Grand Traverse Herald, September 06, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 06, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TMAVKMp errv. mano

travmm county.


The ruddy. flauA-halied girl stood
Oattlng Mtoad.
' Hew Tigera Pratset Faraia.
Oanitl Boona'a Qesaum HtmL
hour mote, matters
Even an expert at "PMcr Piper" tn
to the litth- cemeter; near Freak fan to new'of ber terrible parstn-r.
siralgbiraed out. The kite aad the
Last year ljU tlgera. 4470 pnhlhdolls were restored to ihefr prtoune fort. K.V., on a Mil overtoMoag the leaning upon bu rifle, and surveying ers and leopards. f.OW bears aad S.0M not be sure never to get hi* taagYe
momrat. Ofher
charms, and two smaU boys and a
wolvu* were killed: of snake*—the
i nertHQI «wu<L^ muirely dl*Hby a slab iatorming a siranger that
mud tartto went amkabiy Into
-Rebecca, this is young Boone, son
paled by an uatortoittlWfli^ilffiiUfam
remains of two boaored pioneers. of our oeigbbor." was Ihe iaronlr
gatd«n together.
Kalbtecn glanced
of letter* or syllabtoa. each 'aa lie la
he porch.
The bammock Daniel Boone and his wife, rest be­
lively fen are dcwiroyvd.
wait for Bhy public apaaker or rwader
However deplorsUe and eosUy
swaag lIgbUy to the brecM. Mother neath. The stories of their gtortou*
Both were young. beauUf^ and at the ukliig of human and catOe Ute.
oat unaapeetad pfacas.
buried to the new boi*. The tlnd actaleveaK-nlB over -the unlaliii-d wild­
aaecUoitseaerAwak* aaj-a ouoearnlag tkasa:
lines seomed^to hare faded out uf ber erness of the Wc«i sre well known
the descent on piumlslng crops
How could th* guaHs at to* tabl*
dear and pigs snd monkeys woeid he
face, a* she stirred cady i« lurn lages. to every boy end girt, and they never
lose any of their lntcrc« with the re- The clrcumstaaresoC the totroduetkm even more Beriaus lo tndta. aad more be expected lo "keep their faea*
Kathleen watched ber |ortog1y.
were favorable to th* result, and the ogpeasJve to the natives, wer* It not etralgtt" when an after dinner tpoakThe letter carrier tomed tn at the tcUtog.
young hanur felt that Ute eye* bad lor the tiger, paniber aad leopard. er saM la hU carefully proparad IttThe fatber of Uaniel %ooi»e had Ul<
foster*' door. CbrisUae. perched on
shined his bmom as faUlly aa bts
Ue speech:
tiu- top step of tiM- reranda. read ber residence on the borders of Ihe Yad­ rlflewbut had evi-r the innocent d«er TYIs formidable trio of the cat famUy
’■Olekery la toe humortal and Thackieally police agrtegUnral India
of the mornlOK mall. Mrs. FW kin la North Carolina. Near ibe farm of the IbSckcU. Hhe. loo. when she
M Is tbs satltlst" and to*n. trytog
re s illlW bsINaaeh as she flu- here- opened was another owned by saw the light. o)>eu. bold forehead, where It pushes toto the )nn^. and
make U poasibie for the poor native I correct to* blander, said:
a Mr. Hrjan. who tmd a daughtei
isbed her IHIer and liirn.-d
the dear. keen, yet giAt:e and alle^
"M—cr—Tkickery 1* tbe satlrlsl
thrtwgta the cuUivaUoa of Us
usmed Kebecca.
Flinf* "Ufe of
tlonatc ey- the Arm front, mnd the flelds.
and Dackani U the humorist.''
-Vou're bmtrd me speak of Karab Boone ' gives the Inlen-sling accouni : vtsiblo impress of bis declsi.w snd
And It U aald (bat a Balllmore min­
So. aft^ all. K Is a question wheth­
DunnioK. haven't you, t^hrlssie? The of Uaniel Boone's flrsi m.>4ing with
of the banter: when sbe er. speaking very broadly. W*r* ■
ister said moM imprasBlraly. "He tam­
girt I roomed with a-ben I was at eol- bis fDlure wife.
iDierprt^ed a look which aald s
ed bto eyelasa Hgbibalto up to baavYouag Boone aw* one night engag-j
h'ge. Dear me! bow maay re*'
I it? She's secretary of ibe Alumiu ed to a flrehuni with a young Wend.^rtWe it would have beeu to hav.*
No one eenld UnaglBe what a eerger are overpaunat
tortaibm. aiv1—well. IB *■— — Their course ted them to the deeply |
hardly be aupposed to bar.
uin speaker meant whm be aald.
so fewred (t^ wberCVar It prewli
Umbered tostoU whicb skirted
the letter.”
"Biddy dlddy." and then slopped, and.
Christine rrad H tbrouj-b Then >tr«am tlu^i wound rusad Bryan':) {
it be wondered at that sbe saw tn
a moment of coafttHon. said, "piddy
ihers take secood plat-*-, *bea
Tha'd alBoat thtok that Natai* bad
planUiiun. Thai the reader may uavi him ber beau Ideal of vsce li-nre and discredit. On India’s tost ysar-s death
tber're entitled lo the ftrsl place. •Are yon ihtoklng of going, mamma'
were credited to wild beasts: biddy." and tow. with scarlet taco and
aaaeethto 'Kreat an' stand
idea wbat sort u.' pursuit it
Qoe^ 1 didn't thtoK mure about It sbe asked qalelly.
and whUe all of tbeaa are IHd up coldly persplrtoi brow, gasped oH.
That abeY a-ttrln'
that young Boone was engaged
before; ItY dreadful the way we l.t
ilnst the tiger, pantbera aad woive*. "Dlddy hlddy biddy doo." Then h*
The Inhabliamt. of cities, who live in
would take n..- away from Ikub.- for during an evening so decisive of his I
to sit down and rest awhile be­
pedaliy panthers) .sbonld be chargisioDs. and read novel* nored with
Bnt like n babe that's Irta' ason its ihMB drop thdr aecompUahmeais s> two day/ at least—tbc exptoac, too." future fortunes, we presral a brief'
a matt^ of course. I know mamma
slib a very comilderable absre fore he could say. "Did be bid adlanr
matterY breast.
....I “~*l
•-TBal WiwUnt be much, would It. .k«cl, ol . .Iitl,. tn-hm,
"How to your wtto today " asked a
We oslr know she knres as. aa' rocks
rx are indispensable u> It. The
"»tortne that love, with all Tbe fact to that the panther and
amma?" The talk of the day before
of a gentlaaaa shs m*i wt to*
the hoosewurk aad look after the
aa to oar rent.
•semen that preci-de* bears <« hU
Illusions. Is reserved e» leopard—which, except as to Hie, arc
horse ear
^Idren and keep Ibem ana> from aa* h) her ears agabi. anil her
.Uider Whai l« called a flrvwan. full j «»“»'vely for them. Ii ls a most eg- aboui HIk* to spotted peR and ternTYerNair a few rhA feilera is soh- me when I'm Iryina to caiiiraie mr qiKwtion. "B'lu-re are lh«- n»ith<-r..
"Sbe is aum* bettor, thank you."
«f Wsring pta.-knolx. which «rm» a ■
* model of Id '
bun' eremhtos.
f mind, a* If I were a coming in:"
the tiger Is overesUmHed.
•■It wouldn't mat roeeh: yoa'd man­ hrtgM and flickering glsre far through 1"«> PerfecUon I. woven to
Bat ther onnl bar the aanatatoe. ser being act apart. It inn'i fair a bit.
Tbe smHIer leopard devotos Itself
the forest. The second foltow* at I
every youthhU heart trf
hkSTtoeaa. ty itag!
>eard two ladlea ppeaklBg about age to give me aa outing like that
dlsiance with bU rifle preparwil Mlghiesi and most brllltoni thread* more largely to goata and plga and
I hnreat got no ninioaa
1 don't
laa the other day at our chnirb any time.”
It monkoya while the panther attack* left ber." replied tbe gentlwiao.
for arthni No a,KH-.,rle I* more ' ' that compose ihe web of exisleace. »
reel the ladi.
would like eome ntos aad peed•■Oh. If* out rf the question, dear.
aoclal. One of tlH-m wan saying abr
gaur. csitle and man. for the
pressive than Ibis of pairs of hunters
When CM is In the loaad. aa' wheal laat wtobed Mr*. Bartlcu could <
les," aald a lady at the sBtoll war*
Who would look Mler the huuM and
thus kiDdling Ibe forest Into a glare. en was deeply and foollsbly stuitie* pBO'ber also, on occ
inter of a Boston dry good* More.
Is to the stack!
Into their Cnrram Topic* rioli: *li* the chHdren. and—and eteirthlnR?"
ai-aicr." and when It does it la
I first sight. AAll[ reasonable time and
The dt'ci. K-posing quieily
pardon." said the clerk, "alas
a real loa* IO society the way she she Bntohed. weakly: l-«i ChrlsUn.- ihUkH. to awakened by the approach- »»»«■
K«nt.Hl to the claims of a ftif}' insHlable. Panthers are bolder
and peodlesr
Ctoha Verarn Methera.
kept heraclf at home aad they needed was quick to note the wlMfuliu
tog ravalrade. and tostead of flying Jn»ldenl,. modesty, A. for Boone, be In Bttark. more scilre and more gen­
It was earir Sepiraiber. aad
"Oh. pins and Medlea I mesa."
aticA minds a* -hem.
the tool-. She nirni'fl fi> ihi- Ipiipi from th* porientton* bhlilanee. re-['“ remarkable for Ibe backwoods erally vicious (ban itgers; yet (bey
prettr Uttto sabnrb was gay with ■weUed with pride to the chair be­ hgato.'
lain, stupidly putog upon it. as if i >'«rlbuie of never being bea.en out of Inspire outhtog like such awe amom
Bnwera. Oondpela aad "gnUen glow" hind her. but dt didn't make me feel
On* To* Many, e
(h« natives. Indeed, naUve* rally to
“Paps'* nre-d y«u all ihrough
charmed to the spot. The animal u|
•'* ceased not
ami* briniaat masaea of eotors
Tb* family wer* at their eromtip
that I was rtwponsible lo quite ai
the defense- of a dog. of which leop­
immer to take adllUe raration. und botrayed to hi* doom by the gleaming
»»«•" ^
- tiw towM. the aster* wore ■proadlng tent for keepUig her rmi of such
houM. and for a Mae a good deal of
tberc's no reason why I shouldn't look
fixed and tnoocent eyes. Ttai::
Citor pato etan and the cbrraantheafter things while you're gone. Then cruel fliode of securing a fatal abol cessfully and they were maiTled.-r^ the intruder been a tiger, they would tbe care of toe other six children demeam had hegaa thdr faU dtopUy of
have been paralyicd toto InacUoa by Tolved upon the father, who has Spah
They were quiet again—caek with a you ought to mske her a little visit, to called In kniitcn-' phraac "Milotog fYrai and Fireside.
white and gdd and gatwd trensi
tan Ideas as to the upbringing of hU
very fear.—Detroit Newa.
wbUe you're there. She so e.i- the eyes."
Out on the raaUc bencA to kUrton's
. One aurnlng he carried bto
deotly wants you to. You never told
Th<- two young men reaclicd the cor
a Ktraet Car.
pard a Bttle gronp of gtrta were dU:-yt>ar«ld to tb* creHt near hU boo*.
Clever to Auatralla.
were an editor of the eoll.->f ‘
ncT of the farmer’s flclil at an early
Tbe Cbhtoilai) Endeavor coaveation
eneatog thdr autama plana It w
give bim a cMd plunge. Tb# ehlM
A clerk of (be departa«ni of agrlOnly, girlhood bad eo many fresii paper, mamma. Doesn'l she speat
ling. Young Bo^e which met to BHUmore was Ute i
BatlghUal nenne of freedom they felt
objected tastily to this prooeedlag. hut
og laterewta. Martoo spoke fur all beautlfttlly alKWI jour wrttingr'
lary aignal lo his enttaaslaaUc gathering ever held under
When their yrnwg. nngndnated neighwas firmly held aad decked, noCYlth:bem when she said wHb a 11111“
-i ased to have great dream* then
the auspices of that great aorteiy.
bora hnrrted to catch the morning ear
Into Australia. It grew there beaut:
Ml to tha dtp- Thdr sigh: *'UY no .cam to he sMflah when of wbai I was gotog to do." Mm. kVs- stop, an fadlcatiog that he had shlued whose memberthlp now rfltu IfllD the
At the Inalnai of (ha 4neUBg. bow­
the eyes of a dn-r ftooiie dirmnnnicd njililoiis. 1-Tfu-n ulousaiid delei-----daya had ended th)
er. e brawny hand eetoed the Bper
RialhefS do altn*ether too t
bow went to CYHslino's heart
ami fasiHO'vl his horse to a tree. As­ from all pan* «f ili- world aiten-h-d was all right. Tbe climate was all un father by bto shoulder and flung
acmths back, ended to a maze
'•TonB Just have to
certaining that bis rtftv was in orvb-r. and iho big P'ftl' notlmetil anuory rigbt. What. iben. was the trouble* him back, whui tbe angry vtrtee of
While flufflneu and fragraai boa- of the Rtviag up and the colng with"A sdentlsi studied the matter, and
I know 1 do. at leasi.she stid. decidedly, “and wilu- the |>o he mlvancMl cautiously behind a cm was rrowdi-d at every mnnlng.
when «ndi recelred the iapon
(he fermer. who was Ui nearest neigh­
this is wbat bo found.
vert of bushes lo rest the rigbt dis­
- Sm'
of pamfamenL with the ectaor
“I onghi lo per for the Imntmet. Y'es. yon
bor. roared In his ean:
One of the touching Incident* of the
"He found that the native Austral­
- pUMB to remember that, after a1 be home this mlotrte. The dreamnaker range It. dear. If I can't took after tance for a sbo'. The dr-er I* rcinaik- week ocpurr*'d on s afieet car. It hsi
“Mere, none of tbH! I'll hove the
ian toes bad tongues too short to
f&lngs for a few days IB—I'll give abie for tbv iieauty of If* eyes wben• * their Hfe edaeaUon had only hegna.
to OMnIng out this week, lo
iw on you for ihl*!''
becoOH. the fasblou among tbe En- reach the clover’s polion-forinliig
Ihus shined. The mild brilllknce of deavoreni to sing on toeir way
np' for the fall, and I know potw up!"
"And. " aald tbe Uterary man. "It
i TlBe' thing r*e determined npoa
gam. Those organs in red clorer
ilarlM mnlettY firm lltue cUn emand frtim the meetings. One evening hidden deeply to (he bran of the ti^bo- took me half an bour to convince that
Iwai and klsaeil the' gititob fare. Whether warntH by a
& ' Sideell the wwda -Ttoc thing * hnaitog. f was horrid enenga ic
U'vy of girls boarded a mr and be­ ifke petals, and they can only be fer­ man that I was not trying to drown
"Vou're a dear rttHd.” she said, -toil arrested by a palpitoticHi aad mrange gan singing "Nearer. My Ood.
that child.
Even toik be sraoat
"^fWt do—m not gotog to let my am- orer here to escape it."
—I rant tbtok <d It. "
feeling aiihln at noting a new expres­ Tbee." Some uf tbe other occtipaota tilized by (be long longed bumble bee. wholly ainrinecd. To toe very last
' ftthma an go lost heenaee rm throogh
And then, aomebow. earti one reIf*red clover to not vlHted by bumbl.'
YH aa hour or isrO Uier Mr. fos­ sion to the Mur and dewy lights tbst *pp<-ared sneoyt-d. Two ur three flsabminute be kept sbaUag Ms bead Mta^
nd^ I wtoh I eoold go to cdl
embered rameihiag to 4o at borne.
bees, who bear (be golden pollen
Ueally aed taytog:
11} dressed women smiled, snd
hnt. ne long «■ I cm**- ^
eenaiaty and io Bve mtaaies more the eoretqxli ter's voice Joined to urge it. and way*
grain* from one blossom to another.
-WH. I dunao about toH. 1 duno.
•ito« (A keep a tight hoM of what I're aad the “goldee ^ew" and Ibe rrys- and means were, discar.sed. TIm' r«- the unerring rill.- fell, and a ruslltog who was reading s newspaper looked It nerer seeds—It ___
cannot be growu.
told bim the game bad fled SonieYou got six bsHdes this."—The Waah'
ntgdieg at tte Uito aebool.up .Jil, . Uon-a numum, T« H- Tbria'.uan'—r uf ibl.
aaibeanras bad the yard to them- siA was that the next roonting's mail
Inron Postcarried a bright litter of arcet«*nc.’ Ibiltg whispered him It was not a deer,
-TIjdY my toen.«mcUy!" Kathlee® selTca.
put bis finger on the barren Austral­
■eaenml. “And the only way to aeeomOder at Kathleen's there eras a hub­
Ceke* aa Lev* Letter*.
away might very easliy be from work. Ills bair was white and ian clover's trouble. He I
decided to modify her own program
fthfenaythlag to to redeee thedays to bub of diildisb Tolees. Johnny
lot of loagdongued bumble bees. These
fur that of (be ligbl-footod his cldibee were shabby. For a while
The Huagartaa gypsies use cakes as
a aydnm—at least, thai'a the war Joey wera wrangling shrlily orer the for a few days while ber nwMher hal
beep flourished, and ImmedlatHy Ansber turn at .brushing up her lalenta animal. A second thought Impelled he drummed nervou-ly with his fin­
rm goiag to do. I was Mocking it
ra*too;.of an Iniereattog lortle
pursue Ibe rapidly rrlrtaiing gers on his tin dinner |iai1. and then Iratlnn clover, which has promised
It was not to 1«- st«t a onesided af
nat this .very morning. A wato bebe a failure, became one of the coun­
r appeared to the gaiden. Jimmy
fair afterward, rtiber. Christine aald. game, aad be sprang away in U
St (be favored lady aa sbe paste* by.
those near Mu beard bim murmuring try'* richest and finest crop*.'
desolate orer a loni kite, and
If sbe eeu toe cab* aad ntnlne the
Her mother was lo hsve her full reclion of tbe sound, leaving bl*
a prayer. Finally the girl* took np
morntoga are perfectly gtortona
NeUle Id tears and rohihJe lamenlajianloa to occupy hlmtudf as be might. the hymn. "Safe In the Arms of Je­
onto HI Is well: but If the sbonld flog
llmt. After hreaklnat, IH Uke care thm over a broken doll. Kafbleee'f chance a* well as hi rw-lf.
PIrossr That Will Never Pad*.
back tbe Hlver U would be faul to tbe
The fugitive had (be advantage of ans." and as the words "sweetly my
Over at Ihe UartKtt hoaw Uartaf
eg my room—that take* only a
lie eenalbltltieB were nidHy *bak. A flower (bat will never fade
mlaatas. Then from aiae to devea
aie looked from cuie small fare had Bnished her mondag praniee oB
lose Us color has be.-n developed.
Among tbe savage* of the Arabian
appan-nily a Is-der knowledge of (be voice had Julbed them It waa the old
toy palaUag or akelchteg: eleree
wither, and how torltiag the lit­ the vloiln. She had aprni an bour oP
In fUn Francisco, by Luther Burbank, deaert the- girt to appraacbed witbout
ktraUlicK of the place. But (be hunter negro. All through the hymn he sang.
rotuclentiou* review fit the liermi
halt pant twdre. readlag. Then
tle rose of a room iqurtalrs seeated
the Inveator of many nt-w fruit*
ceremony while pasturing ber floHts.
was perfect In all bto field cxercisen, Us clear tenor blending beaqllfully
hare toaehaon Half past oar I'm go- contrast!
Me brtleved she snnild decletishm*. and now. with a little
She reslsu strenuottHy, attacking bar
and scarrely less fleet-footed thpa a
tog to pirt to aa hoar with my Oerm
slip np. get out ber pdlnUag material'), feeltog of conscious virtue, sii* was
suit* with sticks and atone*.
deer, and be gained rapidly on tbe ole girts.
Tbe coodactur forgot Ms |
linrtopi do eUp away tram yon
and forgrt the nnpleasaninexs dosrn m>tog to begin an ''improving" article
I ers that -have been to hU parlor for
If be sueroeds la driving bar Into
• Step lively, please." and the motor-i
«|BkAly If yon deal keep io conataai stairs. Then middenly she remeum-t- to Ihe Ust new masaxlne Mrs. Itori- J<4d of hir psrr.uti. which adranced
,more than a year and they look
ber father's teat, sbe Is bU. bnt If she
pnetloa. Half past two to four, more ed. The Uanghter*' Clnh. and mother leit came up to bet. "Thi-: 1* more litile distance para»^ with the field,
sbonld repulse him. Ilfeloeg dtograea
fence, and then, as if endowed wilt
leadtog. rraaa four to diaaer time,
s. bow Urod poor little mother's
be bto porUon.—PearatmY
a roll of new music.
O.nisin .Ilir.' the utmost acrompllsbment «jf gym- mraln and a son
teat or Making calls or mmethtng like face looked!'' The hands, too. that
Tbe tovunior ealla hit new Oower Weekly.
I tbaskfutocss swept through
She said riie remem­ naniie*. cleared Ihe fenep at a leap.
flkat. Of eonne. I cant keep this pra­ Booihed so many etalldtoh atAes and
"Australian Star Flower."
The boater, embarrasaed »1tb hi* rifle
gma ap eteiT day. ^ bdong to three
looked bered how bad 1 Hway* was of hal
«Mto you know. ThcyTI npa« my very ibln and while as they look np lads and wanted roe to irr Ibl*. D»*) and arrouiremcnts. was driven to the
wb.le the man w..b(U.7bored
with m liUie laBKh-“»y Au­ sluw^and bnmiltottog expedient of in
■jilom an eartm day*, bnt that * the the torn kite. "Donl srorry. d«mr; I
Roswell, to New Mexloo. oootaintog
cliniUng it. But an outline
Ipntonl Plon 1 toeaa to keep np I thtok I caa mead ft. and the dolly, toe. gers w.mWn'1 Vno» what to make of
three apartments, which show tadubKsay noibtog of m.r voice, t m
Mak BY the greatem mistake for peo- It's good It's only her arm and noi her
sble evidence of havlag been nesd
the shades to tbe dlr-cK* of tbelnegro. who lived fear by. aLn turn
iM lO'M thdr accompUshmento
ont of
bead, ton'l It. Nelilcr Ob. boys .donl
for Maocnle parpaum. On* contatos
Marian mraed the music slatrly bouRC assared him that he bad ml»-|ed to Ms wlf- and said, with great'
qsarrel an. please! It worries nsoihemblems of Ihe degroe of Batared
isken Ibe HRWic* of tM- game. HI*' eaniestnc**. • Well, if the angels to
s-^oonrm* ••ivwiwr w-nKi.
“Why woddnT U be a
Sure enough! How seldom it wa^
heart ibrobbed from a hundred sen- hesven slag half __
so _____
it D
toventor Apprentice; the second baa lokeas of
Kathleen Hipped quieily from the that ber mother toochod the piaau!
w«^"t»-lnVgm.d all the rest of one * «f «6e crinoline, died recently in Paris.
peltowcraft. and the third (hoaa
"Just we three. room, ahd to another jnouwmt
-I leave that to th* cbildtcii nowa­
life JuH to hear them sing Just tme
torir-fl^e year# ago he sold M» tbe degree of Master. Bther toe AXday*." Those were ibe w<»rdH she
Ika gdag to keep my i
back at her mother's cfaHr.
rver reHlied
: patent for IfiM.
song.'—Leslie's Weekly.
^ ptoaaiag to map out
had used more than w>ce. and it
1 pnythtng from it since.
-Mamma, you look all tired out.
bU rifle when he bad flrst shined;
; What be Invented was not tbe orig­
I've Jot hung the hammock oat « a« rigbt.
(base Hqnid4<lae eyes. Seeing that the
aed for almoet ewery how. taeept the
-You ought not to U- out <d
TreuMee of I
A .Wooer One.
inal crlDoitoe. which was. as »s name
th* Bide pcwch. and 1 wani juu iirgD
fl.<e{ game made siraigbt to (be dt-!
tten ter eathw aad deeptag." wiu
Implies, a stuffing of borse hair.
out and read tbu library book. You
rectiosi of tbe bouse, he said to MmKtle tongk.
Bratliton tetograpb eonpealee era
bavean had a chance to do one thiag •and it's a good deal my fault that self. "I will aee Ihe pri deer to its woods 1s a curious bird." sHd an old the later apparatus of whale lone,
"How ahont poa. dcarr Kathleen for yearaelf for a week Now that I'm
Ml now I'm oat M sehool
plagued with a large spider vMcb tan­
■" 7-” -"T” UU- ^ h,
bU .up. 10 hunter. "Too will find it in Hmost any ^gt tbe cheaper one of steel hoops,
torwod np laiemlnily the tone of
op the wtm la Bs a
part of 4ie Maine countryside, morThu*, the tostroment of loriore— gles
ihraugb schoof. It's time you tot um totog* are gotog to he different. I » I
gdet little thtag bedde her. "Too try my band at Biralghtenlng tbtogs pot going to drop my music,
around (he
hunitog first, it it said, pul toto fashion by These webe, dripptag with dew or
r of dogs opened tbeir partleulariy
Half I
’ 'toDwIy don't mean to M yonr latowu (t a>ce to a while.
1 k.»
Ib~ or (o« at ,P, Emp„_
nijb. .
you'll have «> take yours up «X
Ctooldo'i we try this i««c1ber now
'tb«n H a time eome toto the cemp wtibia tbe resrb of all. and becameIrirciilu
Aad mother, protcsiing and grateTH
“'I wtotfuHy. Throw one, n« merely popular, but umvertal tor, day of the weak, driving the untocky
The tolr fere flushed. 'TYe been —that idea ot graihude made Kalha few moment* Inter, the ecle* that a sttiaaer we* aermwebinc iL.v.1
tog"—the girl spoke wtth a
of a little ballad fhwlej out ibroogb
lesroed tbe(»
tbai ’y,ars.
|operaiOf* atoKW to dietractom. aM
leM snithe—was
toe open window, two vokw* Wend-1
he in'rodurtri! *• «" “e
«« «'
roaaUnt expotottn* fto th*
I. snd the little o
__ to _
give it a double sww-toesw-*; ______ _____ ____
jbeir all be ran bold oa the spot and then,
where Women ere SeWier*.
purpow of ctoaniag toe wiree.
_ Where
aomea-hai bewildered by tb* sodden
of aSHrv. forgot toHr verioa.iflrilah soprano and a rich
ra,. B^;;ranT o* the Other half. They eay; women to China have the privilege
' ABd thea there was fHemv for a
Stenegr^y to AnstaM CflypC
,„rd* of toirtHuciioB beeo uiiered:“»‘'
»'*■ *“«'» : of figbttag In the wars, to the rebel■n mtoute to the girltoh chatter. Sure
grtevanc* a* KalKb-en -Totmg People*' -WeeMy,
A papyru* has brae dlacoemud by
; before toe opposite door opmd. andi***
"P *• *»«»““ ‘b'X
«<* of 18S» women did a* much fight
raaikl Th* muthars! How
amitod flpoa then. “WeB have to set
I tog at men. At 1«W. 6*0.000 Dr. Orenfeel eontaintoc a contract fto
MHHy they were betog left owl «( the what w« caa all do to help mamtqg.'
Among (be midd'e Haases of Rus-i* bay appareaOiy of aevea and a girl
ahori faaad to a boy. Tb* arMHhtog!
Ha when a death occura and an lm-!of Hxteen naked to. panitog
a blaelar. but rrally it Is waHler. i couairr were formed Into brigade* of raagement was that
■nege is deHred.j breath.
*T>f raaiaa.- ChrtHtoe wuht mi. "of
prewHve ftmeral
*to«???he river and iu~pT««^ toa‘'i q^lte'as brilHaat M IS.OOO’eato. under femalo otficera. Of sbonld be paid to too tasober in adenpleyM^ a*
•pmae w* don't wart to drop all
trampa aye
. cultaMe dolbe*. with the . painter ckaaod ber. and the I* al-1 thnt of the btoejay. aad It is much these eHdier* 10.000 were picked wo- vance, 4* whea th* boy oblMtad pern
la ana amhlUf That

he hod std anly hnrt our maOmrahwt dun'
lof general dr^portmeat
jtocfaange. jebj.-^sCbaace .
haU the emptoviog agency.
iaio bm. and aomebow. la
tbtosa np a little n»re’ Mother*
INkMi own
palnfirilr aBselflsb, sad
hY plMWit in Uw spnnrtMA
don't roo think we set rather used to
ertcka bcc(B to raa.
Aa' kabr pan; wUtown Ho Mtakte' in iotttos them pm a* flrst. tosicad <d
aerand. where we beloncT'
tte au:
Or UUr. wbflA ike npiile or rtterrr
Boeond place, where ther bek*|!«i:
That had lo be thousht oeer sertouslr• U hoMMln*. edntettee
rather a new Idea to MmrUa. the pretir Mule rnledlctorUa.
Bat yom Jant kW«
Aariat. airhi* to wtaoee ear* tie applaaae of leaebeia
and dassmaiea had bardir r<n <
OB nriMtdt.
TTkM eorn U in the toaart nit ’vhent ed rtogtoi. A new iboufiii. too,
Kathleen of the artistic Bnser* and
ta in the nUift!
The IKUe Inbaa neeai hhier, the woodi faeanty-lovtoK exea. who was ptonnliifi
p flt up her preltr roee cS a rooi
stadhi saered fiOB Intraaton hr
■^TUh new an' than a raUov StM oT
roaaseii brother* aad alatara Mother
ntnbMr In between.
cmld took after than . had ahe not
There nlnT no nne'o' talkin', fer bet­ alwar* taken H for granted that H
as BuMher's placo to do eo*
ter or fer wome,
rd bock or Onklnod Oonntr acninat
“ill idl jou what I think." It wa<the nnlTane!
Barton Ihto tliae. -Inwead of form­
Ber IMde nwinlUn' to benrcai. an' ing that *elf-lmpro»MBenl dab I mir
haneen- a-amUto' back.
gdbted. It seems lo ine a daugh«en>'
When eom b tn the toaaei. aa' wheat dob would be more appropriate. It to
it to the ataek.
hame. a* Chrtottne aar*. '*> let th.*





EMRIM MIU. Mrrftovco.
• EMflr*.
$i^Th» •Mil*

BBciuar Mito Ormtv of Obbrtn>«is
arac a( (be tbnttle aad toafc oacr u
boar for the «B to tbU city bat It la

ttJa pUM waa wipatf -oM by «ft oaf* to tar that be mada tbiaca boM
vhea be mala Ilae wai raaebed.
t. tha p»aparty
of tbU Mod. eveiTthta* moat be
t «
tha taw mill with all ila
KfM of
«h«tn«a. tha «v oS 'iba track for Ute apodal fran the

> and a half
Tha aripln t« tha

Tha laaa


dlakey laral freiphi

to tbe expreaa

aMfa«ata net I

M EMOCCk which ia cavmwd by
• apyapatlnn about ES&OQO. tha
p.cafTiad la tha apaitcy

Travarae dly.

rrtantad to

Chlcafo ibln




make their


enty-tbree Bohemian ramlUea to tbia
-* Mia bdMhlgg Mru^raa In flamaa In a
part of tbe country ronnlnx tbe Rolaoy
The water aypply
about Karlin, and many small farms
K tha mill ww cut of ky the fire albeioi! Induairloualy worked,
, but even had It
tbeae people bad been In the country
bMR avatlabla It would have boan of
several years prior lo Ihdr muring to
<«a. aa tha wind waa aa high thM
Norlbefn Mlcblgnn arid ore therefore
the lira lighting
faeiittiae at
well versed In the language and cusWRold hava baon abpBfuMy Rnavali,
Thli ia a great ndvaniage

Mat oautd da nothing but watch tba
aat up tho valaabia pnepotty.
iwlRa ta tho diroetlon of tho wind a
af iRmbar waa





Mark Qleaaon «^Travcrae riiy, for­
merly of ihia place, la noa- a iirakemai]
(be local freight ninniug Ivivoeo
Traverse Oft? and While cioiid

Drake waa

td by tha T. Wlka Lum-

anrily hard tor Ibem lo get along with

hare been hipugbt from as far
the Ikkotaa u> aeitle ibe MIchlproving under tbelr cniilvaihw. Rvery
yoar devrlopa large yields.



^ Tbb tiHII WRS oiwetod aboot afghtoon
h tho iorgsot and boat ogulppod if
nrthOPn Mlehlgon.

fcipll and U the oMM tndnstry ^

Ehouid the mm not be ro-


number of


MM bo obtigod ta oeok amp




Itcrmic Springaic-ln

i> moving here from Joyfleid.
Hr. and Mra. Piank MrClellan spent

ta tbe Epworik League of that place.


akd will be given by Honu'a orchestra

Tbe corner alone of ibe new M. R.
church will be (aid next Friday. The
Rev. Kennedy of Tiaverac City. Rev.





will be given.

A history of the MetiKe

dlM elmreh here will lie read.* Dinner
sill be

nerved li>


KverylKuly Is invlied

the Ladies-


to at

We are a

or Cl* West








other Uvery bam here. Jut Andrew
thinking tit piitlmg one In.
Quite a number from bore Kjuk in
the excursion to Traverse City

Booclnlrw waltxes. Uordu). orcbes- Ann. have moved Into the Shermati
boo HO.


H, Deake waa in Traverse Ciiy Wed

M. B.

(Mnoa trot lioRtoaant at Company I

it can

l>c Mopircl

gpyg Jtatl

I..1 Di-. Is-l.-i .rf Oil.-sg.i hsv.. la.-I,



effects. amt this without dan­



I,.11 bai.

'i'hcy j»ositivcly «

Dr. Miles’

Pills, relieve


and leave only a sense <of relief.
The reason for this is explained


by the fact that headache comes


from tired, irritable, turbulent,
over-taxed brain nerves.


Pain Pills soothe and strength­
en these nerves, thus removing
the cause.

