Grand Traverse Herald, May 10, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 10, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



ta teeure a portrali of the late Oeorge
O. Bvaai/lo bp placed la tbe i - '
Td tb« catHi of Ortatf TtArn** Corn

^efcned b» •« and aar ww
pt^«i^v0^ ’^*^8Bmiuileatloa

B BpBdal iBMtiDC of ib« board of uipMTlaon be cmUed lo conrene Bl «be
eoort boBle In TiB»er*e CItr, T»e«d»r.
April lotb. A. D, INC. art O'dioeTo tbe HoBorable Board of Siipervis-

Alirll 3. IMS.

Joba Honle. Aeve CowMiilp.
deata aad lazpayera a
r. M. RaDlia. Blair towaab^
iy. omcere aad dlreetom of ai
UwlB Blaek, She) Bar (ovDifaip.
knowa ns tlie
ilkm k
Matcnt DarlA ttfe Lake io»«»blp.
phone cAmimny, umiir
J. H. Bodl. OV6eU tonttlA
lllion for rtghi of way prlvllese tIoHg
B. U. BunowA Oiaai uiwaablp.
Ibe highways of. Paradise. MaySeld
. ™. .
. ---------.... ——
Cbaa. a Drv. Oreea Lake luwnabip.
^Iretter Brovn. Lons Lake Iobn

‘‘‘a'a Olbbi. VarAeUI anmibip.

laMfaa J. Tednaii. faradUe loin

“'taowr O. Ladd. JVnloKnU towj
Pnak Carrer, Pim »art. rjif.
a C. Damnr. SMond Ward. CHrV. W. Oaaa. Tblrd ward. ClirWB. r. Uamba. >'OQrth vard. Ctt
U K. CloreUnd, Plflh ward, Ci'r.
Aoha M. Ba»ord, Onion mwaablp.
K. SaeebaB. Wbliewaier lowi

lo- Ihe highway «
Iiiwnships. KalP telephone euapan!
■pan* I"
imendeil lo
lO briny iilie rsmiere
fsmiers of l!n
verse eouni}- Inio IMIer le|eidi<«il<
HHunlcailon s a rhei|»T rale a
win direrlly an
every resldiyii n

April 10. A, D„ I»S-!;0(1 p. B
Board awi In porsaanee of tbe-oll
of UB eleA. Bade la eoapllam* wHb
tba foiapolac requeiai in wriiim-.
Board eallod to order br clert.
AMaai: Hr. Buell.
On BOtiOB of Mr. Deechnm. aupport
04 br Mr. Cleveland, a a I.add
Lhnoaa temporary ebairman.
Ob awiloo of Hr. CleveUnd.
Bortad by Hr. Black, iwo lellera ....
appolaled. Tbe {dialnoaa appolDled
aTtHhn Memra. ClereUod

<idy lo yrani i.iir re.|ioi.i.
ISK-iuK J. Tiviman. I‘n-sldenl.
A. J. myl>ea. Vie.- Presideni.
Calvin Bpailiny. Seen-isry
Mones Howerman. Trea.urer.
John huwden. Blieirtbr.
Wm. ftat'ou, illn'Tiur.
Alben BniM. Ulreelor.
Henry Knapp. Urwlor.
Blwlnll. Kawllnys.
Ilniis. lbr.-eior.

.. - _J»Uy.
J the diy papers for pobHoailoa.
H. K. Beecham.
W. P. Hanba.
F. M. HamllB.
IBMIOD of Mr. CK-veland, SUfr
pi.rted by Mr. TMtman, Ibe r.-p<irt was
acrepied and adopted.
MuvH by Mr Davis and suppertei)
by Mr Cleveland ibai Daniel McAley
siipidnied agsnt <if the isard under
t No. 91 M the Public Acts iit IMU.
have charge of ihe Uirla! M lodi
geol soMIcrs. aalbirs an.l merines an.l
IhHr wires. In the Inwasblp M Fite
CarrIetl, all |in-seni vmlnc >- k
Moved l.y Mr. Hossic an.l ; .ipis.rt.--'
h.v Mr. rii-v.-lanil ilial ,iIm cbairmsi
and elcrk be auih.irlrc.i i«i ■•nn r iMi
eminiri wiih 1 jitu r * li wit. for ib»
. r.nitrupliun uf a l.ani uu-mi iIi-- iii in
ly sniiinith IMSKI llii-ir niiliv llic ne>
Mo»ry Hoods »n ibe vu,„ .y jm.,
rartiert by -.vo an-i ua.« n.’.', a)
ll••■s■•n< vuilpK
Mr. Ilecebani iiivs-yii-.l H- i.mii-i
nl ilie' Iiiirrhasc of a iiu-wilicr am
iv-vli.-. of lefervni-v-.. fut In.- lirfl-v- c
- Indvc of pmlaiM..te<1 h.v Mr.
i-livi.i amt laic
(Mirt-iJ by Ml CiW.- i;.a' ili- u.a i.Ik- Odw-il 1.1 It........... .
I-.ind' snil liulldini-. rlih |biw>-i l>

lereni votlag yes.
Muved by Mr. Harvba ar. 1 v ..pi­
ed l.r Mr. Hoxale that aa a-lvance oi
MM he made to Lather A trwm. r-m
trictois, upon ih* ycmple'ion «d ll..
drt: work «-f ihc barn 10 be bulli.e!
le nianty grtiuods.
C'arln-d by >•« and nay
r. ■• HI vciing yet.
Dll iieil!«m i.f Ml Tidnian. s.|pis|n
ed I, Mr. Utnan Jb- l»ianl link »
1X.-IB oniil 1 :«i ,1. a.. I..r ••onionii.v

('allied hv vi-B and nay vu.-, ai
l.r.'eni v.ultiK
The reis.r: el ilm luoev <.rs id ]al
reiiniv Ilf tirslid Trsveri.- e iimdi- on FeU Jt. ism:

leveland, snp
On BKKbin 'If Mr. Ilarslis. viMvirl.d
ported by Mr. Tedmar
rotunilnee by Mr. Hcwslc. ihc rejwn mas aec*-|it
calion was ndemsl ii.
i-d an.l odof.iisl■.
on roads and Iwirtyes. by Mr. tiarrew and vnpiviri
Moved by Mr. and sup­
ported by Mr, Bis^hani, ilial lire IsMbl >d by Mr. T.Hlman that ibi- siilarv el
Ihc clioirnian r.f Hie e..'inir s.iiieriii
lake a recess
iHiidpnlH <i> lie' |Bu>r ls‘ iiieivaii-d fniui
ttiNi <i> M«n |H-i' annum, le Ih'sIii Jan
I. ipoe
ttarricl by ya ond
veilng yes.
prieieiil veMng
^ In Ihe John Wan.ler ease.
Morid by Mr i(-lev.lainl and
mMlon of Mr. Brown, snppuried
(VTHdrvI liy Mr. Bh.wn tliai ibe I
eBss**uniU*7;3u p!**i^.'iJ ^mbi.
mirnlnr fer oimnilmv work.
I;3n oVIoek p. m.
A nen..ia! diseusslon i.dailre i
Board called to order by ehainnan.
OMuiy pamr hoiixi- and farm fullewi-1.
Bull call: absent. Mr. iiim-II.
On tnciilnn of Mr SaBnnI. siipperi
Hr. Kiniba. as ebairman of the rot
•I t.v Mr, tlnxsli. tlic lioard ii
mlltee on grounds and biilldliiy
called tbu atlenUon of the lioar.l to the
coadUkm of ihe walk lo-iweeti the for committee work.
Rulsei K. Waller.
aad Jail.
Cleveland and anyMoved by Mr.. Clevelond
ponedAy Mr. Black that Ihe romnili• by ehat
ive on grounds and buildings be
Roll rail: ahsimi. Mr lliiell.
thorladd to build a cement walk. Ue
of Ti-sierdav's pnxuM-<1ings
id lo
tween the eoun bouse
read and approved.
Moved by Mr. Cb-velaml and j
, - aad nay
ported by Mr. Harrow ihai tin- e
presdBC Toll:
br°Slr! liarrow and su|>pon mltiee on gmiiiids and biiikllnns
Moved by
'. CIcrelai
Cleveland that the eoromlt anibnrizeil torrequest ibe mayor in ap
ed by Mr.
s'Clal fmlli...
tm> on grounds and bnlldlngs

___________ tl IBIW for .
tanoi reaaued la dziiwn tm
caat, <( which L. i. Tedman
oae. B. O. Ladd two. B. C. Uai
aad W. W. Doae elfbL
The board aaala proceeded lo balloi,
an a reaall of which alateca volee wen*
<wbL Of which 8. C. Darrow received
awM aad W. W. Deao nine.
Moved by Hr. Oeveland
ported by Hr. Boeebam tbai .
BaJ bkUot be declared formal and Hr.
Dwn be declared the naanlmour
cbBee of ihe board for ehainnan.
Ob BOUan of Hr. Beecbam. npport
ad by Mr. HoxBe, ibe ebalnaaa w-piM te appolni tbe uioal *Ui
r MBlneet. dedalaf (belr duUet
MbaUoe ed Hr. Cleveland, uippon
byllr. DaviA tbe board look a re
■ aatll lomormw nmnilac at S:f
doek,lo give tbe ebairman an tq>po
ally U Bake up bU comB^tieCA
B^wt B. Waller.
W. W. Dean,
Chairman. thoriied 10 and tbe terrace on i.
WadBanday. April Hr A. D„ IMS— street.
Carried by yea and nay vote
Ifc^^aned to order by chalnaap. . resent votlag yes.
Mr. BaSord. as chairman nf the rom• •;BoH ««1L Abnebi. Mr. Buell.
iMIaaiw of yeaterday'n praceedlag* mluee on roads and bridges, aubmllIbe following repon:
Honorable BoartI of Su|>en’ls^•^Sir^iaouaced .he follow,

tppcanul Isifan. ih<nr. Carm
inihe matler or hli bm,
hoard relaib
the John Wander cas.-. .
tor services
Mr. Buell now app'wreil and iiH.kl.
psri In tbe prom-dings iif ilie Iviai-;. |.

Trraerse Qlj Slate Bank

noard c«IM tw .irdt r

Traverse Cliy. Mleh.. April II. IS <
--------- —
Mr. MarvU. ehai.msn id ibe .fr- . To ibe HoB«!>tile Bboni id H
Srtt of •Iran.! Tiaveroe f.rmty:
on gT.oids and bnlMhuw, prt. ' fh«tl.-ii>i B-
ioi..A..TIIACY LAY, PrsaldvaL
aeated tbe amlier <d piirchai.:
lire court
_ ; .
Mo\<d by Mr. Saffen! aii-l 5'i|.p .: dll, mw*.iir-r and .••.•|iiu .l-.i s i.HWf
IlH- mauer uby Mr,,_______Ibai
'/n sroun-i- .
ferr.d la Ihe
ihe romiBliie
■' i Jj !:
buHdlngs wtib power lo ararrt'vl by yis and n
|l|ee-m TtOlnC Vf-r
The cuniuliiee "» priniins p

:iin •.'rioci- p III.

lllihal“.« roie.... M- ni.-U-l- l^l, 4,»m



k Gcsv*l Butli« BnlBO. ItaM


. tpci Ceni •liaweA aa nmcIlfRmiU.

The airifin of the hcnrl <!' •
iiisin the heart m-rit 'aial tuuM-lcK. When from a;iv
caniK- thev hecuinc iveak or • i.haitvlrcl. 'anil fail to furni !i


l.l l-iwer.
the heart Ih'tKijes III at';
•s. i.filpii;it
H'in its rffiirt t k.tini[) i|d
tvork. cau-ws pain anil di'irvb.
««ch as
smutlieritu: kpelli.

'*"V^ ' M ^*'ni*''i''d''*




**t«-»nareT, Aiwwea M lea

•!i.,rt jirealh, faintitiyf. l-diti
nniiind heart, arm ami sh'.iil•lets,
'fhe circulation K im1»eiliil. ami the entire ,By<nm
fniffers from lack of nourislbini'iit.
I>r. Miles’ Heart Cure nukes
heart strunjf ami vi«or.>ii» 1-y
r nerves ami
cn^henin;,' t

Heiesl Shoes at ifracsi Piices
Tt... 1«I31|.>- In IN- 4ai.. tr.-a-uri rtllMUt
1 .. .le, ..o-b. W4- J> :n,l.|....v.. by I.II _• '•

Ul»~ aiW•*-»

h-uoa I'SiTb - I
>h—a at

i|... lair-. I an..oini jhi- n-s-ur, . ml--------------------------------------------------------------:—
WV liliVe lie- luit vi.-nrim:

Boys’ Shoes
ill tie ' eil V

'lll.b ill l|.' j>.k*V

- it's • Iriii'l.l I'.wls

Try a

•iJi Wiliolm l’.!k.. rilx. l>l..miTK.WKUSK cm'. .MICII.

De. F. J. MacHbTT

jKiir Ilf till .11

Kowlatid Douglass
MU« Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind

Shoe Siore. opp. Whllini Ihiicl

F-|_OR 1ST; _---------


FINE dental WORK
239 E. Pml SL. at FfeNC YW





Warns Crootr Book Bldg.. DrTBOIt

lag aiaadlBg roBBlt|^:

This living Ihe hour vcl for ibi- conslilerailoo of ihe msiier of ih.- p'li
Ftoaaee. Wajm aad Meaai—Beech
ehoar of a |ioar farm, a gcn.-ral <11BB, Ladd. Buell, whom duties It nball
ciisKlim folbiw'eil,
• president, Kecretary i
be te eaaBtae the aocminu of the
" motion of Mr. T.^linin. siipisn
ennaty <SeA aad of the conaiy trei
Mr. CleveUnd. the clerk wav 1«
I hy M
«i«r mi eeWB wttt ibe-Mtter aad
rncieil to 'phone 1
VeeOBBMad to the board ibe amou
for right of way along Hie highways
live to the auihort
hortiy <1
Paradise and Mayfield and nfe La
r honae.

equallzana^Dye. GlbbA tbe peilllon be graated.
J. H. SaBord.
L. J. Tedman.
S. B. Othba.
Moved by Hr. Udd and anpfiori'e
Ba^la. wboae duties ikthall be to ap7 Mr. Hosaie that the ropnrt lie a
porthB the aBoaat tj twa to be^

..........e on resoInlliuiA subrolliejl It
following report:
Whereas. Mr. Oeorge D. Rvins.
has recently d
iMBber of this
rfore he it
parted IhU life: therrfore
Resolved. That
Bvbd. Ibe lioard I
honored member. ..............
ale a worttar and nprighi cl'lten.
Resolved. That we Individually and
as a board extend to his family our
. wboae duties It shall be to report upon beartfeli aympaifay In their benwviall peUUops for tbe ehanylos of houndReiolved, That these rotullons Iw
artaa or the orgaaizatloa of
spread on <uir recnrdA iiiibllaheii In
■ be roiiniy tia|M'r«, and a ropr he iiem
**SlBUBg-Hoxale. Ibirrow. I
' o Uireaved family.
wboM duties It shall be to provl.
E. O. Ladd.
tfco pobllt pitallac of Ihe coiwti
John Hoiste.
all matters pertaining tbema
Cbts. B. Dye
Boada and Brldgea-SaBord. Ted
motion of Mr. T<«lraan, supportman. OIbbA whose dalles It ahall be
ed hr Mr. Gibbs, the tvport of the
aliiee was aceepled and adopted,
IhU I--------Hote4 by Hr. Ladd and snpnorteil
19 Mr.' Beecbam Hist ihe chair ap- port of the commllieo on graiinils and
pMal eammliteea on resolulhm on the biilldinga. Ihe enmmlnpe (iibmilted
na Ibe following irpori tfaSongta Iheir
dmub MS
--------------- ““—
of ebairman. Mr. tlaraba;
To the irooorahle BoanI of SaperrU
.Oraaada aad BnHdlags — Hanha.
Carw, Hoxale. who ahall have the
VbW Rpmvtetoo of tbe e>--------S^SSa aad birildlaga and tc t
tfeaewB to this board.
Oaaaty'Poor-Udd. Black. SaBord.
te whom dhatl be referred Ml matters
iMatlag to the maaagemeBt'Vnf the
maty poor, aad report ihereoai

“llirio.™. a...u«, B.™-,

ney general as ahsent frntn
IIIIIII Ihe following week.
Dye^anil anpr
r, Darrow _____
_. ____ ...
groimds and biiilOInga. logeiher wIili

Tire Insurance!
Plato Ciaes, Stoam Bollor and Accldont inauranco.

Room 310 New State Sank Bulldlns-

to proenre plana for ihe
a poor hoaae on ihe pie.K ownid hy the coiini>.
a and i
. ............r. lUa
Dye. Tedman, ladd.
Dean. Harsha. Cli-veUnd.

Treveree City.

With Cs.

Kais-llinillu. Itrown. Cihba. Siif
lUU from Mercy Sanllarlum for the
car*, of Frank Rnici lia', a lyphobl fever
paiieni. $l"2.5n. presenied and rc-ad
M<iv>>d liT Mr. Tedman ami auii|>orl.
•vt by Mr. Rsffiir.1 ilial ih<' bill b" nl
kiwed and the clerk Ih- lusirucl.M <o
draw an oivli-r on ilie ciiiinl} in-asnier
for the same.
Carried by yea and aay vole, all
■eseai voting yew.
The lii]lo«'lDg (ommunirnibin was
pivsenled and read:
To the Honorable, t

.M.-> Jjike.Vve. T

Gentlemen:—We. your eommllle.llbv Mr
Ildings. to whom
'MUir.l n-l_.B refern
.. la of tbe varioQS Gilbert ihen addnisM'd
alive lu the nutier of the
e site
all for
cuetraetoni for Hie eotuVueH
|SSM laiui. c<.
barn on the county grounrta. v
the conniy groonds :tpertfully report ibat e have bad ihe
ed liy Mr. Cleveland that
• read
were preae
of Sujiervlaor Umc!I for Ihe first iwo
WllaoB A Kill. *>».
Irwin, the same lieing seven biindrivt days of the aermlou b<w<-xrnsed.
-W.-^per. mf.M.
Carried by unanimnua vole.
S. Maxstead and Jamea 8pr
nlnet.v.fonr dollars (IT91I. lie accepted
Ml. Haraha prescated the mailer of
that they be dven Ihe eonlrarl
^ Waraer. MRl.K.
filing Ihe bond leqnlrMl by aialor Ibe pavmeni of clalma for la­
BW * Irwla. 3TW.OO.
1 M Hr. ClerMaad
bor and maierial. Ihe eonatroctioo of
and buildings l>e aiiih«ricc.|
Ir. Carv
the nmc to be under the auperrlsiati
ase 13 ronU green Wy w.od
____ _
he COB
nf A- H. Kail, archlieci. whose plans o purchase

’ Siotk dtrurs iJclivcrt'tl same day as ordered. Odd
d(K>rs and window screens in three days.
We ll 4^:nd a man to take the measureinenU

.M:ckf tlii-kiibl llpat lit your
.l,:o„ iitiij^ wimlows :,l
uii.liiiu I
firiive niiil oiiiaiiler




I Traverse City Mg. Co.

Suk-L. l-rompl

I hereby nS«'r yiin the
CO Itartr, fornKTly own
lA.nKsbon'. In Garfield I
IMiur farm, t
«rf pay
y purcliaaeil of Mr la-an
Improved, fine fenc-.; and e«
Rcsn^fullr roiirs.
I*. C. tiillH'O.
For Riiherl T
On motion of Mr. BUrk. aii|

Order for

Monty lo Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Ole lyaoe 000(1

limed as anrh
Ijidil. Iloxi
1. Bars
I Metsre. Beocham.

Goon Results
In I’.mnting



t V, r 4r. |.< t

• .1:

. of which la nwpecifully ni
aa4 Mra. Hallet leUtlve
itBeM towaablp. which IL
__ .jB for sal* for poor farm, prrseniedttd road.
Moved by Hr. Bercham aad anpporiad by Hr. BeSord that the letter '
leertred aad placed on Dir and
the Batter of tbe purchaae M a poor
farm be amde a aoeelal order M bnsl-

W. F. K_____
F. W. carver
John Hoxale.

April II. I»«.
On molkn of Mr. Black, suppona
by Ur. Safford, ilic reoort was aeeepiod and adopted by yea and nay vote.'
oreaent voting yea
dr. Beeeham. as ebali
Ihefoilowiag report:
Whereas. Death baa
kW Hr. Bpe asM aappofted by iV borne of SuperrUor...
•un ibai Hr. Ladd be the rep- takea from them aaolher dangbter.
’( to the ataie board M equal- therefore.
Resolved. That the sympathy of this
,mrd be and la berobr t
them la this famrof bereavUr. Darrow aad ■
Hevwd bvU
y Hr. Uavla


Carried by

Among the Udi« no oibgr m«Jicine has ever tkad so atrong a fol­
lowing. hecanae. escepting pure
air and eMTcise, tl i» ll>e a..crcv of
more beautiful complcxioas than
any other agency, aa

Lane’s Family
the toaiedasatnw. It jmts pore
Uuod in the vatoA and no woman
can be homely when tbe rich, rrd
bl.od of health course in her wdnA
Sold liy all dealers at tic: and uw.




•• d ■
-r .


CBL F»0!fT

:.Talciial»: lirrinie

I: !ij. l>nt a|,|<raiu:irc

,r _t|, i-.ciil,, an.l the t .,


i- 4.: , I, ; ; iU J tiunoiriy bc.auac

I.:.' : • 'iw-i

-i ;... J... -;



.it. u:<- '.I, .i-ni.-iili • -.iiil.iatil. ir-aking ap



iv, .iiti^ lead in fiia

!-)::7>'!.t, I’lilling oD lor tiM: longiat

■c Ii'.l b.f t-;..i:di:i-,

at mcvderale. pricti. Oiir tine qiiiiliiy <jf ttiixed I’.iint
for t-encrai hofse paimipt; is cniial to any on thp markt;t. We have Biiiji'y I’ainf. Wack, caniiinc ami tciIl a
few cents invcrdctl will make your bn.«hT look like new.
Use lacqiierct lor l«Hls!ea»ls. chairs, labics. lioors. or
anyihinjj you want to Icok- nice. We have y,:v< raJ
brands of White Leads *.o pick from. Get otir j-rites.

- , - .-r.ic-.t .< r,wnny.

The SiiERWiii WiLuttiis Paikt

iTMe eh-

L'-.c it ami ycM'Ugetsst.iataitioo.

^ron« S«w.

Have yon erm tried the

fRoy*l TlK**’

*nd OofVd*i

J{oyaI tiger

*e be*.

CJRJKrf C«fll




Tbr- will of the wldosrxof David
War.l .rf IXntlae name* Froderiek
. notify the othis*
Siorkwell of Detroit, son of Probate
-We ouw gel nrlhing lo eat a^;
oerytblng ihet was u«l burned wia*
Ihlnm-ss in'“"O
Cbartex W. Ward, a
. _oo exhau«tirt and we had nothing
One tlisf
vut oir.
bni some erarkeiw and milk- IdldW chililivn lA iw-nrhila; In ailiiltb.
anything to eat as 1 was loo full c^iisumptioii.
I’with h.nvf }>ot>r
of f«iv and wanUst niitUng but to Iilootl ;
itotli nrtsi llioh* filt. merly master mechanic for Ibe Pete
li«- rtty. Ob I liopt- I will never
?sv '«]iiw>ast.-!« ihrivp oi) leiili- Mamaeiir. becomrs supeUWcedenl
wlinrsx anything like It wain. It was
Knt is lln* best tiH'illls <.| for the Eureka MacUnc Co. o4 Jackde. G«1 help th. pour peentkTfomliijr. ib-m: v'ul liver nil i
l6 my prajer. •
am from Fait Lake City telling blni ]

Geo Lather.
|1- S t
Suie or Uietatcvv Cousljr of Qtmod OATlON IS SUCH, that whereas, the
W.J. Irwin.
(L. 8-«
shore bonodeo. George Lather and |
Charirt WilhellD. IL. S
William J. lrwU(, have beiti awarded i
TniTerw City. Aprti II. 1»«.
DOCkia of Mr. Bnt-il. auppotn-.!
(OoAltoaM rto« !>«• 2.)
To tiM Hottonbic. the Seid Boerd of
Hartha. Ibe bond was smpUrl
ire for the county of Grand ] t, -- ------------------—
proved by y
yea and nay true, all
I. according to certain plans | and approved
i voting yes
eIBcaUoBs which bave I
by the board of supervisors] ur. BuHI. of tbe roaiDliiee o«
» eUlaa Ud br-i r<Mowlns «« <helr lepon. and
of ^d coonty and are now oo file Injgnanee. wavs and mesas, preoewtei
If tbe county clerk of said | the following pay roll for tbc scsskm:
Pay (toll.
Now, thvMIorr. U the above bound *
f Supervlscn. George Lather and William J. Ir-i

n. Bout! OC I i»er»lwri tor Said ; allowed to draw orders
of Grand Traverse Cbnniy;
I treasurer for the came.
win. shall and do well and tnily per-,
Mid contract and complete said; G<
ways and mpaus. do eerll'
ling IB accordingwHh^t^ '*^3 llaance.
roll !■
Clalmaat and Charaeter of Claim.
.» JItW t lO.W
plans and speclffcations, then tbU ob­ this session and recommend that II
ly Bros. *
A Co- record of deeds, realster .
ligation shall be void, otherwise to le- clerk Iw authorised lo draw orders t
If Bros.
4 Co, oBIc* auppllee. eoualy treasurer
. the cotihly ireasurtT for the same.
• .W. n________ * Bachus Co-oBlce auppllee. roplstpr..
mala In full lorce.
4 OCMOrr Mayer A Thorn Co., office aupllee. treasurer


Name o( Supervisor.
Jidm Hoxsle..........................
Frank llamUn ......................
Edwin Blark ..........................
Marcus llavis ...'...............
J. H. Ilucll.............................
E. 11. Burrows .................
Cbas. n. Dye ........................
Svlvesler Brown .................
s J. T.-lnisii...............
Emmor O. lAdd .................
Frank Carver ........................

Orafforr. Mayer A 'n>om Co., office supplluir r««lsitr

t oiS^MW A Tbii

' «Vpli«: ■


iMMy Bm A ^ .^ce lOppiles. coODIy cooimls-


Bto. A Co-oifice irappllea. eoaoty rlerk...
Ihllw Brea. A Eeerard, office auppUei. coiioly chirk

U J. H. Sbulu, Hemlsed .........................................................................
» Onmd Trarerae Herald, pruning................................................

t. sen Ices as under sheriff .
irvlees as deputy sberlir ...
C. E. Taylor, aervlo
r. offlc,
office supplies..
Piad ft. Walker,
........................ •
Dr. Ajibnr Holliday, medical aUendance at JsH
F. E. Brown, express and postage.............................................


