Grand Traverse Herald, April 14, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 14, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TBwram onr. oramd tiutxssi oonurr, jccbmah. iran. m lew.

Grand Traverse
rpaanyMt fn«»«aw • •



w. y. TT A-TtSl

n. Mu to U. O.—M

”d. .M.,________________

Bow U the tSms to boy s cbssp ISm, on ss^ paymonts
loestSen. B partial Uat batow.
TDd Boose Hesters.


»y—war thua tear tanatta? I aAD
••I rBmimbm- tab Iba^admindToB
lur Mt paaUar yimr adtaata*.
day Wtihia tbe Uat awab yea miffct
aader««ad. Tbara waa
U. aad Ueaeaa aloae rr
er failed to ai
kaetet wbetber tI ewa d bare retawd. aometbiac ' bbi
It U eery improbable Uat 1 eheeld
' tlMre waa a altfbt aoaad bahlad her.
bBM aeee aDflktaUy tim.••UecB - remarked the yoaaf maa.
loobiajt urer ber brad 4o iba taddealy
••Walu“ be eetad
It tba baat Umea to aeaota»* ^
Tba "bow" U Iba bam way
to reeiiiee my aoarreUlatUaa la

• wFikirb aiM Ik. eled U wM
imtata lu aUelRit rate
a eeMlIh lu fraeU. eiBa:

» 114—Maefw. a« )i «r a » 14 tat. M t M e « ATItspreta: Ita b«Uf®ad»oU;'^.apattlooo-A<<»Abbalaaoeaattaal?p»r «*oa v,


H of B e i, *ta. 00 I » a «. AU ll»b*r with (ta
Kk. NtorUlraLaAie. WIU Bell lor tOM.
tuple. BoMHaad Bemloek.

iri^ AH mum.

Turaa on STATE BAH

■nu ttr Um eelebratad. A«
MlUi. Panr*Bte.



kkt Law.
— Iiir MnimT-Y *

M 4u<e aM tlw 4r<w «k.«b. ■


O. P. Carver


Mbt'oreataraa leacwd to bee tart'
ra accmi to me to ealrartae tbe aiu
-Itea-t. for beatwW aake. doe'tr- abe
loa ' iimakee. lu uae tbe UmUiar ertad la a em-'lbeerd eolee. ■■Iteraaa
premdoa. a baalaeM of a plaaaart Lie Midittoeeelf Imldabalmyoa
TOr. mure aecaratalT. to make Uto andre la aa yal limited; Iml law hsaatb
'****yf"**"*"^!rBlsar baaloem laatiar what abaaU b.
hera old look Id hi
trace bat tew kaow ooreaaUy Uabeat
limae and'bow to apray terapcwnullafc
macA ■■otekrd-' tl
CUMU. nhlMil lorM.Me.
Year aa«SAUoai ara. after all. prop halftal .id ei
It eSeclaally. nr»»iealy a—klac.
ar only to the Btudera manuse-’' .
lent, eb? Wba am I b tbe toieaee at tpeayiat U yal In Ita bl■ I wa» aou " he oomfeeeed. 'tbldklar aoBfraUiUt'? I1_____
Uiak__I beard
- tome faney. and baa aot dotod lu awndalttr
m Ila
d p>ekoo'
aboai tbeOardeDof EJea
fietlarea Ulac about oobfratulattoae
Ha halilaa, vaianaj n—apd ka.
-----------------tor apray aampalaba"Yea. Lord Meec-ip. i waat
in* la lu lalaBey tfcea
Ur Uarkbemalcam braril). olbare ii« larfhlv met by mahaMsiatma net
Jaat prupoard to Uite (irratorea. aad educated la biwtValMig or la tlaawo;
•Tor my part." he«oaUau.d.
miea tbalr ebaraeterbtlca. IkaU Ueaa
like arylbiae aaajoaa* It b.i . _ _ aba bat beee pood raoa(a
aad bablu. aad bow w mart and Sodaty
1 DkM to lika koDliap: dace
•■Uirdl bow ieUrcetlaV' erird tbe tUot tl____
_____ Whea
tbe followl^ .ptali
her made me Uaalor I look forward to
-1 rea-'Icct roue fatbor are
e clear to Ua pabllo.
__ _____________ __ .
- fwward old reetleataa
- t at Euta-I'm talkla'. «er aloae rireaealacio
tpray. aad that ti
to SuDdar. and yet ibare wae duabUem
raealac lotpn
tba ymr tbitlyalDa
II; p-DDdtof poiaoB meat be held U fara time waea be lored r")D( locbuech.
- dbtrlballoa Urovboet ttyy ^
re a faeky ebap. Uarkbam. peel.________
wbaait watoDiy.a permkwable reerta
loBtof waUrlo
tiob Suppukirc it acre OBC of Ue Tee
A Pro{>o4at of‘n>-d»7.
• aay part Uraeewt |n
tibam*re«X^'lbetr frllelu- wbcB Ue wat
................................................ kboald--------------. *'Kaa»oaieliair."otarrrd Ur Hark
aomr emutiOD. aad tlpbrd
I ycat kOid p.>iaoa b amamlns aaeanal
all retry Hoaday aa.I the opera eeery
ham. "1 bare beoD beeel by tbe Idea of
la. aad eontlaBaddr
araia. eoi leta hraeily
.....----------------ihatyoa woaid die
r^tod^3t>W^M4ba only Ulac
M-ler penBaarsUy la
to tbe maolrlpieee. I.
. wlU be that tba
Peamsola Far
X waa ^rrriBC a allk faaBdaaa lore wUb me." .aid tbe yoeaf lady
poMlewilldrmaad UstoBEb ncItatMn
chief wlUi aa onoalUOD ID coL- wbo prrbaya fuaad hte remarat tenim
..f the tpray br Ue pama. aa ma<A aa
orrd ireeU wby.. Mr.
Mackbam eoald iaptou ceaeral. "lbob*b a» a Wmpu
It will demaad ul It ablllly ye apeay.
Bot maka aoL
There «aa____________ rary
Oab met at OrBBfC ball paTeaaat to Aad Ike lame pebllc will at ttraBBogaID the rons. aed. aa rraa rrldeat. tbe
-at I did Sad-faall with, it." be adtowiuateal. I'rca tiill la
rre'leiaaa rr»a dupoaei
hiBBUe of latt mectiac read aad ap
a be placed •
declared, wllboot eeey di-eci e reply
, . loeatsdai
a. "that aalaea aee
HlaaURatOKi aniled.
.eiar bred do tpreial tabjert
■ iba haadllar ol
-‘Aad arby bara
at the lati meeiiar tor dlteTat tarn ta^hJf afc«d ll-; *
Jl-iW ™e -oald
thit mcwUeralailf oa(ea- cxeept by Ue rpray.
" replied Ibt candui kUace. 1 w.loald eery mack like
i..pi.'t eatued
Z. C. rtatasaa.
atoll "
t otbrra." ba added
.} -It it rood peliey toplast
vWbear jaqalred the y/taat
: aeiaa 0 ntllaa aoBlh oo raat aldt
Ipo eoatoeatle* eropt of puulum oa
Reads aad Martmta.
Ita tomewbai turtllar drfiaitn
kpeck from bitalaerri. "1
Boatly BBderiruodealUrmtIoBan....... — —,----------------taetatuerrouad
faatara d tbo
oaerMABilnainitb by UuBtos Sebonl RoDae. tAood farm, aaiall orcbaWt.
E J KMabm
Ifhwaya qaeatloa. tayi the New Terb
lodiaiatbe middle of tbr
DJiiiy—OB. oer____, tba
haary laod well watered, gooi dairy fam. Can be bovbt rirbv ’
rtbuar. It tbs effect good or bad rands
would Bot eaj ly a blli
utt ydo misbt refute
upuaUa local markeUand Ibsb
fear .aslett we ret mereied)
••W’oald It be dlea*i- —................
a. t mUaare
.'-laid loe.- umlrmpiallar doiaf Ue muMlbiat
atufaapply. la all Ueoitaaad
Impoetible All
foeedr' reatarked the lady impere:
'. will sell ebcap or trade fur elty'propertr.
araia tl.ia yaar. boweeer. oa a i
a of Ua tUte Uiro Is n doW VaplalD
tba Taj to y^'ald'bbtl.
tplala the
la umber p r Cedar Bbb. Other plaeca Jnet aa deabablcptleh-w'beio I plowed uader a I
farm prodaeto and Iar tbo
Alim't moitjab at Ahatedabad -oh. aad
tod laM apnor aad Ue to* did
bulkier and baartar pradneta.
y»*« at^San b'rBDelt.<
vary maeb aad the ertip of >p
aad straw aad grala.
„ _________ ____ .
uke yoa
lliere wlibaal marryior you "
to be lefoeed "

"Yoa cuold uke mamma aa well, aad
are aot tare"'
lad Me, Irlqa will del
■ far, ladraa. f
aa pcwtibla: la moat sasm It d—
- Thai woald ba differaal.
A aupei tlmaa
rraaad l
laitcad. tuppllet ais hroaffhtU
rior plea tor tbote to whom It com
3la«f Ui
taeuaa er..p la frequenUy iwuer U
by rail or
meadii iiaelf. but-perwioaUy 1 thould
-Bat Bi
tbe firtW plaaied .•ootecalire yeaea.'
from oUr
dear Dol^Dot Bcarly alw'ayt." | aot Ilk.
llk< It
• tc
J. Swaaej I doa't wool aay
I lirralorei bad acaaary. wbieh j Uit>.<ir..1
tote.' I waa lud^
ludueed tu piaai|^**'*^‘y,;j;;";;;--^;;^-2;j-i;;;
at tbit Jaaclarc brraa to tiaf *
■a eoste.,ueace or r^lag la Ur
»uaaduhad at aot worU warUnff.
■|.{oer bet
air of Ur moat Uaoootrol'ab'a
u lural p.per. lati Utr •'•relwioUert whoaa uwa^aara lashronlc
ikiar." atkrd Ur
Kaekbam treat
lid Uke to uke my ter to feed taau utU
.1 r. a
. drawer and prrdun
butbeithu Ur acre, eto
with which hr con
.. red Ibccate btiid
Ibat bef.ire
! wi< a I orer Ue grouad. a
wfeelbcr yoa
I kill Cam
yil X..w„il*ewert aad grorraliy a aaitaae
irkad the
In loVe yeitb me or neiV"
• Ujt^^uydiggi^ "
coatiaard after ao later
kete. aad
ladirsaal mam
tbe yoanr lady, at tbe bird't
tried to k.l^Uem
loceedrd to hit preel
eal. -Uta would be my bntiartt
id a beaty coal of
hyditrgiBg, to
rar prime aaorot at Ua tfoabts
eaei rhaptody.
atler meUod
twit a much sc
le bu..
bed roads, wblob Ig^B ta
He* la Ue
l« lay errr^, or
Ur Markham ei... ....................... ..
ro t
Mr. Uuffmaa-I billed tb>
prudaoer a«d t_. w—_~ -r—- -e
» Ity I.
loondalloD tl
dor readjuatad
appllrailoB of tiroBg biiae
■lakiagti difUcult, II not Imp—IMd.
rn It would ce.w t.. .. ..
low e.iiee asd lo.
• Aad
for Ue farmon to get ihilr pisdiaa W
TEAVEttSE aTY. HICU lar.dowD at Ue eery adjtcaat brot
markrt. Tbe farmer a thoamnd mllaa
Lured my
Ahdoftea lal-ly I haea pictured
oau.aad w atn tbe tu.l was drleMi I
I amdlkippalBUd."
ttlf ridtoc bqme ie the dre)<eBlar daak went urer Ur gruuud twice with a hoe away eae gat bia oropa to martmtbr
•• pr canal more —Ity and m—
of a Wiatera aflaroooo from baalier
Sbr looked apraUrrqaickly.
and fieitbed Ibru- eo ih-y bars
iply tbaa Ue farmer only ton miles
1 Ijpd ao idei '
eithf , riUi^-n by my tide,
. .neriy.
grewa Uaie «iDtv
I have situ kl
ysaa haul hla la orer roads tat
raitiar for meal borne.
mid ba tupld
dd-it it e
HI billy aad rough aad miry tbal
ofUIaiarh uke a baaanm and Uem la olber plaem with tall.
M. swaaey—I
-Traht a feocea
leoce.anioBd a
a urn U a baay load for a b—^
,tur here to lay mytelf at yoar feet.”
From the motlOB of H
patch df Canada tbttllm aad put la
"Why d^'t you-.-".......................
_>r bead-tt they would tay la Ueo d
;a"ff>i they killed Ue Ulttiee \^>o
tat farma la tba East aro as
booka-heimplit^ a soli; of iBtorroraI’mger ptauctlro. aor tat ta Kaatarm
rh-lure belar refuted aad Ue tul>J. Brinkman—Sheep
-■arkrt ao kmger offer* fair prieaa.
■rat dlaenmfort aad iacoBeeDieer
■Tl U ttupid aot to niee tratptd the
them, but will preeeal U
Tl It Uat Ue roads betwsoa ta
waald entail aa eallrr ebaare of a
1 bare for qaite^a^loDC time
farms aad Ibe ntarkaU are ao bad aa to
plant for the reutof Ueteawa."
Uat t am la loee with yoa
ray pi
Hcoreiarv-laaddlUon to wbat i laske tblpmeot BaproEubla.
Brer tiaca luDebcar'
•IIIlot if you w
maid at tbe last meeltag la regard to roads UrougboBl ta larmiag riffta
• Markham
■IVrhtpa Botqelterb loaraa
pltfwing uader rva aad eora aa ftrtll.i tdjtcaattoUeelllasand towns wocUd
Bat oertaio'v crrrtiuee. almoct
erlwpb to tay that Ur practice of du mar* Uaa aeyUiog alto tor—
altanmuer, bat I <li(
aiaee Lady tireatorra left Ur rooc
towiBf lyeal the latt cu'iiTallua of praaperlty to tba farmera. anabling
Tbe yoaar lady Leaghed
altrmiar. If 1 were a.
Cura lur tue tetara will rrturi
to grl Ueir goods to ta bmt paa*
"Wat BIT tauUirr lueb aa iatlanee of probabU- rel married; aiMl huwdall fo­
d culUra
HB crop
3ga ta tbr cub
cro| li tbe ttld
taarkel —lly. prompUy n^
. Gaafjre Eliott maliro pr..|.bel_MaBd ot Ulli It wuuld tobK«,urallv he: UM laduDc altar II
lu Ur tilk
larbrhiod ber dturbler aad Urtaua Wbat I tho«<r; really litre woald be tor stage of growth, aa Ur groaiHi it cor- cheaply. >tocid roads would jmtan good
oyoa I • oome
sad fay juti la oar
pcet rred by cuia roolt athr that stage aad MM
iar what aliewlli be.'
"I merely meaat that tbe prtaeaee ol
Ue culilraUS'tuuuid be kept oat uf
Yog would walk with me. row
aehaper..ait iBtrnmpatibLt wiU aeati year.
wtifa me. Bth with me. baat wlU rar; I
pl.iwrd iiadar
H.J Oilmon I. bare
la'rei '
"I," obaerred Ue younr woiuae. "dc
Tba rodwood. aaya Jaha Hair la ta
•rera fjk wbea oa.y kaeg high aad BoBOt mlod adm ii or tbal 1 ani^Ulnc
Augaat AUaaUe. to ta glory «f ta
Cl up plaal
l-rao ImarUr
rrullatt -with merg.
CuoaiBnage It extondank—ta halt
was plow
I bare already Mat year w
a yoa bare ■loUloraodeilkbifal.
_____Uu iweaiy lalau
a my youag toamUm wide, from bsyeadtaOmunder.
adored me" (Ur. Uaikbt I'ttbouL
bad yoa b
_ aad Sir .. ..
' to airprerate Uaai
Udy lire
curs la Uit way,
ofUIi rbetortcl.-aad a fBoaaeat ago came toe. ao ray tialereamedowB to
ryeaad Ubiagiff Ua drod milao. aad ia a—lea. soaMlaid
yVe aeeer were alooe eavoB aoemtd maeb to doobt yoar loee " do boalret.
t erup
:»;D.«uucer.iii.g crop uf
.. rraadoar sac clcjoaemoof giwwlhaurUra fur a <ioaner of aa
' "Mot atal.
That It wby I itt
ccpl ion
n fat, be, a bettor tbaa tbe last.
1 me— all the other tlmbar-waoda of
called you tiapid
I am tare Uat 1
boar of mi
Tr— tram too to eftosn
bare rltu gut goud erupt ul brUBt and Ibe werld.
Tbaak you." laterJ.-eW. with eomr
laer: bat-........
I am..................................
earr oacrrula aa
aa lam_____
baekwi.aal alisr plowiag undar rye. tart la diameter and Urea baaArod
wheUor 1 woatla like lo
I. marry Ue de- aiferhjr. ibe lade.
miiuaeplawlag lyeat teal Blgb are aot aaa—moa.aada few
“Wbat I tbuald like would be b
atUlB a height of Ihras haadrod aad
tor a lime all tometell
’ute^Gra^lorra trailed.
■Ity fort, or eraa fear knadiad. with «
tod me maeb ak
"I tdminttLDed* perhapt. iBor.^
m Wterswdlametto at Ue base ef ■fton
to '
e. I uee maeb ■
I iaerely memo UatI mayiiafe aa rou imaglDt.
f-et ormora. whUe tagn
rraoBd hake rya early •
Hrrw UiU,eot a>f belar me. at Ue tana— tay. loaa you
«U Uem toagardoa.of f'
k. oato pleat ouraiB
would Utsk "
mraat teres.
. ,
"You arc not. In fact, aaeb a fooi.ns
IqaiteadcubtM eapediaat."
twe to laeh of growth of tbe .
■B bea Uerc It BO <
E a Wail - 1 plow anoar rye la my
■^"Sr^Iarkbam took
lid loee." becoDUDBe
Tbe largotv aawmi
rcr of tbit friroluai ialerraptlun
telf byathuil aealk toUe
are bemy aloof Ua —ward I
auecMding crop of rye It be
added Ue lady, "on oi
"I Ul
of Ue roum aad barl
"wiu all ta modafu Impcw—
Uonmlooh fright- Ue ooe before.
rtar* ..
tu'i toean urtntltt os a prior
merely a form of
rye It aot a.oomplow wUl ba Icmg era ta bavply (t
engat-rmeoL' You Bred apt peumite
aad BOW that III a.
Tbablf troalp atooto ■—a —
titbet bumot fur ta ad.
tomarrj me. Rot I wUI c^ms fora
. httDetp.eial
too but liiilerlta
whole vear to Markham If-lf ' -____I haee aoibler *o rais by
U« toil
>11 It la llarif a feilJIafn^.
eg l>rd Mendip wiU me."
eo aaeeedlrrlj «• H '
*o hr» ? •«
ato ta I
■Lord Hradlp:' Mr. Markka
tomt'ry forpuaitiuD.
. _.Beral alriueau of ue SO. ,------- MtoralbahM ta BtomUapMtHtleotodwbatbe bad been bvldli
Uiag Urm a«a labit aa plaat food.
Uamlel't anat.
le i^'lt tack IB ibc youag lady'i Itp
la aa
• orcliaid
* •" id wHl
r ia Ibe Artbiae wiUsumeUlag of Ue air wbrrrwiU
iroes grow but I
one pets down agala opoa Us oouaicr
N^bta,- yoa'
Uatea The eammoua IckB. tabdfwy
pr.dai'lDg trulL
aa article that one hat baeo bugarlag
po matorl - aud I bare
baadla. are blaatod late maaa^Mik
J. liiiaaoro—lea bcmi
aaytblng y.u can sapp y me
Hark ia a taleaioom. wken one dltcoeem it it
Bccu—WlU foa powte. Atotfa
BoUIng off but Trait,
bam It lust at iae a place at Urimiorra
m of tba bmt taborto tkm
bwasey—Wberacdra . _.
Abbey, sad not a bitaaer.
When I
as ewebard far fsrtUU.-r cut Ua atalka
1 tecnmmudaliBg bU bask to tbe
apink of Being ia 'ore it i« pu'ely a pericnlM.fai .
It waa." ha tdmarked aad let Uem lie oa Ue gruBBd
aowai wntatioD; t abeuid Iik.Utoba maatrlpieca.
Hret Uill-I iBtobd to auw my or-.
f yra
y« to
I leil y eojiy bemg In pirteollv, "rety nleaof
' erimoo
crimoB cloee
cloeet tor fertillxcr
mecif .your cagageotoBt
Rut it we gut mariieo:"
- , —.Jt m '
> t'uttleehOrwgmere l«-aew 1ey»e«
E J Rriakmaa-iTbe
lo iHlBga. when yon try. »en
"Yoa eaaoot aetlripatc yeur loee VoaFaedo
leelnlly A mora awkward wr-----alandiag Uat crucial toeiT"
Boras Talk.
,1a SB orchard-^Urre It
gbt bare
told me aetly ball aa
"I beomtie admit ibat I blee my might
. wlUrleaynBtbreeeoalworklBaay
Tbe colt taeU be Irolaod erlU a
We’irc In attmlghtlurward
uTuL rows IB tbe spr
oola>r. the best bakiar raamrl aad earago: let me mnko n clean breast * *^l waa going to toll you Just now Ue ground It kept moitteacept
ciima all Ua beariort
mariort a
aad trac
But yoa begged me to . wait, aa yoe
Uo yoa. for latisaee, lUia
.. ebee't. all far Ue
ra aboec pi
dtweeaa bej. aU all S'*wiabad to Balab roar delightinl coarer
ilk at brcakfati^"
-f caeopacet brteraee Ue tre.
Call aad Bar sampled
ta weed, pa will
aatlom. t coocluded Uat yua tbooghi
rye Ur grusad
—ke'a iraaty bocoe.
os weia ublaing. Attar all yoa dc
"i Doeer. If yon we
We bara mars Uaa oaoa boa
et affaet to (goarc yoar rapstausn ai
idats me
seiemonyet mairlagr
wot ' op motlcw the Slab adj rattoad
ita. simply
wply 1--------------------oonraraalnmaUat."
■baa tottopot tawogf wheal
___________- be mM. after tbe brief­
AlaclWa. {). BaeuT. bee'y.
Narar — tba word oal— yoa «Mbw
lag of daaeacy would prereal air abew- est peaalble paoec.--yuu woald bees
1 haer ta bocM atom Bo— odhv
--------— -------- -Ttmt
to eanalsly my
or a—faL
^Mld ”t‘^dmlroy*^
>UI aeoe hr tsoM by ta h—a
dceerea. L^'d MtaUto
. ta oeestBl (toUforaia grireot
Tbor* ar. far mora taolu drirara
wltaaltsyiaf It
where gloat rodsooda hare bcoa foaad
imerbid tiew of ta
e di
ore aaay trees from ;Tt to lit feet UOB botara Tba maa dr bay MsBp
'blpptd. who wUt t—s aay
high, sad from twaaty fire to Ulrty bofoalrblpplac
"Uatold me It waa yewgraat-graad- foor tost la diametor.
Tha-aroa of
I It too far."
. _a rala
Msrip— erote to two mitot rqearo.
"Uy rirwa are always blgb
"Ab: I Uiak be waa
aad ilcaattlaafFTor them miiar tross. apirlMd bo>M,t7
mpa I
1 dr: bat Uat ie bow It
it atrikrt
Tba largeal la tbe (toUeama Uraeo It
■Tba Keyttoae Kiaw.’’aadit Ut Iset
________ at EE aa. Wbors tara to aay
Ita. eoraor ortl^pree aad Woro*: irortk tl.OOO. wIIt-MlI




Dr. J. A. Snyder, IReal Estate
31 la Ajumiua BI4M

Bugmess Cards.'



O-C- P*r»»

Onr VrK.Mr«-«ll««re...r.^ . *

r Jaij,'





UMMT W L» M4 a*^ a»a!lte,HMk.

; E. w. HA8TINO8.

aalid<4«r Mat • D»w iivl i«jMtiT> nJIrf
nr ,«lB dariDc UxnBtrwniia ..< (.ntk.

L.u«t Id... •»! Appllucn.






All mail ordfls rweivc prompt
F. M. PAIME. Florist
oor M.
110 VI. inemUi^A.


aad tee Utc clrvaot aew Itse of
Sprioc Btyica of Woolesa bow
cm tale, wbleb wUl be made op
la the Lateat S'ylaa, aad at
neiLow Pricataa will eorprlae

NO BZ.Zrj’J’d' sss%«
at 2IS From Street.

;«_JC6ne7 to Loan Headquariers for
lajnme (kra uri riw


, ' Jobnton Block




’ When either a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will he a necessity. We can supply you with either, hut
you can economize and yet have something just as good
at 30.
by buying a chamois and making one Good
- - values
50 and 75 cents.




M. H11ELLM.4.VTEI. If Farmers at a distance wish to
load, at • other points aiid make up
I will buy at any station.
Merchant Tailor carloads
Write me, what you have to offer.

euioa, uwc nwMi ui u III.





B«sl Sptst* BxobanK*,


E. 8. MILLAR & CO.


.. Carpet Cleaning Works FAMOUf^OFFEES

Apples for sale. Pure Old Process Cider Vinegar frir;
Mlc to the trade at wholesale prices. .

JOHiaSr C. AdIOSC3-.A.lT


Hobbs, The Rardware Man
K«epB BAkM, H

. SborelB, Forks,

Wksslbsrzows, etc, etc, st

<L-4Q F3?oiL-b S-tneoe-b.

Bicycles Bnilt'Mrder! i)o yo^j


IjrioW f hi^?

Ei^l Twr Wheel.






.Brosch’s Meat Market

Choicest taeats, Poultry and Came.
Fmh. Stlt IINI Smoked Meats, Sioncn Etc.


w libs to talk ia ta tiuln aad ta

dtp aad myaalt ___ _ at tbe Mar—pa (Awes wbleb . .
aoteoUgb.bat whl^ bate agreaur
loila ao. Bat it to cm ta
‘'TlMOrtBlyUiaBt'bo1 uki II Lord Maeilip k
lagotaely^ ■afaotottagraaadaad
itaaelghV.i«elr~ ee aoeb:- dsMarsd ta So—do—mUaaatoUat taHariaw
Ofoes to ta Froaao Oreee. wbleb to
And to talkI ia Ue train
tta to aoatalaaboatsU boodred
"Aad bo to a poor. lltobstUrtaa taWittta oigbty-cma fort la ck
aayUtag I eoold hare oEarod yem.-^
"Aata tak -boo yeor oaalo A
BO will be a dobs."
tady.'witasT to^ta^ta
bm Mend, -you wlU fnaoltoct Um ta
TiBoiy TbDc ea Spraytau.


