Grand Traverse Herald, December 06, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 06, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^ir^tiii Mm^%t Seiralib*


A UtUe ef CeerythiiiB
on my right band they s
weeks." be aflded. "I will make shift time. Since then her mother also had ube. plays an Important part also.
OaU are said to hare origlsaled in
to he a king, and woodei
The mechanism U so delicately <
left her. and lUe bad narrowed to the
tmehow to winter him out."
B«ib! Itobbe \ doot Icbow all
Northern Africa.
Tbe clothes proved not altogether limits of a Uny hank account and a stnicted that if a revolver were flrwl could be."
AB' smMw I ilB’l M tali.
fal lookin’ deg. Whererer did yoo get
Tbe ^ove* won by the pope are of
Tbe goe« promptly got heck oc the
aaUsfaciory to Miss Barbara's faatld- large rase gardea.
AB* BMbbe 1 ain't fiat etghL raantddthe very finest wool, embroidered in
It (be twitehboard would Immedi-Mcfi dde.—Odds and Bhda.
"U I had." thonghi tbe. 'The money
tt cote- ter be nei’ latt"Swiped him.” answered be. with ions taste, therefore she determined
Bat vbni-( the dlCerMe. I duet aee.
the eelm candor <rf cobacloos Tlrtiie. to suplement iben fy a Sondsy blouse that'deeeitfal woman owed my father. ately ring and would not cease until |
The leaf of the begonia fnralihee
could keep that little boy. and per­
"Twent no harm, •csose they were marvelously tucked and ruffled.
Kf I'm J«»’ l»t a lad.
oil. The results of Mr. Grangers!
•« experiment Is most of the patieras wblrb adorn
Taking an early supper she locked haps make ahifi to endure tbe dog."
A-wfiDe J** (rowin' 1 hav sot
coin' to ahnca him this raonUn'. end
Uie fural- cashmere shawls.
A wall -of aognish Interrupted her xperlmenu so far have been highly:
By Dad.
scad me beck to S’ew^York: ad 1 got the house securely, hade Cart keep
of unpretemlous form
A wril known occullst sOyeThAt on­
op early sad lit out. He lit too. He Is himself and Pete within the limlu of revery. and rushing to the door she satisfactory.
Invemlon have been heart} a distance pressed paper. This dors for tbe llv­ ly ooe pair of eyes in every fifteea
n ntfibr eone 'at I cant do.
a good dog. Pete, say yoor prayem." the yard, and stared for the villsge. beheld aa appalling sight
of IS miles as clrariy as Is possible log rooms what aluminum has done Is perfecc
Poor Tabitha. left (or a moment
Why that doet hafter foean
Initsatly the ereatnre lat np nod 8be msdg several purchasesr and on
Mme. Paul's voice has broei^t ber
That It ain't (otn' ter be did
dasped hi* forepawB scros* his pre- her wjy borne slopped to chat with gnarded. haiMallen a prey to the Jeal- €>rer an ordinary instrnmeat connected tbe weight to a point where a child 1 is more than $£.000,000. Her bent
fury of Pete, and was being drag- r wire*.
Bt It bad oasbter bean.
iterous nose with an irretlsUble as Mrs. Billings.
able to move tbe largest piece,
year'a income was gSSO.OOfi.
to the death just in front of her Tbe dUtasce a message can be. sent
That good Isdy bad several grand­
Br af I'B ecared. «r «f I'a hart, •
n of solemnity.
not proposed in this process to de­
Kaffir women often work la tbe
Is controlled by the amoon*. of "power”
Br dt m feelln- and.
"Amen." cootinued tbe child, and children and was well supplied with distracted lover.
set Id the least from beauty of shape field* with children Ued to thdr
"Let ber alone!" be shrieked, "you IQ tfac JIutK-. This "power.!^ which 1*
I redtoa tt'a all tt^t: tar thar-a
with a gniBt of relief, tbe dog drop- Juvenile ^pstferas: tbprefore she In­
iccrei of tbe,Invention, bat to be orgr«CTand<4sborat--eestaf oraameo- hark*.
1^ into a more repoecfol U less «rik-‘ sisted upon cutting out the blodse. mlzerble dog. You ain't lit for
Hsir bnsbe* used Id ‘Hbet aiY made
measured most'accurately. Too much
Ur Dad.
Natnrally enough, it lollua-ed that butcher mao.”
ing attitude.
little throws the . Instromrat as tbe weight. Tbe'flrst predurls to ol wooden stick*.
Hiss Barbara joined the chase, and
Why. laa'a a wonwra, I'o er boy,
"I dont want to go bsek." aald tbe evening wss wHl under way before
It is asserted by the British MedleM
<ri order when messages are to be tbe way of paper furnttnre were fin­
seeing capital punishment imminent
An'•« we waa alone,
boy. eaniesUy. "Uncle Jan wbadct tbe call waa flutsbed.
ished In enamel paint, aad a double Joorad tbal.imea’s neclu ate longer,
Startled at the laieness of the hour. the resourceful creature, not to
-Wd-Bisht teal aorter aeared ter llre- me awfol. and of coarse Pete didn't
colonial bed of paper, with all Its than they naM to l*gj^ - , .
. Tbensk 1 amt aooeaehiB* none.
want to be ebed; yoo wooldn't youraeir Mias Broao drove rapidly home, pot balked of his revenge, sat down and however, that Is adjusted for a radius
its pillows and maitreeses—
The support of
Bat BOW. why me an* laa lea' etnsa
'Sides be lores me:' nobody nerer up ber horse and hurried toward, the deliberately tore bis victim limb from of sn raOes can be used uiltfactorily was lifted about by a sixteeo-year-old Ms tbe people of Great BrUaln about
within that circle, bnt not beyond that.
Ab' aadloa. -caaea weYe ao (lad
tered me before, and yoo better be- bouse.
-But win this new material' t3.«70.W0 (och year.
As she reached the gate, a muttering
At Ood kaow^ wbat we'd need, an' Mere I'm goln' to stand by him.”
The speaker's face looked so thin as of dlstast thnnder fell opon her only rags and ruin remained of "it" prevents any fiut the persons coocern- by housekeepers wbo are hopefnily In Mexico, of which seven are printed
ed bearing the conreraatlon.
MX Dad.
[id worn as the sunlight struck fuH ear find eonstereatlon upon her soul. that bad been Tabitha. testing the new preosed paper and In the English language.
Rags and ruin." did I say? There
Just In front of the house door lay
against. It that Miss Bvbnra defertad
aluminum teth tnbt. aad fladlng them
Tbe per capita wealth of Germnay
A Strange Tree.
s something else, for Aram ber rent
her lecture oa prtmerty rights until Carl. asleep, and beside bim. alert and
much to thdr ' ilUng.—PhlUdcIpbla la iDorb lower than that of Prance,
My LHUe Bay.
terrible, aat Pete. • No entreaty, no
after the promised loach.
EngUnd or tbe Untied SUtee.
prove oaefa shining hour! When it Ledger.
My Utte boy. where’er I go.
She brought out a generous supply cajolery availed aught against the crinkled paper.
Chicago has tbe only woman tbeater
Tear treat ahalt atreasthaa nw; a of bread and milk, which was eagerly watchful InstlncU of hU kind. Over
Miss Barbara picked one up.lbcn she goes on Its vacation the raffia palm of
manager in (be United SUtea. This
A Union Man.
accepted; but to her horror sod dls- aad over Miss Barbara advanced, em­ sank into a garden chair, gathering Madagascar can attend to iu buab
Pasted on tbe window of the book U Elizabeth Sebober. at the Bosh tc*n' Tasptatloaa lore ne la tb« atraet
guat the single spoon pUyed Impartial­ boldened by the coQBclons right of the whole disreputable heap Into her In The leaves of the raffia palm has
been discovered a cross between wax nbllsher's otore was the sign. "Porter
1 tare ahead on Meady feet.
ly between two appredative mouths. posaesalun. and as often retreated, lap.
It le emimatcd that If the pooper* in
BeMWas ttot 1 lore yon ao.
can flx TaUtha a new body." said and gum It Ira refuse pltvluct ob- wanted." and In the window Uaelf on a
"Dont.” cried she. “donT feed him cowed by tbe gleaming fangs and bclsGrant Britain were nmnged In n pn>Ton taartie me to forset my toe;
with that spoon. I will get him aom^ tlinr back of that seesdess senUnel. she. "and put a new skin on H. so the tnlned from the leave* already cut pile of books tflft placard. "Dldteos* ceaekm four abreast, tbe line voeld be
I fad that beaTaa U here below
thing,” BBd fwibwiib she brought So securely had sM^ fastened the will be good as ever, and you may down for tbe preparation of nffla Works All This Week for $4.” Tbe nearly 100 mile* in length.
able-looking Irishman read first (he
Picaiii yon make my Joya complete
floe meaty bone, at tight of boose, that the only possible entrance have her (or your own. Perhaps, may­ fiber. The wax Is collected first by
In Sweden the orpot wnittng rooms
heating the dry loaves on a dry mat sign and then the placard. He acratchMy Uttia boy.
which Pete fell Into hU attltnde of lay thrangh that one well-guarded be. well ktVp Pete."
■e provided with beds for pesaenhis bead anjl blurted ont: ”DScken*
cloth and gathering the pdliclea
—Ghkago Kaoord Herald. Boppilcatlon. leering coretously the door: the hoy srould not awake, the
"We. Miss Barbara, did you say
weT' cried Cart. "I was afraid Pete and white (nwder which Ml (ram may take (h^^jnbt Dtckeai can ww-ok gen. nnd portrn call the travelers
dog would not move.
while oTCr his croesed pawn.
mlnotee before the arrival of
The fMtoaametlea «t TebHha Cum*I sbnil have to take to tbe barn.” was BO bad. you wonld'scnd mo away, them. Then, after boiling three pelli­ ahl the wt«k fer foor dMIari If he
"Amea.” Ungbed she as she threw
anid she at last: and, Ukc to the bam too. I like Tabitha and t like Pete: cle* and powder, the wax thus (orated wants to, hilt I'm a union man. Ill not trains.
He CUN dasdac down the loos the bofie. aad with aa eesutk thnmp she did. peaaing in t^ uncomfoiUhle but I Uke you best of all.
touch it. Yf'd betther kape DIekens.'
If knesded into cages of any de
Japeaeee woman’* ago con he
atbierlated tall be grasped tbe
atreteh o< daaty road. Ilka a mote In
told from her dnn. It I* prohaMy
In her youth Barbara Brown had It is thought that (bis wax. althoogh
shelter a Icmg and vengeful night.
the anahlae. bla yMlowteurto finahins treasure and became like fils master,
the oaUy oonatry la The vertd when ■
A Uttlo of Evorything.
~Thst dog goes to Jacob Murch In missed tbe crowning glory of a wo­ yet an entirely new product, will be
Ma btia Mat twlnkUns an airy aeeom
• highly valued than the bees:
omen are not eohamed of their age.
An Bigtlsh nainnUst bns made
tbe morning." ssid abe. But in the man's life: but she wondered a UlUe
inse Barbara watched them with a
paalmMrt to the laceetent boUob at
Dr. Hoooer. a German ri»««nt*t who
and quivering If sweeter words were ever spokm The average prodnctloo Is antidpeied >n thousand ifboiog^phs of blrdsand
Mb lithe yoans body. HU eoetaae. lUUe excited flutter about her bean. lips plead for the oSender.
about inn grams for every kilogram tbeir natural surrounding Some of
than this childish avovral of affection.
fMMiillj' Mctareasae. Beamed to flat­ She was food «f children, in ber own
"Do you like me well enough to live of fiber. If the raffia wax proves
them entailed as much as a wc^ of oU. flnda that It makes vetr nntIMne”1 know he's bad. 'awful bad. bnt I
ter ahoat him wUh the aanie Joyooa
tory ertida of huUer.
have a value alKMit hqoal to becowax. walling and watching.
lore him." sobbed the child. "Don't with me always?" she asked.
« ahaadaa that marked hU erratic pro- of taking oae or two. when they were let the butcher man have him. pleese
At Basle. Switzerland. leocnUy a
yield of-wax equal to about three"Ve*. ■om." came the ready answer.
Most of the black bald naed In wigi
seat from the city; painfully conacious
donX" and although It argued great "But. Miss Barbara, can 1 stay to be fifths of the valoe of the raffia export and "swttcbce” comes from ooavenU irgUr was traced by the impre*stem
Bafetad him alaak. ahadow-ltke. a howerer. of her lack of
’ his teeth left in a balf-catco apple
weakness on her part, the prayer pre­
of Italy and Spain, while the (elr end
Uger^yad. tbwnyAaired
she bad salred ber aoni and
a labor.tbe gathering of the leaves
in the bouse (hat he robbed.
grew wide and wistful, "do you like
vailed and tbe dog remained.
red hair come* malaty from the heeds
vhoaa essTeealre taasa and reUrlny hw body by a genetona donation to
LooSoa eOBnimce oniy flOJKMAOO
be reckoned as a negligible t
The following Sunday he was secure
of Russian. SwedUb. German and Dan
wme baMOke that aroat nnhandaome the fresh air fond, while tbe welft ly fastened in tbe bam. while In oew.
imlloes of water deOy. while New
She wanted t ilty of toll, ainee the wax Is the refnse fa peasant gtrls.
Tbe lady h
rives had gone elsewhere.
al Urn CMdae kind known aa ball-dof.
Yot« nice 600.fiM.000 gellaaa.
beraffled blouse Cart- accompanied be discreet end wise in her new Rela­ frran the raffia fiber industry. It has
^pkiyeea on the Boaton and Maine
MUa Baitaia Browa.
two on her steps, however, Mias Brown to church. Very natlslac- tionship. It would never do to spoil been suggested that the wax may be
There ere LU
Jfcnash ^ elambertos taee rlaea.
I JB..M hurry to leave. The tory won his ttdlet. very straight be the child, eo she opened her mouth to utilized liK.,tbe manofactnro of bot- Railroad hare adopted the
In vogue amottg BrItUh raOraeda. and ThM la aboat SO per enat of the eotlro
maiked the apyroetA ot tbe ttar^er*
ly: "If yon are a good boy I shall illng wax. and in gramophone <
sat, very wide open were bis beautiful
wUh the mU4 aad armpathetlc eorloaempty dish, and leaning forward. eyes.
Ite .vtiu." but instead she said:
the rendering of first aid to the In­
Ry el hm saaUa aatnra. She waa an pi-eaaed a ruptarous kiss upon
man who (Mil to nlae Ue hat
"Ves. I do. I love you dharly."
"A prettier behaved child." thought
jured may be tan^t among the
aMarly waaea. ao stTea to tbe cnl- reosy nose of his still bnsy con
Good Words for the Coontry Boy.
when a foBera! la pemfng la Cheater,
The next momonl. with a siDotber of
(be good Udy beside him.
tBfa ol nmaa that she aaemed. from
Gov. Warfield of Maryland peld tbU
nigland. is liable to fine end laprt*be hard to And." and yet, even as nhe -ms and a rain of kisses, the child
enMpeiiloathtp,.te bare absorbed Into
Tbe neatest town la tfaf world is iment.
high tribute to the country lad In an
"If.” he said warnlngly. "U
watched, the proud head dnxiped and had flung himself upon her.
her owa perionamy oonetblas
ExperlmeeU ere helag made la
"I am so glad." he cried. "I aljlOa address before the Snnday Bchool Brock. In Hollaad. So Udy are the
choold try to 'kiss Pete when he I* great tears trickled over e dlsqnieted
tbeir bloom aad beenty. Tbe feint
Inhablianis that (hey will not allow Norway with fish as food (or poaitry.
nibbling a bone, he would nab you face, while all around spread e faint, good: good as ever I can. so yi^ won't Cnion;
odor of tbeir dried leeree clung like
horses in the street*. It conUIns a
icressfnl a new end profttahle lahe
qnlcker-n a wink."
repressed ripple of amusemem.
atmoepbere aboat bar. wbUe her con
Miss Barhani wiped her eye-:; sun with an eloquest tribute
Hits Barbara thought It most un­
MUs Barbara lookrt for a moment
ly teee. daUy redomated by eocfa In­
Ttae French Academy of Seicooe of-. .
likely that she would crer be nabbed at the anguished face, and then her ly her unguarded speech bad d<>no O try 1-oy; and, In the support of his ar­ dustry U the making of Bdam cheeae.
imitable cosmetics and pore air end
The ebaffeort who dflvw Qnperer fers n prite of $20,000 to the per**
under such clrcnmatancea. and while puxzled eyes fell upon a grotesqae barm. He knew she loved him, and gument that country breeding devel­
explaining the fact was anrprtsed to figure at tbe pew door, a Urge, brin­ wantetl in be go(>d, because of iliat ops strength Of charaeler. and the vir­ WUHam'* ontomobiles must be tout wbo dlacovern a method of commualfly her Mvortte flower; wMl blown,
mbstalnera. He InstsU on traveling
catlan between tho plmneta.
■re the happy fM before ber sndden- dled bnll-dog. silting on his haunches love. For a moment she almost forgot ile qualities that are so necessary
pmhaya. bat etm frwab aad fragrant.
speed of not les/tban forty miles
BTiUe an unladen bee will fly forty
ly loae all Its firightness and color.
leering triumphantly over npllft- tbe dismembered doll, but a soft rustle produce the leaders among men. he as­
Ab tbe weaderera reeaied ber gate.
retsralng to the '
recalled her discovery and she wvnt sorted that of all the presidents this aa hour, and
Turning, she aaw Mr. Woodward of ed paws.
As stepped forward with a pleasant
upon whom he can abeointely rely.
hive laden with honey does not travel
Raymond driving toward the house.
That terrible creature again,not con­ smiling and trembling Into the house. nation has had. bnt two were born and
•Xkmd MorBlag.”
Public love-making In Russia
than twelve miles per I
"It's ao good to ran.” aald the boy. tent with wasting her substance and
"Moraln' mam.” laaponded the mite,
pale but plneky. “IVe got a knife and driving her from home, had at last further to piece*, and from her
with a polite elet^ at the rim of
being block, blue, red. brown,
Pete'B got teeth. If he gets os he's got brought her to open shame. Her fine interior extracted fifty.of those prec­ ing been bora in a city, eight claim street is penalized by a fine of $3.7S,
straw that aannoonted hla rtotooa
country as their birtb place: that and on a street car by a fine of tSJS. yellow, green, ptnk and orange. Mt
to fl^t"
old race crimsoned, and pushing the ious. crumpled papcr>—fifty hundred
Declontiao of lore on a postal card there ere no violet once.
ibree-fourths of the judges of tb
"Perhaps.” reatured the Udy, los­ blameless ms. ter of the blameful ani­ dollar bills.
“A maaaerly child.” aald abe to ber
subjects the sender to a fine of $2.50.
ere caught ennonny on the
self, lowering ber glassea until tbeir ing from Mr. Woodward's huge bnlk mal before her. she passed rapl^
The Emperor of Japan cornea from German coast ten milUan pounde of
of farmers: and that eighty per
to the atom of humanity before her. down tbe aUlo and out of the churrlC woman hid tbis money and a good
Tbe-next mnmlng a letter was writ- God kept it for my time of need. Tal- cent of our United States senators an old family. He Is the ooe hnndred ebrlmpe. moet of which ere netted
"perhaps we can arrange the matter
ly aeroea 1
•n which went nigh to iireakleg a liha. I will make you over good as and reprc-senutlves in Congress were and iwenty-secnnd soverelgii of his at depths of thirty or forty feet.
wUhont knives or dogs.”
lylfls IB la
In Eorope alooe Roesla ha* an ana .
"So. so.” said the amiable giant, ad- childish been. Carl did 0<H quesUon new, and we will let by rmlsed In country homes. He claimed, line, and the crown he wears has deher pretty pofla of Iroo«ray hair, colgooes." Then she stole softly to the further, that tbe great majority of our sec-Dded to bim. witbont InterrnpUoa. of square milea. wtalA is
the justice of the sentence, but
‘ UeU^ and dlflntlng au^ stray ahans ;andng, "you have caught
factory superlnten- from father to son, *inec about C6C (weoty-ibrre time* tbe slxe of Greet
grieved so abjectly that Miss Barbara window, -rve known," said she. "somt
of anahlae as fell in their way to aways. have you? MoA obliged. Miss
Britain. The area of Siberia la 6-tXIO.women who had three of four hus­ dents, Itanker*. lawyer*. merehanU. B. C.
bestirred herself to help him
Brown, much obliged. ”
a somewhat friTokme fsahtoa; e
Captain Alexander Slmpsnn. an Eng­ OM square mile*.
bands to wall on. and'ten or a dozen scientists, civil engineers, clcrgymeo
What kind of a boy is he?” she ask­
pat to their laglUmatc use. they eh<
In y.ululaod. when the moon I* at
"If yon was a little girl." said she. chlMren to do for. seein' I'ce missed and editors, the men who control the lish master mariner, recently cotnple(
eteadUy end benignly. like twin drops ed soniy.
the full. objecU are disUocUy visible
■Fust rate, fust rate.” be answered. "I srould get Tabitha Cummins fi'r you
cl dew. «a the roey face beneath.
goin' to begrutclf me the privilege of from the country; and that mort of don to Australia and bock, having at as great a distance as seven mllen.
"1 bated to send him back for be has to play with."
Tbroagh the flawleae eryotaU
our cities are today ruled by men who been In that trade for over forty year*. while even by sUrUgbt one can eee
"Won't she play with boysT; ques­ spnllln' one little boy. specially
been starred and abased, but Ehams
atadted the amaU,- uptomed face.
Altogether h*- has covered''0,tW> to read print with ease.
with a rapturous clsnce at a daoring once carried water to tbe field
*1 deal reaiember to hare eeen you It coming with tbe children, and yon tioned he esgerly.
The aniiD^ prodoctlon of feather*
sheaves to shock. On this shoving, mlltr* without serious mishap.
"it Isn't a her. ahe's an It." explain­ golden headr- as It don't seem
hMore.- aeld she. "and I can't any at know what Bmma U. He Is an honest
A German doctor, who has been eol- In Cape Uolooy I* approxtomtely 3$>.the governor said, 'll will bo easily
ed Miss Barbara lucidly; "A doll al­
you reM^y faror anybody Voand here. little chap: dldnX even take
be habits ws> pound*. The total nnmber of os­
seen that the country-hred boy has Ircilng Informailon
most as old- as I an. with yam hair
I eboaldat wonder a mite now. If you clothes he wore when be came,
acitlcved brilllafii triumph*, not with-1 of long-Hved persons.Ond* that the ma- triches in Cape Colony on ostrich
Tflc Wireten Tslephonc.
was oae of them little fresh water he stole my dog. all the same." throw­ and ink eyes. My aunt made her. and
In a little work shop In a quiet part sunding the boasted advaouges ofljortty of those who attained old age farms at the time of the last census
ing back his head with a great roar of I always hated ber."
bepB. over to Raymond.'
was 3£7.9T0.
the city bo} ' '•
"Please let me have her." cried be, of Newark a yo-jng Inventor ha
A gash of Irrepreeslble laugbler langbier. " 'Spose he heard
tteo person* owr eighty never went
For an army of thirty tbooaaitd men
to shoot him; good dog. too. bnt "I love doll* "
Shook tlilr ehUd's whcde body.
A DifTsreiiec.
\ »o bed till well into tbe *raall hour*. sod tea thousand honea for three
phone which U as remarkable in Us
naUon humbly, mother couldn't
Me noticed now that he was under
And so for this queer boy the queer way at the wireless telegraph. Severe
A famous naval architect was the;and did not get up again till lata
reontb*. it U esUmaied that 11.000
aUod. Dl-noartsbed. meagre-looklnc.
doll was produced and taken raptur­ tests have shown that the Inveiltor' guest of a Print-., of the G<Tro»ri imper- the d»y,
I tons i>r fw>d and forage are neeetaary.
and that he bad a wide mouth and in- the cblldrbn that I gave in. Well. I'll ously to his bean.
rerth I* Ofi! Tb» hones of a human being wlU
tystemofwIreb-sB telephony will irafis- !«l family, an-! s !i. n-ut walking with , The hw.-st regloi
take 'em back, and well see.we’ll see.'
BaBMMble fcockUs.
“1 thought If Ptie went-away and
t>f Persia, border : bear three time* as greet a pressure
mit the human voice through earth hi.s host, olisttrvwl that the side of the the southwest t
"Why couldn't yrm let 'em be?" aald
“Tbe fresh air folks did send me to
and nearly as much a* wrought
didn't have anything to love. I should I and air wlthoni the us» of wire*.
BayBoad.- said be. "but I ain't there MlH Barbara, halt frightened
die." explained he;
The name of the young man who easier than that -ipon which the la'tej *v-cutlve days in the month* of July [ iron, ,io,otJl being crushed,
, now. beceasB" with a frank, upward own recklesaneas.
g, perer,burg late boom are the
Miss Barbara's heart was moved bu given to the world this latest of was walking Thinking It (o be only and August the tbermometer hi- l-ien;

gteaee. “beeanse. you see. l bare
ordinary politeness, he changed from known to stand above VA degree* in j
principal strew* are gescrto: Jake March said he'd like tbe dog. within her; *he thought of her owvt practical wlreb's* Inventions is S
childhood, shadowed by the tyranny
u, electrical engioeer llvlog the left to the right side Th-tn be the shade nlrhi and day. ronoltig esi.iiy crowded at one o'clock in the
^ “Baa away. Dear me. wbat a bad and if you could bouse that leeile erit
of TaMtha's maker a wealthy woman
Watsessing N. J. Already several no(ice<i that the notables whom they; high as i:o in t - middle .,f the af- tnornlng- Many of tbe theaters do not
, boy you mnA be!” exclaimed tbe la­ ter till Bmma goes home, then I could
saluted the prince wl-h profo-jnd . terotyxi.
before midnight,
with nn evil temper, who bad promU- prominent electrical companb-s have
look after him a spell.'
dy. 'To run away
..................renlXand Miss Brewn.ted to make her brother her heir.
| offered him a handsome pno- for bis, respect, but stared at him as If they
A pectularlty of the eyelaH of the
Svejth Wale* is Just two and a
8o It
tramp of oee'e aeU. I am rttf much
he has refused to seH.'were very much surprised and wonder- mole is that V can te- projected »<>■':
,b* British l*l«*.
almost without her owa volition, (oundj who. upon the strength of that prom , invention,
afraid of tramps”
U equal to throe Umea tho
herself entertaining a city guest.
lac. had Ilvwl with and tormented him. j The wlrt
“t wont hart yon. mum. 'deed
She recalled the weary hoars spent' Mr. Granger U not unlike the ordinary j Prince said: 'Did .vou ol-ervc that af- b.yond the r^Mt or
t oerman empire and Bcigtnm put lo­
The boy himself was well enough.
, srcaV' laterrupted tbe atom, soothing­
in the endless task of drresing TabI-telephone
in app.-arance.
It ha*—
the ter .you
changed to nr
— -- -..........
-------- ---------—
- -----------, rutht
' side the bke
ly. -in keep a straight toad. 1 will: active, help^l. happy-beened: bnt hi* in toe cnoirse
hl» it necessary for vision.
thv for no sooner dfd the doll becomet u*ual transmitter and rocelvcr. spark.' iwople whom we met iK^nCd i
About £0 per cent of the profewloBal
and yon kin watA ate oat. of sight companion had. in Mis* Barbara'* eye*
*> the anlDiar* dense far so cover*
flash coil, magnet, etc. The secret great surprise?”
redeeming qualities: still, feeling I soiled, than Madam pul
“Wool yon ha»e a bowl of bread
.king of an opening ’
Germany are woglass,
e that disastrous rreuU* would fol-'skin and demanded a new dress to'of the Invention 1* contained
There are. aceonUng to ceoso*
and milk flmtr nhe asked, bosplubly
bulb shaped.: and then he explained why he had iiIs the only way to
forolble separation, she wetkiy match. She remembered the mingled i tube; tbls tube, which
cmealag the gate.
J relief
»u..r of
#.* the
tSs woman's
wAfnsn'e *od-|
End. 1 is a certain solutl.ui.
solutbin. the
tfac ingredient*
lusici.cvi^ of
ui . changed
EumuKc. his
uib position,
-I will that. mam. It yon an agree•*!jusi so" laughed the at auction that ha* an lDter««lng Ms-i‘O'!
*»Pper*mlth In the «B! den death, and the terrible disappoint- which only Mr. Granger knows There
abte.’^aad Instantly hoy and dog were lered Mm under conilnual protest.
Prtnee. "Well, t w;.I explain why they'lory. When Napoleon was cagfid at P*™Mr. Woodward sent over the honest-1 meni that (oHowH]. when her Iron
looked so Intently at yo<i. I'a rule Elba, he had a light house built, with' The Shah
per*ia.who Is an eothurearing and dlaUUag dw. she had ly relinquished food cWthe* and ajtreaaore bo*, supposed to he full of
has recently
ly to the batteries of the teletAone
- -Inteaded to shot tbe get# between note saying that he bad made arrange-1 money and valuable*, was found t
shall occupctherightiTorgot" to light it. and. by a corioo*! placed another order (or aU high­
apparatus, the tube, transmit'er. and the highest
the amail tramp aad his follower, but ment* for protracting C$ri Jansen's conl^n only a few wortblea* papers. receiver and antenna. A hlghlvnugne-! hand side. All the people whom we I "colacidenee' tbe next moreing Ns ,
la ParU. which wfU .
Her father's death quickly followed;
but when they saw you | tk>lcon had made his escape..
|co*t him about $50,000.
tired receiver, affected by the menauT me» knew n
'If you will look after him a few one more shadow in a night
which they had aee^ted her larlu-

«. .


Uattr L«Mut Club.
Bra mrUn. Me. aad Mia. PMak A.
S36 bat
Batathalreet. Mor. 13.
. T>» Vaitr imtm bor* at« bwdc Drake.
Oiri. Mr. nd. Mn.
...a. B
TbvrtMB bojn. htcIndlDt tb« R«v.

• e. m LMkfeAit ud K. WDbdB, i«rt
at 9 ordock Fridar BionUns for £.
WOhdai'a «otta«« at Look Lak«.
t tba bon bSated
Ma ' on tbe war
• «aA ndo. tbe buntara rotmdtine sSrtrtdses oa the war.


alnoSi aat down t» _ _ .
poaai 4f ontan. beaaa. Mad oakea
aad ooRoa. The aftemooa waa nwt
ia teattas aad lb the aroaiac a sam*
aaapaf vaa tbe featare, the ataao
betas partrMgea. rabbit aad trimataga, Ftaak AodaraoD belag tbe atlolMt abd. Tbe erealBg wee apeal
la fcaalda talks aad a rUlt to “Joba.
the germlt-" Tbe eompaar bonked
aU Bight In beds aad on tbe floor.
Bnafcfait tbli soniing eooalate.
this derotlonale were coadueted
Mr. WUheln and Mr. Lockhart, .
Lockhart nadiog from tbe BlbU tbe
«U>ry of Baau buaUng tbe renkooa for
bU totber Uaac. tbe bora then retoraTbe caaip wai coadiicted la perfec*
«ner, tba gone «ot betag loaded nnUI
the aboedag groonda were reaobed
aad oa the return to tbe cottage were
aaloaded aad atacked.
The bon an now basr learalag tbe
fWtowtag roua:
‘ aad mUk aad aaBfl'
food oa which we
WeT* tbe gnaleat In cnsatkm,
lEbTa the


Oo-e*. co*i.


a^, wboa op.

'fU Prlae ngMUfl.
SberiC Charles Johnson Is la re­
ceipt of a letter from Qoremor War­
ner caning bU atteatlon to section
lt7flLS4-e of tbe OompUed Uwa wbicfa
deaU wHb prtae flgbis and prohibits

Distiactlrc Pro.
BridesiMids aad

j strictly ea-

is in'no way bener illustrated than in the
—---------- :.t. --*--'chcarcfulselectionismaJc
oi eidusive gifu for the Engagement and
Wedding'. We give personal attention and
-ial care to small details in these affaire.
'Jewel Book and
Catalogub, with special photographs, will be
tent on request.

Oraad Rbplds tbe flgbl game la
Igan has been su^>ped by tbe gove:
and will probably renaU dead ft
long (Ime. Tnrersc City nerer
lancb on the flgbt anyway, the last one
beeping tbe crowd excited for
etc and forty aecoadi.



Traverse City.
Mn. Bbaer and Mn. McManus, with
Grace Lucas at the organ, saag-tn
'riends were i

ly and abuod-

a preeent Uef ermtag and danc­
ing rt~|— aboctly after » o'cloek. odd• tUalBg nnta l o'clock (bia mominic.
no nakU waa fumUbed by Stewart's
k highly educated gonilemau.
taa-BMO orcbeatra aad waa excellent.
....... — -......... and
\ gtvaa. Tbe floor waa aUo la floe
dltloa and tbU added to tbe flac moale Latin and algebra In the Otsego High
, Bade the erenlag all the more Mjoy- school.
abla. Keoree were freqneat and
'TUarto'' aad aeraral other eeUetl
John Kelley Resigns.
After having bad charge of tbe
- . ofTrave
- oner ibm
.. Travr-rae City
Kciloy toaderL-d hU rtsl»
Mr. Wrdeell Raelt
ikm as street saperlniendeot to tbo
rraak fl. Blrdaall. for a aamber of board oI pnbllc works last evening.
ymn Jaaltor at the Wo^e-toag club Tbe resIgnailOB was tbo result of 111
hcjiltb. Mr. Kellpy bsving been a
hoaau haa. Uodered hU reatga
ferer with riieutnallsm iand for
aad vO aabark te butlneaa

J. N. Hartinck aa'd daughter. Miss
Della. Tony Pranhli and Prank Kratocbvn have returned from a buhtlng
trip on tbe Wbiteflsb river. Tbe gen­
tlemen. with trio exrepUoa of Mr.
Hartinek. each serured a'deer but tbe
best Mr. Martloek could do was to
miss them.
Miss MurHnek enjoyed the trip Im­
mensely and bad the experience of
bearing the bowling of wolves
night, some of-them coming up
close to the camp and ^vlng the young
lady a knowledge of Ju«t how
Bolse a wolf conld nuke.


K No.
Oangncatloaal Snaday
attaol waa very ptaassnily
ly ealertalted
Witt a fl o^ckaek baaguet
t borne
<« Mrs. Motbarsat
It last swenlng.
mttlm ae Bnor being Mrs. I. B. OliIf jroa arc in this coaditioQi
Mt sad Miss noeenee Perklna. for•nr taadhnri ot the class. The tables yoor nerve force is weak—the
srara prettily decorated with candela- power is pviog out, the prbras, MillST and pink camdoas. Tbe
of jnur bod; have
■■aits Ibnad tbetr places at tbe Ubie
"slowed up,” and do their work
This failure to
ADar tbe tonr-coerae banquet a short
pragnuB was rendered by members do the work required, clogs
the sj'stem aad brings distress
«the mass and Mr. Motberain
aad disease. Wbea the nerves
TUa was reimoaded to by a toast to are weak tbe heart is unable
tte bnepRaltty of Mrs. Motberalll sod
to force the Ufe^vtng blood
tte dam
a by tbe
tb gnesta of hooor.
tfaroufrh your vetas; tbe stom*
tdi fails to digest food; the
kidaeva lack power to filter
Thsre were elevwt Mrtbs teported
In the city dariag the moncb of No- imputes from the blood, and
emaber and ntnei^ deaths, leaving the poisonous waste remains in
(be anntter of deaths eigbi In esc«M the system to breed disease.
at the Urtbs. Tbe following are the Nerve energy must be restored.
Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it,
IfvaMBWunB suw. nov. s.
bccuise it strengthens the
Bar. Mr. aad Mrs. H. J. Gagnon. 7»l
; it is a
fc—street. Nov. S.
■Csrln CUrenee. boy. Mr. and Mrs- and tonic, that rebuilds ihe
Ctamee Lardie. 218 Bast aerentb entire novous s}*sum.


nsneu. gin. ar. ■on mrw.
Mb PblUlpt, 7tS East Front, street.
Roy AlleB. boy. Mr. aad Mrs. Milton
tt. Wecey. ill Pincnotta street Nov. T.
,_Jlaifc» LUUpn. girl Mr. aad Mrs.
OmiUam Bdward Bwalen. W Wood■mra amnna, Nov. 4.

Perhaps the Milk.
Milk was proltably the cause of
lUkn of Ibe typhoid fever cari-s th
have been so plenllful In the city a^
an analyids shows list thre-e td ilirsampli-e weru eomaininated and
showed evidences of sewer eonlami
Six samples were recently s<-nl
tbe stale analyst aodtie reis>riol tlit
three Mmpica fo be bad. The Ik«i
of health met yesterday aficrwspu an
jsaed/ the tnatiiw. Insiruetliii.
Health Utfloer Martin to see (hat tbt

Tire Insurance!

CAPITAL, B200000
SURPLUS. $30000

Money to loan on Improvci Rea! Estate Only.
Room SIONewState Bank Bulld'ns.

Bestrvm Lot Bold.
Tbe deed transferring the Doslruin
proimrty at the corner of l-'roni and
Park streets tOrlhe Grand Rapids
Brewing compan.v was recorded todaj-.
Tbe conslderallon bolnp Itn.onn,
The lot has a slily-slx-foot frontage
-.1 lYont street and .runs back to the
alley where the Hotel Leelanau Is lo­
cated. Mr. noKlrum will continue his
saloon and hotel bnslaefts until the
flrrt ot May. when his license ex)drt>8 and after that time the pn>per(y
wlll be improved by the new owners.
The lot has been vacant for some
time and Is looked upon ns a very
raluatile lol. one which has be»-n
much sought after.

Menominee. Dec. 1.—A ehihl <
Charles Baiimer pulled »ul .-t plug in
Wii-sbing ninrlilnc fatally scalding hrself In the IkoHIng w«ii-r. The un'iiii-r
also sralded.
suck Fell.
Suginaw. D.S-, 1.—While ii.nscre pulling HP an lo.n chlmii. y ;ii
Die Strable Flooring rt.miiiny's Hitmorning tbe rope hr«.ki' b-tiii
rhiuiney down On the ni.
wl Poidiei7' and t'-i.ilidy
the two> olhers.


3 Rer Cat sllsved m Use D^Mlts

Traverse City, Mich.

l^opdl tiger
Thry are the bcft.



\V.!h.lo, weeg

^Canned Con
and SalmoB





W«fa, CwBly Bul.-Blif ., DETROIT




It oil lu

Somcihing that will Ics\ sen the wife’s labor and
' ^ is sure to please. Come
in and let us show you
the best constructed
range made.

_/F^ *

Ely's Cream Balni^"""
run..,<erT!iiu.cU.- .n


ti.T BUOTUia;!>. it

Sew 79*



Here Is a Chance for You

Now w<; can lill your orders.

Uooil Iron Bod. all olzes and all colors, a good woven wii,spriuK and a good cotton top mnttTcsn,

Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down. One Dollar a Week

Frank Trudff
OfVlos BulldlrtK.

Renland Dauglast

You Get the Benefit

You will fintl a big cat oa the other goods as well, for
Wo mast have the room.

Trsvsnbs eitjp

rnmm The Farmer’s Store


We have aa orerstoek of tbeau goods and we havu got to
make room for a oarload of gootfs which wc have ootning.


Sol^ only by


Shot Himself.
Caught In Aset.
Port Huroh. N'ov. 30 —Marlin Kel­
ley. aged 3d,*Tkas arrested last Jilglii
while trying to break Into tin home
of Clayton Darwood. Several ■.'ores
were bn):o) Into during Ihe night.





r. J. HtluL:;;i Iill'l CI.iu.Il' Ow.-n
havo lenigl;' i>u’ i !i--<-it-ar «t-'i i-<awii-I
liy l'ar! I’i'-n---pin!,■.> il
la a (••»■
hii<l rh.irji"- of ■!:•fn:' r luc- liru.
is tlin.-ivjiihlr uniili;:: w!'!i 'Ij-IVL'.ilM-s«. TIj-> ir
lil-ti !- i,: i. -'
will vi-h n,. m Mir.-. -,

And all higher grades vrill be aold accoriUngly.

•- i



Detroit, Nov.
Elmer 11. WlntiLy.
aged Ifi. was run over and ktlli-d by
lar Etlwoik.1 and J« ffejbon avenues early ihia nioriilng.
The l>oy wa* "hllchlnK on" n wagon
nmnlng abt-ad of an aiitomoMie and
let pi And ran in front of the auto of
Edgar, kho liad iiinosl
isibs a wagon going the other wa.v.
The boy wds taken in the iiiilo to the
hospital and.dled on the way.

Discard Your Wood Beds



LUMBER-A'l kinds.
DOORS and ^TNOUWS-AII styles. STORM SASH-Tbe warm kttd.
BUILDING PAPER-All mdesROOFINcirbe best and cbf*pMt
■ INTERIOR FUflSU-Stock and ^daL
All kinds of shop work to order on short notice.
- Get our prices before bujing.
pha«..-g. r.,i:
c:t7 SPS.
m Lake Aveuuo

Mias Hsrtba Hewttt Albert KanaaJ. W. Aleuok n
ford. wife and son. Roy BL Hannaford
an,d wife ot tbe old homestead ui
iJie city.

Sewm T^wi»'n«wi.*w»ini.TCt. could

Elastic Pulp Plaster


will not free/e.

Elastic Pulp Plaster
does not require sand.

nibi«r stock is of the
Iwst brau'i
au'is aail frcsli froni
lii< factory

it is The Ideal Plaster
f<»r cold we.nhcr use. "There is no place tike home."
Improve your home this winter with "Elastic Pulp.”

Leather Tops

J2.50, $3 and J3.50
Mthr. and M
IN antwortb AVO. AUwhanr. IV.


* rreat street Kor. L
a Bose, girl Mr. and Mrs. JanMB
- 1, 218 Bast Teaib street. July






warning (hem to stop selling the m:
whic h tb known to be contanrinaic-d.
No names wore given out hut H
understood that the three are three
ids and Miss BIhel Robertson were ■ he UiTtett dairies In (he city and sc
united In marriage at 4 o'clock yesu-rihi lr supply from various pan
day afternoon, (be offlcUilng minister
ic country.
beUg the Ror. W. K. Irwin of tbe
bnry M. E. church and the ceremony
Uklng place at tbe borne of Hr. and Prom Saturday's Record.
Mi-s. Willanib Xlcbrts went to Pouel
Mrs. Archie Miller. 5>i8 Plfth street.
this morning.
Mrs. Miller being a slstor o( the bride.
Ben H. Davis left for Manistee ihi
The tiride and groom left Immediately morn Inc.
for their borne In Grand RapIdE.
Mrs. Ellen Mason 'Is vlsltiu a
J. D. Pariish tif Charlevoix was It
Pour Oencrstlona.
the elly ttoday.
A family gathcrlru; of foiit generacily yewlcnlay,'
Unns took TbanksglvloK dlimcr at the
Jamea Prnbert and wile of Bciir
home of Mr. end Mrs. C. A. lianna- Lake
arc in the city.
ford. 140} 8onib Vnloa street. Ther*Eugene Hill ot Wllliarasburg wns in
were present Joseph Hewjtt ^d wife le city Friday.
Mart niid Claude Williams of Mau
(daughter). Robert Hewitt imd wile
('grandaon). aiul Robert Hewitt. Jr., >n n-turcoi to their home uxlay.
Mllion Harr of Orawn irausart(-<l
(great grandson), all
this city: also

tit Smi trtvini BiriU

Omb Mo. Tsn.
■Wim DilMflaj's Bneard.





t MUi CUnd Owen he hasI purIppled and for that reawn be asked
«MMfl Me cigar aton oa Pront stiiraet, to bp relieved of bis duties that be
aw^DB^WhUltW bote), fita
m Awen
might uke a rest.
Mr. Kelley bas Uken care of the
Mt. Blrflaan-e raaigaaUoa tool
. . efstreeu under tbe t
iMt M wraatng aad Alfred Mi
tltm. when he was highway commlswill flO hM plan tmporatllr.
iktiier. under the village organlratlon
and Anally under the city organization.
Tbe SHtnmer Club,
G. P. Lutman bas been appointed So
ns plcslo glran by the Samaier till hU pUce.
Mflb fHdap night wu a yery eaJoyabU
the .Mt BOMt^t
air adding not a tittle to tbe From Priday'a Record.
nhijwilt of the *rt
eynlog Tbe SmnAt high noon yeaterday tbe Rev. J.
aaer Mab alwaya did have JoOy tltmm
•fla Haanaon b«t aoMlngly
' ' theiadTant W. Miller aolemnitcd tbe marrUge of
«< vMte- wodn '
> titaage. Tbe Mrs. Julia Ransom of Bast Eighth
J. A. Tooley. who bas been cnudiirtdaboaorotMr. street and Prank Buell of FremonL
MM. Ftaak Welton. forserty
ig a cigar factory in this etly. wt-u;
The conple were attended by Miss
■ - idlag bat
I Buckley Monday, ahere ho bas
Ml M Oiand RaMdn
- and
- -1 Mr. and Ooldle Saxton and Harvey Ransom.
a lot and will put up a cigar
W. W. MoKaaa. aUo of nraitd
Tbe bride was attired In cream factory.
• • '
mull and carried bride's roses and the
goeaU of Mr. aad I
bouse was beautlfnlly decorated with
wat aemd rases, carnations and emilax.
Bt (ha mrntr cattage. aftsr wbl^
wU<U ithe
About twenty guests were present,
cMaOeanad.taOna Qablea. wbi
aad after an elaborate wedding dinavMBHfl ntgaed. Mr. and Mrx.
tbe bridal cou|de left oa the 1:3S
. ..a ealad Into nemberaMii of
k aai thetr utiutloH followad. Per* Marquette train for a two weeks'
Two papers for the price of one.
______ HMerywork being not (be least wadding trip.
Iwtiw M the ereoUg.
Ur. Buell owns a beautiful farm near
Than who ware preeent were Mr.
Mat IBa. WbKoa. Mrs. and Mrs. Me- Fremrat but will make Traverse City
Wtm, the Bew. and Mn. D. CodiUn. bis future borne.
m.aafl Mm C. i. Bbaer. Mr. and Mn.
A W. MHmwa. Mr. and Mn. E. L. Bdwarta. Mr. aad Mn. 8. Clsek and J.
W. Patchtn.



DET|101T: 140-144 Woodward Art. PARIS: 34-3C Rue do PetiB Hotrlt

A Hunting Party.

Death of fUv. Chm Temple.
Tbe funeral serrlce of tbe Rer.
Cbariee DU Temple was held from (be
Chapin borne oa. Waabiagtou street
t;3d. tbe Rev.
L, B. Btsaell, who was a
of Mr. TempU In Otaego. offleiaUng in
pUce of the Her. D. CocblU. who
out of tbe city. Hr. BUsell'a brother
waa Mr. Temple's pastor in that city.
Hr. BUaell spoke of ibe rich herit­
age of both Hr. Temple aud himself
U having been tbe soos of mUilonaries, born on missionary groond, Mr.
Temple oa the island of Malu U
mt. Mr. BIbm-11 epobc of Mr. Tem­
ple's deep ebrisUan ccdvIciImi. bU
ebristian life sad faith and of hU be-

Ifavcrsc atjr State Bak


Plato Class, Steani Boiler and Accident Insuranco.

force tfaU Uw.

Afler tbe services tbe tRonmers i
friends accompanied the remains
the depot,
depot. Hiss
w P. C. Chi
'Oaaeing Party.
lied (he
(is remains, she being Joined
plds by bis daughter. Mrs.
Tbe Srat Bite DaaeUg club party, at Grand Rapidi
Pallas and aon of Otsego. He was
hold at tbe aty opera boaee FYlday buried in Otaego.
Bight, vae to saeoeaafnJ Oat another
‘ vfll be
hUng about tbe utter
part of tbU nwath. tbe date to be an-

t- '



MOcfl Medical Co., Elkhart, lad

Yopr Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South UoioD Street






Jtomantlc Wedding.
past year aad tn tbe laaolatleoa ado^
CadUloc. Mteb. D*. 3.-«mewbat
ad thie nay and lu tammera'and cRltaaecaily ware iwferred to tn roeuatlc aa an tndde&t of tbe Nortb•m MtriilfBD Teachem'
Tbo other aneofo of the aaaociaUon that was lo seMloa in tbia <«y Priday
ito luiiji^ tWM'Mia-'ikidDk ■«*»
«tto» «r W oMR-toMttoi V toiMm learns ware; H. & SMI of Boyne aad Saturday wo tbe wedding of two
tMr rntm.
tbU BoMcr, %ui Ofty. vioe pr«atdeat;'OBy D. Bmltb ef of tbe (eaebers. Charlew Haaklna of
rotAry-MUarer; Qeo. Hanlatee and Mias Lena OariwU of
*tn alia*m. • Td tAla «uwu b*
Buckley. Tbe couple were married
■MM IM<«M «W«WM«d (M OM
the patwonsge of tbe
Mfk TMiUt^rM. «HMNr ft grftM
« at S o'clock, tbe event
lotftl of ittt.
being kept from the knowledge of the
miltbft BvaMr of books ^roo oat »t
other teacllen until about the time for
both HbMHMforUMMtbvftsMn. way oomalUee.
Cbildm fitan the anereon aebool tbeir departvre from tbe city at noon
itertalaed tbe amoclatloa Saturday Saturday. The nopilal ceremony waa
ceiebrmted In the parlor at the paraoa
age. Mio only witnesses to the cerey being tbe paaior’s wife. Mrs.
dtaataaed, 'Teacbera' :
for tbe Pupira Good CtmJoct OutilM Thomaa H. H. CogbUn and tbe maid
of School-" Then W. H. rreoch of the em^yed In tbo borne. Mr. and Mrs.
atate departiMt gara a talk on (he Haskins are eapocted to Spend tbeir
■ymoon In Manistee.
eonrae of otody. at time dlgreaatng
enoofb to expraaa rlgoroualr acme
Crem Inciwaaeln Deponlia.
Ilona about beitertng the acboul
Michigan people now bare about
•yacm ef the atate.
door ■*•««%«•«.
Mr. rraoeh tboaght the High achooK |I»e,0M.«00 depoelteo In the banka of
an incrcaac of abeat t*3.ouiht
000.000 In the pant year. Tbe bank <deTwo hoBdfod laa tortr-MTon omb •ebooli fbr oollegei an
pOBlta art* Indexes that polm secmately
TiatM tbo rMiUi room MrtSK Uio eomplete tbe bora* and girl); equlptbe condition of the oountry. if
Btent for llfp, beeauac mlr one-bait of
mwUi, 140 w«Ma oad 1141
ae pOT cent of Hlkb aebool graduatM tbe bank depoiiti at>ow a falling e«. It
■ dsllr avente of Cl^
maana that the coumry U endurleg a
ror ontor college.
•lory Vlaor.
and "hard tlmea."
One of tbe «Mat Inatruetlre papera
On the other hand. If they
Thrao bonarM ud clcbtr-ibr«e gl*m at tbU meeUng waa that
that the people are enjoying
cbUdrOB lUtoDOd Ui tbo fftlor OiOMfta Vrwdtng by *>rtif. T. w. Nadal of Ollret.
•btbw'ulB Ubraiy oM Ui at tbe wbo bcKieved that It was quite as Im­ protperfiy and are able to aare while
btuch. At tbo Oftk Park ilbrarr, M portant to cuittvata tbe rolco for tbe accounts nf tbe butlnesa men and
eblldroo boki4 4Mo dtortM of tbo TaM* ■paaklng aa It waa to cultlrate -any manufaeturera show itaat they bare a
balanee wltb which to meet tbeir bHIs
ant Ktat AKMrMd ataatr-dliAt Ua fanltr or orgaa ef tbe ebUd. '
and expenses and take adrantage .pt
’ mala bolldla(. .|b«« boIaK mir two
all dlsoounta.
Ckfc'a Memehal.
■toftoo o< tbia Datum told at tbe main
Tbe annual aneiaoilal aarvloe of the
Tbe Increase in depoalis among tbe
bUiib^ brblfh ■ omkoa-tbo naOm
dmaOLuaTbOi'ftvaraaO iar’ aaeh atnr local iodga «d BUia waa betd Sun­ local banka baa l>een ren’
boor waa M. Hto cbtldroa Uko • day afternoon at Z:S0. there being a within tl^ lutst year end this sbotn
ttendaoce at tbe "lodge of sor- that tbe prosperity of the real of tbe
deep iBUroaf laVbiaM-otorlM,'Ulna
Tbe aerrlcea were conducted
try has not passed Tracerse City
Stoat, tbe cHr'Ilbtortan. botec tbe
■eeording lo the aolemn and Impreas- by.
\r .
tbo addreaa being by the
Oak Park.,
Batpiata Will Meat Hera.'
esalied ruler. H. O. ioynl.
Odo bnndred aad fwentr-four oo^ea
Thnwgli the efforts of the local
During the past year two membera
of Setloi woro slfcn out dnrinc tbe
of TtaTerae City lodge. No. 8U. fi. P. cliurch tbe State Bapllata' aasoclathm
menlb «t tbo Oak W*rk bruub while O. B. have paaeed away. RIchnrd
nwM in tbU city next <Oetober.
6M ooplea ed Jvronlle fletlon'were
This la a larg« denomination meeting
Xouada aad Dr. O. a. HtriUd.^'.
Toaifl. Tbo oaber olHaUI
and the conTration laau sevemi dmyi.
M dbUoOt:
•triakan WUn Paralyala
OoBcemlng this, the- Mlcblgmn CbrUC. P. Search of tile Atnertean Butter ilaa Herald, n Baptist atate paper baa
ZMab oompany waa atrieken with paral- tbe follewing to say;
yaia Saturday night and la eilll 4a a
*'Tbe atate cooTentlon adjourned at
aeml conaelona ewdiUoa.
Saginaw without a place of meeting
Mr. Search rooma with O. B. Demui forlMT. Thi* churclt at Traverse City
over tbe Wilklnaon A Roeaer bowling heartily and generously renewed the
aUeya and when ha did not pul In an tnvUntioii made two years ago And this
o'clock Sunday inriiallon waa later aupplcmemed by
montlng Mra. Demna became alarmed iotiera of invitation from the board of
Cadillac, meh.. Dae. S.-Snpertn- aad ualng a step ladder lookof oror trade aad tbroagfa tbo mayor from the
laMMtt OoorSB A. MeOae of tbe Cadli- tbe tranaoBi into the room. Mr. Search council of tbe city.
lae-ieboola was elbeted preaideot
uodreened all escepi his ablrt
"Tbe matter waa referred to the ex­
a Toftcbera' aa- aad fallen paninlly under tbe bed.
ecutive committee of tbe convention
Malatleft tt tbe clootag aeamce of tbe
A physician was summoned and the
to Ibo Woman's Missionary so­
■maal moating Batuday. Oaditlae man cored for. -Tbe wbtde left aide la ciety. all of whom hare given tt corWMgUoetMAa .tbemeettag piftoe for
dial assent to accept the invitation.

**Tbe next aute cowvmtikin. will
tberetore be b«d In Travme aty,
be^DBiag with tbe miaaleparT ceoferenee «■ Monday eveninc. Oct. 14. IMT.
■ad eonttnulng tmill Priday wreolng.
Oct 18,
"George H. Wade.
'Editor Mlchlgu Chriatlon Herald.
The Death Hell.
Mrs. Clara Boudreau died at her
borne 303 Rose SL, at ll;18 Sundae
night after but a few days' lllneas of
She leave# oae daughter
slaters, four brothers mad ber
mother besides many friends to moun
ber loss. Her mtber. Philip Secor*.
died tbe second day of January. l»0|.
The funerwl will be held from St.
PranHs church gf 9 o'clock totootrow

General Noun.
King Edward when ooMOg personal
friends grMtly dloUkes bsdng irentod
wltb unaecaatarT formality, thongh no
royal ruler more cnr«fnlly aplatalns
at all Uses bis poalUos si monaieb.
An American who enjoys bis majestr's
friendablp declares bim to be a ' drUgblfol and amusing oomposloB wba
U always a Ling. ’ At the Mariborongb
club In London, tbe moat exclualre
InotltuUoa of Its kind cm earth. King
Edward makes It a rule that be ohall
be treated exactly aa an ordtaaiy roejsPar example. It U not
lo tbe MarlLoTough for other n
tu rise to Ibclr feet when t:
enters the moms.

ListenF ta^ay
Acutely Free!


Tbe 3-montb«-o1d child of Mr. and Kidney Troabk Hakes Ton BsefaUc.
Mrs. W. Shane of Elmwood inwntblp>«tcreryhoar wbo remU the _.
dlde Monday. Tbe funeral will
ptprts is sure lu kno» -uf tbe wouderial
held tomoirOv at 1 o'clorii.
I made ty Dr.

Now is the time for you to join the pro;
cenlon thatls going to the Wm. Hool'han
Co. to buy Carriages, CUttei%V--J:|»v>ess,
Implements and Hardware.

Kaol.a>c great

From Monday's Rdcord.
Mrs. U LaLoneof Nonbport was In
the city today.
Nellie Middleton of Nonbport spent
the day in the city. ^
Mrs. 8. Doner of Nonbport was In
iwn today.
Mrs. H. e. Qin snd children passed
ibrongb tbe city this monilag on tbeir
war to Mbakegon. Wber* they will
make their future home.
W. H. Deltnrr and wife spent ycarday at Bnttona Bay. TWturatng this
Carl Parwell of Sntloni Bay waa In
the dty today.
George Loflua returned from Chi­
cago today.
William Mursch ofthrough tbe city today on fata way to
Big lUplda He
bla daagbter.
Mtw. C. 8. Brlnkerhoff of Elk Rapids
is rUlUng ber daagtotar. Mrs. B, T.
Price of Tfsteraw City;

Stem RCWAiib. sioo

S-J,'"' “* ‘


11 ii ths'great med­
ical uinmpb of tbe

From Ndvemln-r I't i« Dw-rrobrr SI. IWC. wc will give away abaolutnly fr», with rxery *50 00 purcbaac. one cf our Ora
Keep acranm of your poriffiases aad wtarn you bate traded tkdlH)
with na yon will be pn*seis(cd with tbe Qrapbaphone enUrriy fiw.
■What U your need or fancy? W» have R at a prtew gad In ^1liy new befon* offered you. Your dollai- will atretdt Ilka rubber,
doing extra duty, wben ix>u buy a Carriage. Ilamesa, Cuitor, Hard­
ware. In fact anything you purchaac* of ns at ibU time.
Now la }W chance. Do noi neglect this great opporiunlty. Mak*
your ftclecUon qnlck while our S(j>ck la large and bMore tba beA bai'
goina are picked np by tbe eari^ buyer. Call and aee our goods eraa
It you are not
Bwd of sortblog. Yon will i^va a gr«M deal of
you bear (be prices we will qnoie yoo.
This Is tbe place to boy Christmas preaenu. Ydu atw awdlaUy
rlt^lo come and eee our c<»|dele llau of SUvftrwara.

MDiooii arwey onu
tpecialist. and u woodcriully
I in promptly enriae lame bock,
.. cstarib oi tbe bladder aM
Bright's Diteaw.- which is the worst
form of kiduey Uoul
Or. KiUner'i
5wamp.Root is
oncmendedfor e»-eiyt^ng buttf yrrabsTC
kklner-. liver or Idsdilcr trouble it wiU be
found' just tbe reiUMly you uecd. b has
boaa teotad in ao many way s. ia bospiul
work and in private- practice, and has
that a
to successful in every c
^wcial arran«meut has b*»u made by
which all rooders of this paps, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
boUle sent free bv mail, alto a d>ook tell­
ing more about Swamp-Root, and howlw
endonlUvouhavekidocyorblad^rlfosble. When writing oauueor«adii«4lus
feneronsOder in Om
paper andagoyopr
address to Dr. Kilmer
&, Co.. Bingbamtoo.
N. Y. Tbe regular

He Mt ferret tbeplsce. lertfee efler we kiTe miie y«L


fiSues are
_____ Doo'ltnahe
sold by
good draggtMs.
anv niisuke. bot remember Ibe name.
Root. IDr-Vilauer'a Swamp-Rool.
___the arUre*
every bottle.

th0n*d tnotnt BtrM
Tsm tail TIntUi
Two papera for the price of one.

Pays for both a

13S Bute Stmt

Cib. Fbon. 99.

geipmercial Prinqiia
nerald and Record Ee.

Halidays Not Far Away

Christmas Beils Will Soon Be Ringing!

Fur Gloves



The (rreatest line we have
shown. Prfeet:


R5I .2.SI, t, 5, 1.00


$10, $12.
or $18
i The Situation is

We Have
twemy-five Children’s Suits for ages 3 to
6, liandsome, filnt clas goods, have sold
from ^ to $6, not a salt worth less, one
of i Lind only. We will close them out at

HIGH GRADE UNDERWEAR-A few BBiall lots to close at cost.

