Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Facts 1 te 6

par ONE

«W Tim* War Shlp^
cepdonal danrer. ami show (heir ap­ President PYiihnaks.
Strange to modern eyre would b* the
The opening of Ibe railroad bridge
preciation by nishlog forward and emof daily bread'
Oter the Zambett river. Africa,-«h-» armsmeDt of Grenl Brltoln a mm
e lost In gnie-;
dieval navy. The vwn
« "W
After the dances.Ibe giris are led highest bridge to the wocid. t
la lutervst and they do not call her that, acu
(he implerntmu €t aitnck and deabove low water.—September
Bundu devil, and attired to her robe* back to (heir recret retreat.
iM. sound qaerr. According lo the
Admiral Dewey's Chrlstmaa greeiing
Tbe clubwomen of Sierra Leone are
Be • MucCoot buj wilB, «a4ln' In <be
power ov-r
with due sympa­ tjf oftke reerebs-s
. ijks. In 1«7. the vetsel* of the navy
sjdrlls gu^ and evil.
were turhlslied with "reprlncaldt." an
•I h*ye difiemined lo IMre » I<»r thy for all bereaved, bui Inieresi a*
lion of all girl* of good (am- ed Slate* war ahip in the world.
Let the cllf» Ibaoder for * N
Their dascea lake the place ol
their Inlepttans liUberto wantlhg• oEkeial iuauguraiion on April debt, spring guns; "hAUbergeuas."
Hies. e»en when the (amllles are not
It la a iMaulllul lime of year lt> driv bridge pasties. Of leas, and n-ce|itloa*.
coalf of mall; -tmaleMa." small bel* of the Simplon tunnel, which,
•Indeed?- mockingly.
IM • Mom oC WOMOOM poll m in'o
aod itrobably. allbougb no white per­ able t.i pav the eipcnte* at sendlag
menis; bows, ariows. doubJetA tar­
"1 am lerrilily In, nteky.son tdiow*. the iredlng member* of their girls away to the college or eon- tending more than twelve mll« get*; "pavltes." large sUehU. plarei
"I neriT knew you I- bf otbenrUc. as yn unioucbed by fiosi an- showing the club rend papers on the "Caro and
he bush. Id sach cases the through the Alps, Is the longest raileu-O' Hut of brown and yellow, with
(be sides and serving tbe double
Mlsa Uarchtnonl."
ay tunnel to the world.
purpose ol protection BgalnM the au*
net OM lo the MnihlBe. where the
•'If It le u-yond j-our ncope lo I*' here and ibere vivid flasbis of <iumarl>. »t Higher Educatkjo Upon Marriage. wealthy young man, or to a child
May 27. 2k, Ike naval bMile of
pr-rbaK a QUiple hangs
and agalasi the ciwmy: lancw an-l
worid U fair—
aeriou.-" *he broke off.
"Modern Methods In l>h<lanihni|iy. ' whose paiMtis are wealthy, and lb-' Sea of Japau. to which Admiral Togo "firing barrel* "
Crelgfalon wheeled, at the Inmuloui resriel brineh. like an aueiloa fiag,
and -Shall Womea Vote?" Probabl}
sdverlUIng to the world
A* early as lSi$ cannon formed part
Me lo her rolee.
Sl«i> the edtomittee on rescue of stray her when h.-r etlucatlun I* compleP Jestvensky to the Korean Strait*
Priebd* wlih ererr »o»di>ir—br
-IX us come loaa ondersUodlng." going out of business toi the season
The United SUtes loses. July J, ouc of the armameut of ships, and about
The Bundu devil, ur president of the
lluii* and bal«ioDa . reisjrta progresa,
nd will sell cut eheap.
U72 gun* and ^n powder were eomU> the brew,
bc said, sieiwly.
and the dome-lie science deiianmeot grealesi woman's cluh to the world. Is of bt-r greatest sutramrn to the dreib modly usml. Among the siorre behmg.
' Slppbi'Btreevr boae}'Utw 1« cMbered
“AgT*»d' Aod now for the
elecled. and unuaHy lives In the ’ John Hay. ssvretar) of stale.
je roadvlde. gray and brown, wllb shows Its moilel grass liu
tog to one vewsri of that time were
bjrlbelMe*! •
The Lewis and .Ctork eaimsHloo.
Ihlugsi howi vet are mere conJ.Tturc. largest town. The costume would put
"Thst la the simplest of dfi. I shall palcfaen of purple aslere and fsdol ; heraitse tbe Itundn, having advanced
ahame even the most anistic crea­ President Roorevell's trip through three Iron rennon. wllh live chamber*,
goldeu Tud. The brown leaile blooms
take your hand In mlne-so-“
ms worn by American woman's cluh the aouUi. dcmoDsliatlng that the a band gun aad three old rnoae bags,
probably (or shot. Aaotber ship had
-Nol ao. Indeeil. lot go my fingers Kiand stm and prirUy and tbe, Mm r- I cinb In the world, never te
prealdenta No part of the flesh must
bwo.1 cllmhs OV.T the fencof ami
an'lion cannoo with two ebambera and
bo rtalble, and the arms and legs
e>s even lo baslialids.
Wttb the light at besTOB ihiDto' on Dleky.'
“Very well, then." He released them shows lls yellow red lierriea to the
. where the Quirler-Cen one liras* esnaon with one chnmber.
Every woman of the land who is of encase to cloth. Over her head
Ttmr MolI
Among other imptemenU of war sstd
Nuctaally, bul drew her down to the
Tlae to uke • 4*f o« t»d«r skle> of
Across the brown fields mea and Ihe "up)ier elasse*"—that Is. not
rlndow seat beaWe him. “Now wbyT’
(ar-roaebing anil beneficent resulis for Bt that lime were "cannou pavlmw,'
slave—and wliixe reputation is per­
or stooe shot Ibrowers. and "murtbeP
He eontemplaled her through eoolrarl- omen are loading Into lua* of bsy fect. hecuDte* a meabre of this club
rang people of nil land*.
The dhler't la the Mdow aa’ ih
which were amallec and Ibiww
The uniting of many Protretant
ed lashes.
■ail* appended.
m a« «he rvaches the a
dater'a there for >ou!
Dolly relumed hts gs*e sicadlly. “I sek with a lldy while cap on the
Tbe exact duties of madam presl- churchei in both Canada and the toy kind of shot. There were also
_AtlaaU CooMltntloa.
she may become a wife,
btye ao sbhorrence of the cammon lop and smaller slacks which In the prticeedings are practical, and the pow
ent are not known, and sb<"weais United States, which abow* that per­ 'basilisk*," -port pieca.V 'black fow­
place. Ur. Crelghion. You know that.- dlsiaocv bmk like gtoger cakes.
her official robes oaty on the occasion sonal prejudices are being laid aside lers," "aaker*," snd "bombards." Th*
r Of the club undlapoied.
The horw' take* his own gall and
bombardt were of hammered iio«u
WhleUel Pent Wbinel
■1 hare heard you osj."
The women haveemandimted IhRu- of great moetlng*-—ChtiMgo Tribuac. for the premoilon of -God's work.
bars welded and pounded loU la belter to whinle thaa wblae.
-And It Is not st sll n-nsln thst I le dust Is deep we drive tmside Ibe selves from their children to tbe most
The boycuii on Amcrlcaa goods by
lad on the grass and there Is
- It U better to Uugh thaa to cr
should accept you. Dicky,"
GraattM Evento ef IMS.
the Chtoesc. who arc tired of bellig In­ getbVT with Iron Unds. They threw
effecllvc way ever evolved by any
nind ssve the sofi rreak. creak
weighing WtsreeB 14d
Pot iboBgfa It be eloodj, the mao will
“I know that, olso."
officlub. Instead of hiring
the leather and the voices of the .busy
IM pounds. A balterr of
“There are several otbere—"
aoob Bhlaa
tma canal.
world in the grass. Files danee rani* lo take care of the ehlldrea, .
there erected on a sUp of land ml Uo
'Naturally." He scowled dsrkly.
Acme tbe blue. beaaUfut akg.
niemlMTs of the Bundu get rid of The peaceable separation of Norway of other nations.
Chtogga llUOl between
“8o then—aoppoee we try—a lltlU
President Rot
Irs for yearn. dnrlBg which ihe.v and Sweden.
II U better to whMle than whine.
we go Hirough a sblolng spiderand (be Oenoea* did
The separation of church and stoi- against (be trust* and combines In
certain that the chfidrei
O. Ma witb tbe eorrowfal brow.
ilile spun aernsa the road from
great damage. They were loaded over
He nodded. "Bvet^'lbiog to be fall
to Fiance.
favor rrf Ihp petmle. »l»‘nh eaui
Lot the words of ibe child eeatter mt
■ass hisdc lo anolher.
night and were fired to (be moreliig.
The ireaiy of peace Yetsreen Japai many to be brought to Justlee.
and square. 1 presumcr
Dora at thlae,
empiy birds nests swing and
FvMsan (ells of a bombard uswl at
"CerUlBly." She geve him an tn
The (all of the Baltoor ministry
couple of yi-ar* ago one of the and -Russia.
Aod gather lU cbecrtalneM now.
blow to the breere aod there Is a greai
The iBler-Church Conference in New BngUna. which may rreuli In Ireland's one of there anetoat tiegea that "mightdlgnaol look.
chattering and twillering to the leaders of clubdom In Chicago pro- York.
gaining tbe lotig workeiMor home rule. be beard five leagore off In the dayIt U better to whlMle than whine.
pos<-i1 an Idea that astoended
aad ten at night. The report of
Poor nwthor. ao wearr wlih care.
the memhiTs of her own club,
loud that It seemed aa If all
Thank Ood for tbe loye and tbe peace out there In my, fldwer garden"—aho tog their ironks aifd dlseusslng routes iggesled tbal the children should not
from her sleep of cenliirire. shown In
> In bell bad broken loore. ’
indicaied the loeaUty with a slender, to the south.
By Chinese Imperial decree the ports her aljollshment of old-time compet­
that are thlae.
; talM-d to the home at nil. bnt
Uraaa ordnance waa firm cam to KhgAnd the Joy ‘bjr iltUe omp ihaw. rose lipped finger-"! hare planted
lonld Ite placed In a non of nsylinu to Manchuria are opened to foreign itive civil examlnailons. openli
land la 1626. The piece* bad vartoaa
______ yarletles of hyaclnlbs.
country to railroads and modei
where they woulil he as*ure<l of scien- trade.
It la better to whlMle than whine,
avoid botanical complications, we will with a little thud Into the soti graas. tifir feeing, care, <-diicatlati. and pnv Tbe EMahllshment of a Sodety
llixailon. and sending bnodreds of her names. Many of dleereni rallbre were
mile cei
Tboogh troablea too 'flad la yoar eaU them simply white, yellow, pink
monnled on Ibe same deck, which
young men to be mdoealed
InlernallonBl Law. one result o< 1
toriion. tralne.1 in the domesllc
have caused great coafnalaa In
mad rlole'. To each one l shall give tery, far away toom any house and
and sciences, and UusUt their respon
BeMber that wlae little fellow of BUBO—Inclodlng your own. Whichever tie Ihe horse to the fence and cll
aetka to finding for each Us proper
over and wander about among the sibllliles toward* their fellows.
-Exebaage. •
nona first—understand'"
Her Idea* creeled quite a Bennalion.
(be resting places.
Aad wfaUile your whlalng away. I Cielghtoo graifibled sn atl
as presidem of the United BUire.
coni’* wireless telegraphy.
It U so Mill! Save (or Ihe lliile hum yet she was proposing exactly Ihe
-I reajly don’t see through-'
Dreth of Dr, BafUardo. English
The bllU regulating rallroaff rales
thing that the Bundu voted upon perto
Dolly interpnpted him wllh a aercre
Tbe great revival to BuJand aad
hapa 2vn years ago and baa done ever
foieilager. “If you prMcr that I ahould softly among the tree*, there is
buried to Westmln*
Youth's Companioa. and IM |1
refaae you outright?—now tor the a sound. The while clouds a
Tin- abollsbmeul
The call for a second peace c
son* aad grandaees bad beea lelUng
The mother who Is a mpmber of the
■.me. Fkir yon I ahall ehooae wliilr slowly ov« and far, far away sound*
made between IM te Plus VII. and Na- gross—TlirlMlan Endeavor World.
with more or less pride of the ehaages
the rest are lo reitmln a srcn-l with faintly the whistle of a train.
til. better to MIMle than whine.
time bad wrought for (hem. At last
home iliiriitg Hie linir lhal her e:
me. They are due to bloom any lime The aionre lean ov.-r wrerilyltoi|H-r»r
Edward Jamesoa spoke;
The DifHcult Miamon of a Great
They were not open yesterday, some the iBscriptioa is almost gone, 1* essr-niial tii their well being. Al
"1 wehl away from bare twenty
that lime iliev are seni away, irffbey
and on others the leiier* an- uac*-d
Delly gilded aottly and awlfily in and ni gire you my word il
1.0}'* lliey are sent iitlo (lie ' l*urv> lailou* between LYanre and Gemaiiy
Dante Gabriel Rosaetli. poel and years ago a poor man. with oely oae
The Riillan ii Turkey's acceptance
tad oat of the raama. adlusUng and re- aot looki-d at any of them today. Shall
A chllimunk. with Imth ch.-eks full bush." UD eni'ampmeni lu one of (Ikpainter, was once visited by an East tolUary dollar In my pocket. I walked
adlBMln||/he candle ahadea. the chairs
U-aullfiil ilHIs to the fore*i. There -December 121 <if Ihe .
tbe four miles from my faiber’s farm
CreightoB rose and foHowed her
European 1‘owers for the control of
tha puma and palms—each rosethe statJaa. and there I begged a
ant to look at ns as he goes over the Utys are uuder (he charge of
“I wUb to give you a commission to
finances of Macedonia, a step '
Tate fM Aowering yasdlslere. Ibnnigh Ibe window, down the high the fence. A soft rtiMle in tbe grass siirient and n lse men of the irll*-, auU
ride to Boaloa oa a freight car. La«
paint the porirsli of my fatter,"
’ “If yoo don’t atop intorrupUng m- veranda ste,«.. and out aaumg the
they are irainnl iu all tbe arts the expnWua of the Turk fromiJurope
scarcely perctUlhle motion
"Is your fsther in Loadog?* ashed Bight 1 drove iDlu lowD brtilBd a aplrrainbow heaps of gorgeous Bower beds,
promlw of brighter things for
nekyl-No. I do not love you and
Bgbtpalr of horse*, aad my purae—
shows where n UHlc fcstler sni
the people of Hareiionls
MMlI not think
boco&Uig-lherc clmriy dlfllngulshible to the silver cHilng out of our way.
Ing. dancing, slagtog. cooking, ui
"No. my father is dead." replied the guess bow much my pune bolds to
now. yonY. made are uptei that dar­
lh«y are admitted
money today, beside* n large check?"
After a llllle we go on aad by and
am going to glre you the privilegr r come in a school house where (he (he "Poro " ihemrelve*. and an- ready dered at Uencliau, China.
ling flea^dedUl Whatever am I go­
"Have you some ^.otogtaphs of him and Mr. Jafflemm looked Bbowl Urn
ing to do wllh yoor She facad him
iret look. IHcky. Rlfihl Iheo—to children are out at |ilay. They
as Ol
The Korean gove nmeiu came
with a hrtUlam smile.
r any portrait?"
abruptly, with wraih-cHamoo that corner, to the Icft-^ee?"
U'» college dor. Japan's cuiilrol.
The IHtro luisli is the m*u'
-Fifty doIUn!"
stare al us and wu in turn star
-' We have ou pcwtiafis «ff him of any
CrMghtoa loae and .mo t
Creighton swiniy rross.>d a narrow them. Two girU are ninnlag a
of Sierra Leone.
Santo Domingo agreed
igtr-ed /that
MMaace. hit Ilpa to a mnmble of awk- strip of town and poreed wllh eager
-A hundred!" sbonted Ibe boy*,
wc Uughingly bet on the on
•Hoar can 1 paint a portrait of him.
ward apologlea.
eyes into the shadowed eomer. Then
with ndmlration.
and assume charge of llnsnre*. while
pink calico, bul she catches her
•B?" asked the artist. "It
-1 waa ooly looking «t jvm-tbafs
a match aad looked closer. His fom in the grass and stumbles and Ihe irampmeni In the forest, where H ' gnannteelng lerriuwlal tolcgriiy.
said Ifr. Jameson, drawtog a
lie. .1 amid not think of asnblng.
aIU“ he pleaded.
Id women and strong young wome
breath, coming to a quick..}i'rky fashlarge, fiat purre (rma bis poehM wbea
Cureon's resignation a* viceroy
in brown wins and stands liy t
ao absurd."
“Bnl yoo ahould not took al me that
av<-s br paid workers, rare for (bet India.
(cnee panting and laughing.
'Why la It ahanrd?- dema^jled the the clamor bad snbslded, ''BoBe of you
way. Dkky. And do pteoae go and alt
and educate them to Hie dumc.Mlc art*.
is like being In another world
The placing of plain John Burns prince, gravely. "Yon 'patol pictures have guessed right. When I had paid
down again. Yoar bnnda aren't good
may approach Hie Bundu whose only, highesl. and most I
twDDty-fire cents lo Otxy Boggl.
. jack U> the pavemeou and hum
Mary Magdalene and Circe and
for a thing bat to get In one-, way. I
busy life, bul my (bougbti go Imck and hush except on pain of death, au
able title Is that of ''working :
Johu the Baptist, and yet you teve for my refreablag drive to the coat*
am entirely cnpnhio of looking oni for kws eye* al the budding while hya­ over the quiet roads aod at night wImui female aemlnary of the Bundu goes
I bad. beside* my trunk check, (which
myaalf by mylWf.“ She swept him a cinth. while Ihe crimson kept pouring Ihe moonlfght I* floodtog everything. ‘ unmulealed. no man daring to ap­ to the cabinet of the new BrjUsh pro never seen any of them Why
flasnclaJ resaoes). exirniveraal approval of this ap you not palm my faliierT "
Mdntoag glanee of da^ algalficaace. into her cheden,
ihliik of the quiet little Imrj lng gnuind proach. The Iiarents of Ihe children
The prince wa. so Inristenl that scHy fuor cents. -I have eome back,
ent—the first* kind—It ai
•It doaa certainly nivear that .way.'
must pay for the care and training un.-xp«-clcl recognition to aritlocratk Reuketll yielded to sbei-r drepersHoo my frleads. lo stay. Aay llllle )otia
"You ntil sny thst I haven't
Eugene Field's iH-auiiluI
be returned, dropptog diaeonaolatelj
snd feeding of their children,
It fair this time, Dolly.’
wbirh begin*:
England of the equality of noble
He palmed an ideal bead that w* of sawing and spiming wOi be grate­
“So vou win have to give up
meaniimu ihe-members of (be club ate
-Obi there In the mmnillglil
certainly oriental and sImi regal to I: fully reerivert."
Dolly dtamtoaed the nnhject with
a: liberty to attend all meetings and
W*bereto God's acre lies.
The Baptist World's Congres# to bearing. The prince came to ihahrwg. flytag bUher and Ihliber like a -1 don't mean to
to prepare their papers and entertain.
Go angeU walking to and fro
studio to great state to view It. Whet Women ef the Tyrol anfi Their •
batterRy. potting dainty retouches '
“Of eourae noL"
Singing their lullables."
The loratlon of the Bundu bush t*
The sailing of the Northwest Pak- the canvas wa* uncovered be looked
“When ahall we < in. then?
kept secret even from the mothers, unat It steadily and then I
s of Ttraf it U tbk
In Ibe B
pnsed. her Hpe primped to dlaapprof you iblak—"
sage by Amundson.
Largam Woman's Club In twe W
cuuom of the wosteo sad chlldi
aL or aatlMaeUoft-or totolly reUtred
The greab-st assemblage at *ar"I-why—TOO—do atop. Dli^. you
front It while it wa* In the same loTbe Urgret woman's club l.i
come *>M when It to (be elore of tbe
to the soft emihoranoe ol song.
Sblps ever seen In American water*
are musstog my rfaillons horribly. am1 world is to Sierra Leone, on the
1 calliy.
busbaad*. fatbert
Becre“Mias MarehmoBt!'
all those people ooiatag here
While to ibe*Bundu bush the girls
coast of Africa. In (bat part of the
and brothers answer them from tbe
Ury Morton and Admiral Dewey,
"Tx. tour
lo Ires than ten mtante*' Uare. ndimy known aa Mendlland, after
arc lalciated into the Bondu club. Th"
A Lfnp Time Between Otesro. .
on their way bomewafV. Oa Ibe
Creighton felt Ihe blood pnlte up lo Now go. air. and don't lei me
girto wear around their waiits reveralj Fire at New Orleans causes |8.4M.-| Tliey both represented big Eastern ,shores of the Adriatic BMfa a eoMom
Bis temples la a acariet deluge. Th^ sear any thing of you for the next- cHef town. Meodi. Over ll.utto
>0 damage.
men arc memlter* of the great cluh. topes d bugle beads, (od upon Iheiri
There, the wives of the fishhe sunlgblened hlmaelf with a an
Penns)Itania railroad runs a train] e*ubltobro< nis aad were talkieg shop prevails.
quarter of an hour."
which la known as the -fftndu." anil big^ coiffure U a clu.*ter of circular
Mccos of dignity. Had ibc aM.
WheaCrrightoo had qutle dlnap- Ibc club Itself Is divided
large bunch o(jfn>“ Pittsburg to Chicago. 1U mile*. in front of the rounler to the l»*l*ce| ermea .eome down aboat miaseL sad
seeds, riwom:
Hotel office- Tbe Sae Francisco I ^^g a melody. After slnglag tbe fir*
«n.» ten mtostes ago. employed the peated. Dolly sank down on a
; black grapes.
M-ci ions.
iCbroolcle report* the eonveesatton'I ,tana they Itoien for awhtle for an aaaMtaame term to dlsmlsMag a pet doc
1 drew a deep sigh df relief.
I 'I'hl* club. Ibe proceedings of uhlchl these thing* 1*
Andrew Canegie's glRs tor edaca-How'a business? Celling tsaay or | swertog melody from off (he water.
Dear me." she breathed, amlllng' re strlcH) aecret. I* fomod for chlldihy member* of the elcb.
Houal purpores; bto greateM gift
»i maa.
1 teuing that tbe loved one la almoM
•I knee decided to go away—
softly to the aemislark, “how odd I Mudv. for social purpose*, such a*. Oocaaionally
1* a publlc'exbl ; l!0,i"«,00* for a college professor's, -More than
bandlr." said Ibeii
tang loumy." he observed presently,
Id bare omitted to mention that
man. "How's It with you? Had aay'onnrei.
the shadow* gather aroead
hit kaoa Lmeinil in an attliadr of pro- (be colored onre were all on the other sragleg and dancing, and for higher: blHon of the girl* frt.m the Bundu; fund.
ediication ar.ll the emancipailrm of tbe bush, a sort of eommeneement day] The parilllon of the Caaadlan North;blm. mu«i be tbe soaga of (be toted
Idea Woman's Magailae. female* of Hie lrtl.e-or. rather to’ when the girl*, handsome If] ««t Territory Into twb new provl^
"Well, business I* pretty good.
■ ones a( home that slag to cheer him.
“Indeed?’ OoUr heatuted tbe
prevent maa from again getting con- rather harbarie tooting, with their The step towards ui|wb lo the great ; haven't had an order for a year snd land how (hey must streagHtea aad
taltcMmat fraction of a eeeoad to
trol of the women.
- eh.-my bodies ameared wlib greaae tm-{ Canadian churches

Patience With a MenumeM.
1,|l’ I exJrf^H Ic
pear politely lntereMed.
Before ever a woman's club eaa or- ] til they sbtoe like ebony, and adorn,--! 1 The first oceaa-golag larblne steso ^
“New week." be conttaoed. toeoo WiMtHi liw th* B«*ld hr rVes Rate.
mixed to Ihe United Sistea Ihe Bon-, with beaoHfull.v carved sHver and j er. Ihe Viclorlaa. arrived at Halifax,
"Like patience oa a monuaienL
this point (
ornament*, are brought out aod d*nw| April I. etiablliblag the suUablUly «*f !
ate, or
.1 obUlned « Hire and absolute,
Smiting at grief."
out uf hi*
“Ah!" tte T«rrg«ed g pile of eoto
iihls oew and revolattonlzlng form to]'*"
over the female* of the trlbe.jln nubile,
Belas patleore with a moaumcm icoai
le cnrtoaliy.'
possessed of an it
eaghlotw aad retarded bim «tU
An artificial bait canitMIng at n
the code of morals, and | The daaciag cost
seems lo me grratly to be Treferrvd
Tieferrcd 1| rttabitobed
tooch of iBcredBUty.
gelaUneos paste has been Invested by
™ aforesaid P—on
'!»■ educa short white cotloo skirts, draped with] .The two hundred and fiftieth ann!-|
trienda moau.iwa*
pneUcsI cimirol
“I am to earoM tUa time. DoUy. to being the
is the NesrtaandI*

short clt->
Him Marcbmow sat down wli
lasd fi
gnat deltbemiioa. “Tou always an
Tbe United Stoles laM year csiaander one.—Bui I am forgetting that j sexes during the ctoraitonsl iwriod.Mron that Jangle musically a* the girU country
-Well, be certnlaly has mystified
amt yoar
aumed LIHJWO.OiM pounds at coffee,
bIk yron, Ibe body
•neaae try to be nertoas for oon
What’s his line? '
valued at in.WtO.OWi. lea* about C4.John Paul Jones wa* found, ud.
re! the *ri«utvh. a small gourd
NY a eery metoaa mailer with me." lloa. It U Ihe tl
(lOOJgM exported to other coaBirtos.
luj long oack covered wllh beads strung MenllBed to Paris. April 14
iber of my family who has
Be left hU dmlr aad took several melThe flm meeHag la Ibe Uahed {
,t.ioo threads, which the dancers ratUe.
odrematlr. tarns ap aad down the floar. just gone Into tbe buslnea* of wiling
ate labcw al*
State* ti the luievasttonal Railway ]
long ago this woman s aluh ’ and lo tbe *angbol of the
Ptaatty (tkU was eooveaiKmaU he t^ stones wbkfa we erect "lest we for« gnat oae boor’s n
gaalied even the hlsUiri.-s «f| The wban-n of the tribe, member* Coagrres. Delegate* from all
paawd at aa opm vladov and stared
0 Le sbsulatody igibr Bnadu falh-.l lu show, mw can Iheiod tbe club onlv. often show great »n- clpal countries to the world
oW lat» the alRM. A iraasieal
May 4. by Vto^jnomnt of thrir age.
oldest woman to (be club remeniber.|ibustoam over the gruce at adose ex.- corned fo Waahl
s tends to rob tl
•bleared the kaees oa the sycamores.
a belalt^ muan alip-j ror* and au e
- pairtii-s all I from 1







The eMeriM- toetdMUl le the l*r
U« e< the eoner stoM c( the a«w
taMMBth Blf«Hi )ieUu>dlM
HeUurflM IchpKk

takiag for we had reaebed
where ■ereety«lee Baaday ...
ebUdrea M to be takea cam of. 0>«at
be mU, had beee esereleed
tbe bolldhif had been drrMed
apuB aad Ibea aot ooe dlaeallat rodeo

* day. March

Afler a leleMioa cm ibe plaao b;
MISB Bailey. Mn. A. W. Peak ^re a
very latcteMleg talk opou -acaalag
Back Taldt aad ADey*. ' In whit* ab«
gave tbe thought that It I* a great la•meat and help to ererroae to

X* piKO
ptKe rnder
FTMir **™oe«,
#ien<K«. OTtBe
> the nOtfee <n|^eweDcy cof Ibe
re who*
who *moB nas leaid.
. grow things and take care cd them.
Tte paatora aad andteace iboa Bled
told bow to enriefa tbe poorest
Hit. Hoverer.
HI to tbe aew coroer atone wbere, la ten so ihsl regetnblea and Bower*
■ BHcd ertlh AH andlrf; aSacen
placed ia It aa
-We htiry all tbe garbage from
kitchen." aald Mr*. Peck, -even t.>
The prOTldlnc c»dw, the Sor. A. T. receptaele to be lealed ap;
-The Btble. foar papera. tbe CbrlatUa bones, which should be linn burned,
PhiBU—1. taO Ibe prorrsB Ib cAal«e.
which sn- I
draeate. tbe ClaaaBale. tbe Bn
aad coffee and tea ground*,.. which
■HoA of Ac«" befn* Ibe opeolng
lent fertlllrr^ Pniain
Uo loriues.'
hrM. telleved \tf preyer by the Her. Record aad tbe Ba^ aad tbe r

Trtaerse Qty SlaU Bank

ad u»» ni>-.dia>X.
Daci-I o Pra.
imalioa that forge' <;-fced
.. at Hn«i:r and m
bank hero and-r-ptMiiaied
r!-vka »v
^ roabed tn this chick r...w in it;.- ha.
*•*» upna Ksr.l. M wht-a u man
k hrn is ».milar (o lb- Ihiv--:
us Oc t*.
otb.r* aaif It 1*
- • and ti.e mikcr .4 the c=-.i
ffivec a* Hair.. U J.d.oroa u-ymB.CARLANaCaMMm.
Tb- .' *ck »a*

B'»H. rreu- m*r»e| Imi fu-cd aud tli- cashliq! at 'he

f.u ' ;.-r.iuu.5 l,

the rteck being erldca.iy tasucj
t«»n the First Na-looal toi.k
the alleged maa. J.Aa Turk. ...pmaent‘ed be bHd mn m-ro-jw. S-veral Ic
dorsera appratrd spun the u-.-nhl.-..
check. Auari-w Allen. M. M. Ifcak-.
Muskegon, the Hume Croeer cfmioay.
Muskegon, .be Na.ioiml U.mlT-r„„lank. Mu*k<-gun. and the (W.l Nsr...nal
k. Grand Raiilds. who frams'il.
rbeeff HI .he Slate isii.t. uf ihi
cl.I an.l r.oRi .ll•r<' I. iivu-.k-H tb





Raaiall; Bpworth League. Ardi Bl- '"-Mrs. Peck udd bow dandHlons can
tlenalnated by enriching tbe wdl
Tbe 8er. A. T. PerroOB then Intro- dred; daaa. leader, Mn. Aadrew
daoBd the ii«r. Huib KeaBedy erbo. *< Youag: preaMeat Ladlea' AM. Mra. as ib<7 do not ibrive on rich toil and
B fomer peMor. tell b Btroas iBteeeet Darina Fell: preaMeat W. F. M. 8.. she also sugg'-eied that salt be u*el
.he garden, nil If n.,i put <a Jwo
in thecmrUijt the obBreb. Mr Keo- Mn. Bngene ScoAeld. The bcatedlcoaou^ by
MBdy apdke of bti work In the ehareb.
r wHA a e
wbem. with the eld of other poetore
tbe wotlc waa eiifceeefally carried oa lakrnu
will be ready for dedteala eaaaaeUt^ with a eeoatry charge
middle of Jnae and will
by BHanBUng betweea the two.
' Mr. Kennedy epoke of the laapliB- coal $2.UW of wUrh SSOO In pledger
already la. It l» c< gray atoa.-.
tkm which the prayer laeetlBg* of the

tAareh Blwaye bM ae be IBM "No 009 the deatga lieinB fewr gaUea *OiM and
can tall what eta be doae by a few <7x31.

Mr. tnhma began by aaylag "I want Ue* oa tbe ley daya of la»l wlnler.
. yw «• balllM la .the ebardi of tbe
‘Don't real oader the delualoa that
^ Urta« Ood. I don't aee how any man
M aciBggly growib of grau an'l
or WOIHA can Uve oolalde
It for i: weeds which ipriag up JuM nulald'
BBkw^aaalhle all we bare." Mr. HI- Ibe eurbeloae contribute* very largely
lorn rafatred to a ecmreraatloB wbleb
be held vllb a caahler of a loca] beak
a taw daya ago over the extra prtvtMr*. .Frtedrich •was closely followtNl
lepaa wbkh be eahiyed aa a aalalater
by those predent and suggested t
Id the gowM. and be aald the caabler Ibe methods used In other cities
fdl (bat there waa go privllegw wbkb Imitated by tbe dlltcns of Tfarer«t
ahould not ta^ v »
City. throng the clrareh'work that bualneai
Tbli was followed by Mrs. i. F. CHwas m^e poaalbie. Re aald: "I want
lespte. who read a description of thto eoaffwUtete^o^aad yoor paator.
melbods used by Ibe Rev. Carolin
mottif Cafpeater. who I bare leatwed Bartlett Craae, ebalrman uf t^c clean
to tova aa a mta of Ood. He wni lead
street* eoratnlilee of ihe Woman's
yon oa horn ataad to aUnd and
aremenl Ifogwe of KaUm
gtoty and yoa wDl be emwaed with
wbleb. on Aprfl *5. 19W. wn* given
^ory and your dinreh dedkaied
permlaaion by the city council lo cl<.an
r'^^Oad. Keep cloae to one another aad
sU and ooeAaU bloeks of llic rlir
. hHg doae to Ood."
Btteeta tor three moaih*. ts per day
Tbe Rer. Pergoaaa followed with
aad the iwcessary tools being aHow.-d
taMlaota talk epem the meanlBg of
by ihe eeuDClI. Tbe system Inaugu'
the (hgreh for be aaU every bnlMIng
vooderful aucees* by
atood tor aagMtUng. WhaL be aald.
Ool. Oeorge E. Waring in New York
waa any aweeter
cHy In 1W5 was used, ibe salleol fea­
,thaa a boner la tbe Coreaa Uatures of this system being:
». the apaaker aald no word
“FIrat-SweepIng the pavement* I
fonad that neaat "bone." "In I
aad with push brooms and colleelli
Urn word! bouae and family were
fonad but net borne, bat whh na we
tblak." ba aaM. ‘‘of tbe many preckni
Ihlaga Wbleb doater arouad It."
Mr. rergnace then deflaed leTeral

the dirt Into piles.