_ Graatoros amrevd tat aaVb
btdeed ta cmaa
Hr. Harkb—
aatdowBsna tai^tae— uuledio-





apeoyf WhawOlfaltyaadac

if oUewod to. kcnmmaaf

leroorUroa mOm

*^&a atamk aa—ka —1«
dirt la wtetor.
Bata ta bm—' ■baaTi— wM»
atra^aaitwatarlor aUwota bad—

tad wmU bofta Thto ia ta *«»


Parry Beaiih. 4. T. Baaato. 4. H. ftoMMdtoMworhalbtlb* Traearo*


- B. HoGOWh.
Mritooriu w.
n. B
- S.



■atotoiaaAtber^twtoryiarbaaorebU body aa appUeettea for each paaltha. prortotor yoe aae it

FMnfBBM* 1 Tatar yoa to toa
I. WhlUBiB. (• A, fk>lllA«7. F. C
•004. D La4oo. U U. BMoatt. Wa.
pr*|W«d for L»*«. B. D. ^ktoo.
ntln Bom*
Truly yean.
nt Mat in.
4* toMi^tod to
n* MMOr* *7*
THE. PmetlM.
»U Yti---------ao^MiT la U* lirkt of
Hoted by AlderawB Oeedrieh that
a* aaBBoslaatioe be tBtoead aad
iMk otMot to Wo4»>Portb otroit
MoUoe irirrlcd hj j*m oad a^ ,*i»to piaoed oe dto.
KieUcaa to aAdlOoa le Uhm oomb
e-ana I'^rkar. U>«4riab.
b Me B<^nnbic. Me Mop>r and Cttp
to tba ■■■c«fro» •« AriirMt
O.K>k. D *1 and. Wcfto, HtnllBOBI^,
cvnraetiwr AwCiCpof Tmerm Orv.‘
•S'! U»rrt« o
tta toaotor
to* pr~«rt
I Boat aaracrtly pmteat araiaat year
-Itotolr M toe toot BBot be 4ep)<a«4 ntr%e{i? t^' eiiewolks oene* i
^•Uatl^Mwbe beet too waifon of
- ' te Borth
Ih oidi
aide of Front tuaat
E .MiO'..*.
I'aeaaao add I'ekn larto *r araeiiar aayaawbaUdto
toe aoeaterat bMrt. too t'altod Stol
ttir lot tbatViolBa tbc Cl^ Boahat
Bor be< toeTWIcotaforelra Wi
No. no Pram •tTMt..(er tb* r«a
b«70ad»4oobt toe
berraflar Ml fcrto:
It warh
A« It I* OOP U h de
health, aad akoald 1
Bstoe apoe
added to weald ben
priitfaat ao4 dooweUc qoMtieet.
he Ar* ri
wU oeqalt lUelf to • Baeaer. wortb7
of ite oU-tlBeveeard tor I03-0K7 oad CUr cier ; be laetroeted to oBrioll.r
BoUfT H I) Ooiapbell to ley a Hoe of
Oa BoHoa ri J
loco O' ter a>sto« oB EKbto eueet,
apetlUea waa• referred
Ite Bneofe toea r
Iron Oal aireev u DlrUioe etreet.
mom Fir* aad

■tor. April ».-oc

A B. A t. A P. «a. IWbt «*

•d carried bV ,T*a aad say rote:
JAIdermco Parker. Uudricb.

. Lardie. UtollBaatel

•eomer Cedar aad Smoad atreeta.
Comer r«rh aad Waabiayioo atreeta.
Comer Uaion aod Twelfth ctrMln.
Comer SUM aod Hope tuecta,
• tha placiay ri^
rIeeirleareU(htw. _________
red brcooilalreelt cod ooe
ocr of Perk aad Waablaytoa atrMta.
aod woold aak for fartbar Uoia to
aldB-Dlhen. •

bewda. payable le aot las toaa «re «r
Bon toaa lea yean. It waa peaeed by'
a eoU of atoeiy to aototof and fim
t bill lo-

toMo-belfaceatpareapito. TbI* will

Tbeibitl p

of toe bilU.
Ttie a
alfW hehad a3}oera*d UHTaMday
faratoohoaMOiBTeaed. and toe
There toaodaabttoey will bt

Hafaaa. April •.
harbor at tee oY
aadatoireBBBberaf t
The Baited Blata aareey ataaBcr
Batoe atoelpftats e-elodt.aad took
to* orerflow fm toe Fera.
The Aar haa haea lewcrad trow toe

7b Mr Hcaorab**. Mr Jfopor oad Clip
Coioirif of Me C«p of Traara «toJficAima.liawTL»fi:ii:—Yoar tioBaittot
waa refnrad to* peiiUoea for
IlybU BT toe tolloa
eleetrie i

Cate alrerb
. Bcbslyea. E , Joarpb Laalry. Joarph HenaoD. Nirlaolat yeellaanirl. Tboa ilrla
CummlttoaHark llolaoa. Mr. II. IMeh. Johb Bardeo. CbariM Verreae. J<». Vemau. W.
Hoeed hy Alderman Utrdie tbnt to*
D. Clasey.' Tbea. IKcr. Jjaeph IVrraa.
itc* be aenrpted
' aok Scbaraillrr. Jan<t E Boi '
leto •be -toatraotcn^BlopM and Uir cle'k
rd to coder Ibe ii«bu placed a> reeom
Beaded, aader thraaaeterBaaod coa
dilloB* ae prorldfd l.j coalraet lor
lifhU already placed.
Worrd by Ald<
toepeutloebei. ......... to tbc Cbnniiila* on Btreeta and Bldfwalka
Cook. DrMwadr-Lardi*.' HaeUBaatel.
l aeal repolar Beetlay.
Twlhr Honorofile Mo Jfovor nad Cirp
aty.SlIch . AprU I. IWS.
DouncU «/,
flip of 7V«r«T*c CUp.
0 Mr UouoMHIr lAr V<lp>r and CWp
O/onril ..f Uw flip 0/ TVarrmr Cttp.
by aak pemUtioo to place a f
tIeihTAiaicn-EeUUTelo toeprtUloB
of Q. K BmyVy abd other* to eompirleibr yradiby. dayiDy aad rra<
Jooai-n Bakwiw.
Momd by Aldermas Laidle that tor lay of the »n-called noaybey Sill, y
woBld reapectfoUy rep
peUlicc be refr
-----------and re.
«B Fire and Water to report
id *11*01 feed* at preteat to*
petUionbroot ^»l*d

- “ iTclwe

Jaae'WSMW.Weaanw MB....

TbMr McinomMa.

o Ifaptr <md Cl^
TYunraa. tltv.

Kiutka Scawai.uka.


1 I took a nrriM of IceeU
a* followi
poleloeeooth L —
__________rafuae barner aad
fret M*tarly from boom and
dsm. Amumlay lerri of water at
point A* serv. toe followlay arc U
TaUob* iwaltiny from toe lereU t
At a .poiol near sontb «ldr nf
where waur comb* orrr dam. abunt
IMfL weaurly froMfirat point
tioaed. I fouad.eleration of 1 fool

TratoraeCt^. Bleb.. April I. lato


At the jiii>^>nrti»n of lliTi-cniuartcr* of j rug of CRF..4II np WRtAT to


Umryr I' Gsrrikini, A'.ilrrisao
two year*
WIitUai ’
Falrehild. lti*pr-i»r o{
ElmloD. Xq
ri Ednrstinci. lu'l term.
: Mcdad Viofo. Cioauble for

Tna\ tor lot
Ut in the city



waSa'an ildv drc'nr^d aod d.lrtmtnrd tost at raid rlrcUun,«*>
ailino lor Grr a.l.ifdi.n offrt-' ir*l
bbukaa* pr.iri.W >■> ActNo Ilf ..f tbe
Pablir Aeunri..'. war aubomlrd l»
oamber nf y»i..


>1-1 I.,U-ourvonllorit.UitcanlifiuUtOUtfoi yootaeU. .

A* Ihc invaii.iV.c

- ):i. li i. Nbowa on all ostateal padutyEt,

Athul H


iL t!.. .a:^::„;.-.,.i on Crkah nP WHEAT ha. btm
l.H..Ni*-i;-.iiJ^ layj-onlofiytire ■

\Vh:.U..UicBi.sTUTu-illlcavcm.rc«*t<nnrmlo^iidye. Itet

ad sixty li



r A«-t
>.a. Y.

?c;v: i ■

w i«. »<w,


Drpart>ne»' be referred to the
ter on Hr- A Water arttb p.tfi
Holluo carried.'
mrd. Coon.-li *dj turned
A W. lUi sMiit.

City n.

CREAM OF WHEAT CO., MitmeaponB,,Miiin.


obtaioed by advertlslnr
your wa-nUiD tbeBerald

^ Can you hear the people listen?

1 '




But you can hear them Talk.


Amoog tbe mBny ihings they talk about ia

four $4, $5, $6, $7.50 and $7.88 Suits.
Up to-dat« Style# for Spring. Free from bankruptcy, fire aal« or auction.
Well made by workmen~who atrictly avoid eweat shopa.

All American Production.,..
From $10 to $16 you get tbe Crealxf de la Croam lo g

’ fine imported Ciievlota and Worsted Frccka, Cut-away, Sack orSqnare Cut :
* We do not claim tbit our last efforu beat all our previoue kmea--that is ImpoaeJble !
I (being exclaslve clotbiers)- weeimidy keep to tbe froot and down all competlt'on. !

file ef to* aarrey ri aeid dock line I ^
... br«n msdrasd doly apprnrcd by IJb
yoar hpoorable body,
W* would 'riao re*
anrtoalde of toe rirer between said j
Park *U«*t and raloa, str^

aaaner if aoai
lexafrtyri p

T. J". laOST
Popular Cloihier, Hatter iDd Frirnisher,

wrrri «i*''jr*


alike arr a bnrdrato
tor wamaa wfae
fa L_______
euamaullT eaSrTtac Bna
1rann*( eraaatiaa._________
Dr. PirTcr'a Famrlie Pry.
■illLuai poaitiiGy,
troabic. nf iLb^aatorr.
ttocuy «i

HotioB earried by yea aod -nay aot*
aa follow*;
MotloB earriad ^ yaa aad oay
. Geodrieh,
aa follows:
Cook.^ TVamoad.
Yaae—Aldermen Parker
aad Gsniaoa
-■ "-T
by A1def»*a Oaodricb that
. be mayor aad cl*r
clerk b* antooriied to
Oa readiof tbccmt'firaleari toe loborrow M.OOO for rai
•paetora of elcclioa of toe fir* ward* ol
to* dty of Trarcrae an of toe caeeaa*
toe Totc* mat at to* aenari charier
Ml city ri
*) April 4to A 1). —..........
a of Aldermaa Garrfaoa,
ried. deolarct aad dctremiari
tbe mid eoaacll ri tb* eltr ri Trri
CortaclX of Mr Ctt» qf Travtrot
City tost at mid elaetioa to*. follew'^
earned peraoa*
IfPXTiUKx—W* bc< ' harawiij
iowior named.
abmit oar aanaal'reonrt a* Tra
-f to* City Lthtary EzbiUlaAai
wbkh ar* attached t* aad ara a part ol
tofarufiort. artllrirayaa toeatalemeot
la^airad by law la r«rard tothcaem
her ri books. *U.. ceetaiaed
centaiard Ila toe
library at thfa dsir bad riao toe
eiri ooadlGoa. sbowiac toeamo.
mooer rceeind aad *xp-o4ed ar
what* poTpose. ant to* halaae* *•
“ Th« Kind that Chiwm,*'
l>aar>. Tbeezperimeatri keepiar tb*
library apeo eerry afUracna and two
will give TOO puiv Uood; make
■r'eoinirh of each week baa bon a aaeto the iwrarat timeyour p'.onxach digeri readily;
-----------ifaerri book* dfatrlba
Pram the
your liver and kidoe^-s Active;'
radiH aaderataad that
j-our nenw strong*. That’*
rrp'aciBf wera-oat booh*
faooe tbatrrila
lla tor ee I
only eesenioa, bift we back it
axpeadiiar*. Tbefai—.................
to* county^tmee^ y^«ectoarlly aa.

a T. Haiee. tiro. F. Martin. B B
r. Jobs Kic
llnyher. Franl| U.-*prr.
Albert Buibrcper. W
Ori-W. B. B,
Honed by Alderman Oobk that tor
poUtloa br rrierred to toa Uommlttrc
oo tttracla and StdawaUca
Hotios wrrM.

Dr Prerre-. PaewiClLwTlff^^^^
a»4 aar* IXee* aaCOa* ar

.xpeaded lor new b '
Vmyrwaatei rally yoar*.

dec* BM lie ia tor paiater-a fancy «»
lac a ptruier pieur* toaa tost of a
( (iiL wlto lips iBKtoBs with toe
liw or loT*. htllputed in tor smlta
' ± Tbc mtad ''
fbaolaai of dnama. mSret* tor bopn*.
abr will amik ia hrr
If tor Irnpcc*!
•tea* arc too** of a aafMWWcawa- tortxivd with tor ipccU ribaram to whi-’tbr fcmiatar wntam la tfaUc. tor pirn
fa •poiled'^UKtararieri^fnfd?
W«ad*^., Maledfasritkliaid*.; m^t;





up with thi.—YOUR
DOES NOT. This is an

Trarira* atr. HIto.. Marth SI..JW

^^MdrUto liimSTS
Jk^ba pM «a at toe tauar eerw-

l-oeliL. Eiscor. Inaprctorol E!i.-ii->B,
fall term.
Eiwyo II I’ -pr. Mrmbrr ri Bi-anl .1 .
laration, foil lerai
Flctcbcrlt Marr-e.rob.Ubleforonr

Motion tmriicd.
I Hored by Aldrr&ati Deemoad .that
hhror copir* ri the Bicycle' ordihaarr
be posted IB eoaxpiraon* places ia rsr'ri toe Ore ward. *f tbe city, at the dl
cminnof tor cl. rk.
.HoGon carried oy yea aad nay rot
a* follows:
: tb* eorrey be sprMd oa toe record* at rau«
nro l>arker. Goe
Motion earri^.
x>k. Itrai
I. lArdie. HaHIrn
Beport of Cit) TrrssDrer for moatfa
>d l•a^rt*<
of Marcb. IBM. wa* predated and oa
moUoD of Alderman Cook duly carried,
wa* recelred sad erdered placed on the clerk iMjnalnirtrd to ooirrepond
with HicoKelalsoftheC. AW. M By
TmTeia* City.-Vlcb . April S. 18m. ,
toe milrasd cnmmlsiDaer. nryior
• e r. ■
tor B*ee**ilvof■ aflaya
W H.cmaareyocOaM
We do hereby certify to i
MoUoB carried.
It arid city that toe foUowl
carate acconotof toe eoet-of repair* on T. XX.r Jf..N..nildc. Mr Viiiew an.r
{•initii-tt of Mr CfXH-.x TVorrr.r
atmeU and Ibe oonumetton tbrreri.
to* amjoat .>(.male<iri uird and tb*
expraac thereof, and the airert or
GEXm.KHR!> —'
place where aoefa material was a«*d or
labor OTTformriX: aUo the anmbor of
tacoeaunctadoekoD tocaonUi
days of lalur performed » esid itreeta:
atrmt i


lOaTTiaontoat the

I me cup a;
C. Oaaaott. B B. Aliya, i. J. Shier.
Tboa. Hoelloa. Oeerr* Orotklo.-F.
UaidMr. Chreiopber Prboe. H. WhUtocAffthw
W S. n. Baetinfe. E B. Pratt, F. resadrau
ly pclUlc
trabi* body to
------------------- ------------ ----- be yradrd’aad
rmak Oeok. W. HeDooeld. C. K Beck ymrntrt from Eiyhth etrwt >oato to

SbOieBeweraMc. CA. Jfopor aad Cttp
AwcUpef yyeteree CUp.


<i.f>r^ A'. Lardie. A'drrman for to.

Front Streep


Travense Cltjr. JIlch. |

acorpted aad adopted aad that whee
said dock 1* eooauoewd toe city 'shall
-hair toeexpenee aad to* prop
abau ee


.................. ..
Boary PtelSer. Chaa B. Beekiaaa. W.

____ toa. Q. a Boarbey. W. O. Peau.
Frad 4. Bobtoeoa. Elohard Berimrr.
rmd BtoradM. Lydia A. Briaebeiwa.
htorad by AUtor-ao Aoodrich tool

tt.i'Kni a'ARii.
John Wilhrlm. Sitperriaor for oar

Murmi by Aldermaa Drsmoad that

aeroarto* piprcai iaiakr at tbai point.
Ik may
nr* n«prell
a ^ M^era bareby reopect-

B. a AtoMo. A. H. Broea. J. Ooleiao.
~ '
laadla*. Uo. per L. Eob-

John A. Perry: Sapetelaor fur a


Aldarmaa. fur tap
rbaric* M Urer*. laapectorof E’er__t_ii

fall__ ____
.'Groryr K llorl, Hembarof Beard of
EduraUua. ftf I tram.
Arm.troay. Cooatabir (>w»ne



IderBtA Hoellnaat
that tbc r_______
Motion carrM.
To Mr RoanruUo. Mr Ifnpw
■d CUv
CnuncU of Mr Cttp of Tmcrrar
■r CUv.
JfMipia.Ocxn-attkH—At It la my ietraiion to
front of my louon

ptUUba be rri'
on Streelaand

. leratlon. fal______
Jnarph E NrKoa. Coo*lab!e for nnr

.-k tbsl the
t wLe,-!. for

CooUnnlny leyel* up toa rirer tbe
text eleration of weter era. : feet,
point OB eouto side at east
esd ri Front street bridye.
Next lerel wa* taken on north baak
K with toe cast aide ri
I Co.’* factory si
Potato ImplsR
ahbai 1«0 freteai Urly riloyjsmb
ft II 6 Sl8
riVer. BlersUob »B»S
Next lerel ukrewMst water Irrrl
B-norto bask of rirer abost lOU feet
WMWrly of north rod of bridye
ton aUMt.
where esid »tres- -----EleraUon of wstdr.
: F.-II in.
Ven- rMpretfUlly yontm,
y K Moors.
Gb* B. Truus*.aril Enytaeer.


L. Grallick. Aldermaa for^
AlrXnedet II. Beaaett. IneOrctor uf
ElrctMo, fall term.

Tbc next elcTStion saeeruined wm Cash-rm hand April i.
c'd fme

:feeuu>. inebee in elill wswrontbe
eoatb aide ri rirer. bt pelat In Ha*
Ubrary lam aod eatateaea
with wr.t aad of old dradye ta<

an* push, iruw

OantoOB. We. toa aadaniraed
^ aa
watoWB toe aorto alda el Pent ttreot

IM which toi wr e to rrplm
worn-out booka
Whole Bomber of books yirra

to Jati. I. !»!•».. II.
aioer .tab. I. twii. it
Wrrk'.v arrrayr sioc*
SmallMi Bombrr yirrn oat in oi
week dnriay to* year ..................
Sm»llr*inambrr yirm out la ooe
week *inoe Jan- I. Ir»«................
Laryrai namlwr ytrea eot tn oe*
week since Jan. I...........................
fnrtorr np
polstsbsnt .VI fe<
s* toosd to
tor stresm. toe elrration
br ■■■ fret 4 Incbrs. TbI* wa* ukeo nesr
wnUrof rirer sbont toecwlerof loy
Library Foed.


Praaeat-AldcrBea Parktr. Uoodrtoh. Ooot_D«*Boad, Inrdto,
■aatol aad Oarriaea aad Hay<w _.
Htoataa of Uat nrator Boettor
raad aad approrad.
Ib AW HoaoroMe. Uw Heper <md CUv
Cbmril qfUr CUp «f TYonrw Oirp.



Jtarrow, Saperrieor for oar >

of WlBtrnet. Iona,

fiwiny WblXhrirre lospXItif.
wrtunotlM Hllr.'Eti*nCnrr -Tweyraa
*n.»nau»ckof Ui-npp* left ai nltt a
weak bran. 1 l.*a rtc dr.«L ju
mr»*tis aad Sjo. 1 <\.cl« B<a»rarpljli!t
AraByor»tDoUwrii;c.pc;c.i Irw-t-i .h.rv
darttn* paliit asu iripii-ujaeatiMVM -voBtaaitaaroX aodocL ucto u-k'
TrarrrM City. M teh . March «». ISM. eltot, Hy to.0*1 pi.)tt.'i*si-nw
cureaoaw * fm a
V Mr HanvetiMr Mr Jfapor ond CUv HlkriBran O
, wtU aad Uw p*ai.> crad'ullr
CouneiX i>/ Mr CUp ri Trooerw Cttp.'<:i:CCi.ior<tSft*aap.«BO. anagoentfeXlnebeturdr.-rr? way U>*t._l
port of aarrry ol Boaramaa nrer,. bare tor yrwia'
abowiay tbe heiybt of water ean*rd ^
IH. HUra- E
toe otaatmetto* ri loy Jamba, etc . be
tbs Trarera* City Lambcr Company
pnlliny hardwood loy* law toe rirer
and near torir nnll a*aubmlttcd bj F.
~. Moore and Ueoryr U ThoBaa. Ciril
apneer, aad accepted by ear Board.
Of tb* hi-art anil I
We woold rMpretfnllr rceemmea>
irrir. 6.C. Adam...
that toiiMport br rpmad upon to* city
illLHILKSMCl'li Al.OU Cl*b>
roeordala enter to«t a eopr Bay be on
raoord Id case ri litlyationoo oeooai
bcM ebttriiinloa*
Verr rcapret'allr. .
Snbacribed aod *
Boakii »r'l-rBUC Wnaa*.
ttxn. T. Bxaiha. Obalrmaa.
A. W. BicaKai>.£l*rk.
Notary Pobllc.
To lAr fluanr..r
ITorlui Tninrrar
Ea'Slbit A.
.........................l^VGcirnAMt;x--lD peiaaaace wif
rrqoaal to take lerelsao irjardmi
ertoaaeenain toe beiyhi of U.
resnMd by boom. Icy JiBbaadotoobat mctloe* formlay a dam or back
oppoBilr Trarereeaty Lumber
water, oppa
Co.'a mlUai
to* nrer '

toop.^tlip^ oa St
^IbH^Boatto^ef OQrOmaeil b^



J w.
O P rwrrrr. IBI

. jQbeyraaled.
n.B rMparUeara*. W*iri wet ....
d by Alderman
man Uiodrich
Uopdrich that a L lie*. d>wr<**
■ytoeaty Library Tr*i-rwClt> Ifr* Wort*, irpwlr* ,. .
Biar* in a. A a 1.0 F. Co. 11**1 hw ractwr
« ri toe
Library Tra>
NipOr and Cttp
Britoh U they had aot all r* aafely To Mr nmtoml>lr
C</wncU o/ Mr cttp of Tyorerne Cttp.
away troa toa
M tolaad
before that Ubc.


E ij*b L Raamim
ri EecUon fell urm.
Odend-C HKffaf. MrmW ol Buard
of Uemt'um full term
Gtoiye Allen Smith. ConeUble tor

Hored by A
■ Garriew that
ad and adepwd and
tb* report be aeeept
to* claim* ordered paid
Motioe carried by vaa aad nay eow
as follows;
Yesa-Alderam Parker. OeeAtWt.
Cook. t)-amoBd. Lardie, BeaHmaBtel.
sail Garri»>o.