There is no difilculty in bujdng a
good Overcoat for
$25 OB $80. There
are plenty of good
coats at
prices, but when a
man does not care
to invest so much
money in an Over­
coat and wants a
handsome, stylish
garment at say

Ceprri^t 1906 by
Han «vbtCbrr tg Marx

We are showing
the finest Over­
coats at
prices that
have ever offered.
For a moderate
(irice and a satis­
factory Overcoat


Qur Men’s Suits at

Are designed for
men who want and
can invest that much
money in a suit, but
it doesn't follow that
• a man cannot get a
good wearing, stylish
i suit that will givt
him i^ood satistac
tion for $12, $15 or


We aim to stand
with the people b)meetin;.' their want?*.
giving them
bat values we can
for the. money they
litt' of
invest in our line
gOQ ds.

25 Men’s Overcoats
One of a kind. 20 per cent less than regular
prices. SEE THEM!

We shall show tbe finest lot of Neck­
wear ever introduced by tu. Brilliant
eotar, latest novelties.
WTiy not come early and select what
yyu need. COAT SCARFS beikkM the
staple goods sse shaH have a superior
line of delicate colorings.
It maUen not bow nany Ohr
man may receive hi* will always be experdtig
tODKthing in thf way of a ChristaiBi Tie.

Have One Pot AsMe For Yon!

House Jackets
Every man appreciates a House
Coat. They make an ideal Christmas

How About a
Used for lounging and a garment
every man would like.


Hospital aseodatlon of Grmod Bapids.
The poet talatrvss and phamadst
braved the elemesu and called apon
To«ag F«e»l«'* clua .
. .
Sodar wbogl. simberiBC tvenlr- Mias Abbey's motber in Lake Ana Ust
two yatmg taeo and worno. Is fan- Sunday.
teblngaoM pIsMoot oBtenalamMt
aod «xpecU to cooUbb* dots*
Sottons Bay. Mich.. Dec. t.—Anton
BO Uittasboat Uie vlni«r. Tte seeood
“Motber Goose' Flees. aon«Df John Flees, living i '
Bodal. VOS Oven Prtdajr eTcnlBK ud miles west of Sottons Bar. met with a
netted «3SM which iriU be pieced In
the penonace food. Tlte social drew loat the sight of hU right eye.
a lane crowd and faralsbed tnore worUng at some carpenter work and
laathler mod sport than ear entertain- etrock the back of a hatchet with a
Brest Id the vlllace the past season. hammer, causing a
D the inBy their two socials the young peo|de By therefrom. Bel:
have Bade over flfty dtriUrs which
! eye. rendering it
goes toward paying for the new percently parcbased by the
4 this dienlL
Ihe village bearing the date of April
1907. to ran from twenty to thirty
years at 5 per cent Interest. The
n»ney will be nsed for the construc­
tion of a water works system.
Ledanan county farmers are rashbron^t bone with then hllas BUncfie
; a great deluge of potatoes Into
Braes who U teaching school at Bast
itooB Bay. Thoosands of bnsbpls
_ • shipped weekly bv the Northern
Thonaa Hogan, the bosUIng grocer. Michigan Transportation company's
- MU and a large number over the G.
. A 1. though the .shippers are haodiUrtng ipped by (be car shortage.
_____ j his fanny into
new this wsek.
William McCully. in order to ship
bis extra anpply. bAs chartered the
schooner Lake Forest, which is at the
Henry BsUsr who
dock now loading.

She was ibower^'^th kitchen

all of

StaU News.
A party of Calumet hoplers has Just
rctarned from a trip to the north
ate inihey with I
shore at Lake Superior and brought
back what Is believed to be tbe laigThe Tillage ooonell hai placed a
fine new drinking fponttln for anlnalt est moose bead ever securi'd on LAke
near the coraer of Traverse avhnoe Sup^or. Tbts horns measure fiftyand Cedar Sts. near Boyd and
and one-foorth Inches across
worth's Implement
and are adorned with twenty-nine
fMaldn is of iron. atuaeUvs in shape
prongs. An examlnaUon of the bide
a ralnahle addition to the village, revealed that (Ighteen ballets
been put Into the animal's body. The
Janes Vernier shipped a eariot
shot by A. M. and W. M.
baansthb week.
The two danghten of Andrew La Ootteo. Jr. of Morgan City. Ind.
*-U hat been discovered that a rab­
auSwteaebera .
bit will expire Immediately If a drop,
Thankagiving eervleea were held at of nicotine Is placed on bis tongue.'
the H. B. chnrdi. the pastor otnclat
the Ann Arbor Argus. "That
*^..aad Mn. Towers entsrtalned ooght to teadi rabbiu to leave tobacco
on Thankagiving day. Mr. and Mra alone."
Woalpart of Kalfcaaka, parents <d Mrs.
FVed'HHls Of Mason was recently
hurled many feet and tendered nneos'
tar Any____
Mstor of Mr. T.
aeloos'by nn Infernal machine which:
ne skating rtnk rings with Birth
In a corstock oa- his farm.
erery Wednesday and Satnrday evenlag. nnder the management of Mr. Hills Is reported to b
Mr..aeekmin Ble a Bvorite reaort since and ;
thees days. Batniday afteniooB
ladMe afternoon, a pleaalng Innova- longer thought an enemy of Hills'
* 1Q« Halen Bobertson and Thonaa planted the machine.
The celebrated JeSenon
PeCnwn were married Batnrday
ertilbg In the hone which the vriildi has been In the Hillsdale eoart
gwem had batlt and tnnlsbed and
tore than fifty years,
—<e TMdy for his bride.
Me. One. Myers, nee Ada Fairbanks had "another day la court" Tueeday
on a motion to restrain tbe. eollectton
been Friday.
of tbe tax lerled for the constniclin
IhMaaks Is with her dangler.
of tbe ditch. Tb«rjudge overruled the
A «m was bora Nov. to NeQ Manmotion, deciding that tbe tax must bo
n> and wife sosth of town.
r la entertain- paid. The case wilf probably go

Mn. BilanbMh Acker came over
-- --------------------- - ... . y to spend
. Mra. Arimr has been very
' dap Ilk. MIctu Dec. 1.—Mrs. Hattie mer was called to Bnckley TnesdaF:«h aeeonnt of the aertooe Otneas
nC Mr alster. Mrs. Jennie Vanhorn.
Mas LMtu Nood U Tlslttag ...
rtety.^MiA Nettle DavMeon at ManleMra. Jane MeUah and Mra. Lack
Davit of MarUla were vtaltlng In
to<M Totaday.
MJe. Fanny Beaaam of Bomoaa was
oaBhw on friends bm* Monday.
, IMtman Fewlasa of Neasen Oty is
wottog for John Nood.
Mrs. OU BhMdao Is

Arcnda wete goeau of bit Mstei.___
Bncr Brimmer. Frldsy snd Satnrday.
Mrs. Alba Brimmer made a bnslnesi
trip to Traverse City Mcmday.
Mks. Kate Depew «f Sooth Grant
g on friends here Monday.
fleonal from here toirit advantage
of the ezeoralon and visited friends
at Manlntee Sunday.
BBsm MeCUah of MarilU
cani^ on friends here Friday.
T^ young ladies of the Sunshine
dub wlU give one of their popular
danoee In Maecabee hall next Thors
darwTvnlng. Music by Helms Or
chewra of Traverse City.
MMo Bina SbeU who has been con
Sned 4o the bouse the past three
mon^ Is able to be out again.
Tbe Infant child of Mr. and Mn.
Jay Armstrong, that has been
Mek'ts reported on the gain.
Mn.' John Nond was a Traverse Gty
Tlsltoc. Monday.
Wear and Olma Brimmer went to


B«r Barnoe and tamlty left Tborsday lor Manistee where they
«k* their home this winter.
The Misses Pearl and trine Hughes
rtsKM friends at CadlHac tbe first of
the Veek.


Mich. Dec. 1—Mrs. John
TWe ghost social given by the Royal
NelMbors last Saturday evening was
O. K. and a handsome sum was added

and hundreds could not gain admtsuton. The 8. R. O. sign was bung
tong before S o'clock and
ticket agents were notifled not to sell
any mere tickets as the capadiy of
the hall bad reached tbe limit.
Hueor is going to be In It with
------ -* • - this winter.
s the
n and convert It Into
a ekauag rink.
B. 8. dart hes been appointed
agent tor the' Mtadtlgan Home and

tbe An Sable sMtlon la the past de­
cade wns the tale Friday by the Solomoo Lumber company of Detroit and
An Sable of all Its interesu on the Au
S^Ie river to tbe K. N. Loud Sons
company of An Sable. The property
Includes 17.S00 aercA of which le.OOO
acrew are farmieg lands, situated In
Alcona. Oscoda and Crawford
counties. All deadhead logs raised
and now on the banks bearing the Sol­
omon mark, as welt as all that may
hereafter be raised, are also Included.
Seiig Solomon, who has been the head
of tbe Solomon company, will now re­
move to Detroit and take up his resi­
dence there.


Rev F,<S. Franctt. ageu «3. of Win ' Pnalduit. Baa. mu B. Wsltov.
sted. Coan-. who occupies fai> pulpit !Fr?>y-_____ ...
... .
every Sunda.v. al.*a» rrwer* the malt
la Mid _
between Ct-dHtigsvlIlc- and T.»r- Hwiu-B TaylvWsviw
ringtoa. ind walks the dlManee. cov- her a-BBoa peaylrr ikas a eeiran teatra-'
Mins Bdwons Lawrence. _a y„-4ng
stenographer of Philadelphia, rt nily iMidCaoji. t» xiaatv-v v. |MAop-.aad thMi
fell heir to SJW.'kA throui* «e
the w.Il of
rich uncle. Newepaiiper aanounrt- ; i, ^ -^dwad. «t»» tSe uu day D«eBlwr.'
of her good
'esoheu in'Ui»«-a D
aelwk lo iWr
jeltued srtrh
a.ip«BMdLawrence being 0
peals for help.
,1. ,.f
(hal {.ol.;.,P. pro;
patCMUoa .davueyit
advice and impen
riTiW. (.u ihrer aar-eMve «nOcongratulations. This flood of ct>m '(hlrto .wd day of bMnac. Is the Uiaad Traterw.
munlcaiiuns so workid upon b<T mind Hrrald. a a-v (Paper ivutxl asd rirridatad If.
that *h.- wufc f.itc.,-.] t.i.leni.■dg^ty.
and take tvfugv in a sanitarium.

A confLildated bonk Etntcraent Istnied Friday shows an increase In bank
deposlU of flS,725.<U>0 since Sept. 4 and
In one year at
Total de­
posits now exceed $!W,00f>.««0.'
Tbe tickets for the Michigan Vnlon
banquet, to be ^1<1 Dec. k. wore place<!
sale la every dr-partment of the
uniTcrsity this mbrnlni:. The presen­
tation of tbe Angell portrait will take Obliged to Lie With Limbs Higher
place In the afternoon In I'nlverslty
Than Head -Soared Uotold
In onler to.avolU crowding in.
Agonies and Could Not Walk
tbe hall, the-dlreciors of the Union
Doctor Said-it Was the'Worst
have decided to reserve tho seau on
tbe main floor for studenu who have
Case he Ever Sawa
contributed to the portrait fund or
who have liecome members of the
Cnkm by purchasing tickets for Oils
year’s banquei. an<i al»o for morabers
of the faculty.* When all these have
r If-ticT asking for
been providedjfor. the remainder of
u.*^ tin- Ciiii.ura
the seats will he ticketed and reserv*^
. Ih-tne^iiw. I a-4-tl
for student!; who do noL^secure seats In Tbe J.wtor said it
any other way. The reservation of be ever saw
liittli bmU),
these scats will also begin Monday, from
________ ..__ tl«c dtartLits lutes
morning. This method of seating will but
the Cuticura Kcmcdk-t did
make the exercises entirely a unlver-1 nio»t good,
soUigfd t
ally affair.
j my iimb.1

Tbt, Kind Yo« Hare Afta^yg BougM, and mtlt* hu bees
in OM for over 30 yeora, ha. borne tbe algnatsre of
trad baa been tttadeoaderbia per.
All Coonterfetts lntit»UMis &im1’>• Jit«t.«s.pMMl'*are bwt
ExperinieiitK that trifle with and endanger the beultb of
LnCauU and CUildiwa-ExpericiK'e against





ngemetit of the Eplacopal church at the otlwr, there aa., so much discharge
Fenlou. has burned. It was located on from h. 1 found tlic Cuiirurs lU-mediest
Port AusUn. Nov. 30.—John Doolel
hunting yesterday. The charge eo*!
tered his body under the right arm.
In Detroit,
General Newu.
James II. Maurer of Reading. Pa.,
socialist candidate for go^’rnor. filed
r the corrupt prac­
tices act stating that he personally
did. not spend a cent of hta money. All
of his expenses of touring the stale
wore paid by the state committee and
local ormnlxatlons of the party and
be was paid $31 a week and all ex­
penses while away. He traveled 3.tiW)
miles and made ninety-nine speeches.
s the only randld'atc for governor
who received wage* for hln campaign,
but the sute ooranilitee decided that
Maurer was cheap at the price.
Ex-Senator David B.<Hill is being
talked of for the leadership of the New
York sute democratic party. ' It U
said that he has no desire to reenter
politics, but; bis friends believe that
no other man can undo the damage in­
flicted on tbe party In tho interior
counties by the Hearst-Conuers-Murphy combine. U is known that Mr.
Hil! withstood the.most urgent ptwto uke charge of Ihe unti-Hearst
forces at the liuffalo cunvrallun of
which he foretold the result. Now h«

Ta speak of It kindly and gently
bnt It has been nearly three weeks
since Chariea Klmmerty has been
heard from. Perhaps a tracer c
to be sent oot," says the *Char]otte
Tbe stale mIHUry board at their
meeUng at Lai '
eitee for
Grand Rapids. As soon as aulul .
places can be sdected the board will
eeUblUh a range at Detroit and
at Oi
.... Later
prtatlon becomes
available ........
ranges will be established throughout
sute. The government approprl: tti.OOO annually for tho promo­
tion of the rifle pracllce In Michigan,
and It is from this fond that the
ranges ore to be built.
What are considered the model poul7 yards of the upper peninsula have
>en completed at the Sidnaw. Hough­
ton county, farm of Walter S. Pricki-it.
prominent lumberman, who. during
recent yeara. has devoted much at­
Two papers for the prkie of one.
tention to raising sheep and chickens.
Tbe mein building Is 3CS feei long,
with a floe building In tho center (or
full year.
grain and feed. Tbe poultry braneb Pays for both
In today's
nf tbe farm is In charge of an cKperl neuncement
from New England, and excellent re­ Herald.
sults are being socurod. Two variolies of chickens are raised. While
Wyandotte and Plymoi
have been found best a dopted to upper
peninsula climste.
' Mra. James Wessel. of North Bethel.
Is the owner of a fine old clock
which has been In tbe family for

C*» €md gnMiw





clock giv
r place of honor on tbe parlor
shelf than the Old one commenced
lo mark lime in Its old. reliable wa>and It has been to It ever rince. while
the new one stopped at about Ibr
aame time and has ever since been a
silent fuinner to the industry of tb<older one. despite frequent attempts
to Indoce It to go.
There were triplet* to the home of
J. S. Bntrirk of Adrian -until Thurvdav:
when Cupid made off with one of:
them. At nooD Mis* ^ma Buirlck 1
became the wife of John A. Bailey, of I
Tipton, and the bride's triplet sisters.]
Elsie and Edith, very appropriately!
acted a* bridesmaids. The three *is i
Tera bear a remarkable resemblanc-aod graduated from the high school
in tbe same class.
Fire Chief Fred Shaw ha# hawlc-l ,
Pontiac * old Are engine, which wn« ,
exhibited at the centennial In Phils |
delphia In 1S7«. out of tho scrap heap
put her into shape. He now claims ■
the old euglDe can beat Ann Ar­
bor's hew $9,000 Knott machine, am:
thinks he could wi
win the II.o.hi for :
felt offered for a machine t
the 1


is so-much pat out by the sHuattoo!


lii Ihb statement if w *iA. I found
™Jrdma---------'T.----many yeara to make'l l>r C<n!rt
Remediis X tte benefit of peramu suf.
[he tortt
torture at skin diseases,
fering from the
such a* I had. I remain, youra
spectfuUy. Mis. Golding. Box t>. '
Omada, June ^ llWi. "

“I have UMd the Cutirma Soap for
ehafved hand*, which I had teen
troubM with for about three jean. I
suffered intense pain and itchinf. I
used nearly two cakes of the CuticwaSoap, and my bands were corapJriely
cured and have nrtvr troubled am
■hiec. 1 also took the Cuticura KmJ*
for tlw Uoud at the aainc lime.
d• the
Ihe Cuticura R«nBUfffl. ^
tsvillc, Ontario, CuaOtas. - .
ada. Sept. I'D, IW5.

BuLFradB Walks’.JodrrafPr..
mattered thcaalats .d Philaadcr'.
•ak«a'jf»^artka»:nvai.>lin aaidewn ,
• ptil'.aa prayiBS Ikai a .-ertaaa laatra •
lurat in wnuarparpuraac t--le UMU-ta:ll-.

Castom Is a harmlesa *ub«tUate tor Carter Oil. Pare*
Boric, l>n>|>s and SoolhluB KvTtipa. U Is PleasauL It
4 n.-iili.-r Opium, M.>n>l>iae nor other Nareotie
substaure. Its ace U lu B'taraiitee.- It dertnyu Wo
and allays FcrcrishDesa. It eurew Dtandtom turd Wlwd
Cube. It rHievva T<«UihiB TraHil>les,t<kirei^liiRg|jjMMoM
and f-Tatalent-y. It assimiUi<-a tbe Fikm
I. regulalk-.gJm



“tt is Wdevxl. that thr l*Ut day at
lae-n.l»r. a. P l.a*i, at tea la tUferao-tuB. at Mkl .iftve. 1, asd W brra
byapiNttat.d I’lt b-ar.iK latd j.tiiita
- ‘ihai fuUUe-----vaefbagivwi >-y pelit-UeaUon <r a r^ipf i.t
, c-rJar. r.s- Uirtm- «ir.
to laKl
•axi.larerii'anBe. : tbm OraiidTravM^
raM_ a Bmwqwpn ja sM and
iB Mid


The Kind You Have Always Bought

tor thr ConBty o4 Uracd TranvM ;
Pn.Ut- OO - 1
b b

ly, IB Um a.Ui day odtumalaT.
Hwaac. Bob Fnd B. Watt.v. _______ _
In thr niattrr of tho matr at
Fitmt. lair ;1 Mi-1 r..usiT. d-vawA.
Harr H Pvt/o.-i.aviBC Jlrd la mM
foarth anLual arrounr a,----- -- .ratat-^Md far* potia-.B
paiip., praying furr tthe
rrrdtha't ih-11,1 day ..f l>r(-riBli*t.

In Use For Over 30 Yeara


r •jl mL rofitaiOPd lo a>
, .oliran-1 aif. NrDw t

"“Jr'? Taraiv i.iBih. .V|i..r.«i »o s * XV a m -Urwad Baaala. iMa
liaDdrrdaadTwJia th- Hr»i«.r . Drlvoil. T4mdo. llurkM'* aad iWtwea.
TraUrrw- O-oBty. Mu-lu , So.
Su. a-1
a—} a>
» p. n —Baidwta. Ba-----(tty. LadtU
Tb« aai.1 A. IJ. Ma-r L—44 tWrowd r'aauiu■ Uxr.alBBdt'h
Iwily aaa>w<
i. -a<.« J ih- will u( th>MHl
CoBBly. »I »*?■**«* '■••ort .d Orand „
•ew la fall I
•aly nlw-Oai-HB.
ill—Cl HuvIcT.
H F HDCIXat.O. r A..D
iVaN*. AdvwL TrarofM (hty.
-aj i a-ortvae- LT<!r.lar«d

---------------------------- bat pildir iKrterE*'!^”

IB MlJcoaoif-

a.' ’ -.«M

t Bean the Signainre of

Auasda l.>w havtug AUd It. said ,
h>r |>m(itl-iii prayiav tbai Him
utaaldemlat- t-»<raBt*sl to Iltri.ti-o Ijti
!^fc.tihr!Uh «Uy..r lk..-.-mt>v.
A It 1-a w-'.-^urk In ibr r.,m...uB at|
said kTvWtc
asd la btrr'by app<4BVid,|
r.n-hrariae aai.l
It I, lurab>r orUmrad. that puMs|,ulHv lu-Um.'
thmr—I ba glrmn l.f I4lbllmatl»B of a roor -f
thn..n|mr. f.,r tlirw »occi—ir- »>.*» Brvriooa
W -aiddar
..r bMnnc.
1/iaad Trmr.vM
. day <.r
lu the 1/iaa
aad- eimlated
-• • •
iwlgi ef Pretesa.
or mrH.CK.TOi



OTATE oy 3IU'HIC»AN-Th- Prvl«(m fvavt
at a to-M.iB ..t .a: “--met.
at IS* pr«-'
liat.' Mfl'm la tlir .’ll* •it T'ate>r»- t tty, la
•ai<^r.eiuiiy. >at ikm :!st day ut
Ufa- Freel B UTalke-r. Judge «f


— ——-

Tbe Cbildixui’a i‘anace»-Tbo Motbt.T’s Fm-utL

^!alM*^''’.aiBatad 1b'

aTOi rliE.'t -ter I
-mo :b iL
li.r vix.


In all tEif latest licaiims. Sjttisfactiou guaranteol. Pm ninatic tools and latest itnprovoil niacbinerv.
nod works :i21 liiy street
(.'itia*n’s phone Xo. f.'W.

..II' 3- a a * «



Tbomaa MooTr Pobo* almve
dr>-d and flis.
)la.-yB Pyl.a-beTmsa[r.MBartd.-oerthrr
[hire anoi^ arooaai a, lieardun
p rmoTWEB.


i.’uuatr u

at th- tatofd«■(-: ArPMaUart .
emeu and oiMiaa.
-y feo grroriM lor:

1 B. Walker. Jadge c

“iTliUilrvrf Utat lb.- Sin day af nreotnb-v.
A I> I» trn o'rlnck in tb- lifrmaooc, ai
MI'I iirulatr I«rr. Iw and la hevrl.y ai-putolxt
f-.r . laniiniagaat aUowiae mM acroeai ae.)
t.rarii.^ raid ir-*Ufl'-ll.
11 1. furtlirr ordrrril. that Bot>r»

y ®
& I ^
Kmptri. w

:L"ia Isi::

A o Blair. d-M—I



GR*IID RAPIDS &INDIAX«irV'K'r.’S.LL.'Si';;™,'.-'.^^ eTKr..,rm-ni«.v-rK.iMm.

-V-r. V., Itut Bowlerffal

V.aai.Iday.dh>ar;ti«. ii.tar Graod Trarorm-f O l-o-lb-<'-«at> -f lirai-l Travrree.
Brrald. a i>ra>ima<'r 1-riBl.rlandoretilabrt in I
'l ^ rrtatr <4




>a Ili-Biattrro( ib-.-etatr
: iat.-ij Midcuatr. d--.-e-.vl.
a> CRy r.e Norihpaet.

A. W. RICKERD. TnTcne Qty


i-ri arnvMU Trarwa- 1 tty haaday only
_ . Tf«’r
P*rl.e aad .il.apmt r»r»-m aialn Uo» P
• *«1, to.,ralB» trair. taa Pavkr aad t
il-rar.o*J--r-».y it'BEAT. Aaaat
-«BtTcd lira~t TraiTrav-raa r-|ty.
eiirt. .J Bwh^an. u

Ir.ivi .SurvB.:. rA . .

Si's::;:,;: 'X.fSi

Kimball Pianos

mg. Canx. Seeboeek and
Famous musicisns. Patti. Nordica. Lcibling.
others, have bestowed the highest praise on Kimball
Pjanpa. This has been supplemented by b-ghest awards and gold
medsts received at the world's grealcs expositions.
But tbe troo noarcc of „
and popuhiriiy of tbe
Eimbali Piano is in itself—is its rich induK u.itfiimdity. itt
evenly balanoed scale, rvsixinsive ai-tion and sph-ndiil weanoK
qaslity. Thu demand for Kimball Pianos

than any ether make in the
e world. This ii a strong etatement
but ab­
solutely troe. borne out by the annual aaies of-t Kimbaii
Juat new we are shewing some beautiful K.mbaii art productions,
the handaemeat caae designs ever exhibited on cur floors. We nave
pianos to match the furnishings of mansion cr cottage. We cordial'/
Invite prospective piano purchasers to call and see these beautiful
styles, whether you wish to purchase new or not.


-I'liy. in' -a'-! —-P'’**"'
11 [a/I
Jo^ of i-ro

Canadian Governmint



il-.-.L--.. a: lr-— '
trav-r- . .r,. J|;rfcl,at-

to [




A Iftw year».

tt»; ry
lio tbe lac: tb^
.Cacaia is h-v.-cd

We offer for this week swne exeept'Cnal price indueemenl* 0
planes, slightly store worn and m last scasen's case designs: |
that sell regularly st »350. $400. to $450 marked to close out .
^rgain discounts.
Our Small Payment Plan' Makes Piano Buying Easy.

run.|Jajaa:.i. n Fart Hlaak.

There is No Magic
in the ac:ofnp!ishments of our

Over Ninety Hlllion
Busheliof Wheel


. tK.-.- r.( l-y.

"Best” Flour

M. B. H.ARKER. prop.

To Core a Cold in One Day


x.-e aj<, pioLUtlr ctCiBgi.
L-.'ai. woc«3 an-1 water in
,i.t-.;=di=cr: ehur-brv
t BCd
[Mircvisiect arkcu
rxiv uf aecessri

h is made from carefully selected
Grand Traverse wheat, in a giiod
mill by a yood miller. Every
sack (guaranteed.



Lay Co.







The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
display of

All your'
Gtri Bnylug
leaviag our
MwMtt .

la Traverse



The SOM accoptable clft iSat can

Xmas Gifts tor "Him”



latest flclloo. the best book* tor boy*;
elrla and ibe wee tot*.

i Store.
and every division is brimtnl ol handsome and
practical glfts^ Irom the simplest to the most elat>or>
ate ideas. The great markets have been carefully
searched with the result of the greatest display ever
made in this pari ol the state under one root. No
need to leave the store until you have made your
purchases for all your rdallves and friends. Yon
'will have little tronble in selecting suitable gills
irom at least some of our many seettons.
It is advisable to buy early and thus avoid Oie
great rash of the last few days ol Christmas shop>.
This Is Traverse aty*s logical Christ

Honsc of Defwiae. E. F. Henson. SOc.




Thcl^er. Mary DUIohAIJS..
The Pass. 8. E. White. StJS.





WhlspertDS Smith. F. M. SpennnaB
Unen and board covered book* for
fhe ntile one* at tOe. ISc. 20c. 26e. 30c.

Moon Face. Jack Loodon. $14$.
Jane Cable. O. D. McCutcbcon. $14S.
Step hy aim Mrs. Downs. $146.
Tiie ricbtlnc Chance. Robert Cbambera. $1A
The Prlsdners. Mary Cbalmondeley.

UaiBiy sift books in lieantiful cover-*
at 26c. aOe. S5c and SOe.
Poems by most popular author* in
added leather blDdlngs at 86c. $140
nd $140.

Fine line of Birthday Books at SOe.
Anthony Orennan. Mlrian MicbaelChristmas Booklets. TOc. ISc, and
U9. $146..
Bock in the Baltic. Bobi. Barr. 60c.'
painty hand painted mottoes. 25e
and 60e.
Lady Beelyn. Max Pembencm. SOc.
The Man Between. Amelia E. Barr.;

No flnor tine to select ChrlMmns situ from.

BIc line of Casae Partoul mottoes.

Candle Shades

the neweat


Picture Frames

Carpel Swe

Tin- Uisacll Cycu IJoariiiK Car­

crepe paper at tOc. the allk* at

pet Sweeper 1* thcjdeal ChrUimas gift.

2Sc and 60c. the new atylea with


Make* no uui*o. re­

gmyrasA al tthe neweM pat­
tens. $2.a. 13.76. |$40.
>e Ions hull nis*. the «inare
r dporL, the iniAll one* tor
wnye snd In front of piano*

bill springs, will not

more eiaboratc ones nt $1.00.
Twisted Candles,




ii:akt‘r a splendid ciil-






No Oner display
ha* ever
made of the most exoaislte caitinga—
entirely new
ideaa. Olives
DUbeA Sugar and Cream Seu. Vase*.
Water oBliies. Tumbler*. Compori*.
Derry Dtsbea. individual Balts. These
goods are prlci*d at 11.00. 11.60. i:.00.
$240. 53-00. $3 75. 1440. $5.00. $7.50,
$$. 50. $10.00. 512.00. 516-00. 5W-00,


5.1.r.O :»iil $.5.00.

Olive nnd Bun Bon



Vases and Ihld Novelties. 5I4:>. 5140,
52.00. 52.50. 53.25 and 53.50.

Dishes. 51-00. «4o and 52.00.


Genuine Teakwood


l•ileller*. $1.5.1. IJ.5U. 53.75.

with Inlaid marble tops.

Something new In purr-, clear gla«*.
Vases. Ban Boo Dlabi-s and novelties.
76c. 85c. 51.00. 51.25. 51-60 and 51-75.

Leattier and
Ebony Novelties
Thras flreat show cates full ef the
aswsst things In Lsathcr and Eb«ny
TsUet and Manletirs Bata. $64a $64a


lliiral »

Unen Collars

c.ips ..T..I


Spoons. Oyster t-^irks. Beri^' Spisms.

l-atups. Ja|«ne*c Novvlle-*-, Ik-ii Fiir-

Bread Tray*. Caiulelabnis am^ Novel

artlel.-s ihai <iili li.- niarl.- i.o
S.-II ;.l 51,.... aud l!..5ii 'I.-- .vaid


\ v.,.iid. itiil lir.iroMais ;.i 2V. :.••••, 7.- and $1


anil li-'icl.



a. ;. s.;-.


style taundervd. at 26
Ttu- faney bnnieieil. each In a I
al 5'ir. 75r nnd *1 >*l.
Iiiellti-Kt di’ic-ini. ex-er made.
iM-tier gifts rsu lx- made.

Some More **So
lor •


Fancy Hosiery
l■|;■-l. ..m’-r-id-i. I
T.-..- »1
fl.J.5 :.

Christmas Furniture






Balh Rohes
r..m. $.;.M.. $7.:di, 5'nil. 510.W1. 512 00

fl.ii. $t.'m

Thrsepieec Tnllst Seta *2.7$.

Music Rolls. «14a *14a

Pockst Mtrrwis, 10c. 26c.

5$ cents
Rwcktt Drinking Cups. 46c. SOe.

Hand Mirrors. 60c. 76c. 114a









It.oo. 55.00.

»e fanoy
A splendid
beses sell from tOc to the boauttful
cut glass bottles wiin ii-c fincft of
perivfhci al






TouriM't Catss. fS-TS. $340. •2.60.

bolder, at .7c. IOr. l>.
InliiaU. UDlaiindrii-d. at

, Ijni"'.

A K>'-8i I:u.' of fancy siU.>. for hand
b-g«. diiilie uilU and ilo- h•■■1 of fancy


nnd make

r>n .-il


Newest NovelUes

F..I- vhiri wai-ts ;i»c! snli. -.11 al T5r,
5l5I.25 Ull.l 51.511.



;.r-. Jiiahle cifIS.

In. -i'-

lue Carru Marbli-. eloillUruI tk-eui'al<-.l

and 75c yard.

Shoi.l.-nt Bar'. a< l:in.-.‘ a Idle as
y.m Will liiid In 'h-

Plaid Silks

Aiisirian Sci-iiiiry.

II in dlffertii' widibs

at 2.5.-, ...V. 10.'.


Steins 3o inches liigii. penuine Bronre



.<>1 W.i't'iiui ('RiisiniBR gills that ar«'

Ol S5c,

u- i asll,» fiadt



or sold

I.iiiirl I'll-.:--. e»nituilitiit» and Inmilri'tlii


Solid Stiver Knives. FVarks. S|km>ds.

v.iriid) in Isuh H.liil ••.d'.r-

T5- llx- .*4.1 ;.ii.l the


Kirsi shown


-.11 ;.l


Fancy Ribbons


H it*, ir.t’o.

ami >>ni..-s for ue.-k rlhlailiK.,rai-!.--.

Saiieers. 51.50. $j.-'m., 52..5“. 55*“'.

512.60. 523.60 and 525.00.

*'v...n. n* fsnrv ,«t.iit leather


t.r7:. and

i’uif and

p.--, :.n.- ainl

the l..•a•ltifltt -.iia.hd


Fhit.-K. 52,50.

oud Cream Sets. 52.5o.

Christmas lags 1
. for Kk'.
f.-r srklliiE i>sckav.<-* In- is' of niix.-.i
• if ho<T rs.’in.-..


and I2.m< each.

Cups uml

Juvlliiler.** 5»-60 aud

Pure Flint tHass

haie .ter

quisite Irrldescent coloring.

Exquisite Japanese hand rarvlngs,
licks. 52-5(1.
e*. 51.76. 52-60.



Then .he

Dry Goods Novelties

Hr.xi.1 and Butt, r l*lau-s, 51.<o. 5V:.>



Fancy Silk Crepes

lUr to Tiffany art glass In all the ex­



l.iii iiMl,.- fmru.'*. ItrlBK in .v-*ht

Hand Painted China
Tlie finest we

Christmas Shoes

; Christmas Postals

and. youns

sociotto.s for mrulsblng

done on tiniu.

TTie daintiest novelties om iliiR year

I Silk Hair iliuui. $$4a $24a
14o! $1A

Thi'. iiiosi i-’amitt.l • niUosse.l

or.hrs iti once otid have iti-ni,


A Ml-- Swiaier. $640. $540. $4.50.
$3.50. $3-00. $240. $240. $140.

•I Tl. to Rolecl from at s.-, l«r.


Beautiful Christmas Gifts

I. 164a $540. $340.


liidly d'-slKD riiristtita- pustal*.
v.-uils. in
packaci-. for



i.|.1..r F-;.uMu lUnd.;

■ A ulc- H.:l. $5.00. $240. $240. $240.;

finer crenniR nnd chnroli.ic* at

The Christmas Tree Candles.

Cal Class

A ui-:..

iilo! $vod 7^ lot

l■.^T worieman

44 and 3C In box. at l6c the box.

$240. $1.75. $140. $140, 75e.

i140. $1.oa rSe. SOe.




H l»-\ of half ilii/i'ii IJnin Haudker-

A:' lioiiiuforo *o make

Nojrly lwu buD-lr<-l sam-


«Mn, $240. $240.

$20.00. $1540. $12.00. $1040. I



Slild. I
$340, $240. $240. $t.5a $140.

«.M. $2»a

l=. and 15c a ,*mnd


al ii!

$240. $240. $140r$?«

pl'-y to KoliTl fimn aD<l nil i-x-



lli-iv &ri- *iiim-!

iIiviTimi. .

duat proof avie tube.' The "Gold


uiuii 111 ^iv<‘

liiii.-Tv Mi«n<<luit. frtuu «iiif cliiihlna;

rial atninc'-mt-m* «iih Stunlav

laU> hair, dust or ravcIinKS, lias



Christmas Candies

Wr have

nil the ialt.-st stylos of m»u!<i-

quires no.oliing. has leverstble
bend fringe At 26e and SOc. the
Dsetna. 12.60. $1.75. $4.75. $640.

• >m>n »h‘-n i>lnnnin): cili~'

fi>r l.i:!-'r.

be made and our stock include* ihei

$7 75

AND $940 TO THE FINEST AT $42.Cfl.






HOGANY SELL FROM $3.75 to $24,OG
Fancy Soap* from 5c to 75e a cake.
Bidtbeards $45.tia $40.00. $33. $27.
$26, $18.75...

MisS'on Rocker* with leather uphol­
stery 5s. $7.50, $840. $ia

Buffett. $36. $29. $26. $20. 12.
Mahogany Parlor Suita. 43.50. $56.60.
$6740. $75.
Turkiah Rockers from $28 to $64.
Mema Chair*, oak with velour ejshIona, filled with genuine hair $940 to
'The miaalon style Morris Chair* in
the- fumed oak with leather cuthion*.
$25. $23, $20. $19.

Leather couc

$24. $3a 642. 6>5.

BooveaseB. Sectional
Beekeaves and the newex: m Mist-sn
Beokcates. r

Toilet and Manicure Sots ir ebony,


Fumed Oak Oavenperts.
i. with leath.
cr upnelstery. $20. $24. $}0.
}. 645. tS7.
'China C'eaeia and
i Bnc a
a-Brae Cabt
Fancy Oak Rocker* , from 64.50 to

Christmas Dinner
Necessittes n ::

Amiotte and American Candy Co.'a.
tameus cnocoiatea and Bon Bona put
up in fancy beaea.

W'-t-ng Decks. Music Cabinet*, RoH
Top Desks. Pbenograph
Pbcnograph Cab-nets
Typewruer Desks,
(S. grealett d^piay
Brass and ire
Beds. '
Bed'osm Sue
Rocke'S and cna-rs
Odd Dressers.
Chiffoniers and commodes.

coca bolt, rorewood and nag fittings
priced from SOe to


If Mfwn go-ng through our store you

ilirm- l-f'-i ri- -i f;i»m S14C -- 69.00 n


...i. pri-lI a- 62
:.-yd l>rk» In *• • ■ I
j'. fn
ii.00. $5.0a $5.50. S6.0a and a la:*.Ti-a-iiik.i.'.
' s. Fr iit JlijLs ■.
Cj 'ivr F.-.rk-- Uaianxldfh''

sec art'dee you do net wish to pur­
chase at that-time, please dotify the
merrhant from where


trading and he will buy it



from M.


.been lately token away from tbcai— have charge of the aurk In the
SurpriB Sapnrta*.
tMilliiMber term 3UMca Bdna OrelHk. GmM -bnd Dora ONorUMat to take all tbe finger
From tdfice boy t
S'. JoBph. Dec. S.—Tbe grand Jury
or Cimiu eoon U Hfbt. but (irestr- Brana. Tbeae rlrli vere promlaaiitly prtnu of the meo la the service. They and arrive managemi
C^blcb convened this monalog is ea•erou eoiea Mac reported. Of tbeae. IdeDilBed vlih the Sonday aebool work are J, Dfiton-Hdl. a portege of tormer Secretary Herbert, abd Mrs.
aggregation of domestic ateamablp pecicd to turn tbe Hqoor sellers and
•ix are critniDuI cmm, nioe Isiuea of knd tbe exerclaea yesterday fbowed Flood Channoa.
lines In tbe Vniied States In a period
fkct. eiitit cbaaeerr pA
tbat vhlle they bare cone on nbeod.
~Cnde Billy" Drlaklll. who Is dead of little more than tUrty years U the gamtlera upside do«n and spring
prise* In several parts of the county.
in Prtaaoum. Mo. aged »« yeara. vaa
four'chei>eeT7. la the eotendftr'tbere Uielr memory still lingers.
one oC thL- moat remarkahle men U re-Drd of CaltlD Austin, who bss Ju«,
«» eeaea dlroreoo. The
Mlaaen OrelUdi and Omee Erua the atote. Several years ago be began bWn elected president of the Manocyi
fg followi:
vere nenbera of Mra. Wrlgbfa data to gnrv fbeblv and eoutaued to weak­ steujuihtp line, vhlcb makes the
CrioiiMl Cmm.
and Mias Mery Parr vrote a memortal en aoUl last Vinter. Mb he beemed fourth big atcamship company af;rr«»
People r*. Jolui HMltto. ftoUtlM paper vbicb vaa read by Miaa Loulae to gd a m-v itvse of life. He begaa.
‘ O. W. Murray vent to Lake Odeaaa
cuiUng a aev set of (eeih: LMek hair which be U tba bea'’.
of ibe liquor U«.
Hale. Mps Dora Brana vaa a mem­ came In to supply the nllvery locks
There is consideralle dlscuaston in ^ j^sterday.
l¥ople Y«. Jotaea Burden, rIoiaUon ber of Dr. Sarah Cbaae'a data and and cover the bold spots on faU bead; Indiana i
to vbicb of tbai state's
and family of
. or tbe liqoor lav.
Mias Oeorgeita Bbiter pt^mred and he regained hU eyesight and became
ibolt be placed lo Suiu- Elk Rapids spenk Tbankiglvlnc vrltb
almost at spry aa a boy. This Improve­
People VH. Anton SdlknlA rIoUttoB read a memorial for ber.
ment continuer) until about two ary hall. kVashiOgton. alongside tbe Dr. J. W. GauDilett In the elty.
of the liqoor li*.
Mrs. Leco F. Titus, kaaiated by the mouths ago. Tfacn the eondiiltm
statue cf Oitrer B. Morgan. Must
G*-o. G. Bales of Chicago, vice
People Ti. Fnmk GrMh, rape.
Sunday ndiool la the chorus, tone a versed all ul once. u
He .took, . .,
I Went of tbe HerWd Md Recort. and
People TO. Daniel T. V«*l, boatardr- nde.
bed. grew veaker '...Sdllv^d
steadily on. d^ed
i. .nmLr”^tn,!..^
bas oWy the War gowmorlt,,.
It fpir days ago. Lost
summer be-Jump­
I his vjfe. spent Thanksgiving wt.h
vlih Mr.
People TI. Banter Anderaos, fortbe:<..
ed over rhairs and performed other
Qsier fsiher. Thos. T. Bate*.
terr_ ,
. Unity Uapue Hat n HemA
astounding acrobatic feats.
bavc tbe lend, but Thumss A. HendInoHM or Foot
C. M. Buell and wife left for Byron
Oeorge B. Lelgbuin, vbo Is promt licks. Daniel D. Pratt. James O. Eads
Thrbueb the unaoilclled genefoalty
.Allen P. Little VA Jolla'bnooB. or E. Wllfaeltn, the Rev. G. R Loek- nently mentioned for ' Uplted States Md Lew W’allaee have many advo­
netloo ti> abiatn potnraslaa of real ee- hnn'a rJaas of tbe Baptist Sunday senator from New Hampshire. Is 42. cates.
Ralph Kliebcn of Old Mission vat
Harvard man And a member of an
in tbe city Noday.
scbool. Imovn as the Vnlty league. |
. Clirli Brcren n. B. J. Mursan. a*- baa been clren free of charge,
d New Hampibire fMnIty. He made
Mr. and Mrs. A. *r. Hupka Md Mrv
New York. Dec. 2,—Prof. Ferdinand
nunpolt appeal.
next to the pastor's office Id tbe WIILellnyle. aged 87. tbe famous krtltt A. D. Hupka left lor Chicago this
Bar Dunn' Tn. J. W. Milliken. tre» bdru block for a bo>a‘ parlor and
Prof. Louis Schaelder. the first di­ who painted tsuirails of riia-les Dick­ morning after vIslU&g friends In the
tmaa appeal.
urry room.
rector ef tbe Marine Land in Wash- ens. Edwin Fnm-si. Oi-n<ml Grant and
city for some time.
Jobn N. FOotc r*. Jollni Stolnberc.
iDgtoa Md Ibe leader of the Imperial
Tbe room la being fomUbed with
y other notables. Is dead from
L. E. yield ^ Uunlsteo was In the
piano frtun Grtnnell band. wblHt
heart failure.
BoIjA K. Jonecoo to. .Peter aiHls. Bros.', a leather lopped reading Uble. SedM. has Just-died In New York. He
city today.
M. C. Porter of Iceland npent
tvo loaiber Morris phairs. two iMtfarr received decorations from Kspoleun
BDma firovn t% AtUmr Nentb. an- Toelriiig chairs, a laagniine rock and
til. from the king of Itily. tbe king of
ThMkntving In the city.
Jackson, Dee.' 3..—J. I*aik* Masiers
U H. Cooper of ManlsU-c was In the
hall tree. Tbe rttom has been beatill- Uciglum and Pope Leo Mil.
of W.ilker\nie. vikitlng a iv-latlv»-. Wil­
Belle Barcc v*. Arthur C. LoobIa fnlly papered and the
Mrs. Ellen M. HeClelbiD, widow of liam F. Parkinaon of lls'b Mill*. fe% city yesterday.
breneb of proatise.
will ennaist of.«luuilc pictures saenred Gen. George 11. ilcCIellM and mother
W. T. Ma»>D of Walton tetnnted to
vlth a loaded siftt gtin wbleta dis­
•• lleorco W. Sicvmrt n. Hennan by tbe pastor vhem he was abroad.
ot the mayor of New York, has ar­ charged the load loio hi* knee. Udiv his home this morning.
.. Hrmon. defann.
Tvo nights out of each week vill be! rived in N'v Y'ork. She bss been re­
C. Hoburg and wife ot OM Mission
sballerlng It. Fbny pieces r.f bone
Frank W. Jobnoon n. Denmond given over to musical entertainment
siding niiruad. but will remain In this
> taken out and aiupuiatloii is were in tbe city today.
Chemical eonpanf; onli fw daqae**- for Ibe buys end from time to time
country to be present at the novelllng thought to Lo necessary. He U 47
M. Slorrov of Old Mission was In
Chanecry Pm Cenfaeoa.
different pastors of the city will nd- in Washington mnet April of tbe me­
years old and has a ruully.
city today.
Mary 8. Dnlfenhoib y«. Alfred Dahen- diW tl|s>m.
morial sistoe of Geoeral McClellan.
kolb. diTorce.
All unebdrehed hoys of Ih'a city be­
Queen Olga gf Greece Is an admiral
Rllen McCleary Ti. Georce McOea^. tween tbe ages of 16 ani1 !l years will In (be Russian navy. Tbongfa the exar
be given a eonllal wetooma to My
inveslod her with (be
Nathan B. Plaice ta Leetdta J. and all the privileges ef the leogoe. command
a squadron, this doe* not
Pierce, dlrorf^
r numbers tvotty; imply that Queen Olga is not caimhle
The ladles of the ebiireh will give « of flillug such a poslilun. She bus
Wricbl. notice of faearlaB.
New Year's dinner to defray the'ex- passed a brlllbiDt examlnsllon os fleet
wilier N. Millard ta Satan Mlllanl,
es of-fumlablng (be room.
eapiain nod displays great competency
notice of beaHnc.
1 work team, weight about 2,400.
In naval guesliooA
Warren Pierce ti. Jotepb Bckailne
1 7-ycar-oJd mare, good driver.
Low PeUtosA
Alouammer Bey. . aon of Turkey's
et ol, notice athearlnc.
On ocount ot <he raise In freight richest nian and heir to a vast fortune.
1 4-months-old coU.
Bennie Qattk vi. WUlnn Quick, dl- rates tbe poUto market Is now down
3 cbws,
1 last spring's calf. .
Is In Boston buying shoe and cotton
to SO cents. During the season of nav­ machinery. He is highly educated.
2 sets heavy work harness,
,ln tbe matter of tbe peUtkm of L. igation. April 1 to Dee. 1, the raltrands
1 light driving harness,
inlerod eerenil of the great Inwni carry the tubers for 13 cents per doatries which bis father eonirola and
1 heavy wagon.
1 set heavy sleighs,
IM pounds but daring the wlntertiwB- Is a keen business man. He «-iII leave
1 power feed mill, new
• Cedlla HamoD ta Arthur N. Hnrw tba tbe price has been, put at 18 cents,
nboul fiSOAJWO. which
mon. dlToyee.
wbleta tnema about three eeau more
t of appIlBftces he Intends to
months’ note, wiihom interest,
Mary R riUekle rA John A. Wade per bushel. The Chicago bouses have
in payment lor any of ihe above.
srired ibHr local buyen to bay only
Min Barco ta Arthur C. LoomlA'
' Marrln D. Crane ta Maty Crone, di­
Qaneral NewA
Rev. CboA M. Sboldoa. (bd noted
Tana tad TImIdt
KMoaa preocbei' Md atiUior. has ao
Tvra paper* for the price ef ora
cepied an Invitation to go England
next March and -speoil three ntonths
Mcaortal nertloM were held Sun- In B temperanco eampalAb.
Corner Lake Ave. and Tenth St.
oring every year 6.260 -miles.
Paya for both a full year. See an-'
■ dor by the
Citizens phone 32
Bell phone ICS
Tbe seereiarv of tbe navy has as- rteuneaiRettt elsewhere in io.Ia.v s'
nebool for Uirae membeta vbo hare tlgned two finger print experts to HcraW.

For S^le Cheap.

Wllltam rir Wifefct TA Ann W.

ett «mi tmtrst BmU



Smith Realty Co.

Pancakes ttiat


The Taking,
Cold Habit

ti«r atolra darrwU.
“TeA Mm. SwelImM bm* Wn. rob­
bed of her y>welA and Mtw Sneeker It
tbe gnllty i«rty
*'1VLat? Yon dao't mean to say abe
stoK-"“What el#e cm Jou i-all It? 8bc offen^l the vook fii and the maid SS a
week, and sow Mic's got them”- Exehauge.

of a week throat, weak iungs,
a tendency to consAmptloii.
Ayer’a Cherry Pectoral
breaks up tbe taking<old
babli. IiKrtsgdiefis,aooibes,
heals. Askyourdoctorabout It.

"Are yon sum yra lore ate for my­
self alooe?" asked tbe ronunti,- yoong
"Weli." repiltd tbe (•rerlirsi young
utac, "I don't think l.l-oe ynu fm*
MV uoe clae.~


The Latest Addition lo the
Famous VICTOR Family.
.last Intt, bnt it Talks.
Slugs. Langha. Plays any
MtiaienI laatrament ao<l
tloes/ many

thins.'Let the Stork

viait year homo with one
of tbene <leligfatf|l miertainera—

Price Only

The new VICTOR. .IR., Inkfw any dinr- Ktooriiottl ill
are n-markably. We inrile you lo call any tinio




Traverse City Store, 159 E Froal St

The Whole

to the liking of tbe whole household are
“hatched out" from our Buckwheat flour.
Ask your grocer, his customers and your
neighbors.' about the "raising" qualities of


Joka Obering c( Bowatb Harbor was
Is tba elty tafiay.
R O. lAdd of Old Mission was In tbe
salts fracu tbe tmtcieut of certain
eye (Usenseii si rierstel sistl-ras bsre city.
been feoiMl by l>r Ihdvri IMney of
Parts From n bnttsB at a br gti; uf
!«.«» feet, a faUlug bailie va. eatek
ad nntli It nnebrd.a ute and vaa
then MM as N aaak. Rtnmlaitlaa at
s gwatss alttlode Noe.-O inu<-li *|ateeitou of tbe pcpiia as au <-ir.' -i «e
tbe rnrefird atmasobme. with tn.-na»
ed oMuIltreness of tbe •i;<rbThi*'reiuarkable aensltrveiv<s »h->nld
the diKtor cialmA gnalljr old the usual
renedlet. Olsnrvms aud cbon.idltls
are amoDc the d!».-as«-« that be |«w
Meres atioold lerebe espertal t-rrerili
The old cold goes; a new one
W« DOW learn.-tndlaa. Ilsvlea.
quickly come*. It’s tbe story

Our f>ueen City brapd of Whole Wheat
Flour. Sweet, healthy and untritious. Made
from selected Grand Traverse wheat. Put
up m I0*pound ^acks and branded
. .. I

Hannah & Lay Co/s



Johnny Cake


Made from our YELLOW

’Takes the Cake’
It is sweet and whotesome and makes
mind, muscle and money for those
«ho eat it.

Flour, Feed, Meal, ^rap
IVlicldlirigs, Oa-ta

Haimati & Lay Co.
Traverse aty, Mich.

Our White Wheat
4- -

Graham Flour
MACS DeUdoiis Cons
and Cakes lor BreakUsI
Rtlieves that tired feeling resulting
from a too hearty supper the night
before. Sure cure for dyspepsia.

I< <


7= ■

are gtod to bear from aU oar Sunahla-

I wm try MMT to «wny «r

tnr«» »• to MMr « I
* ^iTlfJr tota ItoUto AM
Mwy IMPS lkli»
, If I Mr to« to toytoi to to
flNto totaito 1 .«« “T'T. try

• ClAto

, iW Vtoa Prctotoirt Mtbrt BMn
Nwitor «r m«mk«r« btirngfng Ore.


LaughaM and Merryfac*.
The Langhslot boy baa cone toughing
to town,
With a aweet llRle maiden they call
; The domto tove aU gooe that were
. leaden aad brown.

what lire 'toar oM GraBdma had toM
h«r. And wbra abe got to tw a «oBa&
abe had the prettr laoEtMliiea that
made her Caee ao nice )-oe naiad
amlle Jan to aee her. Aad the frownwrtaMea weren't there at aH.
When her friend waj ulklnc aboot
. yoor prealdeu t(oc
thiBktoc about aU Ue |
and rrandpaa of her 8
I U It wouMa-t be nice
to have letter* telllnc aboot a
lereMl^ thing that had b
then before they got to be |

six glrto who Uve neu your prealUant have started a Branrii Club.
Their namea are Katherine DnvU.
Mary Moffalt MarguerUe B^I. FVwPrlce, Bibel Lawrence and Alethela Ooritlln. They meet once a
week, and are having Jnet the nleeat
kind-of time. Yonr president knows
why. too. U la becanse they are work­
ing over Chriatmaa presenu for the
liUle glrto and boys who don’t uanaUy
have any. They arc making scrap­
books. dressing paper dolls, and mak­
ing up paper doll famlliet. You ought
to see the table around whkb they
work. It la always ao covered with
gay card! and Uaauc paper that it is
a wonder tbey can Sad setosora or
paatepot! Bat tbey do! And tbe ebnltering! Everybody talks at once, but
nobody minds, because they ore aU
uiklng aboot tbe seme tblag. Tbey
arc putting so-morii happiness Into
their week that yonr presidmit Is sure
It sriil «pl» over into the lives of the
tad cbildrra who don't have %y Cbrla-

Carl Gordon Stevens of Old Mlsaloo
R. F. D. NoJ. baa sent to a nice lot
The LaughiUot boy has cyea that
of cards for the Chinese children, who
nre waiting for Dr. Bln M. Lyon, (o
. Aad neror a frown or n trauble baa
come back to them. Katherine Dafls
has broughf Bome. too. Wo will have
Oh. I think nil bto droama
nice box full by spring.
pteaaut at nlghU
Aa the dienma of a boy who la hapA leUer addreaaed to Anna Sbane,
•. .
Pi Bbonid be.
Traverac CHty. baa eeme back to ywir
And be wakes in the morning
prealdeal. Will Anu ploaae write
ed with new Joy
again and give her atreet number; box
That we aerm&Uybtoto the Laaghalot
;»umber. or R. F. D. number? It bad
button lb it for Anna, who bad sent in
a two-cent atamp.
Once In a while a boy or girl irodk
a Btanp, or two centa, when they joUL
Vty over the houae topa na it tbey had
That to not necesaary, becauae
docent con enyiblng to be a SunTo leave na contented and glad:
atalner. But If yon loac yoar drat butFrom the enria on her head to
tOD^and want another, then you may
' „
dear little toea
agnd two centa.,or a atamp, for the
■to ladtotea, gtodneaa wherever she
next one.
Grown, Mich.. Nov. 19.1M€.
' Ob. toar BtUe. glad lltUe Lan^lot Dear J»r
I wilt write n letter for Albertto. She
bUy tto gtodneaa you lend na today
vtobes me to teU you about her pets.
Be Aoaldy repaU la coaUntmenl
Tbe other day Hr*. Anderson gave
her two denr little Plymontb Rock
When the hair on your tempiea to
chickens which she found wading in
r. Sunday, the llth erf Novem­
AadAweet little lfmyfaee.tbto la f«ber. Tbey will be two weeks old next
Sunday. Albertto keeps her chicks to
May tbe lover you gladden be worthy
large bird cage. Qbe named the
nod tnie.
Urge one ‘Trndge and tbe other one
—Otongo Record Herald.
Mudge. Albertto has a pure white
dove which which she calls Ruby, and
The fteaeen.
a brown one she calls Ooldy; they
Do you know
will come down on her top and eat
Why tbe snow
corn out of her hand.' I will close for
la harrying tirough the garden ao? (bis Ume.
Jnat to spread
From your Sunsblncr.
A mice BOft bed
Albertto Crumm.
Age B.
For the sleepy little Oowera' heed;
Written by Lefa Stevens.
To coddle up tbe baby fema ai
I am sure we sbold all llto to s<
•mooth tbe llly'a sheet
tbe little cbldCens. and ntoo the doves.
And tnek n warm white Manket down
aroand tbe roses' feet
—Tootha' Companion.



Friday. Dee. «. ibN.
Otodyi Harvey. i
4int Donald
Colerick. Old )
Ml. R. F. D. N. 1.
naaiea aenl by Carl Cktrdoo Stevens.
Bto and Martha Mork. Sutton* Bay.
R. F. D. No- I. naases sent by ChrteUna Blacken.
Ito Dentomi. Bendon.
Stnito and Handle Heancm. Bendon.
Mark MerreU. Grown, name sent by
Russell RoMneoB.
last week, when your preaideBt had
A call front the mother of some of her
Sueahlnera. she beard euch e pretty
story that abe wanted to tell It to yon.
It was abont when her friend was a
Utile gU elfbi years old. She aald~Oaee when 1 was vlalUng a dear old
Udy calM Grandma McDowel. 1 felt
(. and besaa I
I. 'Mr dear child.
don't you kbow that your face to a mlrrarr I did not know whai abe meant
aad asked her. 'HowF Then abe aald.
’AU the tbou^u that are is your heart
Bhow OB your face. If you have unIdnd. fretful thoughu to your heart,
your taco srill reflect a frowa. and lit­
tle lines ^1 grow into big wrinkles.
Bat If you keep loving, happy thoughu
to your heart, tbpn your face will reSeet all the nlnt ehrery fecKnt* Inau«d.- ■'
So Uw Imio gin


haven't written to (be Herald for
long Ume. eo I Utougbl 1 would writ
today, .and eesd you «pme cards to
send 10 the lltUe children to China.
have two names for the Sunshine
Club. They arc Gladys Harvc)-. Ogdcnsbnnt. and Donald Colerick. Old
Mission. Will you please send them
card and button? I must tell you
go to school every day. and t
print my name as you will see by the
wrap^r on tbe cards. I will cloec.
Love, to all.
Fnmi a Sunshlner.
Carl Gordon Stevens
Thank you for the cards. They will
make a bit of Sunshine for some boys
and glria In far-away China.
SuUons Bay. Mich- R. F. D. No. 1.
Nov. 23. 1»M.
Dear Prealdeni—
I win write again to you. Thank -you
few tbe card and button. I have aomc
frlMidi that would like }e Join tbe K.
Y. F. Sunshine Clab. Tbetr nstoe*
Bto Mork. and Martha Mork. But­
tons Bay. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 1, Ptease
h la BU'a name, i all with Bto.and Martha alu with Christina OelP
Our school began the fifto of
November- I am gUd. Mr. Hanaon is
air loacber: he to veo grmd. I win
•lose, or my tetter will find tbe wsetc

dropped his package, tackled the bull­ lobcd Jast one bottom wnmg sad that
dog. and to ten mlautcs choked make* alt the rest g< wroot..'' aad she
fed how one day. not .
Calla Horton.
him to death. Throe morhertma ktitogged and fretted a* If the poor bot­ long ago. the s'mpped baby Alice. That
laded 6e would have bad a good ((-ns shivered while their motber'aj
deed Then abedetime U we could have eaten Thanks- death was avenged. Strike loafeed
Dear PresUent-PatlMiee. patl.-nre. my dear.- aald nw baring doee It. That was anothn-^
giving dinner together; It would have
1 tbougbt t would write you i
mamma. The next time look out for Then she wa* oahappy jmd eroa* »d
llnea to let yon know that I got my been a pretty Ug.lamlly. wouldn't It? package of food, then looked
i-itteas He ended by tenderly ptektog Ike flr^t wrong button; then yo.i'i; day because sLe had told a siery-.
card aad button. 1 ao very glad to
Acme. Mich- Nov. 2C. 190«
up one of the fuuy little orphans In i.evp ah the r-Mt ngh: And." a.ld«^l What a limg Itol of ballcn* ta*l^>d
get them. I go to eehool. We have 4S Dear Pr«
hU Jaws and carrying it to the station, naratna -lot* oat Iit the flrsi «r<«; wrong, just berause the first one Wag
sebotora. My.ieactaer s name to Miss
I thought I would write to you again. more than a block away.
d.fd of any Stod. another aad anothv aroeg:
. 4,
Saltert of Traverse City, b like her The tost Ume I wrote you t wt
very much. My stndlea are writing. Leland visiting my pa and ma during, Hto entrance surprised the ser­
aritbmeUc. laagnage and spelling,
(be summer vacation. I was
mnat close for this Ume.
there six weelu and bad a fine time. asked.

