhe New Plan of Over
Mt>. San--.-.’ \Til.-!.
Ktiiiaon.:, Mtqmn- of Motinn- IViiKv. Mm. NpI •
K. Kllswi.itli fov and win- lo How
Open ouifercucc led by Sup:. CroUer. paiwla. see. t T 2«. R 1". $25.
Avp.. Ti-av.-r-.Mleb. vay»
' ' I tk- McVay. a eouslii of Hu- di-ei-used.’
OsrarSImpmm and wife to Ambio«-_ aril ^Whh
J. vr. Sulli. riaiitl.
ls«patui- ill a
bail i-o<idiiii>li
■ondiiioti *l<"l*:
funk; l,io«Rhl
Hii- body H» Urawli • Tbp fiiSiImkoii. itarrels. Kingsley. $125.
Kidm-v ,|l>.-«i>- H1.-1 ,i8il
.18.1 m.H»-r.>ll„,.„i
m.H»-r.>Il„,.„i „„ j.elri at Hie.M. £. clinreli.
Jai J. Ilmwiison and wife lo A.
->;i.-Ve. •J-'Vlins in Mini li •
me for ijuik
a )imii
null, 'a
Jiinii Han-.
il:iw. My
M..- imiM-li-x.
innM-li-x. Monroe
Miitiroe t'piitpr.
t’pntpr. I?. W. Wood.
Wood, »..................
of Grswii
101 2.
2. b'k.
blk. I'.,
I'i. and
and .nli.-i*
.illlPl* 11. I.-A
2;iv—lX-vi«lonal. the Rev.
Bilusou. lot ii. blk. ii.'O P. Kliigsk-y. !>»'
■Inilis a-i.l Jtiltiiv we.-P son-. ri.-.-p dkl. ■itnrlattus. Binging wa» soil n-udivtcib. $|i>-^HurlbiK of Nortbpori.
nil- no In-m-lii..
wlih e«l hy Ihe Monroe t'eiiH-r eholr. ,Th"
Utren fl. FuBvr an.l wife to Emma
alHillI ml ilii’ ael-i-x ami imiiib HibI are r-ni:ilns were burlpd tn the Monnv- .
Urown. ktJ 4. H. I_ A Co’x 13(h, $ti25.
su aged
of th<
TUok. Skiver and
to Fre>l
Finally, afiei 1 tying sevi-ral |ir.-.erip- mother, ami i« slsiiir. Tltp near rulti;
Bneklpy Congivgathmal ebureh.
Waitw. parcels, see, 17. T 27. K 12.
HuuK ami i-eniedipii. 1 eouinn-m-ptl to lives ami oHiprtf alj have our dpepust
HecopUnn of membera and right $alin.
e Fatal Stages
Vri-d and Myrtle Warea to 4).ivid R. Don’t Wait (
K W. Wood.

of fellawablp. by the Rev. D
Mvrtk- 8. Clark, paiccls. st-c. IT.
Kidney titaesa—Proflt-by Traverse
Cocliliu of Trarerae City.
, R 12. $55«.
medy of siirh im-ri’
Copies' Esf
City Pee
the R«w.
irlot'e A. Wllfon lo Tho*. I’. I'lIriey
I iiKviir.-’ lalK.itTv 11-1).un Ih lot, 2fi *u.l 27. Iiiu: d. H. 1-. A
rplinm iin.l iJip Rev. A. Bentall.
lis i.-m.-.!v
W.iM ^■ll:llIna.•v•’
III- t
Tski-.--, till- »
fo.'K 111. Sl-dC.
Tueaday Evening.
all .l.vlI’rii-.- -■ liiii-iii nr briiliH-k a
-arl' i-vnipKUii-:
iTlios. I*, niom to Arthur aiin
and t Irii- vp'-IU an- i-.uitimiii i-arl'
ISiiRiiio. iiu: May whiTC tt I
T:2'i—Siuig MTviee and devotloual lotlp^A. Wilson, lots 28 and 27. blk. «- kldOc)-dlK»nli-i>- ll'»-aii.1 services of Bnck-

Ic'*'- wo ha'» addHNMl ecedit to hhoaelf lie lar.nHy devoted to getting a bettor
uiidtrstandlag «f cbr^iian eltlzenabip
to the rittlre wtata.

oaurir. to Ma toftalf.

Gasoline Lamps

lerlul relief.

John (Mila and ihf work this year will

2few T«k. Mv«t to partWpats In the

tjsear lyminvin and wife t.> Alta-ri
1 R«Jpl. I S: of nw»i see. 10. T 27. R 12,
; »73i.:d;.
Ihloa It. Hugar «nd wife to John H.
i Hagar. s>, of ni-l« of spU *ec. 35, T
:2(k R S. Tt.iVl.
li' Viiclay Hora lo Miiry- Hora. iipW «'
I « U sec. X, T 2S. R 12. Bl.lVi. ;tal
Bluk-r Uoa-en and wife tn Jotm M.
:u j CkvB*. lid
Id!.Inii-Hnrtipn. 17:.,
Os<-ar t’niiiMOsear
t‘n.1.7-- and .vUe -ii KMir K.
M!. 1«;. II. U
t:»all-iui-.'M’---H lot
•031b • Co - .•>'I>
Kllh, «MA

to house lighting b*securc|d by the

An offering irill be taken for minis-

to perpetuate the memory of -Father"
stats aaoUer


sou of TIuimiisribvIlio.

The cat had been ro9xit>i«

Andy eras snBiaoiied niid got it down.
-n*yd W. RdM
ibe. JenalUBs
kliien. ^ the.
••mm Aaatyal.’ Unlike
Thontas pat wan.a geniletnaii and snl>' MlMswrb'
■t^ psoplt ’oT MhihTgiTi taTs pisai uillieil tomely lo being brougbi down
safety. •’Aady" Carnegie has been
for Ooremor
FTed at Warna-. Two yim apo his duly DoUBcd and.a rneilal alona with
ptBhttT was


The following Is the pk gran;.
Monday Evening.

cold Rtorage Ttst oigfal and today, no

-Vary tTdly yetirt,


Grami—tj.iug M-TTlcv iind o|ienlng

pole dear J. C. Mor^n * Son's

tMa.Mftw, you wM ptaaas adriat w.

iu«<ing of the

will be Ill-Id at Buckley Koi. 12 and


i^piso Bf :watar m* hy yoa aa par ysiur ouldoiic. Ilf Hlmply cIIdiIn-J nil apDliaomimwWtatKm «f Oadchir twairty- tree and got a kliien down, t
-Ami)" llorauth



He was stopping at

• Rtflhdl with tba lataat and beat <4 the Hotel Cheatre and it U Mid that
^ariaryfUhg to thtor Hie.
he bad not been'eeen abont ibe holrl


Steinberg Bros.
TraversejCity, Michigan.


1 J:


■ Vhoi

m lank's (■

• iMifE <2 tb« TnvefM Ctts
Prom Monday's Record.
the Tooth's Om
It was in
jLttIKic ClAb btid Sn tbe cIob^^ootM
B. B. Renmger of Ptore
MOBilir erraliiK, the follvviait afflcrrs aoMiOg tbe attraettons of its 5! Issues tbe city today.
in l*t»7.
Mr» «l«e(ed;
Mrs. McLane and the JUeaee Monon
Turn Hundred
pert. serrlceaWe to young and Lovell «f Manistee were In the
T. B«*rr.
petotle who hare their way to make iu ritr sesterdAv.
Albm Kr»^*.
Mrs. D. S. Thomas,and daughter
the world, helpful la I
Grace Just returned home from Ow«»MrXcAl D»«aflr-J<*ii'Roe*t,
sn. where they risited rriallvea and
j-t repArt Mr. Krthe regular series, “Till the Doctor tjtended the wedding of their daniriiUiAt tb« dob
ter and sister BU.
A' iDOd fiundd taMiA And that
J. M. Biskestee loft tor Detroit tMs'
Two Hundred and Fifty
be auule la
stories. aficrnoon.
fatal*. Tb» dob vUI liutall capital atorlea-^umorous
Dr. 3. e. Gatintlett of Bk iUpIds:
A EiiiftbaTI «bart and alan a badcd- characterVoriee. sfortee of life on the
farm, la the greet rides, on tbe see. was in the city today, getting o«dy i
haU add. Alreadr It haa a rerr
rim* Hne <2 APPamwi and at tom In tbe wilderness, .vmong tbem will for a hunting trip in the northc™;
o« aa.lB<taataneoiu hot water ahow> be Five Serial Stories by five Com- peninsula.
rr hath la InaUlM tM dab will bare panlOB favori^CA Hamlin Garland. Ade­ ' J. H. MeGough left for tbe upper |
line Knapp. Ralph Barboar, Grace peninsula.ioday.
(me at tbe beat eqnlnped m
Julius Sirinbeigreturned
today i
Richmond and Holman P. Day. There
tbM dtr bu ever
PtaM are bdnc made to pull oK ex- will be a series, also, based, upon foci- from iietroit In order to cast his
MbMka boat! to wnMUac aad boxios.
of life and time In America from riiel<=>‘l'A Ipot ball team has alreadr been
tprcaalwd and will plar the loeal Hlisb first oolooial ptantlng to the clos^ of j H. J. Brinkman of Did Mission,
I'" ‘h*' '<'3'
adMml for Ui« cbanpkAiblp of the tbe civil war.
One Theuund
dtr «m TbanteKl^ 4ai'Catarrh Cannot t>o Cured
da teoMetlaa with 4be crmnaalum short note* giving concisely, elearly
inttely-the Important newsiwuht>X.AL AI^<-A-nnxs.s««l»yra:
tbe dab baa a raodins laom which
Jlpo: latdr been carpeted with a rax of the times In public affairs^and ln'U'»»i<. ”3..'., . ...
I ror» it TUB mu_____
dcmaiad br th'o Hannah A Lar Moi«an- the firids of science and Indiisiry.
Carr utakr
OB tb- Mu«l
Three Hundeed
tUe Co.. Amonx the manr near
HbD^s Osurrli CurTMod won ^ Ieeealns
! tboae contributors giving assurance ihal
every (^d and every uste among scripin-iB.
hm. It l>. -onitMTl
-oniEM-rl «r
of 1Tb' li...........^
I, romlSD'otwIlh th- l-»t
fact wlilcb shewi that the dub Ik bI- Companion readers will be ssilsned.*• ■ Bclitis
lUr-rtljT-n tbreadr imlnlnx nvor aaonc: the bus!- Governor Polk of Missouri. GdwaiLfil I peifccl v<i<&)jiBBUuu --t ib>- tv
Bverett Hale. Margaret Deland.
OM* men of tb# city.
}n a short addreaa Mr. KyietVa aaid T. W. HlgglBBon. Commander Eva|
that Uf-alm of tbe dob was to build Booth of the Salvation Army. Gen. A.i T»k»a»uinRuBUx Pwi.tor«
np a aplHt'af democracy aad sood- W. Orecly and Ion Perdlcarls .nrc--------------------*-------------weil as to derelop the amotig tbem
s^flarlnic aarriTod tbronab tbe sum­
i-»t» «ute <t July T>*ntymer. the Best tryloff aeaaon. (be dob hnmor—Sketches which lake not more
has a very brlybt outlook and hopes ,b.. . mtobl. .o -,a.. T.,-.- .rIn timto dcr«4op iDio-a local btmnch
at tbe T. M. C. A. This Isa vcr>praOMrortby effort, and should re'«uud l«ur«- fill I
K full ai
ment of tbe new voidbh* Ibe support of tbe city.
____ _ -i( tbr will
th< ilbkI
rl» Pn>>««e Conn <>t flrand
ume will he sent with sample copies
“*ir by III
' ' r.«r_____________
BdmlBuiirB '
_____ BB|V.\_______________
of the paper to any address on -reV new IB ton fare«B».l •R«ri.
alt bBVlBS bn n •i<adc In rwrnirni -if t
'MUe a larite ceoEresatlon
«|uesl. The new siihseriher ISUT
dcp tn'tbc apim or revival a
who sends $1.73 for Hie new volume nt
once will recrivo free all the regjjilnmddealy disturbed by thm loud ing Issues for 11«W, Including the -z<va«2and thr wbob- Bmonst wcund br ,
' da*.
tape at tbe bell. SImnItaneuasly with double holiday umbers; also The
theitnsiuff of Ibc bell, a rush of feet Companloo's Pour-teaf Hanging Cal­
mre beard is the entry and at least
endar for 1907. lithographed In twelve !
^lian yooBif boys ran, the crowd mak- colon, and gold.
Vig such a aadtct that tbe serrlces
Snbscribera who get new suhscrlp
araeompletdy demoraUacd.
tions-wilt recelTp $lC.S90J)f In erfstll^attnn of the members of the con ere- and many other sperial awards. Seo.l. jn('£^(S7 Boow in 1h!^rity .d Trar-r-wf
>1 latyitbMbnsc lb* pUe- vlu«* th- Cirroili
Idoo enterod Into puraoH apd It Is
• tVmrtrorOfninI Trav**.* roa*ly i- b*W said that several of tbe miscreants
TUB k'dtrrH's companion'.
MP* reemmteed aad that arrasta will
ana Sevan.
H< licricdey aireri. IMtum. Mas»
icBoVIcck Ib tb* ( >Blbr) ll.-i
today on tbe ebantc of dUitrrb■oat dB- uB KBtd morizsac b» Bt*iT>- *lBt d ,
a Vd^otia maeitiiK, a ebarse
••v« trem tl.tiraU'Bt ih- (Blent

