Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





an e„H<,a) > -tf.. man. .vea-loa
TryaCTSC GtV StatC Baii
rf the tncmln-rs ..I cm
I'iUted'W tS In change, n K bill and
•M H»W U? a-d R^Mry.
'll- rvr>rv-entailt.- v.eing men .4 tie
Hr. and Mn. nuaran Morgan aaJ TLln).-fonrlh
whnnge tron Mother |S hUI.which waa
Om or tbe briUMt boM-ap cm
•dd in Heniacue ball •
tanily of lii children are kaving
tnr ptrptutiu IB tut elljr oeea«
w<-rc abont iblny
where" * pale
or *oee were pu
Ma|> sU Bt » o'Oack p. tt. on Wl. where"*
ual;^ *-T«ACV lav. FcMBsM.
tocellop la the great northwest, cboot- prcsMii w-bkh was a igani r»
Mrt. P. H. Hotwttti «4 Met More Ma<l«g for bone.
iu fulw. csm|. .tbvr an! .-th.-r
B. CARLANO. Cathlsr.
Ing (hr Sascatehewan region for a
m Worn »bU itreM brtat ibe »lrtkmr
the e.,u
cart IQ life. Mr. Morgan, with
> heard by i
Um. 8b« vtt rtflcTed of a band. Mr. and Mn ble oldest son. Alec. Ir-ti May * with
MitaL«r.nUiaikoBM*lBlBc »Bazir
,wtal.;..-b.d «h.tu:..-lv, in
will tvtuln a meruoi, tu .1..U F. Perkell. who reelde on Union the rbanered ear coaulalug ibi-lr
110. UM.BCI beUt eoDDlIM '
.-f T.nver.. .-I-., and-n, tl... l.ol
•hold goods, and ibric siwn <d
•tieet. haring luei gswe up atnin
BcroBt tba Btr^et froai bcr boiM
wIh> ■•m away 10 war. lh< reiibbvn horses, Ibe nn>i<- taken by tb* car
■bo na tlaamaK Vltb ber dtacblv heard the crie« and tearing that
eMUa BBd Mn. Wimaa Ctoacr. hiag bad happeaed, Mn Perheti lot- being »o l.ndlngioii. arrosj ibe Iskand from there directly lo tbe west.
vUb wboaa ahr bad bt*a aboptrtaR on
Morgan and tve rtiUdren arrlrvd
«trt«t bone. Other taadllei Hriag
VMM tuaal. Tber bad JoM
w« sec
e (^ly toon aller bis leirtng aud
Mn. HarBMtb aM b«r daiiUi'ar a
been guests id friends until II
KwaUfd brMrrn. OascT. altended
Duralng when lh.-y K-Il to kin i
■*<?TOa-f daHag (be e«enlii( aad while
others. They *•-■> via (he ti II. £
ID rrool uf Wood SiRien'
Wylie Plant B-eke Record,
le the Sun. and change at Sudk rry
-uiiaeT alon. Mn. Claocy, wbo bad
latnrloebea, Mfob. Ma> If.-'
Ibe Canadbn rout, and will go direct
bat a BtBaU ooln pane, banded
____ _____ Boyne CHy Journal of April 15 printed
to their homestead si llsvldmp. in <fc<You know them: they arc
Hra. Hotaulb taylBg at tbe tiBM ibal
irn ll'lo ber *■—■ * leagiby nnlcle In regard to a buu| gescatebewan rvgii*. wb.-re belwi
rnmerous. an.I
make th.-ir
■he waa allBdd 1
• with rilnr. there
made T,, .be Eln Coopm*. con. four and dve hundred acre* are »
at it »aa to rm<
ebay u ibai place, which lookcl k
bomes«-a<led. I*sl summer Mr. V
I -ata . o Tn. . . S -m
, ,,
bUas aboiu ST la U. Hn. Honautb.
ihcm. Tb.- Kim peoj.le took
gan, who was In P<aw biwllh. iraveb-,t
who had a lane relleule on ber arm.
ex...... ..
. ihroiiKh the n«irlbwr»i
giBMd H la atUh bar pocket boob,
fouud that thin particular lii.-allly
baadkercblef. gkirn and other tuoWylie plaal at ibl* plaee and b. adapted to bln Idi-ss <>( fsrliilnit
tital wurn yon of a.iv .leratt.-vdrtea wbicb tbe retleUe coalalaed.
thought bv would gbow them a I
aa be bad greetl* Improved in healil.
ment of your sv>icm.
, «‘al.- S'.I..
p o. cstl.Bmstu-. Aiverwcy si Iww
and tbe three ladle* left Pnait etreet
M4UU* which be probably forgot
tbnnlgh his sUy there he decided betvaea S:S0 aad 0 o'rkaek for tioaoe.
them wbcD they were workJni one- to locale there with bl« family.
Tber acrired IB traol or ibe Clancr
for Urn.
.».e in
e .nv.-r, aiel
_______________ '
retiseae* and tbe three elood there
Tbe mill al Gaylord about
(OBTeraing abpot doneale topic*
The reisdl of HumatM- OfBcer Crew
ago made a very good out oT kf.ihlO
1. the .v.i.i|ai.» dl-I-.'. d,
while Mr. Claocr *at oB tbe reraDda
hoop* In a (lagle day. a Mon tin* has be.-n flb-d wHb Ibe «K-le1y for
with lha hoaa* doer apeau
Mar Ibe Wylie company saruaacloee month ending May K>. tbe f.illowln:
RoDcsi SbBJs al Hoiifsf Prices
' Jwt aa Mn. HormuUi atarted
> being report ed:
ly eetahUsbed a worM * record by cul­
ber bone tbe (bought at tbe cola
e horse
I wo li»rn-v'
ling 10&.4MI la lea boura.
poraa Ib bar laOcela Bad loklBg U
daml. uoeol lietn had ■•-•-th
On April 12 ibd'Elm Cauperage comout Ibe BBld: 'IHere' le yoer puraa. .any al Boyne Uiy get cverytUas ed and wolf ux-ili etirati.-.l: two inp<
prepared after eercral weeka lianl In country to lDve»lgiie care re|»irie-l
« •“«
and made a very ake rut of lln.- as rrucliy to horse, en>- wa* fuiin
Ir tskee 11 fnxB Hr*. Hormatb wbeB &00 boopa in aine and ow-balf boar*, have been trad<tl and iti the se.-*md
tbe form of B flBn .aeeoed to
rcHlud viwuer doing a>- dins-usl liy
thereby nuablUblng a new record.
If V'-u vv.iiit -■*-! v.ehr. it
from wowbere and s atrou band
society: anoiber ihbu noib-ed ou
Aa far at mechlnery le rooeerc
B.tRg at iha.WkuW OB Mn
ytiu vv;ii,l
I'uiki*. it j'U]
lere U not meeb dlAercnce between street, where one of the span buiklii;:
•-M-J Willielm I5lk.. ViU. Vlume 1 is
«BCh^ am. Fpr.BB iBWaBt Mn. Horbadly but fouud u|kmi InvesIlgaTlo
II and tbe one
wont t.. save liftu y 0.1 >-iur
BDlh tboiwbt bet MB wa* pUylng
cfa being
bring oweed
owned iy the animal could not In- liuproved a
biyne CUy. they kotfa
elm- lull. I'liy U;ml I’-iU'.
tftek OB ber but a> the chain asapped
jks though bo wa* fed .-uiiLtly
maa and are both equIPPe-l
“'"■jiii''/ori":uKn.t., l-^u.
W".- ■•;in t«-ll y>HI 111.- ir.ianli.
Mm tbe XeroB «f (be pelUng troiB
the other, whlrb w-u.
tbe naa win atood wl|b bead lowered
h Ibis report wm> a rv|*iri of
ly. May S. Supertaicndeni
bM •l■Mt'iB‘tba Ml light from tbe PIsber was down at eianlng time and east side team which had been vislie.t
CUney realdeBce.
limes reported each time i
the boys (be artkk pHnled In
MUa Medical Co. Elkhart. Ind
tbMI A «M bbi tahea mj ineket (be Boyne City JournaL As Mr.
shape, ir owner due* B»l alter
ha^r BMl witb Uw looeenlBg ot (be
rveommendt-d ibal p^x•>H^llll';H
machinery Is always In the b<-si id


CAPITAL. «a00/X)0
SUKPLUiL *27.000

k GcBcral Buklac tostom D

The Pain

3 per CcBl BllBwel


Hne tkepagfU.

.. . '


Ijard Pan Sbaes
hr BiifS

_______ 1




Kowland Douglass

Shoe SJorc. opp. WbUlnt Uuiel

pa?M fron ber arin be (urwed and eondllloa. nil Ibnl was ae
be U-guli.
half Btaabied orer Mn. Clancr. who tor Ibe boys te get down
ir nMIces have Imhu. posle.l
atood at tbe Ml asd only a few feel
borret down, assisted u|>: nliu* bur
' Boyne City •
blanketed or blanket* au-l
WW. "• CBtwbt UnaeK.
nlll equipped w
ed dlagoaaltjr acroai the etreet toward g| skilled labor coald do,
two hurtles removed to xhelivr.
Babenia etreet, t»el i rod or *o furlli.
; Humane officer reptuted Ilia
Louts Klreboer. (be IS-yearKdd boy
er eaet aad na wp Bobemta nonih.
he palroled the sileys oil stiu-uv da..
iner let bis machine
e lliat Uu liurw-s were l.fl eHr. OaBCT. who had teen the act. and plank to (be tone of 231 clips per min­



etreet to get ata^.

aae walking to- hoop* go through tbe plsacn Ube
ward tbe Clabry realdeoee on Ninth
out or a gun but tbe <ild rellsbiu
;>twet. nyr tbe nan
the etreet Charles Aushule. who has charge
rs. only snllisl.
Bod McB ^
bln,.but tblnkl

I •jprRb


and Cbtof

Marray bltdied

MPtgreed down town
I bee- nos by i
OBod. Tbe" del
man U very plain a* "Mra. Clancy *aw
him parftouy a* be Ml over ber In
MMblIng aa be teU for bli opHnl.
Sie ataied today that he wai abort.
BBtremely brand shouldered aad wore
• dark sbitt aad dothing.

He bad a

. prfceB be waa palling the retink
troM ,Mr*. Hontutb-t ana he kept his
bead ipweied aad aremed to stoop
BBd CToaeb down low. ao a* not to be



Tire Insurance!

to him as yet although hr hopes fer a
rhMer acqaainiance as b>- Is anxious
. Rapid*. Mkb.. Hay IS.—I'lrlch
III knew the object id (be man.
Remmlag baa lake* chatpe of tbe graThursday viigbis. shea Mr. Ilolraple
eer> More 00 the scaB aMe lately pei
attends the Knight* of py-thlas bulcc
chased from Andrew Jordan. Mr
and remaias down town later than
Remmlag bad bl* opening Saturday
usual, the "di-lectlve" is alwayn
and in tplie of tbe heavy rnln h
deck and follows him to his borne.
evening a large wwd gathered In
Whoever Is doing (hi* Is nm ir
troai of Ibe store to bear the open air
enough to come close enough to
■rt given by the band. Mr. Rem
rerugnired ot to get within r.-ach
■ be minister who
Is guile a ni
Tie* and wc hope that b« may
physically and nosstwres not a little
stmees* U bU aadenaking
courage akmg with hi* muscle.
It Thursdav morning the Winne­

bago arrived with a cargo of Iron
/{fM-ifeMMm at tbe polke depart- Hw hmgiborenMUi refused to anload


SevaiBl olber caaea have been dlt- ed a posWoB la W. Kroll's meal mar
obaaed but not reponed u> tbe police, kec.
The Ladles' Altar aockly of tbe 8a
a lady tavlag been followed only a
^jMvorl lime ago aeroM tbe BIgbUi ored Heart ebareh wtU aveei negl
^ attaet bridge aad aaotber Mdr harfag Wedneeday afternoon at tb* borne nf
^ 3 beea foUaimd acraee the Cam aUeM Mrs. A J. HIggiB* oa Ibe eaH Me.
UwlagMo lUarss, Pref. H. L Blod
Mdge within a few evcBlBgaXrom the

2 sJMiM tUsam aRalb
, The iBoav

TraverSB City.

Room 310 Nbw Stato Bank Building.


Tlie South Side Met Co.
.■il.l l.:iki-.\ve. Travt-rsi-("itv

get! was unable lo allcBd lo bis arfmol
«*• takM Boo- laot week.




doors and wintJmv

sr nd



With Ds.




scrt'Ciis in




ihrce days.

iak« tho mcasnromonts

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
r.irtiibliol- <iTr
l-rioit. D..V I'ri.mi.t
ib liv.-rv
l-li.d.e i;it/. :»t'

B.-M :;:*J

Wb^t We Received
this time:
'} and Jo cent (iraters;

t • -.i-.soii I.f till-VI :ir vun-ii you ureiriliTeateil in


1 jiifcn I’ostrj' Sri for I'lc;

Glass Lemon Extractor Pk.-: Iron and rorct-lain

t..tbi.., tiou.
We tlM.ik .1 .. Ibe ls,l .nut mmic. We
iV . K.-1I il,e f-imou. JJ..'i.. st.-r Co*meM.d Air S,.n.y.-rwdb tl,e -K:..,i KloV- „ox,l.-. feme iu ttb.l U>A
.,ur Slock ..'.er.
We tlertU *e .-an anil you.

l.i in-


vcr>' neat and diirablt'. :m\; eachi-Mincin;: Knives


til.: P-Bloffi.x- Huildim.-

y in. Frjing I’an I'ic; Ciqis and Saucers. Bowls, all -i.« •

Konp’s Balsam

il the matter aad a crew of
podtet Books or retkuk la the
have b
itaA Identical way In froai of Wllltam
"nAvodon-a leWdemre aad from ber slate do the wort:.
Couturier left Saiardat
^•t of Ibe man's form and face tbe
for Centra! Lake, where he has accept
l^^pUoBt taUy perfectly.


Order for

Money to Loan oi Improved Rea! Estate Only.

on Squeezers 'JOc; Iron ar,<l Glass

Tbe Iron company of

fered to pay Ibe area SO o-ats an hour
with 23 enU per hour extra for
work. Tbey refused to work b
hour and demanded a tonnage cow
General Manager E. G. Rust
Ited Ibe directors of tbe com­


PlatB Glass. St«am Botlor and Aocldont tnsuranco.

Inebe* long tn nine hour*. D. Baker,
ling mill foreman not

strike tm band.


.. .


w.Midcn sidirealk In litiiii of liti
»e bad lieen torn il|>. This nai
fullownl fay tbe smashing of the hors.(be
ChM al Ponce Aebton wa:
. while tbe olijecls continued to
bM be aiTtred. and aearebed nam wood beading seveoleen and one-half Im* Ihniwn on the porch until be w.«ilcl
ch In nine and une-balf hour*.
•Iter ] A m. end arose at f oYlaek
rise In Ibe morning wonderins wba:
Thuraday and eomlnucd the search, the
James Blli*. who avakes the h.-ad
CBtiy BMraIng light abowlag the retf- liners, did his part of Ibe daVs work
The shadowing has l~vti is.nsian;
ealw and other ankles as alated
by getting es.issi bead liners In
tMag fouM by him. He Jraefced the
always b.-en (be same man. says Mr.
maia to Wadewortb etreet, where be
Holsaple. but bis ideniliy Is not km.wn
made a gukk, run to the c
iRub and Uaioa. but aaw



_ I War*. CeeatT «*a* Bldg.. LKTIiOIT
MirICter it Followed.
Alter belUK followe.1 every lime I-.'
aves his home at niglii for uU.u' -i
month, the Ki-v. H. N. Holsapb-. (ui-.ii.r
►N-angi-Mral eluireh and (ire. i
• Ibe loeal lAw and Order Fe,|.
crallun, is gelling wesry ami is reri

Ctoed. the best end feslen poiater
wbR-aona pedeelrlan. paid
dOBB. bur a ioneai later Hr. -Claney and lapper known to boop mill tie
iHisIy'conKldering laklli* some *lnn
iga aodM. and he tbea iolwed ebaee waa any assisted by Gould Hubble.
g.-nl measures wbb'b will n-lieve liiru
Whra It U seld the rolling ti
■ ■r Ibe cuosUnl ehadowiiis. In n.Mi
. Ibe nan had a good lead but they chines were In eherge of (TherW
Hon lo being nigbl, all-r
keU bln la line for a block ot two. May. who holds the record of poiiiiu; night, a auiuber of uulsanr.-x. all
.~i a*
ni ooe
one place on Bobenia atreel onl Ibe beet work of eny of Ibe *
them very anniiylng. have l»s'« e;..
a naa mttiM » the yard etal Bills le whkh J. T. Wylie is
milled at his home on Wndswnr
vrtetber a naa « le ranniiig ahead ot leveeled and that be was sssist.-d by stns-l lust In the n-ar id his eboreli.
Dake Jobason. Bdsrard Keller and W.
Shortly after eleetlos
Alexander II is easy lo guess Ihi-iv
' gMMgIT to tVMb of thOBL The
i| illrov.dlsenvert-d that somis.t
sD.-lblDg doing In ihsi di-pan
nsert ootitlniwd to Twelfth atreel
ailh on bis l*irrh and *lnee tb
The boys made a cut of
tbM watted to aae whether tbe
sorts of missiles and nibbl.b
of which luSIKW were the larg­
•eoMed Ib the light to Union sii
iKsm h-ti Iheiv. Tliir alone wr
^ bat be was not eeea. and this moralag est hoops Bade. Tbe fullowlng day enough arrunllng
e idiWS of IIIae tbe pocketbook.
haadkerchM. they pat out cc.uue and
tnlwtvant*. an loads «
end on Beturday ef.bOi
gtaraa.BBd- laticdte were pick
trash haw 1hs-ii drawn
OB Veat Beeeatb atreel. mlei
On Ibe same day at
his houM- and duiniHsi
fl». H WM-erWeat that be did not go time the euve and beading depart­
Mr. Ilulsapl.' made 110 romplalni l.tii
ments wen- in operAIIcn.
Herman pmcwdisl 111 cl.-an up 111.- rt-fuse ani!
ta Bakm etteet
KIrtboer. Wylies prite star.- culler, maliirs n-rlisl for some time uml
WUM tb# UiBoe was being ra
chopped of C1.6M stave* twenty-elgh.
raoralng he arose and found that


23» E. FTMl SU OL PhBM m


Mr. Ktrcbner puiu-d. Had one dug irvalvnl for niamIs in a olaM by hlmaelf bM by tar lk« iiniU lh«;re was no danger of eip<eiii;;
best beup culler la tbe worid.
It would made any hoop mill
open bis eyes with wtiMer lo sc



Md tba nab jwa. alao ruebed Cron ute for several hours.
“w-w •»« ““ •*
beaila etreet. Mn Claacy.- la
nnaUM-bad rua toward Uakn




Dishes, very strong. hi;»hcT

\ ine-ar



rtu; end, as they last 10 much lon;i< r:



Tea and Coffee Cookeis. Milk and all sorts ol





Have yoo ever Inc! the

ayml Tlc*F Ttttt* ttrtd GoWtttta

I’ails. and hundreds of other things to s«:lect from.



aUecB to take ctam
•ay otter tdm*.





the best.




C»mmt4 C»n
»m4 SalmkM

SoW ooly by







Tlie cherry crop <hls scwsnn
acres eddbe land which they will be­
gin to cultivate In the near future, em­ posed 10 he hoary and perfect
Itere bu not been woeb 1*14
heavy bloom is any criierioo. Bvery
It of late, bal M hu been a amtlcr trf ploying lialba bborcra. There gte
hundreds of acre* of cxcellMil land ehcTTy tree In tbe region Is loaded
eanaMenble Intereat to lb
aneb and stem with the bcantlful
«< tba local Are AcparUaeai who have lying Idle In that pari of tbe country
illc clustered Bowers and the crop
kept It Id mind, that the aUlc Bre- and It is but- Ulcly that any of It
nothing gives it a setback
mm'B eODTOtUoD will be held In Trar- being aaed. The valley H piactleally
So conitacis are taken
ane at; oa the isib and i«h of levcl and In plaeei the soil b heavy
r cherries but ibc crop as a whole
mack Ibree or lour feel In depth whlli
Jaae. TbU will be a lile ere®’
owing to the auctualing i
Are Asbten oC HlcU«ao.
of sofAclency to supply the local
Cbm Morraj of Ibe Trercnc Oly
nanil.‘shipments and cannlag faccrops. Obi-man b uiillzlag
de^nment. aiatc* that there will
•y besides. It Is expected
for pi-ppermlnl raising and Is baring
abont 500 delosa'e* preacDl. manj
nc ZZ the business will -begin an!
a decided auceess. the i-Dirrpriscbdng
\ben wllh Ibelr wire-*. He ha.
' Rarly Richmond
sc successful (hat he-Is Ulking o(
ivacb the fariory- Of all the many
ekiefi of dopanmenu In wme of the erecting a sUII o
varl<Hi-c of cherric* non.- can comis-ic
Ui»er cities who bare lndlcatf.1 ibclr
with the Richmond for canolnc pur
ert gt Fi
purpose to sllend. and Inasmuch as
I«Bcs and ibc high grades
Sixuigion'iif 8
the lime limit on the Uckeu bss iKen
Injured on Friday at 9 o'clock PI1I.-.1. only In the pk- gradntended el«ht days, many of the dtaiI.I- Amcflcsn IiuIUt dish plsnl ranrosl «h..l.-. When It Is c.nsbi.TC.:
■atos will sel» the .Hiponunlty to
ibai 11 lakes from 3«* to *nn crates
spend a week In Traverse City and the Injury ci.iislsilng of the h«s of her
day to make a nm. It 1« narilly ntnlcrsecond
and third Anger at ibe
Tldnlty, bavlnp a *o<xl time.
Bfood why the small iK-rrlc* are
A mcetlni! of the membere of the Joint of her right band and the s.
handb-d as the local demand lakei
ire departtpeiu was held last night In
hand. Miss Ilnringion had bei-n •traalK-rri.-s. rasplx-rrics and
the Cass street c-nginc bouse and J.
W. Mllllkcn was ckeaU ebalrmsn and oiK-railpg snuHicr wln-i nd butler
this iMii- at 9 o'clock
A. W. Bartak sucretary. I*r< llmlnary
ji- in such fruits.
arran«emenls were made for the con- to Is-gin ou Ibe one where the Injury


venlioo and a committee was appoint­
ed from the Arc dopanment. consisting od Chief Murray. W. H- Elmer,
forunao of bosc company No. 1; J. J.
Brexlna. foreman of bosc company
No. 2t T. G- SblltOD. foreman of hose
eompaay No. 3. Anthony Rokus. foranan hoae company No. 4. and James
OrtfOlh. foreman of hook and ladder
• eompany Na 1.
It was also resolved Ibat the couiT
en be asked to appoint a committee
and Ibat the board of trade be askod
to do likewise, these eommitlees ti
eooporaic with the Bremen’s eommli
tee la msklng the necessary arraage-

S Ward Rh-gg ol KatUa.ka U vl*-|
- Mis. Marllu Wldgrin and sun. Roy.
of Uartsiee arrived inih.- my y
king Mrs. Tebo.d Kw-l T.-iiih «1TV«4
Mr. anil Mr*. J.ihn K- tka and .laugh
day morning. »h.-n- they earn.- I
•r Rita Tvtum.-d to th.-lr, at
Joy n day 's pb-asure.

tWHI Lacats la VlrBlnla.
Mier a caatteimas iwMem
featy-Avw ysari eat Ibe beaaUlol farm
of XtO acres locatcd towards Cat Head
llgH bouse mth of Noribpon. Hr.
mad Mrs. HasHce While sold UsI fall
to Hr. Aabciby. and on Friday af­
ter apeoaloK Ibe winter In anilelpallon
of tbe diangc wbicb the sate forboded
they started wllh Ihclr entire bonsciKdd goods and stock for Omlrmounl.
TlnUnla. Mr. While and bis adspled ana. Gordon While, chartered a ear
and travelled, with span of botw->
three cows, three eats, a "dorg" an
Iba entire hoasehold rffeds.
Ml via tbe freight train daring the
Boning while Ura. Wbllr
3B:f$ for Grand Rapids, where she
iphad •aaday with ber artupted
soa. Albert White, who Is n-sldlng
there. Bhe expected to have Biraday
night and overtaks the ebaru-red
at ancinaati. botowhelbcr they
ever aee'bee aaotfarr anill tbeir
tlaatloa b ragRed U bard to
They expect' to reach ClalrmouM
Are days and at oaee begla torming
where they will raise everything theeee rslsfd by their southern nrigbbors
Hr. White stated to the Record rrproaaatsiive thb morning.
Oordoa White, the young ms
was adopted a Bomber of yeai
by Mr. and Mrs. White. Is ibc
child to have been adopted Igr
a danghler and two sons so tor being
taken fm the Coldwatcr acbool
CtTSB a home.
While loading the cows Inm ibe
at Horthpon Friday morning oo
them la trying to -walk the pb
walked off. and in so doing drai
Mr. White overboard alih bi-r

rhildreu. Ida and Lester Deranrd,
ft In Ibe west.
Hr. Ilnyes bas resl.ksi (hiriy yt
- more In the tvglon and was 80 yearn
d at the time of his d«ib. The
funeral looC place Friday morning
o'chtek from the home, the R*
Mr. IlrowncII of Grawo ulflrlailng. H.
Carter of this city had charge
the arransements.

Mr>. Frank Itarnes and *"ti IMii!
Copemlsh were Traverse Cliy >lsjyesic-nlay. returning home again 1

ve pla^- Ihl. l.UI -ti every
iwrk;*i.-v *-l >c.iii'. l;)uiil.l..ii.

win rs-maln in<r Sulula

J.ihn F. Jenks hfl last i v.-ntoe for

afi-mo.m for Old Mission, wh.-i
will Ih- the guest of the Ijirdu-s.
Mrs. P. HoldnsoQ lef. this ad.
r I&rk.-r (’reek, whi-r.- sbe will vl|.U
h.T boMhPf, W. M. Ikmahue.
.. N. Monrae. who has
the city tisiling her daiigliier.

General News.
. R.twin rTrMT..ii. Jr


Trunk lallroad aa cho-k eb-rk
Mr*. J. VV- Marrli and fanillv pl Siimmltvlllc Iiid , arrived la the
aliemonn and later in the
for dheir summer bonn- at

Ihe past w.-ek.
Ixona Fonghi r.-iunie.t u. hr-r h<

pul out but a few apple* i
years Ihe flmt 1* plantiltig to plac- gal­
lon can* of apples on the nitirkid.
apple crop U *andwlrhcd in l«-1w<-eli
iin and winu-r and no early
r-. FMief I-.ii-k. ll b
be hau.lh-d. Tin y are real­
r Grand ly not siilta’ile for wholesale canning
John"' Flack, a plonc-r
Traverse county, died at 9::d> p. m.
early apples all rook u|> qulrkHay 9lh. at his home In CarBcId town- ly and beeonu- iinlH for any thing but
Two days before at about 4 o'etoek Io dnineslie u*e. Owing lo the iaienes*
ling, be suffered a stroke and of the com canning. Ihe ap|.U- cnni
Tnesdsy morning at the same time sc- will T.C hanrfle.l somewheiv h.-lwpen
•About S o'clock Wednes- the middle and Brsi of NoyentU-r.
Mrs. James Setni of pmveniont
dsv night. Ibe fsial third siivke came ticaiiE mine early In the siimm. r. mm
a passenger loilav for ManI
■burl time, death cui* In on fhe l-can crop and Ihe ap|ibwbetfCsh.- will visit her **in Irrih-v<-d his suffer!
erop cut* In on ihe com. so Ihst eonFlack wa* born In Germany tlnnouB work I* generally as»tir<-<l lor
Mis- Ih's.le Hu.-Imani.-I1 l.-fi
lu- to this cvmntry almul forty the reason. Pumpkin U ro easily hsnniorniag for Ijk- Ann. wb.-re
go, Tlilny-slx years ago be dle«l and pul on Hu- maikel In Mie*i
will visit her brother. I_ H. II
Ectllcd la Garfield tuwnshl)..
Provemont be wis married to Mls< handle li.
Mr. and Mrs. J 1>. \V*,-ddlf..r.I,
Kourih and
nine rlilldreu
Many impnnemcnis have Is-en In­
blessed the knlen, six of whom, with stalled. 8upl. II. Wrigand, Jr., stall-.! l.ave IW-.-II at O/ark all wini.-r. passcl
through ll....... .
Hii. moirilus for
tbe mother.. ■survive him. Tlirei- sons
(V living, Ill- Ihl* morning, aud the Indications isdni s"-n City where Hu-> will sis-iid
sons l»-lng Joneph and John of Trav­ to a liitsy ami liniflialiU- sea-m
erse aty and tlcorgc. who |ivi-a on Ihr new tipping inachliie has h.s n
n this rt
farni. 1110 daughters are Mr*. Kal^l amt Ihe moal inipor'niii of any change
McGarry of l»ng l.*kc. MUs Nellie ever inaugurated in a businr-** In one
Flack, who lives at and Mrs. .v.-ar is Ihe us*- thl* sv-a*oii .if a sai.i John Wy.-a-. wln< I* critlcnlly
Rose Hoorran .if Traverse City.
hi.iu.', .V m.Nilh SCO Mr. \Vi<>

Comcllii* Becker, aged 73, a
aww Friday morning slipr a several
month*’ Him-** of dropsy,' He learo*
SJiUe, fitc children, six slepehlldren.
Iwenty-dhree grandchildren and lour

rliiirhe«i *in.

great grandcbildn-n. The funeral hervlce wa* at Ihe lilnrham church at
; o'clock Sunday, the Rev. Mr. Shelley
officiating, Thl- mn.-gi- l.-fl Ibc bouse
o'clork. Till- AndiTson Vnder-

Ihi-y eip-e1*-l to emplo* .'.-u wonie
Hits M-B»*-n wh- re in pn-iious s-bhiu
Irom 33*1 to (■“' had lu-en the ier*>rd.

Till* Is a new depuriim-

In Ibe canning tiu»lne*s and will b
remgnirc-d as mtieb <le»lteU in Ih
sanllary tine.
With Ihe fimsts-cls ah*-s.| f*.r tb
«-a«.n. Sui.l. WVIgaiid slal.-d ihs

-*.n; Krn.-i. 'Vy--. fr-ini i.i.