Tltcy are harmless

taken as directed.
when take
••We BSe I .
of Pradailu-. aint
for tl>e
■tv I' nolMng Unit
llitnfc (>i
— r *111

iMwO^'bc In a
aiH’llfi «ny
Pv eocnpirtely exbaurtBblv an t can araroHy
At (hvae time* I al­
ways Ukc tli« Antl-iWIn |■lli•. and


yar « W.-jf ‘

F. r 11..- I«vt f.iiii

Afitl-Pain Rills ar* i


Miawa Ptiiii -J 4’lil<-ai;‘i
f»r Ihi- pn-si-oi iituler .... .
-hu,l..* of the I’llir-*
lu ^
Ml*. KniMH Smiili Irfi nn Sunday — •
B-> fi.r <’hl>-Sgo Hr has lu-eu SI «vi'Itnii Itlilo* for IWo Vi-eka.
-r Hitl
imnli and daugbK-r

.y 1.1’wi-f. toivird y.:
MVii m-UdliH. <
(in'.'lf il.f r<»Mi>iiHI>l!:iy

a's oar

».,ys •iH«..i. .v.-;. .-i. ..mking
lotu.H ffi....!.


Ih.iii U-.-;.iw lii-y-iii to-.l,

■1.':,'' *AiV.' '

1.*.'.: iii.v. .n.'1 Hill t !••

•fcm I’rarl, -v.ii.iu.',
Mr- D.-WII Smith and ehlldv-ui ■
ihrir ei.i!3u,.j;
I Ml.—.Vamdl.c-itd
iiid Ml on To»-~!.iv Ia*t for h<rme
A veil lnl<-i*»iins «aw.' i>f li»H »■#« ;
Id-iu.-i-fi the Arm* and'a*—

i|,.. sf*.rr Ixlun ;!
llld 4 ill favor of lild MiM-IOii.

bhPl kicks.
If y.iii U\iy <inp |».ir you
iun* b> want nm>tli<-r jyiif jut

■“i'l.n-.'i-Ei u,™l

iRck. WliilH


tain no opium, mor^diinc.
chlortscainc, chloral. «

i.n* gm.


Rainland Doufliaas

MUa Uedied Co., Elkhan. Ii>d




(fongariaa Lnsta^r (Ketor BMa):

The talk, (be wh,>l<- talk and noth­
ing but talk ia of our experience »r
Boading. Tbe Oerman at tbe Tele- the wreck. iRSi 8<mi.ay daa-ne.1 cbe,
and beeuiirul. and mben ni m a. m
pbone-;; M. B. Holley.
tbe huge sirnmahlp tllinola sb-ame.!
IVombaoe eolo. Emblem (Braotes)):
Andrew Vlack.

«ornor EtoRO Law.

hand, and with It snch a wind sioniil
OiMt Revival.
Tbe Bev. T. P. Ultom has fugt re- A regular old nonbu'eater whicli ha-l
clear sweep over lake Michigan
id as the Illlnnis was on tbe n-Uini
trip and was ahoitl to enler the list
bor a small sdiisvner of abotit lOO tonv
e tearing In ahead of the wind.
s^yies of meetings with five churches.
Tbe llule craft veered, rm acro>K the
Ur. SeorUie dedicated tbe Chnttk of
steamers bows and made for the wind
Christ bera June SC. 1KM. and has ward aide of the channel. In Order tn
firm friend of Mr. iniom'a for. aroid rotting the rainller veasel in
isro tbe sieRiner was thrown to lee
tbe past tel
ward and before abe could In- squared
Monroe is a bennUfulSOUe dty of
away again was 1>eacbed on the aatid.
4.000 people.
It bas twenty-six sa- Tbe offlecra on Ibe lioat
tiuand UoUnrianlsm la firmly en-' etaoice of wreeking the small srhoone.
___ .
. ..._____ >■ .a
.......1 11...,.
- .lives,
Por the past thirty days
runnipg the risk of putting his boat
Bvaagellat Scovillc and hia asaiaUnta
on the sand, und took the altenmiltv
have be« at work and the town is

w of the new Methodist chunk at (nmed fittm Monroe. Win. where be
o plaeo was laid todv. (be eeremo- bna been aaststlng ibe Bev. Dr. Cliaa.
d by Prodding El- RMgn ScoTlIIe la a

ipMcal oEdfw wbkk srill materially
^ to tbo. balMlng fond.


Mwa mado by tbe Ber. Hngh Kenaady of

tbo Aabory M. B.


f. W. BaboodL E. H. BrowRdl, Bev.
y and tbe Bev. B. M.
IEdbu. pastor M ebargo.
. Tho aorrloas were bdd In (be aebed


TMoa. a. aPDAout a aoN.


WsyMOnMylM) Bldg.. PIlTBOIT

Tire Insurance!

Indestructible Roofing

put# Claaa, Staam sollar and Accld<

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
•m 310 N«w State Bank Building.

Travaraa City.

Wears as long as the

dtrlatlanliy and are now working fur

^bo Bor. PergoBOR eoRdnetsd tbe ser-

(be oonveniioB of others.

e laying d
were ddlvend by Breeches buoy and life bonis. The
OBCMT atose. After tbe eeremaelea Mr. iniom daring bia slay in Monroe. Old Miaafna crowd mn hardly aa\
enough lo praise of Ibe life saving
ladloa aerrod a doe picnic dW»er So far. there bave been
ejew of Charlevoix, and how imirij
Tbe Biona
Ihla brings (be total of Dr they appreciate their heroic woik.
bbOdtag U to be SCsto feet In dse Scorllle'B eEorta for the past <igfa‘ and the tireless efforta of Capt. and
apd «Q| eod ILOM. Material for tbe
iiba up to 3JO0 converadaua. Sro- Mrs. Ponntain who did everything
q-Kdl the fears of the frigfaieoed i»
I oiiAM has
been aecumnlaUng
vllle. Smith and Kendall arc tmly
ole. many at whom were til.
EMM tlmo and a good pruportloB of
to Turrey, Alexander and Hark- POontain was np all night and. serve.!
fbo sni—m has alrvRdy be«« provided ncs* in the world of evangcilam*
hot coffee and sandwiches and gave
4P- WbOR completed tbe ctaureh wUI
On kis way home. Hr. I’llom spent words of cheer, putting the sick «
bo a vary
me day in Chtengo at the Moody BUibinsilinic. This U (he largesi inaittu
» fif pride to tbo aemben of i
km of its kind in the coMtry. r
Tboiwday of each week af i p. m..
Ibe main audilorium ^of the Moody
The many friends of the steamer
ctaurdi. aevoral
ebrtstian Illinois were pleased to learti she waworkers asaeiDble in the cnpRcity of
unljured and was polled off by
mtb rtgM of way over ererytblBf
and sieaiDer Mtssoiiri. so sbe is
tRChtafo. a
taught by one of tbe leaders ia (I
OB her regular run again.
train made up of e
r No. 30 aad
inatKute. This ia
ta followed
followed uy Kini
Dr. C W. l>-fAiogweii and
Hisdosm atjdrs whk.b Is nerv.d free,
a flledper pulled through ber.'
Graff left on the niid-weck lioai
song eervlce begins lotrodoeat t o'doek Batarday a. m.. arriving In
Chicago. Mra. I^effingwell baring
IB the giore near tbe ebnrcb.

In tbe Pali-

MR MS the aoR Of Oooige A. Cbari....
toR. gsRtml passengti agent of (be Tbcre are generally
rblrsgi * Alton railway wfao had been woritera and Suaday achout tmebera
After thto
this Bible
Bible stady ia
ognratnf or but a few boars before tor taken np and
Bri at
al »'p.
*' p. m. tthere la a
aggoRdlcltta at rhirimdL a Chicago gathering of the falthfol and perartt
a world wide reriAgain Aftlidod.
daz^ and tbs family


eaBed. aaaklag the trip over the (1.
a special train.

Striking tor the (bird time wltbln
tbe abort apbre (d a week, death en­

After the tered

m .be Rtade the nairstnwt ibni





Halnstork'a T-ymr-tild dau^icr. after


a few days' Uktena.

« in tbe^esMr.-na the |ky
r jind tbe run <g oeviy
4M milas began to flniak tn ten hours.

Yon will Boon bo mrnly to fjuisli yoiir Louse. W<> carry n
fall line id atock tubl an* in shape to get »nl s{«-vial .work in a
burry. Get our prict*. .\l! kindg of <lry luniU-r in slock.
When in a hurry, aeml >*onr onliT to us.



Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Cor. lOih and Lake Ave.
Tclephor.its: Citizens. tt2; Bell, 69.

Phom*. Bell :m-, Viu.


/u>r sa/f Ity ^

.M.‘. .\\ciiuc

Tbe taibor and


Kemp’s Balsam

nose Bad$

7"tX" Small farm Zaah
'ill jrty you tt> <-atl RU‘1

sup il over the’ head anJ feed them anywhere.
No time lost in putting up your team and no money to
pay out for stable rent. The saving in lime .imi mon­
ey will pay for the bags in a short lime. They will last
for years. Price 65c.

Cuneb Boxes
It is DOW excursion time.
for your trip.

Tbe child



Boldbyandaalcrsatasc.aadyoc I



Gci a iii>.‘: h.iidi b<>.\

<>M I'oBloffice UaildiuK.

Dinner Pails

Have you ever tried die

Tmmm mw%^ OofV»»a

Always handy; we have them at ever)’ price.


Csmmti C#rs

■ They are tbe bcfU Sol^ nnly by


be buried at Sooth

in charge of IL L. Carter.



Corn Knives.
Husking Pins.
Potato Forks.
Potato Hooks,’
Vegetable Forks.
Kraut Cutters. Etc.
JItk hr Ibt "OIttga" Palah Baak.

■op and
coRridcr: *'Am 1 h____
„'ct sumethiog as good at this I
bCRlcough cure?
if not garw, what good r

a tyw boura of tmeb other Monday.

;iu l i-xamiiie our
gut our pri'-'-s.

of the efaUd died within

r made, the young mnn
LbdTined...difnRg him u




Mr^IMr adbmod to tbe Riding,

GUnago abowt «:3« a. m.


stirred lo iU

hORSi at lb a. m.. after which tbeamB-


WiltvRlm Biook
TrRWTRR etty

j02 Wilhelm Klk..Cito. Phoiw 148

Ui BEA80H.


a brother, Jeff, of this place.


•pROiailRt Rf


James Shin of Ohio, bas been visit-

a Hotnu






m. Mkb. Ang. SI—Tbo oornor-

I ger CcBt all»«re« aa HfiM DepaUU,

.iJ fl.ieaxo
. A«w.tM0 te tuUiR w (be I

days in Wexford.

CritwRm overtoiw.

ity p.-o|>lc. men
:t Laagbs
and Crlot <Cco- drea. with their Iiineb baakela vary
Berlin as it
d at (be Oral Wood DUh
Ing In sire front a wllloa- rdothea I
> a member of R. O. radii;
et to a shoe Isix. ImiI all watllug i
aopitmo aolo. nHoctod: Mrs. HotM. pleasant anilclpaiiun of a -day at il
: M, Mo. tn. Ho learM
Some stopped ««.
Twootep. Arabia <:
r. e. S. Mhito. of this
at Charlevoix, while others s
‘ a ckA. Mrs. White is
they all apt-ul a (lelighltnl
lerred oMta. M eents.
While is tbU dty he

•Via. 1.ii» !rfu-n 01 ^Iw i‘..n-r ib-'
■ir s Pn.'i’l' i.-!« f.r b..m.-..m W. ;.u

Daisy Tiximpaon is apcadlng a f. v.

Mr. White wai( a



OfOBd Amerknui Pbatasla. (Tobaal). ed M. M. Deake and family PrbUy.
Mr. Morriaon and family of l.nk'-

pm» at Allecaa hr UnderUkt

A GcBcni Buklar BMlicn bMfi

and Mm. Bitle Bice of Big Rock, virii


root, dlod at bis borne Thursday orcbestra.
VioUa mM.
MnooR. after a aerere atuck of


and other eniertaineru of Traverse day.
Mrs. Jessie Deoke of Traverse City,
City aa toilows:


OsaBi gr C. L. ilfhiio.


with Dr. Miles’ Aiili-!’*iti Tills;

form in any foi

Sunday In WyUc.

n ia reponcil we are lo have

A benefit eoRcert will be given
Northporl S^. 7 unde nhe auapieen

Bending. A. B. CL oermoR:

C U White


Jam.-» I|..len» Kiikt.ll

ger of forming a drug luhit or


Contral(o.noio.aelee(ed; MlssMaude

but this will
y tho robulMIng of the plant.


She was'
eiily with
A. TRACY LAY. ProoltfenL
•n Sstv..........................................................
. Dr. Pten icker.
vna SI Ruahinore Houar. reapom.
o the call f..r b.‘lp sad made the child '
nere rtiiufortshlo. She ia very much ■
udter and wm* delighti-d to bm- hei
Athrr. who unexpcf-tmiy srrivM s
bon lime uf t-r she «x> lak.’ti sb-k.'
suKPLUE. tao.oob
pending Siiiidov vrlih h!> (amllv *i
he hotel. n-Ii.-inll-.g Id the eiiv i.-,
I'ueadsv Ism.
Mr saj Mra. W. A. I.aiiaitnn and
cn l.-n .-u Twvibjy Joy«. III..
Iflrr s lii-ii'h- vMt.wi'h n-isiiv.* id.o^

H so. it will interest yoti to

Travi-rae City TiteMiay morning.

it hoc fumiahod
targs number of




nUl continue (he voik of hall will be built on the lot pnrrhaocd
lulailng a-aate lands altbough his 'Of Charier- Barton between hla loi ami

iL^ne pragram baa
room ago and hos boon known aa one


Leclan and family Tu.fday,

lak will

IWt of timbsr

Tho oompany aioo hao in thia

yctlBR i*out five or ab( years’ tlnMor


luchen. were the giieXf; nf Pmok Me-

Hr. Kiu-

fined to Nortbem Michigan.

•I tanC tha romaiRdor of tho ■oooor’s


Head Ache

Mr and Mrs. Julm M<ish of Into-

BUentioR «in not be aa rlaacly con­ MeXMO-a.

an *mrt two

Tn-.,,iL «c

Inverse Citj State Bank

Rcr at MoRiroso cottage, left cr



in lnieri>K*h<n


elbera will be.present and addn-aac*

from the dd unuitry na II ia n
American ideas and cualoua.

Tom Rhodes of Kretncmi. vlalied his
brother. WIIIU. and fauilly

I plains and land is steadily im­
Tha ErMm UMBbar company prag-


was in Inierlocben

Omenn with hid aallUmt the Onawa.'
Oaoa to ChiaaEa.
nod is at IWfiagwcll
nok Tbaradaya RaeoiE.
to the Vaughan ia from Delroli,
There waa a large crowd
M« Kloiak ao4 (aatllr. »bo bate dance at Dtamond Park last Saturday
rcalded to the city for Ibe.paat yaar. nlghi and all report a good time.

Mr. Klutak
ia employed
by the'
^R, Mika Breodei
MIctilcan La»d aaaodaikm as Boben at tha time and waa audtni»B
aceat and
My eoRfiwntad by belching amoha
•orkod in ibU terrilory for tba par
d roaring flamea. Hy aaeapad.from
five years, laoviag bia famOy here
• balWIag and'gava tha alann and
apo. as bia duthw breane auch
m flr« whMla cf tha mill afotaad tha
ihat they kept bln In ibis vk-lutty
,.a of tha village. A heavy woat
nearly ail the time. Durinp tbe live
i^WRt ^naiM
yeart. Mr. Klniak baa knwgtit
_ i^d tM <ln| to jvrop tha mill and

Mrga guantHy

U TtaiUng friends

DaUy Tbo
at Wexford.

iraloa Oh tbe mala Une.

Tha Waw •
.................... ■■
Ifte Right by tho night wateh-

pie af tba viUaEa tamed a«rt In force


aevwral days before.
i has he*-n spendlox the snmm<
aslonany there are ouuio
Omena ahere she waa tn care nf (
BMdOR. MIeb. Aug. *0.—Mrs. Ella
. bat most of the people are go-; friend
Dr. Vaughan, but nna- idle 1
Hnnkermm and baby of Sontb PrankTbe tide baa turned tbe other (back ._ —
MltfVaa harl>t>r. when
way. Some have cfandien to get hack i ahr is feelli
fort. are vMliag .her parents here.
and lookinc eo i>erfe.'i]>
begin acbool. some tbelr pleasant t a, houMhelptne lo give a goo.
Mr. ^nd Mr*. 3. Anderews spent
vacation i sorer uod now every• darn
> the young J>eople e
treral days at Omwadast week.

Violet TT

• k p« kMawB.





rnmm^ 0-ron«



Moa T%«n«v'> Rweri.
C. D. Ken SBd vtfe of Rut 8k.
Uwte. m. penNl tbrtwck the tKf
tna Chkrierote to Fife Lake tkie
t. B. OriewoM Md'wUe relmed to
BeMInK' ttatk moniliw •«« epealtn* •
abort Uac tt (be tttr.
Mre. J. H. BicveDaoa and Ml« Btev«Moo tcuned to their borne la KchU«.
tMt ereolv-.
B. J. Hmibkway ead taially retamed
to their hOM la Hyroa ibii BomlarU. Hiun oBd faallF left for Let erIBC tbla Bomtu »bere Ihby wlU vielfrtCBde OBd r^lm.
ObBriee KnifCT and aUc left fw
Oaawar thlB.iDunilaK.
, A. NtdBM teBpesdlasa rewdaibat
Mi*a Bdw OrandeBe of CadOtac. re
tamed le her bo»e (bln BHimtaR after
« few dB7e elalUag erlUi frMada
it. It. ailprrl aad wife retubacd to
4 thair boow la TUTIb. lade tbia aaati.

Prof. B. K. Rrder. farmerlr prlncl
I«1 ed tbe Travetar CHr Hiith arhonl.
bob of the MIrtaliiaa AerteoUural
h«r. ie U the dtr-elaiUBC fricada.
Willlau Piieet of Wodord baa i;ouu
to Heat Jordau to attaad (he canp
NiBB ieoBle A. Brova weal
Howor tbU ttumlnc
C. W. Blacan aad wife of Grand
. Baiihla paeae dlhttntgb the dty tbU
HCniaK ua ibdr way to Enplre.
«bere thi-7 will tM( fHeada.
Mra. C. C. Uewia weoi In Lake Ana
tbia BMwnlar
A. LarMtae. Thaaiai Moailont-. B
Becor and wirca are caaHilef! ut
Cc^ Hedce.
Mba 8Mb J. PaiMcr of PMiUar.
. who baa Rteat ibe paat martk with
C. J. Ebaer aitd fanilr. returae
bar borne tbia «omte«.
Tbe Her. A. L. Seoti of lake Abb.
nUld tbroagb (he dtr <m bb way to
Syteeetar. where ^ wiH attend
Mia. Jam Colea»a baa retained
to her borne In Bedoa after vtefUiv for
■me tlBW! with her bratber la Giaad
Mra. Ftaiey rbrseeca Ml for MaatotaelUa
tamed to her boaae la Cbleaco after
riatttni frienda to tbe dty.
- Mra. J. S. OlIpBtrlik of Craadrillo.
Obto. iMaed (broofb tbe dty today
Mlaa B. BUckwoed of Soetb Lytw
•rrtred at Leland today to apend

Abd;MiB. lL..a RftUltob and


Oaa^ter Addalde. wbo bare
paeau of Dr. aad Mra. StraaBwaya.
retamed to tbelr borne la Pilot.
Tboavki Sbennaa la oat after brook
tnal today.
Mra. J. B. Crawford aad faaUly and
L -M. Bennett nad family wUl break
camii at Eaat Bay tomorrow and reiara to town.
Mtn. J. P. Tabor. Mlaa Bmna Tabor
i»d Mlaa May Towera left for CbJoBfO
' tbia tnomtos after n Matb'a tnitln«
ml TrarenK! reaorL
A. L. behant to nahf« np~Hbc
Bobfilmaa today.
0. Mm. WaitfT Sterttnx of Elk Rapida
npawt Wednesday la Tiarciao CHy.
J. B. Crawford meraed to bit home
to Ithaca yemerday after a week’s ra
nattan to and aboel Tmrerae CHy.
' Mra. Code of ProreaMml apeni
Wedneaday la tbto dly.
WUl Lardle to takiac a Aort
ttoa al Henor.
Miaa Asna SnOiraa retaraitl borae
froa Cbkniw toiay. where abe has
been vtoltla« for tbe loal (wo or three
SidpbcB Pike qf C«^r BapMa to In
lawn today on baatoma.
Km. J. M. Blakelaoe and Mr. ant
Mra. Tam GhbIoo have Rune to BapM
OM a Atotoc mit
: Mto. Bdto Blake and dauabter of
^rand ttodca am paeato of toe lor
mma Ptoetoto Mr. aRd Miu. D. H
Mnndiy of tbia dty.
Mlaa Lneiae Vader.mcamed to Chi
‘1"*“tbia Bwralnc. alter a w«ek>
•ait n
with C & Vader and tomity.
Mra. H. r. Prom « Grand Paltoe
a Venaa. to aMtlac C. 8. Voder ami
Mr. Md Mr*, fl. O. Dramas of Grand
ftatdda arrived today for a visit with
frienda la North port ami Trat'
Mra. W. A. Rlebaw. returned to4ay from a abort vUh in Klosaley.
Tom Boaliae of Laoaias u mMhd■ lac a lew days la Trat.Tse Ctty.
Herbert WUJ6 •>< Grand lUpida to
tbr ctiear td cayde boa fur a lev days
-Vram PrMay's Reeard.
. Mrs Sarah J. Crtaty aad Mra. Lizzie
Valki-r cd Deuob are rtaKtag Hr
m< Mrs. M. A. Heaaa of Rote stnei
Mra. C. E. Ural and Mra. M. ReM
«f Qraad BapMa an viMtlnc tbelr
‘ pareata. Mr. aad Mra. M. A. H«
Hartaa A. Darla arrived In toe dty
pa^erdny. Mr. Davto wW have
^ <Rafp> of tto p
the Hich erbooL
Mtos Pern Grmaavray. wbo baa
been apeedlnc a tew days vttb frleadf
to Traverae City. Mt for Uantottora
Prcfiwanr Jaeoby left town reeter
day tor a fey daya at Traverae
^ Mr. Atttoara nf.T^vene raaori waa
to Ibis cltr aw

C. V. Sater of J. W. Ptoler’a boaae
famtobtac store has sane to Detroit
oa bis vacaUoo.
Mra. J. B. Manevol aad daagbter
VB left Traverto CRy yeaterday tor
ten daya- vlaR al PtooaaaB
Mra. Alice PVelt aad aon retvmed
to toeir btnne Id Chleaco after spend« a abort Ume to the city wlib
Mra. Ollrer Wattoee of Perry, wbo
la Ttoliinc frienda in tbe city, spent
thr day al Iwke Ana.
as Beraie HoeUmaBted wdnt
Lake Ann ibis moraine *
A. Helniaa returned to bto borne li:
laalaiee ihli inoniiBS.
Mlaa Orare Klac of^Caditlar paswO
Ihroncfa tbe city tPla'inanUB
way l)j Haatotee. .
Mra. R. H. McKtuzH- wax called (o
I. Umla. Hlrblsan. tbi arooratas by
I* death of a nepbew.
Mra. M. n. Root at Mourae to visit
« bw slKirr. Mni. Ed liMf.
Hr«. B. I. Wallace of ftodnaw and
Mrs. Piella Seek-y of Laaatajt and
Mrs. 0- H. Seeley of Poattoe
ItJnc ai (be borne of C. H. Prall of
aai Biebtb aireet.
Herbert and Jerry Pullirnn of Cudar
paaaed Ihiouitb the ciiy (bla moraine
ifat^ wny to Grand K^da. wbrr •
they will apend the comtofe week with
Mrs. Ulalae Gavelf returned
borne to Satonaw today.
Hiss Nvllif Mstbey of-LBSstac Is
vtolUnc ber slater. Mra. J. W. Usqatlelt.
Mrs. K. C. Bniwm aad Mm. W W.
Brower of Fife Lake arrived ta Trnvaiy today for a abort vtoit with
Blmnr K. Hrown and wife and Prol
L. Sattb and wife have returaud fn>ni
Ixau: Lake, when they spent
w«<4a raiapiacDr. L. J. Tudmaa was to (he city
Markus Ikivis of Fife Iwki- wna In
(he rily today lookioR afliT buaiaesK
Ffom Patarday'a^llocord.
Vrv. r. R. Rusacll of Elrvitiih aireet
. entertalnlac ter two nieces. Mias
lAdta aad Rath Ptnltb. and aciAew.
Master r«n, of BlatoL
P. Rulkan rvinrned to Cbteaco yraterday fratn Traverae reaon.
Mlaa Anna Donat of Chlrapolrft for
and Mrs. P. Keith of CbarMte
im viPlilDK H. Keith on Webater
Mra. A. Weldenhamer and daughter
aad Mrs 8. Wetdrahaispr. who bare
m vlamoc a few weeks la iMa city,
limed to Ibdr boom aal Bayvnne.
N. J_ yesterday.
Mrs. H. B. Root of Moaree to vlait
lac her slater. Mra. Ed I^ake. *
and Mrs. Georna R.. Croad are
klDtoK the family of V
brother. L. P. Hiimpberey.
It attorney of Coldwater.
Mra. E. 8. Joues of “Rlveraide
Flata.- who has toi-n vWtlnic
Bister. Mrs. 8. J. Wonater. at J.
dale. Mlaa.. baa returned tn Traverae
Hiss H. Pmiaiek left for Maalalee
(bla Bornlnc.
day at Fynieh.
Mra. M. Heuatoad of Ithaca rHur
to ber botoe this awraioc.
Mrr P. E. Swa«ari returned to
borne la 8t. Johns tbto amrninc a
spendtoK a shun time to tbe eltq.
Mrs. Ella Jarvis retnraed to her
In Ithaca this moralas after
Tlslilac friends la the cliy.
Mlus Paanie Curtis, went to Ithaca
Mrs- H. Given and Mtos Anderaon of
Clileium arrived la tbe eliy today for
abort visH.
Miss Iftlua Ford, wbo has been vtoItfOE friends la Traverse City returned
I her borne la Bay CHy this moral
Mias Ames Tbonipeoa...arrivnl
tbe city today ready to raaume
work at tbe Hlgb acfaflol.
Hr. and Mrs. Perry of Blnidtam
fissi^ tbrongb Traverue City indsv
on tbelr way back from a visit
agara Fhlla.
F. (5. Heqrtutnn trlurned today from
Milwaukee, where be ]
fall and winter stuck of
Ml aad Mrs. A. Brawn aad ehiI1
and Mrs Charles C4arl nf Hasllairs
are the gueioa of Dr. Holdswrrrth
Hr. and
are rislrtai;
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aaderson
Honor sj«eni tbe day in Traverw CHy.
Hr and Mra. L L Stevenwm have
relumed from a riali at (be sti
bomy at Tbomaa SmnrtbWake a


Wylie. MIeb.. Aux 5*.—Bora U
and Mrs. Than J^nn. a baby boy
AaK- ». Dr. Boylaa ofPriated.
There arv severai cases eS cholera
imanium In town
Ten (amllles are erbitemplattaj:
iBove out of WjTle next week and
BKirc will leave later ea
Tbe l.Adles' Aid beM a picnir to the
Pioes, Wedoe^ay. ail bad an eair>}
aide dmc. P«T«-raI vlsUors from outsid< were pieaent.
Tbe Misses Hay aad Grace Walsta
and Madge Carrol nf Bar City are tbe
guests of Mn. C. Cook.
ChMer PnmmerPeld spent Monday
la Traverse.
The many resorters wbo are <
lag at Orm Uke had tbe t^portuniry
of seHag Ibe lake to Its mie eolan
Poaday. A sodden stomi caine a
tbe elOQds darkened, the wind blew
■ale and to leea Ume than It takes
tell It ^he water bad laraed to t|
freeaew hue and tbe aan peeked
tbrooph tbe ehmds aad pat a sHrery
ctesi oa (be waves wbleb'aPorded
of the prettleei and graadeat algbu.
alaa girlaw one tbe Idea ttet tbe lake

Mr. Dean of Haalstee was
wna in
to towaJptunced
Into iwetve feet of water.) .
idiverinc portrnlia eninrged. Hecer-^AHJampadberoratbemaeblaesirark A
" I the water. Tbe marhlae was recover ••
Ulnly predaeea aome line work In nit.
Blk Rairtda. Aus. n.—The new bank
balldtoc U nrartnc enmpiMlon. The
lUe Poor la betos told and (be inside
painted. It Is tboocht that tbe bank
wiU ercupy the baUdtot aboat the
Prat at October.
Tbe Illinois took ber last ezeuraloB
from this ptoee'io CbarlevaU. Petoskey and Harbor Spriuea Ponday
number of oar people took adraatage
r IL
The Mtoaes HhbM and Bdaa Walt
retureed to tbelr home* Patnrday
after a two weeks' rlalt with frteoda
aad R-toilvea to Mapleton and Old
Mra. W*. H. Kress arrivid Iasi week
and will visit for some time with Ur.
and Mrs. K. B. Morwe.
Hiss Btonrhe Forbes of Ualuth la
aucsi at Uif bopye of Mr. and Mre. J.
K. Hill.
Ptsts NCUH.

A posse of dtl»-ns .bunting fur
burglar at Frankfurt, who entered Hiividdi-nee of Dr. Kenaeily. pouared upHarvey A. Perry, one of th«r
uiimlKT, in a dark alley. He was lia lly luimded before bis ideniliy
ime knqwD Mrs. Hatiir Anden
bowe was entered and a $3<a> dtomoud
ring and suau- moue} was stuleo.
While rarrytag a plalter luesda;
evening Mrs. Enilliar Ueiguei. l«i
ram's north of Albion, fell rnd tiesrh
her hand off at the wrist wit.broken dish. She had a narrow «cape fnnn death from hots of
ibera of bvT Umily surceedea i
saviac her. It Is dRilUlul Wlielbei
the band can be saved.
in Ceilr atomtag.ybc bunH' driven by Mrs. Jane M.
Hedd, berame frigtautietl al a fsa-iirfai
I wblKtle and ran bito a «i
fence. Mra. Hod.1 was thrown agaU
amp- hosulutog iaiereal iajur.i

on a Ttoii. Pbe made ber will as soon
as sbe regained nmaciouaness.
Pealed In a small two-quan pomtrio far. tbe ashes of Ostuma Juniaz
amk the Jap boy who fell (ru stun.-x
his death In (he elevator shaft
Ibe Michigan Trust company txilhllrn;
on July 2S. are at Grand Rnplds
availing word from bis frlenits «'
lagawa. Japan, where be Is said
have vestihy relailrn. The Japane
consul al Chicago ordered Ibe lad'x
ilns cfbmaied. as Is the JajH
custom, and has neat word to
Indh parania of hto death.
M«-n cxcavaUng In frool of ibe new
residence of J. H. PhlWts. at Tli»
Klvera, pulling lu water pipe, mu-atifa
cd a human akeleiua. fulrty well pr.*i-d. Imbedded ffraily In solid, hard
cai^ some two feet below the
aiirfare. There is aolblng to ladicalr
Identity. The luratioD had bevn om
]>led wHh rreldeoees for'years.
Saainel Hannon rents 9hi acres
mPrah land briween the Pere Mar
quette tracks and Hlgman park
Itentna Harlior an<l on account of the
high water in Lake Michigan has l>eei
unable to rat any considr-ralde isirlluof tbe crop. What he has cut
hero berreated by ririvtog orer flood
ed land and ralKing the culling
of tab machine a tew laches 'frmi
the ground. The bay U yielding
Immense crap and much of It win
to waste. -They say (hat J.ake Mich
Igan rises lor seven years. " said Mi
Hanacsi loilay. "and then falls for sr-v
^ years. I have llred here a grrai
many years but have never seen tbe
water tn the Uke as high as It to ai>w
If the water nmtlnaes to Inervnse fo
M*vro yvara more tbe streets of Ik-ie
Ion Hsritor will Is- Unused."
While Mrs Jennie Hebb of Vassal
was drtriuc a spirited horse btuweeu
there ami HilUngton. Wedaetslay

anmhnmiaw M m
IlUlfc I III WfcW



Bryce. aeersUry R>r
—gIretoitd. baa arranged to make a to^r
of 6Minty DonegaL beginniag to PepPreridenee baa allotted a
(ember, to Inqnlre into the tsoagwit-d toast seventy .years in whicb to fnlflll
other problems.
Ora J. GoaU. founder of Eagiewood.
Chicago, will begin the work of nmvtog tbe town of Eugiewoud. Ctot:<
county. Kansas, one mile somh of its
irvacat locailan. The
to in tbe center of Gould's tl.noiHutre
ranch and (be quarter section ou
wfaich It to located has a clouded Ulle
u a popalBiiou of 40n. and ih^
rite of :40 acn« to a gift of Hr.
Gould, whose home to at Boritogion.
Aeronadt Charles K. Hamillna made
sucnnafnl flight of gisnt all miles
n an alivhip at toes Mtdnra. la., tire
ftiumey belug from the stale .(al'
grouad" to the tanbol. the dome of
vbteh be circled twice. uqJ bark to
Btanlng point. Tbe skip wa<
under perfect oinirol during the )uurney. .
n-setiing Edward Cowles and
George Hoyt, from a bail at Derby.
Conn.. Miaa EUa Gmltnan, a tb-year.
Oxford giri. efferted a rwxmcllia
I'wlih Hoyt after an tairaagcuuiii
nearly n year. Hoyt and MIm
•dman were swratbcaris. bat bad x



Nervnua exhaustion invite* dihease
This *talemcnt to the pir.itirr truth
When everv thing N-come« a hitrdra
Bnd .TOO cannot walk a few bUe-kswith­
out excessive fsligur. and vmi hrrsk
out into perspiration easily, and vonr
face Pnriiea. aod vtn grow excitedI and

