Grand Traverse Herald, April 07, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 07, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



OTAin} 1BAVXB8X HgRAU?, VOL. ZXr<-Ka 14.

-sv. S’. 3b::ajeisela.,




time to hny a cheap fhrm. on aaay paymanU
SanitujPliiinbm \ Sow U theGood
loeaUon. 8 ifartia] lUt below.
aodflDiise Heaters.
siitnA BBamnxA
409Btm mniATou m.

HevL M t n • w. All tmproTed: No bslla • s»
aoil: cbtappattluw
> balaoee oe tieae at T per oral,
.bar aiUi feed
asdueauoek. Near oiea L*He. win eaii foriauu.
E s of a t It teL M l rr It. Aboal «o Improead. Fisa local
road tMdl aaady loam. Bere la year ebaaea—ealy
Boaeaaad two L Xa. eoraer of Mosroe aad Wa] : neorthtf.OOO. wUlaell
< U>3*.^aad Lst ooildd fL. BorUs»t o-aer jf Wiat>lon»a aad Park Plas«
atrecla. wiu aell for $S.i»o B.sla brUf 10 psr eeet b«l

lOU. PsBspt. PtpM. Elc


128 CASS ST.


AUonMij* »l I—w,


■.e. DiTu.



O. R Carver S


Df.J. A. Snyder, i.jear Estate
omm t> lUBKBAi

Tbavkkkk CiTV. Mich.

":T'irK.".r,..,.. .. „

little tellaw—don't yoa r«mrmb.T be ■
did. i'ta.rV- 'atked Joan "And I .laat ao
help lee.ioe be .1 Uke her boma aad . fa


latM >k kanalm. ■u..bla(. ikvklr I'li


Basm'ess Cards.


"Hr wA»te'’lt.a« bokierm w*. dall
thev dida I feel that Ihei could do
thief more lor her. abe badc'l any
a oa Ihria. lo take care of bar.
wlia: doyou thick of laaf’
-Well. I ie.rrI dMa'l a pae at •
baly .-oo'd be ao bard hearted.” ■ '
claimed I’b.. be
"So claim 00 'r
Of oourae khe'a their klepmoiber; buti
didn't abe *3 there when Ibei were lit
tlerhapaaod lake care of lOem after
ttaeir father died, thr eamraa if they
Were ber owo**
Well, If there ia any
leaeniBC op of Ib'eCk—ae I komettmek
t^bink there ii—tbey'II die ib tbe poor-

.A. S'B'W
: AO«* S mila touth OS rul aide of
bobU}- sBder food cuIUtbsIob mud
0bct«b4 BllBBOotb by UoBtoe 5e.............. .. ................................
beary laod well waUred. food dairy tarm. Cab be boofb


0.*r llrKBun .1
frame bosM, will wit cheap or trade for city property,
rea Umber Bear Cedar Bbb. Other pteoea Juel aa deairable


Crowns and Bridges,

11* praiM

VtUlind Air for PainloM

j^tLTii,,a m

A*S2-g\i..‘KSfiS? *



Johnson Block




K^S!S&ti.aToajf B.uirfD.CMBmiiMBr
J MT*aaMdl.Tr«TB<MUi|,BI


& “iSSrWiiS: ****“” “*■■■
apMiOM, CMI Ifesw ul ta ^

bBabUkof cber.lea, Vl..iV. ' \e .ail.
"ifeotbia* happen, to iheui. and ifae
llliea aru almoal upau.
Hare lou uuticed them'.’'
Fh.i-tM.lood altfaepautry window.



■•ThateS.” .he imid l-> beraelf.
be aeeer will (.ro-r up to Iw like olber people '' Tbeo abe [.u'- b r bead onl


If Farmers at a liistancc wish tu
load at o^her points and make upjs “\r.r.:s;z
carloads I will buy il any station.'" I «o anti tak
^^'rite me what you have to offer.


mail otders receive prompt

Apples for sale. Pure Old Process Cider Vinegar for
.«ale to the trade at wholesale prices.

jOHiiiT a. 2>a:oMG-^2^

Pboea M.,

tlO W. Kleee(.tb HI.

__ Money to Loan


Merchant Tailor
Carpet Cleaning'Works

SarvcyorandClTll Engineer

- Sur^lssKs^'




Hobbs, The Hardware

' ^

aad aee the el^at new Uee of
HprlBf StylM of VToulem bow
OB aala, which wlU be made ap
ia the LaUal Hlylea. and at
aaeb Low Prlem aa will aarpriaa

Keepfl Bakes, Hoae. 8howetH, Fork*.
WheelbaiTowB. etc. eic. at

14© FxKDxx't S'tx'ee't.

NO BLurrj £g!f%„
at 21$ Front' Street.

How U Use tiose to fet y<mr Ueycia
eaamalad aad pet ia food abape

fyOB nrnat a bicTcle baill
at yna
reyoar order aad apeclBt____
my abop. aad I goarwatee te tail y.
la workmaai-blp. matarUI aad^riee.

Onl, $2.5010
Enamel TonrWheel.

eoBBUoltyonhasd. All work dnoe
prom(4t^od well at eery reaaoe-

n» W f'rooL lat done weat EafleOWee

' “'"1

,. MT'dding





.............. .... ss


thau a I






barret we alwaya work
wbal we have |oL Jt«B?





aeOivtaalDvef Baa


Brosch’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game
1.A Season..

Fresh. Salt ind Smoksd Meats, Stiis^ Fic.
meserr OF cvsMrTHtMa


body d.iput
face iciniom
- Of oourae

bile thrrr'k lou

Fraotieil Cyda Hollder aad Eaame
Ilk .I'oloa HlreeL Bear Frost.


-e'.ary of the

y, and ul

aa tbik flue old pi

r*eooai*nrkiaaay '’^'*'^"'”^'**‘““'
iBf eaamrl and ear-i
ma all the
beartagt and traej Oar PimertpUea Depanweei uwoeaed
the wheeia-allfortheaboveprlte-



ibc road
**'. ul the ik'be.t .lulea la tb,- I' our rewdrra
en ibere'a Coueia
: tbe earirly aod<,ualily nf iu tiiblwr eertaia com
any place lo *o
^?'lmudad bp. cm
rbeuoieli u ,lr. w up her ba
> limbe.-. and the upi.n a road, tt ui
o more, aat
l!;,i ibry are a.l a* welcomea* of ii. w»l i. ami
___________ jwD. the aoil of J^t tta
ir’.if‘\rr left' n»d. and may uke tba gtcA Ucm,
*^,‘“dnn"rtbTni“y«T';^ed In •orrr
uiea. gra.
gravel, aaad or paythlac eC
eg Ibelealuetohiui
oulhaia^doTbpeautface, auhjact ooly to Ud
righu of tbe public lo Irani
b. take inaiiT mure,
0 preeealio*
road, aod that of tba Ucbwpy
auiue wav araeided for
lee.iig. A permaaeol fbri-vliv .urey
IM. .uch maturlaU Iw Ihd
•Y«.. there'll be .on
10 kbuuid br appiinird to repair uf thr road; aad Ume
V. baee pait <’n»y
te correct lafurmaiioo aod maybeeUrtid
<iU leaee
iBcouiage prii^r uulructioa IB nor jew tba road,
her.-1 an
a right to load hM
lad there', a big iroaiof wail we ^y hopcM *pr.3t»tV»«>r- prerenl. ealUe there, o

alter Mia. Loa* aaabe...__________ er.Luace till- . agua* or otber tbinca ihara.
I he owner of a dron of eatUa IkPt
■ ,he .aid. "I betluerthera'll j
•r .poke of "Tlie pu. iLU- aloo. to <e>-d la troBluf your lapd. ar p
tax chair waitiaf for tbit ■ * **
lera Hk-hiran.'’
Hi. r..-1 droee of piga wblcb root ap tha <o(l. la
_________ „ia hrarea.koahe can reala
coafiaed ain't I \ to that rnapoaaible to yoa at law. pa moah M
year or twoabea ahe Ce" bar work
lower proiO'Ula a^h-jf ■ (f ,p,y did tha aame (blag tntida tha
rbile .lima «ak pralla doee here, doa t yoo '"
TbU i. j faQce.
Ih p.r llel nf latitude
wa. fruatia* ber cake.
■irooc ia
oor-lv irth lbe am of the atate . .Vubody'a cblldraa bara a right te
.ca.uthiBg it orer carefully with u
about oae-teatli the p> pick up toe applet uadsr your Iraea. al*
aad CO
kuite. wbu'li ebi dipped la a bowl of
ebam aprt
le mala water almd ruoi tboagb the aame ttaad wholly petalda
> a ,utb a little eukt uf the |q( yoai (eaeu.
ihnnirht I d make anme plana cake '”‘“siie'alwai. make, me feel-Mra.
. kurfave U more rolliag.
No pneale peraop baa a right te eat
■«epinthehi.uae. 'kbcaaid; 'for«e Loa* doea-at If I ba
d lakrt aad rlreia mure ‘ or lop off the limU of yaar tr«te IP or*
lUble tobata eompaay any day"
lor liein*. ' .aid -Umo
ceol'al or aialbero ' Jrr to more bia old bare orothar h«lia-IiMB aprua of
and po trpeal*
a IU ikccoktoai
faille way; '•Feebeea
Mill in NoMi rij Uii'klgap 1. all plae
Tbeo .he lurote aullful worm ii i..
.tump laud, but Ibirr 1. the .idewalk wllbuwt k
liiabcr or pi
if there eouldnl beany — -----------. .,. < a vakt auiuuni of go.>d harilwood liia I, be goawa tbe bark or elharirlts la*
_____ -................. -It l*..o'l.laiemMJlo
"If you feel like com*
iw la-ud. wh..b wbeo claare-d make at igr*. them.
you. Ph.i be, on .uch a dae a' Ihia'
imeado- where Amiw l» al
r nv Tl;, g~'f»'“'i"rlaodta.aDyiBthrkUio ; ffy.orFflll ateada partly oa yaar
"Voo mu.l rvnu-mber that all the kU'd Fh.. be. cailinr her.
' Much I'f Ibe piar atoffip >aad may al.o load and partly oaWld* tha faaaa, ae
world i.n'i like Matfi-ld." .aid Fft-i-'ee. ; pel aame aend «0c ‘ ‘„'/J bemadeiiiv, pr..6ublc farm, by ic- aeighbamB Mt It cgeept by yoar par>
aad rtra Mayfield i-unl like Ihi. all | r«pe--iaily f w<l naturrd ' rr ' “> “ J ■ placing the bumu. that bas beeu l u'athe year
There ik alealy of ain aad him if be can .peud liiae
lad onl of ii
Any crop th.t .»n ba
aorro. , we kaow that.''
| bnof them orer after uioo
•■Yta.'' aaid Joan,
and Tee beeb'while yon are *one I'!l get
^tiu with aoaalea ^Uaca witheu bte
Ihlaklac *»«b■ aiace I heard FamoB ' ioa»obder
1 cue., ibai
al.-ullhekime Uairyiog
ran alao
lag liable to yea (ar traipuaatagaa
.mau'k krrmiB—1 can lgrl It oi
. mlpd. aialer—that we live i
riadoorabuld. ’""buiarigbitopaaa ■
gi'iWL big world fail of trouble, and we
The tViktera^aB onirriy
' and b'coaia
b'coaiag ■iaair;p
doa'I do aaylblng to atop It. whea we
i. admlmbly jiigb'. tuBiaUt road. bBtBMte abate
lor fear you
‘mUu i^u'ue^^pped bar agg-beatiog tod doB'l bi
for a mnmeot aod .ouued at her .umr
e of the o.B. tbe loU of tbe road, erua ha mmToaar Ikalabe wa. aatcaUbed w,
uau it lor aay porpoae which $B(Br»
will hope
I Hop s. braalW
fere* with ths aas Bt it by Uu' p«bUp


Ca'.I aad aee aamslte al

Visiting Cards

'ilk my flee ehi
Ik ul Uary H.

eery bod iu duce lirkt..-:'... friol.-V“h It V^>p?Hy ;' Tha^MulnVV» «l«lrablB pa-------irecom^ny cra.ied mu.l put up lo a ta.W maaurr•
.inyie detaU waa carried outpom'
.acaoddeal ,
nrary aiwpya hrlair a c-xd price lp]ru-.y toi wkkb creal eredit U dap M
° .*’71 - I *•»'
•"■•*'«■ »“ dt-rnlrd lo hopU K L Multerteld.
r"*?the ialerokU ul Sorthern W,. b-*an
----------------- --'
iThe K.ue.try of tbU Mi-ilon na» bi.l
Kwh'a IB thw BoPd.


Bicjcijs Built to Order! t)o ;^ota

Bicytlp Sundries ul dll Kinds

Iccauke the kcbooli baee not offaead
r.jur«.e of .lady that appaarad to them
ra uablr la tbeir work
lie bell«T« Ip
■n-.ioduvini; maeual tralalac aad acrtru’lura aubjeru into the tower evadea.
Make Ibe oourxa of ttudy for tha
■aaie.ek. not f.w tbe prufeaaloaa
Uoeera-ir ISatrree .poke briefly of tha
farmer.' pubm-dailaa.
Parmaea ta«l
the weichiof laaaii.m bacaaar to maoh
property eb.'a|w. laaatioa. Lel'a alahd
ucether to make all pay alike.
I barr tried la tb'iaecpon lo cl** tha




*l-«'!dio'i Uuleblaa of the U.«tA '
far, a aarj taalraetiea addread oa the
.uMn-tof -BirbarEdacailMaad tbd .
.late " He compared the a««Ma oC
ituJy puraacd a ceaaraUM ace with
t.o.e offered today aad ahoaead the '
.umriarliy of tba preaeal ayatam 8 Is
Urctinc tha aeadk of the mimaa
luaed with a beany iDeitaUoo for the
armara lo bold lbe abxt Ueahd-L’p thi.tmo at AoL Arbor.
l’re>,drnl Myder of H. A. C aaoba
ru Kdu<at.oo lor the iBdaatrial <^mHr aaid the raak aad flla. tba
tour ami k.bew of our ooaBUy. tha
i.yaf the aaltoe la all criwa. haaa

l:?Lro!i krd

.k to a child, "at

F. M. PAINE. Florist



braacbet ‘Ibcre waaa radiaal eaprea
aloo on ber child'ike. lunocrnl face.

latest Ideas aid Ippliances.

po.iBd ib.-lodin* c
■Ilk. to bare b.e
' OB the farm ik of p,
laa. bul <}-mt bull,
a thr i-rvamcry or i
F""»l pi;)”'


lered by the
Me haraai
ra apace fee ealy a beiat
tloa of ihe^ iloalac aaaakm of PrUay.


"When either a Chamois Long Protector or t'est
will l»e«a necessity. We can supply ydu with either, but
you can economize and yet have something just as good^ arr»,«iu
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at 30.
50 and 75 cents.


mi._________ _ _____ ____________
. aeerafe of pri.-e of nioe .voi
pound, while the arerafe pri
! creamery butler aaa aian .en ce;

when haachad tocethar Ib*W1U;^
Mbera crow of a amea aaJtarm ■!«
hot aaariyaaapt MhacMi>«-

dection pr..luce. the hifhekl .,<ia. :lr of'uiia
1 baeTtMlaaid aarthlac aboal
'•r?okt where Uraadma Itermaa baa fralu. rraia. aod receiaM"> Tnr ap the LVumau'a aeclloB which met web
col to die osleaa komeUiD* tarua ap.”

kUcrii,.iB in the cbapal.Borof thacoa-«ld SJri [.oacwlplaf hrreyr.paber
''' "pe ferenea of iSKtiluU oeorn held
apron. "They're makipc pUo. to lake< |ni„ruiuc, at which much InlormaUafl
ker there ia a few davk oow.
a. calked »l rreat eaiaeUiol
ihirk of IL U be under .urh a woman Ibetac .el .
a 'hr arraacla*
rraacla* fur future laaUtnua
akUra Keuhem. Aad then there'• Al- , larre ciliei
e >u ' «b..uld ar-o apeak of the reueplloa clraa
creaoiQC bu they runr
r Ibe faeulty of the eolleca la habM
"I reckon tkerea aleoly would take
"fr . o| lbe ilrlera'ea. aad the raueliaat ■
Alma.” PliTbe remarked, .lu.tinf a I fo^urihk of
01 in.- peache* markeud are ,
,,, tha roUeffe basd hi
kpe.k of floor from her rleao Ciafkaa
I aat be.-aum n-n pwr-rly rip t tv that le.-uilrrlul aweat aiBcer. Mr.
Uelia. artel knoa. a euriilu. • s Bartlett, of |■oaUac.
The laUrt
p-a k.k
The pr.ifltau e pn. ,
m-.n— beclualaf to
•If p.-ar. Uee
lie* qiiii.qiin.- larjely ii
in Three l.iac _______________^
keaalook a day lor _____
Lbiar a ainkl her.”
• lihe produ.-rr In properly j Cay. aad or
o aeemed to wanh-to fp
ha poor nil
wauld I
Ipra them.
The koull fr.ill kito.l'OD '
ap,e were thruuch. U nraaC*^
loae Alma.'
-baucr* iB-rtT rapMl.t. the auTO-lul ifyinc lo aea with « hat elGaa atlamUoifl
Ji«a. ••SheaeUeeefylhJncby'thc trro«rr will hr. p uo aleadilyMythe ....
th, pmTreaora
pmlem.aa of
of the eallege Halapad to
rlrl. aad *lrl doea by ber. hbe'a al --------------bn.iar.. wiih little
llc n-card,
or ■ ,!„ ^Ik. of pra
____ __________
the la-nber abr'a kaowe
'Twauld be 1prlica
'rrldrat that acieeee apd praeUea arc
eruell, < lb, l’h..-be. can't wedo| 1-r.g,
6 that IheVkaaw. for learnlac of each other far tha aptaaltdowiB* are not an laree laj „f Mlobl*an acri.-oltara. la wHV
dm wa. lookinr at her cake la the
acinini of eaiea.irr i,*„fth. meeilac hr. TerryaaJd. -A
|Plamiac. bul i.y better m. iliori.of .art.f iboiicbi alop* tbe Haaa ol Im- .
! ipc faf ‘be on-hard, the e.e.1 ..I produc- protemeol in acrlcoltare. (raft freiw
•ImuLt begoloc.''
baa beeu rednce.1. Iiv lorau. ol i „c, ,,c„ and of aobiar maabopfl aad
imrfv-ial frrtilttera Mj,u„abnod wa. aUrUd then i
-, »« ran 'k^p upVaicrof HIrbIcmn ihalwUl rea


Baal Bsutc Exchange.


taebaa la diameter aad elfbi <ea laehea
heada Jor a year or mnc«. aad tba m deep. Huatn Ua • Ik lau> the aaaa am
' leetmae hpee decided that ilmaat come aooa aa paaaible aftee mi'ktaf Set the
Idowa. ttotbey wrou lo J Im aad
caaalalo the barr. I aad fl.i aparoaad
to kDOW Fbat tb»y would 4a for their them wiU cold water, oaiaf ke a'ao If
Aad what do yoa thUk ILay yoakaeeit Oe«m Ibou id b<'preperh
riaeaed balorecbaraiaf but mx kept
IWee ea Ibe dwk. aad l> rkr fenra.
- n ell. I kaow-boatVtet they ban loa loop.
When freah cream i> added
doeafiw berihe laet flee ycata.' aaid the whole ahocld be Ihonniefa i .lined
11. u ta. m>U«t al tke CawberUad.
"Tbey ee aeal bar flee or ftaa khoBid be add .d e ;i
dollara al Cbrietma* and left ber
rvburalnr A dairy Uermoite
to the taader marcle* of bar fria<
terah.iaLi alwavebr aaed t • teat ibr
a>.d aeifbbork Lbe raat of lb* yaar
.lesperalure of tbr cream for churalBi
---------- Iwbick aboold'be eo to o', dtaneea.
looked CkuralBC .Bould awe a. aooa a. thr
batter CDllcU la trrr kmall irranBie*.
o off aad halter
carefully w
‘ "**' 1 hak^lima ** Aud
added aa<
Led ,j
I lk>y* bobT do koiaethiaf Tke
113 led at
; proapered. and tbre need lo <
...e MIC iBt.' proper abape
:wltb ibrir famUica. aod mak
itea lB* iac.uliuued loo loo* ih.
,p)uf*e, eeery aammrr a.
r aa et eaaelae le lbe hBiiermlt
grandma wak able to wall oa
!be!d I.el-eeo Cie partirl-a of
boo! which will injurv both lUflaroi


I keep laa leal oat
1 Wboao hath thU >or
aaetb hia bn.thrr Pave p i aVid kbul
iiwel.of COB u.-ion fron the 1
'p a* OBC pera.n
.aid Fhm'ie.
My would .1.- aa mock a* <
•oold hea p-evy comfurub
world. 1 Uiiuk.
1-bere. you've cot
..o may beat


1 woedar wbil .bai brought ter uwer a.
early. Abe d.-a'i go cad'lag aroond li
tbe aaorriog aalemahe haaaomrbni
p«aa Walk la, Kra L-w.
Ihto rocker by the window.
neMt feel the heal '
IHa. Low* a

if It wa

Which■ abe

•I doBt want lo hint r
. .....................'
“ko’i ■tooTte"'""''*"’"*'
aaklag howyoa are.
Phtrbe; yea
akiag Ulag. hum as
Yoa oogfat
tb bare been taairoa
bait rcoagh to spend yucr eMrgleB oa
' “
“•^~Baga to keep quite boiy." aaiBBaad PbmSe*-he>au to me voa

.S’-.’:,';.''! lid be tbe•' ; ““ai’ly
ts, ™.. «r aloo"

ly laid OBI, Ibeote
tbe iraeeUad path.