S .BSKif &



Clevelanrt John M. Safford .
Ihuebsm ..


r. a Mehdx, drugs In smaHpox csse\..............................
aaStldney. groceries In smallpox case ........................
Oeo. W. CUftls. Jnsilce fees ...............v....................................
Oao. W. Curtis..drawing Jur?............ ..........................................
« F. Nmllnger. justice fees..................................................
**017 of Traverse City—Dr. J. B. MsRln. calls at pest


14.25 •



•••City of Trmveiac'city—8^1^ Ntncy kraiocbvi)
at ptn house...............................................................................i-- ’
- <S •••nsiy of Trsverse City—Nursing si hnl.-l. Henry
TMell........................ ................................................................................
a ••"•Dr. H. B- Garner, operation. John Wander..........
sesgeepr. j. V. tjaunlleti, altendlng John Wander------

It laM wesslon. ••Refcrml b
- back to city. •••••Laid
r until June meeting of

...............t1536.<6 8120481
to city- •••Referrod back
r nntll Juno mccllng of



Ilif.irimd to Cnuuty C'l



declan-d she had ws-a ;h. sum
They intorme.t Hu- y.iieruld,'


l^kc Ann, Mich.. May 4.—While ] iiirmber of the W. R. C. of Ihh
working lu the Ilabbelcr mill thL]In>m Mrs Margaret Mtirruv o
anersouD. &rl Borkwitb gut bis left] North Elmwood avciiup. who.
band caught lb a beading saw. The i tbausaiirisUr others passed thriuigh
member was badly mangled but anipu-jthe hohK-ai^nf San Frauriscu:
latlon will not be ncccsaary.
\cisrence tliei son
L. D. Spafford baa puixbaaed the;| -.n-ived ber.5 iChlragoi a wee:
l^kc Ann grist mlll'and will add new today preily tired and
machinery and make numerons Im­ the ifirlbie earthquake and Anprovements.
"Tbe caribqnake came alxiul i
Uoyd Bates of Elmira township and
I. and I expected Clarenc-e
Miss Fewln of Inland township were r.'rluek from Portland as hr <li
married Wednesday afleraoon.
errompany me lo San Franrlsrii

tr Mr. Davla. tbe repo
«bd tdofUi by yaa a
pulitit voting yds.
-'-BBI of WUtlam Betiser—t22.o«-^


- On 5oUm of Mr. CnrVcr. snpport
^ lb. Hanba. tbe bill was allow
derk Instructed to draw
« county Ircnsurcr for t

ily bound onto t
of ElghI
sute of Michigan In
.•y of tbe
Hundred Uottars. las
railed Slates of An irrlca. to be pxbl
lo the said Peoule of the State of
Mkblgan. or to lu certain attorneys,
agoats or assigns. Ilo which payment
wril and Iruly to be ma<ie wc uinn
ourselves, our hclrv. executors and admlDlslrutura and each and every one
of Ibetn Ormly by these presents.
Sealed with viur seals, dauul Ibis
llih day or April. A. D.. I»6.
GATION ARE SrCH that, wher

tared laio this Itlh day of April. A. D,
1PM. by and between George Utber
nbd WUllam J. Irwtn of Traverke City,
pnrtlea of tbe trst pan. and tbe Board
of BnpwvMora at the County of Grun.l
TbbSWne. State of Michigan, party .
tbdMcmM pan.
WmiBBSBTH. That aald parilet .
tbe trat psiB do hereby agree lo ah
wtih tbe «ld party of the second part
r will fumlsfa all mate
all work and labor
_e consiructlon and tlon <4 a brick b
Gnad Tinvrrwe. lo tw Mcaleu in me ;
i*.' «™"'> o' Grand Trsvetw. Stair
raar of Ibe'sbertrs residence
_________ and
-«■ cxwnty-kit.--------- side
--- of Washlag-i,,,^„.

. *'“*>'"f’'’“|ihc Imam of aup<Tv1sor» of said .w,..sM aad_Boardman avenue, county ,j.
of Grand Traverse and state oT Mi< "'•jeounty clerk irf.aalrl county.
> be fumlsbed ■
r.^. if il
.. <h-n. George Lather and Will
nd apedScatlon adopted hysa1u.,,n. or an. suleenntractor under ssid
oCteof -_______ _____________ _
ly. for the noalderaUon of seven hun-1
drwd and alnelydourdollars (t?»4i.aU

•II liKleM.HrDcss which m
any pj-rson, Arm or eoriwv

I formed or material furnished I

In eooslderatlcm wbereof the said such _______
then t!
■MOaff party hereby agrees
, oth.-rwls.- I
pay to I gallon shall
-IbcbBM.pidllca of the Ant pan. upon main In
I full fnrr<- and vlriue
Ibe poftratance of rhl. comract and
Ibe eomplettoo of raid bolhbng accord(I.. S.
lag lo plans and speridratlo
. ..:ii.- IL. 8
lr«d and .ninetyaM sum of sevtm hundre
,f Mr'" mark. Nitpntvrt*--!
tent d...........■..................
by Mr. Hamlin, the bond wwr am-iuIt Is forlber mnioally agreed h> a
vvl and approv-ed bv y-ea and nay vtu.bstwwea the parties hereto, that i
eol voting >iw.
aaM parties of the flrst pari shall a
loUowing Innd .
umi fnmUb to Ibe.aaW party of t
a bend, to be approved t.y
r. JB tbe penal sun
_____________ dollara (88U0I. ctmdl
d for tbe faithful performanee of land Charles Wilhelm as
IMi coatraet' and tbe
ibeld and Armly bound uatn
— — ------of Snpeevlwoni of the eounlv of Grand
anffw^d plaDS and i TVaverw in the rum of Bgbt Hundre-.t
I Dollara (8*'"'i law-ful money of Uir
It Is further muineiy agreed by and i Fnlted States of■ Am<
America, to K- pai t
h^MCB Ibe parties hereto, that this [to Ibe aald board ol rupervlrorj
a ,of
Wfrarl shall be performed and said [Grand Traverse eouai
talp attorney,
r asfdgts, to
s m v
which pavmeai
intly to be
CM .brick ......................
used in the
const met loi
made we bind ourselves, our heirs, rimtt bvllding SUII ba Heyati
eratora and ndmlniairators. and each
«a< turilWT that tbe partte
and every of 4benL Armly by these
ed four
I (84001 apon tbe ebu
uj •••
» WITNB88 WHEREOF the ia>d *\Tlffl CONDmON or'this DBIJ-

S A S^MSy!^. ", ^‘^Md


ihsi c-usionis .dilo- wiiruraw hfa H.s-e
when ii Is •oij»-e!.-il that

When a-U.y his fcihiT punlsbtd him
dlsottediencr. Dyer left bomo In
Anger and wanderml Into Ibo theu
wilds of WlsconsTrt,.slrurk a four cor.1.- ns hen l..
ItrgaD lumltering, establUbtHl a
ir nmsltls of
aad named tbo place Trippville


• Aylesworth -Things came hi: way. He ttarted a
sawmill, ihen another: Ihmi anothor.
■inlll be had quite a city of bis own. Two <il tlrsiun'a joung married woreii. Mrs. (hsirge Frostt and Hra. Jap
Frost, eatiglil a 15’k pound pickerel In
Miiiray's lake. Tliey had a groat tU-'
'Sle getting II Inlo the inat, and tbeii
ls>t|| wrp, oltlirt-il to hold it down with
their feel while rowing tbe l>aal tu

total recdius for the iw.-Ivc luoi
will unioant to, ats.iii
will he ab liien-SMi of soiiie
llljsiii .iv.-


Till-- r.ipM
and taiiiilng .biisln.-ks U ‘he euti
ihuki.-aiet par: of the InereaM

..... —..-....rfl—1—.-IIN."
.StbriN.t OILadHri

<xi> liesi, who was i-IU|tIo}e<l ui>
e in the Agiiew-s asylum, '■wlilt-h
destroyed by the San F'rajieirt-'
earthquake with Ibe loss of 13ti live

..'t^ ~en..

..... ™.s. r,.,,.,,



;u'I •-•U I„



Wc have moved our slock which was in
the brick buiding, IHri Slate street, lo the
Moore building,

State street. Oo

account of lack of room for many of our
bulky ^otis, w-e are ofrerinj; Buggies.
Wagons. Harrows, Land Rollers. Plows,
etc., at a big discount. These gooods arc
moving' rapidly at these cut prices. Come,
while the sttjek is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Binders arc
"siuntlartl" ami at less price than the trust
sells ihenl.

I --t STz\TE



^.1" "


tborongb invt-iiiga'Ion •■( Ihv tv-r- !lh.- Are. carrying a Jarg.- 'v'lirrois--full ^ baa the
ritnry was made and th- r'lluis.r was
liascd on the iDroim- fiom the juipiila,
tinn ami ihr fruit farm: of the jK-nin
in eomparlstm with railroads in
My sister sal.i. "It ts riarioer. .
Mmllar lo-ailona. Ccralo New York
' dld no; r.-altr- it was him;
Auanriotw have taken the matter up “"'H b*-'Ma..lent you know mor,
1 Mr. Gibbs bas Issm a.k-ed to come'"v couldn't get mnv *„rd out of tbr
Ne-r York Immediately- to eonau'i i♦'‘'r «>d ay son Uames L Mnrtayi
the .-merested parties and be *i;!; tn iMroit war neatly crazy. He wrote,
proluibly leave Monday morning.
hN Arm that he couldu l work ub:i1
-Tne K-.ters Indicate that ffnanclers »’•
fro® tU mother, who -wa, .n

I. lisIfT sfor-r-ltiug Ih

730-732 E. Frorvt Street

For Sick Women
To Consider


In tiM pnniKl, T-m win

■ rstsl grt BIJ ptws»ws


Iron AgeToolSz

’■ •

kunwledgu that ivillhvlp

s-S~i:f.:;'QUEEN CITY implement CO
Uaa generous offer ol


1 28 Front Street

June’s Tbnic Veroitfufte

w inietested in the project but what: ^ Fxaaclsco an i he walked the
le ouuomc will be Mr, Glbba or'*'ri<-is and read every paper and
cunrsc cauii-d tel! until be reacbv. ■
at maps and sent telegrams t«
New Yp'k and has a rousuItadoB.
; “v but every thing mas cut off from
Travaras City Womaa it


.1,1 M. iiim Voice.
Fr.-derlek M. WashUiiru
cl.-rk that, ihej Imd Is-eii iiiairtiil a .Opolls bt' ebisi-.l a deal
••I laiiii lands In L
l.iiig Urn.- Itidiau IssLii.ii. hill a pivarli
. h.-lhlelids l.t .-.Il.ililre wllb.s.dt-r luld Ihvni It was ui> gosl. and ili.-y
.V isirihin’ol the lauds, known
wai.le.1 to h-s* lip like whltv folk..lloell I
fa-idanaii News.
i'«ls-ii'. in IVnilaiid ,l'>«Dshl|i
AuoilK-r r< l.ri-aKlng ..-ar for Hi.-

Plans for Summer Resort.
•■ariy lo ariM- and we w.-rc just duzinc
■f her tuidher. Mrs. Anpa E. Scot
Tbc hoiQl at Foueb-* Is being rapidwhen all at once the bouse Ikgan
of Pitaliar. that ,she e>ea|is-d uiiliuri
.Nothing bas b<en heard from Mrs
•MS s.—V
and ,..,-...1.1..,
evcrythitig #-..l
fell lo .1,,
the •!..... Kiltie Uames. who was also A
heretofore oo r
and were broken. Dressers and furni ihorcpletcd 1> U'lng AnUbed
litre were thrown out of place. I
The Empire >-eiio.(i U making prep
wUI be newly made and furulshthought at Arsi that It was a wind aratkins lor .-ommeneeiiieiit exeri-isi
ilirougtaout. making In all acvcniecu
storm and I said: -For (i.urs sake lu be held alsict the Arsi of June, lb
guest chambers.
• hat Is Iblsl Imaglnt' my horror glouing this year. Hi.- elev.mih gta.I,
K. Hebert w1M personally coidurt
when my slslcr said. -My dear, P (« an will Is-eoii'ldered the gradiialhig class
hotel where a flne new addition
earthquake.- 1 m-as liaii'lr. 1 rlunc
Is Udng made to, the UWe rqiUpment.
to her and U-ggetl her to g. t up and
a new -I-foot launch, a M-foot sail
go down stairs. Util she said. 'No.' for
boat and throe luw boats arc being,
l>e killed with tbe falllnd
added to ibe lake pleasure boats, f"r-j
just bail to stay there It
merly run by tbc hotel. Mrs. Holiert |
le aiu-mpted to get up w.
win romaln In tbts city and bave
would be kimekcd down.
We jus'
charge of tbc Columbia during the
prmy.-d to God lo save its. Mltstkcl
every minute for the house to erusli
' The depot and slitlcm’ at h-ouch
lo plwvs and kill ns I lu-vi r thotight
were opened Friday anti the C.sUr de­
a-e wiHibl get out a^lei- ami I llninghi
pot and station closed for the seasoo.
of my dear onto, anil Itow they wotil.
It Is not known at prosrnt who will
feel when they heard that -raulhei
be apiKdnIed siaiion agent at P^cli.
had l-een kllleil.- Oh, It was terrible
for a knew we would just Is- killed.
Death RelL
Fian-.-Thai almost evcinr operation
. [wrfonne.1 upon women
After four months of inlensc'suDer"As siKUi as It was over we-jiim|wd in ■•tir huspji
bfcvuars m-< •srary tltfuigh m-gb-<-t of
Ing tu which m.-dlcal aid was of no tip aud lanlally dresstwl ami
us as luickaeliu. irni-uiar
Bvall lo ward .iff tbe end. Peter Lar­ long coal of slsler-s oo ami
and ^inlul periods, displarera-uu
pain in the side,
son. agiri 45 years, passed away at the
family, borne. 8II State street, Thtiiv AVe stayiwl then, all Hint ilay ainl night buniiop wnsation in thd stomaeh.
oaring-dowD pains, Oervtmallum. dixdsy night at 9:45, the end coming with until 1 o-clock the next day- when I
neat and sleeplcsanesa. T
his family around bis Urislde. Death wenl up to pack my trunk.
SrJXtgP.-TUc medicine that
was doe to a compliralloD of diseases
“Several sbarti shocks oerurred dur­ the record for the larpt-sl nutuls r ol
1-5 rf fei
ferasle 11'
which sot In Jan. 8 and grew worse ing the day but they Irighleiii'l m-- alaolute curv-s
E. l-inkhamVeg.- able l-knapoi
UDiil the end.
tliongh they were Ilglil ones anil I It regulates,
:)icns and c
P<,|er l^rson had bora a resident of 'want<wl to get out of there as nulekly
Anierlea Cor upwards of twenty rears as iKisallde.
noTd etc ca^.
and In thi, home In this eliy drew a
For thirty years it has been helping
large eiihle of frieuds who weie pained
women to lie sironi*. curingJiaekarhe.
v-p Jor me.
trouble.', inhamto learn of bis death. Aside from the
Ita-f; to get t.
malion of the lem'al
lie organs, wcakwidow-, throe children are leD. Charles,
news BDd dl'pit
uenis. rvciilaiiiig
agtsl 15: Mabel. ag<-<l 1I. and Ralph.
V and ovircomiiig
ag<*d 5 years. Two sisters. Mrs. Olt*
also proved itself
invaluable in pn-paring w.
women for
Stinileen and Mrs. Altn-d Ljon. Ixilb
childbirtb and the change of
of Maideton are left.
had arrived just ■ In i
Titian.—-The gn at volume of tipwiv
Thi- ftmeral will take iilact- from the
liciled and grateful testimonials on tile
home Sunday afiemt-.n at ::2«, the
at the Hukham I.e>Njralorv at L-.nii.
wairhril eMTv !>.,rsuii who went
Woodhoiise orneiatlng. The
Mn-vs,, manVof whu-h are from time to
earrvinii a I'eJi-Msipi . ibinkliig i’ m
tiim- pnbli'lo-d by permission, gire ab­
dvrvaMsl was a memlK-r of tbc Modern
Ini him. Hut will'll night eaiiu aiul
solute ev-den.-e of the value of Lvdia
iN.y did ntd come I ju'i labl down
eried uultl I wa- rompleietv rxha'b
Bright Electric Read INwraecta.
Mra-Ptakhai I’aStaiidlatlBvftatien
alihotish it was as. llghf as day t
L. K. tlllilis bas rceelnsl a letter
l(iWoaren.-tv. nenaufferiag from any
the tvsl glare of the Ares.
f'«rroof female
front Ira II. Carpt-nier. eonsulilng eii"1 thought when my Ui> diilti ' e lei prompt];
lealewithMr' fmk
gluvTr. who was here making no Inham.
'hat I shnnld die. the tidrildt- st
veallgalloii for the piirpo^e of prepar­
rcorire-d. opened re ad and aO'W.-re-il
was alnuisi nion, than I
ing a pra'peems for Hu- proimsi'1
. ... Kromaymptom.'gir.
laain am! I era»!<;,I
luble may be located and t!„
Traverse City ami <H.l Mi?'
»i'tt-r and I w„n: <,
. and borest way of rev«>eer
M industrial lot
d. Mrs. I'inkham U daugh'rr
report Is .!**=•'“ “■
Of Lrdia E. I-mkhsm and for
'»-' .t:vcntv-tive‘vear,
y-dve years un<
under her dir-rt.-.n
■k-sr flar.-n<.-. H. had cm.- m s'] ands'inre her der*a.e
, baa U'-n a-lIt a: ft' •i'<']urk and bad walki'i ’ vtatngsiek v.-o[nvnfrve>
. _
I dlvbli-nds almost I



404 415 Pearl Swet. Near York

llliisliaw that a lie nw to w.-d was
S0.-.s»t»lX» u
sm-d list w.vk l« the .dd.-st paril.-s, til ihettraiid
slra-l olihe elghlh n glun. Th.-> were Indian.-,,
n >>tiis Id ag.', and
n- Ttie elsss tilt'
ro jMipils. Miss -Ji
the tiride. Idiisblng l.•l..•atll ih.-'iati.



Geoigc LAIber (L. 8.1
W. J. Irwin,
(L. 8 I
W. W. Dean. Cbairman.
Roben B. Waller. Clerk.
On moHnti of Mr. Cleveland, sui
ported by Mr. Harsha, tbe conliuc
was-accepted and adojiied by ><« and
ftuv wils all nmaPfO voting yCS.
................... Ing bond 1 s Resented
and read:
KC tAiher
B, That < .
W’llllam J. Irwin. i


when the Son of Man citimuh.
sliowk - wliy Seou
In Jackson and -Fr need" was arrestThe pall iKwt.Ts Weie Merrrts'. Han- of Mt lUIK-ll v.-liue ill till yUN-K of
le iritst bis little game. Tbete
■in. Nitrrls. Brjou, .t)er>. Itaiisou and, SIToflt1ikUtul>’OIIMIIII|'>lioU. Mirtv
supply In the express vifflw
Wllboul a tmnituer exeif.t f:ll. UlOlv \\vt;:llt, lliirif liolirthif
at Allegan awaltiBg ownera lu claim
. rtep-sinn. J. J. liurdvn. the remains
id 'Ul, tlial'ewhy.
were lahl »« rwt lu OakwtsKi hy Viuli r<-r Trl|i|., a f.s-mrr Lapeer Imy
laker Audersi.n
S'tul for fr>'f' s.-im/iS-.
brother of Malarhl Tripp of ImSCOTT & BOWNE, Chenrixtx
, died Tuesday tn Trippville. WIs.
stats Mews.

hands IbU i:ib day
Carried l>> yea at
' prcweni vullng yea.
Minutes of the .d
read and appnn’eil.
E. o. Iduia.
______ .
. Mr. Gibbs, Ibe
Mimul by Mr. Safford and supisiried -liie .lb-.
Mr. «p>wn that the same be aecii.tUolu rt E. Walter,


> arrested at Jarksou

It Is said he represented bimsedf as a

lPrt.wi. "Fr Reed -of AUcsaa." and
iHiughi eume rholre wines and whisky
lu- shlp|.c1 C. O l>. He was
sc.vrat samples and a ftask to carry
St was »bipp«-d. Later the
KaUniazoo llqm.r man learned that

..atami oniiT of t hiiiL-. U.-U Z; r..': Tn''’' ^


f !? ,
* *5


(at und

at le:3u lo the Anderson undcUaklBg
roans. Ibe lte>. J. W. MllU-r.
flclaicd at llie funvral ef the
Siinilay again lu-Ronning the
an.1 ia.«l efBviive
vice for>hand and Mr. Miller . tlic
took the appropriate text l»-glnmi
fnrni of fo.t liver oil, M.-rek a
-neycreade.for ye know not the hour

Days Per Diem.
Din Hllos.r«HU's

Robert E. Waller

..... -


make* llic Is-sl ami

Death Roll.
The fun'-ral of the Ian- .M-iam
ris, whiwe diwh •oeeam'd at the I
last win-k Monday, was held Saturday


:: =»

Beenlng Record, printing ..............................................................
ftoehester Germicide Co . disinfectant ................................
Dr. L. SwantOB. Jack Philips case, smallpox .................
Robert Z. Waller, express, stamps and -phone expenses
ihllng Bros. A Bserard. office supplies.................................
elewlng bodies
burned lu boose .
L. S. Tedman. elewlng
W. H. Boytan. typhoid l
fever csi
books a
DoBbleday Bros. A Co,
Dr..O. B Chase, examlnauon inssi
Dr. 1, Bwanton. examination Insai
Dr. F. HoWsworth. coroner work.
Tttrors and wltneas fees, I
*Dr. P. Holdswortb. small p
The Bwle Preas. prlatlng.............................
F. W. Wilson, office supplies......................
Tht Haanab A Lay Merc, Co. supplies
The C. B. Taylor Coal Co, srood for Ml
Barney McDermotL trimming trees ....
J. W. HlUlker. tooklag after luecnllc oi
F. H. Tloton. eenrtces and expenses as t
a K. Beecham. tervlees on committee
- waya and menns .............................................
Chaa. A Johnson, expenses and lees ai
A. a. Hall, plaa tor barn ...............................
B. i. Morgan, livery for aberiff.................
B. J. Morgan, livery for aberiff.................
BdwtD Black, serrlces on committee on






followlog extracts from a tetter J before leaving and sent Walter a tele-j I



•^Givcs strength to men, women anci children.® dniRgiit's.

To Cure a Cold in One Day





Wfcei'cuMUii flvr ri'wnOeBi (brtrr ao J
Snn> lisl Itae folhxriQx pboto uLeo A
■bon umc rro .town iho fiaHr
ttc Ovc^oecniMuii bratu*
«Uek U rcpn-KiUeJ by the wiMd
Lemrd ItaBie •». Imni Jiwrab Sb.
ISI3. niklBS him patt !>3 yein or wcc.
He nwidc. la the wluter with tah>
daa^Ur. Mn A. I.-THavllUd. r.ll



’ Stair WtrsH. IhW «ly. fcod Ifae brtsbl
MiBmetw Are a|»«i jri'h hi. non. John
llonie otlAcMe. '■The iMrt mombor
of Uw eracaloelriina* U Mr. Uoi.k'-e
dMU^rr. Mr.. Carollec E»ica rf Jliinv.
vfao *»l reach ber rtU^-wvcaih blrih
flay orzi Juir- Urn. Balm' ilaogb'.tT.
Mni. ABdiTW Pray a# Mabel, repreeeoU the third jceboraiion and she «aa
47 rear. n( Bar la*i March. Her ia».
Wlllan fray of Tr.iternc Cl^r. oannictn the fmirlh Hnk. bln aa<- bchu;
yC, >wni, an I hU lliUt- r,
«la«Ahtcr, i:i»in-lir U»!!r, la Ifcr a de
rcanni-eia^itr rd l»» fllUi ei aorallon.
The bai-r aoaraiL'-.>.*lw) In Ideaacd

I AVfeflabtePrcpaMiiotkfor.^sst6tilctingttcrcedatkiK«ula-

TATTBfhnte art^ ChtMwwt.

The Kind You Have
Always fiooghl


OrnitnrMiiJphinc nof ifincriiL
KOT Nakcotic.


Bears the
Signature . of

^ou a-s vea/tTomt


For Over
Thirty Years

• trltb irt* erandajt-hcri to fondle and
lada:sr » u coarid?r«l l iror. Wh»t
tb««i, rt Ud. Ualie.-whu hn. rli f-i:i
^ who rail. bersoV 'adoplcd Eraa IMa" and at auch baa tbc dltilnetUin of
hBTlBf tbc lilUc lot named after her.

.eate. h. daughter:,.
Center. Lesnjrd HM.W. Traveres City: ot tne r;e*>«- Mrt. t.coiine
Andrew Pray efiKabel. Kra. EBleB.daoshbr: extr,-r>c left, w nia-n pray. U .. E.

8aeb t. the cate la the family of Wil­
liam Pray irf CM 'Baal Front Btreci.
Whoar babe. GlaaotU Unie. I« named
aftar ber adopted nuttacr. Mrs. UlUv
Myers of Otdumbiu. UIb«.

Olamtta Lillie, aged S montna, Mr. Pray-t daughter.

TUa IllUc danshue. CUncua lJUIo
Pray, la tbc Ian limb on ihr raailly
trao and tlx- U JiiM flve monlb. ami
OM «e^ one. Sbe if brtshl, prcil;
with aobum baid and rky

luplle. Con.iniirc- ri.iur and Irvlu-i
Lclisoii. am amoni; nic siiirllnmic, ImiHi
K'lng from lh>- Oak Park rrlinol. Tinliidhii iK'lnii lakoii arr: Pciihian»lil|i.
pspliy, K|»lliUK, civil gov.-moicnt. nriihmc ic. pliy.lulocy. reading.
;c<igrapby. htrUry am! Kr;-mniar. 1.,

ivm-wal of ll:-.- nii-i nin-; ir:iti
IHirt a d'UilHl
maiU- J
, i.b.>rdinf. - 'hnl
a ■ .ihc .utmm,..,ni.r-.-d.-.r,
sin- l.dMK r<mi-i-j|i!a:.-d 3-:st -iMri
ihniildl rhe mr.iina scii-tM;'b‘clivM'~ ih'irr tv-.;;;.! n-dclrl;' .f i.-.l-lbhlna ’ Saturdsi-. the ^eto oay of June.


cxACT conrorWBAPFta.