carries a serious penslty wUb' AH .those having .land which thev
rail* to
10 o*er
offer lo tbe etmnty as a site !
disturbsnoe ocenrsd Just after tor poor farm, are requeMed to send
fkc Rev. W. H. Irwin had
of their offer together with
an exedlent nnd uplifting sermon sod the priee to "Comniiiiee on Farm.
* “
tbe ObrlatlCna present were ffiviag
atlD ilrabai^ be nwvM from the
erf Conniy Clerk. Traverse Cily.
Atl-TW-f tor El
* <2 iCorth Unlbn wnm bi^ ts tewUmeny. White tbe meetioB was Michigan, on nr hefore Wndncsilnt’
A 1). aiBir.Mo
i-«dS{ iBditws ibe dSM wtere it Is eonUnued. tbe spirit had been broken Nov. I2ih.
, IF YOU WANT quality and uniformIn npn wnd tbe occasioB was robiied
■focaj<.4,*t w 1*
of Hi eoiemnity.
J^UAR^TffBD CURB FOR PILBS | tty in mill products use IDEAL. Therr
Tbta la not tbe first time that the nfS&t.'5^;t.S5£S5'u,*’J2^^£.^i '« '’on* *»«*'•• Wew Front street.
Qa«< street bn^ It bd^ jxR in
Both PI
services at ibis church have been dlstnrbed by boys o
Of the nei^borbood as
ntnitf the idtring rt CM street was about a year and a half ago. tbe boys
tbemeelres by roilLns large
stones to the enlrr way disturbing tbe
_ .. iilOn to each an extent ibai
Tie qfftofTTiafjrteeTOIrtrtet Orange
Biv Labb ffrfciMft the (be tmsieee took the anlier np.
Nor was that «n. One eveoiac. dur­
t Wddaeaday and Tbuieday in Deing prayer meeting a rope was tied
acrosa tbe door, and tbe coogrega
tlOB was'taateoed fat. Tbe pastor suc­
ceeded In breeklng tbe rope sad eur
prised three boys whom be recognized.
Mdv. 1
'At saotber Ume.
et^bnrbood,-^«dKd ont a eertaln
colored piece of glau in the window
ud threw atooea at li until be sueNewman. C- d. SlidwotM.
in'breaking that partlcnlar one
Deckjr.-Matthew MOby. Wal- ceeded
aad blio one <2 tbe panes In the dnor.
The boy's father settled fot\the dam­
age and set I led with tbe boy, com
and Pbinip MUler of KingsyfloenUy no action was taken but the
ctoaeoeM to arrest thoroughly frightcoed tbe young mlscblef makers and
'..fttfdll^ CdombU arrived In
they laid low for over a year.
laM ttmo-tbis season Ute -Wfc
The bell (tom ton night was knotted
_______ with a dhipment
fi«a Old Miestoo lor the Bbd tied in variODB kinds of ways,
fie^. Tbe boat left tbit lowing that tbo mischief was in­
for Oharitvntt. «bere ebe tentional.



The Big Strike

Oagtata tHt w^3W

in the


Lace Curtain Mills


Caused a tielay.of over two months in our fall ship­
ment. This lot of Curtains should have been on sale
Au'fust 15ih. but here they arc on our hands and wc
must do some lively lace curtain business in the next
few weeks to get our moncy out-of them. The lot is
placed on sale today at a good round discount.

umpaouwieiu. imirr.
arMPtiu Wfc» »w«. ~


90c 1.50 2.00 2.35 6.00


»«i loM .M i" :KiS!S&';ife;'K:?»i5i-“^'Sv

Demands Warmer Footwear

Yog Wi Buy

Wicrc TToo Can Bny Tic Cheapest

We can Pnwe to You
That This Store is That Place

All we ask is that you come to the store
and talk it over with us

into wiBior onnrters.
a boty


Prom Toesdny'a Record.
MrwH. Lau left for Boyne Cily this

te^nt drenmery batter on Mooc etrwt
MrA H.~Ruse of Montom who bsf■mfhicpeeu to begin bperatloas about been vtaliing in tfie city, returned
her bone today.
Win be Iho’sjbly <
Loolsa Monte} returned to ber home
(MsW(( (2 the hbte and
In Kingsler Ibis morning
Mrs. Irene Pomnray Shields left for
He will not only ie- Bay ChV this morning, where she will
gM0 iGhn Ihn (armetw in tbe tmmedtMMlikibi/ fbr bis noppiy of cream
khi'^ ce Me the ndXlnfeig
toft for Onowsy this morning, atiere
Men nnd Mr* tt M»pnd M> the «dty Mr. McKInt^ srill take n charge.
by tnU- Tbe tnm» wW be bought oa
Prof. Clear left tor Kalkaska and
. tW'hntter m bob «d a twentHsor CkarievoU thla morning. He will
/ . bnkBe tsridne t«pt tor erenm is being tm Friday.
Chariea Denneet. mOBOger <2 the
power is inrtoM by
Grand, -went to Deetoe Harbor tbf'
home power stasHThoBw and engine moroltg on bnsincitA
nnd the ms
Priltnae bis n tnpseUy <2 TIA pouadA
k tow ripening vnt at 3.1M gallons
: <MMty Is also ready for H
Mr. HeCmd espeeu to build up
ffotf loeal lnd.c but wOi not depend
It for the dlspeeal of bM fritmH


r«o nen to Me* TWV;
Omnli tod OUeMB. *p,u.oMltol wffl-ke Httlted only by
(to UMUt eC material whicb cm be
Stoihtto’and. oa }«L u eotlmaie can
DR. SNVDER, whe Km been iii for
krtomw <2 tba batter maaatoettv«d. th* lost two months with typhoid
• fllg^ grtom boiAeaa n^l be m la towtr. wtohM to ammuitoe to the pub" that he o)m»rts to be to his erfice
raooMe peoaweo MawBoy. Nov. ft.

for White or
Arabian Cur­




for Arabian.
for line CaHc
White or* two
Net^urtains tone-Cartaios
worth up to
worth .
' $2.7-^..

for our
x/orth up
to S''50


Linoleum Now
-The heavy grade just now 50c sq. yd-

~ •"

The Colder Weather


for White

Buv Your Curtains Now for Next Spring




Men-6 Lumber Arelica with heel an.l
b in. waterproof eanvat top.......




Boys’ Two and Three-piece Suits
of Highest Grades.



(ioods purchased this season and must b?-sold this season to make room for ntfw
L'oods. In the great alteration of our Big Store the Clothing Uh’iftion will h^veto
be moved'and wc want these out of our way. We have placed tl>«m dn' three
tables in the center of the Division.

Table Number One

: Boys’two and three-piece Suits in si/;s -1. Tt, (i. 7. S. 9, Hi. 11. liJandjl-S, anrf
these were splendid valiir-c at $:!. $”• o'l, $l.r>n and $r>. and now you can Imve any
suit you want for

There arc also a few Sailor Suits in red inclu<led in these remarkabl


Table Number Two
Boys’two and tlircc-piecc Suits in sizes -I. l>. 7, S, ‘.i, -10, 11,12,13.11.1 16. 17.
These were the best suits we iiave sold. Best of quality and workmanship and sold
for$.j. $6. S<>-5*'. $7. S9 and $10. You can buy them at this sale at a pri«
before offered for hi^rh grade Boys’ Clothing—

$3.75 a Sui-t
Wc have a few Blue and Red Sailor Suits' included in this sale.'. Fell Shoo., Leatlior Sole., *ilb. tanliei
•old ....



CbiWrtoi's Felt


We soil
a Iraaii of Rubbers that
We can stand Behind

Table Number Three
lioys'two and three-piece Suits in si/ei-■>. h. 7. s. '.i, In, 1-J. 14 that' you ran li

69 oan-vta a Suil:
Sale commences a: once and lasts the balance of the week.'or until tlic goods
are sold. There will l>e a rush for these, so come early and get yoiir sires They
will be gone if you wait.

The Big Store”







«KANO TKAvense

Grand Traverse Region.
Mlvcd too l«t« to MO. Ail eorroopond•fteo mutt rMch tha HoraM offioo net
Ji of each wMk,
I fall to flntf
' thalro in, they may bo a

llip N«B ii Ulilng oo B loan oi Idri' V I.CI lotlay fron Naosen'a dock.
\ Mrs. OorwoD of Pon Oarida U here
tor a few dayB' rl«ii with frlendH.
Mra. Hye bi norlnf; to MaolMee.
M/w. V. D. Steehcr of coicaco U
ber^ the piest of her dauRbier nnd
aoD.<D-Uw. Ur. and Ura. H. L. .N<>e-

t made at the QrcRory reiort thu
. Hr. Roaael called la toam Uat Fri­
day on bia way from Sooth Maniiou
to rlaJi bla faSBly in Tiaverae City,
and aald. while on thrir way over n
■Biali boat was alcbi
o the north of
Them (lylnR a flair of diaireaa. Capi
Haas went to ibelr relief. found
md It t'

the nierey of the wa
towed ihom In.
Pmnk PUher will,t.not be ^ South
ibe oonlDK
oonli winter. Mb faml-i
11 the
, -- delighted, end be haa Ored of
rrtiaalnB «o the laland In the wlnwr.
Ur.'dohnaon of the GreRory reaort

Tboa- Kelder
irerag City
town Tburaday earoate for Glea Arbor
wbete tbey will spend the winter.
Ten young frienda of Andrew FlabKAS80N CENTER.
er gave bim a very pleasant atirprlac
MIm Edna Uet*wr emertaiDed aorer- party PrMay evening la honor ' ' ’
al of her Menda to u narabiiM
t Saturday erenliiR.
3Aoo\ begins tai ibe Mahn diatrict
Monday, with Artbur Zimmerman
KpeBl SuiKlay w
Jotan Baakif of Keawick vlatied at
tbrtr iMimta. Mr. ftB* Mn*. Wm. J
the borne of Mr. Cluff today..
Nov. I.
r. Ella Cook bad quite ■
day........................... _
their home tbe bamen broke, ieui
HltllS crae City caller bn Tbnradoy.
tbe buggr run on to the borse. It forMiu Belle Ualveraon returned t
tuontely none of them were I
Mr Bcbool at Maple City, after a ew.
eopt a few lirutaes.
week*’ vacation.
Mrs. Cook and daughier Fhnnie rall1 on Mrs. S. L. Pee? Sunday.
lied bis nncle. Mr. Louis Halverson,
UUsea Edna i»id Ada Meieer call­ and family, two weeks ago for tbe flrst
ed on MIm Kaby Hrooks Sunday.
Gme In two years.
Mra. RemlnRton nnd grand aon of
School began here ibU morning,
Cediir Run and her daiiRhtcT.
with MIbs Barth as teacher.
Morton Stevens. risMed wHb
Mr. and Mrs. O. fi. Claypool and
1‘cck. Similay, .

Mrs. Roku Bnnh called on her
er. Mrs. Mina P>*ck. Sunday.
Dr. RfUgxeRRnr.weni by hdrp Satur­
day on hit way to Empire in visit h
Wculey of that place. He tot*
unit aome chk-kenB to tila aon,
Mrs. I.. Nephew ^1 Mra. George'
Id alc<
ed on ) : -Bla Cook, t
Mra, Ernest Tiirawull of Traveno*
aty apent Sunday with bia
Mb me
motber-lnUw. Mrs. Sirlcklen. Mra Turnwull I
rot- Mr. n. 11. Day for the wli

. IT BOBie time. Wblta
dnwlitR noma Iorb the chain broke.
iby and^za 1
tbe IorsetUe
p back agalnat one new acbolars,
«r bia lega. belc
Nor S.


