Grand Traverse Herald, September 01, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, September 01, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


^raitib ©uraUicm Mttnlb.



Grand Traverse Herald

Dr.J.A.Sflyder, ■W.






f.t. UnAM.ttMMW








AUiOfMra M L»«,

For anyt^g in the way of Farm or<Oity
Property, aee me.
Office in lUsonio Block




J. M. llUaiMAVrEL
a ■trs'i.'snR.risr^


T8K lAAUmu

Merchant Taiktr


at ai's Front Street.



A"s:-Aa.Kffir •“ “™

IjnoW fKi^?




Re^l Estate




A Summer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort
Pcrwlee«r7<eeoptfoold thlioeom; hoowooelbo ALDRICB COTTAQt
Kr^Cbl^ Ib the wnj t—t eBBdlUoo: eotl erar •SXXt a* U etADdB
nvalar bBTo oUer ploBt end will OBll B1 B^mt Mcritee.. ■■MO seb will b«7

f W U» elfvut sew Um of
SpriarStjlM of WoolnA oow
ea wle. wbleb wtll be OMde op
lo ^ iMteot tliylM. OBd M
■aebLdMPrtaaoiwillavpriio .




iBf aboataatboBfb waitiaf fee blm.
tetlowed Umlato Ua caom.
*Tlbe waa dow« bep« tnalfUt,"
the wemaa. la her aaaai wb
-*8be Blood la the ball aa I earns
the lamp, aad abe aald. -U tU
room? Aad abe emma la after
Ob, ladeed abe b a flae lady, aad
fere *iU ber muory
Aod ebc walked
aeoead aad h>A*d at the p^taree aad
Ukp boobm. 1 UoBfhl I aaw bee
eoaraippm atraifhl.aad yoerdn
iaf fowo OTTrtbe back of the
- I Ju b woederfal '
(iraat. do BA cuaaL
Uare yoa a
la Ibe yraar
foaad that oat yeV
-He b aa n'n
■■I hate foaed oat that yea at Ibe ' frie^ A^ae/*^
-: Aad
lad Iber
good fceii
tbecolapy. aad a
. she laid tbb
bpee oa tbb
the Uerauaa. too.
They talk of yoa : betk yoa were readlaf, aad waal
all oeer Ue city.
Uo* emay wrak ‘ aaddeely I wae afraid yoe mWM
boya yoB hare aeeed from raiA aad aoUce tL”
fuuIbbflrUcaataatlfl ^ere; aod tbat
Thaak T,a
yoaarcalwaya workiBf fot aiek folks Flatcbet
Wbea be b
ud prmr iolin
aad read tke aame
. P-etehrroBly abook bd bead "Btlll
Tbeta casta a kaock. Be eoold so'
I do aot eoBav 1 am bA a feaBiop ar- aaiwer iL. The door opeacd. Ilaeoale
It b bo aeeivt here ia Leipak. act b»tc. Up eaw ber auad tbcee aad
rails it. if tbey oo
do .aot as
be pat aa ot
ooe irptabllur
baad aa
They woader why
by -Old tboBf
h to wart!
ward brr
bar oS.
Fletcber' banfe aboal
>r after | bhe atood a a
eat. calm aad beas'
year. Hr b a aatUed carl.wlly.
"U ,y 1 come
le In? " ah'r
cballeefe earh Aber oeer tbeir b*er j ooald aot wa*t for ta aiarrow. Fnab '
mofB to read tbe riddle, which tbeyk llarTuiee ^uippredtbrotifbblm TbABBOtdo. my yoaof frieod. forUeax . we^hl A tbr loaf yaara, alleat wilbredleat r—aoa that be docea'I kaow eat ihat toIa. emote apoa kim aad tbe
aad —n't le'l himaelf "
tears raa down bb fare.
a at
al tbe otbel'a pa>
tihr en—rd the r».m U> Mm. Kb<
. knelt ben b
■It ia aaolber I>elar drhIamU caae.; Mm. flo- l- e ak be fell
' tmlfae ataadow with- iftbi.mF? ...................
mifbt bare bt«a aa I
-Hrieo.' be aald faiatly. "1 bate
----------to wan; byt It will be food U.
lot' bare It oppr.*
tbr flbfT eraa a
ai; "Vea, it b oeer,’' abe aoewered.
I *ai weakilop L......................................................
toch j y
waa oalnf Bijr Uvaa ai.d alter tbat, bk bean b,«l a(A.D. aud be aal ap i
■ ceTerfallioVauJ r. lY.ia,i.F; aaJ. U , Ioi..««J lul.. b.r ii.-wjnv faee aod epee.
,a<eabe l>ne«t lha'. lo narrr Be would , -Aad we seed ool die either, » r*Bk.
lie belalbe loDir rooloalsk deeper . tbaarb 7.« did 1 «k IlkeltA CDOBeBt
lol» peRliliOe. ehr eoold aerer be BT > ifo.
IVrhapA It wa> wr.«( for me V
wife, ahe aaldi.lboarb abe woeld al- come to rou auaud.lmlp. bat I lb.
wapa wait
lit f.<r mp.
tap. Ill
HI coeree
eoeree I laaEUp.1
laaEUe.1 you
.You had acea
acee m«
mf la
ia the ebap -I.
I tbrwfblafew yrara wonid jbow eoold I wail any l<»ker*
It itary did an'.
They I matt am deey mr
V. ■ m



Of ibreUU B>FMiab»r BeMiirw

Far ibr Ufserd r> w. dwUic.
UaU «ak.e fm> lu fepclsf.
Wlufv 1 SeaL

eiY Up »• sir—• fer llU fuel!,.
tb A eh—.. aAn ABd MllUJr


AU4la—Ak, (racTAiue a, >ec.
!■ Ibe ATU> eleiTaix l>>a(.
Warrr I ealL
K, e a—U (TVAlAC 4a<, ,
la — AiMFtorr ao kAir.

.... ..... .—
I am riebt —............. ..
■ —
chiefly bpcauar i had Both- b ra Han ld'» c bm woe k-r-p-T tbpM^
lo —I had al'rady faUrred y—ra? T<u>a{b l.llle the buy knew
orld'a fiPYla 1 aboald eprr'wbat be waa doinf wbea
iMtei •. to n v in. Ilul if I bx .
K-mie tbiDfa
(Mil here Mad' me atlll. abhduw i ,»e Uier alrmt yoer life here.
,-_x.L. M------- ..... --1 hate already whe-n y
TripBdly .............. .........
Ob. my lore you humuratp
that better people would
Oid Fwiebw.
me TtacI
tfbt opoa.
" a aee. tempted
peopl. . _. Voe
-------------_. .
,---------The cart; wlater alfht bad fallea mmehow rec«alxe me a, a kiod ufima, F'raik
A'l my life I uball
aba wautio
poo Leipato.
LeipBte. Air—dp
pertrr—a waralof.
Not that 1 harp | kneel here aa 1 am now ka«-l
allea io Vbeuld way a* yrL
yeL '• Rulae-I
Balae-( Tb're
There waa a toucL.uf
liiafL.uf iitt;e
lill;< w, cl liar
»Bak Kl«l«b«r nt lo darkocM.
s bate a
:lnr rmt with- {ia tbe,tm-nran chape.etrry ooe aaid.
' latayoo Iboatb jaat wby it waa ao. ot wbat
»r aa In- wbat made etrry oae cry ao. aerba,a
aa'j^l^ h^b'u'
odd hate explaineA.
It wa»
bit fTat-.
r bare Ycetcliai fa. dear old ebap
rr told it be,0X0 it. iUeold|aab.y.k
re,.ep:loB afterwa-d.
•be •Uod* BcroM Ibe room, b ibIi r»oul
t'-epwrple laa aWd on fotiif them a<
Two wrrka later K.. U-ker
l rvwB bed brcl«ell—Ual^ wat
CO.the’^t Hotel
Df Ula way alonf tbr aue
al Mfibrr burnro lire o'clock tertlce at Ue
bard op"B Yield----.1 b Lbomp wbiuh
He wanderi
Ue fell aoaually loaeeomr.
0*iBF flare op and ibe poree- peea for him. tlraat waa al—cal well,
bewildered; cool
lais Bbed* ratilr.
oould aot Bded blm m,nrh loafer; la
Bat in*lead of
fart, liid aot oeed bim Low. for eomr Mij >»<> “• End-rli abe mifbt.
.iDf.-Frau^dl Urei
re;ailte-aoaunt.hf bdipred bad ar —eb mao aod womao pooriiiK i-b
orar each abnaldei
rlTPd from America a day or two —r aomr rirw etory about her huai
lowD apoa rialener. aoa
How the lt-fmao»dld fAllcula'e;
ber face eloae to biat wbia■nie ebapel waa filled wbed ha
were m mrofol. IM t^ beat
•olerediL Tbe pr—cher for Ue day. 'bey rou'd. Urtr cy. e fo lowyd h •
awfal umiffat.
a 1-raed doctor, waa r-liof bb fr.y bead r.e ywhere. Thrycoullai
eoB boar bin?"
elaborate ew*iy rriU mocheaerfy aod •eejn
blm oa
-Wbt.r' aahad ricteher. rherllsf
Thi iate-enaarr took a .-I
"ell. Ur c.l.,ny will wait I,.«r
,. - --X
iQog ^g. I fore aot>lbrr auebexmea Curiuua. I
'*^'e." ahe croaked la Ibaaaiae
lliolar leaat bad "bra tber.. are biwta of fxed people
liLCirt that tbb parlliD
••Theyouuf Aarncaa
b ill ap Ihere." with a larnat ot her
Ikomb touard Ibe eeitiof.
••nir Tbe feoUrmaa apranf ep
bare piimed biia. bat 1 tboaa-bl he I
Wbat •■raek lib facer looifbt W—!*’> be baa. aeeer Ulnkinf twice abrcl


Travane Oily, Kleh.

----- When either a Chamois Lnng Protector <y Vest
will he a necessity. We yon wi^h either, but
yon can economize and yet have something jnst as good
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at 30,
SO and 75 cents



lu PBONT araUT. -

B. A KUIM-eOncM— U ■»* |4




S. S >n.T.«B.'

■■iBi mil- r

------ r-

M. Ml


CM— rwlBlC—.Ml

F. M. PAINE, Florist

Money to Loan


geythps, Snaths, Bakes,

' tio W. Wemlb St.

tuaw B Beti—Hi

Sarveyoraad Civil EngiBeef

ssrs:r£ii52irs,si- ns:.?:
Carpet Cleaning Works


Screen Doors and Windows,
atomizers, etc.


Plain and Artistic

'^EUABLC *80 raOMI>T


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
M(«r«Mc. a w. a. e.e.Ai,M.4au.BBde


A (psauurr ATTU


Fm U.00, OF

S2 !|iS II

reed and Sale Stable Ib OnaneetloB.
UMb SUblM bt tatu Ui g«

TeleptiGne 79



Who has added a feu
Uaattf .



Best Liver) io Northern Michigan.

^ i! °.

PT the fimt ot the building

BroMi. BMMnre.W *. KlaU Bi.



m»ire. prompt
fnimQtjScbooUflBsifil All msn onlen


Brosch’s Meat Market
ut ras nw BEicE gutcc!


Ohoicest Meats, Poultry and Game
7*1 lA. I

Emb. SaHtnd Smoked Meats, Sausages Ltc.


UroefbuTuwrtirVuriSled S
e—errd that It w— a eoaatfy A 4
Oimaay A Ua

is rood
aad cmly

"r. »
. i«aa^ eppr»
----------------It ImposA.b e to w,»h peaBtably. Tbr Army aad Baty dimraal, la
aa artkie ea the ebaafcd i^—w al
of Caba that may be sap-aa.


TYlbtxvrT —r •■>■%*,•

Beal BsUU Exchange. -

Mew rtel—
There b ao dubt that Ua Oahe A
M laura. after Imraba—tremB—U,
111 be a very math rtebar eeeatniS
m b.^ the
aapaMb ee—red Urea arm be
u lack A —pital U derelep lu .
------------ Bereral yean afe u A*

plled’T'lSS^m 9”uVr*"ai/T h

TraTerse Olty, Hleh.

^S :0. R Carver

left IdMs and ▲.tpliuoM.


eaoafb foraatart. aad the
makeUdmaad aoe to b«. I
—apt belpfr-m aay ams. Aadt. .
haeeduwc bbUI bow. aad rather thaa
beraaad heap ap dcMa aad bea
X-- -- ao atraafera." eald the,
with aaotber ot bb bol
with tears ia hUeyea. “I
lab I wwald preferwUYe

M low
at leadl bare madp a dseeat aad
aa Of




Ibe rreoiolloe ef tSM Oaba
prodaoeda larfe yield ef tbe Basal
C^ee ^ Oertaf tbe peefteaa ot tbs war
_______ 'tr p m________ ___________ ______ _
ralBpd Tbpy ware )aat eomlaf Uta
oaenaf afaia wbra taa piieiat rebell.
loa broke ouL aad ike prei
um was rep—ted with lab
prmtebiy^ • ouS—
elaaiauoe wUI be letL
-For trupioal aad aeml lpopbal frella
Ooba i. aa Ideal fleld.
NA A ly
oPBiifTa of eSAll—t ebarmeter Vra
rrowB, betaU Aber m '
cllr— family,
m;ly. ud
aad a* froa1
a- aatbr predacllaa b ulirriy
. . .ivm tbr rUka la which Florida
I Calif.iralB attrad tbe c
Ike freiu.
/a>u. Iljt ttbere are
. imber A other dellrioa, .tn
mUom.woepera<«B is oar i
ike Ue faara. maafo, tapped
■tece. toar aop. ebarlBuya. aaid a dot—
olbere that mifhi be oamrd Tbr—,
Ypak— eatarit .S'ortbera pararwaad pMaiA
‘Tbe m.amf
B.aief todaatri—
tndaatrico <'*
■boufb larfely aaderalopod. are af Ue
t >|uaoiU«

couDlrka^tbc world
DnilmprobabU that tbe iibartiloe u! Ooba may fite material aM la
tbeaettlrmeal A the ao.—tied 'arfre
problrm ' Tbe iaflaraOT wblebI —pill
will exert ia tl
aad re. CibiB africaltara aad
eafacute la. of cuoeae. scfBoteatly
Closa Tbe part wfalcb Ue hamWe
iaborrr wlU play la tbia oew drama A
orofreia aad
Uoufb ieoa eoBapieunaa. la al Ipsat
.{Bileaa impartaoL Cuba b Iba Ideal
ufibcBcfro Already tbe labor.

Of populailoo b larfe y loade op tre«
ub rac'. aad wlU tbe bew plaaUaf.
icfaelartaf aad mialaf teatar—
- aad
ad li.
laetBr_ .. will be a r—l
.. —
demand fm- labor. It will aot Uke US
eolorod pApip l—f lo leara Ub fl
. the coBfnted —aten A e*.
^pipclati—Ib l.c»ltlaoA hi—balp>
tl. HobU (broiiaaBad oUerstal—we
aalely a—ame ual awarma ot colored
will fl.<-k to Cuba, fr—tly to UAr
ailraalefc. and Bol le— tc Ual A
Ue rrfioB Ue; arr I—rlbf. Tbr—Mfr—. may sot — Ue piekof Uelr ra—j
bat if well tr—lA will make atefal
field haAt Tbey will be familiar with
Aomrl—B war,ui) Amrrteu melkndB
fh-y will apeak RofrUb. Bt Irwst the
acfro rnal-iB of Ic aA tbr Aa— aad
r—posilbllltlraof Ameri—a ellixewtblp
wbiebatbird ef a —etary b—iaafht

ret— ErrhrinOT.
Urir cDcOBteioca attlli___
laBoi macb al Arab Irai Ihia week
« Ftrb.
a Krikiwa. tbe aaially yousfj
baafoae doAD'faaL
Aad why lb.
olb hair
iheolofue. wllb hit losf
r tFeorfe Iwdrred. the early
fojd 0.d ahoold acoO meaucha iroabV
HppVDf u bb amt coMi
brmded oS>A<ef A the masaerr of lb
wl.h all Bie work aad tbeea.ld ea. aoJ
upoB Up frouod. b't wbo.e exprraaiu, Oaalou. iru' ted up to ba paler at Sea
cbaatedrroUoB toetery ir U of inil
brifb'. wHih a flUlloe In bb baad aad
I'Hat be a doctor? Ia he well looked
pr—rated There waa mudeat ll etc
eooplr A teara In bb eyot, —y
aflar? Why dida't yoa tell me Uia be fitroBf. bcfflBf Mra—lf VWeU'r Oo a
____ ______
fo-?if people a way. aod errn wlnklcf
• tVbaft the i
•■S« told me D«l ko." wiUi ao.ilhar
"He came to ne Uiree weeka
1fo. led aad trembllDf. aad be eald:
aide, brr floe cblo la Ue air. prcparlsf
■Traa Seidl. 1 belMTC I am fntaf
rlf a brllliaal after dlacaaaiOa i -A -lek,
I." aaawered (ienrfie brI trifle III.
I ato aabjMt to lb,
,e whole theme. Tbere wu arialo-! tween bb
aski. Bat It will laat —!y a few deya.
Him J—. bnli-Bprif^ boatfUe ; book
: d* BBt waal aof doeior.
Aad if yoa
, "Wby didst yoB labd b^? aahrd
•ill do exBcUy wbat 1 aay. aad Uke
Wim UrecB. db|ipoftiBf BlbbtsUer.
sn of o>e yoarerlf. wltbonl telllof
lie for all wand..piBf eyea
fraelma anil
-I waa leadiaf htm.''foI^ tbe boy.
toy oae e te. I wi;: pa; yoa well t.>r
year troable wheo I am upafmla.' Bat
i duobl sow whatber he wlllerer <
loted I
BriUlB'a rolaateer for— of
beap afalB."—Id Ue wumaa wit
ttu.tnoli maiBtain- . a t c I of
•Ull deeper fniaB. "aad it baa emt me
ab olden be'i|aram«d fab haada Inu
tl.llUO.dOOay—r -’em UaatSuabetA
ooaaidarable already tor the frnela aad
Arm. aad bdibfup ofaifbia waea be
There are aaUl-xb.'in b—doaalcme
"Joal look Bt old Ylelcbprl lie b
waaexlra bad. aad baelbftl
deeper lo the dompe than erer to. X.UOO children » h.i are feeble mladed,
aobe all day—a Idiouaad Imbe.
' ' " waiapered Doctor H^kiaa u dialiafabbad fr —..............................
Flelcberaeii-d Ibe lamp. •'Show me
bebiBd I
me I
Tbe ioaome t.« Ib lodU b leried oe
Fna baUl led U>e way aloof the dim
>n iacomea A tii aad apward.
m the awii^laadlof aad
milina a
U— OBly o— IB 10 la :w eom— w
ioarth itory of the frsat boildiaf.
y. U
I. Uvetkrr with the Jaeitor>a
___ A ware a Bomi
lafarera from t>rura>ia are araraed
. It waa the door ot ose of tbaae
byaandkal wrwraoi to driek Ua,
wbleblbe womaaflaaf opeaeo rielch'
delcaUaw of coaflrmlof bb MiciS-lBwhieh tbejel—Aa lem
fricDd propua tioB. asd ae-Aiiaf back ea hay bora rqueard
; le aalmd with
eltb aa aoaleaa b,
bearv fricDd'a

»; "1 —arlx kim OB Uc

....... -



______ lUaad v:
—plloasl peHty aad
■iebae— b f,.oL-_______________________
> Ue —ttere cad A
blaod. aad ta» worklaf ot tbr— miata tac'iB aow to aomr exteal
Iaf the li '
of eltll war. Wllb the reWro of
ir adrrat A V


ora of Uelr ra<
-It Uigclua
while meb

ITb alwayt eoel aad Ua —a br—x—
woBderfally Umper Ue b—t A Ue
tropical cBB.
(I b eUll tree, b
that the frratrr part A' Ue farm
far w
asd kindred labor All ba perfet,
—ree. aot to b« —mpar«S*wlib Ibe
'him ra—. bet obp rxprriea— wlU
■ iaUraoBUrre eut—abiAuUy
with lair tnatm—t ba
lak— a > .7 tradable aA efflAul
Tn«e. Uo. bear*—fB—oe
SoeWlkm «M Wreby an U
•pmae-lbUMw^ A-Wa.
pieaty Ue'it Calr wafm^iule A
«Dd Ur eorwer. biUe A ou

alBuaA bop—
"TerobJe^oB U CaA —a yellow


Itbea,_____.Illy a (Ith ditaa-.
ta—AlelioB, aidierTaliem. wbkh tae seep’
tym iur flpubh rale, b HA -edla'coeaaB d rauIrMb ralbm le foTeremrat. ia reliftee. la
rrrryUiaf al-.
II bm persbt ia Hr>af la Ue Bloeteeath e—tary —fllUy
M Ur did lot A flfUraU. they »—t
lakaUc db—•— UatU—e -foA oU
•er A cr

BfalD. WlU bb eyea oa Mbs Terryt
The loaf—t
a with iuoae dori..
si—p kaowB •
tadief the city nioia.
A atraefer waa
there Weifbt,
•a ooey eaoarb wbea
rpieaeBlly BuUo—. Be eald
.. alBfiC oat tbe alraefera, aud
fiTra Ui ip—latiBf wbeUer they
ila br Ue hroadAl
Id r—PP—r. a part ot tbe eoleey
daral. raddy^ebaebed yoaaf
or WbeUer tbey were bet fi tUaf
; wkoae fladoea pbyamae Vleteber
4 Ur—. Pru— two
trarrlleia Tbb ooe aomebow attract,
w, I_____
- .tbeir
i.y— l»f. aa abe —t wiU ber
rbe lai—t a>o»m u blefcllaf
He taraed apes Ibe red-flaaBeled
laaped aod falles Bwmj
away from
rmaay b the afed Imemal rha—
pire wbo hoTpred oeer Ibp toovboard,
. Prmer Bobrbiobe Tp lo U- pr—
aad k-pi apafroaalefaotmapu meat berfi^lBl
- .tloa. B„ a—ompi.
; time be bw limlLad bt, rUiBf Ur
aC-Ob. Lwd; Lord;’
Lord I’ lotbe
lo the aac m-j e^lbev
idy potba le Ur ftoaada aroaA ba
I maa'e mma<
tblBkiBf: bow
la— la Bcrlia
■mu. baildaflra. Clau
Toe fall profile
.. hadpaoe.
Srod yoor Bana la.
a aproe U Ue rojal eundard A
siutly for Or. BabAt Tell blm Uerr
Per. (ioa. a pei-------- —-------------------bBetamomaitoljBA*' Withhbflc.
amiu by l—d'. raiard a rerolt wbleb
far Bpoa tbe low pel—bea—ted blmTbe fa— A bb Ad lore.
pru—d eaceemfa . ao4 bb I—tber
Mlfb Uebedaide Seefa eaaa he hA udyetanlike abe sard U
kproe aorered wlU j< «el* '• tUil borar
elie abe looked Stfb'Jy. flori&
oftaa moX wlU before la Ub
la Ue ru of pcrttac orm.^
lUI Unwtfb dr—aa W— Ula. too. a
of LeiaalA ofaude
O— of Ue ht—t Ulafala tD^fery b
W .cld
llsAditaolee? Woold
id they all
too hard work aad
baiacrer AoM brocfhttolow fur Ue eaamb-kb lore,
r. Bad the tbr practi—of Tmtal—IBf aa Irjarer
limb — a—butilotr for ampBlatloB
lack. propaMy. ef aimplc bamu altea- real—le a
nof City
I Woeld he a<
_Joa? Ue
, Wbea Ue doctor arrieed be InokA eloeke? tbe
deabUeL The palleat wm eery 111. barted bit la- u bb haoda
that w— eertala
"Bat wiU food - w— Uerr ctlll Bow
Tbe Berlie aeebiy ter Ue pretreU—
..................... laharp ay— awapl tbr wby. ab«. H'lre Brrerly. w—
faaimala b by af U lade— a'l —b
room—WA food Sara Ur lifbe fallaf op—brr. Ue
pieera i . proAAr Urmaeir— wlu fell
fiaa— rrslA epoa tbr , mwUiaf brr ••a eiUrr 1
bo— for IW bor—a uaM Uea la
Srid;-"tbe—'w—uiI Tbeeermoa
iW—rmoa w—esotd.
w—esdtd. «ae
• be bcardbt..._________ . . ..
fa tall tofetoa tbrlr feel u
leUlaf. be mlfhi pell Urosfh
loa w— prooodaeed. aod be
rhr— Celt ahon will al— do
That reiy slfbi a cherry.faced aera* eel lata Ue--------e Ue Iree bor- ab—b
w— 1—taliA ia tbe rampirr'e pla—.
Aad la Ur r—alaf weeka bamaa UIII Park' ut b^^uA'i
aad klAa.— wroofht aaUHafjy. artli ewaadom -OodWa-ber; Uud
tbs t«k mu wu br—fbt alerfly back berr Tbs mbt w— foaa. Utc alfhi
w— -Id Ua atan waa bHfht is tU
Aa be faiaad aweafU
Ir—ty aky.
Bar fa— w— Awaya behim-aer cl—r aad h uufal la—
____ tbr wOTda tbey aaed U el^ SI
boa- wut rlaflBf Urxrefh hb brale;
pa. aadr«M tbe pi'—r
-AAtbusbaltwelku pere, clear la tbat palAotb work La tbe afon


ITa‘iUiSSl SS:

ee^U CTbeX

Wtl£''kUce aad arbeU abt—d:
AA^^ ahaU aamawr Ufb is

___________le problem. ___ ________
4taOobv — eYrrywbr—
eltlra — Berau aA ouer aasewa—i
Cebu Uw— lau model bralU i-Brjfl.
Yaak— ealrrprA may A etmfld—8y
. . ow
.a U af.eA U Uai."
Pla—fortA Impro—meet A BaepI* a enmplete tytl—a A —wep<
rk rallroada. aA alb
■d by
■ wbwb
blatAeoaU., ThbbeULbwA
treelA It
—pectatloa UA
rl-^-IU -niUiy

oe el— Isfe dta-nA*. wkieb. %
• Why. Psirteh. yea <
UM dCwretaTAU yea.

by aeelAat. aA aUboefb 1 fiaek
__ _ ______ . _!__ ■>


Bo's reeU


Auep-uwa maftattalah
day last weak by u'.emeltableflwifii
aprta^. ekarfA

A hertisalteTmi weAer la tbr
“Mr. ryeber
r tbb1^1 «t—
A —tbe Haiab
ible y— are bariaf. aad
t'pemUs hilbAOed.*
... ?.______ .....
T B.7— a—r
bba—s.sad Ub
It ,___
I my.
___ _____ _____________ ta rvpay ImmedlAad A ler tiM e^ Ok. fer Ike meah. Tbe tret erep ripemA a
—A rep y- "BA du'd yoa try u
•sekaste. Tbb weak Mr
ulely. BAtbailamqAtaeubapaaLaad tte tkM
per — taac—
I hare rick —latle— m|A fimm tmtm Ue
leCUe <
Ue alM Awal
SB ^ wA woeld he wlUlaf aad flad
la tbewfbt It »— ■Idaifht wbu be
■ ----------- *-------------HAIe—
~ I ., A
cbA bb

me. Bet 1 am tee prawa. rer- re—e—
am lodflaca
m——fa sfaia.
afa—. aad.
a—. —.
luaaTam irrawf, bet — w— my faUwlU—Sadermwled epUee—ir. Bet
|MiN-e. Wbu bBdW hetaAM|w—blM ebUik. tna Mdl, b—i



^Jv-=SrS ,Smd




K. Soon Ooming
A Ormt BMwptlon !•
Mkcd.-Othw xr*«m of Intnwt Booiioe ea tho Law

0. for to caoBot ^ to aay dirar
Hw tv.