Thacker. Soperrieor ter

WulUm J. ^rker. Alittrmaa for two

' toV Con^U

Ctaancil «i> to* CUV <»r
:an:-t. the

ash peraia-ton
irnton oi
of yoer b
Bj Awalllac booae. etteated
*t oomer ul Hafon and Troth cUmu.
Wr«foo^^rtIth*trr•lB to lot It. block T T. n*lr*.
mil ’ ^ .
I. Fan-r Batinah-*
i‘*,fBd add le TrarerM R^A^'*P.lw.tlrW....,

tta AMrieaa ooloay tpeet to* alchl
aabtoidtoeBriUto tleaater tniploto
Unt dUaetdarato raBala, to their
haaaaaaMkaowi^ what dlnetloa toe
tory of toe tolaaMd popolae* Blrht




to* aHaatloe tioeaii to Saa daaa de
Porto Btoo toot tor Caltod 8ute*
aal toera. P. a Baaaa, baa beoe orAMd to tola iaUad. wbera to* rale ol
PtoBark wUl toaare kia eefcty
Tbartar aa oatbtcak fratoet foralraara, airi parttoalarly aralaat Aoerkau
Otaaal Baaaa aad all toa aambar* cf

-------- ----------------- '. Mrmbrr of Hwd of
Pebllr Work, for full trrm.
alum. H.q
ri PiVHc Work* tew feil^rm. '
Samuel H Bmwa J rati** nf t

■«nbraoil**m«rmul MMO


AMrleaa beoaatoto beUdtor
OmhI Oeaeral loa ealled 00 Oe
BtoMO iBlaytoaayfoad-bya L’aited
City. Mkb.. April I
BlatM Oaoeel Baker of Sartta la Uraade
C L.
haa arrirad her*. Be waa mbI tor by To A. r. BIrfccrd. t'Uf Cirri.:
brreby tnak* appllcatian
a prltate laiiiare- Hr. Brie*. Ualtrd
rr a pemit to ereet a brick- bnlldBtotM eaaaal at Mataaaae. la aappoeed lay on «■, of lot .Vo. If. of block No.
red by Aldeniun Garrison tost tha
to haea WttoatpUoeos a eekaeoar. ». to be No. i:i Stale iirect Tba report
t oof to*
— commiltae be accepted
Dd adopted.
Hr. Byatt. UaUed State* eoaeal at bnildlac ii to be oard or ocenmrd aoa
ail* acable aad feed barn. It li to be
Motion loot by yea aad
Aastlinde Oaba. teaew avPaBalea.
ij feet Iruet, by lUaad Uxflt feet deep. a* follow*:
AlanadarOoUaa. to* BriUab eoBaal one atory. aad
d If feel blyb froa yrade
Alderaea Farker aad OarTbe aatariat naed wUl be bride aai rlMiL
Kays. Alderman Goodrich, tomk.
TbeinclBiny walla will br of tbe Denmoad. Urdia and Uaellmaatel.
followtoy tblckneea. to wit: Foobde- • Hortd by Alderman -Goodrich that
be approprlatad w eoBpleU tor
April P.-PantMea lloa-waDa, I'i fpct deepand laiacbe*
toldt: drat etory If aad K ibcbe* thick. rradlny and ymreUlay on Bonyhry
Tbc roof will be Iron. Tbe yatler bill.
to tb*0aitad6telMe<B*Bl* to 6pala will be of metal.
HaUoo earriad bv Y«a aad Nay
It !• hereby ayreed. that if tola appli­ a* follow*:
to la*** to* eoaatry If they datlf*.
cation U yrantad. and a peraU taaned.
«n Goodrich.
ptoHaf to* toreaieaad
toai la toe ooneimellon of the belldlar
lie. HnellBsaUL Sfid
They arc perv the dlreclioa* of toe City Fire Warden
be followed aa to.Ihe tiir and loea
' Naya^AldeiWn Farker..
of all chimney*, eleeaolflncs. tor
to* toattar. Tb* eCeela of toe ooaTrarcTM Clly. Mich . April S. II
aaUtaa wfU be lamed a*er to toe rep prolootion of faraacea, bMtloy pipe*
aad all arran^oirnt* dcwlred to br V> Mr Hnwmhtr. iStr Mnpor e
raatotaliree of *ob* Meadly ronm- e*ed in beatlny aneb bnlldlny. nr
IX ri Mr CUp u'
BU* :
atoal. AaOtaatBrtlala baeaatooriaed creatlny brat for Becbaalcal or mai
injiuks—\Fe, year Commiltae .
hM ee»alar oaeara to Ceba to Ukr facloriay paiTwaea. alaa for tooatomyr
aaimt and AccooBia. bare enmlnad
aharr* o< toe e«ecU of all the Halted of aakra.
The bnlldlnr foe which ihl* permit li tor toUowiny clrima and harlay lodnd
rrqocatMl will be doBpleted aboAt
like aatooriiy vUl be rimo the Bafpaymeat aa follow*:
Hak eoualar oHoer* le Speto.
Tbouac U. SaaVB.
•t to* aeuali hae yet left bh pofV
PUrd April 4. lB»h.
On.tooiloo of AldrrBaa Lardie. dalr
barrtad. the peUUoe *n* yranted.
at. Thaaad AprU B.-So eeriaa


wtlltam W. Smito. Mayor.
Alma. IS- Eirkerd. Otj 0*to-


■m) » W MM|

lory '(eraee of toe ttala to at
. It alio recoBateadi aa act for
afUar aad ehaar>«r to* OeM orntloB of toe Natumal Qaarri to
Hr. Cbaaberlato Iptrodaced a
lOH bill, prcrldtor tor i per



iAxr.n- ItbaUKd iatbr Mo-alay Hrourd ri tbrffod ____
lost, tbit toe
•a- rmaxn*
rilT ha*
hooybt * amne
•»««< eeasaer.
motorr. aae
aad aa



EtXRY boolc of
g«*nmteed to b^iefit or yoo
grt your mowri-belt
All Dnic^lM Kmf It.

Well, Well!




It when lh«y see the
^AU will excleim 1
cut in prices dniing our first ^
ll in VerchendiM nnd tbec


Spring Opening Sale..


commencing April 5th. to UetSO deya

I .1


^ Thepmniogknife of reduction hiubMDunspsiringly applied In every depsrt- ^
m' nt of oar store. SmsJl and odd lots, together with newMt end moot mbmo- ^
Able goods, have alike felt the cut. And now barigAina in Bbandence mweit tho
^ coming of the eefker*.

Watch for Our Hand Bills by Mail.,

g 241 Froat Strral,

£ Ttmrs, Ciq. lict.

■SffOSS, /^U/9A¥/S^/rfGGOaOSrJ



ieettse arer tbe bettor port s< Ibe fmer I
csBiraJ ood wootmi peestneoa aaatt' ” ,

talne a ouonxf-t] rwaaK. Ibeu oor aplraltsaM oa a 'hr<*iian. iwdrvtavu .
peor«e viS be rvalised If n (alia n w .



es os to guide ibe evoutnol
Tbe giuuiide for eocb I
Befcwr euivvlng ti r xlUilug npim a moM
Ptrsl la^y ce
gaoaad around att ong ibe rmxa with ,a
Way lollol l..•^efl .wm-l:^xtaTaw^Cown and berribir a
taa—fijimwi.ri^iwrii womaoieiraxd (ho
w oxlsnag Ibots. and which B
be ^lUct are ritber unabte*or one Ihai (.kwa bre bi-x aim mrriad oe
g lo eldi or mutante. It la no

u IS «1*« trcm UiDt Ut UIM Uw s<

eSBM tBy 4st7 •»« u> sAdnss
bsdr vtu> rtcsrd Is ths crsv*
ttel bu srlsfc In ih* rsIsUuAt c
• CBllsd BtatM u> «psu> »r mMB <
mtert thsl lor mare Urns ibrse rears
kaa rmred Is tse «*i«i>borm< isik
Cvka. 1 Oo se l«aua< at ibe mti
>t Un Cuban sniBtHae

mates from sdBclal Bpaalieb oourcea
monallly amoag Ibe noeBtss
from stjirvatloB and ibe dloeaeeo
inrldcot. exceeded M par eentam of j tarn to
tbeir total numbar. Xo prmetleal toilet i »>• relieved Mtb pi
was accorded lo the desllaiu
Tb. j
afford full rebef
The reply of tbe BpanMi cablBst w
iscsived on tbsMtIgbt of Ibb Hat ol
Avaa or «s.TtT«nox
Pbey Prserd tllaearr oe a aeaedy «*rtl
s of cetllvatinn. aria
llahed wHble the <
e mmterr ootroi about il
I prpved lUo
anfferuig. 1
and chlidisn. wiib.arrd
area, enfeebled by dle-aae
hunger, coaid not have llUeC tbe
wlthoot tepte. seed or ebelter, fur 1
enrptwt or for the supply of
L RrconcenirslIOB. adupied sc
worked Its predratlned rseuli- As
my meaiaitr Of last Drrsmbei
I <dvlHwd warfare; 1
1 was that of Ibe wild
anwhlle. the (p1!:iary s

aboal peace le Cuba, to coaBde tb<
preparation there to Ibe Inanlar depart
ment. tnaunueb aa
It being, humever, i

Cuban parllaanent d<
the lib day of May
govemmrot aould inot oVJeca. f
part, to accept at d8ee a apafa
Burgeoia from the general to ehl
•• pertain, lo each
• of tbe armtetlce.
iited by 0<
wriford and the reply of <
gavmment wets both In i
farm of brief memoranda, tbe text
which ai
lily In

eased in the P. _
It frorn Ocneral-Wie'dfoid'e expUne
T reilona of preliminary dlecuebloci
'Ceding Ihe final ctmfrrenoe. It li un
ratond that the Ppaniah govetomeB

Attached IV IheUomDtoaaxasardwItai
anolber natlou.
feetune wntiko qpun n. asd tbe toadiR.
•one of our hsmUe
-rariPBi loeSqiics by (farlr
doty tar It u ftabt
oectowud ao eadal
odr door.
taeoBd. we .
.. .
affeed them
lodrmalty for life sod property
BO gevsrtimcal there cun or wi|-. •Stwrwoon '-.*.ms«-. ai.i llghl" waxsvoa
Afford, and to that ood U tenoiaate the Crit pvwd by iiittbrw A-mdd It-wa. uvL
(hsi deprtvr
the issultrd aUIra at
AmoM toiA^i eiraigM irciu U-ao hwlR.
1 fa.t a body politic,
who cmpkiynl it lu -Ibe llauie id (bo
govemmem lo euhwun s aa w
“ -.................-‘it
to tntiri'gui may be
vrtT aoi4ae Injury
nd forming de loclo. -Bf left
o auie among Ihe notloaa __________ and by tbe wanlao dealt
> capsule of dlacbarglag
Oosi of.^roperty enj devaataUon bf
utlea of o out
ImpoaM for tti
It In deaJnx with ensvi
Fourth, and whirh ti ^.ebe utmost
funhei o'lid'tlon ihai Imrcnince. The Pirxeot^ndftftin of
iddependenl eulebood
aOatra m Cuba u a ronaual meaaoe
sculled drprodrncy
fb oor peaco and eniaila up-m this govIhr danger of lU bring again »
aubjumWnt aa Ctpcnse -WUh
condvci w.
e baa esilrsly
gated by tbs pater
passed awoy. TMa exintnc leot waa
lod ao near ue
U Ca.L applied in (he rase of .Teaat
penj'te have ouch
The vottgrepa to whom rreridenl Jack
son referred tbe question ae "uae preb- fvUimna—wheel tbe ilvee and liberty
•• •
ling to war- and tbrrefuis a
ibjeci for -a preilout undermT^d^“w’o
lb Ibai bodyidiy whom war
deriatsd. and b> whom all

lion of Ibr exK'UiUs. providing merely
for the lending of a dlplon.silr agsoi
when the prraidrni should br aaiWBed
that Ibr rei-ubllc M -Texas bad become
cwnited by Prvaldent Van Buren. whu
-barge d'affairexHa.-vli
-c- abanduned an
jttempt lo
rllory and when tbera wm
>nu fWe conirat going

■ae foj'P'

SRLuan K'usm
. / la«o aeeort vlUt tbe precept laid does
'' * tr tbs tsanders er ihsrdpabtic ao4 n~

• rsna Itaeir. bad rr'aperd 1
dorred elrtmlr In Ihecanlrs; and
pn»lDree. Tie PpaBlrh trm

rani of legtsiailnn does noi arpeac.
U’llb the last overture In that direr<B if Imn-cdUte peace and lie diepulcilua
I'preo by dpain the execwaa brought to the sad of bia ef-

Jo and porta of Ha\»i
>e exIMIng cnndlll -no <
ry. siibout Immedlai
of their produedv.
Kvsn ihjrs partially reslrV-i

r>-ntiJ3> MBAacBfm
I gome. lmmiri* UeaeR. al taai

e scearred la Cuba acatsat
on. pul luTO'srd
B <d SiMiiL a
« perlad at Marir ball a eesi
K sa SI the nutsolor Tbiefe durlDC iu pn«l«aa
leoted Um trmted stales Is ci
and espenar in enlonlas lU Beuiralllr
lavs, caumed eoonnoiM l^a to
Z>ScetnbFr revlawed the si
d coinBlerre, esi
ucllon sad detailed the Slepe laki
rellerlng Its acutenc
•Boac oar dtlaaaa. and br the exrr>
and opening tbe say to naene form
CIM or cnieL Wbarous and aadvitlasd
taondrable •
•nrtlcen of tmrtars. abocked the oeiMl>
prime minuter. Canevaa
Httlaa and offended lb '
K pf goversmem in Spain
•atUoi-ot ovr peopla.
«n(lnlstrstlon piedred tbe

la my annua:
laat I aald

of DeeSmber

Rerognicion of the Ip
depcndeo.r uf Cul<o: oeutral Iniervco
non. to end tbe war sy .mpewing t
ratU'na: .-nmpromiae beiwsen the con
t anil Ibe Inierver.t on m ravoi
of Ihe ether |.arty “
I eiwtk nut lit Ian it-.r annexation, foi
lhx< ranoui hr tbuucM of Thai. t»
ly. .-.'uid be crimlna
fore I reviewed lbee>
Ihr llghl Of Preoldei
meeeursd uorda. uttered In Ift:
when afler eeten years bf sanguinary,
deairurtlve and cruel uarbariiica In Cureached Ihe conclusion that Ibe
i.on of the indcpenlence of Cuba
Impracticable and Indefer.fible;
lai the Tf-o;riilllon of belUsetsncr
JI warTBeied t-y (he factx accord

smly be
rheh tbo gtaisr Ixx'ur of recognising
• In 'lurxllan. tor nu Iras
ae U applied U tbe


Place to that of a afore llbrnl party.
■tied Ions Is admrre In ■ policj'
of reforin. iBf otvlng the. wider prlitrlplea of borne role for Cuba and Puerto



psUOc eaCToas attenUoa and aiand la
n uy the Judi­
tbo orar of Ibst dciet dtrolloii to (lecious eapend'iuis tbrouab the eoasu!
aMOtic sdraecetnent tbtt .becom
M of Ibe money opprupilated
asK-eoeienird comnonweeinh
isly for their succor by tbe Jolnl
reootutiiM. appivvrd May It. U>:.
prompted iba Jtumase exienoloB of o
•laillar ochtine of old le tbe gisat body
yf oultirere A auxseetlon to this end
ama ■enuiened In by the gpaniab aaIhnrltlea On tbe (Ith ot Oecember
last I roused to be tsened an appeal to
Ibe Amerfeon pe<'pi*, lovtilag eootrlbuliuot le muee) at in kind, for Ihe suecor of the narrtpg eaff'rera in Caba.
following this OB Ihe «lh cf Janoary by
ular p-.iUlc announcrinecl of tbe
fomAtioB of a centi^. Coban (sllcf
rommUirp. wlib Keadouarters in New

American ao wifely ctmalalenl

iban that produced by a traoelent
rangement of good. wlU In tboae
ilnxt whom Wr have bees by force
rvldence compelled to decide. It baa
Iboa made known to ibe world that the
uniform policy and practice of tbe
Uiuiea suite le to avoid all Inlerfer*
cure m dltpulca which merely relate u
and ewectually
Hr of the ixsvaillnx party witheni irterence to our partlrU Ar Intcisou
' '
>«w to the menu of

Rpreaencing tbe American Nattoeal
a< (be oeoioet betareee ^la
croea and tbe reiigloua aed boil"But on lb o. aa on every otbrr trying
rorailed eotanr. on the bade
eleraeiita of the community. The orraalon. safety Ir to be foundrin a Bg.
oBeetlra ocbeme of
eComof that cammlitcw>baire bee* anadbererw* lo Principle. In the cooCabs under tbe Bag and eorerslgntr of llrtng and accompUabed mack
Ar- teat between 0ie
and the revollr
It (ailed tbraugb tbe esfi
->'f and wolltd ni
colonlre we etood
only uniB the ahlllt) of
In protect Ibema^lvea was ful'y eaioh(a eoi.ald«r any term o
;i4Uan. or.
listed. Uit until tbe daopr of
r omnliatlona have gsa- being again •ribjuaxKd bod entirely
twis.daway. Tr.en, and not untlltheiL,
were IhJv rerngnlaed. Ptieh waa oui
i! general and tbe local course Ir. rsward to Mexico berwejf.
make effe-tlve dutribu- It la iru-xbat with reaard lo'Trxae
.■otiected ChmuKh the
spelled, *«^BVsdmx*imIy d^eai^
efforts of tbe osfUral <
ae rbi-l of tbe rspubllr hinaelf c»plly »» •«
all preaeai pow.r to eonlrol
«be oOena of Bpais
alreedy m
tbe newiy-reganlaed gov
betb by tbo diopaleb ot frmb larlss U ** f>"thcoirini
day ano-hiUieJ slib'o
. c«ba and by Uw addiilon to the hor-l'"''''^
the other hand, there to U OB'
rots of tbe strife «d a new and lehoman '
e. ai leoat. an Immeni* dioparphyel.'*l foecs on Ihe oMe of
happily asprsesdented u tbe!,0||,
The Atexlmn republic, under
f tba I Tri
paaglcs. The roUcy ot deratuilos aad^iowBs where suffering eslata
Thno- OK
under a new M
oaeKwotmil' n. tnaagurmtsd by the <*p- Isandx of liv a bsre already been aavwd.
fresh Uvaxloa u
lata gsnerwPe balWIo of OCL O. IW. in . The ne. e>r a rbanxe In the
peovlnr* of PInar del Mk
Ibetme eaiended u embrsta all ot tbe I
Wend 10 w uch lha posror of th. Bpon- i ^ «e>^l^e
cotialderrd aa «oapr^f
f irma waa able to rowh by oecnpa- j „roo«ntta*.. are. it is said.
' '> miliury operallanx

.e «a'<iry. laelBdlac all dwoUmg u iue’aided In resume the oelf-aopportlog
wen ugriruHuiml


I'Bwy of mvlllxid Chrimun-i]i,"ea4rrb*^x?»<«i^Mrall. nf tba

latao*.“m* tail!d*f” th^i^nel^
Tbe war tn Cobs la of ouch a n

mains to be Oxed.
In any.erem
nine, by whs
patent and Imprtoalve proof cf
stale of things In Cubs thol Is Intolers
1US shown I

enrooted and

;xha^ «Tce"jrUt»b 11





DOMMnm. «MS.

ofnvIliuK SbulW.

Spring Shoes Now Jn.

Ing—all these anil ..iherB ibat

im^^ la

Plow SbOM. Work SJiOM Bsd l)mk «boM from
tl 00 to ts 00; Kwn'B and Boy*' siM.


HeMisx F—Hbbi.
Freeldrnt rrart. In
cuaxing the phtixe* nf tbe ro
then eppeaied. and iix hoiwb
parrri indefinite prolungaUu
-In such event. I
that other natione e
aao.ume the i.
volve* upem t
niter the o
Owing, pertiaje
Cf water aepars

of Spain that time has tesn rva.bed.
And yet. the airire <-»htlnucs with all
lu dn-adful bormr* and all Its Injiirin
to the Inlcresu <if ihr gnilcd h-atra
and uf other Daiiuaa. Rack psrty vr
quite capable of wvrking gr-ji Itijuij
and 'lao age to the uihrr. ax well aa l<
all yiv h-'.ail na .and Int-rcrta depend
ent on the esixt«i.s of i-acv lo the
Ixiand:- but they seem IncspaMe of
rtai'hing any adjiixitrent. and both
have thus far failed of aililrvlng any

X-BdiOB- and Miues' Vow SlyloB. 0»U Bad bm
tb«m. Cbd ploBse yon' in b11 thBt StylB, Prie* Bad
*9 moke b ^ood aboo.
Going Cak ot Souin.
If yon are guisg lo Delniil. Toledo
or beyond, ask roar loeul ticket areal
for a ticket via V » J’. M. R K.
■ ExcelicBl tiuln ooirsioe la a feutnrs of
this line
B. F. Mous.kk.
A. .1 »■ A,
aildren Ilha It. itoaroo their livoa
waacan tiaolUBata Cough Cure, the
infnliibU rsBody for oon;ba. oolda
broBChitia. grippe, aud al
tend lung Uoubim
J. ti John

It Serp* tbe F.ei Warn and Dry
Axk I> ailiwi-. Pwvi go... a B»aer Iicxc
" B*aU'i...rsm'laln-.awaI|.a.l<xewllB
Atx'l IVruca.Ixnwl *a»-wiee.
' rVKK AOOrem. altex e ou


had a litf e argu- ^
ment with bis wife in <;^
regard to

>n*»ir*rv H-aex -i>»d envoi-gwuiaM»« eu'x iKTMiosxwooiPMmwi
Wisea iuia asj eaaax.*s;
It U a ipcul leap from tbe old fanb'
, laneiTdaaeo nf bine aaxa and aaneooue

I# the pleasant
Itltie plita
known na ItelViu x i.luJe Korij Risen.
all hindache
abd Mlltansnoo*. J. li J <

Beat and cortrul the UUrvd iu (hi- escu■oo of thr iiihrr. I'nder the c-irrumalan'>w the axenc) ut .th-ra. vlth.-r
by nuribni-n or by Ihtcrvenii-m. aivans
ta be the lUily aJlemaiive w-bub muxi,
sooner or Ixl.r. b- Inv k.d for the bf
BlBailon of thc atrifc.Xn the Ual anosal nn rsage of my tm*anr Fnoule Oabsvat Drlnh
mediate pr<-dervsswr during thx pm ting efdire al tilgui li-.iwil.ib.iT.eep Tini eau
struggle It WBO nuld:.
I lskUralli<i^wtirti>ev I.lrse'ali'l OeeplIS.
"B-taen Ute inahilUy of Spain lo deal
rarceaafuUy with the Jnsurr-i-Uon hay
lieooBve maalfext. and It is <le'i
ed that her .aoverelgnly lx e
Cuba for all purf^tn nf Unrig
Ixim-c. and when a hi-l-Uax
llxhmenl h»odm»neiai
f.'f lit re--atal.llxhmenl
has di
C« Inic. _
a atrifr
........r which
which ir.rsnx
ir.rsnx n thlnt
Beaoiy In Btaod Derg.
than Ihi u-tlexs xa.-rir<ir cf huC.WB Uv-I mm. a ri.wn .i-o,. No
llfe and the utter d.xirdcj.mi <if
man life
matter of the oi-nivct, Unui.' wiiIhoii It, f.v..Brta.l.ihlj l-xlbxiue • l.wD >.«.r lA.oi and kev' ii cbwn, l.j
d ^liTwhirh
he preaeoted

dimiig till ibi-itas] hi iT aud driving all im
U1 lie xuii'rwerii'd b>..b' uonii'w m«n the l.oli. Ileciti ti-dav to
Bd’i' 1
•age tO^wigTew*,
sxux(a<tK>n guarasii.-cii. lu ,2$r.9ik-

Clmrcli's Alabasline s*fe



She83on convinced him it waa best. To
do good work it is necessary to haye good
material; therefore we advise you to use
the best—that is Church's AJabasttne.
One S pQimd package will cover 450
square feet. Reaiy for use by mixing in
eo!d water. We have five different colors.
We have some Diamond Wall Finish
we wiU sell cheap.


The neor future will rtemnnolra'
sriieiher tbe Indlxpemablr cundlllnn .
o rightmua peace. Jiixi aUkc b> the TuTt
huiia and to Spain, as well aa egultaUe
lo our Intereala so Initmstrly Invilved
la the w-elfats of Cuba. In likely l«
attained. If not. thr
tbe exigency of fur­
ther and '.ib'r nctlun hy tbe 1'nlled
SUtei win remain
n to br
be taken
taken. Whm
Ibat action will be de.
that time
...........— - ............. Iln* ol indiapotaWr
right and doty. 11 will pc facd without
misgiving <T nexitapcy in^lie light of
the obligation tht» government owe* to
llaelf. to Ihe people who hove cotifld-d


keeping free from pROBATTORSEB-OTATtyir uiraioak
ve oursrlveo. actuated i nly by
rnx«iH~<i.u aitMiaaef'ia. Pnxwe Cvxn
ind patriotic conxid.lw'Mia. tm
Ametican bovt tn the
mil (wnxir. keiSM Ik. rr-«i.
1- —N
by paralon nor aclftihharbor of Havana cu a mlatJon ef {w-oce I—_. ..iSiHtfier
government a... ............ ..
and rightfully there.
! ttatchfol rare over tbe rights abd prop,
Further referring In this cBonecilon eny
... Je*ee w rwwS-' li tae ■.nee".* la.
of American
clllarna. and will
MXIX tsceni diplomatic onrTcorondmre n ahaie
abate none of lu effr-rU
effr-ru to bring about
dlipatcb frum our minister l* Fpain ol by peacefot agenclew a peace which
the Kih o
e FruDlih B

is the season of the yeu*
to dispose oi your stumps by blowing
them out with


do an that
veoe with f.irce. It ahall he without
and Joatice reqnitv I
he BAiler .if fault cn oor part and only because ihe
Ue Maine. The m>l
h. ve referied nrccailty for
*-■ xuih
action will he ao
coTTn-and the ouppert .and
to of the rial ultimo .
•ontsinrd a-->
tkeee >e vtf tUe MIX ecwol tS WIX X.* a.
the clTlUaed world."
cxpreasloc of live rcadleewa of B|
oubmit to an arbitrutlos all Ur ‘
arhleb la ci

kexilia larrwg. ay enawaa • wov cC tau ftaer
■ptaa Com Nas Sxta Mer OMect ow tbo le >W exicuam w vac ermx rrx.eter weeabL .

The Vmg irlal'^baa proved that the
object for whirh Spain ha. waged lh«
war cannot tw aiutn-sl -The Sir ot
InsurrectloB may tume or may xmo>d*r
wiib vsTTlng ' auicji. but II has n-t
beer, and II :a |.Uin ihst II e.oBot <* ■Te |-r-*al.<-.e.n !-* ■nl* Ceovil.aeM Mil* Plv
■ta'. lx la. riM m Tt».x". citr..'« la.
exUngulshed Ly pmcai meiboda Tne
only bofve of reller and repoa- from a
cMidUlun which caonoi tor.xrr br Adured is the eeforced p*:lftcatl"n i-f
Cuba. In Ihe name cf h-jmanliy. In
the nanse of riviliatuon. in behalf ot
MT^ endangered Amcncun in>re*i» which
rvr na the right and the doiy i
and le ac i. the war
r io
is Cuue moat
e-opr beroeyter -iltat
facta and thex> conecoBgriM to aulho^ wfi^a (ig lax^ewM woiepwKMM laxs^
capable Of teriormlBg tbe dune*
- the peAotdeoi
djxcbarrirg the fumrAina of a oeparatt meoaorea to a curr a mil and
Il'A-ar.d hav-tag, an a matter of fnvt lioa of hoanlM.ea reiwevo the .
i.-mi and otUHmiea of ua>

~Ax to Ibe que«tP-n of fact whirii
oprfbge from the glierxlty of vl.-wi he.
tween Ihr repon of tbe Awericsn ami
bpanlxh bnarde. Fpain propcoea ihai tb<
be axcertaincd bv an IniportUI leligation hr expert., which deeliJor
B^e ni-crpta'lo ddtance." .

I always keep”^ stock on hand.