' '
From your Snnriitoe girl.
And idnco then my brother has “been
Tbe dog halted Ix-fore the desk ac-1
Age $.
slvB Halett. over vtsJitog me. I expect my
wagged hto tail, and dropped the kit-!
m>re that you are a true 8
I a
and pa out tonight- 1 was at Traverse ten to the floor. He ran imt. aad re-'
Nursing baby?
shine girl. Write again some time.
City j-esterday. I wish 1 bad had time
turned In a few minues with ah other*
Suttnna Bay. Mich.. Not. 24. 1»0C. (o’cal Ion you. I go to school every of the kittens, and dluppeared « sec-'
It’s a heavy strain on mother.
day. When there is no school I help oud time.
Dear Prealdeni—
I tboui^t I would write a few lines my grandma work. My pets are get­
When be ran out the second time!
H^r system is caL^ upon to supply
to TOO. I thank you very much for ting along finely, My fish and bird two polleemen followed him. and saw’
tbe card and button, nod Martin told and my cats. I have got my card and Strike Uke charge of th.- third kli-!
nourishmaat for two.
me to thank-you for his card. Tbey button all right, i helped my grand­ ten. as be bad or the other*,
are very pretty. I am going to school pa pick up pouioes daring tbe pouto- carry It oO to the stalioti.
Some fonn of n
vacation. 1 think I will close for this
now. My teacher's name to Mr. Han<
be racily tAken up
He 1s very good to as. We are having time.
How One Girl Helps.
u ncclcd.
Your Sunshlner.
n One fall 1 sU with NeU Hawkins.
R'ben mother has tbe headacl.i- .m.l
Gladys Brown. slop* In' bed. I love to Carry her the
She belonged to tbe Sumblne Club be­ Age II.
I wish you had hsd time to come breakfast tray,
fore. Tbe^ were many kinds oi birds
I alwat.s spread
Sccii'^ EmaUion centams the
and see me when >ron were to t
around our place Ibis summer
a crisp, clean napkin on the tray, then
greatest possible smount of nourish*
am always so glad to see my boys I'lay a bunch of flowers at one side.
they are gone south now for winter.
meat in ea^y digested form.
am iwrive rears old. I am in the nnd girls.
In The winter-time It ii often only a
Sflir grade. My studies are reading,
leaf from my
Bendon. Mich..#. F. D No.l
Mother and baby are wondeffullw
arithmetic, language, spelling i
Itoy pink oxaito flciwer. but they look
Nov. 26. 19P6.
geogro^y.. My sister Is writing
pretty on the white linen.
hdped by its use.
Dear President—
also. I like to read the SdnYesterday | made such a U-sutlfu!
am a stranger to the Sunahine
alec department, and am glad when
Cluh. but would like to Join It. Please pivce of toast. It to called 'Eec In a
Friday comes. I must close now. bop■ nn-i you must make a very
send me a eard and builoo. t go to
tbls to tbe Sunshine d<
school-nearly every day. Our school particular piece of Mst; not batned.
hai closed on aeeeunt of d)-ph(herto. you know, lu.r sog^v Iq ibe nilddl.-.
Please tell tbe girls to write to me. but a beautifni clear brown all over
MUdred Ocilni
Well, this 1s all for this Ume. Good­ Dip this quickly Into la.i water, toy
I am very idad that you enjoy tbe bye.
It on an earthenware plate and put
where It will keep warm Then sepaSunsbioe department. We do have
real good limes together, don't we?
Ihe ynik «>f a new-laid egi; from
Ito Dentoon.
the white. Beat the nhlte to a Min
SunablnSutions Bay. Mkb- Nov. 24. 19K.
froth and arrange It on the toast In
cr? Ito would like lo bear from i
of a nest. Drop the yolk lino
As I haven't written for a long of the girts.
the middle of Ihi- nest. K-lng cai.-f-i!
Ume, I thought t would write a few
Bendon. Mich- R. P. D, No. 1.
to break ft-V Now put the tua-t
llnos to you. My alsier to home from
Nov. 25. IWS.
into a quick oven and leave it nil tb.Omcna. but she Is at Horn's no’
Dear President—
yoik to set. and the white -lellcjilelv
am going to school. Our teacher's
I will try and write a few lines
1 win purchase TRAVE^I^ljlTV PROPERTY
browned. When It is done. Mip It Mr. Hanson. 1 like him very t you know 1 am well and hope you .joasl onto a pretty china plate wlilrii
within the foHowing boundaries. GARFIED AVENUE
much. My scatmaie Is Martha Mork
re the same. I should like to Jol^ you have warmed to hot water, dust
on the east. BAY bHORE on the north. DIVISION
1 have ae<’n many kinds of birds, but
ii> SuDShtne Club. Please send me It with sal', drop signe bits of l.uii.-t
S I REET and MADISON AVENUE on the west and
they are almost all gone now. Mamma
button and card, t am going
ml the o«-t. lay a sprig of parrI«->
corporai^e^iiTuts o^ih^ south, property ranging in value
is going to town today, so I haven't M-hnol. My teacher's name Is Mtos
the plate, and it to ready.
very much Ume to write. I am going Sharp. Well, that to all. Good bye.
to take to the amount of TWO MILUON°DoLiSrS
to Mork's. today. I must close for
Slella Hennon







Real Traverse
127 Front St.

(bit Ume. hoping'to ;ace this in the
You have j-oiir card and button by
SaAsbiue department.
now, and are a true Sunshine glri.
From your very true Sunshlner.
Bendon. Mleh- R. F. D. No. L
Age 9.
CbrisUna Gclines
Nov. -5. 1906.
-1 am sore you most have had a nice
Dear President —
Ume Tlsliing Martha and Bit.
try and'wrilo you a few lines
Mildred go too?
I let you know that I am wall, and
Traverfe City. Mich.. Nor. *2.1906. hope you are the same. I would like
Join the Simahtoe-Club. Plense
thought I would write you a letter send me a bution and card. I go lo
because I have out written for a l<«g school every day. I am in ih<- M-veiilh
time. Pienae send me another button. grade. I hope t will see this prlnle<l
; htve broken mine. 1 go to school In the Herald. It is raining bepif loerety day I can. I go to tbe BoonriUe day. Well, tl&l 'to all. Good-Me.
school. I live yery near the school.
Muudip ‘Hentinn.
Our teacher's name Is Mist Hnbbell.
I am glad that yon want to Join
In the fourth grade. We have our Sunshine Club. With two Simsliine
' *
" It. spelling. glrto In die bouse, your ho^e ought
numbers. For pets. I have a cat to bo very bright.
named Busier Brosxi. I have a pup­
Crown. Mich- Nov Jf.. t«i06py named Nip He Is btock-and-un. He
very small. In the morning he will
going lo write a few lines to
bark and bark till .he wakes
let you know (hat 1 am well, hoping
He can walk on bto hind legs. He will you are the same. I got my card and
ilk clear across the room. . He will button, the other day. and 1 think they
speak, too. 1 guess that tos all I €
very nice. Hark Mcrrell wishes
think of for (bto time, so good^
to Join the H- Y. F. Sunshine Club.
•Please send him I card and button
Age 10.
Haxel GroUoit/ He Is my pla<
WTiat a clever little fellow yoor dog third grade. My tescher's name to
must be! I wish we could all
Mr*. Jones. I like her very much. Well.
him go through bto tricks.
guess I will have to close for this
Bendon. Midi. Nov. 21. 1906.
Dear President—
As it to rainy today, t thought
would write to you and let you know
how 1 am getting along. 1 am well
aad hope you are tbe same, i thank
yon for your eard and button. 1 an
going to school now ever? day. I an
to the third grade. My teacher's nam<
is Hiss Lois Thacker. I am ten years
I have two pigeons and cme owl.
We have three chickens. This to all
for this Ume. ao good-bye.
From your Sunshine bhy.
Mike Pekarek
An owl Is a strange pot.
ngnto soon, and tell us more a
tbe owl. Dees bo sleep all day?
Bendon. Mich.. Nov. 21. 19og.
Dear Presideni—
As It is niiiiing tonight, and 1
haven't written to the Siinshtoe Club
though that I would write
let i-ou gnow that I received
(he card and button, i thank you for
them. I MB going to school every
day. now. i am to the third grade.
My teacher's name Is Miss Lots Thack­
er. Mike her very well. This It all
for (his time, so good bye.
From your Sunshine boy.
Johnple pekarck
It make* me very ^ppy lo get the
letters from the boys and girls, and to
leH that they are rent Sunbeams.

Monroe Center. Mich.. Nov. 24.'<W.
Dear President—.
As I saw my letter to print, I will
write another one. It has been very
rainy today, although we went to Sun­
day Bcbool and heard tbe delegates
tell of the convention at iackroo.
which was very interesting. It must
v^ lonesome for our president
think of her Hater being so far
From yonr SanMUne glri.
away from her. 1 wish onr presMeni
Chrlsilnr. Rlarken. ami her BuDsbiners could all have
You nee<1 never fear Ibni anch a nice Thanksgiving dinner tngelUer. I think
Itle letter wHI not be primed. Wo we would have a Jolly good time. Good-

at iis actual cash value, and will pay for the same on
the following terms;
Regular short form contract, interest at six per cent
per annum, payable annually, principal'on or before
two years from date, all income derived from property
to be applied on contract.

A Sale and Sore
Ceugb Core.

Docs not contain Ojntnn,
Morjihmc. or any cili.r nsroot ie
vr " hahil-funmad " drug.
. TtortbMltorrafleiiKc^’slBlsma.
Nothing of a ivdsonont er bmmful
duacler enlsnicioiu com]«eiu<jcL
This elaan and pure cough <-tire
eons evugba Uut caiiuot be cu.-ud
by any otln-r medirine.
It ha aved itomsaads from ecm.

Cit. phone 1219

We have for sale thousands of acres of the choicest
wheat I *nd< in Canada, ranging in orice from seven and
one-half dollars pe> acre to tbirty-nve dollars
We will sell one hundred and sixty acres, will
i ' a
one-quarter down, balance
ce inn equal annual payment;
four years. _We always
lys ■have: choice bargains in City
Property. Suburban Property .and farms in Grand
Traverse Region.

127 Front St.
Traverse City, Mich.
Citizens Phone 1219


time. SO good-bye.
glad that you like your rani
snd button. Hark has hi*, liy this
Kingsle.v. Mich- R. F. D. No. 1,
Nor. 29. J906.
Dear President—
As I have not written for a long
time. I thoughi I would write again.
Kchnol: I am in the second
grade: my studies trr- reading, spell
Ing. writing, language and artihmeile
teacher's name to Miss F.ldrod,
and 1 like her very much, for she gives
»uch easy leasons. In the forenoon
we have arlthmeilr and -reading; iu
we have spelling and
reading. There are aiaut S" nchotor*
r room. Well, 1 gu«a* | «||| Hose
for this time, n good-bye.
Tour loving Ittilc Sunahiner.
Roy Pewto»s.
It to nlee to hear from you again.
Roy. You must enjoy having so niany ;
boy* and girls in yoor room at arhool.'

i: •

“Strika.". th« PoliM Oeg.
-Strike'- to the name of a dog eon.
neeted with a New York police *UHe has been known a* a cathater. but aaj-s a writer to the New
York Timro. his tender heart made
him the rewener of an 'infortunaiefamily of kltteas.
Otoe night the dog went oir from
the BU'non to a restaurant where awaller gave him hU - topper every;
ftlglu. -Taklaj in hU month the- pack-,
containtos the nest scrap# for
*eal. Strike sianad back for the
sution. where the earteut usually
untica the package and gives the doe
hto food.
Strike bad no Mooer turned iato;
Mudeon street, however. th«" bto at-'
bltlacted by (be noise of
r:il aud dng Ilgbl. Strike arrive-1
jiikt la Ume to see a black iiHUtH.r I
killed by a bulldog.


li.vsy to l.iul oii:--wc have everything tfiai s new in Kadics’
Hand Bags. Pocket Books. Purses, and Card Cases in Mt-n’s Bill
Books. Travelling Cases. Cigar Cases. Etc —what makes a finer more
durable present for Christmas than a fine ardcle of leather—We buy
our leather stock direct from on-j of the largest leather manufacturers
in the L’niicd States—consequently our prices, quality considered, arc
lower than you will find clscwliere.

Ladies' Hand Bags................... '..........4Octo$l0.00
Pocket Books.................................
Caz-d Cases...............................................25c to $3.00
B'll Books
..................................25c to $3 00
Cigar Cases..............................................50c to *4.00
Genfs Travelling Sets........................ 50c to $7.00
Pocket Necessaries.....................................1 Oc to 75c
If jTJU th’nk of making some one a present in leather you can not afford to
pass our line.

Corner Front and Union St.

Traverse City’s Leading Drug Store.


cla of aDk about the else of a sUver|to be
Into a ten Inch aquaro.
quarter, gathered around -the edges than must be covered on the wrong
and atulled with sachet powder and aide with mtln of whatever color chos­
cotton. A wadding of cotton filled en ud tbe two bound together
with sachet powder U laid between thtdr edges with inch wide ribbon.
tbe two plecM at ailk which form the When that is done tbe four
k lUHL «ATn WIU4AM. m
heart. Pink ribbons form a bow and must he turned up in such a manner
loops and of course the perfume U as to meet la the center and the edges
that of “vJolets tor love."
caught together for half their iengih.
fol little begonia. A shallow glass dish
A rainbow sachet may be nude of and then aoch ot the
In MothcHmlid At CbristmMtIde.
contained moae and Unr femi.
as many Uuie sUk bags as one pl<
ed back to form an opening. Ribbon
nat's vbCK I Mr woald be.
partridge berTT rloea were growing
?aeh of a dlflereni color and tied with Lows are then attached to the bound
At that dear Mat of WeaaiRs
under an Inrerted Anger bowl, a
Where Ood a|>po(oied »e.
lafflng bit of greener? for a winter ribbons of pale pink, bloe and mauve edges putt at tbe points of sepstaIIMit
tlon and a pretty sachet b laid within
To. look taio mr OMttber'e em
dining table. Mr Aoutb watered U
And see tbe bo)r atar.
Ibe contents of two little round paste­ bags-Tausi be contrasted preliily so the case.
A Unique Twine. Holder—A twine
Which leada mj soul to lore^lt coal board boxes, about three Inches In as to harmonise and not clash, and
the efieci of tbe whole la very bright hcrider that becomes genuinely orn
Where Odd'a best bonaUea are
diameter and with preiUI)- decor
and attractive.'
mental and at the same Ume serves
topa They were flllcd with whole walgood ptacilcal end Is quite sure i
d at Chrl
and butternut meats. Bvery gift
Five Navel Gifts.
meet with a warih welcome. A very
- Thst’a whero tla beat to be.
wrapped In white tlasue paper and
A Flower Sachet—Alt dainty
novel and very attractive one Is made
Tbe aafeet place of refi«e .
tied with red baby ribbon, under
like sartieis and are eapeelatly appi«-J from the shell of a eocoanut. and can
tPron care and toss to flee.
wbicb mas lucked a spray ot <
ciailve ot those which take novel be relied upon as productive of s
To feel acBlB thh fond embraee.
green or partridge berry.
a aurpristng- priae and i
ASd And tbe high Increase
the face of an ape surrounded
Inaxpenalva OlfU.
Of bcoeen'e grace In that dear face
inexpensive glfU are often the ones bc made useful tor the fine bandker white infaot-B cap. Tbe not U flnr
Which telli of lore aod peace.
that give the moat pleasure it they chief, fllmy veils or any other trifles sawed in two. then treed from
convey some thought of the giver. that it Is desirable to perfume. Tbe meat and dried. At one end are a1
la Motherland at Christa
A potted plant tor tbe flower lover sachet pntper consists of two rounds, ways sure to he found three -depres
Ufa’s hfgbest threoe la actThete*s nancht to fear, tor Peace la will be a constant source of delight each four and a half inches In diame- sions familiarly known as the eyes
of the eocoanut. These together with
made of thick perfumed cotic
only ter the Chrlittnaeilde. but

tor the months to come. Last Chriat- batting, covered sritb pale yellow the sharpest point of (he oval mi
To place Lore's eorooet
after all my gifts were complet- crinkled silk of the Bofint posalble be made to form the face, tbe two
la Kotherian) at Oirtatiaastide.
«e friend whom I wished to re­ aon. These thltdily wadded discs are above' serving as ej-es, the one below
Whae aaieU thronglnK cdim.
member. Bays one writer, had. been then sewed together half way round as tbe mouib. Round each eye must
Tbe pare In heart tnajr see. In part.
be drawn a wbiiedFirclc and te
and to Ibe top of the uppermost la
forgotten. There was liiile time
The Ofd who gar* os Home.
center ot each must be attached a
—Alice Crarr. plan and teat to make a gift, so I went taefaed a yellow silk
of the big crinkly soii. which can be black shoe button, tbe shank being
to Ibe preserve closet, aclocted a <
bought at any mitllnery store. Mid­ pushed through small openings made
of het favorite preserves, which
■he was unable to prepare her­ way of the free port ion ot the upper for the purpose and then tied Into 80SPITALS AU.OTEETHE C05TnTE.'(T flSDPE-BIJ.Ei TALC ABLE IX TRElTIXQ ALLCATABUAL DlREihte.
self. wrapped It in white crepe paper, disc is attached a small loop of silk place. Tbe eye of the eocoanut which ^ATARRB of Ibe raaplratory organs
“Rstore the treatotent I eould not

CooBUeaa'treasures to tby
the undew a tiny silk-covered fenna tbe mouth must be bored
tied It-Vrlth red and green baby rib­
\.y IS a common aiimeni In Canada lor
walk for a qaarler ot an boar without
The objects to be perfumed pleicly out and fitted with a piece of at least (wo thirds ot tbe year.
bon and SCO! it with Christmas grocieaperleacing roach faUgre. Now I «■•
»> cao aay » to • good Mofc «od w« walkanilecuily.
' ‘ Laara to love and thou i^alt
inga. And 1 am sure no gift was ever are laid between the two. when tbe red doth cot In tbe shape of a tongue
ThtscontUtion is no donbt ransad by
ore vere thnakhil
rThrongh these three eseee we dtere
ted '
more appreciated.
opening is dosed and kept fastened and made to protrude well. The ball the long, severe winters experienced in
until they are wanted.
I of twine roust be placod In (be hollow thispartof tbeoommeau
Only thoae. who tore are blest.
A whiak broom holder Is
When catarrh once fastens Itself upon to make known to tbe putelc tbe atTherefore, when Perana was dis­ the system, it becomes an ofasunau dis- fideBcy of your remedy.'*
The Handkerchief Qag of Ribbon I of the face and (he «Dd passed out
Idea, but the holder Is emfRcntty
Boepital St. John, of SL Johns.
Laan to give aad learn to tore;
uscfnl In any home.
and Crochet-Every woman likes a through the mouth and a small open- covered by Canadian people to be a re­
of q
A syst^toc remedy-^iae i
Only thus thy life tmn bo
dainty receptacle for her handker-dng cut In the tongue. The back of liable remedy tor these catarrhal dieFor the making you will need f
A later lector received from
B p
Ifae earns
eases, it at once became a popular medi­ every
-ery Internal organ ul
of tha
Fbretastn of tbe life above,
•one brass rings of medium else, chiefs. This one is simple In the cx-| the bead Is then pul Into pisee and a cine, not only among Individuate and abaoln'te necnsity.
toeilMtlon reads as foUows:
Tlagod filb Immortality.
one spool of liicnne erocbet-cotton treme*yel Is charmingly effective and litle cap of while mUrlln edged with a In famillo, but in the great bospitate,' Peranat te
"Three weeka age / wreke ta Idl
Is )u>t
)D>t aoeh

a remedy.
raw how aaVafaetanr we Haag
be made .of any color preferred.-lace frill drawn over ipe whole. Tite wlx-reit was used as a preventative and
and two yards of ribbon to match.
out the ei
the diaew
Crochet the rings and sew them Tbe main portion Is made of satin cap Is pleated at the top nnd la at- reUef A hundreds of cases.
healing and strccglheBlng the raoeo
together, six for the lop row. Are for ribbon four Inches wide and to tblsjuched firmly to (he head by means
These latmnilons do not buitaie io membrau. s, and thus giving Nature
••I hs^!Sut«d tfmySnSb toal^wuh
tbe beet rvsnlls, taken as dirMtod. baU
row, tour tor the following,
A wlae word of wamlag Is aonnded and so OB. When nil are aewn togMh- To make the foundation of the case.^ bored for the purpuse. To the top of wbirfabasb
Perana not only prorapUy rsIteraB
a square of cardboard just big the cup la sewed a tassel of biighlly
la Table Talk, wbltth fa behooves all or. make a cross with the thread In
eoagbs and colds in tbelr first atagea,
Among these in.titnuont j, ,bal of! *>»" *“««'
each ring except the ouuide row. enough to allow covering aiih the rib-, colored worsted ami u hgneer of rib­
«d at to heed. Says tbe writer;
the Si.teri of Gdbd Shepherd, who gave
caaae of catarrh U tbe butlsequaUyprompt and sflteieat for
Sew a piM of elastic to match across bon and before covering lay over II g| l>on or cord. When this trifle Is bung tbe following endorsement:
la UlBldag abont this soasoc
John, who wnie, at catarrhal dtacMM in tbe ebronle eiagc.
good will and dteer. when wo bettere the top to hold the hronm In. Run rib­ sheet of perfumed wadding. When the in place it has the
Ofconree, It ie only rcaannibln to
The Perana Company,
all bearta are tonched wUh the spir bon through the outside rings, put a cardboard is covered on both sides aerioiii i
“We are happy to tell yon that yo«r eappoee that a great deal leae medlcltia
atrip of the ribbon' long enough while the cord 1
It eC Cbrlstxnaa, there comes a fear bow of ribbon on each corner and one
Hai lag'uted Perana tor the paat few Perana bu given ns aatisfartloa. Three will be neceeeary to curea elight attack
the bottom, and from each comer to extend n.und all four eldek after drawn o-jt.
lest in oar burry to make tbe gifts
moaibt, for our nick aad poor, we are patients hav.e tried U, one W years old, Otcaurrh than would be required to
Itappy to say tUat U baa given ua great Keouul Papuls, atfllcied with eaterrb, la relieve the ailment after It bad bsM a)>
■ew a ribbon wiib a. bow at tbe top the ends are joined. ;8eam the ends
aad aatertalaaenu. we forget
much relieved, more than be bre been lowed to become chronic.
with which to bang It.
together firmly and neatly, then over­
make tbe smilw.
Seme Chriatmas Candles. .
The SHters of tbe OoodShepberg,
fora Dtunberof yeara.
PI recUond for taking tbe remedy will
This looks well made la pinkf blue, hand one edge of the ribbon to the
Sonag the mab of the last days ot
CbriMmns Maple Furtg<—Vniui- has Aaguft 20,190X
•'AyooaggM.ISyeara oU, hagan be found on each bottle, alee la Dr.
prepamtte w« are pulled this way or yellow, li maVes an inexpensive foundation. For the top of the bag become almoal a household word. Int
After ■ ooDtinued use of the remedy, obOinate cough, which half a bottle of
Life,” which can b
aad that by many latereets; we ye and pretty gift and nn Invatoablc and use knitting ailk which mutches thcjthe eweemcat can l>e conven.-d Into this in^tuilon has found n<> reasua to 'Vntaa eauaeg to ghappear.
druggist for tbe aakug.
ribbon in color, and crochet row hfierja holiday aoveUy bv introducing .a changelts good opinion uf the remedy “As to myself, two buitlcs have
oftaa aadly dUappoIntod In carrying coavenlcnt article abotii the home.
For speelel InstracUoiic write to Dr.
A bandy article tor a -traveler and row of simple chains cauMu each to. comi.lnsllon of nuts with co-or-n^i. and exprosjes Us aatuluilon in tbe fol­ TiDcM me tbst Pe/uba te magaifieeni narlman. President of the UarUnaa
one eaally made la a bonk of tourisia the other by means erf double croch;-l The iu-st nuts for the p-irpo^c .ire lowing tcrmal
baniurium, Columbus, Ohio.
at siteces trf one-half Inch. In this way
nnd English walnu’t. v- hich
to trtesda; we may even dreed tbe tags. Ten lags arc fastened to a pic
neaaoBMteeU as glrliig a keener edge of decorated cardboard and a postage forming a acrica of open squares, j require to be ahellod and clioppei.
make ibe syrop put into a poreelmtn cards, says a writer ImGood Houae- foundation tor (he cushion a circular
to the loas that tbe year baa brought: rate card torma tbe bach. A bloUer b The first row must, of courae. be The eocoanut should be pc-ric;tly
j kv-tiU- on.- cupful of granulated sugar heepiag. all different, taking care that piece of cardtoard about Mx Inches in
caught Into tbe ribbon Itself, tbe ace- fresh, peeled and cot iato tlt^rlps. ■ ^ ^
. hot what hnrry. wknt dtaappomunent Inaerted next to the top
* • •' I gill of waier. toll until the there should be a good id zed blank diameter, and make a akin of figured
‘ av evaa sorrow, mtensee os from do eonvenleoee In writing and with twine ond row into tbe flrat aad ao on. the n i, not t»x*slblc to giroXl”'
brittle when dropped space. I found that there was t
Bilk for the doll that wBI fit. about
lag ear part la making U a foyfn] added to each tag the book la ready double crochet whicb serves as a eoD-J quality ot either i
Have ready
for iw-o months of (he year cm’the edges of the cirroiar piece of cardfor use.
aeaaoa to aB whom we meet?
one. Buying a araall cali-ndar. 1
|g»rd: sew sccnreb'. and then fill this
*T>Ba word la the mondag oTeam
resnlis they should be in oq-jsi pnv walnut meats In i>orfcci halves. Set
with sawduit. Pal In the doll
For u
eat tore flUa the s^e day with hap- light greet) satin ribbon made to rep­ precqedlng row. When a aafflcleat portions, generously used.
.the saucepan coniuiulng tbe syrup Into Aaves I pasted January and Fdiruary up In Its waist and bring Ibe gathered
resent a pea pod. The atem te of wire number of chalna have been eroeheted good foundation allow one anti a half
another pan partly fliti-d with bolHng to my flrat card, and an'tm iinill the edge around the waist, sewing it light­
to make a depth of three laches, the cupfuls of grated maple s-igar lo half
OertaMly alt have a good anppty of colored with Hbboa.
water to keep hot. Stlek each bit of months wore all In tbelr jdaens. Then ly. This stuffed skirl forms the plnlop should be finished with a shell a eupful of cream. Pul toih t igetlxv
the bast «( ctfle-a. kind and tme
orange or each nm on the point of a f strung the cards on haby ribbon cushloD. The lg>dy and bead of tbe
Delia fee tha GrowMIpa.
border and a narrow ribbon threaded,In a pan and bring
j Ddc skewer and dip into the sypip so and tlie present was finished. It wai doll may to dressed as fancifni as
There was a time when' Ckrtelmas just bdow to serve as a drawlng^cook until the syrup spins a tisir.<„
Bat amllae take time: they demand
.as to roat It thoroughly. Then lay very- pretty and Inexpeaidve, api possible. A charming cushion <rf this
M Hppty of ayayatky aad tboagbtfnl dollB were cpnaldered opproprteto string. In making bags of this tortjthen add butter the sire cf .-i large’,ii nn a llghily oiled dish until .cold
shuw-(-d my- friends out of town wlia sun was copied from one of Kate
paaa for others, aad they kae their gifts for little girls only. This'year the color selected should be of the aralnut. and-when well mixed tost
Jind firm.
town looked like. .
Greenaway's toldes. and another was
tint as that chosen for the dress tn Ac mixture togins to grain. Stir
vlftae aalees fresh end freHy given everyhody te liable to get one Of two
Peanut Hritib—Select freahly roast­
!• te to be used with. Nothing is pret-j m the nnts and oocoaniii. i.ira Into
U wa ere la danger of making tbe dolls In tbe Christmas atodang;
ed peanuts. Shell, skin and split In
For the Church Tree.
season one of hCrter—by striving In ne<;eaaarlly of tbe stiff-jointed hod Uer than one of cream white, the * greased pan and when It te cool
halves of sufficient nnmt>er to yli-ld
In a liiile Kovn where the Ruiiitey seraper Ismnot.—N. Y. Tribune.
bisque fece variety, but
oar gift making to ootdo
of a darker sbad^^in yet not firm, mark into
one and one-balf cupfuls. Tltcn.H’rvad school tmard eould not afford to pur-,
cream which te an effective plan."
eUa. or to pay back an obUgatloo— ed dolllce. very sweet to look at
the mixture of nnts and
the nuts evealy over a shalUiB- greas­ chase th" fancy paper teizit* fur thrFor Safety Pina.
Shirt Waist Button Dag—In this rot liked, either buMereuts or Engthere will be ae time for smiles; tbe ven- Bsreet to emetl.
ed pan- ihit one cupful of genuine Chrlstmas randies, one bright glri sagA gift wbieb Is very uiefnl Is a hnldA pretty litUe sachet pincushion te day of many shirt waists aad many Iteb walnuts can be substituted.
raak nnd wotrlee will droim the glad
dark mnlasM-s and one cupful of brown gewled liiiyliig a Bufficieitt number of r for safety- pinx. It 1s inaile wlib
ling of the bells, nnd the face will made of a ddl dress in pi^o blue allk attraetlve shirt waist pins and buttons These small squares are often neatlysugar
and white lace and-its hand sewed In a dainty little bag that will keep
wear Hbm <d
wrapped In lutraffine paper, and by dish. A<l-I one t'-nspoonful of vIuf- gaily color,-d paper napkins and a few three brass ringa, each about two Ittchtsilis
si-ant binding. The cf-nlers of t-s In diameter, neatly eover>-d with
blue silk muff btuBed with wool.
band Id readlncaa for bse and suf! this means the candy la kept soft
Tbke Ume to keep the amlie ready
car and one generous tablesp«s>nful of the napkins were ib*-ti flibwl with the chsie crochet work done-In silk. Of
to teak out at aaefa hnmu touch. The doll aits upon the dressing Ubie fldcntly attractive to be hung (6 the
Molasaes Candy—Measure one cup­ butter and 'tsdl until the mlxlur>- to
candy tie- p»rners caught log,-lber and ' courae any color may to used; mine
dresser te quite certain (o find
Barkk aMh gtfl srith a double portloci
ful of light brown sugar and put in the comes crlsfi on being droptx-d Inm odd
lorely blue. Tires,- rings are aowthe »-atn binding tii-d .around, tbe ef-The very -pretty little trtIK blazer with two cupfuls of New Or­
fid sadlae—and then let peace and Btfiek Id. DoUy makes a useful pen­
water. Add a scant teaspoonful of tert liefnc Similar to a small round; •-d In strips rrf blue rll-Um of varying
good wU! aoRea the lines of grief Into wiper with Mtchct powder, wrapped in fills this plaoe and bad its origin leans molasses, a feaapoonful
baking s«d». mix thoroughly and imut' workhac. 71)e bright colors of tht lengths, one ring for •■aeb strip; the
cotton wool, atnired In her coque
la the clever brain trf a Virginia girt vlffegar and a lump of butter about
teadar tmOnn ter others.
over the nuts -S and In a cold place napkins and rlhtons p-rialniy were i free ends of the ribton arc gathered
'Hie penwiper and cap are made The original it white and yellow
There la M danger of dapileatlag
one^rnuith (he size of an egg. Boll where Tt will har-li-n quickly, and
prettier additinn lo th,- riiristtiuii In a pretty bow-knot.
1 and cream felt.
embroidered with tiny buttercups wtihont hiirring iinlll the syrup l>ee ealie. as we are Uahle to do with
when very hard l.i<-ak inttt pieces. tre<- ihan the toc-.s would have lw<-n
long as the flowers harmonize comes brittle when dropped Into Ice
Here Is a rlranc, to dlkis>M- ,rf tliiioe
«er gitte. Oer soiles are our own. aide being rose upon cream color and
Home-made peanut brittle surpasses and ih>- entire expens,- was not quite
the other crcaiq upoa rose. The rfb- in color they can be varied agaii
trouUeaome comfona, rafrAy-fiioa.
at least are ladlvldan] nnd charet
water. Then pour in shallow, well- the factory lirand.
one tloilBr.
boDs are rose tinted and the penwiper again, rosebuds' bciiig used with plak greased pans and let it stand odiII It
each size on Us ring reaily for «se.
tie. Wa taa give emUee like no
Maple Sugar Cnudy—For iinv 1s made of two obloog pieces of felt violets »ltb livendor. forgei-me-nots
having to wait to quamd with .
*ino. U we win. We can make
be handled comfortably, when the ful of cream allow mu- of milk and
two or three others that want to come
smile win anotber from rwery face we cut Id half and flnlsbed with polnU. with blue and ao on. In any case tbe delicate pan of the process begins,
Cuahienz for Everyone.
pound of pure maple syrup.
at ,the same ilm,-. ax te uo often (be
meet. tU glow win illuminate the The doll's head is sewed upon the low- little circles which make the tops
PlnrushlODB are alw-uys ' handy "
eciioners make use of a big hook tbe sugar Into I-Its and pul all the
piece of fell.
case wb,di they are laid In a tray.
gm It neooi
tbe bag are of white linen and It Is
•hlch to hang the candy. To pro- gredla-Dls together Into a pan. I
I Ilitle'Japaneso face peeps abow this linen which U embroide^ with
have too many. A iT--tiy
thi- same results, each , portion
mixtnr.- >iea^U> as it is.Ms .
the lavander allk ribbon bag. Ucd with
cn blossoqts. The rtrclcs arc should be worked by two people,
rtalniy rushlrui s,-i-n in a shop the oih
Where Teeea nee Scaroa.
with lavender rlbbont. whose contents two in number, and measure two Inch
An ingenlus auntie used a rlothea
bedding the hands as lo lake the into Ip- water.-Hr In b generous quan­ < r day w-us loiiC- und narrow, tordered
One Woman's Olfta.
cotton wadding flllcd with violet ea la diameter, roeb being covered place of the hook, the other throwing
with.a piale ld>i<- frill, and neatly- pin drier for a Cfarietmaa tree; The rhlltity of black walnut meals broken into
The woman who Uvaa on a farm baa sachet powder. Molet sachet powder neatly with the ribbon. The ribbon for
i,dd that Santa Claus would
the candy over them' and pulling H mall lull. Pour Into a gr.-ased pan
Buny ^portnaltlM tor making heau- seems to smell liettcr In violet-Unted the sides Is two and a half Inches wide
a strtpjif dainty drawn thread work iec<-iv» tb<‘iti In the roomy-, old-fsafaiBkInc cart’ never «• iwtet it
a the -i-ptb of i.n Inch, and -when
tifal glfu which her leal form
les, just as clover nod new mown
should measure fifteen 'lache.-i ttTien ion stiff to be wockevi further
'he threads toloc caught. q>g<-iber t'tfitel kitchen, where They foond Iheir
tows Wood Bwy prom by. A writer hay seems to give out more rtagrance, In length. Bach end requires
with pale pink cotton.
ciris pinned t» the clothexllnev while
stretch It out on a pastry bosfd and
tts are not ad-l-'d to the mixture
when tucked In a green and white turned one and a half laches where It break into pieces.
Another eii.h|„n »«-i
renter pole was wmind" .w|tb
indy is- excelieiii for lli- »mai:
woman did. as foUon:
mnsi be sewed to the main strip and a
lable w-a.» small and square. cover«-d cr>-,-ps. The dotbeeptna wore grwn
Panneba—Tbe sweeimeti i«
A woman who Urns en a farm and
w-lth am1,cT satin, ornameaie-] will toper dresses and their beads liad
casing made by a second row of stitch­ best when pecan nuts can tu- obialned.
Caratuels au rat---Fo: one y-o-uiidl
has ho mancy to boy Cbriatmns gifia wlib violet and carnation maki-a
ing half an Inch nearer the folded
tow's Worked In ll•'liotrr>pe and w'l,ii> l-een dipped In red sealing wax. The
although other nuts, such as
• sucai allow- ha.f a r,)p .d j'j"
ehnnoad to read whal Bineraoe snyi of rich perfume that gore well Info the end. The ribbon beimeen these
A -Unit- !e»v plaited b'ir‘I<r n children were allowed, b, mkc home
jid P-fl--<- and ot;-: -i-uj’t-jl ot swet
gifts, aad now tbe remembrancri that lille aatlu bags upon which are sewed casings must then be gaibered closely English or black, buiiemuis.
betl'/trope s.nd whi'<- ribbon finlsb'ad tbe {ilns aa souvenirs.
she hands her frieada In town—friends ■mall Japanese dolls in tbelr gay ill and finely at each edge and overhand­ Brazil nuts, can be sul>stltute<).
this exquisite lit'I,. gift, w-hlrb was
that bwe everything that money can lie Oriental dresses. Tbeue wake ed neatly to the llaen-covercd cirelcs. two cupfuls of grutej maple sugar the;. *«irm a s>rup,'t.-in a-l-1 'he rrt-»n> <df,-etive and nlr>-lj- put 'ogvlber.
An Eggtasa Plum Pudding.
boy—are among Ue bmm rained that bewitching sachets t>ut are not prel leaving a free space on each circle, allow one eupful of granulated sugar and p-ti'lir-iv't-ulliag^uiitil th- mixture
A water Illy eushi^ may be fornx-d
Here is a ilmple recip.- for plum
they reeelre. For last Chriatmas she ler than a llule blonde doll's bead one-half Inch wide between the ends andoneof milk, with a level tea^pwin- bahi‘-iei;- whip dtopie-d intpudding wbteb requires ao egg*, an
tvas,.r« of Im:'--.-z.niJ , rilffened whi„- satin 'pitaU
ful of butter and one half plot of p.- Stir tn a teasiinonfiil
^aada three loares of cake, ope «
tied in a bag of light green satin (rim­ of the ribbon. l.aai!y narrow ribbon

meais. Put the granulated sugar
eafco tor a friend especitlly toad of med with rosettes of. ribbon of .the cut Into two pieces eich
S wlileh h:.v«- b-ei. gr-aaed «Ph *'*'*’ around at the base with gn-r-o son when eggs are high in prlre,'or
unril It melts
that kind, aad too black fruit cakes same color and flllcd with clover blos­ li-rs of a yard* In length, must be pass­
.......................fuffieh-ntu har.lened «'>>•1-* ihe bens on the farm do pot lay.
and l>ecome» sUghUy brown. Then add
haadaoaaly lead. There vere several som aarfaet. The doll does not require ed ibrmigfa the casings
te hold the pins,
the butter and the maple «i;- mark off in:.. »,|ua..-- -.l-i -v, sian-i
To 1 cup sweet milk add otie cup
ouu of fralt. raspberries and cherries a piece of silk more than five Inches dna'-alringa, each piece imaidng
-ctly ti::u.
l.» make the
f'f course, this eashirm .dor^>
molasses, 1 cup chopped auet. 5 cups
aad citron, to each acqnalnunee a fa- uide and eight inches long to make through both: The ends are finished

mixture forms what ts known as a
flour. 1 lb. st^ed ratetea chopped. 1
- torite Mad. and tumblers of wonderful quite a full bag. while a smaller bit with little bows.
ie|(t two and a bylf h-apl:»g tab!->' hut |t te a novelty eeventoless afad easpoon recb'of salt. aoda.clov..s.allsoft ball wdien dropped in cold water.
Creen grape felly- She bad made one of material would serve quite as well
A Straw Haadkercdiief Care—Btery Add tbe bats ami stir until the syjuit rpo uifuU ' Piti Into a Wiff.e- p-p. and pretty.
spire .md cinaamop. Boll in a mold
little book of a dosea abeeis of letter
Young girls are fond of making up now and then some fre
begins to thicken. Pemr at <aiee Into' pour over It one capfu: of tollinj- One o-htr riisbhd).- round and fa*.
paper la which wero written twenty haan-abaped Chrlstmai gift for tbelr
of tea chest matiUig is lo be noted. l•Dtlerod bans and staod 'aitde until
war mad,- of shs'led'mattve velvet:
' or the houaewife'a faroritv rt^pea. friends. A pretty beart-sbaped aacfaet
.Sauce—To one cup sugar add ] n«g.
The Isiest devHopment of this always wl. Mark off into sT-taresjiod when
" ■
: Ibe da'inry laee doily (klnni-d ovm it
This was for a recently married lx made of pink silk and dreoreted
cup butler and a scant % cup milk.
attractive mate^a] te a tiseful liiile nils cold break apart.
A Pretty Calendar,
• wa» elrcular io form.
- ‘
Mend. Amtmg the-glfu were throe with a lot of grapes made of aB the
Hesi th* milk and podr Into the other
fiandkerehlef case which can to easi­
Orystaffred Fruit aad Nuts—The
of picture jmvi.rarus makes, a ' To make a rvwiiv ueefui nnd prettypotted pissla in Inexpensive )ardl shade of pink silk, with green silk
*nts. stirring rapidly ipl ir
ly and readily mad-- The matting ro >tet fruits for the Christmas seussm' |.reiiT calendar, and a, 'he waui.- time'pnilienqhion take
aleree, two naUre ferns and a beaui- loavea. The grapes are made trf a «lr- qulrea only w to in good coaditloo
thro s,ld a-tea»tvsm vanllls at
re oranges and EagUab walnuu. To.
souvenir ^f J bought ate i doll.
:,II, wlA aa<
body; cut out a be test.




S. ■

Awanl l»f BMltr'* ttUt


Pves 9 tt 16
lengthened toraewhaL
ly warm hU blood was evldenUy the ercDing.
Tbe Tuscaroni is a model of i
tbe senator to not
Members of tbe church ouUide the
cooled very much before he got down.
brotherhood will be given a cordial neis and ship beauty. qMAking well sutrideoUy strong to reetjnslder hU deUghu and Water.
for rode Sam's methods used in his tennlnatkm to reUre at the eod of his
Northport. Mich.. Dec. 5.—Korthpori
navy. She ha* a wprod of eighteen present term. Washington pottUelaos
It th*jr h«v« been enabled
eitty-Four Dead.
knots but only twice a year, when she express much Intereat In the poaalble
sriu have an electric lighting plant and
«a WMm Parw and nraaMe aa « prmtHtm with the Grand Traverw
5.—Seventy-four is Inspected, does she make this,
a water works. The questioo was sub­
strength of Gov. Warner ms a candi­
MarsM for the anauhvg year. Thia aplantfid farm paper waa given with
mitted to the voters yesterdsy and dratbs and seventy persons Injured, point ot coal c«)psurapiloD. ten and date for the senatA The.|OTm»r‘a
the HaraM far im ta avary paW In advance aubaertbar and the pramof
carried by tbe neceasary two-tbirds
one-fourth miles an hour have been name Is mentioned moro smlhnaly
ipNi waa aa adiaraetary and aa many of a
majoriiy. By this step the cHlieni ct may result. Is the record of faulftlet found to be the most eeonomleal and here than ft is in Hlchlgaa.
d net be.made far t*07. that we have canthis euierprislDg village have placed for the taonUng season ihrougboul the this Is her regular cruising speed.
•Tbiny tons ot coal were supplied
•tadad ta make the aame aflar aa that at a year ape, and the publlththemselves In the foremost ranks of country.
The Northport train parted com­
Nortbem Michigan and WHeooalti. the boat by the Columbia Trwsfer
progress. It being doubtful If there is
are af Farm and.FIraelde have.very kindly canacntad ta renew the
pany with Itself at the water vnrka
another village of the same size In tbe where the tg>eo eeaaon for deer closed eompeny.
ifTainimeiit ae than made with. them.
yesterday. The string of cars was
country that owns similar public utili­ Saiunlay. went abrad of tbe record
•every MibaeHbcrta the Herald, wha haa paid In full ta Jan. 1,
Last TripA
excepiionaliy kmg and when they
ties. The village will be bonded for for last year in deaths, fwcntv^lgbl
1B0B, at the rate of B14H per year, will receive, not only the Herald,
ttlten the steamer IlilDois makes stopped a coupling broke near thu mid­
being reported this season mgMnat
IIO.OW for the two plants.
Pet alaa Farm and Flrealde which la laauad an the tat and 1Sth of
thU port tomorrow ft will be the last dle of the train.
Tbe propositions were submltied In twenty-six for the previous one. but
tine that the big whistles of
aaMi inanth, giving 14 numbara of that great jauntal each year. This
The baggage ear waa used as a local
tbe form of two
Kortbern Michigan -TraDsporuilon freight ear-between here and Omena
to the beat,and moot aatlefaetary premium offer that waa aver made
lallot and the water works bonding year's record falls far ix-low that of
company’s fieet will sound to this bar- this moralug-ad gl& bosbeis of applet
by any MMIgan newapaper. Thie premium haa given great aatiafaco
matter received 88 votes while 38 he previous one. tbero being only
itll navigation opens In
were piled Iflfb ft
Man during the pMt year ta Herald readera, and we knew that they
voted against ft. Fnr the electric twenty serious accidents which did
spring. Sbe left Cbirago at }l o'clock other frdgbL
y given ferae '
trill ba vary much plaaaad at the o
light plant there were 94 votes and 31 not result In death.
The larger pan of the deaths were yesterday and will lay up at ManUtec
voles agalntt ft. There was a total of
rt far the next year.
T ta the Herald, who
128 votes east and as the village only the result of accidental dischkrge of
DendOA. Mleb.. Dec. S.—Mark Glea­
polls 1411 it will be w«en that the ex­ BbotguttA many of' them oerurring
to paid in Ml U Jan.1, IbOB.' wHI lecaiva Farm and Flraald# abaolutaTbe Missouri was In port last night son has been spending a few dajra with
pression WM really that of the greater while the owners were rloanlng the
ly free far the Ml year.
friends here.
weapon. In many of these cases the and is in East bay today picking up
number of 'citizens. There
Roy McKean and family are Halting
victims were children. Many of the lot ot potatoes which are scattered
spoiled ballots, leaving if6
In Soniberu Mteblgan.
The Sunday sebool started at Inter- the water works and 125 on the elec- deaths were those ot boys who were about the ports there.
RobL McCormick ngd thmOy of
locben a year ago sh6ws a romarkable trlr lightlog proposition.
hunting and were mistaken for deer.
J. B. B— —
Wexford, visited relaUvce in Bendoa
growth within (bat Ume. having
There will be no delay In the mat­ Michigan leads the list in the number
______ j aaparMtandnl of Ibe HenSaterday and Snnday.
grown from a membership of fifteen to ter. The electric light plant is at pres­ of dead and Injured with Wisconsin
' sab * Lay MercaoUla conpany. It
message was laid before the aeeate at
Bd. Palieraon and Leslie MeCorforty. The ladles have assisted a ent operated by private Inlerosta and
close eeeondj^'lhe former having
brid la TIt&s. O, from where be
minutes after opening tbe body. mtek were home from onap last Sotafr
great many uofortunatee In their place Ibis will be given a thorough over­ fifteen deaths and the latter thirteen.
eoaaee to tbU rity. la abown b]^ the
-Sbortr." aa be waa called by hie
Mr. Latu. aasisunt acctvtary to the day and Sunday.
and their minister Is paid In fulL .
hauling at once while as eatly In the Illinois had a total oi eight dealbA
loOovlsr takes from the TUBS Ad- frienda. worked for years at B. 3. MorMr. Etlis has been eatertalning nspring as possible work will be begun
delivered the
gan'a livery ban and In that Ume
latlves from ouUldA
N. M. T. C«.’a PasaengcrA
on tbe water works plant.
Freshman Lyceum.
Printed copies srore at once placed on
Hr. Zdenek and Charter Irnkman
*lB token et the plesaant Klatlosa made many frienda who wUI mUa bis
Ludlngton. Dec: 5.—During tbe sea­
The two plants will l>o operated by
Prom Wednesday's Record.
tbe senators' desks by pages and tbe have each pnrehaned a boraa o( WU
cslatisg between Manager Bwwn of
Tbe freahman lyceum wm held Iasi the same power, very probably a auc­ son just closing ft is estimated that
A wife and one child i
setuiora eloselj^ followed the reading RhodeA
the Ortgga oonpany atore and tbe
evening In the High sebool room and tion gas producer engine. Mr. Thlrlby the Korthora Michigan Transportation
Btbelyn Deake waa In Traverae ffHtat* Dt aalaa people of that place, tbe
tbe following InUresiing frogram ren­ of the Traverse City Iron Works, company, tbe Chicago and .nonhero of the mesaagft.'-'
latter tapdered hla a banquet and re­ friends.
which concern manufactures a suction resort line, has carried ICII.OOO persrms.
The presl^t introduced hla
Lee Hoffman waa In Traverae City
caption at tbe Log Cabin botri and
gas producer, was presenUat the mass laking the tomnor passenger year In
ige by staling (hat tbe country
Reading. Miss Salter.
Uncle Dan Walked In.
MeadOWbroMt Toeaday evening. About
meeUng Monday night and talked on the history of the company. Of this enjoying unprceedentd prosperity and
Today .It pension day and bright
Plano solo. Miss melkh.
Little Winie McMIcksH hat batri
forty Is all were preaeot and during and early this morning Uncle Dan
such power. The contract for the plant nnmber it is n fair presumption that that only reckleM speeulation and tbe
Current Events. Donald I,ove.
tbe evualng Mr. Brown waa preaented Ulilpple abowed up for hla voueber. one-tenth of the entire num­ utter disregard ot business principles quite ill but Is some better.
will be let to the lowest responsible
Vocal «do. Bessie Smurtbwalte.
Albert Conklin left Tuesday for •
with a baasUful tUver loflng eup,
He explained to County Clerk Walter
Reeding, Vere Jenne.
visit with hla pareou at Beulah.
tuny two (aat In belgbt upon whl<* that he had walkM in Monday after­
I tbis port. This would mean that ter touched updh waq-campaign
By Installing a gas producing plant
Reading. Miss RyUer.
was in Intertochf
noon as on aeoount of the walking
persons were carried each way tributtoos by cnr]>oratlo&s and a law
ft Is believed that a great saving c
RcelUtlon. flora Caw.
“'FnaMlod to J. Bdgar Bio^
being ao bad he dldnt want to do ft
to and from Ludlngton during the aca- covering these was advocated.
be effected as ft emtts less to g
Violin ado. Dorothy Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamb are speodlns the
by tha MBplayaa of the H. H. Ortgga all in one day.
power from cosl in this maoner and
Comic selection. Ivah Gore.
Railroad ixbaiea were treated at winter with ihelr sons here.
“A Udy offered me a rtde,“ he said,
But not only has the passenger busi­ length and ihc race question was taken
Ibe operation is very satisfactory, gas
Plano solo. Mias Mabel Pierce,
Stuart Holmes of Traverse City,
Tltaa. O. UM.'*'
"but seen' 'a bow tbe wind was la tbe
Tbe sophomores held their weekly producers being in use in many places ness been enormous, but the season up In the discussion of lynching, the
has also proved the biggest on record president advocating a *'sqiiarc deal sprat Thaoksgirlag with friento la
•The aopper. which waa a very qUb- north an’ would blow on my back all lyceum In their class room yeaterday atpresent.
The waier srorks system will be rpry from the standpoint of freight ton­ for all." and saying that tbe crimes of Bondon.
orale sBalr. waa terved at tbe hotel the way. I told her 1 guessed I'd walk." aflereoon. Lavern Helges. tbe newly
Artbor Able of Grace spent Thaakw
After geUing hla voucher be made elected president, presided over the complete, providing for both fire jro- nage.
at < o'doek Wter vhicb tbe party ndcegroca were not a racial lasnc. but of glvtog with frieods la Bendea.
Xmmed to the pavOlcn where the fol­ ready to go and in answer to Mr. Wal­ meeUng assisted by tbe class ^re- lection and for household and mercan­
Individuals. Tbe sdutton Is in the
Medical Society.
lowing program waa'carried out. Har­ ter's InvlUUon to wait a while. aal4 Ury. Miss Ruby Anderson. The fol­ tile uaage. tbe water for culinary
education of tbe negro and In making school-mates from Benaonla thanksThe
being supplied direct from
vey Ktophanattne preaiding aa tdaat- •THi. no, I gueea I'd better be gItUn' lowing program was given by tbe
Justko swift he said.
ahwg «o *a 1 ken gft home in time fer menbera:
welts. About 100 feet above the vil­ lot In Dr. 11. B. Gsrtier's offices last
A number of yoong people from
lage a reservoir will be built and Into evening and dlceted Ihelr officers for
Reading. Margaret EvanA
-OrntM. Svaat 4datlna. Miafaa dinner -ea help around vrtth the
was dlsciiBsrd at length and the preri- Bendon sttended the Gom* *4
choree.- and he buttoned hie coat
this win !«• pumped the water for fire the ensuing rear. They are:
Qnrrent Events. Harry AycA.
Anna MDlar. liUto Hergenmtber.
di-nt ibought that the limit pf honrt lochen Thaakoghing %voi*ll» All »Vrt-sldenl. Dr. .T. M. Wilhelm.
around hie neck preparatory to a aixproteclinn. Tbe force of gravity will
Music. Mandolin club.
Mahal Bvnhart, Anna Ktniner; piano
a good Ume.
give a sufficient pressure so that fire
Baaay. John Hall.
■olo. BUaa Van Maaa; vocal aolo. Mias mile walk.
■bould bo fixed. He favored an In­
Miss Sawyer U spendMi •TbaBlnPresident. Dr. J. M. Wilhelm.
Uncle Dan will be 107 years old next
can be efficiently fought.
Rending. Alice Smith.
Anna Kramer; wMMUng aolo. Tbomaa Msich.
heritance tax and advocated an in­ givtag srith her parcsu la Praaktort.
In order to comply with the Insur­ Canavan.
Great Interest is being tnlceD in the
Cbnbb; dnat. Mlaraa Kramer
John Zak and brother retoraed troan
The following three membera were come tax law.
meetings and the room is always filled ance laws, a fire company of flftra
Sarahart: vloUa aMo. Mlaa HergeoThe proaJdenfa measagt In full wHI MiODcwu Uat week.
men will bo o^anlzed and plenty ^ lade censor*: Drs. Shillldsy of Lake
its full seating capadty.
inthnr: duet, -On the Quiet,' Mlaaea
Barney Parker of iDteriocbee. wan
Ml, lAwion and ,G. A. Holliday of be found on pages 17 to 20, this lamie.
hose will be purchased.
Paigenrather and Kramer: ode to Mr. Hogan, who cut tala band eerionaly
this city.
Raised Quarantine.
When tbe new system
Brown sad Camlly. 3. R. McDonald; while chopping wood aomo time ago.
Judge Knsppcn i
Mrs. McLellan Is In Inlertoebea ear­
The meeling waa wxll attended and
No new cases of diphtheria having Northport will l>e so axil protected
A. & HaaKm
la getUng along nicely.
much Interest was taken. The society pen of Grand Rapids as Judge nf the ing for her liuis grandaoB, who to
apeaeh. -Mr. Cbnbb; raaponue. 3. E.
M. E Strickland la repairing the
lifted yesterday and Maze that almost wiped out the town, has grown during the past year and Unlied States court of tbe district of quite ill with pnenmtBlA.
interior of bla home.
(he post graduate work which will be Western Michigan haa been sent to
the officer removed from duly. ’The win be Impossible of repetition.
m apoeeb' by Mr.
P. K. Morford is remodeling and
carried on during Ihc winter is being the senate and undoubtedly will he
honso was given a thnroiigh fiimiga
Chabb 1
taken up with interest.
lion and any danger of Infection la be­
Judge Knappen will
Saved From Potter's Field.
OyoUr Supper at Bipmlay’A
hold the annual succeed the late Judge George Wanty
lieved to be past.
Now Y«irk. Doc. 5.—The body of
There will be an oyatw^ supper and
-•Mr. Brown: I have once more
E. A. Plaher, general manager of
Among those who bad been Impris- Cassle McManus, heroine of the Slo­ Iianquet at Park Place some time in of Grand Rapids. He will probably bazaar at the Blmle/ achool bouse
the honor of addrenalng yon In to
the Wylie Cooperage company, baa allake the bench early in Janoaiy.
ooed in tbe bulldlqg was Kate Krigley cum disaster, who leaped Into the January.
Nday evening. Dec. 7. Brery one ta
et aor trilow clerka. K la with regret
reeovered from bla recent st­
nnd her Joy at getting out again was
cordially loHied.
that we have met on thia ocenMon
The U. 8. 8. Tuacarora.
uck of r
Her dog. about ^whlch river and saved seven penuins. llr-s in
W. R. C Omcoro.
niabed for those cetning from tbe efty.
The U. S. S. Tuscarora 4s enallDg at
bid yon Mvwen. and agUn to thank
D. H. Conover baa returned from
the niorguo today and to save her
Th.- W. R, C. elected the following free of charge. They will meet at
she did considerable worrying. i
the city dock after lying at anchor off officers yestenlay;
you tor tbe many ooanealea extended Manlutee.
«I,h b.r bul Mr
to .hltl lor 'tP”
« '1-- I”-"-- ■>"»Walt's drag store at 7 p. m.
to na during oor bualneaa aaaoriattooa
C. E Jobnuoo of the Hotel NIac tl,cm.olrn.. Sbe itot .routa Ibl. bf f'">1! " 1=> ““ Twrotr-toortb .trool that i>nim part nf Siiniluy and nil day
President, Sara Hllllker.
wttb you. We have alwaya felt It
apeot last Saturday and Sunday with
has started a subscription. 8ho de­ yesterday. The boat Is a revenue
Senior vice ptestdent. Marla Morse.
Georg* C. Barker Dead.
iDeaanre to work fw you, and truat his psrenu at Peacock. Mich. Mr. giving an officer the key l<i.ber home voted her life to charity and died Jn ter of Ct" tons illsplacemenl and the
Junior vleo president. Mina Maes.
KalkaakA MIcb.. Dec. S.—George C.
that your aneeeaeor may bare equally Johnson recently sci-cred his conneecompl.-m<-nt is fifty-eight or sixty men
the Bellevue hnsplul a pauper.
Treasurer. Callle Thacker.
Barker, an old resident of the Hllage,
during bU Uon with tbe siff^ business at In- last.
is slightly short at preaChapUlD.
passed away early this aomtag aftar
However, she has other troubles.
Interesting Talk.
terlocben and expecU to work for Ibe
Conductor. Maggie Murray.
a two week's Illness. He baa been
According to her story she labored
The Rev. O. E. laockhart. parlor ol
-•We kwe In you a valnable aid in Saxton Shingle company.
Capt. Thomas D. rtValket receive
Guard. Emma Nesbitt
losroship clerk for several years sad
faithfully every day while under qn«rFred Caster and bon are slowly reUme of need, which we alwaya cordial­
Hcniltl representallvx
Delegato to state eon'
I. Lottie leaves a wife and three ^Idreo.
antlne and has received no money for the Baptist church, liwk a tramping cabin this morning and staled that
trerlng from ihelr recent stuck of
ly received .from you.
(be work. She states Umt she will en­
their visit to this port was for the pur
eeredly wish for you the aame anc- typhoid fever.
John P. Johnson and wife of KortliAlternate. Arvllla Gardner.
deavor to eolleel the amount from the and while there met with somo^un
Iv»Ke of eosllnc us the more northern
David Sumnerlleld and family have
CMa In a greeter meeaure ttiao you
pon passed through tbe city yeeterend Interesting i-xperiences. An
city as she cannot afford to lose ft.
l-vns seem to l>e short of the product,
moved lo Milwaukee which will he
have had te Ttflln.
in tiengrwea.
: ,i,j- on ihelr way to New Tork. where
“Begorra thim cats wor glad to si thcK- were a seri<-5 of Interviews with The cuiu-r lay at rharlevolx tor some
- Tfou leave behind you many per- their fulnre home.
Washington. I)oc 5 —Congresfman |
will lake passage for Swedea.
the si.-ild and Inaccesslbb- nobility of time aw-altlng the arrival nf a schooner
le." Bbe said.
Bonal frienda, both In and out of thb
BlKhop will hate Immediate supervl*-! xhey are both natives of that o
A Christmas tree and enterUInment
the country. In acromplisiiing this. loadwl-wltb coal hut that craft
bualneaa world. We bop# you wfll aUtl will be given at the town hall by the
«>• Jntere*t* of j j,,. Johnson coming over seven yeara
Mr. Lockhart wxm through various evidently hiding In some sheltered
reatember da ea year TUdn frienda. Interloeben Sunday school Cbrtstmaa
the house
his wife aeventeen year* am.
Washington. Dee. B.—The roport of trials end of these and bis snccess he ■ harbor farther north, not wanting
, committee on river* and harbors he This Is their first visit to their aaUva
when far away fram aa. and caaually
inleretling program
the secretary of ihA treasury for the will tell at the nest niceiing of the
bec„ made a *..t,ramml..ra of one land sioce coming to tbe United
give ua a thought be K ever eo little. been prepare^ and preeenu will also fiscal year ending June 30 was irons- Men's Club of Grace church which risk the pasrage in .towhich have Irfxn holding up shipping I,Michigan
- fa pteaenUng thia cup to you aa be a feature of tbe occasion.
routed lo congress today. It shows re­ will take place at Stewart's aeea<lemy
r-view nil the various Improve_______________
n token of our regard and eateeo.
C. R Martin leporis a large increase ceipts or |75:.32€.901.«; and rspendl- next Tuesday evc-ning ot 8 o'clock for the pa« ww’kWhen q-Hftloned regarding the fish-|
„,„chi by Michigan and will
Wyatt Cranston of the Traverse
truat yon vQl accept it In the apirit In bis bnslneu during the past year. turea of $7:s.«57.Si::.01. showing a Ai this will be a treat that no one
(yig rommittee his re-1 City Gas company entertained a nnmta wbleb It U given, that It will be a This speaks well for Interloeben and surplus of $::v«;6>.322.d1.
should miss, tbe meeting will'again be Ing troubb- .vm-mg the Beaver Islands i
aoQtee of great pleeaure in tbe yeera
The receipts for the fiscal year were ________
....... ...not only Captaln Walker Said ih.vt be.bad r»>-1 ,-ommondatlons as to appropriations. ' her of the gaa and electric company
open and..............
the members
appointment* is m rveeni lhatj emplo.ves Monday night at hla l^e.
to come to look at thli gUt end think
present but should bring thelr eelved no orders regarding ft a.s yet,
P. W. Grundy of the Wylie Cooper­ I65.23B.634.67 more than those of thej
and all be knew of it was what he had' ,b,; congressman ha* little Idea of tbe i 336 Seventh street. Vith a 6 o-GoA
ef the meay pleeaent deyi apeot age company it sconring tbe surround­ twevlous year and
ftnil Ih,.
tbe ,v«n,>ndlllires
expendlturcslI fGend:
Michigan inter-!
dinner. After the dinner, the
emong na here In TUdn.
Incixosed 816.S12.083.48. The’ ft. Verwey Legg will have charge of read In tbe paper*. "It would be a|
ing country toi timber for bU con­
^ould be *tat- the particular’ «‘’0'l‘‘meii enjoyed a smoker and after- •Wtohlag you every aucceaa
in circulation June 1 was 82.-' the musical program and some excelcern at this Ume.
The Tuacarora has l.een busy dur-! riv.-rs and harbors which would be ]
»*'«' eflierulned by ainglag by
’ .____________ .______ ________________________ -l-W
year new home, may the beet wiihea
, loci number* will lw> given. The club
C. V. Bennett is the proud owner of 736,646.628. being $32.32 per capita.