Wb«Mn* It ■h>n

wm^ aora «r iMi. M

ta Day. apaa iaartog Ua aabtaat BoatUm lag Ula alltoaiaB. aaaaaaead Uat

•beau b* tettaprarwtv *or tbair HbHolaw laid bto baa« tolaotad aa

aatoraaapdaap.. bstog. Sacratoi

w fwumn qtnTws.



dtotoDay.8dbatorC.K DandotHla-


terto aad Seaator Prya. aalaetod for oBota. ScaaldrirmiaB Fry# a( Halaa.
aad WUialaw Bald of Haw Tsk.
aaaa aoBBlBloa ara tod a eaofa
rriUi tba praaldeal etar tba- eoaiar
UboraoftbacoBBUotCBalParla. tbb
aoralav. wbleb laatad t(re boaia bad a

It «m ba rood MX to w* pwru of
tboiw atr ^ vtetoUr. oad ladood

TbaBlbatwoaaoiisiScaUad a«

Madrid. Aagaat

to — Tba OariMa

aad BapaWleu toaBbaaa of Ua Oort**
tora daetdad aot to attaad Ua fortb•aBlagaaaaloaaadUay wUI Haaa

aaowtarr Day.
' Tbapaaaoaaalaf tba paaea easBla-

(ana to Ua aoaatry afaplatoltg

alas eaaUaaaa to ba amabaorWaK ^a***

ter dto wMa MMO of Mloblo>■ roltebloMtberitr WM tbo

aed It reealrad aa« lataraat todap

"Madrid, AagtBt Ml.—Tba Oaaatto wyo

(roBtbaarrtral of tlaaatpr J)a^ of UaodatafUaarartoSpatotioB 4aaTbk^y-teoftb wrtaopt. Mleklg»ar«lHlBsaaota. wba aama to
aary to Jaaa trd waa in.Mt.tM
n, an nes to bo Borland
OB tba aaaaaea of Ua ^raaOi
a. U«otkar wlU Ua Tbtnr-tblid
Tberaaiajal tobaaalaetad two ■
Bbattar aad ToraL
ncWBrt. Tba
baraef tbaaoteBiialoB.
Baatlago da Cnba. Aagaat » lUa award taflreabtlow. eeatar dlTba atalaaaat (bat tba prratdaat baa ral Bhaftor foraally rallaqubhed
aaotpirted Ua arlaetloe of Ua tornm^- aaaaad of Ua dapartshat of Baelbla arQaaoBa. .It U traa Uat ba baa go da Cato to Oeaeral lawtoa laat
Dalreit. Aar. W-Taa Baa4U>-I
araatog aad bearded UaalaaBcr Headaeldad to appoiet Baeratary Wy. baalee wiU UtBeBtonof bUaUff.
«««ld ba ebllcad U joa vUl pabator Darla. ob^naaB of Ua aoBBlttaa axpaeta to uil for Ue Ualtod Bum
Uab tba teUovlar talafTaB ia rear
foralra relabloaa. aad Uaaatar .Frya Ub Boraidr.
a It irill ba of fraat lataraat to
Geaaral Toral aad~ bb atoC called
of Halaa. Ua Uttar barlaf aiCDldod
(ha teiaada of ear Mloklcaa aoldkan:
saptaaea of tba boaor oSarad him apaa Oeaeral Bfaafur Ub afteraooa
B. a PiaoBBB.
bid tala adiao.
The Bpaabb oSoer
Uaaked OeaermUfbafler foe (be
truisaat accorded bis aloee the
•<bBp WiboC. Maataah (H>lev N V
ader.aadfor Ue kladaeu
ABnBtSe.-4brerBorPlwraa. Datnrft,
J B. r hadbaaa tbowa to all Ua Spaabb
' Mlabdcaa: Tba TbirtyUlrd aad Tblrprboerra He wiahod Oaaeral Bbaftor
Tracy of Hew York, bat baa aal daeUa plaaaaot trip boBO- Ueaeial Bfaarftor
Tba baaltaaey of
« at aeoa aa Uay ara oat of
Ua praUaat la ca’ltog opoa Oaaei- gallant defaaae of tba dty. aad expr
■paadaaa aafaly br
al Tracy la daa to Ua fact that preBaia aed Ue wlU (bat be woald apoa I
. Tbay win baclraa aUty dayt'
bdag broogbt to bear npqa bis la arriral to Seain recaire Ue ireatac
larlatwb aad at tba akpirattoa of Uat
Uat bb brarary detaared.' ,
bakalfalJodga Groiaeop of Chicago,
1 aad BBitarad •
tleaeral Bbafin- learea Baatlago la
wbo dallTFiad tba addraaa la foror of
> good order.
ABcricaa aaUority
TVroaa probably bp ai
aaliB batora Ua ra
hu baaa eaUblUbed la tbe iaporual
aad todaatry b retitiBg.
> to Ue iatorior are aadtr arBt.
bat glee UeABrneaat eo traable.
re wane paiaoaa] frieoda, aad
Baaratary el «hr.
wklapcrad to oSeial cirelaa Uat Ua
To Igaer* Ue Flab Laari
Ula iefaraatlea Ua ma taref
Laaalag. Aagaat to —Depaty Uaaia
pnaldaot road bit apaaob bafore It
aWttar Ua aoBpaay at Hoataak Pelat
daUrarad to Haraloga. Praaldaat Mr- ffardee Brdwater, wbo araa bm oa
eralal boalaM. uyt Uat
Eioley baa a rary high oplali
Bf ibarer blaad are aot Ue oaly
W. Baatlaga. L Bobarlaaad
Jadge Oreaaeap’a Itgal ability, aad alao
wbo propoaa to tgaore Ue law*
•Ciaa9 Oark Nawtaa atraarad la r>of tail jadkUIbalaoeo aad hU U
relaUre to Ue eloaed aeaaoa Ub 'year.
aadaaaCcrtwaa madato Udaaa Boa.
U all reportt arc true. He uyt Ue
Parry BaoBah to aae/Bpa^yUaB. Ur.
UediaeBMiooor tba Qaeatlaa of aaatora trade pablicatloaa bare
Baaaah alalad that aoUley woeU gire
eoaaeed Uat at Ue aaaeal Bcetiog of
Ua rataatloB of Ua Fblllppiaea *by
Ue Ulchlgaa O
Urn fiaalar plaaaara tbaa to Boat Ua
ilaeat Baa bare. It la araa oow apDetroit laat Bot
kaata Haaaab BIBb la eaup'apea
paraot Uat tba tarraoder of Uaalla. aocret aeaaloa waa beld at wbleb a rtatbafriMars (roB tba batUa Baida of
eloUea waa adopted plodglog all
or of tba ialaed of Datoc. wbleb
^*badidaa(fad aqaal. pbyabare of UwantolaGoa to igaota Ub
Ua Boat toMubla portiOB of tba Fbllr laaBy.tetba>e>i>ay.
ipplaaa. haaoMoad to to oaaali
Depaty Brewater uya be b at a
Batrarar. Hr. Kawtee aad Hr. BaaTbaUnaglilottbabeatBeBla dIrtoV
kaow bow Ue flabarBca ho|
ad to tba qaeattoa of wbal ahoeld to Bake a aoecetafal fight, laaraar
aat wUl laars Ula Boaaiay. Yi
doae wiU Ua roBaladar at tba tarridw UaBaHarefaaadlBtto Ua boya
tory. laaUar worda. if Ua Ualtad
aaMtblag te rriUra tbair aaplaaai
They canaoV Ueraforr, sake a legal
BUM takto tba tilaad of Dbicb. arUl
fight, aad tardea Oaboni propoaea
aaaBlUaa waa diieoaaad aad Baally
Ula gDraraaaat aot to eoapollad by derote all Ue aralbUe faeda aad
thaaafiaaliaa of Hr. Baaaab Ua (bb
powar.ofhboSeetoaeelag to It that
ofmDwMplaaadiatbabaadael Hr.
Ue law b eatorord.
apeaalMUty tor all Ur Itlaadar
BaaBlaga tabodaretad to aaaa to ba
Plan to Dae Spala'a BoMlara .
la aekaowladfad Uat Ula pbaaa
BaaUad apaa by tba aeapaay apaa Ua
New York. Aagaat tc -Tbe Madrid
a altaatkn htogu largely npoa
antea) ad tba Ttararaa Qly rapraaaucorTBpoadentof Ue Herald uya Uat
, Ue qaaatito rrbeUer Spato woold wlab
taHna. TbU aaMaat U ukae (rosi
a Cabae d^atr lua a plaa whl
ta aaderukr Ua raapoaHUUty at far- to well worthy of eosiidan
tba food of •l.PMctraaUa aoapaay
'nliblag aattbli garamaieBt fc
Wublagtoa. Re uid:
M b rallaf (aad by Hr. Baaaah befora
•■The railed Btatea b aboat
realduB of Ua territory, afirr. Ua
lha bayi laft for tba froat. aad rary
Ueltod atoM baa taka*- tba blaad aoaalar dlScaliM to ispoelag Ita doUHla of whieh bai baaa aaad.
Blaloe to Caba. The loeargaeu
at Lat-aa.
Oalalde of 4Btoa Bpala^
■aay atbwelilB of HlaUiaa bara
to ama agaiaat Ue Spaniarda and do
aorarrigalty baa boag by a a1
aot aoeept (be arBbUeo or aal
tabmil I
owaaindfaUataeeUUaater tba oobtbriad. aad U la daobtfal It tba coald aolatcly to Ue Ataaricaa gvi
paataa (roB thair rrap'ttlra. laeallUok
■Tbry wUb. above all. Ue tipasUb
atoartoTBalBtola It. after bariag laal
b« Haaa ba nid of Trararaa City Uat
the powpr by wbkb aba bat Baaiged adldbra to lure Caba. aad will prob­
ably coaUaae aadar arma. uaalag Ue
ttaftbaeoapaay batora Ury left tor
AaMrleaaa to keep a. Baeb larger araiy


-tbafraataadBowibattlto aaad
litaadytaWdaraiadto Ua parpoaar
«btU will do tba laait food,

dad if

(ban.000taadli aet aaaaffa plBtty
.teanwfllba fortbaoBlac to abow

fUottog at Maalla
Haw York, Aagut to—A cwrrtgkl
tptala) troB Haatla to tba Joarul

"Tbara bat boae a aaribaa

alOarlta totwaaa Ua (loltad BUM

thoaaUlari fnw'Trararta aty aad

aoldlara aad Ua totargaBto.'wUd

afodtp that tbair aaerifton ara appr

ad la a riot, raaalUag la the BWlag at

Bled to (h^ faU ralaa by thoir frlaada

U Ula aaaatattoa ttta^obabla Uat
' vMUaa fow aroaha at dha aea

oaa aoldiar aad, Ueaarloat woeadlag
of aaoUar.
xOaergo Hadaoe. a BOBtor of
Ouh batlary. got tola a dlspota wlU

WWtrtnaaaaibn. aai.latWt

a utira abopkappar.

WHb UU to rb

Faarldg trouHa


air to at-

, Ue atfoatloe of aosa of hb tel-

Mb aada for a goad daaaaeatra
(MrbaaorwhM Upy arrfra.

aoldlara. A groat crowd of aaUraa
It U raa to Uaaaaaa of tba dbtar

aavaatod Uat altar tba boya

aad at eaea begaa firing Uatrrarolrora.

lMBiBaairadbytbalrraUllraa.a day kUllag Hodtoa aad aerloatly woaad.
baaatapart for a
iBgCof^mlWUllaaAsdeiooB of Ua
Walbdlaf a pabUe raeaptha la tba
hattary, wbo bad harried to Ua
*»d a Mg dkpUy la Ua

ospetooey. Wbu ho rtaMad the
bupiul yaetorday ha wu toforaod
bora ware aboat 700 patiooUL Ho
bM Forweed wai auMo to glra It to
Tbe caeratarT ordarad Uat a
era to takea laetaaUy. aad aor
eat Uat Uora wore l.ta paUoata.
or dooMo Ue oaBtor (Utad by tbh
Ooaaial Algor foead bcb lytog
to fl-wr to Ua booplub. althoagb
Uora ara carloada of oab at Uo mil way
atotioa. a bUo aad a half away. It
axplatood that tbe beopital aaUocUaaeoald aot get Uob
they had go owaai of tr
aad yet wlUla MMa eight were Ukrty
or forty oBpty wageat eUadlag to Ilae
Dg to to loadad wlU wood to tbe
regiBeoUl kiteboat. Oeaeral Algar
orataa ald-dooemp wlU orderet
fitoau UoM wagoo* aad eeearo
uil ol Beo eo Uat Uoto eoU ooold to
I poslUoa before alghtlalL
Mora Uaa SOO BOO wei I wllbmi
blaokeu. alUoagh Uare ai
tbes ia Ue qaarteroBaUr-ai
Oeaaral Alger started aaoUer ofieor
wlU oaUodty to Mice wagooo wb
orar be eoold fled Uea aad lap^
>CB that ware aaoeeiary to bri
Ue blaaksU to Ua boipltol. aad add­
ed. algaificanUy. Vl waat to aoc Uea
hero belera I loare.*
Deuer tram Ball Haa

Caralry wah^taade apoa Ue New York
we by tbe Mic-.mki Rixnan that
Fire /.ooarea. Now toraiag oorU wo
Yosirtaot Surgeon Dr. Bobb frOB
oo Ue laat liae tbe federale held,
BBel. a firm friend of oar oWa r>nraad Bol more Uaa I to SO rode froB
geoa Wilhelm, died mod WB* baried at
Ue rebels
Aagmt IV. Tbi* ba bard blow to
First COBB Ue pssitirB of GriSlb's
battrr.r. so rodt oorU. sod I'ickett’a

^ wreck ber laswwmaaly way thee ebe U efter
e has attslsed to heelthr
MBtohood. Ybonsesdsol
-jBca bSTc their lire*

-It b erideat we bare a good bold to
r- A boat with aa araad foroa pat
ft U probabU Uat Uva will to a
Uoae blaada. aad I aa glad of
1 tbe prod,
toaMtog of laadlag baaiatto Bat to
traa Ua abort, l^ewldiartl
r^of aoch
...rrt the wi
BBBldar Ua aaggaatipor aad to (otb- tba aailrta. wbo faUed to aatwtf. aad
polat of rbw eaaaol
lIw demcB of in U..._
ttoaoldlerafitoda rellt.r. kUliag aaa ererntiaaud. aad we are there
wooadiag aaoUcr.
auy. Whether Cato b ceded to u
toBato Ua aaoM
letepe cm Tneid. Isfcee
the*lwlm. end •teett
aot aakee lltUe dlSeruiw.
We will
IMaaeaaaleaaaatoBaAammad Jabetraigbr tor the mmW
eoatrol Cato aed are will eoatrol part
aaaaadpabllegreaUogaadtha wbala aay eaeBOcUoa batwaoa Ua aaUraa of Ue Phlllpaiae blaada, w*-«re
to Uaae aflaira aad hb aaay.
— laaadlag aoaBtry wUI to glad
M Ue ere of a aew era of prupen
‘Adalral llawey baa tiaaatcrra
-We bogao Ue war oa haBaalurUa
OMatoTraraiaaCliyato Joia in doare bsppiaeae^K
fltg to tba eraber BalUaurra.
teg iMpar to Ua brara aoUlata

aftar Ua boys


ulyapb uiliag for Haag Koag to to

Uaaa Utoga wUl to eoetodatad


Uaro U aoTiiicB wby Uarr aboald aalda dtclaraa Uat be b aaaleaa to
>n Ua aaUority of Ue Ualted
■at ba ato a( Ua gfBadaat aalabratieea

m ll^u____

SSSS„VSS£^ s^i

rat beuBu a polul factor ie
leraagoay/g,l„*flto worldua It
aboald to ^

BUM. Itbhbdtoira BOW Uat the
-We hare been Idle too loog.
It H qaito prabablaUat Ua oaBpaay toeargastaray to dbhaaded aad rw bare Ua ruoarca aad Ue eapabUlUea
ViU arrfoa at CbBp WykoS to a tow taro to tba prortoaea.
belag Ue
.oo-plala.^ lack of booaaty foe*or la Ue world, aad raeoat elteai
daya. U Uay baa# aot alraady mrb<
IbatB Tbay will to bapt at Ua d»- aad BlUlary tol^t to Ua r^to badero aUacnhareaoi ee y b'i-iob b« Uat ■eisslemrMilB all thrtlm
lb to ear pewer. bat
todllw aoBp aalU Uora la mo farUar adaayahabtoaotaaaray. Bit oaly
alao Uat w. are obliged W axercito
a aaraly tobbla.
daa^ froB tofoattooa dUtoaa TbU

trhre h w

t-JS SSS£fJSS.' SK ■ ■ns

tofl] protoWy aa-aaBO froB to
tteto MabtewhlabHaaMUah
Htoa « amaga far a Hg da*B

Baarprar, It artU to bat a

teuabdimtbaUBa ^ Ua latai


Tba geaaral aaasad dbpinted.


Hnataak Petol. K. Y . Aag. fo -twoadded that to traatatto Ualtad Bum roMy of tear A>gpr la ahaklag Utog>
wUl fora a bat aad libarai goraA- ap to a baaaiilal Baaaar. bat be ie
aad aaya Uat tba ABaateaia —

Impenaat ebaagea to esBp beters be

Tbe trial of Heary Boetor ia Bellalre ‘
for tbe merder of BcbobI Moore last ^
tall, baa be^aa.
Uat Hosier eras Jralooe of 1
^mytHrudaxIrtagmeap 1
cnlyeleeshytbeaaeof cpiaue. My
Ua allegad alteatfoae paid to hb wllr
aad heart poised me terribly sod my____
by Hoerc. lie lereed a^sU sentence
Ml lareTSUcc. I coald eot Ue Ie
M atlerwarde
po^Uoobutaabon time aad aot oa By
side at all. My hoataad tarooght Bw ahothiB.
Dr. Mliie- Ncrrtae sod Btari Care aad I btfibarBsa narbetflagtoaw waste.
XXOtaLlngthrm. Vfaec 1 bad taheo a bal! be preeidrat ut Ue Ualtod btatee had
bottle or earbl
klBeelf to many pecolbr ways.
Blag prisbwet
Bb moUerbas lahea him borne.
last act befureber arriral was to girej
Seearprueor all.
orders t> bare eecrybody get all Ue> {
wasted todriak at Ue saloons aad <
aad charge to Ue (
gaaraatec. (ret bottle I
became prealdeot.
Prof. O. U Lyoo of O
IBS boeo elected proteaeor of oratory
DB. MILES Mt3>ICALOO. DkfeaSV led. aed etocQtioo tor Albioo eolicgc. Ue
bagradoatcof Ue'Ur Paaw nalrcrsUy; abo doctor of ehilosefby from s
Barks of balUe Inflicted r years ago. ttoeUn aairenity.
Tbe Haaty boasaA* Ue only one rela Aau-im cjanly trees are fairly *
bailb ail Ue otbai* stosd aa Ueydid; loaded Oowe wifi p-sc lee. [ubbs. aaa ;
after Ue fight, oaly for paU-toa where early applm Tbe potato crop is look-1
Uaioe or rsbsl ebell tora Uroagh Uem. tog well, aad corn ptae tote a Sac ap-'
Gemaayof.Ua hburical epoU


Coma too* thano



Ellis. 311 Frail St, East
Cycle Works.

ELLIS, .311 Frost St.,&st..

datachmeat of Ua FoarU eartlry 1« Uaa tweaiy yura Ua Ualtod
waa aalled eat pad It dl.paraad Ua Pll- SUM wilt praeUuIly own Ue blaad.
iptoaa, wbacoatlaaad lofiro their re. It will BOW require aea to hold
•aawdrka aad oUar aUBaato to doBoertaaUeyrotraated.bat witboat Caba. bat we will g-t -ood ralarea for
oar torralaeab We bare apeat fioo..
BHato Ua appraeUtlau of Ua terirera dotag aay Boro doBige. aad we aput it well. We bare
te Uadr aoaatry wbM Ua aoldlara
a Ua uaa algbt teaa aoldiert AoM bacaelruo good ura whlb ee>
bara parforBoA It U alao propoaad
waro doiog guard daty uwa
baaeiag Ue uau of baBaalty."
afar Uat day
Speaktog of Forto Bieo. Seaator Maaparty of aaUraa atripplag Ua arraU of
yBl I I toaddroBa paMle gaUartoc.
raaboat wblah waa lytag to <bTiVa aawld:


part tor a dbuaee of tweaty rods each land Uay dost know how to prapara I Addiem aU leUen to Dgwaaa Ohe
way aad praetraUag tbe hot aad iwbk | for (to cold waatber.
' »«eU^rTMHt2r

| I expect to atari back aboat tbe flrat
lUBstad Uat UN Hicklgaa p> 1
tato crop et-tbe preeeatseaina will be,
iboBi so,ouo,<f» hasheb.


(lellatwUl ba torltad to par

la •aioaraligtoaaaarrtaatobaU oa

tetelA yOBH WALUrr. at Jefis
yyi WU. than whom acBS I. Boeeb
* ’ • emeecDfd or widely kooea. w

pipers hare baaa faU
gold fiaUa. WML (be
..ppart digbt or to. b itreedma I wiU toll
ttorad this week and U
•M« ara from Ulrty to Itwbmlgatbach. I wtU
tlBaWdtowalgh.tatly two fooe. ‘
forty tbeaoaad who waat to Ub aaggelU lean get It erpriniL Tte
ahowiageattoeeagioatorato veto
Artag: *0 yoa ma laagiae bow Uton
I 1 bara bam to eaH
praeUeally aaetiaarad.
w to all blade of b
lu Brarythl^
beeaeeslatorBatColoBa light- Then WlU bea lot o< Uem traaea to; loeka Mruga bora, as wbm I
etroek tesaergar poet to <^ras dmU Ml. m Uey Uora was aslUag bm tma k
lis ■■n*l
..■■Ii 111 - - - - s.____.....................................
H. UwU- taaoe to C
baeaot snoagb Bcmey to ret cat. How aad bow Uora are ......
n aHteem
Md a
AlltUBg to plaossaaddaBtrariDg erary they will bare to walk oat Ub wiotor good slsed dfo


baltoo'. where e brare Ueuteaaat eras
tlgglrdoot by a ii-year-ola reb aad
deliberately shot.
He was baried
where be fell, bet I tore torgollea ble
Twenty rod* norU and
pome to where lien. tV; T. Sberaiaa
ptMbed bii battery ap. to wiUlo
fatde of Ue rebel line and wa* taken
and reuVen ai Ue linre snrged to and■Tbe beat Uiag Ue Aoierlca^aaabld fra. lo fact. Bicketu' and liriSUe
battcrM wera taken and rreapla
do woald to to form loul gaerlllu
snrcral timet. Jatl to Ue soaU
der Ua eoBSaad of iBerlcaa oHo
Thou uald be foraed of Spasbh eoldleri aad Cobaa relaatoera.aUellBau
araat. aad. lutead oUdbar
ThisAeldJ deaerlb* is on pot
latter, eUlixe UeB lo fob wi
laa sucres, eo yon rsn Jndge by tbe
-Tbe Ualtod SiaM at a a
GoaiilutMIxe a forte eqaal to M.M» easuxIUe* of fijd..4^.-en wbat Ue
lidh vffiranand men me
caea Tbe Ualled BUM eoold alao
aU Bpala to aoaad Ue deilrw of Ue toe* been.
Back oa Ue field from Ue Chii
Caban army la Ue Better, and to Vbb
bouse, wbleb jaarks ihv right of Ue
way Ue Aaeriu
fled aleneau to form Ue gem of her federal liae. to Ue Hatibews b'
wbkb a rkt the opening of tbe
eoloBlal ar»y.
fight, ai
tablets aiarkiag Ue spots
-Bpala coald act pi
pal aay dlftlealtba
ie Ue wa
way. bauaae btr army>te to where
aaay a Talon or rebel ifficer. Bat
Cato to de/aadBpaabb toUruU
ay time was too limited to go orpr II.
aa It woald toica more Use a day. nsd
uaae Haggae viawa.
take the notes 1 woald like to. tb-Migh
Bb Paal. Hlaa., Aagaat St —We will
mtrol Caba.~ uId Seaator Hare Uaa- it did not take aday to fight Ue fical
toglorloae fight.
at Ua Atordun. "It makei little
The old Chios boose and the
dlfraraoM now wbeUer Ue iaeargeau
koase ara still Uere and sho
a Baintaia a

docked aad elaaaad. Tba Balalgh laft poruaiBot oeiy oo
aercUl bat abo Ur alrafogle putorUraaBeportowWadauday.- .
The Bermld u.ri that Oeaeral Agai
-The Ualtod Sutu froa Ulq

OagtenU Is gattlag aeme fia*
aae ot acgpm Iraa (to atoU leeai aeaU
No. 1 abaft ea Ua Oeeaela lode

Haaaataa. Va.. Aagatl SS.
NeedlBg a litiU rest I Bade a deal
WlU oar eargeoar to raport ae aick.
aolgoiaelek leareaad eaae hare to
Haaaesax to rcet ap
Today LieatoaaBt Alexaadcr sod 1 of
(be sub Hicbigaa woat to Ue hi
leal Haary Ueam. The hill apoe wbleb
ad* was Ue taralag polatof boU
nf Ue hsifa lob. Coait bcaUb and sbaa
Boll Baa balUee; and la Ue first fight
eld Hre. Henry wai killed aad
barledta ibeyard. Mr fiaary'egrandfaUer was Ur. Isaac litory. eoa ’
bare bean allowed to grow ap to
eloaed by George Waabiagtoa aa
Ue place. .
From Alaska
Bald bill Uaa bald aa wbee Ue bat­
iBieekoe ie frasied aad hang
The following from Urorge Klaggs
Ue wall ol Ue beaec balU on Ue silo tle wag foagbt, bat Ue rarines bm bb moUer. Mrs. John J Staggs, will
Ue'btllaad road has been al prore of cvosidereble iaterest:
of Abe one shot to pieces lo that awf al
lowed to grow ap to anderkrotb.
fl^t which ended so disaslrooi'
,Dyt«. Alaska. August 11. {
Ub rorine a friend of LleateBaot
tbe federal forces I weal ore
Dxsa HuTusa—1 -bare Jcsl arrired
for all hwueeheVI riraasinl
field WiU e graadaoB ol Hi*. Bear.r. SKaader. I.leatoaaal Lyoa by ne
from Dawsoa eb Ue ( pper Vukoa
Latgn* parLsge-^vaiiel ert-numy.
Be explalaed Ue poalUoae of the two WiU ooc of Up Taloa batteries,
r*.iO»»er>sl,c-r^ AlalvuiOiby
rirec 'Hr paitnrr aad I bad qalie a
woaadcd. ThcoU bridge wbera Ue hard trip onl. bat ere are all right. We
amlee with Ue aid of eupa.
1HE o. A rutasBs a'
Oae siraive Utag waa Uat Ue pealhare one partner la Chicago doing bosreplaced with a
Uoae of Uetwo armies (reia exactly
iaeae for oe. We are in a (If.niio deal!
rareraed la Ue aecoad fight The fed- doabli-arched bridge; aad Ball Ran DOW. It we bare g<^ lack we will I
Auers as fe-t sad as laaddy as abCD pall out all right-WiU a alee little i
ly held Ue graaad to Ue
boya forded it 3T yean ago.
end battle Uat tbe ooafederaM beld
Btakc. I bare been trarrlii
e 1 aa wriiing here * iu.n luo feet grmtdeal for Uclaii year. LastUsreh
i tbe firei. and rice reree.
First-we went to Ue spot where Gea- of Ue SoaUrro railroad the Brel Urea .year waa the last time I wrote, l!
eral .lackena was woaoded aad dabbed sections of Ue troop trains art bow
Ulok: then I weal to the Bircli Creek j
■StoB.wall,"aboat II rods aorUcaot togbylrom rb->roaghfsr* Gtp carry diggings: from Uere .I went to Daw-'
froB Ur lUarr Uonoe. Abnat 4 rode tag the Ut Bbode Island to Hlddlr- eoa. N. W. T : from there to Fort Ya- ;
('lit-A]K-e1 and moot n-linlile |iUc<> tu|^rt yoar biryrle rrpgjre^ «nd
, of tliere Coafedarate Ueeeral Bee orrn. Ps.. and another weal by can
kon. Alaska, aad back to {)*w*.io with
killed; bbU at Ue edge of a scaall Bg a bltiery from Tampa to Montai
Havi- limt wri-ral ymn ekperiMxw «Dd
adogtoam. I bare a numher of claims pul in uoiei rouul iig unler.
>al I eoold not ICArn wbat battery
of trew. aad eome llrode
at Dsweoa aed la Alaska
know Ituw it slionlil Is- <)iin<^.SMtiKfai-tiun {Diaranb-Ml. I ut ariliiiR
ras. but tbiak It was a New York rob beacn claim oa Kidoredo Ore«k Uat I :
iiiindrii'*i ut aUiat. <rmr N*<-ar nmi aecond butd vlesla for m]«
etaff.'Yell. S; Je SO rode ca. of Ue intoer bsUery.
I hare Jest been onlrred back to my
boacc fell Gearral Bartoe.
. as we more toHIddletuwa
Ueee places are aiarked by
Abooljo rod* ooutfi ol Ue hooae 1*
>me Ume Wcdi
Fred llrowB b at Fort Hyer with ty­
rked Ue'spot where Ue awfal
charge of Ua coafederate Black Horae phoid fercr. but b not daagrroasly

•fciah Ua«. A. B. aad Ua' a<

baa alaa baas BlUagly aarr«tad

“Saved Her Ufe.”