•. l|i,:uu j trial
la* cipcelivl lh»t rua Kuv.-rtiiii>":l
vould be niiWicd v.lih w«'ii smdi- Icr ihc afti-i-niHMi
oday blit the <vu-ninnK h#n- Bnl or, A >1. r.n l Binild li>- rhaljn'’I
and sill he obiaini-O for moior- iinlii h-an- Tisv.-r-i- fii> at

c eye*
f rl.ltn

to tlx tenulae srandmolhcr'ii cooker
jars U BoncihlBA to look forward lu.
NM oeily aro the craodmothem In
ceideaeie bat ftmr rcsi'’o1d (aabloned
gtaodfalbois look *1lh bcnlsn cy«'
Opoa her. Boglanlnc with the yousi;;
'sTSadfatber. Kotaouth Siltcs of
wnuamalrarg.. her nmUier'. father.

.-».nl>miiuii b ai-i. iH-lntj -*■'
"!■" >'•'«
liwln--ai I-.c av^'lTmr.
-onauetr-d at flv.- ollirf idnr.,. In ll.v|^-' Pn-hey I--.nvny v-?.;-. «ai-..M.. molfl-njilrn-. silt,

(!, UHT--.I Tr..vr-- .51.-. StiiLlCTC,

=ounty with llu-f.ilMwlnc Ins-nKinr.:
'‘rrord . r,-,«,-.,*..Vle.-_ th.
p. . i.iJe..o,,-.n”i
nfc Lskc W. J. Noti-naiv; KlnsnJ.-y.j
hi- r-..n- cuiru n s.ln: «a.l Ml«.icn. i:. O. .....................................
i-*'”'-ill U»- 'Ktvm-h C-;
B-nilamrdmrp. (Jcirsc Cd.p: liiti-r.;
wllh .41..- .•al.aiMM. f.ruim .-:
liitor- ‘ rl'fi
liWrirt. many
many .if
of the
the far—
farms.'Mr. *...............................................
m-h.-n Mr. U llaurr

■ Viiwnrtli ravine,
vayinc. had 'lu- apIMOraiir.
apixoraiir. -u ' <.(•,
harW l■<.rB under ciiltlvsU'"' al'd'di'hi, imiieriai:

cOBieB trst: OiCB her fatber'a father.
Aadrsw Pra}. aced (4. of Uabol: then
C. M. Bate* or aalei. Eieat eraadNew Frjm Shaken City.
. j mu, Mi'hlpalis't-arly plcnm-r tarim^ l^ii
Mfaer. aad afed Leonard of
?raacl;.c<^ May 4.—Thiiv Ic
,c. L luK-kw<«od riauid UiBl ihc edm-'
thU dly. iRcat pnmt paa.lfatbcr. Tbe
rs. than t'li il:i>!.' siiiUiH nt
‘ be caiiiiiyicMlTiE wi.tiM be ia!.--ii ••a’-'-'
Ulowilif H a CDoplote list of lIM
havv.i."'-' •
and only ■flimi.iHiii ra-h iiriuvlly «'.i! ,>[ by 111.-C. R. 4: I. -all-farlurily
■taadmof^. be*limla* witb
hand. A i.iKirt lia-* I'-arhi I li-'m frii'.i '■
il ii- nu»iia!ly virli It.
Illli-it ll!v-i ,ii.:»- I
WaahlnBlon soiioimrinE tlmi iln'iilauj
oribc fedomt Rnaraiitiv of San Fmn-I
Standard 6d O'*. Exposed. .
til,, lim-.crb a'l I jv ac!i .
rl*eo municipal S.-aiii. sill probably]- WarUUiRt.-ii,
4.—ITi-.-iacei..•i-'.i!lUilra;i-,i ii.
acc« |M0d by coiiKrvj... Tb---. Hoasiv..|' imby iraiwiituej. a-!.p.-.d3 .

Abacall Ehloqi of .WdUamsburs.
April .tS, U(*. aaieraal staat fiaadMolhcr. and Mrs. Rsbceca SUu
WUIIataabars. aced 6« yaara. maienal
■nat crest craadpiotbar: Ura. Lncretla Pray of Vabal. paternal croat
Id 7S years.

„ _________jT.Stoir
li WiwrasjConiuls............
I ness ««d Loss OF SLEEP-


imiai ’Ssili*

j’ “i;.;i.i:

was Slwnl fix- bhir-k.-:.; I.Tv
alandsm b much higher.

Two <

Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.

lortfruu i.f Trr.H.i-.-

Ilx' rt-llef work, nlid Kjm"' s.ihjis.-.i lii.f'Te ibe M'.lio
biijinK |.m,Woiiii. The pn-seiu bnl ;c--en.nK -ii ili
alic- I, »l.ho.V«d shirh Is lH-ins-|i-l.l;'-f Isat the i1b|i(i>at of 'lu* R.n I"!
nod Crvss.nnd, m-lb-f rommiile'

KUi^^ lapart Bbed.

T. C.. L. A if. R«ad Itmpeeled.
The iimi-lal priiaWcilc cl Hu- *1

,IL & I. arrived In th;'eii- la-l v.v;>
from Crsu.l Raoldx wiili Hu- tolUin
ins cfflcerx «rf tin- mad;!:
tbraeral l*r.«>n UBer Atmt
i Impurtliatniheblood.'
I( they are sick or out soikl. Gi-neisl h^-laiit A-.nit ik, f.
1 al«(4m,th«ybBiodo .Lesvonwonh. TratelliiB I n-igl.t Ageiii
Kromer. Sniwivifo!. K.'s. Ili-wilt


6upcrlntcnil<m, «. B. Merlnany an I
■tarn come Iracnezaa«f urle and is the CommetcUl A«in’ M. K. t;-ialuiBiin <.i
MLdaetsnecleeied Pcloskcy.





, Tlx, «cn
lor- nai-l II »"• »''«•
and tlw «
fuoci, hi.- wbde
-• but lus
' lx>dv ail'd


UJCi masvIn-loic trying t
□Hto no a-ad
“A Irrrr.d tca-to-J




Pere Marquette
f.*.i. T.


-------------- ---------- .

-A.-M 7r»
B.T ai"itig.tu<; IXai. Pm. iM

Si «. 1 *. t fME WHO

.-..'a m


wood and other member* nf IN- imry
-hw, volu'jsm\ glee a
in refcmuv'in the cimne-.' i-f (Ro!:!-:-?,.. ■-.•■;•. pejkln-., »ira«rg5'iP ad
meat, the announcing rt the'BTOI*''jlnip:>rt*nt ba'.Ucs of iiv
nnd ent-;


Real Estate and Loans

Tr... I-...- T,

wa« three jT-ar* oa'l
cU. favisg had f-»emu
- -ui.-.-lJ
aU iHmr ol
nil^l. I
.1- Utl
ioM>; ill •whi-Ti ttei'aiJr-jia Kcvdi-ent
‘ OM- av-ir —udug Iwcl'C Untie*. I

A»l U
you eaa make no mtstike wbere a flfteen mln'tle H-.>p was itiadi- ''^.ilfdc.-O, ?.■ «y
Tbe mp aas mahc- .G'u.-ra! Pa««cv am x-cmp-iLhiJ lu ti- ih'- >'
taiWriac yoar kMseyt. Tbe mild
^ ---- -ofDr.Kllmefe gcr Agcn- Lorkw-Wwl tlaii-d >.• ie H,’t
S-RntTa'-l <}-i co!rpvl-v.jfi-?B
Bid. in order that M. F. <Ju»lmaiirt W
ij::sc fcsic l-wa.M-ri,'I,
Petoekey. who ba- n-;-en;lj timv*'
and .« itwa..iv
«ell. ami lire skin
pointed i<\ the
H.dbioUoa1liwMttJ by Fi-nnir Af! - fccilj fair when .vovc 11
iagcwl of the r.. B & I______
i tusi*ia:i to pulvirh lla" I
T. C-. L A M. VTB^ rod erpcrbil
pba te <kv c -od
__ ____ ! Kcarbnor. wtctc tbc rlrntUoa In v
h-.rx lul.l r-t -1 ul
^jgard lo ibe fcmhig etamn vac thwoi;f liLiUiiCr-tV liu
ougUy looked over.' tn rc»'i -n'c i"
; ip-ipc-is we
acvcr*rd-:crU-/ which Hu' r:;i~-«cutv ,,„j,j4,ucac wav.
titw of the Ruoird pet to Mr. loc^. m it. —oo^cr Hu * iiaTvln.un sd lb*




rho i- 'i.'-H- ttreri'rdwo
rhcii In- » -- f-"t onidli#
Iwir .v/io-a "-1 la- fx'-c,
U,e r-i^ili'
!«■ "»-•
-i: \\< luid.-Jl llicdociort
ffotn Ui.-gvr |ila«».

fliitsuo. Mi; i.iii: -rani-i- romiMtny '
o-o!v i-mli-Jintd'eil I
They ri-maUiiil lu tlu- el’y iltrliig
The Mffu-.;- -i-rv t
bmmtwMIt .haeaamthe bun is the night amt icfl for NiirHii.irl eetly n—-hi - b^ I" >:i a oi»iim .
Thnr».U.>. whi-re a t.i-4IB »4- • U c La i
K' iV '.Crnd, r- cu-dc Uiai moniins. tb-- prii-a'ii- ttaln
^rrad-i f fr, sai2 i-, tn--a-r ibS'
to ha Mad to the U^yi. Invlng Norilinor: fori; juinnttx at e.■resca that neariy the Tcguler T. C, L. A M. U-R. Tbe'
^ : oeatluT the tir.
have Ibmr be^ arrived In the rlly at lo;lrf

§«• .H*adKSZ^


ibKv ixiwn.

-iitiMt. T'.>- -iTiouk-a-v

like a iiry town fi-r iln n-;x'.

Travivu- CHy ..ffi:-

Spread Rapidly Over Body—Limbs. ,
and Arms Had to Be Bandaged i
and Scalp Looked Dreadful - jCRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R’Y .
C..CP...4 ll-vM
fnr Three
Thraa '
I ■ T -.ii'-c-'i
Untold Miccru
Misery for
Years—Better in Two Months

ib;- ari-.>nB!'im'-iii,:',r Mr. I.a'
n<d to Kbapr tvi.'i Werdu ru
a W.niHi imnd wnli l■•l.artM •'
.Ikvii.l 4?i-»,;t nr Mitvri.-».nti'i

toiiUv. Mb-’u. Mo'i ■ t —i
:>niiuiihi-i>1il danBl>'-< r "f C.
•lli-d }«'-terJa» uf'-aiHCi .-i
aicr.-. n,- fpr.-ic! win.;



Kloom amoiiK «Iic ivllcf n-i.rUm H.-re: rrr.mRi- to <v.iig,.«> .-ailio.l;.ln« lUc
s liK6H■n<^! Mini.-wh.n Imlay by J-, ri-:*irl of Uiu < .lmlllt*^blll^ r «*f ibi- b'l;
I’hilBtf.n nnuoun.-r-mi'M tbai K. H [ r.'a.n ot .-irpir-mllnli^ .UI Ih.- r
Ucrrldiati tad >.01.1 to bim - It the ua-; i>am-l»'n»i‘'«> nw.l ir.-icy; lav - ;.d,
Vi:-'.' l--i. l-'.h .IIIllonal Kovernxeui win u<>: .nmc filrartkin v.ith (h.- ..'.1 Imiuary. '
.'I'vr. .Vl.hlur1.;-'i:.'
it .nbi 1 wllMrnJ you »r,.mxi.«><i nvins so- a'lcr,-.!
„--aw !<V: rmi-. i.f rinjini •
lluii ibe .Sianda.-d 11ll coni’iaiu liae
'ifbtbilic n.'l|.i.b-4l.Liii-u'.'b,
■n nfsrw'd ii;ion f-u pnail.,d umra-o:.-;} by Im.'Vl «ua-l by M,..- !raim.!bi.;y':iuHs-:i ,.h. .
man;. cRbs-f^ rate- jilni.-;' oji lu.iV, lir
:: »Hli?tii!'.-i1 to l!r i-nl ir.ium-nV. Tl .' i«nidl! anbu.ii'i-

general comtiill’i-t: iuil ilir Enanrb.'r, thrnTba re«DMr eicbth grade esamlna- continue to v.-mr?' o'er the prtbVm. -1 ycirly: Th.ttow for ooanty dtfdemaa wa. conirbr-:v: pi-.-«ld< nr poinu lo I!.,'
n ilK- PrBin.:i!io
daeied Tbnraday aad FrMay la tbe soI* p?tic: 1.- arc U-tiik! unUlnc isio ibc law ,n
panriaora' room of tbe eoonty bulld.-llatTics Wef.ilve.iliru Ibl. pracUcc. t
.-Bir irl'h Mrs. Lee Horaiby la aa coo- cared for. f
ne»!n>t i
conflae.1 lo il-o bnn-lry
;• liimMe* »
Tbe alteadaace IMs
li beyood of the biillJliis s
tbc Bwt aa^lae ex«£fitaloBi. in fact
In Hie Uur:.e3 rn-a <-irh duy l.riuu-1 pau* ot Ibc c*hn!ry n
above tbe capacUy for earliif! fo
iU aildeil than- . f Uupnn. :.icni and; iiifiKir thn the on'y
tqqdieaBU wpe number Ulr-foar
Ihcgrral tts-k nt ib-aii'U!? «p lui li.-. h ;-v.’ifrridii-.- -d Inr-t.- n
avlnai twentydbree Uit year. They
e Roioramen'.
atretnee In acaa bmwaeB II years, the fsirly alartqO.
Ciroacr Walrh luiifl today:
-----------------------------oldest, to It ynara, the yotmcei
“When the tb-l.,b ,1. ciet:,.! awav 1 ;
C«mdcn«d Tclearami.
pOeani. who b Robert Boiler of Acme
Ihcre will be at lex:!;a llxiii.-.|iB.| adt;, 1 Py Wiv.- lo Slic Lv. !iin-4 lb .
and a rctomed applicant from li
bona to Ihedalh r.dl. I s-mibl no,'I.e ^ ' toihae-. -May d. -Wo,i-c:m •
yaar-a exunlaalioB, Alien WlUUm.
.un'riiwJ It the u.iIuliTlearlii.l !.r.O-i.";«Ul>WiUr Ib.i.;,- .vl SlidoJi li.iti- , /iBdiacr'* being the oUcet pupil
/.—■Jhc, loultrlly. tlial Uiw^b very near liealh.
(be coatest. Desk, have been placed
01 »o:iVe
”d by the
tvpi'rlrd fS
la tbc ball and tbc room b Bllod
lean n,-!! CVr..-.a r.o u. dsto le-r IK^ c; an-tb’-:i !
(.•very agalUble apace, cren the dr
lief of pan Frar.rboo -v.ff. rc. is Sli-•
s .i|. fir -i: :• and elerk'i desk being crowded w
73K.0iK>. Of Ibis si'in SIHi.'m" has b, vii
wnl In rash ici Ren Kiam l-s*—; $3!.o hi


127 Front Si., nomague BIk..

Traverse City, Mick.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange

you seven pt;r tent j>er tiiiniim for

j'.-.r ..pjiiey ahil ;fiv<:,you a> “''cerity jiilt edge
Tr,iv»T*e City'reai e“ta’-<.‘-‘ir i;:!: ed;{e farms j6
GraiidTravcrsc County. Mich., where your
tn'jfn y w:!ll«-hLyde'-ely*'•aie.



ind PracMsnet Uwr- e'



kVCMS MCRALa tHUHROAV. MAY Hj. IMA__________________________
Dtar Picaldsel—1 lb<M»bV-l woulditr .-C'l icda^. I Ilka .ay irsehrr. Hrr
rtia aM tall yoa iVl I wobU llke^ntmr U Mla> her He raulns. My s id
(sw Ubm aM IMI yoa I am golac to
.. Ma IV aaathlM dab. v pisav ‘as arc blworaMlac arl'hmarir
vtbDo'l and llV II raip mat
irM ms a card aM Vitoa. Tbsrs aofwgr. V>*totoiy. gao*raphr and
In Iba tonr.h rnda. I Vta
or my frlsadt iVt wlah to iklllap 1 He lo so «o <vboo1. Well
Ic* a day. They ara aHttamatIc. raMtola. too. m pisasa asM ibsm aaeb a * «-«“« tbi* !• all for ■ihl* ilma. so
iac. Vystotocp. laacwacs. **»«'
I mUI Crrs poa :

I «■

MW «•

*M tvlila*. 1 was II year* old iV raid aad Vitnm TVlr aamsa arc good-bpa. FVim
H. V, F. VnsaiM ciV .C*»«* *toli. lOlb of April. Thara aia d*a la my Ray Mart, Cadar. F. r D. NO. 1: EdAft II.
niBord FViar.
ir*« Mortaa. ace 3: rsdar Rob.
wakey. BcbomVrg. Midi:] nitord I* oaa ot our .old mamVr*
TVIr aaaa* ara parre lawr
asBtbr ABBtsMiMTaa.
SebomVrg.iaM his Icnars ara always wakw.
Ray Hilina Oania Eefcardi ae. Ulaao Xavier
B Ha* Owes, av
Weaver. My consla cave me i; raai' WIch,. kM also my lltilc tlstar. Ra-IHow w
Ii: atr R. F. 0. K» 3- Noms for ay Mi^bday aM aamiaa icav* ma dak Oasv.Tadir. Mich. F F. O. So.|bkVC U


•M MMt MT«M»

I «■) trr *■ M « NMr» »
MM m4 mI»

a*B( bj Vwreaes 0«sa.
WlJrad Ovwhr mo*, at* 2; Dk
SapidL Kaias asal V <>»»>• Rrtcc*
AMa BMirtv Cooow. av alortsso
oaihs: Fotarinllto. Pto. Na»* voi
b7 bfir omuila, Harold KMtlc.

1!^ tM^ I «w 1rf> *0'

• aproB. I sli with Utxic TboraMM.
Tour ^uvbina girl.
Mary Bur««d.

lUrrp aad Orrill n*ll. *t*«
tawTsar*. Hkb. Karo** rral hy Flrnn

Mapla niy. Mirti.. April IS. ISot.
Dear l•raflld*Bl-l lll;a in >.
at* 3; rMar sabool »irr much. I Mi with Mab-J
llollaid. I am to it- Mirth r-»dar.
Naas t«« b* alk* H*so»*r.
kkva sir rit>s*a a day. Tbma ara
OsnsRS WIlKOB. *f*' r
sHUydoiir at rcbool
rsari sad I*a BMifev N*»»'.••ni br
my laBPfaor «orr ■nii'-h. liar name i>
Har«arr> Wll'v.
Miss Allan
I sill V I' yairr. <Jd
II U'juM Iwo *rrv riniv «r had Iba Klb of May. 1 liava a l.rmlirr:
hU nama.l- Arrbia Wrarci. Ua i->
oiir to"' latt lofolhar, SIbn- Urn r~'f
bar tIJiM In fire auil flghl jairr old IV ICih «l lic.iW
good llnw in aarb i*v. bui V:i Wan. I ctn-i iblnk i4 an
*a* lb* hoinaanalna. and ib>- ^li>a.
^.iir San'I.ina ylil.
rsadlai: at iba maay laiiar* rma Vi
daar BnaVlaa Vya and tirla. Yo.
iidlaj; arary day carialnly mu~i
ba*s bad to «a>t a Inna tliv Tor rard'
and rai S am oura yot kr<^ row vary'Vsy.


Rlad that yoiii
Uapis City. Ukb.. April IS. tboc.
pracldsbt baa Vrlat a «ood sarailon
Dvr PreaMPOi—Our laftcbar ic^
fniB fa*r «oib.
t to wrfla a Miar lo yon fnr nur
i «l*b I oiwl
lanpiata. t go u> schiml ovary day
T«U) mimbw Mr^M H(> 1
aatiac tblac* I MV. Al tha Cm plans
iBi In Iba Afih grada.
h you
«b*n I *l»liad. I Jual #bh
fOM could
a lady «bo apalllag. laagnaga. gangraphy.
barf tasB iba hlrda
Th* Mkin'i tW9bi*a* bird* bailar than ^y ben at BcbnnI and Itacic ar* S:
Tbw WM • |«lljr trtM
» »«->T
kay oibar pst*. aad tha baa nuda all scVlara al acbonl today: I di «l
•Mriri »»«.
Aloda oTtotaly homaa Iv tham In i
Bdraw Jofaoton.
AM b* MM *0 qMlat »ad
IB bar yard. Sba baa boxM lor
Tours irulv.
br Mt bMid* hti BMt,
IV Visaa and mtTtiaa. and on iha
Prad Lucy Kaldatbonv.
itsas arc Whs* of atrlot and blu of
Wbal kind of Mil do ym plaj ! I
s*<^ •HOCra«* fv Iba bird* In u«a in ibeir aa«l used 10 think ania nrer wu Ms of
AM Utia U «li>l be MAC W<1 •blMM
maklBC. She V* baains tor Iba birds fun wban I waa aViii as old as you
10 drink ud Vtha In, placed so btxb
fbMT tij.- •
on Iba Itsas that cals will aol Caleb
Mapla Cliy. Uicb.. April 13. I»M.
rlsltors, and It
Abm hi* bMd (be *|(|>l* bkioBi vDear Praaldanl—As our laacbar
tbMufb vary wild bird In ibal vn oT
rtrcC hi piBk *M wbli*. .
■Id wa mlfhl wriic a Icliar for Un.
»oiM«e lo »bkfr hMrt* uM Iba BUia hv baaa told aboai ih>oaga. I Ihoiigbl I wonid wriic lo you.
totalp bird mum. Many
blwbM *i<k ilnw* MIcbi,
would like to tolo <V Suasblna dub
AM PWT doIslT btoooB (COMtA spaM ihr luaiiBar with Vr. and aeoras
Bd I wish you would sand me a raid
W olhars naka aaetlBp Tlsiis. Maytnx
bM«*k to* »«• k*" ^ ■
oil builw. I like lo go lo school
IV tobto MllT «toflM whb «** "> a Vy or two aM ihea rdag «
vary much. I am la iha fourth grada.
othar polala Do yon
bHtVoM ehM.
BludIa* I have arlihaiallr. raadUrda can Uft Wrd laopiapa to i
-ChWT ap, CMfle, eb«*r *p."
baguaga. spslling
Mhar. and ibal Ibay pats iba word
aad gaograpby. Wa have a nice lima
A «hIM MMM M MM wMMW lb*
ai vbool.
iMrMMof tor*.
OikrlMla lava* ibam
AM IV loMo VMt to Btoto
bU ibaoi a warm walsoma? They ceritlnParry Lawr.
IWr *to< •bo**'.
IbMch IVy bad bare told

' <*».

wllb a avn MMs.vd pal IVI aam*
brtoMVT blaak apaet. poa *111 dad
ibsl It fill Jna« toaV ca«pV# word*
sM cVwMe antaaesa Ibiootbool.
^ro*UM poB V*f CBsaasd tbs rifb=
No* bsts-a a uls or Mmpta lota
rboM 6o«*»c-a —sforp:—
Ha 1o*od a mile —. poa vs.
AM tboa bWv oor atory.
A' bappp doc «aa mils Rai.
W B*M aawac IV -Ua.

Tv oaebt^oV assa bV «o ii.
Pttday. May 4.

NSW mambar* tohilng alaaa tom
Otsa Dnap. Elk RapMs. R. P. & Ko.

Ols terdsahagaa. Vtoad.
-Jvl H. Berctirom. Vy Mart. RoIBMI, aM Raglw Oav. Bibal. Rarl.
John aM Osesviavs O'Brlaa. Laura
aM Mika Maslowska. Jv Plawa. O«ar. R. P. D. No. 1.
QiM. Rlnitolay.
■MVr H. Good. Vsaa

................... a,.01.1 3i.! l.s:i II
iw.w. By Mrtlidar I
Ibssll.;. ,
lUilb- N'l.ti.dii.
W* hate
May I will V II year.
IVIlM e.-l'llHtod. ,..II and
Bse WMks of rriwinl
a II io... ■•• Ic
pig*, ftmr horse* and eiybu n cAtil>-. ■ ».ibo}e(n*rhiad. Ii
i^i ld> Id I like m>
learVr very much. I will close l.»
Cedar Run. Ml.^., April 9. 19lvd
ito lime. Rood-hye.
Dear pn-ddeni- As I am »ta.lnn
FVnm your friend
wiih Mrs. Want amt h.-arlng
Age III.
S)lsla Knemin.
lead th>- leiiets from the happv '
Rleyeii is a very nbv age. Ik>n1
.htner*. I Ibniiglil I would like li.' Ji.l:you Iblnk so.
Please send lae a rani aui
Keswick. April S.'
Ion. I aa. a lliHe Vv elghi rears .dd,
Dear PresldeBi—I tlin.ighi 1 would 1 have alsHii on.- half a mile to go
riie and lei you know toiw I am sciirsd. We hav.- ililrty-IWn sHii'laiThere 1* hardlr any snow on ih.’ lu our srhisd. Our l••acdl■'^'s ni
ground. The Idids hare come Vrk Mto* Hewln: I like bir v.-iv i
again. I have teen «p'i'e a lew rohlur For pels 1 lia.<- two kliien* am

1 am vary glad io Wa such nh
laiian from all your elae*. aM i
V»a you iolD IV Sunshine club.
Port Oatdda. MIeh.. April IS. I9K.
Dear Preskleet—A* my teoeVr lolri
« lo wHic a Ictlar. I wHI
ym. I was slrt for a few days and
iiuy oui or scbool. Vi I am
well again now. i am la ibe
grade. My leacW's aame to


- Dvato.'8aitoaa Bay.
Brvia llaywoed. Cedar Rv. care
Mrt. Worse.
Jeav. Bdwie aM Mabel Starr,
KiBgalar. R. P. D. No. J.
Herile Normaa, Boaaer'e
Jew Btormar. Bmplis.
Claade W. BehiW aM

■hi* spring. My sliidles
Mrs Wan-s bus lakeo ilw II.t
Itaguage. arlthmertc. physiology and aid for IWO year* 8U.I ibinks ito
ireograidiy. My tearhers
PaubiK. it llkr in pn in
Miss Nellie Paui^is.
scbool. Wll 1 ynii please sand me a
card and iniiion? I Will close for thto
lime, so good bye.
JUB Johnson.