C. T. V. put up the oae at Cass slteei
their hope la Jeeaa ChrUt.
He *ald tbe ebnrefa <ra> tbe cheapest tbe city asrreed to keep It In good
"Therw are twent;4wi> ooadltloii. -Notblag is so cooling
refreahlag oa a hot day as a running
■alooa* ia the dty aad
any there M aot ooe bM what coat alream of water. Tbe pubik will go

ibere aad drink. aMu women and chllmere tbaa tbe ebnreh.Tbe paelor. the Bev. U B. Carpee- dreo. aad It adds not only ic
beauty of tbe isrreu bul to tbe taealib
■M. eloaed the lo
ladoor exercise by
iff Ihe people.Ura. TravU Hosed witfa tbe tbongfai
I of church mda
Ood. for. hr aaMT every man who had

tM with Ihe taloims Hosed according
U* aame apoe Tbe ehareb reglMer: lo Mw tbe wnMows open and a fei
rmenia made akmg tbe Unes
ought to lire for Ood and we can't do
tbcae tMagx excepi Cbriti is eothroaed
la oar beorr. He *atd; 1 haven't
Sow of a fear Uk this graa^uBdL^



S.-ucIsul 1-uror. K K. Ml.
.-■-.rr: I- .
V.'m'-r! I’;

It- "B :jmi

Tr-iJl.v f.;, .fr.- V.-S. , U.

to a orrvo;

l it . '

. f t>-.-




Hootbl Sboiv at BobtsI )Tic«
branch. T..
juin, then,
.v-ou tmirt rclivvv. llw -r

Bard Pan

<ir 1'.- uu.'-j; If! !* Ulrrod.
.f il
ib.- vro.n
iitKj. Ik.

!!.VII itfi-i.


■ 1*

Or. F.



l-'i-r .•■•.'i.'i.oH viv.r in.-

•i-.J \V,;io-l... Ulk . Citr.
11'- '
Til.W EUSK t rTV..MU II. |

Rowland Dougl-.**

Co. EMon; loJ

S6nc Siorc. opp. Wbiiioi; HpIcI




«m Bloch



Trarls wa* api-Mnied.
Nortbport. Mkb.. AprH 13.—tVuik
which ha*been rapidly pregn-ssing uii


23» E. Fffftl SU OL PtoM TH


w launch dock for il.c Sorili|..Ti |
lUutch h
the crib work all Mng Onlshisl.


H||eve, ear, robe


of Che Me«-lame* foV.-ll. SI., i man an.! |'


dock I* Ihe result of the eeni-roslly <d
Ihe rlllnge and while It* use will Is- f..r
Ihe hotel the large nuul-er iff private
lannHi owner* In ibe bay will reap
.fan benefit. Not only ■ •lock lia* Ish'.i
subscribed for the hotel luu a siv f...i
board walk will Immediately !*•
by Norihport clllseoa. beginning at
le depot and exti-ndlng lo Ihe ImU.-i,
self. The |iiml»r and tie* an- ii.-w
•ing made reatly for Ihe work
Wllbin the business section of il.c
Tillage reneni «Ika are to I-- laid
iplele Ihe work wbkh irtan.-.lson. Tbe remeiii nlk whirli


Tire Insurance!



Plat*Class, steam Boiler artO Accidont Insurance.

Money to Lotk on Improvcil Ra! Estaic Only.

■a on alUi a mail -

Traverse City.

Room SlONow State Bank Bulletins.


extended lo Ihe hotel.
While no deflniie |.lan* hare ma

M’aubaxno streH. H. B. 0111 drugH*’
and pioneer promoter of a general
mercbandltw atore. win again
the field with a conplHe mock of On

Identical with, the previous cberl;*.
ihree la anmber. which were made out
locally by a man who sign.-d himself
George Morris. The eheck this time
rume from Muskegon and was issue.!

raEKSTOiiiai amE;
Maayalanesmneand cxpenalv.
trip to Fiorida. Calitovnla or thi _
Adiroadxcks baa beuB saved by (

Koiv’s Bdsamj
Uwbeatcoagfacure. IftUssreat i
rsnmdyuriU not cute the cough. »o i
ma^Hee will, sod tbea all hope d
rests la a change of dimate-bat <
try Koap'S Balsam fitiL
Sold by all drelen at esc. usd S"c. ,

apiin ]

* onr Ltiat lim- of

iwlll be extended U> Fourth slreel. in
the extreme north end of the vlllae"
rill Ite o)M-ne<l xiut

lerlalited for the hulMing of the exlenslve seed |>ea wan-house wbkh ih.’


wv-ralt yi>iir nlk-iitiou-lu

was biifli from Hill slreH lo Nsglnalta

lage which this sAsoo win Witueu a
ward percepitoe that them ia a Ood. ■Ivcly In Ibal city.
boom of generous pn^eriion*.
Mrs. J. W. TrarU followed with
A chan* of God." be aald. "It aa
talk upon tbe dUregard of tbe sMltlne
ampM of that faUb." Mr. Fcrga
Forged Cbceka.
tbea tpoke of evU wUcb be aald ‘‘je ordinance la wbkh she tuied that
Tbe fourth forged rbeck was n-pa l'
she. aad no doubt others, had been
rtaieb alway. opposed.
"It u
ated at the First National Unk of thl*
neyed by tbe way In wbkb the <
' poe^ to everylblag eoairary to J.
days ago. tbe check iM'ing
tmtaL If one can eu ibeir mind*

the sldewulki, and petlllua for Its
that makes aoUe men and
la dpalas he aald oae could not e*>l- forewmeaL
Mra. Traria also spoke of the drinkamie the good tbe Mireb was to Ueae
aad be naked wbal they wouM take tor lag fouaiain. aylng that when the W.

j tiper Coil stlawcd m TIbc t>e^*»llL

Every nerve it a
connecting s>— ■
-IskIv with '.111
:1a- braiii. Tli^y a
•IS -that t{ you, I'. ti
tratc the *kin with the

ui< and oib.w waste stnff are th.'
only exense for riihbUb In llie ailey."
al.l Mni. P.-ck. She alro anxceste.l

goods and hardware, the new depart
''aixifa—FlutblBg the streets
meat being placed la ibe varaii-d par
aatds prlnactly tbe basic priadple
stated Intervals—oare a week In Ibe Ikm of the building now occupied by
every bunga character. There la noth.
abaence of dreaching rains." '
Thomas store. The tdiange will
tag to beid na to what It ri^t aad
Thl* «
Uke pUce May l and add nuterklli
hlghaai OB canb except faith la Ood.
a belMf la the auaeea world aad in­ that the system 1* lo be ased exien- lo the business Indusirii-s of Ihe vil­

with wbal U good tb^ peed not worry been nllowed to Mpse. and she m
ahewt the evil Tbe churdb" hr aaii. the molloa that a eramlitee be ap-naada for everytUag that ti good. polnled to iDvestlgate the matter
regard to tbe penalty for spittlag
BMrie. graad. uaaelBsb. e


•The ash can and the barrel for tin

firm of Sear* A Roach of Han ronlr-malely taking
earb pile of dirt and depositing It. plated last season near Ihe creamer.v
with tbe help of a small band broom tmlldlag and town hall the ludusTry
will boom the coming season for lie
wcuda aaeb ai factory, wbleb be aald and sliorel. leloa bag
tween S.flon and l.fWin imsbH* of tudect
iwo-wbeelsd bag carrier which
atood !W Uduatry. or that which iwpreseed awaits tbe LeelaaBu roiiniy farm­
aeau aarning of btwad. atore. where ■weeper puthes about wllh him.
one man givea bli lime and iaveett hi*
Third-TylBg the bags when flilcl er* at Ibe am warehouse for »i»» Ir
capIlA) to aapply Ibe need* of bti fel­ and depoalting then In coarenleni tbe extensive flelds of-seed pea growTng of the county.
low dllieu aad a( the name time aup- placet lo alleys or along the street i
With Ihe removal of the dry gnmli
ply bM owe needa. Library, another be iMBored by wagon.
word waa apokea of. ihu aiaadlag for
"Fooitb—The orderly or 'patrol' store of Mrs, M'llllam Thomas Co the
building recently prepated by Kel.l
■ysleai. by which each man 1* given
Bros. Just across the street from the
deSnlle port loo of the street to keep
hedaked. "It ataad* erM^Uy for that clean nod la held respooidble for IbU present locMloa la the Gill huIldiBg.
which M hl^eai aad beat, la the trat portion.
place it ataada for prlaclrde. It it tbe
“Fifth—A while aBUorm {of at least
Unk which atiaebea ni to the uaiteeo a white coat and bat. or beimet)
warU. It la emtaedleal of onr belief la a waterproof ootfit for talay day*.

r. r . A

great deal of good In enriching tbe

woman't Club.
that .unfto*.7u be grown along the
S I btileee Ood, boweecr, baa faith in
After Ibe bualaeaa aenalon of me
yard fence, as they grow high
f tbaaa people." He fnHber aptdie of Womaa'e club Tbaraday aftemum In
besides N-Ing an omanieat *r.> 1
5 the laptd growth of the city near the obaervmnee of civic improvemeat day
■iM-fuI to hl.Ie ugly spots.
^loogMoa aa< laU atiwaa npoa tbe eomV. Friedrich reed a few rllir
mas made sad carried i
*lag bsOdlag of tbe acbool bouae. Re
the corrcspoodlng *ecr.-iary b.-]
■ - tho^t that with Ibe adrent of tha
dedng in tbe way of
Insirncieil to wtlu- to other cities In'
new ebaiMi people would be drawn to dvle Improrement. among whidi t
rrti rence to their ^rbage sy*iem.
’ tbe aoighbortood ibraacb iu taSu- Ibe foUowlBg from tbe aecretary
- eaoA He doaed by aarlag "May Ood tbe City Improvement aaaodatloo af Mr*. Trarls. Mr*, mvirtcb and M'r*.
Pe-J; were appoinnil a committee to
lilatB yoa aa yoa move forward aad
mouth. K. H, who iMued a net
Inveytlgale the mailer and refuiri at
baliM that all power beioaga to him
Dool-a- la laadacape gardening;
le next m.'eliBg.
aad he vfll work oat yoar aatratloB
‘Don'l try <o ralae a large crop of
A moilno was made and carried that
, aad W H* *>««• r*». aad abide la hay on a. *
IMdIllon lie tent to the rmincil ask­
but keep ill
ing Ibai garlage can* t.r pUc.-.l nti
The Ber. Pargaaao then li
"DooT halt
Hm- atroc 1 conii-r*.
., noifiiBiiIng comniliiee c«mii..i*>-il

A GcBenl B*Bkli(BB3lBeulMBt

I- i: p.J.;-: i-.
•t ..5.'*:.. r,-^- ii.J-r-i. M.-:-

prodtglousiT it 1« a aid to rcg..lalioo. She al*« urge! the exibrmtnilinn of lh>- *l(d> iMd.. a* it I* S «ll»ea*e
breeder, and
the stops, if thrown
ily aluuii Ibe girilea. will do a


At' ll-v annsM a-.-:..*
;:i ;:V'* i'.vv’*' .he .‘..v,e »t



■bould be Brut seaMed or
PhrcnaoB. vbca the nodlec of the of ofSeera of the ctaarcb wbl^ i
aprout and
Blabop. Lolber M. Wllaoa; preaMIe*
one boBdred bb* ihlrIMb ptsla
KtTBB by Ibe Her. T. P. imea. pBaior el^er. A. T. Phrgoaoa: paaior. Ber. U nucled* for potato bug*, wl.lcb
■ no ead of iroubh . nl*li water
et the CMrA of ChrtM. The epMle a Carpealer. board tif diroaom, B
«Bs thea T«Bd by the Rey. Ha«h Keo- Ruaban. Dariua P^Ii. Arch BirIroJ. and wa*b water furnish wore no<ni*liii for rose* end panay tj»i:; thun
BflOy •bM ooe yeree of "NeBrer My Mllaa Smith. Mrm. Mary Bougb>7: »
On* io Tbee“ «b* »<r>b by Ibe sodi- periateadeat of Sunday acbool. a W> any ferilllrer one can huj;-

CAPITAL. S2( 0.000
SUKPLUB, 827A>00

rh.. t:sr>.k twi. wro^ aro ui.- ,|.


F3u-b Vour IVIONEY l|U O

r, ilino Stair Work. MoiiWincs,
I II ., mail- (roll- sirl.-ci. .l wm.xR
< i.ii I’ni
wi!! -i tn- moni-y for yon. Our prnmfti j
-i- liv.'r.' wilk-ai.t lim.',
1..1 11* i:;iv«' yoiir but>iii<".s.

I’iitlcniB. Sion. troiiLs ;iii-l h i',liir--s-ui.'! :m> • ■.li.-r siiel ■
• >r mill w>>rk you aro ill uiiii .-f
Katimnbti fiiniialp*! l.y

l»ry imn!..r


..r I. it- r.

Soufb Side Cumber £o.
CiL riiow; :J0>. ii.U T.«


Traverse City Mfg. Co.

r- ' .K


Seed Oats and
Field Peas
Don't ilel.ty. Get your —iit! oais wiiile thi y
We have only ahoiit thrpi' iuiruire.l ici-iitiv lift: 'If
you want to < xchanj;c oats w wiil l>f i r-;.-' il Hnfn
These oats are clean anil'wt ll worih l"i; i-er
I that is our pnei.'.'
Come and sec wiiat \ye have.
We especially ntt iilion ih<- lu ld
a-, vliiv li :in'
always short stock. We have .[i.ite i lej of ih. «ii ^ili^
year, so we can supply your wanis..
Garden t«cds are movin-.; fast: We can
• subject to bcinn sohll bi'an*. hay’d-, beets.
carrots, corn, cucumbers, p.-.r-nips. {uimpkiits, rani-bc-,
salsify, summer and ivinier sqii,.-li<s. hrttua-.
onions. peas,_iomati>'.'s. eto. We will vtul any sei-cithat you want by mail. Come yoiir*e!f if you tan. and
pick out what jou, want.



»■« CASS Sts.




vmir ii-xi')'




It V.ill SUV.-voii u.tli tlu.f ici..| II1..1I..J-.
Ton can tok.'
c.r. ..1 :• F'lri, S.-|.»ru!-.r with nU.Ut the MBW
r iuirt-l for ......... mil*. |.;.m .-...-1 yon mrt n.arly i',
. p ; .-1.1 tn..r- cri-u.n fr..'.' vour M.iik. I will sell ^ .
K t->v-,*ur.rt> it..*:.- ..f tlu- l.wt .yrmdc
X.\.\ lit.
.tul .•..,.ru..t.rol 1-. e... ^.■;sf..ction. for |2..iy. Buy
'.I... i-,t.uke tio suiri'.'.ul.
Vou con U-U U by the
r..| fcluii‘1
vitl: it.

'•:-i 1’ottoHi.v- iJoiHinu'-

llnvc F’d ever Iriml the



They gre the bert.

C»9mt4 Cmw

Sokf cely by«0
irrort* SBreaw*.


eUB4lDj( In tbc rioumir of tba
Stent ami mnrkrt «ni- dty 1»«
Bor Slant. ■ rouDs ud
m' kiu«
bratcbct. tend 1C ronrt. poDdi-rei
npoa (ke Ifrirttial eoodlUon of tereTBl


mankind'would have to
;lnvent milk. Milk is Na'ture's emulsion —butter
;put in shape for diges­
tion. Cod liver oil is ex{tremely nourishing, but
'it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.

lUUc chlldreB who he otoerred plt>-Hir
In the ttrecl In fruat of bit fnlher »
anrbM. TboujA ba> a rouns
teaser yean Matter Iloy had Ion*
teen IBboed with the Idea that a wooteitDl fteld or work lay lb the aUtloamrr i»*loBt^ forrl«n land. II ttich
wu the case he IhoushI «bat pottlbil-



ff 1



lUM tay done at hand with tbo poor
Util* toU pIviBK >0 'l>^
aoB. to
teat and probably wllbont tplritoal


trtJBftic of any kind So Ibb y
Btordy Blatlonary-to-bc. pot Inslan:
thoaght iBto action and BlepptDs t


- ^

The iarlaiioa wat ahyly accepted and
the MIowto* Sunday. July ». alx Mule
Chlldien eaae to Ihc markot where
Master Boy bad nothin* better to offer
—Pto-o hi

Joyed and Ucoc children the nc« Sun- numlicra twenty and the ageu nm frou I>ni|x-r our rau»t lake an hour* etr-^ -1st) tmallrr an; kx\-- .•.•.-.rrel. ni
rlapt ditvc to n-arli the l«»e .il Ui -, taiti.iL- mtiri iJ.-x
lb.- an.I the aunt
tiny foBBd others who came shyly '
h- .illag-i! at
Ualen to tho child mlulonary. Little almosl pcifuct. the average nttendbiudlng-thsi lb.' bens of th.- .ii>
I amountt of aklK^
aklH's Iand Java
nr» treIBB elshleco.
rnert by T
riMsSe MeWIthey. aged C. Cora ^gci
during Us.'
h will rent
.aged I. Winio Bnger. aged 7. Gladya
.And mm the jH.m o
llvay |ia‘.s--.presiu( .-ruptlnii Is bolieied
Jli the etireltmum Ils( Is Edmand SiraThis rallvi
teiger. aged B. were the irsi to '
and the Abbagt' bugs are smiting.
.ali^ laud and! nearly _all the IcirnuToties.
come Uleranled tn thU tiny bumble hie. agod i:i who had never been In u tbroiigh much well cvttivt
..f tthe jwiple living ..n
iny of
Bondar school and booo they brought Sunday school as a memlwr ati.l tb. many vluiyar.!*,«l by
w whtoh rhaimrlcrliH.s the

work of Ihf si-hoInrK U relltetrd in
aged g jmn. Ollior rfalldrcn
■eicbbortiood beard of the Htrange the stranger wiioni Ibey foun.l In u.Yd
Bcpday meotlngi tn tbc SImmii mett »; Inslnicfkin.
Ct.lOlc Uplb.igruve. agi-d 13.
marhol and came to peep In
been a. faithful alten.Ianl since
'wtadovt to tee the rtoInKt. and
this way were cglended an InvlUUoo terober. She ^resldn. la the Nelson
to otter and Join in the work. More block and was

of'.fg. taibin thim .m the dc«Ti id
IMriy Mark elnd.TS niix4'.l
with lava form Ihe *.>tl siiifare, Tim*

- -HnrkJ' tl.e**JlJ?n^.rhh Hf Itwk 1
1.1.11.. .d th.. ,u,lm of h
the pi ri-ou or <'
M .'f t\.n
Watt, who found o:
daiitliie fSP-of my nxiney which
very illfflrnlt for me to Identify. Im
reiiinie.1 It y.. mo right maafull.
1|0|W I.I live to vole for him for pr.-^
leiii of il;e I niie.i Slates in 1S"x.
yhiiB J. S a.Ken. of C.-ft.iauilii
giv..» thanks 111 a paiwr In that town
lltn.'-'Sarah IJ.-rnhai'ili w ilt iravr


me wish that I won- an<

during her aliMture. bu' Hu-eiiwi k-nc,

Roy Simms wms Imm at Roeherter.' P>*”'
'■'T'”''" '
d Ute tn
Aa the little ctovt^ It
Mich.. Oel. SO. 1S89. and has rtu.ldcd I
the mil and the ooM eet la they toft
. clly eleven voar. where he Is
tha franhlort ' boxea and the front
....nil In Ihn In,-.! iiini. .nWi
Ju*' »» taf teirlie.l the odg.
reom and taoh places In the rear porU. I, .
»™iKr «
ttel at the maiket where a atove proof soiidic |)oiirr.l
Church ot Christ and crery indl^tlonl
vWed heat and warmth.
larv I
large p1..e.-» of tun biiig la. .1
points lo a fuinre w-ortt In missluni
THE AUBir the tale faU Gladye. WlUle. Cora.
huile.1 thirty or forty feet iniu Ilie all
Odds. Ills rboice being Indl
Amy and ieanle Bnger had Inercaacd
■" a™““d
<m ..f ih.'
hopes to enter a Nselples
Ue forcoa with their other hRilhers
smaller pieces I jiroenred and stiil
having a preference for the Hit
and alRettaBd in January (hr acbool
have II In my possowloB. The minUu


HK.ii cleared away, gtoin*
bill good view'. I] wax (Ike a yawuliig

be ealled Bethany mission. Many vis
Hon were altncled to the olssioo
wUtA met at 3:30 every Suntlay afterpeace and lilenl), uf vlaeyardx aud
aoon aad among them were the
prletors of the Wright laundry. They farms.

......... ■>«

..... . r;,,;;;:

rnwriy Iiy n-B.llng the Na|.|,-x m tx jiixl as pr-nyi. ih'.-n you
following ••acelletii arlli l.- wntlpli by 1 i,n». n -oniewbat eradi.-r.-ii.liica'
James Mllllken for tlie R.-cird- Thel
in „i„d.
electric taJlw'ay .
I Mrs. Mllli-| Tb. J'aliau pM.j-’- ai. of on "-.r'


the deck

of our ahin ax

■lalM la U» Star laptery- "86*1
am*' md iB-ite Church of Chrlat

Coititnercial Printing
HII Kinds

f>cra1d and Record Eo.


The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for


shrink from espoxii

This great paj«er Ls given absolutely free for one full year lo every subscriber,
new and old, lo the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1, l!l07.

pl,»,i.ian. It Isunni-.-1-sari-- \V;ili..ut
'"■’ocy or pri.'" i.,u .-an eonsell a'
man wlu-v' ktim.ledgr from actual
nw«—ai-- j vlUtI

■ W.mmuiiirat,- mtl. Mr- |•Inl.ha^l. at
-I.vnn. MaK. AH l.'ll.'r. an- retv 'v.-d.
ocxiued. Tvnil ami anst.i r.-d l.i- w-in.'!i
lie. A w.«iao can fnH'ly talk ..f h. r
iltncx-. tn a woman: thus has
excited, and agiia'od as .hiipri^
oT a .ir.-’,rwt;im
«ir,-'iraium -'f
.■! “'vw.'***ibUshi-H thecI. rvialTOiiltd.'ace
Ann-ricans at time of
Mrs t'liikliaruand t1ic|w„nH-D
war- Tb.- lanic cr™i*'.l f.-.m the c..!-ica tvhi.'h tixv n.-v.-r imen
I...-,- ..r -..-I. • buibling
V.,..'..,-. can «Uly U- imagined. experi.-oce wliU h she hn> todran from,
il is nwov than j>r..ii,ic that sh,- hex
by ihUmarfcv-t <h„»:l. It wrs gained the vctt knnw'k-dcc t]
■ Ime of day wh-o hn-lti.-v

'i hc children’s friend-:-

Drive, out bl.ioil iinpiiritic-. Makco r troiig nerves and muscles.
(Jive t )nc, vitjlity anti nap.

»br lay »i! ibiTC In greai namlrTr. .-ach eaileav-

lor in the toy ot-Nsiik-x, abcxuj.irtBg lo eell Hr pr.xHie, The ma- if L]
tolbealr. Rut an ihlx to a com-i jortiy ..f the mifl.e: a
• mtw Ih* need of m< e ample quarteni iann alsht to the iwople irf that etom-lpaorly rlad. diriy lot. hi.;
Ud Utely offered
tetag temefflalely accepted ao the
■Maa WM' the foRowUic Simdsy to-


_______ r

■■ 'z:

in l.oaor -f fo.o,.:.

fKr.-O'-l. priT-id.vit
Tti.. s
Looking at Ihe great voleano Vejii-ji'.reiig.-I »nb people ti-id

i:i5 STATE ST.

Farm and Firetdtle is issued twice a month, 21 times a year, and has from 24

fr..m any
- Women Miffirinj Uivite.lli.ncmptly

what damage

sells them.




"standaH" and at less price thaalhc trust

paj{cs each issuf, Il is profusely Illustrated with half tone and color pictures.
It it> the best farm and home journal in .America. Thousands of dollars arc expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the larimfr. dairyman, stock-raiser, poufiryman,
fruii-jfrowcr and jrardejutr. h has dcparlmenis for the housewife, fashion pages,
patterns, good stories, jnirzles. It has wit and humor columns and a Young Peoples’


Tho*>. who read ilie repirtx of the X.W., I.™.,
n.,. «■ : ,h..,
■wtnl eaiaxlroiriie. wlilrit has x» fsiDsed Ihe Icuu of -.»»i« liv.-» and one

great Incaaee is cagiabl.- of .hiliig
Towering near;.' four ibouxaml fe.l
above the mb level. Muoke xlnwly Lot
COBxianily Iming fivmi lie crater.
L- oeeaxfoiial -tlamrw nf fin-, whir!.


tiur Johnson Mowers ami Hinders arc

will be willidrawn M.iy 1st. IfyouwuuM like this premium, please atletid to the
matter before that date.
c.Mcnsion beyond M.ny l»l.

chasm and made one ih«dde
ham von are conPen Pietufw of Vaauvliiv
'down Into the lioUing lava. As n.'arlr
Aboni iwo yewrs ago Mrs. J. W. Mil-i
judge th.' eran-r
liken aud son James ot Ihlxrliy travS,undrrxM.-. i iu dlamii.
, a w-onia'u o tiose eseperi- 1
j enre with womeB'x di«- /
through the fair country' wblcb
,i,|# take* plao- wb.ui Vesii.iiis
, eases .'ivcra a grcal
Is today Iwlng devaslated by Ml. VtIwhay lor. It can ..
aurius. Tho greal voleano wax xliint Imagined what would hapiu-n
tHTing. hm even tbcu was milltcring threats In Hs sUwp. Tlie luxiiil.aadfor^Livt".*,:’were htopy and ronlcnioil and feare.1 ___
olrano Ihti'C
• I unilerhrrdinxdion.
Itouhle. The land, which today
f,.r on that itsv
Hnder roreted and urarred by gieai
lava, was then a land <if
urn- y.,r tal.-r I!.,- ralj.- ..-I


moving: rajudly at thesi* « ui prices. Come,
whilcibe stock is complete.



waa divided Into elasaes. and aB ortenlalloo formed of which the fol-

bocn agalB completely din-lnycd.

; etc. at a Lij: discount. 'I'lurse Booods arc


know that the Jeeus whom they had wllh a pussy bonnetL

oOkers how lateresied In the work
wen nicBde and Christian yonag peo­
ple of the founder of what was n.

buPhy guotis we are ufferint: Huggics.

b> lava an 1

far 1 bad hail no m..iv fear ..f an erup fliau;- itiiU-s iKdor.' »1U' forgelf ti.'i
rpom- first glimi^e of llaM!.- fr.H-k. ' Tb,
he felt the need
td of tlnalng
Third How-Jennle Slrubto. Helen
*"'l'Pos<'.1 to oee.tir annually "ulvluix Sai'jh" I'.dliM Into tlie to gltd tfa
Richardson. Willie Bnger. u.nablCtan.l Trav.-nu toy. but from new Ill 111.- nlghi; ut;d gn.ok. 10 find lie.
Uivet He" and the walls of the mar­ Phelps. Otadys Engvr. I?liisslc Mr ; *•" ft
dlffer.-m. Sounds lib- 'b. s;H-elil I'ur diim|i,d tl'ingsule ili'
ket rang the glad tong. Strange
Wilhey. Wynona King. Com Eng.'r. j
au-l dee|. atitt. r F'ocl,v.'irds. with pig-, and raiili' a
■ay Dcae of the memhera ef the a^Kiol Johnny Richardson Rlanehc Rlelianl- '®' mmldings-were heard; VoJuui." ot hT nelghlait*. .A mrrtnge was eallei
ted ever bmnl the aoag and to them son and Ust the little 3-ycar-old Ruth • emoke and oceaslonally the ciputsl.u. ■I once and madam w's» ial,m to He
It only meant that they were gUd
Lovell rtandtng in the foregronni ;
■''-•vn. all .1: Post Tavern. Tli,. ear »w» move,

Boyi Simau, senior teacher.
Weed had goec abroad of the work
of the yoanlhful lastrectora for the

State street. On

AVaifttos. Harrows, laiml Rollers, l*lows.


flaallv tile l«ue of U.e rtaic I- which arv eit’IMy

Sunday and found tbc work
crowd that certain on«a bo
Alter leaving He- eb'rlrlc rallwa.
Inspiring Ibal 'they beCaim. ouo with (he aseent of the eolie eoDim.-jir. s.
tavomee and they sunned
Ure of the tolllBg. The tion- of the the mlaslon.
So «:.x-p was Ibis that at time* the
The rolluwlng U ihe complete list
teallBg of the man with the paliy was
alminii pi'r|M-uilltniar mnl
: nemben which can
a favortie and scarcely a Sunday
• liirlinni (
I U- PUII.-U by
right to left, beglimliig with the upper cable. Thin brought ur liearlv
oeheol wat held but that ttotr
ponod and eagerly UstenoB to by lh>>
summit, as mar as a railway eonld bi '
tma. I.oldle t'lilhegrorc. Oro lal.l. while the rt'dl of Uki wa>. about
The ttory .of Christ wai b5i all for Cplliegrnve. Artliiir I*helps. Superin­ IM f. el. w'e weiv eomiieU.vl to .-lime

li« Beteon. aacreUrr.
Harry Ayan, primary teacbvr.

Moore ituil.ling.

ac.'oum of lack of riH>m for many of our

sl..,K-s and tn surrmt-ditut
nits'Blalii will I--. r.-n.V-r.-.l l.-.i
b. It.'mmp.»c.l of la.Ti Ih-cIk.
.i-w-mtiW iba. of any momdain sl.l • V.v-by thit present disaster. Ijut
,a.'r.'> 111 Ml.'ldsau ».-re r.uUrni-i.-.l tm
innlrtiplrnlcuunlry. .As the «r Ktn-;-,......... - .V.'iot
.......... nUll
....... <inl-r i:i-eoui.- r.
Ti..- sugar oiPi.m was
. m-ar* 'he end of li* Jouro.-y- ihl-j .t..r.,l i|...-.- win. .!bl n-d p-rl»Ii
nvci'iii lownw* st<-eper and sUsni-. r; n.'in™ u. ib. ir ovm.T ll■.«ltyn■
lu^diig ixwsaiila. - Tlic lend did ir>I

-IStiR* of tbc Viileau..
of the Eager rttlldreo were fmrolliit. UtloD tu Join the misslun last Scirtem- beglu Iu Biipear. Instead of the well
ber and alaeo that time her prcaence euUitalud and Ilk.t .■ouiiirj
for the family was largd and lived
clear voleo have iM-t-ii stnong the Immense IxhJk id anbes and lata anthe aame block and wore without a
..r II,..,.
Sunday scholars. Amy ^gei
M-.-U. While li.T.- aliil lliere oti.- sew,
eSurch iBBimctkin.
tii,- .luiiii' .•jmsiro!i!i.' msy wHHo.
Kmall i-rniers whii-b imuki
Bo many wondertul slurlca of the Mar)' Phelps cnlensl in Ni»’..m
jwai-.tlus In' r.-^-nt' I. .
life ct the CbrUt were told the lUtt-! members. They happened to drop In .•iniiiiiiiaKy iwning.

their joothtnl iattmeuir held prayer tendent U-wls Clialker and lia IJetiwith the little fold, hit eantest potl- 8un. primary teaibcr.
tlou being neae the lets fenent beSecond Row—Harry Ay.-rs. prlmnn'
canae they emanated - from childUh teacher; ktary Phelii.. Amy Enser,
Uf^ Boy Simi never thought
MeWlIbcy. Arlie' nichards..ii.
afaoot hit vocal aecempUthmoni
Aldou Eagleion.

ihe brick buiding. IH-'i Stale street, to ihc


Send for free samiMe.

SCOTT A BOWNE'. Ct>«ntil»
We-41S Pearl Slroet
Now York
Maalw. told It in *imple words which Snoday teboorem now used and ih.- eraellr what I wbthtd to eo. I wantcl ruff eollairtod they wire 0aduul.te.ll5
60C. and #1.00. AJ1 dru««l5to
art the awtcni ivin tN-lat the height K their Ita sulolni; and
heapohe troth and In telling be opened iDlemaUunal Sunday school Icwpn
wat allowed to lend. To yl»lt \ the mlw-rs' rgiued bv the .ll»a»t. r wU!
the place of the imrly Christ
the sfdrlltal eyes of the tU Utile cbtlleachlagt. BlbKt iwing used iu udace ViK’ivlut from Naples !■ an ali-day) wk.' years to m.-rcomcdren who had never beard toefa
trip, ibougli only sIkiuI ten mlleii ilir ■ Slnro ibt- iir«-at eroptl'.ii ..f 7!* A. IV
derfnl words. Ho tyttem wa* followod of Ihc letwin l<«vrt.
Ihe arfent ; wbleh‘de»trt.>t.^l r>miiM ti. mon' tliaii
c niPinberrhlp of the mU^k)ll
hot ]ntl a bean lo heart talk wat

W/naaa Klog. and little Ruth Utvell.

We have moved our nlock wliich wis in

combines the best' oil:
with the valuable hypo-'
i phosphites so that it is
jeasy to digest and does
' ifar more good than the
oil alone could. That
[makes Scott's Emulsion
;the most strengthening,
nourishing food - medi­
muk 1*. WrlsIiL
cine in the world. ,

Roy Slmma< Hieatortarr Sapday Beheel.
Boys an)] girts whom he gathered U«oiber that they might be taught of r.t>l ai>d His Son.