Iding up
al once I To build up woman's oerv
ouB system and during the period of
chani^ of life we know of no brtler
BHriicincthao LrdiaE. Ihnkham's Veg
^ . b
eUble ('omptmnd.
Rerc to on illo*
(ration. Mrs. Marv I.. Koehne. 3Tl
the girl taw Ibeui and. ..vf^ . t
Avenue. Chicago. Ill . writes:
pcHlcmt. ran along a stone wall skirt 'torPeld
•• I have owd l.ydia E Ptoktou..'.V,*Kal*InglhrPeld. "nie ball raughi sight orjceoli;'
the petUcnal abd madly plungetl «<* Bfring (hrcbsngr of life I rramwmid tf*«t
It with itward her. Then Hoyt ami Cowl.-* «■>
it J US* to sll stout .IS tostto.
UdidtosagraatAaltf K<«><1 ltoojve.1
caped. Mls» Goodman Is wtaring the to-dUdldm*
dtozT weds, pains in Biv lock and tier-ngagemi-at ring again
(r-aito-tto* with which I had Mifl'Tid (or
The steamer CUy of llndson. whk-h
engaged In the pai
(or Wfoion that I •banM not have iirsw sllvs
UwUv ilb«*Vs(>dforsrnfBSO,ol.IortTimtg.
oiri wtH sb«7» cur- oU fenab- disordcfs
Mra Pinkham. daughter-in-law of
I.vdis F- llnkhaai. of Lnin. Ma».v . In
efle* a": sick and Oltlog womr
Her great ezperie*
.‘and, wer.- awHkeu.1l by
Ibe noise of flames. By heroic work {is at tl Irberrin. free of ceM.
BroBsing hto rrrw and with dHflculiy
made their tweape. lh< Dames iH-tUK
so eUiM- that they had no time in

Vatnntiisto liare long bent puzzlol
as to bow blnU Irani U> slug. Iksw It
oaiie natural to* s tolrd of a <-erulu
q.-i-ie* to Hui: llte snog comniun to itki-:*l <«■ <10.« It Irani to Imllatc whal
liearw diirlug tli<earlv a.iy*
nude toy a well know n siitdivit uf totril
tofe iirovol tliq) uioHt lilrvl* -Imidy lesni
by Uultatiou. He ptoeed yviiig lluueis
' ' akyl: '
' '
tJilarks and ulber ton-eds. and In every
cas- lha IHn-l Iraroed tbe s«>ug uf bto
foster iwreur*. Again, a number of iU5ria wc-e iwanil win-re Ib'-y luul no
abxurc of besirms tbe «»nv tif any
bird at aft. In -lue eolir-e Ib.-y l•>•en:l
to slug, i-tii ih-ir song was entirely
original. Tlte c is-k.-t. howeter. tm-m-'
to Iw aa exMfHiou, fur iiliiMragh it ialmaat lurartalily rron-d hr foster
parents of sny etwrie* Imt It* ow-u.
wlih a view to cuncerted artton It always sliq:* (•> tx-rfisllou its on-n
at the Hague agalasi the t'niied
States should an aiiempi J>r made to peculiar sung, tinlto- uniiillHi-iK'eil by
Ibe Vocal eflurt* uf its guanlliius..
he blood «1 ...
oriqlB «r (he airlbe PnoO.
Cleveland lives. Twlc thrir Idoo.! - Tiie larjiin iiiciui .u uf a rinLc funu
has savnl him from
death int'i occurred Io Ibc strike of (be I'arisiaii
which he WNr already usi sinking atn-king wraiw in IPji. wbra i.
Now- hto sl*ier. Saw . agetl IP. cruwu a day na* *qi».Tilwd f,w cvcr>
stands rnady tn give hi blood if an striker aiwl all Idat-kleg* were morn
other aarriUce lie demandtil Joseph IciHly iejyciiit.iL Bat ttio liiggeal strikMiller, the patient, has greatlgreatly
quder lliv "nurieut regime" wax tli;i:

iimlt-r the treatment and
surgeons aiit-ndlng him are ho|K-fii1 of tbe silk faxury lumd* at l.y>.,i
iu 1744. wlici
iiieu went u;
that be will recover. Arterh-s
splletii by Dr. Otorge rrilc tn which striRr aittl -u iilaniied rite majur ilw’ i
> pumpI. 1thee hluod nf hto healthy 1
he <i>Dccde<l cvr-vltiliig tlx'}- n*seilai-i
wrote t<i 111. Iwiiber that li- fiud "to
inilinate that ibe
tele eassM- jar ertte vile i-xunille.'
ning lu bring almut the direct
Tlie “vile c-aualUe." leiwct itr, bail tixd
piTtailon of Anterkan goods. Instead tbrir ni^mout. aad It wa« iiu lunger
nf liy way nf British ports, as hentofnie. "nie Imports from America, (brin. Two m-imlis later lite kiu:
eapeclally petroleum, wheat, sugar SMt down ui>.t>*i -uHicr* ''pi>ur r>and tohami. have largely iacrease.1 nioitrc I'ui-iirc dnu-- I* to,uiie\illo <1wi- bear ttu luun- of striki-'
during recent y.ara and it to thought lyuii."
that the trade rotild In- conxlderahly till ibe-smceuie strike -•( 1T«.
Irapraivtil w‘llh cheaper. lUrecl
poriatlnn Tbe l.-gislai
f Ir-lan-l
A Boall's Sense w( smeU.
has •Ui-ld-d to Invite
Professor K tiuig ut Ccuera dt«rav.
the Danish parliament to aicompan: areil tl>*t Ilie keeu saose •■( suK-M atirilthe king <d Dramark on bis prrijral-i: nlnl to Ibe i-riliii:iry -aall to d«tritom»<i
visit to Iceland In the snmmrr of i;.-: o«er tile e(iiir»- 1—ly n**! rarere.1 !,y tli■bell. tl;e twu i-iiire uf ternaries. IliNEW PLANT CREATIONS.
Ii|« bihI 1b- .-Ig.-s of tbe feri l-iiis
Lother BorWoak PrMtaees » wor WoB. |mni*iitorl.v —ii-tiive. In ili.-, ciper
nieiila made a IhiisIi (lff>pe-l jii rar*.*^'aevVol Flowees awd Sweet SowowB.
bill their
Five new creatioiit iu plant life, tb* Odorotis «al>aisi- i * lii iiirn was torougto;
wort of Ltitber Htirbank. U::ve Iwi*. o-sr tbe iliffercTii (Mirtsuf (be U-lj
Clara Wigbiman. of Eton Rapids [ireistrod for tbe lusrket and will Iw p-siuose- w.-i- I.utol at dirfiiti
the t;^y«wr<ild girl who beeanw lOs cuuuoOnlr grown ts iiUin a ye=r. say* a pile iwetilj lifili uf an lurij lu ■
Monday .after vtolilng her mothers
Incite*. (Ini' IU eKi-titlunri ,b»
crave at Diamaadale. baa been found Natl Kranciwo dl«|ialrii. 1'lic n-w Odor itew-eKeil as much aii lilic..ti
at Jackson. Phe will be returned to plants at* liste<| in a catslogne reTUt- rweoly inebe* away, sbowiiig -luen
her father. Joba Wbeblmae. Because iy issued toy KtiriT:mk. I'ln- nrst and caoDot guide Uiese creatore* to food far
of the Imi-tdlineat in her .
locwt wunderfiil to tlq- in.proteil .tii*- t«»0«ed ________________
was boable to make anyone uuder
stand ber qmstlt>as how i<> reach iraliau star nuner. Tie- larleiy fust
is-rfe-ied toy Bur -auk to of ratmnal
(Vheii ti-T. sto- frrtwid* liter- to oo
Reaching up to n sbelf i
bnioly aud <i>lor aud m uf tbe natmy
iWae. ConJy Ro-sell, td p.mttsc. lu of rill (ssbtoueiil everlasting flowers.
still o«1 friemtobip.-Artototic.
tbe haremem of Ibe U I" R car barns
Tbe bbirley Jsq.p.v. a new (ariety of
It RoelM-»ier. was horriSed by a hiss
and a virions strike from a ble wbk-b ius l•eeu calksl tbr Saula Ross
•nakc The reptile was knocked e-.raiu l>y Ditiirank. is au ealargccirtil
off the slK-tf. help aamaiufted. a wire of the regular i-ultiiated poppy wbkti
ired and draih caused by eie
to rouuiMUjj- grown lu California garon The reptile pttrved to X
deufc U tf larpev and moiv brauiiful
high-laiMl moccasin, four feet
than aurtbluu (bat bss ever been ofright tncbes inog. Its head was
1I. aud (be
111 color* partieuloriy sra
Drives out
and dUffload shaped and Its laody
blea.M iu a new mauuer. Tbe t.'abered with diamond spots. Its
to most potsomms. Tbe make is sup furnia ts-lud iMTT I* another rarirly
Of ijte eouiiuuu eultiraled |sH>py. dif­
pn^ to have found Its way
fer; tg aligb:iy Jrviu tbe 8birlfT PrisTbox of southern fruit wh<
Tbe lieuebera ebtjsuia is a new toaaiall sod to have stori- attained its
present growth.
y^ge plaat. wbicb. to euasiaeral by
Seated in aa automobile wL<rii was Burboak atm of tbr most wondsvfnl of
apeediag swiftly toward the Geaesaei bis creallons. It bas Urge Iraves of
Bill race near Flint, the brake falilagt }•enlIUr stupe and briUiancy and U
to respond, live peraoas were in lic-|
of tbe most striking fotiace plaats
ralaent danger of loaiag tbelr lives* known.
right o'clock 111010087 Bight. J. E.
Burrongh* of- the
j: P- Bur-1, The i•alsgriIia reqeUble squash It
• Ann
- - of JJeu vegetalile
wbk-u bas
rotigis A SMI. with hto wife. Hr. aadiyaririy of' gMdeu
fraoi Chile by Rnrttosk
an apple
street. Grand Rapids, were ««)o}iiig shaped squash. v»fT sweet (o Ibe Usis
as eyeaiiig'a ride Near fbe Oraad ,od to eijei i«l to t* a favortta pardca
Trunk pesseager statiim the brake----- -------------s
—H <h. BtarttiiWj"*
An iDterisilna tl eunirll.iill in eanic
to the repuldicaa congressional eahi
poign coratninti- the tore part of the
week- It was a sliver dollar wl.h t
istslagc alapp stuck on its fore. Ii
was addressed pialuly In red luk i.>
Ctutgrrsamaa James 8. Sherraao. The
dollar was mailed in 8t. Maty's. W.
Urals Coheo. a lavs Angeles shw
dealer, fell Hilo the newly madgrave nf his wife daring the burial
uenlee Wednesday, and may die as a
result rf tta toy. . Two of bla ribs
are frarimra and ph>'ritclans bellere
one Ilf them may have p’lncliir.ii the
luuc. Cohen was alnuwt bi'anliruki-n
over the dentb of hto wife slid Mi-m-


tbP popitlnr onution Uwt it known te mbk
SB mmk. KdsIneliaE yw teoth...............
... IS A MISTAKE . . .
that will esw tbf ngTOrast Uad o( ill
A bridge wiU o(k-n “mBke good'' for ira-U.
tbst hbTc been last I7 devajr. thns nvtkliPff
the om-nggitr of n plate.
AnyesuMto compfsin about worbBsnthip is •omothing uuusixnl briook ii>y
pstientB. Priconsre aoch tbstdo not oiuke
jroa think unfair pro6to.

Fine Wcalhcr much of Ihc lime.
/ Fine Roans most of the Dmc.
Fine line of Bugeics, Runaboub and Hirncss
Here All of tbe time.
« '
Grqat h^cctioii fur quick buyers.
No use for us to try to dcflcribe them, for we have
too many styles, but here are a few prices that ou({ht
to brini; you in to look at them.

Open Driving Buggies from S30 up.
Top Bu^s from S35 up.
So why is there any use for you io send your mooey
to the catalogue house when you can save from 10 to
25 per cent by buying your buggies and harness right
here at home ? .
We carry in stock a full line of horse goods, con­
sisting of Harness uf our own make. Blankets. Coolers,
My Nets, etc.

The 'Leading Implement and Harness Dealer in Grand
Traverse County.
l.l.j Sul.- .Sln»l.

CiU. PhoM !tl.

Hell I nooi-1

Wd have moved d>ur stock which was in
,ihc brick buiding, 135 State street, to the
Vloorc building, 12y>133 State street. On
account of lack of room for many of our
bulky goods, we are ofrering Buggies,
Wagons, Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,
etc., at a big discount. These gooods are
moving rapidly at.these cut prices. Come
while the stock is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Binders arc
‘-standard” and at less price than the trust
sells them, x



The children’s friend—



•' .'i.:

9 :

blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.

To Cure a Cold in One Day




a. to.™ a m. a. » I Nav Co-L'-LT rO.1 ARMY.

tc UsbtBlv

Wellinan’s Aerial Polo^Hmit
B.4, J-™iw WW W.I M l« .to tofc



dif. U a TjSitol

*to Da» TMar—*«» Stodj
I For Miit fttoatoM. lal SeaaaUaoal Jaaraar to *»tora n«0

ttins tarire before, bot the other tim
be M a ship add tberergre Ibe pole
-*<*old prtpert Itself wU P«berr>. Now
he is to take * balloha. and It will be
“»-a«ddon- for
S£ ito.

Before tba atart ta Bade the baDew
rmiitly that thr i '-Et. shan*
The tissues of the throat* are
la to ha wbSrtad iTto
rS '
d; vtn.
nflamrd and irritated
I bmi twiins for KMr<»
U ba!.... _
testa. TMaltp«n«aaenUbaiBa4e.a]id '
c it
satlsfartory ttna:i!>* il. ii It wlU cough, and there IS nutre
U as
as appaiatea
appaiatea U
U fotud
fotud IId
d ear
ear tray
on —more
— more cotighuig.
coughijig. You
drfectJTs It win ha teiiKidHed or. If ■
.L.‘ *“
SooM sarh roatlanay delay the trip> tor a year.
U the first effort to readi the pole
aot eaeeeasfnl asotber trial wUI
dude a yaar Uter, and U that falU atin
asotber attempt will reeolL To pot It
_ plainly, the nortb pole baa sot to eomt
Into the rcaarratlon of the kaomn It

An aTerase apeed of twelre miles per
boor esD lie made. ThU on oeraaloa
can be Incnmaed lo'aerenCeen milea p«
These apenla. of isniw are
the relortty. adrerae
and raromble

.r.i» rtrrt. ti

M— .ir.
0» .IrF.., ™.
»tT the frost. The pole miiffil sa well
n state's erldenSe ssalnst Itself, for
d to be found ont. to a

. for aelence Is certain to
It Is not tbe flrat tiBM the ballooD

tWnt ahoot It la a norrity - U that
»l»leai teiesrapby wlU he used In orAer that the dally reports of the royarera may be flashed Udito drillaaUaa.
wlieleas sutlon baa beeo'esub. anotber about
•**'**^ •*
flOO miles tooth, a 1 tbe third wlU be
”■ .to to.i«» .»ir.

„ cm™ ,|.a, .r too to»t
are m« a draa anriwr or rettider
will ^thro^rrfhoarrt. which, wtthout maklDC Ibe balloon fast, will keep
too ranlAlT

Salatr AipaMccs PraaUad.
Many other safety a
been prided. An enra set of aleer-

i™.™. ^ uiu

tw ■« U» tlr. tomm.
b# a rope bangliijt from Ute baaof «N aWp- A wlreleaa appsratna
and opentor will be carried with ibe
Thus even If ibe meUn(holy fate of Andree abonid overtake
the darlnf atronams tbe world will be
enrtebed by an aceonnt of their olmerTsOoos. It tbe pole U discovered we

appamtna will i>e

>»*« to sralt rnootbs for the
sews to reach ns. bot It wUI be flashed
all over the world cm tbe very day It

amny yeare an. before tbe modem
haprorcaenta In alrahips. Andree was
the ona wh. condwted that ekperi•enLiuid. for all any ooeknoifstotbe

one of the Um motors becomea dlaabled the other can be put Into use.
u cam tbe worst hapA» and tbe
ijalloon for any unforeseen reason

telearapby l^»» nfwest *ond^.
" WalterJMlman reach* thU naU
« ch baa hem the dt*m of an«. be

cintrary. be reachel 'bs Intended dea«ilF to to™. ™.™ u™ to

noold become naeleas a set of sledsea
®”* Amerlwn news.
„,tt™.to™b™.<to.«™.™ totor c. to to.™ FU.Wf.ia. .. .

Ml Ua.1 I. II. a., tor. totoa.-.ltached to thepbfte, as It were, so that

.io,« ,to toll™.,
sledyes are provtded with motora. or

M(«nM not tear hl««rlf loose f«m
» aeniery. It Is a rather rrewaome
ffiere Is n need of nowIns that cannot

. and with them rapid proin«)Si
egg be made over the lee and •
Is ao atiwnifly



I w Ice.

Aineau espiorer. was a reponer

‘^nlral don." a. Wellman^lU
ba found Uvingstone.
Docs Nat BcBarc lo Omeaa.
Wellman was bom at kleater. O,

however, that It seems almost tui|>oe- Nov. 3, ISBA Tbe fact that be la u
Bible that any accident should befall Buckeye U anoUier sin that be will

■Tte arctic acanerr la saw tobe lade- aafflclwit to disable It. The one danarctic scenery la aaici toueu»oa-------------------.ggwatonii. under tbe welidrt
SMbably smnd by tbe few wbohave *« 1* • tnowatonn. under tbe welidrt
Inhod iponlt 0^ have Drod lo tell «f.T*lcb the Rrsat machine would be
&tate. Itrsarevetofci^.if pii^ helpleoa.
Fortunately polar snows in
and Aiunmt.
one of vrtileh
tareaqna effsets and of damnna Ufbu. Jnly
—---------------w........ ...............
.. ..................................
Hwre bare been many confllethw
otartaa of Aodtee's end. Thara always


aueceed. Bewldes. Mentor was lUc borne
of James A. Garteld. ao that la^ nod
of James A. Garteld. so tlmt
• 0*4
P|#« to taw
anotber anspicl
himself, by tbe way. does not believe
for be It nlay to
.toulto U.. Jtora™ I. to to .toto. .to„
***• f*!'™'*"*® •«'“ ™e aoi_. ..
BaoiMh samiUae and provisHwa wtO
to fame and dealb. Tbe rest of us,
however, msy lie esenaed for believing
that a man who took bta rise In Men­
tor. O.. bad a favorable point of set­


....... ..


ting on


M wb«Q nobody kuoww Oue vendou
^ It t^t be was killed by Eaklmo


l»rreas«F» mcasr «r man.
r.r:t44.Tr tle^u.r.-.l Cr:x-ifr. t*lef

wWA Wa^«Uato^
nettman cam ua Tf .'

The mMon are three
prise and Wellman perMi’eranee c
of flee horsepower to fill tbeslialloea.
-brias It ibeta.
ette, ooe of twenty-flee’JMraepowerand
WMm TfHp«ih)i SB Bawd.
oee of flfty beraepewer. the two Urgrr
One of the noralUea of the Wellia
oaes IxpIds for
expedltloo —and pretty murta ereiT'



' “•
r»tofff am a «Hto«tiir» beat has farm tak-

The Intrepid Explorer's Third Attempt to Fhitf
the Earth's Axis ,

%P ibe'Mrth pole Sops hot want to
I be dlaeoeered It had better S') In
J[«hMlm(. Waller We»Baa ts on Ita
frail, aud If he Is as s^ed at flu.)iaa.«ut polar aeereis aa he ttaed to be




ta tnken wllb tbe e*|Hnlltlon to tart a.
murii longer time than abonid be re-

Mvagea.' T»il» maj-^be true, but most dulred to make tbe jonmey. Tbe pob
people have a aurtA-roi that
- *
tbe c:i- b
about W mile# nortb of Spitiberdo with It. gmi. from which point tbe ballot b to
Mad bad I
cwi much neepi
Mound Iba nortkfMe;«>d it managaa

twelre miles a

■'But Andree was art an .Unerh-an
Rgwspaper man. -nut Is tbe reason
W did no# coma beck to niwt tbe
4»ry. Wellnian not xwly baa the Ad-

tbe moat adrene eoadltloM. It Is bartw than ten
ly coneelvmbb that mw'ton
en daya
or two weeks at moat rtiouU ta reqnired for the royage.

district achoola of Michigan. At tbe
e of fourteen be lanncbed a weekly
t Rutlon. Neb,, aud when
twenty-one aisrted the c'lnrinaatl Pr>«t,
He did twiable work as -a correspond­
ent in tbe BlaineTleveUnd mmpalgu
of IKM. For.over twenty yeaVa be has
been one of die Wasblngton represent­
atives of tbe Chicago Reeord-HetaM.
wfakh newspaper b flnincing bb pres-

by Wrilman was In 1H92. when on
Watting Isbnd. or Rau Salvador. In
tbe Babtmai, be erected a monument
hb first boding HA yeara
Two year* taler Mr. aellman
started bb Inltbl arcUc royage. rearii81 degrees north.
tbe leader of an expedition to
Frans Josef lAind. reaching 82 degrees
nortb and ditroverlDga number of new
He has written esteiislvrly
of tbe arctic regions and has lectured
before learned bodies In Europe and
Amerlia. In appearanre be Is of dlstlDgntsbed bearing, with tbe keen, aim
took of tbe modem
the press. His borne is in Wsshington.
where be has a family of five dsugtitera. Altogether be* Is not only tbe
writer.-but tbe-typical AnerlCBD wbo
does things,


In rendering credit to those wiio
have BBsbted In making the preaent
B'ellman ex|>edltlon possilde. M. (botas-DuinanL
tbe celebrated
aeronaut, should not be overlooked,
tits advice In building ttie great dlrigi“«*
in”*'**'’*'Ug liaeir
• gas bag
liaell Is luade of two Inyof silk. Tbe •■nr
iHwnendrt b^
Ibis cigar shaped
a half feet blgfagnd fifty-two feel kmg.

cough miKtireand
miatireand itc
it cases the
SlxriitctieM. suw™ to the .N>« ' irritation—rfur a while,
Yo-k Tii;*
The iir^nHp;.! mlrantapa of the light
bttiri sTv lb Ibi tralcrtory and great |iower.
tm a l.Usi ystd


M U L 510 N

yards, while cax alry ,
• - xiMieea for tbe onllrr dbtance. 1

yards oui-of l.osi. and at the «n yard iwhat IS nCCWSarv.
irk «-avalryiii. ii would bear the linl-, thmat


IfSOOthcs the


"v.:r.T,.rto':::rM.,,, i™'"";




''builds up the weakened tissues'

! .................................
to their natural
----stre: ^:h. Tiiat’s,
^............................... ..........
Another advaoisge in ibe ligbt bullet j how Scott’s Emulsion deals with ■

ty-*li Ini-bes for the oM bullet.

*»,—,«» . v,Yitnli n ,-nU i
throat, a cough, a cold,!

r> grains of suiDkeiess lowder. Tbe | OF broucnitis.
scriou-s dnwliai'k of tlM> new liul-•
let is that It Is 1cm s<Titraie than ibst I

* "iuseit raiE

'r.T'::ur,S!scoiTSBow«E. -itwir-

to™ ™a,toj to o» lo.™. po.«bi.
iru'beUrved wUl Mt ex•
Srt 1 per cent a day- Tbrtebalways
^ M
^ noMe ba# of Inflating materbl from
the beat buUt ballxions. IbU baa uanarebe roffbas WlU have no temra f«
,n>o„Bittk* to 2 or S oer cent a

Kliffrt AlnUpm
fTba taaUooa with wkirt 'WeUmnn b

What a Baby Cmm Da.
It •'aui keep Its fMltcr Imsy adyertlsleg In tbe iraiey Tor a nurse.
‘Imiiiuiieously occupy both
.I'jilge Jauiea B. rro|ttT, Br_ of Bahy- j ghlrs of Ok- largi-M lied’inadc.
Ion. .T. V, aist other* bax-e fontiej the •
t'aiilalB Jeel r.siL Monun*«'ul assoels- 1
,.rery »
lion, nhose puriwec is to raise a fitting , ^oriwr lu l!ip Htv irbo “never takes
jment lo tbe memory of the l-oy |
whi. h. In
was |.rolmbly the small.-sl person ,
j, f,.r;„nate for the chihln'ti.
who fought In tbe UevoUilii>a. says tl
I make Itself look like n
New York Tribune.
‘'‘•k's | jusi when It* mother wautilo show It
body b now In an unmsrked grr.vo at „e.
Jthlge l ooiwr. hiniM'lf .in j
1. remeinlierst'aptalni'ook
sn/l feels that It ta a pity that be shoald
not have Ue»m reeDguized long ere this.
Joel Cook was Imm on Ort. 13. IT'SO.
He was therefore less than flfierm
ye«r# old when, on April U>. ITT.'i. Taul
Ileverc m-ile Ids famous rkle.
was ao small for his age tliai his r-ar^
nest entreaties to be iienuliti'd to en­
list In one of tbe first reglmetils m'se-.l
were hugbed at.
However, oue ofOcer offered te uke Joel as a w-eiier.
The youtb aiieepied. A year later he
enlisted and
the tctmggle^ In 1H13 be raised a company and aipiD fought- After the xvnr
be held aexeral political appoinimema,
bm he died on Ilee. H. I«l51. lo abjeit
poverty, and hte aon bad to Iw aeot w
tbe Baptist home.


CarlM-r Tvlls of AewesI Thlaa
Inegtoi Ib -TBBSBrial I.Blleae."
linrhe.' was "on watch" at tlm

u“7Tu lurtcr. xvas iiij<>phig Ibe hotel
.\ istr.ii went hi and removed
li:« aad then bis hat. di-xplayltig
we wavy" I lark liair. says ttie Kan­
sas t'lty Times.
"Give me n ‘vAr*at>b'—don't make It
.1 short.'' Iieraihl.
T1m‘ laffier tio-hli'il. When the man
liail left the idiup George was ruriotiA.
• i':«s. what's a 'vnryt.le'^" he Murted
".\ 'varlaWe'V" The bnrlier rejto*ateij
•e inquiry.
"IVell. Georp-. Til •ell
yim know Wclisier.
iloa'l yon. c;e.*rg-V He's the dictionary
He says 'x arjilile' meaus xiumgealile. I rut that nun a hair. George,
ao be can turt It anywhere he wants
Ue won't have f> stand iu frixut
i glass ami fiixs arrund with a
comb liefore be ran find the right |>bee
for Che |»an. He can port It orer his
►ft ear or bis right ear or In tbe middb. Tbe hair will always fall exeoly.
"You sec. George."
barlMw. “meat lArbers ain't wise to the
They comh a maii'a hair
Ann. then cot It. ThatVon't do. Alway* niffle lire bair first, tlreii cm it
evrol.r all arouud and you've got tbe


afflictcl with Ireil-s-vt, liUtbecauaeorthcdiffl.Inev tronhir. ouil the first
be toitarUs the Uealmrnl of

mopylsea. crusades, rerolniioiis
elril war* bare been fongbi for acaiiAfler aU. the coiumercbl

td aaak. to pnb b to kbg of alrablpa. nad prorbloos aboard, i
l*lng to iMgart erer jwt cooatrnctad. need
tom day _t I) day In
SkeVksbakVblrt Is ^lio^bVbaM to motor* and feeing to see
trtjuble u'd^ to n diseasexl ohi^Ihui of
bTreTl^eet In
« I* Intended that tbe airship toll Uve I. tbe bast of those that mb uf.
kiclirersanil (bladder ami
' !U b
tbb^- MU obly two or throe bundrod feet
The flndlng rt to norU. ^^m^
lit as xoust people sxippusc.
STbag from bslng lba^ uUb^tom the ground, or. rather, from to
add not «** Uolbr lo tbe wealth ^ l^
W.mim o«wvll mis*
yrn-r of violent winds a baltoonelt*
lee. whirh auppilea the pUce of teir* world,
yet tbe discoverer wUI join the
sMe sith ki.lnex- in.l blaildcr tronbi
bpMcad la the labrior of U. Into flrtni 4n tbe arctk- circto.
and la«h ncol tile
t Itbe pole, the balFerhapa bb name b R’slier Wellwhich «-tn iw coosbnUy pumped aevIf. aBer rMcblug
niilJ auil ihe
out <rf Itt eoorae ao that
anl preansraa U air. The basket, or toon b thrown <mt
isMxmtcaiized. Itisrold
liy .Iruggi^^ in fiflx chamber, stbehea to to onler bag b it U Impoaalble to bnd at Spltabe^n.
TetepkoBlBB IsmlloB.
hnllt OB a steal frame, b protected tbe giaUt *hlp of to air may alight
uenls are twlng uade In Mexfrom the weatber and Is fltted with aome other point, and all the bad of
rodder*, propellers motor* and to tbr nortbetn bemtapbere b to be stud- to witt a new inremlim which It b
mail free. al*.
cblmed will make short or long <11*r for aavtotion of ted with that rod In rb<
amjdiict trlliTi!; all abont Swamp-Root,
to he taken. Ev«y tauee telepbooltig ikwIWc
.No tonees a
to air. In this b
Ir. Wrtlmaa
aclxi.liitg uiaux of tbvU>oac>n-i« of trsti<w ba* been met la rtgulat telegraph lhw« without Inicrwill etabaric <
al letter* rex-eixed from Mificivrs
----_l.k .k_I_
Of onroe to tmforaaero tolag with their use for I
cared. • !u anliue Ur. Kiinrer A:
may bapt>en. Imt a man may be atrock pafp-’*”I. X.Y_ tie lure Uf»l menlioa
Don't sake
but renetnlrer the
Iir: Kilmer'* Ssamp-Rotil.
lie—, ilinehamvni, *' '



It in PieanauU


icuntAtnn neUber Oiiium, MorpUao aor otber MarenUo

Jta age la Its Ruaraatca,, It destroya Wurvw

and aUaj-a Ferertnbneaa.

It curtm Oiarrhcaa aud Wind

Colic. It rrlicTCa TectiilBff Trnublea, cures CotmtlpaUon
aad Platuirai
. _ ^.............
Htooiarb and Bowels, girtug 'health} and aatural sleep,
Tlie Cluldrea’s XTuiaoea—Tbe MoUicr's FnctaL

f Sean the Signainre of

The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

oM lij<4icl«r in lli«
Govt-nior Wariii-r' lias uppointcil
use laiiamirc llul If iiticrej
drrrt wunhl gel him in the Jumes W .Ili-iU ll nf Wal.i fivlil. clrcnl!
aty ixviij.-ixm.
1 comuilsklnucr fni Gngi lilcgo iroin th.i farthest cinl nf

.••nd out aanlii.
cnii go to slccji like nn ana-1, and
In (b, loAUiT vt tb™ ntsi.
)nsl us nn;l luamuia iiiv starting Lanai
for Ibe tontcr it can wake up niul stcy itnn .
These nr<- r.iui.- of ibe things a lialiy
an ilo. But llirrc nr;* ollu-r tilings
well, .V ii-iliy i-aii ni.ikc tlic <-oiuaii
offlcM, Jo tb, tVy ef trsvvm- fllv. ir. —IJ
' ante. <m or brion- xb, Slsl ilsr nf Ikv./ '
liuiiM* the l>rigliic.<i s|Kit on earth.
D.taa. sad that mid rUiis. oi l W
■old oanrt <re Monday, lire ;>l.t
molbrr's life t.y
fialtcii IW dirty Ihllc fa.v against
tl»- xvimli.v. pjii - in sm-li a way that
til.' tin-xl fatlii-r .-jiii »v it nsW pi.-l
Ir-ror.- Is- muu-U llic- i-urtM-r. Yc*.
blcsarc grcai iiistilmWms. particttl.trly
AtS>-»<irmiif<>Mir., hei'i si lb. I'm- '
one's own Iwi.y.
lMU>Offl»tnUn'CY(r<i(TnT,r— >1CT in mid
UnOBIy. os the s-o-.-rej ,,t Ants.t, A. U

III all tb<- latest deBiin>*- Kalislaciiou v<uinu>tecti. Paeamutii* Tools ao'I latest improvotl mschinerv.
()^iiml works :«I bay st^t
Citia-n's pliom* No. WIO.
A. W. Ri RERO. TraTerse Ofy

• (IrmoA TrsTsi
• -i.kridM
coenMd. “auRwrr
or 'No.' The
Court (Iocs uot want tn know whut you
.11 .it mid vhisj.-, srd ki,
su:>p».rI. I su]ip.wcd iliat 1 had luy
frmrat. Boa. Fred R WslfcsC, Jodgs «<
- Ih™kl<.is-Sfu™-Ilirrr.,r.
wairti In uiy 'pwkct this movulng. Imt
It Isiwdend that ib.-vi-* n»y i.f »k.|'*a lab-r,
(hsimul, ot Oinry
” l»lnn».
as a miller of fa.-t I bad left It on
. A. U. U»«,*t tm nVIork iii in- rntmoon. n>
mid ptolM-€i(fi.*..tMsnd !• hi-x-t.T ••K.vnt«l
tl -XYam
Pam Iisnnc SM ta mM enort
drcixiiic to«.m, Tbe .-ourt wants rervxsniinincsat siV>* it>c ml I ercnis
It I- furtlim urdsroi. ilu.> pali.ic
fa.-ts, sir. lurt nu)>"
liy i-iil-' .dsi
TTv- wliiii-*s ilkl u<>t *pill<t>le any
■"I"-more, awl tb<- case xvent quieily
But wlren lire lawyer arrived lioiuc that
!«' end u brreby BSpSbMd
dd pTo».s»e
evening lire wife of hb boantii said
I freW IwaTlRS
brnnne swd
said p...
It i> tonbiv nrdert-l. that ptibHr nettee
therenf be ri'-n >>7 i>n>>llmWnn of s nnfiyef
-Von most have been sox low nNwt
Inin lirdsr. fur ihrm ro-imM,.- weeh* uieikiu
QTATK OF M l< -H |fi »N - Yh.. Pro'-te C.
'(■>mMidBri.r hmnn«. tnllreflmnd Trsvmim
your watrli I > scml four men after It—
Hersld; a Bev-mtov l>r»l« *«* clmnlMsd la
p ntlcr tbe other."
•B'hatr' cried tire lawyer, ns a


lo any of tlrem'r*
"Of cocroc"' she said,

"i gave it

the dm who called. TVh.v. be actually
when- you bad bft Itr'

i*rmmt, n-re. Fred b W.Ikir. iodc*
IsU)*msltercgtbi'<»ute ut Jsnim Hot
Imk. .'QTA-rViir MIUHUiAi
W l.a tle-I'viaair ollli
J aie.'S KsTlac I
IniL- tiMlIer.d Ifie
Ir may 0.- enn

'‘*X.dife l.lteeet., eimn tUt fear wsatkafens
. II.- Wb .1,7 .d Angirei. A 1> imi. hsw hesa
hat the nil Car ..f
-I Km'-tal--.
«..r em«it<« to prmmt Ihrer elslai,
tl n'rh-* tn Ibe
fit siniiiii ,1111 sipul 111 inid r inn rwreaswis
• sti..aaedadiaeie>eiii.aa<lthalsllrv
mkl dme-mdi i;;'
nte reqnired to are

I- ami
int A
AU. ?;^V.;<Aoc «,d tJt.llm


i Iftf
, |esTH> TrsTcrre City f-.r Korthpnrt
-IhJJsts: daily eama'buodsr.daipm
BlraWAd ear na tram smrlnr St B »i a a. ana


Real Estate and Loans
12? Front S1.V nonuroe Blk.,

Trarerse City, MIcD.