Itobmeai cl a atal-le governmrnt
Ms of malmalBIng order and oi>
lit Itilrmaliunai oUlgitioris. ci
paoce and tranqcitiity and the e
of Its r.lisena ax woU ax
I 10 use
uoa (br
(bf mil.(ary
and naval forrex o(
of 'lntervenlioci to end Ibe w
I'Dited Stales aa nsay b. aeocxaaiy
an imiarital oeutral by u
for tbeae purpoaea
And la Ihe imereaig of bumaulty and
textanla or ax the ariive ally of thx ta aid la prvaenrtng Ihe Uvea ot Ibr
nary or tbe other,
otarring peep;* of (he letand t^joootoi-lo (he drat. It ii not ta be torgwithat an apprcptuUc
t« Ihai daring Ihe laal few mot Itba. out of the public ireaaory to sup
the ivlallou of (be I’nlted States V... I ment Ibe rboniy of ow emsen*
any wnra e
cxbsuoted ereey offort ta reueva
but an lei
pvneeilal laSneace inwatd at OUT doors, dhvputvd lo exogute ei
aa nltitnate pac.Sc rcasli Just and boa- eey oWhmfon
an «
- r^ompri-

Jarfcaeti procoedthai ibrtu miebt
^ ed lo cooxlder tbe ri
meed BUlaa mo>
u to new of the
lalris Iteo In Ibe (Phvalcalel^o^.,
ir' <if OUT run u the <
>f the one oe Ine
ly lo Cn-«. uBUraiabed t
lao ood ef tbe avowed
----S lu ...__ ...
hape ef boih-a coo
hetween ue an'
lined hytbe-blood of J
Uon ol
Id CKoeitied by au tbs powers al tbetr tPoee Of Zanjom. Tbe pmepect oi
a pmtmctUMi and canrlua<>'n at me
oreoeot alrile la a ctmUngeney hardly
> Maxes M a aoutral lo stag tbe wi
"PTwOrare. tbsref.-re.
ia be
bo uowemAtaUd
esmiemAUWd with
euuanlmiiy by trte'uar'im'ob^'talM eUnd*ntao«ebOiiiiTdtag
-ta the targe dHtaloo of b



greater get
IB to the Iraaer. while on
the other bi
«cea of the alruggle upon the InI policy of Uie recognlxJng auie.
I frfm Imp-rieni tadors erh«n tbe
r pcae
nliloD of helllgeienry is c-incerued.
tlrr days of the ct-nir*! the gm-d
irciadary. if rvfl rightly elimlna- Volled bUlcx aa
hie factors wjirti the real quaallon la
r lend'ivd la goal faith, t
whether the comniunliy uUlinlng recegBcifixh purvaw. Jo the Ini
nlly wtid In eloi.srv fr-en'
nlllon la or is nol lodepmdeol beyond
parilee. hut were at thpenidventofq^
Jpolor of.expedlby Spain
nevsitbclFiia that a
id be wise or

the prsaent^rim the
the ao-uJIed Cul*i
tscngnitlon la pc
fi latex
and pacify i
uund. To commit
recoffnltlon of any
particular gnvernmeni
Ptoooot TorolatiSB botan I
ra <-ondlt1rma
ItbS. U)U oouocrr ba> oee
remartooal 'ibUxalloo toward the
envt>- menled eapccUlly
organlaal un ao recugnljrd In caae of
ot Ihe ciueellon. polnUcg out ibr
raraged br &t« and avord In the d
‘ ■ ■
lerveiillno war conduct a ould be sub.
•( a otmegie aaeguallcd la Uw biatery Imroedlale and efferllve amenorVloo of
devt ta Ihe approval or dlaapprovai of
rscognltloD of bemgerency wbl
•uch govemmeal; we would he t—
at tbe island and rareir paralleled aa tbe oordltlon of the letand. altbougti
bile adding to ibe alreadi onerona
rod to aulimlc lo its dIrerilOTi and to
not accepted to the extent of odmiued
iirdena of ncuiralliy within our ownume to It Ihr niera relation of a
, tbe Uiteraoes of (be coaloet by ci
ipe were msl by
iriedictleli. could nut In any way ex■ndiy aUy. _________
laroluUon of modem times whets
'Dd oor Influenco or efferllve oBIc^
I the lerrliury of botllUtlca NotMng
' arilBCK OF nil: MAIh
gapendeot people, strlrlng to be (me.
base been eppoood bp tbe power ot tfis
aorrrdgB otate. Our people hare
bold a coca pmtperoas commabllr
aa then that the Imuanm
ondnrl ot bsotlllMea
lerldenlal... alr-ady poim
■aa^e a- railed rocognlllon
lib theoe decuiatlona. the new
morce vinuallr poralyaod. lu sxi
strikingly iUustraieta rxliUabed. /hould. e
tienal produeilveoesr dlmlnUbed.
.-armmrm of Spam mrHaoed and
deeply ai
itended by oil
me# acUen.
Americ^ Prii
Mde laid wane. lu mUlo la reln». end compleied tbe policy atreadj- .^egun by
pllab nothing inward tne
r teellfyinc frldndly i
na dxople penrhlog hr wns of 1
wbk'b we Ubor. tha Inetan
Mad^ rresn hanger and deetltaUon
ef Cuba and ibe rexfillon i
bat affllcta the lalanA
Lvana during tbr night of tbe
Turning to the queailoa r recognlx- ot Pebruor}. The dralrurtloi
ao that by the end of Kovembs
tralltr which car lawo oolelb and
veaeel baa Oiled tbe nailowal
rtila lime the indepei
I single person enlllled In any ws
srbkb Ibe U» of naUc
jreaent maorgeni govetui
poUcs oor own waters and wai
ir nallnoBl peoiMtlon remained I
we find nafe prscedenia lo oi ir tilsiery handl'd and Ifly-righi bcav,
ind two offiren
- n ae early day.
Tbry aiv wvu
prerenlicie ot ao)
latrfal act la alg of the Cabana Oor
oage' to congtTox Dec. ft lU*. on the
trade baa luffersd: the eaplla] laroatad
euWeet of the recognhion of the Indeba Appeal U M
bp ear elUaeDs lo Cuba has been Urge.
pendeocc of Texas He said; "In all Ibrir home*, and a<irr"w tn the rattan.
Ip lost and tbs tamper sad (erbearsnee
The naval murt of Inquiry, which It
tbe conteale that have arisen out of the
Vhlle these
at our people here been so onrely
IS needlpos 1^ my. coirmarda Ihr onrevolution of Fralire. out of' “ ' ""
g desUtutloe of
as to begrt a perllone unrset smoni

own rititena. wbirh baa loeUlsblr
If Ofparallnn oC. tb
and Bi
tbe dexirui
Coesd Us cxpreailon from time tv
11 of both fiom th
caused by i
la Om oaUaaal leglaUturc. eo Iht
if a lubmarine
aaaa whoffr satemsl ta oar own body
ax vm ani

e««B taa* Otaw ORK OtrraOataL

Bod EooDomy .4 Ib.iBg Ki.giimta cFiBPMHfiHta* oar lortbodi

..ur ti-idlug
at our rsty door by wi
..(-tan Mtoa. the exiydiii
lertng %bai we aiy p..w*r
prsveni altogether ar.d Ibe Irr

WBAT raeaiDKiii


Tmnnday and elaee tho nrcparalion
r tbe tamgemg message. eOciil talorras rervived by me that tbe
_ .
.-ree of tbe fSieen Regent ol
•puta dirocts ricntml BUnea. ta mdvr.
to peu^re sad taciUiaie peoru. ta
dtaba a xwbMob of boaumjeo. ike
daiuUaa and dMtOlta of orhieh hast
Wd^-booa, luiiaauniratad ta me

pave Yon Noticed all the Pretty
My Carriages in Town


r Si** s: *2S=rs,’‘ r ^
SisSr s,-T=T=."rs-E=

tb:« spring? If yoB wonder where they all come from call
and.look over m; tbe of bandwAoe Carnages and Go*
Carts and eee wlmt kyw pricer we are Belling them at. tbef ' '
yon will wonder no longer that emybody can fart a nice.



; .xj^-vnn oiT^4Daii(

aHAiro TBavrom hebau, ,

. AprU
■M ia fmn tan
Mtaa of teak lapMat baalatn
tatoa tkan Mtay.

r i* «»««»•

afkirt rtforUd naolatkaa.

Ita HMT •! vUeh la talktnd to
mmm «w wltk Bpaia. Tta ta«M
rapon«t IV*«ta M)«1V et tu esBBlv
kn tta Um mmu ban* • dataU
vUta maj ta •retraetai aad lalvatt-

liaa BtCht ba tad IB both tasaa and
aMtaa. tat dtaialaea aatatar erar fora
I Md Bltaritj raperta
Ttatauapaaaad tta awjaritr raa-




-. Joe to a Itot of tta bartap I
ptaaafallp tato Ihatalarp vtara waklap tolattasaralapebaredap ttoU
kaaw 80 alpbt. Oaa wtak afeital
hto trlla paaatd awap. aad afuir to
brlaf a partlap tta aped coapto aip'^
ooltad whan daaU eaa aaw apala
atparmU tbrai
Thoat wkoaa«tfato*aaarabte ehrlaItoa la Uan laat dtpi wtaa ba taa
bam oalBTp iraillap far hto call la
!• em
elU orerr
artvr jorpei
forpi-l an
hto oappp
btppp mu,
faarlataaau, la riteaf deeth. hto
daalra to depart aad ba wUb tta MVlar
ba loead. Mr. Aadaraoa-* Ufa bad far
Boap leap paara baaa aaa of eaftlachlap daeoUoe to hto tellploo aad bto
dbareb aad aitraap ebaraetertotle na
to wbkb ba beliread to ba rlpht loila raaiotmt iataipietatlov
Darlap bto rtaldaaea' la
Trararaa Clip ta «aa a Basbar of ita
oaUI tta orpaaiatlloo of tba Praabptenaa ebareb.
wfaea ha aoUed elth ital budp aa balap ia aoaord with hto aarlp ebareb

LHC issa.

At Pioneer Livery Stable*

N£i\y XD£iA PA'X''X'JtfiBJN^S are not only the eqtul of aiiy pattenu


A pair of fiwv btocky baht black maraa, treigfat 2700.6 yean oM.

pair of bloeky bay marea.
6 jt
good on the mad and a pood lann laaiB

Tbeiv's a marked prettin^ abont the

ISOO^po^^*^ black mare. 7 yean old, bloAy ‘bnllt, in foal, wdigbf
One brown gelding, 5 yean rW, weight 1300.

French i.’armeiit cloth.

One bock^n mare. 3 yean oldj a good tingle woiVf.

Ladies’ Suits--

One bay mart. 4 yean old. well brole aingla or doable.

Price, thOXtO.

One riBn mare. 10 yean old. blocky.built*all aonod and a nice

b |ae^**V^*

ttarlaad aad aapetatad ta ua tba
laad aad aatal fanaa of Ut Uallad ablp la Ua wapoa aad oarrlay* ball
•uaaa taasaaotatta parpoto of ttto lap Umda froB lat» to laat. altor whlafa
he attoadod aa aoeadcay.
ba wait to Weal Ctorllalar (>.. aad baTta aaaata teaain lalattaai eaagaiUpaa bailaeaa. aad Ibert ba Bat
taa tedap lapartad tathaaaaatoaraaoatorriad Ml«a Maipara: Yaakar, who
taMaa tarlwaadiau araad UK
bora ia that eltrOctotar.iatf. abd
tad paaird bar pirlbc
lood tbrra, la I
Mr. AadaraoD aalhto
>tod Id tba arBy a
A talaarltp af tra aanbara farer tta Uoaph coBpallad to rraipn <ia aoooi
el 111 haalU ba ahawad hto |
apala. ArUr cluae of Ua oar ha oaa
amplayad la tba altll aareloa dapart
Baal lor a yraraad la 1>M .cama to
Whtok tan axtotad aMto« tbaa ttaaa
TnTartb City oiib bto fatally, lltler
paara la Data tara ahaakad Ita •oral
lor a abort llaaoaohal to
Maa af ita pa^ af tba Daliad dutaa
Waal mda. He aoea opaaad
atataaabaWa dtoraot la Cbnatlaa
abop la tba halldiap oa U> eoraai
aHflIaaitoa. aatoalaatlaf la tba dawtara Thartell ata (toDa'a
-a bahai
bahary a,
att^allaaaf ita Daliad a
It oaa tta Ural
I balldlap
ba araetod ea Ua itoaU Hida and
tokOa aa a Maadlp rtoit la tba harbor
at Bataaa, aad aaasol laafar ta aaAarad. aa hat baM aal baaa aatforth br

hie* good black mare. i« lame behind.

Marv. a nice one.


e«u. bwibrf eliaasMIbr*.) . Im at fin-M. X.I
•nre-namM •lun.ioaaiC cwa>. UbfMii.-.
i-arrWenwdmaic a.,ci«>0> wail lauM ai*r.a



*^tod. Ttat tba praaldaet ta aad

aad Mra. Aadonoa bad alaeaa
ebildraa. dee of wbeta are aeo llalep.
tta Daliad Biataa aad to «all late aaHtreey V„ a pivalBaBt Chloapo healtaal ataatoa tta kUllto et tta aararal
Mtoa Marparau of Chicapo.
Matoa la Mb aa aalaal at to aaotttarp
Will U. and the Mlaacp Jaeala aad
ta aanp ttaaa raatlatloDi laia aflaet.
Aapta of Ularlly. Tbara are alj^l
I tta dtttraeprud ehndraa. Ua oldaatbalap lA
■ afthaMalaaw
Tba faaaral will uke plaea froa 11
bp tta eBdalaMaf tba flpaatob aaraaldaaaa Tbnraiay attoraoea at
ItartUa. or auda pottlbla bp a«lle'elaek.
|WM m ttalr part to wtUUp aad
mat aa to ta aqalralMl ia ealpabUltp
Mayor SniU. who ^
tiapoaitlfaerttaaalaaUaa. aad farA Uy Co. floor Bill, to protartop to aaka axlraalra lapmeoBaoto
wbleb will laereaia |ba capacity of tta
Ua baa arraapai if, p'aoa tkrM
«taa tta Malaaaboaldiwlat ttUbla
arw waur wta*> U lo pla,
tta daaMKiUn radln of tta alat
Tta report af tba aoBalttae oa fw- old. ttyU wbeaU boo la aaa aad Ua
will ba e
Tbo flomaaitoada aao aboat twclea
Storto. tba abalraaa.
aofh larWw e( tta aatlra altaaUoa. feet Bader tba mill aad Uto will ta
aot ba^h. ontalda. allowlap
wbaelt which olllta cooaaotod wlU U« flniDa by Iron tobn.
»w arraopcmral will preaUy
>lbc eapaeUy for frod priadiap
d la Ita npart bat (arorad luv' taeoraiUea of tta Bapablk of tor which pnrpow the praasat aleaea
will ba repiaoad by aaw rolV Tta bUI
wiU alto ta atroBpUaaad by haaej' live

•btob ladttaai

I alatrltp report aardlaUp

Owtitet Oaaeaaa.
iaUal<aa«aa.aftta rota* mat
I am aaoatartel dtotrkt far atata
lllH'i. WM bald ia thto dtp Sam
Akf. TtartaaltaboM a najoriip af
t,ia far umii


la Waated eeeetp ftoapbaUto i
«aa aot plaaed apee tta oBktol ttokat.
baltharairaraHiroUtoaat for CtoapbaO •!* tarlaaa taMato. aad ttap
«atp ffaao to tta ttM ailear aaadldate.
fWlowlactotharataUaf tta eaa
. HauaB Caameu.
AMttoa......................... M
Ealbaaba......................... m

. Tta Btaaa btafa Ctarlaa Wall ^
Mo CrVall are loadlap ladbar Irm


or tta eaaur.
----------will at U^Bo Uat ta made
M Uc cboto aadflUcr Ulapa wlU be
will add to tta
aealeooa aad eaparity of tta plaat- Aa
capiaoar of Ua Ufell Wator Wheel
Ue hm b««B acot for aad be wUl ba
here la a law daya to oaaaaU Hr. BbIU
-Bpiatod taa alU wfll
ta oaa of Ua taat la Uto aad at (ta
atato. Tta aBoeal to ba aapoadad
will reach at laaat it to azpeel­
ed Uatth* work wDI bapla aery aaoa
aad nsniro abbot two otoaUa to
• atoaBtr Charlaeoiz toaehod taro
HMday aipbl ok tar tret aooUward
trip aad took abear^ S.ooO bMhato of
potatoaa aad a paaaUty of aOw

tar Load of
Fine Horses Here

etylea. d,-HiraIiW- ixalcriab-^Am ^tormenW that fit

iu ti;i,- Suiliuge. HloUee



Prices 60oto $2.60.

.Ti-fiviTM •







Oome and see them before buying:


Several Olher llroken Unes nt


Saturday and Monday, April 16 and 18.
Dnuauai Dtoplaya of-

Spring Hats,
Spring Neckwear,
Spring Shirts


I l»M
a 4N
a 4M
I (Wl






You want to Save Hosej and fo can belp you do it
I .lu6l jiow'w.-sivs. lKne WbH IVito-rai {•ri,-cs II


Th<- i]iia7ily it the vi-rj l»wl. '

5 4c a Double Roll

6c a Double Roll
6c a Double Roll
8o a Double Roll
10c a Double RoU I

M. B. HOLI.EY. Manager. *

The Ladies


Berkshire Pants-SeeourSpring Line

That We ere Showing

To the Wearers of the Berkshire Pants.

The Nicest Shoes in Town! nj

The Bnrkoblre Pnntn are wnmnt«d aat to rip. and we nattaorlce themerehaat aaiiing
them to QUihe our wnrmnt good, wis: By paying yon IS matt for eech Sospender Button
that oonAPoff; 60 oente if the Waistband xlpn; or a new .p^ if they rip alaewhen within
two montht from date of sale.






Alfred V. Friedrieh. 5!



We la-Ji.-ve we are allowing Itjr for tba ,lar.;.-sisifv.-k..f_mp
.^.ecity. 0.0,* ''



j.-V-,. I.~M

J. MOBci.A_N.


towiM', *u> .Ml W'rra< uutrto. ae< •!, ,.<«1


Skin rigblly maile. all liti-<l. velrHe< ii

and B*H-f,-r ►Tj lee___



Kin,- BroBlcloth Klann. 1. in navy. l.r..*n
..J II,.



AwUue. u><b. b)fl.rKi iHMin, .1 cb« frw
or%M. Halt » Ui. ou ur TM>«w L'tn.
.tMlVlu IW el«weaw. lb. KPrbU
i.xM Trborw'bMMI to BcUi lb. m

io $7.»

At $10 and $12-^

-Prioe, $6a0l)

Oue bay, mare. coU one year old,'#4*).00.

•uisrtroerllaMnOTWe.tkalOneM T*»C»eU.
•Mu au.«n«r. rw •< nn-M jwim. traticH
lur fc) •tauu.aM a.. Mit ~r tfOMMao- •• i>y,

Ogreetly ent akhi. Sll li.osi.-

well trimimil. worth


#26 (jo.

See the ,

•trlro we offer at f i 75. »250. |3«0. g.'i.ea

At $6 60lrimui>-<l

One 3-year-ol<l oolt, cbeatoul.


Hrm. Aadartea atorad tolo
balldlap Which to aim Uatr hoBt
the flrat aad oaly doalltop oa ttat aide of Ue rlear.
la in« Mr. AaderMD atartod tolo
to BDdcrtaklap bDilDOB, which
BO aao aaa for his. aa 1a aarly daya
aeSaa oera Bade by carrtapa makarm
leap tafora factorlr* for aaoh
Uonrtal of. Ho baa for sany
yaara aODBaed bto oerk lo UU Itoa of
B. ably aaatoted by bto aee. W.
larioa. and hto aasa la a familI Uroapbout Ue raploa.

” double

Onegraj- ^Iding. aged, weight about 12lft.iR«ie
hit lega.
y> ind good and a good worker. Pric-e. *6(jil0.

•lyliahnMs of kang abotit them tfaal doMaH etnao
fnxD the •venge drrwmaker’o work.

At $6.00--,
Jacket, fly front.

One Uy maw. » >-eara ohi. arei^it abemt llO).

ttaa too.ow
tataatadta rkttai talaCBeUy tatp
■ Bad talldrra.MdlBflkilac
M.rj k
llad dUlca. larola<1
tba liraa aad
pratanp •< «“7 «»«• elUaaaa
a of ■UUaea
patovlUaf «< tar eeaau aad tka
A ItaI tab
W M ItaaaMlaardar la
WMatrallifi ud
•■Wtaraaa, Tato iaa( aariaa at
lajartaa aad bardatafar »bh>b ||>aia
b r^GMlMa calataatad la tta da1 af (ta tattlMhlp Halaa la tta
btabar af Haataa aad ta
ia tta daaU at
aANi-CL (NnanaoM
•topi toafad. Ocly a taedA arapatb;
taaedvad. That Ua pmidaat htrab>
p xa from lerlap bcarU to Ua eblldrcB
I la latarrraa
wba baTcMlaltbfailrearail for U*b
MaMata.a*ef>lta«ariaCoha, taiba
Id ttalr deellaior raart aef who
aad aad vllb.ttapartata o* aecoriac
leap mlu ank Uat lorlap cart whiol
■ aad ardar thara. aad
• a joy to thea to fin.'
Ita aalabltoblDf b)r tba fraa aelloa a(
StBBal AadcraoB wMbora la Chaatta takflattaraofa alabU aad ladaler coaaly. IV. the koaa of Hayarf
. af Itair
Oabai aad ita praaidaai to harab^ aa- Taylor, March

"■laBaf. Thatltlattada^ of tta
OBlMdttattatedaMBd.aadlta r°»iaftta~
bp fiaiiil ttat taalaat ea
tdtatuaattariipaad poaart
Data, aad vlihdrae Itatead m
braaa tron Oata aad C

tbr Mving in OBi. throe tailared gwmodU Iut» a

Navy aud Oreen Flauni-l Suits


Tbfro io a deci<lt<dly goid riMoa fo^ wo.
men buying rtwly mMlc droso okirto—foe bMldw

We call yonr allention to anme “speriaU"

Ml aaUar


for fioeal

jnat pUced ou aaU-:

■ oh:b].&.f HiOHsms.

tar tbtaa raan taa bate waflac
aa (ta tolaad at Cata va<>at * raaolaHea bf tta laaabliuto Uiataot ellk

Oataaraaadefrichtoai^t to ta fraa

modeet priced IVltiii'als we ahow in oar flock.
Aa kiw as 50r for black enleen t<>

Tbara to bo aadaraa la ebrealeUap
Ita daaU of tbto apad beabaad aad
a^brtta boaaa.
erlfe wta alter Ua lo^la mad
raUevi^ to (ta naalatlaa adoptad loap 111a bare baaa ao qalek’y
ta tta tana:
la Ita bearaalp boat lo whieb all tbair
-Wbaraaa. Tta raftatataat et dpala

‘■taaalrad. rwi. Ibat tta paapla of


Call for a Fashion Sheet—free to everyone.

For Women-

One bay mare, 5 years old, weight 126a


taj .o™,
0. .iri Oi
. MMmU. fM. • MM. Mil M ^ M. *■

msh frrivala ev«r we«k. Good stock to (no matter at w^hat price) in the way of 6u but they.are mOES up-to-dste In StylSS
than any otherp, AND THE PBIOB IS ONLY 10 0ENT8-AHY PATselect from. All kinds od sale.

aUtiaabxaToUefof Uita
la tta aaaata tta
teaar.aadarita niaa aa laaWad

Ita yaaliial la hit ■laain ta

charm jeffered bp Ua >Jb» laaiA Partpas Co.
aata^rt^ ror^partlMtor* a.

B. J. KO&OAN, Prop.


4 »

A Twn POBOLAXpaiP TO AWT eoXXM* la Ita toad-

I'be Best Place to Bny Good Bbnea

the best goods in tbe market It pays to bny a
grood thing. See them.

We are desirous of getting GOOD articles for the farmers and all
working men—feeling that they are cheaper in the long run—hence
we have put in some-of the most widely known and reputoble makes
uf goods ever put up.

Haipiltoji Cloiliing Compaiqr.

BM«y IbaaTMroTia. t taeo had atoat.
fldM^ it tta Beat dIBealt caaaa

It of yearttoa. thwiforo f tori o>

J- "yr. Ghan.33.-b3jetrb-


a MthasUto>Wta.TlaMaM. (It.
bp H. B. B0II9 aad to^ Oeaaabto
bammt tba owMafttoa dtp Baota
atara. Uap haViac prastamad Ua^tataaam of The Lpoa. Beaohor. Kemm
nrtoo* pr»/ar SMUar*.
Palmer Oa-efUtaadEapita. Mr..HatWb. nsU's dwalUar
lep baa boom to tbe aura a toac Hma
■oottWB* ei Caga)«7
aa maaacer aad Hr. Ooaaabto baa made
fc»c*rf1*«iUr tmMtKakvcn. HiM maapfrkiadaaiaeahabaabaaa to tba
JaMlu O’VriM, who lirn wHh U>e aura. BoU are morratte aad tep
teBlIj. b«iirM*WUacbiU>eei«
will maka a rood eombtoatloa. The
tk« Ub«. raSmd a loa of CM.
•rm aama will ba Boilap A Oeaaabto.

■BIatb Bank. -

OwrU* O-NUI «M wlUi » palatal >ecU<«( la ralfhaa'i taeterr
A Orlar board (rea«M‘Of tbe ta*a
alraek him above the loft 07* iaflieUac
palafal »ooad, aadbhilalBC bit
bat Uo tajarj b at daacorcaa

E. E Vaa Reet. tbe Boath Side j>«alor. y* rvUrod IrOB tbe boaii
^tato tb« poruaH baalaeM witb
B. Bartoo of dajrlaa*. Tbef orUl be
ed Oraad Baptda.
Joeaud la Uie ShtlMa baUdiaf.
dooraoBibof tbeSbileoa Boute.
Hlcb Bebool



Bon. perrr Haoaeb baa r«a »»
Be.w.U alae aea
‘ Ttmy Ur ta PbUadalpbla.
Borbart Jor«t It potetaC • ■
■d aeoaaa aad n

WilUaa J. Clarit wbobaabaea la iba
aMto of WatbiartoB lor alorta' paaia.
to etolUac A. W. Oarb ol Booroe Can-

faartp OatM

I. wbe tail bera about
two piaraaral eaatUa la FHapaimld.
Tba B^artoata ata la aeaaloa tbli
•aak. Teatotlap F. B Browa of Naplotaa arat aaaalBOoalp ra-elaeted
Karlfatloe artUepaaoa Oarp l«ke
ipdap OMi frelcbt will ba reeeirad
bp. tba H A N. B-rallwap for poiaU
’«■ tlw lak^________________ _
Tbe twopear old aea of Hr. aad Mra.
doha Baidaa of Oak I-ark. died baadapTba faaotal took plaee iaSi. Fraaelt
^reb Tbaiadap.