Mrs. I.. Vruiiist of Tipton. In
pass.ll thro-ich (he eiiy this morn*
oil ber way In C.-iar Run. when- s
w-ll visit her sl-’.-r Mrs. L. E I’ayi
Mr*. Cht'i* Van (ilaiin and ssoi J*.f S..II.01- Ray aiv lu Hie city tl
niiinilng on a shopping tour.
Ml*.. Wllilapi Fiiliinikeii of Sutio
Ray arrlvi'.l in -he eiiv Hiis niomi
to siKUd Ihe day vi.-iilng and sbi

With the plarlng In Ihe hands •
growi-is an earlier vari-'iy tof Is-nn.
laklng rampany had the arrangements III.' firm ar*' antlriiu^lng l»-Blnninz
to charge.
two Wfv*k* I'arller this F(-asim
formerly an.l th*- gr.iw-rs ar*- l."isy
Mbs X.-llh- .rf S.-homl.. r
plant foe Big Seaton.
at pr*-»ent In i-Ucine llu-ir c-eil
o'cotnpanl*il b,* In.r sister inlaw. Mr
I'ltb the opening of tbe plan-log wh.-iv ll win «lo the business.
May Bwatisoii *d Gowl llartsu. nriiv.
wm for vegetal.!*-*, tbe Traverse
- Canning mnipanr l* Uwoming A1cxand*-r McRae, wh-w ih-slh nr-

city was niached frato Uh»
V- In pr*-parailfsn of the mmin: enmsi in th* family home oa F^tiy
member. Wbc« aecoaied by a H<tsI.
sir*w- W<-dn.-ss!ar night, w.-rv hi-l-i
reprrscnUllwe. Mr. White
IhoBgfai be bad gotten down about a* firm or* roiitrariing for acn-age. an-l y.m.-r.lay aficmonri at : -.'clock by th
tow as a -teller" cosld travel, aa be tbe string l*-an acreage this mason I* v.-nerat'i.- ,R* v. J. W. Milh-r of th
M. E. church wboM- service took Ihwas with the cows, homos and dogs
year. Th*- Kefugec string bean 1* the tiirm td an oilosy for the *imd. The
sad expected to sleep wllh the
seed iiMvl sad Ihe company fuml*b<-s Aural offering* fitvm friend* aud
Mrgtola was reached.
need for all Is-ana piiiehaM-d by tbe the* w.-n- iH.ib pmttis.- and 1*1*11
firm, there being now U-iween 115 and while the music .'f the <iuariel
cetony of Italians.
ISu acres alrmdy mniraried for. Five ipproprtan- for the «irra*i»n. »
E 11. Allyc reium<-d Fridar evening
grades of siring b*-an* are raoned. Ihe at Oakwood was io rhargt- of
(ram Union township, wherv he bas
highest fancy grad.- U-ing the smsH Grangi-rs. .d whtcli omnliatkm
hssa aarreylng la the vicinity of the
If grera
•n sli
siring which ixre
fork* of the Hoardman. WlllUm Zan
etfriSff tor gambhc* and
dem and J C. V^degnn'r, Chteag*
cagitallsta. bare becoaie Inierested li
y'From Thanulay'* Record,
the Boardmaa rnlley near (he fork*
Mr. and Mrs. E M. Hannifnrd of
sad have booght np weveral hundred
0 orAer to-fee p« to cans.
iCrdar rpeot yesterday to the city aai!

by Ihe fatal tlln.-ss,

Sun»-i n

Mrs. P.‘E. Crandall .-.f Marri.:.-!:,
who has UTn ai Elk Ihipl.b and An
get visiting at th. old horn.' al:.r «:
ahse-nc- ,t.r six'.iu v^ars. |vis-.-.
through 111.- city tins on I-;
way I.I Grand lUpbls l<-r a shon ri..
it Ixf.ire rc'iirnlng homent.
Mr*. H. \V. Wetdman and children
n.-raice and G .r.laa. lefr Ihis morn
ilig for Ixke C:-y. when- tb-* will vis
Mr*. Henry Kina and lliil-.- nl--ce.
Eliab*-th Temph-itm. lell this morn
ing To* Saginaw fiu a vlwli.
Mrs. VVIlllim 'Y. M-i:ioli of FIM.
street left i.v.lay fer Grand Rapids
where she will remain ever Sunday.

MiHint Ihiuta. In the pfiirinre of

ill.' aod Is well kn.iwn as • br.-xcb *.| Hi.- law.
G.i.rf;*- W. Jlmimr.. Ih-' N-'W '

\ndrew Carn--gi.- ha. a' List .Iraw.i; wb.. s* v.ii niiniths au.> w
hi- line at libra.
He has lutn-i | to l-aiiama t- .-rgaul/e the isiUe*.
[own a r.-*pies. ler *fu.-K.I to ........... ..
ll,.-..-. has aud
.-.-W Yerk |s.lin- sia-ions wllh l...k-i ti-neil. Jltuln<-r says III.- goveram

mum height I-r romniisstorv*-d .iffl.i'is
-Iff.-ring Ih.- army front rivll lih- fix*-!
.« a*-ral *n.l.T by ten

( Al..a, i-laiKl .d l-?f»ou. I* said t.i have
AiH-il ...... .-f eiahi. toroitog a laki, i4 si*.- In ll* f.Uce. Uur
I thg Ih- ir.rnsl.vtmatlou Ihf'ie ww* »
- I i.-rclilr nols.' an-l an earihuuake shook
- the surruun.ling couiiiry. Nallva-a are

.Ins *. Wllh l•....t^hrl»^»rW
n II -I.-. and |-I.IU.M|.l.l>
..nlr»-i*.l3tooi.i.«i*l-.a*h»1.-a wn-wd-rd w—t. ■
III IS ..*ins-.l.. Ihr mind, r'-n Wtn
,yeb..d*.sl*— try 1.


Sion appll.-*

fl.vr> elHi.T iu Ihe liin- or tin- staff.


Falli.-S' l» ,i dis-'ii”-. ai'n.Tdiiii; at Bast Jor.lBU today .■('ef 'it’
th- riiliiiu -< a laiibli.ii l■ol^.1 Jii'lgfrb-nd* In the riiy.
lT.'*idlng KIder Ferguson leli Ibis A iBili-ni iiKillrim- eonifiany wa- .in-i
for **-|!inB f1t>li iMlueiiig ni.ilicin.
moroing on a w.u k’s nip u
without n-v.-nu.' stamps I. Inc at
disirici *ork wli.-ce he will vl
lai'hcd, whn ii the law i.i|. |i. . In He
field. Manlua. Ih-ar Ijike at

busk at about $f a Ion.
Plums grown -riotlously lu Ibc Grand
Mr*. Harry Armstrong I.
Traverse region are to lie carrir-d
imirulng lo >iln h<-r huslmn.l
tenslrcly Ibl* «eas<m. and they
■asily handled and canned
Thomas of S s*dderless c:

J;say.- the is't Id her ff.s-k ai
d rav*-*! while racked

Co:.iO.'1 Bnt-i'.'ti |.r..|s's. .1,
.... ... . ed. Mu-slmav. li.*l.- n'lWsI t
nsstsiani ..lll..r of Hi.-[ ..r.l-r and i

.ud niasuzliu-. til.- s*vr.-iarv sxl.l:
-Mr. Carn.-gie l-U tl*al If b*- gav.- h|
library i*i th.- is.ll-e d-fmtimeni hi
lawig Idlke where lh«-v are ac«mstom.-d
would have lu liny one l-r lb.- firlo remain during the enllre si-ason,
•jiarinieni and Hi-- sir*' i rl.-atiing .btheir ev.itage U-lng HIrch Haven.
parmeoi. and
M'. and Mr*. Thomas, Fo»u r lefi

uly com to i>e grown is Ihc Crosby, this afternoon for Wk Rapids wh.-re
particularly awrs-l com. csi>eelally Mis. Forier will at oner- enter Hie Rod
adapinl lo canning purposes.
In Cro.- . hospital.
Maine, the corn canning state, noth­
Mrs. Uay Le Vall.-r retumril
ing is canned but the Crosby uin.l Ihr bom«- in Central IJike thl* nfienunui
local Aim Is a enliven lo tb. l.cHof afier visiting friends in theielly

of leaving a


York, ami Mbs IMtHi lin-w.
Cal. Wi-tv mairt.-.I at
f. IS..t--rt l..niis Sl.-

J. f'aru.-.- r-turned to Ang. I il

ws. d-u-I. Ills (alli.y au.1 111. oM.-"
(II.oh*!- ai.d H-i- having awor.-t
him all along Hia' "Mamma would t>:'
1.1,1'k S.*.u.' Ibinh-VIDOIV. Ibe ............
W.'inau Wli.. was caring f.vr He- ••hil l
m Tb. linn- an.l H..- Is.*'* laHuT. whilr. Ngi-iisly <q.posc.l to all pa-rialnliiB t-i
spiiiioaUsoi. expi.-ss tlK-nowlv*-* os
firmly * Hial W'aUei was vl.--

•■i.iti till tliot Is eh
foril N.iibliii: l-ti.-rl..c
llinvnt <-r 1.r..ii. ir.-il
iiihlt.l ..ra.bilt. S.-..lfsioii IK.M1-..1 Hie gn-.i-.-sl
I'llIhlerwkU.ivvU !*• tin-111
W'C'M a*ad rw* * »r»»Tr I

.. fishing trip to Ik-ar Fnvk aud

lermeni In charge of H. L. CariiT.

r. ■•tnz
111 Hedy Cnts, c-ruMaldi-n. ~ v.-uil miles away, aud
- . hwll. fiichlvti.’.l that W w.-arly

Tor Tour Proiection

Mr*. Harry Snyder
ir Grand-Rapl.lK. w bore ^r. Knydcr
promises has ace. pierl a ptrsIHon
n with ihc-Grand

The funeral was
Satunloy lag.
morning at BL Francis chnn-h at b'trui,
Ihe Rev. Joseph Uaner ofBelsIlng. In-

.1 -y him
ic'ly'lhu II
iiti.c wc- I.-mg |..*-i*sl ltT-«H.. i.

hi. iii.itloT SPI

retura.ri to her home Ia‘t evening

prohiliUlve to the indhytry as |
liable to become heated and
stroyed by loading anti they are tbm
Miss slimy and unAi for

the Grand Traverse phineers psssed
St the homo of bis dsngfaler-ln-

Walter lisudry.

iff*. Kale Karas «f Maple City
has Is-en In the riiy visiting friends,

IBW, Fra. Ik-11 Scymonr, Wednrsdsy.
Hay 9th. at lO o'clork. death being due
old age. He bad been residing atone
'or a number of years but upon being that it Is the only com for ranDlnc.
taken III went to the.hoine of Mrs. I.ast season Ihc Ki.-rgiven
Of the entire affair and tmemdtatcly Seymour.'whose 19-year-olrt son. Roy used extcnslvelv and ton*
beglB airanfemcnu tor the eonven- Hayes. Is the'only relallvc to attend alum- were i;rowo ni Rower* Harlior.
Ibe funeral. Aside from the daugbteK All the piWKs for canning com
ly thn.Arcmcn to cn- Inlaw, whose Arst hnsbnnrt wa
mschine work wllh the exc-plion
n was dndded by
ra 'wljh a Ash supUrtHn Ibe vUltdra
>f tbe diircaecd. a daugbtvr rt- hUBkIng, which I* aee«mpli»be.l
per at Masion Islaad afier their «
In Callfornta, and two granU- hand, the rom IK-Ing porcbasul In i

veatMe work has been Anlsbcd. 1
alaamer OoliimbU will doubUess
aeenred for the oceatlon. also a.largc
Bwmber of isuncbea. It bas been de­
cided to ask the tanacb owners to give
the delefaiot a ride on the bay and
possibly take some of them to the
ItlBBd for the supper,
Tbe prwprrti are that the mcetlni;
win be a large owe and Traverse City
wU u( eewrae make a aoeresa of this
as w«« aa of an prertoos ctjnra

N.iril: Cambridge t> bichtv asilai-d
m.-r a ibost story which. tswMs. ‘d ■
111.- qi>. r f.-atiio-* intnlv.x!, I* trangH
with «\c»-i«i-mal s*a.-ntinr lnu-n-*t ;

In the riiy. ivturalng again last

Draxlngton Is an ojieralor of exiarlenec aod the nerldcnt was the n-siiM. murit. lAst yi-ar
not of Ignorance bui of over bsllmaleanncil
■NSiu tor (be eetcrtalnmcnl of the Ing tbe dislance away of ibc knives erales. this materltlly glutting ih.dHegblea.
The sundlng cntcrtaln- whtcb are concealed under the ma­ market and eanslng tbe product
m*Bt eemmiuee of the board of trade
The Traverse aiy canning
which will coeperate with Ibe other fastens It losclhcrfawory coulracU for corn p< r acivag.
eommltleea. eonaists of J. A. Lorannil funiLshes Ihe seeil as Is d.itie In
ser. C. 8. Cavis. Cbarlcs M. Deers.
Oeath Roll.
\e bean aertag*-. This season the
Charles 8. Brooks. Henry Smith. O. C.
ic* 8. Hayes of Uunris- Center,
pnwIdcDl. B. W. Hastings.
Afier the council has appointed lu
commitles Ibe oommIHeea wUI meet
Jointly to elect an csecutlre commltloe from smottg ibelr number, aod
..hsif»H aocretaiy and treasurer.
This JolDl commiuee will have charge

laally t-i k.-s-|. the |>rx-*>-Dt gnver9m.-ni
. lln-4. Ol oew.-r.

r. smith iraif-af'-d business
Hesdames Oeotge Gulfarie and T. W
Rnt.lns.di of LeUnd spent vH,-slerday

Medical asalslancc was Immediately

MtBar. Ocoige E. Amlotto and the one of fhe oldest and besi known of

ofBre*. making II tmiwiasli.U- to inaur
iBurati- ofium tlwlfaod*. The po'wr
forec. be sa«». conidsilng of l.uou III
di^dpUB.d men. I* organired ^nel-

day and returned borne on Ibc late

bspiKVied. The foreman adjusted the
flnlHa p<as aiv not hamlb-d at all by
mschior and askiMl wbelhor sbe was
>e canning factorv as H rr-«)ulre«
lal maehlniTy Io ran laa.-. They are
ready to begiu. RespreidlHg In the afArmatlvc. be iiulled (be lever In sUn mowed down, drawn to Ibe fariork-s
Ibc machine lor culling the coIIk of where there Is machlm-ry which strips
veneer and the operator in sianitig the pods from the ju-as and at Uii
Ibc nialcrlal In the glacblm- pushi-d
le Utnc H-lutrates them from the
her band loo far and was caiighl by
i-s. Tbe long distancr-s whieb are
i-KidiaicI here for hauling purpos.-*
Ibe knik- which cins off the veneer.
called and tbe injury dressed.
Brailngton was then scut bos
back by Superintendent Svwrch.

I'wuama Is a rep.ibilr in naBw-. but
itH.narcbv ia r.-*llij. with afl the
latiM-s .4 Ih. prerideal hoMlag the

Mrs- Rnlien ■
lurncl io Imt h.mi lods.v alt.r VIMis< Kstelk- Hnkomh, left last cveaning with ber m. rher. Mrs Frank
Ing for Honor, where sbe will twr
Merrnre of Cedar. She will si*.. npcraiive case.
e at UoyiK Cby with
Mr*. W. II. ScoU of naUe River
spent a short time In Ibe citj yester­ home Iasi evening

J-732 K. Front Street

■ Bow Mrs. Ptokps Working Girls.
Girls -nh..vw.rk
re fcjnleularlv
iwx-ptibie l.j fi*slK-*-iallv U..~who are obilc*-il
I*, slsml on (her
f.-cl from nione
ii.g until night in
ston-s or lacUe
llav in and dav
nul the pirl foil*h.- is tin- bn-ad-wiuncr >-f
family. Whether slu- is sick or
flic fatiiilv.
w.-lt, vrhelli.
musv get l*j lii-r plu.i- -d oi.
Gm duties^
exacted vif her—
le and 1«- agm-able.
g IhLi C1WS.V



Weak anil aching
WX |.a.o in Ihe
lower iimtm and
painful and
there are fsiiil and dory siicii..
los.. of appctiie. nniil l.b- is a bu.
All these xyniploiii'. p-.ii.l to a
rangemi-nt of th.- f.
.a.s-iy and pcmplly
E. I*:ukh<im X VegvlwMiss .tbb-


towrHr*. Flnkhwm
"1 fo-l It mv duty to tdl you Ih* good E I'lnklwll.s Vrg-ml.l.- r.wi.sml
and KI--.I l-unni-l«vsd,mrf.irnr-. iM-o1 Us.k th-ni I
v-rv r.-r*i«-. Imd -li.ll
tswda.ds-s.|wui. to Iw.-k, wnd |•'n-«is w.-r>Irrrpular. I had 1r-ei Wsercral d-r-Uev. wirl

Wc have moved our block, which was in
iht; brick buidint;. 13d Stale sircci. lo the
Moore builtiinp.

Slate street. On

ac.-'ount of lack of room for many of our
bulky tjootls. we are offering Buggies. .
\V*ngons. Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,
etc. at a big discount. These gooods arc
moving rajiidly at these cut prices. Come
whif^he stock is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Binders arc
•'standard" and at less price than the trust '
•sflls them.

1:55 STATE ST,


**"-Y-'«ir Its-b ii>« bv-v mad* m* wslk sn-l
sinog I •WI. d-. m *I say knit .d »-•(
wiih-oi cuoiphunt, aisl my |s .i..L-. ar* ..:i
*m in
h-<ll1h ttivn I -v*r wa* lkn-~*t .-.ilt-lusb-v-urr-esdi.-s I
T—cimriri *>*ir aibn. au-l Dsde-in*- lu all
ch girl* that Mn.
It a hcip.iig hand a
t*-nd. invi'
with h,r. She is
l.v-l-wK. I'iiikhama
. n ha-' t-i-ii ad.

*n 'I.



Auurv. ’


128 Front Stroot

Jaarnc’-s Tbnic Yermifu^
iji'cs r-i.-v chi iL- .'intl ,-iclt\'j iii:.-ill)i t-' I'll'-. -i-Llv tliildrcii^®
.-\n-l il i. -o.Mi for thrir -Itit.’i. l*«>. '
Arik viHir druv'.'i'i f'-r il.


TocCure a Cold in One Day

I TAe Laxative Br
I Sffv«nl«oato»saaeMtoHM

UM>CR n«*iN»ukA ntat.
Cwm»A M4A. mf


ncatvM ttto'tMniliis MiMto U«t
l«Ht thirty IMt hiw*

Mt atfM

*R« Mvcn aw

MM«t» w«!iM aot k! «M McMt Htw
whieti h*»


IT atd la Mill caUitfl a Raw «

a taera ar a»; ralufteiae.

TM aN/ ef Iran Mawitaia la cart afr
M fiRCrta car «*• Ra^c a»a
IM ni—■ tbe tapra af WaHaca. Ratireart baWRea are bwrned aitd the taleraRhdlneaaeartaam.

V .-arih-i
biirxtlon bi-liis Dvr hours
. — .. .
q-iake wes aim. lerorded at MliustWa.I
Iwars t
WMblBKloa. M«r l(.-AKbeusb tbe
and Osoka i 1 Ko’j.- !
fora Jortk* Curry. Attorney W. R.I ecrlptlon: • Here lies William Tcn^talliMd rate Mil pwwd. it ti
aio bttwgbt eMi aBalBsitple Fraaklln. bom Feb.
IT'::: died; Prof. Omeri wae ia
•tell II retara* from tbe eonleranee
Beaiamiu cntla* the two earthquakes
a be bought the ' May
IMX Craadson
lodM ii «i» bara aU the anendii
penple there lo Marsh and
e animal wa. ' Pranklln,'
aMdiee oat Md «lll be tbe oriclatl
April wh.-n the rtrihquake wirr. •'
• conri ruled! _
Heiiban Mil cxeatpl a< to tbe <
Prof. Omori has liivcwlgiu-d all n<-.o a^ow tho
jOioooiDirat.- amoug
el-h- ear-hu'Jakes of reecoi >-.-ars.
ttloD of a i<erMio and tbat
bill preeldet a prtaoo penalty for reI
I the Olber day prea-: - J
Ror. J. R. Mourr of Moii-.-M-n, l*c, ;
rale tboiM apply to the sail
Ulra lor tbe raUioadt. a three-fold
to about a bun-'
,ha« seven sons, all of tlH-m rl.-raymi'i,
Attorney Franklla wee aaardrd
money penalty for the ahtpRera:
tribe at (he F .' ::.' ..Ularj- r.-erva
,|iffeivni-di«»mlBailc.-a.- I« lug rep '
If |s:i aad eostt.
Inierauie eommlmloa It glren pjwer
lion In Cnv.iv r..e old elilrf
^o-tng men. Non.-:
to -ft raicj; R maket tbe pipe Haw.
termei r-v -.-cled while upeafcing.
^Ss evr h.wrd any of th '
Oeneral Newa
wumpamldacln^|,,,h^r» pn-jrh. Th.y have one -ust.-r
Seaitor Taimar
,K-rr e : JV .0 Mcdldnc ^rer. Ai ^
, pro,pi;...
eartied nonthrmer a* 1
.n B^MoBy.
r -.- r' • • I ■ :..e tervlces he oBorod a
ibe M-utor's room at ll
1.; 1-«. ior rrealdent Roosevelt.
Coloalal hotel a few nlgbts ago; "1
A fall III U"| Kvl'-ln lie Chipnun.
Mate Ncura.
tear ihti under iliU nem rale Ull lhey|
Tkomat OartoB. aa A<l«ad e«
browB men" tnoBi Uhare aboUabed -Jim Crow' cars aad ^ "‘h
farmer, Ilrlag sear Cbethlre. hat
that nlescra can ride with us while. Of -Vew Zmland
nrrkablc freak of nature is tbe Bbai>e
folks In Ibe routh ' Senator Tlllmanl l»t<'»t tpeif b he said he bad no di-sl:
caff whicb bat oa lit body i
smiled and said aothing. ' And I hear."j'»
‘= anj aay the national
kneel a thick coat of wool, c
wrought->p rlsiicw
rontluded.] «l'"himi.-a of tli,- Jtjiauc-M-.
ly tike that of a ebeen. black at
I pifHi;
they ar.- ........ .. it. put that old j
It bat a ihrap'e note sod tall, b
could only
■ttlek.' ex-8enalorChandleratlhchraill«’''''*'d and
other reepecu reeemWet a calf,
pu-v.-nting Asiatics, wh.-il.ei mibjv-e'.
ealf b of HoltiHn-Jeracy paraatai
of King E>lwar.l or of Ihe mll.ado, wbjeimioetcsa- wa»--B no- I-Ii.Uy -I Jsi .o.
tU weekt old. beatihr and airaag. Niv
from eomlnt Into Ihe e-j'iiny In sum
gntiallont are trader way with a Kfw
y rigbi la Sens-.or Chandler. Yu.i iiiimh.r» as in eonslltuus'a real nieu
York mateuB for Ibe pnrebane of lbI" of a coll, dUcoTcied the tc
Iln'B granifOB, whleb

RallfMd RaM RHI.

<^ou ])Km>s



The Kind You Have
Always Boagta

, XWretbhIePrcfuraiKalorAs'sii^lti<lbcrcodanlHc«uld-


For Infants *nd Children.

Bears the



For Over
Thirty Years

paaRle are baaiMraB aed are d^pMg peeslitr aalmkl.
pottat card rcerfred at Motkesni
ia Me llaWe la the baralnR dMriat.
• A Rafiie RTMalla aad baalaaaa la aw-

Murdered 6aHnR Oaarral.
Chartaeeia. Mkfc, Mar ll.-Ia
amarrH orer eatUe atrarlac. J<*n
Haariltaa »ae klled t>r John UalUaud
^ raaicrdar. Melllaiid bad hU
ihalaarr CDmlnatloB tbl« isonilBa



and «ai renanded to ]tll aaill
neat aeaelon of CIreall coart.
Tbe murder oeCurrad at lt:»
terdar ia front of Hamllloa's bomt
and waa wltaeatied by three met
mo Yomea. It eeeiaa that aos
HaaHnoB'e cattle bad wandered oato
UMilaai!-i land aad be had got
HamlHoe'a bone to remoanrate with
bin for ible. One word led to aaotbvr
and eatllr tbe two meta emerged
the atieet. After UlUat for i
time. It l» alleccS. Ibe (wo cost
la a araffle. MalUand la to year
«e arblle HamIUoa waa Tt. J
breaUac awar. ,lt ie etated, llattland
bews to throw dtooca at (be old
Tka tbree maB who aaw Ibe troobic
aadeaeoeod to aU HsariJbm but «la!m
U^baee been drteea awar by ateaef
tbrowB be Malttand.
The atoae wbjch cained Haadlton-

la SUrin City "ilii man with the bee' ^ Prefi ssor Omml. (he famous Japs
bat supplanted the m'an with the gnlf nJ .c mnsmnh.Rieal
Wedneaday by Jrrrseo Peters from i
IS erriveil in ibi--1
ibiand Gladtione noqle, "the nn- rf the M-lmniwraph. has
brother In Stn Frendteo It rautlni
kissed fsnn" of the firm apostle, re­ ei.uniry Niaii,! for Ssii
sii Francisco '•>;Sr5^gI5h“l4,'iv!i'irrVil!l\'i"St
enrtuflly. ^a the rererie aidgards tub mclanrboly e>t- tin- rough laresllgate the effectsrs Of the ear.h.|...-^'-'';,k^
of tbe iraalal were wrlllen 7CS wordi
Omtwi said
sai.l bis
hU mes si n—o lojUluted b- reo.vrr
furrows of a potato paleh wh«-pe nnee qnakc. Pruf. Omm-i
la i^ble longbtod la the naalsh Uohad n-mrded
the c-ariWake.:
wat the vclvi-iv esyjan.-e «d hit golf
V "I hare pol lime to wr
rearhid Tnkli.
Tokb. leili
lui.b arross th-':
links- lly irdtr or Overaecr Vollva which, n-aehiO
letter." tald the writer, "to a portal
■ he
(he links bare le.-n lutned nrer
the I*nclSc and pround ihc tvVenie side
lUil do." The wrUlag eooUlnt i
lender mcrek-s of amali-iir gardeders. iteejrih. Tile time of the l-'Rlmiin.;| Saturday,
strrilploB of the earthquake.
of (he •-irthquakc n-e':M III Toklo wd
roaull tbf cnien'o bth lorn shi
Wben a Sarnia rctervailoo Inditn
wit arrested at Port Huron for I
rrt:21:SS a. m.. Pacific rime
Mist lllesthig Is going to Biirope
oak be aaM‘Urai he got (he liquor
j some shoi.i.ina- MIse News.
Ibe ralfion pf Thomaa Harron oo
sc of New York's most arlslucroi
Sho.-ked b.r Ihc sight of a team of
lUiaiy Birrei. The Indian was seni
dogs. She will areom|iany
.runaway hnrsi-s li.Jmlng Ihemsche-- "r*'
lall for ten days In lieu of
Mrs. Reggie Vanderblll's molh'er.,plunging Into a barbeil wire.feiiet
Lolor the fine was paid and Ibe IndUn
Miss Bk-atlng has a dlamooi] sluddi-il' Aaron Armsireiii:. a liellcvue pbiiinbustled ever to Caaoda. but when the
collar, in whicb the api'raretl at thclrarnu-r, fell di-ad. The maddene
of Barron came np for aelllns
horse show last fall, bm she most horses i.Uingrd aiadly when iliey lx
r to an Indian, Ibe rcdakln was
have sotnelblng new for iJ c coming
tengli-d In -iliu fence ami the
produced by (be praaeentor and BarShe bus a fancy now for
spurted Imm their laceraiimif
>-aa bound over for trial.
pearis. alihoiigb coral is more bccomf death of
Serttl. Samuel Jig to ber cumplexlun.
s. O. J. Uu.-y of Add Arlmr. ageil
Croeketl, M. D.. of Sandy Creek. N.
"I^bandle Jack," the tamoup fox
lofi alli r an She sn.-Y.. hat broken a forty years' friendterrier known to IhoiirandH of em­ talnivi a seven- shock while living ih-ship between Crockett. George Scharployes of (he ri-niisylvBiila railroad, IclephUDc during a slorm last v-imm--i
iberg of Chicago and tVIlllam P. Lots
going to travel from Chicago and was imconsclouR for l:oiu> and
of Owotso. They wore together la
oud (be world
Officials of the she never reeotei'cd from iIic s-Beris
thlrty-fonr eagagemenla In the drll
d arc arranging tbe trip, and say
. Wbllc-retiirning from WinehesIr "JSek" will be Ibe fira doc lo
The Saginaw l.iimluT £ Salt Oo. ImVa.. where they had carried Imporcircle the globe alone. A (sg will he a raft of S.bOu.onn K-ei of |og> ..■> ttuattached (u Ibe giving bU way from the vlrlnliy cL Thessaloii.


tess end Lo SS O F SLEET.
TarStn^ Si(tialureor

iThe Government


ateath atrack hlei Inal back of tbe left
ear. fraetBrlng tbe ikoll. He died at:
^Meefc. tire bonra aad a bait after

Joe Scbaclder and Loo Fleisaner of
Maaittee alarted Wednesday for Tret
T^ilalHahd It naiaarried aad namlHon Plcdrea. New Mexico Srbndder
be anperlDiendem lor tbe Tumi Peak
M*a aaetae to be all agalul Uai«an<l Gold dad Copper Ulniag eompani.
aad be waa charged with Met degree
erect a Urge mill
. 1«en if BO talk of any rlo- lor the reduction of copper, tllrer. goH

"IBr «mM'iWWWR..T>«„aeptl»ent

te toward tbe pfttooer and SberiK
Leo FIHttaer
y etataa that be baa him lafely tea'rn mining. Upon tbclr arrlral Otlo
Botenfield wilt retnrn lo Manitie.-.
i Haftlaad. while oerar eoovict
Tbe mill la to bare a eapadly of uA
y criam. it eaU to fcar^ borne ool (ODt a day.
« beat of rMOtaUooa. He wai
DIJah Hurray, who came to Niles .in
^,'»rally no the otipoalte side of erery IgSO. la a remarkable man. loaamurh

place of abode and his name, lo adwriiiea on parehmeni
Tile entln- |ini<b
will be attached. This let'er will give has hi-eli sold to Ik-lroll |iarlli-v.
the life history of "Jack" and tl
-s. Tlatii'-l Cnsiji of Di-fen!
Incrary of his eroiiniHhe-wurld
conu-sl ihi- will of the late Sarah E.
Cardinals arc "kicking" against Hi-? Davis, her aiinl. who left most of h«-r
aetlOD of Cardinal Oreglla In trying estate to George Tailor, who Is not a
discipline them for attending
relative of !iei>. The will emimeraied
dinner gitmn hy Ambassador White In a lone list of ariieles mhleh were to
honor of
ArebblyboR Ireland, and go lo Tsvioi. among (hem her family
which some of Ibe cardinals attended. nitu-. plr’iire of li.-r dead h'.iwlian l,
They maintain that Cwrdloal Oregll* Pielurc of rnrle Tom's Cabin." tin
authority over them.
l•ainllng with the ilile "The I-sinl's
Icglance being enlirriy duo
Prayer." hlankets and romlonero, "ot
pope. Oreglla holds Ibai cardinaU whatever style or color;" and all ik right to attend funetlons stoves, eansds and tnMs; six of "her
given by persons having tvlsiioii
largeat pillows:" ibe tollci set and

aa be baa ever worked at (he forge,
tbe Kalian eouti.
and U so employed lodty. Iicing ia
In Hindi af RdMiana.
Dr. Frank J. Touisalnt of Milwaukee
butt health, and he celebrated bla TPib
Now York. Hay 17.—The tenaatloa
Is asking an cBon to t?dueaie
birthday Thureday. During Ihe c
Yaqul Indian l>o>. this being the fii
which bsi derelA;>ed orar
Ur. Murray sold hiiggirs Kir
tertoot dHapP^artbee of Dr. Gresory
atiempl ever made to bring one of the
high aa $300 each. He baa twice been
Mailne. a Rtl'ttlaa pollilenl raftigec.
rare under the Influenre of rivlllsatare detiraylng his Indui
been angmentad by erldeace
llon. The iKjy's parents wen- killed
tfles bol
abewing (bat Uaalne wat kMnaped by
three years ago by Mexican soldkrt.
of George Keller of UnThe family
RnsaUa aeerel pMIca while on bit way
Dr. Toiissalnt happened lo lie In that
eolD Lake It tuBerlng from black dipnftoM bit hMH'totbe Oraad Central
serlWn of Mexico at the lime. IKtberia. Two children have died with­
dapoi. liatlM was due In Cbitmgo
took the iKty home with him and si-ni
in a Mw days and Mrs. Keller and oth­
Sunday But dM not arrirc and tbe Inbim to school. The lad now resds an-l
ers of Ihe family are very low with Ihe
reatlgatloB which followed reveals
writes falrlv well ami appears '
aame disease. IftghI families
that a man of bit deacript
r quaranilne. Two have eonlMiusl. witboiil any desire (
tskcB aboMd « Meamahlp In etaarge
im elate. ThtYe will be on serrlcea torn to hi* tribe.
of Ibroo BOB wearing Rntatan unlCharii-* Haynes llatwrTI. ?T
(he ehureb uBlII danger
rerma. He was-Rlaecd In tbelr charge
Id Ibis month. Is a praeilcing
dUeate is over.
IB ■ roam and kapt mnder guard nmll
ivr in Sew York city and was i
• young Sew.
Edward Gruber,
tbe Btoamer aalh)d. .
shot by MlM lerestlng figure at the lavliig <
beiT) Jeweler who
Dr. Uaxtne hgs t^lthed M comEnglne<-rs' eiiib hnuse corner
nee. whom he
ISiuU'ib Hall, bis Aam
plelely at if the earth awaUawed him.
hy Mr. Csniesle ilie olber das
was IcaHiIng bow to sho
Hr Jeft Ihe bolH alaac and ehecked
old gentleman saw Rotx-ri Ful
a ehanee for roeovery. ih
bit tniska lo Chkatgo where he
ton's first steamlmai on the Hndsosi
geona have l■een unable
ddkkMily expected. Dr Maxine
river and experts to lake a jiroailneiu
bullet. Mlu Halt, wbo li
rormeriy editor of lllr Ruaa. wai
Ihe Fulton and Clermont
yonng woman. Is eonfinod to her btime
naiad, eaenped and reached Amertea
4ennlal next year. In Ihv civil wi
prostrethia because
ibd baa lUted ha would Barer learc
tho aceldeat.
Pbysirlans who are altrbdiog t.yna
Ufurgey at Ml. Uprrls have found reived high praise lor bis work.