Train* laa,» Traeerw- (Tty a- f'dlow,:
Porlloear'. DetcAl, T.d-I... Itraml Raj.
• ODa.Bi..i«)p. IB . 11 'is •.!'


r5*BrSipti.'*’Al£e. B-Uaira. Oarte^di
sad PeteWiay. I mp. m..s. > a in , > n a

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange


We will get yo'u seven per ccni ptrr annum for

PsraanU'er. Lodinr«" asd *»am.
ri%«lh^!'AarlrT.aV*Pri.ek.-y »nd I


Roric, I>po|>» aiHl Bxioiliiuj: R>Tupa.

n Van make

on the

Pere Marquette

au™.™, to.™ Ito. t., <oi,
boa. Grant tot tbe finding of ibo
------- ----------- - _... .— ....—.................
eartb'a axU will be a UUng of
for a child totre
ty. what then? itince when has man
horn afflicted with
taen only a utilllartan? Human beinga
are made up not atone of poeketbortta

jrertheDcaUb (»r
afalast Expertmcafa


Warn B Wen u la lit lide
limUe b liber Id

f„ centuries.






U safe to aty wiU be an Autereporter, for he b uand not onlr

lalkiita aad Chi

powrler ctaargr or by miking a slirtitj
ebange In ltsmia{>e.

Kidney trouhle preys atnn the mind,
isconraireasudlessetisamhitiun: licaaty.
. toSK=.i Ato
'‘’gor and cheerful-

^,u ^

honal Mtperrinon stnoe ItarlnfluKy.
All CooBteifoita, ImlUUouaaad«»Jpst-mn^g^S^^^£ia

Owtorta is a hannteM anbatitote for Cantor Oil, Para-

secoJl the greaiest 'it dnves nut the iimanimalmii;
of 2.7M feet i
erer attained lin a aervlee weapon.

is that « lessens tlie kirk or the rifle. I
It weighs i.'s. gntttis and It flred with :*

nM Kind Ton Hbt» Ahrayg Btmgbts And wUck hM iMen
la Use fbr ortt SO ytmn, hag f
a Dm lacea tnade under hu poto


your money and give you as security gilt edge
Traverse City real estate or gik cdK‘: farms in
Grand Traverse County. Mich., whbre your

II S a ■

money will be absolutely safe.



Train* rnmr-^efMy sard ProTamaBt •
ni a:lfs m aikl r.-m f rm
rj. JXBES. Annt.




looks of. If not prevented.
Once I Maced a email, ahaliow pa
per bos near his cage and opening «
showed Its coeicnts to him—hemp
seed, of .which be wss very fond—
and then reptoced the coter. I tbei
opened the cage doer and Invited him
Mmkt m»4 Mffftttmt »f Tk»
help himself. In a second be vat
M. Mkt t$
ftrtld fMMg
Bcrt «rUin to ^ In a loac tln>«. H
out of the cage. and. goiug to tb* bos
I* a nl«e day today. I ■»> vrltlnt thin
he lifted up the cover whWt. however.
t ••« «r»
• ■**)» *
la aebool. For pcu I have taro kltteaiL
tely fell back in Its plaee.
t (M4 have three twl a Wg eat klUed
Fairy seemed to consider whst won].
rdi trr
The other oaea are playing moat
DC the best thing to do. luraed blr
aU the tine. I have a pig that every
bend' about first on one side and then
•• far w I aaa.
time I pet her will lie dovn. and
thv other., and urUng the cover once
try It ta tovM* MipM
horae that ewy Hme 1 take bin
more, gnve It a little tsrlsi on on.
aatf Wad *• i»iry»«y
water will ntfa hii bead agalaat m<>.
side which left the seeds uncovered
r IMat lhla».
and be voat walk oaleas he la tight
and pmceeded to help himself.
I 0wr fall la tryiat *• *•
to me. Well, 1 moat rioae for aebool
another time 1 tied a piece
■ «hU«a. I
*Try, try
111 aoon doae. eo good-by,
0 a Wring, showed It to him. far
>rom your truly SuaahUier,
Age 11.
Floaale WhUmaa icned one end of the string to the
1 know y«a are a tr^sJunahlner. wltes of hU cage, and then dropped
and eenalnly your peta nuat think the piece of apple down so that he
could not sec It. He Immediately be
no too, and are glad that you
can to pnll up the string with bis hill,
• hlad to every lirlpg thing.”
holding K fast with his claw tintII he'
brought the apple wliWn reach.
A lUiity^y Plenle.
If a piece of sponge rake, left In
■Tea. It eerutnly ia raining,” mIiI
grandma, peering throogh her apecta Palrr's eaito. became hard and stale
he used to dip it Into his drinking
(Im ont of the open «k>or.
or Ms bsthi'ih nnlil it was sofi
ne e^ldien aai at bteakfaai. The>
Wgh to suit him. Our father itre.:
had been to^ biiay, however, watching
bring him home pltnilan or graf,
and Ulklng about ihe weotber. lo eat
seed or ehlckweed, and ns anon as b.
Then we can't hare onr picnic! entered the room and Palry ennghi
•aav* ViM
Mra> Imm egelalmed Berwle. Uan«rtng hU feet right of him. he would fly about hit
cage In the most egclled manner an •
agalftat hli chair.
seemed so impatient to get It that h.
‘And we*ve got to go home to.
would open his wings nnd scold sail
waited Lncle. her eyen be.
pretend to be very angry jlrtog
ginnlng to flil.
pkking my father's fingers apparentlr
Teddy and Dalny, the little onea,
fiercely, hut really_ gently,
grew tearfal at onoe.
thought too much time was taken In
The taaket ia all packed, too; aueh
t^mheria Call,
it between the ham.
pity!” aald ddeful Aunt Uary.
a voice la heard over the hUIOne day, when I was practicing
alwaya looked on the dark side, of
the ptoDO. be flew up Into the parinr
A voloe la heard eroaaiag the lea— things.
“Well have oar picnic anyway, and stood on lop of the music leaves,
•epiamhOT b hwn to her bcMty.
cried merry Aunt Malty, who never refnring to let them be turned over.
80 t^Udrea. come. U«en lo me.
at another time he took posset
failed to eee the bright aide. She nod.
Gome kmc^ to yoitr hooka and your ded at tb^ ritildren. laughing, and the sloB of the upper keys of the instru­
insfaine hrept back Into their face*. ment anil tried to keep us from makIJaave yonr nmbtea and noaring and
usc of them. In a like spirit he
"Be reedy to rtibbera and water.
'prtMft to half an boor,” she added. lighted one day on a pleee of work I
Leave yonr Oahlng and eUmhlng and ”It’s a necret. and I'll not tell any of had tn my hand. and. aeiring bold of
yon. No, mother! they will not take the thread to my needle, tolerfered
. Septmaber (■ calltog today.
cold.” as grandma began to Inquire. with my sewing.
On one occasion l>e was not feeling
Urn adMola ora ringing with ^ Then abe disappeared.
In baU an hour, to the minute, the quite well. and. as be was standing on
eorered wdgon drew up to the door my hand, he quietly put hit dear III
The doom are wide open, and nee
and the four ttolldren clambered In.
The toaito^a Uad Ihee to the do
sleep, while I hold my, hsnd pressed
"Hurrah! hurrah!” they cried.'
“Oooddiy, Aunt Mary; goodby. dear firmly against my bressi till he woke
. 8o wanderm. oome back to me.
Equally lunching, loo. it was
was a meny ride Ihrongb the have him fly on my shoulder or tl
Thath the Way.
d. warn summer rain that ntlired of my slater, and. looking up at
inat a UtUa every day.
up the lortieit aoenta from grass and pour forth an ecstatic love anng. flap­
Thath the way
ping hlB wings nt the aame lime.
Beedi in darknana awell and grow.
There wns so much music going
*T7hy!” exclaimed Berwle, after a
Tiny hladea ptisb through the ■
to the bouse, both InsirumenUI aod
whlto, "we're going back.”
Mew av dower o( May
"O. Aunt MatUc. don't to back! vocal, that we thought his singing be­
CtodlMt btodedto a « imraL
came somewhat mndIBed and changed,
cried all.
Slowly—slowly—el the Brat.
JuM then Tim stopped the horues by as if he wore trying to imiiaie the
Thafs tbe way
Ihe great barn, quite away from the sounds that he beard. When I prac­
Just a little every day.
bouse. They all jumped out. and ticed my vocal exercises and trilled,
Just a little every day.
Aunt Mntlle led them, toughing and he tried to see U he could not outslnit
That's the way
roe. aad his breath was often longer
talking, up the stairs
Chfldree Icern to read and write.
The Mg door al one end was than mine.
Bit by hit. and ndte by mite.
open, and they could look out into
After a while a mate was given
Never «y one, I *y,
of greenery outride.' A few slats Fhlry. but ihere was never much nt
Leeps lo knowledge and Its power.
hsd been nailed pcrois the open apace fertloD between them. Sbe turned
Slowly—alowly—hour by hour.
I make It safe for the children.
That's the way
to be ratl^ illtempered. and he caret!
Thera was yellow brown hay stored more for bis human associates than
Jnat a mUe every day.
Ihe aide opposite the doof. It reaehe.1 he did tor her. At tost there e
to the eelUng. "That Is the autumn three little baby birds In the nest,
woods'' aald Annt Matty, waving her then Inter four more. Their names
band mi it. ‘The leaves have turned, were Antonio. Angelo. Bellini. Verdi,
as you ae«, my dears. This out M the and Olio, and the two little sisters
ANa and BIteK Weils. Umg Lake.
open door. Is nmmer. Bee how green were called Jeule and Bessie. i
R V. ¥. SwMhlne Chih Cradle Kelt and fresh It looks to the rain. H<
were given nway from time to time
Vera emd Bvto Hallett. Long Lehr. In the center we shall ap4ad onr ta different trienda except Otto, i
Namm sent by Alto Wella
MeMoth on this nice clean floor- youngest, who looked more like Fairy
ground. I mean. Now. first, let
that the others did: but the mother
Well. WMt! Tour praaldent ihangh< play games until we are hungry.”
bird bad got tired of her children,
It was a capital spot for "Bllnu aod one day we found that she ha<l
Iheve were not to be any new names
en our Mg list, this week, but two Man's Buff.” •'SiUI Ponlir “Pnas-ta pecked mile Oiin and hurt him.
theOiraer.” and other lively favorites sbe was taken out of the cage and
e sent to her over the
Aad two names for the Cradle Boll, When these were dime *nm.wbo bad soon sent away. We thought we would
alao. We ere en glad that Alta tele- been busy to the barn below,
see If Fairy would toke rare of his
ph—ed. areal we? And hope she and ready to go for fresh water and to baby and placed Otto in another cage
make himself generally useful. A j;^- close by. so that Fairy could feed him
her hrather. Wbert. wll
Innch they had to the Mg. open apnee If be would. To onr delight he Itegan
writing to OS Ktne time.
l^ere wete aandwtehea and tarts, at once to take ra'rc of him and was
lemonade, hard bolM eggs, apples and so lender that we put them ini<
\ Tour presldeot fisbee
this cookies, and—utories. Each of the same rage.—Christian Register.
tola ghe gphotd
week—<to..raamay.«eBy ediool rooms children told one after Aunt Matty
finished hers
HOW He Won.
—and see the happy faces of the SunLode's pleased them very much
The principal of a school In which
*lae boys and girtot wonder If Teach
^ isn't happy.too.whea ahe knows her It was abont a good fairy who went boys were prepared for college
day received a niesalgc front a lawyer
are Suaheama. "Let me see.' about changing everything dark
*e says to hmelt. "they are not go­ evil to things that were bright and living In the same town, roquestlnt
to worry and tret, even If some- good. She had read it. only the day him to. rail at his office as he wishini
to have a talk with him.
are hard: they are
That'i Aunt Matty." cried quick
Arrived at the office, the lawy.t
valng to be happy, even If the
suied that be had in his gift n schol
Aiaet out of doors, and the warm wltted Bertile, as ahe finished.
"Tes. yes, Aunt Mstty." cried Ted­ arahlp entitling a boy to a four years
wind blows aad every tree and UtUe
Id k cenain college, and that
Sower seems to nod end beckon and
be wished to bestow It where
amlle ‘come out and play!' What a a rainy day.'
"Thank yon. dears.”*aaid Annt Mai would be best used.
good ttlae we ate going to have to"Therefore.” he eentiaiied. "1 have
gwher," Teacher saya, "beeanse we ty. amlltog.
concluded to let you deride which bo;
are afl going to be loving and kUh her eyetoahes "You have paid i
of your school most deserves ti."
to each other, and not laugh when the beat compliment I ever had to i
-Annie Irabel B’illis
"That Is a hard question.” replied
same oec laakea a mUiake. or tease
he teacher ihcughifiiil.v. "Two of
anyone who la timer than
pupils—CUartes Hart and
And when we Sad the lest
The Story of a Pet Cana*y.
bard, we are not going to be diacour.
Lii^ Fairy was the gUt of a dear Siroag—*111
aged, but Just try. try again.leaf aad soon became the pet o? study to my school ihU year. Both
Why. what a aloe place a Sunshfee the whole famUy. Me bad a delieat? derira a cMlege ealucatioa. aod neithn
is able to obtain 1t wliboui asslsiaoce
■hnol Is!
frame, and his yellow pliftoage
Just being hippy
varied by a dark green cape, or pel­ They are so nearly equal that I fsitino!
tell which Is the belter scholar."
Is a flue thing to do;
erine. and a tuft on his head.
-How is it as to deporimentr' ask
Looking OH UkC bright side
Naturally tame, aad being constant
ly with ot. he developed many human «<i the lawyer.
Bather than the blue;
"One boy does not more scnipulons
Sad or siumy musing
traits of character. He was allowed
U largely ot the choosing.
to fly froely about, care, of course, Ir Observe the rules of the schon;
And Just being happy
being taken that the windows were than the other." was rite answer.
-Well." said the lawyer. "If at
Is brave Work and true.
eloaed! mad he .wsa panlcutorly food
end of the year one hoy has not g
of Ughtlng on my shoulder
Here la our leitpr tram FkMie. Sbe of my sister, and liked to feed from ahead of the other, send liieiu Ic
las not written to a loag time, and onr lipa. Once even he tried tn feed
As before, at the dosing exnmtnawe are glad to bear fraoi her agato.
■nets the parent bird feeds iU young.
Klagalcy. Mkh. Aug.
time he often happed tlons. the boys stood equal In ntiainDear Pivtddent—1 tbonght I woale about on the table aad helped him menia They were directed to
\i Ihe Uwryer's office, no information
j and wrile a few Itoet as I have ten to anything that be liked


1 CM.


being given as to the object rl i
^Twa iatelllgent. wdt-bred buys tlie;
eemed. and the law.rer wna Intoning
wonder greatly bow be sboold muke
decision between them. Jnsi thc-j
he door cqieDed. and an elderly lady
>f peculiar appearance entered. She
vaa well-knowD a» being nr unsettled
nlnd and possesaol of liic Idea'that
toe had been deprived of a large forline which was Justly hers. At a conshe wat Id the habit of visit­
ing the lawyers' offlees. carrying in
bands a package of papers which
toe wished (■samtne<l. Slie wa
'aiulllar visitor lo this office, where
be was always received
This morning, secine that ihe Jaw»r was already occupied wl:h others
toe seated herself to await his l.-lsure.
’'nforinnately the rhair she selectH
as broken and had l*en 'set aside
: useless.
The result was that she fell in
rather awkward manner, acaitering
Ser papers elxntt the floor- The lawrer looked with a qitieV eye at tii,.oys. lK>fore moving himself, to ne.‘
-hat they would do.
Charles Hart, after an nmuseo snr•ey of jbe fall, turned aside to hide
♦. laugh.
Henry Blrong sprang to the
nan's side and Hfie.! her to her feci.
Then. careMly gaiberins up Uri pa
he politely lianded them in h« r.
profuse and rambling thanks
served only, in increase Charies'
After the lady had told her
lomary story, in which the lawyer li»ened with every appearance o: atention. he escortoil her to the demr
ind she depaned,
'Then he returned to the Imya. and
-iftrr expresaing pleasure at having
rormed ihHr acquainlaace. he dlsntiss"d them. The next day Ihe teacher
s-as informed of the occurrence, and
'old that the scholarship wouM
drea to Henyy Strong, wlui the r<--nark; "No one so wr-ll deserves
be fitted for a poaitio nuf booor and In
fiuepre as he who feels it his duly
help the humblest ami the k>wlU>i-(.'
Onr Dumb Animals.
Pseka and Pinta.
•Tsro pints make one quart; I
quarto—no. four qiiaris make c
teck: eight Jlecks make one gallon"—
“You're not getting liiat right." Inlemipied Jaqe. “Pecks dan't mak<
galloos! You mean eight pecks maki
bushel. O, dear! I wish mamma
dIdnY make us learn them!”
imnta from ihe
“Put on your things and lake
in. children, just to get rreshcne.t
;) a^UlS/' she counseletl.
The lwv> sisters were running
with the spaniels. Dot and Don, when
■ hey heard mamma’s voice.
"O. dear, now ji's pecks and pints
and bushels again!" grumbletl Madcllne. as she.led her sister a chase
the suirs. She slopped short
the school roooi door, and gate«l
the table in wondermenl.
''Il*h-yr' gasped Jane:, over 1
\pn the table was an array of ei
and glasses and boxes, s large pill
•f s-tiKl. another of water. "The mnth- r
«mlle<l to see their faces.
"Wi'11 learn about Ihe measnrr-s In
a new way." she said. She pushe.l
the glasses and tin palls to tine
of the table, beside the water. "Thos^
are to mewsure liquids ln."she explaine<1. "We will take water for
liquid, and play it Is milk."
"Oh. that will be fun!" cried Made'ine. "May 1 measure it out in those
cunning glasses?"
■'Yes. you ran take charge of the
milk.' and Janet may hare the drymeasure end of the table, and she can
learn to measure out sail and' pear
vad apples."
•'ll is only sand." toughed her ris"Just as much Mit as your water l<
milk." returned Janet goodnaimv-lij
What dctlghifol work It was!
Madeline took the little jtlll gtos
xnd filled it fmir ilmw to mak
nlm cup full to the brim. Then that
had to
fined twice and poured {dki
■ he quart l«wl. and the imwl* four
times before the hig gallon pall wnfull.
Meantime Janet had’been coaquer
lug the dry-measure la'ole with h<w
Hand, and her pretty, roiiad. covei
less boxes.
The girls changed sldi*s, and ih.m went OB till dinner time. The next
ty the'girls look toms In keeplac
grohery store, "nie trade was very
risk, and tefoiv the day was over,
both sisters knew dry and liqitid n>oa»pcrfectly. —Selected.

Dandy and the Axe.
Dandy vas a llM’e d.,g who livct:
with his mistress to a New York
aparicneal Hat up iwa pain of strirs'They ludulgxl In the loiury of at
open wood lire fit «»1 vfesiiter. aat '
Dandy was the errand boy who
hrmighi wood from the ceU.vT whet
One day Mrs. Scott, hi* mlstrea*.
rtlsecvered sh. had no woo<l; so-she
said. -Dsnd.v. go down cellar an-'
bring m.- a stick of wood " (He usdra'ly bnn:ghi one stick at a lime, an-'
travelled up and down ws.lrw nnill ibr
woodirox was replentsbed.l
Away »-cm Dandy as gay as a lavh.
ul only it< appear in a few miaute-.
iih a very dob-f<iI n!r and wiilioiit

Going Away’i

WIBisiit a Camera r*
Notice t‘>p man «itli the camera on i>is ininaier oqUor
—What fun he artmt to have.
•nut ic the advantxgo of having a camera—Too ««
; live jonr viicuttoB over aUerwan).
Ik-Uer nuke a arlecti m from onr stock before you
All prices from SI .OO to $35.00
M ill orJera for Pirtea, Filma anti oUier photo iruppliet
pr->tnplly filh'l.

"Why. tten.’y. " sal-1 Mrs. ScoM. - Ul.;
you hear mr * I siiiil biing up some
Down Stairs went toe little d<«
sercm.l time, and Miaii Mr-s. Rcttlj
hcaril a anlx- ns <-( somrihim: le-ing
piilb'tt ur ilraggol acr-M-s (In- o-tlai
floor, r.oiiic hrm-tf In Investigate.


ihi' n-Ilar stairs wiib the
•Ur of whk-h w.ns in hU munlli. and
be arms trying his ls-»i to.carry " up
■ be stairs to her. in show hey thex
as n«. n-^1 cut.
Who cap ssy ilogs ,b> nm rrason?
This'Is * triH- story, au-l may 1h'
tonched fur...

Used al

B-iy Vit-w .\sHfmlily ihls svasun.

At Factory Cost Wbile Tbry Lul.
JWJ. Cii.<r Siiy^:
HAliNUU, TklVKKSi; Cr.'V. Mlitll
IXtar Sir—I wisli to a-xpi^a llio antiafactiuii T have
tiad in the nae of the Kimbnll Pianoa yon hnve fiimishtd

EiflM-Vcar-Old Boy Who Rules a
The yeungfsi king fn tlie world
nanili Chgu. kIVig of I'gsmla. who
al um k. H" holds his «»■
seated on a scsvU-i ibrime. with
leopani skin mut iisder bis Ph-i. biuI
■ring tn hl.s hand a luy giio. The
dish exercis,- ■ prntt'rioraic
the young king and his khilobim. nn>!
have es(ablish>>d for him a soi
(■arlitmeni. which he opens,regularly
with much pomp.
Utile Daudl Thau Biieaks'English
and glvi'ti suite .dinners, at which
there U a^urlous mixture of Afrirai
Md Etirn^n foods and customs,
though the royal lulde Is supplied
with fine linen, cm glass and silver
brtutght oiii from latndou. Al i
liauqiiels the chief duly of the l»rinic
minister l» to
ii, li ibsi his royal
master ton-f not eat enmi;li to n
liimself sick.—WashlngtoB TImi-s.

for thu past nine yoara (or Bay View nae.

I have

aiKuit 1< aummen hern and in that timp havn naod other
Tuakca of pianos, Imt none have given the saliafaction
th.1t thnwKiiitltall has. The ptirchhaing puhlit- will make
o miaUko in securing the Kimltall.
Youre rcapectfiiily.
C. C. Cast:, Dirretor of Chunia.

Kimball Music House
M. B. Hamer, Prop.



. . metJiing everybody needs, but cannot allys afford. We have just received a swell
w line of these that'we can pulWlTMlN
that will siiriirise you. Any design or color
yop are lonkinji for you can surely find here,
as there are so many beautiful patterns to
select from. Now is your chance to gel THE

nack Splotches All Over Face—
Produced Severe Itching—Year’s
Treabnent bj Physicians Did No
Good and Became Despondent—

](X> piece seta tiiat have alwayt soM for $12.00 now ............$8.75
100 piece aeU that iisve always sold for lO.ffOaow............7.2S
100 piers seU that hat e always aold for
100 piece sets that have s1w:iya sold for
lue. now
-V. ^_______
piooe set,_reffiihir
1‘J 00 value
picct^ get. n.'Kular '■•.00 value, now
-'■'I piece set. ro^ar 7 00 value, now

Aflected Parts Now Clear as Ever
—Alabama Lad/s


Lots of others at equally low prires.
also have a lot of bruk«n sets—od-f plBieS/’
bowls, tea sets, etc., that we wish togetvidof
in order to malcc room for the full sets. Come
in .ifwl liKtk them ov-r-we wi 1 make it
worth yi«ur wh

• years ago
whh Usek sjiJntchfs sll oter my tore
few' covering luy
tiiy body,
bod.t. which
and w few
produced a severe il■'hiI■g irrilstiun.uul
which caused me a great (hud td luitioV'
anceutd suffering,to such au extetit that
1 was forced lo c*U in two of ih.' Iradiug
Itoysicisns of my Iowti. After a tlw»oi«h exauiiuriioo of th- ■>---- -----------

Toilri St ts.noi- werk only,
r.-u- l tr
for ................

•t (orm. The} treated
me (or the sat for the length of one
It did me
year, but the tn-ati
..... -1 \Ki-.
thr-pniKlent and
decided to di-rotiluiue their servires.
Shortly afterward*, my hitdiBud in n
_ ropy <-f a wrokly New Yoric
papn-tswan sdvenw'mcnt of the Ciiticurs Uemedies. He purcha.'cd the en­
tire ooUit. and after i»ing the cootents
of tbetont bottle of Cutk-ura KewJteul
in connectioii with the Cuticurs Soap
and Uimmeiit. Hie breaking outentindy
slopped. I continued the tee of the
Ciflivura Rcnicriies for eix moullks. and
after titat cv«-r\' ejdolrb w-o* «-ntitriy
(P-tM- and ll)c wfiiTted (arts were left as
clear as ever. 1 lia^e not fell asyniptoiuo(tbeecxcina*ini«, wluvh wa* throe
. years ago.
"The Cutirura Remedies not only
ruled riM' »f tliat liowdful liineaec,
ecxema. but other ronipbndt'd ln-uM<w
a- .well: and 1 have l>een t|>e tiiroii* <4
otiiets being cur«'d of tlw mme dhea.*e
* by the ('■itiruru Kemedio. and I don't
bndtaie in savixtgtluil the Kee«l\'eiil
i> the lie^ bluod Die<lirii» llial tbe world
ha* et er known.” Liuie £. Medge.
Oct.2S. 1905.
Mnia. Ala.


Your Ri.liable l•‘lJrntlu^e Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
l'J7 South Union Street

■II liiivr 1 :ul Hioiir c>!« tit ncc in ihc ra»l yo“ would
like VO fjf,;ct.

L >ou would use H. & L. Co.'s

Flour. "Michigan’s Best," ihr pleasure of the present
would make you forc'd the tlinagrttcable thif'L't'



A StupMdom Thcogm.
"Suppose." said the wise •irator—
though 'lU a thought Miip<hdrau<Suppose a baby one ymr old with
of the tl
Length of ninefy-itarpe od-l' million
CO«d TImwa f»r tha Farniqra «»
Should, in a freak of fun.
Wuaiarn Canada.
Nnv r*na», fhe
Reach up and iourh the sun?
That child Would be



Ask your dealer for the ''BEST."



iSlSSS: Try a Herald Want Ad

Years old.
r« told.
Before It learned
It's hand was barMd.”
—St. Nicholas.


drcq> in A few pieces u( qnince at
lime and let boil two or three mintake out and place in tbe son
on fiat diahea. Coatlnae tmtu all the
syrup to nsed. Pack to boxes with
layers of oiled paper between.
Pumpkin Chips—Cut
into onetneh Mrlp*. peel and cut out
(he sort part next to tbe seed. Then
cblp Into thin sqaares. Let stand tn i
salt water over nigbi: drain and Iwillj
In weak alum water tor tweaty min-*
Soak In fresh «a:er lwcn:v-|
tour hours. Drain and pack in r.uii'
sugar, three-quarters of a pound to
ponnd of pumpkin. Slice a lemon
into each half gailoo when adding th''
sugar. Let stand tmtil Ibe tiigsr l«
dissolved, then boll with the lemon
unlit the lemon to clear. Ptoee In
Jars and seal. These retain tbe nat­
ural color, and ate very nice, espec­
ially when frail for preserving ha*
>««i scarce.