■nartaU * Qaiw. will
tiemrrp aad dear atort
aaeated 1^ Vaa Bleat.


Hhi Boat Sbadek bta beea
M«ad tm tba Yptllaail Normal
Bthwd to taka tbe plaee eaotied bp
Him Coaway la tbe Otk I^rk arhool.
Word wma taoalred bare Hoadap
timt Ed. Armttroac wat rarp badip
hvt bt tba taw'aUU at HoT# Beak, bat
(ba dotana of Iba aeddaat wait

palattac warelac alfaa la r^ieaooa
plaaea oa tbaatraau wbera ridladef
btopeUt oa tba walka to problMtad bp
For tbe protoat tbe dtp llbrarp
bo opaa oearp Taaadap afteraooo aad
aeaalar. Tbatadap altaradtoi aad -8al-


piaptoc atti

Tba IHtIa Mlow waa ,
bm aba ww a


Inttebt DaaU at Keswick

w* ”7

Tba rmw-riil aeat ptoi for tba toetara
o< CoL Capatood. to be pteoe aa tbe taderaac reerired laftra
-aelioiu by te
Mtb. will be at tbe cup Kewa 1
pnipb to ablp tba ramalat to St ign
calardap moralod. Prtom ct adaito- today.
atom will be U. M aad U eeato.

a latmcatad tot tba orpaaltaUoa
fracfc are rcriBeatod to he pr»a»pt.
Tbe Bpworib Leafae baa aecartd

■ World.” Saadap arealBC.
Tbaaimm ba<ie Edward Backtap waa
Iba Iru lamber tmmal to aator Oraad
TiarmaabaptUtaprtar. Bha arrired
Aom Hiebiraa Clip Tbatvoap
lambar tar Chtoafo tram tht Ord Wood
OMOe. ____________________
The Hkfaifaa eoatorcoer of Ue
Beaacalkal amoolitkm baa rrtamed
Bae.8 Baltberptobtopreamldeld of
- tobm to ihto dtp. wbleh will be partieotorip ftaaf.dt^ lo'tbe membrra Of
Albat Otoaa. wbo bat btaa re
tar aama time, dtad TkorMltv e'rbv
Piaiamd wm M pcan af apaeadlaaeoa
a wittaadtoretaUdraato moai
dmib. Be wat a lambiji ta-Uw of ule
Hoadap aroalar LacUa. daerblerof
Or.aad Hra. A. H. BdUdap. had a
fowmmpatreapaarioaa^ajarp Bp.
aoddaot aba fell from a wtadow of tbe
•maadatorprdtba Boilktop teddeaoi
«B Waablaftaa ttreet. balmp f
atodpaobwawarakrokea. ite
ad, baaami. aad ema of bar

wbkh WBB roralriag ao ra^lp that
eoald aot be atopped rarr quleklp. Tbe
bmd of Ua aatetoaate ctfld wat
■asp Boheut Chtldnn are Btoklp.
foraodtato oaatoet mU Ua ead of Ibe
XwterOrvt ar«*' ri>r««r« tar CWMfrt
■•m by RMbcT'Olsr. t aalv la CBL’----Uaek ieadiog from Ua table
Bowa. i(«r V«rt. tomt UP CW.U>lsW
HuraliperatbM^ fcUHag bim toataatlp.
twruae DUamc'u. uA twauaj Warw.
The abUd waaaaeea pcaraof age aad AI aU
truciW.Saaplc rSCk Attm
« ri
WBtlbeaoB of Joaapb Ktoatea. bead ttma. maMat, LaBey.N V
to Frank Frladrleh't Uor
>c tpupatby af a large clrele
of frtoada aad aeqsatotaaem to cstead
ed to Uo pareato to Ualr md affliettoa
TbaaeeUaatsraaof each a bonttpiag
■tore aad
and Hra.



Prints pictures and «bad« on egga.
5 «eU paekages.

■Waive IDarrag Stiox'e.









Hannah & Lay Go.


daacea, »eccbet tad pla^tal
of ml
ailI. tbe program
. .
will dot
a gaaaioe cake walk.
How Potato Wot
will take part in the
S H ALI.TV. Ageel.
rmlDK a leadiag- faa , « THEH^U^
pletod to tbe M. A K B- pardt few tba
New Tofk A New Jereep Prodeep Co.
to Ue leigeet aad moat eomplete to
NorUcra Mtobigao. It it 69 a
lb dimeatloat a^ admirably 1
, of Easter
Dyes to be
for Oie ttoragt of potatom ai
rrpeub'ice. Tbe lower atoip
had at Wait’s Dmg Store.
dirided ieto blat for Ue amcatiag at
pototoet aad the erraegemeBt for quildi
lb* German Dyes-Ac parkage.
aad eatpitaaltogJt perfect. Tbe tldm
Will color li) down eggs.—sis colors.
aie caattrocied wiU Urec air ebambrrt
end the daurs aad madowt
Pbm Peper Opee—12 Sbet-U.
doable, which will enable



for a mill that can' supply you anything from ]
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will j
try and interest you with samples and prices. I

Tbit wat Ue Brat tlms tbat Ue b«p
bad pl'p^ eear tbe tora-tohle. After
topper ba aakad bto psreata If be eoald
0 oot aad fioj a while, and wkea aest
raa ha waa broagbt h^ llfelcm.
Coroaer Uaoa aad Sheriff SimpaoD
were aotlflad aad a Jary waa ampaaeled. Tba toqomt wat held Uto moraiog at 0 o'clock

of boU beat aad oeld; Ranatog
Uc roofUereantisabatw^bicb
ford eaceJleal reatiltUoa. Tba oo|
totorp to to be aaad to tton bamlt aad
OBBtp can
mitcelUaeout trtlclea Thera •
tolea.J. 4
a side track on eaefa aide of tbe
aad W. A. Nawtoa. act Tbamdip aad tog aoUal stock amp, be loaded wlU
teraoaed Ue rote el tba eooBtp at Ue little delay liuriag tbpraU.
Thto eomsaey baa boapht la Uto
The eitp para a rmc of IIU» (or aad
iellp. throBgh ihrir lotti ageau,
It apelait Ur loan while tba eueetry A. He0.y A &<i> about tuu caf ImCt
■eat tat IwaodaMegalattthe Inab tlDce UeamatonuptBCd torn fall. Tba
making a art swiwllp for Ue loee tof
Tbooaa'^mt bailtacdcrUa aapertbeeeoaty. 7S«.
oe o.'damm McEcaaa. eaa oE the
leter J. W. HilUkea rreeirrd
ipaap. wbo baa apeei all wtoter
ITOl and B. D. Ceapbrli ItIC: majorilp
Ur. HlUiken 4»l.
W aSrial r&rnt fn
from CbarieraU
Wars Dtm StrwktR m tn> Utma*
alp tfanv a paj
•a for tlaw tratlor.
■rot eaglaa boose a^ alaewd
Beiaraa from Uc Bearer ialaadt girc
wt at followa:
Hlilikee lut ead Campbell n.
Foramaa^aoob Fartteh.
Rrw euau l^adry.
Atdttant Foremaa—Teap Noretap.
Robert I'riea hat rm'igaed bto poolSeeratsrp. and Tnatarar—B<
OB at ttlmmaa to J w. Hi l.kea'i
aloea, wbleh be fatt ocoapiao arreral
Fiprmaa-iCaaitoo Mearee.
aad topraparingto embark to
Firtt Attituat—B. Beyivto<
I tor himtclf.
Be r
Sccoad AwtotaaC—Pat Rardeat
Friday eight from Chleaga wbere ba
Third Amktaat-Jaek Prabarl
weal to porabBM a complete ealflt tor
Bpdraatmaa-B Ke^
aa ap tomato oteam Itaadrp. Ur. Price
Amlatoal—Otto Kymlka.
hat termed a partonshlp w
Asemaa—Albert PalmtpL
irap. toa of Err O S.. NurUrap,
trip pattv of Ue BapUtt ehareb.
H>ae Compaap No. 1 mA la aaaoal
aad togtUer Ueyc^agmea will aa- tea.ioB latt eraaiag aad dbatad the
gaga to aa cxieatlra toaadrp boaiaaaa. MiowiBg oHceia:
bare a baildiag
Tba poaag mea a.-c to ba
ballt aaprclallk arraagef
arraoged for Ue baaiaim. oa EsatKighU at
alrret. oppoallc
Ua Barley Btaat. aad t:
they mil w>oa
h. raadp faq bastoem- «m.
BoU are
(eU -af
aad tMrsoBUnlaaarotobam


If you
are looking

««T «
of aea’ f

____ *har Bet draggitl
la raroirtog Iba ptotferm aaad to tare Elag-a New ''------------- •abeboagbt
>amp apoa Ua .taWa wboa
dhc amtlaam lu aae aad after
( aad ba waa Urowa late Uo
toki^ ais battiea.
m. (oaad henell
hcnrlf aoaad
betwraa tbe Ubia aad (ba acdU aad wcl': aow dw
dwt her owe baoaeouaetare. Bto bead waa fonadagaiaet work, aad la aa well
well aa aba arar waa.
Praa trial botttoaof
Ua aad of Ua track oa Ua platfon

la Ue eoBBtrp mad to
ihp larpeat.
Veaterdap Bar. J, A Kreadp me
Bible Btodp Claaa
tmaller, osd is
taof eittoahe
lamterlaceUiM Fraacet B.are
.gaatioat for Uc ttodp of Ua aoceea broapht back for asotbar apAufoat Oe Krouzat, balb raaidcaU of
ood Itlter toUa Cortotklaea for Ue
iraaee, la maop ptoera Urce
Bapldi aad well Iraows lo Tr»'
April »tU.
aad la m ■p at eftea at tla Umet aad
Clij. Tbelrfrlrodt will coarrab
ritaaa do Ua ctadiag for powaalf.
lot a Bora Uaa ordtomrllp at prariooalp toggatted: praying aad
pencil to babd. markiag
pilled orator be eoald bot bare taefa
le kelpfal plaoaa. tke prattoat ptaA dap of praporaadfatUar w ill ba raeardatUto. >IttoaafrM aUW that
bterrad at tbe BaptlM ehareb toBOr- Coloael Copelaod wOl be eordtollp
gm. Ue lamoaa wbiek oobw te pm
poo road.
rw. Kerrloea will bepla at I« a. n.
1 Make a record oa a slip el veram
ad oeDllaee till i p a. Tbe paoplc
of Iba clip reaerallp an inrliedto atbelpfal M pee aa ChrUUaa workara.
Abbott Opera Compaap Comtap
tesd all or a part of Iba dap. Tbe ob­
paaaagea whieta poa map hare to memHaaaler'BtaiberT bt- taallp ar- toaaeia tolklag wiUany aae whemap
ject of tbe aertiar U prajer for a
raaped for aa racapamaat for Ue cele­ aot be cbrltitoat. MeatorUe each paaMtUi reriral la the clip.
brated AbbeU Opera Co. for Headay'
ao Uat pan M reelu Uem at
Owlartotbetpeeiai eararriaret of
•rnpaap to
alpkl. April
tbr Abbott Opera Conpaep la ibr eery large, bavtog to people
>le to Ua
S. Uaraatl pen eaa of Ua aaUor.
Otaad aeat Hoadap ereaUc aad tbe catt. larladiag Ue oeUbratod peland Ue Uaa aad place aad parpooa o(
Oopelaad leciora la tba Hipb tebnol ma deoBB. maUae Hargaraole Btotoa.
Ue griUag el Uto letter
laclara ooaraa aeat Wadaraday emtrted bp Him Vtotoa Eoaaeler'. A.
Bataboremll Ulaga rmd It for Ue
lac. it bat bees deeldad to po<^>oae ISdaep Rborea. Uoasijop Walker. Oarl
pcmcUml help and btooatog it map beta
IbeQaeea Citr Qurlct coocert aatll
Ktog, Hi.a Carrie Nelaon. J. S. SmiU. ybe to poor cbrtolipB lUe aad aarriea.
Fridap, dpril ta
Mr. Jack Baber. Blaadie Qalc aad aad mark Uw belpfal plaom to aeme
TWa to aa ordloaaee prablbUiar tba olbera.* itb a cbornn of 20 esfora. Tbit way BO that Ue rmnlttof poarttady
baralac of rafate la pardt aad a1Iry< it Ut firat high claw opera oorapanp
ow will be preterbad for fstere days
lat of daarer of Sre. but ibrre lalrodoeed farretoalosg Ume aad h
Kbiatiel Entertauimtnt.
be libermllp tapported.
baee beea eleltUoat Utelp. Chief
Tbtyoaagmaa wbo aib te peeaaat
of PoUee BeaaU aUtot tbat tbe erdi- Patba' to the bill aaaoaaeed. but map
>e mietotrel eaterutomant to Ue City
aaaee will bt eaforead and addt that be ctaapptd lo Fra Iliaeolo, aa tba repOpera
on Ua ISU. bare made
lallredld net know aaitl be heard
tbeie it a roralar praaertbad method of
trefal preparatinat to giro a flrtt elatt
Ue company, bot la elUer com
dltpealec of teeh rafute. wbldi '
gtertalameot at Uc foltowlag pro­
Ua operat an good, and hare oerar
ba obaerred^__________________
ram wUl teaUfj:
aeea ia Traretae City. The >eatB
Thata are Bncbt G:rlt
C. O. Taraar will mat at Inl^lecotor
for Uto eegagemeet will be oa aato
I tiBM afo Mr. Sarlaa of "Tbe
Satordap moralag. aad a great maa; aad Ue eadt win be to charge of Dtff
Fair” eloUiBC aad dry foadt atdra of­
trait are already apokea fjr. ft waali HcDoaald and El Boener. booet;
fered pritea fe'e tba beat two pepma
Cham^rlato aad E E White.
bt adrtoable to aacantbam aarip. Tbe
wriUca apoB a Ilea of black broeade
prices are bat M oeau for
At la tbe alore. Tberewerea
W. C. n itermalae.
of conletlaatt iiaoBCtebool
DeoB F. Ticat. W J Hubbt. Dnff .Mcflrlt. to whom tbe coetcat wit eoaTembit Aeetdeat
-Doaald. Ed Boaner. 8nm Chamberlain.^
Baad, aud atvenl were rerp mrritoriFridi7 Willie, the Bra pear
Dr. Bnpdar. F. E liainm and E. E
The wiaaer of tba firat prita to
m of Hr. and Mrs Jataea-^
Wbilq. The program it at followa:
Bath B. MUtoot Old Mtotino.aped
UImky wba lire foar mllea aoaU of Ue
Grand opaniag ehorat. “0 HtU I-t
who will rreeUe
.city, rrat lerr.lilp bunied. Be
e Free," witb fall orchmtra aeeom'
dramolUc fiteet foodt la-Ua alora. p'-aptop abOBt a barniap bratb brep animenl.
iireriare. '-Dinnk't Jabllee.” orebeeTboaeooad wat woo bp Oraet Keltoa. when bto cloUiap raoffat Bn and btra. bonmand inmbot.
wba It tUh poBDparaad wboltaTrae- foceblt Boikcr oonldy reapond t
Tbewllo of nongt oprat wlU ''Wbiti
ne Clip pfrl._________
apoBlztogcrimof theWldUa flaaea er y»» MoUcr-t Name.” F. E Baiaea
-11 Yon Got Aap Sente Yoo'll Uo.”
Tbtp LUca Bias.
For osa ao pouap tba ebUd dtopUpad
Seoater UlIBkeo wat twora ia
"Boaey. Y
LaailBf Tootdap. Tbe eormpoodeal of wooderfal pnaeaee of atod. Fladlap MeDooald.''
Ua Oraad Btpldt Herald ia apraktoic Ue fleam wraimiBP bto term could aot
be extlapntobad be Unw off hit iteket
of Ue aew teaator ttyt;
-Mist Cadeett Brown." Sam Cfaam
■'Seattor timikea taid toaipkl tbat and threw biaxif tou> a iballow pool bcrialo.
water, but not Wfore bto body had
wbUe be rrat pet able W eeme ia time
"I'm Uc Warmcat Member i
bqeoBe barrlUp acarrad.
Imad.-- W. D C Uermalae.
oa reentd In coaneetioa wlU the
The bop't back wat horrlblp tearad aad
"Bag-e-ma-la.” W J. Hobba.
poecraor'e railroad bill, be wmlflad
-Bom-ba-aba." Ed Boaafr.
Ut flatb atarly boraed from bto haedt
a* to vote oa tbe war loaa bill,
"Fra Scratched Yoa Off My l.ftt.”
at rery badly buraad npoa oUar
oka eometbioc like Uapor Panr
Laos F. Timt.
partloaa of bto b^ aod it it feared
Itoartot. orcbmt9 aeeompaaiaMBt,
of Oraad EapMt, aad it deeMedlr oa
Ue tojarim will prore fatal. Dr. Mooa Mewra Raleaa. Sapder. Crotoer aad
tbe lioaof ■a rearral rood fellow.'
maaoaed to attend Ue child bot
No matter wbo Trarerte CUp't a
ter iookt tike, hit ceatol oatare
wtoetaptagt a
pala tuSered 1
rood qoaluiee arr tore I r mabo
lo f.llow, aad :
**I'trt"terand ineled
pepotor amuar Ue toloat at totatlar the nofortanate lUUc

Cbarlm Utoee, aped 18. wi
ataatlp killed at Ertwick paeterdap
lB(. He wat employed by Joha
lalmaallBi aeaikm of tbe Watotaad waa qaraped In loadlnp eedai
potto, when Ue Mom tlarted up acd
m tba aoetol preblemt of tba dap Uo pdonc man wat thrown oat with
mfll ba diieataid aadar tba toade "
eiolcaot. Ue Wbrel erotklap hit
o( Hia. H. B. C Balm.
ikaU and
kmiop him iatteallp.
Hr. Laftra wat a raaldent af
tpaaoa aad bad beea workinp for
oalp are dapaa Hit oocla. Bd
ward Haaaep, a merebaat of Su Ipsaae.



Tba Beat aad latt aambar is Ue
Taebabool baUdlarU IlatHet No
HIpbaebODllcetarceeBiae will be oa
Sairaod towaablp. waa borerd Bood47 BlfbV Tbe rneral oiipp alUoa. la April to la tba dtp Opera Hoaat. Col.
(bat U waa tb* erorb of aa iueeadUrj. U F. Copolalid wili ctra hia aalabn
’■Srelactha Blepbaat,” wl
at IbU UtlM aeeaiid teboolbelldliiK debiar aew tFUe leenre lo>
Itrojed br fire ia (bat dittrkl .
people of Ue eitp. Cbloaal Copel
A depot bat )«*t beta ertvbid
to called Ue—priooe of oralorm”
Hateb-aerotlBCoatheM.* N E il
eemoJodccbplbaaoBberot leewfll otOTc a rraat coaevDleoee to I
be bat rlrn and Ua oomber of
patroat of.'tbe road at (bat place. 1
feel oooh ladebted lo Captala
Lelee for bU efforU ia areorlar IL
Ue bu appeared to

li I

fClmilOiDii this »wk 2,300

Ibep mu Bakeaoma carp Impo
ehaarwtoUaCUpBrabateea. A aaw
Croat wU bapaliaaad aaw trtarm
oa the toteriur. asd elc«BSt aaw paper
pot OB tbe walla. Krw atidt to batop

kllM a
R. E. parda.





Made to Our Order



Open Buggies
- S28.00
Top Buggies
Spring Wagons
- 43.00
Road Carts , ■■ ts.oo
One-Horse Wagons, complete., 37.00
Farm Wagons, complete, - 50.00
(Witb Wide Tireu)

Tbo Hanoah & Lay Merc. Co.

i.AFBn.1% 1W».
Mr. Aa4r« M


AM *1.------- «. a MOIctM MSi Tkantejr.
■n. U a. eiM* of T
tM «• frtn<* b» <

Hi» a a

Mn. Klac

ebUdie* mmi

bit week.

« drora ta Trararec Clip
UtUa IfeoBl
Ch&riir E«1 a kae norrd oa Ita Ha- qaito rapidly.
Hn. V
OoloaMaiir hai Borodtato B
Will ItsiltA of Barker Sprtefa I* tare
ir. aad Mn J. I. Priak apeot bai
h Mn Prieka paraala. tb.aad M
taUdlef » r’etarr oe kl» turn.
t. Carltala.ot8aaka.
Zella Prtak aiteed^
: eUl un Primer rrealer.
Ttawene nrereeeld forltataoe- etal ai Bik Lake Frk
t rtr * •
• ’ --■— Dariae Babbell. who kae
lap tta winter la eoelkera
---------“ - ^endayeo
wd to a
prorad la keel th•
pronrde. *-.V.
Wa mmid like to eoneet a ataepriaV
Brriral manlar
which ooeor^ la taat eraebb li
Bik tata ekareta laet Ibanday J
Tbeaeiaberof rotoi wbkh <
.. towaaUp clerk,
rrmcliiap la
aboeid bare read »l row each fa
C«»d wUl ta dna
Wlctanaad Beaiy Aadgreod.t

Cfere Min mrmmti e|l the elith o( eal Uwe.

lyof^rene City aaUHr. flunre li ee«ec«4-P>«*lV Mr f. edaltkieplaea
day laet weak.
Hre. Meieh et Beer Uta It tare rta Hr. aad Mr*. Warraa Keel ^t laet
Seaday wUh tkrir daupbler. Hn W.
O. Oklrar. of
w aearly ail oet of tka
MU Bowaea
lake; It will But leet
L L. U. Gut aad MlB iraea Clark
taoB epeadlar a few daye with
Hr. Mein M Ooed Hertar tae noreA Urir Botkar, Hn Clark.
Ullekel bee deli
Piaaipaii dUtrk
exported kerne today to Bab
rbll before barteaiap kar »
(ircee taka
1» enetaita ef U a Behle of Setu
M«a.teMr. WeWer%|d





________^<e Pea. oec FnaUlii.wka la

- b la rary pear health

Bd. Enory will he eoplnaer aa
Darld ElBia will de tars erorh
. .. with
fxrWL'naeh latareai. aa ta hu tta faroL
farnen hare
_ Oae Beakear 4Mrea a aaw plettem ^ Joke Krnpa ta lota^^tyyd
Hn. Jm. BewtdaeH aatw weUea




I Menb Daaa rblted I
'nCbrroUb inw
ky ritUacC>
le taw~>bd^

^ J. »
tam. a reraade ead otkn lien af laHr. aad Hn T. SheUr epeat
with Ute faBlIy at C. C. Baaaafa
HnJ. Taetarka* kaaaoaU
Itat for the pan week.
tfta Wketae eo
Hra. J. CoBBlnce of Tn<
«( tae road bHace
m Saturday.
IW saaday Wtaol leatkare aM
taetaaw ml Hre. Ckae. Oarlaed W<
penate laeUrr kore Uta wSk.
expect t. _ lag; tadteaeankn were pnaeat aad
a plaaaBBt arealac wee apaat. Tta
MStaaatiar wtU taat Haa.'Grobb'e aa the farm.
Ur. Baloaeeaasd family at'
■Uyoa ktafana Bear Setb
rorty to tare U
Ur. Kelly. o( ehlerle tarn wax la
iweyniarday laokiop aflor kta kooi-

d. D. Cleatat I

. . ........... _______ FnakEilbera
are enklac amareBeau U rirc a
daace ia tke I. 0.0. F. ball Friday
Ur. DLxby.
. . tke beok',

Hr. CoBBady b kaUdln^ a net aertat aa tta recaat let aear kb clai'

Atitateat ■eallegadtta W. B. M.
Beeaebblewda] waepbaaed. tata

l Tbaredey etteraaaa. April n.

Aenrba parly la boaar at tta Tialtlagatadearta waa ffrra at tta koaee
5b Beak WadaaeSay amlaC. Are
loan of Bay Oily, made
■( tka W. C T. D., rrUl delir. lib taped tana w

iHlintald Ttabaoaa wee fell aad
•tekMtarataa. Alltaafk ita '
aotta wvMt tta Oadar kaad
inptad ta kelp
ana. taaew

a tta haau Jataly oeeapled I
UpaaTke loC,
eu Uayt k
nsklar. L ______ .
from Oraad Bapida. made a
ealllutwuk. .
Mra Lltoey ca
aru City lut r
daya nuralnp SaUrday.


Mania Otaaea li koDdi^

km "

laeoday to aeeeata

Jc'toc.n ''^

.. ................................... lot

Managed by Experienced Shoe Saleamen.


wtacl with each fane ttat~dnthm
Hn W. Wlaai >ta rtaUiiW harperala ta Beacoaia.
Dr. Korceak of Bear Lpka wu ia
- .taatSea4ay.
laoaal Lake rataraod (ran Ua trip

ih cipbi
Hn. H. Plaati
aatey ntaniad Moaday
*B a ahan rtail
rtail with her daophUr
daophur ia
The HInn Hand aad Hary Palrer

paiaed off alrely.
jOolorrd: Bettm aad Lace la toe Uteu S yle Tan, aad will pnaraatos • n*.
Tbe Epworto l.eapu will pice a ao-1 tap of from »«( to •! a pair.

It. Bylaa
> kae* my tick
foraloapUae.taia Torlap aJawly,

Tone aad Hacbiae liecred. aad prieu fr
expwrirncea which Uty
throopk le Ibe eadrarm to malUrly
toe dime which wu pitra them fur
that parpace. cUe ^hr maearf of an d'>
lap Admtatiom.U.; c ticktl; Ud< aed
peaticmau r^e. Rrfmhaceat. wHl be


All aoUd.rritaHepood*.