Is rvTry sstUsv

inn Aeret
Land adietoUw <U< van be par
-hu'.-'-l I-.-m lallwap anS land
-eoitunire al (lom SB.0D le SluiU



liavlR In her declining vrsrs.

LiMe m AS

■ ................ .. '.srkoSt

I. iValto-r, Jndg.- -



- -<d Mil-|.et taanrox
-1 n.-alMR( IlH-aains. In
T •< Dvds fororaad

SuVead For Tkr« Y»n W»
Itdime H«m»r-D«tor Did No i____ .-

^ SE '




that (he yoang mga's bean has been
Italy's king reeonlly paid a risl
pushed from the normsi position
ankle wa. a- raw .j-vc-i-t s-T-tsy.
^ yj-^HAV. Agei.i
Vesuvius. On the oceasina of n
tbe right side. Lafurgey was taken
a. u irirei- of l-vl. -------------------------------------------------------------------I an Kalian newspaper
sld( with congestlob of the lungs, snii nnunrod lhal "the erupiion ba-l
one of tbe Inags became so dletcnded honor of being wllncsned bv his i
s* to rause the hesrt lo shift.
It sras a German
Henry Klein, a young man living
stated tbt’ a reritln royal prince' Soap evere day and
IraaMBHng Holy Writ late obscure
*'iii'i"r..--. .
Greenwoods, reevnily shot s fine, Isrgc
graelonsly pleased to lx- born! «
and barbaroat tDambi. was
einnamon bear, tbe first seen In those yesterday." tSquglly eounler-Iikc
tbe aodety'a abaaal meeUng
part* in many years. The bear had an army ofilrer In arendane* on
TranalBtlboi «( the BlUe ia eleven been caught In a muskrat trap, wbirh king of Spain not long agn. The k
It dragged Ibroogh Ibe woods. When aaked bim what wa. ib,. time. '
Newark. New A 'uk.Jiilv h. ISO.'.
- and FeKwiry.: S-s n. , l xio ra
ROblUbed last year. ' Borne rf" these young KIMn atlaeked the Brar iLc errartirr fumbU-d Tor hl> walrh,
I find I;, then n-sperifully .
----------■ -WM* aet np in apeelsl type of native beast rose to Its^lad legs and made
[baiarlrri tbe other* belag render- desperate flgbu bring shot Id th
reasi Stc times before It sueenmlw
lag* of tbe laaguages by tbe Boglisb
"Public oplBloB
rule* la China,
" H^I buildings of Ihe m-iWI imm.-.’-}
laleb following the Chicago fire are!
PuTltled By CtiUcar* Sortp
' Tbe new iraadatloa* lartnde l^k- said Sir Cheng-taag Usag Cbang. th
.......... .
i- ^ aw I fc> P I
minister to the UalltO Spates .o be added to Ibe Il« of harardous'
h1. spoken cm the Tibetan tronller.
----------li* in-atnicntai
by Chirago Insurance men,
SIngpbo. the langaagc of an Assam
adraaee la their rale will lie Tn
bUI people: Kullrin. from ooe of the dents. “YouspeakofChUmaia-mt
4u per cent. Theater* also <
New Hebridra: ZlgnU. tbe speech of goegnpbical place and give more
-penaUrel." a.« undesirable
the Wa BIgula* of German Booth (ention to what other natloa* i
the S' alpskm.suppbss the roots
dolag la China than wbat China
Is has been derided by tbe wi
with energv and n<-un..hment. and
’Rtrica: Laotian, which Is current
dolag lor heraelf." he said, "bm t
makes the h-virgrow upon a sweet.«Vdenagrrs of fire Insurance eomp
some, henllhy m alp when all risr Calls.
CROkea la Hwal*. one of (be Briilsh general reeklessaess ct whsi while i
hare done there has awakcbrl
•okmum iilaad*: Bemba. a Ceotnl
In-i s.-Tofula. frnminfanrytoage.roMIetiM
ask Arbor ................
, r It
ATi$(M tongae: colloquial Ai^tale. China and has cansed great
of Culimra Soap. Ointment, and PJU.
s li
. suianee broters be eur 1
artll Bri-Bri. eHilrb 1* the laagaage of ttoo and a aatlonal unity,
maTHOwbchadof alldrugjii'tefof one .xmaaforOodar cut sadPro
syeiem. whereby a man of
.dbg Paanma iadlaas.
Lam year the Aeleiy Israert C.floti..
a Modeniised-Chins that mnwi be a]

Rere Marquette




a mris cemetery bas just been

, r-vTTr.^!',v.’sinr.


-Urnihm. May !».—Four hundred peo



c-neie t.irv! tsu rear Ie
b-.eli.l-i e! 10 Us- a-'

furDllure In her lieilriHim. and half ol
her ehlBSware. Taybir Is a driier ni
..fwdVeiirl. hell s' liw- Pp.
tbe H-ntral fire siallnn and he and hiv IwV-ot*-.
'- in Ibi-Olr el Tiaveiw l-|lr m -wlH /■tn'tKfi lie I-r;e.Il'*7K'V -sui- —t
A It. W las,,. Tn'rl-.ii-ii Jii li-Iit < o-wife had Ix-friendeii ibe aged Mi' (Innnty. oa ihr ran day >d

Rica and tribes. apeaUng 400
gnagea. mra provided with,Bibles la
Ibetr vwmaeular by the Brillsh aad
JRawIgn Bible aoetoiy. This Impreaalve
gtatement, implylBg enormoat labor in

fort* la tbe worid."


' H,F.5t5iSi!''5ro*'fS:.’r.^r'"

J. HM cum



Real Estate and Loans
127 Pront St., floDtafuc Blk..

Traverse City, Mich.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
W'.' will

you seven pur e nt |>--t .imium for

your money and i;ivu you a'm tiirity «ilt edge
Traverse City real ustiit" or ;;ili uilnu farms io
Grand Travcr«u Cuuniy. Miih.. whurc your


l>«: .ibt-olutulj’ safe.

wade: dros.



tew Itoce to yau. 1 hope ^ |
■be aide ef tbe booae and every anrobUe h to the cMmad. There b a tog we worU conat Jbea to aee bow wBI get tUa tetter and would like Ic
prtnL Mr pet eat boa aome le laab?
aoay Ihere were. Every auratog ebr
big yellow do« wbe romca to via
, ceonl them and aay. 'BtobL ten. LHtrae but 1 bare am aeea them. We
llmea Hta name to Douacr
Kingsley. R. F. O. No. 7. May 1.
Maple (Tty. Mlrb.. May 11. IRflt
nloa. elahieear Sbe woald pick one bad a magic laaiera tbew down to the
he Uvea aearly a btodi away bai
I)-»r Prealdeei—I am home frvtm
Dear Presld--nt—i must now taka
My aiadlet
lit everyone to Ibe belgbborboed who or two M aad bring them to tbe
lIlBol. nna. At half p**' -lehi Tues lime to wrilw to you. We W*e got
aad aruhaerie. Thera an- ibirty-tkrec
bouae and nay "Putt pnaie.’'
irea lo aee bla.
ae took Ibe train lo Chicago and wme cute little pets now. WP bavts
tntolara to our acbooL My tetter
Tbe beU rang Uite meratog aad Bcoai "Pretty poslea.- It aeea
onl lo Uacoln park and sar
two mri- tomlts. thrve UlUe klllaM
Dew PreUdeni—Tbe Snaabiae dab
BM very loag. ao goodbye. '
wbea 1 weat to tbe door a man fraa U we can }on aee the Simabtoe
birds and animals We went Into the and some we- little chlrkoai,..! Jairt
d tbe Heopa Valley ladlaa wbool. tbe drag more waa there aad Bouaoe
>w. Waxal It alee for Mlaa Ferry
bouae and lo H arera Sowers
wish y-ui cuul-l cstme and see Ibem. I
eOBMUtoc at one budred Beabwi, aai beeide him oo tbe doonaai wallAge 7.
Mildred Gee.
aead Uxtoe boeka to the
all descrtpti-uiA Then we w.-nt bock will t--ll you what we -lid a< ttur sehuol
Rare a nuleal prafna on tbe erenMagic teaiera aboos are lota of fua.
> aay BWd aoralag. I fnigoi to clnb? AlibODgh I caBBoi read Freaea
- electric car and saw a vaadv Arbor day Miss lUlv- twon. our Itodf
tac of Ibe 2k<b toft., for which ibe
-e Ibey BM7 Wbat piciam did yo
i JO blB> at grat and hb feeUaga ayaelf. 1 iklak I know a lady wan
A' 7 3<>-TiH-sdar night »•- g»< er. gave ns onb-rs 'o clean IbP yard
rnralibed aereral ealike
were an TIort that wbea I aaked him woald en)or them. Her name to Mra
e iHiwl an-l at 3 o'clock Wv-dnes , VBd bunt all the sticks ami d-«d BtOBt
1 and Um eaerelaw
Ibe fcUefaea lo bare aome cake LaForge, Sbe baa been reading
day tuornlng w- le at Grand Hav- ti ibai W-- rolied iugeHi<-i and she bripet
EvsanoD. I'l. May 10. 190C
addtww by Btiperln- he woaU nor take it uaill he hod been Fn-oeb for the Taai few winterA
ekMed with an a
Dear Presldeat-I aa having a good and from there «■- nsb- ua ih>- cat- IIS do It. After that
planted ibiriyteadeft Prank Kyi
k abe muai eo)oy t<- She to oM
ctMxed and peitnt That to ibe Rr>l
walke-l fnim Wali-iit home ib-i-l- Ihrte sha.I-' inss s-lew r.<M- bushes
Tbia dub. which wa* organlied more lime 1 have ever xeea Bounce abow
ao Invalid aad cannot be
and Je-O- Hoag's a-ldr--ss to 227 Gn-v
Is tbe 2Ub of Ibis BMinib. Mami
sn-1 mad- a ll-wer Usl. I will aend
tbaa a vwr atn. baa oonrened icbIwinter. She has to have aoa<'^
:. Ib-Kalb. Illin-is. and my ad
butBcdiUily durios Ibe fall.aad winter
X to paoa the luog hours wbl
dross ts -Klngsl- v II K. D. No 2. BPt
aeaaoa aloce Thai Hare aad at tbooe
daugbtera. that live-to Elk Rap
The I.-Si -( lb- names 1 ss-ol lu
Vvur« tr-ily.
James tlwme ,
BHMitota ibieBembera hare taken an
an- twav_--^We go to tbeir boi
lot kiiua, Ikii I will writ - and
I hri>e y-.ur mnib-r to well again,
lltorvaM Griaaluen.
pen. •Hint np the boar mainly
qitltr often and Vlall With her. I
Pbitbfully youra.
my cutudn. H-ssiv ll--ar
1 will chi—
ate sent Ibe bulloa Seba oaks (or.
loota. readtoci. recluiiona and
lu.achMd and am in tbe alxtb gn
T1-- fli.wer; ThiirvaW weat
Margaret H. AldeA
and tielp ittanmia
lalka; the employeea aaalatint trnm
>-Bui(liil. an-l he i<-s-ns fliH- wvtris
You will all eD]u> Margarei'a Mier
Cedar. MIrb.. Mar. IS-te.
Myrtle I.«l--.
lime l« lime to maktot Ibe work bdpDuring
ua Aitosi day.
Id I am aiire you will firiu wr In tak­
Dear Pretideei—I n-reived my card
All the Ruiisblio-rs will I— gla-l ■old.
ing l^r tu wrtieMtolB.
and bunon yesierdav. 1 am going to road about your iilp. Thank you lot
Beeihin are ad)oun>ed till the altbla
Juvepbtoe Carltole. Sbe aent me a achwil BOW .-rety day and am In ih-- be a<blro>s. I will scud tbe car-l­ <i-iun>to aKiuiiil iheli school.
Solon. Ml'rh. April SI. IboC.
grow KBf atato aad racatkia daya are
pretty Eaaier rani. It
flfih grade. My studies are Rlth read and 1-uui.os at -mce.
Dear Pienideni—I iboii'fai I would (tooal. There weie three a|i
CT. we traat that ai the annahlmBelle, graninwi.oilbugrapby.
nainiw wanna and qalrkena lo new. willa a few Itoea lo you. Mr learhW. Eavier mier. Well. I think I aa mak­
rk-a- I
physhilogy. grograptay aiul sp-'Htog
to Mlaa Rachael Henlngioo. I ing my teller loo long. Bt
me. ao the Saoabtoe rrork tn tbdr
>d biittcui- I like th-m v.w fUucb. I
W.ll. I guess I will have lu eloee (or
a will grow and bear fruit In went MayBowerlog laat Saiurday an-l
to l.-l y-su kn-.w Ilia: I am a
:hank y—i v--r much for tbea I a*
rbtok of tt. I will tell you
tbto lime, so good-b«'
their urea thra«h all the long g)ai1 found name glrla and lu»a. I am to
b>H>e you aie Ho- same
uuw aad 1
From your lyl-'ad,
■ be fourth grade and g.t along very night papa went to ruuacil meeting
ler time.
am to the
Waller and I got -—tne flowi-r. to sElbel (I'Rrlen.
nicely In arhuol. Tbe name of our
Ulllaa A. BvaaA Chairman.
mil r--ad<-i. atl'timeilr.
I am glad you got your card ami
footlh bpok to Graded
IJieralure, The baby wa- liineaome and aurjiriaed
am well
Cedar. HIcb..
■ icn.. April
Pleaae wnd me t <«nl
I will clnae. ua bv Haying. "I wlah my old daddy
I tuens I
ol-K plant
lo- belag a Sunsfainrr.
From your guoahlbe girl.
we have elxh' ll'l
Will -cl—w- 1-w this lime, ho gaad«ye
would rumr home"' Onr m
Age A
ttolber M. Good.
Oberon. N. D- April 2S, 190C.
tombs, ime black one. I tliJnl. that
bnnhrr Ralph wax out doo
Did you .-ver iry lo riRlae wild flow- heard a ntbln makto; a noi
Dear President—I thought 1 would have written iiulio a l-e «-r m--. .1
planted aa erergraen tree. He nai
rt In your Rtnlenr 1 have aome "glrto
write to you again. I had a good ilm< 17. yrors oM *<«> k. a-anld-vr.
hrtr ftoa whom w<- are always glad lo
Hr went up tt
Cbeeier Ailed Arlbnr. One of
and boya- lo bbH>aom and ihey a:
Arbor day, the 27ih. The teacher and
waa hurt and wbrb he roi
Fn-at viHir Sunsblner.
p-'i 1-il-rs.
aaid they read to the Her.
preliy aa though growlug In
piiplto *el out three lllile Trees
Aadn-w Ltidka.
Lcc he aaw that the bird waa cangbi
oM Uiai U wp planted an erencreci
the branrbea of a tree by a ptecr apd each one of lb-- rhildn-n ■•niugbi
Vice IHesldetil Clara Hale. .
tiM you would lead ua a pretty cant.
trtrlng be had Iteen rarrylng lu sts-ds (or Itieir ilirw-T l-e-to I ImMigli' the flowers Bs BUrti as >vi
we planted them under oar achculFluahlng. MIcb.ff. April S.*!. 19
ike a neat. Halpb came in the‘.ouae some poppy see.1. snd —me roarii.-ulito
iileni -lid. Th-r-- w«-r-- "tooK ai
bouae plDdow. Plraao aend both canto
Dear Pre*ldwii"At 1 have recelve.1
I an<l tail other srbn-lmales pul our glrto.' >h>M- au-l atbutiis. Is iha>
to or ihree of your ever welcome le:- after hto knile and lu- let the bird go.
s--ed- In lb-' spm-- to-d. I think tbe 111 right?
Samud W. Holated.
rra I will try and anawer ihem today. There are a great niatir b
He verves In the Herald wen- very
•quirreU a^und hire. We
am Rlad you and yonr brother
. to ralntog and eery dull anting
Old Mission. Hicb Hay 7.
nire (or Arbor -lay. All of Ibe pnidto
cblrkahelped oo morh lo make the acbool around. I bare got well and am ver
Ih-wr l*resl.leni —I have niu wrill-i
bad a vf-r«- each: I think mine wa.
yard pcMly and hope tbe Ireea w1
happy and ttianktol to l>e an I can ru
> y.iu la a-iUe a mile wlill--. I am
murh roml fur them they ntme and i-at Tt-rr nice. I will tell you It at rb.- eii-l
prouito and play wllb my ilog and Ml
and hope you an- the same. I
my letter, M.- teacher s name !•
It. The bloeJayH alb. eat 1
er iMti. I bare not gone in acbool an
SatlOM Bay. Hleb.. April U. 1»M.
Bme Houldy. 1 like hr-r very well am going lo acbool next fall. We has r
friend who would like i.
Dear PreaMeat—I iboughi I woaU alnce tbe 2Cih uf January, but think
Sunshine dub. Her addrea, ii Louise There are eleven |iu|d1s in the scboul quite a bmg varathin. We live «n Mcan
write yon a few Itoea. I am well and
It Is two mllbeloeil the tracher rake Ibe yard 8-el's (I till torn.
Green. FJk Kapida. Hicb. Fleam- Send
member of tbe Sunahlne club
Frankie GrUfln
to>pe tbe reel of tbe Banatatoen
: lioe Ibe soil r-w tbe Rower to-di (rvim Old Mission.
card and button to me. Well,
III ull tin- laleat JoaiRtta. fSaiachuni erery day. Hy lliink tbto will lie all'tbla lime. I hope muat close. I remain.
I We helped rarry the dirt (ur (h< wauls to JtJn Ibe Biinslilm- rliUi
iariiflioii {tunrantetsl
wlirwrllr to me again aa I enfoi
• to Mtoa Cadham. I like
tods. too.
helped ber all w< Please send bis card and Im-I-n l-> ii.i
A SunnUner.
ui.itk- ts^iula uiiil InlMt Hn>
r leiiera very murh. I bad a pleaahot rety m.ieb. 11a to ibe third trade.
could. I thank -on (or my card ami and I will give It pi him - I have my
Beaale Briggs
liruvtol mv-binvry.
Baa'nT naitng ««» aad vialilag
yel. As I eatiTi.M
Wa bare only four mon daya of
Whal a dear baby alairrt We will br button. I think they are ver* nice card and bullon
I our frieoda. Thank you fur your
aritoed. We hare twealr-Bre aebotora
proud to have her on our Tradle Roll. Well. 1 ctiess Ibis to all I ran Ihlnk M think of any fliore to write. I will
('itiitou’s phone No. IWM.
ler card. Mayl* I will write aagiu
to oar acbool. We hare aambera. tooI glad you told aUmi the birda and now. so good bye.
» day IP yon can read Ihto leiur.
Ever T
luata. apalltot aad raadtog. We
Your hiving Utile Sunshlaer.
Sunahlne act or your brother
nlBt ta hare a plenie Ibe tout day of ao good-live.
AUle Hollis.
Ralph, and al»> altoui the lady who
From a Suo<blne lioy,
acbool. We have lota of fan at cebool.
leads Francb.
RIloo Wood.
P. S —I am going to tell von my ill
will Cloae tor ibla How. oo Roud-byc.
He verse which I had on Arbor day
Rllon to onr member who had bla
Wexford. May 2.
Ace *.
Claraace Hood
Dear President-I thought I wou
leg broken while playing with ibe
Clareaee doee not oay If be
rile a few line, to you. hoping you
boy-A. He bad lo He to lied aloog Ume
Mmber or If be wlabea to )olA If hr
we are all glad ibat he la well
re well. 1 ihuugbl I uonld
t aw alraady a member I will be glpd
Join the Sunshine club. I w
■ nead him a rant atod baitoa.
Who bor vtolior might toyroni uU the llifa id June.
Traveiwe Oily. Mich. April 24, IPOC
Ktntaley. HIcb. April KI. ISOA
Robin sto-ht iheiv singing, singing,
Dear Prealdeal-l tbougbl I would
Dear Prealdeat—Aa I bare not writ­
m glad to have
•u >>lB and bupe Ot Ibe Joy the hours were lirlsgitig.
ten lo Ibe SuaahtoP cinb for a lonR
CroniH ralte,! ro him. "Garal -rhy. ’
you will write again.
«om« lime ginee I wrote. I am golou
lime I ibougfal I would write
Said she hr.HHl h-'d conn, to slay.
Weiford. May
Mbool now. I like to go lo acbool
afiernonn. B’e have been baring the
Overhead a drumming, drumming.
Dear Prvsident—I Ihougbi I wuulj
nleeei kind of wenlber until ye«er- There are i: enrolled. School to juei
Said that st-rlng was siiivlv rouilug
rile a lew Hoes to you. hoping
k ae atofod Ura 1
half out Dow; l< wHI be o.i> ibe 1« <
day. when It aaowed. Bibel Gnig
So Crocus crleil. - ('unie. Mrdb-s. nuiv
V well
I Iboughi I would l.kJune. Laat Friday we bod examlni
KtoRTley, Hicb. rranld like to >oto
For vou ll Rod me waiting by m
You nrver leii
4d the gunablne club, and my alsM-r
Sonahtoe club. Will yon pleaiie aend tlon to grammar I atood 9* 14! an-l

AvpMmm Hi
IhmM t$m§
I «*■ «nr MMT »* WHjr m
• «« tor M *• « IMMT • >

■■■■» » iw
« fir M I aM.

M MM «l iitofMM M«M
•Mrr MMa ttotap
« I I»ir «M to toyMg MM

■MW toto«m I «w *^«y> W

■«• MAau. ■ATU. to

T«4il iHMiMr wmlM MUr t. 1M».

White aaiBi* li rabid with ibe bwair
• M Mv;
tirilt on? or Sowiri tbi brlchno
wUb can*.
Of iMdir •frcllw tta* imMitoi n
N«nr aallwm* oT pralw ud UMskiciTinto «• itoi,
.White cirteBd* lad wrwthi to proToiiloa *r briB«:
Jutd thoBMDdt totll btew. froto fw*
iiltkio to ilfr.

Thr ollint Md

who Ml h

(CfalM toillL tai

t riromi tmd,

WIU top* uM n
I btlu tbi row* rM
Ti dw* Ibe raldter*' bM—
itabtetoi of blood Ibrjr ahrd.
■Or tbli oir Bbtlvi toad.

(Child «»h boBito of dllite* ro




AM I. «bl(e ditotei brine— .
» aMtote offlriBC.
Oh, toir H» ralf« ni>r coiw
to Ibto onr bippjr tend.
■.(Child toUb bnuto of TioMi n'toUi.i
I Mtoc the rtoteU biw;
Tbr» w«: "B* Inw. IM Inn—
Tnw lo Ood iboTi you. •
Trw 10 rrtoadi ibii -kiTr yon
ABd lu iby OlUTt llDd.'

" RMan: Calir-April SMb. IMA


an Ferris



». *. «I IE«D.tniscistdli

The Crilics' Clothli*“ ]

Ihrl would like to iuln. »o I
ber a card and bnnon? I bare my card ay brother atood *9. We went into
Your school miiHi have had splen.lw
rail papa gave to me and ber
wcond book. It will not be loog
aad buiuia yel. bat Halite and CiurUe
ArlHO day r-xercyse I am glad you tal­
Itetoi. Sbe to a E'»d Hide cjif.
bare kiM Ibelr bntlMto.
We have
Ibe arbiitua will be in bluaaooi.
us uBoul Ibem and sent the preli
tonad tola of HayRorrera ihto epriag. One Friday nlgfal I w<-ni boa<- with (teiHl-bye.
e to.
Alheri Flansbiirgb.
We bad a abort protram at our acbool leacber aad attyed until Monday
An onlial lorww.
un verv glad lu aend cards an-l
borne Boater ai«bt and we all had a Bwralug. 1 had iust a flue time,
Is-tond. April 3C.
good lime. Well. I fuece ibto will .baby'a name to Bdna Rae: ahr to 19 buliutia lu your alsier and yoursrlt.
Dear Presideni-I will try and tel
Iba old. Rn-ry morning when we
boat U!i Ibe wmale baakat If I don't
you ibtr I want i-i J-in the Sunshlnt
Kingalev. Mirh.. May V. l»oC
Pleaee nend BbeTi card sad
o acbool abe gela aomeihlng
fliil., pi.-ase sen-1 me a card and I
Dear Presldeai-1 will wrila a fr
butlon to my aaaae. A happy BAuer her bead and want* to go. loo. WDCS lu you to let you k-oow Iboi I ant ■ nu. I am lo Ibe svcuu.l gra-le. »
treetlac lo
bace gut aoae lllile kluene and obi
eli. Wr are hen- alooe toolgfai. Pui>i -UeLong to my teacher's name. I
a V. F. 1
wania them In the bouae all the iltmWe have a —
m gone away to slay Ihto week. Flir to srhtoi’ every day
OrtoiMU. Into!
but when ibey cry Bbe keepe apylBg
Tour Sunahlne giri.
-:s I have a dug.
Everytoxly bos named Tiger, a row iiM-'-l il-t«v anAnew Blood. U4a Bndithiv, Oir• bam ’ unin we laki- them bark i
Age H.
Nettle Taylor.
I bavr a black hen s'-RIns. \V>- ItsvOrU Cutw. Ctoudi Cirlw. Otodyr
«ned away
If Haute and Cbarile will arod
eigbl bei^. W-- bav-' (ms uf (un witli
Onto. QrdM Cole, Wa>. trrla CoUtoon.
hen- BOW, '
Well, aa I caawH think of aayibtog
lamp I will be glad to eend Ibe
. Floyd OlUter. Helen Dluter. Wtllle
long enuugh fur thU time, hu good-bye out pets. Well, I must close.
From vour going lu-to- Suosblio-r,
HBe more buttona. Nellie baa drawn more. I will cloae for tbto rime.
BronA Otodyi
>toyd Ctaariw
Your Soaahloer.
<:->rdon riauss.
BvbsK. Bite SvAW. burton Hiller- a very pretty ptciure of paasW at it
Earl Darla
Gerirude Owen.
Y'uu must wri'e again an-l t--ll ■
■lA Beraten Hirued. Frank Hoonrd, bead of her letter.
I expiTi you will not b
Whai a dear baby atoter yon hare
more ato-iit 'he fun you bale all
Helen HotoOrd. Butene Jenkliu. Hiriw that slicing Jus come an-l you ra
and what fun It muat lie tn i>lay with
Dear PreaWent—I hare two tdaieca
edd Jooei. Cirt Jonn. Blewiri MrMII-I out dnora and play with your dui
ten. Oeorte UeOoy. Bbemu tUkto. and two braiben. 1 bare one
le-1and. April ~
Klngflry, MIrh. May «. 19"f..
'Bdvli (toiror. RayoMnd Norri*. O. name to Tom. Our leacber'a I
_ City. R. F. D. No 3. April
Dear Pr->sldenr-l will willDear Pre.ldenI-1 thoiighi 1 woiil
JudeoB NorriA %’loto Piraitey. Hell
Raebari Harriagtoa. I am to the (bird
Drar PreaUeat—It baa been
w-rtle a few lines to ymi. I am we
iKk to Join your Siinsbine rlub. PIFlitoiA. Jinie Qnire. Ude Rnfferi]
reader. Tbe name of our acbool to the Ume aloe* I wroie lo you. ao I
lAterM lUFeny. IBwM>r Ricker. I,i
Ctoorbrook acbool.- Pleo^ aeM ae
write BOW. I am going to acbool
Is uul scliuul any more. Scl
sch.«l e..-.verae RntoM, SiBBe Torker. ivy ('
card and bnlloa.
I bare tiM mtoaed one Oav yel. My
av-. only ml..
Bve and ->nmil Friday. I did itur, go the last lw»'
toy. Dewey WooBir.
Ate 7.
Satan FerRuaoa.
'leacber'a name to Mlaa Dewing. I
was sick.
weeks. My birtliday Is the 2CTh of liaK -lays .
Tour acbool baa a eery peeuy Baae.
very Bach. My aiudiea are
May, I will W i>-n. Papa has gone have ,H„ .,.te,s and -I,-,. I.n«b-r.
Praakte Grinn. Old Hinloo.
and I expect there are lorely wild tory. arlibmetir.
say and we will bate lu stay aluoe Th-ir names at- llor-lon, Ans--l. Ru•owera growing by tbe tonok.
. phyahdogy. opelltoc
ils wi-ek. It snowi-d to-lay -t-tlie bard Hell. Utin-I and Miin-I. t'o-r.lon anI oent two cents fur a Sunshine but
Cedar. April 23
‘ a V. F. Bnanhlfie CMi Cradle Ball.
ur pel. I hive a d->g. Well. 1 cannoi Ij-wl want ID Joih tb.- S'liishitie Hutton
Dear PrealdcBl-l tbougbl I won
Hwrtel FcntA Cbnreh. loern;
On A.b-r-lay w-s-t ,.*,1 t— it..-- au-Ink uf any more, so good-bye.
wrHe a few llnea to you. I would like Please send another ao^. For pets I
A Naan iMt by Raih FwrtA
ri-aiie-l up the schis.I yar-l and pHFrum yuur Sanshloer.
lo Join Ibe Suaablne club. Pteaar aead bate a fox au'tirrel. ifaive caia. iwc
Age H,
Luraine Davis
Yim spoke
ate a card and liuuoa I ta glad that dogs and elglii rabbiK.
Too .will notice iht( *e bare a
lM-l-«d. yon mu.t Is- loocsumv ahilbroach club reported ttaU week from j epriag la here
I have found BOB! about the Cradle Roll I will send mr your papa is away. You will to- ktod
arlonell. Iowa, it uana with thirty- May Rowen. tbto mr.
Thera ar- Imhy slslec'a name Her name to Edna wb-n bv comes buae. [ know.
wraa aeober*. and will be to charge > twelve atholara to acbool today. I will Rae Oweo. axe nioeteen muoibs. S
Elk Rapids, iilcb . Mar 7. IpoC
la ao rate. We have %>me little pit
« Hte-Mlb AdOBA formerty laoeb- «>aae tor tfato Ume, ao
Dear Ptesldeot—I 'hougbl I woubi
Sbe aaya. Piggy, jdggy. ban. mat
Lydto Lerelia Coon.
er Of tbe Bawood avenue klndegar
On yen have to go far for the Hay Sbe waata ua to Uke ber to see the
lea to Ibe Tratrerne (Miy arbuuU. anl
bupe this leri-f will Rnd you the
Hlaa Alaa Worveeler of Gnnnell. Rowere. or la Ibe wooda cloae by ibisame.
We bare bad ao srbooi loi
Lawrence Owen.
Iowa We are very glad to add ihlr achaol?
schto.l grounds hxiked pr--m
two wesks oB-accouot ut warierina
Edna will be tbe fecood name oo o
new Hub to onr lint of aeatiera and
Ann Arbor. April 2«Tfa. I»w.
you r9i tbr.tugh.
Mamma wear nn ra Mrs. lunto' luday .
Cradle Roll. I would like to aee t
will eapeel noate good raporu from
Dear Prealdeat—May I Iw a member
coBBtog baby and alao your pets. Tel For pels 1 bate a car which is black
them wbea they gel anaalaed.
Cedar. R F I) No I May !.
of your Saoabtoe club, and w
aad white 1 have a Sower bed which
us more abooi them aoariime.
Dear Pi-*sldeni—I Ibnurh' Ibat 1