For a papcr<owcrd



Wtsely and
Use the Best.

RMUits prove DANA’S !•
tho b«st. It Ifi also guararttaad aa a true remady
for the Nervea, •tomach.
Liver and Kldneya^ Money
back If you net no Ipeneflt.
The only medicine that
daraa atand thia teat la

**ThaKlnd that Curea.*’

oar regiment, as be wai lored by all.
It TTT*~* bard to Ulnk Uat wbea I i
meet BT regiment and oompacy the
tacea of seme will be Biseiog
war b hard at beeL It was bard lor
aetostandand see Ust Begeificoat
regimeatof sen Bsreb oat of camp
and I left behtod. Bat Uey don't eonsalt anyone's wishes wbea they bane
ordsre. and Ue oae It strikes most sabiaslttoU as a trn* soldier shoold. 1
; weald bare glrca asjUtog to hare
goae wiU tba boys
Inelooed Sod two Bower* aad a leaf
of aasynbU. wbleb I picked tras Ue
grace of Ue eld lady Uat was killed
la tbe Henry boose aad baried jast
wcstol Ue bouse Id Ueyard.'
In the Boraing I will try aad (cod
yoB some ballets wbleb 1 found at Ball
Ran and'at Bristow.
Our new sddms will heOmpany H.
Thirty fooru Hlebignn. DrUebBent
Separate Brigade. Camp Meade. Dear
Uiddleuwa. Pa.
. i
In behalf of Company M I Bead assay
Uaak* fur Ue Itotvon. it seems to
take pe bach to Ue Ueem Oly oar*
Bare. WIU rrgande to>!l from all I
rvBaltt. Year obcdicat serraav
U I, Kxsi-r.

Uaaleaaal Compney M. 34 ih H lUtgaa.

The Pill That WiU
Is tlic Pill You Want.
Pills .-ire-neccssar)- bttf not nice.

Cathartics are not confections.

and pills that won’t

It’s soothin^to know that when you take a pill it's

the pill that will do the work for which it's taken.

Ayer’S Pills
have gained a reputation for their sure results. The pill that will ii
Ayer’s. For all liver troubles, diseases of the stomach and bowels, sick
headache, biliousness and heartburn, Dr. Ayer's Pills have proven a
specific, and they

Will Cure You
as they have cured t^usands of others tifiTW'tcstrinony is a matter of
record, t Ayer's Cure Book is sent free by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass.
Send for it if you want to know more of the' power of lhe« pills than is
proven in the following testimonials.

Stats Mews Itaas.
lb* penpei'ty of Hartls U Sweet of
Graad Rapid*, wboae ahaire are ia Ue
haodeclUe-Miehl^Tiast Co-, will
be sold aader frreelcBare. September 3.
lliaclades bwecl'i hotel, raload
•Uo.ooa Hecasaeto Hicbl
rblgaa ip IMI
aad bailt Bills al g*ii
Rapids, and at oae* had a BilllagBoaepaly. Atooe time be war rntod at
tram CM.Oue to fisno.lWO. bat aaforlaUs post ten
■t left hla I
Hnbaeariy eighty ym(a of age.
Sdwy C Eeld. eteretery of Ue Stale
Hcrilealtorel Society. atsM that U*
appireropis Mlcbina. while light,
WlU b* U* bmrlmt to aay state east
■I Ue R -cky B-n-1-ift* Alraady tbae*
b a brisk deastod (or Us early rarteUm. wakh kriag from M emta to W


fewer pills that you take the better. It’s ajgrrav.nting to take pills that don’t

•• I ssfiend aeorly all ay Id* wkk hi
alaoet all tbe cmbsrtic iraiiiMs ad«cn
obulMd fiem ibe m* cT Ucs* pMi
b« rfiamd a prtateBsai cae."
R. C. STODDARD. Ui.'bi. Q|>. '
“ I WM HI for MB* Ume witk lircf ImM*. My hack a_______
ydew at ssfirar; I taesar uasU* lo do aiy work, sod *t IBM wa ccafocd to ay bed toe
WeakteaerewicbeplBMsaax. I eomamcod Be e*t cd Ayw'* KIb sad hm Urn bsl
Bboscorada*. I ewe ay prat g>od kmltb to shell am sad I aa aora witeeiit Um.’

WH.VAkXbY.'ftabHrfite.Tma. '

1, 18M.

w* Baw Tnh Tribaaa
a tottlwaklp aad aa amarad Upaan.aaJ t
•dUoHol aalaaaa tooteted
toa to ia ad
aratoar to Maalla.
Wat Wb raranaaat ahoald rateto
TTtoa aahod to arpnn hit par
tto PbUipptoaa.
optaloB oa tto qatatloa «* **f. ^
Itaew wall tl a Haw of Wats
wtoa to aalaeted Waa. aad bb aUoetD*wap loabai at tto olan aad ttrtpao iBraaa}e*llpef tto eoaaltatea who



lutten of Oonorml Intoreot

Aptoeeatto^Laaola. tto faabtoaabla

Oo. M.*> <tedltlML-Oeo8 to


of Ito PbUpidpe tapItaL

Hoao.—SoTorol aadaBld;





-I top* U will dp Iton faranr."



Ckwaralar tto «rorii of tba aarj at
Maalla Ito odalral aaild:

raoM n. m&rrtms.

tooUaCP. Cab*. AaftM lA 'M
Hr. Paaob Oalaaa. Tnnrn Otp.



pro^ Abtanlip.


op bl* ran aad abrk U ao It aaa to
at tba btoobfal attaaer la wbl-.b
ntarp Alffar m ripidap bd tba nd
foaad. Wa took a lai»e atoat af Ua
aad traapU»rdowB tbaarap rarala- aad cot hi* paw, raaldeeea aad
blaor hit arrlral hrn- 'to eoa- paap aad tto daU of bl* d«aW io it
aad aU an detor wall.
dilioa of affairt baa iatpmrrd io a Boat aod Ballad U to a board ao a* lo kaap It
erdiaarp oBaaar. Ur bat doM
td oracUd It at tto bead of bia grare.
K. W. BaanauC
r'to blwaelfaa woll am pood to
Wa hwk the eartrldrta eat of LI*
V. Melatash wind Captala
totbara. boj.baa borrlflrd ibr narllarta bait aad »taek tbow la We fnaad ea
pntotdaj aaktof Uw If it
• of aeroaa.
ut Ibear^ aad baant aa rxawplr of
toatfartorto r> to Cawp
i-K ol tba
i tbape

•n. itata. i*b»=s u. n'
------ :---------



trltate a> far as pnmlhle to tto wall ba

nm nnrniiT nuu rs«x:
I ed to auuDUIa it* Brnraamut aad da
I fmid iu Bag. aiv tbxxiarfa We alwapi
^ i
of "HexbBa ail.
j rer uurt dm*) i tar" pWd al ttodia
]ml of W>-all m aod tbr furvirorr ta
a MOTH a, iuad.siaair as u> iaaan Wr

dabcotkrt «hbh Wrp did '
a S toha aad Bd. Oaapb'H
V. Rtab, WlllieB
loan, r J Mraeb. A. J. diroad. F.

ef 4to MIeh.. .
Uraad IVoranr—J A Lwaarar. W.
Hr Data Baorwa-U la ^Ib tto
Wa ton lakaa aa tm- Boat pnftoad rarnt that I ton to ia- W. tlBith, A L. Tbaratoa. to C. Laaeh,
W. CIpd*. J. a. Hoaro*. Lowall
In witbaai Ito loai of a aaa. tot I ferapoaof Itoakkaaaaaad dnU oi
r. L DnlL i. L Uibba
■ proadtat «f ap wa. No latr p.nraoa Oaorr*. lie fot potooaed o*
IMvMt tmt h* «e*d
to mrr
Kalhatka-^Bapln dUua. T U Aalaadna onr aaarablad. ao tar at par. tba baoda^ad taea with tow klpd of
Mr U Uh toaalltr. «be win to «la^
piriaoa wnd aad it broka oat pnMp aaraoe. iamaa A Draka.
toftoaaaMMfa tha huda «t toa
Loalaaaa-WillteB Dalaall. A I
bad aad to wa* dw .
BelUacor. WilliaB P. Nebea. Job
tor* who wan torr*t> <<w Spaalab
Heatoak Polai. N. .V.'. A>mt »- aboataaraab. aad
toUala baton flaaUaro:
with a avdarial frrar. aad 1 tod bia Oailp.
ta • paratMl latU^^Uast H<
Wealead. Prwi. A Dlcr<a*. I
Om# WIket Mtotoak, H. V-darni KlBlar.Uatonl JaakVbaelcrbM wrti tahaa to tto toapital wban W^p tod
naa. A H. Webber. Joarpb Brbbol
Ua that tbe Twlt at toenlarr Alfar Blet badefor blaaad Udp aataaa: aad.
bp tto wap. tto doaior to eharp* of A E Uaabtoa. P. F. Powaca. O.
■arUatar. Wallan. Beotaua. UcHaakDIfAi-a
enrpt axpnaa
la faof propl* who
Oe Botloa tto nport rraa aeoept
■aaBdOhaa. taiU aurtod tor khab
tbtof to eeoU tar Ua tot wa* uaabl*
aod adopted.
itaaianacatocatafaBalnat Camp to briap bia throapA
Tbaooapaapeaaaonr todap to to
WihoS an baawiaf wilb fratlfitattoa
“I aa

Tk* telkivlM Mat

Mf« tr«>
W«ka 1» M
•40*^ W/ko*. wfll pran at fmt

-------- —r arrrtood Mexkaa la­
bor. wfaiWltortUiampBaadajdcdtto

A. 9.

A J.Jlatr.
ha* aod C B.
tto oalp dabffatea
*l aad bad oo iradaalbla Oe
3B ttop ratn allowad ante to tto
aOonaUoe wlW parabaloo to 111 the

(TMsatfimrt Wwrs ta cterrmiU rt apse-.
tcBsi rWi ro Mmms mads bp thr rrtue
*uH^^I«BMV|^i»|amaul,rscr tbs

<mlp h
o|4r dr
la aaur n-si*rts tto cold staodarf
Is to as .<TsTatbn to Hnior

"SUm b We Doeirp of tto aoBuB
3pto" bauaibitnipetateturtit toasp
yriAU ta pJd. tto-nsniinc* rd all
u* made to ocnaertiau with .tbo adc lu'dasertn a____ *j____________■
Tocaeprt ttotmcrtuarvid silviPtotto
ai <d c-dd lali
Oaited BteUa. "Coiipcr U Uu- miaxp
fcrtbur pH,os
of tto oaaiBim people to Mexinv " *• h , yi>- lowrr
lowrr fwi.,r
on a p-ilrt losto aud ho■ ■nr-nm'.suiipanytofinuUi.mastc.
Btede rcUtlrc to this onoatTr. whore all 1
ruls-s l,y rt-r.-r>*i<v tn Uir fa<-t «i.««
We pnaaibillUia Ilf trw ailriT tore
la.irtain am,-am to Mvsi.-an *U• For as tl b a
wbii'b tlu p toll yna ts.alp m> much
to Amort.wh lu.stp <r paid. The par-


tnii>isnaiinti i

•adWrlfbtafa to tto Mpital.

aaal, aad Ito ordor ol btetoaaa at

aaa ■ wa wUh (Ika aonpaap bat Hal*

rlad cel.
_______________ .
A K. Ooarbartp aad J. A. Lonarrr
We a. called omnmoo isvpic
____________ _
'araappolBtadtellaiBaad W*
emUToia wirthlmthaniaic-balfacent Inll.^
took We otW otono.
la Aai.T'
The ronwlttea oa molatloat n
ad at follow*;
laUiriiiit petqjo liiU.- prticio* .if tto tbo daily a.
of lb-tiTOblk. as
Uay rui af- Wr ralw .d io«i aud mal aud
fetd to baparoiua.loa]< to quiuitilMte to tto >*> <d
.d Ito f.nw
orr ms
npMalaUr*a bare
b* cold at I tawfvaob. aud Us-r I«.r in tnYpu-ut aud
Hsiiiontl'.-I.T. Wi.k. a*
benbp deelan; Uar I
Wb wap cam, two ir thnt |> of to tto .oa,- .*
Ito- tiiaa
dacMc la aad gdelltp te
laid, toaua, pi'ppm. pntat.s*. f.rua- who liiiU lu I
of Wa Bepablioaa parip aa
tnea. <■- as tto jditanm Wop [sssm
ibr »L LoaU platfoTB aad pencil
W-IU isTmlt Btolltrf o«i Is l.mictat aiiBrtsv of aup momp in Mtoto. aave
aeU pmerred tbruarb Wr larislaUoa
and anld lij tto qoart. emt id wht.h tto Wr rb wn .tlv.-r. I'r.n tb-syHi We .scAc msj d^ltp of W* preaaat ooa^
tcrtUlas an mado ttouirb Is-itw tsillod potalirti for wbir'i > ' -i|. rre-’e-* ll»
and onutod. aud bsk.d wh.u mu.d rrtorus to todd aud adjust* lu busimso
pledrreonUaacdcff.rta la b half
wllb water, eud wbi.-h with U-aid: f.rm W lliat lost*. Tb.- Utart-r. to the to ld*.
tbr AmaricBB proUeilre tariff apttrB Weir almrwl esolasiro aril, li- id f.ssL W.-arllsaus lu Ito- mb..).*, tbr d.dl ItoaaO tb* maleUBaae* of tbr pmaai to.tto cmie traiiaai-tiiius.d tto btartiic
ffstMlw.wvvr* al Ito'l.smii aod to Wr
r>iid Boaeterp a^dord.
tuBoa* «d Hndou It is kM.uu Wat a bomn. and to- who fniro itoytixbl P.,
Wr declan ear coaBdeaea aad pride
(micHiBSe U lumk- that it is ii.d i-ooipat. dark np.mlto rtr.s-ls atnl biKbwwrs ol I
lAand lopaltp te Wa > ■ '
' and csanplrt.'d to-ttoir r>.|ir>-r n-uta- Ito; nqiiildii- ta-an bani.-o* ap.a hi* I
aalloaal tffair*.
loninprr luo*
ls»-k llJut a hir*.- woaM niai Un wieb
dni McK.Blrp and bb adrte^L ^oar
la aad lore
tor W* aoldiera. n
—all Wr--. UU.ops. tanum aud m.- '
tecUoa, wbo
cardlete of partp or
. ol
chauu-, an- tto- tr.*. .ilv.w serrauu of I
bare rarrted
Ito adrontu* of free isimaioe*rrte< tto ABcrbaa dap to
lead aadan la oar war •
torp apoeD li
Vullrd 8uii<'i to UiTald Wo rwalts <1
rntiflnUnp Wat pa
bpalB, aed
Weir ariwh<d eomi
sT*t,-m. as Tto r.- is iKi rtowjt siIt.t in Urxt.*> l.r
____________d opoa term* pmei
ahowD bp exprriotioe
tto-wcrkitunurii irtto-ir tauiilirm Tl-T
aad iaeUtrd op.>B bp tb* Pmidaal
ttourpoWep afaimbl be aa fnrtbiT )«>-' ci..' llic taualaiil laUr of tb.-ir Uti- (•«
tto United Huua.
sUfp a C.'w iMui* o.m- w> abrauk'V to xalar
We *1*9 desire
sire lo extead te Uoi
aud task addid fargr for Ihoir nuias i.< lueviy prevrul stonraWo. to <renUtade
Piarre* We deffroamf
—.--------- ,--------{rartaiinitu! o«m*o aa Wo lu.m. y of
erlp dor bin. tor bbrffnrte
bb rfforte aad
ai a
d.T Hull Hexteu lump to |r.m'Ulmed as
aalfara of We colt
la aeakiar We welfare
till- nnl'inr |s.Ms-»sr .d pniapmtp
.. ..
.iMrae.aad for bit rxaoldier* of
tlirmnh Its rvl-i blc-suip* of true all'vt
dreire Ui ank only tba bni
to tfa<-ir effuris b. rtvale opissUtlaa and rtoni' lalsjr.
rw>d^oll-*peopl*ofMi«hir*» lo bb te the pivseiilxu.iaetarp etuudard «f lair
iaoloiki di-uuiu-iali.di of
°*We dcilrr further to note oar ap' naa and traeU aad
I may
proral of tbr um-te1 rrcord of tto Boa.
»l(^a aa II It «
n.rt ta- awuim.l Ihal 1 am m.-o ly «1nlJ C Uerrow* as t'olted htetaearnator.


Ml*. J.
WMtO to

TtoeapUlB wind baeh that

ba wta baUar aad waakl

ralarltp that tb./ .' tr «


Wblla ’Graenl .Vnr 1 a ban al
work lant. klri: tblBT'op . tto boa(dtalatilin ••• eoato -tarp a d qaar
. ■( a.l.
tan'. k>l»a*i Utr>i.
jnIwdaratolMtbattowaaall rlfhA n .i'D -u.'iib. iuM ra^'lnp Ilka
atart far boM Oatardar.

rapart that Oladar waa


pmad to to arroaioaa. at a talarnw

OharlaaB. KaU naritad tba aawa el.Mr t'lr-r 'h .><hrr portion*
eau.^ I

.M fnatlla

Moataak Mat todap.


pact to laare ban la a few dapa aad
wbaa we p*L|h tto b^laa 1 will aaad
Tb* eoapaop. a* wall a* aptalf.

tbalbltbral^ Sltawarth waa

alto aad to will protoblr laan

barled Wat taeali
tore bia p.r*aaal • Berta aad will aead
Wra topoB. wUb ao laraatorp of Wa
I* aad W* aaaaat of pap ha bad


Vaatardap Dr. I. A. Tbotopaoa lafi
Utaalap if tb* aoerWtarp bad
torDatnltto rlaU Uanrtor Plafn* toad* bit rWl two waokt apo’ '
ftoaoftto moat aatoalahlDf of bit
vllkaaiawaf taodartof Ua aarrleaa
dltoonrtaa. aad oat whieb mad* Mw
traa of atom to atolat to eariap far
ladlpaaattbaeaapathar.U Wat
tto to-aiton at Ooapabp ■ «ha an aaordtrwblrh h* Itaard to dorcaoa
mtaCatoA Ba will toaka tba }<m*p
oeAac lOlaat. aatber.*lar and dlnrUac aad leal oi
aiblaawa aapaaaa.

Calaati aad taallp. aad poa caa Ibbt
Ip* bow I fnl lapriar bon tor boau
witboat Maorfo. B* wa* a food artdler and alwapt raadp aad rrlUiPC to
doblt datr. Doaaatterwbattt wa*
Parer bad lo toll hbp We taeood time
V> do aopWlor aloee to jAaod Bp
^How. Hr. pad Mr*. Calaaa. dop't
worrp ab*at bia or hi* barlal plaea. at
Wainp to foaad at aep Uw. It b
apopahm to aJUUer^n. I will tall





r*Ob la eharr* told BoenUrp Aim
Wat tto raaaoa wbp tto tick aoldiar*
bad to ro Wra* dap* rrtWoat bread
, Or. Ballot BntoaHarboraato* bon wa* Wat tto bakarp waa aot arartad
atowlabodtofBoadatpUtto koapl- ia Uw. aad tto faall wat laid upoa
qaarUrBBBterliraenl Klatoll.wbok
tal aata tto Hlohiraa bop* wan ant
IP New York Bp
tow atol to bn aat bon parmitiod to Qap^ Alcer'e dlraetloa* Elaball wat

Ato* alto to

ilrond of tbr
KI*o«B Wat Captala Helateah aod -rain te*
oicbMaa priretn worala Itohoapltel. people of I lliblrao la bbofli lal art*.'
H W. Kbicxibk
BBorU wan aode to'laare who W*
of the commit
bat ttop werr
eb offered We fidlowiar a*
attaoied with' a
leal tu W* report ol We


froa rarioasseBtocBBioUac that brp

«*ll iBllriiluallp aad th' mm
etdaradtoeapd a fall baklac oatflt to
brpl hot la endraror* lu d .d oat
HeaUak Bolat bp tto trat traia. Ba wbn the tick oan ware Tbr am*r«l
Hostaak PolaV Aa««tt M-Tto
npip Wat tea dap*
Wat came b >re We welcoBe Udlof -U
Tblri).(oortb wwflnBaaorailao ea
aod oatbtp wot eaaaJ ap auBOiMdiaf ptoloMap.
Tto toOB wan
Aioner tboar who trlecrBpked b-Maa
etna antpaan bp Oatoaal Uad aad
Th'lteaaaadpptonaUfpUra. and It
are HarUa Wiaele. tteorrr l>-pl*.
Mr. Ktatto(. PI** baadnd toarebad
larpaootWat ih* bakarp whieb'D-. Dbk iloat^. Will B..l.'ru. wbo auted
ta fall aqaipaMBlalewlp aad* ptlafallp
tepe baa boea watc >lar *o aa*- itot Fraok Hark* waa oa* ol tha-.abk
mm Ito UBB«tottoaato^.aaa alia toaatp for hat beep Iplar lo Wa fnicbt
bataotaerloaa; Bd Kewtoa. D<b Marfor orar a waak. aad Wrr.> b ao
bapaad wkanttor
Balph HaatlBfB, OiUi Jf'pelka,
ttoa. Tto hartal tarrtot to tod bara OTidaaaeWat to tor arer tokaa We Jobatoou. Buorar Laacaater of W*
ibla to ipqaln for IL Tbb Ilia*- Hoabtee oompaop.aad Caa^la Wbll
Tto laato aaaatar baa ao aoapaUtlOBu
Into* tto laeoapatoBcp of tba we aap of We Ueaktroa eompaop. who'
Ibinion prkaa an blyb.. B*atoa Barwho ton baoB ehorrad wlW tto tan wired bb faWer.C L Whltsepaterraid
bar. (tolanat, MarqulUi aad ottor at W.0M llna.
of W* aarlaB ttot b* rrpA all rlcbL
Ito aaantorp baa dbeorarad Wat Veelordap aaoWar a
Oft ^ tram
ten b BO toopdrp bora to traah tto
knU aed pillow eaaa* froa tbr.booDatrolt. Aacaat M.—J. A. Orawall.of pltol: ktot Ur. Corwowl, Wa aarpooe
baa Barer aod* aep arraara. Boarfalaa. ertowaatraaaaUpto Heaaeala to'prerld* bek wator for baWtor
taab Potot lalifnaba Oaaarwr Piatto patleal* to bb boapltot Tbraa
ftaa that ordan to taad boat* BraOo.b
Btet laportaat prorbloa* will ba
at Ito -nilrtp toartb rrfImaol wll
tookad after laotedbulp.
Iba fnicbt houae Bad expraat oBj*
bat to waato to kaow It tbap eae-l'to ban an boW pa^rd to fall of boar*,
balta. bomb aad baakala Wat'ao
paid tdf aad aaa| bow Btfiantor iV
CM be Uhea to.
Huet of Wa
paekaceaanaddrraaed to prirpla anl-

Baaolrad. That It b We ■ate of Wl
tba lr»l.
arraUoe Wat Bambar*,
latere aad
aot trarel o
wa nil apoB the lec-i
blaiara at Ite arxt smaloa te pea* a
atnareet- law p-olilhitlar W* Imalar.
pad atlnr of
I aot adopiod.
Oa potloa W* report of lb* cummU.
'lea on rrailatloa* waa acerpted and
Tb* next baaijieB wa* the pmretUea 01 aaaie* for BOBlaaUoos. Upoa
Weeall ofeeaetlea J. A. LoraSc*
Uned Trarane preaaated We usIT.-----Jamte W. Hllllkea aad WIllUs Mean
of Cbarleroix pnaaated W* aaate of
WillbB Harrta of that ooaatp. Upoa
We ballot beInrtpreaAWe malt traa
as follow*:

iiut to i4in-> I', imir jr. judm- it
.. to We ttvi'odoaih'<d
atoaiW to vx].bbud Ibat M. si.*. Im*
would pn-tiat and prnrid.- apilitsi (be 1*11.1 aud U layiiui lita ml suliudits K
lop Was ro Botavly |srirnp. If rto- mlnaita. iimuutot-iuruqi |.taula,
Bnp troth wtoUtxT to W.-lr a*- l.n-w.-nrs. and .-..-rr ..tber doirm*
aortiixia and amumi>ll.*u. It ab-mldbe W.' or .ntid.-MrBhl.- InduHiy-, m iu.lividmade apimn-ul m Moxiou wbirv tto uala may rl.-w ttovu Bt.-u tto Umst <d
iptlero Itoy iss-k ba* alwa.v* |«>'VBi|e<| <-h.wp- latair. rich and uiii1,-v.-Jm|.,1 reand earb yIko.w as U lua.v iiraraa bar* taKUrr* mud W.- awmniMi bh-seiiurs of
btva filrru aniuienaptid op)srtiinltp frvvI-..iiiam' 'd tue ►•uffirt.ul
f«r experlrune to ai-tiim aud to offta-t
|u\-nml Ito- amitutl |ayu--ut frusu
aa (otto tarts in
- U.xicmu i|v*>dir)' in aroia. iyim*il
Wat dlreoticxi, boireriT. roo.als of lu nin.-h a* <si.-f.-urth <d it*
of affairs to Hoxlni dksU d<s-l<lodly Ito ctiim- rastjaiu rissHtus |.i nilopp>wtt.',if that wltiob tl bus IsYaitawd- taaids al.asY and tto- ftr| Wai many
leln-r mlnwd rtiarttrs haw tom isatod
oiil. m-.-.imiimyiii|t |0«i,-r<Hw rabsidlie
■ rxta^
iu wUiu.m lo Ibr xm-namrat situ UvTto tmuklnr I
am of Uoxicob idily UH.wcd nriuna otto-r par.
Hu.l •smlrollMl bp paM l<-av.w it iu« B luattrr .d sOTJiriw
to adillliKi lu Hsanins! Uiud* lu Wr
two lanu fhn'oruau'Ut faiinsl iiisrlnit iiinri>-Wu.iiuii.iaio fur We
tba*. Ito Uauk td Umd.«. and Uoxi»>
aad Wu Nailiaial tbukof M.'xlcsi. Tto pB.riii.-nt of tuilrw.1 satad.ll.-* a* wa*
M.'xioi lias town mmpdMexlnn povoiuiuuit Uwmw u. iOi-i r«r. di*u' ill
adii|d aud umlntein a sysirm uf
•nunoiil Lol'w nor o-<in o-rtiSoat<sk l»
1 irohaUy tto- m-ed .-'insedH. <d
lunetiuo <d issaiuc Irp-al lindor paptT
hriM di'l.'KXt.'d to Oio laiiks alsire auv Iiaiirti to rxist.-uo- wtoa omimnd
aamni. Wu ]irprr rm-alati'ci uf w bicb Willi valuatirtislu'.dvtdau.lltoamuuul
b (tBaranb'ed by Ibepivi-nimrul-i "ninre «d bnsiurss K>-toU"-tu Wr
are stale banks.d issm.aswoU. bei ttop Uai.U atan*. joi-iiii'SmsI. i| aim
*00 no* *u farovsL and tlu-ir qutiwan ta- said Ihal Ito-y w.rr arid al a die
acu-ptud tmly at a disroauL ox<ttic,pcr. eouut of lit* |mT c«il, towriiin S {xr
baiw to Ito Immedial.. lisalilpto Wklcb cvul totm'rt. and w.**, gaarauti'id Ly
tbep are taaoed.
Th«s< f.-w favired li> -jm-r <s9ii of Wr .'ostixum i*c:diptai. to
baok* are- ponaltted to Iskbo u.a.w cu a.l>lm‘*i to lb., sol-idh's BTBiiladtbe
Wm timn We ammnl id Iheir fiaid ap orpinlr and Individual lulersrt* w> facapital. We only added miairvni.'nt U.- Y.rtd bavr thi-tr federal tax.-s'rFBillted
toff that ttoir depwils shall bo uqiwl to fur tto- term td pepm nnurtd lip Ito-ir

0< the luppir of tobacco prprided hr the Go'
fcach the caiapt of the U. S. SoUien.