Our Men’s Stock

Tb* Ba.'er eniertaiamhat pirrn '<
the Coat I • berrk la.t SoBd>\ •

aod aretythlap loota tbrirlnf^
B*fan thej Im •
pi»re ua l*rrrf lli
an nahiap
whiCB tad to.i
Aae maple aapmr.
Edd Banett aad-Joka Bedfrra
off Uc polat Berth of bora.
asd cbpwrri we-h
Hiller Polat.
tabor had born.xr-no.d
ta nakiac^n|^'

mUr*"lwe-c Iced.
riana. wbe bu baea c
. - ____
d atEtaat______
Etaat Lwlaad_for aca
ntaraed to kta kamc today.
Joke Sllbtata aad Dan Uyen ...
akiap prepanllon 1 r bundlap
emielnaa aewboaatoi thairptaee
L Frpocu Neejcrick, who hu
baea alltap for apw*nl of a year, ic
"fh ’ no«“*
kopcapn bald
Buter carTicea
dlan ebareb
tarpe af.cBdaBee aad all asjoyed tta
cerriou rery maeh.
y pl<
law, alao two liule Jobacoa
mftoraooB the latter part
af lou Week
Mtaa Fccrl Wiaar. who came bomr
*m Lelaad rccrntly. will ao*
-ticaebool Wrm cl
I Northpon,
Nortaaort. _____
Che wUl Clay with Oraadpa asd UraodHr. Ridumaa hu hic

.u-r. xi«> wBcrisp qatwiy. *

r*a Msasfc'
Maoufe Iim.^a
^l(. Ctantocaa.
V -I aodOiromr K-1. Kar.pcru aad Rmdaa .
Cult US in. aad toe p m cn.rigbl.


Her Mra and WoBre'e «1 f. »l «| aad
|i to 1‘M. we will hrek mratact aay took ta
Nurshrre Hkkipaa el :.-ca pair ature. They*
are wtacer* ctd uadep.-tlr a -

cabject. ta oa
••! wu *n c
My cltlo
a'moct yrilow. rre» aarnuea. toapae coaled, pale •.-latiaocMy in


If aBjrbodif requires a Shoe
llin»ill stand Hard KuocU

for torn wreki. anil am nen^aa.U

it is THE
“ erveu


*>'>••»'’ ix’lefolkc W. I.a*. irade
No oae ch->uM tprl u-lrrthem OuV amoccid'Bi- with i-oe -f ita mo»i
r.ic pv bottle at S B IVxl
d fait rite ta the Mcirc.
Drar Slorn.
! luaptab ac ta larpc qaaniiilec wnh
Tax Baer Saltp ta the wwld for
celebrated wear mmlen. They
3oU. Bratar-.. riom. L'Iitt*, Salt'cn mad* c iVd aad clroep. and yet bar*

gnrt!:x“T;.sri .'S'lti;

-aptloB*.auti picitlrrfr et
oo parraqaired. It

IVempeclfB'trloritoeeerTmldralaf lheGn«dTn.rnerer,oxtoeall

The Boston Store,


TrAverM City. 1C1(^.

..... lU-i'uST',

uka Ueaday.
J. Borrnwa OrUB aad wife arred to
he rlilape '^eedey lut.
Be ta ealoycd by D. B. Beceu.
The Buter cyrricnad tbe.H. E. Saadaycehoat
w. e well aita
ant BIB pin

Mn Joe Retfrwd aad ekildna .
cereral day* of lut week with telalitcc
ia Tnrena C>9
HUa Lean VataeofSmtoa Bay bpact
tato^yud Suatay with bar

Aldrich a
>1 boBU t
ret bald.
. oae ef the b
lap Salorday.
Thou wta took the taachen'____
Aboat Afty attaoded tta aeirlu
taatlea an aoxioac'y awailiap ntaraa
renl hare ackeeta capapee.
. Myrtle Oolller weal to Cadilla
U B. CampbeU. wbe wu ta Sattou
tact week Ur bee.-ima a BilUarr. Ska Bay
aaearal days lut wuk.
will be mined by tar aa >y friaadc.
Tkaradcy elpbt.

tta put tea waaka.

k witk a diploma from the Macca urenl «ayc aa ku;
Hra. D F. Boxaia
lut Salardcy
cent collepa of eataalmlap of Boa
-------------ta Lautap
rtap ke
be nw caas al for a riait with (rteada ta Bate. Barbar Cnek, Tiavaru City. ato.
-Plapa~ apacial aenioa.
The Jastar C. E topic tor Saaday
Bakert Browa. a former pric
m from te Lift
hen. padtod thraaph tta rlliapa Moa


Buotifal wMibn aad ararykody ta

Fitted Up in the Most ILodern

k WMp ta haapl^ ta^tarta
ta hoBB wkara Hr-OnkUa

Him Misale On wu ta TrararaTtlty
haraday porebuiap tar aprtap ead
iBBor cupplr o( aaw BllUaaiy pooda
Hr. aad Hn Choa Beau aad Hn
Gaa. Autael drora to Tnma Qly of thi Petotkey Pmbytary
Saaday af lut wuk ta atued the ta- Bar.'Hr. Smite left tor thera Friday.
... Eaapiap Power.................
aeral at Hn Joka Haau af that ally.
Dr. Walta wu nttad to Cbinpo Peter l:i. Loodar. Rule Baambetpar.
■«nl4 Cemiiii.likn.


doabt bar repo.-t which -1U be pirra ,
ad fnnGtaad Bapida
aut ^Saaday erealap. will ka ml prral 1
Jaka Eriaeh ta warfcla( for Blctaed
Haribanof Blapkan.
Tta nparl of tta C E eaareatlaa?
kalduScptnaw two weeke rce. iriraa i .w-_
tarfenr^nSr ta'ikta’taijrata pT I«" <>“ Kmm6m aad patla ae. Hat. af Anadard. iwiabta. W.uaMS^'^
■arrnaocmaU aaoaaiof BCBBcada-, •*wwlj for u by aaay af ttalcadiap Baaafaetanru ta tta rooatry. tat wlU
Haay at tta friaadc aad aatahkaraod
Hr. aad Mn Jaka Ball talpad tkaa u Tkia ncnlap aboot'alaa ^eloek tta
MU. Joo. uo enr:
praSu aa te quaUty we l.Wad to aalL We ken tta ffoada Bl
«tta____ .4.________________, aad aaw aana to u ttal a yatap aaa
Ihalr weddtap. tta Slk laet. Al^ea1 of apa. wbou aane b Tka Buter exarricnpitea la te H
te cUtaeu al Tneem ai> aid rictolty what emrepy sod pub
fed a rary {dcacaai
as to Ita writer, a
B eVaSr SaSirt^li w,.7^y
Ao 1a upplyiap torn .Uhrrilable akoc. for llul. mcmey. WepoarJ^
<g imt Jobs Watat. a
estarlcietap. parUn.Iarly .toe ckll the worhricuhl|^of oar Au ebon Yngr B»oey eheericily refaadad U Pot
tk. Bawu
dree', exerrice with the wmtbc made caUctactory.
f annadai

rmUf hu tke lipBaun of a tarpa a
hu art tar BaraTB.

Hoom Aw a rUm at U
-I'ac Tanb OablB^ Ceatra oo Hoaday.
tare today Bahlap kta deUrartn.
tald M OOP'
Huler Jahaa;
>tn raeatioa hM a .. ____
Mn Hariatta
•die Trarerto Qkj yaeiatday.
B Klclnrd aad U^ B. SlaSan
brlaad rtriud at Mr. GUlmas'e lb- heraebaol
week: alao Him MIb Mildred Dochenr nth.
LeeDaBartoa bu raMraod leTrar.
^Uoa Jaaie Banmaa af Tnrene
eru City toaekeol after a waak'a
Tae yoeap people aad ehlldrea —
teaklap daily ax.:ar«lau Istotta woade Tb* price of patala
atOl baallap
ieqeBto! tke early rlolet aad May- fall, bat praala an atD
Sawar. The arkotoe ta aot ia blaoB
L-rna Herioa rru ptaanatly oarOer doaday eehaol ta Aoanahiap. Tke l^taed^oa kta laanaaatb btrtbday by
: atuadaaee Seaday wm W. The C B.
laodeiinare aleo dalap well, tke Je­
Utv Ida Vaa Tanel ku pcaa to
lly, aad we re}cdoe banaae nad Bepide tortait her panata kaKT tka ciana for tta wm.
Fax ef
Deateen Oaaaot be Cored
panu at J.S. Berloa
family Saturday aad Suaday.
Barriagtaa wu tailed
Dorr pulnaaaeanal at hitanather'e
lllacaa. Sta kuacaaen ■cad ta law.
yve kere a rBabUaiTma?<e 'liaL^efu!^ with aa hope of rw
taater certkn wan beM at h .
rtnte lOth. Aa tatrrnlte pew
pnm of mu>c aod rariiatlau aunrrmd cnl by tta Suaday arkooL
Hn Wm Salth dnn eat bam
We wM Bw
«er an
Tneenc Qty te IIU to brlap bar
we kr
Cklkrt ewo.' tae^ daapbtcr. who ta tnrki^
Biruk aad apaat tl a 4 >y at B


__ — . -

pyltkalan W
Last Baiarday HIn (tattariu Vaa
Bfdtof Oaeu aid Hiltea L Gon at
0*d Htaoioa iron 'aBiud ta narriopa
kw Bar. W. H Harttat. at kta booca ta
^ptaea .Ttajwliaeawa wan Gnu
lUoliaad Jaa. Vco HoiV
Ir*. Wbltmaq arr:«.d laet 'Tkoraday

fer aloap u to be able U
lady friaadc SaUrdey afteraoon
Qao. Jaekceo
aad Jaha Browa
Uraad from theaooUera
part of tta apnaperopa.
A But from tka Elaaolfce
Hn Bcelab Leeaard. daophi
Hr. Biaekmaa of thta place, died
borne Bear MasUa nrly Saaday i
,y year*
tap of hurt tailere.
al too Alui
Mta Race Birmler Ic taaehlnff la tke apeat
paoy. pirn a b’tat
mm dlctrict. Him Daley Knc ta Gn
'oad. Mia Edith Uoodr ia tke Boli
.ictrlel. Htac Bama Daaa la thcTal
''1 ba*e a
er dtatriet. aad Htaa Bcu Bowers
iapVewdaria Atacka aad Nortawe
ihardaaa; ta look p
TerTltory, u DC olker pare eqaal nti
■’--nh rltmatc- I a1i
n Dwaya taamted c
Mr. Dybrmaa of
B. 8. Wylie far
Iwraated ahem
okd Borad bta tasliy
Hn Deal Blae w
Arid itarter aad
U. Te
Ycetcrday wbUa WleAeld
btacoulB leaae ware
Gill called ken lut
taw puBBer at Peterri ________J AnBora ta Ur. aad Hn. D
pen wen canpht tatwa tta halt aad
Bei. W. B. Herlbut aaata a Ulp to
the' wheel aod Is trylt^ u axtrtaaU
Lelaad Sstarday.
klB WiaAeld'c arm wu caopht aad behim
fera the whnl oaeld be cloppad tke
taWt Salorday
Itad her farm
era wac cetarely iajared aad thaapki
(na bta bulacn trip to Chicapo.
to ta brokes. _____
The CbartaroU made bar Ant trip a(
J. J. Twaldle arrired karoos kaxl- tta
cacaae to tola pian taat baterday
aan Maoday eraaiap.
Heary Blaekoiaa af Tnrerae City
Bade Narthpart a plenaat coll to-Ay
au'e aaw dwelllap ta ap.
R A. Campbell amdea trip to Tra*
towB Hoaday.
vruCity tact Frtasy. nUralap Satar
Hr.Lllney made a trip to Tnraru
City laet week.
Htac Conb WaJtar nlaraad to her
T. Gill of tb
dud ntalirec
Jacob BaAi mod Nye Jordaa dU kaai- hiph acheal detlca at Trareru S
at Tnraru City uraral deye ef lut
Mtaa Mabel BeaoeU. wta hu teea
Mtu Laan Voice weat ta Noethporl
Him SuBu ef Lelaad wac the paect
lUap t leadc bare, ntaraed to Bal- of Mn. W . H. Berlbui Saaday af ibic
Friday arealDp aa tta

week taBo wilh
qaite alekwhUr
Baw^ WUtaay of H^M Oily b
wMtW for Chee Oarlead.
... aelacrapk qellt Will be told
Wb. J. Beetaa ead wUe rUted at April ivth. Tta tadlaa' Aid hare keaa
AhIww •ttnare'e Seadey.
worklat oa U'atanal a yrar.
Mm. Beaig^ofayeUe rbilad (rteada Hr. aad Sn Waller Paraelea wtll
etai is tta choir, aed it ta a bir 1bproraaeai. at Ur. Ibnaelaa ta a Sae
rtaUlap fri
a rbltad et Mrs. J
rrin aad paacfaee look aa Ihaepb
we will tare a pood crop. Appln — the eraetiuB
aot forward aaoaf h to tell y^ bei
Beeaaarar of Kortbport If U
feel la tta weU b
If bar daupbur. Hn. 6. A. Bek


*** **

» Mr. m4 Km. Tmte am
r.lh«Tl- kftrt.
___ ol ia dieixtel Ba I oc
iwday with Mn Ban ai
Sabeol hooac Bo. 1 ta reoatriap-----M of paiat eo tta laaida of tta kaild-

Brack Soalkard aarad kta (aally ta
Unwa lest Maoday. -wkanHa ta onOeaol
ployed u ehiaple eawrer.
Mwn EllioU
aorlap their famlllB ialathc bo>
fwaarty aocepled by Cbaa Boberta.
Mn Olaey aad Mn SUpkt rtaitad Ibe Derea* aocieiy aeeta with Hn
Mrv Praciy Saoday.
Bala Kcdaaaday afieraooa. The aoBrace Loeckt ta palap to
.eWty'eJau purebaae wu a eew earpat
^rarae City aext week.
tortbprborek plctform.
W. US.iphti*poiaplo BO
1 WM racrired Hoeday by M
Uanba place aaxt weak.
r that hi* wife, who ta rtaUiap
>lal. Hoatcalm eoaety. ta rery
The epwrial aeetiape an elaaad wlt>
Ir gclaby left for Crralal Ten-'
tkoephiB of WiBp Bare la Aapn'
day Boraiep.
- odhapeo kae decided u>
We failed le aeatloB taat weak tta
tta Ant of May; that
aarrlape of Hit* Bdir Pack aod Fred
Cnwford OB WadocBdar ercBlBp. Her
L«wta Wripht baa morod lata
baoM where Mr 1‘arkclirad. Mr. Parke to. TbsearsBnny wme perfonaad by
bu Bored lelo M'. Browe'e buoec aad Bar. W. H. HadUl at Bidsipht.' after
which camr a Berry aalate troa tke
Mr. Browa'kfaailybaremrred aalo
paac. The happy ceo^e aad '
By the loohwofbtaltBber that tape aaoy frteodk were buy with feetl
lap to WilwM Boaih-e pUca be But BDtil tta “wca taa’ boun."
be polap to baild a larpa bore
-■ - nponad that Dare Boeah
eUd oae u larpe.
Ur. Heacy-t Susday tchool cti
H. T. HeLlBB ta better.
Htaa Mary Pulrer a oa Iba elek Itat
_jd the OBU there wera Nellie IWt
G. 8. Slalhar bu ntaraed ban li
Edna Beith. Leaa Palaakaer. On
d^ Territory.
Sllpht. Lacy Brodhapaa. Claada Ja<
Proaie Welch aod Canta Aek<
Ilrely day ae the pataU Borkat
BOB. They had a rcty plauaat Ubb.
day. Priea paid. M cents per koU-

7«e M. A S. a a a Oe. tare reeiitb taut e welUef eteUoa At Splrtatd weeitaret preeest.
MtaBtaitatv. «Bh)h will neke It OewlUt-dleUle morlat te'Ut bU—-a ------ - for ttaee Ateliiar M er-e.
tataltatnlael Uet •!•<».
Hr. aad Mn. P. Arer; weat to
Fenacn tare conneaeed tkeir
_ Mr. Bkee hta nerod la
Hn. Dailey aad Mn J. B. Battoa
tae netoA tata.totke’ reoattacmia.
Loce of wood aad lofa tao kaiap
tajl^tta M. a paMw.MiUiac nwa to the aullap.
Wni Saaoebkaa norad ta Hra. BeeIry'e
py 'i fc
for Uie preeret.
Mn Cbu Peat ta rery Hok.
B> ID be a c
C- B Ctae of Broioala waa ia Iowa
M. CraakUa M talklac ef trmdla(
tiMt Haya bu eaerad ta Peterrilla
Mi OU Hleelaai pnper^ (or BaUtnt
Oeraebaalopeae aextMaaday wttk
B.'o'DuBBell laat a ralnaklt botu
Ber. Hr. WeU of Oeatrel Lake Hr CtaBpary aa teacher epalB
turday aiphl.
■ ■iiii la a lermeea*re«eU0B la tta
le Baey frieadi of the Free koye of Hr. Boward hu reotad Mr. Uastaa-*
litaariteHinel c£erek taadey.
laeka will be r>ad
r>ed to hear
Ita Old m foirng lo Bore teto tbe-placr eceie. faroc and aorad la.
A. Kaiaer'e farm.
■teaAetaliaader. ThelntUife: Tkry
It Itat kee taw kerelUe eeaeoa.
with qelie alaea CaaadiB
Jean Wetaoa a
. Saaael Barry of Oebors
rt SeUrdey norelair.
ralar. The
. . Are
a a WaUef Trmrene City rtoiled i by Are
OM HMea: aleo look rlowe of H caorbl la tkr root. If ttan ked aot laaa nil bare Satatday.
bwa ateelyofbele tke koeae weold
WeltarBrewtaatta W1 '
ItawapU latvnMrtel kdd M tta here taee you Ercrytkiaf op etein

MW4*«rUkU. maumtm, «feM M >«t

witt th*

Mr.OoekUahM apiridMw OryMM


Remember, Free Barn and Sheds

Epring is her* snd •vary fdnner will nMd Osrdra 6«eds.
to fnnitth saifle Lower thkn Anyone In the city.

If you need Brooms, BrushCORN
es. Tubs, Mops or anything
for cleaning, we have got it.
Chums, Milk Crocks, Milk
Pans, Butter Crocks and ev­
erything pertaining to dairy
And in f.ct nlmoBt any .arlety you moy montton
I Am also cloeiBg oat my Atoek of PaIbIa Aa^''SAlMnBiaA at Coet.
Oallon and 26e per PaclCAge.
Bras, Feed. Oau asd Hay. Pricea aa cheap as alMwhara.
We Bolicit a call from eraryose. Hu tronble to show gooda.
Hememberth*place-Ho.8*8 Front 8t.CoraarorAlley
Oppoaite Bteinberg's-

TkeC E topic lor Saaday matap


Lcodar. F J

The Bebekah lodp* pan a warm cep■r coctal tut I'rtday eraaiap. which
w^^leaeaat affair to ttau who at-

Bat It you hare kUoay. llrer or btad
dar traabla yea will Sad Swamp Boot
Jut tta reiaady
. .you aaed. Paeplaan
pet anxiou aboat tkoir
i Joia tta
health aaoa cnoaph . If yes an ‘
kKb be
I* wUl
qaitewaU- ar "half sick,'' tan
kan you
ir tkeapkt that yav kidaayc may be
idJ. Bafli hoaadtar eaaae of yoar aickaliib
partaarakta ta tta teat narhot
t ta mmj to tall by aauli« aaidc
caideyaar aalrad
mm tar iwuty loar '
^ a aadi- at Saitou Bay aad Bd. to al bone, far
TW lee craan aerial pina by te I.
em It ta ______ _______ , O. T M. taro Tkaiaday naalop wu
______ TDotrrqaeBldntae toaria. •nllutotaadasd
au. aeuty saaply. pala or dall ache U lyaad AaaariaUy.
Ita buk ta atae eeartaciap proof that C. F. Hoaiar. ef te Bamfltoa Clatote kldBaycaad bladder uad doctor tap Stun of Tnrana C«y. ta ta towa
fv a few days, offeriap apacial barIWa ta nttteetleo ta kaowfnt that
the pnat nmedy. Dr. Kilmer'# Swamp ^ Kloadike ucM ;^U be p1«ca
Root. foISlIc erery armb ta nUeripp
weak orciwpacd ktdaeyaaad ^ fame ^a^? U etabr^s'ri^*^te^'te
ef bladder aai kriDarr Iraebleo. Not auptau af te T. P. S. C. B.
na-Reot pin saw lUr Mn B. A. CampbalL who tat b
nedtaol trutnrat la 'Tnet
bet by wntlap te kMaryc taktap
frr tta pul An week* (nm
it aria u a uolc (or tta ooUn acuB CIt*
Vu Doteka. irtoraed hone laatl
latiea. If yoa peed a aiadiriaa yaa arday
akaald tan te bm. Ba)dbydrap>
W K. FetTta of Bip Bafddc w
ptala. prtae Afty eoam aad ooe dollar.
VoB nay hare a aample bottlaaad laetan ta tta towa ta» PrUay a*e
panablet both seat free by maD. apu lax. April M. aadar tta laiplrecef tl
raeoipt of tom twa-eaptotompa tnaor
aad r-atlemca, tta.
er aoM of putape oa te bettU.
tlaaOraadl^arerar Herald asd___
Hn CtatbsrtMWitaaaaadda^U^
year addrm to Dr. Kilnn A Co.. Blap ■n Geo. Dane, wtorwad bote
kamtoa.K T. The iwoprietan of tkta aipat (ran torirweoera trip. P«r te
pm tkne aaaattatey hm«a bon W
aUar aad rWIte la te woohaa te


The BEST'...
Tlte's what they eaU tbew. tlnl fcnuv

The Fish Bros, Wagon.
I have joxt raoritred a e load. I batTa> oixoa.
Vagoa, gm me a call. Inregaidta



The Milwaukee Binder and Mower
every OM that box e
empleU HarvortMk they have aero.

I have KCMVod roe ear load Utk aeaaro aed om)! in
Older for noro Toe will alwava dad a rood liXfdlnral
ilea we have.
-Low Prima. Itprovcaitelf b

Fim taRtana nf IicHihi-FiII tins.-



aBAWD TBATgBaE 160301.0. AERmt*. t8>».
'••Obna. BBy.'iBU Ada.*toBdlw{n
rate yoB aon. raady."
Ray leokad at bit Btotor to wDDderirv
arwrtm aod Kara a
••W^ I Borarr banattoiM Bador

Ko. U.-IUddln: A bn. |b. to^taa. a

*To »A-A Fnta* neaMBd: li. M.
B.r>t«px>< wo.. taMB.Vca>lor.^BewLttol.lL
«a M.—SBiuertnl Ufen: Wonw
dorttKanweanBl. Wbea they rraehcmetr.
Bd la* UtebBB b. bad ondd b. hi.
.So bA—Mwinrete.!l.tton.rwto«a
■lad Bb.wa.lB raraeot.
Very roea nan. too. pen. A PiBt. bn*. MBA
tboraady wa« node ud rat aw.y to
TbadA woat faaefa w .ber "I'^Kny Ptriim' ItoMcIadltobran. Wntb—TrMnLnveLrtdiw.Mn.
tbUbliiK.bat BhefoBBd that .be wa.
So. K—TM bed. bbtoa aad IRaa:
■otrantoerabic afUr all. ra >b* wrmt fbllrxeii.' blur rep. rwfnp
kidoiTB Wtba
So bA—Atmto traiMfnned: A Vtoe.
aodrol abeokaadnae wa*r--j
UM. tkm imtml
AVloe A>-toe. 4. Kira. A iW. A
tomted la It. Tboe .h. brard .
Ulnr'' I^UL B Sibr.n {,«.
■Ada. Ad.: eonebne."
.rcfrira«.of k«r itMd■It wa. bar Utoer MMferet. tire, Ono*e pudoln*. A (
taiWid ymi«« .11 <»»'7 *A« pl««« yrara yoMurer Ibaa hwralf. «he aa. Oralis rantxrrad. ;
A t'rtuw«td rbr.kro.
m*€mmtwiik tkcB.
y, -Ob.'I eaa't.* bet .lx
wb.t brr KrabdntAber
W.wrcUd UbMT (ran <mr !HU. had Udd b«T, aad KctUnf ap fran btr
tlw dw liUl. nay weal Bpeteinaod foBBd
9CW lUMr fran K.b.1 Tmb|AUm her aUtor rary nMb pautod a> buw to
WM » «»raUj doM II WM •
K? pet Bone Ue.ra. U brr doll-, drew.
It. Yoo n«M .n wHI* «ilBAd. aatdowa aad rary pellrBtly pet

A Woman*s
71, wiTr^ A dtrtymaldli a,
. igg wili
Atari, witk Ikt
tkat Atr
gjcperieiKt may iaiimU la atkert the may la regam


Soto^wii toe c

. Sto telb tor

Y«FBf llUl*(rtrDd.
W.i.t«ii WU04UI.-


rea l diBW no lAllal

Dkab BmoB-ln.. lUUoirl «*/
dowB la UntoluB
toy llul. (rto.d..
Herth. BBd Wehar WilltoBA Md 1
tfaoB^ter. areeld Uk. to nritots tbe
Mpp. Bad-■» did lira t.

ar MOB them; orly tbeir pIcVUD. We
■ra baeliv oto. weetber asd pardeo.
tooB alw- M.'hnrlo. are fetU.c ripeMyllin! lrt.Bd.MMl I rawered raiB.

• wMAoIrt wboBi Aiinl JeruUmeomri on ilw c*r» »• thoy wrrr riitrorwm tbrtoir. • Ikni t yon thl.t.^’
tuol J^rtuhi.llrr irarbioK hnex.
had a dirty lltUr 1 * A l-fc •; T-0
rd to I.C r drv.^. and .he mil rb.'
drwrr. tl I r. T-l-h 3A 4 i In tba(
wey. j< dMn^« ral 4ni«-h. bob
T 31A « S-4 i> 0 .h. ox« .hrdlrldi^. with
hlin by kI'Iur Mm a bit ol tin- jukrCrt,! imb-rbavrly. f«imtbr«7.a-J4
(•4-tUm.i tbat.ry.tos-:",

Tke wbUimb p««pl« rail
tfaaBorihKD praptoaraw diner, asd

«•. at__ fb. Cam. n lira. toHae*.