MAPLE CITY.There waa a very pteaaani Hallow*
frta Carlton, nn eacmplnry ytMng e’en party at Mr. pmeb's last Wednes
mnn. who hna been In ibe employ df H. day evening
I tor
Mra. cans.
■ of At
•-an la town one
in tbe linen depmmem »•
W r. Aahley did papering In Suiin Yrareraf City, tone Bay a ^w daya of laat week.
wtwi* Uo pnmiu ireside. Tbe poelPrank Bloom of I.adlngton Is the
Mow In Ur. KeaMailll guest of his brother Otaa. and family
opM tor him. bat I
of tbia place.
;tunM him to leare____
B. Ifluer and family of SMou were
»l«Rm of many wars friends go with Tliinhg at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs
Badgk-r today.
iU-. rrallc* and wife of Hdpie aty
A. H. Piaber has
were here Inat week, and dined with
Mr. and Mra. H.
Mr. amd Mr«. H. U N«men.
tint fdlBiives In Ibis place last Mor!*W. 4.

herald, thureoav, novemur


Hallowe'en cosb Krabher. who has been ' tomiMonoa’JTbv
.heantlfnl chair as a token of the ..
tteem in whim he Is -bvM b.v Us
T p. c Gilbert of Traverse City ai
: leaded court hen- Wedaesday
Oara Musll. who lusheea stay . H Brawn was a Travenu* niv vis­
ing tn Tniverse City returned to he.- iicr last Tuesday.
home last Haoday,
Brooks and sister. Mrs.'
Mr. and Mr*. V. ViscoebU spent Sun p-ark.-r. left lor ibetr Isane ai (fhleago'
day with Mr and Mr*. Frank Knciva after a ptegaant stay m Softhflelil
Mr. and Mra. John Kruheer vistuif-. Hiss N«>trte PanUis U-P Sunday tor
(rionda and relative* in Cedar City Sto iiand. where she «-‘il learb «-b«y>i ■
last ■ninrailay.
ihe coming winter.
. Charlie Hlavga espeel* to move this

wei‘k oo the farm which he bouRbt
—— ■
of John Kticern.
: ills* Rosa Undiner baa gone to
01 oprn ugain.
Traverse City for the wlntef.
A. O. Blue of Traverse Citr calle.1
Ceorge Loueks rlelted his sLsiet.
Mrs, J. Cnlman. of port Oneida, ye*- n Harry Thompson the operator h<-re.
I ’Tliiirsilay last.
land yeaterday.
Hiss Jennie .Nemeskal went to Cbi
ca«o last Thursday to spend the win

trb»<aadl.AiBdaba>ik d*M*s.icr iw rfcaiw.'sw. Osr dltse;*


BBBSWadbrluw. Ihej harr latr^ ihHr
on taoai-y
n-------^ ia
*- ihli
ihHr ows
■«M fTstistwrlytaaiodw*' a
yaa> apn me* tsaa. •
In <i)>aa tbn vonne to bi
aad teinc In xim ias«rm.tnl .
Wk tbe •«BW eiaito Ji
>4 tastan ability .hint barr
loadr ikn aoeWsI
•rr •oadrikn







H.* BBlI.JheWdt-m tjral W.ort n»h C<v. Pni-eleal.
A V.PviMlriri>.H>n(..:rha^Watarlw. Ullholw. Hwtak g I'o..
- ,
t* A. Hamaand. fa»hl»T.
J-H-nB-ltoaBlal.fityltea.=r-t:»... Lawton. CaU^ A London.
Pr.-dd«t Ba^laan Biree EWtio- L«b, *od
t’rntwr.fn-Atkooev. Kmgonr
L,ntair. >Amrr: ll"
WboWl<- Prado.^: »V C. Hr-m.
miraU’o : IV-r.! Tb^.l'... Toiv-f-r
w«to- Or. H. H

People’s Savings Bank

Tbo dealer vbo handlea tbe moat atoTni every season ia tW dealt-r
that every manufacturer is trying to sell to. This gives Uist tl^er bis
pick and ohmoe of all lines, and, you may be sure, in tbia competitive age.
he selects the best. Tfaie fact gives us the cresm of the stove maAet
Our aaeortment iealway^tho largi*st to be found in northern Hiobif^.
itml each B^le wo carry represents firet ctioice in tb.nt gratle. The liesl is
the cheapest.

Is it Necessary to do Without a Good
Stoye because I m Short of Money?
--^---- -


The anewer cornea straight—NO ! Let os make that emphatic and
again say—NOI Our uulioanded hiitb in tbe honealy of tbe poUic lias
brought its own reward. Through our simple credit system we have won
6nrwayintolhec(mfidenceorthepeoplp to sneb an extent that, today,
tbe opinion of our hundreds of satisfied customers form an imprognable
wall about onr ever inerdasing bosiness that no amonnt of oompetition
can scale.



pnipoeeels the Air Tight
stove is made in a rarie^ ot etylea, hefu and tizos to fill any and all de.
naBtle. Oar stock embrsoes everything in sir U^ts
^rom the powerfol little one dol­
lar banter to tbe very liest

One just like cut
Boky of store polished steel.
hesTUy lined ipskle, maaive i
edid cast top willi top feed,^
heavy east frost and front feed,
heavy aolid oast legs and leg
base, abatdntdy air tight anew
draft, beanritally nickled with epnu braes ora.
Ssine stove without front feed, only................. S5.76
Same stove without front feed or nickl<>
fcndera,only................................................ $4.76
30 difrereol style air Ughto from wbicli to make joar
selection andemrymie a good stove for a little money.'

The Store ttat Trusts lie People



qaeatioo of low price* ^ tolvcd h; os long ago.^'CSarefnl gtnd/'
o( the niftrkeM tonitht ot that ve oonl^^t got^ Hbenl 'clioooaftt* bjr bajrio <nH «u lots. Aoide bom thU. the fi^^t t«tw on foil -car bu
Bare n tRHD fitra to temper cent We adcptsd thia plan of buying
aodt^ao doing ean underaell all «ompe<titioii lycgood wide margin
witboQt affeotiog our profit
In otiier worda, we aimplj make tbia saying for you.

Probacy the moat popular etove for general heating


Sttuttttttf ttt$

Wftcrc Can 1 Buy the Best How Can I Be Assured that I
Stove for the Least Money?
am Getting the Best?



Glen Ha' t for .Hr Hansen I
1 iur. on-ens and faniUv qre moviuci
Vieior HUvka will so u Detroit “jup north, where he. will work in ih*-l
wnrit In a msehlne shop.
j W00.1*. Their many rrk>n<U ,are sorry
A few young ts'otde from here
ulsu her grandpa :
to have them go.
tetided Ibe pony ni the home of Mrs. I
George Clay and Roy Beeman and
'Wm. Hoerles drove ti Keswick Sat- Vi«cochl Saturday night.
. Doucla* M*ynkoo|i wen* tn Travers.'
, [,
unlay afternoon.
'■jOiiy Saiurdaj.
Jerry Sullivan, Jr. of Cedar was
seen In our midst Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherreiie
Frank Alunan went to Traverse
Travenie City enjoyed a drive In t
E- Chandler and daughter. Clara, fi'.?' Thorsday evenirtg. reiurnlnR Fri- into the house of Frank Bajrer* tonner- Idi^.^haa ar tSlfttOw^-rature. and
try out to the farm Sunday.
ly ncc’ig>h>d by ME^Itlacluuan.
hrntber Har­
Mrs. EllubPit^^unigold and cbil- pnbllratiUB of » in'in wrillen several
ded last Friday.
vey. of Fheiland. who spent n few Ibe MlKse* Ola eud Fllen ZIgler of dree. Mr. and Mrtmdjry Sbean-.-hive year* agi. The litile Usik will be
in Ik loading cord wood | days as the ciiCKts of ihr-ir brother N’essen City, visited hi re Sondax. Ar- moved from Klm^g into tbe hous**
A. Neumann
here toilay. Tbey have
I>*t1 and raiplly. loft for
. ’Thiirs-j thiir Xigler aceompanylng them hone. vacated by Mr. MKAge.
by a niece uf the wiiier. Mrs. Cora
Mr. Dantorth bas moved his family
Judge Garthe of North
ere.. City l.-iBt evening on bUBlneas and to KingBley. having disposed of bU Manly, an.l MTII Jackson.
liaie court this week.
will return home this morning.
Mrs. Prank Hodges, who baa been
home to Mr. Geiger, of Kingsley, who
Mra. Wm. Dalton and
U. G, Shorter was a Traverse City tia* moved in.
vlalting relatives here In rompanr '
caller Monday.
with ber sister. Miss Mocy. returned
Farmcra who have not their poiu- did shopping at Tcav
The Young
.. Pi-^les'
- .
:<ttl! ^ ^ to ('sdlilac Monday.
O. G. Shorter has moved back -and
e* and c
In yet are being delayed Monday.
Rev. Hnrlbntt of Nor
is Wclromrd by all.
- tbe am
Mrs. Samnel Kilpaiiicfc and'daught­
Some of the farmen.
' gettltl;^ Marshall.
H. C. Petienglll has a sick co.w. sup guest of Benj. Pickard
Mis* .
I Macy started
er Eihet. of South Boardman, were
po^ .O h,v,
culling on friends In this jdarw UnaThere has been some Ulk lately of i wanee. where she w
day and Tuesday.'
ibv old Holden place changing haods.! for
r vicinity i
MiK* vena Ekmh'. the Green BrUr
Miss Mtlcy. !1 former realdeol of this
bCRlDDloR to hustle for
learher, had the srhool pictures taken
PARMER*, lay in your wintar aup..................
North riasi v.-is-k. They are verv- nice.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs Carl Zelgler.] ....B Anderson and wife
were the ruprib of jSljn
, Hard-j Miss Spi-ingHt«*ad. C<-d:ir Run's uarh
-When i waK a drugg#t al Lavonis. ply of mill ifrodueta from tbe Travsiwo
Nov. 1. a boy,
!t mllr nn Snliirday
finti.r.lB,- last.
g vacation ibi* we.*k.
Mo..",wTites T. J. Owyor nowwif Gray*- City MlllinB Ce.’t mill. Tbey arc
Rev. Haskins of Empire was calling i "^
■' Run «
ville.Mo.. 'three of mv rustomera were IDEAL in quality aa wall ae name.
at OrUti the latter pan of the week.

r poialC
entjy cun-d
f«to»‘*iriTGIIU-n‘?^v aBr?lto.]tl.e waj- they hr,-: fh-.n'
•in bi S«n:e Dr, Klngjd
New ni^v.-ryj.nd are vretl
Abbe district. Friday. .Sov,
which | who leave Mondnv f,,r WminniBhiiml time* tbe Iuivitb Uei.t lm*v
au.l strong today. One was trying to
Deaths from Appendfcitia
was Quite well allended. The two] They have made many friends while, late in the night.
sell his'im>peri} and mov.- to Arisona. d<<creoM- in On* same ratio that the
be« spellers were Stella Peitengill 1 here who will mi** them in their ah-1 Nov .;
New Discover) a short use of Ur. King’s New Ufe Pills la- and Mr*. L. D. SpaBord.
! Muir.-,
time he found it unnecessary to do sA. creases. Ttiey
Mary Canute is helping Mrs. H,
j Mias Hattie PaiiluB wa* « Sh-tland !
.........................>:i w DiscDVt
and bring
. quirk
and palnles# r
•“’'j ; Mr, and .Mr*. Hl.-ickuiaii

from constipation
ipation and the Ills growing
Mrs. Ray I
H will start tot'I anLaura Hnimomi and Grace
South IV>ar.lniaft. whiiht-r
tence." Surest cough aud cold___ out ofji
and4 vigm
vigor ****’’*'
r spent Hallowe'en in town, had iin-Cisled ilwni.
and Throat and l.itug healer. Guaran-1 follow Jt.
iheir use. Guaranteed bby 1
Ray LowIk expects tn start to
att cmilertaio.M friend*
Most of the farmers alseji here have teed by llaonab Drug
Di-ii.' Hl.tpn
Biori*. «1
8. S*
B. \V>lt
Wait I nah Drug
ft Son*.
drive to Lansing next Wednesday. W.ulueadcy evening In honor-of h.*r flniHliisI iNii.vIo dizging.
& Sons. BiiglM-e'K (‘Hr Drag .
DurWb City Drug Store.
Nov. r..
hiiKhand's birthday. Tbe evenlng-was
Ad. McK'
Keag tiuK moved hi* family SOc nnl $1. Trial bottles free.