I And tel Him atreayttaen me.
That wbea I rtae at momJi^E tide
Tod»r U row day aaS
Catarrtiand CatarrlMl
1 may aaore rallant be.
(be only day
haT«. tbe
‘ .
—N. C. Schllcbten
Diseases Make Inday la wMeb *• play «r
pan. What onr part may al*Ten Waya ef tarving Paaehca.
vathls «r .Mere
B»fy la the
Peach Maagoea-Remove the atonet
Caaiied Plums—Twelve quarto of
BOt aaderataad. bat we are here
from Arm peaebei by cuuing to halret plums, one plot of waier. one pouad
Wemen * Than AM
to play U aad aow la o»r time.
nil with moatord aeed, ponaded mace, of sugar. Put tbe sugar and water on
■Thta we kaow. It te a part
Other AlkneiAs Cam^
celery aeed. tumeric and ginger; arw tbe stove In the preserrtog kettle.
aetloa. a« irf whlaiar 1« U a
up aad drop to a Jar of aweei apieed Prick each1 plom
nlom with a needle to pre­
pan of tore, aot cyaklain.
.vent bursting and a>
ss the suUi lerata
tor aa
Peaeb Baiter Pudding—Beat four gar Is dlsaolvrVf lui
frail Into
Thla we
haw for we bare tearaed from
plot of milk. Taro part of ihto mix- and carte for Are mloutes. Fill the
wd eaperteace that an# other • jtBre on one plot oi flour and beat to jars to the rims wKb the plains alone,
Moree of life lead* toward • |a Uitot. anviotb b^er. Add tbe
pour over ibem the aesMtog liquid
tw aad waate.—narld Burr
Cantrtonpes — Tak'
malndcr of the milk and egg*, and notil full to overflowtog.
young cantrtonpes after the seed arc
_ _
one teaapoonfol of aali. Butter a pnd- Preserved Ploms—Wash the fnili and
weM formed. Slice, peel and take
ding dtoh and pour to the hatter. for one pound of it use bait a pound of
om (be Inside. Pul them in weak
Pare and quarter,one pint of ripe sugar and a half plot of water far
brinCTor twenty-four liours. Then
peachea and Hpriakle to the baiic-. three pounds of xiisar. When Ihe syr­
soak until fresh in cold water. Have
Bake half an boor, and aerve with up Ik boiling hot, put In the fruit and
ready a tea made of white ginger,
foamlBg muoc the moment it comes cook three minutet. Dip tbe plnms
boil the melon in this until'tender.
AHhouab the iummer la practically from the oven.
and syrup together Into (be Jars.
Uke out of-vihe tea nn.l drain on a
o»er. the fotlowlaa. by a wilier la
Sweet Pickled Peaehe*—Prepare a
Plum Salad—Into a glass salad bowl
rtwh: pack in sugar, using ihree-qtarTbe Texaa Farmer, will not be amlaa ayrnp of four pouada of brown ausnr.
pul one-half pint each of greengages,
of a pound to one pound »i rind
dariBf tbe h« daya which are aare to one quart of beat elder vinegar, and
stosied and cm In half, kananbs. peel­
cdotf la September, and tn fart the two onncea of eilek dnoamoti broken ed and cut in Kllces, and any other Let It stand well covered until the
well illKM>lve<l then l«il iiniii
phltoonphy la as pood for edd weak­ to pieee». Boll all together twenty fresh frail that to at hand. Sprinkle
the syrap Is (hick. Put in Jiirs and In
er aa It 1* for hot daya and appitea minnieii. Have peaches ready, hav­
well with powdermi sugar, cover, and
(WO l«i] again,
with equal foree. whether the rea^ ing prerlonidy dipped them Into ^1- lei stand one hour, then add;one wine
nrea to the tmonlry or the city. The ' tog water and nibbed eS fur with gtassfu] of syrup of preserved cher­ last iKjiling the syrup will
Ihe rtnds. Iwli half of the canteloupe
Blib of It all Ilea la the aert to the towel. Slick two or ihree cloves Into
ries. one of lemon juice and the green­
for half on htrer, then spread on-dish
lam para*raph aad the adrlee U well each peach, (not mote, for the clove
gage kernels blanched and cm In
worthy foMowlna..
daiken* the peach). Put half the half. Cover again and let stand timn es and set in the sun. Iirtl the other
rind In the same way. in o few da»
-There are few Utlapa more ecm- peaches to tbe aynip at a time an:l
required. Serve with whipped cream
ike a fresdi s.vni|t. Jusl enough i
dtmire to rtteerfolaeaa than to M eook until clear and renOer. Praln and sponge flngera. Tbe cream and
boil a few of the rinds at line lime
mtortable. In aplte of the atimmer out and )mt imn jars and pour ibe
should not lie imt on the salad, as these, are token oih. spivad o
boua aad bardeoa we atay atlll be bolllDg syrup over them, fllllng the bill should be served separately.
dishes and set In the lam to dry. ProJar. seal.
Pickled Pears—Wash and wiiu*
I in this way unlit all the rind has
____ __B Of the prealeat faePeach Sbortcakc—Hake a entsi of we)ve pounds of pears. Take one
a put through the syiup. Then
torn to tbe an»erlii« from b**t. la .hall Ibree enpa of ained flour, three teaquart eider vinegar, two pounds sugar,
thoroughly In the sun and park
«oe taJha beat, oae looka at the therof bakiUB powder and ihter handful eacli cinnamon and cloves.
nometer and flnda It aapIrtoK. and one
Ja.ra. with oiled paper between etch
Bbleapnonfuls of cold butter
lew pears ai a lime and cook l.-iye^ This makes a fine suln.iiutte
dWHIa upon the hardthip of bemg in
k or eoM water to.
Cauidm Fadn-uthe BmL Hfididafi PfinaaMiit Seaafit VaUawqfl Usa of IVn-M Ond Ibr Thnat Tiwhk
Skim Into a jar; when dpne
the kltehaa eooktog: la tart, one'a make a Mft dou«. Roll thin and pour (he ayrnp over. In two days pour lor citron In cake.
whole tboofbt aeema Innied to tbe spread plenty of butter between th-?
Crystallized ngs—Take firm, pre­
Mr*, 'w. i. Urysnton. SO SbermaB
Mrs. J. A. Baker, »0 laieaakaveaw.
BIU* May Cray. UTliib street,B;
syrup off and boil down..Pour over
AUKlerdam, N. Y., writes!
tort of tbe warmth of the weather.
layers so tha: they ran be pulled pear* and cover wirb, a plate. T«e s served Ilg* that have out IuM»n limki-n* street, Dennison, Ohio, writes;
"I Toilt>w<-d the dlrectiun* y»n kindly
“I f.vl U my duty to wrttoaad teU
We «An hrtp the rtaln* of the mer- apart easily. Bake to a quick oven,
more than five year* I suffered
and have the stems on tlieim Tak-paper over all.
rl.c-uuiatte pslns in n.y j..ioto.and youwliasreroaa baa dose for ms. as
eary, but we atay beep imrartrea In a spread with butter and fill wllb ripe,
of the syrap and drain. *Make e gave me and now 1 fl^inyeelf entirt-ly
that sll tboM wlio are troublsd os I was
Spiced Pears—Peel, cm Into hnlves.
Cbod meaaare frma hela* orereome by juicy penebes which have been peeled
syrup of while sugar with Just enough cured. I think your Pernnal* the bert la damp or stormy w.-itber 1 ms. may And the *nme speedy eure.
RieilirioFlo the world.*’ , <
I dbligid lu stay in door*.
and core twelve pounds of pears. Take
tbe tboaght of tbe toieaaliy of the
*‘Funr year* ago I last my veieai,ao
diced and allowed to stand fo.- three pinta of eider vinegar, u hand­ water to dissolve tbe sugar well, lot H«rtrelt
beat Tbe beat way la to think trf
(bat I was nnable to speak above a
balf an hour with sugar over them. ful of stick elnnaman aad whole cloves it boil a few minutes. Drop to enough
■amothlad rtae. If one can become Serve with plain whipped cream.
cover the surface; let them.
Ml» J~l. H. l~.rd, S Ik-U.
« ,U. .1,1,-wh whisjier fur seven week*. Onr family
and five pounds of sugar. Pul In tbe
durtor rould do nothing tor ^
ihanrtirl to aome work or paatime.
Peach Trifle—Cut stale sponge cake
"Afu-reevenweek* snSsrfng, I read
ton OM bardly reallaea that it to into tbin alleea and arrange alternate pears and cook till done. Can while with a wire dipper or strainer and
"I havehad DO returaot my oldenm- some eirralar* In regard to Heruaa.
)y making (hem a Iliilc richer
atoety to a bnndrcd 1a tbe abade.
place on large flat dtohes. Continue
ptotnt, in KpUc of the fact aat 1 h:>ve
^yera of sliced peaches sprinkled
Cheating race or twice, they
"I bonghiabouie at once sad took It
. -A aromaa of my acquaintance, who with sugar and the slices of cake to a
this until all (he figs have lioen boiled.
iH-en out In all airto of westhvr during to h-aspoonful du*e« every hour, aad In
will kc^ In an earthen Jar.
do coaalda^e loansinf to
Ptoee the dishes in Ihe sun until all
- A rough is caused by a catarrhal con- the MVerc winter.”
two day* 1 rould Ulk. IwiUawsrh*
deep glass dtoh. Pour over this a cus­
Canmtd PCan—Make the syrup of the figs are perfectly dry, IHifk In dltiou .-r tilt- ilir.'ai and I'ronHiisI iu)«-«.
warm woalber. K abe wlabed. amuwa tard made of the yolks of three
r di'vls^d ; wiiliont it.”
three cuptulx of walor and c»e rupfiil
me that ah* mlly fedt better and
of sugar, and two of sugar. A little mlnceil lemon peel ■taxes wiih-oMed pai>ei Im'Iwivii eacii
jBnlrr to ke^ bemlf employed in
of sugar flavored With vanilla.
a few eloves may be cooked in
n Uanitortnm,i-olBmbai.Ofato.
Inimtint way. ‘I mi a little
Hake a meringue of tbe wbUea of Ibe
syrup (o give tbe pears a little a
afur my monto* and dinner work are
Uses of Sour Milk.
Brer; Um I taka a hath and put on a egga and six tablespooafnl* of pow- flavor. In any case sirain the syrup
dmwd angar: heap tbU e» top of the
Ink stains my lie removed from
wlih a daughier. no perhap*
flaewt gown and do boam kind of pudding, sprinkle ovrt- It ataredded when filling the Jars. Tbe large Bart­
spoonful Royal baking powder, flavor
lett pear to tbe best for catintog. Both while goods by soaking in MKir milk
should not have jadged. iwt It ba-<
wotli that aeedt dotos-'
Bake in la3*cn>. FroKiing;
The lad (or <t:dniil.r embioi-b-re-l
tocoanai or a few chopped toasted peaebea and pears may be steamed and then spreading baking powder on
The woman who apenda her whole
While of one egg. ta*o rajifuto imwii. r wal>tK Ik a^aisid one. in llisi Ir has fle,-m<-d to me that the girt of today
almonds and serve very cold.
carefully nutll tender, pui into the
Ihovbt OB keeplac cool la teaeiwlly
-ugar. one icas|ionnfuI lemon jnice. rtvivfd lb.' at on.' iliue ,;ilm.fc.| for- WOK larking In many of the what I
Peach Cream-Cover half a box of Jni* and hot syvtip strained over
nnill stains have about tltoappeared
toe moot uneomtortable. One mlly
sbrclded eneramit In taste. Put the gi.’li-n .art,4 f-r ait' it truly is) of hand rail, w.rfnaiily nrcompllibmento. To
gelatlB with cold water and let soak fruit, and ail sealed carefully. This then wash la usual way.
Is- sure she to very arnompliahed. bul
leeto no oorter In a kwaa wrapper than
half an bonr. Peel half a dozen soft, gives a clearer syrup, bin the fruit Ik
Beef steak may lu- kept fresh h; white of egg in a Iiowl..!idil sugar by s-i'wing. A wriiei in a r.veiil 1
it Ktenieil to me she wna too busy
la a tidy ahlit aratot. aad one feeU the
ripe peaches for nse one pint of caacovering with sonr milk, and this degrtfcs and eoeruiniil. ttoallng'wiili u niagar.liie •-xiuitui;'— iipt.n tbl>
as well flavored.
wiHi h/-r inustr. golf und Bomerous
teid more, probably. !yto» aronad and n^ peaches), mash with a cupful
sp«Kin: wt»-n all ha« l«-en addoj. sur
will allm make loagb steuk i<-niler.
and rliil.K io hare time for
mttoc than one doee In ptewaant em3f powdered
sugar and "press
Many (lelirionK dishes ran 1h- made ill lemon Juice. .The egg musi m.'
Crymiiiaed FruH.
k no gtr-al.T or Bdu-e woman­ whai I tall stKivaiily aecomirilshmenta. .
ibrongb a colander. Stand the gela­
from lIsP cheese of sour (or clabliered)
as sewing and bun.>ekeeplng; t
-Thme la a food deal. too. abohl the
Nearly'everyone to familiar with the
ly aeet'Oiidr-iitnenl Ilian being alH- l->
tin over bolUnt water until dissolved,
milk, which are as follnwK:
iooha of a thlBg. One'a bouae nay be
for erystalltiing orange and
Kvers*. gill 'have cliimged my iiiiud.
nioeolate Isuif Cake—Te two e*g». dti gts.d tn-.*<l!i-worr..
add U to the peacbes. and turn Into
Dutch Cheese—After cooking the
—-e- to look oool end InvIiiBE.
aim to a good lie.-.He woman lias '‘rt- soiot- *iil« ah', know bow ...---add 1 nip sugar, ’j cni'
a tin pan. set on Ice and stir until lemon peel, but few ever
milk, pour through a colander and
matter bow groa^ On beat.
tablespoons eoeoa. or ; Mjimres l.ll- sumeibiug to be |.roud of. ti sht.iiU and do ii as though they enjoyed W.
thick; mix to a pint of whipped cream, try tbelr hand at other fruits which wbea Ibe whey has aH dripped oK
•hadea lowered to tbe bottom of the
I d.-|l« WJ day. a girt who did not Iraow
put la a amid, aad set on Ice to bardwladowa, or tor cmmgta to give tbe
talllxed fruits command the bigh- preaa with the hands * through (be U-uspooii srula. (dlK-oIved in the sou- not lii-an iba. ••very girl slu.iild l»- .cjliow
*•» »*a* consldefed very unI. Serve with whipped cream .
MIm irtiglona light' we read aloot.
prices In eonfeetlonery store-*, colander: add pepper. s.ilt and gener- mHk) 2 seam eiips llom. Cnani Inn- imrfes.'i'.oal • dr.-ssumVer. i.oi Khei wananl.v. and her edueail.m was uadly
Peach Snow—Dissolve onedialt cup
lump of butter. Mis a-ell together
glrea a oeruin oortnea* of aapect.
while as a matter of fact they may be
and sugar, luat in eggs, add rocoa KlKviild N- 4.Me tn make her own ..u« «H-glecl.-.I.**
fn1 of sugar In one cupful of rich
' few flowera add eootber loach
equally well prepareil at borne, with and form in hails. -Some are fond of dissolved in a liitle water, ilien He d.-rcioilitjK. ll••nt!y and nieeiy. end wi’h| Tlit-y sah] ihai many of tbelr aecream: flavor with rose or alawnd exDutch cheese sorrel with table syrup.
too sort eSect. end If tbe women beronly the expenditure of a Utile
other IngredletitK. F'lavor wi'li 1 it-a.- a (la'tern cm and make a hliirv^waist | quiuat^aceK prid.-d tbetnartvea upoa
tract, then add tbe whipped whites of
Cottage Cheese—After cheese i- spoon of s*anilto.
artf la draaaad la a oort looking r>wa.
time and patience, n care to token
<11 a gingham g'ss-n that will fit and > their ti> uiitlfui needle work, aad tl^raa
two en* aad whip tci^a froth. Have
cooked (but do not eook too. bard)
tbea'abe'too given oae a i
hang pro|K*'Tly. Sow* iha: ii.arhln«*s ■ n-ally'qulic. a rivalry
ready to a glass fruH rtiah ooe quart
bnntocm aad leftaabment.
I In a clean flour sack and hang up
; i.boiild do Ihe neaittat work, and that
Black Chocolate Cal:e—Th- follow­
of sliced peaches sprinkled with one“I noderetaad fully foK bow many
drip .at) whey from diei-se. Put ing recipe is eie«-lleul atli! rheaji _liar.L bifl tdie slimild lx* .v1 - to h>-wja yssl many of Itieir girl frleodi
half cupful of sugar: pour over the
boon’ work there ere to e term bouae,
cheese in dish and add pepper, sail
totrihsome, black rluira liv hand, that i« wji.'n- ii -. nrcfitn-, made tht-lr own lioine gowns,
larlto. to
cream mlxtarc and serve at onc<
but 1 alac know (hat moat women may
*)• tlito: Tvi'o Kiuai>-> gra''-<! idiKhmeni is. and to lliii-h , gnuiu-lit j -1 mn so tbaukf'il d<-nrs I miud have
Ibe sneoeas of this dtob depends npon Christmas gift, or a few acaltereJ
bare time tor aome change. There
Add rich milk, or cream i* luuier. cboeolale, i-o1ks two eggs.
n* ally. tqaUe a bint.ui
Biisiaken. I am so gtad to
Its being very cold srben served, all through a Utile fancy liasket of choice
la imia wead to apend aoek whole
Some prefer cheese witliotit sugar,
hi. Wo I' .]<■-< I,m -r.4. inl'ie a!
ha, | wus, (toud by.-, and
milk. CcMVk in Ksiire pan i
the togtedlenta should stand on tee home made candy, They can he pre­
time over tbe eook atore. unloBa tbe
nd some without pepper. '
•lead |.(g*s eye i
than' u!|yildng ,bank you for giving me such a bMtl>r
thick custard, sliriiiis n
ir at least two hour*, and
tomlly it very large and very ekacUng.
keep well If wrapped tn the waxed pa­
Cheese Pie—H »iP sugar. I tea wTilk-. Add whil.- hut 2 lalil'-sp
bft* rn-«.n.'*
mow" prepared Just before serv'tog.
llovtag gniokly aad with tbe aim In
spoon floor, J egg*. 1 eiip rheese.
per which comes in candy- boxes
biillerand I cup sugar Heat and ad-l
Canned Peacbeg—To each quart of
view of getUng throngh at
teaspoon elnnamon. pinrh of *.-111. >- <Z cup more swe.-! milk and 2
which ran be purchased for a i
] nicely .1* quhTo'hcm table
A Summer Savlaf.
brtpa ooaaldernMe. One can dawdle fruit allow 4srn heaping teaapoo
cup sweet milk. Mix in order given, flour before hlfilug. Sift allh i
; cento at any confectionery store, i
a seaTn. roll a
any a great deal of lima with Httle
«... i,
-.--.Kt-r,'.i™ I«—I'
placed in close paper boxes. The re­ hake with one crust.
a lit-m iwaily. Ii<tmfniich ...
spoon of wsto: !u-:ii weu.
litti- hits
soap perpestf
aceompitobmeat. and again one can do water
*poon vanilla ami l-ake fn ihn'e lav ilarn. an- the r<*I
coDienta from burning, then pm In
uinulatliig Id kitchen and faBih*
a good dart to a dren time,
Bern OoMl Cakes.Ranch, offer some Ideas along twrel
ntn lhahktiil t.> < :iy (be youDi
ers. Pul logpJter wiiU ahii-'
auA'- Ko--i> a* they beratne too
ataady work. Tkla Mopping and being
Sonr Cream Cake—To two eggs. icing and you have » ^elirioti-- <v.!i
Unea. and can be equally well carrie<i
Itoly <d t'sis.v i: :■ moiti (■••'ter iicvll." j
gar, another layer of peaches,
rtiiii to-<is(- <t>llert them and put
tarwad aaida froaa oae't porpote of
in other frails, surh as plnms. add l>» cups sugar, t flip sour cream. which will ioH-p
w^nan H.aii tip- girl of (Ifi
kway, kiw-v'ng laiindry and toilet *aap
Work to,very Mretome. Steady and angar. and so on until the kettle to pieces of pear, and in fact any of
I teaspoon soda. ; scant eiips'flotir.
ago. 1
Bring alowly to a boll, which
»T-fait!te, -When a gn«>d qoan'ity of
perrtHeat work will do more In three
Flavor with nutmeg. Try this. It I*
Maple Fudge Cake
may oonilnne for three mlnnies. Caa Arm fleshed fruits. In waking an asbonra tbaa a dawdling Jabor to twice
fiiFto u-iw.vdavK d.-IThi in (in- , i.and idfs from tfae laundry have been aaved
aortmem do not forget to add candle,! good.
b'lKet -he same me.vsurenienl uf mill.
and seal. It tbe poaches have been
that time.
Rggless Cake—One half K-arup of lU ,-iipK .•.iigar. 2L eniis flour. 2 ‘ Si made en-tet.'jistiiii;- .nml emt-raeP-t.-'ij :•>;? ,*h»in in a kettle, cover with eoW ,
dropped into water as they are peeled ginger root, which mnsi be cookcl
syrup nmll clear before proceed hinier creamed with one und one-half an-k2'« leaspoom- lakuig powi--* shir’, wai-ts, Kr.^pientl,v wlyen a. -i: ; rai-r. fid p!ar,.- over the fire uBIil
-Abova all kan a •ereae atate of yon need not add water tn prevent
ills j-.-! linen f>,r-h<r <rt.u lam- .i.-',’!- m'uj. has iM-come etiHp-ly meUM.
BiiBd. The bread may burn and the
Ing with tbe process of crystallixatimi cups of sugar, one cup of nour milk Bake In iwo «quan* la.ver eak'* i«n-'
enke- toU. tbe clothaallne mny break
CryiialUxed Peachea—The
bosi one teaspoonfal <-ach of lemi
Pilling: Tlic increrllsn:* rij-u'-*-- Hill nti.i Ilp-Ii> at' Iteai-'r-!..j.-IJy resulting to tuoM vaTPeach Snow—Soak one-hal^ a

: tAl.le f..v washing ffnnneto and otrtored
(but U wooldal If yoo had a wire of gelatine in one cupful of raid waier peaches for ibis are soft peaches vanilla extract, gronnd cinnamon. are 2 nips maple Sugar. I e-ip crav" <•wtnilml.leflt.t-rs.
ierjirKT!.. Add .v IHik milk to the
oae). and couaUaaa other tfalngi mlgfat until BOfl. Boll together for Are min­ perfertly ripe.' Peel .and halve and
ofiil of
l:He.l Kirisr. 1 pound FSiglish walrn.*' J..rt,-ni :.««•( S<iap and m< It )i <n-vr tbe *«.
happen, but happy to that woman who utes one 'cupful of sugar and ooe weigh Ibem. To every ponnd of fnil three sconi cti|>f> of flour,
Tiri'c.bilg!.; slito
I 'shun rtip milk. 1 rounding 'aideaa alt mreaa to aplia of all ditconl. enptui of water, take from tbe Are and allow a half pmmd of white sugar. half cup of floor into a ciiopping luiw' sp(Win l■un<-r and venllla
' a larm luimpe' lit.c.-: tmr gni
Boll tbe angar to a aynip and when and set aside; thorongbty sift the
la conchirtmi 1 win aay It to eaale: add tbe gelatine. Stir
'Orind the mapi” sugar i
to praach than practice, but we do strain aad add one and oue-baU cap it to nearly done pnl in the peaches, malndcr. adding a level leaspootifiil grinder or an nW-fashl'itl.''! eoFre n.ii.Kiec- K.w.ns and riiwe-’o ‘|s=d a
em|.r«dderTV- j rr.K) sf'ei-n<»>llnow aad then gad one who doc* prac­ fuls of peach pnlp. prepared by rnP part at a time, and simmer them of soda: beat well into the mtsinn-; Iwfore mea-miiig. Bheii ib-Mnearooi TimhalaB.
!.ingv aawher ina>:
add a enpof seeded ralstna to the flour 'erring ltilriy -»lx unbrokea hai-.*.'s and; log
tice. Let erwy member of tbe family btog tile pared peachea through a Bne for ten alnnles.
TiiiK . i A to to... cheap Bnd appe­
i!u ttlrd. wsk
Remove from the syrap Into flal la chopping bowl and minee; mix well cut or chop the tvipalnd.T fit'*-. P
help aa aooB at they ar* >
alere. Set maide.
tizing -*.:i-l to K mod way to Bse up
wwfklr.g b'di-ali”’-*- In a rhlH wwi*'.^
eapable of doing aaytblag. Thu will untR the mtxtnre Is qnite ihk-k. Wblp dishes aad set them In (he aim prvs into the batter and bake slowly in
sugar, milk and biiiier to gciber in
'nddk ancl .-nd-: vf cold meal.
Tbfir i?rtg-r- move.! ' ns raiddly n»
letan the bardcs to a great degree itae wbliet of four egga to a stiff froib terted with ganze or mnsua over dripping pan. alnut half an hour. Tlic win<vpan:todl. wiitinc rvm.l.-.nll'- e
L..H ibi.. cunr.-.'..f macarool nalU
loiigii.*' Th.- iS'tob wn!. fuR of
from tbe moiber'a abonidera.'
add fay degree* tbe Jelly mixture, and frame*. Botl tbe syrup down thick., rtiopping of tbe raislBK ^ves Individu­
ennitoue to whip until the whole i
some of tbe syrup nmll it has all plain, but if 3*011 wish to tee It, make a
to very stiff. Poor Into a mould
in cold water and set on lee until Arm been afaoorbed and they arc perfectly caramel of two enps or sugar fliglit
» t,..
...1 ™ia.. .."'by.■ -1. .1.
dry. Then pack oway In Jars, sprink­ brown preferred i and one-halt rop of
Amimg tbe BeMs above the sea.
enough to tan
sweet czeam .boll about five minutes, kmg ihis 1«* adding .lrtd> t-**'f'«f‘* »l'lrb recamsl b-r owp yout.ii.
ling sugar between layers.
Among the winds at
ryaebnad F
winds egga. Just eooBgh to
Crystallised Quinces—Take alee. or nntil it betdas to ihickca; remove drop a liitle rakl aater unid i< IK .C; Vi*h-.; the siij^wr toll rang and i
Aamag the lowing otlbe herd*.
xed. firm peaches before
'bind It together. Sow put this Into tbe
Tbe rostiing of tbk treea.
g them. Allow (btee-quarters Ana piece* out of the preoerve syrup from file, add a teaspoaornl of vanilla. the proper ctvosiMrnc.v. Bescrvo ba:f Hrto l-.g*n to pu' aw.vy th"!v
;the dear old tad.v came to ibem say- mould^ ur<-fuDy preastng It into the
.r i^ic to
Among tbe atogtag ef ibe Urds.
after the preserves iiave been madv Ural unlH it cools, and spread qnicklv
of a pound of graanJaied angar to
lbs: itnaeuroBl. Stasd (bese moulds ta <*e.i n K and spread I ing 'My dears. y«.n .loo t Jmoa
Tbe bammtog el tte bees.
cry poimd of tbe fruit and one pound a few weeks, wash all tbe qrrnp off over the cake.
pan ofbollln* srater: cover (ha pan
larers of (.he cake, le.'-a happy a
Coeoanut Cake—Whites of four
of pineapple, parted aad abtedded and place the qnlncet in tbe sun
and riaad It In tbe oven lor lweB(p
eggs, ooe-fuunfa cup bolter, one enp Ibe t-m rmdotbtv and lay vm the wairhlns ;
Wbaa alghi apoe tbe tips of earth
Aae to every Ave pounds of
two days. Then make a ttyrop of
mloutirt. Torn the tlmhalea out ear».'
sugar, ooe aad three^onrtiu
ponad of sugar and ooe tencup
^ Har anal or ailMca aato
pearhes. Tbe pineapple abouM
fuily and a.?rv« with tomato aaaee.
. prt.' 1 acTvr have
I toy ma flon. aatroaWod. calm.
very ripe. Put this and the peacbe* to- water. Let boil nntil almoat candied. •oiu*. one-halt cup milk, heaping tea- eart pk-.-t- wHl have a nut.




prtber Intc a pmerrias kettK-iaad
cook Blowly. aUrrtnc ofua aad well
from the bottom. After tbe beUac
polai la reached, cook Cor ihree-quaitera o^ an boor, arttl atirriac cooataatly. At tbe ead of tbla time pm
tbe aagar. let tbe eoaaerre retara
the boll, aad almmer after ibia for
flfteea ulantes. retnorlac aay
that auy riae to the auifare. Pm up
while hot In plat fare or in felly alaaa-



(Sraitib STiralijcm

michIqamT THURSI^V.

Were Stealing a Ride Between the Tender and Naii
Car and Were Pinned TI|ete-No Fatali­
ties Whatsoever.
tUnw, trams. Am Arbor,
wltl toao rfgM hand. l«rt log brohoti.
Otto wnfors. trams. ItM Pulton
' «traot,'Now Vorfc d^.-walg wmundo;<
anfforlng fr«m tooa «( blood.

into while Fred Boughey and Claude
Pnlrer were on the aouth bound.
There was do aleeper on No. S. Mr
Hammond's (rain, and he nnd bis
party were In the day coach, (be third
car from tbe engine, the ladles racing
the front of the car ai^ tbe gt
tbe oth^ sray. Mr. Hammood said
tbto montlng that (heir trsln stopped
and bad just begun to gather bcadsray
backward when the coniatao, lotto
place. Tbo passengers were thrown
from their seaU dnd aher Mining
their feet made their way iHilsIde
quickly As poasllilc. The tender of the
north botmii trnln was leh-scoped into
(be engine while on No. 10 this was
also true and the lender bad telcFred M. Pratt
senpod into the baggage car.'throwing
Fftr rrosccuUoi! Ailumey.
tbe tranks Into a broken maus.
The Injured were cared for liy the
well as possible and !•
was three hours before'an engine from
this etty polled the soalh bound
back with tbe-nortb bouud passo
This afternotn the patli
hospital were resting easy. Kenia'
right had was taken off this morning EarthqMkc Shock of Unusual Violence
and bo recorered nicely from' the
at Hlle Monday
' ■
at 6:«a

way borne. Mrs. Aleaander Moore of
rreatk Laadtog was tbrown againat
tbo dde of the car and a aevere wound
laQIcted on the aide of her bead,
mtle baby wak guleily slcephis aad
was stlU asleep when the train
rcadiod this elty.
Qwlag to (be fact that no lelindioae
bciUUes were avallabir. It w
o'dock before tbe sufferers got back
to this dty. The place Is some
tanoo away from tbe nearest stailoD.
All the paiaengers wbo'wiere in tbe
day coaches were shaketi up conab:erabty but those in (be beary sleepers Loat HH Homq County But Carriod
iped Injury. The forward trucks of
Third Congreaatonal Diatriet
both engibus wont off and tbe coach
by Abewt 13S9.
and baggage ear of -No. 10 went off
wlUIe tbo forward truck of No. S’s bag­
Kaiamaioo. Mich.. Sept
t'ongage car left the rails.
sresamaa Washington Oardui-r woo
fn the Third eong
Cause of the Wreck.
Bogtoecr McRobcrts of the flyer was
re of tbe most carefal nmo on the though he lost bU own county by a
rood. He lived up closely to Ibe^k small majority. llTs majority
of rules and was regarded as (me of district will be about 1M9.


, »ar tnrtb No. w aad wwtb bound gaoiwigiir tr^ No. 5 came U««tber at
Out at tO:» ©dock Toeodar nlfin
aad toer peopto were badly hg«»d.
No ooo «as kmad.
DotalU «l the .vrt»k aw hard to
obtain; the rail road eompany bavlias
to make, bat it
to atatad that No. 10, kwwn aa tbe
Plyar. «ai nmnln* ahead of lime. No.
t had ordora to take the aide track
at Clary, near Boadon. aad orao Jtiat
aboot to set into (be denr when No.
10 airaek bead on.
Both loeoo»UT«a wore partially de­
railed and the mall aad basgnge
of No. 20 was damased. Bldtns In betbe leader aad tbk malt car
vero two yoaap men who wtn bm-



Firs People Were Injured In Pere Marquene Col
. fision Last Night

Faecs U$ \2


Only a Few Demncretie Vutas Were
Cast In tha City Vt
ty Returwr Not In.
The dMoocrellc T.,tc in ihe city
yeeterday''«as very light Indeed and
of those who went torthc polls
on their slips.
la the city the total democratic vote
as fallosrs;
epremmUUve-Uaatel L. Ensign.
Sheriff—Charles A. f
County Clerk—llarrtoon IMIcIpbrr.
Register of Decdfr—Carl V. Moody.

Robert E. Walter. Frank W. Wilson. Fred H. Pratt
and E. P. Waterman Were the Successful
Per Cenpreea—

For State tonater—
Piosemilag Attorney—Cuitto 1»FRED C. WETMORE.
Alway. It
Per n
Martin. IS:
Wilhelm. 1.
For County Clerk—
The county rctoras are not to yet.
For Sheriff—
For Register of Deeds—
Heavy MajerHy In'Muskeget* County
For County Tre
Gave Him a Victory Over


, Sepl.
An earthquake SperlaLto 'he Brentng Record.
cxccpilooat rlolenre
l.udtngion. Mich.. Sept. 5—Congrem.- For County Surveyor—
nian Roswell P. nisbo|> of Ludlnginu
chrred at llllo Nomlay ••vcuitig .at
wbii III,: served four terms In tbe. >Or Coroners—
Till' ticvnn aluug the beach wan hnuM> i>f reprPKetiinllves was defeated
Imalcd t» nil- boiling jioiDl and tbotiMiuds of scalded fiKh wen: Ibrowh
Nri-augliltn of Muskegon. Hto ma For Circuit Court Con
(hr Ktiore. Tlitk unuKual plieanmcna ^itfly will be aboui 6?5. Bishop ear
George C. CovcH was defeated .for
Is legsrded as couclusire crtdencc rled all liut throe ciiuntles. NctMgh-.
tin's vleiory Islng due to Muskegon Ihe congressional oimitnailoo la tbe
tbst a sulunsrliie vulcanic eruption ciMinty which give him a majority of eleventh, (itotrtet by A. B. Darrmg'a
a majority approximating 1.700.
has oceum-d.*
There' was a light vote polled through­
out (be dinrin and particularly light
In this caonty. where Hr. Coreil ex­
pected a much larger vote. Mr. Corell's majority ta the conaty Mng 311
gets majorides to Orand Trav. Charlevoix and Montcalm, tbe
other .eounUes givtog majorities to
Danagh. Qiatloi.

Uie most strict men that pultod a
Irnto. The Byer left this cHy twenty
mtofitei tote tael night nnd tbe cspresiiion “nmnlng ahead of time'’ to
roiatoudtog. This to a fart, bowerer.
as abe was to meet No. 5 at Clary at
10:;?. south bound trains hariiiB
rights oTcr north hound.trains.
There to a doom grade from Brsdoa
and last night wns foggy. It to (bought
MeRobeHs* train ran faster (ban:
tn|tbdr«sr- The# mm H\i£BnSftF mi
)OM to the trnp and orkeo they were he thought It was going nnd In (be
wleniod. both were round to be aeri- fog be was unablp to determine ex­
where he was. When he saw
ooaly inlnraa. One. Bdward Kemo of
Ana Arbor, wld tone bta lipbt band No. S's btadligbt be shut off and
and hto left tos was brdieo. Hto com- Jumpori and would have escaped In­
paatoa. Otto Wllford. of New York jury if be hadn't strurk the switch
dty, aoEeted aealp ^nda and before stand aad broke one arm nnd Injured
bo oonM be Ukea obi was ao weak bis buck.
Fire's crew saw the hcndllght benrIMn the loaa of blood that U was
aeceaiary to giro him a aaltne aola- Ing down upon them. They were Josi
dloa btioro be ooaM bo steea medical about to heud Into the sidetrack and
bad they beMi on (he switch tbe conatteaUca.
seqaettcen would hare item wwful but
BAU erawn tomped and all w
bare eacaped Injwr bnt Bnflnecr Mr- seeing the headlight the engineer re^
Bobartt of No. 10 stmek a switch versed and S was backing up when
IP's rniijne plowed Into li's train with
a crash. Engineer TUehardson and
Special Train Load of Doctera.
Flroman Nlckernon were In iBe cal,
Urcat idiyoldaiu t
S's engine nnd Engineer McRrrberts
_____ d of the wreck and nt ll:M
CfartsttoBHoo were in
apmM train bearing Dr. J. M. WHbotm. eompany annjooo: Or. H. B. charge of 10.
Onrner. Dr. U Bwnnton. Dr. Marllo
The Bnu details came to this city
artd Dr. Hddaworib left the dty tor, about 11 o'clock and (be
the aeooe of the wreck- They '
cly despalched. A
amtoted by two phydetoaa from Rpectol was also made up at Orand
Rapids and sent north. EnglitecT McRoberts wn% taken to bis borne in Vfon Owt Over La Follette's Choteel CUBA 18 ON THE VERGE OF A BAD
Ornnd Rnplds.
a Majority of saooo—Alvrard ;
. . Kens a»d Wllford were bwnght
Trnln No. 10 was made up of nine
DemoersUe Nominee.
tbto (dty sad aw at present in the ullmans. a day coach and a combiQiMd TTarewe boapUal. Both are nation couch nnd buggage car. The
Henrj Wlllisui was siruck with
add to be reatlng eaay at preont.
train had a large number of returning
Madison. Wis. ScpI.
Governor; PUNTERS ARE FACING RUIN piece trf hardwood i-dglng at the Soulli
Mra. Vtraa of Cbtoago was Inlnred rnaortera aboard and No. 5 had abewt
Side LiiniiH-r company's mill
Davidson has wou tliu reptililican
by betof thrown over a car seat.
tpr way itolnls.
niorniiis and h. large gash cut in the
While her Inlorleo aw pdnful. they
irnatorial muninetbin from Irvine BANKS AND MERCHANTS ARE lack of hto
hand. - When the acciMuch Trouble.
aw tMt i<(«a(ded aa aertoos. She to
L. Feocot by
majtwity. Tlie
tk-m ••mured Mr Wltham was sUnd
a very hoary women
The wreck canned all kinds
latter was barked by ScMtor ivi FolIng iK-ar ooc- of the swUUy revolving
ioba Aahtoa. eon of Chief of Pdloe trouble today and the IVre MaiRDcItc,
sak-K wh<ni a large splinti
^toa. was ofaoord the wrecked north fretcbl tralllc was badly crippled a.!'«“^
dcti’lv thrown by
bound Unto but wns only nll^Uy In- no through freights could be handled- him. John A. Alward of Madiwin ,r- Little News From the Field—Rebels
injui-y- It w
jored. A noeond opeetol-1e(t the dty
9, north bound, passed through the colved tht aemoctnlic noralnattou.
Have Strong Forces But Bo Far
iieccKsary to cut the flesh Hn order
at S;4t a. m.
tbto. morning at 8:to. cowing In |
_______________ i
remove the splinters, so firmly w<
No Clashes With Goverement
11. O R
they w.-.Jged
One of the pieces of
Troops Arc Reported.
He mote of (he wwek as esplalsed tog ou to the Pere Marquette. No, 4R '
wiiod taken
tQT (tmlamea who knew the coodlUons
tbe wreck at
half tnrbcw long. Tbe tendon of the
Knoekad Out in the County by the
toasfoUoars: No. 10. the aootb bound
o'clMk this tnorniog.
third finger was entirely severed, the
Daoisive Vote of 1006 to 503.
tfbi. left Tmrereo aty wUh orders and came back after 10 o'eJoc*.
Hsrana. Sept- i—A business dothe base of the
The following to Ihe resn>. of the
The morning mails were very late
to waU at Clary for No. & nnUI I0:>T.
little finger to the middle of tbe wrist
rote on the proposttim. .« bond tbe prosrion amoimtlng to s panic looms
No. S Boawd the elding at lOiZO aad cai account of (be wretto.
Cfwpty for
for a new almsatoaad town to bead to. A fog hunc
Trato Blovmd Downtutlnnary mbvcmi-nt. Lalvn- Is
orer the coo m
iry there as to (he
E. J. Sltrers. brother of Jennie F.
h-or.Agalnrd RiDiied. benks and merchants
nenriy' erery at^ as the land to tow
Silvers of 113 Bast Front idreet. sras
aad swampy and tbe beadligbt of the
on the aouth boond train. Mr. Bllvert
Syer was aoM by tbe other crew iue>
ItU. -he tra.
M (hoy were about to throw open the was la (be forward part of ibe iinin.
riding In tbe amoUag tstr. When the
There Is iltiie n<Avs from Ibe field, j
■ulieh aad cater tbe aiding- No. lo
nccideni oceorred he was reading a
AdIubIo Gonalc,< has iK-cn dHcatcd In
Whii«- driving over Ihc Cass streci
. was coming taat and Na 6 was remagaxtoc. having no (bought that dan­
Tened. probably about tbe Ume that
Havana province' and Gutm has 'a bridge at 3:15 law evening. U O. Bryger was so near at hand. The trela I I.oag Lake .
they were abated from the other cab
well organized force uf
men in ani'i- htirM- liecamp friiditened at ihe
slowed down nottcably bqfoeW the col­
Perc Marquette switch engine. Mr.
Tbe distance was too short, bowerer.
T Del Rio but DO i-ugagemeni wit
lision. he sayr. aad was rnnnlng about
Bryant was thrown out and was
aad before No t
flfleen mlicti an boor wben the shock
goretnment troops to reported.
picked up In an anconacious condltioD.
apaed hMhward to break the force of
Mr. 811
being sent home In an ambulance. It
the eonislou to any marked degree or
was at first thought be was Injared Id*
Kol 10 had otowed down any the to- Injared to tbe least.
Local Poople Abased.
lemaliy but be suffered only bruises.
Firet ward .
Third National Bank Will Stay Opou
There were a. number of local people
WWe Mrs. VIraa was horL her two
AH NighL
Mrs. -Sophia W. McCall, of Grand
HM Who were with her. eeeaped (B- on tbe two trains aad although the.-Baltimore. Sept. S.—^e Third Ka- Blanc, c^ebrated her otoettotb blnfaire or lew shaken up. no
Mre. Viren had arisen to ^see
ry Friday at the
bank began a iweaty-lour boor
<ff the aens
was oae at tben was srrioudy injured.
over ooe
baakiag. bnsiaesa. This Is the Brut at her son. ex-Bberlff A. C. McCan. to
[ oa the• seat
ahead. Tber C. A. Hammond aad wife. F. K Hambank in tbe country to make tbe Flint. Mrs. McCall is still aa expert
bad been ^emding some time nwort-;
and wife of Muskegon aitd Miss
with the needle.
tog at HtoBtos lake aad were bn their Ms KMbrr were on (he north bound Majcriiy agalart hoods






NOMINATED depression




......... 'I
..... "S




County Tro



'James H. Monroe Defeated David^CHmdlar For


role to (be eouaty was S4S.
There was no contest for stale oeaalor. therefore Fred C Wrttnore Of
Cadillac was a sure wteaer from the
_Ths Caonty Contests.
TeelenUy's primaries derelDped
very close contoato as well as some
easy winaers on the county ticket,
and It was ika until this momliif (bat
(be deflnlie reaults on repn
and county surveyor were learned.
The (allure to secure returns from
Blair and UaySeld towaahips toat
night left It an neertatety as to rv■nlts of these oftees, although James
H. Monroe was reasonably anre of a
majority to'tbeee (ownahlpa to wav
his noml^hm. When tbe re
(urns came ta this morning It was
shown that Mr. Monroe's majority In
the ruunty was 19.
B. U. Allyn was defeated for county
surveyor by B. P. Waterman by a par.
row majority of IS.
Sheriff Charies 8. Johaaon aai
County Treasurer Francis E. Brosrp
bad no opposition and therefore It was
simply a matter of routtoe with theas
candidates. A clone eontcM was exhlblied (or roister of deeds, but
Frank W. Wilson woo out by a ptoralIly of 341 votes, against Freak M.
Hamlin and W. W. Dean, (he Uttar r*>
eeivtog the amaUest pnmber of votat.
Robert B. Wn»« came to under the
srtre with a splendid majority, dsfeating Sylreeter Brown by Til
Fred H. Pretl naaily d^eaxel Oeonh
H. Cross, hit majority bstog 4W votaa.
The conaty poor bouse propoMUea


. '1

Ing abonl «S0. Isabella county gave
Mr. Darragh a majority of BOtnethlng
over 400: Clare. IJO; MccoaU. 1»:'
Osceola. 1«S: Missaukee, IK: Antrim.
about 100. These figures are eubjeel
to correcUon. but they were the
mated Bgores given Inst nlghL Had
there been n full vote Mr. Corell's
2 In tha
jorlty in (his county would have been Reewd ofllce lest dTealag to hear remuch larger, but evea with tbe vote suUt.
leasL Mr. Covell had reaaon to expect
Detailed figures of the retuna wOl
much larger vole. Mr. Damn's eppear to another portlmi of (he paper.