A-ywaM child upon his lap that
alikt cloaor draw her atlenilun, Roy
Stem-told the alory of the great


Scott’s Emulsion

the tIUlc gruiip of children iikea
sih^ to enlor the aial anrkc: and
' tear the woodBiful slory of bit Chrlat.

for ebslh than the trankfort tnics'
Bbipped Id froa the ontsidc market.
Here aeaied near by and alto a llule

If a Cow gave

.... .piSii':

To Cure a Cold in One Day

feHcbl m»d

color. vblHi

ArtM r^rdod u I
vld'or. -very prctlv
Ibe vldi
« byMrieal. Mi««-

HMtweci record vMect adiutlefl I"
«H Merioi^ m eelcaiie end be bcHrae tlHd3roMVlM will pour forth
dmffm^tfectnieti** torrent df eny

■Thdrrdf le feered from the
^ of the hcmilede fufR)***\ are cUrvinf and the cligMnit tt liable ta cautc bread
I the laoUng of .ahepe and
*urM and many haiiMe
lapead. Terre Del Orece. »amo and
Mny ether tewne are praelleally anlii'

NC'v All the Haplee theattra, cafe* and
^aeee of amueement are eloaed. Many

w .^ialna beeauae ef the darkneta. Tha
Areata ara flilad with threnge ef peepie who are fearing to go ta their bedt.
Mare than SW arreata have bean
. >aa4 by autharttiaa af gheuU who
rabbad the bedlee and tha heueea In
the atHefcen dielrlct about Vctwiua.
Lae Angele^ CaU April i:.—Tbirty.

. A


sajiag.-lt wBsa dstej."


Later unoih-


iswyer naM lo him;
-Harke. t
llUle ekcM*. ladod. Not at alt ba'I. think that elcty grows be'ter every
I hear It.- -WbyJ raid Sir EdLook bare; ebeo you flni^b II ecad It
, -|.ord Alverotone thinks II I* a
op for me on approval. H .yon »aat
dsl»T " -Of eourie.- was the reply,
i.m kmk up your botany you will
A> a resoll of auaeroi , bank dcIX- that the daliiy 1* a hirdy aoaaai."
ralmtk>D» eulBlnailBR Ic the ndjliins
The duke of Conitaagh Is onu of Ih--by Jon-pb A. .Toiaaj of i ,v NaUoiLil
h<>-:l exprvloncctl bonlcuHortsis of the
Daok.or .Vorib Atucrlea of at
When SI hl« borne at Bagshot
gsi.ian. a narenM iit U on fixB l<
he bosir* himself almost every
Wall aircel dlMriel to lo^uce a
day la bU ganlen. He tays oat the

StatisUes prewe that the ehAoees at year dying of
Throat or Ln^ Treobleg, aro 9 to 1.
Waste no time, bnt core your DIseese with


iK^dB with hit own binds and ha. nnlle
York to ebaose tbelr repiilarion*
remarkiUle knowledge of b.rtaay.
tbal every employe shall be eotnpell.U
A whirlwind campaign la Clarks
ke at leesit two weeta' cottinuvine. Arh.. has resulted la the il.v.ik.n
ncailos every year, so Ibai lil>
of I- F. Petrie. Just Hinted 21. *o the
boofca will be Rooe over by other emmtSoraliy, Mr. Petrie Is a merebant.
He hsa DO Iboaghl at cmharMtig on a
Dr. BdwarJ Cverett Halo all ribnlt-e
meulriptl trouble rnril :lie day
bis eieellcnt beallb al the age of HI
elertioiL Then the toiing men
Ibe arreolty with wbldi he laki<e
of the city pers-jsded him to ran. P
life. ekeplDK eloo btinr* a nlphl and
Is said (bat he iuj.-eted a hliht-rio unilways tr<i>lDX hi* mind oerupied.
i>( amnuiii of ginger la;tj hiDr. Hale oBer* thi* df3vlne lo hi* frl■me-day camimlgn. IIIh opieinitii woman: “8p<ak every day lo eome
■.angfunl. a pne-iM-rons cUlgeo
oe whom you know to be your superof nildctle age. Mr. l.a»«ord teiigte!
Petrie. It wai. hi* great good
Count John BemsioB. who bfs Jus: lurk that be had hi* lauiiU; the
sen promoted fritm Ihc iiost of roiinrounlcJ.
t:u- cU>- wa>
cllor of the aermsB i-mbassy. In Loo- aroused ami there wa* a talghi; showilcie to (hat of Hie kaiser's mlnlHlcr !B
ot bsllots—iU'i In all—an-J Pcliie's

two ihODnaail liallaa* will nrganlio a
leller fund for tbe beoeflt of the Vom- Egypt, has an AinerIcnD wife In ihe majortiy was 40.
person at the daughter of Edward
Professor C. R. I.nnman .rf Hsrvai.l
Lukemeyrr of Kew York. Hl« BUecos- nniveralty has lH-?n rk-eied an hon
Naplee, April IV-Naplaa appMla
at the court of St. James, young fiary memlicr of the S-wU-u; Asistiquf
on Ferdinand Ven Slumm. has
the world for aid. Five thousand
of 4*11*. The aoelely was "fn-jiidi-d in

The Kind You Hove Always Boo^t, and wbteh tea boea
la u»o fop over 30 svars. hixs borne tbe
— nntl bus bom tuMle under hm per*.
All Couaterlcits ImltstumK and “ Jn*t-a»-cvM>d’'are but
Ksperimeut* Uiat iHfle «itb aud endanger tbe health of
Inputs uud Ctuklrcu-i:xi>crk.-&ce agaliist KxperixuemU



the only alrioUj »oloatiQo Long Speeifle in exisUnee.
Positively gruanuiteed to help or money refunded.

CMstoria U a II

B for CaMor OO, Ifttw
jm. It U I'lrasuat. U
s ueltlier Opium, i ■•rphlno nor other KarcoUo
wubstauee. ft* afro U its piaraoteo. It d
und aUa<
Ula> {-'everishnesK. !
Colic., Il
It n-lietrs Teething
Troubles, cunw Cv
and Flatuli'iiev.
* the I
Fppd, n-gtdatw the
Ktonuu'h Olid U
e MutlKP’a rnend.
Tbo Ciuldrcu'a Ihiui

Saved (tae Preaclicr.
Rev. 0. D. Woore or HarpersTllle, N. T.. writes: **I
resifui oough for months, which nothing would
hud A feerfh:
reliere.1, nntU I took Dr. Ring's New Dlseovery
It cured my cough end saved my life.”


Price*. 50c arHfS 1.00

jy Bean the Signaiore of


S. E. Wait & Sons and G. A. Bugbee.

. f.irai.'i'ly Ml-s Au-.;a l.-.i.-i-l.'
bemaa have been deatreyed and 290.- Amcrlran malbcr In the pt rsoo of the
and flare that time ciily iwetiit
lef! hli.i v.iihl-i a wi-l. u!iir Ih.ii-'
000 peepla art hefneleae. Ten vHlagee daughter of Louis Von IloBRian
nni hive fren put on ll.s licoNew York banker,"Who Is oar ,d ib- t-mrj- li«i- PrnfeiBcr Uttiman l;s' nifi manlngi- hi«nuM-.r-, v uiiuni .-l.vlt.-lii.-t ^
hava-becn eevered by lava and a ‘
velcran taembers of bte' I'nlim club
le H'iliien's .istT 1 •..! Mi*;
The king, with the government,
BteaiUrT-f :he lto)rl Si:
and whose tlanshicr is the wirtowi-l rJety of SiHcnttw of (l-.iUugen.
Ix-iir^a'- I:illuT rii:i; he ha.i a wifi* lii •
ghroii *100«l0 and the turn Is t«
Uarqolee De Mores.
Colonel Bdi-ili II. Hay. In ail.lre.i.s ing III. U'-adiiig. I'J. o'Tlrliii
IS slighUy Miaken again.
diviinv five jv-ar« agi-.
Vice President Fairtuiiiki.
liaiiks is
Is th
the tallig the wnwnguiii Haak Cieri..' a-

The KM You HaY0 Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yeara

Jaire.. P-iUif-Jss and Aud"- v.
saciaii'tn. last week s*id;
"I Iblii-.
• Adjudged Inaane.
great delight In the dlstlncilfilu >Vhcn
I'l'i;- ■
have the rrudest faandwTitiog In ger uf Klim, eicli ngi-J 12U-tond. Mich, April 14-Hlaa Ade- ever a Ull men Innhs into she i-scli'eablnei now thn we hove Im.l i..
Unc HlUer, who was aoeeiBpaBicd lo «lve Intlslatlve eliib the vice iiresidi-iii many years. W<- tio w*i loe now- the
liavluc-. ikivuftli a clmle U l‘:e
tbM vHlagc a week ago from Colo­
1 tbe flrit oppurtUDliy lo Bland T.eantlful writing that wa.' «.> eotntn.--j uee M \li< !i!ii*rUl WUm 1 w.i:
rado fay two sUtera of mercy, vaa ailhim and II the eaadldale look'
1 lUe time of A;exnn-l/r H'Uili’im ll-.dl.r-t** hv'aii.i ■Iirutl-ejiiu'... iiiul


Jadgod isaane today and taken Ulo taller be Is promiilty tniosHonwl 1” ^
hir his uliiie Isr-i-s ealeIJng wouM h
lid George <k-asblligioii. The iro tUI
(bk aDemooa lo Ibe aaylos at Trav- gnrd to the tnimlier of tiichec hv
l is-u ii-.inii-il Ini'i The f-irii.w. Vn
i wc an- .sll In a hurry."
g-r wiirk..l 'lii-UMroll} Jin4 -;
«r«e City. Miaa Hiller U a nun
boasta trror ,.1j feet, Mr. Knlrbank.'
ttolenet Tliomas Johnson, veteran
proftBsioB and spent h number of eounl* Ihne and a half inrli.-?, biilbi* or the Mexiron and rivll wars nud wai-i luilU-d Ids'.-m vif liatij.r In:
yean in a boapUal la Colorado. Her (bird ruin. Fn*li rirk. who Is
lie the IbkI stirvliing memluT. of
beallb was frail and she rvliiraod m
socretan'- now overtops bim by
wnfodenitt- enneres*. I
her home la Ibis village for rest A half an inch.
Hotini Sterling. Ky..- aged
few days ago she went to Ptoveaooi
The labor memb.TSi of the new par He bad wen-ed several tenr

> I

lo visit her sister. Hia. Cathertno Mil­ llamem ar.' -Mrlctly ep Ihelr sood b<ter. who attends to tbe housebold da- bavlor andYnkUiR i very step lu mak.
ttrs of the Bcv. Pr. RutamaiiAnd while
rcpn-M-nUtlon credbabU-. ,Kle;
there she became violently In
Hardy, their leader. Iras fnrmnlaleil >
Hiss MIHor is a yoniig lady of loesU- Itlodge. whleh every lalior roi-inher i:
maUs cbanuAcr. and ber affliction Is the bouse of commtrti* has signed, that
oae regretlcd by many tJ-Jeods In Ifac the member Blsnlng will drink no t

j-e:;alor ntiJ reptrecniatlve.- Coloinl
Joliiifon, who leaves
ill ItaUlmore. hi- famllv

d' aU'muAK—t'oauly <4 ti


Trmtbte Mt.cs V02 “

imoliiR to Kviiturky whtii he was .t


•w Irnwinil New Y’lrkei-.«• 1.. n-roRtilse rlalms of lil'f

.borne wberc abc spceit her life.

bolle lltiuor while the house Is In
Id' oil made by or eu liehalf of l■4■•'w
Already Ibe kitchen auiborilles ellireas arc enjoying a l.i’iid grin .-.i
A Fatal Fall.
gloomily remarkeil
ciiiraM.- cf !l:e P>«. In Uie laiv i
ealloas, Day. Mich. April 12.—Gu*: eigaaod
eonsumpUon uf
alc^ollV of the -Dim- Do-.k." which I.
OlMOB, aged 39. was almosl loslantl) drlaki and they tioi-m lo think
supiKited lo eunulu the uame.v of an*
Uned by tailing rrom-hlf bam roof at ililB Is Indicative that the dignity’and
tocral*. appear Hbim.- of a negio iaii
)«.«'elacfc tbia moralng. He bed Just
iiUllon of the hoipse are going
and his wife. -Mr. and Mrs. Jv
«Btfbed work and was tearing
doga. Tbete are no less Ihsn 17J M-pli CUapnelle, No. ill West Onthe aeainroldlBg and had gotten down m’-mber* of the bonse who do no
Hundivil and Tweuiy-thir.l stn-.-tto Ibe laal board when bo slipped and elooholle drinks end this h^ sBecitsI
low tilt* nwliil mistake oe-irr.-d I-lost his balance.
the receiiHt of the calcring depan01 known.
Usman Hatuoa was worttiag oa <bc
ment to a great extent.
Judge A. A. llnsiki of the eUy eonn
roof wltfa bim but he wae on tb
8lr Edwani Clark, the noted Londem of Kansas city, Kan., lias amwaltsi i:
part of the barn while Oloson wi
law}-er. was speaker of tbe evening
Governor Hoeh to pardon his wm fmr.
an addUiob. 6o saddea was .death
gathering of members of bis profi
The Hutchinson n-fonualorj. Juilu.
the be expired bedoro Mr. Hanson
sltwi. Ip the eoiPBc of Ills remarks 1
lirooks hlnsvlr Imposed the aeiileiic.
eoold lake him to ib« boasc. He bad
told a Biory about a dork, upon wbleh ui«iB ihe l«y. after ihe lailer hed bt e:;
Mrmk oa tbe left side ef his bead
Sksllng a bmlae over onr eye and
COKaaaloB dlaloeated his bock.
He aged father and a sis­
ter with whom he lived. U additloa,
be leaves two btoiher*. Dr. Paya.
was eammoned hot the Man ba<
btcaifaed bte last before he arrived.
^ .Osncial Haws.
Tbe cimdlUon of Helen Keller.wbmH.


health broke down some Ume ago. Is
ImpRNred. bat abr la null unable
te any work. She la
ber teacher.

living at i
Hra. Bullifan

Mary, In Wreaibam, Haaa.
In one of bts recent lecture* on Plu­
to before o mmiful


Over Bodjr-€amined 15 Times
by Governtnent Botni Who Said
Thofe Was No Cure-An Old
Soldier Completely Cured.



Uwdoa wnioea. Or. Bmll Rrieh
flaed bapploeas as "Ibe latcrwork
happlawi," be aald, "can be
IcBeed only by tboae who have pasaed

For wr lUrty^ivo yesi^T was a

thririotta teal trouble.talUal Mepa have been taken In
CMie a pubHr park around Grant's
tomb. Blveraide. New York. Il Is
proposed to take in aevernl blocks at a
edM of betweea ttJWO.OM and 33.000.•00. General Horace Porter, former
BMbaRMdnr to maea, te taking
pramlBeai part in the moremnt.
mu Maigasrlle Wank, one of Hambarg'f most popular actresses. c*Vebiated reeonUy tte sixtieth


been ezamined by tbe Goveromcol
Boanl ever Gficen timea. and they ssid
tbo* was DO cure for me. 1 bav*
taken aU Jdndt of medidne and hsv*


deadnl to try the Cutiwra Rernodirs.
and aRo using two ntos of Cuticura
Snap, two boxes of Cuticura Omtinent,
and two bottles of Cutirura Rroalvent,
two trestomts in aO. J am now wMl

Om. Ohio. July 17. 1005 "


Aadrew J. Harlan, of Savannah. Mo
te the last tarrlvor ef tbs tUrty-flrsi
osngrMs. having reproneotsd tbe sler

DaUwTWI other MoUhtb
nmt Cutim Soap te the best baby
ansp fa) the wr^fov eteansteg and
............. i, and that Culicura

gnib Indiana district.
AUbougb »l
yuan Md. be te sHll bale and beany
Amtmg tbe member* la this congm*
wese sneh msa as OuM Webalsr

m of OiSrur# Ointtorot. p£
A wsra bath with CnUeura

John C..CaIboaB. William H. Sewald
SMiteM A. Doogtes. 3eBertoo Davu
and John J. Criitsadsa.


Batbe I


nonueril seiilenee lie ilnmglit the re eiffci In this r=-rer and ____________
lonnator} was an Im'.nsiHal vebool. send veur stdress toMfcjABCTSAggaa
Dr. Kilmer L C«..BInf
ml r, la-nal iiisiiinlion,
h*.-iton. H. Y. The
Moit Ilf Ibe real esiaio sha.-ks of regular Wly ceot and
doUtrsleea are sold by all good drugeUa.
Ilte TMsirIrl of Cninmbla hsve Ir.t: 1
Dar.'t mske s:-'y but icmr-.ber
lliey want lo sell lo Ihe govenum
On nsma. Syamp-Rnoi, D-. Kdr-irr's
and all of their, schemes com
the senate and bonse ditiriei
usf. "Somv of the »eheme* they U''
isnrv are w-uudeis." said a srnuti-t
who nerved on tbe dlsirlel rimmiitii ••
•1 sm In such a frame i.t mind ao-.
Ihs’ If :ometio<lj would .'ei! In :i
ivscTulioii iiDviriln.: thr: two jlul two
sijtll^aiake four lu she frist-i.-; of Celumhia 1 would won ler wlisi t!i-.- g/afi
The experts
flee In Washington n*«.lv*Yl a I

-Mr.-Gcorge Robiii^it;.

JmvI ■?

• |i«M •< B»«aBaJly|


Ell's Crea« Bilni^
11 e-.mcauwfe ust di .1 IS

Th-n i



office wrote out Ihe rotnpleii* ail ii.'*« ' jt,» »d uid-ili,i»'.
-Mr. nrotgv llohii.rou. Fb-

, *r rr»ii«iiet



B. Maron of Hel-


u'TVi'^^iwi'itrKiii Pi

la. Ark., has a thin. eBemluau- face. ,SSr!rm*r,';‘S^”^-rvr4’;S..;V io- T^“4.’'r
ongh he Is t v n i means womanish ib,a
manner. Mr H.crn was ct-iUerl..*
speech the other day when ex-Ce*-

-owoi.--r .u-nsL-h


n-.rr.isi'.it sis m .n-l
T*’ r A. HITCUBI.,. V*
*, A«. r-l,


greasman Load of Callfumlt happeae

\v<; will I'Ll >-ou seven per cent r«r annum for
your money and give you as security gilt 6dge

He was oiucb In



,p«. ..
S... *c . e.^-

M isked -Jim' Shermaa irf New Yoi'H
Ill the or»-or a lOcstlty. "His alias." Pwi^^ o-wrr «°

. Marr Walker.-

Traverse atj. Mich.

Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange

l-,-,nl an experi
expert ln.tbe
L- drod
dead K-Ite:


Real Estate and Loans
I2r Front SI., noniasue BU..


wha< looki-il like a houeeboa'. a c«u I

teresuvl la the Arkansas mar..
marks and when the ip*»n-h wt: -dH


.......... .' il ..I
's a,
............. II a<
. .
U' c-. B IF
:l lu
.) XI

n.T UUoTUma. 18 Vl'iias v-Ki.::cvTo«B

there followed a iiletiire of four dice,
ondenicatb which w-cs a iilcltiro- of j

to be on the flour.

nil t: ve.vr.KBU.
Juilai-’i- I'rvUU.




t iSSE'SsiSteBwS irmr " ■'

________ aurfaee of
ad soften the thk%.
____ euttrir; Uiy witbout ^ rub.
blag, and applv Cutirura Omtmrat
frvHy. to ^ itc4i.g and iDllaauii*-

Pere Marquette

few .lav-* ag-> whl-h bail oiiiiven l.' I-v -iit.
mysilflej eieri isfclfhartiT .who had’m.J*’-fc-cM.i;imiliTtaken to decipher Us Bdilren. i
:uil»; dry rc-.4...
The .uperacrtptioa on ihe ..nvvloi.-,-i

It w..:

She U SO


by w-hicnall readti:

based oa the gToiind that when he pro-

oiURMsman n
'' and was nearly

Insomany w-ayi in

aro-R'-d for alrsi-iillng hlniselr
srhnol ami was eharai-d w-llh nlealiug
‘cigar*. Judge lirooks' aplillra

d’-ra. Arkansas.-

la taRprs by tbs aadlsnee.
yaan do.

nl I'Jrry ir.d U:d- 'QT*TC I'K Ml'-tll'iAK-iVi.nty .4 ar.cdi|
btesandhri,. . .
fem cf kidney troubl
Dr. Kilmer's Swm . .
.................. ............
eitmneBd-diorever.-.he.cUtifvoulv:-/ckMiru r.wrtiw» .ml aiioe thi-w-i

laaeBragU; Is renjaikihlr- ;
•tata Newt.
Cbariea H. O'Brien of Jacksot bas,
gone to Lapwte. Indj to redaim bisj l

J E. UL-BRAV. A«ral.

Traverse City real estate or gilt edge farms in
Grand Travenkc CoJhiy. ■ Mkh., where your
money will bc ali-«>Iu:«:ly Safe.


\§$mU ru>f'Mt> tmitnt
MMT u mm •
4 «tl tnr «•

M *■

I Ull *»» *• »•
•U klatf «•
•Mry IMM Mto»

a elorer top. where tbe can
•roaUitf of th* SIrda.
Up CtoB the wood* *1 bi«*k of day.
OreellBC with Joy the (un's Cr»i ray. He chatiets l|U owa acBe, -BobollDklBird noacs Coal o'er vale *ad bill.
It 1* oiRbt aad tbe srorid
The calB. cool air wllb MMad they Sll:

Spttad car wins* tSI and away aeli
Asriy well fly. away we'll Br.
Spread cmr wlad» nn.I awar wel! fly.
Away U> 'be SoatS. ritfie cklWren

UlDCllBR oerw U CB* fraud song.
1. tVac^cR Boilon with bath hand..
R aanahtoe RlemimoB I'
The Blasirel ibnots ibeir note* proS. Hands above tb* beai: wavinc ’■>
uul cleaalBt up tta Mbciol r«rt
puitlog li Id ibe beat P«
Aaother bird speaks U aeceats shrill. aM fm y. Hand* folded Hke-f.iMed
To creel the tUoc of Day.
•bap*. OiM-orih«Bk««w»T»«P*>to
Bodily Rlrtoe her laise-'WWp- wlag^ f Hands held in il'e ehap.- if
hare an laiwatlDg prograai on Robla and tbronb nad apnrtow nre
a neat. J. FHing motion, arms ^itpoor-WSlr*
im ihai aftenoao dd4 ibno »«<
Who tauRht yon, O Wrdlet. lo know IISK.
Wreo and lUnel aad Md klldeer:
gl'toc ibna tb* namei
no wrtl

BoboUnk, UB. ihe *aiicy felle*.
Three Tree*.
Tbops names you're always unite!
oriole la bU coal of yellow.
iRerlietkia for ibiv<. cltlldivn.l
le tbc bopi aad KlH*. oc


H I *<«r frt to tntof to «•

4MN wim • *™ •^o'. tor

BM aad urotDfB. cao
, our Arbor day tron. aDd ihli U the
■Hoo»*»Hr tree.-—or «bat»»er mb*
fa*T* flr*e «. If pnaalbl* it
plan to lD*ll* tbr arbael ofac*r* to b* pr***Dt aa«l b*lp In ih*
an Intlia■ kB lo tb* parenU of ib* pupil*. Now.
my Bonablaen.. will yon out ttlk wllb
taaeberw sfaBii tbi* a&d •** If
annoi persuade ihen to help yoa
relebmi* Arbor day In ihbi Banner*
Your prosldeai will do ns she did U*l

r«Uj to tell
First child.
tl'llh role** BOri«l. eleor ns s bell? The pine-tree grew In the wood.
AUs! we Bssl bid each other fare­
Tepi'iinR. sirelrh'. end blgh;
Stalrii and proud It eiisui.
Umetlax Rises to ibe ana;
Hlerk creen againsl ih.- sVy.
ARSfO. w* shall B*«. tktBRh you'll
Hall to Ihe KInt of Day!
Or.«.!e.l SI. rW it aorwlu U..- Ll eto away:
ad ever iipwael !i tiwuht-d aud ::r' •
to the riioru*: "Sweei. sweet
Rnlrdlnk. VbHic. dear, sine while yon.
-Tlrt.lee. lirolee* iweet. tweet!"
Snewnd child
Th.e iwkdjvH. .t.«d i|i III* fl'd.l.
•Cheer, cheer, cllnbaebce. «**e!“
And V whistle. -B«.l. White."
"Bobolink, bobolink!- -Peowe.-. peoIh-PesTh it dii.ivl the l.ei.le;
Ibey're makbiR the bay:
r will slleoee Ibe musie of Mbr .
"Cuckoo, cuekno!" Tb* sound repeat;
—Tbrlstlan pi Wort;.
"Cocknn. cuckoo!- "This sun w*
■ '
Hark! tbe mor bi«lR* anew.
Tbnisb aad linnet and robin, ion;
Merry BlasHeU. esery on..

y«r. and send a p*^iiy pWore
erery ncbool which teia oui a tree on
Arbor day If you wUI write and lell
the Sunihlne rliib about ll afterward,
yon wfU read ib* Home Cheer



RreM.Our Wolhect Three.
Wllb Its:ri.u\ an.l l.tu, t..
-All bail. Kine «rf th* Tiny—Jsnlc VorbnrR. In ChMddJsrdcn, Tune: "Dettb- Hymn of the Republic."
now nnd raise a gUdsoBe suaa
Tltli.l eh.l I
Rcclutlnn by a Rlri. ' .
lo Hufher Nature dear.
The apphMrtv. e..-n b.y (be wall.
Wckc'Up. Uttle Daisy.
iitmeni ot th* HeraM ibis week
I'sl) in,l Ct,v 1. .1 .VU.I idsru;
Wake up. little Daisy, the siinBcr l> Again the flowers laugh in ibe flelda
idrtls sing clear;
again the b
will dad wMeihlB* which will b>
Itui.ll ktM-v., tb.-'1'U.T'. edit.
And we V
MoDAd Vlea ProMoiit. Mra. 1r«M
>1 Ulerent lo all of yon about
And elv el!lidrt-u r,.-!..
I's l«rk
woriil shiuild let that btr* i
wbal aoBC aoaihem Hleblcan boy*
It »-aiite<-,! lie- l.i..’' u|us Hi
and Rlrt. iie colnc to do ibU year.
Tb* sBovuIrPp and emeu* are ner*:
On this slad Arlsvr Day.
V.i!li Ircii’sri
« MAML ura*. Cl

Isnlead of Sllinc our depariment Then. s-aVe up. little Daisy., and ha>
ten lo RTOw.
witb Sunnblne leiiera ihia wee
bioiber NaliiA. betr niir singing:
olnp to idre space ter an ArtxK^ Wake up. arike np. wake up. Ibtl* Take (be praises we nm l.ringlng;
day proemm. all or pan of wbMi say
May they awell. forever rlngieg.
And bialen to Rmw.
be used by ibe sebooU which celebrat*
As on this Arbor Day.
Arbor day. It U takes from the HlcbI tense idemannt sunshine to
And let us too Join hcwrl* In pral«i' of
ion Hoderalor Toide*. where ll was
your hend.
dear native land.
printed on purpose for the u
The dew nod Ihe raln*lm|hi
Our Molber Cininin' *be. to wlinai
wbeots oc Ibis day.
ten your bed.
■ll pledge heart and band.

Puoty %lllow.
HalBir patay wHkw.
Robad ia QnakDr Cray.
OpPB aH your btouiM*.
By lb* mlBdiBB way.
Swaylnc In lb* bm*i^
OaDily up and down,
Orarotnl aa a Baidas

Ami IheB'every tBomiciR I JtM Uke n
There nr* two
Suaablne clubs lo rcjiori tbis week. To see your lUlle fare, bit! you're ulll
iniY that splenilld? One of them Is
fast asl*ei>.
la Hiss Sopbla Pearl DaRo's sebool al
up. wake up. wake up. little
SeboBberR and has about thirty BemDaisy.*
hera. The irtficer* are;
And hantea lo rtoi
laa RoRers: rice president. Afae*
Hobake: aeereiary. Bleu C. JotanscB. Mother ofieo lells Jne. if t smut

CbamlBC all lb* town.
Cob* in yocr bMuly

n* th* «Ud Ur«* Dine.
All lb* ehlldraa kir* you.
narblnior ot •!«»«.

A Trmator riwn «Aa CmiUi.
Up rmn tb* South a tra*«l*r



Itopl) s
There ha* not Iweo

RroaAi by tbU ebartoteer.


173» Ar«K Sirwwt. rKlUdelptvU. Fa.


Mother Conairy. bear us singing.
Tak* the praises we ar.- bringing;

a .'aivlttii l-l.- <R II*.

g-eond eblld.
"Oil Im! - laugltCil th.- ctanly <wi ;
"Th* Ilf* of tbi' rt.*!il for it*'I weaih.T Hu- Tr: .tiiViu «'r»l
H, btanrl...
br-uid .n.n..e.

cm tb* trees,

' aad BMse,
• Par roWn tod wren aa aparuaeni
•The SraaatageooB of tbe bulter•
fly's boU,
• Tbe meaaU nad batydW'a eOMert

• Tlw nehoiddmya ladder la picto»'
aal Jane,
• TheatoaC^elH'* teat la Ibe saw

trbor Day.
Reodlag Ooveiaor's



O. Arbor Day is here at Iasi.
Tta. U. la! Tra. la. la!
Tbe toU of winter now is pasi,
Tiw. ta. U. la. la!
Now an Ibe trees are greea aa.1

Tra. lA lA la. U!
Thrir *w«e;iia sobrs tbe bird* non
Aad brooks Ro tUBbllBR down IbehUI;


n U. le


Hark to tbe song .d th* ldr,U.-s!

Which arv dear Uni* blr.II*.'


R™'L"Th* roug v». yog so sw.

And sing* lb* alBide passage o'er Twe.-! tw.v! Iww! a* an' Wnilng,
and o'er.
—Journal of BducaHim. Tw*.'t. (Wivt. iw.-i. IWW-. iw.-i,j

There ere two gratos of dothbig. CLOTH*
CRAFT end—olhcry. some merely nadc to sell.
CLOTHCRAtn' i i maiie to wMr.
flood elothci on ih? surface a: not ertnueh. some
good loekio;r furniture 1^1-Instance i • osily •• vamith
deep." jv)u don't know Iww soon it will gu li

Rerluihm by a boy who ran


wblstle the iBliaiiont.
Do you see that bird <B ib* (
f^“::: youdqwbt.n ihe day J
As whit* with blossOBt as it can be'
Aak her her name and toe'll sing


nay Is doc*, day Is don*.

She beam yon and answer*. "Pbe#.-,
Tra. la. ia! Tra. la. U!
Tb* tree* and Sosren are dma aatw.

l)S» lUPTbtS l.r I.AbU

A. W. RI K£RD. TraTcne 01;

nmiering. Ill fluttering, t.i and'fni.

Merry and glad. Utib- birdies?


111 i.ll tll.-luleat .liwiiitl;. .'hot-.fu.dioii Kiummlrusl.
uui:* t'stla (lit I l;.t.-M im.
provt-l .„.,*binfrv.
....... wr.rU rl2l R-iv'«lnel
r.ii.,-,i'- pb..i.*Xo. il'ai.

nlliering. iwlltcring. sw.-ei ami low
Twlllering. iwlllerlng. as we go.

Slag so sweet. sInt so sweet.

Day flewfl.

Tbe Sowers ire danring la tbe llRhi;
Prtdar. April 1X
Mrda are alSRlBg In tbe Ireea.
New ywabPta Jolalto ntoce last rc^
Tra. In. la! Tra. la. to!
ItoaRhs are swsylBR In Ih* bnwi*.
HriBB Johasoa. Thriaui aad
Tra. in. U. In. Sa!
Tkytor. Haito Moa. PVireaee Yost.
Tb* ski** are clear, Ib* sklea ar"
’ WIHIamsbort.
'Bralah May Moon. Beadoa. B. F.
D. No. 1.

Thorean mays of Sprlns:

pniclaBa- faos ll. April rbrlsieat It. May puts
Ihe School on Its jackets and irouaera."
Tbere was never mysiery
nm 'lis flRured la the Beyers;
Reading <R Artaor aad Bird
Wat never aecret bl«orr
Uw-By the Tncber.
But birds 1HI ll la lb* bower*.
be School.

• -The sartngi bank af tbe tduJrrel



e worthier of our bus


Arsi to. send In a


h'oi- •••aiih aroou.l.

bear bow you like the pUa of Ibe II.
—Lucy Lareom
n<«is on tbe elm ire.- lev.ish
Y- P. Cradle Roll, hot yonr president Th* mile birds aaOR as if ll wenRulld o
iKeieb! Elm me Uuigh.
e that yon win like h and that The ope .Uy of auBBcr In all ifa*
See bow fast w* arv working now. 11 •
And Ibe very leaves seemed to slag Rolldlng our nests, little rbildr<-l!.

• "Dear IKIle iriw that M ptoat u

'Uewelya OWea. Ballard. Watdi.^

A B.iyw whs vrsm to tnaVr tuuary. beys who want lo be
^ taueht how to wm, by oiieol flic tn.-t i uccesaKU toalnmi biiuam tbewusU- lUii ate tbe b. ys w* ww( W htw
from. Wt can t«*Ui you livw to -pUy (he c*uw" and yua
-...'.-^,..■1 money whilr you ate Icamuae. It duesn'iaoai yoo
acest luaiaiv —{gt vreTutmuh ibe br.1 supply of magasbua
{rtctndyeucanhayyvurncs- cupplywiihtbcsales^tbcbm.

boneydiees loo.
Wake np. wake up. wake up. mile

ibey are RAttaR akjor

I ««M SOI naioe lb* lotely ttt

tot aty.
^Mandle Steele. AcBe.

‘•You are probably co
ductioe the best buainesa
college on earth, fur, you
are not dealing with theo­
ries but with coM focts in
practice, based upon your
cscetlent methods for c:-.couraging and helpioe boya
in every way."