A handsome round wood heater 45 inchee higii, body
of poliidiAd sbv'l, soh'd oa*t top with lid and
massive cast
oast base and brnry cast fire pot, equipped
. ..
with shaker slide grato, will burn either coal or wood,
bickleil. with spnti brass
foty r-vs, lieontifully bi^leil.


COOK sToyE, $
This 18 a heavily oontornotetl four Ikl. cast iron Ckkik
good. roomy
box. ifoi
. —, top.
(for finwood
-.........a guaranteed

«ly). airtight. oven,
p’tfect •baker.
_ smaller
a stove as tbe
would be forced to
ask $10 for. OUR l»RICK, _______
We tire showing dozens of sizes .md styles in cast cook
ng to meet every want.

A Good Range the Peer of All Bakers
Keunomioal store bnyers iire fast coming to appreciate t he superior valtic and saving capabilities of a good
range. True, the investment is a little more at the start, bnt'ftvery day you burn a range it sues money for you.
then if you are careful in your selection you will liave I 0 buy bt.i onoe in a life time. We are showing tire folfewingi-eh-brnted lines in ranges.

Moore’s Line fi'om $18.50 up
Channon Erpery Li ne from $23.75 up
And the World wide famled All steel Quick Meal

Round Wood Heaters
In these stores wefind that w« are greatly <
ed and for th<- balance of toe sessw we will quote you
prices even below our usual low prices.

Tbe line is

still unbroken and jon-can find just what you want Itere
and save yourself a ni«* tidy

This is the Store wc
arc sclline at

i'5 different style heaters in
the round oprigbt style to



Tt^ U a oompact built Air Tight with cast legs and
cast screw front draft with safety asli guard, top lift
feed that will admit all ordinary block wood, a powerful
little tieater.
heater, guaranteeo
guaranteed to now
hold nie
fire over
' ‘ -Itist
' '
wbftt you wimt for tbe dining room, hallway or spire

Wp have everyt^ifng you may want to ^ with a stove^
Oar prices on these Imle ihimra show a good sultKiaotiol saving
A good heavy grade 3x3 Oilcloth patbjm for only 35c
The regu^ 10c grade Zinc Binding for 4x4 oilcloth
oidy Se. S..«erd remnants of «lilclotL and Linoleum
large enough for alove psUerns at les* than cost

OfNH-V 91.00


select from all at a saving of
6om ten .to twenty-five per
Come aod get yours while they are hen*. Make j»ist
a small payment down and the bsIanoG can b? pud at
yotir convenience.

Tbe Store tbe People Itare learned
. to Tmst


Yofl Arc to Blame

ii ISs Hxrttl c( Sut empire,
'fendsr vl» relAUi'es o( tbU
Tke WeMOU MEetf wlU> beaXxi
. hoabar for Mflwsakee this verk.
Mhmi. BicMe ud JOhuoa cE
Huiatee have tMcn bet* the pW
4sr* tonnrdlBc I>uober tor thlpo
«BkB clNn op All Use iiieelc. •< Ui<<

If Ypn AreSutTeriDgVlIh
0«5s Eyes ar
DefccUve Vision

pofat. em- (be «m«m.

. - .
I urday. He
Potato di(trln* la all ili-' laee noir.lroe.
Wama. nod Twn Pray deovf to Elk j
Harenves. wto ha* beet all-'
B.)M- ih, Sr,:
iuj ,..r pome ilm.- lx better at tbb>.

If ottuR; wfcy »ol yo« r

I Dr. P. ▲. Wolfe. Pn^.
[ ■ 4UU14 WilWm m.


. Farrani. <if B-on

OMhte fktrtcr fa buUdlnj; i floe addlUen to bla bovae on Olen Lake.
D. U. Dar SUeaded a two itafa'
BbaUBK <* t^JMl^ljam Har^.^
he M A Elreetor. at Travene Oiy. tbla
Mn. Day. the MlaMsaeAIIre
jH^teelle ABd Maater DaHd aecom^bMrbl®.
MWBii. ChapiBaB, Wbitbedc

|£*Wue a


Mr. Had Mra. Arable Emitb from
ManUe basre i««n>ed to TrtTerac
' Mr. am Mn. wni lApban of Emphe. were the tneau of Ur. and Mrs.
Mtaoer Abbott, over Batnrdar and 8nn^'ra. LotUe Abbee
la dotes aotee bu>beeia
_______ _____________ a for booka.
-'BeK Gray bM ><Ml a Tamable borae:
«Mo Mr. Otta Coe mat <®e ibla week.
Mra. M. C Levis asd etaydrea are
^^jnnta of b«r altter, Mrs. Den

Mr. and Mra. Earl Oray •h>,bov llvIsa iB tbeir bow bouse.
Mrp. Lord Bates is on the rbIb after
beios sick, for the past tvo veHu.
lira. Prartas of Island has been Uktes enre of her daosbler here. Imu abe
baa retanad bone.
Mr. «ad Mra. Ar^ic SoUtb are vir.
lUttk ^ ber parMia. Mr. aad Mra.
L Bataa, tor. a fev dayi.

Mrs. R. R. Baiee________ __
.'dfora over to inland last Thoradar
to stteod^lbc fnneni of Mr. William
Mr- bad Ifn. Jeaae Hanettsre ®oe> build then
-------- e there nov aooo.
Mra. Rufat Orabam waa up b> Trar-


y the sseata of Mr. and Mrs. R. Batex
*. hdB familyr Batordsy
Batordny p\-enlaE- •
Mn. Andrew
drew Roaa was op to
ime.aiT to hare her teeth fisc
_____ _ Mvna.
PMAto diseteska Beariy <l(vte li> this
vle&^aad tMl pknibs and i^tl^
mSy for winter U tbe-order

Kxanioation Firee.

Dr. B. 1. PatUsoo. Ass't.

Traf«» Oilj.

i* worklnj: lot Mn

CItv rUiie.t Mr., Speete a few
o.nie Udel I. vWtlne

;du>><jMt week.
i.-l.niv.*> for a few week*.
M!-, Mavd Pt^. of Tia«T.^!;i..-S;;j^
f,iilncer I'
i. TiMtlug
Mr.. dliti
Ell<n Newctsrcb

vaiin- i.iiiiiK.i
>ir<..uE friend*' Mr.,
1* speadiiii; 3
t^'lo bu brm vtaltlBK at Tom
. l with
Tom Praj
fee u.hV,4>.
h.f daJBhtef. Mr.
•. horn,-Friday.
hom.-ft^Mr-. J. Siadlclwitemnd Walter and , Sarah Saw
rwnmed hotm- io Sil j
dl.l .hcs.pioc in Tntven>•« T.
City last »-eet.
i:nj I.-ca.;i and Mi.« l.s-itii
- y We,‘inewlay
ri and Mr.-, ^(tisoo or^Kini;»ley
Hr-tUev tuts been workiitR for;eveainc and rame om for a Midi with
viilUns. Mr. and Mr.: Dotaovan.,
. I-:, pjiretii. ••v.oltut- We wish
r. "a.1 Mn> O. W.
Webster Of
ihcal ioiiR
hiiiR yea
>* arti of 1- —'-------KinsMey vltii.-d Mr. and kin. John
A till'- proaani was rendered at the
Clyde lUthaw-y and Minnie Otiln-, Clark Saaday.
linroe of Mr. anii Mrw Thos. Pray by
llBckley y. sier-,
Matt Knicbei
Knieb. i. visiiiiu: in Mani.vl.iifd frl.n'l.
f?<«l liKlriet No. 8. Aboat lOO wcn-’*|^^

MiM Cbn* Beimetl. wbo )■ teachln*
fa BsrtldrTUIe. epeat BatanUy mtsd
SwdV m-Hh her perentt. Mr. mad Mr«.
Wm. HrtSB«i, of Uil* plACA
Mr. and Mr». M. W. FamDt .,.^v
teodW wltta Mr. ABd Mn. Wn. FarlABi. (E *Mt Kmrtr*.
D. H. Oat nsrted on W* ter® bouae
on bte tern ibU vecA. Re bAa a
Torn- at worA under Use aoperof Mr. Van Blekle. of TtArerae
Clir. nte> taa eh«ro
Use work and
tt la n*portMI to eomplet^ it outalde
before bad tMtUscr acta In.
. , ,
Ihi-Beelves ilO
Joe Haaa.
A. Ibe
ibe Manlieu tnali
route after a
ta back on bla
kir* A«drc»
In Ttav
•ealns .for

Ibe boneSl
.1 Ihi' lloili! ,1
, Ylslir.t
three weHnT
rlaliC(«A Bar
K cins* of ibfl
Ibe Randay
Ronilay wrhooi.
wrhnn). Thiiej.
Theiej, Mrs. Kstilla
wi.n.ha* Is'-n eiju- City seicml days liuu week,
ibcdr daosbler. Mra. (yvnlc Kntzler.
Viayiw mexilaa wns ludd pi John
BBkiBE Use irlp aeroax Lake Mlehljcaii will bi- a llsh pond and a irimpkin Mstiia;; filenil<. ;<ud
eoniosl. roakla* Jack Tanliim.
|reiuniud to hi-r home in Carja»p«dli- C.e'^S. last .Friday eyentmt.
Id their fbcht -IWlaoce."
Soreral lady friends of Mr*. R n ‘ We<liHiHJii>-of last wee*,.
| , IVTUiam mMaoi. drove u. town Inst
Min Beaale FArraol. «bo la (Mdi• ••
■ . •
IkiTTau Salarday.
tac the Glen llaren arbooL apoM Sat-


ilrs.Tr^ Clark.

Orx Br<.,*i. and Jl® Baun'.u drove Irritlna.
.To Trrrem^tySttnfday.
Gibbs and dauiduer of Trav- tabi^r

We bars p^iabed ttatimooiala
float raaB^who have been cured
by wearing onr special gronwi
iottsca. .


('ll. phone liM.

kii.« Lanm Knapp of niackman vIrUtKl her stniiT. .Mr<. E G. lUwllpp*.
ins hull nest Safjrdn:.- cvoniiw Kv< o‘body InvUed tb come.
V.... r


Oenami Nowa.
' A




the hcUve the kaiser take* bi arran^iu: (be
of teU^lvo* and trt»»d« ta •

.\ perMoal aM de canip ot

y was
\4-ry maeh dcfirtimd>-«y
by the laily nf hlsjehoRv




hbi a



knlz-or drove to ili4 honan of the youaff
isdy. Ibe ilBUKhierlof a wealthy CerUn
banker, and ideat^ol the eaM> of :tto


aid de camp with ^uch (dotiuence i .rat
tb«> marriaRe


plhce^a .'auolb

Fl«o~ which ba* ju.*i ht-ca com-


pUed A-om Ibe o«w jUrectory ol llvlnn
Mrs. Csonte Di'h of Travemc riiy,*^
; '
visitt-nt Irwin Rawllne *.-Sunday,
on,! fprmer stnde^t*
Mr*, yimmeriuan of .Trav«-is.- riiv IMneclon unlvorijiiy *how that the,
week I K>n<^- BTaduate n( today is mme aikI

l»Bi; Ijke. Nor t. I'.i.e:—.V* Lonc
; more r*honsib|; a buslnea* rnther fhall
Lake Granyc at N-wl :ir<' lostnc tbtdr
ll cara-r. Theae sUllsIAa
Maxtv-r. H. S. Zlnjlm rman. the Granjte
■li-eid'-d to ctve him rn,| his wife a
farewell supiK-r b. hu, ih'-ir diii-nrlborne East wt i-k.
, lot alumni of PrBtceion are in
lire for tli<- sosi'i. .t.-eordlnsly about
AI Its,port a s<»sl tltne that attended ur^s. u te
a»n> that paler
J-'. miml-Ts of fii inci- siid b1,l m-lc!.- the dance at .lohn! INwders-.Saiurilay
.G><in.e HithWoi
and fiimtlv Imve
ilcally aiWh^ia^,:K>
- pnh'r-sl 'll ll;.- hiai in tlu^ .*venfb.rn. to Mr. and Mrs. Ritj Hulrt. avisit'reiativc*.
destined for