Principal Offlcars Rsnemlnatad a'
Yssterday*s Primary Election.'
McLaughlin Gets 19 MajerHy.

A. B.' Darragh Reeehrsd PlurMfty af
Seven Over Oeerte O. Caweil
for Confireae.

MclJiughIto received a majority of
(en in Leelanau county for the repub­
lican nomination for repreemitallve la
congreas against R P, BUbop. The
suwasfiil mndldatei. on tbe county
lickeU most of wham arc reoomlaatlons arc as follows:
Sheriff—Martin Brown.
County rierk-Z K Hlashaw.
Itcgislcr of needs—Carwon. Warner.
Treasurer—J»M-]>h Krulmr.
Prosecuting Attorney—C. L. Dayton.
Surveyor—Charles A. Fisher.
Circuit;Court CommlsaloocrGage.
Coroners—Dr, G. W- Frnlick. Dr. F.

Beltolre. Sept- tS.—la Aairtm coun­
ty between IKMI and ISOO halloU srere
cast for republican nomtoaUoaa yMtnrday. Tbe rweulL Vhldi ao far i
Antrim county 1s eoaeened. virtually
amounts to an eleetloh. U as follows;
For’ repreeentaUve la congress,
eleventh district. A- B. Darragh bad
eeven voles the advantage of George
G. Covell.
Fred C. Wctmorc, for state senator.

For nmniy clerk aad eopnty treasurer .


l^pecilvely. had nooppraltloo. Charles
S. Guile of Bnllaira won over two op­
ponents for reirisier of deeds.
For prosecoUag attorney C. E. Deoamore of Bellaire received the nomtom
Washington. Sept. S —Banker Elens, tIoD over (be present tocumbent by a
land will be held to (be Cniied Suies oul of 33«Totee.
by tbe
Moroccan government. Word to that
effect was received as poon ha (h? Vote In the Counties ef the ElavofMh
Waubiogion mcr.sagez could l^.lransOletrteL
Darragh. OoveiL :*lm ............................................ Tl

and Making False Rept

Missaukee .............. .


Pfailadelpbto. Sept 5.-A<lol|d)
Segle. Wilifato North aad M. 8 Coloffleers of the wrecked
Real Estoie Trust bank wer^arrertbd
this moratog. They are charged with;
t aad making false re-;

Tbe Onaway State tenktog
Beginatog Monday. SepL IMh. tbo
pony of OMway. capital tES.OM. baa Bteamer Leetonku PlO make but ona'
beea aatbortoed (o tmaiaet bnstom, trip dnrtog the day for the rwaralndcr
4<^DBlDg Saturday tort.
of the season.




find Traverse Herald

crosU. There were nnmen:in nt
imdioBS. cUef amimg wLlrb «ai> 'be
saasage staad cooducted by A1
J»r^. who was
typical Rcrmnn. and whose diUgencej
resulted in heavy receipts from ihai'
department. The sausages were rosHed to a tarn and the demand was w.
grcai that a new supply had to be got■o from down town.
Tbe wheel where ebnnre awanl.-d
nng<for tbe mt I wit to rxinvw
Ik fon* leaving
vt-r>- gi* at
numerous useful and ornamental
:.- .vf which
niln.iniiion fur tbeC
tbe (iriniieU Brow.' owsniskej '
steins proved ttnolber great allrarMnn
1 bsve just i>iir. iiastxi .niJ
r tny priv.tli- iixiand tbe stenlorisn voIct pf Nurman
.1.11 the leuilio;:
jimrs niw. Jifl>T «.n folly leati
.Slade, (be l.lg dk from Saginaw, kept
piauo*. I purelianvil n <- n.iui well kn-.wo
the crowds packed alsnii the whi-cl as
eieil, aL;Uint time. aq[t-rinr U> aji oUtorn.
long as the stein* lasted. Aficr Hi'_ wnapliiivtl
6f pMtDP
«>n tin- maiL.-l
I ink. 1 Htiil iHtPelTiD^ninf
supply was exhausted Ihoeu who were
bat* wnlclml its .Jevelojm.ej.l« v. r simw. I 1inv«*K'e UUiriHirpity
luctcy enough j«> win. were given'a
eonviiicftl tliDl it in tialay un.’ioxltt) .n Itnx-. toix-tp uikI arliati.ticket -wblcb imtlUed toem to s pfix.^ ^
T^ Cewfity TtcS«iqaalitiis.lty any otbiT U|iri-.:iil imnk\ ngaple'as of repul.nion
wtKV) a new supply would have been
or jiriiY*. This is why 1 bhv.'ex<'h.'ii.Hill .uiy forni'.'r jiini.ii f-r
•Pter the S«t
the poiiUai
one of your owti nutke. wbi. h will W lur n i>jt ir>'Stim.'i} |sj£.c-ri.
MstOlT «t Qr*“^ Tf*vcf«e coonlir. tbn
kVere You PiiKhStft
■ion will mnrtant comiwniun in N«w Y'oik.
for the TsrkMu offleo* b*rc
rampbeli and PkelAcr's hand f.ii
1 lioye wnl expect to lew tnat thini.'a . { yrmr exo'IIoot
toes seined Lr dirm vote of the peoniShed mui-le diirlcg the day. an.i ill*-near fulun* 81.1 1 Cl rluinly wirh jun nil ihesuoStensland Captured.'
re*8 you so liebly tlofc’rve.
tVSKblnglou. Srpt. 4.—Ik-Jille III'
, yours ury sioiwly.
tl. ABTHl'n DKPKW.
Tliefforu of tjovernor Ih-ni-en of Illloirt*
race Irwk wa» In g<«*d shajie and Hie
toese Yho were Mefclne piece* npoo the ststc dcpertmoni lii irasWo to in
events c^rlUng i^ad intnresting.
the nptoUcsB tiekei. The neo *c eu-act that toenslsncl 4x- ddelii'"l ,l'i
of Ibe Interesting fcslurea of the dtv
Isetol ere e« food m*s end worthr tX TangleT.:. Tt!. rv l«'
Jnslice court over whlcb
• of the people of the
ily avellnUI.! siul ibl» couniin.-iii
i. Atrai-B DRPffW
Judge Jobn A Ixrauger preMd.1l wilb
sosstr. Those who -heve beeo
tMr eoiiud 111'- Mnro'-aii Kiilteu a?
n dignity borne «if bitig lufiierlenre
^Mlietril here Bude Rood offlelalii to wliai cen iit b- «!» ra\or tbi- WahliWill fialncs delightfully arrayed a*
B-« .-f >•*-■ Y xd.- lllr
BDd vlU eishi serve the coontr wHb lORtoo eniboritii's.
■flnerr W*s Ihe chief -of
endlt to thettsi^rw esd to the people
Tenglers. Rept. 4>-1n an liitcrvlrw
police for the <lav. and when he dlw
*rto piseed then in ofOoe.
hero Banlnr Sti-aulind dwl.iro* that
rorcred a man without, the neccssarr
rnsbicr H'-rrlnc l« the forcer and «•»rred.nilals. ibe onlur^- tuorial was
onersiHtI lilr son- Hft says h<- had n-i
ipocnred Upon and taken Isdare tbe
So throesh the routine of legel elec- Idea.that the dtfalrelton ni'iild ex
eo:irl. wtiere be was fined for
Dos Is Norenber. the men notoieeted wed half* mUIiou. Ur took iliv first
fenre of wbieb hi> knew nothing but
Via told (he ofSees top <-bich tbe> noiu-T In
b'e war In a l-i'U-.
which went just the tawi.-I Tweoty- iu:; ;
tore bees seised, with pnetleellr no
cimtlnnrj tsklne- it In bopc.i
e lir.til
Pve eeiilK wax tin- flptre lidl if the iifdpstaeu. The denoeretlc vote wen
tbrouph real esiM. '<fnnls to tnnkc
r I-;!:!.!! I'Hi*
feoder Iwrame bam y the flue ws "
Sfht ee to be InalciilflceniRood. Stensland Is ai lh<- AnwTliau
\ • -i.iit ai('liia litid Mi-’tt Yii:
loildiHl. In ordtrr lo pnilect such of
- Tto, result of the vote on t>ond* IcRailon and has dlvulirt d ili.- ua:ii.-.i
1 biK Jo. jO'e B..»-iallun.
\V:Il.u;a ,Fwt.t»e'etiileiK from a repctiiinu of (be lit
to* toes preeUeeltr espeetod for of all tbc liaak* where lie bn-s m.rtiey
•ligiilties offereil at Ihe court, each
•oae deye. A etpoo* oppoeitioa to tho
arentnptieoB. Kiirlber luter«|ews
e-'.itx for Wearinte n U
nm'stc'l our was supplied with a cant lug iip
ynpoeUioB from Uo boerd of super with him are' n-fuspd by the anlborioai in ii'hof!'.- in*'.'-, |■l;l•lk• UiUyi-i
vieon to bosd the ctninty for e poor
liearliig the Initcriplion:
•Sjxixed hi-'. Wbll.* bjllds
kooee developed In overwhelming de.
-I hn'c '>«*" pinched.
Txh* l.AXiTIVg Klb'H.i iKIHee TH*IH>.
q<uir-!n-atgi«. "ts'sl ■ii.xixt If It Ui.isruo. K
and hi - eaud.'ssl'.'i- '-m.-i
C3 for you, sklcloo.'’
last tor Um besd*. The result is to
IW ObtlVK's Sg'.Miii-i-l..* isch Is-x. :>>.
Tlie w^btins iff Miss Ullas Fool.
it Is n«i-dle*s lo say that ev.-ry of
to reEretted. There ere dlfferenecfi
dauBbler .d Mr. and Mrs. <5. A. For.'.
Aummehilc Race.
lender digdayml nuispleiiously tie
SC eptokn ea to the ndvlsebllUr of the
(••urBe F. tSvuns fx-eiirri'il ill 2
Tritv*»r'5e City Marke-ts
-Th.' i.'.l'mn.Hli' rjc- -v*
Mposttlim. end It Is evident Uiet
alsive iegeud.
(-'rloek Wednesday si Ihe resblem
Anullier feature wbb-b added dlme< •’-•Hug. ^!»•> .•tiniiuili- H— 1«i
of Ibe gnsim's Uilele. F. 8- MadllsMi.
rvN' .''ll'
. Ibe general charily fund wax lhc| »nBebtue>
tog the caw|ie»tH' It la now op to tbe
From sin'el. The Hi-v. I'liKh K-m
selling Price.
welgblug ircparlniiml where i-very lo again :
toorC <E anpervlaora to mahe dlSerneily perforoie.1 Hie ei n inony. thliarivl..........
, » Vu!;>;-.iiii-i.. led . it'Irar |x>rk.
‘ «st anaacesMsta for the care of (bo
I'lviitual who did ii”t Imvc the iicccx- tiles, f. M
t'.-r pciUi. I ..........
ring srnlr.' being iise.1. Tlo- l.rlda'
>^ry lirk.-l In dlxplay til-, weight, was Witli.-im >. ......liaJ •V.*li:!-~-M Wi t.- ol Slmrl cil i«rk..............................
couple were iiiiiiHendisl. Tbe l.ridr
Frank W. WHsan.
placed Ii|»n the scales and bis weiRbI Ilils eily. M". fo*lx. ilarli'J first Fh-'ir. H. 1.. A fo.'s next...
giiwucil ill a traveling suit 'oi
-.aiiiiinme Lniek ear. Thr- U>c flour, H. 1- A Co.'* Uest
jlHnoinliia’ed fur UegUtcr Of Deeds.
( RaauR in the Eleventh WatrtcL
recorded for wblcb he was proniplly driving
brown <n-lH- de ebene. The house
start* wtTi- flying nii.1 be piisxed the Meal. H. U A ro.‘a Deal.*...
to to be recTHted thet Onmd
was prelHIy disorali-d in astnrs. feiii'
The aau^Re xtand and refreshtnent
ty'e eendldaie for conand sweet |S!a». The bilile Is n gradIncir-aiing ii i.i'ibiiiy b> Hie Him- tb- Bebs. I*er dozen..................
t. Hob- Oeorie 0. Cqvdl did sol
Tiu-day, Sepi- 4. IWW 8IU(if tbe tPoT class of , tin- loral ImxivIIi funilHhoil enuilBh
Codflrb, |M.'i pound.........
•Irliik. for everyiiue. but tile Klkx and gizIri.T |xde Wiix rearb«*<l. He made
«ii-ti(s wlin ui'i.' .-mvdleil Iasi year may
r supiort la his eont.'st
High selHsil. Willie the gnm.ii is i
llVxi m; inlle in r.k’s mid tlic| IJanl. p.-r pound........................
I.0I.I the Kimc hour for rorllatioii.
baxkir tto seel <d Cosgresaman DarraKb.
he triisl'-.l^nipluyvs of He' C
b) calllJiB enrly. may
and eiijny.'d n ideiile dinner In, HiI bellered that ander tbe prl
^jv-u'-r rleslraid.- Iionis. I'rof. Kndlb
Teleploiile <-nm|wny- After I
l ;r,l flat. TliK wn- .dl - S. intlex an ,.»,pese. per p»»mt....................
Bn.i e. Tbe .lay w*x ideal .lit ev.-r
r method. Mr. Covell would sUtd
!bil. lai'*^ ri-tuniiil from Chirogo.
muiiy reftei.linieiils eonsii-Hug
bouf. laH lime on a biilf mill- lim-k ilals. |i. r biisliel......................
wbr-n- be vd'lii'l l*rr-' nmslr botlxiii
V for (be Sami'
leil. Mr. x|Hi'i aii.l the pieiilc wax
wjlli a iiia:-hiiik 'iiipr. i.ami ie iiiiv Xi-k )x.lal.«'x. |xt I'u: In I....
.. t.-. i-liiu* - J-iiJii ' ..'"I
loi 'In'
X m Hie m»xt saiig.iine
I'srioos pnr
Mrs. Kvatts iHt •>ii tlie
rniiig .'i-ar. .
maiiiiT Ml rill ing
worked fiH- blm
train tor Rbermali. wlu-iv Mr. Kvann peeled.
Ullliaui Aims wilb ids Ji.wv Hirv-e Sait. p<i liiilcr..
Boys' Race.
r and MertAleeUy. Tbe reis mniiager of tbe (elepliuiie eurupao;
Dran. per lOO..
I llchuia. KUad. fHrcdiaa. T
The flr»t race on tlie program
tSit akowa ihal the aoulherti part
They w ill Im' at htwne to their fjfemir
rouliry ................
for iHiyx lw ycarx or under, liw *nrdx over Ihe iitlle. Mr. Arms was a. '-om- Spring Chicken ..
I * Etotrtet with lu bk»« thickly pop
*•■4. ii
after Dcfiti IS.
day. »Sr. ____________
Oe the Reef.
«H-tng It.* distance. Orover Johnson l«niiil liy Ills wife-. The tirxi half Clover M1.I ..........
HWBDaa vaa too aoch for the
HHMi: I'AINTS-n-aily
mile was made In 1;K. Ibii nnd ihf*
For the Bi^t lime la'years
negntialed Ihe distance lii lUra esd. Mr. Darraeb will U11-X-. Mil .I'ler', to ci'iila can.
etii <Mi Old MissiniJ lyf <iu1y Mine
and n*celved Ibe llrH prize while M-i-.m.l ill •'va<'Hy tbe saiim tini.. 32 Buying RaUs at Traverae City Oeslan li'omiui.. SUiie.
Isrsed to eosgreee wllh a majority
day moniliiK. The craft the K.>
Itoy Straub wax Hie tMn.nd.
lytmaUBy ino. Tbe vole
Willlxiii Wilte III bfx gree Hmcici
that the conditions 'in
Girls’ Race.
«r. _ Wlu>'
laancii. and wh<-u rlie a-as palbNl o9
The girl*' race came si.Hhii] amt wax Ibe Hilr.1 Mntii i
■tb congresetosal dlstriri
Inter In Ihe day li was (uiiod ibai th
Ixoulae Meries was the And wIill ' mad.- Hi.' flrM bolf mil.- in 1'"k and
in 2 ;.r. Ibis Hie
Therlia FVI«*nd came' iu x«* Th-'
r this end of the distiici to secure a
pieces while the boat 'Was badly
Him* was T si*ruuds aifd Hie diMaucIMdB tto bosao of-repreeenlabvea.
Rate I2JXI.
a Imx id I'ig.rr--.
slned ihraughnul ber bull..
Tto Herald supported Hr; Covell
£0 yarils.
Muskegon. RaU *2.00.
Th>' lav.v w.-r.' stpriej by J.din
Tiwin will b-ave Travers'- Cliy.-SWiA party <if ilin-c young ia<^ Im.l
tto bem-of id ablIKT and was
The Penial.
tjnixon 111 a v rv xaH-fa<-u)iv iimH'
da>.S4*i>i. il. ai
m. S.i- (xmlers
spent Riinduy at OM MKsion and late
([beere In Its advoracT -of
The frec for-all i>a«v*
or ask .igeiiix f«i i.xrii. nlars.
lo'i w'bil.- T'.iii Rlian.', J.dili R-iini''
Ibe aflerm«>n starleil Iwek to
toas» Now that Mr. Uamutb Is
iberr.- were four eiilries '
H r Moelb'i. li.u I•a.--x. Agi.
be Is eaUtled to ibe sup- Northpurl wbere they mv spcndlna
lella. iiWDc.l and ilsiieii l>> Frank au.l Fi.-'l ITaii w.-r. Hi- J.i'Igvx an I
............. .
f{Wt of (he people of the dlt^rlrl.
tbe summer. Tbe.bay 'was nim and
Idbvin. l>»gw<M>d. ow n'll I'v J.din K-u .ill Hi'-ir |s>'.nloiix well.
Colorado •p'''"**'
Fat Man's Race.
V-ri low ini'-s to CulurB<lo on almve
toe won oat so derislrelr that tIbeo- a short eyitls>' was talo'ii la ifii* dirernil- ati.l driven by William lienubdao- Ask agviH* for iMril'-'ilaix so need of eaplanatloo as to bow (ion of Bk Itapids befoie lieaJlug for
liUI Wilkinson, and driven l» - Th.i r..m'l.:.liiig ev.-nl ol the day
lorii liniil (><-IoUt IxHi.
We trust (hat Mr. Dar thelr home barlmr. Aboiil Ibis time
n. Jl. MeKeiizie. and Kal.- M..
i-ni.-iiil sii.'b n.'II kii'.wn IkiliiwI'iglit.
iMb’s eSorta In congresa for ibr next Ihe fdigiue Ix'sau woikbiB simsiliixlicnml driven by Dr. M. J. fb-lui.m. IVig
as Cal llurd.' i. F. I ll'ine. A I. .I.'.ui-.
two resrs wDI meet wllh results that ally and but liiib- li<-sd«a> was nnde
wtxMl won III.- lirsi and lliird b.-iin
............, s'-cond elasx
Timv INdi'.ral. Noiniun FUde -t SugiVUl to oattsfactory to (be entire dis­ ir tbe next tew Inmrs- Alstui ;
Ih.' iwe.-. Ihe event being two b' s
to ixdins la lb.- W'-xi. N.irthwe*L am'
'naw. Willlmit Ilfs. .I.h- M.s;,.ngb,
trict sad a credM to biBdeif.
rloeh the Ylod v.bipped amund Ini
i«» Calif'>i-nla. Axk ag.-nis for partim
larx Tlrl.i'ia on sab- ' veiy *1b> iiutll
tbe nortbwest and In-gan lu blow ..
The nrst heal wa-. a ra'i' b.lw-'in Fiank Sb'i'n »inl,l !'>k. ii of Hraiel Tallow ..........................
Hapids. S--I Hnrn« Ho- n-e wbllO.-loIx-t ulbl, IPOd.
Robert E. Walter.
gale and at this polm the ensine lai.l
DogwixMl and'Aiig'-l-'tla. Kali'
tohool* Opes.
Mr. hx-k'-rl piifT-il in -'••i.n.I .\n liotir
For County Clerk.
Ing gone off b<r f.i-' an'l niiishitiB
51. F M'x'tii r. «; H. A.
,1to spools opened Tuesday. The doaa and oull. The Kekini sn was
uiid a baU la'.'i i'al linr.len cam ■
Hiir.l althoilgfa sb.- made a g.itn>- light
itoitb fiBde from (he Oak Hark build' then U'lweeii live nud six mitux
ahme anil kniioi! 1*. kii.iw w-bk-b wa*
for a idaei-. tn Hic Mimii'.l ii.-at. ik.gito U.ia scaelon In tbe Stale street Old Mission puiul and 1m'|»ii drifilii-:
The BIkx- t.lg rbarliy pleiiie wa.s .1 wiHx! Iiad a g.xul b*a.l hiei wm. ,..uml in lb.- ra. e, Hnrliig Hi«'-da>, Mr. Iliiriftearr bolIdlQR while tbe kinder down UfioD il. Tlie light told tbem
iug along uiccly wli.-n b- bniU' n.’ar
•Bites will not eUrt until next week where Ibe.v were and upon wbsi tbev smii-rs on Monday.
ih'U wi.' .-mil, afi.r going iij.
Bvort Hie ji'eaHiei man eiuuribule.l th- Ibi.v-qiiarier -pole and earn.- in
Bhss (he new pontoo ot the l•uadloR wpHid land In a slmrt Ipiie but. wilb
.Iiixl iK-fore the Mi-cmd lieai. Hill lo r.l'.l IS'Uli'lx. lb.' scales S'" s'liek so
toward that end and tbu in>-nilM-i> oI
iffa to reedy for
It was 1 o'rlork Monday niomliip when Travivue City bulge No. .‘12.1 liave rea Wilkinsou's sulky lirok.' nnd h<-.wetr iiiilx»lr knew .'varily what class be
.'.It to gennallr the cate In HIcb
they siniek on the western (illiBc of wm to Ih- aa'listliHl wiili the outi-oni.
ol Ibe race to ilie illsapi«dnini' i‘ ls-lniig.ll In.
sdbeol that there are not aeo
Till- folk.wing -lonaie.l pi-i.-'s for lbrocks. Tbe ihnt' roen went overboard of yestenUy's ev.-iH. It wax 11 jolly
naiiy who wanU-d to sii; w’liat Ib4^ for the
variou* cv'-iiix: liridie. IlisdilUiii A
In the water tip To iheir iMvks aiul crowd who aKhembiiil in 4he driving
ciiil.l ilo as he had, gone idt liix
I and acnIorB bhve plenty
To ; w-bip, 1-V.iiiK Trndo; -nts. i. II.
worked Ibe U>ai itisbure as far as
park and mnalii.-d tinill sui>{M-r tin
but Taeedey It was <
M'-H.sieIi; .•.'ii.1v. Siraitb llrmli.-i., '
slide Wlieu they muld n« loiicer Tlb-rc Wen' pmiiMimiili. rali'iilaled
Hie xutiiluar*
SBrersd that twenty or iwesly-five
Aliliolli'. eicnrs, ShiiiU. .Inbraiu
muv<r iiK. iKMi any disium- Ihey
p'lea.-e -I'ver.vlHidy and eoii'e-stk whirl Ikigwiiotl ...
stolon and senlorB were aittaovt seats
ashon'- 'li'svibi: her to ri. e a lit HiKa!.M------weie
the Blnih RTwderw ran he ar
A. U J-.i.-.
tweh wa'and then erssb nnli
cpMSOdaled. There will probably lxv.'ij gial-'fu! I.
Til.' roiiimlM.i X
roehn'under her.
Pilly W»...
S|iecix. but add.xl In Hilt i>yxi-iul)/ai
itoto sas-residest paplls in •lllgl;
i.'ir i-fT'irl - <i'i|i«
TitDe-1;i:i;,T;l«U. I;J2. Half tin..-.' w ho ni.h 'l
was- the cordial lini-pllallly eMeaoH this year (ban there ever
ll.ui-iliv Mi'- pi'
H'.ns uisl pr.-s.-n.v
S before «nd a number of placer wbieb WKs Btadly welrt'ined as iie.trl. IfV the feUkx and Hk- iiiforniallly whirb mile livat*
Tbe prin-a wen a l>ridle. u imx of
I will aooti ItR ljrr<-.
h as Omena and L^Und err reprr-; an b'niir 10 the by^wali-T teiiil'il li cxix-Kxl ihrouBh.Mii the day.' Kvefy
lii-am.'S!. Hi.iMi <
boily wax hariiiy and we have ><d
ted that have sever had puplU in
Blow Race.
WIty Dot pn'p.-im fur it io 'RtlfAnee. im 4li»*
Thomas Haiinilors banivd tlo' bns; inm of a xliiBle pemnn who did
toesi High sebotf Iwfare.
Till' next cvrni on tbe card
Off wllh his latmcii Hoinisy marwinc have a OsnI time. Among th'
W.ks m-tijetl are now uniform timxigliotit l!ic
... ..
lnr» lolhla (act will be the bundtvd'The wxirk wg* dilfleiill as a heavy s*
SSet in Am
I b-causc ,i' wax i.

^evy Urban, n It yearold buy. was
The enirit# were Morgan's Maml au.l wlin WW x« di-llglitrully
ntimher of large'jaBR'il riH'ks.
: wrliliinany shot in (be nrai with
Bring in yuur *>cood(I>Bum] IjooLk qh I wr
Bray Imrro driven by Ai Jo'ce
.nUTtalht-d .by the anti-nil
At Rnn In tbe bnnds of a mmpanlua
Ink Charley, owned by Firnnb Hm*.
men. i;h-iv wax |ai|icDm. iK-auuir.
T«>miriiiB '-creiha -pH.-ats iis.t.iiii'
Dtosrtfay aftentaon. The boys bad
A AmiittU- and driven l.y Jim F!ag- ing ana '-v'-ry day. lAia:: - 'Jiinmr n:
caiKniw tod iH-p uutii you vmild
bta la Ibe country, wore n-iuminK
A Di'Ml elaborate atock nf Tableto. I’rneili
gart: Pop Fhnny. owne-l by Al Joyc^ qulekly slo,-- Hs aiu-.adiuv. In^lsnll}
rest auddhe liitU- folks pirged
a^ tbe gen was aix-ldeauKy aU
!Ui<) all
of School Sopt>Iic« are iicre.
relieves tbe ilchias. enn-s e iH.mia
relrcs in.Iheir heart's content,
etoraPd. A numUv of ibe sbot kidRe.1
neatly. At anv drug More,
ib^c wag a child discovered who did finished fiisi. Btock Chaii'-i s.-con.l
tiUia left arm. two In the nose and
Philadelphia. Fept. 4--l)ix1rlri .Veto ii the forehead. The isiy was not
Cheyenne. 8cpi..l.—Thi* wind-bound uol have an armful ttf bag. of 'Wi'ets. and Pop Fanny ihiid. winning the
race. The dlsutirr wa» P" and torney iPll aMiounc-i I'niky that h
Wly InJurMI bill tho arddcnl *a: lx»s Angeles Undtisl wen llito lb. bo Pns ifhmnitali'lr coiaUeil
etoh tinl hU eye«lBhi might ha«i* dllch Bearded Huit.-x. near Rberwai taken 10 the lOipply suti-jn and inidcd Hu- time was 1:IC. Pop Fanny is nn- has dise«>v«-r'il *'-.i.l<-oci' i»r''rimltial
b6*i destroyed.
aoiinialu Ibis morolnr- Au unktiusn iq>. il was a big day 1m the little dfrabu-dl.v the slowest liofse .m earth. Ity In lb.- allalts of lli.' tml l->«au
Trust company wbich inv.dvi-* rev-eral
Elks' Race.
was kllbsl and mnef;il is ison:
la^le and the. big jtcopli' en>>ycd It
Jurwl. FVooaan Z-«ok was badly scald all Hu* mute itccause the lil'le people ,Tl:r next race was tbe E'.k»' race, persons new under sunciUnce and
horses owne.1 and •lriv'*n by Elks. several am'.stf nr'- certain. It aiso IpBingham base ball (cam dcfi
wepe havingvencli a rikkI Ume.
Tbe eanse of the aceidesi is
ramc known Kslay that tbe depositors
(to aUie road tmiro Sunday, ihe :
^todlBR • to 4. Horkstrod of the
dred women and rhii-lrep pn tbe oantil and drivea by Fred Pi-att; tnieiid fdariof the failure-on tbe shoul­
BtoBham bom suticfc oat ten
grounds, and 1' was a gala day wiilcii Billy M- owned and driven by Harry der* oi thk director*.
look well, oat w(dl
Itotartce-rBlagbiun. HoeJestad
with impure Mood fiH<dtn.
lln* y.
every h.ody said uaeLx tp be as acn-4ai Munrov ; Irving 6 . owned and tlriri-a
ir, ^of>y coaiplez
n'omai! lovc^
aSsir- Tia*? U-ggn io arrivi alKiut IP by 0r. Penballegon Th«- prize
Artts: Elate Rdad..Kaley and Core. Keep 111.- blood pare with
Blood Blttetw.
Bal simply.
. .. lake excr oVloet to-JIhe tunrnihs nml iu the | box «vf cigars and a half mil.-beat wax ioo. Bur.-.bick Blood Bitter* pariflev
«|g|^ tos SOI (oat a game tSIe' rise. S keep,
clean, and yoa «ni ha..
the hlixjd. elcarv the skin. nMortg-moon Acre v.-ax a very t^rgi She rare. Jerry finishing first. In lrn;
v! b-a!ib.
Injaretf at intertachen.
Intcrlocbes. Mich,. 8* pt. 4.-Bd«ard
De PsUur. aged IS. sas struck by'tbe
enalh bound Cere Humoelte flyer lbl«
afierpoto. thrown from s.bridge. ssffiring a mlp woend and frarturlm;
fal* Kkull. Then* gn- suull bop«-s of
his reiwcry.
In enmnany with
He Pouer was at the l.rl-lsc Jui-l w
of. the rii-imt oeur ib«- wal.-r tank. It K
Uid tliai bJs eotupuBloii'i had eau-n'a
luneb under the flsi.;;:'- nod thai IK'
poller WSU on tup Uiiowuig pi'btile:!
(iM-lii. 11 Ia Iboug'it iliai. tirlug nf
Ibis amnsement hedr«i>iwd a:-l<>ep and
wus smirk by the '.rafii.
Tbe injun d ladv
in Wil'
He WB. the son ttt l.«iivnri> Ik H^tw|m> din] a year nc'i In Kh: i Jontun
He Is the old«Kl m*}' In tb.' fsmilv lint
has tu'veral bruihrrs and sisleh^

When O. Arihur Depew Went to New York Ho
Took with Him, for His Own Use,

A Grinnell Bros. Piano


Traverse City Store; (53 East Front Street






==S== i

Pere Marouettb



^Xbe first
of School

Gfy Book Store
ttt gtbtrt Ct; Prtpt.

trtnrtt Otr. 'nHep.


i; .