|»end me a card aad botionr
1 aaade aytudl. My audi*; are read
wcirld write a f-w lines lo M >u-j
We have a aM«»tU report tbto week | aorry that I have ao prta to tell yon
Rlk Rapida. Mich. April 27. I90C.
spelling, gevgraphy. gratnamr.
from our lar-oR ladton branch dub at aboni. but we have been aacb a aboi:
know that I silll iblnk -d you I wan-,
Dear Ptvaldrni-lu reodtog the He
BrilbaHlr. wrtllag. There are thirty,
ed I- write-before Imt Andrea aud 1
lime to Ann Arbor that we have nut
Id I Bolk-ed abai you bad to lu
three aebuiar* la our acbool. Plroae
me to aroatre nay ef
wonirsl lu aend you soa<- flower- Wbout the M. T. F Suaahlne Cradle
Head me a bnitoa. I hare ay card yet.
are pleaiy of aqalrtela tbooRb. toll. It waa a very alee aurpriae
hope you will tike them I g-> to sch-kd
My letter Is quUe ktng. ao goad-Lyc
IB on the atreeta aad we often lad for aa. 1 thoagbi I would a
at (sadore. Our i-arber's sam- u
Froe -oar S-iasblDrr.
■Tour preatdenf waa eery aorry 9 feed them with auto. They all up t» o you, about rbe baby stoier tb
Mis# AanJe Hannon I Ilk- b-r ev.-r xAge in.
LaurR Bril Gee.
tola a roll trea two of ber Maple Cityr Ibelr Uad toga when we tall ibem.
Ws-ll. I will riosc l-v nyio:
I aa glad you have a Rower bed W
BonahlaetA NelUe aad BUmI Rlae>
>■ aad bang ibelr Croat pawa down vmill
that i have a llirie block lamb lor a
your owa. You amn tell ni tii>w ,i
ban. who came while
t they aee whether we bare aayibtog
pM. Good-bye.
e oVkw laai Sainrday. Next |; for
r Ibem; then If we throw
From ywwr Saakhtoe bnv,
■aa abe wIB tcylo be there when
m abei
aat lb
they wUI ran and Ret It aM ibea
Walter Ladkl
‘ Ml up aad bold it to their pawa while
(All thrw rrelli «o«Kbir.»
Pbr tlM braro and tbr trai
Will iwtoc tbea toteibir.
-t9r tbi rrd. wblW-ind btw ‘

Sotoa. April ».

What a cuaatog pet yoor black tomb


CcaVstefpui.'ilk'. b.<cprc'.JJDaM I
xewtef. tic brri1ri.Btre;t. perfect III- 1
Iter, faolllctriy lattovuLd. t
tteasty fiaithed ar,i (very speagtd (-> tetere Ibe ncctuory alter.
loU vuvicc.
h B MTvic* Gat kM
Bade CLOTHCtAfT f^raratt tbe fau- I
cM. «*uctl aad acti pupoter i«fl.


kr rtftafly rvyrcrtid B. -tt I;

C.VI .

awL. arki uac datt- ,
<JUbU|' :aj U; uHk i

TbeproWL ai-t all te the ptkr.-ttal te tor aetttef and-te yaor I_______

Try a Herald Wan! Ad.


John F. Ott Lumber Co.
P. O. Box ia(.

Trar.rac city. Hicb.



MTU csm»


TtM Land ef Make Betieve.
Wriilni for liomi- CIimt.
i wiA lo KO. <1rar. .linpl-d maid.
•mu p]<Maai ari'TKooo,
Wfaen- your lliilc fo.i bare Mrayrd.


Thnmirti all ycur aunny Jan.'.—
tako my hand and claap II cl<-'.
My prorolw truv rerelr*-.
ni H-ver ihuv tfau nay you ao.
To Ibp Land of ' Makn fmll.'v.' "

Wiich cheaper .hipping



and the adv.-nt of frull
ihi- .miller vlllape.- of «h'- laud
har.-eome to be much more com
aud Ihi'/ would lu- Mill uften'T
if .'ierj one und. r*'.-! Ihdr

je not <«ly a. a f<*Kl. but a. a inedA crate of pincapiilc* 1* no
mute capenilvc than a etaie of wm-e
le niinmer fnilu, and n.. motw

whcHitaome iiaBee can be found for
Tbrouftli pM«aain lano« a-hrir hrarta • winter u»e than pIn.'appU-*. caliUi-J
like any .db.T fruit. They can l».lln.l or Minced, and ili»»' who PM
U(. Ihemnlv.i- ftnd th.-n. mart. to tb.' tinned lilneapple an 1
ai.ihc nain.' ilm.- much ehi-ap-'r.. y^or
4nd ihm- fond oU-tlm.- h«pn hm: any Ihctmi tmiibl.'. >.uch a. h..arKe
n.'*K. cousbii. .-tc. a dl»li <d iMeappl"
.aure Is lu iier than m.Hllrloi'. and It l»
Old fidund* I bold mow dear,
OM JoTB ihai all too oulckly And.
that lit.' JoU” from a fn-.h plU"
apple will .llphth.rta and cl.'or
Old auDKH I fain would lii'ar.
Son wind, wan «wi«i nprfumu.

Shall roai.> and Idd.' with n. awbllr.

My lioan wUh rapiuro llll;
And Inara foryol. I'll kenp Ibe .ml
When down Iho wrttom hill.
The aoldrn .no thall hide bl. faro.
And wn for home man li-are.
Fktfervr buldlny Iasi'(be arare.
Of the land of'-Make Beli. vf -

hmal .rf the n.iln.D..m* Kfoaili. «
1 at an I'arly uaB.'.of the .lls.'UKe,
The |.in.-apple.mark.'t will non wi iH-si, and Hnni.' rb.-<T reader*
will do well lo bear this lo mind.
There are many wny* of using pimapple bioild.' caimlnf. Tb.- New Idea
Woman's Magarinr give* the foll.iw-

Fbthef. ing delicious recipes:
Ilefore using Ihe pln.-a|.pl«' th.' IM
IT w.»<ly . flier id .tarh kIIc shoul.l
Hay cold.' both me and you.
b.' ear.d.illv tnit. as this pan .d
A4own a idilnlny nun-IK Mod.
frull Is taitebnu. and very Indi■ Where • Make neHeref- come
—Irene Pomeroy Shield*. IP'silbl.'. Tberv are many .lellel.nis
wnya td prepartng pineapiil.'* for de*
.ris, a rev of whieb are ibe f.dlow.
And aome bleat

My. oar

There i
• granted i
• tbuagfal. or word wnicn rtwa n* • above otmelvea—which maket oa *
• think leaa of onraelre* and more *
• et otheta. which ha« Uuehl u* to •
• be aomethin* higher and

truer •

jrmnNf m enf^9 UhU

Pineapple Shorteake-Srteel a rip.'
pineapple wllh tbe genuin.' flavor, tus
f that are large and yellow ar.'

gai while H Is boUlag.
«*bea the
lul of salt Chill tbotvNi^ly. rMI onv
rinarir I. teoder. drwta. and iww li
Should be brittle wifb- lonnh Inch thick, cm In strips three
remuvioc the ebaraal every tea «ava
chopptsg'buwl. and chop both I
sticky. Add the Juice and one-half Inchn long by oste
or two vreefca.
ohedialf Inehes wide. Sprinkle gen.
OD. HavlDg prerh
fls dandrihui and mustard pUats
A good way In preveM temp gtaaBcu
ume slires nf bread pile rh' hoi «p
plaer i the fruK .in a d." p dish, pmir irously wllh rbop-»d walnut nwati.
crarktng is tu pot (hem to coM
eh oa them, and dress i1t>erallT vrtrb
the bolllBS syrup. Cover lo and hake ten mlnuica. Chopped peab and beet tops for -grrens.'' s4:
birier sod |H-pper. and salt if neer. water, brtag It ro a bed and In 'hem
ker-p Ihe fruit under Ihe s.rrup'. and l.-i BUM or aim.mds may be ■
eoul yeaiiy.
Ginger Snaps—One cupful of molas­
II remain oremlghl. Behest the syrup
rms to be proven ihai ibe Buirt'b
SplmdW Iron hoiaer* may be made
et Crens—PiU«“ be.-i> lhal ad
our It uicr tbe pine- ses. one-half cupful i:f sta
liie and appelizlog quality found
g BQ'I ii-iiili r. nwoi- thi' targe! b} rinilng Ibe tup of an oW luu and
apple. I.. ,-emain ovemighi again. This ihi.-e and ot.-bslf cuplul■ra-1 these v.-gisabb> is lielnr appr.Tlaie
-s. an-: wash tboniughl), b> lUg puriBg II lie<wiwa tbe folds of elolh.
If r«'peaie.l f.>r nine ronseruitie days. .m.-hair >.-aspoaa(u1 of s.>)a.
ifuijTheso v.'geiables bokl a larg-r pr
car- fill lhal n-i gr" i.i lasevts ar.- I whlrti ma> I- Uiond wlih braid Tbiv
ad.ltUE to the syrup. If necsTiaty. At siwooful of sail and on* labk
.,11.' isinion of valnabb- vegetable sal
i-u in the cbi—gr.iwlug .tall... lireveois b«-BlBg Bad is eumfurtab:"
ginger. Heal mtdassr-s lu
the end of this lime drain oB the
land Ir.Hi Id free soluiinn than i- f..nti-1
until Ii-ndei in sabi-d
uan-: ] III handle
syrup and nlace the frull to dry no a lug isdnl gnd p.-ir It ov.-r tb.
-.,-ijln any .jiber claas. Th-y d-serv. ■<
Tiy scaiii iyng cacumtsT pc-iingv .
1. press, nnd iiteee'on squurs* >: ,
When thoroughly dried and
lor be lBc!nd.-d In the menu almo-i uall>
bread rbai lisve b--eti frl.-d tn bn-ii-r i.v.r ll>e-flo.w aivd t« lb.' lorucuUc
candled, pack in lay. rs U-iw»-ti
therefore. It Is
Uunts >d niBcbi-v aad you will nuoo ,'
IS of paraffin pap.T. TB1« will
I gtre suBii-ii-nprepara’li«
leauM' them (I. leate
fijesjal care '
Hermits—Ciism one-third cupful of
for months' If placet In a cw I,
; .liould be laki n lo hn-p the fmJi
CTiier of Ike bunery or sior.- Ijnlier. ad.l iW'Mhir.U id a capful -rf
As wllh all T.-geiable
'l«. ling sornsruiUiig 'he water supply.
WIW. Gr.sns
i. anil ii makes a deUckiiu. con- sugar, next om"lilr.l cunfid of raisins,
,S m.'hiKlI Wal.T lh.-Se pe.IS die.
gts-ens are the Irs-she*: and n.-rlbV pig weiiT
f.K'll.rfl li i. r.e at afternuon teas or on.- egg we’l l-ki.-ii and two lahii(Iro grown. All gr.s'Ds shMjbl
.I'O pUMlaUe. fi
iir to garnl'h wllli. as can­ spoonfuU i>r-«lUtk. Mix and siti on-'
>.-r> thorouglily In set.
half r.-asiuiufiil of cinnamon, and oniid ehi'rrii * ari' u*.d.
WBI.T*. after removing itn- wllrist ;
I■tn.•al>p1e SI..TlH'i—This Is a most quan.-r H-asisKjnful each of ,cluv<yelli.w I.WVI-S. 'o fus- them from
r.' l-'i.-rigi' is wbicli Ibe pingrii and sand. Ib. nrn drain -n' can iM- serv-.i In a c».l dnnk. l«Viqc i«ii>d'T and iiBe
h piiH'Spple. grwi.d
■rt.-r* cupf'iU of sifli1 lorvel U water i
and dip ■•■|s-Bledl< In fr>wb wa'i
Ihe flrol mixlur-. f
Cixk Ihe Kploarfi or gtis-iis
. a* if making ginger
'hallow Iron k.-itle and. if om drwiiii-.l.
mile Ihlrker
iln an.l l.'m.ui julc. A s> rup I*
in a knile of
here will be waHT i-oaiieh >u >
Of Tie*.' Insr.HlIenis by Udllns wllh
Oalmenl ('•sikles—Ilea
k or two; they
I: but If drwiin-d. add a small
hiV^ ciii.riil of water. Wl..-ii i
Ul llghi. aiM onequariiT luplul of
•' lasler o« Ihe
ul of waiiT fur a half peek of Brei-t.-. Ihe flr.' Hi" ptli.-apple i« add. I. Ki^gar. im.*s|iiAri*T ciftifnl of, thin
IS all BTisuis an- spoibsl .b> cis.klo
a flintier Ihe dttillW 1.
whole stlinsl ili..niuKhly lna.'l.
■I nnd luii'-qiinri.-r nipfni of milk.
n lisi much wane. Torn fnsjui-inl
set away lo cool, th.'O placed
Then add two cupfuls .if flour in 'wlilcn Shile eixklng. viasoD wlib salt an
tier..' In sh.'iH*'! glasses w
islf CH|duI of fln.' onimoal, two iM-prs‘r: when done, drain in a <si
crack.d Ic.*.
(vaspixnfuls <4 lEikInc inwili-r an-l
■mli'T. .tt'ieeri- as dry as pi*sslh;
I'lneappb- r>twn
ruin inio a elnqipinc howl and cdni
MA.., ss' m-in rhmrv will, I
'*■ »
T d.-llcloiis drink fur
s>'ph)is'(Irvui shrlnktog wle-n
rer> flne. Now rhi-, aiv nid> lo I
lauinl. roll, ml In Khai*- and bake im
four isssl
.-^hshXl, bang (be ‘sketw-.
l.unensl -liis-is in a nokl.Taie oven
cy lans .dan
I dav Tb.-dishes
T'-*" «
ei«nu: Crejni C.H.kl.-s-lk'at i*»
fisi.: Cb^ .d oxem
unlll light, and one cupful of
,wlne. U-h wild and doiam ,
“ "■"» «» ■
" ‘a
sugar gradually.............
cupful of
.............. ... e."..ln piw'io.. . of '•» ■
liquid awBT closely cov.Te.1
shr.sld.ij coeoanin. .me rup.M. «S iliie»
si..!- or p-wisds.. a f..s1
U-i-i or •l•udI'll.•n
Strain wln-n cold and ail>
cr.-am and thr.s- ciiiduls of >
,1.. cm. for. bu. .' rim. pe |
Cui half a poiiud
choppeil Ice In ••acb glas.s Is-I
, nails befi-re- Ibey are bwavewed
flout. In which thns- b v.l i.aH*"Ui
ist )u> inld-qui-iil artirie
pb-n-> aud fry
A lovely color like lhal of |dtik tuls of Imklng (uiwder nn.l one-half «< ham lino an Ihm- dciipy edsjrfriu
l...•s|..ulfuI of .m
|iomegrnntii-s mtv lie given to
ptHT <m a lump U sugar will .d'en
leasiioonrul of sail htr.- b.s-n quickly wllh <*•
lay on iw.i rulv.-r bxski-ti
drink b> using the Julc.- of bbssl
quh-I Hi.' |•rI>X)»ms .4 cough la sb-ep.
Chill. lUi a flouted boar-l. pai ilini Jiii'-i' and i

and roll uoMourih Inch iliick. spilnklvery U'lid.T and Juicy, but are uit.Tly ing.'K.
wiib cocrmiiui. nill In Uglirl... ilo-u mi
tecking In thai dtslInclU-e "plneapid.'tcsl Pln.apiib—Si-b-rt
out In ssmM round-., dlaiiioiulK or ni
flavor. you can uKiially tell lb.' r-sl kI>b|iciI plae In perfect ron<lilion. <
llir> .-mi.T or knit.- firi-l in
article bv rh.- tidor. Cut the fruit In off «he leaf end. rs move all Ibe ln>
slleda. then It is easy to pe.1 off Ih. from the Shell lo wiihtn an Inch
■ be outside and sni it away on Ice
r woody flier li
chill through.. Shr>il Ihe pineappiv
<lf K
cuidul of sugar aluj one .-gu w.dl
lak.-n from the shell ami in each pin
cul In small cuIm'* will, of frull allow a cupful of .
idi. MIX and sifi mil' leasissuiful of
■aklng |s»w.b-r, i.iK'sniari. r ii-as|ssui
sugar, Bhuuld It lack flavor, add the one of sugar. Ik.ll logelh.

A writer Ul Good HooaekeeplnB has
Juice of a lemon. Cover thi' fruit ai.-l
reeeaUy pot Into words a plea for I.'
set away. Toss It about freno.-nlly.
teg oae another for granted which
as yon wonld a salad, and Jus' b.*
•o teailble awl to Ibe point that It
fore ser^in'g time beat the fruit slicbl
tg pity that It cauM be rend by evety
ly. For tbe ^orlcakc make a rich
perioB in Ibe land. She sat
blacult crust. .Mix twv> leaapoonf.ils
. It wonld he amosteg If H
of\J«klng po'rfdcr and a small tea
*pB(ke(le to note with bow 1
we eonterm to.the pccnllaritlea of the spoonful of soli with two cupfuls of

It U not alwnga si ImporUni si i
lUnk that people ehonld direct their
lives sad aSMri along Ihe tines which
we deem wisest and best. Oar tBetbodi Buy not have all the merit we


•ns i.nly lo use,
rn-am mixiuie



(Hb-Imn wh.-« s.>iW sbusid he
wa>b.-d wMi a soft ct.dh la Inhewarwi
wai'T. but n.-ter srrubUst.

(gs. and Ibe dish must laa- serve I

baking brd m rolls pal a nanreof Iwdllng WB1.T lain the ovro
vi.-am will ke.-p ibe erwst ammaa

ameil Sidnach—When the S|du

. chopiNHl Urn- and ready ta> usc
plare it in a saurenan with sufflclint.
lul of salt and on.' half .-uidul iif flour;
Uiillng cream to marlsti-n w.-II, a sprink
ful of illsn..lved geUiin. the Jolc of Idd two tthb-s'-aonruls <«f nillk.-ime
ling of sugar and a grating of uatmeg
B lemon a^d an orange. MIX well and liilf ruidiil id Oiiely' clioppi''l P'-anuthe piepara'lon unlit very voi.
set aside 10 fiverc m tlie cmslstencv and oni'-half leaSpivemful of b-mor
pill- li up high lu the ca-nler of a
of mu<d]. Pack iir salt nnd ire Pour jIn-. Uru|i from a leaKiMsm on an
li>h ami garnish b all arvHind the
nliuiterv<l slii-i'i one Inch aiisiT. an
Ihe pineapple id- inio Ibe shell am!
with ring* <d stale bread whlrh
return again to tbe freezer uuiil It Is
lake twi-lvi- to niii'vn niifiii'es-In
linu- to ser.e- Plb- wlilpp.-d cream
tene ralnut.-s, then adil a lalde-"i>«m

on lop ami w-l ilie sbHI on a Hal glas'
Bwmbera ef oar family. Why cannot flour; sin iwM' and rub In a t
isli gaiiilshod will! f.Ti.s or oih.T
wa )Mn to take their idlosynrrwide* siKx.nriil earli of lunl and butler,
weibbealen egg and suBirlenl milk
•llcaii' giM-ns.
e the gmated? Olren certain people
mak.' a dougli Jo roll out half an
Aunt Chine's
and eertalB conditlona, we know Jnal
Inch thick. Bake In a buti.Te.1 biscuit
hl.N' calls this her “emergency" do*wteit to expect It works out fa alwtib flecks ed bnltcj- between the
•n. as II can lu* prepared so qulekly.
teoat every ease as aeeuretely as a
two layers of crust. Before placing In and. given more lime lo freeze, it alprofatem In algebra, and yet we never
with a knife for Indi­
makes su excellent aubwiiuie for
tell to feel anrprlsed and exaaper
Heal the whites
Sled when the course of our friends vidual ahoncakiT. When done, spread
m. adding gradually six talili-s|**inIs not what n tbooU map out tor the pineapple Is-iween an.l on top of
teen. People live logaiher twenty, the erust. then a spoonful of whipped. fiils of imwdireil sugar.
Whip i
n. Arrange aroinel
ggs until silB and dry and |dac
fWny. forty yMTS; and yet do oot
plate little cones of urn on a preiiy glass dish. Itrop
lagm to take each other for granted
The Indolence or wasted ewrgy: th“
light ly either randiei] or fresh pinrWest Indian Pu*s-To one and a apple cut small—no juice, as it would
halt cuiduU of hot water add half a Bjioll the feathery Ilghineas of tb"
cupinl of baiter: let UdI. aUrrteg lo a wblppnl eggs. Drop on more merin
lev^ cupful of flour: remove from tb"
then fruit, until all is used, shaptensity at If it were all a new stot
and In loo many' cades caJis forth ti
same iadkgnanl and uaeleas rema

'ing rtilldr.^.
! miiiure

Inio l-higland. wbieb aa- lox lUI James
Ih.-ir flug.-rs: aud 'f.T ll.i- sak.- .4
■•b'anllm's*. each p.T*uo was prvnld.-d
with a small sHct ew.T riwiaiuing
wwl. r, amt Iwu flower.'! napkins rd (be
Bliect linen.
Tbrir ilC'rt oonsisJeil <d grapes.
He*, nuts: apple«, |s-ars and almonde.
Ill Ihe Ii'nlh v.-ar id Ibe ivign of

llav.- you ses-n Ibe npUvallag glovn
rarleis which Ihe gliis are all BSkIngT Thi-se are to iwiU the elbow
gkive In plica'. They evmiain a rlbbas
I'UMir, ov.T wblrfa U shirred laCe. pce.
t.Tald). with a frill ii.p and bonusa lo
II an air of le-looging lo Ihe slew.

low oven

This will iiiak.- iw- ibo"
King Kdwanl III ib.-r.- was an acr of
Dandelion Mad.
of .be dish Will le' lost.
parlialiieiit pa".'! whtrh orvUined lha<
Itviperiy pk-ked ms-r, Ibl'Se green'
I- x-asaniluz Ilf spinach may
no man slioviPl Is- s-Tve-l wirli more
t'hiwvilala' Kriiil Cmikli'S -• Cn-ani
make a d. Ilgbtfiill.i I" sb sauJ Only
varieil bv loiug mblla- In pla
ne-quana’ cupful ad huiiat. add
Ibe yuuugem^unld ha
cream. A French «mk will add
gn-at boliday ibi-reiu spertfled, <«
air cuidnl ad sugar gradually.
ille sugar and graiod letnoa invl.
whii-h vs-casiim be mlgbi le- re-ired
wo lalila-spoonfuls of gralivl chaico.
W'llh Gags-rm the chopped gree
Bilb Ihiee.—Cbamls-r,' journal
lie. add III -II ona- IsblexpmHiful
iln a spider with two lahlespoonruls
a Frv-nrh dressing.
of biiiier and more masoning, if nquired, an.l slit over the Are until

him- two 1

of' sa.
choppeil. one hal


finely cleapiwil. i

« beaievl through. Huh- ready btva
■Heed, cut lull. sqirsri'S- and fried i
miier -I'ib- Ihe hid spinach U|S>

.1 Itapld* June

hem and garnish lai-h on-- wllh
-lice of hard l»ili-il egg. MavoniAo:
Irwslng Is frequ.'iiil>
s-ivsl sit

spins.h evKiked in this wav
Hi.ll very llilD. ihin rut with smuil
r first illpiK-J In llimr and Idk.Same Deliciaaa Oreent.
stir until a amoulb paste
(d a maHli-rate iiva-n.
H In iivramid form. T1
Msm as spring opr-ns, the flag
foimed. %’hen sllgfally cooled, bia- shine" should >■ made shorily Is-fore
Chocailale ('luikli-s—Cri-ani unelialf
In at a lime. Dropby
U in b.' s. rv.-d. and pined immdli- riiMful of liiilier. and one cupful of ring apis-ltie l-gins lo long for
ihU Imiving
spoonfuls on butt. red lins two inches
iigar araduallv, one egg w.-H Iw-aien. kind c< giyens. and
Id lie grai'flis! from 'he lim
span, so thal ihe puBs will have
ne saliriMnnfiil of salt and tw-.
row-slin shows Us head It
spread and swell. Bake In a
uncos of Baker's chiwtrfale mi-li.ilcrate oven. They should be a golden
k-ai wadi. Mix two la-asprunfals of
brtywn In twenty minutes. Di'r.’iv tak­ servi'ri pineapple lii'o small pieces and baking ]«>wdiT wllh twl ami ha'l



eu)ifiils of sifias] flour, sift again,
claim Cor them. Bat even grantine ing them from the oven, lea..' the DM in Ibe cake center. Make thriv
that they have, we cannot compe door open a moment; ibis will prevent
of Jelly. oBliu; gelaAn b. J.-Illfy
Wh.'B the shells
their aeecpunee by other pcoplv. Om
rupful of milk
o two pint* of watiT and a plit'
frienda have the nme roofldrnee it nearly cold split open on Ihe sid'-s and
viin i.aspoonful
frull Jiilee oi syrup Iwo.lbird' mixiun-: Hid
their own Judgment ibaL we have It All wllh a plneappB- marmalad.'. mis.
cupful of Siicir. iloll for n-i ranllla. Chill.
with a lliUe whip|«d cream.
'•■s. and ndd tio- EWailii: cool and

following ar-- snuie go.-i wavPineapple Cliarloile-Soak half
|K>ur over (he cake, onllra-lv surrnimd- in a modvTBTo ovi-n.
I'.llsh WafiTs-Cieam inr
box of gelatin in cold wsOt lo eov
molil. fh'i away lo
fow'l.p i;.—n- nmke oa more ieniMii toward otbeis II. ntssolve It by sian-ling in a |u
chill and lw->rosi.' Arm. t'nmold on v cupful of hulier, add one-half cn.|do1
iBil^ of resorting to remonstrance.
igar graduallv. 'so ,-g|fs sllgbi ,i
mwrly pl»iier and garnish with ih.' spihy
ertiMsm or ridicule. If w.- would Mil
-n. five Id Ihwir an.l ......
Whip a quart
reeu lops of the pincappb-. !
good-naturedly adapt oiiraelves lo the
im U besi-lo a stlB froih. aJ.Ung,
iib whipped cream.
harmless whims of Ibiuie wllh whom
•on luml. half a pound of iwtwdeiv!
Fii'servi'.l ' lAneapple—Slice

we are asaoclatod. we should add
ir. lAc leas|Hy.iDfiil each of vanilla pan- Ihe pim-appli
gveal^ to their eomfori and happi- and orange Juice. Mix this into the lunilrli- of the .-n s, using
wesa.' ^'e all like to .do things lo oar gelnlin ami add a rdnt of shredde.1 -liver fnill knife f-T Ihe pi
own way. and since we, cannot always
whiebrbax prev'ionslv iKier no the hard-cniir
VVeirh and a!
Indnlge In our own faeries, let us Hr.' prepared as lor the kbori cake am: low ihrrvHpian. r* or a pound of
np to the uaefaing U the Golden Rule
boiled in a rich svnip made of s
> .-arh (snind <rf fniii. rixee I
and give other people the freedom wc cujdul of water and a cii|.fui of sugar
VM-rviug kclde WKh frull and
desire for ouraelvea.
right quanlliy for one plneapirt"
..-Illy disiiltKiieil and b-' siau.'
the fnib lK>conu' cold, drain ih.
Wfaal's the use In algbto- If your a.ni1
Ip trom I', and mix li wi'li tb.
islj tor an I
can sjBk a aong?
g.'lailn. dlnrlhniing ii ev.'nly. ThiII Jar- and sml
Rainy day. or annoy. you\e gut to makes B Tory pretty dessiTI if twe
pull akmg!
rnnii-d .Ironi Ihe mold, hal
Conklea a~d Wafers.
Hnrvtcane a-blewbi-, or tide aTunnlo' Iwiug ilni.-d pink. Iialf lavendiT am
In many homes % ks m.i Ibonchi
so on. with any of the fnili lutst.'s lhal lie." to l.ave ricli cake for s
Time ts B-flylo's a-flyln-l
uhile ai Ih" same t
:ils Plirpos.'. <llW|M' Jllk'i'
lilt of son-elhlng suei-i I* lii.-d
or the melli-d Jelly will give all ■
Whafs the use In wlshin' fer the
qnlslii- vloli-i lint. To s.-rve ihi- Jv
finish 10 Ihe meal. Civ.kks and v
. an' dusty ygsru?
fill Ibis want as noihing else ca
In Individual shspes. mold ii in il
Didn't they have croswsy IHdn i ihey
pineipple*. n-r sane.- sm
aud are niso d-licions to serve
have (ares?
lee cream inslrad id vtlrkv cake
the syrup tefi.frvim the pln.-mpple w
k * -m ^Inial'a the nae In weepIn’T Worl l
fullowin: reciiies an- a little dlffiTeli
sprinkling of candied clicrrii-s i
will never hi-ed >viur leaiw;
balros, or oih.-r fruits, to suit 1
from Hi" iisoal i-un and there Is
Time I* a-flvln'-------is a-flyin'!
rl.-iy lo suit ev.ry lasle.
:color M your J>-Ily. Kbr pink or viol
Walnut Motassi-s lUrs-r.vur
Take the road eonlimted an' the oli
Transparent rtncapple—8Uce and quarter enpriil of wa'er ovit oni>-quar
world at lls liest;

Travel soon la ended; there'll lie tliui
enODgh for rest
Y?beo tbe Shadow rotnea an' ncailers
dust an' daisies o'er the hreasi
Time Is a-flyln'------- Is e-flyin'!
—Atlanu CMMiluli

pare ihe pineapple and ciK Inio halfpieces, or larger in sire if pre
ferred. These ililn slices are again
rat into aH nort.s nf predy shape<i—
lUrs. crearenis. trtangie*. builerfly
and cube shape*. Simmer ihesi' in





In riicular shape abou'
in diuiiietiT. SprinklI almonds and l-ake

I'or seventy-live years the

I. though -"in-


if they were jileascd and

of the American

hatisfied before, there is

more reason for iheRi to In: so this year.