■ to iS>


'rr , Bigbl aad ia lejured.
t^may also br iad'lcl^ bbA flted lor
Of ugH
ilractiog a public highway,
lbe tllh
lad If hr haaa frocB or wall alodf
pwrallrl of lailinde k*. deerewMi
• blgkway. be mail piaee It all Pd
, --,'iaad. apd ant half oa the ma^. m
Beilwveu iw u. b, t <i LkUe.
' J^Vortb oTiT.V'ZS Illy ' la eaae of dietaloa (aheea bptw—'
Tka laat dayof ibe preat iaatllow taowcBed la valor
He Iboiigki
waa tbe bat alieaded aad the mdal jl- : orchard, of liraod Traverke cual
______ be owpa t
lea :dlBcOBUaued.orln
k« -ure a er.ep ' |amt reee
waa the 6r»t topic ducumed.
E A of po*alun
w. The flr»t do.. It tu the eaptrn. ,
Cromaa of JacksoB raanty ipoke of the ’ etBeatial la
aaio tbeBoii, ipartof bia faite—/«do( BoMUO.
BdeaBtBgc o( lOe cu-operalive cream ' which baJp
pture. rb-ra'
---------- '
ery Tnv firil eaeeoiu, » aa abondBat la acldom a yaai
enuagb fallal A aUCl areh la te be theowB (
e.e to vupply the Kur»n. Rlrar pacr aifua i ____
aad BOlform anpoiy uf good milk, liuad .doriag the gfmua fetjifirek proper frediag aad------r the crop •
fpe will be MO feet Ia^.-p graatte 48*
df tbr covk mod proper
. .
r' real mp.i
clraBliaeaa muat ba eb I talBad la t
I every dctell.
Tbe general by eulilvalil^ aad the prooer marbaaBrlltab
mavt be a rood boalaaea mao leal
-ploBa la lbe aprieg
uauge ite
wiih the harrow,
ly aa he wvu d bla ovra buaiaea.
... ^_____
iocbea deep, aad
advapihgei of the eraamery ayatem are ' goea <r
two or three timaa
•kal nae of teaeblaery. oaiform-1 with •
othlag harrow briure tbe poHeepaag bigb ai-Ughttemds te ankp
........................................1 dlvbi
roaad aboalden aad aa BagiMMl ear*
Cromsa aaid.
eracm-1 na
>r thceoegh deep
ripgc , Low pUtew or bdaut, or aoM
laity las grant Bdaeater | flaltiralioa.
Af IT Ua aaea a flae let all It par ccB atacd It, wU ^
doea pot
Bot go over *; '. . iTTierik
more carefal la tbe uoU caltlaater bat does
I of oar Btoek I two laches deep;
pad oar wivea belter ni ared."
I and al wars aa so
.J -.........................
U Krawa ofClImn admitted the > groaad U drv ea.
It., i ntral betel
adeaaugea ol tbe crevdery. bet acid oedtiBBcd ealU tbe topa
that oaiy a few laraasra lathe atate. groaadla recommeadiag
la-'Seadky algBV aa the bot watte N
coald BOW aeU their mUk te B eracm-, ealilvatloa be iBid that wbrs
fur the vraab Heatey m^rnety Be clcimed that jaat aa good bet are (oar ia^ea high the rc
ter coaU be msdeoe tarm wiU (oar or laram between tba rows. If they are
----------------------------------- -----------------------aoff theritBlilyaf
theritatiiyaf tbeplapteUiathe p
teaat. leave the r
Utebara&adbralre Itetdteapcralaaeither
1 mack as poaalbU and girc troyed bh shop. The Bate Aay he
,ltef—0..hl- tbapoMlbUilirvof'donlerd
and qo-.ted .uiiiliek whic






i-sl'..; .


______ UereUlagV^weean.lmt tooadUaadd tea* that haS hMla
we BBst ealUrate eakiagh o( the ate. I the tra. 0arts4ty teamed hidt te
laed aoil to keep down weeds aad (•rB'opMtkaeaalBUn. Bahmad that the
tha mUh U pretarahle and a temp wmj aaeteUtealchteprewaai evaparatiaa. jpetiea o( thaflaoMSkhd tedtarlaUytete provide Ite it 8 te (ahe a tatfe tartalteteskhad teWdCabeal «M«aet
htmikmtercmi. aetlktei tete alcbt

e eo ebiPBte aa aaeal. lately •tacBUal laall partrad tha
.is'.s..','-----------■ ■ ."ketiag
■dar. Hew yoa keep
trea tbe aair ef the eow te tbe
in a-teyatery ”
o( the batter. DaepieUiBged
arrylag ower Ofa^ma
eealds'l aWp laatalffhi
csaM b«- Toa haeeat
Well,70a hhow theBUboase

The yuu kb'ju U make;
II he leaven
I of tbeae l•ndk'^ feoee. aad wl

QraM Travane HataldFma THiT«»>fCitr Trapcetint CcttoHgstfi!. Jttir,7. U98.
I Traverse Herald

frtnt* mkU 4lip*««h. th^ tto MkMU
•qosdre^of Um C»tt«d luua a**?.
Beer Koac. tai NI erdns to prcpera
take lUalU. raui^ Ulaad*. I> the
•raato(e4MUntieeef wv. TWekjMt ei tk* eltwk weald W t« IbmBatriyeaiaBSfata-erwwae

BeaMa. Itoreb II.—It b slaUi fa«a
aaaalkMtie war«e Ikat Uelllaa
•raae of aU reiwaaiiiut Matlai
the AUaaUe eoeit have baaa ae
It M4 Ikawal** is nadlaaea b
^thtae«Bla»riaaala«MMBt't aoIte. la the aeaal ct «ar tbea. >U<
BnntrmbaealMtaaaa Ue tklpt
iBwarltetvaBli be BMd la dafwl
Oa Ike eaeet betweea Malae aai <ba
«alf M Mexieo Uara art tetitatal
atov tkt AUaatie iulnard aal tba
fMtoeapalUttatteaa. aat ta ' '
BatWt anttt TW a»a e>pb>rt4 aa
ttMttaMMtaatibtrabaatl.SM, aet
MbM. Hank ll.-Ordati hare beta
*e aoWllaa all Sfaalab varaUre
aai a aataad torrala eqaalraa U baiar

Hadrii. ArrU4;-Tbtflpaaiib eabl_tl bat ieridti ta baM tbe \orp^
tatmaattbcOareVerdtialaBdt a^
it eaa be l»laad by fear battlatblpt.
tbe Ba>parerCharlta V.. the Alpheaao
XIII.. at le'ltBto Tberrts mad tbe
Cbrtetebal Oalaa. Tbe Viseaya
lalraale Oqaeada will both be or
ieted beck U> Btraat at tooa u tbay
antra at Porto Bte.
Tbe Blalet/y (ear that war la latritable aai art ilaeuaiar awaaerae (or
Tbe people


Btraek by a TTaii
0. W. Biektrd bad a aarrow e
IroaaborribledeaUi aboot I o'olaok

fWladdpWa. Mardi ii.-Ordert bare Bawrday airbt Bear Bamse Bldlar. Ba
relaralar (itn Barker Creak with
oMOIBlsartelelaBdfroai Hatfahkr
tB wbiob be bad hired at Taoberea
IM Maallat.Maioroaeyaar. Baral
oBoerm r««anl ttbaedor at erideaeo wbea tbe banra baeasa aaeiaet
na away. Biebard eeceped (roai
Itet aatHbbaearaibMd. dr'- —
rif Jett bafort the tcaa d '
-Mm ealMlar tetm» year eaa be aloac the track and natatrata comiaf
- raVle epaad. Tke borace were
Mir oi
owe reqeeet before
lletbtrirl at thair

. tiM tapbaHot of'
Iba period.' proridlydosaoiarlotlB tbo

ihcric dathod latoepllatera.
Lai^ BacletraUoB

FollowiBf antba aoBbert of aew
’ aaaee rerUlored ia (be eereral warde


diala appriifriiiltB f( Sl.ooe.noo i
iMll^lit war find. Tbaaeaato
b^ taah aoUoB tkta aftarooea aad
Utt appaopriatiaa waa prospUy wade.

'WMbbuiB. dprfl d-Ordara
taaad May ta eSaet the ertaalaatioa


la all of the warde Uaro hare
remorala aad a (aw hare left Ua city,
at Ue WUl rryieuy abowt a oeatldrmbla yala la each ward.

d aa aray
«■«» ■“ “
to the ovaat at boaUlltlia baBpeeulW O.T U.Heailaya.
Hmwm Bpda aad tbla aatloa.- Ti
Tba aeeUay hold la the CeByrefaaray to ba aaMpiiiil of atatf militia.
UbboI efaoreb Dsder Ue aoepieoaef Ue
TwUt Ue bOTeraa>eal ordered take W. C. T. r. HoBday rreBlBy wat a rery
.pateIadM.I»BaBtnrreUblaahato br pleaumat oae. Bar D. CocbllD ooBdi
/ ftady McBday >Hniaf. Tbli <
edUe deroUonal ewrieca. MiBTillia
taada to a aoa&raaatlan of Ua k
Hay BB aad K B Holley yere reciu tlone
ttet ae peanrfil aoialfaa of the troeble wbiob wore eejoyed by all Him Boby
Daao and Jelle Blrooy each readerrd
WbOa it B daalad taoBeUl eirolae plane eelo la a rory eommeodable mat
- that HUM Weodlard baa been n- aer. Hre. Hoou' UJb oa Temperance
«ltod. adriaat (rem Hadrld
aad Portty wae (oil of yood Ulaye.
tbe BlaHlar H maklay Baal pr<T^ Hre. Heeualwaaid maey Uieyi aboel
HtMtalearaBpalswbeaMroeBlt '
Ua adraaeemaat of womea aa<
m b ksewa. If .ae
we tor peaee are i
a^wntod. ItieaapaeWdUal Hlsle- (aw okalay renurin aed Bar D
tar Woodford will aaeaptUayoodcia.
eWd Ue meetlay wlU Ue beaeow a( the Britiab and rreaeb aaboMSdlfltlon.
4su la afTsayiac for a ditpem'
AavlUB Istantta. If ba aball ba
pHW lataaro Hadrid.
AffBUIB opsooewa.
Tr-‘- April A—Tba aftecBoao papmra deplore a war betwaaa Bpala aad
th* Oaltsd Btatea. bet daelara it it la•ellaMaOBlenaUird aaltoa pateboe
«p as elafOoU bear peaee.
1W Pan HaU QawtW wv "PraaiAwt M^laley hat pUyed a yreal part;

OoiryeKerb. iahataoaaf Hr. aad
Mra dalboar Korb. died rriday. Tbe
bald froet St. Fnaeb
oMcb 8fladarat2;I0p_^
Prtxae to- Poetry.

A fe« weektAfO H. Baelaa of •‘TVe
Fair” dry roode'htoia oSerod a prlie
dreaa pattara tna tbe beet (oode
te atore. for the beat poem prlttaa
le yoedt by aeebooi firi. Tba earnteat eloaed April Brat aad a larya
«ol plrU bare ODSpetad for
tba pritr. TfacpoeBa.
iatareat U Ue dlteataloo of a bell Arbt
baadi of the Jadyaa. Hrv H. K. C
which it to taka daet seat Baaday
Bato. Hra. M. X. Beck aad Prof. C. T.
lhaa they do la.war talk.
Orawa. who will detrrmlac •rhieb hat
The ^eats'tacaat b nid ta
merit. There
acalati the eeeeka of Oeba. It wai pritaa. Tbeflretadreeeoliroode worth
yard tod the teeoad. yondt worth
it did.

a araatartlarlar Ihe taary

IMbtaa IKaay. dapely atsM
Bataritr Mralat tkwa Beaet. afti
■ryltipirter. laMedbH-or* la tUa
M yaara. wlf^ oOaba Baww, died o(
‘Ibottday. adlor tpaadlar a
bleed pelaealar. Tbe hatbaad aad two
IbeiadaelrtatarTnaarH aty.
^Bdlea aarrfrp the ■twiert
(aaaral took p^ee (rev Bt. Trmacie Hr. TUtar wta btra U Bore
tlsUar wreiad aad bit taperi «l
bareh Hoaday Boralarat*:U. HirHraat ww a pros
Trararaa Bay HIr*. «or 71. L. a T. I
asdtbeowBbartol Ue'

Alpena l.bSt daleyaWe wai
Tbe followlay oHoera

Ue laewriea In ezcelleat ebape.
with a few minor eaeepUon. where Ue
rtqolremenu were aot known. Oea
•eyyreUon at Ue taaeket r factory waa
ately eomplied wiU.*Tbat to a
ipe at tbe back of the laewry.
w enable employee W effect qnick eaBirer lo be Oooked
cape ia ease of fire. Hope^awadaat
tbe merllay of ihb board of oob- B'allace at cow arraByed W bara tba
rrke BaterdiT alyht the report
mmpe oeaalmcted aad It to now nearly
mad# Twaidlay lerela takea of
rlrer darlay tbe recoat hlyh •>
At Uto time Ue ecynytt* amonet
by Arcblloct Maore atilrted by I
paid oot (or labor to aboot MS.OOO per
» Tbomat of Aldea. They report moaU. Ue arernya
way* rat*
that the waur
belay 11 tu.
This aremye
Inch and
fraciloe abore oora .1 biyb w,
eaoeod by obetroctlaai la Ue itrt
tba larye forte o( female employes IB
•Hod ibe board decided to recom­ Ue oral wood dtob factory
mend that tbcbaakael tbe rlrer be
It to etated by Ue inepeeuw that
piled aeeordiay te tbe mtablUhed dock Lhcre are comparatlrely
Ilaa. thecoalaytommer. at leaal
le Mlcklyae aad la eima placm Ue

yettlay fcpar moaU peaalon, aad
will donaU ene HoaU'a peaakm t
ward boUdiny a ynsboal. U all Ua old
peneioaen will do Ue aema.
ilh aide of the atrtaa. Tbe lo
yoaboat we ooold boUdl Aad aame tl
■apply of labor ii ioeoSl 'lent (ot
leatboat oppoaiU the mill of tbe Trarboat tba Veteran
Eepeclally lo Ue onper
ene City Lamber Co. proeee that t
woBid like to bmr from come
iBMla. wbere Ue iron and copper
miaee are ruebloy lo Uelr (ollmt c.
parity. He reports a brtie r arcraye Vork rayimenu that composed
I'OAxurriwI tbe (tooRb
B P O E Election.
yrade: Tae Tblrly-Ulrd. Forty UIrd
ixei'iu drtr-lir>
Tboreday nlyhl Ue aBBoal eleeUoe rate of wayee and Uoomod*
•■>■>1 i^ldir.
Altcraunl 1>.>
Forty-elaU aed beTeaiy.aei
of Trererae City Lodye. No Ml. B P at work tbao at ibl. time isei year.
couur III c ulili njia ami did not r.ti :ii to
them .peak eat. ’
O. Elbe Wok place wlU Ue lollowlsy
^ Boaluu to ►miu' t.arr, Wm-n be »u. a
Ablmaat Horton, wbo Urea no a farm! leadiuK u>.n, Culd.r Wii.t iaio tbe i
Ulm Oerelaod left Saturday for
ExalWd ttolri—t. A. TbempeoB.
boat four mumaaru of Veaiabury., ei-wiK-cary
rf . tUn.lo TuxupUna.
eek'e rmlt with bar .Uter at Unyae
Eewemed Leadiny EBlybt-B.
.tor. tk. oraBd dlatiacuoa of beiait
Ui-l.-.-e. of Ibf Itolua
Henry Tooaellar relnmad Tboreday
. Eewemed Loyal EaiybV—U.
aar lb.- reply of ToiiipklBa
nlybt from a trip wntb , He baa bees Bonoo (or acreral roars llr«l lo
Fnlloo l‘o . o . but ha. resided is and
n,mu back lo rupi-irt Bn..ib, i. lie
Eeleesed Uctnriay Eslyhtalmui Vciabury (or Uiriy years, bo ' nm?"
" va. mnlu ll.e eura.-r. .*(lMi
■icd three lime., hanur "'Vea ' diavlitl rni Cridec, “if be
(or Nacbrille. MIeb.. . 0 aticsd 1
Treaeorer—J. T. HaoBab.
third and prraeoi wile dom urn ■m|.|:.rn
xiiv I. tiit tbau
Rraoyellcal cooferraer.
Hecreury—Jamco Kekao
m ymrt old. and abc a be Mppiri.rt ii;T ■.ooRlu.r h. II Iw
E«ielra-D F. Cbmpbell.
By her be'baa twelre dnmwl I..J rapj. .ft, -Arb>aar-I.
Hi.. MrrOe btanloB of Filth etreet.
UnerOoaid-E W.Oreillck.
ba. bees
rntenalaiBC Hiw
Lacy ebiidrec
The toeolj four cbildreni
SeBtlBcl—A. C. Deaprea
Seaymlller of Elayeley.
In ay. (rum to year* Ui iwoj
^ore Tiisa euinri.'
Treetee—J. U. BBellmaateL
The Foreetrra will yire a daore
Ueoldeilmia. Cbarlie, batlay ;
buve pm.keB
OryaBltl-C E Uale.
Us rrcolBy of April II. and a sop
been married twice. All Ue-eblldrcD of a pood diiiuer, am yio w]nal lo U«
Alter Ue boalarm aeerloB a
liricy Mr. Bortoo u.h of m» iiip
will be tarred by ibb CompaBloss.
eteak copper wae ladglyad la.
I. out tbe
w bale and hearty at 71.
Himm Vera aod Dollie Wyakonp of
-nprr wind. I'u eupcrlur to it.—ChiRloyiley. bare been rtolliny (or a «c<
Tae Park QnasUoB.
day.wiU Hr. aed Hre. W U. Fmlor.
Tbe approach of warm wwUer .or
one of the most delicate and delloloue
Hra. P. J Llllia reeelrM new.
yeeU Uat a el^ park or two woold
Breakfast Foods ever offered
to tbe public, but In Addition,
nmpd la different part, ul
Brnwie—PartiUK. yon bnewr. If iwMt
Tboreday aBBOOBriny tbe deelb
being composed almost .. ........... . .
. „
yreatly appreelawd.
Aldcrmaa r
say. Ur bt. Joba. New.. Two •ortotr.
tbe most healthful and nutritious foods known.
bermetber. Hra. JobnBl Clair. e( Onmood, chalrmas of tbe eommllWa
biy. oyly fellow, -era makiay Uem
Townc—Uaei* you i
_ n.eordrit/ers nctutmit Mr —
parka, of Ue odbbcU. kae aot beaa Idle
aelrr. ubJecUoaable Hood.y alieraoos eiue rapuole iurt }ii.t
Butler and family led Tbara- In acreral place* Ooe of Urni bad 1b your ciooU. did > uo
aed he baaderoted moch time to
eiderioy rariooa eiua and lecelrlDf day ter RarliartoB. la. wbere be some sort of track lor aalr, and wiU
aa ained a* plicber la Ue baaetaall all Uc Imooriasce nay aac miybt aarelloea
Be bae been eBeryrtle

at UeearllmteoareBleoee of Abe aebool
Tba prwSdaat to eaid to bara aaaad (erwardad W tba Coonty Trcaaarer
maw.libtopwrpaaatoaaktor a larpp
Oeo. W. UeWeUy of Trnrerw City,
aaat c< toOO.WO.iMO to axpaasta 1‘
who will, ataerarly adateaapoaal
•aUaeaalssaoealdaalyba ratoad
bysbosdtoaaaa. Hr. Olayley bae
ptwW Ibe baliaf Uat a Urae par o
bnd toaowaldbeBaatodlaa wwk

WaUtactoto April A-It to •
Uat BpUa
to M matorUiae •( HanpA aad than
WiUUe azoaptWa of Aaatrla. it
aapaotodtbawlU Bad say aymi
ntopasHblsthatmoeo may attempt
toWBbarrMdetoeatwlUUe Caltod
tootoaUbabaUofpaaaa. bat It tot
UMr«datbarcontmmialwiU to
■ptoa to nmader tba tolaitd pmee
toByaadiHipt aa lademalty ia pratanoaatoyalay tato a wv is wbieb
aha wOl toes hath.
Itmaybaatotodnry pealUfalythat
M artoUaBt dan sat prapoae te allow
a ta Onbaa aSaIn by
____ je may adrtoa *"a»a te mneb
••Bbay ptomm. bat they at iit keep oC
tobonaitoasvaadtt^ nan atreadr
pHlMly lalermii Uat wkUa their

mil, «B Ite'^bwt ■

OF -waKA-T oo.


The aoaaiy teacben' azamlnstlsa
toaa held U Omaye ball Tbaradty
Friday and Baurdey aader Ue direo
UoB at Him Nettle C Uray. eonniy
*re wsrateaepirnnta
toe wae^an- eerunimua la atwananea.