Keswirt. Mich.. April d.
Traverse Cliv. R, F. D. 3. April
Dear Presldeai—1 will write you
IVar Piewident-I wnue lo yi
and tell you I would like lo Join tln- Sunshine
alioiii '>
Sunshlnc dub. Please send me a card
I but I am going to write
and billion. 1 am In the fourth grade
My studies are reading, ariibmellc,
Hie pup'iy Wi- hB'l. Il
language, pbyslolmry. geograpby and
chile. We solil P a llllle over
spelling. 1 like lo go lo school. My
reeks ago fur one dollar. W.' grid
leacfaer's vmc to Miss Nellie PlorUr. Ciinto. down town and
Paulus. I have s.u'n qiiUe a few ipke tmlier and liui(einiilk ito-iv :
robins thto year.
lamma ha* 'a ebanre'in se<
We bare Are more weeks of school
Saliinlay. We ha«- on.- while
TVI I* all for Ibis lime, so gooddiyand now we ha\<- go' auojb.i
Piom yoor friend,
mins il. I .liin'i know al
Age 13.
Ia>als<* Johasoo.
rill buy il or noi. Tli-y g.
By Ihe tlo»e Ihto Is printed youbiieh«l iwlber. ■ If we. I
school will V ready io close, and I




. lAWT. Maple dtp. K P. D. No. I.
AMetts Oenioartor, PiwremoaL
Oara Welch. Bn RapUs. R. P. D.
Orasa. m Raplda.

wHl. My htoiber Josaph would Ilk
9c Sunsblae cluR! Will you
please sand bIm a card and huiion*
We losi mine and will pui to
rot* for anoihcr Viton. 1 have
ly nril. My sindles an- artlbmcito

rcMIng, physlologp. geogmi'h:
few rolilhs this spring. I will chs
mustalp and spelling.
We clean<<d
■he arbonl grouM liM week and II
pbyaloloay. geography, spelliag.
From your friend.
« nice, anil afler a while w«
Age' tl.
Cbtrlfe llouQ.
IO plant Bower beds
ABoiher hiinon has liaen sent and
are briMbers. Peler. Joseph. Ilearp hope von will eojoj' waariag 11.
Har oame I* Mabel BcLcrdi aad ■
Lewis and Johnnie. My Mnbday to
SuUBBs Bay. Mich.. April 3. I90C.
Are yean oW. I will V It year
Sunday, oa Easter. iV liih
IVar Prestdeni—I Ihouglii I would
4V tith of April. Tbi. It all I can April. I like to read the let.ers
lie and lei you know how I
iblik of iWt ilmr. m> good-bye.
Ibe Snastalne club. We bare goi
There to hardly any snow left ot
SB your Suaahloe girl.
Dd now. The birds have i
Cante Erkenli.
immer, 1 guar* I will rime for i|i
hack aad I bare seen ipil.a a lew
VI a good cVace ym Vve u i
■at ibto spring. Thto morning I
a real Suashlac Viper U> IV Utile
Pram your SaasfclBar.
a csl-ldrd and beard li sing. I an
repear-oM aeatoute u her tiMle.i.
Av IiAmber Blormcv.
la BCbnol now
II to preiiy nearly
.fort Oastda. Hirt. AprO 13. I9M C*Mr. MM. R. P. O. No. L April C aooa: Odr imehar wanted lu to wriie


Clothcrall not
Cloth “Graft.”
V-4 Waite A-i..r.
w-oB /oa psy to.a.>
priL*: .a teo .XPrilB*
IU.B 3f iiBWtue todUr
made Cis so. v thru
wiastc time luoRtng ler
ueltsr veins. This Is
U3< wu.!* eowipbprr
tall - wt-Kaaa-w hrisdk
VTSspeelL YeuwalOau
the asvrci of Bar raputuiaa io the UciV*
noi la the frice.
urcrcudily IcUaad by
(Vlr moMra wal>



r friend-and would-lH- Sii-i
Age 11.'
Mias Paulu* 1* aa old frlcM ot the
Ervin llaywrsHl
Sunshine dub. I hope she will bate
We are gUd you like Ihe Itiinslilne
I the Siinsblaeni write again.
ub and hope )ou will v-rlie agala.

am sure yon will Vre a hap^ Vaca.-re a:.- quli.' a f.-w of iliv sehid
n our seboo: tbt' Is'lung lo y<
We play VII at vhool. My
Simshior eluh.
We have ha.i v.
male la scbool to Ia« Rrunsoo. My
Suitoas Day, Mich . April £. HOC since school liegan
biVhcr came boms ihe Mbar algbi.
Dear Presldeai^I iboughi 1 wmid
two broihers and mywit C”
There are lw.en>y niDe tcbolar*
write BBd id ym know bowl am.
inwn to’ibe Sr-c
scbool today. I woiUd like to Jofo 'lfae
am going to school now. Our trachs
d. E. church righ* alone. 1 like iu
SoBiblee club: please eeod me a can!
Is very kind. I have sren ArcRohli
iwo there lere well, but mayb •
and hulloB. I wll^ close v my feller
ibis spring. Our teachers name
we will , have Sunday
I* gelllag toot enough.
Hiss Nellie Paulns, I lire close «
lUimer and mayle
HarsBl wa a aplmdid atart
Your* truly.
Ihe ncboolboose.
Ihe:e. bill I boprw CrMla Roll? Niv vma.
Ctaede W. Dehran*.
Morgan Ranlsvrn.
glB with! pPdL» tarda Vva baan
Ctouda wrilv a vary olca lailar,
Von «aw Ihe trildns le^ore I d
ll-diing my le. er to ooi so long b.
aanl 10 all <d ibsm. taylag
sVwiag Ibal be Irlat lo V a good al
Ibis spriBg.
faal II win I- oiinl.-il. I will cbeo-.
are aaraUed as mambera or tbs Herald
in artool.
Voiit Sun.«hlner.
Toaeg Polka CraiUs Rdl. Kavaal
Sulim* Ray. April S.
fb-rha Rtn-uun
tom! of tbs rasi Id ym dear mils taby
Dear Preiddeni—I ihoughi I would
Dear Prasldant—I bate waoinl b
Tour feller atsnii Hu- ,.,.p,i. iv ve.
bndVrK or tlatsra wVm ym would
long lima In )ola Ihe Sunshine club, like lo heentne a memlier of ibe SimWe an- alw-ayi- Hail i
lo aeroll at mamVr* ualll they
sfalBerliih. All ol the rest of Ihe das* iniepesilTig
ad my llllle stoler Mabel wants
ara oU aftoagh to wriu- ibair umas
to going In Join. I read ihe Sunshine
J.iln. Ion. so t bops you will send i
on our raguUr Saashlus pledge cards?
pieces. My leachers name I* Mb
each a card and bultoo. I am at o
Colored Staca.
ir Ml. aaM ihidr aama* and agas. and
XcHle Pauliit, l*lease send me a cai
grandma'* now. I have been here
lletv to a
oma runlog Ihlag iVl ibay Ws
week and MaVI stayed lusi week an ! and luilion. Oood-liye
dnss or aid.
From your friepd,
vmetime* mile RpsvI. my
Age 13.
Arehlr Dennis.
nnlher, Iwo yean oM. tiars a we<-k
I am glad to hear- from your rto' S
re have nice times ai grandma's and
lo have you hdn Ihe club.
be Is golag to let us pisy dinner
u four-poin.ed wl.h .wo of Hiinder Ibe apple trees and invite
Suilons Rav. April
isunts. venieal and two horiromal.
I deal know wballiar aay of poa llllle frlaodK when the tree> gei
Rear President—I iboughi I w
Now l-nd Ihto wing l«i^ s.uun Hi­
hung Map baskais ibis year or aol. ton
loom. Thea I will write and tell
wriie a few lines lo you tad ask you gher and make « .racing of ,he .,ar
II are. There
on.Vlaiiei wi.h a pencil.
barad ymr prasidaai aM Bt« vica
Your mile filaM.
left on the ground now and the blrus
Yi.ur ob)ec, I. .o ue. .he evac c nwith bcauliful
Jesse BdwiD Riai
hare come Vrk again. I have
»er ..f .he .lar tnirlng. an........... .. y-i
iVl Ibay made ibam vary happy.
What a dror. good graMmoiher you
robin* Ihl* spring. We have Av.- may do by ... .................... ..
a. .b- lu..-i
Among Iboaa saadtag or brtagiag Aos- Vee! 1 do ncM -woMer that yon an.!
weeks al tehool. My 'iearher's name section <if Ihe •iiagi.hato
N-s make
were Margaret. ItaVl aM Wlltoid Mabel liV lo «lslt Vr. WopM li
Nellie Paiilus
anoih-r .IrawinE o| a «iar on 'he uncur
^llsoB of Traverse Cliy. AMi
V Bice IO Vve llllle Russell yidn ib.
wing. IMJT i.s is.i..i. n....i .«• a. an iii
Boy Waller Ludka of Ce.tar and Beast* fiadle Rtol*
gfe id lonj.five deg'-.y-s wiih i!i. firsi
tM Margie Rmetsoo .d Cliy 'R. P. a
Age If.
Rtody* Satiliorn.
Ciil Ihto le w -lar .,j- rat.full., jte!
No. 4.
Empire. Hlcb.. April
You miisl harp been a c!»>e waiehi
plae.' ibe-eir.livc-.i on a ijl.le to ariii::
ir Prcsideal—1 hare noi wHIirn
i> see sn many roblnt.
er In a long lime, so I ihonghi
Among tchnid*
sanding laitars,
1 wriie a few Unas. I go lo.scboi
Snltonc Rav. MIeh.. April
whirb will lie priD'ad this wart. Ore
dir. I have nni missed a da
Dear l*n-«bfeni—I will write yon
MV Sallla Pauliis' school
My icacbar’s name to Miss Ul
cw lines. I go lo school every . .toj
Soums Bay and Keswick, and Hiss
! like to go in reboot vei
ly siudles are reading, iriibmeili
Floraaca Aalcll's scbool near Maple Ranh

Lydia Lsrsttt Oooa. Rosalia Du' City. teHb or which we
hear from.
vAlvy. CsAar. '
. Carrfs B. Lallasrtl. Spokane. Wvh
Uapta dtp. Mich. April 13. 1!
Dear Prraldciu-'l am going to write
I ym aM tail you I am going to
scbool now. I am laitaa rmnh reM-,
JVtiBOQ. Keawlek.
Hargaa and Otodya Saabora. Atrtla ar. l stMy arlibmailc. fourth reading,

Aermotor Trussei
Tripod Towers

very elsd you arc dalBg up
I prcully; li

IVian. r- Ferry. |.uhn, April 9.

Kleg*fey. Anril t. 19«.

U V cbbU -*k a *oV.
ii aVaps MMai aa awfal tatila,
Bla tom aV *u a raaay —
AM msald bm le bla -sr.
TV V sbsd war. a -araci.
To bar II did aoi mWtar.
8V torad biB la bar mra caaar an
Bel vonM INI ts« bln ban* It.
Oas dap aV toM aald a- to bim.


Ilk I will like I.
I am leo i-M. ! lit* on a fam
April 6. Ih-C Iba... i.o-lsi-r. a«d.u.e Wihe..
Kcwlck. MIrt,, April
Ibai- P.*-Ideal
•Ill .1, I., ... m, W i. ir IO >.11. .1,
Mo 'to S'ln: blue rtoh. m plaav scM .Ciie-blv.' cMli F.r |Hi. I ha.e 'a kl:
rard and toiiinp M" letcbar'.
•I". I *............. ...
••‘•ri 'to'. M
nau>c Is
I am In il:. ir:.M. W. b , .•,. ha- JeitoHl It.
Fiv sniJies I bar. •ton-bin.- .iiib 1V.- I. ,au,l I ...-.1.
irartln*. aHthmeilr. tonriiasc. phr bJ
I..,- »i
Tb-r. a.
, r"«sr»pby an.l
■ liU y!fl 31 e|..«J ••■Is . IV il »••

atoac IVI Un. vn

h. -TV dap I was Ibara. Ih««*
«tMM i«M »ttb IM. ■
iwtatam. aaoer Illtla wraaa. thin
A1 IV itMtoC M IV Mil* OV *V
larhiacb aartlBa aM Ms oT iba
MhUuiM or IV bv.
pisulapi ladiv cotorad blaaMrda.
••CVor op. CMrie. «Vor op-«V wara arldMUy .
IV nwort *MMM Ibara. lo say aoiblBC
at IV parmanaai family of Indcan.
TV ««r «M bM no dmiT. *V path lb* bins Jay*. .HaM waak I wlH tall
anmai «oi «o lost. .
. 1 waai you lo
fbr to** dltlne bu UghiMM iV Mr, that ws
dm at IV dar.
tbs bsaoHlul
AM sack ««at ciadir alafiM atost
blidk if w* will vly loTs.lbsB aM
tV vlalBc var.ihlak aboui ibdr comfort, tad never,
“Chssr Bp. deari*. chvr op“

-UTlIta B. Alisa. HllUdsld, Mleh. aavsr acais Ibam or bun them. TVy
are tvh loving. wlUlag Utila adghalwayi ready to go VU wap If
Rail* ar a R*Mlt*l Oat.
in wni only do vr ahare.
ir 7BB MB tblBk at a eartala aalmal

Itonaa nav

II would V ai-a
1 rmr schmJ not
yon rtiuld bavs
i.M realtor macilDpr

Ilii^ »0 fc»M

TV* MmM IV terelj <Mr>i tU tV

I asartwM vaiaalM

Bill dose for ibis ilma, boplngi ra'-Wr^'
Ibis in priBT.
Pmm your friend.
Ag* 14.
There must V i

Tm aasl bavs bM a vary Vppy
itlbda^. Ym aartalaly bav a kind


mat iKtte

«'.u*s, Tb.' cn! - Ihlag It to lo
0 Av .Iinles* Iter iWB do ao ybufflc helplessly aloag unifl il raacb1 rat rise from a level spr- st tome triiriat efevalfea from whteb
la ramarkaMr nImUa
ibrow lisrtf Into iV air. wbea
le wing, asd
j H goes oK like a Rash.
me with.

(he Iroccfal
etitlincJ a
and tho
luutfiai. tkal prove a(
oacc Ike Li.*ib st«Mard
of pnfecnon asiaV



New and Novel

111 nil till- Ist-rat ll•■«i:;lto. Sal.
nii'l btesl
anil works :!21 Uut ''slret't
C'ilin-n'n pbonv No. iV's).

A. W. RTKEKO. TrtrerM Qty

slock room iiB.l Unk room.
TIiitt nro no lioUoa Rirto or
brace* to stub yoor toi« ur bump
your heoii.


Ai-rtnolor, Mtd tba


AtcoI (or the Aonsotor ]iw< (rf .
wimlmill*. puiDpa, tanka, ate.

To investigate is to Invest
ir you <|iK?stion it. come
in — wc’ll knock your
doubis into smithereens.
We like the trade of peo­
ple who (eel that money
is not made to be squan­
dered — who insist that
every penny mutt do its
W« are neither
too bii^'. too vain nor too
independent tu acknowled^e the existence oi
competition; but when you compare onr (I'laliites and
our prices with those o.Tereil you elwwliiTe. ove arc
lienelited and you gain.
Is it a Hinijjy or a Harne*' yon are tbinkinjr o(?
Hon'i wail nniil you act­
ually need them. Come
in and look over our line.
We have them in all va-.
rieties and al prices to
f:t your l ockcibook. As
to cataloi^ne house offers,
brinix in your catalogues.
We will meet.or Ireai their prices. Here you see what
you buy belorc yo'i P i*. up your money. We arc here
to right every wron^ ami they arc not. Invi-Nttgaie—
and that includes a visit to our establishment.

Wm. Hoolihan & Co.
I* Ik- poKloced.
A Rugg'fd —d a Bat.
. a buz}-Br<l In a pen aboiii .Hv
• fluare and open ai the lop. ami
as much a prisoner a« if I. w.ce
up In a ton. This to l-w»u«.- burrjr.lalways Vgla their Sigh, by taking

b-> Suite Stfivt. in llif ni-w Iiriik *tofv. lonm-rly oroa|H(vl liy
Tti.-h'jrm.T* Supply Co.
All *<Ht* of V(.-)ri' lrt for all aorta of uae.

. ,

Hamem mmle lo older

liy-lubo Ncmriiv.i. furmerly with Wilhi-loi, Bartak
A-Co-furUiirto«n y«-»ra.


WooU TOO Bwke •oat uiOnti hMrt
•lolng the work which Ml lo her por
jBii • Uilt« lighter?
Klurabllng often, well nigh dlsWould roo oiuke aow burd«.«l life
oouiaged at time*, for the \‘allo>- of
Jim • mue brighter?
llumlliatlon noomed rory long and
Dni(i g word of Iw »d rbeer:
the MonnialBe of Hope wore
Set the eoboee rioglsg
ohvnred and almoil Io*t In ibo Ulair
Wllh roar BOte* of loro sod jor.
lloapalr. More than anything olre
A* TOO go Mingllig.
In ih« world did abo long for human
WouW roo noooUi the nigeed p»th
appreciation and trmpa’hy. •but no
Down along llffa highwar?
^gnvo .into bor.WenM you plant the roar of faith
lo. Ihinhiof aomotiroo* that the

Or bright angeU crowding ronlid nt.
ih beoren'i ligfal opop their
Every word has lU own aidril.
True or false, that never dies.
Every word man s Ups have ottered
Echoes tn Cod's skies.'"
Mere About Firelaaa Craking.
Hume Cheer Is much Iniereaied In
this subject, feeling that It Is of greV
Importance as a fuel and labor saver.
r It 1 short lime ago. lo
Ml II Is worth noting iliai
the matter Is-belng uken up by the
leading household roagaiin.-i. of
The following extraris
letiB'hJ ortirle in the April

Id wa« cruel, and often that wnmon l*ulie*' World
liencfiei-nt fairy ro-lniotlier
' VOT iiDcunKioni of other woapfunr Iwfon- you, thrifty
V Buffering. »he wont her way.
abe went with her head up and a lioiisewIveH. and aiinoiiiice that' you
o oo ber lipa. liecauM- Courag- might.' If >t)u ul»hi-«1. save foMr flfilie
ir fuel, have lieiicr-eoiikeal and
and Pride were her helpmaloa Jual
niiirlilnns fo<Hl wiih half
lOHl loo lirotl to uiiual iBixir and mussing: serve w
One day when almtw
the lK-laled one* aa easily ar
hinh straight,' she me
prompter members of the fn
h of this
lan. one blessed with
world's gcxnls anti who often aeeroej lly. and keep tbe lialiy's food warm
. Little Woman Jo be esiH-clally the coldest night, right In the niirM
obllvIoiiH to Ibe eares and burdens of ■II by a few simple waves of the magic

In anme tooely hywaj ?
Juai a dfuri of klBdiieaa done
Cleata Ibe jiaib brfoiV ua.
And the lllloa of Cod’a loro
monai and htaaaom n or iia.
Joat a mile word of clicor
Ligblena wry duly:
Jhfl a aallc will often ehnw
' Paeo* wreaihod In beauty
Sprinkle annablDO an you go.
Comfort Ibe dlatreaeliig,
And your own reward will bo

order half the day the evoking
with: there is no oeed
at watching or stirring, as noifali
ter. and cook it nnUI
scoreb or burn: and tbe pots or pan*. Ilttl
clear in half a cupful of boiling water;
not bring blackened nor so lobg
e cupful of sugar and a
posed to tbe Are. require lest time for
tbe sUe of a small egg
washing tod last much longer.
ef tightly^ovcred cooking after It couts. add the Juice and graie>1
tesaeU mar he, need, but the earthen rind of one lemon, ibe well-beaieo
inik* of three eggs and one cupful
one* are said to t
longest iC one has lo buy. The ordl- hick stewed rhubarb made qnhe
tin or granite-ware hnckeia. with -wM*i. Bike in one crust. When done,
uiread wMh a moringoe made with ihIlgfatD-flIlln- e :ver-. will answer m-.'
whiles Of Itie
and one small rupIv for genera! ii--.
lul of graitulaied sugar. If preferred
all dirr:
this pie msy b« baked in two crusts.
little o
pot quite so delicate. A plainnttihUig. Any tight bos which ha* i
cr. 1.m very palaiabl., pie may Ihlightly-fllilng cuvef will answer. . Awith two cupfuls of flnely
old mink U
Hie thing If there are
chupiKHl thul«rb. one cupful ot tiigai
no cracks which.rani|»i Iw made
fertiy light
A lining of b«»h~Ios
1 help, but Is not BiTiiu>ary.
eu crusts' In a qulr
flantH-l lining also adds m
y hour. Herve with
heai-reiaininc powers, but unless
,’a« to be removable
Rliiil.ari- souffle is a more unu.iin!
lie eleansssl. li wuiild dr-Meri. To make It. cut r.M rhnbaih
lieiier be omitted. TUI the Imx or
trunk'loosely with hay. fine shaving*.
I’xreUlor. or something similar, mak­
ing lh.< riglii sire nests as needed tii
111 rlosely smunil the cooking vt-^sela
uanl. A pillowumse aile.1 loosely .with
hay should l>e used to cover all clos<-l).
is chiseal and math

other's lives. The Utile Woman wand of Industry, would yon accept fast, and the eookliig goes merrily on
I. however, at The other woman, her offer, do you think?
with no further care. The nesls must
You have It in your own nower lo
for that was a lesson she had learntH'
Lovino Wordt.
be all leady lo m I, the rapidly
1ng about these very .Improvements
well In Life's Sehool. to smile In ihLoving worta will eoal but lllllc.
I all at onee. and the ern-ering
111 cunrenlenci-s, and ^aoy others
JunriMTlDg up the hill of life;
face of niffering.
Immediairty. so no heat will
-Suddenly the Other Woman aaW, which yon will illHcover for youp
Dot they make the weak and wcat
The hay should l.e r«-newc-I
Stranger, brarer for the atrlfe.
■Mrs. R—, 1 think you are Ibe bravest aelves. by adding to vour kitchen furiw<i nr three weeks, and Hi.' t
Do yon eonol them only Irlflea?
woman I ever knew.* and went her
low-ease washed, to pn-i eni any mi
That was all. bnl deep down In
Wbai (o earth aroann and rain
muKiy smell -within the Ikjx, T
s idea of the flreleas
Merer wat a kind word watted.
Ultli- Woman's heart that <lay
X may hold Hcvcral ililiirs at on.
from eCrmany. where the houseNefer one wat aald in vain.
Kang a bird, whose note was wondrous
but Ibey should alrlte put in at cm
wo know, are famott* for thel'
sweet and strong, beeaiise It was
opeiilMg until ready to w‘rve.
When Ibe earn of life are many.
Stic virtues and for llie i-eonomy
Inned lo the key of her sonl's needAnd lit bnrdena heavy grow.
sir cooking arrangemems. It has
bird of hope and Joy and strength,
Think of wenk ooea eloae beiilde ynnifiilly that
hose name was sympathy. And the been used there
If yon lore tbem tril them to.
to go to a liille mor.
cities the anihiirltles
f.!tile Woman'B feet were winged a.'
What you connt rt little value
u ch-anly and i-fficU-nl
'exiM-n«e. a
ODI on to meet the trials await- leresilng ihemM-lves by emieavoring
• Hat an almoat magic power.
lay 1i^ made as follows
apreail the knowlettge ttf Hs cheap­ tireless stti
er. which vanished under the
And beneath ibeir cbeering annthlne
loccheer she brought with her—and all beHearta will bhrawm like a flower.
and deroonsiraiions lo the work­ -light cover, and lliie to Ihe Ihirknes*
of a word, and the Other Wo­
of onc-hair Inch or so wlih asIs-Mos or
Be. at np llfa'i hill we )oomey.
man also went her way wondering why ing people.
mineral wool. Tlu-n lak-- a iluhily-eor' Let us acaticr all the way
I. H. Miirphy. I'nlled State*
........... ad been ted lo eapreas heniclf.
ered tin Imi la lu.-ad box
Rladly worda. for they arc aunahine
but the betic-r for Ibe eaperieoee. And consular'clerk ni Frankfort,
ualy wlihtn
In the dart and elouily day.
ailendod one of these lectures, given
rat but a small Item In th
Oradige DO loring word or
at the Industrial school there, amt was
lie Woman's life, for later there
risl cooking uiensils ci
: Aa Afcng tbrangh Ufe yon go.
tlruck n’lth Ihe slmpKcMy of
to her one of the most boaulifnl gifts
Isdling fyroil arc placed
■rsere are weary onea around you—
fIrelcsB stove and its many possil.lMwhich Cod gives lo His children,
and both covers ilghtlv
If you tore them, tell them ao.
at hw Is anglous to see It used
gift of another woman’s love, and the
—Home L. Clayton. In Onlveaton learnnl the susialnlng power of the
kitchens, calling the alteoilon closed, whi-n Ihe-cixiking proceeds a*
filling. The tin t>ox mayNewa.
ten word—of how a whole day.
with little Iroiihle. and
i, a monlh, might be cheered and
renewing of the lining maierials
The lecturer stated that she herself
brightened by a mcaaagc
bad used the Areless stove for iblr- Is with ihc hay Imx prop­
heart of one srho loved her.
years. ami ihal It bad grrally re­ er. This style of flreless stove
‘What that aumraer'a c
Ih- made i.m large, as smal
enee meant lo the Utile Woman, far duced for her the care* and expenses
• There woaU M he on (he whole
ling one nr two utensils only, refrom home and friemls, doing a man's of hottsekeeitlng. She hail found that

tain the hc-ai tH-iler..and one can I
for the sake of Ihose who neede' betides keeping food
• One hangqf faeari or one wretched
separate om-s If noci-s*ary
her aid, no one bnl God could evei she eniild finish encUting in Ibe boa all
• .
her in Ihe Chicago News i
It vaa all In the magic power bulled, stewed and rasaiied ments.
soap. flsh. vegeltbles. nuesw. fruit*, bow her husband made a simple
Inf the written word.
•.-But. oh! U the kM wordt newer
all requirements an-1
-Oh! the newer of words. If I

apeak to the women of the land. In not be used for bro"lng aleak or fn is eislly ali-ed. She sty*.
•Omdd Woom tnta Sowera and
lie a 1«x, a Kcparale Imitom
dty and country, who are bravely ing chops, nnr aoyihlog that requires

of il. and uphnibearing their share of the burdens of crispness, but the rest of the met
• Their iweeUMaa ogt on the oomslereil (onr ami a half Inches, with
life, and sometimes wondering If any Ik- made reaily in it or kept
one earea. 1 would like to aay lo them, -while Ihe steak, etc., are being cooked
In grtieral, It will be fonoil
'Dear, yours Is not the only load that
Is being carried up the bill of life. from three to five minutes' acttial
Ing on the fire is sufficient for
Yoor ulster, the a
vegeltbles. the covered wssel contain.

jriwoNi m

burden. Sprak to them. Tell
Heme Cheer's e^rlal tbte week Is them you nre a fellow traveler. anJ
from the pen of Hra. lUrgaret H. Al­ that the bloasoms of love are flower
dan. formerly treaaorer of tbe Uiehl- ing Just around tbe torn of the road.
0D Womnn’e Press association, and a
Oh. do not be afraid to apeak out.'
well known writer oo the Saginaw pa•We make or mar our lives by what
pmn. Her words will And a flulek reasonae In the hearts of all Home
amer readers. Bbe says:
Speak Alt today.'
-So rnwh U sMd and wrllten and
'Many a heart I* aching, perhaps
peeacbed about the 'beauty of alienee'
• heart very near to home, for Jusr
that 1 would like lo apeak tor a Utile
• word of sympathy and encouragewhile of the benuly of words-tbc valtu which you can give.' Perhaps
nn and the power, and the danger of
some friend who Is separated from you
the tpokoi and the written word.
miles of land or
-Onr own Michigan port. Will Carlt^
longing (or the message which may
tea. (ells ut that
In lime lo save the sinking
- 'Ban flying kites, haul In (heir wbllospirit from shipwreck. Speak
winged birds.
But you can't do that wlib jroiir flying
"This is what Adelaide Proelor. the
sweetest of women ports, says r


- -Words are lighter than the clou

Umca fall back dead,
Bat oA Himself can't kill them when
tbey-ro aald!'
Of the restless ocean spray.
-And we all know bow trae ibal is Vainer than the trembllifg shadow
—how mneb harm can be done by the
That the next hottr floats away.
crnel. the nnkind, even tbe thoughtBy Ibe (all of summer raindrop
leas word.
Is the air as deeply stirred.
-So we have come to dwell n
And the rose-leaf that we tread on
and more on the beauty of silence.
Will outlive a word.
Ill I lUDk we tomoiimea oTeiresiln
--Yei on the dull sllenre breaking
(be power of alienee and undermate the power of the *word spoken
In season.' which the Hook of Rooks
tsIU ni b -like npples of gold in pic­
tures of stiver.'
-Sometimes I think we neglect in
ear (nmllles to give espressloB to
love la words: we take It for gras
that we all love each other, and b
fallen onl of the habit of aa>1ng so.
bin It would serpriao ns If we tried;
the esperlmenl of telling the dear
home folks that we loved them, to seel





■nalgbbor (not only the one across the
war or next door, but the one whom
wt Btet OB tbe street, or at the cinb,
{^.glng fol^ word of svmpatTTand ■

place it leave* a hole in the ceniei
Ing them being ilien removed
fireless sieve, where the process of atid -look* like a square with a hole
cooking comlniie* In the box Ihrongh In Ihe middle. The gninlie kelile,
Ihe perfect retention of the heat. Most
anicles should remain tlghtlv closed
e box for two or three holt
though Ihej- can !*• kept hot for t
Roasieil or l*

meats or

soups require from ten lo Bfteen min­
s' actual cooking on a fire, tlwaj'i
lightly-covered vessels from which
rovers are not to be removed
III they are to be served. The ame
water to be lo-'d In the (Itxl place
lm]K>rlani. and must In each catulearned by actual experience,
though as a ruk- a little more than In
jiniil tm-lhod of cimking Is alioiit
righl. Too imirh is U-tler than toe
Just enough so' that the food may als
>rb It thoroughly. II being then mnrh

In small pieces; to each quart add ompound .if sngar and oii.y enough water
lo ke.-p II finio burning; let 11 simm.;
tlowly imlll fender, then pres- Ihouigh
measure, anil al|op ihr-srh pint uf Hiuliarh: beat
yolks lu a thick troili, and add lo
rhiiharh: mix well then (old in
whites, whicji have ber-n whl|ij»-.l
-. Tarn Into a w-ell hutien-d
liake in a quick ovr-n
half an hour, tb-rve as soun a
nr II will (all.
A coMdei of almost any kind
erally n very favoiite dish w!
maseiiline jmrtliin of the bouaehold,
and rtiiiliarl- eohbier I* no exreptloo to
the nlle. Neatly fill a hiiller.-d earth­
enware dish with rhiiharb ent lu'->
small |ilee.-s; make a hali.-r with Ihr.v
egg*, tlir--.- iahh-s|MHinfiil* o
pinch of sail and siifflricni
make It of the etuislslency of fillierhatlei; isiur this over the rhubar'j.■ml Istke In a g-vwl oven nnill nie.-ly
hrownra. Sem- hot wiili sw.-eiem-u'
whlppptl cream, plain cream, or sw.t-i
liquid sauce aatonsl wiih lemon.