Ah! ibouch I wrote both alshi aad

Rwh aad Eari Ferris, auicb. If

■pemlioc ■tor-ry (.ome *.;to
btjne a trees) -e leach our
beyu taUssnaaship. ihat

■ty ihai such bk'M
salatMt IS (ht modern Su..ness worlA A Itfouklyn in.
cutan.* (san. v.ho'-«
TUB i'OST. wt.ica uai

gw Webave alwoUel that uUt about «une of out boys-Ihe sr

Tb* other club I* at WTIlUmsbors.
Tou aborily aball beboH.
And besiea to grow.
- '•rntud wiih.fri
tad tkooRh II only hns seren raeBbers.
Alma Mater. h**r our ringing;
;pecls 10 Ripw npMty. Tbe oBlake the praises we are bringlns:
Ph* are tb* Ucarar^ that b
Ustea. mile DalV. HI ><'U y»u *
President. Verm \Tnlon:
May they swell, forever rinaliig.
Hie T.nnl ..f On- l.iT.e-t h-ar.l,
jOM baaaan lo ibe imn.
Urk thinks yon're laay. and hive
,n h* S3H- ••Iha.e n-.-!*r al-:
tetary. Helaa Johnson:
^'MbSm'Io lb* wRIoar boairtiA
yonr warm bed.
I.r,-ch Hmi *1*-11...
mlttce. Hibel KcBPedy. anil the other
And honey to the been.
nl not bHIeve It. for now I co
...,U.l.wn.H,at pH.-at..a.buli
Taylor. Hard
A fiKiwd or HCII* *uiM«p frins
They lull
grod Tie*, i.l.
Rnlon nnd noreaee Yost. The Rlris
ViHir bright mile eves softly wlnkiit
To lb* bare, vlady'vooda:
meet erety Saturday
SoA dyea for piel'y. buddlag Sower*,
one of tbe mew ben and bare a Wake up, wfke up. wake up. mtl. Rn plant w* 1tw~. saint* the flag, an! •
Aad baby MnU lo brooda.
baslaess BeetUR. aflor srblfh
ibsy play ROBe* and bare refresh.
And hnslesi in grow.
lie tbrowi Into tb* Btartnw’* Up
Beats tad a rooiI iIbc in Rvneral.
Roaeli** of yellow sUk.
.Chorvis: —
nnd oace a Boath they will hare a
Qnouiloa by Eight PuplU.
And dalty dtak* **• round wllh wborta
Mother Kmure. h.wr slngli.e;
rftfuWf proRiaB, TTiey are dolBR real
I hear the wind aBCBg ibe Irwea
Of peiaU whit* a* Bilk.
Mother Conrlrj, we t* brluainc
Sunshine work, helpItiR foraUh bowMother Sfhoid. thy prale* U rtiigtnr
He Mda sraan velfM o'er the
era for tbe ehurdt for Easter, rlall-Umgfellow
On ihU Arbor Day.
la many a loop and twiat.
loR tdc* people and old people and
In fact, (here's nothing (hat keeps
—Vervinn I’nrimon Sqolres. In N. *
Tbea btoda the tarely iwlwfitoK »®be irylDR to BUUce every owe happy
youlb. •
York Ailetr Day Annual.
erery way they possibly cao. 1
With bella or awelbyat.
So far as I know, bat a tree and
Bird Cam*.
He li|M wllh taaaela alder boogbt
thine bendquarterw every few day*
(Iliir o| (he children nt* <« IsSuDBer or winter, day or nlgbi.
Ahwe tb* paaiure rUta,
and lella ibe president about (be-to(wl.
hlr.1*. an.1 enrh is to have n nnm* wood* arv erer a new deHghl.
Aod by lb* Boaay cardea walU
lags, and soBHlnp* Hie other gtrii
mUln., yle,
Lear** boat* at doCodlla.
call Into the
Time I* never wasted listening lo the oiher.eblblrsui tak* lU* iuin -R boru
ibery Is eopfualoo, eapeelaUy If they
and girls asking quesibuis. All
He briac* a bud of nine pluBta.
all Ulk at oace. but It I* fun. laa'i It.
Abd eela the ebMh bckiw
I the rborus.1
n heaven na grandly we anvse at
WHh taUieeupa. ^ wbrae* a wlreoB #rlt? And we all know that you
Of r>ifee<»A.fn>ofa Sow.
Holding to ewh Piber half ibeir kind

...HawBM aad DriB*r HaerM. B

O <d bligbt Ivs ahuoAirit

nr.iw MralKhi and -imt ti. i‘i. w.«.
May they sirell. forever ringlag.
As on this Arbor Day.
and while tbe school Utus they will
bold ibeIr meeilDR* eyery Friday alRht And honored, and hnppy. 1 «wrly mutt And to our Alma Mater.
Mother Srhtml. as w<
after acbool asd after that they will
tine to show our lovwliy; w.Brel every two weeks. We hope the So I'B tin in Ibe Boming. and out in
would her ylrtiirs tell;
will write and fell us wbal
the dew.
Sh* t**eb*s us the irtiih of HI*; w.;j,.„„4,^.
they do at rtieir BeptlBR* and how Witb all Ihe little birds, and

All la a dual of cnld.
Asd lb* ladIbR <d bU ebarM



C.UU.- Il.e witb 111., fiw.-t .Imu.l,

A ireriesa qneen she truly Is: so may
she ever stand.
AS oat s Arl«r Day.


PhedM*!ar a bird when' tb*

da.r* nre

Rlltbely be wbislles from Bort
‘HbU Is h* tad w-bloB la sigbi:
How sw*i*Iy he -lelts iw bis aa

When; will you go wl^.-n-C.*. Srtmtn-.To lb* woods now bbsie away.
Tra. U. fa. U. U!
^Friday. April Kih. has been ^
"Bob White!"
SumJTg:es.suBm--------------- '
■Moled by Ibe goreraor of Mlcblgaa This I* happy Ari»r Hay.
Ui. there comes anoibev! Where do
Tra. la. la. la. U!
aa Arbor dAy. aad It Is lo be hoped
yoa think
IMI erery, aeboDl la ibe Oruad Trav—Joaraai of tUarriloa.
Where will >«>o co: UlU* birdies?
ThU reUow riands lo lieter
d. Eritay—Birds aad FIofJt*,
reyVm wfll eelebrate on iha<
L. RacluUaa.
alwcsubo by aettlag nni use of



Boacoi CLOTHCUAFl' rarmcnu aUiul^ a yk-.
riouA rccoi
a name liiai means much iv Iruili the and tbe wearer, it means mu^h u. ws as
\sxil, because you «il. NOT be a oae-Umc customer.
!l's Ihe kunting bock ogsin and ayair. that pays us
to sen Cl.orHCKAFT CLOTHES-pays you to
v.'car them toe.
A» that brain*, sbaar* nnd needle can accom.
pTish in ski‘lcd hands, ore made manifest in tliis
splendid make of -.plendid dctbinc. that standard
by which sj many of the ' make.i ere
De sure you're calc ' IfoieoinajTarjne
la fust ss good Os butter, whv liu-/huttcr? .-Ju -'t
aa good 3% CUlTHCliAFT " is the beet arw'amefit in
the worU lor you to buy CLOl IJCUAFT.




wlljjasf r


b.^A.<«ie. »f. I»«<swa~..


bed abott two feet ruanlog Ike lengUi


H ibe ranny side of ibe boose: The
Bbleg narturtlnn sod higher grt>*( Idantt con lie planted at ibe bock
<1 the lover groving ones In front,
of tries and shrubs, aad oier
icb a plsee csnooi be used If there play vlih.
Aslers may to bad In crest var>i> the garden. Coal ashes, notes# uetd
any danger of dilitelag* from tb.-,
l.iep jrtms* down to driveways,
to ibey atv panlrultrir effeeilve In
,f.«d falUog on" Ihe Led. In general.
Hfeci* are predueed by pUnilns Ibe auiumn. when bom of the other should be db-poxed <-t to -be same any
m. are none. While very banly
. ulrl can- and eeurkevy.
III of one earteiy In one plare.
cpisere—Oiiftoor rlo~-l - -hixild l«
ever dlsai.p<.lnitog. they sh.HiM
Meklng Fbivers—AIKjv a fes of ifc”
hIdrii-B f-'un tbe sitee'
TW> nuty
I.. aet-I for* neat be iJaaied r-ar y.
gnnKo. Ite not bt any orhen
"luvd. I*lrk Ihetn every nay an-i
will LloOB. K«ep fresh Bove. v
'n llie bna»' and rliaie Ibeni villi th"
Wn-i'ritis Ibe Oahlett—Sprinkle lli*
UslF ev^ry day. If tiecsKary. nml!
:be pbuilR are nne llieh blgti. Vt^e:<
lie plantr cie ivo or thno- ioetii-'
iilrli, .i.rliikii ilxmiiirlily ev.-ry f. u

Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder
free from al u m or phosphatic acid

« MAHL BATIt ■ones

T«ke the Fruit I OIvs Veu.


Tike Jbe fmlt I sire nm. »y» thr
The efalldren are taking great in
VeiteiBs tree;
X In ihe matirr and as a result
Nolfalllg tat • burden te it ill (o or.
Ucktea re mr bnncbes. let Ibcm the entire city blits fair id be tians
1 into r
•Mi In Air;
Iriaeea In Michigan. Cash prises
Oilf lenre se freodom ne*t yesr’s
have h«« oBerod for the Imprerekted to bMT.
of back yards, for school Bover
Eb mr tetters ebeer ibee, Mr* the beds, beat planu Id bra or pot. best
nrgUn* sprtn*.
vlndow box eBccl. etc. There vlll
Wilb tkelr cryttsl eoolneM ‘tis ttaelr be a aover shov lo 8«itember vhero
life to bring? .
flover* rais^ by school childreo '
Lmtv ae dm to stagute. creeplne be inspected, st vbich prises vill
o-er Ute idttii.
glren consisting of something to
Drtbk far ibr refretaBeU: drink, ud
-HI the school
grounds. ‘
brard of s-duestlon hss purchs
seeds vhich vlll be told lo the chil­
Cm I yield rta bleMittgs? «»?* ibe
dren al a penny a package and tbe clitriendlr bwrt..
itNB have become Inierealed and are
Fesr Bot 1 am poorer, tfcongb I much
«Berlng seeds and slips of plants. A
aitleo from the vomeo't elobn of
Wbsrefore abonU yon Ibauk me? Olrthe eity vlll sM the children all they
tag If By Deed.
can In the vork and vlll help to avard
loro that errongbl none eomfort.
).rlxes In ihe tall. This
mel In ihe right direction, and one
-Lney Uro
vhich Traverse City mlghl veil Iml
tale. Not only Is ll feasible here, but
TIN Vandala. I
I It could be carried out lo a modlBe.1
Con beynid ibe garden trail
They haeo cut down Ita ma^ tree;
Bat ibey vbo ent It cannot |do«
TV lota to yoe and me.

ourage ibe tore u* fimers ai
cblWren by leltlag them have a
gardca^nf ibelr ova. If there I* i
for oar: if not, plani a few of tbe M-i
favoriie* for them lo colilivu and

of the boy* and
balM .Ibemtelrea a
vntlttg In them not only a sense of tb
ImaoUtul. but a prtcileal knowledge,
Wtare tong oar l«e baa stood—
Oar me that vat a hot)sc of Irave*. while al the same lime they are lean
jing bablU of Industry, perneverance
Fairer than bouse of teood.
'and talihrulBPRs to duly. And a
Will they nee tbe voadroiit tlgbit we from Ihl*. everything vhleh lend
e Ihe looks of a localily adds
rrem tbeir vindova
money vslae. With all these

Max sumoMW we mmie a alee driveItoBh fiirg— to include a psper of
CentautfO -e.-t when
xmi -eod to

y Moth of the buosr SMse than op*
Bdn.I feet king. On each wide of it
ronr or-bv f*ir st-eil for neti >unmer's.
re ihcve Uyerw
sod plb-d nprido
gsri'en. The g<md idd -Bacbelof* Ba'
k just as pndty today os ta waThe tlly tu't^ itv.ald U [.lanirA a
b<- donr- t.y a serreo «f vlm-s or lattta'
.A clamp >,f sy.-toga
soon as the frn'i I-- «ut <if 'be,
reaUr a gri-st dent po-titer than
bi- eatl'i. t> Ix-lt.v. S.-leri .
ows quickly, any' i.-f the
toaay of ihe • o.rv.-ht« ' 1i 1. cmMi
ct rinill* wilb theralwd tp.. .Us tbe soil d.M-); spites-. wUt.-h will grow .fr.ym ciit'.ngi,
ea-lly obtained shrohs. may' tog In the tell, and dWIgliifiU Hi va«.
Otke ii rm>’. eiiricblng It vdh
richly iteserves a place to an>
n whew plawaing <
veil roll'll CIS uuV'iH'- a»^ adding * Is- plaub-d !•> hide Howl- or other un.
.jw- flnslly d.-cW.-d on
dglitlv VO vis and a'b| beaut.v in <lo-m
lllsTjl m;vi::i' ..f jnd. fb-'t rip.
s<'.yv>u will hate swt-t
llir<'»ln i:.-- ill- h' :
aeisHVlInr. I . v.|vo. <1. the ploei-. While'lb.-- are
thing.- you know!; Iho l|
0if a (..V- ^pxit oM druppnl la two
xrowine, --tinflowerv. botlyterkr. Or
will hav<- them because yo.ij
-dx' li> 3 «l»ui time they began to
l--anr. wltl make a tempi.raty
loy* Ib-m. nm mo tevwuse they aiHertj* ar.d Their Value.
UW. ant w.- i..wd Ibmn rorefwlly.
r sri.-ensh.l willdi.ld l-aiu.v

tayi; Insieod of Hshlly eKTy <Ui. tV.i
>- K.iskin who sold, Tnok-rt
.111 allciv the r*»fl »o liersioie dry. W;;•ir elilur 111 Ihe niomln* or e»enhig. tm«n> the kn'»*l'-.lg'- <4 sti fruitTbs and lialn:* ati.t apil <■! all
A F* V •niln;..i to Heim-inte-r—K*-|i
>al Is brollug and :■*'»'< In Br-ldv
■he *oll flD'-ly pulveriii'n all MilUUK-r
vi\i-s, and savory In tneaiR."
but Ix-eaMul iniMii Injure ihe iiInDiii.
Wblb- n kliehen-arden is a great
Iilg diH-ii anil make the so
eumfoH and eonvenlmee, and gtvi
Ibe siirfare. Kei-p piilling

uk yaiil
Sejoe <g Ii-.- fln<
an- ua’ Ihh. bs-al<l« a

■eight alway. tu Je- popular, and

imar. >l-ii-rl- ify. haxol. willow. •Barns—An
■•I'i tarn
Rcrcene.1 by ■n-es or eHVeii«l w

D'-ver di-i>'«<h'Oi uu
frewks tt fash
:i. We hate rs> mure h.tahle flow

window should be left op«-n imtii ihe;.- easily grown'and very preliy. also Ihe
are ilry. when they shouhl be put Inlii , wild grapiDonn rill up a nire patch of grass
tags and bung away.
I to either front or liaek yard with
Sage I* a eery jtopulai
If Ir.secu Btiuk rotes put
tall* under the tuisbe*. and In a very which evi-ry housekeeper And* u*«-, , flower beil or shrubs.
Three Rub-* for ttecorating Hot
always a demand for
short lime ihe tnserls will be gi
Dahlia lovers should not overiook Parsley n-qiilres almost no a'K-nllon. Rniiinds—In
rery popular as a garnish. a« sImilni.oliK'rve thi-se rules; ill Keep
Ihe fad that la order lu seeur.- a long
lawn ci-iiter opi'n; lit plant
fur flavoring. It also
blooming season In the tiortht-ra
male, where frosts come cvrly lo
Plant Tris*f as tackgrnund for house.
sjiread rai'ldly. aod
fall. It U absolutely necessary to s
1 bird shHIer*
iilar for salads and sandwich fillings.
the tubers In the house.
Ih winter anil are tine for b
If you want a gorgeous globe of Thyme, summ<-r savory,
can And aad placing them on tbe
bushes, roses may be kepi free

soon fall Into lino.

1 would hardly advise one
The purchase hy rabscriptioni tt
use Ihe litg double ones for liiiltoB
the buildings tt tbe St. John* Table
holi- bouquets, hut for rut flowers Ibey
factory is now aaiuri-<l. tlf.iKMi bavlag
are superb, i-speclally If
bora pledged. The Cadillac Table Col,
waiili-d to lirlghtea up a corner like a
Morris OohlN'rg shoo hoot maniifactnr.
burst tt veritable sunshloe. Ami they
Fori Wayne. Ind.. and Charh-*.
Iasi so limg. after rulitog! They wit:
maiiiitac'nm- of portalile
remain fresh fur two we--ks,
-s. will i--ru|ij»llie
eliange lh<- walei In which Jhey staml
• other da>.

The African

IH'iils that look as If cut from
-I of the most Iniemu- brow-n
lovely- Biiser*. Rome |X-r-

vlguraiing etfiel. apitrisVery iileasing.
-ElHHi K R.-xfutfl. lii I
-' W'irbI

"rte larrs-

nlng flowers around Ibe tare and trnJn the others mentlucrd above, but It
makes n delieloiis vim-gar fur salads grounds by using to simple ways tb.
the blossoms,upon the hoops.
khriilH and vlm-s ihsl ore i-a-lly
Is qiii'e popular.
The cosh'sl way to iiut up strings
inrhHclnal herbs llie old rastaioni.d latoiil hy nil.—CharhPie Tribune.
for vlnea Is to fasten them al tbe IO|i
with lacks but stake them Into t
groiiBil by runbing string


clothespin and driving this In i
ground. By this means the string

Aemiotor Tnigseil
Tripod Towo'


Ihoroiighw-ari is always in
an emetic, raihsrilc and o

I lunir or for a bUious at
lack fnun one-fimnh to half a glass If
prescribeil twin- a day. The blo«-

Children and Flowers.
While much lia* been said and

Cardan Hints.
boauillul N-J is one > •r Bihl ferns
Ibii mlulatuie tiger
I to m<-stluw and a
V lake kindly to cultivation ami
r blossoming ■
>. Onu such liml NiIdsalKwi fifiy
fern*. sn.l In July, when she lill.-s
bloom, their little lUim-qvitmed beads
sliowlog JuBi abuv^iN' tern!
a dream of Ix-aut;
ytiuf city yard
If you jms-.-ssstrip of wiil Ihal
utterly uiiimpnin lie. ,
wish in omv.-rt It Into a lieniity s|>oi.
jiiii eanniil do better Ita^ to sow ll

Ii Is not that they lieaulirul effeelt In betldiag and for ntariy always revive' by simple eon- liny shunt from some seed |iltniei>. iblekly with flaxseed^ Tbe dsrii greet
fine, fesihery-h-aved Ilille planls nri
wiib this herb. It U eommonl.cut flower porpoaea.
v.-ry graceful and preily al all stages,
1 window I
window In order
ktiown as an excellent tonic, and >li.Bone moal or lAospbaie ran
siiD.KhlPC. AP<I 1m>» anil when th<-y lilussom out Into thoublosshm.s. when boiled In milk, are
nsed for preparing potting compost
reiluce glamdar swelling, aslly If this nroi itlspUy of Iniercsi saoils of Hey sky-ldiu' stars iN'y
for tbe fliTW-er ganlen when siabU-

manure canol be olualned. It should
take Ihe Inlilallve. Home Cheer gives be ground liner than that nsiiilly fv.1
tome excellcm suggestions this week lo poultry.
■Tie vbo piaats
In B prarileal way which li hopes vUl
The caodytuft.'tr sown In.the spring,
be pul lo use In Ibe Grand Travers.’ will WMtaom from July to September.
Undsr Ht g reen curia la Jargons *
The plants are showy and very
n beds or masses, ani! the Idos• Unf and tepbyr rounnur soml
Directlora for Care of the Carden.
• . tegly;
Preparations of the Soil—Dig np bouquet*.


1 thai s.-uBly imlle.1 oplbewerte’.

id ny. bus ilM-T r.tewT It seems at
••-nevi -as viiob'ihrinyoBes, DOT
many '-olor.

preferred Touodtiion. and plant

are Indifferent. I.ui ihal their ml
TM tb«y vill DM live BO near Ibe sky. are occupied vlih bnslness affairs,
Nor tee mhat vc aav Ifacre!
sad they are as a nilo willing lo help
-SI. Nicholas. along everylhlog which Is a beneBi
their communliles If some on-

Bee that Ihe popples are planted
deep; mix with It stane rtrb earth, early lo the spring as the ground <
well rotted manure or leaf mold from ta worked.
One way to keep the weed* out
jibe woods. Soil tnrllonl to btrdeo
j into lump* or heavy masse* sho-jid lie Ihe gar.len this season is to not
* tI mixed a.lth
with sand AT
or wood ashes Rake them get a start in the^flrsl place.
early bloom the seeds of
|tbe tied and keep the soil floe and
onals should be sown In the open
CdUtr't ClWrl PUntIng Seed*—PUnl seeds In gx.- gro-and as soon as the weather per-

Down Ured eyelids creep.
- '

Balm of Blnmber deep.
• Never hast ihnn drMmed. thon

blessed tree,
be.- •
• Of Ibe benediction



dislike IN-Ir <xi»r. but I fluil in ll
ail aromatic pimgmicy that has an In-

•n als'iit gardi-n worir for peoji
m* years, liiile has Ix.-n advola favor of clric Improve- hrought dovn Hose to the plant.
BhoDld lie gathereil whi-n to full caied to favor of the rhllilre
I. ve can hardly afford
If you haven't planted sunBovers
'. IwM 1
in a r.-ci-ni magazme.
oportunllie* slip Idly by. year after In the vegetable ganlen plant i
bloom, before frott. and tlnl to lirgyear. Arbor dav Is
around the edgw of the flover garden. bunches to dry. Camomile Is anoibcr advise pan-tits aud guattlai
We MV Ibe'Spriac-eeme up tbe land.
DO belter time for a beglnalag can 1^ Tbe flowers are ornamemal and the Qld-fasliloneil herb which originally the children inierestcil In.thls delight­
WeMv Ibe Aninmn'R tag* Bung out
ful and bealih-glvlng work. Cblldrcn
found than Ibis.
seeds are valuable.
from Englimi. Nuihiog gis
We fell the Soolh Wlod kisn otir lialr.
lowani making n fl«w«-r gnnleii are naturally inten-steil to plsnt awl
t Homo Cheer hat said before,
The Tom Thnmli naslurtliims have
Ami aasvered the Wc*t Wind s
thrifty as lo grow a ctmomilc plant lit vi*gelalile lile. Ncillce h"w they
vomen will Interest ihemtelv
undergone marked Impruvr-menl d
and agUate Ibe mslter. iho men v
the luldsl uf it. A druoping ]ilani will watch for the fir-i api«-aronce ul
ing reeenl years and now prndi
Tbeir bouse of arood trill higher l>e
Than our'ltTe-^ae la tbe air;

pii|»ilir til ll-*- '. tii' of bi-lng “to Ta.-h
I boi.1 ibsi a Iheser. If m-rtim

may I-- l.4il f.'.r the m-Mi.ig. a- H.o

than Ihe s^-ei pea. Some obi |a>r;
re tmi -t.fw lo sreept. a>d oof
Is* an aiiiwct i VC-f.-ai un* -1 ihlnk ll Is Keaie—calls ll a flowei
-On ilpHx-. poi-ed for BlfhC.
«it were tevishly SBRlIted
.If the ground..
v.-ed* all aurnmer. Floveri require big rvtnrns for a f<-» hours' work.
and hls,descripihin Is a good oae. K-u
>11 space devMeil to svwi and meHr fragrant, .plcy hlnoonsns
rituhes Unes—Tlu-ee should
ationibm all Rummer. Dy .atiendinx
rutting. It Is one of the must useful
■Iroyi of «al<T did they gtt exlieilR arrordlng lo illreeilona givea
place.! mil of sight from strew wt
flower* we grow. And the n
CV|<I Ibe (ew showers we bad. Ve
IH I'quallT imiKirtani. Again. It
you vlll have floven for :
poARlble. A screen of sfarulu may
ri ll. the mon- flowi-r* It v
Idrked two quart* rg green Boeds, beyour friends all siimmi-r aad be iiirne.1 to prsrilral vaUi«'. and
plaone.1 to Rbtit off street view.
great many rnmplain tt fall
■Itlng thvMii tn keep tbe vtatasr
(or th<' flnver Rhuv in Sep^
Scriwn Foundaiton..—Common chi
They i-II me it die-s not stand the
her pt-kles. and hate over tbreo
r<-W'T people rai**' hert-s'
Stiggi-Rltans for WIndov Boxes—
en wirv netting, whli-b may bo ba.l
iinmer well. If ibey will pi
qoans tt TN- rijM- seedF. For tblnv
Make Ibe l>ax six nr elghi Inehes d<vp, than alinosi anything else. nn>l the:
almosi any width di-*, mak'-i
very early—any lime afl'-r the
we reised'erh year a smail pM
tvelve lo ofiei'n ioehsR vide, aR tooj is always a demand for fn-sh one*.
nice funnilatiiin for vine*. It ttals
and plant It deep. I
Every ganlen should rvmislo
m, but m-ver bad aiirh'ldg. fforv!n.lov U vide, aod dll v
tie anil la-te a long lime.
ll suecei-d with It. I dig litbluums as this year. Now, was
aat one bop vine. Hops require
ane. rich soli, fasten amiy to the *:
Almtii—Some quick growing
iche* bir the seed
1 make It the sod?
-ry rich soil, but afi«-r once Hianlnd
niesi wtndnv and *ei on hraekeis
vlmw are scarh-l
runner them V«ha|Ksl. ami about tea liM
ley will live Pir y.-srs.
1 would farther state that OB obe
(be boa vlll Jiial ai under ibe vlniclirnliing liean). gourd, morning glory. deep. 1 sow Ihe seed, thickly, to
side tt the ■Irlveway we used thu
dov frame. They vill look as pretty
Ide immpktn. and wild curiimlier. This Imilom of this ireaeh, a* early as
dwarfs. uB tbe oiN-r Ibe ellabers,
from Indoors as from the strein. Ii land. The portion «.f th<- hop which 1*
Iasi csii lx* found in ihe v«rly spring, Id April as tbe griMind ran be worked
so much fur brepli
keeplag the latter Hippnl tack off Ihe
Is ailed vlih planithe depth tt an drlvi-way. . The climbers yielded Iho
ripened rone of Hie female plant. Tbe ■liming ii|i from la.i year's seed,
from steda bought al srhool, plant
•lories of places alsiiit iiiwn. and espe­ Inch ar first
Wtan the yuong planiR gtealeai and largest bkitromi as well
on anodyni- and
near niiislds.
cially around old dumping grounds are two .ir three toeb<-s high. 1 draw
colic, himce its USI- In plllws lor
the most m-eds, while tbe dwarf*
hang dovn over the l>ox. aad i
Wild clematis is a line perennial and In a little of th<- hw-e soli about Ibeio
troubles. The bluer |uirl <i
accorrat tt their compact hnWt.
opsis, zinnias, marigolds, ariere.
may also be foiiiul to such gdace
I rutdlnue lu do ibiM. as the plants looki-d the preiiiesi. yet when a aining
In Ibe middle. Tbe simpllfled eOecis hup fs an exeellenl i.mle. The fite-r of
reach up. until all ihe soil taken from wind prevalleil Ibe dwarfs wtwc bkrwn
the stems Is iitlllxol in Ihe manufar glnla cnwiiei Hive ley leafI ai
Ihe best. Choose ihe one o
tiTSwe<.| are fine
native per<*nnlal the treoch Is returned to
lure of a coarse, strong fsl-rie
eii about, while tb<
hinds of flowers stitl vines you like
way onejcHs his plants to growing
l« frcqiien’l} vlai** and msy be ptooled with Ilic
moved from thrdr places.
St and use uolblng else. Nostur- Sweden. Cold hup
In a few years they will rf- while Ibe ground It mois. an
given paiicnis alTlirii-il with It
Forty ci-nia' worth tt ss-ud was sufims atone make a Bne vlndow
ftwriiislly cover And scre«i whsievi-r routs are so deep inji Ihsi lh<
flcleui for the border and a creaeratplanu should aland four or five Inches ;nla. Hops bolliNl in viiM-gar and water
DM likely to suffer to a do *«*■
exeellent fur fermi-ntalhms over you di-sire, wiih little
ip.-d bod twealy feH long. ifl-wWeb
aivri. Boxes nwd ts-oier every dav.
Ihe how-els and other organs. Hop.) aoese honeysuckle tanks with tbe Vir­ grow Ihe swev-t pea well, you
planied dahlias with dwarf uitrtolie Tribune.
should be picked early tn Sei>ieml>er. ginia creeper a., a quick grower In any keep liK roots rnMst and cool.
llumi at their feet.—Home and
loll, rooting wherever
Tbe marigold Is another old flower Flowers.
before a frost, and sprv-ad In the
Spring Carden Hints.
ground. The common bop vine I* that ileserves more aiuniion than
a clean place lo tto- tarn. 1
By gathering all the Udybiigs one,

way In all ibe school grounds of ihr
lotaoms all yon neiii do Is to gel l
counly. vlih eacclleni effeei. Trees, hoopA place one viihlu the Mher
flowers and growing plants are
at. to form a apherical flgute. nail
ful for various purposes,
luxury, they are a pan of tbe general nrmly lo an old tree Blunip or ■

They tbink to

and. wtib ita (cFltoa tt a mintauire.
deposited the praeett*
to a bask.
Thus his tabor was torned Into cap- der fibrora ro«*» on ttc omsldc tt the
tbe beaffh and streBgth h> tall will qstekly dry out. tojartag ihn
e working s
ttcai.-UdltW Hose Journal.
aeqBIred whiiid«-idre.l.

the bed as early as possible, a fool

'ulllvsle<l, wlHi gniMl n-sulls. especial­
•Irstray all kinds of insi-ci. ly physically. The chil.Inn wUI wuik
w-hlch are troublcsomi- on
plane oiittloors. In the ganlen someilo
help moiTi-r. look much hippier tn-!
Wild camomile, better known ns ma:
weed, grows only in sunny plnces. and hcalihiiT than iho*.- who sit aroiimi
ranseil by a cold. A.sirong ramumlle

populsr with country


maUe a really luvi-ly *|ku tn Hi.- yaM.
Have a flower Ix-l near the kitchen
door and throw on It the water which
w-uuld otherwise be put to
l■anFles' ami dahlias csfu-c

hammock all day
because fairly revel to such a Irxwllon and re­
ward yon with ifae largest aod bright
tnoiher does not caiv io have
tt blossoms. A sight tt the fluwMill (b^r hamis and cloihlng. The lal-

wUI rest you when lired and wot
greai mistake. ProvM- the
ll Ihe lalnr* of the kitchen.
children with suitable chithlng, over
D t-xcelh-nl meihod tt sowing 111
the like, also a small wheel
In Ihe gslhering of br-rbs for n
barrow and a s<-t tt cinlen luol*. an I seeil Is i» mix II with either cnars
Inal piirpore*. whether for honit
wori; In rtgtii goml ear- sand or cornmcsl. In this way_ihe
or for the market, it Is wt-il noi to furWvome-i well scstlered upon tb"
off a small ps'fh for a
imanwced. which is of eunRlderable value for a gnyi many 'purpose.. garilen alni leash ilu-ni h.iw lo nilll- ROM, ami wlien jdahts sprin
nicely sFtiarsted. and if to ta
he Icsst of whirh Is foi iiuiilllees. vate P. Gi'1> rail <1o this work s* s-k-irnnsplanted
more easily removed.
ci-ssf'illy as lx>ys. The chli-f object
-Farm and Fireside.
The tc-aves tt the sweet pews near
P-xrh th.- chib! to ta lmle|M.-n<l

mil it Is astoiilshlDg how m'lrb the ground nsiislly die au'l rrive a
ugly apiH-aunrc- to an li.Hii-r* 1‘"
om- can do than he thinks h>Fiirnbh iN- l-ed and have him aitracHvo plant. Th<- 'Iwart nas''ti
tans. Iiioken crockery anil like rubbiih into an.nhl barrel or mix in barn, plant them. Mike him feel that ib.-y Hum oliviaio all this, li wlU sl.‘'> pruIN- ri«ls ftOFl. 8»'s-l peas
cillar. or other ronv»-n|ent oui.of ihein- f«ir, and ii-e to b tbsi
Ix^tne lax in hi* ihiMe - plant..,! Ill this way will fl./s.-r much
way idare and wlien ful! bury oi n
Hiaii when Jilsnosl al<m<-.
ircivv to a public ilumptog plsee.
Eieh dav will find some ho.-ioa, or
evllag talks vere given and many Ing the seed*,
where Ihe season Is very yfiort
Mu.- group 1« an ev^-pleasing
Parings and Other K|iehe«— spadirg lo Is-' done. He wMl socsi
poinu brought ont vhlrh are valiiablJTII Imxrs for starting seeds with seeds of the annuals shoiiM be idsnl!i>. I'si- Siberian larkspur. CanO Hie work and take pride
not only lo roildMtt of the elty. hm four or flt-e Inches of rich noli, put in ed Id the open groaad as soon as safe. Do no> dump In unsightly heap-. I'n
‘^i-y give lioat] room, pomp room,
Should liehave'eood luck with leilmry Hells and a finish al the bculess It can be cariied away regularly
soy rfarysanihemui
to tbe entire reason. At Arbor Day 1* a sunny pUce and sprinkle every day
stock room iuii9 Uak room.
■ns aod pea.s allow him to sell
tt blue lobelia. Other
to garbage can*, or burned, a gocl
approcblng it it hoped that ev.-n Cover brae* when nights are cold wintering in the cellar (i Is about tli
TIu-n- are no
girli .or
tat aie snttcllve to the gsrd-ii
n the Belclibor*. This will
way is to bury In the garden a* It
more Inicml than nsual wUI be takeo I Transplant seedlings lo garden bed
them np and start the you
brsce^ to^stub your toe* as bomp
be G.-man flax ami ihe enmmoii
V Mm. for whsi tay or girl ■]■«.«
but a
motneni'by every one tobeeattfylngibt-lr pn-m.!a1>oui June first, on a damp day. shouts Into growth for autumn flowers. cumulate*. It Ik
------jden or boxes to Nay.
Trim out the dead and uno<>ressary
Oo another page of today's Herel-I take i* covering teeds too deeply,
arlll be found an necount of the meet-[cover small seeds only lo depth of branqbes among the sbrublx-rr
lag lo discos* clric
Inprovcmen; ilbeir oc-n thickness, and mt-dlum- spread woo-l ashes around the base ot
tbe bushes.
vhteh waa held laat Tbunutoy by the [sired seed* hsif an Inch thick.
section* of the eoiintr:Tmveree City Woman's cltib. Inier- ways press the earth flrmly after

fleme Suqcatiens for the Back Yard.
K.*C)1 Free From R-jblilsh—Put tin

Isea and public property In general. I Avoid haring

work; It-then qitlekly goes tack
earth and bHiw enrich the-gaich'it.
Kitchen Stopiy-These should nev

New and Novel

to* tree* aad ctoantog up the school j plan;. uslDg a trowel, old ktttaen
healthy growth Is resusta.
;or amall thin stick, and plant to aoOei some tt the good old-fa^bioned
)n thiteonneettoDitUtolereflingio | other plaetflower* growing as soon as possible.
BHr that the cinb women of Chnr-J
Flower Beds—Select one of the sun- They will furnish ftwgiwnre And
SOaie. Wtrh.,
aiiejl., have
■we offered
usieiw a
• aambertaleei
nruuu. A -eij
all UMiauw
during Ihe
«ne i-uMuiei
summer and fall
places ,u
to in*
Ih- fotmd.
very )ne-prei- beauty «u

;e to ixap the resiiHs of llieir wild jdilov
I’rii'ite hw, qualKjr right, lor tb'e
If yo,i irio-nd in transplant plsnis ieri-r-ip.iiiK- evia^uting. gmlraniyeil
lal-irs in cash? TIi.-r>- is gr-si sa'l*
fsetion to the Jingle tt niikels aiui from iHite u. the o|x-n watei
[steel Aermotor, and tbe trna^
ie throwTi to one place to the back
ll tOtetef.
repoiitog. To du iMs take the pM In |
ntti s at|a»Te <leel,
yard until it wa.«lie. oal the grm>..-.. miod. while writing, a little *■
the left haml. turn it buHom op. grasp
call OB
Ctean slops may be Ibrown on
yearolJ whose mother equipped
for work In Ihe ganlen ami lie prov e I Ibe plain ebise'lo.lhe soil wlHi ih-'
gta.vs witbont harm by thrutving
successi.ii In Ibe raising tt beans. ^ right hand, give a smart knock 'in Hie
a xweeplDc motion lu distribute i for tbe Aermotor lioerf
as much a* possible and not throwing fore the season was over h<- had »i1<l ■•dge tt a ls«rd <ir table amt the lisil

tt prim lo the ehUdren tt that eliyj^- effect may be made by having the nod amply repay cultlvaltoo.

twice in succession to the sam- place. fourteen quarts a< tea o-nis ■ quart. tt suit luelmiiig ibv roots will cum-; teiaduiUs, ptimpa, lauka, etc.

plants too
Nitrate of soda is a floe silmuUni
Bapectolly Is it to be hoped that iheiThto when two or three laches high for tick planta Dissolve a tcaspoo
quart of warm water at
romiry schoMs threughuui the re-loo n rioody day. when the soil U
gton trill obsem Arbor day by plan;- j moist. Take up a liiilr soil with
twice a w<>^. or until

^vuifev6e SHjeiralb.





niog bulldMg* U
Isst «wek from Los Angeles; ftimuy
iskell. ton of M. E. Haskcl. It to­
|«Um«A The wtwlc city l<
ted St Pert Msson, Son Frsncisee,
of dcnfucuofl.
d Ames Longshore, formerly t p^eoTh* Are It r*glng n«sr the Palace
reus fsrmer of this county, leesled
hoUl and that la In great danger. An­
Ssn Frsncisee IrM fsll. his sddros*
other la raging in the Spreeklea buildEvery moment tho eenditlen being 7tl9 Bush stroct; J. C. Orrcll.
here, is residing st 412S
The flamr. are tmTwonty40urth street, Ssn FrsneiKe.
Miss Florence Thomse, s termer prom, HOW MUCH LONCERT
of this city, located Is^
A report aayt that three milm of
the Sewthere) Pacific railway track* fsll St Ssersmente: Mrs. Etta Elton M
have aunk out of tight alaty miles atse lecsted at Del Psso, Ssersmtnto.
from San Franeleco. The effects of and ss H is impessibis to ebUIn a list
the earthouake are now believed to of the deed or injured, friends in this
have reached luindredi of m'ileA If city sre eepeeislly anxious todsy.
There are between eighty and a hun­
It now B;S3 a m^ Pacific time artd all
the people In this place are now won- dred Traverse City people located In
; dering how much longer they will last. Lee Angeles.