Because tli-ry

are belter than ever.

If you are thinking of Luyiiij; a Binder or

.Mower do

wlih« scant eigfaib-t.-as|s>onfiiI vt sal-

not place your order until you come to our -tor'- and ex­

nnd finally iwo ial.|.-s|>.oiitul> of wal
nut mi-ats fiii"l> rlioppeil. Spread v-t;


ihiu on a 'l"l■l.'^•sl iiiv.Tt.-.| dripping
(van. using t bmaO ^oog-ldadisl kni
rreSM- in squar'-s or irianMi-s with
flour*-d\nlfi-, d.'Corate eacb cake m
until ib'liratel.v brusiu'd.
onee foun juiu.

The McCormick Line


And the same will apply to our O.
Wagons, Implements, and last but

Chorolale lh>minnes-Mis nm-half
cupfq: eacdiof pepin not nn'Ois.Eog"'

walnut mills.sbrviided-figsanddat'
Foree ihrough a tu.-ai chopi-er
,chop Bnely. Add rh" gralnl riikil
one oruns". oh'- iab|esi»anful of angi- Juici'. and on-- square of rfai>
solved and three cupfuls ad sifi.-d Ule. niebv!. Toss on a Is-anl sprii
mited with on.-half tablesp.**
water until tender
Into a sauevpan
I ginger, one-tlilril i.-as|anuful of crieihlrj ineli In ihirkne<<. . Cui
or preserving k.iih- put a iiound
freshly Sfui.-d nutmeg, one-half sab- dvmiim. shapes, spread ihinlv wl
granulalvd sugar and a cupful of <
Let It boll without sUrrtng Until 'poonful of clove, one-half teaspuou- uelred unsweetened cfaucriate and
}UT to ba tednlBed te oni) by the t

K. line ol


not least our line of

Harness, made by ourselves here in our store, which we

rupful of liuin-r and Ifa.quanliiy of lard, nilxi-d. Th.-n ad<

quatUT cupful of brown sueai
one-half cupful id raolassrs m
teasp.«nful of soda has be.-


farm- r. as well as the farni'-rs of the world, has been the

know is the O. K. line of Harness.

ci.k for




sc-A mi'll mc«e buu.T. sab aiel pejper. gana-li wiih hard Imll-I -gg •
sliced and plaCe-1 v»v.-r ihe gteear An
Other deliii'ius wav >4 reuking >pin
ach U by adding several slices vd U

rid Stale St. Traverse City. Mich.

Citz. Phone VJ



HP. «.




Sooth L'nion street. L. a. SUekncy.lsblp. -m wbk-fa he rveldtri oail! ter* of lokOer*. lu charge td Mra. W.texp.-detL though 1 suffered a Bwat
»S-F H Mead; »».
'a few rear* ago. whai he rr-i H. Hooker, will l.ave the post rr««lde*l <• tbe trip.
ntih ward statloe. CUari.-a Haa-| Barred to Traverse Oty. wbere be for Oakwood r; meiery for tbe purpose.
“! am Imprnvlac a great deal and
Slovsky. S«.70.
I owartl eoBsIdeTalde real esian
On ; of d.enraUug ibe gtavra i.t all soldier* ihlnk Ibl* to a grea' idate for oae's
Front street C. A. Hammond. ateouni of falling h'-u1ib be was Bot. aad sallorw.
! health, it to right up In tbe mnuaUlBs

.. formiri ^
orday aftenionn. la Hu- c.nnri! rsuns
IndkAlioet fUUrdtr weiv th4l tbc
by tbe todies of TraverM- flt.v. ibe- foV
Orand Tratcttc n-*loo would h«»c
lotrtog oMcer* «wtu .-ieHe.!:
of Ike Unreal crop* of »oall fnilui
Presldenl. Mrs. J. W. PatriHn.
•w koowB. After two nlehi* <V kill
Sccrcury and Irtwaunr, Mrr. Will
IV fnwi. tbc outlook Mood«r Ineieud
tom Umlor.
of belos dtaeouraRln*. U «b*t the ciwp
Exieullve Cnmnllfs-, Mi>. Is-rl
«UI be a r»d one- Report* frooi all
eotc*. Mrs. J. W. M(mh.r. ami Hr.. A.
OTCT tbc eonuly. salbcn U b> Ibc Her
V. rriedridi.
aid, ubow that the daaa*c has
L- rommliii'r- ims In ti.r eounrll
bam htary bul on acconul of ttaebamiHTS Houday m.-nlnc iil To'clrsk
Cnsl Burnber of bloMOin. oa the iivo*.
and Ulev BplWsix-d tosore tl;.- rtmL.II
It U tbooshl that there win (flit be.
uk that the city lnL<' In’M <i( l)i>'
sood crop*.
c lm|.iov.-ii..-ol and cv.i.ria'*
C H. B»tc< of Bate* repon*.
t ihi-m. They s1m» that
Ib^ about <tt« out of eteiT ten Uott-:
boani Ilf pubUr works i li-an up ini
aoaa oa the tree* waa aaved, bul ao
e Imiiiuiement day all pobltr
beavfir were the bIcMSon* cnwilod
planes and paint the wuUriuK imogiiK
that ercB thia will taake a ireod crop.
sod ririnl.inx fountain; In'ibe rli>.
1%e pcaubn and pear* wera atTeetod
Mayor A. V. KrieUrirh api«wreU Inbut a fair cre^ wRl be aecorod.
fore ihe gulli.Ting at 4 <.vi:--k ami tilsii«4bbor of Mr. Bate*' auted that he
rtiBfod informally Ihe man) idann «ilaroBid oaly have half a crop.
pn-vlouklv iKUh the mayor and
Ob the tauektcbcrrjr plain*, tbc
ladle* In Hie gi-neral rily lioasr- .leju,
dmoUllea. The buabc* bad been
Ing up day. Ihe t«i)* to lak'- Ihe onlrr*
eovend with Woaaom* but lhe*e are
and ragige the dray*, wbieh should
all COM and It I* ihoncbt that the crop
able til earn fUIy r^I* per hM’l.
waa oaUrcty killed.
He KuggPKieil UiBl the la-iU's In- the eiThe penloanla eacaped belter than
Mulivc ability while the l*i;.!.-nti-n-led
BB7 other pari of the melon. Ai
e work. Mnyor rricsirlrh r-ml
HUatmi lepona arc very cncoun
several eli|i|<tii.-.« tin simlUr
except OB the low lyltu: land, all th •
movement* In othr ehii-’', rhosii:-.
lama.oa ibe rMsc eawlag alaoei cn
Ihe schools In many pla.-* . r-.
tltrtr from bad reanlU. ChiviT to
bIbIt a Biniilar lnlere*t in Hu- pride .1
Bllcbtly hurt.
dty cleanllnesr.
At Arehio tUa Mclfullen report*
. l-Yietlrleb nmde a gtvrf R ige,--.
that BO Balertal daauicc ba* l■>eB
when he State.1 Ihal he Old no!
dt»e. a* niBcb of the fniU wrk oot far
brilevi- In fraiirnul K-ivernmi-ni en­
eaoBBfa adVBiiml to feel tbe effect <d
tirely ami did 1i<« think the elly
tbe |fo»t. CloTer Is hnit a llUIc
should lie asked to provide Bit in,
tbe awU fralu are-Bot Injured.
menu. ’-lf)i|ie buy* earn or help
la tbe Courtade diatrtei low lying
irn their Imthhonse*,' lie said,
fama are badly fmaird. though
••they will appriTlate them all tlie
. Ooaitade ny* Ihal oe hi* taro
I think Ibe eoiinell would not
j lUtIo damage bta beat done en
bnaiatf to aiipmprtule the Boimin!
tba amall friilta. '
nocessary In iirdi-r to make Ihe luithE. U Raaaom. whose Bne trait fhnn
tea prat-tleal." the mayor Wan'd.
to }tut south ot tbe dty 1* OBCb die
Ihe eivlr move leaches all elvir
gneraged over tbe oullook. Ills cherch«nlim-s*.~
. Tfea aad small fralu are gone and tbc
The mayor later issiieti a prorlama
elovBr aad alfalfa an also killed. Later
on deslgasling Friday and KMurd.vy
fralu win protably yield a fair crop.
of the week as eleanjog duys and at
Tbc iBost dlscouraglog oewa comr
that Itnic the city will lie pot In Uiit
Iran the laclaaan
pmlnauto. * I
laataer aay* everythtag In the wa
of early trwll. Inclndlog dterrlcs, earl}
Report of Reiidf Committee.
appM*. peara and the *mgll fnilt* U
A meeting of the San Franrbiro r'"brows aad bay will also be a CalliiR’.
Ilcf esoculive eonimliii'e mnsiwing o.'
He bopet that tbe tale trail la hoi
Chairmaa H. S- Hull Serrelarv I- I'.
HIM. Perry Core gives cffaally dtoTlliia. Treasurer Samuel Garland, d

t'r “

all prcIlmlBarr amagcmcBta wi
eonpteled for tbe ooalDg Dceoratl
day egetclsos. Tbo nembera will tbto
year attend dlvloe aerrlce* ^ the
Cbnrcb of Christ Stmday monilng. and

f'jllowlac liemijiri
-Koiiib.WeFnmrWP-t.Mimken and Able to engage la arrive work here.,
*, , o-^^-k a n> the proresskm.' a«>d thn.urt Ibe day the lempefBlutw
to W Mibmlttcl tUaehnnt. fit: south ride Front Ftr.-rt.‘hat looked uner bis properly and did contmiing ,d mastr. Hannah Kin,'*. | ba* b-ea sn degns-s. ih- htgbeal lUare
I'isl rvrelpls were »l.111.55.
and, Jarlndlag'• have l-s-n b.-re. but veii cool alghi*.
Mllllk.-n and Itoehant. fK.S: rmitb; conrldrrat.K- buiblln;: and Imprm-lag.;
-I soldi'-r*
"Slrawta-rrh-s, i
■reet. J. W. HaaneB. »=t. j
Ur. MrBae
hU Spanish V
• R- C- t
Knight* tifP.vihia-. No- ", ITi; Atl>e e.-nis
ei-nis ,*-r
pi'r quart
quart and
and IBar o<
* Miss 1*811,81. Foa- all ciilten.. who wish to parUcipale. «»<•
Froau .'ipet. rviall rliwks. 8- Cirek. prsi wife, wbc
bury M. K HiurrI;. »ir,; Woman * R.
J nuU
I'tarhes *r.- larger than
iter, dying in
..... -------........ ............
. ...
li.-r OrTp

Wll'ielm bWirk, Jiio. R. Ranlo,
kwviBg ..n. child, now Mr*. Wll- appr.iprUie exercises will he eoadwl- :
the Wd."* ef tbe
p.dlowiog H a It*. ^ the sub^p I
t.uHdl??g. J. M. ITIakc-loc, | |i,„ *
ij.-nni,.. n. was msrrir-1, .-d in aerordanre with the O. A. R. ;'•“>!■
with i~
bambvl lu b, chalnnen of ihe.,,^. k,
,« will K : brm,-,VMtrkle» and ai
again In dnne. ISUT. to Mrr. .\Mral R ri'iial. after wbiob ranki
co,-na„ti.;eH nppo.i-i.vl at rite mnvra J
Itav tent. No. 116. fio.
.- post ns«l
I hate ecT s.-ei
Rimaell of t:oll -n, S. Y.. who survive* bo-keo Jo asc-mble
mtvdlng h-ld -Mull
and tbe total j
^ ^
TlK- rheiimatlsm *■
blm. Alihonsh th.-y had Bo chlWreu, at 1 o'l lock p. m. sharp
ntpouhts of eueb subscilpllon.






W. K. vVilltom* oimimny. »-i;.
V. I'etortyl wa-.oii *.Tk-<. fl-.2S.
Ceniml'.-il'W men. f(> Jl.,
nui!.-tfartr,r;. employ.-..-.. »»nU.

iifHin s.-iit E1«: FVaternsI
..rber .,fl-i.i:lw.tlu:re.,.il drai ji-i*;
r.-;:,. Fitin', nmi a n»mt--r nf iihor

Tratelse cII7 Wug^'wofk;!
n-t Lui’ilsr roiuiiany en.......

Death of A. Q. McRae,
.tn-.sndir II. M.-IUe
Ml, al l.i.- b«-i..e ,m FU'li 'troet,
■loath re.-ubing fn'-n para yW.-, rsusi4
by bemorrliagc of lh<- blwin. He has
I.. n iu falling hcslih for several
veai-, -.Iilb-.lng sev-rely from b-art
ineible. bul Mv rnnili'bni was not min-

:-jr-b4i, .' .vinHlbUtcl lile rally.

1h~~. •
8.nHb Side l.iinilivr rompany en
Ploye.. ft:..
I'lunilH-r;. ilp-ithatiiU. >5^ Wliiiivlite^men. Mark Craw-. $5,So.
l>r.vyEi.ii, W. lii-nnie. fst:-.
Trav.-r.-<- I'lly*. ftl.K.

sl<!< -111 rrltu-nl iitinl slsiut .a w>s-k
lu-feri' bt*- <|ealb,
Mr, MrRa.- w.vs .me oT riio caili.-ri
rv-ridi-nl-i of IM* ei!v. eiiniing hen- In
I' :.S a- mill nu-ffsnd fi n-i:i-;ii |or Han­
nah. laiy A- Co. and ronllnuing wllh

,- n ,- — ■“> bip some aad
they sd»|>'ed !•« i“«i.-. wbo wvrv as
ai j «-ri,irk p. m Ihi- \V IL f .
; walk.vl alsiiil a quart
dear to Ibein a-' their own cmld have r.,nipanb-.k by all who wish, will
bvvn. Aulilleo. wbo war a tiny baby
ipun tbe pcwl mom to the d
when he ranie Into Iht lr home.'war ' uid Wrew flowers. In memory o(
drowotvl In IfiSt *t the ic- cif 51 jUiWiI sailors, uodr-r charge
anottaer loot rare.'
s dinvd>.d by iheir pwcral or-1
it ilarSvId townvlilp, survive*
Memorial Day. May 90. tlflt.
U 5 p m. the parade will 1-- f.wmel •
fleadquaners Mrpheiaaa Fast.
Mr. Mr-Rae was a lile b*nr. npublilH«,lqiiBriers. beadivl by Ihe mar |
No. Ik. C A- R
ran and alw-ay* took a k,en Hiierevt
I lu>n,l. Hannah Rifles, with all,
t>f Ike gr>-al h>u.l that fnrlyEvw
in r-yimlv and towmbtp g,iv,-rnmi-ni..
Kpanisii trar v.-i-Tans. s-.ns ,d V..|. r ' •VIIV a£,> r,.s|>iu.lvvl lu Ibe rail of
Me beld a numln-r of lownslUli offlrt-t j
thi. sprwker. m*y«*r and eonm-il; -Father AlprabaDi" iwvsthlrd* barw
ini-Iuding *e,er.v| iiiiiiortaBt one,. In
jin .-arriaB*-*. tb<- <5. A. R, W. R. r.i luiHsed ut.T Ibe dark r
wlltli ih,- m-ImsiU. and was
Isehisd elilldtvn and all who wish tolefT'io keep alive Hr
also Jiisilee id the lu-a'u- Hit- pinetl
.... proceaslnn.
saervvl ai
-*.d tbrir eomradea.
Tbr- line .d marrh will be as fob
Kve’iy. vvii-ran .Ihniugboul Ibe reability- made blm a variable nmti i«!I
sinning at lltange ball al gi.iu I* evp,vn>-,l to >dn wlib bla cuu>any po lilou wbirb he wus.-all.-.l up<m
Ibe der.iUonal eahave for manf
loflil. He and bto
.ir-vi. rigid
resting on Klntc errisea and Hi,- ptoelag of flaga aa-l
years b.w*n ni.iulsaad his vob-e wa.v always beard lu Vip-ei. thin Inareb ,-asi on Stale sltvs-l flower* o>,-r the greew m,>uad* wbeve
■be form of eomradea wboae ddwise <vium II f. r rite g.svd of Ibe onl.-r
M Front stnsl. west on Hast FVont
n to duty bate broiigbt tbe hicsa
He will Ih- gn-ail. mi *e.l I-y the wide
V»s to tb<- city op,*ra house, where Ing <if pea,-e and <mdiiring rrpuMIc.
rire!,- ef fii.-„.| , »hn liave kitosn and
vpiuHal Invllarion Is extended
respeebsl him durinc Ihe many year* Ibe fidlnwinr. pnwram will h<- glvt-n:
Woman'.-. K,'lt,;f Corps. (Sons of eVlerof bit* H-veb-iire in iliiv reeb.n. and
Hiwnlvfa war v.deran*. Ibe pnplU
luvis-ai ion.
at Ih,. mmiiig m-s-ting ,d the l»M K,:


Ibim III lliul les|KUIMb|e
the mill (imis'iiy wu^ sold In IShfl an*] Icn. association Ik.-iv. will Is* a varan
wav one,cl III,- b
cy whlrb nqum cau IHI.
lilglily re;|Hs t,sl rt-sidmi* of tbe reTil,, fiimval was h,-1d l-'ii,Uy a(l,-r
si-in. of Seoieli iini-eviry. bi*
ploy,.,. It:.,
ISUI ai Hie li'niM-. Rev. J. \V. MilbT.
«-nU- l-'iiig nalive.y of Invi-rmn,. Se-dn cbltlme frb-ud of Mr. Mdto-. offi
laml. Mr. Mellae wav l>oni In I'rescoll
iatru-g. A -large niimln'r of fri'Wds
Rclail elerk*. Ctiion street. S. C. ,-ouni.v. Oiilrrio. Ike, 5:.. tS.". and
during hlr. Imvhoo.1 ;ih-ui hi* rime on
Araojd. iS rents.
Ilurbers. W- H. Havto. f5 5»: 0,-11
e l«-aiiilliil I
thiirtiiigh knowb-its, mlib-b was of serSrpilrer. K.
vb-e hi kd, r y.-ar, in niukiug him tiiie
M, * N. K. emidoyes. $S.4-'.. „
Memorial Day Program.
of 111,, most s'lMv-v-i'iil farmerii In
Till arrangefnems fur tbe exercl**.s
Grand Traverv,- eoviuy. At tbe age ol
ot Memorial day an- all eonii.leliri
! 1C he WB.v ap|irenUi-.-,l to a carpenter
M. 11. Morgan Is marshal of the day.
btost Kighth slns-t. Jo*,-pb Kleder,; and l--i-ani.and the ex.-relse* aiv as follow-*;
I Afler r.'.bUng ,r lime In Trtiv
Court h»-.t*<-. fl5-'.U


Union siiM-l, George Hoyl.Iersc

III it. Garfield town

Ilr.vdlug <d i,tdon< by adJulBBl.

Id Ibe imldle la-toadK and all loyal c»|.
118 to >dn In tbis tribute of a bb-

Addn-.lermi.- Iiy- c
... ............ al ad,Ires* by Rev. Biseell.

Sunday. May 57. I* MemorUI Sbbay. I*4W1 will Bss.-mble at the Ml
I 9;r4i and attend divine service In
Imdy at the Cburrh of Christ, roraer
The program will riose with "Amerof t*ass aad l-hglub sireeis. All auall.-4 ' All arc invi-,'d In Join.
lary and klndPri stu-b-Ues atv'lRvUc^
Pltaaed With Weat.


In wtIiIoc to the Herald from lvhr>ka Sprttias, Ark.. Flank W. Wilson

"TlK.uubt I Wviiild write and b-i you
now I Brrlt.Kl here safely ai
l«ul as g.sMl rvindltlnti a* cniil

Ry Allan F. lAltle. Adjntaat.

Fi»r thi- flry.1 iliw In y-iwr*. It la aald.
Ionia hart a "dry " day Sunday, every
lilac,, fur the sale of liquor bring
rioaod llgbllr.

Honest'People Tell Their Experiences.
Spring,—the Time to Cure Catarrh.



what differmt from other yearn.-and
the ^DBceuna cd opUlua ycsierdny


Bar blve. So, tl. U O. T.

Mintifartiiriiig <

Slaves to Spring Catarrh Restored to Health By Pe-runa.

will Bteet In ibeir lodge rooms i
oYioek to mardi In a body to
The following Wedoeaday
beliig OMofBUea day, aringc ball will
be b«iiff«aneri lor both ibe poai and




t'hlblri-B of Gb'n llat<«. ft.

Mr.J.tJ.Cralg. a well-known athlete, whose home
addres* is llrUlgeii.n, N. J.. wrlliv, from the Ilotvl
Ikinavln. li.-l*»ar,-. i;
"JeanM.Vof I'eruii* Ihal. a- a I-nie for the aprlng
f-r ai lil'-i,-v. anti as >
Of th,th,. yi-ar.
yiwr. It i»
i« Uiv
111,- is-vl

can give It a beany rve,unm, iidati,'n.l*crunadi>e« not fail to prvv,-nt llie 1
languor Ineidcai
If token in Ui

was to place an order with a Arm fo.that aamher of baskeU of 'willow,
which wonid be' fliled Bl the ball and
awpended oter racb soldier and W.
R C. grave, the wire by which Ibe

While a ftiU reglmeal He dead to thv
eoaelery. veterans whose lives
gtven for the defense of Ihe cnunirT.
Ibe lellowJBg members of the eonu• are also laid there to rest: Mrs. Myra
A. Hanna. Aagellne Daggeil. Harrb i I
A. Ortdlel. Almlna Carlysle. tk-llai
<6Uta. Lnllcla M. H Crowell tmomber
of ioeal corps but not hurieil berv-i.
aad Hn. CbariidU- Smith.
After tbe rntwatBr exerclic* al the
. BIMMBfT. dlnocr will be. enjoyed al
Orange hall, and earfa member Is ex

“For several year*
I and my family naed
your lVrunaa*.v l.inu- and for Ihe punlleallon ot
Ihe svst,-m In g,-n<-ral and find 1* an earelleni
medn-lii,- to rwtore wt«b nerves to a beallby


baskeU were to be bnag bring provid­
ed by the vewnns.-while tbe baskels
wera pTOTlded by Ibe W. R.
Owtag to the deparlure this year
tram the otoal cnsiom of placing
boaqtmU aa an ofleriag. moss will be
naM tor Ibe fouadallan of tbu baski-tx
aad euBlrib^loBa are. Iherriore. asked
from Ibesc wbo are able to gather

Mr. wii iiand, lloneeman, a promlaent and ag«rf
elilr-n of S>-nees Vallv. N. Y..
Ihe Inventor of a
numis-r of imid<-in,-nis of modern warfare. Hu

Mrs.A.K.Rnekef. 1*51 Cedar aUeet. NaahvUle.Tenn-wrlirs:
"! wish to tellyti wkat Peraaa bat Oome

Mrs. John E. Hill*.» Mulberry Rt.. Lynn,.
Maas., wtUm;
“I have been Ironbled with estorrb *ln«w 1
waa Irn year* old. Al lime* my head tToiiOled
me ao that I waa oliligrd 1,< May in a dark
room. Noihing heli>cd roe and my pliysicUn
aalil I could m-v.-r Iw cared.

S5'^£22.T22i,"'.i’^ S-J.",

wai abumea al my eoodMam.
•-I bad a tad eough for snm* Om» and I tried
several congh m"dir1ne*. but grew worse all
the lime. I knew If I did not gel reltol. 1
would soon go intoeonsamptloB.
••SolaeeUea to try Peraaa. I bat tarntUemce la It before I look »aad Moari « w-as
last Ibe meakioe f oeedcA tor ia a abort
thae my eoogh ceased aad my atreoTb rauraed.
■ I have enjoyiyl hstWir bswlth since toktng
Ji than I had lor several v-ats prevluns."

oof bad an attack since I took m, lint battle.
I ttlak ie rime It will csre'ine. It has afraatfy
Imprat-cd ay appetite and m>- genera/ beaitb
aadfbwpB fsioed nmi(y pceads ta tfarve
“I have rccommenicvi II to several of my
friends, w-bo also find it v,-ry Ivncfl.-tal. I artvlar any one troulded with rsUrrh to use

parted to bring a ptenh- dipner white' Sfitiag CaUrt*.
The Correa Remeily.
bet cobe will be Berred by th.- ladlcr , Almo*t every one hat come to twllevc
r,-nin* meet* *vbry iftleation ami
i that spring to a acawra that bring* d-- piyiTi-s tJi-eir to lie p, rfeetly miapled i-i
••I sofleted from a general feeling nf
Tbe grave* of Mr*. William M ; rangemenu of tbe bqdy dcpendeni
I all their varied piomlianlies. I'l-ruoa
I invtgi.rale* the;uvcnalr* the las»iiud.... with .ccasionsl er.eping
Smith. Ihe aged wife of the vmerai,, UcKsHmpnrlUeri
e!, tl-. foll-w-rd sometimes by fever and
WDUaa* H. BmHh. and also Mr*. Fnvl-; Tin. belief to an old one, to nearly oni- jfeclmo. rcsiori-s the n-irmal appriiu-

nring weatner. Thll render. medi-|4 TF/ricg/Cnsg.
, >-,um..r-, formerly l.^'.Uenl.Ird

■I bronchi f.

A Word ot Advice.
mi-erahle for me,
lo try a ls>tl
To Iho-e wbo have lieen afDloiad with
(belr husband* wllhto a' w«* and He , of ihe i. .ehlngs of the mtdlesl fral,
Do Not Detay.
chronic catarrh we wish t» say that the
by their ride will be romembered by Biiy.bnt baalwen Iraraud totovbfttor
spring season afford* yon a *pi,-ndi'- op
Get a loille of reran* when Hie fir*t
raSvred' iblaway for abont m
ibe deriiraiiag eoramlitee.
ponnnliy to get rid of yonr di-eao-.
languid f-.-lings mak- ih,-i:i-elvrs ap­ year*.
hope. If not relief. I kepi up taking I’eTh* rterclan at the bay shore for/VePvou9 Depress/
It may lie yon have liccn aSlielel for runaaedilhM Mistrencthenrd and reparent in tlie spring. Take it aeeotding
n tbe
i "tasi spHag t began atiag Peraaa several years: yon may have tried ditle that I am now erjafldenl of a
tbe saMleR aad sallcira are to take
It Ui»ough the first •«- *o!l0wod tbe
I remedies. Ferbap* yon have beli'artUy endorse I'erona for esptaea from ibe Kortbere Mkblgao
tarrbal sfTe^tinn* and aa a lonir for their
y dock tostead
• gcBunl IstailBdr, dull.
weakening rffivto.''—tieo. M. Fillmore.
Now Is Voar Opportunity.
of lb* Cass ttreri bridge a* last year.
4 »ftoeT covrac of Peraaa ...................
wiibia a week I» as oearty anad.
.mi cblldren ara being Inalraeted
Ins*, with irregular appeutr, and *ome- should it not belpyott?
tost la time. Owrfag the ateatb at
praSMl to tbe B
“.kt Ihe end of two month* I wa* saof lb* beau- unwalos* of Bleep.
A ^ring Took.
lir- ly cored sod feel *i tbougb I have a NalurvcoBMato yooraMUtonee at
noratci tbc; ^
Almost everybody needs a Wnie in the
lease of life.''
Just help her a mile and *he will
* * i Thai tired feeling, which to the nal- aprlng. Someihtogito brace Uie nerve;,'
ia tbe abate Ust at bumaa aBmeats.
lo and
.ou elrsns*
OI..OU the
<h. Natare s Assia
bring yon uoi of the quagmire m whin,
Invigorate tbe brain,
' nral result eff the depressing
Will Haw Cleaning Day.
yon have tise!i
lisen floondering o.long.
oilonz. Give
<tlvs{I After yon have tried it yon will say
l■e<l time to traat
hlouu. That reranawill do Ibl- 4* Iw
; warm w,-*lber I
g. rvruas
Peraaa to
IS poriUvely
isjs.osc,^ tbe
,uc best eprtog
renew* berself ** , Natore a little aMtotoSce, leather StrugAfter
i of whiter, qnickly yond sU question. Everyone w-bo ba*
Imi-dKlne yon haw aver rued.
i-;—-----------v------------had- tb«
tameeqicricace *•.spring. Tbc *y*ura to rejurenated 1^ gleabelnvaln.
, tried baa
at iht awda aal pinna of tb* ClrlclAifepprarsirbenl^ranauuken.
crick il.OrwT. both of whom folkiw,;!: Tersal.andha* arisro.Bot aa the resoli j »nd procures rrgnlar sleep.



.. \


A great many year;of eatonrive trial*
f this n-m-dy in thi* r|as* of derange
n-ni* bar. d,.m..riB’.nied iia efflcieaey.