Hon. David MerUsuti. Nspulron. Ohio, ex-member »tb and Sfilfa Congtaarea.
••I bare wtrif icreraJ boffics of Arana and 1 Iml groollr AansflM
tberoty tfom my CMUrrh ot itie bem4. / fire/ancooraged lo
AaJIara (M
/ Dsa/f a abort l/are hM«re/w/H be/bllr aMe M araMsM
thirty goara’ a(and;«g.”»*OavMMaatiaoa.

Fritters, tlihmigh more miiild.-somc

lo preiiare. arr- quite as italsialile a*
the cohhler. Cut tender stalks of rliiiliarli into two Ineh lengths, cover wiih
cold waier. nnd rook In a doiihle bolh-r
unill i-mlw. hill nni broken: drain
earefiilly. and spread the rbiiharh on
a plaie; make a svnip with the water
dralmsl off. allowing half the qnaniiiy
of sugar; iKiur this over ihe rhiiharb.
and Ici stand nniii perferily cold,
drain off Ihe syrup, dust the pieces of
thulmrli Ihlekly with granuUK-d *ug
dip i-arh In fiiiier-tianer. and (O'
dr-ep hoi fai. Serve wllh pyrup.
To maker hiilarh eharlolie, hiitiei

ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CUBE: Mr. Jacb I-Davis. Galena. Wo^coonlr.
M.I.. wrltos; -I have ■•N-nin l«.l lu-aliH fur tbiriy-sev.-n years, and aftrt Uklag
twelve UiUht ut your iVruua 1 am cured.”—Jwculi I- l>*vts.
If you do not derive pr.-iuirt and sallsfaclory r.-»ulU-from the Use of PariiBa,
mg a full
(1- V..U Id* va1ual-le advlre grant,
Hartman. I'r.isideui of Ths- llarimi n sianitarinm. Culumlui
Revited Formula—-For a number of years r.-qui-sts have come to BM
1 a multitude of gral.-ful friends, uiging iliai IVrn-nt Ik- given a slight
laxative quality. I have Inu-n exiicrim •nling with a laxative addition (or
quite a length of time, and now feel gmlified lo annonnee to (be (rinds ot
I’r ni-na that I have inmrporai.-<l_such a quality In the medicine wbMi. In
my opinion, ran only vnhaure Ua' w.-ll knuwn beneflejal character.
-.S H. HARTMWHq^ ft?. ..

liaking dish well, and rover (he bottom
wllh bread crumbs lo Ihe depth of an
inrh. then add a layer of finely
Little Cakes for parties.
choiipnl rhiiharb: rover thickly with
Ar those who are planning to en1.-r
sugar, add another . layer of hrea-1
lain and wish Mini.- new and dainty
criimh*. dot with hits of bmn
cake rerliH-s. Ihe follow Uig an- off- r.-.l
another layer of rhubarb, and c
ThO' an- ■•quall.v gonf for horn.- .Uwith the sugar, criimbs. butler and
-n* and wippi-r*.'
■ huliarh uiiiil the dish is full, htvin;:
Relglqiii-s—Heal iog.-iJicr unHI v.-ry
lilt- toil layu’r of crumbs covereil with
light three whole i-gg.. and two yolks
IS of huifi-r. Ilakr Sliiwiy, eorered
Gradually whip in six ■alil^iKKinfulfirsi. for one hour.
of iHus'il.-r-Nl-sugar and a pinili of sail.
Anoilier dish, sllghily similar i
clinilolie. oiir Rllgllsh coiislni
IsMind -Il
-rhiiliarh riisiard." -Make a plain cus­ Idancli.-d almoiid* nil 'in snips. n.M
tard with one pint of milk,
of vouilla and ........... Hop of

^^rih*^rath of summer

_____ 1 Only with the heart's Um ihrolihlng
T knew a lUtio wranaa once wno,
« I
bM j Words

aiv Uvkg. woida are mlghtr

•arry with them lo work the firoMove. with Us hearty meal Inside.
Instead uf having i.i leave a distant
(or dinner nr lu- saiisAnI with a
lunch. Ry preparing tbe food In
Uic-early morning, the heal and dlscomfori is saved in summer, IsKh the
cocdi and ibd bcnise beneflllng thereby.

earcfully the well twn'en whites
hake In greased gem pans'
In a mod.raicly quick oven lor
20 minutes.

Tt-hlle these are baking

put half a pound of n
» of water I
double bolh-r, s'ir unlil the B
lows an- thoroughly dissolved. Tbeo
add a lahl<-s|NHiiiruI of graaulaled glenilae that has U-ua soaked In (oar
lahlesiKsiiiriiJ* of water (or baU U

l■l■1<■s|Hs>llr■ll of vanilla.
When tb«
rakes an- cold .ll|i the rounding por'Ion in the ni-dled marshmallowa. Turn
them iips'idi- down and set iben gway
ii-nsl pudding dish with i
hake 'in a. v.-ry *in.lerai
*in.l.-raii- .u.-« (iplit to e<»l.—fb-trall News.
all. Tills arrangemeni •nahh-* me to
- i'.-tll Fours—Cn-am togriber onelirea.l or pie lu-ie mll.-d very Ihlii.
\«lle wain
lake out all the pan* and gl\e iliem
opiHil rliiiharh strips, then Into thre.-iuc-fi l.-ngihs half of a riiHul of hiiili-r and one cuper-with a*layer of mop|H
an airing if necessary.
rad thickly with ^iigar.
l-iii Ihe*e snips loxeilM.r in iMlrs, w-Uh till <if jHiwd.-Tc.l sugar. Add Ibe beaten
"Now to the resiilis in cooking,
I Ihe rusiard mixture, liake
1 fimiig of aprloi jBm';-TBlde Talk. yn:ks of three eggs, onedvalt of a «eawhich are nothing
derate Ot.-Ii until Ih.- custard is sei
Siionge nron>--n<-at Ihe whi'rs; "f s|H«nfiil id cinnamon, onisqnaner of
nfier cooking
Male a m- ringoe with th- whiles of iir.-.- eggs Iiiitll Kiilr and dry, aild a i-BsiMun (If allspice, a nlispooofot
hour on Ihe gas range and put f-.r the egg* an-l half a eupfiil of gran-i
:railuall' i-m- lliird eiin inwii- r.-Ni siigthree hours in ihe luix Is Just delicious laii-d sugar lo e|in-a-l m.-r Ihe mp. an 1
'of n teasinonfiil if salt. A'ld t
in evei) ivs|>cri. Ric- never Is as nici brown di-lleaoly In ilo- ov.-n wUh llocupfuls of Sifl.N] I
when txxike-l over the fire; prunes aie dis-r half open.
quarter of n eiipfu
the same: pork and iK-ans cannot lie
shimid gi.-- a .1.-11 h Just atlff enoagb
Anoiliei C.iglMi favniiie is rhiilaii.
iilu sheet. Out la
excelled; sauerkraut one'ean have as
-<-l.-cl r.ul ..........
fine as nev.-r Is-fore and no nm- in the
M-alUiped cutler not
aiil cm in ihn-iucb
house win know almiit it. Rut <li-'
laii UP Inch in dlamHer. Place
hiigihe: cot.-r wllh cold water, Imns
most surprising to me was this;
gr--a-.Nl pans and hake In a
••lowly to a le-il. and simmer very c-fi
I. .... n unlil pale yellow. Lei
"We h
III 111- thul.arh i* icn-h-r. l-oi
family o
juailiian|-e 10 live out
1,111 cold, i^ake an king with
with ilghi-fliting cover, fli* snngly In
to ihi-s hole; a thick bay-fincd pllluw.
also hiirlaps. Is put over all and fills
the iHiisenllrcly. wIlli the lid on lop of

yolks, a pinch of sail and h
of grannlaie.1 sugar: Ur


s5pr.-ad Jialf ail in. .1

(hick on a shalUiw gtvaMNl pan. and


lore nutritious than when some of the
■lei remains to be poured off.
f.iUy. m-'tsure. and i-i .-arli pin' al
home. Knowing we would eoi
I-cflills. rlee. erncked rat* or wheat..
late and Is-lng tire.1 the n-x
dried l-eans. hominy nr dried (i-uits
sian.Hl the N.-W Vrar s -linne
IS! And lie w-ell snaW In cold wnlarge ral.ldi (-hasennleffer'i
then allowed to boll five mlniilrs
range and pin i; -ln the bo;
pli-ni) of water, afier whirh they
leaving home. Ii was siill wi
an- pUceil In Ihe Oich-s*. stove fur
If aiivttilng. ovr-r.lolo-, wl
from one to iw-o hours. When one rei.-ached Ihe hoii*e at-oul 11- o'<
i how much fire I* required lo
cook beans nr hominy in the old way.
With a nghmlng flash, a Word.
■ i-lea of the sai igg of fuel may I'-Rearing endless desolation
A Tale of RHubari).
On Its blighting wings. I heard: rhul-arli and rli<ii>arh pie atv
Ind'-ril, (or dwellers in flat* or
Earth can forge no ki-ener weapon.
rooms, where gas nr vatuir siov.'s inus'
He two ways of M-r\ing ihie r-fre«h
Dealing surer death and pain.
Rhui-arli niilr msl-— a v.;ry
tg spring arid plant which ihe ma
he ■ise.l, Ihe hay box will soon prove
And tbi- cruel echo answered.
.lesiu-n or I. J dish To piv|ar- li. c-i
Us own eeonomy and n‘efirlDi-ss. A I joriiy of m-i*'
Thro- long years again.
up <«e 'piai; of rtuil-arl- luio 'tkmeal can he siarteil aiul •■iace.l In li.elmost IreqiH-ni
"■1 have known one word hang star- flreless sieve tn eoa's. while the I earefiilly, prep
lengihs. ati.rp :t In a l-aklug -IVh wU
:er p|.
housewife goes shqnplng or markn- erally very pleaO'er a dreamy wane of years.
lasii-d of sncai: add the Jiilc- and graiIng. Of the harhclor girl gt»e* in h.r
And It only shone tbe brighter
low rin.l of a small h-moii l«k- uni
quite anolhet siory. To SI
dally work .Imih finding a warm, w-oiiLooked at thro* a mist of tears:
pookeil m--al on ihelr rrturu. Its iiae* ihiibarh piti|K-rly lb.- (run should
While a weary wanderer gatheml
sle«.-.’an-l I" i' pt;c<i;-l: line,a -I-■re many, miitide of the rt-gular fam­ thoroughly washed In clc-fr, rol.l
Hope and heart on tjfe's dark w
glass dish wUh *mall. Hrtn slic.-s <
ily meals. The pirnir paity can take
d cm inio pii-ce* al-uul an li
By Its friihful promise, shining
sponge call- or plain (r-iU rale, an
aleng the hay liox apd serve an app-* Icng. fnless old and tough. It is 1
Clearer day by day.
sqiieeae over li ih.- Jiilc- of a iartiling hot meal instead of the usunl ler n.H to i»-el It. fsr alioul one c

rtoTh"! \;rr,red'-rr,T':' '
CHMauaeea, which at tlmea srell

hay e..vered with burltps.Jonr sided;
eight and a half Inches high, fllhsl
ilshtly with hay, also wiih hiirlaps.
covering and fitting closely to eadi
piices are In

Congressman Meekison Gives Praise to.
Pe-ru-na For His Recovery.

orange. JiiM 1-cfore .s-ntiig »Hr >ui
ful of wal.-r to three..-unfuls yd fr
and about half as much sugar as Urn. and -.lur V o..t ii,e rale. If 1
hart., CiK-l genlly la a p.trcelain or
granite ke tie tin-II teniU-r. Iri' do nm preferr.-!. the rale and ihul.arh cream i
In- arrang.Nl in ih-> dl'h to layers ;
stir or 1.r>-ak U. A.Id linif a lemon
of the ce-ani
very thinly slire.1 lo the rhiiharb when
pulling it on In ruuk If a very pleasing Plain luvacl and buiier malCes an <iflavi-r Is desireil. Serve this very colil celleoi trifle for cbllrtr..n or .-miTgoocy
wllh or wltbout whipped tream or Ice dishes.—Mary F.vsi.-i Snider. In Farpv

Tbe kllcben. too. ne«d not be In dla< cold costard.

and Flrestde.

le. <d the eggs and cootertlon-t'hicag.. News . 'h"
;a. iH-ai. n to Ho- proper coologellrr liV I..,.'
flsiol wUh rone water,

-solved. each eale with a lilUe quince
•ir |S aPh j--ll> wift.-ned ovef bol walerIh-a.. Ih. Icing nil lop, using a pastry

A-I.l the ri

Sponge Corn Oemt.
One oarupful of flour, on.- half teal e( rtirnmeal, one lalf leaepmaiI nil Of sail. (WO tearis-iittils »( baking
isi.lesp'KmfnI nf
r III pail, wi ll e.vpful of
xeupfill U Milk. '
Tull. .
iiielied hii
and sift
- lia.i.'v cske.,»nx Ihe.n
egg. sugar
.. hiar>hnialkiw•• iwtcN-. Ik-ui
easily; and l.u'-- r t-B..;her, then add the dry
, rt.Uowii.g r-ci|--is a c.K.-l .lncr.N!i.i,- - UP.I milk, and last the
. ial:. .-i-.nfnls of butter.'.lilT'. i--v'-i- •»'>»••
’h” **«- Bake
half coo soesr. thoN- eggs, '.p ge,„ .ren- This ajpouat makea erne

gradiiai:) Oi- sugar
l..-nt ihe white*,oft
frmh and *"
Ihe flpur.
Ibe mixture half 'I.the,(lour;''lHWt sle-roviol
malning hall .d the


!ilip* of eggs

.\.r> lii:ht '-round kirkury nuts together wUh
■- '.. a 11(1 srouud all-picr- and nutmeg, to make
ov.--i.-r wiih-il con\eui--i,i to handle. i->nn- tbe
.-r. A+i Vihi.n half
add ilie r>water and

hands, and make tbe mixture Into
>-alli abrui iho alxe of a nutmeg. Lay
ihem on ilBa. grenwd
wellWaihed liuiler, and give them vKMn to


Bake la a qnkk oT*-n.