Crsnsto#. the eveaa( aa ell follow you and your family.' tpo remsriuble fox hounds;
j president will also talk brleny on the ing the fall month* looking out for mo-t favrrtt}d.
*Tha glR waa a complete aurpriae to would be envied by hunters who enU. 8.' Oiaciplinc.
I advantages aniTdisadvantagef of cross-. vekseu In dlstres* and this work has' Under this app<->lntmetit Congress.Ito-lng very enjoyable
Mr. Brown, whoee emotions at receiv­ loy that phase of gaming.
kept her in tbe Hclnity of the Soo the man Bishop wtil rejK.n on the appro-j
A bit of the dlsciplloe on board *‘ Ine the briny withosit f<inds.
There were eighteen ymtag men ef
ing asch a eplendld teaUmoolal from
The membership of the club is un- greater part of the time. ^ Although; priailoti for ih<- ftnproveinrai of Grand the city present at the Untty league
The-wedding bells will ring at In- United Sutra govemmeot vessel was
hla emptoyca
ttiown In thU city yesterday when the! denominational and a cordial invitation 'there have Ix-en several severe storms nver HI* attitude toward ibl* work ' ■ooms la the ttHbrim block Tuesday
d la a few well terlochen on Christmas eve when F. revenue cntier Tuscarasa wa* taking'd* extended to non members to attend the
ship ha* not found aqv craft In | could not be learned.
-•enlng and the evening was spent in
K. Herford. the popular nlgfat operator

Btsbop has prerart-d a
music. Dr. J. A. Snyder, E L. BdOf the Pere Marquette, will he united coal here A negro. evidenUv a mera-lthe meeting Tuesday evening. Th-reioeed of assistance and Captain tta.kiighthou»e-l'*
that tbe loss to shipping was mu for construction
I ward* and E. Wilhelm were also presirriage to Miss Cora M. White, her of the cuUnarv staff, bad become Is no charge for these meetings »nd i
gm and of tha apirti la which u
than that oflast year.
r^Mence at
daughter of James White. They will involved in a dittenity mrd the ca,v the programs are full of interest^ a* j
Uln waa investigating. The black‘-well aa instructive.
"O'" fWH work is the enforcemrat bill wUI be in.rod.ired in the house;
-Tbe aSaIr waa a moat happy one be married at S p. m. and after the man was very wrathy and bis blood
-----------------------,ot the navigation laws and helping eariy la
rtarg* of the mua|c
the Bouihern part
and win long be recalled with plensJohn Gilli. Brothrahmrd.
^hoat* in distress." he said and went on ;
the Mtrvlcra at tbe cbnroh a week
of the sute will make tlrolr home in was bo«ng. consequently-hlw wo’rds , '
nra by tbope preaenL' The next meeUng of the John Glllls. to sute that the former work was, to rema.n at his post thrr,.ighoot the,
the pretty little cottage'now being came f^h with great vehemence.
*TheTaotaIn **evldratlv being *atl*-i Brotherhood of the Baptist eburen ! greatly lightened b.v the wLlingoess of I short *e*sloa of congress. Tbe sena- i
--------furnished througbODt.
OanK of Alfred Walt.
Coaa returned from Big $UpTbe Wylie Cooperage company has
After a loag, hard battle wttb conBumption. Alfred Welt, U years of age. closed their plant lor Ibis season for orit .. the c<»closlon of the trail-, church on the evening of Dec IT. a'tbe U- and that very llrle uouble'tbe hands of hi. Wsshlagton phyal-jldi yesurday. where be completed
Lmy ordered him to get np on top of! week from Monday. Supper wm he[ was encountered In it.
• risns. They expreraed the Jodgemrat the course In pharmacy at the Perris
1 Tuesday at hla home on repairs. However, those who have
• Is in much better condition Jnatitute Mr. C«as flnlahed his work
been thrown out of etoploymeiit are the cabin and to stand there until be: served in the basement of the church* After etmllnR- the
tttat •fhliteentb atreeC
in three months wbich U aa exceptlooMr. Weft has not been able lo do being used to get out the Umber for was called for Without a word of ex- * and a charge of 25 cenu a plate made.! Harbor Springs, where she has made. than when be leftV, ashlngton last ally short ttme. He graduated from
any maaual labor for tbe peat two while some are sawing lumber In the
tbe local High
school In IMH and was
yeara and aince that time haa been the.saaaon's cot of staves, hoops, etc.,
oerch there to remain until be sraslple s Saving* bank and Judge W. H the winter.
Tbe season generally j prrtiy well and la able to get to bit emptoyed In tbe A
nteadlty dccllnlag. At a last reeor^ he. miU.
yertetday, was not exact-lumlor will deliver the addresses of|close* Dee. 1 but this year it will beleommluee room ^Gttrad necessary up to tala iftae of Iraviag for eetonnl.
Louis Schroeder. formerly of Kar­ sent for. .
vast to South Maahon laland In Octo-

An Announcement.

lin. In the employ of tbe M. A K. E
Railroad company as section boss, has,
accepted a similar poslUon at Inierlocben and moyed hU famUy bera.
The many friends of Mrs. Bert Gannett will be glad to know that she U
■lowly recovering from her recent st­
uck of typhoid fever and will toon be
Uck of typhoid fever.
A unique ataUsUcal report of Interlochen for^c past year shows twelve
marriages, nine births and thirteen
Onnond Lucicr is building a new
barn on hU place at tbU time. Mra Sam Langworthy is quite III
at this Ume and ft Is hoped by her
ly frienda that she will soon rf
The f-year-nid child of Sbermai
Dill that was run over by a wagon the
flrat of last week U slowly recovering
from the sccidenL
Mrs. S. H. Bates Is the Herald and
Record correapondeni at Wylie at ihib
time and she will greatly appreciate
any item of news that may be handed




band Tnrersc Jerald

« T»m- m.

BdltDrand MafiM(*r


The Uhnir RMortA
The rwarU of the llbr»mi» Tor
Ore Itxtli (trM «sd Oek Park Ubcartea ebov that dnrtos the ntonUi of

YiaJtes the readlo* roomg and of thU
Bttaber I.4U ware ehtldren. the eUy
UbraiT haTla* 1141 and the Oak^Park
btaach t77.
Thla u a Terr snUlfrta* ataie of
affain Inaamnch aa tka child who
at the llbrarr wadln* U not only
« but it liImpnnlBr bit ml&d in a war that will be
i to him in after reara. The
t tbe Oak Park
biandt it (hewn br the RTvat lacrcatt
In the total number. While the num
her who went to tbe reading room ai
Oak Paih la much leea than the down
town UbrniT. the reading room at Oak
Park hat been oondoeted under dtfflculUea and natorallr tenret a arngller
Bomber of peo^e. Tbe number la

dnotad llbtaiT la a material aid to tbe
The Interaat awakened hj the story
koora to another thing that pleaaet
thoaa who have the welfare of the
cltrto roong-at heart. Tbe ebltdren
hava takes to tbeae story boun and
e at tbeae abonld be e
etmraged by tbe parenu all that it
pomlbla. .The child who heart of the
a«iiwg« and workt of bit favorite hero
win snoaoBcloatlr strive to emulate
^ that hero and in tbe endeavor beennes a better child and ultimately
better man.
Misdirected Ideals are responsible
tor many crimes. The
Btartoa, the toudlng of great crimes In
metatsia and the ^amor that aurmoBds the Moody heroes of certain
BliiiSB of Mieep books bsve esuted
fitnA atlsety and beaftacbe while
the other hand, storlea well i
either Taibelly or by boMw. have had
BWMi to do with counteracting (he perBidOQS teadilngs diascmlnated by the
*iUme Bovel,” which to now the fivecent noreZ and tlmrefor doubly dan-

Tbs PteaMent'a MaasapS.
- The message of Bresldeot Rooeovelt to congress, which was pebttobsd
in (on exclusively in yesterday's I
Ing Record, was a document wbleh
was'well worthy of the most careful
and Istelllgeiit study. Tbe message
is of close Interest to everyone In the
coontry Ito In his usual feariess and
clear style. Prestdent Roo»
toeebed on the great quesUons of the
day, not only tooehing upon Uu
offering aolutions.
Pbr aome time, various agiutors
have tried to lead the country to be­
lieve that we were face to (ace with a
great straggle between (he two separ­
ate. dtoUnct and unamaigamsied races
dwelling within eur borders, the white
and the African race. Bvenu have
recenUy that have tended
give color to the theory bat the presi­
dent takes the view (hat It Is
question of race but of indlviduaia end
that a white criminal to as dangcroas
aa a negro. The lyncblnM that have
oecnrred hare generally followed
crimes against women and the presi­
dent would hare such crimes ponlshabel the same as murder, only be
would have the penalty
by courts of tow Instead of mnlis in
whom the spirit of savagery and re-,
venge Is dominant. He wcmld also
have Jnstlce swift. The
Ueket that edneatton will solve all dlfficolUet between the two races.
In regard to labor the president
favors tbe eight hour day for railway
and tbe careful restriction of the
number of hours that these men may
work. Tilts to a snggcstloo full of im­
portance and wisdom as many of (he
of hlsiorr have
luaed by railroad men whose
sensea beve been dulled through lack
of sleep cauted by working many
boon. Human life It of such Importanee that all the tafeguardt possible
■bouJd be thrown around it. Block
slgnaU and safety devices are of no
ivaU It the man at the throttle It
asleep, U tbe number of hours he can
Ubor 1s fixed by law and the Uw en­
forced. be will not be led on to work
longer tor the sake of over-lime money
or ba forced to do so because there
are no other men to take
In tbe matter of corp
farther control by the tegislaiure Is
suggested but. w-bile the p
lleves In government centred, bo does
not believe that the government should
conduct tbe business of the nstlon.
Good combinations are necessary, be
thinks. It Is recommended also that
tbe packers pay for the cost of Inapocting their products.
The Philippine questinn to taken up
and the lowering of the tariff
•olnte free trade for the latonda Is
If president. .4
rr, woulij have a complete revision
of tbe present ainency laws of the

^UM TueMlay's Record.
Hr. and Hra. Geo. Habier and family
cf Lake Ann speat Satorday and Sun­
day with A. B. HuellmanteL
Mrs. Wiiltom Bartlett of Xoithport
la vlsiiing in this city.
John Hainfecber and wife «f Reed
City relumed today after vMtlng at
, .
Mrs. John Gnxier of Keawkk was
In tbe city totoy.
Hra. T. Vouiuw returned from Kes­
wick this iDoniJiig.
A. Ncargarth returned to
her bo^e Id Reed City this moraliig
aner-vlsiiftig et Keswick.
Mrs. H. Z. Ryan of Xonbport
(be rlivtoday.
D. A. Furst and wife left f«>r South
Manllou island this morning.
U B. Huff webt ro Osborne.
3. V. Jackson and wife spent tbe
day at Frankfort.
Mrs. A. Siruble went to Cedar Run
for a few days ibis morning.
Mrs. C. Mllburt of Gladstone was in
the city today.
Miss Agnes Tailor returned from
visiting friends at Nortbport.
Mrs. M. S. Becker of Bingham
shopped In ibe city today.
Mn<..M. Mills of .Bingham spent the
day in the city.
Mm. R. Steffins of Suitons Bay
passed ibrougli the city today oa her
way to Buffalo wb<-fe she will visit
J. SK-lnborg has just munieil from
Pettrskey. wbere-he has'b*s-n vUliIng
fats daughter and Inridentally li.-jpiug
consume a iwenty-ibrev .iiotmil I'lr.
key. Mrs.
few days' longer vlstl. After Monday
Slcinbcrg's address will be t*!
Watson street. Detroit. Mich.


rid*-. $H»0.
M|.-h. Trurt Co., to




Codfish, per poond..................


City Book Store

A fine pifco of China, a Toilet Sol. a Book, a jrara «ul>-





to Gran.! Usi-i.ift... lot !■'. l•!k,.:, .r. F. T.
; tm.'Hrt.
I • Prauk Wt-lmn a'ad wife to I»ai;‘.i-'i;
F: s. •alnlll.-r et al nv«* of m-!. -s .
ir,. T ». R l«. $T:.e.
Buying Rate* of Traverae City OMtora'
Sh:,.|«-v u>. Wditom Sbli.,. .
of dewt-r in
«f awU «c. n.
cider apples, per cwt..........
T M. K
■ ■
A'fliior Grtjeral to VV
w’s t.f
T ;s.l
,K 9.
! W A. X.'sion -iruMf.-'. b> PnJ It.
I’uta'.je*. per bu, lung white.
Frau. w>j. of ti-'a t*'-.
T|;;. R
-Tiiu« Ftovi-c ami »H.- to n-^-rn.ird
Poultry ...................... ...............



Fano' liog^a^for

A B<»>li. o SniokinR -Sot. a K..untain Pen, a Cop antj Satic. r. a Pireki-t lio<>k..-i Maiftiziiw* Sultx-ripiitni. or a Nivktit-Box
A iliiiiifun Si-t. u (Jlotv llfi. a Imx of pretty Sutionerr,
It Fancy llx>k. a Postal Cut! Atltiiinarati^.I p«n for SISTER
A Fouiita::! iVn, .i Cuff attfl C-.lUr Bos. a .\e«-klio Urn. a
PiK-kft Book. H (tanio. an .\ir ttiin. a CupatHl Sancer orm fitxik

for mioinKu,

Dialk-s. CliiUrwt'a

Thi-si' art- Imt u fow of our liat of
if p«yl
for the HoHd-iys ut

City Book Store

Cblektns. spring......................



Some Cbrtetnws


Ii.n«k. .1. 1..I ». t!k 3. o. P T. cCreamery Butter, pw ponad..

Steers ...................... ..

The Hobart Co.. Prop.





Traverse City



........ ..

’ ”

t -rti’.. I r.. to J.-tt; < !1
f T
R •. f.

[-Cured hides...........
Cured HldM.............
G-.-tt.-.. tn'TMM
.ItSUT-l-... :7. T
It It.
From WednPMl.tys Record.
■I-J a
Elmer Voung left thi.s morning for
, i.f ,..i,
Real Estate Transfera.
y,. , It 9. Iir T'
Fiauk Sivvcn^ Hnd.siri- l
U E. Green of Fife UU- was in the Mliint.- \V. Clrary. parrU..=. sl-c , TH.,v, I!
wilv. !
clly today.
Jam.'-n tki.' d pr.. t
Pn-d Hamilion of Fife Uke (ransipatTt'lsi «
-Smiib et at
acted business In the city.
Artbiif Tiiotupsou-si
Ur ll- an.l K.. lOl..
Samuel F. Hodges of Hodge did bus­
iness at the coun house today.
A number of cuuors and sleighs |iut
In tbclr appearance this afternoon.
Hiss Anna Nn-dhsm has rrsunio!
her duties In the coiiniy clerk's office
Santa Claus Headquarters for Mama,
after tier vuraiina.
F. V. Drtwllorof Cliicag.i, iiiv.-utuv
of the Detw-iler refrigerator,
clly on business.
Mrs. James Kebne an.l itouchter.
Miss Hare!, have retiiilTe.1 Jrom n vtoltj
in Ann Arlior, Lansing ami neutdt.
Miss Anna Ek-dei' of Om<-na was In
the city today.
Mrs. M. H.-rd uf Omcna |>:iks.-.I
through (he clly this morning on herj
way to Bunion.
Miss S'. Hranriek rciutned from]
N'orthpnrt this nsorning, where site
has been visiting.
MIsa L. Ocuster of Buttons Bay was
in (be city today.
Mrs. U Cetlarson of Buttons Bay
spent the day in the city.
Charles Draper of Bingham was iu
the city on business!
Miss Iva Green of Nortbport spent
Our line tof Men’s Overcoats at
the daj- In the city.
7r».and $1'2.00 are the
Mrs. Ruth Sht-ldon. who was sirirken
pinnacle of perfection and a pos­
with neuralgia of the heart Saturday
ive saving of several dollars to
night, to no botier today.

V..I1.' '
1.1 A-G
I; T

Mr. and Mi-. V:;ir.;. It.'v.iy.iv. ml;-.
1,-r. niiy nn»\».-[ i.. ll--;3:4:i.i fiohi Muii
tou-e. nr.- tli._^ lUT.-tita .d,.i.-v.;n chi'
an- Hi:.-.- -..i»
twiii«, .A warai^-'tl'ih- f.-atiir.; .>f th.
"siin. SsAbat tl..-ii ?i»m-r
with th.- 1.11.-r <), tHiy ouo. tjllv.-.
(trill an.l Orliii th- -laih haviiic div.t
iti tiiJatjcy. Th.-^i »an to
uf :ix- aii.l tin-tsi. yi.tme.-'t arvtsln.,
»f a lu.m-ti .Th.- toliitl;- ii»i- i« a otic.

:.tu; ..B.-half. rti.ty 'kjum. oa ftoM
i:.yb:li stniA and the rlUldrim shvw
ti. iM- aiiie. which U rrarb.-d by a
r. Tlw two <ddest are iknrtW.
Rill .- th<- r.-mainlng nlai- cumprise the
f.:tai;j eirrlc.
T*S. l..AX4TfVg HBOMO (MMa. 1W>


Papa. Boy, Girl, Baby-Uncle, Aunt and Sweetheart.

Get Busy Early

Cbrislmis Will soon be wilii ils. The Rush and Crush is iocreasinw dail.v. Doo'l you think
it would be best to do your shopping

In regard to Porto Rico, the presi­
dent would have the citisens of the
TrsToiie euy hat good reason, to Island become United Stales clUxent.
l*el prand cf her libraries and shoeid At present.
landers occupy a
feel gtod that a branch was neceastty. peculiar position aa whUe they are
under ccntrol of .this eoantrr. they
have no voice In Its tows. By making
Gasoline Motor Cere.
If the vaiious electric laBway en- the Uland a territory, the people toouid
terprisca now in an embryo state In bare the right to representnlioa that
this dtr and regioii (all to crysUllsc other territortea hare.
The Japanese qnesUon Is handled
and take on a definite form, it seems
as thoodi there would be an excellent clearly. Tbe president believes that
tbe San Franctoco trooblc was HI ad­
g here for the et
B gasoline traction aervlce. These vised and that tbe ntmost spirit of and llffl.urwi for current expenses.
Charles Wlghtmaa became 1o»t in
le traction tinea hare been found good will should be malnUlned be­
:ory In other parts of the tween tbe two countries. He would til.- woods while bunting near F!i>r.comtiy and a number of steam roads have a law made that would make II last Thursday, und Moii.lay hi>
poBsIble for the Japanese to become lusly was found by a searchlug iiai ty.
have adevted these cars for
citizena of this country.
lie to betlcvod to have pcrisbe.l from
•Bd branch line serrlce.
War to never justified, he aald. but fear and cxposoce. His home was in
la operation-wad nianing expenae.
Fond dti Lac. Wisconsin.
tbe gasdlae ear to much cheaper^tban at times it Is Imperative.
In regard to the navy it to recom­
Mectrietty laasmuch as the coaily
power komee with the necessary em- mended that it be kept at its present
Idoyss are not neceeaary and neither strength but (hat the obaolete and
to a long and expensive sy«ea of irtd- worn out fighting abipa be weeded out
ley wires, boh oar generates Its own and replaced by new ones of late and
power and the motors are generally modern design.
In the army and navy the selective
■trang enough to aeccmmodate oae
method tor offleera to recommended.
Heretofore, promotlims hare been by
OanoUne engines have rvacbed a
seniority and offieers who have done
stags where they are as reliable as
good service while younger in lower
eleetrle motoia and as long. If not
offices, generally reach tbe higher
loncer lived. The
ones when they are old and less able
a to approrimatcly a gallon per
to do good service. By excreiaing a
horao power for every ten boors of
•iMtioD tbe able otfieeni could be ad­
service. When tbe car to at rest Che vanced.
•xiwas ceases. Witb an electric line,
Tbe message, while lengthy, should
it U neceasary to keep up a constant
be read by all. etpectolly those who
current whether one or more can have
would keep in touch wiib the questions
stopped or noc
of (be naiioB. It will be found In full
The first coot of a gasoline propelled
pages 17 to
in today's Herald.
treettOB Use to also less than an elec­
tric railway as the
The Eureka pedro club met at Mrs. Ami SatunUj U a pay day aa a
hotisra. onglnea and other machinery Thad Parsons' on Wadsworth street role. Are you SAVING eouio..are ant jmceasary. the cost of the car Tuesday evening. The usual good Ume thing from every pay day?
and the awtor beto« the expense
enjoyed and Mrs. Bert Gonder
Side « tbe grading and steri.
took away ibe first prise and Hr. Par­ Wliether you live 20. 40 or tiO
8a^ a line could be operated in and sons got the small end of the deal, yeara It»ger. you'll find an iaMiout the city, (o the Bast bay resorts. light refreshments were served. The creaaing mted' of a bank acoonnt. ■
Carp Jake and on the peninsula in club will m«H-t next Monday with Mre.
Make the moat of ea<-h pay day
the summer at a profit. In the winter, J. CampbHi. SIS West Eighth.
NCIW—place wbut you. <»a afford
three or (our cars would be enough for
A well Knetwn RwWfcdy.
the city and the cost of these would
every week on dt^mait with our
One nf the oldest, safest nod t
be eo Uiht that a profit on the invest, favorably known remedies
Savinga Department at'S per cent
meet would be’returned even at that rorid icKtoy to Braudreib's I'lito—a
ilood purifier and laxative. Belztg pure­ intoreat,
ly vegetable they can li used by o
For 50 yeara we have aafegnanled
The people of Trarerse City and the or yoiuig with perfect safety and while
the intereata of every depositor.
ncidenu of coaUnguous territory other remedies rbquire iaereised doses
want a line and want It badly. The
$100 will open an acoonnt.
«ily cannot expand without some sort
e( rapid transit. Qi
with any. portlan of the city would en- pills taken rarta night for a while Is'
the be*( thing kr»>»
-banee the valoe of real esUte very troubled with rout ipatlon. indigestion,
snaterially. If an Mectrlc tine oannot dlspepsta
arising from
be had the gaaoUoe can come next an Impwresuto of tbe Mood.
DrandreihV Pills have bee
sen in use
Bad wMe awake Investors ere readily
sold In ev TlteOldeat and Lar^eat Bank in^
gcasplog tbe opportunity In other


Has a Saturday

Traverse City
State Bank


Traversa City MaVkets
.. . _ _____ and wife u> Ed G I
ThtoreporttomadeueoaWadiras-iiUniiliun. nsU »f ne'« sec 1& V
BayofwaoSi wests. TUraMwralO lewot. R ». |»o.
■waponaible for ongstne U> pricraej pred War.-s and wife to Th.wa
Oev pertc, per hami............ | 1U» ' and lauile swrer, n i's. scr.-* cf nw
' •

■ s-c IT. T r:. R i:.
1AM i Mary Bryan u. Thoa. V. I'llom. lot
AM it:. bU. S. iktyaidc. JIO".

Northorti Michigan.



Our Great Holiday Stocks—the best in Traverse City—are most complete.
of every roo<1 kind.
Big Snap in Infant s Coals, >ge 2 to 6
If you want to find
a more complete
Eiderdown Coats at....................98: (ilove^lore tbaiioiira.try
New York
Cordnroj Coats at........ —$1.98
urChicago. here io Traverse City we
Bearskin Coats at -.. .$2.50 and $3.50
(iootl full size Canvas Glorea..........4C
Astraeban Coats at. $2.50 and $3.50
Canvas (ilotT* with Yam wriata..l0c
.All kinils of laeatiier tiloree..........19c
Bearskin Coals . iti, .luiiu-i^- $4.50
Kvi-rythinff in Dn-ss Uloviw of do­
Broad lall Velvel Coats............. $4.50 mestic
and imimrted, $1.00, $1.2.5.


Gloves f

Oiher Novelties in Coats m

SI-50. $1.75 and................................$2.00

AU Cat Like Papa's

$4,75, $5.00, $6.50. Etc. '

Kndiess line of Wool fllovea and
.Mitti-jis ut iy<'.2->c, 4J»e ami............75c

Sweaters "“'ffi-s

The CHRISTMAS Hankkcrchicfs

Never 1>eforc have we had such a
handtoiiK- line and still we show
swk-uiera as low as.......................... 38c
Utb. rs at 50.-. 75.-. $1 00. $1 2--.
$1.-t0 to........................................... $5.00
Black. Blue and all combiuations

Eren Santa Clans wonOers
bow rood Goods can be sold so

N"W iii.'iki'.1 nin-.t varii'l bIii w'i.j. ' >.ir <n.
iar;:--! h Ilinifspau.- mitk.-s Jl p tosibl--1-. jimpi-rlA .lisplav tin- gre.iW'St sarit-tv ..f aliracti'-'novvhit-v sitowti atiywIt.-P-pH.-s a bttl. D-tU‘r than noltiiiu:
M.-n'sSilk Initial Baii.!k.-r.'hi.-f« ......-I(k
Mnti.s Fan-y.'..lorM silk iiaiidkT- 2'--. 50c
I.;.-l.-,-5'imrc liii-n haii-lkTs-P-. lOi- ;.n-l I5c
M-ii'[ i:i„. I hantlkT> 1<>-. I-'-- a.-ni 25c
b.t-; .-ml
han.ikTs i-j.-V). 75c

1000 Chilitten s Fancy Print Handketchiefs. eacli................... Ic
Men's esln. Kersey Pants............. U9
Men's Fine Dress Shirts..................5Qe
M.-n'sH.a'-y Wiiit.T Cups............. 50c
Men's sw.H Silk Mnifl.-rs. phiiii
nr fancy..............50c. 75c. to 2.00

Beautiful Dolls

l.i li.-s Df - ("L- • Hati-lk-T' iii.-fs. raanv
p.itvr.s,-h .Tu and-...-......................... lOc
Liih-*' [ill-- iiiiv.’i iiiit;;,! han ;ker<'lii‘-fs
'■in |A-k. iprim..........................................50c
L-nbi-s" H.-iii-stit- h’-l Hafi'ikvrfhii-fs.
sou :it»i-h. oach.............................................. 2c
I.'i-ii(3*' Hi.;p:keri'hivfs h<-m un.i fttney
• -orin-rs at [Ic.
au l......................................lOc
,\5«o ■•well'bn*-of faiK-v b-x--; handk-r■ i.ivfs. ::•«
Ml n'«
fail six-, r.-l or bir.,------ 4c

.\ liiiiicb of nict! (fifta |>ickcd at ran.
Ki-a<l fv<-ry iu-tn and iicte
tiir-ir little prices:
Fur S-arfs M »k>. t*s-. l.-V), etc.

-P t............................ ........ S5M
Corset D.vers at 'Jlr. ICle. 4'.*c, 75c. etc
llaii'lk Bat'S at...................................... 5(
Childrtsn'sFnrSetaall25, l.-'A
1.1' to............................ I0.M
SM.- ;.n-[ B-adt CemU -I lO . liic.
2'-. -7A-. up to................................. Lot
Beks at 1.7. 25.-. .70c. leather or silk.
Pillow Tops at 27c. 50c. 5.00. eU-.
D-rili'-s. C.-iiter Piec<*«. Dn-ssor
S--arfs. Curtains, Shawls, etc., god a
thousand oiln-r useful :.'ifta at allnrin;: price?-.

Handsome Dishes, Sleds,
Iron Beds
.'^priitr.'s. MattresKto. Suit Casea, ail
of thus< tfiveD fre< with our '-otipons.
A coup>n with every 50f purehas.-

Until you have visited our 'Metropolitan Cloak Department. Extra special values at

$6.50, $9.75, $ 12.50 and $ 15.00

Traverse City, Mich.

The “Big" Store with the "Little" Prices.

Mr. OOmteh 'motion tiro e
were allowed.

VtoH CHMk.
^i.n^iri A.J.M
QUmk. Mn. Jtnm T.
M. S. C. ItoiiA JW ••n**-. Oo. ▼.

i per cot alUwci M llM l>9Mlts

CircglMin tti$ <wk, 3.0IS

lAit evening ibe Owhi me* at the
borne of Mr. and Mm. M. A. Vnlor and
the evaslng was ^laaaB&tlr apeat np to
1* o'clock plarinf prorreaalve pedro
vhen Ught refreahinonta were aenred.
Mike Donlr «oo the flnt prise and
Mr. Uatfor the oooaoUtioD. Several
fine TOeal aelecUmt were rendered hr
George Momoth and W. E.
with Mrs. Hortndth at the piano. The
parir brt^e up at a late boor, all
agreetag they bad been blghlr «nt«rtamed. Tber wlU meet agab In two
wa^a at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
Irrlag Cor*. Sit West Twelfth street

Meat and MOk laapector Docketay
reported that be bad aKamlaed twenty
eSM fialrlet niM 2M eowe. nine dnlxfee
nod nine «oba In the city. Sixteen
meat msrfcoU had
s. The dairies u
feand In good coodlUoa auapt two
whkh ware ealy fair. The oowe were
generally otean.
The amat marfceu were clean except
one or two end some of the smaller
ones were models of neatness. All
are ready and willing to comply with
the ordtaanee. The report was re­
ceived and filed on Alderman Moon s
A petlUon from Cook * Young ask­
ing permission to move their warehnose and bay bouse from the present
kteaUem on the Pere Marquette and
Front street to Front and Maple
streets was referred to the fire et
mtttee on Mr. Olllett's motion, this
quirlng considerable
practice as the peUtlon had been
graaled on Mr. Goodrich's motion but
was reconsidered and then referred.
Paul Vlaek was given permission to
move a small bare from Cedar and
Sixth streets to Sute and Rose
The report of the committee on
claims and accounts was allowed .on
Mr. OllleU's rnotmn. The committee
bad ent out a bill of $« tor livery for
the police department and alao
of t<g5 for repalra for Ihe chief of polk»'a harness.
The committee on streets and walks
d that the G. a. A I. sidetrack in the alley In the rear of Bast
Blghlh street be invnUgaied by the
Hty englDeer and the company
made to comply with Us franchise.
Adopted on Alderman Murcble's motk».
The committee on alreels and walks
•commended' that the Pere Marquette'a claim of ttOT.Ot for
frooiage charges for the South Union
street paving be allowed. Adopted on
r a motion.
The committee on streets and walks
recommended that their action taken
in regard to the M. A N. E. aldelreck
:nms Hall atroet be floaL Adopted
1 Alderman Olllett's motion.
The committee on claims and accouDts recommended that the
clerk figure the rebates dne the South
Union street people on the engineer's
paving estimate, that the people pay
their asaesimcnt. that the treasurer
prepare a
it of Ibe a
each rebate and that they be audited
by the council. Adopted by Alderman
Winnle*a motloa.
On Alderman Winnie's motion the
clerk win Insirnct the Pere Marquette
to repair Ibe erasa walk at the oaUng

I during a McKinley emm- soo bon an idloi I'd make Urn a !aw-|
)cr." "Tour fslber aeem^ to have;
l-een of another opinion." replied young;
Living quietly in retlremeni
Waahlngton In lAs nlsMy-fifU year Is Choate coolly,
A big light ie threaieced lo the'
Oen. Daniel H. Rocker, faiher-jn-ls'
Phil Sheridan and boyhood chum of virioiiyfUf Dealer Island because of,
Sherman, whom be resembles more the alleged acituni of the crews of two
than a little in apeparance. He was tuga from Chanevoix wuich have de­
born in BHlevUle. N. J.. and at au manded the ensigns of two o)ht-r tugs
early age enlisted In the snny and which have been taken spawn f*ir ihr
served on the frontier, being a.gtMtl governnK-ut, «ajlng that they would
friend of Kit Carson. He served dur­ fish ao>wsy. whether they secured the
ing the Mexican war as well as the ensigns or not. State Game Warden
civil' war and baa lived in Wasbingtoo CbapniuQ received a moe*a-e Sunir
day afu-rnoon from a deputy who i- on
number of yeeru.
Lord Kitchener, the noted British the scene and il Is given out that the
generet. was Induced to attend a big llsl.vrnii'ii will be driven off if force
aoclal function In London rt-cenUy. He has to ln' uwd.
was Introduced to a very pruuy girl,
who eapreeaed Intrase pleasure at
laking bis acqualntanre. General i
Kitchener abhors "gush." but the girl'
seemed so sincere that he uKked her
why she was so glad lo
•Why. you are Toby's uncle. - kIk- re­
plied with a bjdsh. -and we arc .ngaged, you know." His liirdshlp hardly
remembered the young man. but ac­
knowledged that he was <lL-Ilghi<-d to
shine in the relleeted glory of -Toby.-j
When Joseph Choate was a very
young man. just starting out to prac­
tice law. be frequently showed flashee
of the ready wit which has always
characterised him as a memb-r of llu'
On one occaslcm he wav retained
shopkeeper to defonri him in a
suit for damages brought by an em­
ploye. Unforiiinately for Mr. Choate,
hls client lost bis bead completely
nnder cross examlnaiioa. furnishing
evidence so favorable to the.prosecu­
tion as to result in a Jl.OOO verdict.
The merchant was. nevertheless, blglily Indignant with his lawyer for hav­
ing lost the case, and when they en­
countered each other at the court
door be blustered; "If I had a




Ladies’ Fancy Hosiery
lor Christmas
These make dainty gifts for your lady friends, some­





many. .

These come in black, tun and puri'ie.


Embroiilcred in silk in colors, in dainty deisigns. and
tbe variety of prices is large enough
to suit every purse.

Blacks and colors
at 50c, SSc. SSc np lo S1.S0.
Baby Blue and Ugtal Pink In Silk Hose. S1.25

--------------------- V

kl. 'A

These boxes are to -^nd your gifts of handkerchiefs,
gloves or hosiery in.

' The C. B. society of the ITesbyteRoe. Fred B.«slte. JodfV of
Han Anreb at iu bnsineas meeUng
elected the following ofteers tor the
t Jan. L INT:
Preeldent. Miss Bmmlngs.
Vice president Mary BlsselL
new toadaM raM-vaa^'mBi nf b‘r<{u!^
Seeretary. Prukte Chilton.
ig aseratary. Lots Beorarstue IlaUlllr •• «h» sveorfty ui~a h« lood
of Drevat-er,
Traasnrer, Mrs. C. Kelly.
■ Organist Angle Anderacm.
Tba treaanrer reported It <m band
asd lit tn the mlailonary fand.
Unmd fnvnw
so 1__
The Young Ladlee' society met with
I. ^waspapw irtBled and iSrcwlBM ■'
Mabel Qibta last evening and sleeted
7^IhetoUowiag offleera:
PreaMent, Miss Anna Johnson.
Vice president Miss Ames.
ateretary. Mias McKay.
mduc ril«
Treasurer. Hlia Biwwn.
OlNTllgKT toll* O
The society has raised I6t the past
year and bas III la the Ireasary.
Charitahie work was planned for the
winter and pot luck supper will bo
Oeneret Nawa.
held eaeh month. The next meeting
The king ot Italy-a hobby la the colvUt be with MIsa Soneh neat Monday leclioo of coins. In bis collecUon
more than SO.OM specimens. Blntagely
Canadian Holiday Exeurelon.
enougli he la not musical, much lo the
Annual Holiday eaoiirslon to Cana­
regret ot bU musical subjects,
Lsat Load.
dian points Tickets on sale IV-ccnibor
Tba Btaam barge Uejen C. of the whom there are so many In that land 19. M. ri. and 22. Return limit Jan­
uary 12. 1907. Rale—one W'ay flrat. KItaer and O
Henry A. BoAtel. the recently elect­ claas fare plus fl.w. Ask ngenU.
pany of ManUtee cleared yaat^day
H. F. Moeller. G. P. A.
wtU what wUl probably be the Iasi ed governor of Colorado. vriU not re4T-3t
alde lo the executive mansion, but will
mad of lomber oot ttf tbU port
conUnue to live in his bungalow In
Ibe boat left withont clearing University Park in mtler to bo near
Annual Live Stock Eapealtien.
'niveraiw of Denver,
CKleago. III.
papara as the port b ottlclaUy Hoeed.
December 1st to Sth. 1S08.
' If tMs were done at any other Ume of win cootlaoS chancellor.
Marquette Railroad filler s|
The retiring lord mayor of London.
the year it would coat the ownera }oit
_1 nites to Chicago for ihe Live l5IiH-k
gSOO ma the government law la very Sir Walter Vaughan Moody, doubtless Show. Ask agents tor rates and -fi^
atrtat regarding tha sailing of loaded Is glad lo lay down Ihe civic and aoclal partlculara.
H. F. Moeller. G. P. A.
veaaalB. Much da^ U naked m oorea of the office be held. Out of 387
navigating at this time of the year as days as lord mayor be dined away
from home SS7 times.
the Ufe saving sutions are out of
Bilaslon and the laanraitce m a great In many cases were formal and of the
most dreary character.
many eases Is taken off.
Alvina De FOrenezy, a lA-yearold
The asslHant cook of the barge was
seal hoBM by rail sick with typhoid girl of Hungarian parentage living In
Denver. Is bellev-ed lo be the only fe­
male violin maker tn the world. Her
father la koown Internationally for his
The Council.
Thirty mlnnie eeesians. Judging by skill In the same line ot work. The
the last two reeetlnga. seem to be girl has Just completed her fourth
finding favor with the city counell as violin, sll of them being of expellont
Stock is ootnpintc ami the
last night they tranaaeted all the bus- workmansblp and onusnally fine tone
fineet I ever had and Y<>n
laaaa and adjoomad in that time.
Bdward Mellon. oMert anrrlvor of
will find jnat xbal yoa
A the meeting last evenlng an ordl- the Lady Elgin disaster, died tn Mil­
are looking for for jour
Aanee was pamed fixing the fares that waukee lsat week, aged 87. Mr. Mellon
many (rii-nda.
may be charged by hackt and othnr sras a member of the Union guards,
vehWet for public hire. For'rerrylog which organtsalloo gave a lake nxcur
IIYon are luf© to l»e bet­
paaaongera frees any point In the city slon on the steamer Lndy Elgin In
ter pleased to buy now
to the railroad etatlona or dock, and 1860. The vessel wras bunted off Win
than to wuit ontil the best
from the railroad autlons or dock
aetks. causing great loss of life. Mel­
■ no better line of
any polat in the etty. the rata ahall be lon escaped on a raR and was In the
28 centA the asylum being included In water forty-eiirtit hours before reach­
neltber «lanae. For carryiag people ing land five mll«« from the disaster.
Watches or
from tba asylum the charge Is 80 cents
After tonring the world for a year i
for one pereon. Il for two, three or two Perry S. Heath, long a well-known
to be found in the city and
four people sod 28 cents each tor pasand govern
you will always find my
■engeia over four In number. The KMt otflcUl In Washington, bas set­
prices to he right.
funeral rate was fixed at |2h0 and tled In Mnncle. Ind.. his native town
whea hired by the hoar by not over where he will engage In banking and
silverware. No
fOnr penona, 12 for the first hour and lanufscturing enterprises. At one
matter how mmh they
81 for each additional boar.
time he was first aaslsianl poaimaxier
have• they will alwuya wel
welThe rate for carrying baggage was general, which position eattie to him
come another piece.
fixed at 28 cents tor trunks leas than
reward for the good work he did a:
We have something for
lOO pounds la weight and 10 esni
rreury of the repulillcan national
each m sddiuooal. SatcbelA etc.,
ily. Our time is yours any
will be carried free. The rate card
hen I
time you want to look.
ahall be placed on the inside of
Pblllpplne* health was the most
carnage. Between the hours ot i:
irtant consideration. Willis T. Uorgau.
midolght and 8 o'clock In the i
tag. one halt more may be legally
"1 was two years In Cuba and
charged. TliriBtloat of the ordinance aays:
two years in the Phlllpplnt
Philippines, and be­
a by 186 fine or thirty ing auhjeci lo colds.t took Dr. King's
Aaya In Jail.
N^ Discovery tor
for CoDsumpttoa.w'b
kept me In perfect health. And nc
The ordinance i ■ adopted ^ 1
Two papers for the price of or
In New Hampshire, we find It the b
CQMt'a motion.
in tbe world for coughs.cohU.
broncbiai troubles and all lung dlsThe ctafk .reported that ha had ad- eanea." Ouaranlead at Hannah Drug
varttaad for bids for earing for Ihe Store. S. E. Walt A Sons. Bugbeo's Pays for both a full year.
olatwhcre In today's
- B 8* cenu and
—liiflMM AM AQ—had come ta. On ,1JW.Trial botUe frej.



and costs but little—

For men

Now is
the Time to

Ch €n*4 Zmtm Smrd

Meii-t AM F.'lt. 60c to 85c
Men’s Loath.-r Slipitors.
luli.l asnortoK-m.
a spleiul
75caij.i 1.00
Men's Le.-ilh« r Slipps-rs.
ll.x Calf, Kid. full
kid lined.. 1.501O 2.00

men’s Dress Shots
i if 1‘aU'Nl l<*-.-itli<-r or
fiiii- Calf, il uifl that
niiv mun would appriciu'u-....2.50 til 4.00

Tlia Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

Dealers in Everything

More Good Things
for Christmas
For Olomen
Fell and Bi-aver Slip..60c
IWawr SlipiK-M. fur
irimuii'^l ........................ 85c
Ik-st Fl it -luliHU-s. fancy
fur lriiiim.-l. in Un.-k.,
brown, blue, r.d and
urvy............1.00 to 1.25
L.-alhc'r -lulii-lU-s. w'artii
line-1 and fur trimm.xl.
Loggings...75C and I .OO
Uaiiere............35c to 1.00

For Children
.\11 Felt Slippers.

35c tniiil 50c
Felt Juliottos. f.'im y for
irinmicd.. ,75c aiul 85c
Leggings, •Tersi v ar
to 75C

Rubbers and
Rubber Boots
Aro ace-'pL'ible gifts, an-1 we

Our Stert is Tutl
ot eoc4 tbimds
tor Cbrisimos

Ttrm tmiflrtsUt


5, 7 and. 10 cents

Men’s Emb. Slippi-rs. .-60c
Men's Felt SlipjierB
with lentluT sole..........50c

Pere Marquette

J. N. Martinek

Paper covered to pretty

holly designs. Makes your gift look better


Just the things you want for your many friends. Every day
some new line is unpacked. The earlier you make
your selection the better you will be satisfied
and then have it all off your mind.

Lealhcr, Ebony and Celluloid Novelties
Toilet and Manicure Sets. Three Piece Toilet Sets, Brush and Comb Sets. Hal
and Clothes Brushes, Work Boxes, Cuff and Collar Bo.ves. in Leather,^bony and
Celluloid. Prices are from
to ii.51)
Pocket Mirrors lUc. ihz, 5f»c.
Crepe Paper
Novelties in Clipping Envelopes. Laundry Lists. Broom Holders,
aper N
Blotter Pads. i:,. uOc. $U.n>.

Dennison ‘Christmas Seals”
The novelties that sold like wil-l fire last year, over Twenty Millions being sold.
Three entirely new ideas in Seals—10" in a bo.\ for 10c. Holly Gummed Stickers
for labelling packages, li in package, for 10c. Holly Tags to attach lo packages. 10
package, for 10c. Small Holly Tags.'iO in package, for JOc.

Christmas Dinner Favors
Can be used at any luncheon or evening gathering. Japanese Paper Napkins?
Create any
ring, and an exploding
Paper Cap 3velty. 50c a dozen sets.
of fun.

Dressing Table Mirrors
An entirely new line of beautiful Dressing Table Mirrors in warrant.-d gold
rames. in most artistic shapes, priced at Sl-00. 1.2->.
1.75, 2.2-5. 2.50, 3j00.

Hand Painted China
The most exquisite colorings that have been shown this year. Bread and
ter Plates. $[.iVi. 1..50 and 2.C>0. Chop Plates. $2.50. 3.50 and .5.00. Olive and
- Bon Dishes. Sl.'i". 1.5<' and 2^f<l. Sugar and Cream Sets, $2.50, 3.00, 3.75 and
Chocolate I'ois and Fancy Pitchers. $1.50, 2.50,3.75. Cu(» and Saucers, $1.50.
2.50, 3 iVi.



Grand Traverse Region.
SvBfy wMk earrMRondMie^Nr^
MiMri tM l«M tp tM*. . . . .

«ne* inwt rMcIi th« HtraM eMo* not
tetPr than JuooOoy noon ot Mcfi wmk.


'airea Way apent Tbs

Lannln I* suffering from
in sbcea* In her side.
Thom Gbering ud family apul
......................... (St Old Mission.
Mr*. Capi. Johnson ud daughter.
Lola, ud son Harry, spent Thanks-,
firing wllh Alfred Porter^ at Old Mis­
Hiss Rachael Lannln retorned to
Mr*. Walt’* at Old MlaslQO Biinday.

Mra.^Gco. Orar apest^t- - idv Id Travorae Cltjr.
Eueii* or Mr. ud Mra. J. T. SnuMiss SdioBeld. our teacher, spent
her vacation at home near Williams­
Mr. ud Mr*. .
Bondar in Hi^ce.
Mias Edna Nelson is vlaiting her
... and Mr*. Heorr Knapp i
■ler. Mm. John Krau|«. Jr., for a
dinner wUb Mr. ud Mr*. B. O. R
Inc* Thunday.


TlaltlD^hcr aonU, Mr*. Thayer

at bb home Nov. SS. The
ces were held at Gi
irch. IX-c.l. ud the )ltUe body
tare the sympai
of thetr

Charles Sberidu (one of the six hunt
Theweries of n»<eti&gs by Rev. and
er» that wi-nt up norlhl says: -Jack Mr*. W A Shrl'.-j rlosed with « midHilton and I are ntil rea.U to go back da.v w-rmoo Tb*uk»givinc -lay.
back y^l. but the rest of the boy*.
Rev. J namiich. who *ippe.i sn<l
Fisfaer. Ornda. Sberidu. ud John. fell in the floor yard at E.l. PackaTd't
Started IIn the WoBi'.er the f*th " As abiwit slxe wrt ksago. U suii confined
UIs* Fannie Atkinson of BurdickMrs. Robert Dceker Is very sick st they have not arrived H U thoughi g to the house. Mr. RaTtwgb U clghtv.
lied .on Mr. and Mm. Qra>.
lle called
this writing.
they an- wind bound. a« the lake has;nlne year* old. and the tnjurv
bert and Mr. and Mm. Will Gilbert,
The Skinnet boys ud their com- been rerv rough for >.-veral days.
; very bard on him. He has b-ei
and also on her brother.
. Ralph Aiklo- puy returned from iheir hunting trip
Quite a nuraWr of the school chll itng with hi* daughter*.
Mi»aon, Sunday morning.
ID the upper pi-nliirula last Saturday, dreu met at the home
Ray Sha> i Brtghl. .niul Mr*. Packard,
George Gilbert Is logging for Joe bringing
. t d«-er
: right
with them.
last cvenlngand hart « Jolly lime They,
Mrs. l..-na Dull and chiblrcn a'.Chiae.
Clyde Cunu^ l» on the iirk list
were In fancy costurues and ma.-k».: Thanksgiving
Thanksgli Ing -llnher
-llnher with h, r sUter
Win Atkinson was la Maple City
The entcnalnnu-iit and oyster sup­ Mrs. Shay contributed largely to their Mrs Emma Bright.
last Wednesday afu-moon.
per at West riilim church Thsnksglv jileae'ire by idaylng the orem for ili'-m t
Norman and Fran. Newman
. , ____ _______
Hr. ud Mra. Darwin Slllyman of
Ing night was lnn.-> ly attended and 111 dance, ud ast-t*lln^ In thcl
o'h. 's of their party have r. tunied |
Empire called on HIfk Kate Gilbert
enjoyed by all present.
f!.>m their hunting 'rip and. rei>crt'
flue *|K>n


Mrs. Dave Cievetie wa* In Trav
City Saturday.
Mis* Minnie Rrown spent ThuVsglvlng at her home In Qllis Pier.*
Perry Fisher, who has been
Omt-na this summer ud fall, has rrtamod home.
Mm. C. J. Bloom b entertainlne her
cousin. Mm. Williams, of Luaington.
Mbs Pearl Tbombor)t and
spent Thukaglring at their home In
this place.
Mrs. Gen. Shertdffn of Glen Haven



Sullivan visited with Mm. Will Gill>ert
Sunday afienioon and hud an enjuyalime.
Thcrtr b a lot of snow and the woods
presei a wintry npptdrauce.
Ih-c . i.

ntier ate Tliiiiiksglvinc t
n<T with her son. liouls Skinner, at
Mr. tving. who has b<-en on the upIM-r penlniiula fur the
two v<-ars,
has returned to hb farm in Gram.
Mrs. Ijinc
og Is ex|>ecli‘<t hikio
lemls V
r1;iiI Ici aelcunnthem Itack.
hlr. and Mrs. Clark Ctiates spepi
Thaoksgiring with their parents. Mr
and Mra. Wm. Ctialos.
Mbs Essie Vinton close.| her school
. ir o few days' vacutioii Iasi Wedliesday with Thanksgiving i-xerclros.
ic district
The exercises Were grea'Iy
enjoyeil by all who -were present. The
Bd Vu glekic. who has been aick.
lldren ccriulnly deserve praii
U. 1* better ud begu worf........................... lllng In Traverse Cliy. the past week.
tela Salnrday.
Is expected homo Tuesday
n«d EkrI ud wife ap
Trumu Hswii-y has dec!
elded to stay
. g well. Mbs
P and Friday at his father's bone
at Wm Curry's1 this winter.
1 verv successful
Oten ^bOT.
The Misses Peai
It closed with
.Oar achool teacher. Miss MlltlnK. Florence LaValley. and Hr. HranI
h whici
or BeuooU. went home last Wednes­ Markham <came down from Tmv<-rse
credit to'the school.
ay to spend a few days.
City fc spei
spend Thnaksglvlng with Wm.
The Misses Lulu and Ylola
Mis* Vera June eaae-:
Uid famr
RuHd by Mias Loucks or
. Curry n d Will Hunt drove to
,aty. They eMted here dnrinK the Tmveme City Thursday and
MurHix-iii Hive at Wexford elecfe.1
nankaitlrlns TacaUon. returning to
their officem last Saturday, as follows:
__________ aiy ennday. where they are
Past Com.. Reita DeBneii; Com.. Car­
dtlendlng the High school.
ruled the late Jot
rie U UIxod: Ueuf. Com... Lottie,
N. B.
E. lUtbaway
Sve yearn, and eipeel* ,io Uke pnaaes- Hayes; Chaplain. Edith Cotton: Rec-:
ord Keeper. Allw Bigger; Tin. Keeper.
r"L*Cants b down here ROtUop Sadie Darb: Mistress al Arms. Lulu
teHtne englM.
things ready for the sale, which b to Cornell; Sergeant. Effle Bennett; Sen­
0*0. JeoM lost a bone lost night
ext Thursday. Nov..6.
tinel. Mao- Merries; Picket. Emrolo
The W. F. M. S. meets next week “aitisey.
Tuesday wli^ Mm. A. Innis.
The Infant child of .Mr. ud Mm.
H. Rn>wn rclnraed to TtnTerae Cllf
today, afier a few day* rtall here.
Ohio, i*
Rnersoo Oain*er oT Delta; Oh|c
:le, V. S.
TtallinR at Hie home of hi* uncle,'
John Noah vlaltcd athl* atetera Mr*.
Btadlebaaer'i, orer Bonday.
Mr*. Turlier of Marylud I* here
«o ap(«d the winter arlth her brother.
Hr. and Mr*. C. R.Dye dmrc to Tror•rae City yooterdny ud took dinner
h Mm. rn-nnl*.
W. I’. Luey has returned from
- BoniinK trip. He cot two doer.


Mrs. Miles Gllnitire has been tjolle
sick, but b qiiHv a guud deal beiUT

Mrro: 1 Marsh w-rnt to laong lAke
Wevinesday evening n>
i> spend Thanks are ipr' p.vimg fgiving with hi* ikareiiis, returning thi* ; taititiient

Ocadijr Bsrpaot Ritas
a* common to India as arc stowmeh
aud liver dlwirder* with ua. For the
Utter however there 1* a aure iwmerly.
Electric Bluer*:
ter*: ti
the cr»-at resloratire
f which S A Browo. Of
lie. S. C-. »ay»
"They re*turvd m.r sift to |H-rfect health after
> ef suffering with dyspepsb and
* and fever. maUrU.
bladder dlserdi-m.

Arivobi Wahl Went t- > l.ak*Arji on
: ii'ine** tlu- momiBS.

ti.l Sau-lay »ch<xd
en-erSt-ITen* ha-<


<scl with
befou- Cbrlvi-^
sagr,.; i,‘.
i-‘ S=. St. convention at the Baptist
-ighiIt blood
church was not so well attended as
li"-iliug prugM-rtie* pn
usual, but It was ».-py goiHl. We IKl».io-iiiiiL- fba*. Oswald,
-aid. metvji-nt.
and Mr». Jamis Watson enter­
^ Kiti-b.ii i. !
tents! til a ROtal <s-ho of the slate con.tained relalrv.-.-. TliauksKivlTic da.r. . Sunday,
vemlon from Gn Hev. Hiss'ell.
The gui-st* from away W-iiig George’
I iigb.-t 1
s paixT wa-s
wa.s good.
good, iiud It »ho»Pray and wife and son Harry. ,*f True
■ckhI deal of study.
se City.
Mis.-: Hattie Young* visited Mis«
.- illlglt.e's
CeU:i Untdl.-V- a few tfay* ho
.1 ony i.s) many.
Almond Ymutg wvlit to Travers.'
Frunk Smith has.* very bad hand:
Idav. .
City F................
■ was klrkt-d by n horse some timt-.rey of Oates
Hen Storey
agojiiid lilt- bone seems to be coming
party given
by Miss IVlla ilaiH- y Sat
. -i-n liy
rday ev. iiiiic,
srry Jo
wife sp.nt TlianV.*Orlle Pray and
piing I
giving w'Jtb the
Ibe lait.-T'* parents. Mr
phone put In.
ud Mrs. Kos-sulh Silus. of Williams
tieat Getna
It would iH- hard I
Ladd's recitation at the ronta-mhin It
Mr, Oreiitt .if Wi!IlaiM'=bnrg lu-M
was siNiken with iniirli feeling that
Wlio Sfaiiil Is'lilio! a l-.iiik d-t-niiitie lis rhaltrir^-^____
vires in the Mab.1 hall Stiuday.
m'ire tlinn on*> tear could l»‘ seen.
diixs'iois are as"«ium.-,! ii.-low, TU- « bat.- ih.-ir''
A. S. Pray made
busiuer,. iriji
IVt. *.
own tiiuliey In tlii* batik, nu- t- fn-<)ii, otly Jii djreciors'
Raidibi W.-dBcwday. Nov,
m.flings, par* U|s>n every bum. examine and |WoVe b.a>k*
Miss Cv Uj Radley enu-rtalm-d a num
and Ms-urill.-s. d.side >I|miu the course to U- pursued and
her tif In r ftn-nds Ratuiday evetiinc.
bring lu the nianageRient ..f i he, bank the same mund
Hefi.-shJudgnhul, cntillon ud busine-K aldllty which liavc made
menis w.-:x- seiv,-,! later in tin- ev. n
them successful -in tb.-ir own
Gordon Biri has n nice new addition ing and a g.uhl tim-- enjoy.-d by all
IT. S. Htilk President Oval M'.hsJ IHsli Co,. President.
N. I.lndeey aud f.imi
Mr, and Mrs,
A, V. kYleilTich. Sho-s; Chas, Wllhelni. kVilbvIm. Bartak
visit from their son'Guy. of Thanksgiving at Maple
Ir. UndM-v-B giareiil
6 CO.. Vice PresldoJil*.
Oc-orge-Hasiings ■
.Miss French, who Is bed ridden. Is
C. A. Hammond. Coahter.
as iMvn visiiltig <i
great sufferer. Is failing fast, and
J. M. linellmaniet. City Treasurer; Wm. I.gvud<m. Caldi-lghl«irlu«Ml the I'asi wc-k.
>I>es the end will cvnie soon.
Wt'U A Lnudon. Pr<-Kldent llnardman Ulver EJectrle Uglit
William Rkti.TMm or Rig Rapids,
the guest of Koliert Oliver and famnu.l Power Co.; J, O. CrMR-r. Case A <’nn«er. KingsU-y;

y.. Wriu5r-Sttlii* idarc. «rf iWe






At Mr. and Mrs. Etile's Thanksgiv- mend and Tom Pray capialns.
Ing dlnm-r the guests were the teaeli- losing side lo fiirnlsb «ui>piTni>d
. Mr. and Mrs. inimbrille. and Mr. the game Imiiu shivs, ulih'b i
the lot nf Tommy's side.
I Mrs- McIntyre of Miller Hill.
In Ray's hall, was a grand success,
ud a very large company. One very
captivating young lady,
masks wt-re reaiowd. was found to tie
Leonard ErickMin.
A letter reo«.lved last night fnim

Sb'Phen Ijiulner. Famter: G. W. ‘



Proilure; F. C. IK-stnond. Pnwident Desmond


Co.; UenJ. TLirlby. Trau-rac City Irun M'urk*; Dr. H. U.

People’s Savings Bank



Born. Nov, "S. to Mr. and Mr,-. Jo.Skipsky. a giil.