WUn ituL......., fighting—tra^t^—wfuclinc
iniUntlf relieves that dry taste in the ritouth,

Pemember the name
when you buy dSdin.

Th« Ceirbrstod SperiilirU,

Hotel Whiting
Turmc Cm. Miob.

Saturday and Sunday,
Sopt. 24 end as. >98.
CooBulUtion mid BxamlDAtioo Preo and Stiietip

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

Tars- sSsars assWrk.rali smi. -n.s rail nni
■ -

tribau Woaa Wtoc* aaoer Wa tnn*

MoWla, Ala.. Aaratt ta.-1b* Mobil*
baard i< toalib lodap

coeclBiloa caWered frota We

aariua* a oaacar >* Wat We b ,pt
Waablactoa. D. a. Aaraak r.—Tba wore with taticae.laeaS iteat food.lack
Baaanaabq^B ta aatUad, aad Wa of ftooBBoAaUoea aad tto
all awpted. Tto of tto laar ropar* from Cob*, and that
noae of eartoldlars arc aerloaa^ aiek
It bqalte pnibabl* Wat prep4ntloa*
a White of tto Sapnai
for We fueloarb'pcOBbod wiU .hwrla
aba* foUorra:
wmua IL Dap. pnaeat aaerataip at Camp W;


Bairaaiaa. Tbw.aad Praaklla. La..

•daoaa aadi alae wind Oonraor Jaba■a tba atat*
Maalla. Aaf^tl.tto aUltarp CP»araa of Haalla. «rlU

fatata. etatlratb.
aaU ea tto traaapart 0*1a* laaadbteSaaator CaabaOB K. Dart* of Mlaao9ta. ebalraaaAf tto toroira ralatleat
Tto Repabibaa toaatertal eeaeaaIp teeaubaateaaar at Hear Kow.
, UoB tor We RW dbtriet met at l^taaffe
of tto toe
Hall at » p, ». Taaadv
WlW Atodnl Dawapto aaid to had^i„ aaabaraf tto --TalnTT^ ealird teordar.-lB We abteaee of We
baa* adrtaad bp tto aarp ArfartaaBt' faralca ralaiioa* of Wa Bante.
^IrBb* of lb* Senatorial OBmiltee.

i r'

S/SMSl. CSM.I-s. w IM. ..

Slate Mew* luaa

rtu rnira ooMBnaioa

' aa aoaoaaiot pallow irrer at

Tb* early (mat b rettaar <a II* dead­
ly work la maap psrUof We atat*.
OraadBa Ball, who died at Ter^
Lako reeeatlp. al The are o'9* pcara
aad » auioWA -ss tkc oUaat reaideat
to AatrlB eoaatp.
Wblte retarwtar boae frOB FraakeaBBlhSaadperMlaf. Albert Viaaetto
aectoentlp rrt bU Irr nlaafflad to Wa
wheel of bb barer. Wnwloc him oat
aaddmcrlarblB a coesldetabla dbAaae*. teartar We Aaab froa bb bff.

• w* pho-

ippw* qaeatteu.


h k raffarded

AAmlnl Damp nblmi to rapip. fflv

ta« kb* Mlart pumibU fatamM»k,

te Saat*torp Lot«

kroraf boUlar W*

of kk« alkaaUeo pertaal partuf W* Pb


tatolrad blB te nmala ban. whwa
rtalmlar W* wbob preap
Wm b maW wark eat te do.
Ha l^'kaaa an Ibaater Daria aad Fry* aad
dhtahi Wak bb aqaadna abaoM ta '*^‘*****^


MEBaalad taatraaffW.aad ba kMaa- WawiTaivmMbaad‘kn^ttii^b^

u.. s ,s

pciTBliar borne far'Ciur pdicy. t» ban
Ihal the rrc-al inmi eunuoK fnuebim
w oiBmduo* of Mexico an-mliiesr mrv-toa
laylar carntwy-d Ito csmiitryat Its
dapnrbuci mark.* valae. aud itaroafA
lanatmaiu made and wbk<-b paid to
Mib cheap oam-n.- f
.jja ml ii
cine aa asesaal.idtsutax. •/ wLioh ii
to* art failed u, faily» itmlf.
Ito amrt railway sy-4<m> of tto-Cltj
id to Lnuka. and Iti


hod Box 160.



r.-i-raiKtcnt. am]
warf of liublic

HHiUnt>i-<i nnilcrwllint; liiui ffainrd for tui tba n*>

\Vi. rnaltr no jillr boaul when wp emiAi^
biT hooiu- retoi]* aK-rcbandiae ao rb^p. Wd
(Yimi>etiliin <Rit of Uic race-oi>|xirtnDiti«a to
tinyen not at'nmrti ■■Immhr'Tr.
L'nd. rbuyinif
I'lcnolIiDR ia tbd
ats-rt-l of 111. w..i.<l. rfiil ralpia wo piutiDOaily tdTrr.


■ bai

Befiininf lilli liint 3011 le Sltrl Uu SiU RiUiif
with rin'b n; xihI Sh * int' l)i>‘ iitllbncuw
D.i not waate poortnoDd/
^<>11 fancy iiaim-s nml Um'-} |>ri.-ca,
Tilirtl mcrrliaiidiiK- hiichly Uxi4
ia n it witliiij cor ilunimin. fi.sal,
1. boD'Wt
b»D'«t mere
mr-rcbatulim-obtain^ for
ll «
t-aab w:jukl In
.... ------- .... jroais, our
palpin* aixl fri>-Di1a at |>ri<-ea
a wbicb
wliii-b have pot
not their w{ual iu the 8Uid
e n
nam<- 'below.
of Miefaifnia. ■ few of abicb we


JdO Ctiililrea'a Sat'oet Saite, 4 to 14 yc*ra of atfe. ewrb,

Bon'l'iiiim ('aMaimcre Buita. anDaldbabie «t, *«/:h...............^
Boya. hta'-k Twill Kuitn. oeitt aud dm«), fur.....................................
Juvenile Suiia (H pirtxr 1 uratly btiiidt<) a world bepUr... .
JbveiiileS.pieu- Soit-x ol imported Kortcb Twee^-beanii-

, fully trimtued. to tor ipatrbed ebrwbere at
oor pfkd
'only........................................ ......................................... ,...J.......................^298
SS Boya' double l.rvarted, all wool Boa Clay l^ita. 16 ox.; a
ronelemxiion civator at..........................................j.. 2 68
4b Boca .Suite, msrtkjv^all aixtw. iiuiiehcd oat of ft aad 92.S0
all wool Cbcnota aod Woratedo, locIom at.................... f 29
52 But-a' SaiU. a-i two alike, op to 9 yeara. conkutiAK of Worato
dm and CaMimerea, fortner price* from IS-AU to fU.60, to
40 Brrt*' Suita, the rream of ouralock. imported Tweoda. fiadat
of Wiinitoda and (^aaeiaterea, former price* from 54^ to
96; we are bound to cioae them oat and the moring priod

I 89

taud-*mettv>palU Tto-drrtric Uebt apa(terVrta
i. th*
W* ; sHlI
**"' ,y Is owutd IO tomdiBu
Hcmteivp and MexinD Calf taiiwap b Lm** OU^:
We >opmp<d B.-touo atoxkbobt^ Arrive Elk Rapid* .
Bon' cuod oolid Kebool Sfaora. oixda 24 tb 51.
tto Mni,wn Central, We mom toupor- Ue»»» BIX RapMa..
teutnilwavid Ito lr,mhlto t. priori.

•t. ................................................98c, I 28. I 38. I 48Tt3ToO
patlp owurf
a to
m Busum;
ousua; tto
tur Mrxma
Toath'*8b«ea.aix<«l:ito2. .85c. 4 00. I 15. I 28 End I 48
CaemaTaca aud Paritir railway b nWB- ,____
ChUdaSho«,aiaeat4to 12...75C.85C.98C. I OOand I 10
ad to 0*TB. aud .d the other raitiaad*
We want to call apacial atlealioa to oar ''UcantHtMii'' Bw,
emtarrta Cammat he Casad
at kb* nrcblic. u.« all <d abkcb to toarsOidHwiaa
Oradcmtlab-l. A. Uwaafor. Oraud
Mexico eqaal Wr milraar Id Wr atoffb Arrtr* Elk Rapid*
mode dxpreoaly for aa. and we have the rxclaait-e aale ai tfadoi in CUa
Tnearar: HUItaa Mean. Cbarleroix;
rr^y*•*!« td Kans**, Wr emtiomod more UaraDa Rapid*
I region.
We bare them for Women, Uiaaea, ChiidreB, Boya Mad
Wtlllaa D^:i. Laelaaaa.
^ ,,
u,;r.te-. BmU-s u bald to Baalaud. CsBamap c* cfa* Arrie* Old Ml-*',
and they are the atroogert and fiont obapaa for the low |tla«
Calud SteU*. What
iSN—ta so tes ss__ .
^ni-oms sstems—. vBlMdotetow.
via aa appertaaitp te
t HertMtU* Co.b I we aell tbeoa at that waa er^r offer«l ia this eity. Bea them.
Boalaeoa—-A. B 0>arb*rtp, Aatrim: A.
U Tbamtee. Onbd Tnrartei
______eotoaiR' at alive* at X;W p. m.
Ba* will *lao eeaue..
NmaA Cbarierata.
le to I arittomi ttoaid wiw ktotat iiAa*. m Fnitear 1*111 .The aboed at* botdrops ia tbd bocket Trade with the larfOik
Xaswa-mtesri oliktes tess teste pmiterfm. _
F. Powon OadDlae; H. W NawUrfc. Aalriat; ampn jjjat Mt«*r|Nn*ta*llmim|da«ct rtMta ^
*'■ ■■ MMIalaaf maj rtharaatfa r^^',

Tto Bteoiaiac<Ul* Mtlliar On -a .boar
mill toned Saudap atffbt. ----------«>aak^
AwrbUJaatleeB D.WUteet tto bp C. C Jeacka. ol K^hamka. wbo'Habbard aod Wlllbm W W. Wbiteep
aakad Fred. A Dirria* cd Oaddlae. te|
We owama. Lo*a rii.lM. famarad
o Man kPB* bp W* qalekaat '
k^bair. teapMwHip. i. L. Glbta of , tor *T ono ia the Hlcblraa. Oblo A ladlor kb* parpoa* of «


l—ukr—sif n-'Skt-'n lerw

DKS. B. S.& CO.

ODe-Wlrd_,uf UH'iroutes ima<sL They
Th-r. to Dotetow CTBntry tai ibe ffl'Ac
tn aliu js-miitiisl lu lixui to.any lo
maa Uarrb.................................................I«
I wliu'b orymmiiois an- w> fanrid
Itogorenmirtit at e pirml Int.-na*.
>B aptiao^Hr.
Hr. Mil:
Milllkea'a noBlaa- Tto Bank of Loubm and Mexieo b
>d Bsaopuliiw p> ihuuitiaul a* to Mexn la view <d itos*- (w-to We pm-teom
principUlp owM by Enslisb aud Ger­
dr^'HilUkcB aad I
Wta rerp alek ergaalac tto oatoa
man capl^bca.and it* capital stiwk i* that We fro- nriiiai.*.' rd allrw b a sp*
Ito toilern-Iiortrd to be flO,<100.00(1. The capital
aad pet la tto botpital. Came off W* taatfor aad a|
tps-kof WeNaWcul Banked Mrtiru U frta c^to- IS sum.a ps .fd.- as>aimm>l ««■
Hilllkea crmoelalip
boot daiartop. Am aew able to alt ap.
(rtvoial|3«.000,UHi By nw-*i .d tto bih| luuo' is suivI.t a
HaehbeUer. Will po hoi
a* eepted W* boeor. Waekiar lb* <
duI^wa-iui'XUuvaaautaDiliro-l li
eaa tnrpl.
‘ raatioo aod pledelac bU taial eS.rU prirllniva ttop ptsmsa Ibiwo l«uk* are
- ■ltd lo atow dlridrt(.ds afsai even
fto Ito rood ol ki. dblrlcl. Mr Uairb I
CaVT. J. V. NcIanaB.
capital Wop pruclatm vt
SorcMa WilhrlB of We Thirt
as ipaeefullp accented bb defoak tram 16 lo 35 prr nnt. U is lh.n-f.ra
foarW bad boea report* 1 aldt. tot b
pledrlar blmaelf aad bb frfeada te a not nwiOBry to fnntor aoiOKrt ttiat
dlaTaaeottaiadaboatttoeiBp. wbbb paraaia aad nlatim won ebted I
lupal and bcarir aapport af Hr. Hilli- Wore ia ooWlaff tiitoroni iu Wo fm
> as area toar or Ira ailee rqaare
eolnaffe of aUrtr to pnarai ra-jg-mocia
M afuroooa orar Wa fellowiac:
Proa We odor It b apaanat Wat
peoAU for bank* aad haak.-n. Uu tto
Ab allricbt, H<p alert for boa*
atap of Waa ooateto aapplir* of fr«U wlWla a oaak.
Mted ms l.dlo'Tt:
J. H. Wiian-M
pad ottor food ktaat baa b .n taet bp
W. Newkirk. Caatnl


^ . au-k HmterW. PUB. Taps Wrnm. M-

<iI-tasST»4!: To rsrs sssr, iw.- or 11,.^

Oae wblefa wte partleo
eae peaterdap afteraoo.
tin Melatoab:
ToUr*. J.V. Helateab:

itolered eeea at boat and U IpiBf
Aboat Wm o'clock tba followioc Laka
rat nealrad froa l.laateBaat KIbBotb:
Brarle-D. U Haller. Fiaaktort.
Datruih Aoroat ap.-Pi irate Ba*p of bon Bpolllaff. Tbo asprea* onpaap
HIT which tto iBiotir alway* piw
Obap WpkuB. Moataak fSilBt. Aafbo* BO faeillUn for dellrrrlar tto
Cbarleeola—P. W. Mapaa. Crarl.*
B-s ore* We weak wbon- valaiw an
tto Tblrtp-faarth ^wat arrind
rente aad tto qaarwrwaur who ooa- min—J. W. HaaBca-tood ou two mix.
anematoaad Im cr fcaui Wmuxb
paaterdap dliael bam Camp WtboS. trob We traaapnruUoa nfata* lo do
Urakd Trwrera. J. B Moaroe. IW
. Ba aapa wap of tto naa at lb* toala doaowUtoataapacbl order, beeapt*
>ame atp.
aoapaap an dtoaW*d b* woaada or
tekocao are prlrato aad pot paba KLAataa.
Jialkaaka-C. C Jeaehe. Kelkaaka.
W* (oil'-r* of Moiico ha* cxmiribaud to
TMasawrrwind back area Wat B.
diaaaaa Ba aapt aappllaa. todadlac lb propav. aad bb boew aad *agtsaelaaaa-WilUaa Oalirtl. Tnrem
kto trlDHdp precu <d the fon-ira ownr. Uaailara, JeJcc Bobarts. - Cooatp
■a of Ito Baak of Lfartna aad Mexico.
aaad ter prlrate baalaaa: bat Ueaeral Clark Ne'Th'a aad \Tri.a I 8lad*r wan
Wexiord-A H. Webber. CadlMsa.
I Wr oantDca
id p Id bp oOaan at enallp ai
Altar tot baaad aa order to aalta Ito eo Wair oap wiW **ou lo bo darrt <d
a<i] larBed
Irak waropa ktot to aaa tod aid db-' to tto bearit of tto c japaap.

Battle A« Iwa a

tioo mad auHexinr wen cauacd ta Cuba—by the faihtre


of ttoarap lobi
Ikaeia foraallal
aodar ibair cbarxa.wa* parar racrirrd poa all aboat It la detell whoa I fat
rrport. bare. ppd. wtot waa wore* ^at Barer back.
. ttoarb it toatolad itat aU tto alto an
rated to aop of tba boapitaU.
The roapanp aad oSeara J Ha w to
Tto aoerrterp 1* Woroarhlpaxaapantad
>n aad apapatop for poanalt ai '
Yoara to K. C. B.
IhU Borloet. if U te pot a daftaasa foailp
It it 4)bSM pnbabla that tto aaUn
J. V. Mrlanwn.
of kb aatboritp. partiealarip beeant*
aatopaap wUlatartfa hotoO wltbla a thia onlar wat kapod at tba leatroetloa
Cppl Go. H. JiW Midb.
Mrdapa. ____________________
el tto prnidnit. aad whap be teid tto
aad to rpqarsioBt repmeatatlr* from
this aenaterbl dbtrlet te bm bb beat
pawapapert io Waablactoa that orrrpFrom
Maataak Potok Aara** M.-Tto
rff.iru to arcan lb* r*-el* lion of Hr,'
thlat penaaafp wa* tolar prorldad for
Saadap <rat oa oexlua* dap la abap Burrowa as bb aaeceaanr la tbr Ualb
tkaaiek Bold let* toenUrp Alfor wa* boaaa la Citp.
Tb* nport Btete* aeaale.
toadapor two. Ooloao) Bepatoa I* Bpdar tto lapraaaloB Wat It bad bna
nRBr F. Pi>* xa*.
Wat CoBpoap H. Tblnj■ niiHil ton to taka eotonaad of tto aalaroad.
toarib Hlehlraa hadorrlrad at Caao
of lb* committee.
Tba =T»terp of W* oaap bakarp to* Wpboff. Moataak Folat. L. 1., oad al
1 herabp e
abore rworl
haaa Bpnraled. Tto aaalataot aarfroa Llrateaaat
>1* rxprrWed
leapt at te
• WaH tana ptatordv that Bart Otca

atat rarp alto aad Ito talarraa frea


Eworbodr wlw fcaA* the new^papen ktwwi what pefra-

AtMa**aBa(WwtaataaMia«» amata



Thd Boston Si

GHAin) TB&VEB3E JggRAT.T), STOTEXagB 1. 18B8.
Kite (tor*>Ubc Ctetle of Beeelela.wbe
to TtoiUw Wia. LoHa Boberta os Waablsr*aaOP eat, ba* ]■*! reatleed a lett
Irota b«.- atoter la B^^ala. ffl'iaf
ad Iba reeapItoSLoer Bold er* m-i with od tbe{r
late tMi there oe tbetr way to IUbUb.
Mm QhMle-* motberAe a wall k>a«B
ra*M*M whom all the Amariom
lifbt to eali "Dcor H.*b*r C«*U*.'

1Tb«a Tb*r
BMk Fran tba War-Sr«cnl of tb*
ieya to Arriwr Tod«3r.
mt»T apTroMh cd tb»
Uie UuiBkk BIftM. Cmbpmj M. Tktrtf
foartb HieblOB*«laBtMn. wilt arriT*
homr bM promplfd i
fir* Uabo7*B«al
M tbe; bare Koui^wd tn>B
Ihcir UUr»< B roaBlAf deBoaitrmtloB
le thatr bMor which will Ispna* tb*B
wHb lb* fact (bhl Tr***n* CUf apprecbA«» hi lu true *»lM Ibc br»Mrr *pd
•elf-McrIBa* of h*r *0141** boy. Tb«
hoy* who brarrd Hp«(.ith bollcU tod
db*w» iB.Cab* wItboaiOlDcbloc Bad
who b»B auff<T*d bBBfer BBd lb* Uek


«Hb lb* UmtmU of Banhara Miebi. gmm. For Iblny 7«<b be baa H**d
bar*. adir*tr rofBffd iB **0*7 food
ararh far lb* wbda r*fioB. Bl* Intaftits b bayewd qaatUoa. bU Bb lily I*
•dwitud bj Bll; broB^ aalBdtd. llbnol
Virit^. Wf b**n*d.
,^lwaM labia party aad bU frtead*.
JlBi1«aa yat eoBUoaB. qaick la
SiHMltoB Bad-T«dy la Bol. be
bw whale daty aad do It wall.
I at lb* polk

io Ibe B>

n of a eaeted daty.
r of tbe e

Mayor Malth baa tossed a call for a
pablie BeellBf. to he bald la the City
Opera BoBee tooifbt. at whieb It to
pmpoeed to fomolale a plae aad aepnlDlUe aeeeeaary oowBlttees to carry
Hoot Ib a mteaar laacxord with Ibe
ceetoo of TiaTerae City aad ia sym­
pathy with the lo'ly •
baa toaplred the idea. Tba foliowinf
to tbeeall to>aed by Hayordtoltb:
Mayor'* osier. Trarsraeaty. Uicb.
Aarwtai. laka
To tbe Cit-* •*» of Trarrrae City;
ipiisace with the r-qe^l of a
' Uff* oi mber of oar cUlzen*. 1 take
re Ib oaillcl

tbe adteat od oar eoldiar boy* to moat plea*
Mttabaaraf . Tba Emvao to fftod
fir* lb* follawtof eaWMt frem U* 1
Ibat it wU: be
of iataiMt taAdt lu reader*:
lloaolala. A^nat. t. lies
wtob you war* here to balp
aetartala the aoldlet*. MoUer to IB
bar aleaiest I aaani^yoa. A* aaao ai
tba raaliiad ibattbare rra* real hard
ship OB tbe ahlp from
food sad toe liulc
is of It.
i *be pro
to f«>l tbe boys bar«a]l aad for foor
Bee days tbar* bee baea a reodrcec
aadnr tbe aaarn tree where any o
who weal l-y eoeld <wse la and waab
sad be eJeaa la pare frees water, eonld
driak all tbey rraatad aad hare al
brrad aod buitcr aad ehjpae had
tbey waaVed, aod bnadrrd* bard' beca
to aad wriUeo tbeir aamra la her book
aad parukea of tbe itatoffa offered.
MolBura. tbe yard-boy. bse beaa a,
yoe. He baa brt
aa could be aad wai
T tbe boys aad o
tbe paatry aad m
tree feediar tba-moltitude, aad early
elMalag ap the place for each day's
MiBpalffa. Satorday wemadeuptorly
lato bread and batter easdwiebca. SuDday. alaety-oae loaraa.
Uooday ooe hoBdred and aixteeB. aa^
today use buBdred aad ibirty-Blae.
Iber* were three aed oae-half eh<


LWhon Boys* Clothinr is a necessity. We are well
n> M* ItnBnif.BtBmhla hafiiBM
; ItmM «l*W SHakt-iiu mm

prepared in this line wi'h s complete'stock and
up-to-date stylea Jiist to satisfy yourself, step in
and tike a look at pur Boys' Suits and Fanis at
prices which will surely please you. at

Tr«vei-»e City. Miohit^nn


Far dr*/tun heto/U;|-9<m Wrbadlsuc
ridMrra. I n* al e low M knee hoe I
ceald lire sad b*ep Ib* famil/ i<«ctbcr, Ian SiM**)!/. I um M /•*•• *W and an
wtot hmlth I bar* u lb* see
Itome* Ftok PIU* (w Pul* Peapto.
•■M/'lwailaugtiwrV Mm"fi'^ I
*/, Md Out*, she lirm
Uw cblldrre to w-bocA.
••>'iu*lly. *fl»» tno 7«*n ef effoei, ■/
Ur**d B* wmrrbai. l-at mabrr nmld aal
c*r* liim. Far Sir yesn I uglrbed aifbl
tad day by bit tod. I* July at ISO my
HasniBaC Warm
aUto r^ghiw ran * nnrbH Bcadl* <w* Searn to b*fce< m* end xubambtd to r.
estienl en my baiHl*. tHoed-w-uoa •*« to
and *bc UB*«t«d leteren lib *u-1 drsih, ao For *11 lc« it oMkiim. • •p**ttc b
eo* knorrisi: wlitrh o'-*ld dto ■« *b* «r toaod to them piU*. Wbarere* yea to yes
mi find lb* maw Impwtut srtiekr to *T*n
dra* Koro to b* Dr. William*' Pisk Pilb
P*^ ny*t^ praectlbe ttom

W. r —


rj.', isy. Sirs



are looking
I for a mill that can supply you anythi^' from |
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will
try and interest you with samples and prices, j

Ragship i
of the

lOcloB* besides Om day HeleB aereed
w> at TiU o'clock Thore- kwd-lea all tbe aftonooa- Haraziacs
■nal Paaaa
and paper*, plaaty of elaan towel*
Tha bral lapola* aal la aoUoo by
•si of
Cbbt Klebalai. oo hi* propw- cepOoe for tbe llaoBab R-Sea. Ooi
mo*l -cbabaaBi
bl ii tudnnti paae* tbropfh dUaras- pany M oa ihrir reiara homf. aad
Uoy* from errry *taU. ;almo»l
klalbBlof iBcredalUy. While lb*
bere—a c*od many from Mi
;i*l0D. aod arraafiar to prorMa the
B tbOBfhUal wriUn aeordlt tbr
Dakota. Tbc Idaho boy*
an* for defrayloK the aecreatry caCaar with dBoarity of parpoae. pearly i-penee*
head... »ao*.
. .. .
lee* atteadlnr the
wcat throorb befora.
bU at than offer aowe far* .of arlflab
Uireo BBder my band tbii list day of
oen*. aad the beat ut them aUribate Anrut- "
W W. Smith. Htyor.
«a hia ao Bor* ratkaoal ooBdact
t’reelen to tbe laaatof of the call a
ttaiadBlfVBee ia aa Iwpoaaibled.
c signals from
meetiBf of repreeeeuUee baalaea*
the flagship for "
mea bad beaa
bold, some time dnrieff October.
tbs ottce
SBBday bcbool Teacher*' IbbUIbIc. or
yraterday aftemooa The object
flagship of tbe shoe world iaSBLZ. Alwaya
MormaICla*aatTraTet*e City, laallog
thr ratheriar wa* to Itoten to *uff
first and bo^SBLZ Shoes lead the rcs^and
tiOM which would fadliBte the work a week or *o Murmal bo eday • school
while man}* trV to fullow. fcw sdFcwd.
work 1* reeeirlnff a good deal of
Th. n jcm will urant SCHOOL BOOKS. Ve <frry all that are nard in tbe High
I or paOBle. to be done at tbe proposed public
IS patmtoaSBL2thaniRoUicrs,bi
,ey is
to*UIn clew of Ibe tael ibat a Bomber
>r ti Bay that tl
St yon ap
because the makci
qo more
Si-licMil and in thv country to’hisiU.
oa.tbe plaa
mber* of tbe eorapaay are expect­
' Md Mat heaaa* pollelaa ahall ba
ap a smaller profit bv reason of their imIn Tabli'ls wi- litve lli.- largest st*>rk ever un|ia< k«i in the city, and tln-n the sirxto Bnd the
danad by Ua aaoat aadara of political ed toarrlea thtomorelaclt wasdeamed of the poblic Bcbool lB*tlUte,
enseou^iitpf2>^ miliuMipairHaycar. XVe
^ (rtyliw - bigg**it bimI for the money 1‘i-erofferfd. Ink TbbleU are our stnnig liui-.* H.ime.
aafteary. BaMa It fallawa that. If adrtoabletoappolBta m-rptloaeommlv wholly along the line of Sunday aebool
rrork.would be of greet benefit. Them
tea to meet them at tbedepolaed toi
•Bakaptaaaatblik ta be ooaaid
thing new in everything. We have E*>ods Hint you all want.
that tbey were properly eared for np,. towotbtog of the kind Id the atoto. aad
fiM aay aUadpolat aa feaalble.
U.>ioemU'r the date, and that we sn< Uie )i>«d<|nsrlen for sU three gouds.
tbeir bitItbI. a* tbey are amooff tbosa OraadTraeeiaewill bea good epol to
B tbe beapital iatrodoo* tbe work, whieb e
* a* as BfoBt by the
aptaMBalar. For we ■**!. aalaa* at Cbmb Wykoff aod will probadly be l^lltodeealop li
■r aary protaaloa be a lie asd lb* to shape 1) reqalre amo> Utile attes- mantln'tbe coai
tiea after their loag aed ttdloa* jourary. The eommiltae was al» aaked to Bar. J. C. Qaraton.of ttaiadty.waaaprdntad Cooaty KormalStuwrtelaadent
iBDieale with the company at pdntad
Obrtatara' ear batioBal rala* of g
tba laat meeUog of tba couaty SunCamp Wykoff for tba porpoee of a»cermad to daapi;
piyTUabaiaf lb*ea»*lofle of the tolaiag tbe exaet Ume of departure of
tbto work, aad will b.ipany from tbe
MlBMiaa dwell* chMata lb* Ibaoty of
dettU* which would be of bse to the glad to do all ta bto powaf to help la
hhaCaar. It doe* aal aaf
•rOaan barealaa
this erenlug u
• dbair* for peMe aad atraifbtwsy
he war. That arfaaaat deala*__ Smith.wbo presided at the prallmiaary
for the duUm
tbraaormoteaelgbboriaff e
<Maf profreaa It Alasaado II talld tbe foUowlai
nail* bar* la aoeb a a
«d to hi* altlatal* bJb. b*
dUd aaaaelpate the aert*. aed therefore J. W. UaoneD. Frank BamllUw. B R. teboal worker* an a
■OTB hi* people apwtrd. Itleootffie- McCoy. A. V. Fricdriito aod P. C OU- thair eiewB to the mat
aotaaay waa ear aay epoch ta ac- bert.
A |iair of draft horaofi, color bay, weight :U00, a little fBBgy. eiAanaal Haatlaga.
•OoipUah conplate twalla. BTolatioa
Tbe aDBoal meeUng of the llanaab tra nice pair, well liroken.'
to peofm^r*. Beeaoaa of the fiwdaa
A fiui' bay mate, blocky built, ir*50 in weight.''
Oftb* aarf* aed Iba adta^ataet off
An extra good gray mare, A'yeare, weight lliOO. block boilt.
ttaBoieiaa ta ib* aoelal acwle. the
Seeerai pn^iUon* of IbeTraeane City Stale Rank Bathare
One hay man-, f> years o]^, weight 13S0. blucky builf.
adeaoced. bet tbe matter nrday afiernoon.
It Caar I* able to aae tbe dawB
beuar thtofa.
wUI be left with tbe people who attaad
A pair ot grey geldings, blucky built, weight S800, 5 and 7 yeai
>o BM dtoeatae the eepreweey at Iba ratbertog IhUereaing. to that all Hannah. Prualdeotaad lienerml Man­
•fetoa Tba beed of that raet Datloa may eoatribote by raygealloe or effort ager: A. Tracy Lay. Vie* PreaMeat: J.
Baaaah. TrcMurar: S. Usrlaad. SeoA nice tdaik mare, bloi ky built. 7 yean old. weight 135a
Mditobiabaada tba daaUey of Ea- to briBffiog abjatoae of tbe
Mpa Klcbaleatoa yau.
eaafol and ai^ltiaat deam;
A low built grey mare 7 yean old, weight ISOO.
bald ie'thliaeetloBot MiebIgSB
•ttbeearn «rf the redleal parlad
Ao extra nice chestnat bone, bloekv boilt with arched neck,
It todMigaedlohaTelbecaUre ceaa.
Ilk- Osoaweallati to doraaet « I
weighty 1400.
here partidp*U iu tbe
Heed. AeoM-aewoBldaoldare
A -pair of blocky bnilt bay maree, weight S400.
htoee. wttbto aeeb eeetroDaaat
Ttoe aanoal meetlag of tb
A fine chsetnnt mare, S yean old. rangy built, weight 1400;
bedffii ttoe Itoaf. tba yiTlf.iifip
Tbe mattar of appropriate aarelca* Ib are of tbe Basash A Ley
aamerr of tbe boy* wbo lacriSeed
• eaaia
A fine bay gelding. 5'years old. blocky built, weight 1300.
Oompeay took plaee Friday a.wm.
Vha wetU to atoaaad at ib* tboertt.
An extra good cbestnat bone, ^ years old, weight 1150.
^mea Morgaa aed A. Tracy Lay
IhbM tba eattoe ad *MMlaa. rejM* ably b* left with tba paston of tbe resident itockboldera
A nloe brown mare, blocky built, weight llSa
II. besaa* of tee camHy toward*
The r^Mirt of tbe aeeretory was glrea
A few c4iea|> horsea at a very low price, and A whole barn foil of
and all tbe old director* iwelaetod aa all kinda of horses to suit all kinds of cnstoinen.
“ ,
•eewy: hot tba f>«M atnffl* o
MitytoM tab* batwe. ib*
Block taken in exchaago for bones. Time given with goml ee.
Parry UaaBBh. A Tracy Lay, Jaara*
■tod tba Taaloto. Itoldab totaimt* My
Ueaerriee- Ko man to bigb etaltoe can Moegan. WUilaai Matgaa of Califenta. curity. Satisfaction guaranty or money refunded. Please (tear iu