Faces 7 to 12


He aald further that ibejer borne In Btc Rapids
lb.- city until ahe waa Inoaied.
--------- wronB,
----------- --------Many Homea Offered.
[*»WreB are kli. a W«‘tk.W
Ihidentny attorney
attorney senerel
senerel bad
bad quoted^
quoted after mpendlnc over a y.
"I had a letter from her the :3ih'dep«y
Tlie erflcic-ucy of one altnplc anlcle aavlns that when the Ore becameione .-yttlon and omitted another. The; nhere be mn. employrd.
Moadar n* io>Baursied Uie flW eon Harold and a two wccl.* old hal.r
puhllRhed In the Hi-rald a ahon
ehuwe to tic UiD€ oC the Pwe M»r- danffbter. and the lollowint l.roibrr.
alarmlDc the doeuw la ebarse moved ‘ aection omitted provided for a new
Mr*. E. Flaber and aon Cart, of In
Irter. John and W. O. Koole <tf
•tlMtte, wbeo the recator Inle frum
the patlenu to San Jo«> for aafeiy.! hoard In 19~;
"And to brine »»«>>■■ 1 terloehen. were to aitendaoce law
tb« Dorth. doe at S o'clock p. to. vlll thU ciu and Mra. Wlll.-t M. CoddlnsMr Jones' mother. Mr*. Slllord. found 1 the amendment*. It couldn't bo dooei ..rpnlns at the »ehool t>f mu*lr where
of II mas Id need of a home, bar been
Wlll Foote will l.av<- on Ih
nol arrife ootll 8;J0 p. m. and the
her and took her to her htuue at Mon-! any other may than the mat J did 1'.’j Marter Carl itwk part lu a reeilal
Count y
recnlar Irala from the aouth, doc to o'clock train lomiWrtja arrd lii
Mr. and Mr*. WilUan
Htlllkcr Mai<-<l Saiiirday afternism
After some further dlscussioa in i a trip to Brer Itoke
BirlTC at 10:45 p. m.. will not arrive afternoon will mire the l^m.-rnl
to the
the article oadltlon of thlnp existed there for
nBccneiils mhlrh will
which Mr. Hogan Mated that he bad mhere they will visit r
obUI fletcen mloalee toler.
bad brtmehl over one hundred apifllrs- a few days; no poyi<flee. lelegnpb ar
The nonlOK train which »a* taken cur Thurwlay fAm the family he
miib n miliury guard
> Alrtcn
■a. George Seoii v
linn-t. these Dot only Is-inn from thU i lelephom
tie board bin *lmply dcsln-d lo lie |
oB a few waeka a*o will not be re- here.
morning to aecompan* her has .
elty 1,111 from niirouiidlnE vlllapes and j tbrowp i
sbosrn bow be mas out of offirt
anned until the lomincr nchoduUt «■
Maple City. Elk Rapids, lomed
home this evening
VIsHIng Old Friends.
bwira noDc Une in June.
bustocas of the ls>*rd mas taken
ebance lo flnd a friend at ai
•a.- Rev. Fr, H. P. Msil* <3
r. Jones fared «cry well.
paasrager* for Edgcmyner today,
Hsrea. but formerly of ihl* city, ar lap-s. hi-ld familin In need or wllllns
staid mPb a friend and he mrore that
hero they will visit p-lailves.
At high niKUi yesterday Wm R. CaW
Doe to a Boeded condliloi of tbc rived to tbc city on Monday a» th- to tat..- Oie young girl and give her a
they moved three llm,-» lo gel away
pubpouto markeoi all over the couatry. sue« of the Rev. Joseph Itatier. where
ell of Travers*- fit; and Mis* Ma­
Tbe Misses rmiillne and Ano-Ua
rnm the flic and that ih-y had enoiigit
will remala a few dav*. Fr. Hans liea'lon Mr. and Mr* IhtM*. who had
un WiMKlhull Masim were ntilH-d In Raumbosb of Kullona Ray arrlwl la
tbc local price clumped from tOc to
the liille Birl w’ long, changed f,sul to last itirtu- or l-uir day*, when marriage at the home of the l.ride In
tat two months in Mcslco lie- pa-i
bMwoeo 55c and 40c Saturday-. Hethe elly ihl* monilug for a itay '’- 'i»
^ds alsdit letting lo-r gy and t!ii-y liti|u--l to gel more. '
Muskegon, The mi-rlding mas a very
atiigtii; from thla Uie roccIpU on. Ibe winter, where be enjoye.1 unl-n.rtded
she has since remained mith tht-m. and
mket dropped off and there were not bosplialily.
quiet affair and thi- greater portion of
Pljjf tor Old Settler* Meeting.
Mrr. John Rennie, mho alieuded the
hi- understanding is that then' mill
over 1Z5 loada received for IVe week.
A iiicwlng Id tbi! executive commif the gnsim's (rteiids in Ibis'city,'m hlle. funerel of the late R. n Ihnnam of
Bke out Indetiture liaper,-. Siuee Sat
There are over *0,000 bimhela to Trevlee Of the Old Si-Klers' arwiclation mas miispecilnn that such an event mas not omena. returned to her Ijome this
nlay many mure luipilrles have Ikvu
«ree City beaidea the jarpe .warehouses
hi'M in Ihl- Herald and Record office
full UireuBhoui-ihe.cDulitty and none
bis Irip south yeeicrday ma
ini Thiirs.lay. The oflln-ra arc:
r and -;Mr*. HciWri Joytii drove
of the slock baa been moved lor aovpurpow.,
Hon J. H- Monnu-. prealdcnl.
le this aftornooa from Omen*,
Old Homealcad Burecd.
icr a »fai)rt wedding trip,
eiBl day*.
r. H. Esii-*, sern-tarv.
re they went Monday to altetid
Hay it comma m rapidly and brine- c
happy coui.le will rvtuni to this clly
UiB-ell oSur*. treasurer.
funeral of hla uuHe. R. M. Put
iag from M to |» a ton.
uaki- Ihidr home on Sixth r liall h»s been meeiirrtl for
m-ulnsula. <«i th- Maple tlrove
1- the gmim has a n-sldenn- all
till- annual imV-tlng. mhieh will lx- held
Memorial Day at Maple CllyI. mas lolally di-stnoi-d by fire at
r* r>r A. J. Vcrhall of this rliv.
.Par the Ccnacicnea Fund.
iiii Wi-dnesday. June 13th
CommU- rraily fur the reception qf 'b® "t‘de
Maple riiy. Mich.. May It-Mii
a. ni>. the Ul>«- rcwibI BtU-ndvd the funeral of her ownd.
The city is ricber by **.25 In an odd IMwt Will oltterve Memorial servks-* a.*
date of ibeir niihing Is nm anlis-s mere ap|v,inicd as fnliiims:
lug from It directive fftie The Art **>
father. II. D Putnam, returned bom*
way. Friday a eltUen called
' ■' is year. The rormorial »er discovered Iiy the family tif Johu ' Arrangements—Hon. J. H Monroe.
City Clerk McCoy and told him l
T. T, Bale*. J. W Mllllki-n, W. W.
be on Sunday. May *1. at thr.wbo wns llvInibJti the home,
and Mrs Marvin laCore of Em'
about throe years ago bo bad been Congregational church at 10:30 a m
lllam it. Caldmell is a popular
.as Ion far ndvancnl lo lie sloplied
plre. acrompanled by their two grand
ovorpaM to the amoont of 1225.
c man with many frb-mls. At
Eiiieiiaiiimial—!l. Montague, chair.
The Memorial day aervlee will Is- a
Ly Hie Ineffielent means at band The
children. George and Marvin Ferri*
aaid that be bad oadcavored to re
IDII. balanrs- of ciminil'bf to lie ap­ present he holds the responsible post
R. hall commencing at 10 3>i a
uuse was owned hr Rnls-rt Garland.
of Knogville. Tenn, passsvl through
the money once before but Uiore
,t 1:30 p. m.. ginvt-* mill lu- di-t
is,Ihied later, f
h» nnivi-d Into Uh- city last tall.
the elty yestenlay on their may lo
BO record of the over parmcttl nod the
if the loeal mater mock*, his for
TraasiHutoilon—K. ; I..
■oreliul and there will Ite special set
The place is slliisf-l on the -n-iif r '
■mey wnant token. The man atoled vires, post work, address and cxer
mat ap|K>inimc-ni to the latter imslilon l-totpire. Mr. and »Ir*. itoCorh having
rank Hamilton, n. J Morgan.
dd Btimil nine miles from Ibe cllv
s|»-nt the »lnii-r mitb their *sjo. ITof.
tbnl the fact bnd lain heavily on bis
Musii—W .S. Anderum, f. K. Vuck. having Iwn made la.*! Monday night
t ifte wish of the roraraand
ocBnetoBce ao Mr. McCoy lol.l biro that
n-i-iiii-ss to add that his many Charb-S C. Ferris of the Vnlvi-rally of
I soldiers and sailors loin
lu-lween Itere and Old Mission. Th-and rvdurned mtth theehll
be would relieve bis mind. The money
friends mls>i him happinefcs to ail his
rvict-s and as ttianyof the
i> was liuiK by John - ftorland.
dren mho mill speed
the Fummer
was token sad was colered as offlce
,-*• dutb-s.
eilliens ns poualble. especially the ehll- father of Saniuei Garland of the Slab- inimi-dlalely and arTniigi-menta mill lie
reeelpU. The bonoat man retired with
The l>ridr Is one of Miiskegon's-mnst
is-rfiwe-i flirdii' preaiesi mei-iing
dren. Coffee will be served fn-v el
ank, and Rnlu-rt. mho omiovl It.
Mrs Roy Mon/oe left yesterday,
worried look (baa wben be
the hisliuy of the iv>snelai but Futllicr rharmtng yonng ladle* and she Irere*
. J. M. tNekereuD Is the adjulaut
John tiartand tll.ui a f--m years after
for KtocFley. when- she allesdcd the
of the k
building the largi- faim house and hIs annoiinrcments «
Ines* in her new hume In Ibv funeral r.f h-T slater's mile Infant, the
Kolu ii. conlinued to make hlr
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ReulM-n WllMenctor lea Cheat.
In the Snow Bell.
. Ihere until last faU. mhen h.
M,n; which ma* hdd at 2 o'clock in
The BKmatcr lee cheat Just
Trev.-rso City is al«ve Ihe
Man is Murder SuapecG
pletoff by the Saginaw Beef company
Ilnc which, on eWdnesday was sharply Maide liTovc fajm He John Hulai-. who
j Bcnfii Id •
»l tbe comer c( Lake avenne
Of the great liosl that , fort) five
drawn near Cadillac, which mas i
saved only * portion of his furniture.
lih nnlhing more serious charged
Wgfalb BtrMt. baa begun rerwivlng tbe agti resp>,niti>d to the rail
gllng In n genuine snow storm ol
relative*, arrived in the rliy two day*
■ icB DneeasBTT to comidric Its one. Oee
•Father Abraham''' imoihlids have against him than begging
try aapecL The C. II. * I. <»rly
streets Svatnrilay aftenioon, Harry ago. and len for Sohm. where shbOBdred tons are bow belpg put In by
ns-s-d orer Hh- dark riiw. while o
mouth this morning ran Into sni
It mas * O'clork Thursday evening
fuadley. aged 33 lo
years. Is-si
Jnmea C. Hopkins and It will be
vlslt bi-r parents. Mr and Mrs P
hlnl is still left to kivp alivlutre Siding, throe miles frith W the Dual testimony In the pr
tKVied of iKHng lb-- mortlerer sif Ml
dBm before tbe filling Is completed.
i-mories of their romrailes
and the l>eaiillful Cftniinved to
limlnao examination of Charles l>
lilt C. Golden. April 33d, postmaster
The lee will be atored In the upper
Mr. and Mrs,. John O-Rotirke and
until Cadlllae warn roarhed
hill, proprietor of the Hotel Ciramn,
Dennlium. a small village near Orend fam'ly of this elty left yesterday
oomparunont which baa ao opening all
glon is expeeled to Join with his o
Dond's mills snow covered the Irecks. livery staWe and (ahMin. was «>r
Haven. A shotl time ago noHeem
BIBOBd the four aldea down which the
ihr-lT household good*
the parade, iliu devnilonal exan llM- keco-cyry} hrakeroan of t
pletod In Jnsilre Curtis' court. M
«old air niabea to the alorage compart,____
locale at
R. A I. slated lb tie H«nld reF'rier. Corliilt wan charged with keeping bis errlre* and the plarltig »f flags and of OliuB'a endnty Tvfferii
reward of|,„,,j^py j|r o'Ronrke U employed
- MOnt Jtoalf. This It ll^led by win­
fl.imers OUT the gri-eii mMiiml* where
and be further ihuughi hi- sam
saloi'in open on Sunday. April
jitei for The ap
dow* had eiaauls UghU ari- tonalled
Marqm-ile wlib a I
the form of eoniraib s whose <le
gtag on sleighs, luii lh<- i-sr o
Ih-nnI'ilor nli*t work. The air which U
<iver at PetOBkey on Sunday*
was dimmed
mho were eallisl as the first mlim-sw-s vntion to duly have l.rouclu the bless
rtvt-lvf-d by nffir-lttls
talaly «*my and the lee once aiorcl
family dealri- lo re­
r p,-.vee and en-Iiiriog repiiblir.
smore (o seeing Mr. fort,III and a Hr.
In this rliy with a dvsrrlpllon tallying side there;
wUI not bavo to be renewed lor
sp.viat Invltatlim is .Itefirted
Rlsard Mid a stranger enl.u- the salo-.n
almost |*-rfivrly mitli
Mr*. Wllllani BtimdgraNl and son iBImm the idfire d.Kw on the morning Woman's Relief Horn- -t eVtir plired ill the et»p .Saturday afternoon
is. weal lo Argel ye*ier>lay afietans,
of April 2S. the day lioing Sunday.
AfMT Many Vqare.
tiy Officer Jennings of 'the local poimn for a abort visit with her parenia.
■,r the luihlle schools and all loyal elii
Ward Howe, who Is einplovi-d at
Hr. and Mra. Jamea McCaat
’iee force.,
Mr*, rtennis lloxsie.aiid son retnro
MIMilffan Woman'* Pr-w Aammialloo.
runs to >dn In this Irtlmle
a na
liw'el was relied by the defensi- and
Ijler in the da;, a leennd man was
Brentford. Cmt, hfrived lo the dty
1 lo their home at Bales ye-ierdaT
The annuti meeting of the Mlchi
Hon s love
ible to swear Ihal he wai
BB Monday, where they later it the gan Woman's Prc*s aBaorlallon will
plactl In the e...|, mltb Bradley and
non. via. the Pere Marquette wbll'
Sondity. May :7. I* M-morial Sun
the eoiiie morning and
afunooo Wok • irip to the cemetery be held to Battle Creek. May
be gave his name a* Meltunald the tmo
Hoxate who drroe to with the fam.
hehee could not stole that the parties day. Ihrsi mill assemble at the hat bav iiig 4-omt- to rbt- city via |hi- G. R. A
wlth-ar. S. ABdenoo to exhume
y Ihl* roonilito; reiiinied with ib*
and 24. The member* of the assuclaat 1J;3» and ailenrt divine service It
ramalB* of Mra. MeCaan's brother. llon wUl have their headquarters at menllooed illd
I. which arrived at i>:3o a. m. Satur­ familay equipage la ibe rain late to
sahsm during the morning.
Frank a Isvdy at ehurrh eurner of Cass and
Abrem Harris, who, after brief
tbe Krdlogg aanliarlum where sis-elal
Klghl'h-Wtrc-I-s- All auxiliary and
i’elan eallefl by the tv
terntam I'wlofflee Inspee. view Saturday morning wna tol
rate* have been wcured and among
ilred sorleii.T are Inill.-d lo J-mi ■
rat by tbe aide of bla wife. Marnnret. (be<fn*tures of the three Hays' piw also an unlmponaiii win
r Martin liie tmo prlaoners
then- all the time on the morning
J gain any .tolnrmailon In noon, after a short visit to
who died three daya prerlona
grera will be a luncheon at lie saal
aged bosband. Mr*. MeCann U tie larlun. given by Dr. and Mr*. J II
regard lo their mht-realkKila upon the with rrtailves
Her broibet.
BBly retolive left fay the deceased and Kcllokk. A tine program bn* been prv' iwure that lie mw* In the hotel offlee
fatal uight. April 33. llomever. the Ttokham. spent .Moailay In th e vtrlnlhe eiillre morning fi»,m _R o'rlnrk
haa not eeen ber brother for upwards pared, Including a pulille meeting at
younger man Itradb-y tallt-d m* aerti ly «f Rapid City, ^rve he f<
nniil the dlniH-r liour and >
rateiy «flh Hie des<-iip‘'li>rflh*i II mas trout fishtog morc^han excell
Bf tbIrty'yoBre. or alnee bis
Which Mr*. Myrtle Cherryman
Will Take Cate U Courts.
reter the sal.s.n di**r during
from bis Canadian borne to Borthero of Grand Rnpids.' i memlicr of the ns
iboiigfal 1,01 to mri'e iheijltomaeuanF. M. Hankins returned yeaicvday'
Immediately after the ruunell'meet
Ihal lime. "If Mr. CorliiU had
ly sheriff mho *niv.-d llA* aftern.Hvn. Bfieriiooo from Brigbion, mhere
MKinilM and <me of the most talented
lug last M-nday ihi- luard «t pnlilic
locked the ihsK and U'l anyone in
AVtKsIbitry put the man Bradley was ealle.| several days ago, 'iwlnt
Very Utile Is kqown of tbe bu
rredcr* In the stole, mill lie th
murks tin t an'l otgaiiired. A W. Watt
.*ak»n I woulil bare acre them >
Ihrotiah etas.- serviHny and questloo ,
Bfialre of Mr. Hands but last wren calure. All women who are eit
Thomas {ihkii" and J. II MeC^vugh
wpoB l^HlOB ol tbe Anderaon under- ed wllb the cdltorUI work of Mirhlgan mas Ihere all Ibe tlDU.'' mas
ing but falb-l n. fa-ien ntythlag
j,rert trouble,
mere In Ho-ir si-a's K. C Hogan
Itiirt William*, the
toktag firm. Deputy Sheriff Taylor was newapapera. or who are doing regular slalenteiii.
prvvseni and annniine,'ii that he Intend- d.-ltoii- m«>n h.m m regard to b‘s | n,. ^.ports the father miir^j la tter,
appointed epeeUl ndmlnlstraior nnd llerary woik arc cllglhir to memls-r
whetvabouis April 33.
Rev. J W Or-nhf-rger. ot While
.-.I to mak-- a rttmesi and mould
hni andertokes to find wbat penonal •hip and will Ik- gtven a cordial mel 111 hlnsworo statement.
Bra-lb-! state.! he mas *1 luato op
y.-sterrtav on lb- I'-n
Judge Citrlls gave i
and other property wna left. Mr. and
IhBi night hut his ■lory U said to la- J,grq.iei-. Inr an exiendy.1 vblt min,
Ibe meeting.
Ihal Ihe'i-vldenec mas lii»uffieii-i,l t.>(moi.-.l
Mr*. McCann, after vbUiiig the eomeIIIOM- Ihread-Hl an-t many loop bole*,
,hr.a daughters, Mrs W C-f-aft
"I 'mas <d-s-i>-il a tnemiH-r of
hold My. rurblil to e-,i r;.
tery. went h> the home of J. J. Burden,
[ Isginl .if morks tor lhr.-v .vears,"
Men Wanted in fi
.alepBooafHr. Hnrris.
Nnibtog m*' f-ttin-i
his iwrsmi
j ^ Graham of 411 I'renUin s'rIn Earthquake.
said Mr. Hogan.' the moaetl apppive.1
Messrs. WlllUm Lamb and Jorepli
irf a i--ll-tole nature th
l.rt*ye-terd*y f-r Wisronsin. .m
The horptrs
Spariing of Joyfleld. Henxlr oKiniy.
r.-nrd lo hi- mto re»la>o--< rin be dill- Ju„p,.ring ,,„,r
liniuzht vividly loirlme'' He s'*i-l 'hat lo had shown
transient visitors In 'he elty
in>i: sooeihtog
^ ,■ Artam■r r.fe«'ly reei-ivel the letter. pul-Mshiil In the Rerord sevTui-«!ay mlH-re they arriv-d fovn
This aferniatii
C*|«. B.- A. Ilaire
..n;eral days agu, mhieh he had received
brae. €tli Caa* avenue. Grand Rapids
,d Johnson drove
*fi- r a M.P to 'hi.- epy an-)
kii-.sli in this n-v. telling of th* suf , fo.m th......... ..
altoitiev general, le
at BOOB today of Mrs. Clare Foote, mhiTt th- pri.
Hapi-l-., mhen- ,h” M"'-' 'hre*
o'nrtergvme by his daogbli-r, .Mrs r|ij- Anom- v Iiav.s and Mr Itavls
Drtecall. daughter of the Uie John
they arTivrel
an md-ltoUe
inrd, all, of Joyfleld. passr-l ; Jon- -., formerly Miss Graee Halie.^ had r.-pll-d. ' I may Is- mlsi*k-n m my n th-—et-v Satiiiday n
FtoOlo of Norrtivllle. Mra. Drisrell's
.,m.; mi'l, h.r-Bla'er. Mr. M E Rar,
mioh.'' Mr iloain said to*i he mas
death wm* entirely unexpected aa sht IhPKigh the elty Jivr tlir^anlt.da !c*pt lUIr, says
e the BIB'^
was due to
'The bouse my .Uughit
had not been Berlously 111 nnlll jester eoUDlry and during th- tolervenln:
hrtrk and m.-til mltb ' l.-r Ion *..
day afternoon wben an attack
heart lime lh<- party id five have traveiivl
'.bi. ,11, .d their appr.,arh.
y.-.r-rday m-Tutog af.T at
oK-k of eanlntiake
Th--;th<y did su
extensively througli<mt the Canadian
failure reine on ai>d she was unable
•ffi't'd tn 4'*dlllae and from
.xfrr. Mrs. J g Adam­
ere In mas «n the outside.
On Mr
nonhmesl. The last tlitee inenlion*sl
ian of the.:
mho ha- t-s-h li:.
tom-htf* mhen ; Frii-drieli «
remained at All.-ria. n provlnee of
Mra. cure Foote-l>risrell. aged
• the roU- lit* ,|t»t' I**'''
AUd '*"Tt
y,.. The-e.a I'd’ f-tr tt.e
mhere they mill lake up ^ the hrviis.- meni domn ’hr mall fell
U>' you"*®*' daughter
jim to Kmrslev. Thu.- they remained
f.-t,,,. »' K Brinkman,
ng Mr, ti«to*i?s nan
160-arre homesteads. Mr. Iamb andjward and left them ■
the late John 5'ooie. formerly l
malked -airvr "■ Ms nine.Plas ;
H••s*ll. liumev.'r.
ankir iBomhcr of the firm of J
n*rn. an-l im-. - If!
not ; • prev-n' aii-1 .sditlntp-i .. .sviipv |||,i Mayfie’d and rude fTT.m th'T.- f.TraV
Fbole A Boa, tbc father paaslng am
E a|‘"~‘ '■">
-I........... I N'-i’».r«H .-•urtiert this af-.r
and I seat ibrnugh-iii
nnlhing more dellnlre to view than ajhurt ami bb s-.n dur
to January fnnr yrer* ago and t
I- le,-,n-s«
i—-n after v.
i,.' b.r |wrer,-' ann aeiive pan It, the
b-ismpno-ptydlve pl.-asiire trip.
motber toUowllig Feb; II. 1*04. M
th- P'-”'> .
"On .-very rnener.*' Mr idimh slated
Diiarell waa a reaidOBl of this e
Hairy Bradley IS a typteal uaipp and.
..f i
ry her In hi* arm« and then --ntn- • e-.iir.u had d'-eliired tifree tnemb
in the Herald Tuesday, "nne s.-er
imlll her mantoge aeven yi-ars a
until the as. sU' h l•no>»■dl*l••ty stripped mhen he. y,,
• hrlpetl him.
Th” d>te*»r »*tn|..l the la«*Sl ■!•*-•.-d an-1 until
Bhc waa a gmdnate of the lorel Hi
Ja‘l »®'' aashcl his etl''f‘ ,
,,.,1 p,
1-,,^ I'lael ir-;.
les broken.irtninell d-elare.| ..thermic- he
he m-rild
Signs ask-1 learned there mere do
acbool and gathered around ber a nandsitll for lark ■
; reremnlre the Ibr--. Mf H-o^ati
and even‘only sev.-f- hrvilse* an
targe eltcle of friend* who will be Ing lor yin ore.
•leveland. nr Rortu-s-tt-r. or fioeto-'
.,.}», .esterdiy .m a
V a Iriend
If tta” l>«r-l aa- ml.iling that
-Th.-n Mr June, me
aboeked to bear of ber untimely dreth. li"" are met will
-k.,r» trip, re-nened fiuOT"- thl- af'-r
lamalnai., r.,i,ri> sb-m1d d<elde and all atv-r
n l,l<a-ks amay and g
Mrs. UrtacaU waa married lo Fred traveled uver. The ii- m____ W.-taakmto tn Haysflrld is p-isl-iOt ..f elnifa.-a fur hims-3(
Wh.-n h-'milling
DriseaU of Grand Rapids. Aug
-d B1
lag irailres fnr»1.5hu men. The whe* ireiiiin.-d th- fire bad approxrh-i f
fi'> .Mturn-y Oavl- s-*<-,1 that




J retro ‘liie.dar. R.-sord
re*':rt,”d »<■ >i.-r hutae this i
■ f-tre he bad given his ..pinl-n lb*
Mi-r Jennie laiodun left nve| ihe G
.pi Ddlag' aDmo 'Itse m
n.-w l«»r.i .d public snrk. m.-ild h
.,R. A 1 Ihl* morntoe fur CaohrWgc
r>dailve<, MK-darolu !-• elrei. d ’h*' be bad c
ahete -be m,U r- maln a Ruh-Dson and C I. 5»h*w
tn'iteh Ih-'icM an-1 had rynsull'
• Mr. and Mrs James MeCarn, who
,sl s.-v«-ral *i,'i>rrey>. .Itie ’< *hiW|»o»tb*
Bbl” r-ittnied to h-r hire Wo In 'he ept fur
trip," They stolcd that Mr. Bralnarl .aafeiy ean-l lor l-y the hospital
-• lAike tnday .after a viMI three days on aeoun’ rrf the
would aend tor hU fanilU» when Ms Ihorilb-* somewhere, and rii- Ireroedjwas no dlspojitlun to do any injury : btim” it
ri'h Mr slater. Mrs Fted affairs of the tote At.ram H;
Offict r or amr rtiiren
A I. and their hone alncc then bai hotnemred was lakca up. the vaher, thrv>iiirii friends nf his safe
! torosd thl* monilBg to their
try- '• ci's-n his <,plDlun aerorrliag lo his tiesl; Siockicg.
mesibcr* belag young men who dc-‘w rote me ne thh 3l'h that be
leave [light and a. ye: hadn't discovered *sy-j Frank Kimball returned to hi* fom-j Brantford.
i® >bf otwthweat.
jins to fln.1 her and would D
A*Me from the sirirkea bnahand. aired to heglB

tba dale of Uelr birth*, tbc fMcultor U
1 all la nnd several Inelies high,’’ Mr,' p.-ar the hnspiial that tb-> had mov.-d
Rparllng utoied. 'there l»-ing nu mln iihe pa’tre'a m a pi*.-.- .d safety bn’
cireOButanre bring ehuaen hr
whrel gromn. Farms are ii.arlyjbe <vmld not lueate h.T.and sdareh.-l
Toang couple who were on that date ter
both 25 yoaiB of age. Mr. and Mra.‘all to and ihf- er.uniry is btatoitog it;many days l-lorv .-v.-n rinHine wh'-rgreat eouBtry and me enjoyed the! the was.
He l”avn.-.l that she
DrtacBlI I
r took up I

May bu found in our

Young Men's Slics
from thirty to thirty*
-six breast measure.

$5.00. ».oo, $r.50,
$10, $12 $15
Men’s Sizes
from thirty*five to

$7.50, $10, $12.
$15, $18, $20.
A perfect fit guaran­
teed. All the new
cuts and pattern* of

Top Coats
$10, $12. $15
f')ur t.olors, iwo dif­
ferent, length*. Ev’bryone thinks these
are g4>od.

Rain Coats
or "Cravanettci” at

$10. $12. $IS. $18

numbers on

whi'.h si/r;4. arc bro­




f.jurth off.

& Hunter



Gnid Ttarctse HcnM


t Cage of BaMToed wne taben
a*ly III yiBewlay wHb a TMeat Nortbport.
fiieMI bskl •! Vkr IV
r. C. Bwnaabn and chUdroa. who;
efalU which Mer deraleped IMo «owfca»e heea TUIttog teeir aisterdatow.'
geetloe of tba toag*.
Mra. 'W. H. Fbotir. returned to teeir:
Hft. BMhate cnirtagtoin
k fUpMa-Rite. 40c.
Cetor. who arrired In tbe city aarty home tel* BomlBg.
peteetiey—Rate. *' "
Mrs. L. M. Hahwer returned to Morbuitday. atay
nemv epaat tee day waiting
a will If*vc Tra\i-r^
before leertag for Alden. where abe U ley teb nortoag alter spending sevweeks la tee city.
oalMd aa aaoMi of e eteefee M paraly- aral
.Will UberofCadlllae. wbo hadeeT-llor^rilceUrs
ab white her abler. Mn. Q1 Ftekard.
ral hnadred bnrtmta of. spud* la wlc’*■«H F Morller, G. 1
d a weak ago aad white baa left
ter storage at Ortteaa. ^ssed Chroagb|
comiaUier oB
(be city thU morning front Ocnrna.| brea appolateil at
t be went a week ago to attend I orgaalre a civic I
today after. rIclUac Mn. Perry Nor­ to ibeir aale. Be also vUlied bb par­ at MiukeguB.
ents while there
100 Boheab street.
F. M. Ctarii of E»U-, wbo 1. loealed
Hn. J. S. Griee went u< PelbU
I this elly In business, left today lo TOCtmE A c
day tor a ebon vteh with frteadi
spend Buaday with bis /amiiy.
Hr. and Hn. C. H- Bates of Bale*
ant tbe day b tba dly. where they FToBi Monday's Rerun]
ridted rebilre*.
Trsverse City Msrkets
Hn. Franeb Bniitfa b-lt this aflir
MU* Carrie Cadhao. wbo Is teach- noon (or a tbon vblt s ite triena* lA
lag tbe ^gler iteool nl Bast Habnil. Wllllaatsbarg.
*d In the e«y Ibl* eeeslag
I Snnday wtita ber parents. Hr.
lamaburg returned ■<• their borne IhU
and Mrs. John CMbaai.
soon after K|>endlne Sunrby In
Mn. Inac Bewecof Read City, wbo
lie with tbeir son and wife, Mi,
ha* beea la tbe ctly as the gneet vt
ber abler. Mn. Bobart OUebrist. re- sod Mrs. Wlllbn Fny of ««i Bwt
root stieer.
d lo ber home this Borelas.
Mr. and Mrs, lobs Siegel of Cbeboy-'
t. Ferry Warner of Blagbam,
las beea la the city a few day* as gan. Wls, arrived In tbe rity tbb afterwhere (bey sill xpend Mitae ilinr
[oeet of frieodv retaraed U
as guests of ibelr son sod wife. Mr.
nnd Mr*. Guy Segel
*. M. B. Koubroee of Karlin
Rev. and Mrs. f W Clark I'f
turned borne today after rUUIng
Wetferd arriv.-d In yh<- elty ibl. atn r !**S^■ol*lI*T** or Tws'rtasa'cpiiw !•**»*«■.
the city with friend*.
. where they «01 visit hh- paivntr.
Mlu Anna Cadbsai, who has bora
Hr. and Mre tl M Uorw.
leacbloR the Glen Haven sebool.
turned lo this eliy today, where her
Mrs wnibm TchsI
acatloa win be spent.
ved In tbe rily lbl> afu-rrnsin <■
Mn-1. B, King left yesterday after- short business trip.
eoo 10 Tl»U her slider in Karlin.
Mr, and Mrs Willlain Pray I. n 1
Tbt Rev. C T. Rtout ha* nliirnrd [IrriH>on fur Lelau.l. where Mr. I’
from a trip ibrongh somhern Htchl- III brglu work on M.>nin<*>k.
rauilful bungalow sbmii to bMr*. B. V. Uewi* and liltle nej*ew. l.v Profeiwor Maron on bis sv
Roy Lewb, returned booe thl* afterWin', Vin SIrkle. wbn
norm to Bnlloes Bay after a ten dsys' the etuislructinn In rharge.
Mll In tbe city.
Tbe Misses Grohowskl wr-nl to
Mrs Ibirn Ibvcslman.. wbo hat I'ee'iinc


PBRE Marquette


• «K- Nl>B«-a.
MlMto kM
ito npert
■Itlifltlir that
^ «zetaalT« cf
water fw loeh« Ja canal* for aarlcaUM and be allowed K.OM cubic fan
«tTonSea tnm Wa»ra Fall* and tee
40B0*tie we. Halted Siaie* UJW
enble fe« »ar aeeoad. la addlUoa
Uda. lOJM cable feel per aecawd ■
allowad dor aanliarr parroaea. teU
balaf tea CUetteo dialaase
regard to tee 800. both »o
are to picaenre aafMeai water tor
atvlvUoe aad tee aaiplaa t* to be dlTld«de«BalUr. 'nieae
I tea went of It to tec Niagara dlvUloo.
/tliera wa« nadaebtedlr good reaaoa
' ior tela and If It will prereal tec fall*
frOB betarnilBed. U aboald iwcl*e

PraaMeat Boa*e»ek Friday umas' tetlted Xaeawteo tbe report of CobMMeoar of Corporation* OarCeld ea
tea ■tettref traaaporttiioB la regard
to oU aad laineer prodoeta. BrieBy.
tea Mian U sastalaed. are aotblng
BO* or lea* teae aa ladJcOaei
tee 8taadard Oil eoDpaoy and It*
Tbe report tUlet teat almael up to
tea preaaat time, the Slaadard liaa
beea eii>i)rliic aa tacofae of teraegurteia of a Dlllloe dollar* aaDuaDr
at tee Mpeaae of tee railroad*, that by
pablUbad aad aerret rate* It ha* beea
enbied to ernib out compctllloB aad
coatrol tee oil martoi. lixlag tee price
to tee comaier la aa arWlrary
*ar. Oat of tee »,00A,om barrel* of
ratoed oil prodoced anoaally. St/Wd.•M are by the SUadard, lee
MWjMt barrda tor tee reit of tee

, li.


.'I.. -ysiee,; .«
..,, .,::,:„;.v,l.keih^.lr

Hen i>uy>-n> will iitsf Itiv
10 6. J.-clTrv«n—au-l.uifpfsti.nia1dy i!i.
iii-titutaVv-s. Tlu-wsHi'lerlol
■ vr ithyttItV.-

ntov'L is lltf vjoDtr}'
|k~.i jitpl Moal TriMni
vafll |ilsFiDi:

liaii'iHli- illr-struma STKINW.W. LioK «>f nil

Pluios. tbf niJtfiiJiixiHlimXNELL lIKtlS ..>ur own make
It..- *iii»tI» SiiH-MKR; tlo- oriiMii- KR.kK.Vl'KIt; On- pupuUr

Many New Goods

STKKUXU - iimf ..tlo-rs, alwlniel) uiHsiuali<al at
llfirT!-«l»s'l‘V.- (.rits-s.

New Straw Hats

Music House.
Fifteen Stores.
Traverse City Store: 159 E. Front St.