Yuletide Headquarters for everything in the useful gift giving line. The doings here are unparalleled in the history of our growth. This is
a "Christmas Store” where all the taxing problems may be solved—where every penny will do its work surprisingly well and every dollar will
buy it’s full face value in satisfaction—this page is filled with gifts which make useful and' pleasing presents for everybody. We couldn't

describe all the useful Holiday giftaweare showing if we used the entire paper—but we can give a few hints from each depart'
ment which hinges on Yuletide presents. Do not forget that this store is packed with useful holiday gifts of every descrip­
tion. Hereyoucanfindsomethingforeveryboijyand our suggestion^toall isthat youcome early whilethe assort­
ment is at its best, makeyour selections now, we will hold them ^ill you want them, or you may take them any
time you wish and pay for them When convenient


Libraiy Tables

A beantifol Anortmmt
•zpranly for the hoUaU Uie
in fr&mes
and nphoUteiy. Nothwould be more
able. Dp from

Parlor Stands

Dosena of atjlee from
whidi to make eelectiont
every one a home beauUfyer that would be appredaUd by the recipiont, up from

Over 50 diff<«pnt styles
repreaeutiog all designs
and finisUea in the finest
types at mlisbed woods
These mue a beautifnl
pnssent, up from



Jardinaer Stands



Haven’t yon beard sevanl wishes expressed
for one of these beauti-

Here we are showing n
line of maMivo. solid,
<|uarter sawed oak. with
laiye flaky grain, all
hand polisbeil. nothing
better lo be seen, np

SOO styles and every one
a fitting Xmaa gift,
most of them bonght exI>n«ajljrau.pnn>c»e.
cane, ooUer, imttabon
leather, geonine leather
and polished woods, up

■ 80 CIS.





suiu* for a spare bedroom V






Morris Chairs

Dining Tables

These luxurious, body
resting, solid comfort
giviog chairs make
nre to be ai^ireciated
pft for father or mother
We are showing a beantifnl line, np from

Surely a nrofnl gift and
one that will be appre­
ciated by the entire fam­
ily three times a day tlio
year round. One doUnr
e we^ buys you o








Bometbiog to maU'fi any




gift giving

have I Inr
nr lioliday show­




ing in tliese surpaset all

for it

A pn-tty iroo bed otokes
most useful and ac'ptable gift. < >nr Xmas
line in these must 1a>
•ix-D to U-appri'cistef
Specially prioixf.

previous elTorts, up fri



Child's Couches

High Chairs

Tittse an- large enough
iind strong i-nuugli fora
child lo lit- upon, btautifolly upholsU-rtxl in
vcloor.b-st sU-i’I springs,
just the thing fora littliones play ro-uti. only

Romething for
-every JBix-iVi
kind of high -chair in
ncxi. (Aoe ami polisited
wrjo>ls. Uth. Btatiiinery
and ailjusUble. up from



Book Cases
We arc exclusive agents for the .vlcbriite.1 (ilobpnal book
Wernicke sectional
eases. lYoii i fail to roc the

Hand Sleds



Santa Claus left a
erous supply



with us for •listrilmtioii
i'liihmcing all styles


wi>-o<l. iron and stieel. up

w Cornbin3.tion C3.s©s ^
Ladies’ Writing Desk
An'eUvanl assortineiiL up from


Iron Beds

Odd Oressers


Writing Desks

.f-l... in the
tk.. very t-.—_
_ _______
1 good
'' Rsen**l
Sweral styles
latest patu-ms.
I solid oak book case, large roomy lxx>k compartment
with ailjustable shelves, a regular Ix'auty. only

All stj^es and weaves in mgs
is represented In our holiday
thowtng from the small throw
rug to. the full room sixes. A
beautiful! 27 inch Brussels rug



w h.-ii yon can. up fri.m

60 CIS.

KoUiing more appirariate than one ^ these
Btande—eee onr aaaortment in the French lefts
and Ookmial designs,
op from

24 CIS.

Bedroom Suites

acceptable than


65 cts.


14 cts.

Nursery Chairs

Child's Rocker'

Parlor Lamps

.\n cxc.-piif.nalJy fine
wool and jx>!isbfd woods, with or
witiiout t-'ililc. notiniig
wouM make a mo-r
pres- nt for baby. pric-t-J
up from

Probably the most {x>p
ular as Veil ason.- of 111.
St appr
appret'iate'l gifts

At popular this mtason
as ev-r ih.-ro will uke
prominent part in holi­
day gift giving Onr «■*:i^ly pricctl holiday
aasortinerit cannot help
but appeal to gift given

35 cts.

PaymeiTts E]

for a little one. Knowing
this we arc prepared for
all demamlt.



15 cts.


60 cts.

An elegant assortment of por­
tieres and rope portieres in all
grades and shades: A b^utiful pair of rope portieres for the
early holiday buyers.-only




The Star of Hope
Your Cross Eyes


Can B« Cured!

Kaie Kalladay of Ilt1( place, and 8
plila Wiltisnia of Canada. Tbe fuser
took place from the Lutheran Chun
and Wrs. Aeetsa Orcibolt
Hlae Bdu Meteer attended Sosday; Traterw City. paMed Tbashtglving
Ml at Bast kaaeoD today. ^ with the tatter s patenu. Mr. and Mr*
Brooks and chUdren mJo^I j. o. Crot«r.
■Hr ThanksgiviDf sapper wli
eo. Peek and family.
Miss Belle Halveteon. our leachep.-eaeoura«e haollnp. asd I
went home near Solon to spep.I; „n,j. occaalonally that a shipper
Joyed by all and many nice presents
acre received by tbe lady (>>r which
the was very ciatefal. Mlee Ada Ueleer remained at her aleter's antll to-

I; t aa1; 1 *aI. IMJ.
This is the package that
brings to your table the
best and freshest of all
Biscuit and Crackers.

father came after
Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Barth Jr

Mir* Bv'll Cavelsgc'ilsUed at the
h(ime of Mrs. Geo. Storrs at Summit
City Sunday.
iS Mr*. A. J- Scott of Grand Rapids.
a. of Orl
passed a few days here last week a*
ie Coler
Tlrited her ,be guest of Mrs. Autu Fenton
Vmp Reeding end Dietant VIeleti eu be reetored If you veer «ur epee.
is working fort
This is the trade mark of identification
Kittle Jeor of Sumi
lei Ground Leaiei^
Mrs, Burt McLaughlin of Maple City.
v.-r Sunday with Ml*
which appears in red and white on
We devote eor entire ettentlon to tbe eorrmioD of abnornnl condlMr. Allen butchered one day lai bo^
tIODi is tbf refractive nediaa of tbe ejree.
each end of the package.
Dee. 2.
We Point with Pr^^crar DiMy eueee«M« in Travenw City where
■ e beyond hHp.
Mrs. Emma Raley or Sultons Bay
cam>- to visit Mrs. J<ie Herman lost
This is the name of the Company that
lou life saving station will spend the Thursday, returning to bT home to­
winter at Port Oneida.
stands behind both the trade mark and
John Galllvan was a Traverse City
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rouse,
the package—a rame synonymous with
liumpab. Miss L Biirfiend and
Tbe grading is completed for the
llerliert. were the guests of John Dago
413 4l4WllkelBlBlk.
that's best in baking.
and family last Thursdav.
H< Imfiirth tiros, near Fbueb. They
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawr visited
have slre::dy op<-ne<l their camp.
Mr. and Mrs Bailey Sunday.
•■I kmd ef as eyM
Mrii. Elia Good and daughter '
A number of young people m<
•plui. soep tnd'uUd.
• caller* S
Hre. Jobnaon was a caller of Mra. the home of Mrs. Albert Pruuse. Sun^__BtSCUir-A ll^ <np bnjt u

e lime.
to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cos. Smith lust Saturday.
Blda York has moved In bis father';
Vet Brown has sold hU farm to faunse fur this winter.
Dec. 3.
Prank Carrli* of Traverse City. Mr.
Eda^rd .Antoine and imily spent
Mrs. Vanluranee and iwi children
Brown will move .to town and 'Hr.
d 'Mrs. Gu*
jilted with Mrs. George ,l^i r Sunday Thanksgiving alih Mr.
Newman and family.
■e of bis
Joe Steiger made a bush
Mrs. Allie Smith is much improvcsl
Mends here yesterda]
ming to Cedar Mat Wednesday.
visiting her parcnls for the past few ai present. She was brought home
H. E. (illl b-fi Saturd-vv >i
Woman In.-* .a clear, rosy compietHiss Hiller, woo la working for Miss weeks, returned to Glen Arbor where and her mother is staying with her. Muskegon, whvic Ik- 1* » I.rciiig for - are or a huudred fcpi ■nim a pipe
Henry Erickson of Goode Hartmr
•umg tbe I i, .-^nu-ntwl into the Iwwv, aud atr I. hiii. llurd-*-k llhMKl Hitters purUe*
tkinson. wont to town last
she will spend the winter with Hr*.
Philip Hulmforth camp, near Maple
rh-sr* the akin, mlorts
spent Sundu> with hi* siAr. Mr*. bona- In r»-adln. ** for kl. 1 a fan *-«-tl ^
lib her father, on
oodw n pressure of frvuii ni.ldy. MHind health.
L O T. M. M, guv.aty.
Miss Lena Olson of Glen Arbor call­ Nellie Herman, a week ago. also her ivc*-l»ilon In th<dr hall o:
Monday vlghty to a lioudrvd tMuoUa. The exWord has been recefred from Bcrbrother Charlie, who I* working for
Charles Vlskochl
ed on Miss pearl Lawr last Frida;
Mrd lUcksrdaon In bis western borne
Mr Shane near Tniverse ai.v.
em<«kal mill.
Miss {..aura Burflend andd Miss Ulb
wa* r>-n age until It <-0100* out at tbe sorfatv
that about all he aees Is necroea and'
Mr. and Mr*. Frank FrwIer of Ma- Mt. After a short prugra
Albion ViskuchU Is working at North Dago, who has veen uitem
ending High
the sbqx- of Um- hill.
plelon vlslte<l her iiareats. Mr. and
school at Glon Arbor, murned
Reridents of Traverse City Carmot
Fred AikioMn was In Traverse City home for a few. dayg vacation last Mrs.- George Smith a week* ago for a
last Wednesday.
Doubt What Has Been Tndee Frovad.
• Frlu Atkinson who U attending
Mlsa Uxslc Brammar. who has been
cake basket as nn
S appr.i-iiii
aiipr.-i-iinUnt of Hi._____________
in giatiiude from rtiBipb-ie ndW
scbobi 'lo Traverse City, spent Thanks- visllittg with her sister. Mra. Chas. to Cedar Run for the winter. I r-iicl.-r.-.: this Wve.;
with bis pt
ftvtu .-..-he, and jwlns «rf bad hack* Ml** Belle Halversol
glvlng with hit parents. He retunicMl Olsen, returned to her borne Id Glen
. ami Mt>. Ban
dlMtesking kidney til* -lluutsfor
to Traverse City Monday.
Arbor last week.
IBWIF AU- Ltw» .Which Raws t'wAe*. iiods have publici) ret-ommeiuli-d
at Maple
Oeo, Chapman and Lawrence Ward
Dec. 4.
Rvwwwd a-wr Mw.r Mllew
lociing of of the week,. wh.v.- they exiM-c1 : I
Uoati's Kidney 1‘tll*. Resldeol* of
There will be
went uppWe
Wednesday afternoon to Trai
3. W. Reed returned from Hastings
i place held the make their li»m'
Tlie latest and Mgmutt Jirojeet of Travv-rse I'lly who *o leullBed years
the'Y. P. A. a..............
Lake resort and spent ThanksMrs. H. E. Gill aud children l.fl
last Monday, wbere he purchased a
coming Saturday night.
at- All
( at that I
I David M. Motr.>t; Uf>>4-..hffadi* railroad
ly man
Clllford Ralston and Miss Bsteila
(arm and will Bore there in tbe aprlng
■e requested to be present.
. ni.-ui. i* an air Jfne fruiD la-over to neat.’ ThU lesilaiony dunbly ptw<-s
. ...skegon
Brobks of Ovlatt were united In mar­
..f Duali's Kidney lllls to
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Hlgbea went to
Mr. nnd Mr*. Henry Bsnkey enter
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Morgan spent Salt Loke city over the >v>nliti.-nlal di­ Travers.- Oily kidm-v suffrrtr'.
riage In LHand last Thursday. Nov. lalned the latter'*' parents. -.Mr. and
Mt. Pieaaant last Wednesday to spend
Tbelr Mrs- A. Newman, also Mr. and Mr*. 'hursilay with W. F. Stet-le aud faiu- vide. midway l«‘l«eeu tl«- I'nlon 1-aTbanVaitlrlDK. retuntlng today.
Mr*. A. .4 JarkNin. Iis.c East BIgtaih
Thanksgiving eve. and was duly cele­ 29. returning home fYlday.
' elfic on the north mxl tbe Itio Gran-ie fttvvt.
nany friends wish them a long and A, Sirohni. for Thanksgiving dinner.
Mr. and Hra. J. W. Wllaon ap
Trav.Tw- t'lly. Mich , lays:
brated by a fool and shadow
TbaiikBKiTinc with Mend* In Alba.
"P'.rt- yearw.1 «iff.r«-il severely from
A big fat goore and n big chicken
In the Shell
etland school bouse, lappy married life.
It t.«k a large snui vif luimey to start kidni irouhie. Then- were terrible
Mr. and Mra. Rost Payne and fam- were dispo^ of. All report » fimMrs. J. Tobias of Albn U rldUng The social was held
eld under the auspices
; the w-heme luuvllig, ns the preliminary lutius bi my lurk could nut oUiup
ly spent Thanksgirlng at the home
her mother. Mrs. H. r '
only wishing ii came oflener
of tbe SbeUand ischool,
' ' an ' ajnost
jtoan's UimoH-nt work fur lli.- aurv.eys .*wt EfTin.unn. over or aris.- from a sliUitg (usltiuo
Mrs. J. & Woodwa._,___________
cable time had. Some of the young of Robt. Payne.
' OB the sick Usi the past week. Is get­
TIte IlSrlitiL'lun bod trhiptj g--i over wiihiui! <-iiiluring aaiiiM agvuiy. 1 was
s three feet.
r bail
ting belter.
the iit^iiluliis irud had l**-on:e frightThe proceeds will be. used for (
nvuily. At any drug *
All report a line time.
& F. Chsreh. John Wood, and John
-IV dlsorderMl. hrCity tills we<-k.
itlDg tbe school for Christmas.
: euerl w hen JI.USMn* liavl l« u put Into klis-ii. My kldneyi
Mrs. W’ill HcClui
Raferty went to Chicago last Saturday
Frank Miller, of Kalamatoo. It vii
the work and >>r«uglit no vimlile re­ log too fr.-«|..e..r
to nse the stock show. Mr. Cbnrch will Iting bis nnclc. Hr. Alkintan. Later oi
i-“rlng“lthe night
Maple City Church Newt.
sult*. und Mr. MAITat Wgbl Hh- ri-Al» ris>- M-verat tine
Ir. and;
re£is In Cbkngo for the winter. ' he will .visit relatives In Wexford.
John White of sk.lon wilt M at ; tbe Biirliiigt'm had ai-qulpvl.
The Farmers' telephone lines were
My eie* beeame
Sunentertuined a few of his
Tlie Urwt fifty tulle* of T»>xd out of
connected with tbe central once at
fluy < tliig the regular S. S ht.ur to
L-ni-d. s!i liiMi I eoulil not ace
Wednesday evening. A
Kingsley last Friday, wbere they con- good time generally was reported.
I priwuivd Ikian's Kidney
I- very Inter.-sllng n pi>rt of the l»cuv.-r eiwt Fatusi a mih-. and the
Ceato Nothing Unless il Gives Relief—
Oeo. Jdanth was In;Traverse City
sect srlib the Michigan State TeleS. S- c..nvenll.m nc.mtty h. ld :,t thtriy-ilve u>Ih-s atji tlie tfsrthllls
all. r nslng s- vea Imxts I was
Hlsaea Cora and Hattie Paulus vltSold Under Guarantee.
Main lti:ng>- tunnel edit JiUKUOl a
plnne Co.’s sUte line. The central
(LYotu s.iKouent made in
Aiklnson last Wednesday tonday on busineas.
matter how severe or chronic s' Jackson If will pav ton lo hctii It.
Arthur ZIgler of Ncssm City, spent
fee Is located at W. r ’
Th.- \V. H. M BcwielV of the Concte mile, all till* for grading K-fore a
of catarrh vou may have.consult
'rtiankagiving here, returning to Nes- 8. E. Walt t Sons about tbe use of cat'ir.ual rhiir.-h will cive g bnumiful sliiSrte lie was laid.
Cured to 8<ay Cured.
eust 29t!i. IIMii;. Mr*. JackooB
I and Claus Baoch look Thanks sen Monday.
Hyoracl. Thev haw so much faith in cliirken pie supper mid u good social
Id «-levea mlh-s iliere rre twenty-uiue
Everett Crain sod wife called on the efficacy of thi
] ibf atviv<- statvnuiDt by nylime at the p{inwHi:<c>' next Friday tuuuel*. through eilM gronlnv, and the
Hr. and Mra. Frank Harvey of South
have us high an itpinha of
ev.-iiina Sup|*ef]>'l!l l“> seiwed from rtai.l has erery •-..le's-ivahle sort of
heir personal gu*n
Ing Ur. aod Mr*. Atkinson, went to KasBOO Sunday evening.
.ulfil they S.-U that it eill eff.n
■ r.-nts
to a tmnU 'S;,,au'.= Kidn.-y Jills iiulay aw when
Grandpa Pike Is aprading a few
D supper.
i-i- y r:;r.-.i n.i- s.-veral >-«-ai* ago and
Imnra HOI U visiting at John Hu Maple City Monday evening to attend
, ra. k.-t. Bridge, ami till. .•**« $l.-«0.- ir< . Wi.iom.-ni 1 mart!' at that time
the Odd Follows' lianqtioi and dance. ay* In Traverse City.
1 many ln*i:'.uce. Hyottu-1 ba* cured
I *«•'. ste;ini Shovri eiit. thriMwli rock. still s-vrt a. there ha* been ih.
Mrs. A. C. Wynkoop and Miss Myr­
Byron Hnlelt left last week for Ohh The evening was ihoroushly enjoyed.
iTTh when the icttletit lia> sufferi-l
tle Saunders were Lake Ann callers from chlldhfto.!. Quite a few people In
, liv,.- I
avmig.-* forty ;.-l.ini ut ..n. kidm-y dl*.-**.-. 1 IwDec. 4.
srith two can loads of cattle and hogs.
Saturday afternoon,
Drl deep
ileve. ttuit Doun's Kidn.y I’.ll* saved
Traverse City who have be-n iihabKa Harvey i
The Slain Range tonne], irmrl.v-thre.* III} Hie after d-uii»s and twinodli-i)
Homer Holett is working In the
for yiar* to get a gmul nielif* sleep on
to work at
.11m of tbe dlsatT.-eal.Ie tirkllut
mile* In l<-ugiL. I* tjrsler Avim-s it>W. i:.-vd lallcd."
meal market at Buckley.
..le school had a Tbanksglvlog pro­
dropping at the back of ih<-1
at an eh-vatlon of 0.»»»> fiwi. ami •■•-.i • For s^lr by a'l dealer*. Price M
im last Wednesday afternoon which
!• obtained quirt; relief from
Wlllinto rr...k. vvhioe lira, cnu. hV*u-cMl»”'™ <*«
s enjoyed by all.
trocnis with Hyomel. and ih
hsd tlie •'outraet tor iml'MIng <ua' of N<-» Vi-rk. sole agent* for the rollvd
Jog boys <
loine of the youn
tinned use has made a complete and HANDY PACKACE
last Thur*
________ CARRIER.
tbe worst of, the
_ road, twk
Keroerahor the noBMe—l»o
________ _____ for the winter.
lasting euro.
John Hulett erected a new wlndThere is no stomach diving whe:)
t chance to bring home ony
Lt»»i k*g« ..r Mack (
. ________________
Quite a number from here attended
rrelcht hr UrwvIlT.
I *'**'
mlB laat week.
to uses Hyomi'i. Simply l-reathe It*
tbe dance at Arthur Rolston's Satur­ iCdicstcal ht^allng through the (tocket
Taylor arrived at
The enhnniy h-x -freight ror .ho*, not J”",l'"*''***'^ «-»«''
V«e« Franklin
day night, given la honor of Mr. ami
ihaler that conxui with evorv outBt.
john^Taylor's Nov. tl.
school house clostd I >l Sunday after. Mrs. Clifford Rolsion. All re|M>ri a
0«4p IB ruioutal Darw.
MMa Anna Martin ai
:»l all caurrhsl tP>rm» will b<- kllle.1^
For help tbe <<vd.iolal woman had to
gcuvi time.
and the mucous membrane will'lie that fr-n> the .l.s.r t.. ei-'i.-r .-nd i* '
tiiotnualn.s. has 1*«-n «vui etHww belwivo su lullan wlsi might
At the close of tbe sermun.
D«. 4.
and wife of South K. Wood opened the doors of the
with Charlie
tauilp her If tbe mood or fancy oo dieA
.-burch. Severs! united, the number
tale.:. -blackaiiHuN*'' not yet o
. sufflcli-ot for at least two »e-ks
being Dine in full membership and tour
Oor pDhlic schools held Tb-mk«glv- treatment, making it one of ih.D aavopuy. tlw town p
en on probation.
cxcrCtsL-s last Wednesdav afler- econumieal method* of curing cata
given by ii
to tbe highest Idilder. bound eunvlets
Mr. and Mrs. Vance todk Thanks- vg
I 2 >*«> and riglny |*>i
oon. They wore targelv attended If the nutllt does not complete s c
day afterri
tnu*|Ktftevl fur crin*- or Igooraut ctvaving dinner with David Greene and
'qu.piueiil fltted fo
toiT* wbo bad been ImtuIIoIi to board
program was given, as follows: M longht for r-u cent*. Remembei
Will Church and srlfe visilcd at Tom
Printess Wine It helping cat wood lent
rtujn that .wiTled tbeni uff to Tirtaal
Song—SI- George s Windsor, school.
CBuirb's Thursday.
k in huvln
Ing Hyr
for the brickyard
:darery aod "free w IHeror dUconumted
Invocation—Rev, W. H. Herbert
Cbarilc ttarraiu enlertalned Dave
ithing miess U 01
ttr rold tbe rbatwes.
Mr, and
Bammar and wife, also Wni Taylor
A cviest wh-. had Ju« regi'trr.'.l at abOt-r and loipaiieot for (be eod of.tte
raverse City tpenl
aad family Thunksglvlog day.
I hen-l was nppronriicd by * !.•; with <-t>mt>a--ts wliH-h MuniJ tbem. OwaNORTHPORT.
aaay—Tbanksgiving. Burtla HailaI- Brett and family spent I]!
alonally she had a (iiauce to cogage a
, Prcmcaux.r.-tuincd Friday
Mr. and Mr*.
t leb-gratn. It iwid *l •■bars-w «•» H
from Traverse nty. where he ws
There we f Thsnkaglvlng acrrlc
"What';" said th!- gvH-st U-fore open- resjiectaldc yixmg woman who ^bad.
R«:ltation—Mies Ellen SeegmUler.
I the Rice school house last Thin
Thanksgiving t-xerrlst-s—nn-t ^-aile. Edlih.
It. .\a.vl-ody who l ann'-t pay f'-r lit* scrvii-e. but sin- never failed 1-. J-r*e
R.wlUtlon—The Pumpkln.Rdna WolMISS Salter, (earher of tbe Black
latiTlege. —Good
njessage wlten wiring tu<- N o-rtair.I.v Ir-r througli
■an Mhoed. left for her home In Trav- served.
erae City Wednesday evening, where
°^ng—Where Dr> AH the Pumpkins
n cheap otic. Wuil a mil ate. I'll Ju>t Housekeeping.
she will iv>maln the remainder of this
Fmrth grade.
let yon report Hi!* noeo!l.s-t.*|. end th*
friend,_ gave
giving vacation with her friend* In Grow?
Tb« Pa<ber-.« An novoia.
Margie pieaaant surprise la:
sen.ler ii.ay psy the rti*rg-s "
Traverne Clty
«i Tuesday nlgli
A great brap- h of -meratore, anBroan.
.\f 111 it lie tore tlie .-nvt-li-pe o;«-nAfter'
upper was serve
nnd M
Exercise—Six Turkeys.Primerclas*.
Ai he r-id a smile settled ..n lt!« fere, doabu-iily the m'/st widely p>mular and
being laid for foity liv... gam.
Song—Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey.
parents. Mr. apd Mr*. Rank,
and. pulling a .l■•!^lT fr/mi hi* jwieket. one lb whirfe Etiglaixl -diowisl tbe way
holIes siding.
to the world. U tlie novel. In the yi-ar
sprayer meet ,pimlllcontinue at Primary
he h!m.b-.i If to Ih- b,y
Mra. Smith. Francis I’lcrcc. Mrs.
Recitation-Pen Pictures of the deoartliic, Mrs. H. B Gill, in a f.-w
174-1 ri'Sderi were delisted with a
Luce and Rulh Forsyth sltended the Rice school house every Tuesday First Thimksglvlng. Janie McMiirra.v. wcll chosen word*, oresentevi Mrs
"It's sli rigid," 1..- -a:-!.
nil hi at 7:30 p. m. The prayer meetS.v-llg with a ..... ...
silver eak.ehnndi at Sparling last Sunday and '
I h- thr<w Uie tne.s*ge ,en tli- new kUid of tvsik. s prase romanee
Song—The l.Amling of tbe lllgrira*. dish.
not of b-send. but >it tbi lr own day
1 delivered
Joyed the ftne
------^ by ng last Tuesday night was well at­ school

tended. The public I* cordially |nRen Thfiir-i* I* sncndinc 'he
nod msuner* It was tbe plaoaer
ScT. Plait.
Recliation—UltJc Miss Ptimpkln, wtw»k In Trav.-rse City with her sister
'ih- ra.-.sagi- read;
•Ited to attend the prayer meeting.
novel, wa* .-ailed "r*me|n.“ tbe wort
Leon and Rddle Totten are visiting nna
I Is ill with tvphold fever.
of RatiiO.-I ItH-bardson. a Loedon iirlutEjerclse—The Nut Party. Second
riih tbelr cousin at Slights a fvw
E. Camtd«ell n-turtii-d from
aud the gn-at •u<--'-si It met with
Traverse City on Thursday Is,-- where sldorji b
tng. Dec. 12. for the benellt of the
l>r>>ugLt forth a li'*>t of oGrtca.
^Vload of young boys of this neigh­
hu* been for treatment for thejbbor
Sunday neboed.
ETxerclse—rngrlms In Song and Sto- she
pasl six week*.
The Gleaners are holding their meet- borhood attended church at Orawn ry. Intermediate
Mis* Gltdv? n-ame emenaine-l «*-v-1
lags on -...............................1 Instead Sunday evening.
Recitation-Roy Fewlas*.
John Nash attended church at MonoTWStngs at the Holmes school
of OTWSt
|Tx«rrls.^Marle Endrlrks. Alvina eral of har school friendt on Ssturiiav , „
te Center Sunday tnornlng.
evening, with rrocressiw flinch
| . “J
Floronre SlllisoaChester Hunk expects to go to In Dahmer
Ijvdl.--' Aid of Ih- roncremvTion-. *
Miss Etta Smith was a visitor of
S!..Dg-tWer the Rlv^-r and Thru the ml church
s ill give their am
Mlsa GUdle Dennoti Saturday and diana Tuesday. Dec. 4. with a car loiid WiKsis Priroarv department
in tbe ehiiri-h parlors j
:Sunday, also attended Sunday school.
RrcHation-T!:e T.irkey. Raymond a Wedn.-:-.hvv
Wsrrem Taylor was s taller In Fife
Lake township last Friday.
*'^luaon-Thc Home Coming. Miss
P-iblle meetlne* wei
O. Brans and Plltv are putring up
a Butler, wind mill for O. Luce.
Iph Meteer nad Miss Myrtle FreeIndian Drill-The Tril>o. the
Prayer meeting w.vs weU sttcnHed
-•orks equal <1 .tan.-.-, cp:-rt in I.A...Cnu tl.- ‘
holh of Traver*.'Cliy, spent Sun­ path, the Pow wow. Btvy* of iwenned»' dl-cusv the
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Co* las' day with Wm. Meteer and family.
■ car tbe .-.Hi ..r the tB,.-k-.,n i!,.- piNt
Sunday evealng. but there It always
form !i ralHol by .upi-n-i* ,.5,.-.- t'e
Several nelghborv spent Thanksgiv­
"ut Thanksgiving day remniti'ler of liie .nrrier, |i
room for more, so come and help ing with Mr. Pollock und family.
school at Big
,in T;.vv. r,e cii;' whb Mr. and Mr*
tbe good worii along.
J. W, Rinehart and wife vIsIunI
sary ou.y to .t'-t t:»e l.nudJe i.n.tts
with hli parent*. Mr. and Mrs. ) WiP narrow.
Mr. Forsyth drove to Kalkaska, Isst with his sister. Mrs. Win. Meleer.Tties- giving
3 O Crvrtser.
jOUrti.-y. tbe v.fcts-|s --.irrcru It tn t!i.'
Wednesdav: reluming Friday.
day. Mr. Rinehart assisted Mr.
LV-d Johnson of Grand
Other «d of ILe lr:o k ursl into t!** ear.
l4^ Ulhbs of Fife Lake called on leer with bis butchering.
Mr. FVjrsnh Inst Wednesday.
_'c^teAain^ j
A Thanksgiving dlnn.-r was enj-'yed
The Sunday aebooi was well attend­
Goo. Barth's and family Their Mis, Vera Wynko
ed last Sondav and tbe teachers snd
tugbter Lillie and son Oscar came
^^rs arv^ making
asking preterailons
prepsrailons for a home from their seteral schodis and for a few day* lai
•hurch last Th-rvrtsv morniac. Mr'air H employed in s ver.v luf«w.t;
■e to |M> held St the home their other ntarried daughter and baby
wsy by a .Vorth t'arol'ua mir.'
At «!l Decler*
during the Snaal.h nnd American »ar
„ ...........0 Christmas eve.
Mrs. Hulda Buike, of near MAple City, Clark, aod Dr. G W. W.-l^ec.. Chi*.
sl..!-fl.g h:IIsi-l.-.
Mis* -EHiel Wilson came home m of graalfe wlurii >how* n ■ l*.-3 piau-v. ■
t, O. Ijjre an
and children drove to came hoine to eat Thanksgiving din­ secured one, Fred raptured l-ro. and
Pric© 25c 50c 6 *1.00
Walton last Thursds;
ner with her parents.
Dr. Webster brought home a nice one. spend Thank«eiv-tag with her par.tats ; but split* Tva-3i1y In tn.v-d;re.-tir>ij
-tiou nu-0
The I O. f). F. wt-r- n'.eas*n:lv ,-ir......... ............... -n the sick UsL
N. Newmsn came home Wednesday
Mr*. Cba*. Cook I* spending a fe*
Mr. Whitman Is hauUng wood to the from hnntlng and brought two deer.
Prised by tbe ladl.- cn SaturJsv evenSenr Free
dav-a in Grand Rapids.
eight feet dvwt*. and tie I
tiding for Sam Hodges
Hope he will enjoy bis vcnlson.
'Sloan's Book on Horses
The dance at J. H. Moores hsil Ine. Juki a* they v-cr-. a»-o-it to osTakc
Andrew Msrieti
Mrs. 8. Marvin and famll.v. N. New- last Wednesdav evening was Isrg.dy of a ve.nDon stew wph dumplings htre-d by expldciiag half a stick <K ,
Cattle. Hogs 6 PouItr_y
Tbe Dill., Iro-ltht well-fll'Kl ba.AketS .dynamite.
■n and family and Wm. Meteer aud atieoded
^Vord has bees iwcelved from Mr. famllv went to Cedar City Thursday
Mr* Mary Vlngllng. aged S- yw*. which added much to the occasion, i A small charge of [rtwder I* lire.1 in '
Beonatt that Mt mother was growing evening to attend a snrprise party on passed awav last Tuesday at the home sfter tbe suivn-r a’l pr»>ee«-ded 10 Ih" this bole, whl.-h *tait* a lic.-Ni-niaJ :
Addr#»i Dr. E«H S. Sloan
sreaker. awl no hopes are tmiertalned Mr. Meteor's daughter. Mr*. J. Ross of of
her ron, Mo*e Bower, cancer being lodge rooms where-nn imerompt-j pro- v-tarii or elenrage. i.'hergi^ liH:Ceaj.iljg i
flf her reeovei^. aa atae Is eighty years Cedar. It being an annlveraarr of hei the cause.- She leaves fe-Jr chlinron.. gm-n was given,
StBoston.MasaI lu »Ue Btv ('Sp|.id>-ii uutil Uh- .-!.-:tvaee;
Mrtbfey- A bowttlful anpper was ca-^ !Mom Bowera. Louli Ylngllng and| Oscar. Andi-r*>m of Omena spent , baa axtenJal ow a ndJu^of sere^-1
Sonday alth Grant GUL

Can Be Straightened



^3n laa.'i





Sloejvs ,i



For CougK, Cold. Croup,
SoreThroatsStiff Neck
Rbeumatism and





s sfflHsiaiaw»jB»wi


53 n

Manufacturers' Outlet Sale

Shoes and Rubbers
ObiUren’6 HolidAj Siipoen, ma<le of bUek fel(,
far trimmed, irorm Uoed.-

For this«Io. ,49c

VeJour Velvel Slin»r*. for Meu, Womeo. Miswl ^
Oliiidren. Jait tbe tliiaK for
hoIMaj Rifts. Saio'priii".; ..................................25C

....................... 1.09

Hen’s Bockle Lombermen's Rubbers to wear with '
Books. doUi^top, warm Hn«l. 8-U
^ ”
OTorywhere fi
Bale price
H«*s Lestbor IVip Rubbers, rolled edpe and
heel, Ooodyear
»r brand, worth $2.25, sate ptio


i»‘™ 1.48


on the S

Lot 1
Street and

Lot 2


:<0 Hn-as il.-iU,

nata. all tbie

.... 2.48



the pri<f
They .-.r,we are iiludiTg

them on sale will

trimiiie 1

They ere
$2.-'<0 values.


I Men’s Dress Shoos in Patent Lusther, Vici Elid and
Box Calf, As good OS soy shown in the
city for $2.50 oDd $3. Soleprioe.................|«^9

Lot 3


are soil by

17 Hals

This lot

This lot


consists of

I'Hllern Hat’)


made (<■ n-Uiil
:it $1.
!t wit! pay j-.u
to invent

f. r

«t tio ^

$:< ami $:t..V}.

' neotl a hat /
or not.

Faw BMlieJa. Vy«a. Mpanesc Goods. Ttays,
LOT 1—Gilt and oxydized Japanese Tray and
Fancy Box, sale price.....................................
LOT 2—Shell Novelties, Japanese Fancy Bas­
kets. Fancy Mirrors. Work Baskets. Pin
^hions. Japanese Hair Pin Trays,
LOT 8—Useful Christmas presents
LOT 4—Japanese Candle Sticks. Celluloid Cuff
and Collar Boxes. Trinket Boxes, Mirrors, OAn
. Fancy Baskets, Ash Trays, Ink Quills, for..
TARLE'OBiGMmiSNAP. 50 pieces of F^ey
Tshie OiUoth, assorted I'olors and designs.
HaniifaetnTm' Ontlit Sale price,

Gcals* nuvlshlngs

............ '
H.«’s Noekwasr in e«lk«

buekli-8, <-lc w







L-uliiw' Blsek Fur Co.-.U. limd with
Skinner Sdiin. $20.00 value for..........

in white,
(due and

19 00
| J.JO

I’iaia and Crnsheil Plush Capes, just
*9 Ofi
the thing for an .J.1 la.1^.......................... ^y/0
uO Lmlii-s* C.-vits, .i2 and
inches long, made of new
dark and light fancy msterials.
really worth $i:i.00, for.............................^.^70


Ladies' Black Broadcloth Coats,
with gny satin, worth $lo00,


lined threughont

Ladies’ Dress Skirts, maile nf Novelty Suiting, iuclndiog new grey plaids, worth $7 00
^ 9^



Manufacturers’ Outlet Sale of


2.5 Lalies' .'^kirts. m.ide of D.vrk Suitings, rireulsr «*fan>l trimmed iu plaits,
worth $4.0U.f<ir................... .


4 AQ
Suits, made of tailor i mples. ages 1<) and 11 only
Not a suit in the lot worth lues than $■'! and tome as high as $1
Salr ......... . - XsvO
Men’s Flue Kersey Overcoats, Syraense Clothing Co.'s m,.k.-. form4 Q AQ
fitting stylos, highly tailored. Actually worth $D, This sah-..........................Xvs90

75 Men’s Suits, lost one or twooi a kind* r ade ol Casslmcres, Worsteds
and ChevioL Divided Into three lots:

Lot 1—$ S.00 values, sale price,
lot 2~$ 8.00 values, sale price,
Lot 3-$12.00 values, sale price,
Men's Blue ami Black lioavir
Overcoat, never sold
for less than $5.
For this sale..........................





LOT 2—Dressed and kid bxly dolls, natnral curls, some
with bisqae iieads, latest Amerioan dretm-s.................
LOT 3-Doll he vis. large variety to select from. clos.
ing cy.-s, fiiteil with sewed wigs, up from.....................

Marshall Field & Co.^s mire
aample line of Men a. Boys' and Cliil.
dren'a SwuaUTS.abuni 35 doz. in all
Valuea tip to S.50. Tliit saloal $6.56, 78,

SmaU Items
Big Savings
;;g“K i«c

R>k>r>. Vf •povl
T-Vt w..ap.
iUn {»*


25 pieces ehtscknd apron ging­
ham.'land 7c quality. ..4|C.

White Shaker Flannel, worth
Tk-. sale pri'v.......... ;------ IJC

r,«tl Kuft'n,



Other dDils up to $4*48


at ............. .............. 4ftC

^ fxr

LOT 4—Large siz-a d alls, jointsd, ptpier mache UkIj-.
hua<1some luby facet, closing eyes, at............S6c und

& aM ik. l.a
l>s|Mr, list =v
r<T tso and

v;: '•


lOuoiiQils of kid lx>Iy
lx>!y and dretso<l
dretso<1 dolu.
dolls, aiiyi
any size yonr ho,vrt
h-ires. will be dietrihutKl in the homes of Trai we City ami
vicinity ut very interusling prices.
LOT 1 - KM bjdy and dressorl dolls, good size, put up f
one in a bjx.
price........................................................... /

Lot 1-Xmsi boxes filKl with
while Testing waist paUerns

Lot 4-Latest skirt sod dm

Child's Servi.eabie Cl,
length, worth $:i 5U


l»i-8t Velvets.

with ekirt, shirt ^wt and
dreoa patwras at sacrificing

Lot $ —Novell skirt pstlems.
worth $3. for................. $L9S

me.1. now........... O.9o

Ln lie*.


Xmas Gifts
Lot 2—Fancy silk want pat­
terns. worth ti............$L7$

Children’s Coats, txjM early in
io the si>a»on for $10.00.
Elaborslr-ly trim^ gwo


triuinxd with


8c 89c

Heavy Snow Flake Cloaking,
word] $7.00
M f%Q
Sale Priw.............. 4.VO


fatii-y feitliois
wh«-ihcr you

5 Ladies’ Black Kersey Cents,
with Par ColUrs.
I) C A





that were itud,'
t» fi t.til




Wc < ffer



Fsnoy Silkolines, Book Fold Baitings, Silk
h^uUi^ Marourisad Panamas. Fleece
Llnsd i^irtings, 15c, 30c and 3oc vnlaos.
Forthissale ............................................................

Latest Novelty Coats, full

Lot 5

in this lot.


Ooaks, Furs, Skirts

on the $

Lot 4

anti Felt

not pay


Manufacturer' Outlet Sale



a FR buyer t-loeoil out the entire torplus etock of Trimmed liata. riumes. FJtiwera. etc..
I from the well-known firm ofTbeo. Asber & Co. ol 132 Micbfgan Avenue*
W« are Iiliieing the saiiii‘ on sale for <iiii.-k si-lling ai«l haw tlivid.d
them into five loU.

fur the shape


senlotloB, and many olkers too nnmeroDS tomeatlOB.



ladies ^ Bobbers,
for this sole...............................................................43C
Hen's foor.bnckle Dress Arctics, first cioalitT fine
Jersey tops, worth $150and t2.7&.


Light ami Dark Kotw Priots.
an! 1limit, pur yard. .$4e


■qe i:w ui
Dark »yu»
fhuim:9. per jard............ :
• Ten yaida limit.


Bcdsp-eail reninaoU. suitable
for baby liibs and wash | ^
cluias. psr lengtii .


$l all wool <"
skirt patterns KUA



I ratlraod brakenun.

j*p Have You
IWAACold Rpom^
U man fcowM tSm if • foem wiAaat
proper twB^ SadlitiM—to mr oMhiag
of e... .__ _ . . _
fce« of row ROTci or lonue I
tudequite to vtrm tb* vbote bowe tbm.
Bccd not be oee coU ipot if yoa beer ■

Oil Heater
' fitted
be carried aboet.
whkA cUAot be done vitb (a ordinary atove.
Rerfeetioa Oil Heater U tuperiot to all other
• -_____
1 a^
____bm oraameM .............
to any Itoae- Made is
fiioiWi nlrbitanil Jirin Braaa oil fetut bets*
Aeater'a oriu aewM afcBcr foe deaeriptiec cireular.


bMp. Made of bran tbroa(boW
•M^MeW.plat^ Equipped,*itb Uteri i»proved

I'.nMtal! hi- would ^a past lltst la*:-,
“Tt* fonetkm that i • fntnlBC of a
The public baa <>m-D led to Ik>1Ictc olibli- with a wall and break his
Kmt a Dtmrolt Task. Sara a Maa Wba ■ i
thel upper blicbicaD ie ovtmiD viih ankle.
Has THed It.
j hare patronised tbe train laH>er abopa aeier wblcb It C30ie«inedtly aboqld
fa rite n-'txm of Ibc Michlsan CnUeee
beov«n. thla io cosarquract- at tbc rlr^
atr so obrtooi that seemlnplr
culailon cf lalea «l;at iitait _«ux-Bni» of Mlo^ IIW with the eoremor Uc.a- tbe rallruail* started birl>ec shops oo plaster darinc tbe remainder of tbs they ooffat not to be iw easily sad so
arc bciop dcNtnrycd and fnreata de­ day. II la stated that tbvu* la a ctchi tbeir fa>i traln-s " said a travellus man. i Trip.
| sfien lust to riev. aa In tvoHty they
VTadertek TV. foburtilB the
pleted h}- Ibcre antmalK. Tbe whole
eould tkaw tbe lusury of a abare; atiared nysdf on a truiu. and 1 netrr ImematlrmBi Sttsli.v - .V plrtarial comeominoilln b eaaaed almply Itecauav acliuul. nod it ia Impossible to auppl.v ;
(be beqrer la protected by law. Tbe tbe demand. It Is even hard lo keep j wbeuever De<.w«sary and na toaper saw any one alsc dUos It. Tben per* ')>os:iinii sbanU. of oau**-. he Inclosed
pelts are valuable, and it la bard fur Inslructors. as (bey are belDs hired hy ' wotjM We aee uukevi|4 meu leavlap tbe ,bapa beeauae of lbs advent of safety J t-y a frame of sndi a *>rt tli.vt Its at>
private corporations at lantvr aaUrius trains at the aid of a lon« run.
] rators it became a romparatiy eiy fa*: (raetireoesa v^iU tv enb.iuced and that
some people i<> leave ibe aoimab
Theochool h-is eraduot.-d JT*- mlnliis '
““ ***•
to see a min abivtnc him-]an apwalde tmn.ltl m will le- e«a!
alone. It u true that Ibey are Diullb
will ;
Ai,b«c0. the frame mav In end for
Pb'lnx. but the) are dolap practlcally engineers lu alnet.-en yeai_ ............
for my part I consider them
“I have had travelmg meu seeing ma self t- heanllful. it* lawtrty must -no dam^ise. aa can be ea<ily uuo-r- ivqulre during the ensuing two T -a™ '
daiiger»u* Ihaii the simple ' share for tbe first Unu- exiuei* tbeir kept dtstlneily solMerrlenl (o Ibe aestalned liy'n vi'illloany stream where tirs.scu for (M-rmanent improvruii iils ;

I Dpi Tat Ion of shaiiug yourself, even surprise that
Old uid i-nt siyaeit ihettr valta-of tlw picture. In to ereiit
colonies of the Iliile anlmalr are donij llele*a«B> Meek Fer Sblps' Seats. ' *‘ki-:i gtdug at the rsie of *1x1}' mU«s ow^ lo the lurehliu: of tbe tram, auil may It !«■ |K»«!y ugly If marhlno
I •^****‘ *
vaidniueO to tlK-m bow ronstmclion Is nereaorHy InvoleeJ,
The dcportRienl of stale in Ha laicri I It tf satd br Ballon that ^ere Is ftO I •“
' m«e tt^^lTnart of a sbln's eoolp. ‘ "»
ehaec myself, and I do not 1 MsMy «me ean sUavV ..u « Iram they ,l„ muM at least t- nmde a. iWtiOJee.
vital alatlsiie,! bulletin, devotes a ' nient Han the rideaaing boidi whti-h '
“ "=fvty rewr. yet I would sooner have bei-ome Instant .Mineri* to tbe ll<mal>le wt |«a»ll.l.- However, tbr
ehuptod to the dlariiaslon of the d••;•^!l^
by violence ^f thi- I in vioiem
durlDK October. ITU were due lo ac-i
lier on tbe same train lean over me! “Anotbee thlug. It Is liiflultely
dent. 17 were snlcldil and one honil
w-iib a sbart> razor aud |>erfonn Ibe op- ‘ soother rtaving wb«i the tram i» goddal. Polaona were eblefly favored by
1 tog fari than when making only twet»-‘‘^“*'"';' '
(bo suiddea as seven
d t.irpld Itx-r. nnill
“Tb* reason for lUl* U Ibst when oo* ty-Uve ot thirty tulles an hour. Tbe
1.-. rhronlv This
their end by this means, three each by
hold* the raai>r In one’s own hand tb* ; curve* and tbe jnU*
_ «.-em more severe
a,i 111 tho*.' who use
shootiug and hanging, two by ga* au'l
razor moroa with you if there shoold on ■
a alow-train.
alow- train. The steady
sieady niolloa
motion «t
King •• .Ni » l.llv I’lUs: the t-wt and
one each by it knife woiiml and by
lie a sudden Jar
iidi If you fell lo-! b wwlftly moving train 1* mir* <*»• c-n-.--i r. cnlaion- .. _______ swnllowInE wires und needle*.
fans away , dodve lo security and comfort than
CuaraBin-d by Hannah DjiiK
from y«m. as your ami I* uaiurally out-1 any slow train.”—Wa*biiicton Tori.
Traveling alone from far-off north­
stmchtsl to prevent you from striking | ■
^ ------------------- -\*
I'mp Jitorr.'
west Canada to wed. .Miss Alice M.
Lasher was iiniteil In marriage at
“But suppose tbe lierlier It leaning
Clare to M<ivl?! n. Barley. The ynime
nter you a* you sit in a chair and a.
people were planalng Rinrrlagc la-fore
i Buddeo lurching of the train ihrewa
the parents of Mb's l.-isher moveil to
< bliD against tin- chair. What ebanr*
Floral. Saskatchewan, a year agn. but
amos ov ao-tasiso onox.
{ have you In the euair to get away
they were not quite ready to take ihi- voyage for months, sailing tliuBsands ot: from the sharp blade otuing in your
alep. Wlien the time came they fell tnlte*. with no oceaaion to uw a small, dlreciiou''
“1 Iluve siiavcO. luysvir ,«loxena of.
tbe exiKnse of the trip too great for boat. Tben an emergency*
tbe young nan to follow the coiivenUoual way and go lo the bride’s home liig uf the danger of launching
heavy tea Is nuutlng whl<-h may soiash
The New York
to claim her so she braved the long Uie Ixm to splinters. From time to
trip alone and they were married as time Iroprovetuent* have Iss-n made In
soon as abe n-acbed Clare last week. releasing hooka. The latest ImproveI want to Rive p%*ery one who has defective eyes a
They will reside lu Clare.
«ent. which Is l>eiti* edopied l»y large
chance to find out just how much I can do for them in
The Supreme court r«-nder«*d
nariea. Is i IqvUgs you to cnll iiml
j steamer n«m|«nlcs
the way of corrcctinR their impaired vision, and also
qul.i; Jerk on tbe
rJsion of inierosi to imlders of acci­ sbowu
...:W Holi.iiiv
bow small the cost will be. For one week -only ! will
dent tnauraore policies In reversing ; email rojie effecu Uie release lu an la-iGoods now romly. ALL NKW.
give a special test and have the lenses ground to lit
• * ov.-rs ’*
(no left
Hi-n* you will
tbe verdict non-SDiliiig Getirge W. M. ■tanL
your eyes at the following prices: Beginning Monday
loverj-tliing in the sliiiix- of Toys.
Hunt of Kalamaxnn. He askiil dam­
-Bcu. er
liami*. Books mid Novfltics.
next. Dec/-J0. 1906, gold filled, flexible Riding Bow,
ages from tbe Cnlti-d States Acelden;
in one of the dornilturb-a of fbe
associoiion for a broken ankle. The Irish colh-ge at Itomc iIhtc Is a ajiare
Kalamazoo Clrenlt court held that he on tlie wall left imi>apen«)j and onhad yloltteil ihe terms of hU policy by palmed, whatever reiolr* llie r.-*t of
expoalng himself to danger. Accident , the room may iiudergo. for there, care
plated. $1. 1 am saving you from $1 to $5 on each
Insiiranee policies would he shorn of ^ iessly scnw leil. Is the first rough ilr.'.ft
pair, and I will give $100 for any case of defective
much Ilf (heir value If ordinary co:i- Of Futlier Prom’s •ii. lt* .,f Shandon.”
eyes I cannot correct.
Irlbuiory m^Ugooee could be InterBtuJIes trtieh uol tlielr own useIioscd as a defense, say* tbc hlghiT
ttuit ts, a wisdom wlihniit tliein and
court. Hunt could not anticipate nbovc them won by observation -BaCOLUMBIA HOTEL BUILDING
In participating In a game of Indoor
233 E. Front St.


State Newt.
The rocent dlacovery of oil in Mid­
land county la crcalbif; considerable
cxeUomrnt In that neck of the woods.
PllUbum parties have ljulwly leased
• over C.ObO acres of land from farmers
and art- adding U> thdr acreage. Tber
have noif fione to Cadlllse and are
making leases to that section. Prospueting for oU srill bogla In about
tbsob months. Tho leasers pay oneclghUt Of the value of the product for
royalty and will also pay for naiurai
gas « it la discovered.
Separated for more than a qairter
of a centnry. B^oant Steariu, of the
police force of Kj
StMlo Dudley, cousins and closest of

Iwyhood chums, came face to face unexpeeiMly at Kalamaitno Sunday momlug The officer waa taking out a
iu)ua<l of men lo their work. There
was Insiani recognition on lioth sides.
Th«- doctor accompanied the officer
on his rounds of duly.
While hunting deer with B party
III the woods near' Grayling. Frank
Buo*. of Tekottsha. became fnsaae.
His companions were obllgi-d to wiiich
him constantly, fearing he would
Jure lilmBclf or somi- of the party. He
was l.ninghi lo Tekonslia. where a »ergleal oiHfailon will Ih' |H-rformed In
the hojH! of restoring his faclliilos.
He rceeiitly obuliied on -opiwinimont

1 RfllllfFT STfiRF



Tlie place to buf yom
Christmas Canil|i. Oars Is
fine at, per poond, lOc.



those Magnificent S25.00
Printzess Coats at SI6.50

Those Magnificent $25.00
Printzess Goats at $16.50

Absolutely Unmatched Styles and
- Unmatchable Values.

A Savings of 1-3 Your Coat Money
If You Buy Here.

This stands as another clever purchasing
transaction, and on example of our
buying power and value giving. F ro
■aviog paint of view, jhis offer will even exet
our recent ^at
sale of Printzess garments at
shows five of the clever
19-75. The illustrations

Tnes coa^at $16 50 arc made in alt the etcant models just as illusratcd, and are lined with
guaranted satin in light and dark shades. Ev^ry
garment is a model of good workmanship, finish­
ed to perfcciion
perfection in all the major and minor details. Materials are tinest broadcloth, trimmed

models at $16.50, In view of the
animated selling at our last sale
we are confident in stating that
these coats will be picked up
rapidly as our salespeople can hand
them out. These are all Printzess brand gar­
ments a make which stands lor distinction
us -sol
dress. They
known and authoritative
e houses
the country. We are the sole agents5 for Printcess garments in this city.


tlo* m, Cadies* Coat
-•Here is a very useful handsome coat that
Can be worn on most any occasion.
It has a full
bouble breasted from and full ripple back,
is Hoed throughout with guaranteed satin and is
made in Uack and all colors of Broadcloth.
The collarless neck is trimmed with velvet and
soutache and wide silk braid, so arranged z

d coll;
Form the effect of a wide fancy shapci
Two rows of crochetted buttons ornament the
front of the garment, antf the generous sleaves
are plated into turncd-back cuffs trimmed with
braid. The side scams are slit up about ten in­
ches to admit of a graceful sweep at the bottom.

no* m Cadies' 0oat
This long handsome coat conics in black
and all colors of Broadcloth..and is made with
a box front and a full ripple back. The collarless neck is trimmed with velvet and a contrast­
ing color of fancy braid. Both front and back
are beautifully braided in attractive designs.
The sleeves are tucked intostaiglu cuffs braided
to match coat. The side seams are slit up about
ten inches. The garment is lined ihroughoift
with guaranteed satin and is appropriate for al­
most any occaision.

100* Cadies* Eoats
Made of Broadcloth, Chevots. Kcrsci’__________
___ ______
J an
I-. to
50 •___1___I_____
inches long,______
iPJ.OO to $15,00,
- choice.
• •


fireat Chance to Save on Your New Winter Coat
Handsome “Printzess” Coats at about One*third less than Regular Prices.
Hundreds of the seasons smartest styles to choose from, many of them copies of high priced imported
models. Every coat is new. every coat measures up in style and desirability to garments that arc com­
manding a third more money in any other Traverse City Store. They pos«ess that aistinction peculiar
to all Printzess Creations, and which make them ca«y favorites in the regard of the wom’'.n of taste. It's
not a question of selling at reduced figures, the kind of coats that would not bring full price—not a bit of
it—but we bought them at unusual price concession and so we offer them'to you. F'ull fffty incecs long
made of high grade broadcloili, silk Ijned throughout, ami interlined for comfort—regular

S2B.OO Values a-t $16.50

with fancy braid, ornaments, vel­
vet and buttons, 50 to 5'i inchi
long. Colors are black, wine. red.
green brown and tan; satin Hoed
titrdughoni. We urgently advice
early buying. The purchase is a large one, but
you will be better satisfied if you chose while
assortments are at their best while style range
and sire range are both complete- The sale
will be held in our Basement F loor Coat Section


no. 70$. Cadies' Eoat
1 his long coat has a box front and full rip|)'c back and makes a comfortable carriage or
s double brested and fast: garmer
-ith a double row of large crochetted but­
tons. The front and back are trimmed yoke
(ter |i. with soutache and wide silk braid put on
to form loops, while the sleeves arc tucked into
braid trimmed cuffs. Side scams arc slit up
about ten inches. The coat is lined throughout
with guaranteed satin and is made in black and
all colors of broadcloth.

no* 7^5* Cadies' Eoat
A long coat suitable for either street or car­
riage w’car. lias a full box front and ripple
ijack with side scams slit up about eight inches.
1 be collarless neck is trimmed with velvet and
fancy braid wh'ch has a touch oi contrasting
color io it. The
back andfnfrom of the coat are
handsomely trimmed with pide silk braid. The
large sleeves are tucked into turn-back cuffs
trimmed with braid :o match coat trimmings.
The garment is lined with guarameetl satin and
d tdged inside with fancy braid. It is made
black and all colors of broadcloth.

100 Cbiidrens'0oa($
Made in fancy mixtures. Kerseys and
Cheveois made to sell at SOt. '.iQIJand $1000






America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,

A ■ '“aa:!

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The only condition is that $ 1 be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
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Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 1908.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1907, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
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for Farm and Fireside will be extended one year from date of expiration of present subscription to that paper.

Tills Is a Great Ofiet-ll Is Gaad Aenlm In Ilia UnM Slates

Traverse City, Michigan.



Lytckiig liscissei at
Leaitb as a NatiMil EtiL

m k Wi PEsnwt

flf botti tsacODcut of a law In cotm^tioB with'
klpdi lutre ilroail}- bera Infik-trd bji tbe taannnce of tnjaui tlona. attenUon
ihe ««orti. Of <tnir*« whp« tJ* Jo<is* bartoc been alusrpi; dnwn tn tbe mat­
csn m All trif to InlUrt the iwuHr ter Dr tbe demand that the ri^t of
of taDprltoiUBPat tbe d«^eir««t offvet epjdrtnc Injanrtione in lat>or <waee
of the punlitiisecit on otbcr offetulM It aboukl be wbullr obolbdtedV It -1» at
lanat dotjWfnl wbrtber a law al.o]i£btnff aUosether tbe nac of tnianctlatta ta
. ladtc Bolt
md) caaca wooM ataod Ae teat of tbe
Now Tork dWrtrt court
dMWm aOmirabljr cutcd tbc need for courts, in whleb mac. of courac. tbe
tzvBtlnc -rift jMt screrltr oJT«>arrt ledalntlon would be luetrectiTe. Mure«rf thU kind, nu opinion rona In part OTcr. tScUere tt would be wron* altosetber to prohtblt»tte u»o of Isjuncu folWa:
tkma. It la crlndnat to permit armpaJodtt HeH QMtMl.
blet>c« to m- thy for (Tltnlnalf to wcalc-u our batsda
tabUab the doftsidiLiit'e icuilt vn« clear. In apboUlns tbo taw. and tf men acek
to dcatrny life or pri-i'crty by tn<.b rtoooDclitsIre and uudlapuicd. Tbe ense
vu a fiagnmt doc. Ibe tranaacUoni hmea- there abould be no taipalnnent of
arbidi took |•larv under tbia lIlcKaJ tbe power of the courtH to d<-al with
coutrart were rwr (ante, the aniDunIa them Id tbe most amamary and effec­
of rtbatea rewnud were i-onaldenibte. tive way poaamv. But »o far a« poaand tbc aaionnt of tbe rebate Itaelf ithle the abuse of tbe power dionld be
was lante. aiiioontina to moir- than proeldcdeac-iliret b.r some aneb law aa

ODe-Drtii of the entire tariff ebanre for
the triioipunutloa of merchandlae from
tbIa dtf to hetmit. It ta nut too imu'h
to aa}'. ta my ciplulon. that if tbia bualOfM was carrl^ oo fw a condclenibla
tlino on that boala—that la. If thla Ulacrimlnatlon tn favor ..f Oils particular
BblpiM-r was niade wlib an clebtea^
instead of a ttviHitj-lbn-e ornt rat#
the tariff rale wa# maintain_____ a agBlnat their rompet«or*-tbe
result mlffht be. and not tinjwoUbly would lie. that dbelr runi]>etitora would be driven out of bisloeta.
Tills crime la ow whlob In Its nature
to deUticrate and prcmrdltntml. I think
ovirt a fortnlKbt elajiHcd Iwlwccu tbe
date of PnImerV letter reriUMtlns tbe
reduced rate and tlic answer of
nllraad company d.wldiHK to grant If,
and'then foe muutba afteroanl tbia
btuioeaa was carried on and these
clalnu Tor rcbettu sulmiltted month
To tbe Senate and Boom of Ba^naentAfter nootb and ebeekt In t«ymenl of
them dntsen month oftcr month. Sorb
Aa a nation we attU'cctatlDUb to etT
a riolatloo of tbo law. In my opinion,
Joy a Uteraily abproredeutod proa- to Its caseulial nature Is a very much
pceity, and It to probable that only more bclDous act than tbe onllnary
rocfctoaa apecuUtlon and dlatcaatil of ^0900. vulenr crimes which come be­
lactUinate businaaa nwtfaoda on tbe fore crtmlnal courts cunstanlly forpoDpan of tbe buslneat world ean ma- tobmen^ and which nrtae from sndden
. laalon'or temptation. This vrlme
CartaUr mar this piuapertty.
No eonmas' In ^ fltne baa dona this case was coinmlUcd l.y men of
mare good work of Importance than education and of large l.usiness experi­
fte pnoent eongreaa. There were eer- ence. wboac.staDdlng In tberomnninity
eeal mattm left tmdntobed at'yonr woa such Uiat they might have been
Ian aewlmy however, wbicb I moet expected to set au example of ,ohe<U
Uimii tbe ninliiten.inee of
tomeetly hope yoo will complete bewhich alone In this coontry tbe aecurity of tbeir property depends. It waa
a Campaign Contributtona.
committed on behalf of n great rail­
•eeoDunend a law pttdilblt1 I
road curporatJon, wblch, like othrtrall-

Cabal ilCMriintins if Ciii111 I Famant

ill DfC«IE Ta K1ANM9

tkmot U* wd IeUo.
•aced StMf lUij.

tothad mpolgn expenaea of any party,
•ocb n bin baa tbeady pasned one
botne of uongnsoL I.«t lodlvldoals coo.

ttbHte as tbey dmlre. but let na pmkibtt in aBortlve taablon all corporaDoM fB>m making eontrtbntSoos for
any^potltlcal purpoae. directly or Indlraefly.