7h'.-4stnda ,.f ease* might Iw qantod
.J which f’erona has r—ened people
fr.ira the ravagi ;,)f spring catarrh, and
pul them on a good, Killd touadatioa of
We caB give orjr reader*'only a alight
Cllripwot the vast array of uasollclted
endoraemenis Dr. Hartman I* cdbsunily rreeivlag. No other-phyrietaa
inlbe'world baa received aaehavolBme
If yoB do not derive prompt aad estlm
fariory reenlu from the use of tvraaa,

be plraaed to give yod hi* valnable adle* gtaito.
Addresa T)r. narlraaa. Frvaldeni *f
he Kmrtmaa Ksaltertam, Colamlin*,
bio. All corrapdwdaaea bold strictly

. ^I


band Tmcrsc Herald

{BedlAldr reialred to tSc >e«lr for- Mra. William Carpeuter. Mluea Eliia;
SMlWl boM* At SIS Norib eiBvood heth Hance. Settle Jarreti and Mr.
l.r«oo«. wb*n. tb*T will bt “•» borne” . . mter. BarUI was In charge of
■fterJaMS. The brtde ti one of tbf Herrey Andenon. Ibe pall bcarcrA
of LeotoMo ««ii>y betng Herira. carpenter. Ilcrt and
and 0 iMlcr (o Wrt Georpe Helmtonb WUIlam Dare. IXxccr, IKPr.-ere and
<U Bar.
Deatb rcliered the aufferlnga of U.
Dorlnp ibe taac tem of achool ibl*
winter Mn, Corea beaUh failed and Ihert* of Empire Titeaday atiemo-n
1:50 after a year a moca from .Hiabe realsned trota the force of teaStea.
era of Leelanau eoonlT which now will
The deeeaaed wm> 1-om Iky. !C. IS19.
(room la the son of Hr. and Un. Vlll In-York alalc and arrln-d in Ibe Grand

Two yean ago nine aehoUn pnaaed
Ibe eighth grade examination. Onr
la aaotber cdomn of the Herald to- year ago. aei-eotren were aueceaaful
Jkr we rwp™laee the fi«»r*t of the and IWa year thirty-three young poo
Wttaatad ralnattona of the etasHaeri le aueceiafully paaaed. Ooe huodred
nd fifty wrote a portion of the
^ the atate board of aaaeaaora
alion and one hundred wrote the ful
for the eoonty
xamlnatlon. ThMhIrty-three auccea*
id TraTeme. Including Tin'

Tbne Bgurea Indicate IT
r ooUlde of U» cUr iboold be
Waeaaed upon a ralnatloo of more
than half n mUtloa dollari in eceeaa of
the Taloatloot died for TrsTerae aif.
Roretofora the dir baa paid about
(I per cent of the total aUte and

Floyd Jonet. Jowyit'
Kllngleemlth. Ward Carlbaek, John
WIIMn. Laora Potter. Floyd Bowman


day aflemoon at S u'lhul. from
home, soron and a hall mile.-, w.iii
Empire, the Rev. Williams olflrlallar

Monday, May 28


Kamau# Fun Makers

Hunt stock Co.
tvv 0:1.1



y valaalltm .



IhB Palli ol tliei Wicked


a .erlciii* rondlilon froiii h.-liig throwi
from" a buggy by the hoi-.- of lll.Ui.n.ilH-rl. iH-eomliig frlghi--n.-d

arc knowAhcre.

Traverse City Markets

BSiS fcSt'S-.’SS

■elag to Ukc tbi* matter up wllb tbo
commlUM cm cquanraikm and at iho
aexl mccIlBg ct the board of supervi
mm an effort will tw made to bave the
comparative valitaihm* a* betwre
rtty aad cooniy fixed upon the haal.
<ff the Mate lax cnmmlMloneT'a




;; 1?
■' E


i:r,r,r =rs: cs

emidueted by the H.-», W. T. SKSl--.*-14
Woodhoa.-.e at 5 oVl..ek In the after- ^.u«.v«orTwv.ttao.v* r*.ua» ^
mate. ThU wcrald rceuire the rt
to pay a little man- than half Ibo ctatc
aad county tax. wherea* now tho city
pay* U per cent <d the whole
Ifortthcm. B-.

pnrtofaaoi. You will ,-njoy il„-us.-of t.-.-: I. il-nt 1 wiilr.-iil:....
.-10.1 thom-.-i of ili.-m nriy I..-i:r.-il -r llmii y-ni n-;il:v t:-iii-in ami wo will bilk ii .tv.-r,

Iiii.iiu-—• liiini t[>lt: th:it if y«»ii "buy

C.ty opera House Bik.



il-if." y.tii uiii "s'll liylbt.” .ii»i
I'.s arilics lo llu: Ol /YLH Y
of ;jo.i.1a as well as to thi;
liny II. vS:
Co.s "H I-:ST " bran.';;fS <:«*rn am! Oais. Ouality .iml (trices arc .alw.iys riebt.

r..'l:Ul->'- ■> t-.r ..........


rang.-monis with ............. ’T- T’"- '--'
raiHial .1 .................. in mi --ii!T
wh.-n.-T I- 1.- .......... ..
fnr<- ilH)i >‘lnc .'I :.- ir


"- -l
I'O.A' -


" '••




'•.■ -•i.t'-

- a-m's . -i-.



Are You Going to House- Would those Interest
clean This Spring?
The Pirsl Thing
Ht’" arc your
v.;,!UI)o lio-y ft.fil 1-ai” r’ti.
You will im.l W.U.I.
l'.\ri’;iJ at ..tir M..r. .
I lii-.v tir.- your t.;rin ; •
We lia-.c
wIm; yoi:
H«>w are yuttr kittb* i
and tiiitin.: room
What arc you-^oin;; :o do wiih lin in' l)i«l ymi * vc:
stop in ihiHi; bow
le.s wi>rk ii .woiiM be f< r > -.i;
ifytiuhail LINDLLI MS on yo-ar il-.-cry' V..i li;..r
jes-t what you waii’..

Base Ball Bsed*


l:ii« a<':.«>n than


Y u.will iiii.l ih.-S(«H
It. ; lit!'- Ii.-r.-. whi.-h

. iiisi-h-n-l III- l«-vt 1I- '
:-t iiu-I--.


mail Paper
■ ' T


A wedding oreuTTed at Ihe Coitgrcga- :ehsdhoraii.remaio.tntbro.-ai.-..-fy.S„hi---::-':-;...-:;;:-"'
........: t.--.
Uaaal paraoaage Snnday aftei
whItA will be * aurprtie to many of r’s’^n*!le';^V‘^'<5
tbe (rtead* of the happy eonple. Mlaa
The la»l token of rrepect for tin
Head Feck of Sotloa* Bay and Jallnt
Core cd thla city' being the coolrncllnfi dead wat obM-nved Monday momine
partiea. who were nailed by the Rev at tbe home when Mr. Brtdp-wn.lald
re« by Ihe tvSailvee and
Demaa Oocblln.
Uitt. ii
They were attended by Klaa Anna wbo IIMened to tbe eulogln .d ih...............
. Oaibam of thheityaadBlawortb BUI- Rev. R. H. Koon*. pa.tor of the Vetb•kHra Mar. The bride waa gowned •dirt rhbich At Inland, .cverat faymn*
ta Nee peae de crepe allk. They Im- being aung by a ®nartri eompocl pf



anil RotmJ Uu-tli
n .-l-'S.- T-lntion to .'tie nn..ilb-r.
woiiWoT.-yiMs-tawntt-h to run if *ome of tin- p:im f-r wit-.-:-, ni-ith.-r.ia it ri-.-vaAmil.lo tlial you shoiiM fst|-l
good litnUh when some of lilt: vilal orvoua U> itrouiob.- lu-iiHi.


are left who reelde In Ihe we«t. No JKJ b‘Cte'i Itao................
funoral arrangement* are nude which aystoir.H i>a(V*IM .......
rtty ............................................... W. W. Dean, wbn 1* rbalrman ol the


$. e. (Uait $ Son$



1. ->i -.-i Sulj.liiir uii-l

to .|ii..l!ly or pri.v,



ill.n- Vitriol ifopp-T 8nl|i1tal.-).

Cravtrsc City’s Ceading Dnifl Slore


Thla roport 1a mad* upon Wedne*



not oo


from Mra.-Man.eau, aeveral ehlldrcn

m l Jour waiillt in .-iirly in

'• 'I "I 'I -t -'l»

If i-ciu will imli-li:.!.- lli.-ti- arli--l.-.of n«. y»U will ci-rtuilily

Ml.. Graeo tVnnl.- of rhnri.-iie Is It

her death wa. not uurxpeeted

ai:-1 \"-i I' i-I

Plij.lclan arj Surc.-in

Threati of a .lomarh pump to f.-.- If
c was Ihe l.m-glar who nie two
r, aged TT yeara.
Jnaepb C. ^
ana. while raMln? Ihe hium- realdrel for a number of yeara nf
K. n.irkiml. eauso.l Homer Sl.-v.u*,
Thompaonvllle died al 11:30 Sunday
arrcMed on .it.plelon at Kalimaroe.
night ml tbe home of hU daughter. Mra
to eonf.-.. hi. gulli. He alw> .a
Alice Stanton, death being dm- to earhad liken ir.n al the home ot Th.tinaaxthma. Tbo dcccaatwl l.-soc*
Aeher, Ho has .orved liino In Jarhwife and five ehlldrcn. the only one
thla eonntry being Ibe daughter, Mr*.

Manreau'* to Benton Harbor, where
ibo) were called hy the death of ht-r
mother. Mra. Row Tlobolt. wbo*e

Spraying Cime
Iir:.r ill
i-r-ii-r l.> :p l

W,- .-..riy f -r i:.i • l-or,. -■

8»-at .ale Ji*ns.iii Drug aioiv.

Hn. Anlolno Manaewn and ann Fred
imaae.1 Ibnrngh tbe city Monday
Hiclr way trom the fafnllv home

Branch 159 E. Front Si., Traverse City i> .-i

th<- opening might.
Prlevui. m. 20, 20 e«-lHs.

.,1 S.777WI



great moral lessoi.. tniihfiilly p-w
irayod l.y a (mloru-d cmpaiiv vl pi
At Ibe Grand all n.-xt w.

Alice Bianlon. the remaining
bring la the wral. The remain*
prepared for ahlpmenl hy the Anderaon llndrriaklng company
ahlppcd to Quiney, where Ihe fun.-ral

Y.«i .-an !mu- oil U.ia Muai.-al

V\.' :.-;i..iHiita Id. .-It.y b-m...

D'Stribaltn /or ff/c*.

Opel-i..^ pi;.'. Mr .Um-I'i -1




Bilu- :ii ni l fr. Mr. M. .t. .....

Adde from" the wife, the following A Co. to H. Abbey. November K. 1*12Gblldren are left: Byron J. Bridge of Thc was to hoar Int.-rosl at T
c.-nl If IcG three rn.imh*. It l«
Ttwnary: M'lUlam D. Bridge, r.-sldenee
.Tt year. old. and tho rial:.;
la the weal: Hre. H. Hallelt of Ukc
itinir to tnti.
Ramhilidi ttav* h-'
Ane and Mra. R. T. ORclllcy of Peio*^ towaahlpe eeUidc of tbe dty la key. Both dtngbtcra were nl the bed- Imugbt the cc-rtin-'iilo from .\lib.--.
||lT.40e Btore than the city valuatkmt.
aiHne year, ago whiU- the lalloi- w.ii
aldc of the father when death eamc.
’ The fdlowliit are Uie tgu>ei in each
tiling for I-, train at Ijipiw-r.
Judaon O. Bridge waa born June c.
iawBBhip and eaeti of the five warda ef
IgSS, in New York and arrived al
^ dty. fidng a
bone where he haa tloee rvalded eon- A OUARAHTPBO CORR FOR Fll-F


!-)• tin- V'..v..ri1.-9


u.-iiig :iii-l ni- pi-d
Kli-gltd-m .1.


of tbe beat known of Ibe repre
pioneer* of tbe Grand Travenw
m. pasanl to hla reward at the »l<l made niHin the r*t*<c of H. G. Hart ..
homeilcad Sunday morning al l;3'f. lhal of lU-iilamln tlaiidolph of Ijiih-.-death relieving a winter of vufferlng Hc ha* presented a ccnlflraie of dr
lubertmloala of tbe atomteh. pnalt is.ued hy the bank of R. G. Har;

tomnnp taluatk»q

Til.* 1.It.- II S.-iri t‘"'l
\ .III-'.- .-ill,-

I.o-l tipu.*-!..

O, Mdgc of Inlerlorhei

Set for the roar IMS;

Sr.!-..r»iir.;.t Htnilmpl I*iy--r‘» Fit........ .
in llrilii.iui
th, Mut.-l, s,

nil U'vk couim.'ii.'iiiic

Wlch.-d," Is <me of the pr.-til.- i si:
S.orie. ever told. Tli.- pom.-dy Is e
high order ami the path.', .iiblime,

llnneoaly for nearly halt a eeniun
tbera having been bul Iblrlpcn bonse*
dayw tta.
In Traverac City when he i»mc to tho

S' lil M.XNN
;„.a ,-tll.r .-.t-l-rita-s, II:
i;U-.\M> lU'KIJ.V


Special ingagcmcnt

tag play. U J. klhlH'v-. gn-al mehdrama. In four art., -Th.' 1'ntli Pf iIk

Death Roll.

Til.- -•< liial '-'-e-'. -f
- ‘-TTI.

.\iiMliiii_-|•'.ry1!.illl: in Mn-i--. l-lli i..-w
.IMly r.
tin- U*i iirtista.

Marling M.-nday. May is. On.- It
with each psid S<M-.nt ileket

fa ageeaa of the aaieeaed valuaiiont
and by Ibe board of aupeprlaora,
total la the ooonty belag about SS.tOOe
Mfi, of which the dir la given abont
N.4W.000. Tbe cl(y In 1908 paid
abort SI prt cant ^ the atate and
taarty tax. whereas under tbe eatl*au c< the atate tbard of aaeaaora
«( Uie tax eommlaatoe, tbe there of


Burial mill Im- 'in ihe Wasm-r
tery. Mr. Bverta was for minr
of the SwedenhnrjTian raitli,
he New J>-niHah-in

tr tax. Uadar tbo eatlmaie o
heaid of aaamlnera the county abonld Ixmlae Pratt. Maud Hagar. Mary Mr•ayaoralhanbaHefUieaatBxei. V. Oarry. Bertha Wak*. Harry A. Dewey,
W. Oaao. chairman of the bontd of Ollrer Herr. John P>clpher. Albert
aipanleore bne Uken the matter up Vangbn. Claud Sbunk. Blllah Ban. May M the Grange hall on fa-- r
and win make an effort with the comr-e win hi- fiirnl'lieil foi
t««— OB equallaatloa at the next
Old Settle-a- Aaaoelatleo.
who bring Ihelr PiiKli al rfni.n o
maetlDg of the board of aoperdaors to
he eommllteea on the Old Setilm.nmttal day.
have the taxea equallaed upon the
Kdatlon meeting to Ih- held In Ibis
haala 'of the eatlauie of the tax comon June IS are making arrange
■Moo. Thla la a matter of eoaalde groBlecai
The Hunt sioeh empanv. billotaU# Importaaeo, and
while the Inga in the history of tbe aoelety.
Iw with II. all next wi. h at ih-- G
aMi«a to the ladtrldoal taxpayer
aporlal train baa been aceiued on opera houw. t. an urganlMiiwOl be trllUBK, the eaaaty mtelde
the Pero Marnoctic, to learc Petoakur •neril, Michigan l-.rn, and .me -i
cMy aeldaatly ahoold pay a llltle R
7;J0 a. m.. arriving at .Traverre
p-pertiiln- .hows lhal ha» r
Chaa at praaaaL
City at lOiin a. m.. and leturnliig, the Irvi of lime. ThI. 1. the s.-.
leave Traverac City al C p. m.; fan
in nf nnnuallfied *iKws;-. Al
(I for round’ trio to and Ineliidlng
Bapnnaor W. W. Dean faaa been Bllaworth. Below EHsworth. tbe tan. play, are new nnd either i-niie
liiul or toyalty Mils. Tli- <

Trarana City are eaUmated at I5.7n.m, aad itaa city of TraTorwo $S.26fi,fft, Tbe eatJmate of'the attie tax
wr. la e



also left, while a I rotl er, H. C l^erta
of Grand Rapid*, s.inl'e.
The Mneral will lake plarr- Tlu-r.--

LennK Gray, Myrtle Eyckoff.
Atery. Clyde LcBar. Alta Boulaae. Flor
enee Gregory, Bertha Hainlll. Bertha
this eliv will
Hager. Bay Peternen, Gladye Hamil­
charge of the funeral a:
ton. CTyde Wataon. Anna Brinkman.

d real eatate
la neh aaaoaaing diatrlet In Grand
Tnretwe eoanty. laeladlBg ibe fire
«arda of the city. He baa taken the
i^taa eailmaied by the egamlnera
e( the beard ef atate tax eemmlialon
nad BlaU board of aaaeaaora for the
ynar iSOg. Thla eatlmaie' glrea the



KvPrts of Ftankfon.
wife, and Mrs. Mary E. Wilson,>o
rhlld of the w-rond a fe. • F-.i.r {.r.
ofilldren and one gn-at crandplillfl

will be one rent per mlleenrh *
apcelal train will also leave Elk
Rapida at 9:15 a. m., to connect
amahurg with Ibe Petoakry a|
rial, returning at C p. m. The olh
rvadt bavc not yet been heard fro
t la expected that very favoral
igemenia will be made with Ibe

- xfsrr cotf Aear fhe fca


lam Core of thla eliy and baa a wide Trarerae region In 1S«I, wherw a 1«
bomreteeul waa laVtrB up and
circle of friendi who oBcr congmtula.
roni^iiou* realdenee mnintalnerl ev.
xineiv The wile liird aeren year* ai
and two children aru htft. Addheri
Eighth Qradr Examinatien.

•tmA Travaraa Coonir Realty V


jiT he elll row tie 1-maghi
; .tat 5he;ijr Jarrad and h

' piotb«» Bid of B. J. Peck e< 8ol- VaaHoof.



brau pennon raid to ha' b- • 3 1:
the l-od of Si. Joreoh rtv.r r > >i-arj
d to hare b<-en found neat ih
paper mill dam at Nllor. Areorrtlne t
l.-xendi! «oi.-h n rannyn a-ae ao4u.^l •In* f;em the .ifbr.- .d iV.ui.y fl-.-v
! Martin a. l>.ur«o and it Is du-iU--.
the rlin h.' Fr-nrli explorere.




Sr.t .-i-.s*

Come an.l vi'i; t»iir slon- and . oiivint. v.-. :



. . ri.v


i.’ .ally v.>lf..m'iu* an-




in lIiM

l.r.v I-..........-li-iV'.laily.

ntlws that it > ih-r plj. c to tr.itl'- to -av m<‘ii« \.

Your Rcltabii- Furt.iiuri Su-n-,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

12T Sonth UilOB Sirtci

€itv Book Store
Zb* Bobart Ca.

Zraoerst Off,


. $2T^*

Ttwr, LM. UCM. Mt.u Mm ». H—k.
lud. B. C. D.<1^ Jmtt Myrn. *».

« all <kdketk.ei »
TTwai' ttok.TnT-r>-«y


B uf Jobe Crl.-»t« Ot Kct- FX’“ Tnepdty-* Rp.i>Td.
Mnirk by Itcbinliiz Ujlj Utt. Prenk nr->oVBir5Pr rwamwl
«(>'k. kllUok ivb mllrb.cmri bii
*m*cp tti ibc bsm.


. Aniclala NovakotHy of
Wr». StyrtU Mar-L «T TVUImm'tn.rc.
irt<ll. arrived Is lU cilj last wtnk to
to bu borti S’ <»M MlMton «Ui’tn«
rcoler vHb the Urm of n'llbelm. Bar- Ur mo’W. Mr». A. R- Tocpiln.. sir.:
Uk A Co, reUlIre to the ereriiOB stf a
Mr.. Thomss Ss'ibI.m.
brirk block cn the ailiolnlnic IOJU.-.1 tln»!j=h lh<- Ciiy joHiriJl!
Stic* hoar lb<- Whiilor. I« *'»> saaift
on bc r rosiir* I*»<po.
lac ‘Irvi'lhptoeau lieror- ( illy deridHfh. M. H nrf. • bo bay U*-n at EnIdc. but «lll know In a (ev days,
:i- for t!„- la-« ibw »"k,. i.anrtay
where Jbe pn>)oe-- will U carried hoI'Mrn. Aolin Otttnrt.
oukiv ill. ar.l»--i iu !!.« '■I’v laVi c^*-bJaates IlcHxTt u[ Old WIssioB. ahn
dt aoste lliiie ilBie aau and fractured
rn rfta. baa been m-rliiiialy ill. no
Burh ro that liia dauebter. Ulllc l|er
liert. aloBorraphtr la itil« Htr, has
been at his bedside, while a son.
Charles HrrU-rt. r.-sWiiie In Oliio. arrtrt4 In ib>'ciiy'Sunday and flodiu:
ly to teach OW Mlxdun. Kvik a
..... jnd made a tinick trip th« r<. Mr.
lIrrboB l» siitnemhat Imprm-d S> I’nw



will i« rfortn ’he o reati-aj.
Fertiaista Misaeunans.
-When I wa* a ..r-;xv.-i si Ux-obi


Mr. am! Hr*. M. M. K. !th of

Mr. Ilsdlcy has Wn rnlh-1 to «•>”:
llarl.u on arnnmt
Ihr x-rt-c. ir'-

Crsofte Uectiog.

i. n-si fr- ’ing i-f t'u G-'rnd Tr*-.
• .’:-iru ' a'a’-'-' Nwin !■






many friends of Mrs. Anna 1*
Tlotieheriy of the city clerks i
H. Honiasue was la Otabd Rapids andJ. Waller GoUI. carrier of R. F. I>
' thia week atteodlns a DmeitoR ot
No. 1. were taken U cnronleir snr
MMMie Brand Iodise. Tbis Is Ibe foot prise Saturday b> ibe amumncemcai
twmMi eonnreutlyr year that Hr. Hon- of their marrlsce at Cadillac. Hit
UfBP has been ebairmaa W >bc happy orciii tikln: place at the par
■naaee eammuiee.

c of the Ilcv. McCoinus of ih'
roneieeail-mal church.
•rw «ral empllon of tbe season look
couple were ailcnded hy tbt
place on Ibc bay Hooday near the Misses Kina and Maedalear Gale ol
It wai only
Cadlltac and rbiura.-d to this city yes
smalt ooe nnd the sMrdum and oln- terJky nRenoon. where they will U
d«ea veto the only erldeaeee that ii
borne al Shady Nook cottas-. Edebad ooeurred.
Prof. W. H. Btellew. wbo bas'bcea
In Nev Tort! for aome lime. U at^a
la tbe elly. Mr. StHlens bna nc
cMed trbciber or not he will slay here
as be bas a Soc oBer In Nev York. Ho

Ibe TaOor Made Suit
More Popular than Ever

r. nndM,..'i:imrr BlUmai. .rf r.-iv
iiv. whn arrixul SJttir.lay Mt.-rt»s'ii.

norm <dt Thursday amah.-ii.'.l
r,-!,jatnln Kimllml and I'harl.v
Mrs. Jno. F On of WashloKiou ‘irvei Sieiff, who hsx- l--n at Old Wi.-i-u.
Clerk and she arose and closi-i ih< window”.
doiliK she r-i!i»id.-rable regular spili.c r.-|.iir. nf the
nula<- and li is ibN itiai jinibs.d., sax-1 ngMhou^e. rj-er-i f- day In th- <-ii,
Ibc rculdeoce fr’tn belns ndds-.! Tlilt
sn.l left ai S."'i f' r North
ilns it was disroverni that Ihr
l-ey will ovcrhs-il CV
woubMe burplars bad P-moye.l a win
•ml light
doar from tbc batcmim an.! set li to
thiMH^ the dly trora Orahd Rapldde. A chair had hc.-n place.! it.
readlneas inrlSe ibe beseau nt to renBatirdar erehliif. tnoie easy and
.p.-ni the P8‘t w—k at OM Mi.”i.'.
wete a number irf fi«ilprliif« tb.- I---:. In r. echo.I ol iu
Ibic Ibis momlnx. ^(fItbtB(; was
..n.ri>ii. nrthxl in lii.- rUv >.-st-iIDrbed In tbe house.
.bsr tuoratns and l-r a
f-r !---r


ber of frieiid. here, an; IMre Itirk.
Th- w..Mlnc vll! oc(-ir at T-:-' to
morrow evenlug a:
t: -s-.e Of tin
Iwi.:. . psrwuis, The-Kct.f. T SuhT

.. .dhi- .isinilit.r

Circulation thit week 2.875
Waller, "bo 1* «l

for a a.ek or -cn days' vU.t,

-me a; .AMetu



lire- <-o..

The Tailor Mad.' Suit has reach.'vl a heit;hi of i.oi’iil.inty i: has not attained
for some time, and it s not to be wonJerc.l at wh. n the beauty of ih.- suit*
t< taken into consideration. f.»r they were never as h.tudsomc a« they are
this season. Each motlel has some iiaiticiilar attraction of its own. Some
of the most bcaniifuf desiims are in the Eton t^Tects. and these with ihctr
varied irimmini,ra of laces, bands and braids make them very' charming in­
deed. Then there an- the lon^ coat effects in the liktht mixtures that arc
very swell.

tce,-i -

In buying a suit here the selection is so large that you tan get just the
model liesl adapted to you and one that ^uits yt>u best. Not only that, but
you get suits from th.- b- st niamifaaurers in the country suits that are n<«
only dtstgm-d right, but are made right.

.lay Sirs. IVhlTmsn
riiy from a visit, a r-:r
ar.i Nr>. IVhliinun wl’l tv!-irn t •
:'ar;»r suriii-.” It-reiher,


Uesides we are back of f-very suit we sell, which means y.Mir moneyb.Kk if it is not saiisfac ory. Can you ask for more'

ri|.|.l. VI

S]k-<-ul!itH>u Di;iy ruin }


Priced from $10 to $50

|B.-etusel!u-I.Ueim-ss<-l ih-

Mike Utney. wbo ri-slsn-l from
will Wlra-I. the fifty -hii.l aitciv.-rsar,- ;
^lee forte May N>. bas been
acllre duty for tb.- past ibn-e year*, .1 their wedding.

Trannt Cilr StstiBank

but owing to a desire to chanse. < spcctt lo leare for a souiberi! trip

Mrv. Mark EnnU !-.'i ihi” morn! Kalkarlm. when- >be wii: v(«lt le :
piajred Bi Qroec charch aonday.
abontJunel. With Mr. Utney a party imchi r. Mrs. John Ax r>.
eight arc ptannlns the soothern
neerce proeeedlnss were
l>ii.<lriess irfti to 1^
trip, among litem tu-lns P> ler Hlakesly
uli-'.i' I.
meocwl In Cirrolt court Friday by nnd wife, son and his wife and asugb,11 r.-lain a -hurl tint. ..
Mrs. Anna M. Leonard rs, Walter
nnd biisbnnd. A rcsideni of ,
Lbonard. the eharres bj-lni; dee<
also contemplaling the trip
D. If a fsTorable locaiiOD la found
Mr. and Mrs. Utney will leave TravTO WOOL OWNERS.
7iiy In Ihe fall for a permaneii•nic hooker Kellie Johnson from St
resldt-nre In Virginia.
Ih-ff-x* -.i-tut-Illd ‘-I X,tv.l
Jawea. Dcorera. arrired In port Friday
eeenlaK with a full deck load of shln’the liiill.—t pr.-i"t ai:> l-"-ul -I
A. A. AlllngliWi. who has l->-n
Btn and lath for tbe Hannah ft
rated at SoTon In the Cnngn-cailonal
MereancUr Co. 400.00D shlnxlee and
pastnsto for souh- time, was idsc.-d
S.OOO lalh bHns dellrered at tbe eommdec ordinciien •■umlnailon ;
pny-s dorti Bainrday noniln*.
lav at I:M p. m.. the churches
cooocU ol ordliiB■
K K. Glha Wi for New York Th
being Tratersc City. NonhiK'rt
day to confer with enplinlUts in reSUIIOBS Bay. Honor. D.-Mtmlt. I
^ to Soanclns the Tmeeno
and Thompsonvllle. from v
aM Old Hlation elecirfc railway. New
^aees a pastor and one delesaie
York flnshcten bare had the report
resent the ehrreh. Aside from i
of CoasvUiBB EBiinrer Carpenter un­
Ihe Rev. J. F- Crane et Traverse CH*
der rooBldmira tor two or three
and the Her. W. A. Minty and the He.
and Hr. Olbbe was asked
W. H. Wam-ii. cs-Hiati- neciviiio wercast on the tint train. Tbe indlaltendtace. The closing ceremo­
cBUons are thmi the pro^t is nt
nies look pitcc In the evening
t)u<intr””—M’llinx ••hoi-s Not only because that's
a liiilt: nvTC
b'-lieve we can h‘'A-‘
but bccai
value foi
From Monday's Record
-t Hoe Tl
a Boeai In the city
Un. Samad Garland nnd nii
Bay aiy.
day while on her

Your money can not buy beiU-r suits than wc sdl at the ibices at which
they an: sold.



liTiaverse Ciiy
Stale Bank

Good $boc$ .

Good to Keep”
Olt Olant to StII Vou a Pair

trtere she has been called In
ta a meaance ataUim that ber mother.
Mrs. Mary Ctilhbert, need *: years,
hftd pHeedavay.Wedeeaday moraine.
dWh belikf doe (0 old nee. Fin-sons

Mamie Dunn, returned this
from n Chicago trip via ih.-
Missouri. The Missouri arrived

are lefi. The fum-r
n the family homo

port early In tbe morning with a Is
' frt-iyht

stocks. \Vc buy we know arwrc|>mabk. an,I if a pair happen not to oivo satislaction
wc arc more than willmj; to make u ri,jh'.. We .ake
all the chances—you tike tior.e.

which took two hours m onload.
James U Murray ypent Snn.lsy
the city with bis mothcc. Mra. Mae
gam Murray, of Elmwood trenue and

There were ITO rotes cast
pntpoaltloa to bond the city f
OW to pay for the sirrei Inicn

left this morning on Us weekly irii’.
Hr. and Mrs. L. W. Canfield, who at­
tended the funeral ycsterilsy of hi*
step-father. Cornelius Becker, rciumxl
I?taxpaying cltitens at a sj>er-- to their home thU morning
M election Monday and only Hint”
Mrs. Frank Anhrey of Marhorotigh.
t«VB troted against It. On-account of whose hushanrt bas t
n-VToag ImpreaioB as lo tbe time ot
rtosHig the polls, tevoral elllsens wbo
fgVori<d/thc measnre lost their votes

Just a Fsoi Ssscial Pricts


[viir of M-ti's I’.iti-nl f'-l! f'lii'i s


ti.e la-w



’'lis is

For Mvt.'s Ax-nniiiv Kii!
f. r .In-ss



s*'!*'’- Mu' !-' r

stjl-nil-! ;-w uiiliUiry iuvU.

S2..V' n. ’.'t

l.-jy this sh.,- at nuuty st-.n-s-

Wc will give a


Con-t Disooun't
On All Our Great Stock of
Muslin Underwear.

Skirts Sell from 75c to $4
Gowns sell from 50c tp $4.50
Corset Covers sell from I Oc to $ 1
Drawers sell from 25c to $ 1

AO F,.rW.„n.-.r.Iu.Iot U..U,.r SI-.

that evi-ning.

Uiade Ulncher Stjlei’T I.U.V.

I« the H. ft N. E. E. M. Sibley of ibH
cRy who has -hern in charge nf the
MeU baggage department leaving
brama Lake, while the baggageman
there. Mr. Britain, goes n. Nessen


it iit

llinu iit>rl
iii>rl stores.


Beginning Wednesday
for the balance of the week

lust or n

•r.-ti'V-rIi!uclu-r fiylf xr l.irv,

elate. tniiH’y
yvtu wniit
u'piit a
:t ii-ai
ii-ni ilp-to

Muslin Underwear Sale.