Pcdlnwlay are Ua <uppllcaata tablay

Smd o^rStw that ae anUclel

haop. Elayeley; Sadie Elaydon.
Bdyar Praaklla. Fife Imke; Albert C
Enaaloott. Oeoeye KoWwara. toUliam
Kolawate. U. V. Power, Jamie Biorar,
R J. Belkirfc, HlllIamaboTy; Jaaaie E
(imlU. Vaatod: LoU L Uolmaa. Raae
Tempkiat. Old Htoakm; Ada BmlU.
Hnarnc; Alloe Vaa Demaa. Baowala;
Ulla Wordsa. Uabel; Dera Whrav
(^wa: Robert WUry. Bommll Oly;
ReUm H. Arebw. HarWBreack. Byrde
Boos. BMiy Brakcl. Rdaa Cjtpp, JeaaU Cartto. Heltosa Daaford. Jemto
Flahar. NrillattoaaA RdiU lloleomb.
Pre|4a Bayaaa. laa Parria. Obartoa E
Pnrtar. Hyrtla Btroay. Orvm SmlU. J. I
IBL Bmadley. Ulaad R. Tripp, OUre‘
Wbhwitom. Chartoa toalbrnrs, Tran
L.-! -ia-: •

. -y.-

tfty mere U tbe oral wood dieh
wry. OM baadrad mare ia tbe baabet
factory aad laryer (oreoe Is many other
aaller Baaefactorlaa
Hr. TiStsy atatea that aU of tbe
roprietore bare are ditpnaed to ot>are Ue ttriel letter ol Ue law reymidlay Ua cmpioymeat ol labor, aate-

rau a yard.
«(»1 r»
will be aaoooaoed la a Mw’ <i»y* t
wme priaiad

Bar. W. B. Bpeaeoi
riaa: rieeprealdcat, John IT. Joi
It "Friday,
■aylBaw; aacreury. Cbrrie Pareoaa
I by Alderataoi dootayuc.
Ralamaaoo; treaaarar, t D. Harriar.
another member of tbe ec
Wa. Oread Bapide; Jealor eoperiaUad
Jabraoa aed Parker. Aldereat. Uabel Bates. Trererae aiy;_ mlebathe will kaaw wbM Uo Umit bae
maa Deemawd rltlted eereral
. baateaUad.aadif Itie war be wUl
open wklefa be bad iaqolrad rryaidisy
prieca and wme yirea flynrae wblel
Wto U wlU
dlyally. eeatraai^atraaylywlU Ua asaiubU. etaye
particnlarly iBritlay.
In (act
made are only aboot bait wbai
Ue propertln are acwally
prealdnit toe Ua Frlaadt ebarob
Tbe aldermeB rUlud the trad sorU
TU EpworU Laayae will Wader
of tbe rcaldaooc of Hon. Ferry Hannah.
illy reorpUea W Uo auw oHoera,
WaUtayMB. April» -Tery few
raBniay W the rirar baak aad from
ymoMB aaaa to bsUere Utl there b apeabaraaad del^Wa
Qeion atreet bridya W WadaworU
MUbeaaaf aeartiaywar; three wbe
ttreeu TbU woold make a beaoUloI
Boaday Bebool OayAe taee Ue belief epoo Ue theory that
Kaxt Boaday. Uo laU. belay Ue tad park aad Ur. Haaeab baa made a prioe
l|AtB win yWd at tba laat atlsato.
Boaday of-April I* Hieblyu Baaday which, if park* an ylren lerloni
Tba osly Ulay wUU taaaa W ba eeBebool Oty.
tobUabad Aedaltaly leyardlaff tbe praeThere to also aboot 1.000 ft. bay (roai
Ua Ule day each Boaday aebool la
IdtotV Btoaye. wbieb wtu be eeat ta
ar auw U aabad to Uhe aa offerlay weet of Ue water works wbkl
far tba Baaday tebool warb. Utu fir- Uaaaab woold eell W Ue city at i
help low prioe. Tbie woold be o rery de; iayUaatronyaan.
Ua wemb; M It oublea Ue Buu Eseo- airable loeatioe (or a park.
iliwe te Bead bclp to planes
AnoUar atUnetire spot to ia Ue
of Ue bay wml of Ue Broach (arm.
maetaoedad. A porlloa
Ua oBeriay. too. laforwarded W Ue Then 'to MO feet froataye oa the bny
a depU of aboot MO feet. There
traaanry of tba KalloaU Sanday Seboel
AmodaUaa. Uoe ylriny Uoae wbo eoe- arc a Bomber of stately trees a
Ii« baUaf la Uat ha wUl BUke a r
trlboW W this food tbe aattolaQioo of point which add to tbe auiactioaa
kaowlBf Uat Uey not only help
Tbees Uric proooaed tiwe are rery deThan la Md to ba aa attampt n Ue
wortt ia UalrowB ooOBly and at
elrable and Alderman Ocamood
Urooyboat tmr aatire load at wall, briay Ua propeaiUone be has reeelred
to eaneatly hoped Uat crery
before Ue oonaell alUer at Ue next
day aebool la aor eonnty will rei
mutha hope Uat BeyoUabar Ub day wlU a Uto^ oBeriny.
Where acbooU hare wot aa yet reoryaaIzed to Ue tnmmar. or where (or asy
m to ba W r*
rmaoB the oflerUy
on Uto partleolar day let It be Ukea

Tba aapartoof Ue departaai
pnparlay a HU to pnrlde to rat

tbatSma. boti
mbac !■ yimtly
we are 7M employed. Addod la tbS
Bombor laaebortUmowUI be ebooi



■am of that place.

walkcd up to Ue (roai doors and

Hra. N. W. Peck sod daoybtei
Reed Cily. who hare been epandiar a
week rrlUHira Myrtle Roblneon, retnroed to Ubir borne Monday.
Him Jamie Camp aed Mrs. H
■ ■


Can you hear the people lislien?
to an oulraye to wbutb so boombolder should U .objected. Tbe iaahoold prortde work (of Uem and Uey

Camp will remain durioy the week ol aaeoyaoee onlll it does.
Mra. Alley will retnrs Hoeday.
Hiram '
Ransom rcturaed S.lurdar

But you can hear them Talk. |


Among the many things they talk about la
lyan Caralry. my. Ue Cam City Eater
prise, bae a baroiaek is tato poaeeaaioo
that wai Imoed te bia broUer. j. A.
Gay Finres. SBllI be reacbed borne.
oomaat. eow of UilUaytoa. Hicb . ae
Mr. and Hra. W C. lianartt Irfl Moopart of Ue raiioo. Uat bU reyii
ay for Uidlaad. abera Uey r
Ue Twenty aialb Ulcbiyaa. drew Joat
up* to-date Styjes for Spring.
Free from bankruptcy, fire sale or auction.
atieod Ue forUelb rrrddiay aaan
(ore tb.y were raoetdred oot
aary of Hr. toaOBelt'a.Uler. which •
Well made by workmen wbo atrlctly avoid sweat shops.
!bil m
yiala in Anyutk irM The blacuil
be the oeoaaicB of a family rcoaion.
cxcellesl aUie of proiwrralioo
Goorye Uoir baa perohaaed a half lean* woold like la kow
of tboM driicioo. cake, are
owned by Frank Soar* ol Elk Rtpida totaaea.
From $10 to $16 you get thb Cream dale Cream ia I
Tbe sBlmal to a flac apeclmca of korae^ fine Imported Cbovlou sod Worsted Suiu.m Frocks,Cut-away, Sack orfkfnare Cut J
flmb aad IM rmrUtry aombar to li.ilO.
R«aJ E.iatd Traoriera.
We do not cl&im that our last efforts beat all our previous ones- tbst is Impossible !
J.W. BlaUr left Ueaday afici
keep to tbe front end down sll competitioi
to Otnad Bapide aad Cklcaya OB
Mn. diaur aad daoyblar Nora
Trae.rae City Lumber Co to Adekwrt I •]
aad Ulm EauDocks-y accompany him Hrey, nS of .-h .
aad rriUaitcad Banter aerrieesia Cbl- .-•4 to.
from Braaeb oonatr end wm Boi a«
of the iDjary .oetaised by bto eon i
of kl. eacoutter r

I Our $4, $5, $6, $7.50 and $7.88 Suits.!



J'O Ji
9. N Ftl.
If. Labe—SMO.
Cnriooa Hiohlysn Uiaanlasa
»t loay ayo. says Ue Coldwat
Conrier. a ysBUemaa made tbe am<
ties Uat "It coeu a yood deal to rear
U.V." aad Uea prooaeded lo aid:
opeaed as accooat wiu mr oldest w

Popular Clolliiei. Hatter uri Fataisher,

11. Uk t. N Fife Lwkn—1209.
Parry Baoaab to F H. Pain*. 1
and 19. bJk I. Ferry Hannab'. fad


Taarc to a pair of twin ylrto Ilrlny
Oxford. They rsaemble aaeb aUar
cloaely Uat II todiScnlt to tell wh>
(roml'olbar. One of Ucm baa a bean,
C. B Haolfold Pt al to Marfaeat
aad Ue yoaay yeaOemaa to kept |
kanlgold. anh •« «. t M B. r 10 w~
Iny lo know wbieb one of Ua yoony S29.
ladim be to byiay ta wpit on.
Hllan R Call to Alm'rx I. Cram*. bH
makm it decidedly intareetiny wbea efmii of as)., me If. t Ma. r 19 w—
bp wtobre lo tee oae bom* from cbnrek
811a. E Call to R a. Cramm. *S of
and diaaorwre ith Ua foUer ona.
ch of Mb. arc 24. IMO. r liw-SlM.

I of the

Try Itat Our Risk.
That's a fair offer?
ooe with



Well, Well!
All will exclaim witV^
npbesvAl in Merchandise sod the cut in prices daring our first -

..Spring Opening Sale.
commencing April 6th. to last 30 dsys

^ m-ntofourstore.

SmsM and odd lots, together with newest end most sssaon-

able goods, have Alike fel-the cut

And now bAirains in abundance swait Uia

^ coming of the seekers.

impure blood, d,vw


nerves, liver Of kidnet’disease,

Watch for Our Hand Bills by Mail.

can thus make a trial of



Buy a bode from yocr nearest
dealer, and if j-ou receive NO

TbM briyade. tteoaad dirietom, BisU
Corpa. now a rmideat of BaM Baylaaw.
bmwrriUaaUetolowlaclaUarU tba
New Torfc Baa;
am aa oU -n
and am wo aid u aerra am yaabto

^___ .


^ Tbe pruning knife of reduction hu been anspsringiy Applied in every depsrt.

** The Kind that CuraR.*'
R MaeLaa^tlis. e

Trsverss City, Mich. (

1S4 Front Street.

J. E Hlackwaod .t al la Mary J '
ttoba. 1.U to, 91 aod 9X. rllln*. of.
lolly, charymy bUn wiib every oe
J. t, Gibb, ta EogeBe T. Knlfftat. e‘, !
paid oot OB bto aeoooat. except bmrd. ofMh. Mc9a. t tea. r lu w—#«w
while at borne. Tbe boy waa :i ycara
Georr. WcMbit to Aaca*t tfeidBer.
aid not iiml^ aad I nearly paralyxwl
>.s ol el« of awW. a*c ;T, l 29 a. r 10 I
him by bssAlny him a bill to
beloy Ue ameuBl paid out to keep Dim
Caited Staten to James Beamer. nah :
ofsecIt.tMa.rll w—tateat.
allreaud rmeonsby bappy "

A aatlrd of Rose City west to a
aty boul Ua oUer slyhu «yi
Tawae Herald. Tbe aext day be kiUed
M a Irirsd. myicy be bad K;tie sleep
■■TTby Bor asked the (riend.
alL 1 alloe alnep la a dark mom.
nad'wbes f com te Uto tarrra baton 1
nllmblewout Ue yntnad bad a yood
ntykth rant. Now Uey yol Ue yaldam Ulay nat is a Ituie ylam ylobe.
and i urmt bdlf tbe alybl trylay te
blnw it oat. bat coalda't da >t. aad Ue
tklay brpl me awake mmt al Ua
o- tbe time tUl morm-n.-

American Production.










AU DniOTiM Kma M.

g 7U Frail Stteel
EBikcH Block.
^ Tranrsc Citj, WaB.



BeMld ana Tiavarse Caty Tranacriiit. ConaoUdated. Anril 7,1898.
par BMbarf. od a taaprodaellab of
raaav waa aabooatd la Tn Baoam

ele( 8«8tn(b8lwiU |«T«Bt tba
ttMMM** hnUlarrooA.
la fUj sad a
nteataana ttoswad worda, aad kaa
hMi»Mr»aadb7tbaa8UwC It

tba UnlMd Ht4t« to pmasl |
twaar for tha auraiaf yaepla
tka arrdtel andwt raaorattios of ladapaadaaeaMtkto Une and Jaaraa It

HI aaarlr - - adjoara wae a)lppad U«> tbi paaaaadlaei- TWa wan a laripa pan
patitlaaa tar rarteoa waau aad
I tbaai wara craatad. aad tbr wbola
■aaaadiart wlU ba of lataoaat.
Tba Waat Bldan wba wprr twfatad
paralaaleB two waaba afo to lap aolatoot aralb oa Watt Pioal atnot aana
baekacaUwllkaptararfar aa airbt
toot walk aad tbit waa frmatad. le
o( tba oitp
paplaf tba axpaata of OMatlac tbe
Bp and oa aaotioa of Al­
ii wai daeldad ikal tba
aUr thoald baar'tbat portlaa of tba
Prepanp owaan alone mt>< altaal
aabad to ban tba watar nala etioadad
ttraata, wbleb waa rraatod. Takfan
rka to a diaraaaioe at to wbotbrr U. D
ipball A boat woo’d mood tbo;
a. It waa tUted that a tlialltr aa-;
tanioa of tHrialeo atroat waa ordered ,
a.k>a« time afo bol bad amr bna
eeaipIMwltb. la Uketaa the dark
lutracUd to aotifr B D Ctapfaall A Boaa to maha tbo avuetloet rafamd to.

aoM tinaara. Bow tba aam
b pTBKln.
pnHIn. aad Hr. Waiabiay
tbai tba data wUl ba Batardar annl^.
Mar Ittb. Tin atwaetloa h that of
Port* ». WbHa. tba mlaaal
baa aatar. aappewtad br Mb.
Olpa' Vara* aad a elanr eeapaar
Spaalal •mmwj bp U W. Laanr. im*
at Kaw Tart. Cltrb baat aeaale artMa I
lat. abd tba Mt aan-

.ta proparaiUaa an ba;
Saab alaborata
tba Bietinl aaurtats'
lakt plaea la the Catp Open
Uoea* oa tba Itth that i
Tbara will ba a<

' aantaa BMT piaaD aa.
. It. dobaa, B. T.. April b-Tba BriV
Oeeorrauona from Skepnay
tab brie. Balia Bcaa fro* Oparw. ra- eeery afwraoos and ereninp pUe bad
The followlap eatraete an from
porta barlar baaa cbnaad aad flrad on worked wall, bet now that lb* warm ter* }net reerlead by Ber. E. L. Kellopp
braSpaaltb warablp aflar laarlnp iba:
ilbor laapproacbiop tbarr 1. aoi *o from ffnlioa Art. wbo le emonp the
Hnrbor of naorta.
^ preat a demtad for booka Afur a lit­ Hlchlpeo Elondiken:
tle dlaeomlon tbetrnetem ware enlborAboard Ihip off St. Maty * laUadlud to aaarele* their own diaenlioa a*
We bar* had a drllph'il'^trip n*
tiBcc Icarlnp Seaiil* W* po np U
Oobarnl Laa aadoar.
IneM* paeaapM 8ll tbe way and an
aa widl aa all Amartesna wbo dmira
oarer exproad to tbe open oueaa.
lipbt ba oeUblleked at the oonx
lean tba blaad.
tbe meet beaalltol trip I erer
Cedar and Second aimts and one
Jt b atatad by an altacba of the eute oer Park aad WaeblnptoB.
A beeatifcl eerpanee of bln* water
d^artaaat that Oneal Oaoeeal Lee
ear pax* aad tboneaade of
etreeteand >

aad Hr. Ua baa baea aatborbed to
hba marebaat naaela WaaaUl la tbo
anbarktaaat of Ikoaa who daaire to
raaab Amarteaa aoU baton war beclat.
Oaawal Lao will tapapa tba Qiy of
Key \Vrnt. dna then tomorrow, and tba
Haaaoit. dna than Thonday.
Omani Oaaarml Laa nporu that the
ralaaiaar army, compotirf of dnpeiate
aatkbnala. b aaslooe to make
' play of patriotboLaod tbit tbU
aa attack wUI ba made oa all Amerla d'mllb
Otaaral l^ab raqaoat may AeUy aetka by tba boaaa. bot that H will aol
4atay tka pnsUMt'a mamaga.
« WILL UTsams.

Ute Ask
nay-a r
Ta reportMB Ankbl.bop Inlaad
aenin aad aaid ba eama aimply to pay
-bU mpaam.
A eaUe from London,
hawknr. atalaa that tbe pope aaat
a eaUa af too worda to tbe arebbiehop,
arpiBf lacrianfl rCerU ta tbe iolaraau of pcaoa Hr. Day aald at aooa
that Mn baa baoaaoaiadiaUoenria-

Tka pnaidaet U boldUp a<






■^traadma^ Lweli* crUbraUd ber
laeiy firs-, blribdsy laat tVydarsday
hr ha* been la poor bealtb foraome
rcebt but bopee lo to belter wfaea
rarm wealher arrlrea

Good Farm

Amoap tbose from ben who took the
mebera- exeaUslioa al I.*UBd Utl
rock were Mitae* Flotrn>-e and Katie
Tbomat. Kihel Bxnper, Kale V.,ie*.
Clara Thomas aad runley l•artbc.


Draft Horses

. J held Ikei' aemi-aa
if efitoers Tuesday erea-1
- •
follows: Prm..
s. Charlie Joha: I
to^y. Pearlie Dame: Trea*.. E.rnts
Mlm UyrUe John aniee
utda; rnninp from Saptni
cn sb*
bad becB in allcadaoee
. ..e c e
! from IhU


Tberr will b* a enarise prayer meet-'
>p at the Coapropationel chorch Basi >
ermoroInpatT o cluck under lb* aos
ploaaollhrC K ►o. letr. Tb* Kewnrth
Leapuc win al* I fire ihei
All ar* lariied i > aliend



Tbe CoepreraltoBsl Soaday eeknci
will pire an Eiiur enlcrlalameri U
tberknrcb Saod*y crenlap baclanlrp
Ererj oa* t* eordix lly
iariud ta be preaeat

Will lir**o and I
from tUntta llrufl
where the Uller

Howard *rri*w' ;
peal tbe wialer '
sum. I


eorcred wItb fin and pinea.
me bipb. bama aad roi-ky.- asd

baekpronnd bil:t aad eaow-cap
ped mooouUiea'I the way. W* elap
The tnaeorer reported (l.e.Mt la prd at Pl Towneond a few minnl** ter
clH.ere lo do tbelr
kc uatanry and eUtmi .rere allowed
monnUnp to tt.8or.7T. Oa motion the and pot to Victoria at : a. n
•uyed Ull .11 *. m. lo pet
olark and mayor were aoihoHeed
a loaooffil.OOOfor roDDlnr rt-! mloen linaeea. '. They coal oe tio aad
panaee ooUl lb* htjuar boed mon-y ^ leat one year. Tbay elrr prirllcge of
eomaa la arxt month.
ItuUiap la Canadian territory, fiehina
The board of poMlc work* nported ' end buBliap end cuilUc Cimber for
theaamy madr oftke Boardmdn rlrrr jaetoal uee. Thera an a pood min;
daring tba men t hipk water. eUUnp' Ulcblaan people an board, aad all are
tberanluof ohelructloaele ibe rlrer. ‘nice people. There an a number of
Lewis ROOM lisr* x rnet msey
XCod poieie^ire&eiiK'i.. ir. leeu.
Tbe board alee noommended thel lb* women and aeteral eblldno on board,
ly—liul Lbrlr remr u IsrxelJ' Oue U>
to»i Usuoi^uuiluss: luuilf wLy
tonth bank of tb* rirer beiwaen Union I bontd for tUwwm City. We ouphl -to
aad Park etneu be docked, and H poe- be able la aland tbe trip tf tb^y
apnay. March
Mart 7.t.
We pot in thle owirniiip aed bare
to ooatidrrAu diecoeeion and finally
a BOUOB that tbe city pt; hall tb* ex- been lookup orcf lb* town. W* wilt
peoee of bnildlep each dock end tbe pooerr te Dyea ebont t or . oo a
For m*o, womro ssd rkUdre,
property owatta tb* other half, pro barpe. ae oor boat mat land then. It
Look fbr tbe nuntr ts ' on
ercry .her. Made oTir b} Uw
laeoahallow. TblflUabat toern aod
J. A u wn ro.. Pmu*. a*m
erriyihinp pore witb a rneb. There li
of tha MeyeU ordiaaae* be poeted In Ute of bn.lneoa We wlU her* lo welt
all tbe irardi. enppeetUp tbit many in Kyra two or tbme day* befon wr
had forpotlea tie prorUiona The mo­
Cbildr^ ilka it. It sares lk>
tion prereUod.
Hamenae eloUlloae haul all the etof! from tbr barb* to the
re B-an ‘lu* Mioul* Conyb i
wen nfemd toaad earpeelioa* made freipbt warebroee at low tide aad mey ofal.ii-l* rwinedy f->r onu»b>
br..o.-bltli.. pripp*. i
that an example of oa* be mada aa a not pet It all oB at oue t me. end then
throat and lunp ironbles. J i
It all hae to br eorted before we can
warninp to otben.
Alderman (loadrteh eadearond to- plalm It. We will probaWy birr oor
' ufiT beoled to the canyon and draw* it
hare an appropriation of »M made
on a tied eipbt nllraend bare li packed
orer the Scale* a* ibey call tbe eb-epmt
li Keep* tb. F*« -Warro and Dry
praeaat eeteloa of tbe iepielatnn. bot partof ibeaaecnL liwUleoatna tk
then rra* no enpport lo bit rcaolnUoa. eenu a poond. Then wo will hare
Alderman Uarrieoa called altenUoa pood eleddlep all the iray doirp blU to
to tbe accident et the (Met etreetC A tbe lake.'wben rre will bsUd onr Uat
W. M. erotelnp and morefi that the and float down elreeoi lo Iteweon City.
clerk be eniborlxed to r. qoret tbe rail­
W* bare a fli-r pbi top'apbrr io Mr
way eomptay M aopply a depman. and party. PanI Woodworth. Pro' of I’Uyethat tbe raitruad oommUrioncr aiae be teeUtbe Micb. Aprirultoial Collepe.
taformed of, the oondltion of tb* an.l h re Ukea tome toe rlee*
Thir Ua beeDt’lol place
Itbculd banalnlpbl bat muppylD

Spring Shoes Now In.
Plow Bhoeo. Work Bhoea and Ureas BboM from
$1 00 to $S 00; Man's and Boys' aUaa.
Ladlaa' and Misaas' New Btylaa. Call and aea
them. Can please you in aU that Style. Prioa and
Bervioe goes to make a good fihoa.


Cartud Fiat Staci Jast fleceitad.

First Glass Animals at Msonable Prices.
State StTMt Sal« and Feed Bam.


Timothy, Clover
and Garden Seed
South Unioa Street.