. ..-.’S5S

3 9ct ccat sBowed M Time iwpsitts
KSSfo^sSUTSTrr.-Oly. SfkA

Base Ban.
Id a finely fongbi conteai Monday'
afternoao. the IndepeadenU iiowor’:
tbe Manistee Recurdt l.y Oie score of
to fi. the game U-lag plsyed In Jus:
one hour and wnea nilnutes. while ib.,
lati tap Inafngs went In five mtentes.
The first Inning was ragged, vetr
gave them some Utr a.!,
errora were made In fhe fiidd glvlnx
the vUMor* three run*. The next
aad tbe locals
After the spread provld'-i by the
ladlea erf the Preabyierian'iburch hadj Idayed better UIl. By nice sticking.
Records brought In la-o mur
boon diipuaed of. a abort butlnoti teaSion waa held, the principal mattert the third and the local* scored «
Things passed off quickly uniU the
being life leporu of varlout conmltsixth wheo the Independents braced
twi nnd tbe acceptance of ihe resigna­
t the stick, swatted the pill all
tion of Ihe soeretorr. E. I- .KequabIhe field and got three raiyi. In
The Rev. T. P. UBom was t4>pdint<-d
next. Snlfka landed one In the
to Ma place to fill the unexpIred term.
wood pile good for three sacks ao.l
The Rev. C. T. Stout of Grace Ep>a- Mac seocol him. .
ropal church waa appointed loaatmuior and aerved In a very able manner.
Tbe Unit apeaker waa tbe Re\-.
•Dr. Thomas L. Riimer, prof.-ssor of
Thomaa Cox of thc^rml MrthodlM Oral surgery anti Dr. H. F. Methven.
> whict
church who i>ald a flne li^butc to hU ddmoDsiraior <jf, prosthetic dentistry
tribe* in th.' PJiiV
brother mlnlstera.
the NoribwcMcni university of Chi­ ipplucs anl.Jeci thHr rtipRw*. rcuiinds
me of the
«iiKt-rlDg 1 endured
The Rev. E. L. Requah of the
for tbi>f mnulb> fruai iiiTIumniallon
ihc Khlncyi.," *a.> \V. M. Sbirmnn
Friends church came next and he gave Tyler Sunday afternoon and eveninc.
The Uociora have iK-eii laklog aiof Curbing
Cui-hing .M.'-. -NotliinK h. lp.-.l
outline of the work of the aaiociaU-.I El«-lrlc riti.-i*.
iUr.-c boi_-f
itll 1 trlM..........................
tlon of the pan year. aUlIng that month’s otnlng in their liiuncb Sacs |
aiilrh compli-H !y ciin-d me.’
thrtnigh felluwahlp and unity, the aa- Jawa. having salletl from Chicago i • I
aocisOon had become recogalxed aa
Dr.’and Sir*. Tyler enjoyetl r
faioral and poHUeal force and wan <
BWsani trip arttund the. bay in the
w^ tof^ihe froat. He then road
Drug Store. Bugbcc's Drug Store. S. E
poem on “The Trout Fiabing Trwveroe launch mid after dinner at the Path Walt Sc Sons, drogtlsiit. pric- 5<w.
Place the doctors took the evening
City Paalor.Farewell Reception.
ti^n for Chicago I'n fulfill an Impo'Singularly mougb. tbe Rev. De'maa tatjl engngenient. ienving their boat
A rceeptlou was giv.-n in Ashnri
Coehlln of the Congregaiiotu
M. R. church-Monday ettuing to th*
here until II may l<e sent for.
waa the next speaker, addreaatng thtfive following mi-nibers who iirc *oofi
aibly In behalf .of the aa
child was biirncl^ terrlbY ViIxmiI
Jj-avc the
Hie cHy:
clty:^ Ocijfge SS. Itownt
and paying an eloquent tribute lo the
departing mininera and tfaoae wbn
I’crrj S, Dumboliiin. An Interest
and the cblid^ sunk into a rr-MfiiH
wllI.remA. HarMng back to the time sleep."—Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson. Ham lug progranswas r»'nder>-d and rofre-h
hen tbe ehorcbea In tbg city didn’t bHig. N, Y.
irents were nervwl iu n Imuse ahicii
have interest enough loliaveaThankafi>ei,-nilj- |nirebii>ii*l by the chiircb j
giving service, he contrasted the past,
an.l b: I - tK«Ing iiKivt for Siiinla;
m’llb Uici present.
.wlioi.1 tr
The Rev. A. 3. Eldrcd. the dean of
undertaking nxims of H. I.. Carter
the aaafclailon. then .s]>okc, iHliug «rf
A Scientific Wonder.
tbe pioneer preaclu-r and comparing and frant there Khi|>|Ksl to Ra},i.| t’Jiv.
The ciirCs that siatul i« us rr.slii
him with those of today. Only one vebere Iniemciil took place.make lipcklen's Arnica .^Ire a wleii
title wonder. It cured E. R. Mnlfi<rd.
tbipg could now tempt him to apemi
Library Report
lectuo-r for Hie I’airoii* of Hukbanilr>
evening away from borne at bis
The report of the lll>rariap of
age and that waa a gathering Uka Mai City librory shows that daring 'he I "
month of August ttttwij-dhree newl s,,rrf. l*uls, nicer*, cus.*. chil
The Rev. Hugh Kennedy of the As- patrons were added. AugiisT is alwav* | tdsiiis and salt rbenni. Only •jr.e ai
bnry Metbodtat cborcb delkered a a dull month for ifbraries. Hie patrons 1
very eloquent and able addreas ftrflow- preferring the open air to the com-j’
- •
Ing the line of tboiigbi mauifest pany of a liook. During last inoiilU.'
On-K'll I'AIB
tbroogtwoi the evening, that of fellow..on... or «... Tl, ol.n.H™i.M.
The meeting rioted with alogins •Vtollo... FloUnt. liOI; J..V0..H0 ;
fiction. RM: philosophy. 5: leligi-.n.; W dcd. J.c Mors*ab8r*i.
aiti I
Bint Be the Tle.l^t Binds."
0; SOClolt^.SI: phUokigy. I; nslumi-coR S*I.B-“n' .or*»T.,r*g»«.. lormton.
Out of the pastors that eompoM'ifao
science. 17: useful arts, 3: fine arts, 1
lauieiatkin, three will leave the city
S3: Iii<-raiur<-. 23: hislor.v. lO; iraveij
and pnaalbly four. The Rev. W. T
19: bhigruphy. 21; bound magazines.
Woodhonae left this moralag ...
CO. Tlierc wore 208 men who visile.)
Baton Rapids. In three Veeka the Rev.
tbe reading room. 177 women and 23C
B. L. Reqaab goen to W’eatfleld. lad.,
rtilldren. The dally average reading
the Rev. Thomas Cox has aakf^
niir-ndanre was 2i. The nii.-s!
iransferriHl and ihere ia a possibility
eolleITlfVl *
ibnl the Hev. Hugh Kennedy will
be returned lo hla cliarge here.
Dolin'* RegtiUKK
lone the sUimarh. s'lniiilaiee the live-r. Hti.ith.Oty S.. J
Iironiole digestion, and apiK-'ite
Boy Mlaaing.
easy lutssages of .
Friends of »>«« Green of Aldcn are
and have lieen for several days on the
lookout for hli Ifi-year-ohl aon who.
company with another Iwy of almut
tbe oame age. left home and are sup­
posed to be In Ihe city.
It Is the tame old story. The Green
boy has always been airBlghifurwanl
and well ihou^t of but of Ule has
been much in tbe company of Joe
Masten. a tough tdiaracter who hung
ont at Alden for several ntonihs.
regarding bis father's wishes be left
home, coming to the city with MasTbe two boys were seen hri.’
but it was before tbe father notified
bis friend to watch for ihom.
Farewall SanBuat,
Tbe farewell banquet tendered by
the Travene Oty FaBtoral actoclaiKn
to the toembera rbo are about toieave^
the cliy waa held In the Pieabyteriau
!ch. all the memboit being prva\ith the cxcepikn of Mr. Heath
Mr. Coulter, the fomer being 111
She lamr oat of the city. n>e
banquet vnr. one of the pleuaanit-ot
affalrt of the kind ever held hare.


ninny luuKiUDS <-an bp bwl DOW tiuit will not be befe Liter. WV
offer Itieae special induaaueuU u> euoourage imrly bujin»{.


./'^^tiUon thit week 3.000

htl M iMBd'^
OrHliek'* teelptT PHdV.

^ra Itarquettf jrarda Saiurter
B«T. Dm. U«kb«n will prMcb ml
BSpOM cSarcb nest Bandar, both
■ortfSK ud erenlncSqn Stale VintM pnMed UiroaKh
Ttawne Ciir Bnturdnr on ber war r~
Weiaia CUr. where the bn accepted
iMUoa at teacher.

bone of bit wife's parenu. Mr. and
Hra. J. W. Mobbt. oT Majfleld. recnraad t» bU bone (odar.
Mmpt. 3. IHW.
The frM apidea of the Alesaoder
wtatr were braasbt laio the ctly
, l$at Tneaday. The frtiU la brtnsini!
rfMB Hi to IIJB while the Deeben
. /spplea brmsbt 6» cMIa. The crop la
the quUtr esceUML
F. W .Wilton and lamilr hare
/norod Into tbecllr after apeodlne two
■onlhi la tbeir nmnwir bone abore
Marrtase llcentM have been erant
ad IS Olla 'WDbur CatWen of Ringbani
esad Mlaa Bianche M. Cornttack of ibfe
cKr: George F. Braaa of Sbertnnn
SaDMIn Lilllat Ford of ibla eitr and
: dklbeci H. Omklow of tbit citr
Btalla Berolt of Battnns Bar.
- L. K. CTeveland
1 hit lainrance onire« from the
'HBBaab S I«T MercanUle eoai
' ' Uoek to the Satbertaad block. ArebitMt'Hali boa moved to the une build-

. ; ,ta^
While working at tbe Jorco BolU-.tag wofka reeterdar Andrew Hig: lina waa aeverelr eat hr the aplotlon
' of a pop bolUe. which be waa bolding
.In bit band. Tbe aeeond and third
ftagen of bit left bend were the onea
fajured. Jt being neoetaarr to take a
coMple of atltcbea to clote the wi

lag SM btmbelt of applet. Tbit reaTt
Mtpnt win be about 3.000 barrda
- OSMBtderable «ew I .
been made alnce laat aeaiuin. A 60x70
tee< additioa It bdog built at ihc
'%’rear, whleb wfil be iited at Etonroom. Tbe new ateam hrdraoUe pretK
wUI give a preasnre erf 300 toot.
V '

Fiidar afternoon, a ouniber of
Iivn txi‘3 fricud; e.i!l<M <Hi him
. —V gave Uaa-a v«r pleatani tnrprlK.
' •
anur bHne a farewell party 'n
f'-iVfcdBBr at hlb dtrartare for
faebeol at Staunton. VirginU. The
. fpnrtr waa held on tbe lawn and aev*
eial prttM were given for vartoua i-on* testa. Warren icavea tomorrow nlfthl
OB il-e llliooit 'cr Ci.'cngo and from
there guea on to Virginia.
The CIrla’ Grranaainni chib gave a
' teewell party Tuetday evening
hmor of the Mlaaet Polly and Don
Klimak. Cbnriea KInank. Arihor Hunt
.aad Mlaa VIelorU Hnot. Tbe affair
waa held at the Went Side hall, daac
forming the prioelpal means of
eBtenalnmeat, Dortng the evening Mr.
Khiaak re«der.<d aevernl line vocal
‘orlectloaa. He hat a deep, rich voice
|iud hU tinging naa morb appreciated.
’-‘iMtoAmwia eon^ittlng of Ice cre«ra
^B»d cBk* ww ■enetl. H mi a taU'
;h0BT when the party broke up. all
bavtag imned a matt enjoyatge eveuHavana. Sept. 4.—The Cuban situs
lion remalna aa ter from netilemeot a*
ever. Presidetit Palma stated loday
^ ihat the government would mnke no
.'MDceaaion to or coapttmilae with the
MheU. Ameriena talervenlieB in not
. Shut Down.
'The ovni wood dish teolbry «bnt
to mnke ext«.Mve imnrorementa to their boUer
' uer sci til water
Uhe I oSlt
ailtrtt .m . pul io wliirb wll'
' develop 3IOO hor»- p»«
•. The greeter i«ari of the boilers have
V home power de­
veloped now 1* taly im. wbleh Is not
anffieMH to do the work.
Thm min wilt imtbabir l*> ready to
a operatloB* again abtai Ort. IC.


Olben You Do Your Fall Olork
You Omi Olant a Pair of

Lest Oofi.
A valuable dog. behmgtag to C. W.
Wagner, of Ann Arbor. e*cape<Nfrom
the Fere Marquette baggageman he was being brought through the city
and all attempts to reramure
have been unsoeces*fuL Chief Ash­
ton. Sheriff Johnson and a^umb
depatJes armed with rakes, nets, etc.,
were on bis trail yesterday to capture
Tbe d<tk is a yellow collie, with
bob tail. If Any one seeing a dog
aaswerlng to tbe above descri
would lock him up and phone the
police he wonid coafer a great favoi
upon the owner.

For the
Jo succeed fbese dtys you
muit hfive pleoty of frii, couriCe*nreQttb. How U it with
dtechildreop Are they thin,
pile,delicfite? DoDOtforsei
Ayer’s Sirsfipfirillt. You
know it mikes the blood pure
tad lich, and buildfi up the
tesenl beslifa in every way.

6ood Work
.. Shoes
You ttlant Shoes Chat mill
Dard Olear

Keep Out
I Slay Soft
and Keep
Comfortable to tbe End.
We believe that it would be impossible to make
belter shoes dt any price than our line of

fiand'inade Ulork Shoes
you geffrom them all that you expect from a good shoe.

$1.75 to $2.75 for Cow Cuts
2.50 to 4.00 for Dish Cuts

IrtKcaln Oarpoga
We An> w.-n pr»>p;ir<il to fill your wants
HI Bom ihi* FnII. Xever <i;«l wi> aliow
, Buch Uvmiiful I'ntlerTis tliia U witboot
a jloul.i tbe Rue Store of Trdvtfse aiy.
We certainly show a biitgu-r varietv than
ttU Ollier atorcd put toL-elLer. A look
IhrooeL onr pil«> will coiivioo- yon.
K X 12 Kagt ill nil inak.-u

from $4 UK to $40.
Theoeg.ioiU.-an allbe>ulwilh Imrdortto
match. So that if you wont n carpet to
fit your room you can have it mnde op
with till-1*.yftUr or if you have an <al.1
abap-.! rouui y.m .-on hev.- a rug made ao
08 U> givi- .^,'oD ait oijnal nmrgin all
Ami if y.iu prefer to nac a enr*
ik-t withunl u Imi.ler, we can help you
there loo
Print rang.- from

6Sc up to 1.75'per pd.

If yon wait moeh loiiKer to boy your lograin. you may be oNiged lo pay .> to lU
oeata m-m> |mr y.1. more n little later io
the aeasoii aa all CnrpeU aad Kuga will
BilvaD.v at the above rale.
Theiv'l] be
on ny to owrrome it we show a beAOlifal line of Iwsl makea on the market from

2Sc up to $1.00 ptr pdc
Tbe doltkr lograin it Uio lint i6pmviti
:i ply made.*olums
Onr aim is to give you tbe vory beat lin.
oleum for the least oxjooy ponible. We
have atided oeverul oew linea thia fall,
•So.that we allow many more pattenia
than ev.'r licfure.

40c to 70c sq. pd.
InUkl Linoleum, tbe heai7 impirted
kind, patteru rumiing all tlie way through

at $1.00 sq pd.

l-aoe Curtains and Portlar'a
Wfl^-ahowing the Fall liu.« uow and a look wilt eonvince von that the prices are mneb
lower than ever before.


25C. PER YU.

That wc want to treat you to. You will be well treated' if you treat yourself to
those treats, and we will be especially happy to think that
there }re such treats to be treated with.

A Coffe Treat

A Furniture Treat

Tor all lovers of GOOD coffee—that
means nearly every man and woman
living. We have just received a large
shipment oi .</rj. kenrr's HU nded Cvfler.
the best coffee on the, market today.
Comes in one and two pSund tin cans at
4lic a pound. In each can is a little book­
let of Mrs. Rover's latest recipes in which
her Blended Coffe is used. Mow to
make Coffee Cakes. Coffee Ice, Coffee
Glace. Coffee Mousce, Coffee Cookies
and a host of other good thin^^. Order
a pound with your groceries tomorrow
and we know you will serve the best cup
of coffee for breakfast >ou have for
many a day.

Just unpacked nearly a carload of the
wonderful "Fumed Oak" furnilure, the
swellest that has been put on the market
in years. It is made in the famous "Mis­
sion" style, but with the newest finish.
There are Fancy Rockers. Odd Chairs,
Settees, Morris Chairs, Library Tables.
Stools, Pedest<tls. Davenports.
goods were bought
for the fall
tiful goc
. _
and holiday trade, but they are Mn;
sold soon as unpacked and it will be
necessary to re-order next week. Come
in and see what is left and place your or­
der for Christmas. Nothing ever sold
so fast.

A Hat Treat
’Knox,” f.
"Knox” hat for the fall of 19C‘fi is^ as it
has been for all years past. "The King of
Hals." Our new fall styles are here and
display is a treat to all well dressers.
No matter if you are tall or short, full
face or thin, we have the hat that fits,
and you know that it is correct io every
detail, and that the quality is as fjxcd as
the price. It is $-t the world qydr. Re­
member. we are the only firm in fthe dty
selling the ‘ Kno.x” hat.


A Book Treat
the very latest reading soon as it is pub­
lished. This week we hax-e "The Tides
of liarnegat,” by F. Hopkinson Smith,
by far the strongest work of ibis
gifted author. ".Anthony Overman,” by
Meriam Michaelson.
the interest
of the .-.tory is overwhelming.
"Wacousta." by Major Richardson, $1 35; a
most thrilling story of the great Pontiac
conspiracy. "Fenwick's Career." by Mrs.
Humphrey W.nrd. $1."5; a'most dramatic
story of London social life. Told cnly
as Mrs. Ward tell it.

“The Big Store”




at Gi



« tb« SOMU of Hr ^ Hr*. D. P
T»,lor. Sqi Mv. ii AU
J m bM trvM farm* wltb
PhUlp MUiar.
Jana* Kaapp and WarrMi T»ylor
■ra dotog a nisblag tMalnm ibMp
itajM, lahlciff pleium. Tbrr are doing
Sue varh. ^
The H. R. ehui«K ha* bees
Rene<4. Hr. Bogard t>a* ibe job.
Juua* Ltwe ii working for O. L
Ihi* work.

Tbere w*e a famllr reunJoa held at
the home of . Hr. and Hr*. Hatebeit
la*i rriday. *bom flfiy were pre»eni. All ra)or*d a good Une.
HIM Arrta Gibb* I* uteddlng a few
day* wiib Hr*. Ott>. Ho^
We ted a Udkt troat Satorda/ morn
HatebrU artiool
CKr. la
. S*|rt.
ylitiUng with her pareata.
Hiia. Rofna Bale* and reiailre*.
Hr. and Hr*. RobertaoD * lltUe child
died Saadajr eecwlng at (be home of
Priu Brook* at Orlait. aged 6
and 16 daraHr. and k.
Artele Smith .
drore to .daland_____ _
There waa eoioe froai FVtdar eyenfag. tel dM BO( do mndi damage.
The acboot teaae m( ihroogb a
teiala* elaanlax laat week, ceulog
t to Empire on


Hr. Tork of


we* and Hr*. Bmitb
» (be gue*U of Hr*. Aaa P*t;iier
Hr*. Ooldia Hallca i* the gnett of
Hr*. Hiram Haliett tkl* w^Hi.
The ball gome between the IliUo
Almira team and Lake Ann big nine
remlied In a acore of IS |o fi la faror
of Almira. Hanr op. take Ann.
Onr lehoat opened Hondar wlib
Mr. Peari Albright .aa teacher.

ae -osy lasi wees.
Mlmea Hay and OcU* SBunk left last
Taai^ momtag for a ebon rtsit
. Mr. HoClne and L>ewU are mUlog la lb* Booth pan .of the atwe, and
they ezpcei to go to ibeir
op^Oelr^eom. aa It la ripe enough
icbocS*. wbick they bare eagaged
.............. coming year. May
and Della goea-to0 Oregon.
Mre. Win Prink and daugfaier Sell hood and borne very much
vUUed ite
Hr. and Hr*. Wheat were rlclilog
daughter. Hr*. Will Gee. Sunday.
Long Lake one day lait week.
Hr And Mr*. T. J. Cam drove
drore down
from Traveme City Saturday nighi their cement wall
reiurnlag Sunday.
ItM week.
Wm. Taylor’s bare a \er} sick baby
- _
ay Ici
(bhi writing.
with rrinnda bore.
Mr*. C. Cotioo has gone a Grand
JolU a number from thi* place ex­ Rapids (or a rltlt with bei dauguier.
pect to take in (be picnic at Charie Mr*. Golden.
ToU Thnroday.
Our acbool ho* a new Sag to put
Mlaa jftHe CanMm of Angell I*
up. on (be dm day of achaol (hi* year
King frienda In South Mlitoo.
Mr. Sqjialr* and family have arrived
HIM Pannle Becehaffl of Willlam*- from the
le south
Roiiih part o
of the state, “rbey
bnrg U eewlng for Mr*. P. B. Smiik
s vl|l(iog retail
thl* week.
peel • make iblx cCountry
Miae PknHe Wood, who ba* been lure home.
Tlelllng relallrea here, eipecta-lu n^
Clarence Shunk left Saturday morn­
Uira Tntwday -to her borne In Boyn- ing for the south part ol the state lor
a visit with rtrUUvcs and frlmds. and
sept. 5.
then go with his sister's pirty to
IKI. where he Is engaged tu work
The frost that visited (his oelghliorbood Friday night, did some dam□ biiekwl
' '
1 Llodley ead Maude Olaon Irfi
oSday for Travene City to aiteiwl
hlB place with t oem- woven wire
e High acbool.
______________ iced in Mat. So. 2 fence.
8«|it. II.
Uoodty morning, with Mias Lora Sbetaa ti
Mr. and Mr*. C. Renger of Lanain
are TlaltU
................... r. Hra J. I
ed from their trips aoiiih and
A Isrgo class
iss of eommunlca
mis spent Saturday and Sundny received
. ..
IntoJ the church herr- yester"
■Bishop from C
. ih Hr. and Mrs. F. Refold.
Bom. to Hr. and Mre. I.eonard Berg. was here.
Ang. 2t. a daughter.
Bom. u Mr.‘ and Mrs. lAmgioo.
Mr*. C H. Klag. Mr*. Anna Matte
■on and Era W.
X^lBon of Webbervlllt-,
MIeh. and HI** Ida Behm of
iroH. ...........................
lay eveniUB.
with »Mr*...............
being her birthday. A-nutnlwr of ve
Hog wltb
pretty gifts were reoelved.
r. and Mr*. Cha*. Berold.
Ml*a< R
----Mrs. Jos. April! and children' of
engaged In Cedar arc visiting her parents.
iMcblng. and Hiss Florence Shelly
Mr. and Hr*. Heuss are enjoying n
teteber of (he primary department visit from the fanner's mother from
Tmvene City, and another lady. .
r the Blogham school. .
The resorker* have nearly all left
Ur*. Chaa. Revolil l« rerr low at
for ibclr homes, excepting hay fever
il* writing.

Oeo. Foote bad the mlifuHaiic I
week of cutting hi* leg with an a
and blood polsoolng set In. He
it tbwlr grandtaiher. Ford Fan- brought to the Grand Travciwe f
tarium for treatment.
Sept, 4.

y: -PX ‘ --i-H'.:


Mr*. HIracb Ml Satarday moraingi Sept. 3.
to TMt ter tausbond at Cantnl Uke.;
. Sr. Cb.r. oi ciri^
.bl. ....... m
Mra. Cork of Cadar nallod on frieods I
here Usi xreek.
{ Miss O
Sopt. 4.
I Bear life mvlog wation. left______
___ ______________
; school In Baoloo Harbor. Friday lasL'Percy Sicmi. and her neie^ HI** __
DUhs-bbar abbS If. a ak..rf tlfbaa • .
George CiWMOt is visiting bis cons- oo the Mltsouri.
, liu Powers, both of Dcadwood South much better, and In a short time I w*s
entire)) cured. I ourely bellevo «t
A party of pivple from Kenwood Dakota. I
cnnslsiiog of Mr. i
The gasoline yacht Cbiquita. owaesl sated mt life. It will aiwsys be my
In our rtUage. bas a-temad to I
by Richard Peters, of Manistee, was family remedy for colds. • Fully gnarMcLaoe and danght.
borne in Lodlncton.
wind-boand at this place a tew day* antoed. (be and II at Hannsh DrOg
Store. Riigtiee's Drug Store. S E Wall
Walker Jamar. left
Mrt. Berry and riUldrcn are can
Ibe past week.
lag cn Glen Lake.
Matthews, traveling salesman A Sons, druggists. Trial Intile free.
The Edward Rackley luaue.1 maple
Ml. at..................
Thomas E. Hthon. fur riuy.f.m
for the T. Witce Company. ,,f Chicago,
one day this week. lag,
day Bigte
A party «f resom-rs fi«.m I.ncu*i
J. P. Wbl'e and family a
Grove ootiage. conslwlnx of A Rtug reladres from Indiana.
rvpd dago expect* to begin school
Surtdffy's Came.
Iley , wWrs|
In '■"dar Ctty SepL 4.
The -Onlds l.-idlaus." a>mi»*ed of
Prari Tbomborg. Uzxic Ryker, and
. Mr. Twi
wife and ciUUren.
A Livtly Tinssl.
•rtantf.. iisik one Indian, five Uaniuii men, a CadiJ
lAWtk- Fisher have gone to Traverse
lac pUyer and two iwy» from Aldeii, 1 *|'h ‘te* did enemt of the rat.-. Car........................Iteffens Is vlstllng -her
sister, Mrs. Gnirge Clement.
F..I. Cluff jr.. and^Earl Fri.r are to
leave for Big lUpIlKi to atlemj Feirb.
wife. F. Rock
and wife. Mis. Worhlngt.m uml mmi
Roben. and radridc Cuie
AllIngtoo attended the county Sunday
scboiil eonvcniloa at Empire Thiirsner Thiirsday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wni t-'at
tIL and MIrs liossliei Huiitvnun. of
We had a very batd stortn here Iasi Ran
Mr*. Sour* and ehlldrcu iisik lb*
night. Mr. Gibbs, and old resident, Missouri
Friday, for Chicago.
says II was the hardest Harm be had
Messrs. Campbell and Ousleii.
known in 31 year*. Apple tree* <
lilowii over and bushelN of apple* ... Manislee. are here Inspeelittg 1
of lesorlers ennsisilng
lying on the ground. We have not! F.
IDorn, wife .and son J.-ick. A.
leametl of all (he dkmage done yet.
The social given by the West itnlon wlte. son and dimghier. snr
Aid Kocleiv In the hall lust Tb>ir*dayir‘"



...:, :r”'
Mr. Champion U...
.-log an vl*P |

with hi* brother from tensing.
Mis* Ads Paul reinrnsd
irnsd from sonibs
Miehlgan last 8aiurda>'. where
khe bus been vlsldog friends.
Mr. Lillie of Traverse City I* paintnr the new church.
Mr. and Mr* r.-miite went to Klncs- tastsamsi me
ahl* 1to cam Is sUits
Saiiirday and niso tisiiiil olugwi- and______is
last isCsurek.
Csurek. RsTs CUank
, and Mrs. E. Nlcfa-racn. return- CBiwUsaoMdr pceinto ssra sew kuim to
inc home yesterday.
Rs»> Cst.iih Cbi
Mr. and Mr*. Wilson vtslU^ friend* II •taisBt. ‘sST’tiTin?"cirrSmk2??^
In Kingsley Rst.trday
Raoirday amt Sunday.
Mrs. 8. Braecbrldge is at Bs»i. Jor ',„,,^r„Bietoa«a or”.* dtms^'stestvM
Isn atteaiHng the campmeeting there. IthsastMwt otrM«th bv boiMisv op Ss-ens-

cun lie naetl in anv form of apuculalivo invoataeolft.
The SavioBBI Ka
Kaiik Law limita Ihc kmd of aeetinUw
which the Iwiik can taka and is maay xranffoarda
inrtly tbtt n-Uibility of' tlw


methtsi* which might reault in looa. iW SRKNUit
which^uiay beloaomi to anyone poraoD. 6rm of oorinrnition ia hy law made oo amall tbe kwa of tb* ea. tin< amount wouM not ii^prrit the liank'a aolvency.



— ... - -




All hepmil*

“'iU' i.a...i™,
r sU l>r









Trai’crsc City, Mich., Sept. oAi 1«0G

tflr. StovebufZr:


Dea'k Sir—Realizing the fact that you intend buying a hew stove this fall we take great pleasure in calling your attention to
the biggest-and best assortment of heating stoves, cook stoves and ranges will have the privilage of making your selection from.
Never before, at the beginning of the stove season, have we been confronted with the necessity of disposing of such an enqr*
mou8 amount of stoves as this season.
Our stove stock at the present time is twenty-five per cent, larges than our ware house ever held before.
weboughtio this quantity because we could get the low price that will enable us to und^r-^eii competitors by a big margin.




CO Hart tbtia maalag tartf mt mil! glae a diacauat af IQ ptr ttal. tram alt ataaea aad ranqta baug^f durtag Ibt maatb
af StpImhtK




You may as well take advaqtage of this close price, it M-ill be but n short time before you will have to buy anyway—why not
buy now and sqve yourselves this ten per cent.
In case you are not ready for the stove yet or if you have not the money to make the t\rst payment, come tn inj'way and make
- your selection, we will save it for you and then you can secure the advantages of our September Prices.
Our stoves are now on our sales floors, ready for your inspection, and whether yon intend buying or not, come in and look
them over.


J((spectfulli> Yours,

Pr ‘y.


Your l{eliabk Bom Turnisber.

X W, Slater





.‘-..''i'fe; pm

■ h- • -

..■y:^yp; ■


__________________ HfBry Brmro wiiJ
rtiiWiTB. AJber BnjirB, Hits rr»nreu UrowD BOd aouttaer geflUoman
BiUl •tlftf and' dBogbter. wn to»i
~ luicn'
place Fiidax
< to Mr. 84Ul
allMboo for a drive.
H. E. Gill* of Nunhport aod nckc
vere ikrtm to the Ikacti Fridax.
\ Oliver Unman Vaa tip frotn North
Monday to' vHlt bis Water*, rotnrwtmt hom.. Thuraday. TVIIIlam and
auy,tm SoBday and pick Mat
Mr. and Mr*. Bemanl
IlaHh’a Friday and brought botue a
load of apple*.
Mbs ABtunla Barth baa been la
Maple City Ibe paal week vlWIItic.
Mr. Barth i* potting a new Door in
hla gmerr.

lit*/: G«rtie liottun was a «*ll^ here 1
We bad a ani rslu laM night wliirh ;
was greail) neediNl by the late potato

8nnfla>- in a ruBavax. >■ asrlx i
A toad from Ltdaad

araa up here

a buslueaa trip U> Leland Tiiea-



, last Buulny.
G««. Barnanl .made a trip to North
i Unity* tialunlay to hriug hnlnr (lie
<eblldrt'n. who wont hlaehberrylDg.
John Jiduiaoii waa u cuIUt bere Vnjday.

a d
C. PetlcDRlIl ha* huill
porch, which adds
Tbe MIrsos Klltcalielh. Anna and j y,|.
ora Holton, Keila llrv^'wo and Julia j
y|„ r h. Vickery- of-Lanslog. ita*
Anderaon were pleasant caller* ben.- y,^„ Kpen.llng a low day* wlib her
pareois. E. H. l.ea'U and lamily.
The InCanl rhlld of Mr. and J*i>.
Mivc Gertie Holion ha* gone to May
dle.1 of cholera Infan’nni
with Mr. Blacken* near Northje.rt.
Mr. and Mrs. Broan ami son Ge-irp.- ' 8nnda:


Geo. BcmariJ will make a burlnc^'
Ip 10 Travcn.c Cit.v Uonoay

visiting at Mr. Blown * father-* t<e

MiH* JiiMiic U wi- ami Mr*. N. Ua>
!.<>wIb iiiii BiUvl m.' l.cplauBii County
Siipday srh«ml ronv.-nilon lu Empire

The Most Reliable -€uarffltee of Our Ability
Is the Kecord of Our Soccesses is the Past.

We Offer You
The words of Traverse City pcop’c
who have tested our diility and speak
from experience.

Read and Larii wkat wc arc doing for

Traverse Cltr. Mich . April IS. 1!*>5.

Since baring the aplMl nengfUs.tuy daughter Lat-laa has HUfteruI
poor vl^n.





She had doctormi conKliterahly, ami about three year* ago bad her oy-i-s Oitcd with glaxso*.

rtio pain were prcBcrnied. ouc or distant and one for di»e worti.

By keeping her eye* diluiol wliii at­

rophic. which was also prescribed, ahe was able to use the glasses, but a* soon a* Uiv atropine wove nway
the gUsNes would blur ami she conld not year them.
hardly see arit»s a room.
' Paulson.