wbcfc muKle ati.l -mss were pivSchool
Ora ru!rbaiik:k .Mals-l Harris, and
by tbe member* and iv-citailon* u-bool bouse, with Ella Braekenhury Uw. dlvinUy. leaetiliiiL njedfclne. JwrMra. Ann Wrifdil la rlsKiOE at C.j vora Coy of Tiwyenm t'lty oiuairie'l
PlBhinc Reason U over now and
lire. Zimmerman and came* eonallsm. cuBinecrinb. etc.
1 tearber..
the wcIh) ai Thns.
Priday joyed lit
BMBe flno lake imm were caasht berv. Batran's.
Then came the sunper.
Mrs. GoS bm. a sislcr vlUlloa'bor.
G. R. Cooiwr has till bla potatoes
Laily Victoria Marjorie Haaawi^ re- '
A tioiini
inilful on,', and evldontly enl«>There will he a Glcaacr datlC' at Ibe “
*-■■' '
week puiUfu; in iteonea on ibe linei. Mimt Fiotu Ruller.
> bus V'*Ti
day and ^^pans a Tine crop.
by .1
A litlie sadness scorned lei, home of Mr*. Ariic* Knlaht. Nov. K. ceiiily ardanecd jt« Prince
of the Btwmnan Mdiool hon«e. iiinc
iitQ^ friend*
frieoil* in Trat
e Ci^. ret orelUe r
ih<- faces of old friends a« |
Fred Bcmhwnx, John Johnson and
nrphew ol Kina idaatyl. waAbtirtf'In
Nov. 5.,
ed bcRUe l.nM Tutvulay.L Brett and family were eu>
they badi
John Paishow were Ltdand callers
tnountain al4e la New.'
Mr. and Mlu Martin Kuaday.
Friday last.
Liilli under bi* bouse.
I would nii*s them.
Mias Dculab Banau visitMl at
John JohhaOD la Sotng carfMwntr
E, T. l*ray anti soiGOrlc f tlrove
ar Milks, of KincMey. Kunday-.
.e aw- lb."
work for G. R. .Ooopnr.
the Wexford ebanto. will 1
Trav. rw City Saturday
I.adica' Aiil
and Ml».
Mrs. Henry
. -Sov. II. Revs, A. T. Peryu- lie had been lb thn Indian eervlcc
Ml. aMil
■■Till* Wrikbi
Willful ■>v..- _ —---------------Mr* .S'-II
.\.-II JH.litllor I* c« t
inland caUcra. and MonfA Saturday. WaiTvn Taylor. Thnrsdny. Nov 8.
and was on a Iodr vncaik®
« in tUa
Tbe Miwma Emma nod LcMBetpHist
Tie- Blackman Sandav s^«l »a
Kev Hoi
ORb Kennedy*
country with hlsiwlfe.
r a while
Miss KllUe Golden will po to TravWell atteoiled Sunday with much Iniei
••rsc City (o new with Mr*. Hire ai
i very flne
roaldence and report
Miss Ka i-r was appi.iiti.-d teacher
and d»-dic.iie the church nceordlni: hotel, hoi sborily tbefory the stork arbUlldlBE
Tbe Hallowe'en social #d»n by the
of tlio )(x-V hidle*'- cU*.-. fllllns r»10 the ritual
Rt-w Fercuaon will rlarul Ibey moveU dip cm tbe'ibitaldo
Peter Swaaaan Is b:h>!iii: potalocs cancy tn;. --‘ .y Mrs. O. Lure, who
nwonh LMunie last WedneLtay niicht ronkint;
,isk(-r. Mrs. MIW Gilmore. preach and administer ihe karmmem
with ih»|r aervAijis. tbe mire pAriya* quite a suct-fWK.
ThejMook In a vMi for n feu days.
fttwi Wesialde to be ehlf. rl i.» Chlca- formerly •,au;.-i:i the elaa* for scvenii
In ihd e\.-nmc.
RO by BieaBor Mbaoun atnm *S».
leniA' 'When tb<* '
The riimmace sale held In the base­
E. Holme*. l>*»ior.
> Misn-K Pearl and l.ila Curry ment c( the church was well attended.
. Nm-, t.
■ •
liaby' VOS a few weeks oU they re­
The Btadnnaa lAdl.'s' Aid. vr«b the
down irom TravcTse City Satur- Tbe iAdkw' Aid eleared »|A.
« , ..............................
help *n
turn<i| IO EnKlani).
aficr- ' Guy TImmphtiia is,still mal
naklns bared thi-lr crop of poiaines aci
A ifioreroent ba*. Iwvii nauenrateS In Ben Heath bad th#'-n
ylridiRE 'lheffl eiBniy-ave huiibe!i;.
rci* for e.i>plr».
Mil's IjOK C'lmes went lo Tr.-.verse
Mr, and Mrs. Goorce llarel ar.- s
lose ta-o valuable hotaea.
Kov. 5.

i Seaule (<> ereei n monuMU-ni lo perCl y.Thursday. reiurainR klondar.
Intr to Chicaxn on ib.- n.-ii boat for
Breathe Hybmei and Get Relief and ,
Fred AtkinsoB i« buniHne* i.arn fnrf
ftLO titbSiON
of wreks sia.v,
Mr. PerklBH of (MieasA
r..-,* Bold
A-.- Undar
II.-., Guarantee.
8,-wttrt. aecreury of aiaia nniUr UnTM b... i'"- Tr»v.™' Cb, i™ w„*,
.Mr. aa
aad Mrs. Guy Tornnkins
Mr. and Mrs. V. WUkimbil
•a short time
Kt*R- (^™» and Ron Leroy, v1*. Du.iley GiiiTia
If you“lAve catarrh, wi'h offeoalve coin and JohniKHii hy whom srtui mH>t

will no
to Chicaco on
Sandsy wlih ber mmber. Mm. K
5 1 CuBHnUia- bar-'‘•‘■'c 8«mla.v.
next iHMl W.-dnc.sday.
l.miih.'-t.flnUnc pains In the threat. liattvl Ibe inwly kith Ruridn wtaor^y
.............................. ............................
.> trip m the onu : ‘
'I>d»nie Dean. Klnp
[lies Uilmon- lias bis larRe fi.-ld of euuRltiiiB. raisinR of mucous, difflcul
difflculiy Ibe CnlK-d States acquired poascaaten
Nettie Paulti* for teoeber. •
*-e mU ChleaBO
. itam. O.-ore. Curry, all drove to iMt atni-s sitR. They diil not yield as tn bi'.-nihiai;, sni-ealnc. husklnes*. dl
Prank Atkinson Is wkiddtes
v T-vh,o.; v ,c. , '
eoae to Inik sT/
rOe City
'}ii,y did.liisi year. nlibouRh be has a cbarRo jroui^ the ^oM . UrklinR and
4' '
w-lib friend*
Monday f» fire vi;rv pshl crop.
tbe lack of the threat
Helen Ludwlc is on tbe p'io- '
-t'.. • tvri >who has'be. i'^
, 'teeblV
McCluskv has the ciil- e«|ieclilly at nlRhi. co'jRbinR Bnasins, itrort by popular aiitMrrlpIlan u DaBu*
Ed ITieait ha* been dl«eliir i»,s
ha* reren * .rt.-t.lmne. There has A-ea
etc.. iKtfin Ih.- use uf Hvoai. l at once, mi-fil la (he heart of the city to ho a*
,h„, ^„rV- f.,r n Iobr
>r Peter Mehrne* of Von OncIVj^.,
>,4t bn,,, )„ Klurmley:
- Its hiallDR nn-dlcjillon will plve re­
day teat Ihe
A very pleasant surprise
lunipkiov t-m: fda R<*v,c
AiDR b<-r cotiaRC lief in 1. few davs-and its conllii.ied veiled on ibe aanw
.ill cent* a bush<-i:
a.'rsi in
in Cm- sivl.-. The plambteR I* use will complfi.-!y ilrive all tatarTbal Alaaka-Yulirm |*trifir expodiloa U
.Mrs. MalK-l Ripley I* expected home : ec.^nh^e
U-ldiDs ha*
C'-rm* from.ibf *)-*i,
'opened to the public, wbieb I* act.for
<im the asylum loday for a couple
cariH>Di<T wuik for a ion
Ion time
llyoroe; obnialaa' Naiun-'s hftaJiDi; 1909. Since the a«i«l>4ikm of-AlaBka
of w-tek*•aay» 1
I now- be w
will bedonv.
ill s.xm
and fcataams.ibe Rvrm killiiiR |iroi>Nov.
hter. Ml reportlBi: a imod il®e.-t
house In the rlly m-tll
ertles of the
Hie jpin- fetj-st*.. UOd
and RO-I by the Pulled 8(hiea more (him *l«e
in sold baa been dus out of lb*
with ihi*«lr voii Ureaihe toih.
CTOunrt. nnd ibo sold dlscoveriea wwr». -Mf*. Urric MrCUisky tuia had ih.SOUTH MAYFIELD.
mhicna phone put In ber.hcr.ise thsi
tbe befilanins qf Beadle'* devdSp_____ -.... 8hckl<^ wJW-k. •
at Thtiraday.
>, • Mf. and Mrs. Heary Otdiin Sr., have •lav al f. H. Monitioa.
Mr. ami Mr*. J. ;!ti*dleh.-.uer visited
___ ____
Mrs. Eddie Kruko wan a suowfer her. gone to Detroit lo ki«nd ibe winter
-'Generally deUllltaled
for >'eari:.
Hitter. Mrs. John Selford of Bnckley with their aon. who live* there.
J. S.-wmarcb has iiurchasi.-d
the stomach dosinc. .'i« Its besline air Ilmi sick hc«rt.ncjie*, locked ambUIOB.
a few day* last week.
•s. Chennev of Traverst- Cliy Is
bom., of her tinrle.
. .
:lii'-<biOu luaebin.- Irtun Mr. .Rtiy.l.-r,
t' liis'SihGt) itireiich a m-al pocket in­ wns worn nut an.1 all run down. Bbr
The stone cellar that U britte bulli VixillBK b(
ber«i*<er. Mrs Miles
MI'S.-* Ilie) Slid .lessie siaffnr-t
Kehool rtmimeuc. .1
mm-nins. haler. whii-h ran lie corri'-d
in the dock mood Hitters nude me n a»II
under VSilliam WiiRtai’t lioauF I* pre- fSr a few diiys.
tllineaTo Nor
torw.iod Si.ttirilay 'iG'i
‘ i with Miss I.OIV ilaniihnii of Fib- Ukc jrnrH- or vest pocket, ant! carrie* lucli- wotuan,"—Mrs cba*. Freiioy. Moonix
arenalnR niecly. Marilo MlUer I* doasteBCher.
c: lion lo Just.Ihe spot where relief Is Conn.
R tbe work.
) .
1 aiic .Neu-inarch and Rnind .la.iitb-,
| .
Mr*. SieUa CrcRlow retnmod to her toil last Sunday,
•• ic-r Nil*, calleil nii Mr. and Mrs. W, 8.
Tlie couiidrie Hyoael outfit eosls
DorrTiblak 11
Mni. Johnnie Helfridh ret tinted la.w
Mue in CaasopoUs last Tburuday af, {'axion 8iinilay.
but »l. .-xtre Isiltles. If nred.-J. :-0
tIi.-Vunemrof M
T a few weeks' visit with relntive* Sunday frem a Ihn-c weeks' visit «i
r-irn. •!. Mr. find Mrs. H. Tahhcr C'lits. and 8. K. Wall « ]t"iis clvc
- iKian'* Oloimeni. M
.■,.Vov. i. ii,.lauBlil.-r.
their peraoiirt Ruaranl-c wUh ev.-ry





T‘'’‘”>•* I killed iU ChitUo.^

Mn. WUI Allure and son Kerry rlen«d la Trarcrae City a few dnya laM
week. .
Mr. and Mra. DaTe Ranncare of
I Lake vent latt week at OiarUe


TVtreaee Oom la eialUn at her old

^*a&^Lm^«1alted Eva Kalaer laat
) Fife Lake
BlitMt drore
-bat (wntiic.
. XbhB Ritter and tamUyreod Andrew
' r aad family of Elk Lake vlalt
Mike aom- Snnday.
**Mt. anl^MJxBaiSe'KnlEbi al Fife
Lake vIMled at C. BWott'a Baturday
cveotes and Doaday. retitrelna borne
lam evenlnsPoutoni bare Uken a drop.' They
Niw. $.

Have been doin:; jt for years. ’Tb no liMl’ERIMEN r with us. We arc ihc originators of LOW PRICKS in Grand Traverse •
region, judging from our growing trade. We are confident we are maintaining it. We do not throw out bait*. In other words, are
1____ _____________________ __________________________________________________________ I.
- not quoting a few low prices on undesirable mcrchandiscv
and making it up on more expensive goods. KACH
throughout the store is based upon
SMALL LIVING PROFIT. Those whohavc dealt wi^h us and have shared our bargains for y»?ars, know; .the abovestajement to be correct. Those who have not, we
woijM be more than pleased to convince.