.Mlm Clara Thomas, wbo Is teaebinp
oear Bmpirr. cun* lr<>m LcUod Frlda<
alpbl where she had beea sttrsdUp .
Ik* t*«ch*rs riao.ioatias. and aUld '

npurtod apalael lb* eompletioa of tbe ' leUede of


aparfof Ibb





^sadm iheaaeptamad tbaT.P. B.
Prof (MUoa omopted tb* M>F<t l>
tb* OoapTeaatInpel Monk BaaMt
maralapaad iatb* ernal^al tkeU
K. ehonh.
8* toft lor Weammit this

to Leland Frldey to attead Ik*________
asaeriatioa Prof Catloa leetared ibere
oatAtanrearrtodbr » Friday eecalap.
6 C. hart aad L H. Campbell af this
plae*. wbo eren la Snitoa*<Bar eereral
day* laat weak deooaauap raomt at the
Park botri. came borne Satatday. Mr
San retnroed Monday.

pcodaWioa. wbleb b
tba nrr beat ta tbbooaetrr, of lUa
mad plap. Tranna Qtj tbntra goUr. dulebaira
rPorta lo trcarlep as aUraettoe of this
aad tboald abow It bp tbtlr

■ada ta kara ooacraaa aappart
palter oaihardbrlkaiMwaidcat. Tba
fasaral baltaf aapriwad la that ahaa
tka hoaaa adjodread that tba «a]>ri<r
Adraaee aotkea of tba l«Man
ad ika hoaaa aoBBltlaoa fartlpD alProf Prad B Hethawaf. oa Alaaka
lain mt nadr to aappart tka pronlebow that tba prow all onr tba
doath pUa aad tba
vallad ibai a
the eornar of Oaaa aad Waeblnrtoa and la other eutea b onaalmc
a to aapport tba praaidaai atraaUaad tba auuer wae nfarred to prabc of the alpU aad abllitr <
vUI ba raponad froa tba oonaittatL
Batbawa; and bb •elaetloa of «
ParnlaaloD waa readily mo^d Tota jeet for i laetare. la eboealae /
baaatoanela larpa brick *a1c aad for a field of maarcb be bae lakea
aaatllarr eraiaan parabnad tb Kaa faadatablaaeaaexUneioD to tiU ane-jeonetbirr which wUI ialarcai
Toik jntaidar. Sj* worklBf nlfM aal barn oa titau elroat. Ha eapeeU conniry. partlenlary tbaae lawmlod dlaadda/tbar wUl ba rnodr la Ikna
9 ban It computed by Joaa firak
'rreVr or ledirretly la Uc'immei
waaio. Tb^ will ba aUacbad to tba
J.- tv. Mllllkaa. oae of the library ; fiadlafe »f gold. Prof. Uatbaway a
drlkf a^aadiaa aad Captala baapaoa’a

ta la wbleb to petal! Amerinne oot
of Uaeaaa. Be aaye tbay an paak


Prof Chttaa of beammU aailepe srirod WUdM^
doHrarod a




btehop Inland aftnr ble U
tta ad mlauumtioa ben eaa Uy tbe alv
aalioe beten the pope U tome that
allow ao mieappnheneloB.
U bpals yield* baton tomorrow aooa.
«ha tan* mmttfe with wbleb tba
praMdeat sow hopm to thrill tbe oemnWy^ patriolle aema. will probably Tbfn U a total of 3.UT rrlcmta lo the

hr day time * It it a bemotiroi place
library at preaenl. ieeodlop pbamp-ebeo'n-l end te A tek.e a eberp
let* aad et'.eeea. etc. liorlap tbe year cum below oe It look, like i
•ely two book* wen loet and bol threcj m., eoaipleb-ty eurroaeded by
iap. Ableh le a pnttyjulne.
BUbi betide onr wbei
pood record tor a year.
Tbe whoie
„naotaie wllh elmiet peraamber of bookt piren
lUoUr eidre, f round not epee apo
The weekly arcrape. .t. befon tbe bypladUl
Tbe Skapuay mil
library wae kapt(gpaa crery day asd le back cf tbe
D and op tbr canyon,
what ba -caa do witb the isearpsai 717 weekly else* Jaeoary uv
and pel ready te po
Jaataal Hew Tork to anaac* an arm- amtllrei nomber piren oat la oae week
latlm if SpaU ahnaU aak caa.
dariap lb* year wae tit and tb* larpTba pniaUnt capseU to lay b<e mea- est u:. Tbe emellcal aumber pirn
Boitsport Del
«pa baforaeoapram tomomw. Alike oat in a week eiaoe^Jeanary Itt waa
rwalar eabUal manlap tbe fitiUhlap i$i
rh* nport M aceepled and
taanbie wen plrea to tk* meanp*. a filed
diaflod whIA waeaaWad to Uialeler
The eleetton ntnrae of the elly wen
Dr. J. P Fralick kae pstet
Uowell'e place on the biU.
eaaraiced aad the
Bpals man yUld or «|ht. and tba
papa baa andanakeo the dtatpreeabU
tatkof taUlagherao. Thle li
latiOB. bat It mahaaa pood way to aoad
aa altlmatam. npeeUIly ae It 1. aeat
tbroaph a mao of hlpfc taSoeoee.
aappmod that Oprdual OIbbaae la lae-

the eonael! repardlap the reanlta reeApril It. wllh
8 LT era*.
Tbr »ir. r -lamhlk cell'd at thu pirt
WaaUapMa. April t -Attar the eabwmurn Loodoa we* pneent and be
taet mastiapadjeanadtatetbleaflar- oalUd tbe attention of tb* ceoneil
eonneil that
aooa It watlearoed that It U praellaally enUed that tbe pentdeni-e mee- lapaxleaoatbeSnwapaa woald Ur-[ KehlArn. bar* U.l ewnl.ed a Utpe
•ap* wUlaetneemmaad Ike l&medl- eemltalc new wbeeU a. the old one* l im of Ory poode foe apriap end tomwoold oot fit Be wat aothorixed le ' Bor.
pet tbe necemary whaeU at a eoal of' U M. Dame made a bue'oeea trip to
fiat. Ur. London apned to taka ibe 'Trarenr City leet Tboreday ntanlap
wsald warraat a* la laldaf m
mJcoIU SieeU bepoa ber eprieg
t forn^meelinpof the ~«»cil term of eenool in tb* Ke»wlek
Keswick ■..............
etated by alderman Deamoad. UjMooday

UeaddiUonoftb. Meyer, Ul, bear-1 “ir^^Sd^f^l^ndTirarrp'^aJn

Ber P. E Wbltmaa madr a trip ta
H City T
Tneaday. ntarslap W.dtnl of tbelaUadlfneoeaeary lo
Hlebipan lolepbOBC company, that ba Troren*
east fanbar bloodehad aad aaperrUe bad beard that the company bad eald'
tU admlsietntlDB la tbs lalereet of that Ih y did not her* w pay a lUenae. I
Mr. Boenaorer of thU oUoe h r
7obn liLy. the local ^r ~
premnl-leat nlpklaad beitalcd to tke<
^ Cbmp'
aoaaeil tbal tk* company had neear'-rrawa. City;
What farthm aeiloa erill ba ukea mada aa; aaek eUumeoL Aldermaa'day of laet week.
»B1 ba dleuiad by tb* eoadlUoro a*
bad manly beard that eueb a' Tbeyoaap peopl*pare Walter S'eeU
1 bad baea mad* aad ae.uted ' a eery plaint e.rprte, laelTbaradty
they pnmat tbemeelea*.
wad ikea made to adj >ura1 •**®*’*fi *t hi* bom*
TheUfaat child of Hr. eed Mi*,
Bmlbem Cbnaot be Oarwl
rdd-faab- * Blcbard Thomas dird Friday aflerao; a
It ktA prcei leap from tbe n
toaedfiflMof bUe-Bxmaad aaoMout *ed wi Bsriii Salorday.
phyalm te ts* pUsmtat Ifrtu pHU' Tbe atorol baxenpmpuM pipf. Farris'
nueliioilki, ,P»y»»-w.eeei7 Uute. ,kto«a u DeWIU i LHU* Bar’y
Bl**** of
af BIp Bi^d* te p
toeton at IUM
ro a toetan
M. atek bt*<U,-b* aUet ta tb* eexr faluro.
Tb* i
O. Jehaiea. It : boakat b*»a deeJded apoa yet.Froak Hxmili
wa* la toura Tuem
y of last week oa
JdaToad Wwla*
a parot at lb* Wast broUftoasd a


with Lime. Cement. Calcined Plaster,
Hair or Paint. We have three brands:
W. H. John's. Alston's and Coifs—tbe best
•paints on tLe market. If you are a mason
or painter, come and get our prices. -

apriculnUBl land, yleldiop from fits tt
fi*s pet ama yaatly, If you beeem* at
•ctoxl *Mttor.
Tbeit rmeeie** on


; One Can of RED SEU
Carriage Dressing
Mokes Carria^ Tops


Bright as New !
; fitylea.

have made a nice line of Harneifi in many =
A special, handaome and durable Single

: Harneca we offer for

ONLY $10.00.

..... s

[ We also carry tbe beat line of Horae OoUara. Sweat

W. W. KIMBALL CO., aae Fxat aua*L

Fade. Horae Clnthlng and Bridge Collar Pads.

: Wilhelm, Bartak & Co. I





luniki. tniiiaii. jukiti.


remodel yoiu^ld one, put under a wall,
plaster or paA it? Or perhaps you are
RoioE to build a cistern. If you are goinK
to do anything in this Hue



lie foi eoing ID

m *o**m

I koap tha beat grades.
I keep a large aasortmant.
It will pay you to see my stock.

You can find any kind of Qlove and Mitten in stock at
Baadle'A Right in price, quality and style.
Bobea in almost every variety and price and stock
large to se>cr from.
Trunks as low aa $S.00.

.IOH,\ T. 15EAULE,
US Fleet Stnst.

Travereo City, Michigan.

The BEST..
That's whsi they call lb<-to. thsi know

The fish Bros. Wagon.
I hare just rec*i*«l a car load. I bar* ali sixes.
Wssun. gi*s m* a adl. Id n>gsrd to

If yon need

The Milwaukee Binder and Mower
ercry on* that bu esamined them j

‘ them tbe moat

I bar* reared on* ear load this season and aent in the a*<_____
order h>r mor*. You vfU always And a good amortiaeot bmI
Low Prices. It ptoM itself
thewalea wa bare.

Fan liailimts aif licliliBni-Fill Uiis.

// You want a Binder or Mower, Buy the Best,
;*ai jadpm tb* werifi e*sr. Batoired ,
s*ux-e<l tbe beet by the a
tb* faipbeei award, »i the Worid’. Kipueltito.
Ilyoa waata Beafi IJriU, we
**M tbe -liME'me - lb* beet I>rlU miult; Atk yoar aalpbhot; b*eae toll yea.
Wa keep alao Wxpnoi aad Buppim tb*' ** *’•> wmrraot to ba fintulaaa.
A fall line of l-iowe. Barrowe Md ApneaUaral tmpUaaaaU ef all' Idada trill

SAlMroom*. 1S7 StnU
B.—Webaro aqaanUly of aoeor Saafi
uda car loadof Biadiop Twin* loaell miroeh-bottom priow

Have Yon Noticed all the Pretty
Baby Carriages in Town
this spring? If yon'wonder where Uie; all,come from ctD
in aod look over my line of liaadsorac Carnages aad 0o>
Carts and see wliat low pricer we are selling them at*'tba
jon will wonder no longer that ever;bo4f caa Iultc.b oiee
- -





TowvsHxr axaoxxovs.
Oorte J. M. TtowfUiger.
Treaearw p. a HalMaa.
................... .< Bickwapt-WatMc

tf Grand Traverse BepubUoans Ldytd
To tile Party.

Mr ad Blthwaya-WOltoto

ytara-Jeha B. BewMaw.

JasUcaofthaPaaaa W.t OaedMc.
Board of Boetow-B. loaa.
CoaatoWai Jaa. BaC. fkad FHraa. CMetaWee- Jaaeph
Fraak Blatak. Fraak Boataakl. Joaeph
X. Aadrawa. Oaa. Bodgaa
Btoow te

OuTlM Oounty by Frur Hundnd and Ninety
and Diatrict by Three Thousand.
Entire OUy Ticket Elected with One Exception
Only One Break In all the Ward Tickets.
Peter Wnrslmrg Elected Treaeurer aod John
Wilhelm Supervisor on Oitisens* Ticket
The Court House Question has a Uajority in
' the County of Sight Hundred and Eight

BlgfewvOato.—Wb. Erapp.
■ahaal laa.—Albert OhkbMha.
AaatUeafFwoe Fraak toatok.

lha Paat^WUUad' Bal-


OaoetaWea Clark - Hootagaa. 0»
Mhait. Frad Bartaoa. WUUa* B. HeDeaaU.
MeBkar of Board at Bortow-Baraa
tan Bay.
B: Paige. _____
Saparriaor-DarU G. Chaadlar.
OoaatoMae — Tboodoew IThllaford.
JmUm oI lha Feaoa. faU Urn
raaae H. Potur.
Jaetloe of the Peace to til raeaaeyBoaael Vaadarll*.
Coaalasloaar of Blghwaya-OeUeo
Bebool l^aetor—Joee»b IT BnorHentor of the Board of BeeBw—Cy
raaae U. Pettor.
e-caarlee J. BaUiraa. Jatob


til w

ComnlMloBer of



tba last two y«ats bar* torttflad.

We Call Your
Careful Attention

Select Assortment

Eim. lA




Drain CoBBlseloeer—Byran Balelt.

Ceosublee—Joba Bowdee. Besry [
sebaater. Bdward i

l•a^■ ihnt y..n tf.-l tin* wry Iwal Ihitu.'a for fba
■jnouiily.iu wish lo epeo.l. tlint
sf> t t\ •• Iw-li.oe, ti»). tliat w». i-nii j;i\f y..u


■elloeofthePeaoaloBII eaea»7Joeepb Hiller
School iBepeoUr—Tbosaae Bawlingi
Meaber ol Board of UerUw-Tkooue

Clark-W. B Jobesioa.
Treaearer—Asoe Berilell.
Bltbway CoBBlesloaer-Jeha Sea­
Ooaetablee-Pblllp Humricb. Fraak
Bebool lDipe«tor-W F. Kieele.
GUIIa. Joka.VnuBr- Joba Paffsoneen
Jaettetof tbe Prace-W. K GUI.
Board of Beriew—G A. Craber.
Coaetables—C J-y«t. I. U. ChBpClerk—Sedgewlek E. Bopkiee
bell. D. F. Hosle. It. Beagcr
Traaearer—Alexeadrr M C. Uewle.
Sibool laepeeior—Laciee W. Lyon
Saperrleor—L Knthardl.
Juetloc of the Paaco. fall term-WtllClerk—II E Koley
laa Dexter.
“ '
Jaetloe of t^e Peace to flit eaeaacy I
-B Berk



Sale of State Tax lAndE.

Staolry j



Treaenrer-k'rank U HxBlIn.
CoBBlMloner of BIgbwaye—Ba^
W. Oyde.
School iMpactor-Charlee CedAatoa.
Julioe of Ibe Poaoa-Joh*pK. Shaw.
Heaber ef tbe Board of Ber^—Fardtoaad Fraathot.
Coaeuplee—Jobs Sawyey. WllliaB
BalB. Ara MrDoaald. John Laaea.

BMiJordsBMlUIken ..

ge W. Steward.
WlIIlaB F. Grant.
tr of BIgbwayn—John A.


t^sCSUa-L-RMOM....... 1
T. 0. SUlMa... i

CtapteU. ..

r-Xye .1
rl N I'rmalbea.
Treaenrer—Jobe Doaaler.
CoBBlaaloeer of Hlghwaya—Joe Nul-

“j'biUoo of tbe Peace, fall UrB-Hlram H. Cole.
JaeUoe ef tbe Pcaee unn racaacy.
two yeara—Claoe Von lllaba
.Board of Beelew— lobe’ l.e*anaa

•Jobe Ryker
Highway Cos —Cbarlee lloroagk
School laa—John Claff
Jullee of Peace—Wb <
HcB^ Board of Rerlew—X
Highway Cob —A S FriU

Will iiol in-

Bbi Gaimeets for Dress, bofReali to.weai Gannents o( all kinls. at

..... .......,

carpet aim Clothine House.

rir, o^-.?,o.iii•


lOOl t

•elor-Chnrlen J

U KtJkwks edanlp Kalkaaks rlTn
BilUkra tlO and COapball n. iDaioritr
(or MUlIku III. Bdardmaa fless HillWileoa giSM
• majarUp la
II ba Mt l«M Ikaa

Brazie Oonnty
a towns in Bcnxia Omtr glra
UIIIUms R4 anjortl;.


C<;nnUblaa—Joba A. Shorlrr. Cbn
A. Gdgeeoiab. Cbardne A. Emer
Parry Norrin.
L. Warner.
•Ine N. Heofleld.

Trawrse Cil,. Michigai.




- . brary pule |>
> Tan. Bar w Tor Bale g\ <•
Hue Hex Calf Kelegi U



P. p*.rm men . Hoe .» IP.ood Bale Colo T«-1< or> »hoe now .
1. pe.r* arn’e fine iH Blood, Bale Coly To. U 00 eboe now.,.


Uember Board of Beelew-SaBoe


See Our Stifles aijg

aOc, SI and SI-50-

School losp«ter-T W Q»nd.
Board of Reslew—Jerrr Sulliran.

Draineg. CoBBlsaiOaer-V Kedrw j -

er-Charlee U. Hoaree.



Jastieeol Peace—S B Cnlr
JasUeata fill rnoabey—A. J Whiu.

aerk-uira A. Brlgban.


lliko ollh-r «( .rw .-RII .effer

HcBber of Board of Beriew-Herbert
CoaetaWw—JaaM Corey. Edward A.



Oraad Bapida. April o— iVbeai. ‘.>s

lUuB J. Uaxard.
of Bigbways-WIUlaB

lOdoi. T. Horton: 0. CTaypool.
. IsaidetM.—


Tile Choicesl Slides enl Most Desirable Mateiiels

from ibe lio,- of aev,.ral of tbe m.«.t prstmiii.-m msoufa. iiirera. are al.own Ugn Oarmenia that for tbeir
p.-rf«-t filling ,,i,nliliea and for their elyle. lead all otbera.

Lealaaaa Oouety



lo oor ^tbering together of a

Ladies’Shirt W^aists

Bnparrtoar—Tboiue HMokeU.
Qerk—Andrew Wlllakar.
Trwenrar-Tboaee BawUafa

rt.i... npui-t put ih. SHIRT WAIST rtl pUj U.fe


Clerk-Jay Broera.
Traoaarar-Daeld t Wyakoop.
Bekool laepector. I yaara-Ooarr
liohwl iBtpector. 1

Baydar. Mike Ring. Benry Aadi

r.Iorh.leep. |l^blrha. i rah ITha I

Every .lady that’s
interested in fashionable dress


Snoereteer-^aBee E. CaapbeU.
Derk—Waller E. Greillck.
Treaenrer—Lewi* Greillck.
Coaalaloner of H Igh weyo—Warren
ScbooI laepector.
Ursberef Beard of Rcrlew. r yaara^
Warren Bokle.
CeneUblee—Harry Llaee. Tony Ro-;
kB. SaancI Saedlry. Chrb. Biplt-{

piir. enberr |•.ng^rr Ki.1 Spring llrrl Sh-iee IMel. now.............

Several Other Broken Lines at 1'2 Price.






r of Blghwnye-Adolf

Yon want to Safe Money and le can help yon do it

BIgbwaye. 2 yearn—DerSd E. Bolfe.
Town BoadSytUB Coaalaeioeer


Onoaty Oenrt Bnnsn Vou.
TlBinine nty

fimwnrtFee tkf us


wrll Bonra.
Jaatlec of tbe Peace—Albert DeVrlee.

XpBberaf Board ol Baeiaw-Uwall
Ooantablen — Ora Chi^l
Stoebinga. Edgar Pray. Jane L. WarOtaat
Saperrleor-Feed &. Walker.
Clerk-Fred L. Doell.
Treaaarer—Cyma P. Barper.
Sebool lna|beier-Joha A. Eeaaedy.
JoaUce—Fred L. Daell.
CnmBtealeaar ef Blgbwaya—Horace
0. Earl.
Board of Rerlew—Alaaao F. Hopklaa
Cole^aa. J.

rortlwUoa. .


Bajarityla the elty.......

Jn»l non


la too talsable to bare ytnir eyee fitted by eoae li
as wbo earea aorr for yoi
tf pracUce, Ibereforr 1 feel «7i

J. "W. Gran -n -bXe-b-b.

Horses for Sale.

en-e-tlmi: Wall P»p.-at [m<x- nrrer Tbesjoalily ia tbewry tkigt.

4c a Double RoU
5c a Double Roll
6c a Double Roll
8c a Double Roll
lOo a Double Roll ;


M. B. HOLLEV. Maiuiger. •>

I will have a c&rload here on

For the Inaa..................
Agalaat Lhs Iona--------East Bay—
' rUrU


2 “

the Iona
Agal«t the Iona
>rMS Lake—
For the Iona........
Aralest the loaa .
tfe UkeFor the loan........
Acalnst the loan..

Afaiaet the laaa...
KatinldPer the loaa..........
Ayalaet the loan.,
For (be Inna...:...

Go rote on enpcrrlner.
fht eaebi tor E. Elliworth Dnryea and
Bpbriaa V. Lladeraan. Alen a t
(DO each) for Lewta Strieker
aad A. Jobs Bnkl.' 1
Clark—Joeiah W. tana.
TTeaacmr—Siraa A. Ball.
Towatblp.£ead OoBateaioaer for
■rw—Darld Newatead.
Schoal laepector—Uoyd 0. Bati.
Maabar of Board of Bariew-J«apb
Jaetloe ef the Peace to fill eacaaey'bOBaa Bhagart.
Jaetloe of the Peaoa, tall tarB-HarBaa PopaL

Saturday. April 9.
HorMg walghing from tSOO to 1600.

If you want to buy any horse it^wlll pay
you to come and see me.
I bought these in Monroe. Wis. They will
stand tiuB climate better than other horMS.
At Cutler's Bam.


Laplow. Hark Kewetoad.




Do You want the Best Shoe
you ever bought for the Money ?
Tbeu take a look at o



The Biggest Bargain Shoe ever
^ off. red. Absolutely All Leather.

Wall Paper
Window Curtains Iuk.Alfred V. Friedrieh.

You Can


Nice style. Good Wear.

our $i.4s shoe.

------------ Ajn)---------- -

A Otvat Vtetary.
Ihs^Aeodideletfleyseoa kytheBepnbliraas oTlhe aonaly and district tor
Hr. MUlikao laa maaeat ooBfrataUtloB to lha party, wkicb. ia aa «
(Mcy.ii alwaya loyal to HaelL __
HlUikea will aake a toeard U the anaatotbatkh paraoaal (rtnda. bin party
a^aU ^aoaatltoaataawy beproad

‘^e Popular Shoe House of Traverse Citp.

Martkui DIL
Frail Stmt.

Haskell’s Bookstore.

It pays to trade here, and people are finding it out


grand T»verBeHe«ald and TraT«r8e<aty Traaacript. Qnnf>iMp^ AiailTe 1898.
AofMi»B Aodoroea0 ihofoonteomoMbF ooo. flo
n m» goat byo to hooBOO oad
ado Bad BWrt os tboir test teac
«UU nUat ap «UP* ^ ^
that BO* so«Btt7 wteas
of ar*
loot la
vl>-l^w of W. ahromi Iho otoniBl a
aheroo aad hide It from mortal atfbk
B.O«7««)»ot AoM.
ft M a iomntf wa all ohall doma do7
tobo. rat a hoart faaf eamm aa tha
brakaa olr^ rr^lsa.
Hn. Ouriatta PU« et ktam. mt«Wl7 ftfopped 4«d T«.ter aftar.

b7«sAdf« toUoro of U« boon.