Wrecked By Earthquake, Fire Is Complet­
ing the Work of Destruction.

Number of Dead is Now Estimated at 2,500-Magnificent Palace Hotel, Where Mrs. Daniel Dake of
Traverse City is Supposed to Have Been
Staying, is Burning and the Interior
i "
is Ruined.

dkirr uid rood d
recrailr Se«n re

t betas able to rstfoere the law ristdcan better hr undervlood by Ibr
ehemisl. It U offlrlally annooneed Hrremly. tbr laboraiorr Investlcalloor

rrally atiempl* tn fix the respoarlblllly
Ifae Miorce of supply hui bc*ln
nlBc April 1 It mast be dellnliely
understood that every retailer as well
as Jobber and manufaciurer win Ikheld responsible for tbe itoods la hl<

All local bnalness hmsnes were Ibore
fore served with a ropy of the nr*
bulletin last week and the productr
which have been placed on ibe local
Nofthport People.
T«i I A.aTE ei ecMA
market labeled "Pure Maple Syriip ’
Tvlrt>boor qurrir* werr received bave been withdrawn unless properly
laio tbU snemoem fitno Nortbport labeled. Many ol the bottled Rood>ngs sre now filled
ebrrr suslety refardloR friends u4
Every hospitsi in the city is filled wttn relstives Id Csllfnnila *s» iDtensr.
wounded. Tourtsu terrified sre fesv- Mr* Glean Ersii*, slrtrr of FTnnk
ing oil the howls snd rushing for nsviK, rsxbier ot ibe l.eelSBSB
trsint. Their bsggsge htten the side- 1isok resides at Ocean Park
Plucky Raacuc by Mlaa Ilea.
news MTsice eras
DragglDR a helpless horee cnUnRled
STslUhlc Ihsl any portlrm of tbe
iWord hss Just been received thst ocean from sslde from Ssn
In Ibe rewr wbeelt, a team hitched
the jivnur front it esvtng in. From bad been dovaetaird. Mr*.
potato wagoa tan toward William
to the wster front : oi-e Miss Tina John, of Nortbport i residence on But Front street Monday
lies saw them
Is made ground. The e.ty hall.
at Knlnbls Ferry and P Doming. Miss
OMntnR and running from the bi
building Of brick and cemenL covering
about two Nock* In length. Just •
led the blu Of the frightened
pleted at a cost of <64)00,000,
ber bold unill
Tbe HIrt school held a mass i
im: Ibis altcmoon and l•rioclI»l Nyc she bruughi (bem to a slandsllll.
A rlR belonging lo Ibe Roll telephone
Jews of thr disaster,
Federal trow* are In charge of j scbools will respond to any appeal for company wllb aeveral linemen aboni
became frighteard near the rallroa
Market Btrcct, the leading thorough- Aid which nlcbl come.
far*. Everywhere can be erveeuntered
lag on Bad Front street at
crewde of tereified men. women and
suited In run. Ahead of them wa*
Death RolL
children huddled together in the mid­
o wagon driven hy Harry widdU.
Mrr. AoRt-iinc Watson, slslcr
dle of the streets. Many of the women Mrs. Guy Chsmpary of Acme dioi)
jQst a* the Dell Hr was on (hi- railroad
one kneeling In prayer.
Ibe family borne in West Amherst, the horse* siruek the roar of the potaNO WATER.
wagoD. One of Ibe animals bceame
Ohio. Saiurdsy sfier s *bori Illness,
to a. m.—To the left the flame* are thr buebsnd barlnp psKsotl sway
caunRled In Ihe rear wheels am
raging on the way from the water yvsr* aeo. But one cbild is Ief<. s IIUIc collision caused Wlddls' learn tc
frohL On the right the giant aheeU fi-yrsr-old sun. Duu. Hr*. Watson spent and tfarowlng him from the seat.
ol flame are eating their way up from a portion nf ibe winter at Acme, where
Unable to extricate llaelf. the
Fourth and Market streets whence ' she was railed on acrouni of tbr seri­ pbone company's horse was being
they reached, vis the tenement portion ous Illness of ber sister, Mn-. Champ dragged along thr street when
of the city, the old Msekay property ncy. who Is still an Invalid. The aon. Res slopped them. She wa* up stair#
at Fourth and Market streeL which Moses Chamuncy. left on the early when she saw the roobwsy but reached
has recently been acquired by a syndi­ Iraln this moraliiR for Ohio, wbere he tbe street In time.
cate and I* now but a heap of aahCA wiiJ attend tbi- fune.-al ul .Mm. Watson.
The telephooi- company 's rig wi
There is ne wster to fight the ftemes.
Isaac rriro. an old and respeded cllwere Bcalterrd along tbr *tr«
blow up ti
lien of Bellalre. passed away st tbe for a block. They were ihr propmy
Her buildings <n hope of saving the Nortbem MirhiRsn asylum Saturtay. Mr. WilSon of Ihr pi'nlnsula. T
larger encA
hlK malady beinp eexillc artrrio
■ which bad been raugfat lo t
srlcmis. The deceased hsd be
whrrrls bad a Irg badly cut and
a. m.»The flames ar* still raging liaileni there since last September an-l (hough the wound was bandaged. li
the hall of Juetiee and the Mr. leaves a lante family of rblldreii.
Iran of blood all ihr da? down lo*
chanical pavilion are cspectcd to go retnalns w.-re laken lo Ibu family
WMdte and Ibe BeU men all escapr-l
any moment. Seventy-five or more hnqie Monday mornInR hy Ralph An- Injury.
persons were buried in the ruine when derhon. where tbe funeral look place.
the Valencia hotel fell and not one
Doath ef Edwacd-CarrolL
.N'ewman rlark. aped «S y«rs. of Inpossibly be rescued alive. Many |
sons were caught in other fauildinge in 'land died at the asylum Mt^day nipbt Edward Carroll, an^ld and respectril
(of general ploiirrr of the penlnsnla. died al thr
the same
borne al 7:3n Monday nlgbl folparU of the city people are fleeing. 1 paresis. His homt- prerloUB
an i^ratlon for strangnlaird
! lack was in B.rnsie rounly. where he
During the height ot the panic 1 was a well known anil reK|»-riod firm- hi-rnta w^b was performed late Mnn
ly be declared.
day afternooa in relieve a eondlUon
ecorwe of personi dropped dead In the
which in Itself wna fatal.
The romalDs wrrr uken lo
alrecU and their houses aelcty from
Edward Camdl was boro Aug. s.
South of Market atreet hundreds of frighL Seven different fires afo now cime In inland cm the Witdnesdsy
frame and cheap brick heuaes have
Adams, and a 1L1X. In Vermont and removed
to be raging. The largest is on \mlo by a son-ln las-.
been tossed to tne ground and beneath Market street snd net s drop of water BOP. Frank Clark, who arrived In the Gnelfdi. Canada, wit* his parents wbeo
of Uvea may have is obuhiable.
cHy Tumday evcnlnc. Ilrrvcy Aodrr- n young Isd, where hr married Miss
Jam- Holman at tbi- age of z: year*
been blotted out The public library it
Mr. end' Mr*. I?arroll errlved In
morgue twenty-five
thr burial after tbi- servire
The loss of life le appalling. Every­
Grand Tiavcrw- .retri'm In ISO. wi
bodies have been received and many where bodies are lying. The exact
they purchased a quarter *erllon nf
buildings have been turned into tem­
will never be known ao pinned
land on tbr peninsula. Tbey resided
porary hosprUls. Word has Just come under the fallen timber and debris.are
Police Sergeant Bunner was hundrede of bodies that will be cenC. W. Fratirr, mi«- of Ihe tespertnl on Ihr farm wbirb beramr one of ilic
well-known farm* of the i
killed In the collapse of a fit* bouse.
Bumed into nothing by the fismee that cltltrtif of MayficKi,
family borne Tuesday morolOR at twelve year* agn. »))•-« they porrhan-il
are licking up everything that bar*
tbr Mwrr farm near irand have since
The eight of tbe thousands of poor their progreaa. Little children run o'clock, tho direct esuw of desUi liclng
THEATER ARE IN RUINS. THE WING OF THE CITY HALL CONTAINthe city seeking the parent* attribuii^lo heart dlseanc. Five chil­ resided ihrmon..
The drreased leaves a largr number
■e crushed corpses beneath the dren abd a wife are loft lo mourn
ruined structures. Mothers are seek­ loe*. Servlres will ocrur Thursday of relative* besides ten children,
ing lor babies whom they will never afternoon at 1 orlork from tbr resl among whom are; Lawrence. Stephen.
drnre. thr tinrial laklHR place In ili-.- Airr and Andrew, all residing atj
their husbands. The shrieking of these see again on this earth.
Downs r.-meirry at MaySeld. Mr. and klapMun: Mrs. Alfred Beuclere. Rn
» sod .the crackling of flames
MayBrld j Ple'no; -!<*“ Carroll of
KC a sound that is simply ap­ Sacramento was ala^ affected but to Mrs. U It Ciiriis
make propata- Peter Zoulrk residing with her par
what extent is not known. There was

Uapirton; Mr*. Arthur
Tho Grand opera hou»c
It charge of Ihe Rev. Hugh Ken-M»Pl«'nn. and William and
flame* and the adjejning building* are
1 George, arms living with the parents
Of the sister and brother.! >
shake houses all over the cHy end to tapidly giving away.
Death removed from a borne jt i of the deceased, who are s'lll living
CMobS*. April is_At 2 p. m. ail ■rouao the elecping people. It wn fel! The firet aheck came at SMS
9:00 A m.—Word ha* Just been
Grawn Saturday -a tnoiher and wife,'
S. H. Carroll, Patrick rarroll
«W t^ros -to San Franctee wer* not
a few aecends by a accond eelved that over ten souare blocks of ;and
Mrs. Jennie Harr dough, aged jk Jam** Carroll of Jarkwhi: JoM-(.a Cared. Bulletin* announced
light shock and then the third of terri­
dlings and business property have
big PeeUI Telegraph company yrors, pssalng away after a leoday MoR- Rradford. l>a; Matbey Carroll,
fic vielencA State strert i
been destroyed by the fir*. Added to
mnes-i rreuHtog from InOanmailoo of i Saratoga. Wash : and Mr*. W H
^ businesa diatrtet la blocked by this le the fear of the live electric building coHapScd along with
•an Franeiaeo, S a m.—It Is rspert- 4 bris from the chattered buildings.
big binildings of th* city. the Inwel*. Hr*. Clough leaves aside j luehan, kUplelon. Tbe foHowing
I that strew the streets. The e*. Communication wa* partially fettered 'rom the husband. Oscar Clongh. Sv.-alw half brother* and risters; 1
•d that hdSdrads of pm^ma were
ebIMren. a father, mother, ihr- J*"-H»". Grand Rapid.: MIrbarl Car7:50
aiWnod hr sotiUr'Market Mroet whet*
I20a The editorial rooms of tt>* Call
After'the third S'rd moM visit
brotfaers and an aged grandmoiber "'ll, Chicago, and C'btrle* Carroll. M.
have given w.y te th. flamea and th* ^h. g» main. nr. broken n. well .. Mrs. CVBRh was the danghter of Mr ; Pi'-'nn.
I streets of the city wt
Examiner building look* a. though it;,^,
mid, D the and Mrs. Harrisob Harr, and became' Throngbmii his long
filled with half clad me». women a
would be deetroyed.
the wife of Oscar OouMl BepL
I Children. Old persons. Invalids a
of Ibe Caibollr rhureb and as su'b
At S;S A m. • dtaaRrou
hsipicsa cripples were being carried.
From the heights the
Ogden. Utah. April IS—■!>* Onion I Tbr funeral toiric place Monday itbe funeral will take plare- Thnrsday
dating Ha orgy dp Market stroat on Hcsdleea of eletbing and abandoning
shooting up from
peirtu of i paoifie railroad reperta all Ha wire* Doming from the home. L-J> Curtis; MonHh* It 10 o'doek from the Cntbv. tho ssirtH MSs, oMy throo WocM from
the people fied from thei- the city. On reaching the buNfMet gown west of Ogden,
of this cHy preparing Ibe remains for He eburcb al Mapletne. the Rev Rust
Fanoer. Elk Rapids. ofBrlallBg. Burial
district* the street* wwa feund luietf erad by the earthquake H several banwill be In the local cemetery lo charge!
with brkA. stone end Iron. The etfoett; drad mllA .Sacramento fah the chock,
of Ralph Andereoa.
Campaign fer Pure SyruA
wm wire la woffcHig wt of Bw Fran6 H. Ouroli and Patrick Carroll
Tbe <ondltk» of Ibe Micbtgaa raar
ta:90 A mr-Word hM Juat been re- atricken men and women.
; cemmuniettien.
arrived Tnesday to atuad
c^oedofth*death of Fire Chief Sum- The city la now at the mercy of the!
van snd Polle* Chief Flanar. TheylflameA Hoidrads of great fires are! A number of Traverne City peapls labeled maple syrup which eoatalns | fanefal while It I. expreind'that tbe
lotber ingredient* than the pure sapjbrotber. Joseph, at Bndfoed. Pa. will
at San Franeiaeo, among
d like herosA fighting the fire and raging end the firemen a
'product bas enused an acUvliy In (br|eoBe In UmouattdBdtbcbervleeB. j
wat rnmelcnt tojatriving »
if the «le-‘ThQr h

Oakland. Caf.. April 18.—Thefira is still raging in San FranCisco and is utterly teyond control. The Postal telegraph build­
ing and the Palace hotel which withstood two shocks and towered
above the other ruins, aittiough its interloi: was wrecked, are now
burning. It is estinnated that the number-of dead will now reach
2,5p0. Offers of aid are being made from all sections of the country.
The whole city is doomed. More appalling reports are coming
from the city to nearby towns hourly. The fire is spreading rapidly
and the firemen are making feeble efforts to stop it by dynamiting
the buildings, but the flames leap from roof to roof as though thp
city was composed of houses of cards. It is estimated at noon that
the property loss to that time was $40,000,000.
No fl$timate can be made as to the number -of lives lost. Only
twent^-foUr bodies have been taken out so far. all efforts beingdirectedtothesavingof property as the householders flee. The sec-j
ond^hock occiirreiJ at 8:30 o'clock and served only to make the
panic wilder than ever. The second shock knocked over the build­
ings and took more lives. There are no traihs In or out of the
city today, the tracks are impassable. The people are in a frenzy
of fear, as other shocks may come at any tirhe.
Mrs. Daniel Dake of Traverse City is supposed to have been a
guest at Palace hotel.

We arc
From a
Aod want more
of the readers '
of the Herald
OD our list.
It’s a Utde thing
for you to give
US a trial—
It may prove a
big tluBg for
both ot us.

for Boys from
liheeD to twenty at

$S.OO to $10.00
large assortmeot.

$7.50 to $20.00
And our assort­
ment so complete
and values so good
'your case is next
to hopeteuif we
cannot please you.
See (or yourselves.

& Hunter


IAVCR8C HCRALD^ TMURSOAY. APRIL »9. 190d.____________________ _

(nil Inrctse HcnU

• TlWfcT.BATm^

The ««M Wtth th* MiMk IUk«.
ProUeot Boorndt aX tko Urine <X
tke eorwr .ua* la WnAlnron 8«i
wear took oetartor
.■wan vltk tbe nock raka' vho trail
eaaertbed to Buarao-i “P«ert»’i Presnaa.* Ha laid tbto he recocatoed tkat
tie voHd niut uka cc<oliaB«> cd the


dtot and anck cd hnmaa lUe bat
■aa who «er«r thloka, siiMka
wltoa ODopt at hU foau with tbe
McMt >• raallr • auMon
tMhh are JoM aad

If hli a<-

enith 'b»
t bat If a# hoaoa aa U •••

*««*«* aetoiUr. Um hart «( ee
>—ltd U ttoddeead . wUM U
b^MBdrol ti attaeked wUbool cw

Mr*. EJosrijn returned to h -v hnr. -’
The MIrbiKSn Stale.- Il'dri s'-.iv'l.t
Kro. n. C. Ktog of Btoplre wie I
fillr (na Ike dUr « BM Fmactwn.
I Grand BapUs acu-r s:tnJiBg aU j tom win euoxeiK- a< Grand lUpId; Ui>
Oalr OB« le)«cra«h •«« «M ««rktac the dtr retterdar.
weeks at Honor with (riends.
;» anJ IP.
Hra. Mar B- Martto of Btoptot woe
•ad ubM dke nlM ud Baaei tke
Mm- I. WbliooMh to Gmad Rapto-!.. -t------- ro-T—t----------------openterat tkrkn Mat • report ttal gaeet pt Hotel WMtlag reoierdar.
Hra. B. Crook and daogbler Ira of
wrledoibrtllarbenertrHhtt. Tkco
lie a visit In the city.
agiBBw arrived to tbe citr thto altcv
•s^a farokea aa<l
Mm- Cbsrii-s ficdblom. of (TbkapM 00 a TtoR to Mrs. George Kllnef.
the wortd eeodevad wba( waa occn^
The arci
who has hemi la the rlly vislllos
Fireside oxh t
ring with to tbe etrlekea eltr.
friends, Wi today for tlraad RapM^
Herald wM h- .
itafweei arrtvtog at tbe eawtl nr- Prim Hoodar^ Reemd.
He ratr-sion r 1 b- “-ad btrtmd
where slu- will reinala a sboR time br
mdtog lowto-WM their Worfaa ton
Joha W. Popp, ttareh Baber «
(ofe pweceding home.
are Mble. tbnwgb ibeir fright, to Midiicaa Staxh Co, left Ihia i
HsrtJn Brown ■>( Lelaml nnd l*nif.
if (bis o--eat
tell all that bad happeMd. Tbeo again tog tor MtoaeapolU where be w«l ea­
:RisTmen( i'
anro are Injtr eiij- iiriay iwellng
c«. 8m advei
reatoeod aod far­ ter the enplor of the large wwte
ef thr Her.
old (rtends aad a.^iaaJoianees,
ther’detalla were obtotoaMe. WUb
Mr tollU to tbe fatot*.
wi ease aabeUef. aucb
Hlaa AmeiU Reed left tliU onwali
:he I...1 w.^k in tbo rlty a- «b.tool of ISe dM not eee
tor Grand Rapidt wbc rhe will at on
oCfrieo,.s and left tbl. M-ming
Plrot reporla oaU Z.OMI
the Dr. DeVew* hospital aa *
e rity.nhi-rr sbe will open s
while the goreroaoot lepon
0be will lake the eouiwc
brariltog boost.
000. While the eonoet •gavei are
Ml- noR-oc ralrlpb.-r of Mat.!
Hn. Hargam Dal.< r. of (iraiul Rap­
wUl be, (be diaaWer to at aoeb magalid^ wbo aaaoalij epoarfa the »oi
aa to tank, in point of live* loaL
1 Ugewood. is atoio la the nnrtb (or
that of Vtouvina aad nar
le ataaon.
eqoal tba great. Cbarlealoo diaaalev
Jitogc Fred R Walk.T len
to Ihb eenatrT.
Boratog for Cadlltac. wh.-n- be U csllTbe diaaater waa evea fell la
penoBBlIr Btiead pnikaU'
eltr- Maar Traveioe Citr people bare
;era then.
Rranic and l>auk
•od fron tbe
Ooedneb left tbU Bonliig for a aboR
It. per lam
gave tbe newt to the ellr at U o'eloek.
Caaadlaa trip to the Inlercat of a
depbonea wen kept boar far anzber deal. '
G. H. Daac o( NoRbpon arrlnd to
tbe otbee
the cMr tbU BoralBs on ofBcfal b«ab
trtonda or tbeir rolatlvee bad

For Every Purse



"SIS wesTtw-f V

TIh- ipsni-h'-' VICTOR, wil* 'it. ,


Here’S a Splendid Otter
. ....... 'I
• "I I '• Vl-JTOR I,,..-’......... o,. tmli-d
tln:^-.. i l^.r,
N....;.- sua ti.SK
IS17K.N-1 ..-VICTOR HMHCH RECORDS' to |.undm>.T-s
A .•..••ii-:. i-

O CUR. ROR rcre;

WUIa tbe dead canoot be bioagbt
back. Ban PrfDdaeo will not hng

Mlaa AbIc Gardella of Gnnil Rae
la retarmed buBe this Bonlog nfiei

fund <d ♦iiicnsins

<•«•;. rva-h

t.-.I.u-i f.T..u:> $17.



fann.T and .-nr-ini-.-.

of liaim-s, «ho wis Mlksl .«i a vROr-.............
(ew dva to the eltr wlto
r.g a. Rw...r rns-k. wrs buri.-d,.r iPi-’
tea arapathr •Jaa (o hla.
« citr
If The ptMUMt otnek ibo herMle will agato be erecinl. the raiaed linal- her rclotlvrs.
bo Knight? T.Drilarai tniiii. '
U D. isre. who baa ben the Riient
ab hU eddrea twcaow tbe laaatable
blocks wlU be balll better than
d aotlod bolde food la eroir re- over and Saa Fraoeleco will eowngc the past
iDnnlri Sborier. left ibla morntog (or
trra the diaaater and keep her place
DC at Grand
aroir aettoa there U an eqaal and opIp the attalrn of the
ABora of Bcb
Vdta roaellon.- Tbe pendatoa e«to«*
ibrengb the city this Bomlog wtaJle on
Frank Ciiii^nc of ‘lUitk- Crivk. uct-1,
■WfaroMwaraadaoterthe ether.
I trip to Boyae City and other points
(eU 10.0 KhlamogiK. riter In-toWhile the pnoUom and all otbota to.
DaeoraUan Dar Plant,
Campbell of Northpon imsscd
Sucoetad to tbe weUate of tbe'eatSon.
tbe malar Deettog Hondar
Ihroagb (be’city this laorelug whl
afiemooe of MePbenoa «>rpa; No. 151.
■ID a short business trip to tbe Son
W loiteoowdlUoni, great care anit loWltotoary arrangeneau for tbe
). H. H. Baker, artompanled by
•he aeed to (oUg about thU. The re- tog Doeoratlea day eiendaea
tbe MIssm CbrUtloe Cameroa and U
toettaa, wtfertmatdr. la aerer to favor
when It waa dedttod to bare tbe
Bd graatar eevedtr for tbe wroogdaer WBoal aohllefa' and oailorf' exerciaca Fink, returned to ibeIr home In Groca
town. lad., IhU momlBg after spendlnj
4at lalbar awtoga toward eoodceU
At tbe bar abore toitead of the river,
ro Bonfbs la the city with icUtlvci
aa laat year. It waa decided to pot
Id frleodv
- Tho ptealdeit hUe tortt oeeaatoe
Mra D. R Paddeo oo tbe coBmItlec
Mr. and Mm. t
■w that theta w*« a vaal dlferw
who woold (Aia for (be part taken by
City return
between Jtowowttog and eltogtog e
tbe eebooi ehlldroo and aa incb Hra.
lag after speadlag Iwd weeks at Aemt
•weriM white waobldg. Jait at pno pnddea waa antherizod to tonfer w
wit^ tbe family to nilllaffl Stiles.
•b thOM ere aoar bob wKb aoek
Mat eoBBluee retoUre to tbe
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowolng. of MsnlseawBla made by ifaeB. Tbe con.
tlqne. wbo have been in the rlly f>rr
tbe post two weeks, rctamed to their
flat tber etlr np ruher than the good


Grinnell Bros.

Music Housp,
Hichigan Dislrituters.
Hcadauarlers at Dctroll
-; ! !

Traverse Cily Store 159 E. Front SL


tetot« paldldtr and l>





\V«-carry tar il.i.

PototoM Bwnwd.
Tbrea can of potaioei which «n
ntded aad eUadlag on the track

Robert Sbcphcnl .<r Old Ml.s.loii
left IhU momlag for CTIrago. where
be will engage la cmphiymeot

btoU win baootoa the center of
te aecUoA of HMlgaa daring tbe
anuer aaaaow. Mr. Boady to pUa-

Mrs. A. Minor of Old HI»don arrived
oUa awaKlBg oblpBcnt wcie Jeattoy.
la tbe city this Morning to s|>end
ad by In gainrdty Morning. Two of
(ew da.vs with friends.
tbe'eai* btoonged to John Fitch and
Hr. aad Hn. George jarret to (R<l
tbe-Dlher to Cbarlci BUlmaa. and each
Hlnloa. who have lireo s]<endiug the
tbe Uree coaulaed tram 7en to sno
winter In the city, relumed this
«heU of tbe rooU which,
noon to tbclr realdcorr for thr
hongbt at atoot Me per bashel.
The origin to the dre Is a Mystery,
Mrs Henry DObm. sr. to old Ml?
for there was ao Bre to U<e
elOD arrived iii ibe dly this morning
r tbcM. Tbe siallno ageni
to spend a short time with n'lativcs.
the plaee si 11 o’clock and
Raymond Vagnon left on ihe M.
g waa all right then. There
N. R Saturday aricmooa for Manis­
old tie* pK«d
tee to spend Easier with bis bnjibeiaad attend to bnaloeM matters, lit
rotumed today.

flig great tbtogi tor tbe reeoR
elbara a Veaettoa alMit
Mriieh wlU auran vlaltort ftna all
bate of tba aoRban portloB of tbe
■Ma. TbU wUl be a aew Ihtog tor

Prom Tnenday 's Record.
AiKBBl Rail ef Co. M.
Dr. E. U AatatoB left last evening
aa extensive trip through Virginia,
The.aftb anaoal gaihcrtog to
art to OoBpany M. Thirty-touHh where be may remala several weekn

Tbo nupwUBg cd tbe big Mortbporl
•■Mb toitol U another eleoieot which
Wtl glva Horthpori a pnBperoaa boom.
Ctaa R Boodr. the Baaagcr of tbe
Mat. to a hotel MM of broad opnlMP ahd nptodate netboda.
to Nonbpert too
^ InaM pwrple la tbe conaur

aaoltoh ef the sute and aa atracMUs Mildred Moses to Csminl I-ake.
• MM w^kb win be aplendld mdvertla
iwbo has lieeo la the city visiting
tog-tor KenhpoR. l4averee Citr wOl
friends, relumed ibTs aftvmcicm.
& ont to tbaaa dBaanUnUoa.
IM eeuplea eaioyed tbe Mazes to
4k tba VaiMUaa bight a ecore or
modem daadng. The cany portkm
Mrs. Dr. Boyd to Rapid City retnmed
• tonaebha aad. Motor boaU
of the evealag was given over to a pro­
. her borne today
tlrama CUy will parUctpale li
gram to Butk rendered by (be erefaes- few days in tbe dty with ber parents.
aad the social galberlag prorar- Hr. nnd Mrs. Daatonh
naded and enjoyvd (be national airs
li predomlaaled. On every band
tM mar Ooveraor Warner will be aa

LanoilMig'a rare


not I'll wr»i-4 aa W‘I'lilily "7 I'ri'V-


^ (vrtAiiily



$. e. mail $ Sons
Cranrsr Bilv's Ccading Drug Sloi*


tbe train did not arrive anill I0:l«.


Jf you will pufiia-.- lli.-re:»rti.^<ilff

From street, left ibis morning (or KalThe re eettbUebwept c( tbe
amaaoo where they will locale for the
Haultog Horh FrelpHL
tipT bet^ Hortbport and UaataamiBg summer. •
anrfca Ibr tbe btotllag village of
The T. C, U * M. train Tbnrscla.v
The Rev. Thomas Co* ted this
MMlWwl a ••• on e( proepentr. The bad
tbe miaforiaoc to break ihi- Ing for OmDd Raiilds where he will at- hisbij reciiiiioi-uib-..
eaetow <d tUa car ferrr hat been (he draw tar aad ibeitmeklc of the
limd .10 boilBas.matters.
at DeeUoan oo tbe ninni
Mrs. Jane Bobb rctoroed
Mp trcB tblTcItr and to con
nme at Barker Creek
they UBporarily repaired the
after spending
tahiUbwl. tbe toaW deaeiatiaiei that nrltb an tod faahkioed coaptloe pin aad
wllh her daughter. Mm FTnak Wil­
U» olerta pot •wO'tor Uda Itaptove- bar aad Bade the trip ihrangfa to tbe. helm.
Wbt wora rtobtlr Ptooad.
ferry tytag at tbe ailp at NoRhport
Hr. aad Mrs. J. I.. Hateblm, aeromfte ear ferrr ' aena touch
. walllag tbe cargo. They baalcd 979 paaled by Ibeir grandson. Orin Way,

> tor Um Nortbport

JtliK-Vitriol tO^ipcr 8al|ihali>).

I’liril (ioH-a.

the G. R * I.
and Mrs. DIrtioldl, to SM Wesl

Tiielbfoil ha It aakarh gatewv ftooT tana Of tiolMit there aad loaded
left today fta- Rapid City, where a R«i•reat aoftbweet to the lower
tbe feny wltt forty-ato eara. tbe larg- deaee will be taken up.
toaioef HleMgaa. The Caet that tbe ■t load ret taheo. Owlag to tbe
FmnkJIn to Old Mission
abort legnlb ef the frelghl can t
passed Ibnmgh the elly this moraln::
r with tbe O. R. * I. rolintodi aiBbor waa greater tbaa ber uii
while on his way to C’hlago. whi-re
he tUe tor tonr Bekaa U
eapadtr. Ihlrir-iwo can. Tbe trip
■Ota Itopertaat pcopnlUoa than the toir ihlf Bornlag was slow and
tbe A. U MrUy firm.

iinK-r tin*!-! lla; l«-8l nmt:*f-nls

Arfh'iiii*. r nf Siilplinr o«<l

borne (bU momlag ni ManUllaoe via.