$1.00 Scarlet and Gray all wool Under Two pio-ea li<-;ivy buitinga. aiiil-ildc
for cloaks and aiiiu.'<■*>0 vnlnc
wear for Ladies. Vests
\ and pants to natch.
Lndiea’ l-noHoae Sapponor*.
A bargain at .f.,...........


A lot of Ladies'CoUBteBud
rirM thle «
Tbe Cl

en of Traverse City arntlac to apend a couple

paired. She rMnrsod gaturday.
Mra. Ryan and cbltdren apent Tbnrsday aad Friday In Traverac City.
W. B. Johnaum te'manaRM- of the
farmera' dock.
Fred Baamberser of Booth Bend,
tad., la apearttea a couple of woeta on
bla term.
Otto Barth Mt Vedneadoy lor Cbloaao. where be wUl «pend the vinuf.
The Woman'a Oub will meet with
Mra. Dave Beou on Tueada* aRer
C. A. XelaoB. itianaRer of the Chlp-

L. R. Peek ao.1 8. ,W. Porter apem
Baaday and Monday in Tiavetwe City.
The Ladle*' neaeflt aodety will giv«’
a ten cent aitpper at the M. E. pai
aice on FiidBy ereoins.
Hr*. R. B. Campbell left Friday for
Traverae CHy. Mr. Campbell accomnaaled ber. returalaj; Monday crenine.
Mnt. CampMl veal threuRb a aurRiVtf ooeratloD on Baturday. Her many
frieods will be glad to know *hi- It
oioR nicely.
Frank Roaman of LHand apent Mon­
day la town. Mr. Roeman Is caadldaii'
for county derk on the democtaUr
Meaara. H. R GUI and A. Bartlett

bee MM Tburaday.
Conductor Phil OrifOs nnd family
have moved In the Weston hotiae. now

who have bMb beco aecloualy RL are
There will be a barveat aupper ta
the Cooiri. church parlora <m Tn< '

25i', toekae out .......................
All Wool G,Jf Glove. iK,t. pair

Imported Saxony Yam, aoM
everywhere at lOe a skein.
Special price.............................
Men's J(«ey Drees Glore*. fleece
limxl. eoM evorywhero for
3.V. Here...................................
50 rmbrdlaa wiUi stool rods.
Paeigon framea, Oongo
handlea. each................................



15 pieces of Ito«lly SnillDes,
plain AUU
>UUUIg>o piAUI
fancy mlxlnres. Some
C'avenetic antb In
Ibe lot.
Valno np
$1.00 and $1.25 Men's» AU
AU Wool
Ribbed Ubderwear In
Pink. Bines nnd
Grays. Stzcf
Choice ..............


Linen Kiniab Thread,
85 piecea White Sbnkcr Flannel.
l(CBvily nappeil, per ynnl..............


Dark Oming I'lanoel. while it
'asts. |>er yard...........................

..... 4c

1F4 Cotton Blankets, Grey and Tan.
worth N)c,
while tliey last...........................

panicnlor deitartmi-at we offer 25
per cent discount on say pie«e ot TsUe Lines
in the booao.
j alKint Half I'rioe.

66c i

Firet-qi^ity Children's Uabber*.

........... lyc
Infants’ -jOc V'csi- in line
Castile bonp. while it JosU,
2Sc Cassimere and Lisle, here-.- .'19c; 1 cue
8 b$«for ...............'........................ ...1c

50 dozen Mon's borne made Mittooe. aoU
cvi'O where for
lure. i>« pair........................................
HK-e and KimouiiS. uinde of
LmUta' Dreaaing !
daik flt<( It* lined materinl.


.3|C 25 W»lSS'i“"SS

:k; inch Percales. Fall styles, worth
12c. here, per yard.....................i..



50 dozen Ladies’ Fleece Lined Pants and N'esis.
mvle of good combed yam....................... .....

R ri/b

Bed Comfoners, not full
•.i/e, each......................................

.......... 18 o-t*

Double Cotton Blankets, per pair 39c

;OdiU find cnila of Ikjya'Winter Caps,

Hioico........................................... ..............OL/

Men'a RIs<-k Sniis, (xnN.
p&nta iind viata to
inAtch. for.......................


75 dozen Sample Hosiery
fine Cassimere. cotton and fleece
for Men. Women and Children.
V alues up to .f5c for

9c, 11c and 19c
S3. $3.50 and $4 Udies' Shoes


In Vici Kid., Uopers welt and-handturned soles.
AU well-known mak'-«.
To chise out

$1.98 and $2.48



1: T



XVii.^,n .
.\!:m ,





, :^




V- r

cf^l 00

tatlitberm*. 7I»«d

g^.-....... ■■•


.......... c

‘ -I

II Mt ■! y»« «nlrt>




;a| T*.;.-ni'rr>T






-■^ ;-<;r-.oJ Tr«^r--9'0teH«— '



lln rocvivra tb<- Mmo. Tbc* li
roiinir ilck<-t wa* elodrj a I follM-r: ’
i! «1i<*rlir. Martin Brow*
n.Tk. Z. E. Illnshaw,
. KcRlMiT of <l««dii. Canon Wnn«r.
5 - rravoutlai; *Bot*<». C. U OnriMTrtuisitror, Jn«r>i>b KnibMr.
rircTrif rouT. wmiBlaaUmer. L. H.
« Oaso.


:ra^. ... .'.............«

sH--.............................. .........................■;




^ .'•->«........................... *?


Ulana. Mk-h.. Nov. T.—OompIvlo r.-;
Iiirns KhAw tliai A- F. Biimlne eartloj' MO NCCO of etbcr flaw In tlM .
ihi‘ t«-niW>H-iat«m loBl»laflvo •II*-' hMK* ¥rfitn y«u hav* lOEAL WatMarf
Irirt Jij- about r.ob. Wamof rarHr.), Hour, equally e«td far bn**, aikta .
l.Prtiin*u by about W> rh.I McLauRb-' or paatry:

r.’fvux-wilDc Attonw>y—

Kf Or«ad
Oraad 1Tr.:v."«
•* Rf'prcsciiUilff
WM ..................................


'•_ _



^*i^a«wth.......... .......... 2S





In pursuance3of the new policy we have recently aUopted, we shall inaugurate a series of


md am

-fa 7;

$ak iaOmm Owjds DM^


S p e€ i a 11 y A11 r a c t i v e Sales
«a large aa own many time* the ataeka became bralcen. eeruin alcaa aald oat. aid aaoner than keep the gootfa. we aa rMtee eaf praflte for your benefit
that far grioM md Mgh gnaitty have nevar been agMllad. and which wW appeal to
that whenwe are ready far awr ORAND OPeNlNO bAU* l«ar an It will ba wKh ths nawett daanaat heat Waek af npeoeUta gaada that i* diaplayW in thi* pa« <# «*•
i« -mauinn tha naad
v„y,e^i^th*waT*menwHl bail «ir Dry Geadt Oiyialan. .The gooda Will have to be maved. the ahelvea cleared and When down, we wmt you ta help ua
remawing tht gaM


mMiing the fdllawing




SIX DOZEN LA^ilS'’ftLfS ' ' '
Onr io: nf while- and tilnrk ahlrrrd Fim- l>-3ihnr nnd 811k BHIa. vortb
> want tbr room for other CDoax, so^ An odd lot of eolorod anu tdacl^ One M Ladles* heavy white eouon One lot Ladica' and CbUdrcn'e Coif
<a are broken, bat if yoa can And
JSr !■. tbf Mfilran band dlfvrd.;

r aUc. ytw iKrtrr boogbt tbcin have prir<4 thrac at tbr remarkabU* WaJsu, forraer priw ll to »3, aprila' FcKa and Pants, fonner price .sf«. Gloves. Sold alaays at S-V. special
.A1..T sain *.*1..^'
■- 1 .
t;:.V. a j-ard. aptu-ial aalr prim.
at II*pprtai
tide price.
BTKclal Rale prjoe.
iso Each.
SOe Each, were »1S0.


;. Tbr akrlctoi atylc. Theta ate iM*M. Ir daaatted, byb Mb of gnod wear ret.
Ic Each.

^iBrakMi lau: dlfiernt cotden. bnl mar
Jaat what-you ynnL Bar » al
aa ttmaaai^ jiat a !aw yard* of a
v ltlnrt. Mnrt be Bold. Ml inarfcad at

it jOSa lot of Wtedwr Tlo^ good «o»cf«.
% SD pot 1. tnStt at tbU ^.aeui .ala


• IS. Each .

• place of BlatS Cottos Vetrat a^
a tt IMO at
■Me Yard
piece* or We Bhi^ and Colored
^^^eeMy Drew Oooda.'

Table Linens Specially Priced

One-half Off Bau-geins

tbreridartrs and Tw-klnas. abon Irnatha t-m
Ocr tot of Oi
Onr lot Blart; *gcct»nd nraldr. diffrrrni widihs: and nnaUUw


Cbtton Blankets

Three Lotp Fancy Silks
Special Sate Price25c •

Standard Ooods Priced Low

l.ftfrtjvffs all wool nr<^s«loods. Illacl p; rotor- :
wdd from 5ftc to *1 a yard.


Special Salej Price 35c
55 plocte hiKb ciaM rUin an.I Mnc» fi^ »s Goods. iiiilt/.lo (<
tones, and wonh from h>')c in tl.55 ib'- y-ar.t.


JA'i. -yard, mou- Bfertar naobol.
Jiui what yoa want.
4"jc Yard.

Sono good valaea and ponrmt. Rpbe-la> sale prier,
10c Vacd

Special Sate Price 69c

Special Sale Price ^7 I-2c

Bc-n qnalliy I'nhlcacbed. yard wide cy>tton.

-All ll and ll.SS tancy Stikw. hoauidnl gnoda.

Sevetal pircos Absorhrnt ToccUng. m.ldy for n-

4 l-2cyard
5c yard

Special Sate Price SOc -


15 pi'-mg SmHty
iron Idr
55c yat^. now.
r -ic t^ard




V .ii .

:.i>(i0 yords £ood Standard Prinu. at ...
- .............. ...41 ye
ddr. CbUdrcn'g lean Walsta. with Ftifrlg biptw. , )»>id v. ry rtcy for
,55c. vpoclat Mlc pHre.........................................................

t Fnulsrtts ibat sold lor TSc and

MOfraan-bile Oo.

Bplondld Booda, different ttHort. apaciai mir priro.


50 dot. Cblldren's and Ladire' IUa<* Flmcr.l Ho«*. *pc<*fnj sale prtr«
too dor. Ladies' Woolnp .ind F!emr<t Horn. rrsnUr ;5r valurc. no*

a«Ht We. Sohafdc for

HarinaH A ^aty


Children’s and Ladies' Hose

These Are the Goods That Should Attract Your Attention

LOT TWO—All Ugh goods, fancy


?5e i-tlom for ............................... . .»fe
ll and It 2f. ra1ur> for .


Special'Sate Price, Oae-tiiird Off

LOT ONB-la laade np of fancy Sfltt-thi
dr^aaea and fancy work.

boar weenn wdJ ^


Muslin Underwear
Gowna. adrtf Drawara and Corsri Corrre.

limpilfiil mods. Udlni will woBdrr-

.Ml Imirtbi of thrrr yards or low. at........................---------ONE THIRD OFF
All other nn.-nx. thU sair.................................................... » FCR CENT OFF
55 dm Indian Orchard Llnm Towote. lTi35. t.pocial price ......................10c



UlftTS lit THE CITY;




- H...............


CorbnU. Pro....

J, R-,..a..


, ^

auietir. and it ftae-ba
Superintendent of
tlMt the vatifls machli
treat amount of time In the cempili- ^ w ■ . u

VrM C Watai^................

««. or tn. mCmA tn mdet o. th.

Jamea H. Ikoarat....
Per •hertff- ..
Chariea S. Jehneen..




n.: ".i! ‘:!!:!'


Yoouk. S t-------


irt. the Commissioner of the
city wa. sm; that of Patrick H. K.i-IState Land Office-,

.Per Tr.
r.' E. iBream.............

lay for lletrtenant governor being 466. j
Thia ehawa that Oovarnar Warner ran '
e little behind hia tldcat in thia city.'
Oarragh'a majority waa I

>ef RegletererDee^^ WHaen................
‘>arProae«rtl.BAttar«yPred H. Pratt...;..
rpr Circuit Camt Con
a W. Curtta..........