Kstosr Dtar*


a ba ksWal
a, iBrt. ^

ofWtfoamatpB. BmL

• aaa

, I* it Sotblac to JOB? by

----------- —--------------- Trt tho oad
had aot BtUI wlihtB a abort
bafora iff death. Wee looksd for aa
Bhe iraa bora la Wool Chrllale, Ohio, la
latT. aad marrlsd lharo la IMS aad thaa
apoel Ifac early yoare of marrted Ufa
naoaeW Sowot^-D. «. Milter. ,
aMoisf ihroofh (ho hard oaaarloaoaa
eoldlerh wife dorlac the parted of.
the drfl war, bat haetac (be happlaem:
lMtd«Oo>f<-B. KaU.
Ootoldc Ooard—foo.
* Spreb•ad days won tr
Ifor, William tocor.
Seas after, ia l»W. the with her baabaad aad family reuaoeed to Tmi
ThoT oro Weleomo
Mr. AadereoB iroUt the Aral
BBBoimllj terr* Bombn- of boot
OB tbe tteutb Side, aad thsra
(oaUteo oro balof oddof to iho popnlotteo of Tmroroo Cli; tbi* ODHur. moo}
>a a detotod ebrteliaa, a faltbfal

r I

IW raaerred Beat ptet tor tbe laetore
•fPtof. Frsd B. Hathaway, oe Alaeha.
haa baaaplaesdat thaaiy Nawe btaad

■0B.abdMra. ac Lsaeh. who hart
hats apaedlag tha wlater ia hprlar
IMd. Mo., hart rawraed to their Waltao horns, atappiar a day or t<^ la ihla
aity with frioaite

Ie to)aU ahoehaige
Baaeem. hae baaa adlooraad aatU the
lith to amali
roroeoraday attortbeaaoaalt hM life watdteaalradet bat bale
Anrly gatelag.


Hannah & Lay Co.

OarSaTlngs Depart

1*5^ S\0Te.


«Rt&U owV^ AW& ^OT


u\Xliv« «ee4i.


uVWtn 400th iX

ba.cV \\ ^ovv \ca.Tv.\ vA"
“■\D\\rV5 ko\
\s#maVe nq^vL"
SaUs^artVoK SuaTaKUaiu

aer of Nlalh and Hiae ttroeu
Coraaer Moea wae BollSed aad'an ioqalry
ialo the eanee of the eudoea daaU
laeUiBUd. ' Tbe ooroaer'o Jary.
after earofal leqnlry deUrmlBed that
tbe deeaaaad eame to bar death tfMi
bean taller*.
Mn. Mellrr wae a eliter le-law of
Jaeob H-Melter, a erterloary
Hr. Heller left tbe boaeeat » d’doek.
yeeterday moralag aod
tareed at l o'eloek be foaad Hr*. Hei­
tor lying dead oa the floor, fboe down­
ward. Deoaaeed had hrta Bader the
eara of a phye'xlaa for

al toXlai

Wbat M toe uprsme giaea of
What M (he grcaaeat tpirilul
CUy Opera Bonee on daUrday etoalag.
What M jnar taroriU ebap(er
M M a timely topic aad a lerI by PreAmaar Qrswa.
Writs all (ba aboes paiata pa
M wBta AteakB M the
yoaraUpaad alaogamllauabratuy
diOeattpaMgs ud isars a place oa
you aUp to write (he auwrr yoa gel
ia (ba-maatiag.
Arebte HcPbafl arrirtd la toe elty
Taaaday from Bagisaw aad will taka
paalttea la J. W. Himkrate dry gooda
mra (hM ■inalag. Ba formerly rw
afaM henaad wu amployn la the


E Farm Mares and Draft Horses

The flnral drcorffllou at
bruora were alaborate aad
■bowlag tor lorlng tympatoy of
frleada At tor eoacloaloa of the err |
tookplamlo Oak wood
ermetery The foaerpl wu ie ebargo
of Cbu Klpliegiw
of Chicago. '*

foi Sale at Geo. Moil's Boro, State St.

.\11 horses soltl as reprosontoil or
rrforii'y rcfuridcil.




hicb eomaK
wuk which
m-intea Ihrauffrr.
lag of oar Sarlor aboald be toat otr
wed. ’ The eablecl toU erralag will
--prayarfor oar Iowa, (late aod n». ,
tloa: for Friday erealog threhareh, lie'
•rnben. tor Suadey w-bool. CbrixtUa I
iduror (selrly. mimloaary work. etc.'
Brlag yoarfriredx with yoa to (bcM
Then aums to hr a
regard to toa flak law.
wu inirodaoed aamlag April
opralag ef tb* treat ocuoa.
Thia bill
psoard to* hoaar hot wu Bang
>e •rut* aad did aol breomr a la
J* ertsoe doea aot opra aaUl Hay

Him Harcle bmito of AllegujirriTrd
tba cxrrllea -r of tor eomlag performFriday.^ Bhs will ukr t podUoe la
They hara bum gl*lBg meeb
HMt TaekabrrrytemiUiiirry •tore.
Umr to tor prrpMtioD of brw maaic
IbU oeculon, aad It li hoped (bey
J.iha R Gorasr, falberofMi
be girca'h full boeaeand a royal
. Brachate of Wullami
wslcomr by toa maaic loriag people ef
bla hum* Bear
aasr Adriu l^h
IT. at tba
Mrlturoor ou
bora Ie flocklaad oxBBty. N V .Jao k,
l«at. ud came to (he territory of HkkBible Bcaay CUu
ia Ibr
I CvaiMTWiaaa.
------- --------------- ,,y
r*. eeek rt4m< April 1». imt
lldiag a log boai

I. BeUtoebook toroogh at eecr
Hn 'Beargi Bnera paeaod araaafil(heogh It waa a pataoul- latter Juai
ly away at her hoaae aear WOliamebarg
■atardey after a loag illaeaa.
. Baad le (hr Acta of P*al a rialu
Hn. Broera bee beta a rmldeal af
Acta ICI-n Su:i .O'
that ptem for U yaan «ba bat borne
- abBbardehlpemfaitoaearlllsamdwes Apolloa alto who balprd ia toa early
ehlldm. eight of UfeorthaeharebalCxKato Aetal>:»
orhem Urtto
■ barteaa. SheMto
baaa a aoteMwat cbriatlaB. t blad
motber.a trae teriag wife aad a paUeat.
watobfal toethar. 0«r oaaay Irteodt
toadarthaharoarad haebaad aad tam prulieal teadtlag* for ei
Oy thsM daapeat oympalhy ia UM
fraad ia thia letter.
Wbal wu prohaVy i
me Steal bad la wrlUag
Laotan ea Alaaka-

t '\Jou htt »t maVt U Sa^t, 4b»oVu\tW SaU- W
to kraih Viert.
j ADoT^aK^ VaritT \o V^k4 $Tta\ oaVuts ko o^^ot 40a; «uccoa4\,ti4. \oo.


Tbe aerrleea wrrrtoa more affecllagi
from toe (act of too rrry aeriou illarm
of Mr ABdaraoB
Fir tor flfly-thi
yean that hare elap.«d aiaco tbeir
marriagr. ud rapeeUUy darlar
put few yean of brr taralidlim, Mr.
Aedrraoa’t care aad atteaiioa for hla
wife biTa brcB earriolUiDg. aad bla
brarr a^rll la tpllr o' bodily wrakarsa
dariag toU time of Uial ia wortoy ef


Wr art toe aame at Trartru City
-alwayt a’ttrp abrad of othrra le qoility
and a (tep behiad them lo prir*.

Experience Has Pro?en It.
Sprieg Lie* of liea'i ud Lsdim'
They are mode of tor bigbr*t prierd ma­
terial. hoar of tor real rqoaJ aiiiBFIi.
Fteahloa ud Hake, aad tory all uk mo-r
moaey thaa wr dn
Sorrly Itala I* wortk
ia.rttigatioe your owxi i-iV-rraL

Our prioAfl ars $149. $1.68.
$2.10. $2 44. $2.68, $280.

prcsprrrd from
iiBD $3.00. $3 60, $4.00
ra fooddra
legl-w acraeel i
Tn»rrrt rauaty.
Mr Ga-terr wumarrted Not tS.IM!,
• UiraUbeT*' <> Beach of Charlotte.
raaVT.*. V , who died April
Firr-ehildioa were bora te
KsrT. tk* sldml. dl*d la Ckirago Sept u. laei. Brir*
Brlra H.
H Kiag
K ag Ilire*
la Chicago, Lacy U Eteaeham lire. .
WllUaretborg. Fruec* died la brr isi
year Jaly SS. lUT. aad Ella. Mra. B t
.* old ow
«. ovr
barag*. lirm *«
at m
teogb^Urar* Mu (be wjf» of Wil-

Our $1 12 shoe# are wino«rs
for th« price.
Tour tradfl will ba appreciated.

taaal *an ia palitii’, wu a'ateomMtobrroet to tor priaeipira of Urary Clay

Do Tear Fut Aehs?




S!i= =

Cash Paid for
Farm Produce.
Butter and Eggs W’anted.

I have recently bought the Urge store of
Mrs. E. H. Daniels, 226 Front street.
I stUl operate thesto-e at 320 Front street
and in both are Full Stocks of Choice Staple
and Fancy Oroceries. ETerythiog.- Fresh and
of the Best



AOe ave

adittloM \o OUT WvfttM. (TtcTtaswv^ Wt awoutt\. -'bo'iTiij tt
jii maTqVti ttia^ tutt bc-^ogt. TJoVtii U ok ttvt basi* t>\

'Wait’s 13 a? o-er Stor


to of gaU Mwken it
thatrteheooBlry. Ia Frofemor Bathao^ M foaad o
ftaAy of the
alth of Alaaha aad hte
> told to oloqi



■atarday Pblllip aed Ba^ra Thiel,
mho artaeoaead of lU-traaU,p J.
Maetoal Treat
a ted aiae yean at age wbe
The eoaorrt to be glrra April ISlb by
Uriow wnh Ihom. wars bnmgfat befare
JtotteaBtowa. They walrtd taami-' the gerea aty Quartet uader toe aasptem
Udiaa' Aid aocleiy of to*
' Mttoa aad warn hpoad eear tq tha
gwomleea I
OfoaU aeart telheoam of ItWhaU.
of tor n
Dr. NMkma. wte baa baaa oa
Trartrt* City bu bera taTorod t
atoff sf ^lyatelaH at the Korthera
MleUgaB Aiylom far aorttal yean
* yoaag mra eoaipoaiag Uu
peat, telt Friday moralag ,far -ire all raeepUraally flat a
h«BB terateworaak*- rtell pm
aad' tooea who hare bora torttfbatr
to hM dapanan tor AUaka: whom ho
tgb to bear them la former ooaI ud who bar* lUteatd with pleuorfil pmsUoohMpto
a ia Ua ei^
to torir slaglag
tor haa aboatef I
tloaal eharcb for tor pa.t few moatba.who will ertah h
arral ao farther gaarutee aa to
White drawlagaleadofeon atalke
Thaadey. a team bateaglag to H. 0.
Wsltoe. who Urta Bear Biagham, be­
mad raa away, tbrow•rd - to tbe
Hr. Weltoe t
grtomd. aaaiiag a dletecatiee of the
fight kaaa. Mr. Welloa teU
■aid asUl amMtaaee came aad broaghi
Mania dremmd hM lajartm.

for a iniU that can supply you anything from j
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we wUl j
toy and interest you with samples and prices, j


lad a leeTac mather. aad tbe
hciplem eageriag

boee hen i
Tbet* an faw maf i
» eercr beea dark
ad ratrrpnalag tou
tbe laner faitb that made death to
0 Jobaaoe wbo
bet a bleeerd tnaalUoa to the
--------------aufol beyoad. Her agad hoabaad ______ ribeirmsay euvoaaen
Mlllrr '
BOW bam toa rtlaablr ageacy for Or
l^» wao. aad all be.ieri eoa.-------------- - ^
ie vary ill, aad the ptrUag betwaaa
C B Cooper, wife of Editor Coo- !>*■ *>!' dooblleae be rary brief,
jer of the B^ter. li rxpeeud iba
Gf toe eleeaa eblldrca who ban _____ .wfol nmrdy toal It prodaciag
sgcfMirr r.vgxc'gii*/*
reek aad Mr. Cooper will at race pro-, bl eeaed Uelr aaloo. fire an Uriag! eeeb a faror all errr tor coeatry by «• i muy aterlliag rorr.
U ate^luu v ; SaIK) 0
UmiUitBri In CM
eaed to look up a permaaeal reeldraee I Hrerry aad Maigam. who reeide ia care* Atlbiaa. HroorhiUa. Boaruaate.
' Cbleago; Wuj. Jeaali aad Aagir. of aad pll afleclI'iDt uf tbr Throat. Cheat i aax
Caarauaort WUI Meet
City. There an atao Uriag
It b apimraot aow that deaator elm !
light graad eblldrrc.
HllllkrnwIU bare xa o^anlty lot *
baebaad aad femtiy maab to aorr or prior reloaded.
elila tbeptraeatepectel e.-mloo of tor',
■ympatby le rxleoded by but Maade.
lagMlatan. Tbe euaoly board of
repeeially to Ue faltbfal daugbten wbe bare dcroted
Mootagaa C. H. Balee ud Fnd U
lorlaglyud aDltrlayly to (he wellan
Doal. win meet here today to OBaram
aad happlaem of torir aged panau.
of Easter Eri; Dy.-e i.i Iw
toe ntorae of toe eonaly. Ua SalarHra.^odrraoD wae. with her baadey tbe dietriet rote will aleo br caa
liafi at Wail’ll Drqn Sl.irr
baad. e larmber of toe
ramed. There U a law which appUn
church derlag all thr y. an of bar r«ailoepreial dectlone lor otetc ore
Tbe Qermaa Dyes--.V parkai,’i
dmee ben. aatll toe argaalsatioe of
wbleb proriaee that tor eolre eball br
Will lyilor 10 <ioi>-u
tix ifilora.
iba Pirebytrrlaa eboreb wbra tory beoaaM membmot that body, to wbieb
teo. Tbe law dxm
Para Paper Dyu
|-i SlirrU
ae tbe polal ia too dlttriol where toe
Prime pirlurre ami nhadre tin r-KUK
roteaaball hr eaaraieed
Tea luaenl aerelcea of .Mn Aedrr■1 ■-rnl packagfh.
I ooaeble of Jedgr of I’rnbate
>B yaa’.erday afteraora were largrB. Hgaror, Ccueir Clrrk W A .Sr
j ly atirnded
Tbe eerrlcea war# bald
tee aod Hbrrig Oaoar tilmoeoB
at toe realdrace wb'eb- waa crowd­
ed with friredt, maay of tbrm of loag
SexeBBlal Leagur
I.Mt Dlgbt a lodgr of toe Sriroeial yaara aiaedleg. After tor eiogiag of
of toe awert old bycBBa L\ a quareagur wae orgaeiira la toU el<> with
compoaed of Miaaea Alice Crawford
aboalmemton Itleto br kaowa
aeidorraCIty Lodge. .S’o tiu Follow- aad Sctlla C. Gray aad Haaan C E.
Back aad Parrla Wbitaiu. aeriplare
lag an tor oSoen elected
paaaagra w»n read by Bar W. E
Prtsldcel—J b Hlagbai
Wright followed by a prayer by Eer.,
Vioe Frmidral—K HeLaoghlia
D. CoebUa
After aaotaer aoag by toe
Secretory—Ray Seofield
cboir rloqueel eed toacbleg rrmerka
•Walter 0. Lyoa.
were made by Hr Wright ud Hr.
Manhal—Edward Pranar.
Chaplata-Jaba llrlfrioh

Ba* B U KellonwUI dadleate
aaw M. E. Aaroh al Baraard April I
Guard—WUI Pnnar
Ita oalee ie aaUmatsd at AMM aad Be
SeaUacI-Arehir Abbott.
Jaa. Altee. tatbar of Mre. & Reae of
Tnmtroa—K. K. Milter, C. 8 MIlIrr.
‘ tUeeiiy. lathe paetor.
Nodical Examlarr-Dr. W E. Hooa.
While raaalac a slab aaw ia the mill
Peat Pcmidcat -Jobe C Rilta
at Biafbam ■atarday. Joha Ahryard
Mdhle^hasdherriblreakaad theBaSadden Death WhUe Aloaa
gero laaaraUd. Dr. Oaraer atteeded
Veetardty atternooe Mra. Lecieda G.
thawaadltte elated that he wUI Melter. a widew os yaaraef age. wae
teaeaeaeof hit Aagere.
fonad dead at brr rcaldeaee op tbe corA letur from WUUaa aad Leel fim.
who weal to Bealtte with tha Traeeras
haaleta, aBBOoseaa that ibsy
e left iteaUle ter Wraagte. Alaaka.
aad afiar apaadtag foar week* thenthep wUl CO ap ee the Tahoa rlear.


Dlaramtea. tod by C K Eatea

Amoof (hooc vhohbTO cx.boacfd
Mir Cora* forrll; property ood ore
•orfor IB thU work ore F. F (ireer of
Mo^otM. C A. lioBboford of Cedor.

A. 0- Bedel aed I
split aad piled U eerdo of la iaeh wood
U thraa dayi for Fraab Bedel.

If you
are looking

'£C-V?'SS~ E. B.MILLAR & CO.

Tbc ioUoorlac oOem won oJo
irUooMoooof'lWtattMtou ■

- Circulatioii this week 2.300

Bera^aU Bum





„ ... Headquarter* for


larof Looal *0. (ho Lowot

Fwwdare Aw




Made to Our Order

Open Buggies
Top Buggies
Spring Wagons
Road Carts
- 15.00
One-Horse Wagons, complete, 37.00
Farm Wagons, complete, - 50.00
(With Wide Tire.)

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Go.


Qiaiid Tnymt HMaMfmd TmwBefClty Trangcript CcBroM«t€d. iHitttT. 1698.


ttMbUv 9 t*9 «mbU9- 9k* at HM talk MmBttoa UUW. ctea8 kw
' 1 AfrtI IM. TIm PMi>9 ^
____••SdMmlotp^ tattoMWW-. Baakan of «bh
taf. Ub (tertk* wiU tfrt to

Hia Dailey b a Uttla bator.
OH—r Pray b oa tka bM Uat.
Mn. J. «. Dallay b ao (ka pala.
Uard B— haa tka (— ad kb
afaw daya.
QaiBcj ThMbw bM Mvwl (na loaaap.
Kit. J. Wjtto b tWtIw to to* **«to- TnTffM
air to Ute ptoM.
C E Ptaykw i—u-iad
Lari Co* kaa foa* to Tiar—
ebaa—aad a Uuia.
Mta OiM P*Mpk*r r«lnr«^to bar toapaadalaw^
*5JSST Wytb wmx to OtMrf
W. T. Cook aspMto w a
Mtotoy totor*»«Btoi»UBatoil<fOto irteol M Urava la*t totw**;
laacab^ la a few daya
tMto AUm »tto9<»4 tlM %mAtn
U*t Tkortoaj **d fri- HtoOr—Oark ^ H. Sna-rada
^Vt. ItoUn -to toh-i aaMMl;U1
took dtaaar at Hr. Bto yaatoday.
HtoSylrbaad Ada CaOtld —rat Fraak SoMeb bw rested Adelph
datarday airktato Saaday with tkair , .ibar’a far— aad will —o— to a (aw
>e qeiu aod
Fraak Foliar call
Mto Balb Horrtoa h
but b b—Ur
4 Bartora (brbaU ato fa-ily a (aw d
•daa old ar------ -t. «. Im*^ b

■to Oraoa WaUa b ka—toto.

Ibm. W. T. I

*brTTU*M q*IMl*Ur
teW ifwh«M9>tar3n«totoa^
WUUwlrtoW^ ■*7B*0ltf Itot

. Bern

Ja—a BaBUtaa rbiwd tka oosaty

at waak
Hto -------------------------Blaocbc Bolcktroit tot
waak.' Hto

laa wu eUrktlof for P. Baraataia to hb

■a—la Oar—aoaaoa—a.

Mt. kM por^Mto




Oraad—Uar Enwartky} b aal a
Hto- Sylria aad AdaCoBaM rblud
atho^a Boaday.
. Cbarl— SaieblabaB aad wife atuto•d a-ttof Satoay.
; Wlllb Etat b aot r*tot to
taaaa— City, wa asda—taad.
(toaral* Walbooro aad wKa altaodad
tka eouara -cotUf kaU at "
Hr*. BatuJoddba<_. kaltar. Bar
kalpkaC ber.
Frtaada' qoartorl;


ItoMtoCUewtoMia a B- KUr 9»d Kl«9 FloMb
M boBM. It b owoad ^ Hr,
-aad kaa baae hb prepany for

%»9.1.0- ■••tor toft r*»toi4«, •ttoad-to* twiatr-fovlk taaul *a-

■n. Ttoto I* nportod M ktoac totMh
^iMto^Wart kftto

■to— — to* Milo*
a*a D a L—«k .*4 wito to- r*tif 111 M ttoir to—* to tkto rilUfa
tortoc^i to* wtoito to Hto-rt.
K—torUotoato B«cwKaacpo<
•—to l-ri-aa *-^ap^<y_ to*

s. i~—cn
4B«a4ar«<to kU-0toar.Hra
^ -08.-to-to, to-a-


Hta. Totwa b a lllUa baUor
wriUDfHr. Oadarboea of Haabua retanad
tot waak to hb work kara.
FiaharaadWUItoBtoaa «IU bafau-.
dewa BbUl the to r<>— oat of Ulaa
■akaaotaay—arattbalr tor» dowa.
Hr. aad Hra. D Elar af Bsplt—y—irrdiy (a obit Ibelr oaclc, t.
i. HoChiiy. woo kaa b—a rery aick,
bat b alitala batter eow.
Hr. aad'H- Ed. Fiabar wa- aorortodasd ntda happy tot Wadeday —raior by tbe arriral of a lllUo
aoe aaddaoebtor at ttoir boiae. but
rriel aoaa toUowad by Ur daparte— et
Ua llltla aoD oa Thartoty. he wm lou
trail a Bower to tarry loof.
S—aauifaat towa n—Uaf today
for Separrbor aad towB dark Ch—.
A. Fbbar w— tha —c“'ar ooatto— lor
toiwrrtor. aad Mr Towel lor towo
dark. Today tl
■ ball
ad wltk the aa<

Joe Wilbal- B atill oa tka tato and
babla lealiopatato.
W—. B—kal, Jr. b oa ika a
hot b ao—a batior.
Hhariff Simpaao of tarar—CUy imllrd oa fruBda ha— tot w—k.
rllk HI

B La^wortky w uaeh



baa—4ka-ttoar-paik;al tto —•

I ro—TOBaal aad lb—a of
T—reiw City y—tarday aad —tanad
Who—ysCedar bbahtod tbetl-ea?
W* at laaat a— tapplbd with aawa by
(hr— aewa boya.

l.yfirU ww

to^e Trarar—

Mary Spoor rataniad tot To­
day (roB a week'* ebit with h— abUr

. J2:S?^2£^.'.Tl3

WiU C-Uer aad wKa of ta<
aiy we- to the rlUace Wadaaadij
Theraday ol lac* we^
Thr *epar aoobl to tha E 0. T. H.
hall Friday a—alec ww aot —ry wall
atuadod aad oaly a a—aU aa— «
Ud tor tbs t—eay.
Adak BurfilBd had a aario*
wHk aa orerdew of —arobtoa.------be tookSeoday aTeoiBf (or aaold. Ua
b ^Uar. bat it ea—a aaar prortaf



Cloods of Merit.