We Trust

Cliy and W. J. PeLong of the Nessen
City department retiring from '
cemimny. Hr. SIMM's posl’bm I-

on xur $1.'.'-” slus-J



with the lu-uvst

We ar.-n.aUn.. n n-j-euti...

For WuiiPirs Mays «r llxf’tpls thiit an-us-l

SJJO :::rv;:ri-St
W"*" ^

I I rom the alrc-ady remarkably low ; rices we will

an addhionai Ten I’er Cc-m.

Wec.ll th- u. nvtiltr S±-'0 vdhtws.
Ihi- styles are ?o diversified and the trimmings ar«- vi dainty
Oil'- of the -f-atest stocks you will see for many a day.

c-rtuuily fhevx-untiou.

\\ onicit's

This is a Sale that No One
Should Miss.


tea brat filled with tbc appolnlnu-ni
Beniamin Schaub. foriBorty helpei
tbc depSTtment at Pnivemoni.
Owing to tbe expasMoB of the Iwillet
of the Aacrlran Butter Dish fartory :
the hrlct foundsilon and covering has
encked mad shifted, caaslai: a temp>
rary illraLlllty to the factory for three
When ilio boiler was placed,


This is c.n-.y a lc«-ol-.Inn.

ll .v.vui.l




ncws5>arer to tell you of all our barijains.

tbf brick roandation and cotering was
out artjusird to ronform lo tbe heat
.ewpanston and tbe eallrc vest portion
Mb Iw-onii- a dsager. The iliek. feed

S£ii&t Tjf.Gaaa sgoes ^




ORANO nuvMte
A. U Oleawn ot OopenWi pel op
ao new wlndslUa here Mat week.
Be for W. Cook and ooe for U Strlck-

Grand Traverse Region.

hcrals. thuraoav. may

a<. m».
n edmand at Traverse Cliy

The frtili trees are srwtly dasiain-d
ly the recent vtaU of Jack Frost mad
b« tricid wieda.
The aehool ehlMren of dlatrieiSe

narU- b«re and boMlns ■ ecHci ol
Every w««k eerrcspotMence it f- ■on liner D'-ll BOOtfa.
Mr». A. 6. Pray virited relailves a!
eeivM too Itte to um. All eorretpondof «ieh week.

“ Sit

Irt tn, they mty be bctured

wTlIlrm li'onlr of Travonit- City
lran>arte<i liu<ia<-*a here Monday.
Mix. R. O. Brows lx cBunalsIna ber
nkxr. Hixx Smfl-ld. of TraTcrtr Clly.
The- cxrurxion train killi'l a lioc
for John K<'D<H.-dy Sunday mumlnc.
May 21.

Gw. Or*)-. Sr.,
tK-ro tlvulns rrlBiUrT-.
Iredo Uavillria- tni) .itiKliW sptli’
Some Ilf ibi- fartner* arr- R-liini
a l. Vtleyt ai
It»' •'■••k.
The. American Kfliil'y s<'cU<r ban till Ir cr-iumt ready 1n |>1aul com 1h<
fifi.1 rf fIio
fiwneiwi tn.-iBl«rs b<re.
Mrs f. rollon hiln«l her iiicHh*
Slrinrl Wr». Bd
of N. «r Wnforrt Jl-llr'l at ih<- Kne-I Satur*’*Mh«*Tbomx has l»<-iily-flve jiuiills
tiolkd ihi- utm, iliai
ludns lb"
■ iid.tnce a' MiKXil xlnw itubate cone lo ('a:iu-la on u vli-K.

Itorti.l4) »
He» U a ».
and daueho r Mao-I
Mrc. Will I
»cni 10 Aldr-n lax Wfdneeday “ ‘ -”
Mr. ai
Ia*l wot
. Mr*. Annin IVijnKin ami Mrx. Cliav,
BowalJnre on ihr airk lUt.
Hr*. John O-ika w.-n. In Trav.-r*-

.................. ihliiBlnn •
ay ••venloc.
nirprlred la; i Thilnula;
ahO'il iwrnly nine of bis tiiendK
lx blithday.
to fT-niiid lilia of Ills
• imii In vlslilni
II anil rake. All

«•„, ............ P,...
Ray wnr callr.-e 8< Jnha l.<'iier's SunCMU Carslon waa rwll
Ritnrday by ibe doelli
»Uy fl.

n. C. OardiitT. who baa Ixs-n w.rkloe at the won bnsinosa at Boldine,
rcfiiniod bomo a tew days aco.
WllUatn Davlaon and Will Copeland
dtovo to Traremo CUy today.
Jamo* Watson is lotdlni; iinialOPs at
Ur. Davlaon of ETk Rap
caller bere two daya last «
‘n»oa. Preston of Wl
le lor P
treated a very alck
aon with eraiirvioR
Jobn Fairbanks
drove lo Travenie cay Baturday. re^BlBR.
tarnlnR Sunday evei
Rev. pananarKcr and Presldtni; El­
der arable Intend erccllns their uber-


,r-ki57afon. B<

n larltes to moara hi. bi»
|tte sympathy of the e-unmonlty
omas i
limn, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abhr. i b,u,
me and kept me
The ilacee at Mr. and Mrs.
Sure core tor
eppler's Satunlav eventes
well May 1»lb. a BOW
iw.dl for eleven years.
lai’endvd and al
111 tei
havil^ a r«l- .. FiBBk Bates U-fr lor AlWrta. Can Wlk«»»e»».
--------ada. last Saturday to tal.e up a fa.nm | all aioaarh
brotbers. Charles and stead at that plaee.
"’"’7n“^"b«r..ndM,., ElJohBx* DruaCo. a.F. H. M
William Bates ba« hi» l ijr ham o
Ba*Ue Itro* Co. s Dni* I
turned to the botne of her lather. John |.„o a farm at Oo- TayW.; . .r.:...,
”"MlM*'MBrear«d'HilUm rio'ed her D«m. yestenlar.
irbarl., 1. worUnc for Edwin ir.Boeood yi-ar of acbo-d here May Jl.
Miss Flof.-ne.- AxIHI visited wUh and G«-nrc- X ehatlox
a t. iMli.c
James Edaard McCall, the Uind
wlib the b<»i wishes of all and an r.-ative. in fhls.rn Saturday and SuD-:.Uv, Th-t mteod to make F.a--i Bay
.ameii dealrc ihai she ttdufn aDixIn r .-.av,

e.dor.-d slo<l. tii H AlbloB ecdle*e. wWB
r» Case
-tl. Silllmap l;s .iTBUWfral prise f.w
I). M. Ilrislit .pent a wvek wiili,
Urv..-ll ft: > .d la-i T:;i;t,d;
iaafii.r> In Travers- C.ty aul:^^,, ^
^,rf,n Dsf' er>.-ni«, Mr. Il-i-h.. lias IK«-d-n ihi*
aa< v.. II ntot.-U.,
Usiiisl her sort, F. J, BHchl. at Cedar | ami Friday
f.ii ov.-r i.-ETy-fite year.II • '
IT- l-all ear
A Hountam of COM.

t Saiurday nl«hl
A bard
D froli
l.kJSM.m.- that
kllli-d ihe
........ ...............
Oix-mid and
m.l damaa-4




,1K«|I fi.ny out to So
Sunday. Weare.i:
rcer Sunday school.


hiehantS-. 111. Uim Imfi. V lli-

t Thomar l.ifton ha. l.-l in.
. id Ib.- this.- dhanirrjfk.. «



. Martha


Domiih- >4 Ea

vlall.-.i- »



e r.v-v.l'j

IJme iJtke. H-r Undii
Mr Heath, of Traverse
few da.-;; with her last
roa-k wl
Mis. MamU- Pheqi' .-.vlU-.
Mr, Gill
at the Gleaners Iis!^ mi-Hins to Urine Halverson >d Gix.d llarlmr




:s eoniB a uush.1 I
.| BIU.O. fiirm lest fall', irrl.-os


■a‘‘ Frank Aiklnron banled o

Hr. Jii.Uh Ivon Maune;;, ruM.t -.1
;T-n.ple Israe!. |h.s.k!yn. N. Y.. 1.*^
^Jolm°N. Courfa.le Is 4..s.Vnc a ear 11.H.M sel.H-Usl th- suee-ssor >4 llaUU.
r.lth«w .1 East Hwd f.-r H-ory
iGolthell .4 Tentfle EammilX th.'
nty unt-st S'notromie ..f the r.-f..rn..-d


new ft hat and ih- tuie he S'*
oral sizes too small.
'‘"■‘.Jew. or Xew York eiiy. Ral.hi Ma- I
A mm"b<.r from hen- will alieni
G<sit«e llarve' iiurchastsl i lovely,
.................... senlees at Manle City
.1 ve- .to y.-ar. .dll.
ew earriace t
... • IksviraiiiMi
day. May S‘>.
;d Fr.ttik Vi.hrK-Uil dr
•k| Ch;
Hi on hls
Deafnosa Cannot be Cured
Oneida Uf-t Stindav. and
...Id I OTIT
war 1 by Ihe happv xmlles <
drawn >ip <
Buf- when they ivlitrneil. I—
hurneil several yea
few days. Bts.d time,
fered a Ruoil il
G.-o. GillK'Tt Of \
Jl hix
' lx hand Is
l> ilolns nleely.
I Mrs. PTai
The Help band had a very pU-a
>nd made i
.tny Iixr Randav
mwtlng with Mrs. Davis last T
dis In The
day. lee ety-qm was ser^I.
Gran.ima Taylor and Grandma P< ari .j.w;l
Pheatt drove to Majd- Cliy last
Mr. and Mrs.
ilrx. G. Haren Joined
Granite last Tuesda.
Tues.lay nicl
in the Kalina
Glen Humiwx Is

srauary next Wesines.lav eveiiinc.
rliiiis iroiihle wlih hls Mr Biicl Mrs Deeki-r eilterlalni-il f f... 1. am. laii Sai'ir.Uy.
l.hs is woifting ill We»Kulh GlUhs
The many relative, of Cran,!m
Mr. and Mrs, Atklns-.ii nnd Mr.
f..iv1 for Mrs J. Kennedy.
Fort.n. n.-« a r~t.lenl <4
Mra. Sersi.n It HI Sunday .ilierniui
The qiiarierlT meetlns wrvlei-s i
in Kraitx. t. xik Btifixr at th.- At- City. ..en- not!!.-', h) flmn
Grant church last ITiday eveulng wei
was lylii;; di'B. '
kiDsoiiK last Thursday.
well attend.^] and very pnsl.


ill pre'. ol lo ihi- S-w Volk V
at an earl, dale. The. an
:. .-xhlt.lte I III l,..u.lon.

; f<-r.iie w-<-!l.


nr. Piiuly and E. ronnine
■luch hen- .visienlay

8hP wai= arcemipankrl liy h-r dausn-

Mrs. Hiram HalieCa fail
Bridse of Inlevloebea. died . _^'robbedofall
boBM- SuBday Bii>rntBa at 4 oeUwk

• bi-td Tn.-»da>
broke down at —

WdBA^bo M well Uhvd by


anti lire m.ikc it unsafe to kcf|» money about
theiiousc. l)c|>osiied with us it Is-absolutely
safe and can be drawn any day.





$195.75 Worth of Goods for $135.00
Four Rooms Furnished So Thoroughly that there is Nothing Left for
You to Do But Have Your Trunk Put in.
Not a single cheap article in the entire outfit. The furnishings for each room were selected with an idea of
taste, harmony and style. If you wish to furnish your home throughout you now have an opportunity to do so and
**s&ve yourselves considerable money at the same time. If you are not familiar with furniture values bring some
friend with you who does know furniture. This outfit will bear the most expert inspection. Only Cbrcc Ol fb*S* fo

be sold at tbi$ urice. Vou can pay lor it at (be rate of $S ner monlb-

Sitting Room
l Steel-'Constructed Couch, massive hard­
wood frame, finished in rich dark ijoldcn
OBk, upholstered in best grade vplour........

Dining Koom

l dotiblt- w.-i1le<! Su-'el Range, asbestos packetl. a thoroughly guaranteed high grade
6 golden oak Uining Chairs, maich table



1 9*12 Tapestry Brussels Rug. several pati terns........ .................................. ...................

1 large Smyrna I'loor Rug..................................

1 pair extra heavy Lace Curtains, either
white or ecru ...................................................

1 full SCI of Roger Bros.’ triple plate silver
ware, the best...................................................

Your‘choice of a golileii oak Kitchen Cup­
board or an elegant Kitchen Cabinet........
22 pieces of Kitchen ami Laundry Utensils,
consisting of tub. boiler, washbiyard, tea­
kettle. teajHyi, coffee pot. .ish pan. water
(lail. itipper, ftying pan, tnoji, broom, diistdrijiping |,pan. two cake tins, two pic
pan, dripping
ifier, cookie
Hits, chopping knife, dour sift
cutter and cakir

/ .

1 24x24 inch top, quarter-sawed, golden oak
IVlor Stand........................................ ..........
1 large, 'quarter-sawed oak Arm Kockcr,
band.polish^j............................. v*..............
1 large, solid oak. Cobbler Scat Arm Rocker.
1 golden oak finished, veneer scat Sewing
Rocker................................................... .........



1 cotton reversible Mattress, 4wo parts...........
1 best all steel top spring................................
Carpet to cover floor........................................
1 set of handsomely decorated Toilet Ware.

It Pays to Trade at




Regular Price,
Our Price, =
lUbat you save



• 135.00

Headquarters for HighGrade Furniture

Mcc ft


with the rosnlt that
A hMTy (KHt 8o4«T aMnH
IBM irill be pUred >B
MOM itarngt to Iran on lov i
r WcCordr ■ worldnc tor i
called to Frank1 Decker was cal
M. SbIUi.
aerloof lllaeaa
t week by the a
r bla aMber.
' day vUb Hn. jobs nuopeer.
Ber. Upham preached here test
Mr. HaoM bas aored (roa W. R
Nest 8anday ibe serHcee
yife'i au E. V. Hitr* boiae.
aruida* Ujob Ii very rtek. We hope Bill be In tbe anemoon.
O. A. BHcbam and F. Moore arc
for ber apeedy recorery.
[anlitee Hilioa today.
Hay n.
May «.

Richards' mMImr. Mrs
ards returned I
Spangle bas a
0 bis barber shop.
May :i.


t saw mill bas Onlshed tl
rut and will be shut rio
after hark peHioSThe Sbinxie mill Bolsbed all
tom work Salorday.. and
through with the entire c

e-juv.-miun a' C-.-dar Bun oj
Aug. nth
a pirni.'.
Cle.iing !-cas. " IW With Yoa.
Rate ri Barney, ITea,
Dteeiissinii by Mr. Sblsier. Mr. Fan­
S.c. .
ning. Ur. Em<->. J. n. Barney and Ur.. ;
Paper. "The Worker.- by Mra. 1. D ,
Tba Cranse at Nval
..obb>. wa» an exci-Ileal one. DUIfce hl’l ut J o'clock I.. ehMTVe Mecnaaed by Mtes Marha Barney.
Imcriai day
Wit have
No. 2r-r. wa« suns and the rt
"cs.rcw-" !•> the cbi.dt.-n out oarri:
on adjourned tor I basket I
The Rev. R. N. llol.

Mrm. Dr.^eme fi vlatilDE Id BaBora, to Mr. and Mra. R. HcQoeer.
*^Hra. Bucene Ffiber or Cles Arbor Mar 12. a
........ "vw’wie did buaincai In
ie town one diy tea *erit.
Tnveree Qty this week.
a O. BelBneer <i tbe o.aer o
HIn Beale Farram of bd-"—
rilHl* ber slater, Mlu I
Oeo. Clraeot «Bd rtally TlMtot
rant, who la leaeblns aebool here.
LetoBd yeolerday.
Mlaa Wlla.10 of Uke Ann la rUI
Hrt. A. A. AlllsslOB «aa a Ti
In* her aimer. Mra. Fiankfaiher.
me City vlalior Salorday.
flume 1»
A. 8. Frlir baa put a De» roof

1 Mri. Wayne UanI
Singing. lt«. “Trust an-l Obev."
Born, lo Mr. and Mr*. Burr James,
Hr Karritfae roogregatloD.
on Monday afternoon, a tlaiigbii
Mrs. U-orard Hslllday. Mrs. .
U*an Crate iKltiiabseni. M
Jamlnon. Mrs. Wayne Msnlgold sn-I
hd in oraser suJ-prai»e r
Rev Jfdtn J. Iteri,in ..
^rs. plau Barnnm stiended the Udv
PrKvt, ha. ura-.- n .-.n .....
Maeeabee meeilnc aud sugiper
-•nje imro.l.-r.-- whi.-!i
Kincvley Saiurday
irday afierntion.
Flla and Tors liraekenliui
'*enl..f eb.-.-V.h. lr sister. Mrs- Chas. Walsh,
-cliatV.n’ by K'liel tbv.wa. -P:e-1 many .■
ov< r S nday.
ran. ~After the re«iiUr boaln*-a»
I’ll'.le aeelln* rrfreabaenta were .x-nifl. h) ;
^ri-ry pleanni ilmc war .n>o>.,-d by
w.iril.y fit a lante;
Boy Hannaford of CiUr and Mla« rvo-lpir
Lann Van Dueat.n of f^harUruU were
unllfd In marriaae at Traverse City on I'erey Thompson _ . fitjx-r Nb-n<ls
re MtiOdav. Hl» |i»ronis, who
May l.'db. Mr. Hannafiird Is well and
>rly rt-lded here, hav.- mo?e.l
—..... '
irorably known In this iocalliy. He
■r:.Hn::. Tfc.,-K
I one nf our mom promUIn* youni:
Then- was n danc
*ha.-. S|ia->lten.
Thotr many friends unite In
iriy at Will
liblnE the youn* cuunlc a Ion* and dinc't Iasi night and a larii
Chise * W.-.liies.lBv ev.-nlng.
MuTP ^ind ealehe* of trout an*The Wean's Home Mlaalonary so­
pnfti-d her^-now than Ibe first w<-el
ciety irf
sr.e anil -i
n new urpan fur tbe churcii Mre,
Mra. August Gran was nt Kingsleytern Salorday. It Is a Ebe inslninieni,
imday suit Monday.
and a credit to the ones who selfciel
Mrs. Wsvne Mnnlcol-l vi«l'-l
"'Mra A. Hall bas relumed from an parents at Summit City over Sunday.
Ker. Bn-ed. I). II.. and wife.of Chi
extended visit In llollairo
Inc HI the hallklay
On the afternoon and peenln* of rasa w<-re alopulo
pan of the a

house the latter p
May 2Srd Ihi ro win ^ held
eploy the Irutii flshfne. C.ohl
windy, weather
....... .............rborii-ned
iborii-ned thejr H*i'.
services In
a gu»d eaieti Fri
who has k


Words from Cured Pailcnts
' a king time past I bate suSerea
•irrlblf headache* and nerv«<o>.


Siifc- m-varinc gteisl-* fi.-.l
faul-.-u t.-ih t-.Kildf . have .-tljr—I. I
«f 1

If OlbuT, a by Dbt yt-n?
Exnmination Free.
Dr. B. L. Paolson, Ass't.
D,r. P. A. Wolfe. Prop. ^
Trivene Qiy
Cll. Pbooc ^3S4
4lJdI4 WiieWfD Bib.


Ua boaao.


**1?e'MeaortaI aeraoo win be held
at the CoDcmcaUoaal ctaarrb Sunday.

**Mrrciara Ludka Hilled at R. Flab•r'a yeMerday.
A, A. Allln*ton Halted at Ibe
of Mr. Md Ma- II. P. Plaher of

Tbe lAdtra' Vnkin AM anelety of
Bemlon «a*e an lee cream-social and
Itsccol mpper Tbnraday erenin*. the
ITtb, In Mr. Brown's bouse which wns
tersely aUeadod and proved a mipteas.
both sodally and flnanctelly. Tbe pro.
ends were ttlAS.
BIX Indlea of tbe Imerkicben Aid lOVlety aOeaded our aoctel Tburailay
evenlns- They are as follows:
FUber. pieaMent. Mrs. Elite
Batea. Mra. Skllter. Mra Danncit. Mra.
OoDOTCr. Several from Inland a
bare. Wo are sted
to nee
Bfdshbora Would like to say Ibtt
flret pamor. will preach I!
yoans people as weU as the older c
reapoaM bos' Boneratnly to the call
May 21.
for aM In tbe pood ennse we have luidertaktei here, and we hope to soon
be nble to see our choreh siaHed.
_ Mrs. 8. E. Illarkwr
son LelsD
ind were Traverse Oily
Adam Dellli >r andh
Walter Kellon and family of pnr-


dldiHlle visited bis Bother today.
Mlaa Roby Bnxdu Is no better i'
File Otreaiencd to born our scboolboose text Friday. Botee Hnmpa bad
bora net on Bra and the atroac wind
we had Friday drove It ibrontb
wooda'toward the aeboolbottar. 1
took the books all oat na they Uxs .
It woold born, bnl the wind died down
about nnaet and tbe Stw went out.
Mis Rooe Kelloa was quite alck
Thnraday nl^t and Friday.
WlUtem Salfler la movlnp on the
Beessn pteee near Mr. Wells' tann.
Tbare was a bard troat test alsht
and R did a pst deal of daau«e lo
tbe trait crop and froie clover In
There whi l
week In recud lo BenMobnsoo beinc
alek. It waa^r. Arson's baby that
was Mck, not Mr. o|bBon.


Win OrlBIlh was WTraverae City
caller FHiUr.
Quite a Bipbefkif ynuax folks from
boro i
Lake .
Hvvey of toth Ri
l^r, Mra B. Crala.


RltU Mwrt'^s very III.
Tim pslfrdt F. Goln-a pteee Satnrdar Bl^^^^well attended. All re-


.ey'm.-i Ib r.'Tl..tea|de-.

Tbe Hisses Coral and Georgia
us spent Rxiurttey and Sunditv lu
Traverse City, returning on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Pickard were at
Northport Friday.
L. 8. WoodliriUgc of Indlnnapolla
was la town Wednesday lo see bis
iitage that Is being built
Chas. T. Crawn of Mt. Pleasant
Ibe gnesl of 8. E. Blackwood and
llyjaat wert.



WTT■ib. -


Dinner Sets

Ti;e ch.niu<-aLI.- weutli. r ... -print: i
-r*-. lev- remaining nl lu o'elnrk ll
day In some plarv-s a* tliiok i
Slas*. ■■ nil prospects be
Uiie lust now.
Mr and Ur
niim's Sunday afienxmn.
Isabel GlhliH
IS sprained
spralnerl her ankle

■ -*»// i

Ou.- rcar.c'mtcaf.--d .ornev ‘.vv
ir-3 1. .'.es r-v ttio--c gecd.- «v-1i
"'vnUke the oriiiuary ..................


-nte.-xst e.ery buyer.

Wc nr:

ofitiins » «-e 77-P'cce dccoihUd d-noer
gold traced, .ri

n lliv Inmlicr plk-.s.

only M.IS.
Mrs. El. Honghlon was down
Traverse City Tm-»da.v of last «- ....
A cousin of Mrs. Ruanell StBllb is
here assisting In the work at i
Eddie Flsrher hit* lease.
Brown's bartM>c shop and will eundiirt


a . beautiful



t UK Itb-MJivj


It will do you eood to sec than. They m sploidid cxanpla ol
If there te a tinrle cai.-irrba! c-rm
•!i ner set.

If you cannot call

l.ewls Avery has Just Bnltl
D-*blngIing of w. B. Scholl
plei-'ly --raillcaiiui: ib<- irvmbb-. TIj.
enee <m N. Main street.
Roy Care came boiui- from Rig RapIs last Wedm-sdiv evening.
that they olTrr to pay for'It them
MItaei I,ena MIBer and Ruth J
selves If It .Un-s not iK-nelU even the
an and Eddie Fischer drove to T

Otis Hawkins of Lee's Bay called
here Sunday.
Hits Lydia Warner, who t
'Mrw'Anna Fenton was shopping in f'l.i.sisiiiiu .11 an
tending school here, returned
Traverse CItv Thursday.
dmiii-i-r. and boiih
home at Duck Lmke Friday.
tude Scott of Traverse City exira bottles of 1
F. P. Roaman was a Trever
her many friends here Th
lalncl for Tdi cents.
caller Thurwday.
day la«.
a L. Dayton of
Hr. and Mra Henry Vosa loft
It Bertha
ried to Milt
Berttu Cornelius erf Oi
Hirbigan, where the
a cooking J.
Indge OarihteVnd daugUer C
le of Notihpoit i
cved hi- grsHls yestervlay.
Fred Wilcox was home from Flf<’
Mr. and Mra. Roy Pease and i
dren went lo Traverse aiy lo <
Mr. flrlgg* nf Grant is visiting ai
>e home of W W. Hall.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Donner.
Mr*. Geo. .Abbott, who bas te-en sr
ere visiting relatives and friend
rtoqsly III. Is better nt |)r"-aeni.
jU place, returned to their hornWill Ganm-tt was over from Intei
Bnrdlckvllie Monday morning.
loehen on business Itsl wt-t-k.
Dr. Archie McPball of Ttavi-rae
1_ W. Smith
In town a few .la>ity Is In town for a few days.
last wwk In the Inieivst of the Hei

Modem Harvesting Machines,
and *re wnea-jalcd in exteutine the work lof which ihcT a« mait.-------


128 Front Street

No One Looks After the Boys as We Do

» Igittie Brackenbur
. .
:ing at the Ijimbkln home,
Wilbur Campbell and daughUT
as. Welsh was in town froc
nore spent Saturday In Traverre Ciiy.
Mra-t^Kohaand «» Cart drove
- gn. spent Sunday at his Mavfleld l.tst Satunlay.
to Trdvoioe CHy owe day teat we •
Mtes T ilsy Mills, for several y<-ar
The^lO will oommence forabc
a resident of this "laee. was united i<i
b. B. Wilbur of Charlevoix
ssAa la a few days
Mr. Ellis of South Il«ar.i
•Ollier was tbe sneet of Mtes Sunday lo luwo.
Mra H. L. Gagnon, who has been
- r Hwsaa Sunday.
IS In Grand l.i-.lg>- on
Wra. Wright
- L Mewcaa and children left Tnv1. B. Flood Krfi Monday for De- business the fl
■By thuraday moraine for w«
C. Bryaiii has muvr-<l hi, f.miil'
Ssnada. where Ibry expect
the house where A. IVriuiiiiu.n l
MISS Etlythe Dame reinraed
>d. Mr. Bryan will wnrk ai Hi-this week after spending a few
r. nod Mra Oeo. Dnvis and Chas.
son trade with Chtls. Hi:i-niii.
In Traverse City the guest of Mr. an-l
T and -wife were Babins Sti
tr*. W n. Lxmhkte ta having h. r
Mrs. William Darrow. Site
ISC n'-shincted.
c by her neMtes-'. I
^hs. Norrta V Frankfort Is 1
Ira. Carl and ihc Misses Bal.Uin . mood Darrow.
saesi of bis mother of ifaii place.
Weiforil nre vl.-lilng ih-t.-ni.-'i’
Mra Floren.. ................ _ . .
Frank Newman went to Traverse
ter arc guests of Mr. and Mra CLsirge daughter, Mr*. Frank Hopkins, i.-iav
City Sonday. Mra Newman
The KlngsJ.-v la»- bnll team, li.-:
Voire and family.
tee. si-nl for tb.-lr Mill* veM.-r.M.
The Gpsronh league will give a re
*’'Mh5^Lnnra Ooln la rterttlng at Wya- eeption to Its member* and friends at
he lioys are very enlbiisissiic ami ai
pulling In gon.1 lliiir pracflrlnp. Tie ;ihe M. E. parsonare on Tuesilay evD. Newman drove lo Maple Clly
have a maul l-alt.-ry Hils w-omui ati-i
Filday. returain* Salnrday. His par­
ck|M'cl to b>. winners In ronny gaDbJonlor r. R. will meet In i
ents and brother pCssed throuph hero
the coming summer.
I dining nvnm at 3:2d o'rlurk
Monday earoolc for Skmx Cllv. Iowa,
______ y
where they will spend the summer.
Should We Hein Home Hisslons?lal they iifesem a lu-li. ' ader. Lenore Campbell. A number
>. S. C. E
Gi-o. Parker hss had the pump aii-i
will be Id atiendanre li
ke part In
ur. smem oi tirano lunine. p»y
the meeting a
dressed in a coat of Fte.-1 pnlteh. TbIpful prograt
clan and enrseoe. has located here.
Is v.-ry i.leaslng.
Fiaak Moore of Haire Is in town
' ' iHtailon
KIngri.-v Chcr-.e farl-.rv 1- rste iatends ib start his ptenln* milt. attend,
celling iteUy* of milk an
■Uve and bcadlns mill and
Rev. Hurll«
. is ill at thi Is wrttiDC.
fhori tlnu- .-vjierl
■» rvu-eiv
Beulah Dame,
who bad the qil
faetory with n complete retail
till amorni.
yard IB eonneeUon Mr. Moon
- the past few days, to
rv Swift, princiiial of ihc KIucto be a veer pleasant and eentel man
ley schools, linv Im-n iUKinim.-nial H>
eont alescent.
and w« nee (ted to w '
Mr, and Mra. R N IHekard of Le iH-auilIvlnc ihe school n»m* wlib pl<
et, anil when he tvrelv«-s '
**W«? will bastartrd at once on the land wen- the guest* of Rev. Hiirlhut
isigpmeui i»ill have plac--.l
Bldtle-SlUo* lution and Mr.
snd wife one day thl* week- '
Memorial servke* will lie held In
rih of iiicinr. s In o>ir schou
tat «U1
on -**>e STOund to o
tw tbe tatereats of the factor?
Ibe M E. ehureb on Sunday morning. .._Ui clO"Cs bis work hen- ih.‘ lisi
this nMimh, from where be pis-: to M'
seed Is at the drnot.
Hay 2Ttb.
Plcasani to continue hu siu.lles. ManThe HeBrtde renidenee. wai
Mrs. J. Vannailer I* visiting
appreclau- the work Mr. Swift ho
ive* near Traverse City.
BMced today. This Is to he one of
The school* here and%i gn-".'..
The Hisses Jennie and Margarel
tn nnrt his wife Irom Ih.- **Malior'a^ Mra McBride of Gran,! Anderson left Friday fur their homes
We all wish them succ-** iu
Hapids are rUKIa* at Tbos. Mc­ Id Traverse CItv. after spending a
in inwn the guests of Ml*-" their new home.
has pnrehased a driviur
Henry Horton hs ----------The work of decorailng the Inti
Btecham boys and It pnttJns In a new
Mi** Maud Baldwin pBS«ed ihn.uEb
SMI market. He baa a Ine new rehere imliv enroute for Grand Rapi.te
titferaior. with a t
May :i_________
BMl el^t we^
ere ples»anily surprised by twenty,mJ .ir.

re of their friend* on Wednesds?
Sunda- Sebcol Cnove-tJe-.
Report of the fony-lhlrd ronv-nibu
reolng. A highly enjoyable e>-enlng
e death
and Girfleld Sun-la
Mr. Corey's mother.
bleh ire rream and rake was serv ed. Rehonl aeawlallon. bel.l al Lone Trrv .
Peter Olman of Kingsley bas bouiibt
Charles John of Otnent spent S
Mav IS. riWl.
a booae and lot and exp^s to move
Openr.1 by the pre*ident. Robert
day In town.
here In the near fntuj
Morris Leslie hat pnrehaaod a •
Ooe of the boslesl---------------------Song aerHce. led by Mr* Jobii
U A. Skinner, tbe new harness maker. Uge and three Iota of hi* brother,
KT. 313. 3«3 and No*
Hues*, singing
M. Leslie.
Mew orders are niabing ta
Mra ' Winifred " '
1 and 3.
•very day,
. Ilngb Kennedy
Tbe new bnddlaits under conalrne- taloed her Sul
........ — ________ by the nresldcc .
tioe are betas rushed and onr town U
I Robert Baraev, of Lone Tree, tl."'tST McBride Lam^ 'ixaDiianj's ’ Born, io Mr. and Mrs. L. Baraes. ■ > birthplace of the assorteilon.
I Singiag IRS and SS.
Besponrt- bv llearv Shlrh-r uf C.‘darBin.
ytay* BaeUcy at
Sunday for u viaii vttli
sWtePand Mra Nephew were
tbe Ktiste of Oiandma Harvey Tnet-

an«r Chiltlr. n's Deparinvint is in a room s«:t aside from
onr main sales room, and when: only Hoys’ and Childn-n’s «oods
arc kept . . . \Vh«Ti- iiioilicrs may come with their bo>*s .and
do ihiir tr.Klinj! aw.ay from the liurry and Iviistk: of the main
sales room ... In ihi.-i di'partm>'iu tan be fnimd anythinj;
and ev«Tythin}i that a boy could desire in the \v;iy of dotliin;' . .* .