Aaotbar UU wtddi baa Joat paued
«M houae of tbe coogres and which
Id be eoacMbMolawtotb
- .
' the govMBakat the right of appeal iu
criminal cn»ca on questions of law.
TUa right extota In many nr tl>e statea.
U extota in tbe tliatrict of Columbia by
net of tbe coogtesa. It Is of conrae not
propooed that In nny caae o verdict for
Iba defendant on the mcrita Btxrald be
net aolde. Beeentty tn one dtotrlct
where the eorermnienC bad Indicted cerMl persons for euAsptracT In connecttoD with rebataa tbe court auatnlnod
the defendant'a demuner. while In anoOnt }nriidlc«oii <
coaagdncy to obtain rebatcB baa been
•wtained by the conrt. convictions ob-tAlsiff under It and two defntdaots


caaea referred to may not be io real
eontllrt with codi other, but tt ia nnfartnnate that .there aboukl eren be an
•pgatent coaOlct 'At imcot there la
•0 sray by whlcb tbe guvwamcnt can
«anae Hicb a conflict, •when It occur*,
to be aolved by on appeal to a blgbiT
court, and Ttm irb^U of Jnitico aro
blo<±ed wltbout any real decision of
tbe Vwt*w»- 1 catmot too atrongty
urge the paioaage of tbe bill In qoosnoo.
•A lilinre to past it will resale In eurig the governmrut In Its
•ffort to obtain Jtmttce. etprtTalty
agalnat wealthy Indiriiluals or corporttlou that do wrong, and may atio
t tbe government from obtain­
ing Justice for wagrworkem who
not tbemselr«a able effectively, to c«ntaat a cnee wbere The Judgment of an
tefWtor court baa been' ogalnst them.
I have BpccUleany In riew a recent drcMkm hr ■ district Judge leaving rall' sray easploycea wltbont remedy for
Ttolatloa of A certain so caM labor
toll a alngie
what tBBV t>r tbe JndgmenT of the immajnrity of bla
tbe beoeb. I.. dertarr a law eolemnly
onacted by tbc coAgress to tic "uncoaABtuttuoar and then to deny to the
t the right l-> have tbe anfircme court defintiriy decide the queto
M'lMI to ircolirct that tbe real
efficiency of tbc taw oflen depenAs not
apoe the jussage of arts aa to srhlch
tbero ta groat public cxclirtnent. bnt
upon flic passage of ni-ts of this noTnro «B to wblffa tiu-re Is not touch
public exrttemcat. because there ts lit­
tle pahOc onderstaodlng of their ImperbtoM-, wblle the Interesint parties
AK keenly alive to tbe desIrehUlty of
defroffiur them. Ibe Important of
g Into law tbe parth-uUr bill la
quouDoa 1s fnrtbcr Inercasrd by the
f*ct tliat the government has now deflsRcly iv-gnb a policy of n-sortlng to
the crlmlual law to tboro trpit and totcrotatt- commerce caero where snrti a
(xim>e offens a rMsnnal-h- rtmnee of
aitoreo*. At flrot. ns was proper, evdy
effort was made to enforce toes- laws
by civil prorcodbigi. but It has be­
come Increasingly e^ktoiit that tbe ac­
tion of toe coveriimrtit In flnaBy derid­
ing ta rvrtaln cases to undertake erttnlABl proccadlngs was Jusriftable. and.
ibooglfttiere aoy barr bean aoiiwtnto
gptcootta faffaroa to torse caaea, era
twre bad »any soccraaea. wtiJcb bar*

SIM.wfa In.tb* «)tiu>e.y( Ana .or ^


and wblch It
eharged with the highest obligation In
tbe tranaartloD of it; buslneaa to treat
tbe citlaena of tliU country alike and
not to carry on Its bnstness with unjnat
dlserimlnatlous iM-twccn different cltiaena or different clasaes of rltlseosTUls crime in Its nature Is one
with acTecy and proof of wbldi
tt to very dlfflcntt to obtain.
"Tbc Intenitate commerre act was

I adrocatwl last.year.
In -Ells matter of Injunction ilicre la
diced in tbe bawle <rf tbe Jndlrtary a

lludaon Biver Uallroad voinj-any.' for
cad> of tbo all crimes of wblib It b-ts
been convifted be lined tbe kuiu uf
Sl&COO. making alx flnex. omountlug In
tbe aggri-gale to the-sum of flld'l.IkK.
and Judgment to that effect will bo
entered lu tbia ca«e."
SstUng Aside ef Judgmeata and Gronto
ing ef Now Trials.
In connertion with tbto malter I
would like to call attention to the ><-iy
unsatlsfaetcwy state of our criminal

Inferior couru on tochnlraUtlcs nbsolutely unconnected wltb tbc im-rlt* of
the rase aitd wbere tln-re Is tio attempt
to idiow that tbori- ba* l>eea any falUtre
of suhstantla) Justice. It would ba
well (0 etuici a law iirwrldlng aemetUug to tbe effect tbatNu Judgment shall \v set ashlr or
new trial granted In any cause, civil
or crumoal, on the groirad of mlsdtrcrtlon rt tlw- Jury or ttn- Iraprojwr admtosloD or n-ji-.-tlon ol ev Ulemv or for
error as to any matter of pl-ading or
prorodnrv nnlr»% In the opinion of tb*

of has rt-sultcd to

fnm U*e ot Tkb fwtt Katoer Itei

f<>ar of public -twoiment
doea not affeet tbe cmirare of a pidce.
but only siwta bim bn to aearcb bh
reach the rwratt
wbic-b appruvea 4i«clf
heart, aoch comroeat aerres
purpose. There are few men. wbrtber
tt>«T arc judee* for bfe or for a shorter
term, who dj not pffer to e.sra and
b<dd tlio n-apect of aR and who <-rnn..t
he rear-bed and matte to pnose and
deliberate by Iwatlle pnl'lle crttlcisn.
In tbe ease .if.judp-« harlae a life
tenure. Indeed, rthdr rer
makes the riglit freel.d A eommrat on
tberr derisions .if pn-nlcr Imt-Htatiec.
because It Is Itie .oily pra.-tical and
svallabic Ittvmitnent In the-liamls of
a free peoi>ie b* ke«p stR-h Jodiies alive

they sorCe.
subject*^© the . ]>o«aibiIIty of grave
band, tbe danger of.
abuse. It Is a p.iwcr that shouM be dcstroyinc the proi-f lulSucoce of Jueseretoed wltb cltrome enrr nnd should dlclal dectol<ins liy creating onfou3>le.l
be subject to Uh- Jca.lons srrullny ..f all pivjudlevw against tbe omns justlS>:s
atlnn should l*e o
■nd rcjulres that onjost attacks shall
ed out as nmrtj to tlic Jodc# who falls he met and auswerwl fourti iuo»t ulto n*c It boMl.r when necessary as to tlmately re*t their .lefensc ni-oo iIhtbe Judge who tisiw It wantonly or o|e ben-ot strength of Hie -qrtnloos tbey
pn-sslvely. »>f course a jodee strong drilver as tbe gn.nnd tor tlwlr Courtucnoudi to to- fit for bis offlit will .'n- Blons and must tntst to tbe calm aud
Jota any ri-sort to violence or Intimb drill^rate Ju-lcairiit of aU tbc pcaple
dattoD. especially by «x>nsp;raey.
as tbeir l>est rludleatlou.”
manor what bto oididon may be of tbe
CrHiaism of dwdges.
rt^tt of •tbc original «|uam*l. TUero
Tbero to one c -nsid-'ratton which
most tw no bcsuatlon lo dealing with
dlsocdiT. nut ttoitv must Illcew^ be sbuold be Iak--n luKi Wcount I>y tbe
,goi>l proplc who rarrj^ sonud propno such abuse ot ibe Injtuu'tlvc power
Imp’l-<1 Iu forl.lddUig laboring ©.tlH-ni lo un cxee« i;, ..bji-rtlug twauy
crttU iMU of a Joilge's d.-ririon. Tbc tun to-ttermeut
utln-'C of tlH- .kmerli'aii {Msiple ns a
the tnjunctlou Is? tis.d uien-ly 10 aid whole to sound In this mairer. Tlicy
wni not snleicrilrt to the doctrine Hut
some big curporatlon Iu vjrr;.ing out.
oay pnStie servunt to to l«- atone all
Bcbpitics for In own aggruudtieim-ut
If the U-st eiitoens, those
It must Is* rtmemhCTvd that a prelimi­ crifl.-to!iimost.coiotielent In express tiielr judgnary Injuoi-tlou In 0 Istoir »-ase. If
grantud wliboul ad«M|uale proof, oven ni<>uc .in su<-b uiuiters. anil, above all.
those belougltig to tbc gr<-:iL and bouwhen authority .ran is- fuuud to sup­
prwfcsslon of tbe liar,
port tbc rouelitslons ..t biw on wbich
foundl.r Influa-utlol la .\ncri--an life,
It is fiimd.-.!. may oflou s.-tHc ttie dis­
pute iH-twccii tbc pnrtic^ au-l tlwteforo take the jkmUIou that there shall l-e no
If Improperly graiiled may do Imiara- criticism of a Judge nuder any cireuiuble wrong. Vet there nre mnii.v Judges stances, tbeir view will not bo accepted
|«->pl' as a wbotc. In
who assume a matter -if eoiirse gratit- by tile Aiue.-ieaii
jicople will turn to and
4ng of a prctiruiQnry lnJiiui.*llAi lo Ic BOi-h event ibe Jicople
the ordinary ami pr.>i«-r Judp.-lal dtopo- tenft to ai.r^i.1 as jiuttliable tbe
criticism nttcred
BltloD of anch cares, and tl«!TC hare un- perate and imi.r..pcr
doublctlly liren Aiigraiit v.-rmigr eo:nmttted by Judg(-s tii roouts-llou with
labor dispaK-s even wiihlu tbe last few
ycara. although I think imuti less ufieo
than In forim-r year*. Hm-h Judges b.v
Ibelr unwise net Ion laimeiisely stmigtlion the bands of fl».«c who aro slrlvlug
entin-ly to do away wIlli Ibe power of
injnnrtion. aud tJs>rer»rv suc-ti careless
use of the Injnortlve pnK-eis tends, to
throaira tts very exlst.-n.e. for tf the
^nerlenn people cer liee<tiii.- roiivim-ed that tbb iwuc-ss Is baliimally aliurod. wbeiber In matters affeettiig liibor
or In molten nffeetlug'rotii
wUI bmwcll Digfa Impossible

Aa to Public Opimen.
paaacd la
nearly tm-iity yeora
ago. Bvur slm-e Hint time voiuplalnts
tt may be tbc blgb.^t .luty of a Judge
uf tbe grouting of rol»l« by railroads at any given luoiu.-nt to disregard
bake been roiniuoa. urgent and loslsc- Dcrciy tbi- wlitics of tiklivldunto dt
cntaad.alUiouidi tbc congress has re­ great imlltlral .w Sunuclnl jotror. but
peatedly |.asa.-d legtotoHon cudrav.wtide of piibll
ing to put a stop to tbis evil, tbc diffi­ menr, and tbe Judge wljo does thus dto:
culty of vibtalnlng prvMf npoo wbl.b to regard public M-ntliii-nt when It Is
biT^ prtiseeutlou In tbcac oasca 1s so wrong, who l>ru-di-s aside the plea of
groat that this ts y»c Urrt rase that any speclnt Interest when tbo pleading
baa ever been brought In tbia court, 1* not founded on rtgbteou-cnrss. jwrand. OB 1 am Informed, this caae
fonni ttie'bigiKSt service to the coun­
Kconlly lirougbt In 1‘blladvdpbla try. Such a judge to dnv-rvbig of alt
are tbc only cases that have i-vcr been honor, and all Imnnr cannot lie jiald to
brought In tbe ea»U-ru jw* of this tola wise and frarii-KH Judge If
country, in fort, but few cases ot this mlt toe growth of an nliaurd coDveu'kind hava ever been brouglit Iu tbto tlim whlt-h would furMil niiy erltlcl*m
country, 'cast or ux-sL
Now. under of toe Judge 'of auuthor typ<>. who
tbeec drcnnurtancro 1 am farced l» slwws bliUM-lf timid lu tbc panence of
the condttolon lu a case In wblvU tlie amigant disoid-r. <ir wbo on lusulBproof U so ctear aud thr farts are so cient grounds grnnu an .injunction
flagrant It is tbe duly of tbe court to that does grave lujuatl—. or who to
fix a penalty wbirb slmil in some de­ bU capacity ns 'a omsiruer. and tlierogree be eumnicnsunitf wltb tbe gravity fore to part a iiinker. of Uh- law. to
of the offense- As bclwcen.tbe two dc- flngraut fashlou towarls the c;insc ^
fendanlB. la my cqilulou. tlie piinvljial decent govemincnt. Tbe Judge lias/ti
lamalty should be lin|«osed on the vor- IK>wor over wtiicb no review can Iw
poraUon. Tht- tralUc uiminper In this oierelacd. He lilmaeir sits in rovl.-w
case inesumably avIeU wlUmut any nd- opon tbc nets <if both tin- exi-eiitlv.vantage to bimself end without any In- and teglsl-itivi- tiraurties of He- governtereat lu tlie tranaarthui either by tlie ment. Save lu IIh- uiksI citraonlmary
direct authority or 1b a<\-oidanra with case*, he is aiuonatde only .it the Icir
what be understood to be tbe poHor or
tbe wlibes of bis employe.
“Tbo soDlenix- of this court In Ibis
case U Out the defendant 1‘omeroy for
oavll of tbe six Off.-iwet uj>on wliieb tie
has been cunvivled be Uiied tbe sum
atttCOO. moklug six fiDes, amounting
In all to the sum of SAiKW. and iLe difeodant. tbe New York Centra) and

y'^eri.lcucc a .b-r- rt !
JuarUI conchBlon, tboujcti based
*a 1
tbe nicest lepal l
fonndeait learnlnB. Tlie Two Important
etemwta of moral tharacter in a Jude*

b.v nnwortb.v o-gltal-tr*. S«ri-ly It to a
Isfortunc to have to >ucb critics
fumtion. right IB it-H-lf. wiji.-li
nrc ct-naJn to abuse. Just and ii-u]|s-rale crlcirism. wbi-u nevs-svir}-. to ji
safeguard agnloct the m-ceptance liy
thu jMs^n as a whole of that lutemperate antagonism toward tbe jodk-larr which must to- .-omi«icd l-y
cvety right thinking nuin and whlrtu tf
It iMvamo whlesj-n-ad atmmg tto--la-opic at large, would rtmstitute a Olro
menace to tbc rv-ijubllc.

Ue ^

Mob RgprcMat!
Bands of CtrilUatiea.

In eonmx'Lou will, ibo d.-U<ys of thi
taw 1 call y.-ur au--iitlc-ii and tb- at
tenibiii of Hu- imtlou to the prov
Of crinii- among «■«. ____
of Iviirtiing and iiialriviothe cp;J
r la ,ii& |..vrt
leare that soring* tip.
of our nmiifry. now 111 anuibrt. Ea«b
scetlon. n.wHi, souili.
of wrat. luui
1 with
wisdom KiM-ml it* tiui- J-s-ring
fault* of aoutber sivUon. It shouldbe linsy trying to sim-iut lis -wn shorteomlng*. To dv«l with the crime >.f
comqilion It 1* necess,Trj to have au
awakt-iH-d jnil-lic cvmsek-nts- 'an<l t-v
*Hl>j>!euu-iil tots l-y wbsli-ver li-gi-hitiou will add speed and certainty in ilu>
'execntl-.u of the law. tVlii-n we deal
with lyiirtihig even more is lu-cessary.
A gi\-al n*iiiy wtiite m-n nre lym-iicd.
but the crime Is iKKruUarly friHiuem in
resjiei-t In Mark lii--ii. Hie gn-:m-*t ex­
isting -au-ic of lyiicdilng I* the pc-ixtraliiin. espct-inlly
th- crime of rain- LV-'mo^f
fbonrtmvl™ to ^1
.nteg,.-“ of
at» ll
in aa tiie rai g. ..v ot

ito-mMves'turu-m'c to
It. 4W1
avenging in Iswtlal fnahlra n U-stial
deed smd rc-diieing tbeinselvi-s to n
level with the crkiilonl.
- t.awlessBi-ss grows by wlmt U feed*
neltbcr Is- expri-s-ied nor lot.
The l*csi Jiidg,-* have c-ver been fore-' open, and when mobs I—gin to l.vni-h
for rape tliey sp,-c-dll.v extend the
most to dUclalm any immunity fr«m
eritlrtsm. Tills has Ihs-ii true shin' tlie spberc of th<-ir oj-cratious nod Ivncb
days of tttc great Eiiglisb ('h.-tD- for many oitter kinds nf crimes, so fliai
of the t.vni-lilugs are n-'-t for
cellor Parker, who ealU. "Let all pi-ople U- at m-erty to ktic-w what 1 found
luy Ju(lgm>-nt tiputi, that s-v vtbi-n 1
have given It In any cause viilu-rs may InncKcnt of nil «f?tnc.
U- at Ulierty to Judge <>f^ me," Tt* dler erf •'■eorgia «mt.>d ,vn cn
a verity
’ proprji-tles <-f the v-ase were set forth some years «g >. "I --cm say
wlUi ntoguhir cVi.irn<*«i and good tem­ that 1 have within Ibe l.-isc
of public cqvhiloa. and It U unwise lo
maintain that puhllc oj-lnlou in refercuec to a man wltb sorti power toall

per by Judge \V. 11. Tnft when a I'nited Slates -treoU judsm. eleven year*
ap>. to IKC:
"Tbe oiqiortunity tr,-.-ly mid puMl<-ly
to eritk-lso Judicial «clu,n la f-f vastly
more luiportani'C ito tbe btsTy pollUc
that) the iuiuuuiiy of r-iirts and
Jmiges from mijtist asp,-rsU>n* and ;,ltav-t. Nothing tend* W'vrc to ivudi-r
Jodget careful Is Ih-ir decisions amt
ahxiously urilcllous t- do ci.wt Justice
than the cou»- i«u*ii<-<» ftuit ev<-ry :irt
of tbeir* Is to Ik- nil>J-cied to tlie IntelUgeut scnitlTiy aod candid •-rjll-hUD
of ffodr fell,iw men. tiu<ti criik istu ta
bMeflrtai in proportion as It Is fqlr,
dlrpasrionate. discriminating and lesad
on a knowledge of s»und Ic-gal prtariples. Tbe eomnw-uts ii-.rnle hy lenrnod text writers and by tb- araie edi­
tors of the varlotfi law reviews ujvon
)ndlctat «le, l*k«s are tlterefore Llgtilv
Such critics vxvn.tttute more
or less Irapartinl tril-un-jls of profes­
sional opinion K-rotc whk* each jsdemeut Is Lnade to stand nr fall on IW
merit* nnd thus exm a etTOogvinflucQcsKin oeenre uBlforrolty of decision.
rlllcism aUo Is
o menns wlttemt Us
npnniiNt. as tt often U. h a direct
t upon tbe Jn-llc!
laoilves of the oei-upnnts at tbe heoch.
far If tbe law is but tbe essence of
comioM aeoBe.thejvTOtest of.many av-

cd the lives of Imlf a dor*-n innwent
nt-gr.-s-s who w.-n- i»urswd
:he moll
nnd l-fvviight tooni to trlaf in a --ourt of
a lu which they were ,-ii--inltti>d.“
Aa IH-Ji-'p llollotvay of Ml-,.-i»*ippl has
fiiiol.v Mht; "WlM-a tbi- ni’e «f a nmtr
obi.viiis. vvbU-ti diktUiguisbcs u
high clvillx.-ttl.-vn Is sum-iel-rt-d. The
mol- Whi,-li lyiirth-s n ii.-gr„ .rtiarged
with rape will In a little whih- lyn-h a
istLm pal
lift lip his voice In toihl and eternal
l-rotosl agniUBl the mob spirit that Is
fim-atealiig tlic Integr.ty vrf tols reI'ubllc." c;,.v.-nuvr J«-iki* of Aiat-an..-t
h.i* rrix-cily .-s-oki-n as f-.-Tlows: "The
lynrbing of any irivou f->r what-v<»r
crime Is im-xcaul-ie anywln-rc. It 1* a
deflanro of ortlcrly govemment. lint
the killing of lmi.v.-c::t J«-o;*le padcf
any provcM-alk-a Is iuniiitely more borriWe. and y.’t iBuorout lio-ple aro likely to die- Whea a mol.^a tiTritdi- Inst la
once arnu'^l. Tbe h-*»o-4 ls.'t!
ewd eltlwm ran aff-vpl
____ of
................... _
a dBflanoe
ttir atati

leam r.ofto'harbor their cTlmlnalaL but
to aasiat the offSeert In brhi*lii« them
to Juattce. Thli b tbe Urja r crime,
and It prorofces aorti atrortoua oCrdu.*
sa tbe one at Atlanta. T!..* iwv ran-*
Ibere it a
:be part of bodi to
maty., comraon
-aor.- wltb the law
. ,
crimlnaU of
.y color."

tn no ether war. for next tw := :l or
: uir tltwhini
hlmtelf tbe man Vhd can do
f-t in en. h ew dtamxTaey la
nesm H bt» white >‘»vlt «n
jen.ular «Hf s-«erat»ent
netsbixir who Brea near Wn:. and ent t»*h-r n-puidlcau forms is -liiwtf on
rt«mia be to K-li.-r the ' «■•- T*>* triumph .rf the una. ta Jwt
__________ ___between -........
Otvst as.evdathlaeuathetrimnrtt^fbe
tbouah The U.ti.iw Of these s.-!:n..u ba. plnicrac. and fu bare .-waped mm
I.S U to tbc.r .-..Uwed poidl- sod to tlu> >ia»Wcr avrli* notldnc wl.atever If Wo

^ ts-H-le. It wlr well he cm-rtttv .thrt. Iu Ibe end^
n.uie.1 whether tic* bem-fft b#s- h-i ,
rrnn. w! eib-r r., b or p.sw. who
Tf«a|i1fcach Man Juatty,
at-I ir.m to deal
Moraorer. whene any c«:ac ounmlt- be.a at b-as' a< great to tV white
colatrti pu- .
I-- 1- ted by a tneiuber of <«c race ainteat a p.^le among
cm mlrtf of another race to atunacd ii ;,'to nve.sfter ilicv cradnate.
r u-b rwd perrasfaton tbal
M n-ghlng
the Individual crimfaaU Isit tbe whole tbclndivldusl. who wh. tbvrfnua foitKdMtlg I
rlt who
teuiper. fr»tS greed
ta.-e. is atUcked tlie result Is to ejta»;a-d,T tlw
jsrale to tbe bicliest deeriw race f'»I- ofll.e .-r la a spirit of ri-re to*- dwr.h- n.e ersfly -•7«r«|itJor..»
Ing. Tlx-n- la but one Kate rule iu deal­ gucy. Icduliseln the l!.S-tc;'rnst-’ry and ■wi-n .'iiilo wmld
10 i-craiii
j-craiH tnc-.-u-mioo
ing with Marti men as wltb whIV Im*: In.-endittTy rtvss-b.-«anJ.wri?;ngs wtiMi jv—t-ie, to I
.■Xpi..-lMVb^bc veer.
t^ aame rule that must be ap- t.-ndfo-iroose ai'dr. and V iC!t;sai»wa W-. .-.Itliv. !l
.- ei.-r let T5T?>govecnlym-limg jiof .i;,!y tbos eSiV.e tls- mob,
pIM ifdenbDC wltb ri.-fa meu and imw
of toRi of
l«T":ilw! t.y what crtmin-dogirts
ettlrcr '.if
riiT. ctosM-s wwivbsU
call -s«irv.-.i;.'ii“ greativ To iti.rrsnbto eolor. his eissKi or bb> sort
»b-wr oUFsettes folsw to .tmorira'H
tbe Ii.-:n..>.i or a r-js-titbr. .d, the
> baieled JusUce •
positlmj. with
OT I..r......
very - r a
a man. W'ute i«
his r«_il w.rth
W-!" -tiro -..rt, 1M»I
inocb to tlieiuaelr
There n
wiMlthy re— ,
,. -.
the Bin:
a« to tbi> e..kwed nice to tpit wi
if «ii. It id-tn-c lumlllr
m*ed !• of a;;otb.r.rsce. the lu.m
tlie colored tuan who aUiws by his ll
th-if tlicy ppgaril Ibe j-tiMic seriitnt
lio In ttfrir si-e-e-h—i atwl'writints
will. Jicwiites them wlicii tlnT
that b« dcaervw* such ttvj.tme.iu for
Iber seielte or p»rRfy tbe t.fli.l.
I* s-jnly tbc-b:gh.M wi-.k<in to »
late the toworwiioocek'Muiikcthtwi
CDU.1W to evdte;. ^-:^:er n--w rc.4eunragr in the culori'l raee ail Uio
jf tbc iqc lieaf th.-> proper share of tto- itul<Tlc ,
log and to C
iodli'ldoals wIm an- Iitoiivl. iiidusiritl«- Kto-ue bntd-'tts a« 1-Hog wren m-c- ol-Jretl.m
ous. law abiding, nml wbo tto-n-fore Enable art of Uk- criii;;n;d h;u --If. and. al-lc Iban the .rli-lenr «. talnr wbo
j-ri . !-r ito- rtrti.
make gOi«l .nid xif.- iK-ighto-ts slid
la add!l!-Kj. t-y tlw- iTo;o::i.-a.;.> d;.-»
liens. Ib-wnril or j-utudi tbe iudi
give lo tbe bidems di"l Hwt und -iilrtnal on. bto merits as an
miy tetwl to exeite 1.. otL.-r bro-d a.jd
alike in
Em will surely svjik- in
d.-pra«.d nacws thomdiu of e-onmiteditob dtoi -L-ar-1 .< tbc rights of
iMtb ta<-es,lf tie siilistlluie tbis tint: It. swin. wl.-utWro. utul orderly
jurt rul- tb<- haWt .tf uvateg sll the j-uutolmii-nt ntider the toff i- 0>-» N-lf; Olliers, and It to nstiiral tlmt they
nswetncnilsTs of ttor raiv. g.«J and bad. W.1.V l.y wbh-b .•riJuii.aUly
tbik type
nicnt ot wbii-li ll)c aim to fearlessly to
alike. Tlwre to no .jul-silon of "sui-ial ran permanently be siiin.r«-»»-vL
d - e»a-t aiwl *v«i Justice to bB.
tsjimlily'' or ^egr» iloniliuiti-et' In­
fUdread Emptcyss*' Heors and Eight
volved. only tlw ijueslini] of n-lellllessHour Law.
Iv pumsbing bad men uiid of sncuriiu;
to tto- K<«) man (tw right to bto life,
bto liberty tiiid tbe j-uivult of lus liaililii.SiS as bis own qualili.w «f ln>art. Ih-wI
and band ettoble bin. to a- bieve ll.
Evcfy •■olori'd iiiua-.bould n-aliuMbat
tbe worm .-iieiuy of iu< mo- to tlu- Iu^gru criminal. n>»l. ato»ve ail. tbe negro
crimloal wIh> e.iiiiliilto lb>- dlv;:dful
crime of rn|>e. and :t sbuukl
os In Ibe tiigbest degns- an .ffensagainst Ito- wb-de cuuuliy an-I
0-. i.
tbc s-uliirt-d ra<v in purtl
help Ito- ..tfHx-o.
cvbsrod man 1
Ibe tow ii
iM-sliu-ss and seal every
such liifaiu'jus
nffciidcr. Minv-ver, In
my Judgment, tbc criuu- of ia|H- nbool.I
always to- punlstosl witb .Irath. aa is
wltb luunh-r
AssaoJi wHb
Intent lu o.iimilt rito- filmukl. be made
;b- dl«wa cnjdtal vTlr.H-. ut b-a-4 I
tlou ut tbo vuurt: aiut Jlr.i
bc-tua.1.- by wbUb lb- pui.i.J.m-ut tuny
follow Imuiclint-’lp upon Uc- bn-ls of


I rail yi.iir alPsilW to flic mvsl of

s-«-».. H,_

^>rcschcn «l
limiting the number
11 mi 11 HI
lery mod­
Id cap
erate «uw. aii.1 1 .vn .•oiw.-to.- ,-f tui aeIn Uraling
hal. with III. <na-<rii-rts alT-'ctlii
ri.His ot.JCi-C.m to It. ludee.1. so fkr
corp-irtitarns. mil males mdoii*.
as tt 1s In «Hir ikmstv. It aboukl be our
r more lioiiortatit
.nlni stro.lIU to redo.s- the nomber of
lin-mlier tliaii .aisbl else, and t
hours ivf l.itoir.'witfa ns a gal tbc gentlie InHniU- barm O.rne I.}' prra.-b.-rs of
j„(r.,lu.-tlon of au Wgt.t b-wr day.
mere dto.-oUtom. Tto-sc arv the im i. -n.ere atv> Industries In which U to
Bb'i N-ck to cx. iic « violent rtus.
i«»ii,u- Hat the toNsns « labor
balfvd ngalgfrnll uicu .rf wnitth.^oy
be r.^hlc•d. Just as there aro
nfc wise and jiroj-vri I
c-mniunli!es n-a far enough advanced
Uicnis fur tie- Iwller cvmtrol of —
for su.-h a movement t-> he f.»r their
IKiratioiis and f.w doing away with tl
pssl or. if IU tbe troi-b-s. so rituatad
nbiros. c.»un< with w.-allb into
That dx-re la no analogy between tbeir
s-ampalgn of by»li-rlral ex«-ltv:ii--ot 01
needs aud oars In tbto nutter. On tbo
l—bood la which ilH- aim to r< I
IMlLmim of ItouamA for Instance, tbe
> madness t
— ev.Tw way as dlfferwankl^. .Tb- Sinister d.-ntac..sue.
eag<-c to und-rt.
of vl-struction
social,- ib-niw-Ii

eight hour day woul.l Iw ni.urd. Just
t to aisnml,
far as tbc Isthmus
imiTraiil. wb-n- aliltc labor COBl-c empl«ye<l. to to-tber os to wheth­
er the necrasary «-rV to done by ali««i
bku-k itotK^by albai yelhiw men. But
tbc wag.-wort.-n< of tbc 1'Dlted.SUtea
arc of s.. high a grade that alike fro«


!|i itowc'worfcing
flu- uffeUM-. «blb- tbo trial sbauld toIn govsnitO'-ntal
BO ctuiiloctol tlut IlK- V Ictim need unt
ami s-wi:il m-ltosls- am! s-.metline
luuly sbaiiiHl tvbll.
TOasqoeradc as silHi r-.forniecs.
tuooy and That tbe b-Sst i•ossibk• pub
reality ib.y arc ih- .-uemi-s o
Ucity aball l« glta-n to tbt- d-luiU.
tbc raosc tb-y pn>fv« to j
Ilk- in.-oito-rs of ito- tvWu- ra-a.-. on
Jnsf as tbc purv-yoro <
the olb<-r baod. sboUld understand Out
Stotwler In tnrwepaper or luaenxlue are
•cry lynching roptvM-uis by Jm-i
mm-b a bMss<^iig of the bands of civ- cagagNl la an henest-off.-rt lo Is-t.-r
Iliaatlon: tbaT tbe spirit of l>-nchiug what U bad In our social and governlu-vitabl^browa Into ]>rnmllt«!i<« III
the -oiumu:.:ty till tb- l..ul .iiid .evil
1 as
To pn-.-i-'b batrvd of tlo- T.
ervatUri-s who dwell thcrolo.. N» mau
1;,nmau being without having hto own
innrol iialun- p-rnum-iilly t«wi-rf»l
Every l.vD.-biiig m.-ans Ju< *0 much
>“'■«« d. teri.waOou in nil tbe vtilMrrti
any km.wl.-di:e of it and
tben-ron-Just w> inu--!t adilltloual trollI'le for tbe nex( gk-m-ratlou of .Vxneri
tin- U- Is-iii sure and «wlfl.
liut Ic
be Justice.- under ti* law and
m>t the wild and-crooked auva'gery of
a mob.

'**" "''•rely lndu»trtal standpolut aod
slaudiwlut It should bo
onr obj.v
bat we can to toe
<Jlrorilcm of ss-caring tbc getwral ob*rts-ance of on riidii hi«ir day. LnUI
tlr tbe clglit hour
bvk-ral Matuu books baa b>-en very
Now. bonwrvr.

ivvc^sive against him. lo sock
tntolci t mid inttmim to .i.adn-ws
honest n, :i wieee- lit,-I .-itr haifl awl,
wbnbnw ii.rf Hie k!ud of -Ki.-otsl trainwho-' win j-ermU ilwnn t-» a|<jro..,a,e jh,
clangiT In tb- vlortriues
pronebed -nlltlu is Tocti-inlt a crimeI Ic fnlso
signllisl the l-octy ji
■rinriph- : :-l tradiMuretlou of .1
1 :iatl..nrl til ■
{ |»n-vchlttc >nd sni-h
,1 ana tt

kiTvl.v tbrougb the tostrume-utailty of
tie- bureau erf laliw. It is being rigidly
enf-'.-wd. anil 1 toatl eiwedlly Ic abht
wto-tbef or n .t tberr 1* nied uf
fu-th-r legislali.ui in tvfc-rvncr tb-TO«••. Tor o«r i.urjswc 1* to we- It obeyed
In trirll it-. 1,-s# than In Irttey. Italf
hulHlnys durtog vtuinuk-r sbooM be nitntilikbcd for K<iv,inimeot emphiyero.
31 is as dckinbi-fur WBgrvrericero wbet
toil with ilirtr band* as fur salarted
oflIHaU wliic- laba- Is mental tbat

H-rtain uotorictv to some eif lluwc who

tber,- eliuuld bo a mmouable amount

Negro Should Be EducatocL

take part lu It and nny result lu tbe

of holiday.

Tbere is aunther luatl-r whlrti has a
direct Is-sirliig ujem this iiuiili-r <J
i.v uching and of the Icuial-crkn- wli;.-h
KCHU-Umvs' culik tt fortli Sind at oilier
times mc-n.-Iy funibd.ra ibe excuse for
Its existeniv. It U out of Ibe .]<a>
fcjr our j--ojd.- ii-i a whole iwruian-uUy
to rise by tn-adiiig down iiby W tbidr
own UUniU r. 'Kv.-n ll,««. who them-

trni|K.enry pulltlcal so.-r.ts nf ..Hpcm.

Labor sf Women and Children,

to He- lout run ••vejy su- h moveni<-nt
Tlie congrros at lis la-d m-wskai wlrow-III -ithc-r fall or e-t-se will pren-i>ke a jy |ttvride.t for a jriuitjt can-t fic tbe
riuleiitP-Iictloii. which will It-rfitf rv- IHBtrl.-t .tf r.dun.Ua. a iiiiirk-1 step to
suit not miTv-ly Intisdoing tin- mix- advaui-eon the jotli of jiroiierly caring
cUl-t wb-ugbi by Hi.- cli-inagugu-- ua-I for tb- cbildn-n. U-t m.- again urg*
he. ngtlalor. Iitn nl-o In Uii-I.iiiig lb- that the e^jacro* iirnrlde
’•*“* the Uow-«t n-ft»niicr. tbe
upbohl- r of i- i-ular rigii's.

ougfa itiv-«t1gatlon of tbe eoadiUona
of cidld IvW and of the labor of wpni-

« lot lb# im-u.cut prv.Ill l.y .u.-h
»al.c!o,Wly a. him-d.
iualt«i.ln..-pt of tln-lr f.-ll-iw, will iu •'omii-tion U t..-ver x. rtl- ns iu •■ouisuffer
w, viuce lunnitHK v.h-i-i- tic- .b-ni.ig.iaii- uud

en in tb- l;nlle.t mates.
More and
mnre onr ileoid- are. growtog to roeognisi; lire fuel Hut tbe e}ue«il.itia wUeb

tbftU Intbe luMr.-st .rf .me e-lac -"k-*’ *->n'u'iuiti.~. ;dl moral U.nd. Ic‘‘'V eslu-alio., of anuther
tmd M-b
toee-banee «, tbc st-lnt -f e-jirf

rini Imicnnikc outweigh all oftw
and tbe-i two qoe* tno« TOjtoatIrsliy It. tb- rate«.«-y of tbus*

feu- each l..y .«■ girl to g. t .1 good olenic-utnty -.luratinu. l:c« 01 iJie fonmlHII-IO of.oiiT wImIc iHditk-al silunlicn.
Ill i-v-ry eomumnity lltc p.ri>r<-«l --!ll*rns. tboae whi> need lb- « ho-l.s most,
would be dctvrivtsl -if Jli.-m U tl.vy mit.v
nsviv,-,! whirO fj.-dillcs |«>.|h,nj..3.
Tiiis Is as
I- |..i
..f ..ttr .—-n
-.Utc-r. It l.'n- w!i;te man.

olitaIn>-d in
do ev rythi


,q'r pnl-ll-«rt-; t.<wnrl luakin

good rKl'xen. HK It *tttiose. for Inslan--c. who cw
crime of raj.--an- ut tp,- grIty men who have- had .-'tl-'
.-Ml-nc or v.-ry Util-. Ji:>! :•*
nllit.tst InvaritiMy then wi,.
prppen.v. f.M- the irmn vb-» J-'
hy out of Ills i-nrohigK. Uk-

*u- h csto.wUcm ns . J.
lid TU‘t-eec.
srtjoois like namptt.n
where tlk- I<i.v8 .and girl*. Jh- yuing
men Birl young
:jr- Ira'.ne-l lodttstri'.lj- a* wi-!l as !o •ii> tmlinary
pal-iic k -*i.v>l hr.vr.i-lies. Tte- graduat-s

Judgm.-nt ,.tu\ fair dralmg a* l-tw-eu
D s|B--r‘r.-r.dt agnkisl


lu the eu.-t far roer^
Wrj the l.oaie Ilf- of the nation.


horror* inrsli-at to Tbe enitdoymeRt of
• youug ebiblrea in rs--ton.-s nr at s

i.irv .ior- -ml-r and
at l-inc fres- from
;ig--iv Is .L-'i ib-vi
HIIK- !- r:r..-i*e-l
--■'ust iiii-i--—I- by

anywhere aro a M-t .ni our rirtliral.'-u. M N true Heat e-a-h «ate moat
ull.m-iHi .srtii- tlK- «u-*llem to ita
’•'« '* 'h'-rornrh offit-ial to*
Ibc i.-.iiltcr. wltb ItK- r*.
e'llN ptil-l,-i-"l Itf-Mub-ast. wo-ild groat-

Hi-.t tbet iM-niik a Jr .hrip toward amtivlng too public coo• *
k.i-nce and M---urtug nnlty of stato
V grnwlb of t e abu*-*
j,^ tow».- in |«rt rr- ........^--Ir for the .Tig
one law on tb* sui-J-rt wbito •
I -uibreak. 1
b.>i«-f-.r »a- ,b..ald l* s-nartct li.mK.lieteIy, beI- l.-s
a P~-!il1ih^r-. !• o-, uvril fur aa lavesUgAtiid f<-arl<Hs liu! . T .--411,d e-«.l bra-h-l ,i,„ j., r.-f.-re:.-e ll:.-r--f... and Ibe faI3■ cojigrr-s. There
Nt I- a strtVi r-!'
V r-.-lod
« ai-pralv- at -1 v-v
tow-,--r jcistindi -ai:>j |.2—(q or-i-r to
nrcras- on- wrf vt Aus'-ricans ugni.-i.t
tJe-ir f-Jlc4» or ttmr -olb-r .-r-.vion-.
l.-ut 00 baser. vi,o :a a
*;-:rit .of -gr.-c-i .-r to ac-ciM:!::-- <.r
add l-> an nlrvxcdy huge. f-uvtlT,- Ms-ks
to -xj.V-U l..< Mk»w Ar.-rl-"-V__vkh
|caIi->iM dlsTvgant to tln-r uv-'rirc of
t—al rnvl le-ly.
Tlie L;r-.n -cS-» del«nc!i”« otoefs la «rJ-r n- i>:>i::in a
tdeh «>:5cv kUlliU cHi ba evil - .caiity
irf 4v,mip;!-a -with tint uv.-ia tv-.'v, t!vliaucic-s <-Sb-rs fc-r fiiuuevd j-roni. and
uboi h4ir.-l U -.wn'th.- rtv» r.-h;sb.
Hcr-ag* vi> <-uu (h.1.v be ev,i.

* rthM-rodil«1.k- I
tmtl-.n-d jro,«-r-i
ktlc and
tl*g*.ughg'.ru_' «
hio and to-b-rr;
E«tie1b> r.' Liabikty.
^ '
-Ib-or laws whieb tb*
t-ongr.-*'i Imviert a > th- Is*
en ;-ri:..IOT-r.- llaUUty ww A .
C.aiiie-1 4-ej» lu ftdvaiice lo 0d to*
re'-wnlH'Ci of t-tnploJ»TS* liakdity oa
tlie v-feitnl- tserti*. but tbc, Iror did X»Ot
go fsr etjoeirt In >■- le <rf all proroBOn* ex.-ri L-».| l-y --niftfoy-TS. »te-ro aro
unsvold.'.U- o. -•i.’-nt* WU.1 es cn eleatbi
tav-ive-l ill i.rarty everr HUC «f IwMper.-v-na.-t-r'l with toe rarriiaBlr arto.
This :ni-v;y;i-l.i Ktcriilre of life may

be n-deirosl to a ininimBm. bm tt e
It I* a
aed ComeptienisL
^,.31 Sivlal U.)c*?V-- to rorf-ir*l
•n,e pbin ik'ipl- who thmk-Hie »»- .-pir^r-e. or. rslber. tbe famllv off to*
great majority «rf e-os' I. jiu-t Irirlly
farnii-ro. tiyrcbni.cs. wort:‘-r*
„ di«io«l vktlm. to l»*r toe
any of tbc-ni 1— •- in.kial-. ■while
dwhat tittle -r.n.innhty here is n-ver with
an-1. tb“ )) -n to whom
burd-n -rf ko-'b an Incvluwi
:h-as art-cl.iir. wh.j love *a^ajro-.
la olW sronla, Borirty
rrovwnttvn. _______-................
fhe ton-eent »A-<-i the f-rm -rf «!h1 irutaJ.vioU-iifw . American t
wbat ~the'
___ ,_______________
B.I try to n-t .i«v-:nly
jt* duty Iw taring tbe srbOl*
frciinetiHy suffer and. It •.* my -ol—rIn'
l-y th-cr D.-ighhore-ow« it lo them- CK.t on ilie ySrtim: wte-fcaa Hie Injury
vstlon. more u*natly siiff.r tliaa tbe iwte of lie—- s.-ho-.’*-,,m,l. for tot
piilty. The while peojik- <rf the aemb tn-Hter of toat. cv-rv «
:<-* from'
1 life- M>*.
rtskt of the rrode. fe
todk-t tbc wbol- colored tn.-c •« tbs «i«a or wociisn-ivrii.v I-:
Inr gc>n-rnm-ai
grouDd tbat evco tlw belter clcmcBta useful and hcm.n(-i- ns
p-iumticai-for BcrtdeliU
• dcstba.t
an4 ato1*teraglu^'« a idatfonn .
.0 the'aetnal
lend no a**l*utkw whaicv-,r to ferret- gcv-sl wUI and rratwrt cj
any line o.
of Industry to
■________ “
die is ib-fvl.y Tlidenee nnd tep^liy.
tVbeoawer -.-onditioB* under whb* that lAdoatry
____. .. crimlnaU of tbeir own color. wb»e nclgbhnr

-------- -- «w:R nb *««ivjj»^to.tlu..c«am

»y!r>JfWWe cojjirod Jwqple most hell* ttie-wbule colored race


« diw«4J.r4‘5WJ


«iuNO Tluvemc

pteead 19M tbe enplojw te will dOM wbicb voald ism to the beMBl
pron^ ssd properir add It to tbe oT die public se a vbok.
----------------- .

l^Umte cost of pfodocttoo eod ee-

fora clear to my mind that tbe Uw
■hiakl ]>Uce tbia entire -rlak o' •
trade- spon the employer. Krttber the
fodeml Uir Mr. aa far at t am tn-

corpomton control
Bor I

Me Ratttred.
Tbe prreest congraae baa takes' looff
Jf^mpto^m'iuWUty'ir. •«<»«, “• ^
fed- ne«r-r
P»«P“ .anpemaloo and control by

- —

femed. tbe aUte laws dteilliic arttb


•ral law ttodid of e^' Inclode em-

ne cotoDilaslou appointed by tte
president OoC 10,1902. at tbe reqaeat
of both tbe nntl^clte coal operatott
• and mlaera, to Inquire into, rooaider
and pus upon tte qDratloBS In' cootroferey In connection with tbe strike
rtoni of Pmnayl-

nverement ov« corporeOnoa
I. and tba
enoruoot majority of curpuratloni of
any aUe are enpaged la interstate bustnem. Tbe passage of tbe ralliray rate
bUl and only to a less decree tbe pasaa«e of tbe pure food bill and the prorlalou for Incrcasiuc and rendertn*
more effcctlre national cunirul orer tbe
beef packlnc lodoatry mark an Ituporuot advance In tbe proj<er direction,
is tbe short seasloo it will perbapa bs
dlfflcult to do mneb fnnber along this
lUie. and it may be beat to wait until
tte laws bare been In deration for a
number of mouths before endearoflng
to lucrease tbeir scope, because only op-

TsoU and tbe canace out of wtaicb tbe
cootrorsny arose. In tbeIr report. AndIniCB aod award expressed tte belief
nfaat tte state and federal forerameota abonld provide tte macblnery
for what may be called tbe compnl-

eretlon wUI abow witb cxactoi-u tbeir
merlu and Ibeir sbortcomlngs aud ibaa
give oi>portanlty to define-wbaj furtber remedial legislation Is needed,
Vet. in uy Judgment. It will In tbe end
be advisable In connection wlib tbe

In nary yarda, anenala and


Mcrri riB^iiiaa «f CtmenMm md

___ y inrcetlgation of controrerelee be- .
tween employers and emplojees when vide for putting a date on tbe label
Ibey aftae." This ex|>nwilon of belief and for charging t& coat of InapecUon
If deserving of the favorable roaaldera- to tbe packere. All these laws bive
tUn of tte congrere awl tbe enactment already Justified tbeir euai-tmcnt. The

Baeotda show that dnrtng the tweufy yean from Jan. 1. li«l. to Dee. 31.
3S00. tfaacc were atrUtea affecting 117.OOP eatabiiabmeaia aod fl.lC6.0M employees were thrown out of employ.
mant During tbe same period tbere
were IgOOfi lockouts. Involving neariy
lOiOOO.eatBbUabmeats. throwing over

diction# Iwth of tlmre who aaserted
that U would ruin the railroads and of
tboa© who aaeerted that It did not go
far cnongb and woold accomplUh
Mttlng. During tbe last five moQtbs
tbe railroada have shown Inctvased
««mlngs and some of tbem uunsual
dlrldcnda. while during tte same petaking effect of tbe taw
rlod tbe B
has prodneed an anprecedented. a
hitherto unheard of. nnmber of voltmIn freights aod fares

I ttUUop people oat of «
■ ^ leckoute Invcdred aa
eotlmated Iom^ amptayeea of «307,000.000 and to employers of 9t43.000._

*>y “*• reUroadt.

nui»d .Irectl, .U l«Ur«l, pn*aUr aa great addlUonal Itas. Bat tbe
|~^ arret as It was. did not

egoal length In wblcb
like so many reduced tariffs bava

^rem M ^utah aod aSertag eo-

beeo pot Into effect

dared by tteittre and cblldrre of
reaployere-where pay topped when
ttelr wdtk stopped, or tbe dlaastroua
affect of tbe atriks or loekoat upon tte
barinare of eoiployen, or tbe loereaaa
In tte cost of pradocts and tbe locoaTonienee and tore to the public.
Many of ttwre strikes and locfcoott
woaU not have oecnrred had tbe pertlca to tbe dlMrte been required to ap­
pear before an nnprejodlced body repMarettnc tte natloa and. face to fare.
otate tbe nasore for
In nnot InstancM tbe dispute woold
doobUeas be found to be dM to a
mtaandentabdlnff by each of tbe
ottafa rights, aggravated by an anwtlUngiiere of ritber party to accept
of tte other as to
tta Jbsdre or Injwtice of tte mattera
indtapote. Tbe exarclae Of a JodKS^
ODlrit br a dlrinterreted bodv retireratire-

tend to create an a

reof frlmd-

tendlBff paraeo,
aide an equal c
fany Ita reae In tte prceence of tbe

Since the founding

On Aug. 27. for

More the^ Uw

from previous ratre.
It most not be Bupposed, however,
that wtUi tbe paaaage of tbeoe lawa it
will be iMOalble to stop jirogreas along
tba Une of Increasing the power of tbe
national government over tbe uae of
repital In luteratatc commerce.
lately be need
itarglng tbe powers of tbe InterBUte commerce commission along aevrral different llnea. so as to give it n
s oScient control over
s the Prepsr Antidtts.
cannot too often be repeated that
«P«l««ce baa coodnslvely aliown tte
of Marly
nrerly half
Half a hundred different
lectstaturea anything but IneffecUve
chore In tbe way of dealing with tbe
great coiporatioua wblcb do not op­
erate excluslTely wltbln tbe limits of
any ooe otate. In some metbod. wheth­
er by a national license law or In other
faihloD. we must exerdar. and tbit at
an cariy'dale, a far more complete
control than at present over these
great corporations-a control that wllL

that will compel tbe disclosure by each
i« tti.


»>>« corporation of lu stockboldera and

the mercy of tte etrongar party t
dtapott ttgardleM of tbe righteousMM .of tbeir KeapactlTe ctalma. The
prepooed measure would be In tbe line
o of tte fact that
In many atrikre tbe pabllc baa itaelf an
Intarsot ittkb renuoC wisely be dtareffaidad-aa Interret not merely of gen­
eral eonrenlenre, for tbe qneatlon of a
•11 teglatattOD of this
kind It ta well
odvanre cantlooely.
teaUng recta atep by tbe aetnal reatdta.

wageworkere. Our effort should be not
so much to prevent conaoUdatlon aa
inch, but so to supervlae and control
t ni to see that It rreulta In no bom
0 tbe people.
Tbe reactionary or
nitra conservative apologlita for tba
mtanae of wealth a»uiU tbe effort to
aoeb control aa a step Wwatd
Aa a matter of fact. It ta

Tba atop prepoaed can enrely be safely
taken, for tte deelekma of tbe commta-

these rrec
irica.and ultra ronsrevatlrea
_____ ___________
tbemsdvea most potent

■Ion wonid not bind tbe partlea to legal
ftieblre and yet would give a tdainee
for public optokm to cryaUlUae and
ttaaa to oxen its faD force for tbe rtgbL

m Incrrealng aodaliatic feeling. One
£f tbe
efficient luetboda of avert­
ing the conaequeecea of a daugerore
agitation wblcb ta 80 per cent wrong
to remedy tte 30 per cent of evil
to which tte agitation li well fonnd. Tbe best way to avert tbe very
■ ' •'
for the

Joat and proper pnbUe polky mtwt alea


diereiir «r H.renri. >r

Withdrawal of Coal irenda.
It la not wtae that tbe nation eboald
tUMAto Its remaining coal lands. 1
bare tenporarUy withdrawn from art*
Uasent all tU lands wfalidi tbe geolog.

ownership of nllwaj-e Is to scnire by

• containing
The tpmtlon. however, can be proper
ly aetttod rely by legtatatlon, which, to
_ __________ _ should provide for tbe
wttbdrawal of ttrea tanda from rela
or from entry save to certain eapretal
then Rtnsin to tbe Fnlled Btalra.
whichnbouM not. however, attempt to
work tbem. but permit tbem to bo
worked by prirste Indtvlduata under a
royalty ayMem, tte govrrnmcQt keeptog BUdi control aa to
It to sea
o permit II
ttat M «xcc*a>re price was charged
______ ____. It would
____ of courre
be __
necreaig to wpervire Vbe' rat^ rbarg_________ ____
«d by Ibe COOBOO comera to
charged by
tte prodoct ae tbe
tboae wbo mine It and tbe superrtaloa
most extend to tbo rondoct of the
Bum carriera. so ttat they ahall to no
way favor one competitor at the expenre of anotter. Tbe wittdrawal of
tbeae rwl lands would crestttute 4
pulley analogous to that wblcb boa

•»<J regulation of tte great Intentato
conunon carrirea ai will do
the evils wblcb give rise to toe agitaacataat tbem. tto ihe prop.v a
and wicked
*l<lotr t ) tbe

auen ta to aware by projwr isgtalatloQ
»»»»■ •‘'oaea which a.tuall} do oWoto
la retuiwiloa with tbe business ure of
»ealtb under our prereut system, or.
rather, uo system, of full
rise any adequate coutrol at all ftome
peraoitfspeskoslf the .-xen-ire of aueb
goveromental control would do awsy
with t
freedom of lu.llvidual Inliii
“O*! dwarf Individual effort. Tbla
Is not a fs.r. It would be a veritable
rsUmIty to fall to put a premium upon
IndUidnal InlllallvtvIndividual capaci­
ty and effort, upon the ctkTgy. chatactor and foreelght which It Is so lo-ponant to .-o.-ourage in the Individual.

liter of fact, the <l.-a.lenlng

V. and Ibe destruction of Indlridnol character vfhl.-ii ih.-y would
bring about are In part a.-blcved by
tte wholly unregulated .vunpctlttre
which resnlte to a single Individual or
at tte ex|H>(we of all
ethers notll bis or Its rise effectually
cbecks all rompetltion and reduces
former compelllon to a poslllou uf «tw lufertortty and
In enacting and rar.-ivitig sucb tag-

tcletloci a* tbit roaenwe almdr bee to
111 credit wf ere woctlncoo a coherent
pUa. «iU> tbe itradT codearor to se­
cure the Deeded reform by tbe Joint
actloB of tbe medcnite men. tbe plala
who do not wub Bsythinc byatertral or dao«eioM. bat vbo do In­
tend to deal in reaulute cuomion sensa
faablon with tbe real and mrat erlla
of tbe preeunt ayatets. TIh- reactioaarlee a^ tbe. violent extn-ail«ta ibov
Botb assert, for Insianre. ttwt. If iogIcal. we ebouM go to guveniment ownenblp or nllruads and tbe like, tbe re­
actionaries beenuse on eoeb an Issue
they tbiDk tbe people would stand Vlib
tbem, while tbe extrewlsU core ratter
to preneb dlscoateot and agitation than
to'artalere solid resuiu. .ts a matter
of fact; unr position la aa remote from
that of tte Boorboo reei-t^uary aa
from that of tbe ImpreclicalTe or sin­
ister visionary. We boh! that tbe covmiment abould not condnet the boslnesa of Uie nation, hut that It should
exerdw such supervision as will In­
sure lu being ••ondmrted In tbe lutereat of tte nation. Our
Li la so fur
ns msy W. to secure 1
hardworking men equality 'of oppor­
tunity and equality of buiden.
Neeassity of Combinationa.
Tbe actual working of our laws has
Bbon-n that the effort to protilliit all
eombloatlov. good or bad. U uuxknis
where U ia not Ineffective. CoiubUtatlon of cspItaL like combination of la­
bor, la a necessary element of our preaeot Industrial syitem. It la not inksIble cotnpicu-ly to prevent It. and If It
tlon would do dau>age to tte body pol­
Wbat we need la uot vainly to
try to prevent all eoniblnatlon. but to
inch rigorous and adequate con­
trol nud autwrrUlon of tte coiublnatlona aa to prevent Uidr lujuriug the
public or exlallng in attcb form aa in­
evitably to threaten Injury, for tlm
mere fact that a combination has aocomplete funtrul of
lary of life would uuder any
lance alMW that aueb <-ombl
a to be presumed (o be ad
Tcnc to tbe public Interest. It Is un­
fortunate that our present laws abould
forbid all comUnatJona Instead of
comblnatloni wbkb do good aod those
comldnallona wblcb do evil.
Rebates, for Insunce, wre as often
due to tbe pressure of big shippers <aa
afaown In tbe investigation of tte
Standatd Oil company and as lias been
shown since by the Invcstlgntlon of
tbe tobacco and engar trastij as to tbe
ittlllatlvc of big nUroada. Often rail­
roads would like to .•otnbltii' for tbe
purinec of preventing a big sbippor
at tbe expense of small vhlrqiors and
of tbe general public. Such a eumbliiatloo. Instead of Iwliig forlilddeD by
taw. should be favoivd. Iii oilier wonls.
It should be pernilUed to railroads to
make agreements, provided ibrse acrovments w-erc saDcaoned by the Inter
state commerce
published. With (here two cootlilluus
complied witb. It la Impossll.lo to scu
wbat barm sucb « romblnation eoold

both jodgit and Juries rrallxe that Its
full cnforci-ioint wonid destroy ibe
business of tbe country, for tbe result
ta to make dtsvat railroad man viola
tore of tbe taw against tbeir trill aud
to put a premium on tbe N-liBrior of
tbe willful wrongdoers. 8mb a result
lu ttim tends to throw tbe decent man
iQd tbe
soclalloD OUd In tbe end to drag down
tbe former to Uie latter's level, for the
man who liecomes a tawbreaker In one
> low all respect
for taw and to be willing U> break It lu
many waya No more- w-aihlng .■ond.>mnatlon enuM be visited upon o law
than Is contained In tbe words of tbe


-mumoAV. occcmicr «, wot.