Roae. U................................... .. • r. ■
Sheldon. D....................... ...............
MorelwKl. Pro...-:.......... .'...■
Heddon. S -.

Kerry. R...................


*>» i



* ;


J" i Senator. 27th Distrtet—


WitmoTC. R..;............................ ..


Representative. Grand
Traverse District—

Seorelary of Stafe-


®............ .........................
. Tliomae. Pro............................ v

White, Pro...r.i........
1,^..................................... ..

Sheriff -

$take Treasurer—

.StrjU) Pro...


For 6 Cents


Soule. Pro.........................


at sa.oa


Oae lot of broken lines from mir ^lar stock,
all good, no tiro pieces alike, black and colors,
' former price S5c to $1.25, now
For 75 Cents
J00.ChildrcD’s and Misses’ Coats in handsome
fancy mixtures, ages 4 to 14 years, former price
■ $5.00 to $7.50.

For $5.00

jifthus and Tantf 0«eds
T’retty new Plaid Belts at 25c and »ic.
Pretty Collars at Ific, 2oc and 50c.
Pretty I* ancy Combs a*. 25c. Hoc. up to $2.50
- Dressing Combs and Brush, a ^xry spe­
cial offer—it good brush and a first-class^
dresyng comb for 50c. I hey are extra
value—see them.
'"Pocket Books—a new line just put on
sale. Some very strong numbers at 25c.
50c. $1 and $1.50. Finer ones at from SS

Tint hags at 2$c t« JX.OO



, t-


•: :•* '
/ ''




.. »,S»'

.: “

:c. McLanyblMi
«'-r t.*
Alia iu. Not. T.—Jiinn (
’ lu<le|(To4vitt. OeffWled
. Ifar nirilar r«ie:l>llrau I


:. 17
; Henry H.
■ eb-vlrd auaia <
,i;t by a u.«Jorlty of u
in I -UlK.vr. Sue-.
Coa^. Uw
rS |l.aprT-r mockialrr.- ^ the only
libmocral c-hn.-l. Hr | bad 3tO i

Oanenil P
Wahblupton. Sl». 7.—Ut mimt tiNlar
trti^ruK iiulicsKtl ttai'roojro-»« »i»
Iiaiir 211 'rrpQbflCRnr and 167 iloa^y.
the hiHiAe ailh fifteen dl*' triciR jTl to be hrortl fr^
fimith'Haa t „ -Mw
>Vft»litn(n«o. Nov 7.-^f late retwma
roiillrm Ihr .Irfroi uf I'onctivswan
— Uubcvk .rf tVi,*cini.lii. fam W. Soil'll
. - .7.»IJ8 ' of ailrtilesn »inii<1i. nr»i jin Ilur for ib«Chairmaiikblp tf tU.- cot^uiHlw « the
, . 'iJIrtiict of CoLinililn. |


25 Ladies’ Coats in black and mannish «f
For $15.00
50 laadies’ Coats, beautiful garments in b!
the handsomest Tweeds and dark toned mat nislicffccis. looic fitted and aemi-fiiting.

* 1,000yd*cream Shaker Wanacl. its m>i a 10 cent
grade but i« worth more than we ask.
4 Cents___________________

“ 8,000 yds. lighnand dark Outintrs. complete line of
* colors and patterns, an extra good for 8c,
For 7 Cents
____ ______
C-T e240 yds. Dress Goods. 46 in. all wool dark mixtur: cs, B few pieces the manufacturers carried o\-er,
' but new with us, good line of colors, made to sell

.' il,

.'»0 Ladies’Coats. 60 in. long, handsome Tst^s
anil the mannish elTcctb, loose and scmi.fiiiiqg.
$12.00 to $13 50.
For $9.75

-- ‘ 2.000 y<J*. of dark and light Outings, '.’7 in. wide.
jioodfrange"of paiieras and colors and the quality
At 5 Cents

8*000 yds. American Prints in indigos, gte>s and
I' fight colors
For 5 Cents

State Betur «.
.-. ImaieU
.;tM-aUgunn.:> ioAa> ah

j - ,



f B. W.

,uul ili-Muk...' cnavy from ahki.
ir-V... rti-irnr. wlU IMamplce R^rnax
MaiiW.-.’. Sllrii.. N.A. 7-—la Maul*
Ui«.-i T.os-:
t;i<.\<lau<l Nut. 7..-sinir Cbalnuaii
jfiurailiy i»( Ut. maut.v tWm rBor Warner «u*
nnrlHT ..r clw .UmocTailr aUta rude
.Di iliimln. aiTvnn niajorii.v of« viOt a fe« i.rx
aiaie f.
ninrr.l<.il| .iw.
VI, H....
I,..r »«,. UvL.v«,bU.i^|^^
b, K.i., U «■»«lias.- aiu} sl-w bpir Hie voien..
r.^nlvod a niajerfly lu tho •"•‘S*'*"’''
iMv.iiH«i rej Tiio foJ«i«ius a»e III.. vloraHUr* !■> i Iiv'l! <if T-w. Tlie f.rilomins t^un'?

piiblitae tm-oilN-ia «M>t ^ a |«(at «
Few women VMad.............,
Cblcaj.T>. JSfW. 7.-Onlh- 7«» Wonir
.... i<» ffedgur J. Klutici-lt. rreirler.
volifd PI TnHfTda>\H <:r«ioiL
k lltaaourt.
Democrcta Teek
KaapBn City. il.r. ? V. 7-—»iaiDiorly 2UU..
tli’inoerai Hrla' . Imril
. ivu luaJuHi;.
»i?.. ■ ?hF'!' ‘ K. NuuBvri
i’akr I
l.:loofuinlU:. niroiuT*..

Damwh JL..................... ..
L«y.h................ ■.................... .

” ,



II Intu U. Bu«a.


fts-f’*- .au'i .--tiiii-i.r. i.H.i-iKyi !■'
... n;‘lhim.Kt.. kU maj..rj!y in ti...

” jR^resentative in ConIgress, nth Distrlct-


. 27


U«ley. 1-ro.r-y-l-V-


• • ’*.

a ' ■

PannemiT. Pro........... • '•




' J-

.Marttii. I».











• 2!#





Wall, I>.................. ..

Hn :


............ :

■ } I|'’WwWb.K.:.



r- ~

'Circuit court ConxImissloner


y'iiie St^te
Board Of Education—

The foUowtng are the complete r
turn! from the city.

1'mU.R......... ...................
Alway. 1)....,............


IS ■

jrailVO m-rry onrair
Wbf vto-pUtiO
. v!" ' lity Ma. The reaulir
t BUoni.
Ii..M>l>uran frwm ion
\ y^rU.tDorentnIu'v
.-U«od U.
J?1 }thr loeer Boa.*.' of
kcieeian-. '
' zs
.. *4an-. 4i*« f- >Vielii. aaitor
' • J"
-5 ^«prlns»; S. C -niomi.^a- Mrtiaiwc
■ T•• r «-Tmbblr. HooTUi- im: »!.
Irt^ Jiamhall. ,
iu-: J«3-. . 5>1 .
! iWtruii. Nut ;.—Bd^ti
-/a- ■ •i-4ii,. '■.V*' " ' ct;'. '■■si' paUiran. ira» r»-rltc«e
17 .
.11 ■
' cTir P^.^l lUBTam; «ten»|>cni
;■ M

: aw. m ibc- rtty iirta"

iitcuB. arax rltOT-d trraa
;ro- --I* ” I2>« ;iao riivk. tKKh by tmy it:


! Prosecuting Attorney:




•L —■

:... ......
Moody. D............... ..
Cazpeali r, Pro................ to i



R««d. Pro................'..............
Menton S

mimitea ta flvt tha exact reautt. In
fact just time enoufli to write down
tho figiirae.

rer Clark— •
t E. Welter....



1 Brosii. i:.............. ........... ■
i S.bwinct. IL.
i Sliean-r.Pto....






Register of Deede-^

BareU>». .s. I,............................


I’oicipiKr. B..........;....


Pro............................ .W...471

electlan |


Attorney Genei^^rle D



Ikau-S ............... Loutnn. S.

'^Par U»
Patrick H. *Ca»ej>.'U
A. B. Oam^....




Auditor General-^


E. P. Waterman...

-TphniMi. B.......... ..


. - H ; • . ' Jf.


Pr«a M. Warner....... x ~..........-99i


■ >'«r

ISayir. Pro.............

hiMr Vto#!s nutiriity Is 3ll
fiver Kimmeile.



’^do/en ladies'lleeced Vests and Pants, size* 4. 5.
and 6. I'lat riblied lieeces,
For 39 Cents
S dozen ladies' cream Vests and Pants, only in size
4. that's too many>f this uzc. they arc worth 2yc
a garment, if you arc small it's your lime.
17 Cents

Where Can I Do The Best?

5 dozen ladies' I’atns and Vests, full rombed l-'i :yptian yarn, but a triilc light in weight, thest
5'.'- ginaents for
25 Cents

" This ijutrslion is ]>erhaps troubliiig you. 1 >olIars arc not s& p'ciuiful iliat wc
can afford to spend tl'cm needlessly for what we wan; or wha; wd need.
^For manj- years we have been giving people in Trav«-rst: City and vii iniiy better
values for their money than they could oii;ain elsewlicre: our j^rowing business has
proven this many times over. Now when you need merchaudise sucii as wc offer you
in this advertisement. We bring before you an array of bargains ihat arc worthy of
your most careful investigation before you spend your tlullar elsewhere. Kvery'ihing
is new. all this years purchases. Below are the goods and the prices. We'll let
them talk.

more new Cadies' Coats
Inst put on 'ill- The style- arc seult d.
and you may select y,«>ur. mat wriili the asurance that you ba%e ihc corrci i thing.
Fitted. SI mi litted and \^rOstt models arc all
meettnz with favor. Some beautiful new
models just received at $10, S15. SU*.75 ^

Street and tailored Bats
L»dies' Street Hals. Ja r.ti and Si values,
lor SI.'.,5.
Hue. lur S'..:.',
-..1 11..., I.V.

21 dozen ladies Union Suits, in light blue
cream. Unc-ita style. 50c grade for
38 Cents
A broken line of children's Onion-Suits, in grey
only, not all sizes but enough for yob to investi­
gate. ijOc suits for.
• j
25 CenU

Cadies’ Skirts, $5.00 \






.Remember that later in the season, if we
have to order blankets, they will cost "mi^

Now you get the benefit of our

from-thc-rniil-io-j-bu plan.

No more froifi

the mills when these are gone.
Wc have only tar large good kind-^'«'-*c,
7.*h-, $i no. lip III 5*:,iVi ill cotton, and

idi .

an $12 Mat-for $7.5*‘
(July a few left. Vo t'il have to hurr>' «f
you get one.

3. 7S to $12 00 in wool

Wc hate unpadked
50 new 1 >res5 Shifts
like cut. madcl io
Black, Gray, Br^wn
and -Navy Cluffon
Panama (M extra fine
quality, Mso in Serge
beautifully tai orthe very
best value ever
fered at

Other beautiful
$kirts. just put
sale, in Panama
Voiles at

$7.S0, $/0, $t2 and $ts


hlia lose, be obaraw noremiueat mi eiiLc« sT lie la ttie rircr. appamiiljlape ia *«4««Ub« nwerUU as beiOB
forth. Mi.- Tothiffh
aovemaieei n^in Uiat Hosiad ouRhr
TO bare fltnired oo thl* raaie m! tape'
••*when hi- BiaJc bU bid.
j ,art of thCharleit LiUmlo .of I.iDC<>la l:ike. iis» .o Teum. It bn-eit* ^iry enrl.r. ilepuali
a UBiijue Iran boul. It ttoesp-t oeeopri iae li- «-ss« coally dnrtat the fiM
a mat apcBi the tldebutrd ia the ilia- •“'1^ ‘•f
in tbe inMiUe
los loom, for it I. hi, .oowh to hoW
Ma.v?. tinajli- ft Apr.l
*i in Uar

When You Come
Across This
Trade Mark^^


in red and white on each end of a
package containing biscuit and
crackers, you can rest assured that the
contents are of the ver>’ highest order—
fresh, dean, pure and perfectly baked.
The trade mark identifies the products of the
Nadond Biscuit Company and ever stands for die
highest quality of baking. Fur example try packages of'

r.H-k or a
In a Hlfi m-re. ibr
Th- «s-ow«| jear aftn
yeir an-J cpau.tjl.r repain-il uv au;.
ui< ::.-.l itulil !l In
iiteh n!i,l os i-iiif-b ia iHamcli r. cuninlninj f'-IIj n ■• or In-o of maurljl
Ifrlif a straiiB |•lotranlI
w-ih a -KkIii <lt-itri-s»i»u in thileiili-:' upit fsstly euslaius tlH* w,-u:lit

2WIE&ACK—’* Twice-bakedcelebrated as dc'-k'io^ «(tb
tea, coffee or chocolate.


hUTTUt TtflN BISCUIT—A crisp, UkM. dcMeitbisccr. ri(4k
aattsfying, served as sotDetWnj ont of the ordinary. If yow want a
Useiiit that ii particalarly ake, try a package.