New tprons

Prices, lOc and Upsaids.
New Dinner Sets
$6.19 and Upwaiils

spending tbe winter with her daogbter,
Joseph RiUtHT of Matile Cil?.:
pasled Ibrougfa tee ell ythls afienfs’ 1
• on her rtdura lo Bssi

passed through the city thu aoralag
on ber way to Clevettnd.
H. C. Pbec went to Manistee this
„«i S.M., u .1,. cl.,.. ;'»■ e-.' I
norabg on a >
Mrs. H Packard and Mrs. 1. Foiirh
•e apendlag a few da>s la Hanbter.
Hr*. J. Tfwmaln. e^coaipanierl 1
ber taoUwr. Hn. F.. Staaler. left for
W.11™. .reel .rci™
Hemestcad this aoinlag.,;«»c«:..d,..
Mrs. A. Griswold Ml for
Crossing Uiis mornlag.
Mrs. D- J- Dukey went to Keysloi
Tba nllread* are not aloe
Mtn Flora Cotton iMnraer
(hb laornlDR to spend the day wl
fttnra fa teat maltv, tee gentnl pobId Twin HouaUlo tbU
Uc being tec greater. Tbe produc
after spiaadUc a few days with friend,
«( « baa PM decitoaed to any g
tVlIUaat Tboroa* uf Konbiiori 1
, aitiitf doitag tee paet year, it bat
rivod la tec div tela sMrnIng (vr
Mra. B. F. Hakome left for BaM aaiw to p«v It aad twAac It. yet
day's business trip.
natflae. wtalcA eold la gre
Mrw. K. Kaudson of Nonbpori
oear loU last year la TrarerM CIQr of tee lafaat child of K; A. Voice.
Samori Cnmptoa of Bl.k Bapids was making a plcosnre trip to tbe etiv
fbr IMi aad 14 taata. tbU year ceHi
day wltb ber huaband. an employe
' fbr It ceeta." Tba rtae la oil la certate la tee city yesterday.
C. I. A M. road.
P. R. WllUaa* of »k Rapids trans.
toeaUUea b eotoddeat with
Oor* Bartlett of Otacaa arrived In
to order to aatHe the natter of dia- acted bnalaei* la (be rity yestenlay.
B. Bust aad wife of Elk Rapid* were tbe dty tbb morning lo trai
crlMlaailea la frelgfat ratee and tbe
la the dty yesterday at, gucsu at Part: Iness matters for the dsy, reiuralnsi
■gain'teb evening. .
that there we*. dtacrtniSBatlon
, W. A. Walker ef Elk Rapids was a
Mm. J. N. KteboJ* of Northiwrt ar-;
rived In tbe city tbb morning to spend
- dtoeoeernd tbe rates were readjusted Traverse City visitor yestenhy.
tbe day.
angtetr. tee prpMdent deairm Ibat
buslP«er Wurxbiirg of Nortbport sppo>
* larger powers be eeolerred on tbe USunday- In Jlie city allending to l.iisl
toccata cnBDeree comnlMlon ta ness Interesli.
Bd Cesway of Bear Lake waste (be nesHmalteR- Mr, Wurgburg has Ikuui
t «rdw teat It may meet tee AifaTions
city yesurday.
iinshle to obtain a renewal of his sa■Mdi Of tbe altaatma.
Hugh ScoU of Noribpiwl t
loon license and the saloon has Ihwh
1 U teb ec
. by toereaaed
closed since May 1.
power, caad
do away with rate dlaerim- guest at tbe WblUag ycalesday.
Hr. aod Mra< C. R. Dockeiay at*I
t\*. W. Fairchild left IhU morning
toatfan. aad tee Siaatord OU eoapaay
b UR tbe only corpomtloa m fatored. SOD have retaraed froo ao cz(eaKlv« for Marriue’iwand Trenary.-where tbe
It aboald be glvea the necessary an- trip iloag tbe PactBc coast, bavin.; . J Morgan Inlerolr arc loca'.nl.
eonMr«. Will Raine aud two baldrs tv
teertty to g» ahead.
sider tbe west * goe'Toantry. Hiatal
irned 10 tec citr yvsierdty after
u. at least for the preseot, b good spending d* months In
Oeteh gf OiMvia Pioneer.
Tenn.. and will spend ibe«umtnrr will.
^ Nortbport.. Mich,. Hay *.-Tbe
Ur. aad Mrs. C. D. 8tank-y of But­
Bother, Mrs. A W. Hushee. Mr
r tonerml of tbe hie R. D. Ftitnam Jf
i Omena, wbo died Buaday at (be cM tons Bay. who spent the winter in Raine will erne bier.
». passed tbrongh tbe rlly ycider
s hoeae now occnpled by John Put
afternoon on ibelr return boar. From Tuesiby'* Reeonl
V tbe cMMt *00. was held this afternooB
t U « o-etoch from the FIrei Hetboditt Mr. and Mr*. Stanley epeni Jaauary
Waaea Febroary and Marrb al Ban
cbpreb. tee Ber. John D. DeeU otaclalAntonio aod April al Curvus cbrisil.
and Uii-r
' «■» A large gatberiag of friends
Tbc$- are prodigal (a expressing Ibrir' hbe will ei
o KIk RapIdA (.
gtegned ni tbe etanreh to pay t
for tbe generous boaplmilly
. hot wepecis to (he departed, an
tbpB belag (be only daughter, Mrt.
left Tuesday lor ibe north and have w Rtpid I'liy, whrr.- sh.- will rimslii
Mtoarta Hill of Lelaad and her
« Ibe gviesl of her mm. Janie- Ijidd
George, Mrs. John Rennie of Tra
for a short time
City, a abler ef Hr*. Polhan. gad
Contraeior Jntin Beanlon l•■(I thiHerbect Joyat asd wife of Traverse law. Kallle Joyni. arrived I
ihb ■Dornlng from Omena. where they ranrolag (or Saginaw after Kpendinc
aty. Mr. Joyot being a nepbew
several days here im pstlog Im-ln.—
Charles Joyat of Oraena a broiber-ln- will return <m Ibe ble ireln.
Miss Haille llumpseh and sister. UlMayor A V. Frtedrieh U In For'
law of tee deceased. Iriiemont took
lie. both of Nortbport. are Hi (be eliy llnroe attending an execulhx remmlt
phee In the Nonbpori remetdry a
lee K. O T. M. M mreetng.
a family let b bMd. Hr. Fataam. wbo today where they earns tHls
Hugh Seolt. of Northpori, who has
W ] Nelson of .Sortb t'cisr
WM M years eld at tee time cd bb
left vesterday for ( hlnagn b. ih.- «j<
Rente, was one of tee best kaown and been in Ibe rlly for a monte, left
afterncao to sjiend Sunday with
of Mllwankee. «
BIghly nopeeted pibaeen of the
4y. earning over ferty year* ago and
bb efforts were atwaya dltecied to ad- Hn. Maude B Keboe and nl
J. rresroj^ iMw
vaadiig tee latereau <d bis locamy. Alma Dtitam went to Ke.vatrvne
• Pi rwr* Is * ie>- U
morning lo ^mod tbe ||ay flshlag.
Hn R. A. Mfik* Ml tfaU morning
Vram Friday'* Record.
Dr. It. R. Niles has ]>e.'a aiipiiny<'t
(or Kingsley to spend Sunday wllb ber
Mr*. WHgbl ef Bhawond. wlu
daughter. Hn. Ftaak Prmmiaa.
steward of tbe Mlehlgaa 8rhi«d Inr
keen nartoualy ill with an niUck of J. C. Oorkla. repreaentattve of the tee Deaf at nint tn siieeeed th" Is'-F. H. OIU company. Chicago, wbo baa Bdwlo F. 8wnn.
spnt a abort (liae la tee city. Ml
dkldea teb aftemeen after a
Many cnilgror. are Steki
lUs morning tor Peloskey. where be
.......... fvr.'kiMrre.
•nek*' vhlt spent lathe elty.
will look for brodi trout.
sarm u tTi,Mrre'«
' Hr. and Mrs. Fted BeebleL who
Mbs Mildred Ooekeray will leave
i^T* vent tbe winter (a Florida
Hobday for Molboraugb. where she 5ST’
.daned to tbb dly hri evening.
wUl accept a poallkm with tbe Port-'^*-<
Mhaea Blantee and Lola Way aad land Cement company. ' Mb* Wlnlficdi
Tbe City bterprise. established ai
9rotyn BBsnmaatel left tbb after- Mnrvltt b also employed there.
,MM (Or Rvld CHy. where they wIB A. C. Carman aud wUc of (audrUle.lCaas CHy to IMl, has gone out of exSVStad Boaday with tbefr parents.
rily Uiu'lttence. and tev Chronlrie has bouga;
Hr*. Charlea Bt. Chir. who baa been ^walng M (hair relan
1 a trip te!lls eabecrlpUoa list and good wllL
phlUiig nt Orawa, retsreed to her MortepoR, where they
«om* tel* aftornoon.
oottage. They will rtfara at a later A Carealu Cura fer AoHIng Fae*
- Mr. George Bnen ef Tbompeenville dau aad aeeapy tee cottage whicb to a
ibrnrad In tee dty tbl* afternonn
typical aommre borne. Hr. Caiwma to
isMlTtri. B. MOIIbm.
tbe oewetaiy o* tee Deetsoo anlve.--

«... c. 1.8CCU 01'isaiwjas? Kriit,;:;:


An Eye SpccUlM for Eye

/ .-««ear.—iirsi.-idlty.

r: Of.ur.y

$. €. CUait $ Sons

Cravirsc eily's Cesdlng Pn^ Stert

liU'in.--iirimifile that if joii "hiiy
i: 'iu ' >MU tan "s«;ll fiiflit." and
, t^ > airirliCT to Iht; (JI ALIIY
III ijtMKU at well as to the
Huy H. v%-. L.
(Vs -BEST": I'Cfd. Bran,
Miilillini;s. Corn .ind Oats. Oiinly*' ity and prices are > always right.

Tooth TalK Truthfully Told


Spraying Cime

* I • ' .r; :i 111' aii.i >.n II li U tl-r ii.d jdur wauls j^j^irl)’in
Z ••(■T r (.• -J. t 111'- U .t II. .1 -r
i\ . r-.rrj !.»f Il.iv iiiiit>
lilif Vitriol it'o|qaT Knl|4iiit<-).
T',' I.:m: "f .'^ultilitir aiwl Inavi-aliu^'a I’un*
I J I’afiv I i.i ■ •-I
11 y..i. V.:!! I air.'ll.Ill- ilii'«- r<rli--|.e <if u*. yixi will cvrtoiiiijr
wniinf a*
'[iialilv iir i.ruv.'



y.iir :n(UK...«i- a



Are You Going to Houseclean This Spring?


€beer Up!
.S] l;:;;; i'l.iii

me l-ifsi Thine
limv an
1 III :h';y nrril |iai" rin,:
You 'will (in.I W.M.I.
I’.M'KK a-, ..tir
Him ;iT" your Lari ' \Vi; half iii'i vvli.i v
How ar«; ^tiiir t.:-')i,
and dinini; r.iom ' ii'irWhat arc you KOing to do ttiih thi.m- Hid you • v r
jlop to rtinl how much loss evork it « be: (or , o,i
if jot. had LINOl.UL'MS on your lloor-i Wr huv.
just what you want.

J'-lllill^ Wllll't KelQ. Il.ll f

■ • dri .i'ili:! it tlrt;r- i- new

mall Paper
'!> I’ri-lii. ii the lirtini-.


f«r«; the

[M|i'rrTiiiisi be atiraciiv.-.'an'l t-/ be real
.ertain «.f yettir- ih»; kinds that are
handsome means ;o buy at th» ntore.
I’afrcn- fr.iui '>< ptr double roll up.

Conte and visit our store and otivin. •. your
selves that itY the place to trad>r i<> -av<- mont-y.

Your Reliable Furoiinft'Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

t2r Saotfe Ubtos Sireet

€ity Book Store

Cnpeeu atf, Wlcb.


. Tn<7 Ur.




WlUMm Drmke of Aldwi, wbo
-Wbtyi I wn* a drogglat al Urania.
MB Bt Soitoof Bar for *ow f
vbm be
earned In plnnlertiiR Mo,- wrier* T, J. Ihryer.
TBrllb Mo, “three nt B>y eaiiomlew
Cntbolle rhareb.
were pertaeB'-niJj enr«l rt ron I
ch «be aty on Frfdnr »bile
..............t> l>r. Kins'* Niti- l)is«iv-i
enrt ere
II retorn nfler completlns ibe M->.
. wen enrf Mroog todat.,
■ hl«^ pr-:e^n>'I


««• »•

S KT «« mnte^nme B»««t

Colored Lawns
in a gtxid seleetion of cokit*

?ning 'Ireoses tliis is
aril-of price
gixsls„ .
nit the)
the) anj-oiirs for. i*T yi...

ible flniKh nnd
orerylhlnR prujcreKMi* ns 'll •hoiild 1 n nnneceroar) io do ao. I regard I»r !
will Man be completed. '
jKinr'K New Dlw^verv n* -h.- «o«

faeiiirtne in ealtlenre
blr^nno M«, w. E.
« Mon-!
oe Cenler wrni to Sherman Apnr^
p „
p * ,

nod patb-ms,

Sic anid 5c


Shiulow fSorge. ill U»-k and iiovy. nine
tpife circultir i-fTecl. trimaied in ImUiui*
uit'lwid.- I.itu f'd'ln. Thin is "O SmA)
skirt. l«t W'- found a oirmufacturer wlro
w.ia willing to make upa otTt.tin .'imiumi
of cloth at II spi-ciul pri'
^leoi ami we uiri-r

earellenl catch dt fl*h.
damiiii will b<' apiiluBl •loHars per mcuHb aifdillonal fer .nr
for by Atuimey Kri-1 11. I>m1. lb IK'- teaiher. The roiic<'*»i"" i- on- ilia
.... uarlium fully iles.-r»e and 'h
balf of hi* cll■■m. l■•■tpr Wumburs jI
Nonhport who waa turned down by wl-uloni* of Kraiiiiiig a .alary liu naer
ra'e.1 by
vinagp counrll la*i wet* and hi*
win avowttl •leclarallon nlr.-ady made b>
several teachers thai Ih.-y mill
The (amlly of A. L. Bombacber.
be Issued In tfai- Leelanau roomy Clrit DOW wttb tbe Qocen aty Implelakeuniii
niau" a*
eoiirt and will lie for Ihe purysrinten^l, hut remain In the piddle
Co., bare remored bete from Stsmpenine tbe tillaae loprrept
aii<"h*-r year aii.I <-nJoj the a
leA Mich., and Sn aetUed In a plea* 16.000 Isind* of Charles Obersl
ll emoIuBienis afforded.
nni boiM on Webaier atrei.
David Scoit, Ibe two sureties given by

Cravenette Coats
Mm!.- of

lx»t 'piality of ertivt
in litl
rows uf Btri|>|)iii|{ on bock, tuckwi
with •-ulf. This ie i-.itiiil t» atiy S1>.U>J
■ coni wc '-ver litul. Hy a .•!•'V1•r piircliiif

CIreilillon Ihli week 2,775

.. $15.00

Mr. Wiimburg.
Mn. Ll M. Harria of Ownt Fblta,
Moot., fomerly of tbli dty, baa been
U.'cn-as<- In ihe ssdi>- rn'i" lha' ih
H. A. -Klni!. who wa* for Keveral
Ui la Ijbe boapICbl at Chat place for Ore
e of Dr. King's .\'es
IMIls It
yearn the owner of tbftnel OMtate,
iwses. They *bv<- you from dalige
weeks with laflammalory rhenm
haa pufchaaed hi* f^mu-r rwiort pmp-,
d bring giiick and loltih-ss n-hos
Jwt la BOW much Improred In health.
rny at Skesemoc Point nnd will take
in. eonsllwtion an-l 'I..; Ills gm;
JalloaCoreof Bingham arrlred in charge of it ihl* summer. Skegemo*
ways fiilluw iheir use. GuaraniiH-O
the dtr OB BBturAy with a bad eye. Point I* one of tbe mo.i lieaullful Johnson Dnig Co, K. H. .Metils. <*
dae W aome fordgB panicle which bad idleti for a reaort to be found on any ISugbiH' Drug Co.. .IruEgists. 2>. Tr,.
btowa ta BBd refoaed to gel out. He of tbe inland laket In IhiK H>cii<n of
Mate. It la a beautiful wooded
. waa obliged to Tlalt a phytJclaB In
CMr to hare the particle mnored.

Cravenette Coats at SIO
This is the licst you ever saw
Volt !*• ll"> juilgf. It’s awtlher
a maii'ifiicluivr who wtiuttsl lo
ufii'vrtniu lol of cloths. Iwil

Silks at 48c-^Extra Value


No Two Alike



Abbott of England and Mias Agnes At>h«l hare arrived and arc occupying
Ibe Hamlin eellage wbicb wa* puc
dmaed last fait. The Abbott cottage
win be in fcadinet* to occupy ooon.
Mis* Uwt. of Jackson, ha* arrired a*
Bdgewood. also Mr*. Harriet Bacon,
of Grand Rapid*.
Hr*. Lathrop of
Jack SOB will arrire Ibis Thursdav and
tbe^antaoB then will really i>e open

r-r 50c

Into two half year*, nnd it
■be siu.leni Is prIvUiTed ti
years while tbe other two

ia located


strictly fire-proof lioild-

Ifooil colors and pall*-ni«, tin- >e kind

iiig in


Xurthern Michi-

Si. Johns io.l-.;.-. r *. \ M
• iil.-.l I" favoi ..I Inai-.'iii;
ill S'. 'll.- v.M
.•.■niii'.-ni i'.l
otii-.- TIj- .,i.


12 Square Shoe Bargains
at Friedrieb's
Wnn's Skin

WomBn’s Oifirds

Sots' Shoes


Mmlo of Patent
Lc.-ither. ill the
ni'w<-Bt ami most
fashionable siyh-s.

F II $ ll inn aavs.
••Wt^ir Oxfonis"
this Boas.>ii. You
will U' snrpris'-'l
.-It the style we can
give you for

S<-]iiMi] if ulvnil
tliroiigli uml till'
lioys must linve
g.»l sniiinl Bhu-s
Ci-Kv! soli.! oms




$1.10 to $1.65


Wun's Sktii

Wesen's Oifirds

Bojfs’ Seantess


Unilo of i:ouuinn
kill, light or lieAvy
-soi'-s. W.-oousid.
er -this nii e\tri
goovlshoeat Sl.-'A)

Not tin best of
course, but good
i-noiigb t" slip on
for sometliing <-ool
am! <-oiiiforiablc.

This uiouns liini
tlmy are
msd'witbont seams, so
there is notliiug to
rip. .Made of
Kut'g. Kip leatlier

$1.50, $1.75


it "^Si-SiSESSiSr^"

500 yds Dress Ginghams

the only

Traveisc Qly
Slate Bank

Murray of Ihe G. R- ft I. Tbe
consisted of Superintendent of
graph Line* Cellar. Assimani Supei
Inlendent Worcester and 1

Yes. 100,000 timcB each day.
Does if scad out (ood blood
or bad blood ? You kao«', for
rood blood ts rood health;
bad blood, bad health. Aod
you know precisely whii to
take tor bad blood—Ayer’s
Safsaparilla. E>octon have
endorsed it for 60 years.

Till- iii.«l ek-affitil line We have' ••viv
U«ign->l aiHl tnsilt- <ni rixlit
lines. Saves you titmi and trouble ssj
V .................. .
tli;iii if ms'le I-)' yoiirnelf.

50c to $6.50

. Shirt Waists
W'- only mentiuii five |ciiv« berc. Imt
tlie line* Bt tbt>se.|iriei-s tire oumpletr »
alt sixes and every one ie .-i len>l<‘r and a
money Saver.

50c. $1. 1.25. 1.50, $2

Hero are Iwe very snappy bnnininsAu extra good one—three for I 2c

Uhn. ut

IOO dozens at I Oc each

Ltfli.w' full fashion'tl fast ItL-ick liosc.
Tli.w are a very fim-hosi- ;it the price
am! on- pul up four [uiir* in a Itux.

Ladies' fast black, full fashioned iiuc
Uiiuze hose. ;iD aiiu*ujilly uooil iimnher.-

Tlteae are beiiistilchetl. 'emlm'i'h retl.
and are tlie Iwat yon over longht nt thi*
price. Si-nd for any amount of them
yon wish, and n-ltmi them at our ex­
pense if not sstisf.-ietory.

Tliree prs. iiic'-ly lN>v<d. per box $ I

<>ur burghir-proof vault

arc collected.

Does Your
Heart Beat

Children's Colored Dresses

Ljulitw'and t'liihlrcii's fast hhit-k h<>BC.

Price per box, 50c

ly. We Were low on in*
ijOi'. anil rather tluni buy
bavc plu'-cd a pri<-e ua these

; y.flr at 12.00,

dourineb pipe with openloga at every
Boor where the hose can be coooect•d. eaeape Itself Is a safe
ladder with landing* at every atory
and conld be of eiUmable use In a flie
In tb« large building.

a summerllk* air and aetirliles arc no­
ticeable. A number of the cottage*
bate already been oecopled.


pioneers of Bentle rouniy. ps«vl away

Tbe largg block of tbe Hannah ft
Lay MereanUle company baa received
an addllloB al the rear wall of a new
Bre escape and standpipe, both for

Bdgewood. the beauty vot of tbe
-Weal Bay shore, la already assuming

Shadow Check Suitings

; rent these Iwxes hy the

Citr from BOW on.

ft. W. Bariak baa returned from
Katamaaea, where be met Dan J, Aiberson for a conference in regard to
power for the paper mill- Mr. Alberaon will be here Ibla week to meet Ibe
Sites will be looked
over for a place where a dam ran hr
built for power for Ibe proposed paper
min. Anangement will be made, li l*


: you keep the key.

Thc-ve are taken from various stocks
iliroiij'hou! the ston*. because of their
extra good value. They are something
that are of interest to nearly everyone.
If you do not need overything. you do
need 'part of Uicni. .'iiid ncctl the;n
These are not for any particular
day, hut are on sale until each lot is
sold—in some eases where. Jots are
small this will he a matter of a few
days. To be on the safe side.bay yoiiis





E»i siimit

Strap Stippirs

Stitt Slitpiis

Never have we (tail
sn<-h aliueof these
gouts. Hand turned .iQlictnw with
rubber heels.

Mmlc of kill with
sirup iiml l>ow anil
haml tuni'sl. llim'l
tuniul sb'«-s are
tin- Sofli-St Uil'l

For the bouse uml
nil indoor wear
there is aotiiing
•xxtler uiid inon'
eoniforiuhle than


25c to 50c
Chitd's Shoes

SispliShDii •

Men's Oiterds

1( you wears snuiii
si/e. we von ti: you
to a pair ut tiu-se
shoes or oxfonU
and save you from

(i.-nU will Hml
iiutijing niivr for a
dress up sliiK- than
oxf-mls. We .-an
siiow yeu iinx- ooes

•fust received from
iin eastern llrui 9.'vend iiiiodnsl piirs
Bought tiieoi at u
liarguin ami an- pi.
ingt.-sell thi-iii at

50c to $1.00

$1.75 and $2


Wbtt! lor huf a Bariaia Yau ffef tbe Beatfit of it.

Do not tniss it,

50c to $6.75

Three pairs for 25c


: two locks are alike, anil

A special made up o


for lent.

This i* eilM ap-cial

All n-aily to wi-ar. iu l'*Jioo, tiitiKbnm.
Ciikitihmy. ri<|iH-. I’eitali- nml ludian
Iltmil CotbJU. IV-rge Binl Muhuir. These
are a vYrv prelt* line aivJ nave yitu liuie
and imniev. All tizeo. nl

Every One a
Good One

tin uiiusoally

for tiu- storage of

wJha aBanal meeting of tbe Trarerse which Is Riven every' year makes the’
atudenl an appllcaiii for two year
laslmetlnn. as instead o'f giving

The Uat ticket was aoM from tbe
Oadar Ron depot on Ibe M. ft N. E.
: Pridar aftemima, sod that nlgbt
tbs tUUOB was closed ter the summer.
Harry Tbompaoe. the agent, os Saiurftay opened tbe depot at Pourh's ami
that popular resort will be the macct
tor tbe abort trip mo from Travers*


l>oxi« lor aafos) artMlc*

' fluanaLOari^. treasurer of
at 10 o'rlork Tuesday night ai
pifI aas^^on^rganlaed Co prorlde
family home near OMalt at th<
a-TCiM ?ud tor the Ban Fnnclaco of S3 years. The huBbancI having dle.1
seven yean ago no immediate
(Ire* are left eacepi two son*. Al.rnm
Mr. Oaitts^k recelred abonl fl.070 nnd Jerry, who reside at Ovlati. Tlie
and nMltloa to that amount,
will occur thl* apemoon
bmjr aeot direct from here
at 2 o'clock fro^the church al Oiiatl
and the services will he In charse "t
Elder Williams.
fml.'rtak.T And.:
TiNaBore Bowen of Beat Bay t
Mn will have charge of Ibe hurlal.
b'lnijl^rfore Judge Umlor on Tbi
day flB^^charge preferred by hi*
Roy Thomas of Nortbpon who dis
wtte^SSrD. Hutbdrt-Bowen, wbo
anguished himself last y.-ar ai Olive'
■w'eora lo the eampUlnt charging with
hy winning first prise In the orat.wl^OB^pperi.
Tbe respondent apcni
cnl contest and alsh later winning a
the day In an attempt to aeeure a bond
scholarship, won In Ihe oratorical con­
for WOO which win allow him to fbrtest. snoounced Saliirday. Utouch ihi.
taUb saHable anniort for tbe wife. Mr*.
year Mr. Thomas lakes second place.
MAort taddei arltb her mother.
Tbe arrangement of ihe *cho1ar«hl:i
• A Ballraad compeny was beld on
naciday In tbe oBlee of. T. T.
«a«Bd tbe followlnf named genilelnen
wwere deeted direeiom for tbe enaolng
year: ‘Ibomaa T. Bales, W. R Sbelby.
J. B. P. Hu^iart. T. J. O’BrieB. R. P..
MtdbeBBy, W. a Btlmma, j. W. Huai


.-lud let
caim- "f
get rid
y ju .iiri-

ID in. Louisiene Plniils. ID in. biripea
ami I’hecks ID in. H.eck# and
stripes. 20 and 2-t io. Mcsmilincs in sol­
id extiors. in a full line of sliii'h'*..
Those at( th<- liest ralaek in silks yon
have had offi-n*! you.