Ckxids ’Warranted


Hr. HDb of Elk Bopid* will
I to Ike Pc—byUriBB ebnreh Wed
,-j. Tkendey. Friday Bad Saut-

Satisfaction in Every Particular or«o Sale.

^ popcliMto for UUs •priD« bAy« bean axcepUonaUy sncckiafnl. W* own our m«rHr. DaebwiTd hb to- w Ur | ch««»Uie today ftilly AS cheap AA eyer.And with lb« d*UrmUiAtian u. do m^re bOAinsAA
aswett of Gill P|«. ^
i tbAU ATAT beforA, WA hATA mATked evAry dollAr’* wgrih of m*rcbAxidiae within the cIoaaai
'«‘“*l“’rtnE»Argin. rAgArdlAAAof vhst the AAma ^oda would brins AlAewhera. From our
W-, Sonbor. of Sutton. Itoy ww .!
daViAte We ATA the lAAdarB of low pricAA, AUd Atttb WA wUl
ueiBWw eeller bare oa 8au—ay Iwl- ramAla ATAn At A AACrifiCA
hb tod*“T%‘Vp“ur'",i52U2''

Ouwlde—tloB Isuaou
Meoajor PeUB- of NorUpert ww
ai^BO a few dsr. ale— abektop band*
wlu hb Bid BeIpbocB
Fr—ideBt Cbubs dellrered a eery ieUr—Gap aw—OB. Seadey April led. at
thr CoeprepBiioBBl chb—h.
Ue Gbbpt
Yoctap A>

flrAt clAAA goodA Under the eheriff^ hAinm*r. whUe Eabi. At 66c on the doUnr And
At tbe AAme rmtlo we will dlspoee ol tbe aaiua on abort notloA
Mci|-eBllwoolU.A.K. Suite



Maa'e all wool Blua Sar>ra Suit.* wi-ll otada
wortli •>. our iirire..................................


church, aubjact. I Sprint; Suita, up-lo dsto. Bri- l»-iiii; fibvarIbaiecyclona ofi li»«al ••♦■.oVt. our pti.v.............................

4 95

tb* 6th of April. Eer. Mr. Seueder*

7 25

Femily aalart.

child of I
• erenlop.
Mi- Belle Monlapee hw b-i
urulninp her eoualn. Mra. Eaycr.
J. U. B. Miller bw aold hb far- at
thb pla— and will r—Ide la taretv
Hawkln* fiobbed —wlug
weed. wlU the -echl’ne. Friday, fur
Kelly Broa
Chw. Uarlaad la barlspe wall drb
on kU pie—
Juaple* of tare
City b dotop tbe work
Sen Kelly coB-eoced worklap
A. E. UontepoeUla mo-Inp. Her
work Ue— dgriug Ue cucclnp eew
Eer. Ur Heath will o.-eupy lb* pplpit at thla pl*!.'* Sundar. April II.
Wuarurly aerrlcr win be bild at
FVak 8—Itb of MapleUa. b
—sAWay SAlorday afurseoe. Hb
wwcaupbl a—r Mr Kelly’* but
boppy waaouile badly da-eped,
here—were'—ared by a Ua« cc-mp
op beblod Ua—. at tbe waterinp place

■toe tounda to pot
Fb—on* to—orrow
w to rbit reletia—.
Mra Lbcia Crotaar aod little aon of
Klaraley ajwul Satordey elpbt wllb

1 Hra. A. Feck ware In

S.'be*l oos—oncad Monday —o—top
after a noelb'c racaUoa. witb LerrT
Brlpp* w taaebar
'. and Mra U—er deoarud ibb
dr F«
■lap lor itaelr sew bo—rlu Trar
_____ *l8b..........................
erae Cuy. where the h—i wiib
—tto wlU ber peraau
tbelr ousy (riredi po wiu Ue—
Tb* Cb-p *f S of V pe— a w*r•uper
aociel to tba GAG hall Iwt
ibir aurprbe under
All report a plow
McKmlry club of Satordey aranlnp.
aal tl—a.
tbe PeniBBula le bosi.
... ___
We are prlared to I— ef the d—lb
F. F. Gr—r. Il brlnp bb alsUcU blrU
Hr. aad Mr*. Greer were Inriied ofFnif. Djupkany. editor of the Mre
DreoBaad laarn a younp
loapend Ueereblap el Mr. DcG—w'. ick Uaxatia
end we— earpneed to dod eboul aerea widow aod a h—t of frlaada
ty of Ueir (ricada awellinp Ue—
AleaoB Darlinp ka* ooncledad It b
F. E Brown -ad* a etaort eddme w aot wall tor —ea to lira alon* aad be*
,ad Ur. Greer
tokaanalo bl—II a wife. Ml— Edilb
Hamlia balop tb* bride.
Tb* yuonp
lewUp prop——w_. ._ . .
—npla here eer b—t wbfaoe.
Hep by tv. E
Bow tc Look OBOd
. O T. U. bond of Old Mbb Uen akin
d—p. dependlnp enili^y . 'B a kaeiuiy
condlUac ol *11 U* tIibI orpana.
U« llror b> Inertlrr. you
hare a bllloo*
’ •
Jobe CuBBlsfa.
If yonr ato—ecb be di
clemeUoB by Will
ktloa by A W Hill, eoep by yoB be—B dyapeptlc look; Ifyeerkidyoeap —ee'a quartet, il—ua lonp cry* tba etfecUd. yon he—eptoebed
kina Porter aad Surtoe. orpea eolo by look. Beeora pood h—llh. asd yoo
aarely bare pood lOBha. "Elrotrw
Hra Uenbe Dep—a. aosp—'Tbe III
feted Uetoc.~ by Mr ead Hra W B Blllar*'' be pood AlteraHraasd Tenir
Acu directly oo Ua *u—eeh. lirar asd
OeOraw ead Aeea Lerdia after wl
ktdnaya. Itorlfi— Ua blood, ear— eiaUe pe—te —t down to e booetlful ■
pl—. blotcbca end WIe. end pir— a
pw prorided by tb* ledioa
iplaslon. Erery boisla puaraciMd. Sold at tb* D—r Stor— of 8
E Wall aod J. G Jobnaos
to -at*
par botU*.
Her II yon here kldaey, Hew
bledBneklenX An—e Aal—.
ir trouble you win fled Bwenp Eooi
Juat Ue remedy you oeed
Tss BssT Salts to Uc world tor
aot apt to pet anztoB*
Cuu. B—toa. 8^ CDcera. Salt
bealU eeoa enoopb
you a— -aot EbBo—. F— Sons. TVtUr. CkBpped
qeitc weir
weir Or
er -helf
-half >ick." here you Banda. CbllbUtoa. Co—a, aad ell Slto
erer Ihoepbt Ibel yocr k'deey* —ay be' BrapUou. aad p-iU-ly nr— Fit-.
' —a— ol your ciekae—b
or no par—qal—d
It b padranUrd
i b ewy to ull by —ttinp wide peer topi— carfBcl BBtlafacUon or Butocy
ee fee tweelyfoer beara; e ladl- refnodBd. Pri—W —nla per bos. For
et or —lUlnp lodl—teaee eab—lUy talc hr J O. Jobam ead 8. B Walk


iditloa of Ue kldceya Wb*a eriae
to* Itoca It b erldBa- •( ktdaey
ehta Tpo^»^‘‘•»‘*»•*'• to aria-

U kidaeya aod bladder need Ooelerb

**na— M —UafacUoa iu kaowiap that
tb* prwi ——ady. Dr. Ell—er'a Swans'
af bladder
__ _aad
_ -.
nary t—oblea
oaly do— Swe—sRoot fire aew
aad ectirlly totbe kld»ey*—Ue e
yrf t—able, bet by tn—Uap Ua kid



Caat or So^
.. yon a— poiap to Detroit. Toledo
or beyead. aek yoor local Ueksi
- w a tlchrt rle F 8 P. M. E E
Ex—Itoat uala Bn-rt—
Ub Itoe.
-------1. F. HobLUsa.
A. G. P A
eoe*« a. aicbt- It ■—ibtkMr ■'«** T<
a.Ia* Or*l*</«br« rrr ab*^ *M *lre
■ l«,i Piw_

Cbildri dV niio JecU-to h» low a*


48c up
$ i 25

13 50

Our Carpet Department
waa n.'tvr 9>i .'.miiilut.'ns now. Higrangt.
of i*ti.TUR of lugntins. UrusM^s and
V^lvi-l U<i>|ui‘ll.'.

3 95

6 26
2 50
I 90
2 60

Ingmiiis fFMii....................................:______ iQq yp

Our Shoe Department.

Kitra.irdiuary Uari^BB.

Mou'a goo.] sfrvii.eabU-WorkShi>b.



Women'i Kangarre. f*lf, ForpoW. Calf
aud Oil tirain Work Slioaw, from PSc to
Women’s Fine Dongola. laee and VuUon..


WomoD'a Fine Dongola, lace andliuUon.
Coin, Leanoi aud Klamiike tu*«, estn
good value....................................................


Dry Goods Department.

Full Hlandanl Priol........................................


4-4 Excr-ll.-nt S!ia.-linc................................


Lii;ht aud Dark Ooiiiit;.................................



: Double and Twint.d Cotlon Pauto Cloth .
Iu7 inch iluilrw noth .................................
;W inch Al! W.r.l Ppriiitf Suiting .............
An lot Fum y Waist Silks (so
U7 inchas « id.' i
. . ........................

Women'a Vi. i Ki.l, Ineo and hutton, new
el) lee. and V«,Utig Cloth Top, in blanV
aud colored.......... ....................................

| 36'

| 28*

Thia in the iiobbicAt and beat line for tha
| 2*
money in tbe city.
| 3i
Tbie ia only n enuiple of tlie bargaiuA W*
05hsve added eeveral liu.b of Ijulii-e' Hand Tamed
Buttrdi and
Inalt up styles, whkfa wa
■ell at 40c to tl a pairlr.'- than regular abosatore
prii-ue. Also M.It's Hand Will and Fppler Welt
in the latest styles of to<«. Box Oslt, Willow €Uf.
Vki Kid sml Ru*^ C'olt Skin. Finn! shoes
made and can sare you $1 or over on every pair.


Olaes Block

Traverse City, Kieh.

Remember, Free Barn and Sheds

Spring Is hers and every (Armer wUl nesd Oardra BMda.
to famlah aame Lower Uiad anyone In tbe city.

1 am preparAd

If you heed Brooms, Brush:
es. Tubs, Mops or anything
for cleaning, -we have got it.
Churns, Milk Crocks, Milk
Pans, Butter Crocks and ev­
erything pertaining to dairy
And in fact almoat any warlAty you may maatlen
I am AlAoclosingont my Btockof PainU and KalAomlnA at Coat.
Gallon and 36c per Package.
Bran, Peed. Oats and Hay. PrlcM aa elwap aa elatwkara.
Wa BOlicit a call firom eraryona. Mo tronblo to show gooda.





Meo'e Fine Shoes, Eureka bratid. (kilt.
Dongola Top. all slyl,. Ux-a, aolid........
| 48
Thb b u*f*lroogc*i liac of Sboc. In Ua oonBUy.

Bamamber the plaoa-Mo.8B8 Frost 8L,Coraar «f AU^
Oppoalta 8talnbarg“a.

toTTtorreto —


Men's D'«ws Shore., nil RtyUv, n.-w (oea^


:. J. Ear! of Fat—kay b ahektop Our Dry U.-ala Uepartmant is compU.
id* wlOi (rtesd* Is lowe.
in .ii
all iU ilaUilb Tl...
Th.' u..I-V.
iMset sU la N,.i
MarGe Steak end toe Ralph her* ralursed to Ualr bo—a In Laka Ann
Tba saw berbar cbop b co—nlatad
asd la roi—lap ordar. Ja— Coak I*
Err A. A Darllop asd (a—lly bare

FVIday e—blop.
A rery pice—ni
tl—* ww apeal In daeclnp aad muial
t a^ Ue• pe—It ddb—rard io
N w— a—A'
a—a' houra. bfu
bfuo aa wared' beae •blliop at Uon—eCeotra Ua pwt
ifly pleeAant errelep.
tow daya

hIkib'H>maM.l..,.|i,,ii of 1—<li—'
WiioJ end Siil.SLirU. LsUi,-*’faiu'i.sod
Jecki le. .Misstb'and Cbildi. ira Jui-koi*.

On.- lot of -Mirn'o <'liavi.»l and IJark Caibimi-tv Pauto i;u at.......................................

Turkoy Jl«l Table

Rt-r. A. A Darlinp pare e fie*
-urea Sunday.
Mra. Cora Ferpnaob rialtad frianda to
Sbar—an Iwt wsrk
Will Auyar —edaaulp to Trerarea
Iwl waak

Our Our Cloak Department

US diizi'n t'bildrAnV-Ko.>c FantR. |i*t pair.

tv.' .

aorpri— party
praaiTip. It balep tb* oocaei
IbiiWabU birUdeyMra Lorali
rw happily aurprlaad
.■tolerday rraotop,
(, wbee a no—brr
no—b< of
har friand* c»we to to help hercala
ber sale
I bar birthday.
iirUdey. War—
tVerm -epla cn^■ aartad aod ell had e pood U-a.

tii-i- ill C<.tl..ii, Wclaii ,„j Silk fel.ri.1.
bri' l*riiu'ahoB-u hr ii* m

Haudbrnie UosVv Sill'ii9ttrifc:i-;.|l ,uad.'.
full ewaa|i............................. ’

A lot ef ibriv |>i<<ov -luvt-uilf Suits, baudeoim-ly hraid.-d, for...................................

ta wall attendee.
'Xerl Gray hw rented A. W. Black'a

Aaoot thirty aoclally laeltood todlpattotad at tbe be—• e( Hra. E Ca—
tot Friday to—w carpet rapa. Wadid
aailaa— thaa—atM work aeeo—
plbhwl. bet we did bear that tha ladto
roeMpI of Ur— trr»—at Btaapa Ubbt----- T.
oa uic bowl*. MeaPecltoa paaced eC —aiiiaUly e<
with BO. tkn^ubiiCBW teltto* 9
T*f—I to a— tka ta—Uy po f— a-oop of
cd li aBaaca Wa r^r— to eay Ikat
•a. aad -paeiallyeat of oar
tboDa-oenUa * w-e Ika Imaalka
work.tarMr.ahdHcaaaaaataxdka- IbA Hr. HlUIkaa bade -a)erity of
- Ub cnnIrrtT-

. jrts.sriarjw'SS: ...


Brand- New Spring Merchandise!

PblBO^A Keen
k——lied OA BBT ■


■ to J-U :
bar racatioa at

■to Loula aad WQUa Kaak a—

•aMr. Hte—awe'e far—.
Ubbla$-toao- hwrtoorcabludbar cla—■> mode aad will to«to
Iriar to—ew Beat baterday.
tot w—k ato raport
■to Alto D-prw WM ha- Friday
>d tbterday toklac farther arraocaeau about erqauMa« a muale eiaaa.
■abak Hbi Fra—
Mar; E. wlla of V. Beidick died ho­
of eoBaeaplioe Harab ». Fe»a-I
wr—held to the Cedar *chool
keaaat banal to Lht ~
Poute— aUll k—p ao—tot la ibootk
tba prto b ao-c lower thaa tot weak.
; --------------------------------------- kab kaIto w. ■. ■. E ka- kaaa doldr Ulppto tatbb pdataadaUof
Am qoality.
C A. BMealnd aad ^Uy kara
—o—d to ta—r— City tkb week,
who— they rspoet le r—Ida to tka faura. Tba far- whiekkw baaa tbe

Ckarto Gap—aad Joaaph ■

r Ctorleaols wa—b-e tadv



Trwa alaelloo paaadd of with tka
aaoal aatoaat of esduBaat.
Hr Habo
■aba pe—h—
pe—haaad a hoe— aod lot
of F. Baidlok aod •
ha— thb

ip^^^^kSr'witoaSay* **

Our Youth's Department

Dartd War— b —ported *ery alak.
Tba tori—I —ttof* a— aUU la
Uaoab—at Eewadla.
Hra. Ira Chaee kw -urved ho-e.
J. 4. Ka«7 •alia* at Bto— — 1—1BoH Foator kaa raatad hb fa— for. Cbaa. Corbitt b btilldlac a eery tee
B— fiin to W. L. Frtok.
•dditiee u> hb ho—a^
A. Aa4ia«9 aad fa-np —part
Hto May Wieten af tare— City b
to — to (MUtoa to a tow 4^
rUlUar frlaada to thb ptaoe.
Hr. aad Hra. CbIlUo HtaBord of
^?TmI ta*to-a*M ^wkaaea
Ur. aod Hra War—e Neal rblled at
S4. •akalto. ttoB E. W. L. Cob. Tboiaday.
Ur. Lloa'toae day Iwt week.
. ton k—. r—0*4 ato toft tor kb
ah—UaaillattTbaraday. At p—rat _______
i—lock exi
wtIAm aka b to a erittol eoadltloa.
lorFruk Cooklto ikbiei
W* to— —tl-4 qaltoaa—toraf
•toaatoff«t»b«>rbto toka. tot —
Mr. aad |l— Chw. Vail----------------jtoM—to—uA4atlto kartor.
tot Theraday afterparitooaU
Will Ewt wha kw baas folac to
tha n—t __________ ____ —bool
—to—ar> b •■ Ito fala.
to tarrr— City b apeadiat hl«
Waan talar—4 t-l Hto Zakto
—UoB at boot thb waak.
■atonal Ha»U Oitr. haa ka— •■- day.
■at Fill—o— w— throwe
At tha iawadilp aleetlaa. bald MoaQto to t—k — .prtof tor- of
a wai >n and cp—toad har wrbt
dat. tha tollowiar ofi— we—elacud:
ly tot
-ry Ibadly
Seprraiaer—Airs O CbmpbeU.
totoKnpp8tohtorof tha Baat^la
rtrlraa a
- Hr. Strieker bw............
Trow —Dartd lefa—11.
gt BP ^B^^tod»Ul
...kUl wbtoh
whtoh top—r—
Jntto of Poaeo-Allea E Hoera.
tar— rary -oek
btokway C—.-Ales. Campball.
School Iwpector-Allre E Wa—or.
Vail—n hw —teraad frotan (Ha— (to Sak—kaip Bai4Hob. of Board of Ewiew-T-Bda T——r— City rkerTue bw bora rb-atoX—bar Oeb. lara—a. -tor—I Bawley.
Ittod har r—Bd-daerbter. Hra. W. 0
■■4 —pitoi to — took to T—TarCowlabl--Ueo. Ubekndjra. W,
Shir-, aad
olhf -*- •
Oabo—. daha B-ltor. C U Pawto
Tba —to for loweabto 0 rrh wen
Aa4raw Patoraoa 4U4 laat Tha—da;
•<para>r4aal kto ko—
Hr. faUr- tb. Jaha B. Wtoun aad W. H Aadbra— earh •—airla< 1» —to It kaa aot
Hr*. UdBd Pet— b rblttot to Haay«t kaw daeldad w8|{ wa* alactad.
Utee oeaalr.
Haatotoa4o( •aUo— Ba; coadae—
T, J Header—a of ta—r— CUy ww
ttatoa-alaarto—whlekwaa told at
to towa Uaaday.
(to O—a Latktoaa akarek.
Eer. H. K. Wylto —lied — (rte-U to
Fa—na laa—a daaaktar aad Urar
thb rillace Iwt Friday.
f—alaa—to—an kla 4—Ik. Tka

Hra. O—<T* Oowaar ta rlaltlac kar
—aak— U ta—•— Clij ub wato.
*. Taaaf aad wUa aad B F Ik
— atolW tototod S-atn Soto
Daa a—M bad qtota a wr«ra attacka(h—rt imkUtoat araak. tot b kat>
toUtkb writiaf.

b 91 w-k for

• Bay eraa

Hr. and Hr* J W niekcraaa call­ to*£^toreAS^uib*hoii4°i^‘i^!Mt-n’e all w.«l tioa n.y Suit* (li.mUxl
ed ea Hra Strlcklto of Ea—oe. Nesdsy lap
top cOB. Wha— b our ar—iber propiiuaDtity I
Itr. P—alto aad (a—lly bare i
Hra atrickll* hw b—o *kk —n
I H—Ick. Uleh.
weak* bat » aaw better.
Ht-ayier (irstlae, rvpnler lt> i>z.. til wisil.
Hto WilKW b apradlet her raeaUao
Tka pellUea) pot b aow bollinp.
I pt«Dly oT (lirm i clay muiIb...................
itb her pa—au at Sbar—aa.
Uartbe ol NorUpert balop lta*oe—laar
oo Ue Bapeblleaa Uckal lor SuperHra. Rowa. Hra. Start aad dai
Our hm-of t'lotliinK has un.-r lieon as
Tbor, ha b tryup to alBor that party
Gladyt l-ra for Copper OIC. tk
Mr. EpU —orrd bb ha— Iwt w—k
able to a ylctorioet harbor, while 8. A.
-Elirse ami eolaat as ■i.>ir
We i-an euit
Bwt Weda-da>.
Hra Eoeteeap Ueo—• belter at Ub
hwUapaltobl daaoeraUc craft
M— Fred Olb apeal a law daya to
all cla>b<-«. Our stork is ronipleir fnmi
T—rrr— Citr Iwt work, rbitiat bar
tha workiuK mau's suit at $1 -VJ iiji
abur. Hra tVm. F. Urmat.
Hra Epll * *i*lar of Oraad Bapid*
bw —le—ed hoae.
tbr tiiiMt Satin Liiinl al............ ..
At tba rlecttoB Monday the
deuaoa th* prople't tiekrt wc
Ur* Eire and daoitbUr of Gi
«pl tha clrrk. W. B. Oo-r rblled her eie— e( Ui* pla— Saoday ^CwIbEariek hwiaia aad u Maytojerliv of rot— caat. 1
Hra Wh*l*y p«re • birthday parly
■ to HelUa ilobba bw pone to Wal'
ad a tojerlly of
tot Selarday to honor of ber lUUe aoe.
Dr. Kn-lsed ww -Ued to *o
is jamiood full of baruaiii*
Oo Tb-8S> e-alot Iwt. Hra. Lahr W—t leu Wade—day. who hw
w pl—easily anrprtod by tka yoeaf qnlu sirk
Soon of Heektoaw Qly b rblt- A etrk-tly all wuul Suit fur ... ...............
Hra. Je—ceoo atusded the fnaaral
.rpw.-> yeara ofep*.,)
Otta aad wife. Tbry piaaebted har of Mr* Dora Hi— of tarer— I
Hoe iVrry Hannah ww to Ua allHoeday.
Kiuf df.—i. Clay. duubU'-bri.-a»l.«il Youlb'e
iqra Wadeaeday.
SebbaU achoel ww orpsalsed
1 kar aad hrr
retard *“y"***'
'School Co——I—ioaar NatUe Gray
Suit, worth *10. our piii-Auiily...............
Weda—day Sliphl Iwt Buoday. wlu Hra Wi
hare ra—ally.
lock w auperinuodent
■o—il '
Tba Itol—' Aid u I wUb Mra. Frank X Youth’- Wool Suit luo-buddy) for...
lir. and Hra Kewbeny ol Ckleapo.
alae Ur. asd Hra. New brrrr of Sllpht. Gibb* Iwl waak.
aivTSB onasBBa
.< lot of I'bildifD B Suits k'oat, rai'ii . ..
we—tbrpo—uof Mr eso Mra HobHim Aapiaiiil apasl —ae—I dayc to
Traaara* City rrc—tly.
CbilJri'u'e nil wool Olack ('bi'viol Suila,
iwitbt Ely bat work (or T.
The—will be —Ti—1 —llBf*
Mb* Etbal Gibb* of Treaene City b
all aiztiB. for................................... ---------at tb* Eeltoer achool bouae. beplsslof .paodinp bar ra—Uoa ho—.
CkarlM U-lereaUadaa kiaparaal

______ taapaad
lar oa eu farm.
Frrd llmlor kw -orad hoc
plaea for the •«—ar. Ha 1
hb falbrr'a far-.
Hr. aod U—'Fro—hols of Ewt Uarfield Tltlud tbelr daotbur E——a and
Hr. aed Hra. Geo. Sl-peoe.
______ offler
Hr. aod Mr* Alex, ^ebert o( T—tyeara) aod r—
City bare been/apaadlet a ‘—
radrrk. bet FUb- —ka. tbe ca—I of Hra. Hrbert'a
eta. Wat. B—kcl aad wifa.

g^oftoatooM —ttok/Hr.