Osiwral Rstttms.
(ConUaned Pran Page 13.)
' Haghaa Ofrse SSMO.
New Vorh, Nor. 7.—Comiriete lleWM ahow ihat'Hoebcs' plurmUir amHsant ia lbs eatlre aialo wai S2.08SI.
Hearn's plarmUty to Ortoier • New
York was 7I.S5S. bat Hagbes bad a
idoiaUlj- of 1»,043 ontride tbs eUy.
The rtpofts todleale that the democraUc' sttis ticket was electsd.
Tbs Hcnrsi Brenlng Journal says
cdltoHally today: -niere
any M.
reader*. The trarta ais
net iColBS to have It all Uiclr own way.
Tbsrs will always be a
tsU the untb about them wblh- Iluaml

Mo«r ot U(e «■! 4b-- • ••><>■■ Bal«
tleoCed Hade.
nodi'* an- ]io;<ul.’ny
t" b*qnlle dilTemil fr.ii:i Iin.i;;- ; b-4t. In .1
word, they are unthlug iiinn- Ifi.-tu Itrge
bxwk*. Tle-y r*si<-!i 'ati.ettri.M tir- aco
of nettrly H«» yetir-. Th«-r live Blnply
or In |>alr« ami ■)t*<'ll in the wilder
ptsue* Iti all kind* of fotiiiiry. rron
to i!»e-ar.-lo' n-Ki.nitu tlielr «e.vnli f<n’ ff*o«l. bowevi-r. they
ofini wuuder fsr aud. <}D>bidde'Ht| by
huup-r. <-\en a|.i*r.-arii the aU>:l.~ of
miin. Tn bi.m'j

bcbuol house Se tvimli of Ualltfwe'eii
Wv icy Knowles, belle of Orion.
Shu' gives -1c) ’ htlti" to geutlenea
Ann Arbor girt lu-riotisly Injtirud by
allppiiis on Ir-' lUlloucT-u uUiii- ««lug

a .-l:iM..-.f, I
*ltc|i llV •=


,n- dsver msrkso»-n.
* wUl accompany Uicni
mrwlx and wash th.

Sltaa n.lth tbe Bsxorwtf.- that within
•ia,',. it would jdvi- rmploymi-nt
to flity •«■■•>. Many mi-u are now^ibhiyt'-I Mel^fbe fori-man has given or­
ders 7» ec^in^ SB nuiuy wore me
bo « ci!
But no lielp caii hr w-

Qencscc conaty ’Hooded" wKb War-

5i; &enh>n.fW

hixlon BaliowT Urer m-edB waktOR
Doan'K tt<-sulc-te cur*- hlllous
Au rents at any dnig sUirr.

S li:

. S(op>

;ih in., TmifTwilty. Mn-h._______ wa
Tii« fsrrlr
he kitlamaio
gmitxation wl
rbirf i>hj<vt l« tu pro
inolc the tot
ItL of that UU-bIgaa
Fot.-iuiieT* 1 rarrjhiR i-idaks
Montf-n.-cTo irithout 11 WTlltru pOri
ii>i<iKion will liH- proMs-uted. even W
they take -*utti>c-h[rt> of tbe Nrenn?.
Ac-ronllng (o n Bntsxri* sdentite
Jmtmal. lbs norhT* produition of mb.,
licr lb!-yntrjwill.reacb 75,«*i lottk
wcinh overSrio.nfiu.tjOfi.
; -

Are IVIovins
IDpercenilo fO per cent

:-yi«r-i>ld ritild eerioualy
bunted by npseUiUB bd syup on node
and BhouldersFIU1I man. who .lliaippcured two
years ago. ivtunn-il and us reason for
coudurt tfShl wandrrIuM seized him
and he couldn't rcinm.
AlthuuRh another astruloRir b hoi
with a pn-dictlou ihal Mtebigsn will
U.- de*.iroy.*d by an eartbqoakc. none
at these prophei, has had the termerUy to torecaet a dmiocratlc viclory In
the state.—guile Hepnhlhan


Itowii- and her t
lsl»' •«’ek fa.nt,-five laiv.
Marshall .» b- -a,
aad itotlr.- has hnn nr mot-e will folloir this

’u'j'tor.iaieriur b no«bi-r<- n-'sr isioipieted. tot Bill it 1«- iwtof., Kebruary.
.Although H<«.iud - rair.rai-! makes

L.VCIUS J. Tedmsn.
. Ui-'i-hTt.-il r.nxsb-i

Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hac lo your
own hair? Can’t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer’s
irV'igor! Here’s an introduction! May the acquaimance result in a heavy growth
ofrich.thick.glossyhair! And
we know you'll never be gray.


wv -f

Iiou I to


Wa'h^ia'-II f» --i i-:<n •'iiinr fuieret-t
to .TtmCfaii-. a* th- national .-aililctn
of the l.'nltiel Stale., tj whu-li dlputfj
It »8* elcval.-.! ..1. Jiliir '.■•i. IT-t:. Tbe
name --tisM" *-ach- nrleiirati-il fmui tbe
white Isiml and the orToneou* impre*Bion of l.sldue.* it R-v.~f at a diftancc.
Thl* Intv! imtasTire* als.u' three or
three and a lulf feet h> tonsth. from
six to eiglii feet m .-xi.-nt of wimrxDd weicb* fr.mi «ix to tweh-e p-mnd*
I'piler mo«t i-intitn»isiife- wary emi
dttneoh <>f a|>i>ru«ili. tin* iieirr
tbelije* Is f>fleii *nrpri«itiRly iBiue and
I'niitoioked it rarely
atla<-k* man- jiilboncli em-h les-ji nanirtivl. 1' preferv in-es
for walLtiliiS, ami nM»rins. l.iit la
M'r'ius »<-M»'iito<-« il"M.s-mls i.i

*-Hee41aw~ soda! laisat social a*uM
Ostord man fonnS nine btri trees
this nenaen.
Saginaw man had tongw removed

Jackwm aebotd tmeber puieouer to

AtldreM Or.E«rlS.Sioen

I*i‘ft* of various kiiMls fall resiilariv
a pn-y to 1!jf IiakI eople. .md Umt
• liitfj frain iiDwo'y spurtBimii Jiwt a<
r.-a.lil.r n« laricr Mnl«. Woutpie-I
ilm-ks, mill th f>c |•u^1oin«l fnmi hunt

And during the next^n days we will give

Tt-o,'.-f.;::!uCvntnil shop* in Jlsr-

Oriand) JSna. carry tbo complete
Sdwnner library of music and all the
- la^ popular mnsie. also the McKin­
ley and Leo rdat editions. Catatoguea
munad free.

Loaing young matt, said to bare
had (ranbir over wotaan. went Insaae.
Oomastk tronUe caused Gnat 6.
Camas of Lansing to ooannK sulddv.
BbtW V. Baber of riwmoat hs*
been to emptoy of railrond tUny-oske

Senh Free
'dloeirs Book on Horsei
Cattie, Hogs 6 Poultry

' II6-II8 Sts-to S^reol:


At «U Oealtrs
Pnea 25c 50c 6 *1.00

Into Our New Store

Kalkarica Vots.
Kalhaski, Midi.. Nor. 7.—Fred H.
■Wanor rsenirsd a plarallty of 3»
vow tn tUr oonoiy and BroU for tbs
it4n lagisuiurs. ■ majority of ..700.
Ybt county Ucket bad no opposiUon
>bd K is
a «C (be vets was gotten out


Th- laifl fialf. h-ttfl.-.!
. white ii.-.-.fli»l -oai .-aRif -w bir.I

hurl la expinslou Uud
SoHMy for Chrlstisn Educatiuii orgkalzed In Gnad Rapids. Fumitnre
aiy needs It.
"FISBhy trousers led to arrest of
North Bratieb man wauled tor Jump­
ing board bill.


gm or

Rheumdtism and

Blisrc of its f'.Hid. At favorable oppor
luai'ifs iiif.f cjrh- preyH u|t->o fsirii.aiiO. ! sssl by Imnscr, will
md B.Wsltar. Jod<*
alls-1. a fuU -rron-it d-s-r. (lanh-ularl.r ^praUt*
««tsW «(VUIiM>
Iti ijffi of ihr sialw of Ibe I'aioii
c:d m many i-f 1li<* Capodlan provlnmi
*aa( wiU saX Pwaaiwsn
an. lit inn at IV^n Mar l»hal, I»owl.- >
bu«hi-l of fmil
bon,; ou th..d tVblu- nn-a*iiriuK '■it f«-: In /clitTnnft-n-aco th- b>1d rsair IB by law. ej , at -sw d«swwd
•»>sr -«:fl.-«lly orl^r P-o.-rsl .-10101
to hSSt or**
1 Jal,.-, >m-y l:av€ di«,-liurK.M all uf tl..- and wiHKhluc umi-tvii-v.-a pouudf.
.-r It. b.-t h. a few ;• I. still •pe.-isllt
«^bw,:2f^»2;rSh j,,1> a«.brr
atid sortaiits. of whom <h.-ri- and H was raised on th\lAoroIii farm. •:..-.-..|.|eil frott. tiH- |W..rlfciOB* of th.U.tbo.far—
any. Mre.
Y p.UaU- >*•.Juba HuiDiihri-}' t-xhl
,orM-ral mmnme prole-Oon sets.—Bui ! Id iir.*oM-*a^. »»»»«* to b«my sw»*BtoS
Sltowtas ■ski arr-oBi *ad
i vaiirbiHuilod. Mr.-. Ikuwh- and ber Nt’Ws office a couple of (Ai-Pt ]>MaliK'S
u >.r the- only •Tcupuitis of tile 7«0- of yams whicii bent a
aciv lavni.
h.r Biro. The larpi-si lA; woipbi
ills. Jix- f. iirua-n aud Mrs. J.'n. wioB iHjunds and o:i nromnt of i
{iTvuw. .|.sT boniw. lea ttettle Cret-k firsv hire was a purrlo to li-!l wli
the blood flow moiv
S-Juoay miBb; for -gswU
to’hlad of a v.-setiibU- it was.—MiiUHu-u ■ rapidly ami rim* a new sml different
j-arud.ff i>r thi'lr tinnaal .1.
•w Newe.
[stliuL-ltK to all ibe
i Sm.L
.. M-limf
s> l.iiMWu iln-y are the
wliai tc
i« in
in force at the other
! fc. Tb<- *ay.BS. 'TjiBgli and g«i«
pbuiilei.' IL-^iwd
fat." tia< thensfare a foundation In

M3.. I;! Ki i'I; {ffa I; {ta

DstroM Rotuma.
DUroit,' Mich, Nor. 7.—The coualtag hoanl'toUoansd this raomlng
HaMas a few men on dntj
SDOHr with the law rsqalHag a conOmlou cooBl:' At noon Uie flaarva ludteaiad mat ihs ma>oritr tor Tbompu over Codd. rcpnbllcan.
was bawssn 1JXN> and 2.«eo. The DettoU.VnUod rmilway fraachlae was de­
feated by an namease matority aad
Oodd vent down with it, Tbompsoa
leading aemal r^blican prednets.
returns from Wayntooutr show (hat James Borne, dsoioorat. was dseted sheilff over Dorer.
i^nbUean; Osorgs I. hoblason. demattoney
Boolnt tapMUean. by wajoritles of
&JIM. to SJIM. Robertson, repabllcan.
waa-aleotod ooonly treasurer; Oirln P.
Oidfay. rerpBbUcatt ragisisr of dosda.
aad Lon W. Sfmet. repaUlcan county

Sloaovs I

On our entire line'Qf Carriages, Im-^
, plements and ; Far^p Machinery
of all kinds.

5 per cent

On Harness and S|ud^baker WagortSv j
We have a few sets of Factory nifide harness­
es which we will close put at cq^t These
arood ana
and ai-e
are f..xceptiopai,
■e good
Do' not fail to see these if y o • ein
need of a good work tirar

‘A Square Deatl”

Farmers Supply Co.

Traverse City,




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