mind that you c«d boy cheaper and better honea here, and know
le tbto ia*tawc the Tb* dlraewr'a merdtoff naaltod la what you are getting before you buy than any auction aale.
tbeaeeretary dacluriagadlrideadot * pv eeat aa
inelead of Prealdaat McKlalcy Capitol atoch toeeatad. apd laalai
btoa* trmdlUae aad wodara Mlbod.
tb* foltowlag oaeera:
hot. eBlIke hlto. baa tbc Ibttolrle to- aa the abjwt of calumay. fbere to a
Pr«aid*Bt-P*rT7 Haaaab.
sttoetof aatroar Biaa rrleaard fro» dagroo of oaaatog to tbto ebolc*. beVicePraaldaat—A. Tracy Lay.
eaaie tbe work would tbwurt iiaelf If
thepoBpar eherebly
Tri'iaeBi'ti—E. P. Wilhelm. '
e aeraral eaetoria* abaad of tbe oMef exeestlTe were aaoed for ob
Bseratory and Oeaeral Maaaget^.
A Flaa Vaiariaarr Com*.
Ib* Raelaa ta Mt eellflaM •eaUaesU;
bobaayeaabad tbeaUfeof arrofaaoe
peogna* d^riair tbe last
to bsltorlBf that b* to the diriaaly ap- eo urgnmeetia dofeae* of Secretory
toda/ lb* araa wbo uadanskr* to
Alger. Tbey ragaid him a* om who
Ue* la. Ibli depsruueet
WBaaua*. It ba* pic
orae at/:
mm bse* had s tborooffb
WaBdeatodaet.ib* bead of a eboreb
nuposer of ereaU to .
(tructloB to ta»/irr confldeace. SpacisI
mid*t our retpeeted broil
to to of llaelf aaperiar to tba pollUbe to designed by the eoMpirator* Beuloston. thereby deprieiug-n* of hi dapsnmeats. nsder
ir IrnlBBd
UbIbi' piwfesBan,
—" ---‘IWato
re of tbe
cooocU oad tellowuhip und laaeing to ure new prcelded .for ibe -tode of eel4*eoot 1* tba alUled* of tbe Caar Ubb agalaat loyalty aed deeeneyaa tbs maa our
cere hi*b______
widow and fatb- erlssi/ •cleBca. sad tbe D UeitColUffe
who >BalI fall rietim to tbeir aclBab -___hi*
of Uedicloe Iskae s birb
a of tbe blaer.
Flbur. U L
hbaqdril af iba tottar. to Uto to*la»*. parpoeee The a>saalu upon tbe ud
■atbr heex- ruffued.
We bare ja*t ractleed U
tbe disple- tended to bto .ffilct^ famll11/ and tb*t
Otoy b* aaoaplod a* ewre Urfely alamerit of u pantoau attack.
aetiooof ibel^ be
oan tbaa Wmia.’* woeid bare baea aWe
■at of ibl* celleffs. Oa raeelTinff It.
solely tbe worb of
I art nleseed to aete ib* ibora^
l from tbe -bleb sack to prolong the sale of tbeir
■re* of ioitruetioB which to ffieea la
Btototot 0.i*«a.a*b*to mU tobaee
the UaxxD Taaraaix Ur.xAioi aad t
by feeiUug rittolcda public todle rraecne Bay Eagle for publiesU.w
W« ad«n w* an pmd «f OBF
Tbe bust rray to all^ tbto oar
le dallj
that tbe lodge
odn room b* drufwd
. Apart trow tba
tor the peaetilag to our Cl
elllalny U^ratop
iba Bubjecto taufbi
bytbelwdThe prea*
. tof powara, tbs tacrv p
it that tbe
Territorial Expanxtoa.
it* high
pupil of tbe dTilUed woAarc idraw,
^STnr, ZH7HX
ttgmmr toadesatod taMBeaee froo
Moa-expsarioB to Ibe -eoB*«reug*e daiall* ef U* worbiun of Uto iMtlta^tary eppreeaioe.. k.iejRal peace
s*saumb*rof extra eopto* bse*.
Altboutb the/ su/ pralead ilos
bees seat for our dtolribuUoa.
Oraad Tree
trarat aouaty .
bee beato dtoeoaeod fora loof tieie.
;l aad'oar poepi*
ubouM. ritory./« have *r* act daaejt ia tb*
b ldA.I*rb?^..........
•Hf- Foitolbly the war
aad ao doubt will, pamato* rary llbar past sad prefitad b/ir Hblary will
wa prond of oar
ally, tba Laalaaaa lair, whieb will be
tall/je to osreradit ~
hi MipWaiy. Wadaasday. Tbar* Florida. Alwks. sad-what
tbe lamp of day and Friday. Bapt. •», », to.
laaalee prrparatlea* ara bHag made Loutotoas sad s pan of M.-xieo. basid*.
saaailaff Text* sad s east lerrttorr of
actMl trial. tors fiae exhibit aad a good Urn* Maxlio.- Kow we hseesoasxsd Hs
Tbto to a y*ar of fia* fralto aad gnnd
wsti Bto it prored a pe-ifiublt laemi
TboT oMtfiMdodaaT shoos swsr offnsd st
pltmd'^to^kMadtot maa by'tba,i^>pa
graaraily. aad tb* Wrmar*
masr Beperiesee sad htobw/. asae
A brigbt. aeUe* bejtowswIaA a
thassprtoM. Ton will think so whsn 70a
—*■------- J ^
yfaaf Ibat aa m&adaeopi*
a bsad. Will p -mlaim to our eradli
appraaUe* ia tb* Hsnau* .«ea.
iHaagb taMr^^^ybl,xia pa
-.bat i'rnoel oactalsl/ba* libs* opts
Uxr bey need City to *k ■ewbatcaabadi
ad ap for n»mIlliaa*of dollanU Irade
TbaCsartopropoasl aboald baitolaaBu*lilag bsaliMM
iaows* watok* PoetoBtoonadar B i. KOKQAB, Fm-ilMto.
adbabylfeapaopl* limayaet ba- arnb<* m*lbod< to aa
FroWcUar w.a/ let •* bop*
ItoAaad It would aaeta that H to aob- Bead*
Kei OetblacB. It*
to A Co., tb* Kewt
wUI erafii-m faraa tb* lAaa that
- It Bt..
Traeerae City, ar* amaM
■ Immadtotoly peacUaebU; but tbar* to Froat
itorisl •xpa.MatoawtotbyFMte,
damof firm. t^rauemiallS
aad it aama* fnm a
■Bfiuat aac
aaoagh to >nmmmd it to ^patiapriattoVaa) Ottattoama
EliCiHr. Aag. tL

Hannah & Lay Co.:


i The Schools Open Monday, Sept. 5th




Horses for Sale

4 |
^ ^



At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MOBbAN, Prop.

No^ I have a fine lot of them. Fifty head
to select

Ob frinting



Fish Bros.’ Wagons.

Please caU aad examine my stock whethyou wish to buy or jio^
B. J*.




We are Proud of Them.

New Xadies’ Fine Shoes;

SlM==;; I

Latest Fall Shai>e8 and Toes.

^ It Pays to
Trade Here

It Pioiser Urer, Stable.


A pair of nice younx Seea^Wheat for S^!
Oxe*. weigbt 8.200.
wiOi a Koodyoke, price


g: and people are
IP finding it out

IT____ _

$150, $2, $190, $3:

' A Babp Show.
R«traMiaawB«HdibBa i
Tba babp abow wm ba flaaa baplamH Moarr. tba orebitaat. baa eaaplotr' ,;laatoadap«wtd»Uoaa lor aaa- bar tad la Iba Lodlaa LIhraip. balL
- «.« bolldlacB. aoM of tbaa ba Tba deata wlU bo epaaad at I
ia« of eoaddormbla ilwatal— (ba a-doak. All Bothma with bahiaa 4
atad tobb tbaaa aapraaptlpaflar«dMrMr«.« w*U
kaowk jummt
<rf ikk »«>«•. d W
taadv r*MUr M ht* hoM a*«r RUr
bM •*« •
BtaMa* • wUa Md two wkll <Uk
dM h* >«ftra > »*U«- awl ■otk«
aaddavbna bratbwi aad aUMn- Tba
MmM wUl k. bald «D*ar tba diw
(taaolW. d. dadaikaa Wartaaadar at
10 a. ■ at tba Eaaarick abareh aad tba
bartel will ba la tba gatlaaa Bar


fATE Bank.

tba Bait ^Jordaa Lawbar Oa.. fTtlOC

feat, two atortaa la balfbt. with a oaaatorr brldTaataaeloa dltf faat daar
Tbaotbar la to ba for J J. Vi
Tbla will alao ba a daa brtab atr.
____________ .
ad] laiac tba otbai. twa atarl^
ajaidallTafr at Lalaad
.odara balldlaf.
faataadar ooralaf aboet two u'e '
Mr. Moora baa alao drawa Ua plaat
CharlMBajawbai^^waltlac uiaT
for tba briak axto
a abarya of baigi^. aacMwd br
ladlBC oat tba wlebat of bla eal)


doer a
abariir Martla Hrowa waa la tba dlf
oioa eoutfa of W'ldarv dc^fa (or
rtaUidar baUariar Ibat tba prlacmiT
badMdatarUladlraatloe. Ha.ffan Bar- Kr. Mtaa. at Cedar. Tbaitraatara

eg laroa

bla roWM>«The Jarora
Wllllaa Bellaar baa Iworbt a earre
The patlljarocafortbalarai of tta
of bardwood laabar of tba Baplra
O'calt ewart WTIb"'"*
.bar Go., which bo will iBaaerae ware dtawe Moadaf aa followa:
taralaloefaalratwb. eta. Tbr'Bnt of
Aoaa-d. B. darlrr. A 8 Bralaaid.
a bmorhl la a '^ow
Blair—Bawaal NIakaraoa
daja ar> aad tba barxa Battle K V*rer
Eaat Bar-Uaarr Ooortada.
bnar la tba ratBaladar OB bar
y.fa LUa-Elebard Srldaoa.
arct trip, It it aol -di-a that lawOardald-Albart L B mao
•bipptd law (
bar U ablp
abroad to ba Bteala
aaaallr tba other wara Wlaa
Mapfleld»or tba drat wow a.a«a It araa ballt
Ibaaaaual aebool bolldiaf baa baaa
laaola-Miekael Ob^af.
•rol^ aaralabad tbrtiarboat tba larrraa Clir—nrat ward. Oaor^
tarlor The deaht bare
Pare: aeooad ward. W O reolr; tbM
traaladaad the oBaet Jt r«U>r>orward, rraak IKi'ph. Cbarlaa HooUoa:
Jaaltor Cartla baa da.otral onoalderfoartb ward. A. B •raloa. B F. SawaWatlBdto tba bailoloK dariaf tba
1 eith ward. Albert Oridlar. Fred
few wpeka la prapariaf fur tba
lara Dl aeaoDl. Boo ba'ttoada a
Ualoa-B. B. BawaU. Martla O, El­
lal taalutioa to tba poblle to eall
ioapaat tba iBlorlor dariaf ika
Whiiawator—T. J. Oataa. C. Bkaw.
Alfar Oafimaad.

OmIattM Mt wwk 2.325

A paraliar fr ak Of aatare ha« a|paaiadatKarkrrC r-h

la deaVof with tba aercra cwftlnMM
r tba oaadact of tba war aad tba ma.Ifmeat of Keeretarp Alfar. the Datrult F(wa Hrwm ooaelodea;
Tbari baea'brea nr^ra.
aod miamai
cp.iaid a doobl; bat eartaialp tbap
are aoi oatwelfbed
work that bat baaa w<
tba food that baa b.-aa fallaoUp

Chaaor waa bore with ..t prrf.ot aad
wall derailed tora am rack foot aod
^ Haaatb hat twaiaad Unm B all dafWBoa each baad: tba diM
r«aaraa«aaatlVofbaaaUfal Datab«ll daaalopad bat did aal iarp
la llaa with lu Irllowt, ao It wai
ht beat to rrmoaa them, which
aha daUrdar at B k Bmpida bp
Or. I.A Tboepaoa. Tba chil l la alt
waakaold. aadtbrialaaaorr pr-.apaet
rrlaalpal C H Bora will ba la tba
of lUllalaftoarip.oldafa aad
tobool raoB all daf Batardar to
folef tbfXMfh life with twalaa tore.
wlaaaHr MU* a^ooi paplia

Bhadar Boboel Aaseolatl -a .
r trmpb |
Fellowiaf are tba odi wra alretrd
ba aoaaoatloe af tbr Urmad Traracaa. rritidtm ae
fUjlal Ibrtat
b.tiorlao do
Fraaldaet-c H Bataa.
Vlaa Praaldrat-E. O. Ladd.
/'•aa* at tba Ia»bar baalaao eloaaa tl
diwralsrr-Martha Baraarf
at dtalfbu,_________ __
Traaaarar-C- J. IHUafar. of M-mror
Itea Ibaaatoaofbookaarriaad
BUUaiiwlBK—Hra C. J Bbarr.
fta a..r Tbotadar far tba ^blle
' 1-*"“^ balBf tba drat laalalwaai of
BormalSaprriBlaadaatoltha Oeeadatlte O W. Oartwaaaoaaort bl--

baaha la ba aaad aada^ tba

tr-J. C Cbraaa-

irtwir BaeUBf la tba Mttbodlat
that Klb Bapida aaat daadar-

Foer Bat Dapa

Loratwatat 0:Wa. ■

epoB Teaadar. Wadaaadap. Tboradap
TbwawUlbaaaaaaaraloaeB IboC
aad Frldap. dept. 11. 14. It. aad ir.. '
H. to l*ataakar daadar. tba oeat
br the trlomph ol the prar lor
Jar Ibtteaad Ulp bataf oalrdi W
tbit rrfl<m.
(ba trala laaaaa beta at • a. at aa
Oa tba aboai dataa tba Maatatoa aad
laaoa Oooatp Uaioa Fair will U haW
A---------f- tnm eortraor PtafTM
(Tridar aaanaaaai that tbt farioafb
^ Artaar llaeU. Oeapaar M. Tblrtr
Baartb Hlabtfaa. bad baaa aataadad
dblrtr dar* «"■ daft H.


■apt 0. T. Urawa will ba la bit olbeat tbaOaatial aebool balldlaf oa
rrUar aad Hatardar Mralaft bw tba
parpoaa of aoMlUaf with popU.
. paraata aboat aaboal work.
' - Tba aaaaal abUdraab dar pl«>« •(
SMtarMOraar*»iU<» Md dapto*bar UMattbaaoraarafCaat
Ibawaalb. It plaaaaal. If wUl ba
la tbair ball.

rbadferd.Oav.arerlBlUBf Mr. Walcb-lwtiilBf to .foil •>■
r'aaialor. Mra C J. UaraaU.
I rifU laapac'loD. If oar 110 Maa't Aalti

,-B. tthli. rouraod U> aoflaaw la»l|^,.„ eaDaol bap a tolt aa rood a.
Tbap were aeenmpaaled bpiaiabora pricea ciMWbera onlrta poo
Mn. B T.Briokmaa.wbo will taka
mraa of laatraclioa oa tba tdpa onraa. ' 2,.7*^* *
Bop Moora of Sew Bacuoa. H<cb.. b
:—febltiaf tba famllp of Mr. aad Mm. I .Thri* ta tot rmr esilra ocw .tack
.. _F^robhl..c.,
_Uhl..f.. H..*.
Hoorn Horaa aod oalliaf'^oa old
a atp.
Yoa-11 <
Ineaama—41 Beoda
*1?^ Codwla. odilor of tba Bori.
ford iUfbtar wii fa tba dtp Thara
Bnp p gohoiMNblp
Mr. aad Mra H Nawmaa of Maatatea bare rewraad hoaa attar a rbit
with tba familp of A Nawmaa af
Oeotfo Bnmba aad wife arrirad paalardap from hafiaaw aad wHI apaad a
law dapa la ttaU dtp.
.aetlauwbo baa baaa
tbafarateff W. UaaoUaU aad wife
forlbe ppit week maraad paatardap
Boa Parrp Baaa^ weal to Poioak. p
,»tardap.acoompoBbla4.p bb daafh
tor. Mm J.r Kaaaep aad
her aoo
Parrp Uaaaah Kaaaaj. aad fraep A
Lap aad kit dpafbtar. Mpa Cllack

Lao Hormibaa will laoea tbb m waiBf tar VpalUaU la attaad tba Blow
MwaC H. KorbboS who baa bare
tba rant of Hbi S L Jobaaaa of Old
Hbaloe^rotaraodpattetdap to boabemo
la Chicafp.
Hn. T. J. Baadcraoe a^l BoaJlap
tkt Iweetlllaf l-ma of la Rlajrilrp aad war aoec.mptalad bona
prttardap bp ber abler.-Mra G.laoo
Hra. B aaoa ll.-ao rcUread pcalerdtp
t>m a moaUi'a rbit wilb rotallraa Id

aaured la ear ad*aa-

aoUofoftk. Trar........ ....I.. 1. watbi
Uoltadtiwtn Marehal A. 0. Wbrolrr
the parlc
iprrparatorlbefan moatinf.
It waa of Hanlatn, waa la Ua dtp pnUrdar
daddadtoharaatbraadapa- nnttof. 00 otteUI baUan* WlU Olatrlct
li. O.-Oerell.
Odobd 4. 5 aad 6 Tba Int dap will
Hr. Vae Llaa of DetrolL U TlalUof

data opee which ooeom tba
hit daapbtar. Hra. W H Krllp.
froat oa abr.t.oo of, tba KalfbU W
Hra. P Liadlep aad Mlana Alloa aod
Borbanes. aad tba raoaa w.l ba aa
Oarrla Liodlp rotaroadpntaidap
hlcofoIraoe Jofaaaoe of Unad Bapida.
tba bn. arrioa jfrac-4 Trararae
ear ba< asJapanaleff rru are ^ laf Wb' Bap View
Uma. la tba font ol Him. J.U
made lofatber tofeibar tbr b<w.

BOU aad africaltaral aihiblu pr

A faU aUaadaa
The e

of the farm will ba abowa.
New balldiaca are aaarlp'boap
MarM.'. 9 ahareb Isat daadap aa tba JCIk lor Ua dlaplap of wodtaa'a arta
aaaUla aad ladatirial bootba
BdpUa aharga bp tba paator. I
m. HtUar. aad a aaaibar man tba pra will ba bona aad biepela rac-a ararp
afuraeoa Tboaiaada of dollara hare
baoe atpaadod Ip praparatloa lor thU
. irrafb—r Orawa baa pareboaed a eat fair. Write to Ohaa. .^1 Tomlla for
Mla^t larfa rolaM of daraa Ll- p^Blam booba aad amuj bUoka
*)lig af Uaiforml Blatorp. tor tba
tataa will ba firaa oa tba
AIpb.bAool Ubaarp. from tba faada H. A K. B from Tneaiaa Clip far Ua
.df Iba
aaboal laataraoearaa. Tbte
.pldhaaraUaMaaddlUaaie tba ilV
jdy ibaatadaata.______________

bU plaoa.
Mr. Haadi will j .la bla
meUrr at Haalawa aad aedompaap I
> Hllwaekn. from wkan aba will fo
to Badfiald. DakoW. Iboa ke .will ]ola
kU wife la CtalcafO.
reblld a
Amoramaota-K R MoOop. Fred 8.
rs}>p a rbit from Hr.
PraU aad 8d. Lauiaar.
FalroUid'aalal^..Hra Albert WlUaU
delleltlof-B. C. tomptoa. Aepaa He
aad ahMinaja Nli^vn Falla.
Coll, El. Uaiaor. Prod H PnW aad
ol Hoakafoa
B. B- HeOoj.
fanl at Hn. Aaa Uala ol d
Aa Uara w.ll bo ao fair tbla pear tbla
werUp ol
erdlaarp allaoUoo. aad 11 the proapaeu
fo lor aapUlBf Ula will ba Ua bnt
of nclof aeaela aear bald ban
The peran will ba aiade op aa«l wnk.
ti^atbar wlU Ua profram.

^tMa oA dli Iba raaaaap
da tba Oab Pafbjtl8da»*rt*» dapartmaml. MlmBUmbaabadapaefalvala^ to tba di*U Bormal a^l Miaa
CMwap. abo lanaarlp bald the poal.ftom.i»lfaadoaaaeooaiotlll haalth.

nrenoap locdi place alt e-cloek aad
a, parfrwmrd bp Ere. D Oocblto.
Bnidra Ur fam-lp aod Imm-dlata
ralatlen ab-al hlnp trlaada <
Tbrroini were baaaU'aUp

Bruwa. B L. Eaaaoai.
tar. B J Horfaa.

HIn Pearl Urara. el deboolenh. la
Ua f«nl el Hn. Ulaaaoa of Dab
^airl aad
bad alia ol BalWillt.
■Icb , an Urfonla-ofJ. Jamlao
' Freak Heada.
of J. U J.ibi
draf elorba. bafae a noaU'a raeatioa
Hoadap noretar.
Dariaf bit abaean
Haabold of LoUar. will taka

wtlBf laat alfbt tba follew-

Oicof tba praitint wrddlafaef tba
■tap Ula aumnar waa that of Htoa
Mapma Oejatt aad Hr. Charin Laanilar. at tba hnm* ol Ua brtda-a par_______ Ulieaeeoo'laat.

: Him Aaaa M. Ulaa of Jooo.rlila.
BlIA.. baaboaaaaloetod bp tba oom

: Mr. aad Mra Jaaa Fatanoa are
'■BMlaf 4ba daaU of thalr Hula
dawbur. AUaa. wka pamad awap at 4

B. e. Comptoa at t«r Boval WtaUiaf.
Mba Haad Ueodala raloroad pntartp from a ebb ol a at >atb la !btn
TbaHbaaa MtVl tad Oara Bataa
laft Ittt alfbt fur Cblcafo for a

Batldaa a
aad tbdoauial dlaplapa tba
Uaf aod paeiof ai-x-k la tkla aaotloa ol
laaladr a fraad a^bt caralaal aad
■lebUaa. Alraadp otaop applleati >di
paaat Jabiloe thraafSbot the foor
fcteabna made for eqirp blaakt Tb»
Smdapw.n ba la«n-d.p
Tba fair froBBdt will ba llfhta^ at
eiarfa will be made to tbr fair tea 00
alfbt wUb aoorta of alaetrle Ilf faU aad
.bat dap
Ue tba laat dap apeclal rlfraad arrap of attraelloea will ba
praaaatad laaladlaf a Mldwap Pula lorta will ba made la latemt tba farmabeoi the roflua aad aarrral fratam npaciallp lotamUaf to them
tba loar dapa there will ba baad
falora. aara.-al eraeb baada barlaf
baaa aafafad for tba ooeaaloa.
The lira i^. poaltrp. farm pro- tbafmt panda ie tba oeaalaf <

ad tofalbar Is thU rafloe.

'j ^
B-falar aiv 50 eta aad pi (U.
with aotaed to care or price refuadrd.
.^e aii-ji.