\A/c i-fy^ve

Single aod dncMe breasted two-piece suits


WorfnlK Suits with Slraighl or Knicherbocher pants


Boys.' Russian Blouse Sulls
Bnster Brown ^uils

Wash Suit!;. Play Suits and Overall Sniis, just Ihe
IhiHg for vacation days.






..Adb. '■

We irviic yi.ii to rome and vi>i: our Boys' iJcpar.mem. whe’h'T you wish to purchas'- now or not.
We bi'lii vc you riili 3;;rei: with us wli<-n we say:

No One Looks After the Boys as We Do


war.* *111 be ^rm UMitbt br a a
Mr. Utmt U iwoiatoaadoJ r^n

#iam far Tm Owh.
nrrajtn tor ifc.'lB.etrle.

rm nutii arcnapartnl tb-^-T
^ OaltoT Bceonpaated

Tfuvcnc HtIULa TW>W>e*Y.

Many Maatt Mele# ■*! t.

aa« a lar*e crowd 1* o»P*^
hlT a
„4 Derelopm«.t eompanr .m writ, bIsbiT
, apeak oa toe aubjeet.
la the CUT aboat Jwe 1 Mi lamadJ
..•IT b«I« -crt oa .be uafl. wa -Mood.-


ta. twt.


«be falthfal par«la. the toUo*las‘.r. k»»er .. a f,Jk«la«
lor »|
roia* tbe cblldrea:
. f pold nine-rack, r-" IB'be eair.^
Mra. M. 1- Bacoa. 8i U>ab. Mo.: ?
ibo nrr. traael R Blarell. Jr. lhl«
jPeBev. rraak

priare r< Walea. fcariap Ibai a
(i.oaa at biro, aklv dri'tr:
Uoadoa. reaialii"!

There b One Soda Cracker
and I Only | One.
You do not know thM Soda
Cracker until you know

Tbonn Btaaloa. atTperiatendeat of^of .be Cowire».llon.l chart* at Green ,
^ rbe «r..-.'Ba. I'
_____ lor CfopacT of VWmlmn
the Traretae OfT M^or
eon- Vaiior, CL; .be Her. Arthar I>. Bl.barrtler*.
OpttoM .re
pnfoaaor *t I'ome. .'-kiileac. Fair-.
.11 prell-l ed at toe borne of Uaalel maklio tor paar. ha* la»l closed aa onler vKb
Jerry SulUt.a ..f Cedar for a laaachK^„,. caL: .he R v. II-T O- »*- . S r « :
Il-om!e»; . Im'nls r..-*
to* 4ar» laai *eekOUT .nw#®"'* •« »•'“«
••• • .ino board'- l 'iel-l- il of St. Kl»v \V.«
Tbe Bbenaaa crewacrr la rUBafas oMeb »m hare fern equal* oa tboifei,. |a,;i,. ander
,4 tor the «rt«.l bwlaaloi of cm
bay. Tbe b.Al Willie a eaUB rrol»er;,„b ,te moll.'

o** a fur-, who'li.-.: a few dtj. aao, froin
(trucUoa «blrh *111 take plM* b«*l
.rrtled br tbe «u»l*W.
BM beta* Uk* up


and *m be a beamy In every respect, i
,, goe-ti \ ■
Ur. Julia
ISrl'Uh eir|.a>y r s' Warhinp-on an.f ,»
The .peciflealloas call for BB laalde I *. II
vr.<'' '
-aaiy «lth
tis... many,: .'..e .bird .Uuahr.-r .*
Balah of cherry while ibe d.-ek*. eoam- muher tv
.t the cooirol «il
Terr I—IWe tb»t « *«' *>* b«s*«“7 ailbcn. «rf tbla place.
c on |b,umwl.-.e.lbel.U Urti.rl. amIng. abeemrake. eie., *1,1 be of pii- 'll' ■ * :*Mch'..k.Hr. and
lo bolU 1*0 deiB* la order lo sappiT
Mr., Mariha Clark li very I"
ijvisador u. 'he rnlttvl R'.nIVtm
itsbetloak The caWa mill be ronplete n t

.•cafyalne veara la
for P0»«. CUlIlM »••■» pr^».al. much *or*e to.n for
im-i to tv.: he ,a. u.-l.'.... pr.v, .■
I with a cmlle) for c-«klnc. a Uvaiory. • '
-.m . LeM* mlih ■
(a be well pU««d
line pa»i. Ur. HnotleT
......maty cf tb.- w.-r-lar)>ia:i- f-r

11^ ^ UI.™ 1. . —»« i« »“« attend her la*t Friday Irom
Sion. I and the cushion* v
, u • .JIT ai ihe Umr of loT death.
pwwtboe. Tbe eo«p««T Mpwt. «'»
pUylkhllc the lonldc Irlntmlng* and bans
Tbe Jonlor baakel ball <»
In t-*:-. he ms apputni.d jdminkiraioi
T,.e huMiaod died af'er tony y.-ar
,111 be In harmony mii'jlbl*. Alit
ttordop .boa. Il.OOO bora* powe
against Nanioo a week trvxa Friday
I rervlce iD the flcld* Of India an
U,e deck trimmings will
nlckle and
at MaaioD. - *
*m be romnlclc wKh^as
Cutler Ml this noon oa a
T sfcnl M>y-slx }.-«i* 1
rsre/*hii.v- ill -■
n In ranvS''. nnrring
anrhoi*. ••tc. •
bu«lne»a trip lo Betiionla.
,..rh sl.i'-h ronilnm-1 afi.
Yaara Brin* Ma"r Changaa.
BoSr. .raveling iale.m|n f<.r
, imrfTr: nils llm.. Mr*. Ill-=-!l ,.f ,.r .,n*
Mr. »
0*lBC to tbe aBeaal eitlt of
A Co.. Grand Rapid*. wa«
an Kar
Beeeato Wairiet e»aa*ellil, the
The Icngih or.T all wii la- thirty
a wrs-k on bl« Ian trip <’t
II cLiirr h
Movi <
Li O. Dr**, of Hod«)a.llle. of toe
f..t mhileGi.' iJ-am mill I-- 'oven fret.
issr.. a. sl ich time rb.Ij-m
„> ,i... .
‘Cbarch of Cbnat. a lar«e faiherina lb" reason.
A isoliohcr-o iUtoeeyIln''or minor
Mr. and Mr*. D. U Bose are toe
UI<m I1 of Ihi* City Is*' *** hi ;enr,.r. ..ih, r>^ i.. ....l,
esMcrectlad !•« *»*» la the loral
,m Is- In-'lslhil vi'icb nU> dve b'-r
proud psrenis ol a Uby boy. bom
I the Ism.t c.minc ..n r
edl«M to patllelpale la the e.
an eye. ir ni *p«>.l.
Iiuik plarr at Fauefa su uLiehuir*. Th.- lesltiir i;
May i:.
lack aerrteei which are alwayi
Mr*. Sullivan oximTi* In ih' d»i»n to
rpbiBi and family of Vaniler
tot. wbeabrer the ..ate evaa*ell« os. aritred U*l Thursday evenlag. Si. J.s-wlih Imt till* *omi
l.nx- nil. irr.
cBfioa toe pelpit.
isenlySullivsn first <T*len*l '
Rev. Upham has accepted Ihe cbsrge;
wblrb sa*
.n-lW yean ago >*r. Drew trrired In
Ij-". O..T fl.Tv
of Ihe Cong
concind.-.l i» har II righi.
e«Bt lot adjolalai the Orange hall Bad
tlfih and eldiih grade* will be ta uf.lerc.1 Ihc hsn.lruime-t b.«ai
Mn. C. C. ClcBJeat U tUUIdt at .
tbe ootto* « pr«~i. « '» hone of !.«•■ paieaia. Mr. aad Mra.

Uneeda Biscuit
To taste Uneeda Biscuit b to
fall in love with them. You
never forget that first taste, and
you renew H every tinne you eat
Uneeda Biscuit —
taalur€ proaf tadant.


= ==“—

lu a.y ui e»b«. i™i *

tiw aU week, toroogh rain aad

- held Ftldsy evening la the M. B.
tbtoe laid the 1
• commoBcenient
diureb. The .
bare ealMlnated lo one of to. lear^' will be neil Tuesday eroalng at the
edldcaala iba city, a>d it was his pHv M. K. church. Ttfe Junior and ronlnr
lie., afala Iasi erentag to «f*t wlto
banquet will be given neit Wedrnaay- «be daring <ha crade 11a
day evenlag at the hotel. The I
tbe Br« iwrlral of toe naelirte. doe- gram I* being carefully planned an.
trine la toU eliy. be drew afler hlav- expected to be very en'ortalnlag.
Braatellst Drew areraget orer a acr■oa a day duHag ibe year aad is eo
BbM oBly at dlstaai laterrala lo gatb-

EBi|die. May si.—TbcoJore.Rlcbvan
*r BRMtod his owa BraaMe for a brief
May- Tb. Rev. W.P.8cbroa.f. panor has been in for «o«e lime but has Imor toe DUrtple. ehareb at Kalkatoa. pmved so as .□ return U. bis work
Mrs. C. F- Walker f Qlea Arbor
oocMilad the pahUV wIlh toe Rev.
Dm, and tbe Ra*. t. P. Ulloa. and was IB town Sunday.
Mr. and Hru. Fred Beanetl. Jr., cvf
tbe peraaon tor tbe evaaing was drawa
fro. toe algnlBeaat weeds of Christ lo Glen Haven vlslled Sunday with Mrs.

turned out by tire local cuuimny.
Eldrirs I* Ibt- name of a hand*
-all which ba* Ju«l l-e.'ii cun.......


lv".‘h I'lN-fath. r when d-nib call.-,! bln,
t G.sTg" log". a'rlM'-.l b>
Hwlgc. Th.- boat us* built all. r ibiBrooks system an.l I* en'ltvly a -s|«r. db*l «mi noae of Ihe fsmlly ^-i. h.'
lime" produet .-vca do'the ruKhloos U-!'ldc 1.'i 'he dausM-r.
and curtsle- which w.-iv made by I
a reernt l>
Mrr. ni'x-.l van L.i-I "• r.-i l-> H'" ...........................
Ilago !>n.l Mr?, itisli-'-.
I tseaty llve f'-el
length siih a b.-am of '.lx I.*-: I!
Inehe*. The iilsuklng I* ............
ryiires* aail Ihe decks. cr.arol.iT sn.i
she.T*'rak<- are of lak. Tli<ming* ore polished .bra**. Tl.v
e lr>r|.edo stem and Uic

Sbenaaa. Hleb., May K.-At »:» maker. wa» In Honor on husloes. Sst-

mlH-rable rlfl.-L.
Itv Motor Iboi romiiany.
C'.v. Pnr.l'-e .If CalPornla r.-di*.-l tv
The Motor Boat company now
Hn. Henry Roblnaon M Frankfort order* for five rowboat* for E. R honor eiiraditlob im.-r, l-s...*! n.v
Bada good tbdr ascape with beP
visited her sister. Mra. Haulc Ca.urler Chandler of Iceland. There are sixteen Govrroor P.qnypaeker of P-ntt'>!
tia IL t: Mlirbell ii-en j-.l o'
Its and ««0 In egab and abool gVIO
long and two loortern feet. The)
St week.
in.llinu r.Al.l.-ntN td Wilk.-'bar.e
wwth of auinps. .There U no dae tlIm handxome In every resm-et and
Fred Dago of Maple Oty I* tenchof
on a mortbl-N. goU
toon^ every altortts beiag put forth tog la tbe Tweddle district, one will In- u**q In livery at Uland.
to diaeover who eoMBtltled the crime.
and one^isll miles souib of town.
About l:M. Veru Oagea waa awakOaato of Miaslonary Mother.
Mias Emma Kolines at Honor vis­
aM by a BUfled report,
ited over Sanday here with her sluer.
pael^ what was toe Matter and Imfrom the .late of aendiag. a lumal t
Mra. Uany Bakeh.
Mdiaiaiy BuoMoocd a number M
Peter Stormer Is suffering
with r.«eelve<! In llil* riiy by the R>-v. L
ni«*ell of the Presliylerian church
lUMhed the office they (ouad that Ibe panlysU of one side ot the face. U
•Ing the death, after a *U moaib*
Ibooghi by his phyMctia that be
LMeves had completed tfcdr work aad
a of hi* mother, who. after
III soon raeorer.
a century ot servlc- In fon-lgn
Tbe poMoffiee 1* eoaaeeud with the
unary field*, gave up her life ati.l
,/ee CHy last Wedneeday for a l*«
eA» of too ttermau.PloneM- aad
passed to Ihi- reward awalilns h. r.
triMce was afieotod .hR«gb a window. dtyu- vUlt wlto her sUler. Mra. Rose
Mrs. Mary Uls.« ll was
TIM robbers Brat vbtited R. A. Robln- Jobbell.
lorn In Verminii April IS. 1>>:T. ami
i£-s hladismllh ahopaodaeePal Doran and Frank SberWsn of
a-a* *9 years and two day* old.
•qtoe tools to aid them. Thetole
Glen Arbor were In town Sunday.
April 3. 1S51, She marrl.-.! the
MMpMely mined, tbe door being
Frank Adamskl of Manistee arrived iNCmuel Blssell. one moilh uter.
^ b^n oB. R. D. Frederk*. editor of laat, Hoaday to toke charge of tbe C.
S. Ihe young eoiip’.e embarked from
Um Plimeer b the poatmaater.
B. Sbermaa drug store.
Boston under the tuspiees of ih'LaK September tbe oKco
• Peter Christianson -aad family of Amerlcan Board of Foreign Mission*
ttfed aad about gSOO la money and
Frankfort vLlted with thrir numerou* ot Ihe Congregatlunal church and ar­
As Iwniie ciiterUiinmi'nt is
tb| same amouni In ataaps
rived at In.IIa. their d.-stlnalinn. after
friends here over Sunday.
a ntivaaity for tli.' w.-lf:m- i-f
JL). Fostmaaler Inspedor Martin
_ v-oyage of 113 days, during which
Howard Kenney and family
lUc {iimily .-irvli'. tiii.l ibe f;n i
n^Traverae Oty waa noUSed of the
Tbursday for a future home at Capac. time tbei followed the passage around
lUat a
piano or eol.iiii t
w tots moralag.
St. Clair county, where Mr. Kenney Cape Good Hope.
ortiaii is the licet iiivt«tiii.-M
Of the Mae chllrtren Mra to lb-:III eonduet a photograph gallery.
can make, for iDerimsiii:;
Mr. and Mra. W. S. Reed entertained Rev- and Mr*. Blasell. fcven survive.
ftondoa. May M.—Qertte McLean
having died In Infanry an.l Ihe
joV an.l pU-Jisnr.- of lioui.-.
_rer Suaday Hr. and Mrs. Btanlev.
afPBl Sanday and Monday la Bendon.
other at Ihe age of thirty, while .tnl ol
Iho only niiatike you .'an
ij^iag Toeaday lo her work lu Mrs. R. J- Reed and Mra. W. Joy
i.'ven all but the ..Idesl dauxht.-r
daughter. Lottie, all of Joyfleld. Ber­
nuiko is in liuj iny; lit.- wrwD^
Tfaverne Cliy.
■ either nil*«Umari.-» or «r.latn.-<l
tie county.
Mrs. Blarro* to la Fraakfott taking
tbe work »n eanii-*lly earrled
The Rev. G. W. HoBmta. who
of her daaghter. Mra. Haake
purchase of a
lent here fram Chicago la mruary
thU MoralBg. tba Mfe la
See here was blown aad tba lobbera

Consists, Oniy

In buying the wrung piano
at any price.

tl. C. Oor»ls loading potatoes h

the young minister on aeeoom of
rouble In which he beeame lnrolve.1
Mr*. Paul Varno and Mr*. Darwin
illymaa bad a niaa'say Fridav whlK-

..... A

Kidney trouble pray* iqtou Ihe xrdr.4 c





Mrs. Caat was to Bendon Thar*

Mra. John Bleemasicr dbq Friday
_jORilng at 3 o'clock at her home In
Ptalte township, her death following
of one of her limb*

Oeo. UcavaMt of Qmnd Rapids
ThuradST for gangrroe. from
a hosIneM caller here Thunday.
se she had bra-n suffering for
Frank HcLeUmn had toe mlsfon
She leave* to-stde* her
to get quite n bad cut over tbe Ml
aad two son* and oih- daughi.-r.
eye while wortitog to the mill here
rown. She wa. 33 year* of age
Tbu reday.
The funeral wa* held from the horn*
8un.lay, imonneni taking pUce In the

t1*»*rr*"' '•hru tic k:d-

Cloaks, Skirts, Suits, Millinery

You will find the Globe Department Store always offering val­
ues which outshine all others. It will pay you if you no more
than look.
for Lmltcs’ UltHf an.1
<• k Brnii-viiliiif
Skill trimmi«l with strairi an.l but­
tons. Wonkl be ohcaii at



Sherman. Mich., May Il.-Mra. Dan­
iel Franklin fetara.q ftwn aa exlended rialt In Kalamaxuo and Vicksburg
aad other aonth.-ra places laat
The laat aumbn oa toe lecture

• river for a couple of days' fish
lag. Tbe car wa* fitted out with Isvls.
table, chain all kind* of esi
ahW. fi*h loll from tbe reirilatb*
kind carried la a jug down to the hum
bW aagle

worto ^ sveat








'ouj ro*‘ih**Lre*'i.-s


clt.-ok-l jr.t

tv-.tiM e.-ll OT iiiiarilv
T:-', --iir pri---

Lmlitq’ Tiirhl s!..,rt Ont
..ivl.- of :.ll w.e.l fVf rt- tni..n...l
will. .....s.-.....tlsi-le •irafr.
ainttra itu'l i-mions.


.1 titrouirl


f ■:





..... 39c

ia what you iP't iti a K.mKvl!
riati.t. to say nolliiiiK "f t'»'
llrt, I

art.1 U-antifiil
tbie makes Kim’iall i'iaii-s

Oar tmtil

..r-jiit.-i -•■•.Wi.
r;>.* hi II,-•I-..;;.



bamptoa. N. V.. oa even' hoc



iiitii-pqiii the .•wiu-rahii' .-f

ah make any mistake, but remem
be nam.-. Swamn.Rir.I. Dr. Kil
. Swamp-Rot. and tbe addr.-


trimm.'.i with boMoUfiPrA Ti»to.
w.vtiU U- a liaTKain at

tlir>'^<|iiarti-r k-iiuli<loom- Touri*t C<*it.
mail.* of all
.xonM le. ch.-:.l>

.(iii.-t joy :.n.l satiefaclioii lliat

Platte cvmetery.
Mra. Gleasoo and (
fltotng party consisting of E. Har
a^ Gale Cleanoo. who have been
Wile.- of Chicago. John R
ftlag relallvea here, returned borne
of Traverse City. Jerry SuIUvan ol
Cedar. H. U Nesren and C. A. CooV
You ma. have a^B|M
Tbe Union Ladles' Aid gaxv a
of Gl.q ArUir. E- R imiley. Johr _..,e bottle by
cent aupper and lee eream aurti
free, also pamphlet tell- a—Tracy. John nnaovaa. Will MorrU. L
Browa's house Thursday evealng
tog all about It. todudltic m*-t» o'
E. Collin, B. 8. Drew of Empire. lef
textlmor.lal Icters received
ceed* were
moralag la a bo* car for lb.


N .•n

U-fit III the riulit prii-.'.

people suppose.
tVonMn as 1
sb kidney
dile with
1 both I* ' Ihe ssi .e r'^t icaedy.
the Iroinedii'.t
lx soon realued.

4?-^ on r«f Utlies* Movt-Ily


l.-i iii-s' .AIM flm- Paiiuiin
lit yoiir .1-jllars lo


MiL.L.iNER'v' OF-F-mmeiom

is .Trinoniy p. rsoiiitii-.!.



..... .
"V,.......... $4.48


Sanday la Bendon.


>12S E. FrMtt EL

When it Comes Down to

Tl........... ...

Women as Well as Wen
Are Made Miserable
Kidney Trouble.

relaralag home from Ptoite.
of Ibe.lhlll*, letting
/ten to B. J. Oregory and wUe.
drop down onto the borae * heel*. Mra
.Tharaday. Hay 10. a baby girl. Mother
Slllyman Jumped and Mra. Varno wi
and child are doing wMl.
thrown from tbe bflggy. Irai bevnnd
Mra. Thompaoa and daagbler. Daisy tew brolse* neliber lady wa» serlooslv
ara apendlng a few days at Wexford
b walked the four mile*
tWIIv relatival and frtenda


byJehrtwen Dru«; O

ptoM Rt RR7 prkc. Tl-e

LoU Edwards Is aaslstlag Mrs. B. to take ebarge of the H. B. ebureh.
ha* reelgned sad returned lo Oblcago.
Much ayropalhy is expressoil here
M. Deakc Is 111 wlto pleurisy,

.......... ....


power will lie furnl.'hcsl by
The lanni
borre Jacki
CbHsima* and sill I
was iK'Eun ts*l Cbrlstma*

J. Qrago^.

.......................... .


ip<'gi*'nc<-« III the Kii*-o Jai«ii'-*e

Laid that ad' r tbe battle of MuV.j
d.n be examined
more Ilian T."-'",
Braneit's pareau bem..
w.iumlPtl men. Tbrw montb* at"
toe lewa who bbHeTad oa Rla:
Jerry Bulllvaa ot Cedar. John B.
ye eoaUaue la My word, toea ye ...
half Ibe dmiiide.1 of tbe
put Into the water early next wnel:.
ay dlaeiplee ladeed aad ye shall kaow Saato cf Traverse City and H. U Nes- She 1* namiil after H-- Dago* wife.
rorp* to whicli I>r Srbai-dT au
at Glen Arbor speal Sanday In
tba tratb aad tba Irtrth aball make
J. W. Hannen-s fine n.-w boat. R.-c- ia-he.1 were rnrral. Tbe ptTC-ni*-,--,
yoa frae."
ord Bor, was launcheE. Harrcy WTlee. president of
Tba aerrka doted with a thorl
ts twenty-lwci feel long with a flve-fo-it
eraateUaile aerrlee and was greatly Bmplre Lumber ccMapany. arrtved Sat­ beam and 1* equipped wUli a five liar*.urday to attend tu toe— —■ Jackson motor. The boat act'il
«)oy«l by thorn, pceaant
dent to pay day.
well on her trial Irin and rliow* goo-l Japan-TL- bad beaten the Rn.-lan*
. th.- fermer were ti*inc • ticb .v I
Oeorge Johnsoa, our loeal clgae speed. She was built by tbe Traverac


'. I forms of Stomsch nisonlers o

* "'arS's.f‘";e:k'£?kS;

flan maUt

liat.ouf |<r.' >-



tu Sail-.r'sii.ii*'.

til-- tieu





cl,:illl|l»/ll.- • ol-irs. IllliI-



Fiano bajimf ta*/

K. R. HARNER. ProFr.
124 frtal Strait

Miss.-s* Un.*.' Sjil >r H.xU.
................ I

Tl"- V. ry li.t.qt iu Ca|« in


...... 48c

The Globe

Chihli Napoleon
S'.ratv Hals, a $1J'.
7S G^m


Filmy Laces’

batHty White Goods

V-Uil IV- l*ari»nn.l N.irmiimiy y«l
1000 ,«d. ot While Li™

Smlieg. (rail., to Ml«. H.<.d)

iThOil.-rj- ,.r I...... ltimm.0. -r ^nU


y»fd. (he White Cand%-a) Kelo.
per yanl......... ..............................................
fiOO yanh W’hite Merceei*ed Veetlnc nod
fitfniwf Molle, wrth »c per yard. 04.p
,l^e White CamiraJ Kale price ....

Beginning Saturday, IVIay 26th

II nt (111-


Just SB old Mothsr Nsturs dons hsr suitol whits osch yoar. so this sloro Is traostormad-wlth sount.r. coso.
sohwy tsbrtes .ltd ssrm.nt. sod Novolllss. w. oooouooo Iho most d.llBhUul *"d OBSO' on. ol aO^h. yo.r .
IT IB TO BE A CARNIVAL—A ,------------fill, or durable or both. A SALE WITHOUT

Vndennu^ Specials

White for the Baby

Me Oonet OoW, laoo awl cmbfoideiT trimtaod; all aew Ro^t joet
i«odv^. The WUUi Oar- OQC
Birnl Bale price................... ^
88c Maalin Drawer*, ombnll* rtylo
with dostm ot tndw. bcnatitcbr-d.
idery triniDtil. The

Attd Her Young Slaters

TOtoOtoaM 8.1.



Oamiral Halo price.............
$1.75 fine White PeUlcoata, Wire
faHwidefl6ttn<SE«ii«! and embrodc^trimibHl. The White 1 2B
Gamt^Bale prteo...........
White fitted Oo»et Oovia*. all
«!««« The White Camivnl Of%


A t^ioil cpiality Innvy tvilleil sal<v-ui."‘rid .ikfafl, lane irimimd ami
Kiiii-1 with |»> noii-ntblihwin-, whiti- •■niy. aiaea ISto :W. cine
of the b-»t *iU<- corwtt on lice man,
ket. Till' While Carnival QQp


2: inoli Hal.iiui Silk.
r<«tihir *iOk-quality The QQp
rniiulSali-pv-ini h Itnporh-il H»l>ut.-ii Silk.
, yarn
v.irn dyiRl
■ «iK>t proof
dyiRl.” n-gii.
■lunlily. T!i.- While
■br Sic......69c
Caniinil S.ile price



Biliy Hontli. clever styles, worth
3.V. The White Cami- OAr*
„.l W.lto


White SilKs

Icfanta' I<oog nrrB.-.*a ntul Short
Dr(*8(*. worth^'K- to $:i.00. The
White Carnival Sale
Chihlrcn'e abort White Dn*a«*
for agea 1 to 8 yr*. fancy emliroidery trimmed yoV<-a'. wortii TiOi'.
£t1u-^ White Oaniival 30q


il.25fiDe quality Maalin Gowna,

oV°whuc'. much th.t 1. hoautl-

211 Wl. ", nahutoi Silk,

Thiiik of thia * l) r.
la. Skirta. nUo Wliili-.Aprons.
Tlic W'li
White Cnrnivid Qq
eu-. T1.C
Sale price only



Wi.ili' Silk Wniatu -N'll gaii'ly.

W'hite <iinll(«nnd White Sunime-r
CciraeU. would 1»- cxtraonlinary valnoa at :Sk-. nil aizea. The OAf*
WhiU' Cunnitval Salt- i»ire..
<|n:ility t'oTBi't. long hij>. high
iiile of n virry floe <|na!ity cou­
til. Ino- tiiniiM-d. witli two row* of
rihla.ii inaerti-d. wliiU'.oiily.. Tbit ia
an i x.-cIh-Dt $1 W rb-- '
The White Cara

Bab price........................

In the CloaK Dept
S^WklSwaSS.’^S 1-15
bite Indian Head Shirt Waiat Baits.
____ lifolly cmbroKlorvJ Waists and Skirta.
The White
s.m.u C-amival 4,35
Sale price, per snit...
While Brillisntine Bkirts, dei-or styles.
».ie very newest, perfect fitting, worth
$B.5a The White Carnival
4 fiR
Bslo price........................................
worth VO.

o-" in. all woal WliiV- Si-rge. n-gnltr
oHj .pmlity, the While tbmival 53^^




Every p-raon who 8[tonib a
here has one chamv in tive. If
yon 8i»-nd
yon nn* sure b- g *t
a fan. We linvn jtitl phioe>I on
sjU-a la-.VJlifiil line of Flint. They
are just the thing f--r in-ielu.ilhai
or other pn-seiits. l'ri<-it r.tuge
froni ;i.')c lo 4;i.00.

icneicu. tjiUf*'WhilP Itjti.U.-n-WK tinbf..t.l
crrl e»n*r or ptaiii wliil*- h«a.t>-liee1, wonh J<- to

Eiy.’SS'-.'r.""*.' 2c and 4c
Slue, KaV-aJvmlamI
r. nijs.isuvitou hi... Iji W Trimenr.1 I
- . r «lx>
bcnKtiU-iicL —.VlvMIliplerTk.
• Svhilr
Ul,c. isr. lo. »n ■
Cal-iiivdl S4lc |*to.

.Bed Spreads



White Linon finished Duck Skirts, dei-er

inch Whit- Hrilli.tntine, .t v.-ry
g..«l .(nahty. regular pn--e -K-. 1 lie
Whit.- t\.nin,.l S iie jirice.

Lace Curtains

'■T'HIS SALE will cna promplly at lO p. m„ SalurJay. Jane 9H. You
A can hardly overestimate the benents you may rain by cominr as soon
and as frcqaently as yon cao. You could better afford lo travel 100 miles
than suy away aod miss such an extraordinary chance to save.

Daipe aise, henry weight, a laanUrnl$12.’>8pi«atL Tbo QC^
While Carnival Bale pre
Tab)« Lirtctis
Mill ctwls of fine while TaUo
Linuss. 3.21 sod 8 ysnl lengths,
vrarth Me a yard. The W'hite
Carnival Sale price, per 30C

Articles of White


Fcr Mrn and Boys


I;;;:;;!:':'':;':"':,... 74c
K*';-.-; "K 'tJjTfeSS

Tiro^**8BH*'!^The Wh^


mivjl Mh- iirik V

'r, . "ibc i::::



t1iil.ltvi.-B Turns nil-!

..:: ': 9c

' 22c



'.""'■"'5c -■

; ::

' 50c





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