Spraying Cime
! . IH Mr at tihiiil Wbl y-ii li-»'l InltG r c-l your wanta ia wly in




1T 1 s satisfactory


of our

(l.i you


• i; H S T ■

that will not (Svniw yrtii. if you will foll.-w s ni'i.1 tl ^.Iiim
a can-ful IIioukIiI ImIuv hKjuI yi>iir t.H-Ui is .■ lini-jiy r-'.i-i ibul

fr:i-n<ls m.iy ask


answer is easy



Liy Co.'h




m»tiv eiitk wlii-n l<>i...............

TbepnirtrtiineiDd tbe nuny bidden advactarts of ;i<Mtn.;:

tire cxinililioti of yoiir trvlh (oft. n uiiimsl in lire linrl
I ■>!
oipcrreni-oi 1 will !«■ i>1o«e<«1 to <li«-usa w itl: yoti at vs.itrowii
i-onvenidiw. The tiniim-iai wiili of iiiy <-l»T,.ti.i:is Bt:;i!--tii f>il
to priwltK'p Itapity tliore.:liis.
It will itK-.i»o itk-1.1 iiiiu- you cniiii- ill iiimi.-liM. lyt ,


C.I> Opora Houan Ulk,

Are You Looking for______


?!ower$ on

Wc sliall meet yonr wunU.

Customers TELL US SO.

Tire fitw sivrial l>m;;iins

vour mn


are qiioting yon are only a fi-« of tin m.tny.

li liamlsrmio I Hd< rs. i:oM <11



Rogiilar r.i .V). now- 6.00

V<.ii h.ivi li-Myiifiilly rjetorated walls, if

RotnJurSlT.u'rtr ..7.50

:i' -

iii<i.;iri'::it iu

s«-|*.x'tion of the pajrer.

L Simmons left this afternoon tor
Kewadin, where be srlll eagagn ta




<?ur :-ati r: ’ v

ii> natur.-il color-, t-!r:axr

..l;<l lii.i!.*


work tbe coming auBBer.

hiMHnd gaaat aad wU be the eeatral
Mini Frankie Kirach has retamad
km at a Wg baagnel to be given at grand March which began after (be
tme after spending Mler with
abaeBUy call. Tbe “Red. Wbite and
Wnb all tbeae aittaeUoas for tbe
’ WU played as (he opcalag to tb" trieads la Haalstee.
Attorney P. C.GlIbert went to Pranknetoiag aaam aad tba perMaaeat es- pngram wUeb rJoaed witb “Star Spau>n Ibis morning to attend Circuit
tAMtahtoent to tbe car terry, NoRh- M«d Baaaer.Tbe grand march was led hy LJeut. conn which 11^10 Monday.
perTf tatm loofci very bright Indeed,
Prof, and Mrs. Knvl Horst
to wOl become a |
Joaetoi Klaasee and wife, followed by
tm aad lu M«r

Uent. H. I. Knapp aad wife





Tlv <:

Bockvrs Sire, awl oj..s-;,r.l.

I'.Ti- r- •'irc substantially ma<lc aod

wii. look -jl*;; 111' on the walls.

iRinp Ana K.rekors tlHBwl upwnnl.

The pr.v

tr Bf gmwth. lie hoBM win be bean- grams were anlsUe in ibeir rank
and man Thursday.
MM and Ita beauty mto Improved.
,gad we prndtot that Nortbport wlU be call given by Herman Klrcboer, anioer
oU of the moat beantUnl aad ptmalar (hem being offleem' call, me—
drill cnlL gunrd moiml. uttoo nad
fMORa tor aortkarn MIehlgaa.
d they will lllgtalaonl.l
FIrtalOe wftb the Grand Traverse
toad their aid to this <
HerwW will be withdrawn May IsL
Na ewtenalen can
had beyond
that I'ate
All auhaeribers to tbo
Htrstd Who doairo to avail tbomT«M Sootltard and Alfred
Mlvea to this groat efioc tmm do
ae at once, boo advertiaoment olocTtomrtd was abnakad Wadheaday ■ .
wtwrc in this lamr- to the Herald.
kg-tlka news that eamd slowly and paia- apriog n



Prices moderate

Como awl c»nvin<-.- yuci.
Bcltt* llrat WoC-lllAlK-yn.:


ovctytliitii: in


Yoor Uc-Uablo Fomitur.. Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

127 SoBlb UBl«a Street

€itv Book Store

Crsvtrst Off,


Mrs, Anna Detten of this diy. *e-jthl» morning, where abr will visit reUFraak Bohrer of Baat Bay townahlp
aad MdaNlaa Loocktof bat OarBeld, eompaaied ber daughter. Hr*. Fred Uree.
wer* oMtad la «arrlagc by tbe Her. Morrtr. of Grand Bapids on her re- Mra. Robert Hewitt U ependlag the
tbis moralng. where an ei day at Emptre with frHwd*.
U a. Carpenter Monday afternoon
Mrs. W. E. Msrtin and Mr*. D. C
tbe paraooage. They were allendej tended visil will be bad.
-Mrs. J2or* H. Jebkta of Toledo. O. Sing tell tbi* morning for EmpOr
$xtjm by Olio Bohrer and Ml»t Verln* I
wbo has been In tbe eily with her radios.
Hies Nellie While retunied to he-r
daughter. Gladys, fw two week* vlaltr
log ber BUter-tnAaw, Mr*. L. K. nne In Solon tbit monlbg.
Hie* Addle McMnllca. danghti
Mr. and Mr*. C. C. Hne* hare Iwen
nereland, left thU momlag for CadHn. H. HcMolleD. bat aeeepiod a
to Mtskegon by oie aeriou* 111
lion In tbe ofBoe of Di*. Thompaoo A bu. where the joint ber bosbend la
iK-iP of (btir daughter. Mrs. John Bo=
A-ito T. Bm
OanniML MIm 'MeMullen U a pgpit permnacni residence there.
iwl «.C

Mrs. Waller Wilson, wbo has been
Of the ikwkeray mUege bnt ihl* w
Hitman BlMd Harka.
•Ac again atudled lo tbe bntloeu ed- In the diy with her raothey. Mrs.
George Lawrence remmed to I
4 >er C(lt «Dnrt« M Tine
borne at Rapid City Ibla afiemooa.
wgDam*. a weU known merehani of
Mrs. R. O. Whalea returned U> I
J. «. Clm
llac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty retry
home In Willlamsbarg after a day's ago I had severe bemorrhagra of the
Aaaad Hgbl
lung*, and was near di-slh shen I bWilm of BIpgbam Saiurdiy which shopping In tbe dty
gan taking l>r King's N‘-- IJlseoverv
Mias May HarhHl of Charlsrolx It compMel) cured me and I have cwelgbed. OB the city *e*1e». 114»
spiat a aliort lime In tbe dty with
pnanda. or an average of l.tlS
TPi* li the large.1 tTerage for
friends and relumed borne this afieN tlefflOThag'e*. Chronic Coughs. Sellle.1
CoW* and Uronrhlils. and is the *ml>
that have ever been weighed o
known rure for Weak. Lungs. Rver;
ft^n Christie and dsaghlcr Hiss bidUe giisratiieed by dobtisim Ilnic
Hary.'and *ame* Christie at B<
On, F. H. Meads, and C. A. Bugber
Urngrl'.o. druggisu. 6V eetils and tl.
. of -----------im. llo.n.
called here by the death ied !
I .P*r1r
Fi«d kBd WlllUm LuBb, J. BpirUBii Alice Duclt iUrrIs and are tbo guesla Trl2 bottle irceala.
BBd J. J. BoDiiar *11 from JorflFU. ar­ of Hr. and Mr*. J. H. Buell.
Mrs. t:<urge Thompson of Pontiac
rive In ih» niy Moodar afirmoc.B
Mr. nml Mm. J. K Ahllterg. formerly
of this city, hut now of PMoskey. re­ ras ikrnwo from ber horse agalns.
trre and lict sknll was fmctiin-l
OottIM HabiefacTI b*« dteovard each lake op * iwftcre bomr.lead. turned to llifir borne this aflfmoon Hie may recuver.
all aUfvUae* lo Baaala. the hoiM of They did not arti onl at Jo>'flcld but alter spending a week in the city with
bti tdHb and took «M Brat deelartfiim If pittied »llb tbcir ne» bomesKnd friend*.
Pill make aueb aalee
Ulis Emma Wilson of KortJiiiart.
paper* tn be a aabjeel of Uncle 8am.
who ha* apeni Hie winler at Clevdand.
Tfelrty-iro tnoniben of Traroraj* sivenl Ibe day 1|> the city with Mis* he the'hwt remedy she *'Ver tried for
Ha^ Ptllara fl( Ltnlanaa eoanty
CUT hire, No. 63*. lefi ihe dljMaggie Anderson and left at 3:30 tor kiting the ttliiiiiaeh. Liver and Howand Mlaa uai? qpk of
cIs In is-rferi order. You'll ngrve
WcdBMdaT at in o'clocdi bound for-i Norlhpurl.
tomMp were nartM at the boi
witb her if you try ih.-*e imluless
' tbe BrMa'a pareata. Sanday. April K. dar'i pleaaore at Oraan where, 1
purllters that lufiis*' new Slle, Ouaniti
aponae to an laeliatloo ttom the Silrer noBi Stlorda)''* Record.
teed hy Jiditison I’nig t'o, P. II.
by Jaailee B. L. Partneuar.
lake hire- the party repaired for
Mrs. I. U. Ilalsell went lo Williams Mraila and <’, A. llugluK! l>.-ug Co.
day-a rl«ll and ooUns. Buaae* ire
burg Ihi.v afteniun to spt-nd Sunday druggtsla. Price -Ic. . '
k kappy BBloa *aa c
Ukeii al Bmadhacen'a bam aad tbe with frlonds.
laai aaeniag la tbe naptui pariora of drlre vhlrb folloatcd pro ed
r moat «bHhn Theta Coker of Omer.a
AaaiAw Anil F. Nedlater «bea CtM»- joyabte.
lurnwl to tills dty Imlsy ofier eiijuylnw
l*T Bataaienield took a* a bride Hlaa
The pramium oiler of Farm .md
a rhorl vlsll wllli her pan-iiis. Mr. uiil
NeOto iioallloll. bcMb beinc fras In- fimnnd ha* Item broken for a
r>r«*lci* with the 6ra"d Traverae
Heiald will »re withdrawn May 1st.
iDlldIng for the Farmer* Supply comNo esletttio- can se h*d beyond
Miss Anna Oleson at Simons Bay I
any adjolnlog Victor Vetertyr*i In Ibe city lalay while baking medlca
C. W. Pahaer i4 Moiule. lad,
wagon and carriage »hop on State
bmllMr of Victor C Palner. aldemaa <lrcet. The new building will l>e two Innlnieni,
.t one*. See advertise
Mr. and Mrr. riaiide I.yiell Af liattl.
«f tbe ^r« ward, baa boocbi }*a Baa aloriot In belghi, built of t>rlc
Creek, who bave lioeo In NorihpoH for
(anaa on tbe penlaiula and will on will be modem In every rcapoci.
two wtH'ks visiting Ipt' pan'Ols,
cac* lo leaeral taralag os one while
and Mrs. Freil talsuie. passed thro'igti
be wfll ralie frelt oa tbe otbor.
the city ond Ibeir return liiime Ibis
UBKlBf operatloBB are rapidly being nee* they will nlao have plenty of afiemoon. e
Mr. and Hr*. Peler Vfurxhiirg nn.l
aan-a and Omu aaly tea day*' a«rb
babe of NcribpoH are in rtiediy tiklny
of baaimt to ibU dly. ■ Twenty-three
r JOHiph J*crrln grocery »tore. visiting relailvrs and friends.
Tin- Ui-st Sovh.|;» Ik-i-ovil. *•>'
. car leadi art at Dtaeoa and aer<
eoracr Tenih aad Unkia. ha* dtangol
W. E. Campbell and ilaugliter l^vinr
lirnd*. the purchaner being Rd New­ of Norlhport are la tbe city for a slioi t
ton. at preaent al the Michigan Stareh trip loilar.
Jaltai Wtsate bai tendered
factory. Hr. I*crrln will retire from
Mr*. W. II. Brader and three aonr.
rlpnillwi -fo Mayor FTMrIcb and boalneit aetlrlty owing to til hcalib.
pasMtdlhrougb the eily Ihlii morblng
vBi«Mtlbepcdlee force ^rllW. Mr. and the entire alxrck and bnlWlngi
■heir rvlurn to (heir home In EmWinnie, dwlni tbo time that be baa
been purchaaed by Mr. Newton.
e after spending a few we<-ks wilb
b«M aaiwaa a baat. bai baaa an cf- pQ*ieaalan will be had Monday b
friends In Owoaso and Boyne CJIy.
BiBaai tMeer and hai taade a Urge
Block will be lotiallod and
W. II. Higgins left Ibis morn­
BWbar of trlead*. Be will eMer
employ of «. i.> Mercer afd learn
^ved. Tbe llrlttg poHloo of the store ing for Onekema. where she will visit
be oeenpM by Mr. Newton, who her mother.
Mrs. William Wheeler returned tn
rent hi* home *t 3*1 We*l
cr hiime in Port Oneida after spendThe debale between the Baat Aordan Eleventh street.
»g a short time with friends lo the
and Tnverae Oty High Beboeli will
taka pMee at the High School building,
Mr*. E.' Sumner Is spending the da>thia dty. Vednoaday. eTealng. April From Tboraday** Record.
Hite Agae* O'Connor of Oreud Rap­ t Coiiemlsh.
M^Thla ream abonld be of Intoreei
to her borne ibis rooralnr
Mr*. Rcbo Colby left for Bear Lake
(peteryoae who la eoneemed with tbe id* ret*mod
■pcndlog a abort lime in tbe clt;
edaeattaa of oar young folk*. An adfrteads.
■larion of U aeaU wUl'ba ekarpad
drfniy eipeaaet.



ClnarliUon lhl» »wlc 2,?75


Suits and Coats of Beauty
and Cbaractcr
An Elaborate Showing of What’s Right
Ihiying as we do in such quantities with only a few of each model has given
the Cloak ami Suit department the most extensive showing it ever had. The fact
that there are but few of each model and that we are constantly receiving new styles
is an assurance that tbe designs will not become commonplace. The woman wholikes some particular model, but does not care lohave every one have one like it. is
assured of this here; not only that, but she is assured of a much greater variety thw
can be found elsewhere.
• Buying in the quantities wc do we are able to secure lower prices than it the
dealer who b'jys only a few jjarmenis durinjj the season, and we buy only from man*
iifacttirers that we know by experience make i;arments that are worthy to be offered
to our customers, with the result that
we have the best Coat and Suit trade
store in this part of Michigan.
We have this tratle because we
merit it. People would not come here
year after year unless we could "deliver
ihe goods."
Wi: KNOW it's to your advantage
to at least see our line before making
your purchases.

Coats and Jackets from $S lo $25
Exclusive Models in Suits
$t0 to $50



Traverse City State Bank

'^?r. and Mr*. 1. M. Ileacoz and babe.
rraak Stone cf OM MUBkM war In Irene, left ibla moralng for a rlsli at
tbe eky Moaday betag bera to hare Kalkaaka after which they will go to
wbera they will make a
a band dtaaaed. Mr. B
la aa atddeni laai week whereby be
Hr*. Srlveeler FlanlU of InterlocliiMt tbe lade* Bager af hi* len band, n li In the city today on business.
N. Hdaaple bis
tb* MBber haring to be lakea-e*
the band, owing to a aererc aecldt
tended ll • Bvangelleal con
wM hb buu taw which be oacd
aa««ag wood.
From Friday's Record.
L. Asbton leaves the city
rvenlng tor a pleasure trip
WmiatB H. S
tbroagfa \liglnla. He expect* to
main any where from len day*
three week*.
trip to aearhy potau for
Mlaa Alice Armtiroag. who ha* bceo
tm. W.*3. Bllla A Ca Hr. Steele
aUM to tbd Heinld that ibe local I the eily on a short vlsll with :
couitden bmlneca joat from LmU' and Mrs. Geor*e Ijtmh. rrlumetl i
nan tosoty taoiinted to |6fl.Oon and tieraoon to her home In Alden.
be loda lervardi to an InrreaalnR Bfla* Agnes McOuIre nrturticd lo
borne lo Elk RapUt ibis aficra(»n.
hnalneatAbe eomlag nni
Depnty Food (k&imkasloner Olio
M. Dame of Nortbpoii t* at the I*i
Wbll* morning bode froa a
■t Silrer lake Tuetday nigbl a wagon Place today while attending lo b>
connected with (be food depar;
with eleren oeenpaata went or
eabaokaMiit and HIta dotle Rratoeb
fU wai aerlonily Injared. Tbe im*
this morning for two dmtinaliiins. Al
wbeeli of tbe wagon tUpped
' pnBtv tbe boi fimn the wagdi and Carpenter going lo Boyno CUy wbl
ber fausband left for Trout Uko i
gronnd. Several other* n e alkgfallv tiBsloeaa.
A le'UT received la ^hl* city Mon
4b* from Hlat Maud Comploh, sUtes
tm ker lalber. B. C. Compton, b al
ML QikHM Uklng ireaUnoBt tor paratnb M.tlm Ml side. HU* Compton;
vlsiied her father and stale* that tbo
tronblo stariee in hb foot and after
taktnk ireMaMi 11 left the tool and
•eUled la hb *Ue. Mr. Compton has
iBMy friendt In Ibb dty wbo will be
pamed to lorn of Ut gtIUdtoa.
Al the Becting of the W»«iic-iong
. rinb dlrertora Tbnrmlay It was deddml to fanlid a tAMvo Mali faeal bon**
aad do It at ooee. Tbe etmir kppolotat r. F, Hurray. Wlllbai Voatboag
aM 1. L Sterntson a committee oo
t^Idlng* and grotuds and they wees
HnUne* and aecsre a contracier to do
iba wot*. The plans of Asa U. Hall
nrace approved tad adopted and h*
win sq>erlBle«d the balMIng. The'
bnat heaae will be faoni eaai of
Obamtmil boat house toward the gna


For the
To BDcceed these dtys you
itut htTc pkaiy of pit, cour•te, ttrenph. How Is li with
diecblldmP Are they thin,
pBk,dcHc«e? Donoifditei
Ayer's SarssparillB. You
koov it makes the blood pure
md rich, tfld builds up the
fcseral beahfa lo every vsy.


SIM cue.


.And what wc haven't got, we're after. 'These ads. are an indication
of what we have. If we haven't got what you want we will get it
-for you
jf. We go more than half way.

Jill tbe Feel
of Gmod

What Trade WcHaveWe’ll Hold

Trawrae region—

tni-u. women, lioya nnO (firU—
with ilcvpi-nlablo


The jrrcatesi stock In this part of the state. New goods unpacked every day. Al*
ways in touch with the. very newest goods i ^de-Dining Chairs. Dining Tables.
irds. Buffets. Parlor Suites, Turkish Rockers, Morris Chairs. 1-eather
Couches. Davt'hports, Fancy Rcidters. Greatest assortment, awcllest designs,
lowest prices.

Sewing by Machine

II lakes jf'tcd livitlier luii] good workuiniisiiip t<v ni-tkA
Ifootl aboce. and w« aee lo it Hint both
tin into ••nr
^oua. W« boy. firat of all. rvliablc iiiakfs of footwear. WV
onrrj- lliii foolwi'or in a Unre varioty of tlyli*. nln-aya selcr-tiitK
Uiosf tliat we ibigk will please j-cm. Tlieu w<- cnjitln-eliura'i by
making the prioo lower llitn is aaktcJ ut aoiiu* tU*r<>s (or
inferior goixli.

Spring Stylos for Itfcn
$2.00* S2.S0* $3.00* $3.50. $4.00

Spring Strits lor Olomcn *

$1.50, $2.00* $2.50, $3.00

Rand made Work Shoes
Onr Iraiul iDUile work alitv-e Biv bcconiiog more popular

I.s far »:asicr than by hand. If you have never tried it. buy a White Sewing Ma­
chine. Have you seen the NEW WHITE I'AMILV ROTARY SEWING MA­
CHINE? It is the must complete machine in every detail and sells for $40. The
style witit live drawers and patent drop head sells, for $(1*). If you cannot come to
ii«. drop us a line and we will have our special salesman call and explain our most urnns.

Ironing Boards
That keep your back from breaking and cost you only SESCi. If you arc short these
tail be lowered to :(0 inches. If you want it higher it can be raised t u
Has nice oval end for ironing shirts.

You Have a Friend
Who gave you a picture—that's their business. The picture is btautiful and you
want it tramed—that's your business. You bring it to us to have it framed—that's
our Imsiness. and a good hustling business it is. too. Busy at it all the time. ’Cause
why? Keep the newest mouldings and mat boards and do the linest work. We
have unpacked some beautiful mouldings Just the styles and colors you want. Al­
ways a pleasure to show our beautiful goods.

than other m.nkcs. They come is high and low eat* and
no more Uian onliaaiy make*.


OftANB nuvcmc

Grand Traverse Region.
turoacc and Ilalned »jt lat. T
U hart««>od. Tae paJo-er
Ev«fy «««k eorrMpcndOK* to r»MlvM toe l«t« to uu. All eofr«»|>ef»d- piiiUoa on the tolatilns toudiM.
B. V. Hill,
Hill. mbo bat bora t
» mutt rtMh the Hertld o«i« not
------- ..
pHrtna Ilynler

It adtlne
m of uch omtk. minior.
later than Ti
aroend ao.I <1
cUik *omo
aad H con
Some an- baullac
baullDc poUIOM
r be ewurMl that 1
M. Tbc pricT U Cl* cenit.
UHt Bertha Doll tpcm Sanday
April i«. a <laiicbu-r.
nr niotbrr.
' Uin Oweat fit ibe Notrnian dlttHd
Hra. Jobn Donwi A of Empirp t|
enmit Ssndar »«h her leacber. Hitt
of te£« a
Mary DomtBR.
- Tbo P<^rt UV< naamlll rntumnl Inc relailvos.
Mrv Wblioer and.
rmcraikmt to“i Pridar. aticr bavins
Man’ A/nMoB «
Jusrn Idle for torrml •ecta.
J. I>. Ki»T and ' ---------------Mr. H- a. Jobbell of Trarerae Olf
to .«-ab»hat U«o rponOlLit a iou dayt vilb
. ii ft r«i>
UD-ais. Mr. ai^ Urt. HrUcn.
«if a nhar
as<I Mtn. Fralick ttK-nl Earm 1
»<T YakPy n
TravtTsc City.
4ay It:
Pravi-r moeilnc thlt
bora n
/cfilnc at Ihc feoise
iMlna an
of Hbanr
April 1C.

- ,

Mists Mabrf Rbraw of Crewnll
ai»n( Snodt} wilh her ahtlrr. UMUcSbcarer. In ih!« ptam.
T. J. Carnt and dauiditir trora of
Traverse Oty vlalied «Hh rcteilv.n
lYi'Ini and ran I.-c. who
bB*e l«en TialiJne reiaiivc*
K»VI' today for tbt-lr bonus In
Urr. Win Frink and daniblcr BcIL
Mr. and Mrt. J. 1. Friok and Iluir
daiiclilcr RtniP rMlod with re
bere ot*r Simdar.
Tbc Astisr eiertl*« at th
Ukr amrrb laal Sunday afu
vai wen- attended.
April 15.

Calrt* HubbrI baa moved t.
main: b-- ha* a poKlilon a* foreman
on a lanr farai Uktc.
CharMB Oorr it maklnc Imprnro' / tacBli » bJ* dorillnt by addlni
front pweb.
Is makinc a potato col^

AI^ hast bl* km torn down ant
eiiKctado move toon. We are aorvy
to aor Ifcc mni co. as It baa been very
,babdy ftrr ihc farmeta for a aiunber of


day and wlJl aay It Is the
Ta tbl* part of love. II ia licatrd by

Hri. Willie LAke and Mri. Kick Nel» CB Basier Susday.
Tht paiae betwevn Franklort and
Honof Saturday was ift to 1 in Ueor’
of Honor.
Mt», R. R.KBatea drove over to !»•
jid on bnalness laai Tbunday and
n. Mabel Bat-* returned wttb her
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bate* and chil­
dren and Mr, and Mr*. Eton Rad.and children, all o( lAke Aui. spent
xir Itoster with Mr. and Mrs. Cba*.
Bora, to Mr. and Mr*. James S«ec«.
April I
John Knibner has
ytinng hor* from *hrh^JS«-“n.5“'
G-erce Gilbert <J Osborne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Ktteera mart- h
Ip to Traverse City Stotunlay.
Ml*s Annie MnsU. *q>o has b-ra
quite slek, is some better at pr-rtiit.
Mr. anti Mr*. Antony 8wol.-la ef
Cedar City spent Sunday with ic- Ivparent*. Mr. and Mr*. F. i:var.'.
Ur. and Mr*. V. Vl-ktacIaJl vKltee
llh Mr. and Mrs. F. K ic-ra y«ter-


U the Moon InhaMtad.

Mr. MerrlBcliI cd Cbtcago did bu*i-|ilrk.a doctor wa» calM. and oo Moo-:
ness in loan one day last week.
;day be wa» betur and sent Um rtxl!-



Sanday achou!

■MH-JOTri^t«r^rev”»iS^«‘HarW:«ned and ftmnd h^_
*•* sumnsoned and to-JOd httc ,
«,Jayn4 by “IL Much cre.Hi
"Iss Anna tivvcl: of Good Harbor! dying trf heart tro-jble. It a-a. a abock ;,,
ig the ladtei wbo bat
resumed ber duiic* as etx)k at theiro one as hc was nw suppose.!,,j,, program lor the abort
I to be at all in danger; bl* dilldren preparod U
n ber.- an almos! fraoitc................
The Ladle*' .Aid wil
- a S. Burke, who has been
fraoitc. Hi* frM
re on Gift! nttlfted. Two i rether* and a broth.-r j„tn HctfricbI Ibis *
winter nmulnlng hi* coiiace

-toer*!-----lake. IcH Satonlaj
1. K. imiard and daughter ITIt
ipire were la town one day


in some form possible on (bat utriIMe; hut cot ft» human bei^ wta
a hartl enough time on tbto earth
,nt: especially tboae who
that Electric Blltera rare Haadache. Ullloosnm. Malaria. CbrOa and
fVver. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. Dtralnem,
Tondd Uver. KMney emdaima. Ot«cral DeHIliy and Femala wuakneaa^
Cncquallcd as a paaral Toale and
Appetlrer for weak par*** and na-

nuBk Kroupa <K Neahlawani* b-.'
;i-*t cblidten. The , ,t;,raig(onnno to lose hi* KBiitkohie-.fc,
win Si-otk bore for [ ;.,n
nice bam* l-> Bre
Robert ?. Burke has arriv«l herp ti>
..oOTtor and work iB^.atoro, a while. Everyone «.emed to have a,„n,, q,' last week.
ojre has rot-irue.1 fer
H* wiU m-.-.-e h”*!'mily hero In the U-e!io= ef sadness that a father that,
luocb needt-j and so kinl.,,.^ week.' visit with rcUm.s at


O. Nessen. H. L. Neaser
and Chgilcs Cook wenuln town Sstnr.
‘“vstoi. lAird retnntSTto work Tiie,*.
dar after speeding a week In HiirtHckville.
Mr. and Mr-. Lonsiiu: Miller have
•turned*10 their home, afier spend-

tiS'vrsjus .... "•"'

*”li. *^H.'tkiy ba.t ;.-^-lted frnra tli. jii.
e Ssh <-raTi*sktn, this
torih of Nttrlhl
brook irmit. which he ha* ptonte-.i t
Alhrcrk: Tiotid. and ln.«'>n lake het.-ltwkiMng
*'"jo!in Krubner and Frank Mii-ll tt«»k
drive through Cenlenlltt- uiwtr-'lilp tn... tor Cl.r Ui... -.IsJUlnc.
Mr*. J. Car. r of Traverse iCity
City Sara^dkT’w sAd'EBBirr

Miss ABU E^PP is viritlDg
Hn. Han*' Sklllit. who haa Ik-Qb* ADderaua I* on the sick. II*'.
Maple CItX
aylng In Travera- City for a Htne. I
SelitKsI started In the Ktinh'^lfnily
Mi*< Co-u Flniua of Uurdlckvilte
3W Tlslllng her parent*. Mr. and Mr
diKirIct today, with Visa
ring rendu.- for .Mr*. 1>. II. Day.
■a teschor.
.\prll I*. .
Mu'^Ciara Musli spent Sunday wit
Mia* r "
«ane,i Ut Travem
... _. .inoie. her risier. Mr*. E-rank Knc-ra. .
Mr. and Mr*. E*. Uymit .-ester
to Jtilit
Marshall -Miller of Mlllei'-* Hill
UlancI last W-dneetlay
.. -........................
■ember of the
lllte low
pne-im-.pla. Hi* »
her liuehand. wim Ib a mem
IS lH-e|i >dgk with t
‘’'li.ere will be a dance Jn
Shaitla's liall tonlgl.t.
April in.
the Kt.e.i of ber aiMor. Mr*. Thoi.
John Itoco drove to Oood Harluir
Day-* mm siaii* i,
season.' A number of n.-w imprm
rave lioen made; a new engtr
etc., bt-liig put in.
1 }o-<t n
srhtiol a t th
Tobin, who has treen foreraiii for
great many yran*. has re'lcne.| and
time wn* rejiorled.
Itulldlng a resort on his Glen lake Munlloii <m buMlle^*.
April IC.
atld thre;- cbilMr.ainl Mm. Iluja'
property. Wm. Larance. furmer sawSoar
- ilhtMa
yer. will be roroman and Ciiartes Carr.
. Empire totluv
ve-ierdnv and s
The baseball jmme U-iween FrankHosr'a Tblay
liove their liat y ehgiri'
Charles Kelderb
rn and UK- Ann was H to >0 1>> »Mr. I
Gk-n Art.
or of Lake Ann.
e her first trip, i
Tlte Missouri made
There was gtiltc a lame aitendaneeight
yiur*. move.1 1
tht yi
t the dance nl Ukc Ann tost Friday riving Sunday nit,rnlL_.
ftiMr. lAhrec of Manistee Is hero, fiirevening. AH report a cood iliai-.
an '. lielng very rieady and
Iloben Canute was a visUor at Cey­ wanling lumber for fhlpmeni.
The sieamers Matthew Wllstin ut.d he .won hnd a comr-irtable
lon Gates- school Monday.
There, were five toaptliod at Plalte Albert Sogier loadoil lutnlier for Chi­
cago this week.
river Sunday.
John Meinnis will is- ginei-al f
. and M< , wnie Nelson, t
man for. I>. H. liny this Mimin.T
i1rh he perform.-.: a* nr n .nun
A, Millington will have charge id
lA-i S<iuda..,he wa* taket-j
o Mr. at»l
ir vltdaliy ii

OeviVa laland Tortura.
- than tbe l| ..............
me ten
Arra* advise
ivlsed to apply Ilurkh-n'a
- la tbar a lios permaa Sabi', and
a' ' lesa'tban
nil}' etit.-d me. writes U R. Napier.
Hugle*. Ki. Heals all wound*, burn*
..Ul sen •• like tuaglr. 2Se ai Johnson
. l>rus (-(■. r. II. Mrada. and UaeUw
j Drag Co., drugglsta.




SSID8 Information Rosardins Bank Dofiesits


Cnnw Infnrmfitinn Ouarriinff Rank nMMik


.t.W'IN'tlS 1-LPlJSirS—A l.ule book i. ;ivr>,.^ iu.
.-.inU-t. Intetr^i ...nral.''i}- i-auri
.twv^knl.for th-ur wfc.
1. IlETHrSlTS are


'• . demuml.


,.-i'.aiidvt^»ib-*^..ul.i*Ji'u«!' Alllniyiiie—m.ui..len


> «ANK * J

I That our years of experience in the home furnishing business teiis us were never equalled

in Northern Michigan before.
These offers mean iust what they say. You can come here and take either one of Ahem complete as they are^ or you may strike some of the articles from
of these special outfit offers and have your own time to pay for it.

Come in and Brinfl Vour Cafaloflucs and £ompare these 0oods (Vilb Ibe Besl Offers Vou Ever Bad.

Four Room Outfit Complete |

Baby Cabs and 6o°Cart$

Tor $75.00

These goods arc all good quality and include everything for house-1
keeping. Just read the list below and sec if you ever hc.ard of the ; Can be arranged in
equal of this offer before.
any' portion. We

Sitflng Room
Carpet for floor (IK yds),-Lace Curtains (2 pairs), Coiich upholstered
in vdour. 24x24 inch Oak Parlor Stand, one large Cobbler Seat Arm
Rocker,'large Gane Seat Ann Rocker. Cobbler Seat Sewing Rocker.

Dining Room
Exteosion Table, six Dining Chairs. An Square Rug for lloor, 100
piece Set of Dishes, six Knives, six Forks, six Teaspoons and three

OncThrec-pie<» Suite complete, consisting of bed, dresser and coinmode, bed springs, mattress and six piece chamber suit.

' Cook Stove, Kitchen Tabic and IS pieces of Kitche^ Utensils, con­
sisting of the. following: One tub, one boiler, one wash board, one
mop,.one broom, one dustpan, one water pail, one dipper, one dishpan. one teakettle, one teapot, one coffee pot, two bread tins, two
pie tins and two cake tins.