C Blliahtoroaa to Banl'.^
•at a iw.waaka- rialt

•ad Ml. B.bort W.Icbar »f!

aarr prattr raaUaaea


»ea.. aaa loeiw a wwa •all aw o

paiauBf a taa ^tamt naj will bo ,
ofoap from aeaaampUoo. a^
aaasblbUioa a low woaba aflar Uo | tmaled bp brmwrhhraa; aad ww
abow la UadlapUpwladowof Matkall-4 j ****^*5^ ^
Eaw tOiacoT
Boobttara Tba aatoaaof the ^biaa Uc drdana taat
ll^a■ ralar
awardad priaaaard the ahowa of tba la eampariaoo wl^ tbla
___ marl
bare It. area II It
flrara will ba pablbbrd. OtMtal ad- .
haadred doUan a boulr.
mkaloe will ba tea aaala.
Broachitiaaadall throat aod loacaf
with babiaawIM ba admitted
fartioea arc poaUiralp cured bp Dr
Kl^aJ<aw jmaeor^ for <^a

OtO rrarard for laforaallM

h nil «t ■'jjgyaft?'

lataraod Salaidap la «hak
Mia. Martla mafarof Ormad Bm<*
ad A. B. WUtaarth at Detroit an
aaala of L. a Fallor aad (aaflp.

dbewratrd wlU ftraa abd a
aad tba auroar wbrrr tba bridal parlp
atood watt aa'W nan of fmB aa

brtdr wore a loerip f..wn c
toalrmao-A. H Browa
orfan.llr baaoUfallp trimne
■aoratarp-B, H Allpa.
with whilr nwro.
Dalaraua-B. Undricb.Fnak U.dLlltir Hlaa Ua •rflttW Bbarr aco^ea
riob. A. IL Baaaaf. William totr. aa dower |krl aod waa dalatllp a'tlrod
WBI ba made loAap.
DolloaU rofre-.-------------------' OoTandap. Bapu atb. Ua LadW.
aareod darlof Ur aero a
AM naWtp of Loaf Ubo wUI fin a ■aa. Karanl UralUek
Tbebrida la oaa ol Tnerm Cllpb
aMtolatUabaaaoof Atr. aad Hra. BpTwiMwaan.
mat popalar p.wof loAn. Bnaelallp
aMFUlmoaa. InoaaanaadtdbowUt
Obalmaa-K. L Cerbatl.
baaarvad dariaf Uo oeoatiw.
AH an
fiiwawrj—C U. Turaar.
andtoUp laalWd to attaM.
Tba proDilafatn-Parrp Uasaab. W
aaatoanlo banadbp Uaao-Utp la ■alu. H C Dtapm. VMn Pawnpi
Hr. Laaeoatar fw maap paara waa
thalr baaoeoUbt warb Ua oeniaf wla- Ubae. J ibnoa. 3. U. Hoaroa. .
la Ua amplep of tba Hamatllo Conaad Ua naap (riaada falaad
Uaaeab. B L. OorbaM. A. W Blekard.
a Uara wtraflatfto kaow a ab
BamOtoa BMbardaoa oaa of tba eU- U wrfo W. C'pda. Oaorta B Uapt. M
tlna afo of ha appola-maal aa pn
atonaalB Baaataeeaaip.dlrd Meadap
Clark U Ua poet oSoa of UM dtp.
: M Ua bomaef Ua loa la lalaad.
Maap waddiaf ftHa wen roerlr
' M Ua tft af ■« poaiB. Bio wfla died
' toUbaltpUmpaonrre. Ua laaen
ptoaamobndram Tba faaeni will ba D.laraln-8 J Felfbam.TM dhW.
baUMUaboanwItba eoa tanorrow H C Orlalt. Will W, Tbrilbp. Dr ,8
At 10 e'ataeh aad Uo ranaln will ba E UarMT C B Omktrap.
I alreadp prepared tor Uai
laMbpUoUAoalblawlb la Ua laNo aoi doaU DIetaiaa alraat
! toad anaotory._______________
wUlbaat bona to UUrfriaato attar
.hHiidiaraw imwl
Tba paawnwt Iba Frtaada abarel^
daptanbar «U.
IMawain-U'. ViBloo.
ViaWt L. K. Oara1 Jtoa. Howard aad Mra Harp Hawa.ara
Tba Raa>ki>. wlU snap oUara.
achteWnaW to.
laad. Fraab Urnler. W. W. Fairchild.
Ucaifa A BUaraa. a P. tiarriooo.
Obarin Fiekall. A 3. Me Hawrp. Fct- Haa aad Bepa
A tba CMeaa U Ua Fifth ward
' toiMbirof Uairpaaaf frtaadr Henlap
& Beada A Co.. 1*4 Froat SL, ha«a
ana neead that tba dalfttoln ba lai 5n«af- Tbap
emaewda taa OloUtop. Bataad ForfttoaaUfer'
alraotad U rota tor Otoar Slnao-m lor
tba bonlaailoA «n obnlC. aad Uo
Ua aaa wn oaa pear aad two ar
aid. Tbt areaafomaeta for Ibofwaonl



iuuulu uuuiuiu iuuuumuuuuiui uiuuiiuuimuuuuS


Tto Baaday Bbeol aaseoaUto b
bara laat w^ was laryalr sttoto

tot* braaMaatatlto Waakaaoe 8aa-|

-----------Oto of tto rWwea told that
Klaytby waa Ub taaaBar towa tiw aaab


d to ttot they a
orato ttoyr^U

Aftor I

I jj,

h**Nr • uwi. too ..

TlMMkiMl •eboa VMUar wUI

Ik. kik...)


UkT. Hal

boa ttoilekllM.



HiB tUby CbBBplOa'sf Usalay b
rlalUsy bar brutkar'a yooyla bara
Mlaa IteUa Parker of Klayalay b trUiUOf bar BBcle. Wb. Barraa.
Tha termm hers ara thraafclay.


_____________ e boat, Um Qaaaa of *'

ioo-lafUaqt kao«a
ra af Cbloafo lowad*
aiart a fniU fara OB Uw «i>ra'-l<>af.


-•--------- '--------

Uo iBtndi to Bake UiU naa'llB^ atW*^ Lalos-Bap^rd
. Ui (Btora hoBt.
pTBldiny Elder Ralhn I
Wa bays lor ayood aU


Mr. Uoof«aa4 bBil7 of Ji
Mtak . BMT«f law towa laat woah.
atr latto
Mra. Brafdoa of Trar*

avMBrr crrr. -

flbarUeola U la
V, ______________of
r. Tki

aio^Uay trtcada
BM boys bate aaaoaaood a
Tto Baad
eoaeort to ba Jdaea la Us towa ball.
BapL lOU.
Aay proeabaayeed oawrtatoMt aad wa
we boHare
Raok KloB
r rMlod trtoBb
BayBoad aad Bert
Catdy of Oraad
iaaha Maaday.
an rblUay
...--------------------xy ttolr faUor. 8. E.
Mra. Wb Geo of BIk Lake apeal the Oardy.
baaa oaoa rtalUhy at PoCardy.
atler m oflaat eeeah wltt bor per- uskay. Bay Vbw aad oUto aorttora
mu. Mr. aad McB. W. L. Friok.

Maara Hollowor aaO Morrla of Tola
4e ara beyiac eatUa Vo ahlf U> Oklo.
rarmata wbo kaaa atook U> aall are
taalUlac fair prieea for vbaaaBa.
4. U Qaaptoll aow driaoa a aao

Mra C. B. Ktaf af Ckloafo. erbo baa
baaa rWUar b«r ataeaa aa4 •epbaoa
•f IhlaplaeoletltopaaVwaak.
raiaraa> hoaa Baada;.
E. B. Iiall;. af bsplro la la loere fia
a fa» daya oa
HInaa Garria CbdbaB aad Haadr
r>aeb aad Mr Baaalocia aVUsdrd ibr
■aaday aebool eooaasUoa at Keaalcb
teat rrtday aad Bavarday.
Mto EoBBoad Bbadak of Traaeiae
aiy la tbafaeatbf Mra
a JJoa. Btaloiel
Jaa. BlalBalBadaalrIf bI Tnaerar
; Olty BBoday
to Trara
. Olty Moaday aa aeaoaat ofI tto IIIB
1 of dbair alaior. Hlae Bbi
Mra ABBb Litaa* aiMBt Baaday wlU>
# boralalar. Mra J. Qtaay. of tbtaylaer.
Oar aebool hew la prarrmlarlBBly
. aad wUl to raady br aebool Is aboal
. Bwwbartwo.
Mia. 0. Daaatar b <um the aiek lUa
Mr. Boyt'a roMlfalhar aed alator
troB Ua aoatarB yart of the
ra apaadlDf a tern daya


ronart of tto
I fttUmm Boy

reyalar pioaeklay aerrteet at
eh daaday alykt oar pastor raealead lato
ebarcb tba h)llnwlay:
>to tba
^andO CMoBatti^
Mr aod Mrs Cbaa. Wt
Mra. I leys Baaell
11 aad HIbBUs UoIta^ a
Htoae Flora Dade.
It ooanty teat laat week.
I. Kora UollaabBik. Maary
BaperL wke kaa baaa
Lillie Prltk oa srobatlon.
' work for the Maator lo- ablUay tba (aaiily of Geo. Pareoat. r»•racot desire of Bbtol- taned to her bose la Grand Baplde
Chat. UoBder aat aorod to Fewtor.

____ riiT'ffi

O. V. Adaaiof ColdwatortaeUlUay
hte pareeu. N. 8 Adanu aad wUs. and
slater. Mra. Kf C. Urower.
Mr. Ad
Twa.nBeU l<Bded with laator
Uuybt In oar ecboola for locaral } c
FbkaAdock last weak.
aad baa Bsay frleada bera
Hr. Wllllaatoo't ara baa beta aary
Him Ella fierii of Manoeloaa le emit■ ra Walter
tlafal. bat b doiay aa wall atOBBto lay Cora
and other frleada bare.
Him ll tU will teach le tbe Hanosldoa
Hr. aad Mrs. Chat Fbber and yraad- achooU Ue c^miny year
daaybUr, .Nellie Wcotootl, retaraed
Friday from tbalr eery plcaeaat trip to
home 8uni
North Haaltoa.
Tbalr too fkl and hie
Maatoa apoat Uo
Wife caibe oear with them, bat ratore- Ka^t^*l
ad IB Hr CarlMe'e yaaollaa yacht that
Addiwa Na>h. who hat bo
broafht tbra A. Nwih.reM
Amoiiy ttaoaa eoBloy bara oa Ibr
K.lamaxou last w
ssaaralOBe froB tha a.-otb are If Barktbaatyaiof thartad
: Uybtalay
liar of Hroaaoa. Mr
Hr. Hill.............................
paaaed tbrooyb Ua root a
Mra. Wb. Slaeo. aad
Mra. M'llai
tbe Urower boys.
teariay aaarly all t
Halos Ciiy. Miae Abble.UeCBlIy of
uoit aad P. A. Boas of iBSaloy.
areraeCity eialtota
of the
where two yoaay ladire ware sleepiBy.
paaaed lati> aaolbar rooB. laarlor
' a«Tal4 Oantowodam.
Au« 9
aroaad nalil it came to an Iroa pomp
Mia. Praak Taylor b OB tba ak-k IbL aod lollowed that down Into the
yruiiBd. teariny ll ap sobs
So oae
axcuraloa laat weak.
UM Uibto BBd tan ly wmt Bora
waa horv The laaa who oaoaliy
Harry Oudd aUrted up U
pled Mao(Hbe_up|>.-r sooma w.
He will taae
Boy Yosay of HaaiUa lod. b abtv- duty below.
Tha aboek Urew blB tapfVTPd potato ermto Ula
layatU. Macyb.
two ayes ta
MlB Laaa Dowdy of Cbdillae <Blled
the yround
ind but does aot know bow far Unm.
hare laat waak.
ha yot Uero.
Mrr. L. K. <1 Ibto of T b rnia 01^
waa hare recaBViy.

H.-n Lo Dae of Graad Lrdye D eUitBarry Wlddloeab of Ursad Ba^
ley the IbbIIt of F. E. Dutober.
Mrs. ebntnal ToUen b tallloy U taaaWo enyayod to taarh tbe Cedar
waa be:
Mba Mattb Ue^wbo b athylv oi
Waltoa tpaot
Mrs. Abe Kelly aad daaybtor Edith
Aax a>
tlT or more for Ua church farabb•ra U« yassU*of Mra
of Lake >
MtoeoVirrlalaabdWinaie Gaynoo.
wbo bare bc«o away eUiGay for a
Hlaa^atol LoaaUea. who laati^iBy
week or so. retaraed last Wodneaday.
wllbfahr yrmBd|B>«DU U LodlBytoa,
_ Phoenix aad family, who bare


___ ____________________dAlBB
Lala and A
leooia os itaBBaaaa, eaUrtalDcd a oompsay of tbalr younjy
lUhy tbalr daaybwr, trlaeda Batarday eTtmay.
Mra. Praok UIbba,, retarBod boBoUat
U Horyanhadaaaader
Um waok vbare aba will *lalt bar
last Friday.
UUaaa for BOBO Uaaa
Hr. aad Mrs. D. M. Brlyk
karay MalUac fora
Ua forUaU waddlay aanlearnry Auy
ABoay tboae
Uoaa preeent
protent were Mr.
Mra WakaBoU M rooorariay fiw
and Mrs. John UUtea of Grand Bapida.
Mana ciTT.

dr*aadHra. NIebola

le roeeet excarmloa from thaeoaU




ta. boy aad paiatpotaad toll which
Harbor to trW la tbe falU
et cayor foetoty to Ue one
Utoy It noada
Tto Baaeblsarr and
boUdiayfm tbto indaatry will cost at
leoatSlM,oua. botaatraay presoare ta
belay broaybt oa Ue promoWn to pat
lA^r plaat.
At Adrlaa durlay Us approochlny
Lenawee eoeaty fair, a lay cabin will
be erected on Ue ynwodt. ooeb lay to
be UemeBtryoroome pptaeor. The
eUer momlay two mllei of leaBS ear
ryioy Ua lays, paraded tbe sumU and
the aftair proBtoea to be a biy featare
af tbe fair.
Nilm to under a relya of terror. Durlay the parade of Pawaco H.llbfWlW
"'eotabow at Uat place oa Monday a
otad dey Ut Uc fi yearntld son of B. F.
Cbaaben and Ue S-jear old son of
itoorya MaMtL Tbedoy ran tbrouyh



BUbbMa oallad oa aa last

of Edward Oarroll baaday.
aailr of ’Victor I
Tto taailr
- Wallen •


Beacral af Ua Arabia farasia at

B OlBUUad. priadptl of Ue tobooU
la 8trlker. Ohio, rtolled laat week wiU
bl. BOela. Jacob Fewlto-. ,
A. H. toll


TboBaa LUdley of Ulaybaa U rblv
toy with roUtlaaa at Ub ylaea
Tto iBrBera Brsasd bera Bra eoBBtolalay that tbalr wbaat b badly lafaatod by woarll.

eeotly Tsaated by W. J, UaeW
I Abble McCa'ley of r.>rt Uaroo
A^ar Edmond,
mad. at
apui BaUrday
Haeurr tljp C
ivcm 1 eui^ u’oar ^kt'iaal iiik.“He M



' cTTr.*!-1

^ i's .Srai .irilcH

nis CobUer^t M Bo&tr $!.M

la Ue two bsIb atreeta
Tillaye. Ua booUa oocapyiay t
Ur of tkPtboeonyhfarea.
Borch. p ibltober of the Amer-;
leu NheSp Ureadcr. at Chicayo. has
parekaaed a flo« tract of yrailoy lead


A fond will bt ereatod toaaatot la defrayiny the expense of UoaUnant aad
other exponaea


Ub Monday Frank hooae of Flint
aaralloKod an ounce of laiidanuB oo
account of a dtoappointaent la lore, at
Newayyo U. A. Nelteo. a prominaet
citiieo. took poria yrooa
dlroreod froa bto wire, aod
Joseph Hto. Sarah 8mlU drowned ker-

, Send your sddma to 11. K. Hui-kleu
A Cu.. Clilcayu. pud yrt a free aainnlr
box uf Dr. Kiuy'a Sew Lif ....................
will coarser }-.m of their mei
Thirx plllaare rtu.}-In action and ara
parlicofarl.v rffrrtlrr in tbe cure of
i'on..Gpaliun and Mek IWlachr.
Malaria and Lirer truublea IbrT bare
been pmeed Invaluable,
They see
yuarant^ to be pertectly ftw ft

eiMEfO IFAmO«. MfOM.

Oar $14 Bedroom Soil for $12.50, and Everything in Proportion

Baekloa^ A.miea Bnlaa
Taa Baer Solte in Ue world tor
Cnu. Bratoea, Sorea, Oleera. Balt
Rheum. Fever Roree. Tblter. CbappcHl
Ilaoda. ChllbUiaa. Corea., and all Skin
BrapUona. asd pnsiUvely curm Pileo.
^ no par required. It to yaarwnteed
>yive rarlect'aatiafaeUoB or money
retonded. Prior Moeou per box. For
tale by J.Q. Johnson and.R E WnP.

TUs Bin Ur$ CoNk U Mmy Fir $5.15.«ll
CoUci Tapesln For $4.85.
Wo h»we A slco oMortment of stOToo yoC Bemrmter. • oook Btora. folly
gnBrnnUod tor $8 60. Hostars from $3.60 op.
Xaunpa, DishoB, Jnrdlntoros.Bnd such goods wo will sell at l.SoffrBtbortbBB
hODdlo them. V-cu can bato frem $16 to $S0 to fornisb yenr honoo-now. Wo boro
OTorytblng to fornioh it
Old Seuiera- Meeting
Laxv aas, Mwa . a«(. tt. taa.
Emron Hnutn:
Dior .\ir-Oa Anyoat itU 1 was prii
ilayed to meet Ue pioneers of Banxi
coasty at Baaioala. wbara Ueycaj.iyod their ananal picnic.
I was uach
anrpriaed at
• tto Baaaar la which
BccUoy waa aondaeted
Thoir prorrem area eemplate in every way aad
vary lotcreaGay.
A paper read oa
■9tayiay Seboola.’' by a Mrs. Porry.
was fall of old-time memerlea . Also a
paper road byayeatlomaa froa Wal­
dos carried ooe hock to tto Ume wbea
trails, aot resdv were Ue rale.
|« aod aoaya were really a treat,
veaerable proaideaL Mr. Heua.
Uc rempatyn aooya of le«u ia
pieaaioy Baaacr. tbowlay oa.

House i^irnisher. 128—132 Front Street

UKOuikiiut A MOTUIE.
A 8u« Way to Aooto Boiyw.

e rrswniny ytery of a
Amorfeasa. and while they did aot base
allUe electric llsea aad rollrcade to
Yet tto oedeol Utuiyh a_________
------- a a eampatye Uat we mew tore.
tnodton tsoat pMS to ao fuD of pain.
Uat Uey bad eatarpriae aad eaUi
•am Tto apeoehaa aUo earrisdI as t
li> Ue early daya of U« piaad
idly ooatrextMl Ua past WiU
Ua p
Tae attaadi
wpa pot aa larya
lay new lilt taiM t
----------- -afc\owiay to tto
» ah.
theliuls aotWyivea It by see o< “MoUer'a Fi____

ty. Ue real beaaSt aaU aa aamciatkto
to to Ue peoale aad Ue pleaaare there
•------’eadtay eaah

:peo^ bsos.

TbIOirBe RitUi Bocker P«r $3.50.

They do n
xUimach and bowels yrcotlr inrlyiwmte
the a.vxtcm. Bryular aiu- !V. per box.
Sold by J. ii. Johnaoo. aod 8. E Wnit

an r>er Uea la Ua way of sotlcioy
iw-b mosliara la UaIr eelamaa aad
y viayall pmaibla pablietty
Wmb It


•»• eat rapeet aacoaaa
Tto lau hlyb wlBda ylaywl haeoc
----------taw leys wbieb
Hr. asd Mra Jaa Lrovell aad Uoeware baeaod BP> raady for towlay.
lya tore roloratd froa **~p'~y
toiW^ttoB^ale^tto abw
Mre. •

Tkls IkB 8KM Oik CUMit
. $4.60.

atmU.Ue froU.and blood dripffr^lt


ntorped Frtday from hto

TUn» U short rs we most be movod by tb« flm
of next wook.

TbrC .E topic for next Bonday
anee aad c
Ltodar. Fraak NaedbaB.
aalf lo tto lake. Uf Ue Uree. Uelady
The B -L topic for Beat bonday U
Ue only
■TbeBiulard seed."
Hath Hill.St
pltokiny Ue dralrej rasulb
Leadar, Mrs. Hosle.

la Bake IhalrboBo
Hbt Mary Wbisaaryof Trararae City
b apaadloy aaraiBl daya with bar Baat.
MlB Babtoir aad Mba dadi
TiBvoraa City aallad t tkbyUea laat Mra. Ttaorabnry.
Hto Chriellna Baincka b rary ill.
B Campbell s _ on.fUbl.yto
Tha W H. H. ». wUl meet with Mra
A ayacbl school Baatiny waa held on pedIGua Wedaaaday.
Ubbb IbaaBora Beat Tburaiy.
Tha Prleada ebareh has
Hbt Mary uUtoota <*b beats
iBeh aad arraafeBesU
art tolay made
esu are
Traeamt City last Friday.
> Baud a belfry.
lay. oobUbbIbc star Babday.
Mr. and Mra. B T. Del
ool boose I
Mra Uaa Hijrar
jar b t_______ _ ___ Tiararae City Tbaraday. i_______
Tto the ope
iraed to bar hose at Boxbnry.
tasoban' OBaBlaatiOB at TrBrarsa City. day. brlBytoy with Ucm frlsada to rb.
. Mra. HuUeeaed obili!
Tha aloTB of taal Hoaday Blyhi U BBd Bee tba beautUal aeaaary of
Mrs. Leri Undly went to Petotker been eUltiey bare a fc
ra HtchlyaB.
kBsod a rroatdaal of daBaya tbrooyb
laat Baurday. Bbc was aeoospaaled
bykar broUar Bee. B. Votlkar. of
Mra. Han Flnyd asd son OGsot lUItolatiTM fruB abroad.
Mba Bttol BobUaa roiar>ad boBa
Ueraay. Mleb.
Biraeaae batarday aiybt fora rtoit
BoBsr Webb b eaj .ylBy a ebll fros
froB HvBold Uat wb'
Oiarlrs Bceol
r. wbeae baalU baa- WiU Mrs. G. H. Eanyaraad left Hoebb brotber.
baea fsUlay for a^eral yeara died oa
Mrs Clerelaad of
baaday arealsy.
Ha faaeea a wife, 4hm' Hina Hoxia eame Ue Brat of
‘ MbafcUIU SbawapaatB few day.
two rhlldrao. paroata. oap broihar aad laat week for a rtoll wlU D. F. UoaU
Bar. B. Henalon taadarad
Bt boBS with bar yaraab laat waak
fear abtaraaada laryarlrelaot
____ frleada.
and wife oMbtojltce.
aatloB aa pbator of Ue Cony ..
Faeeral aerrleee
The.^L. will yir. a aocUl
ebareh^^Bday- Bomlny. to Ukt rflooi
lUoeal charch oa WodaiBtoy town b^l Friday aiyht.
faeGlUa ylam
conducted by Rer. J. 8. KenMra. Wboaloek baa raiaraad fn
A party of ala left tba Waakaaoo
Tbnnulay Boraiay eouatoGayof Mrs.
Nortoa and three cblldrea, Mrs. Colby
k It tolay doM oa
tort la at Friday i
eallcd to abam..............................
end Mre llalebiea.
.tupded aod
a yraad eui
Uke hlaud Perk of SatUca flay was
iBtereatlny pro. Boat Baaday a
rendered 'by Ue aBllrlay faith in town a few daya laat week.
Oar aebool boast baa bato eoBpUtaMra Joe HataeitadB family west to
o1 labor of Ue Pm John While. Her.
y«dalad with a bow atoBO wall, root.
J C Caraaa of Trarerae City. H. H. Charleroix Tniwday.
Brraolda. bUte bee.
Next year Ue ^ FmakNoedbamtod daay^r Ktp».
>b(lBC' or
i at tbe. Waakaaoo
ArUurKUlBory. J
jaa. Balpb euceeatiuD will be held at Empire.
MoatayBe and Bbb Kelly. iBBpodMat The followiny ofUeere were elected:
l>rTa -John White.
P. J. Brown and danybI Preo
tor of Grand Bapida oime Wadne^*Tbo barya Alba H. GUI wooded ay
wiU Mrs. Uateksaaon.
BtOUU Pier laat Priday.
, ^
P. SUbtolU bad aaarly fsar haadred
Mrs HemUarlaad b Ue .yaeat
Sopt. of Marmal Work-Ber. P. £.
r Bmnan went toCbrp Laka WedHr. aad Mrs. Bobt. liarland.
oday oa a etblay expodilioa aad bad
Mta- JoaaU Hall of Grand Bapida.
Boido baa a Baw^ihrmablay
>y rood aneveae, brii
'borne forty
a atol b delay yood work tZ apaai a week here rUltlny her BoUer
and broUar. Mrs Han Ckrroll i
Chaa ChrrolL
Mrs. llaU ratan
k away a larye raft of to bar boa^a Friday
>. Nora bwalnatto of Grakd Bapitely parebaaod
aa the yseat laat week of Mrs
iroo. bee asd family leK Hoad^
Andnw Cbrroll
xia for baalt 8te. Marie.
Oils Lahye. eat of oar soldier' bora,
of hb UrUday
We nadentand Uat U. H. L. Seel
to boae oo a farlouyb.
Ue bad a aeAppla bayaia are aam..^.
. Ub rere atiack of typhoid malaria aad baa rented bto meat market to Ab
IS olalat that Us oab taraod loaallty. Proapectt
llarllctt for tbe cnaulay year
look. bad. bat bto nerre to yo back to
trd of M batbal to tkaaera.
Aa eoiertaiameal ealitled -Cafaa
aayoodma - a b at work for U.
.Ibre. or Caba’a Slrnyyle lor Liberty.’'
ThsHleaeaDaUr at
ereaa social, ylraa for U
■Ill be yleen in Ut tow. hall Taaaday
'UTarat City called al
the bead bbya. batarda
P. CbabBBya
d Ua Bbte
rnnlnr. Aay. »oth. under Ue auapleet
t totwsMi
totwaoB two
whUe at work ratUay aad had bb
Mra A. M Lcalto and cblldrea. Sadie
leadaaeeand ice ereaa.
^^bim to aa to Uy biB ay tor tba
Slokra and Fred Stokpa. wbo bare been
apendlny same weeks la Ula pUee. leD
proceeds were lit.
:A as yet Iboayb a little
yo to bBBBlI City Friday aiyht. for Ueir borne la KeaatUa Soaday.
Floyd Gnibb waa adalttod la
Tbe baad beya fram Traea
ttatorahlp la tto I. O. G. T. (bu
Uat 8aBBit to dbIt 1 allea dtotanV
Llyhlahi Hobs.
As to will try U layewaa ll aad aaka a Istb of ft orery
aaa b roody to woIoobo bis bars a. Ubyaar.
all Btw eeeaara are i
Chat. - Garland. roUmad ttooday
tbeaa Mertbara WUda.
froa Copaabh. wbaro to was aullBy.

Everjthmg Goes at Cost While We Are Moving.

Butt NevaH. D. Eoeaa of Ratarim baa ao aaora
aaeforanAmarteaab^ Uaa UerBaaybaa. Wblla atandlay an a tall ladier palaUay a bars, a bar eame aloay
aad rooted Ua ladder froa under Ue
painter who fell to tto yroaod.wben It
look some
a Ume to pick
pick out ladder.

aad will
start, aa aa experlmenL a larye abeep
raech. . TbeoaictBc will be watohe.1
WiU intemi bv all who bare look.-d
been at the tVaokaxoo, Itft for Uair to abeep ralalny lo eolre Ue pr.tbl -m
I AusUe Friday.
of what tball lx done wiU our waste
—. luura 8b1U aad aieoa, MIm
lands of norUero Richiyao.
Laarm Friedrich. left Friday, torley
anme weeks in thi
thi. placo.
A yoed SsBarltaa aoeiety to Uat
Mlaa Calb Rioclt aad Fraacla wont to wUuh to briny oryanlzed all nion'Cii.v
Keawick OB ueir wheola.
for Ue relief of ueforlnnate people
iM Bea.le Ixsmax of Cedar Bapids who aream^cted wiU phyileal diaabll.
^ Ua Waukazoo for bar beam totaiiiy and unabla to pay for treatacbi
■ Halle aad Era Raoracato
oafora rlall wlU UeIr •
....................... UUplac
Bar. Rr. Citout aad tsBlIy of Trmrerae Oily arrlred at tha Waakaaoi
aaoday and left batarday.
GeoVyc Lee arrirod_______
Joined bit wife and danybtor, wbo ba<
been berr aume lime.

PleklBy blaekbarrbs a the order of
tbs day.
daa- B
Mr. aad Mra. Yoaai abltad TiBToraa
Baboo] tocioa today arltb Hl^ Blrdla,
City Tbaraday.
da tore wlU frleada aoaa I
Garry DoBaBon aad wlfa of Vpallaa.
Hia Wlaaaaaad daarhtar Bylrla
her baalU.
tl ara rlaiilBy relaUrea
Baflaaw are vlolUaf baralatsr. M
Wb. Ulyr*. *liu haa apenl t
Mrs. O. Cbanea b cajoylay
>er beta, will ratora to ublo a
QMsr Bsbblaa otaoBlbaas Hlehlfaa with bar aaot from Toledo
h MalUay kb Bayhaw af tbb ylaoa aad
Tory Bad BaBoy HcPall of Csda r rU
Maoda la tba city.
Itod at B. Ht^gaaer'a oear Baaday.
Brl^t tea Mra.