The Traaeme City Bod and Oun dob
b maklBg eSortt to aecnre tn»
le of Good Harbor
The Rer. I
baaa By. tbe Utter eapecUMy for
•oardmAB mne Ptw some time the wbo ba* been aoBerjog from
Seenrtag of fry for tbU region ba» tcroal disorder, s»» opemled
last week, whereupon a large abee*v
involving both the liter end kldn'-ys
waa drained, by the mending physi­
Mr. and Mn. Iawtcbco Bogera. wbo cians. and n large quamliy of pus
'WOT* Mrried at tbe pamoeage of ibc moved. Tbe cot^itlon of Mr. Pei
Bm. Hogh Kennedy bat week Wednes- bone Is faVor^hle. and etervihlng
Uj. will reside on a fane In Omni rilraies a good reeovery. The uliee*s
'lewMhtp. Tbe bride, nee Hlaa Rose ha* drainage anti the palleni's condl
Cook, was a former pupil of Hr. Keo- lion Is Improving. He has lu-en II
Mdy, wbo, prerioot to eslering the
■laistry, Uagbt tbe Gram cchool.
k wai a pupil.
Mrs, Mari' Mower*, one of ihe olde«i

Cravenette Cloths

Ladies’ Skirts

iMh to >olo-a menr flihlns party ««i;
>t„b j
;„„ iiruKch'*.
:•'*<• »
'Jlxi- i
8la«le ent h In Slaele townrhlp. Wei •| Trial tedtli- Kw.
ford conniy. Th" other memU-n. c
party jrere IH. and Mre. Cr;The< srh(Kd board of l.mlinpnn is li
ber. Mr. and Mr». Skmi; Ur. and Mr
Oeo, Spink. Mr. and Mr*. Mrto. Ur., ••acfllini favor with ibe i-arh<‘r* o
publle ach'ul*
Ju't ai preM-n
nnd Mnt. Art Miller and Mb. Iddtle
Yoons. Mr. and Mm. Horton returned •.sing |I> 'he fan ilia' il«-y hate Jus
Mny Snd. iwportlns n One ijme and an alluwH the lenehers a geix-nl I*

1500 yds American Prints
in gr.ays. imliuo. Iilie-k am! Uuht i-olors.
i.'ii to twenty ynnl letigtln>. Thee
the Ix-Sl prill
prints mude....................

52 Inch Mohairs

In black, navy, grefn and brown.
s.-iviiig of 1*K- oil every ynnl am! lb<-y
u nmisually good one.

• 5c yd


It’s Brook Trout You Want
And the finest spotted beauties that swim
these northern streams will be yours if you
use OUR FISHING TACKLE and------ a lit­
tle skill. We have the greatest stock of
everything needed by the fishermen, in
Northern Michigan. /.Ask for what you
will and you Will find it here.

Jointed Poles
.-\i Jilc, ific, Sl.f)". Ill- to




hinatiun steel at ST.imi.

Bamboo Poles
Hesi qii.ility at N;, Hic and I'-’c • ndi.
Bait Boxes
Uig anti liulc. oblong and crescent
shaped, at Ijc and 'i'lc. .
For either trout or ba«s fishing. Cost
.'i5c the- do^cn to Sl-ff.
Fly Spoons
.-\ big stock of these impoi iant articles at
liTC and 1-')C the spoon.
Coar*e and fine, long .md short, any kind
you want. 2c lo $1.2a.
Fly Books
No outin comolete without th'-m—sell
from 5(10 to
Phantom Minnows
The "l-'am'-d" brand Mdl* for 2.')C and
Drinking Cups
Should alwaj-s be included in your outfit
Ktc and 2-5c.
Landing or dip nets—must be sure and
own one. i’rites from 2-k; to SOc.

A big Slock to select from. I’ricc* 5c
each to -Hie.
-Never had such a stock—all kinds of
l-atetu arrangements—1.5c to $<i.
Fish Baskets
The very best of goods. Sell from 5>0c
to $1.6.5.
All manner of shapes—some cniirely new
patterns—10c to S.5c each.
Plain little hooks at 2c the dozen up to
the big ones at 5c each.
That sink—for 6c the dozen up to the
patent kirul that snap on the line~for !fc.
Minnow Pails
Either the patent floating or the sinking
kind, costs you from S5c to $1.2-5.
Line Guides
Will cost you '20c. Spears from 20c to
Game Coats
Are the handiest and no danger of losing
your fish. AU manner of prices.
Fishing Straps
Sell from 25c to 75c—in all sizes.



rolibMt ..f all (kjlnfon. arwilliia lu hi*
iMiKr. »Mch »a>»: •Fur ?> jaai* I
had chnrtilr lUrr cooiplalnl. «tM IrJ
III aacfc a •..i t.n' »-a«e ii( JauadSp* ibal
.M-B KJ fln*«T tal*K mniWI
»hi n nil donor ji-»«rrlli«l EkviiuHli'ors. ahtrt n»r»d «>k and WW ma
«»ll for
»Kar»” *o»» fnra for
1illlnii»a.'»«. oniralato. »f*h*r>ia and
ail K'oBiarh Hit. ktdno* and Maddt^^
rii^Birfmonra. A aondorfal Innlr. AiI.OitiMB i'rna Co'*. F H. Moad*. C A.
Ilukloa- pnia C.’.'K I»n*8 Siorm. -io


ABU ArUir and Ctaod Lntso ann
.air .Vridiil <0 raialillili a imilnr
' ' rari.'-o- at lake Odnaa.

'i i iuan »-rr

»od ririWilim


<in 111. Kirk' S^OF*
fc?!.-‘ h». ri.f,.vet>'.l. "f ••>■' «f-«-i»l...n.
.N.I had a
tarl 111 iHi. -ritHiLia, I* Biarli «.C,
Vaunilm Srr ___

2; r^-^-




3i.ii,hin <
it> It; t.ian.
Cinani an.l «•«« of Chiraso aie



$ .

That Comfortable Feeling
iMiM. s M oiH- ;i» hf Kazoa :il hil aaviiiifa
liimli IxKik e!i.i*iiio a K-iI.-ma- In tiia
.-nilil slo.'i.lity t;r..n-jnK liy iiituvnlatl.lititninnml r.«lin«thal ahonltl minforuini- civi-rttiko Mm hr hiu aumothint;
n linlito 111 carr>. him alom: mitii botliT
liiiiidi CKimiMu::iiii. All our <h.|aiaiu iKiyiilil.- ..ii tti.mainl. ii« iiiilici. uf «rith>
•Inimiil la'ipu ri.<piind.

Oeatneaa Cannot be C-urad

initial.. ni.»- metnliera In-lhia
Mra. Jarkann. niiirh Im-'l Mr. an.l Mrii .AVtii. Xriw.n .?r. vKii-' S»in-.l .'eHi.ii.-. ..t ....... .
of the order.
| prored in health.
; ins In MUoank.;.. tliia «..-l..
A danr- mill la. plv.-n a' Shnl>1u'.i| Tin. M..aii:rr UH'lonaii mad.
Tbr (.adlea' Aid iif Grant ehiireh mill
leri mllh Mra. Rimer RIrkeiia. MajEvertbodt la Inviied,
lr». Arihiir Taylor la ver>- III al
iMa mritina. Her alaier, Mra. flmoka.
-arie. Vlakochll and ^nk A.kln-Un are vt-l.lna brr parenra .Mr. an.T
of Grand Kapida. la with her.
11 A number of the rtshih grade pu.. plla from Rauaer. Went Vnlou ami
Coala aeboo! attended the eaamlna-



Eveniaes Biri- a


A Kaantaio ef Oeld.
r.iiild not tirtni! aa murh hanplnm
I ,to Mr«. lAJOa Wllko, of CaroMB.-.
AVI' aa did nno t!>r box of Harklrn'r
• Attii.a Salt.-, ahi-n « ronudnoiy
. ..I.'I a rnnnlRC aoro on her lea. abl.-a
ha.I u.iiiire.1 her » kina ream- Great.'I iiiil>.|.ilr healer of pllea, aonoilr.
.111.1 ...f.-', :kt. at JohnaoB Prua
' y H M..a.t.. C. A. flmthee Dma tVa



1 orday.

hSiia .5"t't”




$195.75 Worth of Goods for $135.00
Four Rooms Furnished So Thoroughly that there is Nothing Left for
- You to Do But Have Your Trunk Put in.
Not a single cheap article in the entire outfit. The furnishings for each room were seiected with an idea of
taste, harmpny and styie.' If you wish to furnish your home throughout you now have an opportunity to do so and
save yourselves considerable money at the sarne time. If you are not familiar with furniture values bring some
friend with you who does know furniture. This outfit will bear the most expert inspection. Only Chm Of Ibcse fO

be cold atlbis price. Veu can pay loMf at tbe rate of $8 per montb-

Sitting Room
1 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rug, several patterns ..............................................................


Dining Room





1 soli.! oak, 0 ft. E.xtmsion Tabic,, rich dark
color, beantil,,! lur.,edIce........... j.....................
C golden oak Uininf; Chairs, match table I XT-

1 24xM inch top. quarter-sawed, golden oak
Parlor Stand ................... .............:................





1 large Smyrna Floor Rug......................................


1 double waUe.1 Si.-i-l Kani-e, aslK'siu> pack­
ed. a ihoroii^lily ;:iiarariieeil iiijtli (traile

.\ .K

Your choice of a goldi n oak Cupboar.l or an elegant Kitchen Cabinet_____







U hiyk ,.yl,r.n.,d oak Am Rockor.

' wlU?!hcbS;“?^.3..'.'■■^,\.\
' Wamiri1^|?irj'crsa»e°ook^K

1 i^Iden oak finished, veneer seat Sewing


It Pays to Trade at




suite....................................... ......................................

1 large, solid'oak, Cobbler Seat Ann Rocker.



1 lOit-picce Set Dishes, good ware, beauti­
fully decorated ........................................................... - .\\

1 pair extra heavy Lace Curtains, either


-JJ pieces of Kitchen ant! Laundry Utensils,
consisting of till,, boiler. v..Tsh! teak.itle, teapot, coffee pot. ash pan.
pail, dipper, frying pan. mop. broom, dustpan,..dripping
dripping pan, two cake tins, tun pie
tins, chopping ■kniftt. sifier, .ookie
Hitter and cake cuti' r

siso.ui) $ia.v7.-.

1 cotton re%-ersible Mattress, two pans............
1 best all steel top spring ....... ................................


Carpet to cover iloor.................................................


1 set of handsomely decorated T.iilet Ware.
six pieces......................................^..............................




Regular Price.
Our Price, lUbat you sane

J. w. sl.axe:i



Headquarters for HighGrade Furniture

essary for Ibe four Kindaa.
Nonblinrt. Midi . Hay 3— Hal. Mead, aped to ypars. who for maoi
K. CaMiMlI.
CHy «A«lnMr. W. B. Ckh-rtU
CHy annhal. C. W.
Chitf «f •f*

IhOw a areal asEcrer from
chronic rbenmatl'in aod oHicr coin
l.licatlons. was borlcd jvwlenUy alu-rIn Ibe vlHaac ca-meiery. Ibe tun
rral scrrlrc bclue held from the Uodiurrb at :;3n. ib.- R.v, J. J
Maakesinl offirlaliak. Tlx- ll••roa»ed
■■assed auay ai ib<- bamc of bis parMr. and Mr«. Chris. Ilalstear.
reside about two miles soul
tbe vlllasF uo Tburrdsy last
bndher. Uartln italbiead. who '
frlahtfully Injurt-d a luonlh ago. lb

Ed SOS' coovalesccni.
NortbiKirt. Mich. May 7-The dls■W oonvenU>in of ibe Norweslsn
Jr itlrt’of Tr^. M. Wi«- Uiiberan rbotehes nas held here UElning Tiiewlsi and closlnp last even.
ak» OMrgi W. Lar«i«.
Amoog the dlulrici jiabloni shii
•pMial po«lc« wWhoirt pay. F«"k
M«mb*r< MriMli>« iMpwtort.
RMMr U.rM y«Tfc Art E. WIWw

EtrdaaJi at tha Wa^wa^anQ ctiib and allend<-d wi-iv the Kevs. A. J. fUflbbol.
A. ». Pram at tha Oval Waad OUh of SultODH Ray. C. 8. Vanp of Muske.
eon. O. 8. Steo.on of ManUKs-. K O.
IllldabI of VCIilK-hall and tars JohnTha diy «w»dl on Uooday. wltb- win of .Mp«-i.s.t They Idl iheJr
cat a dlucotlDB vote, daeldcd thai If resperllvi- bcimcs lhl» tnornloi;.

pay pavlat *as done In ifac oily tUU
yaar (bat It ba door by tbv city by
■Uy'a work and ool l>> coeiraclor.
laajoiity repon of Iba board of pulilk
works tsTorioi; the coolrmctor and tbr
' Dlndrlly rt-pon ravoriei! (be diy doll
Iba work wore both rwived and filed.
By resolutioa, (be council dcrid<-d
that H be Iba aeasa of that body tbal
tbe mayor be fNkld tSOO annually, each
aideiman |2» aaoually aod oath i
bar af (be board of public works ItOO
aaaually. tbe paymenu to be made
moDtblr. Five dollars Is di-dodcd for
awb meeilnc missed vitboui a valM
It was rnHbar decided Ibat tbe qi
Uoe el bsulnc H6.W» worth of bonds
for aavlBi strael Inieraeetlons be sub'
Eugar Trust la lifvoivsd.
New York. May C-—Tbe April fed
etal crud Jury in coneludlng lt( labors
yMorday banded down sov-cn sealed
tadlelnmnu In tbe sugar rebaliai!
eaaea. Tbe IndlcUnenlt are against
tbe fcHowIng.
New Yolk Central railroad, (be
Amwlcan Bngar company, ibe Nqw
Totfc E Hodsoa Blver Ballroad eom
gany and Naihnn OulUoid. vice presi­
dent of tbe eompany.
Tbe Amertoaa Sogar Helping com­
pany of Neu^ York and C- Ooodloc. Bdgar and Bdwla Barle. the latter two
betag wbcriewle angar dealers of De­
troit MIcb.
Tbe New York Central E Hudson
JUver RaUread company and Nathan
OaUtord. rka president, and F. L.
Pemaroy. geaeial traffic manager.
Tbe Amarieaa Sogar Refining com­
pany and tbe Amerkaa Sugar Refinlag company of New York and C.
Ooodloe. Bdgar aod Edwin Barle. Natbaa QalUord. F. U Porneny. C. Goodloa. Bdgar andWwla Barit
Tbe first aUBuUctqenU were found
on tbe 'Blklas awurust law.- which
piorMea penaUr 9 a Sac ool exceedW.DOO oor'lmprlaonment not ex!•( tlM.DOO
an for glrlng. granting,
af^ng for or neeepilag any rebate
nr coBcaasiaa tram (be regular freight
rmtaa. as pubUtbed by.a railway eom-

• Ixldwtr
I lev. |iare
t llanoa
,w>, of n
M Ps'il lo Rlrhkrd Zo.-,
i. se-. 23. l-iwn 2l. i
HriisB.-iin. el al.




Loe« Trae Sctiaat Bapart.
Report of the Lose Tree tcbool for
he month ending May It.
Numlx-r of i.iiplls .-Brolk-d. 43.
Days alirndsacr. ktS..
Ax-race dally aiU-DiUnce. 41 2-S.
P«-r real of" atKiidancc. .92.
■nx.--r si-tudlng blxbest on esamlna-i.m wen:
Seventh «aade. Bertha
lUOMim: n:i:> eredr. Harold Grant:
jthy Grant;-third
(oeilh grade, nxruthy
xinde. Uovd Ywiker.
Roll of ixinur. Mny

an w, Pairton. l«%«a
, Oak Park.
rarollne J. Hall to Ro
nd wife, I..I 13, btork ;


' lliwwn. Claud llrown. Elijah


J.'iriMIbrlde.- an.I wife
HiaW. lots 1 and J. block

is tbe suniug point of sit care tbe wont forms of coiut
dangerous sad dtstressiog dis4sU tbe dsogetows diseases of tbe Bowels
• - Appendicitis.
—tpdicitis. Piles,
nies, Bill
Bill-jand Uw. which ^ such a
______ IS. Sick Beadschca. Dyvpep
before, send yowr aamc sad addms sad
Female Troobles eod seoemof otbevs.
erad ataoIwi^T von will receive a (Bll-sised bottle free—

bJm. '«

1- <...k I fb-rihs Rsiisoir. WHlle Rsr
IS 1
La»«>'‘ K-nalh Lss
;tani, Vlcti.rla Char
'iCrant. UoToihi Gt*
lo Rarhel j'vi 's- Dab- Psrk. . Beryl |•arkv•. Xi>ro
Bainey. Ralph Brisik*.
S*. Inu-r I (.'Ihrence ti>ker<
SacMI.-i.-n, Hsrel Brugh
umlier of il.linrs d-rring tlx
ith. 24,
IJiJiau Horton, Teacher.

k.n-1 riilnk pllc-scan i 1--r

u mII-'i"i l')') Iklsn'^olni'meni.'"sue j

• Farmer.. ni*-.-hsnlrv, rmiroader.. Is
iKiri-rv r.-;y ..a llr Tb-.nis.' Hl.virl,
1. Take,. II,.- riinc .Ml of
fro, or
at onr.

Bcans soond lasting health.


we claim. % %’io Chemical
|mske you look on the bright side »f life. Co., ChiOBCO. IIL

d byJoHrq«or» Dru^r Oi






Condenaed Telegrama.
Sail mnelbeo. May 5 —Tlx- c-bl.-f <rf
police has issncl an -nh-r |s-rmlliiiis
ihc lesumpiloii of Unslnesb and i
dislrlbiitloD of n-lld frnds Is proenI BailsrBriorily*lbai ebt-erfulness
has prevBlIed.
Odcsbs t?sble. May 7.—Today on
bircets of Odi-ssa the *o\x-mor and
major senerat cd the army s-ere tslated by bombs ihrosn by metiiof ilirrik-voluilonary pany. Wide

At 49c on the Dollar
plexlon aslkiwr Uver needs asking
up. Doan s Rbgulets cure hllKxis
tacks. 25 cents at any drug store.
Real Eaute Tranafara.
la <I Muir li> James 11 Marilo.
eki loi 12, lilork 2. O. P- T. C.
Myrtle T. Goodrich to Edwin IAshton. IMS 12 and 13. block 3. Blrrb

By keeping our eyes'wide open and at all times watching to grasp an opportunity, we were able to
purchase the stock of KARLSON & PUATT of 313 River street. Manistee. Mich, at 49c on the dollar; posi­
tively the bestshoe stock ever placed on sale. Not a pair of poor shoes in the lot—only well-knowm makes
are represented here, such as John Strootman
€• ft €• Shat €©•» Wolft Brof#* Browil Shot
other well known makes.. This sale will offer the greatest opportunity to those that arelooking to buy
good shoes cheap. Shoe up your whole family—it will certainly pay you.

$ale Commences ThursdayMorning at 8 a. m.

A. J. While and wife to lADar
bompkins. seSi of swU. st-c. 23.

iwo 2d. rance 1<>.
Philander C, Perr.v tu lUchcl Ann
IVtry. block 72. Interiocben.
Jacob W. Riiehl and wile to II r,
Ruir lot M. Foul s 1st add. IllrcliJtiscph Roundlux and wile to Henry
and Allee A. Hurl. i«rcels. see. 31.
iwn 27, range II.
Edwin I, Ashtuti and wife to Will
W. Parr, lot 13. Uoek 3. Hlrcb»'i«l
Andrew Diiibir anil wife lo Th
II. Herec. lilt 1». block F. II, L. E
o.'s 7lh.
Anson R. Hannaforit and wl

agalasl Oollford. Pomeroy. Bdgar and
■arie ebarget them with bavlog col
IwUvdy conspired lo violate tbe p;
Ttsioo of the BiklDs anil-tnisi law.
It U not probable. It was staled U
alght.Ohal any of tbe detendanls «
. be arresM on a wanant. but all u
ba Botlfied by ibe federal aoihortil
that an lodk-lment has bm-u found.
- and be required volaaiarily to appear
and give ball for an appearanre at ihe
term of tbo fedoral court lo Jiiue.
tbe ease for a corperatloa. Ii U preBumed IhsC tbe president or
other Iraportani executive officer of
Ibe coatbuy will appear aod answer

Ibe iavedUgatlon here Wednesday
wdbU reUle eblefiy to ihe eual compaalea alllod with Standard Oil. la
quiry Inie the Standard Oil proper tieglas Belt Mooday In Clcrelaod an<l
will be followed by an eiaminaHnn In
Chicago and New Orleans U-Ion- a
Washington. Hay '.—Another repori
on (be ebargea against (he Siandanl
OH eompany Is to be made by- Cum
misaloaev Oartcld ahowlnx up xlhei
ptaaaea of (he company's melbixU In
WMla sox are Victors.
Intcrlochae. Mich, May 7.-Th,
Wylie While Sox daloalcrt Thonii-m
sllle here Sunday In an Iniervtlm
game, score S to 3. Two double pliy
by tbe Wylie team and the i.Kctalng ol
Valmer were tba loainre*. Valmer
atrlkiag out thtrlcen Thompsonmea. Batteries- Wylie. Valmer
Maybew: Tbompsoavtlle. Wlnten. an-l
Northpon. Hleh.. May 7—Out of
Sve departmeaU of tbe village m-IxsiI
the lacolly for Ibe next year has been
engaged as ftdlows-. Principal of ihc
^Higb SeboM, Prof. George Mathews,
•eveslb and Mgbtb grades. Mrs. Frank
Daeis; primary sad first grades.'
bUas Monde Bardge. Tbe ibl
(oerth. fifth and aixtb are not yet p
rlEad tor, taro lutnietort bvlog s

Why you should
buy an



Missus’ and Childn-n’s Slices, solid-as a roek. in Kid and Calfskin, A A ^
S-iine heavy and liglitsoles. Hlaek and Tan,

Commences Tliuisda).
May ID

One Dollar
Each Week
You fnjny it wbilt- vou ppy
for it. Tlic bMt ’TalLitin
Machine on oartli.
OnoUiooeand new rroonls
to aolect fmm. Come in and
bear them.

N. B. HIRNER. Prvpr.

Stdei^icc............................................... ......................... -.......................

Karlson A Platt’s HOO and »:t..T0 Sh-« /or Men in Pnlont
lAvither. Vie; Kid. Itox and Velour Calf. Igu-e. CoiiRrcaa.
iihin and cap loes. .Sale prict-..........................................................

04 || A
XI U ^

ii pair for Men's
and Boys’ Elkskiii
Shot*, no lH>tt. r
52 50 shoe made.


a jwir fur Men's
Dress Shoes, plain
aotl coin tot-s.

n pair for Missea'
Tan StriipSan.1als.
kid iippoia. fancy
Inw and bm-kh-.



0 |
| Q
V 1
1 M
1 1 1 M


a pair for .inlin
Slrootman low an-l
high his-1. Wor
men's ShDoi? light
and h.avy aoh«.
Meic.'ilf top. Man­
istee prior *2 -'i0.

0 |


if. |«ira Women’s Drcaa Shoot and Stippora. .lohnacm Ifros.'
muke, double and single aolea. Cuban and low heels. Sold by
natt for $2.25. Ourprieo......... ................................


n pair for womi-u's
Hand Tiimcl Sole
Oxfonls. Kiirison
A- ' Plait's pri<«

For A Platts *2-Vi Men's Sli-.-s,
maile of Ikix and knnj^mo calf and liorse
hitle. every pair solid.

II jkiir fiif Karlson
A- Plan's fl anil
$12-'. i-alfskin and
Ik>\ Ciilf Missus'
Hiiltoii Sinu s.

a [uiir for Mi-ii's
r'anvas Six«-s with
leather soles ami
heels—a U'F«1 shoe
for eonifort.

Tlx- Slrmitinan smake Imlies' $:i
anil ;!-'.0 shoes in hand turn
and welts, shm-a
that have


*Ii.n» Women's Tan Slin<-v|and
I >xf»nls. I.lii- her style, miliiary
heels, tox ealf ami “


f-.r W..mi-n’s l.lil.-h-r slyle. ,«^.t
h-ather shoes. Cn-


Commences Tbmsilay,
May 10


. 9Tc .
a |wir for ex'-ep.
tionally fine Missot* Shotw, with
Metcalf top. U.lh
button and lac.
Jiaml tnrnivl sole*.
«Y>rlh 51.50.


A lot of Mtsaos’
ami Child re n's
Shot-*, light and
hisivy soltfi. btiltoii
and Im-c. Karlson
Pialf^ prii-e

a (kdr for Lillie
(ti nts' aii-l Vonllis'
K<-M-r Ri|> Shw-a.



Kice .V Hnlehins' ivileni leather
Shoe* for men. l.lm-hcr style,
M"-|ealf top. exten­
sion srdis, wortli
*:i.00. aalepri.-.-

a |.nir for old Ihdii*' onmfort shoeq
•tiihdeof bWk kid.
riexihio aol<*. low
heels. Manialoe
price 51 -W.


M,-ns l.iuli rnl Slx.-s, made of
MnnisU-e's *2 UO
aixl 52 2-7 Work
Shoes. Ben-wi«l ami
sewe<] lioitotiis. will
staml ihc h;iri!
wear. f.r


l-'iO pnire Cliildrcn's SIicN« an<l Strap Sniulnls. Bls,-k
and Tail, licxilile ealifi. Patent Leather tip. Sold liy
Karlson A-rialtat 7-'»c.iiair. Sixee up to H's..- • - -



Sold on
Easy Payments.

Karlson A Platt 52.--.0 ajid »;i.00 Worn, i.'s Shot-s. Uli< k and Tan.

Tho Manistee’s best Jif.oO and *4.00 Mens Shoes
and Oxfonis in Blaot «id Tan. all tlu-lat-st
in han.1 weltt. Sale price............................

a pair for kid ntoccasins, any color.

BECAUSE-Your fam­
ily wants and needs
one. It teaches the
children to know music
played artistically and
blended correctly.
BECAUSE-hs present
value is wohhy of
much self • denial if
need be to save the

Igidies’ Black and Tan Khl «lio-s. tlexiblo also exU-nsioii solea Kvery AAA
jmir guaranteetl. Ksrlson A PUtt pri.-c 52.00
Our price..................................................... ........................................................... WUW

tan an-i 0*I-1<
also iindr.stse'l hi-1.
haml innie-l -xih-s,

1.89 98c

a piir for Karlson
A Piall't 5I.2-'.
Children's Fancy
Shiv-s. with tumol
soil*, in kid and
IMteut luiihcr.

a liairfor Women's
bUrk kid Oxforls,
Intent leatii'-r lipall sixes, this
son's style.

For Karlson A Plali s M-n s 5 :‘fJ Tan
Shoe*. Bln.-her xlyl--. i-xtensioti «>!««. laUal

sprinc Iasi.

Boston Store Old Stand

Traverse City, Michigan

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