$4.09 Per month

Buy Now


arc, assuredly, show­
ing the largest and
finest assortment in
tbe city. Dozens ol ■
styles to choose from

Everytiiing in fold‘ ing Go-Carts, includ' ing the ixirforated
wood, reed and
leather. Don’t fail
look these over
before you buy. We
can save you money.

From $7.75 up

From $2-00 up

Carpels, Rufls and Floor Coverinfls
This department is thorbughly stocked with strictly up to d.ite
goods and patterns, including everjnhing from Hemp to best Axminster in Carpets and all style Rugs in all sizes. Oilcloths, Linole­
ums and Mattings. We not only offer you new anti unusual designs
in carpeting and floor coverings, but we offer you a chance to put
these NEW P.^TTERNS upon your Hoor for less money than you
ever paid for ecjually good carpets before.


Only $135,00
Tor this Tour Room Outfit

Every article in this outfit is striqily high grade goods and will fur­
nish a home complete, elegant and tasty.

> sittiiid Room ^
Heavy all wool Carpet, large steel constructed ^uch. 24x*J4 quarter
sawed oak Parlor Stand, large Arm Reed Rocker, large quarter
sawed oak or mahogany Rocker, degaol solid oak Cobbler Scat
Rocker and two pairs Lace Curtains.

Dining Room
He.nvy, mx«»ive, quarter sawed oak Extension Table, six polished
oak Dining Ch.airs. large Floor Rug. solid oak Sideboard or quarter
sawed oak Bullet. lOO piece Set Dishes, six Rogers Bros.’ best plate
knives and folks, six silver teaspoons and three silver tablespoons.

Solid oak three-piece Suite. Hs-i» bevel French |date mirror in
dresser, all wool Ingrain Cariiet for lloor. one reversible cotton mat­
tress. two parts, one pair gooii feather pillows, one pair all steel
springs and an elegant decorated toilet set.


Rn Easy Payment Plan


Good Steel Range, one Kitchen Cabinet or Cupboard and twistyThe adoption of which has benefitted nearly ever>- home in \-our eight pieces of kitchen and laundry utensils.
vicinity and made all competition wonder how we could grant such YOU C.*N BUY THIS ,\NO I'.lY FOR IT .IT THE RATE OF
liberal terms and STILL KEEP THE PRICE DOWN to where
they could not get. The secret is this, we sell more furniture than
ALL other stores wtihio a radius of many miles.

$5.00 Per IPonfb


Pay Later


tW* tar (Mr Modi



ix> Tnfwnt <3lr U<mdv,
Mn. juMt KtwMreb

iMt taad TtaMPMB. wd n
niitat, wtra la Trartrae CItr oo ta
Bw mdar.
MU. Unit Mart, arba ta b
t*iy Mefc. U aoaw »>«“>• « “>'• ■

•dnta E. Snaitaalt to Abbte L. Chaae.
ueK. aee. 4. lo.e n, ranee 11.
Haaeab. Lay Co. U> Ployd U BDltb.
MU H. IT aad M. bk«k 4. H, L. «
CO.-J J4th.
Oral Weed DUb Co. to Aatoe He.MB. parcel!, aoe. t. to« n. raajte JX
Jollo* Caopbril to BttaelUda G. tut1*. kiu t and (. block (. P. H.'. tad.


Tbe lUUoU called at ttato port Sna*^r. and Hra. P. fcombenter left
^taday for thrir borne te Soatb

Prad NI.00 and
.Ifc to W. B.
icbril. U( 10, block 1, and e^ lot II.
’‘^l/'ltaaUy Oo. to A.-C. Oder aa-1
**VuS^*Feitnyl lo Wd. H. Areu.
U < aad 7. block S. WllbelD-«»ld.
Beni. Thiriby sod '.Ife to A. P.
oeUnuulel. -parcria, H. L. ^ Co.'i

B. Ho.ell of HaatoB arrived la (etra
tbU (reek, bains one
lUacM of bU fatber. :
Tbe Nonbera-dlKrirt Baoday acbool
ranveatlon nlll be beld at LeUn<
April ZUi.
Earier aervlcea .ere beld U
.Oiisresailonal churcb both Sw
noraios and eveains.
Haay Impraretneau are being i
1 and about oar rilUge. The vork
I last MaaoB (ritl be cKcoded
eement walk, built. alu> a board
fram the depot to tbe hotel.
above tbe atore of Porter A
ire belns flnisbed and (rill be
tued by tbe L. O. T. H. and K. O.
H. a. lodire
room., Tbe boll
M. .Ill
being remodeled by KebI Bnx.
be occupied lo tbe near future
the removal of ibc dry goode .tore <X
Thomas H. a C
our village,
lock of bard.
dry goods and'grocerles............
Miss Ganhe
ta moved^e* mlllloerv goods
buildlu really purebased
from Kebl'K store
re and
-• bat
‘-------I. Many Imp

The grral danger of kidney troubles
U that ib«T Evt a arm bold b^e^tbe
beadsebe. nerroesnras, UmeBe«. sbreness,
lomhagp. crlnnry
diopiy. dlibeic* nnd Bricfcf't drtratc
folio, in mc.-riica snceereion. Don',
neglerl your kidneys. Cun- tbe kid­
neys -Kith Jbe eenxin and safe rem­
edy. Doan's KidMy Pills, nbirh has
cured people ririil here In Traverse

belle. Maud Cnlboon: I>iill]. ber <4»ter. Mabel CleUnd; ‘Hiss Sprtgglb*v
(Clanle RUI; B'Uuma. an Indian gKL
LneUa Flscber. It lx hoped IbK thelonmxprcpie .III pntroolse tbit pradanina. as the puplH are punUg lb
taclra lime to prodner It U a
able manner. The price of admissw
s. tbe proceeds i
15 and f5 ce
High I
JuUus Manifold
aad Is moving I
•^ere this week.
Hugh Lalonue aad Geo. Olmao. a lio
ace ao.-king at (Tfe Lake, made a burrieti visit here
1 Mrs
.-cds a

^"Mrs. H. D. Cam|*e
Mreet savs; -| And Doan's KJdney
Pllls arc an excellent remedy fer
.eakeoed or overeiiclted kidneys. I
have used gbem at Intervals for fu-i
n ©."tic aad .Ife to Gao. A/
e pain 10
era 1 yrara. Tbey veil
u. n.H of aeU. uc. W. unrn ZS.
tbe liack and are very strengtl
tottet to«» oo tbt ■ tar for Ward
I bsve been treated by phy:
>. A. Hodan and .Ife to OrU O.
bate used other kidney remedies, ant
Abril It.
aad .Ifc, rU of acU. M- 18.
only resort to Doan's KIdtu) Pli
___ _ IS. raofe ».
lime. I
Gleo A. Rriabata aad rtfe to Warlose whee they have fartuishi a rsK t:
CbriiUlitaer U tanlMH
ran J. Taylor.'neU of aelS. acc. 8C.
I desired.res-olis."
0.0 ZS, range
Ijv all dealers. Priee
K j. Baacroft ta ptrtbata a at.
Gm A. Brig'
jec->lill,iirti f«.. Biiffi
^ Luce. B.H
fur Ibc United
business pUces and a number of ne. j
Stat^UiiBber Ca to C. P. Harper.
.lib Ura. Carr la
DM wtt% Un. W. J. OtUod
Tbt Olaaneta at Praapaet Arbor
beld aa orn> BMliBt UK Salordar
Lat Glbbt Ian tbb


keh^eu 0


Gompleled and plant have been ms'lci
ter the milldlng at a seed i>ea .are-!
bouse. With the opening of the Beael-1
bote! and return of the ear ferry iheict

leM. aee.e*3. i


a aKdtaer. Hra. Jea.
Hn. Btaaek’a
dUd Saiorday baart troobte. _--------it^*Un.
-.lib bor daafbttr.
Un. Bra^. Hei
• "I waad aar-^-- —

fresh from Ae oven, protected
bom dirt by a package tbe
very beauty of which makes
you hungry.

frank 1



ss.i-rri'.'.rs-a J




r-gmlUt-r has had bis
rin-l for elerartcliy.
Miss Jnsb- Allret Is here frr>n
.a visit with hir sister. Mrs.
Anns KetUiir
The Infaa
ifaar daughter
K. Hoy disd qnlle anddenly
Mk- ons
l*s>rl) again.
Saiiinlay morning. The IMb
It the fs
Jidin ].>•-<-<' atm 1/MiiU Riil'kardt
iM-cn frail
busy makliig maj*- synipIboughI
*^^Jamra D. Hearb lost a
cow. 1
Hie fen- days prior to Its d.-a>li. Tb.loss U especially to be regretted.
aolHr. Beach, .bo Is an.....................
house. Mrs. McGrath orrielailiig.
tiler. Is an Invalid.
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank N-ls.m iiiove.l
Dsve M.-guts'i haK minx-d bl.< fai
wm Fortun and T eddy Champnej
.. Ill.i week I I Ibr4t farm In Kss^ Par ily out to HullhanV ramp a nrib- w<
vta]li-.l Thursday .111I Ur, ami Mrs
of town.
Jerome rorion.
lly.i" Merle
I. Crolser .and 1Boy
Frank Tuttle aud wife-ji-li for I
Land d<-als an- taking j.laee
III lUg itaidds ye
-SI last Monday muniliig.
Hiss Cork rviiirni-d to Trater
Rtrknitii I'niensinol lii'r 1ir.ii)i'
Mrs. J, A. ivniilnglnn
Mel'aniy. iif Sagiius '
Travii e Clly si-veral dayii laSKw-i
\V«*i w.-ni
■V. an
Mis Bake, of 4fraiid Knpids is %
Irtpid. Tm-ulay
King hi.-i .tsiichlers. Mr,. Xewstead
the -fUMeral'
of Mr«. flie^trr and Mrs; PeuDliigton.
John TiirktT has.iaovist into
Hny^Wynkonp msili- a buslni-ss rn1l Tutor house.
Mrs. Tice reliirn.'sl Iasi wis-k from
he ayaicm hcri- Iasi ThorwUr.
A rreepIliiD will l.o tenden-d
an B-xK-ndi-d risk In the south |>i
____________ ____ —................ ireatmeni
of catarrh, nrealhnl through the neat Edith Anderson Thursday ev<-nli
Fo il liuMars Is Ih Ik.ym- City.
pdrtcl inhaler that comes with every the home «f Dr. and Mrs. V,. L
tin April at the bslge of I, O. O. K.V
uulfli. (he l.lsamlc braling uf Hyo- ton by her pupils In eloc-.iiion and
nr Cislar will attend rhiirrli in a InvIv
mel penetrates lo tbe most rema
Next Friday evenins^ April n',
and llsieu. lo a .Uscmin-e by the pa.cells of the nose, throat and luni
killing all catarrhal germs, hralh
local talent, will present tin- play.
April 16. effeetlng a complete tad pcrmaneni -BnrderUnd." at Monroe'* hall. Tbe
■ Had dyspepsU
livllgeKkm ter



;. Bpaulding Is very poorly
aod hat been .orm- for the pi
...rsday evening 1
George Pepler gave a
la honor of Mr. and Hra. Oeom-'
Bpaukllog. The goesla paraod a
enjoyable evenlog and tbe y
couple received niimerou. and a
prlale gifu., the" being
ealc^nlng and a coauilelc



»SJ“!SpSK3r,i, wa..




taerK at 6n»l Brook.' children
Hapto arrap uaUas I. . aoarlr
tbreosta naUa. m ««( Jpue ooWer ___ tad Uta. Bberman Buys
HalUday houn In a unique and charm

' . -April H.
_________ .
Ini manner. A musical romance and
peraonti aiailKlca being part of thi
•venlng'. pKuuro.
d-oa ta *1K>
tIKled Hr
Tbe Paradlae and Hayflcid To.n
Mr. aad Hra. Aaoa
aad Hra. D. P. Tajlor Boaday.
italp Sunday Behool-.taaocUtton held
- — ------- - -ho baa been atop lia quarterly convention at this place
M an .later, bai Saturday afternoon, 0.lng to on
plas «Hta bar'parcou
pIraUDt nnd (hraatenlag .rather 4bc
s an .Inter
' irge a. o.ual
bat the meeting vras very
y intcrratlng
Tbe cradle rail and iraebera' iralnlug
the priaclpal nubjecu
In a natural and rational way. by
readeted by it
medicating the air you hrralh.' with
UiSSM Ethel OIbb. of Traverw Cll
llyomel. every breath wHl-lx- hcaliog
and Myrtle Rariek of this place.
and anilaepllc. like the air fount
the mountain* .bere the pine fm
gave an object Imsoa In teacbh
give off- their fragrant and her
primary clara of tlx children.
Willie Gtu Is beginning to get
Ntp metlielne taken Into the Momach
upoa enitchea. Last Tboraday
can poHsIbly roach the remote cells '
Webster of Kingsley removed '
tbe air tasages. or give tbe Imme
Ufa. BttrfTlai.
plecea of deed booe from bl. leg. and ate relief that follows the uro of I
Olhba of Hodge apent Bond.y BO. Improvement '
omcl. A few days' treatment Is i
-.Itb & OlUa and tetany.
City ii.ily all that Is necaaiary to show
Hlu Et a Warn .
B. Glbba «ni to Traveiae City U« ta been apendlng .the past .«!
tk at bow quickly this remedy will cure ean«k Tbeadoy on boKnem.
Hra. J. U Gibbs'.
tarrhMm F^Uom ta boogbi tbe 0.
Hist Marlon Gibbs
returned lo
-oessful has Hyomel lieen In
e Hoaae farm of CbarUy BaireM nnd Olivet college yesterday, after apend
of catarrh among S. B. Wan
moved on II UK .reek.
og (be spring vacation of one .eek at A Sons' cuKomers
er s positive gtmranice insi
>I here 1. enjoying
IS nruhing unless it gives'ssiisfi
The village .
rented .Ibe tem for the aonran. He
iUiBt sells 1
lyroc Ctmnlngbam baa bought a
«- dolUr. while e
tabled tor 50 ecu
term located aeroaa tbe falgtaway. east
Joba Wnn nenr Klngtley.
of Alex. Bayera' place.
John Hammer baa teurrned home
Lester Bayera has moved Into the
Don't let (be btb) siifft-r from er
from tbe Mod. .here be iia. Imea
rate vacated by Lee Gibbs.
r.ems, sores or any lichUiK of the skin
Marty nil .Inter.
Doao's Ointment gives Instant relief
April 16.
.aa In Bnvarae City
cure* quickly. Perfectly sale for chll
tireo. All druggisia aril it.
northport department
*Jnmra Wine and .He of Traverae
Ctty have been here for a fe. day.
Hits Bmina Wilson arrived borne
UoUdi after the lalereoU of bl. farm
(day after spcndlag (be winter In
dodo. She vras accompanied by her
annl. Hra. W. B. Ouylea. of aeve.ere mwrted Ji0Bday at tbe home of. and. O.
Harry Beera look a trip to Traverae
Clly this week.



*'B«5ru«k*‘la"i«aSg^or Hra.

Hen-tiird. a

! "01.1- I
atrlck Mrl'ailille.
Walker. Sunbury. Dhlo. ..
Tori' iiomiritn.
in. U-land Tripp:
tianker. Wni. Rick: Cyni‘L-ster
Si-vrr ran tell wlivn 'soi'll ma
Swifi: Kld« r.
ervant, (C, II
Xliu-hling; i
Charley. • a yuuag • u-rror." Charlie |
CuiUloback; Mary I-CSK r.
New Yotk
•oik paln-n.iirkiy cares the wouml.



satisfied thai you get the
worth of your money, they
are our fioods and your
money. \Vc would rather
lose a sale, or dozens of
them, than have any one
leave our doors dissatisfied.
It's the come-agaiil custo­
mers we want.

h's because we (eet sure
wc are riijhi. We want
your trailc and will exer­
cise every l«'j>itimate ef­
fort to "ct it. Tlic ques­
tion is iiui whether you
can afford lo buy. but
whether ynti can afford
not to buy uf us.
If pou buy a vehicle or
harness of us and arc not


In our large lino of Ve­
hicles and 'H^iicss quality
is never sacrificed to meet competing prices, yet in the
truest sense *hc goos we oiler are Bargains—we dislike
the word, it has been so much abused, but no other will
answer, llie goods of America's leading factories are
here—the choicest selection from hundreds. The asvortment is complete. Styles arc cornret. Seeing is
believing.. Will you come in and look?

Wm. Noolihan & Co.

bold ana Guaranteed by

Traverse City, ^*ich.

128 Front Street


. ‘un. Anraa Bog-Apriiie.

Uneeda Biscuit

and Mr,. of Ka«Min.
Mike Clcev 1- nvovlag five


d>at good common sense
of wfiich all of us have a
share, how can you continue
to buy ordinary soda crackers,
stale and dusty as .they muK
be, udien for 5^ you can get

-ived b«rv b
Woid iras re.-elvvd
bat. Wm Dyer,
og .In a camp n<-_, — .
.a> vert HI mlih appeodlclils.
nd Mrs. kieClII (he l-ov's parent
,eol lo MarquetK- and figind Wl'l
»-lr.g well oared for. aerertbek-s* «e
II. He wui on the gam when ihrii for home, an.1 » was .l.-bW.s! i.o
n o|>en>'iiin was nic oeresnary.
April 17.

KTvIees »-.-re held al
. in the morning and
church Id the evening,
to.a Monday evening.
: Dapil
Hiss Panole Williamson .at given j hod
»-sr tSesumiUer
tras Itoffie
pl.-a«ni Kirprlae Thurailay evening! Osror
by a number of her friends. A plrae- Dig juplds .iver Sunday.
Min- Uariidl Gilibs ttf MayAt-UI as
anl evening sras apcn< nnd it-fn-sb.
• Baidlst pne

Mr. aad Mre. George Bpauldlag bare
gone to hoowkeeplag In the rooana reH lt(t ttaU DHwoIo* ter eeotly vacated by David Haalgnld.
bo btf moved bis family to bl. farm.
Lee Gibb, alio moved hack lo b(<
fann tail .eek, but hai no. uld It to
O. Luce of MatchKI-a.
Bberman Buy. reiuroed to the Boo
jl Ibate bad tiek boree*.
’a be.................................
bOTM died Pridar aUhL
Saiorday. .here he .ill be head saw
M ((be el
Cbarlaa prtii UK a borae
a a Bin this oabmer. Mta. Buys
U bad been aiek for aoDe u.
Hr. BlrdatT »oted lo Olea Art
UK Wodnetar. HU aoo Oaorge li
m. Welch, .orklng
for Cla«
B feioa oa hi* baod and U look. v<
tbeir VeapBclIve homta In 8t. ^P.
Wllsey. came near having his rti
Park. Minn, and QIad.loti- *"
foot eui off. cbopiilog wood, the u

Her (Khar U very aldE.
Hr. aad Hra. Prank


In die Name of Soise,



Traverae aty.
RmI Ba^T
I. Dame apent Frida
ynroelt. aoe. 4, unrn ZT, range 9.
■art a Wilbur, et al. to Jennie
Traverae Clly.
Mnea. IM No. 4. blodc 7. Paradise.
The Benefit aoclriy
Wm..a Bagley lo Eugene J. Brink
(Aurcb gave ta Easter
Mn, pnreel. Old Mimkm Harbor.
tiny L. Cbampney to Arthur S. Dob- WHaoB eottagt
lendi to Traverae City.
**%«^^kmae and .Ife to Myron B.
Repairt have been made on (be Ho
OraVNT. MU »4 and 8S. block 3. Oak
i Northern. Including a new roof,
lunrlsr prayer meeting arts beld
*^JuMta5^oBuCkley A t
etaureb on Bas-

. •‘kd^rui^r.-rv ,0 c


Moore. eH lot 7 and all lot 8. I
•- B.P. ft'a»td.
AIBaft fl. Barnum to Maryette



Tbe Hlasourl called


—V- dock <* the Nonhport
^M^o'lWner. who ta been ID, h
____ a a Ouopbell took I
Tiavem City ihU weric •




OD onr Itargain taftiva than you 6uil in aoux(TXchiaivi' slug- sloiva.

stoKS lor *l .10. i,ur

I this port OB

— I. a W. Porter I .................
Traverae City this (»eri^
There are tevenl case* of rblckes
u lo our rillage.
Mary tUvU to Q. W. Barnra. lot IZ.
block B, Pffe Lake Lumber £o.-s ami.
LeoB P. Tllna, et at, to Thos. H.
a. ^rrala. Trararae City.
larvT Beers.
Mr. Bears spent Sunday In town.
Orrille G Miner and .Ife to
Cbaa. Nriaon U apendlog a few days
Grab!, lot I4S. Oak HKghtA
Jacob Brnkel aad .Ife lo Jno. Bra. it bl* home to ihl* plaee.
MIm Irene Monsoa of Button* Bay
kel. parcels, sec. 8, tpim Z«. range 11.
John Snln and .Ife lo Jamen Ly le ipeoi Sunday la toam tbe gncsl ot
and UosM Wagner, parcel!, etc. IZ. 4r». C. a Kebl.
Charle. John ta resumed hi* poton ZS. range 8.
Tboma. a Pierce tad .Ife to UMh- iltloB w clerk lo the store of Hr. F.
ABdersem of Omena.
•el A. Oees. neM of net
Him CO»well of Maatoa 1* the gocK
ton Z*. range ».
of her ateter. Mr*, L A. Baroos. 8. Pratt mad trite to Wi
J. Howell, aa old resMeM of thI*
JMQn., pnrcelt.
place, poaaed away Monday al Ibe ag*
0.ea L Huatim to Bobert U
-A B(
------------'--re, a wldoof
yeora.------------------Deceased■ leave
of eH. ara. 34. to.a Z». i
and Otoe
rtfsidi. to moat
_____ .
1 lo I_________ .
a aur
U Bealigi* making

B hla boBse.

Ooriu. tot 4. block B. K., L. A

And we find there is but one way to get it, that is to off^r Unmatchable Bargains, for which our
store is already known.






pens are taking advantage of the unheard of offerings in this particular department. Come early and get first aod best choice.
A trood f1 00 Sewing Bockrr
An imibitiitn <|oartfr-sawrii <wk
.L gnnl. Ktlid Ip*
Stand, witb if iwli top. fur.
Bia-. any cofrW.



GoIJ-ejcd Needlea, pcrpapi-r,

Hooka and Eyi-a. per paper, i

Good Pina, two papera f<*r

A .>• lt*r uf Tuib-l S<ap for






Meii’a Ht-nvy Work Sbirta.
double froat ami l«ck.
WMtb50c.for................. 29c

Mi-n'a ami flayfi’ Ntt:lii."(-e
Sbirta tu wear viib whito
- odlais.a *)0cvalne.for..28c


Liiiuti TliriwJ, ptT'aiKAil.

. ic

Lailica' Trimmud .''irivt Ifata. Cliildn-n'k Trimnad .Stn* t
wortb SI OJ. for............... 4-9c
Ifiile. wortb


140 Front Street

Formerly The Bo^n Store Old Stand.

MV. AMUt. n, toM.


'-M nmm.

^ be bad eoBb ta Uatonae coowr

■Ik MMi. Miek A>ril
*» MH <rt**k for th* B*« briki*
feUoM tb« ebtii*. U «1» bo • lUUr
at tbe eld brtdfi. "
. Iln^T eoniliif m*« XkiheriM

•m k^tord » BllUiierr •lot* oB rrosl
li rrf "

The ilbinmo rapartod 7.«gf boa

OOl. M* BUI n«'

»g to lick of h«ii. oM leols tlM
toad MkM.
The tol»euri ww tbd «■* bo» ef
the tMaen. Toeedar ■l|bi It cat lu
■•I tbRMib tbe lee kod rewtbed the
dock to Mlet;.

SI year* ef ait aad Bfty«aa-»atr« aito

Me tbe library aad that turty-oae a
«•. bant to Oertnaay and to tUt be ctoet -are aabaerlbad for. Tbe ;
her of book* gteea our dartag tba
to Ne* Jeraaj
•aaSIAU. The dally aremg*—

Id from tbe tone of bta noTbe Ortaul RapUa aoatail baa. by
W Bt* a year ago.- Tburaday
pieUhHtog Suadar tbo-a. afler tbe Od. «1U wart tbair min at Btai
II aov a part of l^fetoaati eoea- aad Ike Urgent dallr ooipoi -a*
4 Ota «f her eyea, the warmoat •enstm la tbe blaury ot Ibat with a roll ere* aa boo* aa the kTbe
If. aad aettled. to a year or ao ba
brmka ap to Lake l^etama tu permit
mtialelpal body for ymr*. Both aide*
*mi 1.S7S; -omen. I.atl: cb'l- aigbi ef -htoh -01 probably I
•ant web to Ne* Jer*a» aad married
Ibe ran toa of the log* to the mUI ;
made a bitter bgbt. tbe charcb peo|d»
MIA Biwbetb ZtBBeraaa, *bo ev- drea. UU. The report -a* re«
?.ooa They are bnahed mOMIy a< Pnurh aa I
Oldeon CbOaon. aged K. a
etree ht». to ISM. be aad bto -lie aad Bled.
Cedar, allbongfa tber*' are a i.-* ihuae.
On aMUoB of Mr. autotl, tbe llqoor
waat lo Oermaay for aa euended rliU
and feet acanetvd anmg tbe Ukr ebive
opemd. bellerea be bna Odlng*' ,t<h more ibao S.aoa
Tbe taadlng
and on tbair retorti took up ihelr rae- ooda -ere made tbe aame a* toet
at varinoa poinu.
of hla t«o children -bom be bu not mtolalera of meelty.tooktbe Baomnd
Idtnee to Ueetoaau counly. lo USB be year. W.bOO. tb* attreUa* qualifying
wen alnee he left hla borne to Water-1,poke foi lW>
ordlnanc* ne tbe
veat to Cotorado but returned and tor that nmooni above all exempUooi.
Bora, lo Mr and Mra Charlie luna.
.^1. .Mlled oa North Manitoa Ulaad. Mr. Orirft rtaiod that tart ymr tk«e loo, N. V.. In IW4 and -ml to Deiroli’cronada of meriallty and goal ta«. A(mll« In the Fbuneealb Michigan'
ue ordinance wai paaw.d 4fae Ibea- a daoahier. April tab.
■een mtaefa trouble daaaed by
to lb«4 be' Boead onto bto preaeW
Mra. Premroii and two ebi^-^ar
lafantn. When al tbe cloee of the | ter men announced Ibni a peiitkm
Itoe tana to nmwood lowntaip. -bee* toany Mad tocAplele deteripllooa of
rived today on 'he bimi..
be retained to Ma old borne, be' nuld bo Bled nlihia to day* ntalng
property eebeduled. Ha gave notle*
» cooitonooily teelded.
Ten ebltoreii -ere boro and two of Ibi* ymr that aa bond* -ould pat* Imreed'lhai bta arm and daagbtirr. nnd-^ tbai tbe ordinance be nbmlttod to nj^^ragt-.
mIsf.iMun- -I
Frank Sioae ba-l i
them preceded tbe ftUer to tbe gt*»e- unlen* there -a* a complete daucrip- ibelr gratamotber. btvlag recelvcl
rt his band on the nasi
The lirtog chlidrea arr;
William. Hon on tbe aehednle and hi* mollot.
It one of bU anger* o«
ed that they aroald attempi to have
Philip, Mr*. Katharine Connloe, all of to the effefcl that the deurriptloo and eny and left lor pan* oak
•M never able w get any
Smith's burlesqoe tbeoier .ekioed en­ **Mra Ro*hmore drappi
Uelanau conbty; Itoier aad Mr*. Bo- ralatlkm of tbe *ureiy» property
eg ber fe«.
A to- days ago tirely.
phto Wtegaab of Boaadale, Cal.: be given on the vrhediile carried. The ibea aflemnls.
Mr. ChUaas't chum* at
Tbe second day'* sale eg the furnish.
Oeorge of U-lanan r«naiy. MIta Mlaloally meailoaed tbe fart that logs of Ben Mac OanL^Dowle'* sum
HetafMtb. -bo llraa w botne and tb^eesie committee;

,, Una Wl««»ml -’t 1^'“*“
«ti7 aa Meadar while oo bt« *M
bif bOB* at Old inaaiob. vhete be will (oanir.
Th* fnaeral wink place Toenday at
toMd « lew dart wbHe oo furloofb.
Ift o-eloek from ibe lamUy home at
tor. TF»or, who to aB»od aaBatant.
o-eloeb from ibe^ family b<mt at
waat aeer U»«a ivo weeka ap> *Uh
Hrimfortbt. *ta o* oftbe torgeat to
Ibe «wt «d tbe ci«v. Reaver Boarrlpotol of ttieedancc -bleb ba* ocaaaa. Heelar BiebbtoA
carted Ig Leetotma county lor a
Bad raid Aatoatoat Walieea troB
ber of year*. CHtoeo. from TraMaektaac cHr. Ther eat* take a abort
Clly. Button* Bar. Omena and North(artoaihJtod n)or tbe reeiaatkn. Mr
port atteaded to par “■^r law reaped*
tnw fBWrtad epoatoentble lea to the
10 a frtaod and -ell kno-a pkneor.
fMiltr of tba ialaad, but mwl (bat
Ntariy foMy relallret of ihe deeeaaed
Iba aUalM -are clear of ke to«
gtlheiad at the aiddeaed home
wadaeeder. Tba« to ao ra^utor ilpc
iMBr wItoM* of tbe lofi of ooe oflhelr
f» tbe muBlnc of OdhtbooBB ae tbaie
. to to (ba opaalac of tbe life aaetoi atodered by the Qneeti City quartet, co»Doha April 1. atid itaU rear, o*lat w
01 Heaar*.-Skefeber. U Buck.
dM Haatoitoae ear ferrr tbe llfb<
Snyder and Hunter. Tbe Bee. Damai
boaeB atoag ber taaie oveaed eariler

Coebtin io brief and -ell cbowa -onto
^Utoe of the life of tbe deeeaaed w
one of u»elulne*i. Burial -aa to tbe

£aator Wedling.
A ttatot BMter deddtog traa aolatnp- HeimforirU private crmelerr and -aa
to charge of W. B. and Herrey Andertoad Buadar afienwoa by tbe Her.
ma. Tbe pall boareti-ere three i«».
W. T. Weodboaae to tba BUTera laataoPbllllp. Wllltam and Oeorge, and three
taw. ite baopj eoob>e MW Baafoid
M. Bilean aad Htoa Halite Ballard. grasdiens.
thaa uaaaL

OWr BMaben of the iBBedLate tawBr -at- piaaeei. aBoag tbaB belag

r Of Penttac -boae borne -a* Boa. bnt any* ibni nnill tba aaneat
at tb* twe of tbe B. D. Bealll Bmta ate mportad to dne tnrm tb
taetary Are tait -aab. Ha bad ]e*t ftate board baa no jnriadlellm.

girt len a

a young Baa to Monroe mer borne at WhMe lake, pcartlratlr
Harrey Pierce. Tbonm* Young a»4
eArinty. Ne* York, named Wm, Ckll cIMaed out rvtsTlhlng. Fan
. A. Klldee, saretlee.
Sleder Unit ber*. Henry Wtabeben - >oo. The old man became all aiten- oiben (tad several Ubmw tbe ralo* for
any small aivlele* to grt them a*
«ky aad Jame* N. Martloek. aui-lleH. ion oa the moment and asked the
Mote* J. Rich and Cbarle* llalllient. >ld of Ihe ah.-rtfi to the hope Ibat he
David HrAfve. a fanner of Mtai
J. H. Ituellmanicl and fStarW H. Par­ roiiid at last find bta |oved anew
Uun't write to taem." tald be with a ro»e. objected to a rural telephtme
ker. turelle*.
ica B. Bunleo. Patrick Itorden ebackle, “If I find that they are real­ compaay (darlac a pole directly
ly my *on aad daughter I want to «ar- froBI of hla place and wbea Jai
,. a. Haellmaalet tarrtie*.
prise them with a visit.''
At tbe home of Brut Speaker, nouth
Wllltam Uoa. A. Lnni
Ptlrick Bnrtlcn nuretlea,
John Raiier. John P.
Prank Wilhelm aoreilc*.
John I. Thnchcr, Henry Brodhneen

of Camden, one eatlre
the upper Is given up

room to
In boner

ber*. There are probably eight or t.-u

Ur*. Lampert uf Qraad RapU* !•
her daagbter*. Ihe Ufw. Will
dttog: he
a llimry IW'

■ MeCany aad family vau-v
rained Win
Will Rennie mad wife .4 Tra*
iwood. aastotaai manager. <wde
•>e (it) Sunday.
gang lo go ahead aad Ignore MrEiMIe Houke* of Bnywe
Afre the farmer beesme enraged and
orklng for ib<- Tiavstruck Pinwiau! with some wesi*>n eompaii)'
CniKtoll aad Yoon
which cut his scalp and face and
ii-lr shiBgle mill
knorked several teeth loooe.
Pl;lnnd anks hl< arrosi for aaaull.
l^."w’nitaint' boi^ was d*magr<l
Ur*. Millie Moartii rg Howard CHy

ordlntn- swarm* of bee* and tortead
.g dlfiereai
one larg« blve. The bee* -ax up every
nnd Tboma* fi, Bbllwui. sorellra.
Fred Wurabnrs. A. U Joyce nad A. rrovloe aoribai -bea tbe owner* wish after waiting eight year* for a widow'liursiug out.
to eater tbe room It is aeceuarr u penstoo. dim aDer reeeirtog m-wi Ihti
tleoige HHm< U having bis bouse
had been allowed, with »S>M newly |ra|« nsl inalih-.
pry the door open. The InsMe ot Ibr
John- Hoollhnn. Henry Br«
Urt. Uale-I Wolfe
room I* almply a ma.s» of bn«y be«- track pay. Mrs. Uowaii wa*
and Fred P. Boushey »urelle*.
Sllghis Wi-dneeitay.
Perdtoand Laulner. Prod P. Ilouihey aml boaey IB the eomh.
ly nennile-is at tb* lime of ber death
April l<Mr*. Margaret Hartlu of Hendon ha
y'ery curious gav«l baa bee* pre
and AItT*d Imfonoee ■uretlc*
nl by 8. It. ttarrof In Orrull post
Joteph Brother*. Tiiomaa Dyer and g«ae to Redroek. Moot., lo lN-eua>e the
MUre* Iraura and Lavlna Uodley
t. R.. ot Katamaaoo, II eantoln.
Prank H. 8eh*amer kureiie*.
bride of her girlhood sweetheart.
wi-rv home, irom Traverse Cliy 8The bond of Peter K. Undquta*. I. Frank ftaer. now a large ranch
elCher »<ssl or m«*l frt>m every star
K. CtofetoDd and Chart.-* Hallbei*
r and Matg»rot Kmply were Imv to tbe Ilnlna. as wrti aa rurtus from *'*|iir. and Ur*. August Sehroeder of
mireile*; Oeorge Allen Smith. J. M.
several hatlle flelilsot the elvll war. In- Travi-rse Cliy tav.girl together