All tbtaa wha bBl Bade yrt.
Ueasto>olB the oacaiatoB troB Uilb
Plar to tao Haaltoa oa (laadar
-------------------------------- W Oa laeUa
at tto wtatbor.

» U your Urns to fwt It Ton wfll net get aaothBr
•ueh ^«Bs« for yooFs.

orhb totaeiT whbr’ktotod'hto « tkt

« Laura Wllry.
Mra. C I! Eataa of Hataa waa tba
inualofHra. E A. Palear laat Wadoeapay a,ad Tbaraday.
A M drffaay aad faBiiy
ll nuke tbb
taroad to tbia 1BlaoaaBd wllli
ibMr buBS for
Mr. aad Mra. H. Bpaar aBlortaiaaB
t^^~*jrp-plaof B
r Id boBor of tha



week Ctarlea

trip to Dalrolu

1^’*Be aaaBa BBck Isproead is keaUb
aad ijalte asart ter a Baa paat "



Mrs B. D. ICUboa eaUraod Hoaday
Mra Dmr aad daaybur of Oraad
froa nisL wbero ato has boas lor Bto^ wto WM« ttoyoeou of Hto
VftoiBtoi. BtrtoalUbaotlBiAaad.
few doyo.

yi'eea Ua ■


aaxicao to Man bow to tmti tto
paia aad mAmlm wbie* aay be Is
Morelorlmr. lSUolobe^-Betotn
8a^ to Ben,** wfl] bo oast be* ta nay



Good Horses
'From Indiana.
I hare jnot reedred a carload of fine farm and
draft heroes, which I will sell at prices tbe lowest for
Erst class animals.
See them at opce at the bars of Brodhagea A
Wisebnewokj, State atreet.



(odayte eeUa. crcptp. Ihdtliacla
tbnmt« atatlaata eoayta J. O. f.



ChaM tba bead d "to eeneone’' _



that at this Mom of t
bcsgbl of fully to drtak waita tttu b
BcC beeq pvviuasly
ivinsly pnriU
OsWlUkWIleb Haas! talea haalbe way. aitber by bmliag or by dll_____
Urmsmlsoraay Salee la tbe worM.
Bulling b aa eSartiee WV d tnatag
Thbtaoiaadlb msrtt has led dbboaaadtaotsld
anrtalnly be done wbere an twRw mattad
bat a owlol Olwr can be amta
deealee .TOO wbra yea call for DaWtu' asUts.
ao cswile at btnae at ao almtM naalaal
“ - tfasri talea. Ue

srs.-.2s?s ?£ss;s;s

sU^ tan Inprorred bM UtUa aad are
ahiKta as ereda aa tbey were yesra ato.
atm *4. (. II
Tbwa potbapt aaeni bat Ultla aeed la at,UstcMlow
u. Ik It. as tbe ladb
TraTeraeCiy to Haaislsnm baBday.
tbii ayatah,Wbn tba Mitt* -....rtbnrt."
lajawla* tbli
Hay K. aad eeefy ether Ssuday there­
iadoeaat tba ibip-a dodk. bet at aaa] Tbr Urnk
W.K tt.». after Tralhs lease Traecroe aty at
•a. iraee
>w raira.
sWaal t:4Up. la
____d trip fare aot more U se 81 for
I in tbr ynr lead hr tbe Irldi aay
diataitea TVkeu ganl ohiy oa
m. tall.a. »-ti. a.n..ta day otWla
aad not trsasteral
». A. HrtTBkLU fteo- I'haa. Apt.
U. W. CvTOnsoasa. Apt.
tba two (rum Inlarii*
at. (0. Ml.' SI
M. tw, at,"
anaplof aad I
The ItnintKh poet. «9.17.100. M. M, iO,
tbna mow bverahbMKOdiIT. IS. «!>■> dltabi ISM. attslBtd ineraiy^ as^laasi ' OeWU-s UtUe
a boats or ereeMayf to ooal saK»
Blaen aca ^amaak aasy. ^or^
l7 hi. dm efloct--ta TU. r
tdgsbta tba bast tlBw Itbe 8u Paal
1. 8e.
ta ta
M ta 7t. IK. 44, Ofr-«, 7—1
saldmUe brforeshe was parchaaed tata"
. u '■
40 boon (or
as "ta to. 0»—
taUi* cB 8.000 toos of ocaL
.ll-Bl. ta 11.
A( na wbro a ship onrdsooal it«ea. a loi"
ally bmIs it ei'ty tedly. and tba (Oal 'ooetd Ooldnitb'e bM( poraa is"08,
TO, t—u.
- SO,
- ta,
- -0.
ta IB. If. 101. 04-ta
47. as. Bf. «. 10. " •
_________ from Cblearo-------------<aa fie Iwonftbl to tbe boat, ao matter 40.DiyrlcB
trszwIsMi 4). < Bl, W.
Saw York and Hoatoa.lakei
what tbe wostber may be. wbetbn tta tbe rtiicKdlbe aoeleoi Human piets
plaaaorale wooo^iac tbat^y^le ar-


brtUj n» k«» tMMnr>(




’ tatoiad M. Tab

cum Ibsi ibne U scarcely any cream
fm a UmseboM nut pumwiu« <ma. •
Tbe bucaeieode BlicT .ntcudws simply
cf aa onliBary decaiil.-r
ip glass

-taae for
, by^ of
---------- aada
pdter Ilf sponge <* eufton WuOl.
Jta.lde pM.« ----:tin
w.«ll bee
be ibrowii
after a timi' and le-

'iri at a a- suiuiU enst. If a spiaigr U
Otaowo. it oogbi h< la- takra ooi often,
el.woeil in but water nod afterward
riaced ia cdlA
Tta spctaib' <w rotten wml ts pburd
fur tta distance if an larta in tbe lamp
shade. Thi. ts then ron-nel by a layer
of Oaa while mud. wtan-b tax ^
wa4uM eery ulaaa. and plaoul|4a


■( ■nduip Mdtl

rs?„ '

WiW H tfae prodoetlOB d tm to tbe
K IfaU ilM faU lo tb*, pnMoc U
d foiMlil* du««, aiiAisDMr)7«T^
BMB <■!• hai bM tobcD Id loTMticato
UwUaWUO<«tb*nliiU(er ' '
IgMM tfaaalM B>ML Wx
Mad at lapth tba atpalBaBta''?
~~ MkDd nUauM» IlM
aV be a loarea d icnllloD d axpioabra
•MK and ca tlM whole this impottanl


7S. t. lU. W,- i». St—ta
St—ta TO. taa
ehsnrwr In "Th.-Inly
Lady )d (be
Ibc la
take "
HI. M, K7.
M. horn airwna

for bc^ Biafat be aonk The work tw
q.ln?lbo olden aad n
*, bt^
•euaeo. Oo. w4 of r .« ^ lYkaepiaK , „
(be two eoaw!.s"sj! Tbi Am mao
drop rolls'. fn'..rB vSm tbry aial M.ui-s'
a(«M. r it tl. • otbar^
tl!^^ireo-1 ta'ia
ticaiid-nu «':i> r to« at (be bvlui . d , Bnwt
drnpam'b'B* i-. nsitioi t'a looU
.jb" ship S' n.o.b .ia poaMWs.
T1ie«-:<J «i:?ir’y trauefnrli:?
onal .♦ -..n::' .:r 'i-V- :.t- J.BO-’. o
lUreaid sp.
ap el U oV v - .C u.' OOO
for avtllt*oua] ootef
buikara Kcr tntiajrfba Mae amoant
of nmlfran aooUierinto a Tnaal at
hecDSlwaald be folly dooltatfaat
mt.—8ao nmodacu Cbruolola.

‘‘TTriaDea aqiartalir tba wo
pbonecMa in tbe roof,
t taotBKpob- abow eraa more troe to tba emlitiou
4tahad la the BBllatls de U Sodata It Mmolabd. there wire pewe with
d'&MOorarnat ha daaaribaaaad aia real onma. opOB
. BUiiia e«r fBll7 tbe aetloo of hii K> wbicb a pfiJode aad an ctfenu^ were
aelUd ■•>rle>«^miiCML‘><w emienitna f.w played p( abob srsaim.
TbU beiaK
eaKdenabwdpletdmlaeair that tbe eocleslastiml Idn wooM be
fonbiT carricsl otit by [utmdDMaii a
realaoTlcB. As (be abow wae pnclkal■ftht
1 cnaebalr at tbe
altar, witb
I tta «lBn»a (be pnpirtica of
bon this
• iaKpwbkh mtt tare bme peaoit meat tbe Lord's
Prayer, tbe Tweoty1
tbird Pnlm and tin Inatltodes were
oot witb amcroos oSccL
mr latft d a geadeated Cabi. ao atated that tbn Tolame of sound by tta
in tbe most eOrint pbo««■ cd ^ indBaS«rbI^^ bast ryllndm
• *
..................... • ornt
*~ ‘V* I----------------------------------*
*' aabaea to bv (akea
■M aa taapMatBfa and pnamra, m
may. the erSirt of tbe Inaoratiaa bmo.
ttaaazUtaip derioee fir Iheae parpoi
^ of^ajtwat^ M

Tbaraday. et(a. ath, laea.

Do Not Be Deodvei

m ’'S lir5Si«S7{rL i-yy iSLrSJSt

“The Kind You Have
ThtnOky. Oesabw 8,iaaa,

Insist cm Having
The Kind That Never Failed Tea

latirti bag. Title iBst Itepai'M thmogh
Uqtif Ibu
Ita gUmaudMmwd
gUmaudMuiw out (u flt
Core. Uarmlem la effrit. loacbra the tta
ttss by 4b<'aid uf a.bmg pimol cr
Hrbt spot, rcibbic aob- jsst whsi U acntasl
waeted. ItacuatODce. JohnOn (cp of ibu mod raiwi ta phiwd a
Isyrr of aiitaal t harcoal wlilrh ksx.taii
pn vii.ituil.r tW"Ogbly ws-tail b.r |ml
ting It In an rartbin vteaa-l anil pcniriiu
(Sickly aod p»rms____ , to lha bidliligwaii'riii'ia it Tbulsy<rsli.,uld TWO POUNDS OF CREAM. OF WHEAT
>CT of bordock boat least ao lucb diep ami shmilO be
cAt the propoTticn of tbrcr-(]iurtrrs ol a con of CxHAtt OP WHEAT to
Blood Biitara.
well prusw-d dnwu upm tbf byte cf
ooVurthckag*)'^^^ Iwbiclkix thr recipe lor llivaklast rofvidce aboirs
'A blcasIOK alike to yuonr a
sa^ The filh'f it. »iw n-atly for ose
Or Kowlers Bslract of Wld
Is pMired Into tbi- lanj|>
BUd allciwMl tn'p-mdBli'slowlyibntogb MAKES ELEVEN QUARTS COOKED FOOD.
to tta thrmnlA kn.wlh. AfUT a tints
uk« our »wn| lor it, liirt can figure it out for jmitacU.
clogged aod a
Mu most be tsktn from tbi-ttipatid bilKd
D ran call .
for a few Biiiisti's awl tlun s|inwi'
Hasel Ittlee. Utcfr-al pile cot
accept anylblog else Ooo I Ir
At thu int ariublc rveipe which is sbotrtioo
oatmeal packasM,
plica. as eiiT and can ta (bus cliaimil itidfli
ioUt aoceptlRC a sohslltuu
oHrly. ('nut. time ^t time al— tbe MAKES SIX QUARTS COOKED FOOD.
for soraa. lor buroa. J ll. J
wbiilv appiimlBs will wi
As prartirallv ilu- only critinMn on Cbeak op Wheat b«« been
ininl^r V
lU terror llyoo'ea
tf nitton w
as' Leleelrle O.i la
t ►I.S1P-,
ellet 10 eases
thehoeae- laslaot................
.nTNighly l.ulfd. tir, 1.41,-r dill.
boraa. earn, apralor. aeridsomof may ud tliuh
tVhich is the m:5T «'v vt ill Icaxw a
Ifplacfd with ih-w maitwinL '
Ptaviilni tta niter l>- tbos fci^ Uiur- DO NOT BE LED ASTRAY BY
ooKtily cliwu It will yifld as good Ivmills lut any ttf the pMelil tiller, on tta
bare tea dbuibaied by the maoulac- markio nwiiiiB many Uuhw tta valnn
torera. Wbal belter Hfx.*
rim,a.. a,.M«««w-K.ur Vurk SPECIOUS ARGUMENTS
fldeoeeinlts meiimdeyouwaTii? It
cores plica, boros, acajdt. aarea. to the Hirald.
^a'|c ^Td their day. Tlir proof nf^lbr .mancr ia fn^tbr cooViiifr of
aboiMl apace ol tim..'- J-U. Jobi
Minply anNBTniti; tin-
bad a nuoief. tieblar aeee oo my
lag. Budsred tortures. Uoao's (> utCREAM OF WHEAT COm Mltinea^lisa Minn.
mrot took away itad borainc aod iieblea iostaaUy aad .loickit rflaetad permaaapt cure." C-W I. •abort. Bow4Ofce«.« .


■nm LeHsra.
osNinM s*il jei*.
' ri*l>.

i Onrhewd
lh4ial.u lu A A hAi^Miiua. »
rnilb ceears well lleimlr baee loaro. sbidly ixi'irluaul s tm
ed that IletVin's LitUa Early lUser are
.irliol llKUie.
lltlle pilU for ri«uUU(* thr
I. (tri.'ii A|anii( (onlnlmi hi-jd mevrliia. reliable
bowels, coriog coBsllpatirm mad skk
srfir. They doo l gripe. 4. U
Taloablo i
A~Biaa*B PMts er (he atay.
Imoed by lb.< boiennof mlaea. Pbiladd.
he ediull tlu4 h>' "us a‘mi*r
Oolng East or Booth.
abowinii tba prodaetln of antbran la Tt*T eoDlwat At tba top la phla.M»o
- Mhs>y«U-nlv.
If yop are going to Uelrolt. Toledo
coal la Pim^luM- tb>. Bikf


1.000.000 trauofaa'his i-Sarah and Jan
r aaMof two ratlMaaaeh
thradtalo 1807 as compared with 18M.
Ir IM t^ilag Ui tmmfr I
while tbe prcdBctloci of Ulomlaou
M tba doagb
leoTCi that laat pair, wlttaln tbe mma period Increased I
.hla aaljM-dalUh «f anladitblck 4.800.000 tooa Tbe number Of p
MdW baan................................... employed in mintiiff a
tbasfaila ■pn a ploea of aanraaBlA man te rwurally wlUina to Ml his
taohad to iwoiolham. Tba loUen caaae
oe—(tat la tta at
: wUeall ahrmla IhliiB thasbe Iblakashr
kudbtf.tealattpoekatwUhthaoat.: tt likely tu and out aoyr



(ansiea ayatem of Sommer Tuorista
Tlckata aad throota car aerelca to thr
principal dommay Rcaeru of the Norik
aad Bast. 4al far maey years kaec <
.. ... lOr of Tba ^eortU dnmi
Reaort Kootr.
A hsadsnmety lllostrated and daletily priatc^ brocooraaolillcd 'SpociDiea
___imrr'TMots" U oow la pram
will be seel toaoy addreseoo receipt of
three eoaU petatape Tourism wiirVod
lleaiy desirable t
bafora taklac their -aoi
City ‘ncket Ottra UB
0 (V. BoMucs. Oea- P

tW7 arnfaty nmuDodlty. bat tbe lata« a«inM far bcBora ta tUa Udo don
alaaal ^ tba wok. axsept to eat It

of aoddaota fatal or labcTwlae. •
mlpiny antbrodta
a doegh aa the lullataopcat Twy amefa latpar la
There are eaiiuur
aad placoa It lu tbe pas ready o|en tbe SODS Why anthrarito
la m
t^tObepotinloUieoTeD. Boiinla( hamrdoas tta mines lulotBS
are deeper, aad
ad TW7 ««C apaad
blastlaa witb blgb Bipludrea is mate
bbaad Md mold S4 kwrea a mlsnta.
The M«b ta fed iBtD tbe aachlte
ehaircaiTtar.aBwWob Mb eapaae
_______ IncrcaMus tbe liability of _
aa aaBona. bat daqaa. an dxad
oldsoa Uo tta olbir tutad. bowartr,
are free from tta
ana^do^ fn <» lot <d t
firmation of fire damp or csplonre
Jaalaatbeeop raaebaa (be trapdoor
BBWB. except onderTrry onutoal ccoditaraaorer a pelley
' toD m baafc
to tba
dn^ tableaadlbe death talUaptn tba tlM—Kew Yorii Son.
Mpdoor. Two lani at tba dootb tabla
•U the oapa aa feat aa tbqr paaa.
EsoepCteo U taken by Tbe Joonal of
nyirteaeto Profemtr Alba's role that
a prrsoo taoold driok tran «mo-tbird to
as many oaaeea aa ta traicta
taetvaawUcbpcMna poiamoiu^
to poonds—a man waiKhiag 188 poonds
laa Maaata. uatlni tbe flewnacd
reqoirliiiL ttatefora, IS (o 4 ^ta
, tba >mqalL white tayadotb and . .

drop, tbe aaiciaRU batng alM> paMda. dally.
Jocroal is (bat tbe amoimt ol
Wi7 tkadly, to nodb eo iodeed that to qolred
depends rather oo I
-■ « a aall aa^> nf nw of tbe belbs
Mr re«ll lalallr. while tba faiae cd of they.
tba taaeea la aa eaetlo. Tbe bmiea d
the pnr hare killed
ttii laeBtf well kaowa »owadar« that thieoafa tbe skin, Iboogh this Is
It li BM aafe to eat naar pewsh pits or made op by tbe lesar auaDnl passed
BbattrkndsatOMe. Tba iobalUa are sway tbroofA tta kidasys Then, turn
If a man labors eery band ta mtniies
BOO (ban U taU late Is liabt—a man
- pal^ tbe bmd. Lady’s aliopet pel- Wfiririna
fotadiy. wbete (be (cmBOS Id tbe tauar aiaeo.r as don polra paatore Iisd ablab
and tbe p.npliBUoa
ley. Iba'bBltis nanUw to be the Dost infM not iafreqofady
also or foot ^lliau dally. ^ driukli* Mina
d' -beealleyarr
at Btadi so Tbne ls <■
tad popples to do nledihd. aad Un
BBtaon cncBi, M (be bkaiaas ora
•rani (ta diriWegnUag of
Bbawad. MuaseoBiMat aad parsliiR.
Tba taaeas aad Sowen id tba ol.aader
Me deadly, aad tbe larked tbeiaUlia
•at b etBy.......................
aeudedtodimulv. out' pan of
■bullae laa (wt. aa pteUe) In right to
tuo paru Id wood alntbol. applyii* U
wlib a rom (prinkbr.
Slid tba wellkaowabaU
a bicycles has been ..
trodaeM la tbe caw of wberis d caiiBlbMaslBBatUndwltb (be moltiddlalBbbtattbaoaetliaod tbebocwala
dtsaiac aad non npedally to nartlag
ohloriof Uby
tbe e^lela. The baba <d tbeea wbeala
an Bade of trot lalo wbicb woodn
'•To mvn ttfalnk nay taery. Oem’t
Bpobea an dttsd. wbOa tba baarlM TOO am ttat If II etnr falls dowyili will
ba taigbrn than it is aowr’—Kl*gnta

was ihe origiitaior qf “CASTORIA/ tie same that
hat borne <tnd^ does me bid- ^
— on wry
<A« faC‘Simle agnature
TA«isiA«oriffyia; “CAST0RIA“ which hoe heew ased in
the homes of the Molhen <f America for oeer thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at ike wrapper and see that it it
the kind youhaeeeiwayshoueht ^
— an the
inS day the sipnaiure o f
per. ^ one hat aaihority from nw to use my name exc^



Wa ba*a alroad7 baatBW hnUUi
wttbMtaiB bmd aad aorated braad.
mt alao kaew that taaobliMr plara a
teof lUa

as tbU doo aod p—n



Do nat
-... cndanjicr
_..aan}:cr the life of 'your child by accepting
.Y cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
<.bfcausi; he mdkus a few more pennies on it), the in­
gredients of which even he does nut know.

•tl, BkJ*. TO, si. *s,.................

_________ - tta warship byoablea.
With tbe two reasab rolUi* aad pttebinf to aad from each otbar tbis pdoii*


' Ibeelleoltraln screloa.Ua featniaof

H. r. l^uou.Kh.^

Boras, lasacl
For )>rokea snri
a and especialbiles, boms, skin dl
liable remedy.
ly pliM there u oa
UeWlM's Witch lb
yim call for IVWIU's doa'lacceptooon.(an rewybuily '
fraods. Yob will out be dii
MV would lacker swell ikinas .ppolamdwlib DcWlU's WlicbUatt
urea. ^.U.dobnaoB.

Bub s link, ruuad hole oa {upT’*'
Wta Is tbe anwiusi dsJKly yuo meo
m7 Tta|matsweb(dlb.'C>aati.
Urs. Oiiodwal-N.w. Uobby. U ^
lake aoyul U
. the imtlT. I'U
wUpyuu! Uule llobtIle|t«(rienIlly>—


Ik. Uto 'jMsr U< ■■to'.olw >kr
Tr.i-i^to lb. MU SM «i ktoito s^iwau^



itktvsuE SSLS uarxcLt asvikti aun

Headquarters for-

Ply Nets



My $6, $7 Rod $8 Single Heroew are tbe beet for the
money in the Sute.


For Xn&bta aad ChUdna.

A good Dooble Driving Hnmeee complete Jor $16.00.

Tranki, Lkdiee' end Oent'e RotebeU *t AU Prloee.




m KM Yn Hin Alwm BmkI!

— fiA-

SI SIS. ritot ts Ik. iwmm W ssH aw.
eiife. towiamw ttrssa. kail Ik Ike Wir W Tiai-

in rttn •trial.


Trsvene City Michlgnn.

~ s yuo BU BUw.'puntaa tan la iny
TfaewixMcuum Is a
1 borsetaofc rldlnfawrtuC


T.ry dMrmUr fw werlu ilw^J^^rk.

Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.


Ordertfor Job Printing left St the
wMt. reec wilt U.11 • ai>r.e^a.g^a^ir»iiMy

will receive nrempt etfeptlen

MuJmIT|nW»° ll.l aM p»nlr.Ui-» ir. IBT
■Uk brat .1 took letrttorto. Xwerli-SB Tto

. who ham narer bad Blood M.
BIB eae not know what
diUon 11 eas pradnee. This tarrftda
dlmam which ita
tteddoette aia toufly -g “ eora, b

w.i; WI~W. fi.MiF4 rrik. to

iii:.' ..«kw to. - fkto>

If you

..--------------- -

tired of drlnkinf Tea aod Coffee, try

*s»i*is m»iirL tocto'Jto^ ikw W iW


to. M Ik. .m to.« iT m.. MS IS I I I I i4 f as
mem 1. .MS «M sm. MS toHiSM. Ik. te

Essrsjs^i’rs;^ rsr i•s.’sss


Ik uitotoBWi to ■k.tnt

mto'k*HUH«' ts aStatSmt'tmtStmSS!

Ai;;iiu.S£S.'SSS for R while. We have aU kinds of Cocou and
Cbocolatea We bare
Ttsiwm cm. U< ek.e new. if nr me. >w
Nmlo. .6 Tm P.T—

gl«. tolli.m .mm BH.r*OTMB.

___ ________________________________—______________—■

tikmtto.Hr Ai.mekui. tki to IMI omi
tot toU I'nsil. krU M Ik. totom oSto I. MS
to»kl>. to 11 l.tol; (.un.SUWkw
pitotoLjim. a IttoSto.
tk. muer w Ik. iMu. -I


Ilu. mi.. .m

Van Houten's Cocoa,
W. Baker Breakfast Cocoa,
Stollwerk’s Pure Cocoa.

mUM. ikmrSMt 'i» .as imrwsn OB


Jn Chocolates we have Baker's Chocolate.
German Bweet Chocolate. Lunch Chocolate,
i Buckle Bros.* Chocolate. These are very fine

8e laaab rarier b (ta

Ef ae omaiboa raubnd by thb
lal It U pumlfala ta <mt mm *•
bttyosngglil ^
Bte ttayjM brr heart.

•aSAmmd ttalM imma laial M

aigtad Ita



Reeipe lor Sappy Idrtap.


■arannra njaaor waoiaa twm
toeataa.apatoaaar: to rafota teahra
lUtebSidlar UtoeBalerae haadla to
« aaaarB pUe: It doaa aot hart Ue

Km. K. B C. BatA, Editor,

Oh. «Miy BoUim.
OM>m wlAk itat ..
lit. IbBOW. lOM*
TowflMwoBU uoUt.
A MPfel* MM cr » pu-okr trM.
Bo hant. M wari7. M boUlw pet;

Airmg Tevard Mifhv
Atait t*«BiM sirht vboD JIa e
•oaBokowtha bordau of Ua dar
Bad aU lha wontta rM>

baaa '
Aod Mnat Uarria at tha rata.