Joka aKat ct Tra— CUy
toaaa; ato Hoada; at to—
^■^to^Hwb; af^aoatkb

Kol a full atteadao— at wwa —eeV

Katla Sallt—a b at work for Hra 8.
QelU a BUBberof Ike tar—on
be— a— aaktot •'
C. A Uaaaaford U -orlap
Mr. Eosbrrry b
for tka buildlat ol
Tba— ww a beery coeia] at tba 1
laad hall laat alfht lor tha baaedt
a: B Sbaart of Saatk Board—a aad tbetioadTuaplarv
I ** ' iraaaiap for clethra
E C. rk—hi- of Ealk '
Ur. DorMaoa. who b traeblrd wli
thb rillaray-torday.
hat app— to be partUI pa—lyab
I >iU aaow Satan ,
Hto Fioia KaUrhk a atodaot of tka (hr toBCoa. Btartod (or T—rar— City
ta—r— City kirhaakoal.
Joha D Whiu faw 'ser^ tote the
wfik bar f
heM of Kelly A Co Beer Tkprr'.

**A*it Fraak apeat aa—I daya to Da-

■toTE-.- :VS3trtWi:

A lltht CMW fall lab attkt.
Hto Bihd SUl« kaa a aew an
MraJohaeoBb aaid to be aoi

$25,000 WORTH

SiST"' —


Qrand TrayemHaraldtmdT»Teg8»<atr*hpftafl^pt. OaaaoBdated. April 7,1808.

aca wa aaw Bevy
Ktot waa Taaari
Then wai >w woaatatoa. Clrat

The Horrors of

I powtBf waar I
a bwa. Bena of Ibe
layara Ilka lu
Sunaad aba Uyan wan aU Isebra
thkk. Wa weal tbnafb iwaiiyraana
tbay wan darker Ui|aa ^bt.
Tbay Lad «e lichr. Iba laa»a Id iLa
aara, ibay aeald aei aaa a aiay.
AIIbreayh aU tha aaaaab
M baaatltal water ^
Bat ibey wan aaaall.
1 tblak tk'y
- Mw'Mor*: t «« mj MWr la Iba
bnaUfel bUiay ora. Uaa
' ff—I ihsarM ■
***** **
raaaolaW. •« —UMf #la*«
•MwMbaran^HttWMo- >

S. O. —- -

aad Aft goodfirlimc that cratraed ker efoi li.

■ a'aloeh iraia tba aasi dayThaaaatday papa taok ita out lor a
^-na totof ik.ba4»owI UUk I litUa wkluioaaatfca towe. It did am
iriU ekaa tar tbia Uaaaa good bfa. look a. Aae aa Tranne Ci-,- dor. I'
hanaotaaoBaeKyatBleraad prrtiy
Mam Hr«L»trT)
at alea aad eltaa aa TnrerM Cliy u, i.
tkiak that rduierald i. a rlr.e
DK4I Bmror-l h»*a wrIHra M |ba place bpt am ae ,»arj prau.t. W.l;
iwlaa Mora, and 1 will frj ibkiaalll eaa tblek e' acoat oar'
•ad»rit«ao>a- Io-ly »«■*<->4«rf iaoraty.
a»|.t»raiaaha BuaLta HjaMilM tbablaarwaa la Krateiky
' w naalat. . wriUaf. aritba<^ie. apriaklcaet.BOW all tbnmyb It
Tur »ua'
.iMCMca u« i^palllac
1 aa oaty i looked M blue far |ra<4.
w brifht aa wa waoi larlher » |
jaw< eld »»d 1 «MBM wriwaarytH
wa ««t to i-iMtanld Tcr.a arr.
J^*a»«bPoibaraa»d»iroatoiai| ai

!.2t^__ ______


locnrr nffcTCT froro rbewoMnt.
The Way b tali K . waoua.
atew k Ara Ctob Fcalyr tbc liw


wuUwi alv.rt 4t>«vii*d d.
"Av Lmb. wS3d btpa u nr<tl •> the




1st I
I la colory n^w to rvicr tbcwi
tbto a.iur.1 a^
! aad
racked wdh
1 couU aol brat
tad K>
*dl pBa.tear
•At atbi ana aadbat^.lrc>«n->

. bMM wd OB. eoealD.
B.r aaoa la
■aUia flaribet aad mj ala-ara laad
bMban Miaaa-era Boraaa, aad b^rMMd Miaaaai Maad>.
1 cieot
fMahefasyaonaaceod bya >«ar
Mute (rtaad. Bajwa H- HvblbiT-


miBarrI to the _____
yaao. twahk to wM ectolT ban the ton.
•ABwtbau toiacilew yasef Woay,

a< cauKd m - rcconry
‘ Tto bfW doo/nvTm aapnilt.
‘Alls tto Mceni dor lAcfi aouadly,
iini tisw arilhic a yui.
‘lustIuradowaboMC By tto new
adukrottooou;oiuol clrvco hoao.1
. cemly wclL
'Ttodocioruud Iwucwtd. Hr wa.
uid aaw IbcatohM
. -.iua'PtokPilbIwP.k
: lor meoy o( ha pMkhh.* ■
. Frely. lotc-Jur w«b bw bwtoad,
mad(.ihdav-a lo tbc nut troth o< ttolonr>9 ucouol briort Noury P. N-ThomM.
Tbc cm ot tto irv«a cue. ci rfannutucB by Dr. Tulutts’ Pink PiOt to
Hto People hto Gccmcd torvtrycuu^
tto Ua«n. told <t> poww to wdaury ciM

A laay Urn
duck Bl-tod HI
ar (alltac rewedy far a laXy line



T for tea yaaray*^iaf
“ ' U^k' C of all. tewedWa. bu
without rue .
naWltf. Witch Baaei
«<naiairf>drd to wa. .land
It baa rffaewd a parwaarai
a prnn.c*Dt ear. tnr pilenrWiU’r It 'itcb H.i'l bna.irpual 1
i.>rdlBarT fa- uto-brid aceldraU



rcclly to the toll of the trauficT They
build M 1 ww- ccUelto Wroctm in tto
tocca pi^ by tlmnUi^ jnamwit

«ywu-. SorwaV H
U 1.




T’nrt...b.r year. Duke a •rracruii.
That to buw loDf Adulpb Kubrr
/.»cr»»iUr. O . .uttrrKl fn-m pilr-.wa. eurnl by orlDC ihm Ix-arr 'f I
Wm-. WitcLIUirlSalrr. J

Afaia tfacT would to namb tad 1

1 B Udd


ThuniW-y... b. >BDU.

IW wto wA ueder edUw fmoa
weuttoa «>nb*toktt>kB4iDtlht

•n pUlM •«»< •orm\»t%.
---------- a»B«M Md HarriaM. Il
att««oMd- • IrctUila
trdaj. Thaalkar^l-


atoXy toSUblto?'*'’'----

S^wwi faaw tb( wwW typw M Ifab ltr>


Tbcawadapf aaCriura tiuw frippa
bare bna mtorud to btollb by Oar Uunto
UM VIII Wvuc. itofuwiaawto
Oftof. Urll Ir ... mr W .rv.nw . -'i.nwtor rl

yeart; of krr ilhtg£les agoinst the drfadful


in for yW

Kcaawu. aeald bnd. hint. Itiib
I tba akia of aay acat. laataatly r»- Tto.m our. rtouu to time T.r.WM.uto «im»
rtUMtrto..ll la'cW •> lrr« l.naCn >■.
tknd. parPtaaaaU. aared.'. Writou toC m to. »itow
rm wm. n.
'Nattoeav At aey drug .loru.


A fPPtowV rnctmi^ ^ fortmrt tiAtot toMdC Arr*

Tbb (atwar. Iba waikillr
Meye’a rider an Uabto to apazparied
aau aad bralata. OtWltt't Wltob Baaei


well lor tb.-ic-il-r c t I■
Ihlnp nni lrtinnl. I »- i

DkaaMra. B*n»-I Uieejrhil »oaW
Webara vary food aalefaburiK
] | .„
wHMatow llBMlo yooaad t«ll, yea
^•taaaianlaalek. I aa'eeoli bow a Tkrn Ualarca acb..d boon iu.ta drli.k. i
Ia«..rytlr.do4 balafbook f.w .up. (raw oar booM aad a uharrh “
mtia way. (row thaw
»r na nr
Hypuadyatokaratoday.. Hyeoaala.
aautbar ebanb aot (»r away. Tbay _ a 0( d
• fomat a>aa biMB Hapla CUyi »a^
' la.a' tial.allee Ariay alacot artry '
« <
Wa IMI week aad »ld be •oald ee»»
•pValaaees I will uU yea obbt aiy ilCht. Tbayaay are oot .ary
naay aaakaa ban.
I hope not tor I
aUdlaa ar«i Uay a., an nadlac. writt boar aaakn
I b
Wabadalmr- alUfator. ben.
Ibadapiaca; Uw yal aer wa ban aoi
aaUnc bay ea. ap 1 taw
aaaba raced ep
It wai
aroaad at • prma'a wtUt

auii ■‘traainilati-- :>nil toooM tia.adied
l( .br liHil liiA ».
"Abd pri. ' raid lli<- I
in lb. InuETOD
.rlfarW W-iv. IW) tli.-wi
propir •w<-U K-1> II Ibr troth nf lui iioanr-,;
..j ,
f.u w-w-ral danutrli
n-un itoir *'v.-in»-nt.
Th.y t.iW L.f Ibat our
I a. Iirt’ or I

reeofaiir.l a hi-iiu-h-'ld
l■r^Vlll•. l.ulir Ki-ly Rt.
. I.a bin . duto uf laon (a.
luuur lilUr pill, fur roa.t:eulioo. .ick
hn.taebr lUrf to<d .intuto-o irogblc.

teaad a

mb. leaa.

to -W ^ 1.

Ull how loot It waa.
curled ap
1 kuow tbai ll >
OaaaHaa. luna-l tboaebt l-au.i
It bad t or « i
writ* M Iba Btuui
Oar lehoul u
woeld .ireuh out lU hoad
awtaaw. I aa la tba dnb pad.
lU t uicat la aad out ot it'
•body rradiar. art'baatlc. -cwirnpby
atad to blu aa Ta«
Mt^Uac. Tba batt ua. I bad wat

l; i

uaratxT ■a..»o aa^

«t Bap>ra.tho r.»nb at Jolf- I'e' o -i*
I ban a rat; lu eawr l. Baolta
htn a oow-llol'y, aod a .bnp baiord


Md I did CP to aeboal bat It U oei
MW. Oar taaebarB aaiaa waa H.rrj
ptaL I auaot tblak ot,.eyt’4lBC to .ra
to write, taceoibya.
Prasyaarlmlar friaad.
datoi M- Sfuiv.a


will to- •
' Obaa. Hto. Bai
.vrtta a taw Itaaoto-tha Haati.o
haaa wrIMaa aooa baton. lbadarlo«
•Mt ta aa frew a daar Iriaad ot nior.

___________________________________ ____

-I- U.,to.


y—— waa C«**
weabi and
«b« 1 taw bar UU Boraiac I watory Clad.
My ttadlaa an raadlar
Mtttac. ipalllaf arltbiactle aad lao.
CiifI read la the Shb raadrr. WV
toa barlac laiaaf enow. I aw Mylar
•HhayaaaUa. 1 ban a aloe dbll aad

• baccy- I *u> tMk by uiiiar uy
MMoadaC* -Iban eaaalayraBd
tbraa brotbacai tbair saw., an ilauda,
■atyaaaad Ba>rlaaa.

Muit HtiaimT.

Daaa Mto. Baraa.—1 wrote-to yoa
aatto a wbUa aca aad I ibuiicht I
araald write acabh
I a- a lltlia clH
i^tytonoM. 1 ban Urp. lalalaii
Wa bad a Chrix
toaa at ear achooi aad wa bad a nry
•IntiM Wa ban »ary Blot tlwaa at
•toaal. IwlUtoW bow
aaraabaoL Tbara an twaaty wf wa.
I dM waab diabaa aad wipe tb*u>.
•waaxttetba aldast aad I (M 1
■awwaleia I bare oM pat aad that
toatot I bad two of Uaw bat oaa
Clad. IwUlbanwc. •"< balp watoaaad I c*m I will eloaa rwy U Uar
tkta tlwa.
Ooad by.
Yoar llttla
MtM. lea* Lata



Haaa Maa**Brtto;-l tbctirbt I
____ jroiirarll
daiigrrooi Ailme

woaMwrilata tba Uaaau>. tbltla
toe Biat tlwa Ibat I ban writlaD
too BaaatA My wawwa aaa to uka
toa H«aau> bat wa ban baae' away
- fMWboM tar tba laat'
Waarabaok bawa acala
Cat^ to taka tba Uaaia.o
BUlaalalar. baraawaltOiin. Mypa-

iwhich arc ao pr«ral<-iit duri
aomiurr? Impuritira boTe b<

fflTT^brr r*
fy the ..vauim, touiug np
btrrngthemuK it all o«r. Those

It it bow that a coorae of Swift’t


uwloa.. m- iMiw.
II. tb« InlUal <d tto atmo
rvlilrni Thr rnw ciI Ihm. ihr
Omaa Hto. BaT*a-Aa 1 bare oot
a (laut to Ihr tfilitr. Tto n-w ol
WrWtaa to yea batarr I tbaucht I wo
M- u( a uairi brru of tto Kct
are. II
vrtto t aw a lUUa rri alaa year.
cdoltoatry u-.r i im-mu oi
•ad Cd toasbaal era:, day w.iio
vbhli I toy-.I . r. i} l.h|»rtaiil |urt la tto
My papa aad wj twla br
»r Ab.r ririi..r Tb. nn uf nvc,. kind o( nui.
MCriator waat to tha tMlbarp p
Iba atoto tbi* fall.
Wa da
t Cota aipcy.p«JUMdl.U.itori,^^UbL^
atoatl aaw baaaaat than la I
- wn(i>-m.a itoma |.« tto no. Tto
ipl.-w.r. tto iBlilal m tto aaiur Ul tto
' cuaiiwa M laallBC tba Flnraaaa
to Itori AnmtcM cuapnw.
---------------------------------------------•tot towy autaraad!

Ifwa. Bau. Bra. Aiwa aad wtmI4
•toibaMdaatebUdaadaaa beipwi
wabM. lawlaUa third reader aad
'XMkpatryweabtoBbtdaabwI. \
Tear UtUa (rtoto. [
__________ Low Lato-

ibMyea 1.1 ii Lio'irp^
My r-iPII nma.un.rrrd
My aa-lo lltoato-y. nk
My e-l* II Ii. pmldm.
Tba wboto to a trull.



will aocomplub BO much tOWAfd
jendenug ^r bTatem capable of
waialingttee.iliuflueuen which

Wbaa wa wan foi»c war
MBdaep aallay we
M< an Iba peo^ aad they looked
ISbedolla. Waanrabnaaili
•■MibUt WhMMWiieniMk

prtvac laea.

'.______ __________
i\ !rsrsxfTi-2-“Js;w^^
-ri .11 .v; ■ a-TtovL*'!.,:-'


•Jr.*... a. p«.brd orer


’Zf,'". IZ J.

l-nvipi ■•
Oaea tocee tba rpnkrr peowd. hot bn
word wma apukoo fav ihr oitoru
-Tba orri da. ■< wt. .>1.-be m,.
.. _

and remove all impunuea. ^
abuudAiyoe of pun.
>. S. ia made ,
•xoloaively of

__ *£V

rrr fl.vhrd uilh rt.
frll-ww.. .ll-tlrd .


*. A Wap.
1. A kindaf tari.

«. Tawrikmteaneato.
a Orderly.


le. Blood



ta. >a.' •r u abciuw w ims g rnw.

- •

.1 ... .


latb an a^'itn'. a »


a-J woud«vJ wuy b-r«

•nurdap, tto plb day S April-(MW

and i* Natsre'a
id purely vegetable, and ia ihe ronJv blood remedy guaranteed to “ l tr.«l
mereuTT or
'other mineral. ....
**** d*"“* •“
c.itoBr-l«torurwtob-nri...»d S. a
i» nothing
--------------g half at

r A trial of a|«da Fart <4 tto hnd.
a. A aplrv; aa nxlpu ot ambority.


*' -i'l-M.*.VamauS^


A» *«
to attMk it dtmng crjiug 8.«ur «
the lUmOMr wheu Bickneab U eo accuntloa.
\oo did am wy >
It ib the beat tonic yow apple ' .to plwdcA 'did ."O
aoiavaiein-builderou the market, aboe* lik.. a lr*l. 1 nppn ib. p^

IkuB BtM Bam a>o
TaOM Foiat:-! -prawMad to • rile.
IsUar lo Iba BntAtn aad tell allaioat ItofUto^
. Mriearaay away dowa la fltar, rrpid.
; Wa waat throark taar larca ol^..
WMa wa waa falBC Ihroach Kaat^
we toe, aaek larca hDIa aad atoM


y,, .^p,,

who lake thi. pneanUoD now are wrrttb lo.t 1 un
* “ Ki'm »-« a i
eom)wrativfly aafe aU aammer; irar. ao.t to; .poilr. Ttoiciabtl
but to negleot it ia to ineitb aome niiMd rurmc my
the Ui.t
■ form of iicktieaa which ii ao com- “

• - I toT.«.kttU.nklBR “5'“*"'*
inon during the trriiig hot aeaaon. ofayaci-

ttodbtob aawa la Mr. dwitb
I «tl
altowfartblaUwa. My lalUr U cn

tha whta^BT aoacb a:>d then an S>a
I will fin tba
adwy brotbaraaadabwra
Th.y are

srriss? *aiiySi

bW aod pari,

ya died aeraa yean aco.
Wa I<n all
alaM wiU waaiwa.
For pata 11 ban
tap toto. tbair aawaa an aad
Olpiy. Wacptnaabodlarary day. M-

tti^law.aecodd byrrowyoorfriaad,
Ay a



Liebig Company's
Ertract of Beef.

ya.l brlow (hr u-taooL
aad rmbrr .nr.ll and liobt f-w a..
yaatv 1 at.-pprd cat oo tto ka and nntaivd anwal fm frow tba aboru Tba
oebeta laUrd wa twek. bat tbai caJy


tba ira pa'a and crarkrd. aad I ww
wragfllag to tto deadly cold watat. 1
KTraaud wtMly aad woat of tto ariwl.
an taa away. Bat Holly, wbo wn
tails and attOMS
aUCMS aad baars tbae tfea ,



u.uwiaGa,p. an

X s3Tk*Vs*?SSrrirH


u ito Iran cmct'.M.m., tom. u . vm : wmvw. tome wu «. w* aww

uac Cm rim»ic>i«»i; i.ni_ u . vauni «

Huaawt W. «trim A. i. nS


. -

““■sMS.'SRsrr'*- j


Mie aoil larlile

a of WoodaOar-'b

tad alwapa bM (aatoaa to a dl*bt
tOBnbwbaaaeorata wieldad tbe roUlafpla w tbe woodea epeoa aad pet
bora wne a •wcdlah gfri

•.aLS C.BMi«,MUor.