MgsiG Tallis to
and Matters
aecrot of ibe {Xi—r —liieb
(jauiotic tnne*
bav.- over
tbe ia«(jle. aod cqa-citlljr
..ver Uie artoie* aad ualiooa.
Uialoriaoa Ipivp been «oau-nltsl toainply rfitofd t'te


Hut Uie Oiyattay it at an
.oil wbi-u -V attribile to
tnuii-' ita riifbtfnl po—it. that
»( jub-liini; bitffa tbe ptaaeo!
>-m.4i-ua. briOfniiK K>
*or(a,-e Ui*' veiy bail tbefe ia
in man ur voinan,
more iratrtutie. more loraUe
nihl l-iviiur. luakioi; n* a bet­
ter riiixeii. a latler ana or
ilautflitor. Then- can be ao
.|tte*iuKi aliout tbe trntbfalin-aaurtLt* atotemeiiL


I ar pUm>
II.T k.«.l,4I.t-vJUo, bss

■ eisw uiid lo lariii;: piwcv sod l.sp
pu>M lolsmilie* in geonal sod
I.. y-ung |e---i-l-- in larth-wtar. Ilizn
all tBr l-vii,i'i--s oil domrslic vir
tuis that t-s-e i-x-i-i l,cwn penned
N D—m* tviirol tbe KimUall ii
lull, t.Mod aud symimtbrti, , siul
in.tre hs%w lu^i, sn^a sn-l odd
tluiu sny other—H-Sta-oel.n ale-

N • insllrr uhat you are olirred
w>-tee| Hut we are {•rets>i--d lu ,Iu
U-lIrr by you in every way than
you > III dnvIaewlK-ie. i’ur pUi
-e ai.v..cdlu* l» Ihrir ta-.'er*l lae

II inaune i;.*^-riialily St

Tbona. aureiy. and F. D, Marvin with
e years ago. Baer went weal and cloding a bullet ettrar'r.1 from 4
htal’ W^, Shelly had a qallibig
ja* g;» Mondayarentog before j. A. Hoaiasue a* »urety. eoortablM, Margam married DtaU-l Martin,
ind Inflicted na Mr. Harrow hi Hie
Mia. WOtoB LaaKBi. wotbar of tbe
H- day 1**1 week.
the elir rtwncll got under -ay aod than each tor
-ere approved.
about 1C year* ago. Ten Iratlle of Bblloh.
UluH-s Neiib- an.l travina ld>i
Our small irayment (ton ntan*
brUe aad bbr baibaad. aad Mra. M. J.
only all ntoBbert -ere to their ekalrb.
Traterae City were guest* <g
The Junior ilegree cits* ot the Nor­
The bc^d of William H. Holor for years later Harilo was killed by light
piarn. buying rasy.
Isses Lindley itabdST.
At l:SI Alderman wn«m appeareJ Reoorder-a Judge. SSJMO. Edgar P nlng. ni.U hi* widow baa atoee
mal college al YprtUuili ha* adopiei
ftaB aaltord of Maatoa. Ib
UiHe union Weiss, wbo was very
and the i-gntar baatoeaa -na taken nr- Chaae nod Frank Hamilim. »ur«lA. charge of ihe village llbraTy. I
class pin lhai fur aoveKy aad ebeapek last week. U betn-r
MBtriag tbe eerdBWr k -addlaf diapHndpal thing before tbe mnaUng —a* approved.
e*t take* the |*lm. It Is a eloihe-Ik* ago Baer and the wido
itt -aa aareed. Mr. aad Mra. Blleara
betog tbe draft <d an ordlnnnee tor
Tbe bond of raoma* Shaoe for ehaaged leilera and Baer eame
plB. surrooua'cl l.v a Hay knot of tb-' '"qhe ftasler llierary program given
M oooaiT tba baato aa Baat Pioal
by the Y. P. A Sunday evening
the Queen City »«rtrte UMH
11.000. member board of public -ork*. ud proponed marriage. Ur*. Martin etas* erfor*. Yale blue and white. Tb.It cros<l
liiaai. -bare iW -10 ba at boBC to
al aucees*. The rtiurcb was
Po«er enmpnoy fletoe Uiem ■ fr*»- W F. Calkin* surely. «n* approved.
IS not yet ready, wt liter leUirned pin ta-ars the numerals 'M. In peneiV ed wHb
with I-.........
lnlere*ied tlstrceni nnd
fkalr tobar fttoada. Mra. BUean to
chlae lo airing -Irea. erect polej, ele..
The tjrtiggiat bond of 8. K. Walt «
bta baneb: Tbrj will be married rt and the bead Is -rapped to blue rib- credit is givea to Ul»» Phoeaee 8hel
iba alaUr af B. C. Oaawtaa. tbrBWIf
lor carrying on bualneaa here lor
r, wbo had r
Bon*. tS.OOO. -lib Samuel Qnriand Redroek and will iln n lake
If iba ^Iqwl WblUnI abd -aa as
. rollectioD w'
period ot thirty yeara. Tbe ordWant
J. Hnvllud *nroii<>*, -a* np roach for a drive * lun mile* to Itaer's
In the Supreme court was argue.!
a nBbar of rean and
hm*. *
I -aa brtd over onMI It can be printed.
Ihe rata- of 11. Odell v*. Leslie Oufr In
April 1C.
baa taavtrtoBda to toe ellr. Mr. 8U
Tbe ordinance wo* very e«nt««e
4an atoo bdtoi -ell known here, haeA big pallfu-al .lemourtri
nstlpatioti eaiise* headache, nsu
and prtiTiaed among other Ihtogm that
Ca»* county man seek* to
i*ktog for no appolnimeni to the city launch Wm. AUlen Smith'*
tog Vaalded tan tor etokl t*vrtltxtoess. taagrair. h.-ari iralpUs
the city eouaci: after Otlenn year*
will because It beqaeatb* gsn.PM of
' police force —ns referred to the
Drastic phyalea gripe, slekea.
nor in bta home town, i
eonld order the polm. ate. remoreil to
Ihe fitdjMO estate lo a spiv;
B-MM Baato M bWm Uy.
weaken Ihe bowels and don i cure
A eommoDleaikm from tbe Oame- the proaeol neaiKm of eongr
in-s Regulrts act genlly and rorrBattou Bbr. Hleb. April U..->ncba.
« be aranaged the day will be eieiy. Tbe aged man to maktog tbe
__ fortbennore atlpalated that Ibe well Fire Alarm Telegraph
Si eeai*. A*k yw
will arid it wa* dictated by spirit*. YVtoa BtMtoel.-btad m one of the beet
taking for SlttS -hick they etalm.-J made a public holiday
Cat* eoanly court bad *el aside the
knm ptoaaaw W Butume Bar. iMpaay. under pain of lortenute
dne for mtkitig repair* on the regUior
The “fiylng roll***" now .
their frmocblae. couM not make a ot
Card of Thank*.
paaiBd away anddealy abo(tlr.,Mtor •
and topper of tbe fire alarm *y»te»
We sincerely lhank all of Hm- m»n>
. aawmlll plant of the Northrrn
IMoek MBtoay Borntog. He -aa alt- btottlob -1th any other IlgbUng ee
Hay Ik. 1*04. wa* rrtetred lo the com Beaton Harbor, aud
lb>-Cs liv 111. Tra (1*1. Biiiin till. TwaMy
Mad frienrifc and artglibor* for ih.-H
.umber Co, at Blreh. which has been
Ubb to bta ehair aad had Jmi flotebad pnny, dltldn tbe lenrltory or Bciv) mllire on fire and water.
sympathy, an.l assisiaiie.- and tbr ■ an. Stat Tw>wiy-«e itl> <• tto eiUaer ta
covered with magnificent peach
under consiriirtion tlnce tort Septbii -Ife be «ei goillC wt “ Id any Banner. Pntnre mnnlclpnl
iH-ciilirill flbial offerings In -Mir ro
A prilllon for a water main on Wai
chard*. Their meiturts «rf work
«aa provided for by
•wfe trhea be droppM oen dead.
tad le-reaiemeni.
nal slreel tram Oarfield avenue to aneh Ural. If tbC) dealrtd. Ihey e.
Mr. »etBel bta not been nito
Pbe mill is a double band aSair, w
aod from Webrter
al nny time eonlrul the msrkei c.
Ur an.l Mrs J. 11 iluell and family
capariiy of IM«o«l feet of hemlock,
lean yean bat abots a year ago bto
Elkblh on Rota- alreet -a* referred lower basis. One ebork for
brif^ Oeorae died to almoet etadilr of tbe coBpany attw fifteen yeart. the 0 tbe committee on fire and
of abraii WWiWi f«-i of hanhrood
was reeelred by them last seaaoti for
Bauar, bean ftllare belts value of the franehtoe oot lo enter Inin
lay. Tbe plani Is one of the tarK<-si
ind most modi ro la the upper |e-iiintba tabae e( «Mlb to both lutacGea. the coal abd the aale to be effected liy
an arbllralkm commutee eanalrttag of ■Igned ta Fannie Don-ell and others of ten mere*.
■iita. the enilre equipment b.-lng new
Ha tnm a -tte aod ais ra«n chllaaktog that the paving
Mayor Parklll, of nwosso. has
drta. Tba CkUdren art MIeboUi. John 1-0 m*mbera aelecled by the company.
‘Hie llanabi-r Hardwood Ijimls-r I'u
P.retid* srito't
from T-eltth lo Tblrieeaih reeded In liteaklog the 'eoiiiiell
by tbe eouncll nnd one other by
has recently closed J deal fur Hie pur
n May trt.
and'Bea W Trawrae Chy. Mra, Kioto
Ibe four wtmed. In cm* either party alreeu be deferred a year -a* grant lOB." which for the last iwo years ha* rbare of hardwood Amber nirar Reker
• had beyond
No estenaiee
tad Ma. Rearr Bebnor of Sottoaa Bar
Biipervlaor llanba mated tt
II aubacnhcra to the |d.,.d*rmi.raa tmogani. h H.i«g.
that date.
abtll tat neleel their eommlaalooi
tad Mr*. Moaler of IVoTeaBBt.
• le avsM them-ould be a bardiblp to a number.
Herald W
The fanaral aarrtoe of Qnat Oeiea
the mill at Uollarvllle In aperailon fur
■I oflcr
aelvaa el thit great
A pelltkm for on are light at the the elly wants. Only Aldermen RigIbe next six yiats. The rompany has
*0 al ore*. 8*e tavertiaameot elee-aa luM fi«B tbe BBannal ttoaroh ao. The mmpnny baa l-o yeara
emner of Bevenl^i and Maple rtroei* ley and Brows now hold out againr.t
raher* to Ihi* taatie of tha Herald.
still two yiwni' operations upon the
beta lodar.. Mr. Otoam -a. ktIM by -klrii to have tba ptaai In nnritlns
peiilloa for an are at the cora.-r may<ir. but hu now has vote* enougli.
^oKTiiaUI BALb-lxrtBBH hatisi hma
met souih nf UrUlltan. an-l will eh-au
talBM ^ bto liarnereet -bleb -ae oader and ihitiy daya to -blek to tcof
apt or rajert ‘he franeblne. the ordiIbe tart meeting tbe mayor mado
forty faal high.
ance to Uke Hleet aa toon aamsept -ere referred to the Ugbilog commit1 nppotoimenis which were eonflrmed. Thi- nftirers of his adoilnUintinn
bitrttot at Omoa Churab PaiUh.
Thomas Kneal. foruwenly-Bve yearOn Mr. Murray'* mollon, Oeorge bad been holding ovev simply l-eeaiitaOe Boticn of Mr .Wilhelm. It -aa
IMt wgurtptatob mmttog of Qracn
lumlierman of Martior Springs, ha*
Cco*» wa> rehatod I32.SS overcharge ■ he eouncll would not Mtnflrm the men
okmol «ta hew MfBday ermlng ai ' filafi and ordered printed to the ofllrial
dis|s>*-sl of bta sow mill lo WUIiani
i a mortgage u
ilertrtd- Xi tbg recent eleeilon «en Rorkwr-II, who will romore It from
wdlnga tor tbe eoUghtenme ' *
ibn-t-pana abo-ed that the Bwaeea
The -ay* ami
tba cIlltnuL
prerent \He aod erect a targe platilng
ported bill* aggregating gSCS.SC wblrh tbe nldemen are heeding Ihe wariilng
mildltlDn. ibwa-betog ao deWa and
Karal's mill yard is adjoinTbe report of tta llhratr trttati
vere ordered paid.
Ipal they, loo, Is- «hom of Ihelr
BiMthWaM*4Bbagd. *
Harlmr Point Wssoctailnn
ter the eleveo mooth* ending March
Some bad lUlenalks on Eatt Eighth
next year,
M tolki-Mt -ere eleetofi vet
and II lx rui
SI ahovnd that the Itornry -aa to a
ireei ata State aireel were referred
Uiehlgan's wheat crop April I
option on (be proprTty for
Bdb: ■. Ui^Hlgue. M. C. Oavla, k.
rry mtlifartory condition. On Apr!
to tbe board of puWie work*.
T» per cent of Ihe average, say*
wTundar-Bto, lUlph Hadlett, C. B
there -ere n.m pnlron*. a cm-to
Jtmet ktorrln wa* appolaied apeetal Uichtgan crop report,
Wyiltar. Oeorge Kue and kaoa Tttna. of 7» In the eleven month*.
\\1;ile -Irilllns a wr-ll on hl« tonii In
lu.llce at the court house without pay. eats report late sown wheat damaged
The library had been card Indekcl
A resolullon that the clerk ekienrt by freezing aod lhawing. and omsld B^len fuwnriilp. riieleiygan county.
Wllltam Pr<rior iltarovered a larg>by HI** M. U. Pug*ley. -bn bad laushi Ihe roll* for the fifth asaeomeal at the
.-ratile ot 11 will be plowed up.
qiunUiy of l.rimstooc brougfai «|i i.>
the Ubrariau and aaalctaai librarian *o Prom and I'alon street paring
bani Md le
Lonis MoUanen. nf Hanenck. the en]>
he drill, which would Indicate a con
Ibat ibey -ere capable of eanTtog on ptsae.1
. n eoiiBly glam, a yu-ang Finn Just -tl .Id.-ral.h- deposit. He says that oiitsldthe work. A »Uto tortitoie had
Mr. Ovtatl »iaied that Will Bro»e:i
Chareh 'tud Trtonnda. H. C.
age. who despite th*i be is still gros panii-s ihri nimmev. will Itur-.-ili: n--.
held and much gooJ reaulied.
had called hti atte
aad H. W. Undemood; finance.
Ulb-viHl to ulnadr be Hie blc
malerltl ta worth |f.i P-Helen Stout. Ulmrl.n. had
that Ihe CiiUcn* Telephone company
F, Tliaa. H. C Davta and C. B.
gi-.i man to fbe *orid, I* pn-pnrto:
vas also bioiiehi up l.y ti..leaned to Ihe Clevetaod iihraiy
arm* Betllng pole** Dear tbe BniM-n
— Ralph Hi
art BUK
lute tor tour monih* In ordi-r that »hr place to Ibe city limits on eaefa side uf inJolnaelreusas*mii>-<->ini ariraeibm drill.
le daled^ to the
re*eivi-d a
ua.ta 71 ikto.-i'U'
might loam the rhlldien'* -on
UVBD of ih<- St-wi iiil' form ;p*ruifs depMUr..
the highway so elo*e a load couldn't
k%III ^balA to F
the targurt ever made for neural wear a stock eumpany tor Ho- Bixnufaciure |Tet*i
tA.-i.r-InttodiKC that here.
be hauled hrtore them. On hi*
Wfiftieadai In Jane
<d MwaigBS. '.ViwBly of Ursad Trsr
laches ihrnugh
j<ir Ibe foMlns firm canopy which be
Ion. it wa* roferrni in ib.- streeii
Only SS* ne* hook* —ere purr
we. H- C. Q|vli and C
groaiesi diameter. IH Is nine Inrhe- lnrenlp,l.
tsad. m,rairr sT IV- slr-s>
walk* eommiite.' and the city
I year
..kwmta Mvarthsi Uu so-.r
•HfoBlna. feac^. Ttlu*. J. L Bailey
high from rim -to crown ami wlicn
sawmill* in all portions of nonbern
t«tbpljm><d my ks-mtolgof fnada. Mo«t Of tbe*e -ere valanbl-< gloeer.
vene.r resembles a pqek measure. Mirhigaa arc starring up on Ih- spring
Tracy H. Clllls stoied that the charBzaeci. 0«si^*i-._
reference books —bile lev were c
: Is the Easter iMinne:
aart s-imm-T cui. Tlic s.-j*-.ii ' o icpu'
•r wa*n1 clear
Ihe copper n-glon Louie-has ot lumber wl.l I.e lance, a* •••wrxl m-w
datlpt. He also beat troll
BliM* HalBtonK Ota al
geaerniisly rnih‘nl»he<l bis wardrob- mill- are in eommisskrti
d and Ibe chnrAc* and ebnreb lieved that tbe rouneil sbouM bive Ut
R impeeud of the
Urn gtotaecs
An todii'trtal awaVr-ulng is pr---1ictHomer rome here and nee Ibat pro|»T (hU spring, and will lie a
atXmtoBan emnir. pattari
be .r-ril:rs ihe lent i again
e,l f--r M' Pleasant in the near f-turc.
liooks were provided before the clerk
I. of heart
ly purohasod a few aew shirrs which .\n .-n.m it l-eing male to k-’p the
Tbe Women's <tob nn.I Ibe Uim's
k his offire. Ur. UcCny said that
r--» iwrml -( Uart
* very auddm
Hnis.'v.roaniifactiirina plar.:
city attorney bad told him that his
b-wlM. .d OrMW
club. *1*0 the Primtry Snadny Beltool
Md -a* a md abock lo hi* num<
t-.i- of rr.Itoary sUe.
. hoociKtbJt iCl
union were pemlltod lu use
n rspin.-d Hay I. The manor was
frtmd* aeatiarta ibroaghoui the r<>
N. J. Em.-ry. represeatlog pro
the nodlenre room with very antlsfae- rvfered to ibe eiiy aili-rnev. On
loir, which m
av*T* <— mcnioAX.
* Btom
p(operiy owner* io JilrUtnan
lia. The large amoui
Aprtl 7tb Hr He|mfarb
ship of OBiaBBgtiu ecHiBiy. has peexuo .malm ut.uilllml
slralgfaleoliig on- various funds wl
fine* reeelted had saved the Iru
<4ba ellr m baatotm. purtog the -In
ilTI,-! t-taw-l-j gi«m .hsl —rtsIB b-d
ally Ptaresl la Ibe batas of Rola-n II.
The Ijixury Chair Co has l<-cn ot
atking any approprtalion.
have bveomi- wiBenhst mixed ’
■1'Bsu.l to ita <■•«*•» -if CrmmI Tr*».c»- >■S , ro4*..b
Var be bta hem UI nnd -at nllinc
gbMds of lloughloe. presldeat of the j ganir.-.l at Hmo.l Rapids wllh a rapi
The charter prurMed that an tnnntl alio Ibe maiiiT.of Ibe linnks wtf
state las romlsston. a peiiilon aik |i*lirarion .4 l7q<«-.raU la lo mana lirr,w>-sn).d I„
Ui nf from oaehatf mill to three mills

hi uii Mnri lifnliM

z Zlusiiarapir,

“^*:;s''::'¥sr,.r,.-..y.!(-««. uu. -a

STSta .tiriii'% ’srirTia




Aarutb w 4<sa p. B. <
i^PHwHto ^talh -M verr

Sill If Stiti Til lute

as taxes tor Hhrary anpaori
-ra ^bme* at uanal nnd tad fort
The trustees aaked for a levy of ihive
^ptetod bto -orti and com# tow ihquarter* of one mill.
m tbe rtroke came.
The report showed that fiS.TttCg bad
a ehWr rmtlng and diaih
berm rerelred and that tS.nOM ba*<
been expended.

5- sr.’

tog lor an laresilgailoB of the aBalrs faeiure tb.- H.rtri* and Turkish chair.
of bta township. Heallegra ibat lbe!aith an'omalic recltoiag atraehmero
taxes collected In UeUlIlaa aggregate, jraieari-d by A. Una Uarrar.
1 hr


Cta-Kraldsr sTTjtodk^wUrmwl
Tm« . «as.y.

but 12 per cent rd tbe toul asaessod pUat o< Ibe Unn Uurray Co. at Sixth Bato. If uus iWM—arty r.dMw-sl •« s—r-ill
valuathm. fico.oou.

Hr. Shield*

bribe toa < alter before tbe e

win and Draw siroeiV flraad Rapi,Is. will
■f eurriely I
ta-;lrt tl««

b*irj..B44rsm.1rm.«.e ClIy.Ni kirw-


in .
Otmrl Nmn.
Wkea ABdie* lABC vAi ■ atad*
U 81. ABdrewa ke edited a veeklr c
Icce BMdMHM Uw mUrr pan
irtteh be bad to wrtte btaiaelf. j
klBdi of work cane Ireoi bU pes
■KnrelA poema. iranaUUona. eaaa;
Hr. Lab« Bade a potnl of rc-tlewln;;
rerf aeeardr anj booka wriiiea l>r hU
prwhBatai while he was editor. *
Oaeral Baroe Eodama, who
beoa Aoaeti to meeeed Pteid Marahat
Orana as bead or the Japanese army,
was edacated la Rntsen eoll^. Vork.
Pa. He hat bets ealM the -'ceola>
o( ^ Jaiwnese a^y." He It credit­
ed wllb barlBi! doec more llisB
other B«n to plaa the atraieicr which
retailed In ibe Japancee rlclorles
Haneharla. where be was Harsbal
Oyama'a chief of ataff. —^
Yt«s a*o Bernard Shaw fumlahe.1
' a blosrapbic aketrb of hinueir lo ao
Bnsilab newspaper. It Is said lo bn
atUI correot exeept at lo bit Uacbelorbood and II rant ibai: "I am a bach­
elor. an Irishman, t veaetaHan. an
albelst. a lectoialcr. a fanailr.
biwiorlm. a eoenl liar, a socUl dom
crat. a leetnrer and d^ter. a hirer of
natle. a «ctcc opponeni of the
eM Btalna of women nnd an Inslater on
the netloot of arL"
Tbf sultan of Turkey It food of wllBcatlBd good ooajurlns nnd many cn
tertalnera paatlag ihroucb Coostanilneple are laiited lo appear before hit
maJaMy. Not only U a baodaome mu
paid them bat presentt arc glrA
whIA an m«uently worth rery much
men than the mimelary reward. The
eatertainmeats take plaee la a raaipiKI'
eeatafarUDeat.wo built that tbcladler
HT the harem can kuk ibrousb sma.l
sratlBcs let Into a aeries of priralc
One on hardly Imagine that dlgnl«ed and zeatons tcimperaaoe ndvocalr.
Lndy Henry Bomeraci. as a pracileal
Joker, and yet II fa a fael that ahe and
her eoBBln. lAdy Dudley, once dressed
•p as n pair of Prenefa toertsu and In
tUa gnlse and bearlly relied visited
her place at BaaUor ostle and went
all over It. Bnl apparently she wa*
not ntbeloallr Impiwaned by the beauthat *tbat dnekaea dc Mi
whieb Lady Henry had glren

died rocenuy. He led an oeeenirle life
and hb rnnsral waa in keeplnc.
fere daybreak an ordinary cab i
ap to ttM mala door of Ui house tnd
Ml body, oontalaed In a pbln cofBn.
waa Mtoed is It.' A tecoad ob carried
a party cd nadertahers' men and they
were drtrcB ercr the blok moorland
to the nuage et Honcar, alx miles
away, where Hr. Bright many yuan
l»4btiter the ctdBai of hU first wife
a»d hU too.' He saod to all In 11 for
boera beside the eoffiiia. There was
M rHIMotu cenmMoy. as Hr. Bright,
altboagh boTB a Jew, aenraod a
By a tuaalmou rote the Judges of
Ibe aaaaaJ pabUc-speaUag content
beM at Columbia nslretslty.
York, hare/'awaided the first prise in
Pka iMhA Seme, an African prince.
Tbb h the Bret time lo the hlitory of
the Carib medal eompetllloo that
imglu studmil bai conlested. Seme's
nbjeet waa -The Regeneratloi

at CoInmbU and expects to gel the de
gree of ^^clor of arts at the clone of
the cMlaga year, when hb people will
aeai'Mm to study bw ai OxfonV
eompimea hb course he will
rwtwB k Bala)tad. where It b said a
government appeintment awatu him.
^ealw CUaea baa received bun
dre* e< lelegtams from Oklahoma cx
pnmilBg the opinion of hundreds of
people abonl-hlm. This one. bos
wblA be deebren b the moat rei
able innnlry ever propounded i

Now almoal an aseetic at the table he
may cay. In the srorda o( the la
WUUam Hatrourt. “I feel liesi whan
I CM lout-' He may add fait royal
tentlmcmy to that of Mr. Cbamb
la pmtac of a good cigar. King Ed
wrard b a mighty eigmtette smoker.
The, Hoody School for Boys at North,
field. Haat, will obeerre lii tweoiy•flh aaalrermiry from June to to .July
3. Indnrise. William Rerell Hoodv.
the Mdest aeo oMbe lafe Dwight U
Moody, will preMde at the annlrersary
escrebes. srhich wlU prcdmhly be held
. In a large lent.
At a Japanese enterlaUuneiii
Washlngum lor the hmrftl of the fam^ engeem in Japan HatoJI Nlja
kawa, a gradoaie of the George Wash
h«toe antremlty bw aebool and I
, Bnl Japaneea tawyer ever admitted
the American bar, Inlfodoced i^e
apsaker. Senator Tfllman. as "ooe A
the gnataat. If ool Ute gnalesl,
ta twdgTcws."



The Nazareth

T6 piiss the 5.ilcs hrre is to miss unusual money-saving oppoitunities.
If extraordinar)'ip^uectm-nts count for anything. Steinberg Bros.'should
■ be packed ev^ry day in the week. Every department is overflowing with
bargains. Every price quoted is calculauxi to
(' draw trade—the items advcnised arc offered at figuresi way under the regular value—they are *
economicat and judicious buyers of
named as leaders lo convince the
Traverse City that it pays to allcnd Steinberg Bros.’ special sales.

Buster Brown
TWO l>lEOE>l!lTS with
■lonbic sent nml knees at

$1.93, $2.9S. $3.95
That are
Uic aven
at other I
aod»5.« _______

Great Special Sale of the “Sunshine” Suits
at $11.50, $16.50, $22.50 and $25
It is with no little pride that we announce to the women of Traverse City
chat Steinbei^ Bros, is to be the home of the fashionable and celebrated
^,.7__ O..!.
— i_
The fabrics from which these suits are made arc designed spec!illy for the purpose, and include the choicest and
newest of the s^wn's novelties used only in the fine tailor-made garments. The styles are of that character one
only finds in the higher price^ lines—all chic, short Eton, easy litting styles. The skins are smart circular and
pleated models, with separate girdle belt. They are without doubt the best suits ever sold in America at the price

DriU waists at 15c
ItiBsosk Waisu at tOc

LHK'«d GHHm's

Knit Underwear
A grand new showing of
every style that ooe could
wish for. Sleeveless
Vests. Long Sleeve Vests,
and Short Sleeve Vests,
Pants in all the different
styles, Long Sleeve Cor­
set Covers, Misses' and
Children's I’ants and
Vests and Infants' Vests.
Art to sec the great val­
ues we are showing in
tbb line at

Betitiffll Styles at

$8.95. $11.50 BBd $13.50
That can't be iluplieatml in
other atorem (It leasihan $15.
$S0 and $2->.

Will )w sokl in aU sin* at
the special price of «ely


lOc, I5c asd 25c^

12ic, 19c, 35c, 50c

The real thing in


New Corsets

for Jlcn and Boy*. A perfeot asaortment of all the
notraet atylcd for spring at
pricoa that will win your favor

•50c t $3.00
Caps 25c to $2 50

Men’s Shirts
' Did yon c-ver aoc our line
of Men a Hhirta at bOcf It'a
a wx»der in itaelf. Over two
hnndrod different pstteme of
Ehirta, all made fall in tho
body, with long nleovae.
roomy armholed and perfect
etting neck bands. ShirU
■in Uiem.
tb^ have comfort
T^ line oontaina the beet
black ahirta, the beet wbito
ahirta. the boat oolorod ahiru
and Uio preUicat ahirta yon
over eaw at


' Wo riiow otlien at

2SC, $1.00, ul $1.50

Hew Hcckwcar for
that is nobby, dnway. in good
Uab-. What'fl tbi' UBO of
paying fancy prices when you
can find sach jirflty atylee in
all dceirablc thniiee at

at 98c, $1.25$ $1.40

Good Socks

That won’t n«wl mending «very time they go in tho wneh.
Black and oolore aa well aa
fancy. A lag aew line to
pick from at
10. 12ic, 15c al$ 25c

The kind you like. The
best tba^ can - be had at

New Jackets and Tourist Coats

IfobliT Rain Coats at $5. $7,50, $10

,\n extenrivc showing of all the new­
est effects in Coats.for spring wear—
Pony Coats, Box Coats, smart fitted
hip-lepgth Coats and stunning
things* in the fashionable Tourist
Coati are very popular. Everything
that is new is to be found here. Spe­
cial values at
$4.50, $5, $6. $8. $10 and $12

mntprials in llii' m-wcal spring shwlcs. A
garoicot that every wmuan needs for many


Beaotiral Skirts at $5 and $6
Every lady who likea a pretty hang­
ing skirt will be delighted with the big aaBortmi-nt we are ahowing at these prices.
They are up-le-date in every respect.
Other rikirta—.luat as big valniw u
$4 rC. $»i .‘i0, S7..50 snd $10.

) Great Offering of Fine New Waists ca81«$ wietg
iB almwl

We call your attention to our large showing, consisting of upwards
of I.OOO smart waists made especially for us.
China Silk Waists at $2J>0.
$4.50 and $5.'i0.(
New Taffeta Waists in all colors, worth $6.50 at $500.
Brilliaminc Waists ai $1..50, $1.75. $'J.W. $2.76. etc.
An immense showing of new Shirt Waists in Summer I-awns. Dotted
Swis.s. Japancsi; Mull, Indian Head, etc., while too numerous to describe
arc here all the new. becoming models ai prices 35c, 51k, $1.00, $1 25.
$l..'i0, $1.9S, $2.4S, $2.75. $3.50 and $4.00.

A Chance to Buy Silks and Dress Goods at a Great Saving
Having received a complete new line of Silks and Dress Goods,
embracing all the very latest weaves and color*
■ r the most advantageous circumstances,
wc have placed them on sale at wonderfully low
iflgs that wc bought, under
prices._)Nonc but reiiable
reliablec black and colored Silks and Dress
Dres Goods will be found in this sale and every lady who
likes choice and
nd perfect goods should take advantage of the grand opportunity to secure some of these big bar­
gains. Among them is a manufacturer’s line of ^Ik
Silk Dress Interns.
Interns, Is yards lo the pattern, fine, soft Louisene.
all the newest colorini
colorings, no two patterns alike. They are worth —
75c a yard,
but having been .bought
SQ fiR
at a sacrifice wc can sell them at per pattern................................................................................... i...........
In Dmsa (iwls ire have

Beaatifnl Unwns
Special Values at
50c, 65c, 85c aod $1.00

A gniixl imalirul displsy of all the nc«(«t tliingi in Hue. daiaty Wash I loods at spi-isl priom per yarl from

10c to 65c

Hats and Caps for Misses and ChHdren
An immense assortment of New and 1^1 styles, suchRob Ko|\ I>clroits,^pons. Jocke^^s, Tam GoHs ^Qq
and Round Tams, h
Also good styles at 25c. 75c. SI and $1.25.^ You’ll find it a pleasure to select from this big assortment. Baby Bonnct«. Baby Coats. Baby Dresses. Baby Knit Shoes. Underwear. Hosiery, Bands, etc.—all new, up-to-date, praeticable and sensible—just what the baby wants at just the price you want to pay.

Special—Calicos at -4c, Dress Ginghams at 5c, Percales at 6ic
u i^nNinate and atj-liab. We
have them in different bigfata
and quarter sin*. Ovw twai.
ty different atylea of new oolIan have jnat bent jilaced 6n


$1.25 and $1.50
8i«i*1 .....'...............................................................85c
Finer graclm op lo $1.% per ynid.

>r any informal occaalona the

5flC d4
Are here in great variety
and cveo' si*c-

New Ribbons, New CoUars, New Belts. New Hand Bags. Etc., all at Special Prices.

travkmsb: oitv, miom.

New Wrappers
A nice big lot of them,
all cut full, made for
comfort, made of stand­
ard calicos and percales;
colon that will wash aad
wear. Neat patterns in
Greys. Navy. Cardinal
and Black. All sizes and
pretty styles at

85c, SIM KB $125

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