I flr araaad at that Biratt Bosad—
h, tha old-tlor
Bad oh.
With thatf
*adob.ibai bapp7
... Ubm of dajirdBlcbt,wbaoJlB«OM
A<oM toward
Bad UtUa Uarf^^lm^ fraek^
M to at tha ra«o •» blithe
take hto
duu dloaar pall. •
, blhaaoawaet'.
1 aa*7 hb ooa. rteb or rrrat.
Ataar lowarda hirbt. whaa

to the Baait aTtha Woo
■oak WaatlW thlaft is tha

nowere aad ftroo aad aaft rraaa
■to low' of tha Mfda la tba aalltadae,
Jifhm* tha awUt wie«i rUaea. aod
had tha traatope toav
■poeM of tUaDoa. awapt with eoa(,
Whlah aobod; bean bat the Oed

■toa^j a^ paoaaia thahaarief


dielBuS IMtTmp.edd toHtMtpiea
tec, ball BbODitee alosut.Mte> osd
peBreffota beillerbol over tk« trati.
OmUbbc thtopriBwi tor UtrerraaeeeBira teoraurB. Bod the iBCt atvnlaf
Bdd tbe frail to ibe btellev Bprap
bon cuUj aetil It !• UBder eaoBfh to
plara* eaoilr »ltb a fork.
Th«a tm
oatearefatlpaad ill letoiba cIatB]ara
eaollBBC boillox M Bjrrap bbuI It
p»«r hot
w the fralt aad aaah

obleBpoonfal of ancar lor aoe
•h. BtMe Ihr raleln»aod cotbntb
lOiaadalBoodBaerj dar. Raplaea
I ltd. Better well a baker, plaoe hi
peacbea. aleoa littia water, aad
bake entU debe.
Berta wllhcrea
either whipped or plaia.
lelicbt—Peel asd halrat<
Eca larfc.
[C. ripa paarbat: petthapiu
a BBail e
_____ I <|aBi...
for tee mlDoteB. tben etrala.
aapfal of eofBr b'x tboroachlp with
two tebleBpeoefsle of floor. Id b deep
bakiBf dlBb pot B Urer of paBcbee.
■priakla with B part of tbeBixed aorar
drop oter tbl* odc traapooatol of
baiter cat late bite. Add a eraeed and
If of the
tbe frail
fralt flal>bierlD
fiah' '
wBp. and poor orer all tha water
straierd fron tha pits.
Hebe a rich
blscoU craxl wlU oae aad oac half eep(ati of elfI-d floor, oce half of a trateaepoaefol eftelt. three teblotpoeefalt of bBtter. eee uaepooBfol of beklax powder and rafielast altk to B<x a
t doarb.
Boll oat half aa iaeh
:k. plaoe It orrr tbe frail, aaka aer___ 1 eats for ateaa toraeape aad bake
iBaaoderateeraB. la earrtor eat Ue
araet ie ^aoee like a pis, lap oo Ua
frail aod pace U wlu a piieber af

PtBEto Paddlod-FIll a pnddlB( disk
wlU whole peeled peacbaa. poor orer
aboattwocaproleof water.eorercloerIr Bad bake aatll tka pteehee ars teoder.
Dr^ off Ue ja^o had Bet taide
aatll Boul. Uad add to It oae plat of
Bweel Bilk, foar well beaten erpa. one
eapfolef sarar. oae tebU pooefal' of

oaa scant eapfi
capful of
floor, a pli
aeltaad one Uae|
pnr'urbatt^oTer Ua paaebee.
•to ida^ ad loae U tha haart of Ue
aaUl well t------- ‘
- ■ -------^thaKi^otaUlhlan
A New Bemeo; (ew B

a for tUa Be wtU I

Ac wa kaaw ctorer roota poptUata
Ua toil to a ffraat depU. loteia it aad
earrp dowa the plaat food. Erorp fa'Sarraa Afford to at Itol oae UIb aeaoi
of feodiar aad dratolBf bu laaA area
if ha eaaiiot afford a aabaoil plow.
A plaak flqorfaratobaB a laJa braad-

Urtor to oee of oar mldlaad eitlte >
BteaBber of a part; takiepa trip op
the Ureet lAkm.
Ai to ububII; Ue
eaae .oa ebopp; Like K-ie or n^ph
Uske Uaroe. msa; of Ue Baaber were
The declur, howerer. wta aet
aasap tbeea. aad tkto fact aal Uatick-


Fata, balra aM ataaa Soaae Arm. aalUp«ahaa. woM tom asd atoastoa
otaMaroek. To bo«m paoA af frwli
allow ihraa poaade of lIMt brawa aap ■

mmm af atieh alMbasa. oao laBla-


• Pot Or^ Onm ft Saitar fevAar
aaof tlia safar aad'rlaefan'MSto
Ath U tha apUaa Uad to

40 'TEkRS

■Thioa oaacte are aaaateary, Arat of
• patixaoe.
TBoa of rapeaa aad paaea: of oabA poBBd aaUra to aaedtal:
Of paatlBM of aU aorta, tee,
kid be paUerad aa Bach aa' to

Bat toy

With allqaar BBaifa trto trae pleaaam which rr}oiea to hrart.
a ef loro'e as^ dropa a fow—
fowOT U« epartoAl;.
•partoAlf. for toy aa;
brtopa flama
Which aanpht bat w..,.
Oriad Uo wbde and mix UwobtUB of
to yoBT Mtooaa yonUft yoor
To him wha bolds Ue plft ef baalU.
Barry Roly Poly.
Uls toprtor one elat of elfiod Aoor.
oae half s teaBpoCEBfel et aalt. oaa Uaapooafal of eupar aad oao teaepeoafkl
of baklop powder aad mb la two I

e use B a------- -----------------------priddlo_____, -Js. Into which a llule whit
r has beee dlasolred. Cdrcr Ue aartrlth a capo will pro­
EwlUUe mlxtareand let it ramsiB
for aboBt ao honr.
Thee rab U off
Oasned Irtit. aa se>eto aa It U eeel.
d pallab tomSEbla wiU alcohol.—
should be pDt IB a oool. dry.dark place.
Llpbt has a toDdeno; t.
spoil, aad at aa; rate Empaiio
Cbtoeso ChUdron.
When battene arc osod on Ue barite
A lady, who has
r ehlldroB'e dressea Ueyaroapi
IblBB. writes ear; lotemtlopl;
of tbe
different troslBeol which Ue boys ead scratch or mar Ue chair backs;
BM be aeolded b; pulUapUcB uoder
-Ie of tbst kliipdcB
ktopdcB rccelee. W:
I Ie born ba eleops
eleops opto
opto . s '
Tbe bad
bed la riebl; dra|^. and Ue little
When at Ue tobic do not laaee a toafelloers is elotbod with rabea as porpe- spooe to a rap of r-iffne or tee: maae
ilbli pareeU oaa affEWd te buy tlars Ue cop has bero oenrtnraed aed
UisplayUlnpara pearls, and If ho* Ue ooBteoU spilled beosose a bond or
Ue only bo; to Uahooeebold oeareone eleeec ba eanpfat on Ue spoon.

.•xa'oLf 5 ""-w.


r raUfloBa oototome ark. «a a
wbeta. a mattar of falU.
—‘—T‘~r or east wo fallow wo pie
talU OB to worda aM toehtops

to Ulekeo add
praeroBi cap. of milk
p pTBla Beldt erer; da; which asd twofo
toraod late meadows or
I a piopb of BElupmrand salt te taste. Cook
b profEt. Conkidar coat b
aod eee -It ;oa <
Boalloped Tomateoa.
doinp. _
tom than ;oa bera
Scald skin aad cut tots pood sited
pedlf Biteh be toraed
ptecte oae quart of tesstor*. Hatur a
r. aaeded dowaand plrea ep te
deepdlsb.'fiil wlthaluraste layers of
stale bread cot la inch piecM. tea
tees. salt, pepper, s fri; drope of obIe
Tha Bau Tab.
jolcc sod s Tory liilla sflpsr. Orsr tbe
a bath tubtoxlac llaad. Ucaaba tep sprlakleo Isyeref buttered erainbs.
B te look like a ailrer tab If rabbed corer clcEoxI; sad place to a hot oraa
roBBl; wItbacIeU Bototaned b; for thrse-qoarten of an hour Urn neeaoe. la fact ah.------ -------------------coTcrasd bake bbUI well brawaad.
do well u see Uat eseh a lob peU a
waSkl; rub of this kind all UroBpk to
Oora uystcro.
That dUtreaslBp water mark
which ooeure oftes to Us tub ef Ur
Score the raw
btet reETBlsted fsBllIm Biwdt to be
eto eery eloasly.
watched, aad It can Corel; be aroldcd
, nf the pul
pulp allow one
bj to week!; krroarne rab If the tob . irtcr of a . ipful of flo
to Enarble. and hat bwadlaE»Iorrd by baalen epp.
drippian from to faocet. e<«nr It of tell and OE


for Uto taat^ of prapariop
BaacAea, aBorUap tha iarar to flaer.
Wtetoealitoao dlKcalt to aat tom
wUh^pni^l;- tk* (raaatoaa

____Ura foBBd to a cheat to tba
Fraaeb Naltooal Library. It may prara
OBca of wda; wBat to oaaaa

alonp peoeral lloea.



r of to Clariy to HroUpaa Ba*
derao to Lmto Oeaqawer.

cient sweet BJlk te make a soft doepk.
toraOBlon e fl> Bred board.........................
board, work wtU
Ue handi for e
too roll
roll out
in e sheet ooe-l
aa Iaeh Ulek
Spread UIckiV
esrtoo. aprtakla
■pooafnl or two of sspar aad
rollap like a J illy n.11. plecblap to
ends te keep to Ur toleo-v^Im; oo a
to raloe otSBall pleote offroaBdee prcaard pie plate and eteas ter half
topBlrbt. aa Uep arc axed to cbeep an hour ibea plane la a hot oraa tor
Mo BEDutM to dr; off Ua Croat
wlU eweeteard cream or hard
who aOBc to aa. for Uep prow neb
where ao ABcrIcae would Blowlp el
Oreamof Oora.
j BOtpo iBUwleter q
Twdlre ears et com.
Grate tbea
pleat; of f<v<l oa bei
-ell (roB Us OEib. ’preaerrinp el
I aa Ue bod;.
lUk Uat raotte from Ue oora.
folks la Biad wbilr Bski.............
. FiirTnoraelf. hBrrprBcUcml worka the com to a derpehtos bowl.
Ue bowl to a tin Steamer wlUacor
Ue dlffcreat b*aoeb«Bof arricaltore
lorctbrr wiU books of Inetractlen. Place Ue-sektui.-rorera polofbeUI

flraa aoBSthlBf of
atrial, and which.ha
Tslaablria to aaaa ol
: lllBaaa kaowa to Boat people whs hare
of bar. She eleepa Bpoa the proeod
Aa akawbarriaa are feearaUj bo traralad b; water.
The reined; to oD*p of the eiap'est
eiap'M l
InewlBdpad to bathe aoporior of ell
aad U aerel; wrapped ap to a bip
t pka-BseopBla
pka-mseopBl <
-------- 1 Iralte ao p«eb« are ooaeedrd be fEread la the prrat
pisreot elcU.
W Ihhk Arat U popalar later of tbe
Whea old eoourk M pif; with aeyea
UlBpsheltpirena pieEx of tile, and
lunr taitoUea Aad aaralp thmj deOo the ocoeaioe te lUich 1 shels BolooDSlderCEd capable ol acltop
awaofha draataauaa la which tbr; alaeat.
wa tod. Arraarad pcMUl; apoa a referred, this nedielne wee need wlU rlpklorwroDp. Aesbeprnwe op ehe
dtotow frail dJah, Mtea fraea Uatea aeqaalifled eaccEBa An boar after Ue U taapfat te prepare food and make
aad a law aataral flewara fraeatall; doctor b«vaB his mlatotratloat W kla wine. Heyond Ust eke kaowa aethlatte Pfaad. thap aroald uapt the teoet eaSerlop frtondB. these people far iap except to obey her parabla.
DallffbUollT fra whoa life bed eecBad to here loet ell
■taat.laidoBBaadof delUoai iator. ckerat. <rera welkinp eboat ead ehatCodflsb Oekas.
tl teoald te ItegtobU 10 iBprote apoo tiap la tbe beet of «plrlte ax well am
able to eat a bean; dlanec,
. Onepreat aeqret to asklnp nice Ash
Thto reaed;. wbick to pbrsleiaa oakte llte to kaelap a preat deal BE>re
wkow fraah trait aaaaal be ebtalaad:
the boep aiatrate of tbe hea plTSB me peratoaioB to Bake potBW than Ash. Put oleocs af eodfleh
teklar "Taklac toe bj kaowa to to readers of Utoparlodloal. la water aesr Blpbt (Bold water), ton
OasofUeae bull eslll trader Ue next Boralnp.
—well bar atarebaBae hssSPTCTBl adraalspn
is Usi it esu bs easily pnieared s
Cheopinp Ibe water oocc, at Irute dorwbAaebaate
.. ..
time lotbe ;esr whea prople Bake
top tM rrome of balltop. Usee psred
I for wUtar Baa are berew
preBter nuaber nf toir ra;acee.
pnuteeo eooktof Is aaeUar kettle
_ aad atoa aetetal deUdooB w<
tbr; tTBTdl b; water Blall
AaoUcr ^ep Ue fltfa ai easte while hot. ead
prapariar ibe freab fralt.
................-* tstol
is tot UUn
it to not naplesteat mssh ripht tote Ue eheppiap Ua; Ue
tatok*. wkile a small baaket of teaa- hot polateire. orl mladinp If the; pa to‘to aped POtee 'rt^. Irn
te tbe traytoqoltesmelst etotc. Melt
to quite a aitsble pieeo of butter and 1
a this wa; are Ue Blxturc
Btoturc U et ell cliff add a littl<
tooppfpl at water to eto |
atooareaed; for fatotasMS___________
_ warBBllk.
■poaslbleto iadiand eapacisll; for Uat
.,t dlsai
dlsapreeabla cate aceuralaly haw s'iff
S'iff the
preperallEss ehoBld be. bet while there efarald
•toabaat ttatolaotae or aotll it U Blekncte of tbe - iBseh which
lack of
benoUtop really welor aiutbrabonl
IbPPOaChlr ttBlL/boOMd. bet BOt BBlll
it. there yet sboald be e soil, flee eosiPto boA or btora. Take fros ibe
elsuae; U it Uat woold aecB a if It
to aad poor Ito Urte eballaw ntotee
weald reiDalB UDder after betop fried.
Have rtoj aad old beach or table to
«ho aaaatoat part of the pan) aad plaoe
Oeed Thtape te Knew.
toe fbot la water to preteot troable
That ^Ik which is Unad or
Arraoca tba pUtea apoa
ehaaxed ns; be sweaUnsd aad readerthto aad ooaer wail with Steqalte acted flt for aaa afala b; etlrrtop to a litSbepplapma; be aadeoeaparatlroOac ed .«aa teeah. which ehoald be
lyOBs; If order aed eystem are naad.
Belt will cardie aew milk: keaee la A lUl of artleles to be parcheaedebould
be Bade before stsrttop wlUquanllPidaaaad tha oaatre of tha table This prepariap Bilk porrldpaa. prarlw.
tolokaap the aatUac froB droppict UesaltahOBld not be added aatU to tite and meesareBcnU nolad.'alao a
late tha fralt Tie the aatUof doaa todah to preparod.
ertlcu Is boBpbt
araaad the adee of the table to pt«That fresh
____ _________be craiBid oat asd Ue
edat laaeeU froai erewllaf la Bader,
price set down; a peaoil ehould alwmya
aralh. Mete tha table aa Ue
doors to to cool of to
be carried for Uls parpeee and may be
Thsi clear beillaf water will raa
tied to Ue pone moneale. aad no alS?toha5it^rt^f thT'paid**’
tee BtalBB aad frail Btelna.
wmy arsUabIr; Uea kee^ tbe tablete
•raalaff briar to the fralt aad acrape water Uronph Ue stela. Bad Uat
toane eompartmant. and Jotdown bb
aU lovethar tote oaa creek.
Next Teat It B^eadlnp over Ue fabErie.
arraed whea Uonpbt of.
IltCcoe.diMOratof ill aeda late the plaua. pro.
That rIpetoBaloaa wUIn______ ____ roeUeos arc followed It cso easil; be
aaad at bafora. a^ if aol dooe bp
Bad other iteins froas white cloUi alae eeea wbeUar tbe chaape Is correct. Id
from tbe haads.
case ef s woamn there eroBldB*t preb
sbl; bo BBck.—Srlcord.
That a teblmpoo
dapa. tka Utee depeadlac rrratlp apoo
tha lateadtp of Ue heat The pr». boiled wlU white aloUoawUI aid to
' ' « wbM the eprap It thick
For tho Bsity.
I trait clear aad I_____
rhat bEBlIad etereh to BEMh Isproeed
Don't lot ererybed; bias tha babyl
oaa ill tote rto toBb
Ue additloB of a lUlle epwa laltw
•eme poople esoo U thtok Ur; hare e
-araaearclp. tebel. aad |
■ arable duaelred.-ltol«esfd.
perfect ripfat te kESs erar; child Akey
irp elerat. Fralt that pi
take a ooUeo. to. la tbe flrel plseo
tteatna. batter thaa h; ao; oUer
natbiid. lie BatarB) a^warBnee and
aad epraad UeB o
UmteS^ i^b^to I* cmliri!
•Bear Bad kaepe exesadtopl; wall.
And to tbe eeoond place babies hsre
•woet Pieklae for Paacbm -Few
Mfersaeosss well ss prows Mople.
hOEBOBrirae. wbs taka pride darinp to
We would Bo.lEkete be eempsllad te
a—BB- bobUb of aaipl; -aiorlap Is
kite ererybod; who took a faae; to
aoM form aaek of to aaaaoa's delicl.
Umioat Hono^-World'aFalr.
Hononbite ax: sad aeiibar do the;
OM tralu. bet r«atr*aa aapl* tpaes
Uoro U BoUlap like “Botkar'e klsa"
teaeraat pleUaa. As aa aecoapealGoldMedl.AcId winter fair.
If baby talli aad buru blmaelt be raas
maat to to oMat eoana Ua; arc
to aamma eo Uat aba may kM Us
■to»l<«lly daalrabla. pet aotlefraqaeaV
plaoe aed asks it wall. If be to Urod
I; maktop a atoa deaaeit wkae earrM
AH fcBUe oaa be*pSlS5M*l^Uto
aMbod. bat for roBaral torar paaabeB


AitBOBt Uroe aaatarlte apo MaiparaA
of Nararrb wrata aOteaUtapraryi
Et. whtob ealU reteU yeaif waa

tortof dewa the ptoetp oaet a pear
aadbaelac ajebilee erara rat boBt.
hareafeediarltaorid eoaaataadaad
tbe iranblr.
Id Ue Btehlea ebreddedfodder bap U
Ua btet baddlv te be bed. after Ue
l« aad baeka are patee. for Ue

loiriac malbod will amplr rapap tba
Bddltlooal llBMaad troobla ar<iBlrad.
to exarOBlrc peat scee
dalaet iro. aolid ptaebaa. pare, eel oat
Ue cities for Uat parpoaa
a qaartar aad rasara tha aee4
a dlUar a^ehoppad aiBaoda. raUat
“ "*bolTu?to <nlp*tefe
aaddaua. oaa third of aaeb. drat atoa
Uefariacr. UecaoBotafpmaedbpU
ralBlai aod reBoriac tba daU
rd to
. allow
pollep te lapse Tbe
Fin thU Blitera Into tha oa*^
of bU balldlnfi aad eeawate to
Uta.illbs parU topaiber. ..
- - rtlmrairoDld beacalateitp which
aacurrlp lelo plaoa. aad proBBodlaiia
ai la
oeld aeao ralb OBaallp.
plalD Bwaat '^rklea.
Fall eateolllbr to reaerallpaateataad
(ielael paaebee that are larpe. aoHd
Bl. tiaebdaapplowlBriBUeepriBr
Bed Dot Otar ripe. Waah t taet aad reb
Bs to Bbfararablr, for It eboold be
drp wliboet parlec.
Cat off topa.roOBS wbra Ue eoU to drp. aad If it oob
Botr tbaBoadia^ boUowoet a|irbUp.
BBse drp tbs earfaceBili baeaoBototFill tbe catitiaa with a Bitlora of rale
re for Ue rerBloalloB tf eropatoowa.
IDB. B'aioadi. aaCBr and the a<wBpln(B
. betor abaorbed bp Ue loess topers of
from tbe eaotaref tbr peacbaa Allow

Vhr Irate tha dt/h daat abd dla,
iThata paaloa aar hate of saa
. Bwftolaeaerfallj hoaaataredU.
Dnoar thaa haatat.! traU hath roar.
O&BteafB tha taro wbera tha wlk)
Aadteriateaadfrot aoBeathareeUa
Ta gap^at hvealf o’er tbe fraaer

Thaa. wboatar Ihoa art, to-dapf
tKtUofaalotsiterar'-----------Aad Mfa la ato
b raatlaat

tea wa pocaae the Bcthod o
UeaaBBonlethefleldc aad e
itaefa •
- ' --------

make Ua
little heart plad.
a-itbora be pcatla aad Uader w

A bntloB will sterOB BDeb leBperlf.
when sewinp it oB.'UekBol be plsced
OB tbe riphi side of the cliitb seder Ua
bultos where it will net ba seen. Uon
the nndcr aide it Is soob
odofl. 4 •.•-

la a elute deaev

Hii atooarito’ tote^
woU iiiWTii walpkt

. ftTto™_________ ___
to BOt plroa Upbtly aad enly after poraeaal oxportoaea.
Oratitada aad a daa|n te F'M^M to^ltarr ef to pab-

■'Tba Ate. r. A. BbIU. of «*» Fiiot
raakEalamaioo. Mick., ear*: ''Wboa
Wwarod DebbS KUtory FiUe 1 ws%
at Ua Use. aad had booa eoaaldorably
troablad wlU a; Udaaya

pmitloa lor may leapU of lima.^^Uw
--------Items Bsoally alWadlopdlaorderod
rys plalaly iadkmlM what aaaaail
llffirally. DoanB SlElBey Pills e«rocted Ue
iB a vary short
Uma aadlbarsBE
aed I
tad. optedate.
aiTMcada I
tonb BO oUar modidBe tbero eaa bo no
doebt bat Debb's Kldaoy Pills sroroUc
dlroct mesas of eoriep ma. I aa meet
farorably laprraasd with Uem "
DoanB Rldaey Pills faraala b«
Priee Meeata. 'Mailed by
Foster-MlIbBra Co . Balaln. K. 8. SeU
npeou tEW the U. 8.
Remember the name DcaaB aad take


woeld Uns apicw
always ato It wish
—loedoe Ulute

tram tba woU lor Ue Bo^m<XtnSd
n bortieallurtot in BoBis.hai
babUdIVaad Ueradaaarra m torasi- wAlraed wbas was toOiered to be Impaa'
toble. Ua pcmlacAtcB eP MJ|>b* imm

Bbe—Oar nt-ig

B to that tUla ato

grown Bp dxnpbteti.
Ury gm- no parim, don't go Iee any of
Ue Impi. don't appear on Ue board
walk when tbe hand play# and. mereirUe plainest cloUto ImaglD-

I.., u . SSI5!

■ LOeWOoSu'

. bii du n.

.w I-T; s.‘.™

Chicago -•

-Btetoo TtansrripL


West Michigan.

Aa CeweebiwiS Ateoer.

Sfiecial Attractions!
Tue ni>eEil SiSEhMMa e( Ei> kite
rrer .ees la KICElirte.

‘to'-i Harrs u*j ««SdM
Ed aai Ulr< crate err
lEteat all tarrSasiEaa

1 Islands (as; ali
8 for a wile.
Proframrfiibommanfatsrat mindid)! um.
_Bm.hBt 80 much. JruuyS-Ecbo.

.aUfsre oa aU laUnaflsto teoBi Mp.


"He way not elwiji be nch. Hie
ootote belBbcrimbasaHriag loH."

laniiab- aod far telteSri-ErrEr



- •

"Ytit A *triDg of rate boM

AdiBiyMlorolaiDetoieby lilw*Tbe ordioBry taamsB nmr to t fnebra
The doErin-iniEi pope mraiena 7 by «
Tbe crown ocIowe (apt- to
by «K
A royal folio rolaiiK- has a pope 0 t?
II ioebte


Monuments, *t
Headstones | UllSTRE UD lOfflUinil L t
Markers {

Tbr fwlerep octaro paKi- to • Inelieo
loop bf 4 tu WldE

ooana nona.

One hondroil dropa from a mi-diciba
droppio make
The aretepc bi lpbt of man to i tiwl «
■IxiciKa. bU weight I4li< poonds

nickel piedc to axaetly
5b to.'
The ibcisur troth of
BOV than ono-fErarU of
• Tbe Wolf Is from
>0 *

leiipth aod stands alMDt 18 Inciies high.
Thrhyvna u sUidt Ue ails', of an or­
dinary Ncwfonodlaud dop. from I
AH f<«l-



We handle all rradeaof Oraeilr. Harbleand SUBE- tVork.and eo- A
Tor alrrays to keep oor prices tow, consideribg tbe quality of work i,

TbcBTetagubriphi.Et irumaouflfei'4
t incbia. b(0 weiphi Ifiio poonds


The Iriuea-fiP spsPacko ani ahoi
«.h tuchce ill Uvir gnntesi and I
fn Ui-ir least diodwtras-

. secure atock
thus obtatoed rrrrrta U our cuaUmrrs
,---------togaanyUlag to oor Itor. it would be well for yoa to5 tell or (InrfEOsa P
* before plaeiog your onlrr.



Traverse City Granite & Marble Works,
H. D. ALI-EY. Proprietor.

c 401 VeatFreBt Btroet


TraratM City. Kick.





J CK<*



rssilrss: :■


ocuBoaocTa. .

E One Call ol RED SEU
E Cartiage Dressing


MAkes Cariia^ Topa

to. ra'i I

nirr-s aoiiek. ...

I Bright as New I
■ Labs..........

W« hawe mAde a oIca line of BAraMa in mAny
A ApAciak handAoma and durable Single
aaniMA we offer for


ONLY $10.00.

AbcBl twice aa moeh ftma toroqnbed to-otop on ex|a«te train as to

We alAO carry the bMt line t>f Horse CoUara, Sweat
Pada. Horse Clothing and Bridge Collar Pads.
grown by Chinese
not Is thlmblte.


J —— '“is

“'o.x 5


fk-BliEtor* ay rt^t tbe perfMtly propruua.d BKBtfatoUn-e-qqaiteraof Ue
leupU of Ue nuee.

xfrnirtsns JssrilM, tska tkis wmls ea«
kter«MdssniteMn« L iBroe roly te lute
aytewfir'ro-a*l lalcsrotbaw.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.



^^oTOB PETEfjy^-

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Eli


Kt. PlesMBtrCHroMO. ffaglaaw. Bay City, Detroit, Ho«p.
eU. Ann Arbor, Tolodo
points Saet aad eitb. Ct0«»
oonneetloaa at OepoaMi with

Taqult lebacte eullr ead taronx. te ms
MUr. lull <4 lue. awes as4 sw«x. take No-Tw
*'— --------------------- •—
--------"-I—I" nil

a totaJ lorn. 4» tba

wsEi tm s insE mriwr

Parks—Wte. didn't yem knew tbi

(u uCCEUu. w sto- BnEiUr kiSEUUte el Urr
KEecS. rruEi, AxrwiiUorsJ see HmuIs. -

OellolEdad may
J be tmmiBded. il to wud.
by wt-ltinp the edprowiili plitrial
acid audfotciop them (epeUer-fer
abort time.

Bs a BealiM Bhip » tomi
Cbn B Tcmrl which sitiki to tbs bot­
tom of Uesemlus ttoim be propwly
di-firribEd as a total Inml This was tbe
qncstini which Ue too- lords hare Insi
bad <u decide to aa bcUeb termphl I7
------------of a reanel apalnal

ba bad badatemand that bis ba
bM aU eosns ooll—OeTrlaod Lstekr.

Sept 26, T7,28,29 aol 30.

NcrerletaaaBlBal eee that yon
afraid: he will be apt to Uke adr
tape and annoy you: If there to danpsr
be drpesds 00 yoB. sod tf yon foil him
be to likely to do eoae taah. dooltoh or
danperuus Ifainy.

Comae, s French wfenUfle rarlow,
aays that a SooU Ainrricsn famer has
Rocntly made an amdetila! dlaorwy
■S frrt-st rslne to psrdruers and Bortxta
It waa u> ibe rffvct tbal Ic»tm of tba
ttEOafn plant win drire Insects away
fr»m other plants. He corcred tba to­
mato leares oror some yoonp sbrabs be
orUbE-d CO pErotoct from tbe son and from
smali ioaectx and wu deliphtcd to flad
that Ue latter rJcaird oat u a
they sot tbe odor eff (be tomato
BctobcD extended Ue same ttw
to an csitira row cf yoiiap pamcb
and bis BocEcraB waa emufjeto. Ttoresdec Ue lyoceas more clmple be cried
decoction of the fnoh tomato learca as
a spray oo oUer tn-iw aod ahraba ami
tonnd Ibai be bad a pafectly effectira
wempno w-bich ccS prartically noUinp.
Be also foood that a spray of (be
kind woold keirp fltosoffbls .'

w ™“ft

Mia* SsW St ek|ao bAPaot.

The seal uf an mdinary chair to 18
tflchio from Uoflotc Loniriocue'
peww are 2 to 8 tnrbes lEiwcr

pet eome aBotemi
It profit. froiB
1 tbe
tl tolleatop:
Elped to pelaamall box atorc
Tbe store. nIantUe leys,
bed shop pullefl orer it abd a rope
pasted ansuBd it. Ueeads betop
tratted to me with Ue tostructioo
pat] wheo tb* w>ird wsspiren: the
who did Ur oariBceriap need a pEcee
of narrow b<ard aa an Incltoed pUae.
up which hr pushed abd 1 pulled Ur
store BBtU il reached tbe and. whea It
was apaln placed to front sad Ue proasM ropreted netll the tep of the etairo
wee reached.
No preet amoBBl ef
atrenrih had been expended aad aa fa.
jury was dobc to Ue eulto.

_ They who
esmry do not reqatre o
bod oapTimit MSUey tennot a
(Icb load.—1 jpalar Setomeo.

The Michigan
State Fair'
of 1898

Inp. It to a pood plas
ba^'ec. bap hoop b
hare a
l^at enlUDfa
one to which —------------------------o' thread.
It'toiahte aacb lees srork
than droppinp.
to be swept
picked BP-

poasihletormlw ibeUip ‘ZBiaoTeUu
hie oocasUiB arte wnind. tbe tmderbad. at a cose of £8.000. btrmphl
A Good Htot
te-1 to Uenifaor Spain. Bel Ue
Tl baa bsaa aaid that Ue b
did not flndCararwlUUe
a bed aboBlii
aboBiri aerar
Wmeb Ue wall.

5! s.-nssTKir 'is.-,

ooMoet earr
wHh all clam

Tbto to cEtaa aaaad fayoMtap Mo
moeb and too rtahfaod Us Utda
wtewAte SalnUtau a dsplaE fUa
mol andm
CEf frail te ao mocA
meat and ao many rkA dtobm. EiUtoNd
by rich pastrimand poddlapt. OT^
andrake.and enrawhat ysa aai"t9
tbe faow.

Horsesboeiiig ud Gaienl fiepiiriog Doie.

Be-Painting and Upholstering.
§t«te St.






Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef

COOKBOOKante oed flaUofaMdtohte. '
ro Itehto Oe, P. a am ma new tm*.


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