-trhafe poBi
odbw miel
0 of ea*ar


tk* WUvr; daek'l «m w •< >^r«

-------------bpbi------------- ... — ..
r«t tb<MB
*B*e "a etda 110000" aad lookedlOt IWbwl Whltr UfDgriwill
eaplaf. "well mieUrao. I'll tall pm
Bcr 0<p« B«k( 4»iDV lUtl*
■erat ta. Oa
wbal tka eaerat
oa Fridap we at)•• £r nsd*. tod
- caramel en-tard witk a
toUal uMa for boldlaf tb< .
a top of two cffi aad I
•bUa alBda lor ooHan aad eaSa

rr Jiv ae tka' Mtar four la U
_____ — . — tk» top .
Yon Unpbl me >
orUh a anaU pair of
m earp catafa
Do aot trj to barr itaa ed*»
boucr. bleodlnfl
atM. bat Iran it a little ra»r*<l: rUd
tke fraini arc all
Iba adfa and palat a floaar daelre be­
low It. Tbe eiBsdarda ara three baaw
rlldadaad fiued oa tbe bottom of the
>. I i*y
A freat deal of alteotloa la firen eeBM’Cap to make It etaed fti
erp rear at Baaler lima to tbe cu.loau
iaoUier little cop mapL._____
of older oatloua
Inlcraai aacmi to
ilnlp la the cBetoma ol aaelenl. Tbla waa tba aecrat oteaka of rein tp
but raa’lp there le quite ae ■ tenure aad Itfbt aa aea foam aad
pieaao< etlff cardboard, coeerwl wlU
ItaA M M mk*. kf telih «»«•.
.r ;i am
It la the cottame of our
alee the
tba klad if properlp
' ataot away La
frlBjred crepe tlaaae'papei
eeirlp ploaeer aoitlemeou la the Wc
naiad clfclce. aad bare ea< . ...
aad In the jmfhburkoodt or oocamOBaltaobrd to the card to farm a fnare4 wealtbk that irrew uul of the ploaeer
wMk. 'oapecUl y i
It laajr be deoaralad eritb Hep moremrnte For example, le North
keep ilpread oa top to help
irhMfkiMt itPHa-bk-B
baaebae of flowan.
A wblla af( oa a em and Central Ohio tea BouUiem aac
made bp bouinf
if a eo|
cupfnl of
pallow kUadard la prettj,
a cap of
ed aUfar
aufar and' In
CoDlral ladlana aad llllaoie the oarlp
wblu aft t* dalDlp.
oolonlea were eosmlofUBfe
of the dede­ bolliof-aur uetll the lufar kplBaa
A borat match reeeircr ieent likalbc
rw baarp thread.
Uea’ the whi-ei of an
le of eercral moca. I
capa, a band ii flldad aroDod tba top. ________ ... Umily In which ce the ' efc
efc unl!l
llUtbea painted wllb Uop Drckden falher't tide tbe liae of dewernt >rae . of a
fifaraa ar Buieerk. aad a handle of rib- from the Eafltkb. the Beoicb and
>a kprup aad brat uattleold boa taflaad on
Tbe ribboB aboold ba Welah, aad oa the other aide from the
of Ike aarrewrat width, aan the bowi
Herman, the Dutch and bcowb. There
■bould ba medr «ull and Bulfp
Am SaMBrskle h'leaeaht Telnet
wae in thn lamnp eottkequeaUp a minA prelip little plo trap mir be made
fllnf of tradlUoBk aed cuetomt that'
--tVbp doea ererp one keem ee flad to
bp eatUac Uc an lan(tkwtaa aed dethat (aic-halred firl wbohaa joal
coratlnc IL
.Four filded beaaa fined made aa iDWreatiaf and curloak jam-1
(Mk thd Uir£ K Umb todaj!
blr. Thik waa a aample famllp of a i eoa,, ib " aakod a ilraafer at a ponof
IP the bottom of It ara umd for U
coloay that fare impeluk to one of the I people-, kk-1b1
tuadard. with a litlla llalarot de
flnekt kettlemrau In Uhlo. and that l
--on. khe haa alwapa kometbin* pleaeeate-rolorad eoltoB. Thle makra t prr|.
(Tar iBsd* Bad »««» ip made uplppiu i.n ppoot -- up.., rwt her nelfbeoloap wk* only an<
tpeaae for Jeweirv. or. wlthent the UnCM4. tka Lort. la Blaae tadajrl
Her tell u( her
. a .pla-ti
In kuch
odk there waa, le | upublee or mirbapa.
irw It la la a
A prairp datnraled rrt to ban* ae aa
early Umea. htlle of tbe r> lurloi
lurloni ele- Iqbbv war
bhe ar.
Tba weadroaa tn
at from tbeli*hli
' phlflelore Umada
• the
• obaerraDi..
.. J___
iretiufwiib cnlerlaloinf adI. tha Lari la Blaaa tadi
bp cutllaceamall bole
HrlbodUU aed other aerU in faror
aed Ibee bluwln* the coeteeta from
carried with them
tba V*; whoadrp decorate it with two bare prrjudioea afalait tbe <
Ikcepa herrieaaud rara open for the
bciweof rlbboo. ooeatlbe inpasd tbe bureh ubeerraacea. aad In tbe I
other at tbe bottom
A ample decora- Ifeof the frontier the tendency
dcBcy waa j *’
Lw"?cltfhHul Ihiofu to boat
tloo la alwapa Ibc prelilrat.
A flifbi
to prrarrre the cuaUma that bad mile ! pad U. kee all about a. and' ihoae
of t
of birdaor batterfllea almplp c-o linad ^—mf OB cbnruh keatiment. ,S.i It
nro^^af udalri
la cold le eerp eSeellre.—ilniudhoU.
coed ibtlI IIn
d the Weetern r
<|hM. mj Un la Elaaa lada^
EB found Bk much qua
a aa pun w>
Bern In FlnaUr cue
number of e**-ab
Bad lo toe Kurtipcan cone
roFi.v i-ndlDf
iln* a aisa
In each e
older people pnibabip did or
e It. a fricod
ela* tba
of the kkcradncaa of the du.
thaae on rquarra o
UlB it Ik that U« ^uofcr_ people I j
U tha Baaity or tba uuaa
. and decorate I
canrl.v. kfaplp deco
ta Dlnmond ai
na^raofUa Eaalar taaUnI ap,
they did of the rallflouk itfalBcaece
rknife. a book or a o
'ke art rolorn are c
le bp d‘
Mahtaai aaaw ritk arar; marala^
the frallral.
the} help 1 , make
F klBjpleelfU, t
loaapoonful o
Stag. Ulatka laaOral Uat eoan
It waa a babll with ibc hope '
a t-Ukler-ildc <
of tbe bappia-.!
a fill of bolllDf arlchbotbo___
. 0
e«e for
rlchbotboodi to Bare ua
I fine oamrl'a-balr Eailrr. Tbe tal
-'a wife, wbo would




I xit'Eti;"


From OHflBal and AnMUe De*l*M.

_.j*t b_.
__________ ,.
k K tka kldoepa do. Imaf boBia f
of work
'orb cd aap kind maaa icav >
lor tka
itwliko^tmtal^^: ^taa'ua^f^lj

Material aad >

Ctmelerp Work of Eisi DoMriidN.

oalp "rmiu7^t^ Sr
Blip alwapa eama t
pa. aad that tka lluU
M Doaa'a KMae^ Filla.^wocll rifhii^

Eatlau-c.ehcerfuilp made
WlUfiUlp meet aopleflUi
Yoa caa aarc mo> rp wbea puu bop

Ufa wj^ ta'SS^ar^for ^ktST'^md I d
wbat Mr. PlcdMa
mea aboat
ataoat kla nzM- l \
PWaoB eapa


bp WTltlBf orcBlIiof u



Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, 5| ,
«— r.—



I bp tap at
irat time 1
fielal eSecta le a dap ac two
inued tba treatment ootll my |
wrakneaewar Ihoroofblp relire^
mii-ake tbea 1 aap that
D^n'a “k
K.daep Pillacnra bael
aekacbe and
are acid by all
dealera. I’rirc SOcect. per box. nralx
buTte for
Mailed bp Foatee.
MUburn Co. Ruffalo. .S
areau for the ColUd Sutea
Remember tke name "DoeaV aad
taka BO aubatltBle„ts,..idu...

i 'Vest Michlg^

Hotel WhitinglarSi^




Tatvetute CiTt. Mich.


T people rather theme bp fallmf
to bead tbe wamlef teat ont br dia-

One Dap Only Bach HoaUt

akin—fcre^ihataa-.-dall draffl^ pala

CoaatUtauoD nod ExAmmatios Ptm ud BuicU;
Con»d«ntUL ■'

aridence of kidaep aad bladdrrlroi
Take I'tbh Kidney Kcanaatoace—
will t
as da


JLmdfcO,»«B aac

Drs.Bi Si■“

I Kt-rn -...r-* a:-I ( J.
• Is.opr Ub..ut-.»r Iw ,lt thi o
..f Kulkra* kkC Hlold^r
* S'"-“•“.'I'r'" ''S”W” ' l-»T "-I Vilu. Ua«»lU«l.lll.) .fWr.Uu» «a.l

ImUtle WiWffrtU.

,£=«:■•" i

br hU haprCa _ ew< a
ar Trar»r» c.iy, l«.a

T. teat efr«B.aaay. Jane m. imt.

Jai II. JuDsaus. Dracriat.

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men



Colored cotton 'alFlrakoraw on tbe eff wltbapeaby aub>^uenl waab'
I tbe fare of a prettp child, a farmer iof lb.
bulUef Aier'tu wblc
jbop. aplioB priral. a mnrdrroaa brif- If rfCi dlaappcared abe lald notblnf.
aed. a fat Daichman or wbalerer tasep
re two weeka kmall boya and of water. Do not
larfe bupk prowic-d around barok. au- til tke walei
blra and akeda. racb cudaclinf a aeeU?nd ool la^ or^’ruff
.'''-platra, ruin or knlrra
; Bh WM Ika Lvd a aaw a(^. for Hr
them with the an-eolon if Ibr paper la
-k room wi.b thoae
not tl
tbe deelrod color, and fatteo In
_fa. came.udduniy .pun , family
place with a drop of mncltafe.
another loaded in tbe tame wap. OalUouadl.
With Diamond pold or allrer palat. Eaatcr mornitif all the purloiaed effa wap
•k pecaoo'a
a«lylla«ai4eaod fraroaoaapd rapletter tbe worde -Baater «
r partake of aapth. f that haa
came to
Ilfhl. aodthe
-ft there.
of the card aad pourloiti
denied luelf fur two weeka fanated
I aaoUer..
Tbcae came In nil Ue eolun
Fialah tba ed*a of the card with a
net old faabloned dpea could prorlde
plain elrtp of the fold paint, n rine.
■difo. madder and araanfraa furs '
clooded border, or Id nnp prettp wnp.
be cBlIed ihe fundamt
>1 m'fbt L.__________
wa. but odd combloatic
.e from
f biu<
oia faded
Sucb call
Ildtea will not bear rerj
________ ____
I npaprlafiaf
jtaa err aklllfBlIp. wk
hiBf: Urp bare not
' aad aemlliialaff aendaraam that 1ub*i
-t water, tranaferrad I
eff aUell, but oftaa
, M ka^aad Uom aad rodaeni all Im- aralnat Itfaan a medial
il aultaoritp.
paifcat Meta* aolta pnaetWa parfectloa. Unoet damaad too ini
were firea to the eff In aoUd
inch cxarciae from
or bp tbe uce of the px-kat-koife, ... eand aamplca of njedtelnr for lU c.
la Saatar tkat aboald aot
them atuHp toe n
bopa of ariiatic iDclIualioa aketeblof
D.>DOt l<
tbe abella tluwcra. or baeiof Bamw
ooearlp. of
Ih uroameBlalioa aod emblem*
eae were faaermllp tbe trlumpbaof
—> andt
aad womaa la eq< .
the dap. and manr a firl rwceirad from
after tbep are three peara
eate In them a lore of nature and out­ a taabful lorer the flrat iDdimilOb of
aeotlmcDUl prefcrcDce In the ihape at
door-life, ropeela'ip IB pim
tiNal peielkdrca. that demaod of tke
an Euler eff that carried OB Ita abell
Tbla la Ibc
kindrrfarIf traa tea pnrar ton. Du cot forfct tbrp need oompaa armoala that were t ooue evideeoe of 697 Third Are DBTBOIT. KlOB
praatbaatl kolditaaiftn
kat demand tka
&Ml«f JaaraalUs. that
the pooof maa'ee
ea a food, ooafanable bed.
It of "a wkllo 11. where the air la pare, aad do all poo
:i wall IbecAtota la
r laaUeal that. I
mote hcwllbfal aleep A lit­ the bopa under prettp atrlctaurrrllanoe
tle eaailT dlfcaled fond before bedtime at boma to meet ia tbe wood# aume diaa«p«af7 aboald doI rwmbar Ikoat ofiea bHpe them to aleep more loandlp UBce from av
aq* btaae aod bare
bare a fe«at
aaada weald ka poor
tbeir om o. Some of Ibeae parliea
than tbep olberwleo e^d.—^micd.
would hare, wbea all had reported at
b ^ jmaalp rt ^ lUitaCkriat waa
the rendexroua. a buabel af effa la dlaAbout Boole aad Sboee
b-.iled or
ta Iba bMBt* of the lUlaa aboald ba
roaaled la Ihe aabee of a Iof ire. and
bara all daopor pnrpeaea of motaal partleular plaee. dip acloi
tbe pouDfatera wonld bold a bifk ear.
talpdaUam aad loea; all roooroaa aaoniral of leaalinf. aa froIe>qna.iB lla
twill cani
wac aa any of tbe carnira'a of Heme,
ta tba baaatpaf tba lllleo enpaad. an<id to adapt
which tbclr pareoU laufhed at aod de- ,.

5aSla^awap iUl ^_^l eaela- of tba foot
#taMM of oraiooaiaa aad eatUi all ItU
abora which "Hraw” cried There le one mao lo Chieafo
ip be made perfectlp com- wbo to Ibladap earrieaaacar receUed
■ oi I loriauir n pauriBf water iniu them; when the bor« of Sandy Fork raided Atiwi
of life To Ihla. Hall >wed to remain in the thoe the Eaaur camp of the boje af Sinklaf
aau the
. .. for a few m
ISJm ta‘ tba'fS'ia t? c^au
win lake all the Creek. Tbe baudp Forkera meaat to
■ tbeir more formIttetonaUalOM-taalf with tbe aaloral beat------------- --------------liolm cot from kerera] thlckocaw
m the kelllea baili-.
browa paper, and renewed ererp
waa made, aad wbea tbe attacked ^arare wooderfollp eoolhinf to the fti
ly-foned tkat tbrp were about to be
For kofteoinf khoea lUal are I
orermkeicrM tbrp befan to pelt tbeir
It will keep
ed eerp effecllee
fecllee waapona A halfexoallrnt
BtadtaMwLced-* Baimti
.... ai-aldiBf hot. breakiof
lore laat l._., -------- _
he ordtaarp wap.—PMlo- tba face waa au aepleaaant aurprlM
maep a roaxb fellow wbo would a
bare bera turaed aalda bp a bnlli
wBoflaw aot beat -wbofleta mnal.
The Kaadp Forkera werw repulaed, I
Tbe Saab ^Ul Lthfer
Baa ba fleaa moat who *l>aa beat.” aapt
rio*lrader oa^ta* with him a face eo
liwi^ .l^ .bOimaeaBcm U tba me Roman neehea
___ ____________ atoBaatar.
ihep will be m^b at oece for irMlmebt.
mattm atrtelatla tbU tbe loeelleat
luck akiru tbUaum.
f^oourac IbU foffin* of e*n had
iMdafaU tbarav-k paltalu eom- mer. Tbep eume In all leofIha aad
eCrct that wae net diasourmfia

New \ t.-IU iu*


vkUkaUsatara la la ajBoaih*^


oue of II..- lE-li.-.

DRS. B. S. & CO.


We Will

Thorpe, Conely & Co.,



..... ____


--------------. —■ -Jiabad at the cada with frlaxir.
V*p^wk ’i77och^e**fi!Mt7l3
it aaly tto*lTam wUl pauae and ^ I
--Ifaqueef."aaldaaalea womar-bu
r •** tbe reel of
•ambar that eartiy •'barleea moat who 40 you know, we cao't tell one of tbea*
ahrewd eld ladle
adIcB arraed
aaabeale wbleb the bpaniab aaiioBal that It waa beltsr tor the bopa to xo
nmeTiMptahCin wbk
Our Amerii
tkek full Irnrtb oae dap Ib the e«ai-->B
I ara loo patriotic
ly Ik.
!i .-ere a UnuUful.
that Ue e*p ml*bt be taeed In Ue *• emerlraB ir* 1.
Ikaftto am
raol to arold erea Ue .
euro '■
mtokaa oatla
' aympalbliiBf with Spam. If
her komea w here the leeaoaiof
declared. I'm. afraid we'll find lhl"d r dominated, and where Kaalwr xrewa ltcar-ik.-r! •- 1 .-or.-»i»iuu»rtmoamalrea with a Urfe alork of yello.
--* - n*. xac-a. Uereay
imr la ae aeoewaoelrt of Ur ob- noaodael^ rJd e:r :i*
TTaocc, there ara# a different ffelia*
GtoKinwbteh baawaaBadal alfelfi.
ui eeen In tliaee fauUlen there wne n
' Baater. ar Ibe'-buD'
Romaa twek acarte alao bold tbeir
iloy'ln* of old aradltluo.. nJd cu.tomi
owe. They
are_______ ............... .........
L aot oaly a rallflciBa fkaai. bat and happily do not bind the neck a
dmlaiore^ blood. Tbe Barter bon FiAMHUN MaCVC'atoUealoCaataraaewell. Itiellaol llaaa oellar doe. -.Vcw Tort .tun.
net waa neeer Uoo*bt of 7ta>« wn.
tta wtodcriat ratarrectloB of CbrI
very rarely an Aaatar nermoe, and "
If a Ublewponafal of
laM foer quarta of w_
___ ______
toU U a
uaed la wa>hia* wladowa and mlrroea.
. flowria to Unreb oe
ad th<
Baatar dap — fNier t«nroa.
■ of V

teunttu 11 iDHT) iKioaM it (.

taaeMB ho It te that the rlTla*
ha ax UtM bleaaad aaaaoa of raaew' ' waaparial
aaparie maaalBCaad
•MW aaam Itol
itol tba fttM
■aha ta aaaeey lome mw .

m m ttay aea at aU other______
alfM am to ba aaap oa aeary Bide. Bet

Tbe Wbtta Bhin Walet.

SlKhaal Honorw^-Worid’aFaXr.
Gold JImUi. HlderiDtar Fair.


otaM an the aaato of tbe parMBlIoi
hat la aaarly ovary oaao It b aa>
af OhrtaUtov-Uda.

.. sSirsiitsi-S'Jsrirs




A Fan OrHx'BtaM «f iHtw Fartwl

.... bite. ____________
cherioL pique aad lawn are all aead.
Moat af tba wahtt haee blouae troam
aad maap are taeked alt Ue wap
round. Tailor mada waUu of bewvllp
corded plqsa of ae electric bine ebade
-vvrtemaA Some ara pUia
ire kaee a polka dot Boeb a
h dacidedip etplieh abd acrelaeohle. Throe of pale plak, blaa aad
lilac an a trlSe dal^to aed waah
well. Ttate'eaa appeaWnee of etyle
aad neotneae aad fixebaaai about a
well-cat nbln wiiet1 Jaet from Ua laaad^ Uat aa rlbbeo aad...................................
leae bad. .
•r hope toobUU.-l



'll Uie ball ehell.


— -— ^L'lp
ooiHo aocra.


Urauxrr—Sttw, Bring 'em n
Ue ab.'ll. l in ont fer a gi..
n I rv. koo 1 dun I ki«t fer ca
puuata—t'faicagu Newa

Tbe Arn.T and Nair Y-wr Bonk n



Lock Box 160.

ir-Ul. j'
dwx4> sv;.

If You Will

i ssr.TS-5."sc;‘si-s'5

■lato M thaya

, , _

d^TadTa tbe momlax I F
H.l). Al.l.K\, Proprik'tor.
( '
r that I r-u'd C 401 Waet Front Btroet
Tmeerae Oitp. ■lek. J
1. Tbci.
ioarclr fel
qaeal actli
lallT anoopinf at airkt. plslnlp
>le-d that mp kidnera were tbe

O^^B* ...
4. lulv . S, I.II11.-.1 Milt.*, B. Ui-niiany,
t. hfaiu: b. Japan. k. Aii-lria. 10
NethirlMKla. tnd'T pr-wnt w'al -on
tra.(. J.|ou in lEvu p. i - iS.- nfiL
place, rr-uilmg duwu Ibr I.Bifedc-latea
and i-i riiiaup uuv pumt

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


■im’ iW..;.

‘Horseshoeing and General Repairing Dpne,,





Re Painting and Upholstering.
23rd aod 30th of Marcli
ajid the 6th oUpril.

Sutc St . n.-ar Union.


Kt. PlMSAot, OwoOTO, Sacl.

Ho 1 Merrill Block. DotrelU Micl
D. OAVXH, Bad Aaa. Mlcb
J OBirt
klXTX. Bead Oily. Micb



Bicycles Eflaueleii at Fmi SI. Cycle forks
VVillc-|..E It IborrugblT, true
TOU wlah. efiaire or . .o- .

Euiliiitioii m Teiclim.

Wrelao Build Tbeali te'Srtarw»rk tbao ar.i >iiop lo lur . ii
anlee aaiiala.-i.on
Heaaq *..* a

leecaor* of Uiaa'c l^vom. liu’JJ'.'flJ u*
•a*-u*( t. ar. *U1 o* aal4 la u* Oreaet Bal.
a> Trorore* Oay. u wwiaM al V o elaet

ay|U1.1>>lli^l^ro (radooortl

HAW, Ba7 City. Detroit, How­
ell, Ana Arbor, Toledo end

FOR ONLY $2.60

re rail and are aample.
ilvkraoer and glTr bellar maierial ai
.era! yaaru' eapryleoc* and *bb

^Inu Eeet end SotiUi. Cleee
oonoectionx etCopemlobwith
X. A N B. R7.
OeaT Fbba A*U TolBdA


Cheap Homes

ELLIS, 311 From St., East.




Farming Lanifs

ariUwrile r.
'oackiaa. cril

M Rvidil tatlui LL dW


ri yrea* oantac.


' laavta.

!!S tS



L A 04umn scon. te«a. Ucb.

Haul* ■Ire*.


ThxOUut.LticM xsdBM



Excursions to

iil i§-'


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

totora roBdtoBo tatto^wlxiitaw
Irntok rteh. d>7 ata ntatr i^Uaff.
nalwod •BUly wUb Buffar Maeia.
Rock Blm. ............... Adh, Bdenk

aaettr vr..e.ttap.opi.votawdl.ronv«

MoWea Ue battoo bolee of aurcbfd
^laia. wrktb^i of cuffi a little iua

Best Liver> In Northern Michigan*

tattoo them or u laaart eeff Cotu—.

Food Bta Bald SUWe iB CuMBBXtoi.
^ Impro^ IT owe^'^Ulr^lT ^ritb
- a.xe.wl.^.^jjaojdij^ta.



'Pqleplioiiq ^


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