Trararui Oily.
OrudyB TnopWia.
fira. t!>»ra DOW.
My Graodp. WMrir
lira. Bi Moaroe OanU. botl

tieimj lirtit ore* tbe drak. pea lo
btud. ud *rani«lwbrwrlliu( rmneIhioe l'tr>rai'ly-tlir I *rb<y. loiAiOK
ww Lib nbowlufT the peprr to


ttolrcBmciL 1 idl pwtodlrwd.radlto


E“si £Siy!i’St‘i!‘“TS3-^'r

-a'Kirrr;': '



1 tort • walk Id Ui weoda and I waat
total! y«a absal tbe beaetUal Uew
••d elora we eaw. Pint is boaety
mblwtr i. the brl y. with it* brirbi «bli
Incriea Icarataad visstoreor wurl
bantoa Tb* bally tire* doe* not frow
eery lufe aad we palbered

Be Ind WTitteetb. werdi "nlA
t.ltler‘;<a tb. japiT toamioy Jobuny
and, fnhlioii it ep whUo ibo Ink wat
nt. bml pnnltx-rd «by(oll<nrin( |>ual­
ar eSoa i
“Well. ttaaCi imiba a prrcUnr nkelrito. bat Bot Ml bad for a Ann aiiempt,*'
■id ibo a>t.mi<livd traober.
TiBiiuiy I-Mwprd tbe ll'-kias (or lliat
tnir.-allbuBKh btouiiwliirroei p
rarnrd liiia nuny a me to alter ito.
Tbf* to the- rl—r Since that tint,
•nauy * laapb bat lava rai>d by idbera
Itoltaiing Tonnay'. wnk. — iUniHnra.

wj nwr,
mM •


tomaebn aad tort then bone wit
Itoxt to the ntottolor: it. Icarar
■* boUy. bat

Tbe dHtuerrt d*M>

It bB* w> nray beaebn of lltUe white
Kin* Brad. (Thto to • rary^aeBrylabt Ober^ wbon*}»."A rrc-inectr."
aad (row. iB rrrat bearta. oe to
latl it Id bit turn to Anna the
toBBefara el toll oak*. Wboarar (■<• eayi. "A rollwti.m id ebrein id ]
»ryel it nan cUstb tor It. Krst I* Udbmw It to Amy,»lMtor«,^'A
plD." In hie tarn Anher mn. ■'A ptone
thoJw.nltM riBO. It rao* op Ihr ti
c< bomed cUt eti.l hiixI ' Ai Carrie
■ad aU orar tb* btaaebeA bo ob. wc
eDUbm Ibr Undknehk-f .h- Uuehi . litUrM Arthnr. wbn I- dud.iii.a tow, end
IblBk lbs irra ItM If wa*’ to bl n
nyi. "Ao .brtdinBnji uf b«I1.-i>i'i «■*-■'
Thor, are bo na>y of -Ihera elora
Baniia HITS -A nwdr of nwtiynmt,"
too blrarane sr. bo fcB(raat yea raa radtbrawBIbe bUKlkviTbl.l In francra
Bwil tMn all ibtOBKb the wood. wlmnxA ■ A toil.nrr.^' ll»Rto mni. "A
nt blotoom Bf the iu*nbr to brf^i nUier »ol old eitoUBh' w b-ed bin lr>|l»w
wninio betilrwltb ■ hanir-r." Iblnto
yellow. aboBt the ohapeefano
nbl w'ilb HI- arob loA at lUirnd. who la
flwT.oBly naeb aanlice. IwUIcIom , tbiralTDlim lo raltot. nayi. "A
1 BTWly aiarthd woiM.n "o. h.-iwentn
Mary. She Muirtlynny. Aoartidi- owd
PtonyaarUtlto (rtaad Ib tbeti
lor Battina uo mlor..''bod Im—e It to
lUirl. wliu rndalM. "An iolUlMl bellow

U yoB lend a nuu crmn ared. bell
oamo aroond lairr to bntiiw a lawn
«)<iwar.-ChrtoU*a WorA

Tn one hat tatted loeetrfa the heodkerhtofn Innraltouly to oeira ra arttoto
uunraelnt with Uddettor —.


Hjwborrid: BowIbtUlt: ItaNeaym
fAto* wbee t wABt *e do ABrtblarr
Sat le AplM of all AdAb aooldioc ASd
gniBUlBK trt imia CABe daws to a
airady drtp. drip. drip, aad Ada crew
WiBiii At ceat.v drip. Jaat tb' B the
deerepaatd iraMIly aad a abaU
•etorod tbe IWOID ABd called at tb. trp

a. AA-A irarar r


Aad Bto, ktliv I.
Ml Um will Ian Ibr IrtWr A
a will
-oirli bmiw
For yaa
Jto luu-.i-i touOlMdi- to
fbrwito-to the

at Us »imat Pobbk Idbk>:
>■<». Ada. toAtotoA MjB WB rtymal.*
mama rartyU Job wUl eoto* aed
■a bow. DoMto*.''
of a rmaln Mvupath
“Go away, Say, I abAa’tdaBayaaeb wllbUnluIl.nritK dcdli
'•JeatUbaflita:'tosttarad Ray.
they raa't haae tbair owe war. ibay
•re )ml aa eeow a* tbr^eaB be. art
AdAjaalwAaUUi^l my lu.
L Wbtob MIrr to a tretl
Bay. Ad*, wm* os: desH b* t
^ Ulleb kttne lr'."(to< onaar
Y Wbtob IctrttoarUrr In rtcoftort!
A WhtobkUtoltadliu-UoBlooMl
A Wbtob tou/rtoBisirUi
'A Wbtob Inuort*a Midi
So Ray Karats* door .B aagry bei«
t. -U-btob truerto"|>anOta boimef ~ Y
art Ada tboagbu
to “M ban aa ohltoo■*Tb«r«. I do bopo that berrW b-y
Aa Ada rat wairttof tb* i>'b. the
beard a anil aeort at tba oUtar aad e(
tb* reoto ADd aba brard bar (road*
MMbtr^ewtocaay aoIUy;
"Doe't yea tblak, sy dear.
rtKbt toaba aaedblaa ladeera. if there
toBotaay wttboeir-Wbr. Krartu. bow cDBld ir
Ada. loeblsf at frartaa with a

' ead tt*yaMtra.lsdrtlbal tbr crak dunat

jttke •‘s’A",^Brt T Ibo erdw amtUM

.. . 0 yrara. trjli
of pU. mradton. b
Hell Itf. Witch H»i
mtar.drd to ae. I wad
■el care tor pile*
At e pe
bwBoeqaar J
; DeWllft Witch
|ii. Jrtmoe

ONLY $10.00.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.


mi Siraran i-UM t III iiH Lera add MaWM*
Lrara-I. to Iitortoi Mhraaaa. wand ■MWWBWw


Utile Colda."
-rbOBWOto of
riBcm) .eery ye*r. Ur Wood^t. .
way I'i.c tlynip care, llul* cold., cerw
bi( raldt too. dowa to the eerv rei(r
lof aeiUt
ymr healtb DeWllf. hlu
ly Biaen c1*.dmb tbe llrer. CB
.iIpBlIoe aed All atoraaebaed lir
troubln. JI*
. .. .. Jr.ywr. toakc A wroeraUoa
That to bow loD( Adolpb FBber cf
/.taraTille. O . nulfrrto fruBpi'rt. Be
by aaiOK lbre« boarw of DaU) Haiel daleer J.G Juba-


#*S3a® ■■'■•■^sfssT.ass.T.'sr*


A little bi.vanked Lira Ultieof ■ret

tbabKhratawardn.ttbd Worid'. EapralUoo.
Hym want. Seed OriU. we
rtltbe-EMHRE' ibabaain-lllmrte. Art your ael^bbr; be rao tell yoe-

m tte warld o>

*BDdrt lha brat by tb* ■

OayefApni. AD !•■■.

SAlsuwnu, 187 SUM StTMt

■y of May. A. D. MSS.

taie (iM<v«w. Knir, upmu la. ---------—

ton*! tan etomton. Miatoto to a, leema W
r mi, to birad Titonra. anew 9
Mi»iaaB.M*iir^totoi<7 mnatonnraaaanM
toito toll, untune
towrarr.nMiknatonieratr-enn mein ra to tan
ne« •* Ito toll-na to artotou
luana (naW

i.P—ib-eiraniiu.. tura rnra pmra rraira It
I. • tM la Iran. Hen ito leton aad aaaearato, of tto torn raOee ai la Ito petoe li In n



T«g5?iSS5?S?® toCSSif ati

be foert *t



#nra Baby la tb* Hlsb


We keep alw> Wdr— aod Berrfra that -a will warraot to be dratel.-s
Afaltliarot H.ow . Barrow, art Acrtealural Impfeateoiaof all klada wUl


Ui-Wlitto Lilbe Early Rto
tr ~ aaC K*ra bim a doae of il
iDoa* litde pllto tor eoaaUpatK
hradai-be. Hear and abimacb u
J.U. JrtBaoo-

If You ujaot a Binder or Mower, Buy the Best.



£.■=■ i-

_______________ with diatrraalDK freqneaiT iB the farm
TatA bhiJnee.
*1 Bga. aprmlB*. l>r. Thorara* Brleetric
O I ralleera tbe palB iBaUBlly.
mf* wltbBBt It._______________


lone UpVifh

’sui'zin'^'TSi sssr-srr«Sx

.ii.itorsinraw—.tocK. ntoUM fiean *■* UOI

Half the Hit tbattota is beir to *■
froo iadic-ioB.
Herdork Kleod
tMW .UAKlb.Bs *Dd loan the at
toakn lodlKnUm iMpanalblA

baslth ftf the eatire sommer.
EvaiTbody juat nor ehonld uke a
thorougb otmrse of Swift’s Specifio

whSofa thorott^Iy oleanses
blood of ^ the seeumulated ..
poriliee^Tonee np and siivu|riheDa

April *1 .

Tbearaadaof .•iflrrara fr.ia (rlppe
bare bere renlorrd to bi-aftfe by Ose
UioBte CoBdb CBie.
It Iiel. kly roira
rutirbr. cold.. broirhUn peeiiBimlA
rrirpr. raUiBi.eBd .11 Ibr «t BOd loaf
dlwMC. J.U. Joboeoa.____

: We also carry the beet line of Horse OoUare, Sweat •
Fads, Horae plntbing and Bridge Collar Pada. ' "

Ifc is impoMible for the sjttem
to wiUwUud tb* demoode mads
upon it joet at thU eeason, with*
out the •oaisUnoe of a good pun-

«• p" In It. II tbOBld to- nMn-nuil!
■■Js-lby WylBK to ash* oUrTpao- ^at
mUbt wtoh fto raioiiblix ID Mi. j “T
fU bnppy. dew. II yoa bad art* ttra-f. r lr«anra. "WoiiUIb l yon II
raoM larty lor Ray. I tblak It woald b*sto nitb mmii-i" U to.- ..yn br *-<
And K> tbr rsWh (to- no
hara anad* Urn rary
'ey happy.
Kdaloea sorb.
•■Well, srartma.
ItraThn-^Bl^nniiitJ^ra Ito trtrt
goAAa wrat u>ead
(ad Ray. art a raiy'dlto-ra Tto-inhoen-Unto--rt* of tbe
abe foeed
He wra «*Wb aratu Id Btnuatrt trvoi tbow- wbe
laarly ttii. I


4 We haTO made a nice line of Harness In many
■ styles. ▲ special, kandaome and durable Single
; Har^MB we offer for


renorating and teaewing
hodysoastoreoderit bealtbyaod
strong. Those who purifv t* ’
blood with 6. S. S. at tbi* so
are well fortifiod Bgainat the many
form* of diacw«e ao pjwaleut dor«
ins the dreaded heated term, for
it has been demonstrated that the
system that i* thoroughly pnrifled
in the spring it well prepared to
i> Wbtob tolirr toa irtnrabtof
resist diieeso all summer.
I Whkbtouie toa -rirwr
No other remedy cm the mArl«
A WlA-h hniw to a ptoDlt
I Wbb'b to-thetoa tbupf
b equal to Saift'e Specific a* a
I YRitob Irlidr to an tDiBTOrttoat
^riog medicine, beeaoM it^ii the
only purely veg^ble blood rem­
edy and U gnaranteed abeolutelr
Tbto to miraiy ■ oatrb pua oo lb* wonl free from potaah, mercury aad all
prae tp-nl
Kerb an-ii.l« nf tbe «■•..'.
_ other mineialB. It'eleanses, noripony In toU that (be rt*A dmw
■M-iflee, builds up and stmglhess.
T_-'..„o 1S.S.,forthe»i*noth"Bt. InaistonS.


^ Bright as New I


ShsU take plooe each epring are
K> WTue that a breakdowa a
almost sun to come. It ie wiee
that All poesible woaista&M be

UyrantotontoS^ara into. na^jraWra^ragt

IiebiBK pii.n?
Nercr nlbd If pbi.'
BB* bare frtad In cere yoe
• HB'n tiiniiDTOt rmrasUalBByd op

Trawerse City, Miqhigan.

: One Can of RID SEIl
Carilap Dressiae

I F to <■ wllh-


Tbe fmrioer. the BecbeBie Md tbe
blcrv'e rider m* Itoblr toBBeepeetnl
cuu eed Lrwla*. UrWiu'. U'itcb Heicf
Seire U Ib. brat tblBfUi krepwa basd

large to eeleet from.
Tronks as low ae $8.00.

Makes Carrisge Tops
DB.B BBmiB~1 an a litU* firl dKbl
year* rid. I lira Brar tb* Oalraalee
ftrar. aboatotobt nllnraalbol Lake
OhaHra AH' alsn Um baak •( ib.
rtrar it to wood. Abrat tb* nlddlr qI
fbbnnry ny notbor. litUa broths aad

----------- i*e.a,-itolibrhn(bt.
Tb.w Ito f-j In .VM aitniB.
AU tto MorU crown iclcbl
An. diMliiac. BnBiiM Awe IbtBtap
Ob aa4 lA we cwetii} «wrtl


I trUioead yOB a dower. BBOM day 1
to« raad yoB a bo» o( oeetite


T airaiuas.

I k»«p tbe bMt graded.
I keep a large aeaortment.
It will pap pon to eee n>T etock. f

XSS ?ro« Stmt.

fato Ban. to Claraera Kiri: be bw losr
jallowoorto. 1 bora odc etoter.
to mj flrat toltor, faot .11 yoo priol thto I
»U> try bad do bettor BOrt Una.
Good bye.

2.; ^



kaw ra I «B.t elrae. II mj letur repdiraywe autUao IwBI nllyoe «-«*
^ODl bnatolaaa Bow ! wHl ull abcnt
»y UHI. faratkn; fae to f.Br yeano'.d;

Btor ImiMmm an mtl roiar tolurr* to
to a-M n ito ntow al Itoa Prar,

Bobee In aimoet eveiy varied and prioe end stock


Hy UU«r to ntUar


■nral.ra HB 0 AltoY

i T®.S£Hiro?“ SS? iU* ''.■UlZ'ZSi.

Beadle’a Blgbt In prioe, quality and style.
‘Whet brre yna there. TtimnyV'ebe
••.V.dhiunalyrainr-wrida.” And be
itwifUy fiJdrd till tbe peper,wet with
. Ib.
•• •
bto rie-llinK bnuk.
Tbi- trerlirr welknl oreraad. takins
It. aed thtoWM the i»-


WUiBit tor ranjto. 4*ee.m

^ * *“*t2t**»r A fur

yoe didn'
decinnidIwncaUrrIyoerrd.To«ldwc:Mtob«TetoryMn.T*Bd. Gourl Kiarnuia rtt! ' And IvPew Ifae navlUa*. nlaar nrtln/ aainr eBuM balUton ^imi laam Mann tooaa lntnMl.n*
fcyetodcafbSrtitototnrt tokn kba
•imid pirfi btinnrU K«rttMr
Satotday. May ». tSeA
F.RmcS.* NnUo-Prttoel Ctertrt^' Uitoraniaifc.l-leyaeib brt (miiai aiB
M MS n'ton • M iiwnWH HBMl. to mmn a*
Nnn^ cd^tojwwl b
oec d
«to.Maiennnaran ■ Mawdstontonan iniiiid
in i<M iu rbr it
• Toird CD tfc-< rliraf. .
nSM_^nad ra^aam ton |I ill I We MOM
^Md^nerraiw OM ^of taSSi
nt&nnnnanniinei-an to-t anencinsMe.
tosi, a. ran IK
aMSrtnOm Ihr kiU with BIrfh aa* »lra,
Pljia* br-toikv*!.’
Allito;anrk1 In ted.* fay.
rar rmu, tol_ “
tn«e' Btoiaan. toi. L
MoaroAOE aAut pr VMasi|f-»w*«i
wyauMim.'■n4r n.wmk Bto-ni,. wai

Jjnidini.. (tobra Aiwa ito- Ban^l
an* Ba*C,reia bran trail niJI toll, toaa••■' **• •• nwlWy ewtopi
woodwU ondra powcd to dtocM. tbd
* ‘mrawnn K-n
' i. u> m ('tosv. to Ito aww m aao*

Yon caa find any kind ot Olowe and Mitten in stock at

ny llUle (rtoed HMtb. aad 1 ara the
VBly huu .now dln«" elora-fay faerel
They ara mo.1 all eelorwl peo^ la cor

wtofafa Tfaood.

■«rb.diiBd tonto ate on baa c( toe

best Ihea boicfal dt dtotc boBca
• AB the Itow I ptoto to bcd4i.dra«lb,

BO«pxi-rt bappralBM- to tro.
iC only tu twpnet (u tin- tfaiutif
.K ma-;
rtUddwoun b Un. Vra^,
riot trai.'fli. bet al« to n.oy
n.T.y o(
ct the wtoel Sw Rer. CE. Tender, wfaelran
mi-ot OD Ted Shciidaa Sbttt. Gnatoraf, loA
tblom ll.« p^TlMnloi
world. Ti..- loU-TwiBBT mKyi>ae-»l
aStdrf after toi bblh
■irali «i >d tbi*
Untyirar. bp., ia . wraU wdMxJ. I
h-une lu aa mlrTB vtolrlvo litllr bny.
I »i^ddbPiielllWy^?x*
ni ride by Ude o> tbe bard, oarrow *^i
l.wlr.. io TM-.t Ihatllmr. Pswratly!
«|| wndd incieM ib^ pehi n I wewld
- nicM art ton dowo to • lUM d edb^
Toy tot little lellow..racaa
tM-.rlya. Irnad a. be wa* %h-b.-}dI bCrtnrdWitotwnhdpIra.
nld sene ra nc to
0)1 bl* hiud n amaetthealtouimKd
boOB. to (to dnet. n aarwbcfc I miefat to.
tiar tiw'beK,
•‘Wbel to it. Jobbay: ■ Befced tbe'
’^WBerad doctor, wetoolkd to. Ttoy
■ “TmnmyTaitJniwcto'tletnealuaa oddlhadndBUKtorf" ‘
‘ - Hr br- (m rtUlin Ira a toMla«Uai.''
bad a b.ppy day.
‘■H'by, Tumter." raid tbe teacdior.
■Ob, yea. KraedB>a.~ abe aaawered.
Ktod yM told ne that tUa “yntbj>iij>t barea fofy punr tdra of a
rli><l<t<n. Juliooy to rary tor Irmu lookniraliiC'
iiiil like tior. Yun rbrisld kaini liruid
tbaa Itasi. •«]>'ially a. jnor faibei to
■ dnrtnr. luehad of aunnyiiK Johnny
tokr yiior pn eud drawn »fceli-t«i, that
M<- wluti ybo Uiiiik oae look.

tAMCBWW, lA. Knwnt. MM



iSwr^tonSe.^ ***'*35o*Sm3





SniTto Brra?* *"* * (VRlVbT* *'

■■Os yob WBBi a hqr bwaMrr'a*rt
■*Ma Wr dm < WBM I boy bwa*'IDwmded tb* ■■ kBilto tb. radbty
■unrr id • bws to fart boMar.
• “Are yoo ran. tor?'' *
'•Of coorar 1 era Doa'i 1 kraw ay
buterral (Bdrt!"
■■a-beito ibni BitioK m the tort over
tbrie?" enkrd Ub
Mid wiUtoei to4a(
bln n-K-pciuD. .
■•Hr-. c«r otBr. tow." teyAM (b.
ainrbul. rather lafcea .Irak.
■■ VoB WBBi blot bwr, dra't pa«r'
••mcoBrra•■He-e.boy. toB•tb»?•*
•■WvlI. Ibm.*lr, ym ara mtotofcra
a eayyiio dioi'l wrat a to?

*Tto dnrtilMtod iBb'ttfIkdM

. To Rra fc

traBblraon. .IrrTr. ipB«<l ••=»
^ o( 0.T yoM* Wta »*d.
y IrariBK* rary bapf* llti rU»'rr.
■to. littl. .xAi?.
<*•>" »<*
“'■ She bwS *•> raowr rai d.,to Uimi Tay
Yod «>1. *11 mioj th.
Can:- niB.irt to wlib a eat Ctprr le
taptf. 1» .»«
ItoK bln away .b. l.'d bar bmind np R«>'> bcrt
Sbk<t. WbcB Hwa. tlBM'lar l.rr'.lbbone Ui.w.Bl aad itr.ihB
UHAI tarraii-l .m.imu boj
.Upper, and pliced tbra b.l..»e lito
jmn cU. IWi.IT «"*y *»« ^ *»
my chair, aad .h.balU. fi'rrafb.t
Utkwrawn. UiKiBi...- '
woBld ,b.BlB- aad wane whn hr
tren Wbcra.i. . T**' .CO
no. Wbes pepacanr boae wrt aad
TTJ •!«■. nlld wleur b.rr.
■or»i.c Ik.* w#^i Itmij. Tb. we.lh- be (uBDd bit .Upper, wma aed aepiwr
ready. Wb.o bod Ud> canr prabd
•r to ». 'jr w«^ hm .owA
■wa^trr; bM.Uf.lWmud Bo.era Bta nil to her aed aeked brr U .be bad
gron fane.
A r«.l dMor
bare (oMed.
WItfa »H iben lo»ely
floMa-ud .Btoe wp.»faer tfaeid .re. olbntfalnf. tbatwe aot
Hypeudaud. BOillkrii
hM«M.lll» tfaetordAw. Braiprn«r«

to (be tod COM tre« to at*
e brwra BBOtorBotop tortw of lA arall for hi* ntoe
■Krtyrtosttbe emtot id tb. rrra




nSTrrarrartoi^/ratomitoiiranraa a Ara
lanatt Stoi to toss eima. tanas, snni* anas Uo*




erp C OIIBarvTrawMto Ctir


sJratol^^rara nton

FOR YOUR INTERESTI “SIS.'™'"?; ^SSSSkSiSX E5.rxiswx^?a2^=;


to to Irauanrian sWDn ira ew jto n, snW

We are ersr tba aawe at Traraee* City
-alwarn aalep akrad i^ oibera la qotiliy
aod a *■*? bebtrt them Id press.

C Uaeof I
They are n

***““*I^aoa.A.D MSS

-* «Bd Lrtira'

l*o< tb* bluest priced aaof tbe net cqent ■* to Pu.

Fanhlrn art Make, art they *U ask aera
aooey tb na are do.
9orely ib>* >• *0^^
lBSF*T>ratoae for ywr owa iatrreet.

Our prioes ara $149. $1.68,
$1.87 $7 10. $944, $888. $880,
$3.00. $3 fiO, $4.00
Our $118 AkoM ATowlum
fior Um prloA.
You tnds wiU $• apprAeUI

Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef
COOK BOOKbbOliK rt w m prspdrt aa^ 4.Rlib 111, nail CraFO-RanASas




Mw. K. B C. Bavm. editor.


waad I will e-k boom taka


________will lilt Ik*



^ «■■ !U #wUj W«k ^
lUtewUwa bMMitiK*.
Bo Bb« dor* boWoe po*d«- Ukt
Md MMsr* la a ipooB.