Her vision cantiniied to grow worse iiniil sbe ruuhl

Jan. 17* 1S05.1 took her to Or. Wotfa’a office, where her eyes wen- flUrd by U:.

The leuae have been changed several limes, each change making her viilun a lliile l>cucr. tuiill

now she sees perfectly gl the distance and can read the smallest typo wi'b only ouc pair of glasae. aial on
atropine or other drugs were used In the entire case.
entirely dlaappoarod.

Her beadadte* arc also cured and Dcrvoiis trouble

In fact, her general health Is bettor than it ha* been for years.
R- L. VANDERLIP. Bo* ShU.ftly.

Dr. t: I. WEfE, rny. Dr. D. 1. HDLSON, issl
413-414 wahelm Bloct.

Traverse City.

.UtP I

llu- Frrv Moibixllst camp uiceilug at
Mantr,.i, Sunday. Ang. Tt. retunilns

Miss Ben and MU^ IhtoiiJI of Clu
*|Kniliuc a few days witli
J. H. (lr<T and• fa
• I. T. 11*11 and «
.............._.i Saturday wllb llic remain
of iliHr Utile ilaiichler. ih-iiliih. wli.
; tiurlul in the Almira cvnu-tery

,1 FralikTort.
Bert Wilson, fermely of Ovialt.
le* of Wixow. Oakland
hB par
aiMiii. He rtdutuud to
Bnigh. I
I gill were lu Tra
In Empire last SaiWill Bail.v 1
The rlnnm loailer ol'Pcall IJike wasiopiH-d Friday morning owing to the
of the intll at Empire,
’‘l^pt 3.




cousin, HI** Alice
rM.Nmeie., »»i
FiiNvr-Mllburii Co..
Waller WJitron'^mve lo KatUaxIm>.
Mrs Anita Garu.T of Bnyne (*lli
vNllvd her sl*lei., Mnu Engly Undeileaf. tiler Shnilay.
Saul St^tl aixl family of Traverse
riiv vl*lte.l C. E. Pray"* over Banday.
Ben Gb..rlag .-niertaleed Ml*«
S.hiNd r.iinm.-nee» ihl* morning
srp of Grand RapM* aad
ItUt. X.t,
with Cora
Fray a* l-'rance* Sharp
id daughter;
ach, r
Mi*.' llullcr; who ha* Imn-i. (Uariiar.l, of Traverse Ully.
day*: Iasi wvcL.
yislling In Traieisi. Ully. v
> l■nl.■rt
Un. George Jt
'liirmHl hoiD.. ThiTtulay.
of lUlnul*. and Ur*'
Uig MU-s Ihihaeu
r •
Mr*. If Hanson and
two dauBhlcr* of Torch
FlanjiKaa and
yns and Mae. or Trai
. .
Mr. and Mr*. C. H, FA-tei of Bat.-*. Uhii.
Md*. Ih-n Krmipa iif S<-Ab-U-waau.
vl» at A. «. Pray* Wednesday.
1. 1* Vi*. 1* ci^jnylng « vlaii ftom her slatci.
EiTifKi- YoiniR. of >
Mr* , Fl.-ld and bunbsnd.
Ring atI Mr*. Th.i«.
TTui*. lla.liey
MiV ITavId Kima nl* entertalalng
Cora Fray vlidii-d
d at Jsr
of KalkaKks eminly
y Iasi week.
Clinton Fray and John Falriiank*
dinvi- III Traveree Ully Sunday.
Bt'lionl openj
with Myron .Marsh of Ixiug lAkc a*
&lr. Barnc* uinl >on of *uutliero


Mrs. Caninial. who i* very feel.le. i-|
n-t*iri<i1 some lietler.
Mr*. Wilcox I* aide to U- mil again. '
John Hnlelt. wife and
rkley Saturday,
Harel. '
ha*X t*-eii in }


Ucw Is Your Cbtince
f0r Economy.
We have just received word from Mr- Rosen­
thal who is now at the market,—

Disposi of 6oods J^igardfess of V>ost;
must make room for New Fall Goods purchas­
ed and will be arriving daily. This means big
•saving to all who purchase now.
Lsditw* 50 in. Gitt OarmeDt, trimmed wilb I Landar Velonra. rersiiw and Horal deaiKtis,
e for Lotioging
Louoging Roba
Robea and
ailL ^id and inlaid vdwL
Kimonaa. a-ortb up to ISi- ibe yard,
Bpoi-ial price..
Utlica' Short Looae Qoat. trimnirti with
braiil ami hoitona. Ur^ leg o' ^ JO
mntloo alecrp. tperial prioc---- ^ •*TiJ

tiojs' all wool Worated Jt-ney Swcatcra,

loO LitUe Folka' Snita in all atylea of fabrics
and mak^ n-golar jirioea up to
lilies' Brown Skirt, trimmod with 1 30
Blrap and bottona, apct-ial■ priooI /
. mOy

Boja' Knee Pauta. cheap at
apecial for acbool boya - • <........... -> y^

Iforel^ Bnitinga in all popular colora.
ape«^ prioea''
Iflr* 145 Beqra’Double Breaaied Snila, aizc* ^ to
.......................... 25C, 3itC jj 15. ijrioei up to $3.50, while |

Fan<^ Worated aud Tweeila. guurantecd
A good heavy Lin
•ptvial price ..


in a fin- In the <in-liard lo-ar the
Mr*. Rusho haslt-ned home and rung
.Mo-t of the n.-|g<iMr.-, rhnri..- Knapp, who ha* tx-en Ih.' N il for h.-Iii
hor* w.-r- away, hut Mr. Ih-aeU. For
very- Rlek. Is on the gain. Mr*. Sarah
Tbmoi iiii.l hN *»n AlllBirti re'Tarliir lx earing for hi*r
the <’aH imd hy ine lianlesi
Rlaekman sehoiil Ix-gali law Mnndiiy
with Ml*. Sailer fnilii Traverte City
Ih.- fliv only a lew feet-from the hiini
at teneher.
which U filled wllb the y.-ar'* crop ul
Mrs. E. Wall onurtnlned the W. E.
if tip- ham had eai
Udl.-*' Aid las'
ho-4«e would have a>*u bunu*.!.
creum and ossonwl cake* were senMr. Foss woi-hl hav.- tae: with a lt.-av>
Tlie Haplisl luilii-* welv InvltiHl a
to quilt. A «
lime V
Sunday atiernoon ii game
Jiij-ed by all.
Aid met with lall wa* played N-iwcen Ihe Hannah
The Mpilst
Baptist lAdicsUdlf
S!oj.|.y Weitl
ith.-r 1
fenn- Huleii
ThiirMlay. i.-am and Sh
Si-x-ertil visitor* were present aixl af
ter »ewlns a nice lot of carpet nmr
f..r Mr*. HiilHt. she Kiirprlwd lit**
ladle* by- *en-iiig anil |t i.
I.-am played Ih.- Blue
. ,
i-** to say fhe ladles enjoyed
, wa* tliH’lHd ill the rain In the lifCIi
Inning, the seore sianding S W. 4.
Mrs. Aaron Box was a vUllor of
U. J.'* Z. Baiteri'. S. W.‘*. Cal Mahan
Mr*. Brett last Thm^Uay, also auen.l
and A.-Carlisle; B J's- G. Wilson and
e.1 The LatJles- Aid In the ItBH^KKia.
Miss ESa Bogan spent a few day*
TIk'-'k. I. S team weni u. Klk lUp
with Mr*. Brett last week.
id* Sundav an.I plaved Ihe E K. I
Mrs AfnoK Box. son
to r.. The E
flaiigbler Geneva; and sister* BIfa and
iMnry Bogart, and Mr*. Chaile* Box
laud daughter* l.a-na and B.’**ie,
U-niled church a< Klsrkmsn Sumlay
Charlie Barren and atfe went D*hing Iasi week anil
Ms. and Mr*. C. Banelt w
er* in Maelielt l»*l SiindBv.
Mr. and Mr*. Will Clmiehvl-il.-.l|
Mr. aiKl Mr* Have Haninierh.-i
S-ii. [



South .Board- I'R. 7. team won oat. Ii •
a weU.jHirblgsB. 1* vlatiiBg at O Undaay
' play.d came.. The Ea*t
H"- ■■ iggie WaiaOD, who lut* tx*
' aero well eniertaiartl by tbv
IV Uk lUp- carlag
her uwtber. «rb<r'4a nerio>
:y;Ul. at b
la CadUlae. i
a the
I id* liuvs. Sunday lorescma
ibe Blue ly|Ul.
aitted boun
j Jny* pUy the Stappy Weather* In Ibe
A resnioD
OusOomlne i» buHdlne a new the X. L. 8. play the White
Eagle* ut .\cme. Thew gam.-* will A.I8. Fraya'S
and ha
gueslf from
ro9d. Elmer Beach ba,i ibe Job ol ; be pla>.'<l at Ibv Eul ilvad diaiuoud.
... Tbi.mas JnhDaun. a plonn-r ol a«^y being Ur. and Mr*. George Fray
I’.nuixla. dtv.1 at the home irf
•on Harry, of Traverse CHy. and
Jtibn Carllxle
laiulaa Fair, ol JeCerroa c»uniy.
-la iclii.-i’.. Mr*. Jon-ph It Tout
Kreryour en>o-rd Ih.-tu
A^'e'Ftili»'..f frarv-rae tlly^ha* thy »«■»«•
Mo Johtivnr *a* Tf y.-ar* of
* Immensely-.
lid. ol laying lire fcA'Utiou
She »a* a d.-ioul Calhollr aud
i.-Iil 3.
While «c iiad a dry weather *|>fll! »** bort.-l from
tin- S»l
lii:i. . Mr*. John Rivers, who*, home 1»: clnirrh. ThurwJay :il > a. m.
A con
Mlnm Mil*, anil who is vl»liln# ; ee:o«-> f lrtiu.;» ami ivtalU.-* folio*
•iitls ti.-re. told y-iiur r«iro*poiiei.t ; • d lb. ..-iuato< to Ihclr la*t n-rtmt
It wU-re tlu-y llted lu MlniHWrta
i; l‘!»c.- lu the MapKt.m (alhollc.
^ i;
Sdliie.l marly
l■w-ly day and lhal the- ' l.-rj
y l■w■Iy
IHu I'oiile and >Vd Hlble of King*
wooM hav.' a f.-a .early
. planl.-d-i>oUi,
Ri!.—I* I rer
iluey ills rocur
niyWrr- tale oil.'* a-ouid •
a fail- f.*v *»-re the Ri:<-ii.
H. ;r> I'.iurtmit anil l;-n
xlljtbi tmsis- that
Tire M-bixaiei Eliza Hay ba* n-tiiiu.
thU legion art' a I»r<-niiiii
, ed trtiin Uhleet
snail yi-ailj- fclUinj
• khiaev I
Wairh your ..>ro <TO|.. S/ie
-e 11 tbe color I* unbealihy'drr lu co<il »haiH-. as U-ed *111 ...
there an- *«->iIm:s and sedlipiatl.
rrstrr on my plU>*.
I B»Mge« too tn-nu.-ui. seamy, palnFrank Altar id IVinm aas a B'ie»r,
tertonol Trav.rii.•nii
<4 hi* unci.- ami onut Thl■^^.ia^. MiJi
ilme. iben. «u uar Doaa-* KMucy
an.| Mrv Ji^epli Forinii.
; Forton
Mlv:. Ki* IhKme ol Trax.iM
Mr nm! Mrs l.u* ward off Brlghrs (Um«m- n
and Mir* MiWr.-.1 Jnroio. .d 4 lit.-ac.'/,--ef Ka.: Ilea.!, aen- ill
Thui*d*v. aeiv the
Sun-Iay.rd Mr. nn.I Mr* f. 1, Ikimine. j be
■an* bnii- 4R«c great
a f..nt1a.b-I
The .Mloe* at Mr, and Mr. |l«u,-)
•rank IXF.r and r.-iir I'nMaocbt i,'Slarlln « •» East H.-ad and Mr nn,|
rtM- Olt^^
working l.n- John t'aritrfe.
o Mr*. John CurlWo. aeie a.-ll aUeuu.|
1-f. «ay»:
Sunu-njf our neigh bor.-> have the 1 .nl. Many ga.-»t* w.'r** in ait.
II eonslderaldy-.lfuilded w Ih my
j from TravuriM.- City
.til h*-l
and iboughi it was my kidney*,
. Fo**. whn purrh
irel»i.«-.l ti ' enioiatde lime.
Octave nomine h..* ju*l
fliiish.'l J
be i«lu wa* about where Ihoac orRusho lartn last >prmg. wh.o home I*
S are loraletl
I road sboot aad
in Travvi>e Cliy. drivi-*
to riie-tarmi )inderlirvt.Klne a liiig.- t‘l<e.'
H * nexi year on hr* 4« on the Isac li • kn. w iieiwiuB who had used Doan*
nio-i eveiv day lo makiliii|*
- ■
.-Kii iiey Fill*, and Ibl* induced me to
im-nis. The plan-is .K-eupl.ll l.y Wi!-.
Ihi-ni. They stralghiened m» uptn
.S.-pt, 3.^.'
li* Rush'-.
Friday lie »a-l lUe In a
lOTi Urn.' and the sciluu of ibc kldlimp. Saitmlay he did nnr dm.MABEL.
\ wcK-tiuiia was rvodared regular
I. *a> tio daug-.r
I normal. Some time afienrard* I
of fire.
Mr* Rusho w**-vlfiUng
sUghi strcorrcuee and again leMNs Ada Herald of M>lsu i*
to Itoan * Kidney Pill*, but not
W!i» awaf
Mg at Truman Iahm-v*.
n. Afipr ibl* eiiwrienea I am
In tin- t'oiii'a.le
Th.- Mi**.-* Mary
o adiU.- ihelr u*e in uibers in
*it.-ff tli.-l
ileaeh I'nlli-rl Mr*. Ru*1k>* aiienlioi. Oiiigg <d Grand Ituidd
pt. 4

7c\ Tvw'S.Sf*!'.."' 2 25 anff 1.98.

By all means do not neglect to look through
our Bargain Shoe Tables. We can save you
at least 40 per cent.

her danghlei. Mrs. Jam.-* Snilili
Frtil Ming and wife and lAWrenee Hulell eiiJoy .il a few- .lay* camp
ing near the Duck lAke last w.-cliMr*. Fred Ming, who has hccn.vcrg
*lek. I* belie
1 any -beftjri-.
Grandpa Ih

We Can Deliver the 6oods
Both as to Prke and Quality.

pursuing a minli1* 111* Junior v.-a
The King.h-y- t
Hai-rh’lla ' team
Thi* all!
, be the first gam.-.........................
f iwiH-n iheM- two t'-am*. King*1.-y
ha* a r.-eni.l thus fur Ihi* KvaMUi .>i
iw-.-iiiy-oiie games played and ouly
four lost.
New {M.tat.w* an- finding .pill.- o
lescly. marirel ai thl* luilni,
.Mr*. Hail.-i Btg.-Iow-. of MillUlii'
ton. MIeh.. I* the guest of her niece.
Mr*. Gertrude Tripp.
Ml** Ruth Jackson is again anxweiing can* at eenlrat.
Ml** fieile
M Galien,
Mleh-. wa* Ihe gu.-»t of Mr* Gertrud.
Tripp, a couple of day* lari week.
Hervey Tripp wa* a Trav.u-w Cily
euiler Monday,
Un Sunday last the ihiid same of
ihli! neaRon hetw-.-en the G. R * i>-

._ ...................... .
the score of ; lo a.
I was without a d.nihl Ibe pr.-tlie*t
*me wline**.-.! on the local ground*
hi* lear. The fl*l.l vork wa* <-xe.-!
L-ni. and- ihe botilng wa* also go>*1.
Merle CftJttoT renimvd hU dullv
I the F.-rrN In.iltiiU- Monday.
Mis* fTorence Crot*.>r ha* reiurad te Travi>e City, where she is






tl^rx'- Bnjwn is seriuualy ill,
Ray C.iddHack returned MoDdav
from, Martiuetie. after a . year * -ab-

n<vtr was there shown in northern tHlehigan
such Cloak values as we are showing this fear.




s 8,1

I tmable 10 attend

I Irien. f here Bunday. She 1* tearbin?
'at Mayll.Id thi* year.
Arthur Sorenwn of TraveriuvinJlcI w-iih -re’.iiiive* here «be


Mr aii.i Mr*. Aii-lln Ovetholl p***i-d Sunday with Mr*. Overboil « |miCDis. Mr and Mr*. J. O. Crouer.

r streets


tative of the Kingsl .
rliib ;il Ihe shoot at Travirre CFy
l.aboi Day. carried off second pri-e,
after baying Imd no ptevluu* *ht»liag
prarliee thi* aumnwr.
M.l.niigl.Iin. 'vht.
Im-U earing , for Mr*, liuin*-• •1..


We have made some pretty good strong statements^
regarding cloaks before, but we never had such-a;
stock of cloaks on our floor as we have this season.*
We have increased our cloak business each season
so that it is necessary to buy more, but the point we
want to make with you is that

Sept. 3.


and we stand ready to prove it by any test ybu may
care to make. Hero’s another idea: heretofore we
never considered the garments that could be sold
at a low price worthy of oUr handling>-thi8 year we
have the BEST line of low priced garments we ever
saw, garments that we believe will give our cus­
tomers the worth of th^ir money. We speak now
of^garments that can be sold at a profit at $6 and
$,^.50. Think of a good dependable garment 50 in.
long, well made and tastefully trimmed, at that
price. In Children’s garments the garments at a
small price are just as good. Good, worthy coats,
4 to 14 years, at $3.98.
Our line at $i O, $13.50, $ I5. $18 and up is also
the best we ever had. .We are not advocating
cheap garments, but if your price Jimit is $6. 7.50
or $10, do. not get the idea that you must look else­
where for them. For those who can afford the
higher priced garments we have them in abundance.,
and most beautiful ones too, up to $37.50.
Styles at all prices are long and loose fitting.
Mixtures in the correct tones for fall and winter
wear prevail, although there are many plain colors;
and black will be worn.
We cannot urge you too strongly to see our line!
and see it early. Whether you wish to buy or not.;
the stock will be a revelation to you. especially ifi
you are not in the habit of coming here for your/
winter apparel.

■ i




sonu uTMii fBm
T«ke • Hyemci Tr^


•a.'i.t»a.'i.i*a.'i:;M3. laata.i

tt FowrTim«»
apprerUIrd bf M:'.
I Tnclwr* fwaple. vho: nrr iviiUoi: tbt
WjTiko'»P- ■up«iTji>or. iB I

Where Baking
Begins Right

d by U-siUbr umnlxr:^ of l»U' oj-ili-, .•Ht.Iod.
1. Arthur
MrI pn>r<^i<Mi »» th«- only advfiiiBcd,
Mr and
an Mrs. A. r, %VyuH»p.
^ ...
for ,_ji
(BU di«<«>r
cIi«oa«- Ibal
«hal can
can UU- rt^;
r«-: naiwm
Raiwm aod
aod IJnra
Uoia Ibiin
Ibiln trad,
i™»k lb
UH-lr rtm-1
uino to do lost anal
it rialmr
and ap
apBoi a rc-o'

': utr
r and
I’Otll rt^'oJiUy yoor phyBldao.Fou’^ i (drnirkfni; Sunday,
havr Maid ihr <wly va* to core taiarrt:.
Pmit ItavU ha* taken A.
wojid la.' to b^'e c-haiiKc of Vilniair. j boo|>'ii team and u"nr on ilii'
Iwi now a-lib Hjoniel .voo ran carr'-lhanl near Silvpi L^kv,
H bialtbidviBK ninuite In your ve«t :
^>UKbi a row <d Cba.
pocket and by breaiiilnc it a few min- Tucker Utn «e>-k.
ne» a day. cure yoiirwll. j
Gaor«e Clay was In Trarene CIM
lel irt«tm<Dt U alinpl?: Monday. Utboi Day.
and eu»y to u»e. It dcotniTa alt ci |
Quite <> namhiT drove to lyuia Ijik -.
II jam
tarrb Rerm> In the air paxaaaea and i lo *«■ ibe ball
j»iiie Sumlay. but only
.•nrlcbe* and ptlrlfle* the blood with, three orr four IndtaiiH
Indtan* came. »o
3 ree.aB jmoil a pinii as wi.s
me. Wben niinn
a level.
The ball same here SuuiUy between
.. hiKh above I
111 * C<‘dar liim Hiirtleni. and the Coaniy
mpleie Hyomel u
boUleti, i«sc.
If It does Line Vblle Cap* neiiilu-sl In a
not SlTO you aallKfaction. 8. B. Walt ' of XS to 1 In favor of Cedar Rni
.......... ........Uld!
A Son* will refund1 your
here Sunday.]
> ri»k whatever In

b,Eim with rifht nuteriJ,
«fto throush

Albert Lurte. Mr. PniedI and win
Oeorge, drove to Maple Cliy last Fri-

There is oot one point of gnnlity thnt
enre, skill enJ modem takeiies eonld mnke bettet
It is p-etantn. itsclf..thmngh and throngh.

It Ends Right

IM Pbaatt woriied in Glen Arbor for

t Sept- 9.
The danee heie at the bowery Sal- ,
urday nlglil war well atlcudcwl.
.t! . The ball team will give a danc- SaiMrs Van Duren of Crand Rapids haft!
lieen HiK'iidIng a fes' ilav*Pi with, Ihel-.nrday night. Sepu b. All are luviteii
] to come.
I .E. S. Walt, of this Ida,ice'
RiehlMun wa» In Copiinhth
I M* Wilson of Trat
natad f«r Cnnvreaa.
ay to the
tlie ball game between Em-,
City are visiting Mr. WlliuMi's parentM. i Sunday
pire and Copemlsh.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Tompkins.
Mrs. Brinkman of Traverse City vls-{
Harvey w-as a buslneest, callft !
. n4 Mlwes Workman. Sliufer and
week..I in'rreveise
lied relatives In this place Ust week.
Otv UiMt~Mday.
Fasel went tfi Manlstev
The Illinois took away about IKe>:
The Misses 6l« and Helen of^
Sion Sunday.
Miss Lucy-Eugel returned last week banrels »rf apph s this.-.-.inn'iel
*>ere visiting rela-j
■nie toiirlsl*
Uglnnlng to re-1
I .
from a Mcven weeks' visit with her
im to their home*, especially ihowl
, «•
dlster In Chinigo. Her sister and buswho h«re"children who are going to]
Frwk ^.weli of Travers.-t itv wasi
band reinrnifl with ber.
a Cedar Bun caller over Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. E. A. Dryant haw
Ur. Billion has comnKHinsI bis aca-i
Qulie a numlwr from here uu.-utl..1
lovdtl to Traverwe Cliy.
re.-, -rewk in hjs upple dryer.
! the meeting at Alnilia. Sunday.
t ■
Gray school opens tomorrow with

Sept. t.
Sept. J.
Mrs. Rose Armstrong of Trarerae City

Mr. Bulka returned u Chicagu last
Charles Vlakochll left Monday for
South Bewl. Ind. where he will take
a poaltten in Bmndoa Durell Com­
pany's More. His brother Iran Is eta"*MI^*KBUe Paffhauaen of Traverae
t>lo]^ at the aame place.
ade a Bring bualnrtui CUvvlMlted MUs Lucy .Engel Saturday
> Thursday aflcrnoon. afternoon.
Sept. S. 1906.
murning Saturday.
CbarUe VlakochQ of Pluabui^^nt
few day.

-Mia. H. U Hobbs is visitin;
be baa not aeen for nine years and Barker Creek ueighborbo
other frtead*. He returaed to IHiUBoni, Mon<lny. Sept. S. to Mr. and
bars Monday.

t Hill, a ■
Mr. and Mra. Phealt bad auppur at
the Traverae Lake reaori Friday even- guest of relatives here last w«*.

«bca h reachea your uU^watoucM by t
•ataiated by odor*. Tbe qaabty, orea-SaTci
are pee served in a dart aiwl moistore proof packs
ackage. disi
niihed bv the trwle msrk here vhitwn. It alway • appcaw
1 at>d white OD each end ol the pack^e
and wamata
. «ka*ea«l
the perfect coaditiae of the cooteau. For caaspk try

Mr. Prnccll aod son George and
Jobo CItkoTBky returned to Chicago
. Monday.

rod AUdoaoa left Monday for TravI Qty. where he arfll enter tbe
hllb i-_.................. .....
' Mr. Bulka took isupper at Pbcatl's
St Thura
Last Sunday the Old Seiners' j
' their second annual plcnlr. celcl
lagtte afty.flrat annlveraary of the
>1 In this netgbboahood. Over lOO people were
Med. la Sbalda's grove, where Ibe fesUvKtea look idace. Fred Atkinson In
a very appropriaio speech presen-’
joka aakovaky of Chicago with
i gold pin. a token of the old
oetUero' approclaiioo of Mr. Clxkov
- eSona

r behalf.

cpecle.1. hnl that U
I citilroly unexpr.
appreibled was
apiutrent by
I tnUy appreciated
. .jbappy speech which Mr. CUkovUeT
•ky made after tbe proseatation. A
bDObUfiil pfcnlc dinner was partaken
‘ 3 grove, after which a base
hall game was enjoyed, the game be­
ing played between North Unity and

•ertcmaly Inlet
af the dance |

Rlcburd Perry, who lives near Jack­
in Is visiting his brother Ndsoo.
Mra. Carl Biince of Sparta. Is the

t canier which look

D for-

that Charles Eaton will be ihit man—
wilh the hue. but wlib the null
Tbe first trip on Route No. 1 Is to bv
made Sept. IT.
noyd Fox and Hugo Will a e taking
In the sights at Ihc stale fair.
Misses Essie Vlnlon, Mary Scofield,
nad Cor® Sradleld have all left to begin
their schools.
Miss Vlnlon teaehrv
r Kaillii. Miss Mary Scofield on the
peninsula, and Miss Cora Scofield at
Harrison Vinton and Earl Biincc
left Kiiliinlny
I) l*-gtn Ihelr siu
t Big Rapids..
This Is Earl Biincc s
Bcond year, bni Harrison la a bcglu-

e wilh the pleasure

Sept. 3.
Mrs. Burr James and clilldren. also
er guests. Mrs. Henry Rose of Copclisli. and Mrs. Sherman Buys, of
suite St. Marie, visited tbelr niece.
Mrs. Irwin Rawlins, at Hannah Mon-

season, worth $1H, $’20 and
' $25, '


* w"«th^s"lUO and Sltt St $9l75

Ladies’ Cloth Jackets

one tMs seasons'

L 3rd. $1450.
Adelben Alklnson and
. aVi of ueVi sec.
ranklln Atklni
»..T. 27. B. 12,

, per. parcels, per. ii. i. z>. tv. ii.
Mra. Ma,v Tyler to Theodore AllM-Tt
IM 5. bik. 60, tnlertochen. $65.
James B. Delbrldge and wife to Hi­
ram H. TyrML parecl*. $6«o.
Nellie W. MerrlU to Albert J. Kra:
uchvil. lot 21. 22 and 23. village of
Kariln. $45.
Nellie W. MerrlM to John Svec.
i. i$20.
1 and 2. Tillage of KarUn.
ird S- Hoisle
a let add.
Mb 28 and 29. U 8. Hoai
Acme. flOV».
Lawrence Carroll to Stephen E. CMrroll. imrceU. aec. K. T. 29. R. m, $2«0.
wmiarn I
tarn B. Moore anti wife, lots IS and
19. bik. 4. Oak Park. $1150.
C. J. Ehaer sad wife to William
Belt&er. lot 21. H. U A Co's. 131b.



MUa Povrell of Kalamazoo Is visitg Mrs. Workman for a tew daya
of Ikeiroli w-

Mrs Joseph HtebeU U entertaining

ude. Rarick- The n
day MUs Van Dervort
Geneva. Ohio, where she attci
school sod MUs Rarick returned
Grand Rapids, where she makes hei
home with her cousin. Mrs. BianchtSrhni'bler-

Mr». John Seely and mile danglite,
r New
Thompson Friday and Satunlay
ne fine muslCiTl was disc®
by a select company a
at Hi
larry Grey's
Monday evening, and
highly ajtprecialeil by the hearers.
Sept. 4. 1906.

To Cleveland. O- and Bufrale. N. V.
win be run over tbe Lake Shore and

i. m. ninniqg ibrong'u
land and reinrn. $6.75: to Buffalo
return. $9-<’0.
Ticket* good for
PsrilcnUrs from ticket
R. W,


dclieieas aaioa of biscait
tbeaey of tbe Natsaaal BiacnA



Worth $5
and $6 at


Worth $8
and SlOat

Ladies’ Dress and Walking Skirts
Misses’Jackets and Shirts
Hisses’ Jackets
tlat were $2.50 at


98c "lkir«a. $2.50

Boys’ Knee /"
Pant Suits
Made wilh tioubie teat and
knees, best $'2..'>0and $3 suits.

.. .... $1.95


Worth $12
and $15 at

Worth $4.75


*''lh5werri3.50'at $1,98




that were $5 at


Just Unpacked! Hundreds of New

and Beautiful Garments for Fall

e O. Millar,
J. C
P. T.
«H RH S- bik. 11.0. P.
. C-tl-tv
flay evening from the Soo. She will
Lafbyettc Charter ond srtfe to Al­
lie tbe guest of Mrs. Burr James and
bert 'T. Clark lot L Wk. IS. N. FiftMrs. Frank Sajers.
Lak«. Sim.
Tbe camping jiari.v from here who
Lafayette CbartFr and'wife lo Rnl<were tit Ranuey Laku. Tv.-lurcied Friday
•rt O. Clark. H*HR *•
1*- Nevening.
Lake. fttO.
Mr. an

The hnsu and their guests
Bpeni the week camping at Betsy |*k<
Rob Ktngln is greeting old acuualni
anres here at present. He is a gue»:
In the home of bis aunt. Mrs. Bert
Ben Bannou ami Miss UzHe Clen
denning were calling In Kingsley Snn
day -arteniooD. Miss Cleodcnntng did
not return.
Mrs. Isaac Howell, a former rr«:
fot here, but now of Jonesboro, tod.
to company with a Udy friimd is vis
here Ibis week,
s Inez Farufworth visited hei
Mrs. Blackman. h«^ this week
while enrouie to File Lake, where sk ­
is engaged
tiWeh the InlernusHslt
d lo te*'
It fur the coming jear.
J Thiiv*
I was held
A c.

------------ 1— the rich, aatty
ever tasted.
aad frait-tbc aew

The crowds that are patronizing this
saie and the great quantities of mer­
chandise that’s being sold is hardly to
be wondered at, for never before at any
time have we offered such marvelous
bargains.______ ______________________

Men’s Suits
Beautiful styles, made

***Mr. aod Mrs. Besd.v. who have »>een
vlsUlng the latter's brother. Frank
left here Stinday morning. They will
visit relatives at Traverse Cityybefore
lYturnlng to Kankakee. III.
Mips Lydia Popler leaves diere to
day. after spending tbe summer with
the family o^her brother. George Pe^

nie Uke; $500.
iregory. parallle Ofay to W.
cela N. Fife Lake. $$S.
John J. Carroll lo William H. Carroll. pareeU. sec 3t and S3. X. 29. E.
10. tIM.
■ Frank A. French and wife to
ward V. Palmer, parcels, see. 17. T.
Mi. R. 10.12500.
John Gallagher
9allagher and a...
wrlfe to
— .
Bllxabetb Ruaa. parcela Oak
Edgar E. Chase and wife to Samuel
McCray and wife, lots 1 and
bIk. 7. Ooodiicb's 3rd. |»0U.
Rose Fav IHsb to H. E.. Cudd. par«eta iwe. $5. T. 26. R. 9. $15n.
Howard 6. Game- and wife to Al-


Gres-t Olesring Ssle !

Miss Eva Young of Traverae City
.‘gins a school In the Bluodguod dls-

*"mak Vlakodtll returned io Trave Cliy Monday afternoon. Mter


«sw>- «q> "htre-

the whole ptocos of taking ii

Kdlabk- treatment.

A. B. Oamgh. RanomI




Some of the prettiest garments we have ever
shown, all marked at special prices to induce
early buying. .... Don’t fail to see them.

Nearing the End
Of thin Wash goods selling. Cost
18 no consideration in these clos­
ing out prices. Wash Goods that
sold up to 20c yard are...............
White Mercerized Waistings,

I.ACI-: STOCKINGS l OR LAUIES, in White. Gray, Tan anj
niack. better than those sold in many stores at
are bcin« closer) out here, per pair, at.^
I,.AUIi;.S- STOCKINGS-VKRY BES-f-in iJi. ami I-mbroidery.
Whin-. Tan and Bla. k, »orth I.5c, .


SKIRTS Specia!
worth $1.00
69( worth


Heatherbloom Skirts at $1.60* $1.95* $2.20
and $3.15.
OoTBet Coveni st 24c. 39C, 45Ct*d SDC.


l,avu b.;cn rtduccd to......................... ..............

(MISSES' STDCKINC.S. in Whili. Tan or liintli.

Beautiful Silk Mulls and Linui Suitings, in clioi<f
colcrinjfs. worth
a yard.



Curtain Muslins
Reduced r^d^rsll^ 12^c
Lace Curtains at about one-third off !
WoMi, SI and tl i-.. Y4c
8L 1«T fviir......................

■ ^ ^

BavariaD Draper aod
Tapestry Curiaios

Worth 2.00 .m,I 2.2.'..



1 .t3Lr

W-.rtl. $li to Si,, .1

21 c
? A C


"STSI.95 nr ^$2-95

Bcauliful Garments in Muslin Underwear All Redueel



Moalin lArawora atI24t 33c. 39c.tB4 4Sc
Moplin UowDB at

48|^ 4SC 98C. as4 ai.rS

While SkirU at 49c, 8«C $!.»• "d H-25

Ore Little
Linie GirlsGirls' While
«/, Ladie-' I’iain Fined
Misses'and Children's
Skirts at.......................Cornet Covers at..........................
White Aprons atHave j-ou heard about our latest and grandest offer ' We arc giving tickets a«ain.
nave j-ou
a ticket goes with every 50 cent purchase.


weeks- Tisll with reUilTe* here.

»in L



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