MM otter ioallty or otter etstr. Tbe
baa h»s dotred
f reoeaae from a tariff «
ports and hom an Istemel or exclae
ttx. Is addition to tbeae, there ta rrary reaeoo wb.r, srben s^Kt our ayaten of taxattoa la rertaed. tbe national
tsberltaare lax and. If pondbte. a pradnated income tax.' Tbe man of crest
wealtt o»re
tbe state because be derives sts-dal
ndraetages from tbe mciy rxlatence of
govemuH-ut. Not onl.v sbonld be rei-ogttUc tbla obligation lu tbe way be leads
bU dally life and In tbe way be «>amt
and sp^s his money, but It slionM
also be recogulacd by tbe way In
which be pays for the protection tho
aUte gives him. On .tbe one lutnd. It
Is d*>s1rablc that he should a-some hia
full and proper sli.ire of the iHirden of
tniatlon: on the other hand. It b> qnite
as Deei-ssary that in this klnd'of taxa­
tion. where the ttim who vote the tax
pay Iiut little of It. there abould !>•
clear ercoenltlon <5f llie danger of In­
augurating liny sa>b system save In a
S|»lrlt of entire Justb-e aud inoderation.
Whetievi r we as a i>oople undi rtake to
remodel «.ur taxation system nbmg tbe
lines nigg'-sled we must make It clear
tieyond Jieradvcntiire that ■•or aim is to
distribute, the burden of supporting tlie
snvcniment more cqiiitubly than at
press-nt. that we intend to lr>wt ricb
man and |K>or roan on a basis of abso­
lute equality anfl that wo irgaril It.aa
equally fatal to True democracy to do
or permit Injustice to the one as to do
or penult Injttstbs- to tbe other.
1 am well awan- that such a snbj.-ct
as this n«>e«jB long aud careful study lu
order that Ibe iicaide may Ix-conie fa­
miliar with wbat Is|sewd to Iw
done, mnv dourly sis- the necessity of
with wlAom and m-U
etralDt aod may make up tb<-ir minds
Just bow far tbey are willing to go in
the niotler. while only traln.d'legittators can work out the project in
necessary detail. But 1 fei-l that ia tbe
near future our luitinual lt>gislatuni
abould enact a taw providing fur n
graduaiud iuberitance tax by wbh-h a
atredlly IniTensIng rale of duly should
be put upon all mom-ys or other val­
uables coming by gift bequest or devtae to any Individual or rorinjraUon.
It may be well to make the tux lirevy
in pr<HK>rtlou as tbe Individual bcuemed is remote of kin. In any event. In
my Judgment, tbe pcp rati, of Uie tax
abould Increase very benvily with the
increase of Ibe auiounl left to any one
iDuJrldual after a certain iKiint has
be«ii reached. It ta most ileslraUte to
encourage tbrift and ambiiloo. aud a
]H)tcnt source of thrift nml uiubltion
is Ibe desire on Ibe part of tb.- bread­
winner to leave bis clilldren well off.
This object can be atlaliii-d by making
tbo tax very siiiulion muderutciiuiouiits
of property left because the prime obJeet should U- -to ]>ut a tvnslutitly In­
creasing burden on tte luberitiiniH- of
those swollen fortunre wblcb it is .-ertaluly of no benefit to this c.mutry to

Dtidered togcibcr wItb tte previous dc-lsloM
tte subject may perbapa iiulbwte tbe
possibility of devising a esasUtutioaal
income ux taw wblcb sball substan
tially accotnpliib tbe ivsulu admed at.
Tbe d'lbcnlty of amewliug Uie cousn
tntb>D Is so great that only real ucw
ally itiu Justify a resort thereto Kv*vy
effort shouU be cuide In dealing u|tt
this subject, as w ith tte subj.-et .if the
PDHUT <s>ntn>l by die govmmeat over tte use of cotporaie w.-slib
In Interstate ^us!ues^ to devise legis­
lation w-blcb wliboni au* acOou «ball
attain the desIrvO end. but If ibn. falU
there will ultimately Is* no nlirruatlve to a consiitotloual auendiueut.

rrx-uu n i-e.-«:urly h;gb trjv of'imcr- sbeoM lie relrgstod to tta aulbarity at
Wau rittaeaddp. aud be rnuot bare tbe the national rt-Bgrere At prreeM tta ’
same chuiKV to rise and de.elop ss « kle diffctvoci-s to the taws of tb» dlfother Amertcan citloeos hare.
More- fereni states os tbla aabjeei roattl to
vn-r. It 1s exactly as une of the farm­ sraadata and alstses. and satriy ibM
er ss It is of tbe b(uJiu-«s lusn aud tbe ta nothing sn TltaQy essenltol to tlta
«ag<-wurkvr ttat tte ull.msie MK-eraa avlfare of the nation, nothtog aroand
of tbe nation of wbK^ b.- tortus a i«rt which tte natloa sbiald ao bred ItteU
luurt Iw founded not aloue on msterlai to ttt«w every safeguard, as Us- Umm
prv«|a-rlty. but U|sui high mural, men­ Ufe of rtie average cttixen. The riunga
tal aud physical de...k>i>(ucijt.
This would U- g».-d fruni every stsudputot.
.■ducallua of tbe fsrairr- srif edu--a- In partlculsr It w«iU be good Uwan-w
Uon by perivTVDiv, but al-oi educaiiuo It Would enfer on tbe codgresa tba
fron> tbo ..utsMe. as « all other I-i-.ver at wire to deal radlvaUy sod . fIiieo—is 1-e.uliarly neMiua:ry berv to Cci.-nOy
Witt polyouiy. and this
the rnited Stato«. «bvrv the frontier sbotiid be d,.nc sbetlx-r or tn>t tuorv.n>dtUo:>B e..-u lu tte newest slates rlogc oiBl Biv .h-alt with. It to
ba.e now nearly vsnUlMd. where
neither s-yfr u.w pr.qs-r to have lbs
th.-r.- must lie a suiwillutlon of a more -nwsfi.rtj of is.iygsni.r to be dcstt with
li.t. tiid.e svsteu. ..f vulli.allou t-v the by fis- se..-r#l state* Power (.. deal
<-’.cl nnsta-'ul Itirni mamicefneiil .-lud will It v!k.uM lx- couf.-rtej ou tte nati.-- -t t-'-enns-iit
.•rg..nlt3Ii>-a.r.uu>nc the fannrei. them
\» h-i. ‘..vnii- i.« arW^hsmtasI. when

Bxarily bow fur ibe lidieritna.-e tax would, as an Incld.-ut. Lave
tbe .-ffe.1 of lludduc the iraDsuil-«luu
by dcilse or gift of tbe euormi>U' fortnuos lu queslkiu It Is not uccvssary iit
present to dls<'uiu.
It ta
progress ]n .this dlr.v-tion aliould lx.gradual. 0 At first a ix-i^iueui uullonal Inlieritiiuee tax. while It might
Im> more subsinutlal than any sucb lux
has blthiTto Iwn. li.-ed not np|)roxl-

though it Is of course dlfOitilt <inaniltatit.-Iy to measure. Ibeeflis-t uism a uatlou's crun-tb to grenlurss of wbat'mty
rtuen c-asetS'.rtowrd ■
be call.d urgaiiiaol jeitrioiism. which
S.-v.-ral fartorw n;u-l co-o|wral.“ In
> life, with suit* dutlea ,
neceasaHIy Includes tlx- sulwlliutlon »f
n«- .improvcii..-iit ..r -tlx- furu;.-r's- rid:. ]
cl and Jill It* rwpousitioual feeling for mere l.h-ril pride
■'•-islltlun. lie iiiiiri h:...- tin* chan-'e
np to as the life best
Tvsuluul a hlgti amblilim fre
to I— eilncnlol Ig th- wiil<--t |sxu<lble 1
llxu evil days for tbe
tte w bole country. .\o iwUntty ran d.►-•II—- 111 till- s.-ii«e wh;.-h le.-ji« i-v T cnjtiu»-r,..«-.iiTU are st band.
v. -lo|. Its full Mn-iigUi sa loiig as the
lu '.X-.. th- imlioat.- Irtati-Iishtp
er.- r.-gi-ii- lu our latMl and riaares of
parts which make up the wh..h- each
twi- .i tlx- theory -rf .*lr..-alx-i. .an.l Ihe our ^■>I.ulatb1u where ibe birth rato
put a feeling of loyalty lo tlx- jBitt fo. is ..f life,
ill nil .dtii-jil.m we ha» sunk l«-lvw Hie .l.-ath rau*. Bare­
above tte feeling of~ lovaltv to tbe
t-h.-nU wi-leri our aim-.
It I- a go-»l ly It -h-ukl ix-ed no .k mousiratltoi 10
wbob-. This Is tfin- of
und It
II. 'ng T- a .-i iuiiii i.mnls-r ..f s.jHiW th d willful stenlit.v I*, fpun tba
ta just at true of cln.M.-s. The lii.l.i*
tri.i..-l -,-h-lar- cn-l -ludci.ts. but l»ie!|.aiit ..f Ibe ualbiu. from tbS
trial mid ngri.uliunit cldsw-s tau«t s-tii'-lion l-y tlx- Mate st.-itidvoliit.of tlie huiuan rare, the ooa
w. .rk togcilH-r. caidtalUis oud wage-»t -c^-k rmb.-r to pn-l.l-v i, hiuxlrcd
sin f.jr.j»to<I) the jwualt.t 1s i.xiumal
wurk<-rH must wo* t.vcilicr. If- tbe g—.l .•;li.<-i.M than iix-rol. oi:c -.-b.>l.-ir,
.l.-ath. jtare;
for wblcb best work <-f which the .-..iint^' 1s ca- niu-i iiow ntid then
then- i* im si»io^itoj.a!n wbt.-hta.
table Is to Is- don.-.
It t* pD.l.8blo froiii th.-. 1.S* Is-di to Ih - MU.I; of lb.' tb.- uiotv dr. sdfal . xneity tn i.roporIhat a thoroughly effl.-U-Dt s.rstein ..f gn-nl txag. ..f nature tl--lf
■nils 1*
tlmi BS th.- iio-n Btal wutiien guilty
educalloq .-uutes next li> Ih.- liiOiieiiw CISH-Iully Iroc of tlx- bm.i.f, ... has tlx-rcrf ar.- in other iv<p>s-ls. lu .i..e.
of lutHoiisin lu bringing oluut nmi.ui- Isssi ««it again a.-d aga.^ by ai-ler siul I—lily and osutal |s>«era,
al su.-.-e*.. of this kind, oqr f.-,b-ral all Olxwrv.-r- lonsi cwni-t-tit to j«*s Uu—- whitoj for tbe sate of the xloto
form <if govenim.-n«. so fruitful ..f ad
I'racliiiul JixU-im-i;t t-ii lb>- problem, of It would Ik- well to see the fathers and
vaiitncr to our ixs-ple lu .i-rtain waya. 4.iir i-ountry lif.All sturtenu now motlxHw of many healthy chlUren,
In other ways uiulnubtedly UniHa our realise tli.-n" -lin aiton nm.l «s-k lo well brought up In boiues made happy
national cfl't-viivre.-ss.
iralo tlie CX..-UTI..- |.>w.-rs of young by tbeir |•re•.-Dee. , No man. no woit It isMstl.le, for Instance, for jKs.ple and to .-.infer more T«-fll slgshi* lU- i-rnimry dotlsa of
the natlniuil govcruiiK-lil to take the lilfi.'uDce ujsni the | -dipilly of
wls-tber lor 1..V
li-ad in t.-chnl.iil Imlustrtal tvlu.-utlua' nii.l to i>r<-piiro lb<- pitplU so
for any other esure, I
ttiat. in to •w.h d.-tvlopliig In
D bis re iK-r Brif respect.
III. - hlgli.-wt degree his iikIIvI.IubI enAmoriesn Shipping.
ul.'ul. Industrial, sch-ntllh- aud coni- pai-lty r->r wurt. tli.-y may lon-lbcr
men-lal sld.e. This must I* h-ft pri- Ih l|> cn-ate n riglil public .qdaluii and
marily to the s.-v«ral states. Nev.-r- idiow in many ways --sal aiul eotteless the national giivenunent baa 0|s-ni1lve »|ilrit. Orgaulutlixi bas becoutrol of the sebooU of the DtatrU-t of ••oiin- tier.-s«iiy- in the bo<iix>.* world,
Is tbe question of developliig Anwetran
t'qlumhla. au.1 It should sc- that ttesc an.l It has ac.'uuipitab.-d urn- h f-.r
■hipping. 1 troat that a taw riabadyschools promote nud encourage tlie In tbe wo^ of labor. It Is no l.-ss neoIng lu Mibstanre tbe views or ■ major
of the rtbolan In essary fgfTarmers. Such a iiiov.ment
part of the news exptvsoed in the reboth commerrlal and Industrial train­ BS the gniuge niovcuu-nt ta -gnoil in
IKWI on Ibis Bubjeet laid befor* Ibe
ing. Tbe commerelal training KlMuld Itxi-ir 'aiKi Is eii|Hible of a well uigb
bow at Its laM sesslno wtU be faaasa
In one of its brRii.iies deal with foreign Inlliiltc foillicr cxli-nsl»ii for g.-sl m
1 am w.-n aware that In forwto y««n
trade. Tli.- lixlii-trUI training ta even long ns It Is k<>|>l to Its own h-gitimale
objectlouahle meosiins. have boro pro­
more iii.|H.riiint. It sbonld l>c one of bo-liii-ss. TIk- beiii-lita to be derived
posed In reference to Ihe eocourogoour pritn.' »bjwta a* a natl.m, so fsr by tin- »i*-to.-:alioii of fartuen for tnument of .\mcric«D ablpidug. but It
as feaslbli.-. .■onetuntly to work toward tuul sdvaulag.- are jNirtly ecuuomie
•n-ms to me that tbi- projK-wd niMS- pottlug tlu- in.-clianl.-. the wagvwo*- aud lonly' sucli^igUwI.
nearly i
or who Works with his baiHls. on a
Agricdtural education.
any cou be. It will of roorw benefit
higlivr ptaiH- .if vffl. leni-y and reward,
Moreover, whlk- In the long run vol­ prlmnrlly our sealicaid atatos -oueb Os
so us to lu.-n-ase his i-ffis-tlverMsts in
untary effort will jiroxe iix>.ie offica- Malue. liuulstaiia aixl M's!
tlx- cconoml.' world an.l llic dignity. rious than g»v.-runiciit ysslkinnce.
but what I's-iH-Ots part of our pt«ple la
ih»> r.'muin-rnil..n and th<- p-iw.-r of Ids wWle iFie funix-rs imiM prlMinrlty do
tile cud beiM-flta all. Just aa goTern positl.m III tlx- aortal world, mform-wt for Uicmw'l.c*. yet llh- g..vern- m.-ut old to irrtgstlou aod forestry to.
tniuil.-Iy. nt jin-s.-nt th.- .-ff.s l of wime
mciit can also du imicb. Hie di'iurt- tbe wisu is really of benefit not ooty
of tbe wo* in the public si-hiwta Is In
Blent df agri.nJtim- iws liruken new to tlu- n.H-ky wuuDt«lu Btateo. but to
Uw .-xacU.v opisisll.- <lir.slion. If l«ys gronii.l In nmnv diriH-th.ii*. aut y.-nr
prove 1
by yi-nr It iiu»l« li-i.» it .-:.u Imins...- I<* tl.-slilf to ejiuct a law for the eDcoorng-nx-tit of kl.ii.j.liig g-nerally. then
Its .-...iMai.t .-fl'.irt ta to gl..- tbe pox- at l•■u*l pn.viwou ttoukl be made for
cmmeiitul iis*iBlBii>-e l.i tin- iixist effes.-- better <\Hnmuntcat1on
tlre way
Aim-Hei. notably for fast mall llMa
n-liH’lant to go Into It re imfittnl in do
r through to tu- chief itootb Aioerican porta. It
faruM.ra rattier Hun
w.-n If tliey do go Iiitn It. This Is a
Indlridttsl- fnrmura.
It U alau atrivt» us that our btuilMM
teli.i.-io-y whirii sh<ml.l Is- stcvuu<mBly
IBC to co-ordinate Ita w.i* with tte people, for ta* of dlre.1
fiur Industrial dcv.-I.qv
agricultural di-iuirtn>euts of tlx- m-vni.-ni deiHtids birgcly uisiu tis-hnl.-al
enil stan-s and, sn fsr as its own work
(sliK-uiioti. lucluiiiug III Ibis term all
is .sluealltoial. to e...rfHlit.i(e It WlUl
Industrial education, from t!.;.t which
the Work of otl«-r edis-atloHal afitbnrfits a man to be >i g.xsl uim.iinnlc. a
llic*. Agricultural cdui-atliiti I* m-vro
goisl curis-nter or l.lacksmltli, to that
Mrtly baxed .i|->n gein-rnl ducullna.
whlrii fits a uiiin to do tlie grcnicsi «-nbut our. Bgriciiliarul .slucatt.mal liisllglneerliiB H>al. The KkllhsI nicclmnlc.
tutkNM ar»- wisely »i--.-iallxliig ttejothe skllUsI workman, ran tx>st tussime
ts-l..-s. m;.king ll..-ir -uinwa relate to

tent of tbe lo.-r.-asc by gruiUiati.-n. to
wbat sucb a tax should ulmnat.-lv ls>.
This stHvles of (nx has again and
again Iss-n ImtHised, althougii only
teiuiwrarll.v. by tbe national govern­

snrii by teehnlcal liwliisttial educntlan.
TIh- far rea.-lilng UM-fulnext of insti­
tutes of lertmningy" oud scliuols uf
niliK- or .d cngim-'riiig ta i.o.y ii ib
v.-rsally n.'knuwii-.lg.'d. stxl ixi less

Ethical Frepristy Unqusstiened.
Tber.' can lie no .|«c>:ion of tbe «bical pru|irlely of lUe go.crmueiit Ibua
deieruilnliig tbe cotHlilluus u|H>n wbk-b
any gift or Inberiiance should be re­


ment. It wre first by the act
■ncs-lianl.-r.I i
le* ««b.»ol. a
of July 0. IT9T. wb.m ibe nmk.-rs of tbe
xTili- ..r wiit.-bmakliig nr .-rigrvvlng
tiH- far
Ii.Mit. .VII Bu.-li Irniiilng mu-t d.-.vlop
joint traffic nsaockitlnns do
It only niamial <1. xb-rily. but In.lneIe.'hnlcwlly rIoUte tbe Inw. th.-y «ay: Though aimill lu amount, the rale was
iai Intelllgvins-. In Itil.-nialiiiiiai ri"TIk- decision of tite rnlt.-d States su- lucn-iiMxt with tU.- amount left t.> any
ilry tills is.uiitry ll■■-s nut have tu
prenie court to lbe tranamissuurt^re Individual. cx.->l>ti.>iis Iwlug nimk- In
tte .-asc uf evrialu c1.>m- klu. A sim­
and tbe Joint Traac
uueb ns U lins tu fenr tbe <.|U'ii1>-d
baa produced no praellrel eff.-ct upon itar tax was again lm|Hnx}d by the act
nl-.r of s|---lally iraitx.l •-■Kiii--rit.di..
tte railway npcratloDs of the .-ouatry. Of July 1. I%d2. a mlnlmnui sum uf
mil .Vf Shuilkl liit.e Tlx- ..Luealion of
Sorb a»a.x-tali0iis. tu fact, exist now 8I.<BS) in personal proiwrty being exbe hand, ey.- i.ixl l.raln wbl.-li will fit
■I they did U-forc th.-s<- dccUluns aod ccjilcd from tuxatlon. Ihi- tax theu la.-with the aame general .•ff.- t. In Jus- CunilUB progressive uir-urdlog to the
err i—vlble wnc w.> shuuM help
Oce to all i.«rti.-s we ought probably
ug.|.voi1..T wlM-ti.iI. ..-till bis
to add (hat It Is difficult tu mv b.iw our act of June 13. 18HS prorld.-d for an
nml w’1iu Tiiu-t v.»- h-is- In a
railways could lx- op.-rate.l Inberltantv tax on Buy sum ex. eedlug
of the
with due regard to tbe lutereai of ttic.
with hi. I'u.h r Ih.- .•..i.-lllTitiun
•hipper an.l tl>e railway without coii- tax ini rcasing b.uh lu ii.vunlamv with
tlx- imiioual k-gislnture . ai. -h. but Ut­
refted action of tbe kind afforded tte ntuouuts left and In a.i-unlaui-^
with (he legatee's retiiol. n.-*s of kin. il.- of direct imi-inni..-.' fi-r h:. w. lfar..
ttrougb there assoi-tatiana"
sa.e Wbeiv h.- Is eugact'l In wo*
This means that tte law as construed Tbe BuprcDH- court has held that the
v.l'ih-li i-Tiiiit- It t- IM-I uiKler Ihe luby the saprenic court Is aueb that tta BlK-oraslou lax ltu|>»cd at Ih.- time of
l4-rsi.ii4- g.>iiiui.-r.v .laii-- of tbbaalnesa of the eouuity cannot la- .-on- tbe civil war was uot a dlr.-ct tux. but
Hilulien. ;nnl Ihl. 1- on.- .............. why
dneted without breaking It. t rewm- an liu|Hsit or excise nbi.-h was iMtb
.More rccpul- I so 4-arii.-.llv li.-i— tloit l->th th-- l.-gmend that you give careful and earl.v consillutloual aud valid
Islatne riud Jii.l>.-inl hrai..-h.-« of.tbe
coosideratlou to this subject and. If will ta.n.rnm thi* rtsuMMr.
you find Ibe vplnhin of the
lif Ih.- .'■iii.tltmion ID U..- bron.l.-t |.o*
- commission Justiflol. qRbat exceedingly able and .-laU.rwic (llM.-nasloii of tb.- i*ow.-rs of the coiigivss to
a ii...ueras liidu-trlal (raluluc. lu
ltui«-se drath diitle.. s.isulued Ihe
n n.alt.-r as --liiUl Uhnr an.l f..ccousittuilunality of the Inheritance tax
feature of tbe war r.-v.-uu.- a.-t of ISbS. t.vry la.. *, x- t au .-vainple I-. (1..- stal. s
iatis/vg,f. re.v nicriiccm
by raavlrtlg the P.i“«t Bit. an-ed tagtsINCUAb lAX
lotiun tlUit <an Wis.-ly Ik- enacted for
In Its locld.'uu an.l njiun from tbe
tlx- Ihstrirt of roltinligi.
Botb Tbla ud Uberitincc Tax Stroofly main purpuse ..f raUiug revenue an :uvouie tax stands .-u uu .-niirvly differ­
ent f.s>tlng from su inlieritiiniv tax.
The question of tnxatlen ta difficult beenuM- it involves no qucsiiun of tbe
to any country, hut li ta esp.x-loIly dif­ per]-<'ifiatloo of r.wiun.-s swollen to on
ficult In ours w 1th Us f.-deral eystiUi of unh.-althy else. The question Is lu Its
govcrmix-nt. Rome taxes abt.nld on ev­ essence a qnestlou of tbe pn-[«r adtdop Pn^y.
ery ground he l.-viwl in a small dta- Jttstm.-nt or MirJ.-iis tu l-enciitK.
I'he ouiv irtbcr i-cri-ous «Uov.- w
trirt for u«e In that district. Thus tbe tbe law uoir staiids It U uud.nibuslly
tare U ii» vitui to t! of 1
taxation of real estate U peculiarly dlffi.-ult (-) cl.-vt>.-o uniloual
abole i-..uqtry us 1» Hi- uclJare of t
one for Ibe Inimcltate locality In wbi.-h which sball bi> <.-nn«tlinnunsL
But wagoworters arc the lill-rs oT Tt-- *.
tbe-resl estate 1s f.iund. .Vcsln, tU.-re whether it IS alwolutcl..' Imiossible ta
1s no more 1i-gltlmali- tax for any stale au->tber question, and H po*»l'’lv It ta
aay that no growtti of». nthan a tax ..a the fran-'hlses .-..uf.-rred moat .-ertalnly desiral-leTbv first uf wealth. le. li.du-irial d.-'.-i'-t-ment.
by that state iqxm sttwt railroads, and purely lii.-v-me tax luw was |iars.d by
ran fre sn.V ratling. ..IT la tbe
altaltar eon«ratlniis which ..ix-rate tbe .-.•ugrrMi lu iMil, but tbe m.u-t luIharuct.-r and etauding of tbe furiuiUg
wholly within tli.- irtaie bo.indsrlc« |s>rtaui law dt-elmg with the subj.^ |.q.ulall..-j
l■.lrlIiS Uw last f-w decsotnertmes in re»c an.1 s.imetltues in was that ..f
Thi. tbe court bvld sd.-« this fact has
several tiiunirl|iami.-s or other minor
Tlx- .jueslloa Is UU.h>Ubte.!ly i4-ry IB- Is uu 1-iuger uby
dlvlshms of tlw state. But th.-r.- are
any luilut.'
taiMiD- tu rvallxe that
many kinds Of faxes 'which can only trl.^tp, deh<-n(e atvl troithl.-sutne. Tbe fariDing.
rat h
I>-a»l la <vrt3in Irrau'-birs,

the ni-lu.-il t.-ariimg of Jlie a^cultinwloinI S.-1.-U.V-S toyootig country
i-.>[.le or young • Hr tirople wbo wlsli
to live In the .--uiiTry-,
Cri-ai |ir.«gr»s lij.nlrva<ly 1»en iiis'IlBtixriig fanixT. l-.v Tlx- i-n-sllou orfariuImcb-r-- m.*.-.-;iiions. bunicilHiraPaaiss1ati..iix OT..I Tlx- like. .\ striking ex
airq-lc of lin.v th.- governm.-ut atx) the
formers .we .v.qn-raU- I- sbuwn In
cuuu.i. tiog willi tlx.- uieim.-e offereJ t»
tlx- 4-<-n->u growers mf tlx- s'oito^ra
*lat4.-s by the nj.amv ..f.tlx- b-dl wj«111.
Ux- .^-(-•.^llnelll is 4h.iiig ull It
ct'ii b- iirc..M*ii the In XIic
thlvale-i.-1 .IisTrirts. j.i.l a* It bas
l-rii ,l-.i.g :ill it .-nil to ..rganire them
iTi sill Ilf II- w'..rk 1.. .-r.-.ili.ial.r tte
4-4ttI- l.-.iv t:i-k ill tlx- -•■•Jlti

Tliv de-

III -u.-l.'u.»- im.| It must Lave h.-tj. if lu own w.u-k is tu ta­
d-.n. in the ih.xh ,-Tli. lent .lyle.


UjTU>( lor U|K-U ].I Tarmrrs the ebam-e
f.-r (t-cbnlesi amt s.-rr,ii-tlc tralniug. uot
tbc-uretl.-al Ulrrvly. l.ot .-f (ta- Ul.rsl severriy prectival Upe. The (armer rew-

Poieted OoL
I eiq.e.-l.tll.y 4-all yow attention to tta
awTipd subj.vt the roumion of our
eum-uiy tawiu Tbe natiuiul bank ail
iia* sbly serv4Kl ■ gml piirpw- la
ihllug tbe 4-uoniwus business ilr.eiopof tlx- .sHiutry. auii wilhto ten
y«ir- tl.f-rv lios lieon an lix-n-aae la
rtpeulatlnu jkt capita from Cl-41 to
gSl usi. For several yewrw evbh-uee bOS
Is.-a ae.-uoiulailiig that additional Icgtx-edi-d. Tlie recurrenrv it
e-ar-h 4TOp t
fis-ls-uf tbv present laxvB. Tbere must
S.K.O be a n'vlxl..u <.f iImkb. U-caus* to
leave Ita-m as 1lx-y are tnewn* lo Incur
IlnliilHy of bu.lii.-ss dl.a.ter.
j.KTr t-sly ailiourtMil th.-rr b
lUbViul OB «Wll DSMley froiij 2 l--r .s-nt to .Tii isw 4*-ot. and
the flortiiati in WHS ev.-n gnsib-r .liu--

Irrigation and Ferret Prsaervalieii.



l-,ng tl.«K- for


of the ixatUmul ,-.h-y
f..r.-,4 pre—rvaiion.
lv,|„y f.r tlx. |-i|,vmv
f g-Kl thii..

^:’fi ..........
(b-y ...,i,:,-,T I... lo
|.l- re IlH- vli.T.-. V, wl,

io-t Vhil.-nl t>‘ri--l of .tmciltatloo.
:r. M w-.f.-. th.-.ii »u-t. fibetuattoa ta
he Bilvaixe in .--.rui.i.rrisl rales and
he •un--rti.;
ilgh rat<-s. All cum(lii-r.-i.-il lnt«-r.-t« suffer rltJrtng eireb
•vo|i (mvIikI. Alii'cs.lve nirw fur rail
n-i.ier tn .New Vrek atlrsi-t nsaiey
iaiiv- b'-M
Tli- d.-|iletra Ita- fund
ndierxiW- be avallal.le fur

and e»iuiD*r‘lnl »->r-

th.-rj r.-fip-.-(.ls

Amph.thaatar at Arlington.


be levied l.j tte general government so dclslou .if tte ...iirt was .>nly r.-actn-l
as to prodo.wfbc b.nt rvsnita. Ixvause. by 4toe nn!ju.-»tj. It ta the law of the
auj.uig other reasons, tlx- atl.-mpt to tana anil <.f .•.nirar ta a.\-.i.led aa snrii
Impose tlx-Di to one partleutar state too and kiyally ols-yed l.y all g-ssl cllilcus.
often reMilts nK-rvIy to driving tbe Ne«tlb.rh-*. the ta-sItslHm evidently
curporatloo or ludlvldual affected to felt ly the j»un as a whole .10 vvw-

SeriOM Drireta la Prcaort Systoffi

•re statenw-nf re (ta-e rs,.-t*;
*h-ii.« (hat our pneciif systetn 1* seHr>ii.!y •lefeesire. ta th-kI of'a
ehstige riifreTimot.-l. . ta>ws-«r. insay •
of tbe lK»ipj*4«l i u.ii.t t-'- rubd ,
fran, fTKulderr.T--. I---4-j- they sra*

urg--1 the
ll..-aT.T a* licv—-rir,. f a Tin
e-r.-an,*. of yi.-n.'.,.--is.r ,
hufi-1 th-.-f. U\'rs,ceur ami Oviinue ud-Th" tiinttrr tu
-f Tta-'-

nu Rbcrle OoriltaB Sboald Be Regto
Uted by CoPtreaa.I am well a.' lire .d t.-.e. -I Sli-rirlt ta
to pass a <-oii.t.iuti.,ia.J iiir.ei.diuerd.
N'.-rertlw-les.. in i:.y Judgue-I.T. the
wbuur qUosUva of toaiT-age atiJ divvrra

eotupIb-atHl. an- >i<,
h ratattoff
heiiKUiTi an-l t>ra.l t
rgost ataa
rights I:;.-i ijiier--’
rtrle out a!;r |.!st, wkieli w..uM mal.-ris!!y T,n|o,r Tlx- vaPx- nf (is- Cffited
Rti-;.-. 2 f-r .--tit tam-l. m.-v ptadge.1 to
eiit-nJat;iin. ttie ta-ae of which
r-ia'le ti!Pl-r .v«xi;»..iiis f-K-oiisriy
KT-d:i.!i1e .to The 1ron»arr.
pro., anv •.jx-isl ptan. VxrloiM plans
have r.-PcoTly Isssj (iropOBed by eti>ert
s-oionil’n.s-. re lia.-.k»ws.
.Vioong the
•w|•^•h are re.Ksllily fea.i(,ta a^
kbuuhl rveei ve your
which c-rtat
i-» your att-nlhKi Ly the pres­
ent e.-T.-tafy of Urt treasur.. the e»
arullal featore* of which have bee*
approved by maor petublorat bwukara



■M iNHoan idcti. Accordiuc to ^lila
plaa. Mtlofuil UmLs abouU bo penaHtad to Iw a apcolfled praportlM of
ttelr ospital in aotn of a ffireo klod.
tta tamto lo,t» taiM at an Mffb a rate
■a to drirr tbo rtoton bark nhm not
wantad ia laettloute trade. Tbit pUo
voatd not pcnTDlt the laan* of enrrenrr
to rira iMinka nddltlonal profit*, but to
■w^t tlir> iiourKrurj' pmrltlnl b; tliort
tt amcRHM?.
■Gpaomt of High H»n»y.“
I do not ear tbnt thf* !■ tbe rlfbr
WtcDL I, only ndraora Jt to omr**alia my hrUrf that tbrro I* nrod for
ttia Bd(9tk/|> of *ooie a.nrtrm irtUcb
■Itan bo aiitornnUr and o|ira to aU
BM»d bank*, an a* to arnld all potatUltty of dlwTriulDatioQ and farorfiJaia.
Barh a pbin would tmd to provmt tbe
■paema of blgb jtxmry nod aixTOlatlon
Wlitrh now olrtaln In 11k- New York
rsarkrl. at pn-M-r.t (Itrro 1i too

la DOW fsakiac an effort to oeenre tmnileraUoa ttt in tbe end to aaenoe tbe
dBtlaa aod bordeoa of full Amerteau
dUxenablp. and wiiciietrr tbe leader*
in tbe TBhoaa iDdnatrira of tboie laUuda flDolly adopt our Ideal* and
deavotinglb drretu|> a middle clan
of miiwtBOtial ettlxma n way will (ben
be fuopd to deal wHIi llie cuiuuien-ial
and lodtucrial ppbleuit nldcb now ap­
pear to tbrin au aerlnut.
Tbe. beet
AmeriraoUm la that abldi alma for
atablllty and prrmaoeDry of pr<H|>er>

Praiaa ffor Japan.
Japaneae aoldiera and aatlon bare
dwwn tbemaelrre equal In oombat to
aDy of wfaom tdstory inakea aote.' Sbe
prodoerd gnat gmenla and
mUhty admiral*.
Her ibditlnit inen.
afloat and ntbore. atmw all the berolc
conrage, tbe nnqneatlodlng. unfalter­
ing toyalty. tbe apk>nd<.l Indlfferelue
to hardiblp BtMl dealb. which matk<-d
tbe Loyal nonbia. and they abow alw
that they pogaena the blidieat Ideal of
1>atriotlMn. Japanree artlata of erery
kind aee tbeir prodocta rorraly aouebt

Alaefcr** need* bare Imen partially
met. but tbero mast be a complete reorsaolxatiou of llie r*r«*miiieotal aye- any other country daring tbi- same pe­
tem. aa I bare tjerore iudicalcd to y»a. riod. At the name time tlie adramv In
I aak yoor ee|Nflnl attentUMi to tbi*. Bclence nnd pblbis.iptiy 1* no V“>» mark­
Our fellow cltlaen* who dwdi on the ed. Tbr ailialrpbb- uianagcnii-nt of tbe
Bitiefa mim-ory at rrnslo mnaon* of aborea of roget auund wlUi cliaraeter- Japanese IksI Crw** during tbe lati
tbe year, rnd M* nfvuronb|tlon at New fatlc coerjty are arraoglue to l*>M In war. Ibe cRIclency and bun
Torb tMnjrt* banter* to lend U ct loa
Saattle tbe .Uadca-Yukoii-I'aclflr eX|K>- tbe Japanrwe oSletals. nurse*
rale* for »[«jmjlallre parpoaet. wtien-ai
smon. lu apiwlal aim* Inc-lnde the vp- tnra. wna tlu- ig*pivlfnl admiratkm of
at other time* wtn-n tbe erop* are be
twUdlog of Ala.ka and tbr dorelop- all BeaQalntrdwlib-tbrfai-t.*. Tlirongh
a Ibe tbe iCed Cros* the JapatM-se pfK>]>lc sent
nt of j
Padlle ocean. Tbia ••sposliion la Its over fUal.OOii to the Riiffetei* of San
pnrpoaes aod scope aliould awK-al not Fraiichiro, nncl tbe gift wa* ncxvptcd
I* que.ll
only to tbe people of the la.-itic ski|>c.
lorally t
much n* but to tbe people of tbe Cnllcd Slate*
K^tedally U thi* tnie of at targe. Ala.ka *lnce It was bo.igbt
md indlvi'luany. has )n.-»me pro
etorknu-n. fanueta and liualnres mm baayirldrd A tbe gonenimei.t
blat. .To nn other voiintry lui* th.-re
In the w'CKt. for at t>rri>c>nt at certain U» of rrrenue pud Imi produr.-d near­ trreo SDrii an Im-ri-a.luc nomber of
OMBoni of tbe year die difference In ly Sauo.OOOMM In gokl. fur* and f)*b. vbiltoni frord this land a* to Jai>an. In
tntctnit ratea betwryn tbe ca*l and tbe fVben properly derelo|>ed it will become return Japanese have ciwiie b-re In
wmt 1* from fl to 10 per cent, wbcreaa In targe degree a laud of boiuea. The great numiM-v* They are-welcome, aoIn Canada tbe raneepondliu; difference countries bordering tbe Pactfic oceau rially and iulclb.-luntly. In all onr eolla tmt 2 per cent. Any plan mnst. of bare a population in<wr nuoM-mn* tbnii lep-* niHl Inriltullou. 'if litglier lenrDeosrae. gnard the lnlcre«t* of we*tcm that of all tbe countries of Lurope. \ng. In all onr |»n<f..wloual and sorial
and Bontbem iMiiikrr* a* carefully as TItaIr
comment l«lie«. Tlie Japnn.-*e have woti In a
U gwrda tbe liilercat* of New York or amunnU to orer fXUld.fiUU.UOO, of niugle gem-ration tin- right tn stand
CMcaito liaukcrs and muM be draws wblcb tbe abarv of tl>e Tullul State* te abreast of the fomiimt aiHl luixt v>nfrom tbr aundpolnl* of the farmer and some tTOOMM.OUO. If tbi* trade were IlghU'iml iieople. of Kuroj*- and AphtlosB than from tbe
J ptuibcd
iiuOicd by loi. Thi-y have won «ii their own merit*
u of tbe city bfnker and tbe onr t lonfacturers and i -oducera. tbe and by tiicir own fx<-riiuiiK iIk- right
only of tbe I>arlfle «lo|>e. to treatment on a tcisis <>f full nnd
eatuitry banker.
The law alioald 'be aisendcd ao aa bat of all our coanlry. and pariicnlar- frank e<iuallty.
Tbe overwhelming
ipeHflcally to proride that tbe fimda ty of our eotloD growing state*, would maat of our i*-ople cberlsli a lively rederived from cortomi dutle* may be be greatly bMu-flied. Of course in or­ *anl and rv*|*.-t tor tbe jx.ipli- of
treated by tbe secrcttiy of tbe treos- der to get these beneflt* we most treat Japaa and In almost every quarter of
tiry as be tieata fonda obtained under falriy tbo countries wltb wblch we tile Vnlon the stranger fn>ni .1a|>.-m Is
-the Internal rerenDe laws.
Thefe trade.
treated n* he diverves—that I*, be U
Intomatienal Morality.
ahoohl be a conalderable incieaaa In
trentcl as tire stranger froiii auy part
bills of amall denonlDatlona. PennliIt la a mistake, and It betrays a «>lr- of ilvlUu.l Europe b and <li-s*-ne« to
Mon Hmald be giren banka. If weas- it of fooHsb cynlcUm. to malutalo that he treated. But here and tb«T<- n niost
sary ruder eettled reairlctkni. to iw- all laternatiunst goreminenui action unworthy fe<-llug has ntatiifested Itself
Ore tbeir drcolaUoa to a tartar ia aod must ever be based uikid mere toward tbr J.-1|uiu«-im—tin- feellug tbat
UMNUt thas three ulUlona a monlb.
stiflibneas and tbat to advance eUi- bas been shown In -sbultiog them out
Ical reasons for spefa actiao I* always from tbe eommoti seboni* |n Sau 1-Tana sign of byi>oeris.v. Tbls la no more ctaco and in mutterings against tbam
Mctaaarily true of tbe action of gotemmetita than of tbe action of IndlIn one or two* bccauar of
TiduaU. It la a sure alpi of n Iiaae tbeir cfflcleii.-y us w-orkt-rs. To sliut
natnro always to ascribe base motives . them out from the putdie «-!iool« ta a
fur tbe actions of otiiers. t'nqucstloawk-ked Blwunllty wli.-n then- are no
1 moat earsMUy hope tbat^be bill to
abty DO nation can afford to disregard
first dans colleges-la the land, iurlndprotide a lower tariff tor or etae nbeohiA free trade In PhiUpi>iae producta proper couldcratlona of self Interest iuc tbe univcndtkw niul eollegv* of
WlU become a law.
No barm will any loare tban a prt\-ate Individual can Canfornln, wlib-h do not gladly v.-HeunuJiip.-incre- students and on-wlli b
come to any American industry, and. ao da But It ia equally true tbat tbo
while there will be some amall but real ’ average lulvate Indlvlduai In any real- Japanese gtodeo't* do not rell<<et crr-Ht
We baye n. much to learn from Japan
uairrtal l>eiieflt to tbe'KUIpInaa. tbe



Unr Rtf* •( AhMMe fm Trafc

ttain lieeeflt will come by tbe abowlug made as to our pvipoae to do an In
•nr power for tbalrjwrifarc. l>o far
•or action In toe I>b]llppiue* baa bceu
abundantly Jnstlfled. not mainly uud
ladaad sot fvlmartly bocaaso of tbe
added dignity 'It baa gtren na na n
UPllim by proving that wo are caiablc
boDoniUy aud etBclently to Iwnr ilie
IntamaUoiial burdens which a uiigbiy
people abtwid bear, but erro more liecauae of tbe Immeaae beneflt tbnt has
4MDM to tbe people of tbr inniliiplne
latanda. tn tbeae taUnda we arc steadHr Introducing both liberty ami order
to a greater degree tban tbeir |*e<dilo
bare ever befoiv known. We have aecared Jnatlce.
Wa taava provided on
efficient pollog force and have put
down ladTWiUm. Only In tbe Uland*
of Leyte and Bamar la tbe authority

■tmona loplratloa of fakirs and pseu­
do rallglons leaders. Wc are constant­
ly Incraaalug tbe measure of liberty

great stride forward In testing tbclr
capacity for attt government by aumBoaliig the
flrst Flllidim tegtatailve astl
•embly. i ind tbe way In whk-b they
wiU targviy deicrmlue
gund this I
aelf goverument thus
granted will be In.-reased or ihK-rraaed.
for If w-e b-irr emd at all In tbe TbllIpplnw it bus been lu iiroceedlug too
raiddl.v In tbe direction of gniutlug a
iars* uieaaare of arif.coverDmeut. We
are baUdlug roada We have, for tnc
Inuurasarable good of tbe iiecgile. ar-nwged for tbe building «f rnllroada.
' Let 01 also acc to It tbat they are giv­
en a flee access to our maileta. Tbia

ttiaglng tbe affairs of all the tstands
mder tbe Am^can flag—tbe Pblllppioea. 1‘orto iUco and llawall-so as to
‘ make U evWein tbat It Is In eery way
to Ibi-lr advantage that tbe flag thoulO
By over them.
Peris Risan Affairt.
.American rittaeaslilp aboul.l be con­
ferred on tbe cItUen* of Porto lUco.
Tbr tarbor-^ llan Juan In Porto Rlro
Aould be dredged and tmprovc-d. T'be
aspeuaes of tbe federal court of Porto
■ lUeo met rrom tbe federal
The'ndmlnlatrwtlon of tlio
affairs of Porto llii-o. tngvilirr wltb
tbuw of tbr rtiUii.pines. lluwail sod
•O' otln-r luicclnr ixesesslou*. shmibl
be dlrt.ii.-d unilcr .me oxecotlvi- de-

The nords of Hawaii are prcitUar.
Evety kid oboulJ be given Uie Island*,
and onr .-fforts sbouM be niK-msiug to
deveioii them afeag tbe Mors of a com'mnaiiy of .mail fiweboldeiw. not of
grant liUolen wiCb cooly tilled Cttalew. Xlinatcd. as tbls terrllury Is. In
tbr mklrtle.of tbr Paclllc. there are
dotlr* ItuiKised u|.H> Ibl* soisll omdmwliy wbirii do uoi fab In like degree
or mnuner uj-wi any other AmcrI.-an
ooRunuiiliy. Till* warrauu our treat­
ing It dlflotvnily from tbe way In
wrbkdi we trvjl l<>rrilories ccMittffUOOB
to or aurrouink-d I7 «i**.er trrrttciiies
or otbrr stal.w and Jrinllfe* tlie stitlng
aaldr uf a isMiJou of onr revenues lu
be expended for educational atol lu
mal Improivuinuta tbvrelu. Uawail

which IR- ia gabled not by self Inirreai. but by public spirit, by regard for
tbe rigfata of other*, by a dlalolerestcd
pntilase to do good to otberw and to
rolao tbe tone <ir tbe eomrounlty as a
whole. Hlmllnrly B n-tilly greet natlou
must often act and aa a luatU-r of fa.i
on* n does act. toward oilier uatloiia in
a aiKrlt not In tbe feast of mere seif Interrat. but iiaylng bced cbl-fly to eth­
ical naaon*. and a* tbe eenturies go
by Ibis dtalnlerestedness In Iniernntkmal action, this tendency of tbe luquire tbat nation to net with Justice
toward Us nrigbUors. ateadlly grows
and etreuKthena
It ta uelUier wise
Bor right for a nation to disregard Its
own need*. SDd It I* foolisb aud may
be wicked to tirink tbnt uiber uatioiu
wUI disregard Uielrs. But It I* wirke.1
tor a nation imly to regard Its cm^ In­
terest nul fodlsb to believe (liat aucb
la tbe sole motive tbat oiiualc* any
otlHT nation. It abouM be our strady
aliii to ralB^tbe ethical ataudard of oatlonal aetloo Jo*t as we strive to raise
tbe eUilcsI staudard of Individual artiou.
JmUc* to Immigrants.

as Japan has to learn from ti*. bihI no
^atlou ta fit to teach unless it la rlao
willing to learn. Tlmnighoot Ja|on
Anwrlean* are well m-at..l, uiid any
failure on tbe i«art of Anjcriraii* at
bon>« to ueat tbe japaoe*- with a lat*
courtesy and eonslderatloii I. Uv last
*0 much a •-onfw-slOn of liif.-ri.iiily In
our rivlllr-i'cr.
Our nal ou froata cm the Parifl'e Just
as It fronis on the Atlantb-. We b-»pe
to play a eot.slanily gn.v.lug i«rt In
tbe gnwt oivan of tbe orient.
wish, n* n-e ought to w ish, for a great
commeri-sl devefepraent In our t"**!Ings with Asia, and it I* out of tl«
qiiestioD that we shoiiU penunnrptly
have sue t develoiMU<-ut unless we 'r*.-ly and gbdiy exieud to otb-r ii.-ifioas
tbe aanwi measure of Jusli.-e nod
treulmort wjiicb we ex|»x-t to reeeivxId relun.. It I* only a very small Inidy
of our .-ilizon* that .net l»adlr. Where
tbe federal govcnimvnt bus power It
will deal bumianrily with auy each.
Where tlw several state* have«>r
1 eantpslly a*k tbat they atao deal

wisely iind promptly with »mh con­
duct or elre thi* *111011 l*«ly of wcongr'
doers may bring shame upon Ibe gr-:it
mass of ilx-lr Inuoi.-nt nnd right.
thinking fellows—that Js. upon •our naNot only must we treat all nations tloo a. a wiioh-. Good uianew sltouM
fairly, but we must treat wltb justiev be un luIiTualJonnI do leas than au
and good w ill all liuuilgrsuis who come ludividiial atlriliiite. t ask fair irealhere uoik-r tbe law. Whether they are m.‘:« for the Japane*.- n- I wonbl n«k
CalboUc or Prolealaut. Jew or geuiilo. fair treatment for tk-rni.nt* or Kiigll'’.:wbetlier they come from Kusland or- rneti J-'rouehnien. Russiaus or Italian*.
Ccrnuuiy. Itussli. Ja|«u or Italy, mat'- I nsk It a* due to liBuuildiy ami eivlters iiolbing. All we bate a right to ItzalloD. 1 ««k it as due Ip odp-rfdve*.
quesilou I* the man's euuduci. If be beiviuse we iiiust act uprigblly toward
ta bonrst aud U|>right In bis dealings
with bis nelgblor uml ultb ibe rlule.
then be ta euiitleJ to ivsiHvt and good
d to the
I r
tavaliueiiL IbilieviBlty do we oiH-J to
ct l«
rquH-m.-all.v (Hvvbilug tor
reraeniU-r our iluiy to the stronger
tbe nnturabzatlOn of Japan.-se who
wlUiio our gate*. It Is the »nre mark
cotae b.>re luletidlog to iKivnue .krtrerof a low civlliz.-iili<u. n k>w morality, to
lean eiliz<-is. Oue of the great cm.
abuse or dlwriuiluaie against or In
harrossiiH-ri* aiteiKlIng ,tbe ]■erf•>rnlsay way tmiiilllale sik-h stranger wlw
tu<v uf uur luu-jmiii.ual noiig-jiiuu* i*
tiu* wmo here lawfully nod who is
tbe fact thf* tire r-talnsc* cf the 1'nite.I
coiidoeting blmsolf t.roiierly.
T.i remi-iotier this 1* luoumivul on cvery ^nle* are rnllivly ln;ub*iu.ite. Tiiey
American cUlsen. auJ It is of eouroe fall lo give io ilu- Rational g-.v.-riitneni
peculUrly lUL-umticm oil eviiy goierii- snfti.'leiilly ; r.iplc <K.«er lUrougb I'nllment'oAelcl wbriber of tbe nation or cd State* oiart* n;rj by tbe use of Ih.a.-my and tjvy to prute.-t alieiis in tMof the severul state*.
rlgitis secanij to tbcm'under. s .IrtiiB
treaties wbi-h are the law i.f ibe b.nd.
sumed lowanl tbe Jat<aue*e In tbi*
coontry. Tbls bovclllly 1* sporadic nod
ta limited to a very few plu.-c*. Nevertbolcsa It ia most diM.-redliabIe to u« a.
a |>eo|>le. and it may lie frengbt with
the gravest eoosei)Ueucex to tbe nalbiu.
Tbe fririMtablp U-twe.-n the Viiltid
Islale* cad Japnn bas been eontlnnou*
aluoe the time, over half a century ngo.
wlien t'oaimodore Perry I7 bli eg|>cdl
timi to Japan drat <>|>eued The hlarKi*
to «e«li-ra vivllltaiiou. Siti.-e tbi-n tbe
growth of Jaicin lixi* lieen lllernlly
aMooDding, Tbi-re U not ouly nothing
to parallel It but oatljlag to approaeb
U In tbe bistciry of civlllxed mankind.
Japan bu«.ii glorl-iut and sorieui past.
Hre rivlllaatlon I* older than that of
Ibe iMlIiiMS of iiiirtbern Curiqie. tbe na­
tions from wlioni tbe {H-opfe of tbe
t'nlted Btaie* have chiefly aprnne. But
fifty .rears ago Ja;uiu's derelo|>meul
was still that of Ibe middle ages. I>nring that llfiy year* tbe procres* of tbe
country la every nulk In life bas l».n
n marvri to mankind, aod sbe now
stand* a* one of tbe greatest of civiItaed natkms. grent In tbe aria of war
aud In tb* aria of peace, great lo mill-

permit tbe pcrformad,e of the acta

Alion. tbe amooiWog a«. ^ of b.mere

couiplainrff of. Tbe entire power ami
tbi- whole doty to pcottt-t tbe oOeuJtac
tnty Of tlw offcDdlng eommnnlty fle
Id tbe band* of Ibe fnll^! Slate* gov
erameot. It la natbuikaltle that we
abooU contlnne a poli.-r ooder wbirti n
glren b<allty ipy br kHowert to com_________________ ___________ frimdl.v nation
null tbe rniti-d Stat.-. guvemmrot llmlte.1 not to iwrs-mtiUF tbe eutumlsslon

Intcr^tnirae aod tbe |■rolnoUoa
V*>"Wl«lee aod e««l ooder«aiiUlt.ff between tbe different c«iip
r.-pn-«e!itrd. Tbe ror.^^i..Ba of tbe
r«'>f‘->-uce tr«-re hartuonlQO* and tbe
f«i»li:»iuii» were rwu-bed w itli «td>
It I. inlere.dng
«l»«te that In the sueiwi.e
f>*rr*«-* whleb ha^-r liead .Ik4J
"‘l•r«cnutiu•* of tbe d!ff«.»it Ai
, ^
hast l»-cB leandut
ti«.-tb.-r Offertlrcl.r. f..r r
eO'if. t«»-e ... \\ ;..bli>St.» is
"rcond e.iiJ.-req.s- !■
in lf..i.fc ocxoidid many

of Mk- crime, hut lu the ta-t ivwl to
deft-adlng Uh- (-»ple wh-i hove cou.ffilttia] It agaluri tlw eouscineoecs of
tbclr own wruu-doing
t»lr own wronguoing.

month*, wltb much time wa*i«l lr» an

Vt Vrt NoUiiac 0» ibe bUaJ

Jblnl c-Mifcr-nco at ltk> c\bi
tijiii-b of the fai-illty In the iiractlcol
Sare disimich of ia.*in.^ wbl.-b .-han- tcr-

Tbst II Prosper.

'l*e* p.-nnnm-nt dH-l-critirc

tbere was ev.-ry proiabdiiy that If
*u-p* wj-re led liumedtately lak<-n by
Ihi* gaveriiuieni t« try 1» tv—toro order
Kuro|>ean mitb
lati'l w.wld a

civil of tbe I ttlUd Btatre wblcir I tray
lawfully emplo.v will be so etnpl.iy-*!.
Tbere abouid. bnwever. he no partis c
of doutrl as to tbe power of tbe natiaual guvernment cdiupletely to perfo-ta
and euforee its own obligations to nations. The mob of a single c’ty
may at any time perform acts of tawfen viotenre against some class of fnreignen which would plnuge n* tnln
war. «Tbat city by itself would be
powerless to make defetnw again<t tbe
foreign power Urns aasaulted. and if
Indepecrdi-nt of this govcniinent It
would never venture u perforui or

of Itii «1c Janeiro for Ibe c-u.tjo*
l*»«l>ilallt.v with wlucb our ib-iec:.t.-«.
In e-.nmien with other*, were tv-eivod.
eofertuliied an.1 /a. iUtaled In tbeir

I ••nlef lo pfolwl

able lniuK*liulely-lu wml
enough sbii* to t'ulia to invv-eul tta; b.dKd<*i«, atrd
I furibenii'Kv di*iMtelii*l lo
aeerelary of war.and Ibe avsistaiil
retary ..f Mate lu order tbat ilu-y micb
gTOHd- with the Sitiuttb.n on 11,i
ground. AH efforts |o M.-eure an iigri*-l-tivren .......... ....
fio clous

South. -

tr tbr inretliig of th\\ to
eoufi-reti- H>- vs-relary .-f riah- viri't
e.1 the rity .
ruriltalle ]■>■•
Of wlU'-h bi
of bl* In.
prewdcnt. The uuooun.
to make this Ttait wa foltawed by oo.t courteous aud ur;
tations from nearly all tbo 1

tm-.b-uiutsl tipi.«. of tie na
tbo** of t!:i* turt .J
w «v*l and tbe
* by the gn^t
.jHilnd ef rtaur ib-d
jiowers.d Eur-fs-"
It is gratiOyuf tu-kuow that In. tae
gfs-af « ;:y -f .Ilm-d'ei
' tlw
arri*-.« wto'b’ *idiiiui-J tL.-.*in-i* Jn-

AiioT>''"» rvpnblli-s aud tbervfoee fraa
‘m- r.n.l Aim-ri.r.n fr>..ta tb-ne suit'lciubv aud idvjudlces
■>.n .<{ i.y.T rijde-. wb'i.h fai.gla iriBtt k ^actlea wars
'ass for t
U-:, by .me okJ#.- tu^^ttMlI^fll.ta
then- w.p' .•fuldj‘r..iv.l iba
po...t<k- to exer«-ise a |*iwerin^taflQthe

-teSi-r*!':! iiui Marrlmil Isd uU\ la run- toward «h- sUlvMIuUon of cousldBt.ptwliilb e 'rce,s.-li!t(.s. ef lh.-ir t.WV- •raii- ariioD In.tbe ^rit of JusOec tar
bw* to Qi-.- i-utue.of irditb btfivn-wh'lD. tbe Insurrei-Uonary or inievnaUaMl
tiohnte wblcb baa bltbeno bsoB ao
dris-ud ■
lo- iiatm-* ef Ja
.... Jol'm liului-y AdsitiN Henryftay
a LlDdraure l« the developoMff
acd.l:b-liar.l j:ii*h. W.- tafe- rnevtal
ny of our Oelgld»re
nk-a»ure ;a the gra.vful e-iurtrey of " "
>b-v of united acilou by aevml
the g.irerom.ul .>f Itroril wbh-b has
t.y Anx-nron fepuldiva. I;
git on to .tbe beautiful and atririy
: mol and I

' or.i*-..*'

exHIi-d aod b
«ekri-.rt» e*ig- fi'-s eniiiiot fail tb pe.iuotc Ibe growlB


fatted. ITnalty tlK* president Of tbe rrp'olKlc resigned, n.-c quorimt -of coogre** .a«« failed by IlcIilH-rala
purpose of Us UK-inU-rs. So tlmf lirere
was no power to m-t ou hi* reslguatten.
nnd tiH- goveniuii-iit r-ame to a ball. lu
ni-eordaiiee with ibe ap eotied ITatl
wbii-U was emU.licJ iu

retary ru-wrdinglv visite.l I'.rarll Eragmy, Argecbiia. fbll-. I’eni. 1‘nm.iiia
and |■oloInl•ta.
H- n-frolurtl frum
vb-lting I’anguay. Ikdrita nnd E<-uador onlv ls*-nu*e tb-- «K»tali-v ef tbeir
cr.plti:l*'from tbe seabounl nusde it I
t Id* dl»
ilb. tbe

the <*si*tli
pmctainuNl a i»n»\"L«l.ii
for-tlw islaiwi tin- secA-t-iry ...f war
n.llng a* i.rovisb.nal g.ivenu.r unlll h.if bis
C.H1M Ire rejKaeeil iiy Mr. Magoou. Ibe
tat.- Uiiiil'ler to I'eiiaiiai awl goveri
the l"iir.-i.-.l pr-rfv**!..>
of the raiial loue <>u the islbni
'«be meu ..r buriue*.* awl ibe gr
2'r».>i>s w-.-re w-oi tu siuip.i« tb-m
:tj<rti Iw
Siave-s of Ibe is-oplr unlUil eve
to relieve the navy, tb.i
•fiieloiy wl.ere la eiiipbr.tic rt-simn-ve to
big bniiille.1
iisurgi-nt rrleiully
■ xt4v*>luns and In vbdng Ironi-mJ-lency.
,ry and cause which he
ciil.'fs 'iminrollately ngns-<l tbat Ib.-lr "r t-r tbr- -.muti

Ic.m c-.difi-tvuiV stk.iI adJrcoB to -tba
f.r-^>Jeut» of Uh- l iiiled Kiatca uf
ASiHli''a ami uf tbr I Mini t^Calra of
w. -.e-o e n-de lu wblcb tbe con-Tc(saiqa b i* kq-luc bchl nt IDo eX|>reaaeB
uuvta.-iiuu at tin- Uasi>> rvsuita uf
Uhh i:*-.!iuti'-u :(>d the eefetiVBllau uf
{•eji-e i,t».*-u Ito- rep-jldb-s »f UlMUUiata. Il-i>duia* uud Sabsdwr."
Tb.* i-fT-'M* au cv-elk-ul eZBaipta Of
" “r 1U wbu-b tta- IDflunicv of tbt
.It'Wud e talrv cu:i |>ni|ieriy be etcrcisril fur tbe lM-u.-fll of tbr lievpfes of
Up- «.-sleru U-uiUidHik^ttial to. tqr
actieu taken ill coiKvrt Wltb otaar


liy whb'li
ik-able -understanding iiiid *•■!tie upon M.iiie in<Klu* vl\-rndi. *ou>e
provb-ioual government of tbeir owa.

po*«I. He .-ari-i.-il v--.:U Iiliu
uf iv'jee ui>.i fiS.uidsbip
desire f.i' g*»l iinllersbi
tiial bel[.?ui;..i... ! md 1?- w.
w i!.-rv rev.‘iv.*l In
t:ie-«age. Tie. weoili

ta.a lu tvfmm.-e to fbi* acOoo.

I .Abuoi l-rw'-r .-^rac
t-rirc llic true cttlto-lr «*f the Vtuted
!-. SI* B*.d-rli-.n ..f tJa- Moceoc
d.*-trthc tliau lu Uk- t tj* d.*
tintuisle-l t.inh.T'tcr -f f-..-e!gn
affair* td Arg.-otina. 1*.-. t'fm.--.. la 1. .

U*» • by lb.- «.-^Tetary
gdn<t uf tbeir guternmem
■■■ te*T.
dft-m<-d that by tbr so cpian e of llieve
. our eoltut
linitaliou* «e ruiglit .-ipppqc-.ati-ly eg. bosiita
pn-»« tlie real n-»i«*-l end frieuilsblp
In in; il
In w liieii We l.-i!d our »l*ter rv;iuldbu lKi*-ral*T.

run:. i:i< and
'<lrii-* visited
few lire erniri lire honor
■leir o-oeroua

>'f a cHo ra) puldK- o|0nioB among Ibe
.\»er..-nu uations wtilrii will rievaU
slamlard* of latemallocuil aetta^
Sir.-igib.-u tire arnso ..f intertHUoMl "
duty nm.uig gmerunreiit* and teB M
favtu- of Ibie iM-Bcw uf msuklnd.

i.u tlie .Mil, of

Panama Trip.

I |,ave Just remroed from a trip to
irrrr«iu.-nt that luEi.-ht Iw I'juarna awl tdrail report to you at
cacscl ti. tblHgov.-ninent by the as- -j.-mfit, i-„er oa the whole aubjeet
•aenian by f.irvlt-n i.-itiou* •< tWi- right ita- I'aar.nia canal
to eoli.-rt by f.>n-e of arms rtMraet
dcin* due b.y
eHro-k. of tiie

l allfm S.rd

Tlw Algrv-lras oavriiliou. which art*
at troll OB

....... ............ .
‘" M «'»
liT most’of tiK- imwers of Europe. SDpub-ery cHre-lioii m.gbt n-*ult Iti -the
mnveqtloq Of
w,wpidi.m .rf t-mt.K-y l».«l4.g to,1.^
^ ^


the rmbsl Sla.c, and a majority of

, '‘•V '■'‘" f........‘■“"T*

rori It

wI.lie-1 that nil f .r.ign K<...'rni,i.-nt*
wouW take t;..* same view.