>n^ dovk i* Biorl; •lud.
r^l* H'Mt
it roBod aad Uaa.jstwr ukc

ICbatotteoraa taka. '
•i tbB* Tkanaa wUI aUod <

B«dh I to to aahool

taOa AbM

uptaiBaandalc^oatof tbaairbaadnd paaitatin of tba aUp Outaal
ABtriaa. arbleh foasdawd at aaa la
lUT. barUr «• boMd alrtau kaadrad
UnMPil dollarBof (kUloMk haaian

ia lUaatow

JSTTISSir tba Bwi-

______________ -Too eapfaia o( ool
It gtoppad Bit Ofowllec
Baahrd patatoaa. aad two ubloapoo
. . aia
Oraaper laa-t iu't
bla aamc. on
(aU ol Brltcd baltsr.
Hllr tofeU
big aaa
Hraa-'— Blu able
aad beat to a <
rerj liFbt. add OD* teaoBpfBi of or«aa,
aad raUer a Mg oplaloa af
Hral all well aad
Hr balcwga U
u Ual
baka a lifkl brawn la a daep di*b. eia*a that eoB* ia from Uo oeoatrp.
Marloa Barlaad. wbo fire* Ul» recipe.
oalU n ••»««, pa»y. dalrctablr."
, A alB)UarrveipafroB -'H.»taD Ui
napactira callioga.
It U nut loag alora ha aarrled a
dalaty Hula woaaa wbaaa chief ala
• - plaaaahlB.
For waeka. day by
add Ibrm Itat.
Fill areaard. bol
ba ragialend lb* faBlUer old or paa* IwcMbird* (ull of Ua mil- pUfit. that DO ooelueg laatad aa r
, bniU ^er Ua top wlU milk aod
aa bU BoUar'a u*ad U.
browa la a<|nick ot«b Sam ai oaer.
Hr*. Uriuapw wa. ^ Baaioa*
Theaaan delldanifop tr*.
A eopfal
b.B^ -w------------ --- ---------------«ad a ball of Biaahrd peuto will ■ '
___ ______
aboottwrlraof Ur puff*, aiiat oa
ad aad broUad harull ia tba kiv
tbr Iroa faai paa*.
bat Unnper aerar eeaaad to paara for
roUto Patlin for Lanefa of Tea— ■BuUer-* eooki
Takaeald aaafaal p9talota,.aboat OD*
b«t cbecry old lady
Uao day a Dia
eapfol. add to Ul» oar ubleapaonfal af appaarrdat
impar-ffroaldoar. Sba
oclted bauor aa
r. aad ba
‘ '-------------------the Botber.
enaai. Tbaa add
Of mam aad t
ITamr^ '^HrVoald not be
_ .omalUlaranlegatidbiaUlUewlI*
Bofi. eraaay. g atad cbme.
arala aad Bll *• tilop abril* wlU Ua twtioad tba old lady lute U* cooking
c^Urcaad aprlaklaaom* more rra<
ebraae oaer U* Up. Inaot In tba oi
aatil baaiad Uroafb aad browa_
d^planiy of graake
lop^ bar
at bum* Uaa *


..... !v.o(

. PoUuCbhaa-Ball.
r way.yoaaalf tiramper did aat
tatoaa. worklac la fur aaeb plat of po
raia* tbd food a* pnpared by her
UU a Ublnpinafal of butlar. two
«Cf* baatee Ilrbl aad aalt to Uatr
Ur tslfled tbaalr
« air of U* dining roo
Vbaa Mid. mold lau c*lcn: nil la
aa nnplaaaaDt look <
tbaa la rraekardoat aad fry la
tnard Ua toble aad t'
bla faea. "
itlareriard. Sam at one*. •
look daa

■rar OaHaaax. eatBtoaiy aargaM of
*t atty. a w»il-kaawp b*b tbm. aa
HI a* In Fatoaniaa mad ll*nh*U.
MtoogblaeaMr^ana wti.....................
rq**rer and tba Taa*lt a<
ly wrwdB Of adrka. ba emrw:
-I w*e at**dl»f la Amb -rg’* A MarMybdrag aton laiUatlia Umk oa*
day wbaa a friead at bId* eama ia aad
aaked for a boa of kidney Mila. After
b* bad Bade hi* parobaa* I aaid qnlM
ly to Ub. 'Yoa bar* Bade a sl.takc
la baytag Ueaa‘
Bto nply waa.
■Bow to Uair I laid. -UBa'* Kidaey
PlltoanworU all lb* oUb* pal togpUer.* Aaba-wmawd my r«a*^ for
Uhtklogaa. I told blB Uat ay kidaen bad boUand ae (or yean. Ual I
laflmd frea kaekaeb*
acarecly ataad It. tbSI I
OtTlag a Soport to ^ Pbyetolaa
rry eymptom to te foaad when U'
When Baking the dally report to tl
ktooey* are aifectod. Uat I bad oaed
pkysiclaa It la. of Coarae. nawtoc to *ay remedy after rearndy, taeladiag boa
- la of Ue oa* be bad ia-t-porehai
aod that aoUl I aaed Doaq'i
doctor prieawly for am tbaa a brief KUi
nu* I Bight bare tokea a*

*«ii„ tbaanapieley ipooBfol*
Toll of water,
water. la
« la a aerroa* penoa Uat tba
lak aome
... of U.m hart me.- A .
confldiag aaxicU**or lalliag eymy of
.. werinaftor
week* al
Ui. 1 met him m
ja* Ual tto pbyaleian Bay coaaldar aleeet.
It. wbaa
Wb«- be aald. Doc. Dana'*.Kid
grarc. The tetter way is to Ull. la U« mar Pilla art
are iaet a* yon rrpreienud.
prptaaee of Ue paUeaU aayUUg Ua
After witag Ua box aboni wbleb '
be, biBtolf. woald daein to kart____________
had a cwhtcraatioD ia Aaberg A Ui
keown—to taU*>>-biB tbatafoll aad phybdrag
1 waa aa bed aa er.
wrrael rrporl to made—being cartfal te I tbeo proettnd
Dobb'*__aad atnek
add aoyUleg that aay glrc Ue pbyal- Ueir tormtmeet antil they cared mr."'
ciaa tbe oppmaally of propbe^lag
Dona'* Kidney HIU for Bale
- by all
pleataot Uing*
All aBxirUaa. aay -nlera. Brin SO e*Bia.
Mallte bp
iBBoaleaiJoB wbaieucnr at a prirato Poator-HUbara Co.. BuSaleI. «. T.,*olc
ktare, or one calcalatod to^czcltoor ageato for tbe-Ualtod Statn.
arm Ue patlcal. at.} be reported ia
the saam --DoaaV aad
a BOto.'to be gimrto the doctor apoa take DO *01*11101*.
rrlral a^ which k« may toad be■eelag Ue palipa*.
Shoald ba
Uendeairc toqacalleaU* aane pri
ratoly Ue lime cooeumed will neeealavealigatioa abow* that mca wt
s.rily te mnefa ebortcr tbap if all Ue
■ecree are Bra of br*lna—elroi,
d*talto had Ueelo be caamwatedarrae great will power.
•od eanaoi eapply the vital force*
bleb people with acllvr bnlaa a
Theiollowiag to • sacensfal me .
Odin ^aire
Meslk PiUl feed I
t ridding lb* bonie of iaseet pr«U of aerrea-makt Ue Aad bright, aaac
II kled.: II iiMlTe oommoD alam. oar etroag-aakr dleab aad blood aad glre
pound la two qnkrta of water: when eerfrcl healu to'McB imd Rotnru.
Uoroagbly disvtlred apply wbll
Tint TrBdSB* <»’ PBiutncuoita make
topaatM abelroB. dearuoraay uvser
laleetod plaen al>oat Ur boa**. It will
J E llurkrr. CBcf t'lTk KalloBal U.
ikal^br waa all
ateolutely WaUb aat*. Wd bog*, eock- « aMIupui.. It C .
■hadua ..I hl» Corwrr erll-IS
raacke*. apldrra aad troublcaome la- eurii-aaa*
Pill* saw aiw wocarHul rrilrl-lir X*
leeta of all klnda._____________

UB af era* liaa. baba UeB. rotoS
- Booaad *at tba ataaot dm •ad of aa>-k potato,
PM bUr tba bada.' ww tbe acrapa owl
akin—Ba»b aaaaoa •
odd*, tba wnrat aba bad doer yetB.
aad BPliad
for hi* BOtber aad ah*
Uwa ao
add U
wblua of
TSor tiJTSZiat atopa *a wa aatu onamy. uwa
Ull tb* wile laaraod bai
ttW to pot la ardar lb* obaBban
It wida old tarahooa that tba°pa^aklM^ii^U* mUtar*. pll
•wall be wlltod. adBll
jaarur iaf !i abora U* *kiu, and plan tbaa
•AOdbaed'i brnaa A (all 4*
» Bight hart apollt bll
ataoeUro. la U* orra a fea mlaptn to heal
Mto aay old Utag wlU
taacb •
a platU
The Wonder Ball
-Pat Into a frylp
paa a %DaU plan of batter, a
la a writer
in the New
York Err*
U of be
abont tbe aoral
apartBMW fthudna. baJp,
. of tarpam
lac* UatU
'U coal
coaUlned la
■d vWlon-aboald alr.Uatr
a boll: add oola bollad potaton eat la- tbe "waoder bal
Tkl. wonder bal>
opaa wladaw* aacb
ateet way
•riBt tbatr room, aaUoogbU to Ue one wbo noelrea it.
B Bada thla lapraepirn of batter aad
ad it to capable of iadhlle adapU
. i hara laa* aUBaala
Bake potato** la ■ paa oe tba apper
Ua* of Ibese ball* waaaeat toafrlcad
grate, aaparatlag them to iliow free
•bo wa»Ji«»t*tortior on an ocean rojB. vlUatad air la *w»tk to poi- olraalatloB of brat- tVpra don*, bnak
Ml dbaaaa lb* aDaBdatl laap aad tbetkla t itolont ttaaaaad prareal age. aad a layer waa to be remoeed
Tb* AralBaallag nmored
from under Uto pretty roe* colond corer of ttoaua pmper wa. a bright letter
A Few Doai'a.
tor Ue am day of tbr Journey.
■F Bawlaa ooeeatlnf. lore pare,
iB^fergattbat alUongblt 1* a
cwwad layer of Ue rn-lid ball offered a
g air, and w* And It aatv to
- -uk Waakauaad *a*y iMMb a maa'i lor*, H ia far bo
dlBcoU to kaap It. and reqalm aoo
1 tonaambarM
alight kaowle^ of mea aad Ut
the heart oi Ue laat a iweatydollar


rl»ba23*a*aSrbt*atSf alfb^

K'lBBgrlari^ aai'unfD^^MS
p Ml dalkbto racblag* nloed

SatooM Imtm ta quickly toll of ItI M la tba ahabby wrUk>« aed
Haw early b* tooght kaWlaof at«t.
iBbBd Batbnd, Uat tbry Bty aat be
»aa tWB Meh aadoalrahU .tralu of
HMtv. It to aaaiar fora rdiUd of
l|» BMa OB* of aaraatoaa to laara to


hnadOyfaBra to k*M Uair eoraar
HaBBa'a aletrt la ateeat erdar.
flU aarafal aad aeaitaat aaaBple
4 MW
jw aad tbaa a warn ward of apMM«k*Mllai
l«h*M llOla boote
Baton af Ue
klcatlM *00* take bealUy
haepliw Uair daiaty draian
B aaatly ebakaa ont. Uraad
Ualagaaad atrefally bong or
iwv IroB ellaglBg liat aed
Oire th*a pntty k
‘ laettolas^ap
onllaia aad


nSttr ggU^ laat Irli

■ Cart^Uta^baUm boMa
Mb. aad U*to little falke eooa leara
i&ght la toaeplag UaIr
IMB^trajUnto la aeala*

BtUak Bay bappa* toMornw.'bal

Mhat Mery.
Doat worry over a
iH Ual happeaad natarday. be-

Hlflheat auisorb-|PMi<i’*FAir.




Traverse City Graf\ite & Marble Works,

A Hn Bnpe OiMB •( Cietar »**flM.

mtsravTlvrtriiw ClarBueitt. OnM A*p

H. I>. ALLEY, Proprietor.

Tnvene Olty. ■icb.

‘^^pr.'wlIL^<!mS£pie*,bMTe» aad
-attanp »
Wear* irWe *m«o. *• l< xM a




DrStB.S.&CQ. Chicago
West Michigan.


Tb* CRebntdl 8p«d«Urtg.

Hotel Whiting


Tbaveime Citv, Mich.
hmsc K*(4^

FRIDtT. IPDIl 29. 1898.
doe P*y Only Raefa VoaU

ConBiUtAOon.imfl BxAmin»tlon Etm ad<1 Strict);


■uism ut lotnEismi 1.1

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
r^ar^ 1M»M

atnriy and
powrruaaiBifeiop, yvt.
TT. ir 1
oanplclely irnriwotthy
U aaid fairly to oeinnk any <d
amn agnila for tbu traaamiBiu
power; tbi*. of <*>or«-. when applied to
A whirl of wheel*. ■ ewerre. a away.
any of the varluot psr|ilare that lavi*
Aed from Ue read bed where abe lay
the eoaditluB* andir Which -eeti r moat
She realised la (uU degree
rajabe q».l, and tboa Uir bvld of
[lucTtogbun-nuR Jb« *p|iUnn.,n. 'if
bydnnlic i^w<-rniuat Iwcankwidir and
B>(inr,m>iluVll«B a* ltd poadUiKtosare
■‘Amle. it hms* Io rue that yon ilyly
better cuiupn-btiuded.
ptOTuke yvar baulaud to wipU every
taot^iig." arid the muther to her ucwly tuarrit'd danglitiv. “I'm afraid yon
. Lucy,
dll"^lto kixiu abut ron are doing. “
of lii r brlgbl *cibol*ni. •yunbave
; "1 kauu- curdy vhai I'm doing,
.^niiuB. He go** away angry in tbe written Ur wool'oyatw'
nrlallmd tbr erboUr,
ilhg and olway* brliigi me .a ntoe
i for toll ototE to make the
ni la the eiiuiug aa a peaoe offv- naebing (
tuarl have faivu tbiukiiiR
tag. lie would D< r<T b« eu liberal if tertiou.
left to bto own way."—UetroU Enc ttaia «B( aue of i
Uii-ru t
WUb daioiy little tpek* and flirt*,
r oaed oa her caddie, (ell the tread
or Ue peal*, and. ' I'm off."abe aaid.

Tempuw ua CapHetoa* Appctlto
A'kao there toaodtoptolUoa Meau
Uoagh tbe body aaed aoartUataat to

n*uUaf Ue cs__________________
.mra la Idaho wa*
ibaemd derlag Ue ae**h>a of Ue leg
.an laat
laei wlater. Iben
Then bad been a
Uw legaltotsg rambliag
l>to Ut
time onbeadnptias of equal eaffnge.
It weald bare been impracileable to re
peal it: bat wbea a Mil
>a*l wlater f« Uat p<
throegk with a targ* a
majo-itr for U waa uleerwHy
ta Ue fart of tb* nddlUoa of tb* Wei
elameat to the eleelarat*.

lie* cberrfMty ate*c o* a*y wort d*amd.
’Wu gladly meet'aay lecHImtlc edaBfwt>U>«}
Ye* eaa aavr oorey wfam you buy * MoaoBrai
\,____ 1 by wriUag or mOHag *a

401 We*t Frost fluna

iboatorrU. >oi(r.|«<
I mamowra aa* ra^
if lurfr—U.
i>„i».-u. lu.l U

tea at abort lalafrato at a Bedtolar.
wbea he woold altorly nfoae it whet
preaeatod a* food wIU Ua anggeallua
Uat “Be iboold try aad eat aomeoat famout pbyUiag." One uf our Boat
«lcUa* glre* It a. bto eaperleace
eaperleacr that
... eat a gnat deal more
when they are f> d Uaa when obliged
to Bake tbe taertlon UciBw-lret. aod a
wtoe old noi*e, of Uc pereeplirc asd
•clf-unghi kiod. uyA “Nerer aU *H-k
oeraooi what they want '
Plan Mtle
makcUe maatoloU daiaty
a!^ tempting ■ )U Ur aoeeatorle* of
lad bngbl tllrer.
Uin bread aod butter (aadwlchB cut
ia di
t ahape* ouy aoggeat
ety. and a rpeela^l of ebiut kept
tueb oceaxiom wlh olto* tempt Ue ap
petite Ihrmigb tbe eye*.
liot Ulagt
ahosld be eery hot. and cold ulaga
pmnerly cbiUad.
Luke-warm fond woald tax> retewt
appetite. Then are UBOoBreieu* affectoUma ia Ue Mek-mom. No aelpxapaciiag paUeat would admit UTl be
waa haagry—aatll ceoralaaeeeee to **•
BkltobeO. Tbe tBpeoremaat la appe­
tite U of tea *0 alight aa to b* hard y
n»gnUed ly Ua palieat himmlf. bat
Ue anrt* ahoold aerer be careleat aor
laaxaet about Ue me*! ti*ea of her
ebarge. Wbea a patleat solf'n from
hlrat, aad U to oadeainble Uat be
Irlak mueta water, erseked ice but lararing. e
■pooeiBi reueen.BBO b
.mall object hrldta tbe aoutk a layt
Ihlrat by tacrcaalag Ue flow of aaUra
A hacklag esugb. one abould nmber.^ odlea rellered bythcaamee
p e prnena aad for Uc eaaM reaant
LodM- HuewJuanwil.


!5 IS

DRS. H. S. & CO.

Lock Box 160.







001*0 BOCT«.


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.



»: ^11:


Horseshoeing and Geoeral Repairiog Done.

rriar »a>kma •poa.r*x»w<er pwaw **nl
•r np,>>a.
tat* ikt, trait aad
ritar. a. Jvarii.v 1,-We 1 tBonerlr !•«*»«
q^t,,^^yvp*-.CT M lam lira
af ikxij
taxi». tlwrof alMMIaa' aTSi^BMnev


Thorpe, Conely & Co.,

Re Painting and Upholstering.

e>7 Third At*. BBTKOrr. KXOB


Sute St., near l.’aioB.






Bicycles Eiameleil at Frool SI. Cycle forks

Kl.r* CBUM BAUi ta


■ FOR ONLY $2.50.
EiiBiniaoD ot Ttulien.
Hare* II oa* April I...................IS*

pesiTivetv oeana


IVmUeaa It lb.
. .................
f. tree Uc
.. wbcela,
give aay .
wUb. rnamrl or van-lab ynar rimv foraborr prtua. C*
We alao ShlU Wtedll t« CM«. do It chraprr and gtre
■k than aay abop ia tba city. Hava had aaveral y«*n' i
antor aaUafaclloe"*’
Plcaar give os a trial.

aiB*a»«» BaaU enctspw








Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
TnemMCBy. <r*anik

Do not geWa* or AmU auD ynm
lean wtat HkblgBa otfet* (ataUlcMt

Tub eaa *o bMdar «tth Ute

lAadT^2!^. (dry aad gMUy ndlteg.
nmbmwd ^aly wtU A*gw Magi*.
Kart Bla. Hamcod. Aah. B**«k
lart. *te.. aad an wril wBta^ by
L. rivata aad teaoka
Mg aoO*. flae eropm baaltby dO-

Best Lirex> in NortfaerD Michigan.



bibwai «PA«m. «.APAaTT,*p

T»*d aad flrie Stable ta fiBBentlM,

n«B*LaBBR«, A«


Cheap Homes

Farming Lands

ajwMaa.aa* lelullae.
^tr laeaao fV^aar i»» eCU



ML PlAAfliBt. 0«e«w, S*«l"
oflW. B»y City. D4troit, How•U. AoB Arbor, T61»4o And
poiattBAAtAOdSoatb. Opaa
cpnnMtioo* At Oopemiflhwlth
W.H-BBHJrBTT. Osan FSM. Act. Taiad*.

ELLIS, ,111 Front St, East.

a> Tnnta* Cliy, I* *■

*aMia?li»lSS<*yTter«r?5£a»*a wiu
.*Bber tbalbona toaloMataalBrewaird a> all la* .xiwlaiin*..
lisle to ban 'la tb*
Mblaaa article
Plmgn^aalT at tb« Morrh .aad Aagi
........... aa eaH aad
rf prpper.
SXMptw Boakifitavae prtBarrevadM
Boftea* water ao well ac bona. Uaed
(a Ue pcoportloB of a large haadfal to
tongallaaaef wi
of Ue fleeal liBM.------------------------------—
mai; roe a tru* ite.-vorr
jiued by It The atala* ubm) tabia- FPANRUN Macviir.N A CO-.CM caafc
cloUa and aapkla* Bay be reedUy
waabed ool by haTiagatir-' •-------goba,.Mr«BlBa,
Frokep Myiitki,
pal IB Uc water. lodeed. a
F. Farteoh,
Kia. S.II SaaMte
rrx water boUrd la Uc eoSc*
a week awertoaaaad puride
tbwBun. It I* Bott eseellaat to
claaaa* window glaa*. aoUiog bat
warm water telac reqelred^wlU tt
Wipe dry aad p.lUh wlib craaplcd
nrwepapeia. aad Uc glaea will look a*

- a* eryttaL
-DarUac.-- tbe^'kTwheabaad.
M Uey aat oa the nU of parka oarpeK
la Ua bail of tbe bowa iato wbieb
Uey had Jaat mmd. -I wUi Uto nU
ol carpet we* eelrte" “Doyaat Well,
IdM'l.- -WbUdejMwtahr-“IW


. Plk*. y*i» Wwn.. a

We will


""ft watn ahMt Utat* that y«e <
;ki^torM« Um*^ aa ana _
ItoB't ■tail *taU.
If ym
«a bapaatoaavaawaad tbM It
ifeBN yM a Wt to rolBto the
aad Sb babtoeta a UtU.
to yM C*od.
B*t warty. wi
r. ^ trad. «n* My th


! groaped Uc bar. arranged ber

IfTou Will

b:aVk and wbito will
111 Ibr all tbt'
___ , for U*
Uor* elaborate aucadiag
ueadiBg Iaad
t be carried t%tbe wv
Abt ooe wbo ha* tried Ui* plan
kauwa it will aavr <auy otepr. and
help •loag tbe proTcrblal “aUtek Is
10U~ theory to ban Ureaded seedle*
clou at bead and aiway* ready.—



l-l-BjoitabtetdeadD Uto carpet.
Kn; bat 1 hare I

number of Ue*e halla—ooe for
each ehild pnaeat—wen need at a 111
tie girl'* birUday. wiU boabua* wrap,
ped la Ue outer oorariaga. with liay
direr V.fln, lltUc thimble*, kalre* or
■■eito ia the eeatre.
Tbe Inland mo*t anece*»lniof all
U* “wonder ball*'' Uat hare been a*
recorded went aa a gift tf a nearl}
Uleae inra^id. wbo had nM at al<
pleasare Ual lorlng bnri» oould
It teemed to te merely a tell
of teigbt aepbyr wool to be knit Into
teby eoeka, hot aa the kallier progrece■dwlU her work there drop|^ from •end Bta letter glrteg Dhmraaa trmp
Ue gay tel< many bright ton ceal
ofyoar dtoeaae.
picen. paclUgn uf flower aeod* and.
maay aUer longed-for mUe Ulagt to
brlghtaa Ue day* of Ue loffenr.
brain, todertoe,
___ __ ______ ....•k.almoat liter
»lir so dad to Ue *arp^ at Ue send aampto* of medlelae lor Iw care
lltoapntur btal for
tbe ChHataua time, for birUday ffUta.
aM tor tbe Bale la (air*.

Gold Medal,
:dal, Midarloter


CcBetoj fork ot Entj DeurtptlN.

Waur ander bigh irraauie. a*
agviil fat tla tTBijMiii*.irti tif ,xii
writ.-. U. W. Oifkir 111 rundct'a U:
your bicycle.
olne. baa Utctil pi»»ILilitin yet o. Iwi'
Oa being aUed wbata aepbew ta. a dcvrl.-pcd. Uat «ill Uing It iutu *■little Boatoa acbool gitFfeplied: “it B Bx*r rxuadrd applmlioo *r tbnr |ioa-'
when yuor nleae.l.a boy."-^ eUto- dIbiItTicB becniM! to-tl't tnulrratotal.
' meat which would he bard


Keep Unaded acedlraeitb acteaort
_M Ulmbir caerralentlv at baed
ynnr ebambir. kitehaamad Itriog roc
ew as a raal. Bear!
t batloe that hat)L.
____ ____________
froB tte cklldrea'*
clatbn. at a mlaata'* aotlra
' Tbeaa aeMilat arad not be in plate
gh(—laiida a clout door, or Ua aldi
ra bookeaaa Uat >updi near anoogb
to aaoUar-wall V> bide it.
AU Ual t* aoedro b a p
.................................... a rit* ■
it. attached to thli
a Uay
Util* opaa
bag for Ut tVlable.andspalrof art*aon haag from a ribbon On tba ou*bton plaaty of..................................»re.
aerdlea, all elm. threadthreadon OB* *idr
with wbite
biU eotton

Malrrial aad

■Tbe toad teaeath Ue barrow kaowa
Exaetiy where each Vnlh pMatgoea:
Tbe boiurfly apoa Ue road,


toaotaaaaayfor aa adu
’’iM't. wbra ka onnea borne tin
id and tlapi U a bento* ■ . aad hongrr. aprlng OD him a Bullitudr
• of1 littl*
intl* bou>rtaold worrtra. whlel
which, at
T bi* gratrr botla*** cam. *i:
iar to bim a* thrial la U« aztrem*
Dua't igaorr Ua tatotaetial romforlt
' of a weTl-rooked dlaaer: U U aald ahai
• •
igh b.‘
UOBteh. euaaaqaaatly
D*a'( ba i
grpra. b*t be ebnrtDlaad arlma-kia
U *«eb a bear a*
*t ^bU M fea. aad Ua ebaaca*
y *k*C^Ma beion oobbb**an ka will Uaruagbty aponwiaia it.
EB^kadaaad t* pat twoatta
Doat b* cowtaatJyatklae farBooey
C5*«Maad U*i wfti pat aad
toptybUl*: banarrgolaralluwaae*
' - IT tacBMta la alaana aad
and kcapwlUlD n. cllhar icIlliBgao
t vSm hallway* aad l*adeooBUwnWlyor moaUly.
■ydik kMf (bMr wardnba ia
lUnX abor* all. aggnrrt* him or
argti* wlU blB Vbry few womca rr
__________ booka. bat I* ly
alUa bow r^b'r rllaace **b*Ub>*
tWad baaaa aa tba eloaat
b. and B*eyC<iu*rTwl woald b* snrtId «>dBBUT*a aloag wtu
I It aba otmld bat tor*go tbs ptaaaon
and Uiband-Uppaf
f barlagghr last word --Srin4«f.
aoaUand aboai the
h naplad. datty. eraaaad.
Tbraadad MaaditA
triktarad wUb tkalr. abmaly

Fra& Origuia] aad Arttotie HaUgM.



■ MM dbiaiy BBlta. the work of
dbklat. larlag auUar baad*.
Mt^ dait aad okBpled wlU
‘aadtbalr UattoiaBad aapoa to
'BMk«r faot-baard. Uatr antty
Mi bUb tpollad WlU tanlraa
Blag- .Wahaneaeablagaatwrapa
.MiPrtbbd laea-trlBB^fv
HIM “riglit tldaoaCaaa
■iTM M a fi«r*d boadad aall ia Ua

- Gfaoiie M larlile

imSd"**"*** ^ *

dlabOapt^wwaaiAllad iBaatraata
: tektaB. ka ha tlldad dowa tba Uall
|«raaB. ky a Baa<ot war hawk.
I •oeoad Ubm Ua hawk eaaM at kla
! TbbAlBM Ua capuia atrMk kia d«ad.
U* ineldaDi ao prryad oa kla alad
l ba ordered Ua eoaraa of tba bark
Btad«B. prdet u Ua *a*t. Atur
acaae dark ka Uoorbt ba baafd
aa la th* water all rwead aboal
tlB. Tkaaa aoioaa prorad to b* troa
Ib* paaaaotan at tba foandarad t<
Saottkl ABa^dn- iBamioa* prvridaaot af efaaar
.a Swadtab eapialab oean* ^_*d UawanI SberaaiA* Biad ..
noab a dacna that ba eaUa apaclal RlaatloB utv

Th* 8«« War of OoeklB« Uld
Potato**potato** an fvUUiK old aed!po*r.
Tbr; *r« *{>r<»nlBK la onilara, and
b(MM-k«*f>*r* Bad it diB.aU toaalect
•cb a* an or t^r appnnan (or boU««rbakler
Fro* BOO oo actil B*w pmtoaaan
ia U* Barkat. Ur old potatoa* an oot
aafieieBUr appeliitoc iooklocUaom
at Ua Ut>l*. althar plala bollad or
bakad. Tr7*oB*o(U
Tty book of tke loUo»Ui( n' ' dai
tad that arta Ua
eip**. aad job will
Bade rarrpalai*
old poBtoBi taap be B




A Straat* Ooteafdabaa.
0«>. W. T. SkarBaa la bla -Pkraooal



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