Till* treaty coai:uro:*xtn countries and dun
..... ........... I a Kiugfe olKigstfeo of oaj
j-rdl n|»u u*. aod 1 earorolly bepa R
r,„oed. To refyaa to

• BouUi Amcrieu Orh'.s.
ratify it Wuuhl tnenly mean that wa
Tlita viMiJert V.-1* ..:ie,..f tl.e
trf 'forfeitril our mminervlal rights la >!•■-e nt Bio. roren ari'l wouM uat a.-fafete sDotbar
.1 l.y that ul.Je.-t nf guj kln.l In Ibe event of


frootw sli.iukt lay down tbeir onns
if-ri-:..-.- r.-voinm. udln-g t» Hie rerlisIiBiid. au.1 tire agreumeut was
> out- Tb.. provlBlonat gm^i
b-r lb.-.nd\l*wl.;ilt> ..f M-linstbe
llll* left t!»-j-iv-.ll!tel of ll-e .1.1
■! {»-»«*• touf.Tiuce nl 1 !i.- lla-jne
■ilwr Atnerienmicm aud the ohl law-..
amine Ibe qursJbsi of tb.-■•.■sup'lltulglit I"', un.-bauw-d riiid will tUu* a*l- can*'. An ldc« M
of ttro »*«■.' .•oll.Miin of pnidle debt* ;;wl In
tuluM-T tbt ItlaiHl f.>r u f.w tuoatbs pr.-):.k-ul ttiat onr n—ertr
e.irvi.*l B-'”'*'''
*<» tUmlBisb
until irniuiuimiy .-an U- re»lmi-d. a Monns' iV*-irini- iMi'lli-d •
nnti..ti» eouCict* uf pOffKy penew ele-iiou pniierly- held and a uerr wltb It nn .i**aciptl in ..f *np.T;.>rtty
gov.Tii!i..-iit luailguraled.
I*<-aiv tu^aiid ..f a rtglif to •■Zerei«e *oim-kinJ'of ctuilary
M-irirtl by.tiM-.
e«ime iu tbe Isl.-iiql a:id the luirvi-Muig pnvlcKryrnte ..v.-r lU.' .-oiititrie* lo
.ei--.!*. Jl*.’gr.-nt KTop wb'ere territory tbat .d *-1rlne apjdb*-".
: iwiug ici-inicfr-mi
N- lliiii
tru'ib. y.T
"It nn* long t"-en tlw e*tabli*bi-d |to !»• n !a>ri-'U< lir.rrb-f 1-i c -kij under{•eaeerul aud rrM.-rly fn*biuu tbe pro- stablliic. I.. rri.-r.lly l.ii.. .-rtin-. in Icy of tbe rulfcl State* li-.t I.. U .
arni.-d f.irre* fur the c Klc-tiou of <
t w-m t
itmluriinn of .Muerii -;n espital
diuary eontraet *b-1>I» due-to il* ei
«r r
lake this qiq*)rti)
ciiJ tb- .•il.-.i-.l-.n r
uiKHi Is-balt uf.tlH- Ameri.-au Tlw Imp
not r-osid.-.-Y-d the i e *.f f..rre i..r
iib oil |M*>iUe reit-i.iiiiij our Hint
IssS.b• * a i-nrt»>**- rou«i-a
Ur'S! bopc tbat thb ih-<V|.Ic of bynuIV Ofdi
►p.-t l..r tl~- Inaepeo
Oul.A will realise tbe lin|HTa;ive need
liart uf Sii-retarv Boot'* misully ..r imof other h cnibvrs of 1
Of pn-servlug Ju«tliv aud k.-.-plg-r .wi«> di«i*K fl.I* niirocniW it
der b. the l.biu.l. Tbe ITiH.d State* *i<4t. nn.l tli.T.- i» ju-l cause to l«-b.-ve Ifeiis whiHi.l* rtie
cuJ tbe
wi*bf* nnililiig of folia
lluit It that be iu* s-i-'.-.'.-d.d. In-in n-Mrt-*
*U;iU pru*|KT juurnlly nurt iv;;ileri.vit.v
to till- tlilr-.l eiiufi-r-ii-v at Iti.i on tb •
aud wlsbes irotblng of the fui>aus idvc . nist of Jiilv-an a.lillv«* uf surii imK....
prnetl.-that they »b.ill lx- al.l.- to jir«».o^v.. or- tb.1t I *eu.l It tn. (ac.'th.T with tbi*
It' gca.-i-il
npUD tbe ruta’i-.i* "f
Mt among theuiM-lve* olid therefore to Ciessige- bo Kild;
nat- .i.- aa.l o;*«i tbe w-Wfaro ..fveak
prerKTve tbeir l0il.i"ii<U-me.
If Uie
“W.- wldi for no victories but ibwi
ek-cUoU* tawruie a fan-e ..:id If tbe tu- of pi-are. for no t.-rrlt.iry rx.-.-pt .uir t.u.l iH—rd.-n-l rtati**. wh—e devc-loj.
tu.-.;t ought t-.
.-u.i.urgg.-.l li
surre.-ii.mnry lialut Is-'Uiie* e-mllrm.-J
llitere*:* >.f civilixutioa: tl
ill Hu- l*lau.L It I* :iir*.ilut.-iy oot ..f the
f-.t.-n-'-rnty nv.r our*..|ve« \\v doetn frvs|Ueut tmnptstlon to »
question that tin- IslauJ sboiilil ..-ouThe 5i«!.T«thb'beo i-n-1 equal ricbls of ojq.r«v«: >n aod t-i unm-r.-tinue imlrt-eii'leiii. and tbe t'nii-Kl
tlie s-jialb-st end vv.-jl.-t ui.Tclxw of jc-i'9il.lo v.-arlare.
State*., will. Il taw .-wsmiied tbps|*m&urtil.- fain.I* of'i.i-.n-k* .-ntif-il to a*
•blp iN' the world for
mm-b reswvl n* tb-. e of tb • irreateri
fuha's c:ti\sT a* a Duliuu. would ngaia
••mplr.-. tmd
bave’ti. lutervenc and in aee that the
cd tin* r.**!- -t lb- cM.-f cinratity of:
IttrtJ tlit-t
coi-eruiiient wa* toanage.1 In such or­
tbe w.iik nz-allM I ■ «qqiri-*YV>n,of t!«e
derly fu*liiaii as t.v secure the aafcly
•*tro.qr. IVe n^!;- •• -tain. i»-r K-lreof life and pp>[i.'riy. Tbe jviih lo be
ge. or ,*>w.-r-ili -t ifL.t Tb'- n-.mpav.
trodden liy iU.>*e.wbp exi-r«i«e self
to e.ery
gnv..niir.oiit 1* nlwnys'bard, and we
WV -w-Mi to_ IIIsh-mltl h.ive every rliarity audfiaurnce
,tv. to evt.-iiK C)0r
wiUi tbe t'uban* a* tb.T IT'S'I tbi*
dilllcuit patli. 1 have tlie t
w-e ! tl i,.’.er:cai--ual «- audd‘
tiatlLV with an.l regir.l for them, but I .
I... .„i..«-.-»l,jra
i-Kly a-ljiira, tbei n solemnly 'r'>- "
most V
.’W.-0-; .-ii.b
rad. the
|.-rf--in:;-;!.-e.-r a o.utroct
when their new gov eniment 1«
•ita T's-r-.u iiail a r.~ol*i»c.a
aliiru-d II shall run aniooibly ^nd with
jf relian-e u;ou ]—arc-nil
fnsiloni Sri.m flagrant dental of right
i-d-suf the tatter rim- ;
on the oc- imud and train insorrecUoot
i-;:. ,hotsx«-r. that tb.-V-'m:
aty di*tur>uiiros -on tbe other.

suHi refuwl vte wmild Ire left for (1
first lime
y««ra without any
treaty wHb Uuroeeo. and
wyv-ben we areeverywlnr*
w markets and outtau tm



niu-il States lu tiwwy Of Tbb PruMoB mi hmmt

The Rfe Cenferene*.
1 tbeiv-fvtre earoretly ire*.raiuer*l Ujj:
The -sreoiid eonCereace
Uh- criminal attd civil siatulcs <-f tluof Anierl.Mn rei-itMuic. ta-id In'Mexico
Vnlted ^les Iw so ametl.W aud a. d
ed to as to enable lb.' ptvsidenL ncti-tg In tbe y.-.vre, l'.*n-cci provi-lcYl fi>r the
for tire I'niliHl State* goverataoit. boMitig ..f Hie eonferv^re within
five year* aii-5 I'uumiitcsl the fiviag if
wbi.-fa i« re*f*>nsible in onr luleniutvcu
tbe rllne and place and. the nrninceal r.-tat.oiiA to euforee tbe right* o
aliens uuder trestle*.
Even Its tb-* nccni* for tbe conferen-s- to tlie g-jvtaw now Is sotuetliing can I*- don-' I--- emiug Iwsrdof Uie barr.ta of Ameiltbe f.»Jf>ral toward tb» can reputille*. eotopo*.'! of the n-KOend. and In tbr mitfre now hefor.- tee aentatir.-* uf all the
affecting tbe Japanese everytblng Tint
It Is in my i»ow<f to do w-ill Iw donf.
and all nf tbe fore-es. mlUtary sn.1


Ijist Attgual an l..<-anvci:oB Irokc rw.uiK.t-J It* taU.r. witbli. the |-riod
o«i in Culia wbu-Ii It *jW-.-dlJy grew- cv- «f "I* Wc-ka Ortgiaallt- allcrttnl f..r It*
Idem that tbe .•xn.tlug fub.-iu ir..v.-rn- *esMob*.
t*Hexs to quell,
ynlte apart from ttse »p«cir..- value
guveninu-ut wa* ri-|»-oledly asked by of tIk- ron-lu»i.rt!s rer.i-lKNl by tb.- evrtif>-tvnce. the -vamplc .K the repre*.uta-’
tbe llieu ■r'nbau govi-rnmcut to Inter
all the .im-ri.-au nutbs-s eovene and dually n» mKifled by llupreskleui of < uba that be Intend'd to gactns In banu.mi.m* at«l tirnUy '.•<»»rerigji. that bis decl‘i«»n wa* lrrevo<-a- *ld-ratb.ii !-.n.| dl«.-<i—l-ii ..r
IKe. Uial uoue of tlie ortmr eumuuMi ij:!tvi-ri I* It-H-If ..f crept :;nd
IliHinl i>lll'vrs would •nn-H-nt In <-nrry aHlvtiuiltml valne f.d the protii-di-.n of
ou Ibe govenimeul aud tjuit ^e u:is Triivoti.iMe -Iml eoiisldemt.- !reatili-Ut
|*>werk-B* tiv niaiutaiu <>rd<-r. I< was of .ail lut.Tn.-iliniir.l ■ia«-'t.,,ii*. • The
erklent that ebaoa wa.* iiii|s-i:diug. .-md tliiinks «.f ti l* -Kiuir.v ore -3u- fe-tbe

Bents as an massed l«>blnd Gie ttA- ctiabtad tbia f
««*» of Enr^ic and luing a* eter «r»Mx> f
nuaier to Ita- l«fecuoo of ord.t»d bb- between the wamng r«vobllca, wfakB
erly. So shaH Come se--urity aod IW"*resuhed. not wUhOBt le«(
twrltr. iir..loi*k« sad trade. Wi-altb. ,«-*ntuiii.-d and patkmt effart. In brta#IcBming. tb.- art* and bain-ineat Ow W
"boot a meeUng of tbe mirsoeotaBll.r
1. > .-s of tbe bustlle pow era vo board a
I ii!t<<d Stsu* warship a* neutral let' - The MePrn* Deetrin*.
These Word* npi-.-:.r to hate liceo re- r:.'V.v.aud ■•.-ave «a* there nMU-Mdad—
celtod with 3.tU.m «ri . very |i*n of a t-. :.ce wbuii leenUnt la Uie laslug <d
Ikwiih Atimre-a. 'it«T h»'c tuy b-arty Ui -u*auis of Uses and lb Ibe prevas-'
alt ln.-ak-uUihlc amouul of tale
approval u* I am *ur- t: .y willtiave ii.m
T-ur*. and 1 caamt! l-e w r-ag lu tbe ef} and tbe .k-*UOrUt.n of pruperiy and
The lUo
e-.tmiiaiu that tbet eV*rt.s.l.t ,r.-ppe- o< tb.- mean* ot l.-iellU-oJ
M-nt tbr •.-nlioi.-ht. td the nh-.v AUkt- couP tVn.e ikiSMsI tbr (uUuwing canola-

That’board dlM.-b.irced tta- .bare Impos'd ui«.a It with fidriity and painstaking can*,
jmd upon tbe cYjnrte-iC* Invitation of_
the rmie.1 State* pf Rraxil tbe coa-"
ferenev wi* bc+l at Itio d« Janeiro,
cor.ur.-aiag from the iT-1 of July
the gigh of Aucuat ln«t. Many i
Jert* of conimuii Inlerc-st to all tbo
Amcri.-aB nations-were discussed by
Uh- conferenre, and tbe coaeJoriona
reached. etuhoJied in a aones of resoIntlons .ind propoaed conventions, will
be laid before you upon the c-rulng
In of Jhe Ilnal report of tbe American
deb-gate*. They contain many maiters
of inqiortaiice relating to tbe esteaBlpn of track-, thcr Increase ^ GMumual-

tcD.-nts eati be and I le'ta- w M
r- p
re-a-:-.-! wltb the s.-km-wli-tg.-.! rlgiKH
wiwll v’.ogn-s. it The llsgu-.


wli: Ic tbe
r-tfTual •-tel hnal
B.V-i.fsnec'of Heisrotiou tiiv.; no
p.irt'-'f the .Uter-vii. —va:;nei!' i» tI-.- .i-.-ti.ed subjrei t-;. .-..i-.ulxa;:.ja: I^ct
■uv pl»*!i^-..'itiM-ive« l.j llll «rt«-b..'.he.-

u-ty l.ity -iijb

lu-1 ;re rv-i cM\


fu) dc*-’ri|.-li'ib wbi'-b tt involreo.
ucqri* iio .leniOtuitratJon and U Its OWD
Vucdemc'-ation. Tbe IteriDg aaa tribu­
nal. winb sat In I’arta ia IKS and
wbk-h •I.-'ld.-d against Ibe etalots of
Ibe I'u.T.rJ States to ei-lnslve Jtrtadli-t.'Ac Ih Ibe wat.-re of Beriog oaa
ai*J V>w i-f.q-Tly rgbt Id tbe for smIs
c.f the tbrre ttlfe Uwll.
de'eix.Pg-i] also ujiou c-ertaln regnta

r Ibe r crrol»^'l-xr proteetkeo and
w.iiild not J'«i“-rvst..ja nf tbe fur seal is or
ojr-K 1* in bcbiluaily ri-sorilng to ibe Bering sea.
trilKjlinl by it* rtsfutatioo* eotab,Vr
< i:*b»d 0 'iee *«i»oo..f«m'tbe 1st at

i-v and l"ta.»-. In u-- u.HSe la emd t« U' ruL'^;- to t
: aiNl uiaiuhuiung and makir.g. vrgo-d uLd very d-*'J-a- tit
an «:i
ell .\lncri--3a
tlH-IvlaT.aVS-sM -t Au>0/-’*, .Mc-jii.
e au
i-^w-r *l<.ii; mll'H-acv.<ii.ter- • cau* aud '•i.taT» v'ao ars tak­
ing an ia.-I*)rtsul iwrt .n Us- .levvlopnational wukIu.1 au-l jirevcut tal-nta31^.1 wrong awl narrow tbe cause* of .B*.«t of tifte'cv.llutrr-^ Tbe Ib-wuOgb*^3,. ,^0 f-rever |w.-crvc u'or free ly good nbilvrstabj:
and Mcxlcv
lands rrotu tbe taanlen of such nfiua;

md wbkii. aeruydlng
vey of lio'.b Am*-rir*i
1*1 bai now been reduced ta
isn.aai. Thi. r^lt bos !>**■
t.riingbt alcont l>y fanmltaD and ootat '
cither scaling vi-wl* killing tbe femolo
seals while In Hie water during tbedr
annual pllgrlRDige to aud from the
raulb or In searvh 'it food. As a' rota,
tbe femife seal when kUfed la peaffnabt aicd also less an nnwesuod pop «■
land. *0 tbnt for each sUa takrii by
pelagic aealtiig. as a rule, tbre* Mvag
.cWtroyed tl.e inotber. tbe oBborW
oir.i.ritig and Ibe nor.lag pup. wblcb ta
Ic-n to Ktsrv- to dealb. No damogD
-winterer Id clone lo tbe herd
kitting c n UdA.
Tice- custom of pHiagle pt«Usg la ootely
re-qei- >i'-k- for all of tbe preaeot evil
and t* e.l’ke tnd'-fi-oiihle from tbo ecoti-'i.:- sixi>-l|*.lot and from tbo otaB*j*,.nt of b-inii.Bity. tn iStal over Ki.*** yonng aoata ware
focKi'l cieod from starvation co tba
l*nl'iJof tatand*.
In 1807 it was «*>ti'
mnt'Yi ciat >li»-e f*-laglc aeallag bacas
U)rw«nl of VV0IU adult female asola
ied keen kllli-d at w-a sn.1 orev 30*1000
young «"-aU tued died of sUrvntloa as
tbe nwBlt. T ice revolting Irifbartly of
sui-b a i.-'acHce. as wc-tl as tbe waata-

w.KjKl L*vc‘

In i:»> fuu p-rforu.aure .-f tbe dut.v to d..N.t.-db>
wbW-b pri^»»«» to re-jjH-*
»>db <•Hi
Hague cw.aterea.rc-; wfc. t
Jp.r- and d.ugur* w;u U- ■ SM.-mtd«L to
'4 fortcikiti- of “iir r*-i>i
cuusklW the sUi'-JcM.
vouc 1.. mairb vtiib eqi
Uv ibv- », le of the stTvUOter c
Ceoteal Acnevi.
li. b bad oxtated
nwre Vonsnat
: Jnst Jane ir-Mil.
all the rs.-vi of. furjs-.xa.r Ugic
:» lilsTty for nta'b we bare
and tailored ta the 'twin -.stcT 'cnUnluaud lu w ur - u »1 wbK-b tbr*«t.


The detroriion of ibe mbllair toisn.1 fur si-els by |*-tagtc ic*UDg •HB
rtmtitiae* TtM herd wbidi. aecMGing
to Ibe »urv-ey* made In 1W4 by dlfODlumherad <100.-

2lsr ol July, and eiclodad
‘•‘!i hg In the water, within altty
mile, nrobml tbe ITlt.llof IstaDda.
■I'-”'™'""* »»-*■
i rotecllon and pre,-


cry. fire year, to new exsfnlnsUoD- Vi

10 cmit.fe tenb Intcrcstad
tivlKer whether Id
.{Mfrienre tbere was
ij licllbreTioB thereof.
T-V- rtg-:IaOhng'h Me proi-od ptalDly
loaiicY-nate lo aceoruidlsb tbe Object of
prut'* t.oh and praaerratloD of tba tat
siesis. and Cor a luug time tbia govaraBebt 1^ iMUi trying In.vaip {oai



tnm otwt .Mi

Meb r»rl*Uia aM

«f tlw«
- and

be <
f;!"” !Tr^n*Tf^
cDBrtcyn w y

t^ i.,

- . .~.w cr
gww Ttaeto bar* iMt bra bound
9tm bf the inadeqnate Ualtaboea pre>
I by Ibe tHbnal of rarla. they
fcaea paid no atteatloa ritbbr to tb*
«aw aaaaoo or to tbe alzty Mile Unit
fp"—d opeo CaMdlaat and baeo
pruioiuled tbetr w<rt ifli'to the very
Wanda tbotaaelrea. On Mly 10 and 17
tbo creira fron aereni Japaoeac rnupon tbe iiland of St.
Paid, and before they were bonten off
tr the Toiy Btafer and In.uffb-lenily
amad mard they tncccededi In kilUna
aevonU bnndred aeaU and rarrylna oS
tbo auna of now of tliein. Xeariy alt
tbe aoto hilled w«e feuulot, end tiw
work WM done wlib friehtfni barberIty. Many of tbe aeali appear to bare
*—1 aklnned alire, and many were
loRDd half •kluned'and ttlll alive. Tbe
fftlda went rt^led only by tbe w of
ftreaiw. aad Sve of ,!bo ralden were

Ibe two wopnded.
Tknae aptnred bare alnce been tried
dad ratenced to ImpHrament .An
MM M <Ut kind


been whoUy

«ndwn. cdl^. torpedo boat dertroy-


•* P»«U«I id lumdta tbe
m««e.. Xeflert to piirble fc

5 ^.r,a-.T..‘:„'Sr''~"
“■ ■*

**« “<»« WOfInd thui la Latla
Atnerir., Oolof tbewTMfcoCladUa

c^^JTo, . nnu. .. II a™id
nf an indiriitnai
Of eoDno. tueeblpo r«e*t vndden <t»i» U> <^l>e lUiamte
Of u> IndirMoel. w,„ to abwiutely weleM If tbe meo «fre*b ihHr --i.•*- "•«•»»and neliber a aatlon dot an todirldnil
iIxMld UJen ore not
» trained that
«ao anmoder cooacieoco to aDoUter's
m. »nn.K ^
poalble semca been rety nn.+i 14« b..................
fcc^lof- :Ceitber can a oatloB trhicb H
,nj wfaM doe.
®« «f «W fonnidaUIe bat deliraie end for the exl.tM.-r ..f tie- r.-:,eral .taff
an er.tlfj- ISO wbleb doea not die
at «n.oll«te.1 nechanlttut Inirw.ted to In tbe anir aud tV
ladiTidual. die refrain fmn Ukiac theirean
Tbe luarbamantblp of osr the uavy.
Both are
tboosbt for tbe iniereet of tbe coseta'
ttoni that are to cone no lea than for
mil anhore.
«»e Iniere* of tbe eeaeratlon of today,
to any that tbe
tre-).. iliai w.-r.- rat to .'oba wera
asd nopablle tuen have a rlybt. Tbetbtwlrc aa cffk^eot. *blp for tbSp. as ^IC bsa lled fl.inHcx.|,. If wat tb« twlft^ from abortsIjrbtedDeaa. Cron aHBab
a decade aso
Tbe nary rau only at- .•el Mi.4iH, r.n.l disnt.b «f troopi
Indlfferatv «r from srutlmcntamy. ..
tain proper cadency If eoou;;b oBcen
by oar aor
aaeriare aitlonal IntercsU whk* aro
. . -qM^lltiou datded eonand nt-ti are p»dd«l aad if tb«e
viul In dararter. A ja.t war U la
l-Ietely cjulfiped RO.l rea.iy for Imoeoffl.-era and men are siren tbe diance
liettcr for a natloa’a
l.v. M-i.-ral cf I:, oesaobn<a^d rroulr-d to lake advanuee <<
fool lb"" «ba most praqieroot peace
II.C... ......
tloiu bsrJIy . _______ _
obtained by ncqaloMvnra In wron« or
Ilivta elDsiy nud ntMvc all la
nipirt before «plltltnc ii|> Into detarbMoreov.-r. thtnich It l« crtmue-iil. and s dus t. Tlj--ir teveral twetii.
•“! for • «uiH«» not to prejnre for T.-nr ^tJtdran. tbe rxrrr!:,? m be of every
It waa a anc deiuotufrallon of tbe
•« that It nay ett-aiK; tbe dreadfol eraktuifaiid to ludtMlc uiic«a<ius iirac-tliw valne and caol.iic} ofi!u-«eceral«*aff
*f<lDeucee of bciny dcf>
el tbe cuaa <oni1i:cii>:l nmb-r comll...
ferpe part
F« “
«»w"y» be refoenberad that tlou.
larttamauabip in
Kianl that tlie naty
even to be dc-finted In war may be far tluieof
.•nlwf to rom-t4iw C*oIbaa not to L.-ivc fousLt at alL
n Hiph Standard.
-u--b lualant eltoletHT.
a. ba* la-en wdl and Buely laid. a.
In lotb tlic nrmj iud tto-nary ibm abij. .ifler ablii ITcariag .in tbe abortlieaten.iiatioii !■ not urci-warily a diesraced nation, but the nation or nan
u dlaBraced if tbe oldlsaihm w defend

ii nn:«it to«d that evcrjihiD'-iioaall.le
ahould be done
u tbe blsbeat
•UDdard furihc

ftrfaia by Jepea.

f<w a nation to oommll a wrnus upon


Soltable icpreratatlona regaiditiff
Ihe toefdent have Wo nude to tbe
fdrnnnent of Japan,
. and we are aa-

fOMber n.'itlon, atruiis or weak, aa tor
*“ lodlvi.laal tliui to wrou.- -bU fel!«"•*- We aboiild do ail in our power
. .

tbe murliit-if^rux. All tKtwiMe cm-ourap-a.ent In tbo cidlatnl men rii-nild be
jrh cii in pay uiid
and oiucrtvim.otUcrwiiHi mid ev«3~


aniiv atiil the nat v inclndltic

that .ail iwactiraMe meeenree
Vni be taken by that coantry to pnrent any reearranre of tbe ontrace.
«■ mir part, tbe rtmrd on tbe toinid
Win be tocreaaed and better e«inlpp«t>
■Dd artaDtaed. and ff better revenue
mmrr patrol rarrlro about the toUuda
wOI he ertabibibed.
ermtad Staten war veaeel will abo

to haajen tbe day when ibora sbaU be
!«•<■«• o«pM «befi:itlo«.*n peace bawd
««><I not upon cowardly
“bmiatoo to wrons- We can accom-.
'‘*‘**‘ *
«■« <»'>"!»« ac-ompltob everj-iblns. rnd
Ktultr of mu-mpilns to do Too
morb wouW abnoid -be to do
worae UuT. notblufi. for It imut I* re-



. .

f“T 'bf free "ml enllebt-

“I s!.syT-.r^.y*

ke Rffolated. Tbe aulborlty of tto em
tramenl ageat* oa tbe IMands *bould
ka aeUrged. and tbe rtilef agent abould
kave power* of a committing magiaftiM. • Tba entraim of a vetm-I Into
Ibe tttrltnrlal i

I be gli
twerota oa Any aocb veaiel of aeoU or
NkMlU or tbe iMraidwriiallB for tnklag tbem Mmid be made prlma fade
«r1d*oee U eodi Intent ................................
«BM IcMalatlao to needed to aceomPIM tbne end* and I eommeod to
jwor atteatloa toe report uf Mr.
Of tbe department of
Mbor on tbto nb)evt.
IB oue
than— —.
Am tbe t

llberately to reii.ler thi-mnelvt

will bring

mean to do right of nofficlent amed
Mrenetb w make tbelr pnrpoM efioc___________


tf Peace a Strati

po*siea*ro. il
to earnestly to be wlstod
that wc would tirofit hv the leacblnge
- ..
of blstoty In tbto matter. A t
aiKl wise pis^vlc will study Its oven lallora* 00 liss than lu triumphs, for
thera to wltdomrfo to l.-eroed from tto
sindr of
«r both,
w.o. ot Ito
.to mistake
—u.-.,- os

"*• - -practice
“ ** “•
»^cUro hr eslermhutlng the ton!
«Mvw la toe moat bmaaoe way pro-

a raUonal «udy oMbe war of ISU as
tt to told, for Instance, by Captain
Mahan. Itora was only one way to
which Hint war could have toco avoldJ


to Mcr nb

U oy last message I advised yon
IfM toe emperor o{4It»sto bad Ukn
toe tolUatire to lihucing about a eecgroce cocfcrearc at Tto Uagae.
r tbe gtUdaoev of Busola thv
■neat of ibv- prellmlaariea for
“e baa been progress_________
ftW dnrtag tto pest year.
kes aanroanly bceu slow owing to Iba
troU aamher of conntrica to to con■totad opoe ercry rgocelloa that bus
AMrom It Is a matter of saUtfaettoo
tout as of the American repnblirs bare
anw. for Ake fint tltne. been Invited to
Jsla to toe ptvgwaad eonrertmee.
na Cloae eoinecUao between tbe
to to takeo op by tto Bed
aMrtU'^d told at Geneva U«
and tto atrti}ects which natnadd come befor* Tto Hague
ce made it ajRiareBt that It
rabW to bare tto work of |to
OT cetiferOTee completed and
by tto dlltawiit powera beAm tto meeHng at The Bogoa Tto
M Crow MOfmtiee ended Its labor*
M tto fltb of Jnly,
Mgned by Ate Ameriran delcgatea. will
to preopllr laid before tbe senate.
^_»y tto apeetol and highly apprertat-

aa of toe auccra

For this purpoae

notblng conld to mora InstnieHvc than

baitli-ahlp T.

single turret monitora.


e baa been propel by
■nt of BnasU. and tbe

»>>«i»d b.- replB«» others, aud thU

I by a well s.-Uled programme « prortiUng for tto huihUng
rod, yea. wf at least one firat eUa*

Mbiwcarefnl ekamlnation and eonHon la preparatioo for tbe cm-

battleship .siual lu «l*e aiol speed to
any that any nation is at Ito samo
time tb.’ nm.ament piram-

ftaM* and ftlgMaauane^
. . _ wt evra to kept________________
mind that
«*r M Mt BOTvIy Justifiable bat Im#MSt« Spot bOTecatfl* men. «poa an

ably to v-on»l*t of as largo a oaiaber
a* possible of v-«y heavy guns of

l^wnteuatioa. when poMCBD only

glnw and. In BlMri, evety modem de-



„ ------ -

itne f.._.rrKa.r »r.a r>*l.
c prl^ivll.:.
LnJ-i*nn.l to
It was not only I

aii evr .
eelvr to

V the othnre


Tlic uavy lias one gram odvnntagvov.-r the arn.y In the fart Uiat tto of„,M,
Acer* <if liigh raiik-arc
Ir. Ito continual iicrformanrv of tbelr

III Hii- ntanagement of
____ ____■ ____ _ __

'.Ttiera ahonlil soon to a:
the imnl.i- «-f u.-n for onr coast de­
fense*. Tbe«- im-ii steuiM to of tbe
right fyp.* onil jwoiierly trained, and
tbrra thert-fore to ah In.-tea*e

All these sblp*

•kHIM grild«-S. C*-

tro“|is to to ma.*.-.! Jn tol;
els«-i1 ill mnncavers.11
marching. 80.-U ex.ti-i-

the siiuu- iirobicm of'|Ki|mhtr st-If gov­

Tl.i- assucliitlun of no maL.. cm!n>-nl
frtmi alt the republics, lesdi-r, c.f .41111100
In tbelr own homrs; tbe frt.-ndship* dial

dlfficnlt and taborlou* ta*k far
oath of UK. Sot la one gciieratlou or
one centurv can tto effcctl-^

........ - ■*
»«verp|gn. so long
nc.-«u,r.v to governax-ut. to
n-iiHii-d aud <-fre.-Mve self control by
TOrnnie.t-i,. i>erfc<icd >i.- jjj.
Hie ►''••-•••-Tl
la jv*
.-v |•eri.*-tt*i IB

cionraun *>tnii.ithlis and alms, viu- dti
willon of inUnindcntandlng*. vh* ish;
Him to all tto Amcrlcaa ra-p!--* uf 1
IH:.." i;ik1 ruasMcratc tnr-thnd of ci
lernnc uptti

tbem. i-rnde nud tmlov-cly.
tukra arc luan.v, its jianlal fnltintn
many. Its sins not few. Opacity for
st-If govemmeut dOe* nut come to man
by mitura. It Is nu art to to h-an.ed,

rvaiilis the sov-rrmrcrl


An.vira g:.ailv dmire. Wv irlib for rc
virinrit-a b:ii vlius. of. p .ra tor no Icrri.
owa. for n.. «overHsni>
•tvigtvtj- ov-r our*r-:v*.

■htch we
Iin-«lnT f.irwnrd tbe guveruiug
muItltiHk- must first a.-.|Ulre knowledge
that Come* from niilversal (-dn>-ntiou,
wisdom tlwt follow* j.ractl.-al exiwi- •

Tel I... attdi-ui of oar lime* .-an fail
10 *.*- Hut I. 4 Am--ri-j alone. l.« the
w-hd- rivlllrrfsi world. i» sw [using
away fro.11 it. old savi-rain.-nial tiMor
iugi and lamistius tb.- fat.- of it. dvillzntloB to the .-ainiviiy of the isumlar
mas* to govcr.i.
Bv <14.; jothwav

Xorcan wc t4"| to irv that the'world
make* sBl.,t;:i;fu:l progress townttl

prove nufiM.- ti Ira the strain they
should Xf n tirevl at «hra. for tto fart
is cvuicluslve a. to ttoir miQtnes* for
war-that is. for the vml.v paqraae tracsniac of wbhAi ttoy shnolil

mora pwf.'-t i.,q>nL.r-.-If gjv.-rameut
I tol‘c-e P m to true tl.ra, vlewe.1
agalnsi tto bi.-irgrmiml of .-vMlf'
e.sntary. a . m-n-raiiun u ■ivrnde
grvvi-rT!rr-t)t in ti..jn-i-yj. 1,.



"T-™' l-'ni-i'


ah the authors tbat had written apon
book, the word* and <iflt-n a

bad loW -itoi. having tripped
W Ma.-avUj- lu a .lUoUll.m from •&.
adlse Ixail.' two day-s after Uavaulay
«an*e to liliu ami Mid. Tou will net
<et.-h uu- again in tbe “l-aradlae.’" at
wUiLb Jeffit-y op<-nnl tbe volume aad
look faiia.tqi lu a great mauy pessagaa
raudom. Ill sll

which be went <■

nroiiale (.. say Oow
that he thbika to coold iroiotv- tbe Amt
-•* or nevea tswfcs of Oe •1‘arodtoe’ At
lae they were loel,"
Tbwe ____
can to BO doubt of tbe troth
of this aud many of tbe other atnrlM
a man of *i.U-naU totomir^nto’lro^
edge ot Hngiisb hIHurr waa imeJL

to doubtless csuggi-ramaj: ' .......... ..........
WlIUaiD rcMn la New Totk w—tg
otlier haiHl. It Mhuuhl to reniemlietcd
that tbe aoiuln-r of IsnU.* on any «oi>jis-t wwe much fea.r then than at the
pn-kent day.
fUto. there am ,

two Sturt.-* that have -snue d.)*rn from *«'“«•*» "f tto- Macdunalds James UMoi:Uuto<-b|-s lliuo to ours that dva
*>f >ba AcutttM
Ib. Oil one uvstoshm a

•I..rcu.-e Ueslffd to test .. ** ““
U**. lords of
Miigliabn-brs ................. ............. —_______________ ______

' for himself wbetb.^- tbe w.Huk-rtul told w.-rv trull) or Artiom Re
gave him a mnumuTi
afl<f ll.
to haw I.Kt ll. be u.k.*l Uagliulstcbl 1.
rtsall it, whith. It U Mid, to .lid wHl

b hut uue
- — -_____
........... the seventh
*b.-lf -o the right hand ■« yon go to."

''■<*1 decrav-a. which dtotant
^«ra buuud to mpei-t. Tto aimpie form In wblrti Im^aut rights
wera iwQvcyed by these prlurv* may
to ilta.tratcd by tto fnlhiwtog brief
but lauding ciuitor. wbidi haw la
translation from tbo urlglaal Gaelic:
•I. iKmild, tto «Alcr of Ibe Macdoo' )kls. slittog 00 tto bill of iNia Itunald.
:iv-c tto MavAodb a full rigbt to KUimbumag from tbU day till tamufrow,
■“ «*o foraver.’ A irssoo was affor^rrl by one of th.-ee lord* whlrti
greaUy toaefii some sthklers
for preci*leii.y. He bad at a tuvauaet

TI1C other ln<.iatxi- In tto ncvcotpeBtb
o-iiKiry I* Hint of Hu- Uev. Dr. Joba
Wulli,. It N not. Iion.-ver. as a tbeo-

^'O P>*c>-d by mtouke at tto bottom
UUlc, on perevlrtog wlil.b con<dd<-Rble rm->tl<« anee atuoug tto

r.-mnrkaUe cxacluras. .\t auot bra lUa.
tlM- gr-juil duke of l'lotvD.-c usked If be
could pr-.-ure a .-crlsin hook fut him.
It I* imiKMildc.
h.- w.«1d.
library at <'


l<-:lan ihut Wallis’Mime U emxdled to ‘-ouipany. wbo draadc.1 tbe ooawtlie tem|)le of fame, but as » matbdu- quem-ee of tbe *up|Mce*l lu-llgnlty. tot
lu niaibemntlral history V *•» *rcet croBu-luuidb (bead of bla


«"d. If on these i-ra.-H.-e mar. be* and
In these Biau-iiv.-r* elderiy oflleera

" !r •

of Intematlenal

and ll U al*> an cx|>r>-,siun.or .liur"‘"‘f *<>
vWelopcd iimoug
«>««w»ad* of men wbo esmise i»pula.

mnuktoil I* tj trav.-: whithersocvcx It
i"'* !«■' h-'« •■’•-0 »f Anrol- lead*. n«.i rti.' »u.--ra.s of'thU oar
••"•ilile N'ia«rit IV the army ntnl abould .graql tnuimnklc; the hoi« of bumantmder no rtn-imisintiivs to di.'-ontin- By Oeiiend*.

— i”

caUber. top-tber with amalh-r gans l»
repel torpi-do etUek. while tbero
abooM be heavy armor, turUne ea-



to. mar
Amrrirsn rrpublirs i-ward an
0 gcntval
eu.-m a n»>i of which can n:ra*
>- in'thv tvaurc 1 irocgh lung and to-

ougsg,eugsg.-l under n.-w conditio
from the ira.IIttonnI form*
. ..
liou.* uf the »M vvurlil in w.gki

lndi-pcml.-n.i- and *sdf
b.-flitlug mi-n wbo arkaowlcdBe
"“I"'”"'-, .rtf .-outi-ol to replace that
r’ wbl.-ii a demo<-rai-v-nfor 1*1^- <>bcdieu.-c to the
vipra«aoi.* of the w ill,
«'‘»W«i»l«>ii f»r lb.- tu>inlou* aud luof olbera e-pj-vliy entitled
voice In tbe slat.-, hiynhy lo that ahMrsrt eoo.-ejwi.m-ouf-n .-oimtry-asinx|drliis a* ihsi l.ij-alty to |.>er»ouat sovetvlcus wh..-h to' *■' lllumiued tbe
l>am-* of bisp.ry, eulwnllnalion of jwKoanl to tbe |«blle goo-l. I .v
iaetb-c aud uier.-y.
............ ,
All these we must rak by
slow aud;ept .-ffort. and of how
nuiivy ahrat..omlnK* In LK own land
■10; hi* ..wn iH-cplc raeh one of
o* I* .v:t*eiou*.

Mngltoto-.-hL was the Jlt.-rary |u*«llgj- of hi* itim-. Ho.voHy and
nlln-r dlotimniNli.-il i-.-rsoiiages paid

Iril.vit.- 1-. la* v...i.,1.-rful l.-:irnli.g. III.
-al sUiHlard*. of i-erfcsiug uur I
•le, have said that bto
IKC of.Fueh ulbra and of doing
m.-u]urr was so prodlgt.iua that be waa
with tto mlK^-piioiui. the taUundo^
-----------able to retain veriiaUiii nio.1 of tbe
nna me r--sul:ant prrjvldlec* ronll-uts -.f hi* “mnlltludlDuU* book*.”
iu.-h frulttut source* of cooa <->ii>l>aratlvcl'
writer boa
null Mnghetocbl eouW attne
-nil ih.-re are Mme eub}cet*

iiany iro|ie<-ts.
w.- an­ nlike Id thto-tbat

5"*“ ’‘'"'“f
«»'•" n«t attalalag
CRv.b-* until ^cy are too
— .1 in
old r.,
rani ,,0..—
If ni
-• of real use. toing pat through ttooi
<iul(4ily that little lienefU to the

I*-'r'«'tou« meim-ry- tore bra
aihemailra that

--------- ,................................of tto-u me OB aeemiagly
ory. He wat well rea.l In si-o.-ral liter- «*rtaju ainbt.rli} .
n’lniam H. l-i*a.
aiura atol was en exia-ileut .-laasU-al ro". wbo uo-t Uaraul.-iy ato.ut JiOtk
scholar. VirgI was ouc of lil* favorite
'.dd ns some lulrraiilag tlUag* of
wrR.-r*. ll I* said ihiit lu- km-w ibl*
memory . | aball w.-ii’.lua l-ul ——
BUtW so well Ibul be .-cnikl r<i>eat tbe ‘11*1* »a» ivlutt-d t-> 1‘tvsoutt by Utary
“Aeneld" “from to-glunlng to end with- Hallam. wbo mIJ that laml ieOhr
out bvslMlIon and Indlvaie tto Am
and last Ihu- .rf every page of tbe vdltiun vviii.-b be uin-d."
Tto •ercntd-iitb ecniury fonlsbrni
tbe other two lu*tan.-e*. t<> whh-b I call attentiou. Ibr first I* that of
Hie Italian
•iilo da Marco

I brtpg. from uiy couiitfr a siK-rtal
'« i»-r eider ai^i* m tto-


.......T. ,„M "-.SI? 'iarrjTJ-s-

MIUo to J^ro to August xra* laid



and ove^tolmlng triumph, w to; coat b. the ,-!Bch-i,-v of the sc^
— -- people dnri« tboee twelro Ira. aod lf th.? higher offl.x-rs ura given
lake any preparacluiK-c wlmtcv.y to exert 1*- nud
**'«* *bar
2^“® *'’4**' toe-pra.-!l.v coiimiaiid. For years priv tc
or '»«'
the “■'’Fairy. Tlicy saved a mil- • tho S|..xia*h war th.- *ccrctar--s
*cyctar-“f of wai
or-----two of ------------------------dollars liy sowera
and were
If ih.-v pra.-H.-ed
if ihey
money pahl a humlredfoU for cronumy. whl.-h c-oviomy. .-spc-islly to
million they thru saved during counectinn with the qimricrniasicr
ot war which followed «»mmis*nry and mcllcal d.-partments!
’*■*»>'* Irrongbt untold suffering was .llrrali.- r.wpoas»ae f-r o:.«t of
people, which at one time tto ml*niafiag.-m<-nt ttot ocarrred to
toreateued tbe gravest national 'dims- tbe
Itself. And piinmtlK-Tlcdlly I
*■*> *fbich. la spite of tto ooccaalty
olisorved Hiat Hie very people wbo
raging It rasulted merely In what elauH»rc.l for the ml««llre.-t.Kl ecouoa-v
to eff.-rt a drawn Kiltie, white tto In tbe first )•!*.*■ were furemorft 10 debalance of defeat and trinmpb wai
autm'-e the mhtnar.agenicat. loss and
Ml even.
suffering which wcr» primarily dw to
I do not ask that we vonilnuo lo In--------ind to
«raa*e onr navy.
| ask merely that tfae Isi-k «f {vrepnratioa it lavolvaL
It to maintained ot
It* .pix>«eet
Csart Oefense N<
strenglb. and this dm to dnoe only If

now to of little sorvi.-e In a stamlnp
fight with a powerful ndversaiy. Tto
old double tnrrat monitora have cutworn tlx-ir osefulnea*. white It
build Ito ...«<b.r*>
waste of money

Ilemen of tb*

ten.t* of Ito navy nnd the eountry.
nnvy. nre kej't far too long in the

l»een luiUt up mid an nnny provided
TIh> i-nnilTK-t of the Fi.snlsh
relatively ns p.od ns thst whldi tbe rtu.w,-d tto latable lo*s of life, toe
eoontry now has. there never would
vud Ibe incfflhave Ira the sllitotest neccsslly of cleii.-v troinln io"n'iii^b if
fighting the w ar. and If tbe nccrosity
i.’ijjt, dmrtal* of the war InVaavv
bad arisen the war would ondcr snrh dcpn«.nc„i« *re pral^ and rewnntol
Clrcnmstaucc. have ended with our 01^ „ „,„c
aVn7 m.7w

•deowteayofthecovernmenUof RnsNMtortonda a pn.pnaal to
OTB Tto nagtK eonferanee together nt
A tima wbicfa wonld conflict with tto
wafOTenre of the American mniblle*


roufi-r«-a.v of .unertean UetmlU'-s-I beg you to tolicri- thai
*i|il*n-dai.- uud ibauk you fur tto honor
you «1>» me.

• (ifflcen^ who rarely hare cornidi)

m rei'laee the obnrtei
ehlp* Uy
mil good ones,
ifloat in ai-y navy,
atop bnIMIngs ship* for one
means that for that
nr rni-w
in. Th« M
goes tort: Instead of

U*tss bj-He SKru.IT erf Sat oflle
liattd Slats tf latria lu Bnaarj hesUta rf At TbM Confte
tat a latritu ItaMitt a Sit

of gn-nt n-apoii«l1illl
But Hie dc*lre of lliese men to be promoted to
position* whb-b ih.y an- not competent
to fill sliouM not weigh ngalnal the in-

The VnJed State* wavy to the anrrot
pnarantijr of peace whk* ttito country

«1lb other gDvetiuueuta
to tbe bldeoUB cruelty now lucldcnt
---------- --^WciMag It win to a questlou for
f"'“ rowoo* cousldontioD
coualdoratlon how
bow far
far we
g|M«ld eontliwe
contluoe to
to proto-t and mainbto tbe anal herd
land wlUi tbe


................................-r M11-U and these at
nu ciiriu-r ace. TliU priiu-iple .if
le.-!lr>ii will Ih- obj.y-t.vl to bv good nidi
of mcllner.- eapnrity w-to. an- Hiie.1 t>
well wbll.- young 111 the lower ik>altlon*. bat who nra uot fitl.-d to do
well when . .
come Into pnaltlons


«fn«lnpl* of n .virnmuiili.v tl«^ d.-.lra
In the lat.-r j.-ara of lib. life be waa
•“I'^im to- rve.1.
Ben Jon«•'““>
probably car*“
aU be
•luoiy a
"“"‘‘i.t- Iler. too. to currU-a U. bU nu-wory
thi-«- nr* the '
rondltlo.i. of srowtu
I toble .< tto- Ot-Ht H* powi-r* iff ^

ttie 1
pix>|>le wlowe mind* "•eri.-* of untiirai utiuito-rs np lu a '
an- not on?n'
> the ie,Mn* of the bunUn-d." It 1. n-lat.-d that .m one o.-- *' **
VeWrabr that lu bl*
wImxuat* not ca«iou two of hi. aiudent* nttomiued to
*■“>*■ rruployej lu i«e of tbo
|.r i
- aaplratlou* and the i-alculale a is-ow-rvlUB *erl.-.,
tto-y 1“'‘'“<- ‘•®«« «f IVaiairk to- wm aMe
.f lintnnnlty etnisslInK
f.iutui ilUacr.vaM-ut
la Uireusb hi* uieoi.o^ niuiic m .-owplete,
*------------------------------------------' -* —to*, ibelr
' a«,mut» thet M«
t»wlr Hjult*.
n-*ull*. TU.-W
Tb.-w .lliren-d
.llir.-n-d t.y a nuit '-----------------------------*.’• rv-ton-a to.* ..f
«.Tjy a-’rr*„ i
«t Ibe Aletb flirura. Tto-.iu.-«Uuu waa »"*« l-nrily«,-«l. laSbnll*. Uke
refertld to »:uU-r. wt.u deri.led to make *«Uer. to aid to have to-.-a aWo to i*.
aaai. anZ ttt: n
•«« '»"* im.-at*«y. «■«•« "»•
-f the -Aeuetd.•" .to
-ha hh-
found to be c^
Th.- m.a, MoMra toW of Xla.-aui,,^


- ,
artnpd aud able to work
tbelr wlrVMl will. Tl>e eiiaoec for the
aeltleroent of disputes peaeefully by
depend* mainly upon

Oar Smtt',



m-cil for the «-»inbIUhmi-nt of a prin-

"I,"'"” r.''''"'’
£ * ,.'S-,T'Sirr.r


U« dertaaotious in HMkine arf
i^ry beaaya
wan (ti«aa m&d atobfe rm rminrtiTa
bleb t

. He tv-lates i.Ki. ti..^ ^
accord tntb*lbe pedfd.irUJ baa roone O..W.10U In liK .tnlcat day., after '
I>Ur«d tbe foT.-tole at
FAMOUS HEM W1{0 HAD WONDCB- Ibe dlBcreut pupiU .rf to, j.ns^dW
tbe pe>ptr> iadlSirare.
bait roiled 3N» niiconan'M terM.-a. be
ma'Atiil tbeoi in a mernc o.'ilw-.that,
U. to- bepm » 4li the to«t au:l vnawodttoaor. hat rlteti above fiatti- •»_
,ed to tbe W»t uu. rvii A atill m.-re Iwandilp for Indlddoal Iraden.
Tbe ^7ZT:Zrr.~ 7J~
tnarkalile tortam-e U locatUmel Iw Sir
mV of Uw .ui«ra ln tbe role of nan.

..................... 'Ia^tlln« os ,
l*«yy U i«x.te.-ied. atal the fn-.itt of
tN«4lar.MdRer.t>r. Ml- Weill..
Metapljy.1.- and la-ffb-."
enlerpiite are eccure. tnllcldual lib
liillaooth■««««« It and cm-. Unrvtaa aa
eny It rraperled.
Ooatlatntn tinl'lic
> a Jbiiafcr «i-an cwoil
PoHrl«« »re followed. Xatloca! faith It J*y ba«V citrd tnetiy cxanipW*
Tiverca ban not bra dl0ooa tortnory.
No douU e
or tovhi at ii«y |»UK and t
eveeywhere. bo| there la.
3>:.u») uauMB.
proerw iwerrwlicre. Iba ci'-vi-tccut «Wlt.
it 1, ralate-J tto.1 |.t«u IU-m.-* TarBecrully I Laf«
ritfil dlnvrtoa 1» p-ni-rfil. Tbe
____ admit Of V
nel mid limiare Un»
j«||d a
Hsbl teodei!-T l« not ciccptlMial: It U f«»^
'ny ivedlw .ura
porirall from tii«tio-y. Tlicre t« «*»- The |«r«-Dt- afford, Jn,l
autbcutlraled that ibey nay laa *l<uy tliai I, tnon- than tradition tbu
«a«rfa.yl.Ki; ttw futnre U nawl to tlluatrate tbe wooderfui power
Wultpiiid M.oan ae: d .wii tin- arbuto
atfrl meuMiry U
•'*^sbt with hop
of tl... S„tUi.- Uhicrare fron luetaevy.
h.r .nartcuul-isolation that uf arrons native cnduwiun.t. lu em
and ttoii. loct from brarlus h but
bate lira airiHupllabcd luanee. too. thta retuarkal-le ratal
<> bat* b
proctew .-aa Ic ••oatlnuod.
HuitaonI 11,0 diOla MlramtoU. FW-"* 4°' ’
torded the fnlkrin der*4.i.nieiit of otbet
-•al K-n
to-llMiUi. ScallDM-,
- "Hnov to lUc. Ea.-ti naiKm a »»«>ta« i-raera
UsiwuUy all were ncn
'* » l«« «f tbe drvHopueni
rrotmlily Tbe ukwi rvmarkablr of Hie
rla..,Abu«f from
Tficre nay be tendera. tbn-e waa tbe u>;- of to><maitl

my tlm-m.-iicJ point.
II- oorp* ill iiartlcnUr
h-ci*uMc acrvlce. Tbe
nrtsy au.l cavy ivar .-jlli-ccs art- of In'
na- K»il«-r. Holer 'waa a native of Burl,
Re (tudled
r-oollime r.-ry far In ad- but tuoat of hi* life tt a* *iieill lu St, .uraonUmiry
i,-nloubible ratm ti tin- iwo nervira
.-aoon bia at |bd.«u. aud then wdnt
.-1... .... .............vance «f i!h- p-m-ral i-n- .••«•« . f u--.ll- rci.T-bury. !!•■ wa-i !•.nl In ITilT an.l
aiv! Ibc>' c-o-nii
kliKL and no nation tbiil i* not d.iatned dl.-d -In ITIS. I
a ii-a.-to-r of to l-.-rrara, nto-n- to- iobxI.vmI Uwab
crvazlos cffi.-l.'iji-y aud luiportawv.
to extlocilau 1-an rrtnaln t-erj’ for I*- srat imwcr and
i.iMliBc'wriier, <<y aud tbi- <l|{rcrmt «tatrni* u( idd' 8hoet.oB Oallerica Needed.
iilinl. It U with
iw It I* wl)b More tbaii half of th.- funr*lx .loarto l.oeib} aud bc-ame |•^i3.■«•i!t la l,at* ba« tii.1.1 wiiwly proIn. tlwv*. Hetin-iT. tb^Uec -liid Amiirae. a**«.-raaei».-l». volnim-*

dnnl im-o, Tnlenruirae.
of- juatbeuii
vidi-d for
o,*!... r . ..
lUni. .i^n-ctlon of esoturn by the lalln- FI. Urlcrebnrs n.-nOeuly Iwlwi-en
motion of nt:.-i-ra-tlce. Ku-ellcut iv- dnen.--of
.dtoT*'J *
n.-- of ,dtHT*'jiidsn>ent.lwndcnlne
irjT aud ITS3 «.-ra Imiu I.H ira. At
U‘“»‘"'ed In tbe !x*i ttora be
.uU, lute oir.-^.ir .,.m. fh .. .i. .
lew* t.y tlK-exj-»rleii.i-andUlO«»Kbt hla d.-atb be left more tba.n »0 nUBU- I»'Y«wd at *ut> <d .-.utroteray at
*w, it
A<|Ufli<. aov-irt.-n-e of the moral
ttomc In Idtek rui-al uy* be never
rc-iiLi.- -.n... i- t.. .
. *’
. ttvatlM-«.

tblus pra.-il.-ablc duuc to render tbe
eer.lcr- nUnuUve to men of tbo riebt
They ,biHihl Iw to-ld to tbe
atrictert d;*.-linn;e of tto-ir dmy. nod In
tto-ii. a -sjOrlt »h..old I* eiK-ouraccd l.toir ,l
^ f
inteeri.. mnl In imcb
wldeh not the mere lavforuiiwrforui- evet.t th.l. voitmi.^ .h „.i -.JTw
event tbi-«) voltmiwr* ebuuld already
au.-c of duty, b.i: the iK-rformm«e^f
i.. "i.!!!. r"
know liow to ►to. .t. for If a soldier toi*
far more tbmi d'my K It .-oudth-a to
the UshHus edK« nud ablHly to take
tbe honor and tin- Ititvnwt of the .tmer,™..w
*“* ““
irvtniw* lean u.ition. ami In
cl,-n.y on the line of l.uttlo i* almo*I
In reality leaders of ibc cauae* eonmld.-rnllnn nboubI be tln-lr*.
We bare not n-iated am effort*
dirw-tly i,MiK.rtlomile to ex.vlleu.-e in
■ecuro aa acraoment with Greet Ri
wbl.-b tbe,. e*pottu-. bat are .mllnarlly
We*t I'nlnt m«J Amia|wU* auv.u, mnNiMiiau.biu
UV .to.oM
•bould -o.i.u.h
for adeifoatn iprotecrtou
tbe sal
who .to mu*t to lumper tbe real twru out er.-elleni «iOts-ra. We do not *Uootlu--nl-eri.-* lu all ib-o..u
bert. and nrtotlauou* wltb'Jaiuiu for
"f'he «u*e nud to damu«e Ibe need to have tb.-c «Uiooto made more lie aild^ullican-schuM* ^
no UkeU- aeliolaatic. Oa tin-eoutrary. wc tdiould iei„ ...iinunt t.;.,-... .........I-........... To
Ike aaine panwoe are lu prosroa*.
wrt. o “e “5^ tr, t^d^ *^
Tbe law* fur tbe proteelion of tbe bond of eaUblWdns any kiu.1 of ln:er- iraver b»e alrfit of tto- fact that the
tlunal po^. of wumever Rirt. aim of each aebool 1. to turn o« a eTra wav
•Mh wltbln .tbe iartodlclion of tbe
, .-pi,
man wUo Mull to above evcrythlne rUlc'elnto tbronsboot all part* of tbe
Cnitad SUtro need revision and aucodIns. and in lto*c rlrcumetj
■Mot Only tto tolaiuls' of SL I>aul
r.-i.ublle of Swltierwould to boib a foolhOi and
knd St tleocKO nre uou- lu tenn* inexcellent example la
thlnit for n pvat and free natloc to tbe . valry or Infantry offleer aboiiM all lumter*
•IndM In Uie
i-b-d with b-jltdlne np
deprtvu llself uf the i«>.ver to proiect kave
•perUl mBitonum.-Bl ability. an efficient i-illxeu soldtery.
•nd tbe ether bUnd* era nbo to bn
ll«)Own r.-*la mul eveu In cicciitlonal In totb eebool* the heat
tncloded. Tbe Inudlns of aUeu* aa welt

raae* to fund tip for ito- rislil* of btb- of tbe evlncatlon I* the blch atamlard
t* eitlaena uikmi tbe Ulatid* without a
Tbe White H.mse. Ik-.-. 3. iw*
parmit from the dapartmeut of i-om- erw,, Xidhliut would more proaole hi- of ebaraelor and of professional morale
Iqolly, iiu bine would.fiirtto-rderertbe which it niiifi-ni.
rehm ui« i «rtb of j«-m* aud riiditBut lu Iwtli servleea them H tirsrait

---— . .. .

rsi-ssil ilsaSL
U»« beseat to an cvr t»4or<4 roiuiwtM.
•»« w « H—e Ood t. aoaou.^

rank* at the Brv3l.->t ..f N.-w|i.i|-a Cog- rav«> *lK»-d!ly all*}-! their amretooil*h {in-’-urwira. lie wan started oa hit shuai
by ' fxclatisiug
uiq(bcmatk-al .-ari-.'r b.v r.-sdlng Onih- ’Wbere tbe Ma--d»usld sll*. know ye.
trod * -navit Malhematk-a.” but tbe gwillcBcn. ] that U tbe bead ot tbd
sfwciul l.-nt of bis gniiit, .-amc from tabk-.' ”

^14- or I

b>- i.-Klr ruin. lm« ij, tolp
a common rr-wr«rtt>- at
growth that we may all l

-a aicoiBpurii
M tnl p.-en
III frieiri* 19

:t I.- r-'fevvr.-l worlJ .V

Torrieclh-s writtng* ..D “Tiie Method of
IisilvUibles.'' T- Ibk be!.-d tho
raricsiau analysis and produ.-ed hla

attemplto sol.ean.;ml--r..rtbe tnore
alupli- i>rt4>l<-m« «.f the .-aleulu* by tlie
BOUimultoa <if ■rale*
ton r>-«d it
derived bli
power of .-on
were lioth v.

toi V* rtrhra -vjrwirr, m sld ..,-a eih.r
la tb. full jK-r/«.-iaa-«<- of tn. d-.;iy le
horanliv wns -b tbat scev'-'d <'.• laraiion
lir-rhe.1. r- .tot la tntv the weakest and
most unf-nu!rtte of our reru«i.j nsae
--one to h witfc -v;u»l eln* by ih*
.fcl- of the slraag-n ai,<3 mor-.- fonui-aU-.
le* us lieip r»r1i. oth-v lo sh-w that for
all 1ft.- rsr— rf m -a IBo MH-tty for wbicb
W9 h*v. fougni «o4 lat.ired I* (b* iwtw
stsler of Juavlvi- sad ivo.-.-. L-t us unlia
_ crrat-iig
________ wr.i B.u!n:ii:iifw and making
n an rahllc apialoa
^vent Inn
war s,;d^
: from tiK- tor-

srauftvx and
.'line .vnd trad*. *r.wN*>. 1
1 find haptili. s* tor os ol

-------------------------- :--------The Ortglw •( Mr. aad Mrs.
la eariler tliuen tbe onliiisry man'

i>”"<w Infloitorl- was simply WIJIIaBi or John that Is to]
urn - the ux.,t KtlmuUiiog matbe- tuy. be bad .mly a f'hri.iUa name!
matical vvork .0 far publl.b.-d lu Eng- without auy kind of liaodbr- beforo It
Her.- he make, th- Bnccessful or suruame after It. Aoiix- inesiN of!

•Iri-nr. It Is »u;d. lint .m oue occasloo
’-while In bed jn tto dark be extroeted
tbe square ro-i of a iiumiw of fifty,
three idares to iw.-r;ty-i*eTea tram* and
repeated tto iv«ult tavniy day* afterwariJ “
These examj-h.-* of raieuiive memoty
are quite- well antbenu.-ated and give

dl.iiugmshlng oue John ..r William!
lolher Jofau or William to-*aw!
tje •■«..jry. Xlrtuamcs d.-rived from a!
lusu * trade or Id* dwrlllug i4s-« or
from Knua pcraouul las-uIlantyX Merai

-misters” lu the:
SoBif John KmiU) a—-uniolatad
tnora wealth Hum the bulk of bin .fell3WK—i4Kwaie |s-rt»aj.s n lauded pcoiwirtor or an cmpP.yra «t hired labor.
Then be i«g*u to I.1 .-sll- l In the Nor­
man I'rencb of tto day tto ”maistn”
of this pUee or thnf, of ibme wort-,
men u- of- tto*e.
la tbe Ume the

-mahrtra.” or “,uai.i.-r.” a* u aoon be-!
came, got tarke-l vu before bis name,
•ad to to-.-aiiw AUioter Smith and hi* !
Vlfr-wa. Mntsin * Smith. Gradually :
and .'v.^ero la bU
tto ei-use -if |i
Seocrtute- aay* that Tbranlstoclro
lud tbe mie was nmfttT.sI vi|kui
cooM csll by name tbe SKui} citlaaaa
any kiu>l- by mm pnisstoliiu of weoUh ;
or bolding some poelttoe ot tnnra or !
ethlng of the r
leaa caiwMenilac and liopartanra.
«t Sopbo-Ies. Who In old age
<Yna tbe Greai

Judicial proceedlngr bad bero IcsHtcted
-d _
to detennlue „
bis _
"Ton MxKihlii't trasi V '.m- - Isjy eo
benbly. T«io?lt
Irak Us .pint.”

nre tvpr:,
-r.fcJ. In ra*;>.-.-t for law. lu
Utor more fra tto fuiora tbaa for ^tJolona to prove bU mind was
not ftH“Well. ktH protohiy get mefried
otodiesce to tto dtctatwi of a aanud totorot. tot it uw right bRPoOT to gtvro.
some time, and to might as weU bare
Alrltiob pu*u.,Aad tbe gaaetala ekooM________________
tf «* right, trodenec. to raubitaiwd. tto .Eq,t» aakto BlgvtH keut tkM Iw
U towkM Bovr’
tb- ;M-j|rte. In th-

tbnmgbom Hw couBtry.
The army
sbooM to-gathered la a f.-w brigade or


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